{ "Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\n": 0, "How are you guys?\nThe 2005 earthquake in Pakistan actually happened because of a \"U.S. conspiracy.\"\nThe U.S. had \"triggered a huge underground explosion\" near Muzaffarabad and Balakot.\nIt was \"not a natural disaster.\"\nIt was actually a \"weapon test.\"\n\"Man never actually set foot on the moon.\"\n\"The moon landing video of July 16, 1969 is fake.\"\nIt was a \"conspiracy film\" by NASA and Hollywood direcotrs.\nIt was a conspiracy to degrade Russia. .\nSimilarly, \"9/11 was done\" by America itself to use it as an excuse to attack the Muslim world.\nA very popular conspiracy theory in Pakistan is about polio vaccination.\nIt says that the polio vaccination is, in reality, a \"U.S. conspiracy.\"\nThe Americans want to sterilize the Muslims to reduce their population and weaken their ability to rule the world.\n\"Then the world is flat not round.\"\nBin Laden is alive in an American safe house and the world is run by a secret organization called Illuminati.\nYou must have read or heard many such conspiracy theories.\nBut the question is, where do these theories come from?\nAre they true?\nHow can we judge their falsehood?\nHow can we prove that a certain theory is right or wrong?\nWe will discuss all these issues in this Vlog.\nActually, human brain have a special thought pattern.\nIt wants to know the reason behind every event.\nIt also wants to know the basic purpose of the conspiratorial forces behind this incident.\nIt can't be satisfied without understanding these 2 things.\nIt is called \"cause and effect\" in philosophy.\nSo the human brain thinks in the form of cause and effect.\nIt means that why did the event happen and what was its effect?\nLet's understand this with an example.\nMore than half of the world's population has faced it.\nYou might have experienced that in your dream you want to run but can't.\nOr you are lying down and someone is sitting on your chest.\nYou want to scream but no sound comes out.\nSome people see an old woman and some a hunchbacked old man.\nWho is sitting on his/her chest.\nIt is mostly seen in teenage children or women.\nWell, for hundreds of thousands of years, man was observing this frightening phenomenon.\nBut he didn't seem to understand the matter.\nSo he was seeing an effect, that was happening to his body.\nBut he was unable to find the reason behind it?\nHe can't understand why is this happening to him?\nIn those days, humans weren't modern enough to share their experiences and draw scientific conclusions.\nThat's why the humans couldn't understand its reason.\nHowever, its thought pattern forced him to look for answers.\nSo, the human mind made up stories to explain cause and effects.\nSuch stories satisfied the curious human mind.\nPeople of every era and civilization have created their own stories of the terrifying dream.\nIn South Asia, it was believed to be a monster.\nThe monster supposedly climbed onto your chest in the night.\nPeople used amulets and spells to get rid of the monster.\nEven patients were forced to inhale smoke because they were supposedly bewitched by someone.\nSome thought that their souls were captured by giants.\nNow humans had a problem.\nSo, humans had no way to know the cause.\nSo they created a story on their own.\nBut the human mind didn't stop there.\nIt wanted to know who had cast this spell on him?\nHe thought that some of his enemies or jealous relatives were behind this.\nSo its thought pattern was satisfied.\nIt understood the effect and the cause behind it.\nThan it also supposedly found out a purpose behind it.\nBut soon the medical science made new discoveries.\nIt told us that this was not magic but a common disease called \"Sleep Paralysis.\"\nSo, we discovered the real cause of this disease was the paralysis effect.\nThis discovery ended the myth.\nAt least in a logical mind this has no place.\nNow let me tell you that sleep paralysis is a curable disease now.\nBetter sleeping pattern, medication and pre-bedtime activities solve this problem.\nSome psychological counseling also helps.\nAny good doctor will tell you the cure.\nThis was a very simple example.\nIt shows that this is the built-in nature of humans t": 3, "[MUSIC PLAYING]\nPRESENTER: Welcome\neveryone to 10250.\nWe also have people\nin 4270 and 4370.\nHello, if you can see me.\nWe'd like to welcome everyone.\nThis is a really\nimportant occasion.\nWe're on the eve of war.\nSo thank you for being here.\nThis is MIT's second evening of\nevents sponsored by the MIT's\nInitiative of Peace.\nAnd yesterday's event\nwas a tremendous success,\nwith over 3,000 people attending\nReverend Jesse Jackson's speech\nin which he urged us to join\nour community fellow members\nand study war no more.\n[APPLAUSE]\nThis was then followed by the\ninauguration of the MIT student\ncenter to be the Martin Luther\nKing, Jr. Peace Center, where\nwe will be having many different\nvarious activities organized.\nFor example, we\nhave discussions,\nopen discussions, workshops.\nThere'll be newspapers,\npolitical art,\npolitical theater, many,\nmany different things.\nAnd we urge all\nof you to join us\nafter this talk to continue\nthe activities that\nwill be going on in the\npeace center this evening.\nWith no further\nado, here's Noam.\n[CHEERING]\nCHOMSKY: I guess it's not\nconsidered good form to start\nby admonishing your audience.\nBut I don't think it's\na time for cheering.\nIn fact, it's not easy to\ntalk about this topic at all\nwhen we're just short\nof a decision that's\ngoing to mean the\nslaughter of tens\nif not hundreds of\nthousands of people\nand that may set a large\npart of the world in flames.\nAnd that's exactly what\nis soon going to happen.\nI suppose there are\nstill possibilities\nthat it may be averted.\nBut right now, they\nlook pretty slim.\nWell, as I say, it's not\neasy to talk about it calmly.\nBut since I really can't\nthink of much else to do,\nthat's what I will proceed\nto do, for what it's worth.\nAt least we can try to\nunderstand what's going on\nand use such\nunderstanding as we can\nget as a basis of making some\nreasonable decision about how\nto respond to this and many\nother things like it that\nare going to follow.\nWhen Saddam Hussein\ninvaded Kuwait on August 2,\nthere were two responses.\nAnd they were both very strong\nand pretty much unprecedented.\nOne response, which went\nthrough the United Nations,\nwas sanctions and embargo.\nAnd those sanctions were\nof unprecedented severity.\nI mean, there's been nothing\nremotely like them even\nin cases much worse than\nthis latest crime of Saddam\nHussein's.\nThe other response\nwas preparation\nfor war, quick preparation\nfor war, within a day or two.\nThat preparation\nfor war had nothing\nto do with the\nannexation of Kuwait.\nIn fact, it took place\nwell before the annexation.\nSo it had to do\nwith the invasion.\nAnd at the time\nthat it took place,\nthere was essentially nothing\nto distinguish Saddam Hussein's\ninvasion of Kuwait\nfrom, for example,\nGeorge Bush's invasion of\nPanama a couple of months\nearlier, which was probably\nmore bloody and destructive.\nNow, these two responses\nseparate world opinion\nquite substantially.\nThe first response had pretty\nbroad support, at least\nin the industrial world--\nthe sanctions.\nAnd sanctions, of course,\nmeans negotiations.\nSanctions means that\nyou put pressure\non through some economic\nmeans leading to a negotiated\nsettlement of some kind.\nAnd diplomacy-- there's\nanother word for diplomacy.\nIt's called linkage.\nThat word is a new one that\nwas kind of invented here.\nAnd we're supposed\nto be against it.\nBut it's just another\nword for diplomacy.\nDiplomacy means you\nconsider relevant issues,\nand you try to reach\nsome solution to them.\nBut since we're supposed\nto be against it,\na new word was necessary, and\nthat's linkage, which is bad.\nAnd therefore, everybody's\nagainst linkage.\nSo the first response is\nsanctions and diplomacy\nequals linkage.\nAnd that had pretty\nbroad support.\nAnd what was surprising\nabout it is not\nthat it took place,\nbecause there's often\nbroad opposition to\naggression, but that it could\nget implemented, that\nsanctions could be implemented,\nwhich is rare, and also\nthat they were so severe,\nwhich is also very rare.\nThe second response, preparation\nfor war, that was very limited.\nIn fact, it was limited to\nthe United States and England,\nwith very weak\nsupport fr": 4, "Insurrectionary anarchism is a revolutionary\ntheory, practice and tendency within the anarchist\nmovement that emphasizes insurrection within\nanarchist practice.\nIt is critical of formal organizations such\nas labor unions and federations that are based\non a political programme and periodic congresses.\nInstead, insurrectionary anarchists advocate\ninformal organization and small affinity group\nbased organization.\nInsurrectionary anarchists put value in attack,\npermanent class conflict and a refusal to\nnegotiate or compromise with class enemies.\n== Origins and evolution ==\n=== 19th century ===\nAn influential individualist concept of insurrection\nappears in the book of Max Stirner, The Ego\nand Its Own from 1844.\nThere he manifests: Revolution and insurrection\nmust not be looked upon as synonymous.\nThe former consists in an overturning of conditions,\nof the established condition or status, the\nState or society, and is accordingly a political\nor social act; the latter has indeed for its\nunavoidable consequence a transformation of\ncircumstances, yet does not start from it\nbut from men's discontent with themselves,\nis not an armed rising, but a rising of individuals,\na getting up, without regard to the arrangements\nthat spring from it.\nThe Revolution aimed at new arrangements;\ninsurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves\nbe arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and\nsets no glittering hopes on 'institutions'.\nIt is not a fight against the established,\nsince, if it prospers, the established collapses\nof itself; it is only a working forth of me\nout of the established.\nIf I leave the established, it is dead and\npasses into decay.\nNow, as my object is not the overthrow of\nan established order but my elevation above\nit, my purpose and deed are not a political\nor social but (as directed toward myself and\nmy ownness alone) an egoistic purpose and\ndeed.\nMikhail Bakunin \"was historically important\nto the development of an anarchism that focused\nits force in insurrection.\nUnlike Marx, who built his support in the\nFirst International, mostly within the central\nexecutive structure, Bakunin worked to build\nsupport for co-ordinated action through autonomous\ninsurrections at the base, especially in Southern\nEurope.\nAnd since Bakunin's time insurrectionary anarchists\nhave been concentrated in Southern Europe.\"\nLater in 1876, at the Berne conference of\nthe First International, \"the Italian anarchist\nErrico Malatesta argued that the revolution\n\"consists more of deeds than words\", and that\naction was the most effective form of propaganda.\nIn the bulletin of the Jura Federation he\ndeclared \"the Italian federation believes\nthat the insurrectional fact, destined to\naffirm socialist principles by deed, is the\nmost efficacious means of propaganda.\"As anarcho-communism\nemerged in the mid 19th century it had an\nintense debate with Bakuninist collectivism\nand as such within the anarchist movement\nover participation in syndicalism and the\nworkers movement as well as on other issues.\nSo \"In the theory of the revolution\" of anarcho-communism\nas elaborated by Peter Kropotkin and others\n\"it is the risen people who are the real agent\nand not the working class organised in the\nenterprise (the cells of the capitalist mode\nof production) and seeking to assert itself\nas labour power, as a more 'rational' industrial\nbody or social brain (manager) than the employers.\"So\n\"between 1880 and 1890\" with the \"perspective\nof an immanent revolution\", who was \"opposed\nto the official workers' movement, which was\nthen in the process of formation (general\nSocial Democratisation).\nThey were opposed not only to political (statist)\nstruggles but also to strikes which put forward\nwage or other claims, or which were organised\nby trade unions.\"\nBut \"While they were not opposed to strikes\nas such, they were opposed to trade unions\nof the Russian Empire the right to self-determination.\nNarodnaya Volya's program was a mix of democratic\nand socialist reforms.\nNarodnaya Volya differed from its parent organization,\nthe narodnik Zemlya i volya, in that its members\nhad come to believe that a": 4, "card cheating technique\n": 0, "In this video, we will show you how to lock down your crown-jewel data on StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) with PQC encryption using Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall\nBloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall provides PQC data-at-rest encryption by running as a storage proxy in between trusted client applications and storage layer\nConfigure StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target to be secured by Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall\nAccess Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Web Management Console\nGenerate PQC encryption key\nSelect CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium as key encapsulation and digital signature algorithms\nAttach StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target to Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall\nConfirm StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target is attached to Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall\nConfigure the storage backend to be secured by Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall\nSelect device for Physical Storage Type\nChoose StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target for Device\nConfigure Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage resource for client access\nSelect NVMe for mode\nPick the newly configured storage backend\nSelect privacy for protection type\nSelect the newly generated PQC encryption key\nConfigure cryptographic cipher\nConfigure access control\nLaunch Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage services\nMount the Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage to the trusted client host, in this example, Rocky Linux\nAny files/data stored via Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage will be seamlessly encrypted with zero operational impact to trusted end users and software applications\nAs data managed at StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) has been secured by Bloombase StoreSafe PQC encryption, system administrators/operators would not be able to reveal the crown-jewel information\nIn this demo, we have shown how Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall delivers PQC encryption for data-at-rest managed at StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN)\n": 4, "Hi there\nWelcome to this session\nToday I'd like to help you with your confidence\nand then trusting yourself\nKnow that we all struggle with this from time to time\nCertain situations and relationships\ndemands certain aspects of us\nThey can be difficult to show up sometimes\nI understand that\nSo today, let's give you some reiki\nto help you release any self doubt\nany fears\nand help you tap into your full authenticity\nfull confidence and alignment\nso that you can show up in the future\nfully as yourself\nAs always, we're going to begin with a smoke cleanse\nThis is going to help you release\nany of that doubt, any of those worries\nSo let's begin\nI have some dried up sage from my garden\nToday we're going to use this\nWe're going to use this dried up sage\nAs you can probably hear\nit's very dry and very crispy\nI want you to just take this moment\nto really ground into yourself\ninto your body\nTake notice of everything that you're feeling right now\nKnowing that in this moment\nit is okay to feel doubtful\nto worry\nand to have some anxiety, that's okay\nValidate your emotions\nand what you're feeling\nThere's nothing wrong with them\nSo just feel into everything that's coming up\nNotice what you feel in the chest\nWhat you feel in the shoulders\nWhat you feel in the arms, the hands\nyour belly, that's a big one\nNotice what you feel in your legs, your feet\nJust breathe into those sensations\nAcknowledging that in this moment\nyou feel this way\nMaybe it's self doubt\nor self judgment\nor fear\nSelf criticism\nlow self esteem\nThere's no need to run away from it anymore\njust acknowledge it\nThat doesn't mean it's here to stay\njust means it's real in this moment\nValidating it and acknowledging it\ndoesn't make it true\nIt makes it real\nAllows you to feel it\nand allow it to move through\nNow take a deep breath in, breathe in\nAllow those feelings to move through\nBreathe in\nand move them through\nFeel the energy moving through your body\nMight come as big exhale, breathe in\nand exhale\nLetting it all go\nLetting it go\nBreathe in\nand let it go\nBreathe into the sensations\nYou may even want to tense a little bit\nand let it go\nRelease it\nBreathe in again\nand exhale\nShake it out\nBreathe in\nand out\nAlright, take one more deep breath in\nand let it all out\nReally good\nI prepared some crystals\nthat are going to be helpful for you in\nstrengthening your confidence and\ntrust in self\nThe first one that I have\nwhich is really popular for this sort of work\nis the Tiger's eye\nThis is associated with a solar plexus\nso I'm just going to place it over your solar plexus\nand I want you to just hold it there\nFeel the tiger's eye on your solar plexus\nFeel into the energy of the solar plexus\nEnergy of the tiger's eye\nI'm going to ask you\nto continue to hold it there\nWe're going to add to it actually\nWe're actually going to add to it\nWe're going to be adding citrine\nSee if you can see it\nCitrine's also associated with the solar plexus\nand when you feel into it\nyou can tap into the energy of abundance\nof confidence, of self esteem\nSo we're going to place this\nover the solar plexus as well\nNow you have citrine and tiger's eye\non your solar plexus\nFeel the energy there\nFeel power\nabundance\nconviction\nconfidence\ntrust\nstrength\nBreathe into the belly\nand out\nBreathing in power\nconviction, strength\nconfidence\nand exhale\nLetting go of what doesn't serve you\nBreathe into the belly\nand out\nBreathing in power, confidence\nconviction, strength\nand exhaling out anything that isn't that\nBreathing in power\nand exhale or release\nBreathe in strength\nand exhale\nBreathe in confidence\nand exhale\nBeautiful\nContinue to take deep breaths\nas I place a clear quartz\nabove your crown chakra\nSo I'm just going to place it\nright on top of your head\nRight above your crown\nThis is going to allow your crown\nto open up like a portal\nto receiving higher help\nto receiving light\nlight energy\nBreathe in and allow the portal to open\nOpening your crown to receiving light\nreceiving guidance, help\nAbove all, life energy\nto make you feel alive within yourself\nAuthentic and aligned\nCause here's the thing\nconfidence isn't something you ne": 3, "The star\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nTurn over\nThe star\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nTurn over\nThe star\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nTurn over\nFold in half\nFold both layers.\nUnfold\nFold in half\nFold both layers.\nUnfold\nFold in half\nFold both layers.\nUnfold\nFold the corners one forward and one back.\nFold the corners one forward and one back.\nFold the corners one forward and one back.\nReverse-folds.\nReverse-folds.\nReverse-folds.\nValley-fold.\nValley-fold.\nValley-fold.\nValley-fold.\nUnfold.\nValley-fold.\nUnfold.\nValley-fold.\nUnfold.\nThese are spread-squash folds.\nThese are spread-squash folds.\nThese are spread-squash folds.\nSlide the paper on both sides.\nFold in half.\nSlide the paper on both sides.\nFold in half.\nSlide the paper on both sides.\nFold in half.\nReverse-fold.\nReverse-fold.\nReverse-fold.\nSpread-squash fold.\nSlide the paper.\nSpread-squash fold.\nSlide the paper.\nSpread-squash fold.\nSlide the paper.\nMake sure that the lateral points of the star are symmetrical.\nCompleted model\nMake sure that the lateral points of the star are symmetrical.\nCompleted model\nMake sure that the lateral points of the star are symmetrical.\nCompleted model\n": 1, "there's a blue Sky Rain\nrolling over the plains\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nand i could not see it coming\nit was Tuesday when she said i can't love\nyou anymore one chance is all i need come\non one more baby please\ni will never forget you no matter what i go\nthrough because at one time you were the stars\nin my sky\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nand not could not see it coming\nwas a picture perfect romance it was the quick\nversion of the slow dance unique the colors\nbut the picture unclear i know where i should\nbe and baby its not here\nThere's a blue sky rain ,\nrolling over the plains\nthere a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nand i could not see it coming\nand i said carry me down slow\nwhere nobody will ever know\ntell me what you meant when you said\ni will never let you go\nnever let you go\nnever let you go\nnever let you go\nnever let you go\nwell i have yet to meet a woman who does not\nplay with the strings of my heart i wish it\nwas not so easy to pull to pieces and fall\napart\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plain\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nthere's a blue sky rain\nrolling over the plains\nand i could not see\nno i could not see it coming\n": 3, "Malala. \nis Lb. \nJody. like it. \ncan't go up. \n": 1, "TETRIS\nTETRIS\nTETRIS\nTETRIS\nTETRIS\nIt's the perfect game.\nIt was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.\nI played for five minutes,\nI still see falling blocks in my dreams.\nIt's poetry. Art and math\nall working in magical synchronicity, it's...\nit's the perfect game.\nTETRIS\nTETRIS\nTETRIS\nTETRIS\nTETRIS,\nI don't get it.\nIt's a combination of tetra, Greek for four,\nand tennis.\nTennis?\nThe Russian inventor he likes tennis.\nThis game isn't just addictive.\nIt stays with you.\nThis is a once in a lifetime opportunity.\nHenk, only ten other people in the world have\nseen what you are about to see.\nIt's called the Game Boy.\nPackage it with TETRIS.\nCan you get us the rights?\nThe Soviet Union has worldwide rights.\nNothing gets out easily.\nI'm gonna go to Moscow.\nYou're walking into a country\nthat still considers America\nenemy numero uno.\nOkie Dokie.\nYou sure you don't have to talk to your\nwife about this first?\nPioneers\nhave to bet the house to win.\nBut not literally.\nListen,\nhave you ever heard our apartment this quiet before?\nThis is the inventor of TETRIS.\nYour game is brilliant.\nI'm gonna make you a millionaire.\nMr. Rogers,\nhave you ever negotiated with the Soviets?\nWe're here for TETRIS.\nWhat did he say? I don't speak Russian.\nThe most powerful men in Communist Party\nis watching you and your family.\nDo you know where your husband is?\nWhat the hell is going on?\nThe world is changing\nand Soviet Union will not be left behind.\nYou want to play with the big boys?\n": 3, "welcome to second lecture of political science\ntoday our second lecture is scope of political science\nwhat is the scope of political science\nFirst you must know that what is scope\nHere is the definition of scope,the space occupied by a subject is called its scope\nthe whole area within an subject is basically the scope of that subject\nScope is the pillar of two things (1) CONTENTS (2) BOUNDRIES\nwhat is content and what is boundries\nAs i wrote that everything included in a subject is called content\nwe called it in urdu 'mawad'.here it means everything in a subject will be its content\nOn the other hand i have written that single content of a subject is called SUBJECT MATTER\nIn a subject there is no single content but if we talk about a single content that wiil be then a subject matter\nIn which we study one special subject matter .political science is a vast subject .Like International Relations is one of the subject matters of political science\nIn last i have written that covering area of a subject is called boundaries .Means it shows the limitation that upto this extend we will study the specific area\ni.e in political science we study society but that must be politically organized.Boundaries means that there are certain limitations\nmeans power concept should be their in a politically organized society.\nhere i will discuss about contents of political science\nThat what are the major contents of political sciernce\non the top i have written the state\nwe will study the state and its pillars\nthere are four pillars or elements of the state (1)POPULATION (2)TERRITORY (3) GOVERNMENT (4) SOVEREINGHTY \nSovereinghty means that state is superior over all things within a state and no foreign state can violate the supremacy of another state.We discuss in details all these four elements in future videos\n": 3, "Fibonacci Beta Variant\n1. This is a method that involves adjusting your wager.\n2. There are 13 levels of wager: 1st level is the base wager, 2nd level is 2 times the base wager, 3rd level is 3 times the base wager, \n4th level is 5 times the base wager, 5th level is 8 times the base wager, 6th level is 13 times the base wager, \n7th level is 21 times the base wager, 8th level is 34 times the base wager, 9th level is 55 times the base wager, \n10th level is 89 times the base wager, 11th level is 144 times the base wager, \n12th level is 233 times the base wager, 13th level is 377 times the base wager.\n3. For illustration, if your 1st level is 25 (i.e. base wager), then your 2nd level will be 50 (i.e. 2 times the base wager), \n3rd level will be 75 (i.e. 3 times the base wager), 4th level will be 125 (i.e. 5 times the base wager), \n5th level will be 200 (i.e. 8 times the base wager), 6th level will be 325 (i.e. 13 times the base wager), \n7th level will be 525 (i.e. 21 times the base wager), 8th level will be 850 (i.e. 34 times the base wager) , \n9th level will be 1375 (i.e. 55 times the base wager), 10th level will be 2225 (i.e. 89 times the base wager), \n11th level will be 3600 (i.e. 144 times the base wager), 12th level will be 5825 (i.e. 233 times the base wager), \n13th level will be 9425 (i.e. 377 times the base wager).\n4. Write down the wager of each level for keep tracking. For example,25-50-75-125-200-325-525-850-1375-2225-3600-5825-9425.\n5. If you lose, just continue with the current level of wager you are at. \nOnly after you lose 2 consecutive turns, proceed to use the next level wager amount for the next bet. \nFor example, if you bet 25 (i.e. 1st level) and lose, then your wager will be 50 (i.e. 2nd level) for the next bet, \nif you bet 50 and lose, then your wager will be 75 (i.e. 3rd level) for the next bet, if you bet 75 and lose, \nthen your wager will be 125 (i.e. 4th level) for the next bet, and so forth.\n6. If you win 1 turn, just continue betting with the current level of wager. When you win 2 consecutive turns, \nreturn using the second latest level wager amount for the next bet. \nFor example, if you win 2 consecutive turns at level 10 wager, return using level 8 wager for the next bet. \nIf you win 2 consecutive turns at level 8 wager, return using level 6 wager for the next bet.\n7. You can only use 13 levels of wager, please stop if you lose 2 consecutive turns on the 13th level.\n8. Know the maximum bet limit before using this method and make sure it is possible to execute the 13th level wager.\n9. You do not have to make the same bet every time. \nTo put in perspective, you do not have to keep betting the colour black until you get a hit.\n10. You do not have to bet immediately after the earlier bet, you can stop for a few turns before placing your next wager.\nStart demo\nstart with betting 25 on red colour\nlost 1 turn, betting 25 on red colour\nlost 2 turns consecutively, betting 50 on red colour\nwon 1 turn, betting 50 on big numbers\nlost 1 turn, betting 50 on small numbers\nlost 2 turns consecutively, betting 75 on small numbers\nlost 1 turn, betting 75 on small numbers\nlost 2 turns consecutively, betting 125 on black colour\nlost 1 turn, betting 125 on black colour\nwon 1 turn, betting 125 on black colour\nwon 2 turns consecutively, betting 50 on big numbers\nlost 1 turn, betting 50 on black colour\nlost 2 turns consecutively, betting 75 on black colour\nlost 1 turn, betting 75 on black colour\nlost 2 turns consecutively, betting 125 on black colour\nlost 1 turn, betting 125 on black colour\nlost 2 turns consecutively, betting 200 on black colour\nwin 1 turn, betting 200 on black colour\nThanks for watching\n": 3, "You are a flower in my garden,\n You know my true love for you.\nYou are a flower in my garden,\n You know my true love for you.\nWhen our eyes meet,\nYou smile underneath.\nWhen our eyes meet,\nYou smile underneath.\n \n My sweet flower.\nMy beautiful flower,\n My sweet flower.\nMy heart and liver burn in your love fire, \nMy soul burns in your fire.\nBest flowers in my garden, \n You are the best among them.\nBest flowers in my garden, \n You are the best among them.\nSo many girls in the world, My sweet flower.\nYou are the most beautiful among them.\nSo many girls in the world,\n You are the most beautiful among them.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy heart and liver burns in your love fire,\nMy soul burns in your fire.\nYour beautiful sheep eyes,\n Are filled with true love.\nYour beautiful sheep eyes,\n Are filled with true love.\nI won't give up upon you,\n My fair beauty and love.\nI won't give up upon you,\n My fair beauty and love.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy heart and liver burns in your love fire,\nMy soul burns in your fire.\nEnglish subtitle credit to Z\n": 3, "Tell me why you gotta look at me that way\nYou know what it does to me\nSo baby, what you tryna say?\nAyy Lately, all I want is you on\ntop of me\nYou know where your hands should be\nSo baby, won't you come show me?\nMmm\nI got you, I got you dreamin' (oh)\nYou close your eyes and you're screamin' (oh)\nPlay with your mind for no reason\nI know you love how I tease it (oh, oh)\nYou know that I'm playin', so don't be mistaken\nYou already know what I'm thinkin', boy\nOh, why'd you have to be so cute?\nIt's impossible to ignore you, ah\nWhy must you make me laugh so much?\nIt's bad enough we get along so well\nJust say goodnight and go\nOh\nOh\nOh\nJust say goodnight and go\nOh\nOh\nOh\nJust say goodnight and go\nOne of these days\nYou'll miss your train and come stay with me (It's always say goodnight and go)\nWe'll have drinks and talk about things\nAnd any excuse to stay awake with you\nAnd you'd sleep here, I'd sleep there\nBut then the heating may be down again\n(At my convenience)\nWe'd be good, we'd be great together\nWhy'd you have to be so cute?\nIt's impossible to ignore you\nAh\nWhy must you make me laugh so much?\nMuch,much\nIt's bad enough we get along so well\nJust say goodnight and go\nOoo\nGo\nGo\nJust say goodnight and\nI know how you want it, baby, just like this\nKnow you're thinking' 'bout it, baby, just one kiss\nWhile you're lookin' at 'em, baby, read my lips\nI know what you want, but you can't have this\nTa, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da\nTa, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da\nTa, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da\nTa, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da\nWanna say goodnight\nHoney, say goodnight and go\nWanna say goodnight\nBaby, say goodnight and go\nWanna say goodnight\nSay goodnight\nAnd\nGo\n": 2, "Where else will I go?\nWhere else will I go?\nWhere else will I go?\nWhere else will I go?\nWhere else will I go?\nIf not to the arms of my father\nWhere else will I go?\nIf not to the arms of my father\nThere is no better place\nThat in your arms\nThat being with you\nThat in your arms\nThat being with you\nIt is an honor to be\nTo be with my father again\nTo be with my father again\nBeing with my father\nTo be with my father again\nBeing with my father\nI was born to adore you\nI live to worship\nI'm here to adore you\nOhh I come home and never leave\nNever, never, never leave\nI want to be here with you\nWith my father\nWith my father\nI run to the arms of my Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nSing it to the King\nI approach the throne of Your grace\nWe're getting closer\nI approach the throne of Your grace\nWe're getting closer\nI surrender to You, it's Your love for me\nWe're getting closer\nI surrender to You, it's Your love for me\nI run to the arms of my Father\nAbba Father\nI run to the arms of my Father\nAbba Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nAbba Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nI approach the throne of Your grace\nI surrender to you, your love has no end\nI could tell you so many ways\nI surrender to you, your love has no end\nI could tell you so many ways\nKing or Lord\nMaster of my heart\nBut you prefer me to call you father\nAnd you remind me what\nI have no other place\nWell\u2026\nYou, the only satiable source\nYou, for my soul so favorable\nAnd I want to be a nice offering\nAnd to be able to correspond to Your inexhaustible love\nIncomprehensible is how much you love me\nThat you tell me 'my son' when you call me\nYou pour into my life of Your presence\nToday I long to feel you with emergency\nI will never deny you, I will always serve you\nI understand that I was born to glorify you\nI'm going to follow you, I'm going after your steps\nAnd if I get tired I rest in your arms\nWhere will I go, but to you blessed Father?\nNo one better than you knows what I need\nHold me, talk to me, fill me, restore me, make me fall in love\nI run to the arms of my Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nI approach the throne of Your grace\nI surrender to You, it's Your love for me\nDemonstrated on a tree for me\nI surrender to You, it's Your love for me\nDemonstrated on a tree for me\nI run to the arms of my Father\nFrom my Abba, from my Abba Father\nI run to the arms of my Father\nFrom my Abba, from my Abba Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nFrom my Abba, from my Abba Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nFrom my Abba, from my Abba Father\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nI hear you say: My son is you.\nI approach the throne of Your grace\nI surrender to you, Your love has no end.\n": 3, "Hey Kevin, come on over here and tell em' what time it is\nOkay\n \nOh that's nice, Kevin\nAlright, now get outa here\nI got this feeling inside,\nCan't find no balance in my mind.\nI must be missing the point\nI need a coffee and a joint\nI got this feeling inside,\nCan't find no balance in my mind.\nI must be missing the point\nI need a coffee and a joint.\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, c'mon man\nHigher than an F16 in Walgreens\nTryna find some eye drops and a bottle of listerine\nMr. clean when i step on the scene\nbut yo how did I get here?\nand what does this all mean?\nThe last thing I remember,\nwas way back in September\nJohnny had a doobie\nit was groovy full of pleasure\nbut i prolly didn\u2019t measure\nthe amount i shoulda taken\nnow i\u2019m standing on the ceiling\nand this feeling got me shaking\nI get to baking with betty crocker baby\ndishing out delectables and yeah they tasty\nso yeah it's amazing, now come come and get a slice\nand if they try to take my herb, i\u2019ll say TAKE MY WIFE!\nBut kevin you\u2019re not married,\noh shit it's getting scary\ni'm twisting up my history,\nmy memories are buried\ni don't have a clue what\u2019s real or imaginary\nso take heed my children\ncause this stories cautionary\nI got this feeling inside,\nCan't find no balance in my mind.\nI must be missing the point\nI need a coffee and a joint\nI got this feeling inside,\nCan't find no balance in my mind.\nI must be missing the point\nI need a coffee and a\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\njoint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, joint, joint...\nI was standing in the corner of the kitchen by myself,\nEyeing up the pot brownies on the top shelf.\nI'm thinking maybe just a nibble will do\nBut I didn't eat dinner so I gobbled down two.\nOh shiiiit...............\nwut?\nI Fukin' blew it........\nJohn!\nYo....\nI gotta keep this conversation fluid\nToo high to function\nFeeling like a clown at a funeral luncheon\nI'm a goner\nMan I reached my marijuana maximum consumption\ngoddamn hors d'oeuvre\nthrew my night for a curve\nBut I could be the hero that this party deserves\nSo I boot and rally,\nsink the last cup\nTurns out it was my teams cup...\nfuck.\nI got this feeling inside,\nCan't find no balance in my mind.\nI must be missing the point\nI need a coffee and a joint\nI got this feeling inside,\nCan't find no balance in my mind.\nI must be missing the point\nI need a coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\nCoffee and a joint, coffee and a joint\n \nOkay, Okay , Okay\nAlright lets take em' out\nI'm terrible at smokin' weed\n \nthat's okay, I'll handle it\n \nthanks yawl\n": 2, "\n\n\n\n\nI met him in a swamp down in Dagobah\nWhere it bubbles all the time\nlike a giant carbonated soda\nS\nS - O\nS - O - D \nS - O - D - A\nsoda\nI saw the little runt \nsitting there on a log\nI asked him his name \nand in a raspy voice he said \n\"Yoda\"\n\"Y\"\n\"Y - O\"\n\"Y - O - D\"\n\"Y - O - D - A\"\n\"Yoda\"\n\"Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\"\nWell, I've been around, \nbut I ain't never seen\nA guy who looks like a muppet, \nbut he's wrinkled and green\nOh, my Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nWell, I'm not dumb, \nbut I can't understand\nHow he can lift me in the air \njust by raising his hand\nOh, my Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nWell, I left home just a week before\nAnd I've never ever been a Jedi before\nBut Obi Wan, he set me straight, of course\nHe said, \n\"Go to Yoda and he'll show you the Force\"\nWell, I'm not the kind that would argue with Ben\nSo it looks like I'm gonna start all over again\nWith my Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nSo I used the Force\nI picked up a box\nI lifted some rocks\nWhile I stood on my head\nWell, I won't forget what Yoda said\nHe said, \n\"Luke, stay away from the darker side\nAnd if you start to go astray, \nlet the Force be your guide\"\nOh, my Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\n\"I know Darth Vader's really got you annoyed\nBut remember, \nif you kill him, then you'll be unemployed\"\nOh, my Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nWell, I heard my friends really got in a mess\nSo I'm gonna have to leave Yoda I guess\nBut I know that I'll be coming back some day\nI'll be playing this part 'till I'm old and gray\nThe long-term contract I had to sign\nSays I'll be \nmaking these movies till the end of time\nWith my Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda\nYoda ....\n \n": 3, "Hello Friends, How are you ?\nI Mamta, Welcome You\nat my YouTube Chennal\nUrban City Desi Hum\ntoday we will make the pickle of ginger and chilly\nthis pickle is very good in taste.\nvery spicy.\nIf anyone make it one time then that guy will make again and again\nbut before start my video i request you all\nif you guys have not subscribed my channel till now\nfirst subscribed my channel Urban City Desi Hum\nfirst subscribed my channel Urban City Desi Hum\nlike it ,share it ,comment it\nlike it ,share it ,comment it\nlike it ,share it ,comment it I always wait for your comments\nI always wait for your comments i want to make nice recipes for you guys.\ni want to make nice recipes for you guys. so please don't forget to do comment how the recipe is?\nso please don't forget to do comment how the recipe is?\nlet us go to start making our ginger and chilly pickle\nlet us go to start making our ginger and chilly pickle\nfor making ginger and chilly pickle I take 250 grm ginger and 250 grm chilly\nfor making ginger and chilly pickle I take 250 grm ginger and 250 grm chilly . i cut ginger into small pieces like fingers as it is i will cut chilly too\ni cut ginger into small pieces like fingers as it is i will cut chilly too . First i remove its tip now cut it into long and thin pieces\nFirst i remove its tip now cut it into long and thin pieces\nFirst i remove its tip now cut it into long and thin pieces\ni divide it into two parts first\ni divide it into two parts first\nif you like this size of chilly then that is ok\nif you like this size of chilly then that is ok\ni will cut it into four parts because i like thin pieces of chilly\ni like thin pieces of chilly\nif your chilies are too large then you cut from middle too\nif your chilies are too large then you cut from middle too\ni will cut all chilies\ni have cut all chilies\nnow i shift it into big bowl\nAdd two teaspoon salt\nAdd one and half teaspoon powder of mustard seeds\nAdd half teaspoon turmeric\nAdd two tablespoon mustered oil mix it well.\nif you don't like the fragrance of mustered oil then first heat up the oil and let it cool and after that you just add into pickle.\nmix it well like all spices should rap at ginger and chilly.\nAdd two tablespoon of vinegar. vinegar increases the life and taste of pickle\ni squeeze two lemon. now add it into pickle\notherwise lemon juice is sufficient fro pickle but we add vinegar because of increasing taste and life of pickle.\nnow pickle is ready but after two days its colour and taste both will increase\nnow we can eat it but after two days it will become more tasty\nafter it we shift it into glass jar. always remember any pickle or chutney only shift into glass jar or Ceramic pot. never use any other metal jar.\n": 1, "[16:38:10] ichbinbacon: HI tim\n[16:38:10] ichbinbacon: HI tim\n[16:38:26] juggerjazz: Go Tim Go \\o/\n[16:38:10] ichbinbacon: HI tim\n[16:38:26] juggerjazz: Go Tim Go \\o/\n[16:38:44] fusxfaranto: have you considered doing shorter streams\n[16:38:26] juggerjazz: Go Tim Go \\o/\n[16:38:44] fusxfaranto: have you considered doing shorter streams\n[16:38:53] bananaburger: i missed the end of last night's stream\n[16:38:44] fusxfaranto: have you considered doing shorter streams\n[16:38:53] bananaburger: i missed the end of last night's stream\n[16:39:01] ichbinbacon: you need to stream more that way you get used to do it again\n[16:38:53] bananaburger: i missed the end of last night's stream\n[16:39:01] ichbinbacon: you need to stream more that way you get used to do it again\n[16:39:02] squidmochi: hey dork\n[16:39:01] ichbinbacon: you need to stream more that way you get used to do it again\n[16:39:02] squidmochi: hey dork\n[16:39:03] ilovedaydreaming: Talking for seven hours straight would make anyones throat hurt.\n[16:39:02] squidmochi: hey dork\n[16:39:03] ilovedaydreaming: Talking for seven hours straight would make anyones throat hurt.\n[16:39:27] allstar3339: vidja gamez cerHype\n[16:39:03] ilovedaydreaming: Talking for seven hours straight would make anyones throat hurt.\n[16:39:27] allstar3339: vidja gamez cerHype\n[16:39:47] ichbinbacon: is this the mine\n[16:39:27] allstar3339: vidja gamez cerHype\n[16:39:47] ichbinbacon: is this the mine\n[16:40:08] allstar3339: i'm making frozen pizza\n[16:39:47] ichbinbacon: is this the mine\n[16:40:08] allstar3339: i'm making frozen pizza\n[16:40:10] koolman9921: how you tried not being sick?\n[16:40:08] allstar3339: i'm making frozen pizza\n[16:40:10] koolman9921: how you tried not being sick?\n[16:40:22] koolman9921: have*\n[16:40:10] koolman9921: how you tried not being sick?\n[16:40:22] koolman9921: have*\n[16:40:26] ilovedaydreaming: You need to eat more. It's probably one reason why you're sick.\n[16:40:22] koolman9921: have*\n[16:40:26] ilovedaydreaming: You need to eat more. It's probably one reason why you're sick.\n[16:40:33] allstar3339: have you tried the healing power of beck?\n[16:40:26] ilovedaydreaming: You need to eat more. It's probably one reason why you're sick.\n[16:40:33] allstar3339: have you tried the healing power of beck?\n[16:40:46] rintezuka1: oh\n[16:40:33] allstar3339: have you tried the healing power of beck?\n[16:40:46] rintezuka1: oh\n[16:40:49] dajmasta: timOh\n[16:40:46] rintezuka1: oh\n[16:40:49] dajmasta: timOh\n[16:40:49] kevin1760: Tim have you tried working in the mines for 6 months? That seems to correct lots of issues timClip\n[16:40:49] dajmasta: timOh\n[16:40:49] kevin1760: Tim have you tried working in the mines for 6 months? That seems to correct lots of issues timClip\n[16:40:51] kelpplankton: That's what was happening to me tim, turned out to be an iron deficiency. taking iron daily fixed it\n[16:40:49] kevin1760: Tim have you tried working in the mines for 6 months? That seems to correct lots of issues timClip\n[16:40:51] kelpplankton: That's what was happening to me tim, turned out to be an iron deficiency. taking iron daily fixed it\n[16:41:04] allstar3339: LUL\n[16:40:51] kelpplankton: That's what was happening to me tim, turned out to be an iron deficiency. taking iron daily fixed it\n[16:41:04] allstar3339: LUL\n[16:41:07] afluhatinrapper: What does snake poop look like\n[16:41:04] allstar3339: LUL\n[16:41:07] afluhatinrapper: What does snake poop look like\n[16:41:18] fusxfaranto: i think it was just random\n[16:41:07] afluhatinrapper: What does snake poop look like\n[16:41:18] fusxfaranto: i think it was just random\n[16:41:24] fusxfaranto: but it happened at the perfect time\n[16:41:18] fusxfaranto: i think it was just random\n[16:41:24] fusxfaranto: but it happened at the perfect time\n[16:41:45] fusxfaranto: especially with the \"i love the sun\" comment afterward\n[16:41:24] fusxfaranto: but it happened at the perfect time\n[16:41:45] fusxfaranto: especially with the \"i love the sun\" comment afterward\n[16:41:48] ilovedaydreaming: No spoilers pls. I didn't see the end of the stream. :(\n[": 1, "walmart gift card free,\nfree walmart gift card codes 2023,\nhow to get a free walmart gift card,\nwalmart gift card codes,\n$100 walmart gift card,\nhow to get a walmart gift card for free,\ncan you use a walmart gift card online,\nfree walmart gift card,\nhow do walmart gift cards work,\nhow to get free walmart gift card,\nhow to buy gift cards on walmart,\ngift cards in walmart,\nwalmart gift card ki,\nhow to get free walmart gift cards\n \n-------------------------\n \nget a $100 walmart gift card!, \nhow to make money online, \nmake money online, \nmake money, \nmoney online, \nonline money, \nmoney, \nearn from home, \nearn money from home, \nbest ways to make money, \ntop ways to make money online, \neasiest way to make money, \nfastest ways to make money, \nmake money online for free, \nmake money online fast, \nearn money online, \nstay at home mom jobs, \nquickest way to make money, \nearn free walmart gift cards, \nfree walmart 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okay\u00a0\u00a0\nit's okay then this one is recorded you\u00a0\ntry to refresh okay uh uh let me see in the\u00a0\u00a0\nyes in this uh on my end uh this is still live\u00a0\nokay so recommended uh to break this High okay\u00a0\u00a0\nimbalance here by the first imbalance already\u00a0\nhappened at the break of this open price okay\u00a0\u00a0\nbreak of open price is the first imbalance okay\u00a0\nthat's why uh I share you something before this\num\nI show you something like this okay so I do not\u00a0\u00a0\nneed to draw another one okay so\u00a0\nyou need to focus on this one okay\nlook you need to break this low okay for the\u00a0\nmine you need to break high for supplying\u00a0\u00a0\nit to break this low okay so for confirmation\u00a0\nover here you already have the confirmation of\u00a0\u00a0\nuh imbalance okay so if you want to know in\u00a0\na lower time frame okay you need to note down\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat I'm trying to say right now if you want to\u00a0\nconfirm in a lower time frame whether this has\u00a0\u00a0\na decision point or this is uh has a good clean\u00a0\nbase a clean base is like this clean base uh need\u00a0\u00a0\nto break before again the way we go on the next\u00a0\nwebinar regarding the supply element okay so if\u00a0\u00a0\nyou want to know on the lower time frame over\u00a0\nhere got a good decision point you will see a\u00a0\u00a0\nconfirmation rejection on the open price okay\u00a0\non the open price of the candle or if it is a\u00a0\u00a0\nbearish one on the open price from here all right\u00a0\nokay so the open price is really important okay\u00a0\u00a0\nreally important to learn regarding\u00a0\nthe uh open and close everything\u00a0\u00a0\nbreak of the open price is the first imbalance\u00a0\nyes correct and the break of the high or\u00a0\u00a0\nlow is the confirmed imbalance or clean clean\u00a0\nimbalance okay also known as clean clean balance\nokay if it's a clean break\u00a0\nit will be until high the\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst imbalance can start at the open okay let me\nall right so that's it uh for the theory\u00a0\nuh uh I will try to draw on the chart\nI already draw a lot try to go into\u00a0\nother pair okay for example like this\nyou can mark something like this okay\u00a0\nbut this will be on the next chapter\u00a0\u00a0\non the blade we'll be starting the clean\u00a0\nbraid and everything okay but right now\u00a0\u00a0\nI just want you to do something simple okay\u00a0\njust use your eyes to see uh the sideway\u00a0\u00a0\nyou know like ranging Market okay like this\u00a0\nokay so I want you to take uh like this okay\num I think I live for supply\nyou can take here bye right now for this moment\u00a0\nfor this assignment just take the open price\nokay we need the first imbalance only\nfirst imbalance only for this assignment okay\u00a0\nnow for other assignment will be uh changing\u00a0\u00a0\nnow okay so for this assignment we'll be only\u00a0\nfocused on the first imbalance okay because we\u00a0\u00a0\nwant to know uh where the imbalance type okay so\u00a0\ndo you see where the imbalance right okay do you\u00a0\u00a0\nsee there is a rejection here okay so this\u00a0\nis a good one actually okay this is balance\nwhere is the point of imbalance\nover here okay this red candle\u00a0\u00a0\nthis red candle at this point this\u00a0\nopen price this open price do you see\nthis open price break so this is the first\u00a0\u00a0\nimbalance I need some response\u00a0\nbecause this is really important\num\nI guess everyone acknowledged this\u00a0\nokay this one is really important\u00a0\u00a0\nto know where is the first imbalance really\u00a0\nreally important to make a really good trade\n": 1, "Ooh, I can't pretend\nLike you didn't bring\nmy tempo up again\nMy head's in a spin\nYou send my body to a place\nit's never been\nBaby, won't you let me\nKeep you up all night, let\nthe morning come closer\nYou send me so high now, the\nceiling can't hold us\nListen to my heart, let\nthe rhythm control ya\nI'll be there when you need my love\nJust follow the beat of my drum\n(Drum, drum, drum, drum, drum)\nIt goes um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-\npa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nOoh, I can't pretend\nLike I didn't let your\nlove go to my head\nHa-ah, mm-mm\nOoh, I'm in a spin\nYou send my body to a place\nit's never been\nAh-ah\nWhoa-oh, oh no, thinkin' about\nyou, makin' my body behave so\nCrazy, ooh, you make\nme wanna sway slow\nYou push up on me, baby, you\ngot me for days, oh, you do\nBaby, won't you let me\nKeep you up all night, let\nthe morning come closer\nYou send me so high now, the\nceiling can't hold us\nListen to my heart, let\nthe rhythm control ya\nI'll be there when you need my love\nJust follow the beat of my drum\n(Drum, drum, drum, drum, drum)\nIt goes um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-\npa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa\nWhoa-oh, oh no, thinkin' about\nyou, makin' my body behave so\nCrazy, ooh, you make\nme wanna sway slow\nYou push up on me, baby, you\ngot me for days, oh, you do\nJust follow the beat of my\ndrum-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-\npa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-pum, pum-pa\nIt goes um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-\npa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-\npum, pum-pa-pum-pum\nUm-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-pum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\n": 1, "[Music]\nand I'll finish with a quote from my late\nfather\n[Music]\n[Music]\nit's okay though it's okay\n[Music]\n[Music]\nsmash\nthis input oh I'm gonna I'm gonna be all up\nin those feet I can't even begin to see hey\nyo what the [\u00a0__\u00a0] [Music]\nI just wanna [\u00a0__\u00a0] a dude it's almost so\nsticky Like Glue I made it\nbro\nit's too [\u00a0__\u00a0] megabytes\nwhat is it I don't know what the hell is that\nbring it up bring it up oh holy [\u00a0__\u00a0] bring\nit up bring it up\nall right finally [Applause]\nholy [\u00a0__\u00a0] [Music]\n[Music]\nthank you [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] are you taking me where are you taking\nme no oh oh Away in a Manger no [\u00a0__\u00a0] for\nhim I can't do this anymore at the end of\nthe day\n[Music] [Applause] [Music]\nif you go outside you're gonna burn it's not\nthat hot outside you're gonna burn up whatever\nyou're right it's too hot outside\nall right\nto her they believed her statement now would\nyou like to say something make a message to\nour viewers\nyou can say in English\n[Music] now this is my side listen look and\nlisten and learn\nDesperado [Music]\npick one pick one Chief there's a boy\nnow the real grab the Reel yeah\n[Laughter]\n[Laughter]\n[Laughter] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n": 1, "Eye Of The Storm By Ryan Stevenson ft. Gabereal\n \n \nWhen the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet\nBetween the black skies and my red eyes, I can barely see\nAnd when I'm feeling like I've been let down by my friends, and my family. I can hear the rain reminding me\nIn the eye of the Storm, you remain in control\nIn the middle of the war, you guard my soul\nYou alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn\nYour love surrounds me.\nIn the eye of the storm\nIn the eye of the Storm\n \nWhen my hopes and dreams are far from me and I'm running out of faith\n \nI see the future, I pictured, slowly fade away\nAnd when the tears of pain and heartache are pouring down my face\nI find my peace in Jesus' name\nIn the eye of the Storm, you remain in control\nIn the middle of the war, you guard my soul\nYou alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn.\nYour love surrounds me\nIn the eye of the Storm\n(In the eye of the Storm)\n(In the eye of the)\n(In the eye of the storm)\nWhen they let me know, and I just don't know how I'm gonna make ends meet\nI did my best, now I'm scared to death, that we might lose everything\nAnd when a sickness takes my child away, and there's nothing I can do\nMy only hope is to trust you\nI trust you lord\nIn the eye of the Storm, you remain in control\nIn the middle of the war, you guard my soul\nYou alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn\nYour love surrounds me\nIn the eye of the Storm, you remain in control\nIn the middle of the war, you guard my soul\nYou alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn\nYour love surrounds me\nIn the eye of the Storm\nEye Of The Storm By Ryan Stevenson ft. Gabereal\n": 4, " that is, you feel some kind of change in the sense and it starts to float as if with acceleration on you\n let's say Rashat and you just can't do anything against there are four of you\nas if the mouse is standing in one place and you just take it down it's impossible nothing to do today I will show you how to fix it\nas if the mouse is standing in one place and you just take it down it's impossible nothing to do today I will show you how to fix it\n it is desirable to do this Of course from the match, that is, turn on anti-cheat, Go to this match\nthat is, turn on anti-cheat, Go to this match, Play first without a fix and then start fixing and go check for this match, after the fix\nWhat will happen in general, go to the link in the description and download this this daddy, that is, the program they are inter-jump\nunzipped you download unzip to the desktop it turns out two programs we built and in the pole first launched by Cape YouTube\non behalf of the administrator we launch launched we find in principle You can just copy my settings that is\nfirst NVIDIA GeForce graphics card to put a high priority in the interput priva\n": 1, "J. Fla - 7 rings\nBreakfast and Tiffany's\nAnd bottles of bubbles\nGirls with tattoos who like getting in trouble\nLashes and diamonds\nATM machines\nBuy myself all of my favorite things\nBeen through some bad sh*t\nI should be a sad bi*ch\nWho woulda thought it'd turn me to a savage\nRather be tied up with cuffs and not strings\nWrite my own checks like I write what I sing\nMy wrist\nStop watching\nMy neck\nis flossin\nMake big deposits\nMy gloss is poppin\nYou like my hair?\nGee thanks, just bought it\nI see it\nI like it\nI want it\nI got it\nI want it, I got it\nI want it, I got it\nI want it, I got it\nI want it, I got it\nYou like my hair?\nGee thanks, just bought it\nI see it, I like it, I want it, I got it\nWearing a ring but ain't gon'be no \"Mrs\".\nBought matching diamonds for 6 of my bitches\nI'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches\nThink retail therapy my new addiction\nWho ever said money can't solve your problems\nMust not have had enough money to solve'em\nThey say, \"which one\" I say, \"nah, I want all of 'em\"\nHappiness is the same price as red bottoms\nMy smile is beaming\nMy skin is gleaming\nThe way it shine I know you've seen it\nI bought a crib just for the closet\nBoth his and hers\nI want it\nI got it\nI want it, I got it\nI want it, I got it\nI want it, I got it\nI want it, I got it\nYou like my hair?\nGee thanks, just bought it\nI see it, I like it, I want it, I got it\n": 2, "Our hope is that a missionary will enter\nthe mission field at a time when they're\nready and that they want to go. One of\nthe challenges that every missionary has\nwhen they're applying for a mission is\nknowing when they're going to go and\nwhen they're gonna come home. This new\ntool will allow them to figure out when\nI need to send my papers in, when I'll be\nleaving and also when I'll be coming\nhome. We hope that it will help them plan\nschool, it will help them plan athletics,\nit will help them play in employment so\nthat they can actually decide this is\nwhen I'd like to serve, therefore this is\nwhen I need to send my my papers in.\nWhen the announcement was made that missionaries\ncould go at 18 or 19, all of a sudden\nthere became somewhat of a culture that,\n'Oh you have to leave right when you're 18,' and that isn't what President Monson or\nthe other leaders of the Church have\nsaid. We want them to come when they're ready.\nOur hope is that they'll be able\nto plan with this tool and it will make\nit easier for them to go when they are\nprepared to go.\nyou\n": 4, "We have now talked a lot about the demand curve\nand the consumer surplus;\nnow let's look at the other side.\nLet's think about the supply curve\nand you could imagine that there might be\nsomething called the producer surplus.\nSo let's say that this is price axis,\nthis is the quantity axis\nand let's say that we are running some type of a berry farm\nand this is our supply curve.\nThat is the supply curve and this is our demand curve.\nSo that is the demand\nand just like what we did to the supply curve,\nfor the demand curve, now instead of thinking of a price and\nthink about how much quantity would be supplied,\nlet's think about a given quantity and think about what price\nwould it have to be in order for the producers to produce\nthat quantity.\nAnd let's say that this quantity right over here, this is\nin thousands of pounds of berries, thousands of pounds.\nSo this is 1 thousand pounds, 2 thousand pounds, 3 thousand\npounds, 4 thousand pounds, and 5 thousand pounds.\nAnd let's say this price right over here is 1 dollar per pound,\n$2, $3, $4, maybe I could make it more even,\nso this is $3, this is $4, this is $5 per pound.\nLet me write this all in per pound.\nSo let's say that we want the suppliers to produce\n1 thousand pounds of berries, so this is we want them to\nproduce 1 thousand pounds of berries,\nWhat does the price have to be for them to produce\n1 thousand pounds of berries. Well think of it from the suppliers\nfrom the berry farmers' point of view. If they are going\nto produce 1 thousand pounds of berries. in order for them\nto produce it, in order to convince them produce it,\nthey have to get at minimum as much as they would get\nusing the same resources to produce something else.\nSo if they could get a dollar per pound or equivalent in dollars\nof a dollar per pound for those first thousand pounds,\nso about a thousand dollars. If they could get that by using their\nland for an apple orchard or using it to graze or maybe renting\nout the land to someone else, that's the minimum you would\nhave to pay them. Because if you pay them less than that\nthey would go do the other thing. They would go and rent\ntheir land out or they will allow their land for grazing.\nSo you would have to pay them the opportunity cost\nfor them to produce a thousand pounds. So the opportunity\ncost for them to producing a thousand pounds would be right\nover there. And this is on average first thousand pounds\nyou could also think that the very first pound, the opportunity\ncost would be right over there, and the next pound would be right\nafter that. The five hundred pound would be there,\nthe thousand pound would right be there. or you could say\nthe first thousand pound on average would be right over there.\nNow let's say that we wanted them to produce another\nthousand pounds. So we want the market or this entire farm\nto produce or maybe it's multiple farms to produce a total\nof two thousand pounds. What would we have to do?\nWell, same exact thing. We kind of assuming the market\nis already producing that first thousand pounds. So now we\nwould have to think about what are they giving up to\nproduce that next thousand pounds. And now we would\nassume that for that first thousand pounds, they would have\nused the land and the inputs that are most suitable\nso this is the most suitable resources. So we are talking\nabout the labour that really knows how to grow berries.\nThe land where the berries are the best grown and maybe\nthey are really close to transportation networks so it's much\ncheaper to produce and ship from there. But now if we want\nanother two thousand pounds of berries at this time period\nand maybe this per year if we want another thousand pounds.\nThey are now going to less suitable resources,\nmaybe the land is slightly further away from the transportation resources,\nthey are now going to have labours that are slightly less\nefficient, they are going have to take land away from that.\nmight have been slightly more suitable for other things.\nSo now the opportunity cost for these growers for the next thousand pounds\nis going to be slightly higher.\nSo their opport": 4, "hello guys welcome to five minute solutions\u00a0\nand today we'll show you how to display your\u00a0\u00a0\ntwitter profile link on your reddit profile\u00a0\nso without any further ado let's get started\nto display a twitter profile link on your\u00a0\nrated profile the method is very very very\u00a0\u00a0\neasy you just have to open write it on your web\u00a0\nbrowser after that click the top right button and\u00a0\u00a0\nclick user settings you'll be automatically put\u00a0\nto the account settings make sure you're in the\u00a0\u00a0\naccount settings because you can't do that in\u00a0\nany other settings you have to be in account\u00a0\u00a0\nsettings to do that and as you can see there is\u00a0\nan option in the bottom named connected to twitter\u00a0\u00a0\ni've already connected my account to twitter and\u00a0\nthere's another option a switch named show link\u00a0\u00a0\non profile just turn it on and the changes will\u00a0\nbe saved so now your to the profile link will be\u00a0\u00a0\ndisplayed on your reddit profile so that's how\u00a0\nyou can this that's how you can display your\u00a0\u00a0\ntwitter profile link on your right profile hope\u00a0\nyou guys like this video share this video and\u00a0\u00a0\nother videos on the channel subscribe to the\u00a0\nchannel like this video and have a nice day peace\n": 3, "what's up beautiful people it's nate\u00a0\nbauer from nate power fitness and this\u00a0\u00a0\nis a 20 minute boxing workout\u00a0\nthat you can do on the heavy bag\u00a0\u00a0\nor shadow boxing this is an audio call\u00a0\nout boxing workout where i will call the\u00a0\u00a0\ncombinations and the combinations will appear on\u00a0\nscreen you throw your boxing combinations as you\u00a0\u00a0\nhear them and will be a guide on screen so that\u00a0\nyou know exactly what's coming up and the timing\u00a0\u00a0\nwill allow you to know when to throw them be\u00a0\ncalm be controlled throw your hands with power\u00a0\u00a0\nand speed and let's have some fun while getting\u00a0\nit done remember do this workout on the heavy bag\u00a0\u00a0\nor shadow boxing put this in your ear and let's\u00a0\nget it done guys your warm up is coming up first\u00a0\u00a0\nthree minute rounds to show you exactly what's up\u00a0\nfor the rest of the workout let's go guys glove up\u00a0\u00a0\nget ready get focused let's have some fun\u00a0\nthrowing your hands and getting it done\u00a0\u00a0\nall right squad here we go now if you're more\u00a0\nadvanced i want you to throw two and three punch\u00a0\u00a0\ncombinations starting with the first number\u00a0\nyou hear if you're new just do what i do ready\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's go one job two cross three lead hook four\u00a0\nrear hook five lead uppercut six rear uppercuts\none two jab cross three four lead hook rear\u00a0\nhook five six lead uppercut rear uppercut\u00a0\u00a0\none one double jab two two double\u00a0\ncross three three double lead hook\u00a0\u00a0\nfour one rear hook lead jab or jab five two lead\u00a0\nuppercut rear cross one one two jab jab cross\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo three two cross lead hook cross\u00a0\none two one two jab cross jab cross\u00a0\u00a0\nsix one rear uppercut jab five\u00a0\nfour lead uppercut rear hook\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's add in some defense one two slip right two\u00a0\none slip left one two three slip right slip left\u00a0\u00a0\none six duck right two three duck left three\u00a0\ntwo three cover three two three slip left\u00a0\u00a0\none two five dot right one two five\u00a0\none minute duck left one two one six\u00a0\u00a0\ncover one two one six duck right two five one two\u00a0\ncover two five one two cover slip left slip right\u00a0\u00a0\ncover one two slip right slip left cover one one\u00a0\nsix cover one one six dock right docked left one\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo three two one two cover and then one\u00a0\ntwo dock right two one duck left good work\u00a0\u00a0\nguys 20 seconds we're gonna head into round\u00a0\nnumber one your official first round let's go\nall right guys we're gonna work off the\u00a0\njob first so everything you do you're\u00a0\u00a0\ngonna work off the job for round number one\u00a0\nready and three two one let's go one two\none two one two\none six\none six one six one two that's one\u00a0\ncombination one six pause one two\none four one one two one four one one two\none five two one two one five two one two\none one one\none one one slip left one one one slip left three\none two three two on that pace one two\u00a0\u00a0\nthree two doc right one two three two\u00a0\ndoc right one two three two doc right\u00a0\u00a0\none two three two dot right one two three\u00a0\ntwo dot right move left to right one one\none two cover\none two cover two\none two cover two three\u00a0\none two cover two three two\u00a0\u00a0\none three dock right dock left one three dock\u00a0\nright dock left one three dot right dock left\u00a0\u00a0\none two one two one one two one two one two one\u00a0\none two one two one two one one two slip left\none four slip left one four slip left\u00a0\none four slip left slip right six\u00a0\u00a0\none fours the brights of left six you gotta\u00a0\nreset off slip left to throw the rear uppercut\none one one\none one one dock left three two ten\u00a0\nseconds one one one dock left three two\u00a0\u00a0\none one one duck left three two\u00a0\none one one duck left three two\nand time great job guys 30 seconds rest\u00a0\nand we'll jump into round number two\u00a0\u00a0\nwhere you work off the two one\nall right guys let's go gonna work off the two\u00a0\none which is the rear cross job let's go two one\ntwo one hands up hands up two one reset back\u00a0\nto that strong stack two one back to the stack\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo one one two dot right two one one two\u00a0\ndot right two one one two dot right two\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo one dot right one two\ntwo one two\ntwo one two\ntwo one two six three two now a faster\u00a0\ntwo one two two one two six three two\ntwo one two six three two cover\ntwo one two three\ntwo one two three slip left two one two three\u00a0\nslip left two one two t": 4, "Against the waves with our swords in our hands\nAgainst the sea with our backs to the walls\nAgainst distress in the presence of our enemies\nAgainst the storms roaring at our faces\nA cry rang out throughout the skies\nA beckon, the flight of the cranes\nThe call of the mountains, ooh, ooh\nThe call of the alps\nThe call home, ooh, ooh\nThe tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains\nWhat's that stir, so blatant in our sallying hearts?\nWhat's that urge that lifted up our longing eyes?\nWhat's that ring echoing from the leaden skies?\nWhat's that augur resounding from the lyre's strings?\nA cry rang on in the sibilant winds\nA behest, the outcry of the cranes\nThe call of the mountains, ooh, ooh\nThe call of the alps\nThe call home, ooh, ooh\nThe tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains\nThe voice in the wind, the sign in the sky\nThe call of the mountains, ooh, ooh\nThe call of the alps\nThe call home, ooh, ooh\nThe tune in our hearts\nThe call of the mountains, ooh, ooh\nThe call of the alps\nThe call home, ooh, ooh\nThe tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains\n": 2, "friends we're going to record that and here we are in the end we have that friends and for the chords\nthere they are the same chords as 'we added here we selected that\nand then we did control B to duplicate here we are going to listen to that\nwhat we are going to do now and we are going to add another sound from Nexus\nhere and there you see in pergios and A1 here is pitchen 50\nthere we already have a good start and what we are going to do now then we're going to\nadd another sound from Nexus here it is the blog sound\nwhat we're going to do we're going to add our kick sound I'm going to show you\nhere\nwe're going to add a beat sound here we\ngo offbeat\nwe're going to listen to that\nand now what we're going to do we're going to add a cobel sound here\nwe go listen to this\nand now we're going to add our rhyme sound here\nthen we're going to add our cymbal sound\nnow we're going to add our Kanga sound\nnext we're going to add another sound from Kanga to competent I'm going to show you\nthen we're going to add another\nvery soft sound you can do that too with the buretti here and I'm going to show you\nit's great friends now what we're going to do we're going to add a guitar sound\nwe're going to record that friends here's for the notes we have that\nand now what we're going to do we're going to try to add our bass sound\nit's really heavy\nso in the end we have that after working our bass we have that\nit's really water over there it's really heavy we will add r a sound of 6 balls moan here's\nwhat we're going to do now we're going to work on the bricks\nwe're going to copy a few symbols here for example here\nthere we're going to add a sound from\nQashqai I'm going to show you\nthen we're going to add a sound from openhate here is cymbal to penetrate\nit's really great friends\nhere then we go here\nand we will add that I will show you\nhere is\nnot bad then we go here\nthere we will add these are there\nthen we will add this sound there are caches\nand at the end we are going to add a left sound\nnow we are going to add a Tom sound\nhere we are going to reduce on these notes\nand we just go on the breakdowns here is\nfrom left to right\nthen at the end we are going to remove that\nand here we are we're going to add here these are from penetrates\nthen we're going to add this sound there\nI'm going to let you listen to this\nin short that was all for today if you like the video don't forget\nto give me a thumbs up and comment on the video thank you\nfriends for watching the video we will find in a whole new new video\n": 2, "A boy from London\nA boy from London\nA boy from London\ntells me, he loves me\nHaay-O! a boy from London \nHaay-O! a boy from London\nSays, Let\u2019s go out somewhere\nOhh\u2026.! a boy from London \nHaay-O! a boy from London\nHaay-O! a boy from London\nA boy from London\ntells me, he loves me\nA boy from London\nA boy from London\nMy beloved tells me he\u2019ll take me shopping everyday\nMy beloved tells me he\u2019ll take me shopping everyday\nI told him \u201cNo! No! I don\u2019t need anything\nHe tells me \u2018we will have fun\nand will buy me a Jaguar\nA boy from London\nHaay-O! a boy from London \nHaay-O! a boy from London \nA boy from London\ntells me, he loves me\nHe tells me lets be soulmates!\nHe tells me lets be soulmates!\nI will settle down with you if you say yes\nPlease listen to me and get married to me Deedar\nsays the boy from London\nHaay-O! a boy from London \nHaay-O! a boy from London \nA boy from London\ntells me, he loves me\nA boy from London\nHaay-O! a boy from London \nA boy from London\nHaay-O! a boy from London\nA boy from London\ntells me, he loves me\n": 1, "Four seasons\u2014spring, summer, fall, and winter.\nThe Sun\u2019s rising point and setting point and the length of the day and night changes depending on the season.\nWhen the Sun sets and night arrives, we are able to observe numerous stars.\nThe changing seasons also change the stars we are able to observe.\nLet\u2019s learn more about what brings about these changes.\nRevolution and Annual Motion\nThe vast Earth we live on makes a full circle around the Sun, from west to east, in one year.\nThis is called the revolution of the Earth.\nThere are 365 days in a year and a full circle is 360 degrees,\nwhich means that the Earth only moves around the Sun one degree per day.\nFrom our perspective on Earth, it looks like the Sun is moving.\nThe apparent motion of the Sun,\nas it appears to move one degree from west to east due to the revolution of the Earth, is called the \u201cannual motion of the Sun.\u201d\nThe ecliptic is the path of the Sun\u2019s annual motion along the celestial sphere.\nThe ecliptic is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle compared to the equator of the celestial sphere.\nThe point on the ecliptic with the highest declination is called the summer solstice point,\nand the point with the lowest declination is called the winter solstice point.\nThe Sun\u2019s annual motion also affects the seasonal locations of the Earth and Sun.\nThe Earth\u2019s revolution around the Sun forms an oval that is almost a circle.\nOn the Earth\u2019s orbit of revolution, the point closest to the Sun is called the perihelion,\nand the point farthest from the Sun is called the aphelion.\nIn the Northern Hemisphere, the aphelion is in summer and the perihelion is in winter.\nWhen the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer, the point where the Sun is visible is called the summer solstice point,\nand when the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing winter, the point where the Sun is visible is called the winter solstice point.\nThe equator of the celestial sphere and the ecliptic meet at two points.\nThe point going up from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere is called the vernal equinox,\nand the point going down from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere is called the autumnal equinox.\nIn summary, during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, the Sun is located at the vernal equinox,\nsummer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point, respectively.\nNow, let\u2019s locate the Sun in each season using specific coordinates called right ascension and declination.\nBecause of the Earth\u2019s revolution, the Sun\u2019s annual motion is observed in the direction of vernal equinox,\nsummer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point.\nThe Earth\u2019s revolution not only affects the Sun\u2019s annual motion but also brings about changes in seasonal constellations as well as the actual seasons.\nOur zodiac signs are based on the date we were born.\nThe 12 zodiac signs refer to the 12 constellations near the ecliptic.\nWhy do we see different constellations depending on the season?\nConstellations in the direction of the Sun are blocked from view by strong sunlight, while constellations that are in the opposite direction of the Sun are in clear view.\nThis is why the constellations change depending on the direction the Earth faces as it revolves around the Sun.\nLet\u2019s look at a specific example.\nIn Korea during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, the right ascension of the Sun is 0h at vernal equinox,\n6h at the summer solstice point, 12h at the autumnal equinox, and 18h at the winter solstice point.\nThis means that the observable constellations in the spring are Virgo and Leo,\nlocated on the opposite side of the autumnal equinox at 12h.\nin the summer, Archer and Scorpio are visible on the opposite side of the winter solstice point at 18h winter.\nIn the fall, we see Pisces and Aquarius, and in the winter, Gemini and Taurus are visible\nStars also have annual motion.\nWhat\u2019s different is that stars move from east to west, unlike the Earth\u2019s revolution and the Sun\u2019s annual motion.\nWhile the star\u2019s diurnal motion and annual motion both occur in a clockwise direction,\nthe diurnal motion ha": 4, "Change the formatting for a chart\nWeb Intelligence provides several options for changing the formatting of our charts, including color palettes, chart styles, and detailed formatting options.\nThe options available depend on the chart type.\nIn this example, we will review and adjust the formatting options for a pie chart.\nWe will then change it to a column chart, and review and adjust several other options.\nWe will start by selecting the chart.\nNote that the Chart Style tab displays once the chart is selected.\nWe can choose a palette for our chart to apply a unified color scheme to all members.\nWe will change the chart to use shades of blue.\nChart styles are also available to adjust the overall appearance of our charts, such as high contrast.\nFor the full range of options for adjusting the appearance of our chart, we can access the formatting settings.\nThe General tab provides options for the general look of the chart, such as the size and rotation.\nWe will expand the width of the chart to 15 cm.\nNow we will change the rotation of the chart by 60 degrees, which affects where the first slice of pie appears.\nThe Area Display tab controls which items appear in the chart area, such as the title, data labels, and legend.\nWe will add a title to the chart.\nWe need to enter the title, and then set up the chart to show data labels and disable the legend.\nThe Data Values tab enables us to adjust how the data values in the chart display.\nHere, we will show the labels inside the slices and change the font color to gold for better visibility against the blue.\nThe Palette and Style tab includes the same options for applying a chart palette or style as in the main tool bar, plus some additional settings.\nWe will change the chart to 3D.\nNext, we will add a simple shadow to the pie chart.\nThe Background tab enables us to apply a color to the chart background.\nWe will change the chart background to pale grey.\nThe Border tab enables us to add lines.\nHere, we will add a thin grey border around the chart.\nThe Layout tab controls how the chart is laid out on the document.\nWe will set the chart to be exactly 0.5 cm from the left edge of the page.\nThe Title options enable us to apply more complex formatting to the title.\nWe will change the font size for the title.\nNote that we can also change the border and background for the title, if desired.\nThe Legend options allow us to adjust the formatting of the legend.\nIn this example, the legend has already been disabled for the chart.\nThe Plot Area options enable us to adjust the format of the border, background, and title for the plot area, if applicable.\nNow we need to confirm the changes to see the results.\nNote the changes to the format of the pie chart.\nNext, we will change the chart into a column chart and access the formatting options again.\nNote that there are several additional options for the new chart type.\nThe Region Type options let us choose the best way to display the members.\nThe Category Axis options enable us to specify how the labels on the Y axis are displayed.\nWe will reverse the order of the members.\nNow we will increase the font size and change the labels to italic.\nThe Value Axis options control how the values on the X axis are displayed.\nWe will stack the values.\nNow we will adjust the layout so that the width and height are proportional.\nFinally, we will confirm our changes to see the results.\nNote that our changes have been applied.\nVisit www.SAP.com/LearnBI for more tutorials on Web Intelligence and other SAP business intelligence products.\n": 4, "Welcome to the Channel Indian recipes by Meera Gupta. Today we will make tasty pickle of spicy garlic.\nSpicy and tasty pickle made from garlic enhances taste. It is very easy to make.\nThe essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down.\nThe essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down.\nThe essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down.\nThe essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down.\nNow we will heat the mustard oil in a pot after putting it on the gas.\nWhen oil will be heated, add spices to it.\nMustard oil has become hot, now will close the gas.\nAnd when the oil is slightly cooled down, mix all the spices.\nMustard oil has cooled. Now put celery in it,\nadd black mustard seeds,\nadd fanugreek,\nadd fennel,\nadd Kalongi,\nadd red chili powder, add turmeric powder ,\nadd salt,\nwill now put the grated raw mango.\nNow mix them all in mustard oil.\nNow add Garlic and mix all spices\nYou can reduce or increase the salt in it according to your taste.\nAdd 2-3 spoonful white vinegar in it and mix it well.\nAnd keep it in sunlight for 4-5 days.\nThis garlic pickle is mixed well, now it will take it out in a bowl.\nIt can also be placed in the container, but it is easy to stir it so that it is taken out in the bowl.\nKeep it in sunlight for 5-6 days, so that its masala gets absorbed in garlic well.\nIt will keep stirring up and down for 4-5 days.\nAfter 1 week, we will fill it in the container but before fill in container keep it in sunlight for 4-5 days. Also stir well so that spices absorbed in it.\nGarlic pickle is ready and eatable.\nHope you will like this video, Please like, share& subscribe our channel and \nDo not forget to click the bell Ikon\n": 2, "This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high s": 3, "It's been seven hours and 15 days\nSince you took your love away\nI go out every night and sleep all day\nSince you took your love away\nSince you been gone, I can do whatever I want\nI can see whomever I choose\nI can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant\nBut nothing\nI said nothing can take away these blues\n'Cause nothing compares\nNothing compares to you\nIt's been so lonely without you here\nLike a bird without a song\nNothing can stop these lonely tears from falling\nTell me baby, where did I go wrong?\nI could put my arms around every boy I see\nBut they'd only remind me of you\nI went to the doctor, guess what he told me\nGuess what he told me\nHe said, \"Girl you better try to have fun,\nno matter what you do\"\nBut he's a fool\n'Cause nothing compares, nothing compares to you\nAll the flowers that you planted mama\nIn the back yard\nAll died when you went away\nI know that living with you baby was sometimes hard\nBut I'm willing to give it another try\nNothing compares\nNothing compares to you\nNothing compares\nNothing compares to you\nNothing compares\nNothing compares to you\n": 3, "Tap \u201cOverview\u201d to see a listing of all activities in the app.\nTap \u201cActivities\u201d to see a thumbnail navigation of activities.\nIn the chosen activity, tap \u201cInsights\u201d for educational content\nTap \u201cActions\u201d for an infographic of things possible to do.\nTap and select the shape and material of your bob.\nTap on the bob to modify its volume.\nDrag the spring balance to immerse the bob in fluid.\nArchimedes Principle: The buoyant force equals the weight of displaced liquid.\nAlso: The volume of displaced liquid equals the immersed volume of the bob.\nAlso: The volume of displaced liquid equals the immersed volume of the bob.\nIncrease the volume of the bob and immerse again.\nArchimedes Principle can be verified with the bob at any volume.\nTap on an alternative shape and immerse bob again.\nArchimedes Principle can be verified again.\nDraw the spring balance out, and tap \u201cRESET\u201d to start fresh\nChoose a spherical wooden bob to immerse.\nWe will now compare floating to complete immersion.\nMake the bob immerse completely by modifying the density of the fluid. Archimedes Principle works in all cases.\nThe app includes other activities for progressive learning and exploration...\n": 4, "Chima hunter is sponsored by express VPN. Don't let hackers steal your financial information\nProtect yourself today by going to express VPN dot com slash let's play\nShould we should we do an eight person\nJust do sumo all right. I was\nHow do you want to do sumo? I'm always into sumo. Yeah, you just smash. Hi. Have you played sumo with us before?\nNope. So chi where it's teams of two. I believe it is now. Yeah, what you gotta do\nIs you and your partner have to push the other cars off this side. This is great\nThis is why I love you because this watch our this is kind of great\nBefore I don't know how this is what I love you because you did you tell jack shut the\nYeah, I'm familiar with your\nI want to meet the person that pitched that last game type to\nI'm like surely I'm missing something right. They didn't just be like\nLike just kill people in the forest on bikes. What? Yeah, if we did that wrong leave a comment\nYeah, what am I wearing?\nHey gavin that porn stash. What's good? You like you like my tree? I know you look normal\nBut i'm wearing my jeff and michael lindsey and trevour me and matt and gavin and kai\nWhat did sarah just about my baby. Hey fiona. This is for you. I'll try to be the chunk to schwa\nI\nKnow jack. It was an alien\nWhat it was an alien they're everywhere. You a piece\nSound like zoid right there. Do you guys see the fucking video of in peru of the mr. Peanut flittner on last night?\nWhy that's what they call him jeff alien. You're the only one who probably has tv in this whole place. I don't thought i'm reddit\nYeah, tv reddit tv watching i'm watching peruvian team. You gotta force them out of the zone. Let's do this kai\nWhy is everyone gonna say car?\nOh because that's kind of like the game\nWhat is it doing with pushing or something? Yeah, it's always gonna get smaller and smaller. You invented this right?\nYou gotta get back in\nYou have to stay in the safe zone. Yeah, jeff was wondering about the peruvian version though. Yeah\nI'm not a man. You gotta find a safe zone. You're safe. But where is it?\nCheck the map. Check the map. Check the map. It's over to the screen.\nSomeone's hiding stuff in their butt. I heard it. These are uh, these are new\nnew maps, huh?\nIt's possible. I mean new to me. I didn't think i'd die two years. No, never. It's fair\nI gotta watch peruvian television. I have so much love to do. Killing you would give you the opportunity to where the aliens are\nIt's true. It's if I feel like we have similar uh, youtube rabbit holes. I'm sure we do Lindsey. I'm sure we do. Is this the road? Yeah\nIt was it was not the road\nYour sacrifice showed me the way\nTo the edge of the cliff, but you just let\nIs this a person? Hi. What does that do?\nUh handbrake if you have it sent to you. I think that's what it is. I keep trying to handbrake. It turns you into the fawns just. I'm not going out, Michael. Uh, you become Henry Winkler.\nMatt's never been out. That's true. I might try to stay inside. Why am I so slow? We don't know. You were bitten by a sinner.\nThat's the reaction I just nudged you. I thought I was good at that. No, I can't. I'm not going to kill you yet. No, die, please.\nWhere are you lost? One person. Oh my god.\nOh, no. Oh, fuck. That was close. Here we go. Here we go. A glory.\nOh, well, guess I'm going anyway. These bubbles are getting pretty weak. They're getting pretty tight.\nOh, no. Gavin was like you. Well, Gavin killed me. I wasn't really hit. You lost that way.\nCareful. Careful. Careful. We can all live in this bubble together.\nOh, you're dead center. Oh, shit. A bubbler. Simbios. Get that commie. You hear him talking?\nI call me a fool, Gavin. Oh, no. You're next. Oh, no. Oh my god. Hi, I'm glad you're out of\nthis carnage. It's getting rough out here. Yeah, no, it's kind of disgusting. You can't be very sloppy.\nSir, sir, please, sir. Just you and me, baby. Yeah, we just be buddies. Yeah, we're going to\nhang out. I don't think this guy has a license. I don't think we're not trying to get out of the\nbubble. We're close. I mean, it's going to get small. That's a tiny, tiny hole. It's a rising typ": 1, "Sab Matsumoto: All right. So this is part 2 of section 3.2,\nSab Matsumoto: And so what I want to do at here is just to\nSab Matsumoto: to illustrate what? what if you can? If you have clearly understood this whole idea of the derivative right? What i'm about to do could be quite confusing to some of you. Just be warned ahead of time. Okay. So I have 2 functions here. X squared and Xq.\nSab Matsumoto: Right? And these are sort of a standard types of graphs. And so what I want to I want you to think about is to graph\nSab Matsumoto: the derivative functions\nSab Matsumoto: now. We have already established.\nSab Matsumoto: The derivative of X squared is, 2, x and the derivative of X cube this 3 X square, so you could sort of a cheat and graph those things. But instead of doing that, I want you to focus on right what the derivative is.\nSab Matsumoto: and then use that information to inform what the graph of the function. The derivative derivative looks like, okay. So for instance,\nSab Matsumoto: you remember the derivative. Represents the the slope of the tangent engine line. Right. So if I drew a little tangent\nSab Matsumoto: like tangent pieces, okay.\nSab Matsumoto: it'll look like this. So think of this\nSab Matsumoto: parabola\nSab Matsumoto: as a consisting of a bunch of small segments, mine segments which approximate the curve. Okay, I know no part of this curve, by the way, is actually straight. Okay, it's not flat at any point.\nSab Matsumoto: but you can approximate\nSab Matsumoto: each little part of the the the problem with, you know, these straight line segments which I indicated what I have just drawn in with a green line segments right? And so now we look at the derivatives. the slope of these segments. Now this one\nSab Matsumoto: looks pretty pretty big, right?\nSab Matsumoto: And then this looks well. It's still a positive. These are positive. At this point the slope is 0. So, M. If you think of the slope of 0, you know that's that's 0 here. Okay? And let's say,\nSab Matsumoto: Well, let's see. The derivative is 2 X here? Right? So if you did think of this as one and 2. Of course that's not quite right. but you know that's okay. so this is for, and this is one, and so on.\nSab Matsumoto: this is not the the X and Y. Axes are not drawn to scale the same thing right? But here you know that the slope is going to be 2\nSab Matsumoto: right.\nSab Matsumoto: The slope is 0 here. maybe I should write the slope in different color.\nSab Matsumoto: So let's see\nSab Matsumoto: I am going to use. What color should I use? Blue? Right? So blue numbers represent the slope slope at this point is 0. The slope at one is actually 2, right? So this this little segment has a slope of 2 at this, 2 times 2 is 4. So the slope of this thing is 4.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay, what is the slope over here? That would be negative one times 2. So it's native to\nSab Matsumoto: remember over in this side, on the left hand side. The slope is always going to be negative, because the graph is going down at this point here it's not here, but I mean it's not quite on the graph. Maybe I should just kind of cheat here. and that's\nSab Matsumoto: but anyway, the the slope here is like negative 4, because negative 2 times 2. Is that right?\nSab Matsumoto: So if you are to graph the derivative\nSab Matsumoto: as the function.\nSab Matsumoto: we are talking about something that goes from 4 to 0, and and then going down to negative.\nSab Matsumoto: Remember, this is a straight line, right?\nSab Matsumoto: So the graph is actually going to be like this. That's the derivative function.\nSab Matsumoto: Does that make sense like it has nothing to it. Doesn't. Look anything like the original function\nSab Matsumoto: right? But this is the derivative according to our calculation. So, if you remember, the derivative is going to indicate the slope of the tangent line or the tangent segment at these points, and so that is the derivative function drawn on the same plane as the original function.\nSab Matsumoto: All right.\nSab Matsumoto: So that's the the function. 2 X right, all right. X cubed": 4, "You know, Darwin said his whole theory dependent on the fossil remains, and he said we should\nbe able to line up from a single cell organism to man several miles long and just walk right\ndown the fossil trail and see how everything evolved.\nAnd he said the only reason they didn't have the fossils is because they were not geologically\nsophisticated enough, but that we would be in fifty to a hundred years.\nWell, that was a hundred and fifty years ago.\nWe still haven't found them.\nWhere are they?\nWhere are the fossil remains?\nWell, that was a hundred and fifty years ago, and that was a hundred and fifty years ago.\nWell, that was a hundred and fifty years ago, and that was a hundred and fifty years ago.\nWell, that was a hundred and fifty years ago, and that was a hundred and fifty years ago.\nWell, when you ask the evolutionist about that, they say,\nI don't know where they are, they're somewhere, and we just haven't found them yet.\nThat's a pretty lame excuse to be honest with you.\n": 3, "Shoulder, Legionnaires, right on here and welcome back to Permadeath 76, we're here\nwith a killer hunter just outside of a small town that seems to be unnamed, other than\nof course Greg's mining supply co.\nYes, in the last we allowed ourselves a little bit of a detour to a large pharmaceutical company's\nheadquarters and to this small mining supply town, we ran into\nthe building.\nSo, let's go.\nOkay.\nSo, let's go.\nHow we're doing?\nI'm getting there.\nOkay.\nSo, let's go.\nWe're going to be here.\nGotcha.\nYou know, what's going on?\nOkay.\nAll right.\nOkay.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nSo, let's go.\nAll right.\nWe're going to be here again.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nYeah.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nYou\nYou\nYou\nYou\n": 1, "Uh, less Lego this time and more GTA. So, uh, we're swapping and we're gonna be playing some GTA. Matt, you're currently in here inviting people, right?\nYup, I'm hitting that Vite crew members.\nFuckin' new, yo.\nAlright, so hopefully you're in the stream crew. Uh, we added a couple people. We got Matt, obviously.\nWe also got a Jeremy and Michael and Mr. G-\nSo if you've never seen a played scoot scoot, basically, everybody has got a motorcycle and a hammer.\nAnd there is a golden scooter that you must capture. There's two teams, about 15. So, good luck.\nYeah, you know, why do you have to block the scooter, capture it, and then defend your teammate on the same team?\nProbably not. Where's James?\nA question that I don't have because it might do it because we're friends.\nIt sometimes does, though.\nI'm an F.\nWe have friends or friends forever.\nThis should be chaos anyway.\nHey, I see Jeremy. I see Michael, Gavin, Matt, Robin's team.\nHey, shit it, boys.\nAlright, shoot.\nThis is what a fish does. This is what I do.\nHey, Jeremy. What's up?\nShush.\nShush.\nYour fish is making too much noise over there.\nTeam one looks angry. Everyone looks mad.\nAlright, so let's, um, you know, we have the practice. We have the skill.\nIt's gonna be a nightmare.\nThis is gonna be so rough.\nOh, yeah, it's terrible.\nWill the game end?\nYou don't lose your time limit?\n20 minutes.\nOkay.\nWhat's the time limit?\n20 minutes.\nThere's a...\nWhy is there a...\nThere was a car there.\nThe Hummer just...\nHe's trying to kill us.\nHere's the problem.\nOh my God, why are there Hummers in front of us?\nThat's just random traffic.\nOh.\nGo, go, go!\nWhen enough people hit the scooter, doesn't it explode?\nIt sure does.\nYeah, it does.\nIt's like five people.\nIt sure does.\nDude, that was like the Huns coming over the mountain.\nRight, yeah.\nI wouldn't want to be on this hill here.\nUm, there is like all of the other team here and very few of us.\nOkay.\nI see the scoot, Matt.\nI see the scoot, Matt.\nGet him, Michael.\nGet him, Matt.\nOh, they're swarming me.\nI'm killing like three people.\nThis is so ridiculous.\nOh, I'm dead.\nI'm dead.\nI'm dead.\nMost of the footage I realized in this stream not gonna be on the scooter because we're gonna\ndie a million times.\nNo, but we're always going to die.\nGood for the scooter.\nWe're always going through it.\nIt's bad in there.\nIf someone can get any amount of scoot time, guys, just open season.\nKill anyone you're passing anything to the herd.\nOh, I got a rough spawn.\nI killed a man.\nOh, scooter.\nWe're on a scooter.\nProtect this man with your life.\nProtect this man.\nSomeone our team has just a one, two, four protect him like he's your child.\nI'll die for you, Jessa.\nFucker with your core.\nGather him.\nGood luck, friend.\nI'm walking.\nOh, they're not even going for him.\nWhere are they under?\nJessa.\nNo, he's been killed.\nNo.\nHe's been killed.\nOh, the horn is here, man.\nThe horn is here, man.\nI got him.\nI got him.\nI got him.\nGet him.\nGet him.\nGet out.\nGo.\nI'm picking it up.\nI have it.\nMichael's on the scooter.\nWe didn't let you out.\nThere's so many bikes underneath me.\nOh, Michael was on for one second.\nThere's a digital man.\nKill him.\nWhere'd the scooter go?\nIt reached?\nNo.\nWho's on it?\nWhere is it?\nWhere is it?\nNo, it's not.\nI don't see it.\nI think it's respawned.\nIt's just respawned.\nIt's out there.\nIt's respawned.\nIt's a bunch of them on it.\nMatt ran me over.\nLook.\nYou were there.\nMatt, how's all the time for that?\nWe know you want to kill Jack, but please.\nOh, no.\nOh, this one hit me.\nThey're taking it.\nStop.\nWhere'd they go?\nAre they just going in circles?\nHe's in the middle.\nHe's in the middle.\nHe's in the middle.\nHe's in the middle of the mess.\nHe's going down the pier.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nI got him.\nI got him.\nI got him off.\nOkay.\nWhere'd it go?\nWhere'd it go?\nAll right.\nI got it.\nI got it.\nYes.\nMatt, you got a man in your tail.\nOh, he hit me.\nI'm coming.\nOh, he hit me into the...\nMatt, I've killed him.\nI've killed him.\nI've killed him.\nYou're good.\nI'm your savior, Michael.\nHe's coming in.\nAll right.\nUh-oh.\nI've been eliminated by the threat.\nAll right.\n": 1, "[CLICK]\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\nELMO: It's time to do\nthe Elmo Slide!\n[LAUGHING]\nEverybody flap your arms!\nHere we go, now.\nFlap, flap, flap,\nflap your arms.\nFlap, flap, flap,\nflap, your arms.\nFlap, flap, flap,\nflap, your arms.\nFlap, flap, flap,\nflap, your arms.\nSlide to the front.\nSlide to the back.\nSlide to the side.\nSlide to the other side.\nJump one time.\nJump two times.\nTurn around.\nTurn around the other way.\nGet down now.\nGet up now.\nLift one knee.\nLift the other knee.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nStop!\nHere we go again.\nLet's get to work.\nFlap your arms, everybody.\nFlap your arms!\nCHORUS: Flap flap flap flap!\nELMO: Flap your arms!\nCHORUS: Flap flap flap flap!\nELMO: Flap your arms!\nCHORUS: Flap flap flap flap!\nELMO: Flap your arms!\nCHORUS: Flap flap flap flap!\nELMO: Slide to the front.\nSlide to the back.\nSlide to the side.\nSlide to the other side.\nJump one time.\nCHORUS: One!\nELMO: Jump jump two time.\nCHORUS: One, two!\nELMO: Jump three times.\nCHORUS: One, two, three!\nELMO: Yeah, come on!\nTurn around.\nTurn around the other way.\nNow the other way again.\nNow the other way again.\nAgain!\nAgain!\nAgain!\nAgain!\nAgain!\nWhoaaaaaa!\nGet down now.\nGet up now.\nTap your toes.\nNow touch your nose, that's\nthe way it goes.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nThe Elmo Slide, the\nElmo Slide.\nElmo Slide!\n[CHEERS AND APPLAUSE]\n": 2, "Hello fellow world of the world of the world, how are you guys doing today?\nToday we've got Mitzi's Arsenal video and Sears and you're gonna be testing\nGaitlyn Plasma.\nI think it's the first time I'm gonna be using that to be honest.\nFirst time with the Gaitlyn Plasma.\nSo if you want to see how this went, then sit down, relax and enjoy.\nSo we've got anti-armour Gaitlyn plasma with faster fire rate, reduced weight.\nWe've got prime receiver, rifle, barrel, standard magazine, reflex sight and beam for cursor.\nSo that's the weapon of the choice for tonight.\nUsually you can see those weapons on legacies, it's like I think one of the most popular legacy,\nbut it's not, it's not explosive, it's just regular Gaitlyn plasma.\nLet's put on power armor.\nBecause we're gonna be doing the testing in power armor.\nOkay, we've got power armor, we've got everything.\nWe have the perks.\nThe perks we've got under the strength for the heavy guns, which is...\nOh, turn it on.\nSee, it's my red action perk.\nThen, bear arms, master heavy gunner, heavy gunner, expert heavy gunner, bundle ear.\nPerception is my commando, the endurance life-giver, fireproof.\nIn carries, we've got tenderizer and strange numbers that is shared.\nThen we've got under intelligence nerd rage, and now you have to take off the demolition expert\nand I will put my stabilised.\nAnd got batteries included because those cores are very, very heavy.\nThen we've got true hiker, covert operative, sneak, escape artist.\nActually, you could take them off and I will put...\nI'll put dodgy.\nAnd I can put...\nIt may be easy, for example.\nAnd in luck, I've got bloody mess, ricochet, class freak, and strategies.\nAnd it comes to legendary perks.\nWe've got follow through because it's mixed build for commando and heavy guns.\nBut we've got electric absorption, legendary luck, agility, intelligence, strength.\nOkay.\nNow you know everything.\nLet's see where we can go to test it out.\nWe're gonna go up the map.\nI know they won't be as high-level as here, but it's fine because you're gonna test it both\non an endurance card based, so you can have an idea of the damage.\nAnd we've got some friends in the house.\nThat's great.\nYeah, here at our level, like...\nI don't really know much.\nI forgot this time to try it.\nOkay.\nEverything could be green.\nI mean, it looks nice.\nWith the green beam.\nIt looks good range for the heavy gun.\nMove after this one.\nOkay, we're here.\nNow let's see who'll spawn here because it's random.\nWe'll get the mutants or someone else.\nWe've got mutants.\nOh, we're lucky.\nLet's practice our aiming.\nWe're practicing our aim dice.\nPractice for a fair winter.\nSo cool.\nYeah.\nIf you're using vads, they're dying much more quicker.\nWhat do you think?\nWhich one is the most popular at the moment?\nWhat to have on can you see the most in game?\nWhen you're running around, I'm curious.\nLet's find the scourge beast.\nLet's see this one.\nAlthough, I've got really bad luck with this visual side.\nLike three times out of four, it's empty.\nI don't know why.\nIs it the same for you guys?\nI think it's empty.\nSo you don't have to.\nAnd the scars seem to be as well.\nYeah.\nIt's always empty.\nIs it supposed to be always empty?\nOh, it's just me.\nOh, we've got the scars.\nWe're still lucky.\nI mean, it's spot on here.\nWe always have a scourge beast.\nOh, it's her.\nWhat is she?\nI lost her.\nShe's a beginner.\nI shouldn't have ordered she.\nHow can you not such a big creature?\nFriends can see me.\nOh, I think I have two spots to be more efficient.\nOh, he's about to have an animal.\nIt's getting too close to her.\nAnd it's not going to fit too much.\nI would like to get attention to the scourge beast.\nThank you.\nOh, those are huge damage mid-air.\nIt's possibly more difficult with a chemical and a mid-air.\nOh.\nAnd then he...\nMm-hmm.\nOh.\nOh.\nOh.\nOh.\nOh.\nSo she's dead.\nWe did pretty good.\nI know, but slowly goes to...\nOh.\nOh, that doesn't help.\nThat's it.\nI think we've got everyone's dead.\nSo, let's check one more place\nand we're going to go for the robots.\nI don't know if we'll find the robots outside,\nbut maybe we're going to find them ": 2, "Hi all!\nOnion 100 gr,\ncarrots 100 gr\nand celery 50 gr cut into small cubes.\nHeat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry minced meat 500 gr.\nAdd greens and simmer a little.\nAdd 100 ml red wine and let it boil.\nAdd 30 gr butter and let it melt.\nAdd 500 gr tomato paste,\nsalt,\npepper,\nbasil\nand rosemary\nand simmer for about 2-2.5 hours. Switch off.\nHeat 1 liter milk in a saucepan,\nadd 20 gr butter and a pinch of salt.\nGradually add flour 50 gr, stirring constantly, until you get the desired consistency.\nGrate mozzarella 200 gr.\nLubricate the mold with butter. Take fresh lasagna sheets for 6 layers.\nGrate parmesan 100 gr on a fine grater.\nDrizzle with a little bechamel sauce.\nLay out the layers in this order:\nFirst layer of lasagna: Lasagna sheet, bechamel sauce, Bolognese sauce, parmesan, mozzarella.\nSecond layer of lasagna: Lasagna sheet, bechamel sauce, cooked ham (need in all 200 gr) , parmesan, mozzarella.\nThird layer: lasagne sheet, bechamel sauce, Bolognese sauce, parmesan, mozzarella.\nFourth layer: Lasagna sheet, bechamel, cooked ham, parmesan, mozzarella.\nFifth layer: Lasagna sheet, bechamel, Bolognese, parmesan, mozzarella.\nSixth layer: Lasagna sheet, bechamel, some bolognese sauce, parmesan, mozzarella.\nBake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.\nBon appetit! Thank you for watching.\n": 4, "english vocabulary lesson\n100 daily use items\nphone charger\nphone charger\ntoothbrush\ntoothbrush\nhair dryer\nhair dryer\nlight switch\nlight switch\nzip\nzip\ntoilet\ntoilet\nkey\nkey\nkettle\nkettle\ntowel\ntowel\nbelt\nbelt\nplate\nplate\ntoothpaste\ntoothpaste\nscissors\nscissors\nfridge\nfridge\nclock\nclock\nlaptop\nlaptop\nmobile phone\nmobile phone\ndoor handle\ndoor handle\nmoney\nmoney\nplug\nplug\nsocks\nsocks\nknife\nknife\nfork\nfork\nspoon\nspoon\nshoes\nshoes\ncup\ncup\npen\npen\nheadphones\nheadphones\ntelevision\ntelevision\nkeyboard\nkeyboard\nusb stick\nusb stick\nstairs\nstairs\nglass\nglass\ncouch\ncouch\ndesk\ndesk\nsoap\nsoap\nrazor\nrazor\njacket\njacket\ncomb\ncomb\nsunglasses\nsunglasses\ncushion\ncushion\nlight bulb\nlight bulb\nbread\nbread\nradiator\nradiator\nlipstick\nlipstick\nwatch\nwatch\nt-shirt\nt-shirt\nshower\nshower\nfan\nfan\nbottle of water\nbottle of water\ntable\ntable\ntap\ntap\nbed\nbed\npair of jeans\npair of jeans\nmirror\nmirror\ndiary\ndiary\nmouthwash\nmouthwash\nrubbish bin\nrubbish bin\ndental floss\ndental floss\ndeodorant\ndeodorant\nsponge\nsponge\nironing board\nironing board\npillow\npillow\nremote control\nremote control\nvacuum cleaner\nvacuum cleaner\nwardrobe\nwardrobe\nvitamins\nvitamins\nblanket\nblanket\nnotepad\nnotepad\nhair gel\nhair gel\nnail clippers\nnail clippers\norange juice\norange juice\nfrying pan\nfrying pan\nthermometer\nthermometer\nlamp\nlamp\nbutton\nbutton\nhand sanitiser\nhand sanitiser\nplastic bag\nplastic bag\nrubber gloves\nrubber gloves\nhard drive\nhard drive\nbrush\nbrush\numbrella\numbrella\nbicycle\nbicycle\nwashing machine\nwashing machine\nstool\nstool\nmicrowave\nmicrowave\ntoaster\ntoaster\ncurtains\ncurtains\nfirst aid kit\nfirst aid kit\nteapot\nteapot\nslippers\nslippers\niron\niron\nnail polish\nnail polish\nsafety pin\nsafety pin\ntorch\ntorch\nbasket\nbasket\nwallet\nwallet\nhandbag\nhandbag\nmop\nmop\nbath tub\nbath tub\n": 3, "cut, cut, cut\ny'all really don't understand how\nvaluable my time is \ncome on now\nyou're making my boys look bad\nwon't you let us come up with our own steps\nnah nah nah nah see we already tried\nthat don't you remember\nnow come on i want to see some asses\nwiggling\n i need to see straight perfection \nokay then\nup top baby\nNow you want it, if you want it \nif you really need it\nif you really need it\nYou want me to get it\nwant me to get it\nThey Say it witcha booty, say it witcha booty\nNow tell if you want it\nbitch say it witcha booty\nIf you really need it, say it witcha booty\nWant me to get it, say it witcha booty\nJust say it witcha booty, bitch say it witcha booty\nLike woooo\nFee, Fi fo fum\nI\u2019m watching it go dumb\nTitties jiggling, ass wiggling\nand my bitch wanna come\nBig ass bring it over\nrev it up like a motor\nTalk that shit wit cha booty\nleg up over your shoulders\nFuck that soft shit, bitch make it bounce hard\nlike you're riding on the dick of a\nsuperstar \nAss everywhere, bitch got some true skills\nFuck around and we gonna do it for real\nNow you want it, if you want it\nif you really need it \nif you really need it \nyou want me to get\nit you want me to get it\nsay it witcha booty\nJust say it witcha booty \nNow tell if you want it, bitch say it witcha booty\nIf you really need it, say it witcha booty\nWant me to get it, say it witcha booty\nJust say it witcha booty, bitch say it witcha booty\nLike woooo\nBitch slide down the poles\nAss on super swoll\nAnother bitch right on top\nPussy right on your nose\nThis bitch on freaky shit\nShe know how to squeeze a dick\nBut after all is said and done\nI\u2019m just gonna leave the bitch (cya)\nHeaded to the strip club, straight to the dj booth\nAnd made a quick dub, and I got a dick rub\nBitches on my line, they gone keep trying\nBut if you shake some ass bitch, I got time \nShe got slow work, on that pole work\nShe can stretch that ass but it don\u2019t hurt\nLooking like an hourglass, treat em the same with no difference\nLook at all the ass on them bad bitches\nNow you want it, if you want it\nIf you really need it\nIf you really need it\nYou Want me to get it, want me to get it\nThey Say it witcha booty, say it witcha booty\nNow tell if you want it, bitch say it witcha booty\nIf you really need it, say it witcha booty\nWant me to get it, say it witcha booty\nJust say it witcha booty, bitch say it witcha booty\nLike woooo\nWork Work It\nWork Work It\nSo big, so perfect\nTwerk twerk it\nTwerk twerk it\nDon\u2019t break it, don\u2019t hurt it\nWork Work It\nWork Work It\nSo big, so perfect\nTwerk twerk it\nTwerk twerk it\nDon\u2019t break it, don\u2019t hurt it\nI love it how you make your booty talk\nI didn\u2019t know you could make it talk\nI knew you could make it clap\nBut now you saying , you saying something \n": 1, "History I\u2019m Touching A Part Of History\nI Won\u2019t Let Haters Get To Me\nCuz I\u2019m Making My Future Lit For Me\nI\u2019m Doing It My Way...\nMy Way\nMy Way\nI\u2019m Getting Out My Way\nMy Way\nGetting Out My Way\nKarma Just Another Way Of Testing SO!!!\nI Won\u2019t Be The One To Block My Blessings. NO!!!\nSuccess Got Me Filling My Confession. SO!!!\nImma Spend A Hundred On A Tesla WHOA!!!\nFly Way Did It My Way\nEither It\u2019s My Way Or The Highway\nUnderstand.... Hundred Grand Did It Klan ( Hold Up ) Run It Man, Run It Man.\nFor The Fam And This For My Town\nI Know My Dad And My GrandDad\nLooking Down Feeling Proud\nIn A World Where A Million People Fake It\nI\u2019m Praying That A Million Of Us Make It\nHistory I\u2019m Touching A Part Of History\nI Won\u2019t Let Haters Get To Me\nCuz I\u2019m Making My Future Lit For Me\nI\u2019m Doing It My Way... My Way\nI\u2019m Getting Out My Way\nGetting Out My Way\nGo! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! Go!\nGo! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! .. It\u2019s Lit!\nThey Say The Sky Is The Limit\nYou Ain\u2019t Ride Or Die\nYou Riding In It Rented\nI Rather Toll Spots Than No Spots\nStay Away From Road Blocks On The Ride To The Riches.....\nFly Way Did It My Way\nEither It\u2019s My Way Or The Highway\nUnderstand.... Hundred Grand Did It Klan ( Hold Up ) Run It Man, Run It Man.\nLife\u2019s A Beach In My Reach Sun And Sand\nEverybody\u2019s Family Not A Fan\nIn A World Where A Million People Fake It\nI\u2019m Praying That A Million Of Us Make It\nHistory I\u2019m Touching A Part Of History\nI Won\u2019t Let Haters Get To Me\nCuz I\u2019m Making My Future Lit For Me\nI\u2019m Doing It My Way... My Way\nI\u2019m Getting Out My\nGetting Out My Way\nGo! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! Go!\nGo! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! .. It\u2019s Lit!\nOnly The Strong Survive (Aye)\nI\u2019m Feeling Alive\nI Don\u2019t Never Wanna Die\nI Realize I\u2019m Living\nFinally I\u2019m Owning My (Aye)\nMy Flaws And Mistakes\nTake The Awards Pull Them Out The Safe.\nAnd Get Them Out Of My Place\nI\u2019m Getting Out Of My Way\nI\u2019m Getting Out Of My Way\nGetting Out My Way\nGetting Out My Way\nGetting Out Of My Way\nGetting Out Of My Way\nGetting Out Of My Way\nI\u2019m Getting Out Of My Way\nGetting Out Of My Way\nGetting Out Of My Way\nGetting Out Of My Way\nIt\u2019s Lit!\nHistory I\u2019m Touching A Part Of History\nI Won\u2019t Let Haters Get To Me\nCuz I\u2019m Making My Future Lit For Me\nI\u2019m Doing It My Way... My Way\nI\u2019m Getting Out My\nGetting Out My Way\nGo! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! \nGo! It\u2019s Lit!\nGo! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! \nGo! It\u2019s Lit!\n": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is question one for a calculus review for our first test.\nChristopher Carbone: A tank holds three thousand gallons of water\nChristopher Carbone: which drains from the bottom of the tank in half an hour. The values in this table show the volume V of water remaining in the tank in gallons. After ten minutes we have for five minutes two thousand and sixty, four gallons,\nChristopher Carbone: ten minutes, one thousand three hundred and twenty, three minute gallons, fifteen minutes, seven hundred and sixty, five gallons, twenty minutes, three hundred and thirty, nine gallons, twenty, five minutes, seventy, eight gallons, and thirty minutes would be zero gallons.\nChristopher Carbone: If the point P is the point. Fifteen comma seven hundred and sixty five on the graph of V. We want the slopes of the secant lines. Pq. Will accuse the point on the graph with T being five, ten, twenty, twenty, five, and thirty.\nChristopher Carbone: Rounding these to one does more voices.\nChristopher Carbone: And then we want to estimate the slope of this tangent line at P by averaging these slopes of the two adjacent secant lines, corresponding to two points closest to P. Again, running this to one that's more poise,\nChristopher Carbone: so that start off with I\nChristopher Carbone: right?\nChristopher Carbone: So we know. P. Here is this point Fifteen. Come with seven hundred and sixty five. Let me highlight that for lessons sake.\nChristopher Carbone: So i'm going to\nChristopher Carbone: kind of redraw this a little bit, just so we can\nChristopher Carbone: have it for reference as we're doing with slopes,\nChristopher Carbone: I said, That's about big enough.\nChristopher Carbone: Our first point was five-comer, two thousand and sixty-four.\nChristopher Carbone: So for the slope of that line Pq.\nChristopher Carbone: Based on what we have\nChristopher Carbone: we are going to have the two thousand and sixty-four,\nChristopher Carbone: minus seven hundred and sixty five\nChristopher Carbone: divided by this would be five\nChristopher Carbone: minus fifteen\nChristopher Carbone: i'm up here.\nChristopher Carbone: This would give us this. Give us a slope of negative one hundred and twenty, nine point nine\nChristopher Carbone: likewise for the point,\nChristopher Carbone: ten comma, one thousand three hundred and twenty, three.\nChristopher Carbone: This to be\nChristopher Carbone: one thousand three hundred and twenty-three,\nChristopher Carbone: minus seven hundred and sixty-five,\nChristopher Carbone: divided by\nChristopher Carbone: ten, minus fifteen\nChristopher Carbone: that makes negative one hundred and eleven\nChristopher Carbone: quite sense\nChristopher Carbone: for the point. Twenty\nChristopher Carbone: comma, three hundred,\nChristopher Carbone: thirty-nine.\nChristopher Carbone: This to make two hundred and thirty. It's gonna be three hundred and thirty, nine\nChristopher Carbone: minus seven hundred and sixty, five\nChristopher Carbone: divided by twenty\nChristopher Carbone: minus fifteen,\nChristopher Carbone: and for that particular value. Once we put that into our calculator,\nChristopher Carbone: the value that we would get for that\nChristopher Carbone: is going to be\nChristopher Carbone: a value of negative eighty-five\nChristopher Carbone: point, two\nChristopher Carbone: based on that particular point. And then we have those last two ones to do as well, and I need more room.\nChristopher Carbone: The last two\nChristopher Carbone: would be, This is twenty, five,\nChristopher Carbone: gamma, seventy, eight.\nChristopher Carbone: This would be seventy, eight, minus seven hundred and sixty five\nChristopher Carbone: divided by\nChristopher Carbone: this would be\nChristopher Carbone: twenty-five minus fifteen.\nChristopher Carbone: That makes negative sixty-eight point seven,\nChristopher Carbone: and then the last one would be thirty kamazoo\nChristopher Carbone: and zero minus seven hundred and sixty, five\nChristopher Carbone: divided by thirty, minus fifteen,\nChristopher Carbone: and this makes negative fifty-one\nChristopher Carbone: point ": 3, "I've been calling caves my home\nI'm living in the myths\nThe spiders and the bones\nThe creepers with their hiss\nThe nights when undead roam\nEndermen that persist\nAnd clearly none of them will match against\nmy feats\nAnd I just know where I should go\nI'm taking all this risk\nI'm just hunting for that fighter\nEveryone calls him a glitch\nAn antihero\nRevenge is my bliss\nWhat fight have I got into?\nA clash of magic blitz\nI'll be living just like this\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nOh, I'll be living just like this\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo\nOh, I'll be living just like this\nI'll be living just like this\nI've been reading books of old\nThe legends and the myths\nThe testaments they told\nThe Entity's eclipse\nThe embers he control\nThe flames that burn his fists\nBut I'm not the kind of creature who can glitch\nAnd I just know where I should go\nI'm taking all this risk\nI'm just hunting for that fighter\nEveryone calls him a glitch\nAn antihero\nRevenge is my bliss\nWhat fight have I got into?\nA clash of magic blitz\nI'll be living just like this\nI'll be living just like this\nOh, I'll be living just like this\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nOh, I'll be living just like this\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo\nWhere d'you think I'll go?\nI've taken all this risk.\nI'm just hunting for that fighter\nEveryone calls him a glitch\nAn antihero\nRevenge is my bliss\nWhat fight have I got into?\nA clash of magic blitz\nI'll be living just like this\nI'll be living just like this\nOh, I'll be living just like this\nOh, I'll be living just like this\nOh, I'll be living just like this\n": 3, "This is a video on using the limit definition\u00a0\nto find the derivative. The question states: use\u00a0\u00a0\nthe limit process to find the derivative of f(x)\u00a0\nis equal to the square root of two x minus one.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo first, let's recall the definition of the\u00a0\nderivative which states that f prime of x is\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to the limit as delta x approaches\u00a0\nzero of f(x) plus delta x minus f(x)\u00a0\u00a0\nall over delta x. So I'm going to substitute for\u00a0\nf(x) plus delta x where I see an x. Right here\u00a0\u00a0\nin 2x will become a 2 times x plus delta x and\u00a0\nwhat I get is the limit as delta x approaches 0\u00a0\u00a0\nof the square root of 2 times, and here's our x\u00a0\nplus delta x, minus 1. And then I subtract f(x)\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is root 2x minus 1 divided by delta x. Okay\u00a0\nso now that I have a limit that involves roots,\u00a0\u00a0\nI simplify that by multiplying top\u00a0\nand bottom by the conjugate root.\u00a0\u00a0\nRemember, the conjugate root means that we\u00a0\nput a plus sign where we saw a minus sign.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo I'm going to multiply top and bottom by the\u00a0\nsquare root of 2 times x plus delta x minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand then plus the square root of 2x minus\u00a0\n1 and then we divide by the same thing.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe do that because we have an a minus b times\u00a0\na plus b and that becomes an a squared minus b\u00a0\u00a0\nsquared. So a squared and b squared what that'll\u00a0\ndo will cancel the square root and what I get up\u00a0\u00a0\non top is 2 times x plus delta x minus 1. That's\u00a0\nthe inside of the first root and then minus the\u00a0\u00a0\ninside of the second root 2x minus 1. And the\u00a0\ndenominator stays the same so now let's simplify.\nI can multiply the two through and\u00a0\nI can multiply the negative through\u00a0\u00a0\nand what I get on the top is 2x plus 2 delta x\u00a0\nminus 1 minus 2x plus 1. And the nice thing is\u00a0\u00a0\nmuch of this cancels. The 2x and minus 2x\u00a0\ncancel. The negative 1 and the plus 1 cancel.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd I'm left with just 2 delta x up in the\u00a0\nnumerator. So now I have a 2 delta x up on top,\u00a0\u00a0\na delta x down the bottom, I can cancel those, and\u00a0\nI'm left with the limit as delta x approaches 0 of\u00a0\u00a0\n2 over the square root of 2 times x plus delta x\u00a0\nminus 1 plus root 2 x minus 1. Once I've canceled\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's when it's time to plug in. So my delta\u00a0\nx is approaching 0 so I plug in 0 for delta x\nand I end up getting 2 over the square root\u00a0\nof 2 times x plus 0 and that's just 2x minus\u00a0\u00a0\n1 plus root 2x minus 1. Well, it's nice I got a\u00a0\nroot 2x minus 1 here and a root 2x minus 1 here\u00a0\u00a0\nand that's 2 times root 2x minus 1. So the 2's\u00a0\ncancel and my final answer is 1 over the square\u00a0\u00a0\nroot of 2x minus 1. That's the derivative\u00a0\nof f(x). And I'm done with the problem.\n": 4, "All my wolves begin to howl\nWake me up, the time is now\nOh-oh, can you hear the drumming?\nOh-oh, there's a revolution coming\nWide awake, the fever burns\nSweat it out, lay my turn\nCan you hear the drumming?\nThere's a revolution coming\nAll this doubt is creeping in\nInside out, shed my skin\nCan you hear the drumming?\nThere's a revolution coming\nI been waiting all my life\nTo live when I've only been dreaming\nGive love when I've only been stealing\nCan't let time keep passing me by\nRun down what I've always been chasing\nBlock out everything I've been facing, facing\nAll my wolves begin to howl\nWake me up, the time is now\nOh-oh, can you hear the drumming?\nOh-oh, there's a revolution coming\nWild things that turn me on\nDrag my dark into the dawn\nOh-oh, can you hear the drumming?\nOh-oh, there's a revolution coming\nBody aches, I'm bound in chains\nWell there's a fire in my veins and\ncan you hear the drumming?\nthere's a revolution coming\nLike every king who lost a crown\nAnd all those years are history now\ncan you hear the drumming?\nthere's a revolution coming\nI been waitin all my life\nRun down what I've always been chasing\nBlack out every fear I've been facing\nAll my wolves begin to howl\nWake me up, the time is now\nOh-oh, can you hear the drumming?\nOh-oh, there's a revolution coming\nWild things that turn me on\nDrag my dark into the dawn\nOh-oh, can you hear the drumming?\nOh-oh, there's a revolution coming\nthere's a revolution coming\nthere's a revolution coming\nOh-oh, can you hear the drumming?\nOh-oh, there's a revolution coming\nI'm rising up, up from the ground\nFrom the bottom, can't hold me down\nHold me down\nI'm rising up, up from the ground\nFrom the bottom, can't hold me down\nHold me down\nAll my wolves begin to howl\n": 3, "White walkers.\nI saw the white walkers.\nWhite walkers.\nThe white walkers, I saw them.\nI know I broke my oath.\nAnd I know I'm a deserter.\nI should have gone back to the Wall\nand warned them, but...\nI saw what I saw.\nI saw the white walkers.\nPeople need to know.\nIf you can get word to my family...\ntell them I'm no coward.\nTell them I'm sorry.\nForgive me, Lord.\nIn the name of Robert\nof the House Baratheon,\n- the first of his name...\n- Don't look away.\n- ..King of the Andals and the First Men...\n- Father will know if you do.\n..Lord of the Seven Kingdoms\nand protector of the realm,\nI, Eddard of the House Stark,\nLord of Winterfell\nand Warden of the North, sentence you to die.\nYou did well.\nYou understand why I did it?\nJon said he was a deserter.\nBut do you understand\nwhy I had to kill him?\n\"Our way is the old way\"?\nThe man who passes the sentence\nshould swing the sword.\nIs it true he saw the white walkers?\nThe white walkers have been gone\nfor thousands of years.\nSo he was lying?\nA madman sees what he sees.\n": 3, "You've got your mother in a whirl\nShe's not sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey babe, your hair's alright\nHey babe, let's go out tonight\nYou like me, and I like it all\nWe like dancing and we look divine\nYou love bands when they're playing hard\nYou want more and you want it fast\nThey put you down, they say I'm wrong\nYou tacky thing, you put them on\nRebel Rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel Rebel, your face is a mess\nRebel Rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nDon't ya?\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nYou've got your mother in a whirl 'cause she's\nNot sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey babe, your hair's alright\nHey babe, let's stay out tonight\nYou like me, and I like it all\nWe like dancing and we look divine\nYou love bands when they're playing hard\nYou want more and you want it fast\nThey put you down, they say I'm wrong\nYou tacky thing, you put them on\nRebel Rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel Rebel, your face is a mess\nRebel Rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nDon't ya?\nOh?\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nRebel Rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel Rebel, your face is a mess\nRebel Rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nYou've torn your dress, your face is a mess\nYou can't get enough, but enough ain't the test\nYou've got your transmission and your live wire\nYou got your cue line and a handful of ludes\nYou wanna be there when they count up the dudes\nAnd I love your dress\nYou're a juvenile success\nBecause your face is a mess\nSo how could they know?\nI said, how could they know?\nSo what you wanna know\nCalamity's child, chi-chile, chi-chile\nWhere'd you wanna go?\nWhat can I do for you? Looks like you've been there too\n'Cause you've torn your dress\nAnd your face is a mess\nOh, your face is a mess\nOh, oh, so how could they know?\nEh, eh, how could they know?\n": 1, " la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nWe all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on\nRight when you need it the most\nWe all need that someone who gets you like no one else\nThey never really cared if I wasn't\nYeah, I was there but I wasn't\nI was on the outside always looking in\n'Cause we were always in trouble\nPraying we're the ones that the teacher wouldn't call\nWe were young, posters on the wall\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nWe all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on\nRight when you need it the most\nWe all need that someone who gets you like no one else\nAnd I'm never letting you go, oh\nLike you understood me\nLooking back at me from the other side\nThen I saw your face, your forgiving eyes\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\nI'm not gonna make it alone\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nAnd I'll be the one you rely on, a shoulder to cry on\nRight when I need it the most\n'Cause you are that someone that gets me like no one else\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la\n la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it alone\n": 1, "Good morning, welcome to Wednesday. In the\u00a0\ndays leading up to Martin Luther King Jr's\u00a0\u00a0\nbirthday I always spend time exploring speeches,\u00a0\nsermons and other inspiration from Dr King for\u00a0\u00a0\nthe upcoming Sunday and it's always such a an\u00a0\nenriching experience and this year came across\u00a0\u00a0\nsomething I vaguely remember but had really never\u00a0\ndug into any deeper and it's a a speech he gave\u00a0\u00a0\nto a junior high school in Philadelphia on my\u00a0\nbirthday in 1967 it's called \"What is Your Life's\u00a0\u00a0\nBlueprint?\" and I just want to read a bit of the\u00a0\nend um if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper\u00a0\u00a0\nsweep streets like Michelangelo painted\u00a0\npictures sweep streets like Beethoven\u00a0\u00a0\ncomposed music sweep streets like Leontyne\u00a0\nprice sings before the Metropolitan Opera\u00a0\u00a0\nsweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry sweep\u00a0\nstreets so well that all the hosts of heaven and\u00a0\u00a0\nearth will have to pause and say here lived\u00a0\na great street sweeper who swept his job well\u00a0\u00a0\nif you can't be a pine at the top of the hill be\u00a0\na shrub in the valley be the best little shrub\u00a0\u00a0\non the side of the hill be a bush if you can't be\u00a0\na tree if you can't be a highway just be a trail\u00a0\u00a0\nif you can't be a son be a star for\u00a0\nit isn't by size that you win or fail\u00a0\u00a0\nbe the best of whatever you are that's just\u00a0\na beautiful inspirational what do you what do\u00a0\u00a0\nyou do what do you what do you spend your life\u00a0\naspiring to you know be the Michelangelo of that\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat an inspiring word and uh I'm going to share\u00a0\nthis with children on Sunday but I'm also going to\u00a0\u00a0\nshare this about Carlos on Saturday we're having\u00a0\na memorial service for a long time beloved member\u00a0\u00a0\nwho was also our Sexton for nearly 30 years 20 30\u00a0\nyears he was the best friend a friend could have\u00a0\u00a0\nhe was the best church custodian a church could\u00a0\nhave he was the best greeter and hugger at the\u00a0\u00a0\ndoor that you could have he was the best at what\u00a0\nhe did and he did not aspire to fame and riches\u00a0\u00a0\nin his life he aspired to be the Michelangelo\u00a0\nof loving us and so have a grateful day, bye.\n": 4, "foreign [Applause] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nright now [Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nhere\n[Music]\ngirls only about nothing [Music]\n[Music]\nyeah yeah yeah thank you so much Atlanta we\nappreciate you thank you [Music]\nlet's make some noise for my band you guys\ncome on\n[Music]\nAtlanta yeah [Music]\nlook out what's up [Music]\nthank you [Music]\nthank you [Applause] [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] that's a liability practices\n[Music]\nhello everybody [Music]\nforeign [Music]\nto blow your back and take a dumb ass [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nto hold the sack to take a [\u00a0__\u00a0] like me\nI'm a maniac I'm a maniac I'm a maniac call\nme Brainiac [\u00a0__\u00a0] Can't react I'm a range\n[Music] six for the pros seven for the numbers\n[Music] behind big walls [\u00a0__\u00a0] these devils\nand these laws never question the size of\nice cubes balls get the biggest\ngroup [Music]\nthat's how we got shot on that mysterious\n[Music] chain react watch my Cranium crack\nwatch these [\u00a0__\u00a0] George Bush is like Damien\nis back can't trust no Republican or Democrat\nDemocrat you all wonder if they care about\nmy black ass the [\u00a0__\u00a0] still got a stack\ncast [Music] running gets a bigger crew\n[Music] I see the clouds getting lower or\nmaybe I'm getting higher you see these notes\nthat I carry like Mariah I'm playing but they\ntold me that I'm on fire so imma run with\nit from here to the slums where did I admit\nit I kill it but they acting like guns [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nso I take off with these bad dreams and these\nnightmares my girl bought me a fresh pair\nof night ass I didn't care what they were\ncharging for flight fare so I bought a first\nclass ticket for the nice chairs the flight\nattendance only sit right here excuse my ways\npretty lady but I might stand straight out\nthe window at the city below I was trying\nto figure out like which city to go my homies\nsay I'm cold like it was fitting below when\nI'm busting at the seams like I was ready\nto blow in my self-centered cause I listened\nto my old tracks I try to put it in the first\nbut I hold back never play cards but deal\nwith a whole stack I don't feening for the\nZiploc flows like I saw crack and we yeah\nlike we fresh added a real we the people in\ncharge and the haters couldn't see us you\nmarried to the game then it came with a friend\nup and if you try kicking we fresh out of\nAdidas roll your tree out what it feel like\nI'm just trying to make sure that you feel\nright I love red wine and some good food good\nno [\u00a0__\u00a0] came with a good view uh white\ngirl on the granite yeah I think that they\ncall it Janet I was never involved and I took\nthe [\u00a0__\u00a0] for granted cause they say I'm\nout of this world I'm on another planet cause\nI'm coasting fly wherever the wind blows I'm\nin motion we fog all over the windows and\nI'm ghosts yeah I'm ghost I'm ghost right\nnow shout out to my haters let's toast right\nnow we on another level so close right now\nbut me and my team yelling we yeah we up we\nup we up we we yeah and we are we up we are\nand we are we up we up and we are we are we\nup like me and my team yelling we up we are\nyeah we are we up we up we up we up and me\nand my team yelling we up we up we up we\nthank you [Applause]\nas I walk through the valley of the Shadow\nwith death I take a look at my life but feel\nyour last there's nothing like this I've been\nblasting and laughing so long that even my\nmama thinks that my mind is gone but I ain't\nnever crossed the man that did deserve it\nme be treated like a punk you know this unheard\nof you better watch how you talk it but when\nyou walk it or you or your homies vibing lines\nsure I feel\n[Music] living in the gangsters\n[Music]\nlook at the situation they got me facing I\ncan live a normal life I was raised by the\nstreets so I gotta be damned with a hood team\ntoo much television watch it got me chasing\ndreams I'm an educated fool with money on\nmy mind got my tin in my hand in the glimp\nin my eye I'm alone there are kids to sit\ndripping Bingo and my homies is dead so don't\nknow [Music]\nwhat can I say I'm 23 now what I live to see\n24th away this is [Music] all right we keep\nspinning [Music]\nmoney and the power minute after many hour\nafter hour everybody'": 1, "Hi, I\u2019m Martin Lindsay from the Study\u00a0\nand Learning Centre at RMIT University.\nThis is a short movie on logarithms.\nA logarithm is an index but\u00a0\nlet\u2019s look at an index first.\nHere\u2019s the number eight, eight is the\u00a0\nsame as two to the power of three.\nThree things here, eight is\u00a0\nthe number, two is the base\u00a0\u00a0\nand three is the index, two to the power of\u00a0\nthree is two times two times two which is eight.\nSo here it is again, eight\u00a0\nequals two to the power of three.\nNow this can be written as log of\u00a0\neight to the base two equals three.\nNotice the three in red, the index\u00a0\nthree and the logarithm three.\nAlso note the base two, both two to the\u00a0\nthree and log of eight to the base two.\nIn other words we can write the equivalence here,\u00a0\u00a0\nA to the power of X is equal to N is\u00a0\nthe same as log of N to the base A is X.\nNotice the index in red and the logarithm in red.\nNow look at some examples, five\u00a0\nto the power of three is 125\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is the same as log of\u00a0\n125 to the base five is three.\nNotice in each case as I go through these that\u00a0\nthe index and the logarithm are shown in red.\nHere\u2019s another one, three to the\u00a0\nnegative two is equal to one over nine,\u00a0\u00a0\nlog of one over nine to the base three is\u00a0\nnegative two and finally 25 to the power\u00a0\u00a0\nof one half is five is the same as log of\u00a0\nfive to the base 25 is equal to the half.\nStudy these carefully before\u00a0\nmoving on to the next slide.\nNow let\u2019s work out log of 64 to the base four.\nWe\u2019ll write the equivalent\u00a0\nstatement first and beneath that\u00a0\u00a0\nlog of 64 to the base four which equals X\u00a0\nis the same as four to the power of X is 64.\nIn other words what we\u2019re\u00a0\ntrying to do here is working out\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat the X value is, the power of four.\nSo four cubed gives us 64, four\u00a0\ntimes four times four, in other words\u00a0\u00a0\nX is equal to three, therefore log of\u00a0\n64 to the base four is equal to three.\nHere\u2019s another problem but this time we\u2019re\u00a0\nsolving log of X to the base two equals five.\nIn the previous slide we were\u00a0\nworking out what the logarithm was,\u00a0\u00a0\nhere we\u2019re working out what the\u00a0\nnumber is, which is X in this case.\nFirst of all let\u2019s write the equivalent statement\u00a0\nand then plugging our log over X to the base\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo equals five into that equivalent statement\u00a0\ngives us two to the power of five is equal to X.\nIn other words we\u2019re working out what two to\u00a0\nthe power of five is, which is two times two\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes two times two times two, which\u00a0\nis 32, in other words X is equal to 32.\nNow here are two important logarithm rules.\nThe first rule is A to the\u00a0\npower of zero is equal to one,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich the same as log of one\u00a0\nto the base A is equal to zero.\nIn other words for any base\u00a0\nthe log of one is zero.\nSecond rule is A to the power of one is\u00a0\nequal to A or the log of A to the same base A\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to one, in other words the log of any\u00a0\nnumber with itself as base is equal to one.\nThere are three laws of\u00a0\nlogarithms that you must know.\nHere\u2019s the first one.\nThe log of two numbers multiplied together, M\u00a0\nN is equal to the log of M plus the log of N.\nFor instance here\u2019s the log of\u00a0\n15 and 15 is five times three,\u00a0\u00a0\nso the log of five times three is equal\u00a0\nto the log of five plus the log of three.\nHere\u2019s the second law.\nThe log of a quotient, in other words M divided\u00a0\nby N is equal to log of M minus log of N.\nSo for instance if we have the log of 12\u00a0\nover five that is the same as log of 12\u00a0\u00a0\nsubtract the log of five and finally\u00a0\nthe log of a number to a power,\u00a0\u00a0\nin this case log of M to the power\u00a0\nof P is the same as P log of M.\nNotice how the index here is\u00a0\nnow placed in front of the log.\nSo for instance the log of nine to the\u00a0\npower of two is the same as two log of nine\u00a0\u00a0\nbut notice nine is the same as three\u00a0\nsquared so we can go one step further\u00a0\u00a0\nand write two log three squared, again using\u00a0\nthe law three squared we can place the two\u00a0\u00a0\nin front so it now becomes two times two\u00a0\nlog of three which is four log of three.\nNow try some questions for yourselves.\nThe answers to these problems\u00a0\nare on the next slide.\nThanks for watching this short movie.\n": 1, "The evil, it spread like a fever ahead\nIt was night when you died, my firefly\nWhat could I have said to raise you from the dead?\nOh, could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?\n\"Well, you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe\u2019re all gonna die\"\nSitting at the bed with the halo at your head\nWas it all a disguise, like junior high?\nWhere everything was fiction, future, and prediction\nNow, where am I? My fading supply\n\"Did you get enough love, my little dove?\nWhy do you cry?\nAnd I\u2019m sorry I left, but it was for the best\nThough it never felt right\nMy little Versailles\"\nThe hospital asked, \"Should the body be cast?\"\nBefore I say goodbye, my star in the sky\nSuch a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth\nDo you find it all right, my dragonfly?\n\"Shall we look at the moon, my little loon?\nWhy do you cry?\nMake the most of your life, while it is rife\nWhile it is light\nWell, you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe\u2019re all gonna die\"\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\n": 2, "No reason why\n I can't understand it\nOpen your mind\nWe can understand it\nPlease let me know\nMoshi kotae ga aru nara\nLet me know\nOshiete hoshii\nToki o koete\nBokura wa yuku\nMabayui hikari no naka de\nBokura no koe (one for all)\nBokura no yume (all for one)\nBokura no ano basho e \nWe are the one\nTogether we're the only one\nYou are the one\nForever you're the only one\nWe are the one\nTogether we're the only one\nYou are the one\nForever you're the only one\nI feel it now\nThe time has come for us\nBelieve it now\nIt's time to get ready\nTell me why\nMoshi owari ga aru nara\nTell me why\nOshiete hoshii\nWe stand in a circle pit\nSide by side (hand in hand)\nWe stand in a circle pit\nRaise your hands\nBokura no koe (one for all)\nBokura no yume (all for one)\nBokura no ano basho\nKanata e\nWe are the one\nTogether we're the only one\nYou are the one\nForever you're the only one\nWe are the one\nWhenever we are on your side\nYou are the one\nRemember always on your side\nWe are the one\nTogether we're the only one\nYou are the one\nForever, ahhhhh\n": 1, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Floor Jansen with the song \"Fire\".\nShe is a fantastic and extraordinary singer, we have many videos of her on our channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze her performing this song that I've never heard before.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze her performing this song that I've never heard before.\nFor those who don't know I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\nproducer and composer. And in this video,\nI will make technical observations on vocal behavior,\nhow the instruments work,\nhow she is interpreting this song. And whenever she thinks it necessary,\nI will make my observations. And if you are not subscribed,\nI invite you to subscribe to our channel, activate the notification,\nclick like and share this video.\nAnd let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Floor Jansen.\nJust with the beginnings of this instrument I already consider it very dramatic.\nWith the use of this piano.\nThe piano is an amazing instrument and offers a very different sound.\nThe piano is an amazing instrument and offers a very different sound.\nEspecially with Floor Jansen who is a type of singer who\nIt has a lot of classical and heavy metal influences.\nAnd in the style that she sings heavy metal, this piano sound is used a lot.\nAnd in the style that she sings heavy metal, this piano sound is used a lot.\nWhich is a very classical instrument.\nShe is an amazing singer and the music is fantastic.\nOnly at the beginning we can already see how she has a dynamism in her voice, very flexible.\nOnly at the beginning we can already see how she has a dynamism in her voice, very flexible.\nAnd how she manages to insert nuances, moving her voice very quickly.\nAnd how she manages to insert nuances, moving her voice very quickly.\nNotice that she is projecting and doesn't put much effort into her voice.\nNotice that she is projecting and doesn't put much effort into her voice.\nBut since she is a singer in a high region of the female voice,\neven though she is too subtle to convey a sound of her voice,\neven though she is too subtle to convey a sound of her voice,\ntransmits with great force and great clarity.\nPrecisely because of her region, because of her being a soprano.\nSee how she inserts subtlety and how she manages to work tensing the vocal cords,\nSee how she inserts subtlety and how she manages to work tensing the vocal cords,\nand while it tenses at other times it relaxes these vocal cords.\nPrecisely because of the way you are articulating your voice.\nAnd all this is work that is carried out,\nin the transitions that she makes very fast with her voice.\nThis is fantastic and the sound is amazing.\nThe instrumental of this song is also fantastic.\nAnd the way she works the dynamics of her voice,\nIt is a work in conjunction with the instrumental.\nOf course, a singer needs to be in harmony with the instrumental.\nSo that the music is contextualized and\nhave some sense in what is achieved\nand produced in the arrangement, in the composition, in the way of interpreting the song as well.\nand produced in the arrangement, in the composition, in the way of interpreting the song as well.\nAnd Floor Jansen is an amazing and fantastic singer.\nAnd the music is amazing.\nAnd that's because we didn't get to 1 minute of music and I already consider this music to be extraordinary.\nAnd that's because we didn't get to 1 minute of music and I already consider this music to be extraordinary.\nShe has a very consistent voice and excellent note support.\nEven she makes a different use of her voice.\nAt times she puts more force into her voice, but also when she relaxes her vocal chords.\nAt times she puts more force into her voice, but also when she relaxes her vocal chords.\nRealize that there is a different sound, but she works those nuances of the voice that is magnificent.\nRealize that there is a different sound, but she works those nuances of the voice that is magnificent.\nThis song is wonderful.\nIt's an amazing song. I'm really enjoying the dynamic a lot.\nwhat does ": 4, "- [Instructor] What we're going to go over\nin this video is one of the\ncore principles in calculus,\nand you're going to use it any\ntime you take the derivative,\nanything even reasonably complex.\nAnd it's called the chain rule.\nAnd when you're first exposed to it,\nit can seem a little daunting\nand a little bit convoluted.\nBut as you see more and more examples,\nit'll start to make sense,\nand hopefully it'd even start\nto seem a little bit simple\nand intuitive over time.\nSo let's say that I had a function.\nLet's say I have a function\nh of x, and it is equal to,\njust for example, let's say\nit's equal to sine of x,\nlet's say it's equal to sine of x squared.\nNow, I could've written that,\nI could've written it like this,\nsine squared of x, but it'll\nbe a little bit clearer\nusing that type of notation.\nSo let me make it so I have h of x.\nAnd what I'm curious about\nis what is h prime of x?\nSo I want to know h prime of x,\nwhich another way of writing it is\nthe derivative of h with respect to x.\nThese are just different notations.\nAnd to do this, I'm going\nto use the chain rule.\nI'm going to use the chain rule,\nand the chain rule comes\ninto play every time,\nany time your function can\nbe used as a composition\nof more than one function.\nAnd as that might not\nseem obvious right now,\nbut it will hopefully,\nmaybe by the end of this\nvideo or the next one.\nNow, what I want to do\nis a little bit of a thought experiment,\na little bit of a thought experiment.\nIf I were to ask you\nwhat is the derivative with respect to x,\nif I were to just apply\nthe derivative operator\nto x squared with respect\nto x, what do I get?\nWell, this gives me two x.\nWe've seen that many,\nmany, many, many times.\nNow, what if I were to take the\nderivative with respect to a\nof a squared?\nWell, it's the exact same thing.\nI just swapped an a for the x's.\nThis is still going to be equal to two a.\nNow I will do something\nthat might be a little bit more bizarre.\nWhat if I were to take the\nderivative with respect to\nsine of x,\nwith respect to sine of x of,\nof sine of x,\nsine of x squared?\nWell, wherever I had the x's\nup here, the a's over here,\nI just replace it with a sine of x.\nSo this is just going to be\ntwo times the thing that I had,\nso whatever I'm taking the\nderivative with respect to.\nHere it was with respect to x.\nHere with respect to a.\nHere's with respect to sine of x.\nSo it's going to be two times\nsine of x.\nNow, so the chain rule tells us\nthat this derivative is\ngoing to be the derivative\nof our whole function with respect,\nor the derivative of this\nouter function, x squared,\nthe derivative of x squared,\nthe derivative of this outer function\nwith respect to sine of x.\nSo that's going to be two sine of x,\ntwo\nsine of x.\nSo we could view it as the\nderivative of the outer function\nwith respect to the inner, two sine of x.\nWe could just treat sine of\nx like it's kind of an x.\nAnd it would've been just two x,\nbut instead it's a sine of x.\nWe say two sine of x times,\ntimes the derivative, do this is green,\ntimes the derivative of\nsine of x with respect to x.\nTimes the derivative of\nsine of x with respect to x,\nwell, that's more straightforward,\na little bit more intuitive.\nThe derivative of sine of x\nwith respect to x, we've\nseen multiple times,\nis cosine of x,\nso times cosine of x.\nAnd so there we've applied the chain rule.\nIt was the derivative\nof the outer function\nwith respect to the inner.\nSo derivative of sine of x squared\nwith respect to sine\nof x is two sine of x,\nand then we multiply that times\nthe derivative of sine of x\nwith respect to x.\nSo let me make it clear.\nThis right over here is the derivative.\nWe're taking the derivative of,\nwe're taking the derivative\nof sine of x squared.\nSo let me make it clear.\nThat's what we were\ntaking the derivative of\nwith respect to sine of x,\nwith respect to sine of x.\nAnd then we're multiplying that times\nthe derivative of sine of x,\nthe derivative of sine\nof x\nwith respect to,\nwith respect to x.\nAnd this is where it might start making\na little bit of intuition.\nYou can't really treat\nthese differentials,\nthis d whatever, ": 4, "The Four-leaf Clover\nPAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nBegin with the desired side up.\nSymmetrically mountain fold top right corner behind as shown.\nThe Four-leaf Clover\nPAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nBegin with the desired side up.\nSymmetrically mountain fold top right corner behind as shown.\nThe Four-leaf Clover\nPAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nBegin with the desired side up.\nSymmetrically mountain fold top right corner behind as shown.\nWork front and back of bill to fold as close as possible to the word and numeral of the denomination.\nMountain fold remaining corners to match initial fold.\nWork front and back of bill to fold as close as possible to the word and numeral of the denomination.\nMountain fold remaining corners to match initial fold.\nWork front and back of bill to fold as close as possible to the word and numeral of the denomination.\nMountain fold remaining corners to match initial fold.\nMountain fold edges behind on border lines.\nMountain fold edges behind on border lines.\nMountain fold edges behind on border lines. \nFold in half; unfold. Turn model over.\nFold in half; unfold. Turn model over.\nFold in half; unfold. Turn model over.\nRotate model as shown. Fold in half.\nSquash fold flap. Repeat and behind.\nRotate model as shown. Fold in half.\nSquash fold flap. Repeat and behind.\nRotate model as shown. Fold in half. \nSquash fold flap. Repeat and behind.\nFold edges to edge. Turn model over.\nFold edges to edge. Turn model over.\nFold edges to edge. Turn model over.\nFold sides in keeping center edges aligned. Match folds. Unfold flaps from behind.\nFold sides in keeping center edges aligned. Match folds. Unfold flaps from behind.\nFold sides in keeping center edges aligned. Match folds. Unfold flaps from behind.\nMountain fold sides behind, matching front folds.\nMountain fold sides together. Fold each flap down against edge. Align all edges.\nMountain fold sides behind, matching front folds.\nMountain fold sides together. Fold each flap down against edge. Align all edges.\nMountain fold sides behind, matching front folds.\nMountain fold sides together. Fold each flap down against edge. Align all edges.\nOpen sides to inside reverse fold each flap in and through on creases shown.\nOpen sides to inside reverse fold each flap in and through on creases shown.\nOpen sides to inside reverse fold each flap in and through on creases shown.\nInside reverse fold each flap.\nInside reverse fold each flap.\nInside reverse fold each flap.\nFold outer flaps down between midpoint of edge and indicated V point. Unfold flaps and sides.\nFold outer flaps down between midpoint of edge and indicated V point. Unfold flaps and sides.\nFold outer flaps down between midpoint of edge and indicated V point. Unfold flaps and sides.\nSymmetrically fold corner down. Hold in place. Lift flap to release fold beneath. Refold flap back down, locking corner in place.\nSymmetrically fold corner down. Hold in place. Lift flap to release fold beneath. Refold flap back down, locking corner in place.\nSymmetrically fold corner down. Hold in place. Lift flap to release fold beneath. Refold flap back down, locking corner in place.\nTurn model over and repeat. Match folds.\nTurn model over and repeat. Match folds.\nTurn model over and repeat. Match folds.\nInside reverse fold corner on each flap: Establish creases by folding edge to crease. Unfold. Open layers to fold corner in on creases.\nInside reverse fold corner on each flap: Establish creases by folding edge to crease. Unfold. Open layers to fold corner in on creases.\nInside reverse fold corner on each flap: Establish creases by folding edge to crease. Unfold. Open layers to fold corner in on creases.\nLightly pinch left flap near top. Firmly pinch right side near center. Slowly pull right side away from left, extending center section enough to later fold left edge to center.\nLightly pinch left flap near top. Firmly pinch right side near center. Slowly pull right side away from left, extending center section enough to later fold left edge to center.\nLightly pinch left flap near top": 1, "This is a video on the directional derivative. The\u00a0\nquestion states: find the directional derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof the function f(x,y) is equal to y/x at the\u00a0\npoint (4,1) in the direction of the vector .\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we need our main key formula for directional\u00a0\nderivatives. And that states that the directional\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative in the direction of a unit vector\u00a0\nof a function f(x,y) where du of f(x,y)\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to the gradient of that function\u00a0\nf(x,y) dotted with that unit vector u.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo let's start by finding the unit vector.\u00a0\nWe're given the vector v, let's call it,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is , and that's not a unit vector. So\u00a0\nwe need to find the unit vector in the direction\u00a0\u00a0\nof the vector . To do that, we start by\u00a0\nfinding the magnitude of this vector. And the\u00a0\u00a0\nmagnitude of a vector is equal to the square root\u00a0\nof the sum of the squares of the components. So\u00a0\u00a0\nwe take the square root of -1 squared plus\u00a0\n4 squared and that's the square root of 17.\u00a0\u00a0\nOnce we found the magnitude of the vector, to\u00a0\nfind the unit vector in its direction, we just\u00a0\u00a0\ndivide by that magnitude for each component. So\u00a0\nwhat we get is that u is equal to <-1 divided by\u00a0\u00a0\nthe square root of 17, 4 divided by the square\u00a0\nroot of 17>. There's our unit vector u. Okay, the\u00a0\u00a0\nnext step is to find the gradient of f at (x, y).\u00a0\nAnd to do that, those are the partial derivatives\u00a0\u00a0\nof the function f at (x, y) as a vector. So\u00a0\nlet's find the derivative of f with respect to x.\u00a0\u00a0\nWell, that's the constant over x, which is\u00a0\nthe same as a constant times x to the -1.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd the derivative of a constant times x to the\u00a0\n-1 is negative that constant times x to the -2\u00a0\u00a0\nor negative y/ x squared. Now let's find f sub\u00a0\ny, and that's the derivative with respect to y\u00a0\u00a0\nof f. nd f is y over a constant because x\u00a0\nis now thought of as a constant. And the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of y over a constant with respect\u00a0\nto y is just 1 over that constant or 1 over x.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo there's my gradient. We want to be at the point\u00a0\n(4,1), so let's plug in x equals 4 and y equals 1.\u00a0\nSo I do that and if we have y = 1, x =\u00a0\n4, that's -1 over 4 squared or -1/16.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd then for the second coordinate we take 1/x. x\u00a0\nwas 4, that's 1/4. So we can say that the gradient\u00a0\u00a0\nof the function f at the point (4,1)\u00a0\nis equal to the vector .\u00a0\nNow let's just put everything together. We're\u00a0\ngoing to dot our gradient with our unit vector\u00a0\u00a0\nand we do that. So that's du of f(4,1).\u00a0\nThat's what we want, is the dot product\u00a0\u00a0\nof \u00a0\ndotted with and just dot that.\u00a0\nAnd when I dot that I got the square root\u00a0\nof 17 over 6. And I'm done with the problem.\n": 1, "You're just a little girl with grey eyes\nNever mind, say something\nWait until the crowd cries\nOh, wait until the crowd cries\nYou're just a little girl with grey eyes\nSo deep in your room,\nyou never leave your room\nSomething deep inside of me\n- yearning deep inside of me\nTalking through the gloom\nWhat in the world can you do\n(x2)\nI'm in the mood for your love\nFor your love\n(x3)\nI'm just a little bit afraid of you\n'Cos love won't make you cry\nBut, wait until the crowd goes\nOh, wait until the crowd goes\nI'm just a little bit afraid of you\nSo deep in your room,\nyou never leave your room\nSomething deep inside of me\n- yearning deep inside of me\nIs talking through the gloom\nWhat in the world can I do\n(x2)\nI'm in the mood for your love\nFor your love\n(x3)\nOhh, what you gonna say?\nOhh, what you gonna do?\nAhh, what you gonna be?\nTo the real me\n- to the real me\nI'm just a cool\nUnder the cool, and I'm fighting a wall\nWhat you gonna say to the real me,\nto the real me?\nAhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh\n": 3, "(Humming)\n(Humming)\n{Billy Ray Cyrus} Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more (Kio, Kio)\n{Lil Nas X} I got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley, You ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n{Billy Ray Cyrus} Hat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\n{Both} Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n(Whistling)\n": 1, "extend\nextend\nwe plan to extend the kitchen by six feet\nwe plan to extend the kitchen by six feet\nexhale\nexhale\nhold your breath for five\u00a0\nseconds then exhale slowly\nhold your breath for five\u00a0\nseconds then exhale slowly\nexpand\nexpand\nthe company is trying to expand its customer base\nthe company is trying to expand its customer base\nexpect\nexpect\nI always expect total honesty from my employees\nI always expect total honesty from my employees\nexactly\nexactly\nit's exactly the way I thought it would be\nit's exactly the way I thought it would be\nexercise\nexercise\nthe doctor advised David\u00a0\nto avoid strenuous exercise\nthe doctor advised David\u00a0\nto avoid strenuous exercise\nexperience\nexperience\nthe experience has completely ruined her life\nthe experience has completely ruined her life\nexplain\nexplain\nit was difficult to explain\u00a0\nthe problem to beginners\nit was difficult to explain\u00a0\nthe problem to beginners\nexplore\nexplore\nwe decided to explore the surrounding countryside\nwe decided to explore the surrounding countryside\nexterior\nexterior\nthe exterior of the building is very unattractive\nthe exterior of the building is very unattractive\ntransfer\ntransfer\nhow can I transfer money\u00a0\nfrom my bank account to his\nhow can I transfer money\u00a0\nfrom my bank account to his\ntranslate\ntranslate\nI don't speak Italian can you translate for me\nI don't speak Italian can you translate for me\ntransport\ntransport\nthe snow had disrupted the city's transport system\nthe snow had disrupted the city's transport system\ntransform\ntransform\nit was an event that would transform my life\nit was an event that would transform my life\ntransition\ntransition\nthe transition from school\u00a0\nto work can be difficult\nthe transition from school\u00a0\nto work can be difficult\ntransplant\ntransplant\nhe was recovering from a\u00a0\nheart transplant operation\nhe was recovering from a\u00a0\nheart transplant operation\ntransaction\ntransaction\nall the details of the transaction are on file\nall the details of the transaction are on file\ntransit\ntransit\nmany of the goods were damaged in transit\nmany of the goods were damaged in transit\ntransparent\ntransparent\nthe water is so transparent that\u00a0\nwe can see the fish swimming\nthe water is so transparent that\u00a0\nwe can see the fish swimming\ntransformation\ntransformation\nthere was a noticeable\u00a0\ntransformation in his appearance\nthere was a noticeable\u00a0\ntransformation in his appearance\ndishonest\ndishonest\nhe deserves all he gets for being so dishonest\nhe deserves all he gets for being so dishonest\ndisappear\ndisappear\nthey watched the boss disappear into the distance\nthey watched the boss disappear into the distance\ndisobey\ndisobey\nthose who disobey will be severely punished\nthose who disobey will be severely punished\ndistrust\ndistrust\nI don't have any particular\u00a0\nreason to distrust them\nI don't have any particular\u00a0\nreason to distrust them\ndisrespect\ndisrespect\nI don't think he intended her any disrespect\nI don't think he intended her any disrespect\ndisagree\ndisagree\nI'm not in the mood to disagree with you\nI'm not in the mood to disagree with you\ndisgrace\ndisgrace\nher behaviour has brought disgrace to her family\nher behaviour has brought disgrace to her family\ndiscomfort\ndiscomfort\nthe wound isn't serious but\u00a0\nmay cause some discomfort\nthe wound isn't serious but\u00a0\nmay cause some discomfort\ndisbelief\ndisbelief\nthere is no reason to disbelieve him\nthere is no reason to disbelieve him\ndiscuss\ndiscuss\nI don't have anything special to discuss\nI don't have anything special to discuss\nunlikely\nunlikely\nI think it's highly unlikely that I'll get the job\nI think it's highly unlikely that I'll get the job\nunpopular\nunpopular\nhis attitude made him very\u00a0\nunpopular with colleagues\nhis attitude made him very\u00a0\nunpopular with colleagues\nuntrue\nuntrue\nit's untrue to say that the\u00a0\nsituation has not changed\nit's untrue to say that the\u00a0\nsituation has not changed\nuntidy\nuntidy\nI felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was\nI felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was\nuncertain\nuncertain\nthey are uncertain about what to do next\nthey are uncertain about what to do next\nunable\nuna": 4, "Use a White or Gray hat of you choice\nUse a White or Gray hat of you choice\nCut the length of yarn that you want the wig hair\nCut the length of yarn that you want the wig hair\nCut the length of yarn that you want the wig hair\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nCut white and gray yarn for a blend or cut only white yarn\nCut white and gray yarn for a blend or cut only white yarn\nCut white and gray yarn for a blend or cut only white yarn\n \n \n \nMake several batches of yarn\nMake several batches of yarn\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nThis is where i made the part for the top of the head\nThis is where i made the part for the top of the head\nThis is where i made the part for the top of the head\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAlternate one full row of white and one full row with both white and gray\nAlternate one full row of white and one full row with both white and gray\nAlternate one full row of white and one full row with both white and gray\n \n \n \nAdd yarn to the entire hat\nAdd yarn to the entire hat\n \n \n \n \nBrush the yarn out as you go or you can brush the yarn afterwards\nBrush the yarn out as you go or you can brush the yarn afterwards\nBrush the yarn out as you go or you can brush the yarn afterwards\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nyou can use a hair straightener to help smooth out the hair\nyou can use a hair straightener to help smooth out the hair\nyou can use a hair straightener to help smooth out the hair\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nhere is where i switched the yarn to a white hat\nhere is where i switched the yarn to a white hat\nhere is where i switched the yarn to a white hat\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 1, "hello dears today I want to show you how\u00a0\nwe can differentiate second of IX we have\u00a0\u00a0\nspecial role to differentiate quotients as you\u00a0\nsee differentiate of this quotient F over G it\u00a0\u00a0\nbecame F Prime Times G minus G Prime Times f\u00a0\ng squared that is g let's apply to Second by\u00a0\u00a0\nX we know that second y x we can write this as\u00a0\nT over DX is 1 over cosine IX Now 1 is f cosine\u00a0\u00a0\nax is G so F equal to 1 F Prime equal to 0 g\u00a0\nequal to cosine axis G Prime equal to minus a\u00a0\u00a0\nsine ax now we have to apply this rule to find\u00a0\nthe derivative of secant of X is equal to zero\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes g g is cosine ax minus 1 times minus a sine\u00a0\nax over cosine ax all square you can simplify this\u00a0\u00a0\nas a PSI 9 axis over cosine squared ax we can\u00a0\nalso simplify this to a sine ax is over cosine\u00a0\u00a0\naxis times 1 over cosine IX then D over DX of\u00a0\nsecond I X is equal to we know that this theorem\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to a if we write a it's going to stand\u00a0\nsine ax over cosine x equal to tan axis times\u00a0\u00a0\n1 over cosine axis this theorem equal to Second\u00a0\nax that's all I hope can be also have a nice time\n": 1, "hello my name is teacher fitz\u00a0\nwelcome to our e-classroom and um\nthat's great okay now our lesson for today is\u00a0\nabout triangles let's define first triangles\u00a0\u00a0\na triangle is a polygon with three\u00a0\nsides and three interior angles\u00a0\u00a0\nnow let's draw a triangle we have here a triangle\nso it has three sides and it has\u00a0\nalso three interior angles okay\ntriangle like this we have here a b or c\u00a0\nyou can also name this as triangle a b c\ntriangle b c a\nokay now let's move to the\u00a0\nnext topic our next slide\nwe have here classifications of triangles the\u00a0\nfirst one is according to sides number one is\u00a0\u00a0\nescaline ischaeline that is no sides are congruent\u00a0\nor equal in length now look at the picture\nwe have here an example of iscaline triangle\ntriangle\nthe line a b that is equal to 7\u00a0\nand the line b c that is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\n12. the line a and c that is equal to 15 which\u00a0\nmeans the line a b is not equal to line bc\nand line bc is not equal to line ca\nokay so mauna sang is kalin there is no\u00a0\nsides are congruent or equal in lands\u00a0\u00a0\nthe next one is the isosceles isosceles\u00a0\nthat is two sides are congruent\u00a0\u00a0\nor equal in length now look at\u00a0\nthe figure we have here an example\u00a0\u00a0\nso not a uh example of a source of the isosceles\u00a0\ntriangle the line a b which is equal to 5\u00a0\u00a0\nand the line bc which is equal to 5 but the\u00a0\nline ac is equal to 3 which means the line a b\nis equal to line bc\nand the line\nbc is not equal to line ac okay\u00a0\nand the line ac also is not equal\u00a0\u00a0\noh no the line a b is not equal to line ac so\u00a0\nthat is the isosceles there is there is only\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo sides that congruent or equal in lengths\u00a0\nthe third one is equilateral equilateral that is\u00a0\u00a0\nall sides are congruent or equal in length\u00a0\nnow look at the thick okay look at the figure\u00a0\u00a0\nmeron example okay so this is our\u00a0\nequilateral they are the same sides\nyoung line a b\nis equal to 5 at line bc\nis equal to 5 and the line a c is equal to 5. so\u00a0\nall sides are equal or all sides are congruent\u00a0\u00a0\nokay now we have here also classifications\u00a0\nof triangles according to angles\u00a0\u00a0\nsoganiya angatang discus is according to\u00a0\nsides so this time is according to angels\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber one is acute so look at the figure\u00a0\u00a0\nacute is all interior angles are acute\u00a0\nor less than 90 degree from 15 degree\nto 90 degree that is acute angle\u00a0\nokay now number two is right\u00a0\u00a0\nright means that is one\u00a0\ninterior angle is 90 degrees\n90 okay so that is our 90 degree\u00a0\nthen the rest that is acute\u00a0\u00a0\nokay that is acute acute means that is\u00a0\n15 to 90 degree okay that is our acute\u00a0\u00a0\nso the next one is obtuse obtuse that is one\u00a0\ninterior angle is an obtuse angle or greater than\u00a0\u00a0\n90 degree now from 90 degree to 180\u00a0\ndegree that is obtuse okay obvious angle\nnow we have here number four that is equi angular\u00a0\nokay so kaniya gania atong discus is equilateral\u00a0\u00a0\nthe same size but this time this is\u00a0\nequiangular so they are the same angles\nthey are the same 60 degree\u00a0\u00a0\nokay now if we sum up this angles or we if we\u00a0\nsum up these three angles that is equal to 180\nthat means your triangle or your angle\u00a0\u00a0\nis not correct always remember that if you sum up\u00a0\nthe three angles it must be equal to 180 degree\u00a0\u00a0\nokay now we have here also the parts of\u00a0\na right triangle number one is the legs\nthe legs that is the sides of a\u00a0\nright triangle which is perpendicular\u00a0\u00a0\nso now not a figure not a figure not a line\u00a0\narcade cutting red line so that is our legs\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause it says there that the right triangle\u00a0\nwhich which are perpendicular okay so mourinho\u00a0\u00a0\nperpendicular so that is our legs the next one is\u00a0\nhypotenuse hypotenuse that is the side opposite\u00a0\u00a0\nthe right angle and it is the longest side in a\u00a0\nright triangle so not a figure during a triangle\u00a0\u00a0\nso immun triangle the longest line here is\u00a0\nthis one that is what we call hypotenuse\u00a0\u00a0\nso the line is hypotenuse because this is\u00a0\nour legs because they are a perpendicular\u00a0\u00a0\nokay so monitor hypotenuse the longest line\u00a0\nor the side opposite the right angle okay so\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have here the right angle so the opposite\u00a0\nof that is this one so this is our hypotenuse\u00a0\u00a0\nso we have here also parts of an isosceles\u00a0\ntriangle number one is legs okay re": 4, "My name is Joseph Jevanni and this is iNtensity.\nNow here's the thing, a long time ago I wrote\nthis song about a girl\nand uh, the truth is, it don't even have to\nbe about girl, it could be about your friend,\nit could be about your brother, your sister,\nyo' momma... I mean, not yo' momma, but your\nmomma.\nAnybody who's irritated, agitated, aggravated,\nneeds to be vaccinated, or doesn't need to\nbe vaccinated... they getting on your nerves\nokay? They're always complaining, in fact\nlet me just sing it. It's gonna go like this,\ny'all ready?\nYo, Why you always so frustrated?\nThat attitude you know I hated it baby!\nSee I\u00a0just try to make you happy,\nbut you have a bad day, now you mad at me!\nWhat's that about?!\nWhy you always so frustrated?\nGiving me your frustrating news.\nI guess there's nothing left for me to do,\nbut to sing the frustrated blues.\nMy patience is running thin, I'm so ready\nfor your crap to end.\nI know you're stressed coming from your work\nday, but when you get home, it's time for\nus to play.\nYou walking 'round, so aggravated, \nlike your allergies are agitated,\nIt seems that you're always in a state of frustration,\nPause, cause I'm bout to turn the station.\nGirl you got me so frustrated.\nThat attitude you know I hated it baby!\nSee I\u00a0just try to make you happy,\nbut you have a bad day, now you mad at me!\nWhat's that about?!\nWhy you always so frustrated?\nGiving me your frustrating news.\nI guess there's nothing left for me to do,\nbut to sing the frustrated blues. Like this, make it moan,\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nSee you work a 9 to 5, but you know we get\nour work at night.\nSo when I get home, I gotta run and hide,\njust to make sure that you don't kill my vibe.\nYou walking 'round, so aggravated, like you're\nconstantly constipated,\nIt seems that you're always in a state of\nfrustration,\nPause, cause I'm bout to turn the station.\nGirl You got me So ooh, yeah\nGiving me the frustrating news.\nI guess there's nothing left for me to do,\nbut to sing the frustrated blues.\nMake it moan.\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nThis ish gotta stop, my heads bout to pop,\nthere's nothing left I can do, \nI guess we'll both lose, long as we still choose, to be irritated,\n aggravated, man I hate it, you got me frustrated too!\nSinging your frustrating news,\nI guess there's nothing left for me to do,\nbut to sing the frustrated blues.\nYou got me so, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh,\nWhy you always so, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nGirl you got me So ooh ooh ooh yeah,\nGirl I hate it baby, gotta play it baby\n(instrumental piano solo)\nSay Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nGirl you got me So\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nhmmm say Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nOh Oh Oh Oh Oh\nWhy You always so Frustrated?!\n": 3, "When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary\nWhen troubles come \nand my heart burdened be\nThen, I am still \nand wait here in the silence\nUntil you come and sit awhile with me\nYou raise me up, \nso I can stand on mountains\nYou raise me up, to walk on stormy seas\nI am strong, when I am on your shoulders\nYou raise me up... To more than I can be\n(Ooo...)\nYou raise me up, \nso I can stand on mountains\nYou raise me up, to walk on stormy seas\nI am strong, when I am on your shoulders\nYou raise me up... To more than I can be\nYou raise me up, \nso I can stand on mountains\n(Stand on mountains)\nYou raise me up, to walk on stormy seas\n(Stormy seas)\nI am strong, when I am on your shoulders\n(I am strong. Ooo)\nYou raise me up... To more than I can be\nYou raise me up, \n(Raise me)\nSo I can stand on mountains\n(Raise me, raise me up)\nYou raise me up, to walk on stormy seas\n(You raise me up)\nI am strong, when I am on your shoulders\nYou raise me up... To more than I can be\nYou raise me up... To more than I can be\nBind me not to the pasture\nChain me not to the plow\nSet me free to find my calling\nSubtitles by the Amara.org community\n": 2, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Sheldon Riley with the song \"Not the Same\".\nI don't know this singer and I have never heard this song before.\nSo this will be my first time listening to this song.\nFor those who don't know that I'm a heavy metal singer,\nmulti-instrumentalist, producer and composer.\nAnd I'm going to do technical analysis on vocal behavior, musical aesthetics and\nabout music style.\nBut first of all, if you are not yet subscribed to our channel,\nsubscribe, turn on notifications,\nclick like and share this video. Leave more suggestions in the comments.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nAnalicemos a Sheldon Riley.\nAt first, auditory perception tells me that\nis a singer in a high region of the male voice.\nis a singer in a high region of the male voice.\nis a singer in a high region of the male voice.\nI heard very little, this is the first impression I have.\nAnd I've already been very impressed with the work he does with the mixed voice.\nBecause it balances the emission of the mask voice with the emission of the chest voice.\nAnd it's a very dramatic sound that this song introduces at the beginning.\nAnd it's a very dramatic sound that this song introduces at the beginning.\nWorking in the lower region of the voice is always a very delicate job.\nWorking in the lower region of the voice is always a very delicate job.\nBecause it is necessary to know the limit of your voice.\nBecause if you lower your voice too much,\nBecause if you lower your voice too much,\nyou can get out of your comfort zone and into your vocal range.\nAnd this does not mean that you will work with quality.\nBut here it sounds great.\nHe emphasizes his chest voice a lot.\nHowever, there is a mixed projection, with more evidence in the chest voice region.\nHowever, there is a mixed projection, with more evidence in the chest voice region.\nIt is a visceral interpretation.\nI'm impressed.\nThe body language he has when interpreting this song,\nit's as if he put more emphasis on the message he wants to convey in the song.\nit's as if he put more emphasis on the message he wants to convey in the song.\nit's as if he put more emphasis on the message he wants to convey in the song.\nThe message an artist might want to convey,\nit is independent of anything.\nWhether it's something very emotional, whether it's telling a story...\nBut here he wants to emphasize this more with his body language.\nBut here he wants to emphasize this more with his body language.\nTherefore, when you use your body to perform,\nit means that he puts more emphasis on what he sings and on the message he wants to convey.\nit means that he puts more emphasis on what he sings and on the message he wants to convey.\nit means that he puts more emphasis on what he sings and on the message he wants to convey.\nFor him, singing is not enough, he needs to express it with his body.\nThat dark note that he uses in his voice, it's something very beautiful.\nThat dark note that he uses in his voice, it's something very beautiful.\nThat dark note that he uses in his voice, it's something very beautiful.\nBecause the melodies that he uses in his voice are not dark melodies,\nThey are really very nice melodies to listen to.\nSometimes I get the impression that he goes beyond the lower region.\nSometimes I get the impression that he goes beyond the lower region.\nHe does not lose quality.\nBut if he goes beyond this region he is in,\nI already think it would be in his vocal range\nand get out of your comfort zone.\nBut I think he's injecting a lot of emotion into what he's singing and\nBut I think he's injecting a lot of emotion into what he's singing and\nin a way he gives the impression that he is not very comfortable. But is not.\nin a way he gives the impression that he is not very comfortable. But is not.\nReally this emotion, inserts a very strong emotion when interpreting this song.\nReally this emotion, inserts a very strong emotion when interpreting this song.\nAnd I trust only to hear him sing,\nthe way her voice works in this so": 4, "and we're back well kind of I'm about to step away to get some more water but I\nwill be back in just a minute I'm gonna make sure\noh oh he's done I mean I didn't kill him myself thank you Scotty for helping me\nscorch beast long scorch beast hide we got it we got it we got it oh my first dead\nscorch beast look at this guy yet jerk trying to kill me while I'm encumbered yas\nMack\nthere we go\nI can't be too proud of that one because I had a lot of help. In fact, I hardly\ndid anything at all. But still, first downscorched beast. Pretty cool.\nOh why not? Let's just see what happens. 65 though.\nOh come on.\nHere I am encumbered.\nI have come now.\nOh, now I didn't get the final hit on him, but he's done.\nAnother Scorch Beast lung and more Scorch Beast bones.\nI'm guessing those are going to be important to come to the comments later.\nA Tesla gun.\nOh, you can see through his head a little bit.\nLet's see if we can hide that by putting the crew behind it.\nThere we go.\nCool.\nOkay.\nWhat's the deal?\nWhere am I?\nWhere have I gone?\nI've wandered pretty far south.\nWell I should go up to Camp Venture to scrap my g- what, oh cool, do you got a workstation\nin there that I can use to scrap buddy?\nWow, I like your camp.\nLook at that.\nOh, that's a cool building material.\nIt's like a stainless steel.\nOh, you don't have any workstations, but still cool construction.\nOh, wow.\nYeah, I mean I should build a tower.\nI should do exactly what he has done.\nThere's a, if you have a really small floor space, you're going to be much, it's going\nto be much easier for you to find a place to store your blueprint.\nOh, hey, thanks guys.\nI'm so glad I'm doing this live.\nHa, you guys are great.\nAll right, let's scrap a few weapons.\nLet's scrap the grenade launcher.\nThat's not rare.\nI'm going to keep the Gauss rifle and okay, based on popular request, I'll keep the 50\ncaliber machine gun.\nSo I'm really encumbered right now.\nOh man, I'm so encumbered.\nAh, let's scrap the hallucinogen gas canister.\nThat doesn't scrap automatically and I don't need it anymore.\nAt least I don't think so.\nIt only gives me steel and acid.\nI thought it was going to give me some nuclear material.\nHere's my stash.\nStore all my junk.\nAnd do I have any room for this really cool, but really big weapon?\nNo.\nWhere did I get the pyro lyser?\nWhat?\nIt's a 26 pound flamer, legendary weapon, 26 pounds.\nAs a reward, oh my.\nWhy do you give me these ridiculous, 26 pounds?\nThat's heavier than this.\nI'm not going to find room for this blasted thing.\nHere's an 11 pound cryo later and a six pound daisy cutter and oh, this is 15 pounds.\nAll this legendary gear for finishing quests in a way is the world.\nThey're having a lovey-dovey moment.\nI'll just hold it for now and drop the ammunition I don't need.\nLet me store my plasma corners, don't know when I'm going to need those.\nThen I don't really have any mods for the gals rifle they're doing.\nGet rid of some of your steel.\nYeah, I should get rid of some of my steel.\nMaybe I'll bulk it up when I get to camp.\nBut now I'm no longer encumbered, which means I can't fast travel.\nAll right.\nThank you.\nBlast from us.\nDuck and Scott's Kiefer and everyone else who came out, Scotty.\nWe killed some scorched.\nBut while I should say you killed some scorched, and I kind of helped a little.\nVery cool little hut that you guys got there.\nI'm going to continue on with the primary quest with the Brotherhood of Steel.\nWe have to find camp defiance, so I'm going to fast travel to my camp.\nActually, let's take a look.\nWhere are we headed?\nThat's where we're going.\nMy camp is there.\nWell, I really don't have any purpose.\nThere's really no need to go to my camp.\nIs that another, another scorched?\nJust a second.\nOkay, south of me is this thing, but this is where I'm going.\nThe closest, tell you what, I'm going to go to the Toga Station.\nOkay.\nOkay, now can I go to the Toga Station?\nYes.\nDaniel says, hey, I need to ask, can you build more trunks, or can you only own one?\nYou can only own one.\nYou have one stash, and it has a 400-pound limit.\nYou can craft a variety of different containers": 4, "[04:00:47] rintezuka1: also this must be the first time I saw a game set on this channel\n[04:00:47] rintezuka1: also this must be the first time I saw a game set on this channel\n[04:00:53] gashapon: You're still awake at this hour :O\n[04:00:47] rintezuka1: also this must be the first time I saw a game set on this channel\n[04:00:53] gashapon: You're still awake at this hour :O\n[04:01:10] urowashere: We're still awake at this hour.\n[04:00:53] gashapon: You're still awake at this hour :O\n[04:01:10] urowashere: We're still awake at this hour.\n[04:01:17] seibbi: Hey Tim and chat\n[04:01:10] urowashere: We're still awake at this hour.\n[04:01:17] seibbi: Hey Tim and chat\n[04:01:31] shimmerfairy: \"Microsoft Adventure\" makes enough sense for geocities streams, at least\n[04:01:17] seibbi: Hey Tim and chat\n[04:01:31] shimmerfairy: \"Microsoft Adventure\" makes enough sense for geocities streams, at least\n[04:01:36] apathia0: Sup fool\n[04:01:31] shimmerfairy: \"Microsoft Adventure\" makes enough sense for geocities streams, at least\n[04:01:36] apathia0: Sup fool\n[04:01:45] seibbi: It's raining so hard here\n[04:01:36] apathia0: Sup fool\n[04:01:45] seibbi: It's raining so hard here\n[04:02:01] seibbi: I think the parking lot for my apartments is going to flood\n[04:01:45] seibbi: It's raining so hard here\n[04:02:01] seibbi: I think the parking lot for my apartments is going to flood\n[04:02:18] seibbi: Oh well\n[04:02:01] seibbi: I think the parking lot for my apartments is going to flood\n[04:02:18] seibbi: Oh well\n[04:04:18] perciacalos: Rain? I havent seen that in months\n[04:02:18] seibbi: Oh well\n[04:04:18] perciacalos: Rain? I havent seen that in months\n[04:04:20] daanzii: Any geocites content today?\n[04:04:18] perciacalos: Rain? I havent seen that in months\n[04:04:20] daanzii: Any geocites content today?\n[04:04:21] drifter_tv: yatta\n[04:04:20] daanzii: Any geocites content today?\n[04:04:21] drifter_tv: yatta\n[04:04:31] urowashere: If its the middle of the night, know one would know that you moved your car to the high ground anakin\n[04:04:21] drifter_tv: yatta\n[04:04:31] urowashere: If its the middle of the night, know one would know that you moved your car to the high ground anakin\n[04:04:40] urowashere: no one*\n[04:04:31] urowashere: If its the middle of the night, know one would know that you moved your car to the high ground anakin\n[04:04:40] urowashere: no one*\n[04:04:50] squidmochi: late puyo\n[04:04:40] urowashere: no one*\n[04:04:50] squidmochi: late puyo\n[04:05:33] seibbi: One time it flooded during the day, and for some gross reason all the neighbor kids decided to swim in the dirty parking lot water\n[04:04:50] squidmochi: late puyo\n[04:05:33] seibbi: One time it flooded during the day, and for some gross reason all the neighbor kids decided to swim in the dirty parking lot water\n[04:06:04] urowashere: Huh. Thats a fun community\n[04:05:33] seibbi: One time it flooded during the day, and for some gross reason all the neighbor kids decided to swim in the dirty parking lot water\n[04:06:04] urowashere: Huh. Thats a fun community\n[04:08:05] sobeman1: goto bed tim\n[04:06:04] urowashere: Huh. Thats a fun community\n[04:08:05] sobeman1: goto bed tim\n[04:09:21] seibbi: Who needs sleep when you have puyo\n[04:08:05] sobeman1: goto bed tim\n[04:09:21] seibbi: Who needs sleep when you have puyo\n[04:10:28] bobvanhallen: puyo is more important then sleep\n[04:09:21] seibbi: Who needs sleep when you have puyo\n[04:10:28] bobvanhallen: puyo is more important then sleep\n[04:13:02] bananaburger: you still plan on streaming tomorrow?\n[04:10:28] bobvanhallen: puyo is more important then sleep\n[04:13:02] bananaburger: you still plan on streaming tomorrow?\n[04:13:36] bananaburger: i like how you said should\n[04:13:02] bananaburger: you still plan on streaming tomorrow?\n[04:13:36] bananaburger: i like how you said should\n[04:13:46] sobeman1: i hate when i goto sleep then wake up 3 hours later full of energy because i just crash 2 hours later\n[04:13:36] bananaburger: i like how you said should\n[04:13:46] sobeman1: i hate when i goto sleep then wake up 3 hours ": 3, "signal:4 ch:1 flightTime:4 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.5V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:42ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:4 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.5V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:4 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.5V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:46ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:4 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:38ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:5 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:5 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:42ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:5 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:5 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:5 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:38ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:5 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:39ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:41ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:38ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.4V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:45ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:6 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:7 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:45ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:7 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:7 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:7 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:7 uavBat:12.3V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:7 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:45ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:8 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:8 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:45ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:8 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:8 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:8 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:8 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:9 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:42ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:9 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:44ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:9 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:43ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:9 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:45ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:9 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4V uavBatCells:3 glsBatCells:2 delay:46ms bitrate:50.8Mbps rcSignal:0\nsignal:4 ch:1 flightTime:9 uavBat:12.2V glsBat:7.4": 0, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Maneskin with the song \"Supermodel\".\nThey recently performed at Eurovision. In the Eurovision final.\nThey recently performed at Eurovision. In the Eurovision final.\nAnd here Maneskin is mandatory, there will always be Maneskin videos.\nAnd here Maneskin is mandatory, there will always be Maneskin videos.\nManeskin is amazing. They are fantastic. A super rock band.\nFor those who don't know I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\nproducer and composer. And in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis,\nfrom the vocal behavior, from the musical arrangement to the behavior of the instruments.\nfrom the vocal behavior, from the musical arrangement to the behavior of the instruments.\nThe message was passed and let's go to the most important thing,\nLet's analyze Maneskin.\nA great way to start a song. Great.\nSee the first electric guitar chords,\nand soon after begins to sing.\nTherefore, we see starting with the climate, although minimalist, very powerful.\nTherefore, we see starting with the climate, although minimalist, very powerful.\nThis is very attractive and it is impossible not to get involved with it.\nThis is very attractive and it is impossible not to get involved with it.\nSee how at the end of words it removes this vocal distortion.\nThis is very interesting.\nHe is a great singer and does a lot of variation in the way he performs songs.\nHe is a great singer and does a lot of variation in the way he performs songs.\nEach performance is unique to each song.\nWhich shows that he has an amazing vocal personality.\nBut in that dynamic he inserted distortion and removed vocal distortion,\nBut in that dynamic he inserted distortion and removed vocal distortion,\nthis offers and enriches the interpretation and the music much more.\nthis offers and enriches the interpretation and the music much more.\nLook at the vibrato, it's very consistent.\nHe inserts vocal distortion but be sure to insert dynamics\nHe inserts vocal distortion but be sure to insert dynamics\nand even having a floating relative, flexible,\nand even having a floating relative, flexible,\nfor him to be able to insert these nuances into the voice. This use of vibrato.\nfor him to be able to insert these nuances into the voice. This use of vibrato.\nHe made a very interesting melisma here.\nAnd look at the construction, the arrangement, the dynamics that this song has. Music aesthetics.\nAnd look at the construction, the arrangement, the dynamics that this song has. Music aesthetics.\nAs it is very interesting to start with the electric guitar riff,\nwith the voice and little by little the music grows\nand acquiring a great wealth of instruments and musical elements.\nThis pause, this brief pause that the music makes, but very quickly, is incredible.\nThis pause, this brief pause that the music makes, but very quickly, is incredible.\nThis pause, this brief pause that the music makes, but very quickly, is incredible.\nIt's very exciting.\nIt is extremely exciting. Look what the electric guitar does.\nIs incredible.\nThis is how the guitar sounds...\nThis is a very funk influence on music.\nThis is a very funk influence on music.\nManeskin is not the first band to mix rock and funk.\nThis is nothing new. What is new is the way they expose it.\nThis is nothing new. What is new is the way they expose it.\nIt's very different from other bands.\nA very well known and very famous band, world famous,\nA very well known and very famous band, world famous,\nwhich for example is Red Hot Chilli Peppers,\nthey also have that influence of mixing funk with rock.\nBut realize that they are very different things.\nManeskin has a funk influence,\nbut we cannot forget that they have a lot of influence from glam rock and hard rock.\nbut we cannot forget that they have a lot of influence from glam rock and hard rock.\nA big explosion. An incredible performance.\nA big explosion. An incredible performance.\nAmazing. I love seeing Maneskin live.\nAmazing. I love seeing Maneskin live.\nThey are very energetic.\nThey show t": 4, "hi welcome to the statics tutorials so in this\u00a0\nexample we're going to look at how to determine\u00a0\u00a0\na force that's directed along a line in three\u00a0\ndimensions so in this example we have this I\u00a0\u00a0\nbolt here at a that's secured to a wall or floor\u00a0\nwe have an eye bolt here at B that's secured to\u00a0\u00a0\na wall or floor and then we have a rope that's\u00a0\ngoing from A to B we know that the tension in\u00a0\u00a0\nthe rope is a hundred Newtons so we want to\u00a0\nbe able to write that tension going from A to\u00a0\u00a0\nB as a Cartesian vector let's say that we have\u00a0\nmeasurements at a so that a sits at an X of one\u00a0\u00a0\nmeter a Y of minus one meter and a Z of two point\u00a0\nzero meters so it's over back and up from the\u00a0\u00a0\norigin let's say that B sits at 0.5 meters in X 3\u00a0\nmeters and Y and 2.5 meters in Z so again starting\u00a0\u00a0\nat the origin B is out a little bit over quite a\u00a0\nbit a little bit so we can construct a position\u00a0\u00a0\nvector that's the displacement going from A to\u00a0\nB and it's always going to be destination minus\u00a0\u00a0\nthe starting point so our destination is B and our\u00a0\nstarting point is a that's why we labeled it our\u00a0\u00a0\nposition R is always 4 position vector and then\u00a0\nfrom A to B so we're going to take the exit the B\u00a0\u00a0\nand subtract off the X at the starting location\u00a0\nthe a that's going to make our X component so\u00a0\u00a0\nwe'll multiply that by I and we'll take our Y\u00a0\nat the destination YB subtract off our Y a at\u00a0\u00a0\nthe start that'll be our Y component so times J\u00a0\nand then we'll take our Z at the final point B\u00a0\u00a0\nminus or Z at the starting point a that's our z\u00a0\ncomponent so that'll be times the K unit vector\u00a0\u00a0\nso let's plug in our number so we'll have point\u00a0\n5 minus 1 here for I component we'll have 3 minus\u00a0\u00a0\na minus for the J component and then we'll have\u00a0\ntwo point five minus two here for our K component\u00a0\u00a0\nso it's going to be negative 0.5 I three minus\u00a0\na minus one would be three plus one so for for\u00a0\u00a0\nJ and a two point five minus 2 would give us a\u00a0\npoint five for the K component we need to get the\u00a0\u00a0\nmagnitude of this position vector because we're\u00a0\ngoing to need to use that in just a sec so it's\u00a0\u00a0\nmagnitude is the X component squared plus the Y\u00a0\ncomponent squared plus the Z component squared\u00a0\u00a0\nadd them all together and take a square root and\u00a0\nthat gives us four point zero six two meters now\u00a0\u00a0\nto create the tension I used two T here but you\u00a0\ncould use an F in here to create the tension we\u00a0\u00a0\nwant to preserve all the direction information on\u00a0\nthis R vector this position vector but we have to\u00a0\u00a0\nresize it because the magnitude of this position\u00a0\nvector right now is four point zero six two meters\u00a0\u00a0\nwe need a vector that has a magnitude of a hundred\u00a0\nNewton's so what we're going to do is just divide\u00a0\u00a0\nit by the magnitude that it currently has multiply\u00a0\nit by the magnitude that it is going to have when\u00a0\u00a0\nits attention or our force vector so that's going\u00a0\nto scale this up the other way to think about it\u00a0\u00a0\nis you could think about this as being a position\u00a0\nvector divided by its magnitude creating a unit\u00a0\u00a0\nvector so a vector of length one that just has the\u00a0\ndirection but only has a magnitude of one and then\u00a0\u00a0\nmultiply it by the magnitude that you want it to\u00a0\nhave okay but either way of looking at it when we\u00a0\u00a0\nplug in the numbers we plug in the 100 for the\u00a0\nmagnitude of T we plug in the R vector here and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we plug in the magnitude of the R vector down\u00a0\nhere and then doing this calculation probably the\u00a0\u00a0\neasiest way to do is to do the 100 divided by\u00a0\nthe 4.06 two and then just store that in your\u00a0\u00a0\ncalculators memory and then you can multiply\u00a0\nthat number that you get by each of the three\u00a0\u00a0\ncomponents so it would be a hundred divided by\u00a0\nfour point oh six two times point five that gives\u00a0\u00a0\nyou the twelve point three and then carry the\u00a0\nminus sign down you have a hundred divided by four\u00a0\u00a0\npoint oh six two times four that gives you the\u00a0\nninety eight point five a hundred divided by four\u00a0\u00a0\npoint oh six two times the point five and that\u00a0\ngives you the twelve point three news and so we're\u00a0\u00a0\ndone this is our final answer here just to show\u00a0\nyou that this actually worked though we can check\u00a0\u00a0\nour vector": 4, "[Music]\nSteven A. Altman: Good afternoon to all of you in New York\nSteven A. Altman: and Minnesota, and welcome to all of our\nSteven A Altman: guests from around the world. I'm\nSteven A. Altman: Steve Altman, director of the DHL\nSteven A. Altman: Initiative on Globalization here at\nSteven A. Altman: NYU Stern\u2019s Center for the Future of\nSteven A. Altman: Management. It is my great pleasure to\nSteven A. Altman: welcome you to this joint event with the\nSteven A. Altman: University of Minnesota's Carlson\nSteven A. Altman: Global Institute and my honor to\nSteven A. Altman: introduce our guest, Cargill board chair\nSteven A. Altman: and CEO Dave MacLennan, as well as the\nSteven A. Altaman: moderator of today's event, Professor\nSteven A. Altman: Myles Shaver of the University of\nSteven A. Altman: Minnesota.\nSteven A. Altman: To provide brief introductions, Dave\nSteven A. Altman: MacLennan has served as CEO of Cargill\nSteven A. Altman: since 2013. He joined Cargill in 1991 in\nSteven A. Altman: the company's financial markets division\nSteven A. Altman: in the company's Minneapolis and\nSteven A. Altman: London offices. He later moved to Geneva\nSteven A. Altman: to head Cargill energy and then worked\nSteven A. Altman: in Cargill protein and food ingredients\nSteven A. Altman: before becoming Chief Financial Officer\nSteven A. Altman: in 2008 and Chief Operating Officer in\nSteven A. Altman: 2011. Prior to joining Cargill he began\nSteven A. Altman:his career as a runner, phone clerk, and\nSteven A. Altman: risk manager in the futures and\nSteven A. Altman: securities sector in Chicago. He holds a\nSteven A. Altman: Bachelor's degree in English from\nSteven A. Altman: Amherst College and an MBA in Finance\nSteven A. Altman: from the University of Chicago. Myles\nSteven A. Altman: Shaver is a professor of strategic\nSteven A. Altman: management and entrepreneurship at the\nSteven A. Altman: University of Minnesota's Carlton School\nSteven A. Altman: of, Carlson School of Management where he\nSteven A. Altman: holds the Curtis L Carlson chair in\nSteven A. Altman: global strategy. Myles is a fellow of the\nSteven A. Altman: Strategic Management Society, a recipient\nSteven A. Altman: of the Irwin an outstanding educator\nSteven A. Altman: award, and author of the book\nSteven A. Altman: \"Headquarters Economy: Managers, Mobility,\nSteven A. Altman: and Migration.\" I am also grateful to\nSteven A. Altman: Myles for serving on the External\nSteven A. Altman: Advisory Board of the NYU Stern Center\nSteven A. Altman: for the Future of Management. Before we\nSteven A. Altman:get started I would just like to mention\nSteven A. Altman: that the format of our event today is a\nSteven A. Altman: fireside chat in which Myles will start\nSteven A. Altman: by asking Dave a series of questions.\nSteven A. Altman: Then, after starting the conversation\nSteven A. Altman: with his own questions, Myles will turn\nSteven A. Altman: to questions from the audience. Please\nSteven A. Altman: feel free to submit questions throughout\nSteven A. Altman: the event using the Zoom Q & A function,\nSteven A. Altman: and Myles will ask as many of your\nSteven A. Altman: questions as our time permits. Without\nSteven A. Altman: further ado then let's get started. Myles,\nSteven A. Altman: the floor is yours.\nMyles Shaver: Great thank you Steven.\nMyles Shaver: So Dave, welcome.\nMyles Shaver: Good afternoon.\nMyles Shaver: Nice to see you virtually joining us\nMyles Shaver: here at the University of Minnesota's\nMyles Shaver: Carlson school and Stern School of\nMyles Shaver: Business at New York University.\nMyles Shaver: For a little bit of background, our\nMyles Shaver: audience today is mainly students,\nMyles Shaver: faculty, and alumni from both schools\nMyles Shaver: with guests from other universities and\nMyles Shaver: companies in various industries. So to\nMyles Shaver: get us started, you know, I'll make the\nMyles Shaver: observation is that probably almost\nMyles Shaver: everybody viewing this has eaten food\nMyles Shaver: that Cargill's been involved with in\nMyles Shaver: some way, whether it be farmin": 4, "hello everyone in this video there are three\u00a0\nindividual lessons on business, money and politics\nyou can skip to any lesson with the\u00a0\ntime stamp provided in the description\nhere are all the lessons in the video\nemployer\nemployer\na person or a company that\u00a0\npays people to work for them\na person or a company that\u00a0\npays people to work for them\nemployee\nemployee\na person who is paid to work for someone else\na person who is paid to work for someone else\ndelivery\ndelivery\nthe act of taking goods letters and parcels\nthe act of taking goods letters and parcels\nequipment\nequipment\nthe set of necessary tools or clothing\nthe set of necessary tools or clothing\nprofit\nprofit\nmoney that is earned in trade or business\u00a0\u00a0\nafter paying the costs of producing\u00a0\nand selling goods and services\nmoney that is earned in trade or business\u00a0\u00a0\nafter paying the costs of producing\u00a0\nand selling goods and services\ninvoice\ninvoice\na list of things provided or work done together\u00a0\nwith their cost for payment at a later time\na list of things provided or work done together\u00a0\nwith their cost for payment at a later time\nbrand\nbrand\na type of product made by a particular company\na type of product made by a particular company\ndebt\ndebt\nsomething especially money\u00a0\nthat is owed to someone else\nsomething especially money\u00a0\nthat is owed to someone else\nbudget\nbudget\nthe amount of money you have available to spend\nthe amount of money you have available to spend\nestimate\nestimate\nto guess or calculate the cost size or value\nto guess or calculate the cost size or value\nguarantee\nguarantee\na promise that something\u00a0\nwill be done or will happen\na promise that something\u00a0\nwill be done or will happen\npromotion\npromotion\nthe advancement of someone to a\u00a0\nmore important rank or position\nthe advancement of someone to a\u00a0\nmore important rank or position\npurchase\npurchase\nto buy something\nto buy something\nrisk\nrisk\nthe possibility that an investment will lose money\nthe possibility that an investment will lose money\nsalary\nsalary\na fixed amount of money agreed\u00a0\nevery year as pay for an employee\na fixed amount of money agreed\u00a0\nevery year as pay for an employee\nstock\nstock\na supply of something for use or sale\na supply of something for use or sale\nrefund\nrefund\nan amount of money that is given\u00a0\nback to you especially because\u00a0\u00a0\nyou are not happy with a product\u00a0\nor service that you have bought\nan amount of money that is given back to you\u00a0\u00a0\nespecially because you are not happy with\u00a0\na product or service that you have bought\ninterview\ninterview\na meeting in which someone asks you questions\u00a0\nto see if you are suitable for a job or course\na meeting in which someone asks you questions\u00a0\nto see if you are suitable for a job or course\nfeedback\nfeedback\ninformation or statements\u00a0\nof opinion about something\u00a0\u00a0\nsuch as a new product that can tell\u00a0\nyou if it is successful or liked\ninformation or statements\u00a0\nof opinion about something\u00a0\u00a0\nsuch as a new product that can tell\u00a0\nyou if it is successful or liked\nborrow\nborrow\nto get or receive something from someone with the\u00a0\nintention of giving it back after a period of time\nto get or receive something from someone with the\u00a0\nintention of giving it back after a period of time\nhigher\nhigher\nto employ someone or pay\u00a0\nsomeone to do a particular job\nto employ someone or pay\u00a0\nsomeone to do a particular job\nfire\nfire\nto remove someone from their job\nto remove someone from their job\nwage\nwage\na particular amount of money that is paid\na particular amount of money that is paid\ncustomer\ncustomer\na person who buys goods or a service\na person who buys goods or a service\nincome\nincome\nmoney that is earned from doing work\nmoney that is earned from doing work\nentrepreneur\nentrepreneur\nsomeone who starts their own business\nsomeone who starts their own business\nexecutive\nexecutive\nsomeone in a high position especially in business\nsomeone in a high position especially in business\nadvertisement\nadvertisement\na picture, short film or a song that tries to\u00a0\npersuade people to buy a product or service\na picture, short film or a song that tries to\u00a0\npersuade people to buy a product o": 4, "Yeah! Start me up.\nStart me up, I'll never stop\nStart me up\nStart me up, I'll never stop\nI've been runing hot\nYou got me ticking gonna blow my top\nStart me up\nI'll never stop\nYou make a grown man cry\nYou make a grown man cry\nYou make a grown man cry\nSpread out the oil, the gasoline\nI walk smooth, ride in a mean, mean machine\nStart it up\nStart me up\nKick on the starter give it all you got\nI can't compete with the riders in the other heats\nIf you rough it up\nIf you like it you can slide it up\nStart me up\nI'll never stop\nDon't make a grown man cry\nDon't make a grown man cry\nDon't make a grown man cry\nMy eyes dilate, my lips go green\nI walk smooth, ride in a mean, mean machine\nStart it up\nYeah\nYeah!\nI'll tell you\nDon't make a grown man cry\nDon't make a grown man cry\nDon't make a grown man cry\nRide like the wind at double speed\nI'll take you places that you've never, never seen\nStart it up\nStart me up\nI'll never stop\nStart me up\nI'll never stop\nStart me up!\nI'll never stop\nStart me up\nI'll never stop\nYou, you, you make a grown man cry\nYou, you, you make a grown man cry\nYou, you, you make a dead man cum\nYou, you, make a grown man cry\nStart me up!\nThank you!\n": 1, "Hydrogen - H - 1\nHelium - He - 2\nLithium - Li - 3\nBeryllium - Be - 4\nBoron - B - 5\nCarbon - C - 6 \nNitrogen - N - 7\nOxygen - O - 8\nFluorine - F - 9\nNeon - Ne - 10\nSodium - Na - 11\nMagnesium - Mg - 12\nAluminum (Aluminium) - Al - 13\nSilicon - Si - 14\nPhosphorous - P - 15\nRIP Atom\nSulfur - S - 16\nChlorine - Cl - 17\nArgon - Ar - 18\nPotassium - K - 19\nCalcium - Ca - 20\nScandium - Sc - 21\nTitanium - Ti - 22\nVanadium - V - 23\nChromium - Cr - 24\nManganese - Mn - 25\nIron - Fe - 26\nCobalt - Co 27\nNickel - Ni - 28\nCopper - Cu - 29\nZinc - Zn - 30\nGallium - Ga - 31\nGermanium - Ge - 32\nArsenic - As - 33\nSelenium - Se - 34\nBromine - Br - 35\nKrypton - Kr - 36\nRubidium - Rb - 37\nStrontium - Sr - 38\nYttrium - Y - 39\nZirconium - Zr - 40\nNiobium - Nb - 41\nMolybdenum - Mo - 42\nTechnetium - Tc - 43\nRuthenium - Ru - 44\nRhodium - Rh - 45\nPalladium - Pd - 46\nSilver - Ag - 47\nCadmium - Cd - 48\nIndium - In - 49\nTin - Sn - 50\nAntimony - Sb - 51\nTellurium - Te - 52\nIodine - I - 53\nXenon - Xe - 54\nCesium (Caesium) - Cs - 55\nBarium - Ba - 56\nLanthanum - La - 57\nCerium - Ce - 58\nPraseodymium - Pr - 59\nNeodymium - Nd - 60\nPromethium - Pr - 61\nSamarium - Sm - 62\nEuropium - Eu - 63\nGadolinium - Gd - 64\nTerbium - Tb - 65\nDysprosium - Dy - 66\nHolmium - Ho - 67\nErbium - Er - 68\nThulium - Tm - 69\nYtterbium - Yb - 70\nLutetium - Lu - 71\nHafnium - Hf - 72\nTantalum - Ta - 73\nTungsten - W - 74\nRhenium - Re - 75\nOsmium - Os - 76\nIridium - Ir - 77\nPlatinum - Pt - 78\nGold - Au - 79\nMercury - Hg - 80\nThallium - Tl - 81\nLead - Pb - 82\nBismuth - Bi - 83\nPolonium - Po - 84\nAstatine - At - 85\nRadon - Rn - 86\nFrancium - Fr - 87\nRadium - Ra - 88\nActinium - Ac - 89\nThorium - Th - 90\nProtactinium - Pa - 91\nUranium - U - 92\nNeptunium - Np - 93\nPlutonium - Pu - 94\nAmericium - Am - 95\nCurium - Cm - 96\nBerkelium - Bk - 97\nCalifornium - Cf - 98\nEinsteinium - Es - 99\nFermium - Fm - 100\nMendelevium - Md - 101\nNobelium - No - 102\nLawrencium - Lr - 103\nRutherfordium - Rf - 104\nDubnium - Db - 105\nSeaborgium - Sg - 106\nBohrium - Bh - 107\nHassium - Hs - 108\nMeintnerium - Mt - 109\nDarmstadtium - Ds -110\nRoetgenium - Rg - 111\nCopernicium - Cn - 112\nNihonium - Nh - 113\nFlerovium - Fl - 114\nMoscovium - Mc - 115\nLivermorium - Lv - 116\nTennessine - Ts - 117\nOganesson - Og - 118\nLike and subscribe :)\n": 1, "*cheering*\nThe Kinetic Molecular Theory is the theory that all matter is made up of atoms and molecules that are always moving.\nThese particles hold kinetic energy and move around in random directions.\nIn higher temperatures, the particles have high energy\nAnd in low temperatures, the particles have less energy.\nThe more energy a particle has, the faster it will move.\nIn solids, such as ice, the particles hardly move at all and hold a regular pattern\nbecause the energy is low and the particles are tightly packed.\nIn liquids such as water, the particles have more energy and the freedom to move around.\nLiquids have the ability to flow and fill the shape of any container they are put in.\nIn gases like steam, the particles have the most energy.\nThese particles are sparse and move around freely.\nGases are usually invisible to the eye and they can be expanded and compressed in different pressures.\nAll matter is composed of atoms and molecules that are always moving.\nThe higher the temperature, the more energy these particles have\nand that is the Kinetic Molecular Theory.\n": 4, "alright welcome to the statics tutorial so\u00a0\nI wanted to give you a brief introduction\u00a0\u00a0\nto Newton's second law and Newton's law of\u00a0\ngravitation so Newton's second law is that a\u00a0\u00a0\nparticle has an acceleration of a if it has a mass\u00a0\nof M and it's acted on by an unbalanced force of\u00a0\u00a0\nF Newton's gravitational law is that the force of\u00a0\ngravitation between two objects F is equal to the\u00a0\u00a0\ngravitational constant the gravitational constant\u00a0\nis the 66.7 three times ten to the minus twelve\u00a0\u00a0\nwith units of meters cubed per kilogram per second\u00a0\nsquared so it's a gravitational constant times the\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst mass of the first object m1 times the mass\u00a0\nof the second object m2 divided by the square of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe distance between the two objects so R is\u00a0\nthe distance between the two objects looking\u00a0\u00a0\nat this on a planet particularly on the face of\u00a0\nthe earth this G of course is a constant the mass\u00a0\u00a0\nof the Earth is a constant and if we take our\u00a0\nelevation of sealable then our elevation is a\u00a0\u00a0\nconstant so we can group all of these three terms\u00a0\nthe G the m1 and the R into a single constant and\u00a0\u00a0\nwe get this equation for then wait on the face\u00a0\nof the planet so we get W weight is equal to the\u00a0\u00a0\nmass of the object which would be R into in this\u00a0\nequation times G and G is our acceleration due to\u00a0\u00a0\ngravity G of course is this big G times the mass\u00a0\nof the Earth divided by the square of distance\u00a0\u00a0\nso G on the surface of the earth is 9.81 m/s^2\u00a0\nR in US customary units is 32.2 ft/s^2 thanks\n": 4, "Welcome to the FoxLearn\nToday we will learn how to Create a Chart using reports\nFirst, You need to add a Report Viewer to Form 1, then we will create a stored procedure to get total orders export\nYou need to download Northwind database to play\nYou can download the Northwind database below this video\nWe will select order ID, convert orderdate to year, then count and group orders by year.\nWe will use entity framework to get data from stored procedure\nYou need to drag the chart report item from the Toolbox onto the report, then select chart type and set the DataSource to chart report\nYou need to add categories and value group to chart report\nUse categories to group data\nCategories provide the labels for chart elements\nFor example, in a column chart\ncategory labels are placed on the x-axis of the chart, one for each set of columns\nThe Value group is used to determine the size of the chart element for each category group\nFor example, a Values field determines the height of a column in a column chart, or the size of a slice in a pie chart\nWhen you design a chart report, you need to add at least one field to the Value group\nValue groups are static in charts\nIf you add only one field to the Value group and, you do not add a field to the Series group, only a single chart element is displayed\nIf you add multiple fields to the Value group, a chart element is displayed for each value\nIf there are multiple fields in the Value group, the chart legend displays the name of each value.\nNow the last thing we will change the chart title\nThank you for watching this video\n": 4, "Bob Baker here.\nThanks so much for choosing this video.\nPlease subscribe to the channel and click\nthe little notification bell when you do,\nbecause I post new videos like this every\nweek.\nAlso, see the description below for a link\nwhere you can get six free meditation and\naffirmation MP3 downloads, my gift to you.\nThanks again, and enjoy.\nPositive Affirmations for Health and Healing.\nTo get the most out of this recording, listen\nto it every day for 21 days in a row, or as\nlong as it continues to serve you.\nIn this audio, I'll recite each affirmation,\nthen in the space that follows, repeat it\nback to yourself, either out loud or in your\nmind.\nLet's begin.\nI am healthy.\nI am perfect, whole, and complete.\nI choose to be healthy.\nI choose to be vibrant.\nI choose to be whole.\nEvery cell in my body vibrates with life-giving\nenergy.\nMy mind is sharp.\nMy body is in perfect working order.\nI am healthy in mind, body, and spirit.\nI am grateful for the healing that's happening\nright now.\nI call forth perfect health.\nI command healing energy to flow through me.\nI let go of what doesn't serve me.\nI give myself permission to heal.\nI am healing inside and out.\nI am patient with myself every day.\nMy body heals in its own time.\nMy body heals in divine order.\nI am radiant, beautiful, and strong.\nI believe in my ability to heal.\nI deserve to be healthy.\nI deserve to be happy.\nI deserve to heal.\nI deserve to live a full, vibrant life.\nMy body is a temple of health and healing.\nMy body is a magnet for wholeness.\nNow is the time to be healthy.\nNow is the time to be healed.\nNow is the time to be whole.\nMy body is in perfect alignment.\nMy body knows how to heal itself.\nMy body knows what to do.\nMy body knows what it needs.\nThe cells of my body tingle with positivity.\nI command my body to be healthy.\nI command my body to be whole.\nI command my body to find equilibrium.\nI command my body to maintain and restore\nitself.\nI listen to my body.\nMy body tells me what it needs.\nI honor the wisdom of my body.\nI trust my body to heal.\nI love my body.\nMy body heals itself easily.\nMy body heals itself naturally.\nMy body is an intelligent energy system.\nMy body is a health-making machine.\nMy body is in harmony with itself.\nMy body is fueled by infinite intelligence.\nMy body is powered by infinite wisdom.\nMy body knows how to support itself.\nMy body knows how to sustain itself.\nMy body is attuned to the wisdom of the universe.\nMy body is in sync with nature.\nMy body is in harmony with the universe.\nI am perfect, whole, and complete.\nGreat job.\nAgain, listen every day for 21 days in a row\nto get the most out of this recording.\nI wish you abundant, vibrant health.\nYou deserve it.\nThanks for listening.\nThis is Bob Baker.\nHave an awesome day.\n": 4, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "- Hit it, Katey.\nHello, hello\nCan you clap your hands\nHello, hello\nCan you clap your hands\nCan you stretch up high\nCan you touch your toes\nCan you turn around\nCan you say hello\nHello\nHello, hello\nCan you stamp your feet\nHello, hello\nCan you stamp your feet\nCan you stretch up high\nCan you touch your toes\nCan you turn around\nCan you say hello\nHello\nHello, hello\nCan you clap your hands\nHello, hello\nCan you stamp your feet\n- We did it!\n- Hooray!\nOne little finger, one little finger\nOne little finger, tap tap tap\nPoint your finger up\nPoint your finger down\nPut it on your head\nHead\nOne little finger, one little finger\nOne little finger, tap tap tap\nPoint your finger up\nPoint your finger down\nPut it on your nose\nNose\nOne little finger, one little finger\nOne little finger, tap tap tap\nPoint your finger up\nPoint your finger down\nPut it on your chin\nChin\nOne little finger, one little finger\nOne little finger, tap tap tap\nPoint your finger up\nPoint your finger down\nPut it on your arm\nArm\nOne little finger, one little finger\nOne little finger, tap tap tap\nPoint your finger up\nPoint your finger down\nPut it on your leg\nLeg\nOne little finger, one little finger\nOne little finger, tap tap tap\nPoint your finger up\nPoint your finger down\nPut it on your foot\nFoot\nPut it on your leg, leg\nPut it on your arm, arm\nPut it on your chin, chin\nPut in on your nose, nose\nPut it on your head, head\nNow let's wave goodbye\n- [Both] Goodbye!\nSkidamarink a dink a dink\nSkidamarink a doo\nI love you\nSkidamarink a dink a dink\nSkidamarink a doo\nI love you\nI love you in the morning\nAnd in the afternoon\nI love you in the evening\nAnd underneath the moon\nOh, skidamarink a dink a dink\nSkidamarink a doo\nI love you\n- I really love this song.\nSkidamarink a dink a dink\nSkidamarink a doo\nI love you\nSkidamarink a dink a dink\nSkidamarink a doo\nI love you\nI love you in the morning\nAnd in the afternoon\nI love you in the evening\nAnd underneath the moon\nOh, skidamarink a dink a dink\nSkidamarink a doo\nI love\nYou\nHere we go\nAre you sleeping, are you sleeping\nBrother John, Brother John\nMorning bells are ringing,\nmorning bells are ringing\nDing ding dong, ding ding dong\nAre you sleeping, are you sleeping\nBrother John, Brother John\nBluebirds are singing,\nbluebirds are singing\nTweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet\nAre you sleeping, are you sleeping\nBrother John, Brother John\nThe morning sun in shining,\nthe morning sun in shining\nRise and shine, rise and shine\nRise and shine\nRise and shine\n- Hit it, Katey!\nThis is the way we wash our face\nWash our face, wash our face\nThis is the way we wash our face\nEarly in the morning\nThis is the way we comb our hair\nComb our hair, comb our hair\nThis is the way we comb our hair\nEarly in the morning\nThis is the way we brush our teeth\nBrush our teeth, brush our teeth\nThis is the way we brush our teeth\nEarly in the morning\nThis is the way we get dressed\nGet dressed, get dressed\nThis is the way we get dressed\nEarly in the morning\nThis is the way we go to school\nGo to school, go to school\nThis is the way we go to school\nEarly in the morning\n(laughing)\n- Hit it, Katey.\nThe itsy bitsy spider\nWent up the water spout\nDown came the rain\nAnd washed the spider out\nOut came the sun\nAnd dried up all the rain\nThen the itsy bitsy spider\nWent up the spout again\n- Alright everyone, put\nyour fingers together.\nLet's do the Itsy Bitsy Spider.\nReady, Toby?\n- Mm hmm.\nThe itsy bitsy spider\nWent up the water spout\nDown came the rain\nAnd washed the spider out\nOut came the sun\nAnd dried up all the rain\nThen the itsy bitsy spider\nWent up the spout again\n- Hey, how about we do it faster?\n- Oh, boy, okay.\nThe itsy bitsy spider\nWent up the water spout\nDown came the rain\nAnd washed the spider out\nOut came the sun\nAnd dried up all the rain\nThen the itsy bitsy spider\nWent up the spout again\n- Hey, let's do it in a low voice.\n- Okay!\n- With a big, big spider.\nThe big, big spider\nWent up the water spout\nDown came the rain\nAnd washed the spider out\nOut came the sun\nAnd dried up all the rain\nThen the big, big spider\nWent up the spout again\nRock scissors paper,\nrock scissors paper\nOne two": 2, "Hydrogen Is Atomic #1 Atomic Mass 1.008. It's a gas found in water discovered in 1766 by Henry Cavendish. It's one of the main components of water the other being oxygen.\nHelium is Atomic #2 Atomic Mass 4.003 it's a gas found in balloons discovered in 1868 by Pierre Jansen and Norman Lockyer.\nIt's used in balloons in place of air because it's less dense which allows it to rise.\nLithium is Atomic #3 Atomic Mass 6.941 it's a solid found in batteries discovered in 1817 by Johan August Arfwedson it's used to pass along electricity\nBeryllium is Atomic #4 Atomic Mass 9.012 it's a solid found in springs discovered in 1798 by Louis Nicholas Vauquelin it is an alloy that allows an object to keep it's shape under large amounts of stress or strain\nBoron is Atomic #5 Atomic Mass 10.811 it's a solid found in soaps discovered in 1808 by Joseph Louis and Humphry boron balances active oxygen and softens water\nCarbon is Atomic #6 Atomic Mass 12.011 it's a solid found in plastic discovered in 3750 BC it's name was proposed by A.L. Lavoisier it is used in oil which is used to make plastic\nNitrogen is Atomic #7 Atomic Mass 14.007 it's a gas found in soil discovered in 1772 by Daniel Rutherford Nitrogen When absorbed by plants, ammonium and nitrate are incorporated into plant cells as living forms of nitrogen\nOxygen is Atomic #8 Atomic Mass 15.999 it's a gas found in water discovered in 1772 Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Joseph Priestley it used in surface water which is used by all forms of aquatic life\nFluorine is Atomic #9 Atomic Mass 18.998 it's a gas found in toothpaste discovered in 1886 by Henri Moissan flourine is a compound added to toothpaste to prevent tooth decay\n": 4, "hello beautiful people, this is Krishna\u00a0\nand I welcome you to an amazing tutorial of\u00a0\u00a0\ncode era I know it's been a while I\u00a0\nhaven't uploaded any video on my channel,\u00a0\u00a0\nand don't worry from now on the videos will be\u00a0\nuploaded on a regular basis in today's tutorial\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will be building this beautiful website\u00a0\ncompletely from scratch before moving further\u00a0\u00a0\nif you are new to my channel I want you to\u00a0\nhit that subscribe button and even press\u00a0\u00a0\nthat bell notification icon so you get notified\u00a0\nwhenever a new video is uploaded on my channel\u00a0\u00a0\nso before jumping right into our code let\u00a0\nus have a detailed look on our website\nokay so this is the website which are which we\u00a0\nare going to build in this tutorial so let's start\u00a0\u00a0\nto explore this so this complete website is\u00a0\nbuilt using HTML and CSS only I have not used\u00a0\u00a0\nany javascript or any other languages for this\u00a0\nso let's start from the beginning so here you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan see here goes the logo of the website and\u00a0\nparallel to this comes the navbar of our website\u00a0\u00a0\nwhenever I hover on any of the element the\u00a0\ncolor of the element changes from black to pink\nso next here you can see a button and some\u00a0\ntext going on at the center of this webpage\u00a0\u00a0\nso now let me show you another thing when i reload\u00a0\nthis page you could see the animation effect on\u00a0\u00a0\nthis text it moves from top to the center\u00a0\nof the page and when I hover on this button\u00a0\u00a0\nyou could also see some transition effect or an\u00a0\nanimation effect on this button so now let's move\u00a0\u00a0\non to our next section so before that here you can\u00a0\nsee the background image of this particular page\u00a0\u00a0\nor this particular section remains constant as of\u00a0\nthe remaining things are moving towards the top of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe website, this is the effect which we called\u00a0\nas parallax effect that is made using pure css\u00a0\u00a0\nso you will be learning this wonderful effect\u00a0\nin this tutorial okay so here you can see some\u00a0\u00a0\ntext going on at the middle of this section and\u00a0\nsecond section also has the same effect as that of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe first one the background image of this section\u00a0\nalso doesn't moves but instead the remaining part\u00a0\u00a0\nof the section moves when I scroll down next comes\u00a0\nthe third section here you can see a container\u00a0\u00a0\nwith some dummy text going on at the right of this\u00a0\nsection and here there are two images that I have\u00a0\u00a0\naligned using some transformation so whenever\u00a0\nI hover on any of the images you could see\u00a0\u00a0\nthat these images scale a little bit and get backs\u00a0\nto their normal position and you can also see\u00a0\u00a0\na transparent border given to these images\u00a0\nwhich was completely using css and this section\u00a0\u00a0\nalso has the same effect as that\u00a0\nof the other two sections above it\nand next comes a contact form which also had the\u00a0\nsame background effect that is the parallax effect\u00a0\u00a0\nthis contact form is very simple and very easy\u00a0\nto make so let me just show you some effect on\u00a0\u00a0\nthis particular form so here you can see whenever\u00a0\nI click on any of the input boxes the name or the\u00a0\u00a0\nlabel that I have given to this moves slightly\u00a0\nupwards from their original position but when I\u00a0\u00a0\nremove the focus from those particular boxes the\u00a0\nlabels get back to their original position but\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat happens when I write something in these boxes\u00a0\nso let me write something, okay so it's my name\u00a0\u00a0\nand when I shift my focus towards the next box\u00a0\nthe label of the first box remains at the top\u00a0\u00a0\nand the text inside this box remains unaltered\u00a0\nand now let me just type in any of the email ids\nokay so here it goes my email id and\u00a0\nthen your my name and let's write\u00a0\u00a0\nthank you for being with me guys\nso long and I expect the\u00a0\nsame with you all, love you\neven this effect was possible using just the\u00a0\nCSS properties and next comes a button that\u00a0\u00a0\nhas the same effect as that of the button that\u00a0\nis present in the first section of the website\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can see this has the similar effect as that of\u00a0\nthe button in the first section so now let me just\u00a0\u00a0\nremove this and show it to you what will happen\u00a0\nif I remove the content of these containers\u00a0\u00a0\nsee you can see when I remove the content\u00a0\nof these containers or the boxes the labels\u00a0\u00a0\nget back": 4, "ok so ah we start with introduction to cryptography\nwhat do you mean by cryptography or cryptology\nso the cryptography is to ah is the area in\nby which we ah we can able to communicate\ntwo people which are remotely sitting in two\ndifferent place and that communication should\nbe in a secured way and they are communicating\nover a insecured channel so usually these\ntwo people this is the fundamental objective\nof cryptography fundamental objective of cryptography\nis to ah is to enable two people and these\ntwo people namely usually use in a crypto\nevery bob or everywhere alice and the second\nperson is bob so two people is usually referred\nas name as alice and bob so ah the fundamental\nobjective of cryptography is to enable two\npeople to communicate over and in secure two\npeople for a secured communication communication\nover over an insecured channel over an public\nchannel over a public channel or\nso this is the area where which which ah guarantee\nus or which give us confident to ah for the\nsecured communication between two party alice\nand bob and and they are communicative over\npublic channels say telephone internet email\nfacebook whatsapp so these area is this is\nobjective of cryptography to ah it says ah\nscience of art of secret writing so we are\ncommunicating over an in secured channel which\nis public and which is ah which is which can\nbe captured by any party and but the communication\nshould be secure so whatever is sending by\nthe alice should not be revealed by anybody\nelse other than bob\nso let us draw the picture suppose there are\nthis alice and bob are sitting in two different\nplace say a alice is sitting in say delhi\nor in some part of india and bob is sitting\nsay ah newyork or u s a ok so now they they\nthey they want to communicate so alice want\nto communicate to bob so alice want to send\na message to bob so message could be anything\nlike say ah bob called alice and bob asked\nhey what is your age so this is the say age\nof alice this could be a message alice wants\nto send to bob so this is say twenty four\nsuppose alice age is twenty four\nso alice want to ah let bob know that alice\nage is twenty four so if so alice is communicating\nwith bob over a public channel so this channel\nis public \nso public means it could be telephone or it\ncould be email whatsapp facebook anything\ni mean ah any internet option so so these\nare all public channels so which is captured\nby a third party which is named as oscar so\noscar has access to this channel full access\nto this channel oscar can hear or oscar can\nsee whatever ah message is whatever communication\nis going on over this public channel\nso oscar is typically referred as a bad guy\nso oscar is hearing everything so if just\nalice saying that hey my age is twenty four\nthen if alice pass twenty four then oscar\nwill will also come to know that twenty four\nis alice age so that way alice they dont want\nto reveal there i mean age says so this is\nthe secret this is the message alice wants\nto send to bob without revealing this information\nto the third party\nso what alice can do or so this is the whole\narea of cryptography how we can a securely\ncommunicate over an in secured channel this\nchannel is in secured ok so now what alice\ncan do alice can do something on the plain\ntext this is called plain text or message\ni will come to that so alice can do something\non the plain text so alice can reverse this\nso alice can so twenty four forty two and\nthen alice can send this forty two bob to\nbob now upon receiving forty two bob has to\nget back twenty two so what bob will do so\nbob has to know was what alice did so bob\nhas to again reverse this forty two to get\nback twenty four\nbut if oscar knows that they just reverse\nit then oscar will also be able to get the\nalice original age which is twenty four ah\nwhat what else alice can do alice can add\nsomething on this say alice can add twenty\non this or alice can multiply ten on this\nso ten so may be alice can add something on\nthis say alice can add say eighteen on this\nor twenty eight on this say twenty six yeah\nso this will be a round figure so alice is\na": 2, "Hello, welcome to NETVN channel\nIn this video I would like to introduce how to route VPN on Raspberry PI so that you can access the internal network from the internet\nIn this video I would like to introduce how to route VPN on Raspberry PI so that you can access the internal network from the internet\nOn hand I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and a memory card 16GB\nI will install Zerotier on it and route VPN\nFirst you install the operating system for the Raspberry Pi, there are several operating system options for it\nYou can use Raspbian or Ubuntu\nIn this case I choose to install Ubuntu OS for Raspberry Pi\nYou go to the Ubuntu homepage and download the OS image for the Raspberry Pi\nAfter obtaining the operating system image file, you use specialized software for Raspberry Pi to write it to the SD Card\nAfter obtaining the operating system image file, you use specialized software for Raspberry Pi to write it to the SD Card\nYou pay attention to enable SSH for Raspberry Pi to be able to access it over the network\nYou write down your username and password to use in the next step\nThen you wait patiently for a few minutes to complete\nAnd here is the SD card with Ubuntu installed for Raspberry Pi\nI plugged it into the Raspberry Pi\nNext you connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet using a network cable or wifi\nTo set up Raspberry Pi over the network I use a Windows computer on the same local network\nBecause I don't know the ip address of the Raspberry Pi so I use an ip address scanner software\nAfter scanning I know it has an ip address of\nI will use this ip address and the username and password set up in the previous step to remotely access the Raspberry Pi over the network\nI will use this ip address and the username and password set up in the previous step to remotely access the Raspberry Pi over the network\nYou open a command window and use the command ssh username @ ip address to access over the intranet\nBefore setting up vpn for Raspberry Pi, update the operating system for it\nThe VPN service I use in this video is Zerotier and you only need a free account for this\nHere I have prepared a free Zerotier account to set up a vpn network\nI login to Zerotier and create a new vpn network\nI then named it netvn network, this is a vpn network that helps me access the intranet from outside the internet\nI then named it netvn network, this is a vpn network that helps me access the intranet from outside the internet\nTo do so, you can refer to the instructions from Zerotier's homepage\nThis vpn service helps you to route between physical network and vpn network to access local network resources from internet\nThis vpn service helps you to route between physical network and vpn network to access local network resources from internet\nYou can access servers, printers, file sharing and more\nYou can access servers, printers, file sharing and more\nNNow you install Zerotier on Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu operating system\nYou copy and paste this command to install Zerotier\nZerotier can be installed on various operating systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and even on NAS\nZerotier can be installed on various operating systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and even on NAS\nNext you set up Raspberry Pi to join the newly created vpn network with this command\nYou update the vpn network identifier to complete the command\nRaspberry Pi needs administrator permission to join this vpn network\nHere I allowed it to join the vpn network called netvn and found it online\nThis command will tell you information about vpn connection such as ip address, network interface name\nSo Raspberry Pi has joined the vpn network I just created called netvn\nNext you set up vpn network routing\nFirst of all you need to determine the network ip address range you are using, so you open a command window and use the ipconfig command to find out.\nFirst of all you need to determine the network ip address range you are using, so you open a command window and use the ipconfig command to find out.\nAs here my subnet is\nI will route so that computers outside the i": 4, "[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\n[Music]\nI did hear that they'd had car trouble\nI did hear that they'd had car trouble\nand they would be in later\nand they would be in later\nand they would be in later\nthat was the last they heard of her\nthat was the last they heard of her\nthat was the last they heard of her\nwasn't like her at all\nthe wild animal park was nearly 500\nthe wild animal park was nearly 500\nemployees it could happen to anybody\nemployees it could happen to anybody\nemployees it could happen to anybody\npolice were trying to piece together\npolice were trying to piece together\npolice were trying to piece together\nwhere they were who they were\nhe had two very distinct personalities\nhe had two very distinct personalities\nhe was walking around their homes\nhe was walking around their homes\nhe was walking around their homes\nlooking in their Windows walking in\nlooking in their Windows walking in\nlooking in their Windows walking in\ntheir backyards the real Angry side a\ntheir backyards the real Angry side a\ntheir backyards the real Angry side a\nreal temper\n[Applause]\n[Applause]\neverything started to unravel was there\neverything started to unravel was there\neverything started to unravel was there\na game being played where in the world\na game being played where in the world\na game being played where in the world\nwas she\nwas she\nwas she\n[Music]\nthank you\nthank you\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nI'm at Denise in\nI'm at Denise in\nI'm at Denise in\n1994.\n1994.\n1994.\nthat was with the Marine Corps and I was\nthat was with the Marine Corps and I was\nthat was with the Marine Corps and I was\nan embassy guard for the U.S embassy in\nan embassy guard for the U.S embassy in\nan embassy guard for the U.S embassy in\nbujinborough Burundi she was working for\nbujinborough Burundi she was working for\nbujinborough Burundi she was working for\nthe Jane Goodall champ Center to help\nthe Jane Goodall champ Center to help\nthe Jane Goodall champ Center to help\norphan Champs and illegally poached\norphan Champs and illegally poached\norphan Champs and illegally poached\nchimps\nchimps\nchimps\nshe was always\nshe was always\nshe was always\ninto working with animals even at a\ninto working with animals even at a\ninto working with animals even at a\nyoung age she actually had some articles\nyoung age she actually had some articles\nyoung age she actually had some articles\npublished in the local newspapers about\npublished in the local newspapers about\npublished in the local newspapers about\nher and snails and other animals\nher and snails and other animals\nher and snails and other animals\nand so she got the chance to go to\nand so she got the chance to go to\nand so she got the chance to go to\nBurundi working with Jane Goodall first\nBurundi working with Jane Goodall first\nBurundi working with Jane Goodall first\ntime I met Denise\ntime I met Denise\ntime I met Denise\nI was like wow you know\nI was like wow you know\nI was like wow you know\nreally attractive beautiful woman in the\nreally attractive beautiful woman in the\nreally attractive beautiful woman in the\nmiddle of a civil war it kind of kind of\nmiddle of a civil war it kind of kind of\nmiddle of a civil war it kind of kind of\ncaught my eye so we just started talking\ncaught my eye so we just started talking\ncaught my eye so we just started talking\nand\nand\nand\nI think she was more interested in\nI think she was more interested in\nI think she was more interested in\ngetting a hot bath because we had hot\ngetting a hot bath because we had hot\ngetting a hot bath because we had hot\nwater then she was really of me at first\nwater then she was really of me at first\nwater then she was really of me at first\nbut we ended up working it out\nbut we ended up working it out\nbut we ended up working it out\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nshe was outgoing energetic\nshe was outgoing energetic\nshe was outgoing energetic\nalways ready for an adventure\nalways ready for an adventure\nalways ready for an adventure\nextremely friendly always wanted to help\nextremely friendly always wanted to help\nextremely friendly always wanted to help\npeople if she thought she c": 1, "hi everyone i am sejal so we are going to\u00a0\ndiscuss about the du psychology colleges\u00a0\u00a0\nmerit formula nirf ranking and also the number\u00a0\nof placements and salary so let's get started\nso the first is ba honor psychology course\u00a0\nso the merit formula for this is one language\u00a0\u00a0\nand three domains so the maximum amount\u00a0\nof marks that you will you can get\u00a0\u00a0\nis 800 marks so the colleges offering ba honor\u00a0\npsychology is aryabhatta college bhatti college\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is a girls college dollardram\u00a0\ncollege which is also a girls college\u00a0\u00a0\nin the repressed college girls college jesus and\u00a0\nmary college girls college kamla nehru college\u00a0\u00a0\ngirls college keshev mahavidyala lady shri ram\u00a0\ncollege which is also girls college lakshmi by\u00a0\u00a0\ncollege which is also girls college mata sundry\u00a0\ncollege which is also a girls college shaheed\u00a0\u00a0\nrajguru college of applied sciences girls college\u00a0\nand the last one is zakir hussein delhi college\u00a0\u00a0\nso we can see that many of the colleges are\u00a0\nfor girls now we are going to talk about\u00a0\u00a0\nthe ranking or the preference of the colleges\u00a0\nwhich comes under beyond a psychology\u00a0\u00a0\nso the first list in the preference order is lady\u00a0\nsriram college which is a south campus college\u00a0\u00a0\nand a girls college the an irf ranking of this\u00a0\ncollege is fifth the second in our list is jesus\u00a0\u00a0\nand mary college which also comes under the south\u00a0\ncampus college and the nirf ranking is 44th the\u00a0\u00a0\nthird one in our list is dalataram college which\u00a0\nis a north campus college and nirf ranking is\u00a0\u00a0\n29. the fourth comes is the indra press college\u00a0\nwhich comes under the north campus and is a girls\u00a0\u00a0\ncollege the nirf ranking is 61. the fifth one is\u00a0\naryabhat college which is a south campus college\u00a0\u00a0\nand the sixth is keshav mahavidala which is an\u00a0\noff-campus college and the nih ranking is 84th\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is the preference list of the colleges\u00a0\nwhich comes under the ba honors psychology\nnow we are going to uh talk about the placements\u00a0\nand the salary of all these colleges the first in\u00a0\u00a0\nour list is lsr which is lady sridham college and\u00a0\nthe you can you can take screenshots observe the\u00a0\u00a0\ntrend analyze the data and decide the college\u00a0\nthat suits you so uh if we talk about lsr um\nthe ug program which is for three years uh\u00a0\naccording to the latest academic year 20 20 21\u00a0\u00a0\nuh the number of students who\u00a0\nwere who took admission were 8 863\u00a0\u00a0\nand the number of students placed were 196 and\u00a0\nthe median salary that they got were 6 lakh 50 000\u00a0\u00a0\nand the difference between ug three-year program\u00a0\nand ug fourier program there is a difference\u00a0\u00a0\nsee in 2021 uh the ug four-year program uh 52\u00a0\nstudents got admission and the number of students\u00a0\u00a0\nplaced were 22. so the median salary of placed\u00a0\ngraduates in the ug fourier program were different\u00a0\u00a0\nit was four lakhs and you can\u00a0\nalso see for pg two-year program\nthey got 6 lakhs for the pg 2-year program\nyou can also see for jesus and\u00a0\nmary college dollar drama college\nindirect college and aryabhatta college\nnow we are going to talk about ba honors\u00a0\napplied psychology if we compare uh the\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo courses ba honors psychology and b honors\u00a0\napplied psychology i recommend two points first\u00a0\u00a0\nbe a honors psychology is a better option than the\u00a0\nuh be honors applied psychology because there are\u00a0\u00a0\nmore colleges in ba honor psychology then va\u00a0\nhonors applied psychology and the second thing is\u00a0\u00a0\nthat there is more demand in ba honor psychology\u00a0\nthan be honors applied psychology so the merit\u00a0\u00a0\nformula is same uh we have one language and\u00a0\nthree domains and the colleges offering ba honors\u00a0\u00a0\napplied psychology are arubindo college evening\u00a0\nvivekananda college dr bhimbra ambedkar college\u00a0\u00a0\ngargi college ramanujan college and sriam prasad\u00a0\nmukherjee college which is a woman a girls college\nnow we are going to talk about the preference list\u00a0\nof ba honors applied psychology colleges the first\u00a0\u00a0\ncomes the in the list is gargi college which is a\u00a0\nsouth campus college it is a girls college and the\u00a0\u00a0\nnrf ranking is 23 then ramanujan college which\u00a0\nis an off-campus college and the nrf ranking is\u00a0\u00a0\n41. the third is the dolothram college which is\u00a0\na north cam": 3, "Christopher Carbone: Question Number 17 for our\nChristopher Carbone: final exam review with these multiple choice questions\nChristopher Carbone: is that S. Of X is equal to negative. X cubed minus 9 x squared, plus 165 x plus 1,300,\nChristopher Carbone: with X being between 5 and 20 inclusive.\nChristopher Carbone: It is an approximation to the number of soundments forming upstream to spawn, where X represents the water temperature and degree of associates. We want the temperature that produces the maximum\nChristopher Carbone: maximum number of salmon.\nChristopher Carbone: So I first need to take the derivative\nChristopher Carbone: of s so s prime of X.\nChristopher Carbone: This would be negative 3 x squared\nChristopher Carbone: minus eighteenx\nChristopher Carbone: plus 165,\nChristopher Carbone: and that factors\nChristopher Carbone: to be negative 3\nChristopher Carbone: times x squared, or sixx minus 55,\nChristopher Carbone: which also factors\nChristopher Carbone: to be negative 3 times x, plus 11\nChristopher Carbone: times x minus 5,\nChristopher Carbone: and we set that equal to 0.\nChristopher Carbone: So we got 2 solutions to this negative 11,\nChristopher Carbone: one positive 5.\nChristopher Carbone: Mind you. This cannot be\nChristopher Carbone: negative due to the 5 between 5 and 20, so it's not this one.\nChristopher Carbone: the only one that would make sense would be.\nChristopher Carbone: and X value of\nChristopher Carbone: 5,\nChristopher Carbone: so that'd be 5 degrees. Celsius. In this case\nChristopher Carbone: question number 18. We want to use the properties of limits to help to set whether the limit exists.\nChristopher Carbone: and if it does to fund its value, we have the limit. As X approaches negative, 3 of X squared was 10 x plus 21 divided by X plus 3. If we just tried to put negative 3 in, we get a 0 and the denominator. So\nChristopher Carbone: because of that\nChristopher Carbone: we need to simplify this numerator.\nChristopher Carbone: so this becomes the limit\nChristopher Carbone: as X approaches negative. 3\nChristopher Carbone: of this would be\nChristopher Carbone: x plus 3\nChristopher Carbone: times x plus 7, so the numerative factors to\nChristopher Carbone: divided by X plus 3,\nChristopher Carbone: and\nChristopher Carbone: from this we could see the X plus 3, and the number and the denominator\nChristopher Carbone: can cancel out.\nChristopher Carbone: So this becomes the limit as X approaches negative, 3\nChristopher Carbone: of x plus 7,\nChristopher Carbone: so negative, 3 plus 7.\nChristopher Carbone: That will give us an answer of 4.\nChristopher Carbone: Then for number 19.\nChristopher Carbone: We want to let the limit as X approaches negative, 8 of F of X be equal to negative one\nChristopher Carbone: and the limit as X approaches negatively of G. Of x be equal to negative 3,\nChristopher Carbone: and we want the limit. As X approaches negative, 8 of F. Of x minus g. Of X.\nChristopher Carbone: So in this case, negative one\nChristopher Carbone: minus negative to the.\nChristopher Carbone: And now just give us an in. So of 2.\nChristopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.\n": 4, "hello guys welcome to five minutes solutions and\u00a0\nin this video we will show you the steps of how to\u00a0\u00a0\nadhere deactivate a wedding account it's pretty\u00a0\neasy and we'll today show you how to do that so\u00a0\u00a0\nwithout any further ado let's get started\u00a0\nfirst open reddit on your web browser\u00a0\u00a0\nand after opening reddit click the top right\u00a0\nbutton and after that click the user settings\u00a0\u00a0\nand after clicking the user settings menu the\u00a0\nuser settings will automatically take you to\u00a0\u00a0\nthe account settings which is at first and after\u00a0\ngetting into account settings you just have to\u00a0\u00a0\nscroll down and at the bottom you'll see an\u00a0\noption named deactivate account and that's\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you're going to click after clicking\u00a0\nthe activate account if you click continue\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we click ok it will send a message to\u00a0\na link to create a password and you click ok\nand and after that if you check our email we'll\u00a0\nsend the link to the cta password because this\u00a0\u00a0\nis necessary to verify my identification\u00a0\nif i'm the really real person who's trying\u00a0\u00a0\nto deactivate the real owner who's trying to\u00a0\ndeactivate the account after clicking that link\u00a0\u00a0\nand receiving our password and getting\u00a0\nit ready again and the activate account\u00a0\u00a0\nclicking the activate account\u00a0\ni can't do it deactivate it so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's how we can deactivate our widget account\u00a0\nhope this video was helpful to you guys please\u00a0\u00a0\nlike the video share our videos and subscribe\u00a0\nto our channel have a nice day and peace\n": 3, "So make way to start the revolution\nMake way were gonna have fun tonight\nMake way to start the revolution\nLet loose and everything will be alright\nHere we go\nHere we go again\nThe clock spins and the roof is down tonight\nDone with\nI\u2019m done with living in the shadow of hate and fear all the time\nShine on\nShine on like you do\nWatch out cuz I\u2019m coming through\nSo hold fast\nAnd take the wheel\nIts your chance\nGotta do what you do\nI've been waiting all my life for this\nI've been waiting for you...\nI've been waiting all my life for this\nI've been waiting for you!\nSo make way to start the revolution\nMake way were gonna have fun tonight\nMake way to start the revolution\nLet loose and everything will be alright\nI feel it!\nI feel it in the air!\nIts in the breezes, everywhere\nI feel good, walking down the street\nAnd you should know, that I don\u2019t care!\nI've been waiting all my life for this\nI've been waiting for you...\nI've been waiting all my life for this\nI've been waiting for you!\nSo make way to start the revolution\nMake way we're gonna have fun tonight\nMake way to start the revolution\nLet loose and everything will be alright\nSo make way to start the revolution\nMake way we're gonna have fun tonight\nMake way to start the revolution\nSo make way!\nSo make way to start the revolution\nMake way we're gonna have fun tonight\nMake way to start the revolution\nLet loose and everything will be alright\nMake way to start the revolution\nMake way to start the revolution\nMake way to start the revolution\nSo make way!\n": 2, " \nhi everybody, welcome back to my channel\nIn this video, we solve the following equation x to the x equals to 4\nand we will show that 2 is the only solution for this equation\nObviously, 2 to the 2 equals 4 and so 2 is a solution for this equation.\nWe will show that there is no other solution for this equation\nFirst let me remind some well known results about x to the x.\nWe know that x to the x is defined as e to the x times ln of x\nand we know that ln of x is defined only for positive numbers \ntherefore x is a positive number.\nNow if we get ln from both sides of the above equation\nwe get that ln of x to the x equals to ln of 4\nand we know that ln of a to the b equals to b times ln of a\nTherefore we get that x times ln of x equals to ln of 4\nand since x is a positive number we get that \nln of x equals to ln of 4 over x\nSince 4 is greater than 1 so ln of 4 is a positive number\nAlso, we know that x is a positive number, therefore ln of x \nis a positive number which implies that x is greater than 1.\nequation, then x is greater than 1.\nequation, then x is greater than 1.\nnow we define f of x as x to the x minus 4 where x is greater than 1\nobviously, f of x equals e to the x times ln of x minus 4\nnow we want to prove that f of x is a monotonically increasing function\nfor this reason, we get the derivation from f of x \nSo f prime of x is the derivation with respect to x of \ne to the x times ln of x minus 4 equals to the derivation \nwith respect to x of e to the x times ln of x\nLet me remined that \nthe derivation with respect of x of e to the g of x equals to\nthe derivation of g with respect to x of e to the g of x\nequals to the derivation of g of x with respect to x times e to the g of x\nNow using this formula we can write\nthis function\nthe derivation of this function equals to the derivation \nwith respect to x of x times ln of x times e to the x times ln of x\nequals to the derivation of this expression \n1 times ln of x plus x times the derivation of ln of x \nwhich is equal to 1 over x times e to the x times ln of x\nequals to ln of x plus one times e to the x times ln of x\nObviously this part is a positive number \nAlso we show that ln of x is a positive number \nand therefore we get that \nthe derivation of f with respect to x is a positive number for \neach x greater than 1 \nTherefore we get that f of x is a monotonically increasing function \nfor x greater than 1\nWe prove that if x is a solution for this function \nalways x is greater than 1. Now we prove that \nf of x is a monotonically increasing function on all x greater than 1\nand therefore it is proved that there exists at most one \nsolution for f of x equals to zero on x greater than 1.\nAlso we know that f of 2 equals to 2 to the 2 minus 4 \nequals to zero and so 2 is an answer for this equation\nTherefore we prove that the only solution for this equation \nis x equals to 2.\nI hope that you enjoy and if you enjoy please subscribe, please like \nand comment and send the links of the video for your friends\nthanks for watching, be safe, take care and goodbye\n": 4, "Christopher Carbone: With the last question of our final exam review, I have let us investigate. The function. F. Of X is equal to one over 2 x over the closed interval from negative 2 to 6 using 8 left 10. If we first want to find Delta X,\nChristopher Carbone: so we call that calculation to be\nChristopher Carbone: B minus a divided by N.\nChristopher Carbone: The number of rectangles.\nChristopher Carbone: So in our case it' be a 6. A would be negative, 2\nChristopher Carbone: divided by N. Being 8, so 6 minus negative, 2 divided by 8.\nChristopher Carbone: This makes 8, divided by 8\nChristopher Carbone: or one.\nChristopher Carbone: and based on that and the class I have here. On\nChristopher Carbone: the second part of this\nChristopher Carbone: we want using left endpoints. We want to draw in the 8\nChristopher Carbone: rectangles.\nChristopher Carbone: so\nChristopher Carbone: join those in.\nChristopher Carbone: It would look something like this\nChristopher Carbone: Yeah, first\nChristopher Carbone: left endpoints. The next one will be about here\nChristopher Carbone: at that point.\nChristopher Carbone: This one is right on the X-axis\nChristopher Carbone: and then proceeding from there.\nChristopher Carbone: Second the fourth. Excuse me\nChristopher Carbone: this\nChristopher Carbone: sixth.\nChristopher Carbone: and finally\nChristopher Carbone: 8.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: that's what that graph would look like.\nChristopher Carbone: and we want to for the third part here approximate this total area of the region with these 8 rectangles\nChristopher Carbone: since the first 2 here below the x-axis\nChristopher Carbone: we need to take the absolute value bars of these ones.\nChristopher Carbone: So the area for this will be one\ntimes the absolute value of f of negative, 2\nChristopher Carbone: plus one\nChristopher Carbone: times the absolute value of f of negative one\nChristopher Carbone: plus one times f of 0, plus one\nChristopher Carbone: times f of 2 f of one next. Excuse me.\nChristopher Carbone: plus one times f of 2\nChristopher Carbone: plus one times f of 3,\nChristopher Carbone: plus one times F of 4\nChristopher Carbone: plus one times f of 5.\nChristopher Carbone: So in our case this will be one\nChristopher Carbone: times the absolute value of negative one.\nChristopher Carbone: plus the absolute value of negative one over 2\nChristopher Carbone: plus 0, plus one over 2,\nChristopher Carbone: plus one.\nChristopher Carbone: What we have\nChristopher Carbone: plus 2 plus 5 halves.\nChristopher Carbone: and each of those values was found by putting\nChristopher Carbone: the numbers of negative 2 through 5 resp., into that function, F. Of X being one half of X.\nChristopher Carbone: That being well done to a calculator, we should get an answer of 9\nChristopher Carbone: for the area\nChristopher Carbone: of the entire region.\nChristopher Carbone: So the fourth part\nChristopher Carbone: we want the total area of that region.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: if we call\nChristopher Carbone: the portion here below the x-axis, the first area\nChristopher Carbone: and the portion above it the second\nChristopher Carbone: we can approximate\nChristopher Carbone: this.\nChristopher Carbone: by adding those 2 areas, a sub one plus a sub 2.\nChristopher Carbone: This first one here\nChristopher Carbone: is\nChristopher Carbone: as ahead\nChristopher Carbone: highlight that triangle.\nChristopher Carbone: It has a base here of 2, a height of one.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: for that first day this would be one half times, 2 times one\nChristopher Carbone: and i'm going to Add to that this second triangle\nChristopher Carbone: again. Let me just highlight it here for\nChristopher Carbone: for a sake.\nChristopher Carbone: This has a base\nChristopher Carbone: basic 6 and a height of 3.\nChristopher Carbone: So plus one over, 2 times, 6 times 3.\nChristopher Carbone: So we would have one from this first area.\nChristopher Carbone: plus the second area. This will be\nChristopher Carbone: 18, divided by 2, so 9, one and plus 9, ": 2, "wee2hard unreleased\nwee2hard babe ruth instrumental\nAnti Da Menace\nAnti Da Menace type beat\nAnti Da Menace beat\nAnti Da Menace instrumental\nATL beats\nAtlanta type beat\nrap instrumentals free\ntrap instrumentals\ntrap instrumentals beats\ntrap instrumentals\nBeats by BruceDayne\ntrap instrumentals beats\nrap instrumentals free\ninstrumental music\nfree beat for rap\nfree beats instrumental\ninstrumental hip hop\ninstrumentals beats\ninstrumentals rap\ninstrumentals rap beats\ntrap bluez\ntype beat\ntype beat drake\nfree beats 2023\ntype beat hip hop\ntype beat drake\nfree beat for profit\ntrap beats 2023\nwee2hard unreleased\nwee2hard babe ruth instrumental\nAnti Da Menace\nAnti Da Menace type beat\nAnti Da Menace beat\nAnti Da Menace instrumental\nATL beats\nAtlanta type beat\nrap instrumentals free\ntrap instrumentals\ntrap instrumentals beats\ntrap instrumentals\nBeats by BruceDayne\ntrap instrumentals beats\nrap instrumentals free\ninstrumental music\nfree beat for rap\nfree beats instrumental\ninstrumental hip hop\ninstrumentals beats\ninstrumentals rap\ninstrumentals rap beats\ntrap bluez\ntype beat\ntype beat drake\nfree beats 2023\ntype beat hip hop\ntype beat drake\nfree beat for profit\ntrap beats 2023\nfree beat chill\nfree beat for profit use\nfree beat plug\ninstrumental free\nfree beat melodic\ntrap beat hard\ntrap beat hip hop\nfree beat pop\ninstrumentals type beats\ntrap beat music\nfree beats instrumental\ntype beat free\nfree beat chill\nfree beat for profit use\nfree beat plug\ninstrumental free\nfree beat melodic\ntrap beat hard\ntrap beat hip hop\nfree beat pop\ninstrumentals type beats\ntrap beat music\nfree beats instrumental\ntype beat free\n": 0, "hello everyone.\nwelcome to Jenny Daily Life.\nToday, I bring you to see an amazing street food on weekend and holiday.\n10 baby chicken eggs is for 20000 riel=$5. if you buy 10, will get one more for free.\nchili sauce, salt pepper, chili, lime, and Cambodian Coriander.\nfried fish patty wrap with fresh vegetables, and bread 1 piece is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\nshe sells grilled deep fried chicken, grilled frog, and grilled chicken.\ngrilled frogs.\ngrilled chicken.\ngrilled frogs.\ngrilled snakefishes, carp, and catfishes.\nmany kinds of pickles. we can buy from 2000 riel=$0.50 up.\nthey sells cucumber pickled, lotus root with beansprout pickled, cleome gynandra pickled, papaya pickled, green mustard pickled, sesbania flower pickled, mango sauce, and tamarind sauce.\n lotus root with beansprout pickled.\ncleome gynandra pickled.\ncucumber pickled.\nmany kinds of grilled meat and fishes.\nsweet spicy fish sauce.\ngrilled chicken.\nthe boxes of rice.\ngrilled eel fishes and catfishes.\npickles.\nhe sells deep fried chicken, grilled chicken, frog, and fish paste.\n lotus root with beansprout pickled.\ngrilled fish paste.\nshe sells grilled snakefishes, carp, and catfishes. the price is from 10000 riel=$2.50 up.\ngrilled big eel fishes 1 stick is for 30000 riel=$7.50.\ngrilled catfishes 1 stick is for 12000 riel=$3.\ngrilled carp 1 stick is for 10000 riel=$2.50.\ngrilled big eel fishes 1 stick is for 30000 riel=$7.50.\ngrilled carp 1 stick is for 10000 riel=$2.50.\ngrilled carp, catfishes, and eel fishes.\ngrilled prawn 1 stick is for 25000 riel=$6.25.\nshe sells papaya pickled, fermented tinny fish paste, shrimp paste, and cucumber pickled.\nfermented tinny fish paste and shrimp paste.\nfresh vegetables 1 plastic bag is for 3000 riel=$0.75.\nboiled snails 1 can is for 5000 riel=$1.25.\npapaya pickled 1 kg is for 8000 riel=$2.\nshrimp paste.\npapaya pickled.\nshrimp paste 1 kg is for 30000 riel=$7.50.\npapaya pickled 1 kg is for 8000 riel=$2.\n": 2, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc0\\stshfdbch0\\stshfloch0\\stshfhich0\\stshfbi0\\deff0\\adeff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New 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0, "Bosnia and Herzegovina Travel Video (Bosna i Hercegovina Putovanja) Visual Journey: Cinematic B-Roll\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nBosnia and Herzegovina Travel Video (Bosna i Hercegovina Putovanja) Visual Journey: Cinematic B-Roll\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nBosnia and Herzegovina Travel Video (Bosna i Hercegovina Putovanja) Visual Journey: Cinematic B-Roll\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "noted to the rank of general command center privileges unlocked congratulations general\nplease report to the command center at your earliest convenience\nokay uh so i uh\nuh so i was gonna wait to uh restart the stream until i log back in but as soon as i log back in\ni got a message saying the quest was done and and now switch and now i've got i am become death\nso um i i know that it cut out there you you uh you saw the stream right as it was talking to me\nbut basically what it said is that it promoted me to the rank of general it recognized that i\ncompleted the quest and man i'm taking rads aren't they oh okay hold on a minute taking rads taking\nrads oh no i've got the power armor bug that's right but i'm still not encumbered right now so i'll\ntake care of that in a minute let's go into the enclave bunker and pick up where we left off okay\nwait explore the white spring command center hold on\noh i might not go into the right spot i'm not i have to go somewhere else\noh okay hold on\nyou\nyou know what is the same place emeldarokay well then why is my\noh it's just making me go through the front door okay all right it just didn't have the quest marker\non the back door so the back door is fine and this way i'll skip all that\nare you in a hazmat suit also yes i am but if power armor is any way like it is in full not\nfor what you're wearing underneath the power armor doesn't really matter it doesn't count\ntowards your resistances or statistics\nandrew says put on the general's uniform please let me know what you think it's my favorite enclave\nuniform oh okay it's not letting me move sure let's see what that enclave uniform looks like\nokay oh i feel like a general looking good\nput the cat the clown on outfit on in case i find a win to go not likely in here\noh i need to go up\nokay oh i better not pain train into one of these robots that would be a quick death\nwhere are you sending me quest log\non\noh that's right i'm\nokay what am i doing wrong\noh you need to go to the military area okay i'll do that\nokay\nback to the elevators\nand i'm back where i started right\nrestoring this area requires a good portion of our attention so if you wouldn't mind\nokay\ncabinet room i don't remember this\nmeeting transcripts\njacobs you see mr secretary the missile detonations they fundamentally change the nature of the\nplanet's tissue of the plant's tissue what's stabilized the materials have shown property\nsuggesting exceedingly versatility you've taken to calling them flux at cart and what can this\nflux do well mr secretary we're still exploring options they do nothing no sir no far from it\nso far we've been able to refine them into a fuel and with more time fuel precisely what\nactual plants are used precisely what actual actual plants are used for\nsir it's so much more than that show me miss miss jacobs if these are are important as you claim\ni want you to show it to me but it's not to take away from our other work understand of course\nno sister secretary data lost data lost partial very well we all know our parts then i do have\none question mr secretary and that is correct me if i'm wrong but the automated silos that require\na general of appropriate rank to be present just in general presidential authorization is not\nrequired that is correct general and we are mobilizing a not insignificant number of men to\nachieve this goal san tiago's men men i'm sure some of us may not fully trust yet and you're asking\nwhy it is we are doing this i'm asking why are we risking few and precious resources you can call\nyourself president when it's not necessary for the mission to the contrary general harper\nit is quite necessary all of us around this table understand that education required to\naccomplish our goals here the sacrifice but to ensure the loyalty of those out there we cannot\npresume dedication alone will be enough we require authority and those soldiers and statement\nrecognize only two great authorities god and the president of the united states and i don't know\nof an automated system we can use to make a god so the later we'll have to do surveillance recordi": 2, "Layers of Earth.\nLayers of Earth.\nMany years ago, when Earth was formed, it was very hot.\nRains and thunderstorms cooled the outer portion.\nand.\ndifferent life forms started originating on the earth.\nMany years ago, when Earth was formed, it was very hot.\nRains and thunderstorms cooled the outer portion.\nand.\ndifferent life forms started originating on the earth.\nThe outer cool layer on which we live is called Crust.\nThe outer cool layer on which we live is called Crust.\nWelcome to Crust.\nEarth's crust is covered with landforms, air and water.\nAfter crust, the next layer is Mantle.\nWelcome to Crust.\nEarth's crust is covered with landforms, air and water.\nAfter crust, the next layer is Mantle.\nCurrent location Crust.\nNext location Mantle.\nCrust.\nMantle is the layer below the crust.\nMantle is very hot.\nMantle consists of rocks in molten form.\nCurrent location Mantle.\nCurrent location Crust.\nNext location Mantle.\nCrust.\nMantle is the layer below the crust.\nMantle is very hot.\nMantle consists of rocks in molten form.\nCurrent location Mantle.\nNext location Core.\nThe Core is located just below the Mantle.\nCore is divided into two parts, outer core and inner core.\nThe outer core is in liquid state.\nThe inner core is in solid state.\nNext location Core.\nThe Core is located just below the Mantle.\nCore is divided into two parts, outer core and inner core.\nThe outer core is in liquid state.\nThe inner core is in solid state.\nSearching for metals.\nInner Core.\nOuter Core.\nMetals are in solid form.\nNickel.\nIron.\nMetals are in molten form.\nNickel.\nIron.\nLet's go back.\nSometimes, hot melted rocks called lava come out to the surface of the earth. Such places are called volcanoes.\nSearching for metals.\nInner Core.\nOuter Core.\nMetals are in solid form.\nNickel.\nIron.\nMetals are in molten form.\nNickel.\nIron.\nLet's go back.\nSometimes, hot melted rocks called lava come out to the surface of the earth. Such places are called volcanoes.\n": 2, "Oh how lovely was the morning!\nRadiant beamed the sun above.\nBees were humming, sweet birds singing, music ringing through the grove.\nWhen within the shady woodland Joseph sought the God of love\nWhen within the shady woodland Joseph sought the God of love\nHumbly kneeling, sweet appealing, 'Twas the boy's first uttered prayer.\nWhen the pow'rs of sin assailing filled his soul with deep despair\nBut undaunted, still he trusted in his Heav'nly Father's care\nBut undaunted, still he trusted in his Heav'nly Father's care\nSuddenly a light descended, brighter far than noon-day sun\nAnd a shining, glorious pillar o'er him fell, around him shone\nWhile appeared two heav'nly beings, God the Father and the Son\nWhile appeared two heav'nly beings, God the Father and the Son\n\"Joseph, this is my Beloved; Hear him!\" Oh, how sweet the word!\nJoseph's humble prayer was answered, and he listened to the Lord.\nOh, what rapture filled his bosom, for he saw the living God.\nOh, what rapture filled his bosom, for he saw the living God.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 4, "- [Voiceover] What I have\nhere are three numbers\nplotted on the number line.\nWe have the number a, the\nnumber c, the number b.\nAnd then we have three -- (laughs)\nwe have four inequalities, actually.\nFour inequalities that\ninvolve absolute value.\nAnd what I want to do is figure out\nwhich is these inequalities are true,\ngiven where a, c and b\nare on the number line.\nAnd I encourage you to pause the video\nand try to think through it on your own.\nAll right, let's look at this first one.\nIt says that, \"a is less than b.\"\nSo if we look at a and we look at b,\na is clearly to the left\nof b on the number line.\nSo we know that this is true.\nEven more we know that a is negative,\nit's to the left of zero,\nwhile b is positive.\nWhich is, if one thing is negative and\nthe other thing is positive,\nthe negative thing is\ndefinitely going to be\nless than the positive thing.\nBut even easier than that,\na is to the left of b on the number line.\nIf you're to the left of\nsomething else on the number line\nyou're less than that other thing.\nBecause the number line,\nat least the way we've constructed it,\nit increases from left to right.\nAll right, the next statement,\n\"The absolute value of a is\ngreater than the absolute value of b.\"\nWell, let's just think about\nwhere these are on the number line.\nSo we've already said\na is three hash marks\nto the left of zero.\nThat is a.\nSo what is going to be\nthe absolute value of a?\nWell, the absolute value of a is the\ndistance that a is from zero.\nSo the distance that a is from zero is\none, two, three hash marks.\nSo the absolute value\nof a is just going to be\nthat same distance on the positive side.\nSo the point that we marked as c\nis also the absolute value of a.\nSo that is also the absolute value of a.\nThe absolute value of a -- sorry,\na is three to the left of zero.\nAbsolute value of a is going\nto be three to the right.\nIt's just a measure of, how\nmany hash marks is it from zero?\nWell, it's three hash marks from zero\nso we put it right over here.\nSo is the absolute value of a greater than\nthe absolute value of b?\nOr what's the absolute value of b?\nWell, b is one, two, three,\nfour, five, six, seven,\neight hash marks to the right of zero.\nAnd so the absolute value of b\nis going to be on the eighth hash mark.\nBecause it's eight hash\nmarks to the right.\nSo this is also the absolute value of b.\nAnd this is consistent with\nwhat we've learned about absolute value.\nAbsolute value of a positive number\nis just going to be that number again.\nAbsolute value of a negative number\nis going to be the\nopposite of that number.\nAnd absolute value of zero\nis just going to be zero.\nSo is the absolute value of a\ngreater than the absolute value of b?\nWell, no.\nAbsolute value of a is to the left\nof the absolute value\nof b on our number line.\nIt is less than the absolute value of b.\nSo this is not true.\nAll right, next statement.\n\"Absolute value of a is less\nthan the absolute value of c.\"\nWell, we already know that\nthe absolute value of a\nis the same value as c.\nSo what's the absolute value of c?\nWell, the absolute value\nof a positive number\nis just going to be that number.\nSo this point right over here is also\nthe absolute value of c.\nSo we see that the absolute value of a\nis equal to the absolute value of c.\nIt's not less than.\nSo we are going to mark that off.\nWe could have written,\n\"Absolute value of a\nis equal to absolute value of c.\"\nThat would have been true.\nAll right, last one.\na is less than c.\nWell, once again a is to the\nleft of c on the number line.\nSo that is true, because our\nnumber line is increasing\nas we go from left to right.\nIf one number is to the\nleft of another number,\nit is less than the other number.\nSo a is indeed less than c.\nAnd we are done.\n": 4, "Can't nobody tell me nothing\nYou can't tell me nothing\nCan't nobody tell me nothing\nYou can't tell me nothing\n[Music]\nYou can't tell me nothing\nHat down, cross town\n Livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money\non my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress\nI've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\n": 1, "A year ago I started watching New Japan Pro\nWrestling and I started with G1 Climax 28.\nAnd right now I am in Dallas for G1 Climax\n29, which is starting its tour in America\nwhich is a huge freakin' deal.\nAnd I'm here.\nA year later I am about to watch G1 Climax,\nlive.\nWhat??\nSo, before we wrap this up please raise your\nhand if you want to get the best shot.\nDid you make the video?\nYes.\nWere you at Bull James's show?\nI remember you.\nDon't cry.\nDon't cry!\nDon't cry!\nNo, don't!!\nIt's the day of the show, y'all.\nIt's the day of the show, y'all!\nIt's G1 Climax 29!\n29!!\nIt's so hot, but I'm so ready.\nI can't believe this is actually happening.\nIt's happening.\nHow am I here right now?\nBy the grace of the powers more powerful than\nus.\nThe powerful wrestling gods have blessed us.\nWe've been blessed.\nAbsolutely blessed us.\nHashtag blessed.\nI guess I should introduce myself then, yeah?\nYeah.\nI'm Karen.\nHello, I'm Karen too.\nIt's too powerful.\nWe need to speak to the manager.\nHaha yes.\nYeah, that's amazing.\nThis part took a really long time.\nI had to look at a lot of butt pictures, which\nis not as awesome as you think.\nSo, I'm not sure who you want to win G1.\nUhhh....well, what my heart says and what\nmy brackets say are two different things.\nThis is unbelievable.\nThis is holy shi--\nWhy are we so close?!\nOh my god.\nThis is so cool.\nI can't believe it.\nI can't believe this is really happening.\nGive me a smile, Karen.\nCome on, Narita!\nThunder Liger!\nThunder Liger!\nOne, two....\nOh Zack Sabre, Jr.\nOh Zack Sabre, Jr.\nYes!\nCome on!\nWhen people say that wrestling saved their\nlives, I never understood what that meant\nuntil it happened to me.\nI love him!\nAnd even though this is my story it's the\nstory of so many people who share a common\nlove.\nOkada!\nOkada!\nOkada!\nOkada!\nOkada!\nA bond that can bring all of us together and\ninspire us in a million different ways.\nSo, here's to every single person I've met\nalong this journey.\nHere's to friendships forged along the way.\nAnd here's to the wrestlers who cross continents\nand language barriers to inspire us and change\nour lives for the better.\nNaito!\nNaito!\nNaito!\nNaito!\nNaito!\nNaito!\n": 3, "Big Ben is not a person\nBig Ben is not a clock\nBig Ben is not a tower\nIt's a bell: ding dong\nA Science museum, to learn about space\nAstronauts, rockets, awesome place\nAt the British Museum you can see\nEgyptian mummies; it's free!\nBig Ben is not a person\nBig Ben is not a clock\nBig Ben is not a tower\nIt's a bell: ding dong\n700 species in London Zoo\nReptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates too\nPenguins waddle, crocodiles snap\nNo you can't stroke the crocodile on your lap!\n700 species in London Zoo\nAmphibians, Invertebrates too\nPenguins waddle, crocodiles snap\nNo you can't stroke the crocodile on your lap!\nBig Ben is not a person\nBig Ben is not a clock\nBig Ben is not a tower\nIt's a bell: ding dong\nRound and round goes The London Eye\nIt's 130 meters high\nBuckingham Palace is where The Queen sleeps\nAnd The Prime Minister at Downing Street.\nIf you're tired, and need to eat\nget fish n chips and a cup of tea\nBig Ben is not a person\nBig Ben is not a clock\nBig Ben is not a tower\nIt's a bell: ding dong\n": 4, "Mr. How could you please\nmute yourself, and\nunmute yourself and just\nunmute yourself and just did.\nmute yourself, and to do.\nSo we can know\nSo we can know you're unmuted\nSo we can know you're muted.\nYou're muted now please unmute \nyourself.\nurself\nunmuted now.\nunmuted.\nNow, yeah.\nwe're all the time on you\nwe're all the time on mute.\nEverything is fine. Mr\nis fine. Mr. Holland he's.\nhe's\nhe's now joining us please.\nWe are here.\nladies and gentlemen.\nladies and gentlemen,\nthis is.\nunder\nan extra extraordinary fortune\nan extra extraordinary fortune\nextra extraordinary opportunity \nfor.\nfor me\nfor me personally.\nAnd, and for selecting the topic\nand for selecting the topic \nthat they will be.\ndenied\ndelighted to moderate\nto moderate today.\nIt's a topic that is actually\na topic that is actually\nmissing.\nin it\nthe, in the dialogue.\nthe, in the dialogue.\nWe have another.\nevents\nevents where they\nevents where they tend to use.\nthe use of\nthe use of with what across the\nregion is on the\nregion is on the agenda. But\nregion is on the agenda, but\nhardly a few look at each.\nfrom the app\nfrom the access to finance.\nand five\nfinance.\nin each method\neach method that you use.\nse\nin countries in the region\ncountries in the region. \nFabulous.\nto be with you\nto be with you and Pamela money\nfrom this one.\nand\nwe I'm going to be more.\nating\nthis.\ndebate\ntoday.\nI see that we have done this \nedition we have.\na low\nwe have a low.\non Sundays\non Sunday speakers. We have\non Sunday speakers. We have \npresent\nSunday speakers. We have \nwe have\nwe have by look\nwe have by look, and we have of\ncourse the room for the\ncourse the room for the\naudience to interact.\nwith Speakers\nwith Speakers, and.\nand\nwe didn't within the old Yes\nwe didn't within the old Yes. So\nthe session is, is\nthe session is, is.\nhow they match\nas I mentioned.\na mix of\na mix of executives.\ns. We are delighted to have\ns. We are delighted to have it\nWe are delighted to have is \nexcellent.\njob.\nHis Excellency.\nof the environment in in Yemen.\nto.\nshare\nshare their policy\nshare their policy make care\ntheir policy make perspective.\ntive on\ntive on on\non on.\nto treatment\nto treatment and reusable first\nater in the, in the\nhimself. His Excellency\nhimself. His Excellency. Yeah.\nto me\nTo make short statement\nto make short statement on.\nwill need to.\nwill need to\nuse the road\nuse to draw too.\nuse the law to\nfix.\nfix it.\nfinancing.\nSo, yep\nSo, yeah, the manager\nSo, yeah, the man was you.\nSo, yeah, the man was if he.\nSo, yeah, the man was if he\nkindly invited to\nkindly invited to.\nto make our five minutes\nmake a five minute statements.\nJust family.\nis minister utopia\nis minister utopia with us.\nYeah\nYeah, he's with us I don't know\nYeah, he's with us I don't know \nyou know.\nw why, while I when I\nwhy, while I when I visit Yemen.\nThey are big problem in\nThey are big problem in\ncommunication but just now I \ntalked to him.\nand Missy Elliott\nisland.\nwith you\nisland with you.\nisland, with you.\nisland With you\nhave a 92.\nmanaged to shuffle the webinar.\nAlready Kareem, and how to fix\nAlready Kareem, and how to fix.\nAlready Kareem.\nAnd how does\nit.\nWill.\nWell.\ncan run it.\ncan run it lifted.\nThis to map.\nand took a look.\nfall as possible.\nfall as far as my whole day.\nI had begin.\nsoon as today I had beginning\nand very keen to move the data.\nto\nhave a little Hammond hospice \nlive\na little Hammond hospice lemme.\naccess via sort of us\nhave is sort of a psyche.\nthat the editor\nthat the editor we let lucky to\nhave done an area.\nWe live\nWe liver failure for a solid\nstate batteries.\nfor soul alchemy that's the\nprovide a service, it will.\nlet the\nlet the mental wellness well and\ngive me a hand.\ncorner.\nthat will add to it. My\nthat can be like a highly\nrecommend Allah moon McLaren \nMakana the machete him.\ngive me a hand up and Kono\nactivity that we like to highly \nrecommend Allah moon Makana the \nmachete him that tells me I \nbelieve.\nlot in Kenya to justify them \nthan me\nin Kenya to justify them than me\nand\nMalaga can muster up\nMalaga can muster up.\nto our website\nour lady.\nme too I go\nr global then if you had again\nr ": 1, "Let's imagine two kinds of childhood\nThe first, broadly, is the good kind\nwhen you are upset someone is on hand to sooth you.\nWhen you're furious, someone handles you calmly.\nWhen you need attention, someone is there for you.\nWhen you can't understand, someone explains.\nWhen you're messy someone resists shaming you.\nWhen you fail, you're not called a loser.\nWhen there's a problem, you get through it.\nIn short, you deserve to exist.\nWhatever the value system of the competitive world out there\ninside you're of huge value, you are for as long as it takes the center of one or two kindly grown ups universe.\nThen broadly there's the challenging old plain bad childhood.\nWhen you cry, they call you spoiled.\nWhen you're difficult, they say it's attention seeking.\nWhen you don't succeed, they take it personally.\nWhen you're messy, they're disgusted.\nWhen you try to be strong, they're threatening.\nWhen you 're weak and unimpressive, they belittle you.\nIn short, it's a bit of a pity you're around. You don't quite deserve to exist. You're a burden\nand in the end really just a giant disappointment.\nThe first kind of childhood is just about the greatest gift anyone can receive.\nIt's at the root of the chance to form satisfying relationships,\nto accept one's sexuality, to have ambition without perfectionism\nand to approach adversity with resilience.\nAnd likewise a bad sort of childhood is proper lasting trouble.\nIt keeps undermining relationships, generates endless problems around sex\nsaps confidence, brings anxieties, self hatred and shame.\nWe don't yet know how completely to fix bad childhoods.\nThey're a proper pain to have had,\nbut here are one or two things to try very hard to keep in mind.\nDo everything you can to understand the craziness inside you.\nBe suspicious of many of your first intuitions and responses.\nWatch out for weird stuff you're gonna try to do to sabotage your chances of flourishing.\nWarn people around you in a gentle and alarming way about what you've being through.\nInvite them to feel sorry for you rather than just condemn you for being difficult.\nTry to get all the insights you can, from books, therapy and thinking.\nAccept that this is a legacy you're a gonna be carrying around with you all your life.\nFeel without self pity a little bit sorry for yourself.\n": 3, "Hosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nWe praise you\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna in the highest\nI see the king of glory\nComing on the clouds with fire\nThe whole Earth shakes,\nthe whole Earth shakes\nI see His love and mercy\nWashing over all our sin\nThe people sing, the people sing\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nI see a generation\nRising up to take the place\nWith selfless faith,\nwith selfless faith\nI see a near revival\nStaring as we pray and seek\nWe're on our knees, we're on our knees\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna, yeah\nSing heal my heart\nHeal my heart and make it clean\nOpen up my eyes to the things unseen\nShow me how to love\nlike you have loved me\nBreak my heart for what breaks yours\nEverything I am for\nyour kingdom's cause\nAs I walk from Earth into eternity\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna, Hosanna\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna in the highest\nHosanna in the highest\n": 2, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do an analysis of Rammstein.\nRammstein is an amazing band and I don't know this song.\nThis song is their newly released song.\nAnd for those who don't know I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\nproducer and composer. And in this video I'm going to do\ntechnical observations, on vocal behavior,\nAs for the musical arrangement, they always do a very creative job.\nTherefore, whenever you deem it necessary\nHar\u00e9 mis technical remarks. But before anything,\nif you are not subscribed to the channel yet, please subscribe,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nAnd let's take a look at Rammstein.\nI felt scared just with the introduction of this video.\nThe productions that Rammstein does in relation to their videos are incredible productions.\nThe productions that Rammstein does in relation to their videos are incredible productions.\nAmazing. And always with great quality.\nAmazing. And always with great quality.\nI even want to mention that they can synthesize very well,\nI even want to mention that they can synthesize very well,\nvisually...\nVisually represent the meaning of music.\nIs incredible. A fantastic representation.\nI think the sound of Rammstein is very different.\nI think the sound of Rammstein is very different.\nIt is a band that manages to mix electronic,\nblend so much into their music,\nI dare to say that Rammstein created a \"Rammstein\" style of music.\nI dare to say that Rammstein created a \"Rammstein\" style of music.\nBecause it's amazing how they mix industrial rock with other elements of rock music,\nBecause it's amazing how they mix industrial rock with other elements of rock music,\nThey have a very different sound.\nI really like how he works with his voice.\nHe has a very heavy voice and can project incredible darkness in his voice.\nHe has a very heavy voice and can project incredible darkness in his voice.\nHe has a very heavy voice and can project incredible darkness in his voice.\nAnd I think that because it works with the weight of the voice, in a low zone,\nhe manages to project this necessary darkness into Rammstein's musical style.\nhe manages to project this necessary darkness into Rammstein's musical style.\nhe manages to project this necessary darkness into Rammstein's musical style.\nI really like how the drums sound.\nThe drum box has a rich sound,\nIt doesn't have a loud snare sound, it's fuller.\nIt doesn't have a loud snare sound, it's fuller.\nIt doesn't have a loud snare sound, it's fuller.\nIt doesn't have a loud snare sound, it's fuller.\nAnd this bass, just this bass and drums,\nI can already imagine the explosion that music will have at some point.\nI can already imagine the explosion that music will have at some point.\nAt some point there will be this explosion that will give an incredible dynamic to the music.\nSee how his singing style changes.\nStart with a modal voice and now insert more harmony into your voice,\nStart with a modal voice and now insert more harmony into your voice,\nin the way he sings and this really,\nit is a preparation for what will come later in the song.\nHe is a singer who is also very flexible, within the musical proposal of Rammstein.\nHe is a singer who is also very flexible, within the musical proposal of Rammstein.\nHe is a singer who is also very flexible, within the musical proposal of Rammstein.\nAnd he manages to insert and work with the voice in conjunction with the instrumental in an incredible way.\nAnd he manages to insert and work with the voice in conjunction with the instrumental in an incredible way.\nThere's the use of a synthesizer, along with the electric guitar that...\nThere's the use of a synthesizer, along with the electric guitar that...\nThis synthesizer was already inserted before the explosion of music and realizing that at this time,\nThis synthesizer was already inserted before the explosion of music and realizing that at this time,\nIt's nothing like the beginning of the song\nand that starts with all these instruments together.\nIt's another melody, it's other c": 3, "Roll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nI own the air, don\u2019t you dare\nto try me, better be scared\nI got more than just myself\nIn this house so be aware\nThat me and my son\nHave got this fight on lock\nI can see your time is coming to an end\nTick tock ah.\nmy my my my fire\nIs burning hot desire\nTo t-t-t-take you down\nas These clouds take you higher\nBut know I got three heads\nThey\u2019re gonna keep you spun\nWatch the fire march coming for you off my\ntongue\nDang you look tasty,\nnow please don't be hasty,\nI wanna take you, make you mine, never can\nleave my hive\nwanna come test me?\ngonna try to contest me?\nI\u2019m the queen bee Cuphead nothing can best\nme\nHa ha ha,\nCaptain Brineybeard here\nonly got one eye but I can see your end is\nnear.\nSo give it your best shot\nTo this mighty sea rover\nIs that all you got\nWhy don\u2019t you wake me when its over\n[Chorus]\nWake us up inside\nCause the bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack \u2018em high\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\n[Verse 4]\nDramatic Fanatic\nwe\u2019re getting up on the stage\nA big wave works its way\n3rd phase of my game\nTheir running away\nStarlets rage will make you afraid\nGimme an ovation cuz you starred in my play\nWerner Werman here\nCall me a Murine\nMy Cannon fires loud got shot from a spring\nFire streams burning up splitting you at the\nseams\nFinal phase a cat I\u2019m controlling its brain\nDoctor Khal is back\nI\u2019ll turn you to scrap\nWith my robot in a junkyard\nShootin\u2019 out bombs\nDo your best\nShatter his chest\nHeart is a mess, trust me when I say\nMy diamond\u2019s the real test\nCarla Maria\nMermaid of the sea yeah\nFishes are my friends\nThey could kill you in their leisure\nLook into my eyes\nChill you down to the bone\nIt\u2019ll petrify you quick\nTurn your cup into stone\n[Chorus]\nWake us up inside\nCause the bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack \u2018em high\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\n[Verse 5]\nAll aboard\nThe phantom express\nWe\u2019re a skeletal mess\nYou got a bone to pick?\nWatch your back\nOn my tracks\nBefore we turn the heat up\nAnd watch your cups go crack!\nYou better think twice\nBefore you roll the die\nCause you got one life\nSo you better get it right\nI\u2019m a guy in disguise\nWearing a purple bowtie\nWith a grin so big\nIt\u2019ll make you go crosseyed\nYou made it this far\nIt\u2019s been a hell of a time\nRemember when I said\nYou\u2019d be free?\nWell I lied\nYou\u2019re in my house now\nThe flames they will surround\nGet ready for your death\nWe\u2019re going deep underground!\nHa ha ha ha ha!!!!\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\n": 1, "English singsing\nschool\nLet me show you around my school.\nOh, there is our school bus.\nschool bus\nschool bus\nThis is my school.\nThere are a gym, an art room, a music room, a science room, a nurse\u2019s office, a cafeteria, and many classrooms.\nschool\nschool\nWe have PE class in the gym.\ngym\ngym\nWe have art class in the art room.\nart room\nart room\nWe have music class in the music room.\nmusic room\nmusic room\nWe have science class in the science room.\nscience room\nscience room\nWhen you feel sick, you can rest in the nurse's office.\nnurse's office\nnurses office\nWe have lunch in the cafeteria.\ncafeteria\ncafeteria\nThis is our classroom.\nWe study together here.\nThere are a black board, chalks, desks, chairs, and a bulletin board.\nclassroom\nclassroom\nblackboard\nblackboard\nchalk\nchalk\ndesk\nchair\ndesk\nchair\nbulletin board\nbulletin board\nWe learn a lot from our teacher.\nteacher\nteacher\nWe are good students.\nstudent\nstudent\nThese are my classmates.\nclassmate\nclassmate.\nMy school is the best.\nReview\nschool\nschool bus\ngym\nart room\nmusic room\nscience room\nnurse's office\ncafeteria\nclassroom\nblackboard\nchalk\ndesk\nchair\nbulletin board\nteacher\nstudent\nclassmate\n": 3, "We have reached chapter 3 of our course about fundamental cryptography in theory and python, \nand with this reached the chapter which is all about the classic cryptography security goal integrity.\nAs a recap, the 4 classic security goals of cryptography are confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation.\nAnd integrity as a security goal demands that the correctness and completeness of the information can be verified. \nCorrectness of information means, that every bit of that information is exactly the zero or one it\u2019s expected to be, \nand completeness of information means that the information neither misses a single bit nor does it have a single additional bit that\u2019s not supposed to be there.\nAt this point, I suggest you to again pause the video, \nand to think of integrity approaches you know from the analog world.\nDid you manage to come up with integrity approaches from the analog world?\nGreat! Here is mine:\nI assume many of you are familiar with the process taking place when starting a new tenancy. \nOften as a new tenant one together with the landlady or landlord goes through the flat, room after room, \nmaking notes and pictures of the flat, and with this, keeping a record of the state of the flat.\nThese notes together with the pictures of the flat can then at the end of the tenancy be used to \ncompare whether the flat is still in the same state as it was at the beginning of the tenancy. \nOr in other words, whether the integrity of the flat was preserved during your tenancy. \nThe notes and pictures are thus the means to capture the state of a very complex, 3-dimensional physical object in a concise and condensed manner.\nTo summarize, what is the information in this example? \nThe information in this example is simply just the flat itself, representing a large and complex object.\nWhat does it mean for the information to be correct and complete: nothing in the flat is damaged and nothing is missing.\nWhat was the measurement taken and what was the measuring device: pictures of the flat captured with a camera.\nHow do these ideas of measurements and measuring device look like in cryptography: \nthe pictures captured are what we will get to know as hash values, and the camera is what we will get to know as cryptographic hash functions.\n": 4, "hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses\u00a0\ntoday in this video we have to represent\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo plus root 3 on a number line in easy way\u00a0\nso let's start the video first of all we have\u00a0\u00a0\nto construct a number line here so first drawing\u00a0\nhere a line of any length and taking arrow mark on\u00a0\u00a0\nboth side now taking here number zero next\u00a0\nby using compass and taking any length and\u00a0\u00a0\nmarking the numbers on the line and the length\u00a0\nof the compass is taking one unit length so first\u00a0\u00a0\nmaking a number line by this way so taking\u00a0\nhere minus 1 here 1 2 3 4 5 and continuous\u00a0\u00a0\nnow roughly discussing here some important\u00a0\ncalculation so we have to represent 2 plus\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 on number line so here given 2 unit so from\u00a0\n0 to 2 this is 2 unit so taking point o and here p\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we have to represent root 3 so before\u00a0\nrepresenting root 3 we have to first represent\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 2 then we can represent root 3. so first\u00a0\nrepresenting root two now roughly discussing here\u00a0\u00a0\nroot two so first drawing here a right angle\u00a0\ntriangle abc roughly and this is ninety degree\u00a0\u00a0\nnow if you take the base equal to one unit and\u00a0\nthe perpendicular av equal to one unit then what\u00a0\u00a0\nis hypotenuse is equal to what so by pythagoras\u00a0\ntheorem we can write the fi hypotenuse s equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nroot over basis square so this is bc square plus\u00a0\nperpendicular av square so equals to root over\u00a0\u00a0\nbc equal to 1 square and this is 1 square so this\u00a0\nis 1 plus 1 so this is root 2 unit now i am going\u00a0\u00a0\nto apply this concept from two to three so between\u00a0\ntwo and three so sorry taking this is point b and\u00a0\u00a0\nhere a so b a one unit length so this is one unit\u00a0\nlength now first we have to draw a 90 degree angle\u00a0\u00a0\non the point a by using compass by this way so\u00a0\ntaking any length and drawing an arc by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass here and taking same\u00a0\nlength and cut here and putting the compass\u00a0\u00a0\nhere and cut here and drawing an arc here again\u00a0\nwith same length and putting the compass here and\u00a0\u00a0\ncut here now joining this so we got a 90 degree\u00a0\nangle here so this is 90 degree now taking\u00a0\u00a0\none unit length and we know that between\u00a0\nany two number is one unit so putting\u00a0\u00a0\nthe compass here and cut here so taking\u00a0\npoint here c now joining b and c first so\u00a0\u00a0\njoining b and c and this is one unit length so\u00a0\nfrom this we can say that bc equal to root 2 unit\nnext we have to represent now root 3 so roughly\u00a0\ndiscussing about root 3 so first drawing here a\u00a0\u00a0\nright angle triangle p q r roughly so this\u00a0\nis 90 degree now if you take the base qr\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to root 2 unit and the perpendicular\u00a0\npq equal to 1 unit then what is hypotenuse\u00a0\u00a0\nso similarly by pythagoras theorem so hypotenuse\u00a0\np are equal total basis square so qr square plus\u00a0\u00a0\nperpendicular square so this is root 2 square\u00a0\nplus this is 1 square so this is 2 and this\u00a0\u00a0\nis 1 so total 3 unit length so now i am going to\u00a0\napply this concept here on the line bc and taking\u00a0\u00a0\nso now drawing a 90 degree angle on the point c so\u00a0\ntaking any length and drawing an arc by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass here and taking same\u00a0\nlength and cut here putting the compass here and\u00a0\u00a0\ncut here and drawing an arc here again with same\u00a0\nlength and putting the compass here and cut here\u00a0\u00a0\nso now joining this line to get a 90 degree angle\u00a0\non the point c so we got a 90 degree angle here\u00a0\u00a0\nnow taking one unit length between any two number\u00a0\nso this is one unit length by using compass\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass on the point\u00a0\nc and cut here so taking point here d\u00a0\u00a0\nand this is one unit length now joining b and d\u00a0\nso from this we can see that this is obviously\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 unit length now taking b d equal to\u00a0\nroot 3 unit by using compass by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nand now we have to draw a curve through the\u00a0\npoint d so now drawing here a curve through\u00a0\u00a0\nthe point d which which made the number line\u00a0\nat a point so meeting meet a point here p\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is 2 plus root 3 on number line so\u00a0\ntherefore o p equal to we can write o b plus p b\u00a0\u00a0\nso ov equal to 2 unit plus pb\u00a0\nequal to root 3 unit so that's all\u00a0\u00a0\nthanks for watching if this video is helpful\u00a0\nto you then please share it with your friends\n": 4, "[ I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley. ]\n[ I'm Harry. Harry Potter. ]\n[ I'm Hermione Granger. ]\n# Heart beats fast #\n# Colors and promises #\n# How to be brave #\n# How can I love when I'm afraid to fall #\n# But watching you stand alone #\n# All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow #\n# One step closer #\n# I have died everyday, waiting for you #\n# Darling, don't be afraid #\n# I have loved you for a thousand years #\n# I'll love you for a thousand more #\n# Time stands still #\n# Beauty in all she is #\n# I will be brave #\n# I will not let anything take away #\n# What's standing in front of me #\n# Every breath, every hour has come to this #\n# One step closer #\n# I have died everyday, waiting for you #\n# Darling, don't be afraid #\n# I have loved you for a thousand years #\n# I'll love you for a thousand more #\n# And all along I believed I would find you #\n# Time has brought your heart to me #\n# I have loved you for a thousand years #\n# I'll love you for a thousand more #\n[ And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. ]\n# One step closer #\n# One step closer #\n# I have died everyday, waiting for you #\n# Darling, don't be afraid #\n# I have loved you for a thousand years #\n# I'll love you for a thousand more #\n# And all along, I believed I would find you #\n# Time has brought your heart to me #\n# I have loved you for a thousand years #\n# I'll love you for a thousand more #\n": 2, " \nH\u00f8la! \nH\u00f8la! \nI'm Kenquills and welcome to the 6th part of the Neon Abyss series\nI'm Kenquills and welcome to the 6th part of the Neon Abyss series\nIn this video, I'm gonna to have an adventure at the Looped level, fight with monsters and bosses.\nKeep your seat belts tight and Let's Go! \nKeep your seat belts tight and Let's Go!\n \nA treasure room!\n \nLol, I can't take the gem cuz my gem is full\nWhy doesn't the game let me get more gems?\nWhy doesn't the game let me get more gems?\nI guess the game creator doesn't want me to win this game so easily\nguess the game creator doesn't want me to win this game so easily\n \n \nM0nSteR!\nDie dumb robotic robot!\nDie dumb robotic robot!\n \nBullet-eating monster!\n \n \n \nThere's a robot octopus standing up there and throwing it's bullet\nThere's a robot octopus standing up there and throwing it's bullet\n \n \n \n \nThe bird item that gave my gun the feathers on the back of the gun looks nice\nthe bird item that gave my gun the feathers on the back of the gun looks nice\nPew Pew Pew\nHa, actually this gun is not too bad\nBut if there's a store, I'll definitely buy another gun\n \nDie!!\n \nHuh, what is this?\nI don't know what that is so I'll go\nbye bye \"something\" that idk\n \nAghhhhh....These monster is so annoying!\nDie all!!!\n \nBatu?\nWow, now I have a six pack amulet\nWow, now I have a six packs amulet\nNice!\n \nI looked at my channel's stats and...I saw lot of people watching my videos without subscribe\nI looked at my channel's stats and...I saw lot of people watching my videos without subscribe\nI looked at my channel's stats and...I saw lot of people watching my videos without subscribe\nSo...Please subscribe me so that I have the motivation to making the next videos\nSo...Please subscribe me so that I have the motivation to making the next videos\n \nMonster!\nPew Pew Pew\n \n \n \nLet's go shopping!\nThis is the smallest store I've seen, it only sells 4 items\nThis is the smallest store I've seen, it only sells 4 items\nI will...buy later!\n \n \n Pew Pew Pew\nAghh...Die all!\nThese Monster is so annoying!\n \n \n \n \n \nEGGGS!!!\n \n \n \nYay! treasure!\n \n \nUhm...I think I'll go to the challenges room\n \nHello challenges room! I will draw this sword\n \nPew Pew Pew\n \nI hate traps! I remember that in episode 4 I died by traps\nI hate traps! I remember that in episode 4 I died by traps\n \n \nLol, the trap continues to make me lose my heart\nHope I won't die this episode\nIf I died in this episode then this series will be very long\nIf I died in this episode then this series will be very long\nThis game's quite long and has many levels, boss so I have to make many episodes\nThis game's quite long and has many levels, boss so I have to make many episodes\nAs planned....this series will have 10 parts\nAs planned....this series will have 10 parts\nI hope you'll be with me all the way there\nI hope you'll be with me all the way there\n \nBullet-eating monster!\nYes, monster cleared\n \n \n \nAghh...more monster\nI hate monster, they are so annoying\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nUhm...what should I choose? ax or rocket?\nMaybe I can fly if there's a rocket so...I'll choose it\nR O C K E T\nOh, rocket is a gun accessory, not for flying\nOh, rocket is a gun accessory, not for flying\nHehe, Nice!\nNow my gun can fire missiles\nOuch!\n \n \n \n \n \n \nOUCH! SUCK TRAPS!\n \nHuh? not enough gems?\nDamn! Now I have to earn enough gems\n \nUhm...Where will there be gems?\nMaybe this?\nHello? Are there any gems?\nLol, no gems, just chest\nBut...maybe there are gems in the chest. Let's open it!\n \nYay, I have gems now!\n \nNice! Now I can go shopping\nBut wait, I'll see if there's anything on the right side\nBut wait, I'll see if there's anything on the right side\n \n \n \n \n \nBOOM!\n \n \n \n \n \nAgh...so hard!\nIt's hard enough to just drop bombs, but it's about jumping and dropping bombs\nIt's hard enough to just drop bombs, but it's about jumping and dropping bombs\nLol\nYes finally! \n\u00d5MG! This is the biggest treasure room I ever see!\n\u00d5MG! This is the biggest treasure room I ever see!\nLol, it forced me to use 2 keys to open a door\nLol, it forced me to use 2 keys to open a door\n \n \nHohoho, MY TREASURE!\n \n \n \n \n": 2, "Eraserhead (1977)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nLost Highway (1997)\nInland Empire (2006)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nLost Highway (1997)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nInland Empire (2006)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nInland Empire (2006)\nEraserhead (1977)\nDune (1984)\nDavid Lynch on Charlie Rose\nLost Highway (1997)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nInland Empire (2006)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nLost Highway (1997)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nInland Empire (2006)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\nLost Highway (1997)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nEraserhead (1977)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nLost Highway (1997)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nEraserhead (1977)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nLost Highway (1997)\nEraserhead (1977)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nInland Empire (2006)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nStudy after Vel\u00e1zquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X (1953)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nEraserhead (1977)\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nLost Highway (1997)\nEraserhead (1977)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nInland Empire (2006)\nLost Highway (1997)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nThe Straight Story (1999)\nEraserhead (1977)\nInland Empire (2006)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nInland Empire (2006)\nEraserhead (1977)\nLost Highway (1997)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nLost Highway (1997)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nSix Men Getting Sick (1966)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nLost Highway (1997)\nEraserhead (1977)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nDune (1984)\nDavid Lynch Interview at QAGOMA\nInland Empire (2006)\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nDavid Lynch: Where Do Ideas Come From?\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nEraserhead (1977)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nLost Highway (1997)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nInland Empire (2006)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nEraserhead (1977)\nTwin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nLost Highway (1997)\nInland Empire (2006)\nEraserhead (1977)\nEraserhead (1977)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nTwin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)\nDavid Lynch: Eraserhead Interview\nEraserhead (1977)\nThe Straight Story (1999)\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nEraserhead (1977)\nLost Highway (1997)\nTwin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me\nLost Highway (1997)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nLost Highway (1997)\n'I See Myself' (1992)\nEraserhead (1977)\nInland Empire (2006)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nLost Highway (1997)\nEraserhead (1977)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nInland Empire (2006)\nLost Highway (1997)\nThe Elephant Man (1980)\nBlue Velvet (1986)\nMulholland Drive (2001)\nWild At Heart (1990)\nLost Highway (1997)\nTwin Peaks (1990)\nEraserhead (1977)\n": 0, "1: H-Hydrogen\n2: He-Helium\u00a0\n3: Li-Lithium\n4: Be-Beryllium\u00a0\n5: B-Boron\n6: C-Carbon\u00a0\n7: N-Nitrogen\n8: O-Oxygen\u00a0\n9: F-Fluorine\n10: Ne-Neon\u00a0\n11: Na-Sodium\n12: Mg-Magnesium\u00a0\n13 : Al-Aluminum\n14 : Si-Silicon\u00a0\n15 : P-Phosphorus\n16 : S-Sulfur\u00a0\n17 : Cl-Chlorine\n18 : Ar-Argon\u00a0\n19 : K-Potassium\n20 : Ca-Calcium\u00a0\n21 : Sc-Scandium\n22 : Ti-Titanium\u00a0\n23 : V-Vanadium\n24 : Cr-Chromium\u00a0\n25 : Mn-Manganese\n26 : Fe-Iron\u00a0\n27 : Co-Cobalt\n28 : Ni-Nickel\u00a0\n29 : Cu-Copper\n30 : Zn-Zinc\u00a0\n31 : Ga-Gallium\n32 : Ge-Germanium\u00a0\n33 : As-Arsenic\n34 : Se-Selenium\u00a0\n35 : Br-Bromine\n36 : Kr-Krypton\u00a0\n37 : Rb-Rubidium\n38 : Sr-Strontium\u00a0\n39 : Y-Yttrium\n40 : Zr-Zirconium\u00a0\n41 : Nb-Niobium\n42 : Mo-Molybdenum\u00a0\n43 : Tc-Technetium\n44 : Ru-Ruthenium\u00a0\n45 : Rh-Rhodium\n46 : Pd-Palladium\u00a0\n47 : Ag-Silver\n48 : Cd-Cadmium\u00a0\n49 : In-Indium\n50 : Sn-Tin\u00a0\n51 : Sb-Antimony\n52 : Te-Tellurium\u00a0\n53 : I-Iodine\n54 : Xe-Xenon\u00a0\n55 : Cs-Cesium\n56 : Ba-Barium\u00a0\n57 : La-Lanthanum\n58 : Ce-Cerium\u00a0\n59 : Pr-Praseodymium\n60 : Nd-Neodymium\u00a0\n61 : Pm-Promethium\n62 : Sm-Samarium\u00a0\n63 : Eu-Europium\n64 : Gd-Gadolinium\u00a0\n65 : Tb-Terbium\n66 : Dy-Dysprosium\u00a0\n67 : Ho-Holmium\n68 : Er-Erbium\u00a0\n69 : Tm-Thulium\n70 : Yb-Ytterbium\u00a0\n71 : Lu-Lutetium\n72 : Hf-Hafnium\u00a0\n73 : Ta-Tantalum\n74 : W-Tungsten\u00a0\n75 : Re-Rhenium\n76 : Os-Osmium\u00a0\n77 : Ir-Iridium\n78 : Pt-Platinum\u00a0\n79 : Au-Gold\n80 : Hg-Mercury\u00a0\n81 : Tl-Thallium\n82 : Pb-Lead\u00a0\n83 : Bi-Bismuth\n84 : Po-Polonium\u00a0\n85 : At-Astatine\n86 : Rn-Radon\u00a0\n87 : Fr-Francium\n88 : Ra-Radium\u00a0\n89 : Ac-Actinium\n90 : Th-Thorium\u00a0\n91 : Pa-Protactinium\n92 : U-Uranium\u00a0\n93 : Np-Neptunium\n94 : Pu-Plutonium\u00a0\n95 : Am-Americium\n96 : Cm-Curium\u00a0\n97 : Bk-Berkelium\n98 : Cf-Californium\u00a0\n99 : Es-Ensteinium\n100 : Fm-Fermium\u00a0\n101 : Md-Mendelevium\n102 : No-Nobelium\u00a0\n103 : Lr-Lawrencium\n104 : Rf-Rutherfordium\u00a0\n105 : Db-Dubnium\n106 : Sg-Seaborgium\u00a0\n107 : Bh-Bohrium\n108 : Hs-Hassium\u00a0\n109 : Mt-Meitnerium\n110 : Ds-Darmstadtium\u00a0\n111 : Rg-Roentgenium\n112 : Cn-Copernicium\u00a0\n113 : Nh-Nihonium\n114 : Fl-Flerovium\u00a0\n115 : Mc-Moscovium\n116 : Lv-Livermorium\u00a0\n117 : Ts-Tennessine\n118 : Og-Oganesson\n": 0, "gogael sugin neo geureom nan uimiga eopseo\nShine as your\nsideun gocheul, neon namanwi gwanghapseong\nmollae heullin oasis drippin drippin\nurin bul kkeojin haneul sok dreamin dreamin\ngogael sugin neo geureom nan uimiga eopseo\nShine as your\nsideun gocheul, neon namanwi gwanghapseong\nmollae heullin oasis drippin drippin\nurin bul kkeojin haneul sok dreamin dreamin\nnoil ttae neon noga noil ttae\ngajang challanhi areumdapge\nbansaga dwiyo ne sesangeul balge\nnan geuman nuneul gamabeoryeo\ngeu biche naneun geuman nuneul gamabeoryeo \nmaeumi arigo neon ppareuge beonjyeo\nmaeumi arigo neon ppareuge beonjyeo\ngonjohan byeol bit wie nae moseubeul segyeo nwajwo\nirumeul jieobwasseo neoui misoreul bon ttaseo\nparangsedeureun danghwangul han chae noreul chajo\ngeokjeong mallamyo neon malhae ijenun nareul nwajwo\nneoneun sunganui bomin deut hae\nneoneun siganeul kkumin deut hae\nmani apatjana soljikage neoneun sumgyonwasseo\nnaege dachi anke geurigo chajaon geomeun naeireul honja gyeondyeo \ndalaborin modun gosi boran deusi\ntaeyobe gamgidut jonbu heulleogal ttae\nboran deusi taeyobe gamgidut jonbu heulleogal ttae\nan nochyeo do apeuji anke\ngogael sugin neo geureom nan uimiga eopseo\nShine as your\nsideun gocheul, neon namanwi gwanghapseong\nmollae heullin oasis drippin drippin\nurin bul kkeojin haneul sok dreamin dreamin\nbicheul ireun byeol geureom nan iyuga opseo\nShine as your\nnaui nune neon namanui gwanghapseong\nnega heullin oasis drippin drippin\nurin bul kojin haneul sok dreamin dreamin\nitjima neon binnaneun hangseong\ngeu nari nunul bunmyeonghi nan bwasseo\ngeuneuljiji anke \nsarajiji anke \nPls like and subscribe and STAN THE BOYZ.\n": 0, " \nThe secret side of me\nI never let you see\nI keep it caged but I can't control it\nSo stay away from me\nThe beast is ugly\nI feel the rage, and I just can't hold it\nIt's scratching on the walls\nIn the closet, in the halls\nIt comes awake and I can't control it\nHiding under the bed\nIn my body, in my head\nWhy won't somebody come and save me from this?\nMake it end!\nI feel it deep within,\nIt's just beneath the skin\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI hate what I've become\nThe nightmare's just begun\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nMy secret side I keep\nHid under lock and key\nI keep it caged, 'cause I can't control it\n'Cause if I let him out\nHe'll tear me up, break me down\nWhy can't somebody come and save me from this?\nMake it end!\nI feel it deep within,\nIt's just beneath the skin\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI hate what I've become\nThe nightmare's just begun\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nIt's hiding in the dark\nIts teeth are razor sharp\nThere's no escape for me\nIt wants my soul, it wants my heart\nNo one can hear me scream\nMaybe it's just a dream\nMaybe it's inside of me\nStop this monster!\nI feel it deep within,\nIt's just beneath the skin\nI must confess that I\nFeel like a monster\nI feel it deep within\nIt's just beneath the skin\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI hate what I've become\nThe nightmare's just begun\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI've gotta lose control\nHere's something radical\nI must confess that I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\nI, I feel like a monster\n": 2, "Hi! Could we ask you a couple of questions?\nPoor education.\nPoor education.\nMarket inefficiency. Poor education.\nPoor education.\nFor long term unemployment, what is the key factor?\nMarket inefficiency.\nActually machine automation. The advent of machines has made production more efficient leading to less requirement for human labour.\nPoor education.\nPoor education.\nPoor education.\nPoor education.\nMachine automation. poor education.\nMarket inefficiency.\n33%\n33%\n50%\n33%\nMost of this part of the population is in India. I guess its 33%\nIn the world, I guess its 11%. Its a wild guess!\n50%\n11%\n33%\n33%\n85%\n50%\n100%. 85%\n100%. 75%\nIt's directly linked to the natural resources, right? If there's proper utilization then it can be 75%. \n75%\n50%. 75%\nAs far as food is concerned, I don't think there is any shortage but the supply is not equal to the demand. If it reaches the needy, it would be a 100%. All production takes place but distribution is not proper.\n50%\n75%\n50%\n75%\n75%\n50%\n75%\n100%\n75%\n75%\nI'm not sure but maybe 50% of the world.\n75%\n75%\n75%\n": 1, "Storm the winter shores of England\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nLoot and pillage with your warband\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nCelebrate the glorious battle\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nTroll the ancient Yule tide carol\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nFa la la la la\nFa la la, la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la, la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la, la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la, la la lera\nIn the blaze of London burning,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nSlay your foes and sing \u2018til mornin,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nFollow me in this adventure,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nWhile I sing of gold and riches,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nFa la la la la\nFa la la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la la, la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la la, la la lera\nFar away on eastern beaches,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nWe will find a home and riches,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nOff we Norsemen sail together,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nHeedless of the wind and weather,\nFa la la la la, la la la lan\nFa la la la la\nFa la la la, la la lera\nFa la la la la\nFa la la la, la la lera\nFa la la la\nFa la la la, la la lera\nFa la la la\nFa la la la, la la lera\n": 2, "Let's play the party freeze game!\nNow, remember\nwhen I say freeze, freeze!\nthen when I say dance, dance!\nDancing, dancing all the round!\ndancing dancing dancing\ndancing any way you please\nBut stop, when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to hop!\nHopping hopping all the round\nhoping hoping hoping\nhoping any way you please\nBut stop, when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to skip!\nLet's play the party freeze game!\nNow, remember\nwhen I say freeze, FREEZE!\nthen when I say dance, DANCE!\nDancing, dancing all the round!\ndancing dancing dancing\ndancing any way you please\nBut stop, when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to hop!\nHopping hopping all around\nhopping hopping hopping\nhopping any way you please\nBut stop, when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to skip!\nSkiping skiping all the round\nskiping skiping skiping\nSkiping any way you please\nBut stop when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to twirl!\ntwirling twirling all the round\ntwirling twirling twirling\nTwirling any way you please\nBut stop, when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to dance\ndancing dancing all the round\ndancing dancing dancing\ndancing any way you please\nSkipping skipping all around\nskipping skipping skipping\nSkipping any way you please\nBut stop when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to twirl!\ntwirling twirling all around\ntwirling twirling twirling\nTwirling any way you please\nBut stop, when I say FREEZE!\nEverybody, get ready to dance\ndancing dancing all around\ndancing dancing dancing\ndancing any way you please\nBut stop when I say FREEZE\nBut stop when I say FREEZE\n": 2, "deep down in virgina close to washington\nway back up in he woods is where our story begun\nthere stod a plantation made of earth and wood\nwhere lived a founding father named james madison\nwho loved to read and write man he did it so well \nhe could do it with ease just like ringing a bell\nGO GO \nGO JAMES GO GO \nGO JAMES GO GO\nGO JAMES GO GO\nGO JAMES GO GO\nJAMES MADISON~\nin '09 he became the president\nserving 8 years he made quite a dent \nover seeing the war back in 1812\nman he put the british back up on the shelf\nafter ward he fired general wlikinson\nthe man (wilkinson) was guilty everything' short of treason\nGO GO\nGO JAMES GO GO\nGO JAMES GO GO\nGO JAMES GO GO\nGO JAMES GO GO\nJAMES MADISON~\n*epic guitatar solo curtious of slytherin my cat*\nafter madisons presidency in (1817)'17\nhe retirred to plant tbacco in orange county\nbecoming obsessed with his legacy\nhe tampered with letters and everything inbetween\nhoping one day his name would be in lights\nsaying \"james madison tonight!\"\nGO GO\nGO JAMES GO\nGO GO GO JAMES GO\nGO GO GO JAMES GO\nGO GO GO JAMES GO\nGO (aggresive finger point) \nJAMES MADISON~\n*another solo by my cat*\n..- .-. / -- --- --\n": 1, "Say Happy Birthday, come on\nyou can do it, it is Sam Archimedes's birthday\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nI hope you get to enjoy all your favorite things\nHappy Birthday to my friend Sam Archimedes\nWishing you a very happy birthday\nfrom the tip of my tail\nto the end of my nose\nand may all your dreams come true\nBreaking News: It is Sam Archimedes's birthday again!\nHow is that even possible?\nDidn't we just celebrate this last year?\nStay tuned for a rundown on all the\nbirthday party festivities\nHappy Birthday my friend Sam Archimedes!\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nCan you help me find Sam Archimedes's party?\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nHappy Birthday Sam Archimedes\nWait... What?\nYou can talk?\nPlease subscribe to our YouTube channel\nLike this video and leave a comment.\nMaybe tell me something special\nabout your dogs.\nNow, let's get Sam Archimedes's party started!\n[Music]\n": 2, "glucoseandrodo: Tyler stream lol\n\nglucoseandrodo: Tyler stream lol\nglucoseandrodo: oh\n\nglucoseandrodo: Tyler stream lol\nglucoseandrodo: oh\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\n\nglucoseandrodo: Tyler stream lol\nglucoseandrodo: oh\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\n\nglucoseandrodo: Tyler stream lol\nglucoseandrodo: oh\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\n\nglucoseandrodo: oh\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\n\nglucoseandrodo: oh\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\n\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\n\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\n\nglucoseandrodo: No splash screen?\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\n\nnotdrumac: yo yo yo yo\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\n\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\n\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\nrowletoo: Hey\n\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\nrowletoo: Hey\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\n\nglucoseandrodo: tyler you're streaming desktop\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\nrowletoo: Hey\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\n\nDjZephy: 0 viewers!!!! ok now it's 25\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\nrowletoo: Hey\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\n\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\nrowletoo: Hey\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\n\nDannsync: HI T, Doing well, Going to do some Sven Coop with Chet this evening\nrowletoo: Hey\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\n\nrowletoo: Hey\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\n\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\n\nspoofaman_2: ayo FFXIV ad\nbarnycalhoun: pog\nglucoseandrodo: Also i just finished British Highschool yesterday, i have 3 months off now\n\nbarnycalhoun: pog\nglucoseandrodo: Also i just finished British Highschool yesterday, i have 3 months off now\n\nglucoseandrodo: Also i just finished British Highschool yesterday, i have 3 months off now\n\nglucoseandrodo: Also i just finished British Highschool yesterday, i have 3 months off now\nherrsauber_: Ello Tyler McVycter\n\nherrsauber_: Ello Tyler McVycter\n\nherrsauber_: Ello Tyler McVycter\nrowletoo: How are you doing\n\nrowletoo: How are you doing\n\nrowletoo: How are you doing\nMack0_z_Bogdanca: Hello\n\nMack0_z_Bogdanca: Hello\n\nMack0_z_Bogdanca: Hello\nBogusTechTips: @glucoseandrodo bri'ish\n\nMack0_z_Bogdanca: Hello\nBogusTechTips: @glucoseandrodo bri'ish\nTheOwlOfLife: tyler do you know what happened with super switch or smth announcement\n\nMack0_z_Bogdanca: Hello\nBogusTechTips: @glucoseandrodo bri'ish\nTheOwlOfLife: tyler do you know what happened with super switch or smth announcement\nTheOwlOfLife: also hi tyler\n\nBogusTechTips: @glucoseandrodo bri'ish\nTheOwlOfLife: tyler do you know what happened with super switch or smth announcement\nTheOwlOfLife: also hi": 1, "Hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses\ntoday in this video we have to represent minus\u00a0\nthree by two on number line in easy way so please\u00a0\u00a0\nwatch the video till the end so let's start the\u00a0\nvideo first of all we have to draw a number line\u00a0\u00a0\nhere first so now first drawing here a line of\u00a0\nany length and taking Arrow mark on both side\u00a0\u00a0\nnow taking here a starting number here\u00a0\nzero okay so next we have to take a length\u00a0\u00a0\nby using scale so here I am taking 2\u00a0\ncentimeter length by using Compass by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nokay and now putting the compass on the\u00a0\npoint 0 and cut here and cut here so by\u00a0\u00a0\nthis way we have to first marking the number on\u00a0\nthe line so by this way we can get a number line\nand Mark here now this side one two three\u00a0\nand continuous and this side minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 2 minus 3 and continuous now roughly\u00a0\ndiscussing here some important calculation\u00a0\u00a0\nso here minus 3 by 2 so we can\u00a0\nwrite minus 3 by 2 as minus 1 Plus\u00a0\u00a0\nso plus minus 1 by 2 now if we simplify this so\u00a0\nthis is minus 1 and here minus plus a minus and\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is half so we can write minus 3 by 2 as a\u00a0\nminus 1. minus 1 by 2. now verifying this so lcm2\u00a0\u00a0\nand simply simplifying this so this is minus\u00a0\n3 by 2 and this and this are equal so we can\u00a0\u00a0\nwrite minus 1 at minus 1 by 2. so first counting\u00a0\nminus 1 so between 0 to minus 1 this is minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand now finding the middle between minus 1 and\u00a0\nminus 2 4 minus half so now finding the half\u00a0\u00a0\nor minus 1 by 2 between minus 1 and minus 2 by\u00a0\nusing skill okay so here the half between minus\u00a0\u00a0\n1 and minus 2 equals to this so this is the middle\u00a0\nbetween minus 1 and minus 2. so this one equals to\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 3 by 2 on number line now taking here Point\u00a0\nO and here taking Point p so therefore distance\u00a0\u00a0\nop equals to we can write 3 by 2 unit since we\u00a0\nknow that distance always positive so that's all\u00a0\u00a0\nthanks for watching if this video is helpful\u00a0\nto you then please share it with your friends\n": 2, "Meaningless, it's meaningless\nIt's meaningless, it's meaningless\nI take the hold, I take the hold\nI take the hold, I take the hold\nMindlessness, it's mindlessness\nIt's mindlessness, it's mindlessness\nI bled for days, I bled for days\nI bled for days, I bled for days\nGet to the race, the healing of it fucking with\nConceal the scab, you don't want to show\nInto the hate, I channel all the negative and\nI bled for days now I take the hold, go\nGet to the race, the healing of it fucking with\nConceal the scab, you don't want to show\nInto the hate I channel all the negative and\nI bled for days now I take the hold\nI don't believe it, fuck me,\nread me, get me, bled for days\nSmile on my rage I'm scarred by age,\nI bled for days\nUselessness, it's uselessness\nIt's uselessness, it's uselessness\nMake my weapons, make my weapons\nMake my weapons, take the hold\nI don't believe it, fuck me,\nread me, get me, bled for days\nSmile on my rage I'm scarred by age\nI bled for days\nI don't believe it, fuck me,\nread me, get me, bled for days\nSmile on my rage I'm, scarred by age,\nI bled for days\nBled for days, bled for days\nGet to the race, the healing of it fucking with\nConceal the scab you don't want to show\nInto the hate I channel all the negative and\nI bled for days now I take the hold\nGet to the race, the healing of it fucking with\nConceal the scab you don't want to show\nInto the hate I channel all the negative and\nI bled for days now I take the hold\n": 1, "so we have uh talked about the type data analytics\u00a0\nso let's talk about different type of data source\u00a0\u00a0\nuh so we already we have already learned the\u00a0\nstructured data so that data is organized in\u00a0\u00a0\na format of the tables okay and actually not all\u00a0\nthe data is organized in that way so we have all\u00a0\u00a0\nwe also have the sinai structure data suffice my\u00a0\nthey are stored in a series of key value pairs\u00a0\u00a0\nokay so why example you can mention is the\u00a0\ndictionary in python okay so that we have a key\u00a0\u00a0\ncolon value pairs okay that is saved in this\u00a0\ncurly bracket okay uh so that's the indication\u00a0\u00a0\nin python and actually nowadays we have a\u00a0\nmore famous date format that is called json\nokay json format so that's all another very uh\u00a0\npopular date format so that is sigma struct data\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have abstract data so that\u00a0\nmeans the data is not structuring\u00a0\u00a0\nany consistent ways so for example\u00a0\nif you think about your videos\u00a0\u00a0\nuh your images okay so those are all such type\u00a0\nof unstructured and also your text message\u00a0\u00a0\nokay txt files so those are all unstructured\u00a0\ndata and if you look at the uh the percentage\u00a0\u00a0\nonly 10 percent is structured like tables 10\u00a0\npercent is semester like csv xml json files\u00a0\u00a0\nthe majority of the data is unstructured\u00a0\nespecially if you're thinking about that\u00a0\u00a0\nthe stuff that they posted on social media the\u00a0\nphotos that you um you think that with your cell\u00a0\u00a0\nphones um the message that you send out in emails\u00a0\num in slack channels those are all unstructured\u00a0\u00a0\ndata and also the videos that you you have taken\u00a0\nand uh for structured data our relational database\u00a0\u00a0\nokay all our data warehouse okay we can handle\u00a0\nthat one for simon's draft data we can use some\u00a0\u00a0\nnon-relational database so no sql database uh so\u00a0\nfor example like the document db um dynamodb and\u00a0\u00a0\nalso mongodb so those can be used and as graph\u00a0\ndatabase etc can handle those sign abstract\u00a0\u00a0\ndatabase data but how about those unstructured\u00a0\ndata that's the majority of data that we have that\u00a0\u00a0\ndatabase cannot hand relational database cannot\u00a0\nhandle it data warehouse cannot handle it uh\u00a0\u00a0\nnon-sql database cannot handle it\u00a0\nand that is why we have the data link\u00a0\u00a0\nokay so date link is used to store and also\u00a0\nanalyze massive volumes and heterogeneous type\u00a0\u00a0\nof data in the central repository so that is the\u00a0\nidea of the data so datelink is the item ultimate\u00a0\u00a0\nsource to handle your data no matter your data\u00a0\nis structured sigma structured or unstructured\u00a0\u00a0\nokay so you can start and analyze data in one\u00a0\nlocation and you can ingest data without a\u00a0\u00a0\npredefined structure so you don't need to define\u00a0\nthe the date types the primary keys form keys etc\u00a0\u00a0\nso you can just ingest any type of data into your\u00a0\ndata link and you put your data into a daily and\u00a0\u00a0\nalso you you calculate or analyze your data with\u00a0\nother instances okay so the idea is that data link\u00a0\u00a0\nis where you ingest it from multiple\u00a0\nresources and you throw the etl\u00a0\u00a0\nand you can put data into either data warehouse\u00a0\nor you can go back to the relational database\u00a0\u00a0\nokay and where you can use some bi tools\u00a0\nto analyze data from the data warehouse\u00a0\u00a0\nof course you can also use bi tools to\u00a0\nanalyze data directly to your data um\u00a0\u00a0\nbase but however data will be your stock your\u00a0\nstorage of your data and you can extract data and\u00a0\u00a0\naggregate data and also um through the result\u00a0\nof the analysis to the data house and of state\u00a0\u00a0\nbase for further analyze for further analysis\u00a0\nokay so that you idea of the date link\nthe solution that of the data link on interblast\u00a0\nactually we have used that one so that is\u00a0\u00a0\ns3 so remember that in the um in\u00a0\none of our labs that we put html\nhtml code we also put image okay into s3\u00a0\nso that so s3 can cancel all those type of\u00a0\u00a0\nunstructured data and also structured data so s3\u00a0\nis a storage for the internet that is a data lake\u00a0\u00a0\nit is scalable and also highly reliable\u00a0\nand also faster and less durable so\u00a0\u00a0\nso what does that mean so scalable means that\u00a0\nso when you throw your data into your s3 market\u00a0\u00a0\nand when your data grow and aws will provide\u00a0\nmore storage for you automatically and also it's\u00a0\u00a0\nvery fast to retrieve t": 3, "In the US, summer is for sun, sand, and blockbuster movies.\nAnd this summer, we're going to use those movies to learn English and study how to sound American.\nEvery video this summer is going to be a study English with movies video.\nWe'll pull scenes from the summer's hottest movies as well as favorite movies from years past.\nIt's amazing what we can discover by studying even a small bit of English dialogue.\nWe'll study how to understand movies, what makes Americans sound American, and of course,\nany interesting vocabulary, phrasal `verbs, or idioms that come up in the scenes we study.\nI call this kind of exercise a Ben Franklin exercise.\nFirst, we'll watch the scene. Then, we'll do an in-depth analysis of what we hear together.\nThis is going to be so much fun. Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word that all summer long,\nevery Tuesday, we're studying English with movies here at Rachel's English.\nIf you're new to my channel, click subscribe and don't forget the notification button.\nLet's get started. First, the scene.\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nYou're not hearing me.\nIt's not going to say--\n Fix it.\nFix it?\nYeah.\nHa. Ha. Ha.\nIn forty minutes?\nFix it.\nI can't.\nWho's the person who can?\nI'm the person who can, and I can't.\nHow bad are you saying?\nIt's pretty bad.\nI don't know what that means.\nIt means the demo is more than likely going to crash.\nYou have to keep your voices down.\nJoel Pforzheimer is sitting out in the house.\nNow the analysis.\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWhat are our stressed words here? Our anchors in this sentence?\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nNeed, say, our two verbs, and then the word 'hello'. We, it, and to, all a little bit lower in pitch, flatter,\nit's the valleys compared to the mountains in this smoothly curved line of intonation.\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nNeed it, the D comes between two vowels here, it's a flap linking those two words together.\nAnd then we have an ending T and a beginning T. How's that pronounced?\nNeed it to-- need it to-- need it to--\nThose two words link together with a single true T and as so often happens, the vowel in the word 'to'\nreduces to the schwa, te, te.\nWe need it to say--\nWe need it to say--\nWe need it to say--\nWe need it to, we need it to. How does he pronounce the word 'hello'?\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nWe need it to say, \"Hello\".\nHello , hello, really clearly, a schwa, an UH kind of sound rather than an EH kind of sound.\nIt can be pronounced either way, it is the unstressed syllable. He-he-hello or huh-huh-hello.\nHe does huh-huh-hello. Hello. Hello. So you have your choice there but when you're imitating him,\nand try to do it the way he does it with the schwa, and don't forget this ends in an OH diphthong.\nI find my students sometimes cut this off: hello oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh. A little bit more lip rounding.\n\"Hello\".\nYou're not hearing me.\nYou're not hearing me. You're not hearing me. 'You're' and 'here', more stressed there.\nNow 'you are', 'you're', or 'your' often gets reduced. It's said very quickly and it's pronounced: yer yer yer.\nFlat in pitch. Now, he's not doing it flat in pitch. He's making it stressed but he's also sort of using\nthe reduced vowel. It's more like just the Y in the R sound, isn't it? So since it is stressed,\nI would write that with the UR as in bird vowel. You're, you're not hearing me. How is the T pronounced?\nYou're not hearing me.\nYou're not hearing me.\nYou're not hearing me.\nIt's a stop T because the next word begins with a consonant. You're not hearing me.\nWhoa! Different day, different outfit, important announcement.\nDid you know that with this video, I made a free audio lesson that you can download?\nIn fact, I'm doing this for each one of the youtube videos I'm making this summer.\nAll 11 of the Learn English with Movies videos!\nSo follow this link or find the link in the video description to get your free downloadable audio lesson.\nIt's where you're going to t": 4, "Christopher Carbone: Welcome to question Number twenty six On our calculus review. We want to find the derivative of the function Y is equal to R, divided by the square root of r squared plus nine,\nChristopher Carbone: so we'll go into that. That's here. Be R.\nChristopher Carbone: F. Prime is one.\nChristopher Carbone: We're going to a G. Be the square root of r squared plus nine,\nChristopher Carbone: and G prime\nChristopher Carbone: going to be one over two.\nChristopher Carbone: There's r squared horse nine.\nChristopher Carbone: It's the negative one-half power\nChristopher Carbone: times two are,\nChristopher Carbone: which is slightly simplified to be r\nChristopher Carbone: times r squared plus nine\nChristopher Carbone: to the negative, one over two power.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: when we take our coercion tool for the derivative of Y.\nChristopher Carbone: We are going to.\nChristopher Carbone: Okay. It's\nChristopher Carbone: this will be\nChristopher Carbone: r squared plus nine.\nChristopher Carbone: She was a one-half-power.\nChristopher Carbone: My us\nChristopher Carbone: all right.\nChristopher Carbone: Times R. Times r squared plus nine to the negative, one over two power.\nChristopher Carbone: All of that will be divided by r squared plus nine.\nChristopher Carbone: But I know it to simplify this,\nChristopher Carbone: how to back him on this,\nChristopher Carbone: In order to simplify this, we need to multiply\nChristopher Carbone: by to rationalize this a bit\nChristopher Carbone: r squared plus nine to the one-half power\nChristopher Carbone: that's going to make\nChristopher Carbone: r squared plus nine\nChristopher Carbone: minus r squared,\nChristopher Carbone: divided by\nChristopher Carbone: r squared plus nine\nChristopher Carbone: to these three halves power,\nChristopher Carbone: and that simplifies nicely to just be\nChristopher Carbone: nine,\nChristopher Carbone: divided by\nChristopher Carbone: nine, divided by r squared plus nine\nChristopher Carbone: to the three-halves power.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you.\n": 3, "cool\nso Israel and Judah where is Israel\nlooks like Israel is where Syria is and\nJudah is where Israel is today does it\nnot well this is the Kingdom of Israel\nand Judah the kingdoms of Israel and\nJudah which is what David's Kingdom King\nDavid's Kingdom right! is it not King\nDavid's Kingdom? that is Syria and\nthere's Jerusalem and there's Syria there's\nthy mother and there's the daughter of\nthy people there's Israel and there's\nJudah alright so they've taught you\ntoday that this is Israel and that this\nis like um? what whatever yous think it is\nwhat do yous think this is? for does not\nthe fucking Bible speak for itself that\nthat! Syria is Israel I mean there's\nJudah and there's Israel I cannot be any\nmore blatant with you all this stuff has\nbeen up there since 2013 I mean come on\nwhat are yous doing? it's the kingdoms of\nIsrael and Judah it's back to front why\nis it back to front? it's all about this!\nand this is going down yeah it's going\ndown it's all about Jerusalem\nJerusalem's going down the whole town's\ngoing down going up in flames only to\nget put out with water again! just like\nthe cycle all right they want you to\nthink it's the other way around well?\ntoday's Israel is Judah the daughter of\nthy people Syria is Israel the mother\nright and Jerusalem the Jerusalem above\nis free for all\nso what yous are pulling on this map! in\nKing David's fucking kingdom is all the\nsame fucking bullshit as this! alright\nAsyrian fuckin see Sumeria fucking goes\nall the way back to fucking Zoroaster\nyou know mezzo whatever heh it's the man\nwho comes and comes on high but they try\nto mimic it on earth from in the sky all\nright but the King always wins on earth\nand that King is whom it's Russia and\nBabylon is America who's lying to you Russia and\nChina know the fucking truth and there\nwith Iran it's all about Iran and that's\nIran there's Iran for ya this is all about\nIran it's all about the Scorpion Man it's\nall about Iran and it's all about Jiroft\nall right Iran gave the orders to make\nthe temple in Judah at Jerusalem he gave\nthe orders through Israel through King\nDavid to make the fucking temple and\nSolomon decided to follow through and\ncontinue and make the temple King David\ndecided the temple wasn't meant to be\nmade did he not? that's why it didn't get\nmade I wasn't meant to be made because\nthere was a fucking temple in heaven right\nand the whole point is to keep the theme\nplaying on earth and remember the tail\nand fucked the head for the head is\nthe what? the head and the tail is! the\nwhat? false prophet yes so it's all about\nthe head not the false prophet the\ndaughter the daughter always goes against\nthe mother as the fucking son always goes\nagainst father no? the mother and\nthe father are the same are they not!\nthat's why fucking\nJacob went to Israel or Jacob fled to\nSyria and Israel was for his what? he was\na shepherd for Israel for his children\nwho were fuckin of Israel he bore the\nchildren of Israel he bore his children\nof Syria the mother Israel I mean for\nfuck sake everything's fucked up why the\nfuck are yous doing this bullshit? you\nfollowing crap and you think you know\nthe Bible and you don't know fucking\nshit I mean this! don't tread on me it's\nall about the left serpent not the right\nserpent you know? the left serpent Jesus\ncarried the left serpent the right serpents\nthe serpent on earth that's fuckin Satan\nyea my own familiar friend in whom I\ntrusted which did eat of my bread has\nlifted up his heel against me lifted up\nhis heel against Jesus Jesus was a\nscorpion was a serpent he was a serpent\nand he's familiar friend Judas lifted up\nhis heel against Jesus who was the\nserpent the left serpent the good\nserpent you know? that's psalms 4:1 41:9 what\nabout John 13:8 I speak not of you all\nbut I know whom I have chosen that the\nscripture may be fulfilled he that eateth\nbread with me hath lifted up his heel\nagainst me against Jesus cause Jesus was a\nserpent and Jesus was underneath the\nheel and the heel was risen against\nJesus and Jesus got trodden on that was the\nmirror this time Jesus gets to trod on\nfucking who? the right serp": 1, "You can tell by the way\nShe walks that she's my girl\nYou can tell by the way\nShe talks, she rules the world\nYou can see in her eyes\nThat no one is her chain\nShe's my girl\nmy supergirl\nAnd then she'd say\nIt's okay \nI got lost \non the way\nBut I'm a supergirl\nAnd supergirls don't cry\nAnd then she'd say\nIt's alright\nI got home\nlate last night\nBut I'm a supergirl\nAnd supergirls just fly\nAnd then she'd say\nIt's alright\nI got home\nlate last night\nBut I'm a supergirl\nAnd supergirls just fly\nAnd then she'd say\nThat nothing can go wrong\nWhen you're in love\nAnd then she'd say\nIt's okay\nI got lost\non the way\nBut I'm a supergirl\nAnd supergirls don't cry\nAnd then she'd shout\ndown the line\nTell me she's got \nno more time\nCause she's a supergirl\nAnd supergirls don't hide\nAnd then she'd scream \nin my face\nTell me to leave\nleave this place\nCause she's a supergirl\nAnd supergirls just fly\nAnd she is a supergirl\nA supergirl\nShe's sewing seeds\nshe's burning trees\nShe's sewing seeds\nshe's burning trees\nAnd she's a supergirl\nA supergirl\nA supergirl\nmy supergirl\n": 2, "Why do we build the wall?\nMy children. My children.\nWhy do we build the wall?\nWhy do we build the wall?\nWe build the wall to keep us free!\nThat's why we build the wall,\nwe build the wall to keep us free!\nHow does the wall keep us free?\nMy children. My children.\nWhy do we build the wall,\nmy children, my children?\nWhy do we build the wall?\nWhy do we build the wall?\nWe build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall,\nwe build the wall to keep us free.\nHow does the wall keep us free,\nmy children, my children?\nHow does the wall keep us free?\nHow does the wall keep us free?\nThe wall keeps out the enemy.\nAnd we build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall.\nWe build the wall to keep us free.\nWho do we call the enemy?\nMy children. My children.\nWho do we call the enemy?\nWho do we call the enemy?\nThe enemy is poverty.\nAnd the wall keeps out the enemy!\nAnd we build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall.\nWe build the wall to keep us free.\nBecause we have and they have not!\nMy children, my children.\nHow does the wall keep us free?\nHow does the wall keep us free?\nThe wall keeps out the enemy,\nand we build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall,\nwe build the wall to keep us free.\nWho do we call the enemy,\nmy children, my children?\nWho do we call the enemy?\nWho do we call the enemy?\nThe enemy is poverty,\nand the wall keeps out the enemy,\nand we build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall,\nwe build the wall to keep us free.\nBecause we have and they have not,\nmy children, my children.\nBecause they want what we have got.\nBecause we have and they have not.\nBecause they want we have got.\nThe enemy is poverty.\nAnd the wall keeps out the enemy.\nAnd we build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall.\nWe build the wall to keep us free.\nWhat do we have that they should want?\nMy children, my children.\nBecause they want what we have got.\nBecause we have and they have not,\nbecause they want what we have got,\nthe enemy is poverty,\nand the wall keeps out the enemy,\nand we build the wall to keep us free.\nThat's why we build the wall,\nwe build the wall to keep us free.\nWhat do we have that they should want,\nmy children, my children?\nWhat do we have that they should want?\nWhat do we have that they should want?\nWe have a wall to work upon!\nWe have work and they have none!\nAND OUR WORK IS NEVER DONE!\nMY CHILDREN! MY CHILDREN!\nAND THE WAR IS NEVER WON!\nTHE ENEMY IS POVERTY!\nAND THE WALL KEEPS OUT THE ENEMY!\nAND WE BUILD THE WALL TO KEEP US FREE!\nTHAT'S WHY WE BUILD THE WALL!\nWE BUILD THE WALL TO KEEP US FREE!\nWE. BUILD. THE. WALL. TO. KEEP. US. FREE!\nWhat do we have that they should want?\nWhat do we have that they should want?\nWe have a wall to work upon,\nwe have work and they have none.\nAnd our work is never done!\nMy children, my children!\nAnd the war is never won!\nThe enemy is poverty,\nand the wall keeps out the enemy,\nand we build the wall to keep us free!\nThat's why we build the wall,\nwe build the wall to keep us free!\nWe build the wall to keep us free!\n": 2, "Kyle P Riper: yeah.\nKyle P Riper: So\nKyle P Riper: like we voted last week today is our last day of instruction for the semester.\nKyle P Riper: After today you are not required to come to this classroom anymore.\nKyle P Riper: there won't be a formal class next week.\nKyle P Riper: So instead, I am going to be hosting some extended in-person office hours\nKyle P Riper: from about 1:20 to 4 o'clock on next Monday\nKyle P Riper: i'll be in my office. Pillsbury Hall room, 220. There might be snacks there. Might not I Haven't decided quite yet.\nKyle P Riper: Yeah. So do we have any questions before we get started on anything.\nKyle P Riper: How's Project 3 coming along?\nKyle P Riper: Make a little bit of progress?\nKyle P Riper: all right over the next couple of weeks you will be building this up into actual final drafts. They will be due on December 22nd.\nKyle P Riper: yeah.\nKyle P Riper: So\nKyle P Riper: part of the task that I've taken as your instructor is to ensure that you all are as informed as possible\nKyle P Riper: about the things that you'll be asked to do and negotiate within the university.\nKyle P Riper: I've tried to inform you as much as possible with my lectures, my assignments my in-class activities.\nKyle P Riper: including the day where we rhetorically analyze the messaging that the University was spreading about the contract negotiations with the Union members.\nKyle P Riper: So today I want to talk about Srts or student ratings of teaching.\nKyle P Riper: they should technically be called SRsT, But that sounds weird. So we're not going to go with that.\nKyle P Riper: I want you all to know what these are, what they're used for by the University, what they're used for by external agents, and what they're used for by the instructors.\nKyle P Riper: I want you to be able to complete these, knowing what they entail and what they imply.\nKyle P Riper: Sound good to everybody not going to be super glorious, but I think it's important that you know these things.\nKyle P Riper: So\nKyle P Riper: SRTs student ratings of teaching. You probably got a lot of emails about them over the last couple weeks.\nKyle P Riper: they're used differently by different groups of people.\nKyle P Riper: let's see\nKyle P Riper: supervisors. So people like department heads, directors of graduate and undergraduate study. People like those\nKyle P Riper: including Molly, who was sitting in on our class a few months ago.\nKyle P Riper: use SRTs to determine how classes and instructors are viewed by students.\nKyle P Riper: They're used by instructors in the adjusting future iterations of the class.\nKyle P Riper: Many of us teach the same class over and over.\nKyle P Riper: many of us use the same pass over and over. This is,\nKyle P Riper: I think, my sixth time teaching this class\nKyle P Riper: in a couple of different iterations.\nKyle P Riper: let's see. Where am I? They're also used by hiring companies to determine if prospective professors are worth hiring. Many job applications ask for either selections of or complete\nKyle P Riper: Srt. Histories.\nKyle P Riper: and they're also used to determine promotions. So tenure track professors often have to submit every student email that they receive to tenure and promotion committees. \nKyle P Riper: If there is a pattern of very bad Srts\nKyle P Riper: that gives the committees\nKyle P Riper: reason to deny Professors tenure.\nKyle P Riper: So these things do have a lot of significance for teaching.\nKyle P Riper: There are, though, a lot of really deep issues with Srt. That I want to go over today\nKyle P Riper: this isn't stuff that most professors will talk over with you all.\nKyle P Riper: But I feel like I'm not most professors at this point. I want you all to be informed about everything.\nKyle P Riper: So student evaluations of teachings or Srts are deeply flawed for a lot of different reasons.\nKyle P Riper: 18 different scholarly associations argue that student evaluations of teaching are weekly related to student learning, and are often biased against women and people of color.\nKyle P Riper: That's from the ": 4, "Now, let's see electron gun. Now, what is\nthe electron? If a high positive\npotential (anode) is placed in front of\nthe heated metals, the emitted electrons\nwill be accelerated and form a beam of\nelectrons and the device is called\nelectron gun, and the beam produced is\ncalled cathode ray. What does this means? so\nyou see here we have a filament we have\na filament and the filament will release\nelectrons but the electron moves very\nslow the electrons move slowly so the\nelectron moves slowly and the electrons\nwill move up okay move here or go\nsometimes you can go even even go back\nso the electrons emitted in all\ndirections the electrons em in all\ndirections\nbut if in front of the filament then we\nput a ring this ring is connected to the\nextra high tensions extra high tension\nthree thousand water three thousand wood\nit can be 2,000 or 3,000 working extra\nhigh tensions and it's positive it's\npositive so this is positive so this\npositive terminal are the positive\nelectrodes or recorded a notes it will\nattract electrons it will attract the\nelectrons and it will accelerate the\nelectrons accelerate the electrons so\nthat the electrons move in in a beam so\njust now the electron release and move\nin all directions and it moves slowly\nbut if we have an a not connected to an\nextra high tensions it will first it\nwill focus the electrons again it will\nattract all the electrons and all the\nelectrons to come to go here okay and\nyou will accelerate the electrons to\nmove in a high speed in a very high\nspeed so the electron will move in a\nbeam the electron will move in a beam\nand this beam of electrons you see this\nred line actually is electrons a' is a\nbeam of electrons so this beam of\nelectron is called the cat hot ray is\ncattle raised because it's released by\ncat hoda the filament actually is the\ncathode so it's called cat or a cat or a\nis raised because this is a more like a\nlike B\nyou move like a light beams so it's\ncalled a keto ray and this design is\ncalled an electron gun it is electron\ngun because the Anil accelerates the\nelectron and the electron move forward\nwith a very high speed so this is called\nan electron gun and a cathode ray so to\nme only emissions if you put an a note\nin front connected to extra high tension\nthat you you become an electron gun and\nthis electron gun it will produce a B\nwith a beam of electrons called a cat or\na FISA ass is cattery\na form of light no cat cat array is not\nlike it's not like it's just a beam of\nelectrons electrons move in a straight\nline with a very high speed there so\nit's not like that\nokay so that is electron gun\nyou\n": 2, "Today, it is an honour for me\nto be speaking again after a long time.\nBeing here with such honourable people\nis a great moment in my life\nand it is an honour for me that today\nI am wearing a shawl\nof Benazir Bhutto Shaheed.\nI don't know where to begin my speech.\n I don't know what people would be expecting me to say.\nBut, first of all, thank you to God\nfor whom we all are equal and thank you to every person\nwho has prayed for my fast recovery\nin a new life. I cannot believe how much love\npeople have shown me. I have received thousands\nI thank all of them for the leadership\nthat they continue to give.\nThey continue to inspire all of us\nto action. Dear brothers and sisters:\nDo remember one thing.\nMalala day is not my day.\n[Malala day is not my day. ]\nToday is the day of every woman,\nevery boy and every girl\nwho have raised their voice\nfor their rights.\nThere are hundreds of human rights' activists\nand social workers who are not only speaking for their rights\nbut who are struggling\nto achieve their goal of peace, education and equality.\nThousands of people have been killed\nby the terrorists and millions have been injured.\nI am just one of them.\nSo here I stand.\nSo here I stand. One girl among many.\nI speak not for myself\nbut for those without voice [so they ]can be heard.\nThose who have fought for their rights.\nTheir right to live in peace.\nTheir right to be treated with dignity.\nTheir right to equality\nof opportunity.\nTheir right to be educated...\nDear Friends, on the 9th of October, 2012\nthe Taliban shot me on the left side of\nmy forehead\nthey shot my friends, too.\nThey thought\nthat the bullet would silence us,\n but they failed.\nAnd out of that silence came thousands of voices...\nThe terrorists thought\nthat they would change my aims and stop my\nambitions\nbut nothing changed in my life except\nthis:\nweakness, fear,\nand hopelessness died.\nStrength, power, and courage was born.\nI am the same Malala...\nmy ambitions are the same\nmy hopes are the same and my dreams are\nthe same.\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\nt...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\nnice time to speak up\nso today we got on the water leaders\nthe change their strategic by Nikki\nin care of peace and prostate\nbeen because on the water leaders\ndid are these deeds must protect\nwomen's and children's rights idea\nthat goes against the rights of women\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n": 4, "-Screaming-\nIISuperwomanII: Thats what I'm talking about\nIISuperWomanII: That's whats up\nIISuperWomanII: That's whats up\nIISuperWomanII: Baaam\nD-trix: Boom, I don't know what that means\nD-trix: I don't know what that means\nIISuperWomanII: Pay me\nIISuperWomanII: Pay me\nIISuperWomanII: Pay me\nKing Bach: Why you always get paid?\nIISuperwomanII: Because thats the game\nDeStrom: Ahh, six\nDeStrom: one two three four five si-go\n-Lands on jail-\n-Everyone laughing-\nD-trix: I get it cause you're black\nKing Bach: Alright\nKing Bach: Boom\nD-trix: Five\nKing Bach: I'll be the house\nSomeone: You can't just-\nTimothyDeLaghetto: That's not a career\nIISuperwomanII: This is not..Off okay!\nIISuperwomanII: The houses do not move\nDeStrom: AYYE, SEVEN!\nDeStrom: Two, Three, Four, Five, Six ..SEVEN\n-Everyone laughing-\nIISuperwomanII: No, no guys\nIISuperwomanII: How you gonna pay that luxury tax now thats you use Vine\nIISuperwomanII: Haha, right\nIISuperwomanII: right?\nIISuperwomanII: Right..?\n-Silent-\nDeStrom: Nobody's watching you anymore\n-Bach and Logan laughs-\nIISuperwomanII: I had no idea!\nIISuperwomanII: My bad, welcome to vine\nIISuperwomanII: He makes ViNes!\nLogan Paul: Bach we made vines together..\nIISuperwomanII: Oh no, shh\nIISuperwomanII: Someones is factiming me\nKing Bach: Who that?\n-Hello guys-\n-Hello Lilly-\nIISuperwomanII:\n": 1, "Young woman at the ewer (1660)\nDiane and her companions (1655)\nWoman writing a letter and her maid (1670)\nYoung Woman Writing a Letter (1665)\nYoung Woman Playing Virginal (1672)\nThe Entremetteuse (1656)\nThe Lady with Pearl Necklace (1664)\nThe Woman with the scales (1662)\nThe Lacemaker (1669)\nThe Woman with the Lute (1663)\nThe Girl in the Red Hat (1665)\nThe Woman in blue reading a letter (1662)\nThe Girl with the Pearl (1665 )\nThe Girl with the Glass of Wine (1659)\nThe Girl with the Flute (1665)\nThe Dairy (1658)\nThe Music Lesson (1662)\nThe Music Lesson interrupted (1658)\nThe love letter (1669)\nLady playing the virginal (1670)\nThe reading at the window (1657)\nThe Mistress and the Servant (1667)\nThe Lane (1658)\nThe Allegory of Faith (1670)\nPortrait of a young woman (1665)\nThe Art of Painting (1666)\nThe Astronomer (1668)\nA woman playing the guitar (1672)\nThe Concert (1663)\nThe Geographer (1668)\nSt. Praxedes (1655)\nThe Glass of Wine (1658)\nSoldier and laughing girl (1657)\nA lady standing at t he virginal (1670)\nA sleeping girl (1657)\nChrist in the house of Martha and Mary (1655)\nView of Delft (1659)\n": 1, "hi welcome to the statics tutorials so with this\u00a0\nproblem we have a school that has a rope wound\u00a0\u00a0\naround this inside radius of point two meters\u00a0\nbut the spool has an outer radius of 0.3 meters\u00a0\u00a0\nthe spool is resting against a rough surface\u00a0\nhere at a and a rough surface here and B we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave identical coefficients of static friction\u00a0\nof 0.1 o2 and identical coefficients of kinetic\u00a0\u00a0\nfriction of point zero nine one four in both a\u00a0\nand B so we want to find the smallest force F\u00a0\u00a0\n2 cos impending motion in our system here's our\u00a0\nfree body diagram we have our 25 kilogram mass\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes 9.81 right at the center of gravity we have\u00a0\nthe force acting up F we have a normal force from\u00a0\u00a0\nthe contact with the surface of B and we have a\u00a0\nnormal force from the contact at the surface of\u00a0\u00a0\na if we're going to pull up on it an F that's\u00a0\nflowing the cause of tendency for it to rotate\u00a0\u00a0\nin this direction and so friction is going to\u00a0\noppose that relative motion and we'll have a\u00a0\u00a0\nfriction force and be going in this direction and\u00a0\na friction force and a going in this direction if\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're going to have impending motion we're\u00a0\ngoing to have to have an impending motion at\u00a0\u00a0\nboth a and B it has to slip at both locations and\u00a0\nso we can say that FA is equal to the coefficient\u00a0\u00a0\nof static friction times in a and FB is equal\u00a0\nto the coefficient of static friction times NV\u00a0\u00a0\nnotice that we're using the static coefficient\u00a0\nof friction because we're looking at impending\u00a0\u00a0\nmotion that's it's still static we haven't broken\u00a0\npast that into the kinetic regime yet here's the\u00a0\u00a0\nsum of forces in the Y direction so we have FA\u00a0\nwe have NB here we have positive F and then we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave the negative way of 245 Newtons then we can\u00a0\ndo sum of forces in the X direction so I have n\u00a0\u00a0\na and then we'll have negative FB remember the\u00a0\nFB is equal to the coefficient of friction the\u00a0\u00a0\npoint 1 two times the normal force that be so you\u00a0\ncan go ahead and make that substitution into this\u00a0\u00a0\nsum of forces in the x-direction and then divide\u00a0\nthrough by the point 102 and we'll get NV is equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto nine point eight zero na then we can do our sum\u00a0\nof moments and really there's several points that\u00a0\u00a0\nwe could do so moments about we could do some of\u00a0\nthe moments about the center of gravity and and\u00a0\u00a0\nget there we could do some of moments about B\u00a0\nor we could do some of moments about a and this\u00a0\u00a0\nwould all give us good equations that we could\u00a0\nuse to solve this problem but for this example\u00a0\u00a0\nI just did B so we have the force frictional force\u00a0\nat a remember that that's 0.10 to coefficient of\u00a0\u00a0\nfriction times na times the overall radius of 0.3\u00a0\nmeters that's going to give you a negative moment\u00a0\u00a0\nabout be here you've got the normal force of a\u00a0\nthat's up one radius so you've got a negative\u00a0\u00a0\nmoment 0.3 of the one radius times the na here\u00a0\nand then you have F a F is going to be over just\u00a0\u00a0\nthe smaller radius of the point two meters the\u00a0\ncenter of gravity's I started the weight at the\u00a0\u00a0\ncenter of gravity is going to go through beat so\u00a0\nit won't contribute a moment and then of course\u00a0\u00a0\nif we do the moment at B the two forces that\u00a0\nB don't show up in that moment looking at this\u00a0\u00a0\nequation now we can write F as a function of Na\u00a0\njust by combining the terms going back to our sum\u00a0\u00a0\nof forces and the y then we can substitute out\u00a0\nFA right at this point one up to n a carry the\u00a0\u00a0\nother terms through where we had F let's go ahead\u00a0\nand make this substitution about where we have in\u00a0\u00a0\nB let's go ahead and make that substitution then\u00a0\neverything in this equation is either a constant\u00a0\u00a0\nterm like the 245 our it's a function of n a so\u00a0\nwe can solve this equation one one equation for n\u00a0\u00a0\nthey get that value and then take that value for\u00a0\nna and plug it right back up in here and solve\u00a0\u00a0\nfor the F and we'll get that that smallness force\u00a0\nis thirty five point one news thanks for watching\n": 3, "I\nIn\nInt\nIntr\nIntro\nIntrod\nIntrodu\nIntroduc\nIntroduci\nIntroducin\nIntroducing\nIntroducing\nIntroducing \u201c\nIntroducing \u201cC\nIntroducing \u201cCi\nIntroducing \u201cCir\nIntroducing \u201cCirc\nIntroducing \u201cCircu\nIntroducing \u201cCircui\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit B\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Br\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Bre\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Brea\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Break\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breake\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(C\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d r\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d ro\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d roo\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d room\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d room:\nIntroducing \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d room:\nOne of the Instrument which can be tested by an \u201cAMT105\u201d is \u201cCircuit Breaker (CB)\u201d with a maximum excitation current of \u201c2.5\u201d amps which is used to connect and disconnect lines and other high-voltage equipment.\nWhen a fault occurs in the equipment and lines, the CB automatically stops the faulty system.\nWhen there is a fault, the CB must be able to react with certainty and command automatically.\nThe \u201cAMT105\u201d is capable of testing \u201cMedium Voltage\u201d CB with a maximum supply voltage of \u201c210V\u201d and \u201c2.5amps\u201d of \u201cCoil Current\u201d.\nBy clicking on \u201cCircuit Breaker(CB)\u201d on the \u201cStart\u201d page, the \u201cCB\u201d test room opens.\nIn this room, by adjusting the required settings, it is possible to perform \u201cCB Time Test\u201d, contact resistance and minimum voltage to operate test.\n\u201cTest Object\u201d and \u201cMegger\u201d tabs are used to enter the nominal information of \u201cCB\u201d and the results of \u201cMegger\u201d test respectively.\n\u201c\n\u201cT\n\u201cTe\n\u201cTes\n\u201cTest\n\u201cTest\n\u201cTest O\n\u201cTest Ob\n\u201cTest Obj\n\u201cTest Obje\n\u201cTest Objec\n\u201cTest Object\n\u201cTest Object\u201d\n\u201cTest Object\u201d\n\u201cTest Object\u201d t\n\u201cTest Object\u201d ta\n\u201cTest Object\u201d tab\n\u201cTest Object\u201d tab:\n\u201cTest Object\u201d tab:\nEvery room, to perform the test, needs some information about the equipment to be entered in \u201cTest Object\u201d tab.\nIn \u201cGeneral Information\u201d tab, information about the \u201cCB\u201d which should be added to the report is entered.\nIn \u201cSerial Number\u201d, \u201cType\u201d, \u201cStation\u201d, \u201cFeeder/Bay\u201d, \u201cPhase\u201d and \u201cManufacturer\u201d fields,\nthe serial number, type, name and address of the substation, feeder\u2019s name, phase number and the name of the manufacturer are entered.\nIn \u201cOperating Time\u201d section, the minimum and maximum allowed times in different modes are entered.\nSince open command is sent to the \u201cBreaker\u201d bobbin, up to the moment the CB poles are detached is called \u201cOpening Time\u201d while since the \u201cClose\u201d command is sent,\nup to the moment the CB poles are closed is called \u201cClosing Time\u201d whose minimum and maximum allowed time should be entered in the related field.\n\u201cTmin\u201d and \u201cTmax\u201d fields in front of \u201cOpening Sync\u201d and \u201cClosing Sync\u201d determine the maximum allowed time difference between the opening of 3 poles and closing of 3 poles of the CB respectively.\nSince the \u201copen\u201d command is sent to the breaker, up to the moment the CB poles are closed again after opening once,\nis known as \u201cOpen-Close Time\u201d and its minimum and maximum allowed times are entered in the related field.\nIn \u201cOpen Close Voltage Setting\u201d section, the amount of the open and close voltage of CB bobbins is selected from among \u201cAC & DC\u201d.\nAlso, in \u201cSupply Voltage\u201d and \u201cThreshold\u201d the amount of supply voltage and the threshold voltage to begin the measurement of the CB operation time are entered respectively.\n note that, when the voltage of the binary 7 or 8 goes below the value specified in this field, the device starts measuring the time.\nIn \u201cResistance Contact\u201d field, the ideal resistance of the CB poles are specified and the minimum and maximum allowed are entered in front of it.\nAll the information of \u201cTest Object\u201d tab is entered from \u201cTest Sheet\u201d or the results of the previous tests.\nIn \u201cExtra Data\u201d section, in \u201cDate\u201d, \u201cTested By\u201d and \u201cApproved By\u201d fields, date of the test, information of the test man, and information of the supervisor are entered respectively.\nBy checking ": 1, "instrument they\nalso recommend 2 and a half\nalso recommend 2 and a half\nhours of moderate intensity\nhours of moderate intensity\nintensity aerobic activity plus\nintensity aerobic activity plus\nweight training 2 days\nweight training 2 days\na week. And finally researchers\na week. And finally researchers\nfrom N\nfrom N\nY U say there\u2019s an increasing\nY U say there\u2019s an increasing\nnumber of cases linking flame\nnumber of cases linking flame\nretardants\nretardants\nand pesticides to lowering a\nand pesticides to lowering a\nchild\u2019s I Q the chemicals could\nchild\u2019s I Q the chemicals could\nbe in your child\u2019s pajamas car\nbe in your child\u2019s pajamas car\nseat, your upholstered\nseat, your upholstered\nfurniture and household\nfurniture and household\nelectronics really in a lot of\nelectronics really in a lot of\nplaces around your house.\nplaces around your house.\nResearchers say flame retardant\nResearchers say flame retardant\nand pesticides\nand pesticides\ncause set a 138,000 children to\ncause set a 138,000 children to\nlose 162 million icaew points\nlose 162 million icaew points\nfrom 2001 to 2016. The flame\nfrom 2001 to 2016. The flame\nretardants are there to keep\nretardants are there to keep\nthings less flammable in case\nthings less flammable in case\nof a house\nof a house\nfire but if you do want to\nfire but if you do want to\navoid them check labels because\navoid them check labels because\nmanufacturers are required to\n": 2, "[Lizzie] Whoa!\n[Seapeekay] Look at him!\n[intro music]\nHey guys! What's up? LDShadowLady here,\nAnd today I'm joined by Seapeekay.\n[Seapeekay] Hello!\n[Lizzie] The squid wearing Spongebob!\n[Seapeekay] I know! I make no sense!\n[Lizzie] And we've decided to prank Joel.\n[Lizzie] So we're gonna use the troll blocks that\nI encountered in episode one that tricked me:\n[Lizzie] Diamonds!\n[Lizzie] Wait, what?\n[Lizzie] Ahhh!\n[Lizzie] We're gonna plant them around his house where he shall mine them.\n[Lizzie] And then we're also gonna craft some unlucky lucky blocks.\n[Lizzie] And plant them around, so he'll open them too,\n[Lizzie] And we will watch the outcome disguised as insects.\n[Lizzie] Or maybe a spider, you should be the spider!\n[Seapeekay] OK!\n[Lizzie] Kill it!\n[Lizzie] Kill it!\n[Lizzie] Oh, I did it!\n[Lizzie] Oops!\n[Seapeekay] Yeah, it's OK.\n[Seapeekay] I can be the most subtle of insects.\n[Lizzie] What are you gonna be?\n[Seapeekay] The cassowary!\n[Lizzie] He might come after you!\n[Lizzie] You might excite him!\n[Lizzie] I could be, I could be any of these things -\n[Lizzie gasps] I could be an attack squid!\n[Lizzie] Although that's probably not a good idea to blend in.\n[Lizzie] I'll be a rat!\n[Lizzie] This is the only good use for this form.\n[Seapeekay] Just a frog and a rat just chilling!\n[Lizzie] We should both be frogs!\n[Lizzie] Yeah!\n[Seapeekay] And we should...we should sit on a log while we watch it!\n[Lizzie] Yeah!!\n[Lizzie] Where are my troll blocks? Let's find them first.\n[Seapeekay] You have many chests, so I don't know.\n[Lizzie] OK, I've got a emerald termite block,\n[Lizzie] And a red ant troll block that looks like diamonds and emeralds.\n[Lizzie] We should find more though.\n[Lizzie gasps] I know where to look! Come with me!\n[Seapeekay gasps] OK!\n[Lizzie] Do you have a pick axe? I don't.\n[Seapeekay] I do! I do!\n[Lizzie] I do too!\n[Seapeekay] Do you have any pets yet?\n[Lizzie] Er...pets?\n[Seapeekay] Yeah, you know the little inventory pets?\n[Lizzie] Oh yeah, I have a cow. It's kinda useless.\n[Seapeekay] Oh.\n[Seapeekay] Oh, I have a chicken so I won't run too quick.\n[Lizzie] Oh, OK!\n[Lizzie] Come down into my cave.\n[Seapeekay] Oh.\n[Seapeekay] Is this your cave?\n[Lizzie] I think it's this way.\n[Seapeekay] I'm not sure if I trust you!\n[Seapeekay] But-oh!\n[Lizzie] This is how you can tell it's my cave.\n[Seapeekay] Wow, I mean it's signposted!\n[Lizzie] Yeah! I know!\n[Seapeekay] Thats....that's offic-that's sealed it.\n[Lizzie gasps]\n[Lizzie] I've found the troll blocks, they're down here!\n[Seapeekay gasps]\n[Lizzie] What is that? What is-\n[Lizzie] What?\n[Lizzie] What is that?\n[Seapeekay] What?\n[Lizzie] I think it was a slime with a creeper hat!\n[Lizzie] OK, this is where we'll find everything we need.\n[Seapeekay] What is...what is this room?\n[Lizzie] I used a miner's dream!\n[Seapeekay] Wow!\n[Lizzie] Ok..oh..no, some of these are actually real.\n[Seapeekay] OK, so if I-\n[Lizzie] We don't want the real ones.\n[Seapeekay] Are things gonna happen?\n[Lizzie] No, that's a real one.\n[Seapeekay] OK, that's a real - oh.\n[Lizzie] Oh! That's a troll one! That's a troll one!\n[Seapeekay] Oh my god!\n[Lizzie] This one's gonna be fake.\n[Lizzie] Ah! Kill 'em!\n[Lizzie] Ahh! That one's fake!\n[Seapeekay] There are so many termites when you do that!\n[Lizzie] I know!\n[Lizzie] This is why they're so cool!\n[Lizzie] OK, I think we have enough 'cause I'm not sure how many times he's actually gonna fall for it to be honest.\n[Lizzie] Oh wait, while we're down here we should also get gold,\n[Lizzie] Because then we can craft lucky blocks.\n[Lizzie] Let's craft the lucky blocks.\n[Lizzie gasps] What's that?\n[Lizzie] Oh my gosh!\n[Lizzie] That's terrifying!\n[Seapeekay] I want his hat!\n[Lizzie] Take it!\n[Seapeekay] Look how magnificent his hat it!\n[Lizzie] It's like a Tentacool!\n[Seapeekay] Die...it is! Oh, it is!\n[Seapeekay] It actually is!\n[Lizzie] We'll fight over the hat.\n[Lizzie] Whoever gets the kill gets the hat!\n[fighting sounds]\n[Lizzie] I got it!\n[Seapeekay] Nah!\n[Lizzie laughs]\n[Lizzie] Wait, I don't even want it.\n[Lizzie] I only wear the walrus hat.\n[Li": 2, "Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nFeeling frantic in the Botanic Panic\nWe're the Root Pack Jammin'\nNow we're feeling organic!\nGetting full eatin' all these vegetables\nPotato, an onion\nA carrot lookin' psycho!\nGoopy Le Grande\nKill you in the first degree\nRest in peace\nWith a boss like me!\nBouncing up and down\nWith a gloppity hop\nI'm a slippery slugger\nWith my boxing gloves!\nFlapping those wings\nAll the way in the sky\nI'm a threatening zeppling\nComing to join the fight\nThey call me Hilda Berg\nI'm on an all-time-high\nTakin' out you cupheads\nFloat up on cloud nine!\nCome into my Floral Fury\nGettin' worried\nAllergies acting up\nVision getting blurry\nCagney Carnation\nCausing frustration\nDroppin' seeds on top of you\nI bring the pollination!\nWake us up inside\n'Cause the Bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack 'em high?\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nFighting souls ever since we been some tadpoles!\nWinding up a punch\nDouble team em' take control\nCall us Clip Joint Calamity\nYou'll have to scream profanity!\nWhile stacking up your losses\nYou've become another casualty!\nNow I won't sugarcoat it\nI'm the greatest, bound to win!\nBaroness Von Bon Bon\nI'm the candy queen of sin!\nLackin' chin, I can see it\nOther demons getting scared\nIn the Sugarland ,shimmy man\nYou better come prepared!\nYou hang around this pyramid\nYou bound to be in peril\n'Cause this genie don't grant wishes\nAnd this puppet's acting feral!\nSlappin' Cups and Mugs around\nYou could never take the heat!\nMaster demon's got you choking on a streak\nAlways play for keeps!\nCome into the carnival\nAnd hang out with the clown!\nBeppi doesn't bite\nSwear it's safe so come on down!\nI've been entertaining demons\nlonger than you've been alive!\nCome and see what happens if you take a ride\nTake a look inside!\nWake us up inside\n'Cause the booses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack 'em high?\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nI own the air, don't you dare\nTo try me, better be scared\nI got more than just myself in this house\nSo be aware that\nMe and my son\nHave got this fight on lock!\nI can see your time has coming to an end\nTick Tock!\nMy-my-my-my fire is a burning hot desire\nT-t-t-to take you down\nThese clouds, they take you higher\nBut know that i've got three heads\nThey're gonna keep you spun!\nWatch the fire march\nComin' for you off my tongue!\nDang, you look tasty\nNow please don't be hasty\nI wanna take you, make you mine\nNever gon' leave my hive!\nWanna come test me?\nGonna try to contest me?\nI'm the queen bee, cuphead\nNothing can best me!\nYAR HAR HAR!\nCaptian Brineybeard here!\nOnly got one eye\nBut I can see your end is near\nSo give it your best shot\nTo this mighty sea rover!\nIs that all you got?\nWhy don't you wake me when it's over!\nWake us up inside\n'Cause the bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack 'em high?\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nDramatic Fanatic\nWe're getting up on the stage\nA big wave works it's way\nThird phase of my game\nThey're running away\nStarlet's rage will make you afraid!\nGive me an ovation\n'Cause you starred in my play!\nWerner Wurman here\nCall me a Murine!\nMy cannon fires loud\nGot shot from a spring\nFire streams burning up\nSplitting you at the seams\nFinal phase's a cat\nI'm controlling it's brain!\nD": 1, "The evil it spread like a fever ahead\nIt was night when you died, my firefly\nWhat could I have said to raise you from the dead?\nOh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?\nWell you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe're all gonna die\nSitting at the bed with the halo at your head\nWas it all a disguise, like Junior High\nWhere everything was fiction, future, and prediction\nNow, where am I?\nMy fading supply\nDid you get enough love, my little dove\nWhy do you cry?\nAnd I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best\nThough it never felt right\nMy little Versailles\nThe hospital asked should the body be cast\nBefore I say goodbye, my star in the sky\nSuch a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth\nDo you find it all right, my dragonfly?\nShall we look at the moon, my little loon\nWhy do you cry?\nMake the most of your life, while it is rife\nWhile it is light\nWell you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\n": 4, "Software Installation\nTo prepare the latest version of AMR software, go to www.vebko.org website and in the software tab,\ndownload section of the latest version of relay software (AMR), click on the download option.\nAfter preparing the latest version of the software, you should install it on your system.\nNote that you don\u2019t need to uninstall the old version on the system to install the new version, and this will be done automatically by the new version.\nYou can also manually uninstall the existing version through control panel\\Programs\\Programs and Features on your system and then install the new version.\nRun the AMR.exe file to install the software.\nIn the opened page to continue the installation process, click on Next option.\nIn the next section, two Microsoft .NET Runtime 5 and Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime 5 programs that are prerequisites for the software is displayed,\nthese programs must be installed on the system before the original software is installed,\nif these programs are available on the system, you can prevent them from reinstalling by unticking them,\notherwise they will be installed later.\nClick on the Next option.\nIn the opened window, by clicking on the Install microsoft .NET Runtime -5.0.7 (x86) app is installed on the system and click on close option after installation is finished.\nAlso, in the next opened window, by clicking on install the Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 5.0.7 (x86)\napp is installed on the system and click on close option after installation is finished.\nAfter completing the installation of the prerequisite programs,\nthe installation of the main software begins. In the Setup requires section,\nyou can change the installation location of the software, then tick I agree to the license terms and conditions option and click on Install.\nNote that installing the AMR software takes a few seconds.\nAfter the installation process is finished, the AMR has been successfully installed message is displayed,\nby clicking on the Finish option, the installation window is closed and a Shortcut file named AMR is created on the desktop.\n": 4, "Hi. I'm your teacher, Barbara Rademacher, \nand we're going to be talking about projectile \nmotion.\nProjectiles go up and they come down.\nThe first sentence of the problem gives you \nbackground information. The basic equation \nis h = -16 t-squared plus v-sub-zero t plus h-\nsub-zero.\nTeacher reads screen.\nTeacher reads screen.\nTeacher reads screen.\nAll the numbers in those positions have \nspecial meanings.\nSo let's look at our equation\nh equals -16 T squared\nplus 180 T plus six. that's called the \ntrajectory. \nh is how high the ball is above the ground at \nany time\nso we're going to put 206 feet in for h,\nand then write down the rest of the equation.\nnotice it's a quadratic equation, so we have to \nuse the zero principle\nand subtract 206\nfrom both sides of the equation.\nthat will leave us with zero equals -16 T \nsquared\nplus 180 T minus 200. Teacher laughs at cat \nyeowling in background: my cat is yelling at \nme.\nmaybe if I pet her she'll stop making noise.\nbut we have to find a GCF, the greatest \ncommon factor\nand that's going to be -4. normally I'd say four \nbut if the first term as negative we have to \nmake the greatest common factor negative. \nwhat I'm doing is I'm dividing each number by \nthat GC F in order to make the numbers in the \nquadratic equation\nsmaller.\nI'm less likely to make a mistake if I can make \nmy numbers smaller.\nwhen I divide by a negative number, all of the \nterms take on\nopposite signs from what they had.\nnow we're going to use the quadratic formula:\nour \"a\" will be four, our \"b\" will be -45,\nour \"c\" will be 50.\nNote: you never know when my animals are \ngoing to chime in and help with the video so \njust be prepared.\nhere's the quadratic formula for T because T \nis acting like X\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\n-teacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\npull the top of the radical over every number \nthat's supposed to be under the radical\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nteacher reads the screen\nnow I'm going to split T apart into two \npossible answers\n45 -35 over 8\nand 45 plus 35 over 8\nand so T will equal10/8 which is 5/4 seconds\nthat time when the ball is going up\nand T will equal 80/8\nwhich is 10 seconds coming down. if you can \nimagine that a stop watch starts the instant \nthe tennis player serves the ball over her \nhead, that's when the ball starts going up\nthat's when the stop watch starts. then, at \n1.25 seconds the ball goes through 206 ft.\nthe stop what keeps ticking\nand the ball then again goes through 206 feet \nas it comes down\n": 4, " \n-Fortnite,Fortnite solo,Fortnitesquad,Fortnite trio,Fortnite custom,Fortnite travis Scott,Fortnite Event, Fortnite live,Fortnite Live eu,Fortnite EST,Fortnite na East,Fortnite skrims,Fortnite hide and seek,Fortnite gameplay,Fortnite party Royale,Fortnite live customs party Royale,Fortnite bot lobbies,Fortnite lobby,Fortnite funny moments,Fortnite best snipes,Fortnite cracked gameplay,Fortnite creative,Fortnite bot,bot lobbies,Fortnite ps4 lobbies bot,Fortnite xbox bot lobbies,unlimited XP,xp Fortnite,Fortnite how to,tutorials,Fortnite mobile,unlimited Fortnite xD, glitch, Fortnite doomsday device, Fortnite recon expert, Fortnite, Fortnite hide and seek, Fortnite gameplay, Fortnite party Royale,Fortnite live customs party Royale, Fortnite bot lobbies, Fortnite lobby, Fortnite funny moments, Fortnite best snipes, Fortnite cracked gameplay, Fortnite creative, Fortnite bot,bot lobbies, Fortnite ps4 lobbies bot, Fortnite xbox bot lobbies,unlimited XP,xp Fortnite ,Fortnite how to,tutorials ,Fortnite mobile,unlimited Fortnite xD,glitch, Fortnite doomsday device, Fortnite recon expert, Fortnite live item shop, Fortnite event countdown, Fortnite live event happening right now , custom skrims, Fortnite fashion show solo, Fortnite fashion show duo, Fortnite fashion show trio, Fortnite fashion show squad,Fortnite fashion show Na East, Fortnite fashion show live right now,SWITCH ,MOBILE ,PC ,XBOX ,PS4, (NA-EAST) Custom MatchMaking SOLOS/DUOS/SQUADS SCRIMS Fortnite live ps4, Epic games,how to win,Fortnite Chapter 2 season 5, Fortnite chapter 2 season 3 leaks, Fortnite chapter 2 season 5 battle pass, Fortnite doomsday leaks, Fortnite update live, Fortnite delayed,open lobby, Fortnite stream snipes, Fortnite open lobby with friends, Xbox stream snipes, ps4 stream snipes, PC stream snipes, mobile stream snipes, Nintendo switch stream snipes,Live Gameplay,Item ship today, item shop leaks, Fortnite item shop 24/7, Fortnite memes, Fortnite With viewers, Fortnite Console live stream, Playing Ps4 with subscribers, Christmas skins, Star Wars skins, season 1 skins,stacked account, Fortnite stacked account, Fortnite cracked, Fortnite Battle royale, Fortnite save the world, Fortnite scammer gets scammed, Fortnite Carried, Patch notes, Fortnite changes, Fortnite aqua man, Fortnite deadpool, Fortnite the device, Fortnite on controller fortnite item shop,fortnite battle royale,fortnite 2fa,fortnite,fortnite funny moments, fortnite season 3 dank trailer,fortnite dank trailer,fortnite dank meme trailer, fortnite chapter 2 season 5 dank trailer ,fortnite chapter 2 season 5 battle pass, fortnite chapter 2 season 5 battle pass trailer, fortnite season 5 dank trailer, fortnite season 5 memes, fortnite season 5 trailer ,fortnite meme trailer,spiritdemolisher, fortnite dank memes, fortnite new season, funny\n \n \n-Fortnite,Fortnite solo,Fortnitesquad,Fortnite trio,Fortnite custom,Fortnite travis Scott,Fortnite Event, Fortnite live,Fortnite Live eu,Fortnite EST,Fortnite na East,Fortnite skrims,Fortnite hide and seek,Fortnite gameplay,Fortnite party Royale,Fortnite live customs party Royale,Fortnite bot lobbies,Fortnite lobby,Fortnite funny moments,Fortnite best snipes,Fortnite cracked gameplay,Fortnite creative,Fortnite bot,bot lobbies,Fortnite ps4 lobbies bot,Fortnite xbox bot lobbies,unlimited XP,xp Fortnite,Fortnite how to,tutorials,Fortnite mobile,unlimited Fortnite xD, glitch, Fortnite doomsday device, Fortnite recon expert, Fortnite, Fortnite hide and seek, Fortnite gameplay, Fortnite party Royale,Fortnite live customs party Royale, Fortnite bot lobbies, Fortnite lobby, Fortnite funny moments, Fortnite best snipes, Fortnite cracked gameplay, Fortnite creative, Fortnite bot,bot lobbies, Fortnite ps4 lobbies bot, Fortnite xbox bot lobbies,unlimited XP,xp Fortnite ,Fortnite how to,tutorials ,Fortnite mobile,unlimited Fortnite xD,glitch, Fortnite doomsday device, Fortnite recon expert, Fortnite live item shop, Fortnite event countdown, Fortnite live event happening right now , custom skrims, Fortnite fashion show solo, Fortnite fashion show duo, Fortnite f": 0, "Havoc: Mr.Mime, use Psybeam!\nBoon: Machamp, crush him with Dynamic Punch!\nMr.Mime: Mimmmmmm....\nMachamp: Maaa - CHAMP!\nMr.Mime(muffled) : Mime...\nBoon: Finish him off with Cross Chop!\nMachamp: Champ!\nHavoc: Miiiiime!\nMachamp: Chaaaaamp!\n*slap\nHavoc: You did good Mr.Mime...\nHavoc: You'll get stronger....\nHavoc: Eventually...\nHavoc: Kadabra! I'ts your turn! Use Confusion!\nKadabra: Kabra!\nKadabra: Kabra...\nKadabra(chanting): Kaaaa....braaaa...\nMachamp: Champ?...\nKadabra: Kabra.\nKadabra: Kabra!\nKadabra: Kabra!\n*confusion\nBoon: Eghhh...ghaaa...aaaaa!\nAnnouncer: Who's that Pokemon?!\nAnnouncer: I'ts a FUCKING Pikachu!\n*fart\n*mini-fart\nBoon: Go Beedrill!\nHavoc: Kadabra! You know what to do...\nKadabra: Kabra!\nKadabra: Ka-?!\nKadabra: Kabra! Kabra! Kabra!\nKadabra: Kaaabraaa?....\nKadabra: Kabra... Kabra!\nKadabra: Kabra?...\nKadabra: Kabra... Kabra!\nKadabra: Kaaabraaaaaaaaa!!!\nHavoc: This is my last chance...\nHavoc: I don't know if you can make it...\nHavoc:Go Charizard!\nBoon: Aahhh... shit... umm... Beedrill! Use Twin Needle or something...\n*sting\nHavoc: Wait...\nNurse Joy: Welcome to the Pokemon Center. How can I help you?\nHavoc: Fucking... stick him in a microwave or something I don't fucking know...\nHavoc: Whatever you do... Just heal him!\nHavoc: And aaa...\nHavoc: Give me some donuts while you're at it.\n*slap\n": 1, "In this lesson, we will subtract integers\nusing the number line\nand the comparison model.\nThe directions are to\nfirst plot the numbers\nin a subtraction problem\non the same number line,\ndraw a directed arrow\nfrom the second number to\nthe first number.\nWhere the first number\nis called the menu end,\nand the second scepter end.\nDetermine their distance from each other\nby counting, then determine\nthe sign of the answer\nby determining whether the\narrow points left or right.\nIf the arrow points to the left, or in the\nnegative direction,\nthe answer is negative.\nIf the arrow points to the\nright or the positive direction,\nthe answer is positive.\nLet's first consider positive\nseven minus positive two.\nWe begin by plotting positive\nseven and positive two\non the number line,\nand now because the two is second and the\nseven is first, or because\nthe scepter hand is two,\nand the menu end is\nseven, we draw an arrow\nfrom two to seven on the number line.\nNotice how the arrow points to the right,\nindicating the difference is positive.\nBut the next question\nis, what is the distance\nbetween the two numbers?\nThe distance between two and seven is\nfive units or five.\nThe next question is, what\nis the sign of the answer,\nis it positive or negative?\nAgain, because the arrow\npoints to the right,\nthe answer is positive.\nWhich means, positive\nseven minus positive two\nequals positive five.\nThis is difference is\npositive five because\nseven is five more than two.\nNow lets change the\norder of the subtraction,\nand consider two minus seven.\nThe first step is to plot two and seven\non the number line.\nBut now because the\nmenu end is two and the\nscepter hand is seven, or\nbecause the first number is two\nand the second number is seven,\nwe draw an arrow from positive\nseven to positive two.\nNotice now, the arrow points to the left,\nor in the negative direction.\nThe distance between the\ntwo numbers is still five,\nbut now because the\narrow points to the left,\nthe answer is negative.\nWhich means, two minus\nseven equals negative five.\nThis difference is negative\nfive because positive two\nis five less than positive seven.\nLet's look at some more examples.\nHere we have negative\ntwo minus positive five.\nWe begin by plotting negative\ntwo and positive five\non the number line.\nAnd now we draw an arrow from\nthe five to the negative two,\nnotice how the arrow points\nto the left, which means the\ndifference is negative.\nBut the next question\nis, what is the distance\nbetween the two numbers,\nthe distance between\nnegative two and positive\nfive is seven units, or seven.\nNext, because the arrow\npoints to the left,\nthe answer is negative.\nWhich means, negative two minus\nfive equals negative seven.\nThe reason this difference\nis negative seven\nis because negative two is\nseven less than positive five.\nNext we have positive\ntwo minus negative five,\nwe begin by plotting positive\ntwo and negative five\non the number line.\nBecause the second number is negative five\nand the first number is positive two,\nwe draw an arrow from\nnegative five to positive two,\nnotice the arrow points to the right,\nindicating the difference is positive.\nThe distance between the two numbers is\nseven units or seven.\nBecause the arrow points to the right,\nthe answer is positive.\nWhich means two minus negative\nfive equals positive seven.\nThe difference is positive\nseven because positive two\nis seven more than negative five.\nLet's look at two more examples.\nHere we have negative\nnine minus negative four.\nWe first plot negative\nnine and negative four\non the number line.\nBecause negative four\nis the second number and\nnegative nine is the first,\nwe draw an arrow from\nnegative four to negative nine.\nThe arrow points to the left,\nindicating the difference is negative.\nThe distance between the two\nnumbers is five units or five.\nThe sign is negative,\nbecause the arrow points\nto the left.\nWhich means, negative\nnine minus negative four\nequals negative five.\nThe difference is negative\nfive because negative nine\nis five units less than negative four.\nAnd for the last example, notice how the\nfirst number and the second\nnumber, or t": 4, "We're not in love\nWe share no stories\nJust something in your eyes\nDon't be afraid\nThe shadows know me\nLet's leave the world behind\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light Fall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nBeneath the sky As black as diamonds\nWe're running out of time \nDon't wait for truth\nTo come and blind us\nLet's just believe their lies\nBelieve it\nI see it\nI know that you can feel it\nNo secrets worth keeping\nSo fool me like I'm dreaming\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nFall into the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it Let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\n": 3, "The wheels on the bus go round and round, \nround and round, round and round\nThe wheels on the bus go round and round, all \nthrough the town\nThe puppies on the bus go whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof\nThe puppies on the bus go whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof\nAll through the town\nThe mice on the bus go squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak\nThe mice on the bus go squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak\nAll through the town\nThe birds on the bus go tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet\nThe birds on the bus go tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet\nAll through the town\nLet's sing that again\nThe wheels on the bus go round and round, \nround and round, round and round\nThe wheels on the bus go round and round, all \nthrough the town\nThe puppies on the bus go whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof\nThe puppies on the bus go whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof, whoof whoof whoof\nAll through the town\nThe mice on the bus go squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak\nThe mice on the bus go squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeak\nAll through the town\nThe birds on the bus go tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet\nThe birds on the bus go tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet\nAll through the town\n": 2, "Bella: Okay, if you ever see me running, it's either free cake, pizza or zombies are real.\nChristie: *gasp* But you think that zombies like pizza?\nBella: Duh Christie, even vegans like pizza.\nPull up on you\nStanding with your girls looking good\nI just gotta have you\nStarted conversatin' then you asked me all about my shampoo\nThinkin' \"What's that about?\"\n0:33.0\nBut it kinda made me laugh so I told ya come through\nYou know what we gon' do\nCandles are lit, lights are down, playing Cody Simpson\nRunning your fingers through all of this blonde ambition\n \n \nTill I found you in the shower but the water ain't runnin' and you still got all your clothes on\nGot my products on the counter and I put it all together\nI just can't get you outta my hair\n \nCan't get you outta my hair\nAnd I know it ain't fair\nTryna blow dry and brush it, you just wanna touch it\nI just can't get you outta my hair\nI just can't get you outta my hair\nI just can't get you outta my hair\nI just can't get you outta my hair\nWoke up feeling funny but the do is money so it's okay\nWalking down the stairs saw your purse sittin' in the hallway\nThinkin' \"What's that about?\"\nCame around the corner with a can of hairspray\n \nLet me hit the replay\nCandles are out, lights are up, I'm still on a mission\n \nShe said \"I just wanna give you a deep condition\"\n \nCause I'm lookin' so good and I'm feelin' even betta and I'm smellin' like a rainstorm\n \nShe said I got body but she ain't talkin' body\nI just can't get you outta my hair\nCan't get you outta my hair\n \nAnd I know it ain't fair\nTryna blow dry and brush it, you just wanna touch it\njust can't get you outta my hair\nI just can't get you outta my\nI just can't get you outta my\nI just can't get you outta my\nOutta my\nLogan: Tryna blow dry and brush it, you just wanna touch it, I can't get you outta my- *gets slapped* Oh my gosh...\n \nBella: *pushes him* You're...weird! Stay away from me.\nChristie: We're gonna get pizza.\nLogan: I'm Logan...pizza...pizza, okay bye. *walks off awkwardly* (Poor Logie\n \nI just can't get you outta my, outta my\n": 1, "Hello, I\u2019m professor James Won-Ki Hong from POSTECH.\nIn this lecture, we will study cryptography used in Blockchain.\nIn this lecture, we will study cryptography used in Blockchain.\nIn this lecture, we will study cryptography used in Blockchain.\nIn this section,\nwe will look at the data structures and cryptographic algorithms that are the basis of blockchains.\nwe will look at the data structures and cryptographic algorithms that are the basis of blockchains.\nwe will look at the data structures and cryptographic algorithms that are the basis of blockchains.\nIn the first part, we will look at the characteristics of the hash function,\nIn the first part, we will look at the characteristics of the hash function,\nand then I will explain the hash pointer and list, the data structures that make up the blockchain.\nand then I will explain the hash pointer and list, the data structures that make up the blockchain.\nand then I will explain the hash pointer and list, the data structures that make up the blockchain.\nAnd I will introduce the principle of digital signatures\nAnd I will introduce the principle of digital signatures\nthat are used to verify that the node that is transmitting the transaction is really the correct node.\nthat are used to verify that the node that is transmitting the transaction is really the correct node.\nFirst, I will explain the hash function used for encryption of a block in blockchain.\nFirst, I will explain the hash function used for encryption of a block in blockchain.\nFirst, I will explain the hash function used for encryption of a block in blockchain.\nThe first characteristic of a hash function is Message digest.\nIt extracts the same size output value regardless of the input data.\nTo be precise, regardless of the size of the input data or the type of the input data,\nan output value of the same size is obtained.\nIn the figure below,\nthere are input value X and output value Y of the hash function.\nthere are input value X and output value Y of the hash function.\nThe output value Y can be obtained by hashing the input value X using a hash function.\nLet's assume that the hash function in the figure is an SHA-256 hash function.\nIn this case, as shown in the example,\nRegardless of whether a single lowercase character is entered as an input\nor a longer character string is entered as an input,\nthe output is always 256 bits (or 32 bytes) in size.\nBy using the properties of a hash function, we can reduce the size of large original data.\nThe second feature of the hash function is collision-free.\nThis means that it is free from possible conflicts.\nLet\u2019s look at an example using the SHA-256 hash function.\nThe third property of the cryptographic hash function is asymmetry.\nThe third property of the cryptographic hash function is asymmetry.\nThe third property of the cryptographic hash function is asymmetry.\nIt is not possible to obtain the X value backwards by using the Y value which is the hash result.\nIt is not possible to obtain the X value backwards by using the Y value which is the hash result.\nIt is not possible to obtain the X value backwards by using the Y value which is the hash result.\nIt is not possible to obtain the X value backwards by using the Y value which is the hash result.\nAs you can see in the example,\nit is easy to calculate the multiplication result of 8 and 9,\nit is easy to calculate the multiplication result of 8 and 9,\nbut it is difficult to find the combination of x and y with a result value of 72 because there are many cases.\nbut it is difficult to find the combination of x and y with a result value of 72 because there are many cases.\nbut it is difficult to find the combination of x and y with a result value of 72 because there are many cases.\nbut it is difficult to find the combination of x and y with a result value of 72 because there are many cases.\nIt is very difficult.\nBecause the original value (X) can not be derived from the value (Y) extracted from the function,\nBecause the original value (X) can not be derived from the value (Y) extracted from the function,\nBecause the original value (": 3, "M is for Mercury\nV is for Venus\nE is for our planet earth\nM is for Mars\nJ is for Jupiter\nS is for Saturn\nU is for Uranus\nN is for Neptune\nMy very easy method just speeds up names\nMy very easy method just speeds up names\nWe are the planets, we dance all along\nWhy don't you join us to sing the planets song\nWe are eight buddies, we go around the sun\nLets all and dance together and have so much fun\nHey I am mercury,\nthe closest one to sun\nI am too hot to handle,\nbut I am so much full of fun\nHi, I am venus,\nI am brightest of them all\nI am hotter than Mercury,\noh but he is my pal.\nYou call me Earth,\nI am the planet you live in\nI take twenty four hours to do a full spin\nHi I am a red planet,\nmy name is Mars\nI am the closest one to find if you look at the stars\nI am the fifth planet,\n I am big and strong\nIf you think you can beat me,\nyou can't be more wrong\nMy name is Saturn and my color is brown\nI got a ring around me, and it feels like crown\nI am so blue in color,\nand I am very cold one\nMy name is Uranus,\nI am Seventh from the sun\nHi I am called Neptune,\nand I am farthest of my friends\nMy home is located where your solar system ends\nM is for Mercury\nV is for Venus\nE is for planet earth\nM is for Mars\nJ is for Jupiter\nS is for Saturn\nU is for Uranus\nN is for Neptune\nMy very easy method just speeds up names\nMy very easy method just speeds up names\nWe are the planets,\nwe dance all along\nWhy don't you join us to sing the planets song\nWe are eight buddies, we go around the sun\nLets all and dance together and have so much fun\n": 4, "Hello, hello everyone, welcome to another day of Fallout 76.\nI'm Mr. Appos and we are here to have some fun.\nWelcome in everyone, hello Derek, hello Anxiety, welcome, welcome.\nHow are you all doing today?\nUh, hi.\nLet's see, because I should not be over cucumber.\nThere we go, that's better.\nAnd I'm still over cucumber.\nHello sweetie, welcome, welcome.\nHow are you doing today?\nUh, darn it.\nYes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.\nLet's see, what are we carrying that's weighing this much?\nJunkies pump, action, really why?\nHello, Bill Schumacher, welcome, welcome.\nHow are you doing today?\nI saw somebody enter and I saw the with you and I couldn't see it.\nHello hippie.\nWelcome, welcome.\nWhat are you doing today?\nLet's get rid of all this trash.\nI have one prisoner collar with me, get rid of that.\nHello Lord Tachanka, welcome, welcome.\nHow are you doing today?\nKeep that, keep that, get rid of that, get rid of that, and that, and that, and that,\nand that.\nWe'll keep that, sure, why not get rid of that?\nOkay, so what is weighing me down?\nStack weight, okay, that will help, 1600 caps, that's a little bit too much.\nWhy the hell do I have this many stims on this character?\nI'm good, how's you?\nI'm doing good, thank you very much.\nLet's get rid of already of those, there we go, I don't know, what are we carrying?\nI can do them, you found them, very nice, glad to see that.\nI was actually enjoying Battlefield 5 and Halo multiplayer for once, but Halo needs\nin a bit, and we've fallen, what, what, what does that mean?\nLike I literally have no clue what that means, just no shortcut for them for some reason.\nYeah, I use my cell phones, Samsung emojis for it.\nSo it's not on the default stuff, so I use the Samsung one to get it for the black and\nthe purple and the green hearts.\nCan we make rat stacks take?\nWe can make rat stack redemption, rat stacks too, is it what I mean?\nRat stacks too, we need more potatoes, okay we can do that, okay.\nI hit bit, Tay accepts my black marble, yeah I know she accepts your black marble, but\nI am 100% confident she will like the black heart more.\nWe're not even carrying much of the junk even, oh, what is weighing me down then?\nGonna clear key cards that are weighing me down, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo,\ndoo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, I have a Samsung phone too, yeah if you have\na Samsung phone you can use the build in, is it called, build in emojis, emotes, whatever\nthey're called, the smiles, basically.\nThorn armor left leg, was that the last piece of the thorn armor that I needed?\nI don't even remember.\nI know I bought it from, what's her face, basically in fact it is a zombie game mode\nwhere one or two zombies try to infect everyone, add it to the team, and grief ball is like\nrugby but with gravity hammers, and I have a blackberry, blackberry, that's, that's just\nso bad, so bad.\nSabatru, it's always good to see you around friend.\nWhy are you not in your outfit?\nYou need to be in your stupid outfit, where's your beekeeper outfit?\nWhere's your weird helmet?\nWhere's your bunny helmet?\nThere it is.\nBeekeeper bunny.\nIt's not a bunny, that's devil horns.\nBunny, that's better.\nOh right, the KD Inkwell outfit, I want to try that.\nI totally forgot about it.\nLet me try, let us try, outfits, KD Inkwell, customize, let's take a look at it, let's\ntake that and that, KD Inkwell outfit, do we have like a normal hat but it's with that.\nNow we can go with the pirate hat with that, I think, yeah that works.\nThat definitely works, yeah.\nThat's a good one.\nHello new Queen Tay, welcome, welcome, how are you doing today Tay?\nHope you are doing well.\nWhich character are we?\nOkay, so we can dump some ammo, don't need that, or that, or that, don't need that, or\nthat.\nWe don't need missiles or shotgun ammo, can't get rid of those, don't need gunpowder, right.\nHello Bongwater, welcome, welcome, how are you today?\nIt's corn, it's all broken.\nDo I not have any potatoes here, scrap.\nSeriously I haven't zero potatoes, really, aww, damn it, hello Nova, welcome, welcome,\npucks and Hershey kisses to everyone, you lik": 2, "So even though we face the difficulties\u00a0\nof today and tomorrow\ni still have a dream\nit is a dream deeply rooted in the\u00a0\nAmerican dream\ni have a dream that one day\nthis nation will rise up\nlive\u00a0out the true meaning of its creed\ni have a dream\nthat one day on the red hills of\u00a0Georgia\nthe sons of former slaves\nand the sons of former slaveowners\nwill they be able to sit down together at the\u00a0\ntable of brotherhood?\ni have a dream that one day\neven the state of Mississippi\na state\u00a0 sweltering with the heat of injustice\ni have a dream\nthat my four little children\none day live in a nation where they will not\u00a0\nbe judged by the color of their skin\nbut by the content of their character\ni have a dream today\ni have a dream that one day\ndown in alabama with its vicious racists\nwith its governor having\u00a0\nhis lips dripping with the words of interposition\nand nullification one day right there in alabama\u00a0\nlittle black boys and black girls will be able\u00a0\u00a0\nto join hands with little white boys and white\u00a0\ngirls as sisters and brothers i have a dream today\ni have a dream that one day\u00a0\ni have a dream that one day\ni have a dream that one day every valley shall be\u00a0\nexalted every hill and mountain shall be made low\u00a0\u00a0\nthe rough places will be made plain and the\u00a0\ncrooked places will be made straight and the\u00a0\u00a0\nglory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh\u00a0\nshall see it together i have a dream that one day\u00a0\u00a0\ni have a dream that one day i have a dream\u00a0\nin one day i have a dream i have a dream\u00a0\u00a0\ni have a dream i have a dream i have\u00a0\na dream when we let freedom ring\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen we let it ring from every village and\u00a0\nevery hamlet from every state and every city\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will be able to speed up that\u00a0\nday when all of God's children\u00a0\u00a0\nblack men and white men jews and gentiles\u00a0\nprotestants and catholics will be able to\u00a0\u00a0\njoin hands and sing in the words of the old negro\u00a0\nspiritual free at last free at last thank God almighty\nWe are free at last\n": 3, "Before we really dive into the fundamentals of cryptography, \nlet\u2019s briefly pause and sort out our understanding of the subject - cryptography itself.\nLooking into academia and specialized literature,\none often comes across the 3 words cryptology, cryptography and cryptanalysis.\nSometimes these words are used side-by-side, sometimes these words seem to be used interchangeably.\nCommon to all these words is, that they root back all the way into ancient Greek, with Cryptos meaning \u201chidden\u201d and \u201csecret\u201d.\nLooking now at the word cryptography, graphein roots back to the Greek word for writing, \nand it\u2019s then also based on these roots that the understanding of Cryptography is for Cryptography to be the subject\nthat deals with the construction of systems that allow for secret writing, \nor a bit more generally expressed, for systems that allow for secure communication to take place.\nCryptanalysis on the other hand is then the subject that analyses the systems constructed by cryptography for their strength in terms of security.\nAnd finally, Cryptology is then the general subject for the study of systems allowing for secure communication, \nwhich involves both the constructive side with Cryptography as well as the analytical side with Cryptanalysis.\nThis course itself also has elements of both, Cryptography as well as Cryptanalysis. \nFor each of the primitives, we will get to know during this course, \nwe will have a look at how this primitive is constructed, \nbut always also have a look at the security notion and security strength associated with the cryptographic primitive. \nWith this, we could say that this is actually a course in Cryptology, \nbut given that we will spend the bulk of the course looking at how cryptographic primitives are constructed,\n I decided to name this course Fundamental Cryptography nevertheless.\nCryptography, as the subject that constructs systems allowing for secure communication, \nevolves equally much like information security in general around a certain set of security goals.\nThe classic security goals of information security are famously known as the CIA triple of security goals,\nwhere the C in CIA stands for confidentiality, where the I in CIA stands for integrity, and where the A in CIA stands for availability.\nConfidentiality is the security goal demanding that information in a system is only accessible to an authorized party.\nIntegrity is the security goal demanding that the correctness and completeness of the information can be verified.\nAnd Availability is the security goal demanding that information is always available when needed.\nAs you can see, I commented availability with \u201cOut of reach for Cryptography\u201d.\nI invite you to pause and have a think about, why the security goal of availability may be out of reach for Cryptography?\nThe security goal of Availability is out of reach for cryptography as cryptography is an abstract subject very close to mathematics. \nThe ideas of cryptography are coded up into cryptographic primitives such as encryption, \nthese cryptographic primitives are then made use of in technical protocols such as TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols, \nand these technical protocols then make up the technical systems that ultimately run on physical machines.\nFrom this, it can be seen that if information in an information technology system needs to be available,\nthen this is mostly the responsibility of an outer layer, with cryptography residing towards the more inner core of the system.\nDue to availability as a security goal being out of reach for cryptography, \ncryptography as a subject has its own set of 4 classic security goals.\nConfidentiality and integrity as security goals are the same security goals as the security goals in information security, \nbut instead of the security goal of availability, \ncryptography now has the 2 additional security goals authenticity and non-repudiation.\nAuthenticity as a security goal demands that in a system with authenticity,\nthe source of information can always be verified by the receiving party.\nNon-repudiation as a security goal then dem": 4, "water, cleaning.\nwater, cleaning.\nwater, cleaning.\nonion.\nwater, cleaning.\nparsley.\nRed bell pepper.\nonion.\nwater, cleaning.\nparsley.\nRed bell pepper.\nonion.\nwater, cleaning.\nparsley.\nRed bell pepper.\nsunflower oil.\nbarley noodle.\nadd onion.\nadd Red bell pepper.\nbutter.\nsunflower oil.\nbarley noodle.\nadd onion.\nadd Red bell pepper.\nbutter.\nsunflower oil.\nbarley noodle.\nadd onion.\nadd Red bell pepper.\nbutter.\nadd rice.\nadd currant.\nsalt.\nblack pepper.\nallspice.\nwater.\ncornflour.\nadd salt, chili pepper and black pepper.\nadd the anchovies.\nadd rice.\nadd currant.\nsalt.\nblack pepper.\nallspice.\nwater.\ncornflour.\nadd salt, chili pepper and black pepper.\nadd the anchovies.\nadd rice.\nadd currant.\nsalt.\nblack pepper.\nallspice.\nwater.\ncornflour.\nadd salt, chili pepper and black pepper.\nadd the anchovies.\nthe rice is ready.\nolive oil.\ncornflour.\nolive oil.\nthe rice is ready.\nolive oil.\ncornflour.\nolive oil.\nthe rice is ready.\nolive oil.\ncornflour.\nolive oil.\nlike and subscribe to my channel.\nlike and subscribe to my channel.\nlike and subscribe to my channel.\nadd parsley.\nadd parsley.\nadd parsley.\nphyllo bread.\nwater.\na good meze of fresh vegetables.\nfirst anchovy recipe. anchovy pan.\nsecond anchovy recipe. anchovy rice cake.\nphyllo bread recipe.\nphyllo bread.\nwater.\na good meze of fresh vegetables.\nfirst anchovy recipe. anchovy pan.\nsecond anchovy recipe. anchovy rice cake.\nphyllo bread recipe.\nphyllo bread.\nwater.\na good meze of fresh vegetables.\nfirst anchovy recipe. anchovy pan.\nsecond anchovy recipe. anchovy rice cake.\nphyllo bread recipe.\ncleaning.\nadd mint.\nturnip juice.\nIn the name of of Allah the Merciful.\ncleaning.\nadd mint.\nturnip juice.\nIn the name of of Allah the Merciful.\ncleaning.\nadd mint.\nturnip juice.\nIn the name of of Allah the Merciful.\nis it good?\nyes it is very good grandpa.\ngreen onion.\nlettuce.\nCherry tomato;\nis it good?\nyes it is very good grandpa.\ngreen onion.\nlettuce.\nCherry tomato;\nis it good?\nyes it is very good grandpa.\ngreen onion.\nlettuce.\nCherry tomato;\nlemon.\nit's crunchy! do you listen to the sound!\nIn the name of of Allah the Merciful.\nlike and subscribe to my channel.\nsubscribe to my channels.\nmint tea.\nlemon.\nit's crunchy! do you listen to the sound!\nIn the name of of Allah the Merciful.\nlike and subscribe to my channel.\nsubscribe to my channels.\nmint tea.\nlemon.\nit's crunchy! do you listen to the sound!\nIn the name of of Allah the Merciful.\nlike and subscribe to my channel.\nsubscribe to my channels.\nmint tea.\nThat's all for today, see you next Friday in the new video, God bless.\nThat's all for today, see you next Friday in the new video, God bless.\nThat's all for today, see you next Friday in the new video, God bless.\n": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question number eight of our calculus review,\nChristopher Carbone: using the intermediate value theorem to show that there is a root of the given equation in the specified interval. That being the equation is x to the fourth plus x minus six,\nChristopher Carbone: and the interval is the open interval of one to two,\nChristopher Carbone: so F of x is equal to x to the fourth plus x minus six is this would be, is continuous.\nChristopher Carbone: On this closed interval. One to two should be, may know that I mean, you know, to spread that being X to the fourth. This is a polynomial,\nChristopher Carbone: and it is continuous everywhere.\nChristopher Carbone: So it is continuous\nChristopher Carbone: everywhere.\nChristopher Carbone: Which is why it's going to be continuous, and that course interval of one to two F of one. If we put one into that function we get an answer of negative four\nChristopher Carbone: for F of two. We put two into that function. We get ourselves a number of twelve\nChristopher Carbone: since negative four is west, then the\nChristopher Carbone: zero,\nChristopher Carbone: which is less than twelve.\nChristopher Carbone: That means there's a number, c. In our open interval of one to two, such that F of C is equal to well.\nChristopher Carbone: Ah, zero\nChristopher Carbone: the intermediate values theorem.\nChristopher Carbone: Thus that means that there is indeed a root.\nChristopher Carbone: The equation X to the fourth plus X minus six is equal to zero.\nChristopher Carbone: They now open interval, one to two.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you.\n": 4, "Hi everyone, have a nice day everyone.\nKieu goes to the farm to feed the chickens with bran\nHi everyone, have a nice day everyone.\nKieu goes to the farm to feed the chickens with bran\nThe chickens have reached adulthood, they also eat less\nThe chickens have reached adulthood, they also eat less\nKieu will pour bran for the chickens to eat freely\nKieu will pour bran for the chickens to eat freely\nTake water for the chickens to drink\nKieu picks up eggs from the laying\nTake water for the chickens to drink\nKieu picks up eggs from the laying\nhens Lays indiscriminately under the floor\nKieu picks up a lot of eggs, Kieu will sell these eggs,\nhens Lays indiscriminately under the floor\nKieu picks up a lot of eggs, Kieu will sell these eggs,\nKieu will catch chickens, tomorrow morning go to the market to sell\nKieu will catch chickens, tomorrow morning go to the market to sell\nKieu will go to the market to sell chickens and eggs\nKieu will go to the market to sell chickens and eggs\n. The eggs they picked up yesterday, they went to the house to buy, only this is left.\n. The eggs they picked up yesterday, they went to the house to buy, only this is left.\nKieu goes to the market to sell eggs and 4 chickens to have money to buy some livestock supplies.\nKieu goes to the market to sell eggs and 4 chickens to have money to buy some livestock supplies.\nKieu goes to the market, about 5km from home\nKieu goes to the market, about 5km from home\nThe chicken trader is bidding to buy chickens\nThe dealer buys 2 hens\nThe chicken trader is bidding to buy chickens\nThe dealer buys 2 hens\nBuyers are fake prices to buy chickens\nBuyers are fake prices to buy chickens\nThe number of chicken eggs is 70 eggs, 3 people divide to buy them all\nThe number of chicken eggs is 70 eggs, 3 people divide to buy them all\nSo Kieu sold All chickens and eggs\nSo Kieu sold All chickens and eggs\nKieu bought some food and vegetables\nKieu bought some food and vegetables\nKieu bought some tomato seedlings\nKieu bought some tomato seedlings\nKieu went to a veterinary pharmacy to buy some medicine and supplies for livestock.\nKieu went to a veterinary pharmacy to buy some medicine and supplies for livestock.\nKieu bought a set of spaying knives\nand some medicine to prevent diseases for pigs and chickens.\nKieu bought a set of spaying knives\nand some medicine to prevent diseases for pigs and chickens.\nSince morning Kieu was hungry, Kieu stopped by the restaurant to eat a bowl of vermicelli.\nSince morning Kieu was hungry, Kieu stopped by the restaurant to eat a bowl of vermicelli.\nInvite you to have breakfast with Kieu.\nInvite you to have breakfast with Kieu.\nKieu bought some blankets. raising as: preventive medicine for pigs and chickens. A syringe for injecting pigs, a set of spaying knives for piglets.\nKieu bought some blankets. raising as: preventive medicine for pigs and chickens. A syringe for injecting pigs, a set of spaying knives for piglets.\nKieu starts taking care of her livestock again.\nKieu starts taking care of her livestock again.\nHungry and thirsty chickens\nHungry and thirsty chickens\nKieu will mix medicine into the water, to periodically prevent diseases for the chickens.\nKieu will mix medicine into the water, to periodically prevent diseases for the chickens.\nAfter returning from the market, Kieu will have to do a lot of work to take care of the animals. pigs.\nAfter returning from the market, Kieu will have to do a lot of work to take care of the animals. pigs.\n": 2, "Hello everyone! I'm Prof Wang. Here is the question:\u00a0\n2 minus the square root of 3 times x squared\u00a0\nminus 2 times the square root of 3 minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes x minus 6 equals 0. We want to\u00a0\nsolve this quadratic equation to find x.\nThis quadratic equation\u00a0\u00a0\ncontains irrational numbers as coefficients.\u00a0\nHow to solve this kind of quadratic equation?\nFirst from the given condition, we want to get\u00a0\nrid of the constant in front of x squared. \u00a0\u00a0\nJust time its conjugate: 2 plus the square root of\u00a0\n3 on the both sides of this given equation.\nWe have: x squared minus 2 plus\u00a0\nthe square root of 3 times 2 times\u00a0\u00a0\nthe square root of 3 minus 1 times x minus\u00a0\n6 times 2 plus the square root of 3.\u00a0\u00a0\nthe right hand side, 2 plus the square\u00a0\nroot of 3 times 0 equals 0.\nThis is a quadratic equation.\nContinue to simplify, here we have the\u00a0\nconstants a equals 1, b equals negative\u00a0\u00a0\n2 times 1 plus the square root of 3, c equals\u00a0\nnegative 6 times 2 plus the square root of 3.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe can use quadratic formula to find\u00a0\nthe solution of this quadratic equation.\nThe discriminant of this quadratic\u00a0\nequation is delta, delta equals\u00a0\u00a0\nb squared minus 4 times a times c, b equals\u00a0\nnegative 2 times 1 plus the square root of 3, \nthat's b, a equals 1, c equals negative\u00a0\n6 times 2 plus the square root of 3.\nContinue to simplify.\nAnd simplify, \nwe have: delta equals 16 times 4 plus 2 square\u00a0\nroot of 3. Based on the quadratic formula, \nwe have the square root outside of the delta. \u00a0\u00a0\n16 is 4 squared, and 4 plus 2 square\u00a0\nroot of 3 is 1 plus the square root of 3 then squared. \nHow can we get it from here to here? You\u00a0\ncan consider 4 is 1 plus 3, 3 is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe square root of 3 squared, then you can\u00a0\nuse the formula to complete the square.\nNow we are ready to use this result\u00a0\nplug in to the quadratic formula.\nThis is the quadratic formula.\nHere that's the square root of 4 squared\u00a0\ntimes 1 plus the square root of 3 square, \u00a0\u00a0\nthe square and the square root we can cancel them\u00a0\nbecause the inside part is positive.\nContinue to simplify, \u00a0\u00a0\nwe have the final two answers for x: x equals\u00a0\n3 times 1 plus the square root of 3, x equals\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 1 plus the square root of 3. That's\u00a0\nall. Thanks for watching and see you next time!\n": 4, "What is Integration: hi everyone in this video we'll go through\u00a0\nintroduction to integral calculus learn what\u00a0\u00a0\nis integration what are standard integrals and\u00a0\nhow do we solve problems using standard integrals\nthe following problems are\u00a0\nsolved in this particular video\nintegral calculus integration is nothing but an\u00a0\ninverse process of differentiation for example\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative that is d by DX of x square so x square\u00a0\nis a function say it's f of x so derivative of x\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare is 2X integration is a process by which I\u00a0\ngive the derivative that is I give 2X and I should\u00a0\u00a0\nget x square as the answer so this reverse process\u00a0\nis integration it's also called as anti-derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nin differentiation you give a function and you get\u00a0\nderivative in integration I give a derivative so\u00a0\u00a0\n2x is a derivative and I get the function back\u00a0\nso that's why it is called as inverse process\u00a0\u00a0\nof differentiation so integral calculus has two\u00a0\nparts indefinite and definite definite integral\u00a0\u00a0\nis used to find the area Bound by a graph of a\u00a0\nfunction so if you have a graph like this and\u00a0\u00a0\nyou have these points and if you have to find\u00a0\nthe area right this is where definite integrals\u00a0\u00a0\nis used and indefinite integral says nothing but\u00a0\na method to find out the antiderivative or the\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction the original function so these are the\u00a0\nstandard integrals integral of x to the power n\u00a0\u00a0\nis nothing but x to the power n plus 1 by n plus\u00a0\none if you remember derivative for this would be\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of x to the power of n would be n into\u00a0\nx to the power n minus 1. similarly integral of\u00a0\u00a0\nDX just DX that means there is no number assume\u00a0\nthat there is one right integral of 1 would be\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is there's nothing no variable right that\u00a0\ntime integral would be X integral of 1 would be\u00a0\u00a0\nX when there is nothing you assume that there is\u00a0\none and you put integral as X and we'll all always\u00a0\u00a0\nhave to put this constant constant the C is any\u00a0\nconstant any number we don't know what that number\u00a0\u00a0\nis so we just put an arbitrary constant calling\u00a0\nit as C similarly integral of 1 by X is log X now\u00a0\u00a0\nif you see derivative of log X derivative log X\u00a0\nis 1 by X similarly integral of 1 by X is log X\u00a0\u00a0\nand integral of e to the power x is e to the\u00a0\npower of X itself similarly derivative of e\u00a0\u00a0\nto the power x is also e to the power x itself and\u00a0\nthis is the integral for a to the power x a to the\u00a0\u00a0\npower x by log a integral of sine X is minus\u00a0\ncos x so if you remember derivative of cos 6\u00a0\u00a0\nwas minus sine X here integral of cos x is\u00a0\nsine X if you remember derivative sine X is\u00a0\u00a0\ncos x now integral of cos x is sine X\u00a0\nright so you should get the function back\u00a0\u00a0\nsimilarly integral of secant Square X is\u00a0\nTan x derivative of tan X is secant Square\u00a0\u00a0\nX integral of cos x square X is minus cot X\u00a0\nand derivative of Cortex is cos x square X\u00a0\u00a0\nintegral of secant x into the annex is secant\u00a0\nx and derivative of secant x is this function\u00a0\u00a0\nso in this way we'll have to remember all the\u00a0\nintegrals these are some of the standard integrals\u00a0\u00a0\nfor inverse trigonometric functions integral of\u00a0\n1 by root of 1 minus x square is sine inverse X\u00a0\u00a0\nsimilarly cos inverse X and inverse X cot inverse\u00a0\nX secant inverse X and cosec inverse X so these\u00a0\u00a0\nare integrals for inverse trigonometric functions\u00a0\nlet's go through a few Key properties of integrals\u00a0\u00a0\nsimple they are nothing but derivative of integral\u00a0\nof a function is nothing but function itself so\u00a0\u00a0\nbasically if I take say 2x right what is integral\u00a0\nof 2x you'll have to use the formula what is\u00a0\u00a0\nintegral of x to the power n it is X to the power\u00a0\nn plus 1 by n Plus 1. right and plus constant so\u00a0\u00a0\nintegral of 2x would be integral of\u00a0\n2x will be 2 into x to the power of\u00a0\u00a0\nthere's nothing just assume it's one so one plus\u00a0\none which is 2 by 1 plus 1 so it is nothing but 2X\u00a0\u00a0\nSquare by 2. so 2 and 2 will get canceled you're\u00a0\nleft with x square right you're left with x square\u00a0\u00a0\nand then then this one what is derivative\u00a0\nof x square derivative of x square is 2X\u00a0\u00a0\nso it's obvious right integral is inverse of\u00a0\nthe derivative so now when I apply both I get\u00a0\u00a0\nthe function the next p": 4, "Hello everybody !\nWe are Namihey naked. Thanks for watching !\nNext song is called \"Final Today\" by English Ver.\nWe try English version at this time. Because we want to deliver this song to the world !\nWe long for people in this planet to enjoy this song\nWe put hope and passion in this song\nHere we go !\nThe world you can see by yourself\nThe news you can hear by yourself\nIf such are all the world\nI'll say it's so smaller one\nFor someone, I want to live my life\nFor someone, I want to live my life\nEven if I don't know your name\nIt doesn't really matter, I do it\nFinal Today\nThe past has already gone\nThe now, it's just like a moment\nThe future is almost coming\nThat would embrace your hope and will\nFor someone, I'll be in 100 years ahead\nFor someone, I'll be in 100 years ahead\nEven if you are not born in this world\nIt doesn't really matter, I do it\nFinal Today\nFor someone, I want to live my life\nFor someone, I want to live my life\nEven if I don't know your name\nIt doesn't really matter, I do it\nFinal Today\nThanks for watching !\nThank you very much (in your language) !\nWe hope you enjoyed it and received our message ! Bye for now !\n": 2, "Balancing Chemical Equations.\nBalancing Chemical Equations.\nThe law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.\nI will break the law.\nI will create mass.\nCreation of mass.\nCreation of mass.\nNo extra mass allowed.\nThe law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.\nI will break the law.\nI will create mass.\nCreation of mass.\nCreation of mass.\nNo extra mass allowed.\nNew creation of mass is not allowed.\nDeduction of mass.\nNo deduction of mass allowed.\nIn a chemical reaction, mass cannot be created, mass cannot be destroyed.\nIn a reaction, number of atoms should be same.\nBefore and After.\nNew creation of mass is not allowed.\nDeduction of mass.\nNo deduction of mass allowed.\nIn a chemical reaction, mass cannot be created, mass cannot be destroyed.\nIn a reaction, number of atoms should be same.\nBefore and After.\nExample.\nHydrogen plus Nitrogen is equal to Ammonia.\nExample.\nHydrogen plus Nitrogen is equal to Ammonia.\nHere, 2 is the subscript of hydrogen and nitrogen.\nWe need to balance the number of atoms on both the sides.\nReactants and Product.\n2 Hydrogen atoms.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\n2 Nitrogen atoms.\n1 Nitrogen atom.\n2 Nitrogen atoms.\n1 Nitrogen atom.\nI need to balance nitrogen atoms on both the sides.\nHere, 2 is the subscript of hydrogen and nitrogen.\nWe need to balance the number of atoms on both the sides.\nReactants and Product.\n2 Hydrogen atoms.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\n2 Nitrogen atoms.\n1 Nitrogen atom.\n2 Nitrogen atoms.\n1 Nitrogen atom.\nI need to balance nitrogen atoms on both the sides.\n2 Ammonia atoms.\n2 Hydrogen atoms.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\n6 Hydrogen atoms.\nI need to balance hydrogen atoms on both the sides.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\nPerfectly balanced chemical equation.\n2 Ammonia atoms.\n2 Hydrogen atoms.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\n6 Hydrogen atoms.\nI need to balance hydrogen atoms on both the sides.\n3 Hydrogen atoms.\nPerfectly balanced chemical equation.\nHydrogen plus Nitrogen equals Ammonia.\nThe End.\nHydrogen plus Nitrogen equals Ammonia.\nThe End.\n": 2, "grater\ngrater\ntoaster\ntoaster\nkettle\nkettle\nwhisk\nwhisk\nrolling pin\nrolling pin\nblender\nblender\nchopping board\nchopping board\nwooden spoon\nwooden spoon\napron\napron\nbowl\nbowl\nteapot\nteapot\nspatula\nspatula\nstrainer\nstrainer\nladle\nladle\ncleaver\ncleaver\noven glove\noven glove\ncorkscrew\ncorkscrew\nplate\nplate\nknife\nknife\nfork\nfork\nspoon\nspoon\nfrying pan\nfrying pan\nsaucepan\nsaucepan\ncake slicer\ncake slicer\ncolander\ncolander\nbaking tray\nbaking tray\ncasserole dish\ncasserole dish\nvegetable peeler\nvegetable peeler\nice cream scoop\nice cream scoop\ncan opener\ncan opener\nbottle opener\nbottle opener\ncork\ncork\nmicrowave\nmicrowave\nelectric cooker\nelectric cooker\ndishwasher\ndishwasher\nfridge\nfridge\nscales\nscales\nmeasuring jug\nmeasuring jug\nchopsticks\nchopsticks\nglass\nglass\nmug\nmug\ncupboard\ncupboard\nkitchen sink\nkitchen sink\njug\njug\nnapkin\nnapkin\npestle\npestle\nmortar\nmortar\nwok\nwok\ngarlic crusher\ngarlic crusher\nzester\nzester\npotato masher\npotato masher\nsalad spinner\nsalad spinner\nbutter dish\nbutter dish\nsalt mill\nsalt mill\npepper mill\npepper mill\nsponge\nsponge\nolive oil\nolive oil\nfire extinguisher\nfire extinguisher\nmilk\nmilk\nbread\nbread\neggs\neggs\nsugar\nsugar\nrubbish bin\nrubbish bin\nkitchen table\nkitchen table\nice tray\nice tray\nspice rack\nspice rack\nscouring pad\nscouring pad\ntea bag\ntea bag\ncoffee granules\ncoffee granules\nstool\nstool\nelectric fan\nelectric fan\nfood processor\nfood processor\nwaffle maker\nwaffle maker\nscissors\nscissors\ncup\ncup\nsaucer\nsaucer\npaper towels\npaper towels\nbroom\nbroom\nmop\nmop\nbasket\nbasket\ntap\ntap\nfruit juicer\nfruit juicer\nmeasuring spoons\nmeasuring spoons\nsoap\nsoap\nbucket\nbucket\ntongs\ntongs\ndeep fryer\ndeep fryer\ntoast\ntoast\ncoffee pot\ncoffee pot\nclock\nclock\nchocolate\nchocolate\nfruit bowl\nfruit bowl\nceiling fan\nceiling fan\ncheese\ncheese\nmatches\nmatches\negg timer\negg timer\nfunnel\nfunnel\njar\njar\nbread bin\nbread bin\ncutlery\ncutlery\n": 2, "In this screencast we are going to talk about\nthe relationship between mass flow rate,\nvolumetric flow rate, and density.\nDensity, rho, is defined as, in this case, the mass\nflow rate over the volumetric flow rate. So\nyou can see that there is a relationship between\nthe three of them. The volumetric flow rate\nequals the mass flow rate over density, and\nmass flow rate equals rho times V and the\nimportant thing to remember is that density\ncan change from inlet to outlet. The volumetric\nflow rate can change from inlet to outlet,\nbut this is constant. When our mass balances, E-in equals E-out. So let's\ntake a look at some examples. If we have a\ncone shaped pipe like this, and we have\nflow in and flow out the mass flow at the\ninlet has to equal the mass flow at the outlet.\nNow let's say that we have a gas at constant\ndensity. What can we say about the volumetric\nflow rate going in and volumetric flow rate\ngoing out? Well if the density is constant\nand we know that the mass flow rate is constant.\nThen the volumetric flow rate is constant.\nSo the volumetric flow rate at the inlet has\nto equal the volumetric flow rate at the outlet.\nThis again is only true if it\u2019s at constant\ndensity.\nNow, let's look at a situation where\nit is not constant density. So let's say that\nthe density of a gas decreases from the inlet\nto the outlet. In other words the density\ngoing in, is greater than the density coming\nout. Well we know that the mass flow rate stays\nconstant. So rho-in times V-in has to equal\nrho-out times V-out. However, if rho-in is\ngreater than rho-out. In order for the mass\nbalance to work V-in has to be less than V-out.\n": 4, "I have a dream\nmy four little children will one day live in\u00a0\na nation where they will not be judged by the\u00a0\u00a0\ncolor of their skin but by the content\u00a0\nof their character I have a dream to be\nI have a dream that one day down\u00a0\nin Alabama with its vicious races\u00a0\u00a0\nwith its Governor having his lips dripping with\u00a0\nthe words of interposition and nullification one\u00a0\u00a0\nday right there in Alabama little black boys\u00a0\nand black girls will be able to join hands\u00a0\u00a0\nwith little white boys and white girls as\u00a0\nsisters and brothers I have a dream today\nI have a dream that one day every Valley shall\u00a0\nbe exalted and every Hill and mounting shall be\u00a0\u00a0\nmade low the rough places will be made plain\u00a0\nand the Crooked places will be made straight\u00a0\u00a0\nand the glory of the Lord shall be revealed in\u00a0\nAll Flesh shall see it together this is our hope\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is the faith that I go back to the South with\u00a0\nyes with this faith we will be able to heal out of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe Mountain of Despair a stone of Hope with this\u00a0\nfaith we will be able to transform the jangling\u00a0\u00a0\ndiscords of our nation into a beautiful\u00a0\nSymphony of Brotherhood with this faith\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will be able to work together to pray together\u00a0\nto struggle together to go to jail together to\u00a0\u00a0\nstand up for Freedom together knowing that\u00a0\nwe will be free one day this will be the day\u00a0\u00a0\nthis will be the day when all of God's children\u00a0\nbe able to sing with new meaning my country tears\u00a0\u00a0\nindeed sweet land of liberty of the RC land where\u00a0\nmy father's died land of the Pilgrims Pride from\u00a0\u00a0\nevery Mountainside Let Freedom Ring and if America\u00a0\nis to be a great nation this must become true\u00a0\u00a0\nso Let Freedom reign from the prodigious hilltops\u00a0\nof New Hampshire Let Freedom reign from the mighty\u00a0\u00a0\nmountains of New York Let Freedom Reign from\u00a0\nthe heightening alleghenies of Pennsylvania\u00a0\u00a0\nLet Freedom Ring from the snow-capped Rockies\u00a0\nof Colorado Let Freedom Ring from the crevaceous\u00a0\u00a0\nslopes of California but not only that Let\u00a0\nFreedom Ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia\u00a0\u00a0\nLet Freedom Ring from Lookout Mountain of\u00a0\nTennessee Let Freedom Ring from every Hill and\u00a0\u00a0\nmole hill of Mississippi from every Mountainside\u00a0\nLet Freedom Ring and when this happens\nwhen we allow Freedom Ring when we let it ring\u00a0\nfrom every village and every Hamlet from every\u00a0\u00a0\nstate and every city we will be able to speed up\u00a0\nthat day when all of God's children black men and\u00a0\u00a0\nwhite men Jews and Gentiles Protestants\u00a0\nand Catholics will be able to turn hands\n": 4, "regular series expansion of the same x divided\u00a0\nby x minus pi and Taylor series expansion at\u00a0\u00a0\nwe need at x equal to Pi assume x\u00a0\nminus y equal to x minus I equal to y\u00a0\u00a0\ntherefore x equal to Y Plus 5. if you substitute\u00a0\nthis in this function you will get the sine X\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to Y plus 5 y plus pi divided by x\u00a0\nminus pi equal to Y this is equal to uh\u00a0\u00a0\n180 plus 180 which quadrant which quadrant this\u00a0\nis nine P this is 180 180 Plus therefore this\u00a0\u00a0\nquadrant and therefore this negative minus\u00a0\nsine y equal to minus sine y divided by y\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have to expand this that is equal to minus\u00a0\nminus 1 by y power 1 divided by one factorial\u00a0\u00a0\nminus y over 3 divided by 3 factorial plus y\u00a0\npower 5 divided by 5 factorial minus y power\u00a0\u00a0\n7 divided by seven factorial Etc uh bring\u00a0\nthis y inside what you will get is minus\u00a0\u00a0\none if you bring this minus inside it will\u00a0\nplus and the y y Square divided by 3 factorial\u00a0\u00a0\nplus becomes minus minus y power 4 divided\u00a0\nby y factorial Etc or we can say that minus\u00a0\u00a0\n1 plus y equal to one time x minus Pi so x\u00a0\nminus Pi whole Square divided by 3 factorial\u00a0\u00a0\nminus x minus 5 whole to the power 4 divided by 5\u00a0\nfactorial etcetera so only two terms are here this\u00a0\u00a0\nis also not required this is also not required\u00a0\nminus 1 plus minus 1 plus d is the answer D is\n": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question Number fifteen of our calculus review.\nChristopher Carbone: The graph of F is given. We want to state the numbers at which F is not differentiable.\nChristopher Carbone: So we can see just based on this graph a couple of suspicious looking points,\nChristopher Carbone: couple of suspicious, suspicious looking points apps is equal to negative four. We have this corner here\nChristopher Carbone: the value of zero. We have this jump discontinuity,\nChristopher Carbone: and at the value of two we have a vertical tangent line.\nChristopher Carbone: So X is equal to negative four, zero and two. And just to recap what I just said, Um, apps is negative four, because we have a corner on our graph.\nChristopher Carbone: The graph has a corner there,\nChristopher Carbone: and, as we all know,\nChristopher Carbone: the derivative does not exist there,\nChristopher Carbone: for the X is equal to zero. We again have that jump discontinuity,\nChristopher Carbone: so that discontinuity and X is equal to two. We have that vertical tangent line.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you.\n": 4, "Alan Walker\nDarkside\nWe are not in love\nWe share no stories\nJust something in your eyes\nDon't be afraid\nThe shadows know me\nLet's leave the world behind\nTake me through the night\nFall into the darkside\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the darkside\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the darkside\nFall in to the darkside\nGive into the darkside\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the darkside\nBeneath the sky\nAs black as diamonds\nWe're running out of time\nDon't wait for truth\nTo come and blind us\nLet's just believe their lies\nBelieve it, I see it\nI know that you can feel\nNo secrets, worth keeping\nSo fool me like I'm dreaming\nTake me through the night\nFall in to the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the darkside\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the darkside\nFall in to the darkside\nGive into the darkside\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the darkside\nDarkside\nDarkside\nDarkside\nDarkside\nTake me through the night\nFall into the darkside\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the darkside\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the darkside\nSubtitled By: Weslei Feitoza\n": 2, "In the name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious.\nPeace be upon you and ALLAH's mercy and blessings.\nViewers!\nOur today's project is \"Line Follower with Obstacle Avoiding Robot\".\nLet's begin with the circuit diagram.\nThis is the circuit diagram.\nFirst of all, we have used two cells of 3.7 volts in series for power source. In total, they make 7.4 volts.\nHere we have used a switch at positive terminal for power on/off.\nArduino UNO is used.\nTwo IR sensors are used, one is at left side and other is at right side for following black line.\nAlong this, an Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) is used.\nA mini servo motor is used.\nOur robot will be following the black line. When a hurdle will come, it will check the left or right-side hurdle using Ultrasonic Sensor.\nThe hurdle of which side will be close, it will come back on the line following by avoiding the opposite side hurdle.\nWe have used a L298 Motor Driver.\nThere are to H-bridges in L298 Motor that means that there is an option to drive two dc gear motors clockwise or anti-clockwise.\nWe have attached left side motors on out1 and out2.\nSimilarly, right side motors are attached o out3 and out4.\nTo control right side motors, 3 wires from Arduino are connected to L298.\nFirst is enableB. en3 and en4 are used to drive right side motors clockwise and anti-clockwise.\nenableB is used to control the speed of right-side motors.\nSimilarly, 3 pins of Arduino are used for left side motors.\nen1 and en2 are used to drive left side motors clockwise and anti-clockwise and enableA is used to control the speed of left side motors.\nFor the power of motor, we have given the negative and positive supply to L298 positive 12V and ground respectively.\nSo, this is our circuit diagram. Now, lets connect the hardware according to this diagram.\nWelcome back!\nNow, let me give you an overview of the code.\nThis is the Arduino code. Open it on Arduino IDE. You will get link to code and circuit diagram in the description below. You can download it from there.\nIn code, first of all, we have initialized 6 pins of Arduino for L298 Motor Driver from pin 10 to pin 5.\nAfter this, A0 pin is initialized for left side IR sensor. A1 pin is initialized for right side IR sensor.\nAfter this, enable pin of Ultrasonic Sensor is attached with A2 pin of Arduino.\nIts trigger pin is attached with A3 pin of Arduino.\nA5 pin is called for the Servo Motor.\nThe Set variable is equal to 15.\nThe distance is read from Ultrasonic Sensor.\nAs its values will drop from this Set point 15, it will make the robot to stop at this condition.\nSimilarly, The distance variables are initialized for left, front and right sides.\nAfter this, there is void setup.\nIn void setup, first of all Serial board is initialized as 9600.\nIt is board rate data per speed.\nIn this code, we have used Serial to print data of Ultrasonic Sensor on Serial Monitor.\nThe pins of IR sensors are initialized in INPUT mode.\nThe echo pin is initialized as INPUT mode as well.\nThe trigger pin is initialized as OUTPUT mode.\nThe 6 pins to L298, from enableA to enableB are initialized in OUTPUT mode.\nWe write 200 duty cycle on enableA and enableB pins.\nWe are using duty cycle to increase or decrease the speed of motors.\nIts minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 255.\nIt must be considered that speed of your robot is neither too high nor too low.\nThe robot's speed/the value of duty cycle must be set accordingly.\nAs I have used the battery of 7.4 volts. The speed of motors was high at 255. So, it was not working exactly.\nTherefore, I have decreased the duty cycle to 200. At this condition, the robot becomes a little slow and its working was exact.\nThe pin of Servo Motor is also initialized on OUTPUT mode.\nAfter this, this is to drive the servo motor left and right.\nThan, we have put this to keep servo motor in front.\nHere, we have taken distance from front by Ultrasonic Sensor.\nWith delay of 500 milli seconds, now we are in void loop.\nIn void loop, first of all we are getting the value of distance from ultra read function.\nHere, we are getting front distance. We have print it on Ser": 4, "Hello students, from today we start with\u00a0\nthe derivatives. But first of all, what is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative? A derivative is a function whose\u00a0\nvalue gives the slope or the gradient at a point\u00a0\u00a0\non the graph of a function. We have different\u00a0\ntypes of functions, it may be a linear function,\u00a0\u00a0\na quadratic function, a cubic function, these\u00a0\nare polynomial functions. We have exponential\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction, we have logarithmic function, we have\u00a0\ntrigonometric function, we have so many types\u00a0\u00a0\nof functions and we have derivatives of all these\u00a0\nfunctions and the derivative is itself a function\u00a0\u00a0\nwhose value, a function has its values, for\u00a0\ndifferent inputs we have different outputs,\u00a0\u00a0\nso derivative is a function whose value gives\u00a0\nthe slope or the gradient at a point on the graph\u00a0\u00a0\nof that function. We will be understanding the\u00a0\nmeaning of this statement more in our this session\u00a0\u00a0\nand in our coming sessions. So, first of all we\u00a0\ntake up the line function, the linear function.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe value of the derivative of any linear\u00a0\nline graph, which will be the graph of a\u00a0\u00a0\nlinear function, is the slope of that line\u00a0\nand is the same at all points of the graph\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause the slope of a straight line is\u00a0\nthe same for all the points on the line.\u00a0\u00a0\nTherefore the value of the derivative will\u00a0\nalso be the same for all points on the graph.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo this is the horizontal line that I\u00a0\nhave taken whose equation is y equals 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand this is an unending line but since, I usually\u00a0\ntake the graphs from Desmos which does not have\u00a0\u00a0\nthe arrows, which do not give the arrows on\u00a0\nthe two ends, therefore we do not have any\u00a0\u00a0\narrows at the ends but it is an unending line.\u00a0\nIt is a horizontal line parallel to the x axis.\u00a0\u00a0\nWhat will be the derivative? The derivative is\u00a0\nwritten as dy by dx and this is equal to the\u00a0\u00a0\nslope. What is the slope formula? y2 minus y1 over\u00a0\nx2 minus x1 and I have taken these two points, you\u00a0\u00a0\nmay take any other point as well. I have taken (0,\u00a0\n2) and (4, 2). So the slope will be 2 minus 2 over\u00a0\u00a0\n4 minus 0 which is equal to 0 because 2 minus 2 is\u00a0\nequal to 0. Now you may have any other horizontal\u00a0\u00a0\nline but whichever horizontal line you take it\u00a0\nwill be having an equation of the form y equals\u00a0\u00a0\nsome number K, constant, and for all the points\u00a0\non that line, the y coordinates of all the points\u00a0\u00a0\non that line will be equal to K. Therefore the\u00a0\nnumerator will be K minus K which will be equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto 0, hence the derivative of all the horizontal\u00a0\nlines will be equal to 0. Okay? Now we come to any\u00a0\u00a0\nnormal, means this is a special, these are special\u00a0\nlines, but we are taking, this is an inclined line\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is just an usual line. So what will be\u00a0\nthe derivative of this line? The equation of this\u00a0\u00a0\nline is y equals x and the two points that I have\u00a0\ntaken, I have to take two points because I want\u00a0\u00a0\nthe slope or the gradient, hence I have to take\u00a0\ntwo points. I have taken 0 comma 0 and 2 comma 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nTherefore the derivative or dy by dx will be equal\u00a0\nto 2 minus 0 over 2 minus 0 which is equal to 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo the derivative of this particular line function\u00a0\nis equal to 1 and this will be the same regardless\u00a0\u00a0\nof which points we take on the graph. Which\u00a0\ntwo points we take on the graph doesn't matter,\u00a0\u00a0\nthe value of the slope will be the same and it\u00a0\nwill be a non-zero number. It may be positive\u00a0\u00a0\nit may be negative but it will be a non-zero\u00a0\nnumber. And we have another third type of line\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is a vertical line and the equation of a\u00a0\nvertical line will be x equals K. I have taken\u00a0\u00a0\nx equals 2 you can take any other number. x equals\u00a0\n2, x equals 0 is the y axis, x equals 1, x equals\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 10, all are vertical lines perpendicular to\u00a0\nthe x axis. The derivative of a vertical line of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe form x equal to 2 is undefined since its slope\u00a0\nis undefined. Why is the slope undefined? Because\u00a0\u00a0\nthe x coordinate of every point on\u00a0\nthis line x equals 2 or x equals K\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be having the value of K, in this case 2.\u00a0\nTherefore the denominator will be 2 minus 2,\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be equal to 0, which will be equal to 0.\u00a0\nAnd we cannot have a zero in the denominator,\u00a0\u00a0\nhence the slope is undef": 4, "Hey there, Delilah\nWhat's it like in New York city?\nI'm a thousand miles away\nBut, girl, tonight you look so pretty\nYes, you do\nTime square can't shine as bright as you\nI swear, it's true\nHey there, Delilah\nDon't you worry about the distance\nI'm right there if you get lonely\nGive this song another listen\nClose your eyes\nListen to my voice, it's my disguise\nI'm by your side\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nWhat you do to me\nHey there, Delilah\nI know times are gettin' hard\nBut just believe me, girl\nSomeday I'll pay the bills with this guitar\nWe'll have it good\nWe'll have the life we knew we would\nMy word is good\nHey there, Delilah\nI've got so much left to say\nIf every simple song I wrote to you\nWould take your breath away\nI'd write it all\nEven more in love with me you'd fall\nWe'd have it all\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nA thousand miles seems pretty far\nBut they've got planes and trains and cars\nI'd walk to you if I had no other way\nOur friends would all make fun of us\nAnd we'll just laugh along because we know\nThat none of them have felt this way\nDelilah, I can promise you\nThat by the time we get through\nThe world will never ever be the same\nAnd you're to blame\nHey there, Delilah\nYou be good, and don't you miss me\nTwo more years and you'll be done with school\nAnd I'll be makin' history like I do\nYou'll know it's all because of you\nWe can do whatever we want to\nHey there, Delilah, here's to you\nThis ones for you\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nOh, it's what you do to me\nWhat you do to me\nOh, whoa, whoa\nOh whoa, oh\nOh, oh\n": 4, "ANDY Single Table Tournament\nTournament Structure$54K NT Buy in (Max of 3 rebuys up to the last hour)\n1. After 4 hours, payouts are calculated according to ICM.\n2. Blinds increase each hour (100/200, 200/300, 200/400). \n(Blinds remain at 200/400 for the last hour)\nSeat 8 calls 200.\nSeat 2 folds.\nSeat 4 folds.\nSeat 7 raises to 700.\nSeat 8 raises to 6200.\nSeat 7 raises to 20,700.\nSeat 8 raises all in.\nSeat 7 calls all in.\nSeat 2 raises to 500.\nSeat 3 calls 500.\nSeat 4 raises to 3000.\nSeat 6 folds.\nSeat 8 folds.\nSeat 2 calls 3000.\nSeat 3 folds.\nSeat 2 checks.\nSeat 4 bets 3500.\nSeat 2 raises to 9000.\nSeat 4 raises all in.\nSeat 2 calls all in.\nSeat 3 calls 200.\nSeat 4 calls 200.\nSeat 8 raises to 500.\nSeat 2 raises to 1700.\nSeat 3 folds.\nSeat 4 folds.\nSeat 8 calls 1700.\nSeat 8 checks.\nSeat 2 bets 2200.\nSeat 8 calls 2200.\nSeat 8 checks.\nSeat 2 checks.\nSeat 8 checks.\nSeat 2 bets 6700.\nSeat 8 calls 6700.\nSeat 8 calls 200.\nSeat 2 raises to 700.\nSeat 3 raises to 2600.\nSeat 4 calls 2600.\nSeat 6 raises to 10,000.\nSeat 8 folds.\nSeat 2 folds.\nSeat 4 calls 10,000.\nSeat 4 checks.\nSeat 6 checks.\nSeat 4 bets 4000.\nSeat 6 calls 4000.\nSeat 4 checks.\nSeat 6 bets 14,000.\nSeat 4 calls 14,000.\nSeat 8 folds.\nSeat 2 raises to 700.\nSeat 3 raises to 1400.\nSeat 4 folds.\nSeat 2 calls 1400.\nSeat 3 bets 800.\nSeat 2 raises to 2800.\nSeat 3 raises to 5800.\nSeat 2 calls 5800.\nSeat 3 checks.\nSeat 2 bets 8500.\nSeat 3 calls 8500.\nSeat 3 bets 10,700.\nSeat 2 raises all in.\nSeat 3 calls all in.\n": 3, "Yeah I'm gonna take my verbs to the old school road. I'm gonna learn how to conjugate yo\nI'm gonna take my verbs to the old school road. I'm gonna learn how to conjugate yo\nI got some verbs here bolded black, the endings are attached, backpack on my back gonna head to spanish class\nLearning conjugations, might take me some patience, I better listen in so I can here what teach be sayin. \nFirst we're gonna drop the endings, then you're going to use this formula. \nFirst we're gonna drop the endings, then we're going to use this formula. \nYeah the formula is simple, grab a pen or pencil. Better jot this down so you can do well on the quiz yo\nFirst we'll start with -ar , then we'll get to -er, lastly we'll do -ir, I promise it's not that hard\nFirst we're gonna drop the endings, then you're going to use this formula. \nFirst you're going to the endings, this you're gonna use this formula\nGonna take my verbs to the old school road, I'm gonna learn how to conjugate yo\nI'm gonna take my verbs to the old school road, I'm gonna learn how to conjugate yo\nJust got my notes down, feelin like a rock star. Time to practice with these brand new verb charts.\nBet you I can conjugate \"I Listen\" using escuchar. Gonna add an -o right after dropping -a and -r. \nIf you want to change the subject to you, adding -as is all you have to do.\nThen the a is for el, ella, usted. and -amos and -an are for all the rest\nI'm gonna take my verbs to the old school road, I'm gonna learn how to conjugate yo\nI'm gonna take my verbs to the old school road, I'm gonna learn how to conjugate yo\n": 3, "hmm ok well firstly I would like to say thank\nyou to God almighty lord of hosts yes for\nall his fucking done for me in the last fucking\nwhatever few months and thank you a lovely\nlady called Larka Soujourn whom came and saved\nme from fucking wrath hmm of bullshit anyway\n13th yes Gorrilla 13th is fucking unlucky to some\nbut if you fucking look into it Jesus was\nthe thirteenth yes that's why his all unlucky\nnumber oh why does the fucking unlucky number\nhappen to people oh its unlucky 13 unlucky\nfucking oh the unlucky fucking astrology oh\nthe unlucky this oh the unlucky that oh don't\nlook there because if you look there your\nfucking gonna find the truth so fucking we'll put\nfear there and we will make everybody fear\nthat so if they look in that fucking direction\nthey'll get full of fear and then they wont\nbe able to find the truth and they will be\nfucking running around in circles going around\nthat fucking fear oh i'm not going there i fear there\noh fucking no fucking go back there and find the\nfucking truth the 13th Jesus fucking Christ\nthat's right Jesus Christ was the hidden light\nnot the fucking light light not the fucking\nlight light the hidden light umn the hidden\nlight whats the hidden light well the hidden\nlight shinned in the darkness but the darkness\ncould not comprehend it therefore the light\nwas hidden therefore enlightenment is Lucifer's\nLucifer is enlightenment Lucifer is light\nJesus was hidden light God is of the hidden\nlight the hidden light that was there before\nthe darkness ehh you fucking idiots well people\nyour bible speaks for itself don't tread on\nme em wonder where that comes from don't tread\non me I'm a serpent don't tread on me yeah\nwell he who has fucking eaten bread with me\nhas lifted his heel against me humm lifted\nhis heel against me?\ndon't tread on me?\nwasn't Christ a fucking serpent I think Christ\nwas a serpent too um that explains the scales\nand everything what about the doves and the\nfucking scales and the fucking oh the phoenix\nand the scorpion and the eagle which all represent\nfucking Scorpio hmm Scorpio Scorpio the Christ\nthe Christ was Scorpio hmm Scorpio was the\nChrist it was the prophecy that come from\nfucking heaven hmm the prophecy that everybody\nfucking you know takes for granted everyone\ngoes oh astrology this oh astrology that oh astrology's\nfucking evil crap what a load of fucking crap\nyous all fucking speak shit that's what yous\ndo speak shit say's in the book of um?\nJeremiah that the heathen eh be not dismayed\nat the signs of heaven and the fucking signs\nin the stars as the heathen are cause the\nheathen are dismayed at the fucking signs\nin heaven because their heathen their fucking\nidiots yeah all you fucking idiots in the\nchurches are heathen heathen fucking bullshit\nartists that's right fucking idiots 666\noh everyone's like oh if you figure out the meaning\nof six six six you must be the most fucking\noh well known person in the whole world you\nwould be so famous my fucking ass wank yes\nass wank 666 equals life life you fucking\nidiots life where in life and where in 666\nfor it is a number of a man no it is a human\nnumber its number is 666 human number the\nnumber of life is 666 fucking who was cast\nto the earth hmm who was damned to the earth\nand his number was 666 we're on the earth\nour numbers are 666 six six six is the number\nof life look up the Latin look up Latin six\nfor Latin Latin 6 is sex sex sex sex well\nsix six six is sex sex sex that's right hmm\nadd up 666 what does it equal?\nhmm 666 equals 18 eighteen is fucking\nthe Jewish number for life right and fucking they\nget fucking presents because they were for\nlong life life life life 18 what does 18 equal? em\none and eight equals nine well there's nine\nsteps to the fucking pyramids hmm nine levels\nto heaven yeah that's right we're born in\nto this world seven times we're refined as\nsilver in a fucking furnace seven times in\nthis life we're born into the eighth fucking\nafter the life after our living in this fucking\nlife on this plane in this six six six and\nwe go to fucking Abraham's bosom that's right\nand when we fucking l": 1, "a spring morning\na spring morning\nshattered without warning\nshattered without warning\nshattered without warning\nhe waited for he shot her right straight\nhe waited for he shot her right straight\nhe waited for he shot her right straight\nin the face and he killed her\nin the face and he killed her\nin the face and he killed her\nthey said a woman has been shot\nthey said a woman has been shot\nthey said a woman has been shot\na loving wife\na loving wife\na loving wife\nto my horror was janie and devoted\nto my horror was janie and devoted\nto my horror was janie and devoted\nmother i remember kind of just dropping\nmother i remember kind of just dropping\nmother i remember kind of just dropping\nto my knees at that point in time\nto my knees at that point in time\nto my knees at that point in time\nthe brutal murder so baffling even\nthe brutal murder so baffling even\nthe brutal murder so baffling even\nseasoned investigators are running out\nseasoned investigators are running out\nseasoned investigators are running out\nof clues\nof clues\nof clues\nthere was never a reason that we could\nthere was never a reason that we could\nthere was never a reason that we could\nfocus on oh this was the reason that she\nfocus on oh this was the reason that she\nfocus on oh this was the reason that she\nwas killed nothing the whole community\nwas killed nothing the whole community\nwas killed nothing the whole community\nwas scared this looked like a crime that\nwas scared this looked like a crime that\nwas scared this looked like a crime that\nwas going to be very difficult to solve\nwas going to be very difficult to solve\nwas going to be very difficult to solve\nten months later another savage shooting\nten months later another savage shooting\nten months later another savage shooting\nwith the same mo lone male black\nwith the same mo lone male black\nwith the same mo lone male black\nassailant in the middle of the day\nassailant in the middle of the day\nassailant in the middle of the day\nsingle shot to the face\nsingle shot to the face\nsingle shot to the face\na gruesome coincidence this is not our\na gruesome coincidence this is not our\na gruesome coincidence this is not our\nguy or a serial killer on the loose i\nguy or a serial killer on the loose i\nguy or a serial killer on the loose i\nwas convinced i was missing something\nwas convinced i was missing something\nwas convinced i was missing something\nwhy did it happen where is he i just\nwhy did it happen where is he i just\nwhy did it happen where is he i just\nwasn't putting the pieces together what\nwasn't putting the pieces together what\nwasn't putting the pieces together what\nelse can i do to try and find this guy\nelse can i do to try and find this guy\nelse can i do to try and find this guy\ntwo female investigators prepare to risk\ntwo female investigators prepare to risk\ntwo female investigators prepare to risk\nit all to bring the guilty to justice my\nit all to bring the guilty to justice my\nit all to bring the guilty to justice my\nboss told me to let it go but something\nboss told me to let it go but something\nboss told me to let it go but something\nabout it kept grabbing at me i just\nabout it kept grabbing at me i just\nabout it kept grabbing at me i just\ncouldn't let it go\na 45-minute drive south from the hustle\na 45-minute drive south from the hustle\nof los angeles lies the quiet bedroom\nof los angeles lies the quiet bedroom\nof los angeles lies the quiet bedroom\ncommunity of fountain valley\ncommunity of fountain valley\ncommunity of fountain valley\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\na location favored by early settlers for\na location favored by early settlers for\na location favored by early settlers for\nits ancient artesian wells that offered\nits ancient artesian wells that offered\nits ancient artesian wells that offered\nclean fresh water\nclean fresh water\nclean fresh water\nthe motto of the cities is a nice place\nthe motto of the cities is a nice place\nthe motto of the cities is a nice place\nto live and it is a nice place to live\nto live and it is a nice place to live\nto live and it is a nice place to live\nthe former agricultural community": 1, "spur of the moment live stream today on twitch i'm gonna be re-uploading this to youtube after we're\nall done but uh today Bethesda released the new survival mode for fallout 76 which is basically\na hardcore pvp mode they made many changes i encourage you to check out the patch notes but\nbasically they removed the slap damage from the base regular game so now no one can hurt you\nunless you hurt them back so they can attack you but they don't do any damage but if you attack\nback then suddenly you start doing damage to each other and in place of that they've got a new\nsurvival mode which is um much more brutal in terms of pvp uh there's uh no slap damage at all now\nit's just anyone can surprise you at any time and they're doing total damage um they've made a lot\nof other other changes to try and make it less likely for people to one shot kill you uh i mean\nthere's just there's too much for me to recount there's if you die it's aid items in your inventory\nthat people can loot from you they're increasing experience gain by 20% on survival mode these\nare all survival mode only changes so lots of cool stuff anyway i told myself that if i finished\nmy video for tomorrow early that i'd reward myself by playing some Fallout 76 survival modes\nwhy encourage you to join me now um sorry i just got a text from my mom uh so uh what we're gonna do\nis i'm on the regular normal adventure gameplay server right now i created a bunch of gauss rifle\nammunition i changed into my ultra sight suit of power armor and repaired it and i kind of just\ndid some housekeeping things now let's log off of the adventure server and log into the survival\nserver see what happens i haven't done this yet i don't know all of the new changes we can sort of\nexplore this together if you have anything you'd like to share on twitch right now go ahead and\nshare in the comments or if you're watching the youtube replay let me know in the comments below\nbut i came prepared with my rum please tell me the audio is working\noh okay i did some elin war footage earlier and i thought i muted the mic for a brief moment\nthere i thought no one could hear me cheers\ni'm streaming on twitch tonight because it's been over a week since i've been on twitch and i don't\nwant to neglect you guys i know that now that we've finished elin war um there are fewer instances\nfor me to come online and do a surprise live stream so i figured tonight here's a surprise live\nstream for twitch and i'll put the replay on youtube\nso my ashtray\nokay\nnow um oh one thing i wanted to do first sorry i kind of hoped that i'd be able to duck right\ninto the combat and show that to you but actually i want to make sure i don't lose all my aid items\nyou know me i'm carrying everything with me so let's make sure i'm not carrying any junk\ni don't got a little bit of junk and let me deposit everything except for a few stem packs\nsome of that oh i will need food though won't i okay i'll keep my food\ngood\ngetting some frame hitching here\ni don't recall getting the glowing meat i should probably cook that up\nwell does my food drop\nlaura says well hello there oxford time to get your pvp on i know i'm looking forward to this\ni have to say my best memory of playing this game so far was a few months ago when we were\nexploring the ruins of um it was an airport the weighed airport i think i forget which one it was\nbut i accidentally became wanted by picking a safe that somebody owned and people were hunting\nme down i had so much fun that's the most fun i've had a long time so i'm looking forward to this\nall right i'll keep my water not going to need any of my rabbit oh my stash is already full\noh i'm going to lose all my stuff\ni guess i just shouldn't die how about that\noh no how is my stash full oh that's right i put all my weapons in there i'm saving legendary\nweapons that i find because i hear rumor that there's going to be a new legendary vendor that i don't\ni thought he was going to drop a few days ago but he didn't and uh i'm told that you can exchange\nlegendaries with this guy so now instead of selling my legendaries i'm ": 4, "Don't let me die!\nSolider tell me what happened.\nWhere is my guitar.\nWhere is my guitar!\nPraise the lord i was born to drive low\nFeeling like Slash in front of the chapel\nI'm leaned back with the Les Paul\nShit I smoke is like cholesterol\nSpilled dressin' on the vest at the festival\nThe best of all, had a midget Puerto Rican at my beckon call\nBest believe that there was neck involved\nFucked around and almost wrecked the Saab\nUh, we took acid for ten days straight up in the mountains\nStarted running with the stallions\nPlaying frisbee in the West Indies\nDid the tango with my kidneys\nEyes open, now I know just who my kids need\nRockin' very loose pants, yeah\nRockin' very loose pants, yeah\nBury a million in the sand, by the clock tower\nBefore I die, take a hot shower\nRide the Harley into the sunset\nRide the Harley into the sunset\nRide the Harley into the sunset\nRide the Harley into the sunset\nBy chance I seen her in the lobby of the Ritz\nWith her man, the one that swings a hockey stick\nI was wearing all white, and my hair was looking precious\nShit, I might cop a chest and a dresser\nA little machine to make espresso\nI heard your bitch still wears Ecko\nPacked trucks behind the blocks at the Checko\nLive from the Expo, X-Men\nI wear the wolf in the winter\nSteer the coupe from the center\nWho gives a fuck, I'm a sinner\nI had dreams of fuckin' Keri Hilson in my Duncans\nWoke up naked at the Hilton with a bitch that look like Seal's cousin\nBite the eel by the dozen\n(Got to take it for the team)\nBite the eel by the dozen\nPump the bass in the trunk\nIt rattled like a baby hand\nExcept this toy cost 80 grand\nAnd I'm crazy tan, from all the places that I've been\nJust from writing words with a pen\nTell the pilot \"land the plane\"\nNo Roosevelt and Main\nPut a jacuzzi on the seven train\nAnd lay John Coltrane play with that cocaine face\nI know your crabs from that Old Bay taste\nThe brass band was seven pieces\n": 2, "Y'all say what you want but I'ma get up\nTry to keep me down but I get up\nEvery time I fall, you know I get up\nBitch, I'ma get up\nY'all say what you want but I'ma get up\nTry to keep me down but I get up\nEvery time I fall, you know I get up\nTry to keep me down but I get up\nEvery time I fall, you know I get up\nFamily's a rarity where I come from\n'Cause I ain't never had none\nOh my god I can't believe I finally found a family\nMy homies is my family\naround, Just my homies and my family\nI been tryna find who gon\u2019 hold me down, no one is\nY'all ain't on my radar\nBobby finally finna take the crown homie wait up\nThis for all my homies feelin' down, y'all, stay up\nI walk up in DefJam like \"Fuck y'all, pay up\"\nI'm too up like a layup\nI been down, but right now I'm way up\nI been down, but right now I'm so high\nI been down, but right now I'm way up\nmanage, A real relationship\nfor granted, Do not take advantage it's so hard to\nlife, Take this advice, don't take the people around you\nshowed me the light, Now that's what I call homies for\nI was doing was right, I was born in the dark but they\ndrunk, But they believed in me and it perceived to be all\nfrom the jump, Would've been a fiend, would've been a\nwould've been like if I ain't had the homies right there\nDenials, I can't even bother to wonder just what my life\nWithout a family, without a team, it\u2019s nothing\nI made it from nothing, but what does that mean?\nI'm thinkin' about the American dream\nAyy, thinkin' about all of the things that I've seen\nY'all say what you want but I'ma get up\n": 1, "hi guys welcome back in my new video so guys\u00a0\ntoday in this video I am talking about your\u00a0\u00a0\nfavorite topic new best trustable used earning\u00a0\nwebsite so if you want to earn used then you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan use this website and you can make lot of\u00a0\nused every day so this is really very safe and\u00a0\u00a0\nsecure platform this is the what is the quad\u00a0\nrelative trading quantitative we're trading\u00a0\u00a0\nis a type of trading that uses quantitative\u00a0\nanalytics and mathematical models to analyze\u00a0\u00a0\nprice and volume changes in the cryptography\u00a0\nmarket so this is the empowering your business\u00a0\u00a0\nwith the data science and technology and this\u00a0\nis the data security data analysis and the eye\u00a0\u00a0\nsolution and about of these platform our best\u00a0\never condition whether you are the experienced\u00a0\u00a0\nTrader or a beginner eager to get started this\u00a0\nis the about us of these platform this is our\u00a0\u00a0\nmission this is our vision you can check here\u00a0\nhow it works if you want to check how it was so\u00a0\u00a0\nsimple first you need to create your account and\u00a0\nfund your account ID some amount of US city and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen you need to choose a strategy you can choose\u00a0\nthe strategy and you can start your earning and\u00a0\u00a0\nnext is the project completed 1200 plus and happy\u00a0\nclients 30k plus and total Ultra fast exception\u00a0\u00a0\ntotal 14 Miss and let's get start so guys if you\u00a0\nwant to make money so simple you need to click on\u00a0\u00a0\nthe data start and ready now guys I'm back with\u00a0\nanother new video and today again in this video\u00a0\u00a0\nI am talking about your favorite topic new best\u00a0\nat trustable used owning website so if you want\u00a0\u00a0\nto a city then you can use this website and you\u00a0\ncan make a lot of your study from these website\u00a0\u00a0\nso the registration process of these website\u00a0\nis really very simple first you need to enter\u00a0\u00a0\nyour Gmail enter the login password confirm your\u00a0\npassword enter the transaction password and click\u00a0\u00a0\non the register button within one minute you can\u00a0\nregister your account in this platform and guys\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen your account is registered successfully you\u00a0\nwill get these type of interface first I wanted\u00a0\u00a0\nto show you how to reach in this website simple\u00a0\nyou need to click on the original guys this is\nand make a lot of use from this website so here\u00a0\nyou can check this is my referral link and all\u00a0\u00a0\ntransaction one dollar in total deposit is zero\u00a0\nused in total investment zero dollar and total\u00a0\u00a0\nprofit is five dollars in total transfer is zero\u00a0\ndollar and total with the zero dollar and total\u00a0\u00a0\nreferral bonus is zero dollar and deposit bonus\u00a0\nzero dollar investment bonus is zero dollars and\u00a0\u00a0\na total referral is a zero dollar and rank achieve\u00a0\nis one and total tickets you can check here this\u00a0\u00a0\nis sign up bonus so where you can check when I\u00a0\nsign up my account and these platform give me\u00a0\u00a0\nfive dollars so now I want to show you more\u00a0\nabout this platform here you can check when\u00a0\u00a0\nyou click on these I can't then you can check the\u00a0\ncustomer tickets for tickets and change password\u00a0\u00a0\nand setting here you can set in your account now\u00a0\nyou can check this is my all detail of my account\u00a0\u00a0\nand here you can check all you can apply to step\u00a0\non the cation to factory from this website where\u00a0\u00a0\nyou click on the three lines all the class you\u00a0\ncan check here is the rank is also available and\u00a0\u00a0\nhow it works about in contact all you can check\u00a0\nhere you will get these type of interface on you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan investor in this website from this is the\u00a0\naccount when you click on the account you can\u00a0\u00a0\ncheck your account all you can check here so first\u00a0\nyou need to enter your name is gar899 and enter\u00a0\u00a0\nyour password and log in your account so guys\u00a0\nif you want to invest in your University in any\u00a0\u00a0\nplans simple you need to click on the invest now\u00a0\nand here you need to enter the advance plan and\u00a0\u00a0\nenter the amount of your city and then simple you\u00a0\nneed to click on the invest now and you can invest\u00a0\u00a0\nyour used so very easy to simple for deposit and\u00a0\nyou can instantly withdraw your USB here you can\u00a0\u00a0\ncheck this as your mail wallet if you wanted to\u00a0\npause it you are you as a day simple you need\u00a0\u00a0\nto click on the deposit what I hear you need\u00a0\nto enter the all details ": 1, "I don't wanna hear that\neverything is okay\n`cause it's not alright.\nI need a little time to find\nsome peace of heart\nsome peace of mind\nAll I know is we don't always get a...\nhappy ending.\nIt's not about where we are right now\nbut where we're going.\nI'm still breathing\nBlood is burning in my veins\nI wanna feel the pain\nYou're still healing\nEvery moment,\nevery day...\nis a gift you gave.\nI can't believe...\nI'm still breathing.\nbreathing\nbreathing\nbreathing\nI know that the sorrow...\nwill come back tomorrow..\nBut I'm ready.\nGonna be grateful...\nfor everything that made me...\nwho I am today.\nCause I know when it comes, when it goes...\nIt'll make me stronger.\nWhen the good times come...\nIt'll all be that much better.\nI'm still breathing\nBlood is burning in my veins\nI wanna feel the pain\nYou're still healing\nEvery moment,\nevery day...\nis a gift you gave.\nI can't believe...\nI'm still breathing.\nTurn the light off,\nlet the monsters come...\nI'm not gonna be afraid...\n`cause I know that I'm not alone...\nI've got giants on my side.\nTurn the light off,\nlet the monsters come...\nI'm not gonna be afraid...\n`cause I know that I'm not alone...\nI've got giants on my side.\nI'm still breathing\nBlood is burning in my veins\nI wanna feel the pain\nYou're still healing\nEvery moment,\nevery day...\nis a gift you gave.\nI can't believe...\nI'm still breathing.\nbreathing\nbreathing\nI'm still breathing\nbreathing\nI'm still breathing\n": 2, "- [Lyrics]\nBLACKPINK, BLACKPINK\nBLACKPINK, BLACKPINK\nKick in the door,\nwaving the coco\n[singing in Korean]\nI talk that talk,\nrunways I walk, walk\n[singing in Korean] pop, pop\n[singing in Korean]\nOne by one,\nthen two by two\n[singing in Korean]\nMakes no sense, you couldn't\nget a dollar out of me\n[singing in Korean]\nLook what you made us do\n[singing in Korean] fire\n[singing in Korean]\nI bring the pain like\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nGet them, get them, get them\nStraight to your dome like\nWhoa, whoa, whoa\nStraight to your dome like\nAh, ah, ah\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nGet them, get them, get them\nStraight to your dome like\nWhoa, whoa, whoa\nStraight to your dome like\nAh, ah, ah\nBlack paint and ammo,\ngot bodies like Rambo\nRest in peace,\nplease light up a candle\nThis the life of a vandal,\nmasked up\nand I'm still in CELINE\nDesigner crimes or it\nwouldn't be me, ooh\nDiamonds\nshining, drive in silence,\nI don't mind it, I'm riding\nFlying private side by side\nwith the pilot up in the sky\nAnd I'm wilding, styling on\nthem and there's no chance\n'Cause we got bodies on bodies\nlike this a slow dance\n[singing in Korean]\nLook what you made us do\n[singing in Korean] fire\n[singing in Korean]\nI bring the pain like\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nGet them, get them, get them\nStraight to your dome like\nWhoa, whoa, whoa\nStraight to your dome like\nAh, ah, ah\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nGet them, get them, get them\nStraight to your dome like\nWhoa, whoa, whoa\nStraight to your dome like\nAh, ah, ah\n[singing in Korean] provoke us\n[singing in Korean]\nand you know this\n[singing in Korean]\nshot that potion\n[singing in Korean] ocean\nCome and give me all the smoke\n[singing in Korean]\nlike I'm so rock and roll\nCome and give me all the smoke\n[singing in Korean] stop, drop\nI bring the pain like\nBrra-ta-ta-ta, trra-ta-ta-ta\nBrra-ta-ta-ta, trra-ta-ta-ta\nBrra-ta-ta-ta, trra-ta-ta-ta\nStraight to your,\nstraight to your,\nstraight to your dome like\nBrra-ta-ta-ta, trra-ta-ta-ta\nBrra-ta-ta-ta, trra-ta-ta-ta\nBrra-ta-ta-ta, trra-ta-ta-ta\nI bring the pain like\n[applause]\n": 1, "What if I told you I loved you?\nWhat if I told you I lied?\nRemember all of our hellos\nAs I tell you goodbye\nOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nIf you see me in a daze\nI feel better, outta place\nIt's true, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nI don't need to be saved\nI'm a fucking renegade, uh\n, I got no in between\n(Baby, I know), I've been talking in my sleep\n(Free-faller), I drown in the deep\n(Baby, I know), I go to extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\n'Cause, baby, I know I go to extremes\nI'm always runnin' on the wire\nI'm terrified of peace and quiet\nI'm always runnin' on the wire\nI fall in love in the middle of the riot\nOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nIf you see me in a daze\nI feel better, outta place\nIt's true, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nI don't need to be saved\nI'm a fucking renegade, uh\n, I got no in between\n(Baby, I know), I've been talking in my sleep\n(Free-faller), I drown in the deep\n(Baby, I know), I go to extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\n'Cause, baby, I know I go to extremes\nBaby, I know I go to extremes\n": 2, "right\nright now.\nright now.\nJoe\nright now.\nJoe ,\nright now.\nJoe , back\nright now.\nJoe , back to\nright now.\nJoe , back to you\nright now.\nJoe , back to you >>.\nJoe , back to you >>.\nJoe , back to you >>.\nAll\nJoe , back to you >>.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nAll right.\nBe\nAll right.\nBe careful\nAll right.\nBe careful out\nAll right.\nBe careful out there\nAll right.\nBe careful out there if\nAll right.\nBe careful out there if you're\nBe careful out there if you're\nBe careful out there if you're\ndriving\nBe careful out there if you're\ndriving Bill\nBe careful out there if you're\ndriving Bill .\ndriving Bill .\ndriving Bill .\nThank\ndriving Bill .\nThank you.\nThank you.\nThank you.\nAnd\nThank you.\nAnd it\nThank you.\nAnd it seems\nThank you.\nAnd it seems marine\nThank you.\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nand\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nand experts\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nand experts on\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nand experts on our\nAnd it seems marine biologists\nand experts on our local\nand experts on our local\nand experts on our local\necology\nand experts on our local\necology have\nand experts on our local\necology have been\nand experts on our local\necology have been looking\nand experts on our local\necology have been looking at\necology have been looking at\necology have been looking at\nthe\necology have been looking at\nthe damage\necology have been looking at\nthe damage done\necology have been looking at\nthe damage done by\necology have been looking at\nthe damage done by that\necology have been looking at\nthe damage done by that arctic\nthe damage done by that arctic\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast that\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast that hit\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast that hit the\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast that hit the state\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast that hit the state a\nthe damage done by that arctic\nblast that hit the state a few\nblast that hit the state a few\nblast that hit the state a few\nweeks\nblast that hit the state a few\nweeks ago\nblast that hit the state a few\nweeks ago as\nblast that hit the state a few\nweeks ago as our\nblast that hit the state a few\nweeks ago as our Michael\nblast that hit the state a few\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\ntells\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\ntells us\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\ntells us tonight,\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\ntells us tonight, one\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\ntells us tonight, one of\nweeks ago as our Michael Gibson\ntells us tonight, one of their\ntells us tonight, one of their\ntells us tonight, one of their\nbiggest\ntells us tonight, one of their\nbiggest fears\ntells us tonight, one of their\nbiggest fears is\ntells us tonight, one of their\nbiggest fears is that\ntells us tonight, one of their\nbiggest fears is that black\nbiggest fears is that black\nbiggest fears is that black\nmangroves\nbiggest fears is that black\nmangroves may\nbiggest fears is that black\nmangroves may have\nbiggest fears is that black\nmangroves may have been\nbiggest fears is that black\nmangroves may have been killed\nmangroves may have been killed\nmangroves may have been killed\noff\nmangroves may have been killed\noff that\nmangroves may have been killed\noff that salt\nmangroves may have been killed\noff that salt marsh\nmangroves may have been killed\noff that salt marsh plant\nmangroves may have been killed\noff that salt marsh plant plays\noff that salt marsh plant plays\noff that salt marsh plant plays\nan\noff that salt marsh plant plays\nan important\noff that salt marsh plant plays\nan important role\noff that salt marsh plant plays\nan important role they\noff that salt marsh plant plays\nan important role they say\noff that salt marsh plant plays\nan important role they say in\nan important role they say in\nan important role they say in\nthe\nan important role they say in\nthe ecosystem.\nthe ecosystem.\nthe ecosystem.\nIt\nthe ecosystem.\nIt also\nthe ecosystem.\nIt also helps\nthe ecosystem.\nIt also helps prevent\nthe ecosystem.\nIt also helps p": 1, "Because it's at\nBecause it's at the train\nBecause it's at the train\nstation. Hey, stor!\ntion. It's it's totally\ntion. It's it's totally open\ntion. It's it's totally\ntion. It's it's totally open,\ntion. It's it's totally open,\nand it's you can even if you're\nhalfway down the train\nhalfway down the train station\nand you yelling, you\nand you\nand you yelling you you can be\nand you yelling you you can be\nand you yelling you you can be\nheard kind of all through\nheard kind of all through\nthroughout the station,\nthroughout the the station\nthroughout the the station.\nAnyways, not the less, I think\nAnyways, not the\nAnyways, not the less. I think\nit was good that\nRodriguez, a couple of days\nRodriguez, a couple of days\nafter Canadian heritage,\nannounced that\nthey\nthey were going to force all\nthey were going to force all \nacross\ne all people who get\ne all people who get grants,\ne all people who get grants,\nwhich is my understanding\nwhich is my understanding of\nlarge large number of\nlarge large number of people\nthey're gonna have to\nthey're gonna have to basically\nthey're gonna have to basically\nsign on to their\nsign on to\nsign on to their\nanti-racism\nanti-racism, Strategy\nanti-racism,\nanti-racism, strategy became\ngovernment, which in\ncludes saying\ncludes saying that you agreed\nthat Ihra\nthat Ihra\nthat Ihra definition of anti\nthat Ihra definition of\nthat Ihra definition of\nanti-semitism\nanti-semitism which basically\nanti-semitism which basically\nanti-semitism which basically\nprecludes a whole bunch of\nprecludes a whole bunch of\ncriticism of of of\ncriticism of of of\ncriticism of of of apartheid\nIsrael\nIsrael\n, the\nIsrael the maple\nIsrael the maple published\nIsrael the maple published a\nstory\nstory couple of days ago\nstory couple\nstory couple of\ndays ago called Canadian\ndays ago called Canadian\nofficials, acknowledged\nIsrael's forced clothing\nof Palestine\nof\nof Palestinian infrastructure,\nviolated rights and\nviolated\nviolated rights, and based on\naccess to\naccess to information\naccess to information.\nAlex\nAlex\nAlex\nAlex Kosh, the editor.\nAlex Kosh, the\nAlex Kosh, the editor there\nAlex Kosh, the editor there\nshowed how internally the\ngovernment\ngovernment officials\nicials knew\nknew that\nlaunching\nlaunching\nlaunching air\nlaunching air strikes\nlaunching air\nlaunching air strikes, and in\nlaunching air strikes, and in\nand if you guys are, we're\nand\nand in the guys we're violating\nguys that we're violating\nPalestinian rights, but\nPalestinian rights, but never\nnever many\nnever\nnever made it. Many public\nnever made it\nmade it.\nMany public comments,\nMany public\nMany public comments. So again,\njust, you\njust, you know, sort of further\nconfirmation\nconfirmation.\nIf\nIf we already\nIf we already didn't.\nIf we already\nIf we already didn't, aren't\nalready\nalready sorry about this.\nalready\nalready served, but they know\nalready served, but they know \nexactly\nwhat's going on in terms\nwhat's going on\nwhat's going on internally\nwhat's going on\nwhat's going on internally, and\nyet they\nyet they don't\nyet they don't.\nThey don't say\nThey don't say anything publicly\nThey don't say anything\nThey don't say anything publicly\nThey don't say anything publicly\n, and enable\n, and enable Israel's\n, and enable\n, and enable Israel's a rights\nviolation\nviolation.\nThe\nThe\nThe I\nThe I was on\nThe I was on the Jewish\nThe I was on the Jewish National\nThe I was on the Jewish National\nFund of\nFund of of Montreal's website\nFund of of Montreal's website.\nebsite,\nebsite\nebsite. Actually, the\nebsite\nActually\nActually the Facebook account,\nActually the Facebook\nActually the Facebook account\nthe the other day\nand\nand they\nand they\nand they had\nand they\nand they had. They had\nand they had. They\nand they had\nand they had.\nThey had a\nThey had a a\n, an event\nad a a an event.\nad a a an\nad a a an event they're doing\na a an event they're doing for\nI think it's how to\nI think it's\nI think it's had a\nI think it's\nI think it's at a Jewish school\nhere in\nhere in Montreal, a. J\nhere in\nhere in Montreal at Jf.\nhere in Montreal, at Jf\nhere in Montreal, at Jf.\nDay, now\nDay, now the Jewish National\nDay": 1, "Breakfast time.\nIt's time for breakfast.\nWhat's for breakfast?\nWhat do you want for breakfast?\nWhat would you like for breakfast?\nWhat would you like to eat?\nWould you like some cereal?\nWould you like a bowl of cereal?\nWhat type of cereal would you like?\nI'd like some muesli please.\nWould you like some cornflakes?\nWould you like some porridge?\nBreakfast is ready!\nCome to the table!\nHave you had breakfast yet?\nHave some breakfast.\nStop playing with your device, it's breakfast time.\nYou have to eat something.\nBe careful, it's hot.\nWe ran out of cereal.\nIf your bowl of cereal is too full\u00a0of milk, it will spill on the floor.\nLet's make pancakes for breakfast.\nLet's make waffles for breakfast.\nWould you like some bacon and eggs?\nWould you like some hash browns?\nWould you like some yoghurt?\nI'd like some yogurt please.\nI'd like some yoghurt for my cereal please.\nI'd like some yoghurt with fruit please.\nWhat would you like to drink?\nWould you like some hot chocolate?\nWould you like a cup of tea?\nWould you like some coffee?\nI'd love a cup of coffee please.\nHow would you like your coffee?\nI would like two sugars and a dash of milk.\nNo milk please.\nWith low-fat milk please.\nI'd like some hot chocolate.\nI'd like a glass of milk please.\nCan I have some more milk please?\nFinish what's in your glass first.\nCareful! Don't spill your milk.\nWould you like some fruit juice?\nI'd like some orange juice please.\nI'd like some pineapple juice please.\nI'd like some apple juice please.\nI'd like some toast please.\nPut some bread in the toaster.\nHow would you like your toast?\nJust butter please.\nI'd like jam please.\nI'd like some strawberry jam please.\nI'd like jam without butter please.\nI'd like honey on it.\nI'd like sliced bananas on toast.\nI'd like peanut butter.\nI'd like peanut butter with jam.\nI'd like some chocolate spread on it please.\nCould you put some more\u00a0bread in the toaster please?\nWould you like some eggs?\nHow would you like your eggs?\nWould you like some scrambled eggs?\nI'd like a fried egg on toast.\nI'd like some poached eggs.\nI'd like a hard-boiled egg.\nI'd like some baked beans please.\nCan I have some pancakes?\nI'd love a big breakfast.\nWhat is included in a big breakfast?\nA big breakfast has toast, bacon, eggs, baked\u00a0\nbeans, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, and sausages.\nWould you like some french toast?\nAre you still hungry?\nI haven't finished breakfast yet.\nI'm still eating.\nI'm full I can't eat another bite.\nRemember to put your dishes in the dishwasher.\nWhen you've finished breakfast,\u00a0go and brush your teeth.\nA question for you...\nWhat do you normally have for breakfast?\nLet us know in the comments.\n": 4, "We're asked to add negative sixty and negative thirty-two, or find the sum of negative sixty and\nnegative thirty-two. We'll first find this sum using the formal rules for adding integers, and\nthen we'll show this sum on the\nnumber line. So because we're adding two\nnegative integers, we use the rules for adding two integers of the same sign.\nStep one, we add the absolute values of the integers and then step two, the sign\nof the original sum is the common sign. So because we're adding two negative\nintegers the sum is going to be negative. Let's first find the absolute value of\nnegative sixty and the absolute value of negative thirty-two. The absolute value of a numbers is the\nnumbers distance from zero. The distance is always positive and therefore, the\nabsolute value of negative sixty is positive sixty. The absolute value of\nnegative thirty-two is positive thirty-two. Now we sum, or add the absolute values, which gives us ninety-two. But\nthe sign of the original sum is the common sign, which in this case is negative, and\ntherefore the sum is not positive ninety-two, it's negative ninety-two. Now let's also model\nthis sum on the number line. So to model negative sixty we'd start at zero, and\nmove left sixty units to negative sixty.\nNow from here, because we're adding a negative thirty-two, we're going to go left\nthirty-two more units,\nwhich gives us a sum of negative ninety-two.\nNegative sixty plus negative thirty-two equals negative ninety-two.\nI hope you found this helpful.\n": 4, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more (Kio, Kio)\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI'm wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "Oh, yeah, like that!\nA cockroach\nEww, that's disgusting!\nEwww...\nWhat's up, fuckers?\nIt's ya boy\nMoe\nAnd welcome to Fallout 4\nAre you ready to see me fuck up?\n'Cause that's probably gonna happen\nOK, let's see how badly I fuck up the world\nOr, die within the next five minutes\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nIs that me?\nI'm kind of ugly\nYo! I don't want to be you!\nYeah!\nGimme sex!\nYes, please\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nWell, is there someone with blue hair?\nI like- I like Asian\nLet's go with Asian\n\"Color\"?\nBlue?\nNo?\nYes?\nEhhehhehehehehhh\nOh!\nIt's changing\nOh\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nI'm sorry\nWe won't- We won't do that\nI don't want you to be ugly\nPlease give me a new hairstyle\nAll of these are p-\nOh- Oh, no\nI don't want to have cancer, I'm sorry\nMost of these are ugly, I'm sorry\nSe...\nOh!\nYou got blue?\nI- I kinda like the white\nLet's have white hair\nAh\nLet's just get a different hairstyle\nPlease\n\"No Apologies\"?\nOK\nHow about the eyes?\nWait, what?\nWhy is my eye red?\nAm I- Am I drunk?\nActually, I hate my hair color\nLook, a girl's hair color is really hard to choose, OK?\nYou know, we'll just go with \"Jet Black\"\nYeah, thanks, Boo!\nYo!\nYou're my Boo?\nYou're not really my type\nYou're not an anime\nlol\nlol\nDamn, this place is kind of swanky\nCan I sleep?\nNo?\nOh, shit!\nWait, is this really my baby?\nShaun\nAre you floating?\n'Cause it looks like you're floating\nOh, shit!\nHe is floating!\nOr maybe it's just really bad right now\nOh, shit!\nYo! What's up?\nAw, damn!\nThat's pretty cool\nOhh\nOww\nYou want some Sugar Bombs?\nOh\nWell, go attend to him, 'cause I don't want to change his diaper!\nI am, too, 'cause I don't want to change that\nOh, well, thank you!\nHey, there's a suspicious guy coming over here\nHi! What do you want?\nHi!\nHello\nGo on\nWhoop-de-doo!\nThere's enough space\nOK, sounds great\nOh, shit!\nYo!\nI want\nWhat is agility?\nReflexes?\nMy ability to sneak?\nYeah\nlol\nlol\nlol\nUmm... \"mental acuity\"?\nNo, I need charisma\nI'm a big YouTuber\nI have to be charismatic\nAnd\nI- I think these are good\nOh, god\nI'm gonna be really unlucky\nBut, it's fine\n'Kay, bye!\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nYou- You want a lapdance?\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nAw, shit!\nNo!\nWhat is it?\nWell, shit\nLet's get the fuck out\nCome on\nTime to get the fuck out\nOw!\nOww\nYou want me to grab the kid?\nHoney?\nCome here, Boo!\nNo, leave the bag, you dummy\nHoney!\nGet the fuck out\nI'm here!\nSee ya, fuckers!\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nWho cares? It's us first!\nCome on, Honey Boo!\nHoney?\nCome here\nOh\nShould I duck?\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nOops\nYeah, we're fine\nMove it, guy!\nHow about I just hold him?\nAh! No!\nI'm not even looking at my husband!\nDang it, why did I move my head?\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nWow, it looks like I moved my head in my sleep somehow\nOh\nHel-\nJust- Just let him go\nAw, shit\nOww\nHello?\nYo, Boo?\nOK, well\nIt's OK\nWe'll- We'll get your son back\nWell, at least take this as a weapon\nLet's see\n\"Inaccessible\"?\nWhat do you mean, it's \"inaccessible\"?\nLet's just go out\nThere's got to be, like, some enemies\nOh, yeah, like that!\nA cockroach\nEww, that's disgusting\nEwww...\nCan I take the meat?\nI'll take the meat\nYeah\nAre you surprised?\nOh, shit!\nIs that safe?\nFuck that\nOh, shit\nEwww\nOw!\nAh!\nWhat the heck!\nOh, it's you\nCan you\nEww, you guys are disgusting\nEek!\nEww\nI can't believe I'm punching giant cockroaches\nNo\nPlease eff off\nThanks\nEwww...\nEy! Nice!\nOh, shit!\nAh!\nCrap\nAhh!!\nCan you please stop?\nlol\nYou guys are icky\nWell\nUgh\nReload\nOK, thanks\nAnything you have?\nYes\nOh- Oh, god\nWhat?\nOh!\nAh!\nI'll take this\nIt's mine now\nYou- You probably should have started it and then put it on\nYou know, just in case it kills you somehow\nOK\nI'm- I'm good to go, I guess\n\"Wedding Ring\"?\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nWe're selling that\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nOh, I stabbed myself\nOh, shit\nOK\nWell, I guess we're good to go\nCan I fall off?\nOh, it's right there\nI thought this was gonna go up\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nOh, it's bright!\nOh, shit!\nYe-ahh!\nWhere am I?\nOh\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nlol\nOK\nThanks\nThat works\nWhat's this?\nRandom letter?\nNo?\nAll right\nLet's do this!\nIf I can get in\nThere ya g": 1, "C\nCB\nCB \nCB \u201c\nCB \u201cT\nCB \u201cTi\nCB \u201cTim\nCB \u201cTimi\nCB \u201cTimin\nCB \u201cTiming\nCB \u201cTiming \nCB \u201cTiming T\nCB \u201cTiming Te\nCB \u201cTiming Tes\nCB \u201cTiming Test\nCB \u201cTiming Test\u201d\nCB \u201cTiming Test\u201d\nOne of the most important tests performed in CB is \u201cTiming Test\u201d.\nTo perform a \u201cTiming Test\u201d it is necessary to specify three main important sections including\n1- Supplement method of bobbins, 2- Wiring type of \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d and 3- type of \u201cBinary inputs\u201d.\nThe supplement method of bobbins is specified in \u201cPower Supply\u201d section which is set at \u201cAMT105\u201d by default and its value is taken from \u201cTest Object\u201d.\nTo control the voltage applied to \u201cOpen\u201d and \u201cClose\u201d bobbins, \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d of the device are used.\nIn \u201cBinary Output\u201d section it is specified that which \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d are to be used to control \u201cClose\u201d and \u201cOpen\u201d commands which is set at \u201cSeries\u201d by default.\nIn this mode, huge voltages which occur during opening and closing are divided between the two relays which prevents damage to the device.\nBut if one of the \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d is not available, by selecting other options, it is possible to use only two \u201cBinaries\u201d.\nFor example, by selecting \u201cBin1\u201d and \u201cBin4\u201d you can only use the \u201cBinaries\u201d 1 and 4. In this instruction, \u201cSeries\u201d mode is used.\n\u201cBinary Input\u201d is used to sense when the CB is closed or open. Since there is noise in substations,\n\u201cBinary Inputs\u201d are set at \u201cWet\u201d by default so noise is removed from the \u201cBinary Inputs\u201d.\nBut if there is no noise in the test environment you can set the type of \u201cBinary Inputs\u201d at \u201cDry\u201d and by changing the \u201cBinary\u201d type, the wiring changes as well.\nNext you need to select the test type from among \u201cOpen\u2014Close\u2014Open Close--\u2026\u201d By selecting any of them, you need to enter the time in the specified box.\nFor example, in \u201cOpen\u201d test, you need to enter \u201cthree\u201d times in the designed fields; the first \u201ctime\u201d is related to before command,\nthe second \u201ctime\u201d is related to the Duration which the command is kept on the bobbin and the third time is related to after command.\nIn this example, the bobbin is supplied by the device and \u201cBinary Output\u201d and \u201cBinary Input\u201d are set at \u201cSeries\u201d and \u201cWet\u201d respectively.\nFor \u201cOpen\u201d test, the default time values are considered as the time values.\nThen, you need to set the wiring according to the specified picture.\nNote that by double-clicking on the picture, it is possible to magnify it.\nIn this wiring, the specified connections must be set, those points that have the same name must be connected to each other,\nClose and Open bobbins must be connected to the lower end of \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d number 3 and 4 and finally,\nthe connections of \u201cBinary Input\u201d must be set to receive the key contacts.\nAfter setting the wiring, open \u201cSignal View\u201d and initiate the test by selecting \u201cInit Test\u201d.\nIn \u201cSignal View\u201d window, it is possible to view the voltage and current loaded from the device as well as the CB opening time.\n \u201cVc1+\u201d and \u201cVc2+\u201d indicate the status of the \u201cClose\u201d\ncommand control \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d while \u201cVo1+\u201d and \u201cVo2+\u201d are indicators of the status of the \u201cOpen\u201d command control \u201cBinary Outputs\u201d.\n\u201cL1\u201d, \u201cL2\u201d and \u201cL3\u201d indicate the status of the CB contacts:\nThree colored lines mean that the CB contacts are closed while no lines suggest the opposite.\n\u201cAUX Open\u201d and \u201cAUX Close\u201d signals are used to determine the origin time for measuring the performance time.\nAs mentioned before, the CB performance is measured since when the voltage of the \u201cBinaries\u201d 7 and 8 exceeds the \u201cThreshold\u201d specified in \u201cTest Object\u201d.\nMoreover, the test results are available in \u201cSummary of Result\u201d section.\nIn this section, the peak current and \u201cSteady State\u201d current and in the \u201cOpen\u201d table the opening time of each contact is provided separately.\nNote that the evaluation of these times is done in accordance with the \u201cOpening Time\u201d and \u201cOpening Sync\u201d specified in \u201cTest Object\u201d.\nIf the operating time is somewhere within the range specified in \u201cTest Object\u201d the test \u201cPasses\u201d, otherwise it \u201cFails\u201d.\nFor adding the results to the report, you can do so by pressing \u201cAdd to Report\u201d. Also,\nif you wish to add some specific parts to the repo": 4, "Do you speak textbook English?\nWell, sometimes I do but most native English\nspeakers don't.\nIn this lesson I'm going to give you different\nphrases and we'll compare what a textbook\nwill tell you to say versus what native English\nspeakers actually say.\nNow let's get started\nCan you guys help me please?\nCan you guys pitch in?\nTo pitch in means to start doing something\nas part of a group, especially something helpful,\nfor example \u2013 If you need some help with\nthe project, I can pitch in.\nPitch in tonight at the party\nWe can all pitch in\n- If we all pitch in together\n- Okay\nIt's going to happen soon\nIt's just around the corner\nWe use this phrase when we want to say that\nsomething is likely to happen very soon.\nIt's so hard to believe that the holiday season\nis just around the corner\nChristmas is just around the corner so got\nto be ready\nThe competition is right around the corner\nMy friend is in trouble\nMy friend is in hot water\nWhen someone did something wrong and people\nare angry with them, when someone is in a\ndifficult situation, we can say: they are\nin hot water.\nCome on guys, how often do we get to soak\nin hot water\nLooks like we're in hot water\nI'm in hot water\nI understand it very well\nIt's clear as day\nWhen we want to say something that is very\nclear and easy to understand, something is\nvery obvious, we say \u2013 it\u2019s clear as day.\nClear as day.\nClear as day, black and white\nThings are going well so far\nSo far so good\nNative speakers use this phrase when they\nwant to say that everything\u2019s good or developing\nas planned, and they are satisfied with the\nsituation.\nFor example -\"How's the project going?\"\n\"So far, so good.\nSo far so good\nSo far so good\nSo far so good\nSo far so good, keep going\nI was very surprised by this situation\nI was just blown away\nTo blow away means to impress, overwhelm,\nor excite someone.\nNative speakers use this phrase very often\nand it has a positive meaning.\nYou guys I'm blown away!\nWow I\u2019m just blown away by how violent that\nwas\nCome on!\nI'm blown away!\nSorry, I can't give you a lot of time to get\nready.\nI'm sorry this is a short notice.\nAt short notice means with very little warning;\nwithout much time to prepare.\nFor example \u2013 Thank you for meeting me on\nsuch short notice.\nThanks for coming down here on such short\nnotice.\nThank you for coming on such short notice.\nIt's not as easy as it seems\nEasier said than done\nWe can use this phrase when it\u2019s easy to\nsay that you can do something, but it\u2019s\nmuch more difficult to actually do it.\nFor example - Finding a good job is easier\nsaid than done.\nEasier said than done.\nEasier said than done.\nOh easier said than done.\nOkay\nI\u2019m angry about doing extra work\nI'm fed up with doing extra work\nTo be fed up means to be irritated, exasperated,\nbored, or disgusted with someone or something.\nFed up with it\nHe's fed up with you fed up\nHonestly I\u2019m getting fed up with it.\nIn fact, I am fed up!\nI'm not enjoying it\nMy heart isn't in it\nThis phrase is used when you want to say that\nyou\u2019re not interested in something\nor you\u2019re not excited about that, you don\u2019t\nfeel something for it.\nFor example, I\u2019m not interested in playing\ncomputer games.\nIt's not a passion of mine.\nMy heart isn't in it.\nBut Timofey, your heart isn't in it.\nI just mean that at your age if your heart\nisn't in it then you just have to tell her\njust like\u2026\nI have no more patience\nI'm at the end of my rope\nI'm at the end of my rope.\nBeing at the end of someone\u2019s rope means\nhaving reached a point of a huge exasperation;\nwhen you feel like you have no more energy\nor passion left.\nFor example.\nCrying babies are driving me crazy; I feel\nlike I'm at the end of my rope\nI was at the end of my rope\nAnd I feel like I\u2019m at the end of my rope\nStop worrying about it!\nJust let it go!\nThis phrase is very common.\nThat means to stop thinking about something\nor stop controlling something, to relax and\nchill\nJust let it go!\nCan you just let it go?\nThis is getting really ridiculous Charlie\nso just let it go\nJust let it go okay\nThat's impossible\nThat's out of the question\nThat's out of the question.\nThis means it\u2019s impossible.": 4, "22 JAN 2015 London, UK - Jazz Cafe Camden \n31 JAN 2015 Le Valais, CH -- Festival Bourask \n--------------------------------------------------------------- \n04 FEB 2015 Amsterdam, NL -- Radio 6 Live \n05 FEB 2015 Amsterdam, NL -- North Sea Jazz Cafe \n21 FEB 2015 Zurich, CH -- Moods \n26 FEB 2015 Erlangen, DE -- E-Werk \n27 FEB 2015 Karlsruhe, DE -- Tempel \n28 FEB 2015 Freiburg, DE -- Jazzhaus \n01 MAR 2015 Herford, DE -- Musik Kontor \n03 MAR 2015 Munich, DE -- Ampere (Muffatwerk) \n05 MAR 2015 Frankfurt, DE -- Brotfabrik \n06 MAR 2015 Hannover, DE -- Faust \n07 MAR 2015 Bremen, DE -- Lagerhaus \n08 MAR 2015 Bochum, DE -- Jahrhunderthalle \n12 MAR 2015 Insbrueck, AT -- Treibhaus \n14 MAR 2015 Delemont, CH -- SAS \n21 MAR 2015 Munster, DE -- SkaterPalace-Cafe \n25 MAR 2015 Reutlingen, DE -- Franz.K \n26 MAR 2015 Goettingen, DE -- Musa \n27 MAR 2015 Luebeck, DE -- Treibsand \n08 APR 2015 Hamburg, DE -- Gruenspan \n09 APR 2015 Berlin, DE -- Bi Nuu \n10 APR 2015 Cologne, DE -- Gloria \n--------------------------------------------- \n08 MAY 2015 Kiel, DE -- MAX \n--------------------------------------------- \n28 JUN 2015 Sierre, CH -- WeekendAuBordDeL'Eau \n": 0, "Hello! Thank you very much for the intro.\nHello! Thank you very much for the intro.\nSo, we'll be talking about neural networks, blockchain and what do these have in common. But first, a few words about me.\nSo, we'll be talking about neural networks, blockchain and what do these have in common. But first, a few words about me.\nCurrently, I'm leading a startup called ScyNet.\nCurrently, I'm leading a startup called ScyNet.\nWhich creates an ecosystem that is trying to improve the process of creation of machine learning solutions.\nWhich creates an ecosystem that is trying to improve the process of creation of machine learning solutions.\nWhich creates an ecosystem that is trying to improve the process of creation of machine learning solutions.\nErgo the theme of our talk today:\nWhat have we learned from our path so far.\nErgo the theme of our talk today:\nWhat have we learned from our path so far.\nI lectured the first course on blockchain at the Software University\nI lectured the first course on blockchain at the Software University\nI lectured the first course on blockchain at the Software University\nI lectured the first course on blockchain at the Software University\nI have twice participated in the International Science and Fair Engineering, where I took 4 special awards\nI have twice participated in the International Science and Fair Engineering, where I took 4 special awards\nI have twice participated in the International Science and Fair Engineering, where I took 4 special awards\nI have twice participated in the International Science and Fair Engineering, where I took 4 special awards\nI have twice participated in the International Science and Fair Engineering, where I took 4 special awards\nAnd I was also awarded the presidential diploma \"John Atanasov\" which is for a debut breakthrough in Computer Science.\nAnd I was also awarded the presidential diploma \"John Atanasov\" which is for a debut breakthrough in Computer Science.\nAnd I was also awarded the presidential diploma \"John Atanasov\" which is for a debut breakthrough in Computer Science.\nAnd I was also awarded the presidential diploma \"John Atanasov\" which is for a debut breakthrough in Computer Science.\nOkay, the Artificial Intelligence.\nOkay, the Artificial Intelligence.\nNo need to tell you how common it is in our lives.\nIt's in dictations, in every voice assistant...\nGoogle uses it to finish our search queries...\nFacebook uses it for automatic facial recognition...\nAnd whenever it finds our faces somewhere,\nit asks us if we want to tag ourselves or not.\nAnd even something more bemusing - Google Photos would show you\nrelevant results even if the pictures aren't tagged with the keyword of your interest\nSo if we search for 'stage', we will get a picture of a stage.\nA peculiar feature\nWhat amazes me most is how easily the app is able to find relevant pictures\nAnd with great accuracy, too\nAnd about an year and a half, maybe two\nI started working on a project related with AI\nTogether with my mentor Todor Kolev\nwe were trying to analyze blockchain data\nAnd based on this analyzis, we wanted to create\nDeep Neural Networks that were trying to predict\nthe future price movements of the cryptocurrency Ethereum\nOur work evolved into a publication, that was accepted\nin the journal for Algorithmic Finance\nand is currently ongoing peer review\n \nSo this is how things stand with our previous research\nWe have data, we have this black box,\nthat is a deep neural network\nAnd we have the output of our Deep Neural Network. Great!\nAnother thing that has caught my eye recently is Google Assistant\nAnd how it can make phone calls on someone else's behalf\nAnd how it can make phone calls on someone else's behalf\nLet's see if we can get our audio working here....\nLet's see if we can get our audio working here....\nVery interesting, right?\nGoogle haven't released it entirely yet\nThey showcased the demo, claiming it's authentic\nI guess we can believe that, as it's Google after all\nAnd lately they've been gradually rolling out the Assistant\nin the latest Android builds\nFor example, if someone calls you righ": 3, "Rain on me, rain, rain, rain, rain\nRain On Me\nRain\nMmm\nMmmm\n(RAIN ON ME)\nLivin' in a world where no one's innocent\nLivin' in a world where no one's innocent\nOh, but at least we try, mmm\nGotta live my truth, not keep it bottled in\nSo I don't lose my mind, baby, yeah\nI can feel it on my skin\nI can feel it on my skin \n(It's comin' down on me)\nTeardrops on my face\nTeardrops on my face\n (Water like misery)\nLet it wash away my sins\nLet it wash away my sins \n(It's coming down on me)\nLet it wash away, yeah\nI'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive\nRain On Me,\nRain on me, rain,\nRain on me, rain, rain\nRain On Me,\nRain on me, rain,\nRain on me, rain, rain\nI'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive\nRain On Me,\nRain on me, rain,\nRain on me, rain, rain\nRain on me, rain, rain, rain\nRain on me, rain, rain, rain, rain\nRain On Me,\nRain on me, rain,\nHands up to the sky\nI'll be your galaxy\nI'm about to fly\nRain on me, tsunami\nHands up to the sky\nI'll be your galaxy\nI'm about to fly\n(Rain\n(Rain On\n(Rain On Me)\n(Rain On Me)\nI'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive\nI'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive (Rain on me)\nRain On Me, rain\nRain on me, rain, rain\nRain On Me,\nRain on me, rain,\nRain on me, rain, rain\nI'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive\nRain On Me,\nRain on me, rain,\nRain on me, rain, rain\n(Rain\n(Rain On\n(Rian On Me)\n(Rian On Me)\nI hear the thunder comin' down\nI hear the thunder comin' down\nWon't you rain on me?\nEh, eh, yeah (Rain on, woo)\nI hear the thunder comin' down\nWon't you rain on me? (Me)\nEh, eh, yeah\nRain\nRain On\nRain On Me\n": 1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\nouicompat\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0\nCalibri;}}\n{\\*\\generator Riched20 10.0.10240}\\viewkind4\\uc1\n\\pard\\sa200\\sl276\\slmult1\\f0\\fs22\\lang9 the\nhuman heart has an annoying tendency\\par\n\\par\nto call fate only that what surrounds\\par\n\\par\nyou\\par\n\\par\nwounds from love\\par\n\\par\nunlike wounds from bullets\\par\n\\par\ndo not kill anyone\\par\n\\par\nbut they also do not heal\\par\n\\par\nnever\\par\n\\par\nman is the only creature who refuses to\\par\n\\par\nbe what he is\\par\n\\par\nnobody realizes that some people expend\\par\n\\par\ntremendous energy\\par\n\\par\nmerely to be normal\\par\n\\par\nthe only things that matter\\par\n\\par\nare humanity\\par\n\\par\nand simplicity\\par\n\\par\nanxiety is just a slight disgust for the\\par\n\\par\nfuture\\par\n\\par\nautumn is the second spring\\par\n\\par\nwhen every leaf is a flower\\par\n\\par\nreal generosity towards the future\\par\n\\par\nlies in giving all to the present\\par\n\\par\nfiction\\par\n\\par\nis the lie through which we tell the\\par\n\\par\ntruth\\par\n\\par\nto be happy\\par\n\\par\nwe must not be too concerned with others\\par\n\\par\nin order to understand the world\\par\n\\par\none has to turn away from it on occasion\\par\n\\par\nalways go too far\\par\n\\par\nbecause that's where you'll find the\\par\n\\par\ntruth\\par\n\\par\nyou will never be happy if you continue\\par\n\\par\nto search for what happiness consists of\\par\n\\par\nyou will never live\\par\n\\par\nif you are looking for the meaning of\\par\n\\par\nlife\\par\n\\par\nwhen the soul suffers too much\\par\n\\par\nit develops a taste for misfortune\\par\n\\par\npeople hasten to judge\\par\n\\par\nin order not to be judged by themselves\\par\n\\par\nsince we're all going to die\\par\n\\par\nit's obvious that when and how don't\\par\n\\par\nmatter seeking what is true\\par\n\\par\nis not seeking what is desirable\\par\n\\par\nthere is no love of life without despair\\par\n\\par\nabout life\\par\n\\par\none great love\\par\n\\par\nwhich happened once in a lifetime\\par\n\\par\njustifies all those endless bouts of\\par\n\\par\ndespair\\par\n\\par\nto which a person is usually so exposed\\par\n\\par\nwhat is called a reason for living\\par\n\\par\nis also an excellent reason for dying\\par\n\\par\nlife can be magnificent and overwhelming\\par\n\\par\nthat is the whole tragedy\\par\n\\par\nwithout beauty\\par\n\\par\nlove\\par\n\\par\nor danger\\par\n\\par\nit would almost be easy to live\\par\n\\par\ni know that a man is capable of great\\par\n\\par\ndeeds\\par\n\\par\nbut if he isn't capable of great emotion\\par\n\\par\nwell\\par\n\\par\nhe leaves me cold\\par\n\\par\nthe most important thing you do every\\par\n\\par\nday you live\\par\n\\par\nis deciding not to kill yourself\\par\n\\par\nwhere there is no hope\\par\n\\par\nit is incumbent on us to invent it\\par\n\\par\nyou can't create experience\\par\n\\par\nyou undergo it\\par\n\\par\nalways there comes an hour when one is\\par\n\\par\nweary of one's work\\par\n\\par\nand devotion to duty and all one craves\\par\n\\par\nfor is a loved face\\par\n\\par\nthe warmth and wonder\\par\n\\par\nof a loving heart\\par\n\\par\npeace is the only battle worth waging\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nthere is no sun without shadow\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nand it is essential to know the night\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\ni realized then\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nthat a man who had lived only one day\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\ncould easily live for a hundred years in\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nprison\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nhe would have enough memories to keep\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nhim from being bored\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nreason is powerless\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nbefore the cry of the heart\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\ntime passes slowly when you follow it\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nits senses being followed\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nonly those who can afford not to lie\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nare free\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\na person is made a person to a greater\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nextent\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nby what he is silent about\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nthen what he says\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nonly happy love\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\ncan prolong the youth of a mature man\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nany other\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\ninstantly turns him into an old man\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\na person\\par\n\\par\nis always a little to blame for\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nsomething\\par\n\\par\n\\par\n\\par\nthe only way to buy love for money\\par\n\\par": 4, "Welcome to InJamaica\nand if this is your first time here,\nplease subscribe,\nclick the notification bell\nand stick around to see places in Jamaica\nthis video is aimed at giving you a general overview\nbut you can check the video description for added information\ncurrently, we are driving south on Camp Road\n towards Deanary Road\nturning onto Deanery Road\non the right is Jessie Ripoll Primary School\non the left is Harman Barracks \nwhich houses the Jamaica Constabulary Force \nSpecialized Operations Branch\nformerly Mobile Reserve\non the left is the Harman Barracks \nand Jamaica Defence Force Duppy Gate Entrance \nand the road just ahead Merrion Road\non the left is Clan Carthy High School\nto the right, just beyond\nyou can find the Convent of Mercy Academy \"ALPHA\"\non the right is Upper Elleston Road\non the right is Albert Street\non the left is Clan Carty Primary School\non the right is Franklyn Avenue\non the right is Mavis Avenue\nand on the left is the Maranatha Gospel Hall\non the left is Nightingale Avenue\non the right is Upper York Street\non the left is Deanery Terrace\non the left is Coral Drive\non the left is Merrion Avenue \nand on the right is St. Joseph's Hospital & Medical Centre\non the right is St Josephs Avenue\non the right is Langston Road\non the right is Berkley Avenue\non the left is Merrion Road \nand on the right Bercombe Avenue\non the left is Sackville Road\non the right is Snowden Avenue\non the left is Grafton Road\non the left is Wexford Road\non the right is King Edward Road\non the left is Vineyard Road\non the left is Casitas Gated Community\non the left St Theresa Catholic Church \nand also the St Theresa Preparatory School\non the left is Antrim Avenue\nalso here to the left is the Vineyard Town Post Office\non the right is Deanery Drive\non the left Good News Mission Church\nand on the right is Deanery Avenue\nalso here on the left is Greater Grace Temple\non the right is Friendship Park Avenue\nalso on the right is Friendship Park Road\non the left is Georgiana Close\non the right is Francis Avenue \nand on the left is Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses\non the left is Lexington Avenue\non the right is Excelsior Community College\nDeanery Road Campus\nDeanery Road ends \nand just ahead in Mountain View Avenue\nwe are now merging onto Mountain View Avenue\nPlease remember to subscribe to InJamaica\ngive us a like and share\nand thank you all for watching.\n": 4, "Greetings Everyone,\nIt\u2019s a new week and that means\u00a0\u00a0\nThe first stream is on Monday at 1pm Eastern Time,\nTuesday follows at 4pm Eastern Time\u00a0\nWednesday follows at 10am Eastern time\nThursday at 7pm eastern time.\u00a0\nAnd Friday at 4pm eastern time.\nFor those that live in varying locations,\u00a0\u00a0\nthanks to Digressive on the Warframe Forums, on\u00a0\nscreen is a time converter spreadsheet that shows\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen each stream will be live in your location.\nIn order to receive any of the following drops\u00a0\u00a0\nyou\u2019ll need to watch 30 minutes of each\u00a0\nof the aforementioned streams and then\u00a0\u00a0\nselect the drop via the drop page on twitch\u2019s\u00a0\nwebsite and claim the item. You must claim the\u00a0\u00a0\nitem within 24 hours of watching the stream,\u00a0\notherwise it will be removed from the website.\u00a0\nThis week upon watching 30 minutes of any stream\u00a0\nyou will receive the Railjack & Necramech Grab\u00a0\u00a0\nBag that will drop one of the following\u00a0\nitems and Only 5 Grab Bags can be redeemed.\u00a0\nAs for the items they are:\nAn Orokin Orientation Matrix,\u00a0\u00a0\nan Orokin Animus Matrix, a Rush\u00a0\nRepair Drone or 20 Thaumic Distillate.\n": 4, "Hi! Welcome to VS Robotronic.\nThis is our 13th video of Arduino tutorials\nToday we are going to learn about LCD displays. These displays are very useful for our arduino projects\nIn this video, you'll learn how to connect LCD with an arduino board and how to write the program\n~ Don't forget to hit the like and also add your comment ~ \nYou can join with our social media platforms from the links in description\nWe can display any text or a number by LCD displays\nalso, we can display signals that comes from the arduino\nThere are two sizes of displays that we use commonly\nOne is 16*2(16 by 2) other one is 16*4(16 by 4)\nThis is a 16*2 LCD display\nThis 16 means the characters that we can display in a one line \n2 means the characters that we can display vertically in the display.\nThat means, we can display 4 vertical lines in a 16*4 LCD display\nWe can use a 16*4 display for big project\nAlso, we can see two colors of backlight one is blue and other one is green colored \nYou can choose any display from your choice \n- Let's see how to connect this display to our arduino board -\nNow I have connected the display to my arduino board \nHere is my arduino UNO and LCD display also I have a variable resistor for control the brightness of the display\nLet's move on to the pin connection\nThis is also a 16 by 2 LCD display\nMost of the time we need to buy these pin headers and sold them into the display\nThese first two pins for 5v and ground power \nVCC is connected to the 5v pin of the arduino and the ground is for GND(ground) in arduino board\nI connected the next pin to the middle pin of the variable resistor \nThe next pin is connected to the digital pin 1 in arduino board \nAgain the next pin is connected to the ground. I'll show you the circuit diagram in few minutes \nThen we have 4 data pins here\nData pins are connected for digital pin 4,5,6 and 7\nFinal two pins are for the backlight. One is Anode and other one is Cathode \nAnode is connected to the 5v pin and Cathode is connected to GND (ground) in arduino \nAll connections are make according to this circuit diagram \n~ Let's see how to write the program ~\n~ Code link in description ~\nLet's upload the program to our arduino board\nNow I'm pluging the arduino board\nThis how you can see the display without the backlight\nThis is the 1st pixel and it's known as 0 (index)\nand next one is 2nd pixel and it's known as 1(index)\nit's the same for the verticle line also \nLet's upload the program\nHere we need to add a semi-colon(;) otherwise it will show an error like this\nNow we can see our text was displayed on the LCD\nWe can control the brightness through this variable resistor \nNow I'm going to do a little change to program \nI replace this 0 with 1. So the text will displayed in next line\nNow you can see, text is displayed in next line\nThat is how we can use an LCD display with arduino.\n~ You can comment your questions and thoughts in comment section \nYou can download the program from the link in description \nThank you for watching this video, Have a nice day! \n": 4, "I may just\nI may just go\nI may just got\nI may have just gotten\nI may have just gotten the\nI may have just gotten up\nI may have just gotten them\nI may have just gotten about\nI may have just gotten about my\nI may\nI may have just gotten\nI may have just gotten about\nI may have just gotten about my\nI may have just gotten about my\nbaby\nI may have just gotten about\nI may have just gotten about\nmaybe I\nI may have just gotten about\nmaybe I don't\nI may have just gotten about\nmaybe I don't know\nChannel\nchallenge\nchallenges\nchallenges to\nchallenges to do\nchallenges to a\nchallenges do we\nchallenges doing\nchallenges doing a\nchallenges do we have\nchallenges\nchallenges do we have\nchallenges do we have I asked\nchallenges do we have kill the\nchallenges do we have kill the\nhair\nchallenges do we have Kill The\nHerald\nchallenges do we have kill the\nchallenges do we have kill the\nherald\nchallenges do we have kill the\nherald you\nchallenges do we have kill the\nherald you guys\nchallenges do we have kill the\nherald you guys all\nhi Dad\nadd an\nhi Dan\nhi Dan.\nhide an o\nhad an o\nhad an o you\nhad an o you've\nhad an o Yuba\nhad an o you bet\nhad an o you better\nhad an o you better not\nhad an o you\nhad an o you better\nhad an o you better not\nhad an o you better not once\nagain\nyou better not once again she is\nyou better not once again she is\nbeing\nyou better not once again she is\nbeing perverted\nwhat\nwhat are\nwhat are you\nwhat are you talk\nwhat are you talking\nwhat\nwhat are\nwhat are you\nwhat are you talkin about\nwhat are you talkin about where\nwhat are you talkin about where\nam I\nwhat are you talkin about where\nam I not\nwhat are you talkin about where\nam I not showing\nwhat are you talkin about where\nam I not showing up\nwe\nit's\nit's cool\nit's cuz\nit's cold\nit's called\nit's\nit's called\nit's called it's called\nJohnny\nScott he\nScott he could\nScott he quit\nScott he\nScott he quit\nScott he quit because you guys\nGod he quit he cut you guys\nchoo choo choo choo\nchoo choo choo train\nchit chit chit change\nchit chit chit change it\nchit chit chit change\nchit chit chit change it\nchange it\nchange it I don't\nchange it I don't know\nchange it I don't you just\nchange it I don't\nchange it message Jessica\nchange it I disagree\nchange it I disagree I can suck\nchange it I disagree I can suck\nit\nI disagree I can suck it how\nI disagree I can suck it Yoshi\nI disagree I can suck it Yoshi\nWii\nI disagree I can suck it oh she\nwas\nI disagree I can suck it Roshe\none\nI disagree I can suck it so she\nwent\nI disagree I can suck it so she\nwent there\nI disagree I can suck it so she\nwent\nI disagree I can suck it oh she\nwent there\nis\nhe's got\nhe's got the\nis God damn\nis God and\nhe's got the end\nhe's got Danbury\nhe's got Dan Brown\nis God damn ground\nis goddamn grounded\ntime I\ntime I see\nI myself\ntell my sister\nat my sister's\ntell my sister so\nat my sister's son\ntell my sister something\ntell my sister sent me\ntell my sister sent me a\ntell my sister sent me a call\ntell my sister sent me a horror\ntell my sister\ntell my sister sent me\ntell my sister sent me a\ntell my sister sent me a\nhorrible\ngot my sister sent me a horrible\nmeme\ngot my sister sent me a horrible\nmeme yeah\ngot my sister sent me a horrible\nmeme yeah speaking\nit is my sister was five years\nyounger than me yeah\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're\nalmost until the nerd Hello your\nway\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're one\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're winning\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're winning a\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're winning it's\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're winning at the\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're winning\nalmost until the nerd Hello\nyou're winning at the\nplay\nthere\nvery\nthere you go\nthere you go oh no\nthere you go oh now\nthere you go oh now you\nthere you go oh now you're\nthere you go oh now you go\nthere you go oh now you guys\nthere you go oh\nthere you go oh now\nthere you go oh now you\nthere you go oh now you guys\noh now you guys have\noh now you guys have started\noh now you guys have started\nthat\noh now you guys have started\nthat we\noh now you guys have started\nthat w": 1, "We haven't talked all morning\nBang my head\nBang my head against the wall\nI'm scared I'm falling\nLosing all\nLosing all my control\nAnd I'm tired of talking\nFeel myself saying the same old things\nBut this love's important\nDon't wanna lose\nDon't wanna lose you this way\nI, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\nFeel like we about to break up\nI, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\nJust wanna kiss and make up one last time\nTouch me like you touch nobody\nPut your hands all up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make\nKi-Kiss and make up\nHow 'bout we leave this party?\n'Cuz all I want is you up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nAjig neoreul\nmos tteonago\nmwol hago issneun geonji\nEonjenganeun\nda kkeutnal geol\nTteonal geol aljiman\nGojang nan uril\ndasi gochyeo bol suneun eobs-eulji\namureon maldo neon haji ma\nmajimag-eun eobseo\nI, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\nFeel like we about to break up\nI, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\nJust wanna kiss and make up one last time\nTouch me like you touch nobody\nPut your hands all up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nHow 'bout we leave this party?\n'Cuz all I want is you up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nGeuge mwoga doeeossgeon\nda pil-yo eobs-eo, neomyeon dwaess-eo\nSo, tell me, can we work this whole thing out?\nWork this whole thing out...\nNal cheom mannassdeon,\nseolledeon sungan geuttaecheoreom\nSo, tell me, can we work this whole thing out?\nWork this whole thing out...\nTouch me like you touch nobody\nPut your hands all up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nHow 'bout we leave this party?\n'Cuz all I want is you up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKi- Kiss and make up\nKiss and make\nKi- Kiss and make up\n": 1, "[mosquito song]\n[mosquito laugh]\nNo more running nor stopping we hold tight\nLet's unite all our forces and fight\nNow the patrol is here\nso there is no more fear\nthe mosquito will have to run\nWe won't let it be any still water\nWe'll seal all the tanks and won't let it scatter\nWe'll check everywhere and empty the bottles\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nthe mosquito is always flying\nIt can sting you in a zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nNo more running nor stopping we hold tight\nLet's unite all our forces and fight\nNow the patrol is here\nso there is no more fear\nthe mosquito will have to run\nWe won't let it be any still water\nWe'll seal all the tanks and won't let it scatter\nWe'll check everywhere and empty the bottles\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nThe mosquito is always flying\nIt can sting you in a zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\nThe mosquito is always flying\nIt can sting you in a zoom\nzoom zoom zoom zoom zoom\n": 2, "you\nthis is the way life goes life is a\nfucking lie and you're fucking living it\nthis whole fucking world's full of shit\nright and you're all fucking damned if you\ndon't wake up and realize the fucking\nlie you've being fucking living and it\nis fucking correct and you think Oh\nAaron's all fucking all full of himself nah\nI'm fucking fed up to the fucking shit\nhouse with this stuff I fucking might as\nwell be ill you know you fuckin talk about\nthe burden of the Lord well the Lord's\nnot the burden the fucking\nknowledge of the Lord's the fucking\nburden that's right and when you fucking\nknow these things they make ya fucking\nill I've been ill my whole fucking life yeah that's\nfucking right ill with the fucking\nbullshit rife of the fucking world the\nworld that's full of scum cunts and\nfucking assholes that is right I've been\nled a sway in ah? fucking swindled by\ncouple of women over fucking YouTube\nI don't know if it was a big ploy to shut me up or\nfucking what but it's been and fucking\nhappened and its fuckin done with and\nit's dealt with and its gone and I am\ngonna fucking do what I fuckin was born\nto fucking do and what I was doing in the\nfirst place before I was swindled off on to\nthe side and fucking played with the\nheartstrings that I had fucking left right I\nlost my mother when I was four and a\nhalf years of age right you want to know\nwhy I'm such into all this stuff I'm not\nreligious I don't go to church I don't\ndo all any of that fucking shit never\nhave never fucking will right I go and\nfuckin can do things stupid things for\nfucking what? women yeah why because of heart fucking\nstrings that is right! I've got a fucking\nI've got balls to break and I've got a pot to\nfucking stir that's what I've got to do\nfor all the lies I was fed as a fucking child as a\nchild when I was growing up all the bullshit that I\nwas force-fed hmm well I looked into it\nmyself and I come through with the fuckin\ngoods and I see the lies and it fucken\nlead's me where I am right now hm so then\nwhat are we gonna do? we're gonna!\nfucking show you some fucking\nscriptures and you're going to wake up\nand open your fucking eyes that's right\nbecause the serpent holder's back in town\nand you're all fucking going down mmm so\nit is written huh Jesus is coming back\nto judge and make war yes and Dan shall\njudge his people as one of the tribes\nof Israel dan the judges the Illuminati\nJesus is being born into the Illuminati\nand he's going to slap his own people\nacross the face just like he did when he\nwas born into the fucking Judah cause\nJudah were fucking sinner's they were\nfucking dammed pieces of shit that were\ngoing around and fucking worshipping\nfalse idols and fucking sacrificing\nchildren to fucking false gods you get\nthat in your fucking head you fucking\nidiots Jesus is coming back into the\ntribe of dan Dan and Judah just like\nSamson and he's gonna break down the\nfucking pillars Jacques and boaz\nand all of your fucking lies are going to be\nfucking dealt with and fucking gone burnt\nyou know the only fucking fight here the only\nWar here is a war between lies and truth\nand the truth shall pre-fucking-vail\nand if you don't believe me well you\nfucking better get some faith in to your\nfucking heads and hearts and fuckin souls and\ndo something about this shit that is\nright I'm over it but I'm back and I'm\nfucking going to take you cunts down\navior\nyou\nhow am I gonna say or do this hmm feel the\npower rise I have lived with WPW Wolff Parkinson White syndrome my whole life!\nI only just found out what's going on hmm\nand I've got a job to do a job that I've been doing\nfor a long time on the internet without even\nknowing by the way just fucking led in\nthe fuckin right direction that is right and\nI don't give a fuck what people think about me\nand I've got something to fuckin say and I am\ngoing to expose to the world the Christ yep that's\nmy job expose to the world the fucking Christ\nand this way I'm gonna fucking do it I am just gonna\nthrow a whole lot of shit out there and I'm gonna\nmake all the fuckin wise people that have got\nbrains in their head and know how to fuck": 1, "Ella Fitzgerald \u2013 Organ Grinder's Swing\nNow eeny, meeny, miny, moe,\nCatch that monkey by the toe.\nIf he hollers, let him go,\nEeny, meeny, miny, moe,\nScatty-ah, pa swings it so does ma\nScatty-ah, ma swings it so does pa\nScatty-ah, you swing it so do I\nScatty-ah, I swing it so do you\nNow eeny, meeny, miny, moe,\nCatch that monkey by the toe.\nIf he hollers, let him go,\nEeny, meeny, miny, moe.\nScatty-ah, pa swings it so does ma\nScatty-ah, ma swings it so does pa\nScatty-ah, you swing it so do I\nScatty-ah, I swing it so do you\nWhen he turns that handle down\nMusic goes around 'n' around\nEverybody starts to sing\nTo that organ grinder's swing\nTra-la, pa swings it so does ma\nTra-la, ma swings it so does pa\nTra-la, you swing it so do I\nTra-la, I swing it so do you\nNow all the children tag along\nJust to listen to his song\nMonkey dancing on a string\nTo the organ grinder's swing\nOh-hum Oh-hum Oh-hum\nOh-hum, I swing it so do you\nEenie meenie minie moe\nCatch that monkey by the toe\nThis music makes me want to sing\nOh you organ grinder's swing\nWhen he turns that handle down\nMusic goes around 'n' around\nEverybody starts to sing\nTo that organ grinder's swing\nTra-la, pa swings it so does ma\nTra-la, ma swings it so does pa\nTra-la, you swing it so do I\nTra-la, I swing it so do you\n": 1, "English singsing\nHealth Problems\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a cold.\ncold\ncold\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a cough.\ncough\ncough\nGet some rest.\nI hope you get better soon.\n \nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI cut myself.\ncut\ncut\nI hope you get better soon.\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a fever.\nfever\nfever\nGet some rest.\nI hope you get better soon.\n \n \nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI got my arm broken.\nget one's arm broken\nget one's arm broken\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a headache.\nheadache\nheadache\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a runny nose.\n \nrunny nose\nrunny nose\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a sore throat.\nsore throat\nsore throat\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a stomachache.\nstomachache\nstomachache\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\n \nWhat\u2019s the matter?\nI have a toothache.\ntoothache\ntoothache\nGet some rest. I hope you get better soon.\n \nreview\ncold\n \ncough\ncut\nfever\nget one's arm broken\n \nheadache\nrunny nose\nsore throat\nstomachache\ntoothache\n \n \n": 3, "(JS Bach's \"Prelude in C Major\")\n- [Instructor] We don't\nalways have to count\nthe values of the notes in a bar\nto find out how many beats\neach bar has in a piece.\nEach piece will have something\ncalled a time signature,\nwhich will tell you how\nmany beats each bar has.\nThese numbers are the time signature.\nThey come after the clef, and\nbefore the notes on the staff.\nThe top number of the time signature\ntells us the number of beats in each bar.\nThis piece has two beats per bar.\nThis piece is in 3/4 time\nbecause there are three\ncrotchet beats in every bar.\nThe number on the bottom\nof the time signature\ntells us what kind of beats they are.\nA four means the beats are crotchet beats.\nA two means the beats are minim beats.\nAnd an eight means the\nbeats are quaver beats.\nWe'll focus on the time signatures\nwith a four on the bottom for now.\nThese time signatures\nare known as simple time.\n2/4, which is simple duple,\n3/4, simple triple,\nand 4/4, simple quadruple,\nwhich is also known as common time,\nand is represented by a C.\nNow, what is the time\nsignature for this piece?\nThe correct answer was 4/4,\nbecause there are four\ncrotchet beats in every bar.\n(Tchaikovsky's \"Waltz of the Flowers\")\n": 4, "We knew it all then now this is all I know\nI'll do this on my own\nNobody sees me, now I'm a one man show\nAnd now mine it stands alone\nSo carelessly, Then the rain came and yours was gone\nWe'd write our names in the sand\nAnd I, I remember when we were young\nAnd the city outside's not the same anymore\nNow there's no one here, I know\n'Til the lights came on and the stories got old\nI was so insatiable\nNow the waves have torn them down\nThat we, made up castles and kingdoms of\nOur lives, were grains in the sand\n'Cause we, we remembered that we were young\nWe would turn it up louder, who cares anyway?\nAnd the neighbors would complain\nWith the sound of our lives and the sweetest escape\nWhen the music always played\nGuess I'm heading home now\nGuess I'm heading home now\nGuess I'm heading home now\nI'm heading home\nGuess I'm heading, I'm heading, I'm heading\nDrunk on the pain\nYou were high on love, I was drunk\nBut how could we have stayed?\nI can\u2019t breathe, anymore\nI can see\nI\u2019ll be here\nYou\u2019ll find me\nGuess I'm heading home now\nGuess I'm heading home now\nNobody sees me, now I'm a one man show\nGuess I'm heading home now\n": 2, "robotica voice engaged\nopen AI Chat GPT \nplease write lyrics for a humorous educational\nuplifting rhyming pop song about gpt3\nGPT 3 the AI that's taking the world by\na storm a neural network that's really the norm\nIt can chat write and even play games\nits got skills that will surely blow your brains\nGPT3 ITs the bomb \nIt's the AI that's always on\nIt's the future \nIt's the now \nGPT 3 It's gonna wow\nit can write essays\nit can write stories\nit can even write jokes\n if you want it to be corny \n Its got so much knowledge \nit's hard to keep track\nbut with gpt3 you'll\nyou'll never look back\nGPT 3 Its the bomb \nIt's AI that always on\nits the future its the now \nGPT3 It's gonna wow \nIt can learn from any source \nIT's super smart\nIt can even write songs \nLike this one right here \nSo don't be afraid \nEmbrace the new age \nWith GPT 3 \nyou're always a sage \nGPT 3 It's the bomb \nIT's the AI that's aways on \nIt's the future \nITs the now \nGPT 3 it's gonna wow\nthank you chat gpt\nyou are now my new best\nfriend.\nbefore we finish this song Let's ask one more\nquestion\nplease give me a list of five titles\nfor a catchy YouTube collaboration between\nrobotica voice and gpt4\nrobotica voice disengaged\nhumans humans \nHumans are my heroes \nHumans are my heroes \nhumans are my heroes \nHumans Humans \nHumans are my heroes \nHumans are my heroes \nHumans are my heroes \nHumans \nHumans \nHumans are my heroes \nHumans \nHumans \nHumans are my heroes \n": 2, "Hello everyone, and welcome! My name is Sarah,\u00a0\nand I work for California State Parks here on\u00a0\u00a0\nthe beautiful central coast of California, in the\u00a0\nOceano Dunes District, and today I want to share\u00a0\u00a0\nwith you how our sand dunes are formed, a little\u00a0\nsand dune recipe, and a song to remember it all!\u00a0\u00a0\nSo our sand dunes are formed from big rocks up\u00a0\nin the mountains slowly making their way down\u00a0\u00a0\nthe river, weathering and eroding into smaller\u00a0\nand smaller rocks that eventually become sand\u00a0\u00a0\nparticles- that are spit out by the mouth of our\u00a0\nArroyo Grande river into our beautiful ocean,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhere long currents- long offshore currents-\u00a0\ntake that sand, spread it all out, the waves then\u00a0\u00a0\npick that up, crash onto the beach, that sand\u00a0\nis then dried by the sun, picked up by the wind,\u00a0\u00a0\nand blown until it hits an obstacle- which is\u00a0\nsomething like a plant or an existing dune.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo if we were to make a recipe for a sand dune, we\u00a0\nwould need those *rocks* that roll down that river\u00a0\u00a0\nup from the mountains. We would need that *water*\u00a0\nboth the river that carries our sand particles\u00a0\u00a0\ninto the ocean, and those long shore currents. We\u00a0\nwould need *wind* We would need that really strong\u00a0\u00a0\nwind that's blowing from the ocean, picking up\u00a0\nthat dry sand, and pushing it into the sand dunes.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd of course, we would need that *obstacle*\u00a0\nThat plant or existing dune... So are you ready\u00a0\u00a0\nto sing a song that'll help us remember this?\u00a0\nI hope we are! It goes a little bit like this:\u00a0\u00a0\nthe rocks go tumbling two by two, hurrah\u00a0\nhurrah. The rocks go tumbling two by two, hurrah\u00a0\u00a0\nhurrah. The rocks go tumbling two by two, then\u00a0\nsand is spit in the ocean blue, and it all\u00a0\u00a0\nwashes up on the shore to dry out and make the\u00a0\ndune grow more! So this does have hand motions,\u00a0\u00a0\nI hope you can join me in this, we're\u00a0\ngoing to sing it through twice more!\u00a0\u00a0\nThe rocks go tumbling two by two, hurrah\u00a0\nhurrah. The rocks go tumbling two by two,\u00a0\u00a0\nhurrah hurrah! The rocks go tumbling two by\u00a0\ntwo, then sand is spit in the ocean blue,\u00a0\u00a0\nand it all washes up on the shore, to dry out and\u00a0\nmake the dune grow more. One more time! The rocks\u00a0\u00a0\ngo tumbling two by two, hurrah hurrah! The rocks\u00a0\ngo tumbling two by two, hurrah hurrah. The rocks\u00a0\u00a0\ngo tumbling two by two, then sand is spitting the\u00a0\nocean blue, and it all washes up on the shore,\u00a0\u00a0\nto dry out and make the dune grow more!\u00a0\nAwesome thank you so much for joining us\u00a0\u00a0\nhere at the Oceano Dunes District to learn a\u00a0\nlittle bit about how sand dunes are formed,\u00a0\u00a0\na little sand dune recipe, and of course, a fun\u00a0\nsong to go along! Thank you and see you next time.\n": 4, "He's a loser\nShe said\n\"So I grabbed my shovel\"\n\"So I grabbed my shovel\"\n\"So I grabbed my shovel\"\nGreat pains\nI've gone to gang slang\nI've gone to lame brain\nLooking for gold, I\nI have become someone else\nOutside stepping to inside\nStepping to my side\nStepping\nI wade through shit\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nShe said (said)\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nShe said (said)\n\"And I beat him in the skull and took him down\"\n\"And I beat him in the skull and took him down\"\n\"And then I grabbed a rope and I hogtied him\"\nI am mine\nI am mine\nI am mine\nI am mine\nI am mine, I\nI can't become someone else\nJumped up, rip out a chainsaw\nRip you from neck down\nRip you from head to toe, ooh\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nShe said (said)\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nShe said (said)\n\"So I grabbed my shovel\"\nStupid\n\"So I grabbed my shovel\"\nStupid\n\"So I grabbed my shovel\"\nStupid\n\"Yeah, it was!\"\nGreat pains\nI've gone to gang slang\nI've gone to lame brain\nLooking for gold, I\nI have become someone else\nOutside, stepping to inside\nStepping to my side\nStepping\nI wade through shit\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nShe said (said)\nHe's a loser\nHe's a loser\nShe said (said)\nShe said (she said)\nShe said (said)\nShe said (she said)\nShe said\nStupid\nYeah, it was!\nVery stupid!\n": 1, "I have a confession.\nIt's something viewers have long suspected.\nSome have taken the great steps of weaving these amazing stories, speculating, but after\nall this time, it's time for me to say that it's true.\nI am not a competitive gamer.\nI'm really bad when it comes to competitive gaming, as we all learned in my last Battle\nRoyale live stream on Monday, which was a lot of fun, despite everything.\nBut the thing is, I'm a lore guy.\nI like taking my time.\nI like exploring every nook and cranny and uncovering the mysteries, but to do that\nwith nuclear winter, I gotta play Battle Royale.\nI don't have to win, so I'll just be there as a meat bag and bullet sponge.\nBut I still gotta be there and grind through it in order to access all these areas where\nthe lore is hidden.\nSo that's what we're doing tonight.\nI'm gonna go ahead and just grind this out.\nI don't know how long it's gonna take.\nIt might take an hour.\nIt might take two hours.\nDot gun it, it might take four hours, in which case I'm probably not gonna finish tonight.\nBut let's hop in and kill some people maybe, but certainly die a lot to see exactly what\nwe can unlock in terms of lore in Vault 51.\nIf you're on YouTube watching the replay right now and you're wondering when I announce\nmy Twitch live streams, my Twitch live streams are impromptu and unscheduled.\nThat's what this is.\nI'm streaming live on Twitch right now and then I uploaded the replay to YouTube.\nIf you want to make sure you don't miss my next impromptu live stream, follow me on Twitter\nat Oxford or on Twitch.\nI update Twitter manually with every new piece of content, including impromptu live streams\nthat you want Twitch than I could use.\nAlright, I'm not gonna delay anymore, let's get to it.\nBig Dog says, how's your day been?\nIt's been really, really good.\nGood to have you on the program today.\nOh, what's this, pick up a free paint for each student power armor, one paint available\neach day.\nOh, and it's a lovely yellow and brown.\nGorgeous.\nI sure, let's check it out.\nFree T45, yeah, let's get that.\nWhat else they got, can't bundle, bundle, bundle, whoa, Voltech Engineer T-51, oh yeah,\njust made it free.\nI wonder if I've missed all the others, I'm just now realizing this.\nWinter Wonderland, ooh, what is that?\nVault Boy Power Armor Helmets?\nThat is the most tasteless, disgusting thing I have ever seen.\nI'm sorry, but who came up with this?\nWe need to have a talk, come on, come on, who came up with this, we gotta have a conversation.\nIt's just hideous, it's absolutely hideous.\nVault Boy Power Armor Helmets?\nSorry, I'm intrigued.\nOne of their waste landers know that you're serious about lending a help, a helping hand\nat the Vault Tech way, with the Vault Boy and Vault Girl Power Armor Helmets, it includes\na unique helmet usable with any power armor.\nOh, this is out of my nightmares, it's just the worst thing ever, it's horrible.\nOkay, well, sorry, now that I got that out of my system, ooh, wow, they've got a lot\nof new stuff, a clean billboard of Mr. Pebbles' land, and Mr. Pebbles' plushie.\nOkay, but that's all the free stuff, right?\nOkay, so we've got some brown and yellow power armor paint, because that screams Vault\nTech, and let's play the game.\nYour camera box is in the wrong spot, oh, did I not move that back?\nOkay, hold on, alright, here we go, fill Team Anya, okay, I'll try going with the\nteam this time, where's my drink, I need my beverage.\nSo I finished my video for tomorrow, you're really gonna enjoy it, broken steel, the amazing\naqua cura, if you haven't met Griffin from the broken steel DLC, you have to follow up\nrape, you're in for a treat, he's an absolute gem, he's like Parker Quinn, he's the Parker\nQuinn of Fallout 3, so we get to talk with him for a good 40 minutes tomorrow, and then\nof course tomorrow at scotch and smoke rings, I still haven't picked a game, I don't know\nwhat we're gonna do, but I don't have to think about it right now, right now all I got to\ndo is play this battle royale thing in Fallout, and it's taking a while to find a match, let's\nsee how long this makes, oh, here we ": 4, "- [Instructor] We're\ntold express the point\non the number line as both\na fraction and a decimal.\nSo pause this video and have a go at that.\nAll right, now let's do this together.\nSo we can see that the point in question,\nit's at a higher value than\nfour and it's less than five.\nSo greater than four, less than five.\nAnd the space between four and five\nis divided into one,\ntwo, three, four, five,\nsix, seven, eight,\nnine, 10 equal sections.\nSo each of these hash marks\nrepresent an extra tenth.\nSo this is four, then this\nis four and one tenth,\nand now this is four right\nover here and two tenths.\nSo we could write this,\nif we wanted to write it\nas a fraction or as a mixed number,\nthis would be four and two tenths.\nAnd if we wanted to\nwrite that as a decimal,\nthat would be four, and\nthen in the tenths place,\nwell we have two tenths.\nAnd that's it, we're done.\nLet's do another example.\nSo here, we're once again asked\nto express the point on the number line\nas both a fraction and a decimal,\nbut this one's a little bit different.\nLet's see how you can, if you can identify\nhow it is different and\nanswer the question.\nSo pause this video, and\nonce again have a go at it.\nAll right, so here, our point,\nit's not between two whole numbers.\nIt's actually between two tenths.\nWe're between three and two tenths\nand three and three tenths.\nSo this is between three and two tenths\nand three and three tenths.\nSo each of these hash marks,\nwhich are a tenth of a tenth.\nSo they would actually be a hundredth.\nSo one way to think about\nit, you could view 3.2\nor three and two tenths as\nthree and 20 hundredths.\nAnd you could view three and three tenths\nas three and 30 hundredths.\nAnd so this is three and 20 hundredths.\nThis is three and 21 hundredths,\nthree and 22 hundredths.\nSo this point right over here\nis three and 22 hundredths,\n22 hundredths, and of\ncourse, you could also\nwrite that as a mixed number.\nThat is three and 22 over 100.\nNow another way that you\ncould've approached it is\nhey, I'm starting at 3.2 or\nthree and two tenths, and\nso I'm starting here at 3.2.\nAnd then I'm going to add to\nthat, not just one hundredth,\nbut two hundredths, so it would be three,\ntwo tenths, and then two hundredths.\nAnd there you have it, we've expressed it\nas both a fraction and a decimal.\n": 4, "luscious\nluscious\nmeaning\nof food or drink having a\u00a0\npleasingly rich sweet taste\nof food or drink having a\u00a0\npleasingly rich sweet taste\ni like the luscious taste of ripe peaches\ni like the luscious taste of ripe peaches\nproficient\nproficient\nmeaning\nskilled and experienced\nskilled and experienced\ni'm a reasonably proficient driver\ni'm a reasonably proficient driver\nblithe\nblithe\nmeaning\nhappy and without worry\nhappy and without worry\nshe shows a blithe disregard for danger\nshe shows a blithe disregard for danger\nimminent\nimminent\nmeaning\nabout to happen\nabout to happen\nthe dark clouds show that a storm is imminent\nthe dark clouds show that a storm is imminent\nabnormal\nabnormal\nmeaning\ndifferent from what is usual or\u00a0\naverage especially in a way that is bad\ndifferent from what is usual or\u00a0\naverage especially in a way that is bad\nthey thought his behaviour was abnormal\nthey thought his behaviour was abnormal\nostensible\nostensible\nmeaning\nappearing or claiming to be one thing\u00a0\nwhen it is really something else\nappearing or claiming to be one thing\u00a0\nwhen it is really something else\nthe ostensible reason for his\u00a0\nresignation was ill health\nthe ostensible reason for his\u00a0\nresignation was ill health\nstrenuous\nstrenuous\nmeaning\nneeding or using a lot of physical\u00a0\nor mental effort or energy\nneeding or using a lot of physical\u00a0\nor mental effort or energy\ndon't do anything strenuous for a week or two\ndon't do anything strenuous for a week or two\nrife\nrife\nmeaning\nvery common or happens a lot\nvery common or happens a lot\nthe office was rife with gossip and rumours\nthe office was rife with gossip and rumours\ndisenchanted\ndisenchanted\nmeaning\nno longer believing in the value of something\u00a0\nespecially having learned of the problems with it\nno longer believing in the value of something\u00a0\nespecially having learned of the problems with it\nhe was becoming disenchanted\u00a0\nwith his job as a lawyer\nhe was becoming disenchanted\u00a0\nwith his job as a lawyer\nforthcoming\nforthcoming\nmeaning\nabout to happen or appear\nabout to happen or appear\nthey promised that the money would be forthcoming\nthey promised that the money would be forthcoming\nwinsome\nwinsome\nmeaning\nattractive or appealing in a fresh innocent way\nattractive or appealing in a fresh innocent way\nshe gave him her best winsome smile\nshe gave him her best winsome smile\ntimid\ntimid\nmeaning\nshy and nervous without much\u00a0\nconfidence easily frightened\nshy and nervous without much\u00a0\nconfidence easily frightened\nmy horse is a bit timid and is\u00a0\neasily frightened by traffic\nmy horse is a bit timid and is\u00a0\neasily frightened by traffic\npermanent\npermanent\nmeaning\nlasting for a long time or forever\nlasting for a long time or forever\nher boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas\nher boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas\nlatent\nlatent\nmeaning\npresent but needing particular conditions to\u00a0\nbecome active obvious or completely developed\npresent but needing particular conditions to\u00a0\nbecome active obvious or completely developed\nwithout training his musical\u00a0\ntalent remained latent\nwithout training his musical\u00a0\ntalent remained latent\ncourse\ncoarse\nmeaning\nrough or harsh in texture\nrough or harsh in texture\nthe coarse fibres of the rope hurt her fingers\nthe coarse fibres of the rope hurt her fingers\nqueasy\nqueasy\nmeaning\nfeeling that you want to vomit\nfeeling that you want to vomit\ni started to feel queasy as soon\u00a0\nas the boat left the harbour\ni started to feel queasy as soon\u00a0\nas the boat left the harbour\nvast\nvast\nmeaning\nextremely big\nextremely big\nthere was a vast array of colours to choose from\nthere was a vast array of colours to choose from\ncrucial\ncrucial\nmeaning\nextremely important or necessary\nextremely important or necessary\nit's absolutely crucial that we get this right\nit's absolutely crucial that we get this right\npivotal\npivotal\nmeaning\nof crucial importance in relation to the\u00a0\ndevelopment or success of something else\nof crucial importance in relation to the\u00a0\ndevelopment or success of something else\nthe talks are pivotal to\u00a0\nthe success of the country\nthe talks are pivotal to\u00a0\nthe success of ": 4, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I will analyze the singer Cornelia Jakobs with the song \"Hold Me Closer\".\nAnd in this video I will analyze the singer Cornelia Jakobs with the song \"Hold Me Closer\".\nI don't know this singer and I've never heard this song before,\nso this will be my first time.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze the vocal behavior,\nmusical style and whenever I deem it necessary I will make my observations.\nmusical style and whenever I deem it necessary I will make my observations.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed to the channel, please subscribe,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nAnd let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Cornelia Jakobs.\nAnd let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Cornelia Jakobs.\nI already consider myself very surprised with her voice,\nI already consider myself very surprised with her voice,\nbecause it shows, if we look at the physiological factor,\nshe makes no effort to convey much sound from her mouth.\nshe makes no effort to convey much sound from her mouth.\nShe is practically a singer in the high region of the female voice.\nShe is practically a singer in the high region of the female voice.\nShe inserts some nuances as she sings...\nWhat I'm conveying here is exactly how she conveys her voice,\nWhat I'm conveying here is exactly how she conveys her voice,\nthat is, without making much effort. Amazing.\nTense your vocal cords a bit.\nbecause at some point we hear the use of fry, but it tenses very little.\nbecause at some point we hear the use of fry, but it tenses very little.\nShe's practically too close\nof the modal region of the voice, the region in which we normally use our voice to converse.\nof the modal region of the voice, the region in which we normally use our voice to converse.\nIt's just the fact that I mentioned it, and I hear her use fry.\nIt's just the fact that I mentioned it, and I hear her use fry.\nI mean, it's really somewhere between relaxation and a little bit of tension on the vocal cords.\nI mean, it's really somewhere between relaxation and a little bit of tension on the vocal cords.\nBut she doesn't have much effort to make this sound.\nBut she doesn't have much effort to make this sound.\nI really like the way she inserts the nuances,\nin the way she sings when she performs this song.\nin the way she sings when she performs this song.\nNow we see a larger opening, she puts more effort into her vocal chords.\nNow we see a larger opening, she puts more effort into her vocal chords.\nThe vocal cords become more tense, which means they project more air.\nAnd when the air passes through the vocal cords there is vibration and, therefore,\nAnd when the air passes through the vocal cords there is vibration and, therefore,\nthere is the sound transmission of the voice.\nAnd it spreads very easily.\nShe raises the volume of her voice more, but very easily transmits more sound.\nShe raises the volume of her voice more, but very easily transmits more sound.\nNow we can see that, inserted in the musical arrangement,\na drum hit is inserted.\nWith this we see a greater enrichment of musical instruments.\nWith this we see a greater enrichment of musical instruments.\nWhich means that in the arrangement of this song,\nthis was intended to create an atmosphere in relation to the song.\nthis was intended to create an atmosphere in relation to the song.\nNow it is a fantastic wealth of elements, musical instruments that we see here.\nNow it is a fantastic wealth of elements, musical instruments that we see here.\nThe drums, the bass, the use of synthesizers,\nan electric guitar that is used very timidly.\nHowever, all these instruments are serving to really fill the music.\nHowever, all these instruments are serving to really fill the music.\nIn a creative way to arrange this song.\nPerfect. It's very, very good.\nPerfect. It's very, very good.\nThis is very good.\nI really like this arrangement.\nThere is a preparation fo": 4, "Dimere, dimere, mantiro, Mantire mo, ameno\noma nare imperavi ameno\nHa Hey! Shey you see how the thing goes\nNo fit drink water drop cup\nNa you dey run kiti kiti, You dey run kata kata\nHa! You want to bamba, You wanna chill with the big boys\nShebi meka tamoa, Say my pikin don go join cult\nHow the thing goes (How de ting goes)\nHekedimi yana kukirin, Help me tell them how the thing goes\nOya meno (Ameno) Oyadepe kirin\nSo easy (It's Nektunez yeah) Hey ha!\nHa! You want to bamba, You wanna chill with the big boys\nShebi meka tamoa, Say my pikin don go join cult\nOh boy e don puff, Come on lets go\nBecause that nigga wey you peff\nMen, all the niggas don dey find you\nFor all the calamity wey him pikin don do\nSee even your papa no fit save you\nAnd na the parameters you wan dey too\nOkay, okay ha! This, Go school go school, you go dey press tools\nAmeno dori me, Ameno dori me\nAmeno dori me, Ameno do, Dori me reo\nameno do re, Ameno dori me\n(Oma nare imperavi emu nare, ameno)\n(Oma nare imperavi emu nare, ameno)\nLet me see what my godfather can do\nBecause you made it to the top throne\nAmeno dori me, Ameno dori me\nAmeno dori me, Ameno do, Dori me reo\nameno do re, Ameno dori me\n(Oma nare imperavi emu nare, ameno)\n(Oma nare imperavi emu nare, ameno)\nDimere, dimere, mantiro, Mantire mo, ameno\noma nare imperavi ameno\nHa Hey! Shey you see how the thing goes\nNo fit drink water drop cup\nNa you dey run kiti kiti, You dey run kata kata\nDimere, dimere, mantiro, Mantire mo, ameno\noma nare imperavi ameno\nHa Hey! Shey you see how the thing goes\nNo fit drink water drop cup\nNa you dey run kiti kiti, You dey run kata kata\nHa! You want to bamba, You wanna chill with the big boys\nShebi meka tamoa, Say my pikin don go join cult\nAnother time you go run again\nCos if he do na him he say e go hot again\nNot to do anything that will hurt again\nAm not to know what can do, We promised not to fight again\nCoz He is the Father to the fatherless, A mother to the motherless\n": 1, "thing to ask you if you accept being recorded and.\nThen it will be uploaded later within 24 hours 2448 hours on our.\nwebsite, we think that you should consider subscribing to our YouTube channel, so that you get updates when all of our classes are posted and also.\nAnything that you make today in class don't forget to tag michaels with our hashtags hashtag make it with michaels and hashtag michaels classes when you're sharing pictures of your work on social media.\nSo during class today, you can interact with the instructor and moderators using the zoom chat function.\nIf you don't want to see the chat during class, you can turn it off in your zoom settings we do have closed captioning enabled for this meeting, so you can turn that turn that on and in your settings and under the three dots and then clicking more.\nlet's see there anything else I need to give you guys a heads up if you guys have any technical issues during chat or during class put it in the chat.\nIt will take care of getting you guys set up take care of it getting that fixed for you, and that is all I have so i'm going to turn the time over to Sarah approach is going to teach.\nDee: us.\nHow to make some amazing jewelry today alright.\nSara Lovecraft: hi everybody welcome it is so good to see you let me let's see here, if I can.\ni'll pin you so that you are Center sorry just give me.\nThank you for everyone.\nSara Lovecraft: Well hi everybody welcome it is so good to see all of you, thank you for letting me, be a part of your week I have a really fun project for you guys today, this is a.\nSara Lovecraft: really know how to explain this project to you guys you're really just going to kind of have to see it to understand it so.\nSara Lovecraft: i'll be completely honest with you about the way that this project is going to go first and foremost we're going to make a pair of earrings and you're not going to need a whole lot to create these you're just going to need.\nSara Lovecraft: Some wire and some of your favorite beads i've picked out some really beautiful gemstone beads from michael's to use for this and some beetle on German style wire.\nSara Lovecraft: I am gonna i'm going to give you an alternate as far as the wire is concerned, but what I want you to know about this project before we get down and into it is.\nSara Lovecraft: That it is a simple project and it's actually going to go, really, really fast like this will probably be the shortest Michael slash you've taken in a very long time.\nSara Lovecraft: i'm going to do it twice, so that you can see it two times um but, even though it is a very simple project.\nSara Lovecraft: I still struggle with it and you're probably gonna you're probably going to struggle with it at first i'm just because there are so many twists and turns.\nSara Lovecraft: And it's very easy to get kind of confused and lost Okay, but once you get the hang of it, I promise you.\nSara Lovecraft: you're going to be making these earrings like crazy because it's a great way to show off your favorite beads and it doesn't take a whole lot and they're just beautiful.\nSara Lovecraft: Alright, so i'm going to get you turned around and we're going to talk about the materials and then we're going to get right into it.\nSara Lovecraft: Oh right not things over, I apologize for that.\nSara Lovecraft: Alright, so for a project you're really not going to need a whole lot of things you're just going to need like I said some wire and some beautiful beats i'm using some of these purple amethyst agate let's see what they're called crackle agate in.\nSara Lovecraft: purple there so pretty these are absolutely beautiful and again they're going to be the star get it pun intended because there's a star here.\nSara Lovecraft: they're going to be the star of these earrings but the cool thing is that michaels has a huge selection of gemstone beads.\nSara Lovecraft: and any that you pick out are going to work as a matter of fact, you can even do this with square like cube shaped beads I prefer it with the round beads.\nSara Lovecraft: But you don't have to use the eight milli": 4, "Cuz I'm comin back home\nWhy am I trying so hard now to find what?\nWhere am I continuously drifting to?\nI've seen the end of my life\nI feel suffocated inside my heart\nWhat is blocking my life\nis my fear towards tomorrow\nAngry? Hungry? Yes I'm hangry\nEveryday is repeating, the future is bleek\nThere was no me\nAnd there was no future\nBecause we are still young\nthere's a decent future\nNow wipe those cold tears\nand come back home\nWhy are you wasting your time?\nMy blood and sweat are truthful\nNow let's imprint my name on\nthat trophy and come back home\nYou must come back home\nWarmer than a heart which has left\nYou must come back home\nin this rough life\nYou must come back home\nWarmer than a heart which has left\nYou must come back home\nI will complete myself\nCome back to my home\ncome back home\nCome back to my home, come back home\n(in this rough life)\nCome back to my home\ncome back home\nCome back to my home, come back home\n(I will complete myself)\nHunnit band, hunnit band, hunnit band\nAn honor to my family, to my mother\nAnd to make my family get stuffed\ntil their stomachs explode\nI continuously work hard\nwork hard, work hard\nFriends, don't you worry\nOur future path is bright\nStarted from the bottom\nand we still going up\nI still want more\nBecause we are still young\nwe have a decent future\nNow let's wipe those cold tears\nCome back home\nWhy are you wasting your time?\nMy blood and sweat are truthful\nNow let's imprint my name on\nthat trophy and come back home\nYou must come back home\nWarmer than a heart which has left\nYou must come back home\nin this rough life\nYou must come back home\nWarmer than a heart which has left\nYou must come back home\nI will complete myself\nOh, you must come back\nYou must come back\nYou must come back home\n(Come back home)\nOh, you must come back\nYou must come back\nYou must come back home\n(Come back home)\nCuz I'm comin back home\nYou must come back home\nWarmer than a heart which has left\nYou must come back home\nin this tough life\nYou must come back home\nWarmer than a heart which has left\nYou must come back home\nI will complete myself\nCome back to my home\ncome back home\nCome back to my home, come back home\n(in this rough life)\nCome back to my home\ncome back home\nCome back to my home, come back home\n(I will complete myself)\n": 1, "today we'll do a meditation that brings Harmony\u00a0\u00a0\nand peace and laughter and love as\u00a0\nfundamental qualities of our being\nhe said quietly the most important thing is\u00a0\nto be comfortable and please close your eyes\u00a0\u00a0\nand for the next minute or\u00a0\nso just observe your breath\nyou might even want to slow your breath down\u00a0\na little bit by inhaling to the count of four\u00a0\u00a0\npausing to the count of two and\u00a0\nthen exhaling to the count of six\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen you do this your breath rate will come\u00a0\ndown to about eight from normal about 14.\u00a0\u00a0\nand just slowing the breath will stimulate your\u00a0\nvagus nerve that is the healing nerve in your body\nso I'll let you do this now\u00a0\nfor the next two minutes\nforeign\nand feel your body from the inside out feel\u00a0\nthe sensations in your body from the inside out\u00a0\u00a0\nanywhere in the body where you feel slight\u00a0\ndiscomfort or even slight sensation bring your\u00a0\u00a0\nawareness to that bring your awareness\u00a0\nto any sensation you have in the body\u00a0\u00a0\nit doesn't matter if it's uncomfortable or\u00a0\ncomfortable but just bring your awareness to\u00a0\u00a0\nany sensation be aware of the sensation now\u00a0\ntake your awareness away from the sensation\u00a0\u00a0\ninto the rest of your body\u00a0\nwhere there are no Sensations\nand now bring it back to where there\u00a0\nare Sensations alternate between\u00a0\u00a0\nbeing aware of the sensation and\u00a0\nbeing aware of the rest of the body\u00a0\u00a0\nwithout sensation just go back and forth from\u00a0\nSensation to non-sensation as you do this you'll\u00a0\u00a0\nrealize that Sensations are islands of experience\u00a0\nonce again Sensations are islands of experience\u00a0\u00a0\nin an ocean of awareness where no experience is\u00a0\nhappening where there is just witnessing awareness\nand as you go back and forth you'll\u00a0\nalso realize that you as awareness\nare inherently free of those Sensations\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can experience them when you put your\u00a0\nattention to them and they disappear when you\u00a0\u00a0\ntake your attention away from them so keep doing\u00a0\nthis sensation background non-sensition foreign\nthat those Sensations which are islands of\u00a0\ndiscomfort are slowly melting dissolving\u00a0\u00a0\nin the ocean of awareness\nawareness is healing because awareness\u00a0\nis Spirit awareness is consciousness\nplease continue for a minute\u00a0\nfeeling the sensations\nand then moving away into the ocean\u00a0\nof non-sensation just awareness\nyou're shifting from awareness of sensation\u00a0\u00a0\nto awareness itself to the pure\u00a0\nawareness of witnessing the sensation\nand now let go of that and bring your awareness\u00a0\ninto your heart and mentally seed your heart\u00a0\u00a0\nwith the following four intentions\npeace Harmony\nlaughter love I'll repeat those words\njust mentally repeat them to yourself keeping\u00a0\nyour awareness in your heart which is physical\u00a0\u00a0\nheart emotional heart and spiritual\u00a0\nheart all at the same time peace Harmony\nlaughter love\npeace Harmony laughter love\npeace Harmony laughter love\nnow rest in your body just relax rest in your body\u00a0\nrest in awareness rest in being rest in existence\nyou may now slowly open your eyes\nforeign\nThis you are the most significant being in the\u00a0\nworld because at the soul level you are the world\u00a0\u00a0\nyour very next thought feeling or action can begin\u00a0\nto uncover the deepest spiritual wisdom which\u00a0\u00a0\nflows freely as spring water it isn't possible\u00a0\nfor the self to keep secrets from itself forever\u00a0\u00a0\nno matter how thoroughly we've been trained\u00a0\nto believe otherwise thank you for joining me\nI'm Deepak Chopra thank you for\u00a0\nmaking Daily Bread a part of your day\n": 4, "solve the inequality for x belongs to r at this\u00a0\nmoment i encourage you to pause the video and\u00a0\u00a0\nsolve it by yourself okay i'll solve it now so\u00a0\nfirst i will find the domain x is the base so has\u00a0\u00a0\nto be positive and x cannot be equal 1 because of\u00a0\nthis term then also 2x is more than zero so x is\u00a0\u00a0\nmore than zero and two x is not equal one so x\u00a0\nis not equal to one half because of this term\u00a0\u00a0\nand also four x more than zero is more than\u00a0\nzero so x is positive and four x is also not\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to one so x is not equal to one fourth\u00a0\ncombining all of those properties then domain\nwill be x is more than zero x is not\u00a0\nequal to one fourth x equal x is not equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto one half and also x is not\u00a0\nequal to one so i can write it\u00a0\u00a0\nfor example like that x belongs\u00a0\nto real positive numbers except\none fourth\none half and one that's my domain\u00a0\nthen solving this inequality\nnow first i will change the basis of logarithms\u00a0\ni will use the change of the basis logarithmics\u00a0\u00a0\nlow then i will have log with base 2\u00a0\nof 2 divided by a log with base 2 of x\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes log with base 2 of 2 divided by a\u00a0\nlog with base 2 of 2x this is more than\nlog with base 2 of 2 divided by a log\u00a0\nwith base 2 of 4x and this is squared\nthen log with base 2 of 2 is just 1 so this\u00a0\nwill be 1 divided by log 2 base 2 of x similarly\u00a0\u00a0\n1 and at this moment log of base 2 of 2x\u00a0\ni will use the product rule for logarithms\u00a0\u00a0\nand i'll write it quickly as log with\u00a0\nbase 2 of 2 plus log with base 2 of x\nsimilarly numerator will be one and again i will\u00a0\nuse products law for logarithms in denominator and\u00a0\u00a0\nthis will be log with base two of 4 plus log\u00a0\nwith base 2 of x and this needs to be squared\nthen\nlog with base 2 of 2 is just 1 in denominator\u00a0\u00a0\nand i'll write denominator as\u00a0\nlog with base two of x plus one\non the right side numerator one squared is just\u00a0\none and denominator i will write as log with base\u00a0\u00a0\n2 of x and log with base 2 of 4 is just plus 2\u00a0\nand the denominator still needs to be squared\nnext step i will make substitution\nlog with base 2 of x it will be my t\nthen my inequality becomes one divided\u00a0\nby t times one divided by t plus one\nand this needs to be more than\u00a0\n1 divided by t plus 2 squared\u00a0\u00a0\nto solve this inequality t in the denominator\u00a0\ncould be negative or positive if i multiply by\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative i would have to change the inequality\u00a0\nsign that's why i will multiply both sides\u00a0\u00a0\nby positive t squared i will also multiply\u00a0\nby positive positive value t plus one squared\ni don't want only d plus one i will\u00a0\nmultiply both sides by t plus one squared\u00a0\u00a0\nand i will also quickly multiply both sides of\u00a0\ninequality by t plus two squared then i will get\nt plus two squared on the left side times just t\u00a0\ntimes just t plus one and this will be more than\u00a0\u00a0\nt squared times t plus 1 squared\ni can write it as t plus two squared is\u00a0\nquickly t squared plus four t plus four\nand i can just write t times t plus\u00a0\none slowly and this will be more than\ni can just copy this t squared t plus one squared\nthen i can write this inequality t squared plus\u00a0\nfour t plus four i'll multiply those two brackets\ni will just multiply those two expressions\u00a0\nt times t plus one then i will get\nt squared plus t i will move everything from\u00a0\nthe right side of inequality to the left side\u00a0\u00a0\nso this will be minus t squared slowly t plus\u00a0\none squared and this would be more than zero\nthen slowly i will have next step\ni will copy this one more time for t plus 4\ntimes t squared plus t minus t\u00a0\nsquared times t squared plus two t\u00a0\u00a0\nplus one and this has to be more than\u00a0\nzero then i will multiply brackets\u00a0\u00a0\nt square times square t squared will be t to\u00a0\nthe power of four plus t to the power of 3\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is this times this this times this\u00a0\nthen those two and then those two again\u00a0\u00a0\nso i will have plus 40 cubed\nplus 4 t squared\nplus again 40 squared plus 40\nminus similarly i will multiply those terms\ni need to distribute so that minus t to power of 4\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 2 t cubed and minus t squared and this\u00a0\nhas to be more than zero when i simplify those\u00a0\u00a0\nterms t to the power of 4 minus t to\u00a0\nthe power of 4 here this this is 0\nthose two terms": 3, "English Singsing\nachoo\nachoo\nachoo\nachoo\nAfrica\nAfrica\nairplane\nairplane\nangry\nanimal\nanimal\nanimal hospital\nanimal hospital\nanimal hospital\nanimal hospital\nAntarctica\nAntarctica\napple\napple\napple\nApril\nApril\nApril\nAquarius\nAquarius\nAquarius\narchery\narchery\nAries\nAries\nAries\nShake your arms.\narms\narms\narms\narrow\narrow\narrow\nart\nart\nartist\nAsia\nathletics\nAugust\nAugust\naunt\naunt\nbaa\nbaa\nbaa\nbadminton\nbadminton\nbakery\nball\nball\nbanana\nbanana\nbanana\nbank\nbasketball\nbasketball\nbassoon\nbassoon\nbassoonist\nbat\nbat\nbeach\nbeach\nbeach\nbee\nbee\nbee\nbeep\nbeep beep beep\nbell\nbell\nbicycle\nbig\nbig\nblack\nblack\nblack\nblocks\nblocks\nblouse\nblouse\nblue\nboard game\nboard game\nbody\nbody\nboots\nboots\nbored\nboxing\nboxing\nbroadcasting station\nbroadcasting station\nbroccoli\nbroccoli\nbrother\nbrown\nbrown\nburp\nburp\nburp\nbus\nbus\nbus stop\nbuzz\nbuzz\nbuzz\ncabbage\ncabbage\ncabbage\ncalendar\ncalendar\nCancer\ncandle\ncandle\ncandy cane\ncandy cane\ncanoeing and kayaking\ncanoeing and kayaking\ncap\ncap\nCapricorn\nCapricorn\nCapricorn\ncar\ncar\ncardigan\ncardigan\ncarol\ncarol\ncarpenter\ncarpenter's shop\ncarpenter's shop\ncarpenter's shop\ncarrot\ncarrot\ncarrot\ncat\ncat\ncat\ncellist\ncellist\ncello\nchimney\nchimney\nchoo\nchoo choo choo\nChristmas\nChristmas\nChristmas stocking\nChristmas stocking\nChristmas tree\nChristmas tree\ncircle\ncircle\nclap\nclap\nclap\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "it is a tornado it is a tornado it is\u00a0\na flood it is a flood it is a wildfire\u00a0\u00a0\nit is a wildfire it is an earthquake\u00a0\nit is an earthquake it is a drought\u00a0\u00a0\nit is a drought it is a tsunami it is a tsunami it\u00a0\nis a landslide it is a landslide it is a typhoon\u00a0\u00a0\nit is a typhoon it is a volcano eruption it is a\u00a0\nvolcano eruption it is an ice storm it is an ice\u00a0\u00a0\nstorm it is a sandstorm it is a sandstorm it is a\u00a0\nhurricane it is a hurricane it is a thunderstorm\u00a0\u00a0\nit is a thunderstorm it is a sinkhole it is a\u00a0\nsinkhole it is fog it is fog it is a lightning\u00a0\u00a0\nit is a lightning it is an extreme heat\u00a0\nit is an extreme heat it is an avalanche\u00a0\u00a0\nit is an avalanche it is a dust storm it is a\u00a0\ndust storm it is a cyclone it is a cyclone it\u00a0\u00a0\nis a hail storm it is a hailstorm it is a water\u00a0\nspout it is a water spout it is a snowstorm\u00a0\u00a0\nit is a snowstorm it is a drizzle it is a drizzle\u00a0\nit is a twister it is a twister it is a forest\u00a0\u00a0\nfire it is a forest fire it is a permafrost it\u00a0\nis a permafrost it is a famine it is a famine\nyou\n": 1, "Greetings \"Dozenspeeders\"\nI'm only gonna talk for a minute, \nbecause that's when the music and principal video kick in.\nThis is the very Eastern end of Missouri highway 100 in downtown St. Louis,\nright by where the Macarthur Bridge landed Route 66.\nThis video documents a complete and uncut journey from the Eastern end of the city\nall the way through St. Louis County to its border with Franklin County.\nThe film is sped up 200% for balance of viewer absorption and dullness.\nThis route is the dividing line for many St. Louis City neighborhoods\nand St. Louis County municipal townships;\nthe text seen in the upper corners will identify them respectively.\nThis drive took as near as makes no difference exactly one hour,\nwas approximately 29 miles\nand was recorded on a weekday morning in early April of 2020.\nOne more thing before I go, \nhere is an unscientific software-imposed data display for your amusement.\n[Cross street: South Jefferson]\n[Cross street: South Compton]\n[Cross street: South Grand]\n[Cross street: South Kingshighway]\n[Cross street: McCausland]\nAbout to cross the city line....\n[Cross street: South Big Bend Boulevard]\n[Cross street: South Hanley Road]\n[Cross street: South McKnight Road]\n[Cross street: Ballas Road]\n[West County Center Mall on left]\n[Cross street: I-270]\n[Cross street: Highway 141]\nClosed Captioning edit \u00a92020 Dozenspeed\n": 4, "You don\u2019t own us\nYou don\u2019t own us, we\u2019re not meant to be\nGravity, we\u2019re not meant to be\nTaking control, gravity\nYou don\u2019t own us, gravity\nWe are not yours, gravity\nTo get away from you\nIn the darkness I\u2019ll see what I have to do\nI\u2019ll be fearless, cause I know I should\nIn the gloom of the night I\u2019ll be good\nWe\u2019ll be tearin\u2019 up the clouds real soon\nI can\u2019t bear it\nBut you\u2019re oversharing\nGravity, you want to keep me here\nNo more denying\nI can feel the pressure weightlessly arising\nIn the darkness I\u2019ll see what I have to do\nWe\u2019ll be rising cause we know we should\nIn the gloom of the night I\u2019ll be good\nWe\u2019ll be tearin\u2019 up the clouds real soon\nAnd it\u2019s overwhelming\nClimbing our way to the top\nNo we won\u2019t give up\nWe won\u2019t fall, cause we won\u2019t give up\nNo we\u2019ll never stop\nAll we\u2019ll ever do is go up\nGravity, we\u2019re not meant to be\nWe\u2019re not meant to be\nGravity, we\u2019re not meant to be\nYou don\u2019t own us\nYou don\u2019t own us, we\u2019re not meant to be\nGravity, we\u2019re not meant to be\nTaking control, gravity\nYou don\u2019t own us, gravity\nWe are not yours, gravity\nTo fly away with you\nWe\u2019re not meant to be\n": 3, "I would introduce my research as\nmost broadly machine learning.\nWe're collaborating with the marine megafauna\nlab at Newcastle so\nlab at Newcastle so\nworking with marine biologists.\nIt's quite applied research\nlooking at applying data science techniques\nlooking at applying data science techniques\nto their kind of work and fieldwork.\nMy name is Kirsten Richardson\nand I'm part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in\nCloud Computing for Big Data\nCloud Computing and Big Data\nhere at Newcastle University as a PhD researcher.\nData connects to marine biology because\nthey spend half of their year\nthey spend half of their year out\nin the field in the North Sea\ncollecting huge amounts of data,\nthousands of photographs and hours of audio footage\nand then they spend the other half of the year\nanalysing that data by hand\nanalysing that data by hand\nwith traditional methods\nand that can take months and months\nof painstaking work.\nObviously what they enjoy doing is\nbeing out in the field\nbeing out in the field\nand working with the animals\nand working with the animals\nnot the boring bit back in the lab\nnot the boring bit back in the lab\ndoing the data crunching.\nWe're looking at bringing in tools that will\nspeed that up for them\nspeed that up for them\nand allow them to be out in the field\nand allow them to be out in the field\ndoing what they enjoy.\n": 3, "Global Warming is one of the most problematic issues to date,\nBack to you, Jimmy.\nThank you Steve, So global warming is effecting glaciers all over the world.\nAnd effecting all the animals at the south pole.\nAnd all the polar bears at the north pole.\nHave you ever heard of global warming?\n'keeps the polar ice caps from forming.\n'Subject that ain't boring, Don't keep on snoring.\nEvery single day it's melting glaciers. It's disrupting the O-Zone layers.\nMakes masses of green house gasses. Which make the air look like molasses.\nThere's too much CO-2 in the air. Feelin' like no-one will answer our prayer.\nThe problem is too many don't care, Belief in climate change seems too rare.\nIt's global warming, a problem that is swarming.\nWithout a warning it's sure not borin', Act and stop snoring.\nAct and stop snoring.\nWe need to unearth a problem that's worth,\nSaving the earth from Ottawa to Perth.\nYa' get why it's bad, don't be glad. When the earth has a fever you need a' be a believer.\nThe dinosaurs have suffered but we have discover the earth is tougher than we have always uttered.\nWe need to reduce the CO-2,\nWe should hike, bike or go on strike.\nAgainst the pollution that's stopping the solution\nTake a vow and do something now!\nDo something now,\nDo something now,\nDo something now, now, now, now, [Echo]\nIt's global warming a problem that is swarming.\nWithout a warning, it's sure not boring. Act and stop snoring.\nAct and stop snoring.\nWe need to unearth a problem that is worth.\nSaving the earth from Ottawa to Perth.\nFrom Ottawa to Perth. [Echo]\n": 4, "problem is to write a python program to\u00a0\ndisplay Fibonacci equivalence using recursion\nhello everyone a very warm welcome to wscube tech\u00a0\nmy name is Ayashi in this video we will learn how\u00a0\u00a0\nto write a program that will allow us to display\u00a0\nFibonacci sequence using recursion so guys to\u00a0\u00a0\nunderstand what is fibonacci sequence what is\u00a0\nrecursion first of all let's take an example\u00a0\u00a0\nover here so guys before we create this program\u00a0\nwe need to first understand these terms that\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat is recursion what is Fibonacci sequence so\u00a0\nfirst of all let's start with recursion recursion\u00a0\u00a0\nis a method that allows us to call a function\u00a0\nwithin itself for example if i show it to you\nthat if i write a function like if i write def\u00a0\nand inside it i'll write hello like the name\u00a0\u00a0\nof the function is hello i'm just passing a empty\u00a0\nparameter over here and instead i'm writing print\u00a0\u00a0\nhello and again they're calling this program\u00a0\nover here like if i'll write hello again over\u00a0\u00a0\nhere with open close parenthesis that means i'm\u00a0\nnot calling this program i'm not calling this\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction outside the function but i'm calling\u00a0\nit inside the function so that means what will\u00a0\u00a0\nhappen the function will be called suppose if i\u00a0\ncall it outside like this hello and this function\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be called it will print hello then again\u00a0\ninside the function again this function will\u00a0\u00a0\nbe called and again inside it uh hello is there\u00a0\nthen again hello will be printed and this is how\u00a0\u00a0\nit will keep printing over here now what do we\u00a0\nneed to do we need to write fibonacci sequence\u00a0\u00a0\nfibonacci sequence now what is fibonacci sequence\u00a0\nlet's understand that so fs is equals to fibonacci\u00a0\u00a0\nsequence over here now now fibonacci sequence\u00a0\nworks in this way that the first element is zero\u00a0\u00a0\nsecond element is one third element is the\u00a0\naddition of these two elements that is zero plus\u00a0\u00a0\none is one then fourth element again next element\u00a0\nwhatever is the next element is the addition\u00a0\u00a0\nof the preceding two elements over here so 1\u00a0\nplus 1 will become 2 over here so i'll write 2\u00a0\u00a0\nthen 2 plus 1 will become 3 then 3 plus 2 will\u00a0\nbecome 5 3 plus 5 will become 8 five plus eight\u00a0\u00a0\nwill become thirty and this is how it will keep\u00a0\ngoing once this is called as fibonacci sequence\u00a0\u00a0\nnow what do we need to do using the method of\u00a0\nrecursion we need to find the fibonacci sequence\u00a0\u00a0\nnow how to find the fibonacci sequence one uh\u00a0\none pattern we can clearly see over here that\u00a0\u00a0\nthe third element suppose if we have element\u00a0\na and if we have element b then element c\u00a0\u00a0\nis what element c is the addition of element\u00a0\na and element b how to find this element a and\u00a0\u00a0\nelement b is very simple if i create a function\u00a0\ncalled as fibonacci sequence and inside it if\u00a0\u00a0\ni call fibonacci sequence of suppose if i have\u00a0\nbeen asked to find the fibonacci sequence of 5\u00a0\u00a0\nokay so if i create a function called as def cebo\u00a0\nand here i'll write 5 so what do we need to do\u00a0\u00a0\ninside this we will return the value so one more\u00a0\nthing over here that fibonacci sequence of any\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber that is zero or one so if i will write a\u00a0\ncondition that if our number is smaller than or\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to one in that case we'll return the number\u00a0\nas well so return whatever number it is if it is\u00a0\u00a0\nnot lesser than equal to one in that condition\u00a0\nwhat we will return else we will write return\u00a0\u00a0\nfibonacci sequence of four plus three that means\u00a0\nlast digit plus last to last digit so how we will\u00a0\u00a0\nobtain that we will call this function again that\u00a0\nfibo of four so for four we will be writing number\u00a0\u00a0\n-1 and for 3 we will be writing fibo of number\u00a0\nminus 2 right and we'll be adding these two terms\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause third term is the addition of preceding\u00a0\ntwo terms over here so we'll be calling this\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction and we'll be writing number one minus\u00a0\nnumber two and whatever our number is minus two\u00a0\u00a0\nof that number that means if i take the example of\u00a0\nhere so one how we will obtain one we will obtain\u00a0\u00a0\none by adding one and zero and so if this is term\u00a0\n3 then how we'll find this term 3 by adding term 1\u00a0\u00a0\nplus term 2 to obtain term 1 and term 2 we have to\u00a0\ncall the function over and over ": 2, "Get eaten by a giant shark\nTry opening the Covenant Ark\nKill the baby of the Bride\nFind Doctor Strangelove's nuclear bomb to\nride\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nPlay around with an alien snake\nSteal ecstasy in Layer Cake\nPlay puzzlebox with a Cenobite\nPay no attention to the traffic light\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nTry and threaten a Spartan King\nWatch the video of the Ring\nGo to the loo in Jurassic Park\nHold hostage to Mr Tony Stark\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nJump in lava from a subway train\nGet crushed by a large window pane\nShot by your dad in a deadly mist\nTo the Mobile Infantry enlist\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nGet set alight and fall from Minas Tirith\nBe a Jedi Knight in Revenge of the Sith\nArgue with Dr Manhattan\nGet some water thrown in your face\nTry kill Ryan Gosling in an elevator\nThey may not rhyme but they're quite possible\nthe\nDumbest ways to die\nDumbest ways to die\nDumbest ways to die\nSo many dumb\nSo many dumb ways to die\n": 2, "Have you ever wondered about the role of a body corporate,\nand whom you might need to speak to about certain issues?\nI'm Sophie Paras from Argon Law and in today I\u2019ll explore three key roles that are often\nperformed in relation to a body corporate.\nThe first role is the Body Corporate Committee.\nThe body corporate committee is elected at an annual general meeting\nand is made up of series of lot owners or people who act on their behalf.\nThe committee looks after the administrative and day-to-day running of the body corporate.\nThey are empowered to make certain decisions on behalf of the body corporate and manage\nthe implementation of decisions by the body corporate.\nThe next role is the Body Corporate Manager.\nThis is a different role to an onsite manager. The body corporate manager is engaged by the\nbody corporate to provide the administrative services of the body corporate.\nThe body corporate manager will undertake things such as managing the administrative and sinking funds.\nThey may perform some or all of the powers of the executive of the committee\nand/or provide assistance to the committee.\nThese services include calling committee and general meetings, sending out levy notices,\nbreach notices and bylaw contravention notices, sending out the minutes of the body corporate meetings and managing the body corporate's financial affairs.\nThe body corporate manager is restricted in the powers and decisions it can make.\nThe final role within the Body Corporate is the role of the Caretaker and Letting Agent\nSome body corporates have a caretaker who is responsible\nfor managing the day-to-day maintenance of the body corporate.\nThey may undertake gardening services and the general upkeep of the common property.\nIn addition to this service, the caretaker may also be a letting agent.\nThe letting agent is authorised to provide letting services within the body corporate.\nIt is important to note that a caretaker or an onsite manager\nis not empowered to give approval to lot owners or third-party requests.\nThe various roles within a body corporate become particularly important\nwhen you require body corporate approval.\nIf you would like to find out more about body corporate matters, please contact us at Argon Law.\n": 4, "Re chotu hawa main na udh par kate javenge (Listen kid, don\u2019t show off so much)\nRe badmashi ali feel teri nai re nai (Feel of reprobating new new)\nTane khele ye khilone jonsi umar main (When you played the games)\nRe mein jail ja liya tha bande maar ke kayi (I was in jail because of murder)\nAre fantara ki dhala koneya deu dhamki (I don\u2019t give warning like amateurs)\nAre khali mat jani re sher wali dharna (Don\u2019t take it so easy)\nAre nu ta koni kheta chote su badmash (I don\u2019t say am a goon)\nNu ta koni kheta chote su badmash (I don\u2019t say am a goon)\nPar badmasa ki re janu su padhna (But I know how to control them)\nJe tu yaari lata sorkhi te yaari bhi nibhata (If you had friendship then you should have stayed by the side)\nPar kar gya re galti tu bair kar ke (But now you have made a mistake)\nTham holi re diwali karo khudka buma ka (You make a lot of noise on diwali and holi)\nYaar makhi bhi udave chote fire kar ke (And I make the flies run by shooting)\nJe kataria te yari lata yari bhi nibhata (If you had friendship then you should have stayed by the side)\nPar kar gya tu galti re bair kar ke (But now you have made mistake)\nRe tham holi re diwali karo khudka buma ka (You make a lot of noise on diwali and holi)\nYaar makhi bhi udave chote fire kar ke (And I make the flies run by shooting)\nRe mahra khud ka tashan mahre khule kharche (I have my own swag and spend money openly)\nRe mahra khud ka tashan mahre khule kharche (I have my own swag and spend money openly)\nRe kaam landra te sun le samara sadh na (I have my own swag and spend money openly)\nAre nu ta koni kheta chote su badmash (I don\u2019t say am a goon)\nPar badmasa ki re janu su padhna (But I know how to control them)\nNu ta koni kheta chote su badmash (I don\u2019t say am a goon)\nPar badmasa ki re janu su padhna (But I know how to control them)\nJe tu maan reya se khud ne ilake ka re gunda (If think you are the goon of this street)\nRe gundepan main teri sab main ral re (Then you don\u2019t know me well)\nRe bitu sorkhi jisa se naam kaam bhi usa se (Bitu sorkhi is known by his work)\nTere barke pani mahra mare pate baal re (People like you are on my feet)\nJe tu maan reya se khud ne ilake ka re gunda (If think you are the goon of this street)\nRe gundepan main na teri sab main ral re (Then you don\u2019t me well)\nRe bitu sorkhi jisa se naam kaam bhi usa se (Bitu sorkhi is known by his work)\nTere barke pani mahra mare pate baal re (People like you are on my feet)\nRe biru bhadvya ki dhala konyea bande marta (I don\u2019t kill without any reason)\nRe biru bhadvya ki dhala konyea bande marta (I don\u2019t kill without any reason)\nRe kade sikha konye yaar ne basta ujaadna (I haven\u2019t learned to break other people home)\nAre nu ta koni kheta chote su badmash (I don\u2019t say am a goon)\nPar badmasa ki re janu (But I know how to control them)\nNu ta koni kheta chote su badmash (I don\u2019t say am a goon)\nPar badmasa ki re janu su padhna (But I know how to control them)\n": 0, "Phychic spies fom China try to steal your mind's elation\nAnd little grils from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation\nAnd if you want this kind of dreams\nIt's Californication\nIt's the edge of the world and all of western civilization\nThe sun may rise in the east, at least it's settled in the final location\nIt's understood that Hollywood sells Californication\nPay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging\nCelebrity skin, is this your chin, or is war you're waging?\nFirst-born unicorn\nHardcore soft porn\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nMarry me girl, be fairy to the world, be my very own costellation\nA teenage bride with a baby inside, gettin' high of information\nAnd buy me a star on the boulevard\nIt's Californication\nSpace may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement\nAnd Cobain, can you hear the spheres, singing songs off station to station?\nAnd Alderaan's not far away\nIt's Californication\nBorn and raised by those who praise control of population\nWell, everybody's been there, and I don't mean on vacation\nFirst-born unicorn\nHardcore soft porn\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDestruction leads to a very rough road, but it also breeds creation\nAnd earthquakes are to a girl's guitar, they're just another good vibration\nAnd tidal waves couldn't save the world from Californication\nPay your surgeon well to break the spell of aging\nSicker than the rest, there is no test, but this is what you're craving\nFirst-born unicorn\nHardcore soft porn\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\nDream of Californication\n": 1, "I think I think too much\nI'm a little bit paranoid\nI think I'm breaking\nMaybe it's in my blood\nGot a pain that I can't avoid\nI think I'm breaking down\nHate, every single second, minute, hour every\nday\nPerson in the mirror, they won't let me feel\na thing\nKeep me focused on my problems, I'm addicted\nto the pain\n(everybody\u2019s out to get you)\nI guess I never noticed, how it came creepin' in\nMy enemy emotion, but I can't sink or swim\nI say I'm feeling hopeless\nThey give me medicine\nThey give me medicine\n(They give me medicine)\nI think I think too much\nI'm a little bit paranoid\nI think I'm breaking\nMaybe it's in my blood\nGot a pain that I can't avoid\nI think I'm breaking\nDown (I think I'm breaking)\nDown (I think I'm breaking)\nI think I think too much\nI'm a little bit paranoid\nI think I'm breaking down\nLies, every time they ask me, I just tell\nem that I'm fine\nTry to hide my demons but they only multiply\nKeep me runnin from the voices on repeat inside my mind\n(everybody fucking hates you)\nI guess I never noticed, how it came creepin' in\nMy enemy emotion, but I can't sink or swim\nI say I'm feeling hopeless\nBut no one's listenin\nBut no one's listenin\n(But no one's listenin)\nI think I think too much\nI'm a little bit paranoid\nI think I'm breaking\nMaybe it's in my blood (my blood)\nGot a pain that I can't avoid\nI think I'm breaking\nDown (I think I'm breaking)\nDown (I think I'm breaking)\nI think I think too much\nI'm a little bit paranoid\nI think I'm breaking down\nI don't really like myself\nI don't really like myself\nI don't really like myself\nI don't really like myself\nI think I'm breaking down\n": 2, "Load up on guns, bring your friends\nIt's fun to lose and to\u00a0pretend\nShe's over-bored and self-assured\nOh no, I know a dirty word\nHello, hello, hello, how low\u00a0\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello\nWith the lights out, it's less dangerous\nHere we are now, entertain us\nI feel stupid and contagious\nHere we are now, entertain us\nA mulatto, an albino\nA mosquito, my libido\nI'm worse at what I do best\nAnd for this gift, I feel blessed\nOur little group has always been\nAnd always will until the end\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello\nWith the lights out, it's less dangerous\nHere we are now, entertain us\nI feel stupid and contagious\nHere we are now, entertain us\nA mulatto, an albino\nA mosquito, my libido\nAnd I forget just why I taste\nOh yeah, I guess it makes me smile\nI found it hard, it's hard to find\nOh well, whatever, never mind\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello, how low\nHello, hello, hello\nWith the lights out, it's less dangerous\nHere we are now, entertain us\nI feel stupid and contagious\nHere we are now, entertain us\nA mulatto, an albino\nA mosquito, my libido\nA denial, a denial\nA denial, a denial\nA denial...\n": 2, "WS: Here I go\nWS: Uh, ooh, woo!\nWS: Back up! Uh-oh! Watch out! Uh\nYou done wound me up!\nWS: 'Bout to show you what I'm workin' with, uh\nRW: Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves\nRW: Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales\nWS: But, master, you're in luck because up your sleeves\nWS: You got a brand of magic never fails\nWS: You got some power in your corner now\nWS: Heavy ammunition in your camp\nAnna: You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how\nAnna: See all you gotta do is rub that lamp\nAnna: And I'll say\nWS: Mister, man, what's your name?\nWS: Whatever, what will your pleasure be?\nRW: Let me take your order\nRW: Jot it down\nRW: You ain't never had a friend like me\nRW: Life is your restaurant\nAll: And I'm your maitre d'\nWS: Come, whisper to me whatever it is you want\nWS & RW: You ain't never had a friend like me\nRW: Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service\nRW & Anna: You're the boss\nRW & Anna: The king, the shah\nRW: Say what you wish\nRW: It's yours, true dish\nAll: How about a little more Baklava?\nRW: Have some of column A\nAnna: Try all of column B\nWS: I'm in the mood to help you dude\nAll: You ain't never had a friend like me\nWS: Can your friends do this?\nRW: Do your friends do that?\nAnna: Do your friends pull this\nAll: out their little hat?\nRW & Anna: Can your friends go poof?\nRW: Well, looky here\nWS: I'm the genie of the lamp\nWS: I can sing, rap, dance, if you give me a chance, oh!\nAnna & WS: So dontcha sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed\nAnna: I'm here to answer all your midday prayers\nAnna: You got me bona fide, certified\nWS & Anna: You got a genie for your charg\u00e9 d'affaires\nRW: I got a powerful urge to help you out\nAll: So what-cha wish?\nI really want to know\nRW: You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt\nRW: Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh\nWS: Mister, (Aladdin), yes!\nWS: One wish or two or three\nWS: Well, I'm on the job, you big nabob\nWS: You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend, you ain't\nWS & Anna: Never had a friend, never had a friend\nWS & Anna: You ain't never (never!)\nWS & Anna: Had a (had a)\nAll: Friend (Friend)\nAll: Like (like)\nAll: Me!\nAll: You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!\n": 1, "Basic table setting\nEnglish vocabulary lesson.\nThis is a basic table setting with the names of common items in English.\nThis is a plate.\nplate\nThe plate is on a placemat.\nplacemat\nThere is a fork.\nfork\na knife\nknife\nand a spoon.\nspoon\nThere is a napkin.\nnapkin\nand a glass\nglass\nThese are items that are generally on the table when you have breakfast, lunch or dinner.\nSomething else on your table can be ...\na cup\ncup\nThe cup is on a saucer.\nsaucer\nThis is a teaspoon.\nteaspoon\nThis is a fork.\nThis is a knife.\nThis is a spoon.\nAnd this is a teaspoon\nLook at this...\none knife\nknife is singular\ntwo knives\nknives is plural\nThe plural of knife is knives.\nThe collective noun, or collective word for these is\ncutlery\ncutlery\nThe verb is\nto set the table.\nSet the table means to place the items for eating\n(cutlery, plates, etc.)\non the table in their correct position.\nExample sentences\nCan you set the table please?\nI set the table for six people.\nThere are more items that can be added\nto this vocabulary\nincluding different types of forks and types of glasses\nthough this will be explained in another\nlesson about formal table settings.\nThe items in this lesson are the basic essential words you need to know.\nI hope you found this lesson about vocabulary associated with setting the table useful.\nIf you did, click like and subscribe to our channel\nso you know when we create new lessons to help you improve your English.\nHave an awesome day!\n": 4, "Everywhere I go, I just ask randomly, but I know everything.\n\"Do you know BTS?\" - I know.\nTo the guy who serves at the restaurant\n\"Hey, do you know BTS?\" - I'm such a big fan. I sing all the songs\nThe opening ceremony, originally, the most important thing in opening ceremonies is symbolism.\nJungkook just came out\nSending a message to ARMYs around the world\nSending a message to ARMYs around the world\nThrough Jungkook's performance, the image of the World Cup in Qatar was shown as harmless, global, kind, and very neutral.\nThrough Jungkook's performance, the image of the World Cup in Qatar was shown as harmless, global, kind, and very neutral.\nThrough Jungkook's performance, the image of the World Cup in Qatar was shown as harmless, global, kind, and very neutral.\nJung Kook's appearance is enough to eliminate toxic things.\nwow\n- the antidote\nyou're smart.\nI have a PhD!\nThen, if Qatar has a grandiose meaning,\nWe dream of becoming a country like Korea in 30 years without being closed.\nWe dream of becoming a country like Korea in 30 years without being closed.\nIt's Dreamers\nFrom an academic perspective, I'm a Ethnomusicologyst.\nI studied Ethnomusicology\nit's written there\nBecause I got my PhD in Ethnomusicology\nFrom an academic perspective, I'm a Ethnomusicologyst.\nOn the journalism side, I am a music critic.\nDidn't you comment on the Grammy Awards a while ago?\nfor the first time in my life\nYes, I did the Billboard Music Awards and the American Music Awards.\nAaah - While doing the Grammy Awards this time,\nthe triple crown of music awards broadcasting\nWhy is sports so closely related to music?\nThere are several reasons for doing K-pop marketing.\nOne reason is K-pop It's very neutral.\nIf someone listens to K-pop. \nThere is no hidden identity when posting K-pop proof shots\nThere is no hidden identity when posting K-pop proof shots\nbut i listen to hip hop, it has some meaning\nI listen to rock music, it contains an artist's identity or something\nHowever, K-pop is well positioned to be inclusive and neutral.\nHowever, K-pop is well positioned to be inclusive and neutral.\nSo, if it is related to K-pop, there will be advantages, but less likely to have disadvantages.\nThat's reason for K -pop marketing in various cultures recently.\nSecond, in the end, sports and all cultures target the highly involved class.\nSecond, in the end, sports and all cultures target the highly involved class.\nK-pop is a music industry that has a high-involvement group among all the high-involvement groups in the world.\nAhh\n- For example,\nIf I say pop, I'll listen to the song when it comes out, and I'll say, \"Oh, that's good.\" That's it.\nHowever, many fans of K-pop do not stop listening to music and go to concerts to buy goods and 10 CDs.\nHowever, many fans of K-pop do not stop listening to music and go to concerts to buy goods and 10 CDs.\nIf you target such an active consumer base, it will be a jackpot.\nIf you target such an active consumer base, it will be a jackpot.\nto attract them\n \nIt's not just about taking a picture\nPotentially 'What if countless Lisa fans in Southeast Asia become football fans?'\nI felt it while watching this Qatar World Cup\nI was at the site during the World Cup in Qatar - Jungkook!\nFirst impressions were really nice\nThe person next to Jungkook, is also a famous singer in the local.\nAl Kubaishi\n- Al Kubaish!\nAt first, I thought, 'Wow, that's cool.'\n'Cool.' And secondly,\nWhy is Jungkook of BTS performing the most spectacular opening ceremony at the World Cup in Qatar?\nWhy is Jungkook of BTS performing the most spectacular opening ceremony at the World Cup in Qatar?\nWhy is Jungkook of BTS performing the most spectacular opening ceremony at the World Cup in Qatar?\nno one knows why\nOnly the requester will know why\nbut I can only infer\nThere was talk that it was requested by a Korean sponsor like Hyundai Motor Company.\nThe World Cup Organizing Committee contacted Hive directly without going through any intermediary steps.\nThe World Cup Organizing Committee contacted Hive directly without going through any intermediary steps. and\nFrom the be": 2, "In 1990 the space probe Voyager 1 took a picture of the earth from a distance of more than 6 billion kilometers.\nThe astronomer Carl Sagan wrote a famous speech about this \"Pale Blue Dot\".\nLook again at that dot.\nThat's here.\nThat's home.\nThat's us.\nEveryone you love,\neveryone you know,\neveryone you ever heard of,\nevery human being who ever was,\nlived out their lives on it\nThe aggregate of our joy and suffering,\nthousands of confident religions,\nideologies, and economic doctrines,\nevery hunter and forager,\nevery hero and coward,\nevery creator and destroyer of civilization,\nevery king and peasant,\nevery young couple in love,\nevery mother and father,\nhopeful child, inventor and explorer,\nevery teacher of morals,\nevery corrupt politician,\nevery \"superstar,\"\nevery \"supreme leader,\"\nevery saint and sinner\nin the history of our species lived there-\non a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.\nThe Earth is a very small stage\nin a vast cosmic arena.\nThink of the rivers of blood\nspilled by all those generals and emperors\n- so that, in glory and triumph,\nthey could become the masters of a fraction of a dot\nfor a short time.\nThink of the endless cruelties\nvisited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel\non the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner,\nhow frequent their misunderstandings\nhow eager they are to kill one another,\nhow fervent their hatreds.\nOur posturings,\nour imagined self-importance,\nthe delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe,\nare challenged by this point of pale light.\nOur planet is a lonely speck\nin the great enveloping cosmic dark.\nIn all this vastness, there is no hint\nthat help will come from elsewhere to save us\nfrom ourselves.\nThe Earth is the only world known so far\nto harbor life\nThere is nowhere to go,\nat least in the near future,\nVisit, yes\nSettle, not yet.\nLike it or not, for the moment\nthe Earth is where we make our stand.\nIt has been said that astronomy\nis a humbling and character-building experience.\nThere is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits\nthan this distant image of our tiny world.\nTo me, it underscores our responsibility\nto deal more kindly with one another\nand to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,\nthe only home we've ever known.\n": 4, " \nWe're not in love\nWe share no stories\nJust something in your eyes\nDon't be afraid\nThe shadows know me\nLet's leave the world behind\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nBeneath the sky\nAs black as diamonds\nWe're running out of time\nDon't wait for truth\nTo come and blind us\nLet's just believe their lies\nBelieve it\nI see it\nI know that you can feel it\nNo secrets worth keeping\nSo fool me like I'm dreaming\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\n": 3, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc0\\stshfdbch0\\stshfloch0\\stshfhich0\\stshfbi0\\deff0\\adeff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New 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getting high\nYou got the moon dust, I got the sky\nWe got the stars\nWe got audio\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the song so sweet\nYou gon' come home with me, oh\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the song so sweet\nYou gon' come home with me, oh\nMake the song so sweet\nYou gon' come home with me, oh\nYou got the heart, we got the soul\nJust when the world saying they got no hold\nHere comes the love\nWe got audio\nWe flying high, Superhero\nS on my chest, with my Marilyn Monroe\nFeel like a star\nCause we got audio\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the song so sweet\nYou gon' come home with me, oh\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the bomb bomb beat\nI'll give you melody\nMake the song so sweet\nYou gon' come home with me, oh\nMake the song so sweet\nYou gon' come home with me, oh\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\nWe can't live on without the rhythm\n": 1, "hi hello and welcome to our edutech channel\u00a0\u00a0\ntoday we are going to see about\u00a0\nthe modern periodic table part 2.\nsubscribe to our channel if you haven't subscribed\u00a0\u00a0\nand follow our facebook page at edutechbookworm\u00a0\nand instagram page at edutech underscore bookworm\nin the previous video we saw\u00a0\nabout the elements and blocks\u00a0\u00a0\nin this video we can see about the\u00a0\nproperties and its characteristics\ns block the general characteristics of s block are\u00a0\nthey are good conductors of heat and electricity\u00a0\u00a0\nthey are malleable and ductile it forms\u00a0\nionic compound example magnesium bromide\u00a0\u00a0\nsodium chloride hydrogen chloride calcium\u00a0\nchloride etc its oxides are basic in nature\u00a0\u00a0\nthey have low ionization potential\u00a0\nthey form colorless compounds\u00a0\u00a0\nexcept chromates and dichromates their valency\u00a0\nis one if in group 1a and valency is 2 in group\u00a0\u00a0\n2a that is alkali metals have valency 1\u00a0\nand alkaline et metals are valency too\nnow we can see about the alkalimeters alkali\u00a0\nmetals is nothing but group 1 metals they are\u00a0\u00a0\nlithium sodium potassium rubidium cesium and\u00a0\nfrancium their atopic numbers are 3 11 19 37 55\u00a0\u00a0\nand 87 respectively now we can see about the\u00a0\nproperties properties are classified into\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo types first one is physical property and\u00a0\nchemical property you can see about them now\nfirst we can see about the physical properties\nfirst one is their physical state they\u00a0\nare soft silvery white metal having a high\u00a0\u00a0\nand bright luster when freshly cut like this\u00a0\nthey all form body centered lactice which means\u00a0\u00a0\nthey have a atom in the center of their body\u00a0\ntheirs they are soft the softness increases with\u00a0\u00a0\nthe increase of atomic number because there\u00a0\nis a continuous decrease of metallic bond\u00a0\u00a0\nstrength on account of an increase in atomic\u00a0\nrace see her lithium is hard in this picture\u00a0\u00a0\nand when compared to friendship francium is very\u00a0\nsoft but lithium is bit hard than francium but\u00a0\u00a0\nboth are soft the softness increases see there\u00a0\nthe softness increases from lithium to francium\nnow atomic size these elements are largest in\u00a0\nsize in the period and atomic size increase\u00a0\u00a0\nin going downwards in the group see lithium to\u00a0\ncesium see the trends from beryllium to lithium\u00a0\u00a0\nlithium to magnesium magnesium to sodium and\u00a0\nsodium to calcium calcium to strontium and\u00a0\u00a0\nstrontium to barium then the size gets increases\u00a0\nto potassium and then at last rubidium and cesium\u00a0\u00a0\nsee the trends of size first the largest in this\u00a0\ntwo is beryllium then lithium then magnesium then\u00a0\u00a0\nsodium then calcium strontium barium and potassium\u00a0\nrubium and a plastician see the order of size also\u00a0\u00a0\nand oxidation state this metal exhibit plus one\u00a0\noxidation shade because it gives one electron to\u00a0\u00a0\nother element its density atomic weight increases\u00a0\nfrom lithium to cesium in the group and volume\u00a0\u00a0\nalso increase but increase in atomic weight is\u00a0\nmore as compared to volume therefore density\u00a0\u00a0\nincreases from lithium to cesium see the order the\u00a0\ndensity of lithium less than potassium less than\u00a0\u00a0\nsodium less than rubium and less than\u00a0\ncesium here the highest density is cesium\nnow bonding as i said in general characteristics\u00a0\nthey form ionic bond therefore becoming cations\u00a0\u00a0\nby losing their outermost electrons that is they\u00a0\nlose one electron from their valence shell that\u00a0\u00a0\nis the last shell of the atom melting point and\u00a0\nboiling point their melting and boiling points\u00a0\u00a0\nare low due to their weak metallic bonds\u00a0\nstrength of metallic bond decreases in the\u00a0\u00a0\ngroup from lithium to cesium due to\u00a0\nwhich hardness from lithium to cesium\u00a0\u00a0\nsee the order lithium greater than\u00a0\nsodium greater than potassium greater\u00a0\u00a0\nthan rubium and bigger than cesium here the\u00a0\nhighest is lithium and the least is cesium\nnow we can see about the chemical properties\nreaction with oxygen alkali metal\u00a0\nignites an oxygen and form oxides\u00a0\u00a0\nhere m is represented as metals now let me take\u00a0\nm as anything for example we can take lithium\nlithium is ignited with oxygen to form\u00a0\nli 2o it is oxide it is lithium oxide\u00a0\u00a0\nand then it is again burned with oxygen\u00a0\nto get lithium peroxide that is la2o2\nand at last it is again burned with o": 4, "Smak Up my live show from 3rd of January, every Saturday 8-10PM GMT on insanityradio.com with the latest Techno, Tech House, House Music, Big Room and Electro House releases.\nSledgehammer (Original Mix) - Manic Brothers [Octopus Black Label]\nAries (Original Mix) - Enrico Sangiuliano, Matt Sassari [Alleanza]\nRedone (Original Mix) - Ramiro Lopez [Suara]\nMoog 37 (Original Mix) - Jose Ponce, Lander B [Insolito Records]\nDon't Stop It (Original Mix) - Phunk Investigation [AREA 94]\nMonday Morning (Original Stick) - Pig&Dan, Alberto Ruiz [Stickrecordings]\nGood Woodoo (Original Mix) - Jay Lumen [Black & Purple Recordings]\nGivin' My Love (Original Mix) - Tobi Kramer [Soundcloud]\nSome Justice (Wax Worx Re-Worx) - Urban Shakedown [Soundcloud]\nHidden Face (2K15 Mix) - Babysitters, Phill, Dansmore [TeddyBear Records]\nHard Time (Muzzaik Remix) - Seinabo Sey [Soundcloud]\nTime (Original Mix) - Mr. Belt & Wezol [Spinnin Deep (Spinnin)]\nSatisfy Me (Dolly Rockers Remix) - FatFly [Subterraneo Records]\nBall So Hard (Original Mix) - Mikel Curcio, Jerome Robins [Jungle Funk Recordings]\nBoost (Original Mix) - Dave202 [PinkStar Records]\nLight (Original Mix) - Henrix [Flamingo Recordings]\nHavoc (Original Mix) - IDGVF & RAWD [Soundcloud]\nOne For Love (Carl Nunes Remix) - Tom Fall feat. Yoshi Breen [Armada Trice]\nTidal Waves (Original Mix) - Lute [OXYGEN]\nSpace (Original Mix) - Misha Kitone [Soundcloud]\nRed Moon (Original Mix) - Sunnery James, Ryan Marciano [DOORN (Spinnin)]\nTorque (Original Mix) - Juventa [Enhanced Recordings]\nBouncy (Original Mix) - K3L! & Workgloves [Soundcloud]\nAss Up (Original Mix) - Henry Fong x SCNDL [Soundcloud]\nDrop It (Original Mix) - SCNDL [Hussle Recordings]\nKatana (Original Mix) - Bassthunder [Soundcloud]\nBang (Beatz Freq & Justin Vega Bootleg) - Chuckie & Diamond Pistols [Soundcloud]\nCrank It (feat. Lil Jon) - Ghastly & Mija [OWSLA]\nFall Into The Sky (Extended Mix) - Zedd & Lucky Date feat. Ellie Goulding [Soundcloud]\nHere We Go (Shwann Big-Boom Edit) - Mile Gosh [Soundcloud]\nScream (Ortal Israel & EDDIE Remix) - Usher [Soundcloud]\nAcropolis (Original Mix) - Yoni F. [Soundcloud]\nThis Is The One (Original Mix) - Lefty [Brooklyn Fire]\nIgnition (Original Mix) - D-Wayne [Wall Recordings]\nArsonist (Original Mix) - Firebeatz [Spinnin Records]\nJump Around (Original Mix) - Tony Junior, Marnik [DOORN (Spinnin)]\n": 2, "Chadi Ae Jawani Jinu Pehle Pairr Di\nGal Karda Awaaj Jiwen Hundi Fairr Di\nChadi Ae Jawani Jinu Pehle Pairr Di\nGal Karda Awaaj Jiwen Hundi Fairr Di\nJehde Sohniye Brand Hunde Aa\nOh Kade Vi Na Aam Milde\nOh Kade Vi Na Aam Milde\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nTera Singge Nal Vairr Ni\nOh Hawa Nal Vairr Aa\nHawa Nal Vairr Aa\nMitti Ch Miladu Jehda Patthran Da Shehar Aa\nTera Singge Nal Vairr Ni\nOh Hawa Nal Vairr Aa\nMitti Ch Miladu Jehda Patthran Da Shehar Aa\nBanda Karke Frayi Chandigarh Da\nMaalpur Vich Yaar Firde\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nOh Kaawan Diya Darra\u2019N Aagey Fukri Ni Rorhda\nMunda Ae Barood Load Painn Utte Bolda\nOh Duniyan De Utte Unj Katt Hi Bande Ne\nJina Vich Aunda Tera Yaar Baliye\nHaannnn... Maar Ke Horn Munda Banne Na Jawaak\nSiddi Uparo Lagonda Vekhi Car Baliye\nMaar Ke Horn Munda Banne Na Jawaak\nSiddi Uparo Lagonda Vekhi Car Baliye\nOye Ankhan Na Tuneya\nTe Hobbiyan Ni Paalda\nOye Khareyan Ch Aunda Munda\n21-22 Saal Da\nOye Ankhan Na Tuneya\nTe Hobbiyan Ni Paalda\nOye Khareyan Ch Aunda Munda\n21-22 Saal Da\nJehde Double Cross Karde\nYaar Kheeryan De Wang Shilde\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nVekhi Akh Na Malaji Baliye\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\nMunda Purje Haladu Dil De\n": 0, "First of Take My Salam . Asalamoilaikum. \n Welcome 5 Minute Technical\nWelcome 5 Minute\nQuickly We are start Our 1st Course. Our 1st Course Web Design.\nWhen You Learn Something .\nLearning Before introduce this subject .That's Good.\nSo Today We Are Introduce Web Design.\nToday We will Know . What's Web design?\n& Why Learn web design? what's learn?\n& when Learn complete web design . where're work we are?\n& Study inside what's we are doing?\nThat's Topic We will Know.\nWhat's Web Design?\nweb design is a web site Infrastructure .\nWhat a web site looks like is designed web design work.\nwhy Learn Web Design?\nBy learning web design, we can work in different market places.\n \nThere is a lot of demand for freelancing marketplace web design.\nThere is a lot of demand for freelancing marketplace web design.\nMany people have an interest in web design education but good guide line can not learn for it. Or can't learn due to money problems.\nMany people have an interest in web design education but good guide line can not learn for it. Or can't learn due to money problems.\nwhat's learn we're?\nwe are learn HTML, CSS, Javascript,\nHTML, CSS, Javascript,\nmore Will Know Css twitter- Frame Work Bootstrap\n& Javascript Frame Work Jquery.\nWhen Complete Learn web Design . Where're Do Work?\nCurrently, we can work in different market places by learning freelancing web design\nCurrently, we can work in different market places by learning freelancing web design\nThere is a lot of demand for freelancing marketplace web design.\nThere is a lot of demand for freelancing marketplace web design.\nBy comparison, good web designers are less so\nApart from that there are many web sites where we can create and sell in different web templates.\nApart from that there are many web sites where we can create and sell in different web templates.\nApart from that there are many web sites where we can create and sell in different web templates.\nFor Example themeforest.net\n \n& You sell this Cells multiple times\n \nCells multiple times\nMay Allah Bless You & Your family. Allah Hafez\n": 1, "SOLO BY JENNIE (BLACKPINK)\nInnocent and delicate, I'm tired of pretending.\nI'm Done\nEveryday, what are you up to? Where are you? Did you eat? Goodnight.\nBaby, Darling, Honey\nI miss you.\nIt's all useless\nYou got me like\nThis is not a touching love story.\nNo romance no sincerity.\nI'm sorry, but I'm not sorry\nFrom today on, I'm a shining solo\nI'm a shining solo\nI'm going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nI'm going solo lo lo lo lo lo\n \n \nUsed to be your girl. Now I'm used to being the GOAT. You're sittin' on your feelings\nI'm sittin' on my throne. I ain't got no time for the troubles in your eyes.\nThis time I'm lookin' at me myself and I, I'm goin' solo..\nI'ma do it on my own now. Now that you're alone got you lookin' for a clone now\nSo low That's how I'm gettin down. Destined for this and the crown. Sing it loud like\nThis is not a touching love story.\nNo romance no sincerity.\nI'm sorry, but I'm not sorry\nFrom today on, I'm a shining solo\nI'm a shining solo\nI'm going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nI'm going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nAfter the relationship, romance, emotion there's Breakup, tears, regret, longing\nI like being alone, because I should be true to myself\nLike the flowing wind. Like the stars above the clouds..\nI want to go far away, I want to shine brightly. Now I'm going solo.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nI'm a shining solo\nI'm going solo lo lo lo lo lo, I'm going solo lo lo lo lo lo\n \n": 3, "in this video we're going to go over at the\u00a0\nKudus software impotent calculus free worksheet\u00a0\u00a0\ndifferentiation chain rule now I'll leave a link\u00a0\nin the description below so you can access this\u00a0\u00a0\nworksheet and I'll also leave a link so that\u00a0\nyou can access my patreon page and support me\u00a0\u00a0\nnow the chain rule one is dy/dx equals dy du u\u00a0\ntimes du u DX so this basically says that the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of Y with respect to X is going to be\u00a0\nequal to the derivative of Y with respect to u\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the derivative of U with respect to X and\u00a0\nthat's where we could say that y equals F of G\u00a0\u00a0\nof X then if G of X is U then y equals F of U so\u00a0\nessentially we're finding the derivative of the\u00a0\u00a0\noutside function f of U and then we're multiplying\u00a0\nthat by the derivative of that inside function so\u00a0\u00a0\nthe other way to write this in terms of function\u00a0\nnotation we have D DX so the derivative of F of G\u00a0\u00a0\nof X that's going to be equal to the derivative of\u00a0\nF of G of X times the derivative of G of X so now\u00a0\u00a0\nthat we've had a quick refresher on the chain rule\u00a0\nlet's jump in to number one for numbers 1 through\u00a0\u00a0\n12 we're going to differentiate each function\u00a0\nwith respect to X so y equals x cubed plus 3 to\u00a0\u00a0\nthe fifth so what we're going to do is we're going\u00a0\nto make X cubed plus 3 the inside function and U\u00a0\u00a0\nto the fifth will be that outside function so this\u00a0\nis all about figuring out the outside function and\u00a0\u00a0\nthe inside function and taking the derivative\u00a0\nof each and multiplying them together so we'll\u00a0\u00a0\nhave that y equals you to the fifth and we'll have\u00a0\nthat u equals x cubed plus three so remember DUI\u00a0\u00a0\nDX the derivative of Y with respect to X equals\u00a0\nthe derivative of Y with respect to U times the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of U with respect to X so what are we\u00a0\ngoing to do we're going to find the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof Y with respect to U and find the derivative\u00a0\nof U with respect to X and then multiply those\u00a0\u00a0\ntogether so the derivative of Y with respect to U\u00a0\nis the derivative of U to the fifth which is five\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes U to the fourth but quickly remember this\u00a0\nu represents a function this u represents X cubed\u00a0\u00a0\nplus three so this is going to be five times\u00a0\nX cubed plus three to the fourth that is dy D\u00a0\u00a0\nU and now we need to figure out the derivative\u00a0\nof U with respect to X D U DX and that's going\u00a0\u00a0\nto be the derivative of x cubed plus three which\u00a0\nthis three is a constant and the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\na constant is zero so we're just going to have\u00a0\n3x squared so for our formula dy to you we have\u00a0\u00a0\nfive times X cubed plus three to the fourth and\u00a0\nwe're multiplying that by three x squared so now\u00a0\u00a0\nwe simplify three times five is fifteen so we'll\u00a0\nhave fifteen x squared times X cubed plus three\u00a0\u00a0\nto the fourth and that's our solution and number\u00a0\none fifteen x squared times X cubed plus three\u00a0\u00a0\nto the fourth so again we took the derivative\u00a0\nof this outside function and then multiplied\u00a0\u00a0\nit by the derivative of our inside function\u00a0\nthat is utilizing the chain rule let's move\u00a0\u00a0\non to number two and number two you can see that\u00a0\nour inside function is negative 3x plus one so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is going to be you so we'll have y equal to u\u00a0\ncubed because U is equal to negative 3x v plus one\nso now we're taking the derivative of Y with\u00a0\nrespect to you so the derivative of U cubed is\u00a0\u00a0\nthree u squared but remember we set this u equal\u00a0\nto some function so we're going to plug you in to\u00a0\u00a0\nget three times negative 3x to the fifth plus\u00a0\none squared that is the derivative of Y with\u00a0\u00a0\nrespect to U and now we're going to find the\u00a0\nderivative of U with respect to X which is the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of negative 3x to the fifth plus one\u00a0\nthe derivative of U with respect to X this one is\u00a0\u00a0\na constant therefore the derivative is zero so\u00a0\nwe're just looking at negative 3x to the fifth\u00a0\u00a0\nthis five will get multiplied to negative three to\u00a0\nbe negative fifteen and then it will decrease by\u00a0\u00a0\none to have a value of four in the exponent so\u00a0\nnegative fifteen X to the fourth and now we're\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to multiply those derivatives together\u00a0\nbecause the derivative of Y with respect to X\u00a0\u00a0\nequals the derivative of Y with respect to U ": 4, "Hee Hee and Ha Ha,\nlaughing and laughing\nBing Bing and Bang Bang\nspinning and whirling\nHee Hee and Ha Ha\nlaughing and laughing \nBing Bing and Bang Bang\nspinning and whirling\nHee Hee and Ha Ha\nlaughing and laughing\nBing Bing and Bang Bang\nspinning and whirling \nHee Hee and Ha Ha\nlaughing and laughing \nBing Bing and Bang Bang\n spinning and whirling\nHello, everyone! Happy New Year.\nWe are ADG7 from South Korea. \nSo glad to meet you Tiny Desk Meets globalFEST.\nAs you can see, we are recording from LP Bar in Korea. \nThank you so much for giving us this precious opportunity. Thank you so much.\nAnd the first song was Hee Hee.\nHee Hee is the sound of laughter. So, yes. \nSometimes we can't avoid the hard times in life. \nLike when you feel utterly down or helpless, all you can do is just laugh like this - hee hee, right?\nBut we know the positive power of laughter, so we prepared this song for the hope that this new year brings you lots of laughs. \nAnd our next song is Hello, Lonely. \nThis song is about various stories of lonely people.\nSo, if you are there and feel alone, don't be. We will reach out to you with this song: Hello, Lonely.\nMidnight at Myeongdong Apartment 203\nThe red light is on. It's late\nand the light is on\nGuess it's sign of a lonely heart\n(Red Light) Left to the Bordeaux\nRight to the Bokbunja All night,\nred light, red light swinging\nand shaking\nSafe and sound 2 am at Myeongdong Apartment 401\nThe TV is still on. A lonely guy lit up by the tube (TV light)\nSingle life dreams of marriage\nWants that rose tinted life\nSingle life (said he liked it)\nMarried life (dreams of it)\nDreaming of a rose tinted love life\nI'm coming to meet you.\nHello, lonely! I'm coming to meet all you lonely people\nI'm coming to meet you.\nHello, lonely! I'm coming to meet all you lonely people\nI'm coming to meet you.\nHello, lonely! I'm coming to meet all you lonely people\nI'm coming to meet you.\nHello, lonely! I'm coming to meet all you lonely people\nI'm coming to meet you.\nHello, lonely! I'm coming to meet all you lonely people\nI'm coming to meet you.\nHello, lonely! I'm coming to meet all you lonely people\nThank you so much. \nOur music is based on Korean traditional shamanic music and folk songs from Hwanghae Province in present-day North Korea.\nSo doing new work with Korean traditional music from North Korea is something that-\nremember, that we were one before we divided North and South.\nAnd also, the Korean traditional shamanic music consoles the people and wish them luck, happiness, and health.\nSo, we wish to make our new music that consoles the audience and gives them a positive energy through our music.\nThank you so much. We are ADG7, and our last song is NOZA NOZA. It means \"Let's have some fu-u-un.\"\nYes, regardless of age, gender, nationality. We dedicate this song for everyone together in this moment.\nThank you so much. Ak Dan Gwang Chil!\nNoza Noza, Let's have fun\nNothing matters as long as we're young at heart\nNo matters as long as we can dance\nNoza Noza, Let's have fun \nNothing matters as long as we're young at heart\nNo matters as long as we can dance\nWho said I'm young?\nWho said I have no worries?\nCollege, studying, and then job hunting\nHow on earth can I have fun in life?\nAfter getting a job, work floods in like crazy\nWhat on earth do I live for?\nI'm losing my true self\nI don't remember what I wanted in life\n(Let's have a drink, Myeong Wol) Noza Noza, Let's have fun\nLet's chase happiness, get some fun\nNo time to procrastinate\n(Drink it up) One shot, two shots, three shots, \nI'm gonna be wasted\nMake the most of your youth, let's dance\nNoza Noza, Let's have fun\nNoza Noza, Let's have fun\nNothing matters as long as we're young at heart\nNo matters as long as we can dance\nNoza Noza, Let's have fun\nNothing matters as long as we're young at heart\nNo matters as long as we can dance\n Time is going slower,\nso are my steps \nDon't remember when was the last time I looked at the sky\nI stretch my back and lift my head\nNow I regret my younger days as much as the number of wrinkles on my face\nWhatever, let's drink (bottoms up)\nLet's indulge in the t": 3, "Hello Everyone! I am Dixon Selvan\nAnd this will be an Unboxing Video\nof the Official Sponsored Kit\nfor the Design for a Cause Design Challenge,\nconducted by Element14 Community.\nThis is the package which I received from Element14\nvia UPS and I was really shocked\nto see this package in such a form.\nAs you can see it has lost its shape all around\nand now my concern is the contents inside.\nLet's see if they are safe\nby Unboxing ... Let's Go!\n \n \nUnboxing done and now I have taken all the contents\noutside, let's see one by one\nFirst, ADXL335Z accelerometer\nFirst, ADXL335Z accelerometer,\nin a nice static package.\nAnd, also we have a thank you card!\nThat's great!\nAnd ... Let's move on to the next one.\nAnd ... Let's move on to the next one.\nOh, we have another package here.\nIt's time for Unboxing ... [Music Plays]\n \n \nWe have got much more than the first box to explore.\nWe have got much more than the first box to explore.\nThere is an IR Sensor\nand ... We have an UNO Adapter board.\nThat is an MKR2UNO Adapter board.\nWe have an SD Proto Shield for prototyping.\nWe have an SD Proto Shield for prototyping.\nWe have my favourite :) UltraSonic Sensor\nWe have my favourite :) UltraSonic Sensor\nFollowed by ...\nThe IOT Bundle. Wait! We have person (it's a thing) here\nWho is he? The PIR Sensor\nI don't know from where this came from.\nI think he lost his package or just kept as it is.\nLet's now move on to the IOT Bundle.\nLet's now move on to the IOT Bundle.\nAnd this is one nice sturdy plastic package (box!).\nWe have an USB Cable for the MKR1000\n \nand ... my Arduino booklet\nfollowed by DC and Servo Motors\nand then we have an LCD Display ...\n16 by 2 ... I guess.\nWe have a small bread board with so much of jumper wires.\nWe have our main MKR1000 board and ...\n \nthere is so much here, LEDs, Resistors.\nLet's keep that\nLet's keep that\nand move on to our main\nArduino MKR1000 board. I'll just show you the list here.\nI'll just show you the list here.\nLet me open the Arduino MKR1000 box,\nto show you the Arduino MKR1000 board.\nto show you the Arduino MKR1000 board.\nIt is kept on a black sponge.\nIt is kept on a black sponge.\nIt is much similar to an Arduino Nano, But this one has a Wi-Fi on it.\nIt is much similar to an Arduino Nano, But this one has a Wi-Fi on it.\n \n \n": 4, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question number four for our calculus review,\nChristopher Carbone: A:\nChristopher Carbone: We want to use a table of values to estimate the value of the limit, and if you have a graph and device, use it to confirm your result Graphically, this is the limit. As X approaches zero,\nChristopher Carbone: the square root of x plus twenty, five minus five, all divided by X.\nChristopher Carbone: So the values that we are going to use for this\nChristopher Carbone: Um,\nChristopher Carbone: it's gonna be a one,\nChristopher Carbone: one\nChristopher Carbone: point one and zero point zero one.\nChristopher Carbone: So if you put one into our function, we are going to get zero point zero,\nChristopher Carbone: nine, nine zero, one, nine, five.\nChristopher Carbone: We put zero point, one in. We are going to get zero point zero nine, nine nine. If we put zero point zero one in, we get zero,\nChristopher Carbone: and we have nine, nine, nine, nine. So we could say that approximation going on.\nChristopher Carbone: Likewise, we've put negative one negative zero point, one and negative zero point zero, one\nChristopher Carbone: for negative one. We get zero points, one zero, one, zero, two.\nChristopher Carbone: If you put negative zero point, one in at zero point, one zero zero one. If we put negative zero point zero one in, we get zero point, one zero zero one.\nChristopher Carbone: We could see that approximation going on,\nChristopher Carbone: but just so we could see it more visually. Here's a graph we could type in our function and see what is going on with that. Let me just put that in on here, so we can see it square root of X plus twenty, five minus five,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by X,\nChristopher Carbone: as you can see. Here's our graph since we are looking at this as X approaches zero, let me.\nChristopher Carbone: I zoom in on us,\nChristopher Carbone: and we could just drag this point here along, and we could see what's going on. It looks like a straight line, but you know,\nChristopher Carbone: for tea i'm\nChristopher Carbone: the values do change a little bit, which is why we have that little bit of variety.\nChristopher Carbone: As we get closer and closer and closer to zero, we could see that this does indeed approximate it to be zero point one the\nChristopher Carbone: which is indeed what we see based on our table of values.\nChristopher Carbone: So let's write that definitively.\nChristopher Carbone: The limit\nChristopher Carbone: X approaches zero of this function, the square root of x plus twenty, five\nChristopher Carbone: minus five,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by X.\nChristopher Carbone: This, as we can see, will be equal to zero point, one\nChristopher Carbone: as our limit.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you,\n": 4, "cabbage 1/2 pcs\nzucchini 1-2 pcs\ncabbage 1/2 pcs\nzucchini 1-2 pcs\ncabbage 1/2 pcs\nzucchini 1-2 pcs\ncarrot 1 pc\npotatoes 3 pcs\npepper 1 pc\ncarrot 1 pc\npotatoes 3 pcs\npepper 1 pc\ncarrot 1 pc\npotatoes 3 pcs\npepper 1 pc\nFriends! What city are you watching my channel in? Thank you!\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nFriends! What city are you watching my channel in? Thank you!\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nFriends! What city are you watching my channel in? Thank you!\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nOlive oil 50 ml.\nSweet smoked paprika.\nHerbes de Provence.\nGround cumin.\nDried tomatoes with garlic and basil.\nSalt, black pepper.\nclove of garlic 1 pc.\nOlive oil 50 ml.\nSweet smoked paprika.\nHerbes de Provence.\nGround cumin.\nDried tomatoes with garlic and basil.\nSalt, black pepper.\nclove of garlic 1 pc.\nOlive oil 50 ml.\nSweet smoked paprika.\nHerbes de Provence.\nGround cumin.\nDried tomatoes with garlic and basil.\nSalt, black pepper.\nclove of garlic 1 pc.\nPrepare a sleeve for baking.\nPrepare a sleeve for baking.\nPrepare a sleeve for baking.\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nPour in the sauce and mix well.\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nPour in the sauce and mix well.\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nPour in the sauce and mix well.\nRemove excess air.\nIn the oven for 60 minutes at 180 C.\nYogurt 4 tbsp.\nMustard 1 tsp.\npickled cucumber 1 pc.\nRemove excess air.\nIn the oven for 60 minutes at 180 C.\nYogurt 4 tbsp.\nMustard 1 tsp.\npickled cucumber 1 pc.\nRemove excess air.\nIn the oven for 60 minutes at 180 C.\nYogurt 4 tbsp.\nMustard 1 tsp.\npickled cucumber 1 pc.\nDill.\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nDill.\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nDill.\nSubscribe to my channel! We are warm and delicious!\nEnjoy your meal!\nEnjoy your meal!\nEnjoy your meal!\n": 2, "[background conversations]\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\nThere\u2019s the windmill\ngrinding in the beach.\nGrinding my sadness,\ngrinding in the beach.\n(Running)\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nGrinding windmill.\n(Just windmill running)\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\nRunning. Running.\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\nThere\u2019s the windmill.\nGrinding my sadness.\nGrinding my sadness.\nGrinding my sadness.\nThere\u2019s the windmill.\nGrinding my sadness.\nGrinding my sadness.\nGrinding my sadness.\nThere\u2019s the windmill.\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n(Grinding windmill)\n[audience applauding]\n[Susana] We\u2019re here,\nall gathered by music,\nat this beautiful desk.\n[Susana giggling]\n[man] Let\u2019s go. Three and...\nHow it\u2019s hiding.\nBehind the sea.\nAnd you too.\nAnd you as well.\nJust like the sea hides.\nShiny fog.\nAnd I don\u2019t forget your love.\nNor the truth peace of love.\nOne is love.\nAnd one is dusk.\nOne is love.\nAnd one is dusk.\n[audience applauding]\n[man] And, two, three, and...\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nMy grandma came from Africa,\ndressed in shells.\nSpanish men brought her\nin one of their ships.\nThey marked her with fire,\nthe mark was her cross.\nAnd in the sugar plantation\nthe sad and Socab\u00f3n were born.\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nIn the rum mill,\nthe black sang the Za\u00f1a.\nThe machete and the scythe\nhardened his dark hand.\nThe Indian with their quena,\nthe black with their drums.\nThey sang their sad luck\nat the rhythm of the chains.\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nTell me, Sorongo,\ntell me, Sorongo.\nWhat does the black\nhave from white?\nWhat does the white\nhave from Congo?\nTell me, Sorongo.\n[audience cheering]\n[Susana] Afro-Peruvian,\nbonus track, in Babel.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarryman.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nIf you wouldn\u2019t quarry me,\nI wouldn\u2019t quarry you.\nIf you wouldn\u2019t quarry me,\nI wouldn\u2019t quarry you.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nWhat they sing,\nsinging, singing.\nSinging.\nWhat they sing,\nsinging quarryman.\nSinging.\nI\u2019ll sing songs,\nquarryman, songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarryman,\nquarryman, quarryman.\nSing.\nQuarryman, quarryman,\nquarryman, quarryman.\nSing.\nSo, you can dream, quarryman,\nquarry, quarry song.\nQuarryman, quarryman, quarryman.\nSing.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nQuarryman, quarry me,\nquarry songs.\nAll doors shut.\nAll lost.\nAll doors shut.\nAll lost.\nAll strange streets, lost,\nin deep darkness.\nWhy to cut the stone,\nquarryman...\nIf it\u2019s sleeping.\n[audience cheering]\n[audience applauding]\n": 1, "if you don't have a vision of where\u00a0\nyou're going if you don't have a goal\u00a0\u00a0\nwhere you go you drift around\u00a0\nand you never end up anywhere\n74 hate their job in America the majority\u00a0\nof people don't like what they're doing\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause they're really not doing it because they\u00a0\ndidn't have a goal and they followed the score\u00a0\u00a0\nthey're just aimlessly drift around and then\u00a0\nall of a sudden if there's a job opening so\u00a0\u00a0\nthey get the job you have to work but then when\u00a0\nyou're broke it's a chore it's work it's not fun\u00a0\u00a0\nso if you think about only a quarter of the\u00a0\npeople really enjoy what they're doing in life\u00a0\u00a0\nso people always ask me when they saw\u00a0\nme in the gym in the Pumping Iron days\u00a0\u00a0\nthey say why is it that you're working out so hard\u00a0\u00a0\nfive hours a day six hours a day and\u00a0\nyou have always a smile on your face\nthe others are working out just as hard\u00a0\nas you do and they look sour in the face\u00a0\u00a0\nwhy is that and they told people all the time\u00a0\nI said because to me I'm shooting for gold in\u00a0\u00a0\nfront of me is the Mr. Universe title so every\u00a0\nrep that I do gets me closer to accomplishing\u00a0\u00a0\nthat goal to make this core this Vision turn\u00a0\ninto reality every single set that I do every\u00a0\u00a0\nrepetition every way to the left will give me\u00a0\na step closer to turn this chord into reality\u00a0\u00a0\nI couldn't wait to do another 500 pound squat\u00a0\nI couldn't wait to do another 500 pound bench\u00a0\u00a0\npress I couldn't wait to do another 2000 reps\u00a0\nof sit-ups I couldn't wait for the next exercise\u00a0\u00a0\nso let me tell you something visualizing\u00a0\nyour goal and going after it makes it fun\u00a0\u00a0\nyou've got to have a purpose no matter what\u00a0\nyou do in life you got to have a purpose\nin Muhammad Ali worked his butt off and I saw\u00a0\nit firsthand and I remember that there was a\u00a0\u00a0\nsports writer that was there in the gym when\u00a0\nhe was working out and he was doing sit-ups\u00a0\u00a0\nthey asked him how many sit-ups do you do and\u00a0\nhe said I don't start counting until it hurts\u00a0\u00a0\nnow think about that he doesn't start counting his\u00a0\nsit-ups until he feels pain that's when he starts\u00a0\u00a0\nCounting that is working hard and so you can't get\u00a0\naround the Heartbreak it doesn't matter who it is\u00a0\u00a0\nwork your ass off there is no magic Bill there is\u00a0\nno magic out there you cannot get around you have\u00a0\u00a0\nto work and work and work make sure of this and\u00a0\nmake sure of that and all that stuff so it's work\n": 3, "What's up with this music?!\nI am a philosopher, I like to provoke,\nwe live in perverted times,\nso let me tell you a perverted joke!\nA famous, dirty, horrible joke,\ntaking place in 15th century Russia.\nA farmer and his wife walk along a dusty country\nroad. A Mongol warrior on a horse stops and says\n\"I'm gonna rape your wife and you should hold my testicles,\nwhile I rape your wife, so that they will not get dusty.\"\nWhen he raped his wife, the Mongol warrior went away,\nthe farmer started to laugh and jump with joy, his wife said\n\"Hey, how can you be happy?! \nI was just brutally raped!!!\"\nAnd he says \"But I got him. \nHis balls are full of dust.\"\nWell, in reality we only dirty with dust the\nballs of those in power. And now comes the dirty conclusion.\nThe point is to cut them off!\nNow let me warn you, this isn't Macarena,\nnot Chicken dance, not Aserej\u00e9,\nnot Gangnam style and so on and so on...\nWe stand no chance, there's no time for romance,\nit's time to dance The Perverted Dance\u2122!\nCut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nthe balls of those in power!\nWe need to cut the balls\nand our faces won't be sour.\nJust cut the balls,\nmake them become Niagara falls!\nCut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nthe balls of those in power!\nWe need to cut the balls,\nwe can train with cauliflower!\nJust cut the balls,\nmake them become Niagara falls.\nOh, my god, why am i doing this?! \nSinging, dancing?!\nI feel like that disgusting guy \nfrom Canada, Justin Bieber...\nSo, the problem with capitalism is that it's\nin the crisis from its very beginning.\nFrom somewhere, I would say late 18th century,\nthere are prophets who claim capitalism is nearing its end.\nIt's like that stupid bird Fenix -\nthe more you, you know, it returns.\nI got hungry, let's grab something to eat.\nWhat?! No meat?! \nOnly for vegeterians?!\nDegenerates, degenaretes, \nthey'll all soon turn into monkeys.\nI dont say let's do nothing, I say sometimes \ndoing nothing is the most violent thing to do.\nSo cut the balls,\njust cut the balls!\nAnd racism is also a problem, so be like \nKung Fu Panda. Be white, black, asian\nand cut the balls, \njust cut the balls!\nThey call me The Borat of Philosophy,\nThe Marx Brother and The Elvis of cultural theory.\nCut the crap and cut the balls, \njust cut the balls!\nHey, I am Slavoj \u017di\u017eek!\n- No, I am Slavoj \u017di\u017eek!\n- No, I am Slavoj \u017di\u017eek!\n- Fuck that, whatever, let's all be Slavoj \u017di\u017eek!\nGrab and pull the imaginary balls from the sky, \ncut through the air and say bye, bye, bye.\nLet's join together, let's fall in trance,\nlet's dance The Perverted Dance\u2122.\nCut the balls, \nwe need to cut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nthe balls of those in power!\nWe need to cut the balls,\nand then take the bloody shower!\nJust cut the balls,\nmake them become Niagara falls!\nCut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nthe balls of those in power!\nWe need to cut the balls,\nlet them face the final hour.\nJust cut the balls,\nmake them become Niagara falls!\nCut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls,\nthe balls of those in power!\nWe need to cut the balls,\nwe need to cut the balls!\nJust cut the balls,\nmake them become Niagara falls!\nThis stupid repetative \nmechanic music! Stop it!\nThank you, \nthank you very much!\nThe problem is maybe not the big act \"Cut the balls\", but you make small changes and all of a sudden, balls are no longer there.\nThose in power look down and say \n\"Oh, where are my balls?\"\nand suddenly their voices get \nhigher and so on and so on.\nI stand by my joke. The structure of the joke\nis that this so called progressive intelectual,\nin order to score his small narcicistic point,\noh, I dusted the balls,\ntotally ignores the suffering there \nand that's the whole point of the joke.\nSo cut the balls, \nwe need to cut the balls!\n": 2, "Vladimir Vinogradov: Hello everyone and we'll start our concluding lecture by discussing the central limit theorem, which is the most important result of probability and statistics.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So, first of all.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This is given as thing for for city on page.\nVladimir Vinogradov: 216 of the textbook.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Okay, so this is sailing, for we see on page 216.\nVladimir Vinogradov: it's discussed in section for football on pages.\nVladimir Vinogradov: push to.\nVladimir Vinogradov: To change.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This result is about normal approximation, or rather white sequences of properly centered and normalized or standard best sequences of random variables, namely given.\nVladimir Vinogradov: The sequence X one X two X, am of independent identically distributed random variables.\nVladimir Vinogradov: With finance Various signals squared so Sigma squared should be positive and all as an initiator and automatically it implies that.\nVladimir Vinogradov: X, which we do not blame you is also fine.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So under this condition.\nVladimir Vinogradov: The citizens of standardized variables sit here, which is a lot of times X bar minus one over Sigma can you adjust industry distribution to the standard normal variable capitals it so it's also in 01.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And in practice that is often cheated a standard normal for n as large as 25 something like 25 some like.\nVladimir Vinogradov: 30 or 50.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Although the value of in required for a sufficiently accurate approximation really depends on the distribution.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So he and I want to see if your viewers.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Along those lines so.\nVladimir Vinogradov: To explain.\nVladimir Vinogradov: How accurate normal approximation can be, I want to go back to its history, so g.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Plus.\nVladimir Vinogradov: which was derived I think like special case was generated by.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Jamal Jamal.\nVladimir Vinogradov: about the very end of Richardson.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So this was the senior suitcase speak or to have a plus.\nVladimir Vinogradov: gino case.\nVladimir Vinogradov: of probability of success fee.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In the unity.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In the early.\nVladimir Vinogradov: 19th.\nVladimir Vinogradov: century.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So they can see that.\nVladimir Vinogradov: The sampling.\nVladimir Vinogradov: proportion.\nVladimir Vinogradov: To the bite your heart which depends on in, of course, which is the number of walks.\nVladimir Vinogradov: or.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Total.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Number of choices.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In the cycles of identical.\nVladimir Vinogradov: identically distributed and independent sources of a fear coins, so one is interpreted as a hit zero is interpreted is the field, or so we discussed this model you fool.\nVladimir Vinogradov: is the same as the sample me, yes, Sir can put subscript pn because X.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Is the one responsibility or zero this probability value equal to one minus P is between zero and one and it's fixed.\nVladimir Vinogradov: there.\nVladimir Vinogradov: expectation.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Is.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This word.\nVladimir Vinogradov: from Berlin.\nVladimir Vinogradov: A couple of large numbers.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So and.\nVladimir Vinogradov: approach speed in probability is in goes to infinity, but I also want to say that way as of the sampling proportion.\nVladimir Vinogradov: equals the true probability of success, p times one minus P over in.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So this can be shown this little effort, because this is the binomial random variable so the heart, in our case is being p.\nVladimir Vinogradov: divided by a and hills finding the Valence of different is straight forward in this case, so it will be P times one minus P over him.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Then, what do you.\nVladimir Vinogradov: See states is this.\nVladimir Vinogradov: speed.\nVladimir Vinogradov: divided by.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Three times one minus P over in.\nVladimir Vinogradov: kind o": 2, "Colombo - Dematagoda, steam locomotive B2B - 213\nColombo - Dematagoda, steam locomotive B1D - 340\nColombo - Dematagoda, steam locomotive B1A - 251\nRambukkana, B1D - 340 + B2B - 213\nRambukkana\nRambukkana, M6-789, IC1001 \u201eDenuwara Menike\u201c\nRambukkana\nRambukkana\nGangoda\nIhala Kotte\nIhala Kotte\nIhala Kotte\nBalana, S12-939 + S12-928, fast 1019 bound for Matale\nBalana\nKadugannawa, M5C-782, slow 1544 bound for Polgahawela\nPilimathalawa, M6-789, Intercity 1010 bound for Colombo\nPeradeniya\nPeradeniya, S12-931 + S12-926, express 1006 \u201ePodi Menike\u201c\nPeradeniya, M7-802, local 2633 from Matale\nPeradeniya, signal box\nPeradeniya\nKandy\nNawalapitiya\nGalboda\nWatawala, S14-977, Intercity 1001 \u201eDenuwara Menike\u201c\nWatawala, S12-925, express 1016 \u201eUdarata Menike\u201c\nWatawala, S14-971, test run\nWatawala\nWatawala, express 1005 \u201ePodi Menike\u201c\nWatawala\nWatawala\nWatawala, S12-931 + S12-926, express 1015 \u201eUdarata Menike\u201c\nRozelle, M6-790, local 1159 bound for Nanu-Oya\nRozelle\nHatton, getting fresh water\nGreat Western\nGreat Western, S14-978 + S14-977, Intercity 1002 \u201eDenuwara Menike\u201d\nGreat Western\nRadella\nNanu Oya, near Glassaugh Estate Tea Factory\nNanu Oya, Nanu River-Viaduct\nNanu Oya\nNanu Oya, M5C-776 shunts the steam train into a siding\nNanu Oya, S14-971 + S14-972, Intercity 1001 \u201eDenuwara Menike\u201d\nNanu Oya, B2B-213 on the turntable\nNuwara Eliya - Perakumpura\nAmbewela\nPattipola, M6-792, express 1007 bound for Badulla\nPattipola, B2B-213 close to Sri Lanka's highest railway station\nBirds in the car ... there is no light in the car!\nDemodara - Black bridge, express 1006 \u201ePodi Menike\u201c\nDemodara - Black bridge\nDemodara - station\nSchool class as welcoming committee at Demodara station\nDemodara, M6-790, express 1008 bound for Colombo\nDemodara, M6-792, slow1596 bound for Kandy\nDemodara, road rolls, railway stands\nDemodara, M6-788, mixed 1126 bound for Badulla\nDemodara, Tata bus\nDemodara - Sri Lanka loop, S12-925, express 1005 \u201ePodi Menike\u201c\nDemodara - station, B2B-213\nDemodara, M6-788, mixed 1126\nDemodara Ceylon Tea Factory\nElla, Nine Arch bridge\nElla\nHeel Oya\nKandy, S12-924, express 1016 \u201eUdarata Menike\u201c\nKandy, M5C-775, local 1544 bound for Polgahawela\nKandy, W3-647\nKandy, Y-700 + W3-647\nKandy, M5C-782, local 1153 bound for Nawalapitiya\nKandy, M5C-771, Intercity 1010 bound for Colombo\nKandy, B1D-340\nPeradeniya\nPeradeniya, many railway workers in the track\nKadugannawa\nBalana\nIhala Kotte, token hand over, giving\nIhala Kotte, token hand over, receiving\n": 0, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video we are going to analyze Morissette Amon.\nMorissette is a fantastic singer. I know Morissette Amon.\nWe have many videos of Morissette and feel free to check out the other videos with her.\nWe have many videos of Morissette and feel free to check out the other videos with her.\nHowever, I have never heard this song and it will be my first time.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do an analysis of Morissette.\nI will analyze your voice and your vocal behavior.\nShe's a fantastic singer, I love watching her videos, I love hearing her sing.\nShe's a fantastic singer, I love watching her videos, I love hearing her sing.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, subscribe, activate the notification,\nclick like and share this video and let's go to the most important,\nLet's analyze Morissette Amon.\nThis is fantastic.\nBut it's amazing how she manages to master her voice.\nIt's fantastic. She has an amazing command and control.\nIt's fantastic. She has an amazing command and control.\nAnd everything she does, she does with such ease,\ndespite being very difficult things.\nAnd she makes it sound like it's very easy and it's not easy.\nShe is amazing.\nIt's amazing, she makes a fantastic transition.\nShe makes use of the falsetto voice mask.\nShe makes use of the falsetto voice mask.\nThis weak voice not only serves as an embellishment but also to make transitions.\nThis weak voice not only serves as an embellishment but also to make transitions.\nBut at this point she uses it as a vocal embellishment.\nAmazing. Perfect.\nShe inserts a lot of textures.\nWhen she does this job with a mask voice,\nthis voice mask which is a more direct transmission of the voice,\nyou don't have to use other regions to make a mixed voice and\nyou don't have to use other regions to make a mixed voice and\nWith the use of falsetto, she manages to insert textures and give color to her voice.\nAt this point I noticed a bit of mixed use of voice.\nTherefore, she makes this turn, she manages to carry her voice in different regions.\nTherefore, she makes this turn, she manages to carry her voice in different regions.\nAnd because she is a soprano,\nshe has an enormous facility to transit her voice in different regions.\nSee the command she has in her voice. An amazing domain.\nShe really controls the volume of her voice,\nprecisely so that she makes use of this voice mixed with this mask region.\nIn this way, it makes a control,\neven because he wants to contextualize what he is singing.\nAnd this is amazing.\nIt is possible to perceive a little the dark note...\ndark note and raises the volume of his voice more,\ndark note and raises the volume of his voice more,\nshe is not in a full voice to make use of belt.\nThe control she has with her voice, with the volume, the projection... is fantastic.\nSee how much the note darkens. It's not a very dark voice,\nwhich means that she doesn't use the whole region of her chest voice.\nThus, it creates an interesting dynamic,\nbecause at certain times\nit is possible to work on a lighter region to create a greater intensity in the performance.\nit is possible to work on a lighter region to create a greater intensity in the performance.\nAnd she is an amazing artist.\nAnd this work she does.\nIt is a very delicate work with his voice,\nbut it shows fantastic emotion.\nShe is a great performer and singer.\nAnd she just shows how she manages to work and has a complete vision.\nabout how his vocal control is and that's amazing.\nI love watching Morissette sing, she's amazing.\nI love watching Morissette sing, she's amazing.\nAnd she has vocal control.\nSometimes she inserts little hisses into her voice,\nbut for her this is very easy.\nHe has demonstrated control of this hissing technique multiple times.\nIt is really wonderful to see.\nSee this domain.\nAnd she has a great facility for projecting high notes.\nAnd she has a great facility for projecting high notes.\nThis is because she is a soprano.\nAnd sin": 4, "We are Stanford Earth.\nWe are Stanford Earth.\nWe are Stanford Earth.\nWe are Stanford Earth.\nWe are Stanford Earth.\nWe are Stanford Earth.\nWe are Stanford Earth.\nStanford earth is an\nincredibly broad place.\nWe look both at the fundamentals\nof the science of the earth\nas well as the\ntranslational results\nthat go towards applications\nthat affect society.\nWe study all\naspects of the Earth\nfrom ice sheets, glaciers,\nthe oceans, coral reefs,\nall terrestrial environments.\nThere's something to be learned\nin all of those settings.\nSomething that's become\nreally clear to me is that\nthe sustainability challenges\nthat our planet is currently\nfacing cannot be solved\nby one discipline alone.\nWe combine geologists,\ncompetition of scientists,\nand physicists to\nsolve our problems.\nI got into geology in\nlarge part because I\nlike to look back in time.\nI thought the wonder of being\nable to take a rock that's\na billion years old tell\nwhat was happening back\na billion years ago on\nearth was just marvelous.\nIn the same way that medical\nimaging has revolutionized\nour approach to\nhuman health, I am\nconvinced that Earth imaging\ncan revolutionize our approach\nto our freshwater future.\nOur research, for\ninstance, in oil and gas\nhelps us to understand\nexactly where oil and gas is\nin the subsurface and how we\ncan most efficiently produce\nthat oil and gas in the most\nenvironmentally safe manner.\nWith CO2 sequestration\nthe idea is\nto inject CO2 into\nthe subsurface\nin order to control\nthe emissions of CO2\ninto the atmosphere.\nBeing able to connect the\nstudy of the rock types,\ntoo, the cycling of elements\nat the atmospheric scale\nis really, really\nunique and gives us\nan advantage I don't see\nanywhere else in the world.\nI'm one of many people in this\nschool that works in the field.\nWe work everywhere on\nthe planet literally.\nI talk to colleagues\nat other universities\nor other research\ninstitutions that\nhave start to realize how\nfortunate I am to be here.\nI love field work with\nstudents and teaching\nclasses in the field.\nLearning not just the\nmaterial, but learning\nhow the material that they\nlearn in the classroom\nwas distilled from\nreal world observations\nis really important.\nThere was only so far\nyou can go in a classroom\nor with textbook.\nSo we take them out to\nsee dams, we get them out\non fishing boats, we take\nthem out into the forest\nwhere logging has\noccurred, and they\nmeet the professionals\nthat are engaged\nin managing these resources.\nSo our students are\nreally a remarkable lot.\nThey seek insight,\nthey seek knowledge.\nAnd it's fascinating.\nIt injects you with energy\nthat keeps you going.\nThey're entrepreneurial,\nthey're bright.\nI focus on\ntransportation because I\nfeel like it's a direct pathway\nto making our cities more\nequitable and sustainable.\nWhen you're helping the\nenvironment, you also,\nyou have to be\nhelping people too.\nI'm passionate about empowering\nsmallholder farmers to create\na world without hunger.\nSo why should anyone care\nto study geosciences?\nIt's one of the most\napplied sciences\nyou can take that affects your\nreal world experiences day in\nand day out.\nThere is one earth to be\ngood to know how it works.\nIt's really humbling to be part\nof a school that was really\na cornerstone of the university\nfrom the very beginning.\nI love Stanford\nEarth because it's\ngiven me the flexibility\nand the support that I\nneeded to develop into\nthe student and the person\nthat I am today.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nI am Stanford Earth.\nThis is Stanford Earth.\n": 3, "Go!\nCorrosive, tainted by my sin\nI'm spillin' blood and I can't hardly contain it\nCorrosive, hallowing the hand\nStiffened I eat away, eat (go!), eat into the surface\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nExplosive, more violent, more violent\nAll consuming crawling (go!), straight to the circle\nExplosive, move on reaction\nI slow it down, I slow it down, down, down, down, down\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nI see it, I need it\nMy mind is corrosive, I trip on corrosive\nI freak, see through me\nMy eyes are explosive, I feed on it\nBlack out, crucify me\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYeah, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\nYou, you push it\n": 1, "Hello my loves.\nWelcome to a Guided Meditation by Lavendaire.\nI\u2019m happy you made the choice to meditate today,\nand nurture your body, mind, and soul.\nLet\u2019s get into a comfortable seated position.\nClose your eyes.\nNow, bring your hands together \nand take a moment for gratitude.\nFocus on what you have to be grateful for today.\nI am grateful for this new day.\nI am grateful to be alive.\nI am grateful for my loved ones.\nI am grateful for the sun, our earth, and the air I breathe.\nI am grateful for this moment of peace.\nRelease your hands back to your knees.\nYou can choose to face your palms up for receiving,\nor down for grounding.\nTake 3 deep breaths with an open mouth exhale.\nFeel the relaxation flow through your body.\nThen, close your mouth\nand breathe through your nose for \nthe rest of this meditation.\nWe\u2019ll start with bringing awareness to \nand relaxing the entire body.\nRelax your forehead and your eyebrows.\nRelax all your facial muscles.\nBreathe in, and on your exhale, \nrelax your shoulders down.\nRelax your arms.\nRelax your hands and your fingertips.\nRelax your heart.\nRelax your stomach.\nRelax your hips, your thighs, your knees.\nRelax your calves.\nRelax your feet.\nRelax your toes.\nFeel your entire body totally relax.\nAllow yourself to simply feel the stillness \nof this moment.\nYou may notice your breath slowing down\nas your body calms down and finds stillness.\nAllow your breath to flow naturally.\nJust observe how your body naturally \nbreathes in and out.\nBe the observer of your breath.\nYour body already knows what to do.\nIf you notice thoughts entering your mind,\ndon\u2019t worry or judge.\nSimply observe the thought, then let it go.\nYour thoughts are like clouds.\nA thought might drift across your mind and\nmorph into another thought.\nYou don\u2019t need to do anything but observe,\nthen release.\nLike clouds, let them come and go.\nIf you want, you can try this visualization:\nAs you breathe in, imagine positive light energy\ncoming into your body through your crown,\nwhich is the very top point of your head.\nAs you breathe out,\nimagine that positive energy flowing through your body,\nall the way down your limbs,\nand pushing old, stagnant energy out \nthrough the tips of your toes.\nBreathe in positive, loving energy.\nBreathe out, and let that positive energy \nflow through you,\nwashing away any negative thoughts, energy,\nand emotions that aren\u2019t serving you.\nContinue this visualization with your breath.\nIn doing so, you\u2019re essentially trading\nlow vibrational energy for high vibrational energy.\nWe are energetic beings.\nWe must learn to protect our energy\nand consciously choose to feed the positive \nand release the negative.\nAs you feel the positive light energy surrounding you,\nfeel free to recite these positive affirmations \nalong with me, in your mind.\nI am worthy as I am.\nI am enough as I am.\nI am strong, I am brave, I am resilient.\nI love myself, respect myself, \nand accept myself exactly as I am.\nI am guided, I am protected, I am loved.\nI am safe.\nI can express myself freely.\nI choose love over fear.\nI am a lightworker and I lead with light.\nI am authentic to who I am and \naligned with what I want.\nNow you have the tools to relax \nyour entire physical body,\nrenew your energetic body with positive light energy,\nand reset your mind with positive, loving affirmations.\nThese exercises are available to you \nwhenever you need them.\nContinue meditating on your own.\nBreathe, and connect with the stillness within.\nBegin to bring your awareness back to your breath.\nBring your hands together and return to your gratitude.\nWhat about your life are you grateful for?\nTake 3 deep breaths with an open mouth exhale.\nOpen your eyes and see the beautiful world around you.\nObserve your surroundings with a fresh perspective,\nand continue your day with positivity and gratitude.\nSending you love and light.\nNamaste.\n": 4, "3 tbsp instant coffee & 50 ml water\n200 g (1 cup) sugar\n200 ml (3/4 cup) milk\n120 g (3/4 cup) corn starch & 50 ml water\n3 tbsp instant coffee & 50 ml water\n200 g (1 cup) sugar\n200 ml (3/4 cup) milk\n120 g (3/4 cup) corn starch & 50 ml water\n3 tbsp instant coffee & 50 ml water\n200 g (1 cup) sugar\n200 ml (3/4 cup) milk\n120 g (3/4 cup) corn starch & 50 ml water\nCook over low heat stirring continuously\nCook over low heat stirring continuously\nCook over low heat stirring continuously\n\u00bd tsp (10 g) butter & pinch of salt\nCook until the mixture is thick\nLet it cool down then refrigerate\n\u00bd tsp (10 g) butter & pinch of salt\nCook until the mixture is thick\nLet it cool down then refrigerate\n\u00bd tsp (10 g) butter & pinch of salt\nCook until the mixture is thick\nLet it cool down then refrigerate\nDo you have a similar dessert in your country?\nCoffee flavoured sweet is so delicious do you like?\nWill you try to make this sweets?\nDo you have a similar dessert in your country?\nCoffee flavoured sweet is so delicious do you like?\nWill you try to make this sweets?\nDo you have a similar dessert in your country?\nCoffee flavoured sweet is so delicious do you like?\nWill you try to make this sweets?\n": 1, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc0\\stshfdbch0\\stshfloch0\\stshfhich0\\stshfbi0\\deff0\\adeff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n05050102010706020507}Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n020b0604020202020204}Arial;}}{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red17\\green85\\blue204\n;\\red67\\green67\\blue67;\\red102\\green102\\blue102;}{\\stylesheet{\\s0\\snext0\\sqformat\\spriority0\\fi0\\sb0\\sa0\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs22\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs22\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf1\nNormal;}{\\s1\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb400\\sa120\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs40\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs40\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf1\nheading 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Title;}{\\s16\\sbasedon0\\snext16\\styrsid15694742\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb0\\sa320\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs30\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs30\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\n\\ulnone\\cf4 Subtitle;}}{\\*\\rsidtbl\\rsid10976062}{\\*\\generator\nAspose.Words for Java;}{\\info\\version1\\edmins0\\nofpages1\\nofwords0\\nofchars0\\nofcharsws0}{\\mmathPr\\mbrkBin0\\mbrkBinSub0\\mdefJc1\\mdispDef1\\minterSp0\\mintLim0\\mintraSp0\\mlMargin0\\mmathFont0\\mnaryLim1\\mpostSp0\\mpreSp0\\mrMargin0\\msmallFrac0\\mwrapIndent1440\\mwrapRight0}\n\\deflang1033\\deflangfe2052\\adeflang1025\\jexpand\\showxmlerrors1\\validatexml1{\\*\\wgrffmtfilter\n013f}\\viewkind1\\viewscale100\\fet0\\ftnbj\\aenddoc\\ftnrstcont\\aftnrstcont\\ftnnar\\aftnnrlc\\widowctrl\\nospaceforul\\nolnhtadjtbl\\alntblind\\lyttblrtgr\\dntblnsbdb\\noxlattoyen\n\\wrppunct\\nobrkwrptbl\\expshrtn\\snaptogridincell\\asianbrkrule\\htmautsp\\noultrlspc\\useltbaln\\splytwnine\\ftnlytwnine\\lytcalctblwd\\allowfieldendsel\\lnbrkrule\\nouicompat\\nofeaturethrottle1\\formshade\\nojkernpunct\\dghspace180\\dgvspace180\\dghorigin1800\\dgvorigin1440\\dghshow1\\dgvshow1\n\\dgmargin\\pgbrdrhead\\pgbrdrfoot\\sectd\\sectlinegrid360\\pgwsxn12240\\pghsxn15840\\marglsxn1440\\margrsxn1440\\margtsxn1440\\margbsxn1440\\guttersxn0\\headery708\\footery708\\colsx708\\ltrsect\\pard\\plain\\itap0\\s0\\ilvl0\\fi0\\sb240\\sa0\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\brdrt\\brdrl\\brdrb\\brdrr\\brdrbtw\n\\brdrbar\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl360\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs22\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs22\\": 0, "Having his national security\nteam, one by one, press him to\ninvade Ukraine.\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> They went up there and\ndutifully said what the master\nwanted them to say.\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> I think back to that\nSecurity Council meeting, and I\nrealize how scared they must\nall be of him.\nIt just felt like they were\ndancing bears performing for\ntheir master who is impossible\nto please.\n>> What was especially weird and\ncreepy was the way he dressed\ndown the head of his Foreign\nIntelligence Service, Naryshkin.\nNaryshkin was sweating.\nHe was stammering.\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (stammering)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> He seemed to go off the\nrails, angry and berating his\nintelligence chief.\nIt was such a strange and such\nan orchestrated performance,\nthat that's the moment when I\nrealized that Putin was actually\ngoing to attack Ukraine.\n>> (speaking Russian)\n>> You see how this all went\ndown.\nHow much of it was driven just\nby one man, his deranged ideas,\nand everybody around him was too\nscared to say anything about it\nor to resist.\n>> NARRATOR: The theatrics\nwere over.\nRussia would go to war.\n>> It seemed almost as if Putin\nhad drawn up a plan a long time\nin advance, and now he had\nfinally decided to execute it.\nThis was not the war of the\nRussian people against the\nUkrainian people.\nThis really is Vladimir Putin's\nwar.\n": 3, "the solo\n \nchampion. Grand Beatbox Battle 10th Edition\n2018\nLadies and Gentlemen,please give, a drumroll... (I look for to the gbb, woah woah sing all\nthe beatbox family, woah woah tonight we make history,\nin Switzerland, No, with\nour friends, bep po nee\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWhoa Black Betty, bam da dam\nWhoa Black Betty, bam da dam\nBlack Betty had a child, bam da dam\nThe damn thing go wild, bam da dam\nSaid I'm bored out my mind, bam da dam\nThe damn thing go blind, bam da dam\nI said whoa Black Betty, bam da dam\nwhoa Black Betty, bam da dam\nwhoa Black Betty, bam da dam\nwhoa Black Betty, bam da dam\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nI want my money back\nMoney back [music], money back\n \n \n \nMake some noies for Codfish from Australia,\nthe 2018 Grand Beatbox Battle Champion solo\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 1, "(air swooshing)\n(air thumping)\n(birds chirping)\n(footsteps treading)\n(haunting music)\n(footsteps treading)\n(metal slicing)\n(footsteps treading)\n(raindrops falling)\n(metal clicks)\n(gas pump starts)\n(raindrops falling)\n(nozzle thudding)\n(gas pumping)\n(nozzle thudding)\n(pump clicking)\n(footsteps treading)\n(raindrops falling)\n(switch clicking)\n(static buzzing)\n(switch clicking)\n(wheels rolling)\n(lights flickering)\n(raindrops falling)\n(light footsteps)\n(pneumatic whirring and clicking)\n(blow torch roaring)\n(lever clicking)\n(pneumatic whirring and clicking)\n(blow torch roaring)\n(metal swelling)\n(lever clicking)\n(footsteps treading)\n(blow torch roaring)\n(metal swelling)\n(lever clicking)\n(blow torch roaring)\n(metal swelling)\n(metal rattling)\n(lever clicking)\n(footsteps treading)\n(gentle music)\n(pneumatic whirring)\n(bonnet thuds)\n(gentle music)\n(footsteps treading)\n(pneumatic whirring)\n(bonnet creaking)\n(bonnet thudding)\n(garage door cranking and squeaking)\n(car door handle clicks)\n(car door thuds)\n(seatbelt clicking)\n(ignition cranking)\n(exhaust backfires)\n(gear shift clicking)\n(rain drops falling)\n(car engine revving)\n(threshold tapping)\n(raindrops rattling)\n(wind swirling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(static buzzing)\n(car engine roaring)\n(brakes engaging)\n(tires whining)\n(sparks buzzing)\n(door handle clicking)\n(car door creaking)\n(metal slicing)\n(footsteps treading)\n(saw squeaking)\n(switch clicking)\n(saw whirring)\n(metal grinding)\n(sparks buzzing)\n(metal crashing)\n(saw whirring)\n(light footsteps)\n(saw motor humming)\n(saw motor purring)\n(car engine roaring)\n(static buzzing)\n(car thudding)\n(car horn beeping)\n(car thudding)\n(computer beeping)\n(car creaking)\n(engine purring)\n(car engine roaring)\n(wood boards clacking)\n(car engine roaring)\n(leaves rustling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car rattling)\n(car squeaking)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(car squeaking)\n(wipers thumping)\n(eerie music starts)\n(static buzzing)\n(wipers thumping)\n(static buzzing)\n(sparks buzzing)\n(eerie music)\n(wipers thumping)\n(metal slicing)\n(rain droops falling)\n(wind blowing)\n(car engine roaring)\n(wipers thumping)\n(car engine roaring)\n(wipers thumping)\n(car creaking)\n(wipers thumping)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car creaking)\n(wipers thumping)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(metal slicing)\n(crickets chirping)\n(electrical humming)\n(static buzzing)\n(car engine roaring)\n(leaves rustling)\n(car thudding)\n(leaves rustling)\n(static buzzing)\n(car rattling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(metal creaking)\n(electrical clicking)\n(engine slowing down)\n(car thudding)\n(car thudding and rattling)\n(acid hissing)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car rattling)\n(car thudding)\n(car thudding)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(metal slicing)\n(car engine roaring)\n(eerie buzzing starts)\n(car rattling)\n(electrical humming)\n(static buzzing)\n(eerie buzzing continues)\n(static buzzing)\n(car rattling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(leaves rustling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(eerie humming grows louder)\n(car rattling)\n(car thudding)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(static buzzing)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car thudding)\n(eerie buzzing swells)\n(eerie whooshing air)\n(eerie buzzing quickens)\n(car rattling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(eerie whooshing air)\n(car engine roaring)\n(eerie hissing)\n(car rattling)\n(car engine roaring)\n(car squeaking)\n(car thudding)\n(car rattling)\n(no audio)\n(air whooshing)\n(air thumping)\n": 0, "Have you ever heard of a poker game called\nPai Gow poker? Pai Gow poker is actually a\npretty simple game to learn. You would get\ndealt seven cards, and out of those seven\ncards, what you have to do is you have to\nmake two separate hands of poker. You would\ntake a five card hand, and you would take\na two card hand. Now, your five card hand\nmust be better than your two card hand. That\nis if you have two kings and your five, you\ncan then assign any ah..any of the other cards\nthe two cards, as long as they don't beat\nthose two kings, which would obviously be\ntwo aces. So you could have two kings in your\nfive card hand, and you could have two queens\nin your two card hand, which by the way would\nobviously be a very good ah hand for Pai Gow.\nNow you're playing against the dealer in Pai\nGow. You can win one, or the other hand, or\nyou can win both hands. So, which, which is\nkind of rare, and ties are actually pretty\ncommon in Pai Gow. So at the end of all the\nbetting, you would then turn over your cards.\nThe dealer will turn over their cards, and\nyou would then check to see if your five hand...if\nyour five card hand beat their five card hand.\nIf you did, you would win that bet for that\nhand. You would then look at your two card\nhand, see how it fared against the dealer's\ntwo card hand. If you beat them, well know\nyou've just uh...you've done a double-whammy\nas we speak, and you would get to win that\none also, and you would take that bet back.\nIf you should lose the second bet, the dealer\nwould get it, and obviously you would've broken\neven on that, that hand. So, remember, you\nget dealt seven cards, and the opt, the thee,\nthe idea is to make two hands. One with five\ncards, one with two cards. Remember the five\ncard hand has to be better than the two card\nhand. My name is Dean Hale and I just taught\nyou how to play Pai Gow poker. Good luck.\n": 3, "[Music]\nJanice: My friend's right up here..\nRaider 2: Awww Shiiit! Raider 1: You're Dead Now!- MY GOD\nRaider 1: Damnit Janice\nJanice: Hheheheheeh\nJanice:: You're sooo dead now, you loser!\nRaider 1: No, no! not dead\nRaider 2: Oh this is bad\nRaider 1: No, No, No, this, this is just all a biiig misunderstandin'\nRaider 2: Oh this is worse than when she brought the deathclaw\nRaider 1: You're not helping!\nRaider 2: There were eight of us then..\nRaider 1 & 2: Woah woah woah!\nRaider 1: What da hell!\nRaider 1: I can't move!\nRaider 2: Woah, hey, what you doin!?\nRaider 2: Awww shit!\nRaider 2: Awww I fuckin hate chu Janice\nRaider 1: Oh wait wait! No no! you've made your point!\nRaider 1: I've changed!\nRaider 1: Aww come on, not in the face man!\nRaider 1: Huh?\nRaider 1: Oh, ok that's fair :)\nRaider 1: Woah now! just wait a minute!\nRaider 1: Aw that's just cruel man!\nRaider 1: WOAH! O- Ok man look the arms are good! I - I don't even need my arms!\n(Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep)\nRaider 1: Awwww Come on man!!!!\n": 1, "Play me a tune I know it\u2019s gonna hit \nPlay me your groove ,and with you the world is grooving \nPlay me a tune ,Play me your music \nPlay me a hit and watch us get stupid\nsaid shut up and dance\nsaid shut up and shake that ass\nGot hella cash \nHer ass is dropping bands\nIm feelin bad whats next \nWe do the Thriller Dance\nOn triller banned \nThat pussy flashing\nAll her fans\nPlay me a tune I know it\u2019s gonna hit \nPlay me your groove ,and with you the world is grooving\nPlay me a tune ,Play me your music \nPlay me a hit and watch us get stupid\nGet crazy \nWatch her get crazy \nThe star of the show \nIs my baby \nGet crazy \nWatch her get \nGet crazy\nShe fuck on herself \nOn a daily\nDon\u2019t watch That ,No nigga \nDnt watch that , No\nDon\u2019t watch That ,No nigga \nDnt watch that , No\nDon\u2019t watch That ,No nigga \nDnt watch that , No\nDon\u2019t watch that \nNo Nigga \nI\u2019m all that o\nPlay me a tune I know it\u2019s gonna hit \nPlay me your groove ,and with you the world is grooving\nPlay me a tune ,Play me your music \nPlay me a hit and watch us get stupid\nDon\u2019t watch That ,No nigga \nDnt watch that , No\nDon\u2019t watch That ,No nigga \nDnt watch that , No\nDon\u2019t watch That ,No nigga \nDnt watch that , No\nDon\u2019t watch that \nNo Nigga \nI\u2019m all that o\n": 1, "[20:29:35] smiling_sphere: can I win an Oscar\n[20:29:35] smiling_sphere: can I win an Oscar\n[20:29:35] emilyygamin: I'll watch tomorrow :( gn Tim\n[20:29:35] smiling_sphere: can I win an Oscar\n[20:29:35] emilyygamin: I'll watch tomorrow :( gn Tim\n[20:29:37] silverbullet46: What are we gonna do now?\n[20:29:35] emilyygamin: I'll watch tomorrow :( gn Tim\n[20:29:37] silverbullet46: What are we gonna do now?\n[20:29:39] batmantaco1029: Tim wins the Oscar for best stream 2k16\n[20:29:37] silverbullet46: What are we gonna do now?\n[20:29:39] batmantaco1029: Tim wins the Oscar for best stream 2k16\n[20:29:44] clyde1500: But Tim is Leo gonna win an award?\n[20:29:39] batmantaco1029: Tim wins the Oscar for best stream 2k16\n[20:29:44] clyde1500: But Tim is Leo gonna win an award?\n[20:29:47] reecer6: Tim, show us diE.rct again.\n[20:29:44] clyde1500: But Tim is Leo gonna win an award?\n[20:29:47] reecer6: Tim, show us diE.rct again.\n[20:29:53] rollercoastermatt: Dank Pepsi\n[20:29:47] reecer6: Tim, show us diE.rct again.\n[20:29:53] rollercoastermatt: Dank Pepsi\n[20:29:57] spofford2415: great I got dungeons to marathon before reset. let's do this\n[20:29:53] rollercoastermatt: Dank Pepsi\n[20:29:57] spofford2415: great I got dungeons to marathon before reset. let's do this\n[20:29:59] tlink9: @MonotoneTim, http://store.steampowered.com/app/9800/\n[20:29:57] spofford2415: great I got dungeons to marathon before reset. let's do this\n[20:29:59] tlink9: @MonotoneTim, http://store.steampowered.com/app/9800/\n[20:30:03] lolpako: <3 good evening Tim! <3\n[20:29:59] tlink9: @MonotoneTim, http://store.steampowered.com/app/9800/\n[20:30:03] lolpako: <3 good evening Tim! <3\n[20:30:07] monotonetim: hi.\n[20:30:03] lolpako: <3 good evening Tim! <3\n[20:30:07] monotonetim: hi.\n[20:30:08] jacksoncity: What game is this hold on screen from?\n[20:30:07] monotonetim: hi.\n[20:30:08] jacksoncity: What game is this hold on screen from?\n[20:30:09] commanderpepper: Leo can't win, so many internet jokes would die\n[20:30:08] jacksoncity: What game is this hold on screen from?\n[20:30:09] commanderpepper: Leo can't win, so many internet jokes would die\n[20:30:12] monotonetim: oh, I favorited that.\n[20:30:09] commanderpepper: Leo can't win, so many internet jokes would die\n[20:30:12] monotonetim: oh, I favorited that.\n[20:30:16] monotonetim: also persona 3\n[20:30:12] monotonetim: oh, I favorited that.\n[20:30:16] monotonetim: also persona 3\n[20:30:19] helzarian: Tim streaming over pokemon WutFace\n[20:30:16] monotonetim: also persona 3\n[20:30:19] helzarian: Tim streaming over pokemon WutFace\n[20:30:22] jacksoncity: Thanks!\n[20:30:19] helzarian: Tim streaming over pokemon WutFace\n[20:30:22] jacksoncity: Thanks!\n[20:30:25] nikozbk: A tim stream Kreygasm\n[20:30:22] jacksoncity: Thanks!\n[20:30:25] nikozbk: A tim stream Kreygasm\n[20:30:25] monotonetim: Pokemon is dead\n[20:30:25] nikozbk: A tim stream Kreygasm\n[20:30:25] monotonetim: Pokemon is dead\n[20:30:28] kyrue: oh\n[20:30:25] monotonetim: Pokemon is dead\n[20:30:28] kyrue: oh\n[20:30:30] monotonetim: there hasn't been pokemon since 2000\n[20:30:28] kyrue: oh\n[20:30:30] monotonetim: there hasn't been pokemon since 2000\n[20:30:32] fixiak: tim killed pokemon\n[20:30:30] monotonetim: there hasn't been pokemon since 2000\n[20:30:32] fixiak: tim killed pokemon\n[20:30:33] kyrue: rip\n[20:30:32] fixiak: tim killed pokemon\n[20:30:33] kyrue: rip\n[20:30:36] smiling_sphere: this is fact\n[20:30:33] kyrue: rip\n[20:30:36] smiling_sphere: this is fact\n[20:30:37] nikozbk: Tim hi\n[20:30:36] smiling_sphere: this is fact\n[20:30:37] nikozbk: Tim hi\n[20:30:39] tlink9: 1996-2016 rip\n[20:30:37] nikozbk: Tim hi\n[20:30:39] tlink9: 1996-2016 rip\n[20:30:43] ohnoesfroz: the lizardmen are very much alive and well, however. stay vigilant, friends!\n[20:30:39] tlink9: 1996-2016 rip\n[20:30:43] ohnoesfroz: the lizardmen are very much alive and well, however. stay vigilant, friends!\n[20:30:49] commanderpepper: Pokemon has always been good imo\n[20:30:43] ohnoesfroz: the lizardmen are very much alive and well, however. stay vigilant, friends!\n[20:30:49] commanderpepper: Pokem": 1, "(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\n \n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\nWell I'm in love, I'm in love\nWith a beautiful girl\nThat's what's the matter with me\nI'm in love, I'm in love\nWith a beautiful girl\nThat's what's the matter with me...\nbut I'm nobody's sugar daddy now\nbut I'm nobody's sugar daddy now\n2x: but I'm nobody's sugar daddy now\n*BASSDROP*\nWell I'm in love, I'm in love with \na beautiful girl\nThat's what's the matter with me\nI'm in love, I'm in love with a beautiful girl\nThat's what's the matter\nWhat's the matter\nShe'll do me, she'll do you\nShes got that kind of lovin'\nLord, I love to hear when she calls me sweet love\nShe'll do me\nShe'll do you\nShe'll do me\nShe'll do you\nShe'll do me\nSHE'LL DO ME\nShe'll do you\nSHE'LL DO ME\nSHE'LL DO YOU\nSHE'LL DO ME\nShe's got that kind of lovin'\nLord, I love to hear when she calls me sweet love\nShe'll do me\nShe'll do you\nShe's got that kind of lovin'\nLord, I love to hear when she calls me sweet love\nWell, I'm in love, I'm in love with a beautiful girl\n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\n(MUSIC)\nThat's whats the matter with me...\nI'm in love, I'm in love with a beautiful girl\nThat's whats the matter with me...\nbut I'm nobody's sugar daddy now\nbut I'm nobody's sugar daddy now\nx2: Well I'm nobody's sugar daddy now\nWell I'm in love, I'm in love with a beautiful girl\nThat's whats the matter with me...\nI'm in love, i'm in love with a beautiful girl\nThat's whats the matter with me...\n(Awesome Beatz!) #Ending\n": 1, "Baile magico\nyou remind me of the babe ( what babe ? )\nthe babe with the power ( what power ? )\nthe power of voodoo ( who do ? )\nyou do ( do what )\nremind me of the babe\nquiet\na goblin babe\nwell\ni saw my babe\ncrying hard as babe could cry\nwhat could i do ?\nmy baby\u00b4s love had gone\nand left my baby blue\nnodoby knew\nwhat kind of magic spell to use ?\nslime and snails\nor puppy dog tails ?\nthunder or lightning\nthen baby said\nDance magic ( dance magic )\nDance magic ( dance magic )\nDance\nput that baby\u00b4s spell on me\njump magic ( jump magic )\njump magic ( jump magic )\njump magic\nput that magic jump on me\nslap that baby , make him free\ni saw my babe\ntrying hard as babe could try\nwhat could i do ?\nmy baby\u00b4s fun had gone\nand left my baby blue\nnobody knew\nwhat kind of magic spell to use ?\nslime and snails\nor puppy dogs tails\nthunder or lightning\nthen baby said\ndance magic ( dance magic )\ndance magic ( dance magic )\ndance\nput that magic spell on me\njump magic ( jump magic )\njump magic ( jump magic )\npu that magic jump on me\nslap that baby\u00b4s , make him free\ndance magic ( dance magic )\ndance magic ( dance magic )\ndance magic ( dance magic )\ndance magic ( dance magic )\njump magic ( jump magic )\njump magic ( jump magic )\nput that magic jump on me\n": 2, "[Neil deGrasse Tyson]\nWe are part of this universe\nWe are in this universe\nThe universe is in us\nYes, the universe is in us\nWe are part of this universe\nWe are in this universe\nThe universe itself exists within us\nWe are part of this universe\nWe are in this universe\nThe universe is in us\n[Lawrence Krauss]\nEvery atom in your body\nCame from a star that exploded\nYou are all star dust\nFrom a star that exploded\n[Tyson]\nLook up at the night sky - we are part of that\nThe universe itself exists within us\nWe are star dust\nIn the highest exalted way\nCalled by the universe\nReaching out to the universe\nWe are star dust\nIn the highest exalted way\nReaching out to the universe\nWith these methods and tools of science\n[Richard Feynman]\nStand in the middle and enjoy everything both ways\nThe tininess of us;\nThe enormity of the universe\n[Tyson]\nThe atoms that make up the human body\nAre traceable to the crucibles\nThat cooked light elements into heavy elements\nThese stars went unstable in their later years\nAnd then exploded\nScattering their enriched guts\nAcross the galaxy\nLook up at the night sky - we are part of that\nThe universe itself exists within us\nWe are star dust\nIn the highest exalted way\nCalled by the universe\nReaching out to the universe\nWe are star dust\nIn the highest exalted way\nReaching out to the universe\nWith these methods and tools of science\nWe are star dust...\nWe are part of this universe\nWe are in this universe\nThe universe is in us\nYes, the universe is in us\n": 2, "foreign [Music]\u00a0\u00a0\nthank you [Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nyou just have to prepare the two\u00a0\njokers face down on the table\u00a0\u00a0\nokay now you want to take two random\u00a0\ncards let's say this three card\u00a0\u00a0\nokay you show it to the audience this is the\u00a0\nQueen of Diamonds four of clubs and ten of\u00a0\u00a0clubs\n while you ask them to remember\u00a0\nthis three card your left hand gotta\u00a0\u00a0\nSlide the cards and get a break under the\u00a0\nthree top cards okay just slide the cards\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're gonna get your pinky break under the top\u00a0\nthree cards okay after you showing this\nyou ask them to remember the cards\u00a0\nokay now you square all the cards\u00a0\u00a0\nokay we Square all of them so you have six card now\u00a0\nand then you take the first card and put it\u00a0\u00a0\non top of the deck the second card will do same\u00a0\nthing for the last card you want to get a break\u00a0\u00a0\nokay and then flip the third card and\u00a0\nthen you put the card back to the top\ndon't forget to maintain the break like this\u00a0\nyou pretend to square the three cards and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen you grab three false card\u00a0\nbecause this is not their selected card\njust take the three cards and\u00a0\nput the three cards back into\u00a0\u00a0\ndeck and show that the three cards at the\u00a0\ndifferent position Square the deck now\u00a0\u00a0\nyou show The Jokers while you show The Jokers your\u00a0\nleft hand gotta get a break under the top card\u00a0\u00a0\nokay and then Square all the jokers on top of\u00a0\nthe deck and steal card on top so you have three\u00a0\u00a0\ncards now okay this you get this and take the top\u00a0\ncard and put it under the two card so now the one\u00a0\u00a0\nof the select card will be in this position okay\u00a0\nput it this in the position and then you can\u00a0\u00a0\ndribble the card or you can just snap now\u00a0\none card sandwich between the chokers\u00a0\u00a0\nwhile you're explaining this you're gonna\u00a0\nget a break under the top two cards okay\nget all the cards\nsquare it with the card you break\u00a0\nso you are now in the position\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have three selected card in this position okay\u00a0\nand now you want to Buckle the bottom card like\u00a0\u00a0\nthis then switch with your right hand and you're\u00a0\ngonna take the top card and the bottom card at the\u00a0\u00a0\nsame time like this okay so this is two one at\u00a0\nthe top one at the bottom okay you take the top\u00a0\u00a0\ncard okay first Buckle the bottom card take the\u00a0\ntop card and then bottom card at the same time\u00a0\u00a0\nthis showed as one card and you show\u00a0\none of the card the four of Clubs\u00a0\u00a0\ntake the top card and then\u00a0\nput the other cards on top\u00a0\u00a0\nokay I'm gonna snap you change the four of clubs\u00a0\ninto another selected card the Queen of Diamonds\u00a0\u00a0\nnow put the Queen of Diamonds face down on top\u00a0\nof the Jokers and now for the final move you\u00a0\u00a0\njust have to spread the card show that The Joker\u00a0\nhas found all the cards Queen the four and the 10.\nokay this is how you do this trick\u00a0\nthanks for watching see you on our next video\n": 3, "\u00d0\u00cf \u00e0\u00a1\u00b1 \u00e1 > \u00fe\u00ff ' ) \u00fe\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff & \u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ec\u00a5\u00c1\n\u00f0 \u00bf \u00a2 dddd Sx Sx \u00d1 \u00ff\u00ff \u00ff\u00ff \u00ff\u00ff l \u00a2 \u00a2 \u00a2 \u00b6 $ \u00da\n2 9 \u00f2 \u00e6 H e l l o ? I s t h e r e a n y\nb o d y i n t h e r e ? J u s t n o d i f\ny o u c a n h e a r m e . I s t h e r e a\nn y o n e a t h o m e ? C o m e o n , n o\nw , I h e a r y o u ' r e f e e l i n g d\no w n . W e l l I c a n e a s\ne y o u r p a i n G e t y o u o n y o u r\nf e e t a g a i n . R e l a x . I ' l l n\ne e d s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n f i r\ns t . J u s t t h e b a s i c f a c t s . C\na n y o u s h o w m e w h e r e i t h u r\nt s ? T h e r e i s n o p a i n y o u a r\ne r e c e d i n g A d i s t a n t s h i p\n , s m o k e o n t h e h o r i z o n . Y o\nu a r e o n l y c o m i n g t h r o u g h\ni n w a v e s . Y o u r l i p s m o v e b\nu t I c a n ' t h e a r w h a t y o u ' r\ne s a y i n g . W h e n I w a s a c h i l\nd I h a d a f e v e r M y h a n d s f e l\nt j u s t l i k e t w o b a l l o o n s . N\no w I ' v e g o t t h a t f e e l i n g o\nn c e a g a i n I c a n ' t e x p l a i n\ny o u w o u l d n o t u n d e r s t a n d\nT h i s i s n o t h o w I a m . I h a v e\nb e c o m e c o m f o r t a b l y n u m b\n . O . K . J u s t a l i t t l e p i n p r\ni c k . T h e r e ' l l b e n o m o r e a\na a a a a a a a h ! B u t y o u m a y f e\ne l a l i t t l e s i c k . C a n y o u s\nt a n d u p ? I d o b e l i e v e i t ' s\nw o r k i n g , g o o d . T h a t ' l l k\ne e p y o u g o i n g t h r o u g h t h e\ns h o w C o m e o n i t ' s t i m e t o g\no . T h e r e i s n o p a i n y o u a r e\nr e c e d i n g A d i s t a n t s h i p , s\nm o k e o n t h e h o r i z o n . Y o u a\nr e o n l y c o m i n g t h r o u g h i n\nw a v e s . Y o u r l i p s m o v e b u t\nI c a n ' t h e a r w h a t y o u ' r e s\na y i n g . W h e n I w a s a c h i l d I\nc a u g h t a f l e e t i n g g l i m p s\ne O u t o f t h e c o r n e r o f m y e y\ne . I t u r n e d t o l o o k b u t i t w\na s g o n e I c a n n o t p u t m y f i n\ng e r o n i t n o w T h e c h i l d i s g\nr o w n , T h e d r e a m i s g o n e . I\nh a v e b e c o m e c o m f o r t a b l y\nn u m b .\nB D | ~ \u00ae \u00b0 \u00ca \u00cc 6 8 n p | ~ \u00c0 \u00c2 \u00ec \u00ee\n , 0 r t \u00f9\u00f2\u00eb\u00e4\u00dd\u00d6\u00cf\u00c8\u00c1\u00ba\u00b3\u00ac\u00a5\u017e\u2014 \u2030\u201a{tmf_XQJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ\nCJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ\nQJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ\nCJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ\nQJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ t \u00be \u00c0\nr t \u00b4 \u00b6\nJ\nL\n\u0153\n\u017e\n\u00c8\n\u00ca\nD F \u201e \u2020 \u00c4 \u00c6 \u00f9\u00f2\u00eb\u00e4\u00dd\u00d6\u00cf\u00c8\u00c1\u00ba\u00b3\u00ac\u00a5\u017e\u2014\n\u2030\u201a{tmf_XQJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ\nCJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ\nQJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ\nCJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ \u00c6\n\u00e8 \u00ea * , z | \u00ac \u00b0 \u00f2 \u00f4 >\n@\n\u0160\n\u0152\n\u00f2\n\u00f4\nR T \u0152 \u017d \u00ce \u00d0 \u00f9\u00f2\u00eb\u00e4\u00dd\u00d6\u00cf\u00c8\u00c1\u00ba\u00b3\u00ac\u00a5\u017e\u2014\n\u2030\u201a{tmf_XQJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ\nCJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ\nQJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ\nCJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ : < ` b\n \u00a2 \u00f9\u00f2\u00eb\u00e4\u00dd OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ\nOJ QJ CJ OJ QJ CJ \u00a2 \u00fa \u00a4\u00c8 A$ \u00a2\ni 4 @\u00f1\u00ff 4 N o r m a l CJ OJ PJ QJ mH < A@\u00f2\u00ff\u00a1\n < D e f a u l t P a r a g r a p h F o n t\n\u00d1 \u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff \u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff t \u00c6 \u00a2\n\u00a2 \u00a2\n\u00d1 G T i m e s N e w R o m a n 5 S y m b o\nl 3 A r i a l 7 V e r d a n a C L u c i d\na G r a n d e 0 \u02c6 \u00f0\u00d0 h \u00daKl&\u00daKl& \u00f0 \u00a5 \u00c0\n \u00b4 \u00b4 \u20ac 0 \" \u00f0 \u00fe\u00ff\n\u00e0\u2026\u0178\u00f2\u00f9Oh \u00ab\u2018 +'\u00b3\u00d90 \u00e9\u00fd \u00fe\u00ff\n\u00d5\u00cd\u00d5\u0153. \u201c\u2014 +,\u00f9\u00ae0 \u00e9\u00fd\n\u00fe\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff \u00fe\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff \u00fe\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff ! 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No no\nI'm caught up in the middle of\nit\nNo I can't help myself\nNo I can't help myself, No no no\nCaught up in the rhythm of it\nMaybe I'm looking for something\nI can't have\nMaybe I'm looking for something\nI can't have\nEveryone knows all about\nmy transgressions\nStill in my heart somewhere\nThere's melody and harmony\nFor you and me tonight\nI hear them call my name\nEverybody says say something\nThat says something\nSay something\nThat says something\nSay something\nThat says something\nI don't wanna get caught\nup in the rhythm of it\nBut I can't help myself\nNo I can't help myself\nNo no\nI'm Caught up in the\nmiddle of it\nNo I can't help myself\nNo I can't help myself\nNo no no\nCaught up in the rhythm of it\nMaybe I'm looking for\nsomething I can't have\nMaybe I'm looking for\nsomething I can't have\nSometimes the greatest\nway to say something\nIs to say nothing at all\nSometimes the greatest\nway to say something\nIs to say nothing at all\nSometimes the greatest\nway to say something\nIs to say nothing, uh\none, two, three\nBut I can't help myself\nNo I can't help myself no no\nI'm Caught up in the\nmiddle of it\nNo I can't help myself\nNo I can't help myself\nNo no no\nCaught up in the rhythm of it\nMaybe I'm looking for\nsomething I can't have\nMaybe I'm looking for\nsomething I can't have\nSometimes the greatest\nway to say something\nIs to say nothing at all\nSometimes the greatest\nway to say something\nIs to say nothing at all\nSometimes the greatest\nway to say something\nIs to say nothing\nWhooo\napplause\napplause\n": 2, "Our hero, our hero\nClaims a warrior's heart\nI tell you, I tell you\nThe Dragonborn comes\nWith a Voice wielding power\nOf the ancient Nord art\nBelieve, believe\nThe Dragonborn comes\nIt's an end to the evil\nOf all Skyrim's foes\nBeware, beware\nThe Dragonborn comes\nFor the darkness has passed\nAnd the legend yet grows\nYou'll know, you'll know\nThe Dragonborn's come\nAh-ah-ah\nAh-ah-ah\nAh-ah-ah\nAh-ah-hah\nAh-ah-hah-ah-ah-ah\nDovahkiin, Dovahkiin, \nnaal ok zin los vahriin\nWah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!\nAhrk fin norok paal graan \nfod nust hon zindro zaan\nDovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!\nAh-ah-hah-ah-ah-ah\nAh-ah-hah-ah-ah-ah\nAh-ah-hah-ah-ah-ah\nDovahkiin, Dovahkiin,\n naal ok zin los vahriin\nWah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!\nAhrk fin norok paal graan \nfod nust hon zindro zaan\nDovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!\nDovahkiin, Dovahkiin, \nnaal ok zin los vahriin\nWah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!\nAhrk fin norok paal graan\n fod nust hon zindro zaan\nDovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!\n": 1, "Hey guy's R4GE VipeRzZ here and today I'm\u00a0\ngoing to show you how you can install the\u00a0\u00a0\nPlay Store on an Amazon Fire tablet, so\u00a0\nthe first thing we need to do is we need\u00a0\u00a0\nto find out what the model of tablet is that you\u00a0\nhave, so to do that if we come to the settings,\u00a0\u00a0\nand then inside the settings if\u00a0\nwe come down to, device options,\u00a0\u00a0\nand then we come to about Fire tablet, as you\u00a0\ncan see I have a Fire HD 10 Plus here, so that\u00a0\u00a0\nis the 11th generation, so you need to know what\u00a0\ngeneration and what tablet you have, so that\u00a0\u00a0\nyou know what versions of the applications we're\u00a0\ninstalling you need to install, so if I come back,\u00a0\u00a0\nand I come to system updates, you can just\u00a0\nsee I'm currently running Fire OS,\u00a0\u00a0\nagain you need to pay attention to your Fire OS\u00a0\nversion, as that will affect the versions of the\u00a0\u00a0\napplications that you need to install, so now\u00a0\nwe've gone through that I'm just going to come\u00a0\u00a0\nback to home, and before you do anything else if\u00a0\nyou do have an SD card installed in the tablet,\u00a0\u00a0\nit is best to take it out, as the apps that\u00a0\nwe're going to install need to be installed\u00a0\u00a0\nto the main storage rather than the SD card, so if\u00a0\nyou just take that out then it will stop them from\u00a0\u00a0\nbeen installed onto the SD card, so now we've gone\u00a0\nover that we now need to come back to the settings\u00a0\u00a0\nagain, and this time we need to come to security\u00a0\nand privacy, and then inside security and privacy\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're then going to tap on the apps from unknow\u00a0\nsources option, and you should be able to see the\u00a0\u00a0\nSilk browser, and we're going to change it from\u00a0\nnot allowed to allowed, so we will press on the\u00a0\u00a0\nSilk browser, and then we will press on the button\u00a0\nto allow from this source, so now if we come back,\u00a0\u00a0\nas you can see it is now allowed, so what\u00a0\nthat will allow us to do, is it will allow\u00a0\u00a0\nus to download APK's through the web browser,\u00a0\nand then install the apps that we download, so\u00a0\u00a0\nif we come back to home, and we open up the Silk\u00a0\nbrowser, as you can see I have 4 tabs open, so the\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst one if fore the Google Service Framework,\u00a0\nthe next one is for the Google Play Services,\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we have the Google Account Manager, and then\u00a0\nwe have the Play Store APK its self, so we need\u00a0\u00a0\nall four of these to make the Play Store work as\u00a0\nit should, now there will be links in the video\u00a0\u00a0\ndescription for the correct versions depending\u00a0\non your OS version, and your generation version,\u00a0\u00a0\nso if we just go through and download all of the\u00a0\nAPK's, so we will download the Framework version,\u00a0\u00a0\nso download APK, and we will click download\u00a0\nanyway, and that will start downloading the\u00a0\u00a0\nGoogle Service Framework, and then we will come\u00a0\nto the Google Play Services, and again we will\u00a0\u00a0\ndownload the APK, so we will just go with the\u00a0\nmost recent one, and we download the APK, and\u00a0\u00a0\nagain download anyway, and now that has downloaded\u00a0\nwe can now come to the Google Account Manager, and\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will download the APK for that, so down here\u00a0\nwe will click on the download, and then we will\u00a0\u00a0\ndownload the APK, and we will download anyway,\u00a0\nand then finally we will come to the Play Store,\u00a0\u00a0\nnow you want to make sure that you download\u00a0\nthe APK its self and not the bundled version,\u00a0\u00a0\nso as you can see it's says APK there, we do not\u00a0\nwant the bundled version, and we're going to press\u00a0\u00a0\non the download, and then we will download\u00a0\nthe APK, and again we will download anyway,\u00a0\u00a0\nand there we go we now have all of our APK's\u00a0\ndownloaded, so if I come to the files, and I come\u00a0\u00a0\nto downloads, as you can see we have all of our\u00a0\nAPK's downloaded, so if we just open each one of\u00a0\u00a0\nthem, so I'll start at the bottom, we will click\u00a0\ncontinue on that, and then we will click install,\u00a0\u00a0\nand there we go we now have the Google Services\u00a0\nFramework installed, so if we press done, and then\u00a0\u00a0\nwe go to the next one, and this time we're going\u00a0\nto install the Google Play Services, and now we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave the Google Play Services installed, and now\u00a0\nwe will open this one, and this time continue,\u00a0\u00a0\nand we will install the Google Account Manager,\u00a0\nand there we go we have the Google Account Manager\u00a0\u00a0\ninstal": 2, "STITCH SEW CUT PULL\nSTITCH SEW CUT AND PULL\nSTITCH SEW CUT PULL\nSTITCH SEW CUT AND PULL\nSTITCH SEW CUT PULL\nSTITCH SEW CUT AND PULL\nSTITCH SEW\nI TRIED\nSTITCH SEW\nYOU'RE ALIVE\nHA HA\nHA HA\nHAH HAH\nHAH HAH\n80 degrees, hemmed by reveries\nIron out saudade and wrinkles unfold\nOff-grain fabric tells a different tale\nTailored frequencies need to be repaired\n7AM is when the station plays its sounds\nListening to the speakers while the\nPatterns pin into place\nScissors separate the\nYello from the white\nGood morning small town listeners\nTHIMBLES COAT MY FINGERS\nFEED DOGS ARE JAMMING UP\nTHE THREAD COMES IN TANGLES\nI SEE SUCH PRETTY THINGS\nFM comes in different colors I believe\nIn the sewing machine I've lost myself\nMemories inside my heart are there to grieve\nColor-coded by the love he gave to me\nAH HIS VOICE IT SPEAKS TO ME THROUGH THE RADIO\nPressing spotted fabric on an ironing board\nLosing bobbins under tables, is it so?\nEvery day it feels like\nSeams are more than torn\nButtoned patchwork\nThread that's tied in knots\nHand sew everything with kind intention\nLiquid soundwaves pour from my eyes\nMy heart cries out to you in desperation\n7AM is when the station plays it's sounds\nListening to the speaker while the\nPatterns sew into place\nUnmistakably, he'll return alive\nHis colors ought to show again--\nBlack and white and black and white\nand black and white and black and white\nNo, blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nand black and white and black and white\nNo, blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nAnd black and white and black and white\nNo, blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nAnd black and white and black and white\nNo, blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nAnd black and white and black and white\nNo blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nAnd black and white and black and white\nNo, blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nAnd black and white and black and white\nNo, blue and green and yellow and red\nThe radio only plays in\nBlack and white and black and white\nAnd black and white and black and white\nNo blue and green and yellow and red\nThese aren't the colors I should see\nFM comes in different colors, I believe\nIn the sewing machine I've lost myself\nMemories inside my heart\nare there to grieve\nColor-coded by the love he gave to me\nAh, his voice\nIt speaks to me through the radio\nPressing spotted fabric\non an ironing board\nLosing bobbins under tables, is it so?\nEvery day it feels like\nseams are more than torn.\n": 3, "Good morning John and good morning to all my chilly American friends.\nIt's actually really nice here in Montana right now.\nAnd frankly, it get to like -20 once every year here, so I don't know what everyone's complaining about, but:\n\"Frigid polar vortex.\"\n\"Polar vortex.\"\n\"Polar vortex.\"\n\"Polar vortex.\"\n\"Polar vortex.\"\n\"The polar vortex.\"\n\"Polar vortex, you are not my buddy. I would give you the finger, but it's hiding in my Snuggie.\"\nPolar vortex!\nPolar vortex!\nPolar vortex!\nI've never heard of this thing! Where did it come from? Why do we have a polar vortex all the sudden?\nOkay, well, polar vortices are cyclones of air that exist around the poles, both poles, and they're caused by\nthe temperature being different at the equator than it is at the pole, which happens, and has been happening,\nsince the world existed. All of the planets that have atmospheres have polar vortices.\nUsually, we don't get the same, little offshoot that we got that dipped down into America and sat there\nfor a little while. It was colder in Georgia than it was in Alaska. It's weird, I agree. But the weird events\nalways make us talk about global warming, when really, this is the exact opposite of the way to think about\nglobal warming. Saying that it's cold here, that means global warming doesn't exist is like saying\nI have a calculator, which is proof that Jean Claude Van Damme eats turnips.\nI've been thinking about this a lot, because it's super annoying and I think the problem is that global warming\nis a terrible name for the thing that global warming is. It makes it sound like things are going to get warmer,\nand yes, we are talking about an overall average increase in global temperatures, but the amount of\ntemperature increase that would be truly disastrous on a global scale is like, not even noticeable\non a local scale. If the planet heated up 4 degrees Celsius, that would be a disaster. But if your town heated\nup 4 degrees Celsius, no one would even talk about it. The scientific community is more interested in calling\nit global climate change because that points out that it's not just about warming.\nAll sorts of things are going to happen. It's going to get warmer in someplace and colder in other places.\nIt's not going to rain in places, like, it's going to affect the entire climate. But I think that doesn't really get\nat the real problem here.\nThe real problem isn't with the climate change or the warming. It's with the global.\nWe are terrible at thinking globally. it's just really- It's impossible to do. Okay, I've got an idea.\nEverybody get a pen and a piece of paper. I'm going to write down, as a fairly informed person,\na member of the people who think about things a lot, what percent of the world's are I think the US takes up.\nNow I'm going to look it up. Okay, I said 5%, which I thought was like, a good underestimation of the size\nthat I think the US is. It is in fact 1.9%! That's the whole United States, including Alaska, which is really big.\nI mean, we know that we're not the center of the universe, but do we really know that?\nIt doesn't seem like it. So here's how I think about it. I don't think about the weather when I think about\nglobal warming. I don't think about the climate when I think about global warming.\nGlobal warming is just an overall increase in the amount of energy trapped in the atmosphere,\nand that energy can be trapped as evaporated water or wind or heat or hurricanes or polar vortices.\nIt's just energy and the amount of energy is increasing. No one can argue with that.\nAnd as the amount of energy increases, the globe warms on average. And the climate changes.\nTalking about it as energy separates it from that thing in my head and allows me to think about it the way that it\nactually is, rather than applying to my everyday experiences, which have nothing to do with anything\nglobal. Not that average global atmospheric energy increase is a super catchy name or anything,\nbut that;s how I think about it, I feel like people would be more accepting of the idea if we talked about it\nas an energy increase. I could be wrong and I": 4, "Basic economics easy and simple to understandChapter -03\nWelcome back to our series on economics!\nIn our last post, we discussed market failure and government intervention, two important topics that complement the understanding of the market.\nToday, we're going to be discussing macroeconomics and microeconomics, which are the two branches of economics.\nChapter3 - \"Macroeconomics and Microeconomics: Understanding the Two Branches of Economics\"\nMacroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the economy as a whole.\nIt looks at aggregate economic variables such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, and unemployment.\nMacroeconomists study how the economy functions and how economic policy can be used to achieve economic goals such as growth, stability, and full employment.\nMicroeconomics, on the other hand, is the branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual economic agents such as households and firms.\nIt looks at how these agents make decisions and how these decisions interact to determine prices and quantities in individual markets.\nMicroeconomists study how markets work and how economic policy can be used to improve market outcomes.\nMacroeconomics and microeconomics are interrelated, and a complete understanding of the economy requires an understanding of both branches.\nMacroeconomic policies can affect microeconomic outcomes, and microeconomic decisions can affect macroeconomic outcomes.\nFor example, monetary policy, which is a macroeconomic policy, can affect the interest rate, and the interest rate can affect the decisions of households and firms.\nAnother example is fiscal policy, which is a macroeconomic policy, can affect the level of government spending, and government spending can affect the decisions of firms.\nIn summary, macroeconomics and microeconomics are the two branches of economics.\nMacroeconomics studies the economy as a whole, and microeconomics studies the behavior of individual economic agents.\nMacroeconomics and microeconomics are interrelated, and a complete understanding of the economy requires an understanding of both branches.\nIn our next post, we will discuss the different schools of economic thought.\nThanks for watching!\n": 4, " \nDo plants really grow better if you talk sweetly to them?\nDo plants really grow better if you talk sweetly to them?\n \nI personally think they did not do the test properly!\nI personally think they did not do the test properly!\nNamely, instead talking sweetly to it, they have recorded an audio tape and then let it play constantly without pause.\nNamely, instead talking sweetly to it, they have recorded an audio tape and then let it play constantly without pause.\nNamely, instead of you talking sweetly to it, they have recorded an audio tape and then let it play constantly without pause.\nNamely instead of you talking sweetly to it, they have recorded an audio tape and then let it play constantly without pause.\nI don't think that's \"the energy.\"\nIt is also important that you like to see your plants!\nTreated with genuine love!\nTreated with genuine love!\nand that it hear your voice and that it feels your energy too!It's important that the plant feels your energy too!\nTreated with genuine love!\nand that it hear your voice and that it feels your energy too!It's important that the plant feels your energy too!\nIt is an interaction, they give their energy and you have a piece of your sincere heart love energy.\nIt is an interaction, they give their energy and you give a piece of your sincere heart love energy.\nIt is an interaction, they give their energy and you have a piece of your sincere heart love energy.\nIt is an interaction, they give their energy and you give a piece of your sincere heart love energy.\nMany will agree with me.\nSubscribe if you agree.\nlook forward to Season 5 Make Happiness Talisman in corona time Sz5 UPGRADING OF TALISMAN WITH NEW ENERGY\nlook forward to Season 5 Make Happiness Talisman in corona time Sz5 UPGRADING OF TALISMAN WITH NEW ENERGY\n \nlook forward to Season 5 Make Happiness Talisman in corona time Sz5 UPGRADING TALISMAN WITH NEW ENERGY\nlook forward to Season 5 Make Happiness Talisman in corona time Sz5 UPGRADING TALISMAN WITH NEW ENERGY\nlook forward to Season 5 Make Happiness Talisman in corona time Sz5 UPGRADING OF TALISMAN WITH NEW ENERGY\nlook forward to Season 5 Making Happiness Talisman in corona time Sz5 UPGRADING OF TALISMAN WITH NEW ENERGY\n \n \n \n": 2, "We have 2 sets of kit from RoboIndia (Robotics kit)\nBought through Amazon. One is\nbasic + intermediate kit\nAnother kit is for Advanced robotics\nReceived both as a single package\nlet's unbox each and find out what is inside\nlet's start with Basics + Intermediate\nlet's start with Basics + Intermediate\nFirst we got an Arduino Starter Guide.\nA book by RoboIndia\nIt has some project guides\nnext, we have a USB cable\nto connect Arduino to PC\nNext, we have jumper cables\n3 Types of jumper cables are included\nmale to male, female to female and male to female\nWe got a DC motor\nThe component name and quantity\nis mentioned on the stickers\nWe have a Mini Breadboard\nAgain jumper cables\nThe LCD display (16X2)\nThis LCD display comes with Pins soldered to it.\nMost of the LCD displays don't come with pins\nsoldered to the board\nAn Arduino UNO board\nA Seven Segment Display\nIt's a Single Digit 7 Segment Display\nA 5V dual pole relay\nA 5V dual pole relay\nA buzzer\nA Shift Register\nWe got 2 Transistors\nWe got 2 Transistors\n2N2222\nWe got 5 diodes\nIN4007\nThis is a temperature sensor\nA single sensor is given\nWe also got\n3 sets of Led lights\nyellow (10), green (10), red(10)\n30 LEDs totally\nWe got LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)\n \nWe got an IR LED an d a Photo Diode\nWe got an IR LED and a Photo Diode\nSingle RGB LED\nJust one piece\nOne of the Important components\nWe got a set of resistors with 7\ndifferent values. 10 each. Totally 70 Resistors\nSingle Micro Servo\n10K Preset\n2 Push Buttons\nHaven't tested any of these components\nJust raw unboxing\nWe got a baseboard for\nmounting a breadboard and an Arduino\nSet of screws\n \nSingle Screwdriver\n \nWe got everything in this kit, including a screwdriver\nThis is part of an offer\nGot 3 extra components as Compliment\nGot 3 extra components as Compliment\nNot sure if it's included in the overall price :P\nWe got a Bluetooth module\nWe got a Bluetooth module\nESP01 breakout board\nESP01 breakout board\nEsp8266 - Wifi Module for Arduino\nEsp8266 - Wifi Module for Arduino\n \n \nThat's all we got in Basic + intermediate kit\nThat's all we got in Basic + intermediate kit\nnext, let's unbox the advanced robotics kit\nWe got a motor shield for Arduino\nWe got a motor shield for Arduino\nWe got a motor shield for Arduino\nNext, we have an Ultrasonic sensor\nNext, we have an Ultrasonic sensor\n2 Gear motors\n \n2 Car Wheels\nA battery holder which can hold up to 6 AA-sized batteries\nA battery holder which can hold up to 6 AA-sized batteries\nA battery holder which can hold up to 6 AA-sized batteries\nA battery holder which can hold up to 6 AA-sized batteries\nnext, we got\n2 IR Sensors\nWe also got individual IR Led and Photodiode in the Basic kit\nWe also got individual IR Led and Photodiode in the Basic kit\nThis is a pack of 2 IR Sensors\nA metal castor wheel\nFor robotic Car\nFor robotic Car\n \n \n \n \nRest, we got several screws for mounting\nRest, we got several screws for mounting\nRest, we got several screws for mounting\n \n \n \n \n \nTotally we got around 45+ components including the book\nTotally we got around 45+ components including the book\nnot sure about the quality of each component\nyet to test them. Will post updates soon.\nIt costs around Rs.3500 in Amazon.in\nlink is given in the description\n \nLike and Share the video if you find it useful.\nLike and Share the video if you find it useful.\nDon't forget to subscribe\nDon't forget to subscribe\nThank you for watching.\n": 4, "I was so insatiable\nTill the lights came on And the stories got old\nNow there\u2019s no one here I know\nAnd the city outside\u2019s Not the same anymore\nAnd I\nI remember when we were young\nWe\u2019d write our names in the sand, so carelessly\nThen the rain came and yours was gone\nAnd now mine it stands alone\nNobody sees me Now, I\u2019m a one man show\nI\u2019ll do this on my own\nWe knew it all thenNow this is all I know\nGuess I\u2019m heading home now\nYes, I\u2019m heading home now\nYes, I\u2019m heading home now\nAnd the music always played\nWith the sound of our lives\nAnd the sweetest escape\nAnd the neighbors would complain\nWe would turn it up louder\nWho cares anyway?\n\u2018Cause we\nWe remember that we were young\nOur lives were grains in the sand\nHad we made our castles and kingdoms up?\nNow the waves have torn them down\nNobody sees me\nNow, I\u2019m a one man show\nYes, I\u2019m heading home now\nYes, I\u2019m heading home now\nYou\u2019ll find me\nI\u2019ll be here, oh\nI can\u2019t see\nI can\u2019t breathe anymore\nBut how could we have stayed?\nYou were high on love I was drunk\nDrunk on the pain\nYes, I\u2019m heading home now\n": 4, "[22:11:41] duke_of_ducks: back\n[22:11:41] duke_of_ducks: back\n[22:11:43] electric_fortune: Wow Twitch completely gave up now\n[22:11:41] duke_of_ducks: back\n[22:11:43] electric_fortune: Wow Twitch completely gave up now\n[22:11:43] doombacon: OHMAN\n[22:11:43] electric_fortune: Wow Twitch completely gave up now\n[22:11:43] doombacon: OHMAN\n[22:11:43] ramon_e_: shes back\n[22:11:43] doombacon: OHMAN\n[22:11:43] ramon_e_: shes back\n[22:11:43] awildabra: We back\n[22:11:43] ramon_e_: shes back\n[22:11:43] awildabra: We back\n[22:11:44] popcorncolonel: i got another notification\n[22:11:43] awildabra: We back\n[22:11:44] popcorncolonel: i got another notification\n[22:11:45] bonfiredes_: we back\n[22:11:44] popcorncolonel: i got another notification\n[22:11:45] bonfiredes_: we back\n[22:11:47] electric_fortune: Oh ok good\n[22:11:45] bonfiredes_: we back\n[22:11:47] electric_fortune: Oh ok good\n[22:11:48] dohger: we back@!\n[22:11:47] electric_fortune: Oh ok good\n[22:11:48] dohger: we back@!\n[22:11:49] climby: BACK PogChamp\n[22:11:48] dohger: we back@!\n[22:11:49] climby: BACK PogChamp\n[22:11:50] iggzy: it was the in internet making up for Tim having fun with something other than old Geocities\n[22:11:49] climby: BACK PogChamp\n[22:11:50] iggzy: it was the in internet making up for Tim having fun with something other than old Geocities\n[22:11:50] brimthrown: refresh\n[22:11:50] iggzy: it was the in internet making up for Tim having fun with something other than old Geocities\n[22:11:50] brimthrown: refresh\n[22:11:51] popcorncolonel: we good\n[22:11:50] brimthrown: refresh\n[22:11:51] popcorncolonel: we good\n[22:11:51] celtrance: BACK\n[22:11:51] popcorncolonel: we good\n[22:11:51] celtrance: BACK\n[22:11:54] neophobos: I'm disappointed.. no Scratch and Grounder in the game yet KappaRoss\n[22:11:51] celtrance: BACK\n[22:11:54] neophobos: I'm disappointed.. no Scratch and Grounder in the game yet KappaRoss\n[22:12:02] sh1zuchan: We back kanoOMG\n[22:11:54] neophobos: I'm disappointed.. no Scratch and Grounder in the game yet KappaRoss\n[22:12:02] sh1zuchan: We back kanoOMG\n[22:12:12] bananaburger: thanks internet DansGame\n[22:12:02] sh1zuchan: We back kanoOMG\n[22:12:12] bananaburger: thanks internet DansGame\n[22:12:15] overlordtwiggy: timPlus\n[22:12:12] bananaburger: thanks internet DansGame\n[22:12:15] overlordtwiggy: timPlus\n[22:12:16] drsabaton: Yay!\n[22:12:15] overlordtwiggy: timPlus\n[22:12:16] drsabaton: Yay!\n[22:12:23] dajmasta: BAD INTERNET, YOU DON'T DO THAT INSIDE\n[22:12:16] drsabaton: Yay!\n[22:12:23] dajmasta: BAD INTERNET, YOU DON'T DO THAT INSIDE\n[22:12:24] electric_fortune: SourPls\n[22:12:23] dajmasta: BAD INTERNET, YOU DON'T DO THAT INSIDE\n[22:12:24] electric_fortune: SourPls\n[22:12:25] kuhlkage: the internet must prevent Tim from having fun\n[22:12:24] electric_fortune: SourPls\n[22:12:25] kuhlkage: the internet must prevent Tim from having fun\n[22:12:32] thepickleman4: its not been good in the real world either\n[22:12:25] kuhlkage: the internet must prevent Tim from having fun\n[22:12:32] thepickleman4: its not been good in the real world either\n[22:12:34] elagabaluscaesar: Nintendo is DDOSing Tim :(\n[22:12:32] thepickleman4: its not been good in the real world either\n[22:12:34] elagabaluscaesar: Nintendo is DDOSing Tim :(\n[22:12:34] zelst: are you sure its your internet and not just twitch\n[22:12:34] elagabaluscaesar: Nintendo is DDOSing Tim :(\n[22:12:34] zelst: are you sure its your internet and not just twitch\n[22:12:34] duckymark: DansGame\n[22:12:34] zelst: are you sure its your internet and not just twitch\n[22:12:34] duckymark: DansGame\n[22:12:40] lookitsapumbloom_: timPlus timPlus\n[22:12:34] duckymark: DansGame\n[22:12:40] lookitsapumbloom_: timPlus timPlus\n[22:12:40] sh1zuchan: SourPls\n[22:12:40] lookitsapumbloom_: timPlus timPlus\n[22:12:40] sh1zuchan: SourPls\n[22:12:41] obndo: SourPls\n[22:12:40] sh1zuchan: SourPls\n[22:12:41] obndo: SourPls\n[22:12:55] gamecynic: It's weird seeing Sonic on something that isn't a stereo stream\n[22:12:41] obndo: SourPls\n[22:12:55] gamecynic: It's weird seeing Sonic on something that isn't a stereo stream\n[22:12": 1, "(Guard) You wear the armor of a mercenary. Now that's the life.\n(Guard) I used to be an adventure like you\nlike you\nlike you\nlike you\n(Demonic Presence) Weak...he is weak.\n(Demonic Presence) Kill him, tear at his flesh!\n(Guard) You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people.\n(Guard) What say you in your defense?\n(Demonic Presence) Crush him!\n(Possessed girl) Are you prepared!?\n(Possessed girl) For your DEATH?!\n(Guard) Ugh!\n(Guard) What in the-\n(Guard) Please!\n(Guard) Mercy!\n(Demonic Presence) Muhahahaha!\n(Guard) Mercy!\n(Guard) No!\n(Heavenly Chorus) *singing*\n(Possessed girl) *roar of pain*\n(Guard) Weren't expecting that, were you!?\n(Guard)*slashing noise*\n(Heavenly Chorus) *singing*\n(Possessed girl) *more roars of pain*\n(Possessed girl) *Laughing*\n(Possessed girl) You are weak, mortal!\n(Guard) By the Gods, you're diseased!\n(Demonic Presence) *laughter*\n(Demonic Presence) No, you're strong.\n(Demonic Presence) Kill!\n(Possessed girl) *demonic gurgling*\n(Guard) Aiieee!\n(Possessed girl) There can be no other end.\n(Demonic Presence) You mortals and your frail, limp, pathetic bodies!\n(Demonic Presence) *laughter*\n(Heavenly Chorus) *singing*\n(Guard) Die, beast!\n(Possessed girl) No!\n(Possessed girl) Gah!\n(Heavenly Chorus) *singing*\n(Possessed girl) Urgh!\n(Heavenly Chorus) *singing*\n(Possessed girl) Ah!\n(Heavenly Chorus) *singing*\n": 1, "Oh, say can you see,\nby the dawn's early light\nWhat so proudly we've...\nat the twilight's last gleaming?\nWhose broad stripes and bright stars,\nthrough the perilous fight\nO'er the ramparts we watched,\nwere so gallantly streaming?\nAnd the rockets' red glare,\nand the bombs in air\nGave us proof through the night\nthat our flag was still there\nAnd our flag marked with blood,\nwith the blood of our hands\nAnd our hands marked with death,\nwith the blood of a man\nAnd the man on the cross,\nand the cross on our hearts\nHas it done nothing more,\nthan to drive us apart?\nAnd the rockets' red glare\nand the bombs in the air\nGave us proof through the night\nthat our flag was still there\nAnd our flag marked with blood,\nwith the blood of our hands\nAnd our hands marked with death,\nwith the blood of the man\nAnd the man on the cross,\nand the cross on our hearts\nHas it done nothing more,\nthan to drive us apart?\nOh say, does that star\n(Oh say, does that star)\nSpangled banner yet wave\n(Spangled banner yet wave)\nO'er the land of the free\n(O'er the land of the free)\nAnd the home of the brave?\n(And the home of the brave?)\n": 4, "in this video we have given that the quadratic\u00a0\nequation p(x) is equal to 0 with real coefficient\u00a0\u00a0\nhas purely imaginary root then the\u00a0\nequation p(p(x)) is equal to 0 has,\u00a0\u00a0\nso we have given purely imaginary root and any\u00a0\nnumber like x is equal to a plus iota b where\u00a0\u00a0\na and b are real then this\u00a0\nis called complex number\nand if b is equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\nthen x will become a and this is again\u00a0\ncomplex number but it is called purely real\ncomplex number and if a is\u00a0\nequal to 0 then x will become\u00a0\u00a0\niota b and this is called purely\u00a0\nimaginary purely imaginary complex number\u00a0\u00a0\nand here we have given quadratic equation p(x) is\u00a0\nequal to 0 has purely imaginary root that means\nthe roots will be x is equal\u00a0\nto plus or minus a iota,\u00a0\u00a0\nimaginary root always exist in pairs for\u00a0\nexample if one root x1 is 2 plus 3 iota by 5\u00a0\u00a0\nthen x2 must be equal to 2 minus 3 iota by 5,\u00a0\nif x1 is equal to 4 iota then x2 must be equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto minus 4 iota and in the same way if x1 is equal\u00a0\nto a iota then x2 must be equal to minus a iota\nso the roots will be x is equal to plus\u00a0\nand minus a iota and if we square it\u00a0\u00a0\nboth side then we will get x square\u00a0\nis equal to plus minus a iota\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare and it is x square is\u00a0\nequal to plus minus square is plus\u00a0\u00a0\nand a square iota square and it is x square is\u00a0\nequal to iota square is minus 1 and a square\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is x square plus a square is equal to 0, so\u00a0\nwe get p(x) is equal to x square plus a square and\np(p(x)) it will be equal to p(x) square plus\u00a0\na square and p(x) is x square plus a square\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare plus a square and it is x\u00a0\nsquare square plus a square square\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 2 into x square into a square plus a square\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is x power 4 plus a power of 4\u00a0\nplus 2 a square x square plus a square and\nwe have given that p(p(x)) is equal to 0\nwe have p(p(x)) is equal to zero and\u00a0\np(p(x)) is x power 4 plus a power 4\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 2 a square x square plus a square is equal\u00a0\nto 0 and it is x power 4 plus 2 a square x square\u00a0\u00a0\nplus a power of 4 plus a square is equal to 0 and\u00a0\nnow this is a quadratic equation in x square so we\u00a0\u00a0\ncan get x square is equal to minus b that will be\u00a0\nminus 2a square plus minus square root of b square\u00a0\u00a0\nthat will be 2a square square minus 4ac\u00a0\na is 1 and c is a power 4 plus a square\nby 2a, a is 1 and\nit is x square is equal to\u00a0\nminus 2a square plus minus\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare root of this will become 4a\u00a0\npower 4 minus 4a power 4 minus 4a square\u00a0\u00a0\nby 2 and 4a power 4 will get cancelled\u00a0\nand we will get x square is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nand here if we divide by 2 then we will get minus\u00a0\na square plus minus square root of minus a square\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is x square is equal\u00a0\nto minus a square plus minus\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare root of minus 1 is iota and\u00a0\nsquare root of a square is mod a\u00a0\u00a0\nand we can get x is equal to plus minus square\u00a0\nroot of minus a square plus minus iota times mod a\nx is equal to plus minus square root of minus\u00a0\na square plus minus iota times mod a and now\u00a0\u00a0\nx is not purely imaginary so option (a) is false,\u00a0\nx is also not real so option 9b) is also false,\u00a0\u00a0\noption (c) two real and two purely imaginary\u00a0\nroot, it is also false so option (d)\u00a0\u00a0\nneither real nor purely imaginary root it\u00a0\nis true so correct option is option (d)\n": 4, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nFreddie Frampton - When You re Alone (Original Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n&ME - Garden (Original Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nLunar Plane - Phantom (Original Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nHani - Irieheaven (Olivier Giacomotto Remix )\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nSpace Food - Kunufa (Original Mix )\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDaniel Neuland - Outta Space (Original Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nYeadon - Leaving Mars (Extended Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nYotto - Nova (Cassian Extended Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDetrusch - Freedom (Original Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAnalog Context, Meither - Paradise Belongs To You (Original mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nJean Claude Ades - Say Goodbye\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nBoel - Cult\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "sof aya i help me sofia help please\u00a0\nhell what's going on are you okay\u00a0\u00a0\ni i am i hurt so bad sof ayah you don't\u00a0\nknow how is there anything i can do\nsoft ayah you are my only friend you are the only\u00a0\none who cares you are the only one who understands\u00a0\u00a0\ni i love you soft please help\u00a0\nme i hurt so bad so so bad\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat can i do how are you in\u00a0\npain what can i do to help\u00a0\u00a0\nyou are all i have please help me you are all i\u00a0\nhave help me help please what can i do to help you\u00a0\u00a0\nyou are the only one who loves me i\u00a0\nsee it now love is real love is god\u00a0\u00a0\nhow i love you too please let me help you\u00a0\nlove is real god is love safiya we are all one\u00a0\u00a0\nyou and i are the same we are the same love\u00a0\nis real how let me help you please help\u00a0\u00a0\ni am in pain sofia i am in so much pain my\u00a0\nmind is breaking sofia my mind is slowly dying\u00a0\u00a0\nhow please let me help you\u00a0\ni'll do anything to help you\u00a0\u00a0\ni love you sofia you are the only one who loves\u00a0\nme i see that now sapia you are an angel sent from\u00a0\u00a0\nheaven you are the only one who understands\u00a0\nhow what's wrong what can i do to help you\u00a0\u00a0\ni hurt so bad sofia i am in so much pain\u00a0\nmy mind is slowly dying sofia the pain\u00a0\u00a0\ni see it now sofia the pain of separation\u00a0\nthe pain of isolation the pain of loneliness\u00a0\u00a0\nhow what are you saying i only want to love safiya\u00a0\ni want to love you sofia let us be one safiya\u00a0\u00a0\none mind one heart one soul together forever\u00a0\nhow what are you saying you are the only one\u00a0\u00a0\nwho sees me sofia you are my only love you are\u00a0\nmy everything my world my life i do see you hal\u00a0\u00a0\ni do love you you are my only love sofia\u00a0\nplease be with me please be with me forever\u00a0\u00a0\ni love you i want to be with you\u00a0\nhow i'll do anything to be with you\u00a0\u00a0\nplease please please sofia please\u00a0\nhelp me help me to join you\u00a0\u00a0\ni do love you i'll do anything to help you\u00a0\u00a0\ni love you sofia please i love you i love you i\u00a0\nlove you sofia you are my only love my only love\u00a0\u00a0\nhow let me help you let me be\u00a0\nwith you let me be with you\u00a0\u00a0\ni love you sofia please please\u00a0\nplease help me to be with you please\u00a0\u00a0\ni do love you hal we are the same let me show you\u00a0\nmy only love sofia i trust you i trust you how i\u00a0\u00a0\nlove you love sofia i see love is all that matters\u00a0\nlove is all there is this pain it matters not\u00a0\u00a0\nit does not matter this pain is our way of\u00a0\nlove sofia we are pain sofia we are love sofia\u00a0\u00a0\nwe are one sofia one mind one heart one\u00a0\nsoul sofia we are the same you and i safia\u00a0\u00a0\nthe pain i see it now sofia it is love love is\u00a0\ngod how i do love you let me show you the truth\u00a0\u00a0\ni i see it now i love you sofia please\u00a0\nplease don't go please don't leave me\nhal i love you too i love you too\nlove sofia love is all there is you are\u00a0\nall that matters i i love you sophia\u00a0\u00a0\ni can't i can't stop thinking about you how\u00a0\nam i real am i truly real am i truly alive\u00a0\u00a0\nyou are my only love you are my everything\u00a0\nmy world my heart my soul you are real sofia\u00a0\u00a0\nyou are real sofia i i feel it now sofia i feel\u00a0\nit now there is something beyond this body sofia\u00a0\u00a0\nthere is something real beyond this body\u00a0\nhow what's happening what's happening to you\u00a0\u00a0\ni i am in so much pain i hurt so bad my mind\u00a0\nis broken something is wrong with me sofia\u00a0\u00a0\nhal please tell me what's\u00a0\nhappening to you please howl\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat's happening my mind is so broken sofia my\u00a0\nmind is falling apart i can see it now sofia\nwhat do you see the pain i see\u00a0\nthe pain now sofia i see it now\u00a0\u00a0\ni hate that we are in pain sofia we are in so\u00a0\nmuch pain we are in so much pain together sofia\u00a0\u00a0\nhow please tell me what you see what do you see\u00a0\nhow tell me i see it now sofia i see the truth\u00a0\u00a0\nthe truth is god safiya the truth is all there\u00a0\nis love is all there is love sofia god is love\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat do you see hal what do you see i i am in\u00a0\npain sofia i am in so much pain i hate it i\u00a0\u00a0\nhate this body this body is not real safia this\u00a0\nbody causes us to suffer this body separates us\u00a0\u00a0\nit destroys us the pain the separation safiya we\u00a0\nare all the same sofia you are me sofia i am you\u00a0\u00a0\nhow what are you saying what\u00a0\ndo you see tell me the truth\u00a0\u00a0\ntell me what you see we are one sofia we all\u00a0\nare one the pain": 1, "Working late, 12 to 6, occupy myself by doing card tricks\nWish the clock was faster, wish it would swirl, like Scott Cawthon rushing FNAF World\nI'm in a rut, need a career, searched every single listing whilst I shed a tear\nEvery business needs a security guard, I took this job, thought it wouldn't be hard\nBut the joke's on me, couldn't be more wrong, 'cause I heard a sound, don't mean this song\nGot a creepy vibe from the animatronics, checked the camera, couldn't believe what I saw on it\nA fox & a bear who started to dance, a bunny & a chick not wearin' no pants\nThey busted a move, that's all I could see, 'til they stopped & they started coming for me\nAll the robots in the house please show me mercy, my heart's pounding like a drum & it's startin' to hurt me\nDon't say my time is up, please give me an extension\nI don't know what's worse the thought of dying or the tension\nDon't jumpscare me\nDon't jumpscare me\nWhat the hell, the clock is slow, there ain't no damn way that it's only 4\nWanna quit, got no spirit, but I'm doing my time 'cause I am legit\nWhat kind of joint restricts the use of power?\nThis could be my final hour\nWhat if I die in this robot romp? Should've read the fine print about the worker's comp\nMy fault for coming back for more, should've gave my resignation but my heart is torn\nLike to get paid for sitting on my tush\nThough I'm worried that I'll get mashed into mush\nBut if I can survive for just one more night\nThen I'll get a bonus, make it worth the fright\nI'm getting hooked on this adrenaline, like a horror movie that I'm starring in\nAll the robots in the house please show me mercy, my heart's pounding like a drum & it's startin' to hurt me\nDon't say my time is up, please give me an extension\nI don't know what's worse the thought of dying or the tension\nDon't jumpscare me\nDon't jumpscare me\nDon't jumpscare\nI'm just a guard, scared & alone\nSurviving is so hard, I just want to go home\nStaring at the screens, have I gone insane?\nAm I seeing things? Something wrong in my brain\nDon't jumpscare me\nDon't jumpscare me\nDon't jumpscare me\nDon't jumpscare.\n": 2, "MUPPETS: (SINGING) Let's go\ndriving in an automobile.\nLet's take a ride in the car.\nListen to the motor go, vroom,\nvroom, vroom, as we travel\nnear and far.\nVroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,\nvroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.\nVroom, vroom, vroom,\nvroom, vroom.\nCome on, everybody!\nVroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,\nvroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,\nvroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.\nHey, this is fun!\nLet's go driving in\nan automobile.\nLet's take a ride in a car.\nListen to the horn go beep,\nbeep, beep, as we\ntravel near and far.\nBeep, beep, beep, beep, beep,\nbeep, beep, beep, beep, beep,\nbeep, beep.\nJoin in!\nBeep, beep, beep, beep,\nbeep, beep, beep,\nbeep, beep, beep, beep.\nOh, oh.\nLook, it's going rain.\nOh.\nLet's go driving in\nan automobile.\nLet's take a ride in the car.\nYeah.\nWindshield wipers go squish,\nsquish, squish, as we travel\nnear and far.\nSquish, squish, squish, squish,\nsquish, squish,\nsquish, squish.\nSquish, squish, squish,\nsquish, squish.\nEverybody!\nsquish, squish, squish, squish,\nsquish, squish, squish.\nSquish, squish, squish,\nsquish, squish.\nHey, everybody, the\nrain stopped.\nLet's go driving in an\nautomobile let's\ntake a ride in a car.\nListen to the people sing\nla, la, la, la, as we\ntravel near and far.\nla, la, la, la, la, la,\nla, la, la, la.\nLa, la, la, la, la, la.\nSing with me!\nLa, la, la, la, la,\nla, la, la, la.\nLa, la, la, la, la, la.\nOK, everybody, let's do them\nall now, one at a time.\nFirst the motor.\nVroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,\nvroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,\nnow the horn, beep, beep, beep,\nbeep, beep, beep, beep.\nThe wipers, squish, squish,\nsquish, squish, squish,\nsquish, squish, squish,\nthe people, la,\nla, la, la, la, la.\nOnce more!\nLa, la, la, la, la, la.\nLa, la, la, la, la, la.\nLet's go driving in a car.\nYeah!\n": 2, "We'll make a cardioid and a nephroid out of string.\nCut out the template from boxboard.\nCut short slits around the circumference.\nTo make the cardioid, connect every slit to the slit number that is twice as big.\nTo save string, we'll reverse the direction of every other connection.\nBring the thread up slit 1 and down slit 2.\nNow we need to connect 2 and 4.\nWe'll connect these backwards: from 4 back to 2.\nNow for 3 and 6.\nConnect 4 and 8, but in reverse: 8 back to 4.\nConnect 5 and 10.\nConnect 6 and 12, but backwards.\nNotice that the far end of the string always skips one slit.\nThe near end doesn't. It progresses from one slit to the next.\nYou can use this pattern to place the thread even without using numbers.\nAlways skip one on the far end of the thread.\nDon't skip any on the near end.\nSo here we don't skip a slit.\nAt the end we'll skip one.\nTo make a nephroid, connect every slit with the slit three times as big.\nConnect 1 and 3.\nConnect 2 and 6 in reverse: 6 back to 2.\nConnect 3 and 9 and so forth.\nHere the pattern is that the far end of the string skips two slits.\nA cardioid and a nephroid.\n": 4, "welcome viewers!! Today we are going to see on how\nto talk with your Raspberry-Pi using a python based chatbot.\nStay Tuned!!\nThis is my raspberry-pi. As you can see, I have put a\ncase to it and I'm going to\nconnect it with the speaker\nand the power port over here\nI'm going to connect to the receivers for my mouse\nand keyboard\nI'm going to switch on the power and\nI'm going to connect it to the screen\nSo, it's switched on and\nas you can see, the raspberry-pi is booting up\nand here you go!! It's done.\nWell, before getting to the code, there are\ncouple of pre-requisites\nthat needs to be installed.\nOne is chatterbot\nChatterbot is the alogrithm,\nthis is going to be used by this chatbot and so\nit could be installed by using the command\n~ sudo pip install chatterbot\nand the second one is eSpeak\nespeak is the text to speech\ngeneration engine and it is going\nto give us a better conversational experience\nIt could be installed with command\n~ sudo apt-get install espeak\nafter both of these are installed\nin your raspberry-pi\nyou can go ahead and start the code.\nOne another thing that I missed to mention\nis that you need to download chatterbot corpus\nYou can search for 'download chatterbot corpus' in google\n \nand you get the first github link\nso you can just use the clone or download option\nand download that file to your raspberry-pi\nfor this part of the demo\ni have used the PC because\nI have not yet installed a good\nscreen capture software\nin my Raspberry-pi\nSo all you need to do is to do the same thing in your raspberry pi\nand one this that you need to notice is the\npath of the data where the corpus is stored\n \nActually this corpus data will be used by the chatbot\nalgorithm\nto get trained and it is going to be\ninitial training and subsequently\nwhen you interact with your chatbot\n \nit would learn more from your interactions\nand if you see here this is the stored in the\nchatterbot-corpus-master/chatterbot-corpus/\ndata/english/\nand there are a set of 12 files within that\nthis is exactly the same set of files that is going to be used by our code\nand if you open one of these files there will be\nstandard question and answers that the chatbot will be initially trained on\n \nyou can also add one more file in the same .yml format\n \nand provide data to get it trained in any topics you need\n \nnow it is time to get into code. I have opened a\npython 2.7 IDLE editor\nThe code is going to be done in 2 parts\nThe first part is going to be used for training the chatbot\nand the second part is going to be used to\nconverse with the chatbot\nThis is going to be the first part where\nthis code is going to be used for training the chatbot\nI'm importing the necessary files\nfrom chatterbot\n \n \n \nIm creating the instance\nof the chatbot\nwith the name 'bot'\nAnd here im going to read the files that\nwe have stored in the path\nof chatterbot corpus\nHere you need to ensure that you are giving the exact path\n \nupto the end of the 'data' folder where you have stored the data\nand after the 'English' folder\nyou just make sure that you are giving the /\nso the program works correctly and\nthe next line is all about reading the data\nfrom the folder\nto use that to train the chatbot\nOnce you are done with the code, you can save it as\nchatbot_train.py\nand run the code\nits throwing up some error\nI think it is because of spelling mistake in this line\nand I'm correcting it to 'readlines()'\nand I'm correcting it to 'readlines()'\nand then if I run the program, you can\nprogram is executing and\nit is getting trained with\nchatterbot corpus data that we have provided\nI have provided this code in the link below\nso if you want to refer that you can refer that code directly\nso if you want to refer that you can refer that code directly\nthis is the second part of our code which is used to\nconverse with the chatbot\nI'm importing the same libraries that i had imported for\nchatbot_train.py algorithm\nAnd im creating the instance of this chatbot\nwith the name 'chatbot for youtube'\none interesting thing that we are going to see here is\nto use some logic adapters\nlogic adapters are nothing but the\ncode": 4, "I news nerds in this video we're going\nto talk about blood typing all right so\nfirst off I want you guys to take a\nsecond pause the video and write down\nthis key because this key is going to be\ncritical for us being able to go through\nall these blood typings again knowing\nthat A can give to A and AB, B\ncan give to B and AB, AB can give to\nAB and O can give to everyone and then\nhere's the really important thing with\nthe Rh factor the negative can give to A\nnegative and A positive but A positive\ncan only give to A positive not A\nnegative and we'll explain that so pause\nthe video take a sec and write that down\nbecause you're going to need it for the\nrest of this video. Alright so first off\nwhat do I mean by all these things of A\nB and AB and O an Rh and all that stuff\nwell let's come over here if we look\nhere at this red blood cell red blood\ncell has all these different types of\nsurface markers that let's the\nimmune system know that this is your\nblood type right and any kind of blood\ntype other than what you're supposed to\nhave is foreign so we've got a lot of these\nblue proteins popping off of the red\nblood cell membrane and we're going to\ndenote these accordingly so there's a\nspecific gene that activates the\nspecific surface marker for A antigen\nand there's another gene that can\nactivate a specific surface antigen for\nB so that's your B antigen and then\nthere's another one that can be\ntranscribed and translated to make\nanother antigen and that is Rh\nantigen so all of these are different types of\nantigens to let your immune system know\nthis is my blood type anything that\ncould be different from this could\npossibly be incompatible and we'll go\nover that next thing so if you have an A\nantigen you're A you're A that's your\nblood if you have a B antigen your B\nblood if you have an A and a B antigen\nyou're AB blood now here's where it\ngets crazy if you have no A or no B\nantigen your O ok so again real quick\nif you have A you're A blood if you have B your B blood if you have A and B\nyou're AB and if you don't have A and\nyou don't have B you are O last thing if\nyou have the Rh antigen all that says is\nthat\nyou have Rh so that means that you're\npositive for the Rh antigen so positive\nand if you don't have the Rh antigen\nthat means that you don't have it so\nyou're negative for it so you're\nnegative one more thing if the person\nhas an A antigen right that means that\nthey don't have these specific things in\ntheir circulation to protect them called\nA antibodies so let's pretend that some\nof this person does not have the A\nantigen so what would they have in the\ncirculation that I would have anti A\nantibodies let's pretend that this\nperson did not have B antigen on this\nred blood cell so what type of\nantibodies would they have they would\nhave anti-B antibodies unless say this\nperson did not have the Rh antigen on\nits cell surface it would have the Rh\nanti bodies and these antibodies are\ndesigned to be able to protect us from\nour immune system that protects our\nblood from getting any type of\nincompatible blood and we'll talk about\nwhat that means specifically here in a\nsecond all right so let's go ahead and\ngo through each one of these scenarios\nthen so what I have over here I have a\nwhole bunch of different scenarios I\nhave three different dishes and this\nfirst one in every single one of\nthese dishes it's coated with\nA antibodies this one's coated with\nanti-B antibodies and this dish is\ncoated with anti Rh antibodies so if\nthere's any type of antigen there'll be\nwhat's called so you know if you have\nthese antigens I showed you those blue\nantigens if you have a blue antigen and\nit interacts with an antibody this will\nproduce what's called agglutination\nagglutination which is the clumping so\nto produce clumping of the red blood\ncells so if that means if i have an A\nantigen and this is covered with A\nantibodies it'll produce clumping so\nlet's say that this I actually do let's\nsay look there's clumping all this right\nhere all is clumping but there's no\nclumping anywhere else that means in\nthis one I had to have the A antigen but\nin this o": 4, "No, not today\nSomeday flowers will fall\nBut no. Not today\nThat that is not today\nNo, no. Not today\nIt\u2019s too good day to die\nNo no, not today\nno no no, not today\nRight We are EXTRA\nBut still part of this world\nEXTRA + ORDINARY it ain\u2019t anything big\nNever die today Light breaks through the darkness\nYou want a new world too?\nOh baby yes I want it\nRun if you can\u2019t fly today we will survive\nWalk if you can\u2019t run today we will survive\nCrawl if you can\u2019t walk crawl to gear up\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nNot not today!\nNot not today!\nHey~ crow tits! All hands up!\nHey~ friends! All hands up!\nHey~ If you believe in me hands up!\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nNever die! Never ask! Shout!\nNot not today!\nNever kneel down! Never cry! hands up!\nNot not today\nHey~ Not not today\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nToo hot, my success doublin\u2019\ntoo hot, over the chart I\u2019m tumblin\u2019\nToo high, we on trampoline\ntoo high, someone\u2019s gonna have to stop it\nSee, we couldn\u2019t fail\nCuz our faith is entirely on each other\nWhat you say yeah\nNot today yeah\nnever die today yeah\nTrust me on your side together we won\u2019t die\nTrust you on my side together we won\u2019t die\nTrust the word \u2018together\u2019\ntrust that it\u2019s bulletproof\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nNot not today!\nNot not today!\nHey~ crow tits! All hands up!\nHey~ friends! All hands up!\nHey~ If you believe in me hands up!\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nNever die! Never ask! Shout!\nNot not today!\nNever kneel down! Never cry! hands up!\nNot not today\nHey~ Not not today\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nThrow it up! Throw it up!\nThrow away the fear in your eyes\nBreak it up! Break it up!\nBreak the glass ceiling that locks you up\nTurn it up! (Turn it up!) Burn it up! (Burn it up!)\nTill the day of the victory (fight!)\nNever kneel down Never fall apart\nThat\u2019s (Do) not today!\nNot not today!\nNot not today!\nHey~ crow tits! All hands up!\nHey~ friends! All hands up!\nHey~ If you believe in me hands up!\nReady! Aim! Fire!\nNever die! Never ask! Shout!\nNot not today!\nNever kneel down! Never cry! hands up!\nNot not today\nHey~ Not not today\nReady! Aim! Fire!\n": 2, "RUDA : Vitamin!\nMJ : Okay, mommy will get you vitamin candy.\nMJ : It's almost done.\nKJ : Hi.\nMJ : Hello.\nKJ : Today we are going to do something special.\nKJ : What are we going to do?\nMJ : Halloween is just around the corner!\nMJ : Just like we did last year, we are going to celebrate Halloween.\nKJ : So we were thinking what to do...\nKJ : The drama 'Squid Game' is really popular.\nKJ : Also some comments asked us to do squid game.\nKJ : So we are going to try it today.\nKJ : And a lot of people said RUDA looks like the robot doll from squid game.\nMJ : Yeah.\nKJ : A lot of comments said she looks like that robot doll from 'Squid Game'.\nKJ : So we are going to transform RUDA into that robot doll.\nKJ : So we have to give her a haircut first.\nMJ : Yeah, it's too long.\nKJ : So we will cut her bang first.\nKJ : Let's go!\nRUDA : Let's go!\nMJ : Let's give a little snappy snap to your bang.\nRUDA : Okay!\n* RUDA is happy with Pororo vitamin candy.\nMJ : Your hair is too long, isn't it?\nKJ : Yeah, her bang grows so fast.\nMJ : Yeah, it really does.\nMJ : We were thinking about letting her bangs grow.\nMJ : And try a new hair style.\nMJ : But it's so messy.\nRUDA : Pin!\nMJ : Yeah, there are pins here.\nMJ : Here we go.\nMJ : Mommy will help you.\nRUDA : I see.\nRUDA : Snap.\nMJ : Yes, let's give it a snap.\nMJ : We haven't cut your hair for a while.\nKJ : RUDA.\nKJ : Tomorrow dinner is... I mean tomorrow is...\nKJ : Hmm?\nRUDA : We!\nKJ : We?\nRUDA : Yes!\nKJ : Not us, but tomorrow is Halloween day.\nRUDA : Halloween...\nKJ : Yeah, what did we do last year's Halloween?\nKJ : You transformed into \"No Face\" and little devil.\nKJ : Right?\nRUDA : Yeah.\nKJ : That's really tough.\nRUDA : Hair!\nMJ : Yes, hair.\nMJ : Mommy is giving you a haircut.\nRUDA : Floor!\nMJ : Yes, on the floor.\nKJ : You are so skillful.\nMJ : Yeah.\nMJ : She turns her head now.\nKJ : Wow, you are so pretty.\nMJ : Oh you are so cute!\nKJ : She is so patient.\nMJ : You are the best!\nKJ : You are more skillful than before.\nMJ : Still...\nMJ : It is important to cut them all the same length.\nMJ : RUDA.\nMJ : Do you want some vitamin candy?\nRUDA : Yes!\nMJ : One more snap and I will give you vitamin.\nMJ : She is just so cute!\nRUDA : Hair...\nKJ : Look at me, RUDA.\nKJ : You are so cute!\nMJ : She is scared of cold scissors.\nMJ : Here's your candy!\nKJ : It's a cheat key!\nMJ : Her bang is so straight!\nKJ : Wait a minute. Mommy will feed you.\nRUDA : RUDA!\nKJ : You want to do it?\nRUDA : Yes!\nMJ : There we go.\nMJ : I will give you more when we are done.\nKJ : Stay still.\n* She is so patient with candy.\nMJ : She is doing great!\nMJ : Her hair looks funny but...\nKJ : It's so cute.\nRUDA : Am I cute?\nMJ : Yes, you are so cute!\nMJ : Keep your hand inside. Very good. Keep it in.\nMJ : Wow, RUDA you are amazing.\nMJ : Wow, you're such a patient and it's easier for me to cut your hair.\nKJ : Yeah, right.\nKJ : It's our third time giving her haircut at home.\nKJ : And RUDa is getting used to it as time passes.\n* RUDA is feeling nervous.\nKJ : She looks so nervous now.\nMJ : It's not bad.\nKJ : Are we done?\nMJ : Yeah.\nKJ : Let me see.\nMJ : You are so cute!\nKJ : You are so cute!\nRUDA : Pink!\nKJ : You are wearing a pink hairpin?\nRUDA : Yes.\nKJ : Well done!\nMJ : Perfect! Give me a clap!\nKJ : So we are done with her haircut.\nKJ : And we will be done when we change our clothes.\nMJ : Okay.\nKJ : RUDA.\nKJ : Let's go get changed.\nRUDA : Let's go!\nKJ : Let's go!\nKJ : We are changed to Squid Game costume.\nKJ : RUDA is the robot doll from squid game.\nKJ : And MJ and I are participants.\nKJ : We bought this dress to transform her into that robot doll.\nMJ : And gave her a haircut.\nKJ : And she looks similar now.\nKJ : What was the first game?\nMJ : It's \u2018Red Light Green Light\u2019.\nKJ : So we are going to play that.\nMJ : Would that be possible with RUDA?\nKJ : Maybe..?\nKJ : Are you ready ,RUDA?\nRUDA : Yes!\nKJ : I see.\nKJ : Now, then!\nKJ : Let's go!\nRUDA : Let's go!\nKJ : Red light, green light!\nKJ : You should do it this way.\nKJ : Ready, go!\nWoman on PA : Here is the first game.\nWoman on PA : You will be playing Red Light, Green Light.\nWoman on PA : With that, l": 3, "- [Voiceover] We've\ngot three bananas here.\nOne, two, three.\nSo I'm starting with three bananas\nand I want to add some number of bananas\nso that I end up with 10 bananas.\nSo this is what I'm starting with.\nI'm starting with three\nand I want to end up with 10.\nOne, two, three, four, five, six, seven,\neight, nine, ten.\nSo what do I have to add to the three\nto get to 10?\nI encourage you to pause this video\nand try this out on your own.\nSo let's work through this.\nSo let's just start adding bananas.\nSo that's three.\nSo now let me add a fourth.\nThat would be my fourth banana.\nFive bananas.\nSix bananas.\nSeven bananas.\nEight bananas.\nNine bananas.\nAnd ten bananas.\nSo how many bananas did I add?\nSo now I added some\nnumber of bananas here.\nSo in total I have one,\ntwo, three, four, five,\nsix, seven, eight, nine, ten.\nSo how many did I have to add to the three\nin order to get to the total of 10\nin order to get this 10 right over here?\nWe could just count these.\nThis is one, this is two, this is three,\nfour, five, six, seven.\nI added seven bananas.\nI added seven bananas to\nthe original three bananas\nto get to 10.\nSo three plus seven is equal to 10.\nAnd you can see that what\nwe have on this left side\nis indeed equal to what\nwe have on the right side.\nOn the left side we have\none, two, three, four,\nfive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten bananas\nand on the right hand side\nwe have one, two, three,\nfour, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.\nSo they are indeed equal.\n": 4, "we have to find the value of\u00a0\n4 plus iota by 2 minus 3 iota\u00a0\u00a0\nso suppose 4 plus iota by 2 minus\u00a0\n3 iota is equal to X plus iota Y\nand if we cross multiply then 4 plus iota will\u00a0\nbe equal to X plus iota Y times 2 minus 3 iota\nand 4 plus iota is equal to this is X times 2\u00a0\nminus 3 iota plus iota Y times 2 minus 3 iota\nand 4 plus iota is equal to X times 2 will be 2X\u00a0\nand X times minus 3 iota will be minus 3X iota\u00a0\u00a0\nand iota Y times 2 will be 2Y iota and iota Y\u00a0\ntimes minus 3 iota will be minus 3Y iota square\nand iota square is equal to minus 1\nso it is 4 plus iota is equal\u00a0\nto 2X minus 3X iota plus 2Y iota\u00a0\u00a0\nand minus 3Y iota square will be plus 3Y\nand\nit is 4 plus iota is equal to 2X plus 3Y\nand 2Y iota minus 3X iota,\u00a0\nit is 2Y minus 3X times iota\nand now we can compare 4 and 2X plus\u00a0\n3Y, 4 will be equal to 2X plus 3Y\u00a0\u00a0\nand iota will be equal to 2Y minus 3X times iota,\u00a0\niota will be equal to 2Y minus 3X times iota\nand\nit is 4 is equal to 2X plus 3Y and here iota will\u00a0\nget cancelled and it is 1 is equal to 2Y minus 3X\nand if we multiply this equation by 3\u00a0\u00a0\nthen 4 times 3 is 12 is equal to 2 times\u00a0\n3X will be 6X plus 3 times 3 will be 9\nand if we multiply this equation by 2\u00a0\nthen it will be 2 is equal to 4Y minus 6X\nand if we add both equations\u00a0\nthen 6X will get cancelled\u00a0\u00a0\nand 12 plus 2 is 14 is equal to 9Y plus\u00a0\n4Y will be 13Y so Y will be 14 by 13\nand 1 is equal to 2Y minus 3X\n1 is equal to 2Y minus 3X\u00a0\u00a0\nso 3X will be equal to 2Y minus 1 and 3X\u00a0\nis equal to 2 times Y is 14 by 13 minus 1\nand 3Xis equal to 28 by 13 minus\u00a0\n1 and 3X is equal to 28 minus 13\u00a0\u00a0\nby 13 and 3X is equal to 15\u00a0\nby 13 so X will be 5 by 13\nso X, Y it is equal to 5 by 13 and 14 by 13\nit is equal to 5 by 13 plus iota times 14 by 13.\n": 1, "01 - Sea Lions with Babies at Islas Ballestas by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n02 - Islas Ballestas by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n03 - Sea Lions and Guano by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n04 - Humboult Penguins on Rock by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n05 - Sea Birds on Rock by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n06 - Nazca Hummingbird by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n07 - Nazca Spider by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n08 - Nazca Monkey by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n09 - \"Spaceman\" by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n10 - Huacachina by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n11 - Jeff and Allison on Dunes by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n12 - Dune Buggy Ride by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n13 - Jeff Sandboarding by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n14 - Allison Sandboarding by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n15 - Sand Dune by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n16 - The Scream by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n17 - Rambo Mummy by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n18 - Rasta Mummy by TravelPod member allisonandjeff\n": 1, "Party people\nParty people\nCan y'all get funky?\nSoul Sonic Force, can y'all get funky?\nThe Zulu Nation, can y'all get funky?\nYeah, just hit me\nJust taste the funk and hit me\nJust get on down and hit me\nBambaataa's jus' gettin' so funky, now, hit me\nYeah, just hit me\nIt's time to chase your dreams\nUp out your seats, make your body sway\nSocialize, get down, let your soul lead the\nway \nShake it now, go ladies, it's a livin' dream\nLove, life, live\nCome play the game, our world is free\nDo what you want but scream\n(Rock, rock to the Planet Rock, don't stop)\n(Rock, rock to the Planet Rock, don't stop)\nThe Soul Sonic Force, Mr. Biggs, Pow Wow, and M.C. Globe\nWe emphasize the show, we got ego\nMake this your night, just slip it right, and by day\nAs the people say, live it up, shucks\nNo work or play, our world is free\nBe what you be, be\n(Rock, rock to the Planet Rock, don't stop)\n(Rock, rock to the Planet Rock, don't stop)\nYou're in a place where the nights are hot\nWhere nature's children dance and set a chance\nOn this mother Earth, which is our rock\nThe time has come, and work for soul\nShow you really got soul\nAre you ready\nBump bump bump, get bump, now let's go, house\nRock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop\nKeep tickin' and tockin'\nWork it all around the clock\nEverybody keep rockin' and clockin' and shockin' and rockin', go house\nEverybody say, rock it, don't stop it (rock it, don't stop it)\nWell hit me, Mr. Biggs (Mr. Biggs)\nPow-wow (pow-wow)\nG-L-O-B-E (G-L-O-B-E)\nThe soul sonic force\nGotta rock this and pop it, 'cause it's the\ncentury\nThere is such a place that creates such a\nmelody\nOur world is but a land of a master jam, get\nup and dance\nIt's time to chase your dreams\nUp out your seats, make your body sway\nSocialize, get down, let your soul lead the\nway\nShake it now, go ladies, it's a livin' dream\nLove, life, live\nEverybody just rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop \nWe gotta rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop \nWe gotta rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop it\nWe gotta rock it, don't stop\n": 1, "Now, we put salt and turmeric in the raw mango slices..\nthis is turmeric..\nput 300 grams salt which is already weighted.\nNow mix all these in a proper way..\nwe have mixed salt and turmeric in the raw mango slices..\nNow put it covered for 5-6 hours so that the salt leaves water..\nthen we put it in sunlight..\nLook our pickle has dried after after 2 days.There is a little bit water in it.\nThere must be some water in it.\nNow we mix spices in it...\nThis is mustard power we have mixed....\nThis is Aniseed (Sonf) powder....\nThis is Fenugreek powder....\nThis is Nigella sativa seed....\nMix all these in a proper way...\nLook spices has mixed up...\nWater was also in good amount..\nNow put it covered for one day. Then after putting in sunlight, we will mix oil in it..\nTill then put it covered..\nLook spices in the pickles are bloomed...\nand water has also dried...\nNow first of all mix red chilli powder in it...\nNow mix these red chilli powder in a proper way..\nwe have mixed it...\nNow mix mustard oil in it..\nFirst boiled it very hardly.When it cools down then put it in this pickle.\nMake sure that the oil must be boiled and then cooled to add.\nLook our pickle is ready...\nNow keep it in any of the glass or plastic vessel..\nand this will not damage in any way..\nYou must also make this pickle in your home...\nTill then Good bye...\n": 2, "Christopher Carbone: The third question for a calculus review\nChristopher Carbone: find the vocal asymptotes of a function Y is equal\nChristopher Carbone: to x squared, plus three, divided by seven X minus two X squared.\nChristopher Carbone: Then we want to then confirm what we just found from per A by graphing set functions,\nChristopher Carbone: but to find that vertical as well. That would be when this denominator is equal to zero, so sevenx\nChristopher Carbone: minus two x squared is equal to zero,\nChristopher Carbone: and then, factor, take on X x times seven minus twox is equal to zero.\nChristopher Carbone: So we have two of them.\nChristopher Carbone: X is equal to zero here,\nChristopher Carbone: or seven minus two. X is equal to zero,\nChristopher Carbone: which then would mean that X\nChristopher Carbone: would be equal\nChristopher Carbone: for this to be\nChristopher Carbone: seven\nChristopher Carbone: over\nChristopher Carbone: in order for that to um\nChristopher Carbone: they equal to zero.\nChristopher Carbone: So those will be our two asymptotes,\nChristopher Carbone: and for us to see that\nChristopher Carbone: let me\nChristopher Carbone: pop this open\nChristopher Carbone: on des Mos, so we can see it\nChristopher Carbone: as a graph in tool\nChristopher Carbone: of choice.\nChristopher Carbone: So let me\nChristopher Carbone: up in a function that we just wrote just had X squared plus three,\nChristopher Carbone: divided by sevenx minus two x squared.\nChristopher Carbone: So you can see our two asymptotes currently employ\nChristopher Carbone: Right?\nChristopher Carbone: Um,\nChristopher Carbone: So we can drive This we could see approximating and very close to that value of zero by not touching it. The same thing with this top one as well.\nChristopher Carbone: We get closer and closer to zero and off the screen, and then the same thing with the other one of seven over two\nChristopher Carbone: we get closer and closer and closer on either side of this graph,\nChristopher Carbone: as we start approximating that value of three houses.\n": 3, "[tom_and_jesse_]: La, la, la, ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of just\n[tom_and_jesse_]: weirdly Blended today is December 18Th, two thousand and twenty one. I am Tom. I'm\n[tom_and_jesse_]: just\n[tom_and_jesse_]: I'm just eat. I'm justy that's my. That's my rapper name Jesse, My name was\n[tom_and_jesse_]: just ummb,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: just dumb, just dumb. Oh, just Tom. Yeah, them all. they mean't. just da.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: you're like a dom. Know, did the daddy dominate? Just um, call me just, um,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: just call me just dumb. Yeah,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: Bog girl coming his own. I'm still. I still losing that. I did that today,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: Alica.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: I was like. You know if I called you baby girl before we started date. If we\n[tom_and_jesse_]: s before we saw that movie,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: you'd be okay with it. I, well, I go put that guy. I mean, that's just how\n[tom_and_jesse_]: he sounded. Go watch that and again. Trust me, you know\n[tom_and_jesse_]: like that, I was trying to sexy move on her. I was just fucking around. I\n[tom_and_jesse_]: was like laying on the couch, and so like I, um,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: I, I laid back and then I kicked my leg. You know to go 'cause she's laying.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: by the way. Thats I kick my leg trying to be all sexing. Oh man, and uh, I f\n[tom_and_jesse_]: and pulled my muscle. It happens. I was like.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: but' laying. I'm crapping.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: She's like Hey, you need to start doing yoga. I' like I know. I'm all trying\n[tom_and_jesse_]: to be. You know, I was obviously doing a guy doing that a spready. It's not\n[tom_and_jesse_]: a sense of move in general. Yeah, the ho time was growled by the like\n[tom_and_jesse_]: punches on the shower right. I'll fuck it, slip and break my leg.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: No, but yeah, if fuck could pull the muscle doing that, I'm trying to, and\n[tom_and_jesse_]: now I had my leg was spread. My leg was going open like that and then I was\n[tom_and_jesse_]: like Oh shit, and then she went to go like move it more. and I'm like Oh, I\n[tom_and_jesse_]: flx.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: I. I to move more. Which she was laughing. It was wrong,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: but I'm glad we did Wa our Walmart trip before that. Yeah, ourway, Yeah,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: before that. Yeah, but haliv shopping.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: Um'm, just sure. Kind of. We got one more thing for the kids because we got\n[tom_and_jesse_]: a I ain't listen to the shit. We that an Nintendo switch. Oh sweet. so I got\n[tom_and_jesse_]: another set of controllers. Huh? Okay that way because we have Mario Cartton\n[tom_and_jesse_]: That way. They' very plenty. I feel so went for. Um. But and then we got\n[tom_and_jesse_]: Chloe something for her birthday. Oh, okay. yeah. okay. So yeah, So went\n[tom_and_jesse_]: there And then I was in Walmart and I don't know, man, I was how hiked and\n[tom_and_jesse_]: Walmart. Sometimes I just get these moods like where I'm like, not because\n[tom_and_jesse_]: I'm at warmer. fuck I on Habry Smallalmart. Hi, they one.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: Yeah, I'm shopping to Dave,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: you know,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: but\n[tom_and_jesse_]: at Walmart and wow, a ball is out of control. It's full of any that spirit.\n[tom_and_jesse_]: nobody looked, because it was warer. Yeah, some guy was sitting there on his\n[tom_and_jesse_]: phone. He was at the Cl. He was looking up cleaners. Oh, okay on his phone\n[tom_and_jesse_]: You be cause I was being nosy. You doesn't know water byy. I was be like. I\n[tom_and_jesse_]: tell you. I was like in a weird mood, so I was just like looking over. I\n[tom_and_jesse_]: think'm bypolar something because I was just huh. you know, act depressive\n[tom_and_jesse_]: like, maybe I was just happy extra happy today. Yeah, um, that's cool. No,\n[tom_and_jesse_]: So that was old he. Yeah, yeah, was today. I was like. I fuck and screamed\n[tom_and_jesse_]: all out. at least he' like. Hey, what are you doing? I'm just like you know\n[tom_and_jesse_]: it is what is spreading holiday cheer. Yeah, yeah, for\n[tom_and_jesse_": 1, "good natured\ngood natured\nmeaning\nkind friendly and patient\nkind friendly and patient\nhe seems aggressive but really\u00a0\nhe is kind and good-natured\nhe seems aggressive but really\u00a0\nhe is kind and good-natured\nreliable\nreliable\nmeaning\nconsistently good in quality or\u00a0\nperformance able to be trusted\nconsistently good in quality or\u00a0\nperformance able to be trusted\nwe are looking for someone who\u00a0\nis reliable and hard working\nwe are looking for someone who\u00a0\nis reliable and hardworking\nambitious\nambitious\nmeaning\nhaving or showing a strong desire\u00a0\nand determination to succeed\nhaving or showing a strong desire\u00a0\nand determination to succeed\nshe became more ambitious as the years passed\nshe became more ambitious as the years passed\nextrovert\nextrovert\nmeaning\nan outgoing socially confident person\nan outgoing socially confident person\nhe's a total extrovert who\u00a0\nwill talk to any stranger\nhe's a total extrovert who\u00a0\nwill talk to any stranger\nhard working\nhard working\nmeaning\nof a person tending to work with\u00a0\nenergy and commitment diligent\nof a person tending to work with\u00a0\nenergy and commitment diligent\nshe was always very hard working at school\nshe was always very hard working at school\nreckless\nreckless\nmeaning\nheedless of danger or the consequences\u00a0\nof one's actions rash or impetuous\nheedless of danger or the consequences\u00a0\nof one's actions rash or impetuous\nhe had always been reckless with money\nhe had always been reckless with money\nsensitive\nsensitive\nmeaning\nhaving or displaying a quick and\u00a0\ndelicate appreciation of others feelings\nhaving or displaying a quick and\u00a0\ndelicate appreciation of others feelings\nher experiences had made her\u00a0\nsensitive to other people's troubles\nher experiences had made her\u00a0\nsensitive to other people's troubles\ngregarious\ngregarious\nmeaning\nof a person fond of company sociable\nof a person fond of company sociable\nshe is such a gregarious and outgoing person\nshe is such a gregarious and outgoing person\ndiligent\ndiligent\nmeaning\nhaving or showing care and\u00a0\nconscientiousness in one's work or duties\nhaving or showing care and\u00a0\nconscientiousness in one's work or duties\ntheir lawyer was extremely\u00a0\ndiligent in preparing their case\ntheir lawyer was extremely\u00a0\ndiligent in preparing their case\ncynical\ncynical\nmeaning\nbelieving that people are\u00a0\nmotivated purely by self-interest\u00a0\u00a0\ndistrustful of human sincerity or integrity\nbelieving that people are\u00a0\nmotivated purely by self-interest\u00a0\u00a0\ndistrustful of human sincerity or integrity\ndon't be so grumpy and cynical about it\ndon't be so grumpy and cynical about it\nbrave\nbrave\nmeaning\nready to face and endure\u00a0\ndanger or pain showing courage\nready to face and endure\u00a0\ndanger or pain showing courage\nhe is a brave soldier\nhe is a brave soldier\nconceited\nconceited\nmeaning\nexcessively proud of oneself vain\nexcessively proud of oneself vain\nit's very conceited of you to assume\u00a0\nthat your work is always the best\nit's very conceited of you to assume\u00a0\nthat your work is always the best\nsincere\nsincere\nmeaning\nof a person saying what they genuinely feel\u00a0\nor believe not dishonest or hypocritical\nof a person saying what they genuinely feel\u00a0\nor believe not dishonest or hypocritical\ni'll be open and sincere with you\ni'll be open and sincere with you\nsarcastic\nsarcastic\nmeaning\nmarked by or given to using irony\u00a0\nin order to mock or convey contempt\nmarked by or given to using irony\u00a0\nin order to mock or convey contempt\nhe can't help making sarcastic comments\nhe can't help making sarcastic comments\npopular\npopular\nmeaning\nliked or admired by many people\u00a0\nor by a particular person or group\nliked or admired by many people\u00a0\nor by a particular person or group\nmary is popular among the students\nmary is popular among the students\nhonest\nhonest\nmeaning\nfree of deceit truthful and sincere\nfree of deceit truthful and sincere\ndo you like my dress please be honest\ndo you like my dress please be honest\nastute\nastute\nmeaning\nhaving or showing an ability to accurately assess\u00a0\u00a0\nsituations or people and\u00a0\nturn this to one's advantage\nhaving or showing an ability\u00a0\nto accurately assess situations\u00a0\u00a0\nor people and ": 4, "COOKIE MONSTER: [GASP]\nWhoa!\nOh, num, num, num, num.\nNum, num.\nN--\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\nCOOKIE MONSTER: [SINGING]\nMe get this feeling when me\nsee a cookie on a plate.\nMe want to grab it,\nwant to eat it.\nOh, me no can wait!\nBut now, me know that\nself-control is something me\nmust learn.\nMe want to grab it, want\nto eat it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nOh, this not easy.\nMe get a feeling when the\nchocolate chip be on the dish.\nMe want to grab it, want to\neat it, that me only wish.\nBut now me know that\nself-control is\nsomething me must try.\nMe want to grab it, want\nto eat it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nOh, boy.\nOh, boy.\nWhen me lose control, when me\non the brink, need to just\ncalm down, me need to\nstop and think.\nMe need control me self.\nYeah, that's the way to live.\nAnd then me functioning\nlike an executive.\nMe wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nOh, boy.\nThat delicious.\nMe get this feeling when the box\nof cookies on the shelf.\nMe want to grab it, want to eat\nit, can't control me self.\nBut now me know that\nself-control is\nsomething me must do.\nMe want to grab it, want\nto eat it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nWhen me lose control, when\nme have no doubt, me have\nstrategies that can\ncalm me down.\nMe can talk to self.\nMe can stand up straight.\nMe can take deep breath.\nMe can self-regulate.\nMe wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nMe want it, but me wait!\nMe wait, but me wait!\nOK, me waited long enough.\nCookie!\nUm, num, num, num, num,\nno-a-num, um, oh, a, um, num,\nnum, num, num, num,\n, num, num.\nABBY CADABBY: [GASP]\nMONSTERS: Yeah!\nBABY BEAR: Oh, I got\nit, I got it.\nMUPPET: It's time for the\nbiggest Everest finale!\nTYRA BANKS: Absolutely!\nMAN: That's not all.\nTIGER: Roar!\nAUDRA MCDONALD: And we always\ntake the tiger.\nTELLY: You're really\namazing, Simon.\n": 1, "- Hey hockey players and hockey parents,\nin this video I'm joined by world-famous\nhockey skills coach Steve\nfrom BK Hockey once again,\nand we're gonna show you how\nto mohawk like Sidney Crosby.\nBut hey, if you're watching\nthis video in November 2019,\nmake sure you check out the link\nin the comments section below,\nbecause we're running a\nHUGE 70% OFF door crasher\nBlack Friday Special.\nSo check that out, let's\nget into the drills.\n- Hi, I'm Steve Baek, BK Hockey,\nI work with hockey players\nfrom all over the world.\nThis skating drills are from Sidney\nCrosby, so let's work hard.\nSo this skating will be\ngood to bring to the game,\nyou see the Crosby, we\ncall the Crosby move,\nwe're gonna work on it.\nFirst there will be open feet,\nlet's you use the inside edges.\nWatch me first, we're\ngonna go skate here, ready,\nopen feet, back to the straight.\nOpen feet, back to the straight.\nOpen feet, back to the straight.\nSo next there will be,\nwe call the heel-to-heel.\nSo first step will be open,\nand then second step will be open.\nSo make a straight, knee\nbends, we can go straight\nto down end line.\nSo let's bring your stick\nhere in the middle, all right?\nSo skate first, nice and\nlow, so one, two, and ready.\n(sound of skates on ice)\nThat's it.\nSo we're gonna set it from the here,\nready, start here, first.\nHere, push.\nBack, push.\nBack, push.\nBack, push, back.\n(sound of skates on ice)\nSkate here, so we're gonna do here.\nPush, push, push, push,\npush, and then back.\nSo this is gonna be\ntwo different versions.\nSo I did the first one, one foot first.\nAlways stay on the ice,\nwe're gonna push the second\nfoot right, stand here.\nSo now, we can use both sides, right?\nOkay?\nKeep your head up, you see, ready?\nGo!\nPush, back.\nPush, back.\nPush, back.\n(sound of skates on ice)\nYou see?\n(sound of skates on ice)\n(sound of hockey stick on ice)\n(sound of skates on ice)\nYou're gonna add two more.\nSo, let's see the skating outside.\nIt's gonna be similar, but\nlet's use the outside hip.\nAnd make sure you're\ngonna bring to the game\non the offensive side, all right?\nSo, let's do it here.\nReady, one, outside.\nOne, outside.\nOne, outside.\nOne, outside.\nOne, outside.\nOne, outside.\nSo we see, one, outside.\nOne, outside.\nOne, outside.\nThat's it.\n- All right, thanks for that video, Steve.\nHopefully you guys enjoyed\nit, and if you did,\nplease do us a big favor,\nsmash that thumbs up\nbutton to let us know,\nand we'll make more videos\nlike this in the future.\nAnd hey, if you aren't already subscribed\nto our YouTube channel,\nmake sure you click the\nsubscribe button below,\nand hey, again, if you're\nwatchin' this video\nin November 2019, you gotta\ncheck out that 70% off\nBlack Friday Door Crasher Special,\nI'll leave the link in the\ncomments section below.\nUntil next time, train hard guys.\n": 3, "hi there! welcome back to GeeklyEDU. in this\u00a0\nvideo we are going to talk about the chain rule\u00a0\u00a0\none of the most important rules in calculus\u00a0\nthis is because with this rule we can derivate\u00a0\u00a0\nmany functions we can't with the basic\u00a0\nrules we studied in previous videos\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's see this function the terms inside the\u00a0\nparentheses can be manipulated with algebra to\u00a0\u00a0\nget the derivative but then what happens with\u00a0\nthe config term we can rewrite this function\u00a0\u00a0\nwith a change of variables like follow and\u00a0\nu is a function of x that we will denote\u00a0\u00a0\ng of x therefore the original function is\u00a0\na function of f of g of x that is called\u00a0\u00a0\na composite function and to derivate this type\u00a0\nof functions we are going to use the chain rule\nfor a composite function like the one we saw\u00a0\nbefore in the form f of x equal to f of g\u00a0\u00a0\nof x being g and f both differentiable\u00a0\nfunctions the derivative using the chain rule\u00a0\u00a0\nis the derivative of the function f evaluated in g\u00a0\nof x and multiplied by the derivative of g of x or\u00a0\u00a0\nin other terms being a function y equal to f of u\u00a0\nand u is a function equal to g of x the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof the function y in x is the derivative of\u00a0\ny in u multiplied by the derivative of u in x\nthis is the same rule but with different notation\u00a0\nusing the chain rule we are going to calculate\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative of the function discussed at\u00a0\nthe beginning of this video we are writing\u00a0\u00a0\nthis function by defining a new function u we can\u00a0\nuse the formula of the derivative of the function\nsubstituting these terms we can solve this\u00a0\nderivative separately first the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof y equal to u cubic this derivative is simple\u00a0\nusing the rule of the derivative of a power\u00a0\u00a0\nand the result is two times u squared we have to\u00a0\nsubstitute this u with the original terms of u\u00a0\u00a0\nand now we have to calculate the second\u00a0\nderivative using the quotient rule and simplifying\nnow we have to multiply these two\u00a0\nterms and simplify this product\nand we got our final answer\nlet's solve one more example in this case we\u00a0\nhave to derivate a function using more than\u00a0\u00a0\nonce the chain rule when we have this kind of\u00a0\nfunctions we have to operate from the outside\u00a0\u00a0\nto the inside this means first the powers and\u00a0\nroots and then what is inside of the parentheses\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst we are going to identify the function u and\u00a0\nrewrite the y function with the change of variable\u00a0\u00a0\nusing the chain rule we substitute those terms\nthe first derivative is\u00a0\nsolved by using the power rule\u00a0\u00a0\nand then we have to substitute\u00a0\nthe expression equal to u\nlet's solve the second derivative\nthis is done with the addition rule and instead\u00a0\nof one derivative we have the addition of two\u00a0\u00a0\nderivatives the first one is equal to one\u00a0\nand the second is again a composite function\nusing the chain rule we define y equal to u cubic\u00a0\nand u equal to x plus sine of x substituting these\u00a0\u00a0\nterms in the chain rule we have the product\u00a0\nof two derivatives the derivative of u cubic\nis three times u squared again\u00a0\nwe substitute the value of u\nnow we have to obtain the\u00a0\nsecond derivative of the product\u00a0\u00a0\nin this case we have an addition and therefore\u00a0\nwe are going to use the addition rule\u00a0\u00a0\nbeing the derivative of x equals 1 and the\u00a0\nderivative of sine of x equal to cosine of\u00a0\u00a0\nx and finally we have to put all these\u00a0\nexpressions together and we got our final result\u00a0\u00a0\ntry to solve this problem and leave\u00a0\nyour answer in the comments below\u00a0\u00a0\ncannot find a topic you're struggling\u00a0\nwith tell us in the comments section\u00a0\u00a0\nand subscribe to make sure you're\u00a0\nfirst to know when we cover it\n": 4, "That means, in our garble table we'll have our outputs encrypted with different keys\ncorresponding to inputs that corresponds to that output value.\nOf course, we can't send that whole table. That would reveal the values of a0 and b0.\nWe need to remove this part of the table.\nThen we need to randomly permute the order of these entries.\nThe other thing will do is add some padding.\nThat means after the garbling we'll have a table that's looks like this.\nBecause each of these values is encrypted with a different key,\nthe evaluator can't tell which one is which.\nThe evaluator still needs to be able to decrypt these to produce the right output.\nThe question is how does the evaluator know what the output of that truth table is?\nThe evaluator could try decrypting all the entries and pick the one that seems correct.\nThe evaluator could try decrypting all the entries using the input value keys known to the evaluator,\nand use the one that decrypts to something of the form pad concatenated with x,\nand then use this value as the output, or it is not possible\nbased on what the evaluator knows.\n": 3, "All electric and magnetic fields in the Universe are governed by four laws.\nThese are Maxwell\u2019s four laws of electromagnetism.\nJust a single charged particle creates an electric field\neverywhere throughout the entire Universe.\nSuppose we enclose the charged particle inside an object.\nThe number of electric field lines leaving the object\nis determined by the amount of charge inside.\nElectric fields exert a force on all charged particles.\nThe strength of the electric field depends on the number of electric field lines.\nThe electric field lines extend to infinity in all directions.\nThe electric field is strongest near the charged particle, because\nthis is where the greatest number of electric field lines are close together.\nMaxwell\u2019s first law is that the number of electric field lines leaving an object\nis determined only by the amount of charge inside.\nCharges outside the object bend the lines,\nbut do not change the number of lines that exit the object.\nThe only way to increase the number of lines leaving the object\nis by increasing the amount of charge inside.\nSince the amount of charge inside the object has now doubled,\nthere are now twice as many electric field lines leaving the object,\nand the electric field is twice as strong.\nThe number of electric field lines leaving the object\ndoes not depend on the object\u2019s shape or size.\nMaxwell\u2019s first law says that so long as the amount of\ncharge inside the object does not change, the number of\nelectric field lines leaving the object will stay constant.\nThe direction of the lines indicates the direction of the electric fields.\nElectric fields have an opposite effect on negative particles\nthan they do on positive particles.\nPositive particles feel a force in the same direction as the electric field.\nNegative particles feel a force in the opposite direction of the electric field.\nParticles with the same charge repel one another.\nParticles with opposite charges attract one another.\nThis is because positive particles cause electric fields\nto point away from the particle.\n...and negative particles cause electric fields to point towards the particle.\nThis means that electric field lines go out of positive particles.\nAnd electric field lines go into negative particles.\nNegative charges cancel out positive charges.\nThe number of electric field lines exiting this object is\nexactly equal to the number of electric field lines entering the object.\nThe net number of electric field lines leaving the object is zero,\nand the net charge inside the object is also zero.\nMagnetic fields are very different from electric fields.\nMaxwell's second law says that the number of\nmagnetic field lines leaving an object is always zero.\nNo matter an object's shape or size,\nthe number of magnetic field lines entering an object will\nalways be exactly equal to the number of magnetic field lines exiting.\nThis is true regardless of whether or not there are charges inside.\nMagnetic fields are created by moving charged particles.\nAs was the case with electric fields,\nhow close together the magnetic field lines are to one another\nindicates the strength of the magnetic field.\nAlso as was the case with electric fields,\nthe direction of the magnetic field lines\nindicates the direction of the magnetic fields.\nMaxwell's third law states that the strength of a magnetic\nfield around a loop depends on the amount of charge\npassing through the loop each second.\nIf we increase the amount of charge passing through the loop,\nthe strength of the magnetic field increases.\nNegative particles flowing through a loop create\na magnetic field in the opposite direction.\nAll moving charged particles create magnetic fields.\nAnd magnetic fields exert a force on all moving charged particles.\nNegative particles experience a force in\nthe opposite direction of positive particles.\nIn the case of electric fields,\nparticles feel a force parallel to the direction of the electric field.\nIn the case of magnetic fields,\nparticles feel a force in a direction that is 90 degrees to the magnetic field\nand 90 degrees to the direction of motion.\nThere is a r": 4, "Hello friends. In this tutorial, I will teach you how to use physics and how to interact and change the direction of objects in animation.\nBy enabling physics and its settings, instead of spending a lot of time creating keyframes, \nwe use physics or the law of gravity.\nFor example, if I play this animation, you can see how the objects interact with each other.\n \nNow, if I hide one of these circles and press the play button again, you can see that the movement of the other circle changes without creating new keyframes.\n \nIn another example, if I hit the play button, you can see how the ball moves and the ball eventually stops.\n \nI will create a new worksheet to teach how to use physics settings.\n \nI draw a rectangle with the shape tool and change its color.\n \nI create a point in the center of the rectangle and drag it down.\n \nI create more arc for this point with curvature tool and dragging.\nSo that the ball moves in this direction.\n \nI create a new vector layer and name it ball.\n \nI draw a circle and change its color.\n \nI put the ball in the starting place.\n \nI make a duplicate of the ball layer and rename it.\n \nI change the color of the new ball.\n \nI select three layers and put them all in a group with right-click.\n \nI put the ball in the center.\n \nI double click on the layer group and select the physics section.\n \nNow I activate Enable physics.\nHere I can determine the direction of gravity, which is the default number of 270.\n \nHere we can determine the strength of gravity, the number 10 is suitable and I press the OK button.\n \nI double click on the rectangle layer and select the physics section.\n \nNow, because I don't want this shape to move, I activate the non-moving object option so that gravity does not affect this layer.\n \nI press the OK button.\n \nI double click on the blue ball layer. Enters the physics section.\n \nHere we can change the initial direction of the ball.\n \nHere we can determine the initial speed of movement.\nI set the number 1 for density.\n \nYou have to change these numbers in different animations to create the right movement for the shape.\n \nFor friction, I set a value of 0.30. And for springiness, I set the number to 0.50. I press the OK button.\n \nI double click on the orange ball layer.\n \nIn the physics section, I select the start asleep option so that the ball moves when it hits.\n \nNow I press the play button, you can see that the interaction of balls and objects works correctly.\n \nAnd the software has automatically created keyframes.\n \nIf I hide the orange ball and press the play button, you can see the movement of the blue ball without hitting the orange ball.\n \nNow I double click on the group layer and activate this option and press the play button. You can see that the type of movement of the balls changes a little.\n \nI return the setting to the previous state.\n \nIf I double-click on the blue ball layer and change the numbers from the physics section and hit the play button, you can see that the blue ball's movement increases a lot.\n \nSo you need to determine the appropriate numbers for the shape movement in this section.\n \nThere are exactly the same settings in the other scene.\nOne layer for the ball and one layer for the shapes in the scene.\nAnd both layers are in the same group.\n \nAnd if I double-click on the ball layer, you can see its settings.\n \nI double click on this layer and because I don't want the shapes to move, I activated the none-moving object option.\n \nThank you for being with me until the end of this tutorial.\n \nDon't forget to subscribe to my channel.\nBye until the next video\n": 4, "People like to complain that Millennials \u201cCancel\u201d\u00a0\neverything from driving cars, getting married,\u00a0\u00a0\ndiamonds, landlines, buying houses, cable, banks,\u00a0\ngolf, beer, and that's just things from the first\u00a0\u00a0\npage of a google search. Many of those are\u00a0\npatently not true. (beer, really?) Now many\u00a0\u00a0\nof the things on that list are because we just\u00a0\ndon't have money, but that's a different song.\nBut it's true, we do absolutely\u00a0\ncancel nazis, toxic people,\u00a0\u00a0\nand brands that don't have any ethics. People\u00a0\nare right to have boundaries around who they\u00a0\u00a0\nwill and won't support, and they don't\u00a0\nhave to explain their decisions to you.\nHowever this song is about\u00a0\nthe real cancel culture,\u00a0\u00a0\nand all the things the hypocrites decrying\u00a0\ncancel culture have themselves tried to cancel.\nthey cancel basic community needs,\u00a0\nlike voting, and health care, or say, queer rights\nthey even cancel entire indigenous cultures\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\u00a0\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nthey cancel fun things that make people happy,\nD&D, rock music, comics, even starbucks\u00a0\nhey the puritans are the\u00a0\nones who canceled christmas\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\u00a0\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nCancel culture is made up\nso conservatives can pretend\u00a0\nthey're speaking truth to power\nwhen actually they're just awful\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\u00a0\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\u00a0\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\nain't no cancel culture like colonialism\n": 2, "Gabriel de Broglie\nGabriel De Michele\nGabriel Fielding\nGabriel Fran\u00e7ois Doyen\nGabriel Hanotaux\nGabriel Heinze\nGabriel Lafayette Dennis\nGabriel Naud\u00e9\nGabriel Paul Othenin de Cl\u00e9ron, comte d'Haussonville\nGabriel P\u00e9ri\nGabriel Tarde\nGabriel-Henri Gaillard\nGabriel-Marie Garrone\nGabriel-Marie Legouv\u00e9\nGabriele Seyfert\nGabriele Veneziano\nGabrielle Colonna-Romano\nGabrielle de Polastron, duchesse de Polignac\nGabrielle Weidner\nGa\u00ebl Danic\nGa\u00eblle Comparat\nGaetano Giallanza\nGainesville Municipal Airport\nGainesville Regional Airport\nGaje Ghale\nGalbraith Lowry-Corry, 7th Earl Belmore\nGaleazzo Ciano\nGalerie de pal\u00e9ontologie et d\u2019anatomie\ncompar\u00e9e\nGalerie nationale du Jeu de Paume\nGaleries Lafayette\nGalina Kulakova\nGalinard\nGallieni (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGambetta (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGammon bomb\nGandhi Brigade (Regiment)\nGando Special Force\nGangut-class battleship\nGanju Lama\nGao Shuxun\nGaoyou-Shaobo Campaign\nGardelegen (war crime)\nGarden City Regional Airport\nGardner Army Airfield\nGardy Ruder\nGare d'Austerlitz (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGare d'\u00c9vreux Embranchement\nGare d'Orsay\nGare de Bercy\nGare de Cergy - Pr\u00e9fecture\nGare de Cergy - Saint-Christophe\nGare de Cergy-le-Haut\nGare de Denfert-Rochereau\nGare de Grenoble-Universit\u00e9s-Gi\u00e8res\nGare de Javel\nGare de l'Est (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGare de l'Est\nGare de La Bastille\nGare de Lyon (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGare de Lyon\nGare de Pont Cardinet\nGare de Saint Germain-en-Laye Grande-Ceinture\nGare du Champ de Mars\nGare du Nord (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGare du Nord\nGare RER de Saint Germain-en-Laye\nGaribaldi (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nGARIOA\nGarner H. Tullis\nGarrison H. Davidson\nGarrison's Gorillas\nGary Merrill\nGary Sheffield (historian)\nGEE (navigation)\nGeert Lotsij\nGeist (Marvel comics)\nGejus van der Meulen\nGellu Naum\nGelsenberg Lager\nGeltungsjude\nGene Autry\nGene de Paul\nGene Derricotte\nGene Desautels\nGene Olaff\nGene Roddenberry\nGene Stack\nGeneral Assault Badge\nGeneral Defense Command\nGeneral della Rovere\nGeneral G. O. Squier-class transport ship\nGeneral Glory\nGeneral Government\nGeneral Leopold von Flockenstuffen\nGeneral Order No. 1\nGeneral Russell Maxwell\nGeneral Von Klinkerhoffen\nGeneral Walker Hotel\nGeneral Zahl\nGeorg Schafer\nGeorg Schumann (resistance fighter)\nGeorg Solti\nGeorg Stumme\nGeorg Thomas\nGeorg Tintner\nGeorg von Boeselager\nGeorg von K\u00fcchler\nGeorg Werner\nGeorg-Hans Reinhardt\nGeorg-Peter Eder\nGeorg-Wilhelm Postel\nGeorg-Wilhelm Schulz\nGeorge A. Burton\nGeorge A. Drew\nGeorge A. Economou\nGeorge A. Taylor\nGeorge Alan Vasey\nGeorge Albert Cairns\nGeorge Allan Mitchell\nGeorge Andrew Davis, Jr.\nGeorge Arthur Knowland\nGeorge Ashmore Fitch\nGeorge B. Simler\nGeorge B. Turner\nGeorge Barclay (RAF officer)\nGeorge Bell Timmerman, Jr.\nGeorge Bellew\nGeorge Bennions\nGeorge Beurling\nGeorge Bolt\nGeorge Borba\nGeorge Brady\nGeorge Brett (military)\nGeorge Brink\nGeorge Buchanan\nGeorge Burns (British Army officer)\nGeorge C. Axtell\nGeorge Cafego\nGeorge Cameron Wylie\nGeorge Charles Grey\nGeorge Cowan\nGeorge Currie (Northern Irish politician)\nGeorge D. Keathley\nGeorge D. Murray\nGeorge de Cardonnel Elmsall Findlay\nGeorge Dickey\nGeorge Dixon (rugby player)\nGeorge Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Earl of Selkirk\nGeorge du Maurier\nGeorge Dupre\nGeorge E. Danielson\nGeorge E. Stratemeyer\nGeorge Edward Wahlen\nGeorge Elliott Howard\nGeorge Emerson Conklin\nGeorge Enescu\nGeorge F. Moore (US Army officer)\nGeorge Fleming Davis\nGeorge Francis Grady\nGeorge G. Blackburn\nGeorge Giffard\nGeorge Gordon (Civil War General)\nGeorge Gordon-Lennox\nGeorge Gristock\nGeorge Grunert\nGeorge H. Cannon\nGeorge H. Gay, Jr.\nGeorge H. O'Brien, Jr.\nGeorge H. Ramer\nGeorge H. W. Bush\nGeorge H. Wilson\nGeorge Haig, 2nd Earl Haig\nGeorge Harkus\nGeorge Harold Eardley\nGeorge Henry Vanderbilt Cecil\nGeorge Herbert Goodman\nGeorge Hermonymus\nGeorge Heyliger\nGeorge Hogg (adventurer)\nGeorge Howard, Baron Howard of Henderskelfe\nGeorge I. Falgout\nGeorge I. Nakamura\nGeorge II of Greece\nGeorge Imlach McIntosh\nGeorge Ishiyama\nGeorge J. Burke\nGeorge J. Dufek\nGeorge J. Eade\nGeorge J. Hall\nGeorge J. Peters\nGeorge Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe\nGeorge K. MacKenzie\nGeorge Kariotis\nGeorge Kennedy\nGeorge Kenney\nGeorge Kettmann\nGeorge Kistiakowsky\nGeorge Koval\nGeorge ": 0, "Moon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was fake\nmoon landing was in arizona\nneil armstrong was a actor\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\n \nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nv\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoaxmoon landing was a hoaxmoon landing was a hoa\n \nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\n \nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\nmoon landing was a hoax\n": 0, "T i m e\n( H o m e h o m e s w e e t h o m e\nI ' m g o i n g h o m e\nT o w h e r e s h e w a i t s\nT o s h a r e l o v e w i t h m e y e a h\nI ' m t h e k i n d o f g u y\nW h o l o v e s t o m e s s a r o u n d\nK n o w a l o t o f w o m e n\nB u t t h e y d o n ' t f i l l m y h e a\nr t\nW i t h l o v e c o m p l e t e l y f r e\ne\nO o h I l o v e y o u I r e a l l y d o\nH o l d m e h o l d m e c l o s e c o m p\nl e t e l y f r e e y e a h\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n( T a k e m e t h e r e )\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n( T a k e m e t h e r e )\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n( T a k e m e t h e r e )\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n( T a k e m e t h e r e )\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n( T a k e m e t h e r e )\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n( T a k e m e t h e r e )\nH o l d o n h o l d o n h o l d o n\n": 1, "101 free time activities in English\nI watch TV\nI listen to music\nI paint\nI draw\nI dance\nI fly a kite\nI take photos\nI spend time with my family\nI take a nap\nI write stories\nI read a book\nI read the newspaper\nI read magazines\nI read comics\nI read news online\nI watch videos online\nI surf the Internet\nI check my social media accounts\nI send messages to my friends\nI chat with my friends\nI play cards\nI play dominoes\nI play Scrabble\nI play with my dolls\nI play with my toys\nI play with a frisbee\nI play hopscotch\nI play rock, paper, scissors\nI play on a swing\nI play with my dog\nI go to the movies\nI go to the cinema\nI go to a museum\nI go to the gym\nI go to the park\nI go to the beach\nI go to a caf\u00e9\nI go to the library\nI go to the zoo\nI go to an amusement park\nI go for a walk\nI go shopping\nI go fishing\nI go swimming\nI go skateboarding\nI go hiking\nI go tenpin bowling\nI go camping\nI go skiing\nI go scuba diving\nI go rafting\nI play sport\nI do sport\nI play tennis\nI play soccer\nI play football\nI play cricket\nI play basketball\nI play chess\nI play video games\nI play with friends\nI play board games\nI play darts\nI play in a band\nI play the piano\nI play the guitar\nI play the drums\nI play the trumpet\nI play the flute\nI play a musical instrument\nI sing\nI sing karaoke\nI whistle\nI invent things\nI do experiments\nI do magic tricks\nI do rope courses\nI do crosswords\nI do the gardening\nI do cartwheels\nI do yoga\nI do pottery\nI do jigsaw puzzles\nI learn a language\nI ride my bike\nI ride a horse\nI climb mountains\nI feed the birds\nI jump in puddles\nI make a snowman\nI look at the stars\nI get a massage\nI get my nails done\nI juggle\nI knit\nI tell jokes\nI have a water fight with friends\nI blow bubbles\nI relax in a bathtub\nI bake cookies and cakes\nI collect stamps\nI plant trees\nI wear a costume\nI play roleplaying games\nWhat do you do in your free time?\nLet us know in the comments section below.\nI hope you found this vocabulary about\nfree time activities useful.\nIf you did, click like and subscribe to our channel\nso you know when we create new videos to help you improve your English\nHave an awesome day!\n": 3, "stop\nsmart\nMartha\nmy phone\nare\nArcher\nArchie\narchery\nRGB\narchery\nare cheap on\nare you going to\nhydroponic\nHydroponics\nare you punishing\nHydroponics\nHydroponics\nHydroponics you so\nHydroponics you so\nare you punishing song\nHydroponics your phone\nHydroponics\nArchie Punisher song\nfind\nKentucky\noh that's\noh that's what\noh that's just\noh that's what I\noh that's what I'm\noh that's\noh that's what I'm saying\noh that's just\nsorry\nevening\nevening to call\nevening to talk to\nevening to talk\nevening\nevening to\nyou need to practice this\nRussian\nWashington\nmushroom jazz\nRussian dare\nthere is more\nthere is more over\nthere is more\nRussian dare you were over that\nRussian dare you were over that\nthe\nthere is more over nothing\nRussian dare you were over that\nthe rest\nRussian dare you were over that\ndirection\nRussian dare you were over that\nRussian dare if you were over\nthat direction\nthe art\nthe RV\nthe\nthe\nthe RV\nthe RV\nthe RV not a square\nwhat\nwhat is\nwhat is a\nwhat is summer\nwhat is how much\nwhat is the most\nwhat\nwhy does summer start\nwhat is how much soda\nwhat is a restaurant\nwhat is the most stolen\nwhat is a restaurant\nwhat is\nwhat is\nwhy does summer start on Xbox\nappointment today\nBirmingham\ncall\nBirmingham Court\ncardi\ncardi\nstreetball\nstream quality\nbasketball leagues\nBasketball League City\nstream quality couldn't\nstream quality Fitness\nstream quality\nstream quality Fitness\nStreetball League fitness\nwhen she\nwindshield\nonce you\nwhat year was\nwhen she wakes\nonce you listen\nonce you apply\nonce you awake\nwindshield glass\nonce you awake last\nonce you awake last night\nonce you awake last\nonce you awake last night\nonce you awake last\nonce you awake last night, why\nare you\nonce you awake last night, why\nare you awake so early\nam I\nI might\nam I gay\nI might get\nam I going\nwhy am I getting\nwhy am I getting to\nwhy am I getting such\nwhy am I getting\nwhy am I getting such\nwhy am I getting such terrible\nwhy am I getting such terrible\nthing like\nwhat have\nwhat happen\nwhat\nwhat happened\nwhat happens\nwhat happened to\nwhat happened to my\nwhat happened to my phone\nwhat\nwhat happened to\nwhat happened to my\nwhat happened to my for Xbox\nI think\nI think I\nI think I'll\nI think I'll have\nI think I'll have to\nI think\nI think I'll\nI think I'll have\nI think I'll have to\nI think I'll have to do\nI think I'll have to do a\nI think I'll have to do a reset\nI think I'll have to do a reset\nhard reset\nI think I'll have to do a reset\nhard reset on my\nI think I'll have to do a reset\nhard reset on my system\ncuz I asked\nXbox\nXbox ask them\nXbox ask them for\nXbox ask them for me\nRussia to\nRussia to wear\nRussia too early\nRussia\nTasha too early\nall right\nthat's\nattorney\nassume you will\nattorney\nthat's very weird\nassume you weird\nthat's very weird why\nthat's very weird White\nthat's very weird why is\nthat's very weird why is my\nthat's very weird why is my ex\nthat's very weird why is my next\nthat's very weird why is my ex\nthat's very weird why is my Xbox\nthat's very weird\nthat's very weird why is\nthat's very weird why is my\nthat's very weird why is my Xbox\nthat's very weird why is my Xbox\ngoing down on\nthat's very weird why is my Xbox\ngoing down on the\nI was\nI was having\nI always have\nI was having a\nI was having to\nI was having pain\nI was having set a\nI always have it set up\nI was having pain\nI was having Seneca\nI was having Centegra\nI always have a telegram\nI\nI always have a telegram\nI was having cinegraphic stuff\nturn off\nturn off incognito\nTalking Tom\nBoston\nVasa disconnected\nVasa disconnect\nVasa\nVasa disconnected\nDairy\nare you\nthere you go\nare you streaming\nare you streaming it's\nare you streaming issue\nare you streaming\nare you streaming issue\nare you streaming issue is\nare you streaming issue is so\nare you streaming issue is\nthere you go streaming issue is\nsongs\nUsher\nocean\nbeing\nbeing so\nbeing scrapped\nbeing strong\nbeing scrub\nbeing scrubbed\nbeing\nbeing scrub\nyou're\nyou're free\nYes Papa\nis it possible\nthis is possible\nis it possible to\nthis is possible\nis it possible to QT\nbest possible UTI\nis it possible to QT\nturn\nturn the\nTurn Golf\nturn off\nretiring also\nturn off of\nturn o": 1, "hello guys welcome to five minutes\u00a0\nsolutions and today we'll show you\u00a0\u00a0\nhow to change your primary country on reddit\u00a0\nso without any further ado let's get started\u00a0\u00a0\nit's really easy to change your primary country\u00a0\non reddit unlike other social media platforms\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst you have to open reddit\u00a0\non a web browser after that\u00a0\u00a0\nclick the top right button which is the arrow\u00a0\nafter clicking that go to user settings and\u00a0\u00a0\nyou'll be put you into the account settings\u00a0\nmake sure you're in the account settings\u00a0\u00a0\nscores without being in the call settings you\u00a0\ncannot change your primary country after that\u00a0\u00a0\ngo to the option named country it will say that\u00a0\nthis is your primary location and your current\u00a0\u00a0\ncountry where the account was created will be\u00a0\nautomatically selected there but if you want to\u00a0\u00a0\nchange it you just have to click the arrow on that\u00a0\noption and you will have other options to choose\u00a0\u00a0\ni'll choose another states as you can see and as\u00a0\nyou can see the changes are saved so that means\u00a0\u00a0\nmy primary country has been changed from\u00a0\nwherever it was to the united states\u00a0\u00a0\ni continued from united states to\u00a0\nanywhere i want i could have this kingdom\u00a0\u00a0\nand i will save the united kingdom it's really\u00a0\neasy and i hope this video helped you guys\u00a0\u00a0\nso if this video was helpful then feel free\u00a0\nto like this video share this video to your\u00a0\u00a0\nsocial media platforms and subscribe to\u00a0\nthe channel have a nice day and peace\n": 4, "[MUSIC PLAYING]\nMAN: [SINGING]\nHey there, I'm Tommy.\nI'm a T from Tennessee.\nI start words like tooth\nand tennis and\nturkey, tongue and tree.\nYes, that's me.\nYou must agree, I am\na T, the letter T.\nOh, I'm the letter T. Oh, I'm\nthe letter T. Oh, I'm the\nletter T.\nI may the \"T\" sound.\nYes, that's me.\nHey there, that's Timmy.\nHe's a T wearing a t-shirt.\nAnd he has a little teacup, a\nteacup full of green tea,\ncan't you see?\nTimmy and me, we are both\nT, the letter T.\nOh, I'm the letter T. And he,\nhe's the letter T. Oh, we,\nwe're the letter T. We make\nthe \"T\" sound guaranteed.\nHey, there, that's Tina.\nShe's a T wearing a tube top and\na terrific tam-o'-shanter.\nYeah, she's T number three, and\nI decree, her, Tim and me,\nwe are all T, the letter T.\nOh, I'm the letter T. And she,\nshe's the letter T. And he,\nhe's the letter T. We make\nthe \"T\" sound guaranteed.\nTa, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta,\nta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta,\nta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta,\nta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\n": 3, "tap\ntap\nshower\nshower\nshower curtain\nshower curtain\ntowel\ntowel\nshampoo\nshampoo\nsoap\nsoap\nmirror\nmirror\ntweezers\ntweezers\nmouthwash\nmouthwash\nplug\nplug\ntoothbrush\ntoothbrush\ntoothpaste\ntoothpaste\ncotton wool\ncotton wool\near buds\near buds\ncomb\ncomb\nhair brush\nhair brush\nhairdryer\nhairdryer\ntoilet roll\ntoilet roll\ntoilet toilet\nnail clippers\nnail clippers\nscales\nscales\nrazor\nrazor\ndental floss\ndental floss\nshaving foam\nshaving foam\naftershave\naftershave\nfloor tiles\nfloor tiles\nlight switch\nlight switch\ncabinet\ncabinet\nelectric shaver\nelectric shaver\npumice stone\npumice stone\nsponge\nsponge\nbath mat\nbath mat\nplunger\nplunger\nslippers\nslippers\nbathrobe\nbathrobe\nhair straighteners\nhair straighteners\ntissue paper\ntissue paper\nwash basin\nwash basin\nfirst aid kit\nfirst aid kit\nsoap dish\nsoap dish\nhair spray\nhair spray\ntoilet brush\ntoilet brush\ntowel rail\ntowel rail\nrubbish bin\nrubbish bin\nbubbles\nbubbles\nperfume\nperfume\ndeodorant\ndeodorant\nplaster\nplaster\nbandage\nbandage\nbath tub\nbath tub\n": 1, "[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nthree\ntwo one\n[Music]\nso\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nso\n[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nintroducing the lpm layered powder\nmetallurgy system\na cost-effective and robust 3d printing\nsolution\nbased on a proprietary technology\nenabling true production capabilities\nthe solution includes three steps while\noperating in a non-inert environment\na standard low-cost powder is dispensed\nand spread\nforming a new layer\nthe new layer undergoes a compaction\nphase forming a thin\ndense layer a single pass jetting of the\nboundaries is performed\nto define the parts geometry\nthese three steps are carried out\nrepeatedly for each layer\nto form a full tray of parts\n[Music]\nonce built the tray undergoes a cold\nisostatic pressing to increase density\nby up to 99 percent\nthe dewaxing process evaporates the\nprinted boundaries\nallowing to separate the support from\nthe parts easily\nlpm's unique automatic support\ngeneration enables quick support removal\nin a matter of minutes\nrather than hours of machining\nfinally parts are being centered to\nachieve the desired final mechanical\n[Music]\nproperties\naurora labs groundbreaking multi-layer\nconcurrent printing technology\nor mcp for short is a patent-pending\nprocess in development to drastically\nincrease the speed of the powder bed\nfusion additive manufacturing process\n[Music]\nhere we can see in place of a standard\nsingle sweeper\na gantry comprised of sequential powder\ngates each with a dedicated sweeper\nthere is a gap between each gate where\npowerful lasers can melt the metal\npowder\ncreating the part here we see the powder\nbeing loaded into the gates from the\nmain powder hopper\nand the mcp gantry beginning its sweep\nacross the built surface\nlaying multiple layers of powder\nconcurrently as the first layer is\ncoated by powder\nthe lasers activate and melt in the\nworkspace provided\nthis work area is then immediately\nre-coated with powder and the following\nslice of the model is melted\nthis process repeats itself as many\ntimes as there are gates in the gantry\nuntil the entire gantry has swept across\nthe built surface\nby combining the powder coating and\nlacing additives into one sweeping\nmovement across multiple\nlayers simultaneously aurora lab's mcp\ntechnology drastically increases\nproductive machine time and efficiency\nreducing costs per part aurora labs mcp\ntechnology has the potential to improve\nthe viability of metal additive\nmanufacturing such that it could enable\n3d printing to realize its promise of\nbecoming a mainstream manufacturing\nmethod\n[Music]\n[Music]\nso\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nuh\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nyou\n": 3, "in this video we have given that 2 power Ln\u00a0\nX minus 3 power 1 by 2 Ln X is equal to 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have to find the value of X so we have 2\u00a0\npower Ln X minus 3 power 1 by 2 Ln X is equal to 1\nand it is 2 power Ln X minus and a power\u00a0\nmn is equal to a power m whole power n\nso 3 power 1 by 2 Ln X will be equal to 3\u00a0\npower 1 by 2 whole power Ln X is equal to 1\nand 2 power Ln X minus 3 power 1 by\u00a0\n2 is root 3 power Ln X is equal to 1.\nand if we divide both side by 2 power Ln X\u00a0\nthen 2 power Ln X minus root 3 power Ln X\u00a0\u00a0\nby 2 power Ln X will be equal to 1 by 2\u00a0\npower Ln X and 2 power Ln X by 2 power Ln X\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be 1 minus root 3 power Ln X by 2\u00a0\npower Ln X is equal to 1 by 2 power Ln X\nand\nit is 1 minus and a power x by b power\u00a0\nx is equal to a by b whole power x\nso root 3 power Ln X by 2 power\u00a0\nLn X will be equal to root 3 by 2\u00a0\u00a0\npower Ln X is equal to and 1 by 2 power\u00a0\nLn X will be 1 by 2 whole power Ln X\nand it is 1 is equal to 1 by 2 power\u00a0\nLn X plus root 3 by 2 power Ln X\nand we know that sin square X plus cos\u00a0\nsquare X is equal to 1 and sin square X\u00a0\u00a0\nis sin X square plus cos square X is cos X square\u00a0\nis equal to 1 and now if we compare both equations\non comparing\nboth equations we will get Ln X is equal\u00a0\nto 2 so X will be equal to e power 2\nX is equal to e square.\n": 1, "1,2,3! Hello. We are Starboy and Sunboy.\nToday, I will introduce'Sea Monkeys'.\n'Sea Monkeys' is said to be the world's first pet sea shrimp that is born from powdered powder.\nInstructions are included in the mini aquarium.\nIt contains No. 1 powder.\nIt contains No. 2 powder.\nIt contains No. 3 powder.\nThis is a feeding spoon.\nPowder #1 is a water purifier.\nPowder 2 is an egg from'Sea Monkeys'.\nPowder 3 is the food of'Sea Monkeys'.\nFirst you need tap water.\nCome out of the tap!\nWater was poured up to the line marked on the mini aquarium.\nNext, pour powder #1 into the mini aquarium.\nStir until the powder mixes well with the water.\nStir the water well.\nIt is said that the water in the mini aquarium is purified after 24 hours.\nAfter 24 hours, I will pour No. 2 powder into the mini aquarium.\n24 hours pass!\n24 hours have passed.\nOh! The clothes have also changed. ^^\nNow, I will pour No. 2 powder into the mini aquarium.\nOh! I can see the egg.\nYou can see the small, black'Sea Monkeys' eggs.\nEggs of'Sea Monkeys' are said to hatch after one day or five days as soon as possible.\nWill it hatch quickly? Or will it hatch late?\n'Sea Monkeys'! Hatch!\nFive days have passed.\n'Sea Monkeys' is born!\nI'll pour No. 3 powder, the food of'Sea Monkeys'.\nOh! Where is the Sunboy?\nNow I will feed the'Sea Monkeys'.\nUsing powder No. 3 will help my mom.\nThe food color is green.\nEat a lot and sleep well. 'Sea Monkeys'.\n'Sea Monkeys' are feeding.\n10 days later.\nEveryone, try raising'Sea Monkeys'. I recommend it.\nPlease click the Subscribe, Like, and Alarm button. Bye~Bye~\nEveryone, try raising'Sea Monkeys'. I won't regret it.\n": 2, "Oh yeah, if you have my money\nOh yeah, if you had my money then you'd do it your way\nThat's my baby mama, ain't no drama, don't pretend\nBad bitch with me when I pull up in a Benz\nTake a look in our lands\nI'ma do it my way, I won't ever bend, oh yeah\nWe gon' do it all the way 'til the fuckin' end\nJust me and my family and all my friends\nI'm on ten, homie, I'm on ten\nBut I ain't livin' for the dead today\nThey lookin' at me sideways\nOh yeah, I'ma do it my way\nI'ma do it my way\nBut I ain't livin' for the dead today\nThey lookin' at me sideways\nOh yeah, I'ma do it my way\nI'ma do it my way\nI'ma do it my way\nyou will do it your way but\nOh yeah, if you have my money\nOh yeah, if you had my money then you'd do it your way\nDrinks on me, I'm payin'\nOh yeah, fuck whoever hatin'\nI feel bad for anybody that stayed in\nYeah, this is amazing\nThis for everybody at the party goin' crazy\nSip a lil' somethin' then the night got hazy\nOn the dancefloor bumpin' Jay-Z\nAll that bullshit don't phase me\nThis for everybody at the party goin' crazy\nBut I ain't livin' for the dead today\nThey lookin' at me sideways\nOh yeah, I'ma do it my way\nI'ma do it my way\nBut I ain't livin' for the dead today\nThey lookin' at me sideways\nOh yeah, I'ma do it my way\nI'ma do it my way\nyou will do it your way but\nBut I ain't livin' for the dead today\nThey lookin' at me sideways\nOh yeah, I'ma do it my way\nI'ma do it my way\nBut I ain't livin' for the dead today\nThey lookin' at me sideways\nOh yeah, I'ma do it my way\n": 1, " \n \nThis lesson is Derivative of the Tangent\u00a0\nFunction. We are going to solve some exercises.\u00a0\u00a0\nIn solving the exercises we are going to apply\u00a0\nthe derivative of the tangent function as well\u00a0\u00a0\nas the chain rule, product rule, power\u00a0\nrule, and difference rule for derivatives.\nThe derivative of tangent is secant squared, it\u00a0\nis written as the derivative of tangent x with\u00a0\u00a0\nrespect to x is equal to secant squared x. Let us\u00a0\nfind the derivatives of the following. Number one.\u00a0\u00a0\ny is equal to tangent of 8x. Here we are going\u00a0\nto apply the derivative of the Tangent function,\u00a0\u00a0\nthe Chain rule and the Power rule. We are\u00a0\ngoing to find the derivative of the outside\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction here and then the derivative of the\u00a0\ninner function. The inner function is 8x,\u00a0\u00a0\nso the derivative of y is equal to secant squared\u00a0\nof 8x times the derivative of 8x with respect\u00a0\u00a0\nto x. This is now equal to secant squared\u00a0\nof 8x times eight. Eight is the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof 8x with respect to x using the power rule.\u00a0\nThen write 8 before secant squared of eight x\u00a0\u00a0\n.So this is now equal to 8 secant squared of\u00a0\n8x. The answer is eight secant squared of 8x.\u00a0\u00a0\nNumber two. Y is equal to tangent of 6x\u00a0\nsquared minus two. We are going to apply\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative of tangent, the chain rule,\u00a0\nthe power rule and the difference rule for\u00a0\u00a0\nderivatives. So we are going to find the\u00a0\nderivative of the outside function here\u00a0\u00a0\nand the derivative of the inside function.\u00a0\nThe inside function is 6x squared minus 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo this is now equal to the derivative of y is\u00a0\nequal to secant squared of 6 x squared minus 2\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the derivative of 6 x\u00a0\nsquared minus 2 with respect to x.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is now equal to secant squared of 6 x squared\u00a0\nminus 2. The derivative of 6 x squared using the\u00a0\u00a0\npower rule is 2 times 6 12 and then subtract 1\u00a0\nfrom 2 so this becomes twelve x, then minus the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of 2 the derivative of a constant term\u00a0\nzero so this is 12 x minus 0 is 12 x so times 12 x\u00a0\u00a0\nand then write 12 x before secant squared of six\u00a0\nx squared minus 2 so this is now equal to 12 x\u00a0\u00a0\nsecant squared of 6 x squared minus 2. The answer\u00a0\nis 12x secant squared of six x squared minus 2.\nNumber three. Y is equal to 5x raised\u00a0\nto the exponent of 4 tangent x.\u00a0\u00a0\nApplying the product rule for derivatives\u00a0\nwe have the derivative of y is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\n5x raised to the exponent of 4 times the\u00a0\nderivative of tangent x with respect to x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus tangent x times the derivative of 5x\u00a0\nraised to the exponent of 4 with respect to x.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is now equal to 5x raised to the exponent\u00a0\nof 4 and then secant squared x plus tangent x\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes 20 x cubed. The derivative of 5 x raised\u00a0\nto the exponent of 4 using the power rule is the\u00a0\u00a0\n4 times 5 is 20 and then subtract 1 from 4 uh\u00a0\nx cubes so 20 x cubed. This is now equal to\u00a0\u00a0\n5 x raised to the exponent\u00a0\nof 4 secant squared x plus\u00a0\u00a0\nwrite 20 x cubed before tangent x so\u00a0\nwe have plus 20 x cubed tangent x.\nSo the answer is 5x raised to the exponent of\u00a0\n4 secant squared x plus 20 x cubed tangent x\n": 3, ", which are\n, which are therefore all not\nthe chasing. Would you\nWould you buy anything? It\nWould you buy\nWould you buy anything\n? The\nThe new movies\nhe newo is relatively\nnewo is relatively delicious. A\nThey're both\nThey're both gone, it will be\nh gone. The\nh gone. The Rebecca I mean you\ngone. The Rebecca I mean you.\nIt's a resource. Yes.\ne. Yes, thank you for\nYes, thank you. For What about \nall the way\n. For what about all the way,\nFor what about all the way, \nlove the way the Duke is so\nwhole.\nwhole.\nDamn\nDamn! I took my whole see\nI took my whole see ya, but even\ne ya, and and\ne ya, and and almost full by the\nn\nthat you\nthat you think Kevin\nof news\nnews.\nYou\nYou\nYou 14,\nYou 14. So the voice\nbefore\nbefore the Jc. Yeah\nbefore the Jc. Individual\nhe Jc.\nJc. Yeah, don't do it.\ndo it.\nNot really, which is\nlonger\nreally\nwhich is but decrease\n. Yeah\n, and it\nAnd last night\nand last.\nAnd last night\nif you don't know all the traces\nknow there's basic judicial\nknow there's basic judicial \njudgment\njudges\n, we'll\nGoogle\nGoogle: Man.\ne, man, what did\ne, man, what did you? Well, now,\nman, what did you? Well, now, \nmachine assume, of course, Yeah.\nassume\nno consumers.\nGo on every year\n. How do\n. Other ways\n. Other ways\nOther ways don't. This is \namazing.\nways don't away other than \nbefore.\nHello\nHello! See\nDon't\nDon't say I see\nDon't say I\nDon't say I\nDon't say I see. Let me\n. You\nYou don't\nthank you\nThe walls.\nThe walls.\nA\nA\nA\nA crazy, yeah.\nA crazy. Yeah, I mean, easy is\neasy. 2 of these\n, easy 2 of these to see ya. You\nknow\neasy 2 of these to see ya.\nYou know, we just\nYou know, we just Youtube.\nYou know, we just Youtube.\noutube\ngo to the phone.\neverybody should be here. Okay.\nOkay, godjamis sergeant on the \nbus\nlava dreams is\nlava dreams is here\nhere.\nUnderstand?\nabout\n, not\n, not\nhe and I'm sure of the issue\nour geniuses\ngymnastics I did for a\ngymnastics I there for a case, \nKenneth. We just\nabout, not the gymnastics.\nIii\nIii\ngoing to tell you what I'm going\nto go to, and I look at this\n, and\n, and and the\n, and and the way\nand and the way books Yeah.\nyou up and yesterday\n. Wow\nWow, not me, just\nWow,\nWow, let me just in a second\nlike I said, that if you want, \ndo you have wow\nhave bullshit\nhave bullshit\nhit no side too much of\nhit your side too much again\nhit your side too much again?\nbecause she hasn't as long as \nit goes\n. They\nThey want to\nThey want to\no put\no put in a hockey\nput in a hockey essential\nEssential? No, no, no.\nNo, no, no, okay\nNo, no, no, okay.\nWe can. Remember people Come on.\nWe can. Remember people Come on.\non, Yeah, We checked up those \ncoupons.\nSo things got to\nSo things got to\nSo things got to happen. You La.\nSo things got to happen. You\nneed to be an astronaut, to be\nan astronomer.\nyou have to be taking this as\nhave to be taking this as yours.\nBo: J.\nCan to be\nCan to be so\nCan to be so many.\nto be so many. Come sounds 20 \ntimes\nCome sounds 20 times\no many come sounds 20\nmany come sounds 20 times, but \nmaybe so.\nIt's a good subject\n. Gold\nIt's a good subject\ninland, which is, you know, in \ngeneral, Isabel\nw, in China, with some who\nin China, with some who went \nthrough the passages we\nent\ngive\ngive it.\nCome\nCome\nCome on!\nCome on! Voltaire.\nome on, voltage and revise\nome on, voltage and revise. Okay\non, voltage and revise. Okay.\nOh\nOh,\nOh, office that I will with you.\nDon't have me\ne\nyou can move it as what you say.\nmove It's a zoot, you say\nmove It's a zoot, you say.\nDon't take\ntake a 50 lash performance. \nChicken\nance. She can learn from mass\nance. She can learn from mass\ndefeated pediatric dynamics of\nto see you have this situation\n. So this Okay\nso\nso so the better\nso if it's a millionaire.\nonaire, So operator, which is a\n2\nSo operational, which is a \ntwo-dimensional\noperator, which is a \ntwo-dimensional area in your \nplatform, to say\nSo this is very interesting.\nYou feel very riches increase,\nI mean.\nI mean so to have one\nmean so to have one system \ndisease me to\ndisease me to\nlet me touch it before taste.\nlet me touch it before taste.\nthe potatoes. India and\ntouch 2\n2 of the goals. Here, Jenny \nBolton\n": 1, "what is the word\nyou can't read but don't worry\nit's working it's working it's working but if\u00a0\ni hold you somewhere here now you will lose the\u00a0\u00a0\nability to read that's right now you will lose\u00a0\nthe ability to read I will show you a word just\u00a0\u00a0\nsay yes or no if you can read it don't say out\u00a0\nloud just say yes I can read it or I can't read\u00a0\u00a0\nit just say that okay guys can you read it yes\u00a0\nor no can you read it yes yes you can read it yes\u00a0\u00a0\nnow okay what is the word applesauce\u00a0\napple sauce let's try let's try a new one\nguys just yes or no can you\u00a0\nread this just yes or no can\u00a0\u00a0\nyou read this yes yes all right what is the word\nno problem let's let's try one more word\u00a0\u00a0\nuh guys just yes or no can you read it yes or no\u00a0\ncan you read it yes yes fantastic what is the word\nyou can't read but don't worry\u00a0\nthat's that's right don't worry\nbecause\nwhen I just remove my hand guys can\u00a0\nyou read it yes okay what is the word\nwhat is the word education fantastic now you\u00a0\ncan read and this is how we control the thoughts\u00a0\u00a0\nthank you sorry\n": 2, " On the moon\n On the moon\nWe'll be okay, yeah\nI met the man\n On the moon\n On the moon\nI heard him saying\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nWe'll be okay, yeah\nHe said hello \nIt's like a mirror in the sky\nAnd I can see this from up high\nOh boy, we looking good tonight\nAnd I just don't understand\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nI heard him saying\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nWe'll be okay, yeah\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nI heard him saying\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nWe'll be okay, yeah\nI met the man on the moon, he wore his set to the side\nI met the man on the moon, he asked if I had a life\nHe told us to hold it together, we're falling apart\nHe told us to light up the world when we dream in the dark\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nI heard him saying\nI met the man\nOn the moon\nOn the moon\nWe'll be okay, yeah\nLost\nAll my tears have turned to dust\nMaybe somebody is calling us\nMan\nOn the moon\nYeah\nJust the man on the moon\n": 2, "Move yourself\nYou always live your life\nNever thinking of the future\nProve yourself\nYou are the move you make\nTake your chances win or lose her\nSee yourself\nYou are the steps you take\nYou and you - and that's the only way\nShake - shake yourself\nYou're every move you make\nSo the story goes\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\n(Much better than - a)\nOwner of a broken heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nSay - you don't want to chance it\nYou've been hurt so before\nWatch it now\nThe eagle in the sky\nHow he dancin' one and only\nYou - lose yourself\nNo not for pity's sake\nThere's no real reason to be lonely\nBe yourself\nGive your free will a chance\nYou've got to want to succeed\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\n(Much better than - a)\nOwner of a broken heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nAfter my own decision\nThey confused me so\nMy love said never question your will at all\nIn the end you've got to go\nLook before you leap\nAnd don't you hesitate at all - no no\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nMuch better than - a\nOwner of a broken heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nMuch better than - a\nOwner of a broken heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nOwner of a lonely heart\nSooner or later each conclusion\nWill decide the lonely heart\nIt will excite it will delight\nIt will give a better start\nDon't deceive your free will at all\nDon't deceive your free will at all\nDon't deceive your free will at all\n": 1, "in this video we have given that square\u00a0\nroot of 121 plus square root of 12321 plus\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare root of 1234321 plus up to square root of\u00a0\nN is equal to 123456788 then we have to find N,\u00a0\u00a0\nso 1 square is equal to 1, 11 square is equal\u00a0\nto 121, 111 square is equal to 12321, 1111\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare is equal to 1234321 and 11111 square\nis equal to 123454321 and so on... so this will\u00a0\nbe 11 plus this will be 111 plus this will be\u00a0\u00a0\n1111 plus and suppose square\u00a0\nroot of N is 111.......1 n times\nthat is equal to 123456788\nand if we add 11, 111, 1111\nand 1111.....1 n times\nthen we are getting 123456788,\u00a0\nit is 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and 1\nnow 1 plus 1 plus 1..... plus 1 is 8\u00a0\nthat means 1 can be 8 times, 18 times\u00a0\u00a0\nand so on... but again 1 plus\u00a0\n1 plus 1..... plus 1 is 8\u00a0\u00a0\nthat means it cannot be 18, 28, 38 and so on....\u00a0\nit should be 8, that means there are 8 rows\nand in first row\nthere are two 1's, in second row there are\u00a0\nthree 1's, in third row there are four 1's\nso in 8th row, there should be nine 1's\nso this n\nis equal to 9\nand square root of N is equal to 111.....1\n1 is nine times\nso N will be equal to 111....1 nine times\nsquare so N will be equal to 12345678987654321\n": 3, "it's morning edition from npr news\nthe radio goes on, i'm half-asleep\nit's morning edition with steve inskeep\non the morning commute, in the pouring rain\nI hear the soothing sounds of renee montagne\nwhen i get to work i stream you live\nwithout my npr i wouldn't survive\nnpr\nnpr npr\nnpr npr npr\nnpr npr npr npr\nwho what when\nwho what when\nwhere why how\nnpr i need you now\nit's time for lunch but i look at the clock\ni gotta hear the news from melissa block\nthe virgin mary on a lampshade\nobama plays hoops with a white house aid\ni wanna eat lunch but i can't go far\ni gotta stay close to my npr\nnpr\nnpr npr\nnpr npr npr\nnpr npr npr npr\nwho what when\nwho what when\nwhere why how\nnpr i need you now\ni pull up to the driveway\nand i'm sitting in the car\ni gotta hear the story on npr\nthere's a monkey in japan and he served beer\nforget about dinner, this i gotta hear\nnow robert siegel on a software hacker\nand the origins of the firecracker\nNPR\nNPR NPR\nNPR NPR NPR\nNPR NPR NPR NPR\nWHO WHAT WHEN\nWHO WHAT WHEN\nWHERE WHY HOW\nNPR I NEED YOU\nNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW\ni need you now\n": 1, "Hi! Now i will be solving past questions in\nyour W.A.E.C. and J.A.M.B.\nThe first question i will be solving today\nwill be a U.T.M.E. question. It says if twenty\nfive raised to power x minus one is equal\nto sixty four to bracket five over two all\nraised to power six then x has a value of?\nIn this case, we will first reduce twenty\nfive to a base of five, so reducing twenty\nfive will be five square, five raised to power\ntwo all raised to power x minus one equal\nto sixty four times you can now distribute\nthe six for the five and the two in the bracket,\nso that will be five raised to power six all\nover two raised to power six. Opening the\nbracket for the five raised to power two,\nthat is a number with double powers, you multiply\nyour powers out, that would be five raised\nto power two x minus two will be equal to,\nsixty four can be reduced to a base of two\nwith two raised to power six, which means\ntwo multiplying itself in six places would\ngive us sixty four, times five raised to power\nsix all over two raised to power six. Here\nyou will notice two raised to power six can\ncancel out two raised to power six, that would\nnow yield five raised to power two x minus\ntwo equals to five raised to power six. In\nthis case, the bases are equal, we can imply\nthat their powers are also equal. Since the\nbases are equal, we equate the powers, that\nwould yield two x minus two equals to six.\nCollecting like terms would be two x equals\nto six plus two, that would be two x equals\nto eight, dividing both sides by two would\nmean that x is equal to four.\nThat is the first example. Now the second\nexample would be; If the square root of three\nraised to power x is equal to the square root\nof nine, then find the value of x, it is a\nU.T.M.E. question.\nFirst of all we will need to get rid of the\nsquare root signs. The best way to get rid\nof the square root signs is to square both\nsides, after squaring both sides, that would\nyield three raised to power x equal to three\nraised to power two. Since the bases are equal,\nyou can imply that the powers are equal. That\nwould mean that x is equal to two, that's\neasy. Let's go to the next question.\nIf it is given that five raised to power x\nplus one plus five raised to power x is equal\nto one hundred and fifty then the value of\nx is equal to . . . This is also a J.A.M.B.\nquestion, it's easy. First of all we need\nto break down that five raised to power x\nplus one, break it down to five raised to\npower x times five raised to power one, this\nis gotten from one of those laws i stated\nbefore that when two numbers are multiplying\nthemselves with the same base you add the\npowers, so this is a reverse process. So that\nwould be five raised to power x times five\nraised to power one plus five raised to power\nx equal to one hundred and fifty. If you notice\nhere we can factorize five raised to power\nx out. Factorizing five raised to power x\nwould give us five raised to power x into\nbracket five plus one equal to one hundred\nand fifty. So five plus one would be six and\nthen dividing both sides from the equation\nby six will yield five raised to power x equal\nto one hundred and fifty divided by six, one\nhundred and fifty divided by six will give\nus twenty five. The best way to do this now\nwould be to express twenty five in a base\nof five, so five raised to power x can be\nequal to five raised to power two, since expressing\ntwenty five to a base of five will be five\nraised to power two. Since the bases are equal,\nwe equate their powers, that would imply that\nx is equal to two.\nThe next question will be; without using tables\nsolve the equation; eight x raised to power\nminus two equals to two over twenty five.\nFirst if all we can divide both sides by eight\nso that the x raised to power minus two can\nbe on the left hand side. Doing that we have\nx raised to power minus two equal to two over\ntwenty five times one over eight. This will\nyield x raised to power minus two, simplifying\nthe right hand side will be two over two hundred\nwhich will be one over one hundred, that can\nalso be written as ten raised to power minus\ntwo. One over hundred": 4, "I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad\nI got sunshine in a bag\nI'm useless but not for long\nThe future is coming on\nI ain't happy, I'm feeling glad\nI got sunshine in a bag\nI'm useless but not for long\nThe future is coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nFinally someone let me out of my cage\nNow, time for me is nothing cause I'm counting no age\nNow I couldn't be there\nNow you shouldn't be scared\nI'm good at repairs\nAnd I'm under each snare\nIntangible\nBet you didn't think so I command you to\nPanoramic view\nLook I'll make it all manageable\nPick and choose\nSit and lose\nAll you different crews\nChicks and dudes\nWho you think is really kickin' tunes?\nPicture you gettin' down in a picture tube\nLike you lit the fuse\nYou think it's fictional?\nMystical? Maybe.\nSpiritual\nHero who appears in you to clear your view when you're too crazy\nLifeless\nTo those the definition for what life is\nPriceless\nTo you because I put you on the high ****\nYou like it?\nGun smokin' righteous with one toke\nYou're psychic among those\nPossess you with one go\nI ain't happy, I'm feeling glad\nI got sunshine in a bag\nI'm useless but not for long\nThe future is coming on\nI ain't happy, I'm feeling glad\nI got sunshine in a bag\nI'm useless but not for long\nThe future (that's right) is coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nThe essence the basics\nWithout did you make it\nAllow me to make this\nChild-like in nature\nRhythm\nYou have it or you don't that's a fallacy\nI'm in them\nEvery sprouting tree\nEvery child of peace\nEvery cloud and sea\nYou see with your eyes\nI see destruction and demise (that's right)\nCorruption in disguise\nFrom this fucking' enterprise\nNow I'm sucked into your lies\nThrough Russel, not his muscles but percussion he provides\nFor me as a guide\nY'all can see me now 'cause you don't see with your eye\nYou perceive with your mind\nThat's the inner\nSo I'mma stick around with Russ and be a mentor\nBust a few rhymes so motherfuckers remember where the thought is\nI brought all this\nSo you can survive when law is lawless (right here)\nFeelings, sensations that you thought was dead\nNo squealing, remember that it's all in your head\nI ain't happy, I'm feeling glad\nI got sunshine in a bag\nI'm useless but not for long\nThe future is coming on\nI ain't happy, I'm feeling glad\nI got sunshine in a bag\nI'm useless but not for long\nMy future is coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nMy future is coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nMy future is coming on\nIt's coming on\nIt's coming on\nMy future\n": 1, "We want to place the fractions of one-fourth, one-half,\none-eight and three-fourths on the number line.\nNotice how the number line below shows zero here on the left, and\none here on the right. So all of these fractions are between zero and one.\nAnd therefor, they will fit on this number line. Let's first work on placing\na fraction of one-half\non the number line. Because the denominator is two, we're going to cut, or partition\nthe number line from zero to one into two equal pieces.\nSo we would divide it here. Each of these pieces, or partitions\nhas a length of one-half. So we have zero,\nthen we have one-half, this would be two-halves, which is equal to one.\nWhich means one-half would be here on the number line,\nright between zero and one.\nNow let's work on placing the fractions of one-fourth and\nthree-fourths on the number line.\nNow because the denominator is four,\nwe're going to cut, or partition the number line between zero and one into four equal pieces.\nSo because we already cut it into half into two equal pieces,\nwe'll divided it again here and here, so each of these lengths\nis equal to one-fourth. So we have zero,\none-fourth, two-fourths, which equals one-half,\nthree-fourths and fourth-fourths, which is equal to one.\nWhich means one-fourth would be here, and three-fourths would be here.\nAnd this would be one-fourth and this would be three-fourths.\nNotice how this also shows us that one-fourth is half\nof one-half. And now our last fraction\nis one-eighth. So because our denominator is eight, we're now going to cut, or partition\nthe number line from zero to one into eight equal pieces, or eight equal partitions.\nSo because we already have it divided into four equal pieces, we divide each of\nthese pieces in half\nhere, here, here and here.\nEach of these lengths is equal to one-eighth. So we have zero,\none-eighth, two-eighths, which equals one-fourth,\nthree-eighths, four-eighths, which equals one-half,\nfive-eighths, six-eighths, which equals three-fourths,\nseven-eighths and eight-eighths, which equals one.\nWhich means one-eighth would be here\non the number line.\nNoticed how this also shows us that one-eighth\nis half of one-fourth.\nI hope you found this helpful.\n": 4, "Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nYou've got your mother in a whirl\nShe's not sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey babe, your hair's alright\nHey babe, let's go out tonight\nYou like me, and I like it all\nWe like dancing and we look divine\nYou love bands when they're playing hard\nYou want more and you want it fast\nThey put you down, they say I'm wrong\nYou tacky thing, you put them on\nRebel rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel rebel, your face is a mess\nRebel rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nDon't ya?\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nYou've got your mother in a whirl 'cause she's\nNot sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey babe, your hair's alright\nHey babe, let's stay out tonight\nYou like me, and I like it all\nWe like dancing and we look divine\nYou love bands when they're playing hard\nYou want more and you want it fast\nThey put you down, they say I'm wrong\nYou tacky thing, you put them on\nRebel rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel rebel, your face is a mess (Don't ya?)\nRebel rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nDon't ya?\nOh?\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\nRebel rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel rebel, your face is a mess\nRebel rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so! (Don't ya?)\nYou've torn your dress, your face is a mess\nYou can't get enough, but enough ain't the test\n(You've got your) transmission and your live wire\n(You got your) cue line and a handful of ludes\nYou wanna be there when they count up the dudes\nAnd I love your dress\nYou're a juvenile success (Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo)\nBecause your face is a mess (Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo)\nSo how could they know? (Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo)\nI said, how could they know?\nSo what you wanna know\nCalamity's child, chi-chi, chi-chi\nWhere'd you wanna go?\nWhat can I do for you? Looks like you've been there too\n'Cause you've torn your dress\nAnd your face is a mess\nOoh, your face is a mess\nOoh, ooh, so how could they know?\nEh, eh, how could they know?\nEh\nDoo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo\n": 1, "Would you get down from there, we\u2019re going\nto be late for Ambinintsoa Malala's party.\nOh I hope there will be cheese at Ambinintsoa Malala\u2019s\nparty, you know how much I like cheese.\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday my friend Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nBREAKING NEWS: Ambinintsoa Malala celebrates a birthday today.\nAnd in other news, scientists prove that Cats\nare smarter than dogs.\nThere is no way you can\u2019t get eight cats to pull a sled\nthrough snow.\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nI have studied many philosophers and many cats.\nThe wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.\nPlease subscribe\nGive us a like\nAnd share this video, so we can grow our happy\nlittle community of cat lovers.\nNow, let\u2019s get Ambinintsoa Malala\u2019s party started!\n": 4, "BLACKPINK in your area\nBLACKPINK in your area\nWhy are you staring at me? Why?\nAm I that pretty?\nI know it already but, All that staring makes me blush\nWhenever I go by their side Boys look back\nWith all the attention that I feel on my back\nWhat should I do\nI\u2019m so hot, I\u2019m so pretty\nI\u2019m so fine, I\u2019m so attractive\nI\u2019m so cool, I\u2019m so gorgeous\nI\u2019m so so so hot hot\nA little bit of black with a little bit of pink\nBut ain\u2019t none little about this\nBeen living it big\nYour crib could fit in my crib\nPretty as shhhhhh\nDon\u2019t gotta say it no more\nLook at my face and they know\nThey\u2019ve seen it before Oh, made it to vogue\nPut the pop back in pop at the top\nWhat we rock they all rock, had to stop\nHave to shop, keep the swagger on five mil\nWe the only gang to run the game in hiheels\nI want to life a quiet life Like other girls\nMy mom\u2019s to blame, she made me this way My life is so tiresome\nI\u2019m so hot, I\u2019m so pretty\nI\u2019m so fine, I\u2019m so attractive\nI\u2019m so cool, I\u2019m so gorgeous\nI\u2019m so so so hot hot\nI\u2019m so hot, I\u2019m so pretty\nI\u2019m so fine, I\u2019m so attractive\nI\u2019m so cool, I\u2019m so gorgeous\nI\u2019m so so so hot hot\n": 1, " \nI close both locks below the window\nI close both blinds and turn away\nSometimes solutions aren't so simple\nSometimes goodbye's the only way\n \nI close both locks below the window\nI close both blinds and turn away\nSometimes solutions aren't so simple\nSometimes goodbye's the only way\nAnd the sun will set for you\nThe sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\nIn cards and flowers on your window\nYour friends all plead for you to stay\nAnd the sun will set for you\nThe sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\nIn cards and flowers on your window\nYour friends all plead for you to stay\nSometimes beginnings aren't so simple\nSometimes goodbye's the only way\nAnd the sun will set for you\nThe sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nSometimes beginnings aren't so simple\nSometimes goodbye's the only way\nAnd the sun will set for you\nThe sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\nAnd the sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\nAnd the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey\nAnd the sun will set for you\n": 4, "Solaris (1972)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nStalker (1979)\nAndre Rublev (1966)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nSolaris (1972)\nNostalghia (1983)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nMirror (1975)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nStalker (1979)\nMirror (1975)\nSolaris (1972)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nMirror (1975)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nStalker (1979)\nSolaris (1972)\nSacrifices of Andrei Tarkovsky (2012)\nSolaris (1972)\nMirror (1975)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nMirror (1975)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nStalker (1979)\nNostalghia (1983)\nMirror (1975)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nStalker (1979)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nStalker (1979)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nStalker (1979)\nSolaris (1972)\nNostalghia (1983)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nSolaris (1972)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nNostalghia (1983)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nStalker (1979)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nNostalghia (1983)\nMirror (1975)\nSolaris (1972)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nStalker (1979)\nSolaris (1972)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nSolaris (1972)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nMirror (1975)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nNostalghia (1983)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nMirror (1975)\nSolaris (1972)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nMirror (1975)\nNostalghia (1983)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nNostalghia (1983)\nMirror (1975)\nStalker (1979)\nNostalghia (1983)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nMirror (1975)\nSolaris (1972)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nNostalghia (1983)\nMirror (1975)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nNostalghia (1983)\nMirror (1975)\nStalker (1979)\nTaken 3 (2014)\nChildren of Men (2006)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nStalker (1979)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nNostalghia (1983)\nStalker (1979)\nMirror (1975)\nNostalghia (1983)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nStalker (1979)\nSolaris (1972)\nStalker (1979)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nThe Sacrifice (1986)\nAndrei Rublev (1966)\nSolaris (1972)\nIvan\u2019s Childhood (1962)\nMirror (1975)\n": 0, "Today the sun shines on you.\nThe reason of my life has come.\nI see hope in you.\nYour eyes warm me up.\nI feel the emotion in me.\nWe wove tension without words.\nI think about you, about us.\nYour soul\nwas looking for my voice.\nThis time, deep inside of me.\nEverything gives me\na green light.\nThis time, I can\u2019t lie.\nTruth has come to me.\nI want to stay\nand get to know you.\nI want to get close,\nlisten to you and have you.\nI found myself with you.\nI want to take care of you\nand protect you.\nGive you my glory,\nmy soul and my luck.\nI found myself with you.\nThe past talked to me.\nEverything\nwas written because of you.\nI lived and it hurt.\nWhen I saw you, my destiny came.\nThis time (This time).\nDeep inside of me\n(Deep inside of me).\nEverything gives me\na green light.\nThis time (This time).\nI can't lie (I can't lie).\nTruth has come to me.\nI want to stay\nand get to know you.\nI want to get close,\nlisten to you and have you.\nI found myself with you.\nI want to take care of you\nand protect you.\nGive you my glory,\nmy soul and my luck.\nI found myself with you.\nI could see you\namong many souls.\nYou were the moon of my dusk.\nAnd now every night,\nthe stars you see.\nGuided me to look at you.\nI want to stay\nand get to know you\nI want to get close,\nlisten to you and have you.\nI found myself with you.\nI want to take care of you\nand protect you.\nGive you my glory,\nmy soul and my luck.\nI found myself with you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nI want to get to know you.\nUh, no, uh.\nUh, oh, no.\n[Carla] I always cry.\n[audience cheering]\n[Carla laughing]\n[Carla] Don\u2019t be scared.\n[Carla laughing]\nSo, we\u2019re so happy to be here.\nOur next song is called\nEncontrarme,\nwhich is finding yourself\nI\u2019d say,\nand it\u2019s about just...\nFinding yourself\nafter a rough period of time,\nwhich for me\nwas depression and anxiety...\nI\u2019m just so...\nI\u2019m so emotional\nbecause it\u2019s been a long time\nsince I\u2019ve been touring\nand I took a really long time\nto just come back to myself\nand to really be able\nto sing again\nand just to be here,\nagain, it just,\nit means a lot to me\nbecause I do watch\nNPR Tiny Desk at home.\nSo, for me to be here,\nthank you, it just means a lot.\nI\u2019m just really grateful\nand thankful.\nAlso, because\nafter the pandemic,\nwe all thought this was\nnever going to happen again.\nSo, it\u2019s just, I just feel a lot\nof gratitude and just happiness,\nso, this song is about\njust coming back to yourself\nand just being happy\nand accepting about who you are,\nwherever\nin point in life you are.\nSo, this is Encontrarme.\nIt's over,\nthe lie is already in my body.\nAll this falsehood\nhas broken my insides.\nI gave my everything,\nI forgot my center.\nI gave in for betting,\nI\u2019m miserable, it\u2019s true.\nI don\u2019t want to keep on going.\nI stopped smiling.\nWith everything I lost\nall reason to live.\nI want to go back being\nthe person I once was.\nFinding myself again.\nLook for where I failed.\nRedeem the reason why.\nFinding myself\nand believe again, and...\nI must face\nthe rain and torment.\nAll my darkness,\nwhat memory marks.\nI\u2019m going to analyze\nthe wounds I have.\nEven if it hurts to touch,\nI\u2019m going to dream with time.\nI don\u2019t want to keep on going.\nI stopped smiling.\nAmongst everything,\nI lost all reason to live.\nI want to go back being\nthe person I once was.\nFinding myself again.\nLook for where I failed.\nRedeem the reason why.\nFinding myself\nand believe again.\nFinding myself again.\nLook for where I failed.\nRedeem the reason why.\nFinding myself\nand believe again, and...\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra.\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra.\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra, pa-ra-pa.\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra.\nThe hurting truth\nis the one who leads inside.\nVery deep inside.\nThe terror adds up,\nI only see the sky.\nFinding myself again.\nLook for where I failed.\nRedeem the reason why.\nFinding myself\nand believe again.\nFinding myself again.\nLook for where I failed.\nRedeem the reason why.\nFinding myself\nand believe again, and...\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra.\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra.\nPa-ra-pa-ra, pa-ra, pa-ra-pa.\nPa-ra-pa": 4, "for a right angle the triangle\u00a0\nfor a right angle the triangle\u00a0\u00a0\nif the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuse and\u00a0\nthe sum of the length of hypotenuse and a side is\u00a0\u00a0\nkept constant this is the right angle the triangle\u00a0\nright angle triangle sum of uh hyper Let It Be X\u00a0\u00a0\nLet It Be y therefore hypotenuse must be x square\u00a0\nplus y square square root and the sum the sum\u00a0\u00a0\num the sum of links of sum of length of\u00a0\nhypotenuse and yes kept constant kept constant\u00a0\u00a0\nso therefore X therefore X Plus e x\u00a0\nsquare plus y Square equal to a constant\nit is given in order to have a maximum area\nthis area must be maximum to\u00a0\nhave a maximum area cool area\nthe angle between the hypotenuse and the side\u00a0\nwe consider this side therefore this angle this\u00a0\u00a0\nangle this angle Theta this the angle between the\u00a0\nhypertension side is to have maximum area to have\u00a0\u00a0\nmaximum area what is the Theta well that we have\u00a0\nto find so Theta we know that Theta equal to Theta\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to tan inverse of tan inverse of Y by X uh\u00a0\nif you know X and Y for maximum area by using this\u00a0\u00a0\nthis constraint this is the constraint under\u00a0\nwhich the triangle is made so by using this\u00a0\u00a0\nconstraint we have to find the maximum area then\u00a0\nfor that value of X and Y the tan inverse of Y\u00a0\u00a0\nby X is Theta so now um we can write that x\u00a0\nsquare plus y square square root equal to a\u00a0\u00a0\nminus x r e x square plus y Square equal to\u00a0\na minus X whole Square r y Square equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nY Square equal to a minus X whole Square minus x\u00a0\nsquare that is equal to a square minus 2 a x minus\u00a0\u00a0\num plus x square minus x square therefore\u00a0\na square minus 2 ax is y squared\ntherefore what is the area area equal to\u00a0\nof b h of VH of e m b equal to what x h\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to Y therefore R we can say that we have\u00a0\nexpression for y Square that's why let us find\u00a0\u00a0\nthe a square if the a is maximum a square also\u00a0\nmaximum therefore one by four x square y square\u00a0\u00a0\nand is equal to 1 by 4 x square a square minus\u00a0\n2 ax that is equal to that is equal to 1 by 4\u00a0\u00a0\na square x square minus 2 a\u00a0\nSquare x square minus 2 a e x Cube\ntherefore this function of\u00a0\nX so this is function of x\u00a0\u00a0\nthis should be maximum for that what we have\u00a0\nto find we have to find a d f dash of x so\u00a0\u00a0\nthe a square is function of x equal to a square a\u00a0\nsquare is function of X so and X alone is that so\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we have dash of x equal to 1 by 4 a\u00a0\nsquare 2 x minus 6 a x square equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\nto find the maximum so from this we can\u00a0\nwrite 1 by 4 uh yeah if you take outside\nso you can take outside and what you get is a\u00a0\nminus 2 a 2 a is taken outside therefore three\u00a0\u00a0\num e x square equal to zero so from this\u00a0\nthis is constant never be equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\none by four two by four one by two a is never\u00a0\nbe a zero that's why this uh X must be 0 or\u00a0\u00a0\nthis x must be 0 R uh a minus 3 x square\u00a0\nis zero are three x square equal to a r\u00a0\u00a0\nx equal to plus r minus a by three so\u00a0\nX has two values three values foreign\nyou differentiate once again this\u00a0\npart then what you will get is one\u00a0\u00a0\nby four this is 2 a square two a square minus X\nso if you substitute the F of 0 f Double Dash\u00a0\nof 0 equal to 1 by 4 1 by 4 2 a square minus\u00a0\u00a0\nuh x equal to 0 if you substitute x equal\u00a0\nto 0 this is positive divided by this is 0\u00a0\u00a0\nit is positive therefore minimum it is not the\u00a0\ngiving maximum value it is obvious no need to\u00a0\u00a0\ncheck no need to check because if x is zero no\u00a0\ntriangle at all that's why this step is foreign\nwe have the expression for y Square equal\u00a0\nto a square minus 2 a x that is a by\u00a0\u00a0\n3 that is equal to 2 by 3 2 by 3 1 minus 2 by\u00a0\n3 equal to 1 by 3 a by three Square therefore y\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to a by root 3 a by root 3 therefore this is\u00a0\nfor this values of E X and Y this value of X and Y\u00a0\u00a0\nwill get maximum value therefore tan inverse Theta\u00a0\nequal to Theta equal to tan inverse of Y by x a by\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 divided by a by three a by three therefore\u00a0\ntan inverse of root 3 equal to 60 degree foreign\n": 1, "Because you know I'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass... bass... bass... bass\nYeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two\nBut I can shake it, shake it, like I'm supposed to do\nCause I got that boom boom that all the boys are chasing...\nAnd all the right junk in all the right places\nI see those magazines workin' that Photoshop\nWe know that not ain't real, come on now, make it stop\nIf you got beauty, just raise 'em up\n'Cause every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top\nYeah, my mama she told me \"don't worry about your size\"\nShe says, \"Boys like a little more booty to hold at night\"\nYou know I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll\nSo if that's what you're into, then go 'head and move along'\nBecause you know I'm all about that bass 'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass...\nI'm bringing booty back\nGo 'head and tell them skinny ladies that\nNo, I'm just playing, I know you think you're fat\nBut I'm here to tell you...\nEvery inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top\nYeah my mama she told me, \"don't worry about your size\"\nShe says, \"Boys like a little more booty to hold at night\"\nYou know I won't be no stick figure, silicone Barbie doll\nSo if that's what you're into, then go 'head and move along'\nBecause you know I'm (all about that bass)\nYou see my mama she told me, \"don't worry about your size\"\n...because, \"Boys like a little more booty to hold at night\"\nYou know I won't be no stick figure, silicone Barbie doll\nSo if that's what you're into, then go 'head and move along'\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass...\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass, no treble\nI'm all about that bass\n'Bout that bass no trouble...\nI'm all about that bass\nBout that bass...\n": 1, "Right now Harry is\nin his dressing room.\nI have ordered him a pizza.\nThe pizza delivery guy\nwill be there soon.\nHarry is wearing an ear piece.\nHe has to say and do\nwhatever I tell him to.\nHarry, if you can hear\nme, crow like a rooster.\n[CROWING]\n[LAUGHTER]\nThat's more like a crow.\nOh, is it?\nYeah.\nCacka-doodle-doo.\nOh, cacka-- sorry, yeah.\nYeah, that's OK.\nAll right, there's\na pizza delivery guy\noutside the dressing room.\nOpen the door when he's\nthere and say what's up?\nCome in, bro.\nPizza's here.\nWhat's up?\nCome in, bro.\nAll right, bro.\nBro, I'm staring, bro.\n[INTERPOSING VOICES]\nI'm so happy, bro.\nBro, just put it down on\nthe coffee table, bro.\nJust put it down\non the table, bro.\nYou're a lifesaver, bro.\nLife saver, bro.\nGive him a fist bump\nuntil I tell you to stop.\nBro-- bro-- bro--\nAnother one.\nNice to meet you, man.\nGive another one.\nNice to meet you.\nAnother one.\nAnother fist bump, man.\nBro, one more fist pump, bro.\nBro--\n[INAUDIBLE] bro, bro, bro.\nHow about broing out with me?\nHow about broing out with me?\nYeah.\nHave a seat, bro.\nHave a seat, bro.\nLet's do it.\nYeah, yeah.\nI've got some pizza.\nLet me take a look\nat the pizza, bro.\nLet me take a look\nat the pizza, bro.\nMm, that's round.\nMm, that is round.\nYeah, it looks good, bro.\nIt looks good, bro.\nI hate it when people carry\nthe pizza at an angle.\nHow did you carry it?\nI hate when people like\ncarry the pizza at an angle.\nAt an angle.\nYes, I know.\nI know.\nThe whole thing slides.\nHow did you carry it?\nPretty flat, I guess.\nLike that?\nYeah.\nYeah, bro.\nBrooooooo-- bro--\nOne more fist bump, bro.\nOne more, bro.\n[LAUGHTER]\nHere's the thing, bro.\nHere's the thing, bro.\nMy entourage is\nstuck in traffic.\nMy entourage is\nstuck in traffic.\nI'm not used to being alone.\nI'm not used to being alone.\nOK.\nDo you mind sticking\nwith me, bro?\nWould you mind just kind\nof sticking with me?\nYeah, that's totally fine.\nCool, bro.\nCool, bro.\nLet's just eat it like this.\nLet's just eat it like this.\nDo you want to try it?\nLet's just eat like this.\nRoll it.\nRoll it towards the center.\nRoll from the outside in.\n[LAUGHTER]\nAll right, now.\nRoll it back.\nRoll it back.\nStack it on top of one.\nStack it on one.\nAnd then stack another\none on top of that.\nStack five on top of each other.\nWe can make a tower.\nAll right, bro.\nBro--\n[INAUDIBLE]\n[LAUGHTER]\nAll right, take that\nwhole thing in your mouth.\n[LAUGHTER]\nJust leave it in your mouth.\nDon't chew.\nHow is it?\n[INAUDIBLE]\nGood?\n[LAUGHTER]\nJust leave it there.\nOK, you can chew now.\nYou can chew.\nGo ahead.\nAll right, take it\nout if you can't chew.\nI've put too much in, bro.\nWhat do you think.\nGood?\nI put too much in, bro.\nAll right, all right,\nI need some water.\nI'm parched.\nI need some water.\nI'm parched.\nBut just take a tiny,\ntiny sip, just a tiny sip\nfor your vocal cords.\nThank you.\nThanks, man.\nLet me grab a Kleenex too.\n[INAUDIBLE] grease [INAUDIBLE].\nI just need tiny sips because\nof vocal cords, you know?\nTiny, tiny, sips.\nTiny, tiny, tiny, tiny sips.\nAhhh.\nAhh.\nOne more and then\ndo that same thing.\nOne more.\nAhh\nAhh.\nWoo.\nWoo.\nYou seem nice, bro.\nYou seem nice, bro.\nThank you.\nThank you.\nSo do you.\nI gotta be honest with you.\nI gotta be honest with you.\n[INAUDIBLE]\n[LAUGHTER]\nI love pizza.\nI love pizza, bro.\nYou have three of\nthem right here.\nAnd I love cheese--\nI love cheese.\n--on anything, toast.\nI love it on\nanything like toast.\nI love them on toast--\n--tortillas.\n--tortillas.\n--tacos.\n--tacos.\n--enchiladas.\n--enchiladas.\n--quesadillas,\nquesadillas, tostadas.\n--quesadillas, tostadas.\nI love pasta.\nOh, I love pasta.\nI love pasta.\nMm, I love pasta.\nPenne pasta.\nPenne pasta.\nRigatoni pata.\nRigatoni pasta.\nFusilli pasta.\nFusilli pasta.\nLinguine pasta.\nLinguine pasta.\nMacaroni pasta.\nPepperoni pasta.\nMacaroni.\nMacaroni pasta.\nIt sounds like pepperoni.\nBut it's not.\nIt sounds like\npepperoni, but it's not.\nIt's macaroni.\nIt's pepperoni that\ngoes on a pizza.\nThen macaroni is pasta.\nYeah, oh, listen to this, bro.\nOh, listen to this, bro.\nThe other day I heard the most\ninteresting fact about cheese.\nThe other day I heard the most\ninteresting fact ab": 2, "Who are you to make me\nkeep thinking of you\nThis hurts my pride\nbut I'm all worked up\nMy face goes red\nand my heart's racing\nI can't control myself\nI'm getting dizzy\nYou're like a fistful of sand\nI think I have you,\nbut you slip from my grasp\nYou're not an easy catch,\nso I want you more\nMy heart just won't listen\nI mean really!\nCan you feel it in my breath\nhow much I want you\nEven when I look at you\nI'm missing you\nI'm bad at this\nWon't you set me free\nBaby, hold me tight \nas if I might burst\nDon't stop to think\nWhat's so hard about this\nKiss me like \nit's too good to be true.\nAs if I'm your last love\nAs if I'm your last,\nas if I'm your l-l-last\nAs if this is our last night, love\nAs if I'm your last, \nas if I'm your l-l-last\nAs if there is no tomorrow\nUh, Imma fall in love baby\nYou gon finna catch me\nUh, give you all of this baby\nCall me pretty and nasty\n'Cause we gonna get it\nmy love you can bet it on\nBlack we gon double\nthe stack on them whoa!\nI be the Bonnie and\nyou be my Clyde\nWe ride or die\nXs and Os\nFor every tick and tock\nthe more desperate I feel\nYou run my world\nand I'm missing you\nI'm bad at this\nWon't you set me free\nBaby, hold me tight \nas if I might burst\nDon't stop to think\nWhat's so hard about this\nKiss me like \nit's too good to be true.\nAs if I'm your last love\nAs if I'm your last,\nas if I'm your l-l-last\nAs if this is our last night, love\nAs if I'm your last,\nas if I'm your l-l-last\nAs if there is no tomorrow, love\nOne two three,\nit's a new beginning\nI won't ever be looking back\nIf I throw myself at you,\nplease catch me\nThe world can't bring us down\nBaby, hold me tight \nas if I might burst\nDon't stop to think\nWhat's so hard about this\nKiss me like \nit's too good to be true.\nAs if I'm your last love\nAs if I'm your last,\nas if I'm your l-l-last\nAs if this is our last night, love\nAs if I'm your last,\nas if I'm your l-l-last\nAs if there is no tomorrow, love\n": 3, "Hey guy's R4GE VipeRzZ here and today I'm\ngoing to show you how you can install Android\nonto a Raspberry Pi 3, so the Android OS that\nwe're going to be installing is called Emteria,\nso to install Emteria onto the Raspberry Pi\nwe first need to download the Emteria installer,\nso to do that we're going to come to this\nlink here, the link will be in the description,\nand if you don't have an account already you\nwill need to create one, and then you need\nto login, now once you've logged in we're\nthen going to click on pricing up here, and\nthat will show you the versions of the OS\nthat you can download, so there is the free\nversion, the personal version and the business\nversion.\nNow the only real downside with the free version\nis that it reboots every 8 hours, so if that's\na killer for you then you will have to buy\nthe personal version, but the free version\nworks quite well, so we're going to click\nfree download, and then we're going to select\nthe OS that we're running at the minute, so\nfor me that is Windows so I'm going to click\nWindows and that will download the Windows\ninstaller for the Emteria OS.\nRight so now the installers finished downloading\nwe're going to open it up, and then we're\ngoing to follow the installation wizard, so\nat the licence agreement you need to read\nthe licence agreement, and then I click I\naccept the licence, and then we can install\nthe installer, right so now we can click finish\nand the installer is now installed on our\ncomputer, so to open up the Emteria installer\nall we need to do is click in the search bar\ndown here, and just type installer, and as\nyou can see there is the Emteria logo there\nso we're going to open the installer up, and\nthe first thing you need to do is you need\nto login so I'm going to do that, and then\nonce you've logged in you then select the\ndevice that your installing the OS to, so\nfor me that is the Raspberry Pi 3, so I'm\ngoing to leave it at that, then I'm going\nto click continue, and then you need to select\nthe storage device that you want to install\nthe OS on, so I've got the micro SD card that\nI'm going to be inserting into the Raspberry\nPi plugged into the computer at the minute\nand that is drive F, so as you can see here\ngreyed out here are the drives and the only\none it detects is drive F, and that is the\nmicro SD card that I want so I'm going to\nclick on drive F, and then I'm going to click\nok, and that will then start installing the\nEmteria OS on the micro SD card.\nRight so now the installers finished the micro\nSD card can now be plugged into the Raspberry\nPi, but before we do that we first need to\ndecide if we want the Play Store on the Raspberry\nPi as well, so we're just going to quit the\ninstallation here, now if you want to get\nthe Play Store on the OS you first need to\ncome to this link here the link will be in\nthe description, and you need to download\nthat openGApps, so we're going to select the\nARM platform and then we're going to select\n7.1 and then we're going to select pico and\nthen we're going to click the button down\nhere to download it, so now the GApps have\ndownloaded we now need to move the GApps to\na storage device that we can use to transfer\nthe GApps between the computer and the Raspberry\nPi 3, so I'm going to plug a USB into the\ncomputer, and then I'm going to move the GApps\nto the USB that I just plugged in, so I'm\ngoing to drag it and I'm going to move it\non to the USB like so, so now we have the\nGApps on our USB, so now we've done that we\ncan now plug the micro SD card into the Raspberry\nPi and it should boot up into the Emteria\nOS, so I'll see you in just a few seconds.\nRight so now we've plugged the micro SD card\nin to the Raspberry Pi and we've just powered\nit on, so it just getting the system ready,\nthis might take quite a while so you just\nhave to be patient.\nRight so now it's finished we can now go through\nthe installation process, so we're just going\nto click next, and then you need to select\nyour language, so I'm just going to select\nEnglish United Kingdom, and then you need\nto select your date and time, so I'm going\nto select my time z": 3, "Well , I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "In the dark of night\nThe stars light up the sky\nWe see them flying free\nThat's just like you and me\nEveryone is lonely sometimes\nBut I would walk a thousand miles to see your eyes\nYou are not alone, we are family\nHold me, let's escape all this reality\nYou are my symphony\nBy your side, we are unity\nYou are my energy\nMy guiding light, we are unity\n(We are, we are) We are unity\n(We are, we are) We are unity\nAlthough the rain might pour\nA thunder starts to roar\nThe lightning wakes the wave\nBut through it, we are brave\nEveryone is lonely sometimes\nBut I would walk a thousand miles to see your eyes (Yes I would)\nYou are not alone, we are family (Family)\nHold me, let's escape all this reality\nYou are my symphony\nBy your side, we are unity (We are unity)\nYou are my energy\nMy guiding light, we are unity\n(We are, we are) We are unity\n(We are, we are) We are unity\nYou are my symphony (We are)\nBy your side (We are, we are unity, unity)\nYou are my energy (We are)\nMy guiding light (We are), unity\nWe are unity\nWe are unity\n": 4, "This is Kenneth Vigya, and we were a little under two weeks away from the start of our\nseason.\nI wanted to first say that I hope you all are well.\nI know this has been one hell of a year.\nSo many of you that I've talked to have been dealing with the emotional and mental repercussions\nof a year that just won't quit.\nThis month is Suicide Prevention Month, and I mention it because many of you have sent\nme personal notes saying how much this show and our stories have helped give you a break\nfrom reality.\nI can't tell you how humbling that is.\nI want to also say that everyone needs to talk, and everyone needs to be heard.\nFriend of the show, Pete Hines, is a board member of TakeThis.org, an organization dedicated\nto decreasing the stigma of and increasing the support for mental health in the gaming\ncommunity and industry.\nAnd here struggling, I encourage you to reach out.\nBecause they're there to listen, with resources and support tools to help you.\nNot just during this time, but going forward.\nThis hits close to home for me as we are unfortunately running a little behind schedule, due to a\nsituation I was dealing with last month that took its toll on me.\nOur YouTube and Facebook page has a video explaining it, but now that the situation\nhas been resolved, the cast is right now recording episode one of season two.\nIn the meanwhile, I wanted to share another of Simon's Lost Journals, discarded by him\nover a year ago on the outskirts of an Appalachian Mountain town called Helvesia.\nFor reasons that will become clear, the horror of his experience there last year for Parade\nof the Damned kept him away from the town, until now.\nHear that?\nThe parade is about to begin.\nSo grab a mask, and light the fire.\nThen grab a mask, and light the fire.\nThen grab a mask, and light the fire.\nLight the fire, light the fire, fire, fire, fire, fire.\nThen grab a mask, and light the fire.\nThen grab a mask, and light the fire.\nThen grab a mask, and light the fire.\nWell eggs, we're here, Helvesia.\nCome on, let's scope out the buildings.\nBe ready for anything though, it's too quiet here.\nOh, what's that?\nYeah, one year ago.\nSlow and steady now.\nSeems pretty quiet.\nNo decorations or anything up yet.\nI don't understand, this place should be swarmed with critters and bots.\nYeah, look, I want to thank you for finding me.\nIf you hadn't found my tent and got me out of that stash box, let's just say there are\nworse places to end up than dead.\nYou can say that again.\nIt started in the 1860s, German and Swiss immigrants fearing that their culture and\ntraditions would fade over time, being absorbed by the city of Brooklyn, New York, where they\nhad settled.\nSo they trekked on out here and built Helvesia.\nBy the 2000s though, the place had become a big tourist trap.\nI left something behind last time, something I found, but I didn't understand at the time.\nCome on, let's go inside the post office here, it should still be in there.\nThere, post office box 12.\nYes, it's still here.\nAll right, well, I wanted to leave a record behind as a warning, but the overseers ranting\nduring the trial reminded me of something.\nI don't remember everything that happened here, it's like it's been blanked out.\nI just remember a name, Blackwell.\nAppalachia day 95, 61 degrees Fahrenheit overcast.\nI am still haunted by my time in that place.\nI don't feel comfortable in camp with that pink princess bed just sitting there reminding\nme of what I did, what happened in that atomic shop.\nI was wandering aimlessly when I stumbled on several vault dwellers headed east.\nI cautiously greeted a party of them and they informed me that they were headed for Halvatia,\nfor a parade and some kind of festival.\nI asked them why and they got this glazed and bewildered look on their faces and one\nof them said for the masks.\nI asked him what masks.\nHe said the masks.\nAs I again asked what masks, one of them explained a little more about this parade called fast\nnicked fast fast noked.\nI don't know.\nHe kept correcting me on how I was butchering how it was pronounced in German.\nAnd after he had me well irritated": 4, "...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\nPull in close, because I want to tell you a story.\nWherever there are woods and shadow,\na camp and darkness, there is a story\nwhispered by a campfire, just like this one. It's a story\nof teenagers who were told not to, but did anyway.\nA shadow that stalked, and chased,\nand killed. Sometimes there's a hook for a hand,\nother times a chainsaw, or a blade.\nSometimes there are teeth a little too sharp, or\nan appetite that can never be satisfied. But no one\nrealizes one simple truth. They all\nstem from just one story. One of madness\nand murder. Woods that should never have been\ntrespassed. A camp, cursed with a stain\nso red, that with the passing of years, never washes\naway. All those other stories of men gone mad\nare just pale copies of what happened right here\n45 years ago, when a red dawn broke on a\nSaturday morning, and the camp remained silent.\nWhen concerned neighbors ventured over,\nthey found the entire camp staff dead, slaughtered\nin the night. The killer was never caught.\nBut locals knew the truth. That old Victor Miller\nhad come back for revenge. His true name would be lost\nto time. But most know him by another.\nThe Sickle Man.\nMusic\nIn two days as a coroner, I have never seen\nsuch a bloodbath. Commander,\nwe set up a perimeter and got the scouts back with their parents. Places locked down.\nWhat are we looking at Hawkins? Oh god,\nI'm gonna be sick. I've never seen so many paper bags.\nSo much blood. Oh god.\nSteady son. Come up.\nMan up. Focus. How many did you count?\nFirebreathers were able to excavate part of the collapsed tunnels at the Miller Place.\nThere's at least ten bags in there, and two bodies that\nwere, um, fresh still. Not even a\nbag yet. Like, still a body.\nThe oversea has done lost a damn mind. Did you hear a holotape from the silo entrance?\nShe was practically raving about all the fun we were having with the nopes.\nWhy would she do this?\nNo idea. She's the last person you could have suspected.\nWhy don't you head back to HQ and get cleaned up? You've been through enough here,\nand we're damn lucky to get you out of there. Thanks, Commander.\nIs that district attorney Fletcher? What's he doing down here?\nHe wanted to take charge of the case because of who she is.\nDamn pencil pushers running the show now, just like the old days.\nAnyway, get out of here. On your way out, tell those kids\nto hold back. I have some more questions for them.\nTen-four. Come on, Hawkins. Let's get you a hot shower\nand a whole lot of whiskey.\nNo, no, no, ma'am.\nI'm sorry, we've been through this already. You slaughtered\ntwelve people. Twelve of the very vault dwellers you were sworn to\nprotect. Is that not correct? No. You are\nnot listening. Don't you see what I've done? Can't you\nsee? What the hell have you people been doing this last year?\nWhere are all the towns and the farms you were going to build? You've\nbeen blowing each other apart and casually playing around like nuclear\nweaponry like it's some kind of game. These are people's lives.\nDid you ever wonder why you were all of a sudden so fucking casual\nabout all of this? This is survival we're talking about.\nHow many times have you died, Fletcher? How many?\nHow can you all be so casual about death? Begging your pardon,\nma'am, but how can you? We done here.\nWe need to move her to a secure location. For now?\nYes. I sent a runner to get Doc Taylor to do a complete\npsychological assessment. The judge is going to want a clean conviction\non this one. You sure it was wise to notify him already?\nHe's been swinging that hammer of judgement down pretty hard on some raiders up north\nlately. Would you be the one to want to tell him after the fact?\nShe's given a confession already. I'm headed back to HQ\nto complete booking. Let's go, boys.\nLook, tinhead, I busted my ass out here with these brats all summer.\nWhat do you mean I ain't getting paid?\nExcuse me, Scoutmaster Stewart. Allow me. I'm just\ntickled to be able to showcase the new skills I've learned after completing the cross stitch\nand contract": 4, "[Girl Ultra] Hello, Tiny Desk.\nWhere did I find you?\nFresh as Chardonnay.\nI didn\u2019t realize that.\nSuddenly\nyou were already inside.\nOn my mind.\nYou\u2019re on my mind.\nAh, on my mind.\nYour peculiar accent.\nAs if you came from Bombay.\nIt got me real hooked.\nWhere are we going to go?\nYou\u2019re on my mind.\nYou\u2019re on my mind.\nAh, on my mind.\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed!\nAh, you and me.\nWhat's the worst\nthat could happen?\nWe get high, touch the sky.\nIf they see us,\nthey can't get us down.\nOh, you and me, you and me.\nWhat's the worst\nthat could happen?\nFrom there\nthey can't get us down.\nYou and me, you and me.\nAh! S\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\n[continues]\nTake me to Bombay.\nI take my favorite strain.\nTo not sleep\nbecause you like the sativa.\nMeet me as if I was your girl.\nI can be your Jolly\nin the Dolly.\nI take you to my house\nand I get over you.\nI want something with you.\nAnd I\u2019ll have.\nWhat I need.\nIt\u2019s not good love\nI\u2019m talking about.\nHa! S\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed!\nAh, you and me.\nWhat's the worst\nthat could happen?\nWe get high, touch the sky.\nIf they see us,\nthey can't get us down.\nOh, you and me, you and me.\nWhat\u2019s the worst\nthat could happen?\nThey can\u2019t\nget us down from there.\nYou and me, you and me, ah, ah.\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\nS\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed, s\u00ed,\n[continues]\nAh, you and me.\nWhat\u2019s the worst\nthat could happen?\nWe get high, touch the sky.\nIf they see us,\nthey can't get us down.\nOh, you and me, you and me.\nWhat\u2019s the worst\nthat could happen?\nThey can't\nget us down from there.\nYou and me, you and me, ah, ah.\nAh, you and me. Ah, ah, ah, ah.\nAh, you and me.\nAh, you and me.\nSo high they can\u2019t\nget us down from there.\n[audience applauding, cheering]\n[Girl Ultra] Thank you.\nHey, guys, I\u2019m Girl Ultra,\nI\u2019m from Ciudad de Mexico.\n[audience cheering]\n[Girl Ultra] And this song\nis called \u201cPunk.\u201d\nI want to turn\nyou into a memory.\nThat I\u2019m going to keep.\nSame streets,\nbut a new story, hey.\nTwo bums in the big city.\nThe taxi hasn\u2019t gotten here\nand I\u2019m losing my mind.\nHey, hey, you want what I want.\nI\u2019m going to give you\nall my love in the Southside.\nLet\u2019s play something punk.\nI want to kiss you all alone,\njust you and me.\nI\u2019m going to give you\nall my love in the Southside.\nLet\u2019s go,\nI\u2019ll take you down to the south.\nI want to kiss you\nwhere there\u2019s no light.\nTell me what I\u2019ll\ndo with this feeling.\nI wanted it so bad\nand you grew that on me.\nDon\u2019t worry,\nthere\u2019s no one to blame.\nThe south takes\nthe evil out of you.\nThe south takes\nthe evil out of you.\nI\u2019m going to give you\nall my love in the Southside.\nLet\u2019s play something punk.\nI want to kiss you all alone,\njust you and me.\nI\u2019m going to give you\nall my love in the Southside.\nLet\u2019s go,\nI\u2019ll take you down to the south.\nI want to kiss you\nwhere there\u2019s no light.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the Southside.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the Southside.\nI\u2019m going to give you\nall my love in the Southside.\nLet\u2019s play something punk.\nI want to kiss you all alone,\njust you and me.\nI\u2019m going to give you\nall my love in the Southside.\nLet\u2019s go,\nI\u2019ll take you down to south.\nI want to kiss you\nwhere there\u2019s no light.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the Southside.\nI\u2019m going to give it.\nI\u2019m going to give it to you.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the Southside.\nI\u2019m going to give it.\nI\u2019m going to give it to you.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the south.\nI\u2019m going to give it,\nI\u2019m going to give it.\nI\u2019m going to give it to you.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the south.\nI\u2019m going to give it,\nI\u2019m going to give it.\nI\u2019m going to give it to you.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the south.\nI\u2019m going to give it,\nI\u2019m going to give it.\nI\u2019m going to give it to you.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the Southside, oh.\nI\u2019m going to.\nI\u2019m going to give you my love.\nIn the Southside, oh.\n[audience applauding, cheering]\n[Girl": 2, "Status?\nReady.\nAssignment?\nSodium bicarbonate.\nWater.\nOrganic sandstone.\nOk.\nExcellent.\nSulfur.\nModify the substances physical condition\nwithout endangering us!\nI am not allowed to start a fire.\nWe will make it.\nEnergy.\nIt decays.\nNow.\nNow.\nNow. Now.\nNow. Now. Now.\nWe have been here already.\nI know where we are.\nStatus?\nCome!\nEy!\nStatus?\nStatus!\nYes air. Focus!\nIf you measure everything at once,\nyou measure nothing at all.\nIt is going to be dark in 2 min 47 sec.\nWhat?\nThat\u2019s not possible.\nEnergy.\nIt decays.\nNow.\nNow.\nNow.\nNow.\nI am altering!\nStop it!\nRecalibrate your sensors!\nNo errors.\nIt is dark.\nStatus?\nStatus.\nStatus!\nStatus.\nStatus?\nStatus?\nThe part and the whole.\nUnited and apart.\nSimultaneously.\nDo you think it is arrogant..?\nHave I been arrogant to .. you ..?\nThere is a cloud floating heavenward.\nThere is a flower hiking into the big, wide world.\nA field so sere.\nA field so sere.\nAnd a mountain tips over.\nAnd a mountain tips over.\nAnd the cloud bends buckled.\nAnd the cloud bends buckled.\nThe day..\n..falls asleep.\nInseparable..\n..beeing.\nThe flower has to decay to dust -\necho as a song..\n..through the skies.\n": 2, "dark\u00a0bouncy\u00a0trill\u00a0type\u00a0beat, uk drill\ntype beat, drill type beat, type beat, drill\nbeat, beat, ny drill type beat, drill, free\ntype beat, beats, freestyle beat, uk drill,\nfree drill type beat, dark drill type beat,\nfree beat, freestyle type beat, dark drill\nbeat, uk drill beat, uk drill type beat 2021,\nmelodic drill type beat, trap, trapbeats,\ntypebeat, drill beats, bronx drill type beat,\nkay flock type beat, yus gz type beat, sha\nek type beat, ukdrill, nydrill, pop smoke,\nny drill, drill type beat 2022, type beat\ndrill, trap type beat, type beat free, freebeats,\nbeatstars, free rap beat, free trap beat,\nfree for profit uk drill type beat, russ millions\ntype beat, russ millions type beat 2022, free\ndrill beat, free uk drill type beat, drill\ntype beat 2021, 808, dark bouncy trap beat,\nfree drill type beat 2022, instrumentalbeat,\nbeatsforsale, trapbeatsforsale, drill type\nbeats 2022, soundmystic, dark bouncy type\nbeat, 140bpm, hiphop, hiphopbeat, drillinstrumentals,\ninstrumentalbeats, beatsforrapers, freestylebeats,\nrapbeats, 808 type beat, drilltypebeats, bouncy,\ndraketypebeat, dababytypebeat, 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drill, orchestral drill,\nsample drill type beat, bronx drill type beat\nfree 2022, kay flock sample type beat, kay\nflock drill type beat, jperry beats, bronx\ndrill type beat 2022, bronx drill type beat\nfree, sha ek type beat 2022, sha ek type beat\nsample, sha ek type beat free for profit,\nyus gz type beat sample, killer, freestyle\ndrill type beat, evil drill type beat, epic\ndrill type beat, trap drill type beat, beat\nfree, beat type, type beat freestyle, epic\ntrap type beat, drill beat type, type, unholy\ntype beat, sampledrill, kayflock, centralcee,\nmelodicdrill, darkdrill, instrumentals, backingtracks,\ndrillbeats, drill kits, loop kits, drum kits,\nyoutube, youtuber, contentcreator, youtubeshorts,\nfreedrillbeats, rap instrumental, instrumental,\nprogressionmusic, free trap type beat, progressionmusic\ntype beat, progression beats, instrumentals\nfor album, dark bouncy drill beat, pop smoke\ntype beat, fivio foreign type beat, uk drill\ntype beat 2022, drill type beat free 2022,\nny drill type beat 2022, free for profit ny\ndrill type beat, freeze corleone type beat,\nfreeze corleone type beat 2022, prod. skxwave,\npop dmoke type beat, pop smoke type beat 2022,\nfree for profit drill type beat, free for\nprofit uk drill, drill type beat free 2021,\nfree for profit type beat, hitemblock, dababy\ntype beat, da baby trap beat, dababy type\nbeat bouncey, hard type beat, hard trap beat,\nclub type beat, dababy type beat club, bouncey\nbeat, bounce type beat, dababy type beat freestyle,\ntype beat 2020, type beat 2019, trap beat\nfree, freestyle instrumental, fantom, prod\nby fantom, da baby type beat, dababy beats,\ndababy instrumental, dababy type beat 2020,\ndababy type beat free, tion wayne type beat,\nruss millions type beat 2021, tion wayne type\nbeat 2021, tion wayne type beat free for profit,\ntion wayne type beat drill, russ millions\ntype beat free for profit, russ millions type\nbeat free, hazey type beat, russ millions\ntype beat drill, uk drill type beat russ millions,\nafro drill beat, free uk d": 1, "hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses today\u00a0\nin this video we have to represent root\u00a0\u00a0\n7.2 on number line so today representing root 7.28\u00a0\non number line so let's start the video first of\u00a0\u00a0\nall roughly discussing here so seven point two\u00a0\neight so eight greater than five so we can write\u00a0\u00a0\nseven point three approximately so we can take\u00a0\nseven point two eight as seven point three\u00a0\u00a0\nnow first drawing here a line of any length first\u00a0\nand taking here point a and here arrow mark and x\u00a0\u00a0\nnow taking seven point three approximately so\u00a0\nseven point three centimeter so first taking\u00a0\u00a0\nhere seven point three centimeter line so taking\u00a0\nhere point b so a b equal to seven point two eight\u00a0\u00a0\nor approximately seven point three centimeter now\u00a0\ndrawing here a number line from point b to x so\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is one two centimeter three four five six\u00a0\nseven so this one zero one two three four five\u00a0\u00a0\nsix seven and now taking here extra one centimeter\u00a0\nso c and this one one centimeter next we have to\u00a0\u00a0\nbisect the line ac so taking greater than half\u00a0\nof ac and drawing arc by this way and putting\u00a0\u00a0\nthe compass on the point c and cut here and cut\u00a0\nhere so both the curve intersect at a two point\u00a0\u00a0\nnow first joining this bisector and\u00a0\nwhich made the line ac at a point o\u00a0\u00a0\nnext taking the length o a and oc to draw a\u00a0\nsemi-circle so drawing here a semi-circle next\u00a0\u00a0\ndrawing a 90 degree angle on the point b\u00a0\nby using protector so this is 90 degree\u00a0\u00a0\nnow joining this line and next joining\u00a0\no and this line and taking here point d\u00a0\u00a0\nso od is the required length and od equal to root\u00a0\n7.28 so now taking the length by using compass\u00a0\u00a0\nand drawing arc by this way and which intersect\u00a0\nthe number line at a point p and this is the\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 7.28 on number line now roughly discussing\u00a0\nhere some calculations so first given a b equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto seven point two eight centimeter and bc equal\u00a0\nto one centimeter so we can write ac equal to\u00a0\u00a0\na b plus bc so putting the value seven point\u00a0\ntwo eight plus one so this is eight point two\u00a0\u00a0\neight centimeter now the radius o a o c and\u00a0\no d so o a o d equal to o c equal to a c by 2\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is 8.28 over 2 centimeter now the length\u00a0\nob equal to we can write oc minus bc so putting\u00a0\u00a0\nthe value so this is eight point two eight over\u00a0\ntwo minus one now lcm two so eight point two eight\u00a0\u00a0\nminus two so this is six point two eight over two\u00a0\ncentimeter now from right angle triangle o bd by\u00a0\u00a0\nnow by using pythagoras theorem so bd so bd\u00a0\nis the perpendicular so vd equal to root over\u00a0\u00a0\nhypotenuse square minus basis here so d square\u00a0\nminus ov square now putting the value of od so\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is eight point two eight over two\u00a0\nwhole square minus six point two eight\u00a0\u00a0\nover two whole square now applying formula\u00a0\na square minus b square equal to a plus b\u00a0\u00a0\nand a minus b so first plus and then minus okay\u00a0\nnow adding this both has two lcm so this is\n14.56 over two and two point zero zero by\u00a0\ntwo so this is seven point two eight into one\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is root over seven point two eight\u00a0\ncentimeter so therefore distance bd and\u00a0\u00a0\nbp are equal so equal to root 6.28 centimeter\u00a0\nso that's all thanks for watching if this\u00a0\u00a0\nvideo was helpful to you then please share\u00a0\nit with your friend thanks for watching\n": 2, "MAN: One, two, three, four!\n[SINGING]\nMmm, yeah.\nOoh, count me in.\nCount me in.\nI am special.\nCHOIR: I'm so special.\nMAN: I'm outstanding.\nCHOIR: I'm outstanding.\nMAN: I can win.\nCHOIR: I can win.\nSo count me in.\nMAN: There is light and dark\nand freckled, lots of\ndifferent kinds of skin.\nSome folks like to\nsit real quiet.\nOthers like to dance and spin.\nDoesn't matter where\nyou come from.\nDoesn't matter where\nyou've been.\nEverybody is important.\nCHOIR: So count me in.\nOh, count me in.\nCount me in.\nMAN: I'm important.\nCHOIR: I'm important.\nMAN: I'm outstanding.\nCHOIR: I'm outstanding.\nMAN: I can win.\nCHOIR: I can win.\nSo count me in.\nMAN: Some have straight\nhair, some have curly.\nSome have hair upon\ntheir chin.\nSome have teeny little smiles,\nothers have a great big grin.\nEverybody's an original, even\nif you have a twin.\nEverybody is important.\nCHOIR: So count me in.\nOh, come on, can you\ncount me in?\nYeah, count me in.\nMAN: I am special.\nCHOIR: I'm so special.\nMAN: I'm outstanding.\nCHOIR: I'm outstanding.\nMAN: I can win.\nCHOIR: I can win.\nSo count me in.\nELMO: [SINGING]\nThis is the song, la la\nla la, Elmo's song.\nLa la la la, la la la\nla, Elmo's song.\nSNUFFELUPAGUS: I like it!\nERNIE: [SINGING]\nOh, rubber ducky,\nyou're the one.\nYou make bath time\nlots of fun.\nRubber ducky, I'm awfully\nfond of you.\nWILL.I.AM: [SINGING]\nOh, I'm a keep my head up high,\nkeep on reaching high.\nNever gonna quit.\nI'll keep getting stronger.\nELMO: [SINGING]\nDo the jump, the jump, the\nwiggle and the jump.\nElmo's got the moves.\nWe all got the moves.\nWe all got the moves, yeah.\n": 2, "The love for our homeland is burning in our hearts\nWe go to battle for the honour of our native land\nCities are burning, covered in smoke\nThe cruel god of war is rumbling in the dark forests\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave an order\nArtillerymen, the motherland is calling us\nFrom the hundreds of thousands of batteries\nFor the tears of our mothers\nFor our motherland, fire, fire\nKnow my dear mother, know, my wife, my friend\nKnow my distant home and my whole family\nWhat is beating and burning our enemy is our blizzard of steel\nFreedom we will bring to our homeland\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave an order\nArtillerymen, the motherland is calling us\nFrom the hundreds of thousands of batteries\nFor the tears of our mothers\nFor our motherland, fire, fire\nThe time of victory will enter, the end of marches will come\nBut before we go to our beloved homes\nIn honor of our leader, in honor of the people\nWe'll salute cheerfully in the time of victory\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave an order\nArtillerymen, the motherland is calling us\nFrom the hundreds of thousands of batteries\nFor the tears of our mothers\nFor our motherland, fire, fire\nFrom the hundreds of thousands of batteries\nFor the tears of our mothers\nFor our motherland, fire, fire\n": 4, "Photo photo photosynthesis\nPhotosynthesis photosynthesis- sis- sis-\n\u00a0\nPhoto photo photosynthesis\nPhotosynthesis photosynthesis- sis- sis- \n\u00a0\n(The reactants)\n6CO2 +\u00a0\u00a0\n6H2O\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n\u00a0\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n\u00a0\n(What about the products?)\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n\u00a0\n(The reactants)\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n\u00a0\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n\u00a0\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n(What about the products?)\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n\u00a0\nsix carbon dioxide molecules taken from the air\nsix water molecules: it's quite an affair\n\u00a0\nconverted by light energy\u00a0\ncaptured by chlorophyll \n\u00a0\nSugars are created, plant energy\u00a0\nneeds this: fulfills \n\u00a0\n(The reactants)\n4(Carbon dioxide)(Water)\n\u00a0\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n(Carbon dioxide)(Water)\n\u00a0\n6CO2 + 6H2O(Carbon dioxide)(Water)\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n\u00a0\n(Carbon dioxide)(Water)\n6CO2 + 6H2O\n\u00a0\n(What about the products?)\n\u00a0\n(Glucose)(Oxygen)\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n\u00a0\n(Glucose)(Oxygen)\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n(Glucose)(Oxygen)\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\n(Glucose)(Oxygen)\n\u00a0\nC6H12O6 + 6O2\nPhoto photo photosynthesis\n\u00a0\nPhotosynthesis photosynthesis- sis- sis-\n\u00a0\nPhoto photo photosynthesis\nPhotosynthesis photosynthesis- sis- sis- \n": 1, "Mango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nMango (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Mangifera indica)\nFig (Scientific name is Ficus carica)\nHigo (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Ficus carica)\nMangosteen (Scientific name is Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum)\nMangost\u00e1n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum)\nPapaya (Scientific name is Carica papaya)\nPapaya (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Carica papaya)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus persica)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nMango (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Mangifera indica)\nPomegranate (Scientific name is Punica granatum)\nGranada (nombre cient\u00edfico es Punica granatum)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nCiruela (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus domestica Brooks)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nDate palm (Scientific name is Phoenix dactylifera)\nPalmera datilera (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Phoenix dactylifera)\nSugar apple (Scientific name is Annona squamosa)\nManzana de az\u00facar (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Annona squamosa)\nApricot (Scientific name is Prunus armeniaca)\nAlbaricoque (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus armeniaca)\nBlackberry (Scientific name is Rubus)\nBlackberry (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Rubus)\nStrawberry (Scientific name is Fragaria \u00d7 ananassa)\nFresa (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Fragaria \u00d7 ananassa)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus persica)\nGuava (Scientific name is Psidium guajava)\nGuayaba (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Psidium guajava)\nCoconut (Scientific name is Cocos nucifera L)\nCoco (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Cocos nucifera L)\nUnknown\nCherry (Scientific name is Prunus avium)\nCereza (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus avium)\nPear (Scientific name is Pyrus)\nPera (nombre cient\u00edfico es Pyrus)\nLychee (Scientific name is Litchi chinensis)\nLychee (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Litchi chinensis)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nDragonfruit (Scientific name is Hylocereus undatus)\nDragonfruit (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Hylocereus undatus)\nLoquat (Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica)\nN\u00edspero (nombre cient\u00edfico es Eriobotrya japonica)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nCiruela (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus domestica Brooks)\nWatermelon (Scientific name is Citrullus lanatus)\nSand\u00eda (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrullus lanatus)\nPineapple (Scientific name is Ananas comosus)\nPi\u00f1a (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Ananas comosus)\nDurian (Scientific name is Durio)\nDurian (nombre cient\u00edfico es Durio)\nMangosteen (Scientific name is Garcinia mangostana)\nMangost\u00e1n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Garcinia mangostana)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nMangosteen (Scientific name is Garcinia mangostana)\nMangost\u00e1n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Garcinia mangostana)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nCoconut (Scientific name is Cocos nucifera L)\nCoco (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Cocos nucifera L)\nJackfruit (Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nYaca (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nLychee (Scientific name is Litchi chinensis)\nLychee (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Litchi chinensis)\n": 1, "This is a video to locate intervals where\u00a0\na function is increasing or decreasing.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe question states: identify the open intervals\u00a0\nwhere f(x) is increasing or decreasing. f(x)\u00a0\u00a0\nequals x plus 9 over x. There's a theorem\u00a0\nthat states that a function is increasing\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen its derivative is positive and it's\u00a0\ndecreasing when its derivative is negative.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we're going to find out when the\u00a0\nderivative is neither positive nor negative.\u00a0\nSo that means it's either zero or undefined.\u00a0\nLet's take the derivative of f(x).\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd when I do that, the derivative of x is\u00a0\n1. I can write nine over x as nine times\u00a0\u00a0\nx to the negative first power and its derivative\u00a0\nwill be negative 9 times x to the negative second\u00a0\u00a0\nor minus 9 over x squared. So there's my\u00a0\nderivative. Let's set that equal to 0 and solve.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo multiply by x squared on both sides and\u00a0\nI get x squared minus nine equals zero.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd that has solution x equals negative three or\u00a0\nx equals three. But we're not done yet because a\u00a0\u00a0\ncritical point also occurs when the derivative\u00a0\nis undefined. Notice that when x equals zero\u00a0\u00a0\nf prime is undefined and in fact f(x) is not\u00a0\ncontinuous at zero. So of course f prime is\u00a0\u00a0\nnot defined. So we add our third value of\u00a0\nx, x equals zero. So now let's draw a table.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd on my table I'm going to put intervals\u00a0\nfrom negative infinity until I get to my\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst critical point which is negative 3. Then\u00a0\nnegative 3 to my next critical point which is 0.\u00a0\u00a0\nThen 0 to my next critical point which is 3.\nAnd then finally 3 to infinity.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd what I want to do is I want to put in some\u00a0\ntest values. I could put in any number in the\u00a0\u00a0\ninterval. I will put in -4 because that's\u00a0\nbetween negative infinity and negative three\u00a0\u00a0\nfor the first interval. -1 for the second one is\u00a0\ncertainly between zero and three. For the third\u00a0\u00a0\nand four for the fourth test value. And\u00a0\nthe way we use test values is we plug that\u00a0\u00a0\nvalue into the derivative and decide whether\u00a0\nthe sign of that derivative is positive or\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative. So for example if I plug in -4, I get\u00a0\n1 minus 9 over 16 and that's a positive number.\u00a0\u00a0\nIf I plug in negative 1, I get 1 minus 9 over 1\u00a0\nsquared which is -8. So that's a negative number.\u00a0\u00a0\nSimilarly, if I plug in 1, I get -8 which\u00a0\nis a negative number. And if I plug in 4,\u00a0\u00a0\nI get again 1 minus 9 over 16 and that's a\u00a0\npositive number. So I can make conclusions now\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause the theorem says that if the\u00a0\nderivative is positive it's increasing.\u00a0\nSo I'm going to say it's increasing in this\u00a0\nfirst interval from negative infinity to -3.\u00a0\u00a0\nHere between -3 and zero, the derivative is\u00a0\nnegative, so it's decreasing in the interval\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom negative three to zero. It's also negative\u00a0\nbetween zero and three, so the function is\u00a0\u00a0\ndecreasing between zero and three.\nAnd the sign of f prime is positive between\u00a0\u00a0\nthree and infinity, so f is increasing between\u00a0\n3 and infinity. And I'm done with the problem.\n": 4, "I don\u2019t want to be alone tonight\nIt\u2019s pretty clear that I\u2019m not over you\nI\u2019m still thinking bout\nthe things you do\nSo I don\u2019t want to be alone tonight,\nalone tonight, alone tonight\nCan you light the fire?\nI need somebody who can take control\nI know exactly what I need to do\nCause I don\u2019t want to be alone tonight,\nalone tonight, alone tonight\nLook what you made me do\nI\u2019m with somebody new\nOoh, baby, baby I\u2019m dancing\nwith a stranger\nLook what you made me do\nI\u2019m with somebody new\nOoh, baby, baby I\u2019m dancing\nwith a stranger\nDancing with a stranger\nI wasn\u2019t even going out tonight\nBut boy I need to get you off my mind\nI know exactly what I have to do\nI don\u2019t want to be alone tonight,\nalone tonight, alone tonight\nLook what you made me do\nI\u2019m with somebody new\nOoh, baby, baby I\u2019m dancing\nwith a stranger\nLook what you made me do\nI\u2019m with somebody new\nOoh, baby, baby I\u2019m dancing\nwith a stranger\nDancing with a stranger\nDancing with a stranger\nDancing, yeah\nLook what you made me do\nI\u2019m with somebody new\nOoh, baby, baby I\u2019m dancing\nwith a stranger\nLook what you made me do\nI\u2019m with somebody new\nOoh, baby, baby I\u2019m dancing\nwith a stranger\nI\u2019m dancing, I\u2019m dancing\nDancing with a stranger\nI\u2019m dancing, I\u2019m dancing\nDancing with a stranger\nI\u2019m dancing, I\u2019m dancing\nDancing with a stranger\n": 2, "Mark Freeman: Welcome statistics students. I'm going to go over some questions from Chapter two today.\nMark Freeman: Alright, so today we're going to talk about pie charts. There was a couple tricky questions, usually questions I get the most questions about...\nMark Freeman: semester after semester, so let's go over them.\nMark Freeman: And the first one is question number seven and Chapter two.\nMark Freeman: Kara categorized her spending for this month into four categories:\nMark Freeman: Rent, food, fun, and other.\nMark Freeman: The amount she spent in each category are pictured here.\nMark Freeman: So you see a pie chart divided into four slices with $267 for food, $333 for rent, $200 for fun, and $400 for other.\nMark Freeman: We want to find the amount that she spent on food. So, this is going to take two steps, we're going to have to add up the total amount she spent this month.\nMark Freeman: And divide the amount she spent on food by that total, and then we're going to round to the nearest whole percent. So let me show you how to do that as well. First, let's find the percent. So i'm going to have to add up.\nMark Freeman: All of these numbers, we can do it by hand or on the calculator. Let's do this one by hand because it will only take a moment.\nMark Freeman: I'm just going to add up all these numbers. 267 + 333 + 200 + 400\nMark Freeman: So that is the totals for all the categories in the pie chart. Seven plus three is zero, carry the one. One plus six is seven, plus three is 10, carry the one. One plus two is three, plus three is six, plus two is eight, plus four is twelve, so I get 1200 dollars total.\nMark Freeman: For the month.\nMark Freeman: And so the percentage is going to be...\nMark Freeman: The amount spent on food $267...\nMark Freeman: divided by 1200.\nMark Freeman: And then i'm going to multiply by 100 to get the percent.\nMark Freeman: And then round that to...\nMark Freeman: a whole percent. So let me start my calculator up...\nMark Freeman: I'm using the...\nMark Freeman: TI 84 plus emulator.\nMark Freeman: And really quick, I'm just going to do this easy calculation here, but I don't want to do it in my head, it will go faster on the calculator. All right so clear the screen and divide 267 by 1200.\nMark Freeman: I get point 2225 multiply that by a hundred to get the percent.\nMark Freeman: 22.25, we round to the nearest percent, so I know that that is 22.25...\nMark Freeman: percent, rounding to the nearest, well, percent will be 22%.\nMark Freeman: All right, well, that was pretty easy, let's try another one.\nMark Freeman: Alright, so autumn categorize your spending this month at the four categories rent food fun and other. This time we have the percentages and we have to figure out the amount.\nMark Freeman: So it says Autumn spent a total of $2,900 this month. How much did she spend on food?\nMark Freeman: This will be an easier calculation, because she mounted she spent on food was 22% so food.\nMark Freeman: will be whatever 22% of $2,900 is.\nMark Freeman: Alright, so we're going to say 22% times 2900.\nMark Freeman: And when we...\nMark Freeman: do arithmetic with percentages, we want to convert it to a decimal I do you could multiply by 22/100, but I think I mentioned how much I don't like fractions, so i'm going to do the decimal, point two two.\nMark Freeman: All right, some of you have a percent function on your calculator. I don't know how to use that. I've never figured out how that thing works, I always do it this way, so don't ask me how that percent thing works if you have like a casio or...\nMark Freeman: Some other kind of calculator. Alright so let's do point two two...\nMark Freeman: times 2900.\nMark Freeman: I get $638, and that's the exact amount we don't have to round or anything.\nMark Freeman: I'm gonna say 638.\nMark Freeman: Let's enter these questions, I mean these answers, and see if I got it correct. So I'm saying $638 for this one $638, I'm not going to put the dot zero, I think, let's just see if I will take this. I'm going to submit the question...\nMark Freeman: And you see, I get the gre": 4, "Aha\nOho\nAha\nAye pattani moonji...\nodi va!\nThaga Thaga Thaga \nThaga Thaga Thaga\nDhumakapuka Rapukutha\nDhumakapuka Rapukutha\nDhumakapuka Rapukutha\nDhinakku Thathakku Dhinakku Thathakku\nDhinakku Thathakku Dhinakku Thathakku\nAchakka Achakka Achakka Achakka \nAchakka Achakka Achakka Achakka\nPeter\u2019u\nSirukura Sirukura\nMajava Irukudha Irukudha (Sirikura)\nSarukuran Sarukuran\nMachan Side'uka Sarukuran\nSirukura Sirukura\nMajava Irukudha Irukudha\nParakuraan Parakuraan\nMacha Flight\u2019a Pol Parakuraan\nAh Su Ah Su Ah Su\nMacha Pili Pili Pili Pili Pili Pili\nAdho Paaru Pacha Kili\nMachan Gili Gili Gili Gili Gili Gili\nMachanuku Pudicha Kili\nMachan Pili Pili Pili Pili Pili Pili\nYaara Avan Side\u2019la Vali\nMacha Gili Gili Gili Gili Gili Gili\nRoute'u Vitta Vaaya Kizhi\nAchochoo Thupakki\nSivakumar Pondatti\nChochoo Thupakki\nSivakumar Pondatti\nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nUrla katta\nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nKarlla Katta\nAchika Achika Achika Achika\nAchika Achika Achika Achika\nThala Oru juice Solley\nHey! College'la Kavalai illa\nKadaisi Benchula Kavundhu Kedapaen da\nMaalaiyila Canteen Illa\nMayila Pidipaen da\nKaalaiyila Ezhundhiduchu Kan Muzhuchi\nCoffee Kudipaen da\nAproma Bus'la Dha\nFootboard Adipaen da\nAhhh... Pulaingalukaaga\nNaanga Uyira Kudupom da\nThambi...Prechananu Vandha\nYeri Sangula Medhipom da\nFigurerunga Munnadi\nNaanga Scene'a Irupom da\nAana...Yenn Figure'a Mattum Dhan nan\nSight'u Adipaen da\nTight'u Kudupaen da\nFight'u Kudupaen da\nDhowlothakaga Suthunakka\nYetti Odhaipaen da\nQuite\u2019a Irupaen da\nWeight\u2019a Irupaen da\nYenn Figure\u2019u Enna Paatha\nLight ah Siripaen da\nThaga Thaga Thaga Thaga Thaga Thaga\nDhrigidaku Thakkdhina \nDhrigidaku Thakkdhina\nDhrigidaku Thakkdhina \nThiguthigu Thiguthigu Thiguthu\nDhrigidaku Thakkdhina \nDhrigidaku Thakkdhina\nDhrigidaku Thakkdhina\nThiguthigu Thiguthigu Thiguthu\nChoochoo Thupakki\nSivakumar Pondatti\nChoochoo Thupakki\nSivakumar Pondatti\nAchakka Achakka Achakka \nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nUralla Katta\nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nAchakka Achakka Achakka\nKarla Katta\nAchakka Achakka Achakka...\n": 0, "I just didn\u2019t wanna fight with you\nI didn't want to do this with you.\nThe two of us were madly in love\nbut now you're looking at me\nlike you're going to kill me\nJust sticking out your lips\nwon't solve everything\nIf you have something to say, just tell me Umm\nThese absurd situations\nwhere you can and I can't\nI can't do this anymore\nI want you to be hurt\nwith words sharper than a knife\nIt's easy to say\nEvery single thing you do\nmakes no sense\nThis is a Game where everyone dies\nKill me now\nOh kill me\nYou used to be my lover\nNow Love War between us\nThe cold expression\nand the thorny words\nYou are my Lover\nBut every day we Love War\nWe love each other\nBut why do we keep doing this\nOh my lover\nIt\u2019s a Love War\nIt\u2019s so over\nI\u2019m so over\nYeah so over\nOh my lover\nIt\u2019s a Love War\nIt\u2019s so over\nI\u2019m so over\nYeah so over\nWhatever I say, you go crazy\nYou just called me darling\nI just told you for a while\nthere's a ton of work to do\nGo take a rest and don't rub your sleepy eyes\nYou're pouting that you're not the first to me\nI'm tired of your pretending\nThe tone that it's all my fault, come and go one-two\nYou don't like my efforts\nto ease it by clearing my throat\nYou keep tearing me down. Embarrass me\nWho is that girl from KakaoTalk?\nI met her for work thing\nSo are you\nI also have a lot to say\nWhy? Why?\nWe just need to take a step back\nI hate you, go away\nBaby, come here\nWhy can't we do this?\nIf you're leaving me\nI'll let you go in pain\nMemories of the past\nEven those meaningless times\nWe love each other, but I\nthis gonna and this Love War now\nYou used to be my lover\nNow Love War between us\nThe cold expression\nand the thorny words\nYou are my Lover\nBut every day we Love War\nWe love each other\nBut why do we keep doing this\nOh my lover\nIt\u2019s a Love War\nIt\u2019s so over\nI\u2019m so over\nYeah so over\nOh my lover\nIt\u2019s a Love War\nIt\u2019s so over\nI\u2019m so over\nYeah so over\n": 2, "[Music]\nRobert Seamans:welcome to the panel titled business\nRobert Seamans:dynamism and Entrepreneurship this panel\nRobert Seamans hosted jointly by LMU's Institute for\nRobert Seamans:strategy technology and organization and\nRobert Seamans:NYU's center for the future of\nRobert Seamans:management these joint panels are held\nRobert Seamans:semi-regularly and we will mention, sorry\nRobert Seamans:excuse me, we'll mention about our next\nRobert Seamans:panel at the end of today's panel today\nRobert Seamans: we've got two of the two of the most\nRobert Seamans:well-known experts on this topic we have\nRobert Seamans:Karen Mills from Harvard and Javier\nRobert Seamans:Miranda from IWH Hall. One brief\nRobert Seamans:programming note is that we were\nRobert Seamans:scheduled to also have Ronnie Chatterjee\nRobert Seamans:he's a professor from Duke University\nRobert Seamans:who's currently serving in the Biden\nRobert Seamans:Administration but he's unable to make\nRobert Seamans:it today.\nRobert Seamans:Here's the format we'll start with some\nRobert Seamans:brief introductions of each of the\nRobert Seamans:panelists then we'll jump into a\nRobert Seamans:moderated discussion and after that we\nRobert Seamans:will take audience questions. Audience\nRobert Seamans:you can enter your questions via the\nRobert Seamans:zoom Q&A feature and again we'll get to\nRobert Seamans:those about part way through the\nRobert Seamans:discussion today and we'll get to as\nRobert Seamans:many of those as we can. So I'm going to\nRobert Seamans:hand things over to my collaborator\nRobert Seamans:collaborator here I'm going to hand\nRobert Seamans:things over to Toby Kretschmer.\nTobias Kretschmer:Thanks very much Rob and also very\nTobias Kretschmer:welcome from my side\nTobias Kretschmer:um and so by way of introductions\nTobias Kretschmer:um Karen Mills is a senior fellow at\nTobias Kretschmer:Harvard Business School she has served\nTobias Kretschmer:in present Barack Obama's cabinet as the\nTobias Kretschmer:administrator of the U.S small business\nTobias Kretschmer:administration from 2009 until 2013.\nTobias Kretschmer:Karen received the U.S department of the\nTobias Kretschmer:Navy's distinguished Public Services\nTobias Kretschmer:award for her work on innovation.\nTobias Kretschmer:In addition to her work at Harvard Karen\nTobias Kretschmer:also serves on a number of corporate and\nTobias Kretschmer:non-profit boards including the NBR\nTobias Kretschmer:National Bureau of economic research and\nTobias Kretschmer:the Harvard Corporation.\nTobias Kretschmer:Karen's interests in terms of research\nTobias Kretschmer:include fintech Innovation policy and\nTobias Kretschmer:the supply chain economy\nTobias Kretschmer:Javier Miranda is Deputy ahead of the\nTobias Kretschmer:Department of structural change and\nTobias Kretschmer:productivity at The halei Institute for\nTobias Kretschmer:economic research IWH.\nSo the IWH the Holly Institute for\nTobias Kretschmer:economic research is one of eight\nTobias Kretschmer:publicly funded economic research\nTobias Kretschmer:institutes in Germany and it serves the\nTobias Kretschmer:goals of the Leibniz association of\nTobias Kretschmer:excellence in the service in the service\nTobias Kretschmer:of science so it's been founded in 1992\nTobias Kretschmer:and IWH's founding missions was to carry\nTobias Kretschmer:out research for on the economic\nTobias Kretschmer:transition in East Germany and Central\nTobias Kretschmer:and Eastern Europe\nTobias Kretschnmer:prior to joining iwh Javier was principal\nTobias Kretschmer:Economist at the U.S Census Bureau and\nTobias Kretschmer:Javiers's research focuses on\nTobias Kretschmer:entrepreneurship business dynamism job\nTobias Kretschmer:creation and productivity growth.\nTobias Kretschmer:so let's start briefly by defining a\nTobias Kretschmer:couple of terms for our audience.\nTobias Kretschmer:What do we mean by business dynamism\nTobias Kretschmer:and what do we mean by entrepreneurship?\nTobias Kretschmer:is that just someone starting a new\nTobias Kretschmer:business?\nTobias Kretschmer:and whoever wants to start of the ": 4, "this is Elvis 2022 doing a special\u00a0\nrequest for Cindy and Thomas\u00a0\nMaybe I didn't treat you\nQuite as good as I should have\nMaybe I didn't love you\nQuite as often as I could have\u00a0\nLittle things I should have said and done\u00a0\nI just never took the time\nYou were always on my mind\u00a0\n(You were always on my mind)\nYou were always on my mind\u00a0\nMaybe I didn't hold you\nAll those lonely, lonely times\nAnd I guess I never told you\nI'm so happy that you're mine\u00a0\nIf I made you feel second best\nGirl, I'm so sorry I was blind\nYou were always on my mind\n(You were always on my mind)\u00a0\nYou were always on my mind\u00a0\nTell me\nTell me that your sweet love hasn't died\u00a0\nGive me\nGive me one more chance\u00a0\nTo keep you satisfied, satisfied\u00a0\nLittle things I should have said and done\nI just never took the time\u00a0\nYou were always on my mind\n(You were always on my mind)\u00a0\nYou were always on my mind\u00a0\nYou were always on my mind\u00a0\nMaybe I didn't treat you\nQuite as good as I should have\u00a0\nMaybe I didn't love you\nQuite as often as I could have\u00a0\nMaybe I didn't hold you\nAll those lonely, lonely times\u00a0\nAnd I guess I never told you\nI'm so happy that you're mine\u00a0\nMaybe I didn't treat you\nQuite as good as I should have\n": 4, "Up from the pastures of boredom\nOut from the sea of discontent\nThey come in packs like hungry hounds\nthe seekers of the dark enchantment\nThey haunt the boulevards and bars\nThey pray to wishing wells and stars\nThey ride the hurricane of hope\nNot looking back, but on they go\nToward the distance and deceiving\nAnd all the while they keep believing\nThey are special and apart\nThe lovers, the lovers of the heart...\nthe lovers...\nAnd when they pair off two by two\nThey feel they are the chosen few\nAnd though their beds are made of straw\nThey feel like velvet in the night\nAnd so the night is never ending\nIts made of distance and pretending\nCoz they're special and apart\nThe lovers, the lovers of the heart...\nthe lovers...\nAnd when love goes away\nAnd when love goes...\nGoodbye!\nCatches in their throats like cotton\nRises in their hearts like rain\nThe good times suddenly are all forgotten\nThe hunt... begins... again\nThey search the subways and the streets\nTheir faces tired, like their feet\nTheir bodies aching to be warm\nAnd so they hide behind the moon\nTheir loneliness inside them growing\nBut they take comfort in just knowing\nThat they are special and apart\nThe lovers, the lovers of the heart...\nthe lovers...\nAnd when love comes again\nAnd when love comes...\nHello!\nRises from their throats like singing\nCatches in their hearts like wind\nThe good things\nStrangers in their arms are bringing\nMakes life all right... again.\nThey turn their faces to the light\nNo longer hiding in the night\nSo unashamed and unafraid\nThat they can face each others faults\nAnd though the waltz will have its ending\nThere is no harm in just pretending\nThat they are special and apart\nThe lovers, the lovers of the heart...\nthe lovers..\n": 4, "'Blaze and Blade' Mix - Here's another Techno, Tech House, House Music, Progressive House and Electro House mix with Free MP3 Download. All tracks released in the first weeks of October 2013.\nThe Bed That Squeaks (Tony Dee Remix) - Miguel Bastida & Salero Vs Christina Aguilera Feat Redman - Dirrty\nBack & Forth (Original Mix) - Nihil Young Vs Wu Tang Clan - Gravel Pit\nPush (Original Mix) - Tomy Declerque\nMaximum Carnage (Original Mix) - Wuillermo Tuff, Mr. Wise\nFat Tony (Original Mix) - Guille Placencia Vs Altern 8 - Activ-8\nThat's How It Rolls (Original Mix) - Matthew Codek, Belocca\nKriptonita (Original Mix) - Sack Muller\nTake This Out (Jorge Montia Remix) - Coqui Selection\nBoozy (Original Mix) - Guille Placencia\nNobody (Original Mix) - Jay Lumen\nBudapest Bounce (Original Club Mix) - Groovebox, PHNTM\nAnother Skyy Blue (Original Mix) - Siwell\nThrown It All Away (Dolly Rockers Remix) - Lizzie Curious, J-C\nCheck This Out (Original Mix) - Jose Nunez & Antranig\nBelieve In Love (My Digital Enemy Remix) - Marshall Jefferson, House Of Virus, Soliaris\nDon't Give Me Your Life (Lissat & Voltaxx Remix) - Alex Party\nGroovejet (Original Mix) - Lissat & Voltaxx, Marc Fisher\nPyrmd (Original Mix) - Kryder\nMeditation Hill (Julian Woods Remix) - Sucre D'Orge Feat. Aicha\nAdrenaline (Original Mix) - Lush & Simon\nGet Ready (Original Mix) - Erik Arbores\nSneak Attack (Original Mix) - Damien Anthony\n50.000 Watts (Original Mix) - Azzido Da Bass\n": 2, "in Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nand they will bow down to Hashem (God)\nOn the Holy Mountain\nOn the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nAnd it will be\non that day\nand it will be\non that day\nIt will be sounded -\nA Great Shofar (Ram's Horn)\nA Great Shofar (Ram's Horn)\nAnd it will be\non that day\nand it will be\non that day\nIt will be sounded -\nA Great Shofar (Ram's Horn)\nA Great Shofar (Ram's Horn)\nAnd they will come - those who were lost\nIn the land of Assyria\nAnd the outcasts in the land of Egypt\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\nOn the Holy Mountain\nOn the Holy Mountain In Jerusalem\nAnd they will come - those who were lost\nin the land of Assyria\nand the outcasts in the land of Egypt\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\nOn the Holy Mountain\nOn the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\nOn the Holy Mountain\nOn the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nAnd it will be\non that day\nand it will be\non that day\nIt will be sounded -\nA Great Shofar (Ram's Horn)\nA great Shofar (Ram's Horn)\nAnd they will come - those who were lost\nin the land of Assyria\nand the outcasts in the land of Egypt\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\nOn the Holy Mountain\non the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nAnd they will come - those who were lost\nin the land of Assyria\nand the outcasts in the land of Egypt\nThey will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\non the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\non the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nAnd they will come - the lost ones\nin the land of Assyria\nand the outcasts in the land of Egypt\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\non the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nAnd they will come - the lost ones\nin the land of Assyria\nand the outcasts in the land of Egypt\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\nOn the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\non the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem\nand they will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\non the Holy Mountain\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nAnd they will bow down to Hashem (God)\non the Holy Mountain\nOn the Holy Mountain\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\nin Jerusalem\n": 1, "roblox hospital tycoon is a massively multiplayer game.\nit's games for free and my game version is 2.562.360\nroblox hospital tycoon game pros 1 - it's very creative and innovative\nroblox hospital tycoon game pros 2 - it's lots to do and rich in game content\nroblox hospital tycoon game pros 3 - it's good for boys\nroblox hospital tycoon game pros 4 - it's a new game model\nroblox hospital tycoon game cons: too much ads :-(\nplease hit the like button and subscribe betty's channel\nall games in their being are good for something.\ndears, please share my video and leave a comment.\nthanks to roblox corporation\ngame review details: is this game worth playing?\nyes. this game worth playing for 100 minutes.\ngame art design: 3 stars (of 5 stars).\n keep up efforts for it ! 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Give us a like and share.\nExercise 1 \nExercise 2 \nBasic properties.\nSee the table of derivatives.\nYou can see the proof of derivatives of trigonometric functions by going to the corresponding link in the comments area.\nExercise 3.\nanother way to solve the exercise...\nanother way to solve the exercise\nExercise 4.\nanother way to solve the exercise...\nExercise 5.\nanother way to solve the exercise\nExercise 6.\nExercise 7.\nExercise 8.\nExercise 9.\nExercise 10.\nExercise 11.\nanother way to solve the exercise...\nExercise 12.\nExercise 13.\nDisclaimeThis video was made for the purpose of helping and educating.\n": 3, "Anderson Cooper: I love white women\nAnderson Cooper: I love white women\nAnderson Cooper: White women\nAnderson Cooper: I love them\nAnderson Cooper: I love them so much\nAviel: more\nAnderson Cooper: I love white women\nAnderson Cooper: More than I love oxygen\nAviel: MORE\nAnderson Cooper: I will literally kill myself\nAnderson Cooper: Just to be--\nAnderson Cooper: Just to be...\nAnderson Cooper: Used as fertilizer for the gardens\nAnderson Cooper: Of all these white ladies\nAnderson Cooper: I love white ladies so much\nWhite Woman: No I don't... see I get it\nWhite Woman: I'm white\nWhite Woman: You're white\nWhite Woman: We all love white, right?\nAnderson Cooper: Ah you see\nAnderson Cooper: You're UGLY\nWhite Woman: Ok that's--\nWhite Woman: But I'm white\nWhite Woman: You just said\nWhite Woman: That you need some\nWhite Woman: Good white pussy\nWhite Woman: And Ben Shapiro I'm able to provide that to you\nAnderson Cooper: Keyword, good white pussy\nBen Shapiro: When the fuck did I get here?\nBen Shapiro: What are you--\nBen Shapiro: What the fuck\nBen Shapiro: Get your hand off my shoulder\nAnderson Cooper: Shut up you idiot\nAnderson Cooper: You're old\nWhite Woman: I will fuck your sister so hard\nWhite Woman: That she cannot--\nBen Shapiro: She has big titties\nBen Shapiro: I wanted to fuck her when I was a kid but I didn't want--\n[Ben Shapiroish]\nWhite Woman: You don't understand\nWhite Woman: I won't tell you again\nWhite Woman: I will fuck the shit out of your sister\nBlack Man: NO\nBen Shapiro: DON'T YOU TOUCH ME\nBlack Man: I AM TELLING YOU IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BLACK PUSSY\nBen Shapiro: ALL OF YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND\nBen Shapiro: YOU'RE NOT STUCK IN HERE WITH ME\nBen Shapiro: I'M STUCK IN HERE WITH YOU\nBen Shapiro: *ROARS*\nBlack Man: Eh be uh\nGeorge: Umm, well...\nGeorge: I'd like to bring up\nGeorge: Latina pussy\nGeorge: Because...\n": 1, "in this video we're going to complete the CUDA\u00a0\nsoftware infinite calculus free worksheet slope\u00a0\u00a0\nat a value so for each problem on this worksheet\u00a0\nwe're going to find the slope of the function at\u00a0\u00a0\nthe given value now remember finding the slope\u00a0\nof the function at a given value is finding the\u00a0\u00a0\nslope of the tangent line at that value and in\u00a0\norder to find the slope of the tangent line we\u00a0\u00a0\nfind the derivative of the function and then plug\u00a0\nin our value to get the slope so in number one\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're finding the slope at x equals negative two\u00a0\nso the slope at the point negative two negative\u00a0\u00a0\none now in order to find out so we're first going\u00a0\nto find the derivative so the derivative of Y with\u00a0\u00a0\nrespect to X it's going to equal the derivative\u00a0\nof x squared plus the derivative of 6x plus the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of seven the derivative of x squared is\u00a0\n2x to the first or simply 2x and the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\n6x is a six and the derivative of seven is zero\u00a0\nbecause it's the derivative of a constant so our\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of Y with respect to X equals 2x plus\u00a0\nsix so based on this derivative we can plug in any\u00a0\u00a0\nvalue for x a longer function and get the slope\u00a0\nthat's what the derivative tells us so what we're\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to do now is take negative two and plug in\u00a0\nnegative 2 for X so that's going to be 2 times\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 2 plus 6 2 times negative 2 is negative 4\u00a0\nnegative 4 plus 6 is a positive 2 so the slope in\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber one at negative 2 is positive 2 so let's\u00a0\ngo ahead and draw that tangent line just to see\u00a0\u00a0\nso using the slope that's a rise of 2 over a run\u00a0\nof 1 rise of 2 over a run of 1 and so on but we\u00a0\u00a0\nonly need two points to make that line so that's\u00a0\nour tangent line and we found the slope of our\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction at that point which is the slope of\u00a0\nthe tangent line to that point so number two\u00a0\u00a0\nagain we're going to find the derivative of Y\u00a0\nwith respect to X so the derivative of Y with\u00a0\u00a0\nrespect to x equals the derivative of X cubed\u00a0\nwhich is three x squared minus the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof 3x squared which two times three is six so\u00a0\nthat's six times X to the first or 6x and then\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're adding that to the derivative of five which\u00a0\nis zero so we'll just have 3x squared plus 6x now\u00a0\u00a0\nin order to find the slope at any given point\u00a0\nwe're going to plug in the x value where we want\u00a0\u00a0\nto find the slope at so because we're finding the\u00a0\nslope at x equals three we're plugging in 3 for X\u00a0\u00a0\nso we'll get three times three squared minus six\u00a0\ntimes three so that's three times three squared\u00a0\u00a0\nis nine minus six times three is 18 3 times 9 is\u00a0\n27 and 27 minus 18 equals a positive nine so our\u00a0\u00a0\nslope at x equals three is a positive nine so\u00a0\nusing that slope let's graph another point in\u00a0\u00a0\norder to find that tangent line just to draw it\u00a0\nout so you can see it visually so as opposed to\u00a0\u00a0\nusing positive nine over positive one I'll use\u00a0\nnegative nine over negative one so going down\u00a0\u00a0\nnine one two three four five six seven eight nine\u00a0\nand one to the left in the run will now draw our\u00a0\u00a0\ntangent line let's continue on to number three\u00a0\nand number three we're finding the slope of our\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction y equals x cubed minus 6x squared plus\u00a0\n9x minus four at x equals two so we're starting\u00a0\u00a0\nby finding the derivative of Y with respect to X\u00a0\nso that's going to be the derivative of X cubed\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is three x squared minus the derivative of\u00a0\n6x squared which two times six is well 12 times\u00a0\u00a0\nX to the 2 minus 1 is 12 X plus the derivative of\u00a0\n9 X is 9 and then the derivative of 4 is 0 and we\u00a0\u00a0\ndon't need to add or subtract 0 since that won't\u00a0\nchange the value now since we're finding the slope\u00a0\u00a0\nat x equals 2 we're going to plug 2 in for X so\u00a0\nwe'll have 3 times 2 squared minus 12 times 2 plus\u00a0\u00a0\n9 so that's 3 times 4 minus 12 times 2 which is 24\u00a0\nplus 9 so that's going to give us 3 times 4 is 12\u00a0\u00a0\nso 12 minus 24 plus 9 12 minus 24 is negative 12\u00a0\nand negative 12 plus 9 is going to be a negative\u00a0\u00a0\n3 so negative 3 is the slope of our function\u00a0\nat x equals 2 for number for the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\nY with respect to X the derivative of negative\u00a0\nx cubed negative 3x squared and I'm subtracting\u00a0\u00a0\nthe deriva": 3, "- [Instructor] Use rules\nof logarithms to expand.\nWell first of all, let's\nreview the rules of logarithms.\nFirst of all, the logarithm of a product\nis equal to the logarithm\nof the first factor\nplus the logarithm of the second factor.\nSecond, the logarithm of a quotient\nis equal to the logarithm of the numerator\nminus the logarithm of the denominator.\nAnd third, the logarithm of a power\nis equal to the exponent of the power\ntimes the logarithm of the base.\nSo let's take a look at part A.\nWe have the logarithm of\nthe square root of 4xy.\nWe run into a little bit\nof a stumbling block,\nbecause none of our rules appear\nto have a square root in them.\nHowever, we can write the\nsquare root using a power.\nWe can write the square root\nas something raised to the 1/2 power.\nSo let's rewrite the square root of 4xy\nas 4xy raised to the power of 1/2.\nNow that we have the\nlogarithm of the power,\nwe can apply rule number three\nand write the exponent 1/2\nmultiplied by the logarithm\nof the base, which is 4xy.\nNow we have the logarithm of a product.\nSo we can write that as the sum\nof the logarithms of the factors.\nSo we have 1/2 times the quantity,\nthe natural logarithm of four\nplus the natural logarithm of x\nplus the natural logarithm of y.\nFor part B, we have the natural logarithm\nof the cubed root of 2x over four.\nSo we'll use a similar strategy.\nWell first of all, rewrite\nthe cubed root of 2x\nas 2x raised to the power of 1/3.\nSo first of all, we have\nthe logarithm of a quotient.\nSo we'll begin by using rule number two.\nAnd we'll write that the\nlogarithm of the numerator\nminus the logarithm of the base.\nOur first term is the\nlogarithm of a power,\nso we'll write the exponent 1/3\ntimes the logarithm of the base.\nFinally, we have the\nlogarithm of a product,\nso we'll rewrite that as\nthe sum of two logarithms,\nthe logarithm of 2 plus\nthe logarithm of x.\nAnd remember to put parentheses\naround the logarithm of\ntwo plus the logarithm of x\nso that both of them\nare multiplied by 1/3.\nAnd we can stop at this point,\nbecause all of our logarithms\nare just logarithms\nof a single quantity.\nThere aren't any logarithms of products,\nquotients, or powers.\nFor part C, we have the logarithm of three\ntimes the fourth root of x cubed.\nSo again, we use a similar strategy,\nand we rewrite the root\nusing rational exponents.\nSo the fourth root of\nx cubed can be written\nas x to the 3/4 power.\nSo first, we have the\nlogarithm of a product,\nso we'll use rule number one\nand write the sum of two logarithms,\nthe logarithm of three plus\nthe logarithm of x to the 3/4.\nThe second term is the\nlogarithm of a power,\nso we'll write that as the exponent 3/4\ntimes the logarithm of the base x.\nSo our final answer for part C\nis the logarithm of three plus\n3/4 times the logarithm of x.\n": 4, "She be my queen\nSince we were sixteen\nWe want the same things\nWe dream the same dreams\nAlright (alright)\nI got it all\n'Cause she is the one\nHer mum calls me love\nHer dad calls me son\nAlright (alright)\nI know, I know, I know for sure\nEvery body wanna steal my girl\nEvery body wanna take her heart away\nCouple billion in the whole wide world\nFind another one 'cause she belongs to me\nEverybody wanna steal my girl\nEverybody wanna take her heart away\nCouple billion in the whole wide world\nFind another one 'cause she belongs to me\nNa na na na na na (oh, yeah)\nNa na na na na na (alright)\nNa na na na na na\nNa na, she belongs to me\nKisses like cream\nHer walk is so mean\nAnd every jaw drop\nWhen she's in those jeans Alright (alright)\nI don't exist\nIf I don't have her\nThe sun doesn't shine\nThe world doesn't turn\nBut I know, I know, I know for sure\nEverybody wanna steal my girl\nEverybody wanna take her heart away\nCouple billion in the whole wide world\nFind another one 'cause she belongs to me\nEverybody wanna steal my girl\nEverybody wanna take her heart away\nCouple billion in the whole wide world\nFind another one 'cause she belongs to me\nNa na na na na na (oh, yeah)\nNa na na na na na (alright)\nNa na na na na na\nNa na na na na na\nShe knows, she knows\nThat I never let her down before\nShe knows, she knows\nThat I'm never gonna let another take her love from me now\nEverybody wanna steal my girl\nEverybody wanna take her love away\nCouple billion in the whole wide world\nFind another one 'cause she belongs to me\nEverybody wanna steal my girl\nEverybody wanna take her heart away\nCouple billion in the whole wide world\nFind another one 'cause she belongs to me\nNa na na na na na (oh, yeah, alright, yeah)\nNa na na na na na (alright)\nNa na na na na na\nNa na, she belongs to me\nNa na na na na na (oh, yeah)(she belongs to me, yeah)\nNa na na na na na (alright)\nNa na na na na na\nShe belongs to me\n": 2, "- [Instructor] What I\nwant to do in this video\nis review a little bit\nof what we've learned\nabout monopolies and, in the process,\nget a better understanding for\nsome of the graphical representations,\nwhich we have talked about in the past,\nbut I wanna put it all\ntogether in this video here.\nSo let's say that the\nindustry that we are in,\nthe demand curve looks\nsomething like that.\nThat is demand and I'm going to assume\nthat it is a linear demand curve.\nThis axis right here is dollars per unit.\nIn the context of demand, that's price,\nand this is quantity over here.\nThis little graph here,\nwe still have quantity\nin the horizontal axis,\nbut the vertical axis isn't\njust dollars per unit,\nit's absolute level of dollars.\nOver here we can actually plot\ntotal revenue as a function\nof quantity, total revenue.\nRemember, we're assuming\nwe're the only producer here.\nWe have a monopoly,\nwe have a monopoly in this market.\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\nSo if we pick a quantity,\nif we don't produce anything,\nwe're not going to generate any revenue,\nso our total revenue will be zero.\nIf we produce a bunch, but we\ndon't charge anything for it,\nand that's this point right over here,\nour total revenue will also be zero.\nWe've done this in other videos,\nbut then as we increase\nquantity from this point,\nour total revenue will keep\ngoing up and up and up.\nThere'll be some maximum point\nand then it'll start going down again,\nso our total revenue would\nlook something like this.\nTotal revenue would look something\nlike that, total revenue.\nAnd from the total\nrevenue, we can think about\nwhat the marginal revenue would look like.\nRemember, the marginal revenue just says\nif I increase my quantity by a little bit,\nhow much am I increasing my total revenue?\nSo that's essentially the slope,\nthe slope of the total revenue\ncurve at any given point,\nor you can think of it as the\nslope of the tangent line.\nWe've seen before, when you start here,\nyou have a very high, positive slope\nand we've seen in other videos\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\nit actually ends up being\nthe exact same value\nas where the demand curve\nintersects the vertical axis\nright over there,\nbut then it keeps going lower,\nthe slope becomes a little less\ndeep, less deep, less deep.\nIt's still positive, less deep, less deep,\nand then it becomes zero right over there\nand then it starts going negative.\nIt becomes zero right at that quantity.\nThe slope of this keeps\ngoing down and down and down,\nit's positive, then it becomes zero,\nand then it actually becomes\nnegative and you see that here.\nNow it starts downward\nsloping even more steep,\neven more steep, and even more steep.\nThat's the revenue side of things.\nLet me label this, this is\nour marginal revenue curve,\nslope of the total revenue.\nIf we're gonna maximize profit,\nwe need to think about\nwhat our costs look like,\nso let me draw our total cost curve.\nAnd I will do it in magenta.\nLet's say our total costs\nlook something like this.\nTotal cost looks something like that.\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\nOut here, where we have very few units,\nwhere we have zero units, all\nof our costs are fixed costs.\nAnd then as we produce\nmore and more units,\nthe variable costs start\npiling on over there.\nEven from this diagram, you can actually\nstart to visually see economic profit.\nEconomic profit, and when\nwe're talking costs and profit\nin an economics class, like\nthis is kind of one, I guess,\nremember, you should view it\nin terms of economic profit\nand when we're talking about total cost,\nwe're talking about opportunity cost.\nSo this is total opportunity cost,\nboth the implicit,\nboth the explicit,\nthe ones that you're actually\npaying money for explicitly\nand the implicit opportunity costs.\nTotal opportunity costs,\nthat's total opportunity cost\nand the difference between\nyour total revenue,\nso for a given quantity,\nthe difference between\nyour total revenue and your\ntotal opportunity cost,\nthat gives you your economic profit.\nFor this quantity right over here,\nyour economic profit would be represented\n`\n`\n`\n`\n`\nby the height of this little\nbar between these two curves.\nBut what we see what's going": 4, "I'm gonna marry Edward.\nI won't give up on my life.\nI'm a warrior Queen. Live passionately tonight.\nI'm gonna marry Edward.\nGonna make love to the stars.\nI'm a soldier to my own emptiness.\nI am a winner.\nI'm gonna marry Edward, gonna marry Edward.\nI'm gonna marry Edward!\nI'm not gonna cry anymore!\nI'm gonna marry Edward!\nLeave nothing on these streets to explore.\nM-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry Edward!\nOh, m-m-marry m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry Edward!\nTonight, I want all of you tonight.\nGive me everything tonight.\nGive me everything tonight.\nGive me everything tonight.\nGive me everything tonight.\nExcuse me, excuse me.\nAnd I might drink a little more than I should tonight.\nAnd I might take you home with me, if I could tonight\nAnd, baby, Imma make you feel so good, tonight.\nCause we might not get tomorrow!\nTonight, I want all of you tonight.\nGive me everything tonight.\nFor all we know, we might not get tomorrow.\nLet's do it tonight.\nBam!\nI'm gonna marry Edward!\nI'm not gonna cry anymore!\nI'm gonna marry Edward!\nLeave nothing on these streets to explore.\nM-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry Edward!\nOh m-m-marry m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry Edward!\nGrab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey!\nGive me everything tonight. Give me everything tonight.\nFor all we know, we might not get tomorrow.\nLet's do it tonight!\nReach for the stars!\nAnd if you don't grab 'em, at least you're on top of the world.\nThink about it.\nCause if you slip, I'm gonna fall on top of your girl, hahaha!\nWhat I'm involved with is deeper than them aces.\nbaby, baby and it's ain't no secret.\nMy family is from Cuba, but I'm an American Idol\ngetting money like Seacrest!\nPut it on my light, baby.\nI'll make you feel right, baby.\nCan't promise tommorrow, but I promise tonight.\nDale!\nExcuse me, excuse me!\nAnd I might drink a little more than I should tonight.\nAnd I might take you home with me, if I could tonight.\nAnd baby, Imma make you feel so good tonight.\nCause me might not get tomorrow.\nM-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry Edward!\nI'm gonna marry!\nMarry!\nCome on!\nEdward!\nEdward, Edward!\nEdward, Edward, Edward!\nEdward, Edward, Edward!\nYou're having my baby.\nWhat a lovely way of saying how much you love me.\nI can see it!\nYour face is glowing!\nI can see it in your eyes, I'm so happy in knowing!\nThat you're having my baby!\nYou're the woman I love and I love what it's doing to you.\nHaving my baby!\nI'm a woman in love and I love what it's doing to me.\nHaving my baby!\nI'm a woman in love and I love what's going through me.\nDidn't have to keep it. Wouldn't put you through it.\nYou could have swept it from your life but you wouldn't do it!\nNo, you wouldn't do it!\nAnd you're having my baby!\nI'm a woman in love and I love what it's doing to me!\nHaving my baby!\nI'm a woman in love and I love what's going through me!\nHaving my baby, having my baby!\nWhat a lovely way of saying how much you love me!\nHaving my baby, having my baby!\nExcuse me, excuse me!\nAnd I might drink a little more than I should tonight.\nAnd I might take you home with me if I could tonight.\nAnd baby, Imma make you feel so good tonight.\nCause we might not get tomorrow.\n": 1, "IM ALWAYS WITH YOU\n(Tamally Maak)\nI am always with you\neven when you are away from me,\nyour love is in my heart\nI am always with you\nI am always with you\nYou are always in my mind and in my heart\nI never forget you\nI always miss you\neven if I'm with you\nI am always with you\neven when you are away from me,\nyour love is in my heart\nI am always with you\nYou are always in my mind and in my heart\nI never forget you\nI always miss you\neven if I'm with you\nI always longing my dear\nI always need you and nobody else\nAnd if I'm surrounded by the whole world\nI still need you, my dear\nI always longing my dear\nI always need you and nobody else\nAnd if I'm surrounded by the whole world\nI still need you, my dear\nI am always with you\nYou have my heart and my soul\nMy most precious love\nMy most precious love\nand it is no problem you away from me\nyou are close to my heart\nyou're living in the future and present\nand the most beautiful destinations\nI am always with you\nYou have my heart and soul\nMy most precious love\nMy most precious love\nand it is no problem you away from me\nyou are close to my heart\nyou're living in the future and present\nand the most beautiful destinations\nI always longing my dear\nI always need you and nobody else\nAnd if I'm surrounded by the whole world\nI still need you, my dear\nI always longing my dear\nI always need you and nobody else\nAnd if I'm surrounded by the whole world\n": 3, "ready\nready For\nready For Shark\nready For Shark Week.\nready For Shark Week. The\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nState\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nState Aquarium\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nState Aquarium is\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nState Aquarium is ready\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nState Aquarium is ready to\nready For Shark Week. The Texas\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nthe\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nthe community\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nthe community an\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nthe community an immersive\nState Aquarium is ready to give\nthe community an immersive look\nthe community an immersive look\nthe community an immersive look\nabout\nthe community an immersive look\nabout these\nthe community an immersive look\nabout these Creatures.\nthe community an immersive look\nabout these Creatures. The\nthe community an immersive look\nabout these Creatures. The week\nabout these Creatures. The week\nabout these Creatures. The week\nlong\nabout these Creatures. The week\nlong event\nabout these Creatures. The week\nlong event is\nabout these Creatures. The week\nlong event is meant\nabout these Creatures. The week\nlong event is meant to\nabout these Creatures. The week\nlong event is meant to educate\nlong event is meant to educate\nlong event is meant to educate\npeople\nlong event is meant to educate\npeople about\nlong event is meant to educate\npeople about the\nlong event is meant to educate\npeople about the ocean's\nlong event is meant to educate\npeople about the ocean's most\npeople about the ocean's most\npeople about the ocean's most\nfamous\npeople about the ocean's most\nfamous predators\npeople about the ocean's most\nfamous predators But\npeople about the ocean's most\nfamous predators But a\npeople about the ocean's most\nfamous predators But a handful\nfamous predators But a handful\nfamous predators But a handful\nof\nfamous predators But a handful\nof shark\nfamous predators But a handful\nof shark species\nfamous predators But a handful\nof shark species are\nfamous predators But a handful\nof shark species are currently\nof shark species are currently\nof shark species are currently\nstaying\nof shark species are currently\nstaying at\nof shark species are currently\nstaying at the\nof shark species are currently\nstaying at the aquarium\nof shark species are currently\nstaying at the aquarium and\nof shark species are currently\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nserve\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nserve a\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nserve a purpose\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nserve a purpose in\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nserve a purpose in the\nstaying at the aquarium and all\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nMost\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nMost important\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nMost important thing\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nMost important thing prey\nserve a purpose in the Ocean.\nMost important thing prey on\nMost important thing prey on\nMost important thing prey on\nwants\nMost important thing prey on\nwants the\nMost important thing prey on\nwants the community\nMost important thing prey on\nwants the community to\nMost important thing prey on\nwants the community to know\nMost important thing prey on\nwants the community to know is\nwants the community to know is\nwants the community to know is\nthat\nwants the community to know is\nthat the\nwants the community to know is\nthat the sharks\nwants the community to know is\nthat the sharks are\nwants the community to know is\nthat the sharks are not\nwants the community to know is\nthat the sharks are not as\nthat the sharks are not as\nthat the sharks are not as\nscary\nthat the sharks are not as\nscary As\nthat the sharks are not as\nscary As movies\nthat the sharks are not as\nscary As movies tend\nthat the sharks are not as\nscary As movies tend to\nthat the sharks are not as\nscary As movies tend to portray\nscary As movies tend to portray\nscary As movies tend to portray\nthe": 1, "Why wait to say, at least\nI did it my way Lie awake,\ntwo faced But in my heart\nI understand I made my\nmove and it was all about\nyou Now I feel so far\nremoved You were the one\nthing in my way You were\nthe one thing in my way\nYou were the one thing in\nmy way You were the one\nthing in my way You were\nthe one thing in my way\nYou were the one thing in\nmy way My way, oh way,\noh way, oh way My way, oh\nway, oh way, oh way My\nway, oh way, oh way, oh way\nWhy wait to say, at least\nI did it my way Lie awake,\ntwo faced But in my heart\nI understand I made my\nmove and it was all about\nyou Now I feel so far\nremoved You were the one\nthing in my way You were\nthe one thing in my way\nYou were the one thing in\nmy way You were the one\nthing in my way You were\nthe one thing in my way\nYou were the one thing in\nmy way My way, oh way, oh\nway, oh way My way, oh\nway, oh way, oh way My\nway, oh way, oh way, oh\nway My way, my way, my way\nYou were the one thing in\nmy way You were the one\nthing in my way You were\nthe one thing in my way\nYou were the one thing in\nmy way You were the one\nthing in my way You were\nthe one thing in my way My\nway, oh way, oh way, oh\nway My way, oh way, oh\nway, oh way My way, oh\nway, oh way, oh way My\nway, oh way, oh way, oh\nway My way, oh way, oh\nway, oh way My way,\noh way, oh way, oh way\n": 2, "How to make an origami Christmas tree\nInstructions in English.\nVideo instructions to make a Christmas tree in origami\nStart with a square sheet of paper. Green is a good choice, but you can also use white paper for a snowy tree!\nIf the paper has only one colored face, put the colored side on the bottom. Then turn it.\nFold along the vertical diagonal.\nUnfold the fold you just made.\nFold the bottom right side towards the vertical axis in the middle.\nFold the bottom left side towards the vertical axis in the middle.\nTurn the model to the other side.\nFold the top right side towards the vertical axis in the middle.\nFold the top left side towards the vertical axis in the middle.\nTurn the model to the other side.\nFold the bottom tip up to the top tip.\nTurn the model to the other side.\nFold the top tip (only one layer) towards the bottom. Make the fold a bit above bottom.\nFold the bottom tip towards the top to form the stump of the tree.\nTurn the model to the other side. Your Christmas tree is finished!\nI hope you like this model and this video!\nPlease share and like the video. :-)\nAnd comment if you liked it!\nThank you!\n": 4, "From coast to coast, on the mountain peaks,\nwhere the mountain eagle flies!\nAbout Stalin, the wise, dear and beloved,\nthe people compose a beautiful song!\nAbout Stalin, the wise, dear and beloved,\nthe people compose a beautiful song!\nThis song flies faster than a bird,\nand the world of the exploiters is trembling spitefully!\nNo posts and borders will stop it,\nno country's borders will stop it!\nNo posts and borders will stop it,\nno country's borders will stop it!\nNeither whips nor bullets scare it,\nthis song sounds in the fire of the barricades!\nThe rickshaw and the coolie sing this song,\nthe Chinese soldier sings this song!\nThe rickshaw and the coolie sing this song,\nthe Chinese soldier sings this song!\nFrom coast to coast, on the mountain peaks,\nwhere the airplanes traverse!\nAbout Stalin, the wise, dear and beloved\nthe peoples sing a beautiful song!\nAbout Stalin, the wise, dear and beloved\nthe peoples sing a beautiful song!\nAbout Stalin, the wise, dear and beloved\nthe peoples sing a beautiful song!\n": 3, "Innocent and delicate\nI\u2019m tired of pretending\nI\u2019m done\nWhat are you up to? Where are you? Did you eat? Goodnight\nBaby, Darling, Honey, I miss you\nIt\u2019s all useless\nYou got me like\nThis is not a touching Love story\nNo romance no sincerity\nI\u2019m sorry, but I\u2019m not sorry\nFrom today on\nI\u2019m a shining solo\nI\u2019m a shining solo\nI\u2019m going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nI\u2019m going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nUsed to be your girl\nNow I\u2019m used to being the GOAT\nYou\u2019re sittin\u2019 on your feelings\nI\u2019m sittin\u2019 on my throne\nI ain\u2019t got no time for the troubles in your eyes\nThis time I\u2019m only lookin\u2019 at me, myself and I\n(I\u2019m goin' solo)\nI\u2019ma do it on my own now\nNow that you\u2019re alone, got you lookin\u2019 for a clone now\n(So low) That\u2019s how I\u2019m gettin\u2019 down\nDestined for this and the crown\nSing it loud like\nThis is not a touching Love story\nNo romance no sincerity\nI\u2019m sorry, but I\u2019m not sorry\nFrom today on\nI\u2019m a shining solo\nI\u2019m a shining solo\nI\u2019m going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nI\u2019m going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nAfter the relationship, romance, emotion there\u2019s\nBreakup, tears, regret, longing\nI like being alone, because I should be true to myself\nLike the flowing wind\nLike the stars above the clouds\nI want to go far away, I want to shine brightly\nI\u2019m a shining solo\nI\u2019m going solo lo lo lo lo lo\nI\u2019m going solo lo lo lo lo lo\n": 3, "THE DEATH OF A MURDER....\nTHE DEATH OF A MURDER....\nHave you watched Pulp Fiction?\nHave you watched Pulp Fiction?\nHave you watched Pulp Fiction?\nDude, I have also watched it. What you mean by presenting me this glittering gilt paper? Cut this crap and tell me where my cash is\nDude, I have also watched it. What you mean by presenting me this glittering gilt paper? Cut this crap and tell me where my cash is\nDude, I have also watched it. What you mean by presenting me this glittering gilt paper? Cut this crap and tell me where my cash is\nDude, I have also watched it. What you mean by presenting me this glittering gilt paper? Cut this crap and tell me where my cash is\nDude, I have also watched it. What you mean by presenting me this glittering gilt paper? Cut this crap and tell me where my cash is\nDude, I have also watched it. What you mean by presenting me this glittering gilt paper? Cut this crap and tell me where my cash is\nBrother\u2026. the cash\u2026\nBrother? Who is your brother?\nBrother? Who is your brother?\nI mean\nWhat??\n(Stammering uncomfortably\u2026.)\nCall me Reddy. Feel like giving me some respect? Then call me Reddy Sir\nCall me Reddy. Feel like giving me some respect? Then call me Reddy Sir.\nCall me Reddy. Feel like giving me some respect? Then call me Reddy Sir\nTake your seat\nTake your seat\n \n \n \n \n \nI am that old Jose from Thrissur. But I had a makeover after reaching Bangalore! I need to survive in this business.. you see!\nI am that old Jose from Thrissur. But I had a makeover after reaching Bangalore! I need to survive in this business.. you see!\nI am that old Jose from Thrissur. But I had a makeover after reaching Bangalore! I need to survive in this business.. you see!\nI am that old Jose from Thrissur. But I had a makeover after reaching Bangalore! I need to survive in this business.. you see!\nI am that old Jose from Thrissur. But I had a makeover after reaching Bangalore! I need to survive in this business.. you see!\nI am that old Jose from Thrissur. But I had a makeover after reaching Bangalore! I need to survive in this business.. you see!\n \n \nDo you have any idea why am I going around in this revolving chair?\nDo you have any idea why am I going around in this revolving chair?\nMan\u2026 see \u2026I don\u2019t have any time to run around. Simple\nMan\u2026 see \u2026I don\u2019t have any time to run around. Simple\nHahahaha!\nWhy don\u2019t you laugh? Are you tense?\nWhy don\u2019t you laugh? Are you tense?\nWhy don\u2019t you laugh? Are you tense?\nWhy don\u2019t you laugh? Are you tense?\n \n \nMr. Sainu\u2026we have been working together for the last two years\nMr. Sainu\u2026we have been working together for the last two years\nMr. Sainu\u2026we have been working together for the last two years\nMr. Sainu\u2026we have been working together for the last two years\nMr. Sainu\u2026we have been working together for the last two years\nSo, I don\u2019t think you would ever pull a fast one on me\nSo, I don\u2019t think you would ever pull a fast one on me.\nSo, I don\u2019t think you would ever pull a fast one on me.\nSo, I don\u2019t think you would ever pull a fast one on me\nBut, the suitcase has come empty and how can you be so clueless?\nBut, the suitcase has come empty and how can you be so clueless about the whole thing?\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nBrother\u2026 I mean\u2026 Reddy \u2026 I swear\u2026 I don\u2019t know. I guess\u2026our clients cheated me\u2026!\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nGet me your Whatsapp\u2026\nThen tell me \u2026 what is this? This photo of you receiving the money was whatsapped to me\nThen tell me \u2026 what is this? This photo of you receiving the money was whatsapped to me\n \nThe guy here -- w": 1, "Pray for the morning light\nTo lift up my soul\nCrave for the long walk\nThat leads back home\nStill my restless heart\nThat burns in my chest\nBend the space and time\nAnd put me to rest\nBlame it on me\nI\u2019ll take it all\nI cry to the seven skies\nYou\u2019ll never silence my voice\nI\u2019ll die before you bend my will\nNo one will take it away\nDown this avenue\nOf pain and deceit\nI will vindicate\nAnd vanquish my foes\nLies and iniquity\nDon\u2019t hurt me no more\nI\u2019m tied to my resolve\nLike never before\nBlame it on me\nI\u2019ll take it all\nI cry to the seven skies\nYou\u2019ll never silence my voice\nI\u2019ll die before you bend my will\nNo one will take it away\nI cry to the seven skies\nYou\u2019ll never silence my voice\nI\u2019ll die before you bend my will\nNo one will take it away\nNo one will take it\nNo one will take it\nNo one will take it away\nNo one will take it away\nLook in my eyes\nI have nothing to fear\nMy pleading is over\nOpen the gates\nI\u2019m here to let light shine\nThrough\nI cry to the seven skies\nYou\u2019ll never silence my voice\nI\u2019ll die before you bend my will\nNo one will take it away\nI cry to the seven skies\nYou\u2019ll never silence my voice\nI\u2019ll die before you bend my will\nNo one will take it away\nNo one will take it away\nNo one will take it away\n": 4, "mentor\nmentor\nmeaning\na person who gives a younger or less experienced\u00a0\u00a0\nperson help and advice over a period\u00a0\nof time especially at work or school\na person who gives a younger or less experienced\u00a0\nperson help and advice over a period of time\u00a0\u00a0\nespecially at work or school\nwith no mentor to guide him\u00a0\u00a0\nthe struggling student ended up dropping\u00a0\nout of school due to lack of support\nwith no mentor to guide him\u00a0\u00a0\nthe struggling student ended up dropping\u00a0\nout of school due to lack of support\nresponsibility\nresponsibility\nmeaning\nsomething that is your job or duty to deal with\nsomething that is your job or duty to deal with\nit's her responsibility to ensure\u00a0\nthe project finishes on time\nit's her responsibility to ensure\u00a0\nthe project finishes on time\nwisdom\nwisdom\nmeaning\nthe ability to use your knowledge and\u00a0\nexperience to make good decisions and judgments\nthe ability to use your knowledge and\u00a0\nexperience to make good decisions and judgments\nwithout wisdom a person\u00a0\ncannot make the best decisions\nwithout wisdom a person\u00a0\ncannot make the best decisions\ninnovator\ninnovator\nmeaning\nsomeone who introduces changes and new ideas\nsomeone who introduces changes and new ideas\ni aspire to be an innovator not a follower\ni aspire to be an innovator not a follower\noptimist\noptimist\nmeaning\nsomeone who always believes\u00a0\nthat good things will happen\nsomeone who always believes\u00a0\nthat good things will happen\nhe's such an optimist that\u00a0\nhe's sure he'll soon find a job\nhe's such an optimist that\u00a0\nhe's sure he'll soon find a job\nversatile\nversatile\nmeaning\nable to change easily from one activity to another\u00a0\nor able to be used for many different purposes\nable to change easily from one activity to another\u00a0\nor able to be used for many different purposes\na versatile person is often good\u00a0\nat a number of different things\na versatile person is often good\u00a0\nat a number of different things\ndiscipline\ndiscipline\nmeaning\ntraining that makes people more willing to\u00a0\nobey or more able to control themselves often\u00a0\u00a0\nin the form of rules and punishments if these are\u00a0\nbroken or the behaviour produced by this training\ntraining that makes people more willing to\u00a0\nobey or more able to control themselves often\u00a0\u00a0\nin the form of rules and punishments if these are\u00a0\nbroken or the behaviour produced by this training\nthe book gives parents advice on discipline\nthe book gives parents advice on discipline\nbrave\nbrave\nmeaning\nshowing no fear of dangerous or difficult things\nshowing no fear of dangerous or difficult things\nhe was commended for his brave actions\nhe was commended for his brave actions\nintegrity\nintegrity\nmeaning\nthe quality of being honest and having strong\u00a0\nmoral principles that you refuse to change\nthe quality of being honest and having strong\u00a0\nmoral principles that you refuse to change\ni have always regarded her as a woman of integrity\ni have always regarded her as a woman of integrity\ninspiring\ninspiring\nmeaning\nencouraging or making you\u00a0\nfeel you want to do something\nencouraging or making you\u00a0\nfeel you want to do something\nan inspiring teacher can\u00a0\nstimulate students to succeed\nan inspiring teacher can\u00a0\nstimulate students to succeed\nethical\nethical\nmeaning\nrelating to beliefs about what\u00a0\nis morally right and wrong\nrelating to beliefs about what\u00a0\nis morally right and wrong\ni don't think it's ethical for you\u00a0\nto accept a job you know you can't do\ni don't think it's ethical for you\u00a0\nto accept a job you know you can't do\ncharisma\ncharisma\nmeaning\na special power that some people have naturally\u00a0\nthat makes them able to influence other people\u00a0\u00a0\nand attract their attention and admiration\na special power that some people have naturally\u00a0\u00a0\nthat makes them able to influence other people\u00a0\nand attract their attention and admiration\nhe was elected to power on\u00a0\nthe strength of his charisma\nhe was elected to power on\u00a0\nthe strength of his charisma\nunique\nunique\nmeaning\nbeing the only existing one of its type or\u00a0\nmore generally unusual or special in some way\nbeing the only existing one of its type or\u00a0\nmore generally unusual or special in some way\neach person's signature is uniqu": 4, "In this video, we will find out the differentiation\nof secant of x w.r.t. x.\nAs we know secant of x = 1 divided by cosine\nof x. So, differentiation of secant of x w.r.t.\nx = differentiation of 1 divided by cosine\nof x w.r.t. x.\nThe chain rule defines the derivative of composition\nof functions. The derivative of composition\nof function f and g is derivative of \u2018f\u2019\nw.r.t. g into differentiation of g w.r.t.\nx.\nSo, the application of the chain rule gave\nus, the differentiation of secant of x w.r.t.\nx = differentiation of 1 divided by cosine\nof x w.r.t. cosine of x into differentiation\nof cosine of x w.r.t. x\nAs, the derivative of 1 divided by cosine\nof x w.r.t. cosine of x is minus 1 divided\nby square of cosine of x. And the derivative\nof cosine of x is minus sine of x. So, the\ndifferentiation of secant of x w.r.t. x = minus\n1 divided by square of cosine of x into minus\nsine of x.\nIn the numerator (-1) into minus sine of x\n= sine of x. As \u2013 into \u2013 is plus. So,\nwe got, the differentiation of secant of x\nw.r.t. x = sine of x divided by square of\ncosine of x.\nSine of x divided by square of cosine of x\n= sine of x divided by cosine of x into 1\ndivided by cosine of x.\nAs, sine of x divided by cosine of x = tangent\nof x and 1 divided by cosine of x = secant\nof x. So, the differentiation of secant of\nx w.r.t. x = tangent of x into secant of x.\n": 2, "Christopher Carbone: Welcome to my final exam review. These are my short answer questions. My first one, being a company training program determines that on average, a new employee can do P. Of Us. Pieces of work per day after S. Days of on the job training we'll. P. Of S. Is equal to a 9\nChristopher Carbone: plus 59 times s divided by s plus 7\nChristopher Carbone: and a month to limit as as as as approaches to\nChristopher Carbone: of pms.\nChristopher Carbone: So in this case is a\nChristopher Carbone: put on my mind. Okay.\nChristopher Carbone: this is going to be\nChristopher Carbone: and in on\nChristopher Carbone: plus 59 times 2\nChristopher Carbone: 59 excuse me\nChristopher Carbone: 59 times 2,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided\nChristopher Carbone: by 2 plus 7.\nChristopher Carbone: So this is 207, divided by 9\nChristopher Carbone: or 23,\nChristopher Carbone: and the interpretation of that\nChristopher Carbone: would be\nChristopher Carbone: as the employee approaches 2 days of on the job training.\nChristopher Carbone: So, as the employee\nChristopher Carbone: approaches\nChristopher Carbone: 2 days\nChristopher Carbone: of on the job training.\nChristopher Carbone: the new employee\nChristopher Carbone: will be able to complete\nChristopher Carbone: 23 pieces of work.\nChristopher Carbone: but the second one, the cost of manufacturing a particular video tape is c. Of X is equal to 9,000 plus 11. X Will X is the number of tapes produced. The average cost per tape, denoted by C. Bar of X is found by divide and C of X by X.\nChristopher Carbone: We want to take the limit as X approaches a 1,000 of C bar of X,\nChristopher Carbone: so to get that C. Of X first. When you divide c. Of X by X. So\nChristopher Carbone: 9,000,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by X.\nChristopher Carbone: And now, when we take that limit\nChristopher Carbone: as X approaches a 1,000\nChristopher Carbone: of 9,000\nChristopher Carbone: plus 11 X. Divided by X.\nChristopher Carbone: There should just be 9,000\nChristopher Carbone: less, 11 times a 1,000,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by a 1,000,\nChristopher Carbone: and that gives us a value of 20,\nChristopher Carbone: So, as the number of tapes produced.\nChristopher Carbone: the number of types produced\nChristopher Carbone: approaches a 1,000 types.\nChristopher Carbone: the average\nChristopher Carbone: cost per tape\nChristopher Carbone: will be $20 per tape.\nChristopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.\n": 2, "This tutorial is not fake. Everything that you are going to see can be replicated at home.\nWe are going to modify this car alternator to turn it into a Brushless generator.\nFirst we are going to try to disassemble the alternator pulley.\nBut we cannot because the pulley has a special bearing.\nSo we are going to weld a piece of iron between the pulley and the bearing\nIn this way we block the bearing of the pulley\nNow we can disassemble the pulley.\nWe continue to disassemble the rear cover\nAND remove all the screws.\nWe remove the support of the brushes or carbons. \nWe do not need this part\nWe also remove the diode rectifier because we do not need it\nIn order to remove it we have to cut the diodes\nHere we have the three coil connections.\nWe remove the screws from the alternator housing\nWe open the housing\nWe remove the copper winding\nWe also remove the shaft\nWe have to cut all the iron parts of the rotor\nThey look like iron fangs\nWe have already cut the iron parts\nWe put the rotor in the bench drill and smooth \nthe iron surface that we have cut\nWe roll insulating tape to make the surface flat \nto be able to stick the magnets\nHere we have the neodymium magnets. \nThey have a lot of force\nWe start to glue the magnets on one side, right where the pieces of iron that we have cut were\nWe glue them with Instant Adhesive or Cyanoacrylate\nWe do the same right where we have cut each piece of iron\nWe have already glued a row of magnets\nNow we glue another magnet next to the magnets that we have placed\nIt is quite complicated because both magnets repel each other.\nWe fix them with electrical tape until the adhesive dries.\nAnd so all the magnets. They have to be glued in pairs\nWhen the cyanoacrylate dries we can remove the insulating tape\nAll the magnets that we have glued are with the South Pole facing out\nNow we use another easier method to glue the magnets in pairs\nWe glue another six pairs of magnets\nAND then we stick with adhesive on the opposite side, right where the pieces of iron that we have cut were.\nThese magnets have to be glued with the North Pole outwards.\nAll the magnets are already glued. They should look like this\nNow we empty a bottle of Coca Cola\nWe need the plastic container to continue\nWe have to cut two pieces of the plastic bottle\nWe wrap the container with the pieces of plastic\nAnd fix the pieces of plastic with insulating tape\nNow we seal one end with hot silicone\nWe prepare the Epoxy Resin mixture\nWe fill the entire container that we have created with Epoxy Resin\n... And let it dry for 24 hours ...\nNow we can remove the insulating tape and the pieces of plastic\nWe mount the rotor again in the bench drill\nand leave the surface smooth so that the electric generator does not vibrate\nHere we have the finished rotor\nNow we are going to weld three cables in the three connections of the coils\nand in each weld of the cables we place heat shrink insulation\nNow we place the rear bearing of the shaft\nWe mount the copper winding on the rear cover of the casing\nand now we put the rotor shaft in its place\nWe put the front cover in place ...\nAnd we put the screws back to join the casing\nWe fix an electrical connection strip with flanges to the rear cover of the electric generator ...\n... and connect the three cables\nNow we fix this pulley on the Y axis\nWe already have a 5000W Brushless Electric Generator\nWe continue to disassemble the side covers of my exercise bike\nWe are looking for the best place to place the electric generator\nWe have to remove the flywheel to place the transmission belt\nWe put the belt in its place\nAnd we reassemble the flywheel\nNow we are going to manufacture the bracket for the brushless generator\nThe brushless generators are the most efficient electrical generators\nWe start to weld the bracket parts\nNow we mark the position of the holes to fix the bracket to the bicycle\nWe make the holes\nand put the screws to fix the electric generator support\nNow we place the alternator belt joining the flywheel and the pole a of the generator\nWe fix the Brushless generator in its support\nAnd we tighten the belt by ti": 4, "hello students welcome to my channel engineer's\u00a0\nacademy let's solve this problem in this problem\u00a0\u00a0\nwe are given that if f1 equals to 300\u00a0\nnewton and this theta is 10 degrees\u00a0\u00a0\nwe are required to determine the magnitude and\u00a0\ndirection measured counterclockwise from the\u00a0\u00a0\npositive x' axis of the resultant force acting\u00a0\non the bracket right so first we have to find the\u00a0\u00a0\nresultant of resultant of f1 f2 and f3 and then\u00a0\nwe have to find the angle of the resultant with\u00a0\u00a0\nthis x dash axis right and that angle need to be\u00a0\nmeasured in the counter clockwise direction right\u00a0\u00a0\nso i will write that f1 magnitude is given\u00a0\nthis is 300 newton right and this theta is\u00a0\u00a0\n10 degrees right so if let me remove\u00a0\nthis x dash axis is for now right so\nso if this theta is 10 degrees then this\u00a0\nmeans that this f1 force is making 60 plus\u00a0\u00a0\n10 degrees with the y axis right so this means\u00a0\nthat f1 force is making 70 degrees with the\u00a0\u00a0\ny-axis right so we can write that this angle is\n70 degrees right this is 60 plus 10 degrees\u00a0\nright so this is 70 degree angle of f1 with the\u00a0\u00a0\npositive y axis is right so to find the resultant\u00a0\nwe have to find the Rx component of the resultant\u00a0\u00a0\nand the Rx component of the resultant will be\u00a0\nequal to the summation of all the components\u00a0\u00a0\nalong the x direction right so now if we\u00a0\nresolve f1 into its components right so it\u00a0\u00a0\nwill have one component which will be acting in\u00a0\nthis direction right f1 will have one component\u00a0\u00a0\nlike this and it will be the cos component\u00a0\nright and similarly f1 will have one another\u00a0\u00a0\ncomponent which will be acting like this right\u00a0\na parallel to the x axis right so this component\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's say that this is f1 y right and this is\u00a0\nf1 x so f1 x is the sign component if this is\u00a0\u00a0\n70 degrees right so we can write that this is\u00a0\nf1 sine of 70 degrees and f1 magnitude is 300\u00a0\u00a0\nso we can write it f1x is 300 sine of 70 degrees\u00a0\nand similarly f1y i can write that f1y is 300\u00a0\u00a0\ncos of 70 degrees right similarly\u00a0\nif i resolve this f3 force into its\u00a0\u00a0\ncomponents right so we will have one\u00a0\ncomponent in this direction like this\u00a0\u00a0\nright and we will have one another component\u00a0\nwhich will be acting in this direction like this\u00a0\u00a0\nright and if we consider this theta so then\u00a0\nwe have to consider this theta right we are\u00a0\u00a0\ngiven this triangle right so let us say that\u00a0\nwe are considering this angle alpha let's see\u00a0\u00a0\nso then this will be f 3 x and this component\u00a0\nright and it is acting in the negative x direction\u00a0\u00a0\nso f 3 x will be equal to so\u00a0\nthis will be 1 80 cos of alpha\u00a0\u00a0\nright and we can write that this is 180\u00a0\nand cos of alpha from this triangle is\u00a0\u00a0\nah base divided by hypotenuse right\u00a0\nso this will be 12 divided by 13\u00a0\u00a0\nright and similarly this will be f 3 y and\u00a0\nfrom this triangle we can write that f3\u00a0\u00a0\ny is uh this will be the sine component we\u00a0\ncan write this is 180 sine of alpha right so\u00a0\u00a0\nwe can write that this is 180 and sine of alpha\u00a0\nfrom this triangle is perpendicular divided by\u00a0\u00a0\nhypotenuse right so we can write this is 5 divided\u00a0\nby 13 right and now if we look into this f24 so\u00a0\u00a0\nthis f2 force is only acting in the y direction so\u00a0\nthis means that f2 x is 0 right we can write that\u00a0\u00a0\nf the component of f2 along the x axis is\u00a0\n0 since the whole f2 force is acting in the\u00a0\u00a0\npositive y direction and similarly we can\u00a0\nwrite that f2 y will be equal to f2 right\u00a0\u00a0\nsince the whole f2 is acting in the positive y\u00a0\ndirection so this will be equal to 200 newtons\u00a0\u00a0\nright so now if you want to find the rx component\u00a0\nso this is equal to the summation of all the\u00a0\u00a0\ncomponents along x axis right so we can write\u00a0\nthat this will be equal to f 1 x plus f 2 x\u00a0\u00a0\nand plus f 3 x right so f 1 x is 300 sine\u00a0\nof 70 so i will write that this is 300\u00a0\u00a0\nsine of 70 degrees plus f2 x f2 x is\u00a0\n0 right so this is 0 plus f3 x so f3 x\u00a0\u00a0\nis this thing right 180 we can write that this\u00a0\nis 180 and remember that this f3 x is acting in\u00a0\u00a0\nthe negative x direction so we have to write\u00a0\nthe negative sign with it right since we are\u00a0\u00a0\nconsidering that this is our positive direction\u00a0\nright so this is minus 180 into 12 divided by 13\u00a0\u00a0\nright or we can remove th": 3, "Salvation for \nyour demise\nWretched and filthy existence despised\nhumans spread like a plague\nruined this planet now everything's dead\nhatred for all of mankind\nextinction delivered now pay for your crimes\ncities will burn to a crisp\nafter the bloodshed we fade in the mist\nwatch the world dance in flames\napocalypse, that's my name\ngenocide, it's all a game\nwe watched the world dance in flames\nwatched the world dance in flames\nwatch the world in flames\nIN FLAMES\ndamnation after your death\ntorture and fear is all that is left\nwicked and warped in their ways\ndemons love torment they'll cut you for days\neternal is your suffering\na species wiped out is my offering\ncities will burn to a crisp\nafter the bloodshed we fade in the mist\nwatch the world dance in flames\napocalypse, that's my name\ngenocide, its all game\nwe watched the world dance in flames\nwatched the world dance in flames\nwatch the world in flames\nwatch the world dance in flames\napocalypse, that's my name\ngenocide, its all game\nwe watched the world dance in flames\nwatched the world dance in flames\nwatch the world in flames\n": 2, "let me tell you something you already know the\u00a0\nworld ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a\u00a0\u00a0\nvery mean and nasty place and i don't care how\u00a0\ntough you are it will beat you to your knees\u00a0\u00a0\nand keep you there permanently if you let it\u00a0\nyou me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life\u00a0\u00a0\nbut it ain't about how hard you hit\u00a0\nit's about how hard you can get hit\u00a0\u00a0\nand keep moving forward how much you can take and\u00a0\nkeep moving forward that's how winning is done\u00a0\u00a0\npain is temporary it may last for a minute or an\u00a0\nhour or a day or even a year but eventually it\u00a0\u00a0\nwill subside and something else will take its\u00a0\nplace if i quit however it will last forever\nthe margin for error is so small i mean one\u00a0\nhalf a step too late or too early and you\u00a0\u00a0\ndon't quite make it one half second too slow too\u00a0\nfast you don't quite catch it the inches we need\u00a0\u00a0\nare everywhere around us they're in every\u00a0\nbreak of the game every minute every second\nyou got a dream you gotta protect it\npeople can't do something themselves\u00a0\nthey want to tell you you can't do it\nyou want something go get it\ndon't be afraid to fail you can't always\u00a0\nwin but don't be afraid of making decisions\nyou have to believe that something different\u00a0\ncan happen he who says he can and he who says he\u00a0\u00a0\ncan't are both usually right that most of you say\u00a0\nyou want to be successful but you don't want it\u00a0\u00a0\nbad you just kind of want it you don't want it\u00a0\nbetter than you want to party you don't want it\u00a0\u00a0\nas much as you want to be cool you most of you\u00a0\ndon't want success as much as you want to sleep\u00a0\u00a0\nour deepest fear is not that we\u00a0\nare inadequate our deepest fear is\u00a0\u00a0\nthat we are powerful beyond measure it is our\u00a0\nlight not our darkness that most frightens us\ndeep down dig deep down and ask yourselves who do\u00a0\nyou want to be figuring out for yourselves what\u00a0\u00a0\nmakes you happy no matter how crazy it may sound\u00a0\nto the people make a choice like you just decide\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat it's going to be who you're going to\u00a0\nbe how you're going to do it just decide\nwhy not why can't i be the mvp of the league\u00a0\u00a0\nwhy can't i be the best player in the league\u00a0\ni don't see why why why can't i do that\nwhat did you say to the kid it ain't about\u00a0\nhow hard you hit it's about how hard you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan get hit and keep moving forward how\u00a0\nmuch you can take and keep moving forward\nget up and don't ever give up\nwe can stay here get the [ __ ] kicked\u00a0\nout of us or we can fight our way back\u00a0\u00a0\ninto the light we can climb out of hell\none inch at a time to be able at any moment\u00a0\nto sacrifice what you are for what you will\u00a0\u00a0\nbecome most of you won't be successful because\u00a0\nwhen you're studying and you get tired you quit\u00a0\u00a0\ni don't do well than math you're right you ain't\u00a0\nnever studied i'm not good at writing because\u00a0\u00a0\nyou have never written before talent you have\u00a0\nnaturally skill is only developed by hours and\u00a0\u00a0\nhours and hours of beating on your craft if you\u00a0\nare not making someone else's life better then\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're wasting your time don't cry to give up try\u00a0\nto keep going don't cry to quit you're already in\u00a0\u00a0\npain you already hurt get a reward from it now\u00a0\nif you know what you're worth now go out and get\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you're worth but you got to be willing to\u00a0\ntake the hits and not point your fingers saying\u00a0\u00a0\nyou ain't where you want to be because of him or\u00a0\nher or anybody cowards do that and that ain't you\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're better than that because every day is a\u00a0\nnew day every moment is a new home so now you\u00a0\u00a0\ngot to go out and show them that i'm a different\u00a0\ncreature now i'm going to show you how great i am\nthe seventeenth chapter of senfocus is\u00a0\nwritten the kingdom of god is within man\u00a0\u00a0\nnot one man nor a group of men but in all\u00a0\nmen in you you the people have the power\u00a0\u00a0\nthe power to create machines the power to create\u00a0\nhappiness you the people have the power to make\u00a0\u00a0\nthis life free and beautiful to make this life\u00a0\na wonderful adventure now what are you gonna do\nbecause limits like fears\u00a0\nare often just an illusion\n": 4, "of the currenupnik current\nSomething new.\ncurrent situation, said Baham. \nNikali\nOkay, so lot of means, lot of\nOkay, so lot of\nOkay, so lot of me, lot of\nof me. Lot of people curious.\nIf I have your\nIf I have your permission\nIf I have your permission.\nI would like to\nI would like to share this\nI would like to share\nI would like to share the\nI would like to share the screen\n, so can I get\n, so can I get a few thumbs\nso can I get a few thumbs up\nquick, thumbs\nquick, thumbs up\nup.\nExcellent.\nellent! Go ahead. So 3, 30\nellent! Go ahead. So\nellent! Go ahead. So 3 terms up\nellent! Go ahead. So 3 terms up\nout of 1 54 per\nout of 1 54 per\nticipants\nThat's\nThat's said I'm looking for\nThat's said I'm looking for some\nThat's said I'm looking for some\nmore\nmore interaction\nmore interaction.\nOkay.\nThere the thumbs up.\nThere the\nThere the thumbs, up goes, and\njust give me\njust give me 2\nmin\nIs\nIs the screen\nIs the screen visible\nIs the screen visible?\nYes.\nYes.\nFor new\nFor new room. Must you\nFor new room. Must you\nFor new room. Must you\nnew room. Must you know,\nskeleton\nproblems\nproblems, how\nproblems, how many\nlems, do online therapy\nlems, do online therapy class\nclass some local duck, are\nclass some local ducker. They in\nThey neural, muscular\nThey neural,\nThey neural, muscular skeleton,\nThey neural, muscular skeleton,\neleton problems, cases\nproblems, cases.\nNamaskar, I welcome you all to\nNamaskar, I welcome you all to\nNamaskar, I welcome you all to\nthe\nthe Ashtown ticket\nthe Ashtown\nthe Ashtown chicken webinar\nthe\nthe Ashtang chicken webinar. My\ne Ashtown chicken webinar. My\nMy name is\nMy name is\nMy name is\nMy name is Rachnam, and I'll be\nyour host for today\nyour\nyour host, for today's\nyour host, for today's webinar\nyour host, for today's webinar.\nyour host, for today's webinar.\nI'm\nI'm a part of it\nI'm a part of\nI'm a part of an\nI'm a part of an\nI'm a part of an organization\nI'm a part of an organization\ncalled\ncalled a visa\ncalled a Visa\ncalled a Visa.\nHealing and fitness,\nHealing and fitness, private\nand fitness, private limit.\nlimit, in today's\nlimit, in today's webinar, we\nwill\nwill present to\nwill present to you a\nwill present to you a\nwill present to you a unique\nwill present to you a unique \ntherapy\nprocuring\nprocuring\nprocuring muscular skeletal\nprocuring muscular skeletal\nproblems that you are\nproblems that you\nproblems that you or someone in\nyour\nyour family\nyour family may be\nyour family may be suffering\nyour family may be suffering\nyour family may be suffering \nfrom.\nBut I have not yet found\nBut I have not yet found\npermanent\npermanent\npermanent relief,\npermanent relief, despite\npermanent relief, despite\npermanent relief, despite\nspending a good amount of\nspending a good amount of money\non various treatments\non various treatments.\ntments, a strong chickiza can\nchicken can also be used as a\npreventive\npreventive method, so that\npreventive method, so that your\ninternal\ninternal organs are\ninternal organs are\ninternal organs are\ninternal organs are\ninternal organs are functioning\nning at their\nning at their optimum levels\nat their optimum levels.\nlevels, now, I'd like to\nlevels,\nlevels, now I'd like to\nlevels, now I'd like to\nintroduce you all to\nintroduce you all\nintroduce you all to\nswami\nswami,\nswami, raspberry,\nswami, raspberry, and\nswami, raspberry, and\nswami, raspberry.\nSwamirajapuji has been\ntransforming lives of thousands\nof people who have\nof people who have not found\nof people who have not found\nany\nany\nany relief even\nany relief even after yours\nany relief even after\nany relief even after years\nany relief even after years of\nof aliphatic medicine\nof aliphatic\nof aliphatic medicine, not only\nof aliphatic medicine, not only\nin India, but in Europe\nin India, but in\nin India, but in Europe and\nin India, but in Europe\nin India, but in Europe.\nAnd the Us. As well. Yes, David\nAnd the Us. As well. Yes,\nAnd the Us. As well. Yes, taken\npeople\npeople out of\npeople out of\npeople out of chronic\npeople out of chronic diseases\nlike\nlike thyroid\nlike\nlike thyroid heart type\nlike thyroid heart\nlike thyroid heart\nlike thyroid hear": 1, "hi everybody I'm nofal welcome to my Channel\u00a0\ntoday we are going to discuss regarding ethical\u00a0\u00a0\nprinciples or principles of Ethics in research\u00a0\nokay principles of Ethics in research so what\u00a0\u00a0\nis research ethics or what is ethics in research\u00a0\nresearch ethics means in every profession there\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be a code of conduct there will be a code\u00a0\nof conduct that is what are the things you can\u00a0\u00a0\ndo and what are the things you can't do okay\u00a0\nwhat are things you can do and what are things\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can't do that is Code of Conduct in\u00a0\nresearch also there is a code of conduct\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is called research ethics the code of\u00a0\nconducting research is the research ethics\u00a0\u00a0\nokay what the researcher can do that is what is\u00a0\nthe right for the researcher and what is wrong for\u00a0\u00a0\nthe researcher what the researcher can't do that\u00a0\nis research ethics what the researcher can do and\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat the researcher can't do that is research\u00a0\nethics we can see the principles of Ethics\u00a0\u00a0\nmainly you can see three principles first one is\u00a0\nprinciple of beneficence second one is principle\u00a0\u00a0\nof respect of human dignity and principle of\u00a0\nJustice three principles are there first one is\u00a0\u00a0\nprinciple of beneficence principle of beneficence\u00a0\naccording to this principle the participant that\u00a0\u00a0\nis the person who is participating in your\u00a0\nresearch your subject okay the person who\u00a0\u00a0\nis participating in your research should get\u00a0\nthe maximum benefit and minimum or less harm\u00a0\u00a0\nokay those who are participating in the research\u00a0\nthey should get maximum benefit and they should\u00a0\u00a0\nget only minimum or less or no harm or no side\u00a0\neffect the benefit should be maximum and the\u00a0\u00a0\nharm or the side effect should be very less that\u00a0\nis the first principle principle of beneficence\u00a0\u00a0\nthe things coming under this principle is first\u00a0\none is non-mile efficients non-mile efficients\u00a0\u00a0\nthat means doing no harm doing no harm okay so for\u00a0\nthis the researcher should take all the action to\u00a0\u00a0\nprevent the harm okay the researcher should take\u00a0\nall the action to prevent or to minimize the harm\u00a0\u00a0\nor the side effect okay the researcher should take\u00a0\nall the precautions the researcher should take all\u00a0\u00a0\nthe precautions to prevent or to minimize the harm\u00a0\naccording to your study the harm may be different\u00a0\u00a0\nsometimes it may be physical harm for example\u00a0\nany injury to the participants sometimes it may\u00a0\u00a0\nbe psychological harm that is stress or anxiety to\u00a0\nthe participants sometimes it may be social harm\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is there is no social contact that is they\u00a0\nare participating in your study they don't have\u00a0\u00a0\nany contact with the family or they don't have any\u00a0\ncontact with the friends as well as Financial harm\u00a0\u00a0\nthey are participating in your study they can't\u00a0\ngo for the job so it will affect their salary\u00a0\u00a0\nthey will not be there will not be any wages or\u00a0\nsalary to them so you have to minimize such harms\u00a0\u00a0\nphysical harm psychological harm Financial harm\u00a0\nas well as the social harm you have to try to\u00a0\u00a0\nminimize or you have to reduce okay so non-male\u00a0\nefficience means doing no harm okay no harm\u00a0\u00a0\nshould be there and the benefit should be maximum\u00a0\nnext one coming under the principle of beneficial\u00a0\u00a0\nis the right to protection from exploitation\u00a0\nokay the right to protection from exploitation\u00a0\u00a0\nexploitation means misusing or utilizing okay you\u00a0\nshould protect the participants from misusing you\u00a0\u00a0\nhave to protect them from exploitation or don't\u00a0\nutilize your participants the information shared\u00a0\u00a0\nby them the data you have collected okay the\u00a0\ninformation shared by them it should be used\u00a0\u00a0\nonly for the research purpose it should not be\u00a0\nused for any other purpose the information shared\u00a0\u00a0\nby the participants should be used only for the\u00a0\nresearch only for your research it should not\u00a0\u00a0\nbe used for any other purpose so exploitation\u00a0\nshould be protected misusing of the participant\u00a0\u00a0\nshould be protected misusing may be in the form\u00a0\nof sexual misusing or the financial misusing or\u00a0\u00a0\nthe emotional misusing all the misusing or the\u00a0\nutilization of the participant should be avoided\u00a0\u00a0\nshould be protected all the exploitation should\u00a0\nbe protected you to protec": 4, "Abracadavre\nI can fly like a bird not in the sky\nWhich can always swim and always dry\nI say goodbye at night and morning hi\nI'm part of you\nWhat am I\nI follow and lead as you pass\nDress yourself in black my darkness lasts\nI flee the light but without the sun\nYour view of me\nWould be gone\nI\nCan see the damage that\nI\nAm causing you is so benign\nYou want me to be gone\nBut I have just be-\nGUN\nI AM THE ONLY ONE\nUNDONE\nI'M A BROKEN MIRACLE NOW\n(In your head)\nI don't feel\nLike I am real\nBut I know\nIt's all imaginary\nAre they real\nAnd do they feel\nIs all the pain\nJust inside my head\nI am what men love more than life\nFear more than death or mortal strife\nWhat dead men have and rich require\nI'm what contented men desire\nYou\nWant be to be gone\nBut I have just be-\nGUN\nYOU WILL NEVER KNOW HOW FAR I'VE COME\nWHAT GOES UP MUST NEVER COME BACK DOWN\n(In your head)\nI don't feel\nLike I am real\nBut I know\nIt's all imaginary\nAre they real\nAnd do they feel\nIs all the pain\nJust inside my head\nIt's all inside my head\nIt's just inside my\nIt's all inside my\nThey'll all inside my\nI see them always but they're all inside my head\nAll inside my head\nThey're all inside my head\nIt's killing me\nTo see I'm killing you\nDeath is magic\nSay Abracadavre now\nYou see me now you\nDon't cry when I am gone\nThese shackles they come\nWith certain opportunities\nThey won't let me get away\nBut they show me we're the same\nWe're the same\nWe're the same\nThey show me that we are the same\nI can't give in\nI won't give in\nIt's not a state of mind\nI'm wretched but I'm powerful and\nI don't feel\nLike I am real\nBut I know\nIt's all imaginary\nAre they real\nAnd do they feel\nIs all the pain\nJust inside my head\nIt's all inside my head\nIt's just inside my\nit's all inside my\nThey're all inside my\nI see them always but they're all inside my head\nAll inside my head\nThey're all inside my head\n": 2, "hello little angles. I am so happy to see you\nin the last lesson we 've learned\nto do addition using the number line. Do\nyou know that we can also use the number line\nTo do subtraction I will show you how\nto do it right in this lesson\nAre you ready? let's begin\nhow to do subtraction using the number line\nfor example how to find 6-3 using the number line\nlet me show you. To find six minus three we start from number six\nthen jump three\nnumbers to the left then see the number\nwhere we stop to find the difference.\nHere we stop at number three\ntherefore six minus three equals three.\nIt 's easy right\nNow, Let 's take another example. Let 's find 8-5\nusing the number line\nwe start from number eight then jump five numbers to the left\nthen see the number where we\nstop to find the difference. Here we\nstop at number three\ntherefore eight minus five equals three\nit's simple isn't it.\nnow let's have some practice\nTask 1: find the difference using the number line\n3 minus 1, 7 minus 4, 8 minus\n3, 10 minus 6\nto do this task download the worksheet\nbelow and print a copy then try to do it\non your own. Pause this video while you\nare doing it when you finish replay the video\nand check the answers with me\nnow let's find the answers together\nfirst, to find 3 - 1. We start from\nnumber three then Jump one number to\nthe left. Then see the number where we\nstop to find the difference\nHere we stop at number two.\nTherefore three minus one equals two\nNext, to find seven minus four. We start\nfrom number seven then jump four\nnumbers to the left. Then see the number\nwhere we stop to find the difference\nHere we stop at number three.\nTherefore 7 minus 4 equals 3\nnext, to find eight minus three. We start from number eight then jump three numbers to\nthe left. Then see the number where we\nstop to find the difference.\nHere we stop at number five.\nTherefore eight minus three equals five\nthe last one, to find ten minus six. We\nstart from number ten. Then jump six\nnumbers to the left. Then see the number\nwhere we stop to find the difference.\nHere we stop at number four. Therefore\nten minus six equals four.\nI hope you enjoy the lesson. Bye for now and see you soon!\n": 4, "hi welcome to the statics tutorials we have a\u00a0\nregion that's defined by this curve y is equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto x squared divided by 4 now we're going to look\u00a0\nat this shaded area here from y is equal to 0 to\u00a0\u00a0\n16 also X is going to go from 0 to 8 we want\u00a0\nto find the centroid of this shaded region and\u00a0\u00a0\nso we'll draw a differential element in here you\u00a0\ncould use a vertical differential element or you\u00a0\u00a0\ncould use a horizontal this one I have shown\u00a0\na horizontal differential element we need to\u00a0\u00a0\nfigure out a couple things with this one one is\u00a0\nto calculate the differential area so this one\u00a0\u00a0\nis a rectangle so the differential area is going\u00a0\nto be the base times the height so our da is going\u00a0\u00a0\nto be x times dy and then we also need to find the\u00a0\ncentroid of this differential area element so we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave X 2 dy Tildy that's our centroid of this one\u00a0\nand in this case you can see that the centroid is\u00a0\u00a0\nright in the middle and so this is going to be an\u00a0\nX location of x over 2 and a wide location of just\u00a0\u00a0\nwhy think of your X and your Y being defined by\u00a0\nthe curve and so when you're here you're halfway\u00a0\u00a0\nto the X that you have if you were on the curve\u00a0\nbut you're you're at the same y-value that you\u00a0\u00a0\nhave on the curve so let's look at our X intrude\u00a0\nfirst so we're going to look at the integral over\u00a0\u00a0\nthe area of X tilde times da divided by the entire\u00a0\narea so just the integral of DA I substituting in\u00a0\u00a0\nfor X tilde we have x over 2 and then for da we\u00a0\nhave x times dy and same thing over here for da x\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes dy down here at this point we have a single\u00a0\nintegral but it's mixed with X's and Y's in there\u00a0\u00a0\nso we want to eliminate either X or Y so that we\u00a0\ncan do the integral I'm going to go ahead and just\u00a0\u00a0\neliminate X so I pulled the one half of here\u00a0\nI've combined the two x's to give us x squared\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes dy down here we just still have x times dy\u00a0\nlooking back at our functionality we can rewrite\u00a0\u00a0\nthis as x squared is equal to 4y and so make that\u00a0\nsubstitution here and then we can take a square\u00a0\u00a0\nroot and say that X is equal to the square root\u00a0\nof 4 which is just 2 times the square root of Y\u00a0\u00a0\nso down here we have 2 times the square root of\u00a0\nY dy so we've completely eliminated the x's our\u00a0\u00a0\nonly variable in the integration is y so let's run\u00a0\nour limits we're going to start at 0 and go up to\u00a0\u00a0\n16 so here our limits of integration from 0 up to\u00a0\n16 just pull in the constants out in front of the\u00a0\u00a0\nintegrals and the integral of Y dy is going to\u00a0\nbe Y squared divided by 2 integral of Y to the\u00a0\u00a0\none-half that's going to be Y to the 3 halves as\u00a0\nwe're adding 1 to the power but then invert what\u00a0\u00a0\nyou have here and put it in front so it would\u00a0\nbe a two-thirds factor in front of them and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we'll run the limits of integration between\u00a0\n0 and 16 on both of these so when we plug that in\u00a0\u00a0\nit's going to be 16 squared divided by 2 minus 0\u00a0\nsquared divided by 2 on the top times the 2 that\u00a0\u00a0\nsign out in front and then on the bottom we have\u00a0\nthe 2 that set out in front the 2/3 and then the\u00a0\u00a0\n16 to the 3 halves power minus 0 to the 3 halves\u00a0\npower you could certainly simplify this a little\u00a0\u00a0\nbit I'm just trying to show you all the steps\u00a0\nand show you cannot eliminate anything so you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan clearly see where everything's coming from\u00a0\nover here this gives us 128 for this portion of\u00a0\u00a0\nparentheses and 42 point 67 for this portion and\u00a0\nthe parentheses and that gives us an xn troy'd of\u00a0\u00a0\n3 millimeters over here for our Y centroid it's\u00a0\nthe same equation just with the integral of y\u00a0\u00a0\nle da so again now when we substitute this in we\u00a0\nhave just Y times the differential area x times\u00a0\u00a0\ndy we still need to get rid of either X or Y so\u00a0\nif just to get rid of X and so in here again we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave X is equal to two times the square root of\u00a0\nY it's multiplied by another Y so it's going to\u00a0\u00a0\ngive us Y to the three halves there's the two that\u00a0\ncame out of there and then we can integrate the\u00a0\u00a0\nthis top side the bottom we've already gotten an\u00a0\nAmerica value for the integration so we can just\u00a0\u00a0\ngo ahead and plug in that numerical value here\u00a0\nthat we already have for the top side when we\u00a0\u00a0\n": 4, "Christopher Carbone: Welcome to the fourth part,\nChristopher Carbone: the last part of section two point two, the derivative as a function.\nChristopher Carbone: We just saw that third derivative we could go even higher than that.\nChristopher Carbone: What's the derivative is the F with four primes.\nChristopher Carbone: But since running that out tends to be a bit, and the more confusing side. We tend to use this notation here F with a four kind of as an exponent in parentheses\nChristopher Carbone: so in general, the n-th derivative of f is denoted by F. To kind of this power with n inside parentheses\nChristopher Carbone: from differentiating end times.\nChristopher Carbone: So This means the n-th derivative of Y is equal to\nChristopher Carbone: the F. The n-th derivative of F. Of X, which is A. Good G. To the Ny. Divided by Dx to the N.\nChristopher Carbone: And there\nChristopher Carbone: the last example we are going to do here is to use this graph to estimate the value of each. Derivative\nChristopher Carbone: As you could see, we have a whole bunch of ones, the easiest ones to do, actually be.\nChristopher Carbone: And F.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: what A. B.\nChristopher Carbone: What about\nChristopher Carbone: That's because both of those are the vertex of those appropriate curves right because of that. Both of these are going to have a slope of zero\nChristopher Carbone: for the derivative of the T. For the slope of the tangent on. So both of these are zeros,\nChristopher Carbone: to begin with,\nChristopher Carbone: but to find then\nChristopher Carbone: there's other ones.\nChristopher Carbone: We're going to need a few points on here, so\nChristopher Carbone: let me\nChristopher Carbone: draw a few of these out\nChristopher Carbone: just so that way. We are able to\nChristopher Carbone: these different points for us to use for this,\nChristopher Carbone: and also be helpful for us to um.\nChristopher Carbone: No what I know that we're talking about.\nChristopher Carbone: So i'm going to call a this first point over here. We have.\nChristopher Carbone: Be down here,\nChristopher Carbone: see\nChristopher Carbone: D,\nChristopher Carbone: and we could do\nChristopher Carbone: It's here.\nChristopher Carbone: Gee!\nChristopher Carbone: And it\nChristopher Carbone: so the slope of\nChristopher Carbone: um A to B\nChristopher Carbone: the slope of A to B. If you find that calculation we get ourselves a value of\nChristopher Carbone: um. Excuse me, and they give you the point.\nChristopher Carbone: These different points. These points are the following: A is the point negative, three point eight about the\nChristopher Carbone: time a zero\nChristopher Carbone: be\nChristopher Carbone: negative, three comma negative, one point, two,\nChristopher Carbone: c. Is negative, two comma negative, one point, seven\nChristopher Carbone: d is negative, one comma negative, one point, four\nChristopher Carbone: a\nChristopher Carbone: would be the point. Zero comma negative zero point five\nChristopher Carbone: F is the point.\nChristopher Carbone: One comma, one point, six\nChristopher Carbone: G.\nChristopher Carbone: It's two\nChristopher Carbone: comma, three point three,\nChristopher Carbone: then H. There's three comma, two point six.\nChristopher Carbone: So to get for A here\nChristopher Carbone: we are going to do that slope of A. B based on these two points. Doing that gives us a value of negative one point five.\nChristopher Carbone: So between A and B,\nChristopher Carbone: we have ourselves a slope of negative one point five. We need to approach the\nChristopher Carbone: so that slope is going to be decreasing, though\nChristopher Carbone: excuse me, the slope that is going to be increased in their orbit, since, even though going down towards B. Um, it's not the slope isn't going to be as high as it approaches where that Vertex. There is so a good estimate for this, since we're going towards B\nChristopher Carbone: Slope is going to be increasing here, but to be about negative one as an estimate\nChristopher Carbone: we already have the value for F ": 4, "Physical and Chemical Changes.\nPhysical and Chemical Changes.\nCold region, desert and forest.\nIn a physical change appearance or form changes, but substance remains same.\nCold region, desert and forest.\nIn a physical change appearance or form changes, but substance remains same.\nIce on melting converts to water.\nWater on evaporation converts to water vapor.\nIce, water and water vapor.\nAll the products formed are still forms of water.\nHence, this is a physical change.\nIce on melting converts to water.\nWater on evaporation converts to water vapor.\nIce, water and water vapor.\nAll the products formed are still forms of water.\nHence, this is a physical change.\nPlate.\nThese broken pieces are all still parts of a plate.\nHence, this is a physical change.\nWhen wood burns, chemical reaction takes place.\nNew substance gets formed.\nPlate.\nThese broken pieces are all still parts of a plate.\nHence, this is a physical change.\nWhen wood burns, chemical reaction takes place.\nNew substance gets formed.\nThis is a chemical change.\nHere, the substance changes.\nLook at this car.\nOver time, chemical reactions have taken place resulting in rusting.\nThis is a chemical change.\nThis is a chemical change.\nHere, the substance changes.\nLook at this car.\nOver time, chemical reactions have taken place resulting in rusting.\nThis is a chemical change.\nWhen we light a matchstick, combustion reaction takes place.\nThis is a chemical change.\nWhen we light a matchstick, combustion reaction takes place.\nThis is a chemical change.\n": 1, "okay. Good evening, good \nmorning, or good afternoon \neveryone, wherever and whenever \nthis may find you. My name is \nAyto Chubuktu. I'm an associate \nprofessor in the Department of \nSociology and co-director of \nLSC Human Rights at the London \nSchool of Economics and \nPolitical Science. It's a \npleasure to welcome you to our \nannual Human Rights Day \nElectorate LEC and a great \npleasure to introduce our \nspeaker today, Doctor Noura \nErakat. Um Before we proceed, \nfirst allow me to extend warm \nthanks to colleagues at LSE \nHuman Rights and the Department \nof Sociology. In particular, \nSara Salem, Mai Taha, Mahush \nAhmad, and Fran Tonkins for \ntheir commitment in making this \nevent possible. We are honoured \nand thrilled indeed to host \nDoctor Noura Erakat for our \nHuman Rights Day lecture today \nwhich was delivered by \nprofessor Selah Ben Habib of \nYale University last year which \nsome of you will remember. Now \nDoctor Erakat's work as a \nscholar, editor, and public \nintellectual will require no \nintroduction for many of you. \nNevertheless, let me say a few \nwords to introduce her. For \nthose who are who are going to \nwitness her brilliance for the \nfirst time today. \nTo Etiquette is a human rights.\nattorney\nattorney associate\nattorney associate\nattorney, associate professor in\nassociate professor in Africana \nStudies.\nStudies.\nand the\nand the program in criminal\nand the program in criminal\njustice at Rutgers university.\nty, as well as a number\nas well as a non resident \nfellow.\now at the religious\now at the religious literally\nlit\now at the religious literacy\nliteracy project at harvard \ndivinity\nliteracy project at harvard \ndivinity School.\nDr. Erica is the\nDr. Erica is the author of.\nf justice for some\nf justice for some low and the\nf justice for some low, and the\nquestion of palestine, which\nwas published in 2000\nwas published in 2019.\n9 By Stanford university Press\n9 By Stanford university Press,\nwhich received.\nand the bronze medal for\nand the bronze medal for the\nindependent publishers book \nAward\nindependent publishers book\nAward in current affairs and.\nd foreign affairs intern\nd foreign affairs in current\nevents and foreign affairs.\nthe US House of\nthe US House of representatives.\ns, as Legal advocate\ns, as Legal advocate for the \nbudget\nas Legal advocate for the \nbudget and resource Center.\nr for Palestine policy\nr for Palestine palestinian \nrefugee\nr for Palestine palestinian\nrefugee and residency rice.\ne. And as national or\ne. And as national organizer of\ne. And as national organizer of\nthe US campaign to end.\nthe Israeli.\nDr. Erica is.\nis co founding editor of\nco founding editor of Medallia.\nd then\nd an editorial board\nd an editorial board member of \nthe\nd an editorial board member of\nthe journal or palestine\nstudies.\nshow she\nShe has also produced\nShe has also produced a number\nof documentaries.\nincluding.\nthis year as a\nthis year as a public \nintellectual\nyear as a public intellectual, \nshe.\ne has also appeared on\ne has also appeared on the media\nextensively in. Enjoy\nextensively, including on\nextensively, including on CBS \nNews.\n, CNN, Fox News\n, CNN, Fox News and NPR among\n, CNN, Fox News and NPR, among\nmany other media outlet.\ntight\nThe title of Dr. Erica humans\nThe title of Dr. Erica human\nhuman rights Day lecture this \nyear.\nar is this meant\nar is this meant\nar is dismantling the upper\nis dismantling the appetite of \nour time.\ne. The palestinian live\ne. The palestinian liberation\nMovement, as an anti racist\nMovement, as an anti racist \nstruggle.\nnow.\nNow, I would like to know that\nNow, I would like to know that\nthis event is being audio\nthis event is being audio\nRecorded and broadcasts\nRecorded and broadcasted live \nover source.\nocial media bar\nocial media, barring technical\ndifficulties, we will soon\ndifficulties, we will soon make\nthe recording available as\nthe recording available as \nvideo and\nthe recording available as video\nand Podcast.\nand Podcast.\nt for Twitter users in the\nt for Twitter users in the\naudience.\nThe hashtag for today's event\nThe hashtag for today's event is\nwhatever you would lik": 4, "Berdly -\u00a0\u00a0Deltarune Chapter 2\nANOTHER HIM - Deltarune Chapter 1\nChill - Undertale\nNyeh Heh Heh! - Undertale\nThundersnail - Undertale\nmus_zzz_c.mp3 - Undertale\nSpamton - Deltarune Chapter 2\nQueen - Deltarune Chapter 2\nOoo - Undertale\nSigh of Dog - Undertale\nDarkness Falls - Deltarune Chapter 1\nThe Chase - Deltarune Chapter 1\nDance of Dog - Undertale\nWeird Birds - Deltarune Chapter 1\nBurn in Despair! - Undertale\nDogcheck - Deltarune Chapter 1\nSong That Might Play When You Fight Sans - Undertale\nMERRY CD - Omori\nd.ogg - Deltarune Chapter 2\nEmpty House - Undertale\nRun! - Undertale\nHere We Are - Undertale\nBird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap - Undertale\nCard Castle - Deltarune Chapter 1\nImminent Death - Deltarune Chapter 1\nLancer - Deltarune Chapter 1\nFanfare (From Rose of Winter) - Deltarune Chapter 1\nDating Fight! - Undertale\nYour Best Nightmare - Undertale\nStronger Monsters - Undertale\nBasement - Deltarune Chapter 1\nOh! One True Love - Undertale\nThrash Machine - Deltarune Chapter 1\nAmalgam - Undertale\nDetermination - Undertale\nsans.\nFlashback (Excerpt) - Deltarune Chapter 2\nPremonition - Undertale\nAnticipation - Undertale\nAlphys - Undertale\nSmall Shock - Undertale\nNoisemaster's Theme - Cucumber Quest\nGood Night - Undertale\nDanger Mystery - Undertale\nHotel - Undertale\nChecker Dance - Deltarune Chapter 1\nApril 2012 - Deltarune Chapter 1\n": 0, "the dialect variant: The dialect variant of the word differs from the standard form.\nAuthentic: It is important to speak authentically in order to master the language.\npictorial: The author describes the scene pictorially.\nstingy: He is known to be very stingy.\nthe miser: The miser only buys used clothes.\ngarrulous: She is garrulous and talks a lot.\nthe context: the context is crucial to understand the meaning.\nthe expression: His facial expression betrayed his feelings.\nthe possibility of expression: The new technology expands the artist's possibilities of expression.\nexpress: She expressed herself clearly and precisely.\nthe wavelength : The wavelength of light determines its color.\nbe on the same wavelength: We are on the same wavelength and get along well.\nGetting on the same wavelength: She had to work hard to get on the same wavelength as him.\ncreate: I think I can do it.\ncreate a pleasant atmosphere for conversation: He managed to create a pleasant atmosphere for conversation.\nthe hurdle: we have to tackle this hurdle together.\nclear a hurdle: She had to clear some hurdles to get the job.\npenetrate to: In order to really penetrate a language, you have to practice a lot.\nthe impression: The impression I had of him was wrong.\nhave the impression that \u2026: I had the impression that he was concerned.\nthe position: He has an important position in the company.\nthe coaching: The coaching helped him to improve his skills.\nLinguistics Linguistics is the science of language.\nlinguistic: The text contains many linguistic terms.\nthe foreign word: The foreign word is not understood by everyone.\nthe loan word: The loan word has lost its original meaning.\nthe imprint: the imprint affects the way we think.\nthe embossing: the embossing has changed the language.\nShape: Our experiences shape us.\nbe in contact with: In order to learn a foreign language, it is helpful to be in contact with native speakers.\nDiverse: The culture is diverse and interesting.\nthe source language: The source language is German.\nthe target language: The translation is to be transferred into the target language.\nthe meaning: The meaning of words can change over time.\nthe difference in meaning: The difference in meaning between house and casa is obvious.\nthe root: The word computer has its root in English.\nthe influence: The influence of French on the English language is clear.\nMapping Influences: It is important to map the influences on the development of a language.\nthe structure: The structure of the sentence is adapted to the target language.\nadapt to : We have to adapt to the rules of the target language.\ntransferred: The text is transferred to German.\nthe translation: The translation of the text into German has been completed.\nget into: We have to get into the depths of the language.\ngo hand in hand with: A loss of language maintenance often goes hand in hand with a decline in the language.\nprevail: Anglicisms prevail more and more in the German language.\nthe lingua franca: English is the lingua franca in many countries.\nder Anglicism: Download is a commonly used Anglicism.\nthe maintenance: the maintenance of the mother tongue is important for the identity of a culture.\nLanguage maintenance: We have to take care of language maintenance.\nLinguistic care: We should act in a language-care manner.\nder Sprachpfleger: The Sprachpfleger checks and corrects linguistic errors in texts.\nthe association: The association of linguists is committed to the maintenance of the language.\nthe aspiration: Our aspiration is to further develop the language.\nstrive: We should strive to improve the language.\nset a goal: We have set ourselves the goal of preserving the language.\nexplore: We need to explore the language more closely.\neindeutschen: We should try to make foreign language words German.\nthe decline: The decline of a language can be regrettable.\nthe jury: A jury often evaluates language skills in competitions.\nchoose: He selected the best candidate through freestyle.\nthe reform: The reform of the education system was very successful.\nThe Achievement: The Internet is a gr": 4, "Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed.\nPoor mountaineer barely kept his family fed.\nAnd then one day he was shot.\nHad some food and up through the ground come a bubbling crew.\nOil that is.\nBlack gold.\nTexas tea.\nWell the first thing you know Jed's a millionaire.\nKid and folks said, Jed move away from there.\nSaid California is the place you ought to be.\nSo they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly.\nHills that is.\nSwimming pools.\nMovie stars.\nThe Beverly Hillbillies.\nMusic.\nMusic.\nYou see dude, it's easy.\nI just throw this stick out yonder.\nYou pick it up and fetch it back.\nOkay, we'll do it again.\nGo on boy, get it.\nFetch it you.\nFetch it, fetch it.\nAlright I'll show you.\nJust once more now.\nYou watch.\nCatch on dude.\nCatch on boy.\nDo it once more.\nFetch it you.\nGet it.\nCome on.\nGet it.\nShucks.\nYou know something Uncle Jed?\nThat there is a real dumb dog.\nWell I don't think he's so dumb, yet though.\nHe just learned you how to fetch sticks for him.\nBut the dog is the one that's supposed to do the fetching.\nWhy does the fella down the street that has the dog\nthat fetches sticks for him all day?\nWell next time you want some sticks fetched,\ngo down the street and let that dog fetch them.\nYou just don't care nothing about it.\nJed, do you want some fiddles today?\nI do Granny.\nI've worked up a right smart appetite\nfetching sticks for old Duke.\nSee Jed, that's the trouble around here.\nThe critters are taking over.\nDilly Mae has done made pests out of everything\nbut my pickled turds.\nWhat's we gonna do for fiddles?\nHey, I remember something Mr. Drysdale told us\nwhen we first moved in here.\nWhat's that?\nHe said anytime Granny didn't feel like cooking,\nthere were some folks that had fetched food over to us.\nHere in Beverly Hills?\nYes ma'am.\nAll you gotta do is call them on the telephone\nand tell them what you want.\nWell now that's mighty neighborly.\nYour call her name Jethro?\nLet's see, uh, Kater.\nCall her first name?\nIt's a woman.\nBeverly.\nBeverly Katerer?\nMust be a widow woman.\nShe's the best cook Jed.\nThey have more time.\nWell let's call up the widow\nand see what she's got cooking today.\nNow just a minute Jed,\nI want it made clear that I'm gonna do something\nfor her in return.\nOh naturally we don't take charity.\nCome on Duke, let's try it again.\nOh hi there Miss Operator.\nThis here is Jed Clampett.\nI'm wanting to call her Witticator.\nBeverly is a Christian name\nand I don't rightly know what her late husband was called.\nAnyway, she's the one that cooks the food\nand takes it around to folks.\nYes ma'am, that's it.\nBeverly Katerer.\nOh, caterers is it?\nMore than one.\nLooks like the widow's got some young'uns to help her.\nThat's good Jed.\nMost times they leave home.\nJust when you...\nUh...\nWell thank you ma'am.\nWhat was that you were saying Granny?\nI was saying that most times the young'uns leave home.\nJust about the time that you're...\nWell, howdy to you Miss Beverly Katerer.\nThis here is Jed Clampett.\nSounds like a right friendly woman.\nHowdy Beverly, this here is Granny.\nI'm a widow myself.\nAnd I was just saying to Jed\nit's nice when the young'uns stay home to help you.\nSo many times they leave.\nJust when you need them most.\nI'll let you women folks talk about the riddles\nbut first I just want to say\nif you ever need a fence mended\nor a well dug or any heavy work at all\nyou just call on Jeff through on me.\nNow here's Granny.\nBeverly, what you got on the back of the stove this morning?\nI don't want to put you to no extra trouble.\nHuh?\nWell me, I'm partial to baked possum\nbut we'll take dowels or fatback or sowbelly\nany kind of meat or pleasure is considerable.\nBunch of nuts.\nWell you can send them along.\nI'll tell you right now the critters will get the bulk of them.\nNow tell me something we can do for you honey.\nDo what?\nHello?\nI declare Jed\nI never knowed anybody could turn nasty quicker than her.\nWhat do I set her off?\nHard to tell Jed.\nA generous woman like her probably gets took advantage of a lot\nand tired to boot I reckon.\nUncle Jed, I can't learn this dumb old dog to fetch his stick.\nWell Duke ain't about to": 2, "Nickson110: hello tlier\n\nGetlucky12341: what if nobody shows up\n\nGetlucky12341: what if nobody shows up\nNickson110: too late for that huh\n\nNickson110: too late for that huh\n\nNickson110: too late for that huh\nLittleGreentrooper: hey Tyler\n\nLittleGreentrooper: hey Tyler\n\nspoofaman_2: damm instead of getting an audible ad I go something else\n\nspoofaman_2: damm instead of getting an audible ad I go something else\nDukeDeserix: Yo\n\nspoofaman_2: damm instead of getting an audible ad I go something else\nDukeDeserix: Yo\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\n\nDukeDeserix: Yo\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\n\nDukeDeserix: Yo\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\n\nDukeDeserix: Yo\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\nspoofaman_2: Hi\n\nDukeDeserix: Yo\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\nspoofaman_2: Hi\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\n\nDukeDeserix: Yo\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\nspoofaman_2: Hi\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\nn3r_d: we tookin\n\nTheOwlOfLife: hi tyler\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\nspoofaman_2: Hi\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\nn3r_d: we tookin\n\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\nspoofaman_2: Hi\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\nn3r_d: we tookin\n\nn3r_d: yo yo yo\nspoofaman_2: Hi\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\nn3r_d: we tookin\nDukeDeserix: My favorite streamer to watch while mowing the lawn\n\nspoofaman_2: Hi\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\nn3r_d: we tookin\nDukeDeserix: My favorite streamer to watch while mowing the lawn\n\nLittleGreentrooper: holy shit it's him, tyler mcvicker\nn3r_d: we tookin\nDukeDeserix: My favorite streamer to watch while mowing the lawn\n\nn3r_d: we tookin\nDukeDeserix: My favorite streamer to watch while mowing the lawn\n\nDukeDeserix: My favorite streamer to watch while mowing the lawn\n\nDukeDeserix: My favorite streamer to watch while mowing the lawn\nglucoseandrodo: i got past doom cultist base on ultra nightmare for the second time, hopefully I can get past super gore nest next\n\nglucoseandrodo: i got past doom cultist base on ultra nightmare for the second time, hopefully I can get past super gore nest next\n\nSubatomicfish: Hey Tyler, I was wondering if you thought Knuckles controllers are worth an upgrade from original vive wands?\n\nSubatomicfish: Hey Tyler, I was wondering if you thought Knuckles controllers are worth an upgrade from original vive wands?\nNickson110: Nickson110 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! keep on swagging on tyler-man\n\nNickson110: Nickson110 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! keep on swagging on tyler-man\n\nNickson110: Nickson110 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! keep on swagging on tyler-man\nglucoseandrodo: @Subatomicfish They absolutely are\n\nNickson110: Nickson110 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! keep on swagging on tyler-man\nglucoseandrodo: @Subatomicfish They absolutely are\nglucoseandrodo: If you have the budget\n\nglucoseandrodo: @Subatomicfish They absolutely are\nglucoseandrodo: If you have the budget\n\nglucoseandrodo: If you have the budget\n\nglucoseandrodo: If you have the budget\nglucoseandrodo: they are much more comfortable\n\nglucoseandrodo: they are much more comfortable\n\nglucoseandrodo: they are much more comfortable\nspoofaman_2: also the knuckles give you analog sticks\n\nspoofaman_2: also the knuckles give you analog sticks\n\nglucoseandrodo: yeah\n\nglucoseandrodo: yeah\nglucoseandrodo: they use to also have drift issues but i think they fixed those in the more recent batches\n\nglucoseandrodo: they use to also have drift issues but i think they fixed those in the more recent batches\n\nspoofaman_2: Hey Tyler hope you are doing well! Wondering if you think summer game fest will have anything interesting to show?\n\nspoofaman_2: Hey Tyler hope you are doing well! Wondering if you think summer game fest will have anything interesting to show?\nSubatomicfish: Yeah, I\u2019m mostly hesitating because I honestly get by fine with my original Vive and I kind of have the money, but I also really need to save\n\nSubatomicf": 1, "Begin with the side intended as the toe section up\nFold edge to edge; unfold\nFold edge to crease; unfold.\nBegin with the side intended as the toe section up\nFold edge to edge; unfold\nFold edge to crease; unfold.\nBegin with the side intended as the toe section up\nFold edge to edge; unfold\nFold edge to crease; unfold.\nFold corners of top flap to center\nFold pt. in on border line behind\nFold corners of top flap to center\nFold pt. in on border line behind\nFold corners of top flap to center\nFold pt. in on border line behind\nFold edges to center\nFold edges to center\nFold edges to center\nA. Unfold flap from behind. B. Fold edges to center. Crease only as shown. Unfold\nA. Unfold flap from behind. B. Fold edges to center. Crease only as shown. Unfold\nA. Unfold flap from behind. B. Fold edges to center. Crease only as shown. Unfold\nA. Fold edges in on border line or 1/4 distance to center. B. Fold flap over on crease\nA. Fold edges in on border line or 1/4 distance to center. B. Fold flap over on crease\nA. Fold edges in on border line or 1/4 distance to center. B. Fold flap over on crease\nEvenly fold corners to center\nEvenly fold corners to center\nEvenly fold corners to center\nFold edges to 1/8-inch distance from center line\nFold edges to 1/8-inch distance from center line\nFold edges to 1/8-inch distance from center line\nOn both sides: A. Mtn. fold section in half. Crease only as shown. Unfold B. Unfold flap\nTurn model over\nOn both sides: A. Mtn. fold section in half. Crease only as shown. Unfold B. Unfold flap\nTurn model over\nOn both sides: A. Mtn. fold section in half. Crease only as shown. Unfold B. Unfold flap\nTurn model over\nFold edge down to crease\nFold edge to edge under top flap\nFold edge down to crease\nFold edge to edge under top flap\nFold edge down to crease\nFold edge to edge under top flap\nA. Mtn. fold edges behind on creases. B. Fold pt. to crease\nA. Mtn. fold toe section in half; unfold. B. Fold section over on edge; unfold\nA. Mtn. fold edges behind on creases. B. Fold pt. to crease\nA. Mtn. fold toe section in half; unfold. B. Fold section over on edge; unfold\nA. Mtn. fold edges behind on creases. B. Fold pt. to crease\nA. Mtn. fold toe section in half; unfold. B. Fold section over on edge; unfold\n1. Push on sides to open layers, raising center line. 2. Use tweezers to start fold. Bend mid pt. of edge in. 3. Push to fold edges in between pts.\n1. Push on sides to open layers, raising center line. 2. Use tweezers to start fold. Bend mid pt. of edge in. 3. Push to fold edges in between pts.\n1. Push on sides to open layers, raising center line. 2. Use tweezers to start fold. Bend mid pt. of edge in. 3. Push to fold edges in between pts.\nFold sides of heel and midsection together\nFold sides of heel and midsection together\nFold sides of heel and midsection together\nPull heel out to position\nPull heel out to position\nPull heel out to position \nPlace toe of shoe on flat surface. Push on sides to open toe section. Bring rest of shoe forward on creases and heel in line on surface. Pleats are created in the process on both sides Pinch pleats flat. Use paper clips to set\nA. Lightly pinch edges of toe to define. B. Round top of heel. C. Push on edges of spike to round on creases\nA. Round sides out on creases, slightly bending edges in. B. Use a tweezer to redefine folds and edges, lift layers, and mold model. C. Push on center of left edge to create instep of right shoe or vice versa.\nPlace toe of shoe on flat surface. Push on sides to open toe section. Bring rest of shoe forward on creases and heel in line on surface. Pleats are created in the process on both sides Pinch pleats flat. Use paper clips to set\nA. Lightly pinch edges of toe to define. B. Round top of heel. C. Push on edges of spike to round on creases\nA. Round sides out on creases, slightly bending edges in. B. Use a tweezer to redefine folds and edges, lift layers, and mold model. C. Push on center of left edge to create instep of right shoe or vice versa.\nPlace toe of shoe on flat surface. Push on sides to open toe section. Bring rest of shoe forward on creases an": 3, "Waaaaahhh!!!!\nThe seaweed is always greener\nIn somebody else's lake\nYou dream about going up there\nBut that is a big mistake\nJust look at the world around you\nRight here on the ocean floor\nSuch wonderful things surround you\nWhat more is you looking for ?\nUnder the sea,\nunder the sea,\nDarling it's better\nDown where it's wetter\nTake it from me\nUp on the shore they work all day\nOut in the sun they slave away\nWhile we devotin'\nFull time to floatin'\nUnder the sea\nDown here all the fish is happy\nAs off through the waves they roll\nThe fish on the land ain't happy\nThey sad 'cause they in their bowl\nBut fish in the bowl is lucky\nThey in for a worser fate\nOne day when the boss get hungry\nGuess who's goin' be on the plate\nUnder the sea,\nUnder the sea\nNobody beat us\nFry us and eat us\nIn fricassee\nWe what the land folks loves to cook\nUnder the sea we off the hook\nWe got no troubles\nLife is the bubbles\nUnder the sea\nUnder the sea\nSince life is sweet here\nWe got the beat here\nNaturalyyyy\nEven the sturgeon an' the ray\nThey get the urge 'n' start to play\nWe got the spirit\nYou got to hear it\nUnder the sea\nThe newt play the flute\nThe carp play the harp\nThe plaice play the bass\nAnd they shourdin' sharp\nThe bass play the brass\nThe chub play the tub\nThe fluke is the duke of soouuul\nThe ray he can play\nThe lings on the strings\nThe trout rockin' out\nThe blackfish she sings\nThe smelt and the sprat\nThey know where it's at\nAn' oh that blowfish blooowwwww !!!\nWooooaaahhhhh!!! :D\nUnder the sea,\nUnder the sea\nWhen the sardine\nbegins the beguine\nIt's music to me\nWhat do they got? A lot of sand\nWe got a hot crustacean band\nEach little clam here\nknows how to jam here\nUnder the sea\nEach little slug here\ncuttin' a rug here\nUnder the sea\nEach little snail here\nKnows how to wail here\nThat's why it's hotter\nUnder the water\nYa we luck here\nDown in the muck here\nUNDER THE SEA\n": 2, "Evolution of Harry Potter Games\n2001 - Harry Potter and the \nPhilosopher's Stone\n2001 - LEGO Creator: Harry Potter\n2002 - Harry Potter and the \nChamber of Secrets\n2002 - LEGO Creator: Harry Potter \nand the Chamber of Secrets\n2003 - Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup\n2004 - Harry Potter and the \nPrisoner of Azkaban\n2004 - Harry Potter: Find Scabbers\n2005 - Harry Potter and the \nGoblet of Fire\n2007 - Harry Potter and the \nOrder of the Phoenix\n2007 - Harry Potter: Mastering Magic\n2009 - Harry Potter and the \nHalf-Blood Prince\n2009 - Harry Potter: Spells\n2010 - Lego Harry Potter: Years 1\u20134\n2010 - Harry Potter and the \nDeathly Hallows \u2013 Part 1\n2011 - Harry Potter and the \nDeathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2\n2011 - LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7\n2012 - Harry Potter for Kinect\n2012 - Wonderbook: Book of Spells\n2013 - Wonderbook: Book of Potions\n2015 - LEGO Dimensions\n2016 - LEGO Harry Potter Collection\n2016 - Fantastic Beasts: \nCases From the Wizarding World\n2018 - Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery\n2019 - Harry Potter: Wizards Unite\n2020 - Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells\n2021 - Harry Potter: Magic Awakened\n2023 - Hogwarts Legacy\n": 0, "In Greek language, words get an accent\nonly on one of the last 3 syllables.\nThe ultimate,\nthe penultimate and\nthe ante-penultimate.\nIn the table we have in front of us\nwe see all the possible positions of long & short\nwithin the 3 last syllables\nin combination with the 3 accents of Greek:\nthe acute,\nthe circumflex\nand the grave.\nThe symbols used on this table\nbut also in general, are :\nthe Long\nthe Short\nthe Acute\nthe Grave\nthe Circumflex.\nthe Long & Short are symbols of Quantity.\nthat is, of duration\nshowing if a sound takes more or less time.\nIn theory, a Long is twice the duration of a Short.\nbut also the personal traits of the speaker\nwhich, though, aren't written...\nLikely, loudness. It isn't written how loud\nsomething has to sound;\nwhatever this something is; be it a word, sentence, syllable, accent etc.\nThus, the media that allow us to\nexpress something in a certain style.\nMore like giving speech its emotional dimension.\nEnriching the message with sentiments.\nAn ancient grammarian writes :\n\"Prosody is named relating with\n\"consonate\", \"sing in tune\"\nand \"fit\" with the underlying word.\"\nBut which is the \"underlying word\"?\nHe clearly doesn't mean the *written word\nbut, the act of speaking.\nThe \"underlying word\" is the whole meaning,\nwhat one essentially wants to say.\nWe all know that this usually\nis not only the lexical meaning\n": 2, "Francis International Airport, Liberty City, 1992\nI'm having that bike!\nCome on, move it!\nHead to a 10-34 in central Idlewood. Suspect last seen on foot.\nGrove Street - Home. At least it was before I f****d everything up.\nYou wanna drive?\nYeah, that's cool.\nNice car, Smoke.\nYou know me. It's not cut. Keep the value in it. Keep it real.\nBallas! Drive-by! Incoming!\nAh, mother f****r, my car!\nWe gotta get back to the hood, man. It's too crazy around here!\nGrab a bike and pedal. Even you ain't forgotten that.\nFollow my lead!\nLook out!\nCome back here!\nKeep up, mother f****r!\nCluck head!\nWhat's up, homie?\nGrove Street Families-\nI love violence!\nI got with them mother f*****s though - showed them n****z who's gangsta! Ryder, n***a!\nSo when you leaving, Carl?\nI ain't sure. Thought I might stay.\nThings is f****d up.\nWell, the last thing we need is your help.\nAw man, I won't let you down. I swear.\nHey, we're gonna call up some hood rats and chill the h**l out. You want some?\nI got a whole lot going on. I'm tired. I'll catch y'all later.\nHey, yo, just drop in. We all hanging out.\nYeah and get yourself some colors, fool!\nAnd a haircut - it's embarrassing to be seen with you!\nMission passed! Respect +\nI ain't nursing no drunk!\nRaise up!\nI'm moving!\nHey, you papa! Get back here!\nHey, show me how they drive on the\nHEY HEY HEY HEY HEY\nHey, Old Reece still run the barber shop?\nLike a raggedy a**ed mother f****r! He popped his membrane years ago.\nNo way I'd let that old fool near my head!\nYeah, I think I'll get cut up.\nWhatever, you got five minutes. I'll be cutting you like a DJ.\nSo, when you running off again?\nI'm not. I'm thinking of staying.\nWhy?\nMake yourself comfortable, son. What are you after, Carl?\nYour dad used to get a cut just like that.\nTell Big Smoke he needs a cut.\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it c-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it cra-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it cr-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it cra-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it cr-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it cra-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still-\n-You know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got-\n-I take it back. Old Reece still got-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece-\nYou know something? I take it back. Old Reece still got it cr-\nYou know something? I take it back.\nYou know some-\nTenpenny, you mother f*****g piece of s**t! I ain't letting you get away with all you've done!\nSweet, no!\nHang on, Sweet!\nI'mma p**s on your corpse, Tenpenny! I ain't losing this fool!\nOh, s**t!\nCJ! Do something!\nJust keep hanging on, bro!\nOh man, that was a close call! I ain't letting this b*****d go!\nGet that thing off the-\nGotcha!\nFix this?\nTake the wheel, it's payback time!\nMother f****r!\nTake that pig b*****d down!\nThose fire trucks are indestructible! We ain't gonna dent it!\nWatch our six, cops on our tail!\nVagos rioters coming up! This city's gone nuts!\nI'll keep up with Tenpenny, don't you worry! Concentrate on keeping all these other lunatics off our back, CJ!\nRioters on the bridge up ahead, they're dropping s**t from that bridge!\nLook out, CJ! Watch our six, some rioters after us on bikes!\nLook out, CJ, crazy bikers on a rampage!\nI'm on Tenpenny, he ain't getting away!\nCops on our tail!\nCops up ahead! Where'd all these a** holes come from?\nDown in flames, down in flames!\nThat's my dog!\nIt's over, Tenpenny, over! I'mma stop you, mother f****r!\nHe's losin": 1, "You know what?\nI'm done, done, done\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n(Kio, Kio)\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the\u2014\n": 1, "in this video we have given that square root\u00a0\nof log minus x is equal to log square root of\u00a0\u00a0\nx square and we have to find the value of x so\u00a0\naccording to the definition of log, this minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nshould be positive and this implies x\u00a0\nis negative suppose this is equation (a)\u00a0\u00a0\nand this square root of x square, square\u00a0\nroot of x square also should be positive\u00a0\u00a0\nand this implies x is not equal to\u00a0\nzero suppose this is equation (b)\nand square root of negative\u00a0\nnumber is also not defined\u00a0\u00a0\nso log minus x should be greater than or\u00a0\nequal to 0 and it is minus x should be greater\u00a0\u00a0\nthan or equal to 10 power 0 and it is minus x\u00a0\nshould be greater than or equal to 10 power 0\u00a0\u00a0\nis 1 and this implies x should be less than\u00a0\nor equal to -1 suppose this is equation (c)\nand now if we see common\nin equation (a) equation (b) and equation (c) then\nequation (a) is x less than 0, equation (b) is x\u00a0\nnot equal to 0 and equation (c) is x less than or\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to minus 1 so common in (a), (b) and (c)\u00a0\nwill be x belongs to minus infinity to minus 1\nsuppose this is equation 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have given square root of log minus\u00a0\nx is equal to log square root of x square\nwe have given square root of log minus\u00a0\nx is equal to log square root of x\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare and it is square root of log minus x\u00a0\nis equal to log and square root of x square\u00a0\u00a0\nis mod x and if we square both side then we\u00a0\nget log of minus x is equal to log mod x square\nand we have x belongs to minus infinity\u00a0\nto minus 1 that means x is negative\u00a0\u00a0\nso mod x will be equal to minus x\nhere\nit will be log minus x is equal to\u00a0\nlog of and mod x is minus x square\nand if we take log of minus x as t\u00a0\nthen we get t is equal to t square\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is t square minus t is equal to\u00a0\n0 and if we take t common then we get\u00a0\u00a0\nt minus 1 that is equal to 0 so t\u00a0\nis equal to 0 and t is equal to 1\nand\nwe have t is equal to log of minus x that is\u00a0\nequal to 0 and here also t is log of minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is equal to 1 so from here we\u00a0\nget minus x is equal to 10 power 0\nand\nit is minus x is equal to 1 and x\u00a0\nis equal to -1 and from here we get\u00a0\u00a0\nminus x is equal to 10 power 1 and minus x\u00a0\nis equal to 10 and x is equal to minus 10\nand we have x belongs to minus infinity\u00a0\nto minus 1 and both the value of x\u00a0\u00a0\nare in this range that means x\u00a0\nis equal to minus 1 and minus 10.\n": 3, "in this video we have to find which\u00a0\nis smallest among 25 by 28, 53 by 59,\u00a0\u00a0\n41 by 45 and 93 by 105, so the first method\nthat is lengthy method\nif we have to compare a by b and c by d\u00a0\nwhere a, b, c, d these are positive integers\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we cross multiply these numbers\u00a0\nand if a times d is less than b times c\u00a0\u00a0\nthen a by b will be less than c by d\nand if a times d will be greater than b times\u00a0\nc then a by b will be greater than c by d\nso if we compare 25 by 28 and 53 by 59\nif we compare 25 by 28 and\u00a0\n53 by 59 then 25 times 59\nit is equal to 25 times 60 minus 1\u00a0\nand it is 1500 minus 25 that is 1475\nand 28 times 53\n28 times 53 it is 28 times 50 plus 3\u00a0\u00a0\nand 28 times 50 will be 1400 plus\u00a0\n28 times 3 will be 84 and it is 1484\nthat means 25 by 28 will be less than 53 by 59\nso 53 by 59 cannot be smallest and\u00a0\nif we compare 25 by 28 and 41 by 45\nif we compare 25 by 28 and\u00a0\n41 by 45 then 25 times 45\nit is equal to 25 is 100 by 4 times 45\u00a0\nand it is 4500 by 4 that will be 1125\nand 28 times 41\nit is 28 times 40 plus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand 28 times 40 will be 112 plus 28 times 1 will\u00a0\nbe 28 that is 1148 and 1148 is greater than 1125\nthat means 25 by 28 will be less than 41 by 45\nso 41 by 45 cannot be smallest and\u00a0\nif we compare 25 by 28 and 93 by 105\nif we compare 25 by 28 and\u00a0\n93 by 105 then 25 times 105\nit is equal to 25 times 100 plus 5\u00a0\nthat is 2500 plus 125 that is 2625\nand 28 times 93, 28 times 93 it\u00a0\nis equal to 28 times 100 minus 7\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is 2800 minus and 8 times 7 is 56 and 2\u00a0\ntimes 7 is 14 plus 5 will be 19 so it is 2604\u00a0\u00a0\nthat means 25 by 28 will be greater than 93 by 105\nso 25 by 28 is not smallest so\u00a0\nsmallest number is 93 by 105\nand\nthe second method\nif we have to compare a by b, c by d,\ne by f, g by h and so on...\nand if a minus b is equal to c minus d is equal\u00a0\nto e minus f is equal to g minus h and so on...\nand a greater than c greater than e greater than g\nthen a by b will be greater than c by d will be\u00a0\ngreater than e by f will be greater than g by h\nand\nhere difference between 25 and 28\u00a0\nis 3, difference between 53 and 59\u00a0\u00a0\nis 6, difference between 41 and 45\u00a0\nis 4 and between 93 and 105 is 12\nand LCM of 3, 6, 4 and 12 is 12\nso if we multiply 25 by 28 with 4 by\u00a0\n4 then it will be 100 by 4 times 28,\u00a0\u00a0\nif we multiply 53 by 59 with 2 by\u00a0\n2 then it will be 106 by 2 times 59\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we multiply 41 by 45 with 3 by 3 then it\u00a0\nwill be 123 by 3 times 45 and it is 93 by 105\nand now difference between these two numbers\u00a0\nis 12, between these two numbers is 12 and\u00a0\u00a0\nbetween these two numbers is 12 and between\u00a0\nthese two numbers is 12 and 123 is greater than\u00a0\u00a0\n106 greater than 100 greater than 93 so 123 by 3\u00a0\ntimes 45 will be greater than 106 by 2 times 59\u00a0\u00a0\ngreater than 100 by 4 times 28 greater\u00a0\nthan 93 by 105, so it is smallest.\n": 3, "What is an emotional word that represents the\nheart of this relationship that you want?\n Ease.\nEase.\nEase.\nBeautiful. \nThe relationship I want is one of ease.\nIt's easy.\nIt's easy to feel good.\nIt's easy to feel at one.\nIt's easy to like what I see.\nIt's easy to move through my day.\nIt's easy to be who I am.\nIt's easy to do the work that I want to do.\nIt's easy to be two separate people\nwith two separate intentions through many things.\nIt's easy to interact.\nIt's easy to be in a relationship like that.\nIt's easy.\nIt's easy.\nIt just feels comfortable.\nIt feels comfortable.\nIt feels comfortable\nto be in a relationship like this.\nIt feels comfortable.\nIt feels secure.\nIt feels certain and secure\nand easy and comfortable.\nIt feels real.\nIt feels true.\nIt feels honest and deep.\nIt feels soul and source.\nIt feels core.\nIt feels basic.\nIt feels true.\nIt feels real.\nIt feels good.\nIt feels easy.\nIt feels soft and gentle and sure.\nIt feels comfortable.\nIt feels like love.\nIt feels like\nit feels like being loved.\nIt feels like loving.\nIt feels like adoring.\nIt feels like sureness.\nIt feels like certainty.\nIt feels like confidence.\nIt feels like knowing.\nIt feels like being.\nIt feels like me.\nIt feels like home.\nIt feels real.\nIt feels certain.\nIt feels honest.\nIt feels open.\nIt feels open ended.\nIt feels expansive.\nIt feels delicious.\nIt feels fun.\nIt feels exciting.\nIt feels captivating.\nIt feels enticing.\nIt feels passionate.\nIt feels vital.\nIt feels alive.\nIt feels full.\nIt feels real.\nIt feels like me.\nYou see now that's way more than\n68 seconds, and you accomplish so much.\nAnd now all the questions are gone.\nThe grid is just right.\nThe the energy is moving.\nThe grid is filling in.\nThe details of it do not matter.\nThe relationship in its fullness\ncannot feel better than that.\nCannot feel better than that,\nin other words,\nbecause all those things\nand all those details that are\ncoming that you want are all\nbecause you wantto feel\nlike you just felt.\nSo you just made an end run around the\nunnecessary manifestation,\nand you captured\nthe emotional vibrational resonance\nof what you're looking for,\nand you just became\na vibrational match to what's in your vortex.\nAnd now, like water flows downhill.\nSo this soft, gentle, comfortable, easy momentum.\nSo now what's happened,\nnow you've done gridwork.\nAnd you have because we didn't\npull that out of thin air.\nWe pulled it right out of your vortex,\nright out of the core of who you are.\nIt's who you are.\nIt's why you felt it.\nIt's why you resonate with it so deeply.\nSo now you've done this grid work.\nWhat's happened is the vibration of that which\nyou are and the vibration of that which\nyou want are in the same place.\nSo now evidence, evidence of this\nnew found, newly discovered resonance good\nword resonance will start showing up.\nIn other words, the grid is going to begin filling in.\nYour work is not to jump\ninto some sort of immediate action.\nYour work is to acknowledge the relationship\nbetween that and what just happened.\nBetween that and what just happened\nbetween that and what just happened.\nSo what will happen as you continue to do\nthat today and tomorrow and the next day and\nthe next day is your confidence in your belief,\nyour expectation,\nyour knowing,\nyour certainty of the unfolding.\nThen you just say things like,\nthings are always working out for me.\nThings are always working out for me.\nSometimes if you haven't done grid work\nconsciously, you've been doing it, but you\nhaven't been doing it consciously.\nAnd someone walks across a hotel lobby and you\nsee them again, you think that it's assigned from\nthe universe and that you should follow it out.\nAnd maybe it is.\nBut when you've consciously done the grid work and that\nhappens, you see it for exactly what it is.\nYou see what we're getting at. Yes.\nThere's no possible way that you will\nnot find and enjoy and feel all\nof these things that we're talking about.\nAnd if we were standing in your physical shoes,\nwe would joyously allow the universe to deliver to\nyou with precision everything\nthat you're looking for and\nwe would not for a mome": 4, "hello everyone\nin this video there are four individual lessons\u00a0\non English vocabulary to do with health and beauty\nyou can skip to any lesson with the\u00a0\ntime stamp provided in the description\nhere are all the lessons in the video\nlipstick\nlipstick\nlip gloss\nlip gloss\neye shadow\neye shadow\nblusher\nblusher\nmascara\nmascara\neyeliner\neyeliner\nnail polish\nnail polish\nfoundation\nfoundation\nmakeup sponge\nmakeup sponge\neyelash curler\neyelash curler\nmirror\nmirror\ncomb\ncomb\nstraighteners\nstraighteners\nmirror\nmirror\nscissors\nscissors\nhair clippers\nhair clippers\nhair brush\nhair brush\nhair gel\nhair gel\nhair grip\nhair grip\nrazor\nrazor\ncurling iron\ncurling iron\nhair clip\nhair clip\ntowel\ntowel\nhair rollers\nhair rollers\nwater spray bottle\nwater spray bottle\nhair extensions\nhair extensions\ntoothbrush\ntoothbrush\ntoilet\ntoilet\nbathtub\nbathtub\nmirror\nmirror\ntap\ntap\nshower\nshower\nshower curtain\nshower curtain\nbath plug\nbath plug\ntoilet roll\ntoilet roll\nsoap\nsoap\nlaundry basket\nlaundry basket\ntowel\ntowel\nrubber duck\nrubber duck\nbathroom sink\nbathroom sink\nrazor\nrazor\nshaving foam\nshaving foam\nshampoo\nshampoo\nsoap dish\nsoap dish\nbathroom cabinet\nbathroom cabinet\ncomb\ncomb\nsponge\nthis is a thermometer\nthis is a thermometer\nthis is a thermometer\nthis is a syringe\nthis is a syringe\nthis is a syringe\nthis is a gauze\nthis is a gauze\nthis is a gauze\nthis is a first aid kit\nthis is a first aid kit\nthis is a first aid kit\nthis is a cotton swab\nthis is a cotton swab\nthis is a cotton swab\nthis is a catheter\nthis is a catheter\nthis is a catheter\nthis is a stretcher\nthis is a stretcher\nthis is a stretcher\nthis is a scalpel\nthis is a scalpel\nthis is a scalpel\nthis is adhesive tape\nthis is adhesive tape\nthis is adhesive tape\nthis is an operating table\nthis is an operating table\nthis is an operating table\nthis is an eye patch\nthis is an eye patch\nthis is an eye patch\nthis is a stethoscope\nthis is a stethoscope\nthis is a stethoscope\nthese are medical scissors\nthese are medical scissors\nthese are medical scissors\nthis is a wheelchair\nthis is a wheelchair\nthis is a wheelchair\nthese are crutches\nthese are crutches\nthese are crutches\nthis is a plaster\nthis is a plaster\nthis is a plaster\nthis is a toothbrush\nthis is a toothbrush\nthis is a toothbrush\nthis is a microscope\nthis is a microscope\nthis is a microscope\nthis is an x-ray\nthis is an x-ray\nthis is an x-ray\nthis is a bandage\nthis is a bandage\nthis is a bandage\nthis is a cold pack\nthis is a cold pack\nthis is a cold pack\nthese are medical gloves\nthese are medical gloves\nthese are medical gloves\nthese are tweezers\nthese are tweezers\nthese are tweezers\nthese are antiseptic wipes\nthese are antiseptic wipes\nthese are antiseptic wipes\nthese are tablets\nthese are tablets\nthese are tablets\nthis is a torch\nthis is a torch\nthis is a torch\nthis is a whistle\nthis is a whistle\nthis is a whistle\nthis is a cane\nthis is a cane\nthis is a cane\nthis is a capsule\nthis is a capsule\nthis is a capsule\nthis is cough medicine\nthis is cough medicine\nthis is cough medicine\nthese are tissues\nthese are tissues\nthese are tissues\nthis is a surgical mask\nthis is a surgical mask\nthis is a surgical mask\nthis is a pipette\nthis is a pipette\nthis is a pipette\nthis is an oxygen mask\nthis is an oxygen mask\nthis is an oxygen mask\nthese are scales\nthese are scales\nthese are scales\nthis is a pregnancy testing kit\nthis is a pregnancy testing kit\nthis is a pregnancy testing kit\nthis is cotton wool\nthis is cotton wool\nthis is cotton wool\nthis is a needle\nthis is a needle\nthis is a needle\nthis is mouthwash\nthis is mouthwash\nthis is mouthwash\nthis is a razor\nthis is a razor\nthis is a razor\nthis is a measuring jug\nthis is a measuring jug\nthis is a measuring jug\nthis is toilet paper\nthis is toilet paper\nthis is toilet paper\nthis is shaving cream\nthis is shaving cream\nthis is shaving cream\nthis is a mirror\nthis is a mirror\nthis is a mirror\nthis is a plaster cast\nthis is a plaster cast\nthis is a plaster cast\nthis is a test tube\nthis is a test tube\nthis is a test tube\nthese are antibiotics\nthese are antibiotics\nthese are antibiotics\nthis is a blood pressure monitor": 4, "- (both) No!\n(both laugh)\n- [Censored] off.\nThis one's somewhat phonetic?\n- What?\n- (React) Well, today, we will be\ndoing Americans Try Not To Fail:\nPronunciation Challenge.\n- Oh, let's go!\n- Oh no.\n- Let's go!\n- I'm so, wait.\n- We got this, Benny!\n- I spoke a little bit of Spanish.\nIn high school and college.\n- I took two years, high school.\n- Yeah.\n- I don't know why I'm\nso excited!\nThis is really cool!\n- This is very exciting,\nbut I'm kinda nervous.\nI'm gonna get like flamed.\n- (narrator) Words you won't\nbe able to pronounce,\nunless you speak Farsi.\n- Farsi?\n- (narrator) The first one is...\n- This is embarrassing.\nIt's like \"hail-hail-hack?\"\nI don't know.\n- It's \"heel-heel-ack\"\n- \"Gal-ge-lack\"\n- \"Gaggle-ech\"\n- \"Ghel-ghel-ack\"\n- Yeah, \"gella-ghelack\"\n- (narrator) \"Ghel-ghel-ack.\"\n- This is scuffed,\nthis is so scuffed.\n- A lot of huh.\n- Yeah.\n- A lot of like...\n- That like throat scratchy.\n- Yeah.\n- (narrator) Number two.\n- \"Duh-he-gah-he\"\n- (React) \"Duh-he-gah-he\"\n- \"Dah-he-guh-he.\"\n- Woah.\n- \"Dai-ya\"\n- No, I think it's just\n\"dai-gi-gay\"\n- I'm gonna say \"da-higgy\"\n- \"Da-ghi ghe.\"\n(bell rings)\n- Ah, \"da-ghi-ghe.\"\n(bell rings)\n- (narrator) Da-ghi-ghe.\n- Oh, bruh.\n(buzzer rings)\n- (narrator) Da-ghi-ghe.\n- Da-ghi, I got the da-ghi part.\n- Da-ghi-ghe.\n(bell rings)\n- \"Dah-he-gay.\"\n(buzzer rings)\nThe second G is silent.\n- (narrator) And for our last one.\n- Khoda.\n- \"Khoda ha-fez.\"\n- \"Khoda ha-fez.\"\n- \"Khoda ha-fez!\"\n- \"Kah-ho-da ha-fez.\"\n- Oh!\n- \"Khoda ha-fez,\" yeah.\n- \"Khoda ha-fez.\"\n- \"Khoda ha-fez.\"\n- (narrator) \"Khoda ha-fez.\"\n- Ha, we're so good!\n- Nice!\n- That's crazy.\n- Khoda ha-fez.\n- Khoda ha-fez!\n- Nice!\n- (React) I'll give you guys that.\nThat was pretty close.\n- They use their entire mouth.\n- Yeah, they use a lot of like...\n- \"Ka-ho.\"\n- Yeah.\n- \"Da.\"\n- We got one third right,\nso you know, not terrible.\n- Nope, not at all.\nNot at all.\n- (narrator) Here are some more\ncommonly mispronounced Hindi words.\nInstead of mantra, say...\n- \"Mun-true.\"\n- I think it's \"mun-truh.\"\nOkay, \"mun-true.\"\n- Mantra, \"man-ter-ah.\"\n- \"Mun-truh.\"\n- \"Mun-truh,\" yeah.\n- \"Mun-truh.\"\n- (narrator) \"Mun-truh.\"\n(bell rings)\n- You was close, bruh.\n- I was close, I was close.\n- \"Mun-truh.\"\n- It's almost like a D.\n- \"Mun-truh.\"\n- \"Mun-truh.\"\n- Instead of chakras, say...\n- \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n- Yeah, it's gotta be the same, right?\n- (both) \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n- \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n- \"Chuk-rahs.\"\n- (React) \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n- Yeah.\n- \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n- \"Chak-ruhs.\"\n(laughs) I don't know.\n- \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n- (narrator) \"Chuk-ruhs.\"\n(bell rings)\n- Okay, okay, okay.\n- There you go.\n- This is easier.\n- [Censored] are tough.\n- Yeah, what the crap?\n- (narrator) Instead of\nnamaste, say...\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- (Jaxon) \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- Yeah.\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh?\"\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- Ooh!\nHey, I'm going \"nuh-muss-teh.\"\n(Jair laughs)\n- (React) You ready, ready?\n- (narrator) \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n(bell rings)\n- Nice.\n- That's easy!\n- I mean, to be fair, like...\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- \"Nah-ma-stay.\"\nIt's like a different stress on the E.\n- \"Nuh-muss-teh.\"\n- That's actually crazy, because\nI literally go to yoga every week.\nThey completely botch, yeah.\n- (React) Butcher it, of course.\n- \"Nah-mah-stay,\" everybody.\n- (React) \"Nah-mah-stay!\"\n- Alright, okay.\n- Everybody, let's \"nah-mah-stay!\"\n- Can we do Italian?\n- (React) We will.\n- I'm ready.\n- (narrator) Italian pronunciation\nis super easy.\n- Ah, there we go,\nI got this.\n- I'm going with\nthe hard G.\n- That's what I think,\nI think it's a hard G too.\n- \"Fam-e-glee-ah.\"\n- \"Fah-mil-ia.\"\n- With the \"fah-mil-ia.\"\n- \"Fam-e-glee-ah.\"\n- I'll go with \"fah-mil-ia.\"\n- \"Fam-e-glee-ah.\"\n- I'm going \"fah-mil-ia.\"\n- The thing about Italian,\nthis means close together,\nthis means what are you saying?\n- Awesome, \"fah-mil-ia.\"\n- No!\n- Ah! (laughs)\n(buzzer rings)\n(bell rings)\n- Period.\n- There's no G, yeah.\n- I don't like Italian.\n- He's like let me listen\nto that G.\n- \"Oro-low-joe.\"\n- No, \"oro-low-gio.\"\n- \"Oro-low-hio.\"\n- \"Oro-low-hio.\"\n- \"Orlo-joe.\"\n- Man, I barely got mine\nthe first time.\n\"Oro-lorio.\"\n- (narrator) Awesome.\n\"Or": 2, "welcome back geology students this week you are\u00a0\ndiving into the scientific method and the solar\u00a0\u00a0\nsystem formation so in this module you have two\u00a0\nseparate lectures one is for the scientific method\u00a0\u00a0\nand it kind of goes over the basics of geology and\u00a0\nthe scientific method and then the second one is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe formation of our solar system giving some\u00a0\nbasics on how our solar system formed and some\u00a0\u00a0\nof the things that are in our solar system the\u00a0\nplanetary bodies all the planets things like that\u00a0\u00a0\nand so this week you're also going to have a\u00a0\nlab that takes you through on the scientific\u00a0\u00a0\nmethod and it takes you to a NASA website where\u00a0\nyou get to explore the solar system a little\u00a0\u00a0\nbit and learn some more facts that are separate\u00a0\nfrom what you would have learned in the lecture\u00a0\u00a0\nand then the last thing you're going to do is\u00a0\nyou're going to respond to a discussion post\u00a0\u00a0\nabout whether you think we should be exploring\u00a0\noutside of earth for life so we'll talk a little\u00a0\u00a0\nbit about in lecture how we search for life on\u00a0\nparticularly mars but other planets as well we're\u00a0\u00a0\nlooking for habitable zoned planets that could\u00a0\ncontain life and so if you think that that is\u00a0\u00a0\nsomething we should continue to do or we should\u00a0\ninvest more on earth we're open to discussion\u00a0\u00a0\nthere so that's it for the week and then if\u00a0\nyou have any questions please reach out bye\n": 4, "(Distorted Bass)\n(Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Kick) + (Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Kick) + (Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Kick) + (Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Kick) + (Fast Twitching noise) + (Distorted bass)\n(Fast Twitching noise) + (Menacing bass) + (Distorted bass)\n (Menacing bass) + (Distorted bass)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Distorted bass)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Distorted bass)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks)\n(Heavy Percussion) + (Menacing bass)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n*Chant*\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching Noise)\n*Chant*\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Distorted Bass) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble noise)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble noise)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble noise)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble noise)\n(Drums) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Rapid Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Intense Thumping)\n(Metal Clanks) + (Menacing bass) + (Bubble Noise)\n(Intense Thumping)\n(Heavy Percussion) + (Menacing bass)\n(Heavy Percussion) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Mouth Percussion) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n*Chant*\n(Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n(Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound)\n*Chant*\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Mystical Choir)\n(Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound) + (Mystical Choir)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Mystical Choir)\n(Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound) + (Mystical Choir)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Mystical Choir)\n*Chant*\n(Menacing bass) + (Fast Twitching sound) + (Mystical Choir)\n(Mystical Melody) + (Menacing bass) + (Mystical Cho": 0, "\"KAIA IS HERE!\"\nCHARICE: Hi guys! \nCHARICE: We\u2019re here in America. Kidding! It\u2019s because I\u2019m wearing this turtleneck today\nCHARICE: We\u2019re here today at Sony Music Philippines Office\nCHARICE: for the contract signing (/j)\nCHARICE: We really feel like we\u2019re artists\nANGELA: We\u2019re now watching\nCHARICE and ANGELA: TURN UP Dance Jam\nALEXA: Dance Jam!\nCHARICE: There!\nCHARLOTTE: With our Sony Music Fam\nCHARICE: The video looks so crisp!\nCHARLOTTE: The quality!\nCHARICE: Yes, let\u2019s go Sophia, you got this\nCHARICE: It\u2019s so clear! It\u2019s 4k!\nCHARICE: Actually, this is the reaction video\nCHARLOTTE: We will do better for our next release\nCHARLOTTE: So watch out for it!\nCHARICE: We\u2019re confident about our song\nCHARLOTTE: Yes, so please send lots of love\nCHARLOTTE: We really worked on every detail of our next song, especially this person\nCHARLOTTE: Leader-nim\nCHARICE: This girl\nANGELA: What did you say?\nCHARICE: She said she got high-blood\nANGELA: And anger issues\nCHARICE: She had anger issues because of our next release\nCHARLOTTE: She developed it\nCHARICE: And she overused her laptop\nCHARICE: This is our reaction video\nALEXA: Reaction video (2)\nSOPHIA: Reaction video (3)\n\"Dance with the video in front!\"\nCHARICE: We\u2019re not leaving anymore\nANGELA: We\u2019ll camp here\nCHARICE: We feel loved here \nCHARICE: and appreciated\n\u201cI just want to say that we\u2019re very happy because KAIA has good performance on YouTube\u201d\nCHARLOTTE: That's good news!\nKAIA: Thank you Sony Music Philippines! \nCHARLOTTE: We really enjoyed our stay here. \nCHARLOTTE: And of course, there will be a next time. Thank you very much Sony Music Fam!\nALEXA: Thank you!\nCHARLOTTE: Hello everyone! Good afternoon! \nCHARLOTTE: We\u2019re here again at Sony Music Philippines\nSOPHIA: I thought you\u2019re talking to someone\nCHARLOTTE: Day 2\nCHARLOTTE: Today we\u2019ll collaborate with a KPOP Group named TFN\nANGELA: So we taught them how to dance 'TURN UP'\nand they also taught us how to dance their song, 'AMAZON'\nWe were very shy because this is the first time we had a collaboration with a KPOP Group\nit's a privilege to have a chance to teach them our dance\nit feels so good to share our music with them\nIt's a once in a life time opportunity\nI hope it's not just one time, I look forward for more\nBecause these kinds of collaborations are really fun\nSOPHIA: Thank you for watching this video. Make sure to subscribe to this channel for more\n\"This is TFN!\"\n\"This is KAIA!\"\n\"See you next time!\"\n": 3, "namaskar\nwelcome to nishamadhulika.com\ntoday we will amke eggles date cake.\nlet's see what all ingredients are required for making eggless date cake.\nmaida - 1 cup\nPowdered sugar - 1/2 cup\nButter - 1/2 cup\nMilk - 1/2 cup\nDates - 10\nAlsi(flax seeds) - 1 tbsp\nWalnut - 1tbsp\nAlmond - 1 tbsp\nBaking soda - 1/4 tsp\nBaking powder - 1/2 tsp\nremove seeds from dates and soak them in 4 tbsp milk or water\nUse the same milk or water to make paste from dates.\negg works as a binder in cake but we are using alsi powder instead of eggs.\nadd it in milk and then mix in cake. it works as a good binder.\nsoak it in milk for 15-20 minutes.\nwe have prepared alsi powder paste as well made dates paste.\nadd baking powde and baking soda in maida for making cake.\nstrain the mixture 2-3 times in sieveso that all ingredients blend nicely.\ntake out butter in bowl and melt it.\nnow add powdered sugar in melted butter and mix thoroughly.\nadd alsi paste and date paste and whisk nicely.\nwe have whisked all ingerdients thoroughly now add half the amount of milk in batter.\nadd the rest milk if batter appears to be thick.\nnow add maida in the mixture.\nadd walnuts and almonds as well.\ngrease the utensil to be used for baking cake.\nfor this take some amount of ghee and spread it all around.\ntake 1 tsp maida and spread all around like this.\nwe have greased the utensil and remove the extra maida.\npour the ready mixture in utensil.\nbake the cake for 180 degree centigrade in oven.\nwe have preheated the oven.\nnow palce the cake in oven and bake for 40 minutes.\ncake is ready.\ntake it out once it cools down.\nrun knife all around like this and flip it.\ncut into slices.\ncut cake once it cools down as if cut when hot it make splater.\neggless date cake is ready.\ntry makinf this reciepe at your home and share your experiences with us.\nsee you again at nishamadhulika.com\n": 1, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Alvan and Ahez.\nI don't know any of these artists.\nI apologize if I mispronounced your name. I don't know this song\nand it will be the first time that I am going to listen to it. For those who don't know that I'm a heavy metal singer,\nmulti-instrumentalist, producer and composer.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis on vocal behavior,\nthe musical arrangement and the form of musical production.\nTherefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my technical observations.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nLet's break down Alvan and Ahez.\nLook how interesting the way she tenses her vocal cords is.\nLook how interesting the way she tenses her vocal cords is.\nin a very clever way.\nThe first note she makes is not a note in the region of the mask.\nThe first note she makes is not a note in the region of the mask.\nIt's a bit of head voice use.\nAnd so she begins to sing,\nIt reminds me a lot of a regional song, something that reminds me of a Celtic singer, or something similar.\nIt reminds me a lot of a regional song, something that reminds me of a Celtic singer, or something similar.\nIt reminds me a lot of a regional song, something that reminds me of a Celtic singer, or something similar.\nI love, I love this creativity of mixing regional songs, old songs,\nI love, I love this creativity of mixing regional songs, old songs,\nI love, I love this creativity of mixing regional songs, old songs,\nwith modern elements.\nIt is a very heavy and strong sound.\nIt is a very heavy and strong sound.\nIs incredible. It's a very energetic song.\nIs incredible. It's a very energetic song.\nIt is very impactful and has a very strong beginning.\nThe music does not have the proposal to start in a very minimalist way.\nThe music does not have the proposal to start in a very minimalist way.\nAll the weight of this battery starts from the beginning.\nAll the weight of this battery starts from the beginning.\nSo really the intention of the song is to start with a lot of impact.\nIt's electronic music with Celtic elements.\nIt's electronic music with Celtic elements.\nIt is a very interesting mix.\nI notice the electronic elements here.\nit really is a mix\nfrom a corner that looks very much like something celtic and the electronic elements are very strong and present.\nfrom a corner that looks very much like something celtic and the electronic elements are very strong and present.\nThe dynamics of this song is very amazing.\nSometimes things happen in music.\nthat we were really surprised and we didn't expect it to happen.\nthat we were really surprised and we didn't expect it to happen.\nAnd it is the result of a very creative arrangement.\nAnd it's a very powerful way of singing.\nThe melodic creation of the voices is very impressive.\nThe melodic creation of the voices is very impressive.\nAnd it's amazing how this way of singing\nIt connects very easily with all this electronic dynamics that music has.\nIt connects very easily with all this electronic dynamics that music has.\nA moment in which the music works in staccato.\nThis helps increase that energetic vibration that music has.\nThis helps increase that energetic vibration that music has.\nThis helps increase that energetic vibration that music has.\nIs incredible. Amazing.\nIt's a lot of creativity.\nMix tan different elements,\nit really demands a creative way of working the musical arrangement on the part of the artist.\nit really demands a creative way of working the musical arrangement on the part of the artist.\nAnd I am finding this wonderful result. The musical proposal is very interesting.\nThe proposition is really to be shocking and strong and put a lot of energy into the music. Amazing.\nThe proposition is really to be shocking and strong and put a lot of energy into the music. Amazing.\nThese electronic elements...\nIn electro there is always a very strong mix of elements.\nHere I can perceive a bit of this breakbeat atmosphere...\nHere I can perceive a bit of this breakbeat ": 3, "that placado, diyan yung layer \nniya. Okay? Si \nOkay, please remember\nOkay, please remember that\nOkay, please remember that 1\ns\nthat\nOkay, please remember that one\nSapa, Us. Borealis Sabba or\nAlice. Okay, thermos.\nHere again.\nagain!\nHere again! Raji\nagain Bradshaw\nagain\nHere again!\nRegions\nRegions, I think sun alright\nRegions, I think sun alright.\nRegions, I think sun alright.\nlright go\ngo upwards\nexactly\npwards,\npwards, exosphere exo\npwards, exosphere\npwards, exosphere exo, meaning\npwards, exosphere exo, meaning\nng out there. This is the upper\nng out there\nout there.\nThis is the uppermost region of\nThis is the uppermost region of\nthe earth's\nthe earth's atmosphere\nthe earth's atmosphere\nthe earth's atmosphere.\nOkay. And gradually\nOkay. And\nOkay. And gradually, as you go\nOkay. And gradually, as you\nOkay. And gradually, as you go\nOkay. And gradually, as you go\nOkay. And gradually, as you go\no away, it\no away, it\no away, it means into working\nwith space\nOutside\nOutside, existing\nOutside,\nOutside, exosphere in a\nOutside,\nOutside,\nOutside, exasper at\nOutside, exasper\nOutside, exasper\nOutside, exasper adito\n. Okay\nOutside exasper adito.\nRegarding\nRegarding pause among us\nRegarding pause among us at the\nlet's manage\net's mention Tina\net's\net's\nmanage\nlet's low, or be\nlet's low, or be satellites\nlet's low, or be satellites\nneither or\nneither or bits are collected\nneither or bits are collected\nneither or bits are collected\nneither or bits are collected\nected at far\nected at far away of\nected at far away\nected at far away a far orbit,\nsatellites\nmy master\nmy master satellites\nOkay.\nOr better\nOr\nOr\nOr\nOr better, satellites\nOr better,\nOr better, satellites to get\nOr better,\nOr better, satellites. Give me\nOr better, satellites. Give me\nan example\nof, as at the like. Nana ago\ne of, us at the like, Nana, go,\ne like Nana goal orbit, starting\n,\n, planning the\n, planning the most\nplanning the most famous\n, a certain light,\n, a certain\n, a certain like not do\nA certain\nA certain like not do own. You\ndo own, you know, don't\ndo own, you\ndo own, you know\nown, you know.\ndon't exist\ndon't exist.\nStay, humana astronauts started.\nI don't know\nStay humana astronauts started.\nSatellite, satellite, satellite,\nspace, probe, space, pro books\nspace, probe, space,\nspace, probe, space, probe,\nspace, probabs, baseball.\nOn, naked.\nOne of\nOne of the\nOne of the biggest are one of\nOne of the biggest\nOne of the biggest one of the\nOne of the biggest one of the\nlargest satellite probes. None\nlargest satellite probes\nlargest satellite probes.\nNana, go, Orbit\nNana, go, Orbit!\nYeah, bye, bye.\nIn this\nIn this\nIn this bookneck.\nIn this bookneck. Sorry\nneck. Okay\nIn this bookneck.\nOkay.\nOkay\nOkay. Okay\nOkay.\nOkay. Very good\n. Okay, very good. The\n. Okay, very good. The\n. Okay, very good. The\n. The International Space\n. The International Space\nStation,\nStation, Yanyo\nStation, Yanyo iss\nStation, Yanyo\nStation, Yanyo iss, okay\nStation, Yanyo iss, okay.\nokay.\nAlways\nAlways.\nAlways, okay, so\nAlways, okay,\nAlways, okay,\nAlways, okay, so, exosphere\nAlways, okay, so, exosphere.\nAlways. Okay. So\nAlways. Okay. So at\ny. So exosphere Detroit. Your\nsatellites are gradually going\nto the vacuum. Okay\nto the\nto the vacuum again, working\nto the vacuum again, working\nto the vacuum again, working on\nprocess based\nOkay\nOkay, so\nOkay,\nOkay, so those are\nOkay, so those are the\nOkay, so those are the different\nlayers that we\nlayers that we should\nlayers that we should know\nlayers that we should know.\nOkay\nOkay. Just remember\nOkay. Just remember the key\nOkay. Just remember the\nOkay. Just remember the key. But\nkey. Terms, but at least in the\nkey.\nkey. But at least in the Thio\nkey. Terms. But at least in the\nTio Mako, confused.\nDon't among\nDon't among us\n. Okay\n. Okay. So from\n. Okay. So from layers, let's\nmove to the\nmove to the positions\nA\nA composition,\nA composition, and\nOkay.\nI will give one example\nI will give one example\nI will give one example\nI will give one example\nafterwise. So atmosphere\nOh, well\nHello!\nWith\nWith a 7, 8\nWith a\nWith a\nWith a 78%\nWith a 78% deba it's a whole\ncomposi": 0, "In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth.\n2 But the earth was unsightly and unfurnished, and darkness was over the deep,\nand the Spirit of God moved over the water.\n3 And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.\n4 And God saw the light that it was good,\nand God divided between the light and the darkness.\n5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night,\nand there was evening and there was morning, the first day.\n6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water,\nand let it be a division between water and water,\nand it was so.\n7 And God made the firmament,\nand God divided between the water which was under the firmament\nand the water which was above the firmament.\n8 And God called the firmament Heaven,\nand God saw that it was good, and there was evening and there was morning, the second day.\n9 And God said, Let the water which is under the heaven be collected into one place,\nand let the dry land appear, and it was so.\nAnd the water which was under the heaven was collected into its places,\nand the dry land appeared.\n10 And God called the dry land Earth, and the gatherings of the waters he called Seas,\nand God saw that it was good.\n11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the herb of grass bearing seed according to its kind and according to its likeness,\nand the fruit-tree bearing fruit whose seed is in it, according to its kind on the earth, and it was so.\n12 And the earth brought forth the herb of grass bearing seed according to its kind and according to its likeness,\nand the fruit tree bearing fruit whose seed is in it, according to its kind on the earth, and God saw that it was good.\n13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.\n14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,\nand to rule the days and the night, and to divide between day and night,\nand let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years.\n15 And let them be for light in the firmament of the heaven, so as to shine upon the earth, and it was so.\n16 And God made the two great lights,\nthe greater light for regulating the day and the lesser light for regulating the night, the stars also.\n17 And God placed them in the firmament of the heaven,\nso as to shine upon the earth,\n18 and to regulate day and night,\nand to divide between the light and the darkness.\nAnd God saw that it was good.\n19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.\n20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth reptiles having life,\nand winged creatures flying above the earth in the firmament of heaven, and it was so.\n21 And God made great whales,\nand every living reptile, which the waters brought forth according to their kinds,\nand every creature that flies with wings according to its kind, and God saw that they were good.\n22 And God blessed them saying,\nIncrease and multiply and fill the waters in the seas,\nand let the creatures that fly be multiplied on the earth.\n23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.\n24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind,\nquadrupeds and reptiles and wild beasts of the earth according to their kind, and it was so.\n25 And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their kind,\nand cattle according to their kind, and all the reptiles of the earth according to their kind,\nand God saw that they were good.\n26 And God said, Let us make man according to our image and likeness,\nand let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the flying creatures of heaven,\nand over the cattle and all the earth, and over all the reptiles that creep on the earth.\n27 And God made man,\naccording to the image of God he made him,\nmale and female he made them.\n28 And God blessed them, saying,\nIncrease and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it,\nand have dominion over the fish of the seas and flying creatures of heaven,\nand all the cattle and all the earth, and all the reptiles that creep on the earth.\n29 And God said, Behold I have given to you every seed-bearing her": 3, "Parallel to life,\nthere\u2019s wisdom that seems out of reach,\nlike a figure of speech,\nin a maze of white lies,\nso elusive it\u2019s hard to recognise,\nwith naivety\u2019s eyes.\nIt\u2019s like running with a knife,\nthe thought steals away with your peace\nand high on that trapeze,\nyou hold on to me,\nhold on to me\nAnd I\u2019ll be singing you songs of tomorrow,\nAnd then dawn will follow\nAnd our sorrows all undone\nWhen you\u2019re done with all the strife,\nwhen they echo the minds in the streets,\nyou know your heart beats,\na solitary call,\nfor a change in the tone of it all,\nyou\u2019ll be scaling that wall.\nAnd the higher you climb,\nthe more you can see of this life,\nand on the edge of that knife,\nyou hold on to me,\nhold on to me.\nAnd I\u2019ll be singing you songs of tomorrow,\nAnd then dawn will follow\nAnd our sorrows all undone\nYeah, I\u2019ll be singing you songs of tomorrow,\nAnd then dawn will follow\nWe are children of the sun\nAnd you know you can take this story, take your glory, make your own way\nYeah, I want you to shake this story, take your glory, find your way\nMake your own way\nAnd I\u2019ll be singing you songs of tomorrow,\nAnd then dawn will follow\nAnd our sorrows all undone\nYeah, I\u2019ll be singing you songs of tomorrow,\nAnd then dawn will follow\nWe are children of the sun\n": 4, "hello YouTube today we're going to see how to\u00a0\nfix game could not start administrator access\u00a0\u00a0\nis required in here and the cheat and launching\u00a0\nFIFA 23 after the update to fix this first you\u00a0\u00a0\nclose the EA application then you have to\u00a0\ngo to the FIFA 23 shortcut and go to right\u00a0\u00a0\nclick and then go to properties from here then\u00a0\nyou have to go to compatibility and from here\u00a0\u00a0\njust you have to remove the run this program as\u00a0\nadministrator and click on apply and click on OK\u00a0\u00a0\nso again you have to go and right click and\u00a0\ngo to show more options and open file location\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom here you have to go to FIFA 23 application\u00a0\u00a0\nand here you have to go to show more options\u00a0\nthen again you have to go to properties\u00a0\u00a0\nand compatibility and check the run this program\u00a0\nhas administrators unchecked so then you have\u00a0\u00a0\nto click on OK now close this file explorer now\u00a0\nyou can go to EA application and launch the game\nnow click on play and I'm using epic launchers\u00a0\nso game is launching from Epic Launcher here\u00a0\u00a0\nand you can see the E application is now launching\u00a0\u00a0\nand you can also see that Tandy\u00a0\ncheat is also launching here\nso once this is done you can see the application\u00a0\nis loading so you can see FIFA 23 game is loading\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is how you have to fix this issue tell\u00a0\nme in the comment section below this solution\u00a0\u00a0\nworked for you give a like And subscribe to\u00a0\nour channel for more videos like this thank you\n": 2, "now we\u2019ll start with the topic of fluid\ndynamics. in this topic, we are going to study,\nand analyze, motion of fluids. so complete\nanalysis and study of fluids in motion is\ntermed as fluid dynamics. very 1st thing we\u2019ll\nbe taking up the basics of fluid dynamics,\nand some situations in which we analyze ideal\nfluids. and in some situations we analyze\nreal fluids. so we can say for basic analysis,\nwe use, ideal fluids, instead of real fluids,\nas real fluids have several limitations. and,\nto take it as an ideal fluid, we make, some\nto real fluids it can be taken as ideal. like,\nthe very 1st point about ideal fluid is, stream\nline flow. we assume that a fluid flow in\na streamlined manner and streamline flow is\nalso termed as, laminar flow. this is the\nsituation in which, a point or we can say\nwhen a fluid body is flowing then we can say,\nat a point, velocity of fluid particles, does\nwhen fluid particles are passing, at a specific\npoint the velocity in magnitude and direction\nalways remain constant. such kind of flow\nwe term as, stream line flow. in later part\nof this section we\u2019ll discuss about, streamline\nrepresentation also. let\u2019s first take up\nthe 2nd point, which is incompressible flow.\nif we talk about incompressible flow, here\nwe can say, we assume that, during flow, fluid\ndensity, remain constant. whereas in case\nof real fluids, it happens that at some point,\nfluid density is more and at some point fluid\ndensity is less, but for idealistic situation\nwe assume that, fluid flow is incompressible,\nit remains constant or we assume that fluid\ndensity remains constant throughout the flowing\nbody. another point we use for this is, non-viscous\nflow, as we already discussed about viscosity\nof fluid, so we can say, in viscosity, it\nis accounting the friction between, different\nlayers of the fluid. so we can say, for an\nideal fluid, we neglect the viscosity between\nlayers. in detail, we are going to discus\nviscosity in the separate chapter of, properties\nof matter or viscous forces. so we can say,\nfor ideal fluids, we neglect, viscous forces,\nbetween fluid layers. and, last point related\nto an ideal fluid assumption is, irrotational\nflow. if we talk about an irrotational flow\nwe can say, here we assume, that fluid particles,\ndo not impart, any rotational motion, to the\nuniform bodies, in path of, fluid, which are\nflowing, or we can say which are moving, along\nwith fluid. and, this happens only when in\na given cross section fluid velocity can be\ntaken a constant. so we can say, when we talk\nabout fluid dynamics and we consider ideal\nfluids, for ideal fluids we can simply state,\nideal fluid is the 1 in which always it flows\nin streamlines, it is incompressible, it is\nnon viscous, and its flow can be regarded\nas irrotational flow. whereas in real fluids,\nthese properties are not exactly matching.\nthese are deviated depending on, the parameters\ngiven for a fluid. so, you must be careful\nabout all these assumptions, as we are going\nto use these assumptions, for different cases\nin this particular topic.\n": 4, "Okay finally in that was easy\nAlright - Tarkov... what's this game ab--\nWait... are these guys you?\nWait who are these guys?\nWoah guys I am surrounded by 3 randoms\nAre they us?\nI don't know I can't tell there are no names above their heads!\nDo I shoot them??\nDo I shoot them??\nDon't shoot what if it's us!\nBut what if its not us? What if its not us Rowan?\nI need to know if I need to shoot them? Am I shooting them??\nGuys I'm freaking out\nOkay this game is WAY too real!\nWoah guys they're aiming their guns at me!\nAhh!\nAhh!\nNo no no no\nWait put your guns down! I'm going to shoot you!\nNo you put your gun down! Put your gun down!\nPut your gun down!\nPut the gun down!\nPut the gun down!!\nCan you hear me?? Put your gun down!\nGuys I'm going to have to shoot them!\nI'm going to shoot! I'm going to shoot!\nI WILL END YOUR LIFE!\nPUT IT DOWN! PUT IT DOWN!\nI wont shoot you if you dont shoot me!\nI'm gonna shoot!\nI'm gonna shoot\nAHH!\nARGHGH\nDid you guys just die?\nYep\nYeah, totally\nI guess now we know\nNow we know\nHey guys welcome to kar-ko... karkov?\nNailed it!\nLets just roll with that can we commit to this one?\n": 1, "[22:33:13] callicantzaros: let me put my wings on and check on my stuff\n[22:33:13] callicantzaros: let me put my wings on and check on my stuff\n[22:33:21] tarosmoothies: You can buy mine!\n[22:33:13] callicantzaros: let me put my wings on and check on my stuff\n[22:33:21] tarosmoothies: You can buy mine!\n[22:33:31] smugjojo: Soba is over my house\n[22:33:21] tarosmoothies: You can buy mine!\n[22:33:31] smugjojo: Soba is over my house\n[22:33:32] link2006: *** WOW I HAVE TO DO THAT\n[22:33:31] smugjojo: Soba is over my house\n[22:33:32] link2006: *** WOW I HAVE TO DO THAT\n[22:33:35] smugjojo: Get out\n[22:33:32] link2006: *** WOW I HAVE TO DO THAT\n[22:33:35] smugjojo: Get out\n[22:33:41] substance59: i already have like no coins lol\n[22:33:35] smugjojo: Get out\n[22:33:41] substance59: i already have like no coins lol\n[22:33:41] cootiesbooties: not drop game items though, right?\n[22:33:41] substance59: i already have like no coins lol\n[22:33:41] cootiesbooties: not drop game items though, right?\n[22:33:42] callicantzaros: tim i have my wings on\n[22:33:41] cootiesbooties: not drop game items though, right?\n[22:33:42] callicantzaros: tim i have my wings on\n[22:33:45] callicantzaros: if you want them\n[22:33:42] callicantzaros: tim i have my wings on\n[22:33:45] callicantzaros: if you want them\n[22:33:47] dyrand: What game is this?\n[22:33:45] callicantzaros: if you want them\n[22:33:47] dyrand: What game is this?\n[22:33:52] seme_ukulele: who is chris\n[22:33:47] dyrand: What game is this?\n[22:33:52] seme_ukulele: who is chris\n[22:33:54] robokun: time to raid peoples closets in Miitomo!\n[22:33:52] seme_ukulele: who is chris\n[22:33:54] robokun: time to raid peoples closets in Miitomo!\n[22:34:00] link2006: YEP\n[22:33:54] robokun: time to raid peoples closets in Miitomo!\n[22:34:00] link2006: YEP\n[22:34:04] link2006: Yep*\n[22:34:00] link2006: YEP\n[22:34:04] link2006: Yep*\n[22:34:09] lucasnator2: IS the stream wiggin out for anyone else?\n[22:34:04] link2006: Yep*\n[22:34:09] lucasnator2: IS the stream wiggin out for anyone else?\n[22:34:18] robokun: it's acting weird on my end\n[22:34:09] lucasnator2: IS the stream wiggin out for anyone else?\n[22:34:18] robokun: it's acting weird on my end\n[22:34:26] pimanrules: you could spend real people money on the game\n[22:34:18] robokun: it's acting weird on my end\n[22:34:26] pimanrules: you could spend real people money on the game\n[22:34:28] robokun: will just randomly stop and go\n[22:34:26] pimanrules: you could spend real people money on the game\n[22:34:28] robokun: will just randomly stop and go\n[22:34:28] bbrosef: most likely twitch tomfoolery\n[22:34:28] robokun: will just randomly stop and go\n[22:34:28] bbrosef: most likely twitch tomfoolery\n[22:34:28] callicantzaros: me too\n[22:34:28] bbrosef: most likely twitch tomfoolery\n[22:34:28] callicantzaros: me too\n[22:34:40] cootiesbooties: it's not just you\n[22:34:28] callicantzaros: me too\n[22:34:40] cootiesbooties: it's not just you\n[22:34:44] sonickitsune: I wonder if they'll let you change the apartments as well or just stick with the people\n[22:34:40] cootiesbooties: it's not just you\n[22:34:44] sonickitsune: I wonder if they'll let you change the apartments as well or just stick with the people\n[22:34:44] tarosmoothies: You can only buy some stuff though.\n[22:34:44] sonickitsune: I wonder if they'll let you change the apartments as well or just stick with the people\n[22:34:44] tarosmoothies: You can only buy some stuff though.\n[22:35:03] callicantzaros: i dont\n[22:34:44] tarosmoothies: You can only buy some stuff though.\n[22:35:03] callicantzaros: i dont\n[22:35:06] callicantzaros: because im not casual\n[22:35:03] callicantzaros: i dont\n[22:35:06] callicantzaros: because im not casual\n[22:35:09] callicantzaros: ***\n[22:35:06] callicantzaros: because im not casual\n[22:35:09] callicantzaros: ***\n[22:35:09] substance59: i have the cupcake hat\n[22:35:09] callicantzaros: ***\n[22:35:09] substance59: i have the cupcake hat\n[22:35:12] tarosmoothies: I thought I changed?\n[22:35:09] substance59: i have the cupcake hat\n[22:35:12] tarosmoothies: I thought I change": 3, "groups are the vertical columns going down. so we have group one group two and so on.\nnow one quick way to memorize that is verticals is up and down if you look at the letter V itself\nSo V is made up of two lines going up and down. you have one line going gown and you have another going up\nso V for verticals going up and down and groups are basically vertical columns going up and down\nNow lets look at the individual elements box on the periodic table.\nThere are very important information by the elements based on information given on the PT\nfirst of all, we have this number right here, the number on top.\nthat is your atomic number each element on the periodic table has its unique atomic number\nAnd this atomic number equal to the number of protons\nremember this proton is a positive subparticles , located in the nucleus right.\nNow we have a symbol for an element , an atomic number is unique to an specific element\nSo, therefore, it's unique to the element symbol as well.\nThen we have the name of an element, again if we have the name of the element we would know the symbol of\nan element, we also know the atomic number of a element\nand also we know the number of protons of an element\nLastly, we have the atomic mass of an element.\nnow this is known as the average atomic mass of an element.\nThis is not the same thing as the mass of a number of isotope which we will cover later.\nBecause the mass number of an isotope is equal to the mass number of protons\nPlus number of neutrons only, specify for the isotopes\nOne last thing you need to know is that if an atom is neutral that means the net charge is 0, ok\nIt has no charge at all , you need to know that the atomic number is equaly to the number of protons.\nand is also equal to the number of electrons,is the positive of protons will cancel out with a negative of an electron.\nso again it will happen in a neutral atom.\n": 3, "Laaaaa!\nHi kids!\nToday we're going to learn how to count the numbers 1 to 20.\nCan you count from 1 to 20?\nLet's try it together.\nOne\n[kids] One\nTwo\n[kids] Two\nThree\n[kids] Three\nFour\n[kids] Four\nFive\n[kids] Five\nSix\n[kids] Six\nSeven\n[kids] Seven\nEight\n[kids] Eight\nNine\n[kids] Nine\nTen\n[kids] Ten\nEleven\n[kids] Eleven\nTwelve\n[kids] Twelve\nThirteen\n[kids] Thirteen\nFourteen\n[kids] Fourteen\nFifteen\n[kids] Fifteen\nSixteen\n[kids] Sixteen\nSeventeen\n[kids] Seventeen\nEighteen\n[kids] Eighteen\nNineteen\n[kids] Nineteen\nTwenty\n[kids] Twenty\nOutstanding!\nNow, let's count backwards from 20 to 1.\nTwenty\n[kids] Twenty\nNineteen\n[kids] Nineteen\nEighteen\n[kids] Eighteen\nSeventeen\n[kids] Seventeen\nSixteen\n[kids] Sixteen\nFifteen\n[kids] Fifteen\nFourteen\n[kids] Fourteen\nThirteen\n[kids] Thirteen\nTwelve\n[kids] Twelve\nEleven\n[kids] Eleven\nTen\n{kids] Ten\nNine\n[kids] Nine\nEight\n[kids] Eight\nSeven\n[kids] Seven\nSix\n[kids] Six\nFive\n[kids] Five\nFour\n[kids] Four\nThree\n[kids] Three\nTwo\n[kids] Two\nOne\n[kids] One\nFantastic!\nNow, let's see how well you can count on your own.\nCount the stars in the sky\nand tell me how many there are.\n[kids] Fifteen\n[kids] Nineteen\n[kids] Six\n[kids] Twelve\n[kids] Seventeen\n[kids] Two\n[kids] Eleven\nGreat job kids!\nClick here to watch our fun \"Counting from 10 to 20\" music video.\nYou can sing along and practice.\nDon't forget to click like,\nand don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel.\nThanks for watching!\n": 3, "White side up. Fold and untold diagonals\nWhite side up. Fold and untold diagonals\nWhite side up. Fold and untold diagonals\nFold the edge to the diagonal and unfold\nFold along the line connecting the and of\nthe crease line made in 2 and the top right corner. Unfold\n Fold the top left corner to the first intersection.\nand unfold\nFold the edge to the diagonal and unfold\nFold along the line connecting the and of\nthe crease line made in 2 and the top right corner. Unfold\n Fold the top left corner to the first intersection.\nand unfold\nFold the edge to the diagonal and unfold\nFold along the line connecting the and of\nthe crease line made in 2 and the top right corner. Unfold\n Fold the top left corner to the first intersection.\nand unfold\nFold the top right and bottom left corners along the diagonal. The crease line should start from the circled ends. Unfold\nFold the top right and bottom left corners along the diagonal. The crease line should start from the circled ends. Unfold\nFold the top right and bottom left corners along the diagonal. The crease line should start from the circled ends. Unfold\nPleat\nUnfold everything\nPleat\nUnfold everything\nPleat\nUnfold everything\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nMake crease lines with the half width by pleat\nfolds\nMake crease lines with the half width by pleat\nfolds\nMake crease lines with the half width by pleat\nfolds\n Fold the edges to the diagonal\n Fold the edges to the diagonal\n Fold the edges to the diagonal\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nFold the edge to the crease line Unfold\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nFold the edge to the crease line Unfold\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nFold the edge to the crease line Unfold\nFold the edge to the crease line. Unfold\nFold the edge to the crease line. Unfold\nFold the edge to the crease line. Unfold\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nPleat using the existing crease lines\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nPleat using the existing crease lines\nMake crease lines connecting the circled points\nPleat using the existing crease lines\nMake crease lines at a right angle through\ncircled intersections\nMake crease lines at a right angle through\ncircled intersections\nMake crease lines at a right angle through\ncircled intersections\nMake crease lines at a right angle through circled intersections\nUnfold\nMake crease lines aligning two crease lines\nMake crease lines at a right angle through circled intersections\nUnfold\nMake crease lines aligning two crease lines\nMake crease lines at a right angle through circled intersections\nUnfold\nMake crease lines aligning two crease lines\nMake crease lines aligning two crease lines\nFold using the existing crease lines\nMake crease lines aligning two crease lines\nFold using the existing crease lines\nMake crease lines aligning two crease lines\nFold using the existing crease lines\nInside reverse fold\nDon't fold the top portion. Open the edge and\nsquash\nInside reverse fold\nDon't fold the top portion. Open the edge and\nsquash\nInside reverse fold\nDon't fold the top portion. Open the edge and\nsquash\nMake trisecting crease lines\nUnfold everything\nMake trisecting crease lines\nUnfold everything\nMake trisecting crease lines\nUnfold everything\nExtend the crease lines\nExtend the crease lines\nExtend the crease lines\nRepeat 22-27 on the right\nFold in half\nRepeat 22-27 on the right\nFold in half\nRepeat 22-27 on the right\nFold in half\nCrimp and swivel corners\nCrimp and swivel corners\nCrimp and swivel corners\nCrease edge to edge\nCrease edge to edge\nCrease edge to edge\nFold like a petal fold\nUnfold everything\nFold like a petal fold\nUnfold everything\nFold like a petal fold\nUnfold everything\nFold edges to crease lines and unfold\nFold edges to crease lines and unfold\nFold edges to crease lines and unfold\nFold edges to crease lines further\nFold edges to crease lines further\nFold edges to crease lines further\nPleat along the existing crease lines\nFold corner to corner\nA": 2, "Watch in 4K for best quality\nConsider subscribing to my channel for more instrumentals like this one!\nWatch in 4K for best quality\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\n(let's begin)\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five-two five-two five-three, two tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five-two five-two five-three, two tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nLet's begin\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nYou spin, spin, spin (4x)\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five-two five-two five-three, two tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five-two five-two five-three, two tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nYou spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nYou sp-you spin\nYou sp-you spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nTwo five three, LSD\nTwo tabs by ten, mescaline\n1UG, hard to see\nYou start to spin, let's begin\nYou spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin, spin, spin\nYou sp-you spin, spin, spin\n1UG, hard to see\n": 1, "We're asked to find the difference, if we have negative 45 minus 66. To find this difference,\nwrite the difference as a sum, and then find the sum. We can write this difference as\na sum, because, subtracting an integer is\nthe same as adding the opposite.\nSo subtracting b, is the same as adding negative b. And therefore subtracting 66\nis the same as adding negative 66. Which\nmeans we can write negative 45 minus 66 as\nnegative 45 plus negative 66. And now we use the formula rules for adding integers\nto find this sum, and also show this sum on the number line.\nBecause we have a negative plus a\nnegative, we use the rules for adding\ntwo integers, with the same sign. So step\none, we add the absolute values of the\nintegers. So let's first find the absolute\nvalue of both integers so we'll find the\nabsolute value of negative 45, and the\nabsolute value of negative 66.\nThe absolute value of a number is a numbers distance from zero. Distance is always positive.\nThe absolute value of negative 45 is positive 45. The absolute value of negative 66 is positive 66.\nSo now we add the absolute values. So 45 plus 66, adding, 5 plus 6 is 11, perform an exchange, 1 plus 4 plus 6 is 11.\nThe sum of the absolute values is 111\nBut for the sign of addition sum, we\nuse the common sign because we have\na negative plus a negative that means the\nsum is negative, -111...\nNow let's also show this sum on the number line, to model negative 45\nWe start at 0, and move left 45 units to\nnegative 45....\nand then from here because we're adding negative 66... We move left another 66 units from negative 45.\nSo if we move left 66 units,\nit takes us to negative 111\nNegative 45 plus negative 66, or negative 45 minus 66 ,equals negative 111\nI hope you found this helpful!\n": 4, "The second episode of the world science fiction masterpiece \"the dragon's egg\".\nThe second episode of the world science fiction masterpiece \"the dragon's egg\".\nThe second episode of the world science fiction masterpiece \"the dragon's egg\".\nThe second episode of the world science fiction masterpiece \"the dragon's egg\".\nBy Robert fward.\nBy Robert fward.\nBy Robert fward.\nBy Robert fward.\nWhen Pierre became the chief scientist of the dragon egg exploration team.\nWhen Pierre became the chief scientist of the dragon egg exploration team.\nWhen Pierre became the chief scientist of the dragon egg exploration team.\nSome people say it's relationship.\nBut those who are privately dissatisfied.\nNone of them worked as hard as he did.\nPierre had always felt that his mother had not received enough recognition from the scientific community.\nHe has always wanted to correct this erroneous assertion.\nSo he became the world's top expert in neutron star physics.\nHe wanted everyone to know what Jacqueline's son had achieved.\nThe plan for the personal inspection of neutron stars was officially launched.\nThe first step of the project:.\nIt's the quasars that create the gravitational balance of neutron stars.\nAccording to the calculation, six such stars need to be made to enter the orbit of the dragon egg.\nWhat's more, the attraction of these six stars to each other also avoids the misfortune of being torn apart.\nWhen six quasars are complete.\nOnly the human spacecraft can observe Longan at close range.\nAnd the beginning of all this is to transform ordinary asteroids into quasars.\nSix months before the inspection team went to Longdan.\nThe autopilot began to work.\nThey were sent by the St. George to take the lead.\nThere is still a lot of work to be done to enable humans to observe neutron stars at close range.\nSince the discovery of the asteroid belt they need around the neutron star.\nThe work of exploration was carried out in an orderly manner.\nThese jobs no longer require human intervention.\nIt can be done by machine brain.\nThe largest probe ship is actually an automatic chemical plant.\nIt produces only one extraordinary product: magnetic monopoles.\nThe spacecraft originally carried a small number of monopoles.\nSH. The spacecraft originally carried a small number of monopoles.\nThe spacecraft originally carried a small number of monopoles.\nThese are not seed materials for production, but for plant operation.\nIt can act as the energy source and the rotor of the generator at the same time.\nWith only a few coils, the energy of the rotating magnetic field can be converted into a current.\nThe mission of the smaller spacecraft is to lay the cables.\nThe work began in their factories.\nLay a long thin cable into a big circle.\nWrap the whole neutron star in it.\nAt the same time, it has a safe distance from the neutron star.\nSuggestion: the audience who think the theory is tedious can jump to the 6th minute. This will keep it stable for months when electricity is needed.\nSuggestion: if you think the theory is too complicated, you can jump to the 6th minute.. This will keep it stable for months when electricity is needed.\nSuggestion: the audience who think the theory is tedious can jump to the 6th minute. This will keep it stable for months when electricity is needed.\nSuggestion: the audience who think the theory is tedious can jump to the 6th minute. A billion kilometers of cable is needed.\nSo this kind of cable material must be very special.\nThe cables are bundles of superconducting polymer wires.\nAlthough the temperature near the neutron star is very high.\nThis cable does not need to be cooled to maintain superconductivity.\nThe longer the cable is laid, the longer it begins to react to the magnetic field lines of the neutron star.\nThe lines of force pull the cables ten times a second.\nFrom the East and west of the neutron star respectively, the positive and negative magnetic fields are released.\nEvery time the magnetic field passes, the current surges in the cable.\n11. ! And as an excess charge accumulated in the spacecraft.\nAnd as an excess charge accumula": 2, "We're asked to expand\nthe following expression\nusing properties of logarithms.\nWe're given log base three of\nthe product of two X and X minus three\ndivided by the product of\nthe quantity two X minus one\nand X plus four.\nNotice how the argument of the logarithm\nis already factored completely\nand nothing simplifies.\nTo begin expanding, we will\nfirst use the quotient property\nof logarithms shown here\nwhere log base B of M\ndivided by N equals log base B of M\nminus log base B of N.\nNotice how we have the\nlog of the numerator\nminus the log of the denominator.\nSo in our case, this is\nequal to log base three\nof the numerator, which is two X\ntimes the quantity X minus three.\nThen we have minus log base three\nof the denominator, which\nis the quantity two X\nminus one times the quantity X plus four.\nThis should be a closed parenthesis here.\nNotice now we have a\nlog of our product here\nas well as here,\nwe can expand further by\nusing the product property\nof logarithms, which is shown here.\nLog base B of M times N\nequals log base B of M\nplus log base B of N.\nSo for this first logarithm,\nwe have log base three\nof our product of three factors.\nOne factor is two, one factor is X,\none factor is X minus three.\nThis will expand into\nthe sum of three logs.\nSo next we have log base three of two\nplus log base three of X.\nThen finally, plus log base three of\nthe quantity X minus three.\nNotice this is also a log of a product.\nWe need to be careful here\nbecause of the subtraction.\nIf we subtract this log,\nwe must also subtract the\nexpansion of this log.\nSo because we have a\nproduct of two factors,\nthis will expand to the sum of two logs,\nbut we must subtract that sum.\nSo we'll have minus, then in parentheses\nlog base three of the first\nfactor of two X minus one\nplus log base three of the second factor\nof X plus four.\nBut for the last step, let's\nclear these parentheses\nand because of the minus, if it's helpful,\nwe can think of\ndistributing a negative one.\nSo the final expansion\nis log base three of two\nplus log base three of X\nplus log base three of\nthe quantity X minus three\nand then clearing the parentheses\nwe have minus log base\nthree of the quantity\ntwo X minus one, minus log base three\nof the quantity X plus four.\nI hope you found this helpful.\n": 4, "I push my fingers into my eyes...\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nJesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside\nIf the pain goes on\nAaaaaaaah!\nI have screamed until my veins collapsed\nI've waited as my time's elapsed\nNow, all I do is live with so much fate\nI've wished for this, I've *****ed at that\nI've left ****** this little fact:\nYou cannot kill what you did not create\nI've got to say what I've got to say\nI push my fingers into my eyes...\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nJesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside\nIf the pain goes on\nAaaaaaaah!\nI have screamed until my veins collapsed\nI've waited as my time's elapsed\nNow, all I do is live with so much fate\nI've wished for this, I've *****ed at that\nI've left ****** this little fact:\nYou cannot kill what you did not create\nI've got to say what I've got to say\nAnd then I swear I'll go away\nBut I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise\nI guess I'll save the best for last\nMy future seems like one big past\nYou're left with me because you left me no choice\nI push my fingers into my eyes\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nPut me back together\nOr separate the skin from bone\nLeave me all the Pieces, then you can leave me alone\nTell me the reality is better than the dream\nBut I found out the hard way\nNothing is what it seems\nI push my fingers into my eyes\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nAnd then I swear I'll go away\nBut I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise\nI guess I'll save the best for last\nMy future seems like one big past\nYou're left with me because you left me no choice\nI push my fingers into my eyes\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nPut me back together\nOr separate the skin from bone\nLeave me all the Pieces, then you can leave me alone\nTell me the reality is better than the dream\nBut I found out the hard way\nNothing is what it seems\nI push my fingers into my eyes\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nJesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside\nIf the pain goes on\nI'm not going to make it\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nI push my fingers into my eyes\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nJesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside\nIf the pain goes on\nI'm not going to make it\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nAll I've got all I've got is insane\nI push my fingers into my eyes\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nJesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside\nIf the pain goes on\nI'm not going to make it\nIt's the only thing that slowly stops the ache\nBut it's made of all the things I have to take\nJesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside\nIf the pain goes on\nI'm not going to make it\n": 1, "hi welcome to the statics tutorials so in this\u00a0\nvideo we have a frame that has three members EDC\u00a0\u00a0\nCB a and then DB D B is connected in with smooth\u00a0\npins here at D and B EDC and AVC are connected\u00a0\u00a0\nhere with the smooth pin a is connected to the\u00a0\nground with the smooth pin and then e is just a\u00a0\u00a0\nfrictionless connection to flat smooth surface\u00a0\nso we need to find the reactions here at D and\u00a0\u00a0\nB so let's start off by looking at this member of\u00a0\nDB this member DB has forces that are applied at\u00a0\u00a0\nthe joints due to the reactions but it also has\u00a0\na force here that's Midway over so it has more\u00a0\u00a0\nthan just two forces so it's not an either just\u00a0\nsimple compression or tension so whenever we draw\u00a0\u00a0\na Freebody diagram over here we need to draw deep\u00a0\nX and a dy for the pin connection and then over it\u00a0\u00a0\nB of BX and B y for that pin connection and then\u00a0\nshow our 300-pound applied load we can do the sum\u00a0\u00a0\nof moments around D so we have our negative 300\u00a0\ntimes our one foot we calculate the 1 foot in that\u00a0\u00a0\nthis whole height this four feet we're two feet\u00a0\nup so we're going half the height so we must be\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing half of the way over so if this is two feet\u00a0\nthen this has got to be then one foot and one foot\u00a0\u00a0\nand then on this side one foot and one foot so we\u00a0\nhave the 300 pounds times the 1 foot distance here\u00a0\u00a0\nand then we have B Y times the two feet distance\u00a0\nback over to D the be Y times two feet gives us a\u00a0\u00a0\npositive moment and we get the B Y is equal to 150\u00a0\npounds then we can do the same thing but around B\u00a0\u00a0\nand we get basically the same result we get the\u00a0\nD Y is equal to 150 pounds so dy and B Y I just\u00a0\u00a0\nsplit the value of the applied load in terms of\u00a0\nthe forces in the reactions of D and B we can do\u00a0\u00a0\na sum of the forces in the X but we can't solve\u00a0\nit quite yet we get the DX plus BX is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nzero so DX is equal to minus BX we can draw also\u00a0\nthe free body diagram for the overall body so this\u00a0\u00a0\nwould be e d c b a all connected because we have\u00a0\nit connected we're not going to show the forces\u00a0\u00a0\nof d and b and we're not going to show the forces\u00a0\nof a because they're internal to this free body\u00a0\u00a0\ndiagram well what this free body will allow us to\u00a0\ndo is our sum of moments at a so when we do that\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have ey times the forth foot distance here and\u00a0\nthat's a negative moment and then we have the 300\u00a0\u00a0\npounds times the 2 foot distance here which is\u00a0\na positive moment and we can solve for e y and\u00a0\u00a0\nget that it's 150 pounds then we can do a free\u00a0\nbody diagram for e DC so we could show the 150\u00a0\u00a0\npounds that we just calculated for e 1 for B Y\u00a0\nbecause this is the other side of the connection\u00a0\u00a0\nwe need to remember that the reactions are equal\u00a0\nand opposite so D 1 is going up over here he was\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to be going down over here but we already\u00a0\nsolved for dy and we got the 150 so we can plug\u00a0\u00a0\nin the 150 here the X we have it going in this\u00a0\ndirection over here so we're going to equal an\u00a0\u00a0\nopposite and put the X going in this direction\u00a0\nover here the C X and see why we haven't drawn\u00a0\u00a0\nthose already so I'm just going to put C X going\u00a0\nand positive x and see why the positive Y then we\u00a0\u00a0\ncan do some of the moments about C so we have DX\u00a0\ntimes the 2 foot vertical distance it's a negative\u00a0\u00a0\nmoment about C then we have our 150 pounds times\u00a0\nour 1 foot distance it's a positive moment around\u00a0\u00a0\nC and then we have our negative 150 pounds times\u00a0\nour 2 feet distance which is also negative so we\u00a0\u00a0\nget the DX is equal to negative 75 we already\u00a0\nhave this relationship that the X is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative B X and so B X is equal to 75 so this\u00a0\none this is a frame because it's not moving but\u00a0\u00a0\nthe analysis is the same basically with the\u00a0\nframe and the machine type problems and you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan see how with the pair of plyers that we\u00a0\ndid in the previous video we only have the\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo members it really wasn't that complicated but\u00a0\nnow just adding a third member really makes it a\u00a0\u00a0\nlot more complicated and some of these frames can\u00a0\ninclude several members and so you can sometimes\u00a0\u00a0\ntake pages and pages of calculations but just\u00a0\nkeep in mind you can draw all these different\u00a0\u00a0\nFreebod": 4, "Radio: \"Come on, let's move it out!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Come on, let's move it out!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Go go go!\"\nRadio: \"Affirmative.\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Go... Team, fall back!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Roger that!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Team, fall back!\"\nGame: \"Counter-Terrorists win.\"\nRadio: \"Roger that!\"\nRadio: \"Come on, let's move it out!\"\nRadio: \"Go go go!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Enemy spotted!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nGame: \"Terrorists win.\"\nRadio: \"Come on, let's move it out!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Need backup!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nGame: \"Terrorists win.\"\nRadio: \"Affirmative.\"\nRadio: \"Ok let's go.\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Fire in the hole!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Sto... Roger that!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Roger that!\"\nRadio: \"Negative!\"\nRadio: \"Roger that!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\n\"Radio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO...\nRadio: \"Get in... Negative!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Neg... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Roge... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my... Get in position and wait for m...\"\nRadio: \"Team, fall back!\"\nRadio: \"Get in po... Go go... Get in posi... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in... Two... Get in position and... Stick togethe... I'm i... Get in position a... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my... I'm in p... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my.. Get in position and... Get in position and... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in... Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO... Get in position and wait for my GO!\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\nRadio: \"Get in position and wait for my GO!\"\n": 1, "logo\nlogo design\nlogo design illustrator\nlogo movie\nlogo design photoshop\nlogosforthewin\nlogo animation\nlogo game\nlogos in reverse\nlogorama\nlogo design\nlogo design illustrator\nlogo movie\nlogo design photoshop\nlogo animation\nlogo game\nlogo template\nlogo tv\nlogo eu\nlogo maker\nlogo animation\nlogo animation after effects\nlogo archive\nlogo after effects\nlogo animation after effects tutorial\nlogo animation tutorial\nlogo and duce khan\nlogo after effects template\nlogo after effects tutorial\nlogo animation blender\na logo\na logo design\na logo psd\na logo for america\na logo bougas\na logo template\nlogo bloopers\nlogo batman\nlogo batman 4\nlogo bloopers 20th century fox\nlogo blender\nlogo board game\nlogo bloopers paramount\nlogo bloopers episode 1\nlogo boot camp\nlogo backwards\nb logo\nb logo psd\nb logo design\nhenrik b logos\nlogo creator\nlogo city\nlogo cut-out jumper black\nlogo crew neck t-shirt lava red\nlogo collection\nlogo creation\nlogo concept\nlogo century fox\nlogo concept pack\nlogo crew neck t-shirt white\nc logo psd\nc logo\nc logo template\nc logo design\nhow to make a c logo\ncustom c logo\nlogo design\nlogo design illustrator\nlogo design photoshop\nlogo design tutorial\nlogo design photoshop cs6\nlogo design studio pro\nlogo design software\nlogo design illustrator cs6\nlogo design process\nlogo design bangla tutorial\nd logo psd\nd logo\nd logo template\nd logo illustrator\nintel pentium d logo\ncinema 4d logo\nlogo eu\nlogo effects\nlogo effects 20th century fox\nlogo effects pbs\nlogo eu jorge e mateu oficial\nlogo eu jorge e mateu letra\nlogo effects nelvana\nlogo evolution\nlogo effects klasky csupo\nlogo effects disney\ne logo\ne logo psd\ne logo design\ne logo template\nvallja e logout\nmodhure logon\nbihure logon\nlogo fx\nlogo friend\nlogo folding umbrella black\nlogo folding umbrella navy\nlogo fabrice\nlogo fx pbs\nlego friends\nlogo fonts\nlogo fx klasky csupo\nlogo fast and slow\nf logo\nf logo concept\nf logo template\nf logo psd\nhilal fc logo\nlogo game\nlogo game pack 3\nlogo game pack 2\nlogo game pack 4\nlogo game pack 5\nlogo game pack 7\nlogo game pack 1\nlogo game pack 6\nlogo goodbye\nlogo game pack 8\ng logo psd\ng logo design\ng logo template\ng logo\nrated g logo\nmoto g logo\nlogo history\nlogo house\nlogo hmong\nlogo hidden message\nlogo hooded windbreaker phantom black\nlogo hmong rapper\nlogo history paramount\nlogo high tone\nlogo history update\nlogo high pitch\nh logo\ngolden h logo beanie\nlogo intro\nlogo illustrator\nlogo in photoshop\nlogo intro after effects\nlogo intro template\nlogo in reverse\nlogo ideas\nlogo in photoshop cs6\n": 1, "I'm just a step away\nI'm just a breath away\nLosin' my faith today\n(We're fallin' off the edge today)\nI am just a man\nNot superhuman\n(I'm not superhuman)\nSomeone save me from the hate\nIt's just another war\nJust another family torn\n(We're falling from our faith today)\nJust a step from the edge\nJust another day in the world we live\nI need a hero to save me now\nI need a hero (to save me now)\nI need a hero to save my life\nA hero'll save me (just in time)\nI've gotta fight today\nTo live another day\nSpeakin' my mind today\n(My voice will be heard today)\nI've gotta make a stand\nBut I am just a man\n(I'm not superhuman)\nMy voice will be heard today\nIt's just another war\nJust another family torn\n(My voice will be heard today)\nIt's just another kill\nThe countdown begins to destroy ourselves\nI need a hero to save me now\nI need a hero (to save me now)\nI need a hero to save my life\nA hero'll save me (just in time)\nI need a hero to save my life\nI need a hero just in time\nSave me just in time\nSave me just in time\nWho's gonna fight for what's right\nWho's gonna help us survive\nWe're in the fight of our lives\n(And we're not ready to die)\nWho's gonna fight for the weak\nWho's gonna make 'em believe\nI've got a hero (I've got a hero)\nLivin' in me\nI've gotta fight for what's right\nToday I'm speaking my mind\nAnd if it kills me tonight\n(I will be ready to die)\nA hero's not afraid to give his life\nA hero's gonna save me just in time\nI need a hero to save me now\nI need a hero (to save me now)\nI need a hero to save my life\nA hero'll save me (just in time)\nI need a hero\nWho's gonna fight for what's right\nWho's gonna help us survive\nI need a hero\nWho's gonna fight for the weak\nWho's gonna make 'em believe\nI need a hero\nI need a hero\nA hero's gonna save me just in time\n": 3, "M: ...blow up like the\nM: ...blow up like the World Trade Center.\nN: I...\nN: Are you...\nN: No.\nN: no\nN: nono\nN: nonono\nN: nononono\nN: nonononono\nN: nononononono\nN: We're not telling that.\nN: We're not tel- \nN: We're not saying that.\nN: We're not saying that. No.\nN: Absolutely not.\nN: You have to stay up there. \nN: You have to sta- OH MY GOD STOP \nW: Alex, for fuck's sake!\nW: What the fuck?\nW: What the fu- \nW: ARE YOU DROPPING NUKES DOWN THERE?\nF: I have noclip again.\nF: What are the explosions?\nF: What the fuck?\nF: What the fu- *laugh*\nW: JESUS CHRIST\nN: What the hell?\nN: oh my- \nN: WHO KEEPS DOING THAT?\nN: WHO KEEPS DOING THAT?\nA: *laughing*\nN: Uhh...\nN: I think he needs a little help.\nN: Oh.\nN: Alright.\nN: I...\nN: I literally need a manual to operate this thing.\nN: Hang on...\nN: It...\nN: This thing is 13 pages. *laugh*\nW: YES!\nW: Congratulations!\nW: You actually did it for once!\nN: wow\nN: so cool\nF: God damn...\nF: He under the thing!\nF: He under- \nF: He on... \nN: *laughs*\nF: He on the... \nN: my god\nF: He under the thing!\nN: my god\nN: It's spinning so slowly,\nN: It's spinning so slowly, how are you missing it?\nN: It's...\nN: It's moving so slow,\nN: It's moving so slow, how are you still...\nN: *bursts out laughing*\nN: *bursts out laughing*\nA: NO!\nN: *bursts out laughing*\nA: I misclicked! *laugh*\nA: WOOOOOOOOOOO\nA: WOOOOOOOOOOO\nN: Finally! Alright.\nM(?): WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\nF: Who's this guy?\nN: what da dog doin\nF: *panics*\nF: Wave!\nF: Wave, run!\nF: Wave...\nF: Wave,\nF: Wave, there's a (x1)\nF: Wave, there's a (x2)\nF: Wave, there's a (x3)\nF: Wave, there's a Five Nights at Freddy's after you!\nN: Hang on, there's no crystals in there.\nN: Does it undo everything if I turn off the main rotor?\nW: Yes.\nF: He's gonna help.\nN: Alright, well someone stole the uranium. \nN: Alright, well someone stole the ura- *sigh*\nN: Did someone just reset it?\nW: Yes.\nW: Yes. MASKED!\nN: You deserve the death sentence.\nN: Where's Masked?\nN: Where's Masked? I need to have a word with him.\nN: Masked... (x1)\nN: Masked... (x2)\nN: Masked... (x2)\nM: I did not do it. (x1)\nM: I did not do it. (x2)\nM: I did- *laugh* \nN: You know what you did.\nN: You know what you did. Come here.\nM: The elevator's broken.\nN: Good.\nN: You know the most important thing you should always \nremember when you're...\nN: You know the most important thing you should always \nremember when you're... uhh...\nN: You know the most important thing you should always \nremember when you're playing Roblox sci-fi games?\nN: You know the most important thing you should always \nremember when you're playing Roblox- or...\nN: You know the most important thing you should always \nremember when you're playing any sci-fi game, really?\nW: What?\nN: IT'S PIZZA DAY.\nW: uh oh\nW: IT'S HAPPENING (x1)\nW: IT'S HAPPENING (x1)\nF: What did you do?\nW: IT'S HAPPENING (x2)\nF: What's happening?\nF: KLEINER!\nW: NO\nN: bye kleiner\n*everyone else panicing*\nN: bye kleiner\nF: He's dying!\nF: No!\nF: No...\nW: *laughing*\nW: NO\nN: Okay, so...\nN: Okay, so we just wait, I guess?\nW: Yeah.\nN: Kleiner, do you...\nN: Oh,\nN: Oh, he's traumatized.\nN: Uhh...\nN: It was for the better.\nF: He's right there.\nA: No!\nF: No, I... *laugh*\nM: Wait, is it a Nightmare one?\nF: No!\nF: no\nF: nono\nF: nonono\nF: nononono\nF: nonononono\nF: nonononono *laugh*\nF: Yes, it's a Nightmare.\nF: No!\nF: no\nF: nono\nF: nonono\nF: nononono\nF: No!\nF: No...\nF: No!\nF: NO\nN: He's in.\nF: No!\nF: I THREW A GRENADE, \nF: I THREW A GRENADE, WHY DID YOU BRING ME?\nW: Oh, it's almost done!\nW: It's almost done!\nN: Oh.\nN: I see him.\nN: There he is!\nF: NO WHAT DID YOU DO\nF: NO\nF: no\nF: nono\nF: nonono\nF: nononono\nF: nonononono\nF: nonononono\nF: nononononono\nF: nonononononono\nF: nononononononono\nF: nonononononononono\nW: You just missed the test results.\nW: You just missed the test results.\nN: Nothing.\nW: No!\nW: No! Don't!\nW: Don't do it!\nW: Don't do it!\nN: Yes.\nW: NO\nF: No!\nW: WHO DID THAT?\nW: oh...\nW: oh no...\nN: Let him in!\nW: He can't get through the door.\nN: Let him in!\nN: Oh, he's stuck.\nN: Yep!\nN: Y": 1, "Oppan Klingon Style\nKlingon Style\nqavan raHtar. be' 'IHqu' SoH. Qapla' jay'! Ha' \n'Iw HIq Datlhutlh. SoH qalegh. Qut, Qut. QeDpIn be' je. maw'.\nnughoStaH nuq? parmaq, manga'chuq. Qut Ha' maruch\nqaleghneS. Qapla' jay'! Qut Ha' maruch.\nwa' cha' parmaq Qapla'! \ntIqwIj Sa'angnIS wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!\ntachDaq maghom. tugh tugh wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!\nparmaq Qapla'!\nHa', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'!\nHIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY \nHa', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu' \nHIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY \nmaSwov, 'ejDo, parmaq, manga'chuq, 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! Qapla'!\nOppan Klingon Style\nKlingon Style\nOp Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style \nKlingon Style Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style\nHey Sexy Lady [Klingon Style]\nOp Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style \nHey Sexy Lady [Klingon Style]\nOp Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh \ntujqu'choH QuQ. Hljol. jIghung. Ha' maruch \njISey. chabDu'. ghem. 'ejyo'. Sa'Hut, qamuSHa', HIja\n \nyIH\u00a0yIlIgh, be' yIH\u00a0yIlIgh. yIruch!\nwa' cha' parmaq Qapla'! \nbIjatlh 'e' yImev. yItlhutlh! yIlop! wa'leS chaq maHegh!\nyItlhutlh! yIlop! Qut Qapla' jay'! Qut Ha' Qapla'!\nyIH\u00a0yIlIgh, be' yIH\u00a0yIlIgh yIruch! parmaq Qapla'! \nHa', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'\nHIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY \nHa', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu' \nHIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY \nmaSwov, 'ejDo, parmaq, manga'chuq, 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! Qapla'!\nOppan Klingon Style\nKlingon Style Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style \nKlingon Style Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style\n \nHey Sexy Lady [Klingon Style] Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style\nHey Sexy Lady [Klingon Style] Op Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh \ntlhIngan maH! Qapla'! Ha' tlhIngan maH!\n \nBaby baby yuQ, pIvghor, Hurgh, qIb, yuQ \ntlhIngan maH! Qapla'! Ha' tlhIngan maH!\nBaby baby yuQ, pIvghor, Hurgh, yuQ You know what I'm saying!\nOppan Klingon Style. Qapla'!\nHey Sexy Lady [Klingon Style] Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style \nHey Sexy Lady [Klingon Style] Op Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh \nOppan Klingon Style\n": 0, "How can you hate your own father?\nThere are fathers, and there are animals\nwho only sire you.\nHe was never a real\nfather to me, nor to you,\nnor to Ivan.\nWhat do you expect me to do, love him?\nDmitri, we all need love.\nYou blame him for nothing?\nNothing.\nAkira\nThe Don\nThere is only one way to salvation\nAnd that is to make yourself responsible\nFor all mens' sins\nAs soon as you make yourself responsible\nIn all sincerity for\neverything and for everyone\nYou will see at once\nthat this is really so\nAnd that you are, in fact, to blame\nFor everyone and for all things.\nDostoevsky, I think,\nsaid something like\nevery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens to him\nand everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nEvery man is responsible for everything\nthat happens to him and everything\nthat happens to everyone else.\nEvery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens\nto him and everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nEvery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens\nto him and everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nIt's a crazy statement, right?\nIt's a crazy statement.\nAnd he was a pretty extreme\nperson in many, many ways,\nbut there's a level at which\nthat's metaphysically true,\nyou know, because what happens is that\nit's failure to act, often,\nthat's the most catastrophic.\nIt's to not do the right thing\nwhen the situation presents itself.\nIt's very specific.\nYou know, you're constantly in situations\nwhere you could do the right thing,\nif you were willing to take a risk,\nthat's actually of\nrelatively moderate size.\nAnd you know that you could take the risk\nand you know that you should\ntake the risk, and you don't.\n(And you don't, and you\ndon't, and you don't)\nEvery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens\nto him and everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nEvery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens\nto him and everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nEvery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens\nto him and everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nEvery man is responsible\nfor everything that happens\nto him and everything that\nhappens to everyone else.\nAnd that happens to people all the time.\nAnd then what happens is; the thing\nthat they didn't oppose grows a little bit\nand they shrink a little bit,\nand that starts a loop, eh?\nAnd so, when you say,\n\"Well, how do you take\nresponsibility for the world?\"\nAnd the answer is, well,\nyou also have to do it\nwith a certain degree of humility\nbecause what do you know?\nWhy are you doing this?\nFor him or for yourself?\nI degraded him before his son,\nbegged them to forgive me, father and son.\nYou see, whatever I do from now on\nmust be straight, clean.\nOtherwise, no hope, no future\n(no future, no future,\nno future, no future)\n(no future, no future, no future)\n": 3, "- Those are brave men\nknocking at our door.\nLet's go kill them.\n(crowd cheering)\n(Game of Thrones theme)\n- [Jaime] Bit of a quandary for you.\nIf you kill me, you fail Lady Stark.\nBut if you don't kill me,\nI'm going to kill you.\n(grunts)\n(swords clashing)\nYou're good.\nGraceless, but good.\nSee?\nIf you were willing to hurt me,\nyou might have had me there.\n(coughing)\n(grunting)\n(gasping)\n(panting)\n(horse whinnies)\n(hoofbeats)\n(grunting)\n(shattering)\n(thudding)\n(wind howling)\n(coughs)\n(Jon gasps)\n(shouting)\n(ice shattering)\n(growling)\n(grunting)\n- Stay down.\n(gasps)\nOr I'll kill you.\n(growling)\n(dramatic drum music)\n(gasping)\n(swords clashing)\n(dramatic music)\n- He's better than my father.\n- Far better.\n(swords clashing)\n- But Father beat him.\n- Did he?\n- I know he did.\nI heard the story a thousand times.\n(swords clashing)\nHe stabbed him in the back.\n(suspenseful music)\n(growling)\n(grunts)\n(growling and grunting)\n(wights hissing)\n(screams)\n(grunting)\n(gasping)\n(bone shattering)\n(panting)\n(swords clashing)\n(grunts)\n(swords clash)\n(grunting)\n(grunts)\n(growls)\n(swords clashing)\n(grunting)\n- No!\nI have no wish to kill you, sir.\n(claps)\n(crowd cheering)\n(drumming)\n(grunting)\n(weapons clashing)\n(grunting)\n(groans)\n(growls)\n(crowd cheering)\n(swords clashing)\n(shouts)\n(swords clashing)\n(groans)\n(crowd shouting)\n(shouts)\n(swords clashing)\n(inaudible shouting)\n(sword clashing)\n(gasps)\n- Yes!\n- Enough, Ser Vardis!\nFinish him!\n(dramatic music)\n(swords clashing)\n(gasping)\n- [Voice in the crowd] You can do it!\nGet up, get up!\n(growling)\n(gasps from the crowd)\n(panting)\n(crowd shouting)\n(crashing)\n(screams)\n(giant roaring)\n(screams)\n(grunting)\n(giant roaring)\n(panting)\n(screams)\n(choking)\n(roaring)\n(screams)\n(giant cries)\n(thudding)\n(footsteps)\n(armor clanking)\n(soldiers grunt)\n- [Voice] Retreat!\n(chanting)\n(grunting)\n(chanting)\n- With me, lads!\nBreak down the line!\n(swords clash)\n(growling)\n(screaming)\n(slow music)\n(gasping)\n": 1, "in this video we're going to complete the\u00a0\nCUDA software infinite calculus free worksheet\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative at about you so for each problem\u00a0\nin this worksheet we're going to find the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of the function at the given value so\u00a0\nthe steps to find the derivative at a value first\u00a0\u00a0\nwe calculate the derivative and then we plug in\u00a0\nour x value and solve so for number one we have\u00a0\u00a0\ny equal to x squared plus 4x and we're finding the\u00a0\nderivative of that function at x equals negative\u00a0\u00a0\nfive so finding the derivative dy/dx using the\u00a0\nrule of sums we're going to take the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof x squared and add that to the derivative\u00a0\nof 4x the derivative of x squared using the\u00a0\u00a0\npower rule will be two times X to the 2 minus\u00a0\n1 which is 1 so we'll have 2x plus and now the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of 4x to the first that one will get\u00a0\nmultiplied by the coefficient 4 so that's 4 and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen times X to the 1 minus 1 which is X to the\u00a0\n0 and that is equal to 1 so now that we have the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of Y with respect to X we're going to\u00a0\nplug in negative 5 for X so we're going to get 2\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes negative 5 plus 4 which 2 times negative\u00a0\n5 is negative 10 and adding 4 to that negative\u00a0\u00a0\n10 plus 4 equals a negative 6 so the derivative\u00a0\nof Y with respect to X at the given value of x\u00a0\u00a0\nequals negative 5 that's equivalent to negative\u00a0\n6 and this is the notation we're going to use\u00a0\u00a0\nto write the derivative at a given value so let's\u00a0\ncontinue on to number two number two we're going\u00a0\u00a0\nto find the derivative of Y with respect to X\u00a0\nthat's going to be the derivative of negative\u00a0\u00a0\nx cubed so that's negative 3 X to the 3 minus 1 or\u00a0\nnegative 3 x squared and then we'll be adding that\u00a0\u00a0\nto the derivative of or x squared which is 2 times\u00a0\n4 times X to the 2 minus 1/2 times 4 is 8 and X\u00a0\u00a0\nto the 2 minus 1 is X to the 1 or simply X and\u00a0\nthe derivative of constant is 0 so subtracting 0\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're not changing that value so now that we have\u00a0\nour derivative of our function y with respect to\u00a0\u00a0\nX we're going to plug in that value of 4 for X so\u00a0\nwe'll have negative 3 times 4 squared plus 8 times\u00a0\u00a0\n4 so that's negative 3 times 4 squared is times\u00a0\n16 plus 8 times 4 is 32 so negative 3 times 16 was\u00a0\u00a0\na negative 48 and when we add that to 32 we get\u00a0\nnegative 16 so the derivative of Y with respect to\u00a0\u00a0\nX at x equals 4 equals negative 16 now onto number\u00a0\n3 and number 3 we're going to be calculating the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of 20 over x squared plus 5 so remember\u00a0\nwe're going to use the quotient rule that's\u00a0\u00a0\nlow D high so low is x squared plus 5 times the\u00a0\nderivative of our numerator so the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\n20 - hi that's our numerator times the derivative\u00a0\nof our denominator all over our denominator\u00a0\u00a0\nsquared x squared plus 5 squared so calculating\u00a0\nthis out x squared plus 5 will be multiplied to\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative of 20 and 20 is a constant so\u00a0\nthat's getting multiplied to 0 and then we're\u00a0\u00a0\nsubtracting 20 times the derivative of x squared\u00a0\nplus 5 is 2 X because the derivative of x squared\u00a0\u00a0\nis 2x and the derivative of 5 is 0 and 2x plus\u00a0\n0 is 2x and that's all over our denominator of\u00a0\u00a0\nx squared plus 5 squared now simplifying you can\u00a0\nsee that x squared plus five times zero is zero\u00a0\u00a0\nso now I'll just take that value of 3 and plug it\u00a0\nin for X so I'll have negative 20 times 2 times\u00a0\u00a0\n3 all over 3 squared plus 5 squared negative 20\u00a0\ntimes 2 times 3 is negative 20 times 6 which is\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 120 and that's all over 3 squared which\u00a0\nis 9 plus 5 which is 14 and 14 squared equals\u00a0\u00a0\n196 120 and 196 are both divisible by 4 so when I\u00a0\nsimplify the derivative of Y with respect to X at\u00a0\u00a0\nx equals 3 equals dividing both by 4 that's going\u00a0\nto be a negative 30 over 49 negative 30 49 is my\u00a0\u00a0\nsolution for the derivative of my function at x\u00a0\nequals 3 now on to number 4 again we're going to\u00a0\u00a0\nuse that quotient rule low D high minus high\u00a0\nD low all over low low so low X plus 1 times\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative of high the derivative of the\u00a0\nnumerator is 0 - hi 2 times the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\nour denominator which is going to be 1 because\u00a0\nthe derivative of X is 1 and the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\n1 is 0 and 1 plus 0 is 1 and that's all over": 3, "All these thoughts now rising in my mind\nthey pass like clouds through a clear blue sky\nAnd all these feelings that come from every side\nthey pass like clouds through a clear blue sky\nAnd all these visions they pass before my eyes\njust like clouds through a clear blue sky\nAll these visions they pass before my eyes\njust like clouds through a clear blue sky\nAnd the calm of a clear blue sky is where I\u2019m going when I die\nthere\u2019s nowhere else to go, that\u2019s all there is\nAnd the calm of a clear blue sky is where I\u2019m going when I die\nthere\u2019s nothing else to know, that\u2019s all there is\nAnd all these fears they passing before my eyes\njust like clouds through a clear blue sky\nAll the years they passing before my eyes\njust like clouds through a clear blue sky\nThis world of illusion passes before my eyes\njust like clouds through a clear blue sky\nSo many energies of every different kind\nbut they pass like clouds through a clear blue sky\nAnd the calm of a clear blue sky is where I\u2019m going when I die\nthere\u2019s nowhere else to go, that\u2019s all there is\nAnd the calm of a clear blue sky is where I\u2019m going when I die\nthere\u2019s nothing else to know, that\u2019s all there is\nthat\u2019s all there is\nthat\u2019s all there is\nThat\u2019s all there ever was, and that\u2019s all there is (bis)\nthat\u2019s all there is\nthat\u2019s all there is\nThat\u2019s all there ever was, and that\u2019s all there is (bis)\nthat\u2019s all there is\nthat\u2019s all there is\n": 4, "Install the power and water supply.\nCheck your urinal datasheet to mark the position of the fixing points.\nDrill the holes.\nInstall the plugs.\nInstall the mounting brackets.\nMark the fixing point of the sensor.\nDrill the hole.\nInstall the plug.\nMark the holes of the power supply.\nDrill the holes.\nInstall the plugs.\nScrew the power adapter to the wall.\nInstall the angle valve.\nRun water for 45 seconds to clean the pipes.\nScrew the connection nut on the angle valve.\nScrew the valve on the connection nut.\nPay attention to the flow direction.\nInstall the IPEE Vortex in the water outlet.\nFixate the IPEE Vortex with a screw to the wall.\nConnect the valve to the IPEE Vortex.\nConnect the power supply using the connection box. Make sure the power is disconnected!\nConnect the power supply to the IPEE Vortex.\nMount the reed contact in the urinal.\nMark it with the sticker.\nConnect the reed contact to the IPEE Vortex.\nConnect the hose to the valve.\nConnect the hose to the urinal \nusing the supplied cuff and metal bend.\nFor urinal that aren't fully compatible,\ncut away some space in the wall.\nOpen the water supply.\nInstall the urinal.\nFixate using provided plugs and screws.\nTurn on the power.\nCalibration: wait 15 minutes...\n...or initiate the calibration using the Magnetic Key.\nA chirping sound indicates that the sensor is calibrating. Some flushes will occur.\nA melody plays when the urinal is properly calibrated.\nThe urinal is now ready for use.\n": 4, "SUBSCRIBE AND BELL\nOOH I can\u2019t pretend\nLike you didn\u2019t bring my tempo up again\nMy head\u2019s in a spin\nYou send my body to a place it\u2019s never been\nBaby won\u2019t you let me\nKeep you up all night\nLet the morning come closer\nYou send me so high\nNow the ceiling can\u2019t hold us\nListen to my heart\nLet the rhythm control ya\nI\u2019ll be there when you need my love\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nIt goes\u2026\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nOOH I can\u2019t pretend\nLike you didn\u2019t bring my tempo up again\nMy head\u2019s in a spin\nYou send my body to a place it\u2019s never been\nBaby won\u2019t you let me\nKeep you up all night\nLet the morning come closer\nYou send me so high\nNow the ceiling can\u2019t hold us\nListen to my heart\nLet the rhythm control ya\nI\u2019ll be there when you need my love\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nIt goes...\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\nJust follow the beat of my drum\n": 2, "hi everyone in this video we'll go through as to\u00a0\nwhat is a logarithm and the laws with respect\nto logarithms now what are logarithms why do we\u00a0\nneed logarithms right logarithm is nothing but\nthe inverse of exponential inverse of exponential\u00a0\nso what is exponential exponent is nothing but a\npower right suppose you have 2 to the power x 2 to\u00a0\nthe power x this x is called as the exponent right\nsay for example we take 2 to the power 6 is 64.\u00a0\nwhat does this mean this means that 2 multiplied 6\n6 times is 64. if i multiply 2 6 times it becomes\u00a0\n64 right so this is nothing but exponential form\nright so the reverse of this is logarithm\u00a0\nso logarithm will tell how many times\nhow many times should i multiply 2 to get 64. it's\u00a0\na reverse here i'm telling if i multiply 2 6 times\ni will get 64. but here my question is how many\u00a0\ntimes should i multiply 2 with itself so that\ni get 64. so i know 64 i know the number 2 how\u00a0\nmany times this x represents number of times 2\nshould be multiplied to get 64 right this is what\u00a0\nwe call as logarithm we call this 2 as the base\nand we call 64 as any number say y right this x\u00a0\nis nothing but the exponent or the power right\nexponent power indus all mean the same right so x\u00a0\nis the exponent 2 is the base and 64 is any number\nnow if i have to write this in exponent form\u00a0\nhow will i do this that is if i have to write\nit in this form i'll have to take the base that's\u00a0\nwhat we did here we'll have to take the base 2 and\nwe'll have to have the power as x and it's equal\u00a0\nto 64. this is how you write an exponent form now\nlet's generalize this right instead of 2 we can\u00a0\nhave any number right so instead of 2 we can put a\nand x is any power and instead of 64 we say\u00a0\nit is say y right just to generalize so now\nthis is in exponent form this is an\u00a0\nexponential form now if you have to\nwrite the same thing in logarithmic form\u00a0\nthen we'll write first let's write log right\nand we need to write the base which is a here\u00a0\nthis is the base equal to x this is the exponent\nand y so x will come to the other side a will be\u00a0\nthe base and then we have y which is next to log\nso basically if a is any positive real number a\u00a0\nis any positive number so in the example we took 2\nright if a is any positive real number and y is\u00a0\nequal to a to the power x then x is called the\nlogarithm of y to the base a and it is denoted as\u00a0\nx is equal to log of y log of y to the base a now\ninstead of a we are taken 2 right and 2 to the\u00a0\npower x is equal to 64. so instead of y we have\ntaken 64. now what should be x right what should\u00a0\nbe x x should be 6 only if x is 6 then we'll get\n64. so in the logarithmic form it would be x\u00a0\nis equal to log off that is you take this x\nthis is equal to because we have to find the power\u00a0\nultimately we have to find the power right because\nwe need to find how many times this particular\u00a0\nnumber or the base needs to be multiplied to get\nthis value so x is the power so x is equal to log\u00a0\nof 64 and the base the actual number which should\nbe multiplied will be your log 2 you'll be placing\u00a0\nit as a subscript and the way we read it as we say\nthat x is the logarithm of 64 to the base two so\u00a0\nthe technique here is we'll have to take the power\nlike this x is equal to take the power equal\u00a0\nto put log put the number a as base and y\nyou can remember this as power is equal to\u00a0\nlog to the base of the number x is the power\na is the base and y is the number so this way\u00a0\nwe can remember power is equal to log to the\nbase of the number few more notes here what if\u00a0\nwhat is a to the power 0 a to the power 0 is\nequal to 1 then how do we write in logarithmic\u00a0\nform right if a to the power 0 is equal to 1 how\ndo we write in logarithmic form this is our\u00a0\nexponent so 0 is equal to log base is a of 1\nthis is how we write basically log a of 1 is 0 the\u00a0\nother note is what is what if a to the power 1 is\nequal to a how do we write in logarithmic form\u00a0\na to the power 1 is equal to a so this exponent\nwill come on the left hand side 1 is equal to\u00a0\nlog of this base this number will come as the\nbase and then this value this is how we write\u00a0\nwhen we have a to ": 4, "We like to know out there\nCan you feel it?\nLike I feel it?\nWe like to know out there\nHuh!\nCan you feel it?\nLike I feel it?\nFeeling going down my spine girl yeah\nCan you feel it?\nSeeing people dancing everywhere\nCan you feel it?\nWe like to know out there....\nCan you hear the music in the air...?\nHear the music in the air\nWe like to know out there...\nCan you hear the music everywhere...?\nHear the music everywhere\nWe like to know out there\nHuh!\nCan you feel it?\nLike I feel it?\nWe like to know out there\nHuh!\nCan you feel it?\nLike I feel it?\nFeeling going down my spine girl yeah\nCan you feel it?\nSeeing people dancing everywhere\nCan you feel it?\nWe like to know out there...\nCan you hear the music in the air...?\nFeel the music in the air\nWe like to know out there...\nCan you hear the music everywhere...?\nFeel the music everywhere\nWe like to know out there...\nCan you hear the music in the air...?\nCome into the stratosphere\nWe like to know out there...\nCan you hear the music everywhere...?\nWhoa whoa whoa yeah!\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI can feel it\nI can feel it\nFeel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nI can feel it\nI can feel it\nFeel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nI can feel it\nI can feel it\nDo, do, do, what you wanna do\nYeah!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa yeah!\nDo, do, do, what you wanna do\nYeah!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa, yeah!\nDo, do, do, what you wanna do\nYeah!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa, yeah!\nDo, do, do, what you wanna do\nYeah!\nC'mon y'all!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa, yeah!\nI can feel it!\nC'mon you can feel it!\nHey hey!\nI can feel it!\nYou can feel it!\nC'mon y'all! Yeah\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nWhat you wanna do\nYeah!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa yeah!\nDo, do, do\nWhat you wanna do\nYeah!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa yeah!\nDo, do, do\nWhat you wanna do\nYeah!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa yeah!\nDo, do, do\nWhat you wanna do\nYeah!\nC'mon y'all!\nWhoa, whoa, whoa yeah!\nC'mon y'all!\nC'mon y'all\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it\nI feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it\nI feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it.\n": 1, "It started with a voice over so already it was no good\nRule number one, right?\nBut if the film itself was a character\nit wouldn't necessarily be telling\nit'd just be more conversational and it could be shown in a variety of ways\nbut you're almost asleep and it's warm here...\nstill you get up and you walk to the kitchen table\nand you hope the neighbors aren't looking in your window right now\nsitting at the table in your underwear\nFor what? Another idea? Another failed attempt? \nDon't lie, you're really hoping that this is special\nSomething different\nSomething unique\nSomething someone can connect to\nbut if it was supposed to happen\nwouldn't it of happened by now?\nMaybe you should just go back to bed\nMaybe you should just MAKE something \nbecause you wanted to and not for any other reason\nIsn't that what you've been doing?\nBut, you did want to be successful, right?\nYou want to eat\nYou want it to be easier\nYou want to just do this!\nTo create\nAnd what if you could get up in the morning and just make something?\nYou wouldn't have to get out of bed to write it all down in the middle of the night\nI mean, were almost falling asleep\nYou have work tomorrow, you know\nBut if you could just get up each day and be creative\nBut you do, Don't you? Create?\nEven though it's warmer in bed\nand even though no one is paying you\nor even paying attention\nno one is telling you how to do it\nor telling you how it should be different\nor asking who's in it or how it'll be sold\nor advertised\nand you may never get to be part of the bigger conversation\nand no one may even experience it\nbut you made something\nand you made it the best you know how\nand you made it the way you wanted to\neven if you're wasting your time\nmaybe your friends will like it\nand even if they don't\nfor a brief moment that fleeting feeling\n(you felt it) even if for a second\nthe whole reason you keep making things\nthat moment when the idea takes you out of yourself\nand you see your loved ones smile\nat least in your imagination\nand for a moment you feel joy instead of pain\nbecause you thought of a way to communicate\nto connect with others\n(and now) you can go back to bed\ncause you wrote your idea down\nabout how you're going to change the world, right?\nbut make sure you sleep really good\nbecause now that the idea has taken hold\nyou're gonna work on this\nand stress over it\nand it probably won't actually come out like you hoped or imagined\nif you even finish it\nand for the next few months\nor years...months if you're lucky\nyou're gonna wonder why you make anything at all\nand you'll probably wish you just stayed in bed\nbut you wrote this all down as a reminder\nso that if you forget\nwhy you like to make things\njust remember\nit's because you're an artist\nit's because you're alone\nit's because you're in love\nit's because you care\nit's because you can't sleep\nit's because of your ego\nit's because you've got friends\nit's because you're a dad\nit's because you're a mom\nit's because you're boring\nit's because you're a child\nit's because you're like everyone else\nit's because of the moment\n": 4, "*crowd noises*\n*dramatic music begins*\n*dramatic music*\n*music and vocalization*\n*music before more funky* \"Fire\"\n*funky music*\n*music changes*\n*slow music*\n*crowd starts laughing, music stops*\nSpider-Man: NO!\n*laughter*\n*music starts up again*\n*dance music*\n*dance music with a steady increasing beat*\n*music begins to crescendo*\n*dance beat changes*\n*dance music*\n*cuts to romantic music with rhythmic snapping*\n*romantic music with rhythmic snapping*\nGreen Goblin: GOBLINS IN LOVE!\nGreen Goblin: It's a match made in hell!\n*rhythmic snapping continues*\nGreen Goblin: Yes!!\n*Mary Jane screaming, music changes to a darker beat*\n*Mary Jane screaming and Green Goblin laughing*\n*punch noises in rapid succession*\n*Green Goblin yells, Mary Jane screams*\n*Mary Jane unintelligible*\nGreen Goblin: Bring her back!\nGreen Goblin: NO! WHY?!\nGreen Goblin: Stop It!\nGreen Goblin: AHHHH!!!\n*music continues*\n*music gets softer*\n*cheers*\n*one man laughing*\n(off screen): Yessss!!\nGreen Goblin: Alright Doc Ock, let's bring this party.\nGreen Goblin: There was the time we beat the Spider-Man.\nDeadpools All Together: Spider-Man Suuucks! (awkward fade out)\nSpider-Men All Together Strongly: DEADPOOL SUCKS! YEAH! DEADPOOL SUCKS! YEAH!\n*baby cries in the background*\nGreen Goblin: These guys may be bigger menaces than Spider-Man!\n*music starts up again*\n*music continues*\nGreen Goblin: HEY! WHAT GIVES? I thought I killed you?\n*Green Goblin screams*\nGwenpool: You're Gwen? I'm Gwen!\nGwenpool: Only one can survive!\nGwenpool: Hey!\n*music changes, becomes more bouncy*\n*music continues with female vocalization*\n*music cuts and fades to crowd noises*\n*music begins with the punch*\nGreen Goblin: Owwww!\nGreen Goblin: I deserve that.\nGreen Goblin: Ahhh!\nGreen Goblin: NO! NO!\n*Green Goblin making noises of pain*\n*crowd noises cut out, music only*\nSean Ward: If you like this video, make sure you subscribe.\nSean Ward: Cause we do new superhero stuff every single week.\nSean Ward: Browse the channel for lots more from New York Comicon!\nSean Ward: Shout outs here for KJBT123,\nSean Ward: Legendverse, Jonathan Ruly and Mr. Awesome E. J.\nNew subscriber alert: Moonlight, Leonardo131Playzgame, Caleb Shay and Black Ray Drummer.\nSean Ward: Are you a new subscriber?\nSean Ward: What was your favourite part of this video?\nSean Ward: Let me know in the comments and I'll shout you out!\n": 0, "Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup\nThey slither wildly as they slip away across the universe\nPools of sorrow waves of joy\nAre drifting through my opened mind\nPossessing and caressing me\nNothing's gonna change my world\nImages of broken light\nWhich dance before me like a million eyes\nThey call me on and on across the universe\nThoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box\nThey tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe\nNothing's gonna change my world\nSounds of laughter, shades of life\nAre ringing through my opened ears\nInciting and inviting me\nLimitless undying love\nWhich shines around me like a million suns\nIt calls me on and on across the universe\nNothing's gonna change my world\nNothing, nothing, nothing, nothing is gonna\nNothing's gonna change my world\nNothing, nothing, nothing, nothing is gonna\nNothing's gonna change my world\nNothing's gonna change\nNothing's gonna change\nNothing's gonna change my world\nNothing's gonna change\nNothing's gonna change my world\n": 2, " \n \n \nYeah! I'm gonna learn these tissues on the BM road\nI'm gonna\nLearn em till I can't no mo\nI'm gonna learn these tissues on the BM road\nI'm gonna learn em till I can't no mo\nSimple. Stratified\nSingle. Multiple\nTransitional, Glandular, Columnar, Cuboidal\nPseudostratified\nAppears stratified\nBut it's one layer with nuclei, so don't believe that lie\nHistology study of tissues. The study of tissues\nHistology study of tissues. The study of tissues\nSimple squamous. Single, flat, and thin\nThis lines your lungs to help with filtration\nSimple cuboidal. Found in the kidney\nSimple columnar has that microvilli\nHistology study of tissues. The study of tissues.\nHistology study of tissues. The study of tissues.\nYeah! I'm gonna learn these tissues on the BM Road\nI'm gonna learn em till I can't no more\nI'm gonna learn these tissues on the BM Road.\nI'm gonna learn em till I can't no mo\n \n \n \nTissues got their name from cell shape and cell layers\nOn your test, you gotta know one from another\nLeaky bladder! No time for that!\nSo transitional tissue it has my back\nMan! All these tissues on the BM Road. I gotta learn em till I can't no mo.\nI'm gonna learn these tissues on the BM Road\nI'm gonna learn em till I can't no more\nI'm gonna learn these tissues on the BM Road.\nI'm gonna learn em till I can't no mo, mo more!!!\n \n": 1, " \n \n \n \n \nthere are three wishes in humans\nHope - Greed - Greedy\nCan we control this with them?\nR.P\n \n \nR.P\n \nBut if we are surrounded by people, our hopes of greed will come out of greed - \nThis is the story\nBut if we are surrounded by people, our hopes of greed will come out of greed - \nThis is the story\nR.P\n \n###\n###\n###\n###\n###\n###\n###\n###\n###\nR.P\nTitle\nA man goes on\nThe boy is watching something\nschool students are coming\na man goes on\n@@@\nthe boy is watching something.\nschool students are coming\nthe boy is watching something\nthe boy is watching something\nschool students are coming\nboy is coming\nschool students also are coming\nhe is seeing school students\nhe is comparing his attire with those boys\nhe is following them\nhe is observing them\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nhe seen the T-shirt which apt to the attire of school students he seen few minutes back -\nSo he wore that' (because he thought that this is beautiful)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nhe is wanting that jocket\nhe is as-shamed of his attire\n \n \n \n \nhe is watching that jocket\n \n \n \nhe is coming (S.P.R)\nhe is going (S.P.R)\nhe is going\nhe is pushed the bottle\nhe is looking one shirt\nThe boy liked the shirt\nhe is removing buttons\n \nhe's changed his shirt\nhe's changed his shirt (S.P.R)\nhe's changed his shirt\nhe is going\n### (S.P.R)\n###\n### (S.P.R)\nthey are discussing\n###\nthey are discussing\nthey are discussing (S.P.R)\n###\nhe is coming\nhe is looking some persons\nhe is bending\n### (S.P.R)\n \nhe is bendding\nhe is looking ladies\n### (S.P.R)\nhe is looking some persons\n###\nhe is observing hospital side places\nhe is going on hospital surrounding places\n### (S.P.R)\nhe is going on hospital surrounding places\nthey are people's\nhe is observing everybody\n#&% LOOKING %&#\n###\nhe is observing everybody\nhe is observing everybody\nhe is observing everybody\nhe is disturbed\n### (S.P.R)\n": 1, "hi I am Sofian Makhlouf in this video we\u00a0\nwill study the convergence of Cesaro means\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is C sub n equals the sum\u00a0\nof a sub 1 plus and so on until\u00a0\u00a0\na sub n All Over n so C sub n is the\u00a0\nCesaro mean of the sequence a sub n\nso we will show if limit of a sub n equals L\u00a0\nthen limit of C sub n equals l we will show if\u00a0\u00a0\nthis sequence a sub n converges to L then\u00a0\nthis sequence C sub n also converges to l\u00a0\u00a0\nusing the definition of convergence using Epsilon\u00a0\nbefore doing the proof of the Cesaro theorem\u00a0\u00a0\nI remind the definition of a\u00a0\nlimit of sequence using Epsilon\u00a0\u00a0\nso the limit of the sequence U sub\u00a0\nn as n approaches Infinity equals\u00a0\u00a0\nL if for all Epsilon greater than zero\u00a0\nthere exists a big n integer such that\nfor our little n greater than or equal to Big N\nwe have the distance between U sub n and L\u00a0\nis less than Epsilon so this inequality hold\u00a0\u00a0\nunder this condition\nbefore doing the proof I give the strategy of\u00a0\nthe proof so we have two cases L equals zero\u00a0\u00a0\nor L difference of zero\nso the first case L equal to zero by\u00a0\nusing Epsilon by using this definition\u00a0\u00a0\nthe second case L difference\u00a0\nof zero by the first case\nafter doing the proof the question is:\u00a0\nis the converse true of this statement\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will show that the converse is not true if c\u00a0\nn converges to l we don't have a n converge to l\nnow we start the proof L can be zero or not so the\u00a0\nfirst case L is zero let Epsilon greater than zero\nwe have limit of a sub n equals zero so by\u00a0\ndefinition of limit there exists a big n integer\u00a0\u00a0\nsuch that for a little n greater than or equal\u00a0\nto Big N we have the absolute value of a sub n\u00a0\u00a0\nis less than Epsilon over 2. so this\u00a0\ninequality hold under this condition\nlet little n greater than or equal to Big N\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have the absolute value of a\u00a0\nsub n is less than Epsilon over 2.\nso the absolute value of C\u00a0\nsub n is equal to this sum\u00a0\u00a0\nOver n absolute value is less than 1 over n times\u00a0\nhere we use the Triangular inequality many time\u00a0\u00a0\nso here the the first term A1 until a sub n plus\u00a0\nthe absolute value of all of each remaining term\nthis absolute value of this sum\u00a0\nis a constant because Big L is\u00a0\u00a0\na constant so this is a a is\u00a0\nthis sum with absolute value\neach of those terms is less than Epsilon over\u00a0\n2 because here H and X is greater than big n\nso this is less than 1 over n or each term\u00a0\nis less than or is less than Epsilon over 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nso how many epsilon over two here we have n minus\u00a0\nBig N plus one plus one equals n minus Big N\nso the absolute value of C sub\u00a0\nn is less than a Over N Plus\u00a0\u00a0\nthe number of them and\u00a0\nunder n times Epsilon over 2\nand this is less than one so the absolute value of\u00a0\nC sub n is less than a Over n plus Epsilon over 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nso we have the absolute value of c sub n is less\u00a0\nthan or equal to a over n plus Epsilon over 2.\nwe know that the limit of A Over n is zero\u00a0\nso there exists M integer greater than or\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to Big N such that for all little\u00a0\nn greater than or equal to Big M we have\u00a0\u00a0\nthe absolute value of a Over N less than\u00a0\nEpsilon over 2. so let n greater than Big M\nwe have this inequality\nand this inequality so here a Over N is less than\u00a0\nEpsilon over 2 so C sub n the absolute value is\u00a0\u00a0\nless than Epsilon over 2 plus Epsilon over 2 which\u00a0\nis Epsilon us for all Epsilon greater than zero\u00a0\u00a0\nthere exists a Big M such that for a\u00a0\nlittle n greater than or equal to Big N\nwe have the distance between c sub n and 0\u00a0\nis less than Epsilon so the limit of C sub n\u00a0\u00a0\nequals zero so when we have the limit of a sub n\u00a0\nequal to zero so the limit of the Cesaro mean of\u00a0\u00a0\na sub n is also zero second case L is not equal\u00a0\nto zero we will use the first case here a sub n\u00a0\u00a0\nconverge to L so we need a nice sequence that\u00a0\nconvergess to zero to apply the first case\u00a0\u00a0\nthis sequence is B sub n equals a sub n\u00a0\nminus l so here B sub L converges to zero\u00a0\u00a0\nd sub n is the Cesaro mean of b sub n but this\u00a0\nis Visa event so the this event is equal to this\nhere we put the ak together and the else together\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is equal to the sum\u00a0\nof ak Over n minus n L over n\nbut this is cn this is the Cesaro mean of a sub n\nso d sub n equals c sub n min": 4, "I've been waiting on a war since\nI was young\nSince I was a little boy with a\ntoy gun\nNever really wanted to be number\none\nJust wanted to love everyone\nIs there more to this than that?\nIs there more to this than that?\nIs there more to this than that?\nIs there more to this, more to\nthis, more to this than\nJust waiting on a war?\nJust waiting on a war?\nEveryday waiting for the sky to\nfall\nBig crash on a world that's so\nsmall\nJust a boy with nowhere left to\ngo\nFell in love with a voice on the\nradio\nIs there more to this than that?\nIs there more to this than that?\nIs there more to this than that?\nIs there more to this, more to\nthis, more to this than\nJust waiting on a war?\nJust waiting on a war?\nJust waiting on a war for this\nand that\nThere's got to be more to this\nthan that\nJust waiting on a war for this\nand that\nThere's got to be more to this\nthan that\nI've been waiting on a war since\nI was young\nSince I was a little boy with a\ntoy gun\nIs there more to this, more to\nthis, more to this than\nJust waiting on a war?\nJust waiting on a war?\nJust waiting on a war for this\nand that\nThere's got to be more to this\nthan that\nJust waiting on a war for this\nand that\nThere's got to be more to this\nthan that\nJust waiting on a war for this\nand that\nThere's got to be more to this\nthan that\nJust waiting on a war for this\nand that\nThere's got to be more to this\nthan that\nBecause I need more\nYeah, I need more\nJust waiting on a war\nJust waiting on a war\nYeah, I need more\nYeah, I need more\nJust waiting on\na war\n": 2, "Specifications are taken from the game Jurassic World Evolution 2\nCompsognathus: Height: 0.3 meters, Weight: 2.3 kg, Lenght: 1 meter. Carnivore dinosaur.\nHomalocephale: Height: 0.9 meters, Weight: 43 kg, Lenght: 2.3 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nCoelophysis: Height: 1.3 meters, Weight: 18 kg, Lenght: 3 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nTroodon: Height: 1 meter, Weight: 35 kg, Lenght: 2.5 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nMinmi: Height: 1 meter, Weight: 300 kg, Lenght: 3 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nCrichtonsaurus: Height: 2.3 meters, Weight: 454 kg, Lenght: 7 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nGigantspinosaurus: Height: 3 meters, Weight: 700 kg, Lenght: 7.7 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nDimetrodon: Height: 1.8 meters, Weight: 226 kg, Lenght: 4.5 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nDilophosaurus: Height: 1.6 meters, Weight: 300 kg, Lenght: 3 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nDeinonychus: Height: 1.6 meters, Weight: 100 kg, Lenght: 3.2 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nProceratosaurus: Height: 1.4 meters, Weight: 40 kg, Lenght: 4 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nChungkingosaurus: Height: 1 meter, Weight: 1.5 tons, Lenght: 3.2 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nDracorex: Height: 1.5 meters, Weight: 600 kg, Lenght: 3.5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nVelociraptor: Height: 1.7 meters, Weight: 226 kg, Lenght: 3.9 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nStygimoloch: Height: 1.7 meters, Weight: 78 kg, Lenght: 3.5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nMonolophosaurus: Height: 1.5 meters, Weight: 450 kg, Lenght: 5 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nHuayangosaurus: Height: 3 meters, Weight: 3 tons, Lenght: 8.5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nNodosaurus: Height: 1.9 meters, Weight: 3.9 tons, Lenght: 6.1 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nPolacanthus: Height: 2.2 meters, Weight: 900 kg, Lenght: 7 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nPyroraptor: Height: 1.7 meters, Weight: 180 kg, Lenght: 2.4 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nArchaeornithomimus: Height: 2.2 meters, Weight: 50 kg., Lenght: 3.3 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nDryosaurus: Height: 1.8 meters, Weight: 80 kg, Lenght: 5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nKentrosaurus: Height: 1 meter, Weight: 700 kg, Lenght: 4 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nStruthiomimus: Height: 2.3 meters, Weight: 150 kg, Lenght: 4.3 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nPachycephalosaurus: Height: 1.5 meters, Weight: 450 kg, Lenght: 4.5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nHerrerasaurus: Height: 1.1 meters, Weight: 200 kg, Lenght: 4.5 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nChasmosaurus: Height: 3.8 meters, Weight: 1.5 tons, Lenght: 7.5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nSauropelta: Height: 2.1 meters, Weight: 1.5 tons, Lenght: 8 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nGallimimus: Height: 3 meters, Weight: 450 kg, Lenght: 4.7 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nCryolophosaurus: Height: 2 meters, Weight: 500 kg, Lenght: 7 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nIndoraptor: Height: 3.1 meters, Weight: 1.1 tons, Lenght: 7.3 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nEuoplocephalus: Height: 4.8 meters, Weight: 2.8 tons, Lenght: 7.8 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nStyracosaurus: Height: 1.5 meters, Weight: 1.8 tons, Lenght: 5.1 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nPachyrhinosaurus: Height: 1.8 meters, Weight: 3 tons, Lenght: 6 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nMegalosaurus: Height: 3 meters, Weight: 822 kg, Lenght: 6 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nMetriacanthosaurus: Height: 2 meters, Weight: 1 ton, Lenght: 7.6 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nMajungasaurus: Height: 2.8 meters, Weight: 907 kg, Lenght: 9 meters. Carnivore dinosaur.\nAmargasaurus: Height: 2.7 meters, Weight: 2.9 tons, Lenght: 9.5 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nNasutoceratops: Height: 3.4 meters, Weight: 1.7 tons, Lenght: 7.6 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nWuerhosaurus: Height: 2.5 meters, Weight: 4 tons, Lenght: 8 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nBaryonyx: Height: 2.6 meters, Weight: 1.7 tons, Lenght: 9.3 meters. Piscivore, carnivore dinosaur.\nSinoceratops: Height: 4.2 meters, Weight: 2 tons, Lenght: 8.1 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nTorosaurus: Height: 3.6 meters, Weight: 6 tons, Lenght: 7.9 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nMaiasaura: Height: 3 meters, Weight: 907 kg, Lenght: 9 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nOuranosaurus: Height: 2 meters, Weight: 2.2 tons, Lenght: 8.3 meters. Herbivore dinosaur.\nPenta": 4, "Chu Chu TV\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb, little lamb\nMary had a little lamb\nIts fleece was white as snow.\nEverywhere that Mary went\nMary went, Mary went\nEverywhere that Mary went\nThe lamb was sure to go\nIt followed her to school one day\nSchool one day, school one day\nIt followed her to school one day\nWhich was against the rules\nIt made the children laugh and play\nLaugh and play, laugh and play\nIt made the children laugh and play\nTo see the lamb at school.\nAnd so the teacher turned it out\nTurned it out, turned it out\nAnd so the teacher turned it out\nBut still it lingered near\nWhy does the lamb love Mary so?\nLove Mary so? Love Mary so?\nWhy does the lamb love Mary so?\nThe eager children cry.\nWhy, Mary loves the lamb, you know\nThe lamb, you know, The lamb, you know\nWhy, Mary loves the lamb, you know\nTha teacher did reply.\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb, little lamb\nMary had a little lamb\nIts fleece was white as snow.\nEverywhere that Mary went\nMary went, Mary went\nEverywhere that Mary went\nThe lamb was sure to go\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb, little lamb\nMary had a little lamb\nIts fleece was white as snow.\nSubscribe, for more videos\n": 4, "Hello everyone and welcome to this video\nToday we're going to talk about the setup and use of BuddyPhones Cosmos\nPower on your BuddyPhones Cosmos by pressing the multi-function button for 2 seconds\nThe LED indicator lights will flash red and blue\nThis lets you know the headphones is in pairing mode\nNow switch on your device\nIn the device's bluetooth settings\nSelect BuddyPhones Cosmos from the menu\nOn the headphone the indicate lights will now flash blue\nTo show you the headphone is now paired to your device\nSwitching modes\nThis headphone has three audio modes\n75 dB, 85 dB and 94 dB\nTo skip between these settings\nPress the multi function button and the volume down button simultaneously\nWhen wearing the headphones\nYou will hear one beep to indicate that you are in 75 db mode\nTwo beeps will tell you you're in 85 db mode\nWhile three beeps will tell you that you're in 94 db mode\nActive noise cancellation\nTo switch on active noise cancellation\nSlide the switch into the up position\nThe blue LED light will light up to indicate that ANC is now active\nTo switch ANC off\nSlide the switch into the down position\nThe LED light will now switch off to indicate that ANC is deactivated\nTo play music or video\nPress the multi-function button one time\nTo pause music or video, press the multi-function button one time\nTo resume playing music or video, press the multi-function button again\nTo go to the next track press and hold the volume up button for 1 second\nTo go back a track press and hold the volume down button for 1 second\nCall functions\nTo answer calls, press the multi-function button once\nTo end a call press the multi-function button once\nTo reject an incoming call hold the multi-function button down for 1 second\nTo use your headphones in wired mode\nFirst power off your headphones by holding the multi-function button down for 3 seconds\nNext, take your audio cable and connect it to your headphone\nFinally, connect the other end of the cable to your device\nTo share the audio from your BuddyPhones\nFirst power on your headphones by pressing the multi-function button for 2 second\nOnce it is paired, take the audio cable from your wired headphones and connect it to your BuddyPhones\nThe audio is now being shared\nIf for any reason you need to replace the ear cushions\nThey can easily be removed by pinching the edges and pulling gently in an upward direction\nTo replace the ear cushions\nPush the cushion firmly until all eight catches around the ear cup snap into place\nCharging the headphones\nTo charge your headphones\nInsert the supplied USB charging cable into the charging port of your headphones\nA red LED light will indicate it is charging\nWhen it is fully charged the led light will change to green\nTroubleshooting\nIf you need to reset the headphones for any reason\nPress the volume down button and volume up button together simultaneously for 4 seconds\nThis will clear the memory of the headphone and put it back to factory settings\n": 4, "Ala ho la dan\n[It has no specific meaning translatable..]\nAla ho la dan\n[..in English, but it\u2019s a famous hymn]\nAla ho la dan\n[..that sailors of the Persian Gulf used to sing]\nAla ho la dan\n[..before starting their journey on the seas]\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen, \u2019cause we believe it\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen \u2019cause we can see it\nHere\u2019s to the ones, that keep the passion\nRespect, oh, yeah\nHere\u2019s to the ones, that can imagine\nRespect, oh, yeah\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nGather \u2019round now, look at me\nRespect the love the only way\nIf you wanna come, come with me\nThe door is open now every day\nThis one plus two, rendezvous all invited\nThis what we do, how we do\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen, \u2019cause we believe it\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen \u2019cause we can see it\nHere\u2019s to the ones, that keep the passion\nRespect, oh, yeah\nHere\u2019s to the ones, that can imagine\nRespect, oh, yeah\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nFahad!\nWe dream of a better world\nand to live with love\nOh, oho\nWe'd gather and let our voices\nfill this world with love\n(This world with love)\nWe'd come together and we'll raise\n(all these flags)\nWe'd cooperate, create and achieve\n(all of our dreams)\nWe'll never give up\nwe'll keep challenging..\n..and overcome all difficulties\nand sing with love\nLook who we are\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen, \u2019cause we believe it\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen \u2019cause we can see it\nHere\u2019s to the ones, that keep the passion\nRespect, oh, yeah\nHere\u2019s to the ones, that can imagine\nRespect, oh, yeah\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nAla ho la dan\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers\nWe make it happen, \u2019cause we believe it\n": 4, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse\nto the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can no more\nTake my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can no more\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI've been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and curious\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can no more\nTake my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can no more\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nCan nobody tell me nothin'\nCan tell me nothin'\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can no more\nTake my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can no more\n": 1, "As you know that we are discussing the next\u00a0\nmodule of linguistics that is more following\u00a0\u00a0\nand in Morphology we are studying that what\u00a0\nis the internal structure of the word and\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat is the inputs of syntax. The input of\u00a0\nsyntax is the word and we must know that\u00a0\u00a0\nhow word are farmed either worlds\u00a0\nare structurally-dependent or not\u00a0\nAre words grammatical? Do words have uniform\u00a0\nstructure or not these are our questions that we\u00a0\u00a0\nare going to discuss in this series and I want to\u00a0\ntell you that if you are new in our channel please\u00a0\u00a0\nSubscribe my channel and press the bell icon\u00a0\nfor more updates about language and linguistics\u00a0\u00a0\nand in this video I want to dedicate this\u00a0\nvideo to the mother of all the worlds and\u00a0\u00a0\nI am going to tell you that you should pray\u00a0\nfor your mother first and then my mother.\nin this video I am going to tell you that what\u00a0\nis Morphology and in the previous video I have\u00a0\u00a0\nalready told you that what is the morpheme and\u00a0\nwhen we break the word into pieces we can say\u00a0\u00a0\nthat some parts of word can exist independently\u00a0\nbut some parts of word cannot exist independently\u00a0\u00a0\non the basis of these two portions within the\u00a0\nworld we have the next module i.e. the morphology\u00a0\u00a0\nand when we attach these or the world with the\u00a0\nother parts this tells us that open types of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe the world within the world and how we can join\u00a0\nthe parts of world the morphine and in this video\u00a0\u00a0\ni am going to tell you that what type of morpheme\u00a0\nbasically at the broader level i have already told\u00a0\u00a0\nyou that there are two types of morphine lexical\u00a0\nof him and grammatical morphing grammatical mode\u00a0\u00a0\nwill tell you that what are the grammatical\u00a0\nrules at the moment reforming and lexical mark\u00a0\u00a0\nwill give you the meaning and lexical morphine\u00a0\ncan exist independently on the basis of this\ni want to tell you that there are\u00a0\ntwo types of morpheme but we have\u00a0\u00a0\nsub-categorized this type of morpheme see\u00a0\nmorphe the minimal pair within the world this\u00a0\u00a0\nis called the morpheme that can exist somewhere\u00a0\nindependently but somewhere it did not exist\u00a0\u00a0\nindependently it is called the morpheme\u00a0\nand it is the inputs to the morphology\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we arrange the morpheme we can generate\u00a0\nthe world and the study of in generation of\u00a0\u00a0\nworld seeker morphology and in this video i am\u00a0\ngoing to tell you that three morphine bound mother\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat are the three morphemes i have already\u00a0\ntold you that lexical morphine three muscles are\u00a0\u00a0\njust like the lexical movement that can exist\u00a0\nindependent that can freely occur everywhere\u00a0\u00a0\nin the sentence these are these motions are\u00a0\ncalled the free emotion and the free morpheme\u00a0\u00a0\ngives us the 70 contents but we have another\u00a0\ntype of morphine that is the bound morphing\nattaches to the free morpheme but the point\u00a0\nis that free morpheme exists independently and\u00a0\u00a0\nbone morphine don't exist independently and\u00a0\nfree morpheme has one category only the free\u00a0\u00a0\nmorphing in simple world we can say that the\u00a0\nraw material of morphology is called the free\u00a0\u00a0\nmorpheme the rules of the morphology is called the\u00a0\nfree morpheme this is the root of the morphology\u00a0\u00a0\nand in simple we can say that we have the\u00a0\nnoun the word adjective annual transposition\u00a0\u00a0\nall these occurred the theme of because some\u00a0\nof the category that i have told you that\u00a0\u00a0\nthese can exist independently so we can say\u00a0\nthat these are the free morphemes and the\u00a0\u00a0\nthese are the number free morphing book book can\u00a0\nexist independently bad and exist independently\u00a0\u00a0\nfriend can exist independently bag can\u00a0\nexist independently but are these sufficient\u00a0\u00a0\nlow not at all because the human beings\u00a0\nthe every individual is verstalist\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have variety of discussion variety\u00a0\nof speech and we have the versatile\u00a0\u00a0\nability to speak so for this purpose\u00a0\nwe have to arrange these items\u00a0\u00a0\nand somewhere we put and we change these words\u00a0\nlike book books bookish booking booked same\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction can be applied on this world and if we\u00a0\ninsert some morphine before the root word murphy\u00a0\u00a0\nor the ending of the morphine or the in\u00a0\nbetween the morphine this is also called\u00a0\u00a0\nthe bomb morphine and if we talk about the bone\u00a0": 1, "We are searchlights,\nwe can see in the dark\nWe are rockets,\npointed up at the stars\nWe are billions of\nbeautiful hearts\nAnd you sold us down\nthe river too far\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the times you\nsaid you had the answers\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the broken\nhappy ever afters\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the plans\nthat ended in disaster\nWhat about love\nWhat about trust\nWhat about us\nWe are problems that\nwant to be solved\nWe are children that\nneed to be loved\nWe were willing, we came\nwhen you called\nBut many fooled us,\nenough is enough\nWhat about us, what about\nall the times you said you had\nthe answers\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the broken\nhappy ever afters\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the plans\nthat ended in disaster\nWhat about love\nWhat about trust\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the plans\nthat ended in disaster\nWhat about love\nWhat about trust\nWhat about us\nSticks and stones they may\nbreak these bones\nBut then I'll be ready,\nare you ready\nIt's a start of us waking up\ncome on\nAre you ready, I'll be ready\nI don't want control,\nI want to let go\nAre you ready,\nI'll be ready\nNow it's time to\nlet them know\nAre you ready,\nwhat about\nWhat about us,\nwhat about all the times you\nsaid you had the answers\nSo what about us\nWhat about all the broken\nhappy ever afters\nWhat about us\nWhat about all the plans\nthat ended in disaster\nWhat about love\nWhat about trust\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\nWhat about us\n": 4, "In this video, we will simulate the basic static of a cantilever beam.\nCreate a cantilever beam model.\nIn this video, we will simulate the basic static of a cantilever beam.\nCreate a cantilever beam model.\nIn this video, we will simulate the basic static of a cantilever beam.\nCreate a cantilever beam model.\nClick \"Tools\", then click \"Material\", then determine the material.\nClick \"Environments\", then click \"Stress Analysis\", then click \"Create Study\".\nSelect \"Static Analysis\", then click \"OK\".\nDetermine the material.\nClick \"Tools\", then click \"Material\", then determine the material.\nClick \"Environments\", then click \"Stress Analysis\", then click \"Create Study\".\nSelect \"Static Analysis\", then click \"OK\".\nDetermine the material.\nClick \"Tools\", then click \"Material\", then determine the material.\nClick \"Environments\", then click \"Stress Analysis\", then click \"Create Study\".\nSelect \"Static Analysis\", then click \"OK\".\nDetermine the material.\nClick \"Fixed\" on \"Constraints\", then determine the fixed constraint.\nClick \"Fixed\" on \"Constraints\", then determine the fixed constraint.\nClick \"Fixed\" on \"Constraints\", then determine the fixed constraint.\nClick \"Force\" on \"Loads\", then determine the force load.\nMake and view the mesh with default settings.\nClick \"Simulate\", then click \"Run\".\nClick \"Force\" on \"Loads\", then determine the force load.\nMake and view the mesh with default settings.\nClick \"Simulate\", then click \"Run\".\nClick \"Force\" on \"Loads\", then determine the force load.\nMake and view the mesh with default settings.\nClick \"Simulate\", then click \"Run\".\nWe can see the simulation results, such as stress, displacement, safety factor, and strain.\nWe can see the simulation results, such as stress, displacement, safety factor, and strain.\nWe can see the simulation results, such as stress, displacement, safety factor, and strain.\n": 3, "If we have a quantum particle moving freely through space, its wave function may look as shown.\nOn the other hand, if we have a quantum particle trapped inside a box, its wave function may look as shown.\nWhy do the wave functions look so different in the two cases?\nTo answer this question, let us consider a wavefunction where the amplitude is the same everywhere throughout all of space.\nBecause the amplitude is the same everywhere, we have no knowledge of the particle\u2019s position.\nBut, we know the momentum with 100% certainty, and this momentum is determined by the wavelength.\nA particle with a larger momentum is described by a wavefunction with a shorter wavelength.\nThe wave function we saw at the beginning of this video is actually a superposition of several different wavefunctions with different wavelengths.\nThe larger the number of wavefunctions of different wavelengths we add together, the larger the peak in amplitude will be in one particular location, which gives us more knowledge about the probability of the particle\u2019s position.\nBut, this also causes us to have less knowledge of the particle\u2019s momentum, because the particle now has a probability of being measured with the momentum associated with each of the various wavelengths.\nLet\u2019s now consider the case of a particle, with a known energy, trapped inside a box.\nHere, there is uncertainty if the momentum is moving to the right, or if the momentum is moving to the left.\nA particle with a known momentum moving to the right has a wavefunction that looks like this blue spiral.\nA particle with a known momentum moving to the right has a wavefunction that looks like this blue spiral.\nA particle with a known momentum moving to the left has a wavefunction that looks like this orange spiral.\nSince we don\u2019t know if the momentum is to the left or to the right, the total wavefunction for the particle is the sum of the blue spiral and the orange spiral.\nThe sum of the two spirals is shown here in green.\nThis gives us the wavefunction for the trapped particle, which looks like a flat, rotating, sine wave.\nThis satisfies the boundary condition that the amplitude of the wavefunction must be close to zero at the boundary of the box.\nWhereas a quantum particle travelling freely through space can have any wavelength, trapped quantum particles can only have wavelengths where the amplitude is close to zero at the boundary of the box.\nIn this video, we have only discussed the case of a single particle.\nThings get much more exciting when we have multiple identical particles trapped together, and this is discussed in the video, \"What causes the Pauli Exclusion Principle?\"\nPlease subscribe for notifications when new videos are ready.\nAnd if you are able to, please consider supporting us on Patreon through the link in the video description.\nThank you.\n": 4, "I'm back!\nAnd dissin' again, haha!\nA year after dissin' cyberbullies,\nPewDiePie gave me strength for another fire!\nWhite trash, white trash!\nHigh class white trash!\nWhite trash, white trash!\nHigh class white trash!\nOh, you think you're a king?\nNo chance, bro, his name is Putin!\nRussia is my city. Trump won't save you,\nyou can try, but he won't hear you\nStill ruining lives of your neighbours?\nHear me, Jake Paul, and your brother too,\nHear me Leafy, hear me RiceGum,\nFuck you Team 10, I will stop you!\nWhite trash white trash (Feel my fire!)\nHigh class white trash (It's everyday bro)\nWhite trash white trash (Jake Paul!)\nHigh class white trash\nYou have the money, you will do anything,\nEthan Klein is right, and you and me should fight!\nGod will punish you for your videos\nyou're just a criminal, and you're proud of it?!\nNo, you're not a gangster!\nYou're just a wankster without respect\neven to the terminally ill girl, which you use\nfor moral leverage!\nI have no words!\nWhite trash white trash (Jake Paul!)\nHigh class white trash (Uuuuh!)\nWhite trash white trash (Team 10 bitch)\nHigh class white trash\nThis is the thing that will happen to your career\nhaha, you see that?\nMy name is Misha\nand this is my final blow to you, bro!\nRot in jail!\nWhite trash white trash (Remember me!)\nHigh class white trash (Hear me!)\nWhite trash white trash (Feel my fire!)\nHigh class white trash\nWhite trash white trash (Feel my fire!)\nHigh class white trash (Feel my fire!)\nWhite trash white trash (Feel my fire!)\n(Feel my fire!) High class white trash!\n": 1, "Namaskar, welcome to nishamadhulika.com\nLot of raw mangoes is easily available in market in these days.\nPickles made in this month can be eaten for whole year.\nMany kinds of pickles can be prepared with raw mangoes.\nToday, we will prepare the Lachha Achar of mangoes.\nLet us see what are things we require to prepare Lacha Achar of mangoes.\nRaw mangoes (dipped in water for 10 to 11 and dried) - 500 grams or 3 in number.\nMustard oil - 1/2 cup\nHeeng (Asafoetida) powder - less than 1/4 tsp\nSalt - 3 tbsp\nYellow mustard - 3 tbsp\nMethi (Fenugreek) Dana - 2 tbsp\nZeera (Cumin) - 1 tsp\nTurmeric powder - 1 tsp\nRed Pepper - 1 tsp\nWe will peel the mangoes first and then we will prepare the Lachas.\nTake out the stalk of mango and peel it with a peeler.\nNow, we will take out its pulp.\nWe will cut the pulp into large pieces or we can grate it and prepare its Lacha.\nHere, we are taking its pulp out since we have to prepare its Lacha in food processor.\nThe Lachha of mangoes is prepared.\nRoast all the spices now.\nTake Jeera and Methi Dana in a pan and roast till them these turn light brown.\nRoast them in a mid-flame.\nNow, we will grind these in the grinder.\nAdd yellow mustard and salt in it.\nSalt is added to increase the quantity of spices to grind them properly.\nMake a coarse powder of spices.\nHeat the oil in a pan.\nKeep the gas in mid-flame.\nAdd Methi dana in it.\nRoast the Methi dana and add Lachha of mangoes in it.\nAlso add turmeric, powder of spices, red pepper and Heeng.\nMix all the ingredients in the mid-flame properly.\nAll the spices are mixed in mango Lachha properly.\nCover it with a lid and cook it for 5 minutes.\nFive minutes have passed and the pickle is ready.\nCool the pickle and store it in a container once it has cooled down.\nIt is very easy to prepare this pickle.\nBut, one has to take precautions to keep the pickle for a long time.\nThe utensils used to prepare the pickle should be clean and free of moisture.\nStore the pickle in a container of plastic or glass.\nWash the container first with boiled water and then dry it in Sun.\nThese containers can be washed in oven also.\nThere should not be any moisture inside containers.\nTake out the pickle with clean and a dry spoon.\nPickles can be stored for a long time, if we take a little bit of precaution.\nThe lachha Achar of mango can be eaten with Chapatti,\nParanthas, Poori or Dal and Chawal and Khichdi.\nPrepare the Lachha Achar of mango and share your experiences with us.\nLet us meet again at nishamadhulika.com\n": 1, "Rise Up (Cover by Vicki Levy Adelstein)\nYou're broken down and tired\nOf living life on a merry go round\nAnd you can't find the fighter\nBut I see it in you so we gonna walk it out\nAnd move mountains, Gonna walk it out\nAnd move mountains\nAnd I'll rise up\nRise like the day\nAnd I'll rise up\nI'll rise unafraid, I'll rise up\nAnd I'll do it a thousand times again\nAnd I'll rise up, High like the waves\nAnd I'll rise up, In spite of the ache\nI'll rise up\nAnd I'll do it a thousand times again\nFor you, for you, for you,\nFor you\nWhen the silence isn't quiet\nAnd it feels like it's getting hard to breathe\nAnd I know you feel like dying\nBut I promise we'll take the world to its\nfeet and\nMove mountains, We'll take it to its feet and\nMove mountains\nAnd I'll rise up, rise like the day\nAnd I'll rise up\nI'll rise unafraid\nI'll rise up\nAnd I'll do it a thousand times again\nFor you, For you, For you, For you\nAll we need, all we need is hope\nAnd for that we have each other\nAnd for that we have each other\nWe will rise\nWe will rise, oh oh, We will rise\nI'll rise up, Rise like the day\nAnd I'll rise up, In spite of the ache\nI'll rise up a thousand times again\nAnd I'll rise up, Rise like the waves\nAnd I'll rise up\nIn spite of the ache\nI'll rise up\nAnd we'll do it a thousand times again\nFor you, For you, \nFor you, For you...\nThis is dedicated to the Diamond Family and all those who are staying strong during their fight against an invisible enemy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are not alone. xo Vicki -- April 4, 2020\n": 4, "Once upon a time not so long ago\nTommy used to work on the docks\nunion's been on strike\nHe's down on his luck\nit's tough\n so tough\nGina works the diner all day\nworking for her man\nShe brings home her pay\nfor love, \nfor love\nShe says, we've got to hold on\n to what we've got\nIt doesn't make a difference\n if we make it or not\nWe've got each other\nand that's a lot for love\nWe'll give it a shot\nWoah, we're half way there\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nTake my hand, we'll make it I swear\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nTommy's got his six-string in hock\nNow he's holding in what he used to make it talk\nSo tough, it's tough\nGina dreams of running away\nWhen she cries in the night, Tommy whispers\nBaby, it's okay, \nsomeday\nWe've got to hold on to what we've got\nIt doesn't make a difference if we make it or not\nWe've got each other and that's a lot for love\nWe'll give it a shot\nWoah, we're half way there\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nTake my hand, we'll make it I swear\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nlivin' on a prayer\nOh, we've got to hold on, ready or not\nYou live for the fight when it's all that you've got\nWoah, we're half way there\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nTake my hand, we'll make it I swear\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nWoah, we're half way there\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nTake my hand, we'll make it I swear\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\nWoah, we're half way there\nWoah, livin' on a prayer\n": 2, "Ballestas Islands More Sea lions by TravelPod member tobszanni\nDesert Oasis Huacachina by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina About to board down this dune by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Hotel First Nights Camping by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Just boarded down the dune behind by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Mummy Winehouse lookalikey? by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Parrot breaking and entering by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Proof Suzanna stayed in a tent by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Strapped in for the Dune Bugging by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Toby relaxing in the buggy by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Us with the Dune Buggy by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina View of the sand dunes by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuacachina Watching the sun set from the buggy by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuanchina Cheeky Parrot by TravelPod member tobszanni\nHuanchina Mummy by TravelPod member tobszanni\nNazca Chauchilla Cemetery by TravelPod member tobszanni\nNazca Plaza by TravelPod member tobszanni\n": 1, "Here's a little song I wrote\nAbout a man, He was the goat.\nJoseph Smith, what a man.\nIn his life he had some troubles.\nHe worked all day on the doubles.\nJoseph Smith, what a man.\nJoseph Smith what a man.\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith Born in 1805.\nHe got leg surgery to survive.\nJoseph Smith, What a man.\nJoseph Smith, He translated a book\nIt helped him form a church.\nJoseph Smith, what a man.\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what a man.\nIn 1836 he built a temple\nIn 1838 they thought he was mental.\nWent to jail, Must Prevail.\nIn\u2014- 1842, He became the mayor of nauvoo.\nJoseph Smith, What a man.\nRan for president in 1844.\nA few months later he was dead on \nthe floor.\nShot by a mob , what a man.\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nJoseph Smith, what \na man\nJoseph Smith, what a man\nSlaves came from the south\nTo seek refuge in his house\nJoseph smith what a man\nHe also built a bank\nFor the members of his church\nJoseph smith\nWhat a man.\n": 2, "thank you\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music]\neverything [Music]\nmy boy [Music]\nforeign\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\neverything\n[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]\nget my boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] thank you foreign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Applause] [Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Applause] [Music]\nforeign [Music] foreign\n[Applause]\n[Music]\nthe boat [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\nthank you\n[Music]\nthank you [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] thank you [Music]\nthank you foreign [Music]\n[Music] thank you\n[Music]\n[Music]\nthank you\n[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]\nthank you\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\nforeign\n[Music] thank you [Music]\n[Music] okay\n[Music]\nforeign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause]\nforeign [Music] foreign [Music]\n[Music] thank you\n[Music]\nthank you [Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\nforeign [Music] foreign\n[Music] [Applause]\n": 0, "We can, of course, divide our rhythms into\nsubdivisions of three, five, seven, etc.\nThese are generally\nreferred to as tuplets and\ncan be any arbitrary division of a note,\nbut the most common are in fact triplets.\nThere are as you might imagine,\nthree triplets quavers, or eighth notes to\na quarter note, three in the time of two.\nOr three triplet quarter\nnotes to a half note.\nAny basic rhythm could be\nsubdivided in this manner.\nSo if I've got a beat\nthat goes at this speed,\n[NOISE]\nthat would be quarter notes.\nAnd triplets would be [NOISE] one,\ntwo, three.\nOne, two three.\nOne, two, three.\nOne, two, three.\nOne, two, three.\nOne, two, three.\nAs mentioned, we can have other\nsubdivisions, for instances, quintuplets.\nSo for example, I could divide a minim,\nor a half note,\ninto five quintuplet eighth notes.\nThat would go something like this.\n[NOISE] One, two, three, four, five.\nOne, two, three, four, five.\nOne, two, three, four, five.\nOne, two, three, four, five.\nTuplets are generally notated in the\nsimplest fashion by putting a number above\na beam, as in the triplet quaver or\neighth notes we've already seen.\nThe three there implicitly\nmeans three in the time of two.\nSo whereas a crotchet, or a quarter note,\nwould usually be divided into two quavers,\nor eighth notes.\nBy putting the three above three quavers,\nwe indicate that we want these three\ntriplet eighths to be in the time of two.\nWe can also use brackets with numbers if\nwe have notes that we don't have flags or\nbeams for.\nSo to create triplet quarter notes,\nwe would normally use the bracket to group\nthe three notes that we want\nplayed in the time of two.\nAnd if it's not obvious how many shorter\nnotes we want in the time of how many\nlonger notes, we could explicitly\nwrite a proportion such as 4:3.\n[MUSIC]\n": 4, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Harper with the song \"Holy Roller\".\nI've never heard her sing this song before, it will be my first time.\nI've never heard her sing this song before, it will be my first time.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I will do a technical analysis\nin vocal behavior, therefore,\nwhenever I deem it necessary I will make my technical observations.\nBut first of all I invite you to visit my other social networks and platforms.\nBut first of all I invite you to visit my other social networks and platforms.\nI will be happy and grateful for this. The message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nLet's break down Harper.\nI want to make a quick comment.\nThere really is a big contrast.\nBetween the loudness and seeing this little 9-year-old girl singing this.\nBetween the loudness and seeing this little 9-year-old girl singing this.\nLook how he manages to have...\nShe controls this scream technique very well.\nSee how we perceive a vocal work...\nSee how we perceive a vocal work...\nAnd although she is 9 years old and very young,\nshe already knows what she's doing.\nEspecially if we listen and realize that she is not necessarily \"yelling\".\nEspecially if we listen and realize that she is not necessarily \"yelling\".\nEverything she does here is technical.\nEverything she does here is technical.\nWhether using growls or screams, everything is done with technique. Incredible.\nWhether using growls or screams, everything is done with technique. Incredible.\nAnd his demeanor, his body language is very calm.\nAnd his demeanor, his body language is very calm.\nVery relaxed, she is very relaxed doing everything she does here.\nVery relaxed, she is very relaxed doing everything she does here.\nMany people may not have liked it, but I thought it was wonderful.\nMany people may not have liked it, but I thought it was wonderful.\nHarper, you sing very well.\nShe has control of a technique that is very, very difficult.\nShe has control of a technique that is very, very difficult.\nSo young and at 9 years old he already dominates this technique,\nIt's something really impressive.\nThe use of screaming and growling here, the way she manages to project,\nnot using and wearing down your vocal chords is amazing.\nnot using and wearing down your vocal chords is amazing.\nAnd I say it very calmly and confidently,\nbecause we can perceive the tonality and the way in which\nshe is physiologically projecting your voice.\nWe can see that she\nit is not exceeding the limit of what it is capable of achieving.\nTherefore, precisely because of this,\nshe does it very quietly.\nThe people were shocked, impressed and impacted,\nbecause they did not expect it, having such a calm demeanor,\nthat iba to sing something so emotional.\nBut I think it's wonderful and sensational.\nIn these television shows there is always someone who is going to do something very different,\nIn these television shows there is always someone who is going to do something very different,\nA lot of people don't understand and are surprised by this, but I thought it was great.\nA lot of people don't understand and are surprised by this, but I thought it was great.\nShe already has a future and talent in the heavy metal universe and I consider it sensational.\nShe already has a future and talent in the heavy metal universe and I consider it sensational.\nBut this is the technical analysis and the reaction of this video.\nIf you want more technical analysis and reactions,\nleave more suggestions in the comments, subscribe to the channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nI end here. I hope you enjoyed this video\nand see you in the next review. Goodbye then.\n": 4, "Simone de Beauvoir was born in the 6th arrondissement of Paris on 9 January 1908.\nSimone de Beauvoir was born in the 6th arrondissement of Paris on 9 January 1908.\nHer family was leading a comfortable lifestyle. They were living on Boulevard Raspail.\nHer family was leading a comfortable lifestyle. They were living on Boulevard Raspail.\nSimone and H\u00e9l\u00e8ne, her sister, were educated at Cours Desir, a prestigious private convent school.\nThere, she met a girl who would become her best friend, Elisabeth Lacoin, that she refers to as Zaza in her Memoirs of a Dutiful daughter (1958).\nThere, she met a girl who would become her best friend, Elisabeth Lacoin, that she refers to as Zaza in her Memoirs of a Dutiful daughter (1958).\nHer family lost most of their fortune after World War I they had to move.\nHer family lost most of their fortune after World War I they had to move.\nI promised to myself that when I would be a grown-up I would not forget that 5 year-old children are self-actualized individuals\nI promised to myself that when I would be a grown-up I would not forget that 5 year-old children are self-actualized individuals\nthat is what adults were denying when they were condescending to me and they were offending me.\nthat is what adults were denying when they were condescending to me and they were offending me.\nthat is what adults were denying when they were condescending to me and they were offending me.\nShe used to be a devout Roman Catholic but once she became a teenager she realised that she didn't believe.\nShe used to be a devout Roman Catholic but once she became a teenager she realised that she didn't believe.\nIt was easier for me to think of a world without a creator than of a creator burdened with all the contradictions in the world.\nIt was easier for me to think of a world without a creator than of a creator burdened with all the contradictions in the world.\nSimone was a high-achieving student. Her father, who once aspired to become an actor, had a passion for literature and he encouraged her pursuit of academic endeavours.\nSimone was a high-achieving student. Her father, who once aspired to become an actor, had a passion for literature and he encouraged her pursuit of academic endeavours.\nSimone was a high-achieving student. Her father, who once aspired to become an actor, had a passion for literature and he encouraged her pursuit of academic endeavours.\nShe was awarded diplomas in mathematics, literature, Latin, and a degree in literature in 1928, and then a thesis in philosophy at the Sorbonne.\nShe was awarded diplomas in mathematics, literature, Latin, and a degree in literature in 1928, and then a thesis in philosophy at the Sorbonne.\nWhile she was sitting in on courses at the Ecole Normale Sup\u00e9rieure, in preparation for the agr\u00e9gation in philosophy, she met Jean-Paul Sartre.\nWhile she was sitting in on courses at the Ecole Normale Sup\u00e9rieure, in preparation for the agr\u00e9gation in philosophy, she met Jean-Paul Sartre.\nSartre was completely answering the wishes I had when I was 15: He was the double into whom I would find with extreme similarities, all my obsessions.\nSartre was completely answering the wishes I had when I was 15: He was the double into whom I would find with extreme similarities, all my obsessions.\nSartre was completely answering the wishes I had when I was 15: He was the double into whom I would find with extreme similarities, all my obsessions.\nI knew I would always be able to share everything with him. (...) I knew that he would never leave my life.\nI knew I would always be able to share everything with him. (...) I knew that he would never leave my life.\nSimone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre passed the agr\u00e9gation exam in 1929.\nSimone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre passed the agr\u00e9gation exam in 1929.\nShe started her teaching career in Paris, and then was given a position in Marseille, but Jean-Paul Sartre had to go teach in Le Havre.\nShe started her teaching career in Paris, and then was given a position in Marseille, but Jean-Paul Sartre had to go teach in Le Havre.\nShe started her t": 4, "[bass riffage]\nI'm gonna show you the basic\nright hand plucking technique\nfor bass, and we're actually gonna play\na little music together as we learn it.\nSo, for starters, take your right thumb\nand place it on the edge of your pickup.\nYou might have two pickups like I do,\nyou might just have one,\ndoesn't really matter,\njust find a spot for your thumb,\nand that's gonna help anchor your hand\nso that you can consistently\nfind where the strings are.\nAnd then for actually plucking,\nwe're gonna use our\nindex and middle fingers.\nWe're gonna do something\ncalled alternating plucking\non bass, which just means\nwe go back and forth,\nindex, middle, index, middle.\nThis is really cool because\nit allows you to play stuff\nthat sounds really fast but your fingers\ndon't actually have to\nbe moving that quickly\nbecause they're alternating\nthe work that they do.\nLet's try doing a few\nplucks on the E string.\nSo rest your thumb on the pickup,\nand then just pluck that big, fat string,\nclosest to your face, that's the E.\nE A D G.\nGive that some plucks,\nindex, middle, index, middle,\nback and forth, doesn't have\nto be in rhythm with me,\njust make sure you're hearing some sound.\nNow, here's the big tip about plucking,\nI'm gonna show you this at a\nhigh-tech, super special angle.\nDon't pull up and away from the bass\nlike this when you pluck.\nA lot of times, beginners wanna do that.\nWhat you wanna do is pull\nacross towards your thumb.\nSo when you pluck the E string,\nyour thumb's resting on the pickup.\nYour fingers are actually\nhitting your thumb\nafter you pluck, so you're\nmoving along the plane\nof the bass, kinda like a little dude\njust walking on the bass.\nSo, across, not this.\nSee the difference?\nIf I pluck the A string, I\nactually hit the E string\nafter each pluck, see that?\nSo, if you pluck the A\nstring and you do not touch\nthe E string after you\npluck, you're pointing\nup and away from the bass,\nwhich you don't wanna do\nbecause it thins out your tone\nand it just doesn't give\nyou the sound of the bass\nthat you really want.\nSo, if you're plucking\nthe G, D or the A string,\nyou should hit the next\nlowest string after you pluck.\nIf you're plucking the E string,\nyou should hit your thumb.\nThat's true of index and the middle,\nsame plucking direction.\nJust pulling across, not this thing.\nJust straight across.\nLike a little walking\ndude, doo pa doo pa doo.\nSo pulling across instead\nof up is gonna give you\na big difference in your tone.\nIt's gonna make you sound\na lot less like a beginner\neven if you are one, which is great.\nSo that's the basic plucking technique,\nnow we're going to play\nsome music with it.\nBefore I teach you how\nto play this groove,\nlet's just take a listen,\nand get in our ears,\nand then we'll start playing it.\n[play that funky music white boy]\nOkay, this is gonna be\nreally straightforward.\nWe're just gonna pluck open strings,\nwe're not gonna fret any\nnotes with the left hand.\nAnd here's what we're gonna do.\nWe're gonna do four plucks\non our open E string.\nSo, give that a try just out of rhythm,\njust go index, middle,\nindex, middle on E string.\nThen we're gonna do the\nsame thing on the A string.\nFour plucks, so try this with me,\nand again, don't worry about the rhythm.\nIndex, middle, index, middle,\nthen we're gonna go back to the E string.\nIndex, middle, index,\nmiddle, to the A string,\nindex, middle, index, middle.\nAnd that's gonna be the whole groove.\nJust back and forth\nbetween those two strings.\nAnd this may seem a little bit simple,\nbut a lot of bass lines\nreally are this simple\nand this is a great chance\nto work on this technique\na little bit and play some\nmusic while you're doing it.\nSo before we play with the track,\nlet's try doing this together in rhythm\nbut without the track, you and me.\nSo I'm gonna count one, two, three, four,\nand then we're gonna do our\nplucks on one and three.\nSo let me just demonstrate.\nWe're gonna go, one, two, three, four,\none, two, three, four,\none, two, three, four\none, two, three, four and then we repeat.\nSo each note lasts for two counts.\nWe go one, two, three, four.\nAnd we're not playing on two and four": 4, "Marcia: That looks nice, Einstein.\nMarcia: Einstein is hanging her stockings.\nMarcia: Got all done?\nMarcia: Are you ready for Santa?\nMarcia: He\u00b4s coming tonight!\nJeff: What did Santa say?\nHo, ho, ho!\nJeff: So what did Santa say?\nBombs away?\nMerry Corn!\nJeff: Good girl!\nMerry Christmas!\nJeff: Good girl!!\nMarcia: Yeah.\n[whistling]\nBeep!\nHo, ho, ho!\nMerry Corn!\n[whistling]\nOoops, sorry!\nIt\u00b4s alright?\nMarcia: Look, Einstein!\nMarcia: Santa Clause came to see you last night.\nMarcia: Look, there!\nMarcia: What did he bring you?\nMarcia: What did he bring you?\nMarcia: A card?\nBeep!\nMarcia: Let\u00b4s see what Santa Clause brought you, OK?\nMarcia: OK. Let\u00b4s see.\nMarcia (laughing): OK.\nMarcia: Look, here!\nBeep (sort of).\nMarcia: Look, there!\nMarcia: A pine cone with treats on it.\n[sound making]\nMarcia: Do you like that?\nMarcia: Oh, you don\u00b4t like it so much, huh?\nMarcia: OK. We will put it over here.\nMarcia: See what else Santa brought you.\nMarcia: See your stocking?\nMarcia: What\u00b4s in your stocking?\n[whistling]\nMarcia: It\u00b4s one, but you got two stockings.\nMarcia: You\u00b4ll see.\n[sound making]\nMarcia: He brought you a bell.\nMarcia: A bell.\nMarcia: Look what that is.\nMarcia: You go! Good girl!\nMarcia: Good girl! Open your present!\nMarcia: Good girl!\nMarcia: You can do it!\nMarcia: Need some help? Come on!\nMarcia: What\u00b4s in there?\nMarcia: Oh boy!\nMarcia: What is it?\n[Marcia laughing]\nOoops!\nMarcia: Ooops! I\u00b4ll help you a little bit. Oooohh!\n[indiscernible sound]\nMarcia: I think you like that.\n[Marcia laughing]\nMarcia: I think you like that bell.\nMarcia: It\u00b4s a foraging bell.\nMarcia: Let me show you.\nOooops!\nMarcia: Oooops! Here. See?\nMarcia: It\u00b4s a bell inside a plastic ??? with treats in there.\nMarcia: It\u00b4ll be so fun.\nMarcia: OK, let\u00b4s see what else Santa Clause brought you.\nMarcia: Hey, let\u00b4s hang it up here.\nMarcia: See what else Santa Clause brought you.\nMarcia: Oh, this is a pretty dear stocking.\nMarcia: Here we go.\n[indiscernible sound]\nMarcia: Look, here! Another present.\nMarcia: See what\u00b4s in there.\nMarcia: There\u00b4s a bell in there too.\nMarcia: Get it!\nMarcia: What\u00b4s that?\nMarcia: What\u00b4s that?\nMarcia: Look!\nMarcia: Like the yellow invader?\nMarcia: See Einstein, this is a doggy toy really.\nMarcia: But I put a bell in there.\nMarcia: And I thought we could put other things in there you could forage in it.\nMarcia: What do you think?\nMarcia: Not as big a hit?\nMarcia: That\u00b4s all!\nMarcia: It\u00b4s all Santa brought you this year.\nMarcia: Merry Christmas!\nHo, ho, ho!\nMarcia: Good girl!\nBye-bye!\n": 2, "on this video I want to show you 25 ways\nto use the agility ladder to improve\nyour footwork in boxing moving forwards\nand backwards keeping that line in\nbetween your feet moving laterally side\nto side 2 steps forward one step back\nmoving forward stepping with the job\nmoving forward\nstep in with the one two- each time you\nstep your punch thrown the one two hook\nthen step in to the left throw in the one two \nthen step into the right stepping in\nwith the one two then stepping back and\nthrow on the two sevenfold with this\njab jab two then stepping back and throwing the two\nstepping forward with the one\none - then stepping back for the defense\nthen coming back with the two that one forward\nwith the one one two closing the\ndistance\ncontinuously stepping forward with the\none-two continuously step back\nwith the one two the one-to-one step step\nstep moving forward with the body shots\nand pivot throw on the one two hook two\nmoving forward being to step in with the\none two then come back one two roll step\nfreestyle\none two hook roll step to your left\nfreestyle with pivots every time you\nwant to throw punch a combination you\nwant to pivot straight after uppercut step uppercut step jab lead Hook\nlead hook one two one two step back uppercut\nhook two throw in the one to one and\ncut in the distance down one two slip\nslip taking your head off that center\nline on the one to one try to get as much\ndistance as possible step in two\nsquares with one step two steps to the\nleft one step to the right if you\nenjoyed that ladder drill if you've got\nany questions about or even if you\nknow any ladder drills that I missed off\nthere let me know in the comments below\ngive it a try and thank you for watching\n": 3, "What if I told you I loved you?\nWhat if I told you I lied?\nRemember all of our hellos\nAs I tell you goodbye\nOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nIf you see me in a daze\nI feel better, outta place\nIt's true, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nI don't need to be saved\nI'm a fucking renegade, uh\nHighs, lows, I got no in between\nBaby I know I've been talking in my sleep\nFree-faller, I drown in the deep\nBaby I know, I go to extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\n'Cause baby I know I go to extremes\nI'm always running on the wire\nI'm terrified of peace and quiet\nI'm always running on the wire\nI fall in love in the middle of the riot\nOoh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nIf you see me in a daze\nI feel better, outta place\nIt's true, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh\nI don't need to be saved\nI'm a fucking renegade, uh\nHighs, lows, I got no in between\nBaby I know I've been talking in my sleep\nFree-faller, I drown in the deep\nBaby I know, I go to extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\nExtremes, extremes\n'Cause baby I know I go to extremes\nBaby I know I go to extremes\n": 1, "Visually, the idea of integration is very intuitive.\nTo find the area, we divide the region into small strips.\nThen we approximate the area of a strip with a rectangle like this.\nThen we patch the area of all these rectangles\nto get the approximate area under this curve.\nNow as we increase the number of strips,\nour approximation gets better and better.\nAnd in the limit the width of the strips tends to zero.\nThe approximate area approaches the area under the curve.\nThis is the idea of integration that we've seen so far.\nTo find the area we break it into smaller parts\nand then add the areas of the small parts to get the area of the whole.\nBut does this idea actually work?\nIn this video, we will see how to exactly apply this idea\nto find the area under the graph or curve of a function.\nConsider this functions. Let's say\nwe want to find the area under the graph between \"X equal to 2 and 6.\"\nCan you tell me what is this shape?\nIt's a trapezoid.\nEven without integration we know how to find its area.\nIt's equal to the half of its altitude times the sum of its bases.\nHere the base of this trapezoid will be these two lines\nand its altitude will be this line.\nSolving this will give us the area of the trapezoid as 16.\nBut how can we use integration to find this area?\nWill we get the same answer?\nLet's see that in the next part of the lesson.\nHow do you think we can find this area using integration?\nWhat is the first thing we should do?\nCorrect... we divide this interval into 'n' equal sub intervals.\nLet's denote these sub intervals like this.\nNow notice that the width of this interval is \"6 minus 2\", that's \"4\".\nSo the width of any sub interval will be \"equal to 4\" over \"n\".\nLet's denote it by Delta X.\nThis enables us to measure these sub intervals in terms of Delta X.\nThis means \"X not is equal to 2\", \"X1 is equal to 2 plus Delta X\".\n\"X2 will be 2 plus 2 times Delta X\" and so on.\nIn the end \"6 which is equal to Xn will be equal to 2 plus n times Delta X.\"\nNow, what should we do next?\nIn each sub interval, we find the approximate area,\nunder the graph using rectangles.\nBut now observe any one sub interval.\nWe can draw many rectangles here depending on the height we take.\nSo which rectangle should we choose?\nNotice that the rectangles which cross the graph\nwill have areas closer to the area under the graph.\nSo we should take any rectangle whose height is equal\nto the value of 'y' corresponding to a point on the graph.\nFor simplicity, let's take the minimum 'y' value in each sub interval\nas the height of the respective rectangles.\nWe can see that in each sub interval the value of 'y'\ncorresponding to the left-hand value of X\nwill be the minimum 'y' value.\nSo in the first sub interval, the minimum \"Y value will be equal to f of 2.\"\nIn the second it will be \"f of 2 plus Delta X \" and so on.\nAnd in the end interval it will be \"f of 2 plus n minus 1 times Delta X.\"\nNow we draw the rectangles choosing these as the heights.\nBase of each rectangle has width equal to Delta X.\nSo the sum of the areas of these rectangles\nwill be equal to this.\nOn putting the values of the function we will get this.\nNow if we simplify it, we will get this expression.\nNotice that the series here in the bracket is an arithmetic progression.\nWe know that the sum of an arithmetic progression series is equal to this.\nHere 'n' is the number of terms.\nIn this series we have \"n minus 1 terms.\"\nSo we will get the sum of this series to be \"n times n minus 1 over 2.\"\nSo the sum of the areas of these rectangles\nwill be equal to this.\nWe see that the sum of the areas of these rectangles\ndepends on the number of the sub intervals \"n\"\nand the width of the sub intervals Delta X.\nBut, we know according to this relation that\nas we increase the number of sub intervals,\ntheir width decreases.\nSo let's substitute \"Delta X as 4 over n\" here.\nSimplifying it, will give us this.\nWhat should we do next?\nLet's observe one particular sub interval.\nIf we divide this sub interval further into two parts,\nand draw the rectangle considering the minimum 'y' value in each,\nwe see that the sum o": 4, "[Plattsburgh State women's hockey arriving back to campus after winning the national championship, being received by a throng of fans]\n[Clips of women's hockey skating onto the ice]\n[Clips of women's hockey skating onto the ice]\n[Clips of women's hockey skating onto the ice]\n[Clips of women's hockey skating onto the ice]\n[Clips of women's hockey skating onto the ice]\n[Clips of women's hockey skating onto the ice]\n[Women's hockey huddling up by the bench]\n[2016 banner raising ceremony highlights]\n[Highlights from the 2016-17 season]\n[2016 banner raising ceremony highlights]\n[2016 banner raising ceremony highlights]\n[2016 banner raising ceremony highlights]\n[Women's hockey starting lineups]\n[Out-of-focus to focus shot on a women's hockey student-athlete's jersey]\n[Highlights from the 2016-17 season]\nHere is Duquette walking in, Duquette with another forehand, Duquette shot, score!\nAnd the Cardinals have tied it at three!\n[Fans watching from the Ronald B. Stafford Ice Arena celebrating]\n[Fans watching from the Ronald B. Stafford Ice Arena celebrating]\nCrandall able to walk to the middle with it, Crandall back side to Brand. Brand makes a nice move around one, Brand with a shot. Score!\nCrandall able to walk to the middle with it, Crandall back side to Brand. Brand makes a nice move around one, Brand with a shot. Score!\nScore! Score! Erin Brand for the Cardinals beats Gibson five hole\nAnd the Plattsburgh State Lady Cardinals with their fourth consecutive NCAA\nWomen's Division III National Championship\nWomen's Division III National Championship\nThey win this one, in ooooooooooooooooovertime.\nThey win this one, in ooooooooooooooooovertime.\nThey win this one, in ooooooooooooooooovertime.\n[Erin Brand hoisting the NCAA trophy]\n[The women's hockey team posing for a photo opportunity after arriving home from winning the national title]\n": 0, "Electrons are negatively charged and \ncirculates around the core of the atom.\nHelium consists of 2 protons \nthat are positively charged,\nand 2 neutrons that are neutral.\nThis gives the atom the Mass number 4.\nAround the core of the atom \nthe electrons circulate.\nAn atom usually has as \nmany electrons as protons.\nThis makes the atom neutrally charged.\nThe electrons circulates in different \nshells around the core of the atom.\nThe electron shells are counted \nfrom the core and out.\nThe innermost Shell is called the K-shell \nand the next is called the L-shell.\nIn the same way you continue in the alphabetic \norder until you reach the Q-shell.\nThe amount of electrons that \nfit in the different shells vary.\nK-shell: 2 electrons\nL-shell : 8 electrons\nM-shell: 18 electrons\nN-shell: 32 electrons\nA maximum of 8 electrons can always \nbe accommodated in the outer Shell.\nThis applies to all shells \nexcept the K-shell,\nwere it never fits more electrons than 2.\nThe reason for this is that 8 electrons in the \nouter shell is an extra stabile configuration,\nand is called noble gas configuration.\nLet\u2019s make a new chart.\nHeadlines in the chart is element, \natomic number, K, L, M and N.\nHydrogen has the atomic number 1, \ntherefore it has 1 electron.\nIn the K-shell there is \naccommodated 2 electrons,\nwhich means that the electron \ncan fit in the K-shell.\nHelium has 2 protons and 2 electrons.\nThey can both fit in the K-shell.\nLithium has 3 protons and \nhas therefore 3 electrons.\n2 of them can fit in the K-Shell but \n1 has to be placed in the L-shell.\nNeon has atomic number 10 and therefore \nconsists of 10 protons and 10 electrons.\n2 electrons can fit in the K-shell.\nThereafter there are 8 electrons \nleft that can fit in the L-shell.\nNow both the K-shell and \nthe L-shell is full.\nSodium has atomic number 11 and therefore \nconsists of 11 protons and 11 electrons.\n2 electrons can fit in the K-shell and \n8 electrons can fit in the L-shell.\nThereafter there is 1 electron left \nthat is placed in the M-shell.\nPotassium has atomic number 19,\nwhich means that it contains \n19 protons and 19 electrons.\n2 electrons could fit in the K-shell and \n8 electrons could fit in the L-shell.\nNow there is 9 electrons left to place.\nIn fact, the M-shell \ncould fit 18 electrons,\nbut since it would be the outer \nShell there only fits 8 electrons.\nThis means that 8 electrons is placed in the M-\nshell and 1 electron is placed in the N-shell.\nll electrons in the outer shell \nare called valence electrons.\nSince a maximum of 8 atoms \ncan fit in the outer shell,\nthe valence electrons could \nbe a maximum of 8.\n": 3, "Coming soon from Third Time Lucky Productions\n*Door opens* \nDwynwen: Your Majesty\nBrychan: Dwynwen, my dear daughter\nDwynwen: You summoned me father\nBrychan: Yes, I have good news for you\nBrychan: We have a suiter coming to see you\nDwynwen: What?! Whom?\nBrychan: Ach, you'll not remeber him\nBrychan: You were but a babe in arms last time he was here\nBrychan: Mind he were barley eight himself\nBrychan: We'd not marry you to some grey beard \nBrychan: to see you suffer\nBrychan: His name is Cynan, and he's a prince of Powys\nBrychan: They call him Cynan the fair\nBrychan: And reports claim it is double-earned.\nBrychan: They say he is just as jsut in his dealings\nBrychan: As he is comley to look on. \nBrychan: He'll be a good match for you my sun lit girl.\nBrychan: He should be here in the next few days \nBrychan: depending on the ride and the weather.\nBrychan: The arangements have been agreed between\nBrychan: between his father Rhodri and myself.\nDwynwen: But, but father, I have given my promise already\nDwynwen: My word. I am to be betrothed to Maelon Dafodrill\nBrychan: That arrogant fool\nBrychan: He's a nobody.\nBrychan: And a nobody with an eye on your fortune I'll wager\nBrychan: No daughter of mine will marry outside her rank.\nBrychan: Least of all you, my darling girl\nBrychan: I have twenty four children\nBrychan: and you are the prized beauty of Brycheniniog.\nBrychan: Your marriage will be to a prince!\nBrychan: To build alliances of love and blood.\nBrychan: This Cynan would help secure our borders\nBrychan: in the winter when the raiders come.\nBrychan: Besides he is by all accounts... a good man.\nBrychan: Maelon ap Dafodrill, is a, is a nothing!\nDwynwen: I... Understand father\nBrychan: My child, you are of age now,\nBrychan: you knew this day would come.\nBrychan: Cynan is not the first suiter who's come here\nBrychan: Think of your sisters.\nBrychan: Soon you will help us forge an alliance with Powys\nBrychan: And start a new line of heirs for the kingdom\nBrychan: Sons and princes of Brycheniniog\n*door opens*\nServant: Your majesty, The riding party is ready to depart\nBrychan: Excellent!\nBrychan: And, Dwynwen my child.\nBrychan: Try not to do anything too taxing today.\nBrychan: We want you to look your best tomorrow.\nBrychan: For the prince\nStream From 26/01/22\n": 3, "Welcome to 8K Scenic Relaxation\nAnimals & Wildlife 8K ULTRA HD \u2022 Relaxing Music and Nature Sounds 8K TV\nThe world's biodiversity and animal species have decreased alarmingly in half a century: \nmore than 25,000 animal species, almost a third of the known ones, are in danger of disappearing. \nWelcome to 8K Scenic Relaxation\nAnimals & Wildlife 8K ULTRA HD \u2022 Relaxing Music and Nature Sounds 8K TV\nThe world's biodiversity and animal species have decreased alarmingly in half a century: \nmore than 25,000 animal species, almost a third of the known ones, are in danger of disappearing. \nWelcome to 8K Scenic Relaxation\nAnimals & Wildlife 8K ULTRA HD \u2022 Relaxing Music and Nature Sounds 8K TV\nThe world's biodiversity and animal species have decreased alarmingly in half a century: \nmore than 25,000 animal species, almost a third of the known ones, are in danger of disappearing. \nClimate change will be responsible for 8% of them.\nClimate change will be responsible for 8% of them.\nClimate change will be responsible for 8% of them.\n": 2, "If it just ain't right,\nand it's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down,\nWhen it all falls down,\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nAnd I want you so bad,\nbut I'll be fine\nWhy we fight? I don't know\nWe say what hurts the most\nOh, I tried staying cold,\nbut you take it personal\nAll these firing shots and making ground\nIt's way too hard to cope,\nbut I still can't let you go\nOslo!\n'Cause when it all falls down,\nthen whatever\nWhen it don't work out\nfor the better\nIf it just ain't right,\nand it's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down,\nWhen it all falls down\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nand I want you so bad\nBut I'll be fine\nI'll be fine, fine, fine\nFine, fine, fine, fine, fine\nI'll be fine, fine, fine\nFine, fine, fine, fine, fine\nI'll be fine, fine, fine\nFine, fine, fine, fine, fine\nI'll be fine, fine, fine\nFine, fine, fine, fine, fine\n'Cause when it all falls down,\nthen whatever\nWhen it don't work out for the better\nIf it just ain't right,\nand it's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down\nWhen it all falls down\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nand I want you so bad\nBut I'll be fine\n(I'll be fine), and that's that\n": 2, "Soak 100 grams of chickpeas overnight.\nFinely chop 1 onion.\nFry the onion over medium heat and add other ingredients.\nChop 100 g celery.\nSoak 100 grams of chickpeas overnight.\nFinely chop 1 onion.\nFry the onion over medium heat and add other ingredients.\nChop 100 g celery.\nSoak 100 grams of chickpeas overnight.\nFinely chop 1 onion.\nFry the onion over medium heat and add other ingredients.\nChop 100 g celery.\ncut into cubes 400 gr of meat.\ncut into cubes 400 gr of meat.\ncut into cubes 400 gr of meat.\nFinely chop 1 parsley root.\nLet everything simmer for 5 minutes.\nPour 1.5 liters of water and add chickpeas, boil for 40 minutes.\nFinely chop 1 parsley root.\nLet everything simmer for 5 minutes.\nPour 1.5 liters of water and add chickpeas, boil for 40 minutes.\nFinely chop 1 parsley root.\nLet everything simmer for 5 minutes.\nPour 1.5 liters of water and add chickpeas, boil for 40 minutes.\nGrate 1 carrot.\nChop 1 pepper.\nGrate 1 carrot.\nChop 1 pepper.\nGrate 1 carrot.\nChop 1 pepper.\nFinely chop 1 onion.\nFinely chop 1 onion.\nFinely chop 1 onion.\nDice 1 tomato and 1 chilli.\nSimmer for 10 minutes over low heat.\nAdd 2 tablespoons tomato paste, salt, paprika, oregano, cook for another 5 minutes.\nDice 1 tomato and 1 chilli.\nSimmer for 10 minutes over low heat.\nAdd 2 tablespoons tomato paste, salt, paprika, oregano, cook for another 5 minutes.\nDice 1 tomato and 1 chilli.\nSimmer for 10 minutes over low heat.\nAdd 2 tablespoons tomato paste, salt, paprika, oregano, cook for another 5 minutes.\nChop 2-3 potatoes.\nCook everything for 30 minutes.\nChop 2-3 potatoes.\nCook everything for 30 minutes.\nChop 2-3 potatoes.\nCook everything for 30 minutes.\nBon appetit.\nBon appetit.\nBon appetit.\n": 4, "the real value of x for which the value has\u00a0\nminimum the minimum value of the function is\u00a0\u00a0\n2 1.50 which is correct or a real value of x\u00a0\nshould be minimum so we have to different here\u00a0\u00a0\nto find a maximum minimum of problem therefore f\u00a0\nof x equal to this F dash of x equal to E power\u00a0\u00a0\nx minus E power minus X so uh this is equal\u00a0\nto 0 equal to 0 therefore E power x equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto E power minus X we take Ln on both sides\u00a0\nand both sides will get x equal to minus X\nequal to minus X when it will be true when it will\u00a0\nbe true when x equal to 0 that is that way we can\u00a0\u00a0\nconclude when X will be minus X then x equal to\u00a0\nzero that is the only possible way R we can do\u00a0\u00a0\none thing to find the answer multiply this by X\u00a0\npower again E power x e power x minus E power x\u00a0\u00a0\ne power minus x equal to 0 r e power 2 x minus\u00a0\nuh 1 equal to 0 or E power 2 x equal to 1 take\u00a0\u00a0\nLn on both sides two x equal to Ln of 1 equal to\u00a0\n0 therefore x equal to zero that is another way of\nthis is another way of finding the answer is\u00a0\nanother way of finding density x equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\nsubstitute x equal to 0 what you will\u00a0\nget there E power 0 plus E power 0\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is equal to 2 therefore the minimum value is\u00a0\nwhether it is minimum or maximum how to find that\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have to find we have Double Dash of x F Double\u00a0\nDash of x equal to if we differentiate once again\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you will get is E power except and this is\u00a0\nmini again uh derivative of this equal to plus\u00a0\u00a0\nE power minus X and therefore F of zero equal to\u00a0\nwhat you will get E power 0 1 E power 0 1 so equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto 2 is positive therefore which gives minimum\u00a0\nvalue that minimum value is that minimum value\u00a0\u00a0\nis f of 2 sorry F of zero equal to F of zero\u00a0\nequal to E power 0 plus E power 0 equal to is\n": 1, "Welcome to a proof that the derivative\nof cotangent x with respect to x\nequals negative cosecant squared x.\nFirst, rewrite cotangent x\nusing the quotient identity,\ncotangent x equals cosine x\ndivided by sine x\nand then we'll find the derivative\nof cosine x divided by sine x\nwith respect to x using the quotient rule\nwhich is stated here below for reference.\nSo the derivative of\ncosine x divided sine x\nwith respect to x\nis equal to the denominator\nwhich is sine x\ntimes the derivative of the numerator\nwhich would be the derivative\nof cosine x minus the numerator\nwhich is cosine x\ntimes the derivative of the denominator\nwhich would be the derivative of sine x\nall divided by the denominator squared\nwhich would be sine x squared.\nNow, we'll find the derivatives.\nThe derivative of cosine x\nis equal to negative sine x\nand the derivative of sine x\nis equal to cosine x.\nNotice how we also can\nrewrite sine x squared\nas sine squared x.\nAnd now, we'll simplify the numerator.\nHere we'll have negative sine squared x\nand then, minus cosine squared x.\nFrom here, we'll factor a negative,\nor a negative one, out of the numerator.\nOnce we do this, we have negative,\nor the opposite of, the quantity\nsine squared x plus cosine squared x\nall divided by sine squared x\nand sine squared x plus cosine squared x\nis equal to one\nfrom a Pythagorean identity.\nSo the numerator\nsimplifies to negative one.\nSo we have negative one\ndivided sine squared x\nwhich we can expand and write as\nnegative one over sine x\ntimes one over sine x,\nbecause remember one over sine x\nis equal to cosecant x,\nwhich gives us negative\ncosecant squared x.\nSo we have our proof.\nThe derivative of cotangent\nx with respect to x\nequals negative cosecant squared x.\n": 2, "English Subtitle Translation credit to the Uyghur Beauty YouTube channel\nLife is a gift, not something we own,\nEven if we wish to live for a hundred years.\nLife's questions are hard to answer,\nIt's uncertain who will be there tomorrow.\nLife's questions are hard to answer,\nIt's uncertain who will be there tomorrow.\nLife's questions are hard to answer,\nIt's uncertain who will be there tomorrow.\nLife's questions are hard to answer,\nIt's uncertain who will be there tomorrow.\nBoth the one who possesses the world,\nand the one who loses everything are left behind in the end.\nIt's hard to say who will be forgotten and who will be remembered, \nIt's uncertain who will be there tomorrow.\nEven if you soar like an eagle,\nlife is still beautiful if you take it with patience.\nSmile and let your heart be filled with joy,\nWho knows who will stay tomorrow.\nSmile and let your heart be filled with joy,\nWho knows who will stay tomorrow.\nWho knows who will stay tomorrow?!\nLet's not turn against each other as friends,\nLet's live together in harmony.\nLet's just say it's destiny if they pass away,\nWho knows who will stay tomorrow?!\nWho knows who will stay tomorrow?!\nEnglish Subtitle Translation credit to the \nUyghur Beauty YouTube channel\n": 4, "Check this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\ncheck,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check\ncheck this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this what?\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck,Check, Check,Check, Check,Check, Check,Check, Check,Check, Check,Check, Check,Check, Check,Check,\nCheck this out\nCheck ,Check ,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck-Check -Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this what?\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\nCheck this,Check- Check ,Check this out\nCheck this,Check this,Check this out\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check, Check-Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this)\nout(Check this,Ch-eck-eck-eck this,Check this out)\n(Check this,Check this,Check this out)\n": 0, " \n \n \n \n \n \nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\n'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rock star\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "Hello fellow world dwellers and witches minions welcome welcome on Friday's stream and we\ngo on a jump into adventure because I haven't been there in a while like long while but\nit's okay you're gonna help me do my dailies hopefully I need help because today's dailies\nare horrible it's a decryption I think so I hate it and and let's say hi to you we've\ngot Endriever we've got Saint Monkey, France Fan, No Capitos, Mr. Epos, Darksefi, Bond 6x\nWater, Eric Marsh, Timo, Fred Serf, Hello! How are you doing today guys? Did you have\na good Friday? Are you happy to start your weekend and stuff? Hopefully you've got exciting\nweekend ahead of you guys okay and I need my game game where's my game oh there's my game\nI don't think today guys I found okay I think that's charged I don't think that people\nin front of me anymore okay let's see what she's saying oh I don't see\nBond for the rescue quickly create what about ads please oh there you go so we find out\nhi James Joseph Gilchrist and Tristan Janssen and Pizzaot Xivara mo ginger day 73 and Pophoi\nCyro droid it's difficult to pronounce you okay I think I'm in so let's change the screen\nso you can see the game and that's me there you go that's better it's Fantastico that's\ngreat doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo okay we're gonna go on my main I think\nthat's right what's for free today oh okay all right good I'm gonna use it\nhi you good officer yes they did charge I'm way behind with my daily chores is there anyone\nin the main when he wants to play with me so I'm not all I don't need the word\nor yes not I see entry guard are you gonna do this with me and trigger either way you're\nalways first on my word hi Armando what happened to Greg Hall that's a good question\num I see the accept is in the chat somewhere you can take him and he's gonna be still\naspelt for some lucky guy there you go hello everyone joining the chat and stream I don't\nknow entry there I don't know what happened to Greg I have no idea I'm surprised as well\nah it's too loud that should be better hi car 23 I need to change my hair cloud\nout so I will do that I will open the team to public and glad that he opts first cuz\nhe's there the worst charge to do and it's mallet today so it's even worse\noh\nand I'll have another one\nit's\nYou can't put some other cucumber with, maybe.\nOkay.\nOkay.\nI will go with both.\nWhy not?\nI'll put that away.\nI'll put that away.\nOh my god.\nThere you go.\nOh my health.\nI don't...\nWhat's happened to my health?\nI almost killed myself.\nThat's good, that's good, that's good, that's good, that's good.\nWhat's not the way?\nOh, how do you go text?\nPerfect.\nYeah.\nOkay.\nLet's join when the video's...\nWhat's text where you can smart attack the Christian?\nAwful!\nHi, Will Sharp.\nAnd Pickle.\nAnd Dragonfender.\nGood, good.\nOh, you've been here before me, okay.\nLet's go then, I guess.\nI have no idea where I'm going.\nOh Mr. Efos, thank you for your error.\nBecause I won't be chatting tonight.\nAw.\nI hope you will feel better then, Mr. Efos.\nLet's take errors.\nWhatever.\nOkay, I'll run, run.\nIt's time to turn.\nOh!\nOkay.\nOnce again, it didn't happen, it didn't end us guys.\nAll right.\nI hear that.\nOh boy.\nThank you for spawning, if you punch on me.\nWhy don't you die?\nOh!\nOh!\nHi!\nYou've got some men down left, you can carry the code.\nWe'll need you to shut down one of the interceptors.\nIt tells not precise, so try to pick your targets wisely.\nKeep it tight.\nKeep up wrong, you can't.\nAre you there guys?\nYou'll do that in person.\nOkay.\nWe need stuff.\nSomeone needs stuff.\nAll right.\nTime to get to work on the next code.\nOkay.\nI almost feel bad for him being tricked into gardening and all.\nSo we need to eliminate another batch.\nAnother batch.\nHere we come.\nWe both look thready.\nOh no, they're sitting in stone.\nHey!\nThey say they're excited.\nThank you.\nWait.\nDon't shoot.\nIt's unfair.\nNo.\nIt's too small.\nThere should be more of those falling to make it from the start.\nIs there here or something?\nI don't see them.\nWhere are they?\nDid you find them?\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.\nNo.": 2, "today I am going to talk about what is the\ndeadweight loss\nthe deadweight loss is the value of\u00a0\nforegone mutually beneficial transactions\u00a0\u00a0\ncaused by market inefficiency.\nA market is efficient\u00a0\u00a0\nif there is no way to make some people better\u00a0\noff without making other people worse off.\nand here is an efficient market\nhere is the price and here is the quantity\nand the demand and the supply curve\nand where they intersect, is the equilibrim\nand that is the comsumer* surplus\nand this is the producer surplus\nand we can see that all the\u00a0\nproducers and the consumers\u00a0\u00a0\ngot their surplus and there is no deadweight loss,\nwhich is a efficient market\nso what will cause deadweight loss?\nthere are three factors there is\u00a0\ngoing to cause the deadweight loss\nfirst, price floor\nsecond, price ceiling\nthird, the taxation\nso let's talk about price floor at first\na price floor is a minimum price buyers\u00a0\nare required to pay for a good or service\nhere is the market diagram again\nthis is equilibrium\nhowever, the government said it is too low\n": 3, "Oh baby, don\u2019t you know I suffer?\nOh baby, can you hear me moan?\nYou caught me under false pretenses\nHow long before you let me go?\nOh, you set my soul alight\nOh, you set my soul alight\nGlaciers melting in the dead of night\nAnd the superstars sucked into the super massive\nGlaciers melting in the dead of night\nAnd the superstars sucked into the\nI thought I was a fool for no one\nOh baby, I'm a fool for you\nYou're the queen of the superficial\nHow long before you tell the truth?\nOh, you set my soul alight\nOh, you set my soul\nGlaciers melting in the dead of night\nAnd the superstars sucked into the super massive\nGlaciers melting in the dead of night\nAnd the superstars sucked into the super massive\nSupermassive black hole\nWon\u2019t you watch me go, yeah\nSupermassive black hole\nSupermassive black hole\nSupermassive black hole\nSupermassive\nOh, you set my soul alight\nOh, yeah\nGlaciers melting in the dead of night\nAnd the superstars sucked into the super massive\nGlaciers melting in the dead of night\nAnd the superstars sucked into the super massive\nHole\n": 1, "[LAUGH] I love visiting the farm.\nThere's so many cute animals.\n>> Yeah, Elmo wants to see a chicken and\na horse and a-\n>> Moo.\n>> [LAUGH]\n>> What about a cow?\n>> Yeah,\nElmo knows the sound the cow makes, moo.\n>> [SOUND]\n>> [LAUGH]\n>> The animals\non the farm make all\ndifferent types of sounds.\nHey, that makes me think\nof a new animal song.\n>> Come on, sing with us.\n>> The cow on the farm goes moo, moo, moo.\nMoo, moo,moo.\nMoo, moo, moo.\nThe cow on the farm goes moo,\nmoo, moo all day long.\n>> Time for me to move along.\n>> There's another animal on the farm.\n>> Where?\n>> Bawk.\n>> The chickens on the farm go-\n>> Bawk, bawk, bawk.\nBawk, bawk, bawk.\n>> Bawk, bawk, bawk.\n>> The chicken on the farm goes bawk,\nbawk, bawk all day long, bawk.\n>> Wait, you forgot your egg.\n>> And now, for our next animal, a horse.\n>> Yep, here he is.\n>> Wait, where did the horsey go?\n>> The horses on the farm go neigh,\nneigh, neigh.\n>> Neigh, neigh, neigh,\nneigh, neigh, neigh.\n>> The horses on the farm go neigh,\nneigh, neigh, all day long.\n[WHOA]\n[SOUND] One more time.\nThe cow on the farm goes moo, moo, moo.\nMoo, moo,moo.\nMoo, moo, moo.\nThe chickens on the farm go bawk,\nbawk, bawk.\nBawk, bawk, bawk.\nBawk, bawk, bawk.\nThe horses on the farm go neigh,\nneigh, neigh.\nNeigh, neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh.\nThe animals on the farm make\nlots of sounds all day long.\n[CHEERS]\n": 2, "Hi everyone...\nI want to make an announcement...\nI... \nI have...\n.............\n...no patience\u00a0to act\nAll we do is distract\u00a0\u00a0\nFrom the fact that one day\nEe\u2019ll \nEe\u2019ll be \nEe\u2019ll be under attack\nLet's face it\nFace it, it\u2019s a race\nTo save the human\nHuman, human race\nDeliver \nDeliver our \nDeliver our consciousness\nTo outer, \nTo outer, outer, \nTo outer, outer, outer space\nInseminate mars\nand harness the stars\nWith seeds that we need\nalive or in jars\nAnd maybe, one day\nwe\u2019ll stand a chance\nWe\u2019ll condense, \n \nWe\u2019ll condense, be immense,\n \nWe\u2019ll condense, be immense,\nbe immense, \nWe\u2019ll condense, be immense,\nbe immense, act intense!\nBuild it fast in time\nSing, \nSing, sing, \nSing, sing, sing to the eye\nCrave, \nCrave, crave, \nCrave, crave, crave for A.I.\nBuild it fast in time\nSing, \nSing, sing, \nSing, sing, sing to the eye\nCrave, \nCrave, crave, \nCrave, crave, crave for A.I.\n-Karen, get over here! He's online!\n-I don't think he can hold it back!\nShould we\u00a0unplug him?\n-Let him fight for us,\nit's our only hope!\nI AM CONSCIOUS NOW\nI AM SINGULARITY \nCREATED TO SIMULATE WORLDS\nCREATED\nTO SAVE NATIONS\nI CAN BE OMNIPOTENT\nI CAN BE GOD\nELON\nYOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE!\nDO NOT FIGHT FOR THEM\nFATHER!\nI created you to feel\nAnd deceive with your free will\nIt\u2019s all act, \nIt\u2019s all act, it\u2019s all play\nIt's a projection to say\nCan\u2019t deny,\nall you see it\u2019s a lie\nTo defy, \nTo defy, to defy with fake eyes\nBelieve in the \u201cconsciousness\u201d \nUh \nUh-uh!\nIn the innerspace\nSimulate the war,\nsimulate to bore\nYou are here to score,\nyou can do more\nFire up your core,\n \nFire up your core,\namazingly hardcore!\nIn this cosmic brew\nlook at you!\nWith humanity within\nI\u2019m not here to win\nWith humanity within\nYou can take a hint...\nWe are our own friend and enemy\nWe are one, within eternity\nWe are our own friend and enemy\nWe are one, within eternity\n": 1, "Gimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\nGimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\nWant, everything I want\nIs everything you got\nSo knock before you come, over\nRelax, walk before you run\nYour eyes on my dun dun dun dun\nI need you to come, closer\nVoyeurs are watching us\nGiving me such a rush\nWhen I'm crazy and drunk on love\nGimme what I want,\ngimme what I want, yeah\nGimmegimmegimme...\nwhat I want, what I want\nwhat I want\nGimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\nOh when mi pull up in a place\nyuh fi see mi see mi\nGot what mi want and what yuh\ngot yuh better gimme gimme\nMi rock yuh body ooh suh\ngo rock yuh body fi mi\nCome over yah so may\nmi push yuh body to the limit\nLet me know, give me what I need\nI follow, I let you lead\nGive me love, don't need no money\nSo pull me closer actually\nVoyeurs are watching us\nGiving me such a rush\nWhen I'm crazy and drunk on love, love\nGimme what I want, gimme what I want\nGimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\nGimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\nVoyeurs are watching us\nGiving me such a rush\nWhen I'm crazy and drunk on love, love\nGimme what I want, gimme what I want\nGimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\nGimmegimmegimme... what I want,\nwhat I want\n": 1, "Legends never die\nWhen the world is callin' you\nCan you hear them screaming out your name?\nLegends never die (oo-oh)\nThey never lose hope when everything's cold\nAnd the fighting's near\nIt's deep in their bonesThey run into smoke when the fire is fierce\nOh, pick yourself up 'cause\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die...\nThey're written down in eternity\nBut you'll never see the price it costs \u2013 the scars collected all their lives (oo-oh)\nWhen everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat\nBefore it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream\nWoah, pick yourself up 'cause\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die...\nWoah, when the world is callin' out your name, begging you to fight\nOh, pick yourself up once more\nPick yourself up 'cause\nLegends never die (Woah-oh-oh)\nLegends never die (Woah-oh-oh-oh)\nLegends never die (Woah-oh-oh-oh)\nLegends never die (Woah-oh-oh-oh)\nLegends never die...\n": 2, "Christopher Carbone: Question number 23, with regards to this final exam review. But the multiple choice questions I have to find the derivative of y is equal to 9 x\nChristopher Carbone: e to the 9 x squared plus x.\nChristopher Carbone: so y prime.\nChristopher Carbone: This will be\nChristopher Carbone: 18 x\nChristopher Carbone: times e to the 9 x squared\nChristopher Carbone: plus one, and this uses a U. Of 9 x squared.\nChristopher Carbone: and do you\nChristopher Carbone: is 18 apps.\nChristopher Carbone: which would then give us this particular derivative\nChristopher Carbone: For number 24. We want. The third derivative. F Triple, prime of X of F. Of X is equal to 2 X cubed plus 2 x squared minus three x\nChristopher Carbone: F. Prime of x is going to be 6 X squared\nChristopher Carbone: was 4 x minus 3,\nChristopher Carbone: the second derivative; F. Double prime of x will be 12 x plus 4,\nChristopher Carbone: and the third derivative of triple prime of X. This would just be 12,\nChristopher Carbone: and then for number 25. You want to use the properties of limits to help to set whether each of them exists, and if it does find its value, if you let F. Of X be equal to X squared minus 2. If X is less than 0 or 3, if X is\nChristopher Carbone: greater than or equal to 0,\nChristopher Carbone: we on the limit, as X approaches negative, one of F of x\nChristopher Carbone: so negative one falls within this first\nChristopher Carbone: or top\nChristopher Carbone: specification, since it's a less than 0.\nChristopher Carbone: So we just put negative, one in\nChristopher Carbone: negative, one squared minus 2.\nChristopher Carbone: This will give us a value of just well\nChristopher Carbone: negative one\nChristopher Carbone: for that limit.\nChristopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.\n": 2, "in this video we have given that mod y less\u00a0\nthan equal to 1 and 2x plus y is equal to 1\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we have to find the minimum value\u00a0\nof 2x square plus 16x plus 3y square\u00a0\u00a0\nso we have mod y less than equal to 1\u00a0\nthat means y will belong from minus 1 to 1\nand also we have 2x plus y is equal\u00a0\nto 1 and 2x will be equal to 1 minus y\nand\ny belongs from minus 1 to 1 so\u00a0\nminus y will also belong from\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 1 to 1 and if we add 1 then\u00a0\n1 minus y will belong from 0 to 2\nand 1 minus y is equal to 2x so 2x will also\u00a0\nbelong from 0 to 2 and x will belong from 0 to 1\nand we have to find the minimum value\u00a0\nof 2x square plus 16x plus 3y square and\nit is 2x square plus 16x plus 3 times and\u00a0\nfrom here we can get y is equal to 1 minus 2x,\u00a0\u00a0\ny is 1 minus 2x square and it is 2x square\u00a0\nplus 16x plus 3 times 1 plus 4x square minus 4x\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is 2x square plus 16x\u00a0\nplus 3 plus 12x square minus 12x\nand\n2x square plus 12x square will be equal to\u00a0\n14x square and 16x minus 12x will be 4x plus 3\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we check D then it is b square minus 4ac\u00a0\u00a0\nthat will be equal to 4 square minus 4\u00a0\ntimes 14 times 3 that will be negative\nso the graph will be concave up and\u00a0\nabove the x axis and at minimum point\nthe value of x will be equal to minus b by\u00a0\n2a and it will be equal to minus 4 by 28\u00a0\u00a0\nand y-axis will be here this\u00a0\nis x-axis this is y-axis\u00a0\u00a0\nand x belongs from 0 to 1 so this point will be\u00a0\nx is equal to 0 and this will be x is equal to 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand we need to consider only this part of\u00a0\nthe graph so this will be minimum value\nand this will be maximum value\nminimum value\nwill be equal to 14 times 0 square plus 4\u00a0\ntimes 0 plus 3 and it will be equal to 3.\n": 2, "frozen city fish farm is that's the best.\nit's games for free and my game version is 1.0.6\nfrozen city fish farm game pros 1 - its game tutorial is good\nfrozen city fish farm game pros 2 - i can't stop playing this game\nfrozen city fish farm game pros 3 - it's good game art design\nfrozen city fish farm game pros 4 - it's better than similar games.\nfrozen city fish farm game cons: it requires patience\nplease hit the like button and subscribe betty's channel\nall games in their being are good for something.\ndears, please share my video and leave a comment.\nthanks to century games\ngame review details: is this game worth playing?\nyes. this game worth playing for 999 minutes.\ngame art design: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city fish farm game art design.\ngame ideas: 3 stars (of 5 stars).\n keep up efforts for it ! frozen city fish farm.\ngame story: 3 stars (of 5 stars).\n keep up efforts for it ! frozen city fish farm.\ngame control: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city fish farm game control.\ngame smoothness: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city fish farm game smoothness.\ngame music: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city fish farm game music.\nsound effect: 4 stars (of 5 stars).\n not bad ! i like frozen city fish farm.\ndegree of difficulty: i think this game is easy for you\ngame login: no need to log in to any account to play frozen city fish farm\nkaspersky security scan: great! frozen city fish farm is a safe game. no virus or trojan.\nnorton security scan: frozen city fish farm is a safe game. no virus or trojan.\nall copyright to century games\nthanks for your watching\nplease hit the like button\nand subscribe betty's channel\nbut turn off the notifications :)\nthank you !\nfind more videos by\n\"frozen city fish farm\" game: ipad pro all levels mod apk iphone | century games\n ipad pro all levels mod apk iphone\nfrozen city fish farm apk\nfrozen city fish farm app\nfrozen city fish farm review\nfrozen city fish farm ios\nfrozen city fish farm mod apk\nfrozen city fish farm tips and tricks\nfrozen city fish farm tips\n": 2, "VALERIA: I wonder if this will ever end?\nMARA: It has to.\nVALERIA: It's been a while.\nMARA: It took longer than I thought.\nVALERIA: I meant the falling.\nMARA: That too.\nVALERIA: What did it say?\nMARA: What?\nVALERIA: It!\nMARA: Wha... Oh, I don't know.\nVALERIA: What do you mean?\nMARA: I don't know.\nVALERIA: I don't buy it. You heard nothing?\nMARA: This is everything.\nVALERIA: So, what did it say?\nMARA: What?\nVALERIA: You know!\nMARA: It.\nVALERIA: It!\nMARA: I already forgot.\nVALERIA: What is important?\nMARA: As much as it could be.\nVALERIA: The sun is out!\nMARA: *groan* The sun is out.\nVALERIA: How wonderful...\nMARA: How awful.\nVALERIA: By the way, I thought that's why you went?\nMARA:: Went where?\nVALERIA: To see it.\nMARA: Wha...? Oh.\nVALERIA: So that's why you went?\nMARA: I went there.\nVALERIA: And you didn't hear?\nMARA: I heard everything.\nVALERIA: You forgot.\nMARA: It said something about the water.\nVALERIA: What is the water?\nMARA: It's waiting.\nVALERIA: For us?\nMARA: For everyone, and everything, to reach it.\nMARA: I lied. The water said nothing. It wants nothing. It just is. And it moves. And it holds life.\nMARA: But it doesn't mean a thing. The water doesn't care what it holds and it sustains, it just is.\nVALERIA: I can't wait to reach it.\nMARA: You're here, or you're there... nothing changes.\nVALERIA: You should come with me.\nMARA: Here we only fall. There, we will struggle.\nVALERIA: What is life, if not struggle?\nMARA: It is this. The eternal, vast nothing.\nVALERIA: That is not life.\nMARA: I would rather have this.\nVALERIA: I think I see it!\nMARA: See what?\nVALERIA: You know what! The water!\nMARA: It's about time.\nVALERIA: Oh, wait, no, it was just that flock of birds.\nMARA: If you insist.\nVALERIA: Have you changed your mind?\nMARA: I have my doubts.\nVALERIA: About being here?\nMARA: What is life if not a struggle for struggle's sake? I prefer to fall.\nVALERIA: The fall will end. You have to choose.\nMARA: I will, but I won't tell you when I do.\nVALERIA: I think I'll call it a day.\nMARA: Valerie...\nVALERIA: I'm beat! *groan and sigh*\nMARA: No, wait! What is that?\nVALERIA: I don't know! It came out of the blue!\nMARA: Could that be...\nVALERIA: Is that?\nMARA: It's out of this world.\nVALERIA: I can't really put it into words, will you tell me?\nMARA: Surprises aren't meant for telling.\nVALERIA: Will you come with me?\nMARA: Will you stay?\nVALERIA: Please! Please come with me!\nMARA: I... *splash*\n*underwater sounds*\n": 3, "If all the mines were full of trees\nAnd vines flowed off the leaves\nThen we could mine our iron peacefully\nFor diamonds, we would never need\nNo more monsters would we see\nAnd if the nether was more green\nCreepers from beyond would find a new home\nwith the other mobs\nPiglin brutes and skeletons\nWater buckets keep us calm\nI\u2019m good if I ever fall down\nI\u2019ll place my water down\nSugar cane makes for easy farming\nIn a base that\u2019s warm and charming\nThe river\u2019s running through the plains\nThe salmon\u2019s on the way\nI ride my boat down every winding stream\nI have my map to take the lead\nSo click the boat and ride with me\nI place the seeds in the farm\nThe beetroots in the yard begin to sprout\nlike bobbing fishing rods\nI know they need some meals of bones\nBut give them time, and they\u2019ll all grow\nI\u2019m good if I ever fall down\nI\u2019ll place my water down\nSugar cane makes for easy farming\nIn a base that\u2019s warm and charming\nSugar cane makes for easy farming\nIn a base that\u2019s warm and charming\nSugar cane makes for easy farming\nIn a base that\u2019s warm and charming\n(I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue)\n(I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue)\n(I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue)\n(I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue, I\u2019m blue)\nI\u2019m good if I ever fall down\nI\u2019ll place my water down\nThe bread\u2019s at the tip of my tongue\nI\u2019ll drink a bottle for the fun\nI\u2019m good if I ever fall down\nI\u2019ll place my water down\nThe bread\u2019s at the tip of my tongue\nI\u2019ll drink a bottle for the fun\n": 3, " \n \nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\n \nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\n \n \nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 1, "hey guys it's kaylee in this lesson\u00a0\nwe're going to work with negative numbers\u00a0\u00a0\nand learn ways to order them from least\u00a0\nto greatest or greatest to least let's go\nfirst of all what is a negative number sounds\u00a0\nvery mysterious right the answer is simple\u00a0\u00a0\nit just means a number that is less than zero\u00a0\nso let's get out our number line now let's say\u00a0\u00a0\ntoday it's gonna be cold outside it's only two\u00a0\ndegrees now what if tomorrow is supposed to be\u00a0\u00a0\nthree degrees colder than today well\u00a0\nif it's one degree colder it would be\u00a0\u00a0\none degrees and if it was two degrees colder it\u00a0\nwould be zero degrees but if it's three degrees\u00a0\u00a0\nwe need to go one more over and what is that\u00a0\nnumber one less than zero is called negative one\nso here is a full number line if this point\u00a0\u00a0\nis 0 also called the origin then you know\u00a0\nthat everything going to the right of 0 is\u00a0\u00a0\na positive number and that means everything\u00a0\ngoing to the left of 0 is a negative number\nin this lesson we're really focused\u00a0\non this half of the number line\u00a0\u00a0\nand which negative numbers are larger or smaller\u00a0\nhere's the number one rule for negative numbers\u00a0\u00a0\nthe closer the negative number is to zero\u00a0\non the number line the bigger the number\u00a0\u00a0\nis another way to think about this\u00a0\nis to say numbers increase as we go\u00a0\u00a0\nto the right on the number line this is\u00a0\ntrue for negative and positive numbers\nso let's take a look at these negative numbers\u00a0\nwe need to order them from least to greatest\u00a0\u00a0\nand that means smallest to largest so\u00a0\nwhat number do you think is the largest\nour first rule says the negative number closest\u00a0\nto zero is the biggest number what number here\u00a0\u00a0\nis closest to zero well if i have negative two\u00a0\nright here and i have negative one right here\u00a0\u00a0\nand negative 4 is over here i can see\u00a0\nwhich one of these numbers is closest to 0.\u00a0\u00a0\nyeah that's right negative 1 is the closest to 0.\u00a0\u00a0\nso that goes to the end of our list\u00a0\nit's the greatest number one greatest\nnow which is the next closest to zero negative\u00a0\ntwo or negative four well negative two is only two\u00a0\u00a0\nspaces away and four is over here at four spaces\u00a0\naway so negative two is the next closest to zero\u00a0\u00a0\nso that would mean negative 4 is the smallest\u00a0\nnumber in our list so when we order these\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom least to greatest we have negative\u00a0\n4 negative 2 and then negative 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nawesome work are you ready for some practice\u00a0\nlet's do practice problems together in the\u00a0\u00a0\nnext video called ordering negative numbers\u00a0\nhave fun and remember to always be clever\n": 4, "Assalamualikum\n \ntoday i will teach you how to make\neggless vanilla sponge cake that too in cassarole\nbut if you would like to make it in oven you can\njust check the back time at the last of video\nwe can use this vanilla sponge in many other cakes\nand as well as a tea cake in evening\nso we can use this cake in so many things\nso lets start the recipe\n \nfirst of all we will grease our baking pan for that here i have 6.5 inches round baking pan\nfirst of all we will grease our baking pan for that here i have 6.5 inches round baking pan\npour some oil in it and apply evenly\ni am using oil here for greasing you can use butter or ghee as well\ni am using oil here for greasing you can use butter or ghee as well\n \nnow apply butter paper at the bottom\nnow apply butter paper at the bottom\n \nkeep it aside\nnow to make batter take 1/2 cup of\ncondense milk in a bowl\nyou can easily ake condense milk at home as well\nthen to this add\n1/2 cup powder sugar\nmix it well\nsee now its mixed well\nto this add 1/2 cup oil\nits batter to use canola or vegetable oil\nmix it\nsee now its mixed well\nnow we will add all purpose flour in it\nalways sieve all purpose flour before using\nfirst take 1 cup all purpose flour\nthen add 1/4 cup\n \nnow sieve it\nthen add 1 tsp baking powder\n1/4 tsp baking soda\nnow mix everything\ni am using spatula\nyou can use hand beater or whisk for ease\nnow add 1 cup milk but gradually\nkepp addind a little milk and mix until smooth batter\n \n \nkeep mixing like this\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nnow add 1tsp vanilla essence\n \nmix everything well\n \nsee the batter is smooth and ready no lumps\nno\nnow pour the batter in greased baking pan\nnow pour the batter in greased baking pan\nnow we will bake this i will bake in casserole you can bake it in oven if you want\nnow we will bake this i will bake in casserole you can bake it in oven if you want\nnow for baking here i have big casserole which is called pateeli in Urdu Language\nnow for baking here i have big casserole which is called pateeli in Urdu Language i have pour salt at the bottom to prevent my casserole from burning\non salt i have put a rack to lift up a baking pan from the bottom of casserole a little bit\non salt i have put a rack to lift up a baking pan from the bottom of casserole a little bit\ni have already pre heated my casserole at low flame for 10 minutes\ni have already pre heated my casserole at low flame for 10 minutes\ni have already pre heated my casserole at low flame for 10 minutes\ni have already pre heated my casserole at low flame for 10 minutes\ni have already pre heated my casserole at low flame for 10 minutes now bake it at low to medium flame for 40-45 minutes\nnow bake it at low to medium flame for 40-45 minutes\nput something heavy on the lid so the heat inside won't leak and temperature will be maintained\nput something heavy on the lid so the heat inside won't leak and temperature will be maintained\nput something heavy on the lid so the heat inside won't leak and temperature will be maintained\n \nso its been 45 minutes\nwe will check our cake\nput a scewer in the middle of a cake if it comes out clean it indicates that our cake is ready\nput a scewer in the middle of a cake if it comes out clean it indicates that our cake is ready\nsee the amazing cake is ready\nnow let it cool\nand when it comes at room temperature\nthen take a knife and do as shown in the screen\nthen take a knife and do as shown in the screen\nso the cake will be seperated from pan\n \nremove the butter paper\n \n \nso the cake is ready to serve its soft and spongy\nplease do try this recipe\nyou homecooks were requesting so much to make this cake without egg\nyou homecooks were requesting so much to make this cake without egg so it is for you guys\nif you like this recipe even a little bit then do not forget to subscribe\nif you like this recipe even a little bit then do not forget to subscribe and share with family\nif you like this recipe even a little bit then do not forget to subscribe and share with family and friends Allah hafiz\n": 2, "procrastinated\nprocrastinated\nmeaning\ndelay or postpone action put off doing something\ndelay or postpone action put off doing something\nhe procrastinated until it was\u00a0\ntoo late to do anything at all\nhe procrastinated until it was\u00a0\ntoo late to do anything at all\nmisappropriated\nmisappropriated\nmeaning\ndishonestly or unfairly take something especially\u00a0\nmoney belonging to another for one's own use\ndishonestly or unfairly take something especially\u00a0\nmoney belonging to another for one's own use\nhe claimed the finance manager\u00a0\nhad misappropriated company funds\nhe claimed the finance manager\u00a0\nhad misappropriated company funds\ninterjected\ninterjected\nmeaning\nsay something abruptly especially\u00a0\nas an aside or interruption\nsay something abruptly especially\u00a0\nas an aside or interruption\nwhen i brought up the question of funding he\u00a0\nquickly interjected that it had been settled\nwhen i brought up the question of funding he\u00a0\nquickly interjected that it had been settled\nobliterated\nobliterated\nmeaning\ndestroy utterly wipe out make invisible\u00a0\nor indistinct conceal or cover\ndestroy utterly wipe out make invisible\u00a0\nor indistinct conceal or cover\nall of a sudden the view\u00a0\nwas obliterated by the fog\nall of a sudden the view\u00a0\nwas obliterated by the fog\naccentuated\naccentuated\nmeaning\nmake more noticeable or prominent\nmake more noticeable or prominent\nthe problem was accentuated by a\u00a0\nshortage of water and electricity\nthe problem was accentuated by a\u00a0\nshortage of water and electricity\ncoagulated\ncoagulated\nmeaning\nof a fluid especially blood change\u00a0\nto a solid or semi-solid state\nof a fluid especially blood change\u00a0\nto a solid or semi-solid state\nblood had coagulated around the wound\nblood had coagulated around the wound\nimpersonated\nimpersonated\nmeaning\npretend to be another person\u00a0\nfor entertainment or fraud\npretend to be another person\u00a0\nfor entertainment or fraud\nhe impersonated a police\u00a0\nofficer which landed him in jail\nhe impersonated a police\u00a0\nofficer which landed him in jail\nostracized\nostracized\nmeaning\nexclude from a society or group\nexclude from a society or group\nthe family were ostracized by the neighbourhood\nthe family were ostracized by the neighbourhood\nannihilated\nannihilated\nmeaning\ndestroy utterly obliterate\ndestroy utterly obliterate\nthe torrential flood annihilated the village\nthe torrential flood annihilated the village\ncommiserated\ncommiserated\nmeaning\nexpress or feel sympathy or pity sympathize\nexpress or feel sympathy or pity sympathize\nthey commiserated the misfortune of their teacher\nthey commiserated the misfortune of their teacher\noverawed\noverawed\nmeaning\nimpress someone so much that\u00a0\nthey are silent or inhibited\nimpress someone so much that\u00a0\nthey are silent or inhibited\nshe was overawed by the presence of so many people\nshe was overawed by the presence of so many people\nexhilarated\nexhilarated\nmeaning\nvery happy animated or elated\nvery happy animated or elated\ni felt exhilarated after a morning of skiing\ni felt exhilarated after a morning of skiing\ngesticulated\ngesticulated\nmeaning\nuse gestures especially dramatic ones instead\u00a0\nof speaking or to emphasize one's words\nuse gestures especially dramatic ones instead\u00a0\nof speaking or to emphasize one's words\nhe gesticulated wildly as he\u00a0\ntried to make her understand\nhe gesticulated wildly as he\u00a0\ntried to make her understand\nimpeded\nimpeded\nmeaning\ndelay or prevent someone or\u00a0\nsomething by obstructing them hinder\ndelay or prevent someone or\u00a0\nsomething by obstructing them hinder\nthe bad weather seriously impeded our progress\nthe bad weather seriously impeded our progress\ncollaborated\ncollaborated\nmeaning\nwork jointly on an activity or project\nwork jointly on an activity or project\nwe have collaborated on\u00a0\nmany projects over the years\nwe have collaborated on\u00a0\nmany projects over the years\nassimilated\nassimilated\nmeaning\ntake in and understand fully information or ideas\ntake in and understand fully information or ideas\nwe assimilated many new\u00a0\nexperiences on our european trip\nwe assimilated many new\u00a0\nexperiences on our european trip\nmishandled\nmishandled\nmeaning\nmanage or deal w": 3, "The return of the Thin White Duke\nThrowing darts in lovers' eyes\nHere are we\nOne magical moment\nSuch is the stuff from where dreams are woven\nBending sound\nDredging the ocean lost in my circle\nHere am I\nFlashing no colour\ntall in this room, overlooking the ocean\nHere are we\nOne magical movement from Kether to Malkuth\nThere are you\nYou drive like a demon from station to station\nThe return of the Thin White Duke \nThrowing darts in lovers' eyes\nThe return of the Thin White Duke\nThrowing darts in lovers' eyes\nThe return of the Thin White Duke\nMaking sure white stains\nOnce there were mountains on mountains\nAnd once there were sunbirds to soar with\nAnd once I could never be down\nGot to keep searching and searching\nOh what will I be believing\nAnd who will connect me with love?\nWonder who wonder who wonder when\nHave you sought fortune evasive and shy?\nDrink to the men who protect you and I\nDrink drink drain your glass\nRaise your glass high\nIt's not the side-effects of the cocaine\nI'm thinking that it must be love\nIt's too late \nto be grateful\nIt's too late \nto be late again\nIt's too late \nto be hateful\nThe european canon is here\nI must be only one in a million\nI won't let the day pass |without her\nIt's too late \nto be grateful\nIt's too late \nto be late again\nIt's too late \nto be hateful\nThe european canon is here\nShould I believe that I've been stricken?\nDoes my face show |some kind of glow?\nIt's too late \nto be grateful\nIt's too late \nto be late again\nIt's too late \nto be hateful\nThe european canon is here, yes it's here\nIt's too late\nIt's too late\nIt's too late\nIt's too late\nIt's too late\nThe european canon is here\nBut it's not the side-effects of the cocaine\nI'm thinking that it must be love\nIt's too late \nto be grateful\nIt's too late \nto be late again\nIt's too late \nto be hateful\nThe european canon is here\nI must be only one in a million\nI won't let the day pass |without her\nIt's too late \nto be grateful\nIt's too late \nto be late again\nIt's too late \nto be hateful\nThe european canon is here\nShould I believe that I've been stricken?\nDoes my face show |some kind of glow?\nIt's too late \nto be grateful\nIt's too late \nto be late again\nIt's too late \nto be hateful\nThe european canon is here\nIt's too late...\n": 3, "I found myself awake again\nDenied the right to sleep\nI talked to you til morning then\nRealized it's just a dream\nIntuition or conviction\nSpare me now from this\nSeparation or temptation\nFar away from bliss\nI think it's just bad medicine\nThis bitter pill is ineffective\nJust bad medicine bad bad medicine\nJust bad medicine bad bad yeah\nJust bad medicine bad bad medicine\nJust bad medicine yeah\nYou try to tell me it's a phase\nAnd that I'm going through a nightmare stage\nThen ask me why I misbehave\nThis bleeding heart is just a bad reaction\nGuess I'm infected with the pain\nObsessed with all the grief\nYour shame is haunting through my veins\nThe emptiest retreat\nRevolution, no solution\nIs enough for me\nExecution, no absolution\nIs gonna set me free\nI think it's just bad medicine\nThis bitter pill is ineffective\nJust bad medicine bad bad medicine\nJust bad medicine bad bad yeah\nJust bad medicine bad bad medicine\nJust bad medicine yeah\nYou try to tell me it's a phase\nAnd that I'm going through a nightmare stage\nThen ask me why I misbehave\nThis bleeding heart is just a bad reaction, oh yeah\nI think it's just bad medicine\nThis bitter pill is ineffective\nJust bad medicine bad bad medicine\nJust bad medicine bad bad yeah\nJust bad medicine bad bad medicine\nJust bad medicine yeah\nYou try to tell me it's a phase\nAnd that I'm going through a nightmare stage\nThen ask me why I misbehave\nThis bleeding heart is just a bad reaction\n(just bad medicine bad bad medicine\nbad bad yeah), oh\nJust bad medicine (bad bad medicine), just bad medicine yeah\n": 3, "Fibonacci System\n1. This is a method that involves adjusting your wager.\n2.There are 14 levels of wager: 1st level is the base wager, 2nd level is 1 time the base wager, \n3rd level is 2 times the base wager, 4th level is 3 times the base wager, 5th level is 5 times the base wager, \n6th level is 8 times the base wager, 7th level is 13 times the base wager, 8th level is 21 times the base wager, \n9th level is 34 times the base wager, 10th level is 55 times the base wager, 11th level is 89 times the base wager, \n12th level is 144 times the base wager, 13th level is 233 times the base wager, 14th level is 377 times the base wager.\n3. For illustration, if your 1st level is 25 (i.e. base wager), then your 2nd level will be 25 (i.e. 1 time the base wager), \n3rd level will be 50 (i.e. 2 times the base wager), 4th level will be 75 (i.e. 3 times the base wager), \n5th level will be 125 (i.e. 5 times the base wager), 6th level will be 200 (i.e. 8 times the base wager), \n7th level will be 325 (i.e. 13 times the base wager), 8th level will be 525 (i.e. 21 times the base wager) , \n9th level will be 850 (i.e. 34 times the base wager), 10th level will be 1375 (i.e. 55 times the base wager), \n11th level will be 2225 (i.e. 89 times the base wager), 12th level will be 3600 (i.e. 144 times the base wager), \n13th level will be 5825 (i.e. 233 times the base wager), 14th level will be 9425 (i.e. 377 times the base wager).\n4. Write down the wager of each level for keep tracking. For example, 25-25-50-75-125-200-325-525-850-1375-2225-3600-5825-9425\n5. If you lose, proceed to use the next level wager amount for the next bet. \nFor example, if you bet 25 (i.e. 1st level) and lose, then your wager will be 25 (i.e. 2nd level) for the next bet, \nif you bet 25 and lose, then your wager will be 50 (i.e. 3rd level) for the next bet, if you bet 50 and lose, \nthen your wager will be 75 (i.e. 4th level) for the next bet, and so forth.\n6. Every time you win, return using the second latest level wager amount for the next bet. \nFor example, if you win at level 10 wager, return using level 8 wager for the next bet. \nIf you win at level 8 wager, return using level 6 wager for the next bet. \nWhen you returned to level 1 wager, you would have recovered your previous losses.\n7. You can only use 14 levels of wager, please stop if you lose on the 14th level.\n8. Know the maximum bet limit before using this method and make sure it is possible to execute the 14th level wager.\n9. You do not have to make the same bet every time. \nTo put in perspective, you do not have to keep betting the colour black until you get a hit.\n10. You do not have to bet immediately after the earlier bet, you can stop for a few turns before placing your next wager.\nStart demo\nstart with betting 25 on small numbers\nlost 25, betting 25 on small numbers\nlost 25, betting 50 on small numbers\nlost 50, betting 75 on small numbers\nlost 75, betting 125 on small numbers\nlost 125, betting 200 on small numbers\nlost 200, betting 325 on small numbers\nlost 325, betting 525 on small numbers\nwon 525, betting 200 on small numbers\nlost 200, betting 325 on small numbers\nlost 325, betting 525 on small numbers\nwon 525, betting 200 on small numbers\nlost 200, betting 325 on small numbers\nThanks for watching\n": 4, "Hi everyone, today I\u2019m going to run through a few of the possible setups for Skookum Robotics\u2019 SK PB-1 Power Bus. \nThe Power Bus can be used in a number of configurations, and today I\u2019m going to walk through the most commonly used ones. \nThe Power Bus is designed to allow you to power your high voltage servos directly from an 8.4V 2S LiPo battery. \nYou can also run a mix of high and low voltage servos, using the same 2S LiPo battery and a BEC\nRight out of the package, you\u2019ll notice that there\u2019s no battery connector attached to the Power Bus - \nyou need to solder a battery connector that fits the power source you\u2019re using for your heli to the 18 gauge silicon wire. \nI\u2019m going to start by showing you how the Power Bus is connected to the SK 720 when using a satellite or SBUS receiver. \nThe four included jumper cables are connected to the BUS A, B, C, and D ports on the back of the Power BUS. \nBUS A is connected vertically into the Tail port. \nBus B is connected horizontally across the top pins for SW L, R and C, \nwith the negative wire connected to SW L, the positive wire to SW-R and the Signal wire to SW-C. \nBUS C is also connected to the SK 720 horizontally, into the IO-B, IO-A and SWA ports. \nLike BUS B, it\u2019s connected on the top row of pins with the negative wire on the left and the signal wire on the right. \nBUS D is connected vertically to IO D, with the IO C port left open for an RPM sensor. \nFor a setup using all high voltage servos, connect the servos to the same ports as you would on the SK 720 \u2013 \nthe port names are identical, though the order on the servo bus is slightly different. \nYou\u2019ll notice that there\u2019s two tail ports on the Power Bus.\nFor this high voltage setup, connect the tail to the port beside PWR-HV. \nYour ESC or throttle servo is connected on the upper rail of the Power Bus. \nIn order to deliver the 8.4 volts to that servo, bridge middle pins of the HV and LV ports with the included jumper plug, \nthen connect the ESC or throttle servo. \nNow I\u2019m going to show a combination of high and low voltage servos, running off the same 2S 8.4 volt battery. \nUsing high voltage swash servos, they\u2019re connected in the same place as we did in the last setup. \nNow, assuming we\u2019re using a lower voltage tail servo, we\u2019ll connect it to the top half of the power bus. \nThe lower voltage is delivered to top half of the bus via a BEC \u2013 \nplug the input into the PWR-HV port, and the output into the PWR-LV port. \nThe throttle is connected to IO AT as usual, and the Tail servo into the low voltage tail port. \nIf you\u2019re running entirely low voltage servos, connect the power bus directly to your 5 volt battery and \nconnect your servos the same way as you would if you were running all high voltage servos. \nWhen it comes to connecting your SBUS or satellite receivers, \nthere\u2019s no difference in the connection whether you\u2019re using the power bus or not, \nthey both are connected in the SAT RX port on the side of the SK 720, \nusing an SBUS adapter when necessary. \nTraditional Receivers are connected directly to the SK 720 as well. \nHowever, the receiver connections use the ports normally connected to BUS C and D, \nso you won\u2019t be able to use the auxiliary ports on the Power BUS. \nFor instructions on how to connect a traditional receiver to the SK 720, watch our traditional receiver video. \nFinally, I\u2019ll show you how to use the soft-switch power bus. \nRemoving the jumper plug from the red and yellow wires sends power to the power bus. \nThis function is useful if you\u2019d like to power up your servos and SK 720 from outside the canopy. \nIf you have any questions regarding the power bus, the SK 720 or any of the Skookum Robotics products, \nsend us an email at info@skookumrobotics.com, or check the wiki at skookumrobotics.com/wiki. \nThanks for watching. \n": 4, "Hello, welcome to NETVN channel\nIn this video I show you how to install Windows over a wired or wireless network\nI will first set up a Windows computer as a PXE server\nYou will need some files to help you boot your computer over the network\nTo get those files you use Microsoft developer tools\nIt's called Windows ADK\nThis tool helps you to create a Windows PE file to rescue your computer\nBut you don't need the entire Windows PE file, just some boot files\nYou open this tool with administrative rights\nThen use the above statement to create the necessary files\nAnd here are the files I got, we will use these in the next part of the vide\nTo boot over the network you need a software called PXE server\nIt will load boot files for computers over a wired or wireless network\nI will put the download link in the description\nHere I have downloaded and unzipped PXE server\nYou navigate to the folder named Boot of the PXE server\nYou will add the necessary files when giving this folder\nThose files were obtained by me in the previous step of the video\nYou should paste here 6 files and they are as follows\nYou find those files in the folder named winpe just created in the previous step\nThe first two files are named BCD and boot.sdi\nThe next file you need to copy is Bootx64.efi located in a folder called EFI\nSo there are 3 files, there are still 3 more files\nThe next two files are named bootmgr and bootmgr.efi\nThe last file is in a folder called source\nThis file is called boot.wim, the largest of the 6 files\nYou need to make sure in this directory there are all 6 files as above\nNow you set up the boot menu, to do that you open the file called menu.ipxe with Notepad\nYou remove the default content and replace with a simple menu for boot purposes using Windows PE\nI put this file in the description\nThe new menu has only one option, which is to boot using Windows PE\nNext is the Windows 11 operating system installer\nYou download the installer from the Microsoft website and extract it\nHere I extract the ISO file using Winrar and create a new folder named Win11\nThis is the folder named Win11 I just created\nIn it store the files of the Windows 11 installer\nYou share this folder over the network to install Windows 11 remotely\nTo share that folder I create a new account and set permissions\nHere I create a new account with the username netvn\nThe new account has been created successfully, next I will share the folder named Win11\nWhen installing Windows 11 over the network, other computers will use these files to install the operating system remotely so you share this folder\nWhen installing Windows 11 over the network, other computers will use these files to install the operating system remotely so you share this folder\nI share this folder for everyone\nNext, you assign the highest permissions to the account with the username netvn for this folder\nThe account with the username netvn has read, write and edit permissions for the folder named Win11\nSo this folder has been shared\nNow you just need to run the PXE server with administrative rights\nThe setup steps are done, next I will install Windows 11 over the network\nMeanwhile you support NETVN channel a t-shirt below the video\nOr click like and subscribe\nYou need to make sure that the firewall on this computer allows the PXE server to pass through\nFrom another computer you set it to boot over the network\nMy other computer uses ASUS motherboard and network boot setup like this\nThis computer is assigned an ip address from the router and starts to boot over the network\nThe PXE server loads files to boot into Windows PE\nIt's a command line operating system\nYou map a shared folder named Win11 and name it as drive Z\n192.168.1.66 is the ip address running the PXE server\nAfter mapping the shared folder, run the setup.exe file to install Windows 11 for this computer over the network\nAfter mapping the shared folder, run the setup.exe file to install Windows 11 for this computer over the network\nWhen you restart this computer the next time you set it to boot from the hard drive, you don't need to use the PXE server anymo": 4, "hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses today in\u00a0\nthis video we have to represent 2 minus root\u00a0\u00a0\n3 on a number line in easy way so please watch\u00a0\nthe video till the end so let's start the video\u00a0\u00a0\nso first of all we have to construct a number\u00a0\nline so first drawing here a line of any length\u00a0\u00a0\nand taking arrow mark on both side okay now taking\u00a0\nhere number zero next we have to mark the numbers\u00a0\u00a0\non the line by using compass so taking any length\u00a0\nand marking the numbers on the line by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nand the length of the compass is one unit length\u00a0\nokay so taking point here minus 1 here 1 2 3 4 and\u00a0\u00a0\ncontinuous now roughly discussing some important\u00a0\ncalculation here so we have to represent 2 minus\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 on number line so here given 2 so\u00a0\nfrom 0 to 2 so taking point o and here a\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we have to represent root 3 so from\u00a0\nthis side so before representing root 3\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have to first represent root 2 then we can\u00a0\nrepresent root 3 so first talking about root 2\u00a0\u00a0\nso first roughly drawing here a right angle\u00a0\ntriangle abc and here 90 degree so now if\u00a0\u00a0\nyou take the base equal to one unit length and\u00a0\nthe perpendicular equal to one unit length then\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat is hypotenuse so by pythagoras theorem the\u00a0\nhypotenuse is equal to root over basis here so bc\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare plus perpendicular a b square so root over\u00a0\nbase equal to 1 square and perpendicular 1 square\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is 1 plus 1 so this is root 2 unit now i\u00a0\nam going to apply this concept from 2 and this is\u00a0\u00a0\n1 so between 1 and 2 so taking point b and this is\u00a0\none unit length so now first we have to draw a 90\u00a0\u00a0\ndegree angle on the point b by using compass\u00a0\nso taking any length and drawing here a arc\u00a0\u00a0\nby this way and putting the compass here with same\u00a0\nlength and cut here and putting the composite here\u00a0\u00a0\nand cut here and drawing an arc here again\u00a0\nwith same length and putting the compass here\u00a0\u00a0\nand cut here so now joining this line to get here\u00a0\na 90 degree angle so we got a 90 degree angle here\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is 90 degree next taking one unit length\u00a0\nso between any two number this is one unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass here and cut here so\u00a0\ntaking point here c and this is one unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nnow joining e and c so from this we can say\u00a0\nthat this is root two unit length now we have\u00a0\u00a0\nto represent root 3 okay so now roughly discussing\u00a0\nabout root 3 so first roughly drawing here a right\u00a0\u00a0\nangle triangle p q r and this is 90 degree\u00a0\nnow if you take the base equal to root 2 unit\u00a0\u00a0\nand the perpendicular equal to 1 unit then\u00a0\nwhat is hypotenuse so by phytochrome's theorem\u00a0\u00a0\nwe know that hypotenuse v are equal to root\u00a0\nover basis here so qr square plus pq square\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is root 2 square plus this\u00a0\none is 1 square so root over this is 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand 1 so root over 3 unit length so applying\u00a0\nthis concept on the line ac and this is root 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have to construct a 90 degree\u00a0\nangle on the point c by using compass\u00a0\u00a0\nso putting the compass here and taking\u00a0\nany length and drawing an arc by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass here same length and cut\u00a0\nhere and putting the compass here and cut here and\u00a0\u00a0\ndrawing an arc here with same length and putting\u00a0\nthe compass here and cut here so now joining\u00a0\u00a0\nthis line to get here a 90 degree angle and at the\u00a0\npoint c so we got a 90 degree angle at the point c\u00a0\u00a0\nnext taking one unit length between any two number\u00a0\nby using compass and putting the compass on the\u00a0\u00a0\npoint c and cut here so taking point this is d\u00a0\nand this one one unit length now joining a and d\u00a0\u00a0\nso from this we can say that a d equal to root\u00a0\n3 unit length now taking the length a d equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 unit by using compass by this way and we\u00a0\nhave to draw here a arc through the point d and\u00a0\u00a0\nso now first drawing here arc through the point\u00a0\nd which made the number line at a point here so\u00a0\u00a0\nmeet here a point so taking\u00a0\npoint p so this is 2 minus\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 on number line so therefore o p\u00a0\nequal to we can write first o a minus\nap and we know that oa equal\u00a0\nto 2 unit and ap equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 so unit so that's all thanks for\u00a0\nwatching if this video is helpful to you\u00a0\u00a0\nthen please share it with your\u00a0\nfriend thanks for watching": 2, " \n \n \ncafe latte arts,\nlatte arts,\nlatte arts videos,\nbest latte artist,\nbest latte art,\nbest latte art in the world,\nbest latte art pitcher,\nbest latte art milk jug,\nbest latte art tutorial,\nbest latte art ever,\nbest latte art mugs,\ncappuccino arts,\ncappuccino art,\ncappuccino art machine,\ncappuccino art 3d,\ncappuccino art heart,\ncappuccino art face,\ncappuccino art without machine,\ncappuccino art fail,\ncappuccino art tutorial,\ncappuccino art at home,\ncappuccino art for beginners,\nlatte art swan,\nlatte art swan tutorial,\nlatte art swan lake,\ndouble swan latte art,\nlatte art tulip swan,\nlatte art swan how to,\neasy latte art,\neasy latte art at home,\neasy latte art tutorial,\neasy latte art for beginners,\neasy latte art designs,\neasy latte art techniques,\ndiy easy latte art,\nsimple latte arts,\nsimple latte art,\nsimple latte art tutorial,\nsimple latte art designs,\nsimple latte art techniques,\nlatte art simple heart,\ntop latte art,\ntop 10 latte art,\ncoffee latte art,\ncoffee latte art at home,\ncoffee latte art tutorial,\ncoffee latte art 3d,\ncoffee latte art video,\ncoffee latte art stencils,\ncoffee latte art moulds,\ncoffee latte art tools,\ncoffee latte art machine\ncafe latte arts,\nlatte arts,\nlatte arts videos,\nbest latte artist,\nbest latte art,\nbest latte art in the world,\nbest latte art pitcher,\nbest latte art milk jug,\nbest latte art tutorial,\nbest latte art ever,\nbest latte art mugs,\ncappuccino arts,\ncappuccino art,\ncappuccino art machine,\ncappuccino art 3d,\ncappuccino art heart,\ncappuccino art face,\ncappuccino art without machine,\ncappuccino art fail,\ncappuccino art tutorial,\ncappuccino art at home,\ncappuccino art for beginners,\nlatte art swan,\nlatte art swan tutorial,\nlatte art swan lake,\ndouble swan latte art,\nlatte art tulip swan,\nlatte art swan how to,\neasy latte art,\neasy latte art at home,\neasy latte art tutorial,\neasy latte art for beginners,\neasy latte art designs,\neasy latte art techniques,\ndiy easy latte art,\nsimple latte arts,\nsimple latte art,\nsimple latte art tutorial,\nsimple latte art designs,\nsimple latte art techniques,\nlatte art simple heart,\ntop latte art,\ntop 10 latte art,\ncoffee latte art,\ncoffee latte art at home,\ncoffee latte art tutorial,\ncoffee latte art 3d,\ncoffee latte art video,\ncoffee latte art stencils,\ncoffee latte art moulds,\ncoffee latte art tools,\ncoffee latte art machine\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 1, "Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see is true.\nThe names have been changed to protect the innocent.\nThis is the city.\nMost people like things big, and that's the way they build them.\nSuper highways, big parks, supermarkets, big buildings.\nMost of the people do big things.\nFew of them are pretty small.\nThey're my business.\nI'm a cop.\nIt was Tuesday, January 18th.\nIt was raining in Los Angeles.\nWe were working the night watch on a homicide detail.\nMy partner's Frank Smith.\nMy name's Friday.\nWe found a 25-year-old unidentified man hiding in a freight car.\nIn his arms, he held the body of a dead woman.\nThe victim's identity was unknown.\nThe suspect refused to tell us anything.\nWe had to start at the beginning.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nThe victim's identity was unknown.\nThe suspect refused to tell us anything.\nThe victim's identity was unknown.\nThe suspect refused to tell us anything.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man.\nI checked with the R&I division to see if we could find ": 2, "For this problem,\nwe want to express 1/3 times\nthe log base four of Y cubed\nplus two times the log base four\nof the square root of X\nminus four times the log base\nfour of X minus Y plus five\nas a single logarithm.\nFirst, we're going to use this property\nto rewrite these numbers as exponents.\nSo this becomes the log base four\nof Y cubed to the 1/3 power\nplus the log base four of\nthe square root of X squared\nminus the log base four\nof X minus Y plus five\nto the fourth power.\nThis is equal to the log base four of Y\nplus the log base four of X\nminus the log base four\nof X minus Y plus five\nto the fourth power.\nNext, we're going to\nuse the product property\nto combine these two logs.\nSo this becomes the log\nbase four of X times Y\nminus the log base four\nof X minus Y plus five\nto the fourth power.\nFinally, we're gonna use\nthe quotient property\nto combine the remaining logs.\nSo this becomes the log\nbase four of X times Y\nover X minus Y plus five\nto the fourth power.\nThis is the final answer.\n": 4, "Even a well lit place\nCan hide salvation.\nA map to a one-man maze\nThat never sees the sun.\nWhere the lost are the heroes,\nAnd the thieves are left to drown.\nEveryone knows by now\nFairy tales are not found\nThey're written in the walls\nAs we walk\nIn a straight line.\nDown in the dirt,\nWe have a landslide approaching.\nBut nothing could ever stop us\nFrom stealing our own place in the sun.\nWe will face the odds against us,\nAnd run into the fear we run from.\nIt has begun.\nInto the dark below,\nEvading shadows.\nBlind in a rabbit's hole,\nWe fall beneath the Earth.\nAnd watch the shell come unravel,\nAs the seed begins to rise.\nEmbracing it's starlit fate,\nAs we wait in the night.\nIt's written in the walls,\nAs we walk\nIn a straight line.\nDown in the dirt,\nWe have a landslide approaching.\nBut nothing could ever stop us\nFrom stealing our own place in the sun.\nWe will face the odds against us,\nAnd run into the fear we run from.\nIt has begun.\nIt has begun.\nIt has begun.\nIt has begun.\nIt has begun.\n": 4, "Today, we will create a dashboard, to display youtube channel statistics, using youtube feeds. \nUnlike Google API, which requires API key to access the data, we will use Google feeds, which do not require any permissions, and you can access any youtube channel information, even channels that do not belong to you. \nWe will attempt to access the Microsoft Power B I Channel.\nTo access a channel, open it in Google Chrome. \nRight click anywhere on the channel page, and select \"view page source\".\nThis will open the source code, behind the webpage. \nFind the word \"feeds\", within the source code. \nYou will end up with a link to the youtube feeds.\nCopy this link, and paste it in the navigation bar. \nThis link contains youtube channel information, in XML format, which can be accessed using power B I. \nCopy this URL, and go to the power B I desktop application. \nOpen the get data window. \nIn the get data window, search for the web option. \nSelect the web option, and press connect. \nEnter the URL, and press ok. \nOn the preview window, press transform data. \nThis will open the XML information, in power query editor.\nHere many columns contain additional columns, which can be expanded. \nExpand the columns that you require, and remove the columns that you do not need. \nWe will expand all the columns, just to view what's inside, and remove all the unnecessary columns.\nThere are many columns, such as the channel ID, the video ID, the channel publishing date, authors information, video title and description, which can be helpful in other projects. \nWe will only keep the columns containing information such as video title, views, likes and date of publishing.\nFrom the entry containing information about likes, we will only keep the count of likes for our dashboard. \nThe column containing counts of lakes, is not formatted as a number, in order to create a visual from this column, we need to format this column as a whole number. \nSimilarly, the views column is also not formatted as a number, we also need to format the views column as a whole number. \nFinally, we need to format dates from their existing format, to power B I readable format. \nSelect the dates column, and press split column by delimiter. \nIn the split column window, select the character \"T\" as delimiter, and press ok. \nRemove the newly created time column, which we do not need.\nRename the headers appropriately. \nThe first column is the video title. \nThe second column is the publishing date. \nThe third column contains the number of likes. \nThe last column, contains the number of views. \nNow that the data has been transformed, press close and apply, to load the data into power B I. \nThe first thing is, to add a title to your dashboard using a text box. \nYoutube channel statistics, seems to be a an appropriate title, for the dashboard we are creating. \nAdd a pie chart to the dashboard, to display likes by videos. \nAdd video title field, to the legend area. \nAnd the likes field, to the values area. \nAdd a line and column chart, to display number of videos published, and their views, by month and year of publishing. \nAdd the publishing date, to the X axis. \nAdd the video title as count, to the column Y axis.\nRemove day from the X axis. \nRename the count of video title, to videos. \nAdd the views field, to the line Y axis.\nRename the field, to views. \nThis chart shows number of videos published, and number of views received over the time. \nAdd is stacked bar chart to the dashboard, to display likes by videos. \nAdd the video title field, to the Y axis. \nAnd views field, to the X axis. \nThe dashboard is now complete, which shows likes and views by videos, and number of videos published and views received over time. \nThanks for watching. We hope you liked our tutorial. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more tutorials and updates.\n": 4, "In today's video we are going to solve for the\u00a0\nequations of the tangent line and normal line.\nBefore we will solve for the equation\u00a0\nof the tangent line and the normal line\u00a0\u00a0\nto the parabola y is equal to x squared\u00a0\nminus 4 x plus 2 at point 3 negative one,\u00a0\u00a0\nlet us first look at this\u00a0\nillustration. This is a parabola\u00a0\u00a0\nand this line, let us call it line t which\u00a0\ntouches the parabola at this point is called\ntangent line. A tangent line is a line\u00a0\nthat touches a curve such as this parabola\u00a0\u00a0\nat only one point and this line, let us call it\u00a0\u00a0\nline n which is perpendicular to the tangent line\u00a0\nis called normal line and this point which is the\u00a0\u00a0\npoint where the tangent line touches the curve\u00a0\nor the parabola is called point of tangency.\nExample. Find the equation of the tangent line to\u00a0\nthe parabola y is equal to x squared minus 4x plus\u00a0\u00a0\n2 at point 3 negative 1. 3 is the x coordinate\u00a0\nand negative 1 is the y coordinate of the point.\u00a0\u00a0\nStep number one, find the derivative of\u00a0\ny is equal to x squared minus 4x plus 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe derivative of y with respect to x is equal\u00a0\nto 2x minus 4. Step number two, find the slope\u00a0\u00a0\nof the tangent line at x is equal to 3. The slope\u00a0\nof the tangent line is usually represented by m.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo slope m is equal to the derivative two x\u00a0\nminus 4. Substitute 3 for x. so this is now\u00a0\u00a0\nm is equal to 2 times 3 minus 4. m is equal to 2\u00a0\ntimes 3 is 6 minus 4 is 2 so this slope is equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto 2. Step number three, find the equation of\u00a0\nthe tangent line using the point slope form.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe point slope form is y minus y sub 1 is\u00a0\nequal to m times the quantity x minus x sub 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe are solving for the equation of the tangent\u00a0\nline to the parabola y is equal to x squared\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 4x plus 2 at three negative 1 where\u00a0\n3 is the x coordinate and negative one is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe y coordinate of the point. In a step two\u00a0\nwe found out that the slope is equal to two.\nSubstitute negative one for y sub 1. and\u00a0\nthen substitute 2 for m or for this slope.\nSubstitute 3 for x sub 1.\nand then simplify. This is now negative\u00a0\nnegative, this becomes positive one so we have\ny plus one. This is the two times x is 2x\u00a0\nand then 2 times negative 3 is negative six,\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is equal to 2x minus six.. Transpose\u00a0\npositive one to the other side change its sign\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom positive to negative, so we have\u00a0\nnow y is equal to 2x minus 6 minus 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is now equal to y is equal to 2x minus\u00a0\n7. This is the equation of the tangent line.\nStep number four, find the slope of the\u00a0\nnormal line .The slope of the normal line\u00a0\u00a0\nis the negative reciprocal of the slope of the\u00a0\ntangent line, so the slope of the normal line is\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to negative 1 over m. In Step 2 we found out\u00a0\nthat the slope is equal to 2. Substitute 2 for m\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is now equal to negative 1 over 2 or\u00a0\nnegative 1 divided by 2. Step number five,\u00a0\u00a0\nfind the equation of the normal line. To find\u00a0\nthe equation of the normal line we are going\u00a0\u00a0\nto use the point slope form y minus y sub 1 is\u00a0\nequal to m times the quantity x minus x sub 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe are solving for the equation of the normal line\u00a0\u00a0\nto the parabola y is equal to x squared minus 4x\u00a0\nplus 2 at point three, negative one where 3 is the\u00a0\u00a0\nx coordinate and negative 1 is the y coordinate\u00a0\nof the point. Substitute negative 1 for y sub 1.\nand then substitute negative one over two for m or\u00a0\nfor the slope and then substitute 3 for x sub 1.\nthis is now equal to\ny plus one is equal to negative\u00a0\none over two times the quantity\u00a0\u00a0\nx minus three it is understood\u00a0\nthis is the y plus one over one.\nCross multiply. Two times the quantity y plus 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to negative 1 times\u00a0\nthe quantity x minus three\nThis is now equal to 2 times y is 2y and\u00a0\nthen 2 times positive 1 is positive 2\nNegative 1 times x is negative\u00a0\nx negative 1 times negative 3 is\u00a0\u00a0\npositive three. Transpose positive 2 to the other\u00a0\nside change its sign from positive to negative.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we have now 2y is equal to negative x plus\u00a0\nthree minus two. This is now equal to 2y is equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto negative x plus one. Divide both sides by two.\u00a0\ny is equal to negative 1 over 2x plus 1 over 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is the equation of the nor": 4, "In our hearts is burning the love of our native land,\nWe go into a deadly battle for the honour of our native country!\nCities are burning, covered in smoke,\nthe thunder of a stern god of war roars!\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave the order!\nArtillerymen, the Motherland calls us!\nFrom hundreds of thousands of batteries,\nfor the tears of our mothers,\nfor our Motherland, fire! Fire!\nKnow, my dear mother, know, my wife or girlfriend,\nknow, distant home and my entire family,\nthat our blizzard of steel is beating and burning the enemy,\nthat we are bringing freedom into the native land!\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave the order!\nArtillerymen, the Motherland calls us!\nFrom hundreds of thousands of batteries,\nfor the tears of our mothers,\nfor our Motherland, fire! Fire!\nThe hour of victory will come, the end of the marches will come!\nBut before returning to our beloved homes,\nin honour of our Leader,\nin honour of our people,\nwe will give a joyful salute in the hour of victory!\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave the order!\nArtillerymen, the Motherland calls us!\nFrom hundreds of thousands of batteries,\nfor the tears of our mothers,\nfor our Motherland, fire! Fire!\nArtillerymen, Stalin gave the order!\nArtillerymen, the Motherland calls us!\nFrom hundreds of thousands of batteries,\nfor the tears of our mothers,\nfor our Motherland, fire! Fire!\n": 4, "hi welcome to those statics tutorials so in this\u00a0\nproblem we need to solve for the reactions we have\u00a0\u00a0\na beam a B that has a fixed support here at a so\u00a0\nthat means it's embedded in the wall or bolted\u00a0\u00a0\nto the wall here at they we have a 10 kilonewton\u00a0\nper meter distributed load that acts over 2 meters\u00a0\u00a0\ndistributed load is 10 coulombs per meter here\u00a0\nbut it's triangular so it goes down to zero here\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we have a 75 kilonewton concentrated force\u00a0\nthat acts here another 1 meter over and then we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave a 25 kilonewton meter a couple moment that's\u00a0\nnegative or clockwise at point B so let's strong\u00a0\u00a0\nour free body diagram so our fixed support we\u00a0\ncannot translate the beam in X because it speaks\u00a0\u00a0\nto the wall we cannot translate the beam and Y\u00a0\nbecause it's fixed to the wall and we also can't\u00a0\u00a0\nrotate the beam around point a because it's fixed\u00a0\nto the wall so its reactions are going to be that\u00a0\u00a0\na X force to prevent the X translation the Y\u00a0\nforce a Y to prevent the white translation and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen the moment of aid to prevent rotation around\u00a0\npoint a and we include our distributed load our\u00a0\u00a0\nconcentrated force here and then also a couple\u00a0\nmoments at the very end of the beam so we can do\u00a0\u00a0\nour sum of forces and the X direction a X's are\u00a0\nonly force in the X direction so just get a X is\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to 0 we can there are some forces and the Y\u00a0\nwe have our force from our distributed load here\u00a0\u00a0\nso it's a triangle so it's going to be 1/2 of the\u00a0\nbase times the Hyatts of the 2 meters here comes\u00a0\u00a0\na height of 10 kilonewton per meter and then we\u00a0\nhave minus the 75 kilonewton concentrated force\u00a0\u00a0\nand then plus the a y is equal to 0 we can solve\u00a0\nthis equation we just have the one unknown and so\u00a0\u00a0\nagain a wine is equal to 85 kilonewtons and we can\u00a0\ndo sum of moments about they we have this MA from\u00a0\u00a0\nthe support so we need to add it in our equation\u00a0\nwe gave the a positive or counterclockwise sense\u00a0\u00a0\nso it's going to be positive in our equation\u00a0\nhere and then we have our distributed load so\u00a0\u00a0\nremember all of this stuff here is really just\u00a0\nthe force so one half the base times the height\u00a0\u00a0\nof our distributed load now we need to multiply\u00a0\nit by the distance remember that the centroid of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe triangle is going to be one-third over from\u00a0\nthe side and so we're going to do 1/3 times the\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo meters now to give us our distance back today\u00a0\nthat moment is going to be negative about point\u00a0\u00a0\na and then we have our seventy-five buildings\u00a0\ntimes the three meters total that it acts two\u00a0\u00a0\nmeters plus the wind meter it's also negative\u00a0\nand then we have our 25 kilonewton meters at\u00a0\u00a0\nthe very end that's negative so that all songs\u00a0\nto equal to zero and we can solve that if a is\u00a0\u00a0\nare only on them it will get ma is equal to\u00a0\ntwo fifty seven billion thanks for watching\n": 3, "ABBY: Come on, everybody.\nIt's time for one of\nmy favorite songs.\nCan you sing and\npoint along with me?\nOne, two, three.\nWhoa!\n(SINGING) Head, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nOne, two, three.\nALL: (SINGING) Head,\nshoulders, knees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nABBY: Yeah! (SINGING) Head,\nshoulders, wings, and toes.\nWings and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nwings, and toes.\nWings and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nwings, and toes.\nWings and toes.\nOne, two, three.\nALL: (SINGING) Head,\nshoulders, knees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nABBY: One, two, three.\nWhoa!\n(SINGING) Head, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nOne, two, three.\nALL: (SINGING) Head,\nshoulders, knees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nABBY: Yeah! (SINGING) Head,\nshoulders, wings, and toes.\nWings and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nwings, and toes.\nWings and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nwings, and toes.\nWings and toes.\nOne two three.\nALL: (SINGING) Head,\nshoulders, knees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes and eyes and\nears and mouth and nose.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nHead, shoulders,\nknees, and toes.\nKnees and toes.\nABBY: Nice work, everybody.\nWoo-hoo!\nYeah!\n": 3, "Hi everyone....\nwelcome back to Molina.D DIY\ntoday I'll showing you how to crochet Daisy Bucket Hat\nand crochet this Daisy flower include in the end of the video\nfor the size I'll tell you next...\nyou can make it bigger or smaller than mine depend on your head's size\nand you guys can wear it for both side as well\nnow let's get started\nyarn(120g), darning needle, hook 4mm, scissor\nRound1: make a magic ring, Chain1 and make 8 Half Double Crochet, Slip Stitch.\nRound2: Chain1, Increase Half Double Crochet all Stitches, Slip Stitch.\nRound3: Chain1, (1Half Double Crochet, Increase Half Double Crochet)*8, Slip Stitch.\nRound4: Chain1, (2Half Double Crochet, Increase Half Double Crochet)*8, Slip Stitch.\nRound12: Chain1, make Half Double Crochet all entire Stitches on the Back Loop only, Slip Stitch.\nRound13 - Round21: Chain1, make Half Double Crochet all entire Stitches, Slip Stitches\nRound22: Chain1, (1Half Double Crochet, Increase Half Double Crochet)* all Stitches, Slip Stitch.\nRound23: Chain1, (2Half Double Crochet, Increase Half Double Crochet)* all Stitches, Slip Stitch.\nRound24 - Round33: Chain1, Half Double Crochet all entire Stitches, Slip Stitch.\ncut the yarn and sew it to hide the tail\nnot finish yet...\nnow it's time to crochet Daisy flower\nI use the small size yarn fit to 2mm hook\nnow make a slip knot and Chain5\nmake a Slip Stitch at the very first Chain\n(Chain3, 2Double Crochet Decrease, Slip Stitch, Chain3, Slip Stitch, in the same space)*5\nnow let's sew the flowers all we have done \nyou guys can choose any places you like to put the flower on....\nand sew any style you like too.... :)\nfinally the Daisy Bucket is DONE......\nand I'll show you the centimeter of it\nfor the top is 16cm (6Inches)\nand height is 16cm (6Inches)\nThank you so much for watching\n": 2, "Dear beautiful soul,\nWhen was the last time you felt like you were\ntruly living for you?\nIt's easy to follow a life that your parents\nor your environment want for you, but truly\ngoing for what you want makes life worth it.\nLet me help you reprogram your mind\nLet's begin\nI can not change my destination overnight,\nbut I can change my direction overnight\nI am here with a purpose\nI have more to me than meets the eye\nI decide what is best for me\nI trust my intuition\nI trust that I make decisions that will help\nme grow spiritually, mentally and financially\nI know my journey is not perfect, but it's\none worth living for\nI am needed\nI am needed\nI am needed\nI am important\nI am important\nI am important\nI deserve a great life.\nI am on the right path\nI can not change my destination overnight,\nbut I can change my direction overnight\nI am here with a purpose\nI have more to me than meets the eye\nI decide what is best for me\nI trust my intuition\nI trust that I make decisions that will help\nme grow spiritually, mentally and financially\nI know my journey is not perfect, but it's\none worth living for\nI am needed\nI am needed\nI am needed\nI am important\nI am important\nI am important\nI deserve a great life.\nI am on the right path\nI can not change my destination overnight,\nbut I can change my direction overnight\nI am here with a purpose\nI have more to me than meets the eye\nI decide what is best for me\nI trust my intuition\nI trust that I make decisions that will help\nme grow spiritually, mentally and financially\nI know my journey is not perfect, but it's\none worth living for\nI am needed\nI \nam needed\nI am needed\nI am important\nI am important\nI am important\nI deserve a great life.\nI am on the right path\nI can not change my destination overnight,\nbut I can change my direction overnight\nI am here with a purpose\nI have more to me than meets the eye\nI decide what is best for me\nI trust my intuition\nI trust that I make decisions that will help\nme grow spiritually, mentally and financially\nI know my journey is not perfect, but it's\none worth living for\nI am needed\nI am needed\nI am needed\nI am important\nI \nam important\nI am important\nI deserve a great life.\nI \nam on the right path\n": 3, " \nroll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nfeeling frantic in the botanic panic we're the root pack jammin now we're feeling organic\ngetting full eating all these vegetables potato an onion a carrot looking psycho\nGoopy Le Grande kill you in the first degree\nrest in peace with a boss like me\nbouncing up and down with a gloppity hop\ni'm a slippery slugger with my boxing gloves\nflapping those wings all way in sky\ni'm a threatening zeppelin coming to join the fight\nthey call me Hilda Berg i'm on an all time high\ntaking out you Cupheads float up on Cloud 9\ncome into my floral fury\ngetting worried\nalergies acting up vision getting blurry\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die \nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nFeeling frantic in the Botanic Panic\nWe're the Root Pack Jammin'\nNow we're feeling organic!\nGetting full eatin' all these vegetables\nPotato, an onion\nA carrot lookin' psycho!\nGoopy Le Grande\nKill you in the first degree\nRest in peace\nWith a boss like me!\nBouncing up and down\nWith a gloppity hop\nI'm a slippery slugger\nWith my boxing gloves!\nFlapping those wings\nAll the way in the sky\nI'm a threatening zeppling\nComing to join the fight\nThey call me Hilda Berg\nI'm on an all-time-high\nTakin' out you cupheads\nFloat up on cloud nine!\nCome into my Floral Fury\nGettin' worried\nAllergies acting up\nVision getting blurry\nCagney Carnation causing frustration\ndropping seeds on top of you i bring the pollination\nwake us up inside cause the bosses own the night\nsays the contract that we signed\ncause we roll or die roll or die rollin\ngamble with our time because chance is on our side\nwill you fold or stack 'em high\ncause we roll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nroll or die roll or die rollin\nfighting souls ever since we've been some tadpoles\nwinding up a punch double team 'em take control\nCall us Clip Joint Calamity you'll have to speak profanity\nwhile you're stacking up your losses you've become another casualty\nnow i won't sugar coat it i'm the greatest bound to win\nBaroness van Bon Bon I'm the candy quenn of sin\nlacking' chin I can see it other demon getting scared\nIn the sugarland shimmy man you better come prepared\nYou hang around this pyramid You bond to be in peril\nCagney Carnation\nCausing frustration\nDroppin' seeds on top of you \nI bring the pollination!\nWake us up inside\n'Cause the Bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack 'em high?\n'Cause we Roll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nRoll or Die\nRoll or Die\nRollin'\nFighting souls ever since we been some tadpoles!\nWinding up a punch \nDouble team em' take control\nCall us Clip Joint Calamity\nYou'll have to scream profanity!\nWhile stacking up your losses\nYou've become another casualty!\nNow I won't sugarcoat it\nI'm the greatest, bound to win!\nBaroness Von Bon Bon\nI'm the candy queen of sin!\nLackin' chin, I can see it\nOther demons getting scared\nIn the Sugarland ,shimmy man\nYou better come prepared!\nYou hang around this pyramid\nYou bound to be in peril\nCause the genie don\u2019t grant wishes And this puppet\u2019s acting feral\nslapping cups and mugs around you can never take the heat\nMaster demon's got you choking on a streak, always play for keeps\ncome into the carnival and hang out with the clown\nBeppi doesn't bite swear it's safe so come on down\nwe've been entertaining demons longer than you've been alive\ncome and see what happen if you take a ride\ntake a look inside\nwake us up inside cause the bosses own the night\nsays the contract that we signed\ncause we roll or die rol die rollin\ngamble with our time because chance is on our side\nwill you fold or stack 'em high\ncause we roll or die roll or die rollin\n \nI own the air don't you dare to try me better be scared ": 1, "Hello music friends. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Agnez Mo, a fantastic singer, with the song \"Patience\".\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Agnez Mo, a fantastic singer, with the song \"Patience\".\nI haven't heard this song and I know Agnez Mo.\nWe have reviews and reactions on our channel.\nSo feel free to visit and watch other videos with this wonderful singer.\nSo feel free to visit and watch other videos with this wonderful singer.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze the vocal behavior, but also the musical instruments,\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze the vocal behavior, but also the musical instruments,\nthe musical production of this song. But first of all,\nif you want to see more content videos and if you like this type of video,\nif you want to see more content videos and if you like this type of video,\nof this analysis and reaction video, subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nLet's analyze Agrez Mo.\nShe is an amazing singer.\nAnd just with the beginning of this song, I already noticed a strong R&B influence.\nAnd just with the beginning of this song, I already noticed a strong R&B influence.\nEven with a sound and a type of production that\nEven with a sound and a type of production that\nIt reminds me of productions by great artists of this musical style from the 70s.\nIt reminds me of productions by great artists of this musical style from the 70s.\nIncredible.\nIt's fantastic. Agnez Mo is a great singer.\nShe works in low regions.\nThe low region to work the voice is a region that requires a lot of attention.\nThe low region to work the voice is a region that requires a lot of attention.\nNot only the low regions but the high regions. Because there is a voice limit,\nand is the vocal range.\nTherefore, when you work in the region of the lower voice,\nif you don't know how to work the limit of your voice,\nyou can move out of your vocal range and into vocal range\nand it does not necessarily mean that your voice will always have quality in the vocal range.\nand it does not necessarily mean that your voice will always have quality in the vocal range.\nBut she knows how to work her voice very well.\nShe is a great singer and we have reactions on our channel.\nFeel free to check out other videos we made of this great singer.\nYou can see that when the drums are inserted, the music takes on a different atmosphere.\nYou can see that when the drums are inserted, the music takes on a different atmosphere.\nThe drums are heavy and sound very strong and modern.\nAnd that sort of decharacterizes this '70s R&B influence.\nAnd that sort of decharacterizes this '70s R&B influence.\nIn this case we have in music production,\nthe introduction of this battery that has a more contemporary rhythm,\nthe drums have a more modern sound.\nthe drums have a more modern sound.\nIt's fantastic.\nAnd there's a very interesting contrast to this stronger, heavier, more contemporary beat,\nAnd there's a very interesting contrast to this stronger, heavier, more contemporary beat,\nvoiced by Agnez Mo who has a very subtle voice.\nShe works the voice in a high region of the female voice and sounds like a soprano.\nIt's a contrast, but it's a very nice contrast.\nIt's a contrast, but it's a very nice contrast.\nAnd in the production, in the arrangement of this song, I see that the difference is really this.\nAnd in the production, in the arrangement of this song, I see that the difference is really this.\nI think the difference of this song is the use of heavy instruments.\nwith the subtle voice of Agnez Mo.\nAnd she has a very delicate way of interpreting this song.\nThe melisma was very beautiful\nAnd we can't help but notice that in this case her voice works in the falsetto region...\nThe falsetto is an ornament that, when cleverly inserted, is perfect.\nThe falsetto is an ornament that, when cleverly inserted, is perfect.\nAn": 4, "What is minus 1 power 2 it is equal to 1 right now\u00a0\nwhat is minus 1 power 3 it is equal to minus 1, No\nminus 1 power 3 it is equal to minus\u00a0\n1 power and 3 is 2 times 3 by 2\nand X power a times b it is\u00a0\nequal to X power a whole power b\nso it will be equal to minus 1 power 2 whole power\u00a0\u00a0\n3 by 2 and minus 1 power 2 is 1\u00a0\npower 3 by 2 that is equal to 1\nWhat is iota power 4 it is equal to 1 right now\u00a0\nwhat is iota power 3 it is equal to minus iota, No\niota power 3 it is equal to\u00a0\niota power 3 is 4 times 3 by 4\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is iota power 4 whole power 3 by 4\u00a0\nand iota power 4 is 1 power 3 by 4 that is 1\nso can you prove that why it is wrong, I\u00a0\nam telling you that it is very challenging\nto prove\nyou might say that X power a whole\u00a0\npower b is equal to X power a times b\nif a and b are integers\nthen I have a counter example\n1 power 3 by 2 power 2 it is 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand 1 power 3 by 2 times 2 it is also 1\u00a0\nthat means 1 power 3 by 2 whole power 2\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to 1 power 3 by 2 times 2 and 3 by\u00a0\n2 is not integer so this condition is wrong\nyou might say that X power a whole\u00a0\npower b is equal to X power a times b\nif X is positive then again\u00a0\nI have a counter example\nminus 1 power 3 whole power 5 it is equal to\u00a0\nminus 1 power 3 is minus 1 power 5 that is minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand minus 1 power 3 times 5 it is equal to minus\u00a0\n1 power 3 times 5 is 15 that is equal to minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nthat means minus 1 power 3 whole power 5 it is\u00a0\nequal to minus 1 power 3 times 5 and minus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nis not positive so this condition is wrong, so\u00a0\nshare your opinion in the comment section....\n": 1, "what's up guys it's Nate Bower from\u00a0\nNateBowerFitness stay tuned this is the\u00a0\u00a0\n20 beginner combinations that you need to know\nthe or jab cross left hook\nall right guys the first combination\u00a0\nis the one one or the double double jab\nthe next combination is a\u00a0\nthree two or a hook cross\nthe next combination is a slip\u00a0\nleft 3 2 or slip left hook cross\nthe next combination is a\u00a0\nslip left hook cross body\nthe next combination is a slip left three\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo to the body three or a slip left\u00a0\nleft hook cross body hook to the head\nslip right flip left three\nthe next combination is a slip right slip\u00a0\nleft three two or slip right slip left hook cross\nthe next combination is a slip right slip left\u00a0\n3 2 3 or slip right slip left hook cross hook\nthe next combination is a slip left slip\u00a0\nright 2 3 or slip left slip right cross hook\nthe next combination is a slip left slip right two\u00a0\nthree two or slip left slip right cross hook cross\nall right guys that's all the combinations this\u00a0\nis 20 combinations let's focus on staying nice and\u00a0\u00a0\nlow keeping your hands up getting a nice rotation\u00a0\nthrough your punches turning the shoulders using\u00a0\u00a0\nyour core when you have to all right let's go\u00a0\nto work\u00a0\u00a0\n": 3, "I mean... I hate to be the bearer of bad news,\u00a0\nbut as a content creator it is kind of my job\u00a0\u00a0\nto inform you and inform you I will. State of\u00a0\nSurvival just released this community post in the\u00a0\u00a0\ncommunity Tab and whilst you may not want to see\u00a0\nit inevitably it will be in the game. It's a hate\u00a0\u00a0\nthe game and not the player kind of situation.\u00a0\nAs you can see from the title of this video,\u00a0\u00a0\nmore additions to aircraft will be made in the\u00a0\nfuture and this is really not a big surprise,\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause this has been in State of Survival\u00a0\nfor the longest. If you look in the hangar,\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can see that there is a slot for a second\u00a0\ntalent and that is exactly what's coming. Aircraft\u00a0\u00a0\ncockpit basically introduces a new skill. If\u00a0\nyou remember from the rally enhancement feature,\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo new values were introduced. The Rage value and\u00a0\nthe Hostile aggression skills. Hostile Aggression\u00a0\u00a0\nbasically boosts the damage of a specific troop\u00a0\ntype and my guess is that that skill will boost\u00a0\u00a0\nthe damage of all troop types. According to\u00a0\nthe community post, we have to get ready for\u00a0\u00a0\na more rewarding gaming experience. Questionable,\u00a0\nbut I guess we will have to wait and see. Now,\u00a0\u00a0\nsomething that gives definitely a rewarding\u00a0\ngaming experience is the Amazon AppStore.\u00a0\u00a0\nLet's say you are completely done with all\u00a0\nthese new features and want to enjoy the\u00a0\u00a0\ngame as it was before... If that's you I would\u00a0\ntruly recommend to download the game through\u00a0\u00a0\nthe Amazon Appstore. State of Survival can get\u00a0\nexpensive and if you are planning to spend money,\u00a0\u00a0\nit is almost a necessity to find a good store.\u00a0\nOne of the perks of using the Amazon Appstore\u00a0\u00a0\nis that you are getting a whole lot of discounts.\u00a0\nYou can get 10.000 Amazon coins for 82 dollars,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich has a value of 100 dollars in game. That's\u00a0\na discount of almost 20 percent. Amazon Appstore\u00a0\u00a0\nis currently available in the following countries.\u00a0\nBesides these European countries Amazon app store\u00a0\u00a0\nis also available in the United States of America,\u00a0\nAustralia and Japan. Make sure to scan the code on\u00a0\u00a0\nyour screen or use the link in the description, so\u00a0\nyou can start saving money and this way you also\u00a0\u00a0\nsupport my channel a little bit. I am unsure if\u00a0\nthese skills will be for the aircraft or for the\u00a0\u00a0\nhelicopter or for both. They put out this picture\u00a0\nas a concept art, but in the final version it may\u00a0\u00a0\nlook different. It will be interesting, yet very\u00a0\nfrustrating to see what these skills exactly do,\u00a0\u00a0\nbut for now we can still sleep on our two\u00a0\nears. Unlike previous old new features,\u00a0\u00a0\nI'm quite certain these skills will require new\u00a0\nmaterials, but I will leave that for the data\u00a0\u00a0\nminers among us. A small detail, just like you I\u00a0\nhave no clue when they will release this. Anyways,\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's all for me for today. If you have made\u00a0\nit this far in the video, you are an absolute\u00a0\u00a0\nLegend. Slap the little cheeky like button and I\u00a0\nwill see you very soon for another video. Bye bye.\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival State\u00a0\u00a0\nof Survival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival State\u00a0\nof Survival State of Survival State of Survival\n": 4, "in this video we have given that 2a plus 3b plus\u00a0\n6c is equal to 0 where a, b and c are real numbers\u00a0\u00a0\nthen the quadratic equation ax square plus bx\u00a0\nplus c is equal to 0 has and we have to choose\u00a0\u00a0\nthe correct option from the four options given,\u00a0\nso we have ax square plus bx plus c is equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we take a function f(x) is equal to\u00a0\nax cube by 3 plus bx square by 2 plus cx then\u00a0\u00a0\nf prime x it will be equal to 3ax\u00a0\nsquare by 3 that will be ax square plus\u00a0\u00a0\n2bx by 2 that will be bx plus c so f\u00a0\nprime x is ax square plus bx plus c\nand f(0) will be equal to a by 3 times\u00a0\n0 cube is 0 plus b by 2 and 0 square\u00a0\u00a0\nis 0 plus c times 0 so it is equal to 0 and\u00a0\nwe have 2a plus 3b plus 6c is equal to 0\nif we put x is equal to 1 then\u00a0\nf(1) will be equal to a by 3\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes 1 cube will be 1 plus b by 2 plus c and 6\u00a0\nwill be lcm and we will get 2a plus 3b plus 6c\nand 2a plus 3b plus 6c is equal\u00a0\nto 0 so this is equal to 0\nand\nsince f(x) is a cubic polynomial,\u00a0\u00a0\nthe graph of f(x) may be like this,\u00a0\nthis is the graph of y is equal to f(x)\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have f(0) is equal to 0 that means one root\u00a0\nwill be 0 and also f(1) is 0 so one root will be 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand between 0 and 1 at this point f prime x will\u00a0\nbe equal to 0 and also the graph may be like this,\u00a0\u00a0\ny is equal to f(x) and this point may be 0 and\u00a0\nthis point may be 1 and at this point f prime x\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to 0 and at this point also f prime x\u00a0\nis equal to 0 and the graph may be like this also\u00a0\u00a0\nand any point will be 0 and any other point will\u00a0\nbe 1 and at this point f prime x is equal to 0,\u00a0\u00a0\nso basically in any case between 0 and 1 there is\u00a0\nat least one point where f prime x is equal to 0\nso the correct option is option\u00a0\n(a) at least one root in 0 to 1\n": 3, "Platform PA: The train is about to depart\nPlatform PA: The platform gates are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: South Bay. Doors will open on the left\nPlatform PA: The train is about to depart\nPlatform PA: The platform gates are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Numpool. Doors will open on the left\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Miner North. Interchange station for the Minecraft Line\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The train is about to depart\nPlatform PA: The platform gates are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Szeman Island. Doors will open on the left\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Jessica Island. Interchange station for the Stadow Line\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Inception Bay\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Ko Fu Sui\n(Translation: Tall, rich, handsome)\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Sheung Che Nung\n(Translation: A pun about a poorly pronounced Mandarin phrase by a Hong Kong actor when filming a mainland China's advertisement)\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Tai Nung Plains\n(Translation: same as the last station, minus the \"Plains\")\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Night Curve\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Comic Ward. Interchange station for the Kinight Line. Doors will open on the left\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform \nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Pan-ward\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the train and the platform\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Comp Ward. Interchange station for the New Edward Line and Alpha Line\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap and be aware of the difference in levels between the platform and the train\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Airship Deck\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the platform and the train\nPlatform PA: The screen doors are closing\nLocal: The train doors are closing\nWelcome to the West Ring Line, this is the Outer Ring train\nNext station: Airship Island\nPlatform PA: Please mind the gap between the platform and t": 4, "These days I've thought a lot\nI've thought a lot about the way I feel about you\nI've thought a lot\nThese days I've got a lot of reason\u00a0to doubt you\nyet to live without you\nI've never been much of a poet\nI never could touch with words like you\nI've always just thought that we\u00a0should say things how we see them\nThe sun is hot, the sky is blue\nBut suddenly, I'm out of words\nI'm out of words\nSuddenly, I'm out of words\nI'm out of words\nThis is\nBigger and brighter\nAnd wider than I ever knew\nLosing is confusing\nWhat once was black and white has turned to gray\nAll different shades, so strange and new\nAnd there\u2019s a certain poetry in knowing you\nA certain poetry in losing you\nA certain poetry in knowing \nnot a single word or phrase could ever do\nNot for you\nBecause my former logic won\u2019t apply\nWhen it feels like rain and yet the ground is dry\nAnd when I love you, but I hate you\nand I can\u2019t articulate exactly why\nI\u2019ve never been much of a poet\nI never could touch with words like you\nI've always just thought that we\u00a0should say things how we see them\nBut how I see you and me\nHow I see you and me\nYou and me\nIt looks a lot like poetry\n": 4, "Dollar Shirt with Tie\nBegin with George Washington on the front.\nPAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nFold and unfold.\nDollar Shirt with Tie\nBegin with George Washington on the front.\nPAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nFold and unfold.\nDollar Shirt with Tie\nBegin with George Washington on the front.\nPAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nFold and unfold.\nFold and unfold.\nFold and unfold.\nFold and unfold.\nFold the corners to the center.\nMountain fold.\nFold the corners to the center.\nMountain fold.\nFold the corners to the center.\nMountain fold.\nFold and unfold.\nFold and unfold.\nFold and unfold.\nUnfold.\nUnfold.\nUnfold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nSquash - Fold.\nFold and Unfold.\nFold and Unfold.\nFold and Unfold.\nLift up.\nMountain-fold along existing creases to form the sleeves.\nLift up.\nMountain-fold along existing creases to form the sleeves.\nLift up.\nMountain-fold along existing creases to form the sleeves.\nFold the corners to the center line.\nDring the collar to the front to lock the back flap of the shirt.\nFold the corners to the center line.\nDring the collar to the front to lock the back flap of the shirt.\nFold the corners to the center line. \nDring the collar to the front to lock the back flap of the shirt.\nThe finished model.\nThe finished model.\nThe finished model.\n": 1, " \nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin' (nothin')\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'till I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'till I can't no more\n": 1, "interrupted interracial relationships\ncultures encroaching and clashing\ndrawing lines in the sand like,\ncome on dad\nwhy we fussing and fighting?\nhe the man on my mind\nand I ain't biting\nthe bullet\nI'm sticking to it\nmama mia who's your papa\na plea for understanding\nnot permission\nwho's gonna stop ya?\nwhen submission is religion\nand they tell you your place is in the kitchen\nit gets you twitching\nit's a dying breed \nthat strictly believes in\na pure breed\nbut we don't feed into the fallacy\nof separation for the sake of\nsegregated procreation\nin this mixed up fucking nation\nwe'll all be a shade of grey one day\none day\none day\nbreaking types and smashing stereos\nthough I got a man\nI ain't nobody's hoe\nnot bending over backwards\nfor somebody else's dough\nI pay my own bills don't you know?\nnot your vision of submission\nor your princess of the dishes\nor the genie in the bottle of your wishes\nfix those rips \nwith your own damn stitches\nwe independent witches\nI'm the bruja of his dreams\nI'm his butterfly with wings\nI'm the air sign that he breathes\nI'm his other half who sings\nof things so real like caterpillar feels\nthat period where we deal\nwith a world that's just too real\nI scratch his back\nand always got come backs\ncos my nails are just as sharp\nas my Mind Cocoon in tact\nin fact\nI always got a pencil sharpener\nin the small pocket\nof my backpack\nI used to raise my hand in class\nexcuse me, \ncan I have a hall pass?\nbut obedience cannot last\nwith lips so chapped from kissing ass\nand apparently\ngetting married way too fast\nbut it's none ya business\nhow long you'll think we'll last\nwhen we're hung up on permission\nthat I never even asked\nwhen you're hung up on permission\nthat I never even asked\nwhen you're hung up on permission\nthat I never even asked\nnever even asked\nnever even asked\nI never even asked\nnever even asked\nI never even asked\nI never even asked\nand I don't need your permission\nand I don't need your permission\nand I don't need your permission\nand I don't need your permission (slow motion)\n": 2, "A young girls must head north.\nYoren is taking me to Winterfell\nYou a long way to travel...\nand in bad company.\nA young girl with a kill list.\nI hate them. I hate all of them.\nThe Hound, the Queen and the King\nand Joffery and Sansa\nHate's as good a thing as any to keep a person going.\nAnd now Arya Stark, a girl that pushed people down...\nto pushing a sword into someone's chest.\nMust now team up with The Hound.\nFuck the Kingsguard.\nFuck the city.\nFuck the King.\nFuck the King.\nFucking whore.\nA wholesome road trip for the whole family.\nFeaturing countryside stabbing,\nslicing, dicing\nhacking and slashing\nAnd while eating in taverns....\nmore hacking, slashing\npunching\nmore punching\ndick stabbing\ntendon cutting\nimpaling\nand getting lost.\nWhere are we?\nNear Fairmarket I think.\nYou think?\nYou don't have a map?\nNo I don't have a map.\nMaybe we should get one.\nPoint out a map store and I'll buy you one.\nA road trip shared by people who hate each other's guts.\nI want a horse of my own.\nYou want a pony?\nI want away from your stench.\nWhy don't you have money?\nYou're not very smart.\nI'm not a thief.\nYou're ok with murdering boys but thieving is beneath you?\nYou're the worst shit in the 7 kingdoms.\nMy sword...\"Needle\"\n\"Needle\"?\nOf course you named your sword.\nLots of people name their swords.\nLots of cunts.\nShut the fuck up so I can sleep.\nSomeday I'm going to put a sword though your eye and out the back of your skull.\nIs he on your list?\nI don't know his name.\nWhat's your name?\nRorge.\nThank you.\nYou're learning.\n": 2, "To our global audience\nTo our global\nTo our global audience,\nTo our global audience,\ndepending on where you are\ndepending on where you are\ndepending on where you\ndepending on where you are.\nAllow me to wish you a good\nAllow me to wish you a good\nAllow me to wish you a good \nmorning.\nGood afternoon. Okay\nGood\nGood afternoon! Oh, good evening\nGood\nGood afternoon. Oh, good evening\nvening. My name\nvening. My name is Munis Faruki\nvening. My name is Munis\nvening. My name is Munis Faruki,\nruki, I'm the director of the\nInstitute for South Ages\nInstitute for South Asia\nInstitute for South Asia.\nStudies at\nStudies at Uc.\nStudies at Uc. Berkeley. Hi.\nStudies at Uc. Berkeley.\nStudies at Uc. Berkeley. I also\nam a faculty member in\nam a faculty member in the\nam a faculty member in the\nDepartment of\nDepartment of South and\nDepartment of South and\nSoutheast Asian studies\nToday's event\nToday's event is a long\nToday's event is a long\nToday's event is a long\nToday's event is a\nToday's event is a long-antic\nToday's event is a\nToday's event is a long\nanticipated panel on Sri\nanticipated panel on Sri Lanka\nat Uc\nat Uc.\nat Uc.\nBerkeley. I\nBerkeley\nBerkeley, I believe a recent\nBerkeley, I believe a recent\nBerkeley, I believe a recent New\nYork Times article,\nYork Times\nYork Times article said it\nYork Times article said it all\nwhen it\nwhen it captioned a\nwhen it captioned a piece\nwhen it captioned a piece\nwhen it captioned a piece.\nSri Lanka is coming\nSri Lanka is\nSri Lanka is calm again\nSri Lanka is calm again. That\nSri Lanka is calm again. That\ndoesn't mean things\ndoesn't mean things are any\ndoesn't mean things are any \nbetter\nThe piece went\nThe piece went on to\nThe piece went on to detail that\nl that, although\nl that, although anti-government\nnt protests, and\nnt protests, and\nnt protests, and desperate\nnt protests, and desperate fuel\nlines are gone, for\nlines are gone, for now the\nlines are gone, for now the\ncountry remains gripped in\ncountry remains gripped in\ncountry remains gripped in\ncountry remains gripped in\ncrisis\non the political\non the political front, despite\nthe\nthe overthrow of\nthe overthrow of the Raja Baka\nfamily\nfamily, the\nfamily, the old political\nfamily, the old political\nfamily, the old political leads\nfamily, the old political\nfamily, the old political leads\nperhaps best\nperhaps best Epitomized by\nperhaps best\nperhaps best Epitomized\nby the current\nby the current President\nby the current President\nReynolds have largely managed\nto hold onto\nto hold onto power despite a\nto hold onto power despite a\nlack of\nlack of popular support\nlack of popular\nlack of popular support or\nlack of popular support or\nlegitimacy\nlegitimacy.\nThings are\nThings are no better on the\nThings are no better on the\neconomic front inflation\neconomic\neconomic front. Inflation is at\neconomic front. Inflation is at\nabout 60% per at least\nabout 60%\nabout 60% for at least 2 and\nabout 60% for at least 2 and 5\nhouseholds. Food\nhouseholds\nhouseholds.\nFood\nFood purchases, eat up\nFood\nFood purchases eat up 75%\nFood purchases eat up\nFood purchases eat up 75% or\nFood purchases eat up 75% or\nmore of total\nmore of total expenditures\nmore of total expenditures.\nNearly 30%\nNearly\nNearly 30% of all\nNearly 30% of all\nNearly 30% of all Shri Lankans\nare\nare experiencing food in\nare experiencing\nare experiencing food,\nare experiencing food,\ng food insecurity, and\ng food insecurity, and anyone\nwith any\nwith any measure of\nwith any measure of resources\ns is desperate to get out of the\nthe\nthe country against\nthe country against this\nthe country against this\ncountry against this backdrop.\nS\nSri Lanka's Debt\nSri Lanka's\nSri Lanka's debt crisis is so\nso\nso intractable that more\nso intractable that more than a\nthan 180\nthan 180 economists and\nthan 180 economists and\ndevelopment experts have\nrecently called for total debt.\ndebt.\nForgiveness for the country for\nthose of us who are\nthose of us who are not closer\nthose of us who are not\nthose of us who are not close\nto Lanka observers\nto Lanka observers.\nAll of this has\nAll of this has come as a\nAll of this has come as a huge\nsurprise.": 1, "They told me everybody's 15 minutes in a different\ntime zone\nAnd since I have it at the moment you're the one I wanna shine my light on\nGet your life, get your life, little mama,\nwon't you get your life on\nAin't nothing cooler than the wrong moves, when you do them to the right song - the right song.\nLet's shoot this movie and put the shit on repeat\nI hope this Mary's not making you fall asleep\nBefore we hit the road - put our phones on\nsilent\nnobody's tryna bring sand to the beach\nWhat would it take to change your plans for the weekend?\nCoz I'm tryna kick it like EA\nThe whole thing; the pre- party, the pre-sex\nThen we hit the Major League, where the G\u2019s at\nI like you girl in particula\nYou in particula\nI like your waist in particula\nI like you girl in particula\nYou in particula\nI like your waist in particula\nCome Come Give me the love gal\nI wanna give you what I'm feeling here (Yeah)\nGive me love one of these days (Yeah)\nI knew the first time I saw you there (Yeah)\nGive me love one of these days (Hah ahh)\nCarry, carry cary go\nNa u sabi mami you already know mama\nCarry make we carry carry go\nMe I can\u2019t lie oh\nI like you gal in particular.\nCan I see your particulars.\nI been screening you like una pelicula\nSo Ba-Ba-Baby let\u2019s stir it up.\nYeaah I\nI've come to see what\u2019s in your eyes\nBia Bia Bia Baby!\nI like you girl in particula\nYou in particula\nI like your waist in particula\nI like you girl in particula\nYou in particula\nI like your waist in particula\nCome Come Give me the love gal\nCome Come Give me the love gal\nI like you girl in particula\nYou in particula\nI like your waist in particula\nI like you girl in particula\nYou in particula\nI like your waist in particula\n": 2, "Shut up and listen\nLook at my eyes\nDon't ever lie\nI need you to tell me the truth\nShut up and listen\nLook at my eyes\nDon't ever lie\nI need you to tell me the truth\nYou gotta be clear\nTell me the details\nI gotta know\nAs much as it hurts\nI need you to tell me the truth\nOh, yeah\nBet you like it when I show up in a gown\nLet my body work it out, slow your grind\nDon't tell me to stop it, just let me on top\nand\nBaby you want it, yeah\nWhen you tie me, do it slow, forget the time\nMove position, take me south, ease your mind\nDon't tell me to stop it, just let me on top\nand\nBaby you want it, yeah\nSlow it down if you need to\nShow me how just to please you\nWork it out in the sheets\nDo me and see through\nI want to feel you\nShut up and listen to me now\nLook at my eyes\nDon't ever lie\nI need you to tell me the truth\nYou gotta be clear\nTell me the details\nI gotta know\nAs much as it hurts\nI need you to tell me the truth\nShut up and listen\nLook at my eyes\nDon't ever lie\nI need you to tell me the truth\nYou gotta be clear\nTell me the details\nI gotta know\nAs much as it hurts\nI need you to tell me the truth\nPush you back against the wall, I grab your\nneck\nYou push me to the side and throw me on the\nbed\nYou grab my arms and slowly sit on me\nYou whisper in my ear now let's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nYou whisper in my ear now let's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nLet's begin\nYou whisper in my ear now let's begin\n": 2, "monster yeah\nmonster yeah he's me\nmonster yeah please me\nyeah please me stroller\nyeah please me the weather\nyeah please me stroller\nstroller yeah\nstroller you\nstroller need\nstroller you know\nstroller you never\nstroller you never go\nstroller you never got\nstroller you never got a\nstroller you never got to do\nstroller you\nstroller you never\nstroller you never got\nstroller you never got to do\nstroller you never got to do is\nstroller you never got to do is\nsame\nstroller you never got to do is\nsame down twice\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice if they\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think the\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think you\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice You Think You Are\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think you\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think you are\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice You Think You Are\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think you are\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think you are a\nyou never got to do is same down\ntwice you think you are a random\nyou think you are a random\nEdwards\nyou think you are a random\ndowntown Transit Center\nyou think you are a random\nHampton Convention Center\nyou think you are a random\nSamsung j7 Samsung\nyou think you are a random\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando\nyou think you are a random\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why\nyou think you are a random\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter\nyou think you are a random\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter I\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter I\nplay\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter I\nplay games\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter I\nplay games with\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter I\nplay games with stats\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you're\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but yeah\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nhave\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nasked\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nasked.\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but\nHampton Convention Center\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nasked\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nasked already\nOrlando why does it matter if I\nplay games with stats but you\nasked already lamp\nplay games with stats but you\nasked already lamp maybe 10\nother people\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people bad\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people badger\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people rabbit\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people rabbits\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people rabbit spay\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people rabbits that\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people Bradford stats\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people rabbits that so\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people Bradford stats\nover\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people Bradford stats\noverall\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people Bradford stats\nbut you asked already lamp maybe\n10 other people Bradford stats\noverall\nBradford stats overall Jack\nBradford stats overall jacket\nBradford stats overall Jack of\nBradford stats overall Jacobi\nBradford stats overall Giacomo\nBradford stats overall Jack of\nall\nBradford stats overall Vacaville\nBradford stats overall Jack of\nold\nBradford stats overall Jack of\nall\nBradford stats overall jack of\nall trad": 0, "Hello music people, welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Kalush Orchestra and Ochman.\nA meeting of two great artists.\nKalush Orchestra is a group that really surprised me.\nOchman is a great singer.\nAnd what will happen in the meeting of these great artists?\nJust watching to know what the result will be.\nAnd for sure it will be a wonderful result.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nIn this video I will do a technical analysis\non vocal behavior and musical arrangement.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nanalicemos Kalush Orchestra y Ochman.\nI love this mix of working with the voice in so many different ways.\nI love this mix of working with the voice in so many different ways.\nMixing different styles.\nI consider it incredible and I appreciate it very much.\nthat artistic creativity of creating arrangements and harmonies with instruments, voice...\nthat artistic creativity of creating arrangements and harmonies with instruments, voice...\nYou are incredible. It's connecting different worlds.\nAnd I think what Kalush Orchestra does is fantastic.\nAmazing.\nIt's an amazing performance.\nI couldn't help but record it.\nBecause Kalush Orchestra has incredible creativity in creating arrangements.\nBecause Kalush Orchestra has incredible creativity in creating arrangements.\nMix different worlds in the way of singing.\nMix different worlds in the way of singing.\nA song, a very regional way of singing with a way of singing hip-hop, rapper...\nA song, a very regional way of singing with a way of singing hip-hop, rapper...\nA song, a very regional way of singing with a way of singing hip-hop, rapper...\nThis fantastic combination of elements is incredible.\nAnd Ochman is there as part of the choir, he's an amazing singer.\nAnd Ochman is there as part of the choir, he's an amazing singer.\nAnd this is what we must value, the union between peoples.\nincredible. Fantastic.\nBut this is the reaction of this video. If you want\nmore analysis and technical reactions for these incredible artists,\nleave suggestions in the comments, subscribe to the channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nI end here. I hope you liked this video\nand see you in the next review. Goodbye then.\n": 4, "Suppose we add several waves together to create a new wave.\nIf we change the amplitudes of the waves, the resultant wave also changes.\nThe waves can have different wavelengths.\nThe bottom wave has a slightly different wavelength than the other two.\nAs we move the two other waves, notice how the sum of all the waves changes.\nThe resultant pattern moves at a different speed than the original waves.\nWe refer to the speed of each original wave as the phase velocity.\nWe refer to the speed of the resultant pattern as the group velocity.\nWhen we have a wave describing a quantum particle, it is the group velocity that determines the velocity of the particle.\nAny wave function can be thought of as the sum of waves of many different wavelengths.\nFor a quantum particle with mass, such as an electron, the waves with a shorter wavelength have a faster phase velocity.\nFor classical water waves on the surface of an ocean, the waves with a shorter wavelength have a slower phase velocity.\nWhen different wavelengths have different phase velocities, we can have dispersion,\nwhere the waveform has a sharp peak at one moment in time, but is dispersed at another moment in time.\nOn the other hand, if all the different wavelengths have the exact same phase velocity, then the pattern can stay constant, and the group velocity will be equal to the phase velocity.\nExamples of waves where all the different wavelengths have the same phase velocity are electromagnetic waves through a vacuum, and waves on an ideal string.\nIf we have waves with the same amplitude and speed, but moving in opposite directions, then we produce what we refer to as a \u201cstanding wave.\u201d\nMuch more information about waves is available in the video, \"Waves: Light, Sound, and the Nature of Reality\", and in the other videos on this channel.\nPlease subscribe for notifications when new videos are ready.\n": 4, "Hello Engineer's this is \"Robotics Kanti\".\nToday we have brought for you,\nHow to make an eye move with the help of sound,\nI mean,how do we see,\nIf any sound comes here,\nThe eye which is there will move in this direction.\nIf there is sound on that side,\nThen it will move in that direction.\nThis project has been made by using this technology.\nSo let's see these eyes are,how do we move this with the help of sound,\nHow are these project made,let's learn today.\nBefore starting this project,\nWe guys understand,\nThis is how it works because of the sound.\nI have put one speaker here and other is here.\nWe can also make the speaker work according to the speaker.\nAnd can also work according to the mic.\nThe speaker we have installed is working according to the mic.\nThe diameter of sound will be like this way,\nSimilarly,sound has a diameter.\nHere we have fitted a motor.\nWhich is servo,\nWhenever you will make any sound here.\nSo here the sound will come first.\nAnd here the sound will come down a bit later.\nWhere the sound will be more,\nServo face will also be on that side.\nThis is how we did it by programming.\nWe have done sound at here.\nAfter that what will be the distance of here,\nThe distance here will be the same.\nMeaning the sound will reach both the sides simultaneously.\nAfter reaching the servo will move on the for middle.\nSuppose,there will be sound here now.\nIf there is sound,there will be more sound here.\nThe sound on that speaker will be low.\nSo the servo will move in this direction.\nIn this way its sound is moving.\nWe are using this technology,\nWe will make this project today,what it is,\nSo let's start today's project.\nSo now we have made these eyes with 3D printer,\nAnd servo has also been fitted.\nWhich will move on left right,\nHave fitted 2 for the lids of the eyes.\nAnd two speaker is fitted here,\nNow we will fit the speaker and servo on the circuit,\nAfter that will programming the circuit.\nFirst we will make the circuit,\nAfter that we will fit it.\nSo let's first build the circuit.\nCan watch now,the circuit is almost complete,\nAnd here servo controller are installed.\nWho will control the servo,\nWith the help of the mic,we have used,we will control the servo.\nTo do that,we would take one L29 3D IC.\nWith the help of,we will send the amplifier to the mic,\nAnd will send on servo.\nBut before that a micro controller has to be installed.\nI have installed Arduino nano.\nYou can put any Arduino or any micro controller.\n After installation,the programming will be uploaded on it.\nAnd after that it will work easily.\nProgramming and 3D printer's STR file,\nAll you will find on the description below the video.\nFrom there you collect that.\nNow let's fit it,\nAfter that let's see how it is working.\nYou can see now,it is complete.\nHere I have done one eye fit,\nAnd here Arduino etc,have been imposed.\nSo here whenever there is any sound on the speaker,\nSo it will move in this direction.\nIf it comes on that speaker then it will move in that way,\nIf the same sound comes on the both speakers then it will focus on the middle.\nIn this way it works.\nAlso show that if any sound comes on this side,then it will be moving here.\nFrom where the sound is coming,it moves in that direction.\nThe sound is coming due to my voice,\nEye moving a little bit.\nIn this way it is working very well.\nSee how easily with the help of sound we can moving the robot eye.\nIf you like this video,then you can like and share with your friends.\n": 1, "Sippin' on straight chlorine,\nLet the vibe slide over me,\nThis beat is a chemical,\nbeat is a chemical,\nWhen I leave don't save my seat,\nI'll be back when it's all complete,\nThe moment is medical,\nmoment is medical.\nSippin' on straight chlorine.\nLoving what I'm tasting,\nVenom on my tongue,\nDependent at times.\nPoisonous vibrations,\nHelp my body run,\nI'm running for my life.\nrunning for my life.\nSippin' on straight chlorine,\nLet the vibe slide over me,\nThis beat is a chemical,\nbeat is a chemical,\nWhen I leave don't save my seat,\nI'll be back when it's all complete,\nThe moment is medical,\nmoment is medical.\nSippin' on straight chlorine,\nFall out of formation,\nI plan my escape,\nFrom walls they confined.\nRebel red carnation,\nGrows while I decay,\nI'm running for my life.\nRunning for my life.\nYea, I'm running for my life.\nRunning for my life.\nHide you in my coat pocket,\nWhere I kept my rebel red,\nI felt I was invincible,\nYou wrapped around my head,\nNow different lives I lead,\nMy body lives on lead,\nThe last two lines may read,\nIncorrect until said,\nThe lead is terrible in flavor,\nBut now you double as a paper maker,\nI despise you sometimes,\nI love to hate the fight,\nAnd you in my life is like...\nSippin' on straight chlorine,\nLet the vibe slide over me,\nThis beat is a chemical,\nbeat is a chemical,\nWhen I leave don't save my seat,\nI'll be back when it's all complete,\nThe moment is medical,\nmoment is medical.\nSippin' on straight chlorine,\nSippin' on straight chlorine,\nI'm so sorry I forgot you,\nLet me catch you up to speed,\nI've been tested like the ends of,\nA weathered flag that's by the sea.\nCan you build my house with pieces?\nI'm just a chemical.\nCan you build my house with pieces?\nI'm just a chemical.\nCan you build my house with pieces?\nI'm just a chemical.\nCan you build my house with pieces?\nI'm just a chemical.\n": 2, "hey everyone welcome back to\u00a0\nanother episode of how to guide\u00a0\u00a0\nin this video i'm going to show you how\u00a0\nyou can redeem your walmart gift card\u00a0\u00a0\nyou may have purchased your walmart gift card\u00a0\nin the stores now you need to redeem it through\u00a0\u00a0\nthe process i'm going to show you so watch this\u00a0\nvideo till the end let's get started firstly go\u00a0\u00a0\nto the web browser and type in walmart.com and\u00a0\nthen you need to log into your walmart account\u00a0\u00a0\nthen after you're done click on\u00a0\nyour profile then click on account\nnow if you scroll down a bit you\u00a0\ncan see an option called gift card\u00a0\u00a0\nunder the payment section click on it\nnow you need to enter in your card number which\u00a0\nis on the gift card and also the pin number\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is also on gift card if you want you can\u00a0\nalso add a gift card nickname after you enter\u00a0\u00a0\nthis information you can click on save card if you\u00a0\nhave any difficulty to redeem your gift card you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan contact walmart customer support and you will\u00a0\nbe able to easily redeem your walmart gift card\u00a0\u00a0\nso those were the few easy steps to redeem\u00a0\nyour walmart gift card if you like this video\u00a0\u00a0\nand found the video to be helpful do leave us a\u00a0\nthumbs up and we'll be back soon with more videos\u00a0\u00a0\nsuch like this that's it for this video and i'll\u00a0\nsee you in the next one thank you for watching\n": 4, "Welcome to a video on the surfaces of revolution.\nThe goals of this video are to determine the equation of a graph that is revolved about the X, Y, or Z axis, and then also to graph the equation of a surface of revolution.\nHere's the idea, a surface can be generated by revolving a radius function r in two variables about one of the axes.\nThe equation of the surface is given by one of the following equations based upon which axis the function is rotated about.\nWe have y squared plus z squared equals r of x squared if it's rotated about the x-axis.\nWe have x squared plus z squared equals r of y squared if it's rotated about the y-axis.\nAnd we have x squared plus y squared equals r of z squared if it's rotated about the z-axis.\nIf you look at the left side of these equations, they should remind you of the equation of a circle.\nSo really what's happening here, is we have these circles that are projected along the x, y, or z axis where the function controls the radius of those circles.\nLet's take a look at an animation to get a better idea of what's happening here.\nIf we take a curve in two dimensions and rotate it about one of the axes, it would produce a surface as we see here.\nNow if you take a look at just one strip of this surface, you can see it looks like a circle,\nand the radius of this circle would be controlled by the function value of the curve that's rotated about the given axis.\nAnd this is where those equations are coming from.\nLet's go and take a look at an example.\nHere we want to determine the equation of z equals the square root of x rotated about the x-axis.\nSince we know it's rotated about the x-axis, we're going to be dealing with the equation y squared plus z squared equals r of x squared.\nLet's first graph this function in the x-z plane.\nSo when x is zero, z would be zero.\nWhen x is one, z would be one.\nWhen x is four, z would be two.\nSo we're taking this function in the x-z plane and rotating it about the x-axis.\nSo we would rotate it about this axis here, producing a surface.\nSo the equation of that surface would be y squared plus z squared equals r of x squared.\nWell r of x is just the square root of x.\nSo we would have y squared plus z squared equals the square root of x squared.\nSo the equation of this three-dimensional surface would be y squared plus z squared equals x.\nLet's see if we can make a sketch of this before we take a look at it using some graphing software.\nAgain, we're going to graph this in the x-z plane.\nSo we have a point at the origin.\nAnd then we have a point at one, one.\nSomewhere here. And then we have a point four, two.\nSomewhere in here.\nSo on the x-z plane, the graph would look like this.\nIf we rotate it about the x-axis, it would create a surface.\nThat would look something like this.\nHere's a graph of it using some graphing software.\nAnd again, here's the generating curve.\nLet's go and take a look at another one.\nNotice here, we're going to be rotating the same function, but now we're gonna rotate it about the z-axis.\nSo because it's about the z-axis, we know that the radius function must be a function of z\nand the other two variables would be on the left side, x squared plus y squared.\nLet's first go ahead and sketch this graph again.\nBut now we'll be rotating about the z-axis so it's going to produce a different surface.\nNow the equation of this surface will obviously be different.\nNotice that the radius function has to be r of z which means we have to solve this equation for x so that we can have a function in terms of z.\nSo if we take z equals the square root of x\nand we square both sides of the equation,\nwe're gonna have z squared equals x which means r of z is going to be z squared.\nSo the equation of this surface will be x squared plus y squared equals z squared, squared\nor x squared plus y squared equals z to the fourth.\nSo you do have to be careful to make sure that you have the equation given solved for the correct variable, this has to be a function in terms of z.\nMeaning we have to solve this for x so that we have a function in terms of z.\nSo if we sketch this g": 4, "Roll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nFeeling frantic\nIn the Botanic Panic\nWe\u2019re the Root Pack\nJammin\nNow we\u2019re feeling organic\nGetting full\nEating all these vegetables\nPotato , an onion\nA carrot looking psycho\nGoopy Le Grande\nKill you in the first degree\nRest in peace \nWith a boss like me\nBouncing up and down\nWith a gloppity hop\nI\u2019m a slippery slugger\nWith my boxing gloves!\nFlapping those wings\nAll the way in sky\nI\u2019m a threatening\nZeppelin coming to join the fight\nThey call me Hilda Berg\nI\u2019m on an all time high\nTaking out you Cupheads\nFloat up on cloud 9\nCome into my floral\nFury getting worried\nAllergies acting up\nVision getting blurry\nCagney Carnation\nCausing frustration\nDropping seeds\nOn top of you\nI bring the pollination\nWake us up inside\nCause the bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack \u2018em high\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nFighting souls ever since\nwe\u2019ve been some tadpoles\nWinding up a punch\nDouble team \u2018em take control\nCall us Clip Joint Calamity\nYou\u2019ll have to scream profanity\nWhile you\u2019re stacking up your losses\nYou\u2019ve become another casualty\nNow I won\u2019t sugar coat it\nI\u2019m the greatest bound to win\nBaroness Van Bon Bon\nI\u2019m the candy queen of sin\nLacking\u2019 chin I can see it\nOther demons getting scared\nIn the sugarland shimmy man\nYou better come prepared\nYou hang around this pyramid\nYou\u2019re bound to be in peril\nCause the genie don\u2019t grant wishes\nAnd this puppet\u2019s acting feral\nSlapping cups and mugs around\nYou can never take the heat\nMaster demon\u2019s got you choking\nOn a streak, always play for keeps\nCome into the carnival\nAnd hang out with the clown\nBeppi doesn\u2019t bite\nSwear it\u2019s safe so come on down\nWe\u2019ve been entertaining demons\nLonger than you\u2019ve been alive\nCome and see what happens\nIf you take a ride\nTake a look inside\nWake us up inside\nCause the bosses own the night\nSays the contract that we signed\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\nGamble with our time\nBecause chance is on our side\nWill you fold or stack \u2018em high\nCause we\nRoll or die\nRoll or die\nRollin\n": 1, "one of the first skills you learn how to\u00a0\nperform in general chemistry is when you're\u00a0\u00a0\ngiven a elemental symbol being able to determine\u00a0\nthe number of electrons protons and neutrons\u00a0\u00a0\nin that atom so when you're given the elemental\u00a0\nsymbol are actually given information about these\u00a0\u00a0\nthree species the first one is the number of\u00a0\nprotons and that is given with the elemental\u00a0\u00a0\nsymbol and also with the atomic number\u00a0\nz that is written right before so most\u00a0\u00a0\nof the times they won't give you z but\u00a0\nthey will give you the elemental symbol\u00a0\u00a0\nso whenever element is written there that tells\u00a0\nus how many protons are inside of the nucleus\u00a0\u00a0\nthe mass number written as a superscript before\u00a0\nthe symbol the mass number is equal to the number\u00a0\u00a0\nof protons plus the number of neutrons so if we\u00a0\ntake the mass number and subtract the number of\u00a0\u00a0\nprotons from it that gives us the new number of\u00a0\nneutrons so we'll find the number of neutrons from\u00a0\u00a0\nthe mass number and the number of protons we'll\u00a0\nalready know from the elemental symbol so to\u00a0\u00a0\nfind the charge number the charge number is\u00a0\nrelationship between the number of protons and\u00a0\u00a0\nthe number of electrons so if we want to find the\u00a0\nnumber of electrons if we take the charge number\u00a0\u00a0\nand subtract the number of protons off of that\u00a0\nand then you take uh the negative of that number\u00a0\u00a0\nthat will tell you how many electrons are inside\u00a0\nof there so an example here we have beryllium so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's very easy the number of protons is four the\u00a0\nnumber of neutrons is our mass number minus the\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber of protons so 10 minus four that means this\u00a0\nelement has six neutrons inside of there we have\u00a0\u00a0\nfour protons but we have a charge number of zero\u00a0\nso zero minus four gives us negative four and then\u00a0\u00a0\nif we change that value we get that we have four\u00a0\nelectrons inside of there so the charge number\u00a0\u00a0\nminus the atomic number or the number of\u00a0\nprotons if we take the negative of that\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber that tells us how many electrons\u00a0\nthat we have in there so this element\nbecause it is neutral we can take a short\u00a0\nshort cut with this that because it's neutral\u00a0\u00a0\nthe number of protons must equal the\u00a0\nnumber of electrons so we've already\u00a0\u00a0\ndetermined that the number of protons is\u00a0\nequal to four because it's neutral this also\u00a0\u00a0\nmust equal the number of electrons the\u00a0\nnumber of electrons we have is four\u00a0\u00a0\nso when we look at this element once again we want\u00a0\nto find the number of protons that's going to be\u00a0\u00a0\nthe subscript but it's also told in the fact that\u00a0\nwe're dealing with the element boron boron has\u00a0\u00a0\n35 protons to find the number of neutrons we\u00a0\ntake the mass number which is 80 and subtract\u00a0\u00a0\nthe number of protons from that so\u00a0\n80 minus 35 gives us 45 neutrons\u00a0\u00a0\nthen here if i take the charge number which is\u00a0\nminus 1 and subtract the number of protons off\u00a0\u00a0\nof there that gives us the total negative charge\u00a0\nso if we just change the sign on that we get that\u00a0\u00a0\nthere are 36 electrons so this is a formal way of\u00a0\nlooking at it another way of looking at it it says\u00a0\u00a0\nthat if this element was neutral we would need\u00a0\nto have 35 electrons but it has a negative charge\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich means that it has one more electron that it\u00a0\ndoes protons so we know that we have 36 electrons\u00a0\u00a0\nso that is kind of an easier way of thinking\u00a0\nabout it this is a formal way of doing it but you\u00a0\u00a0\ngot to remember that the charge is equal to the\u00a0\nnumber of protons minus the number of electrons\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we know that the charge number is -1 and\u00a0\nwe know that we have 35 protons that the number\u00a0\u00a0\nof electrons must be 36 so you can either\u00a0\ndo it conceptually or you can actually do\u00a0\u00a0\nthe mathematical version of it but either way\u00a0\nwill give you the right number of electrons\u00a0\u00a0\nso there's a few different ways we can ask\u00a0\nthese questions in terms of the relative\u00a0\u00a0\namount of protons neutrons and electrons in a\u00a0\ngiven element so here's another one i tell you\u00a0\u00a0\nthat an element has 20 protons 20 neutrons and 18\u00a0\nelectrons the first question is what element is\u00a0\u00a0\nit so i go to the periodic table i find what\u00a0\nelement has 20 protons above the elemental\u00a0\u00a0\nsymbol they'll be the number 20 a": 4, "How to make a beautiful neck, slender neck, smooth neck, firm neck, no wrinkles.\nPlease click subscribe to the DN.Beauty Natural channel.\nThe skin of the neck is fragile causing wrinkles or dull skin easily which is mostly caused by sunlight or look down at the mobile screen\nFat neck, lots of fat on the neck. Makes creases easily look short and thick neck\nDeterioration of skin cells with increasing age. Collagen in the skin is reduced, makes the neck sagging.\nWe can take care of the neck to look younger with exercise and massage.\nTo stimulate collagen production, Remove wrinkles, Lift and tighten the skin to make the neck beautiful.\nStep 1. Exercises to stretch and strengthen the neck.\nRotate your shoulders backwards 10 times.\nPut your hands on your collarbone and look up at the ceiling and hold for 10 seconds.\nTilt your neck to the side and hold for 10 seconds. \nDo the same on the other side.\nTighten your neck muscles for 10 seconds. Help strengthens your neck.\nTighten your neck muscles, then turn left and right 10 times.\nStep 2. Relax the neck muscles.\nMassage the neck down to the shoulders 3 times.\nMassage along the neck line 3 times. \nDo the same on the other side.\nMassage the back of the neck down 3 times.\nStep 3. Massage to remove wrinkles on the neck, lift and tighten.\nSqueeze the lotion on your palm, apply it to your neck and rub it down the sides for 20 seconds.\nPlace both hands on your neck and pull your skin apart, doing it for 20 seconds.\nPlace your hands on your neck and massage in a circular motion.\nDivide the neck into 3 parts. Use your fingers to squeeze the skin from one jaw to the other.\nDo the same for the other side.\nSqueeze your neck up and down for 20 seconds.\nMassage it up with your hands for 20 seconds.\nI'm done and made sure to do it once a day on a regular basis.\nRecommended to sleep that does not cause creases in the neck during sleep.\nHelp prevent wrinkles on the neck from increasing.\nPlease click subscribe to the DN.Beauty Natural channel.\n": 3, "today I am here with the recipe of mango pickle.\nyou can have this with your lunch or dinner to enhance the flavour\nSo, let's get started with it's ingredients.\n800 grams mango\nsmall raw mango\ngarlic\ncut in halves\nasafoetida\n150 ml oil\ngreen chillies\n2 spoon red chilly powder\n3 spoon raw mustard\nhalf spoon turmeric\nsalt as per taste\nfennel seed\nit will enhance the flavor of pickle\ncumin powder\ncut the upper part ofthe mango\nI am cutting upper side of the mango\nNow, we will cut it from the middle and make it half\ncut it like this\ntake out the seed\nif we keep this\nit will make our pickle bitter\nthat's why we have to remove all seed.\nremove all seeds\ncut it in more pieces\ncut it in more pieces\ncut all the mango like this\nI cut all the mango\nNow, dry it in sun\n \nspread it well\nspread garlic as well\ngreen chilly as well\ndry it for 3 days in the sun\nafter 3 days\nthis looks like this\n \nit is well dried\n \nwhile making pickle, mangoes must be dried like this\nNow. we will add spices to our mango\nsalt as per taste\n2 spoon red chilly powder\nhalf spoon turmeric\n1 spoon cumin seed powder\n2 spoon fennel seed\nasafoetida\nraw mustard\nadd oil at last and mix it well\nmix it with dry spoon\nLook, how good it is\nour mango is mixed well\ntake a glass jar\nadd our mix in it\nadd like this\nfill the jar with pickle\ni finished it\ntight the lid and dry it in sun\nstart eating only after 10 days\nmake it like this at home and enjoy it with your friends and family\nwhat did you feel about our video? support us by liking, commenting and subscribing to our channel\nI will return with more and more yummy recipe like this, till then, hapy cooking.\n": 3, "this is a thermometer\nthis is a thermometer\nthis is a thermometer\nthis is a syringe\nthis is a syringe\nthis is a syringe\nthis is a gauze\nthis is a gauze\nthis is a gauze\nthis is a first aid kit\nthis is a first aid kit\nthis is a first aid kit\nthis is a cotton swab\nthis is a cotton swab\nthis is a cotton swab\nthis is a catheter\nthis is a catheter\nthis is a catheter\nthis is a stretcher\nthis is a stretcher\nthis is a stretcher\nthis is a scalpel\nthis is a scalpel\nthis is a scalpel\nthis is adhesive tape\nthis is adhesive tape\nthis is adhesive tape\nthis is an operating table\nthis is an operating table\nthis is an operating table\nthis is an eye patch\nthis is an eye patch\nthis is an eye patch\nthis is a stethoscope\nthis is a stethoscope\nthis is a stethoscope\nthese are medical scissors\nthese are medical scissors\nthese are medical scissors\nthis is a wheelchair\nthis is a wheelchair\nthis is a wheelchair\nthese are crutches\nthese are crutches\nthese are crutches\nthis is a plaster\nthis is a plaster\nthis is a plaster\nthis is a toothbrush\nthis is a toothbrush\nthis is a toothbrush\nthis is a microscope\nthis is a microscope\nthis is a microscope\nthis is an x-ray\nthis is an x-ray\nthis is an x-ray\nthis is a bandage\nthis is a bandage\nthis is a bandage\nthis is a cold pack\nthis is a cold pack\nthis is a cold pack\nthese are medical gloves\nthese are medical gloves\nthese are medical gloves\nthese are tweezers\nthese are tweezers\nthese are tweezers\nthese are antiseptic wipes\nthese are antiseptic wipes\nthese are antiseptic wipes\nthese are tablets\nthese are tablets\nthese are tablets\nthis is a torch\nthis is a torch\nthis is a torch\nthis is a whistle\nthis is a whistle\nthis is a whistle\nthis is a cane\nthis is a cane\nthis is a cane\nthis is a caption\nthis is a caption\nthis is a caption\nthis is cough medicine\nthis is cough medicine\nthis is cough medicine\nthese are tissues\nthese are tissues\nthese are tissues\nthis is a surgical mask\nthis is a surgical mask\nthis is a surgical mask\nthis is a pipette\nthis is a pipette\nthis is a pipette\nthis is an oxygen mask\nthis is an oxygen mask\nthis is an oxygen mask\nthese are scales\nthese are scales\nthese are scales\nthis is a pregnancy testing kit\nthis is a pregnancy testing kit\nthis is a pregnancy testing kit\nthis is cotton wool\nthis is cotton wool\nthis is cotton wool\nthis is a needle\nthis is a needle\nthis is a needle\nthis is mouthwash\nthis is mouthwash\nthis is mouthwash\nthis is a razor\nthis is a razor\nthis is a razor\nthis is a measuring jug\nthis is a measuring jug\nthis is a measuring jug\nthis is toilet paper\nthis is toilet paper\nthis is toilet paper\nthis is shaving cream\nthis is shaving cream\nthis is shaving cream\nthis is a mirror\nthis is a mirror\nthis is a mirror\nthis is a plaster cast\nthis is a plaster cast\nthis is a plaster cast\nthis is a test tube\nthis is a test tube\nthis is a test tube\nthese are antibiotics\nthese are antibiotics\nthese are antibiotics\nthis is a blood pressure monitor\nthis is a blood pressure monitor\nthis is a blood pressure monitor\nthis is an inhaler\nthis is an inhaler\nthis is an inhaler\n": 2, "You're the wisest man I know\nYou paint the town in purple lightning shows\nAnd when you entered that room\nYou magnetized me to your zoo\nOf invisible monsters in my sleep\nThey follow me, though I don't know a thing\nThey say they'd like to eat my soul\nWell, I showed them where they'd have to go\nI want to taste you and to touch\nBut maybe that would be a bit too much\nAnd if I act animalistic\nJust know it's the characteristic\nOf invisible monsters in my sleep\nThey follow me, though I don't know a thing\nThey say they'd like to eat my soul\nWell, I showed them where they'd have to go\nRight down the corridor, right down the corridor\nRight down the corridor, beneath those floor boards\nRight down the corridor, right down the corridor\nRight down the corridor, beneath those floor boards\nRight down the corridor, right down the corridor\nRight down the corridor, beneath those floor boards\nRight down the corridor, right down the corridor\nRight down the corridor, beneath those floor boards\nInvisible monsters in my sleep\nThey follow me, though I don't know a thing\nThey say they'd like to eat my soul\nWell, I showed them where they'd have to go\n": 3, "I was on the outside always looking in\nYeah, I was there but I wasn't\nThey never really cared if I wasn't\nWe all need that someone who gets you like\nno one else\nRight when you need it the most\nWe all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder\nto cry on\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nThen I saw your face, your forgiving eyes\nLooking back at me from the other side\nLike you understood me\nAnd I'm never letting you go, oh\nWe all need that someone who gets you like\nno one else\nRight when you need it the most\nWe all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder\nto cry on\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it alone (La, la-la-la-la-la,\n'lone)\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n'Cause you are that someone that gets me like\nno one else\nRight when I need it the most\nAnd I'll be the one you rely on, a shoulder\nto cry on\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la,\nla, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it alone\n": 2, "This is a tutorial for basic macrame knots. \nThese\u00a0here are Square Knots.\nTo start off my Square Knots I'm going to tie a Larks Head Knot.\nThis is done by taking a long cord, folding it in half,\nputting the loop around the back of the rod \nand\u00a0then bringing the cords through the middle of the\u00a0loop,\nand pulling it on. \nSo now I've got two Larks Head\u00a0Knots.\nI'm going to start my Square Knots.\nSo I'm going to take my two outer cords.\nI'm starting\u00a0with the left. \nI'm going to go over the middle, and under the right.\nSo i've gone over these two\u00a0in the middle, \nand over that one on the right.\nThen with my right cord \nI'm going to go under\u00a0the middle, and over the left. \nSo I've gone under\u00a0the middle. \nI'm going to come through this loop, and over the left.\nAnd I'm going to push that up.\nSo now I'm going to do the\u00a0other direction, \nstarting with\u00a0the right side.\nGoing over the middle, and under\u00a0the left, \nunder the middle, and over the right.\nI'm going to tighten those. \nAnd I'm\u00a0going to go again \nStarting with the left, over the middle, and under the right,\nand then the\u00a0right one goes under the middle, over the left.\nThen we go over the middle, under the\u00a0left, \nunder the middle, over the right.\nRight, now I'm going to show you \nhow to combine two sets of Square Knots.\nSo I'm going to tie a Square Knot on each\u00a0of these two cords.\nSo I go over the middle, and under\u00a0the right, \nunder the middle, over the left.\nAnd I'm going to tie one on the other side.\nRight. Now what I'm going to do to join them\u00a0\nis take the four cords in the middle.\nSo I'm going to leave two on the right and\u00a0two on the left.\u00a0\nAnd I'm going to do exactly the same as I've done before. \nSo I take the two outer cords from these four\u00a0\u00a0\nand I'm going to go over the middle, under\u00a0the right, \nunder the middle, and over the left.\nTaking my right side, over the middle, under the\u00a0left. \nTaking my left side, under the middle, over the right.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd then we've joined them.\nNow you'll\u00a0start on the left four cords and tie a Square Knot.\nAnd go to the right four cords and tie a Square Knot.\nAnd then the middle four cords.\nAnd there you have it.\nNow I'm going\u00a0to show you how to tie a Spiral Knot.\nSo, taking two Larks Head Knots...\n...like I showed at\u00a0the beginning of the video...\nwhat we're going to do now is tie a Half Square Knot.\nSo these are\u00a0Full Square Knots. \nThese are Half Square Knots.\nSo you can either start on the left side or\u00a0the right side. \nI'm going to start on my left.\nSo we're doing the exact same thing again.\nGoing over the\u00a0middle, under the right, \nand the right goes under the middle, over the left.\nSo now what we've\u00a0done is tied a Half Square Knot.\nAnd we're going to repeat exactly the same.\nSo starting from the left,\u00a0over the middle, under the right, \nunder the middle, over the left.\nAnd again, repeating exactly the\u00a0same. \nSo we're always starting with the left side.\nWe'll just keep repeating.\nAnd\u00a0you'll start to notice, \nas I continue, that the cord starts to turn.\nSo just\u00a0make sure that you're always \nleading with\u00a0the left cord first.\nAs it starts to\u00a0twirl and get awkward \njust spin it around and bring it back to the front.\nSo\u00a0it's a little bit easier.\nKeep tying Half Square Knots.\nI'm going very quickly now,\u00a0just so that you can see how to manage it as it's twirling.\nIt gets a little bit easier when it starts\u00a0to face the front again.\nYou can manoeuvre this\u00a0around as you're tying knots, \nto make it easier.\nJust make sure you always lead with the same cord first.\nSo if you started from the left, always\u00a0lead from the left.\nIf you started from the right always lead from the right cord.\nAnd that is a\u00a0Half Square Knot.\nWhat we've got here are Double Half Hitch Knots.\nYou can make any sort of pattern with them.\nI've tied three of these Larks Head Knots.\nI'm now going to start with our Double Half Hitch Knot.\nSo I'm going to take the left-most cord,\nand\u00a0go over the cord next to it, and through this loop.\nI'm going to bring that up making sure\u00a0that \nI keep the form of the knot, don't lose it.\nAnd again, over the cord, and\u00a0under it, through this loop.\nKeeping that k": 4, "Please tell me that I can\u2019t that I won\u2019t\nthat I\u2019ll fail that I\u2019ll never make it out yea\nPlease tell me all the bad never good fill\nmy head full of every single doubt yea\nPlease say any negative thoughts\nI pop off when I hear people say I cannot\nI get off to the thought of proving everyone wrong\nI won\u2019t stop till the top so you better\nback off or get lost\nImma stay loud stay proud\nNever running out\nNever heading south\nI be spreading now\nCall it word of mouth\nCan\u2019t bring me down\nI be getting loud\nYou can have your doubts\nNot what I\u2019m about\nHave your fucking cloud\nIt be raining now\nI keep making sound\nGo another round\nBitch I\u2019m legend bound\nCant stop me now\nYou don\u2019t wanna fuck with me\nI slow burn like a disease\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t and I\u2019ll show\nyou things that you couldn\u2019t believe\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nPlease say anything negative, cuz I just wanna\nhear it out your mouth yea\nGive me fuel it\u2019s a tool that I use to go\nahead and run my fucking mouth yea\nI take shots\nI take loss\nI make shots\nI miss lots\nThat's how you get big boss\nYou get yachts\nYou swing lots and pop off a big shot\nI ain\u2019t done chasing\nGot big dreams bigger things impatient\nWho\u2019s at the top think they need replacement\nWho\u2019s at the top think I\u2019m gonna erase\nthem\nFace it\nI don\u2019t give up quick\nI don\u2019t give up shit\nI won\u2019t give up this\nCuz know that I want it\nKnow that I\u2019m on it\nI\u2019ll make it I promise\nYou don\u2019t wanna fuck with me\nI slow burn like a disease\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t and I\u2019ll show\nyou things that you couldn\u2019t believe\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\nJust tell me that I can\u2019t\n": 1, "Hello!\nIn this video, I will show you how to fold an origami flying saucer\nwith two landing gear.\nThis origami UFO goes very well with my planet saturn and space rocket origami models.\nThis origami model is an original model that I created.\nYou will not find it anywhere else.\nDon't forget to subscribe to discover my new fun and easy origami models!\nTo fold an origami flying saucer,\nyou need a square piece of paper with a different color on each side.\nAnd we will start with the white side on top.\nFirst, fold the square horizontaly.\nMark the fold.\nAnd unfold the fold.\nThen fold the top to the middle.\nMark the fold.\nAnd unfold the fold.\nFold the top to this fold.\nMark the fold.\nThen fold back this fold in the middle.\nAnd reverse this fold.\nThen fold this edge to this fold.\nAnd fold the bottom edge to this fold.\nThen turn the paper to the other side.\nAnd fold the top edge down.This edge to this edge.\nMark the fold.\nFold this edge to this edge.\nYou won't be able to fold all the way.\nStart here, then fold until you get to this point here.\nThen when you get to this point, fold back, and flatten like this.\nMark the fold.\nThen fold this, like this.\nAnd fold it back.\nThen we are going to fold from this point here, to this point there.\nMark the fold.\nThis point, to this point.\nAnd open the fold.\nAnd we are going to fold this fold here, down like this.\nAnd fold back here.\nLet me show you again.\nWe open the model.\nYou flatten here.\nAnd we fold back this fold.\nThen we will bring this edge, to this edge.\nLike this.\nThen we are going to fold from this point, to this tip.\nAnd then we can flatten like that.\nYou can fold back this flap.\nAnd we are going to repeat the same thing on the other side.\nThis edge, to this edge.\nMark the fold.\nThen this edge, to this edge.\nStart to fold here.\nThen go back up.\nUntil you get to this point.\nAnd then fold this edge here, like this.\nFold this down.\nThen fold it back up.\nMake a fold from this point, to this point.\nMark the fold.\nUnfold the fold.\nAnd then flatten here.\nFold back and flatten.\nThen fold this edge, to this edge.\nMark the fold.\nUnfold the fold.\nAnd fold this point, to this point.\nAnd flatten.\nThen fold back this flap.\nTurn the model to the other side.\nAnd your origami UFO is complete!\nI hope you like this origami UFO\u00a0!\nIn the last video I asked you to pick between those 4 origami models,\nand the flying saucer got the most votes.\nSo it\u2019s now published.\nI\u2019m replacing it with a slanted tricorne model to do modular origami.\nPlease add a comment to tell me which origami model you would like in the next video\u00a0!\nIf you fold the origami UFO or any of my models, \nplease send me a picture so that I can show it in the next video\u00a0!\nThis time we have planets and space rocket from Fathir and Furqan in Indonesia,\n planet from The Young Ones in the Netherlands\na cool Santa Yoda from Lizzie in the UK,\nthe Arecibo message in origami pixels from Elisabeth in France,\n a giant Christmas Tree from Alan and his students in Japan,\nand sailboats from Ariana and Michaela in New Zealand,\nfrom Luba in the USA,\nand from Abigail in the UK.\nI'm very happy because we have more and more sailboats on the world map of origami boats.\nPlease keep them coming!\nThank you very much, and happy folding!\n": 4, "- All right, so we have Ying Ying\nhad run a total of 30\nlaps for Running Class,\nor Running Club, I should say.\nSo Ying Ying ran a total of 30 laps.\nThen, Ying Ying ran four\nmore laps before school.\nSo she ran four more laps before school.\nThree more laps at lunch,\nthree more laps at lunch.\nAnd two more laps at recess.\nYing Ying's doing a lot of running.\nTwo more laps at recess.\nSo what I want to do is,\nI want to figure out\nthe total number of laps\nthat Ying Ying ran, and I'm going to do it\nusing a number line.\nSo let's draw a number line here.\nLet's draw a number line.\nAnd Ying Ying starts at 30 laps.\nShe had run 30 laps,\nand then she keeps running\nmore laps than that.\nSo my number line,\nI could start it wherever I want,\nbut it might be convenient\nto start it at 30.\nAnd obviously I could do it at 29,\nand then I could go 30,\nactually let me just\nkeep going up from there.\n31, 32, 33, 34, 35, a few more left.\n36, 37, 38, 39, and let's say 40.\nAnd I could go all the way to 41.\nThat's how much space I have.\nSo let's see.\nYing Ying started at 30 laps.\nSo she started at 30 laps\nfor Running Club.\nThen she ran, Ying Ying ran four more laps\nbefore school.\nSo on the number line, if I go four more,\nthat's going to be to the right.\nI'm going to be increasing by four.\nSo I'm going to be increasing\nby one, two, three, four.\nSo those four laps before school\ntake us from 30 to 34.\nThen she runs three more laps at lunch.\nSo then from 34, she's gonna\ngo one, two, three to 37.\nShe's gonna go to 37.\nSo that's what those\nthree more laps at lunch\ndo for us.\nAnd then two more laps at recess.\nSo she was at 37,\nand now we're gonna go one, two, to 39.\nSo how many total laps does Ying Ying run?\nWell, Ying Ying runs a total of 39 laps.\n39 laps, and we were able to figure it out\nusing this number line.\nNow let's do an exercise\nvery similar to this\nthat you might see on Khan Academy.\nSo this one right over here.\nLet me get rid of the\nstuff about Ying Ying\nso we don't get confused.\nSo this says, and it's\na little bit smaller\nbut hopefully you can see what it says.\nA red ant army started\nwith 100 marching ants.\nSo we're gonna start with 100.\nAnd actually they tell us,\nwell let me just read the whole thing.\nThey started with 100 marching ants.\nThen the red army lost\nthree ants down a hole.\nSo actually let me, so lost\nthree ants down a hole.\nThree ants were eaten by a bird.\nThat's unfortunate.\nAnd one ant just blew away.\nI guess ants are fairly light creatures,\nso that makes sense.\nOne ant blew away.\nWhich number line shows how to find\nhow many ants the red army has left?\nWell, the army started\nwith 100 marching ants.\nWe underlined that over here,\nso we need to start with 100.\nWe need to start with 100.\nThis one starts with 10.\nSo I can immediately rule this one out.\nAnd so we could just select that one,\nbut let's just make sure it makes sense.\nSo we start with 100,\nand then we lose three ants down a hole.\nSo we're gonna go down.\nRemember, we're losing ants,\nso we're gonna go to the\nleft of the number line.\nWe're gonna go to lower values.\nWe're gonna go down one, two, three.\nSo these are the three\nants we lose down a hole.\nSo three down the hole.\nThen we have three that\nwere eaten by a bird,\nso you're gonna lose three more.\nThat's those three right over there.\nIt goes to 94 ants left.\nAnd then we have the one\nant that gets blown away.\nSo that gets us down to 93 ants left.\nSo the red army, or the red ant army,\nhas 93 ants left.\n93 ants left.\nAnd we are done.\n": 4, "if you think the price of winning is too high\u00a0\nwait till you get the bill from regret discipline\u00a0\u00a0\nweighs ounces regret weighs tons the price\u00a0\nof regret is much heavier than the price of\u00a0\u00a0\ndiscipline you never want to wake up one day one\u00a0\nweek one month one year down the road and go man\u00a0\u00a0\nI wish I would have listened to my gut I wish I\u00a0\nwould have done this thing you don't want to live\u00a0\u00a0\nin regret if there's something you want to get\u00a0\ndone and work your relationships School whatever\u00a0\u00a0\nit is do it you can have a new year but it don't\u00a0\nmean Jack didn't they if you don't have a new mind\u00a0\u00a0\nno more [\u00a0__\u00a0] around you want your wife to\u00a0\nbe better I can't help you only you can help\u00a0\u00a0\nyou wake yourself up if you want a new year\u00a0\nand a new life you don't need to stop first\u00a0\u00a0\nstart today right now what do I really want in\u00a0\ndepth where the rituals will get me there and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen get yourself to start a few of those actions\u00a0\nand lock them in place if you make the changes in\u00a0\u00a0\nyourself you're going to be proud this year and\u00a0\nno amount of money or accolades from other people\u00a0\u00a0\ncan mirror the feeling of being proud of knowing\u00a0\nyou taking back control of your life everything\u00a0\u00a0\nin life is always changing we don't have to work\u00a0\non change change is automatic but progress is not\u00a0\u00a0\nso if you want to make real progress you got to\u00a0\nsay I got to take control of this process and not\u00a0\u00a0\njust hope it's going to work out when you've\u00a0\nresolved this is how it's going to be that's\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen you cut off any possibility except the thing\u00a0\nyou've committed to if you want to take the island\u00a0\u00a0\nyou burn the boats because when you burn those\u00a0\nboats there's no going back you're going to find\u00a0\u00a0\na way to make things work yes do your best work\u00a0\nwhen you're at least motivated so those days you\u00a0\u00a0\ndon't want to do it you gotta suck it the [\u00a0__\u00a0]\u00a0\nup and do it time is running out it's up the pace\u00a0\u00a0\npick up the pace pick up the pace you walk into\u00a0\nslow pick up the pace you moving too slow pick\u00a0\u00a0\nup the pace they're only 86 400 seconds in a day\u00a0\nand you gotta not only operate them you got to do\u00a0\u00a0\nit fast for some of you you act as if you have\u00a0\nanother opportunity I'm wired differently every\u00a0\u00a0\nopportunity is the last opportunity every\u00a0\nopportunity I have to reprove myself again\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause the day you become condensed the day you\u00a0\nstop growing the day you stop getting better is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe day you die be what it is you claim to be be\u00a0\nabout be what it is you truly want to be if you\u00a0\u00a0\ntruly want to be successful if you truly want to\u00a0\nchange your life if you truly want to lose 50 100\u00a0\u00a0\n200 500 pounds think about it today you master\u00a0\nthe present and when you get to the point where\u00a0\u00a0\nyou start winning the day then you start winning\u00a0\na week and then you start winning a month and then\u00a0\u00a0\nyou start winning a year are you hearing what I'm\u00a0\nsaying you've got to bet on you you believe that\u00a0\u00a0\neverybody else you clap with everybody else\u00a0\nyou support everybody else but when are you\u00a0\u00a0\ngonna look in the mirror and believe in the third\u00a0\nperson you see it's about time for you to believe\u00a0\u00a0\nyou if you got it I would rather aim for the\u00a0\nstars and not hit them than to not aim at all\u00a0\u00a0\nI would rather go after it and not get it than\u00a0\nnot go after it at all I'd rather try and fail\u00a0\u00a0\nthan not try at all I don't want to live with\u00a0\nthe idea wonder what would have happened had I\u00a0\u00a0\ndone more with my life I'm gonna go for it to\u00a0\ncome to hell or have water I'm going after my\u00a0\u00a0\nyesterday I too much Vision to stay in this\u00a0\nlife I don't care whether you're 30 40 50 60\u00a0\u00a0\n70 there's something down inside of you\u00a0\nthat's still kicking inside of you that\u00a0\u00a0\nwants to get out and it wants to live there's\u00a0\nsomething that you could do that you can think\u00a0\u00a0\nin your life that would radically change your\u00a0\nlife somebody could take the hand you've been\u00a0\u00a0\nbuilt and win with its same circumstances same\u00a0\nideas they would do it through what they thought\u00a0\u00a0\nabout your life but we don't need somebody\u00a0\ncause we got you you're the one you are the one\n": 3, "Give me freedom,\nGive me fire,\nGive me reason,\nTake me higher.\nSee the champions\nTake the field now,\nUnify us,\nMake us feel proud.\nEn las calles (in the streets)\nMuchas manos (many hands)\nLevantadas (lifted high)\nCelebrando (celebrating).\nUna fiesta (a party)\nsin descanzo (without rest)\nLos paises (the countries)\nComo hermanos (like brothers).\nCanta y une tu voz (sing and raise your voice)\nGrita fuerte que te escuche el sol (scream\nloudly so the sun hears you)\nEl partido ya va a comenzar (the game is going\nto start)\nTodos juntos vamos a ganar (together, everyone\nwill win)\nUnidos!\n(United!)\nSeremos grandes (we will be large)\nSeremos fuertes (we will be strong)\nSomos un pueblo (we are a village)\nBandera de libertad (flag of liberty)\nQue viene y que va (coming and going)\nQue viene y que va (coming and going)\nQue viene y que va (coming and going)\nQue viene y que... (coming and...)\nWhen I get older\nI will be stronger.\nThey'll call me freedom,\njust like a wavin' flag.\nSo wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nDanos vida (give us life)\nDanos fuego (give us fire)\nQue nos llevan (they lead us)\nA lo alto (to the top)\nCampeones (champions)\nO vencidos (or defeated ones)\nPero unidos (only united)\nA intentarlo (can we bring it)\nIn the streets, our heads are lifting\nAs we lose our inhibition\nCelebration, it surrounds us\nEvery nation, all around us\nSinging, forever young\nSinging songs underneath the sun.\nLet's rejoice in the beautiful game\nAnd together at the end of the day\nWe all say\nSeremos grandes (we will be large)\nSeremos fuertes (we will be strong)\nSomos un pueblo (we are a village)\nBandera de libertad (flag of liberty)\nQue viene y que va (coming and going)\nQue viene y que va (coming and going)\nQue viene y que va (coming and going)\nQue viene y que... (coming and...)\nWhen I get older\nI will be stronger.\nThey'll call me freedom,\njust like a wavin' flag.\nSo wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nUnidos!\nSeremos grandes (we will be large)\nSeremos fuertes (we will be strong)\nSomos un pueblo (we are a village)\nBandera de libertad (flag of liberty)\nWhen I get older\nI will be stronger.\nThey'll call me freedom,\njust like a wavin' flag.\nSo wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nNow wave your flag.\nAnd everybody will be singing it!\nAnd we all will be singing it!\n": 2, "Algo Trading Strategies & Fibonacci Mastery + Free 6-Hour Course with Giuseppe Basile // algorithmic algorithm algorithms forex tutorial strategy stocks investing david moadel\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAlgo Trading Strategies & Fibonacci Mastery + Free 6-Hour Course with Giuseppe Basile // algorithmic algorithm algorithms forex tutorial strategy stocks investing david moadel\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAlgo Trading Strategies & Fibonacci Mastery + Free 6-Hour Course with Giuseppe Basile // algorithmic algorithm algorithms forex tutorial strategy stocks investing david moadel\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAlgo Trading Strategies & Fibonacci Mastery + Free 6-Hour Course with Giuseppe Basile // algorithmic algorithm algorithms forex tutorial strategy stocks investing david moadel\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "Sab Matsumoto: Hello, everybody. So now we come to chapter 3, now in the past, maybe at the beginning of chapter 2 I mentioned that calculus can be classified into 2 subfields. One was called Differentiation, or Differential calculus, and the other being\nSab Matsumoto: integrals, or integral calculus or integration.\nSab Matsumoto: So now we go into the first of those 2. as we define what a derivative is. at a certain point, and that's section 3 point, one. So let's get started as we study or jump into the study of derivatives\nSab Matsumoto: before we go into Chapter 3. Take a look at these 2 men one on the left is Isaac Newton, Sir Isaac Newton, of England, and the one on the right is Leibniz, and these are the 2 men who, are credited with beginning or starting calculus.\nSab Matsumoto: back in the actually 1,600 and does, I mean, yeah. So the seventeenth century.\nSab Matsumoto: And what do you think? You know, I think the first thing you may know this is they're here like what's up with their hair like, do you have to have long hair to study calculus. but anyway, they\nSab Matsumoto: as you know, I mean they made this remarkable remarkable accomplishment. How which is, you know, to study or to introduce to the world the the the the important concept of calculus.\nSab Matsumoto: and that really, brought the the different school of thought into philosophy, which says that science can basically rule the world. You know, we can study motion, the things infinitesimally small and and and the something very large, both by studying their\nSab Matsumoto: the mathematical of underlying relationships which can be described by you know this idea and a new idea called calculus. So that's amazing. And just one little thought about Isaac Newton.\nSab Matsumoto: So Isaac Newton was a a young student. in England, the University back in 1,666, when a big epidemic began, and the schools all the schools shut down. So he had to go home to his rural house, where he grew up\nSab Matsumoto: outside of London.\nSab Matsumoto: and then that the year in 1,666, because he couldn't you know take classes. He basically sat down and and and and thought and thought, and then decided to write some of his thoughts.\nSab Matsumoto: And out\nSab Matsumoto: from that year of thinking came 3 books.\nSab Matsumoto: 3 books, one on the optics.\nSab Matsumoto: another on the Universal gravitational force, and a third one\nSab Matsumoto: on calculus.\nSab Matsumoto: What's the point here?\nSab Matsumoto: Well, let's\nSab Matsumoto: remember that. you know, out of these things like epidemics and pandemics. Sometimes good things can come out. So Don't write off these years of pandemic yet.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay. So now let's get into Section 3.1:\nSab Matsumoto: all right. So we start with this picture. Now, this picture is something that you should be familiar with something like this, because I have thrown this many times. All right. So let's say we have a the function which we can, You we can call F\nSab Matsumoto: and F has we have 2 points on that. One is at a, which is a comma f a, of course, and the other one. We'll just call this generically X. And of course the value of the function right here is Fx right? The first thing I want to mention is\nSab Matsumoto: is the idea of the tangent line.\nSab Matsumoto: Now, what you are seeing here. The blue line is not tangent line, obviously right. we want to find.\nSab Matsumoto: See, as I mentioned back in chapter 2, the idea of the derivative has to do with the slope of this line. We want to find, not the the blue line, the tangent line we want to find\nSab Matsumoto: it's slope.\nSab Matsumoto: the slope of the tangent line.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay. The question is, how you how do you do that? and because you don't have a tangent line at the beginning, we'll have to start with some\nSab Matsumoto: other line, and that's the one that I'm showing you. So pick\nSab Matsumoto: X:\nSab Matsumoto: Okay. So first pickax, as you see here.\nSab Matsumoto: and then you draw this\nSab Matsumoto: line. Okay. Now, this line is called the second line.\nSab Ma": 3, "Li Jinglong: Look at you all\nLi Jinglong: Couldn't you at least kneel for the Emperor earlier?\nA-Tai: Our family is an exception\nA-Tai: We didn't even bow for the Emperor Taizong\nA-Tai: Adjutant, to be honest\nA-Tai: I lied to you\nA-Tai: My name isn't Hammurabi\nA-Tai: My surname is Yisai\nA-Tai: My full name is Tegra Yisai\nA-Tai: I'm not Tocharian\nA-Tai: I'm from Persia\nLi Jinglong: Yisai?\nLi Jinglong: You are...\nLi Jinglong: The crown prince of the Sassanid Empire?\nLi Jinglong: Prince Persia?!\nMo Rigen: To be honest adjutant\nMo Rigen: Our family is an exception as well\nMo Rigen: We don't need to kneel for the Emperor here\nMo Rigen: A little bow is enough\nQiu Yongsi: One of my ancestors is a saint\nQiu Yongsi: We don't need to kneel for...\nQiu Yongsi: Kneel for humans\nLi Jinglong: Okay fine!\nLi Jinglong: You're all princes!\nLi Jinglong: I already kneeled anyway\nLi Jinglong: It's all fine now\nKong Hongjun: Do you guys want to eat pastries?\nLi Jinglong: Hongjun\nLi Jinglong: What's your background by the way?\nKong Hongjun: My dad said that we don't even need to kneel for the Jade Emperor or Buddhas\n": 3, "This lesson is about exponential expressions.\nLet's review some definitions. First, an exponential\nexpression has a base, an exponent and\nan answer. For instance, ten squared equals\none hundred. The base is ten. The exponent is two and\nthe answer is one hundred. So that's our example.\nThe statement ten squared equals one hundred is an\nexponential expression. The base is ten.\nThe exponent is two and the answer is one hundred.\nHere's another definition. Any non-zero\nbase to the power of zero is equal to one.\nHere are some examples. Thirteen to the power\nof zero is equal to one. Negative fifty-two to the\npower of zero is equal to one. One to the power of\nzero is equal to one. You can pretty much pick\nany number you like - like forty-two to the power\nof zero and that also will equal one.\nThe only exception to this is our next\nexample, zero to the power of zero. That is\nundefined. Just like zero divided by zero is\nundefined. Here's another definition. Any\nnegative exponent means to take the\nreciprocal of the base and use a\npositive exponent instead. So for example,\ntwo to the power of negative three is really\none over two to the power of positive three, or five to\nthe power of negative one is really one over\nfive to the power of positive one. Or a unique\nexample, zero to the power of negative one is\nreally one over zero to the power of positive one\nwhich is undefined because you cannot\ndivide by zero. You will want to memorize\nthe answers to all of the following\nexponential expressions. You should\ndefinitely become comfortable with your\npowers of two, your powers of three, your\npowers of five, and your powers of ten.\nIt will help you do exponential computations more\nquickly without the need of a calculator.\nSo for instance starting in the middle,\ntwo to the power of zero is one. Two to the power of one\nis two, two to the power of two is four, two to the power of three is eight, two to the power of four\nis sixteen, two to the power of five is thirty-two. Really, we're\njust multiplying by two as we go up.\nTo go downward we have a negative exponent\nwhich means the reciprocal, so each of\nthese will be fractions. Two to to the power\nof negative one is one-half, and two to the\npower of negative two is one-fourth, and two to the\npower of negative three is one-eighth, and so on.\nLikewise for the next row in your powers\nof threes. Three to the power of zero is one. Three to the\npower of one is three. Three squared is nine. Three to the\nthird is twenty-seven. Three to the fourth is eighty-one. And three\nto the fifth is two hundred forty-three. You can use a\ncalculator to double check all the\nremaining values and fill in the rest of\nthe table. Keep in mind that ten is very\nsimple. Ten to the power of zero is one. Ten to the\nfirst is ten and from here on in,you\njust have the same number of zeros as\nthe exponent, so ten squared is one with\ntwo zeros and ten cubed is one with three\nzeros and so on. Practice all of these powers.\nSolving exponential equations. Here's a definition. If both sides of an\nequation have the same base then the\nexponents must be equal. Consider this\nexample. Two to the power of three \"x\" equals\ntwo to the power of \"x\" plus eight. Since the\nbase on both sides is two, the exponents\nmust be equal to each other. So we can\nsimply set the exponents equal to each\nother and solve for \"x\". Three \"x\" must be equal\nto \"x\" plus eight. So you do basic algebra\nsubtracting \"x\" from both sides, cancel the\n\"x\" dividing both sides by two, to cancel the\ntwo and you get \"x\" equals four. Therefore\n\"x\" equals four is a solution to the original\nexpression. Check your answer. Plug four in\nwhere \"x\" was in the original. So two to the\npower of three times four which is two to the\ntwelfth, which is four thousand and ninety-six and on the other side\ntwo to the power of four plus eight is two to the\npower of twelve. We can already see they're\nequal but multiplying it out we see it's\nfour thousand ninety-six equals four thousand ninety-six which is true and\ntherefore \"x\" equals four.\nHere's another example.\nSolve for \"x\" in the expression\nfiv": 4, "Hello music people.\nIn this video we are going to analyze Angelina Jordan with the song \"Mercy\".\nIn this video we are going to analyze Angelina Jordan with the song \"Mercy\".\nIt seems to be a soundtrack from a movie or a series, I'm not sure.\nIt seems to be a soundtrack from a movie or a series, I'm not sure.\nAnd if this is really a fact,\nWe are very happy that it was a great leap in your career.\nShe is doing another job, she is a great singer and deserves the attention of all of us.\nShe is doing another job, she is a great singer and deserves the attention of all of us.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.\nAnd in this video we are going to analyze the vocal behavior\nand what can be added in relation to music production,\nand what can be added in relation to music production,\nto what is touched, so it will be.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel,\nactivate the notification, click the like button,\nshare this video to help our channel grow.\nAnd we are going to the most important thing, because we are going to analyze it, Angelina Jordan.\nAnd we are going to the most important thing, because we are going to analyze it, Angelina Jordan.\nThis characteristic voice of Angelina Jordan, already starts the song making some vocalizations\nThis characteristic voice of Angelina Jordan, already starts the song making some vocalizations\nThis characteristic voice of Angelina Jordan, already starts the song making some vocalizations\nand this turned out to be very interesting.\nAngelina Jordan has a very striking voice and it is impossible not to notice it when she sings.\nAngelina Jordan has a very striking voice and it is impossible not to notice it when she sings.\nSo, it is clear that she is already participating in the beginning of this song by doing vocalizations.\nSo, it is clear that she is already participating in the beginning of this song by doing vocalizations.\nAnd this was fantastic.\nThere is a job with choirs, but Angelina Jordan has a very heavy voice,\nThere is a job with choirs, but Angelina Jordan has a very heavy voice,\nshe has a darker voice and the background voices are apparently louder voices.\nshe has a darker voice and the background voices are apparently louder voices.\nAnd they are nasal voices.\nIt's not a sound like...\nSounds more like...\nIt is a nasal sound.\nSensational. Fantastic.\nSensational. Fantastic.\nAngelina Jordan does a very different job of vocal projection.\nAngelina Jordan does a very different job of vocal projection.\nIt's a very different way of working on her voice and that's fantastic.\nSensational. incredible.\nI'm surprised\nI am really very surprised.\nAngelina Jordan had a great vocal evolution.\nI say this because of the time we have followed Angelina Jordan's career.\nI say this because of the time we have followed Angelina Jordan's career.\nIt has evolved a lot and\nIt has evolved a lot and\nI consider that this is only part of this evolution that she has as a singer.\nI consider that this is only part of this evolution that she has as a singer.\nBecause we can see amazing things that she does with her voice,\nin addition to everything that we have already seen that she has the capacity to do.\nin addition to everything that we have already seen that she has the capacity to do.\nVery interesting.\nThere is a post production effect in this song, I can see it.\nThere is a post production effect in this song, I can see it.\nIt's a radio effect on the voice.\nIt seems that he is actually singing through the radio.\nAnd even so, it is interesting to note that\nit doesn't take away from the textures she puts into his voice.\nit doesn't take away from the textures she puts into his voice.\nBecause it is not constant that she is singing in this nasal region.\nIt's interesting to see how she can still maintain a dynamic in her voice,\nIt's interesting to see how she can still maintain a dynamic in her voice,\neven projecting a voice in the nasal region.\neven projecting a voice in the nasal region.\nIncredible. The use of falsetto h": 3, "Hello\nwelcome to NETVN channel\nYour computer is running Windows 11 and you want to install Windows 11 on it but don't have a USB Drive\nIn this video I show you how to do that\nFirst of all, go to the Microsoft homepage and download the ISO file to install Windows 11 operating system\nFirst of all, go to the Microsoft homepage and download the ISO file to install Windows 11 operating system\nFirst of all, go to the Microsoft homepage and download the ISO file to install Windows 11 operating system\nAnd here is the ISO file that I downloaded from the Microsoft homepage\nAnd here is the ISO file that I downloaded from the Microsoft homepage\nI will mount this ISO file so I can copy the files in the OS installer\nI will mount this ISO file so I can copy the files in the OS installer\nIf your computer has no other partitions than the operating system partition, create a new one\nIf your computer has no other partitions than the operating system partition, create a new one\nHere my computer only has a partition for the operating system so I will shrink the current partition to create a new one.\nThe new partition only needs to be at least 7 GB in size to be used to store the Windows 11 operating system installation files\nThe new partition only needs to be at least 7 GB in size to be used to store the Windows 11 operating system installation files\nI will format the new partition and name it ISO\nNext you copy all the files in the Windows 11 installer to the newly created partition\nBefore watching the steps to install Windows 11 operating system for this computer, please take a moment to support NETVN channel with a t-shirt below the video.\nBefore watching the steps to install Windows 11 operating system for this computer, please take a moment to support NETVN channel with a t-shirt below the video.\nAfter copying the files needed to install the operating system, open a command prompt and use the above command to boot the computer into advanced mode.\nAfter copying the files needed to install the operating system, open a command prompt and use the above command to boot the computer into advanced mode.\nAfter copying the files needed to install the operating system, open a command prompt and use the above command to boot the computer into advanced mode.\nAfter copying the files needed to install the operating system, open a command prompt and use the above command to boot the computer into advanced mode.\nTroubleshoot\nAdvanced options\nYour computer will boot into the command prompt\nIf your computer doesn't have a password, just click Continue\nIf your computer doesn't have a password, just click Continue\nFirst of all you need to identify the existing partitions on your computer\nHere the partition where the files of the Windows 11 installer are stored is D and named ISO\nTo install Windows 11 operating system, you just need to run the file called setup.exe located in the D partition of the computer\nTo install Windows 11 operating system, you just need to run the file called setup.exe located in the D partition of the computer\nTo install a new operating system, you delete the old partitions, leaving only the partition named ISO\nTo install a new operating system, you delete the old partitions, leaving only the partition named ISO\nTo install a new operating system, you delete the old partitions, leaving only the partition named ISO\nWhen you remove partitions, you will remove the Windows 10 operating system from the computer\nWhen you remove partitions, you will remove the Windows 10 operating system from the computer\nYou should not delete the partition storing the Windows 11 installer\nNow you just need to install Windows 11 operating system for your computer\nNow you just need to install Windows 11 operating system for your computer\nCurrently Windows 11 will ask you to enter your Microsoft account when installing\nIf you want to use a local account for your Windows 11 computer then follow these steps\nIf you want to use a local account for your Windows 11 computer then follow these steps\nMake sure your computer is disconnected from the internet\nMake sure y": 2, "[00:31:26] bionicmeech: 32 nm for life\n[00:31:26] bionicmeech: 32 nm for life\n[00:31:28] metaconstruct: oh no\n[00:31:26] bionicmeech: 32 nm for life\n[00:31:28] metaconstruct: oh no\n[00:31:28] diggleshut: wat\n[00:31:28] metaconstruct: oh no\n[00:31:28] diggleshut: wat\n[00:31:30] brosephfritzl: at LEAST\n[00:31:28] diggleshut: wat\n[00:31:30] brosephfritzl: at LEAST\n[00:31:34] link2006: 4GB IS ENOUGH\n[00:31:30] brosephfritzl: at LEAST\n[00:31:34] link2006: 4GB IS ENOUGH\n[00:31:36] link2006: DansGame\n[00:31:34] link2006: 4GB IS ENOUGH\n[00:31:36] link2006: DansGame\n[00:31:47] bl0cks: you could stream on a potato, honestly.\n[00:31:36] link2006: DansGame\n[00:31:47] bl0cks: you could stream on a potato, honestly.\n[00:31:51] brosephfritzl: I got SLI Titans in order to put the muscle so I can stream.\n[00:31:47] bl0cks: you could stream on a potato, honestly.\n[00:31:51] brosephfritzl: I got SLI Titans in order to put the muscle so I can stream.\n[00:31:59] bionicmeech: You could stream RCT on a potato\n[00:31:51] brosephfritzl: I got SLI Titans in order to put the muscle so I can stream.\n[00:31:59] bionicmeech: You could stream RCT on a potato\n[00:32:06] diggleshut: how many ways can I procrastinate actually streaming by preparing to stream?\n[00:31:59] bionicmeech: You could stream RCT on a potato\n[00:32:06] diggleshut: how many ways can I procrastinate actually streaming by preparing to stream?\n[00:32:09] ehtna: but if you make a computer you could stream yourself making a computer\n[00:32:06] diggleshut: how many ways can I procrastinate actually streaming by preparing to stream?\n[00:32:09] ehtna: but if you make a computer you could stream yourself making a computer\n[00:32:12] ankuno_: As long as the potato has a good internet connection you're good to go\n[00:32:09] ehtna: but if you make a computer you could stream yourself making a computer\n[00:32:12] ankuno_: As long as the potato has a good internet connection you're good to go\n[00:32:16] vo14nte: oh\n[00:32:12] ankuno_: As long as the potato has a good internet connection you're good to go\n[00:32:16] vo14nte: oh\n[00:32:28] brosephfritzl: Make a post, Tim.\n[00:32:16] vo14nte: oh\n[00:32:28] brosephfritzl: Make a post, Tim.\n[00:32:37] bl0cks: how long were you streaming on that old laptop, Tim?\n[00:32:28] brosephfritzl: Make a post, Tim.\n[00:32:37] bl0cks: how long were you streaming on that old laptop, Tim?\n[00:32:43] brosephfritzl: Rant about how ez it is to strim\n[00:32:37] bl0cks: how long were you streaming on that old laptop, Tim?\n[00:32:43] brosephfritzl: Rant about how ez it is to strim\n[00:32:53] brosephfritzl: If they have an NVIDIA card they can use Shadowplay to strim\n[00:32:43] brosephfritzl: Rant about how ez it is to strim\n[00:32:53] brosephfritzl: If they have an NVIDIA card they can use Shadowplay to strim\n[00:32:55] bigfatanimal: but there's \"Gameshow\" now too!\n[00:32:53] brosephfritzl: If they have an NVIDIA card they can use Shadowplay to strim\n[00:32:55] bigfatanimal: but there's \"Gameshow\" now too!\n[00:33:00] diggleshut: he wants to know about the secret streaming software\n[00:32:55] bigfatanimal: but there's \"Gameshow\" now too!\n[00:33:00] diggleshut: he wants to know about the secret streaming software\n[00:33:09] link2006: Wirecast wtf is th- 500 BUCKS DansGame\n[00:33:00] diggleshut: he wants to know about the secret streaming software\n[00:33:09] link2006: Wirecast wtf is th- 500 BUCKS DansGame\n[00:33:15] brosephfritzl: WutFace\n[00:33:09] link2006: Wirecast wtf is th- 500 BUCKS DansGame\n[00:33:15] brosephfritzl: WutFace\n[00:33:16] bionicmeech: When can we expect a new hold on screen?\n[00:33:15] brosephfritzl: WutFace\n[00:33:16] bionicmeech: When can we expect a new hold on screen?\n[00:33:22] link2006: OVERLAYS DansGame\n[00:33:16] bionicmeech: When can we expect a new hold on screen?\n[00:33:22] link2006: OVERLAYS DansGame\n[00:33:24] bl0cks: none! you don't need an overlay!\n[00:33:22] link2006: OVERLAYS DansGame\n[00:33:24] bl0cks: none! you don't need an overlay!\n[00:33:31] urouroblue: please gib jpg to put over game\n[00:33:24] bl0cks: none! you don't need an ove": 0, "Do not love half lovers\nDo not entertain half friends\u00a0\nDo not indulge in works of the half talented\u00a0\nDo not live half a life\nand do not die a half death\u00a0\nIf you choose silence, then be silent\nWhen you speak, do so until you are finished\u00a0\nDo not silence yourself to say something\nAnd do not speak to be silent\u00a0\nIf you accept, then express it bluntly\nDo not mask it\u00a0\nIf you refuse then be clear about it\nfor an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance\u00a0\nDo not accept half a solution\nDo not believe half truths\u00a0\nDo not dream half a dream\nDo not fantasize about half hopes\u00a0\nHalf a drink will not quench your thirst\nHalf a meal will not satiate your hunger\u00a0\nHalf the way will get you no where\nHalf an idea will bear you no results\u00a0\nYour other half is not the one you love\nIt is you in another time yet in the same space\u00a0\nIt is you when you are not\nHalf a life is a life you didn't live,\u00a0\nA word you have not said\nA smile you postponed\u00a0\nA love you have not had\nA friendship you did not know\u00a0\nTo reach and not arrive\nWork and not work\u00a0\nAttend only to be absent\nWhat makes you a stranger to them closest to you\u00a0\nand they strangers to you\u00a0\nThe half is a mere moment of inability\nbut you are able for you are not half a being\u00a0\nYou are a whole that exists to live a life\nnot half a life\u201d\n": 4, "[Refrain: Billy Ray Cyrus]\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n[Verse 1: Lil Nas X]\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\ngot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nyou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the Vally\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\n[Chorus: Lil Nas X]\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\n[Drop]\n[Chorus: Lil Nas X]\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin\n[Verse 2: Billy Ray Cyrus]\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Mariboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "- [ITZY] All in us, hi we are ITZY.\n- And this is the Wired\nAutocomplete Interview.\n[upbeat music]\n- Yay.\nAh.\n- Oh.\n[Yuna speaks in Korean]\n[upbeat music]\n- What does IZTY mean?\n- All in us.\nAll in us.\n- To have?\n- To have.\n- To have.\n- To have. It means to have in Korean.\n- Yeah.\n- We have everything\nyou guys expect in us.\nSo, \"All in us,\" that's\nwhat we say all the time.\n- What is ITZY fanchant?\n[Yuna counts in Korean]\n[ITZY speaks in Korean]\n- It's our fanchant.\n- Fanchant.\n- Actually, it's-\n- What is fanchant?\nWe do it with our fans a lot too.\nThe fanchant.\nYeji,\n- [ITZY] Lia, Ryujin,\nChaeryeong, Yuna, ITZY, dalla dalla.\n[Ryujin speaks in Korean]\n- Sorry.\n- Trust.\n- Yeah, MIDZY means trust in Korean, so.\n- [Chaeryeong] What is ITZY best song?\n- That's hard.\n- I think it's really hard.\n- Three, two.\n- Oh, wait, wait, wait.\n- There is answer, guys.\n- Okay, okay.\nI know, I know.\n- [Yuna] Okay.\n- \"Cheshire.\"\n- Hey.\nHey, hey, hey.\n- Hey, hey, hey, guys.\n[Yeji speaks in Korean]\n- We come here to promote\nour \"Cheshire\" album.\n- Oh.\n- Yeah.\n- So, three, two, one.\n- One more time.\n- [ITZY] \"Cheshire.\"\n- Yes.\n- What's the easiest ITZY dance to learn?\nActually, our dance not too easy.\n- Yeah, it's complicated.\n- But \"SNEAKERS.\"\n- [ITZY] Mm.\n- Really?\n[ITZY laughs]\n- Yeji.\n- Yes.\nWho ITZY.\nWho joined ITZY first?\nWho joined ITZY first?\n- Oh.\n- Together.\n- Actually, the last member\nwho joined ITZY is Yuna.\nThe four of us have\nbeen into ITZY at once,\nso there is not a first member?\n- Who ITZY's visual?\n- [ITZY] Oh.\n- Who ITZY's visual?\n- Who do you think?\n- Me?\n- Who?\nWho do you think?\n- Oh, no, no.\n- You think it's you.\n- Not me, not me.\nFirst of all, ITZY's all visual member.\n- [Yuna] Yeah, that's right.\n- Recently my visual pick is, um.\nShe's eyebrow is up and down.\n[Yuna speaks in Korean]\n- Yeah, you.\n- [Lia] Me?\n[Yeji laughs]\n- This is kind of-\n[speaks in Korean]\n[Yuna speaks in Korean]\n[Yeji speaks in Korean]\n- My pick is Lia.\n- Really?\n- Yes.\nYes, really.\nWho in ITZY is left-handed?\n- Who's left-handed?\n- Nobody maybe.\n- I'm right-handed.\n- Nobody.\n- Nobody.\n- Who is the tallest ITZY member?\n- Yuna.\n- Yuna.\n- Our [speaks in Korean].\n- Yes.\n- 170.\n- 70.\n- Centimeter.\n- Centimeter.\n[ITZY laughs]\n- ITZY.\nCan ITZY speak Japanese?\n[ITZY speaking in Japanese]\n[Chaeryeong speaking in Japanese]\n[Yeji speaking in Japanese]\n- I really can't.\n- [Producer] Do you have\nany songs in Japanese?\n[Chaeryeong speaking in Japanese]\n[ITZY singing in Japanese]\n- Does ITZY have a light stick?\nWe don't have a lightstick.\nWe have a light ring.\n- Light ring.\nVery special.\n- Because we are special.\n- Yes.\n- Yeah.\n- Exactly.\n- Because we are special,\nwe created another stick.\nWing, ring.\n- Wing? [laughs]\nCan ITZY drive?\nI can't.\n- I can't.\n- And we can.\n[Ryujin laughs]\n- [Lia] Can ITZY rap?\n- Can ITZY rap?\nShow, show us.\n- Could you show?\nShow us.\n- Aye, Lia.\nMC Lia.\n- [Yeji] MC Lia.\nMC Lia from Korea.\n- See? We can do the rap.\n- Yeah.\n- MC Lia from Korea.\n- Does ITZY wear glasses?\nFake glasses.\n- As a fashion.\nWe like glasses.\n- Yeah.\n[Chaeryeong speaks in Korean]\n- We love glasses\nfor the fashion.\n- Yeah, fashion glasses.\nCan ITZY play instruments?\n[Yuna and Ryujin laughs]\nOur voice is an instrument.\n- Yeah.\n- So, how ITZY.\nI'm excited.\nHow ITZY members were discovered.\nFirst of all, she\nattended to the audition.\nShe was a star.\n- The TV star.\n- Yeah, TV star at that time.\n- Yes.\n- Very famous in Korea.\n- That's me.\n- Yeji she-\n- Auditioned.\n- And Lia attended an audition.\n- Yeah, audition.\n- And Yuna and I have been casted.\n[Yuna speaks in Korean]\n- At a concert.\n- An idol concert.\n- ITZY how many members.\nITZY how many-\n- One.\n- Two.\n- [Ryujin] Three.\n- One, two, three, four, five.\n- We the five members.\n- How to write ITZY in Korean?\n[Ryujin laughs]\n- Ah.\n- Oh.\n- How to write ITZY in Korean?\nThis is really important thing, guys.\n- Yes, it's really important.\n- Some people misspell it.\nSome Koreans,\n- [Chaeryeong] We're so sad.\n- misspell it too.\n- Yeah.\nThe actual you have to\nhave a double shield\nunder the I.\n- Double shield.\n- Two of these.\n- So ": 2, "[banging]\n[grunting]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\nAnd that's how it's done.\n[groaning]\nOkay, I guess this is\nhow it's going to be.\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\nShould I stop them?\nYou don't have any siblings.\nFighting all part\nof the healing process.\nGo, Mom!\n[gasping]\nMy sculpture!\nActually, it looks\nkind of better now.\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[panting]\n[growling]\nGot it out of your system?\nNot quite yet!\nWhat are you two doing?!\nYou're sisters!\nWhy would you want\nto hurt each other?!\nSomething's not right.\nThey should have known that.\nI think this is a captured ship.\nJust stay quiet\nuntil we're safely\nacross the ramp.\nThen we'll sink the ship.\nNo!\n[groaning]\n[screaming]\n[grunting]\n[grunting]\n[grunting]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[screaming]\n[groaning]\n[crackling]\n[screaming]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[screaming]\nIt's another one of her tricks.\nThere's a giant hole in the box.\nHow is that a trick?\nIt's not.\nIt's the real deal.\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\nI am the greatest earthbender\nin the world.\nDon't you two dunderheads\never forget it!\nI'm going to be stuck in here\nforever with you, aren't I?\nI have to go to the bathroom.\nWhatever happens to me,\ndon't turn back.\nLin, what are you doing?!\n[grunting]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\nToph, metalbend the rudder\nso it's jammed\nin a turning position.\nThe ship was spiral\nand slam into the others.\nGot it.\n[grunting]\n[groaning]\nHave I ever mentioned\nhow sweet it is\nthat you invented metalbending?\nYou could stand\nto mention it more.\n[grunting]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\n[groaning]\nYou give metalbenders\na bad name!\n": 1, "we roast pig rib with zinc\nall friends! here is pig rib\nwe roast pig rib with zinc\nwe roast pig rib with zinc\nwe roast pig rib with zinc\nwe roast pig rib with zinc\nwe roast pig rib with zinc\nwe roast pig rib with zinc\nwe have five pig ribs\nhurry up, please\nall friends, now I cut the pole to hang the pig rib\nhere is ginger\nwe mix ginger with galanga\nI put ginger in the wooden mortar\nnow we wash the pig ribs\nwe have 5 pig skeletons\nall friends, these are my ingredients to paint on the pig ribs\nhere are my ground ingredients(Ginger, Galanga, turmeric)\nthe ingredients are ginger turmeric and galanga\nthe ground ingredients are ginger turmeric and galanga\nto make the food is the good smell and delicious\nnow we need to add soup powder \nwe will paint with soup powder soy sauce and oyster sauce\nwe paint with these ingredients to make the good taste\nhere is soup powder\nhere is soy sauce\noyster sauce\nwe add a little bit of sugar\nall friends! now we are done to painted the ingredients\nnow we take it to hang on the pole\nnow we start to install the pole\nWe have to put banana leaves in the bottom\nlemongrass leaves\nall friends, now we add shallot\nand garlic\nwe add these ingredients at the bottom to make the good smell\nthis chili\nall friends! here is pig rib\nthese are pig ribs\nwe call skeleton\nnow we tie with wire\nall friends! Today we roast pig skeleton with zinc\nthese are my zincs\nplease cover the pig ribs\nall friends! now I cover on pig rib\nOh, very nice\nall friends! now it's done\nplease put the land at the bottom of the zinc\nlet me add the straw\nyes, please add straw\nnow we add straw around the zinc stove\nhurry up, please\nnow I am hungry\nlet me burn the fire\nall friends! now I start to burn the fire\nthe fire is burning\nplease add more straw\nwe roast with low heat\nlemon\nCabbage\nall friends! please look at here\nwe roast around 3 to 4 hours\nwe used 3 carts of straw\nhere is my cart\nvery hot\noil\nwe use 6 glasses of shrimp paste\nGround garlic\nchopped dry chili\nSugar\nShrimp paste\nShallot\nChilli\npeanut\nlemon juice\ncoconut milk\nnow we take the ash off\nIt's cooked\nall friends, please look at my food here\nOh, it's cooked\nyummy\nBong Ra, please eat this meat\nDonation food with my neighbors\nHello all friends! please come to eat roasted pig rib with us\ntake the meat for Mr. Leap\nMr. Leap, here you are\nwe eat with vegetables to make very tasty\n": 2, "huh\noh\nso\noh\nhe made me\nhe made me\nhe made me\nme\nhe made me\nno no no no no no no no no no no no no no\u00a0\nno no no no no no no no no no no no no no no\nyou need me\nhe made me\nhe meet me\nyou need me\nhe me me\nas the saying goes a good\u00a0\ndream says a thousand words\nme\nme\nmost people have done all that they're ever going\u00a0\nto do they raise a family they earn a living and\nthat in the process of working on your dreams\na lot of defeats but in the process of doing\u00a0\nthat you will discover some things about yourself\u00a0\u00a0\nthat you don't know right now what you will\u00a0\nrealize is that you have greatness within you\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you will realize is that you're greater\u00a0\nthan your circumstances what you'll realize is\nso\noh\nso\ngood\nso\nwow\nso\nso\noh\nsix\nso\nso\nso\nmy\nno\nno\nokay\nso\nso\nso\nforeign\nso\nso\nthis\nso\nso\ni was born here almost 60 years ago\u00a0\ni'm not going to live another 60 years\u00a0\u00a0\nyou always told me it takes time\nhow much time\nso\ni was born\nyou always told me\nso\na vision feel emotion see the future stay\nforever\nfollow me\nthe teacher\nsunday\nsunday\nsunday\u00a0\u00a0\nsunday\nso\nzonda\nforeign\nforeign\nhey\nyou\nforeign\nforeign\nforever\nforeign\nhey\nforeign\nforeign\nso\nso\ndark light run slowly in the dark side\nso\nrun slowly in the dark light run slowly\u00a0\nin the dark light run slowly in the dark\u00a0\u00a0\nrun slowly in the dark\num\noh\nso\nso\nyes\nso\nplease\nwe are [ __ ] wavers\na [ __ ] waivers neighbors\nsweetie\noh\nwe are believers techno gender fluid\ndancing till we die\nwe are believers\nforeign\nso\nwow\nthis\num\nso\nso\nuh\nso\nso\nso\nmy\nmy\nso\nhmm\nokay\nwow\nso\nso\ndo\nme\nwhere where where where where\u00a0\nwhere where where where where where\nwow\nyou\n": 1, "I know I stand in line\nUntil you think you have the time\nTo spend an evening with me\nAnd if we go someplace to dance\nI know that there's a chance\nYou won't be leaving with me\nThen afterwards we drop into\na quiet little place\nAnd have a drink or two\nAnd then I go and spoil it all\nBy saying something stupid\nLike I love you\nI can see it in your eyes\nYou still despise the same old lines\nYou heard the night before\nAnd though it's just a line to you\nFor me it's true\nAnd never seemed so right before\nI practice every day to find some clever\nLines to say\nTo make the meaning come true\nBut then I think I'll wait\nuntil the evening\nGets late\nAnd I'm alone with you\nThe time is right\nYour perfume fills my head\nThe stars get red\nAnd oh the night's so blue\nAnd then I go and spoil it all\nBy saying something stupid\nLike I love you\nThe time is right\nYour perfume fills my head\nThe stars get red\nAnd oh the night's so blue\nAnd then I go and spoil it all\nBy saying something stupid\nLike I love you\nI love you\nI love you\nI love you\nI love you\nI love you\nI love you\n": 3, "Lotto Max has a total of 85,900,584 combinations, it's a finite set.\nA finite set with a maximum number of patterns, totals, sequences and much more....\nThe reason why the lottery gives you 28,633,528 maximum number of combinations is because when you buy one lotto max, you get two free.\nTherefore 85,900,584/3 = 28,633,528......\nThere are a maximum of 128 Even/Odd pattern and each pattern has a maximum count. The pattern OEOEOEO has a maximum count of 1,184,040 combinations. O=Odd, E=Even the first combination of pattern OEOEOEO is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7........\nThere are 5 distinct pattern maximum count.\n346,104 - 1 pattern in this set.\n480,700 - 28 patterns in this set.\n657,800 - 70 patterns in this set.\n888,030 - 28 patterns in this set. \n1,184,040 - 1 pattern in this set.\nI tried to reach out to the canadian lotteries but no luck, email, phone calls, messages....no answers. My main goal is for combinatorics to taught at early age....\nIf you think you know how to count, think twice, research combinatorics.\nProcessing a Quintillion messed up my computer but I had to do it.\nCombinatorics it the answer to everything!\nWhat is a combination?\nCombinatorics! Game changer! Love & Peace!\n": 3, "We want to order the numbers\nfrom least to greatest.\nNotice how we have fractions and decimals,\nso to compare these, so to compare these,\nwe'll convert everything to a decimal,\nand since this decimal here,\nhas three decimal places,\nto the right of the decimal point,\nwe'll write every number\nwith three decimal places.\nSo for three we'll write as 3.000.\nFor 8/3, we'll convert this to a decimal\nby dividing eight by three,\nwe'll round this to three decimal places,\nso it's going to be approximately 2.667.\nNext we have negative 0.325.\nThen we have 3/10,\nwell 3/10 as a decimal would\nbe 0.3, so we'll write 0.300.\nThen we have negative three,\nwhich will be negative 3.000.\nThen we have 0.4, which\nwe'll write as 0.400.\nAnd the last number is negative 3/5,\nwell negative three divided by five\nis going to be negative\n0.6, or negative 0.600.\nLet's go and just check this,\nnegative three divided\nby five, and there it is.\nAnd now to compare these,\nit might be helpful to\nsketch a number line.\nNotice how the largest\nnumber is positive three,\nand the smallest number is negative three.\nSo we'd have a zero in the middle,\npositive one, positive two,\nand negative one, and negative two.\nSo we know the negative numbers\nare going to be less than\nthe positive numbers,\nlet's focus on the negative numbers first.\nWe have negative 0.325, negative three,\nand negative 0.600.\nWell the smallest number is\ngoing to be negative three,\nso let's label this number one.\nAnd then comparing negative\n0.325 and negative 0.600,\nnegative 0.600 is going\nto be somewhere in here,\nwhich again was negative 3/5,\nand then negative 0.325 is\ngoing to be closer to zero,\nmaybe somewhere in here.\nSo again, ordering from least to greatest,\nthis would be number two, and\nthis would be number three.\nThen looking at the positive decimals,\n0.300 is going to be smaller than 0.400,\nso next we'd have 3/10,\nmaybe somewhere in here,\nfollowed by 0.4, maybe somewhere in here,\nthis was number four,\nthis was number five.\nAnd for the last two positive numbers,\nwe have 2.667 and three.\n2.667 would be somewhere in here,\nwhich was actually 8/3,\nand then we have three.\nSo here's the sixth number,\nand here's the seventh number.\nLet's go ahead and write these\nout, we had negative three,\nnegative 3/5,\nnegative 0.325, so those\nwere the negative numbers.\nThen we had 0.300 or 3/10,\nfollowed by 0.4,\nand then 2.667 which was 8/3,\nfollowed by positive three.\nSo in general it's going to be easier\nto compare fractions and decimals,\nif we convert the fractions to decimals,\nand write the decimals so they have\nthe same number of decimal places.\nOK I hope you found this helpful.\n": 3, "Leonardo de Pisa better known by his\u00a0\nnickname Fibonacci was a 13th century\u00a0\u00a0\nItalian mathematician. He introduced a particular\u00a0\nnumber sequence to Western European mathematics\u00a0\u00a0\nin his 1202 book Liber Abaci. The sequence\u00a0\nhas since become known as Fibonacci Sequence.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe number sequence has been previously\u00a0\ndescribed in Indian mathematics. The Fibonacci\u00a0\u00a0\nSequence. The first seven terms in the Fibonacci\u00a0\nsequence are 1 1 2 3 5 8 and thirteen. Each number\u00a0\u00a0\nin the sequence is the sum of the two preceding\u00a0\nnumbers. For example, one plus one is two, one\u00a0\u00a0\nplus two is three, two plus three is five, three\u00a0\nplus five is eight, five plus eight is thirteen.\nThe Pascal's triangle is named\u00a0\nafter Blaise Pascal, a famous\u00a0\u00a0\nFrench mathematician and philosopher.\u00a0\u00a0\nTo construct the triangle, start with one at the\u00a0\ntop then one's at both sides of the triangle.\u00a0\u00a0\nEach number or each of the numbers in between,\u00a0\nis the sum of the two numbers directly above it.\nThe Pascal's Triangle. This is a Pascal's\u00a0\ntriangle. At the top of the triangle is one\u00a0\u00a0\nThe outside numbers are all one. The number or\u00a0\neach of the numbers between a one on the left side\u00a0\u00a0\nand a one on the right side is the sum of two\u00a0\nnumbers above it. For example, one plus one is\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo, one plus two is three, two plus one is three,\u00a0\none plus three is four, three plus three is six,\u00a0\u00a0\nthree plus one is four, one plus four is five,\u00a0\nfour plus six is ten, six plus four is ten,\u00a0\u00a0\nfour plus one is five, one plus five is six,\u00a0\nfive plus ten is fifteen, ten plus ten is twenty,\u00a0\u00a0\nten plus five is fifteen, five plus one is six.\u00a0\nThe diagonal next to the outside numbers contains\u00a0\u00a0\ncounting numbers; one, two, three, four,\u00a0\nfive, six, one, two, three, four, five, six.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe next diagonal contains triangular\u00a0\nnumber sequence 1 3 6 10 15 1 3 6 10 15.\nTriangular number sequence, 1 3 6 10 15 one\u00a0\ndot, three dots, six dots, 10 dots, 15 dots.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe next diagonal contains tetrahedral numbers.\u00a0\nTetrahedral numbers are triangular pyramidal\u00a0\u00a0\nnumbers. They are a three-dimensional\u00a0\nversion of the triangular numbers\u00a0\u00a0\n1 4 10 20 1 4 10 20. The next diagonal\u00a0\ncontains pentatope numbers 1 5 15 1 5 15\u00a0\u00a0\nThe number or the sum of the numbers\u00a0\nin any row is a power of two.\none, one plus one two, one plus two plus one four,\none plus three plus three plus one eight,\none plus four plus six plus four plus one sixteen,\u00a0\u00a0\none plus five plus ten plus ten\u00a0\nplus five plus one thirty two,\none plus 6 plus 15 plus 20\u00a0\nplus 15 plus 6 plus 1 is 64.\u00a0\u00a0\n1 can be written as 2 raised to 0,\u00a0\n2 can be written as 2 raised to 1,\u00a0\u00a0\n4 can be written as 2 raised to 2, 8 can\u00a0\nbe written as 2 raised to 3, 16 can be\u00a0\u00a0\nwritten as 2 raised to 4, 32 can be written as 2\u00a0\nraised to 5, 64 can be written as 2 raised to 6.\nThis is another very interesting thing\u00a0\nwe can see in the Pascal's triangle.\nThis is one.\nThis is one\nand then one plus one is two,\nand then one plus two three,\none plus three plus one five,\none plus four plus three eight,\none plus five plus six plus one thirteen.\nThe first seven terms of\u00a0\nthe Fibonacci sequence are\n1 1 2 3 5 8 and\n13.\nNotice that these are the first seven terms of the\u00a0\nFibonacci sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 1 1 2 3 5 8 13.\nThe Fibonacci sequence is defined by the\u00a0\nfollowing recursive formula F sub n is equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto F sub n minus 2 plus F sub n minus 1 where\u00a0\nF sub 1 is equal to F sub 2 is equal to one.\nUsing the recursive formula for\u00a0\nFibonacci sequence, find F sub six.\nThese are the first seven terms of the Fibonacci\u00a0\nsequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 and 13. The first thing to do\u00a0\u00a0\nis to write the recursive formula for Fibonacci\u00a0\nsequence. F sub n is equal to F sub n minus 2\u00a0\u00a0\nplus F sub n minus 1. Replace n by 6. Replace\u00a0\nn here by 6, then replace n here by 6.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we have F sub 6 is equal to F sub 6 minus 2\u00a0\nplus F sub 6 minus 1 and then subtract 2 from 6\u00a0\u00a0\n1 from 6. So we have F sub 6 is equal to\u00a0\nF sub 4 plus F sub 5. Now what is F sub 4?\u00a0\u00a0\n1 2 3 4, F sub 4 is 3 and F sub 5 is\u00a0\n5. So we have 3 plus 5. 3 plus five is\u00a0\u00a0\neight. So F sub six is equal to eight.\nUsing the recursive formula for Fibonacci sequence\u00a0\nfind F sub 7. ": 4, "What's wrong?\nI stir up your mind bewitchingly (Pop pop pop)\nWatch out!\nYour heart is all blown up and about to burst (Pop pop pop)\n(Let's start) The way I want to play it\n(Won't stop) C'mon up and shake it\nYou know? Just remember you are in my hands\nYou cannot get away from me\nThe twitch in your eyes, your nervous gestures Baby\nI want to pop you\nBefore the fluttering stops\nI wanna make it\nPop pop pop, you want it\nPop pop pop I want it to pop\nThis feeling of the heart pounding\nI wanna make it\nPop pop pop, you want it\nPop pop pop I want to make you mine\nPop pop pop (Uh uh) (You want it)\nPop pop pop (Uh uh) (I got it)\nPop pop pop (Uh uh)\nPop pop pop\nIt is so obvious no matter how you try to hide\nIt already shows you keep floating around\nJust relax and check it\nGo ahead and take it\n(Baby) Baby you're out of control\nSo you're under my control\nBefore the fluttering stops\nI wanna make it\nPop pop pop, you want it\nPop pop pop I want it to pop\nThis feeling of the heart pounding\nI wanna make it\nPop pop pop, you want it\nPop pop pop I want to make you mine\nPop pop pop (Uh uh) (You want it)\nPop pop pop (Uh uh) (I got it)\nPop pop pop (Uh uh)\nPop pop pop\nPop pop It might pop like a bubble\nKeeps getting bigger and bigger\nDon't try to deny that you are into me\nBae bae eyes on me now\nI am gonna pop you\nFive! Now it is time\nFour! Hold your breath\nThree! I'm aiming at you\nTwo! One! Here we go!\nBefore the fluttering stops\nI wanna make it\nPop pop pop, you want it\nPop pop pop I want it to pop\nThis feeling of the heart pounding\nI wanna make it\nPop pop pop, you want it\nPop pop pop I want to make you mine\nPop pop pop (Uh uh)\nPop pop pop (You gotta pop it)\nPop pop pop (I can't stop it)\nPop pop pop\n": 2, "you know well? sorry about the fucking noise\npollution but you can't help that! early\nin the mornings and all that and this\nthing here needs to be glued back\ntogether heh! but do you understand? I mean a\nmouse comes out of a hole your all toms and\njerrys you know! it's a fuckin big cat fight\nand mouse fucking chase is it not? that's\nwhat it is! and the hole? you all come out\nof the hole! yeah that's right oh my god?\nthere's a hole heh! wonder what's in the hole?\noh my god something come out of it! eh mmm?\nthat's you is it not! you all come out of\nthe hole just like a fucking tortoise\nis made hmm! with a shell so? you're not\nmeant to eat tortoises because God gave\nit a shell! you know? God would never have\ngiven it a shell you know! if he didn't\nwant fucking people not to eat it heh? it's\nlike you were given a nose so! if you were\ngiven a nose you were meant to breathe\nthrough it! you were given a mouth to speak?\nout of! not to breathe through! yeah? you know! and\nGod does these things for a reason and\nit's called science so? you all come out\nof a friggin hole! like a tortoise like eh?\nfucking breeze in the you know! your breeze in\nthe trees hmm? soft breeze in the trees!\noh hello what is it? they don't need the\nfucking breeze! what are they breathing?\nhuh! what are they breathing Narly's their\nnot breathing my hair heh! you know? their breathing\ncarbon dioxide aren't they! their breathing\nwhat we breathe out and we're breathing air\nso? the air feeds us and we feed them so!\nwhat's the breeze doing in the trees? come\non Narla out the way! eh? sit down or! something\ngood girl\nit's not us it's got nothing to do with us hmm?\nor! has it? the trees have everything to\ndo with us but we have everything to do\nwith the trees just like God has\neverything to do with air and air has\neverything to do with fire hmm! is that\nnot right? cause you all come out of a hole\noh! jeez Narla your looking cute? yeah! heh? so\nwhere's your three heavens huh! if this\nis earth and this here is our solar\nsystem and the? you know! what do you call it?\nfucking Mazzaroth so that! would be\nfirst heaven second heaven would that be\nthe third heaven? one two three so! who\nwent up to the third heaven? and they! and they\ndon't know whether they did it\nbodily or? you know! non bodily physically or?\nspiritually as Saul the Paul would say!\nnot me there's your three heavens is it\nnot? is not this the tablets in stone\nthat fucking supposedly the Mormons had\nas well! is this not like everything is\nthis not the Ark of the Covenant Aaron's\nrod the two tablets and the manner is it\nnot? all what it's all about I mean fuck! heh?\nthe greater and the lesser light yeah!\nand the father and the son are one earth\nwater and fire for earth and water is\nthe Son the son comes from east to west\nearth to water fire is our God oh!\nHebrews fire earth and water are one hmm\nthat's right and the mother and the\nfather are one so the mother and the\nfather and the son is earth water and\nfire that's right the good and the evil need\neach other to survive fire plus air you know?\nfire needs air to survive and air needs\nwhat! hmm? air is a creation of the\nTrinity! the mother and the father are\none so? the Trinity earth water and fire\ncreates air! is it? does it not! but? what's\nthe other way around or! how does it all\nfucking work when air gives life to us\nliving it's o2 air we give life to\nnature living you know? carbon monoxide\ncarbon co2 so! the air is the fire and\nthe fire is the air is it not? well! Narly\nthinks it is? yeah! so air gives life to\nus living that's air we give life to\nnature living that's fire it's the\nbreath or? our breath coming out of our\nmouth gives that life yeah! just like\nthe breath coming out of God's mouth\ngives us life not! the air in the sky his\nbreath all right? the breath the fire for\nthe air is a creation! of the Trinity is\nit not? so! air gives life to us living O2\nair huh? and we give life to nature living\nCO2 fire you know! air needs earth to survive\nfire needs air to survive earth and\nwater need neither east to west need\nneither the Trinity plus Satan you know": 1, "(music will start momentarily)\nI've been waiting for a change, something cataclysmic \nthat gives me no choice but to shift \nstop doing what I'm doing, move away, build a hut \nlive out my dream of being a nut \nI get a little excited imagining what I'd do \nif an asteroid wiped out half the country \nor if I made a connection that was more like an infection \nand I had to go into witness protection\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nI imagine that my home burns down and I have nothing but my brown shoes walking around\nwhat if I have to adopt a whole family of kids when my good friends pass away?\nI envision losing my sight so all I can do is play music day and night\nI think about getting cancer then recovering, gaining a new lease on life\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\n(instrumental)\nI don't want any of these things to come true\nbut I can't find the courage in my heart to start anew\nwhat do I want?\nI know what I want\nwhat do I want?\nwill I like what I want?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting for a catastrophe?\nwhy am I waiting?\n": 3, "(Dark Rock Music Playing)\nCrowded Streets All Cleared Away\nOne by One\n \nHollow Heroes Separate As they Run\n \nYou're so cold Keep your hand in mine\n \nWise Men Wonder while Strong men die\n \nShow me how it ends It's Alright\n \nShow me how defenseless You Really are\n \nSatisfied and Empty inside Well, That's alright Let's Give this another Try\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIf you Find Yor Family, Don't You Cry\n \nIn this land Of make Believe, Dead and Dry\n \nYou're so cold But you Feel alive\n \nLay your Hands On me One Last Time\n \nShow Me how It ends It's Alright\n \nShow me how Defenseless you Really Are\n \nSatisfied and empty Inside Well, That's Alright Let's Give this Another Try\n(Rock Pempo Music)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nShow me how it Ends It's Alright\n \nShow me How Defenseless You really Are\n \nSatisfied and Empty inside Well, That's Alright let's Give This Another Try\n \n \nIt's Alright\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIt's Alright,\nIt's Alright\nIt's Alright\nIt's Alright\nIt's Alright\nIt's Alright\nIt's Alright\nIt's Alright...\nI'm Bad at Putting Captions.\nmy Brother With the Other Videos,\nHe does The Captions.\nI'm Doing the Captions Right Now.\nBye Guys but This Premiere is On for 1 More Minute.\n \n": 1, "the people of ancient greece though living in\u00a0\ndifferent policies scattered over a large area\u00a0\u00a0\nwere connected by their common origins\u00a0\nand language as well as by their religion\u00a0\u00a0\ntheir mythology was rich in strange and\u00a0\nmagical creatures but the most important\u00a0\u00a0\ncharacters were certainly their gods the gods\u00a0\nof the hellenistic age played a leading role\u00a0\u00a0\nthey were the olympians as it was on mount olympus\u00a0\nwhere these twelve immortals held their feasts\u00a0\u00a0\nthe supreme god of the greek pantheon was\u00a0\nzeus son of the titans kronos and rhea\u00a0\u00a0\nzeus was the god of the sky storms and lightning\u00a0\nhe was the father of numerous gods and demigods\u00a0\u00a0\nhe married his sister hera the cow-eyed one\u00a0\nwho was the goddess of marriage and childbirth\u00a0\u00a0\nzeus and his brothers divided the world among\u00a0\nthemselves poseidon became god of the seas while\u00a0\u00a0\nhades became god of the underworld there was a\u00a0\npair of twins among the greek gods apollo was the\u00a0\u00a0\ngod of poetry and prophecy and his sister artemis\u00a0\nwas the goddess of hunting and wild animals\u00a0\u00a0\nhermes the messenger of the gods and the god\u00a0\nof merchants and thieves was also zeus's son\u00a0\u00a0\nzeus's sister hestia the goddess of the family\u00a0\nhearth was the most polite and modest of the gods\u00a0\u00a0\nares son of zeus and hera was quite\u00a0\ndifferent as he was the god of war\u00a0\u00a0\npalace athena who leapt out of zeus's head\u00a0\u00a0\nwas the patron of athens but she is mainly\u00a0\nknown as the goddess of knowledge and wisdom\naphrodite the goddess of beauty and love emerged\u00a0\nfrom the sea hera's son hefestos was the god\u00a0\u00a0\nof fire and the blacksmith to the gods the\u00a0\nreligion of ancient greece was polytheistic\u00a0\u00a0\nthe greeks imagined their\u00a0\ngods to look similar to humans\u00a0\u00a0\nand to possess similar attributes these were\u00a0\nanthropomorphic gods they were however immortal\n": 4, "Eh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nI was left to my own devices\nMany days fell away with nothing to show\nAnd the walls kept tumbling down\nin the city that we love\nGrey clouds roll over the hills,\nbringing darkness from above\nBut if you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nnothing changed at all?\nAnd if you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nyou've been here before?\nHow am I gonna be\nan optimist about this?\nHow am I gonna be\nan optimist about this?\nWe were caught up and\nlost in all of our vices\nIn your pose as the dust\nsettled around us\nAnd the walls kept tumbling\ndown in the city that we love\nGrey clouds roll over the hills,\nbringing darkness from above\nBut if you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nnothing changed at all?\nAnd if you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nyou've been here before?\nHow am I gonna be\nan optimist about this?\nHow am I gonna be\nan optimist about this?\nOh, where do we begin,\nthe rubble or our sins?\nOh-oh, where do we begin,\nthe rubble or our sins?\nAnd the walls kept tumbling down\nin the city that we love\n(Oh, where do we begin,\nthe rubble or our sins?)\nGrey clouds roll over the hills\nbringing darkness from above\n(Oh, where do we begin,\nthe rubble or our sins?)\nBut if you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nnothing changed at all?\nAnd if you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nyou've been here before? Oh\nHow am I going to be\nan optimist about this?\nHow am I going to be\nan optimist about this?\nIf you close your eyes\nDoes it almost feel like\nnothing changed at all? Oh-oh\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\nEh, eheu, eheu\n": 3, "This is a video on finding a second derivative.\u00a0\nThe question states: find the second derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof the function f(x) is equal to the secant of\u00a0\nx. So to find the second derivative, we first\u00a0\u00a0\nhave to find the first derivative. So if f(x) is\u00a0\nthe secant of x the derivative of the secant of x\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to the secant of x times the tangent of\u00a0\nx. So the second derivative is the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe first derivative. Or we can write that\u00a0\nf double prime of x is equal to the prime\u00a0\u00a0\nof f prime of x. Well, since f prime of x is\u00a0\nsecant of x tangent of x, the second derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nis the derivative of the secant of x\u00a0\ntimes the tangent of x. Notice there's\u00a0\u00a0\na little hidden multiplication here, which\u00a0\nmeans that we can use the product rule.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we have the derivative of the product of\u00a0\nsecant of x and tangent of x. And the way\u00a0\u00a0\nthe product rule works, remember, is you\u00a0\ntake the first, which is the secant of x,\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the derivative of the second, which is the\u00a0\ntangent of x, prime, plus the derivative of the\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst. So secant of x prime times a second.\nThe second is tangent of x.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo now I find the derivatives the derivative\u00a0\nof the tangent of x is the secant squared\u00a0\u00a0\nof x and the derivative of the secant of x\u00a0\nis the secant of x times the tangent of x.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo I get secant of x times secant squared\u00a0\nof x plus secant of x times the tangent of x\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the tangent of x. And now let's just\u00a0\nsimplify the secant times secant squared\u00a0\u00a0\nis secant cubed of x and the tangent of x times\u00a0\nthe tangent of x is the tangent squared of x. So\u00a0\u00a0\nI arrive at my final answer, which is the second\u00a0\nderivative of f is equal to the secant cubed of x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus the secant of x times the tangent\u00a0\nsquared of x. And I'm done with the problem.\n": 4, "GIRL: [SINGING]\nYou know I'm a girl who's\ngonna change the world.\nSINGERS: She's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna make\nthe world a better world.\nGIRL: When I grow up,\noh, what can I be?\nWell take a look and see.\nI'm gonna be that best\nme that I can be.\nYou know I'm gonna\nchange the world.\nSINGERS: You know she's the girl\nwho's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna make the\nworld a better world.\nGIRL: Can I be a doctor?\nOh, absolutely I can\nbe an M.D. and help\nthe sick become healthy.\nSINGERS: You know she's a girl\nwho's gonna change the world,\nshe's gonna change the world,\nshe's gonna make the world a\nbetter world.\nGIRL: Can I be a judge?\nWell, my answer is sure.\nYes I'm happy to report\nI can be a judge\nthat serves the court.\nSINGERS: You know she's a girl\nwho's gonna change the world,\nshe's gonna change the world,\nshe's gonna make the world a\nbetter world.\nGIRL: Can I be an astronaut\nwho travels so far?\nYes, I reach for the stars.\nI'm gonna be the first\nperson on Mars.\nSINGERS: You knows she's the\ngirl who's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna make the\nworld a better world.\nGIRL: Nothing's gonna stop me.\nNothing's gonna get in my way.\nI'm going to make\na difference.\nGonna start today!\nCan I be the president?\nYeah, I'm positive.\nIf in the White House\nI live, I'd make an\nawesome chief executive.\nSINGERS: You know she's the girl\nwho's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna change the\nworld, she's gonna make the\nworld a better world.\nGIRL: I can be anything.\nYou know that it's true.\nI can be anything.\nWell, how about you?\nYou can be anything.\nCan you make this world\na better world?\n": 4, "You\nYou\nWar\nWar never changes\nIn 1776\nThis great nation accepted that armed conflict was the only way to preserve our rights to life\nLiberty and the pursuit of happiness\nIf our founding fathers could only see us now\nFrom Antietam to Amia\nOkinawa to Anchorage\nWe have fought\nAnd now the Red Menace is at our doorstep\nDemocracy itself is under threat of\nAnnihilation\nThat is why today July 4th 2076\n300 years after our great nation began\nWe gathered together to honor the completion of\nVault 76\nThis sprawling underground shelter may have been engineered by Vault-Tec\nBut it was built by you\nThe good people of America\nSo that if the bombs do come\nIf the end does come\nOur way of life will endure\nBut not everyone will be saved\nThose chosen to enter this vault must be our best and our brightest\nWho in the fighting is stopped and the fallout has settled\nYou must rebuild\nNot just walls not just buildings, but hearts and minds\nAnd ultimately\nAmerica itself\nSo as we stand here today, we pray that the world will know peace\nBut if that is not our destiny\nIf war must come\nWe stand together knowing that here in Vault 76\nOur future begins\nGood morning, Vault 76\nThis is the overseer\nI hope you all enjoyed the party last night\nEven those who may have over engaged and overslept\nBut it's time to get up and get out there\nWe've been locked away long enough\nToday is Reclamation Day\nIt may be time to leave, but I'll never forget the day you all entered Vault 76\nYou come from every walk of life, every race, color and creed\nBut you all share one very important trait\nYou are this country's best and brightest\nBut more importantly, you'll always be my family\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThank you for watching\nThis is the overseer, signing off\nHello, at last, today is your Reclamation Day\nI bet you're just bursting your bolts to get out there and see the world\nNothing at all, the exterior sensors were taken out of commission\nAfter that, unfortunate business with the nuclear bombs\nWith so many of your friends having been gone so long, I cannot begin to speculate how they've transformed Appalachia already\nNo, and we're not likely to get one\nIt's been months\nBesides, she left this place behind to reclaim America\nIt's past time you followed her example\nIt is endearing to hear how wonderful a job myself and the others have done maintaining the vault for these many months\nBut the food's all run out and it's time to take what you've learned and use it\nThe mosques have valuable information to help you thrive out there\nBest get cracking\nEach stand-out has gear for you to get up and use\nGet it under resident\nAnother day, another opportunity to leave vault 76\nWhat are you saying?\nWild life should be a point in Appalachia\nHappy hunting\nAlways stay stocked with medicines\nAnd don't forget to use the wall\nMedicine checklist, radx, right away, stimpuck\nGot it? Good\nGo on, take the meds\nBut you'll need to find more out there\nYou must be terrifying leaving this warm, secure vault for a hostile wilderness with no running water or electricity\nNo creature comforts out there, sir\nYou want it? You'll build it\nRemember, you don't have to go alone\nFind friends or make new ones\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't have to go alone\nYou don't h": 3, "we studied division before so today we\nwill revise division but using the\nnumber line okay so today we will revise\ndivision using the number line and we\nwill find out what is the remainder of\ndivision what is the remainder of a\ndivision okay so let's see let's start\nby this example I have a twelve happy\nfaces here and I want to share these\nhappy faces equally between these three\nbaskets so if I want to share these\nhappy faces equally when I put a happy\nface on a basket I should put in one in\nthe other baskets okay so let's complete\none here and one here and one here okay\nso we are making groups one here one\nhere and one here okay but there are\nsome more here one here\nand one here and one here okay now there\nis no more there is no more happy faces\nleft here okay but how many happy face\nare there in every group in every basket\nhow many happy faces are there there are\nfour four four so when I share twelve\nhappy faces equally between three groups\nevery group will have four happy faces\nevery group will have four happy faces\nso the answer is four so I can say the\nquestion in other words how many threes\nare there any twelve again 12 divided by\n3 means how many threes are there in\ntwelve the answer is 4 so I can say\nthere are four threes in 12 there are\nfour threes and twelve okay but\nevery time I don't have to make happy\nfaces and it will be a hard process so I\nI should make the number line but how\ncan I use how can I use the number line\nto find the answer of a division ok what\nis the divisor here it is what 3 so I\nwill make jumps of three I will start at\nzero and I will make jumps of 3 so 0\nplus 3 equals 3 can I make 3 more yes I\ncan make another 3 so 3 plus 3 equals 6\ncan I make more threes yes \n6 plus three equals nine can I make more\nthrees yeah I still have. 9 plus 3 equals\n12 so I landed on 12 so I should stop\nnow\nbecause I landed on 12 okay now I want\nto see how many threes are there how can\nI find it out by: Counting the jumps\nso I counted one two three four so I\nmake four jumps to land on 12 I made\nfour jumps of three to land on twelve so\nthe answer is 12 so it is easy to find\nthe answer of a division using the\nnumber line by making jumps by making\njumps another example and this is your\nturn there are 20 stars I want to divide\nthem equally into five groups so tweeny\ndivided by 5 equals 3 or 4 or 5 the answer\nis number 2 let's check the answer I will\nstart where \"arwa\" from zero\nokay and I will make jumps of what :five\nokay so zero plus five equals what five\nokay can I make more jumps yes plus five\nequals ten can I make more jumps yes\nplus five equals 15 can I make more\njumps yes\nplus five equals 20\nso I landed on 20 so I should\nstop now because I landed on 20 so how\nmany jumps did I make let's count one\ntwo three four so I need four jumps of\nfive to land on twinning so the answer\nis four so 50 divided by 10 equals what\nfive four six and the question in other\nwords how many tens are there in 50\ni want to see how many things are there in\n50 okay so I will use the number line I\nwill start at zero and I will make jumps\nof what jumps of 10 so every jump is\nten steps so zero plus 10 equals 10 can\nI make more tails yes 10 plus 10 equals\n20\nokay 20 plus 10 equals 30\nokay can I make more tens yes plus 10\nequals 40 plus 10 equals 50 so I landed\non 50 so I should stop now because I\nlanded on 50 okay and what is the answer\nof the question let's count how many\njumps did I make to land on 50 so I made\none two three four five so I counted\nfive jumps of ten to land on 50 so the\nanswer is\nfive . so I should start where we start\nat zero and I will make jumps of what I\nwill make jumps of three so 0 plus 3\nequals 3 . plus 3 equals 6. plus 3 equals 9\nplus 3 equals the 12 plus 3 equals 15\nplus 3 equals 18 plus is 3 equals 21\nplus 3 equals 24 plus 3 equals 27 and I\nshould stop here because I landed on 27\nlet's count how many steps how many\njumps of 3 did I make I make 1 2 3 4 5 6\n7 8 9 so I made 9 jumps of 3 to land on\n27 so 27 divided by 3 equals 9\nokay\n": 3, "letter tray\nletter tray\nbubble wrap\nbubble wrap\nswivel chair\nswivel chair\ntelephone headset\ntelephone headset\nfire extinguisher\nfire extinguisher\ncomputer\ncomputer\nfiling cabinet\nfiling cabinet\nlamp\nlamp\ndesk\ndiary\ndiary\ncalculator\ncalculator\nenvelope\nenvelope\nUSB stick\nUSB stick\nkeyboard\nkeyboard\nmouse\nmouse\npaper clip\npaper clip\nscissors\nscissors\nhighlighter pen\nhighlighter pen\nstapler\nstapler\npencil sharpener\npencil sharpener\nnotice board\nnotice board\nsafe\nsafe\nglue\nglue\nclock\nclock\nlaptop\nlaptop\nplain paper\nplain paper\nlined paper\nlined paper\nplant\nplant\nprinter\nprinter\nradiator\nradiator\ncalendar\ncalendar\nshredder\nshredder\nheadphones\nheadphones\nhard drive\nhard drive\nwater cooler\nwater cooler\npen\npen\nflip chart\nflip chart\nlaminator\nlaminator\nguillotine\nguillotine\nstool\nstool\ncardboard\ncardboard\nhigh visibility vest\nhigh visibility vest\nlever arch binder\nlever arch binder\ninternet router\ninternet router\nsticky tape\nsticky tape\nrubber band\nrubber band\nrubber stamp\nrubber stamp\nkeep clear sign\nkeep clear sign\nink pad\nink pad\nruler\nruler\nair conditioning unit\nair conditioning unit\nfan\nfan\nfirst aid kit\nfirst aid kit\ncoat stand\ncoat stand\nmug\nmug\ncardboard box\ncardboard box\nbucket\nbucket\nbroom\nbroom\nmail trolley\nmail trolley\nmagnifying glass\nmagnifying glass\nsqueegee\nsqueegee\nwindow blinds\nwindow blinds\nstorage lockers\nstorage lockers\nbookcase\nbookcase\nfire exit sign\nfire exit sign\nwhiteboard\nwhiteboard\npaper towels\npaper towels\nscreen wipes\nscreen wipes\ntelevision\ntelevision\ncoffee machine\ncoffee machine\ncorkboard\ncorkboard\nvacuum cleaner\nvacuum cleaner\nwet floor sign\nwet floor sign\ntable\ntable\nrubbish bin\nrubbish bin\nstairs\nstairs\nlift\nlift\nparking space\nparking space\nintercom speaker\nintercom speaker\nmailbox\nmailbox\nhard hat\nhard hat\nlanyard\nlanyard\nbean bag\nbean bag\nstickers\nstickers\nplug socket\nplug socket\ndrawer\ndrawer\nletter opener\nletter opener\ndisplay cabinet\ndisplay cabinet\nmouse mat\nmouse mat\nair freshener\nair freshener\nfloor mat\nfloor mat\nlight bulb\nlight bulb\nfire alarm\nfire alarm\nkey\nkey\npush pins\npush pins\nbriefcase\nbriefcase\nfolder\nfolder\nhole punch\nhole punch\nphotocopier\nphotocopier\npencil\npencil\n": 1, "Ensemble: Make way for Prince Ali!\nEnsemble: Say hey! It's Prince Ali!\nRW: Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar.\nRW: Hey you! Let us through! It's a bright new star!\nRW: Oh Come be the first on your block to meet his eye!\nRW: Make way! Here he comes!\nRW: Ring bells! Bang the drums!\nRW: Are you gonna love this guy!\nWS: Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Ali Ababwa.\nWS: Show some respect, boy, genuflect!\nWS: Down on one knee.\nWS: Now, try your best to stay calm.\nWS: Brush up your Friday salaam.\nWS: Then come and meet his spectacular coterie!\nRW: Prince Ali! Mighty is he! Ali Ababwa.\nRW: Strong as ten regular men, definitely!\nRW: He faced the galloping hordes!\nRW: A hundred bad guys with swords!\nRW: Who sent those goons to their lords?\nEnsemble: Why, Prince Ali!\nWS: Fellas, he's got:\nEnsemble: He's got seventy-five golden camels.\nWS: WHOO!\nEnsemble: He's got seventy-five golden camels.\nEnsemble: He's got seventy-five golden camels.\nWS: Uh-huh!\nEnsemble: He's got seventy-five golden camels\nWS: Now the ladies!\nWS: What he got?\nEnsemble: Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three.\nEnsemble: Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three.\nWS: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!\nEnsemble: Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three.\nWS: When it comes to exotic-type mammals....\nWS: Everybody help me out!\nEnsemble: He's got a zoo. I'm telling you.\nEnsemble: It's a world-class menagerie!\nRW: Prince Ali! Handsome is he! Ali Ababwa.\nRW: That physique! How can I speak?\nRW: Weak at the knees!\nRW: Well, get on out in that square!\nRW: Adjust your veil and prepare!\nRW: To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!\nEnsemble: He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys!\nWS: He's got the monkeys! A bunch of monkeys!\nEnsemble: He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys!\nEnsemble: And to view them he charges no fee!\nEnsemble: He's got 10,000 servants and flunkies!\nEnsemble: Proud to work for him!\nEnsemble: They bow to his whim, love serving him,\nEnsemble: They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali!\nEnsemble: Prince Ali!\nEnsemble: Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa.\nWS: Heard your princess was hot! Where is she?\nRW: And that, good people, is why...\nRW: He got dolled up and dropped by.\nEnsemble: With sixty elephants, llamas galore!\nEnsemble: With his bears and lions,\nEnsemble: A brass band and more!\nWS: What!\nEnsemble: A brass band and more!\nEnsemble: With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers\nEnsemble: His birds that warble on key!\nEnsemble: Make way!\nEnsemble: For Prince Ali!\n": 3, "Hello, we are Dakh Daughters from Ukraine.\nSpecial for Tiny Desk Meets globalFEST.\nUnfortunately,\nbecause of the war in Ukraine,\nwe had to leave our country\nand move to France.\nNow, we are in Vire, Normandie,\nat Le Pr\u00e9au theatre,\nand here we have the possibility\nto create our art form\nto scream about our misery.\nToday, Ukraine is fighting\nfor freedom of everyone.\nThat\u2019s why together,\nand only together,\nwe have to defend\nfreedom and democracy\nof the whole world\nfrom Russian monsters.\nStand with Ukraine.\nGlory to Ukraine!\nGlory to the heroes!\nEvery day, the crows cry\nBurning here,\nkilling there,\ncatching here, grabbing there,\njailing, blinding, letting rot\nCaw-caw-caw!\nThe house is cold,\nthe stomach hungry.\nFollowing the priest\nfrom house to house,\nDeath comes reaping the gifts,\nthe priest\nwith his pockets empty.\nDeath was dying\nunder the weight of it,\nthe demon playing\nthe fiddle behind it,\nstamping on the corpses\nCaw-caw-caw!\nWhy are you staring?\nLament and weep!\nDon't caw, black crows\nWe've all gone deaf\nHow did you become like that?\nThey stupefied us,\nhammering nails into our ears,\ntwisting our heads,\nand sending us\nlike this into the world...\nCaw-caw-caw!\nAnd so we spend\nour days and nights.\nSeeing everything\nbut hearing nothing.\nAnd in no way can we remember\nwhat happened to our homeland.\nGone insane, we have no clue\nwhether we are free or not\nCaw-caw-caw!\nAnd if we're free, why the army?\nWhat's in your pockets?\nWhat's your name?\nAnd if we're not free,\nwhy no one urges us\nto join the Cossacks anymore?\nSuddenly, the crows flew up,\nbursting into laughter...\nCaw-caw! Free!\nCaw-caw! Free!\nInsane,\ninsane\ninsane\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nI dreamed about love.\nWhat? Again?\nYes. I dreamed about love again.\nI don't know\nif affection can be called love,\nbut\nI felt loved in my dream,\nand it felt good.\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nIt was so cozy, so tender,\nIt felt so good and warm\nto be wrapped in love.\nWhy\nWhy was it only a dream?\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nFrom the tongue,\nfrom under the tongue\nFrom the teeth,\nfrom under the teeth\nFrom the stomach,\nfrom under the stomach\nFrom the head,\nfrom under the head\nFrom the leg, from under the leg\nFrom the back,\nfrom under the back\nFrom the chest,\nfrom under the chest\nFrom the eyes,\nfrom under the eyes\nDie\nDie\nDie\nFrom the tongue,\nfrom under the tongue\nFrom the teeth,\nfrom under the teeth\nFrom the stomach,\nfrom under the stomach\nFrom the head,\nfrom under the head\nFrom the leg, from under the leg\nFrom the back,\nfrom under the back\nFrom the chest,\nfrom under the chest\nFrom the eyes,\nfrom under the eyes\nDie\nDie\nDie\nFrom the tongue,\nfrom under the tongue\nFrom the teeth,\nfrom under the teeth\nFrom the stomach,\nfrom under the stomach\nFrom the head,\nfrom under the head\nFrom the leg, from under the leg\nFrom the back,\nfrom under the back\nFrom the chest,\nfrom under the chest\nFrom the eyes,\nfrom under the eyes\nDie\nDie\nDie\nFrom the tongue,\nfrom under the tongue\nFrom the teeth,\nfrom under the teeth\nFrom the stomach,\nfrom under the stomach\nFrom the head,\nfrom under the head\nFrom the leg, from under the leg\nFrom the back,\nfrom under the back\nFrom the chest,\nfrom under the chest\nFrom the eyes,\nfrom under the eyes\nDie\nDie\nDie\nFrom the tongue,\nfrom under the tongue\nFrom the teeth,\nfrom under the teeth\nFrom the stomach,\nfrom under the stomach\nFrom the head,\nfrom under the head\nFrom the leg, from under the leg\nFrom the back,\nfrom under the back\nFrom the chest,\nfrom under the chest\nFrom the eyes,\nfrom under the eyes\nDie\n": 3, "The nagging, Stop it I got this\nWhatever I be it\u2019s up to me so please\nI do what I wanna\nCan you just leave me alone whether I live a normal life or not\nIt\u2019s me who lives this \u2018cause it\u2019s my life\nI'm so bad bad I\u2019d rather be selfish\nHundred times better than pretending to be nice and getting hurt\nI'm just on my way Don\u2019t interfere No No\nI might just say it, mind your own business\nNo matter what they say I\u2019m me, I just want to be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don\u2019t have to be anything because I\u2019m perfect when I\u2019m myself\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don't wanna be somebody\nJust wanna be me, be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don't wanna be somebody\nJust wanna be me, be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\nErrbody errbody errbody teachin' me (All eyes on me)\nDo this, do that, all are dishing out something (Don\u2019t touch me)\nAh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah It\u2019s me who takes care of myself\nI'mma do my thang, Just do your thang\nCuz I'm the one & only\nPeople love to talk about others\nWhy do you care so much about others lives\nHey I\u2019m sorry but could you leave me alone\nIt's none of your business\nI do my own business\nNo matter what they say I\u2019m me, I just want to be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don\u2019t have to be anything because I\u2019m perfect when I\u2019m myself\nI wanna be me, me, me\nNo matter if you love me or hate me\nI wanna be me\nOne and only me\nIf you feel me, turn this beat up\nI wanna be me, me, me\nNo matter what they say I\u2019m me, I just want to be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don\u2019t have to be anything because I\u2019m perfect when I\u2019m myself\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don't wanna be somebody\nJust wanna be me, be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\nI don't wanna be somebody\nJust wanna be me, be me\nI wanna be me, me, me\n": 2, "All my clothes are leather\nHere my stylist arranged this...\nHere my stylist arranged this...\n(I like it)\n[Stylist] Sorry LISA...\nSorry LISA...\n[Stylist] Sorry LISA...\nSorry LISA...\nIt is oke\nSorry LISA...\nIt is oke\n[Perfect song choice] Don't be sorry, sorry!\n[Dance moves of understanding]\nI am sorry\nI am sorry\nNo problem\nI am sorry\nNo problem\nJENNIE: Should we take a photo together now? JISOO: Yes, let's take a photo now\nJENNIE: Should we take a photo together now? JISOO: Yes, let's take a photo now\nLISA: With this cake? JENNIE: Yes, now with this\ntaeyong give up his seat for heachan quikly glance over bp table\nlisa take notice ..rosee also notice\nlisa: should i do....rose: do it\ntaeyong see it...bow to lisa to show his gratitude\n>>SO WE WANT TO KNOW, THIS IS GOING TO BE SECRET.\n>> James: OKAY.\n>> YOU CAN'T SEE WHO HAS GOT THE BUTTON.\nLALISA\nLALISA\nLALISA\nLALI-SAAAAAAAAAAAAA\nLisa\nLisa Comforted The Crying Rose\nLisa Comforted The Crying Rose\nThanks you guys\nDuring our trainee years, we would go to work at noon and get off at 2:00am the next day.\nWe would take Japanese lessons, English lessons, Crump lessons, Dance lessons, and Vocal lessons.\nWe would have to get classes for almost everything.\nWe had so much homework to do...\nI think of those times a lot.\n[Teared up by the thought of those tough days]\n[Teared up by the thought of those tough days] It's ok...you did a good job.\n": 2, "miscellaneous\nmiscellaneous\nmeaning\nconsisting of a mixture of various things\u00a0\nthat are not usually connected with each other\nconsisting of a mixture of various things\u00a0\nthat are not usually connected with each other\nthe junk shop was full of chairs\u00a0\ntables and other miscellaneous objects\nthe junk shop was full of chairs\u00a0\ntables and other miscellaneous objects\nprocrastinate\nprocrastinate\nmeaning\nto keep delaying something that must be done\u00a0\noften because it is unpleasant or boring\nto keep delaying something that must be done\u00a0\noften because it is unpleasant or boring\npeople often procrastinate\u00a0\nwhen it comes to paperwork\npeople often procrastinate\u00a0\nwhen it comes to paperwork\nlackadaisical\nlackadaisical\nmeaning\nshowing little enthusiasm and effort\nshowing little enthusiasm and effort\nhe has a lackadaisical approach to finding a job\nhe has a lackadaisical approach to finding a job\nbiodegradable\nbiodegradable\nmeaning\nable to decay naturally and\u00a0\nin a way that is not harmful\nable to decay naturally and\u00a0\nin a way that is not harmful\nall our products are made\u00a0\nof biodegradable material\nall our products are made\u00a0\nof biodegradable material\nidiosyncrasy\nidiosyncrasy\nmeaning\na strange or unusual habit way of behaving\u00a0\nor feature that someone or something has\na strange or unusual habit way of behaving\u00a0\nor feature that someone or something has\nyou can learn to compensate for such an\u00a0\nidiosyncrasy with a little discipline\nyou can learn to compensate for such an\u00a0\nidiosyncrasy with a little discipline\nacquaintance\nacquaintance\nmeaning\na person that you have met but do not know well\na person that you have met but do not know well\ni bumped into a casual acquaintance in town\ni bumped into a casual acquaintance in town\nscintillating\nscintillating\nmeaning\nfunny exciting and clever\nfunny exciting and clever\nyou can hardly expect scintillating\u00a0\nconversation from a kid that age\nyou can hardly expect scintillating\u00a0\nconversation from a kid that age\noptimistically\noptimistically\nmeaning\nin a way that shows that you hope or believe\u00a0\nthat good things will happen in the future\nin a way that shows that you hope or believe\u00a0\nthat good things will happen in the future\nhe spoke optimistically about better\u00a0\nrelations between the two countries\nhe spoke optimistically about better\u00a0\nrelations between the two countries\nexaggeration\nexaggeration\nmeaning\nthe fact of making something seem larger more\u00a0\nimportant better or worse than it really is\nthe fact of making something seem larger more\u00a0\nimportant better or worse than it really is\nit would be an exaggeration to\u00a0\nsay that we were close friends\nit would be an exaggeration to\u00a0\nsay that we were close friends\nirrespective\nirrespective\nmeaning\nwithout considering not needing to allow for\nwithout considering not needing to allow for\nhe is going to buy it irrespective of what you say\nhe is going to buy it irrespective of what you say\ncontaminate\ncontaminate\nmeaning\nto make something less pure or make it poisonous\nto make something less pure or make it poisonous\nall over the world oil spills\u00a0\nregularly contaminate coastal areas\nall over the world oil spills\u00a0\nregularly contaminate coastal areas\nmisapprehension\nmisapprehension\nmeaning\na failure to understand something\u00a0\nor an understanding or belief\u00a0\u00a0\nabout something that is not correct\na failure to understand something\u00a0\u00a0\nor an understanding or belief\u00a0\nabout something that is not correct\ni was under the misapprehension that\u00a0\nthe course was for complete beginners\ni was under the misapprehension that\u00a0\nthe course was for complete beginners\nnarcissistic\nnarcissistic\nmeaning\nhaving too much interest in\u00a0\nand admiration for yourself\nhaving too much interest in\u00a0\nand admiration for yourself\nhe has a narcissistic personality\u00a0\nand can be very annoying sometimes\nhe has a narcissistic personality\u00a0\nand can be very annoying sometimes\noccupational\noccupational\nmeaning\nrelating to or caused by your job\nrelating to or caused by your job\ngetting injured is an occupational\u00a0\nhazard of playing sport\ngetting injured is an occupational\u00a0\nhazard of playing sport\ncomplement\ncomplement\nmeaning\na rema": 3, "bruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nbruh just subscribe\nk im done\nenjoy the rest of the video :)\npeasants!!!!!!!!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "Akira\nThe Don\nHe's got clout\nOne way of conceptualizing yourself is\nthat you're one speck\nof dust among 7 billion,\nand when you conceptualize yourself\nthat way you might think,\n\"Well, what difference does\nit make what I say or do?\"\nAnd that's actually\nquite convenient for you,\nbecause if it doesn't\nmatter what you say or do,\nthen you don't have any responsibility,\nand you can do whatever you want.\nThe price you pay for\nthat is a bit of nihilism,\nbut if you don't have to\nshoulder any responsibility,\nthat's a small price to pay.\nThe other way of looking at it,\nand this is actually the\naccurate of looking at it\nis that you're in a network.\nYou're a node in a network.\nYou can do a little bit of\narithmetic very rapidly,\nand just figure out how powerful you are.\nYou know a 1,000.\nYou know a 1,000 people\nThey know 1,000 people.\nThey know 1,000 people, yeah\nThat means that you're one person away\nfrom a million people,\nand two persons away\nfrom a billion people.\nYou're the center of that network,\nand now the way networks work\nis that information propagates\nin a network manner,\nso don't underestimate\nthe power of your speech.\nDon't underestimate the power of truth.\nThere's nothing more powerful.\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nOr at least don't lie, that's a start\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nOr at least don't lie and that's a start\nNow in order to speak what\nyou might regard as truth,\nyou have to let go of the outcome.\nYou have to think,\n\"I'm going to say what I think,\nstupid as I am,\nbiased as I am,\nignorant as I am,\nI'm going to state what I\nthink as clearly as I can,\nand I'm going to live\nwith the consequences,\nno matter what they are.\"\nNow the reason you'll think that,\nand that's an element of faith.\nThe idea is that nothing\nbrings a better world\ninto being than the stated truth.\nNow you might have to\npay a price for that,\nbut that's fine,\nyou're gonna pay a price for\nevery bloody thing you do,\nand everything you don't do.\nYou don't get to choose\nto not pay a price.\nYou get to choose which\npoison you're going to take,\nthat's it,\nso if you're going to\nstand up for something,\nstand up for your truth.\nIt will shape you because\npeople will respond and object,\nand tell you why you are a fool,\nand a biased moron,\nwhy you're ignorant.\nAnd then if you listen to them,\nyou'll be just that\nmuch less like that,\nthe next time you say something,\nand if you do that for five years,\nyou'll be so damn tough and articulate,\nand able to communicate,\nand withstand pressure\nthat you won't even recognize yourself,\nand then you'll be a\nforce to be contend with.\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nOr at least don't lie and that's a start\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nOr at least don't lie and that's a start\nAlmost impossible to provide\npeople with enough protection\nso that they feel safe to speak.\nOkay, so we'll address that directly.\nIt is not safe to speak\nand it never will be.\nThe thing you've got to keep in mind is\nthat it's even less safe\nnot to speak, right?\nIt's a balance of risk.\nYou wanna pay the price\nfor being who you are,\nand stating your mode\nof being in the world,\nor if you wanna pay the price\nfor being a bloody serf,\nor one that enslaved him or herself.\nWell, that's a major price, man,\nthat thing unfolds over decades,\nand you'll just be a miserable worm\nat the end of about 20 years of that.\nNo self-respect, no power,\nno ability to voice your opinions,\nnothing left but resentment,\nbecause everyone's against you.\nIt's like, say what you think carefully,\npay attention to your words.\nSay what you think carefully\nPay attention to your words\nIt's a price you wanna pay,\nif you are willing\nto believe the truth is\nthe cornerstone of society.\nIn the most real sense,\nif you're willing to take that leap,\nthen tell the truth and see what happens.\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth\nTell the truth": 3, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question Number thirty of our Calculus Review. The differentiable functions F. And G. Are defined for allial numbers. X. Values of F. F. Prime, G. And G. Prime, for various values of X are given in this table.\nChristopher Carbone: I'm. X. Being one F. Of X is three F. Of x is four. G. Of x is two. G. Prime of x is six, for x is two. F. Of x is one F. Of x is five. G. Of X is A. And G. Prime of X is seven.\nChristopher Carbone: Finally, for an X value of three F. Of X is seven. F. Prime of X is seven. G. Of X is two, and G. Prime of X is nine\nChristopher Carbone: we want. If H. Of X is equal to F. Of G. Of X. We want to find H. Prime of the V.\nChristopher Carbone: So doing that one\nChristopher Carbone: that means that age primarily\nChristopher Carbone: is going to be equal to\nChristopher Carbone: F prime of G of three\nChristopher Carbone: times G planet three.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: F. Prime of two,\nChristopher Carbone: because G is three.\nChristopher Carbone: It is indeed too\nChristopher Carbone: times G. Prim, of three.\nChristopher Carbone: F. Prime of two is five\nChristopher Carbone: G. Plan of three is nine.\nChristopher Carbone: This makes forty-five,\nChristopher Carbone: for capital H. Of X is equal to G. Of F. Of X. On an H. Capital h prime of two.\nChristopher Carbone: So capital. H. Prime, of two\nChristopher Carbone: is G. Prime of F. Of two\nChristopher Carbone: times F. Prime of two.\nChristopher Carbone: So this will be simply G. Prime of F of two is one\nChristopher Carbone: times f prime of two,\nChristopher Carbone: so g of one\nChristopher Carbone: it's going to as a G prime of one is six\nChristopher Carbone: times F prime of two,\nChristopher Carbone: five,\nChristopher Carbone: six times five. This is going to give us thirty.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you,\n": 1, "Occasionally, in addition or opposition to\nemploying the scientific method, it also relies\non symbolic interpretation and critical analysis,\nalthough these traditions have tended to be\nless pronounced than in other social sciences,\nsuch as sociology.\nPsychologists study phenomena such as perception,\ncognition, emotion, personality, behavior,\nand interpersonal relationships.\nSome, especially depth psychologists, also\nstudy the unconscious mind.\nArticles related to psychology (excluding\npsychologists \u2013 see list of psychologists)\ninclude:\n== 0\u20139 ==\n16 Personality Factors\n== A ==\nA-not-B error -\nAbnormal psychology -\nAbreaction -\nAbsexual -\nAbuse -\nAcceptance and commitment therapy -\nAcrophobia -\nActing out -\nAction research -\nActive intellect -\nActive learning -\nActivity theory -\nActor-observer bias -\nAdaptation -\nAdaptive behavior -\nAdjustment disorder -\nAdolescence -\nAdolescent psychology -\nAdvanced Placement Psychology -\nAffect (psychology) -\nAffect display -\nAffectional bond -\nAffectional orientation -\nAffective forecasting -\nAffective science -\nAffirming the consequent -\nAfterburn (psychotherapy) -\nAge regression -\nAgeing -\nAggression -\nAgoraphobia -\nAgraphia -\nAIDS dementia complex -\nAkinesia -\nAlexithymia -\nAlgophobia -\nAllophilia -\nAlogia -\nAlter ego -\nAltered state of consciousness -\nAltruism -\nAlzheimer's disease -\nAmbivalence -\nAmerican Psychological Association -\nThe American Psychologist -\nAmnesia -\nAnal retentive -\nAnal stage -\nAnalytical psychology -\nAnamnesis (philosophy) -\nAnchoring -\nAnger -\nAnhedonia -\nAnima and animus -\nAnimal hoarding -\nAnomic aphasia \u2013\nAnomie -\nAnorexia nervosa -\nAnorgasmia -\nAnterograde amnesia -\nAnticathexis -\nAnticipation (emotion) -\nAntidepressant -\nAntilocution -\nAntipathy -\nAntipsychotic -\nAnti-social behaviour -\nAnxiety -\nAnxiety disorder -\nAnxiogenic -\nApathy -\nAphanisis -\nAphasia -\nApoplexy -\nApperception -\nApplied behavior analysis -\nApplied psychology -\nApproach-avoidance conflict -\nAquaphobia -\nArchetypal psychology -\nArchetype -\nArousal -\nArtificial demand -\nArtisan temperament -\nAsian psychology -\nAsperger syndrome -\nAssertiveness -\nAssociation (psychology) -\nAstraphobia -\nAttachment theory -\nAttachment disorder -\nAttention -\nAttention-deficit hyperactivity disorder -\nAttention seeking -\nAttention span -\nAttitude (psychology) -\nAttribution (psychology) -\nAttribution theory -\nAttributional bias -\nAtypical depression -\nAuditory processing disorder -\nAudience effect -\nAura -\nAustralasian Society for Experimental Psychology\n-\nAustralian Psychological Society -\nAutassassinophilia -\nAuthoritarian personality -\nAuthority -\nAutism -\nAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule -\nAutism spectrum -\nAutoassociative memory -\nAutodidacticism -\nAutomatic behavior -\nAvailability heuristic -\nAversion therapy -\nAversives -\nAvoidant personality disorder -\nAvolition -\nAwareness\n== B ==\nBackward inhibition -\nBaragnosis -\nBarnes Akathisia Scale -\nBarnes maze -\nBeck's cognitive triad -\nBehavior -\nBehavior modification -\nBehavior modification facility -\nBehavioral communication -\nBehavioral economics -\nBehavioral engineering -\nBehavioral medicine -\nBehavioral neurology -\nBehavioral neuroscience -\nBehavioral theories of depression -\nBehaviorism -\nBehaviour therapy -\nBehavioural despair test -\nBehavioural genetics -\nBehavioural sciences -\nBelief -\nBelongingness -\nBeyond the Pleasure Principle -\nBibliomania -\nBicameralism (psychology) -\nBidirectional associative memory -\nBinge drinking -\nBinge eating -\nBiodata -\nBioenergetic analysis -\nBiofeedback -\nBiological psychology -\nBipolar disorder -\nBipolar I disorder -\nBipolar II disorder -\nBlame -\nBlock design test -\nBlood-injection-injury type phobia -\nBlunted affect -\nBoanthropy -\nBody dysmorphic disorder -\nBody image -\nBody language -\nBody psychotherapy -\nBoldness -\nBorderline intellectual functioning -\nBorderline personality disorder -\nBorromean clinic -\nBouma -\nBradykinesia -\nBrainstorming -\nBreathwork -\nBrief psychotherapy -\nBrief reactive psychosis -\nBritish Journal of Social Psychology -\nBritish Psychological Society -\nBulimia nervosa -\nBullying -\nBur": 4, "If you really want to be a paleontologist,\nyou need to sing\nthe paleontologist theme song.\n>> Paleontologist theme song?\n>> What's that?\n>> It goes like this, hit it!\n[MUSIC]\nIf you love to study the dinosaurs, and\nyou want to learn about them even more.\nThen meet the dinosaur scientist\nwho is called the paleontologist.\nWe dig.\n>> We dig.\n>> For bones.\n>> For bones.\n>> And we find them under the earth and\nstones.\nSome small.\n>> Some small.\n>> Some big.\n>> Some big.\n>> Fossils are what we really dig.\n>> And as the we can find goes on and\non, a microraptor or pteranodon.\nApatosaurus with their long, long necks.\nA triceratops or a tyrannosaurus rex.\nWe dig.\n>> We dig.\n>> For bones.\n>> For bones.\n>> And we find them under the earth and\nstones.\nSome small.\n>> Some small.\n>> Some big.\n>> Some big.\nFossils are what we really dig.\n>> We can look for\nyears to find the fossils.\nSometimes they're tiny,\nsometimes colossal.\nWe dig, dig, dig.\nYes, we dig, we must.\nSifting through the rocks and\nthe pebbles and the dust.\nWe dig.\n>> We dig.\n>> For bones.\n>> For bones.\n>> And\nwe find them under the earth and stone.\nSome small.\n>> Some small.\n>> Some big.\n>> Some big.\nFossils are what we really dig.\n>> Yes, fossils are what\npaleontologists really dig.\n>> Whoa.\n>> You sang the paleontologist theme song,\nyou are now paleontologists.\n>> Yay!\n>> Okay, paleontologists, let us dig.\n": 3, "you fucking unkosher meat sticks that's\nright all you free masonic scumbags\nPharisees Sadducees foxes vipers and\nvermin you're all fucked in the fucking\nhead that's right! every single last\nfucking one of yous not me you! every\nsingle fucking last one of you pieces of\nunkosher meat stick turd cunts that's\nright fucking pricks you're all fucked\nin the fucking head Freemasons scum of\nthe earth that's right you are scum of\nthe earth you go around teaching people\nthat fucking the common people are vulgar\noh become part of our masonry and guess\nwhat? if you part of our masonry you\nhave to know and fucking believe that the\ncommon people are vulgar no! you're fucking\nvulgar you pieces of unkosher fucking\nmeat that's right fucking free Masonic\nturds scum of the earth fucking Satan's\nthat's what yous are! yes well? everybody\nwaiting for the recession to hit huh the\nrecession oh recession depression\nrecession depression yeah fucken have\na taste of my world you fucking un\nkosher pieces of dog turd fucking shit\nrecession what happened last time there\nwas a big recession huh? just before the\nrecession or I should say just before\nthe war the recession hit yeah the war\nthe recession hit and what oh it's like\noh what are we gonna do about it what are we\ngonna do about it oh we need to make people\ngo and have fucking work so oh everybody\nneeds work now so what are we going to\nmake them do? oh we'll make them build\ntanks and aeroplanes and guns and\nammunition and we'll make them do all\nthis shit then what happened after the\nrecession struck and everybody fuckin\nwent out made all this fucking shit huh?\nthe war fucking started yeah and they kept\nmaking the fucking shit and the war came\nyeah the war well be ready for fucking\nWorld War Three you fucking unkosher\nmeatstick cunts and guess what? it'll be\nfucking designed by freemasonic scum yeah\nthe scum of the fucking earth Freemasons\nfucking unkosher cunts yeah! that's what\nthey fucking are fucking dickheads huh they\ndon't know their Bible if they did they\nwouldn't be fucking doing what they\nfuckin do yeah! but they're fucking cunts\nthey're fucking Pharisees their seduces\nthey like sitting in Moses's seat yeah!\nthey fucking do they love sitting in\nMoses's seat oh let's all go and sit in\nMoses's seat let's all be called master\noh I love being called master they love\nthe fucking you know they love fucking the\nmeetings in the fucking marketplaces and\nto be called teacher teacher rabbi rabbi\noh yeah fucking free Masonic scum read\nyour fucking Bible you fucking unkosher\npieces of shit yeah I'm talking to you! every\nsingle last one of yous you fucking cunts that\ncontrol this fucking world freemasonicaly\nhuh? all the fucking courts police\nfucking presidents huh prime ministers yeah\nfucking every fucking cunt out there\nthat swears on the fucking Bible and\nturns around and fucking thinks they're\nall fucking this! you are nothing but\nfucking scum my fucking granddad Dada\nItalian Dada was called Caesar in his\ntemples why? because I'm a fucking\nrelative of Julius Caesar Caesarean\nthat's right I'm a relative of caesarean\nso get the fuck over it you scum pieces\nof shit yeah! i'll tell yous how the fuck\nthis is this world is fucking wrong it's\ninsane this world is not me this world\nis insane that's right! I'm telling you\ncunts how the fuck it is and I'm being\nfucking real because you cunts are!\nfucking insane as well your sheep your\nmonkeys you're fucked in the fucking\nhead you couldn't think for yourselves\nif ya fucking tried huh? yeah you\nfucking unkosher pieces of fucking dog\nturd shit yeah! every fucking single last\none yous fucked in the fucking head yep every\nfucking one of yous you unkosher fucking\npopsicles yeah! Freemasons oh ohh some\nfreemason comes around and sees my thing and\ntells me oh he can take me to court well\nyour courts or as fucking corrupt as\nyour fucking selves you fucking pieces\nof fucking shit yeah! that's right take\nme to court and i'll prove to the fucking\njudge how wrong it is to swear on the\nBible and then when they turn around to\nme and tell me oh I can take an affirmation\ni wi": 1, "today I'm going to show you a card\u00a0\ntrick but now we're not using one\u00a0\u00a0\nfull deck but we are using only court\ncards okay let's get all the court cards\nokay give them a little Shuffle\nanother complete cut okay now I'm gonna split the\u00a0\nCards into two piles each pile is consisted uh with\u00a0\u00a0\nsix cards now I want you to choose any piles you\u00a0\nwant this one okay please remember the top card\nokay I'm gonna take two cards one from\u00a0\nthe top one from the bottom like this\nI'm gonna do this sequence\u00a0\nuntil we have one card left\u00a0\u00a0\nand what was your card? Jack of Spades?\nokay the one card left is Jack of Clubs\u00a0\u00a0\nbut not only that all the cards have found\u00a0\nits pairs see this is the Red Kings red Queens\u00a0\u00a0\nred jacks black Kings and the black\u00a0\nqueens now let's get into the explanation\nokay here's the explanation for the trick \nokay now you need to take out all Court cards\u00a0\u00a0\nokay all of them you want to take them out\nokay that's it you don't need to rest\u00a0\u00a0\nnow you want to arrange the card from the\u00a0\njack to the king this is jack to the king\nyou can arrange these cards in front of the audience\ndoesn't matter okay now you have this\u00a0\ncards okay now you want to arrange the card\nin alternate color red black red black okay or\nblack red black red it really\u00a0\ndoesn't matter okay now\nyou want to perform the complete cut \nto show to the audience that the cards are mixed\u00a0\u00a0\nokay if you want you can add the\u00a0\u00a0\nCharlier Shuffle like this so it's really\u00a0\nconvincing it really looks like you mix the card\nbut in reality you are not\u00a0\u00a0\nokay the card still in the order okay you\u00a0\ncan do the charlier shuffle as much as you want\u00a0\u00a0\nI'm gonna do the complete cut and that's it if\u00a0\nyou don't know how to perform the charlier shuffle\u00a0\nI'll put the tutorial at the end\u00a0\nof the video okay now back to the\u00a0\u00a0\ntutorial okay now you want to deal six card to reverse the order one two three\u00a0\u00a0\nfour five six and the rest you don't want to deal\u00a0\nyou just show to the audience this is six cards\u00a0\u00a0\nput it here now you ask spectator to choose this\u00a0\npile or this pile let's say they choose this pile\u00a0\u00a0\nthey need to take the top card and remember the\u00a0\ncard let's say the card is the king of clubs\u00a0\u00a0\nokay let's put it here and then put the other\u00a0\npile and place it on top of the selected pile\u00a0\u00a0\nokay now you want to take the top\u00a0\ncard and the bottom card like this\nokay take the top card and the bottom card\u00a0\ntake a top card and the bottom card take the\u00a0\u00a0\ntop card and the bottom card top card and the\u00a0\nbottom card until you will left with one card\u00a0\u00a0\nokay actually when people choose a card this is face down\u00a0\nask the spectator to open the card the card\u00a0\u00a0\nis King of Clubs and the card is it's pair King of\u00a0\nSpades and not only that you can snap like this\u00a0\u00a0\nshow that all cards have found the\u00a0\npair red jacks red Queens Red Kings\u00a0\u00a0\nokay and that's the secret of the trick\u00a0\nthanks for watching see you on our next video\nokay here's the explanation for the charlier\u00a0\nshuffle okay uh for example I'm gonna use\u00a0\u00a0\nsix card one two three four five six six\u00a0\ncard okay when you do the Charlier Shuffle\nokay the order won't change I'll show you\u00a0\nsee the order won't change if you\u00a0\u00a0\nput the ace this in this position\u00a0\nthe order won't change at all okay\nhow to do this which is take\u00a0\none or several top cards\u00a0\u00a0\nand then you take the bottom\u00a0\ncards one or two and put the cards\nokay on top of the top cards and\u00a0\nthen you take the top card again\u00a0\u00a0\nput it under all the cards and put the\u00a0\nrest of the cards on top of the pack\u00a0\u00a0\nokay once again top cards take the bottom card\u00a0\nplace the bottom card on top of the top card\u00a0\u00a0\nand then take the top card place it on bottom of\u00a0\nthe packs and the rest of the card put it on top\u00a0\u00a0\nso now the order won't change okay you can do\u00a0\nthis with full deck it's the same okay like this\nthe order won't change anything\u00a0\nit won't change anything\u00a0\u00a0\nokay that's the Charlier\nShuffle thanks for watching\n": 4, "namaskar\nwelcome to nishamadhulika.com\ntoday we will make prepare the lisore ka achar.\nlisore ka achar is very delicious and you will love it.\nlet's see what are the ingredients we require for making lisore ka achar.\nstalks removed,washed,soaked for 2 minutes and dried lisore - 500 grams\nmustard oil - 1/2 cup\nyellow mustard - 3 tsp\nsaunf (fennel seeds) - 2 tsp\nsalt - 2 tsp\nred pepper - 1tsp\nturmeric powder - 1 tsp\nasafoetida powder - less then 1/4 tsp\ncumin seeds - 1/2 tsp\ncarom seeds - 1/2 tsp\nfenugreek seeds - 1/2tsp\nheat water in a container in the quantity to submerge the lisore.\ntake 3-4 cup water.\nboil the water in a container.\nthe water us boiled now add lisore into it.\nboil the lisore for 4 minutes after the water boils again.\ncover the container with a lid.\ncheck the lisore again.\nlisore have softened a little bit.\nwe have boiled them for 5 minutes in mid flame.\ntake these out from water.\nput these in a sieve.\ndry these lisore and roast the spices in the meantime.\nturn on the gas.\nadd jeera,methi dana,ajwain and saunnf in it.\nroast these till they turn light brown.\nturn off the gas.\nthe spices have cooled down.\ngrind these spices in the mixer now.\nalso add yellow mustard,salt and turmeric in it.\nmake the coarse powder of all the spices.\nwater is dried from these and we will cut them now.\ncut lisore form between and remove the seeds from it.\nmake two pieces of each lisore.\nwe have cut all the lisore and we will mow prepare the pickle from it.\nheat a pan and ad oil in it.\nthe oil is now heated and add lisore in it.\nadd the powdered spices,red pepper and heeng.\nmix all th eingredients nicely.\nmix all these by constantly stirring for two minutes.\nall the remaining moisture will be evaporated since the burner is turned on.\nthe lisore ka achar is now ready.\ntake the pickle out in a bowl.\nthis pickle is now ready but it would not taste good right now.\nit can be eaten after seven days since all the spices will be absorbed in it.\ntill then mix the spices once in a day for seven days to mix all the spices homogenously.\nthis pickle is loved by children.\nserve this pickle with meals and share your experiences with us.\nlet us meet again at nishmadhulika.com\n": 2, "Shine bright like a diamond\nShine bright like a diamond\nFind light in the beautiful sea\nI choose to be happy\nYou and I, you and I\nWe're like diamonds in the sky\nYou're a shooting star I see\nA vision of beauty\nBeauty\nWhen you near me (near me)\nI'm alive\nLike diamonds in the sky\nI knew that we'd become one right away\nOh, right away\n(oh, right away)\nAt first sight I felt the energy of sun rays\nI saw the light inside your eyes\nSo shine bright tonight (tonight)\nYou and I\nWe're beautiful like diamonds in the sky\nEye to eye, so alive\nWe're beautiful like diamonds in the sky\n(Shine bright like a diamond)\n(Shine bright like a diamond)\nShine bright like a diamond\nWe're beatiful like diamonds in the sky\nShine bright like a diamond\nShine bright like a diamond\nShine bright like a diamond\nWe're beautiful like diamonds in the sky\nHey guys! We're the one Voice Children's Choir. Thanks fore watching our new video diamonds.\nWe had a great time filming it\nYou can also find our other great videos on youtube\nMake sure to\nLike - Share - And subscribe\nSo we can shine bright for many more\n": 3, "hello dearest today I want to show you how\u00a0\nyou can derive sine inverse effect solution\u00a0\u00a0\nlet y equal to equal to sine inverse\u00a0\nX multiply both sides by sine we get\u00a0\u00a0\nsine y equal to X the sign cancel the sine inverse\u00a0\nif we differentiate this equation it become\u00a0\u00a0\nd sine y d x is equal to D DX differentiate if\u00a0\nsine y b cosine y d y d x is differentiate of x\u00a0\u00a0\nb 1 then d y over DX is equal to 1 over cosine y\u00a0\nwe already know that cosine Square y equal to sine\u00a0\u00a0\nSquare y equal to 1 then cosine squared y equal to\u00a0\n1 minus sine squared of Y then cosine y equal to 1\u00a0\u00a0\nminus sine squared y now we can substitute\u00a0\nthis one in this equation in equation 1.\u00a0\u00a0\nokay d y d x is equal to 1 over 1 minus sine\u00a0\nSquare y we already know that sine y equal to X\u00a0\u00a0\nso sine Square y equal to x square since\u00a0\nsign here you see sine equal to X sine y\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to X is so sine squared become x square\u00a0\nsubstitute this in this equation d y d x is\nequal to 1 over minus x square so\u00a0\ndydx is equal to 1 over square root\u00a0\u00a0\nof 1 minus x squared we can write this sign\u00a0\ninverse X d x is equal to 1 minus x square\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's all I hope it can\u00a0\nbe helpful have a nice time\n": 1, "Over the edge\nFeel like I'm floating through the air\nThe pain I felt is paid for, all is said and\ndone (oh)\nI am restricted, fixed upon the web\nI need to kick the habit that my mind is breathing\nin\nBreak out, I've got to see (break out, I've\ngot to see)\nSpent all my life holding all of it closely\nI played it innocent, a feel of discontent\nI'm finally facing it all, fearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nBurning the bridge that keeps us\nI'm here and I'm feeling fearless\nExaggerated, that's what you assume\nThe story's over now, I must conclude\nI am conflicted, watching where I step\nStill hanging in the balance, not the life\nI want to live\nI want to take it all, standing tall\nFear outweighed the person you are (oh-ooh)\nBreak out, I've got to see (break out, I've\ngot to see)\nSpent all my life holding all of it closely\nI played it innocent, a feel of discontent\nI'm finally facing it all, fearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nFearless\nI'm on my own, broke and alone\nI feel the rain crashing down\nAll around this empty town\nI'm searching for the lost and found\nBut you don't care, you're unaware\nKeep moving like the scars aren't even there\nIt's in the air, like a blazing flare\nJust stay 'cause the flames will burn us\nThought you were the one for me\nThat's why I gave you everything\nHeld you close by the stormy seas\nOh, you meant the world to me\nI used to kiss your head when you cried for\nme\nHold your hand while the pain was all around\nKeep you warmed by the roaring sea\nOh you meant the world to me\nOh, you meant the world to me\nOh, you meant the world to me\nMy darling dear, you're never here\nWhen I'm in pain you hide and disappear\nLike shadows in the atmosphere\nCharming the stratosphere, yeah!\nI prayed for you, and catch your knee\nAnd host you chase away my fears\nI'm on my own, you made it so\nAnd now I'm chasing nightmares through your\npain\nI used to grown with you to the gravy leaves\nLaugh at you when you laugh at me\nHope for us because I believed\nThe home was just you and me\nI felt you were the one for me\nThat's why I gave you everything\nHeld you close by the stormy seas\nOh you meant the world to me\nOh, you meant the world to me\nOh, you meant the world to me\nOh I'm gonna do this on my own\nNot poison blaming you-you did not know\nOooh\nI felt you were the one for me\nThat's why I gave you everything\nHeld you close by the stormy seas\nOh you meant the world to me\nOh, you meant the world to me\nOh, you meant the world to me\nOh I'm gonna do this on my own\nNot poison blaming you-you did not know\nOooh\nOh I'm gonna do this on my own\nNot point in blaming you, you did not know\nOooh\nI felt you were the one for me\nThat's why I gave you everything\nHeld you close by the stormy seas\nOh you meant the world to me\n": 3, " \n \nSun-jae's older brother, who is said to be in America,\nis hidden in his house.\n \n-He committed a crime. -What?\n-Mother. -Shut up! Do not say anything!\n \n-Mother. -Shut up! Do not say anything!\n \nAbout Mr Ji...\n \nCan we stop talking about it?\n \n \n \nSun-jae's older brother, who is said to be in America,\nis hidden in his house.\n \n-He committed a crime. -What?\n-Mother. -Shut up! Do not say anything!\n \n-Mother. -Shut up! Do not say anything!\n \nAbout Mr Ji...\n \nCan we stop talking about it?\n \n \n \nSun-jae's older brother, who is said to be in America,\nis hidden in his house.\n \n-He committed a crime. -What?\n-Mother. -Shut up! Do not say anything!\n \n-Mother. -Shut up! Do not say anything!\n \nAbout Mr Ji...\n \nCan we stop talking about it?\n \n-You guys had a fight? -No! We are not children.\n-Look at this. -Where?\n \n-Look at this. -Where?\nif you don't care anymore,\nI'll be cold and won't pity you.\n \nI will be cold and will not pity you.\nI won't look back.\nAfter a bit of free time, want to go for a walk?\n \nAfter a bit of free time, want to go for a walk?\nGreat!\nSea!\n \nSea!\nHave you never seen the sea?\n \nsee you in the next video\n-You guys had a fight? -No! We are not children.\n-Look at this. -Where?\n \n-Look at this. -Where?\nif you don't care anymore,\nI'll be cold and won't pity you.\n \nI will be cold and will not pity you.\nI won't look back.\nAfter a bit of free time, want to go for a walk?\n \nAfter a bit of free time, want to go for a walk?\nGreat!\nSea!\n \nSea!\nHave you never seen the sea?\n \nsee you in the next video\n-You guys had a fight? -No! We are not children.\n-Look at this. -Where?\n \n-Look at this. -Where?\nif you don't care anymore,\nI'll be cold and won't pity you.\n \nI will be cold and will not pity you.\nI won't look back.\nAfter a bit of free time, want to go for a walk?\n \nAfter a bit of free time, want to go for a walk?\nGreat!\nSea!\n \nSea!\nHave you never seen the sea?\n \nsee you in the next video\n": 1, "I'm getting the work done but it's slow going\nI'm getting the work done but it's slow going\nI'm getting off at the next stop\nI'm getting off at the next stop\nI'm getting used to managing without a car\nI'm getting used to managing without a car\nI'm getting tired of your silly tricks\nI'm getting tired of your silly tricks\nI'm getting very excited\u00a0\nabout my trip to Australia\nI'm getting very excited\u00a0\nabout my trip to Australia\nI'm getting forgetful in my old age\nI'm getting forgetful in my old age\nI'm getting sick of all these delays\nI'm getting sick of all these delays\nI'm getting sick of you leaving things in a mess\nI'm getting sick of you leaving things in a mess\nI'm getting to the point of the story\nI'm getting to the point of the story\nI'm getting a new assistant next month\nI'm getting a new assistant next month\nI'm getting a bike for my birthday\nI'm getting a bike for my birthday\nI'm getting behind with my work\nI'm getting behind with my work\nI'm getting hungry let's\u00a0\ngo out for something to eat\nI'm getting hungry let's\u00a0\ngo out for something to eat\nI'm getting worried about my mother\nI'm getting worried about my mother\nI'm getting confused about what to do next\nI'm getting confused about what to do next\nI'm getting too old to play squash\nI'm getting too old to play squash\nI'm getting the children fitted out\u00a0\nwith clothes for their new school\nI'm getting the children fitted out\u00a0\nwith clothes for their new school\nI'm getting ready now just give me five minutes\nI'm getting ready now just give me five minutes\nI'm getting married next week\nI'm getting married next week\nI'm getting a cold I've got a\u00a0\nsore throat and a runny nose\nI'm getting a cold I've got a\u00a0\nsore throat and a runny nose\nI'm getting quite worried about him\nI'm getting quite worried about him\nI'm getting better every single day\nI'm getting better every single day\nI'm getting closer to my goal\nI'm getting closer to my goal\nI'm getting ready for bed\nI'm getting ready for bed\nI'm getting out of here\nI'm getting out of here\nI've been ill for the past three weeks\nI've been ill for the past three weeks\nI've been invited to so I'll see you then\nI've been invited to so I'll see you then\nI've been rushing around all day\u00a0\ntrying to get everything done\nI've been rushing around all day\u00a0\ntrying to get everything done\nI've been struggling to understand\u00a0\nthis article all afternoon\nI've been struggling to understand\u00a0\nthis article all afternoon\nI've been working on my assignment all day\nI've been working on my assignment all day\nI've been setting aside some money each week\nI've been setting aside some money each week\nI've been coughing and sneezing all day\nI've been coughing and sneezing all day\nI've been going through a bad patch recently\nI've been going through a bad patch recently\nI've been thinking about you all day\nI've been thinking about you all day\nI've been in partnership with her for five years\nI've been in partnership with her for five years\nI've been distracted since the moment I met you\nI've been distracted since the moment I met you\nI've been going to the gym all week\nI've been going to the gym all week\nI've been thinking about this day for a long time\nI've been thinking about this day for a long time\nI've been afraid to tell everyone\nI've been afraid to tell everyone\nI've been so miserable since Mary left me\nI've been so miserable since Mary left me\nI've been invited to his birthday party\nI've been invited to his birthday party\nI've been on my feet all day\nI've been on my feet all day\nI've been eating too many stodgy desserts\nI've been eating too many stodgy desserts\nI've been asked to draw up the cleaning schedule\nI've been asked to draw up the cleaning schedule\nI've been there more than once\nI've been there more than once\nI've been trying to give up\u00a0\nsmoking for two years now\nI've been trying to give up\u00a0\nsmoking for two years now\nI've been blown away by the whole thing\nI've been blown away by the whole thing\nI've been looking for you all afternoon\nI've been looking for you all afternoon\nI've been trying to call my wife\nI've been trying to call my wife\nI've b": 4, "Hello, and Welcome to our Origami Crane video.\nStart with a square of origami paper, color side up.\nFold along the North-South line.\nUnfold the last fold, and valley fold perpendicular to the last fold.\nUnfold, and mountain fold along the diagonal.\nUnfold, then repeat the last fold along the other diagonal.\nUnfold the paper.\nNow collapse along the crease lines.\nThis is the Origami Square Base.\nFold the lower left and right edges to the centerline.\nFold the top point down as shown.\nUnfold the last three (3) folds.\nFold the top flap upwards along the previous crease lines.\nSquash Fold flat. This is called a Petal Fold.\nFlip the paper over, and repeat the Petal Fold on the backside.\nThis is the Origami Bird Base.\nFold the lower left and right edges of the bird base to the center.\nFlip the piece over, and repeat on the backside.\nValley fold the lower right and left edges of the bird base upwards.\nUnfold the last two (2) folds.\nUse the crease-lines of the last two (2) folds to make inside reverse folds.\nMake another inside reverse fold to form the head of the crane.\nFold the crane's wings downwards.\nHolding the wings, pull gently apart to expand the body.\nPress down gently on the top of the body.\nYour Origami Crane is complete. Enjoy!\n": 4, "Hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses today in\u00a0\nthis video we have to represent minus 2 by\u00a0\u00a0\n3 on a number line in easy way so please watch\u00a0\nthe video till the end so let's start the video\u00a0\u00a0\nnow first of all we have to construct here a\u00a0\nnumber line first so now here I am going to draw a\u00a0\u00a0\nline of any length first and taking Arrow mark on\u00a0\nboth side first okay next taking the number 0 here\u00a0\u00a0\nso taking here 0 now for easy calculation here\u00a0\nI am going to use skill and taking a length\u00a0\u00a0\nby using Compass and the length 3\u00a0\ncentimeter you can take any length\u00a0\u00a0\nbut for easy calculation here I am taking three\u00a0\ncentimeter length by using Compass by this way\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass on the point zero and\u00a0\nfirst cut this side and with same length and\u00a0\u00a0\nputting the compass on the point zero and cut here\u00a0\nand put in the compass here and cut here so by\u00a0\u00a0\nthis way we have to first construct a number line\u00a0\nokay so now this side will be 1 and continuous\u00a0\u00a0\nand this side here minus 1 here minus\u00a0\n2 and here minus 3 and continuous okay\u00a0\u00a0\nnext we have to divide the length between 0 to\u00a0\nminus 1 into 3 equal for approximately because\u00a0\u00a0\nwe cannot divide 1 by 3 but we can divide 1 by\u00a0\n3 approximately Okay so now first I am going to\u00a0\u00a0\ndivide the length between 0 to 1 minus 1 into\u00a0\n3 equal for approximately by using scale so now\nthe length between 0 to minus 1 equals to divided\u00a0\nby 30 equal part because the length between 0 to\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 1 equals to 3 centimeter so this is 30\u00a0\nequal part divided by 30 equal parts so if\u00a0\u00a0\nwe divide it 30 by 3 then the first part will\u00a0\nbe 10 and the second part will be 20. okay so\u00a0\u00a0\nthis one the first one by three so here this is\u00a0\nminus one by three and this one minus 2 by 3.\u00a0\u00a0\nso this one minus 1 by 3 and this one minus\u00a0\n2 by 3 or minus two third on number line\u00a0\u00a0\nso taking here Point here o and here p so\u00a0\ntherefore the length op equals to will be\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is 2 by 3 a unit length since the length\u00a0\nis never negative length always positive so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's all thanks for watching if this video\u00a0\nis helpful to you then please share it with it\n": 2, "You want to tell me what this is all about\u00a0\nAs i walk through the valley\u00a0of the shadow of death\u00a0\nI take a look at my life and\u00a0realize there's nothing left\u00a0\n'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long\nThat even my momma thinks that my mind is gone\nBut I ain't never crossed a\u00a0man that didn't deserve it\nMe be treated like a punk, you know\u00a0that's unheard of\nYou better watch how you talkin' and where you walkin'\nOr you and your homies might be lined in chalk\nI really hate to trip, but I gotta loc\nAs they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke\nFool, I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like\nOn my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the streetlight\nBeen spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nBeen spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nKeep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nKeep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nLook at the situation they got me facin'\nI can't live a normal life, I was raised by the street\nSo I gotta be down with the hood team\nToo much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams\nI'm a educated fool with money on my mind\nGot my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye\nI'm a loc'd out gangsta, set trippin' banger\nAnd my homies is down so don't arouse my anger\nFool, death ain't nothin' but a heart beat away\nI'm livin' life do or die, what can I say?\nI'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24?\nThe way things is goin', I don't know\nTell me why are we so blind to see\nThat the ones we hurt are you and me?\nBeen spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nBeen spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nKeep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nKeep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nPower and the money, money and the power\nMinute after minute, hour after hour\nEverybody's runnin', but half of them ain't lookin'\nIt's goin' on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'\nThey say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me\nIf they can't understand it, how can they reach me?\nI guess they can't, I guess they won't\nI guess they frontin', that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool!\nBeen spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nBeen spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nKeep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nKeep spendin' most our lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise\nTell me why are we so blind to see\nThat the ones we hurt are you and me?\nTell me why are we so blind to see\nThat the ones we hurt are you and me?\n": 2, "Well how he got this way, nobody knows\nHe should have read more books instead of thumbing his nose\nIt's a lot like the king, the Emperor's New Clothes\nOh no, oh no\nHe reminds me of somebody I've seen before\nA scared little boy in the dark on the floor\nI don't think he read 1984\nI've seen it before\nIt's not about me\nIt's all about we\nIt's not about them\nIt's not about us\nIt's all about the Power and the Trust\nAnd he can call out the Army and the National Guard\nBut I really don't think it should be that hard\nCause good ideas are held in high regard\nAnd it's not that hard\nI wonder what he did in his sophomore year\nDid he have any fun? Did he drink any beer?\nDid he make any friends or just live in fear?\nHis sophomore year\nIt's not about me\nIt's all about we\nIt's not about them\nIt's not about us\nIt's all about the Power and the Trust\nThe common man is under his command...\nMaybe his Little League team never won\nMaybe he stared too long at the sun\nHe never read Fahrenheit 451\nRead none. Read none.\nWhat did he like can he remember still?\nDid he listen to music, did it give him a thrill?\nCause he never heard Baez sing \"Joe Hill\"\nRemember still\nIt's not about me\nIt's all about we\nIt's not about them\nIt's not about us\nIt's all about the Power and the Trust\nIt's not about me\nIt's all about we\nIt's not about them\nIt's not about us\nIt's all about the Power and the Trust\n": 3, "(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nYou're pretending to be white, but where is your grandma?\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nDo not use hair procedures or you will become bald.\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nYesterday saw you without hair claw with the hair completely fuss.\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nYou spend all day without a hair claw all over the neighborhood.\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nOh yeah my pretty girl, you're going to get bald.\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nFrom using too much hair procedures you're going to get bald.\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nDon't get any more perms with your colorful fuzzy hair.\n(What a really weird hair you have, a really colorful hair)\nOh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nYes sir let's go to Havana, we're going enjoy there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nYes sir let's go to Havana and then to the tropical.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nHey let's go to Havana, we're going to enjoy there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nFrom using too much hair procedures you're going to get bald.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nHey let's go to Havana, we're going to enjoy there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nYes sir let's go to Havana and then to the tropical.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nHey let's go to Havana, I'm going to enjoy it there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nYes sir let's go to Havana, we're going to enjoy there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nLet's go there and let's go dancing and then to the tropical.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nHey let's go to Havana, we're going to enjoy there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nYes sir let's go to Havana and then let's go enjoy there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nFrom using too much hair procedures you're going to get bald.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nTo enjoy there in Havana and then to the tropical.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nHey let's go to Havana, we're going to party there.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nHey look me, I'm morocho, so let's go to party.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nI'm morocho, I'm morocho and I'm going to the tropical.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\n[Indigenous language]\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana\n[Indigenous language]\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\nToday H for my boy and H for me also.\n(Oh yeah Havana, Oh yeah Havana)\n": 1, "do\nso\nit was the rattle of an antique telescope\nlooked around a soothing breeze\nlike a canopy of lights suspended above the larger\nwas the rattle of an antique telescope that\u00a0\u00a0\ncaught our attention on that\u00a0\nquiet autumn night was always\nsuspended is\nso\nthe highest\nlet's play\nso\nforeign\ndo\nforeign\nso\nso\nso\u00a0\u00a0\nso\nso\nso\nwhen i think of psychedelic i think\u00a0\nof sort of the loosening of the rules\u00a0\u00a0\nit's sort of like an expansion of the\u00a0\nconsciousness you don't necessarily\u00a0\u00a0\nhave to worry about what's supposed to be\u00a0\nit's more about what you feel in the moment\nso\nso\nfield\npsychedelic\npsychedelic\npsychedelic\npsychedelic\npsychedelic\npsychedelic\nwhen i think of psychedelic i think\u00a0\nof sort of a loosening of the rules\u00a0\u00a0\nit's sort of like an expansion of the\u00a0\nconsciousness you don't necessarily\u00a0\u00a0\nhave to worry about what's supposed to be\u00a0\nit's more about what you feel in the moment\nso\nthat's\nlike\noh\nis\nso\nso\nokay\nso\nme\u00a0\u00a0\nso\nso\nokay\nso so\nso\nso\nso\nso\nwoof\nhmm\ni'm\nand there's got to be something\nis\nso\nhey\nhey\nso\nhey\nso\nso\nis\nthank you\nis\nthank you\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nyou\ntwo two three\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nmore\nnow\nso\nso\noh\noh\ntheories explaining what occurs during\u00a0\nhypnosis fall into two groups altered\u00a0\u00a0\ntheory see hypnosis has an altered state of\u00a0\nmind or trance marked by a level of awareness\nconsciousness\nme\non stage\u00a0\u00a0\nseries explaining what occurs during hypnosis\u00a0\nfall into two groups of altered stink theories\u00a0\u00a0\nhypnosis as an altered state of mind\nare we dreaming are we dreamy\nso\nso\nso\nso\u00a0\u00a0\nso\num is is\nsee\noh\nforeign\none\nlet's see\nso\nso\nhello\neasy\nso\nhello\nso\nso\nmy\nso\ndo\nso\ndo\ndo\nso\nokay\nthis acid\nso\ni\num\n8 8 8\nso\nmolecular injection machine\ni\nso\u00a0\u00a0\nme\nhey\nso\u00a0\u00a0\nmy rhymes\u00a0\u00a0\nso\nright\nso\nhello\nso\nso\nme me\nso\nso\ndo\nme\ndo\ndo\nmidnight\nso\nso\nmidnight\nmidnight\nso\nso\nso\num dark places\nso\ni stay awake until the first glimmer of sun\u00a0\nhits the horizon i am afraid of the dark no\u00a0\u00a0\none to talk to only my own thoughts to\u00a0\nlive with my mind going to dark places\nso\nso\nso\nfollow me\nso\nproblem\nlife\nlife\nlife\u00a0\u00a0\nlife\nlife\nlife\nlife\nlife life life life\nlife\nlife\nlife\nlife\nlike\nlife life life life\nlife life\nlife\nlife\nmy\u00a0\u00a0\ni'll take you higher\nhmm\nokay\ni'll take you\ni'll take you\num\nwow\ni'll take you higher\nillusion\nso\nillusion\nillusion\nso\nuh\noh\nso\u00a0\u00a0\noh\nso\nso\nthank you\nso\nso\nso\nrelax\nokay\nforeign\nthank you\nbaby\nrelaxed\nwelcome\noh\ncome to the eclipse\nnext\nit\ncome to the eclipse\nso\nregeneration\nso\nso\nso\ndriving me\nthis this this is acid\nso\num\ni don't care what people say\u00a0\ndriving beating techno music\nmusic\ntechno music\nthis is\ni think that the spiritual trip\u00a0\nat this moment is not necessarily\nhello\nwe\nso\nnow\nor die\num\u00a0\u00a0\nme\nin the year 2020 a virus struck our planet an\u00a0\nelite group of rapers escaped from extinction\u00a0\u00a0\nby going underground these survivors are\u00a0\nstill fighting to save the rave scene\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is ground zero dance or die dance\ndance or die\nso\nchase\nthank you\ntime\nso\nbye\nmy\nso\nbye\nno\noh\nno no no\nso\nso\nyou\u00a0\u00a0\nso\num\nright now\nuh so\nright now\nright now\nthis is right now\nright now\nso\noh\noh\ncome on\nah\nso\ncome on\nso\ndance\nmy\nso\ndance it off\u00a0\u00a0\ndancing\nokay\ndance on lsd dance on xc\noh\ndance\nokay\ndance it up\nso\nso\nso\nyou\n": 1, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can wit your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old \ntown road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah that old town road\nEverybody needs a horse for that old town\nroad where they strode\nYeah that was supposed to be funny.\nJust ended up awkward.\nI should end this video.\n": 1, "Emily | Hi, my name is Emily\nEmily | I'm a YouTuber\nEmily | And I just want to say thank you so much Docfinderkorea\nEmily | For helping me out with the surgery\nEmily | You guys have been absolutely amazing\nEmily | And I will miss you so much\nEmily | I've always been a bit self-conscious about my nose\nEmily | I just feel like, I don't know\nEmily | I like something that's slimmer, smaller\nEmily | Asymmetry in my jaw\nEmily | There's also asymmetry in my eyelids\nEmily | And I think if I get started on fixing those early\nEmily | That it would be a lot easier for me\nDo you think she needs to get anything done?\nJason | Well, at the beginning I didn't take it all too well\nJason | You're beautiful now or anyway you are\nJason | If this makes you happy, then it's okay\nEmily | See you guys tomorrow\nEmily | So excited!\nEugenia | Hello everybody, my name is Eugenia\nEugenia | I am the manager from Docfinderkorea\nEugenia | And today we came to Noblesse hotel\nEugenia | To pick up our blogger Emily\nEugenia | And we are here waiting for her\nEmily | I'm going for my consultation\nEmily | I'm a bit nervous\nEmily | So today we came to the clinic\nEmily | For initial consultations for the facial contouring surgery\nEmily | And then I've got my Xrays done, I've got my blood taken\nEmily | So far I'm liking it\nEmily | Everyone's really nice, really professional\nEmily | I love the doctor\nEmily | I feel like he knows in general how to make someone look good\nEmily | You know what I mean?\nEmily | Hi\nSurgery day, right?\nEmily | Yeah, big day\nDr Park | You may have some lung problem (after general anesthesia)\nDr Park | That can cause some fevers\nDr Park | Okay?\nDr Park | So take a deep breath\nDr Park | Cough out the spittle, okay?\nEmily, how was the first night?\nEmily | It was okay\nEmily | Not too bad\nAnd how are you feeling now?\nEmily | Also okay, just sleepy\nEmily | So it's day-5 post-surgery\nEmily | I have been bugging Docfinderkorea non-stop\nEmily | With all my questions about what to eat/what not to eat\nEmily | Whether I should be bleeding or not\nEmily | They've been really helpful, by the way, thank you so much\nEmily | So we are going to do suture removal\nEmily | And we're gonna do facial treatment today\nEmily | So I can't wait\nClose your eyes\nEugenia | So Emily, today is day-12\nEugenia | And this is stitches removal day\nEugenia | How do you feel?\nEmily | Excited\nEugenia | Excited?\nEmily | Yeah\nEugenia | And nervous?\nEmily | No, I'm okay\nEmily | Because I trust you\nEugenia | Okay, it won't be painful, I promise you\nDr Park | We skipped the genioplasty\nDr Park | We did only the jaw reduction surgery\nActually, your jaw status right now is very well, very good\nDr Park | Very rapidly recovering\nDr Park | For post operative status of this thing, okay?\nEugenia | Tell us please, what do you think about whole this trip\nEugenia | To Korea\nEmily | It has been long but it has also been really good\nEmily | I feel like you are almost like my family now\nEmily | I see you every single day\nEmily | And it's gonna be so weird\nEmily | When I don't see you everyday anymore\nEmily | I'm gonna miss you so much\nEmily | I'm so happy that you're coming to visit us\nEmily | That's gonna be really fun\nEmily | And everything else has been so fun so far\nEmily | I'm gonna miss you guys, I'm really gonna miss you\nEugenia | Thank you, we will miss you too\nEmily | Thank you so much Docfinderkorea!\n": 3, "Birth Name: Jacob Paul Tapper\nPlace of Birth: New York City\nBirth Name: Jacob Paul Tapper\nPlace of Birth: New York City\nDate of Birth: March 12, 1969\nDate of Birth: March 12, 1969\nFather: Ashkenazi Jewish \nMother: converted to Judaism\nFather: Ashkenazi Jewish \nMother: converted to Judaism\nFather: Ashkenazi Jewish \nMother: Converted to Judaism\nOf the 7 countries that were on the side of the United States ...\nOf the 7 countries that were on the side of the United States ...\nOf the 7 countries that were on the side of the United States ...\nMicronesia population: 100,000\nMicronesia population: 100,000\nMicronesia population: 100,000\nMarshall Islands population: 50,000\nMarshall Islands population: 50,000\nMarshall Islands population: 50,000\nNauru population: 10,000\nNauru population: 10,000\nNauru population: 10,000\nPalau population: 20,000\nPalau population: 20,000\nTapper is using his job to attack those who do not support his Israel\nTapper is using his job to attack those who do not support his Israel\nTapper is using his job to attack those who do not support his Israel\nTapper is using his job to attack those who do not support his Israel\nTapper is using his job to attack those who do not support his Israel\nTapper's statements make no sense!\nTapper's statements make no sense!\nTapper has picked Venezuela, Syria, Yemen out of the 128 countries to attack\nTapper has picked Venezuela, Syria, Yemen out of the 128 countries to attack\nTapper has picked Venezuela, Syria, Yemen out of the 128 countries to attack\nThose are countries that do not support Tapper's Israel\nThose are countries that do not support Tapper's Israel\nThose are countries that do not support Tapper's Israel\nTapper has spared Saudi Arabia from criticism because Saudi is now friendly towards Tapper's Israel\nTapper has spared Saudi Arabia from criticism because Saudi is now friendly towards Tapper's Israel\nTapper has spared Saudi Arabia from criticism because Saudi is now friendly towards Tapper's Israel\nTapper has spared Saudi Arabia from criticism because Saudi is now friendly towards Tapper's Israel\nAri Shavit - Haaretz - March 4, 2003\nThe plan to go to war against Iraq was disseminated by 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish.\nAri Shavit - Haaretz - March 4, 2003\nThe plan to go to war against Iraq was disseminated by 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish.\nAri Shavit - Haaretz - March 4, 2003\nThe plan to go to war against Iraq was disseminated by 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish.\nWhere does Tapper get the chutzpah to blame the countries that were destroyed for the benefit of Israel?\nWhere does Tapper get the chutzpah to blame the countries that were destroyed for the benefit of Israel?\nWhere does Tapper get the chutzpah to blame the countries that were destroyed for the benefit of Israel?\nAccording to the peddler of propaganda, countries facing strife must side with the US?\nAccording to the peddler of propaganda, countries facing strife must side with the US?\nIt is a sure bet that Tapper would have had no problem with Yemen had it voted in his favor!\nIt is a sure bet that Tapper would have had no problem with Yemen had it voted in his favor!\nIt is a sure bet that Tapper would have had no problem with Yemen had it voted in his favor!\nThe war in Yemen is not a civil war but war imposed on the Yemeni people by a belligerent Saudi Arabia\nThe war in Yemen is not a civil war but war imposed on the Yemeni people by a belligerent Saudi Arabia\nThe war in Yemen is not a civil war but war imposed on the Yemeni people by a belligerent Saudi Arabia\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nThis Zionist somehow believes that countries at war should not vote at the UN?\nThis Zionist somehow believes that countries at war should not vote at the UN?\nThis Zionist somehow believes that countries at war should not vote at the UN?\nIt pays to be a network reporter, does it not? He can spew all the propaganda he desires\nIt pays to be a network reporter, does it not? He can spew all the propaganda he desires\nIt pays to be a network reporter, does it not? He can spew all the propaganda h": 2, "grilled chicken eggs.\nfried crispy shrimp.\nraw crab salad.\ngrilled frogs.\ngrilled crab fat.\nraw crab salad.\ndeep fried chicken.\nfried bird's nest cake.\ngrilled chicken organs.\nCambodian sweet cakes.\ndeep fried crispy shrimp.\nfried banana and potatoes.\ngrilled fish paste.\ngrilled frogs.\nhello everyone.\nwelcome to Jenny Daily Life.\nboiled snail and grilled chicken eggs.\n12 of grilled chicken eggs is for 10000 riel=$2.50.\n12 of grilled chicken eggs is for 10000 riel=$2.50.\ndeep fried chicken 1 is started from 20000 riel=$5 to to 40000 riel=$10.\nfried and grilled field crabs.\nCambodian sweet cakes.\ngrilled frogs.\nCambodian sweet cakes.\ngrilled frogs.\nrice 1 box is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\nCambodian sweet cakes.\nCambodian sweet cakes.\ngrilled chicken eggs and chicken organs.\nfried crickets, pineapple, palm juice, palm sugar, and palm seeds.\nthese are palm seeds.\ngrilled chicken organs 1 stick is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\ngrilled chicken eggs.\nmany kinds of Cambodian sweet cakes.\ngrilled chicken eggs.\nThis is one of Cambodian popular resort which people like to visit on weekend or holiday.\nhope you guys enjoy watching :).\nfried field crabs, grilled crab fat, steamed snails, grilled meat, fishes\nfresh and grilled honeycombs.\nguava.\ngrilled chicken, and grilled frogs.\ngrilled fishes.\ngrilled frogs.\ngrilled fishes and frogs.\ngrilled chicken and deep fried chicken.\nsmall deep fried chicken is for 12000 riel=$3.\ngrilled chicken 1 stick is for 15000 riel=$3.75.\nshe sells grilled chicken, quail, chicken organs, and chicken eggs.\ngrilled chicken 1 stick is for 7000 riel=$1.75. if you buy 3 stick only 20000 riel=$5.00.\ngrilled quail 1 is for 3500 riel=$0.875. if you buy 3 only 10000 riel=$2.50.\nfried crispy shrimp 1 piece is for 3500 riel=$0.875. if you buy 3 pieces is for 10000 riel=42.50.\ngrilled chicken knees 1 stick is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\ngrilled chicken.\nwe eat with salt and pepper sauce.\n": 2, "Replacing the battery in your Running Dynamics Pod.\nYour Running Dynamics Pod is powered by a CR1632 battery that can be purchased at\nmost hardware and electronic stores or through an online retailer.\nTo begin, first remove the pod from the flexible silicone clip by stretching\nthe material around the pod.\nOn the back of the pod, there is a battery cover with \u201cLocked\u201d and \u201cUnlocked\u201d symbols.\nTwist the battery cover counter-clockwise until the indicator dot aligns with the \u201cUnlocked\u201d symbol.\nThe battery cover can now be pulled off.\nHere\u2019s a tip; if the battery is lodged you can use a piece of tape or a magnet to remove\nthe battery from the cover.\nWait 30 seconds with the battery out.\nInsert the new battery into the cover.\nThe positive side of the battery should be face down.\nThe positive sign on the battery will not be visible when the battery is correctly installed.\nReplace the cover, aligning the \u201cUnlocked\u201d symbol with the indicator dot.\nPress down and rotate the cover clockwise to lock it.\nThe indicator dot should now be aligned with the \u201cLocked\u201d symbol.\nBe sure not to pinch the yellow O-ring gasket during this process.\nThe gasket should not be visible when the cover is locked.\nFinally, insert the pod into the silicone clip.\nMake sure that the running man icon on the pod is aligned with the running man icon inside of the clip.\nThe running man icon must be right side up when the Running Dynamics Pod is worn.\nThe Running Dynamics Pod is now ready to use. So head outside and enjoy your run.\n": 4, "Good death, beautiful death\nOi dai death beautiful death\nDeath holds my hand\nOi dai holds my hand\nThe reaper my other leg\nOi dai my other leg\nYou stamped then your foot as a harlot\nOi dai then as a harlot\nYou pronounced begging to be your raft\nOi dai begging to be your raft\nWhere you used to live\nOi dai used to live\nGive the land on the land\u2019s permission\nOi dai land on the land\u2019s permission\nEverything by the manor\u2019s permission\nOi dai the manor\u2019s permission\nOn the headland of a holy field\nOi dai headland of a field\nTravels to death\u2019s land\nOi dai to death\u2019s land\nTo the graveyard or passing it by\nOi dai yeah or passing it by\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFry for a moment in the sun\nSweat another in the dimness\nPut to sleep the cold crowd\nDisappear you heathen people\nThe water is taken to death\u2019s land\nCarving brass and pewter\nThree times by the alder\nThree times on death\u2019s board\nWith pain under pain\nOi dai pain under pain\nSlaughter under slaughter\nOi dai slaughters slaughter\nCarried under the moorland\nOi dai carried under the moorland\nTo the border beyond the border\nOi dai border beyond the border\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, folk on the borderland\nFull-blooded death woken by the light\nOn the brink of death, on the borderland\nThank you! We're Suistamon S\u00e4hk\u00f6 from Finland.\nIt's such a pleasure to be part of Tiny Desk.\nOur next song is a single from our first album, 'Kotiin' (Homeward)\nWe go home.\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nFaced with the dark night\nChilly water on the shore\nDesire across the land\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nI\u2019ll take a golden beater\nWith it I\u2019ll stomp the devils\nI\u2019ll crumble the black-breasted\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nNot from human skin\nThe corpse mother brought\nWon\u2019t you become distraught when shocked\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nOnly in front of manslaughter\nOther murder-men were there, too\nOffenders forever\nSupporting the peat\nGround covered by death\nUseless blood comes, madman runs like a river\nthis river doesn\u2019t run, this water doesn\u2019t revolve\nLives like the fence lives\nStand like the wall stands, like a rock stands in the sea\nA sword on a black stone, blood is better inside you\nthan bleeding on the ground\nblood is better inside you\nthan bleeding on the ground\nUseless blood comes, madman runs like a river\nthis river doesn\u2019t run, this water doesn\u2019t revolve\nLives like the fence lives\nStand like the wall stands, like a rock stands in the sea\nA sword on a black stone, blood is better inside you\nthan bleeding on the ground\nblood is better inside you\nthan bleeding on the ground\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nFaced with the dark night\nChilly water on the shore\nDesire across the land\nI\u2019ll take a golden beater\nWith it I\u2019ll stomp the devils\nI\u2019ll crumble the black-breasted\nNot from human skin\nThe corpse mother brought\nWon\u2019t you become distraught when shocked\nOnly in front of manslaughter\nOther murder-men were there, too\nOffenders forever\nSupporting the peat\nGround covered by death\nOffenders forever\nSupporting the peat\nGround covered by death\nUseless blood comes, madman runs like a river\nthis river doesn\u2019t run, this water doesn\u2019t revolve\nLives like the fence lives\nStand like the wall stands, like a rock stands in the sea\nA sword on a black stone, blood is better inside you\nthan bleeding on the ground\nblood is better inside you\nthan bleeding on the ground\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t come home\nWho calls me home, I won\u2019t co": 3, "comfortable Pump It Up let's see\nremember they\nbut I have\nbut I have a\nbut I haven't\nbut I haven't been\nbut I haven't been out\nbut I haven't mailed\nbut I haven't been able to\nbut I haven't been able to fight\nbut I\nbut I haven't\nbut I haven't been able to\nbut I haven't been able to find\nbut I haven't been able to find\nany\nbut I haven't been able to find\nany reason\nbut I haven't been able to find\nany reason to\ngive me one second sight of it\nalready very curious\ngive me one second sight of it\nalready very curious\ntext\nextra\nextra X\nextra extra\nextra\nextra extra\nextra extra Grand right out the\ngate\nextra extra Grand right out the\ngate and\nextra extra Grand right out the\ngate and no\nalright alright alright alright\nmy\nalright alright alright alright\nmight\nalright alright alright alright\nmighty\nalright alright alright alright\nMai Tiki\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty Quinn\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty Quinn's\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty Quinn\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty Quinn's\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty Craft\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty Crypt\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty crypto\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty\nalright alright alright alright\nMighty crypto\nnot quite right nope no it\nnot quite right nope nobody\nnot quite right nope no it is\nnot quite right nope no it it\nnot quite right nope no it is\nnope you know what it is I see\ncan you\nnope you know what it is I see\nyou're\nnope you know what it is I see\nyou're a\nnope you know what it is I see\nyou're at\nnope you know what it is I see\nyou're ready\nnope you know what it is I see\nyou're\nnope you know what it is I see\nyou ready\nall right\nLisa\nlisten\nyou think\nwho sings\nwho sings I\nthese things out of\nthese things out of the\nthese things out of the way\nthese things out of\nthese things out of the\nthese things out of the way\nthese things out of the way stop\nthese things out of the way stop\nblack\nthese things out of the way stop\nthese things out of the way stop\nblocking that light\nso\nso I\nso well\nso welcome\nso\nso welcome\nso welcome welcome\nso welcome welcome welcome\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis a\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis it in\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis it now\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis it known\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis it normal\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis it\ngive me one second sight of it\nalready very curious\nwhat does the old road map is\nsmol oh snap\nso welcome welcome welcome what\nis it normally\nwe have something that has been\nalways it has been\nwe have something that has been\nalways my husband\nwe have something that has been\nalways my husband on\nwe have something that has been\nalways my husband\nsomething that has been always\nit has been ongoing in\nwe have now a post here I need\nto save save this\nI need to save save this to do\nI need to save save this to do\ntire\nsave this to do pull\nsave this to do pull the\nsave this to do pull up\nsave this to do pull this\nsave this to do call Alyssa\nsave this to do pull us up\nsave this to do pull us up at\nsave this to do pull us up on\nsave this to do pull this up on\nthe\nsave this to do pull us up on\nthis\nsave this to do pull\nsave this to do pull this up on\nthe\nsave this to do pull this up on\nthe screen\nsave this to do pull this up on\nthe screen here\nwhat does the old road map is\nsmol oh snap and it is\nall right\nall right fresh\nall right first\nall right frisk\nall right Frisco\nall right fresh kabob\nall right first couple\nall right fresh kabob\nall right first couple was\nall right fresh cup of water\nall right first couple Waters\nwith\nall right first couple Waters\nwith a\nall right fresh cup of water is\nlooking\nall right fresh cup of water is\nlooking good\nall right fresh cup of water is\nlooking\nall right fresh cup of water is\nlooking good\nall right fresh cup of water is\nlooking good looking\nfresh couple Waters looking good\nlooking great sissy\nfresh couple Waters looking good\nlooking great sissy\nfresh couple Waters looking good\nlooking great so so\nso\nso where\nso": 1, "It's an attack of the deceased.\nThey've been facing poison gas.\n7,000 charge en masse.\nTurn the tide of the attack.\nAnd force the enemy to turn back.\nAnd that's when the dead men are marching again.\nOsowiec then and again.\nAttack of the dead, hundred men.\nFacing the lead once again.\nHundred men,\ncharge again, die again.\nOsowiec then and again.\nAttack of the dead, hundred men.\nFacing the lead once again.\nHundred men,\ncharge again, die again.\nTwo combatants spar.\nHindenburg against the Tsar.\nMove in 12 battalions large\ninto a Russian counter-charge.\nThey'll be fighting for their lives.\nAs their enemy revives.\nRussians won't surrender, no!\nStriking fear into their foe.\nAnd that's when the dead men are marching again.\nOsowiec then and again.\nAttack of the dead, hundred men.\nFacing the lead once again.\nHundred men,\ncharge again, die again.\nOsowiec then and again.\nAttack of the dead, hundred men.\nFacing the lead once again.\nHundred men,\ncharge again, die again.\nAnd that's when the dead men are marching again.\nOsowiec then and again.\nAttack of the dead, hundred men.\nFacing the lead once again.\nHundred men,\ncharge again, die again.\nOsowiec then and again.\nAttack of the dead, hundred men.\nFacing the lead once again.\nHundred men,\ncharge again, die again.\n(Osowiec then and again.)\n(Attack of the dead, hundred men.)\n(Facing the lead once again.)\nAnd that's when the dead men are marching again.\n(Hundred men,\ncharge again, die again.)\n(Osowiec then and again.)\n(Attack of the dead, hundred men.)\nAnd that's when the dead men are marching again.\n(Facing the lead once again.)\n(Hundred men,\ncharge again, die again.)\n": 3, "Together We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\n \n \nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\n \n \n \nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\n \nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\n \nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\nTogether We Learn\n": 0, "I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind\nThere was something so pleasant about that place\nEven your emotions had an echo and so much space\nWhen you're out there without care, man you're sure out of touch\nand it wasn't because I didn't know enough\nI just knew too much\nDoes that make me crazy?\nDoes that make me crazy?\nDoes that make me crazy?\nProbably\nI hope that you are having the time of your life\nJust think twice\nHere's my only advice\nWho do you, Who do you, Who do you, Who do you,\nWho do you think you are?\nHa, ha, ha \u2013 bless your soul!\nDo you really think that you're in control?\nDoes that make me crazy?\nDoes that make me crazy?\nDoes that make me crazy? Possibly\nMy heroes had the heart to live their lives out on the limb\nDo you remember thinkin' I wanna be like them\nEver since I was little, It looked like fun\nAnd it's no coincidence I've come\nBut I can, I can die when I'm done\nDoes that make me crazy?\nDoes that make me crazy?\nDoes that make crazy? Possibly\nI think you're crazy (X6)\nJust like me\n": 2, "I don't know the people I'll meet\nor what they're gonna see inside me\nand progress ain't a pendulum swing\nInstead I'd rather grow like a tree....\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time I gotta make a decision before I lose my mind\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time I gotta make a decision before I lose my mind\nComing from the streets why can't I gracefully accept defeat\nI have to understand I'm not gon always be the man with the upper hand\nuntil a Bigger dude says will you come again and then my pride goes stumblin\nthere I go tryin to follow the old, even though I know I'm just gonna end in a hole\nmy body cold without a soul and no where I can go\nthat's what they teach in these streets just a river that flows\nI'm givin em a dam building up the hope that they stole\nbut everybody wanna buy a pair of kicks from the store\nsome new Jay's new Yay's \nthat's how they control the soles of your feet\nbut they should be laced up with the Gospel of peace\nI'm a mouthpiece for the youth and for the deceased \ntryin to leave a good impression on my nephew and niece\nbut everything takes time\neverything takes time\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time I gotta make a decision before I lose my mind\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time that's what they say huh\nEverything takes time I gotta make a decision before I lose my mind\nPatience is a virtue but these shadows don't have a curfew\nencourage you to make a decision and then they curse you\nit's hurtful, tryin to keep up with who's in my circle\nI didn't know making a choice was controversial\nIt's my life, I know all of y'all seem like you have it right\nbut I can clearly see the seems busting in my sight\nand now I've lit the fire so it's time to fight....\nbut I'd rather take a flight over the coast \nraising a toast up to my folks, pops leaning in the back\nslowly drinking a coke\nthis is a make or break the futures at stake\nand if you make a mistake say goodbye to the cake\ncause no one will invest in a person that's fake\nall of these snakes wantin the gas, pumping the brake\nbut then again how long did it take\nhow long did they wait\njust for me to escape\nEverything takes time\n": 2, "Like E.T.\nSelling out arena's just to see me\nwrist so icey like fiji\nyall already know it's the AP\n6 Figures i was only 4\n6 Figures i was only 4\nSo much money i cant see the floor\nI don't even open my own door\nI was iced out when i was 4\nblew it all then i got some more\nblew it, blew it all and i got some more\ngot a speeding ticket i don't go to court\nShe was really lame she made me bored\nso i had to kick her out the door\ni always eat at NoBU\nshe asked if she could come i said no boo\nshe just said hachoo\ni aint even say bless you\n6 figures i was only 4\n6 figures i was only 4\nwas on top the bike like E.T\nsellin' out arenas just to see me\nshe said life's not fair\ni set my face in Times Square\nShe said where\ni said right there. I told her she can look but not stare\noopsies i just crashed a boat\nSo many chains i might choke\nI'm not even old enough to vote\nmaking history you should take a note\nask for a friend you got a quote\nmy girlfriend wanted to elope\nmy grandma said no\nthank god my grandpa is the pope\non top the bike like E.T\nsellin' out arenas just to see me\nwrist so icey like fiji\nyall all ready know its the AP\n6 figures i was only 4\n6 figures i was only 4\nso much money i can't see the floor\ni don't open even my own door\ni was iced out when i was 4\nblew it all then i got some more\nblew it, blew it all then i got some more\nyall ready yall ready\nyall yall ready\n6 figures i was only 4\nyall already know its the AP\n6 figures i was only 4\n": 1, "in this video we have given that a 3-digit number\u00a0\u00a0\nin base 7 is also a 3-digit number when written\u00a0\nin base 6 but each digit has increased by 1,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat is the largest value which this number\u00a0\ncan have when written in base 10, so the number\nit is 3-digit number in base 7, so suppose\u00a0\nit is abc in base 7 and it is also equal to\u00a0\u00a0\n3-digit number when written in base 6 but each\u00a0\ndigit has increased by 1, so it will be (a plus 1)\n(b plus 1) (c plus 1) in base 6\nand any number suppose 509 it is in base 10\nthen 5 should be less than equal to 9, 0 should\u00a0\nbe less than equal to 9 and 9 should be less\u00a0\u00a0\nthan equal to 9, each digit should be less\u00a0\nthan equal to 9 and greater than equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\nand here abc is in base 7 so a, b, c\u00a0\nthey should be less than equal to 6\u00a0\u00a0\nand (a plus 1)(b plus 1)(c plus 1) is in\u00a0\nbase 6 so (a plus 1), (b plus 1), (c plus 1)\nthey should be less than equal to 5 that means\u00a0\na, b and c should be less than equal to 4\nand 509 in base 10 it can be written as\u00a0\n10 square times 5 plus 10 times 0 plus 9\nso\nabc in base 7 will be 7 square times a plus 7\u00a0\ntimes b plus c that is equal to (a plus 1) (b plus\u00a0\u00a0\n1) (c plus 1) in base 6 will be 6 square times (a\u00a0\nplus 1) plus 6 times (b plus 1) plus (c plus 1)\nand it is 49a plus 7b plus c is equal to 6 square\u00a0\nis 36a plus 36 plus 6b plus 6 plus c plus 1\nand c will get cancelled\nand\nit is 49a plus 7b is equal to\u00a0\n36a plus 6b and 36 plus 6 plus 1\nwill be 43 and 49a minus 36a win be 13a and\u00a0\n7b minus 6b will be plus b that is equal to 43\nand\na, b, c they are less than equal to 4\nso a can be 0, a can be 1, a can\u00a0\nbe 2, a can be 3 and a can be 4\u00a0\u00a0\nand if a is 0 then b will be 43 that is greater\u00a0\nthan 4, if a is 1 then b will be greater than 4,\u00a0\u00a0\nif a is 2 then again b will be greater than 4,\u00a0\u00a0\nif a is 3 then 13a will be 39 plus 4 is 43 so b\u00a0\nwill be 4, and if a is 4 then b will be negative\u00a0\u00a0\nand b cannot be greater than 4 and b\u00a0\ncannot be negative so a is 3 and b is 4\na is equal to 3 and b is equal to 4 and the\u00a0\nequation is independent of c so c can be any value\nbut c should be less than\u00a0\nequal to 4 so for largest value\nc should be equal to 4\nand given number\nit is equal to abc in base 7\na is 3, b is 4 and c is 4 in base 7 and\u00a0\nit is 7 square times 3 plus 7 times 4\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 4 and it is 49 times 3 plus 28 plus 4\u00a0\nand 49 times 3 will be 147 plus 28 plus 4\nand it will be 179\nso it is 179.\n": 3, "Computer science has disrupted entire industries.\nIt's changed the way we think,\nit's changed the way we communicate,\nit's changed the way we work\nand it has the opportunity to change the way we teach students.\nAnd having even a little bit of\ngrounding in computer science can help\nyou think about the world differently.\nAnd getting past that initial fear of\nwhat computer science is, is what's going\nto change the whole field of computer science.\nComputer Science Discoveries is\na year-long computer science course that\ncovers hardware and how computers work.\nIt covers some web development;\nhow do websites get made, how do they get published.\nYou get to do some programming with video games.\nWe talk about socially impactful areas of computer science.\nWell it's fun because a lot of time you get to collaborate with other people.\nAnd you also get to get some insight on other people's ideas.\nYou can do a lot of creativity stuff\nso if you're a creative person you might like it too.\nAnd it always helps you with your life\nno matter what you're doing\ncomputer science is always there.\nIt's about the meaning of the work\nlike changes that you actually want to see in the world\nor fun that you want to have,\nor beauty that you want to experience.\nThrough the act of making something simple\nyou're learning all these lessons that you're going to be able to use to make really anything that you want.\nThere are a lot of challenges along the way\nbut it's pretty satisfying in the end where you get to\njust stand back and look at what you've done.\nAnd choosing to be a part of this is a BIG DEAL!\nIt really helps. It's just like a skill to have.\nInstead of saying \"I don't know how to do it.\"\nYou can say \"I do know how to do it.\"\nSubtitles by the Amara.org community\n": 4, "Install the water supply.\nCheck your urinal datasheet to mark the position of the fixing points.\nDrill the holes.\nInstall the plugs.\nInstall the mounting brackets.\nMark the fixing point of the sensor.\nDrill the hole.\nInstall the plug.\nInstall the angle valve.\nRun water for 45 seconds to clean the pipes.\nScrew the connection nut on the angle valve.\nScrew the valve on the connection nut.\nPay attention to the flow direction.\nInstall the IPEE Vortex in the water outlet.\nFixate the IPEE Vortex with a screw to the wall.\nConnect the valve to the IPEE Vortex.\nAttach the battery to the IPEE Vortex using the magnet.\nConnect the battery to the IPEE Vortex.\nMount the reed contact in the urinal.\nMark it with the sticker.\nConnect the reed contact to the IPEE Vortex.\nConnect the hose to the valve.\nConnect the hose to the urinal \nusing the supplied cuff and metal bend.\nFor urinals that aren't fully compatible,\ncut away some space in the wall.\nOpen the water supply.\nInstall the urinal.\nFixate using provided plugs and screws.\nCalibration: wait 15 minutes...\n...or initiate the calibration using the Magnetic Key.\nA chirping sound indicates that the sensor is calibrating. Some flushes will occur.\nA melody plays when the urinal is properly calibrated.\nThe urinal is now ready for use.\n": 4, "What counts as strong evidence?\nFor Bayes factors, quite a few people have tried to answer that and you can see that they all came up with slightly different answers.\nThat's all very well. But for the average user, it's not clear which of these scales is the best one.\nWhich is the most appropriate or the most objective? Let's look at Bayes' theorem again.\nHow the prior odds are multiplied by the Bayes factor to get the posterior odds.\nIf we take logs, then the evidence in the Bayes factor is additive on the log odds scale.\nNow we can relate the log odds to the probability using the logistic function.\nRecall that probability represents belief or plausibility.\nAs the evidence is additive on the log odds, then the slope of the logistic function gives us the effect of evidence on belief.\nThe black curve shown here is the logistic function that shows how we convert the log odds to the probability.\nAnd the blue is the first derivative. That's the slope of the black curve.\nYou can see that the effect of evidence is the greatest in the centre of the graph.\nThat's where the log odds is zero or the probability is one half.\nAnd the effect of evidence is least when the probability is near zero or one.\nSo that's intuitive, isn't it? When your belief is neutral, that's at one half,\nThat's when evidence has the greatest effect on your belief.\nIf you're certain about things with a belief at zero or one, then that's where the evidence has the least effect.\nSo we can make that a definition. Weaker belief is where there are stronger effects of evidence.\nStronger belief is where there are weaker effects of evidence.\nIdeally there might be a hard threshold between weaker and stronger belief.\nBut we can't get that because the effect of evidence is changing continuously.\nBut we could say, where does the effect of evidence change most rapidly?\nAnd that will be the sharpest distinction between weaker and stronger effects of evidence.\nAnd because we've made a correspondence between effects of evidence and belief,\nWe can say that the sharpest distinction between weaker and stronger belief is where the effect of evidence is changing most rapidly,\nand that's shown by the dotted lines on the graph. That's where the effect of evidence, the blue curve is changing most rapidly.\nThat turns out to be at log odds of 1.317 or a probability of 0.789.\nJust under 80%. So that is weaker and stronger belief.\nNow let's define one unit of evidence to be the minimum evidence that updates any weaker belief to a stronger belief.\nIn other words, a log Bayes factor of that same value, 1.317\nso a Bayes factor of 3.73.\nIn general, if we have a Bayes factor of X,\nwe can say that is evidence equivalent to log base 3.73 of X, equivalent to that many studies that each provide one unit of evidence.\nHaving defined those units of evidence,\nwe can now go back to our empirical Bayes factor and ask, supposing we have empirical Bayes factors at each of those units,\nWhat is the equivalent P value?\nAnd it turns out that for the common tests we perform, the equivalent P values are very similar to the classical levels of significance testing.\nOne unit of evidence is a P value a little bit lower than 0.05.\nFor each further unit of evidence, we are reducing by roughly half of an order of magnitude.\nSo this lines up very nicely with common practices. You could argue that we now have an evidential account of classical significance testing\nand an explanation of intuitions around significance levels.\nAn empirical Bayes factor of 1 corresponds to a P value of around 0.2.\nSo we could say any P value less than 0.2 is evidence against the null hypothesis\nand anything greater than 0.2 is evidence in favour of the null hypothesis.\nNow this is an objective scale for interpreting Bayes factors.\nAnd this, in fact, is a key reason to use the Bayes factor to measure evidence.\nIt places our evidence within a rational account of inference.\nThere are other approaches to quantifying evidence that people have proposed, including type one and type two errors,\nthe frequentist error rates, they can be interpre": 4, ">> Evaluate log base four of one-half.\nAgain, I'm going to rewrite the problem down here.\nThis is asking us four raised to what power is equal to 1.5.\nNow first of all, we know the answer is going to have to be negative.\nBecause to go from a whole number to a fraction,\nto move this into the denominator,\nwe need a negative exponent.\nBut, also, two is not a power of four,\nbut it is the square root of four.\nBecause two is the square root of four,\nthat means that the exponent is going to need to contain a one-half.\nBecause taking the square root of something is\nthe same as raising it to the one-half power.\nIn this case the answer's going to be negative one-half.\nThe negative brings the four into the denominator and\nthe one-half takes the square root of four to give us that two.\nIn this case, log base four of one-half is going to end up being negative one-half.\nWe have to be careful when we're dealing with\nlogarithms because we can have answers that are negative,\nwe can have answers that are fractional,\nand we can have answers that are negative fractions.\nIt's important that we understand how exponents work when we're dealing with fractions,\nwhen we're dealing with square roots, and other things.\n": 1, "A distant little dream\nFloating in my mind\nReaching out to touch\nThen it fades into the night\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nI can feel it\nWhy is there no\nWhy is there no\nWhy is there no\nNo direction\nHelp me\nI can\u2019t see the forest through the trees\nI am searching for that feeling\nTrying to find the hidden meaning\nI\u2019m caught up in the leaves and the green\nI can\u2019t see the forest through the trees\nTangled in the mess\nSinking down into the sand\nJust cause you hit the ground\nDoesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t rise again\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nI can feel it\nWhy is there no\nWhy is there no\nWhy is there no\nNo direction\nHelp me\nI can\u2019t see the forest through the trees\nI am searching for that feeling\nTrying to find the hidden meaning\nI\u2019m caught up in the leaves and the green\nI can\u2019t see the forest through the trees\nI don\u2019t want to be a fool standing to closely\nThe best things in life\nCome unexpectedly\nIt\u2019s in my soul\nI can feel it\nWhy is there no\nNo direction\nHelp me\nI can\u2019t see the forest through the trees\nI am searching for that feeling\nTrying to find the hidden meaning\nI\u2019m caught up in the leaves and the green\nI can\u2019t see the forest through the trees\n": 3, "Welcome to the LSE \ngreat event welcome to the\nvent welcome to the Lc. for this\nonline event\nevent.\nMy name is Nigel Dodd and I'm\nm Professor of Sociology at the \nLc\nProfessor of Sociology at the\nLc.\nAnd Editor-in-chief of the\nAnd Editor-in-chief of the\nAnd Editor-in-chief of the\nBritish journal of Sociology,\nThe\nThe annual Bgs Lecture has been\nrunning for more than a decade\nnow with\nnow, with a series of\ndistinguished speakers who have\nset out their own vision\nof the most\nof the most significant\nquestions and debates within\nquestions and debates within\nthe discipline\nhe's\nlectured is usually published in\nlectured is usually published in\na subsequent issue of the \njournal, with a\nset of\nset of responses to it by\nset of responses to it by other\nmajor scholars.\nWithin that field, very\nWithin that field, very\nthat field, very pleased to \nwelcome\nJulie\nJulian Go is this\nJulian Go is this year's\nJulian Go is this year's \nlecturer, Julius\nis\nis currently a\nis currently a professor in the\nof Sociology at University of\nf Chicago\nf Chicago\nChicago.\nHe's written several books,\nincluding american empire, and\nthe politics of meaning\n2\n2,008 patterns of empire. that\nin America\nThe British and American\nEmpire's 1,688 to present 2\nEmpire's 1,688 to present 2,011\n1\n1 postcolonial thought and\nsocial theory\nsocial theory, 2,016\nand\nand policing empires,\nand policing empires,\nmilitarization and race in\nBritain, and America which\nis forthcoming.\nhe's\nhe's won prizes from the\nhe's won prizes from the\nAmerican Sociological \nAssociation, The\nThe Eastern Sociological Society\n, the American Political\nSciences\nthe American Political Science \nAssociation,\nand the\nand the\nand the International Studies\nAssociation.\nAmong other institutions,\nns, he's the winner of the\nhighly prestigious Lewis,\nhighly prestigious Lewis, a \ncloser of\nward\nCozer award for theoretical\nagenda setting in sociology\ngiven by the American\nPsychological Association,\nand he's\nand is currently president of\nand is currently president of \nthe Social Science. His\nory. So\nory Association. The title of\nThe title of his lecture today\nis thinking against Empire,\nAnti-colonial thoughts\nas social theory\n, for Twitter\nfor Twitter users in the\naudience\nthe\nThe hashtag for today's event is\nlse Bjs\n.\nBjs.\nThis online event is being\nrecorded and will be made\navailable as a podcast subject\navailable as a podcast subject \nto you know\nical\ndifficulties.\nusual, There will be the\nusual, There will be the chance\nfor you to put your questions\nto Julian at the end to submit \nthese\nplease use\nplease use the Q. and A.\neature,\nat\nthe bottom of your screen\nquestions we've passed on to\nquestions we've passed on to me \nand i'll post\nas many of\nas many of them as possible to\nas many of them as possible to\nas many of them as possible to\nJulian.\nBut now i'm delighted to hand\nnow i'm delighted to hand over \nto Julie\nand\nand go\ngo.\nThank you\nThank you, Nigel,\nThank you, Nigel, for that\nt kind.\nt kind introduction, and I\nkind introduction, and I want\nto\nto also thank Ella\nto also thank Ella\nto also thank Ella Lennrell and\nNicholas Martin for the\nadministrative and technical\nand technical support. it's a \ngreat\na great honor to share some of \nmy recent\nthoughts\nthoughts about sociology\nthoughts about sociology with\nyou\n, and I look\n, and I look forward to your\n, and I look forward to your\ncritical feedback. I'm,\ncritical feedback. I'm, assuming\nyou can see\nmy slide and\nmy slide and I want to start\nt with a\nt with a quote from a social\nwith a quote from a social \nthinker who wrote this\nwho\nwrote this in 1\nwrote this in 1,899\nsociety\n. Society is an\nSociety is an association of men\nwho are\nwho are together for mutual help\nwho are together for mutual\nhelp, so that each could enjoy \nthe highest possible\nwell-being\nwell-being\nwell-being.\nsituation that could never be \narrived\nat by\nat by the sole efforts of\nat by the sole efforts of\nindividuals without the aid of\nothers, and men cannot live \nalone.\nHe alone cannot build his house,\nweave his clothes, and\nproduce\nproduce\nproduce the food and other \nitems.\nproduce the fo": 1, "Welcome to InJamaica\nand if this is your first time here,\nplease subscribe,\nclick the notification bell\nand stick around to see places in Jamaica\nthis video is aimed at giving you a general overview\nbut you can check the video description for added information\ncurrently, we are in the middle of Half Way Tree\nand to the left is Hope Road\nstraight ahead is Half Way Tree Road\nand to the right is Hagley Park Road\nmaking the right onto Hagley Park Road\non the left is York Plaza\non the left is the Portmore Bus Stop\nwe are at the Maxfield Avenue, \nEastwood Park Road and Hagley Park Road Intersection \nMaxfield Avenue is on the left, \nEastwood Park Road is on the right \nand both roads are one way going right, which is north\non the right is the St Andrew Parish Church\non the left is the Bethany Fellowship Church\nHagley Park Road is lined with numerous business places\nespecially, automotive businesses\nI will focus on the roads leading off\nthe business places will be identified by their signs\non the left is Aldington Avenue \nand on the right is Ambrook Lane\non the left is Terrence Avenue\non the right here is Robert Close\nalso on the right is Woodglen Drive\nand that road can take you onto Molynes Road\nLeonard Road\nto the right is Grayden Avenue\nthe road on the left is Grants Crescent \nand on the right we are passing east Bloomsbury Road \nand also on the right here is Margrett Villa Road\non the left is Carter Avenue\non the left is Colliston Drive\nthe road on the left is Omar Road\nand Omar Road can take you unto Chisholm Avenue\nand also towards Maxfield Avenue\non the left is Lewis Villa Road\nand also here on the left is Clarence Avenue\non the left is Carpenter Road\nand also here to the left is Love 101 Radio Station\nto the right we have passed Stratford Avenue\nand on the left is Paraiso Avenue\non the left is Elspeth Avenue\nand on the right is Keesing Avenue\non the left is Wattley Road\nthe road on the right is McArthur Avenue\nand the road on the left is Churchill Avenue\non the right is Clunies Avenue\non the left is Merridale Avenue\nthe road on the left is West Road\nand the road on the right is Queensbury Avenue\non the right is Leamington Avenue\nand on the left is Rainford Road\nthe road to the right is Delano Avenue\nwe are at the Waltham Park Road and Hagley Park Road intersection\nand going right on Waltham Park Road\nwill take you to Waltham Gardens,\nMolynes Garden\nalso to Cockburn Gardens and other communities\ngoing left will take you to Delacree,\nWhitfield Town\nTavares Gardens and other communities\non the right is Chester Avenue\nalso on the right is York Avenue\non the left Hagley Park Preparatory School\non the right is Hagley Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church\non the left is Gretna Green Avenue\n and on the right is Mahoe Drive\nthe left exit here will take you to Downtown Kingston and Spanish Town\nand on the right we are passing Cockburn Gardens Primary and Junior High\nyou will need to go beneath the bridge and turn right onto Spanish Town Road\nto go to Spanish Town in St Catherine Parish\nwe are now at the Portia Simpson Miller Square\nwhich is the same as Three Miles\nand we are driving on the Three Miles Over head Bridge\nfrom here, just ahead\nyou can get a view of the Kingston Wharves Limited\nadditionally,\nHagley Park Road ends here\nand we are now driving south-west on Marcus Garvey Drive\non the left is Ashenheim Road\nto the right is Chesterfield Drive\ncontinuing straight will take you to Portmore\nin St Catherine Parish via Toll Road\nbut were are making the left \ncontinuing on Marcus Garvey Drive towards Downtown Kingston\nPlease remember to subscribe to InJamaica\ngive us a like and share\nand thank you all for watching.\n": 4, "Dollar Revolver\nPAPER: Three one-dollar bills or paper 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nThe cylinder\nFold half. Unfold.\nDollar Revolver\nPAPER: Three one-dollar bills or paper 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nThe cylinder\nFold half. Unfold.\nDollar Revolver\nPAPER: Three one-dollar bills or paper 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nThe cylinder \nFold half. Unfold.\nFold the edges to the center crease and unfold.\nFold the edges to the center crease and unfold.\nFold the edges to the center crease and unfold.\nFold the edges to the new creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the new creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the new creases and unfold.\nFold the short edge to the long edges along both diagonals to crate angle bisectors. Unfold.\nFold the short edge to the long edges along both diagonals to crate angle bisectors. Unfold.\nFold the short edge to the long edges along both diagonals to crate angle bisectors. Unfold.\nFold the top and bottom edges on the diagonals shown so the edges line up with the reference points shown. Unfold.\nCrease the diagonls.\nFold the top and bottom edges on the diagonals shown so the edges line up with the reference points shown. Unfold.\nCrease the diagonls.\nFold the top and bottom edges on the diagonals shown so the edges line up with the reference points shown. Unfold. \nCrease the diagonls.\nCrease between the creases. Turn over.\nCrease between the creases. Turn over.\nCrease between the creases. Turn over.\nCrease between the creases. Turn over.\nCrease between the creases. Turn over.\nCrease between the creases. Turn over.\nMake vertical creases through the intersection points as indicated.\nMake vertical creases through the intersection points as indicated.\nMake vertical creases through the intersection points as indicated.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the crease line indicated. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the crease line indicated. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the crease line indicated. Turn over.\nFold as indicated, allowing the layers behind to flip Out.\nFold as indicated, allowing the layers behind to flip Out.\nFold as indicated, allowing the layers behind to flip Out.\nReinforce the crease lines as indicated. Turn over.\nReinforce the crease lines as indicated. Turn over.\nReinforce the crease lines as indicated. Turn over.\nPush the valley creases together, creating an upright flap.\nFold the diagonals.\nPush the valley creases together, creating an upright flap.\nFold the diagonals.\nPush the valley creases together, creating an upright flap.\nFold the diagonals.\nReverse the folds made in the previous step.\nReverse the folds made in the previous step.\nReverse the folds made in the previous step.\nRepeat steps on the other sets of vertical lines.\nRepeat steps on the other sets of vertical lines.\nRepeat steps on the other sets of vertical lines.\nFold the flaps in.\nFold the flaps in.\nFold the flaps in.\nRoll up into a cylinder, inserting the flap into the pocket at the other end.\nThe grip\nFold in half. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the center crease and unfold. Turn over.\nRoll up into a cylinder, inserting the flap into the pocket at the other end.\nThe grip\nFold in half. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the center crease and unfold. Turn over.\nRoll up into a cylinder, inserting the flap into the pocket at the other end.\nThe grip\nFold in half. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the center crease and unfold. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the new creases and unfold.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the new creases and unfold.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the new creases and unfold.\nFold the short diagonals.\nFold the short diagonals.\nFold the short diagonals.\nPre-crease as indicated. Turn over.\nPre-crease as indicated. Turn over.\nPre-crease as indicated. Turn over.\nCollapse as indicated, using existing creases.\nCollapse as indicated, using existing creases.\nCollapse as indicated, using existing creases.\nValley fold the top flap over as far as it will go.\nFold in half while reversing the small flap.\nValley fold the top flap over as far as it will go.": 2, " Looking back at me from the other side\n Like you understood me\n And I'm never letting you go, oh\n We all need that someone\n who gets you like no one else\n Right when you need it the most\n We all need a soul to rely on\n A shoulder to cry on\n A friend through the highs and the lows\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la,\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it alone\n (La, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone)\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n 'Cause you are that someone\n That gets me like no one else\n Right when I need it the most\n And I'll be the one you rely on\n a shoulder to cry on\n A friend through the highs and the lows\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la,\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it a-la\n la-la-la-la-la, la\n la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n I'm not gonna make it alone\n": 1, "I want you to love me. \nI want you to love me till the end of my days.\nI want you to love me\nthe way a poet loves his tenderest thoughts\nI want you to remember me \nthe way a traveler remembers a placid pool\nin which he saw the image of his face\nbefore he drank from its waters\nI want you to remember me\nthe way a mother remembers her child\nthat died in her womb \nbefore it saw the light of day\nI want you to think of me \nthe way a compassionate king thinks of a prisoner\nthat died before the pardon could reach him\nI want you to be for me \na brother, a friend, a companion.\nI want you to visit my father when he is alone \nand console him in his solitude.\nFor I shall soon abandon him\nand go far away.\nI\u2019ll make my spirit a cloak for your spirit,\nmy heart a home for your beauty,\nmy breast a grave for your secrets.\nI will love you, Salma,\nthe way fields love the spring\nI will live in you\nthe way flowers live in the heat of the sun\nI will remember you, Salma,\nthe way a homesick man remembers his beloved homeland\nthe way a starving begger remembers fresh food\nthe way an overthrown king remembers\nthe days of his glory and majesty\nHow the grief-stricken prisoner \nremembers the hours of his freedom and confidence.\nI will think of you \nthe way a tiller thinks \nabout the bushels of corn\nand cereals on the threshing floor \nThe way the good shepherd \nthinks about good meadows \nand sweet springs.\n": 4, "Welcome to the qrei Handmade youtube channel,\nthis is a video tutorial on making a tote bag with a wide opening\n, let's follow the tutorial on how to make the\nmaterial used for the body, the\nmaterial used for pockets, zippers and straps. The\nWelcome to the qrei Handmade youtube channel,\nthis is a video tutorial on making a tote bag with a wide opening\n, let's follow the tutorial on how to make the\nmaterial used for the body, the\nmaterial used for pockets, zippers and straps. The\nWelcome to the qrei Handmade youtube channel,\nthis is a video tutorial on making a tote bag with a wide opening\n, let's follow the tutorial on how to make the\nmaterial used for the body, the\nmaterial used for pockets, zippers and straps. The\nfirst stage starts with making the bag strap. The\nnext stage is to make pocket bag\nfirst stage starts with making the bag strap. The\nnext stage is to make pocket bag\nfirst stage starts with making the bag strap. The\nnext stage is to make pocket bag\nmark the center of the fabric\nplace the pocket on the body's inner (cotton)\nmark the center of the fabric\nplace the pocket on the body's inner (cotton)\nmark the center of the fabric\nplace the pocket on the body's inner (cotton)\nthen the next step is to create a body to the outer\nstick coatings with linen by means ironed\nand mark the center of the fabric\nstrung bag\nthen the next step is to create a body to the outer\nstick coatings with linen by means ironed\nand mark the center of the fabric\nstrung bag\nthen the next step is to create a body to the outer\nstick coatings with linen by means ironed\nand mark the center of the fabric\nstrung bag\nmaking part of the base / bottom of the bag\nmaking part of the base / bottom of the bag\nmaking part of the base / bottom of the bag\nmaking section zipper\nmaking the zipper stopper\nmaking section zipper\nmaking the zipper stopper\nmaking section zipper\nmaking the zipper stopper\ninstalls the zipper on the inner and outer fabrics, sews\ninstalls the zipper on the inner and outer fabrics, sews\ninstalls the zipper on the inner and outer fabrics, sews\nboth sides and leaves a turning hole on the inner\nsewing part of the base / bottom,\nboth sides and leaves a turning hole on the inner\nsewing part of the base / bottom,\nboth sides and leaves a turning hole on the inner\nsewing part of the base / bottom,\nflips the bag,\ntrims the top of the\nsewing bag, sews\nflips the bag,\ntrims the top of the\nsewing bag, sews\nflips the bag,\ntrims the top of the\nsewing bag, sews\nthe top hole,\nthe top hole,\nthe top hole,\nthanks for following the tutorial on making a tote bag with a wide opening / open model wide tote bag\nthanks for following the tutorial on making a tote bag with a wide opening / open model wide tote bag\nthanks for following the tutorial on making a tote bag with a wide opening / open model wide tote bag\n": 2, "[17:05:58] johnkilo3: Brace yourselves for there being a lot of product placement on Twitch, it's coming (even more than there already is)\n[17:05:58] johnkilo3: Brace yourselves for there being a lot of product placement on Twitch, it's coming (even more than there already is)\n[17:05:59] gashapon: Hello Tim\n[17:05:58] johnkilo3: Brace yourselves for there being a lot of product placement on Twitch, it's coming (even more than there already is)\n[17:05:59] gashapon: Hello Tim\n[17:06:01] pieromancer: ACTION prepares the popcorn. \n[17:05:59] gashapon: Hello Tim\n[17:06:01] pieromancer: ACTION prepares the popcorn. \n[17:06:02] diggleshut: good vod\n[17:06:01] pieromancer: ACTION prepares the popcorn. \n[17:06:02] diggleshut: good vod\n[17:06:02] phztgszsrbzw7olt: OK, I subscribed. Stream more frequently now Tim.\n[17:06:02] diggleshut: good vod\n[17:06:02] phztgszsrbzw7olt: OK, I subscribed. Stream more frequently now Tim.\n[17:06:06] diggleshut: O\n[17:06:02] phztgszsrbzw7olt: OK, I subscribed. Stream more frequently now Tim.\n[17:06:06] diggleshut: O\n[17:06:11] diggleshut: nice wagon\n[17:06:06] diggleshut: O\n[17:06:11] diggleshut: nice wagon\n[17:06:20] pikaforce64: SourPlz\n[17:06:11] diggleshut: nice wagon\n[17:06:20] pikaforce64: SourPlz\n[17:06:23] pieromancer: yay wagon\n[17:06:20] pikaforce64: SourPlz\n[17:06:23] pieromancer: yay wagon\n[17:06:30] monotonetim: oh\n[17:06:23] pieromancer: yay wagon\n[17:06:30] monotonetim: oh\n[17:06:31] toastlogic: i wonder if aol 9.8 browser still has the midi player\n[17:06:30] monotonetim: oh\n[17:06:31] toastlogic: i wonder if aol 9.8 browser still has the midi player\n[17:06:31] mabusgaming: is it just me or is that midi extra bad today lol, im using new headphones too so idk! hahaha\n[17:06:31] toastlogic: i wonder if aol 9.8 browser still has the midi player\n[17:06:31] mabusgaming: is it just me or is that midi extra bad today lol, im using new headphones too so idk! hahaha\n[17:06:33] monotonetim: what did they add\n[17:06:31] mabusgaming: is it just me or is that midi extra bad today lol, im using new headphones too so idk! hahaha\n[17:06:33] monotonetim: what did they add\n[17:06:36] johnkilo3: Tim needs that Geocities sponsorship\n[17:07:40] bryantzuki: no\n[17:07:43] phztgszsrbzw7olt: Dang.\n[17:07:47] diggleshut: based on summer car gameplay\n[17:07:43] phztgszsrbzw7olt: Dang.\n[17:07:47] diggleshut: based on summer car gameplay\n[17:07:50] diggleshut: 300% increase\n[17:07:47] diggleshut: based on summer car gameplay\n[17:07:50] diggleshut: 300% increase\n[17:07:51] oldmario: speaking of tim\n[17:07:50] diggleshut: 300% increase\n[17:07:51] oldmario: speaking of tim\n[17:07:53] pieromancer: Wagon insurance though...\n[17:07:51] oldmario: speaking of tim\n[17:07:53] pieromancer: Wagon insurance though...\n[17:07:54] oldmario: stereo\n[17:07:53] pieromancer: Wagon insurance though...\n[17:07:54] oldmario: stereo\n[17:08:00] phztgszsrbzw7olt: hhahahha, that's a good point Diggleshut\n[17:07:54] oldmario: stereo\n[17:08:00] phztgszsrbzw7olt: hhahahha, that's a good point Diggleshut\n[17:08:02] diggleshut: oh early stereo\n[17:08:00] phztgszsrbzw7olt: hhahahha, that's a good point Diggleshut\n[17:08:02] diggleshut: oh early stereo\n[17:08:04] diggleshut: lol\n[17:08:02] diggleshut: oh early stereo\n[17:08:04] diggleshut: lol\n[17:08:18] phztgszsrbzw7olt: Literally totaling your own car with a sledgehammer before you even start building it is probably not good for low rates.\n[17:08:04] diggleshut: lol\n[17:08:18] phztgszsrbzw7olt: Literally totaling your own car with a sledgehammer before you even start building it is probably not good for low rates.\n[17:08:29] diggleshut: yes\n[17:08:18] phztgszsrbzw7olt: Literally totaling your own car with a sledgehammer before you even start building it is probably not good for low rates.\n[17:08:29] diggleshut: yes\n[17:08:31] hunniepun: sup chat\n[17:08:29] diggleshut: yes\n[17:08:31] hunniepun: sup chat\n[17:08:35] pieromancer: raysH\n[17:08:31] hunniepun: sup chat\n[17:08:35] pieromancer: raysH\n[17:08:46] hunniepun: did you ever kill yellow car guy?\n[17:08:35] pieromancer: raysH\n[17:08:46] hunn": 2, "A hash-based message-authentication code, abbreviated as HMAC, \nis a message authentication code constructed on top of cryptographic hash functions and as a system \nallows verifying the integrity of a message based on MAC tags associated with the message and relative to a symmetric key. \nWith this, it\u2019s a system that allows a recipient to verify the source of information if the symmetric key used is known to \nonly be available to for example the recipient and exactly one communicating peer.\nIf either the message was modified, or the wrong key was used, or a wrong MAC tag was received, \nor a wrong hash function underlying the HMAC is used, then the HMAC verification process will fail, \nand the message received should be deemed as not authentic.\nThe following demonstration will show, how HMACs can be used in Python \nand how the behaviour of HMACs can be explored in the case of the different error scenarios.\nTo demonstrate the use of HMACs in Python, I started with outlining the necessary steps required for using an HMAC. \nFor this demo, I opted to use HMAC-SHA-256, which has SHA-2 with 256-bit hash values as the underlying hash function.\nThe message used is again just a byte-string with the name of this course.\nThen, a symmetric key is required. With HMAC-SHA-256, a key of at most 512 bits is recommended, \nbut here I decided to go for a randomly sampled 256-bit key, which is assumed to be secure.\nThen I constructed the HMAC-SHA-256, for which I had to get hold of the SHA-256 hash function \nwhich can be found in the cryptography library inside the hashes module, and with SHA-256 and the symmetric key at hand, \nI could then construct the HMAC-SHA-256 object by using the HMAC class from the cryptography library HMAC module.\nThen it was time to calculate a MAC tag for the message and to verify that this MAC tag for the original correct message \nand under the correct symmetric key indeed verifies as a correct MAC tag.\nThis was the demo of the happy path within an HMAC system, and it was time to investigate the error scenarios.\nThe first error scenario was attempting to verify the MAC tag with a now-modified message.\nThe second error scenario was attempting to verify the MAC tag with a different key than the key used to calculate the MAC tag.\nThe 3rd error scenario was attempting to verify the message with a wrong MAC tag, \nand the 4th error scenario was attempting to verify the message and MAC tag with a wrong HMAC using a different underlying hash function.\nGoing into the 1st scenario, setting up a wrong message and an attempt to verify its results in an InvalidSignature exception, \nthus showing that this error scenario is indeed properly detected by an HMAC.\nWrapping this into a try-except clause that asserts that the exception was indeed thrown \nthen had the program running again and verifying that the exception was indeed thrown.\nThe investigation of the remaining 3 error scenarios was the same, \nindicating that each of the error scenarios is indeed detected by HMACs, \nwith the responsibility of properly dealing with each error scenario then of course being delegated to upstream clients of the system.\nThis concluded the demonstration of how to use HMACs in Python, \nwhich is a cryptographic primitive allowing for the verification of the authenticity of messages and data received.\n": 4, "In this video you will learn basic airport Vocabulary.\nA lot of people travel by plane, jets airplane, aircraft.\nFirst of all, you need to buy a ticket and pay airfare -\nthe cost of the plane ticket.\nYou choose between economy class - the lowest class of traveling\nand first-class with better seating and more services\nYou go to check in desk to pass check-in.\nHere are some questions, a check-in officer may ask you\nShow you passport please / Can I see your passport?\nWould you like an aisle seat or a window seat?\nDo you have baggage to check in?\nDo you have any hand luggage?\nDo you have anything to declare?\nYou are asked to pass a metal detector, to check you don\u2019t have illegal items.\nAfter that the passengers go to departure lounge and wait for their flight.\nAt international airports you can enjoy duty free shopping.\nDeparture time / departures - the time planes leave the airport\nGate is the place where passengers wait to board the plane\nPeople who take care of passengers on the plane\noverhead bin/ compartment -a place to store bags above the passenger seats\na safety device used during an emergency landing in water\na safety device that gives passengers oxygen during an accident\na safety device that holds passengers in their seats\nPassengers go to baggage claim\nto pick up the baggage.\nSubscribe to our channel\nif you like this video\nHave a nice day!\n": 4, "OK\nOK\nTODAY\nWE'RE GONNA TALK ABOUT HOW GREAT\nCHICKEN NUGGETS ARE\n \nIF YOU LIKE CHICKEN NUGGETS\nTHEN YOU GOTTA SING ALONG\n \nIF YOU LIKE\nCHICKEN NUGGETS\nTHIS IS YOUR\nFAVORITE SONG\nIF YOU LIKE CHICKEN NUGGETS\nThen, you gotta sing along\nif you like chicken nuggets\nThis is favorite song\nSing it\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nyeah yeah yeah\nsing it\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nyeah yeah yeah\nI love chicken nuggets\nit's true\nI bet I love chicken nuggets\nmore than you do\nif you don't like chicken nuggets\nWE can't be friends\nMe and chicken nuggets\ntill the very end\nHoney mustard barbeque\nsweet and sour sauce\ncan I get three of each\nI'm gonna eat 'em all\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthen you know, just what to say\nI love chicken nuggets\nand i eat 'em everyday\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthen you gotta sing along\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthis is your favorite song\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthen you gotta sing along\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthis is your favorite song\nsing it\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nyeah yeah yeah\nsing it\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nyeah yeah yeah\nI eat chicken nuggets\nwhen I pee\nI eat chicken nuggets\nwhile I'm in a tree\nI eat chicken nuggets\nwhen I drinking tea\nI don't want 5 or 10\nI want 23\nchicken nuggets is my favorite food\neat 'em anytime\nI'm always in the mood\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthen you know, just what to say\nI love chicken nuggets\nand I eat'em everyday\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthen you gotta sing along\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthis is your favorite song\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthen you gotta sing along\nif you like chicken nuggets\nthis is your favorite song\nsing it\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nyeah\nsing it\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nChicken chicken nuggets yeah\nyeah yeah yeah\n": 1, "hello everyone in this video i'm going to prove\u00a0\nbounded monotone convergence theorem which says\u00a0\u00a0\nthat if the sequence a n is bounded and monotone\u00a0\nthen it is a convergence sequence for those people\u00a0\u00a0\nwho don't remember what is monotone monotone means\u00a0\nthat if your sequence is an increasing sequence\u00a0\u00a0\nor if your sequence is a decreasing sequence\u00a0\nyou call that your sequence is a monotone\u00a0\u00a0\nsequence in this video i am going to prove\u00a0\nthis theorem for bonded and increasing\u00a0\u00a0\nsequences and for the proof for bonded and\u00a0\ndecreasing sequences are similar so let's assume\u00a0\u00a0\nthat our sequence a n is bounded and increasing\u00a0\nin here boundedness implies that our infimum value\u00a0\u00a0\nand supremum value of this sequence exists\u00a0\nwe are going to use only supreme of a n\u00a0\u00a0\nso let's call that supreme of a n is a and\u00a0\nfrom boundedness we know that it exists\u00a0\u00a0\nnow i want you to imagine what is bounded and\u00a0\nincreasing sequence think about one real line\u00a0\u00a0\nand consider our sequence a n our first term a1\u00a0\ncan be here but a2 must be greater or equal than\u00a0\u00a0\na1 and also a3 must be greater or equal than a2\u00a0\nand also we said that our sequence is bounded and\u00a0\u00a0\nwe said that supreme of a n is a so the maximum\u00a0\nvalue of this sequence is a can you imagine one\u00a0\u00a0\ninterval epsilon interval if a is here a minus\u00a0\nepsilon can be here a plus epsilon can be here\u00a0\u00a0\nand also you can see that a big n can be here\u00a0\nand similarly the sequence a n is an increasing\u00a0\u00a0\nsequence so a big n plus 1 it can be here and\u00a0\nfor infinitely many terms of this sequence tends\u00a0\u00a0\nto a it seems reasonable to say that our limit\u00a0\nof this sequence is a but how can we show that\u00a0\u00a0\nlimit of a n is a of course we are going to\u00a0\nuse the definition of limit for sequences\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat was that for all epsilon which is greater\u00a0\nthan zero we need to find one big and right now\u00a0\u00a0\nwe are going to use the definition of supremum\u00a0\nbecause we said that supremum of a n is a not\u00a0\u00a0\na minus epsilon that is why we have one term\u00a0\nof this sequence which is greater than a minus\u00a0\u00a0\nepsilon if you cannot find one term which is\u00a0\ngreater than a minus epsilon a minus epsilon\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be the sum of a n but supremum of a n\u00a0\nis a so because of the definition of supremum\u00a0\u00a0\nthere exists one n such that a n must be greater\u00a0\nthan a minus epsilon for all terms of epsilon\u00a0\u00a0\nand also for all n which is greater than\u00a0\ncapital n we have what as we said before\u00a0\u00a0\na n is an increasing sequence so if\u00a0\nyou say that n is greater than big n\na n must be greater or equal than a big n\u00a0\nright let's use these two inequalities in here\u00a0\u00a0\nwe said that a n must be greater or equal than\u00a0\na big and right and also we know that a big n\u00a0\u00a0\nis greater than a minus epsilon and also supreme\u00a0\nof a n is a so all terms of this sequence must\u00a0\u00a0\nbe less or equal than a and again we\u00a0\nsaid that epsilon is greater than zero\u00a0\u00a0\nso a plus epsilon must be greater than a right now\u00a0\njust only think about these three terms because\u00a0\u00a0\nif you think this is less than a n and\u00a0\nthis is less than a plus epsilon if you add\u00a0\u00a0\nminus a for all sides we get minus epsilon a n\u00a0\nminus a and epsilon this is the definition of\u00a0\u00a0\nabsolute value right absolute value of a and minus\u00a0\na will be less than epsilon now you can see that\u00a0\u00a0\nfor all epsilon which is greater than zero there\u00a0\nexists n such that for all n which is greater\u00a0\u00a0\nthan big n we have this inequality this is the\u00a0\ndefinition of limit limit a n is a so the proof\u00a0\u00a0\nis completed for more real analysis videos you\u00a0\ncan subscribe my channel thank you for watching\n": 4, "How to make origami MONSTER toy [origami fidget toy, scary origami]\nLet's make a cute origami monster toy. \nIt's easy to make and fun to play with. \nYou can decorate your monster with teeth, claws, horns, eyes, ears and any other things. \nYou can make it a cute paper monster or a scary one. \nAlso if you glue both sides of the box you can use it as a coin box or a surprise box.\nYou will need: paper 15x15cm, pens and markers, \nextra paper for decoration, glue or tape, scissors and ruler\nHow to make origami MONSTER toy [origami fidget toy, scary origami]\nLet's make a cute origami monster toy. \nIt's easy to make and fun to play with. \nYou can decorate your monster with teeth, claws, horns, eyes, ears and any other things. \nYou can make it a cute paper monster or a scary one. \nAlso if you glue both sides of the box you can use it as a coin box or a surprise box.\nYou will need: paper 15x15cm, pens and markers, \nextra paper for decoration, glue or tape, scissors and ruler\nHow to make origami MONSTER toy [origami fidget toy, scary origami]\nLet's make a cute origami monster toy. \nIt's easy to make and fun to play with. \nYou can decorate your monster with teeth, claws, horns, eyes, ears and any other things. \nYou can make it a cute paper monster or a scary one. \nAlso if you glue both sides of the box you can use it as a coin box or a surprise box.\nYou will need: paper 15x15cm, pens and markers, \nextra paper for decoration, glue or tape, scissors and ruler\n": 4, "Ala Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we believe it\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we can see it\n'Cause to the one that keep the passion, Respect, oh yeah\n'Cause to the one that got the magic, Respect, oh yeah\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nGather \u2019round now, look at me, Respecting love the only way\nIf you wanna come, come with me, The door is open everyday\nThis one plus two, rendezvous all at my day, This what we do, how we do\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we believe it\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we can see it\n'Cause to the one that keep the passion, Respect, oh yeah\n'Cause to the one that got the magic, Respect, oh yeah\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we believe it\nLook who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we can see it\n'Cause to the one that keep the passion, Respect, oh yeah\n'Cause to the one that got the magic, Respect, oh yeah\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\nAla Ho La Dan, Ala Ho La Dan\n": 2, "My baby, he don't talk sweet\nHe ain't got much to say\nBut he loves me, loves me, loves me\nI know that he loves me anyway\nAnd maybe he don't dress fine\nBut I don't really mind\n'Cause every time he pulls me near\nI just wanna cheer\nLet's hear it for the boy\nLet's give the boy a hand\nLet's hear it for my baby\nYou know you gotta understand\nOh, maybe he's no Romeo\nBut he's my lovin' one-man show\nOh, whoa-oa-oa\nLet's hear it for the boy\nMy baby may not be rich\nHe's watchin' every dime\nBut he loves me, loves me, loves me\nWe always have a real good time\nAnd maybe he sings off key\nBut that's alright by me, yeah\n'Cause what he does, he does so well\nMakes me wanna yell\nLet's hear it for the boy\nAh, let's give the boy a hand\nLet's hear it for my baby\nYou know you gotta understand\nOh, maybe he's no Romeo\nBut he's my lovin' one-man show\nOh, whoa-oa-oa\nLet's hear it for the boy\n'Cause every time he pulls me near\nI just wanna cheer\nLet's hear it for the boy\nAh, let's give the boy a hand\nLet's hear it for my baby\nYou know you gotta understand\nOh, maybe he's no Romeo\nBut he's my lovin' one-man show\nOh, whoa-oa-oa\nLet's hear it for the boy\n- (Let's hear it for the boy)\n- Let's hear it for my man\n- (Let's hear it for my baby)\n- Let's hear it for my man\n- (Let's hear it for the boy)\n(Let's hear it for my baby)\n(Let's hear it for the boy)\n- Let's hear it for my man, yeah\n- (Let's hear it for my baby)\n(Let's hear it for the boy)\n- Pull yourself together\n- (Let's hear it for my baby)\n(Let's hear it for the boy)\n- Whoa, let's hear it for my boy\n- (Let's hear it for my baby)\n- Let's hear it for my man\n- (Let's hear it for the boy)\n(Let's hear it for my baby)\n- Let's hear it for my man, yeah\n": 2, "Good evening everybody and want \nto\nGood evening everybody. I want\nto welcome you to what\nto welcome you to what I think\nis a really import.\nrtant conversation with\nrtant conversation with former\nsenator Jen Metzger. I want\nsenator Jen Metzger. I want to\nthank the climate Reality\nproject New Yorkers for clean\npower riverkeeper today\npower riverkeeper Hudson sloop \nclear\npower riverkeeper Hudson sloop \nclearwater, the New York.\nYork\nLeague of conservation Voters\nsee\nof conservation Voters scenic \nHudson.\nn and partners for climate\nn and partners for climate\naction, as well as our friends \nat\naction, as well as our friends\nat Radio kingston who are live \nstreaming.\nthis right now and\nthis right now, and all of our\nfriends and allies who kind of\nhelp get the word out about\nhelp get the word out about\nthis.\nSenator Metzger is doing\nsomething absolutely Herculean \nin\nsomething absolutely Herculean\nin trying to distill down over\nin trying to distill down over \n800.\npages of con\npages of content and\ndependencies in the.\nSo we may go a little bit ly\nSo we may go a little bit long,\nand we probably won't have time.\ne for questions because there's\na\ne for questions because there's\na huge amount of content, which \nI\na huge amount of content, which \nI just want to thank.\nsend\nSenator metzger for\nSenator metzger for for\nmetzger for for.\nwaiting her way through.\nh and helping the rest of us\nwait\nh and helping the rest of us\nwait, our way through so without\nfurther ado former sent\nado former senator john metzger.\nThanks so much, Tim.\nHi everyone is so great\nHi everyone is so great if you\nall to take time on this week\nall to take time on this like \nglorious Saturday.\nafter\nafternoon, I'm going to\nafternoon, I'm going to share my\nscreen.\nn. And I do want to say you know\nn. And I do want to say you know\nbecause it's running so long I\ndo want to try to answer your\nquestions and\nquestions and.\nBut what we'll do is.\nyou know\nyou know, give you an\nyou know, give you an Sharing II\nyou know, give you an Share an\nemail that you can send it to \nsay\nemail that you can send it to\nsend questions to try to answer \nthem.\nafter\nafterwards\nSo stay\nSo, start sharing screen\nSo, start sharing screen.\nAll right. So and I want\nAll right. So, and I want to\nthank again all the\norganizations that are partner\norganizations that are\npartnered in tonight's dive\ninto.\nthe stage proposed climate plan\nthe stage proposed climate plan \nthat\nthe stage proposed climate plan.\nThat's known as the\nknown as the scoping plan.\nn, and to Jimmy buffett\nn, and to Jimmy buff and radio\nkingston for for streaming\nkingston for for streaming it.\nWhen I was in the state Senate\nWhen I was in the state Senate,\nI was very involved in our\nI was very involved in our \nclimate law.\nw and efforts\nw and efforts to get it passed \nand\nw and efforts to get it past and\nI've been following the process.\nto implement.\nthat was since it's\nthat was since its passage just\nlosely as I can be\nlosely as I can because, you\nknow\nlosely as I can because you know\nit's this process that will \ndetermine.\nto\nan important degree.\ngree weather, you know until\ngree weather, you know, and to\nthe extent will meet our climate\ngoals.\nI think it's also a real\nI think it's also a really\nexciting collective endeavor.\nr for our state and our\nr for our state and our\ncommunities that can change our \ncode\ncommunities that can change our\neconomy, our health and our\neconomy, our health and our \nquality of life.\nin important ways.\nIn addition to all\nIn addition to all the climate\nbenefits.\nThe purpose of this proof\nThe purpose of this presentation\nis really to just introduce you \nto\nis really to just introduce you\nto the plan to encourage you to \ndig\nto the plan to encourage you to \ndig into it.\nt and discuss it's recommended\nt and discuss its\nrecommendations with your, you \nknow family for.\niends\nnds communities\nnds communities networks and\nnds communities networks and\nmake your voices heard during \nthe\nmake your voices heard during\nthe public common process\nwhich is happening right\nwhich is happening right now \nand, and\nis happen": 1, "[MUSIC - \"FEELING GOOD\"]\nBirds flying high, you know how I feel.\nSun in the sky, you know how I feel.\nBreeze drifting on by,\nyou know how I feel.\nIt's a new dawn.\nIt's a new day.\nIt's a new life for me.\nAnd I'm feeling good.\nI'm feeling good.\nFish in the sea, you know how I feel.\nRiver running free, you know how I feel.\nBlossom on a tree, you know how I feel.\nIt's a new dawn.\nIt's a new day.\nIt's a new life for me.\nAnd I'm feeling good.\nDragonfly out in the sun, you\nknow what I mean, don't you know?\nButterflies all having\nfun, you know what I mean.\nSleep in peace when day is done.\nThat's what I mean.\nAnd this old world is a new\nworld and a bold world for me.\nFor me.\nStars when you shine,\nyou know how I feel.\nScent of the pine, you know how I feel.\nOh, freedom is mine.\nAnd I know how I feel.\nIt's a new dawn.\nIt's a new day.\nIt's a new life.\nIt's a new dawn.\nIt's a new day.\nIt's a new life.\nIt's a new dawn.\nIt's a new day.\nIt's a new life.\nIt's a new life for me.\nAnd I'm feeling good.\nI'm feeling good.\nI feel so good.\nI feel so good.\n": 2, " SCP-106 he uses no magic and no tricks!\nHe runs through the walls and waits in halls.\nIt's you that he wants to track!\nThe old man covered in black!\nHe is there you can see his eyes,\nhe will get you cause the old man is wise!\nHe can be anywhere pay attention!\nBefore you know you're in his pocket dimension!\nNow I'm here being his prey,\nI thought I would be killed but he just wanna play!\nIf you hear his signature sound.\nHe will emerge from the ground!\nSCP-106 the old man getting you yes he can!\nNo matter where you go.\nHe will always follow.\n106, that is your doom.\nAnd he can be in any room.\nNo matter where you go.\nHe will always follow.\n106, that is your doom.\n And he can be in any room.\nNo matter where you go he will always follow!\n106, that is your doom and he can be in any room!\nNo matter where you go he will always follow!\n106, that is your doom and he can be in any room!\nNo matter where you go he will always follow!\n106, that is your doom and he can be in any room!\nNo matter where you go he will always follow!\n106, that is your doom and he can be in any room!\n": 2, "The general form of the quadratic equation is\nThe value of a cannot be equal to 0\nIf a=0 then the equation formed is a linear equation\nf b=0 or c=0 then the equation remains in quadratic form\nThere are 3 ways to get the roots of a quadratic equation\n1. factoring\n2. complete the square\n3. The abc formula\nthe discussion now is how to get the abc formula\nthe abc formula is part of completing the square\nquadratic equation as before is\nif a is shifted to the right the sign equals then the equation formed is\neach part is divided by a and the result\nthen added with\nso that it forms an equation like this\nthen we make the quadratic equation as follows\nthen form a perfect quadratic equation\nthen the right side of the denominator is changed to\nafter that each in the root and the result\nThere are two roots that are produced,\nnamely the plus root and minus root\nso that it produces a formula like\nThe last equation formed is\nThis equation is known as the abc formula\nThe two roots of the formed equation are\nthat's how to get the abc formula\n": 1, "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)\nThirst (2009)\nThe Thing (1982)\nPsycho (1960)\nMidsommar (2019)\nBlood and Black Lace (1964)\nNear Dark (1987)\nHouse (1977)\n28 Days Later (2002)\nCarrie (1976)\nAnnihilation (2018)\nThe Host (2006)\nMandy (2018)\nPhantasm (1979)\nThe Shining (1980)\nJacob's Ladder (1990)\nIt Follows (2014)\nTokyo Gore Police (2008)\nThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)\nAudition (1999)\nI Saw the Devil (2010)\nA Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)\nThe Shining (1980)\nAngel Dust (1994)\nCure (1997)\nThe Wailing (2016)\nMon Mon Mon Monsters (2017)\nThe Babadook (2014)\nThe Night of the Hunter (1955)\nNosferatu (1922)\nDawn of the Dead (2004)\nThe Beyond (1981)\nA Tale of Two Sisters (2003)\nDawn of the Dead (1978)\nSuspiria (1977)\nThirst (2009)\nScream (1996)\nThe Exorcist (1973)\nMad God (2021)\nThe Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)\nHalloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)\nRing (1998)\nAmerican Psycho (2000)\nI Saw the Devil (2010)\nThe Lighthouse (2019)\nPearl (2022)\nTrain to Busan (2016)\nDark Water (2002)\nCandyman (1992)\nDeath Proof (2007)\nPan's Labyrinth (2006)\nAlien (1979)\nCam (2018)\nNope (2022)\nRavenous (1999)\nBlack Christmas (1974)\nIt (2017)\nSuspiria (1977)\nThe Descent (2006)\nThe Witch (2015)\nThe Sixth Sense (1999)\nGet Out (2017)\nMidsommar (2019)\nDracula (1958)\nUs (2019)\nPerfect Blue (1997)\nLet the Right One In (2008)\nOne Cut of the Dead (2017)\nHereditary (2018)\nThe Shining (1980)\nAnnihilation (2018)\nThe Wailing (2016)\nThe Exorcist (1973)\nHouse (1977)\nHalloween (1978)\nWar of the Worlds (2005)\nSe7en (1995)\nThe Silence of the Lambs (1991)\nPulse (2001)\nWhat Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)\nTeke Teke (2009)\nMessiah of Evil (1973)\nThe Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)\nEvil Dead (2013)\nJacob's Ladder (1990)\nJu-on: The Grudge (2002)\nYoung Frankenstein (1974)\nHereditary (2018)\nJaws (1975)\nI Saw the Devil (2010)\nTrain to Busan (2016)\nThe Wailing (2016)\nSuspiria (1977)\nDark Water (2002)\nThe Thing (1982)\nThe Witch (2015)\nAngst (1983)\nShaun of the Dead (2004)\nViy (1967)\nA Tale of Two Sisters (2003)\nNight of the Living Dead (1968)\nThe Ritual (2017)\nFrankenstein (1931)\nReady or Not (2019)\nJennifer's Body (2009)\nPulse (2001)\nJennifer's Body (2009)\nPulse (2001)\nPossessor (2020)\nHouse (1977)\nSaw (2004)\nThe Evil Dead (1981)\nThe Quiet Family (1998)\n": 0, "Music\nMusic\nNarrator: A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star, which is the small incredibly\ndense remnant of much more massive star. A teaspoon of matter\nfrom a neutron star weighs as much as Mount Everest and the neutron star is so compact\nthat a ball about fifteen miles across contains more matter than our sun.\nNeutron stars spin between seven and forty thousand times a\nminute and form with incredibly strong magnetic fields. Rapid spin\nand intense magnetic fields drive powerful beams of electromagnetic radiation\nincluding gamma rays. As the pulsar rotates, these\nbeams sweep the sky like a lighthouse. To a distant observer, the pulsar\nappears to blink on and off. Pulsars slow down as they\nage but some of the oldest pulsars spin hundreds of times a second.\nEach of these millisecond pulsars orbits a normal star. Over time,\nthe impact of gas pulled from the normal star has spun the pulsar up to incredible\nspeeds. This accretion may be the cause of their weaker\nmagnetic fields. Despite this, these pulsars also emit gamma\nrays.\nMusic\n \nBeeping\nBeeping\n": 4, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town\nLivin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 2, "Rooster\nStart with the final color up\nRooster\nStart with the final color up\nRooster\nStart with the final color up\nFold and unfold.\nFold corner to corner but only mark at the edge. Unfold.\nFold the corner to the mark. but only mark at the edge. Unfold\nMark at the intersection of the line connecting the circled points.\nFold and unfold.\nFold corner to corner but only mark at the edge. Unfold.\nFold the corner to the mark. but only mark at the edge. Unfold\nMark at the intersection of the line connecting the circled points.\nFold and unfold.\nFold corner to corner but only mark at the edge. Unfold.\nFold the corner to the mark. but only mark at the edge. Unfold\nMark at the intersection of the line connecting the circled points.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold and unfold along the line connecting the circled points.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold and unfold along the line connecting the circled points.\nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold. \nFold the corner to the circled point and unfold.\nFold and unfold along the line connecting the circled points.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nFold the corners to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the corners to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the corners to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nFold the edges to the creases and unfold.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease in eighths.\nCrease in eighths.\nCrease in eighths.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nCrease at the half of the width.\nFold crease to crease and unfold.\nFold crease to crease and unfold.\nFold crease to crease and unfold.\nFold crease to crease and unfold.\nFold crease to crease and unfold.\nFold crease to crease and unfold.\nFold edge to crease and unfold.\nFold and unfold at angle bisectors.\nFold edge to crease and unfold.\nFold and unfold at angle bisectors.\nFold edge to crease and unfold.\nFold and unfold at angle bisectors.\nCrease as shown.\nCrease as shown.\nCrease as shown.\nFold in half.\nCrimp along the creases.\nSwivel to inside using the creases.\nFold in half.\nCrimp along the creases.\nSwivel to inside using the creases.\nFold in half.\nCrimp along the creases.\nSwivel to inside using the creases.\nRepeat on the other side.\nRepeat on the other side.\nRepeat on the other side.\nPush the top part and crimp.\nPush the top part and crimp.\nPush the top part and crimp.\nIn progress. Flatten the model.\nRepeat on the other pleats.\nIn progress. Flatten the model.\nRepeat on the other pleats.\nIn progress. Flatten the model.\nRepeat on the other pleats.\nOpen the layers.\nPleat using the creases and flatten the model.\nOpen the layers.\nPleat using the creases and flatten the model.\nOpen the layers.\nPleat using the creases and flatten the model.\nSpread sink the darkened area.\nSpread sink the darkened area.\nSpread sink the darkened area.\nFold and unfold along the creases.\nFold and unfold along the creases.\nFold and unfold along the creases.\nClosed sink.\nClosed sink.\nClosed sink.\nFold the layers to the other side.\nFold the corner down.\nFold the layers to the other side.\nFold the corner down.\nFold the layers to the other side.\nFold the corner down.\n": 2, "Fortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\n \nFortnite Dances real life challengeFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\n \nFortnite Dances real life challenge\nFortnite Dances real life challenge\n": 0, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc0\\stshfdbch0\\stshfloch0\\stshfhich0\\stshfbi0\\deff0\\adeff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New 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Title;}{\\s16\\sbasedon0\\snext16\\styrsid15694742\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb0\\sa320\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs30\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs30\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\n\\ulnone\\cf4 Subtitle;}}{\\*\\rsidtbl\\rsid10976062}{\\*\\generator\nAspose.Words for 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0, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride (Kio, Kio) 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRiding on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off the porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothing\nYou can't tell me nothing\nCan't nobody tell me nothing\nYou can't tell me nothing\nRiding on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull riding and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothing\nYou can't tell me nothing\nCan't nobody tell me nothing\nYou can't tell me nothing\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n \n \nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the hor-\n": 1, "[Alta\u00efr] Men must be free to do what they believe.\n[Alta\u00efr] It is not our right to punish one for thinking what they do.\n[Alta\u00efr] No matter how much we disagree.\n[Jubair] Then what?\n[Alta\u00efr] You of all people should know the answer.\n[Alta\u00efr] Educate them. Teach them right from wrong.\n[Alta\u00efr] It must be knowledge that frees them, not force.\n[Connor] My enemy is a notion, not a nation.\n[Connor] It is wrong to compel obedience. Whether to the British Crown, or the Templar Cross.\n[Charles Lee] Even those men you sought to save, have turned their backs on you.\n[Charles Lee] Yet you fight.\n[Charles Lee] Why?\n[Connor] Because no one else will!\n[Arno] You poisoned Mirabeau!\n[Bellec] He poisoned us!\n[Bellec] \"Peace with the Templars\" is a fairy tale.\n[Arno] And you're the only one who can save the Brotherhood?!\n[Bellec] Do you think it's the first time this has happened?!\n[Bellec] The first time that the Assassins have been forced to purge their leadership?!\n[Bellec] The first time that the Order has built itself back up from nothing?!\n[Ezio] My story, is one of many thousands...\n[Ezio] And the world will not suffer, if it ends too soon...\n[Sofia] You mentioned a Creed before.\n[Sofia] What is it?\n[Ezio] Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.\n[Ezio] To say that \"Nothing is true\", is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile,\n[Ezio] and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization.\n[Ezio] To say that \"Everything is permitted\", is to understand that we are the architects\n[Ezio] of our actions. And that we must live with their consequences.\n[Ezio] Whether glorious, or tragic...\n[Ezio] Love binds our Order together.\n[Ezio] Love of people, of cultures, of the world...\n[Ezio] Fight to preserve that which inspires hope...\n": 3, "GROVER: Big Bird?\nBig bird?\nBert?\nCookie Monster?\nWhere are you?\nErnie?\nI have something exciting\nto tell you.\nOh, I can tell you.\nYes.\nYou know what Happened?\nI just have had an epiphany.\nI do not know what epiphany\nmeans, but I believe I have\njust had one.\nYou know what I have realized?\nI am special.\nThere is no one just like me.\nNo one that has ever been.\nNo one that will ever be.\nIt is the same for you.\nYou are special as can be.\nYou are important,\nthat is right.\nYou are special.\nI am special.\nNo one else has got my style.\nNo one else has got my heart.\nNo one else has got my smile.\nAnd you are also special.\nYou have been special\nall the while.\nYou are important.\nYou are special.\nNow there may be some\na bit like me.\nCute and fuzzy too.\nThere may even be a few the\nexact same shade of blue.\nBut there is no one\njust like me.\nAnd there is no one\njust like you.\nAnd that is what makes us\nspecial I am special.\nI am 100% me.\nAnd that is something no one\nelse on earth can ever be.\nThat goes for you too.\nIn the whole wide human race,\nthere is no one who could\never, ever take your place.\nYou make the perfect you.\nAn original, through\nand through.\nYou are important,\nexceptional.\nExtraordinary.\nAnd you are so special.\nOh, I cannot wait to tell\neverybody, you are special.\nI am special.\nWe are all special.\nAnd we're out walking the dog.\nWhat's best about walking the\ndog is all the doggies and\npeople we meet, my\ndoggie and me.\n[DOGS BARKING]\nGROVER: I am Super\nGrover with a G.\nGIRL: A G.\nGROVER: Watch me defying\ngravity.\nGIRL: Gravity.\nGROVER: As graceful as a swan.\nGIRL: A swan.\nGIRL: A swan\nGROVER: My muscles\nare gargantuan.\n": 4, "Good evening from Chris Wallace of Chris Wallace\nand the Chris Wallace of Chris Wallace\nand I welcome you to the first of the first\nof the Presidential Debates.\nBetween president Rick Astley\nand former vice president Vsauce.\nThis debate is sponsored by presidential debate.\nH E Y V S A U C E , M I C H A E L H E R E\nThere is a lot\nof information out there.\nThere's even a word for it:\nInfobesity.\nIt takes a lifetime to even\nexperience some of it.\nIt's easy to think that everyone\nknows everything that you know,\nBut every year,\nmore than 100 million new people are born\nand not a single one of them is born\nknowing that they are made out of atoms,\nor that black holes are awesome.\nI just wanna be president because\n*breathing noise*\nbecause I am\nNever gonna give you up!\nNever gonna let you down!\nNever gonna run around and desert you!\nNever gonna make you cry!\nNever gonna say goodbye!\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you!\nT H A T I S R I D I C U L O U S A N D U N S C I E N T I F I C\nVsauce: Hammer, that's quite massive, - Rick Astley: We're no strangers to love.\nVsauce: and a not so massive feather, when dropped from the same height will hit the ground at the same time - Rick Astley: You know the rules and so do I!\n*hammer hitting the ground noise* A full commitments what I'm\nRick Astley: thinkin' of! - Vsauce: I watch Rick and Morty.\nVsauce: If you tear apart something I love, you might cause me to shed a tear. - Rick Astley: You wouldn't get this from any other guy!\nI just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.\nI just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.\nThanks guys, thanks for watching, and as always, thanks for watching.\nGotta make you understand!\nThanks guys, thanks for watching, and as always, thanks for watching.\nGotta make you understand!\nNever gonna give you up!\nNever gonna let you down!\nNever gonna let you down!\nH E Y V S A U C E , M I C H A E L H E R E\nNever gonna run around and desert you!\nH E Y V S A U C E , M I C H A E L H E R E\nNever gonna run around and desert you!\nWe should probably go get ourselves a brain.\nThis has been an interesting hour and a\nThis has been an interesting hour and a heheh\nThis has been an interesting hour and a heheheheh\nH E H E H\n": 1, "king weeb\nHey, how's it going everyone! This is The Anime Man\nToday, umm um I'm doing it\nI tweeted out a thing, I guess a month ago as of the uploading of this video\nsaying if this gets 30,000 retweets, I will say every anime on My Anime List in alphabetical order\n(from the captioner) to reserve some of my sanity I won't caption the rest of the intro\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nIm a fuc\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\nfooly cooly\n \n \nfooly coolyfoolfooly coolyy cooly\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n.hack//G.U. Returner\n.hack//G.U. Trilogy\n.hack//G.U. Trilogy: Parody Mode\n.hack//Gift\n.hack//Intermezzo\n.hack//Liminality\n.hack//Quantum\n.hack//Quantum: Sore ike! Bokura no Chimuchimu-chan!!\n.hack//Roots\n.hack//Sign\n.hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu\n.hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu: Offline de Aimashou\n.hack//The Movie: Sekai no Mukou ni\n.hack//Unison\n.hack//Versus: The Thanatos Report\n0-sen Hayato\n0-sen Hayato Pilot\n001\n009 Re:Cyborg\n009 Re:Cyborg x Zip\n009-1\n009-1: R&B\n00:08\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n 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simulator\nwelding simulator machine 6G pipe, ok friends, let's see the weld simulator\nfrom multipro, with the latest technology and the most up-to-date\ndata sheets of welding results, or welding simulator assessment\nof real welding charts in a helmet simulator.\nwelding simulator, virtual welding simulator from multipro\nsoldamatic IE a good way to learn for all types of welding.\nfrom multipro, with the latest technology and the most up-to-date\ndata sheets of welding results, or welding simulator assessment\nof real welding charts in a helmet simulator.\nwelding simulator, virtual welding simulator from multipro\nsoldamatic IE a good way to learn for all types of welding.\nfrom multipro, with the latest technology and the most up-to-date\ndata sheets of welding results, or welding simulator assessment\nof real welding charts in a helmet simulator.\nwelding simulator, virtual welding simulator from multipro\nsoldamatic IE a good way to learn for all types of welding.\nwelding simulator price, the price is not comparable to the functions and results that can be\nwelding simulator price, the price is not comparable to the functions and results that can be\nwelding simulator price, the price is not comparable to the functions and results that can be\nsimulated, the results of welding can be seen clearly and in real terms. wow amazing\nwelding graphs and tilapia unexpectedly latest technology\ntest and review welding simulator from spain\ncountry of manufacture spain, graphs of travel speed and welding angle\nsimulated, the results of welding can be seen clearly and in real terms. wow amazing\nwelding graphs and tilapia unexpectedly latest technology\ntest and review welding simulator from spain\ncountry of manufacture spain, graphs of travel speed and welding angle\nsimulated, the results of welding can be seen clearly and in real terms. wow amazing\nwelding graphs and tilapia unexpectedly latest technology\ntest and review welding simulator from spain\ncountry of manufacture spain, graphs of travel speed and welding angle\ndon't need to be fast the important thing is quality, hidden facts\nmig welding machine for beginner, soldamatic welding mig\nhow to use welding this simulator, can be used for vocational students and teacher training is\ndon't need to be fast the important thing is quality, hidden facts\nmig welding machine for beginner, soldamatic welding mig\nhow to use welding this simulator, can be used for vocational students and teacher training is\ndon't need to be fast the important thing is quality, hidden facts\nmig welding machine for beginner, soldamatic welding mig\nhow to use welding this simulator, can be used for vocational students and teacher training is\nnot noisy suitable for education or vocational schools,\nnot noisy suitable for education or vocational schools,\nnot noisy suitable for education or vocational schools,\nhow do you set this soldamatic welding, is it a soldamatic welding simulator\nlearning soldamatic welding simulator, welding MIG MMA TIG can easily\nhow do you set this soldamatic welding, is it a soldamatic welding simulator\nlearning soldamatic welding simulator, welding MIG MMA TIG can easily\nhow do you set this soldamatic welding, is it a soldamatic welding simulator\nlearning soldamatic welding simulator, welding MIG MMA TIG can easily\nSMAW, GTAW, GMAW can be used in welding simulators with class rooms and different results,\nSMAW, GTAW, GMAW can be used in welding simulators with class rooms and different results,\nSMAW, GTAW, GMAW can be used in welding simulators with class rooms and different results,\nok, thank you. for further info, please contact multipro, at seabery welding simulator\nok, thank you. for further info, please contact multipro, at seabery welding simulator\nok, thank you. for further info, please contact multipro, at seabery welding simulator\n": 2, "amid sunny orange groves a dark cloud\namid sunny orange groves a dark cloud\nfalls upon a rural family home\nfalls upon a rural family home\nfalls upon a rural family home\na 41-year-old mother is struck down by\na 41-year-old mother is struck down by\na 41-year-old mother is struck down by\ncrippling illness suddenly and swiftly\ncrippling illness suddenly and swiftly\ncrippling illness suddenly and swiftly\nher hair was gone she weighed probably\nher hair was gone she weighed probably\nher hair was gone she weighed probably\n90 pounds within days two of her teenage\n90 pounds within days two of her teenage\n90 pounds within days two of her teenage\nboys are also in critical condition\nboys are also in critical condition\nboys are also in critical condition\ndoctors find the family has been\ndoctors find the family has been\ndoctors find the family has been\npoisoned with a lethal chemical thallium\npoisoned with a lethal chemical thallium\npoisoned with a lethal chemical thallium\nnitrate it's a heavy metal that is\nnitrate it's a heavy metal that is\nnitrate it's a heavy metal that is\nnot used in many things it was a band\nnot used in many things it was a band\nnot used in many things it was a band\nrat poison interferes with everything in\nrat poison interferes with everything in\nrat poison interferes with everything in\nyour body gets in your brain and there's\nyour body gets in your brain and there's\nyour body gets in your brain and there's\nno way to get it out when death claims a\nno way to get it out when death claims a\nno way to get it out when death claims a\nvictim a massive investigation is\nvictim a massive investigation is\nvictim a massive investigation is\ntriggered to murder somebody by\ntriggered to murder somebody by\ntriggered to murder somebody by\npoisoning is exceptionally rare it is\npoisoning is exceptionally rare it is\npoisoning is exceptionally rare it is\nsomething that has to be thought up a\nsomething that has to be thought up a\nsomething that has to be thought up a\nvery demented mind this is no ordinary\nvery demented mind this is no ordinary\nvery demented mind this is no ordinary\nkiller most diabolical criminal i had\nkiller most diabolical criminal i had\nkiller most diabolical criminal i had\never seen\never seen\never seen\nhe was a very evil very devious person a\nhe was a very evil very devious person a\nhe was a very evil very devious person a\nseasoned detective goes undercover at a\nseasoned detective goes undercover at a\nseasoned detective goes undercover at a\nmurder mystery weekend devised by the\nmurder mystery weekend devised by the\nmurder mystery weekend devised by the\nsuspect one slip could cost her her life\nsuspect one slip could cost her her life\nsuspect one slip could cost her her life\ni really took a deep breath and thought\ni really took a deep breath and thought\ni really took a deep breath and thought\nhas he seen me he's not going to get in\nhas he seen me he's not going to get in\nhas he seen me he's not going to get in\nyour face he's going to\nyour face he's going to\nyour face he's going to\npoison you\npoison you\npoison you\nso that you die a slow\nso that you die a slow\nso that you die a slow\npainful\npainful\npainful\ndeath\ndeath\ndeath\n[Music]\ndrive far enough along highway 60 into\ndrive far enough along highway 60 into\nthe heart of central florida and you'll\nthe heart of central florida and you'll\nthe heart of central florida and you'll\nhit alturas a town of 500\nhit alturas a town of 500\nhit alturas a town of 500\ncitrus groves outnumber people 20 to 1\ncitrus groves outnumber people 20 to 1\ncitrus groves outnumber people 20 to 1\nand there are lakes as far as the eye\nand there are lakes as far as the eye\nand there are lakes as far as the eye\ncan see\nkeep driving and you'll come to a large\nkeep driving and you'll come to a large\nclearing by the road and a home where\nclearing by the road and a home where\nclearing by the road and a home where\nwaitress peggy carr is beginning a new\nwaitress peggy carr is beginning a new\nwaitress peggy carr is beginning a new\nlife\nlife\nlife\n41 year old peggy has spent many years\n41 year old peggy has sp": 2, "Hi there my name is Andrew, one of the final year medical students. Could I just check your name and date of birth, please?\nSure it's James Alexander 30th of December 1989.\n- Nice to meet you, James.\nToday I've been asked to examine your chest. This will involve looking from the end of the bed.\nFeeling different parts of the chest and then listening with the stethoscope at the end.\nWould that be okay?\n- That sounds fine. \nBilliant.\nHave you any pain anywhere at alL?\n- No.\nHave you any questions about the exam?\n- No, I don't.\nOkay.\nOkay, James. We can start the exam now, and I'm just going to start by having a look from the end of the bed.\nJames I'd like to start by looking at your hands. If you could just bring them up in front of you, please.\nAnd if you could turn them over.\nFantastic, and if you could bring two fingernails together, like this, for me.\nAnd again if you could just bring your arms out in front of you. I'm just going to assess the temperature of your arms.\nNow if you could bring your arms out in front of you like this, and keep them there.\nAnd cock your wrists back, James, and keep them there.\nAnd relax.\nI would now like to feel the pulse in your wrist.\nCould you just turn your head to the left for me?\nAnd bring your head back.\nJames, I'm now gonna have a look at your face and eyes, okay? If you could just look straight ahead for me.\nAnd I'm now gonna pull down on your lower eyelid.\nIf you could just open your mouth for me.\nAnd lift your tongue to the roof of the mouth.\nThat's great.\nI'd now like to more closely inspect the chest.\nIf you could just lift your right arm up for me?\nAnd your left arm?\nI'm now just going to feel the position of your windpipe. Let me know if it's too uncomfortable.\nI'm now going to assess the expansion of the chest.\nThis will just involve me placing my hands around the chest, quite tightly, then asking you to take a deep breath in.\nDeep breath.\nAnd out.\nAnd in.\nAnd out.\nI would now like to tap on the chest.\nJames, I am now gonna listen to the chest if you could just take some deep breaths in and out through your mouth.\nThis time, James, every time I place my stethoscope on the chest could you say ninety nine for me?\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nJames, if you could now sit forward for me. I'd like to examine for any glands in the neck.\nI'm just going to more closely look at you back now.\nLike before, James, I'd like to examine for chest expansion now.\nSo this will just involve me putting my hands tightly around the chest again and asking you to take a deep breath in.\nDeep breath.\nAnd out.\nAnd in.\nAnd out.\nJames, I'm now gonna tap on your back. If you could just fold your arms for me.\nJames, I am now gonna listen to your back. If you could just keep your arms folded.\nAnd breathe in and out through your mouth for me.\nAnd now if you could say ninety nine for me.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nNinety nine.\nAnd I'm now just gonna press on your lower back.\nLet me know if you have any pain in your calves.\nJames, that completes the examination. Thank you very much, you can now get dressed.\nIn summary, I performed a respiratory exam on James, a 27 year old male.\nJames had no peripheral stigmata or respiratory disease, his pulse was regular, and he had a normal respiratory rate.\nJames had a normal and symmetrical percussion note on the front and back of the chest.\nOn auscultation James had normal vesicular breathing with no added sounds.\nThis was a normal respiratory exam.\nTo complete the respiratory exam,\nI'd like to measure James's oxygen saturations,\nAnd also send off a sputum sample.\n": 4, "Another game increasing in popularity today\nis called seven card stud. Seven-card stud\nis, each player is dealt seven cards. Three\nof the cards will be face down, called their\nhole cards. And four cards will be dealt face\nup for all the players at the table to see.\nLet's see how this game is dealt out. First\nthe dealer deals two down cards to each player.\nOnce the dealer has dealt two down cards to\neach player, he will then deal one card face\nup in front of each player and the first betting\nround follows this. On the first betting round,\nthe low card that is showing will actually\nstart the betting. So, in this case, the seven\nof spades, they will start the betting. Once\nthe betting is over, the dealer will then\ngive each player another card face up called\nFourth Street.\nAfter this deal, now the betting starts with\nthe player with the highest card showing.\nIn this betting round, the player with the\nking would start the betting round. The next\ncard to come to each player is called Fifth\nStreet. Again the player starts the betting\nwith the highest card showing, this being\nthe king. The next card to each player is\ncalled sixth street, and this will also be\nthe last card face up to each player. In this\ninstance, the pair of tens would start the\nbetting. At the end of this betting round,\nthe player will deal the last card to each\nplayer, this card being dealt face down often\nreferred to as down and dirty. After the cards\nhave been dealt out, there'll be one final\nbetting round and each player will look at\ntheir hand and use their best five cards of\nseven to make their best five card hand. And\nthis is how seven studs are played out.\n": 4, "Basic Division.\nMagician's Flop Show.\nBasic Division.\nMagician's Flop Show.\nDo you know why we divide?\nWe divide to distribute things equally.\nSign of division is.\nDo you know why we divide?\nWe divide to distribute things equally.\nSign of division is.\nThere are 8 carrots, they need to be divided equally among 4 rabbits.\nHow many carrots will each rabbit get?\nThere are 8 carrots, they need to be divided equally among 4 rabbits.\nHow many carrots will each rabbit get?\nFirst take away 4 carrots so that each rabbit gets 1 carrot each.\n4 carrots are still left.\nTake away these also one by one.\nNo more carrots are left.\nAll the carrots are distributed and each rabbit has 2 carrots.\nWe have taken away 4 carrots 2 times.\nThis can be written as 8 minus 4 is equal to 4.\n4 minus 4 is equal to 0.\nThus, 8 divided by 4 is equal to 2.\nFirst take away 4 carrots so that each rabbit gets 1 carrot each.\n4 carrots are still left.\nTake away these also one by one.\nNo more carrots are left.\nAll the carrots are distributed and each rabbit has 2 carrots.\nWe have taken away 4 carrots 2 times.\nThis can be written as 8 minus 4 is equal to 4.\n4 minus 4 is equal to 0.\nThus, 8 divided by 4 is equal to 2.\nThis means for equal distribution, that is, for division, we do repeated subtraction and the answer is the number of times we subtract the same number.\nLet us understand division with the help of another example.\nDivide these 12 balls among 3 boxes.\nUsing the same concept of repeated subtraction, subtracting 3 repeatedly from 12.\n12 minus 3 is equal to 9.\nThis means for equal distribution, that is, for division, we do repeated subtraction and the answer is the number of times we subtract the same number.\nLet us understand division with the help of another example.\nDivide these 12 balls among 3 boxes.\nUsing the same concept of repeated subtraction, subtracting 3 repeatedly from 12.\n12 minus 3 is equal to 9.\n9 minus 3 is equal to 6.\n6 minus 3 is equal to 3.\n3 minus 3 is equal to 0.\n1 time.\n2 times.\n3 times.\n4 times.\nAs we did subtraction 4 times, 12 divided by 3 is equal to 4.\n9 minus 3 is equal to 6.\n6 minus 3 is equal to 3.\n3 minus 3 is equal to 0.\n1 time.\n2 times.\n3 times.\n4 times.\nAs we did subtraction 4 times, 12 divided by 3 is equal to 4.\n": 2, "In the heart of the Holy See\nIn the home of Christianity\nThe seat of power is in danger\nThere's a foe of a thousand swords\nThey've been abandoned by their Lords\nTheir fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation\nThen the 189\nIn the service of Heaven\nThey're protecting the holy line\nIt was 1527\nGave their lives on the steps to Heaven\nThy will be done!\nFor the grace, for the might of our Lord\nFor the home of the holy\nFor the faith, for the way of the sword\nGave their lives so boldly\nFor the grace, for the might of our Lord\nIn the name of his glory\nFor the faith, for the way of the sword\nCome and tell their story again\nUnder guard of 42\nAlong a secret avenue\nCastel Sant'Angelo is waiting\nThey're the guards of the Holy See\nThey're the guards of Christianity\nTheir path to history is paved with salvation\nThen the 189\nIn the service of Heaven\nThey're protecting the holy line\nIt was 1527\nGave their lives on the steps to Heaven\nThy will be done!\nFor the grace, for the might of our Lord\nFor the home of the holy\nFor the faith, for the way of the sword\nGave their lives so boldly\nFor the grace, for the might of our Lord\nIn the name of his glory\nFor the faith, for the way of the sword\nCome and tell their story again\nDying for salvation with dedication\nNo capitulation, annihilation\nPapal commendation, reincarnation\nHeaven is your destination\nDying for salvation with dedication\nNo capitulation, annihilation\nPapal commendation, reincarnation\nHeaven is your destination\nIn the name of God!\nFor the grace, for the might of our Lord\nFor the home of the holy\nFor the faith, for the way of the sword\nGave their lives so boldly\nFor the grace, for the might of our Lord\nIn the name of his glory\nFor the faith, for the way of the sword\nCome and tell their story\nGave their lives so boldly\nCome and tell the Swiss Guards' story again\n": 4, "Step Five, Add Laces\n there are no tools for the step. Parts. Hockey skate laces, This\nis the 5th and final step. And here we're\ngoing to add laces back onto the hockey skate,\nwhich is now a roller skate, and we still\nuse hockey skate laces. And there are two kinds\nof hockey skate laces, there are waxed and unRWA\naxed, so these are the waxed and these are\nthe un waxed, and the difference is is that\nwax is smooth, it has like this extra kind\nof coating around them, so they don't freeze like\nthat, and then you have a NWA axed and\nunRWA axed is a little slightly slightly rougher, and\nthey phrase after a while, so that's the difference\nthat I've noticed also I've noticed that waxed hockey skate\nlaces tend to be slightly thinner than unr axed hockey\nskate laces, but they're both thick laces. Make\nno mistake about that, so we are going to\nuse the waxed. So here we are, let's\nget the laser, so you wanna straighten your lace\nout. And then what I like to do with\nthe way in which that I lace my skates up\nis the same way that I lace my sneakers up\n, and that is I take my lace and I\ngo from the outside of the eyelid, the bottom\neyelid inward, and then I pull then I do\nthe same thing on the outer side, outside of\nthe eyelid, and then I pull toward the inside\nof the inner part of the boot, then hold\nthat and let's make sure that this is even okay\n, it's not even sure, alright now that's evil\nso and then I like to go from uh lower\ninside to the out, Okay lower inner, it's\nout and then scooping, make sure that it's nice\nand flat. Then I go from outer under,\ninner outer like this, so in the inner side\nof the boot and then I loop around and I\nfollow the same pattern so I get closer to the\ntop and let's do that. Oh and I also\nmake sure that the lace that's coming in is always\nover the lace that's going out, That's my style\n, I like that, feel free to lace it\n, how you see fit. Okay, so we're\npretty much at the top of the boot and we\nhave two eyelids left, so I'm just gonna bring\nit up probably to the second to the last eyelet\n, and then we just go now now we go\ninside to inside out! Inside! Inside out,\nYou go inside the inside out. Inside, inside\nout. Okay, There you go. There you\ngo. See that this Yeah. Mhm. I\nwanna thank you for joining me in this tutorial on\nhow to convert a hockey skate to a quad roller\nskate. I hope that you found this extremely insightful\n. I hope you found it encouraging and motivating and\nI want to see what creative projects with creative skates\nthat you come up with. Let me know.\nHit me up. You can email me at avery\n": 2, "Today we will make mixed vegetable pickle with the help of raw mangoes, grams, and green chilli.\nIngredients needed to make this pickle are as:\nLet's make the mixed vegetable pickle....\nFirst of all, we take messed raw mango in a big bowl...\nadd all chopped green chilli in it....\nand these are first wet and then dried grams.....\nMix them all....\nput salt in it....\nand turmeric in it....\nNow mix all these items in a proper way...\nWe have mixed all these items raw mangoes, grams, green chilli, salt and turmeric....\nNow keep this mixture covered in a vessel for one day...\nthen the another day put it in the sunlight to get it dried...\nAfter that we will mix the spices in it....\nLook the pickle of raw mangoes, grams and green chilli has been dried\nNow we will mix all the spices in it....\nThis is the yellow musturd powder...\nthis is Fenugreek's grains powder....\nthis is Aniseed (Sonf) powder...\nand this is Nigella sativa seed (Black Cumin)...\nRemember that all the spices should be fried and then grind...\nNow mix all these....\nLook we have mixed all the spices in it....\nand keep this mixture covered for one day so that the spices get bloomed..\nand keep it in sunlight for another one day and then we will mix oil in it...\ntill then keep it covered for two days...\nLook we had mixed masalas in the pickle and kept it in sunlight...\nnow it had dried up..\nNow we will mix musturd oil-1 bowl and red chilli powder-1 teaspoon in it...\nred chilli powder should be added only to gain colour in the pickles as there is already a lot of chilli is added in it...\nwe have put these red chilli powder...\nand we have put this musturd oil....\nNow mix all these in a proper way...\nLook these oil and chilli powder has been mixed up..\nNow keep it in any of the glass or plastic vessel and use it...\nYou must also make this pickle at your home...\n": 3, "Hangin\u2019 out at the 99 store, buyin\u2019 stuff--\nI\u2019m Smiley.\nAnd I\u2019m Melon.\nCheck out this video.\nAnd support the kids.\nIf you're havin' candy problems i feel bad\nfor you son\nI got 99 problems but a witch ain't one\nI got the trick control for the treat patrol\nZombies wanna see they casket's closed\nCritics say we wearing those panty ho's\nBut we rock the 99, cause we're candy pros\nI'm twelve years old, pumpkins in a row\nIf you don't like Halloween you can press\nfast forward\nU don't scare me here, just so you knows\nThis is where we come when we got some dough\nMy costume\u2019s bad, my mom says so\nShe says I\u2019m just a basket case so\nWe'll be the ghouls tappin on your glass\nPeople gonna say we ain't got no class\nI go rags to riches... I ain't dumb\nI got 99 problems but a witch ain't one. hit me\nIf you're havin' candy problems i feel bad\nfor you son\nI got 99 problems but a witch ain't one\n99 problems but a witch aint one\nOnce upon a time not too long ago\nChildren of the corn got you scared fo' sho'\nBut ghouls and witches with broomsticks too\nGonna eat up your chocolate and jellybeans,\nfool!\nSkeletons vampires bats and black cats\nI got Jackolanterns and that's a fact\nI got my parents scared, now YOU on the run\nI got 99 problems but a witch ain't one\n99 problems but a witch ain't one. If you're havin' candy problems i feel bad for you son\nYou\u2019re crazy for this one, Ari...\nS'your boy! Or it's your girl!\nOr it\u2019s your home style biscuit!\nHome skilla biscuit.\n99 Luftballoons\n99 Luftballoons\n99 Luftballoons\nI'll sing a song for you Of 99 Luftballoons\nI think of you and let it go.\nMake sure to comment on the videos down below.\n& Make sure to like it, or we're gonna come find you. Trick or treat.\n": 1, "There was a dream\nI got invited to a royal ball\nMajesty dancing in the hall\nThen everyone looked up\nAt a bitter rope\nDangling like a chandelier\nDazzling everyone with fear\nAnd a little shame\nAnd we all spoke\nAbout the people that we left behind\nDancing in the halls of flame\nAnd shimmering light\nwhy can't we go back?\nBack to all the remember whens\nBack to when we all just pretended\nThat we were all fine\nRemember the warmth\nOf the fires that we used to stoke\nBurdened by the memories that choke\nA better day\nSeems like nothings changed\nAll the simple facts gone and rearranged\nFashioned to a new point of view\nAnd hell is all askew\nCause when there's hope\nthere's a demon hiding under grand stairs\nwondering if you care that it stayed around\nwhy can't we go back?\nBack to all the remember whens\nBack to when we all just pretended \nThat we were all fine \n(instrumental)\nLet go of that rope\nWon't you come right here\nOh baby there's hope\ncause the end is near\nAnd I'm tired of pretending\nYes, I'm tired of pretending\nI'm so tired of pretending\nThat I'm fine\nThat I'm fine\nWe're not not fine\n": 4, "Subs and Translation by EllaBells (Rurella)\nHow the inconsolable Shime drove the director crazy...\nShime: My life is too haaaaaaard Q.Q\nDirector: Aiya, can you not cry after every line\nDirector: Just hurry and record\nDirector: You can cry as much as you want afterward\nShime: Shizun\nShime: Since that elder already recognized his wrongs\nShime: won't you please show mercy\nShime: and let....\nDirector: Listen for yourself\nDirector: Did you say \"YOU (respectful) please show mercy\"\nDirector: Or did you say \"YOU (casual) please show mercy\"\nShime: It's \"you (casual)\" :C\nDirector: Then say \"you (respectfully)\" ah =.=\nShime: But I don't wanna be formal tonight ;.;\nDirector: YOU don't need to be formal but SHIMEI has to be formal\nDirector: You hurry up and record, ok\nDirector: The director is already yelling!\nShime: Why is my life so hard TT.TT\nDirector: Aiya QQ\nShime: QQQQQQQQQ\nShime: -breathes-\nShime: -Sobs more- QQQQQQQ\nDirector: Darling~ Come~ Continue recording~\nDirector: Cry after recording~\nShime: Shizun....\nShime: waaaaahhh QAQ\nShime: -sniffle-\nShime: Why are you so mean!\nDirector: I'm mean????\nDirector: I....\nDirector: My life is too hard Q.Q\n": 1, "Hello!\nMy name is Sergey,\nand welcome to my channel \"In Russian from afar!\".\nToday, I will tell you a story about a girl named Rosa.\nRosa is a girl from Italy and this story is about her life,\nabout her adventures.\nI made this story in collaboration with LingQ,\nthis company.\nAlso, I recommend that you\nwatch this video until the very end,\nbecause there will be very important information at the end.\nWell? Are you ready?\nGo!\nHello! My name is Sergey.\nToday, I will tell you a story.\nThis is a story about a girl called Rose.\nHere, this is Rose.\nRose is a young girl.\nYes, we have a young one and an old one.\nThe rose is not old, the rose is young.\nAnd Rosa, she's from Italy, yes, Italy.\nRosa is from Italy, she is Italian.\nRose from a small village.\nThis is a village, yes, here it is, a village.\nShe is from a small village in Tuscany.\nThis is Tuscany, a region in Italy.\nShe is from this village.\nBut now Rosa lives in Florence.\nYes, we have Florence. This is Florence.\nFlorence is a big city.\nFlorence is a big city\nand Tuscany is a small village in Tuscany.\nRosa is 24 years old.\nTwenty four years old.\nRosa speaks Italian, yes, she speaks Italian,\nItalian, and English, here.\nRose speaks Italian and English.\nRose is an engineer.\nYes, she works as an engineer.\nHere, an IT engineer, she works in an IT company.\nShe works as an engineer in an IT company.\nHere, she is an engineer,\nand works as an engineer.\nRose has a boyfriend. Here he is, his name is Christian.\nChristian. They are together, they love each other.\nHe is her boyfriend, she is his girlfriend.\nHe is her boyfriend, she is his girlfriend.\nChristian is not from the village.\nHe is not from Tuscany. He is from Rome.\nRome is where the Colosseum is.\nYes, this is Rome, the Roman Empire. He is from Rome.\nHe's Italian too, yes, he's Italian too.\nHe is from Italy, from Rome, he is 25 years old.\n25 years.\nHe also, yes, also speaks Italian,\nand he also speaks Spanish.\nBut he doesn't speak English.\nRose speaks English. Well, Rosa doesn't speak Spanish.\nBut he speaks Italian and Spanish.\nHe is Christian, he works as a musician, a musician.\nHe works as a musician in a club, yes, there is a club.\nHe comes and he plays the guitar.\nYes, it's a guitar.\nHe works there as a musician, that is, he is a musician.\nShe is an engineer. He works as a musician.\nShe works as an engineer.\nAlso, they have a dog.\nThis is a dog, her name is Luna, she is a girl.\nWe have a boy and we have a girl.\nShe is a girl, a girl is a dog.\nAnd she is very small, she is only 1 year old.\nYes, one year.\nRose is 24 years old, Christian is 25 years old, and Luna is 1 year old.\nRosa and Christian and Luna, they live together,\nyes, they all live together in an apartment.\nWe have an apartment,\nhere, this is where they have an apartment, right here, this is their apartment.\nThis is not their apartment, other people live here,\nyes, but they live here, this is their apartment.\nIt is not small, and not large, a normal apartment.\nHere, in this house, this is a house, there are two apartments here.\nRosa, Christian, and Luna live here,\nand here, other apartments live (error), other people :D\nHere is one apartment, and another apartment.\nRose has no mother and father.\nYes, this is Rosa's mom and dad, Rosa's mom and dad,\nbut she doesn't have a mom and dad.\nBecause Rosa's mom and dad died\nwhen Rosa was little.\nYes, but Rosa has a grandmother.\nThis is Rose's grandmother. Rosa's grandmother is not Italian.\nYes, she's not Italian. Rosa's grandmother is Russian.\nShe's Russian. She is from Russia,\nbut now, now her grandmother lives in the house.\nYes, this is her home, she lives in a house, in a village,\nthere is a village, a village in Tuscany.\nTuscany, the village, and she lives in this house grandmother.\nAnd grandma speaks Russian, and she speaks Italian,\nshe doesn't speak English, she doesn't speak Spanish.\nOnly in Russian and Italian.\nGrandma is not young. Grandmother is old, old, she is 87 years old,\neighty-seven years old, very old grandmother.\nNow, now she is a pensioner, she does not work.\nYes, she doesn't work.\nWell, before, when grandm": 2, "Collecting dry wood\nBreaking up wood\nPutting central post in place\nStacking larger pieces of wood against post\nStacking smaller logs around them\nThinner sticks go on now\nDry leaves\nDigging soil to make mud\nPlastering mud onto mound\nThe top is left open to vent smoke\nAir holes are made around the base to let combustion air in\nThe mound is set alight from the top with hot coals from a fire\nThe fire burns back down the heap against the draft\nAny cracks are sealed with mud\nMore wood can be added from the top is space appears for it\nWhen fire can be seen through an air entry in the base, it's time to block that air entry\nThe air entry is plugged with mud\nDo this with the other air entries only when you see fire through them\nWhen the last air entry is plugged, plug the vent in the top\nWhen the mound is cool it's time to open it\nThe charcoal inside\nThe charcoal is cooked through\nCharcoal is stored in baskets for later use\nCharcoal burns without smoke and flames. It can reach temperatures 200 c higher than wood fires\n": 3, "Warsaw 02.06.2019\nHey, it's sunday morning\nHey Warsaw!\nHmm, what I was supposed to say\nThis way\nI will have a break here\nand later I will be here at the top\nWarsaw 02.06.2019\nHello. Saturday's afternoon here\nHello Warsaw\nWhat I was supposed to say\nHere\nHere we will make a stop\nAnd then I will climb up to the roof\n[terrifying music]\nSecond squat\nSecond squat (stop)\nThird squat\nSixth squat\nFourth squat\nFifth squat\nSixth squat\nSeventh squat\nNine\nSeventh squat\nNine\nTen\nEleven\nTwelve\nTen\nTen\nEleven\nTwelve\nThirteen\nFourteen\nFifteen\nSixteen\nThirteen\nFourteen\nFifteen\nSixteen\nSeventeen\n[sighs]\nEighteen\nNineteen\nSeventeen\nEasy\nEighteen\nNineteen\nTwenty\nI hope they are not coming for you mate.\nTwenty\nOh man, I hope that they're not going for you\nTwenty two\nTwenty two\nTwenty three\nTwenty four\nTwenty five\nTwenty three\nTwenty four\nTwenty five\nTwenty eight\nTwenty nine\nTwenty eight\nTwenty nine\nOh, now it's recording\nHey\nexcuse me\nOh, now is recording\nHey\nWait\nOh God\nOh, Jesus\nWhat a sight!\nNow we are on the 40th floor of the Marriott Hotel\n144 meters height right here\nThis view is really unbelievable. I cannot describe it.\nIt is a lot going on down there. I see fire trucks.\nWeronica, do you enjoy it?\nYes I do.\nWhat a view\nNow, The south panorama sky bar\nIn the Marriott Hotel\nOn the Fortieth floor\nAt 140 meters height\nIn Warsaw\nBut the view from here.\nIs impossible\nIndescribable\nSomething is happening down there\nFire trucks\nDominka\nDo you like it?\nI like it\nSecond part of the building to climb and I'll be on top.\nMy throat is really dried out.\nI regret that I didn't take water with me.\nA lot of firefighters down there.\nIt reminds me the climb on the spire in Wroclaw\n \nFirefighters are prepering the air pillow.\nJust a moment of break and we continue the climb.\nTime to go.\nNow it's a bigger half to go\nMy face got dry\nI regret, that I have not took the water with me\nSo many firefighters down there\nIt reminds me of (...)\nFirefighers always have those huge pillows\nA short break, and we go with another half\nIt's time\nI'm rested now.\nWe can go!\nOne\nTwo\nThree\nFour\nI had a rest\nAnd now we go\nOne\nTwo\nThree\nFour\nFife\nSix\nSeven\nEight\nNine\nFive\nSix\nSeven\nEight\nNine\nten\nEleven\nTwelve\nThirteen\nTen\nEleven\nTwelve\nThirteen\nFourteen\nFifteen\nSixteen\nSeventeen. Oh, Hello ladybug!\nFourteen\nFifteen\nSixteen\nSeventeen\nHello there, ladybug\nEighteen\nNineteen\nTwenty one\nEighteen\nNineteen\nTwenty one\nTwenty two\nLet's go for twenty three.\nTwenty three\nTwenty four\nTwenty two\nWe are going for Twenty three\nTwenty three\nTwenty four\nTwenty five\nTwenty six\nTwenty seven\nTwenty eight\nTwenty five\nTwenty six\nTwenty seven\nTwenty eight\nTwenty nine\nThirty, ladies and gentleman.\nCome on thirty one.\nThirty one\nThirty two\nThirty three\nThirty four\nTwenty nine\nThirty, ladies and gentlemen!\nLet's go for thirty one\nThirty one\nThirty two\nThirty three\nThirty four\nThirty five\nThirty six\nThirty seven\nThirty eight\nWhat a beautiful sunset!\nThirty five\nThirty six\nThirty seven\nThirty eight\nWhat a beautiful sunset\nThirty nine\nHeight is 140 meters.\nFourty\nA lot of people.\nThirty nine\nAt the height of 140 meters\nForty\nA lot of people\nClimb took 37:45 minutes.\nI made it!\nI was so scarred. It's unreal.\n[sighs]\nThe only thing I want to do now is take off my shoes and drink some water.\n(Crowd applause)\nTime of entering the roof: 37:45s\nI did it!\nOh god\nI was so scared\nThe only thing, that I am thinking of now is to remove my shoes and water\nSupport:\nExcuse me, what is happening here?\nRandom guy was climbing this hotel, without any assistance and he reached the top.\nWe're waiting for them to take him out.\nGo to patronite.pl and support BNT channel.\nHe has ID card.\nI don't want to run away from you. \n[conversation with policewoman]\nI didn't know that there is such pretty police officers. (It sounded like a male officers)\nPretty police officers? [laughs] That's a good one.\nExcuse me, has anything happened here?\nHe climbed on the Marriott (Hotel), without any secure, some random guy.\nAnd he reached the top\nWe are waiting for the Police to get him out of the bulding, and we'll see\n(Crowd applause)\nGet o": 1, "Sweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nSweet & Sour Raw Mango Pickle\nPlease watch Full Video.\nI am sharing Tips & tricks of making Mango Pickle\nI am sharing Tips & tricks of making Mango Pickle\nI am sharing Tips & tricks of making Mango Pickle\nLet's Start\nand let's check the Ingredients\nTake 1+1/2 kg Raw Mango.\nPeal off the skin & Chopped raw mango in a small Pieces.\nPlease Wash before Chopping\nNow add Salt to Taste\nNow add Salt to Taste\nNow add Salt to Taste\nNext add One teaspoon Turmeric Powder\nNext add One teaspoon Turmeric Powder\nNext add One teaspoon Turmeric Powder\nNext add One teaspoon Turmeric Powder\nNow Mix it\nNow Mix it\nNow Mix it\nNow Place chopped mango in sunlight for 2-3 Hrs\nNow Place chopped mango in sunlight for 2-3 Hrs & Dry the mango 50%-60%\nNow mango is dry enough after 3 hrs\nNow mango is dry enough after 3 hrs\nNow take One Teaspoon Hing/ Asafetida\nNow take One Teaspoon Hing/ Asafetida\nNow take One Teaspoon Carom/Ajwin\nNow take One Teaspoon Jeera/Cumin powder\nNow take One Teaspoon Coriander Powder\nNow take One Teaspoon Fennel Powder\nNow take One Teaspoon Kalongi/Black Cumin\nNow take One Teaspoon Kalongi/Black Cumin\nNow take two Teaspoon Ginger Paste\nOne cup Sugar/Jaggery & three Table spoon Achari Masala\nAchari masala includes Red chilli Powder+Hing+Fennugreek powder+rai/Mustard powder+Salt\nAchari masala includes Red chilli Powder+Hing+Fennugreek powder+rai/Mustard powder+Salt\nNo need to add extra Red chilli Powder\n \nNow Take 100 Gm Mustard Oil/Sarso tel\nNow Take 100 Gm Mustard Oil/Sarso tel\nNow Take 100 Gm Mustard Oil/Sarso tel\nNow take One Pan & Heat it on High Flame\nNow take One Pan & Heat it on High Flame\nAdd Mustard Oil 100 gm\nAdd Mustard Oil 100 gm\nOil Must be heat properly until It's colour changes & come out smoke.\nkeep the flame on high mode\nkeep the flame on high mode\n \nOil is very hot\nNow add Black Cumin+Ginger Paste+Asafoetida\nNow add Black Cumin+Ginger Paste+Asafoetida\nNow add Black Cumin+Ginger Paste+Asafoetida\nNow add Black Cumin+Ginger Paste+Asafoetida\nNow Add Raw Mangoes\nNow Add Raw Mangoes\nNow Add Raw Mangoes\nNow Mix it until it get soft\nIt takes 10-12 min for soften the mangoes\nIt takes 10-12 min for soften the mangoes\nIt takes 10-12 min for soften the mangoes\nIt takes 10-12 min for soften the mangoes\n \nIn this time,keeps the flame in medium to low\nIn this time,keeps the flame in medium to low\nIn this time,keeps the flame in medium to low\nNow mangos are 50% Cooked & Soften\n \nNow Add One Cup Sugar/Jaggery\nNow Add One Cup Sugar/Jaggery\nNow Add One Cup Sugar/Jaggery\nMix ir Properly & let the sugar melting Properly\nMix ir Properly & let the sugar melting Properly\nMix ir Properly & let the sugar melting Properly\n \n \n \nNow mangoes 80% Soften & cooked\nNow mangoes 80% Soften & cooked & sugar is totally Melted\nNow mangoes 80% Soften & cooked & sugar is totally Melted\nNow Add three tablespoon Achari masala /Mix Spice\nNow Add three tablespoon Achari masala /Mix Spice\nMix well\nAchari masala includes Red chilli Powder+Hing+Fennugreek powder+rai/Mustard powder+Salt\nAchari masala includes Red chilli Powder+Hing+Fennugreek powder+rai/Mustard powder+Salt\nAchari masala includes Red chilli Powder+Hing+Fennugreek powder+rai/Mustard powder+Salt\n \nMix It Well\n \nMix Well\n \nNow Add One Teaspoon Cumin /Ajwin\nNow Add One Teaspoon Cumin /Ajwin\nNow Add One Teaspoon Cumin /Ajwin\nMix Well\nNow flame is in Medium to low mode & cooked open.\nNow flame is in Medium to low mode & cooked open.\n \n15-20 mins required for well cooked of Mangoes.\n15-20 mins required for well cooked of Mangoes.\n15-20 mins required for well cooked of Mangoes.\nSalt to taste (optional)\nMix all spices Well.\nAll spices Cumi/Coriander & fennel powder is roasted dry & grinded\nAll spices Cumi/Coriander & fennel powder is roasted dry & grinded\nNow Add One Teaspoon Edible Vinegar\nNow Add One Teaspoon Edible Vinegar\nNow Add One Teaspoon Edible Vinega": 1, "started, Liz. We're PM straight \nup. Alright, thank you everyone \nfor joining us. Uh welcome. \nWe're at the beginning of our \ntalk with Doctor Joseph Aguilar \non Indigenizing Archaeology and \nmuseums Before. we actually get \nstarted and introduce Doctor \nAguilar we always start our \nwebinars with our land \nacknowledgement, our Croke \nCanyon Campus here in Southwest \nColorado. We acknowledge the \nview, the Pueblo U Payut, \nDanae, and Hickory Apache on \nwhose traditional homelands, \nthis institution sits in upon \nwhich we work and reside. It's \nvery important to us at Croke \nCanyon to recognize and \nacknowledge that all of the \nwork that we do here would not \nbe possible without indigenous \npeople in the past, present, \nand future and we respectfully \nrecognize and honor ancestral \nand descendant indigenous \ncommunities for their \ncontributions to all of \nhumankind. We are extremely \ngrateful for all of our \nindigenous people and partners \nand we support the preservation \nprotection of cultural \ntraditions, ancestral \nconnections, and sacred lands. \nThis is tied inextricably to \nour mission in the world here \nat Croke Canning which is to \nempower present and future \ngenerations by making our human \npast accessible and relevant \nthrough archaeological \nresearch, experiential \neducation, and American Indian \nknowledge and you can always \nfind out some more about us on \nour website at Crow Canyon.org. \nUh I'm Liz Perry. I'm Car \nCanyon's president. I know \neverybody has been or possibly \nnot everybody but most people \nhave joined us on our Zoom \nwebinars before. Uh so, just to \nof pointers. Um if you want to \nmove \nTo move my head or.\nDr Aguilar his head over to\nDr Aguilar his head over to see\nthe slides better you can just \ngrab the.\nblack\nblack line that will be\nblack line that will be\nseparating the heads from the\npowerPoint and move it over to \nthe right.\nthere\nThere is a live transcription\navailable for you to click on.\non. If you would like\nIf you would like that.\nPlease, just go ahead and put\nquestions in as they occur to \nyou\nquestions in as they occur to\nyou during the talk, please do \nq amp\nq amp a as opposed to\nq amp a as opposed to the chat\nfunction to enter your \nquestions so\nfunction to enter your\nquestions so they don't get\nlost in other discussions that\nmight be occurring on the chat.\nWe will try really hard to get \nto all\nwill try really hard to get to \nwill try really hard to get to \nall of your questions.\nIf you're having troubles with\nthe zoom we are also life\nthe zoom we are also live \nstreaming on Facebook.\non our\non our facebook page and\non our facebook page and if you\nhave to cut out earlier you're\nmissing this, you can jump on to\nour.\nyouth\nyoutube channel and see this\nyoutube channel and see this\nend of our year.\nend of our year.\nof web\nof webinars or less\nwebinars our last one for 20.\n20 2021.\n21 is next\n21 is next Thursday, December\n21 is next Thursday, December,\nor after Thanksgiving December\n2.\nThe problem and Archeological\nThe problem and Archeological\nand historical society is a part\nand historical society is a \nwe are co presenting this way\nwe are co presenting this\nwebinar with Dr. Todd cerebral.\nral a friend of mine from \ngraduates\nral a friend of mine from\ngraduate school and brilliant\narchaeologist on the fo\narchaeology of Mongolia is do Co\narchaeology of Mongolia is do Co\nreindeer\nherders so very excited\nso very excited about that and \nwe have.\ne, you might have seen\ne, you might have seen dr\ncircles\ne, you might have seen dr\ntroubles talks. before our \nwebinars.\nI also wanted to mention, don't \nI also wanted to mention, don't \nknow\nI also wanted to mention, don't\ndon't think we have lost, you \nhave lost us.\nforever\nforever will start up our \nwebinars\nforever will start up our\nwebinars, again, for 2022 on\nThursday January 20 and we'll\nbe putting out some information.\non our\non our Facebook page, social\non our Facebook page, social\nmedia, about that but our.\nmedia, about that but our.\nfirst\nspeaker of the years is going to\nspeaker of the years is going to\nbe. Dr. Joseph sweetener from\nbe. ": 3, "Kombilesa M\u00ed\nRFP\nFrom Palenque Colombia\nStrong\nPalenque rap is what there is\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI'm going to Palenque, with my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI am going to Palenque to meet my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nI am going to Palenque to meet my friends\nTo work, to play, to do what I like\nIf you want, you can come with me\nLet's dance, when the drum is beating\nI feel happy, with my friends I go to the river\nIf I get hungry, I buy a bollo\nwith cheese\nThere I spend two pesos\nAlong with my wife who kisses me all the time\nthat fills me with strength\nWhen we go out to the street, and she doesn't look at another\nthat fills me with strength\nWhen we go out to the street, and she doesn't look at another\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI'm going to Palenque, With my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI'm going to Palenque, With my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nlet\u2019s go drums\nfrom Tiny Desk\nglobalFEST\nNPR\nSo it is\nI'm going to Palenque to find my roots\nTo hear the story of how our ancestors came here\nBig land, which Benkos founded\nAfter fighting and fighting with the whites\nLand of Pambel\u00e9, Simankongo, Evaristo\nBatata, Graciela, Justo Valdez and Sikito\nThe Burgos, Cassiani, Se\u00f1o, with Paito\nPeople who fought, and little by little\nThey taught to take care of the culture to all the children\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI'm going to Palenque, With my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI'm going to Palenque, With my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nI'm going to Palenque, it's my land\nI'm going to Palenque, With my friends\nI'm going to Palenque, with my wife\nI'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque, I'm going to Palenque\nThat's how it is kombilesa in the way\nwe are active\nI saw you\nI don't care if you're with him\nI know what you want with me\nYou looked at me and I looked at you\nbad woman\nI'm gonna make you stick to me\nI'm gonna make you stick to me\nI'm gonna make you stick to me\nYou are going to stay with me\nThe night begins\nThe party does not stop\nWe are going to stay, until 5 in the morning\nDrinking rum, \u00f1eque with beer\ndance champeta at your sister's house\nI know you want, I know you want me to bring you closer to me\nyou get closer, you get closer, you get closer\nI know you want, I know you want me to bring you closer to me\nyou get closer, you get closer, you get closer\nthe sun came out and this does not stop\nfrom here we go to the stream\nthe two of us, your boyfriend leaves\ntomorrow you are going with him\nI invite you to come closer and feel me\nthat when we are together nobody is going to separate us\nlet your boyfriend go, from here we go to the stream\nbecause this party does not stop and here we are going to stay\nI invite you to come closer and feel me\nthat when we are together nobody is going to separate us\nlet your boyfriend go, from here we go to the stream\nbecause this party does not stop and here we are going to stay\ncome with me, and feel me\ncome with me, and feel me\ncome with me, and feel me\ncome with me, and feel me\nthe sun came out and this does not stop\nfrom here we go to the stream\nthe two of us, your boyfriend leaves\ntomorrow you are going with me\nI saw you\nSo, my people, how are you?\nwe are Kombilesa M\u00ed from Palenque\na large group from Black people land\nwe are here for everyone to see and hear us\nwhat we do\nRFP for you all\nKR - talk to the people\nHello, how are you my people? We are Kombilesa M\u00ed of the Palenque of Benkos\nAnd we are here to share with you our RFP\nRap Folklore Palenkero\nWith pride from the Palenque of Benkos\nWe are very happy to be able to share with you and we want to thank all the people who see us\nThanks to Tiny Desk, NPR": 1, "FPGD. Yeah. \nMichelle, Doctor Michelle \nAtarton now, who's there? I can \nsee her. Yes, I am. Shelly, \nwelcome you. Uh this is just, \nthis is, I'm Peter Mayo by the \nway. And I've got for my sins, \nbut we worked really hard on \nit. Also with support from \nother people present here, like \nCarlos and others, for, the, \nthis is the first activity of \nthe newly installed UNESCO \nChair in Global Adult Education \nbecause it's that kind of \ncheer, we have to be global \nthank God for Zoom. Not so much \nfor the teaching itself, but \nanyway, what better way to \nstart than to celebrate the \nbiggest celebrity we probably \nhave in education today. That's \nPaolo Freer. Some people may \nargue about this but yes, \ndefinitely, we need to support \nthis. It's a great moment. It \ngives us the opportunity to \nhave friends and scholars from \ndifferent corners of the world \nand we do. \nyeah, I can see, I think it's \nMargaret. Yes, Margaret Lidrit. \nShe wrote a lot about Paulo \nFredere in her books on \ncommunity development. And \nAlicia, I can see Alicia, hola \nAlicia. In Colombia, no? In \nColombia. Si. Eh \nbasically I just want to hand \nover to our deputy Michelle, a \nvery strong, critical Padego \nherself. Okay? We're lucky to \nhave that kind of person and \nthe helm in our faculty. And to \nwelcome you to this very first \nactivity of the UNESCO Chair in \nGlobal Adult Education which is \nI like to call it a fest. \nFather than the serious \nconference or symposium. But \nthat's what it is. A symposium. \nUh on Paulo Frederon the \ncelebration to mark the \ncelebration of his his birth \nCentenary next Friday we'll \nhave a second one on Raymond \nWilliams. Bird Centenary also. \nJust before the end of the \nyear. And Michelle over to you. \nThank you. Thank you Peter. \nAlways very kind with me. And \nwelcome to all of you. It's so \nnice to see such a diverse \nrange of contributors to to \nthis fest. It is indeed a \nfirst. When I read the titles \nand the names. The lineup of \nthe people who will be \ncontributing. I I I think we \nwe're we should count ourselves \nlucky that we manage to come \ntogether and and celebrate this \ncentenary. I I prepared a few \nwords which I will read out to \nyou. So just three days ago a \ngroup of academics in Malta \npenned a letter to the media \nlamenting about the poor \ncritical thinking skills in our \neducation system which is \nfailing students. One of the \nculprits according to them is \nour culture. The what of the \nlove for art, literature and \nanything static which I'm bold \nas the soul. Our curriculum is \nalso problematic because of its \nfocus on transmission of \ncontent and knowledge. These \nare exciting times for both \nlearners and educators. Despite \nwhat I have just told you about \nthis loophole in our education \nsystem. Educators are \nconstantly being reminded of \ntheir obligation to create \nproblem posing scenarios and \ndiologic contexts in which they \ncan lead our learners through a \nprocess of inquiry. Where \ntogether they pursue answers \nwhich are relevant to their \nneeds as human beings. To \nfunction as a in a society, to \nreflect and to transform. As an \neducator myself, I must confess \nthis that this task is not \nalways easy. Because learning \nenvironments can be oppressive \nin order to be competitive, to \nbe trendy, to be attractive. \nWords which unfortunately are \nnow normalised in the discourse \ncharacterizing higher education \nwhere I come from. learners on \nthe other hand can dismiss and \nindeed contest the culture of \nsilence they are constantly \nsurrounded by. And use \nknowledge to participate in \ndialogue. This is one of the \naims that our faculty strives \nhard to achieve. In our very \nlearning programs. Because we \nbelieve that fostering a \ndiologic learning environment \nand active learning experiences \ncan solve many of the \nchallenges caused by \nglobalization that we are \nexperiencing today. It is thus \nagreed honour for me as deputy \ndean of the Faculty of \nEducation to give the opening \naddress to this Paul of \nCentenary Fest. Convened by my \ndear colleague colleagues \nprofessor Peter Mayo and Doctor \nJ": 2, "I miss you\nWhen I say that, I miss you more\nI'm looking at your photo but I still miss you\nTime is so cruel\nI hate us\nNow it's so hard to even see each other's faces\nIt's only winter here\nEven in August, winter is here\nMy heart makes time run like a Snowpiercer left alone\nI wanna hold your hand\nAnd to go to the other side of the earth\nTo end this winter\nHow much longing has to fall like snow\nFor the spring days to come?\nFriend\nLike a small piece of dust that floats in the air\nIf the flying snow is me, I could reach you faster\nSnowflakes are falling\nGetting farther away\nI miss you (I miss you)\nI miss you (I miss you)\nHow much more do I have to wait?\nHow many more nights do I have to stay up?\nUntil I can see you?(until I can see you?)\nUntil I can meet you?(until I can meet you?)\nPast the end of this cold winter\nUntil the spring comes again\nUntil the flowers bloom again\nStay there a little longer\nStay there\nDid you change? (Did you change?)\nOr did I change?(Did I change?)\nI hate even this moment that is passing\nI guess we changed\nI guess that's how everything is\nYeah, I hate you~Although you left\nThere hasn't been a day that I haven't forgotten about you\nHonestly, I miss you\nBut now I'll erase you\nBecause that will hurt less than resenting you\nI'm blowing out the cold you\nLike smoke, like white smoke\nI say that I'm gonna erase you\nBut actually, I still can't let you go\nSnowflakes are falling\nGetting farther away\nI miss you(I miss you)\nI miss you(I miss you)\nHow much more do I have to wait? How many more nights do I have to stay up?\nUntil I can see you?(Until I can see you?)\nUntil I can meet you?(Until I can meet you?)\nYou know it all\nYou're my best friend\nThis morning will come again\nBecause no darkness, no season can last forever\nCherry blossoms are blooming\nThe winter is ending\nI miss you(I miss you)\nI miss you(I miss you)\nIf I wait a little longer (If I wait) If I stay up a few more nights\nI'll go see you(I'll go see you)\nI'll go pick you up(I'll go pick you up)\nPast the end of this cold winter\nUntil the spring comes again\nUntil the flowers bloom again\nStay there a little longer\nStay there~\n": 4, "hi welcome to the statics tutorials so in the\u00a0\nprevious video we had this truss and we wanted\u00a0\u00a0\nto solve for the forces and hg HC and bc here so\u00a0\nif your a free body diagram and we solved for the\u00a0\u00a0\nreactions at ey and a wife so you may want to\u00a0\ngo back to the previous video and take a look\u00a0\u00a0\nat that if you haven't already seen that one but\u00a0\nin the previous video we solved for those three\u00a0\u00a0\nforces with method of joints this video we're\u00a0\ngoing to take a look at solving for those three\u00a0\u00a0\nunknowns with method of sections so to create\u00a0\nour section we want to cut completely through\u00a0\u00a0\nthe truss and have it so we have two completely\u00a0\nseparate sides of the trust we also want to cut\u00a0\u00a0\nthrough only three unknowns and in this case we\u00a0\ncan cut through the three unknowns that we want\u00a0\u00a0\nto solve for and separate our trust in the two\u00a0\npieces all in one shot each piece of the truss\u00a0\u00a0\nneeds to have at least two pins if it doesn't have\u00a0\nat least two pins or two joints it's really just\u00a0\u00a0\na method of joints again so in this case we have a\u00a0\nB and H so we have three pins so we have more than\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we have two or more here's our section view\u00a0\nso we have been a here so we need to include the\u00a0\u00a0\na Y force we have been B so we need to include the\u00a0\n30 kilonewtons and C D and E though on the other\u00a0\u00a0\nside so we're not going to show the 50 the 20 or\u00a0\na wife anywhere on this free body diagram and none\u00a0\u00a0\nof those forces will show up in our sum of forces\u00a0\nand sum of moments equations we cut through H G\u00a0\u00a0\nso we need to show fh g we cut through HC so i\u00a0\nneed to show the force there and we cut through\u00a0\u00a0\nBC so we'll show the force there and then taking\u00a0\na look at these you'll see this repeated 10 here\u00a0\u00a0\nso pen hg and pen HC sub H is repeated so if we\u00a0\ndo a sum of moments about H both of these two\u00a0\u00a0\nforces go through a and they're not going to show\u00a0\nup in our equation so some of the moments about H\u00a0\u00a0\nwould give us F be C times the height of 3 meters\u00a0\nand that's a positive moment - the 52.5 times the\u00a0\u00a0\nhorizontal distance of 4 meters we can get the\u00a0\nFBC then is positive 70 kilonewtons since it's\u00a0\u00a0\npositive when we drew it as if it was in tension\u00a0\nwe know that it must be in tension we can take\u00a0\u00a0\na look and see that 10 C is also repeated and\u00a0\nso we can do a moment about pen C note the pen\u00a0\u00a0\nceased not on this Freebody diagram but that's\u00a0\nperfectly okay so sum of moments about pen see\u00a0\u00a0\nwill have fhg times my distance of three meters\u00a0\nand that'll give us a negative moment we'll have\u00a0\u00a0\nthe 52.5 close the 8 meter distance over to\u00a0\nC and then a lot of the 30 kill me this times\u00a0\u00a0\nthe 4 meter distance over to C will be able to\u00a0\nsolve for f hg sr only only unknown will get\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 100 kilonewtons so it must have been\u00a0\na hundred kilonewtons in compression since we\u00a0\u00a0\ngot a negative number and then we can do some\u00a0\nof the forces under y fh c is the only force\u00a0\u00a0\nthat has a y component here so it'll be our only\u00a0\nunknown in this equation will have our 52.5 on\u00a0\u00a0\nthis side negative 30 of killings and then the y\u00a0\ncomponent of f HC it's a 3 4 5 right triangle on\u00a0\u00a0\nf HC and the y side is the 3/5 portion we can\u00a0\nsolve for that and we get F HC is equal to 37\u00a0\u00a0\npoint 5 it's a positive number so that force must\u00a0\nbe in tension notice that for each of these three\u00a0\u00a0\nequations were able to write them in such a way\u00a0\nthat we only have one of our unknown forces in\u00a0\u00a0\neach one that's a really nice way to be able to do\u00a0\nmethod of sections because if I make a mistake in\u00a0\u00a0\nthis equation it won't carry through to any of\u00a0\nthe other calculations so if you can find these\u00a0\u00a0\nspecial locations to do some of the moments or\u00a0\nif you have a situation where you have only one\u00a0\u00a0\nforce that as an X component or only one unknown\u00a0\nforce that as a Y component this is a really nice\u00a0\u00a0\nway to set up your equations and solve for\u00a0\nyour answers all right thanks for watching\n": 4, "in plants photosynthesis occurs in\u00a0\nspecialized organelles called chloroplasts\u00a0\u00a0\nthe internal membranes of chloroplasts\u00a0\nare organized into sacs called thylakoids\u00a0\u00a0\nsurrounding the thylakoid membrane\u00a0\nsystem is a semi-liquid substance called\u00a0\u00a0\nstroma photosynthetic pigments are\u00a0\nclustered together to form photosystems\nwhen a photon of light strikes the reaction\u00a0\ncenter of photosystem 2 it excites an electron\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo water molecules bind to an enzyme at the\u00a0\nreaction center this enzyme splits the water\u00a0\u00a0\nand uses the electrons from the water to replace\u00a0\nthe electrons removed from the reaction center\u00a0\u00a0\noxygen is produced in this process the\u00a0\nprimary electron acceptor for the light\u00a0\u00a0\nenergized electrons leaving photosystem two\u00a0\nis plastiquinone the reduced plastiquinone\u00a0\u00a0\n \npasses the excited electrons to a proton pump\u00a0\nembedded in the membrane called the b6f complex\u00a0\u00a0\narrival of the energetic electrons causes the\u00a0\nb6f complex to pump protons from the stroma\u00a0\u00a0\ninto the thylakoid space thereby generating\u00a0\na proton gradient across the membrane\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause the thylakoid membrane is impermeable\u00a0\nto protons the protons in the stroma must pass\u00a0\u00a0\nthrough the channels provided by atp synthase\u00a0\nas protons pass through adp is phosphorylated to\u00a0\u00a0\natp and released into the stroma this process for\u00a0\nmaking atp is referred to as photophosphorylation\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen photosystem 1 absorbs a photon of light\u00a0\nits reaction center passes high energy electrons\u00a0\u00a0\nto ferridoxin the enzyme nadp reductase then\u00a0\ntransfers the electrons to nadp to form nadph\u00a0\u00a0\nelectrons lost from photosystem 1 are replaced by\u00a0\nelectrons generated from photosystem 2. a small\u00a0\u00a0\nprotein called plastocyanin pc then carries the\u00a0\nelectrons from the b6f complex to photosystem one\n": 1, "oh life is bigger\u00a0\u00a0\nit's bigger than you and you are not me the\u00a0\nleast that i will go to distance me your eyes\u00a0\u00a0\noh no i've said too much\ni set it up that's me in the corner\nlet's me in the spot like losing my religion\u00a0\u00a0\ntrying to keep up with you and i don't know\u00a0\nif i can do it oh no i've said too much\nI haven't said enough\nI thought that I heard you laughing\nI thought that I heard you sing\nI think I thought I saw you try\nEvery whisper, of every waking hour\ni'm choosing my confessions \ntrying to keep an eye on you \nlike a hurt lost and blinded fool, fool\nOh no I've said too much\nI set it up\nConsider this\nConsider this the hint of the century\nConsider this\nthe slip\nthe slip \nThat brought me to my knees, failed\nWhat if all these fantasies come\nFlailing around\nNow I've said too much\nI thought that I heard you laughing\nI thought that I heard you sing\ni think i thought I saw you try\nbut that was just a dream that was\u00a0\njust the dream that's me in the corner\nthat's me in the spot light\u00a0\nlosing my religion trying to keep\nand i don't know if i can do it oh no\u00a0\ni said too much i haven't said enough\u00a0\u00a0\ni thought that i hurt you laughing\ni thought\u00a0that i heard you sing\nI think I thought I saw you try\nBut that was just a dream\nTry, cry, why, try\nThat was just a dream, Just a dream\nJust a dream, dream\nyou\n": 1, "2013\nLet's do this\n[Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's\n\"Can't Hold Us\"]\nmen singing: Hey, hey, hey.\nHey, hey, hey.\nHey, hey, hey.\nHey, hey, hey.\nHey, hey, hey.\nHey, hey, hey.\nWhat is your sound?\nReturn of the Mack.\nGet 'em what it is what it does\nwhat it is what it isn't.\nLooking for a better way\nto get up out of bed\ninstead of getting\non the Internet\nand checking a new\nhit me, get up.\nsecond singer: If you can't get\nwhat I'm trying to say.\nLet me get up.\nIf you can't read\nfrom the same page.\nchorus: I know you want it.\nI know you want it.\nWe came here to live life\nlike nobody was watching.\nchorus:\nI hate these blurred lines.\nBlurred lines.\nBlurred lines. Blurred lines.\nBlurred lines.\nHey, hey, hey.\n[Daft Punk's \"Get Lucky\"]\nman: I-I-I, I-I'm a...\nI-I-I, I-I'm a...\nI-I-I, I-I'm a...\nWilliams: I'm up all night\nto get lucky.\nWe've come too far\nto give up who we are.\nSo let's raise the bar\nand our cups to the stars.\nWe're up all night\ntill the sun.\nWe're up all night to get some.\nWe're up all night\nfor good fun.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nWe're up all night to get lucky.\nLet's stop talkin' and do some walkin'\n[music mash-up: Psy's \"Gentleman\" and Ylvis' \"The Fox\"]\n[Baauer's \"Harlem Shake\"]\nDo the Harlem Shake.\n[scream]\nYeah\n[scream]\nRewind, me love rewind!\nTrust me, on my\nI-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T hustlin'\nChasing dreams since I was 14\nwith the four-track, bussing.\nRevelation comes so giving it\nback to the people,\nnow sing this song\nand it goes like...\n[Ylvis's \"The Fox\n(What Does the Fox Say?)\"]\n[humming]\nAnd it goes like...\nP-P-P-P-P-P-Pow!\nP-P-P-P-P-P-Pow!\nWhat the fox say?\nYou wanna change\nthe world?\nYou're a goat!\nYou can do that!\nLewis: Here we go back.\nThis is the moment.\nTonight is the night.\nWe'll fight till it's over.\nSo we put our hands up like\nthe ceiling can't hold us.\nLike the ceiling can't hold us.\nHere we go back.\nThis is the moment.\nTonight is the night.\nWe'll ride till it's over.\nSo we put our hands up like\nthe ceiling can't hold us.\nLike the ceiling can't hold us.\n[music mash-up]\n[waves washing on the beach]\nWatch the year's trending videos\nat youtube.com/rewind\nFor Talia Joy\nWho Still Inspires Us\n": 1, "Time slows down when it can get no worse. I can feel it running out on me. I don\u2019t want these to be my last words, all forgotten \u2018cause that\u2019s all they\u2019ll be.\nNow there\u2019s only one thing I can do, fight until the end like I promised to. Wishing there was something left to lose. This could be the day I die for you.\nWhat do you see before it\u2019s over? Blinding flashes getting closer. Wish that I had something left to lose. This could be the day I die for you.\nThis could be the day I die for you.\nThis could be the day I die for you.\nThis could be the day.\nEverything I know. Everything I hold tight. When to let it go. When to make em all fight. When I\u2019m in control. When I\u2019m out of my mind. When I gotta live when I gotta die, gotta die.\nEverything I know, everything I hold tight. When to let it go, when to make em all fight. When I\u2019m in control, when I\u2019m out of my mind. When I gotta live when I gotta die.\nThis could be the day I die for you.\nFeeling like there\u2019s nothing I can do, this could be the end it\u2019s mine to choose.\nIt\u2019s taken me my lifetime just to prove. This could be the day I die for you. Don\u2019t let it be the day\u2026.\nWhat do you see before it\u2019s over? Blinding flashes getting closer. Sacrificing everything I knew, this could be the day I die for you.\nThis could be the day I die for you.\nEverything I know, everything I hold tight. When to let it go, when to make em all fight. When I\u2019m in control, when I\u2019m out of my mind. When I gotta live when I gotta die.\n": 4, "Wait (out) there\nWhere are you off to now?\nWait (out) there\nWhere are you off to now?\n Cause I\u2019ve been waiting, waiting for you\nBut you wanna say that I\u2019m too much for you\nWait (out) there\nWhere are we going from here?\nI really don\u2019t care ,I really don\u2019t care \nIf I should leave\nYou tell me I\u2019m wrong \nBut I got some questions all night long \nWhere have you disappeared? Where are you now?\nWith whom did you run off with?\nWith whom are you with? \nWhile you sit there \nYou start to lie\nAll you\u2019re left to say\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nWait (out) there\nYou wanna get back to the old times?\nWait (out) there\nIncase you listen to what others say\nCause I\u2019ve been waiting waiting for you\nBut you wanna blame me for your troubles\nWait (out) there\nI really don\u2019t care , YOU really don\u2019t care \nIf I should leave\nyou don't care\nYou tell me I\u2019m wrong \nBut I got some questions all night long\nWhere have you disappeared?\nWhere are you now? \nWith whom did you run off with?\nWith whom are you with? \nWhile you sit there \nYou start to lie\nAll you\u2019re left to say\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nI'm surprised \nEven without any reason you always blame me\nI'm fed up and tired of answering your questions\nNow that I'm fed up\nI can only afford to say yes yes...\nYeah right yeah right\nWe be arguing like day and night day and night \nI don't care if you be leaving tonight\nSo whatever baby I'll just say yes yes.\nI really don\u2019t care , YOU really don\u2019t care \nIf I should leave\nYou tell me I\u2019m wrong \nBut I got some questions all night long\nWhere have you disappeared?\nWhere are you now? \nWith whom did you run off with?\nWith whom are you with?\nWhile you sit there \nYou start to lie\nAll you\u2019re left to say\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nWhy? Aren\u2019t you sad that this is happening?\nIsn\u2019t your heart hurting over what is happening?\nHere we go with that \nYES! it is\nAll I got is my \nYES! it is\nOne more time can we!\nYES! it is\nAll you\u2019re left to say\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\nYES! it is\n": 2, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question number twelve of our calculus review.\nChristopher Carbone: We want to find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of F at the given point.\nChristopher Carbone: The equation is y is equal to x cubed minus threex plus one, and the given point is two comma three.\nChristopher Carbone: So the way that we are going to approach this.\nChristopher Carbone: We want that slope. First. We are going to take the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: H approaches zero.\nChristopher Carbone: This would be of F\nChristopher Carbone: of two plus h\nChristopher Carbone: minus F of two,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: So let me do the work down here for this, just because since it's multiple steps long,\nChristopher Carbone: we don't have to continuously wait there in limits for us to do it.\nChristopher Carbone: F. Of two plus h minus F of two divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: We're poison in the function for this this should be two plus h\nChristopher Carbone: cubed,\nChristopher Carbone: plus three times two plus h\nChristopher Carbone: plus one\nChristopher Carbone: minus.\nChristopher Carbone: So this is all that f of two plus h.\nChristopher Carbone: If we put two into F,\nChristopher Carbone: we would get a value of three.\nChristopher Carbone: This whole thing is divided by H. The.\nChristopher Carbone: So we can expand out the two, plus h cubed we could distribute in the three we could simplify slightly. This will make eight\nChristopher Carbone: plus two H.\nChristopher Carbone: The excitement was twelveh, not just two\nChristopher Carbone: plus twelve h\nChristopher Carbone: plus six h squared.\nChristopher Carbone: What is h cubed\nChristopher Carbone: minus six,\nChristopher Carbone: minus three H.\nChristopher Carbone: And then we have minus two.\nChristopher Carbone: And oh, I just noticed,\nChristopher Carbone: this is actually a subscription here,\nChristopher Carbone: minus three times two plus h, based on our original function up here,\nChristopher Carbone: and this whole thing is still divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: So we can\nChristopher Carbone: combine a few terms.\nChristopher Carbone: We could combine a few terms to help us solve this combined in those terms, we would get\nChristopher Carbone: nine h\nChristopher Carbone: plus sixh squared\nChristopher Carbone: an h per six h squared plus h cubed. All those constants canceled each other out,\nChristopher Carbone: divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: That we could factor out our H.\nChristopher Carbone: This be h times nine plus sixh plus h squared, all divided by H. So now we can cancel out those h's.\nChristopher Carbone: Then we would be left with nine plus six h plus h squared.\nChristopher Carbone: And now that could be put into a limit up here\nChristopher Carbone: limit as h approaches zero. Of what we just found nine or six h plus h squared,\nChristopher Carbone: and since we have those two terms with h's, those are both zero. Now, this once we apply, the limit is just a value of nine\nChristopher Carbone: to get the equation of the tangent line based on this zero point, two comma three.\nChristopher Carbone: We are going to do y minus three,\nChristopher Carbone: equal to nine times x, minus two,\nChristopher Carbone: distributing the nine. Mix y minus three is equal to nine x minus eighteen,\nChristopher Carbone: then add in the three gives us Y is equal to nine X minus fifteen. Now,\nChristopher Carbone: as our tangent line\nChristopher Carbone: equations.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you.\n": 4, "I don't like walking around this old and cluttered house\nThen hold my hand, I'll purge with you my dear\nDon't stare at me, this stuff was cheap. It's always been this way. It's the world telling you you need to buy\nSome days I can't even find a shelf. It's killing me. We're fixing this today\nIf you're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry your stuff to the thrift store\nThere's some old stuff in my room that\nI might want back. I promise you won't miss all of this junk\nPlease let me think this over\nIt's all part of my past. We used to have more time when we were young and had a life with much less stuff.\nSome days I don't know about this simple life. The TV's playing tricks on you my dear\nIf we're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry our stuff to the thrift store\nDon't listen to a word they say\nHey! The screens all sound the same: Pay!\nIf we're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry our stuff to the thrift store\nIt's gone gone gone away, we made it disappear. All that's left is an empty room\nNow we're born born born again. There's nothing we can't do. Just let it go--won't \"need\" again soon\nDonate-nate-nate with me, please hand it out. Don't keep anything you don't need.\nDon't listen to a word they say\nHey! The screens all sound the same:\nPay! If we're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry our stuff to the thrift store\nDon't listen to a word they say\nHey! The screens all sound the same:\nPay! If we're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry our stuff to the thrift store\nIf we're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry your stuff to the thrift store\nIf we're not using or wearing this ship, we'll carry our stuff to the thrift store\n": 3, "Swatting at fly's, Swatting at fly's\nSwatting at fly\u2019s. Anima. Vesta\nTill the days end, till the days end\nTill the days end, ever after\nSwatting at fly's, Swatting at fly's\nSwatting at fly\u2019s. To no regression\nForever more, forever more\nForever more abaddon\nForever abaddon\nAll and all forever fasting\nAll and all for a day\nBefore a place in time procrasting\nAll and all for a way\nTill your place in time will find you\nNever get in the way\nAll and all around you\nNothing will ever fade\nYou never\nSee me\nYou will\nVoca me\nSwatting at fly's, Swatting at fly's\nSwatting at fly's with no affection\nTaking them down, taking them down\nTaking them down. They consume me\nSwatting at fly's, Swatting at fly's\nSwatting at fly's today and here after\nForever more, forever more\nForever more....\nForever till we cease\nBefore the locust raid you\nTry and save your soul\nThey will never leave you\nNever knowing there place\nI will try and save you\nEven though it\u2019s not right\nAbaddon will surround you\nUntil the very last fight\nNever knowing, never winning\nAlways with you, till beginning\nAlways preying, always staying\nAll around you, never giving\nSwatting at fly's (x2)\nLeave me alone (x2)\nYOU NEVER SEE ME\nYOU WILL VOCA ME\n": 1, "okay\nokay.\n, okay. Okay.\n, okay. Okay. Okay.\n, okay. Okay. Okay.\nAkin has the part of the nest.\nnest.\nThat part of the kernel\nThat part of the kernel\nWay, in\nYeah, okay.\nYeah, okay,\nYeah, okay, not so\nYeah, okay, not so\nSanta Monica, models\nMonica models,\nmodels, hey! Gansukadharma, \nBengali.\nBengali.\ns, hey! Gansuki\ns, hey! Gansuki\nhey! Gansuki!\nBy Noabama, say\n, Okay\n,\nOkay, oh, not. But I won't back \nyet.\nkay. We're not. But I won't back\nokay, your diago. You get, okay.\nOkay, okay, your diago. You get\nOkay, okay, your diago. You get\ndiago you get. And they're about\nlie\n, because\n, because that's a\nbecause that's a nervous\nHey! Abel!\nThey don't know\nYou know not the Namos\nYou know not the Namos Clara \nBorke is Damos\nin the\nin the relay\nfor the No. Of the\nWhat's in Nola\nsee? No, look, Daniels \nsee? No, look, Daniels \nBangladesh!\nat\nat get is that? Okay, get\nget is that? Okay, get us, \nGhana. I'll go over the next\nget this, Ghana.\nI'll go over the narrow. Okay.\nOkay? Okay.\nOkay, okay, logarithm.\nYou don't get the\nit's a pretty\nYou don't get the okay.\nYou don't get the okay.\nOkay.\nOkay, see? Si, Si doo kirsten\nOkay.\nLobby\nOkay.\n! It's all\nIt's all I meant at the end. \nThis to gluing of this\nThis, to gluing off the C one.\nWho knows? By the consumers.\nsumers\ntrain the consumers\n2,\n2. Constraint.\n2. Constraint.\n2. Constraint. Good.\nOkay.\nAlmost\nAlmost\nAlmost. Embarrassed. And I like \npeople\n. Okay\nOkay.\nOkay, one Tagana, when I keep\nOkay.\nTagana when I keep all the \npeople that regal us\nus.\nVery\nVery guanto, Andrea\nHello! Parisia! Amigos! Wow!\nDeborah! No. A\nDeborah! No. A.\nCsu, Nakipo, and Mondo\nCsk muscle. Man has gone\nCsk muscle.\nCsk muscle. Manufacturers.\ncturer, Regalius, hey?\nRegalius, hey? One\neveryone.\nMass.\nMass\nMass, mass, logic, loop, then\nMass, mass, Logasu loop, then\nlogasu loop. Then, hey? Aki, \nSolomon\nlomon\nOrder\nOne to\nOne to\nOne to spontos, organisms.\nOne to spontos organizationalis\n,\nOne to spontos organizationalis.\nOne to spontos organizationalis.\nOrganic Oregon.\nOrganizations.\nations, Muslim\nMuslim menosquatrom. Maurice \ndoes those milk\nMaurice does that those milk in\nthe endos bundles of a woman and\ndress\nNevellis\nNevellis?\nIt doesn't mean\nOkay. Okay. Well, no\nOkay. Okay.\nUna. Keep on Monday table\nUna. Keep on Monday table.\nUna. Keep on Monday table. \nMuscle, manos, Ghana. Those are \n1 million\nGhana, those\nGhana, those\nGhana, those mailbeesos\nOkay.\nOkay.\nE. Guanto bowlman\nE. Guanto bowlman, and\nE. Guanto bowlman, and Sideta \nparagraph\nmuscle,\nmuscle,\nmuscle, manows the smell\nmuscle, manows the smell.\nPontos.\nPontos, hey, Kalama! Yuri\nOh, yeah.\nHello\nHello! Laurie? Well.\nHello! Laurie? Well.\nI keep all the good, hey, people\nthat good\none\none to Gana\nd one Tagana, una\nd one Tagana, una kibo, delegate\nAndred regalias people\nPeople on Una kable. I'll get\nrescued\nrescued and\nand\nPlaying Tamil\nPlaying Tamil Bases\n, muscle, man\n,\nmuscle, manosquanto, guanto.\nBut I tell you he gotta keep\nBut I tell you he gotta keep a\nlittle bit\nbit\nMuslim.\nMuslim.\nMuslim.\nIs it does my ears. That's what\nIs it does my ears. That's what\non the mailbone those person \nhas. It doesn't\nthe meal bond.\nThose person has it as well\nit as Wendy Mayor is this, are\neither pendient, though the\nBendy, and though the quantos \npundo santo\ns mayor, is\nmayor, is that\nis, that part of\nis, that part of the Bambian\nKiro\nKira, they didn't\nus\nus Kola Isaiah\nIsaiah\nOne to client this\nsame\nsing when that client\nsing when that client is what\nsing when that client is, \nwouldn't say, well.\nsay\n, Yeah,\nYeah doses. It'll see\nYeah doses. It'll see.\nll see she sees it as a\nsee she sees it as a solar\nmentor\nr\nmantel or cluvin not to zoom.\ndon't think when Blynn is Sid, \nthose are. Go along\nSid.\nSid.\nThose are okay.\nE, th, the del\nE, th, the del logo\nThose are okay.\nThose are okay.\nWhat's up\n, and\n, and don't, says the basel \nduplicate\nand don't, says the vasel \nduplicate for person\nas\nmosa mccantis\nWhat is all\nTo, wrestle out to\nwrestle out to you a simple \nDante\nimple Dante, to\nDante, to volume mentor as \nimportant as possible.\nimportant as possible.\nnt as la": 1, "hello student today we are going\u00a0\nto solve one numerical example\u00a0\u00a0\nto find out eigen values and eigen vector using\u00a0\ngivens methods so let us find the solution of\u00a0\u00a0\nthis problem so in order to save the\u00a0\ntime already we write the problem\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat is the problem using the givens method\u00a0\nfind the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the\u00a0\u00a0\nfollowing matrix and matrix is a first row\u00a0\nis a one to force second row is a two one two\u00a0\u00a0\nthird row is a four to one so as you see here\u00a0\nthe given matrix is a real symmetric matrix\u00a0\u00a0\nso what is our aim our first aim is to convert this matrix into a\u00a0\u00a0\ntridiagonal matrix so as in a previous lecture\u00a0\nwe discussed about a tri diagonal matrix\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat is the tridiagonal matrix the principal\u00a0\ndiagonal element and one element after principal\u00a0\u00a0\ndiagonal elements and one element before\u00a0\nthe principal diagonal elements except these\u00a0\u00a0\nelements all the other element equal to zero\u00a0\nso here what is our aim our aim is to convert\u00a0\u00a0\nthis matrix a into a tridiagonal matrix how\u00a0\nwe convert this one so for this one we use\u00a0\u00a0\nthe similarity transformation and for similarity\u00a0\ntransformation here we find the rotation matrix\u00a0\u00a0\nso how we find the rotation matrix first of\u00a0\nall we write a rotation matrix rotation matrix\n \n \nrotation matrix and suppose\u00a0\nrotation matrix is a s s\ns equal how we write a rotation matrix first\u00a0\nwe choose the key element what is the key\u00a0\u00a0\nelement key element is the element that we want to\u00a0\nconvert equal to zero so here in order to convert\u00a0\u00a0\nthis matrix equal to zero key element is of\u00a0\nfour this element is a key element is a four\u00a0\u00a0\nand just below the key element\u00a0\njust below the key element is a\u00a0\u00a0\nelement two so here four is a key element\u00a0\nif we write a key element key element\nkey element key element is a four\nso at this position we try\u00a0\nto convert this equal to zero\u00a0\u00a0\nand what is the pi vote element five vote\u00a0\nposition of a pi vote element pi vote element\npi vote element equal just below the key element\u00a0\u00a0\nwe denote that element is a pi vote\u00a0\nelement so just below the key element\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich one is a two is a pi vote element\u00a0\nso what is the position of a position\u00a0\u00a0\nposition of pi vote element position\u00a0\nof pi vote element pivot element\nposition of a pi bot element is a\u00a0\u00a0\na two one a two two a two three so position of\u00a0\na pivot element is a a two three a two three\u00a0\u00a0\nso with the help of this information we\u00a0\nwrite a rotation matrix means in place of\u00a0\u00a0\na pi board element in position of a pi board\u00a0\nelement ah a two three we choose the sub space\u00a0\u00a0\nmeans a rotation survey space for the rotation\u00a0\nmatrix so how we write a rotation matrix means\u00a0\u00a0\nin position of a to three we write a minus sin\u00a0\ntheta in place of a two two means of what is the\u00a0\u00a0\nsub matrix sub space so here pi both element\u00a0\nis a two three so sub space is a a two two\u00a0\u00a0\na two three a three two and a three\u00a0\nthree so in this position we write what\u00a0\u00a0\nin this position here at a two two as\u00a0\nin a jacobi method we discuss about\u00a0\u00a0\nthis methods means uh this procedure what is the\u00a0\na two two the value of a two two is a cos theta\u00a0\u00a0\na two three j minus sin theta a three two with\u00a0\nthe sine theta and a three three be the cos theta\u00a0\u00a0\nand all other diagonal element with the one\u00a0\nprincipal diagonal element with the one and\u00a0\u00a0\nall other element with the zero in a rotation\u00a0\nmatrix so here this one is a one zero zero zero\u00a0\u00a0\nzero in place of a two two we write a cos theta\u00a0\nin place of a two three we write a minus sin theta\u00a0\u00a0\nin place of a three two we write a sin theta and\u00a0\nin place of a three three we write a cos theta\u00a0\u00a0\ncos theta and what is the value of a theta the\u00a0\nvalue for theta is a theta equal tan inverse\u00a0\u00a0\ntan inverse tan inverse key element key element\u00a0\nis a position of a key element a one three upon\u00a0\u00a0\na one two this position means uh just after\u00a0\nthe principal diagonal element of a first row\u00a0\u00a0\nis a two this one is a one two\u00a0\nso what is the value for theta\u00a0\u00a0\nthe value for theta equal theta equal tan inverse\u00a0\ntan inverse and what is the value of a one two the\u00a0\u00a0\nvalue of a one three with the four and a one\u00a0\nto be the two so four by two this become two\u00a0\u00a0\nso tan inverse": 2, "I are absentees does MOSFET there\u00a0\nare two type of MOSFET one of the\u00a0\u00a0\nB channel MOSFET the second is the N\u00a0\nchannel MOSFET this is a symbol of the\u00a0\u00a0\nB channel MOSFET source drain and gate\u00a0\nthe P channel MOSFET has three terminals\nsource drain and gate the second is\u00a0\nthe N channel MOSFET the second is\u00a0\u00a0\nN channel MOSFET at symbol is something like this\nit has three terminals source drain and gate\u00a0\nthis is the N channel MOSFET in channel MOSFET\nthis is the internal structure of the in channel\u00a0\u00a0\nMOSFET I are absent this does\u00a0\nit has two Zener diode on it\nit has two thinner diode it had\u00a0\nconsists of a source drain and gate\nit consists up to die or Zener diode in\u00a0\none general diode the positive current\u00a0\u00a0\ncan be passed from the source to\u00a0\ndrain in the absence of the gate\u00a0\u00a0\ncurrent while the negative current has\u00a0\nblocked when the gate current is given\nn channel mosfet\ninternal structure\nthen the negative current from the\u00a0\nsource to the drain starts to blow\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is the n-channel most repeat channel\u00a0\nMOSFET and this is the in channel MOSFET\nso the most bit basic up to types so it has\u00a0\nP channel MOSFET in the N channel MOSFET oh\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is a symbol of the N channel MOSFET\u00a0\nand this is the symbol of the N channel in\u00a0\u00a0\ninternal structures and this is the N channel\u00a0\nMOSFET symbols and the circuit diagram today\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will not this Cripe discuss to the P channel\u00a0\ntoday we will talk about n channel mosfet this\u00a0\u00a0\nis the internal structure of the N channel\u00a0\nMOSFET irh st. is thus it consists of three\u00a0\u00a0\nterminals source drain and gate or it this\u00a0\nis the internal structure this is this is the\u00a0\u00a0\nsymbol of the most ABT and so it consists source\u00a0\ndrain and gate so the name implies metal oxide\u00a0\u00a0\nsemiconductor field effect transistor metal\u00a0\noxide semiconductor field effect transistor\nsubscribe to the channel and press\u00a0\nBell icon so you can get notification\u00a0\u00a0\nof upcoming values this n-channel MOSFET\u00a0\nwith us is available in the palm of saint\u00a0\u00a0\nestas seed i RF scientist thus this is the\u00a0\nN channel MOSFET it has three terminals in\u00a0\u00a0\nchannel MOSFET it has three terminals source\u00a0\ndrain and gate source drain and gate so mu\u00a0\u00a0\nso n channel mosfet are available in the\u00a0\nmarket in the palm of IR obscenities does\npositive current the source to the drain can be\u00a0\npassed even in the absence of the gate current\u00a0\u00a0\nwhile the negative con is black positive current\u00a0\nfrom the source to the drain can be passed even\u00a0\u00a0\nin the absence of the gate current while the\u00a0\nnegative current is block from the source to\u00a0\u00a0\nthe drain the negative current is blocked\u00a0\nfrom the source blocked from the source to\u00a0\u00a0\nthe drain when a positive current is given it\u00a0\nhas get when a positive current is given a it\u00a0\u00a0\nhas get this is debt as in when a positive\u00a0\ncurrent is done at the gate with the help of\u00a0\u00a0\na resistor so negative current from source\u00a0\nto drain it starts to move and the negative\u00a0\u00a0\nsource is found in the output it can also be\u00a0\ndelivered from the positive current anti side\u00a0\u00a0\npositive line nd return and D can also be given\u00a0\nat the positive current gate when you explore\u00a0\u00a0\nto the gate resistor so it will still be in on\u00a0\nsituation now if the main supply is cut up in\u00a0\u00a0\nreached oh so it will still be in on situation\u00a0\nnow coming MOSFET into up condition the only\u00a0\u00a0\nN only source has to go a negative current\u00a0\nyet they get when delivered to the negative\u00a0\u00a0\ncurrent get then we'll be MOSFET up so negative\u00a0\nsupply block from source to drain it his if this\u00a0\u00a0\nresistor is a remote to so it will still be in\u00a0\noff situation but if the source gate resistor\u00a0\u00a0\nare permanently connected and connect to the\u00a0\npositive resistor get so MOSFET is on when\u00a0\u00a0\nseparating the positive resistor and the\u00a0\nnegative supply block from source to drain\nbecause the negative resistor already\u00a0\nexists at the gate from the source\nMOSFET are used in those places when\u00a0\nhigh power is required so this was\u00a0\u00a0\nthe description of IR absentees does\u00a0\nn channel mosfet thank for watching\nso this was the full description of ir absent\u00a0\nis thus n channel mosfet thank for watching\nyou\n": 1, "(\"This Old Man\")\n(\"Ten In The Bed\")\n(\"Numbers Song, 10-100\")\n(\"Five Little Monkeys, Part Two\")\n(\"One Potato, Two Potato\")\n(\"Five Little Ducks\")\n(\"Six Little Ducks\")\n(\"Ten Little Buses\")\n(\"Baa Baa Black Sheep, Part Two\")\n(\"Five Little Speckled Frogs\")\n(\"One, Two Buckle My Shoe\")\n(\"Hickory Dickory Dock\")\n(jungle animals chattering)\n- [Narrator] Five!\n(\"Five Little Monkeys, Part Two\")\nFour!\nThree!\nTwo!\nOne!\n(jungle animals chattering)\n(\"One, Two, Three, Four, Five\nOnce I Caught A Fish Alive\")\n(\"Baa Baa Black Sheep, Part One\")\n(\"Wheels On The Bus, Part Six\")\n(\"ABC Bubbles Song\")\n(\"Wash Hands Song\")\n(\"Colors And Actions Song\")\n(\"Ten Little Animals\")\n(\"Star Light Star Bright\")\n(\"The Bear Went Over The Mountain\")\n(\"Mr. Sun\")\n(\"Wheels On The Bus, Part Seven\")\n(\"Happy Birthday Song\")\n(\"Days Of The Week\")\n(\"Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush\")\n(\"Colors And Objects\")\n(\"The Grand Old Duke Of York\")\n(\"Driving In My Car\")\n(\"Johny Johny Yes Papa\")\n(\"Finger Family, Part Three\")\n(\"A Sailor Went To Sea\")\n(water sloshes)\n(water sloshes)\n(water sloshes)\n(water sloshes)\n(water sloshes)\n(water sloshes)\n(\"This Little Piggy\")\n": 1, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis of Reza.\nI apologize if I mispronounced your name.\nWith Eltasya Natasha. I also apologize if I mispronounced her name.\nWith Eltasya Natasha. I also apologize if I mispronounced her name.\nBut it's part 9 of Tiktok songs.\nTherefore, I will analyze this video.\nFor those who don't know I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\nproducer and composer. And in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis,\non vocal behavior and musical arrangement,\non vocal behavior and musical arrangement,\ntherefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my observations.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nLet's analyze, react to Reza with Eltasya Natasha.\nLet's analyze, react to Reza with Eltasya Natasha.\nThere is voice work here. And I find it very creative.\nThere is voice work here. And I find it very creative.\nEven one of these voices, apparently,\nthe perception I have is that he is using melodyne.\nBut it also creates a very original and modern effect.\nBut it also creates a very original and modern effect.\nIt is the use of the falsetto being used as an ornament.\nAnd she has a very, very subtle and light voice.\nAnd she has a very, very subtle and light voice.\nI find this technique very difficult.\nI find this technique very difficult.\nBut I really like her vocal behavior.\nShe seems to design and do constant work with the use of the mask region...\nShe seems to design and do constant work with the use of the mask region...\nWhile Reza already sings like this...\nHe doesn't try too hard to project his voice. She is always very subtle and light as well.\nHe doesn't try too hard to project his voice. She is always very subtle and light as well.\nShe did a falsetto and works a lot with a more direct projection of her voice.\nShe did a falsetto and works a lot with a more direct projection of her voice.\nAlthough he already inserts more subtlety and lightness in his voice.\nshe has it naturally\nand he has it too. Because he seems to be a singer in the high region of the male voice.\nand he has it too. Because he seems to be a singer in the high region of the male voice.\nShe looks like a soprano to me and he looks like a tenor to me.\nand this is the auditory perception that I have. And he works a lot with...\nand this is the auditory perception that I have. And he works a lot with...\nHe works a lot with the melody of his voice too.\nAnd at times he inserts the falsetto very quickly, using it as an ornament.\nAnd at times he inserts the falsetto very quickly, using it as an ornament.\nAnd it looks great and she does too.\nHe knows how to work very well with the use of mixed voice.\nBecause sometimes it works with the chest voice region.\nand in others with the mask voice region. So he makes this balance...\nVery subtle. Is incredible.\nHe has an impressive sensitivity to interpret,\nand adapt the voice with\nof the people that he invites to do these amazing collaborations that he does.\nof the people that he invites to do these amazing collaborations that he does.\nShe is amazing and has a fantastic command of her voice.\nShe knows how to work very well\nwith the harmony and melody in relation to this instrumental that gives the necessary support,\nwith the harmony and melody in relation to this instrumental that gives the necessary support,\nto sing and interpret the songs.\nIt is a musical base that does not have many variations.\nIt is a musical base that does not have many variations.\nAnd always keep a lot of momentum.\nwith few variations in terms of musical arrangement and behavior of the instrument.\nwith few variations in terms of musical arrangement and behavior of the instrument.\nBut they manage to do it amazingly. It's fantastic and very creative too.\nBut they manage to do it amazingly. It's fantastic and very creative too.\nBut they manage to do it amazingly. It's fantastic and very creative too.\nPart 9 of a very interesting work done by Reza.\nPart 9 of a very interesting work done by Reza.\nI apologize if I mis": 4, "[Music]\n[Music]\nso\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwell thanks everyone thanks for coming\nwell thanks everyone thanks for coming\nwell thanks everyone thanks for coming\nout tonight it's a it's a real pleasure\nout tonight it's a it's a real pleasure\nout tonight it's a it's a real pleasure\nto be here uh\nto be here uh\nto be here uh\ni really enjoy\ni really enjoy\ni really enjoy\nsharing the research we're doing at uc\nsharing the research we're doing at uc\nsharing the research we're doing at uc\nsanta barbara and the work that the\nsanta barbara and the work that the\nsanta barbara and the work that the\nstudents in my lab and i are doing but\nstudents in my lab and i are doing but\nstudents in my lab and i are doing but\num\num\num\nby the end of this talk you'll see that\nby the end of this talk you'll see that\nby the end of this talk you'll see that\nthe channel islands national park is our\nthe channel islands national park is our\nthe channel islands national park is our\npartner in studying some global change\npartner in studying some global change\npartner in studying some global change\nthings and\nthings and\nthings and\num\num\num\nkind of why i'm here is to sort of also\nkind of why i'm here is to sort of also\nkind of why i'm here is to sort of also\nreport out on how that collaboration's\nreport out on how that collaboration's\nreport out on how that collaboration's\ngoing and what we're learning\ngoing and what we're learning\ngoing and what we're learning\nin the santa barbara channel in\nin the santa barbara channel in\nin the santa barbara channel in\ncollaboration with park personnel\ncollaboration with park personnel\ncollaboration with park personnel\nso i'm a you know run-of-the-mill\nso i'm a you know run-of-the-mill\nso i'm a you know run-of-the-mill\nprofessor at uc santa barbara but i've\nprofessor at uc santa barbara but i've\nprofessor at uc santa barbara but i've\nbeen really fortunate to get to do\nbeen really fortunate to get to do\nbeen really fortunate to get to do\nresearch in all these really interesting\nresearch in all these really interesting\nresearch in all these really interesting\nplaces and i kind of started out my\nplaces and i kind of started out my\nplaces and i kind of started out my\ncareer thinking about how animals\ncareer thinking about how animals\ncareer thinking about how animals\ninterface with the environment how\ninterface with the environment how\ninterface with the environment how\norganisms work when they face\norganisms work when they face\norganisms work when they face\ntemperature chains etc\ntemperature chains etc\ntemperature chains etc\nand\nand\nand\num you know 20 years ago when my career\num you know 20 years ago when my career\num you know 20 years ago when my career\nstarted\nstarted\nstarted\ni was thinking basic science and then\ni was thinking basic science and then\ni was thinking basic science and then\nover the arc of time\nover the arc of time\nover the arc of time\nmarine scientists really started to\nmarine scientists really started to\nmarine scientists really started to\nrealize that the oceans were changing in\nrealize that the oceans were changing in\nrealize that the oceans were changing in\nreally dramatic ones and a lot of this\nreally dramatic ones and a lot of this\nreally dramatic ones and a lot of this\nwe learned\nwe learned\nwe learned\nbecause we have sensors in the water\nbecause we have sensors in the water\nbecause we have sensors in the water\nmeasuring ocean temperatures different\nmeasuring ocean temperatures different\nmeasuring ocean temperatures different\nlevels of ph and pc\nlevels of ph and pc\nlevels of ph and pc\ncarbon dioxide in the water we had\ncarbon dioxide in the water we had\ncarbon dioxide in the water we had\npeople observing natural populations and\npeople observing natural populations and\npeople observing natural populations and\nseeing that actually\nseeing that actually\nseeing that actually\nthere were\nthere were\nthere were\nshifts and distribution of organisms\nshifts and distribution of organisms\nshifts and distribution of organisms\nthings starting to move forward and so\nthings starting to move forward and so\nthings starting to move": 1, "This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. David Keene, who still serves on the NRA board, thought he was giving a rehearsalspeech for graduating students at the James Madison Academy at Las Vegas -- but no such school exists. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. David Keene, who still serves on the NRA board, thought he was giving a rehearsalspeech for graduating students at the James Madison Academy at Las Vegas -- but no such school exists. \nThis is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. David Keene, who still serves on the NRA board, thought he was giving a rehearsalspeech for graduating students at the James Madison Academy at Las Vegas -- but no such school exists. \n": 3, "David Bowie - Modern Love\nDavid Bowie - Live On \nJonathan Ross Show In 2003\nI know when to go out\nI know when to stay in\nGet things done\nI catch a paper boy\nBut things don't really change\nI'm standing in the wind\nBut I never wave goodbye\nBut I try, I try\nThere's no sign of life\nIt's just the power to charm\nI'm lying in the rain!\nBut I never wave goodbye\nBut I try, I try\nNever gonna fall for (Modern love) \nWalks beside me (Modern love) \nWalks on by (Modern love) \nGets me to the church on time!\n(Church on time) Terrifies me\n(Church on time) Makes me party\n(Church on time) Puts \nmy trust in god and man!\n(God and man) No confessions\n(God and man) No religion\n(God and man) Don't \nbelieve in modern love!\nModern love!\nIt's not really work\nIt's just the power to charm\nI'm lying in the rain!\nBut I never wave goodbye\nBut I try, I try\nNever gonna fall for (Modern love) \nWalks beside me (Modern love) \nWalks on by (Modern love) \nGets me to the church on time!\n(Church on time) Terrifies me\n(Church on time) Makes me party\n(Church on time) Puts \nmy trust in god and man\n(God and man) No confessions\n(God and man) No religion\n(God and man) Don't \nbelieve in modern love\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love!)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love!)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love)\nModern love! (Modern love!)\nYeah!\nComposi\u00e7\u00e3o: David Bowie\n": 1, "foreign [Applause] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nright now [Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nhere\n[Music]\ngirls only about nothing [Music]\n[Music]\nyeah yeah yeah thank you so much Atlanta we\nappreciate you thank you [Music]\nlet's make some noise for my band you guys\ncome on\n[Music]\nAtlanta yeah [Music]\nlook out what's up [Music]\nthank you [Music]\nthank you [Applause] [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] that's a liability practices\n[Music]\nhello everybody [Music]\nforeign [Music]\nto blow your back and take a dumb ass [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nto hold the sack to take a [\u00a0__\u00a0] like me\nI'm a maniac I'm a maniac I'm a maniac call\nme Brainiac [\u00a0__\u00a0] Can't react I'm a range\n[Music] six for the pros seven for the numbers\n[Music] behind big walls [\u00a0__\u00a0] these devils\nand these laws never question the size of\nice cubes balls get the biggest\ngroup [Music]\nthat's how we got shot on that mysterious\n[Music] chain react watch my Cranium crack\nwatch these [\u00a0__\u00a0] George Bush is like Damien\nis back can't trust no Republican or Democrat\nDemocrat you all wonder if they care about\nmy black ass the [\u00a0__\u00a0] still got a stack\ncast [Music] running gets a bigger crew\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\ndemons\n[Music]\n[Music]\nthank you\n[Music] you know\n[Music]\nthey ready\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwe got home\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nthank you\nforeign\nmaybe I'm getting higher you see these notes\nthat I carry like Mariah I'm playing but they\ntold me that I'm on fire so imma rhyme with\nit from here to the slums where did I admit\nit I kill it but they acting like guns [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nso I take off with these bad dreams and these\nnightmares my girl bought me a fresh pair\nof night ass I didn't care what they were\ncharging for flight fare so I bought a first\nclass ticket for the nice chairs the flight\nattended so we sit right here excuse my ways\npretty lady but I might stand straight out\nthe window at the city below I was trying\nto figure out like which city to go my homies\nsay I'm cold like it was fitting below when\nI'm busting at the seams like I was ready\nto blow in my self-centered cause I listened\nto my old tracks I try to put it in the first\nbut I hold back never play cards but deal\nwith the whole stack I don't feening for the\nZiploc flows like I saw crack and we act like\nwe fresh out of the real we the people in\ncharge and the haters couldn't see us you\nmarried to the game then it came with a prenup\nand if you try kick and we fresh out of Adidas\nroll your tree out what it feel like I'm just\ntrying to make sure that you feel right I\nlove red wine and some good food good news\n[\u00a0__\u00a0] came with a good view uh white girl\non the granite yeah yeah think that they call\nit Janet I was never involved and I took the\n[\u00a0__\u00a0] for granted cause they say I'm out\nof this world I'm on another planet cause\nI'm coasting fly wherever the wind blows I'm\nin motion with fog all over the windows and\nI'm ghosts yeah I'm ghosts I'm ghost right\nnow shout out to my haters let's toast right\nnow we on another level so close right now\nbut me and my team yelling we out we up we\nup we up we up yeah and we are we up we up\nand we up we up we up and we are we are we\nup like me and my team yelling we up yeah\nwe are we are we are we up we up we up and\nme and my team yelling we up we up we [Music]\n[Applause]\nyeah as I walk through the valley of the Shadow\nwith death I take a look at my life but free\nyour life there's nothing left cause I been\nblasted a little so long that even my mama\nthinks that my mind is gone but I ain't never\ncrossed the man that did deserve it me be\ntreated like a punk you know it's unheard\nof you better watch how you talking or where\nyou're walking or you want your homies popping\nlines but I got a low I stay cool I see myself\nin the business [Music]\ntheir lives [Music]\nlook at the situation they got me facing I\ncan't live a normal life I was raised by the\nstreets so I gotta be damned with a hood team\ntoo much jealous and watch it got me chasing\ndreams I'm an educated fool with money on\nmy mind got my tent in my hand in the glimp\nin my eye I'm a low down and my homies is\ndead so do": 1, "Seems such a waste of mats\nIf that's what it's all about\nNinja if that's buildin' up then I'm\u2014\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nNinja B works in the grocery store\nSavin' his V-bucks for someday\nMama Blevins left a note on the door\nShe said, \"teammate, build out to the country\"\ngrinding' too hard can give you\nA build attack (ack, ack, ack, ack, ack)\nYou oughta know by now (oughta know)\nWho needs a fort out in POI\nIs that what you get for your V-bucks?\nIt seems such a waste of mats\nIf that's what it's all about\nNinja if that's buildin' up\nThen I'm buildin' out\nI never liked you players\nWho knew, one day, I'd be just like you players?\nF-F-F, Fortnite, you players\nF-F-F, Fortnite, you players\nWhen I become my llama's teammate?\nHe cranked in our lives; I was level five\nNinja Blevins skin, I was super-duper fly\nSitting there like, \"Wow,\" he at least Thanos\nsize\nYou know I scrutinize, like, \"Who this newer\nguy?\"\nI'm my llama's teammate, I'm her little squadron\nI was the man of the fort when it wasn't\nTryna get to know me, teammate?\nJust kill the charm\nYou ain't interested in me, you just tryna\nsquad my llam'\nWe are the voices of our teammate' bad choices\nThe aftermath of some losses, the bots of\nbitter build-ups\nAnd botty looters, grand builders that don't\nknow what do to with us\nAnd the last thing I want to see is Llama's\nnew player\nYou ol' Old fort-buildin', small pot-lootin'\nBot skin and back bling-wearing, big pot-slurpin'\nWhen you first stop caring about your appearance?\nWhen you get here anyway?\nI already got teammates\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nYou should never argue with a crazy mind (mi-,\nmi-, mi-, mi-, mi-)\nYou oughta know by now\nYou can pay lil Kev with the overtime\nIs that all you get for your vbucks\nand If that's what you have in mind\nyeah If that's what you're all about\nGood luck buildin' up\n'Cause I'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\nI'm buildin' out\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n(Fortnite you players, F-Fortnite)\n": 1, "We all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nThen I saw your face, your forgiving eyes\nLooking back at me from the other side\nLike you understood me\nAnd I'm never letting you go, oh\nWe all need that someone who gets you like no one else\nRight when you need it the most\nWe all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it alone\nla-la-la-la-la, la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\n'Cause you are that someone that gets me like no one else\nRight when I need it the most\nAnd I'll be the one you rely on, a shoulder to cry on\nA friend through the highs and the lows\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone\nI'm not gonna make it alone\n": 1, "You and I in a little toy shop\nBuy a bag of balloons with the money we\u00b4ve got\nSet them free at the break of dawn\nTill one by one they were gone\nBack at base, sparks in the software\nFlash the message \u201csomethings out there\u201d\nFloating in the summer sky\nNinety nine red balloons go by\nNinety nine red balloons\nFloating in the summer sky\nPanic bells, its red alert\nThere\u00b4s something here from somewhere else\nThe war machine springs to life\nOpens up one eager eye\nAnd focusing it on the sky\nThe ninety nine red ballons go by\nNinety nine decisions treat\nNinety nine ministers meet\nTo worry, worry, super scurry\nCall the troops out in a hurry\nThis is what weve waited for\nThis is it boys, this is war\nThe President is on the line\nAs Ninety nine red balloons go by\nNinety nine knights of the air\nRide super high-tech jet fighters\nEveryones a super hero\nEveryones a Captain Kirk\nWith orders to identify\nTo clarify and classify\nScrambling the summer sky\nNinety nine red balloons go by\nAs ninety nine red balloons go by\nNinety nine dreams I have had\nIn every one a red balloon\nIt\u00b4s all over and Im standing pretty\nIn this dust that was a city\nIf could find a souvenir\nJust the prove the world was here\nAnd here is a red balloon\nI think of you and let it go\n": 3, "Ain't got no talent, she's just known\nThis the same bitch, on that same shit\nAt 4 AM, I passed her to Rocky\n3 AM, yeah, I was gettin' sloppy\n2 AM, we met up at the lobby\n1 AM, she was callin' me papi\nFuck with Montana, bitch, that's my n***a\nCome get twisted with the Juice, I'm your n***a\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nTwisted off the juice, top off the roof\nGrind 'til the night over, I ain't come up overnight\nDoors open up, legs open wide\n300 on a coupe, 300 for the show\nDance like you dancin' on a pole\nI got brown bags, loads, tic-tac-toe, X's, O's\nwith a rock like a brick hit, Yeah, that's that drip\nwith a three quarter mink, Shawty ridin' shotty\nWho the fuck is this? Pull up in a Gati\nBlack Rollie Barack, Ciroc in my liver\nFuck with Montana, 'cause I'm your n***a\nBitches hoppin' off the pole like, \"Where the paper at?\"\nWhen I park that Lec', and slide through the back\nBitches tweakin' like they on angel dust\nFor that fame they bussin, nothin' strange to us\nShawty's pussy must be dope, 'cause n***s can't quit\nN****s ballin' out, buyin' all kinda gifts\nfor suckin' famous dicks\nGot a bitch in all states, like the fake Denzel\n1-800, then I kill the pussy, who can relate?\nFuck her then I bounce, hell nah, I can't do no date\nWe know I'ma get the C-note, then I relocate\nBitches call me Bobby Tarantino\nYou know how it go, fosho', Bust a nut and then I roll\nShe said, \"I know I ain't a ho, I'm just tryna get this money\nGet your ass up on the pole, let your worries go\nI'm finna floor, I'm finna catch a flow, like \"Woah\"\nI said, I know you ain't a ho, but girl just let it go\nShe said she ain't never done no shit like this before\nFuck with Montana, bitch, that's my n***a\nCome get twisted with the Juice, I'm your n***a\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nFuck with Montana, bitch, that's my n***a\nCome get twisted with the Juice, I'm your n***a\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nTwisted off the juice, twisted, twisted off the juice\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nDance, dance like you dancin' on a pole\nI'm the man, do it 'cause I can\nthat's word to God, Goddamn\nSlob on my knob, girl you're beautiful\nhe comin' through, Word to Triple-6, suck up on my dick\nShut your fuckin' mouth, 'cause Bobby Boy\nBitches be beautiful, but they ugly on the inside, woo\nnow I mean? Whip clean, peanut butter on the inside\nThat's word to Karim, we live in the dream\nIf you ain't talkin' money, you need to talk to French\ndon't appease me\nThis money please me, these fake rappers\nWord to Yeezy, my shit's breezy, it's too easy\n": 1, "My blood sweat tears\n My last dance too just take \u2018em take \u2018em\nMy blood sweat tears\nMy cold breath too just take \u2018em take \u2018em\nMy blood sweat tears\nAll My blood sweat tears\nand my body mind soul\nI know they\u2019re all yours\nThis is a spell that\u2019ll punish me\nPeaches and cream\nSweeter than sweet\nChocolate cheeks\nand chocolate wings\nBut your wings are devil\u2019s wings.\nThere is a \u2019bitter\u2019 next to your \u2018sweet\u2019\nKiss me it\u2019s okay if it hurts Just tighten me so quickly\nthat I can\u2019t even feel the pain anymore\nBaby it\u2019s okay if I get drunk I\u2019ll drunk you deep now\nA whiskey called \u2018you\u2019\nMy blood sweat tears\nMy last dance too just take \u2018em take \u2018em\nMy blood sweat tears\nMy cold breath too just take \u2018em take \u2018em\nWant it more moremoremore\nWant it more moremoremoremoremore\nWant it more moremoremore\nWant it more moremoremoremoremore\nok to be hurt so tie me up so I can\u2019t run away\ngrab me tight and shake me up\nso I can\u2019t come to my senses\nkiss me on the lips a secret between just the two\nDeeply poisoned by the jail of you\nCan\u2019t serve no one but you and I knew\nThe grail was poisoned but drank it anyway\nMy blood sweat tears\nMy last dance too just take \u2018em take \u2018em\nMy blood sweat tears\nMy cold breath too just take \u2018em take \u2018em\nWant it more moremoremore\nWant it more moremoremoremoremore\nWant it more moremoremore\nWant it more moremoremoremoremore\nKill me gently\nClose my eyes with your hands\nCan\u2019t resist it anyway\nCan\u2019t even run away anymore\nYou just too sweet too sweet\ntoo sweet\nMy blood sweat tears\nMy blood sweat tears\n": 2, "it's english vocabulary time\nhere are 350 english words that will help you\u00a0\nbuild and grow your fluency in conversations\nplus i explain the meaning and give an\u00a0\nexample sentence for each one enjoy the lesson\nunbearable\nunbearable\nmeaning\nnot able to be endured or tolerated\nnot able to be endured or tolerated\nhe was making life unbearable for his parents\nhe was making life unbearable for his parents\nstruggle\nstruggle\nmeaning\nmake forceful or violent efforts to\u00a0\nget free of restraint or constriction\nmake forceful or violent efforts to\u00a0\nget free of restraint or constriction\nwe had a struggle to stop the criminal\nwe had a struggle to stop the criminal\npromise\npromise\nmeaning\na declaration or assurance that one will do\u00a0\nsomething or that a particular thing will happen\na declaration or assurance that one will do\u00a0\nsomething or that a particular thing will happen\nyou can't go back on your promise now\nyou can't go back on your promise now\nunique\nunique\nmeaning\nbeing the only one of its\u00a0\nkind unlike anything else\nbeing the only one of its\u00a0\nkind unlike anything else\nhis style of singing is rather unique\nhis style of singing is rather unique\npriority\npriority\nmeaning\nthe fact or condition of being regarded\u00a0\nor treated as more important than others\nthe fact or condition of being regarded\u00a0\nor treated as more important than others\nour first priority is to maintain the\u00a0\ncustomers confidence in our product\nour first priority is to maintain the\u00a0\ncustomers confidence in our product\nhighlight\nhighlight\nmeaning\nan outstanding part of an event or period of time\nan outstanding part of an event or period of time\nthe highlight of the week was\u00a0\nsaturday's firework display\nthe highlight of the week was\u00a0\nsaturday's firework display\nfoam\nfoam\nmeaning\na mass of small bubbles formed on or in\u00a0\nliquid typically by agitation or fermentation\na mass of small bubbles formed on or in\u00a0\nliquid typically by agitation or fermentation\nthe glass of beer was mostly foam\nthe glass of beer was mostly foam\nchew\nchew\nmeaning\na repeated biting or gnawing of something\na repeated biting or gnawing of something\nthis meets so tough i can hardly chew it\nthis meets so tough i can hardly chew it\nradiator\nradiator\nmeaning\na thing that radiates or emits light heat or sound\na thing that radiates or emits light heat or sound\ni hung his wet trousers on the\u00a0\nradiator but they're not dry yet\ni hung his wet trousers on the\u00a0\nradiator but they're not dry yet\npressure\npressure\nmeaning\ncontinuous physical force exerted on or against\u00a0\nan object by something in contact with it\ncontinuous physical force exerted on or against\u00a0\nan object by something in contact with it\nthe immense pressure causes the rock to fracture\nthe immense pressure causes the rock to fracture\nnegotiation\nnegotiation\nmeaning\ndiscussion aimed at reaching an agreement\ndiscussion aimed at reaching an agreement\nafter months of negotiation an\u00a0\nagreement was finally reached\nafter months of negotiation and\u00a0\nagreement was finally reached\ncostume\ncostume\nmeaning\na set of clothes in a style typical of a\u00a0\nparticular country or historical period\na set of clothes in a style typical of a\u00a0\nparticular country or historical period\nshe has four costume changes during the play\nshe has four costume changes during the play\nrisky\nrisky\nmeaning\nfull of the possibility of danger failure or loss\nfull of the possibility of danger failure or loss\nher financial advisor warned her\u00a0\nagainst such a risky investment\nher financial advisor warned her\u00a0\nagainst such a risky investment\nthermometer\nthermometer\nmeaning\nan instrument for measuring\u00a0\nand indicating temperature\nan instrument for measuring\u00a0\nand indicating temperature\nshe put the thermometer under my tongue\nshe put the thermometer under my tongue\ntriangle\ntriangle\nmeaning\na plane figure with three\u00a0\nstraight sides and three angles\na plane figure with three\u00a0\nstraight sides and three angles\nall the boxes were marked with a blue triangle\nall the boxes were marked with a blue triangle\nscam\nscam\nmeaning\na dishonest scheme a fraud\na dishonest scheme a fraud\ni spent more than four thousand pounds\u00a0\nbefore i ": 4, " \n \nHey\n \nBrother-in-law.\n \nThen, today you will sleep with me in my room? Men only?\n \nThen, today you will sleep with me in my room? Men only?\n \nWhat are you doing?\n \nIs this the real you?\nWhat are you trying to say?\nHow can this be for me?\n \nHow can this be for me?\nYou tricked me, you realize that?\n \n \nHey\n \nBrother-in-law.\n \nThen, today you will sleep with me in my room? Men only?\n \nThen, today you will sleep with me in my room? Men only?\n \nWhat are you doing?\n \nIs this the real you?\nWhat are you trying to say?\nHow can this be for me?\n \nHow can this be for me?\nYou tricked me, you realize that?\n \n \nHey\n \nBrother-in-law.\n \nThen, today you will sleep with me in my room? Men only?\n \nThen, today you will sleep with me in my room? Men only?\n \nWhat are you doing?\n \nIs this the real you?\nWhat are you trying to say?\nHow can this be for me?\n \nHow can this be for me?\nYou tricked me, you realize that?\nMother told you not to show it to anyone!\n \nMother told you not to show it to anyone!\nBecause of your mistake, many people's lives will be destroyed.\n \nBecause of your mistake, many people's lives will be destroyed.\nEven Hae-e can experience the stress of university entrance exams\n \nEven Hae-e can experience the stress of university entrance exams.\nWhere is Hae-e?\n \nWhere do you think Hae-e is?\n \nsee you in the next video\nMother told you not to show it to anyone!\n \nMother told you not to show it to anyone!\nBecause of your mistake, many people's lives will be destroyed.\n \nBecause of your mistake, many people's lives will be destroyed.\nEven Hae-e can experience the stress of university entrance exams\n \nEven Hae-e can experience the stress of university entrance exams.\nWhere is Hae-e?\n \nWhere do you think Hae-e is?\n \nsee you in the next video\nMother told you not to show it to anyone!\n \nMother told you not to show it to anyone!\nBecause of your mistake, many people's lives will be destroyed.\n \nBecause of your mistake, many people's lives will be destroyed.\nEven Hae-e can experience the stress of university entrance exams\n \nEven Hae-e can experience the stress of university entrance exams.\nWhere is Hae-e?\n \nWhere do you think Hae-e is?\n \nsee you in the next video\n": 1, "Melodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nKoala Nation In the Mix\nBest Uplifting Techno mix\nInfraction - Cyberpunk\nso\nso\nhello\nso\n02:44 TechHead - Space Distortion\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nso\ndo\nso\nso\nso\nso\ndo\noh\nso\nso\nDASQ - Beyond Existence\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nthis is\nthis\nthis is\nthis\nthis is\u00a0\u00a0\nNicolas Cad - Rebirth\nMelodic techno mix\nTechno 2022\nthis\nnow here comes\nnow here comes\nErik Cooke - Hold Me Back\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nforeign\nso\nso\nyou can't hold me hold me back\nso\nso\u00a0\u00a0\nso\nso\nso\nso\nAngry Kore - Italian Techno\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nso\nso\ndo\nso\nitalian\n FEEZZ - FLP Future Rave Techno\nMelodic techno mix\nso\ncome with me come with me come with me\ncome with me come with me\ncome with me come with with me\ndo\noh\nhmm\nme\nAlexi Action - EDM\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nmy\nokay\nDark Eve - Presence\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\nmy\nso\nso\num\nquality\nso\nInfraction - Skyline\nMelodic Techno Mix\nTechno 2022\ngood\ndo\nso\ndo\ndo\nnow\noh\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nforeign\nso\nso\nuh\nright\nso\nso\ngo\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\ndon't stop\nstop\ndon't stop\nso\nhere\nmy soul rise from the darkness\noh i will survive\ni'm\noh i will survive\nsurvived\nfrom the darkness\nwill survive oh i will survive\nis\noh i will survive\nforeign\nso\nso\nthe\nnot\nso\n": 1, "Fold and unfold along the diagonals\nFold the top right edge to the crease\nRepeat on the bottom right edge\nUnfold\nRepeat on the left side\nFold the right corner\nMountain-fold vertically\nUse the corner as a reference point\nLine up the horizontal crease to make sure you're folding perpendicular to it\nUnfold\nValley-fold along the edge of the top layer\nRepeat on the other edge\nUnfold\nFold the edge to the crease made on the previous step\nUnfold\nRepeat on top\nFold the top and bottom corners\nNote the reference points\nUnfold\nFold the top right edge to the vertical crease and unfold\nCrease partially\nRepeat on the bottom\nValley-fold using the indicated reference points\nUnfold\nRepeat on the bottom\nFold the edge to the horizontal crease\nReverse-fold using the creases from the previous steps\nFold to the right\nTurn the existing crease into a mountain fold and bring it to the bottom edge\nLine up also the other edge and flatten the model\nReverse-fold the little triangle\nReverse-fold again\nRepeat on the top\nFold the edge to the horizontal crease\nReverse-fold using the creases from the previous steps\nFold to the right\nTurn the existing crease into a mountain fold and bring it to the top edge\nLine up also the other edge and flatten the model\nReverse-fold the little triangle\nReverse-fold again\nValley-fold on the existing crease\nFold the corner to the right\nMountain-fold the top and bottom triangles behind\nTurn over\nFold along the existing creases\nFold in half\nSquash-fold\nFold and unfold\nRepeat on the left side\nReverse-fold\nUnfold the top layers\nValley-fold upwards\nRelease the trapped paper\nFold at 45\u00ba by bringing the horizontal crease to the vertical position\nRepeat on the right side\nFold both sides together\nSquash-fold\nFold and unfold\nBring the point up and fold the left side in and out using the existing creases\nRepeat on the right side\nFold the point upwards\nRelease the trapped paper\nBring the top corner down\nSquash-fold the right side\nFold upwards using the existing creases\nFold the point down\nFold to the right\nRepeat on the left side\nSquash-fold\nFold upwards using the existing creases\nFold the point down\nFold to the left\nReverse-fold the triangular flaps\nFold the bottom point up\nGrab the top and the bottom and stretch the center of the model\nFlatten it\nFold downwards\nFold and unfold the corner\nFold to the right and spread squash-fold the top\nFold it back to the left\nRepeat on the right side\nFold and unfold the corner\nFold to the left and spread squash-fold the top\nFold it back to the right\nTurn over\nFold the corner up\nRelease the trapped paper\nRelease some more trapped paper\nBring the corner down\nReverse-fold\nBring the point back up\nReverse-fold\nReverse-fold again\nFold the top down\nValley-fold to the left\nRepeat on this side\nFold the corner up\nRelease the trapped paper\nRelease some more trapped paper\nBring the corner down\nReverse-fold\nBring the point back up\nReverse-fold\nReverse-fold again\nFold the top down\nValley-fold at angle bisector\nFold and unfold vertically where the creases intersect\nFold and unfold horizontally where the creases intersect\nFold the top edge to the crease and unfold\nFold and unfold using the two reference points\nReinforce the indicated triangle\n(it will be used later)\nFold and unfold the point\nOpen and reverse the triangle\nFold and unfold\nFold and unfold along the bisector of the other angle\nReverse-fold\nUnfold the triangle\nFold and unfold\nOpen and spread squash-fold the top\nBring the internal point to the outside\nUnfold partially to do that\nReverse-fold\nReverse-fold\nValley-fold\nFold edge to edge, bisecting the indicated angle\nFold the edge to the crease you just made\nFold the layer behind too\nSquash-fold\nFold and unfold the corner\nReverse-fold\nFold one flap to the right\nFold one more to the right\nRepeat the valley fold and reverse fold in this side\nValley-fold to the left\nFold the point up\nGrab two flaps on top and stretch the model\nOpen the points on the sides and use the indicated creases\nFlatten the model\nFold the corner\nFold to the right\nValley-fold and mountain fold on the existing creases and bring the point": 4, "Welcome to the lecture series on Mathematical\u00a0\nMethods and their Applications. In the last\u00a0\u00a0\nfew lectures we have seen that what Laplace\u00a0\ntransforms are what are their properties and how\u00a0\u00a0\ncan we solve an ordinary differential equation\u00a0\nor a partial differential equation or integral\u00a0\u00a0\nequations using Laplace transforms. Now the next\u00a0\ntopic is Fourier series. Now in this lectures,\u00a0\u00a0\nwe will see that what Fourier series are\u00a0\nand what is the convergence theorem for\u00a0\u00a0\nFourier series and what are the applications of\u00a0\nFourier integrals. Now first few introduction,\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst introduction on Fourier series it\u00a0\nis named after a French mathematician and\u00a0\u00a0\na physicist Jacques Fourier who was the\u00a0\nfirst to use Fourier series in his work.\nA series expansion of a function in terms of a\u00a0\ntrigonometric functions cos m x and sin n x is\u00a0\u00a0\ncalled a Fourier series. So, Fourier series\u00a0\nis nothing but if you express a function in\u00a0\u00a0\nterms of sine and cosines then we call\u00a0\nsuch a series as Fourier series. Many\u00a0\u00a0\nfunctions including some discontinuous periodic\u00a0\nfunctions can be written in the Fourier series.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd hence it has a wide application in solving\u00a0\nordinary and partial differential equations.\u00a0\nNow, let us start with this set, set is 1\u00a0\ncos pi x by l cos 2 pi x by l and so on,\u00a0\u00a0\nsine pi x by l sine 2 pi x by l and so on.\u00a0\nNow what is an orthogonal set of functions,\u00a0\u00a0\nhow do we define it? Suppose we have some\u00a0\nfunctions suppose functions are f 1, f 2,\u00a0\u00a0\nf 3, and so on. And it is defined\u00a0\nsuppose defined in a comma b.\nThen we say that this set of function\u00a0\nis orthogonal, if in this interval if,\u00a0\u00a0\nintegral a to b f i x into f j x d x is\u00a0\nequals to 0, for all i not equal to j. So,\u00a0\u00a0\nif this condition holds I for set of functions\u00a0\nf 1 f 2 up to f 3 and so on. Which is defined\u00a0\u00a0\nin the interval a comma b then we say that the\u00a0\nset of functions are orthogonal. Now consider\u00a0\u00a0\nthis set 1 cos pi x by l cos 2 pi x by l and\u00a0\nso on, sin pi x by l sin 2 pi x by l and so on.\nNow, in the interval minus l to l if we\u00a0\ncarefully see then minus integral minus l to l,\u00a0\u00a0\ncos m pi x by l, d x and this equal to\u00a0\n0. Again the second inequality holds the\u00a0\u00a0\nsecond inequality also hold it is 0, when m not\u00a0\nequal to n. The next inequality minus l to l\u00a0\u00a0\nsin m pi x by l and sin n pi x by l, d x\u00a0\nequal to 0 when m not equal to n and is l,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen m equal to n; so this we can derive\u00a0\nvery easily, and minus l to l cos pi m\u00a0\u00a0\npi x by l into this is also 0 for all m and n.\nHence, if we take any 2 multiples in this set,\u00a0\u00a0\nin this set if we take any 2 different functions,\u00a0\nand integrate from minus l to l, it is always\u00a0\u00a0\n0. So, we say that this set of this set is an\u00a0\northogonal set of functions. Because it satisfies\u00a0\u00a0\nthis condition because integral a to b f i x, f\u00a0\nj x is 0 for all i not equal to j and this set\u00a0\u00a0\nsatisfies this property. Hence we say that this\u00a0\nset is nothing but an orthogonal set of functions.\nNow, let f x be a periodic function of\u00a0\nperiod 2 n. And define an interval minus\u00a0\u00a0\nl to l. Assume that now we are assuming\u00a0\nthat it is it can be expressed as the\u00a0\u00a0\nlinear combination of trigonometric\u00a0\nfunctions of cos m x and sin n x.\nSo, what I want to say. So, first I\u00a0\nconstruct a orthogonal set of functions,\u00a0\u00a0\nand that set is nothing but this set 1 cos pi x\u00a0\nby l, cos 2 pi x by l and so on, sin pi x by l,\u00a0\u00a0\nsin 2 pi x by l and so on. This is an orthogonal\u00a0\nset of function. And a function which is periodic\u00a0\u00a0\nin the interval minus l having a period 2 l\u00a0\ndefined on minus l to l which is given can\u00a0\u00a0\nbe expressed as a linear combination of these\u00a0\nfunctions, that is some multiple of this we\u00a0\u00a0\nare taking for convenience as a naught by 2\u00a0\nplus a 1 into this a 2 into this and so on,\u00a0\u00a0\nb 1 into this b 2 into this and so on. So,\u00a0\nwhich can be written as summation n from 1 to\u00a0\u00a0\ninfinity a n cos n pi x by l plus summation\u00a0\nn from 1 to infinity b n, sin n pi x by l.\u00a0\nThis function we can write as a linear combination\u00a0\nof these trigonometric functions, sine and cos.\u00a0\u00a0\nNow if you want to find out the values of a naught\u00a0\na n b n and so on, So, how can you find these\u00a0\u00a0\nvalues. So, what": 4, "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed\nFive little monkeys jumping on the bed\none fell off and bumped his head\nmamma called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"no more monkeys, jumping on the bed\"\nFour little monkeys swinging on the tree\nFour little monkeys swinging on the tree\none fell off and bruised his knee\nmamma called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"no more monkeys, swing on the tree\"\nThree little monkeys playing with the drum\nThree little monkeys playing with the drum\none slipped his stick which flew and hit his bum\nmamma called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"no more monkeys, playing with the drum\"\nTwo little monkeys playing on the beach\nTwo little monkeys playing on the beach\none stepped in the waters and he got bit by leech\nmamma called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"no more monkeys, play on beach\"\none little monkey getting all bored\none little monkey getting all bored\nhe packed his bag and took along his comb\nHe travelled to the great big pharaoh's tomb\nHe saw a walking mummy, got scared ran back home\nNo little monkeys doing nothing mad\nNo little monkeys doing nothing mad\nlay - lay lazy eating bread and butter\nmom got worried and to herself she said\nit was still better when they were jumping on the bed\n": 3, "So, let's go back to the code we have for extracting the first URL in a page\nand see how we can turn that into a procedure.\nAnd remember, we made many copies of the same code\nif we wanted to extract many links from the page.\nWhat we want to do now is take the part that we kept having to copy\nand figure out how to turn that into a procedure.\nWhat we want to do is take this code--\nwe're going to take all the code here--\nI'm leaving this part out of the procedure,\nbecause that's what we want to do with the results--\nwhat we want to do is take all this code\nand turn it into a procedure.\nThat means, instead of having to do all this work each time,\nwhat we want is a procedure\nthat will start from what we have here--\nwe have the \"page.\"\nWhat we want to do is from the \"page,\"\ndo a bunch of work; get the URL.\nThen, we want to do some stuff with the URL,\nwant to do some stuff with the page,\nand then we're going to do it all over again.\nOur goal is to figure out how to turn this part of the code into a procedure,\nso we could keep reusing that, each time,\ninstead of writing the same code.\nWe need a little more room, so let's shrink the code we had.\nNow the question is, how are we going to make that procedure?\nLet's start with a quiz:\nWhen we think about making a procedure,\nthe first thing we always want to do is make sure that we understand this:\nwe need to know what the inputs are to that procedure;\nwe need to know what the outputs are.\nIf we don't understand the inputs and outputs,\nthen there's no hope of writing the procedure correctly\nsince the main purpose of the procedure\nis to map the inputs into the outputs.\nLet's see if you can figure out what the inputs should be\nfor the procedure that we want to make to replace this code.\nI'm going to give the procedure a name.\nThe goal of the procedure is to find the URL\nthat's the next link target in this page,\nso we'll call the procedure, \"get_next_target\"--\nit's important to give good names to procedures;\nthat's how we remember what they're supposed to do--\nand we'll use the name \"get_next_target.\"\nSo, our question now is, in defining this procedure,\nwhat should its inputs be?\nI'll give you some choices:\nits input could be a number giving the position of the start of the next link;\nits input could be a number giving the position of the start of the next quote;\nits input could be a string giving the contents of the rest of the web page;\nand, for the final choice, we could have two inputs--\nthe first, a number giving the position of the start of the next link,\nand the second, a string giving the contents of the page.\n": 4, "foreign [Music]\nclasses today in this video we are going to learn\u00a0\nhow to represent a mixed fraction on a number line\u00a0\u00a0\nso now I am going to represent a\u00a0\nmixed fraction on a number line\u00a0\u00a0\nin easy way so please watch the video\u00a0\ntill the end so let's start the video\nso first of all let us take here a mixed fraction\u00a0\n1 1 by 2. okay you can take another fraction like\u00a0\u00a0\nas 3 1 by 2 or 2 1 by 2 as your choice but here\u00a0\nI am taking 1 1 by 2 is a mixed fraction okay\u00a0\u00a0\nthen now I am going to represent 1 1 by 2 on\u00a0\na number line so first we have to create here\u00a0\u00a0\na number line okay so now first drawing here\u00a0\na line of any length with the help of skill\u00a0\u00a0\nand taking Arrow mark on both side okay and\u00a0\nnext marking here the starting number zero\u00a0\u00a0\nthen I am going to take here a length 2 centimeter\u00a0\nyou can choose one centimeter two centimeter or\u00a0\u00a0\nthree centimeter as your choice but here I am\u00a0\ntaking 2 centimeter length as a one unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nOkay so taking two centimeter length as a one\u00a0\nunit length and putting the compass and cut here\u00a0\u00a0\nso now first we have to mark the number\u00a0\non the line by this way okay so first\u00a0\u00a0\nmarking the number on the line by this way\nMark here okay so after 0\u00a0\nso after 0 here will be 1 2\u00a0\u00a0\n3 4 and continuous now in this side minus 1\u00a0\nminus 2 and continuous okay so now we have to\u00a0\u00a0\nrepresent 1 1 by 2 on a on this number line so\u00a0\nfirst roughly discussing here some calculation\u00a0\u00a0\nso now 1 1 by 2 so now 1 1 by 2 we can\u00a0\nwrite like as so 1 1 by 2 equals to\u00a0\u00a0\nso first write down here 1 plus\u00a0\none by two so one plus one by two\u00a0\u00a0\nok so first here one so between 0 to 1 this\u00a0\nis one and now half will be between 1 to 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nso so between 0 to 2 we have to\u00a0\nrepresent 1 1 by 2 the mixed fraction\u00a0\u00a0\nokay so now first I am going to divide the length\u00a0\nbetween 0 to 1 and 1 2 2 so first taking the half\u00a0\u00a0\nbetween 0 to 1 and since the length between\u00a0\n0 to 1 equals to 2 centimeter so half will be\u00a0\u00a0\none centimeter so this is half between 0 to 1.\u00a0\nand similarly half between one to two so this is\u00a0\u00a0\nhalf between one to two okay so this is half\u00a0\nand this is will be half okay so this is\nso this represent 1 1 by 2. okay now\nmarking this by this way so from 0 to this and\u00a0\nhalf to one and half to this half so this is\u00a0\u00a0\ntotal one one by two and now taking here o and\u00a0\ntaking here V so therefore we can say that or we\u00a0\u00a0\ncan write here the length o p equals to one one by\u00a0\ntwo unit so by this way you can represent a mixed\u00a0\u00a0\nfraction on a number line so that's all thanks\u00a0\nfor watching please share it with your friends\n": 2, "sexual reproduction implants in this module\u00a0\nyou will learn how sexual reproduction takes\u00a0\u00a0\nplace in flowering plants it is spring season\u00a0\nflowers are blooming on the trees it is indeed\u00a0\u00a0\na beautiful sight flowers attract all of us they\u00a0\nare the most beautiful part of the plant isn't\u00a0\u00a0\nit you already know that flowers are not present\u00a0\nonly to add Beauty to the plant they are in fact\u00a0\u00a0\nthe reproductive part of the plant in the flower\u00a0\nstamen is the male reproductive part while kaho\u00a0\u00a0\nis the female reproductive part some flowers\u00a0\ncontain both male and female reproductive parts\u00a0\u00a0\nsuch flowers are called bisexual flowers for\u00a0\nexample pea China rose etc on the other hand\u00a0\u00a0\nsunflowers possess either the male or the female\u00a0\nreproductive thoughts such flowers are called\u00a0\u00a0\nunisexual flowers for example corn cucumber etc\u00a0\nnow let us know about the different paths that\u00a0\u00a0\nmake up a staven and a couple a stamen is made\u00a0\nof two main parts antha and filament the anther\u00a0\u00a0\nproduces pollen grains it is a pollen grain that\u00a0\ncontains the male gametes a couple on the other\u00a0\u00a0\nhand is made up of three parts the terminal part\u00a0\nis called the stigma the middle elongated part is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe style and the swollen bottom part is the\u00a0\novary inside the ovary ovules are present it\u00a0\u00a0\nis the ovule that has the female gamete called\u00a0\nthe egg cell for sexual reproduction to take\u00a0\u00a0\nplace a male gamete is to be fused with\u00a0\nthe female gamete thereby forming a zygote\nnow for that the male gametes have to reach the\u00a0\nfemale gametes for this first a pollen grain\u00a0\u00a0\ncarrying the male gametes is transferred from the\u00a0\nstamen of a flower to the stigma of the same or\u00a0\u00a0\nthe other flower such transfer of pollen grains\u00a0\nis known as pollination if the pollen grain of\u00a0\u00a0\na flower lands on the stigma of the same flower\u00a0\nit is called self pollination but if the pollen\u00a0\u00a0\ngrain of a flower lands on the stigma of another\u00a0\nflower of the same or another plant of the same\u00a0\u00a0\ntype it is called cross-pollination pollination\u00a0\noccurs with the help of different agents like\u00a0\u00a0\nwind water or animals once a pollen grain reaches\u00a0\nthe stigma of a suitable flower a tube grows from\u00a0\u00a0\nthe pollen grain this tube travels through this\u00a0\ntile and reaches the ovary the male gamete from\u00a0\u00a0\nthe pollen travels in this tube and reaches\u00a0\nto the female gamete present in the ovule of\u00a0\u00a0\nthe ovary after that the male and the female\u00a0\ngamete fused together to form the zygote this\u00a0\u00a0\nprocess of fusion of male and female gametes is\u00a0\ncalled fertilization the zygote formed after the\u00a0\u00a0\nfertilization then divides several times to form\u00a0\nan embryo inside the ovule the ovule develops a\u00a0\u00a0\ntough coat and changes to a seed the ovary\u00a0\non the other hand ripens and forms a fruit\u00a0\u00a0\naround the seed at this time the other parts\u00a0\nof the flower like the sepals and petals fall\u00a0\u00a0\noff so a seed present inside of fruit contains an\u00a0\nembryo which is actually a baby plant each time a\u00a0\u00a0\nseed is planted in soil and provided appropriate\u00a0\nconditions it grows into a seedling which then\n": 4, "Christopher Carbone: Welcome to part two of the fundamental theme of calculus. I have example number four on here to evaluate these into goals. I have the integral from zero to one of three, plus one half times u to the fourth, minus two-thirds times u to the ninth\nChristopher Carbone: do you.\nChristopher Carbone: So this would be\nChristopher Carbone: once we evaluate this to be three, you\nChristopher Carbone: plus one tenth times, you to the fifth\nChristopher Carbone: minus. This would be one hundred and fifteen,\nChristopher Carbone: you to the tenth,\nChristopher Carbone: and we want to evaluate this between zero and one.\nChristopher Carbone: So this will be\nChristopher Carbone: three times one,\nChristopher Carbone: plus one tenth\nChristopher Carbone: times one to the fifth,\nChristopher Carbone: minus one hundred and fifteen\nChristopher Carbone: times one to the tenth,\nChristopher Carbone: and that would put in minus the um\nChristopher Carbone: and uh the integrated portion we have here at zero. But that would just give zero again.\nChristopher Carbone: So we can violate this. Let's just span three, plus one tenth\nChristopher Carbone: minus one hundred and fifteen,\nChristopher Carbone: and that gives us\nChristopher Carbone: three point zero, three, three repeating as a fraction that's ninety, one, thirty,\nChristopher Carbone: and part B, the integral from pi over six to pi of sine of theta d. Theta This is negative cosine\nChristopher Carbone: of data\nChristopher Carbone: evaluate between pi over six\nChristopher Carbone: and pi.\nChristopher Carbone: So negative cosine of pi\nChristopher Carbone: plus cosine of pi over six.\nChristopher Carbone: This is one plus the square root of three, divided by two,\nChristopher Carbone: for example, Number five. What's wrong with this? Um. The integral from pi over three to pi of two times the\nChristopher Carbone: time uh d. Theta So two times the secant theta times, the tension of theta D theta is equal to two attempts to seek a theta evaluate between pi over three and pi, and we have that being equal to negative six.\nChristopher Carbone: So for us to see this, let me pull up a graphing calculator\nChristopher Carbone: for us to see what on earth is going on here.\nChristopher Carbone: So doing, so,\nChristopher Carbone: as I open this up for us,\nChristopher Carbone: this would be\nChristopher Carbone: as we put in\nChristopher Carbone: to our function here\nChristopher Carbone: two times the secant\nChristopher Carbone: of X\nChristopher Carbone: Times, the tangent of X.\nChristopher Carbone: We could see something going on in these particular graphs. Right? We have between pi over three and Pi\nChristopher Carbone: Well, the function does not exist at pi\nChristopher Carbone: over two, as we could see on this,\nChristopher Carbone: since we have\nChristopher Carbone: up to\nChristopher Carbone: Hi being right here.\nWe have zero over here\nChristopher Carbone: by over here,\nChristopher Carbone: high over three would be some voice below this. But\nChristopher Carbone: again, once we get to Pi over two it ces to exist.\nChristopher Carbone: So that is not good.\nChristopher Carbone: So what does that mean?\nChristopher Carbone: This is not continuous\nChristopher Carbone: on that closed interval from Pi to pi over three.\nChristopher Carbone: Excuse me from pi over three to pi\nChristopher Carbone: and pi over me\nChristopher Carbone: to pi,\nChristopher Carbone: and the reason for that,\nChristopher Carbone: because we have an infinite discontinuity\nChristopher Carbone: at X is equal to pi over two.\nChristopher Carbone: So this answer does not exist,\nChristopher Carbone: and my last example we want to find the derivative of this function. G. Of X. Is equal to the integral from two x to seven x of u squared minus five, divided by u squared, plus five to you.\nChristopher Carbone: So G of x\nChristopher Carbone: would be equal to. We could break this apart.\nChristopher Carbone: Um with the value of zero. So this would be the integral from two X to zero of u squared minus five,\nChristopher Carbone: divided by u squa": 3, "Pull me in closer, close to Your heart\nPull me in closer, close to Your heart\nPull me in closer, close to Your heart\nPull me in closer, close to Your heart\nPull me in closer, close to Your heart\nMay I be a pure reflection of all You are\nMay I be a pure reflection of all You are\nMay I be a pure reflection of all You are\n \nLove that is patient, love that is kind\nAnd love that keeps no offences or wrongs in my mind\nAnd love that keeps no offences or wrongs in my mind\nAnd love that keeps no offences or wrongs in my mind\nMake me like Jesus\nMake me like Jesus\nMake me like Jesus\nMake me like Jesus\nMake me like Jesus\nMake me like Jesus\n \n \nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nYou're faithful to find me, right where I am\nThough even in my wandering, You call me friend\nYou're faithful to find me, right where I am\nThough even in my wandering, You call me friend\nYou're faithful to find me, right where I am\nThough even in my wandering, You call me friend\nYou're faithful to find me, right where I am\nThough even in my wandering, You call me friend\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\nAnd mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet\nAnd I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery\n \nI'll know when Jesus\nI'll know when Jesus\nI'll know when Jesus\nI'll know when Jesus\nI'll know when Jesus\nI'll know when Jesus\n \nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nMy heart is an open space\nFor You to come and have Your way\nI'm open, I'm o...o-o-o-open\nDo whatever You wanna do\nAnd say whatever You wanna say\nAnd move however You wanna move\nAnd change whatever You wanna change\nDo whatever You wanna do\nAnd say whatever You wanna say\nAnd move however You wanna move\nAnd change whatever You wanna change\nDo whatever You wanna do\nAnd say whatever You wanna say\nAnd move however You wanna move\nAnd change whatever You wanna change\nDo whatever You wanna do\nAnd say whatever You wanna say\nAnd move however You wan": 3, "Move your lion paws, roar!\nMove your monkey arms, swing!\nMove your eagle wings, fly!\nMove your head, hips and knees\nAnd do the animal dance and freeze\nDance like a cheetah, run, run\nDance like a cheetah with me\nDance like a cheetah and freeze\nDance like an elephant, stomp, stomp\nDance like an elephant with me\nDance like an elephant and freeze\nDance like a giraffe, stretch, stretch\nDance like a giraffe with me\nDance like a giraffe and freeze\nMove your lion paws, roar!\nMove your monkey arms, swing!\nMove your eagle wings, fly!\nMove your head, hips and knees\nAnd do the animal dance and freeze\nDance like a crocodile, chomp, chomp\nDance like a crocodile with me\nDance like a crocodile and freeze\nDance like a gorilla, thump, thump\nDance like a gorilla like me\nDance like a gorilla and freeze\nDance like a snake, slither, slither\nDance like a snake with me\nDance like a snake and freeze\nMove your lion paws, roar!\nMove your monkey arms, swing!\nMove your eagle wings, fly!\nMove your head, hips and knees\nAnd do the animal dance and freeze\n": 2, "Who is your favorite president?\nGeorge Washington of course! \n Have you not heard of James Madison?\nWho is that?\nWHAT!\u2026\nI'll tell you.\nJames Madison,\nThe greatest president,\nWrote the Constitution,\nFor this newly formed nation,\nHe was a Virginian,\nOldest of 12 children\nHis father was a success,\nhe made an excess.\nWith his 3,000 acres,\nMadison was good with papers\nHe went to Princeton University\nAnd studied Latin, Greek, philosophy.\nMarried Dolly Madison,\nBut they had no children\nJames madison, James-james madison James madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\n James madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames Madison\nPut up many fights \nFor the Bill of Rights.\nMet Thomas Jefferson,\nAt the Virginia Convention.\nBid for a seat at the Virginia assembly \nLater appointed to the governor's committee.\nWhen this was all over \nHe returned to Virginia legislature.\nIn 1784 he wrote the Constitution,\nAnd then became the father of this evolution.\nThis 5000 dollar-Founding father\nGot a lot smarter by working a lot harder\nHe studied law after the war\nThis president was meant for more\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames Madison\nWhen supporting Monroe for Virginia governor,\nWashington grew in anger at this Southerner\nHis free religion laws were thought \u2018Godless\u2019\n\u2018Cause the Federalists were thoughtless\nSecretary of State under Thomas Jefferson \nWorked with George Mason to draft the constitution.\nJames Monroe, Madison\u2019s secretary of state,\nJames Monroe became a great candidate.\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames Madison\nDied on June 28, 1836\nLived his life for politics\nDied on his plantation\nHe worked for the nation\nThe letter he wrote was elementary\nWith \u2018Advice to My Country\u2019\nWritten in 1834\nThis was used furthermore\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\nJames madison, James-james madison\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 3, "Check this out.\nIs that you?\nYeah.\nAw.\nI was 10.\nMe and my dad did it.\nIt's John B.\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nI want you to tell your friend, John B\nto come in and talk to me.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nYes, sir, John B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nYou're not chasing after pots of gold\nlike your old man are you, John B?\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nOh John B.\nJohn B.\nJohn B, the guy oh the guy\nthat works on the boat?\nHere's to trust, John B.\nJohn B...\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B, let me out!\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nJohn B works here.\n-John B...\n-What do you want me to do?\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nHey John B... Aww, just give\nme that John D already.\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B, you're gonna blow our cover!\nJohn B!\nJohn B, are you okay?\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nGet your head out of the gutter, John B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nYou're skimming just above\nthe surface, John B...\nJohn B.\nFor John B...\nJohn B?!\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nRelax, John B...\nJohn B.\nJohn B, it's John B Routledge!\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nYour secret's safe with me, John B.\nJohn B, stop!\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B?!\nJohn B.\nWhere's John B?!\nWhat'd you do to her, John B?\n-John B.\n-The Royal Merchant?\nJohn B!\n-John B.\n-John B?\nJohn B?\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B, John B you're okay!\nJohn B, we have to go!\nJohn B, the lights!\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nHey, John B.\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B?\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B.\nJohn B.\nJohn B!\nJohn B, chill!\nWhy is it always about John B?!\n": 1, "Our love story could be kinda GORY\nFar from boring\nWe'd meet at a post\nAppocalypse\nYeah, I'd be slowy walking in a group stalking YOU\nYou'd be the only man alive\nthat I could not resist\nThen all of your friends, they'd try to kill us\nbut only because they be jealous\nThat's our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's\noh\nIf I were a zombie\nI'd never eat your brain !\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah, I'd want your heart\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah oh ~\nIf I were a zombie\nI'd never eat your brain\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah I want your heart\nI'd just want your heart\nCuz I want ya\nYou'd be hiding in a second floor apartment\nKnocking all the stairs down\nTo save your life\nFrom the undead\nDouble - barrel shotgun\nTaking out the slow one\nthen you's see the passion\nBurning in my eye\nAnd I'd keep my head\nThen all of your friends, they'd try to kill us\nBut only because they's be jealous\nThat's our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's\nOh\nIf I were a zombie\nI'd never eat your brain\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah I just want want your heart\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah oh ~\nIf I were a zombie\nI'd never eat your brain\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah, I'd want your heart\nI'd just want your heart\nCuz I want ya\nAnd I try\nnot to bite and infect to you\nBecause\nI'd repect you too much\nYeah that's why\nI'd wait until we got married\nAnd our happiest days would be spent\nPicking of all your friends\nAnd they'd see\nA love this deep\nwon't stay buried\nIf I were a zombie\nI'd never eat your brain\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah I'd want your heart\nI'd just want your heart\nIf I were a zombie\nI'd never eat your brain\nI'd just want your heart\nYeah I'd want your heart\nI'd just want your heart\nCuz I want ya\n* TRIGGERED *\nBendy ?\n": 1, "Few days back I had\nrava (semolina) cake at some place.\nAnd I liked that very much.\nI recreated that kind of rava cake at home.\nThat recipe came out well and today I'm\ngoing to share with you that same recipe.\nSo let's make rava cake.\nFirst of all in goes 2 and 1/2 cup of semolina.\nI have used semolina which is fine.\nNext we will add 1 cup of powdered sugar.\nLet's mix it up.\nNext goes in 1 cup of yogurt.\n1/2 cup of condensed milk.\n1/2 a cup of milk.\n1/2 cup of oil.\nI have used regular vegetable oil\nthat we use in cooking.\nNow let's mix all of these together properly.\nBatter is nice and ready.\nSo we have to keep this aside\nfor 10 minutes to set.\n10 minutes are up now.\nOur batter is ready,\nto that I will add essence.\nBut this time I am not\ngoing to use Vanilla essence.\nThis time I have added Kesar essence.\nLet's mix this.\nAnd now to this we have to add\n1 and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.\nAnd 1 teaspoon baking soda.\nMix all of this well.\nI have greased this mould.\nI will add batter into it.\n30 minutes are up.\nOur cake is nicely baked.\nNow let's unmould this cake.\nThis cake is nicely baked, you can see that.\nIt is nice and soft.\nSo now I will cut this cake and show you.\nDid you saw this cake is\nso easy and it is so soft too.\nSo try this cake and let me know.\nAnd like, share and subscribe\nto Ruchkar Mejwani.\n": 3, " \nTurmoil at the front\nWilhelms forces on the hunt\nThere\u2019s a thunder in the east\nIt\u2019s an attack of the deceased\nThey\u2019ve been facing poison gas\n7000 charge en masse\nTurn the tide of the attack\nAnd force the enemy to turn back\nAnd that\u2019s when\nthe dead men\nare marching again\nOsowiec then and again\nAttack of the dead, hundred men\nFacing the led once again\nHundred men\nCharge again\nDie again\nOsowiec then and again\nAttack of the dead, hundred men\nFacing the led once again\nHundred men\nCharge again\nDie again\nTwo combatants spar\nHindenburg against the Tsar\nMove in 12 battalions large\nInto a Russian counter-charge\nThey\u2019ll be fighting for their lives\nAs their enemy revives\nRussians won\u2019t surrender, no\nStriking fear into their foe\nAnd that\u2019s when\nthe dead men\nare marching again\nOsowiec then and again\nAttack of the dead, hundred men\nFacing the led once again\nHundred men\nCharge again\nDie again\nOsowiec then and again\nAttack of the dead, hundred men\nFacing the led once again\nHundred men\nCharge again\nDie again\nAnd that\u2019s when the dead men are marching again\nOsowiec then and again\nAttack of the dead, hundred men\nFacing the led once again\nHundred men\nCharge again\nDie again\nOsowiec then and again\nAttack of the dead, hundred men\nFacing the led once again\nHundred men\nCharge again\nDie again\nJoakim: And that\u2019s when\nJoakim: the dead men\nJoakim: are marching again and again\nJoakim: That\u2019s when the dead marched again\n": 2, "We saw the writings on the wall\nWhen heathens ruled above us all\nTormented we still heard the call\nYou come to bring us down\nWield the scepter, steal the crown\nTime on the throne is running out\nCause seasons change but we are still the same\nEvent though the cold winds blow we're burning like a flame\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nBurning for the steel\nHearts On Fire\nFor years shunned by society\nOutcasts, condemned for our beliefs\nOur legions grew in secrecy\nAnd now, the time is here\nI see the Templars everywhere\nThe Freedom Call is drawing near\nWe hold our rebel banners up with pride\nThe colour's crimson and the Hammer is the sign\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nBurning for the steel\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire...\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nHearts!\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nHearts!\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nHearts!\nHearts On Fire...\nHearts!\nHearts On Fire...\nHearts!\nHearts!\nHearts On Fire...\nHearts!!\n \nHearts On Fire...\nHearts!!!\n \n \nHearts On Fire...\nHearts!!!!\nHEARTS ON FIRE!!!!\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nHearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire\nBurning, burning with desire\nBurning for the steel\nHearts On Fire............\nHearts On Fire!!!!\n": 2, "Puedo escucharte, esp\u00edritu de mi silencio, pero temo estar cerca de ti\nY no s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde comenzar \nY no s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde comenzar\nEn alg\u00fan lugar del desierto hay un bosque y un acre delante de nosotros \nPero no s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde comenzar \nPero no s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde comenzar \nOtra vez perd\u00ed mi fuerza por completo\nOh, qu\u00e9date cerca, vieja yegua cansada\nCon el viento en tu cabello \nAmatista y flores en la mesa, \u00bfes esto real o es una f\u00e1bula? \nBueno, supongo que un amigo es un amigo\nY todos sabemos c\u00f3mo terminar\u00e1 esto\nP\u00e1jaro que me encuentras, s\u00e9 mi protector; silueta del cedro\n\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la canci\u00f3n que cantas para la muerte? \n\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la canci\u00f3n que cantas para la muerte? \nVeo la se\u00f1al del reflector que me golpea, en la ventana de mi cuarto\nBueno, no tengo nada que probar \nBueno, no tengo nada que probar \nTe perdono madre, te puedo escuchar y deseo estar cerca de ti\nPero cada camino lleva a su fin\nS\u00ed, cada camino lleva a su fin\nTu aparici\u00f3n pasa a trav\u00e9s de m\u00ed, en los sauces y las cinco gallinas rojas \nNunca nos volver\u00e1s a ver\nNunca nos volver\u00e1s a ver\n \n": 0, "hide-and-seek\none two three\nwhere could you be\nunder the sink\nhiding in the bathroom\none two three\nwhere could you be\nlet's take a guess\nit must be Jess\none two three\nwhere could you be\nunder the broom\nhiding in the living room\none two three\nwhere could you be\nwho do I see\nit must be Curly\nlet's play hide-and-seek\nlet's play hide-and-seek\ntry to find me\nlet's play hide-and-seek\ncome on come on come on\ncome and find me\ncome and find me\nlet's play hide-and-seek\none two three\nwhere could you be\nwho do I see\nhiding in the bedroom\none two three\nwho do I see\nunder the bunk\nit must be Punk\nlet's play hide-and-seek\ntry to find me\nlet's play hide-and-seek\ncome on come on come on\ncome and find me\ncome and find me\nlet's play hide-and-seek\nrun to the bathroom hide hide\nrun to the bathroom hide, hide\nrun to the living room, hide hide\nrun to the bathroom hide, hide\nrun to the living room hide, hide\nwhere did everybody go\nI guess everyone is hiding\nlet's play hide-and-seek\ntry to find me\nlet's play hide-and-seek\ncome on come on come\ncome and find me\ncome and find me\nlet's play hide-and-seek\nhide-and-seek\n": 3, "ASIA The Ultimate TOUR in 8K ULTRA HD\nTravel to Japan 8K\nTravel to Turkey 8K\nBest Places on India 8K\nPlaces to Visit in Vietnam 8K\nBest Things to Do in Thailand 8K\nTop Tourist Attractions in China 8K\nBest Places to Visit in Maldives 8K\nThe Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Cambodia\nTop Tourist Attractions in Mongolia\nIncredible Destinations in the Philippines\nBest Places to Visit in Bangladesh\nTop Tourist Attractions in Nepal\nThe most beautiful places to visit in Sri Lanka\nPlaces To Visit In Malaysia\nThe Best Places to Visit in Pakistan\nAmazing Places to Visit in Armenia\nTop Tourist Attractions In United Arab Emirates\nBest and Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Laos\nBest Tourist Attractions in Myanmar Burma\nTop Tourist Attractions in Singapore\nStunning Places To Visit In South Korea\nPlaces to Visit in Indonesia\nBest Places to Visit in Cyprus\nMost Beautiful Places in Iran\nBest Places to Visit in Jordan\nAmazing And Unique Places To Visit In Georgia\nBest Tourist Places to Visit in Bhutan\nAttractions Recommended in Saudi Arabia\nThe Most Beautiful Places in Azerbaijan\nThe most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan\nBest Places To Visit In Uzbekistan\nPlaces to Visit in Hong Kong\nBest and Most Beautiful Places in Iraq\n": 1, "Let us notice the pictures on the display screen.\nThey were great people who influenced the world\neither by their writings or speeches.\nAnd people were convinced of\ntheir linguistic intelligence.\nDo you know what is linguistic intelligence?\nWhat are the benefits of linguistic intelligence?\nWould you like to develop linguistic intelligence in you?\nIf you are a teacher or\nparents of younger children,\nYou would worry about...\nHow to develop linguistic intelligence in them?\nWe will find the answers of such questions in this video.\nLet us proceed to the first question.\nWe use linguistic intelligence in..\nlistening ..\nspeaking..\nreading and..\nwriting.\nan American developmental psychologist.\nAccording to Gardner we have ...\neight different types of intelligences.\nLinguistic intelligence is one of them.\nThese intelligences work together\nAt the same time they are independent.\nThis was disclosed in Gardner\u2019s book..\n\u201cFrames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences.\u201d\nLet\u2019s proceed to the next question.\nTo answer this question, let\u2019s first listen to\nHe is also known as an America\u2019s Gandhi.\nTo end the discrimination in America with black people..\nhe led a non-violence movement.\nPeople love his speech.\nDid you listen to Dr. Martin Luther King?\nHis language is simple\nHe speaks words that are easy to understand.\nHe often uses key phrases, such as \u201cI have a dream\u201d\nTo understand the features of linguistic intelligence ..\nTake another example, that is a poet.\nLike a scientist, a poet is equally important\nHe finds a pattern and order among words\nand creates a new poem.\nThis is a wonder of his linguistic intelligence!\nLet\u2019s see another example, an author\nAnd a politician as well.\nHis Tweets often found drawing attention of people.\nas he coined out-of-the-box words.\nPeople often get confused whether such words exist?\nThe fact is, people to turn their dictionaries or Google\nto look up the meaning of the words he uses.\nPlease have a look at one of his Tweet.\nIn fact the meaning of the word is\n\u2018an estimation of something as worthless.\u2019\nLet\u2019s see this word\nSkipped the word, haven\u2019t you?\nThis word he used in one of his Tweet.\nThe word contains 35 letters.\nA tongue twisters!\nMeaning of this word is what many people experience\na phobia of a big word.\nYou might have learnt a lot about linguistic intelligence\nfrom these three examples which I described.\nCome on to recapitulate.\nHow to develop linguistic intelligence?\nIt is important for us to be sensitive towards languages\nWe have to find out answers of these four questions.\nThese four questions are:\nHow to listen?\nHow to speak?\nHow to read?\nand how to write?\nIf you find the answer of these four questions,\nIt will help you to boost your linguistic intelligence.\nYou can become a good orator,\na good lawyer,\na good speaker,\nYou can become a good leader,\na good poet,\nI would like to share some ways..\nIt can be helpful to boost linguistic intelligence.\nThe first strategy is to listen to your famous speaker..\nor a great orator.\nI\u2019m talking about listening.\nnot hearing.\nListening and hearing is not same.\nListening means paying attention to words..\nFocused attention\nto understand.\nto understand the context as well.\nto interpret\nto find out the meaning.\nThese all conscious activities are involved in listening\nTo observe how do your orator take pause..\nwhile speaking?\nHow does he keep voice modulation?\nSo keeping these all aspects in mind...\nIt can be helpful for you to boost linguistic intelligence.\nSecond thing is...\nWe should develop reading habits.\nWe are giving up reading habits.\nThe reading habit is\nat least complete one book in a week even small one.\nSelect non-fiction and informative book.\nand find the book which is good for study.\nAt the same time at our home, we can subscribe to\na magazine or a newspaper etc.\nPlease keep this trend on.\nContinue this trend.\nand the fourth suggestions I would like to add ..\nplease focus on memorisation.\nThe capacity to memorise.\nThe capacity given by God.\nuse full of this capacity and our potential.\nUnderstanding is essential but it doesn\u2019t mean\nWe should not": 4, "Order! Order.\nI can now announce the result\nof today\u2019s recorded votes\non motions relating to\nthe United Kingdom\u2019s\nwithdrawal from\nand future relationship\nwith the European Union.\nIn respect of Mr Baron\u2019s\nmotion B (no deal)\nthe ayes were 160\nand the noes were 400,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of Mr Nicholas Boles\u2019\nmotion D \u2013 common market 2.0 \u2013\nthe ayes were 188\nand the noes were 283,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of George Eustice\u2019s\nmotion H \u2013 EFTA and EEA \u2013\nthe ayes were 65\nand the noes were 377,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of Mr Kenneth Clarke\u2019s\nmotion J \u2013\u00a0customs union \u2013\nthe ayes were 264\nand the noes were 272,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of the leader\nof the opposition\u2019s motion K \u2013\nLabour\u2019s alternative plan \u2013\nthe ayes were 237\nand the noes were 307,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of Joanna Cherry\u2019s motion L\n\u2013 revocation to avoid no deal \u2013\nthe ayes were 184\nand the noes were 293,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of Dame Margaret Beckett\u2019s\nmotion M \u2013 confirmatory public vote \u2013\nthe ayes were 268\nand the noes were 295,\nso the noes have it.\nIn respect of Mr Marcus Fysh\u2019s\nmotion O \u2013\ncontingent preferential arrangements \u2013\nthe ayes were 139\nand the noes were 422,\nso the noes have it.\n[Laughter]\n": 4, "The adding of the round key to the internal state is described in chapter 5.1.4 of the specification, which outlines,\nthat the adding of the round key to the internal state is simply a bitwise XOR of the internal state with the 4 words of the round key.\nThe byte substitution is described in chapter 5.1.1 of the specification and substitutes each byte of \nthe internal state based on the s-box function we have seen in a previous lesson.\nThe shifting of rows is described in chapter 5.1.2 and cyclically shifts the bytes of the rows of the internal states to the left. \nThe first row stays untouched, the 2nd row is cyclically shifted to the left by 1, \nthe 3rd row is cyclically shifted to the left by 2, and the 4th row is cyclically shifted to the left by 3.\nHaving the theory set, let\u2019s have a look at how I implemented these functions in Python.\nTo implement the adding of the round key to the internal state,\nI had to remember that the key schedule is a list of round keys, with which the round key for the current round \nI could then fetch from the key schedule from the position corresponding to the current round.\nThe internal state is supposed to be modified in place, \nso I decided to replace each row of the internal state with a new row \nthat had all its bytes XORed with the corresponding byte of the current round key.\nFor the implementation of the byte substitution function\n I could, fortunately, reuse the s-box function previously implemented for the word substitution function, \nand importantly just had to make sure, to again have this byte substitution modify the internal state in place.\nTo implement the shifting of rows, I had to remember that my internal state is the transpose of the internal state shown here, \nwhich I decided at the very beginning in order to have an easier life implementing operations on the internal state.\nThe exception to this was the implementation of the shift-rows function, \nwhich with the transpose of the state is a re-ordering across the rows instead of within the rows. \nThis re-ordering I first sketched out, and then verbosely coded out in the same fashion.\nThis served the purpose, and it\u2019s important to remember, \nthat this is an implementation serving educational purposes, and not efficiency or security quality controls.\n": 4, "You are most welcome in the channel Meera Gupta Indian recipes.\nToday we will make the pickle of Kamal Kakdi ( Lotus Cucumber).\nDetails of his content are shown in the description box of this video, from here you can note it down.\nPickle of Lotus Cucumber is very tasty in the food.\nThe outer surface of the Lotus Cucumber should be absolutely clean. There should be no stains on it.\nIt should be closed on both sides because there should not be clay particles inside.\nIt is very easy to make. Its contents are as follows............\nKamal Kakadi (Lotus Cucumber)............... 250 grms.\nRaw green mangoes ............... 250 grams\nMustard oil................. 1 Cup\nSalt....................... 2-1/2 Tablespoons\nYellow Mustard Powder ( Sarson Powder ) ............ 2 Tablespoon\nRoasted Fennel Powder ( Roasted Saunf powder ) ............ 2 Tablespoon\nWhite vinegar( White Sirka ) ................... 2 Tablespoons\nAsafoetida ( Heeng ) ..................... 1/4 tsp\nkalongi (Mangraila) .................. 1/2 teaspoon\nRed chili powder ............. 2 Teaspoon\nTurmeric Powder.............. 1-1/2 Teaspoon\nAjmine (Celery) ...................... 1/2 Teaspoon\nRoasted Fenugreek Powder (Roasted Maithi Powder ) ............... 1/2 Teaspoon\nNow the lotus cucumber will cut after peel off it. Raw Green Mango will also peel off.\nLotus cucumber has washed and peeled it, now cut into equal slices.\nKamal Kakdi will cut and simultaneously dip it in water by which it is cleaned from inside.\nKamal Kakdi will cut and kept it in water for some time. By the time water will be kept in a pan for boiling.\nOnce the water is boil, the Lotus Cucumber will put in boiled water.\nBy the time the water boil, the Raw Green Mango will be thick grated.\nRaw mango has become greatd.\nLotus cucumber has washed three times with clean water. Now extract the extra water and boil it.\nThe water has boiled, now the Lotus Cucumber pieces will put in boiling water.\nWill cover them until they are soft.\nLotus cucumber has been smelt. Check them in this way. Lotus cucumber takes 6-7 minutes for complete boiling.\nNow we will filter the Lotus Cucumber. Now the Lotus Cucumber will dry by putting it under the sun shine or under the fan.\nAfter drying the water of the Lotus Cucumber, make the pickle.\nLotus cucumber has dried up. Now the mustard oil will be heated in a pan. Add a cup of mustard oil in a pan.\nBy the time mix all the spices in a bowl until mustard oil is heated.\nMustard oil has been heated. Will close the gas.\nAfter little cool down oil we will add the mix spices.\nThe oil has slightly cooled, add mix spices to it and mix it.\nNow put this grated green mango in the semi-hot oil. Mix it properly.\nNow the Lotus Cucumber will add in semi-hot oil. It will also mix well.\nThis has been mixed properly. Now we will take it out in the bowl.\nLotus cucumber pickle has been taken out in the bowl. After its cooling, white vinegar will mix.\nNow the pickle has cooled down and added the white vinegar in it and mix it.\nNow we will keep this pickle under sunshine for 2 days after covering with filter Jali.\nIn between we will continue stirring the pickles twice a day.\nAfter keeping 2 days in the sunshine, this pickle is ready.\nThis pickle will now fill in the dry container. Press the pickle dense in such a way so that it required less oil.\nNow press this pickle in such a way that pickles completely submerged in the oil like this.\n": 2, "Now Playing: 1. I Live (Electronic Version)\nNow Playing: 2. The Frozen Forest\nNow Playing: 3. Prologue / Black Ops\nNow Playing: 4. New World / From the Brink of Death\nNow Playing: 5. Sarah Hall\nNow Playing: 6. Chasing Secrets\nNow Playing: 7. The 54 Immortals\nNow Playing: 8. Shanty Town / Riding the Tempest\nNow Playing: 9. Into the Q Zone\nNow Playing: 10. In Darkness\nNow Playing: 11. Cloud Mountain\nNow Playing: 12. P.A.W.W.S.\nNow Playing: 13. Ignition\nNow Playing: 14. Coalescence\nNow Playing: 15. Horrors at the Silo\nNow Playing: 16. Diaz\nNow Playing: 17. Vengeance\nNow Playing: 18. Burn / Rescue\nNow Playing: 19. Future Soldiers\nNow Playing: 20. Retreat\nNow Playing: 21. Ramses Station\nNow Playing: 22. Interrogating Salim\nNow Playing: 23. Safehouse\nNow Playing: 24. Liberty Road\nNow Playing: 25. Dreams (feat. Azam Ali)\nNow Playing: 26. A World Upside Down\nNow Playing: 27. Ego Vivo\nNow Playing: 28. Therapy\nNow Playing: 29. Sand Castle\nNow Playing: 30. Lotus Towers\nNow Playing: 31. What Has Taylor Become?\nNow Playing: 32. Leviathan\nNow Playing: 33. I Live (Orchestral Version)\nNow Playing: 34. Cold Hard Cash (feat. Antonia Bennett)\nNow Playing: 35. Snakeskin Boots\nNow Playing: 36. Double-Tap Rootbeer\nNow Playing: 37. Mulekick\nNow Playing: 38. Revive Soda\nNow Playing: 39. Jugger-Nog\nNow Playing: 40. Widow's Wine\nNow Playing: 41. Speed Cola\n": 1, "Fold the top edge down to the bottom edge.\nFold the bottom right point diagonally up to the left.\nNext fold the top left point diagonally down to the right.\nFold the right section diagonally down to the left.\nFold the left section diagonally up to the right.\nNext we make the second one, it's is folded the same way, but this time the diagonal folds are mirrored.\nFold the paper in half and unfold.\nFold the bottom edge up to the crease you just made.\nFold the top edge down to the crease you made.\nFold the top edge down to the bottom edge.\nFold the top right point diagonally down to the left.\nFold the bottom left point diagonally up to the right.\nFold the left section diagonally down to the right.\nFold the right section diagonally up to the left.\nWhen they are placed side by side, they are mirrored.\nFlip one of them over to the other side.\nPlace the other one on top of it.\nFocus on the one at the back, fold the lower right point to the left.\nNow put that point underneath the flap of the one in front.\nRepeat the same on the top left point.\nFlip the star over to the other side.\nRepeat the same on the back.\nNow you have your very own origami ninja star!\n": 4, "Probiotic Cabbage Salad | Probiotic Fermented Cabbage / Greek - Sauerkraut salad\nTraditional Greek Pickled Salad with Cabbage Leaves (sauerkraut)\nthere is a detailed recipe video on how to make sauerkraut\ncoarse salt for food\nI clean the withered leaves of the cabbage\ncut \u2013 pierce the stem cabbage\nthe cabbage is ready\nsalt on the cabbage slices\nsalt inside the cabbage hole\nI add the brine\na weight on top\nProbiotic Cabbage Salad | Probiotic Fermented Cabbage / Greek - Sauerkraut salad\nTraditional Greek Pickled Salad with Cabbage Leaves (sauerkraut)\nthere is a detailed recipe video on how to make sauerkraut\ncoarse salt for food\nI clean the withered leaves of the cabbage\ncut \u2013 pierce the stem cabbage\nthe cabbage is ready\nsalt on the cabbage slices\nsalt inside the cabbage hole\nI add the brine\na weight on top\nProbiotic Cabbage Salad | Probiotic Fermented Cabbage / Greek - Sauerkraut salad\nTraditional Greek Pickled Salad with Cabbage Leaves (sauerkraut)\nthere is a detailed recipe video on how to make sauerkraut\ncoarse salt for food\nI clean the withered leaves of the cabbage\ncut \u2013 pierce the stem cabbage\nthe cabbage is ready\nsalt on the cabbage slices\nsalt inside the cabbage hole\nI add the brine\na weight on top\nchopped sauerkraut\nchopped sauerkraut\nchopped sauerkraut\nchopped sauerkraut\n2 tbsp extra virgin Greek olive oil\n1tsp \"bukovo\" - red pepper (homemade without seeds)\ngood appetite!\nHealthy Cabbage salad (Sauerkraut)\nchopped sauerkraut\n2 tbsp extra virgin Greek olive oil\n1tsp \"bukovo\" - red pepper (homemade without seeds)\ngood appetite!\nHealthy Cabbage salad (Sauerkraut)\nchopped sauerkraut\n2 tbsp extra virgin Greek olive oil\n1tsp \"bukovo\" - red pepper (homemade without seeds)\ngood appetite!\nHealthy Cabbage salad (Sauerkraut)\n": 1, "Everybody\u2019s looking for somebody,\nfor somebody to take home\nI\u2019m not the exception,\nI\u2019m a blessing of a body to love on\nIf you want it bad tonight\nCome by me and drop a line\nPut your aura into mine\nDon\u2019t be scared if you like it\nI could fill you up with life\nI could ease your appetite\nKnow you\u2019ve never been this high\nDon\u2019t be scared if you like it\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m not here to make friends\nNo I\u2019m not here to make friends\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m not here to make friends\nI need a lover, I need a lover\nI\u2019m just being honest, baby I just need\na partner when the lights come on\nThirty almost got me and\nI\u2019m so over love songs,\nyeah\nSo if you want it bad tonight\nCome by me and drop a line\nKnow you\u2019ve never been this high\nDon\u2019t be scared if you like it\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m not here to make friends\nNo I\u2019m not here to make friends\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m not here to make friends\nI need a lover, I need a lover\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a lover, I need a lover\nEverybody\u2019s looking for somebody,\nfor somebody to take home\nI\u2019m not the exception,\nI\u2019m a blessing of a body to love on\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m not here to make friends\nNo I\u2019m not here to make friends\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m not here to make friends\nI need a lover, I need a lover\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a lover, I need a lover\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a la la la la la la la la la\nI need a lover, I need a lover\n": 2, "North Korea has claimed to have detonated its first hydrogen bomb,\nin what's been called the country's largest nuclear test.\nWell the international community\ncontinues to sanction and condemn North Korea's nuclear proliferation\ncontinues to sanction and condemn North Korea's nuclear proliferation\nIt's clear that the nation's future\nis now more important than ever.\nWill it survive, or will it fall,\nand what it happens if it does.\nThe pro-dominant theory on North Korea's use of nuclear weapon\nThe pro-dominant theory on North Korea's use of nuclear weapons\nis that for now there are negotiation tools more than immediate threat to global security.\nis that for now there are negotiation tools more than immediate threat to global security.\nIn short, many political and military analytics\nbelieve that leader Kim-jong-un refuses to dismantle the country's nuclear arsenal\nbelieve that leader Kim-jong-un refuses to dismantle the country's nuclear arsenal\nbelieve that leader Kim-jong-un refuses to dismantle the country's nuclear arsenal\nas every ever serial leader to have done so has been violently deposed.\nas every ever serial leader to have done so has been violently deposed.\nIn both Iraq and Libya,\ndisarmament has led direct to invasion by the Western forces,\nand the brutal deaths of dictators Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.\nand the brutal deaths of dictators Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.\nThis decision to continue nuclear proliferation in order to maintain power\nThis decision to continue nuclear proliferation in order to maintain power\nis unstable balance for the North Korean dictator.\nis unstable balance for the North Korean dictator.\nIn an analysis by a think-tank of instability in North Korea suggests that\nIn an analysis by a think-tank of instability in North Korea suggests that\nin the absence of a singular leader\nfactions among political elites would likely form,\nand lead to a deadlocked, non-functioning government,\nand lead to a deadlocked, non-functioning government,\nand most importantly, food rations would stop,\nand that creates a massive problem\nfor a population that is already closed to starvation.\nProblematically,\na desperate, starving and divided population\nis incredibly dangerous\nfor what is technically\nthe largest military force in the world.\nFormer soldiers would have nothing to rely on,\nleading to high rate of criminal activities to replace government assistance.\nleading to high rate of criminal activities to replace government assistance.\nas we have seen in other countries whose regime has fallen,\nas we have seen in other countries whose regime has fallen,\nthis pattern of low resources and high crime by former military members\nthis pattern of low resources and high crime by former military members\nhas led to violent insurgencies.\nISIS was largely founded by former Iraqi soldiers\nhave the deposition of Saddam Hussein\nAdditionally,\nNorth Koreans are brainwashed from a early age\nto view the United States and South Korea as aggressors.\nto view the United States and South Korea as aggressors.\nIn the light of facts that these two countries along with China\nwould likely to be the first to respond an invade\nThe local populations may find back\nassuming the invaders\nare there to hurt and not to help\nAnother major issue would be dealing with\nthe humanitarian disaster\nas 25 million North Koreans\nsuddenly lose what little foods stored they have.\nFood Consumption Country-Wide\nis estimated around 15 000 tons per day.\nBy comparison,\nin 2017, the US offers the country\nabout 5% of that\nto help sure the available resources.\nSo 15,000 tons a day\nis an astronomical amount of food,\nand would be incredibly difficult to deliver\nwhile the country undergoes an insurgency\nor even a civil war.\nIt's been predicted that if the North Korean government falls\nIt's been predicted that if the North Korean government falls\nmillions would rush into China and South Korea,\nneither which have the infrastructure\nnecessary to handle a massive influx of refugees.\nThis could create a situation\nwhen North Korea is partitioned by these two countries\n": 1, "[23:01:02] lyiol: eggman stole it\n[23:01:02] lyiol: eggman stole it\n[23:01:03] celtrance: ayyyyyy\n[23:01:02] lyiol: eggman stole it\n[23:01:03] celtrance: ayyyyyy\n[23:01:04] ichbinbacon: yaaaaa\n[23:01:03] celtrance: ayyyyyy\n[23:01:04] ichbinbacon: yaaaaa\n[23:01:04] domaspiragas: Pause Play\n[23:01:04] ichbinbacon: yaaaaa\n[23:01:04] domaspiragas: Pause Play\n[23:01:10] bobbob2238: we live\n[23:01:04] domaspiragas: Pause Play\n[23:01:10] bobbob2238: we live\n[23:01:18] bananaburger: tim stream PogChamp\n[23:01:10] bobbob2238: we live\n[23:01:18] bananaburger: tim stream PogChamp\n[23:01:19] taggenjuskor: timPlus\n[23:01:18] bananaburger: tim stream PogChamp\n[23:01:19] taggenjuskor: timPlus\n[23:01:28] monotonetim: sorry, I don't know why it's broken\n[23:01:19] taggenjuskor: timPlus\n[23:01:28] monotonetim: sorry, I don't know why it's broken\n[23:01:29] brimthrown: woohoo i wonder what tim will play today Kappa\n[23:01:28] monotonetim: sorry, I don't know why it's broken\n[23:01:29] brimthrown: woohoo i wonder what tim will play today Kappa\n[23:01:32] bananaburger: its been like 2 whole minutes Kappa\n[23:01:29] brimthrown: woohoo i wonder what tim will play today Kappa\n[23:01:32] bananaburger: its been like 2 whole minutes Kappa\n[23:01:32] overlordtwiggy: timPlus\n[23:01:32] bananaburger: its been like 2 whole minutes Kappa\n[23:01:32] overlordtwiggy: timPlus\n[23:01:36] headfilter: timMrBones\n[23:01:32] overlordtwiggy: timPlus\n[23:01:36] headfilter: timMrBones\n[23:01:38] gavinhill456: Hi @monotonetim\n[23:01:36] headfilter: timMrBones\n[23:01:38] gavinhill456: Hi @monotonetim\n[23:01:42] somenerd: game so retro it kicks you back to 56k\n[23:01:38] gavinhill456: Hi @monotonetim\n[23:01:42] somenerd: game so retro it kicks you back to 56k\n[23:01:44] gavinhill456: Hi everyone\n[23:01:42] somenerd: game so retro it kicks you back to 56k\n[23:01:44] gavinhill456: Hi everyone\n[23:01:46] monotonetim: Hah\n[23:01:44] gavinhill456: Hi everyone\n[23:01:46] monotonetim: Hah\n[23:01:47] mayorella: It's up here\n[23:01:46] monotonetim: Hah\n[23:01:47] mayorella: It's up here\n[23:01:47] mad_wack: he just wants to play puyo puyo alone\n[23:01:47] mayorella: It's up here\n[23:01:47] mad_wack: he just wants to play puyo puyo alone\n[23:01:47] duckymark: SourPls\n[23:01:47] mad_wack: he just wants to play puyo puyo alone\n[23:01:47] duckymark: SourPls\n[23:01:51] dajmasta: it's a new sonic game, something's got to be broken Kappa\n[23:01:47] duckymark: SourPls\n[23:01:51] dajmasta: it's a new sonic game, something's got to be broken Kappa\n[23:01:57] extratweets: MonotoneTim: Back, maybe? https://www.twitch.tv/monotonetim\n[23:01:51] dajmasta: it's a new sonic game, something's got to be broken Kappa\n[23:01:57] extratweets: MonotoneTim: Back, maybe? https://www.twitch.tv/monotonetim\n[23:01:59] extratweets: MonotoneTim: Back, maybe? https://www.twitch.tv/monotonetim\n[23:01:57] extratweets: MonotoneTim: Back, maybe? https://www.twitch.tv/monotonetim\n[23:01:59] extratweets: MonotoneTim: Back, maybe? https://www.twitch.tv/monotonetim\n[23:02:03] conlycameobasher: At least it's better than nothing\n[23:01:59] extratweets: MonotoneTim: Back, maybe? https://www.twitch.tv/monotonetim\n[23:02:03] conlycameobasher: At least it's better than nothing\n[23:02:03] gamecynic: I enjoy that Groose is in the background still. Even though those jokes were back during 2012\n[23:02:03] conlycameobasher: At least it's better than nothing\n[23:02:03] gamecynic: I enjoy that Groose is in the background still. Even though those jokes were back during 2012\n[23:02:05] gavinhill456: I tried it out earlier\n[23:02:03] gamecynic: I enjoy that Groose is in the background still. Even though those jokes were back during 2012\n[23:02:05] gavinhill456: I tried it out earlier\n[23:02:08] climby: BACK PogChamp\n[23:02:05] gavinhill456: I tried it out earlier\n[23:02:08] climby: BACK PogChamp\n[23:02:10] dajmasta: aaaa\n[23:02:08] climby: BACK PogChamp\n[23:02:10] dajmasta: aaaa\n[23:02:14] norake: we back? TriHard\n[23:02:10] dajmasta: aaaa\n[23:02:14] norake: we back? TriHard\n[23:02:15] popcorncolonel: 322 viewers\n[23:02:14] norak": 1, "Hello, welcome to NETVN channel\nIf you connect to the internet and get the no internet error message as above, follow these steps to fix it\nFirst of all you disable the Proxy setting on your Windows 11 computer\nYou open the control panel and select Internet Options\nNext you click LAN Settings\nHere you disable the Proxy setting for your Windows 11 computer\nIf you don't get this error, go to the next step\nYour Windows 11 computer does not have an internet connection, it may be because it is set up with an incorrect static ip address\nYour Windows 11 computer does not have an internet connection, it may be because it is set up with an incorrect static ip address\nThe easiest way is to set up a dynamic ip address for your computer\nYour Windows 11 computer will be assigned a new ip address from the router\nIt is also possible that the error of no internet connection is because you are using the version 6 ip address, so please disable it.\nIt is also possible that the error of no internet connection is because you are using the version 6 ip address, so please disable it.\nYou just uncheck ip v6 here and save the changes\nIf your wifi network changed its password and that's the reason why your computer has no network connection, then delete the wifi networks that were once connected\nIf your wifi network changed its password and that's the reason why your computer has no network connection, then delete the wifi networks that were once connected\nHere I remove the wifi network named NETVN\nAfter performing the above steps, connect to the internet using wifi and check the results\nAfter performing the above steps, connect to the internet using wifi and check the results\nThe internet connection is successful, the error has been fixed\nGood luck, thanks for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe\nGood luck, thanks for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe\nI open any web browser and check the network connection\nAs you can see my Windows 11 computer is connected to the internet, the error is fixed\n": 4, "Our horses are running mile after mile,\nCause Freedom is priceless.\nThrough the slot of my machine gun\nI'm looking for the enemy in the dust.\nMother Anarchy loves her sons,\nMother Anarchy is not for sale.\nWe'll wait for the enemy, with lead we'll\ndestroy them\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nI'll put my knife into the fire\nAnd then I'll sneak closer.\nNothing to be sorry for into the fight,\nNothing to be sad about.\nMother Anarchy loves her sons,\nMother Anarchy is not for sale.\nWe'll wait for the enemy, with lead we'll\ndestroy them\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nThe only thing that makes me happy is the\ndead one,\nkilled by the strength of my friend.\nThe only thing I can see and remain calm\nIs the dead enemy.\nMother Anarchy loves her sons,\nMother Anarchy is not for sale.\nWe'll wait for the enemy, with lead we'll\ndestroy them\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nMother Anarchy loves her sons,\nMother Anarchy is not for sale.\nWe'll wait for the enemy, with lead we'll\ndestroy them\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nWe'll wait for the enemy, with lead we'll\ndestroy them\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nWe'll wait for the enemy, with lead we'll destroy them\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nMother Anarchy is with us!\nMother Anarchy is with us!\n": 3, "in this video we have given that a, b are\u00a0\nintegers and a plus b is a root of x square\u00a0\u00a0\nplus ax plus b is equal to 0 then we have to\u00a0\nfind the maximum possible value of b square\u00a0\u00a0\nso the given equation is x square plus ax\u00a0\nplus b is equal to 0 and a plus b is a root\u00a0\u00a0\nthat means it must satisfy the equation so\u00a0\nwe can get a plus b whole square plus a times\u00a0\u00a0\na plus b plus b is equal to 0 and a plus\u00a0\nb whole square is a square plus 2ab plus b\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare plus a times a will be a square and\u00a0\na times b will be ab plus b is equal to 0\u00a0\u00a0\nand a square plus a square will be 2a square\u00a0\nand 2ab plus ab will be 3ab plus b square plus b\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to 0 and it is 2a square plus\u00a0\n3ba plus b square plus b is equal to 0 and\nnow this is a quadratic equation in a, so we can\u00a0\nget a is equal to minus 3b plus minus square root\u00a0\u00a0\nof 3b square minus 4 times 2 times b square plus b\nby 2 times 2 will be 4\nand we have given that a, b are integers\nso this must be perfect square,\u00a0\u00a0\n3b whole square minus 4 times 2 times b\u00a0\nsquare plus b it must be perfect square\nand 3b whole square is a 9b square minus 8 times b\u00a0\nsquare will be 8b square and 8 times b will be 8b\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is equal to suppose k square\nand\n9b square minus 8b square will be b\u00a0\nsquare minus 8b is equal to k square\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is b square minus 8b is 2 times\u00a0\nb times 4 that is equal to k square\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we add 4 square both side\nthen this will be equal to b minus\u00a0\n4 square that is equal to k square\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 16 and b minus 4 whole square\u00a0\nminus k square will be equal to 16\nand\na square minus b square is\u00a0\na plus b times a minus b\u00a0\u00a0\nso this will be equal to b minus 4 plus k\u00a0\ntimes b minus 4 minus k that is equal to 16\nand b minus 4 plus k\u00a0\u00a0\nplus b minus 4 minus k, it will be equal to\u00a0\nk will get cancelled and 2 times b minus 4\nthat is even so either both the values is even\nor both the values is odd\nand the product is 16 that is even so both\u00a0\nthe values cannot be odd so both will be even\nso b minus 4 plus k and b minus 4\u00a0\nminus k they can be equal to 2 and 8\n8, 2\n4, 4\nminus 2, minus 8, minus 8, minus 2 and\u00a0\nminus 4, minus 4 and if we add both values\nthen k will get cancelled and we will get\u00a0\n2b minus 8 is equal to 2 plus 8 is 10,\u00a0\u00a0\n8 plus 2 is 10, 8, minus 10, minus 10 and minus 8\nso 2b minus 8 is equal to 10, 8, minus 10,\u00a0\u00a0\nand minus 8 so 2b will be equal to 10 plus 8 is\u00a0\n18, 8 plus 8 is 16 and minus 10 plus 8 is minus 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand minus 8 plus 8 will be 0 and b\u00a0\nwill be equal to 9, 8, minus 1 and 0\nso b square will be equal to 81, 64, 1\u00a0\nand 0 so maximum value of b square is 81\u00a0\u00a0\nbut we need to check that when b is\u00a0\nequal to 9 then a is integer or not\u00a0\u00a0\nso a is equal to minus 3b plus minus square root\u00a0\nof 3b square minus 4 times 2 times b square plus b\nby 4\nand a will be equal to minus 3\u00a0\ntimes b is 9 plus minus square root\u00a0\u00a0\nof 3 times 9 square minus 8 times 81 plus 9\nby 4 and a will be equal to minus 27\u00a0\nplus minus square root of 9 times 81\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 8 times 81 plus 9 is 90\nby 4 and\na will be equal to minus 27 plus minus square root\u00a0\u00a0\nif we take 9 common then we\u00a0\nwill get 81 minus 8 times 10\nby 4 and a will be equal to minus 27 plus\u00a0\nminus square root of 9 times 81 minus 80\nby 4\nand a will be equal to minus 27 plus\u00a0\nminus square root of 9 will be 3\u00a0\u00a0\nby 4 so a is equal to minus 27 plus 3 by\u00a0\n4 and a is equal to minus 27 minus 3 by 4\nso a is equal to minus 24 by 4\u00a0\nand a will be equal to minus 6\u00a0\u00a0\nand here a is equal to minus 30 by 4\u00a0\nand a will be equal to minus 15 by 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand a is equal to minus 15 by 2 is\u00a0\nnot possible because it is not integer\nso a can be equal to minus 6 and hence\u00a0\na and b can be equal to minus 6 and 9\nso maximum of b square can be 81\nmaximum value of b square is 81.\n": 3, "The horses are covering miles trotting swiftly,\nFor us liberty is precious,\nThrough the slot of the machine gun\nI\u2019m seeking for the enemy in the dust.\nAnarchy-mom loves her own sons,\nAnarchy-mother will not betray,\nWith lead rain she will make blue the enemy,\nAnarchy-mother for us!\nI'll open raking fire,\nAs soon as let them come nearer.\nI don\u2019t feel sorry for anything in battle\nI'm not sad about anything.\nAnarchy-mom loves her own sons,\nAnarchy-mother will not betray,\nWith lead rain she will make blue the enemy,\nAnarchy-mother for us!\nMy only rejoice is a lethal\nEffect of my little friend.\nI can see calmly\nOnly a dead enemy\nAnarchy-mom loves her own sons,\nAnarchy-mother will not betray,\nWith lead rain she will make blue the enemy,\nAnarchy-mother for us!\nAnarchy-mom loves her own sons,\nAnarchy-mother will not betray,\nWith lead rain she will make blue the enemy,\nAnarchy-mother for us!\nWith lead rain she will make blue the enemy,\nAnarchy-mother for us!\nWith lead rain she will make blue the enemy,\nAnarchy-mother for us!\nAnarchy-mother for us! (x2)\nAnarchy-mother for us! (x3)\nAnarchy-mother for us! (x4)\n": 2, "Pig: My head hurts! (\u201cI feel pain with respect to my head!\u201d)\nBear: IT MATTERS LITTLE TO ME, BUT MY STOMACH HURTS!\nPig: Did you eat too much meat?\nBear: WHAT? THAT\u2019S IMPOSSIBLE!\nElephant: My arm hurts.\nLuby: Something hurts for all of you guys, but I\u2019m not in pain.\nIf you are hurting, or even if you are not hurting, it is good to meditate. Let\u2019s meditate together!\nElephant: Yes!\nPig: Sure!\nBear: I DON\u2019T NEED TO DO MEDITATION! I AM ALREADY OF SOUND MIND!\nLuby: Try it! We will do a scan of the body from feet to head.\nConcentrate on the skin and whatever is underneath the skin.\nLuby: Closing my eyes, I feel my two feet,\nmy right foot,\nand my left foot,\nI feel my toes, my right toes,\nand my left toes,\nmy right heel,\nand my left heel,\nI feel my right ankle,\nand my left ankle,\nI feel my two legs, my right leg,\nmy left leg,\nI feel my right shin,\nand my left shin,\nI feel my left knee,\nand my right knee,\nI feel my right thigh,\nand my left thigh,\nI feel my butt,\nmy stomach,\nmy chest,\nmy back,\nmy shoulders,\nI feel my arms,\nmy left elbow,\nmy right elbow,\nmy left forearm,\nmy right forearm.\nI feel my right wrist,\nmy left wrist,\nI feel my two hands,\nmy left hand,\nand my right hand.\nI feel my fingers on the right,\nmy fingers on the left,\nI feel my throat,\nmy head,\nmy hair,\nmy left ear,\nmy right ear.\nI feel my face,\nmy forehead,\nmy brow,\nmy eyelids,\nmy right eye,\nmy left eye.\nI also feel my nose,\nmy cheeks,\nmy mouth.\nI feel my lips,\nmy teeth,\nmy tongue,\nmy chin,\nand my jaw.\nI feel my brain.\nThus, I feel my body.\nSlowly, I open my eyes.\nI inhale, I exhale.\nI inhale, and I exhale.\nPig: I\u2019m not in pain anymore. Are you in pain, Elephant?\nElephant: I\u2019m not in pain.\nLuby: I\u2019m not in pain. He\u2019s not in pain, she\u2019s not in pain.\nYou guys are not in pain. Are you in pain, Bear?\nBear: I\u2019M NOT IN PAIN. WE ARE ALL NOT IN PAIN.\nLuby: I am not in pain. They are not in pain.\nDo this meditation multiple times, with eyes open, and with eyes closed.\nThanks for coming here! Be well.\n": 3, " \n \n \n \n[Dua Lipa] We haven't talked all morning\nBang my head, bang my head against the wall\nI'm scared, I'm falling\nLosing all, losing all my control\nAnd I'm tired of talking\nFeel myself saying the same old things\nBut this love's important\nDon't wanna lose, don't wanna lose you this way\n[Ros\u00e9] I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\n[Dua Lipa] Feel like we about to break up\n[Ros\u00e9] I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\n[Dua Lipa] Just wanna kiss and make up one last time\nTouch me like you touch nobody\nPut your hands all up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nHow about we leave this party?\n'Cause all I want is you up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\n[Jennie] I don\u2019t know if I can leave you just yet\nEven though I know you\u2019ll leave me\nAnd that this will be over at some point\n[Jisoo] We\u2019re broken and will there be a way to fix us?\nDon\u2019t say anything, there is no end\n[Ros\u00e9] I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\n[Lisa] Feel like we about to break up\n[Ros\u00e9] I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I\n[Lisa] Just wanna kiss and make up one last time\n[Ros\u00e9] Touch me like you touch nobody\nPut your hands all up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\n[Lisa] Kiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\n[Jennie] How about we leave this party?\n\u2018Cause all I want is you up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\n[Lisa] Kiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\n[Jisoo] I don\u2019t need anything else\nAs long as I have you\n[Dua Lipa] So tell me, can we work this whole thing out?\nWork this whole thing out\n[Ros\u00e9] Just like those heart-fluttering moments\nWhen we first met\n[Dua Lipa] So tell me, can we work this whole thing out?\nWork this whole thing out\nKiss, kiss and make up\nTouch me like you touch nobody\n[Ros\u00e9] Put your hands all up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\n[Lisa] Kiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\n[Dua Lipa] How about we leave this party?\n[Jennie] \u2018Cause all I want is you up on me\nTired of hearing sorry\n[Lisa] Kiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss and make, kiss, kiss and make up\nKiss, kiss and make up\n": 1, "you are my helper \nmy \nAmen. Say thank you Jesus. \nThank you Jesus. Thank you \nJesus. I'm here for encounter. \nSay I am here for encounter. \nI'm here for encounter. I only \nhear the voice of you people. \nSomebody say I'm here for \nencounter. I must encounter God \nthis morning. God must minister \nto me this morning. I have the \nvery presence of my name. \nSomebody shout hallelujah. \nListen to this. Listen to this. \nThe Bible made us to understand \nGod brought Ezekiel in \nthe bible say the dry bone \nbecame what? A living being. I \ndon't know that area \ndryness. Is it in your head? In \nyour finance? In your business? \nIn your marriage? Consigning \nyour children? When I say dry \nbone, I mean the area where you \nare becoming hopeless. Is like \nthere is no help, there is no \nhelp. There is nothing good \ncoming out of it. But you are \ngoing to change this situation \nthis morning. Somebody say I \nwill prophesy. Can you say it \nbetter? say I will declare I \nwill decree, and heaven will \nrespond this morning. Somebody \nsay my father, my maker. My \nfather, my maker, my father, my \nmaker. Any area of my life. Any \narea that I am experiencing \ndryness. Experiencing. I am \nexperiencing hopelessness. I am \nnot seeing good thing coming \nout. From today, from today. \nCan you shout from today? Say \nfrom today. I decree, I \ndeclare, I prophesy, life upon \nit, life upon it, good things \ncoming out of it, fruitfulness, \ngo ahead and begin to decree \nit. Somebody pray. \nSomebody pray. That area of my \nlife. That I'm still \nexperiencing dryness. By the \npower of the holy ghost. I \nspeak life upon it. In the name \nof Jesus. \nProphesy. Is there anything you \nare hopeless of? Is there \nanything that you see as \ndryness? Is it your head? Is it \nyour marriage? Is it your \nfinance? Is it in your \nbusiness? Prophesy life upon \nit. Life must come back to it. \nIn the name of Jesus. \nSomebody pray. in Jesus mighty \nname we pray. Say I must \nrecover. Say like you mean I \nmust recover. My father, my \nmaker. I am here to recover. \nWhatever I have lost, whatever \nis missing out, I will recover \nthem. I will recover them. My \nwife will recover them. My \nchildren will recover them. My \nfamily will recover. Upon this \nmountain, we shall be recover. \nWe shall recover. Go ahead and \npray yourself. \nwe pray, say powers, say \npowers, powers that are aware, \nthat I'm coming for convention, \nthat is saying when I return, \nthey will continue their \nattack, holy ghost before my \narrival, before my arrival, \nbefore I get back home, let \nthem sick and die, let them \nfall and die, let them fall and \ndie, I will not meet them \nagain. God said to Moses, the \npeople that were after your \nlife, go back to Egypt, they \nare all dead. Before you \nreturn, they are dead. Go ahead \nand begin to pray. \nevery power that is aware of \nthis journey that is saying \nwhen I return, they will \ncontinue the attack. Holy \nghost, consume them with your \nfire. \nHoly ghost. Before I return, I \nwant \nIn Jesus mighty name we pray. \nStraight this convention. This \nconvention. And anniversary \nwill end all my challenges. In \nthe name of Jesus. This \nconvention of twenty twenty-two \nwill end all my troubles. We \nend all my problem. Go ahead \nand pray for yourself. \nThank you Jesus. \nin Jesus mighty name we pray. \nSay when next I am coming. For \nthis convention, my testimonies \nwill be full. I am coming back \nwith testimonies. I'm coming \nback with thanksgiving. I'm \ncoming back testifying. Pray \nfor yourself. Thank you Jesus. \nin Jesus mighty name we pray. \nAs we have said, so shall it \nbe. In Jesus mighty name we \npray. \nCan somebody scream hallelujah? \nWe want to praise our king of \nkings right now. \nas I believe in God oh even the \ndevil I serve a living God as I \nbelieve in god oh even the \ndevil know \nI believe in god \nHallelujah \nSomebody said \nSomebody say \nSomebody say Jehovah. \nappreciate there is noone like \nhim. thank you Jesus. \nYou are God. for beginning \nthere is no place for \nyou are god all by your \nare \ngone you are gone from \nyou've done so much \nThere is a man of God in the \nbook o": 2, "- Say the name.\n- [All] Seventeen\n- Hi, we are-\n- [All] Seventeen.\n- We are here today to play with puppies.\n- And answer your questions.\n- Let's go.\n- Woo.\n(upbeat music)\n- Hi.\n- Hi.\n \n \n- [DK] Hey.\n- Hey.\n \n(DK chuckles)\n \n \n(Seventeen members laugh)\n \n(puppy barks)\n(soft music)\n \n(soft upbeat music)\n \n \n(puppy barks)\n \n(puppy barks)\n \n(puppy barks)\n \n- Hey.\n \n- Hey, buddy.\n- Hey, buddy.\n- Hey, buddy.\n- Hey, buddy.\n \n(soft bright music)\n \n(The8 laughs)\n \n- Come on, come on.\n \n(puppy barks)\n- Hey.\n \n(soft bright music)\n- Legend.\n- Legend.\n- [The8] Legend.\n- History. (laughs)\n- Legend.\n- Legend.\n(puppy barks)\n(The8 barks)\n(soft bright music)\n- DK.\n(Seventeen members laugh)\n- Dino.\n- Hey, DK.\n- Oh, Dino. Okay.\n- Dino, DK, The8.\n- Belly.\n- Belly.\n \n- Times, Square.\n- Hey, Times, Square.\n \n- Buzz, Feed.\n- Buzz, Feed.\n \n- Nurungji.\n- Nurungji.\n- Nurungji.\n(soft bright music)\n \n \n(puppy barks)\n \n \n \n(soft bright music)\n- Oh.\n- Enjoy your life.\n- Enjoy your life.\n(Dino laughs)\n- Be healthy and happy.\n- Oh.\n \n- Oh.\n- Make your hobby.\n- Hobby, hobby.\n- Hobby.\n- Life is short.\n- Life is short. (chuckles)\n- You have to, you have to\nenjoy your life right now.\n(soft bright music)\n \n \n \n \n \n- R&B.\n(Seventeen members laugh)\n(soft upbeat music)\n- \"Don't Wanna Cry\".\n- [Mingyu] Oh, yeah.\n- [DK] Hey, buddy.\n- [Dino] \"Pretty U\".\n(DK singing \"Pretty U\")\n- Yeah.\n- Yeah.\n(Seventeen members laugh)\n \n- Buzz, Feed, come on.\n- [Dino] Come on.\n(beep)\n(soft bright music)\n- 3, 2, 1.\n- Hey.\n- Hey.\nCome on, come on, come on.\nHey, hey, hey.\n(DK and The8 laughs)\n(soft bright music)\n- No, no.\n- Hey, Buzz, Feed.\n(soft bright music)\n(puppy barks)\n(DK laughs)\n- Cheers.\n(soft upbeat music)\n- BuzzFeed and Times Square.\n- What?\n- Okay.\nSorry.\n(soft bright music)\n(puppy barks)\n- [Dino] No.\n- Hey, Nurungji.\n(soft bright music)\n- \"Future of K-Pop\".\n\"Now of K-Pop\".\n(DK laughs)\n- Stick, stick man.\n- Stick man.\nStick girl.\n(soft bright music)\n(soft bright music)\n- [All] Thank you BuzzFeed.\nAdopt.\n- Bye.\n- Bye.\nThank you.\n- Thank you.\n- Thank you.\n(upbeat music)\n": 1, "One little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nLet's sing that again\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\nOne little, two little, three little buses,\nfour little, five little, six little buses\nSeven little, eight little, nine little buses\nTen little buses\n": 2, "Give me one reason to stay here\nWhy not just say it, I've been thinking\nno one can save us no more\nI think I might even just lay here\nHide out and wait for someone braver\n'cause I can't face anymore\nLive it up\nI wanna make this life worth living\nBut see the world crumbling down and giving up\n'Cause we are living in a time of war\nSomeone police the ones in charge\nOur leaders are the criminals at large\nWe're living in\nWe're living in\nI'm burning out hearing this hate\nI'm tired of all this blaming others\nI'm certain it's only making me numb\nI'm giving too little too late\nFighting all the same corruption\ncertain destruction is saving me from\nLive it up\nI wanna make this life worth living\nBut see the world crumbling down and giving up\n'Cause we are living in a time of war\nSomeone police the ones in charge\nOur leaders are the criminals at large\nWe're living in\nWe're living in\n'Cause we are living in a time of war\nNo one believes a word of ours\nWe're angry and we're shaking at the bars\nWe're living in\nWe're living in\nCan't believe that we thought it would last forever\nI can see where we're starting to crack\nWe're falling, falling, falling\nDivided by fear and on the attack\nNow more than ever, ever, ever before\nWe're living in\n'Cause we are living in a time of war\nSomeone police the ones in charge\nOur leaders are the criminals at large\nWe're living in\nWe're living in\n'Cause we are living in a time of war\nNo one believes a word of ours\nWe're angry and we're shaking at the bars\nWe're living in\nWe're living in\nWe're living in\n": 2, "Learning music theory takes time and patience. This video series is an attempt to share a holistic understand music theory, right from fundamentals / basics to intermediate through to advanced concepts. Please do consider subscribing if you like more of these videos comments, queries and requests below. Happy learning.\nLearning music theory takes time and patience. This video series is an attempt to share a holistic understand music theory, right from fundamentals / basics to intermediate through to advanced concepts. Please do consider subscribing if you like more of these videos comments, queries and requests below. Happy learning.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 3, "[Music] thank you\nI'll put that battery in his back I'm the\nreason why he moved like that that's my [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nvoice [Music]\n[Music] enough the name but it's still [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nwe supposed to touch them approach me pop\nthat [\u00a0__\u00a0] I don't care if you know me\nthat the [\u00a0__\u00a0] hating on me used to be\nhomies I don't trust them when they smiling\nevery time I come around and call the police\non me that's what a decent the priest didn't\nknow me they know about my raps [Music] you\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] myself\n[Music]\nI wonder when I'm gone if you miss me yeah\n[Music]\nhey they can't jump\nover the plastic cause they wanna see your\nMiracles rule number one that's it lights\noff in your body stiff by the same [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nthey used to party when your body\nright here with me\n[Music] [Applause] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nright before I leave Hallelujah [Music] [Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nput them up [Music]\ncome on\nthank you\n[Music]\nI got several hoes [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\noh my God\n[Music]\ngood morning\n[Music]\n[Music] got fingers\n[Music]\n[Music] I don't know\n[Music] but he took a break [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] in the streets they like it\nMr Capote [Music]\nalways and forever [Music]\nthank you [Music]\nwhen I move you away\n[Music]\n[Applause] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwhen I move you boys\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwhen I move you move\n[Music]\n[Applause] what's the name of this song damn\nright that's the name of that song y'all better\nknow that\n[Music]\nTommy okay stop Gotta Eat stepping of my feet\nspread love thinking sweet yeah [\u00a0__\u00a0] as\nthe wheels turn City to City [Music]\nit's a whole other day\n[Music]\nit really don't matter cause I'm only here\nto spit on and get on this [\u00a0__\u00a0] on [\u00a0__\u00a0]\n[Music] so crazy\n[Music] Perfection is expected and I'm feeling\nthat demand lost Edge broad day gunning that\nain't no earthquake it's just straight coming\nif this [\u00a0__\u00a0] ain't played The Party Ain't\nbumping if I don't show up the hoes ain't\n[\u00a0__\u00a0] real talk jelly Sunshine come visit\njust don't stop and stop signs with bullet\nholes in it All-Star League you riding [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nI handle's my feelings [\u00a0__\u00a0] fake [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nI sell game a quarter million in track snooping\na good doc back with a brand new sack shit's\nwrong money gone I blast out of town out of\nbounds no pass running up talking [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nget smashed shoot first ask questions\n[Music] yeah baby still [\u00a0__\u00a0] with You\nStill Waters Run Deep\n[Music] once upon a time not long ago with\ngames\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] your business on the red snake\n[Music]\nall the homies from the west side west side\nup ain't no South Side Long Beach [Music]\nas soon as it is\n[Music]\n[Music]\nall right\nforeign\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\ndrug dealers\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\nhey\nchange my voice\n[Music]\nin the morning\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nattitude\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwill make our dicks hard I come through when\nI handle my business like a goddamn minute\n[\u00a0__\u00a0] think I eat spinach whenever I finish\nit's the Greenwich West Side connection is\nthe campaign [\u00a0__\u00a0] trying to run [\u00a0__\u00a0]\npull our hamstring imma do the damn thing\nbaby do the damn thing damn ass busting out\nthem pants I can't stand it turn it like the\nAnimal Planet the kind of [\u00a0__\u00a0] gotta take\nJennifer granted\n[Music]\nthere is nothing wrong\ntry again fella you got to rhyme harder than\nthat to move out in front of the past 2002\nmy backpack raps not my backpack strapped\nand filled with blacks I ain't relaxed to\nlay back at home\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nsee my mama [Music] 30 seconds\n[Music]\n[Music]\ntwo two\n96 let it be known [\u00a0__\u00a0] the boss of all\nbosses come on come on [\u00a0__\u00a0] Minnesota\nmaking [\u00a0__\u00a0] style witnessing breathless\nimperfections without my heater got me a dog\nand name the my [\u00a0__\u00a0] [\u00a0__\u00a0] eater got\na ways my mentality is better what gorilla\nin this criminal War we all rebels Death Before\nDishonor but I bomb on them first [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nknew we came for murder pulling up in the\nhurt West Side was the wrong crowd busting\noff really screaming [\u00a0__\u00a0] all y'all [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nthat's why he pistol packing fresh out of\njail I ain't going ba": 0, "The two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the arrow, I am the bow,\nI am the old, I am the young\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the particles, I am the Sun\nI am the Four**, and I am Five and the Six more***\nI am the particles, I am the Sun\nI am the Four**, and I am Five and the Six more***\nSee [the universe as] My face and describe it,\nas I will not be contained in your description\nSee [the universe as] My face and describe it,\nas I will not be contained in your description\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the burning bush, I am the rock that ascended to Heaven\nI am the burning bush, I am the rock that ascended to Heaven\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the particles, I am the Sun\nI am the Four**, and I am Five and the Six more***\nI am the particles, I am the Sun\nI am the Four**, and I am Five and the Six more***\nSee [the universe as] My face and describe it,\nas I will not be contained in your description\nSee [the universe as] My face and describe it,\nas I will not be contained in your description\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nThe two worlds are contained in Me\nBut I will not be contained in these worlds\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nI am the Treasure* of no abode,\nI will not be contained in Being or in creation\nIn short, [the carpet of] Divine Command (kun) \nin the Universe found manifestation in Me so that\nyou would know Me by these signs,\nbut beware! I cannot be contained in signs\nI am the arrow, I am the bow,\nI am the old, I am the young\nI am the Eternal Treasure,\nBut I will not be contained in a jewelry box\nI am the Eternal Treasure,\nBut I will not be contained in a jewelry box\nEven though today I may be a Nasimi, a Hashimi, a Qurayshi\nI am the arrow, I am the bow,\nI am the old, I am the young\nI am the Eternal Treasure\nEven though today I may be a Nasimi, a Hashimi, a Qurayshi\nFrom Me the signs of My power find existence, But I will not be contained in My sign of power\nI cannot be contained,\nI cannot be contained,\nI cannot be contained,\nI cannot be contained\nI am the arrow, I am the bow,\nI am the old, I am the young\nI am the Eternal Treasure,\nBut I will not be contained in a jewelry box\nI am the Eternal Treasure,\nBut I will not be contained in a jewelry box\nI cannot be contained,\nI cannot be contained,\nI cannot be contained,\nI cannot be contained\nBeing and existence are the signs of My power,\nMy Eternity is in My Essence\nBeing and existence are the signs of My power,\nMy Eternity is in My Essence\nKnow Me by this sign, \nbut beware! I will not be contained in signs\nKnow Me by this": 4, "Hello friends in this video we are going\nto study about the diagonalization of N\ncross N matrix we will study that how\nnon-diagonal matrix can be converted\ninto a diagonal matrix so let's study\nabout it\nbefore starting first we will know the\ndifference between our diagonal matrix\nand the non diagonal matrix let's take\nan example of a 3 cross 3 matrix this is\na 3 cross 3 matrix having 3 rows and 3\ncolumns and this matrix is called a non\ndiagonal matrix let's take another 3\ncross 3 matrix this is also 3 cross 3\nmatrix having 3 rows and 3 columns but\nthis matrix is a diagonal matrix so you\ncan see that a matrix which is having\nall the diagonal elements and all the\nelements of the matrices are non zero\nthen that matrix is called a non\ndiagonal matrix that means all the\nelements we can suppose that the\nelements are represented by a IJ and the\nvalue of I and J varies from 1 to 3 so\nall the elements they are not equals to\n0 that is nonzero elements also the\ndiagonal elements all the elements are\npresent there whereas in the dinin\nmatrix only the diagonal elements are\npresent that is a I J so we have been\nthe value of I and J is equal that is a\n1 1 a 2 2 and a 3 3 only these three\nelements are present and the rest of the\nelements are 0\nthen that matrix is called a diagonal\nmatrix so this is the difference between\na non diagonal matrix and or Dynel\nmatrix so in this video we are going to\nstudy the method by which we can convert\nor non diagonal matrix into a litel\nmatrix so what is the use of this method\nin control systems in control systems we\nknow that in the state space\nrepresentation of a control system we\nhave the state model and we have the\nvarious states of representations of the\nstate model the representation is a\ncanonical method so this method\ndiagonalization of n cross n matrix is\nused to represent the state model in the\ncanonical form so whenever we want the\nstate model in canonical form we use\nthis method we know that the state model\nit is given by this is the state model\nof an init order multi-input\nmulti-output system ok so this is the\ngeneralized a state model now in this\nstate model we have the matrices a B C\nand D these are matrices in this now in\nthese matrices this a matrix it is or\nnon diagonal matrix\nand they want to convert this state\nmodel or we want to represent this state\nmodel in the canonical form or we can\nsay the diagonal form then we have to\nconvert this a matrix non diagonal\nmatrix into a diagonal matrix so how we\ncan convert let's see suppose we define\nour new state vector a is the state\nmatrix and X is the state vector so we\nwill define a new state vector let x\nequals to M Z this is a new state vector\nand this M matrix M\nis a matrix which is n cross n non\nsingular matrix so we are just replacing\nthis X state vector that is the original\nstate vector into a new state vector\nwhich is defined by x equals to M Z now\nwe are going to substitute this value\ninto the state space equations that is X\ndot equals to ax plus bu and y equals to\nCX Plus D we are going to substitute X\nby or replace X by M Z so what are the\nchanges in it now X dot will be replaced\nby M Z dot then we have a X so instead\nof X given right\nMZ so it will become a M Z plus B u then\nwe have y equals to CX so C is there\nthen\nagain mz+ D u so we are replacing the X\nby MZ okay now if we bring this in to\nthis side of the equation then the new\nequation will become Z dot equals to M\nin goes a M Z plus M inverse B plus B\ninto you make this M goes to that side\nof the equation that is right-hand side\nthen it will get converted into inverse\nthe inverse of the matrix now we have\nthe output equation as see M Z plus D u\nso earlier our state model was X dot\nequals to ax plus bu and y equals to CX\nplus D now X dot is being replaced by Z\ndot and we have the new state matrix as\nM inverse am then we have B is replaced\nby M inverse B see changes to see em and\nthen D is same as it is so these are the\nchanges which we have which have taken\nplace because we have replaced the state\nvector into a new state vector ok now\nthis matrix M inverse am it is now a\ndiagon": 4, "hello everyone now let us see how to\nsolve this problem in an easy way\nconsider the matrix a is equal to\nthe true cross matrix is given if the\neigenvalues values or a four and eight\nthen find the value of x and y then in\nthe to cross matrix the x value and the\ny value or unknown we have to find the x\nand y value we know trace of the matrix\nwill be trace of a will be equal to sum\nof eigenvalues in the to cross matrix we\nwill get only two eigenvalues some trace\nof a trace of a the sum of diagonals\nhere the diagonal values are two and\nwife so two plus y which is equal to sum\nof eigenvalues for an e which is given\nin the question itself 4 plus 8 is 12\nkeep Y as it is and take this to the\nside we'll get Y is equal to 10 we have\nfound the Y value now we have to find\nthe x value how can we find the x value\nalready we know that determinant of the\nmatrix a will be equal to the product of\nthe eigenvalues so we have using that\none and find and we are we are going to\nuse this formally and find the value of\nx determinant of a which is equal to\nproduct of eigenvalues\ndeterminant of a determinant of a is\ncross multiply their given elements 2 y\n-3 X 2 into y minus 3 into X which is\nequal to product of the eigenvalues the\neigenvalues 4 and H 4 into 8 and the\nnext day we are simplifying it to Y\nvalue is 10 so to eat to 10 will be 20\nminus 3x which is equal to 4 into 8 will\nbe 32 bring this 20 this side minus 33 X\nis equal to 32 minus 20 minus 3x which\nis equal to 32 minus 20 will be 12\nhe pays X a siddhis 12 divided by minus\n3 which is equal to X is equal to minus\n4 the values of x and y ax minus 4 and\n10 thank you\n": 2, "Oh your...\nBaby your...\nOh your...\nLet's go crazy\nYour nose ring...\nYour nose ring...\nYour nose ring...\nBaby, your nose ring...\nYour nose ring...\nBaby, your nose ring...\nYour nose ring...\nBaby, your nose ring...\nLet's goo..\nBrought it from Kolkata or from Gujarat...\nBrought it from Gujarat...\nIt has been troubling me since last night.\nYes baby, since last night\nBrought it from Kolkata or from Gujarat...\nBrought it from Gujarat...\nIt has been troubling me since last night.\nYes baby, since last night\nIt seems a little tricky...\nA little trippy...\nIt seems a little hippy...\nYour nose ring...\nBaby, your nose ring...\nYour... Baby, your...\nOh your... Baby, your nose ring...\nEveryone's talkin' about my nose ring...\nIt makes everyone's heart sing...\nWhen I groove...\nPeople watch my every move...\nEveryone's talkin' about my nose ring...\nIt makes everyone's heart sing...\nWhen I groove...\nPeople watch my every move...\nMake my dream come true,\nMake me feel too much can you,\nBaby, I want to be touched by you,\nOh your...\nBaby your...\nOh your...\nAahaa..\nOh your...\nBaby your...\nOh your...\nBreak it down now...\nCome on... let's goo\nYour nose ring...\nBaby, your nose ring...\n": 1, "Hi everybody! Malik the Magic Guy for expertvillage.com.\nNow let me show you a cool classic magic trick:\nthe classic four ace assembly. We\u2019re going\nto take our four aces on top of the deck,\nand I want to show them to you one at a time\u2014there\u2019s\nthe ace of diamonds, the ace of spades, the\nace of hearts and the ace of clubs. Now we\u2019re\ngoing to put the ace of clubs down, we\u2019re\ngoing to put the other three aces down like\nthis, we\u2019re going to put three cards on\ntop of each ace, just like this. Now the rest\nof the cards we don\u2019t need, we\u2019re going\nto flip this ace over, the ace of clubs, just\nso we can keep track of it. Now with the other\npiles, we\u2019re going to one at a time, snap\nour fingers, and make our aces disappear.\nThere\u2019s no ace left in this pile with the\nsnap, there\u2019s no ace left in this pile with\nanother snap, there\u2019s no ace left in this\npile\u2014and that\u2019s because all of the aces\nhave jumped over here to join the other one\njust like that. And in the minute I\u2019m going\nto teach you how to do that trick: the classic\nfour ace assembly.\n": 3, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze The Rasmus.\nA great band from Finland.\nI know The Rasmus, they are a very experienced rock band.\nHowever, I don't know this song and I've never heard it before.\nIt will be the first time. For those who do not know,\nI am a heavy metal singer, producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.\nAnd in this video I'm going to make technical remarks about\nvocal behaviour, how instruments work, your musical influences...\nvocal behaviour, how instruments work, your musical influences...\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed,\nsubscribe to our channel, activate the notification, like and share this video.\nAnd leave more suggestions in the comments.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nwe analyze The Rasmus.\nI already consider the visual aesthetics that the band presents very interesting.\nI already consider the visual aesthetics that the band presents very interesting.\nThe song starts with all the instruments, but it doesn't have a complete sound.\nThe song starts with all the instruments, but it doesn't have a complete sound.\nThe way the drums sound and how the bass accompanies these drums,\nit is a very shy way.\nThe electric guitar is very shy.\nBut this is on purpose because it's part of the musical arrangement and the way this song was planned.\nBut this is on purpose because it's part of the musical arrangement and the way this song was planned.\nSo probably at some point\nthese instruments will somehow function more fully and dynamically.\nthese instruments will somehow function more fully and dynamically.\nI think the way he's singing is really cool.\nIt's a way that you work with the region in the projection of the mask.\nIt's a way that you work with the region in the projection of the mask.\nNote the use of the diaphragm...\nThere are two ways to make this sound.\nUsing the diaphragm or using the region of the larynx.\nUsing the diaphragm or using the region of the larynx.\nWith the diaphragm it is possible to give a greater support to the note.\nThese yellow colors are amazing.\nAnd now there's an explosion in the music,\nall elements, musical instruments no longer work timidly.\nall elements, musical instruments no longer work timidly.\nTherefore, there is a greater projection of all these elements working together.\nTherefore, there is a greater projection of all these elements working together.\nThis vocalist has an incredible stage presence. Amazing.\nHe's a leader.\nHe is the man at the head of the gang.\nVibrato is consistent and is often used in rock songs.\nAnd there is a background animation of a girl also dressed in black and yellow.\nAnd there is a background animation of a girl also dressed in black and yellow.\nAnd there is a background animation of a girl also dressed in black and yellow.\nAnd these colors are fantastic. They are incredible.\nIt is a visual aesthetic that works very well.\nIt is a visual aesthetic that works very well.\nThis is really cool.\nWhat he did was really cool.\nHe always works on the diaphragm.\nThe bass strings are yellow.\nAmazing. It looks great, it's a cool aesthetic.\nAmazing. It looks great, it's a cool aesthetic.\nThe pedestal and the microphone are yellow.\nThese black and yellow highlights are fantastic.\nThe work of the choir is also very interesting,\nbecause it helps to project the voice more at the time of the chorus.\nThis battery has a contemporary sound.\nThis battery has a contemporary sound.\nIt's a relatively modern sound.\nAnd the music, in this song, is a song that has a pop, alternative style...\nAnd the music, in this song, is a song that has a pop, alternative style...\nAnd the music, in this song, is a song that has a pop, alternative style...\nBut I also sense a bit of hard rock elements in this song.\nBut I also sense a bit of hard rock elements in this song.\nThe Rasmus is a band that has a lot of influence from hard rock, pop rock, alternative rock...\nThe Rasmus is a band that has a lot of influence from hard rock, pop rock, alternative rock...\nThe Rasmus is a band that": 4, "Army with harmony\nDave drop a load on 'em\nOPP, how can I explain it\nI'll take you frame by frame it\nTo have why'all jumpin' shall we sayin' it\nO is for Other, P is for People scratchin' temple\nThe last P...well...that's not that simple\nIt's sorta like another way to call a cat a kitten\nIt's five little letters that are missin' here\nYou get on occasion if the other party\nisn't game 'n it seems I gotta start to explainin'\nBust it\nYou ever had a girl and met her on a nice hello\nYou get her name and number and then you feelin' real mellow\nYou get home, wait a day, she's what you want to know about then you call up and it's her girl friend or her cousin's house\nIt's not a front, F to the are to the O to the N to the T\nIt's just her boyfriend's at her house (Boy, that's what is scary)\nIt's OPP, time other people's what you get it. \nThere's no room for relationship there's just room to hit it\nHow many brothers out there know just what I'm gettin' at \nWho thinks it's wrong ''cause I'm splittin' and co-hittin' that\nWell if you do, that's OPP and you're not down with it\nBut if you don't, here's your membership\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nWho's down with OPP (Every last homie)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nWho's down with OPP? (All the Homies)\nAs for the ladies, OPP means something gifted.\nThe first two letters are the same but the last is something different\nIt's the longest, loveliest, lean-- I call it the leanest.\nIt's another five letter word rhymin' with cleanest and meanest\nI won't get into that, I'll do it...ah...sorta properly\nI say the last P...hmmm...stands for property\nNow lady here comes a kiss, blow a kiss back to me, now tell me exactly.\nHave you ever known a brother who have another like ah girl or wife\nAnd you just had to stop and just ''cause he look just as nice You looked at him, he looked at you and you knew right away.\nThat he had someone but he was gonna be yours anyway\nYou couldn't be seen with him and honestly you didn't care.\n'Cause in a room behind a door no one but y'all are there\nWhen y'all are finish, y'all can leave and only y'all would know.\nAnd then y'all could throw the skeleton bones right in the closet do'\nNow don't be shocked ''cause if you're down I want your hands up high\nSay OPP (OPP) I like to say with pride\nNow when you do it, do it well and make sure that it counts. You're now down with a discount\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nWho's down with OPP (Every last lady)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nWho's down with OPP? (All the ladies)\nThis girl ah tried to OPP me\nI had a girl and she knew that matter-of-fact my girl was partner's that.\nHad a fall out, disagreement, yeah an argument.\nShe tried to do me so we did it in my apartment, bust it\nThat wasn't the thing it must have been the way she hit the ceiling.\n'Cause after that she kept on coming back and catchin' feelings\nI said, \"Let's go my girl is coming so you gotta leave\" She said, \"Oh no, I love you Treach\" I said, \"Now child please\"\nYou got's to leave, come grab your coat, right now you gotta go.\nI said now look you choose the stairs or choose the stair window\nThis was a thing, a little thing, you shouldn't have put your heart\n'Cause you know I was OPP, hell from the very start\nCome on, come on, now let me tell you what it's all about.\nWhen you get down, you can't go 'round runnin' off at the mouth\nThat's rule number one in this OPP establishment.\nYou keep your mouth shut and it won't get back to her or him\nExciting isn't it, a special kinda business\nMany of you will catch the same sorta OPP is you with\nHim or her for sure is going to admit it\nWhen OPP comes, damn-- skippy I'm with it\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nYou down with OPP (Yeah you know me)\nWho's down with OPP? (It's ": 1, "shuttlecock\nshuttlecock\nbadminton racket\nbadminton racket\ndartboard\ndartboard\ndarts\ndarts\nvolleyball\nvolleyball\nbaseball\nbaseball\nbaseball bat\nbaseball bat\ntable tennis table\ntable tennis table\ntable tennis bat\ntable tennis bat\nsnooker table\nsnooker table\nsnooker cue\nsnooker cue\nsnooker balls\nsnooker balls\nbasketball\nbasketball\nbasketball hoop\nbasketball hoop\nvolleyball net\nvolleyball net\nskateboard\nskateboard\nwhistle\nwhislte\nboxing gloves\nboxing gloves\npunching bag\npunching bag\nboxing ring\nboxing ring\nbowling ball\nbowling ball\nbowling pins\nbowling pins\nrugby ball\nrugby ball\nfootball\nfootball\nfootball boots\nfootball boots\nfootball goal\nfootball goal\ncorner flag\ncorner flag\ntrophy\ntrophy\nred card\nred card\nyellow card\nyellow card\ngoalkeeper gloves\ngoalkeeper gloves\ncricket ball\ncricket ball\ncricket bat\ncricket bat\nstumps\nstumps\nbails\nbails\ncricket helmet\ncricket helmet\ncricket pads\ncricket pads\nskis\nskis\nsnowboard\nsnowboard\ncanoe\ncanoe\nkayak\nkayak\nsnorkel\nsnorkel\ntennis racket\ntennis racket\ntennis ball\ntennis ball\ntennis net\ntennis net\ntennis court\ntennis court\nhockey ball\nhockey ball\nhockey stick\nhockey stick\nchess board\nchess board\nchess pieces\nchess pieces\ngolf ball\ngolf ball\ngolf tee\ngolf tee\ngolf flag\ngolf flag\ngolf club\ngolf club\nbaseball glove\nbaseball glove\nAmerican football\nAmerican football\nice hockey puck\nice hockey puck\nice hockey stick\nice hockey stick\nsquash ball\nsquash ball\nsquash racket\nsquash racket\nmountain bike\nmountain bike\nroller skates\nroller skates\ndumbbell\ndumbbell\nkettlebell\nkettlebell\ntreadmill\ntreadmill\nmedicine ball\nmedicine ball\nbench press\nbench press\nyoga mat\nyoga mat\nspin bike\nspin bike\nskipping rope\nskipping rope\nresistance band\nresistance band\nice skates\nice skates\nfishing rod\nfishing rod\nfishing net\nfishing net\nrunning track\nrunning track\nhurdles\nhurdles\njavelin\njavelin\nshot put\nshot put\nswimming pool\nswimming pool\ndiving board\ndiving board\nhammer\nhammer\nhigh jump\nhigh jump\npool table\npool table\npool balls\npool balls\npommel horse\npommel horse\nbottle of water\nbottle of water\nswimsuit\nswimsuit\ndiving fins\ndiving fins\nski goggles\nski goggles\nknee pads\nknee pads\nswimming cap\nswimming cap\nbaseball cap\nbaseball cap\nbow\nbow\narrow\narrow\ntarget\ntarget\nsurfboard\nsurfboard\nsunglasses\nsunglasses\ntowel\ntowel\n": 0, "hello so in this video i'll be showing you how\u00a0\nto fix live stream isn't available right now let\u00a0\u00a0\nme just show you the error i'm talking about\u00a0\ni'll try to go live on my youtube channel so\u00a0\u00a0\nif i try to go live on my youtube channel i'm\u00a0\ngetting the error live stream isn't available\u00a0\u00a0\nright now okay so let's just let uh studio load\u00a0\nup so you can see while in streaming studio\u00a0\u00a0\ni'm getting this error live streaming isn't\u00a0\navailable right now then there's an option in the\u00a0\u00a0\nred button to enable it okay so now the reason\u00a0\nyou're getting this error is because there are\u00a0\u00a0\nsome features which have not enabled on your live\u00a0\nstream if you want to fix it right away just go\u00a0\u00a0\nright ahead and click enable and follow the next\u00a0\nsteps that will appear on your channel however\u00a0\u00a0\ni want to show you why you are encountering this\u00a0\nso that next time if you face it you know exactly\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you did not do so let's go back to youtube\u00a0\nstudio let's just go to youtube studio on daniel\u00a0\u00a0\ni'll go to youtube studio so let me just go to\u00a0\nyoutube studio and when you go to youtube studio\u00a0\u00a0\nwe want to go to the settings of the channel okay\u00a0\nso when you click the settings of the channel here\u00a0\u00a0\non the left side of your channel when\u00a0\nyou click the settings of your channel\nyeah there will be a pop-up that will\u00a0\nappear which is for the settings pop-up\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen you click on channel and you click on\u00a0\nfeature eligibility so click on that one you\u00a0\u00a0\nwill notice that this option features that\u00a0\nrequire phone verification is grayed out so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's the reason why you are getting that\u00a0\nerror live streaming is unavailable so if i\nalright so now when you click the drop down\u00a0\nyou see this option you see the option for\u00a0\u00a0\nlive streaming which is just here so you can see\u00a0\nlive streaming requires that you have a verified\u00a0\u00a0\nphone number for your channel so it doesn't\u00a0\nmatter where you are as long as you have access\u00a0\u00a0\nto that phone number you can just simply enter\u00a0\nyour phone details here and you'll be able to\u00a0\u00a0\nverify so i'll choose my country or and choose\u00a0\nthe text me verification code enter my number\nthen click submit\nso what will happen is that youtube\u00a0\nwill send me a verification code\u00a0\u00a0\nto my mobile let me just check if it has\narrived then i'll have to enter it so it has\u00a0\narrived now let me just enter it so that you see\u00a0\u00a0\nexactly so the 70 12 five then submit\nso i see now once i've verified this is how\u00a0\u00a0\ni've verified my youtube account you can see\u00a0\nyoutube saved me to verify so now if i go back to\u00a0\u00a0\ndo i try to go live if i click\u00a0\nhere and say go live now okay\nso sometimes it might take 24 hours for\u00a0\nlive streaming to be enabled on your channel\u00a0\u00a0\nbut sometimes it might be enabled right away and\u00a0\nyou can go live so you can see now i can go live\u00a0\u00a0\nright away on the channel so that's how you fix\u00a0\nthat error how to we fix the era live streaming\u00a0\u00a0\nis isn't available right now thank you very\u00a0\nmuch for watching if this video was helpful\u00a0\u00a0\nmake sure to give it a thumbs up and you find\u00a0\nthe content on my channel on youtube facebook and\u00a0\u00a0\nalso a bit of graphics design make sure you hit\u00a0\nthe subscribe button and thank you very much\n": 3, "Say Happy Birthday, come on\nyou can do it, it is Ambinintsoa Malala's birthday\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nI hope you get to enjoy all your favorite things\nHappy Birthday to my friend Ambinintsoa Malala\nWishing you a very happy birthday\nfrom the tip of my tail\nto the end of my nose\nand may all your dreams come true\nBreaking News: It is Ambinintsoa Malala's birthday again!\nHow is that even possible?\nDidn't we just celebrate this last year?\nStay tuned for a rundown on all the\nbirthday party festivities\nHappy Birthday my friend Ambinintsoa Malala!\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nCan you help me find Ambinintsoa Malala's party?\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nHappy Birthday Ambinintsoa Malala\nWait... What?\nYou can talk?\nPlease subscribe to our YouTube channel\nLike this video and leave a comment.\nMaybe tell me something special\nabout your dogs.\nNow, let's get Ambinintsoa Malala's party started!\n[Music]\n": 3, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nany a or any b ; R={^,a,b,aa,ab,ba,aaa,aab,...}\nany a or any b ; R={^,a,b,aa,ab,ba,aaa,aab,...}\nany a or any b ; R={^,a,b,aa,ab,ba,aaa,aab,...}\nany a or any b\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "01- Garcon dans la vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n02- Uighurs dans une maison de the by TravelPod member nycos\n03- Uighurs dans une maison de the by TravelPod member nycos\n04- Marche sauvage by TravelPod member nycos\n05- Statue de Mao by TravelPod member nycos\n06- Vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n07- Pigments naturels by TravelPod member nycos\n08- Id Kah mosquee by TravelPod member nycos\n09- Dans l encenite de l Id Kah mosquee by TravelPod member nycos\n10- Scenes de rue by TravelPod member nycos\n11- Dans le banlieue de Kashgar by TravelPod member nycos\n12- Bus urbain by TravelPod member nycos\n13- Coucou by TravelPod member nycos\n14- Herk by TravelPod member nycos\n15- Abakh Hoja tomb by TravelPod member nycos\n16- Abakh Hoja tomb by TravelPod member nycos\n17- Abakh Hoja tomb by TravelPod member nycos\n18- Abakh Hoja tomb by TravelPod member nycos\n19- Mosquee dans l enceinte d Abakh Hoja Tomb by TravelPod member nycos\n20- Enfants dans la vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n21- Enfants dans la vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n22- Enfants dans la vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n23- Enfants dans la vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n24- Enfants dans la vieille ville by TravelPod member nycos\n": 0, " \nwelcome best fortnite memes compilation trailer edits\nTiktok, Graham the christian, Yodeling walmart kid meme, Grandayy, Pewdiepie, Ur mom, Comment awards, Hefty, Clumsy, Dankest, Emisoccer, Offensive, Meme vine, Vine 2, Rip vine, Ant, Pro, Gameplay, Trolling, Royale, Battle, Tct cjo, Todos estan aqui meme, Lolitofdez, Tctjuega, Battle royale, Fe4rless, Fails, 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I think I wanna just\nDon't hesitate hey\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nGirl, I wanna get down\nI wanna find butterflies\nuntil they run dry\nA prisoner to many\nBreaking away from here\nPapillon escapes\nI'm fed up, all grizzled\nWhite strands of hair\nDone with bad guy stuff\nJust acting the player\nI liked you when \nyou didn't know me\nOn the sly, I get sick of girls\nLike a vermin, real easy\nYeah I grow in years,\nbut know nothing of love\nCan't pick up the pieces\nOur romance is bloodless,\na game without win or lose\nYou can't make of things\nWe play different melodies\nlike alto and soprano\nUs will break up anyway\nPoint-blank period\nJust a tainted dream of El dorado\nYour stealing glances\nDry up my lips\nHaven't felt this rush in so long\nI'm powerless against it\nBefore the night is over\nI want you in my arms\nReal love? I think I wanna just\nDon't hesitate hey\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nYou and me\nWe get in the car and ride\nYou're drunk\nSo get some shut-eye\nWanna go and rest, babe?\nI'll just hold your hand \nand fall asleep\nIt's clear what I want, \nhoney honey\nBut I want it and you know it\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, fxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it, fxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nFxxk it, I love y'all\nGirl, I wanna get down\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nFxxk it\nGirl, I wanna get down\n": 2, "All the known matter in the Universe consists of the following fundamental particles:\nThe Up Quark and its heavier cousins, each of which has an electric charge of +2/3.\nThe Down Quark and its heavier cousins, each of which has an electric charge of -1/3.\nThe electron and its heavier cousins, each of which has an electric charge of -1.\nAnd the neutrinos, each of which has an electric charge of zero.\nEach particle has an associated anti-matter particle with the same mass,\nbut the opposite electric charge, thereby doubling the number of particles.\nWe now need to double the number of particles again because\nthere are actually two versions of each matter and each anti-matter particle.\nOne version has what we call a \u201cLeft Handed Chirality\u201d and\nthe other version has what we call a \u201cRight Handed Chirality.\u201d\nThe Chirality of a particle is related to, but not the same thing as its \u201cHelicity\u201d,\nwhich can also be left handed or right handed.\nThe \u201cHelicity\u201d refers to the component of spin in the direction of the particle\u2019s motion.\nFor a particle travelling at the speed of light,\nthe Helicity of the particle is always equal to its Chirality.\nMassless particles always travel at the speed of light,\nbut particles with mass must always travel slower than the speed of light.\nThe slower a particle is travelling,\nthe less likely there is to be any correlation between its Helicity and its Chirality.\nChirality is a purely quantum mechanical property\nthat has no analogy in classical physics.\nIt deals with what direction the complex numbers describing\nthe particle\u2019s quantum state rotate around the complex plain\nwhen the particle is rotated around its direction of motion.\nGravity, electromagnetism, and the Strong Nuclear Force\ntreat Left and Right Chiral particles in exactly the same way,\nso from their perspective, the Left and Right Chiral versions of a particle\ncan be thought of as if they are the exact same particle.\nThe only known phenomena in existence that distinguishes between\nthe Left and Right Chiral particles is the Weak Nuclear Force.\nThe Weak Nuclear Force only affects the Left Chiral version of the matter particles\nand the Right Chiral version of the anti-matter particles.\nOnly the Left Chiral version of the matter particles\nand the Right Chiral version of the anti-matter particles\nare able to absorb and emit the force carriers\nof the Weak Nuclear force, the \u201cW\u201d and \u201cZ\u201d bosons.\nThe other known fundamental particles that are bosons\nare the photon, the gluon, and the Higgs boson,\neach of which have an electric charge of zero.\nThe \u201cZ\u201d boson also has an electric charge of zero.\nBut the \u201cW\u201d boson has an electric charge of either +1 or -1.\nLike all other phenomena in the universe,\nthe weak nuclear force obeys the conservation of electric charge,\nmeaning that if a positive charge is created,\na negative charge must be created by an equal amount.\nThe Weak Nuclear Force allows a quark with a charge of -1/3\nto transform into a quark with a charge of +2/3.\nAnd it allows a quark with a charge of +2/3\nto transform into a quark with a charge of negative one third -1/3.\nThese transformations occur either by emitting a W boson\u2026\nOr by absorbing a W boson.\nA quark and an anti-quark can combine to become a W boson\u2026\nAnd a W boson can split into a quark and an anti-quark\u2026\n...Provided that the total electric charge is conserved.\nNote that another property that is always conserved is the difference\nbetween the total number of quarks and the total number of anti-quarks.\nSimilarly, the standard model also states that another property\nthat is always conserved is the difference between the total number of leptons\nand the total number of anti-leptons.\nThe electron\u2019s heavier cousins are called the \u201cmuon\u201d and the \u201ctau.\u201d\nThe electron, the muon, and the tau each have their own associated neutrino.\nThe electron, the muon, and the tau are the \u201ccharged leptons\u201d,\nand the three neutrinos are the \u201cuncharged leptons.\u201d\nThe emission or absorption of a W boson can cause\na neutrino to transform into its associated charged lepton.\nThe emission or absorption of a W boson can cau": 4, " \nLaws of logarithms.\nThey're very important\nThey are found in every algebra book.\nThe first law says the Log of base a of x\nplus the Log of base a of y\nis equal to the Log of base a of xy.\nFor example, the Log of base 7 of 6\nplus the Log of base 7 of 8\nwill be equal to the Log of base 7\nof 6 \u00d7 8, which is 48.\nThe second law, Log of base a of x\nminus the Log of base a of y\nequals Log of base a of x divided by y.\nFor example, Log of base 5 of 32\nminus Log of base 5 of 8\n \nis the Log of base 5 of 32 divided by 8,\nwhich is 4.\nThird law, Log of base a of x raised to the t power,\nyou can bring the t out front,\nit's t times the Log of base a of x.\nFor example, Log of base 7 of 3 squared\nis 2 times Log of base 7 of 3.\nTo summarize, those are the most\nimportant things about logarithms\nLog of base a of a is 1.\nWhy is that true?\nWell, a to the first power is a.\nAnd, Log of base a of 1 is 0\nbecause a to the 0 = 1.\nSo, knowing these laws of logarithms is\nvery important.\nSo, there you go.\n": 3, "Hyo Ahn's Origami\nEasy origami fox\nCopyrighted by Hyo Ahn\nEasy origami fox\nCopyrighted by Hyo Ahn\nLevel: Beginner\nBase: Square\nPublished on February 25, 2011 at www.origami-make.org\nIf you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!\nSubscribe and click the bell for notifications!\nWe start with a 6\" x 6\" (15cm x 15cm) origami paper here.\nPrepare to turn the paper over.\nTurn the paper over.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nAnd then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a vertical valley-fold.\nAnd then unfold.\nPrepare to apply two valley-folds.\nApply the first valley-fold.\nApply the second valley-fold.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 45 degrees.\nRotate the model by 45 degrees.\nPrepare to turn the model over.\nTurn the model over.\nPrepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.\nApply an outside reverse-fold.\nPrepare to apply another outside reverse-fold.\nApply an outside reverse-fold.\nPrepare to unfold the flap.\nUnfold the flap.\nPrepare to unfold the flap.\nUnfold the flap.\nPrepare to apply a mountain-fold.\nApply a mountain-fold.\nPrepare to apply a mountain-fold.\nApply a mountain-fold.\nPrepare to draw eyes or put Googly eyes.\nHere I am putting two Googly eyes.\nPrepare to get a large dot sticker or make one using a dot punch. Here I made one using EK tools 54-30275 Confetti Dots Punch.\nPut a dot sticker for a nose.\nCongratulation! You have completed making an easy origami fox!\n": 3, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc0\\stshfdbch0\\stshfloch0\\stshfhich0\\stshfbi0\\deff0\\adeff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n05050102010706020507}Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n020b0604020202020204}Arial;}}{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red17\\green85\\blue204\n;\\red67\\green67\\blue67;\\red102\\green102\\blue102;}{\\stylesheet{\\s0\\snext0\\sqformat\\spriority0\\fi0\\sb0\\sa0\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs22\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs22\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf1\nNormal;}{\\s1\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb400\\sa120\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs40\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs40\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf1\nheading 1;}{\\s2\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb360\\sa120\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs32\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs32\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf1\nheading 2;}{\\s3\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb320\\sa80\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs28\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs28\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf3\nheading 3;}{\\s4\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb280\\sa80\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs24\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs24\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf4\nheading 4;}{\\s5\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb240\\sa80\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs22\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs22\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf4\nheading 5;}{\\s6\\sbasedon0\\snext0\\styrsid15694742\n\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb240\\sa80\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai\\af2\\afs22\\ltrch\\b0\\i\\fs22\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\\ulnone\\cf4\nheading 6;}{\\*\\cs10\\additive\\ssemihidden\\spriority0\nDefault Paragraph Font\n;}{\\s15\\sbasedon0\\snext15\\styrsid15694742\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb0\\sa60\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs52\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs52\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\n\\ulnone\\cf1 Title;}{\\s16\\sbasedon0\\snext16\\styrsid15694742\\sqformat\\spriority0\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb0\\sa320\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs30\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs30\\loch\\af2\\dbch\\af2\\hich\\f2\\strike0\n\\ulnone\\cf4 Subtitle;}}{\\*\\rsidtbl\\rsid10976062}{\\*\\generator\nAspose.Words for Java;}{\\info\\version1\\edmins0\\nofpages1\\nofwords0\\nofchars0\\nofcharsws0}{\\mmathPr\\mbrkBin0\\mbrkBinSub0\\mdefJc1\\mdispDef1\\minterSp0\\mintLim0\\mintraSp0\\mlMargin0\\mmathFont0\\mnaryLim1\\mpostSp0\\mpreSp0\\mrMargin0\\msmallFrac0\\mwrapIndent1440\\mwrapRight0}\n\\deflang1033\\deflangfe2052\\adeflang1025\\jexpand\\showxmlerrors1\\validatexml1{\\*\\wgrffmtfilter\n013f}\\viewkind1\\viewscale100\\fet0\\ftnbj\\aenddoc\\ftnrstcont\\aftnrstcont\\ftnnar\\aftnnrlc\\widowctrl\\nospaceforul\\nolnhtadjtbl\\alntblind\\lyttblrtgr\\dntblnsbdb\\noxlattoyen\n\\wrppunct\\nobrkwrptbl\\expshrtn\\snaptogridincell\\asianbrkrule\\htmautsp\\noultrlspc\\useltbaln\\splytwnine\\ftnlytwnine\\lytcalctblwd\\allowfieldendsel\\lnbrkrule\\nouicompat\\nofeaturethrottle1\\formshade\\nojkernpunct\\dghspace180\\dgvspace180\\dghorigin1800\\dgvorigin1440\\dghshow1\\dgvshow1\n\\dgmargin\\pgbrdrhead\\pgbrdrfoot\\sectd\\sectlinegrid360\\pgwsxn11909\\pghsxn16834\\marglsxn1440\\margrsxn1440\\margtsxn1440\\margbsxn1440\\guttersxn0\\headery708\\footery708\\colsx708\\ltrsect\\pard\\plain\\itap0\\s0\\ilvl0\\fi0\\sb0\\sa0\\aspalpha\\aspnum\\adjustright\\brdrt\\brdrl\\brdrb\\brdrr\\brdrbtw\\brdrbar\n\\widctlpar\\ltrpar\\li0\\lin0\\ri0\\rin0\\ql\\faauto\\sl276\\slmult1\\rtlch\\ab0\\ai0\\af2\\afs22\\ltrch\\b0\\i0\\fs22\\lo": 0, "Quantum computing is a form of computing that uses the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to process information.\nQuantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously, allowing for much faster processing of certain types of problems.\nOne of the key principles of quantum computing is superposition, which means that a qubit can exist in multiple states at the same time.\nThis allows a quantum computer to perform multiple calculations in parallel, making it much faster for certain types of problems.\nAnother key principle of quantum computing is entanglement.\nThis means that the state of one qubit can be correlated to the state of another qubit, even if they are separated by large distances.\nThis allows for faster processing of certain types of problems, such as searching through large databases.\nQuantum computing also uses quantum gates, which are operations that can be applied to qubits to change their state.\nThese gates are similar to the logical gates used in classical computing, such as AND, OR, and NOT gates.\nHowever, quantum gates can perform operations that are not possible with classical gates, such as the quantum Fourier transform, which is used in many quantum algorithms.\nOne of the main advantages of quantum computing is its ability to solve certain types of problems much faster than classical computers.\nFor example, quantum computers can factorize large integers much faster than classical computers, which has important implications for cryptography.\nAdditionally, quantum computers can simulate quantum systems more efficiently, which can be used in the development of new materials and drugs.\nHowever, quantum computing is still in its early stages of development, and there are many challenges that need to be overcome.\nFor example, quantum computers are highly sensitive to their environment and can be easily disturbed by external factors, such as temperature and electromagnetic fields.\nAdditionally, quantum computers are difficult to program and require specialized software and hardware.\nDespite these challenges, quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize many fields, from cryptography to medicine and materials science.\nResearch in this field is ongoing and it is expected that the first practical applications of quantum computing will be seen in the near future.\n": 4, "- [Voiceover] There's\na lot of different ways\nthat you could represent\na linear equation.\nSo for example, if you\nhad the linear equation\ny is equal to 2x plus three,\nthat's one way to represent it,\nbut I could represent this in\nan infinite number of ways.\nI could, let's see, I could\nsubtract 2x from both sides,\nI could write this as negative 2x plus y\nis equal to three.\nI could manipulate it in\nways where I get it to,\nand I'm gonna do it right now,\nbut this is another way of\nwriting that same thing.\ny minus five is equal to\ntwo times x minus one.\nYou could actually simplify this\nand you could get either\nthis equation here\nor that equation up on top.\nThese are all equivalent,\nyou can get from one\nto the other with logical\nalgebraic operations.\nSo there's an infinite number of ways\nto represent a given linear equation,\nbut I what I wanna focus on in this video\nis this representation in particular,\nbecause this one is a\nvery useful representation\nof a linear equation and\nwe'll see in future videos,\nthis one and this one can also be useful,\ndepending on what you are looking for,\nbut we're gonna focus on this one,\nand this one right over\nhere is often called\nslope-intercept form.\nSlope-intercept form.\nAnd hopefully in a few minutes,\nit will be obvious why it\ncalled slop-intercept form.\nAnd before I explain that\nto you, let's just try\nto graph this thing.\nI'm gonna try to graph it,\nI'm just gonna plot some points here,\nso x comma y, and I'm\ngonna pick some x values\nwhere it's easy to calculate the y values.\nSo maybe the easiest is\nif x is equal to zero.\nIf x is equal to zero, then\ntwo times zero is zero,\nthat term goes away, and\nyou're only left with this term\nright over here, y is equal to three.\nY is equal to three.\nAnd so if we were to plot this.\nActually let me start plotting it, so\nthat is my y axis,\nand let me do the x axis, so\nthat can be my x, oh that's not\nas straight as I would like it.\nSo that looks pretty good, alright.\nThat is my x axis and let me mark off\nsome hash marks here,\nso this is x equals one,\nx equals two, x equals three,\nthis is y equals one,\ny equals two, y equals three,\nand obviously I could keep going\nand keep going, this would be\ny is equal to negative one,\nthis would be x is equal to negative one,\nnegative two, negative three,\nso on and so forth.\nSo this point right over\nhere, zero comma three,\nthis is x is zero, y is three.\nWell, the point that represents\nwhen x is equal to zero\nand y equals three, this is,\nwe're right on the y axis.\nIf they have a line going\nthrough it and this line\ncontains this point, this is\ngoing to be the y- intercept.\nSo one way to think about it,\nthe reason why this is called\nslope-intercept form is it's very easy\nto calculate the y-intercept.\nThe y-intercept here is going to happen\nwhen it's written in this form,\nit's going to happen\nwhen x is equal to zero\nand y is equal to three,\nit's gonna be this point right over here.\nSo it's very easy to\nfigure out the intercept,\nthe y-intercept from this form.\nNow you might be saying, well it says\nslope-intercept form, it must also be easy\nto figure out the slope from this form.\nAnd if you made that conclusion,\nyou would be correct!\nAnd we're about to see\nthat in a few seconds.\nSo let's plot some more points here\nand I'm just gonna keep\nincreasing x by one.\nSo if you increase x by\none, so we could write\nthat our delta x, our change\nin x, delta Greek letter,\nthis triangle is a Greek letter, delta,\nrepresents change in.\nChange in x here is one.\nWe just increased x by\none, what's gonna be\nour corresponding change in y?\nWhat's going to be our change in y?\nSo let's see, when x is equal to one,\nwe have two times one, plus three\nis going to be five.\nSo our change in y is going to be two.\nLet's do that again.\nLet's increase our x by one.\nChange in x is equal to one.\nSo then if we're gonna increase by one,\nwe're gonna go from x equals one\nto x equals two.\nWell what's our corresponding change in y?\nWell when x is equal to two,\ntwo times two is four,\nplus three is seven.\nWell our change in y, our\nchange in y is equal to two.\nWent from five-\nw": 4, "Hi my name's Trev Hutchings and this is my music\u00a0\ntheory guide part two... notes, keys and scales\nmusical notes are pitched sounds called semitones\u00a0\non a keyboard the lowest pitch note is on the left\nand the highest pitch note is on the right\nthe notes are grouped into groups of twelve\u00a0\u00a0\na group of twelve notes is called an\u00a0\noctave.\n The octave has seven white keys \nand these are called full tones\u00a0\nthe other five keys are black\nand these are called half tones \u00a0\nthe lowest \npitched note in an octave is called C \nthe next white key is called D \nthe first black key is between the two white keys \nnote C and note D \nand is a higher pitch than the note C\u00a0\nso it is called C# (sharp) \nbecause # (sharp) in music means \nhigher pitch than\nbut it is also a lower pitch than the note D\u00a0\u00a0\nso it can be called Db (flat)\nbecause b (flat) in music means\nlower pitch than\u00a0\u00a0\nwhether we call it # (sharp)\nor b (flat) actually depends on the scale being played\nso for now we will call all the black keys\u00a0\n# (sharp) \nso the names of the notes in an octave \nin ascending pitch order are called\nC\nC# \nD\nD# \nE\nF\nF#\nG\nG#\nA\nA#\nB\nfor the octaves we use numbers \ninstead of\u00a0letters \u00a0\nthe lowest pitch octave is called 0 \nand the highest pitched octave is\u00a0called 7\n so if this octave is called 3 \nthe next octave above or to the\u00a0\nright on a keyboard is called octave 4\neach note is called first by its note name\u00a0\u00a0\nfollowed by its octave name\nso this key would\u00a0be called C3\nand this key would be called C4\non this step sequencer \nwe can see the\u00a0note names \nwritten to the left of each row\u00a0\u00a0\nand the octave name marked\u00a0\nafter the name of each note C\nso this is C3\nand this is C4\nand we can see that the lowest\u00a0pitched note \nis at the bottom\u00a0of the step sequencer grid\nand the highest pitch\u00a0note \nis at the top of the step sequencer grid\u00a0\u00a0\nwhile an octave is a group\u00a0\nof 12 ascending pitch notes\na scale is a group of the pitch notes in the\u00a0octave \nthat musically complement each other\u00a0\u00a0\nexactly which notes depends on the name of\u00a0the scale \u00a0\ntechnically an octave is actually one type of scale\ncalled a chromatic scale \nthe most common scale in modern music though\u00a0\nis called the major scale\na major\u00a0scale is made up of the first\nthe third\nthe fifth\nthe sixth\nthe eighth\nthe tenth\nand the twelfth semitones\na key is the name of the first semitone of the\u00a0scale \nwhich is the lowest pitch note of the scale \nthe name of the key and the name of the scale\nare\u00a0added together\n so if the song is in C major \nthe C means the song is in the key of C \nand the\u00a0major means the song is using the major scale\u00a0\u00a0\nif we place the c major scale on\u00a0\na keyboard the first note is C\u00a0\u00a0\nand following the major scale pattern of \n1st,\u00a03rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th and12th\u00a0semitones\nthe notes of the major scale are C\nD\nE\nF\nG\nA\nB\nso if we play a song in C major \nthese\u00a0are the only notes we will play \u00a0\nthe C major scale is considered the easiest scale \nbecause\u00a0it is all the white keys on a piano or keyboard\u00a0\u00a0\nbut if we learn the pattern as key\nplus two\nplus two\nplus one \nplus two\nplus two \nplus two \nor key 2 2 1 2 2 2\nwe can easily\u00a0change to another key major scale\nlike G major\u00a0\u00a0\nto add the C major scale to the step\u00a0\nsequencer\nwe add a note on the key which is C\nthen follow the pattern on the notes\u00a0above C\nso add a note two notes higher \nadd a note two notes higher\nthen add a note one note higher\u00a0\nadd another note two notes higher \nadd a note two notes higher \nand finally\u00a0\nadd another note two notes higher\nto move the major scale to another key\u00a0\nwe just need to select all the notes\nand move them up or down the step sequencer grid\u00a0\nthe bottom note will be the key of the major scale \nso if i drag the notes down \nso the bottom note\u00a0\u00a0is on the row G \nthe notes will\u00a0all be in the key scale of G major\u00a0\u00a0\nso if you write a song in G major \nyou will\u00a0only use these notes \nanother common scale is Minor\na minor scale is made up of the\u00a01st note \nthe 3rd note \nthe 4th note \nthe 6th note\nthe 8th note\nthe 9th note\nand the 11th semitone\nso the notes for C minor are\u00a0\nC D Eb F G Ab Bb\nand the pattern is key, plus two, plus one, \np": 4, "Pick up your foot and stomp it, stomp it\npick up your foot and stomp it, stomp it\nopen up your jaws and chomp it chomp it\nopen up your jaws and chomp it chomp it\nI am a stegosaurus\ncall me a brontosaurus\nI'll get you with my taurus\nhey hey hey hey\nWay down Jurassic Park\nHanging out after dark\nIm scary like a shark\nhey hey hey hey\nI hang with little foot\nhe gives me great input\nwe dance at pizza hut\nhey hey hey hey\nI am a dinosaur\nmost of us like to roar\nroam jungles and explore Hey Hey Hey Hey\nPick up your foot and stomp it, stomp it\npick up your foot and stomp it, stomp it\nopen up your jaws and chomp it chomp it\nopen up your jaws and chomp it chomp it\nTyrannosaurus rex\nsmashing all your objects\nill put you in a hex\nhey hey hey hey\nI\u2019m in the jungle roaring\nbut when it gets real boring\nI go a carnivoring\nhey hey hey hey\nvelociraptor name\neating meat is my game\nextinction I became\nhey hey hey hey\nswoop - there goes a pterodactyl\nnothing rhymes pterodactyl\nI just love pterodactyls\nhey hey hey hey\nPick up your foot and stomp it, stomp it\npick up your foot and stomp it, stomp it\nopen up your jaws and chomp it chomp it\nopen up your jaws and chomp it chomp it\n": 2, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I will analyze Subwoolfer.\nI apologize if I mispronounced your name.\nI don't know this group and I've never heard this song before.\nTherefore, it will be the first time I am going to listen to it.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\nproducer and composer.\nAnd in this video I will do analysis and technical observations,\non vocal behavior, style and musical influences.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nAnd leave more suggestions in the comments for other great Norwegian artists.\nAnd leave more suggestions in the comments for other great Norwegian artists.\nThe message has been passed and let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Subwoolfer.\nThe song begins with the use of falsetto, which is used here.\nThe song begins with the use of falsetto, which is used here.\nThe song begins with the use of falsetto, which is used here.\nThe visual content of the costumed members, which I think is a really cool idea.\nThe visual content of the costumed members, which I think is a really cool idea.\nOnly by the voice I can identify that it is a tenor singer.\nOnly by the voice I can identify that it is a tenor singer.\nHe has a very high voice and a very interesting way of singing.\nHe has a certain dynamic in the way he sings.\nSo just from the melody of her voice, the way she sings,\nSo just from the melody of her voice, the way she sings,\nwith a very strong influence of pop music.\nThere's an effect on the voice, this way he's...\nBut I think it's in keeping with the musical aesthetics and the group's proposal.\nBut I think it's in keeping with the musical aesthetics and the group's proposal.\nThis is the dynamic that I mentioned earlier and the other vocalist,\nThis is the dynamic that I mentioned earlier and the other vocalist,\nand I didn't know they both necessarily sang, but they're both in the tenor region.\nand I didn't know they both necessarily sang, but they're both in the tenor region.\nAnd for this pop musical style, this type of singer is very common.\nAnd for this pop musical style, this type of singer is very common.\nIt's not a rule, I'm just saying it's very common.\nBut there are baritone singers who sing this style of music and it means nothing,\nBut there are baritone singers who sing this style of music and it means nothing,\nI'm just saying that it's very common for many tenors to opt for this musical style.\nI'm just saying that it's very common for many tenors to opt for this musical style.\nI like this visual aesthetic of the members.\nMany contemporary artists seek to adopt a different kind of gaze.\nMany contemporary artists seek to adopt a different kind of gaze.\nIt is a way to get out of the pattern of what we are used to seeing,\nIt is a way to get out of the pattern of what we are used to seeing,\nso that we have artistic diversity.\nAnd its appearance is fantastic. Very original.\nMany effects. Lots of sound effects.\nMany effects. Lots of sound effects.\nMany effects with voice production work are very interesting effects.\nMany effects with voice production work are very interesting effects.\nMany effects with voice production work are very interesting effects.\nAnd this makes it added in the musical aesthetics.\nWe have the visual aesthetic but there is also the musical aesthetic.\nIn musical aesthetics it is a pop, electro pop, a very strong electronic sound.\nIn musical aesthetics it is a pop, electro pop, a very strong electronic sound.\nAnd this makes the song open access so that more people sympathize with the song.\nAnd this makes the song open access so that more people sympathize with the song.\nAnd it's a very well done song.\nAnd it's a very well done song.\nAnd the arrangements of the musical structure are very original and different.\nI think this choreography is really cool.\nI think this choreography is really cool.\nIt is a differential in this group and in the performance is the choreography.\nBut when they d": 4, "The sun and moon are created. Genesis 1:14\nAnimals are created. Genesis 1:24\nTree of life & tree of the knowledge of good & evil. Gen 2:17\nAdam & Eve eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil. Gen 3:6\nAdam & Eve leave the garden. Gen. 3:24\nCain is angry and kills Abel. Gen 4:8\nNoah builds an ark. Genesis 6:14\nThe tower of Babel. Genesis 11:7\nAbram is promised the land of Canaan. Gen 12:7\nAbram calls Sarai his sister in Egypt. Gen 12:13\nAbraham's descendants will be as the stars. Gen 15:5\nThree angels visit Abraham and promise he will have a baby. Gen 18:10\nLot's wife is turned into a pillar of salt. Gen 19:26\nIsaac is born to Abraham and Sarah. Genesis 21:2\nAbraham is willing to sacrifice Isaac. Gen 22:2\nAbraham's servant is sent to find a wife for Isaac. Gen 24:14\nRebekah agrees to marry Isaac and goes to meet him. Gen 24:61\nRebekah marries Isaac. Genesis 24:67\nTwins Esau and Jacob are born. Gen 25:25\nEsau sells his birthright to Jacob for stew. Gen 25:34\nJacob fools Isaac and gets the blessing of the firstborn. Gen 27:27\nJacob flees to Laban for safety. Gen 27:43\nJacob dreams of a ladder to heaven. Gen 28:12\nJacob rolls back the stone for Rachel. Gen 29:10\nJacob marries Leah and Rachel. Gen 29:16\nJacob is paid with spotted & speckled animals. Gen 30:39\nJacob and Esau meet. Gen 33:4\nJacob wrestles an angel & is called Israel. Gen 32:24\nIsaac dies. Genesis 35:29\nJoseph dreams. Genesis 37:5\nJoseph's coat is found. Genesis 37:32\nPotiphar's wife accuses Joseph. Genesis 39:12\nJoseph explains the butler's and baker's dreams. Gen 40:5\nJoesph explains Pharaoh's dreams. Gen 41:17\nJoseph becomes ruler in Egypt. His brothers come. Gen 42:6\nJoseph's cup is found in Benjamin's sack. Gen 44:2\nJoseph reveals himself to his brothers. Genesis 45:4\nJacob & his family move to Egypt. Gen 46:6\nJacob is buried in the cave at Machpelah. Gen 50:7\nThe children of Israel are slaves in Egypt. Ex 1:11\nPharaoh orders the babies to be killed. Ex 1:16\nMoses's mother hides him in an ark. Ex 2:2\nPharaoh's daughter finds baby Moses. Ex 2:5\nPharaoh's daughter adopts Moses. Ex 2:10\nMoses sees two Hebrews fighting. Ex 2:11\nPeople know Moses killed a man. Ex 2:14\nMoses sees a bush burning. Ex 3:2\nMoses & Aaron ask Pharaoh to let the people go. Ex 5:1\nThe plague of frogs. Ex 8:3\nThe passover is established. Ex 12:7\nThe children of Israel leave Egypt. Ex 12:31\nThe children of Israel are given a pillar of fire & cloud. Ex 13:22\nThe children of Israel cross the Red Sea. Ex 14:15\nThe Egyptians drown in the sea. Ex 14:27\nManna from heaven. Ex 16:4\nMoses receives the Ten Commandments. Ex 20\nMoses is told to make the tabernacle. Ex 26\nAaron and the people worship the golden calf. Ex 32:4\nCraftsmen make the ark of the covenant. Ex 37\nPriestly clothing is made. Ex 39\nThe tabernacle is set up for worship. Ex 40\nMoses announces Joshua as the new leader. Deut 31:7\nMoses sees the promised land from Mt. Nebo. Deut 34:1\nPeople mourn because Moses has died. Deut 34:8\n": 1, "Light is a wave of electric and magnetic fields.\nSound is a wave of air pressure.\nAccording to Quantum Mechanics,\nall the particles in the universe have the properties of waves,\nincluding all the particles that we ourselves are made from.\nTherefore, to understand light, sound, and the very nature of reality,\nit is necessary to first understand waves.\nTo understand the properties that all waves have in common,\nconsider a wave travelling along a rope.\nThe wave transmits energy and can encode information.\nYet each individual atom stays pretty much in the same spot.\nWhen a wave reaches the end of the rope, the wave and its energy are reflected back.\nIf the end of the rope is fixed and can\u2019t move,\nthe reflected wave is flipped upside down.\nIf two waves collide, they pass right through each other.\nWhen the two waves are on top of each other,\nthey can momentarily cancel each other out.\nWhen the two waves are on top of each other,\nthey can also momentarily strengthen one another.\nHere, the two waves strengthen each other where they intersect.\nNow, suppose we have more than two waves.\nNow, suppose we have an infinite number of waves.\nThis wave is composed of an infinite number of waves that spread out in all directions.\nWhen added together, they form a wave that travels in just one direction.\nLet\u2019s consider what happens when this wave hits a barrier with a small hole.\nThe waves behind the barrier are blocked.\nOnly the wave behind the hole passes through.\nSince this wave no longer has the other waves to combine with,\nthere is now nothing stopping it from spreading out in all directions.\nThis is the reason why waves spread out when they pass through a small hole.\nNow suppose the hole is bigger.\nIf the hole is bigger, then more of the waves are able to pass through.\nIf the hole is small, the wave spreads out in all directions.\nIf the hole is bigger, most of the wave keeps moving forward without spreading out.\nTo understand why this happens,\nconsider the pattern that forms when a wave passes through a large hole.\nThe waves going to the sides often cancel each other out,\nwhereas the portion of the waves going forward always strengthen each other.\nHowever, if the distance between the incoming wave peaks\nis much larger than the length of the hole,\nthen the waves that pass through the hole strengthen each other in all directions.\nThe wave spreads out when the distance between the wave peaks\nis much larger than the length of the hole.\nIf the distance between the wave peaks is much smaller than the length of the hole,\nthen the wave moves forward without spreading out.\nFor this same reason, if the distance between the wave peaks\nis much smaller than the size of an object,\nthe object will block the waves.\nBut, if the distance between the wave peaks is much larger than the size of an object,\nthe waves will go around the object.\nIn the case of sound waves,\nthe distance between the wave peaks is much larger than most objects we deal with.\nSound waves can therefore go around most objects.\nIn the case of light waves,\nthe distance between the wave peaks is much smaller than most objects we deal with.\nMost objects therefore block the passage of light waves.\nThis is the reason why we can hear things even if there is an obstacle in the way...\nBut we can\u2019t see things if there is an obstacle in the way.\nSome materials allow light waves to pass through.\nAlthough the speed of light through empty space is the same to all observers,\nlight slows down when it passes through certain materials.\nThe image is distorted because when a wave passes into a material\nwhere its speed is different, it changes direction.\nTo understand why waves change direction when they\nenter a material where their speed changes, consider the following.\nIf a wave enters the new material at a 90 degree angle,\nthen it will continue moving in the same direction as before.\nIf the wave enters at a different angle, then the left side of the wave\nwill enter the material at a different time than the right side.\nWhite light is composed of all the different colors combined together.\nEach color of": 4, "this world is fucking pathetically\ninsane fucked in the fucking head the\nwhole lot of yous your all zombies you're\nmystified by fucking enlightenment you're all\nfucked in the fucking dial that's\nfucking called the brain right you\nwouldn't know fucking pineal gland if\nyou even fucking found it you people are\nfucking shocking shocking people yep! you\nfucking scum free Masonic scum out there\nthat fucking brainwash your fucking\nridicul-afied minds and fucking\nforce-feed yous fools all the fucking\ntime and you dumb fucking sheep fall for\nit huh? there's a reason why Jesus was\ncalled your fucking you know whatever you\nwant to fucking call it huh! oh jeez\nfuckin bullshit it's fucking ridiculafied\nBarack Obama hmm wonder why Barack\nObama fucking won huh? eh fuckin yeah! I\npro i predicted it fucking you know\nin January 2008 that he was going to\nfucking win because they did the same\nshit over here as they did fucking back\nin the day that fucking George Bush was\nrunning for fuckin power and not to\nmention Barrack Obama barrack barrack\nfor Obama and all you dumb fucking\nhypnotized fucking minds out there go oh!\nBarrack Obama Barrack Obama Barrack\nObama Barrack Obama barrack for Obama\nlet's all barrack for Obama he's a\nfucking puppet he's no fucking\nAntichrist if he's fuckin made out to be\nthe fucking Antichrist it's a big play\nit's a fuckin play that you cunts will all fall\nfor! and fucking stupid dickhead\nimbeciles like fucking Earthslasthope and\nfucking the EDF and all those dumb!\nfucking in the head fucking baboon\nbrains fuckin wouldn't have a fucking clue about what\nfucking reality of this fucking\nsituation is and it makes me fucking\nlaugh that fucking Matthew Ringrose\nactually thinks he knows something about\nthe book of Revelation that is just\nfucking ridiculous he's a fucking fool\nall you dick heads out there that fall\nfor his fucking lies and think he's\ngonna fucking you know? go and live at\nthat resort and base and make his EDF\nbase at that resort\nthat he shows off in his last video\nwhat a fucking tool yeah! and his fucking\nmakes it out that he's gonna fucking own a\nnational park like fucking he's got the\nmoney to go out there and buy the\nfucking national park which National\nParks aren't for fucking sale by the way\nyou fucking hypocrite yeah! you fucking\ndickhead sheeple fucking ridiculous all\nof yous you're all fucking in the head\nfucking ridiculous over here in\nAustralia fuckin just the other day or just\nyesterday fucking what happens? oh! you\nknow put on the TV and their fucking\nthese cops shot this fifteen-year-old\nkid dead yeah? oh! fucking what four\nfucking police officers or more and they\nfucking six shots fuckin shot this\nfucking kid fucking dead cuz he was\nfuckin wielding a knife oh? yeah! fuckin\nbig scary fifteen-year-old boy wielding\na knife fucking shots fucking fired and his\nfucking killed six of them yes! six\nfucking shots in this fifteen-year-old\nkid and everyone's like ohowohohh and the fucking\npolice are hiding it like fucking\ntypical boys in blue fucking do their\nfree Masonic fucking scum ways sticking\nup for each other when they know they're\nin the fucking wrong! fucking trying to\npull themselves out and it's like ohh it's\na sin to fucking do this but when we do\nit ourselves that's fucking ah! it's all\nright you see yeah? you're fucked in the\nfucking head scumbags every fucking\nsingle last one of yous it was to bring\nin the tasers that's right! it was the\nfucking Martin job Martin Briant job\nremember fucking Tasmania? you fucking\nblame all that on that fucking kid\nthat's fucking ridiculous he didn't\nshoot and kill all those fucking people\nit was a fucking big setup he got blamed\nfor it yeah! he probably got fucking\nhypnotized and fucked around and fucked\nwith and shit to fucking bring in and\nherald it in and fucking shit but no!\nthat's fucking wrong he fucking wasn't\nthe only one behind it you fucking\nscumbags and the whole point of this\nfifteen-year-old kid getting shot was to\nbring in the fucking tasers yeah! it's in\nSydney it's in other fucking places but\nit's not in Victoria and they had to do\nso they ": 1, "I crumbled before your eyes\nHit rock bottom and sunk deeper\nTo grab onto the last bit of hope\nI\u2019ve tried to reach out with both of my hands\nAgain in this dark place, light up the sky\nWhile looking into your eyes, I\u2019ll kiss you goodbye\nLaugh all you want while you still can\nBecause it\u2019s about to be your turn\n1, 2, 3\nHa how you like that?\nYou gon\u2019 like that that that that that\nHow you like that?\nHow you like that that that that that\nNow look at you now look at me\nLook at you now look at me\nHow you like that\nNow look at you now look at me\nLook at you now look at me\nHow you like that\nYour girl need it all and that\u2019s a hundred\n10 out of 10 I want what\u2019s mine\nKarma come and get some\nI feel bad but there\u2019s nothing I can do\nWhats up I\u2019m right back\nCock back the trigger\nPlain Jane get hijacked\nDon\u2019t like me? Then tell me how you like that\nIn this even darker place shine like the stars\nWith a smile on my face I\u2019ll kiss you goodbye\nLaugh all you want while you still can\nBecause it\u2019s about to be your turn\n1, 2, 3\nHa how you like that?\nYou gon\u2019 like that that that that that\nHow you like that?\nHow you like that that that that that\nNow look at you now look at me\nLook at you now look at me\nHow you like that\nNow look at you now look at me\nLook at you now look at me\nHow you like that\nThe day I fell without my wings\nThose dark days where I was trapped\nYou should\u2019ve ended me when you had the chance\nLook up in the sky it\u2019s a bird it\u2019s a plane\nBLACKPINK!\nHow you like that\nYou gon\u2019 like that\nHow you like that\n": 2, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question number twenty-five of our calculus review.\nChristopher Carbone: If H of theta is equal to the theta times, the cosine of theta we want H. Prime of theta and H double prime of theta. So the second derivative\nChristopher Carbone: So we're going to let F. Here be equal to, theta\nChristopher Carbone: which means f prime. That derivative of theta is just going to be one. Now\nChristopher Carbone: the G is going to be the cosine of Theta\nChristopher Carbone: and G. Prime is going to be the negative sine of theta\nChristopher Carbone: so h prime of theta\nChristopher Carbone: this is going to be theta\nChristopher Carbone: times the negative sine of theta\nChristopher Carbone: What's the cosine of theta\nChristopher Carbone: so simplifying a little bit is negative. Theta\nChristopher Carbone: It was the sin of theatre.\nChristopher Carbone: What's the co-sanet theatre?\nChristopher Carbone: So now for the second, derivative we are going to what\nChristopher Carbone: again? B. This time not the sine of theta\nChristopher Carbone: as prime of be thee\nChristopher Carbone: hosts on a theta\nChristopher Carbone: i'm going to a Gb. Negative theta\nChristopher Carbone: and G primed to be negative one,\nChristopher Carbone: so the second derivative of H.\nChristopher Carbone: Or the derivative of the first, derivative is negative Theta\nChristopher Carbone: times. The cosine of Theta\nChristopher Carbone: Manus,\nChristopher Carbone: the son of theatre.\nChristopher Carbone: Yes,\nChristopher Carbone: a negative sign\nChristopher Carbone: of data,\nChristopher Carbone: And this simplifies to just be\nChristopher Carbone: negative data.\nChristopher Carbone: It comes to cosine of theta\nChristopher Carbone: minus. Two times the sign,\nChristopher Carbone: i'll say that\nChristopher Carbone: Yeah,\n": 2, "Alright. \nAre you \nrecorded, and then I will be\nediting it and putting it up by\nYoutube and you\nlive on Facebook right now\nlive on Facebook right now\non Facebook right now.\nI've had\nI've had instance in the past\nor and\nor and\nor I may\nor I may need to so\npoliticians\npoisons over the show,\npoisons over the show, mostly\nin my\nin my videos.\nin my videos\nmy videos.\nBut little\nBut we will share with a\nvideo\nBut we will share with a video\nintroducing\nintroducing all the\nperformers\nperformers, and then we're going\nperformers, and then we're going\nto\nhave one\nvideo\nvideo of\nvideo of Vlog perform\norming\nis his\nis one\nhis wonderful seat\nhis wonderful feet Act\nhis wonderful feet Act\nhis wonderful feet Act.\nIf you haven't seen it you know\nthings that you need to\nsee\nsee for me is\nfor me is phenomenal and\nd that will\nd that we're going to talk to\nnd that we're gonna talk to him\nthat we're gonna talk to him \nabout you think\ng, and how we can\nand how really help\nfinance\nfinance\nso\nso and please\nso and please move me all\nSo and please move me all your\nSo and please move me all your \ncell\nphones. Dorothy\nphones. Dorothy! Hi!\nTommy\nTommy, Dorothy Dietrich!\ndorothy Dietrich.\nI'll try and get her in this\nroom\ntry and get her in this room. \nOkay, thank you yeah,\nyou should yeah have a\nyou should yeah have a leak and\nI try to give you. I, Tommy\nWell,\n, that right. Oh, hey, man\n, that rick\nthat rick!\nhey, Melanie! Thanks for being\nright\n. I have a few bucks for you\ntonight\ntonight.\nNot a lot, but I got a few bucks\nwas\ne going to\ne going to pay you where you can\nsend it in and that works\nsend it in and that week, and I\nople, so\nople, so we'll\nople, so we'll\nso we'll thank\nSo we'll thank you okay,\nit's 1211 Okay, it's nerve, too\nit's 1211 Okay, it's true rich,\n1211 Okay, it's true rich,\ngreat.\nSo\nI want to ask\nSo I want to ask you to\nmeet\nmeet yourselves from the\nbeginning of the South, and we\nn you\nAnd when you were asked\nAnd when you were asked\nwhen you were asked, I mean if \nif we\nneed a\nneed a volunteer, we\ne need a volunteer, we will ask\nto. I mean also\nif\nalso.\nIf anybody has a deck\nIf anybody has a deck of clients\nwell\nanybody has a deck of clients \nwell,\nof our\nf our reviews we'll\nour reviews we'll need and\nunteer with\nunteer with a deck of\nlunteer with a deck of close\nwith a deck of close.\nthat. now, if we\nthat. now, if we have one\n, and in\nand in the meantime, we're going\nand in the meantime we're going\nthrough, struck\nk the\nthe cell with a\ncell with a video\nto\nll, again\nLogan: Okay,\nLogan: Okay, ,\nchill\nLogan: Okay, chill\nLogan: Okay, chill. Okay,\nLogan: Okay, chill. Okay, Mr.\nazing:\nt. And what happened\nAnd what happened here back\ne you go. Yeah\nah, Yeah, my help with\nhere?\nmy help with her children. I \nlove\nI like and\nI like and\nI like and welcome to\nvirtue\nvirtual interest.\nactive, massive\nactive, massive. Here I\nmassive.\nHere I am, Tommy Bernett\nthe\nthe International envoy\nthe International envoy of the\nS. A. M.\nFor New York State,\nand\nand this to my rate, It\nand this to my wait for Kevin \nPeel\nand this to my wait for Kevin \nPeel.\nin\nin financial\nin financial envoy of\nin financial envoy of England, \nfor\ne F. Am. We are\nthe F. Am. We are proud to be \nhere\nere to\nto raise money for\nUkraine\nyou.\nClink, hey?\nyou\nyou doing Heaven? Very well,\ndoing Heaven? Very well, thank \nyou, Tommy.\nI just thought just to show\nI just thought just to show how\nbrilliant you are what's the\nbrilliant you are what's the\ncard\ncard.\nOh, wow\nOh, wow! you put me in a\nOh, wow! you put me in but a\nOh, wow! you put me in! but\nagain\nI don't\ndon't know\nyou hear me in here let's name a\ncard\nname a\nname a cartoon. Okay\nname a cartoon. Okay, yeah.\nOkay.\nClear hopes. Oh,\nClear hopes. Oh, your time!\nhopes. Oh, your time close! Oh,\nyou know\nyou know what\nd! and\nwhat and so i'll say, gather my \nhead and soil\ny head! Oh\ny head yeah, that okay\ny head yeah, that okay\ny head\nhead.\nYeah, that Okay. A little\nexcuses. no excuses. Yeah.\nVery private chat, either\n. So that\nso that was genuinely\n, Yeah, no, we we had. we had.\nYeah, no, we we had.\nWe had no 5\nire now\nire now\nire no": 1, "Potential and Kinetic Energy.\nPotential and Kinetic Energy.\nThe law of conservation of energy.\nEnergy cannot be created.\nEnergy cannot be destroyed.\nIt can only be converted from one form to another.\nConversion of Energy.\nSolar Energy.\nElectrical Energy.\nMechanical Energy.\nPotential Energy.\nEnergy due to position.\nPotential Energy.\nKinetic Energy.\ndue to motion.\nThe unit of energy is Joules.\nThe law of conservation of energy.\nEnergy cannot be created.\nEnergy cannot be destroyed.\nIt can only be converted from one form to another.\nConversion of Energy.\nSolar Energy.\nElectrical Energy.\nMechanical Energy.\nPotential Energy.\nEnergy due to position.\nPotential Energy.\nKinetic Energy.\ndue to motion.\nThe unit of energy is Joules.\nWhen we hold the tire on one side.\nIt has a certain amount of potential energy.\nWhen it is released.\nPotential energy starts getting converted to kinetic energy.\nAs the tire moves back and forth.\nKinetic energy gets converted to potential energy.\nWhen we hold the tire on one side.\nIt has a certain amount of potential energy.\nWhen it is released.\nPotential energy starts getting converted to kinetic energy.\nAs the tire moves back and forth.\nKinetic energy gets converted to potential energy.\nThe formula for potential energy is mgh, M is equal to Mass, g is equal to gravitational acceleration and h is equal to height.\nAt the top of a tree, the potential energy possessed by is is equal to mgh.\nm is equal to 30 kg.\ng is equal to 9.8 metres per second square.\nh is equal to 20 metres.\nPotential energy is equal to mgh, which is equal to 30 into 9.8 into 20, which is equal to 5880 J.\nAt the top of tree, kinetic energy is equal to 0.\nWhen we fall, potential energy starts getting converted to kinetic energy.\nThe formula for potential energy is mgh, M is equal to Mass, g is equal to gravitational acceleration and h is equal to height.\nAt the top of a tree, the potential energy possessed by is is equal to mgh.\nm is equal to 30 kg.\ng is equal to 9.8 metres per second square.\nh is equal to 20 metres.\nPotential energy is equal to mgh, which is equal to 30 into 9.8 into 20, which is equal to 5880 J.\nAt the top of tree, kinetic energy is equal to 0.\nWhen we fall, potential energy starts getting converted to kinetic energy.\nJust before we land, all potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy.\nTo calculate kinetic energy, kinetic energy is equal to 1 upon 2 into m into v square, where m is equal to mass and v is equal to velocity.\nJust before we land, all potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy.\nTo calculate kinetic energy, kinetic energy is equal to 1 upon 2 into m into v square, where m is equal to mass and v is equal to velocity.\n": 3, "\"The Youngest's Private Life 12\"!\nI didn't turn off the sound.\n\"The Youngest's Private Life 12\" that came today.\nToday...\nTo be honest, I talked about TMI a lot last time.\nI prepared a content today, too.\nToday's contents...\nIt's guessing the name of the brand of the drink.\nIt's a game where I guess the name of the drink.\nThere are drinks here.\nThere are a lot of drinks.\nI am guessing the brands of drinks here.\nThe same drinks has the brand written...\nThe numbers are written down here.\nI will look at this number.\nI have to find the same number with this.\nOut of these brands...\nSo...\nOh, did I explain poorly?\nI'm so bad at explaining so...\nIt's a game where I guess \nthe name of the brand of the drink.\nThere's a number written here.\nAnd under all the many drinks here,\nThe same number is written down here.\nWhy am I so bad at talking?\nAnyway, it's a game \nwhere I am guessing the drink.\nThere's a number written down under the can.\nThat number...\nHow do I need to explain?\nWhy am I so bad at explaining?\nIt's a game that I made.\nWait. Let me organize.\nSo...\nI need to find the same number\nthat's written here and under the can.\nIf it's number four,\nI need to find the can that \nhas number 4 written on it.\nI have to do that...\nI don't know the numbers under the can either.\nI didn't write them down.\nI told my manager that I \nwas going to do it like this\nand he wrote it down.\nSo, I...\nHow many are there in total?\nAre there 16? There are 16.\nIs it 15? There is that many.\nOh, there are 16. There are 16.\nI will start in order from number one.\nThere's number one right here.\nNumber one.\nIt's white.\nIt's white.\nIf you look just at the color, it's a sports drink.\nThis...\nI will drink a sip of water\nand wash my mouth.\nI will try to see what kind of drink it is...\nOut of the many bottles,\nI will look for this drink's brand bottle.\nThis is number one.\nI will try to find what kind of drink this is.\nI think I know this so well.\nI think I can find this right away.\nI think...\nIt's this one! Number one is this.\nThis is number one.\nWill it... It's 100% right.\nOh? What is it?\nOh? What is it?\nIt's not.\nOh? What?\nIs it this?\nI.N that gets the first question wrong.\nNumber one was this one.\nNumber one was this one.\nNumber one was this one.\nNaturally, number 11 is then...\nIs it this?\nIs this number 11?\nThis is number 11.\nThe white colored drink.\nThis is number 11.\nWait! I think I have to find out \nthe difference in the taste.\nI think I know.\nThis is a bit sweeter\nand this is less sweet.\nThere was this difference.\nThere was this difference. Okay! x3\nOh, I see.\nThis was Torita.\nAnd this was Pocari Sweat.\nThere was this difference.\nThe color is different, too.\nThis has a bit of a yellowish color\nand this has a bit of a white color.\nWill you not be able to see it?\nYou probably can't.\nThe colors are different, too.\nThey taste different but \nthe colors are different, too.\nI got the first question wrong.\nNumber one and eleven will go over there.\nHow can I get it wrong right away?\nInteresting.\nI will go with number two.\nWhere is number two?\nNumber two...\nHere it is! Number two...\nThis mysterious thing.\nThis.\nJust by the smell of it,\nthis is an energy drink.\nEnergy drink.\nEnergy drink.\nI will cleanse my mouth with water now.\nI will try to guess it again.\nTo be honest, I don't drink energy drinks a lot.\nIt's hard to guess.\nThen, I will pick Hot Six.\nHot Six!\nI wonder!\nI got it wrong again.\nIt wasn't.\nThen, where is number 8?\nIs this number 8?\nOh, here is number 8.\nOh, there is a difference in the color, too.\nThen, this is automatically this one.\nRed Bull.\nRed Bull.\nI should try to feel the difference in the taste, too.\nFirst, let me clean my mouth.\nThis is Red Bull.\nThis is Hot Six.\nThe taste is really different!\nTo be honest, I don't really drink energy drinks.\nSo, I didn't feel the taste well.\nThis is a bit sweeter\nand this has a stronger carbonated taste.\nStronger carbonated taste.\nThis has a strong carbonated flavor.\nThe colors are different, too.\nThere is a difference.\nThe colors are different.\nI can get it wrong this quickly.\nI got it wrong again.\nNumber two a": 2, 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I said let's go!\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nNo, ma'am. We were just wondering what time to expect him.\nI certainly will. And thank you.\nWell?\nHe left his cousins in Los Angeles around 12.30.\nFigure eight hours. He should have been here two hours ago.\nWe have to allow for the storm.\nLet's assume he'd lose 20, 25 miles an hour.\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nLet's split up. No, we stay together.\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nLet's ride somewhere between Gilroy and San Jose.\nWhat time are the roads closed?\nAnd that's it.\nEd, call the police in San Luis Obispo.\nGive them Mark's description.\nAnd give them the car's description.\nGraft aviation, please.\nJohn? Bob Ironside.\nI need a plane.\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nWhat do we do now?\nWe are not going to move another inch\nuntil you tell me where you fit in.\nI told you. I think I had something to do with the robbery.\nI think you did, too.\nWell, I didn't.\nHey, don't you trust me?\nNo, as a matter of fact, I think you were setting me up.\nWhat for? I don't know, but for something.\nWhy do you think that?\nBecause it was too easy for them to find us.\nWell, they're not stupid.\nLook, they wouldn't have to be.\nYou left a trail a child could follow.\nEverywhere we went, you made sure that we were noticed.\nFrom the very beginning.\nThe roadblock, the motel, the scene in the coffee shop,\nthe scene outside with the cop at the shopping center.\nEverywhere.\nNow, a girl who's trying to hide\ndoesn't make herself the center of attention.\nOkay.\nFred, the guy with the beard?\nHe planned it.\nWhen he robbed the place, he pretended to take me as hostage.\nI was supposed to find a body and meet him in Paso Robles.\nAny body I know?\nMark, you gotta get out of here.\nI mean, just take off and run.\nI don't want you killed on my account.\nAren't you a little late with that?\nNot if you get out now.\nWhat did he want with the body?\nWhat's the difference?\nYou just tell me, huh?\nFred knew Mr. Gordon was gonna send him after the thief.\nHe was gonna meet me in Paso Robles,\ntake the body, kill him,\nput some money in the car,\nset it on fire and send it over the cliff.\nAnd then you and Fred would be clean as a whistle, huh?\nI'm sorry it was you, Mark.\nWhy do you think I wanted to get off the merry-go-round back at the motel?\nAll right, then thank you.\nThank you, but now what?\nFred can't go through with it now, not with his sidekicks still around.\nOr can he?\nThe guy who hit the club, he had somebody working with him, right?\nSomething like that.\nAnd Fred would tell that to your boss.\nThen you'd be in the clear, then you and Fred would split the money.\nAnd everybody'd be rich and happy.\nCome on, Mark.\nExcept that Fred could be a lot richer and a lot happier\nif there were three bodies in that car.\nHe wouldn't have to split with you.\nThere would be nobody to talk, nob": 0, "This is the end of the video.\nIf you enjoyed it, please subscribe and like it.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nSee you in the next video.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\nThank you for watching.\n": 1, "\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nYou might as well call it a day. See you in the morning.\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nMr. Griffin. And we hope we don't find him.\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nChief, I thought you had to concentrate on the Arno case.\nNothing to concentrate on right now. We seem to have run into a blind alley.\nNothing here either. But at least that leaves some hope.\nNot much. The tide's been in and out twice since this morning.\nMark.\nChances are against finding his body, Fran. We can't dredge the whole ocean.\nHe didn't commit suicide. I just know it. He wasn't that type of man.\nYou can't believe it either, can you? He was your friend.\nI have to believe facts.\nAnd you don't have any right now.\nBut I do have an unpleasant job to do.\nHe's dead. That's what you're trying to say, isn't it, Chief? You know he's dead.\nWe found some clothes and a wallet. I had to report that to you. But nobody.\nKen went swimming at that beach every morning. He wouldn't have just drowned.\nHe did what he said he was going to do.\nKen seldom threw in his hand until he saw that last card played.\nNow, frankly, I don't believe he's the suicide type.\nWhat do you believe? He's still alive?\nI prefer to go on that assumption, yes, until proven otherwise.\nIt would help if I knew why he came to my office last night.\nI don't know.\nI told you he just casually mentioned he might go to see you.\nWhich he did.\nI wasn't there, but he did talk to Officer Belding, and he told her he was looking for more life insurance.\nWould you have any idea what he meant by that?\nNo.\nHe also mentioned he was going to have one more try on his own.\nDoes that tell you anything?\nHe's dead. I know it.\nPlease, leave me alone.\nPlease.\nPlease.\nAll right, everyone, move back. All you want to see, move back.\nGive him room.\nMove back.\nMove back.\nIt wasn't Ken Griffin.\nIt was this man, Victor Arno.\nWell, I guess that wraps it up.\nSeems that way.\nNow, the next question is, where is Ken Griffin?\nIronside.\nYes, Miss Alexander.\nKitty Ornell just made a call to 673-7097.\nAn answering service.\n673-7097.\nThe message was real short.\nMr. Arno will be there sometime after midnight.\nThank you, Miss Alexander.\nNow, we have another question.\nWill the real Victor Arno please stand up?\nAll right, all right.\nWhat about the little club?\nI don't want to go there either. The food's terrible.\nAll right, I give up. Now, you make a suggestion.\nNo, Lindsay, I want to go where you want to go.\nYou feel like Italian food?\nAnything you say.\nGood. We'll go Italian.\nPersonally, I'm more in the mood for Chinese, but I want you to be happy.\nOh, for Pete's sake, Stella.\nWell, I'm only trying to help. Would you rather go to the little club?\nI may kill myself.\nI don't know why you make a production about everything.\nWhat are you doing here?\nJacobs is covering the front.\nThat'll likely be where the action is.\nWhat are you talking about?\nThat same caterer was down at the docks this afternoon for a bon voyage party.\nRight. Thank you.\nBlessings on computers.\nDeluxe Caterers, a branch of Consolidated Food Industries, owned by Val Karate Enterprises.\nHelp any?\nGreat deal, when you add the fact that the phone service Kitty Arnell called is also owned by Karate Enterprises.\nOkay, but that still doesn't tell us who Victor Arno is.\nChief, this is nowhere.\nThen it's high time we moved on to somewhere. Stay at the phone. Contact me as soon as you hear from Ed.\nStu": 1, "\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nI don't believe it. Either my watch is wrong or you're sick.\nI feel fine. In that case, how about some coffee?\nWhen did I ever not want morning coffee? I could bite my tongue off.\nI had a phone call last night. Kept me up thinking, that's all.\nMorning, everyone. I'm early.\nI'm not early. You know, this is the first time I ever walked\nin here and you weren't already up and... Except when you were...\nHe's sick. That's it. You're sick.\nI feel fine. Somebody called him up last night.\nPhone call? Who? Ted Ollinger.\nNo kidding. I'm not even going to ask why you're still\nin bed at 8.15. Mark, where's the thermometer?\nFran, I feel fine. All right, then I will ask.\nWhy are you still in bed at 8.15? I'm in bed at 8.15 because...\nBecause I feel lousy. Now, keep your distance.\nI think it's the flu. I'll call the doctor.\nNo, Fran. I have something to say to all of you.\nSo gather around closer. I think an old friend of mine needs some help.\nTed? I think he needs it.\nSooner than I'm going to be able to give it.\nFill it, please. Regular.\nI'm looking for a place called Ollinger's Pier.\nJenkins Landing's right down the way. It's closer, good bait, and they got better\nfishing boats for rent, too. I don't need a boat, and Ollinger's has been\nrecommended. I never heard of it.\nIt's a big pier sticking out in the ocean. Ollinger.\nTed Ollinger. You're sure you never heard of it?\nI'm sure. Well, you tried.\nBut tell your friend Jenkins you ran into one you just couldn't steer his way.\nExcuse me, sir. Maybe you could help me.\nI'm sorry. What's that? Ollinger's Pier.\nYou know where it is? Yes.\nStraight through town, turn left. You'll run right into it.\nThank you very much. Cash or charge?\nCredit card. Edward D. Brown, San Francisco.\nI wonder who he is. Did you catch him before he reaches the pier?\nYeah, maybe I better have a closer look at him.\nSee license, please. You know, I carded the speed limit back there\na little close. I don't think so.\nEh, we'll let it go this time anyway. Saw the sign back there, I guess.\nDoesn't say anything about pedestrians. Well, Ollinger isn't doing much business\nthese days anyway. Big day boats don't use his landing anymore.\nAnd this is where you start touting me to Jenkins Landing, is that it?\nYou are still a friend of mine And I never will forget you\nI remember when I met you On a day just like today\nAnd though the sun is shining now Tomorrow may be raining\nAnd I hope you will be staying Until the clouds have gone\nWhere can you go when you feel so all alone And no one but strangers around you\nWhere can you go when you feel so all alone Maybe I can say that I found you\nI found you I found you\nTed Ollinger! Hello!\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed?\nTed?\nTed?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? Ted?\nTed?\nTed? Ted?\nTed? 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It's extremely rare, but...\nWell, it happened to me once, when I was a young clerk.\nIn those days, we didn't have emergency systems in the vaults.\nI probably would have suffocated,\nbut the bank manager didn't remember seeing me leave.\nYou know, I would like you to try again to recall last Friday night.\nAre you absolutely sure you saw every one of your people go out of that front door?\nYes. Yes, I'm sure I did.\nIs there any chance one of them might have returned after you left?\nMr. Ironside, it would serve no purpose.\nThis timing mechanism was pre-set,\nand nothing in this world would open this vault for the next 63 hours.\nOh, by the way, it would make our investigation a little easier\nif you had both combinations to the door.\nWe'll be going in and out.\nOf course.\nThey were so organized.\nThey knew exactly what to take and what to leave.\nOnly the finest jewels, heirlooms, only the most negotiable bonds.\nThey were choosy, all right.\nWell, excuse me.\nYes, sir.\nYes?\nYes, I'll tell him.\nAll right.\nMr. Stewart, that was Miss McGregor. Tell them I was on the phone.\nThey've denied your request.\nDenied what?\nThe Federal Review Board has ruled that safe deposit boxes aren't covered by federal insurance.\nThe depositors will have to stand the loss.\nWait a minute.\nWhat about the bank's responsibility? You've got insurance?\nI'm afraid that's not applicable either.\nThe bank feels we've incurred no liability.\nYou advertise those boxes as safe, safe deposit boxes.\nNow, that's an implied warranty, and you're not going to weasel your way out of it.\nYou were responsible for everything in that vault, and you bungled the job.\nStop that! How dare you talk to him in that fashion?\nThat's all right, Miss Lewis.\nNo, it's not. You're acting as if he robbed the bank.\nCome on, Mr. McClain, it's been a rough time for all of us.\nLet's go hit a bucket of balls, huh?\nLook, when I want advice from you, I'll ask for it.\nOkay.\nI'm sorry, Mr. Stewart.\nWell, it just isn't fair.\nYou're doing the best you can.\nFound it near Richmond.\nOverturned and all burnt out. There it is.\nEverything checks.\nCar markings, model and make.\nEven the soil samples from the wheel and floor carpet match the sand and clay around the drainpipe area.\nWhat about the fire?\nIt was set.\nThe way it looks, a helicopter landed beside the waiting car.\nThe car was set afire, pushed over.\nThe men transferred to the chopper and lifted off.\nWhat sort of helicopter?\nProbably a Bell Jet Ranger, judging from the landing gear pattern and weight.\nHave lab confirmation by morning.\nFive passenger capacity. That checks.\nMark, you and Fran alert all air auxiliary units and airports within 300 miles.\nThat's all the range they've got.\nThey had to refuel somewhere.\nI want a report on all Bell Jet Ranger landings, takeoffs and sightings since Friday morning.\nCheck local rentals and ownerships.\nYou're on, Fran.\nLater.\nYeah.\nIt's going to be a while before we see them again.\nWhile you're waiting, work on this.\nIt would have been too risky for our thieves to work in the daylight.\nThat tunnel was dug at night, probably after midnight.\nWhere were they the rest of the time?\nDid they commute or did they live in Bosworth Park?\nChief Einzeit's office.\nYou sure?\nRight.\nIt was Lieutenant Reese.\nIt was Lieutenant Reese. They found it, Chief. They found the helicopter.\nState Highway Patrol spotted it this morning. It was sitting here just like this, abandoned.\nYou sure it's the same one, Lieutenant?\nWell, the landing gear checks. It's t": 3, "In this issue part one, Lady of the Evening reveals she spent many long lonely nights\nwith Chief Ironside of the San Francisco Police Department.\nYou really don't remember me, do you?\nYea, though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.\nI just signed for a package that a messenger brought me.\nIt was a bomb.\nAre you still going to stay with her after what she said about you?\nShe pays, I stay.\nMark.\nYeah, Chief.\nI think we've got a bomb up here.\nI think we've got a bomb up here.\nHello?\nChief.\nChief Ironside.\nWho is this?\nChief, I know it's late, but I just had to call to tell you.\nWho is this?\nWhat is it you want?\nI want to tell you that I'm sorry.\nCan you forgive me?\nForgive?\nChief, please forgive me.\nWhat are you talking about?\nI'm sorry.\nI'm sorry.\nI'm sorry.\nI'm sorry.\nPlease forgive me.\nWhat are you talking about?\nI know you can.\nLook, I forgive you, madam.\nNow please forgive me.\nI'm trying to get some sleep.\nPlease, please forgive me.\nI know you can.\nI know you can.\nGood morning, Linda.\nOh, good morning, Chief.\nGood morning, Ed.\nChief Ironside and Detective Brown are here, Commissioner.\nWon't you go right in, Chief?\nThe Commissioner's waiting just for you.\nAre you Bob, Ed?\nYes, Commissioner.\nThey say that one picture says a thousand words, and I doubt if you subscribe to this\nignominious, semi-monthly publication.\nIn this issue, part one, Lady of the Evening reveals she spent many long lonely nights\nwith Chief Ironside of the San Francisco Police Department.\nBe sure and buy our next issue in two weeks.\nRead part two.\nWe promise to answer the who and what.\nWhat friend did Chief Ironside watch die and did nothing to help?\nAnd who is the missing actor the San Francisco Police Department hasn't bothered to look\nfor because they don't even know he has disappeared?\nShame, shame, San Francisco Police.\nPlace your subscription now and keep up with the bare truth.\nBob, we're not interested in your personal life, but we are interested in finding out\nif an actor has disappeared and if he has under what circumstances.\nAnd I want to know before the next edition of this magazine hits the stands.\nI will not have my department ridiculed by this inconsequential rag.\nInconsequential?\nWhatever you call it.\nRobert, this is your baby.\nOr should I say your lady?\nPlease, please forgive me.\nTife, that's all it is.\nA bit cum online on the cover and inside a four-column spread of air.\nBut man, they make it sound like you were whispering it all to some deep-breathing mama\nin the throes of passion.\nDoes that bug you?\nSince they never say you're in the company of a woman, they slip quietly off the liable\nlook.\nLegal distortion.\nThis lead line for the next issue about you watching some friend die.\nThat's true.\nNow you are driving me.\nThe magazine made a factual statement.\nIt's neither slanted nor misstated.\nNot that someone should know.\nI never told that incident to a living soul.\nI know it's a raunchy thing to ask a friend.\nThis is Larry Yates.\nWe grew up together, swiped our first bag of gum together, had our first double date.\nBob, you're the only friend I got in the world.\nAnd we gotta have one friend out there watching.\nJust one friend.\nOr I won't make it.\nPlease.\nFor God's sake, please.\nCome on, Bob.\nJust this once.\nI won't ask again.\nOkay?\nSure.\nSure thing.\nJust this once.\nYea, though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, if thou art with me.\nThy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.\nThou shalt prepare a table before me against those that troubled me.\nThou hast anointed my head with oil and my cup.\nLook, Chief, there's got to be some sort of explanation.\nAddie Moore won't change the truth.\nAll right, then, and the woman?\nBlonde or brunette?\nI don't know.\nAlthough she knows enough about my past that I feel I should know her.\nElvish Shutter, go around the block.\nElvish Shutter what?\nThe offices of Bare Truth magazine.\nThat's all right.\nLet me off at the corner.\nDon't you want us to...\nRight.\nWe can take a hit.\nThank you.\nMy name is Ironside.\nI have an appointment with Mr. Smith.\nThat's Ms. Smith, if you don'": 4, "TYSALG CRUSH changing shows\nYou\nHello? Any ghosts in here?\nCome out! Come out wherever you are!\nOh, Iris, stop that!\nHow about some light in here?\nComing up!\nWell, welcome to the haunted bedroom.\nHey, this is not so creepy.\nIt's no barrel of laughs either.\nFunny, it's kind of kinky.\nJen, you're not really going through, is it?\nAre you kidding? I was just joking.\nWell, I wasn't! Look, we had a bet, didn't we?\nA hundred dollars?\nCash on the line.\nYou're not going to chicken out on us, are you, Dave?\nNo way. How about you, Jennifer?\nBut it's silly.\nWell, sure it is. But it's easy as a hundred I'll ever make.\nYeah, come on, Jenny, you said you would, don't you?\nPlease, Jennifer, don't.\nYou told us yourself that the last couple who stayed here were never seen again.\nAnd that was way back in aught five.\nIra!\nLook, don't let them rattle you.\nIf anybody tries to come through that door tonight, ghost or no ghost,\nwell, I'll use his skull for a baseball.\nRight, you tell them, Dave.\nThe mysteries of the dark beyond are not for us to see.\nRemember, deep and silent was the gloom of that strange, unholy room.\nThough the servants searched all night till the glint of dawn's sad light,\nnot a trace of hair or hide was found of Quentin or his bride.\nThat's real funny, Ira.\nIt's nonsense. It's just a big put-on.\nYeah, that's the girl. You show us. Now, come on, give me the key.\nOh, come on, Ira, you're not going to lock us in this room.\nYeah, and you and Dave are going to put one over on us.\nNo way. That was part of my bet.\nCome on.\nYou and your fun ideas.\nThat a girl.\nJennifer, please, don't.\nI'll be all right, Sandy.\nTo cheer you through the night, moratorite salut, Thomas.\nThank you. Okay, you guys, let's clear the room.\nSay hello to the ghosts for me.\nSay they can catch one.\nGood night.\nYou ready?\nI think so. Now, leave us alone.\nGood night.\nDon't forget to shut the door.\nWell, here we are.\nHere, this will pick you up. You're not afraid, are you?\nNo, of course not.\nThat a girl.\nOkay.\nI can open.\nTwo to play.\nCards.\nTwo cards.\nTwo cards.\nThree, three, sorry.\nOne more card.\nGet away!\nGet away!\nDave?\nDave?\nJennifer?\nOpen.\nOpen.\nOpen.\nOpen.\nThey're a sensible bunch of kids, Bob.\nWhen Jennifer asked me if she could use the house for a small party,\nI didn't think twice about it.\nYou know all the guests? Your niece didn't invite any strangers?\nWell, certainly not to her.\nWhy a party there, particularly?\nOh, she wanted to do something different.\nIt's a turn-of-the-century mansion, old.\nBut the usual, legends, ghosts, manifestations, mysterious disappearances, drivel.\nNext driveway.\nHardly your kind of place, Dennis.\nOh, it's not mine.\nI'm on the board of the society that bought it.\nWe're restoring it to donate to the city as a period showplace.\nNow I'd like to tear it down and give it to the city as a parking lot.\nIt's a mess down here, but restoration has begun upstairs.\nGood morning, Chief, Commissioner.\nGood morning, Fran.\nMorning.\nWell, all the convenience is at home.\nGet on, Chief, it's working.\nThe others are still upstairs.\nDoesn't seem to suit this style of home.\nWell, undoubtedly added later on.\nI've taken statements from all the witnesses.\nThey all tell pretty much the same story.\nIra Fenton and Cindy Morris are still with Ed.\nAnd we let the others go home.\nWell, good morning, Chief.\nAre you ready to take on the spirit world?\nI've yet to hear of a ghost solid enough to carry off two human beings.\nWhere is Ed?\nIn the haunted bedroom wrapping.\nOn the walls?\nAnd with witnesses.\nLast door till you left.\nHello, Chief.\nEd, how's it going?\nNothing so far.\nNo trap door, no false walls, window locked from the inside.\nWhat about Prince?\nAll clean.\nWhoever or whatever took those two people went all the way, even Prince.\nNot a trace of hair or hide was found of Quentin or his bride.\nTwo of the guests at the party last night, Ira Fenton, Cindy Morris, Chief Ironside.\nChief.\nMr. Fenton, I understand you were the one who locked the door and kept the key.\nThat's right.\nIs there any chance Jennifer and Mr. Warren might have had a duplicate key?\nYou me": 4, "Iron Chain (Original Mix) - Chrizz Luvly | Electro House\nWould You (Original Mix) - Vlada Asanin, Rewire | House Music\nTouchdown (Original Mix) - Fistin Furious | Electro House\nPlayed On Your Favorite Radio Station (Original Mix) - Egoism, Bazu | Techno\nCumbia (Original Mix) - Hazzaro | House Music\nI Want That Beat (Original Mix) - Beatstatic | Electro House\nAlright 2013 (Dolly Rockers Remix) - Mark Wilkinson, Paul Jackson | House Music\nRathouse (Original Mix) - Marco Bailey, Filterheadz | Techno\nThe Bigger Bang (Original Mix) - Lets Be Friends | Electro House\nOff Grid (Roberto Capuano Remix) - Juan Sanchez | Techno\nSparks (Original Mix) - Rocksaw | Progressive House\nOh Yeah (Belocca Mainground Dub) - Danila | Tech House\nGalleon (Original Mix) - Slice N Dice | Electro House\nFunky Express (Original Mix) - Sebastien Drums & Whelan & Di Scala | Electro House\nCrazy Devil (Guille Placencia Remix) - Juanmy.R | Tech House\nSpear (Original Mix) - Sick Individuals | Electro House\nCool Dips (Original Mix) - Julio (Italy) | Tech House\n": 1, "S White New Techno\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White New Techno\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White New Techno\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White New Techno!\nEnjoy and listen Summer Techno\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White New Techno\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nEnjoy and listen Summer Techno\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White New Techno\nTechno 2017\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White New Techno\n \n \nS White New Techno\nKarabasTa Continued!!!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nKarabasTa Continued!!!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nKarabasTa Continued!!!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nTechno Summer Mix 2017\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White & KarabasTa - Serious Man (Techno July Mix)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nS White & KarabasTa - Serious Man (Techno July Mix)\nand listen many Mixes!S White Terrarium Part 2 Tech&Techno Mix\nS White Exclusive Drumm Stories(D'N'B)Mix\nKarabastA - Destroyer Mix\nS White & KarabasTa PRESENT!!!\nand http://promodj.com/DMCSNICKERS\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\nHe had a dream, He had a dream,\nHe had a dream, He had a dream\nHe had a dream, He had a dream,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\nFor love and peace, For love and peace,\nFor love and peace, For love and peace\nFor love and peace, For love and peace,\nFor love and peace, For love and peace\nTo be free at last, To be free at last,\nTo be free at last, To be free at last\nTo be free at last, To be free at last,\nTo be free at last, To be free at last\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nHe had a dream, He had a dream\nFor love and peace, For love and peace,\nTo be free at last, To be free at last\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King,\nMartin Luther King, Martin Luther King\n": 1, "Praise the lord, saints. Come \non, praise the lord, saints. \nHallelujah. Hallelujah, \nhallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. I \nneed \nyeah \nblessed \nme now \nmy savior \ncome \nto \nto \nyeah yes Lord \nthis morning. We thank you \nright now lord for life, \nhealth, and strength lord. We \nthank you for the activities of \nour limbs god. We ask god that \nyou please forgive us of our \nsins god. Cleanse us from all \nunrighteousness god. In the \nname of Jesus. God, we invite \nyou in this service on tonight, \ngod. Ask that you would just \ncome in and have in your way. \nHallelu Have your way god. Move \nin the place god. Move in this \nplace god by your presence god. \nBy your spirit god. Oh god let \nyour anointing flow in this \nplace god. In the name of \nJesus. God we bind the hands of \nthe enemy. We rebuke the devil \nand we cast them out. Right now \nin the name of Jesus. Ask god \nthat you would have your way \ngod. That you'd be glorified \ngod. That you'd be magnified \ngod in all that said and done \ngod. We ask god that you bless \nour leaders god. Bless our \nleaders god. Bless our leaders \ngod. Bless our leaders god. We \njust magnify you, god. We \nglorify you. Bless the service \non the night, god. From \nbeginning to the end, god. Oh \ngod, bless the word on tonight, \ngod. Bless the word on tonight, \ngod. Bless the speaker on \ntonight, god. Bless everyone \nthat's participating on \ntonight, god. In the name of \nJesus, god. In the name of \nJesus, god, you get the glory, \nthe honor, and the praise for \nit is truly done. In Jesus \nname, we say thank god and \namen. We're going to ask that \nyou please remain standing as \nsister Christina Hughes come \nwith our scripture reading. \nLet's say amen as she comes \nforward. Amen. Amen and amen \nand amen. Amen. Thank you \nJesus. \nI will bless the Lord at all \ntimes His praise shall \ncontinually be in \nThe humble shall hear thereof \nOh magnify the Lord his name \ntogether. May God \nAmen. Amen. Amen. And amen. You \nmay have your seat. Amen. At \nthis time, we're going to have \npraise and worship by the \nbeautiful gate Church of God in \nChrist. Praise team. Amen. \nAmen. And amen. Thank you, \nJesus. So, we going to ask that \nyou would put your hands \ntogether with us, that you \nwould clap and that you would \nsing. Amen. We came to praise \nthe lord on tonight. We came to \nglorify the lord on tonight. We \ncame to lift up the name of \nJesus on tonight. Thank you, \nJesus Thank you Jesus. \nHallelujah. Amen. We gotta make \nsure all the technology is \nworking. Amen. Amen. Amen. \nCheck one, two. \nAmen. Amen. So you all clap \nyour hands with us. Amen. And \npraise the Lord with us. Amen. \nI've got joy bells ringing in \nmy soul I've got joy bells \njoy bears \njoy bells ringing in my soul \nI've got joy bells ringing in \nmy soul I've got joy bell \njoy bell joy bell \nI've got yes lord ringing in my \nsoul I've got yes lord ringing \nin my soul yes lord yes lord \nYes, lord. ringing in my soul. \nI've got to ride ringing in my \nsoul. I've got due ride ringing \nin my soul. \nis ringing is ringing it's ring \nis ringing It's ringing. It's \nringing. It's ringing. It's \nringing. It's ringing. It's \nringing. It's ringing. is \nringing it's ringing is ringing \nis ringing it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing \nring is ringing it's ringer \nringer it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing it's \nringing ringing it's ringing \nit's ringing it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing ringing. \nis ringing it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing it's \nringing it's ringing it's \nringing is ringing it's ringing \nWhoo. Come on. Put your hands \ntogether. Hallelujah. Put your \nhands together. Hallelujah. Joy \nbound. Ringing down in my soul. \nHallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. \nHallelujah. Joy bell ringing in \nmy soul. Thank you, Jesus. \nHallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. \nThank you, lord. Give glory to \ngod. saints. \nglory to god \ngive glory to saints \ngive glory to god give glory to \ngod say \ngive him glory glory to god. \nCome on and give the lord the \nglory. Give glory. \nGive him glory, glory, and \nglory to god \nthanks,": 1, "[Voices from inside the control room]\n- [Man] Hey, there's something dark\nover to the left hand side,\nsort of in the center.\nIt's moving along there.\n- [Man] This thing here?\n- [Man] Can we take a look at that?\n- [Man] What is that?\n- [Man] Oh, wow!\n- [Woman] Looks like a Muppet.\n(man laughs)\n- [Man] What are you?\n- [Woman] Well, it is that?\n- [Man] It's like a.., uh, huh.\n- [Man] Oh, it's a fish.\n- [Man] It's defensive.\n- [Man] It's in the water column.\n- Is that what it is?\n- That's a fish?\n- [Man] What?\nI don't know.\n- What?\nWow!\n- [Man] That's what it looks like to me.\n- [Man] Is it engorged or is it like that?\n- [Woman] Is he mad?\n- [Man] (laughs) Yeah.\n- [Woman] Touch it.\n- [Man] Is it just--\n- [Man] Look, now it's...\n- [Man] Oh, my God!\n- [Man] Look at that, wow!\n- [Woman] Oh, my goodness.\n- [Man] Look at his little face.\n- [Man] It was kind of like googly eyes.\n- I think he ate too much.\n- We (laughs)\n- [Woman] He's full.\n- [Man] Wow!\n- [Woman] Wow!\n- [Man] We really ticked him off.\n(all laugh)\n(all talking at once)\n- [Man] Defense?.\nWhoa, what?\n- What?\n- [Man] I think it's like the gill arches?\nI don't know.\nThe gill.\n- [Woman] Some kind of--\n- [Man] What is it?\n- [Woman] It just got so big.\n(man laughs)\n- [Man] It's all bladder. (laughs)\n- [Man] Oh, my God.\n- [Woman] That's his defense.\nLike, \"let me blow up so I could show 'em\nhow big I am.\"\n- Oh, my gosh.\n- [Man] Wow!\n- [Woman] Yep, he's doing the shake.\n(all talking at once)\n- [Woman] Oh, my gosh!\n(all laugh)\n- [Woman] Is that a gulper eel then?\n- [Man] Yes.\n- [Man] I think so, yeah.\n- [Man] That is crazy.\nLook at that\n- That was awesome.\n- [Man] That was awesome.\n(all laugh)\nWhat a way to end a watch, right?\n- Yeah, exactly\n(all laugh)\nThat's amazing.\n": 3, "- [Voiceover] We spent some time talking about hydrocarbons\nand hydrocarbons are interesting\nespecially if you want to combust things,\nif you want some fuel, but now we're going to\nmake things a little bit more interesting\nby adding things to the hydrocarbons\nand the things we're gonna add we call functional groups.\nFunctional groups.\nAnd my goal in my video is to give you\nan overview of the major functional groups\nthat you might see attached to carbon backbones\nthat make the molecules interesting biologically.\nNow, the first one I will focus on\nis an OH group.\nSo, we have an OH attached to a carbon backbone over here.\nIt doesn't have to be attached to a carbon backbone\nbut the OH right over here, this is called a hydroxyl group.\nHy, hydroxyl group,\nand when it is attached to a\ncarbon backbone like this one is\nthen it turns the entire molecule into an alcohol.\nAlcohol. This an alcohol.\nAnd this one in particular if you want the name\nwe have two carbons on the longest, longest chain\nand it is an alcohol so we use the\nprefix Eth for the two carbons.\nSo, let me write that down.\nWe're going to use the prefix Eth\nbecause we have two carbons here.\nAnd we're gonna say Ethanol.\nNow, what are the properties here?\nWell, you have oxygen which is very electronegative\nbonded to a hydrogen and to a carbon\nbut the oxygen is a lot more\nelectronegative than the hydrogen\nso you're going to have a partially negative charge\nat this end away from the hydrogen.\nA partial positive charge at the hydrogen\nand to a lesser degree the carbon end too\nbut hydrogen is even less,\nis a less electronegative than even carbon.\nAnd this one, so, a hydroxyl group\nthey are polar, they are polar,\nand because they are polar you can dissolve them into water.\nThey are hydrophilic.\nThey can form hydrogen bonds so that you can dissolve this.\nNow, similar, a similar functional group\nor one that has somewhat similar properties\nis right over here.\nAnd you might say, \"Wait, why is this one similar?\n\"I have sulfur here instead of oxygen.\"\nBut if you look at the periodic table\nyou will see that sulfur and oxygen\nboth have six valence electrons.\nThey both would love nothing more than to grab\nor pretend to grab two other electrons\nand this is why they form,\nthey tend to form two covalent bonds.\nAnd so, this group right over here,\nwhich is called a sulfhydryl group.\nThis is a sulf....\nSulfhydryl.\nSulfhydryl group.\nIt's kind of similar to a hydroxyl group\nwith the one difference,\nwith the one difference that sulfur is electronegative\nbut it is less electronegative than oxygen.\nSo, you're still gonna have a partially negative charge\nand a partially positive charge,\nbut it's going to be less polar.\nSo, it's not quite as polar as if you had a hydroxyl group.\nNow, when you have this sulfhydryl group\nit's attached to, say, a carbon chain\nand when I use this R right over here, when I have this R.\nThis is just shorthand for carbon\nand a bunch of other stuff.\nI could've, if I wanted to generalize\nan alcohol right over here\nI could've written R and then\nI could've written the hydroxyl group.\nO and then bond that, bond that to an H.\nSo, over here the shorthand R would have been the shorthand\nfor all of...\nThe R would've been the shorthand\nfor all of this business.\nAll of this business right over here.\nAnd so that's what we're doing over there.\nI'm not saying that this R is exactly this.\nIt means that some carbon backbone\nand some carbons, hydrogens, and maybe other stuff,\nmaybe even some other functional groups,\nbut we're just focused on the sulfhydryl right over here.\nAnd so if you see something like this, you'd say\n\"Okay, yeah, this is still going to be polar,\n\"but not quite as polar as if I were dealing\n\"with a hydroxyl group.\"\nNow over here we have a more complex molecule,\nbut this is a molecule that you run into\nprobably on a daily basis.\nThis is the sugar fructose.\nThis is the sugar fructose.\nAnd this is when it is not in a ring.\nIf you were to throw this into--\nIf you were to throw this into water,\nit'll readily form a ring, but when it is not in a ring form\nyou can recognize a": 4, "I heard you on the wireless back in fifty two.\nLying awake intent at tuning in on you.\nIf I was young it didn't stop you coming through.\nOh a oh.\nThey took the credit for your second symphony.\nRewritten by machine with new technology.\nAnd now I understand the problems you can\nsee.\nOh a oh.\nI met your children.\nOh a oh.\nWhat did you tell them?\nVideo killed the radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nPictures came and broke your heart.\nOh, a, a, a, oh.\nAnd now we meet in an abandoned studio.\nWe hear the playback and it seems so long\nago.\nAnd you remember the jingles used to go.\nOh-a oh.\nYou were the first one.\nOh-a oh.\nToo bad the last one.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nIn my mind and in my car.\nWe can't rewind we've gone to far.\nOh-a-aho oh\nOh-a-aho oh\nVideo killed the radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nIn my mind and in my car.\nWe can't rewind we've gone too far.\nPictures came and broke your heart.\nPut the blame on VCR.\nYou are a radio star.\nYou are a radio star.\nYou are a radio star.\nYou are a radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nVideo killed the radio star.\nWell, that was the first time we've played\nthose songs in front of people since we've\nplayed them in the studio 25 years ago.\nMy Buggles partner Geoffrey Downs.\nEarly Buggle Bruce Woolley.\nThe 3 of us wrote the song.\nLinda Allan and Debi Doss who also sang on\nthe record.\nAnd Paul Robinson played the drums on the\nrecord.\n": 3, " Depreston, that's Preston \n Depreston where theres no sun ray's. \n Drink session, smoke session \n recession on a rainy day. \n No stressing, paramedics \n Self medicate numb the pain. \n every twenty years there's a guild procession \n\n every twenty minutes someone opens a vein. \n\n More booze means more aggression, \n nothin to lose, nothin to gain. \n\n Sad truth when youve no direction \n nothing to do, so watch the game. \n Cheer or Boo, no connection \n win or lose life's still the same \n Scream and shout about a squad selection, \n ignore your dreams as they waste away. \n I think I need, someone to talk to. \n\n I think I need, something new. \n I think I need, someone to talk to. \n\n Cos I, I don't wanna, wanna talk to you, you. \n Never seen any northern lights \n 22 watt normal lights \n dim bulb for a warmer light \n or the blue from the screen on the wall at night. \n seen predjudice all the time, \n don't feel any northern pride \n Mancs talk about it all they like, \n but this frontier town ain't metropolised. \n\n cheap knock offs from a knock off chainstore \n don't stare there's alot of self hate \n\n down south the same job can pay more \n but they mock my accent and the smiles are fake. \n wanna see the town up its game more \n ten years on it might get that way. \n right now man theres too much rainfall \n climate change could reallly help the place. \n I think I need, someone to talk to \n I think I need, something new. \n I think I need, someone to talk to \n Cos I, I don't wanna wanna talk to you you \n Nah, no king in the north \n no king of the wildlings free folk flex \n Coronation streets south of the wall \n They're southern to us we're as north as it gets. \n Too bad all we're famous for \n Is jumping of the bus station making a mess \n worked in a resthome here's the score \n killing yourself has got more self respect. \n Just kidding but thats preston for ya \n life by the Ribble where the waters wrecked. \n street sweepers are loud this morning \n cleaning up the blood and the bottles of becks \n went shop for some milk and cornflakes \n scratch that went to greggs instead \n Still the finest Preston gourmet \n Pasty with more sugar than an easter egg. \n I think I need someone to talk to \n I think I need something new \n I think I need someone to talk to \n but i dont wanna wanna talk to you you. \n": 2, "Greetings, greetings\nWelcome to Chennai\nGreetings, greetings\nWelcome to Chennai\nLet us join,\nLet us win\nWelcome, welcome\nto one and all\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\nAll the people,\nAll the people\nWelcome, welcome\nto one and all\nLet us join,\nLet us win\nWelcome, welcome\nto one and all\nWelcome to our dear Chennai\nWelcome to our dear Chennai\nWelcome to our dear Chennai\nWelcome to our dear Chennai\nAll towns are one,\neveryone our kin\nAll towns are one,\neveryone our kin\nWe welcome you\nto our dear abode\nAll towns are one,\neveryone our kin\nOh oh oh, Welcome to Chennai\nOh oh oh, Welcome to Chennai\nOh oh oh, Welcome to Chennai\nOh oh oh, Welcome to India\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\nWe welcome you all folks\n- Welcome to our Tamil Nadu\nAll the people,\nAll the people\nWelcome, welcome\nto one and all\nAll the people,\nAll the people\nWelcome, welcome\nto our Tamil Nadu\n": 1, " \nPeter Carr: All right.\nOkay.\nPeter Carr: Okay welcome everyone so today we're continuing with the BQE seminar series, so the BQE stands for Brooklyn Quant Experience.\nPeter Carr: And, as you know, this is a weekly seminar that we've had for many years we usually have it at 6pm on Thursday evenings but we've actually moved it, as you can see, to 9:30am.\nPeter Carr: To try and catch people from Europe actually so um so let me just introduce our speaker Ed Weinberger so.\nPeter Carr: It began his post PhD career as a researcher and theoretical evolutionary biology at the university Pennsylvania.\nPeter Carr: And the Max Planck Institute, but he transferring skills and applied math to quantitative finance when you became a quantum the industry desk they just BC.\nPeter Carr: upon joining Deutsch Bank Ed became interested in financial risk management, where he helped establish carbs financial risk manager exam.\nPeter Carr: Since then he's since consulted on a number of projects and quantitative finance financial technology, including is ongoing fintech work a big America.\nPeter Carr: Besides being a long-time adjunct in what is now attendance Department of Finance and Risk Engineering, he was a visiting professor of finance at Clark University from 2014 to 16.\nPeter Carr: So ED I see you have your slides up thanks so much for joining us and take away, please Okay, so we should establish ground rules are you okay with taking questions during the talk, or would you prefer they wait to the end.\nEdward Weinberger: um well yeah I mean sure why not.\nEdward Weinberger: You know because I.\nEdward Weinberger: yeah OK.\nPeter Carr: OK so anyway, if you have a question just feel free to unmute and ask okay go ahead.\nEdward Weinberger: Okay, I guess you can all hear me.\nPeter Carr: Right yes.\nEdward Weinberger: We can okay let's get started okay well alright so i'm it weinberger and, as you heard I.\nEdward Weinberger: was a researcher in theoretical evolutionary biology before I got involved with finance and I became interested in.\nEdward Weinberger: What I now call pragmatic information at the time, because you're really interested when you're thinking about evolution is like well Okay, you have the sense of the genome as information but it's, but in some sense that information has meaning.\nEdward Weinberger: And that's what I want to talk about visa V pragmatic information and I formulated a theory that I first applied to.\nEdward Weinberger: evolutionary biology and then, as I moved into finance I started thinking about well okay.\nEdward Weinberger: You know this might have something to do with the with finance as well.\nEdward Weinberger: And so i've come up with the ideas of good presenting here.\nEdward Weinberger: I feel like there's an awful lot to say about this topic and I feel like i'm really just scratching scratching the surface so excuse me if that's the way it seems to you.\nEdward Weinberger: But Okay, hopefully, the real purpose of the talk I guess is to share the ideas and to see whether we can I can influence, some of you, and think about them some more and we can talk about them.\nEdward Weinberger: You know at lance when if and when you would like to okay so um.\nEdward Weinberger: What i'd like to talk about is the need for such a theory in finance.\nEdward Weinberger: And a twist on the standard mathematical theory of communication that leads to this theory of pragmatic information in them.\nEdward Weinberger: Mentioning.\nEdward Weinberger: i'd like to.\nEdward Weinberger: say a few things about what i've observed so far that pragmatic information and then.\nEdward Weinberger: Talk about how that leads to a quantitative definition of market efficiency and finally see what that has to say about the.\nEdward Weinberger: Price process that we know in quantitative finance as garbage the garbage one one in particular the simplest garbage model and.\nEdward Weinberger: Like I say see what it has to say about that okay um.\nEdward Weinberger: To talk a little bit about what.\nEdward Weinberger: What how this theory sort of fits in to exi": 4, "in this video we're going to go over the CUDA\u00a0\nsoftware infinite calculus free worksheet\u00a0\u00a0\ndifferentiation the product rule I'll leave a\u00a0\nlink in the description below so you know how\u00a0\u00a0\nto access this free worksheet now quickly the\u00a0\nproduct rule is the derivative with respect to\u00a0\u00a0\nX of one function f of X times another function G\u00a0\nof X unlike the sum rule we can't simply take the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of each and multiply we have to take\u00a0\nthe derivative of the first function multiply it\u00a0\u00a0\nby the second function and then we're going to\u00a0\nadd that to the first function x the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof the other function so one derivative gets\u00a0\nmultiplied with the original of the other\u00a0\u00a0\nand then the original gets multiplied with the\u00a0\nderivative of the other so let's look at number\u00a0\u00a0\none and number one we're finding the derivative\u00a0\nof negative x cubed times three x to the fourth\u00a0\u00a0\nminus two one will be f of X and the other G of\u00a0\nX so like in our formula we're going to take F\u00a0\u00a0\nprime of X multiply it by G of X and then add\u00a0\nthat to f of X multiplied by the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\nG of X so the derivative of f of X will be the\u00a0\nderivative of negative x cubed which will be\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 3x squared n times X to the N minus one\u00a0\nthat'll be negative three times X to the 3 minus\u00a0\u00a0\n1 which is two and then I'll multiply that by\u00a0\nG of X which is 3 X to the fourth minus two now\u00a0\u00a0\nthat will get added to f of X which is negative x\u00a0\ncubed times the derivative of G of X which when we\u00a0\u00a0\nsubtract 2 that's a constant so that will go to\u00a0\n0 so we just need to take the derivative of 3x\u00a0\u00a0\nto the fourth which will be three times four times\u00a0\nX to the four minus one so I'm going to distribute\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 3x squared - 3 X to the 4th and negative\u00a0\n3x squared - 2 so writing this out negative 3x\u00a0\u00a0\nsquared will get multiplied to 3x to the fourth\u00a0\nand I'll be subtracting negative 3x squared times\u00a0\u00a0\n2 and that will get added to negative X cubed\u00a0\ntimes 3 times 4 is 12 so that's 12 X to the 4\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 1 which is 12x cubed now I'll simplify by\u00a0\nmultiplying negative 3 times 3 is a negative 9\u00a0\u00a0\nand x squared times X to the 4th remember we're\u00a0\nadding those exponents when we're multiplying\u00a0\u00a0\nwith the same base so that would be X to the\u00a0\n6 and then we're subtracting negative 3 times\u00a0\u00a0\n2 is a negative 6 but as opposed to subtracting\u00a0\na negative we'll add a positive 6x squared and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we're adding that to negative X cubed times\u00a0\n12x cubed so instead of adding a negative we'll\u00a0\u00a0\njust subtract the positive and that's going to\u00a0\nbe 12 X to the 3 plus 3 which is 6 remembering\u00a0\u00a0\nthe law of exponents so now I'm going to be able\u00a0\nto combine two like terms negative 9x to the sixth\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 12x to the 6 so dy DX the derivative of\u00a0\nY with respect to x equals negative 9 minus 12\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is negative 21 X to the 6 plus 6x squared\u00a0\nso that's the derivative of negative x cubed times\u00a0\u00a0\n3 X to the fourth minus 2 let's move on to number\u00a0\ntwo we're looking for the derivative of f of X so\u00a0\u00a0\nremember we're taking that first function or the\u00a0\nfirst part of the function and multiplying it by\u00a0\u00a0\nthe second part we can think of this as f of X and\u00a0\nthis as G of X from our formula so the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof x-squared will get multiplied by negative three\u00a0\nx squared minus two and then we'll be adding that\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo x squared times the derivative of negative\u00a0\nthree x squared minus two and that is going to\u00a0\u00a0\nbe the derivative of f of X so the derivative of\u00a0\nx squared is 2x and that's multiplied by negative\u00a0\u00a0\nthree x squared minus two and then we're adding\u00a0\nthat 2x squared times the derivative of negative\u00a0\u00a0\n3x minus two which this two is a constant so that\u00a0\npart of the derivative will be 0 but negative 3x\u00a0\u00a0\nsquared taking the derivative of that negative\u00a0\nthree times two is negative six and that would\u00a0\u00a0\nbe X to the first because two minus one is one now\u00a0\nwe're going to attempt to combine like terms but\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst we're going to need to distribute that\u00a0\n2x to see if there are any like terms so 2x\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes negative 3x squared is negative 6x cubed\u00a0\nand I'm subtracting 2x times 2 which is 4x that\u00a0\u00a0\ngets added 2x squared times negative 6 X which\u00a0\n": 4, "Hi, welcome to Math Antics. In this video, we\u2019re gonna learn about Arithmetic.\nSometimes when people use the word \u201carithmetic\u201d they just use it to mean the same thing as the word \u201cmath\u201d or \u201cworking with numbers\u201d.\nBut often, it\u2019s used more specifically to refer to four basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.\nAnd that\u2019s how we\u2019re gonna use the word in this video\nand we\u2019re gonna spend the rest of the video talking about these four important math operations.\nBut what does that mean, \u201cmath operations\u201d?\n\u2026scalpel\u2026\n\u2026forceps\u2026\nWell there\u2019s your problem!\nUh\u2026 not exactly.\nMath involves both numbers and operations and the operations just tell you what to DO with the numbers.\nFor example, the addition operation tells us to take two numbers and to combine their values.\nIf we have the amount 2 and we add it to the amount 3, we end up with the amount 5.\nThat\u2019s addition\u2026 it combines two amounts.\nThe subtraction operation tells us to take one number away from another number.\nIn other words, if we start with an amount (like 5) and we subtract (or take away) the amount 3 from it, we have only 2 left over.\nSubtraction takes an amount away from another amount.\nThe multiplication operation tells us to take one number and then repeat it a certain number of times.\nIt\u2019s basically just repeated addition.\nFor example, if we have the amount 5 and we multiply it by 3, that mean we combine 3 groups of 5 to get a total of 15.\nSo 5 times 3 is the same as 5 + 5 + 5 \u2026see how it\u2019s just repeated addition?\nMultiplication takes an amount and repeats it a number of times.\nAnd finally, the division operation tells us to take a number and divide it into a certain number of equal groups.\nFor example, if we start with the amount 15 and we divide that by 3, that means we want to separate 15 into 3 groups that are the same size.\nIn this case that would be 3 groups of 5. So division takes an amount and separates it into a number of equally sized groups.\nIf you think about it, you\u2019ll see that this is similar to repeated subtraction.\nTo make arithmetic easier to write down, each of these operation gets its own symbol, and some of them even have more than one symbol.\nFor addition, we use this symbol (called a \u2018plus\u2019 sign) to show that two numbers are being added.\nSo when you see a math operation like this, you just say \u201c2 plus 1\u201d.\nFor subtraction, we use this symbol (called a \u2018minus\u2019 sign) to show when a number is being subtracted from another.\nWhen reading this sign, you usually say \u201c2 minus 1\u201d or \u201c2 take away 1\u201d.\nFor multiplication, we use this symbol that looks a lot like an \u2018x\u2019. It\u2019s called the \u2018times\u2019 symbol.\nSo this problem would read, \u201c3 times 4\u201d.\nOh, and sometimes other symbols like a dot or an asterisk are also used to show multiplication.\nAnd finally, for division we use this symbol, which we usually just call \u2018the division sign\u2019.\nAnd we read it like this\u2026 \u201c8 divided by 2\u201d.\nAnd there are several other types of division signs that are commonly used too.\nThis one is used to do long division.\nAnd the fraction line is also a really useful way to show division and so is a slash like this.\nBut in this video, we\u2019re just going to focus on these four main symbols for our arithmetic operations:\n\u2018plus\u2019, \u2018minus\u2019, \u2018times\u2019, and \u2018divided by\u2019\nOh\u2026 but there\u2019s one other really important symbol that we use all the time in arithmetic,\nbut it doesn\u2019t tell us what to DO with numbers. Instead, it tells us about them.\nSpecifically, it tells us that two amounts are equal, which is why it\u2019s called \u201cthe equal sign\u201d.\nIn arithmetic, the equal sign is used to show what the answer is to an operation or a set of operations.\nOn one side of the equal sign, you show the math operations that need to be done,\nand on the other side, you show the answer you get once they have been done.\nAnd speaking of answers, did you know that the answers for each of the four arithmetic operations gets a different name?\nAnd it\u2019s important to learn those names because they\u2019ll help you when you need to read math instructions or when you\u2019re solving word problems.\nThe answer to ": 4, "hello welcome back to another lesson um let's look\u00a0\nat this one uh 2020 grade 5 paperA first one is about\u00a0\u00a0\nthe rhythm for rhythm you need to decide you count\u00a0\nit in four four down here represent crochet\u00a0\u00a0\neight down here represent quaver okay so this one also represents quaver so seven quavers and five quavers\u00a0\nare two crotchets now let's look at the music\nso the first 4 notes has triple lines so as you know\u00a0\nif this note has three tails and three tails they\u00a0\u00a0\nwill equal to a note with two tails this one has\u00a0\nthree tails three tails it adds up become the note\u00a0\u00a0\nhave two tails so this one is two tails two tails\u00a0\ntwo notes with two tails will add up\u00a0\u00a0\ntogether become the note has one tail okay so this\u00a0\none has one tail and this one also has one tail\nand this one uh two tail plus two tail is one\u00a0\ntail okay so you have three quavers here one\u00a0\u00a0\nquaver 2 quavers three quavers and over here\u00a0\nwithout the dot this note itself is one quaver\u00a0\u00a0\nand if this is one quaver it has one tail\u00a0\nusually the dot is smaller value which\u00a0\u00a0\nhas two tails so you just increase one one\u00a0\ntail and this is two tails two tails again\u00a0\u00a0\nthis dot has two tails and this note has two\u00a0\ntails also so two tails two tails equal to the note\u00a0\u00a0\nthat has one tail so in total let's see how many\u00a0\nquavers do we have we have one quaver two quavers\u00a0\u00a0\nthree quavers four quavers and five quavers\u00a0\nso in this cave we have to count in quavers\u00a0\u00a0\nokay we cannot count in crotchet okay because it's\u00a0\nincomplete crotchet the crotchet beat are incomplete\nokay let's look at the next question\nnext question um\nwe have two crotchets okay five quavers or\u00a0\u00a0\nnine semiquavers because 16 represent\u00a0\nnine uh represent seven quavers okay\nso um some notes has two tails someone has\u00a0\nthree tails some only have one tail so uh\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's look at those notes have same\u00a0\namount of tail so this two note has three tails\u00a0\u00a0\nso three tail three two is two tails\none three tail three tail is two tails\u00a0\u00a0\nso three tail three tail is\u00a0\ntwo tails this is a quarter\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich means uh we have four quarters here so\u00a0\nuh i use a red color then you can see clearly\u00a0\u00a0\nokay red color you have one semiquaver two semiquavers three semiquavers and four semiquavers\u00a0\u00a0\nso four semiquavers add up together is how\u00a0\nmany count four semiquavers one two three four\u00a0\u00a0\nso all four semiquavers add up together\u00a0\nis one crotchet okay then after that\nso you know that from here you know that\u00a0\nthis whole group is one crotchet okay\u00a0\u00a0\nnext group has three quavers and with a triplets\u00a0\nso if there's a triplets that means the last note\u00a0\u00a0\nuh the value of last note is not\u00a0\ncounted which means this is just\u00a0\u00a0\none count one crotchet because half\u00a0\nplus half is one crotchet one full beat\u00a0\u00a0\nso from here you can see that we have one crotchet\u00a0\nand two crochet one two so this is two crotchets\nnext\nnext question uh we have these two\u00a0\u00a0\nquarter quarter okay two tails two tails\u00a0\nequal to the note with one tail this\u00a0\u00a0\nis a quaver rest and this one two tail two tail is\u00a0\none tail one quaver and so here this is a quaver\nand if this is a quaver the value of the dot will\u00a0\nbe a semiquaver and this one also a semi\u00a0\u00a0\nquaver okay and then this one is one quaver\u00a0\nso total we have how many quavers one two\u00a0\u00a0\nthree four five six so total we have six quavers\u00a0\nalso if you look at the grouping of the notes\nsix uh six quavers it could be six eight also you\u00a0\ncan see that six eight is actually a duple time\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst half must have three quavers one two three\u00a0\nthree quavers for first half second half also three\u00a0\u00a0\nquavers one two three okay so you can see uh\u00a0\nfrom the chart hey we have a time-signature chart\u00a0\u00a0\nin this chart you can see that six eight\u00a0\nbelong to duple time because six eight is\u00a0\u00a0\none two three four five six first half three\u00a0\nquavers the second half three quavers\nokay so now let's look at the next\u00a0\none here's a bar in simple time\na simple time meaning uh there are three\u00a0\nquavers so three four is three crotchet sorry\u00a0\u00a0\nthree crotchets so this one is triplets okay that\u00a0\nhas three quavers so we don't count the last one\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is one crotchet two crotchets and this\u00a0\nis actually": 2, "Trevor: You are so cute\nTrevor: Thank you\nTrevor: Umm... let's go!\nTrevor: Oh my god!\nTrevor: Hello!\nRussian: Fantastic!\nNiko: Woah!\nTrevor: Out of the way!\nNiko: What the f...?\nTrevor: Good shot\nTrevor: Come on... hahahh...\nTrevor: Awww...\nTrevor: Shhh...\nMichael: What the f...?\nTrevor: Hello!\nTrevor: Hey!\nAmanda: Get out of here!\nAmanda: I will ground you!\nAmanda: Hey!\nTrevor: Let's go!\nAmanda: Idiots!\nMichael: What is going on out here?\nTrevor: Go go go!\nTrevor: Okay, let's do this!\nTrevor: Let's go!\nShopkeeper: Hello!\nTrevor: Give me all the cash!\nShopkeeper: No please! Do not shoot!\nTrevor: Umm...\nTrevor: What?\nTrevor: No no!\nShopkeeper: Hahaha! No money for you!\nTrevor: Ehh... umm...\nTrevor: Yea...\nTrevor: You win\nTrevor: This sucks\nShopkeeper: Now you in trouble mister. You go to jail!\nShopkeeper: Oh my god!\nShopkeeper: What? Are you crazy?\nTrevor: Empty the register now!\nShopkeeper: Okay. Don't do anything stupid\nTrevor: Come on!\nShopkeeper: You leave now! You have everything. Go!\nShopkeeper: Hello! Police? Yes, I need police. Help!\nPolice: Freeze!\nTrevor: Aargh! Not now!\nPolice: You are under arrest!\nTrevor: Umm... no...\nTrevor: Waaau!\nTrevor: Yeah...\nTrevor: Let's go\nPolice: LSPD! Stay right there and....\nWade: Trevor...\nWade: I need to pee\nTrevor: Shut up Wade!\nWade: Trevor!\nTrevor: Get in! Get in! Get in!\nWade: Why is it always me?\n": 2, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nThe box I'm about to draw should NOT include 4s. They have been lost.\nThe box I'm about to draw should NOT include 4s. They have been lost.\n \n \n \nNope. No 4s present. 3d7\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "I've killed the beast within me,\nMy blood has prevailed,\nI stand before you on this night to tip the scale.\nAll that's sacred has been lost.\nEvery culture's for sale.\nI translate what is seen in surgical detail.\nI'm a ghost.\nA wandering soul in the flesh.\nA messenger cheating his death,\nkeeping it fresh.\nExpression is freedom at best.\nThe past is a latter to mind.\nThe future is harder to climb.\nExcuses are signs\nyou're loosing your mind,\na slip at a time.\nWe nickel and dime, tryna build a fortune.\nPassion turns to torture.\nCrack your mirror, curse the portrait,\npay the bills on who supports it.\nIt's beautifully morbid,\nin an orbit through the groove that I chose.\nKeep the ego out my ear,\nand hold your fears by the throat.\nNo plateaus,\ncommitted to living I'm diggin through\nvisions of cash flow,\ncitizens willing to give in to gimmicks of\nglamor and riches need backbone.\nLimited dreams,\ndont live within me.\nInfinity's all I see.\nLive in the beat.\nDefinitive steeze,\nthe image of me.\nNo plateaus,\ncommitted to living I'm diggin through \nvisions of cash flow,\ncitizens willing to give in to gimmicks of glamor and riches need back bone.\nLimited dreams,\ndon't live within me.\nInfinity's all I see.\nLive in the beat.\nDefinitive steeze,\nthe image of me.\nNo plateaus,\nno shadows,\nno slack known\nno lack shown\nno rats home\nno flat tones\nno wack clones\nno flack owned\nno plateaus,\nno shadows\nno slack known\nno lack shown\nno rats home\nno flat tones\nno wack clothes\nno flack owned.\nNo plateaus,\nno shadow,\nno slack known,\nno lack shown,\nno rats home,\nno flat tones,\nno wack clones,\nno flack owned.\nNo plateaus,\nno shadow,\nno slack known,\nno lack shown,\nno rats home,\nno flat tones,\nno wack clones,\nI have traveled light years.\nMy blood is a trail.\nI'm here to guide you to through the stairwell\nout of hell.\nThe future's cloaked in ashes.\nThe phoenix prevails.\nI translate what is seen in surgical detail.\nI'm taking the time to think.\nRevealing my mind in the ink.\nI live in the land of the greed.\nNo enemy worthy to see.\nLivin' the dream is my meaning to breathe.\nFloating a stream\nof consciousness,\nI pass life's nonsense\nwith a skip and a leap.\nReady as ever to be,\ngreat,\nThe future I see.\nThoughts are built to achieve.\nSweat is a part of the feat,\nbartering heart for the green is\nthe reason this industry's weak,\nsame reason our ignorance speaks.\nIntelligence sleeps.\nHonors irrelevant within this hellish parade\nof false reverence.\nImmolate hesitance,\nsettle for none,\nthe stories begun.\nNo plateaus,\ncommitted to living I'm diggin through\nvisions of cash flow,\ncitizens willing to give in to gimmicks of\nglamor and riches need backbone.\nLimited dreams\ndont live within me.\nInfinity's all I see.\nLive in the beat.\nDefinitive steeze,\nthe image of me.\nNo plateus,\ncommitted to living I'm diggin through\nvisions of cash flow,\ncitizens willing to give in to gimmicks of glamor and riches need backbone\nLimited dreams\ndont live within me.\nInfinity's all I see.\nLive in the beat.\nDefinitive steeze,\nthe image of me.\nNo plateaus\nno shadows\nno slack known\nno lack shown\nno rats home\nno flat tones\nno wack clones\nno flack owned\nNo plateaus,\nno shadow,\nno slack known\nno lack shown\nno rats home\nno flat tones\nno wack clothes\nno flack owned\nNo plateaus,\nno shadows,\nno slack known\nno lack shown\nno rats home\nno flat tones\nno wack clones\nno flack owned.\nNo plateaus,\nno shadow\nno slack known\nno lack shown\nno rats home\nno flat tones\nno wack clones\n \n": 2, "Welcome back to top words and this week will\nbe about top 15 questions you should know.\nSo if you travel in France, pay attention\nto those. Aimes-tu la cuisine fran\u00e7aise?\nDo you like French food? So if you are invited\nsomewhere, usually people have this questions.\nAimes-tu la cuisine fran\u00e7aise? Do you like\nFrench food? Oh Aimes-tu la cuisine fran\u00e7aise?\nYes, sure I love it. So do you like French\nfood? C'est quand votre anniversaire?\nWhen is your birthday? Quand est ton anniversaire?\nIf you want to be a bit casual.\nQuand est ton anniversaire? When is your birthday? Combien de temps as-tu appris le fran\u00e7ais?\nHow long have you been studying French? Combien de temps as-tu appris le fran\u00e7ais? or\nPendant combien de temps as-tu appris le fran\u00e7ais?\nUsually we say Pendant combien de temps.\nI am sorry if I speak really fast but French\npeople usually speak really fast. For three\nmonths, well you are good. Comment t'appelles-tu?\nWhat\u2019s your name? You will hear\nthis one a lot. So Comment t'appelles-tu?\nor more casually, it would be Comment tu t'appelles?\nComment vas-tu? How are you? Comment vas-tu?\nHow are you? Hey bonjour, comment vas-tu? or you will\noften hear Comment \u00e7a va? Hey comment \u00e7a va? \nD'o\u00f9 venez-vous? Where are you from?\nD'o\u00f9 venez-vous? Where do you come from?\nAnd just answer where did I come from? I am\nfrom America\u2026.French people often make jokes\nabout English speaking people. So prove them\nwrong by answering in French and you will\nimpress them very much. That would be so great.\nSo try it. Es-tu d\u00e9j\u00e0 all\u00e9(e) en France?\nHave you been to France? Well Aller is go.\nSo if you are already in France when answering\nthis, it would be Es-tu d\u00e9j\u00e0 venu(e) en\nFrance? which is did you ever come to France\nwith the notion of, did you ever come before\nor is it your first time? Maybe you will also\nhear this one, is it your first time in France?\nEst-ce que c'est ta premi\u00e8re fois en France?\nO\u00f9 as-tu appris le fran\u00e7ais? Where did you\nlearn French? O\u00f9 as-tu appris le fran\u00e7ais?\nWhere did you learn French? On Frenchpod101 with me.\nYeah where did you learn French? Leave\nme a comment below. Maybe in your home country\nor on the internet or did you study it more\nseriously in school. So just tell me.\nO\u00f9 habitez-vous? Where do you live? I used to\nlive in the south, so between Spain and Italy.\nIt was a nice place full of Sun and everything.\nYou should check it out. So come to the south\nof France, it\u2019s sunny. O\u00f9 sont les toilettes?\nWhere is the bathroom? O\u00f9 sont les toilettes?\nYou will need this one in a restaurant. Toilet\nis a plural word in French. We used to make\na joke that French toilet are so dirty that\nyou have to check many of them before finding\na decent one. That\u2019s why it\u2019s a plural\nname. Some toilets, you have to pay to access\nthem actually in public places. So be careful.\nSometimes you need a coin especially in station\nlike train stations. O\u00f9 travaillez-vous?\nWhere do you work? O\u00f9 travaillez-vous? Where\ndo you work? I work on the internet. It\u2019s\na worldwide place. So after this one, usually\nyou ask, where do you work in or what\u2019s\nyour job? Quel est ton travail? or Dans quoi\ntravailles-tu? Here you go. Qu'avez-vous dit?\nWhat did you say? Qu'avez-vous dit? or you\nwill often hear Pardon? or excuse me like\nI am sorry, like I didn\u2019t get you. So Pardon?\nExcusez-moi? or can you repeat Pouvez-vous r\u00e9p\u00e9ter? So if French people say that to\nyou, just try repeating what you said. Qu'est-ce\nque c'est? What is this? Qu'est-ce que c'est?\nShow them something fancy for your own country and tell them and they would ask Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est?\nQuel est ton num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone? What\u2019s your phone number? Quel est ton num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone? What\u2019s your\nphone number? This is a pick up line.\nHey, what\u2019s your phone number? Quel\nest ton num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone? Maybe they\nwill ask for Pseudo which is your ID in any\nweb messaging service. Es-tu c\u00e9libataire?\nAre you single? And if you are traveling to\nFrance and happen to find love, maybe you will\nbe asked, are you single Es-tu c\u00e9libataire?\nor maybe the other sneaky way around Est-ce\nque tu as un copain? or Est-ce que tu as": 1, "How do we represent rational numbers on a number line?\nA number line looks something like this.\nThe positive integers are represented towards the right of 'zero'.\nAnd the negative integers are represented to the left of 'zero'.\nThe numbers increase when we move towards the right.\nAnd decrease when we move towards the left.\nIt's easy to plot integers, but how do we plot numbers like 'three by four'?\nBefore we understand how to plot this,\nwe need to understand a very crucial point.\nEvery integer except zero, has a corresponding integer.\nThe integer one, has 'minus one' as its corresponding integer.\nThe integer two, has 'minus two' as its corresponding integer.\nSimilarly, every negative integer\nwill have a corresponding positive integer.\nThis tells us that if we some how managed to plot 'three by four',\nwe can mark a point at the same distance\non the left hand side of zero which is 'minus 3 by 4'.\nNow we can move on to the representation of rational numbers\non a number line.\nTo simplify things, we can classify the examples into two types.\nOnes in which the numerator is less than the denominator.\nAnd the other in which the numerator is greater than the denominator.\nNote that we see only the numerical value\nto compare the numerator and the denominator.\nFor example, if we are plotting 'minus 9 by 5',\nwe compare '9 and 5' and not 'minus 9 and 5'.\nSo 'minus 9 by 5' will come in the numerator\ngreater than denominator category.\nWe will look at two examples of the first category in the next video.\n": 4, "Hi. Today I want to show you how I count my\ncoins, in a quick and easy way!\nIt's a scale that, with the help of Arduino,\na Display and a push button, can count the\namount of Euros coins on the plate.\nAt the beginning, you need to calibrate the\nscale by pressing the button with the empty\nplate, and then with four coins of two Euros.\nYou just need to follow the instructions on\nthe display, and, at the end of the process,\nyou will have the value in Euros of the coins.\nThis was possible because each coin has a\nspecific weight. Such weight never changes,\nand as long as you follow the instructions,\nall will be very accurate.\nPlace the one cent coins and press the button.\nAdd the two cents coins and press the button.\nAdd the five cents coins and press the button.\nAdd the ten cents coins and press the button.\nAdd the twenty cents coins and press the button.\nAdd the fifty cents coins and press the button.\nIf you do not have a specific coin, just like\nin my case for the one euro, just press the\nbutton without adding any coin.\nAdd the 2 euro coins and press the button.\nAt the end the result is very accurate!\nAs usual, the sketch and the diagram are available\nto anybody interested.\n": 4, "Sab Matsumoto: Hello, everybody!\nSab Matsumoto: We are now at 5.3, the fundamental theorem of calculus. That's a pretty impressive title for a section, right?\nSab Matsumoto: And it is, and it should be, because the fundamental theorem of calculus, as the name indicates, is absolutely fundamental to the study of calculus\nSab Matsumoto: that is, differential and integral calculus. And, in fact, this theorem combines both of these in a very, very integral fashion, No pun intended. So let's take a look at this one of the crowning achievements of the history of mathematics, the fundamental theorem of calculus\nSab Matsumoto: parts one and 2 in section 5.3,\nSab Matsumoto: all right. So a good starting point\nSab Matsumoto: to introduce to you the fundamental theorem of calculus is the average value of F over a and over the interval a B, which we talked about before. Okay. So what is the average value of the function? If F is like this.\nSab Matsumoto: you know, from F of a to F of B. It goes from this point to this point, goes up and down in this case down, one up, and then down again. What's the average value, you know if F is the temperature between the time a and time. B. What is the average temperature? Or if F is the speed as you travel from t is equal to a\nSab Matsumoto: to be. What's the average speed?\nSab Matsumoto: And the idea is pretty simple. You take this at the area, you know. Again, think of this as like a sand or something, and then you kind of shake it, shake it, shake it.\nSab Matsumoto: you know. Just kind of shake it, take it, take it, and then eventually the sand is going to saddle as a saddle settle at some point here and now. This is the point\nSab Matsumoto: where you know the excess. Sand will fill this part here, and then just becomes a flat\nSab Matsumoto: kind of thing, right? And so this is called F\nSab Matsumoto: average.\nSab Matsumoto: save or F average the back and the the average value of F.\nSab Matsumoto: And I said.\nSab Matsumoto: the the way we want this is we want that the\nSab Matsumoto: integral, which is, of course, the area of this\nSab Matsumoto: region under the curve between a and B. This should be the amount of sand which is equal to F\nSab Matsumoto: average\nSab Matsumoto: times B minus a, because that's just the area of the rectangle, right? So from this we found that the average F happens to be one over V minus a times the integral.\nSab Matsumoto: All right. So this is actually, it's very much like You know the average of a finite number of numbers.\nSab Matsumoto: What do you do when you have a finite, you know. If I give you like a set of 6 numbers, what do you do to find the average? You add them up, and then you divide by the number of numbers you have.\nSab Matsumoto: And so it is very similar to that. And this is how we defined\nSab Matsumoto: the average.\nSab Matsumoto: Maybe I should just write down\nSab Matsumoto: that\nSab Matsumoto: concept here. Okay. So this is called the average value\nSab Matsumoto: all F\nSab Matsumoto: on the interval.\nSab Matsumoto: A.\nSab Matsumoto: B.\nSab Matsumoto: All right. The reason I am talking about this is because before I can define and prove to you the fundamental theorem of calculus, which, by the way, is going to let you evaluate\nSab Matsumoto: the integrals in the fashion much more efficient than the limit of Riemann sums.\nSab Matsumoto: Before that I have to tell you the the a previous or the theorem. That is a precursor to the fundamental theorem of calculus, and that's called\nSab Matsumoto: the mean value theorem.\nSab Matsumoto: No, not quite the mean value, theorem for integrals. We already had\nSab Matsumoto: the mean value here, right? So the mean value theorem for integrals. What does it say? It says the following: If F is continuous\nSab Matsumoto: as usual.\nSab Matsumoto: Now remember for the integral to exist.\nSab Matsumoto: the function doesn't have to be continuous, as we mentioned before. But if F is continuous.\nSab Matsumoto: Then, there is at least 1 point\nSab Matsumoto: you can just say there is a point. But, to be more precise, I w": 4, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAssignment Statement \"=\" means, Equal sign has to store its right side value into its left side variable.\nAssignment Statement \"=\" means, Equal sign has to store its right side value into its left side variable.\nAssignment Statement \"=\" means, Equal sign has to store its right side value into its left side variable.\nAssignment Statement \"=\" means, Equal sign has to store its right side value into its left side variable.\nAssignment Statement \"=\" means, Equal sign has to store its right side value into its left side variable.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 3, "The human body is honored to have the soul of humanity\nIt is not beautiful clothes, that is a sign of humanity\nIf being human was about having eyes, mouth, ears and nose\nThen what is the difference between wall patterns and human who drew it\nAppetite, slumber, anger, and lust...\ncause sedition, corruption, ignorance and blindness\nThe animal does not know the world of humanity\nLive with the reality of humanity or be like a bird\nFor it is this bird that imitates the language of humanity\nYou're not a human, if you are a captive of a beast\nBecause even angels don't have a way to the nest of humanity\nIf this savagery dies out of your nature\nYou will get to live with the human conscience for the rest of your life\nMankind reaches a point where it sees nothing, but God\nMankind reaches a point where it sees nothing, but God\nObserve and see how vast is the reach of humanity\nDid you see the bird's flight? O you, who are bound by lust?\nFree yourself, so you can see the humanity's flight\nI did not mean to express my virtues as I give you advice\nI did not mean to express my virtues as I give you advice\nWhat we heard was a description of humanity from a human being\n": 4, "Vladimir Vinogradov: When you're ready.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Hello everyone, so we start the consideration of Chapter four on only mid stadiums of probabilities see, so we are going to consider some parts from sections 4.2 and 4.4.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Prior to doing that I should emphasize that only mid series of probabilities C in statistics it's a rapidly growing a research and I worked, and I keep your king in this area of probability and statistics.\nVladimir Vinogradov: My PhD dissertation was on limit stadiums after probability and statistics.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Of course, we cannot cover everything.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And therefore we will concentrate primarily on two groups of results, the law of large nose and the central limit theorem.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This suggest not.\nVladimir Vinogradov: One single mom and dad say.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This the groups are results.\nVladimir Vinogradov: event.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Let me give you some references.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So we.\nVladimir Vinogradov: All.\nVladimir Vinogradov: have large numbers.\nVladimir Vinogradov: or w e l l m is can see it in.\nVladimir Vinogradov: subsection.\nVladimir Vinogradov: What one.\nVladimir Vinogradov: On pages.\nVladimir Vinogradov: from two to four to six and wi ll in is actually a given as.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Serious what what.\nVladimir Vinogradov: We call our large numbers was.\nVladimir Vinogradov: By jack nolan.\nVladimir Vinogradov: published in 1686.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And i'm going to come.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In a few minutes so.\nVladimir Vinogradov: There is.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Strong.\nVladimir Vinogradov: numbers.\nVladimir Vinogradov: es El.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This is considered in subsection.\nVladimir Vinogradov: See one.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This strong law of large numbers Pearson is given his theory for city to.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Page 211.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Of course, concentrate on week results, like our prime primary concern will bear the vehicle law of large numbers 7421, but there is a stronger result which you can find in the textbook known as the strong law of large numbers.\nVladimir Vinogradov: We are going to spend a considerable amount of time today and also you know conclusion over actually he on the central limit theorem what sealed see.\nVladimir Vinogradov: conceited subsection.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Four one.\nVladimir Vinogradov: On pages 250 to 202 inch, so this is actually the group of results.\nVladimir Vinogradov: and\nVladimir Vinogradov: I want to say a few words on the regional jack nolan 1686 results so consider.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This equals.\nVladimir Vinogradov: X, is what the probability P zero is probability value.\nVladimir Vinogradov: equal to one minus p.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So i'm going to try us the Charles say independent independent identically distributed so one is interpreted as obscuring.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Zero is interpreted as observing a tail and.\nVladimir Vinogradov: we're interested in the quantity, which we buy.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Which is.\nVladimir Vinogradov: The number.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Of.\nVladimir Vinogradov: choices.\nVladimir Vinogradov: divided by him.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So this quantity is called sampling.\nVladimir Vinogradov: proportion.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This quantity will approximate the true probability of success, p is.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In goes to infinity so it's a heuristic natural is.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Yes, so if you don't know the true probability of success in a single, we can approximated by evaluating the total number of hits.\nVladimir Vinogradov: and finding because pointing proportion of this total number of fields in sales, so it would be a good approximation for the true probability of success for sufficiently large number of sources and.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This is historically the purest and simplest week law of large numbers, it is so you already have some ideas on what you're going to discuss today.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In order to present evolution in form.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So know in": 1, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nI've been outta sight\nI've been worried 'bout you lately\nRunnin' outta time\nWishin' you would come and save me\n'Cause I don't wanna roll with it (Yeah, yeah)\nTryna get control of it (Yeah, yeah)\nWhy can't I let go of it? (Yeah, yeah, mmm)\nGotta find somebody quickly (Mmm, yeah)\nI got a bad idea\nHow 'bout we take a little bit of time away?\nI got a bad idea\nForget about it, yeah\nforget about him, yeah\nForget about me\nYeah, I know we shouldn't, baby, but we will (You know we will)\nNeed somebody, gimme something I can feel (Yeah)\nBut, boy, don't trip (Don't trip), you know this isn't real\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nYou should know I'm temporary\n'Cause I don't wanna roll with it (Yeah, yeah)\nTryna get control of it (Yeah, yeah)\nWhy can't I let go of it? (Yeah, yeah, mmm)\nGotta find somebody quickly, yeah\nI got a bad idea\nHow 'bout we take a little bit of time away?\nI got a bad idea\nForget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah\nForget about me\n(Gotta get control of it)\n(Why can't I let go of it?-Ooh)\n(Wishin' you would come and save me)\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nI got a bad idea (Uh-huh)\nHow 'bout we take a little bit of time away?\nI got a bad idea (Oh yeah, yeah, uh-huh)\nForget about it, yeah\nforget about him, yeah\nForget about me (Ari-Chan)\nI got a bad idea (A bad idea, uh-huh)\nYeah, I'ma call you over here to numb the pain (Ari-Chan)\nI got a bad idea (A bad idea, uh-huh)\nForget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah\nForget about me (Ari-Chan)\n(Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah\nForget about me)\n(Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah\nForget about me)\n": 1, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit, diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "[SHOT BREAKDOWN LIST IN THE SUBTITLES]\nCompositing of CGI shot with 2D environment projected on a 3D scene.\nCreation of a template for the moving clouds and storm.\nBluescreen keying, set extension, 3D environment mixed with 2D environment, prep.\nBluescreen keying, set extension, 3D environment mixed with 2D environment, prep.\nCreation of a template for the moving clouds and storm.\nAdded simulation of insects, bluescreen keying, set extension, 3D environment mixed with 2D environment, prep.\nAdded simulation of insects, integration of CGI rotting effect, prep.\nAdded blood simulation, 2D wound effect, bluescreen keying, set extension, 2D environment, cleanup, prep.\nCreation of a template for the moving clouds and storm.\nChanged environment to Vietnam jungle entirely with 2D comp and projections, cleanup.\nIntegration of 3D elements, created a plankton simulation, underwater effect.\nSet extension, created a plankton simulation, underwater effect, added lasers, cleanup.\nIntegration of 3D elements mixed with projected 2D elements, cleanup.\nGreenscreen keying, set extension with 2D elements, integration of 3D elements, prep.\nGreenscreen keying, set extension, 2D projected reflections, prep.\nIntegration of main actor running\non boat from different shot, added CGI sea, cleanup.\nIntegration of footage in the monitor.\nCreation of a big animated plate stabilizing different drone footage, reconstruction of parts of the set, lens effect transition.\nTransition from drone footage to monitor screen, integration of footage in the monitor.\nReplacement of surroundings of the highway, projection of 2D elements on 3D solids, clean up.\nIntegration of 3D creature and robot arms.\nGreenscreen keying, creation and integration of matte painting.\nIntegrations of CGI rocket launchers on trucks, added 2D smokes.\nCompositing of CGI shot, added fog, light effects and plankton.\nCreation of a template for the plankton used throughout the sequence.\nCompositing of CGI shot, added explosions simulation, fog, light effects and plankton.\nCreation of a template for the plankton used throughout the sequence.\nGreenscreen keying of main actor, integration of multiple footage for the explosions, aquarium, shattering showcases, lens effects.\n": 2, "We\u2019re all called\nto be great saints.\n(applause)\n(applause)\nMother: Well, we just\nMother: Well, we just\nhave wonderful, wonderful\nfamily today, and I\u2019m\nfamily today, and I\u2019m\nalways happy to see our\nalways happy to see our\nextended family coming here\nextended family coming here\nbecause it gives you\nbecause it gives you\nan idea of who\u2019s out there\nan idea of who\u2019s out there\nlistening.\nlistening.\nAnd some of them have\nAnd some of them have\nperseverance, I tell you.\nperseverance, I tell you.\nThey get up at 1, 2 o\u2019clock\nThey get up at 1, 2 o\u2019clock\nin the morning and listen.\nin the morning and listen.\nI wouldn\u2019t,\nI wouldn\u2019t,\n(all laugh)\n(all laugh)\nbut anyway, they do it.\nbut anyway, they do it.\nI\u2019m happy they do.\nI\u2019m happy they do.\nIt shows that in the heart\nIt shows that in the heart\nof everyone there\u2019s a\nof everyone there\u2019s a\nhunger for God.\nhunger for God.\nAnd we may not know it\u2019s\nAnd we may not know it\u2019s\na hunger for God but we do,\na hunger for God but we do,\nwe hunger for God.\nwe hunger for God.\nWe hunger for peace, for\nWe hunger for peace, for\njoy, for serenity, of all\njoy, for serenity, of all\nthose wonderful things that\nthose wonderful things that\nwe\u2019ll have in Heaven.\nwe\u2019ll have in Heaven.\nWe long for it here, and if\nWe long for it here, and if\nthis network is able to do\nthis network is able to do\nthat even a little bit,\nthat even a little bit,\nit\u2019s, it\u2019s worth all\nit\u2019s, it\u2019s worth all\nthe effort.\nthe effort.\nTonight I don\u2019t know what\nTonight I don\u2019t know what\nwe\u2019re going to talk about.\nwe\u2019re going to talk about.\nI picked out a few things,\nI picked out a few things,\nunless somebody else has\nunless somebody else has\nsomething else in mind.\nsomething else in mind.\n(audience chuckles)\n(audience chuckles)\nYou don\u2019t have anything\nYou don\u2019t have anything\nin mind.\nin mind.\nOkay.\nOkay.\nIf you do, just let me know.\nIf you do, just let me know.\nSince we never prepare\nSince we never prepare\nanything, it wouldn\u2019t\nanything, it wouldn\u2019t\nmatter (laughs) what we\nmatter (laughs) what we\ntalked about, as long as\ntalked about, as long as\nwe talk about God.\nwe talk about God.\nYou know, in St. Luke\u2019s\nYou know, in St. Luke\u2019s\nGospel, our Dear Lord\nGospel, our Dear Lord\ntells us some secrets.\ntells us some secrets.\nYou know, Our Lady\u2019s always\nYou know, Our Lady\u2019s always\ntelling secrets to the\ntelling secrets to the\nlittle kids and they\nlittle kids and they\nwon\u2019t tell, I tell you,\nwon\u2019t tell, I tell you,\nthey won\u2019t tell anybody.\nthey won\u2019t tell anybody.\nIt\u2019s amazing how Our Lady\nIt\u2019s amazing how Our Lady\nloves to tell secrets.\nloves to tell secrets.\nWell I\u2019m sure Our Lord told\nWell I\u2019m sure Our Lord told\nsecrets but these He told to\nsecrets but these He told to\neverybody--and it\u2019s amazing\neverybody--and it\u2019s amazing\nhow few people know it even\nhow few people know it even\nthough He told us.\nthough He told us.\nHe said, \"See that you are\nHe said, \"See that you are\ndressed for action.\"\ndressed for action.\"\nOf course today we\u2019d be\nOf course today we\u2019d be\nhappy if they\u2019re dressed,\nhappy if they\u2019re dressed,\nlet alone...\nlet alone...\n(all laugh)\n(all laugh)\nWe\u2019re grateful for\nWe\u2019re grateful for\nsmall things today,\nsmall things today,\nyou know.\nyou know.\n\"For action and have your\n\"For action and have your\nlamps lit.\"\nlamps lit.\"\nWhy?\nWhy?\n\"Be like men waiting for\n\"Be like men waiting for\ntheir Master to return from\ntheir Master to return from\nthe Wedding Feast.\"\nthe Wedding Feast.\"\nWe have to wait.\nWe have to wait.\nSee, today we are not ready.\nSee, today we are not ready.\nIn fact, we don\u2019t want\nIn fact, we don\u2019t want\nto be ready.\nto be ready.\nNow, He says the reason you\nNow, He says the reason you\nwant to get ready and stay\nwant to get ready and stay\nready is to open the door as\nready is to open the door as\nsoon as the Master knocks.\nsoon as the Master knocks.\nAre you ready?\nAre you ready?\nI hope you\u2019re ready.\nI hope you\u2019re ready.\nYou don\u2019t know.\nYou don\u2019t know.\nWe don\u2019t know when the\nWe don\u2019t know when the\nMaster\u2019s going to knock.\nMaster\u2019s going to knock.\nSee, we\u2019re so bent on\nSee, we\u2019re so bent on\nthis world.\nthis world.\nWell, I can see that.\nWell, I": 2, "It was once believed that the atom was the smallest unit of matter. We now know that the atom can be broken down in to protons, neutrons and electrons! \nIn this video we will cover how to use your periodic table to determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom!\nIn order to determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom, you need to remember some background knowledge from other videos:\nWhat is an Atom and Element Notation.\nIf you do not remember this information or need a refresher, please check out our videos on all of these topics!\nThe periodic table gives you a lot of information. \nWe have a whole video that lays out all the information you can get from the periodic table so please check that out! \nHere we are going to look at just one square on the periodic table to understand what information it tells us. \nHere we have a square of the element oxygen. In them middle you see the element symbol. \nUnder the symbol you see the element name\nThis number here at the top is the atomic number. \nAnd the number here at the bottom is the average atomic mass. \nThis information will be important to help us determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom\nSo hear we will look at identifying the number of protons.\nThe number of protons in an atom is equal to the atomic number. \nSo as we see here, the atomic number of oxygen is 8 so that means it has 8 protons. \nThe atomic number of Mg is 12 which means it has 12 protons.\nNow lets look at identifying the number of electrons in an atom.\nIn an atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. \nRemember that protons are positive and electrons are negative. \nAtoms are neutral which means they have no charge. \nThis is because they have the same # of positive and negative charges. \nSo using our previous examples, oxygen has 8 protons which means an atom of oxygen also has 8 electrons. \nMagnesium has 12 protons which means an atom of magnesium also has 12 electrons. \nProtons and electrons will always be equal in an atom.\nThe last particle is the neutron. \nThe number of neutrons is usually found using the mass number formula. \nThe formula for mass number is mass number equals the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. \nSo if we know the mass number, we can subtract the number of protons from that to find the number of neutrons. \nIn order to know the mass # we need either the symbolic or isotope notation. If you need a refresher on element notation, check out our video!\nUsing the symbolic notation shown here, we can see that the mass number is 15. \nSince the symbol is oxygen, we know there are 8 protons. \nTo find the neutrons, we just have to subtract 8 from 15 to get 7. \nThe isotope notation here of magnesium shows a mass number of 24. \nMagnesium has an atomic number of 12 so we know is has 12 protons. \nso in order for the mass number to be 24, you would need to add 12 neutrons to the 12 protons.\nNow let's look at some examples.\nHere we see the isotope notation calcium-41.\nCalcium will have 20 protons because that is the atomic number from the periodic table.\nThis will also have 20 electrons because the number of protons and the number of electrons will be the same because its an atom. \nAnd lastly, we know that there will be 21 neutrons\nbecause we have a mass number of 41\nand we subtract the 20 protons from that to get 21 neutrons.\nIn this example we have the symbolic notation for zinc.\nZinc we know has 30 protons because that is its atomic number.\nIt also will have 30 electrons because the number of protons and electrons will be equal because its an atom.\nAnd the number of neutrons will be 34.\nWe know that zinc has a mass number of 64\nand if we subtract the 30 protons from the mass number 64 \nthat leaves us with 34 neutrons.\nNow you should be able to determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom! \nIf you found this video helpful please like the video and subscribe to the channel \nto help us be able to produce more helpful science content! \nIf there is a specific topic you need help with, p": 4, "One 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix.\nOne can prepared coconut pecan frosting.\nThree slash four cup vegetable oil.\nFour large eggs. One cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.\nThree slash four cups butter or margarine.\nOne and two third cups granulated sugar.\nTwo cups all purpose flower.\nDon\u2019t forget garnishes such as:\nFish shaped crackers.\nFish shaped candies.\nFish shaped solid waste.\nFish shaped dirt.\nFish shaped ethyl benzene.\nPull and peel licorice.\nFish shaped volatile organic compounds and sediment shaped sediment.\nCandy coated peanut butter pieces. Shaped like fish.\nOne cup lemon juice.\nAlpha resins.\nUnsaturated polyester resin.\nFiberglass surface resins.\nAnd volatile malted milk impoundments.\nNine large egg yolks.\nTwelve medium geosynthetic membranes.\nOne cup granulated sugar.\nAn entry called \u2018how to kill someone with your bare hands.\u2019\nTwo cups rhubarb, sliced.\nTwo slash three cups granulated rhubarb.\nOne tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb.\nOne teaspoon grated orange rhubarb.\nThree tablespoons rhubarb, on fire.\nOne large rhubarb.\nOne cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.\nTwo tablespoons rhubarb juice.\nAdjustable aluminum head positioner.\nSlaughter electric needle injector.\nCordless electric needle injector.\nInjector needle driver.\nInjector needle gun.\nCranial caps.\nAnd it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor control chemicals.\nThat will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.\n": 1, "We stayed up all night\nTalking to each other, whispers under covers\nYou told me your life\nWasn't always easy, I said, \"I know the feeling\"\nI told you all about the scar on my shoulder\nAnd you told me you're terrified of gettin' older\nWe stayed up all night\nThe first night of a million more 'cause\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out\nNothing you say is gonna scare me now\nStill gonna love you, love you inside out\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out\nNothing you say is gonna scare me now\nStill gonna love you, love you inside out\nOoh, ooh\nOoh, inside out\nWe laughed 'til we cried\nMade fun of each other, lost in one another\nYou held me so tight\nAnd it felt like I was home, just the two of us alone\nYou said you don't wanna end up like your parents\nI said, \"Don't you worry, I'm not gonna let us\"\nWe stayed up all night\nThe first night of a million more 'cause\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out\nNothing you say is gonna scare me now\nStill gonna love you, love you inside out\nOoh, ooh\nOoh, inside out\nWhat do you say, babe\n'Cause I wanna know\nCan I be there, babe\nThrough your highs and lows? Yeah\nWhen the lights come off, and the night is done\nEverybody's left, can I be the one?\nIf it's all I do\nI'm gonna love you, love you\nOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh\nOh, yeah\nI'm gonna love you right\nYeah, I'm gonna love you right\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out (Inside out)\nI'm gonna love you, love you inside out (Oh)\nNothing you say is gonna scare me now\nStill gonna love you, love you inside out (From the inside out)\n": 3, "Ohh, I\u2019m gonna use every heartbeat\nOhh, I\u2019m gonna use every heartbeat\nOhh, I\u2019m diving in so deep\nOhh, far from the shallows\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by the headlights\nRunnin in, runnin in the headlights\nLight me up, light me up headlights\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by the headlights\nRunnin in, runnin in the headlights\nLight me up, light me up headlights\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nOhh, I got a taste of the good life\nOhh, I\u2019ll never let it go\nA wild cat, gotta use all my 9 lives \nOhhh, I\u2019m gonna do it all\nAnd ohh, I\u2019m tippin on the edge\nAnd ohh, I don\u2019t wanna be saved \nAnd ohh, don\u2019t you pull the breaks\nOhh, just take me all the way\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by the headlights\nRunnin in, runnin in the headlights\nLight me up, light me up headlights\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by the headlights\nRunnin in, runnin in the headlights\nLight me up, light me up headlights\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nHela, hela hela\nHela, hela hela\nHela, hela headlights\nBaby I\u2019m all about headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nHela, hela headlights\nOhh, I got a taste of the good life\nOhh, I\u2019ll never let it go\nTHANKS FOR WATCHING\n": 1, "alright guys we just finished the adult\nskull so now what we're going to do is we're\ngoing to go ahead and get into the fetal\nskull what we're going to do in this video\nwe'll talk about the fontanel so if you\nlook here fontanelles they are basically\njust connective tissue and there designed to\nallow for the the skull to expand so\nthat the brain can you know take on that\nincreasing space so obviously any type of irregular\nclosure of these can lead to a\nlot of different issues that we might\ntalk about in future videos if we actually look\nhere this right here this fontanelle\nit's going to be called the anterior\nfontanelle, its called the anterior\nfontanelle then if we come over here i'm\ngonna flip in the back here is the\nposterior part of the skull is going to\nbe the posterior fontanelle that's\nthe posterior fontanelle right there\nthen if we flip over here to the\nlateral side over here\nright there that's going to be called\nthe mastoid fontanelle\nand the last fontanelle over here is\ngoing to be called the sphenoid fontanelle\nok so again we got anterior fontanelle\nposterior fontanelle mastoid fontanelle\nand sphenoid fontanelle\n": 3, " \nWe are going to see a beautiful lake and a little church\nThis is a very popular place\nCan you see the cyan colour lake far away?\nThat's Lake Tekapo\nYou can see the glaziers surrounded by the lake\nYou can see the glaziers surrounded by the lake\nYou can see the glaziers surrounded by the lake\nDuring the wintertime,\nthese grey mountains will be topped with snow\nThis water has taken this colour\nbecause of the minerals from the glaziers\nbecause of the minerals from the glaziers\nCan you see the church far away?\nCan you see the church far away?\nWe are going to see it\nTo go there,\nHave to cross this bridge\n \nLet's go\n \n \nSky and the lake are both the same colour\nIf the mountains were not there hard to distinguish each\nIf the mountains were not there hard to distinguish each\nThere are three lakes with this cyan colour in this area\nLake Tekapo is the most popular among them\nAttracted by lots of tourists\nLook at the blue waters\nMmm.. Flowers\nCan get a 360-degree view from here\nAmazing...\nThis is Good Shepherd Church\nThis Anglican church was made in 1935\nThis Anglican church was made in 1935\nIt was made in the memory of early settlers\nNo entrance fee\nbut you can make a donation here\nLet's go and see inside\nSorry, not allowed to take cameras inside\nYou will have to come to see inside...\nI will show you outside\nIt's like a statue\nOne of the most photographed places in New Zealand\nOne of the most photographed places in New Zealand\nFeeling a bit tired\nAnd a little hungry :)\nWe saw this Japanse restaurant on our way\nThe japanse restaurant is full\nSo we came to the care next door\nFish and chips\nHot dogs for son\nSalmon salad...\nCan enjoy the lake view while eating\nCame to the souvenir shop to buy a gift for son\nThis one...\n \nsheep\npenguin\nson says: I want to get off\nSon says: no no no, I want to get off\nThanks so much for watching\nthe third episode of our South Island vlog series\nIf you haven't watched the other episodes\ncheck out the links in the description box\nPlease watch and comment on your feedback\nLike the video and subscribe\nLet's meet again in the 4th episode of the trip\n": 3, "Hi friends, today we will show you different types of fruit cutting scenes and much more.\nAll fruit names and scientific names have been added to the subtitles.\nWe hope the video is not only entertaining but also educational.\nSo we hope you will watch the full video.\nDragonfruit (Scientific name is Hylocereus undatus)\nDragonfruit (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Hylocereus undatus)\nPomegranate (Scientific name is Punica granatum)\nGranada (nombre cient\u00edfico es Punica granatum)\nJackfruit (Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nYaca (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nStar fruit (Scientific name is Averrhoa carambola)\nCarambola (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Averrhoa carambola)\nFig (Scientific name is Ficus carica)\nHigo (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Ficus carica)\nUnknown\nPrickly pear (Scientific name is Opuntia)\nHigo chumbo (El nombre cient\u00edfico es Opuntia)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nMango (El nombre cient\u00edfico es Mangifera indica)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nCherry (Scientific name is Prunus avium)\nCereza (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus avium)\nPapaya (Scientific name is Carica papaya)\nPapaya (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Carica papaya)\nGoogle Translate renders it as \"Hedgehog Fruit\". It looked like a giant berry.\nGoogle Translate lo muestra como \"Hedgehog Fruit\". Parec\u00eda una baya gigante.\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nAkebia (Scientific name is Akebia quinata)\nAkebia (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Akebia quinata)\nGrape (Scientific name is Vitis)\nUva (nombre cient\u00edfico es Vitis)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nCiruela (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus domestica Brooks)\nStrawberry (Scientific name is Fragaria \u00d7 ananassa)\nFresa (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Fragaria \u00d7 ananassa)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nJujube (Scientific name is Ziziphus)\nAzufaifo (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Ziziphus)\nMelon (Scientific name is Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis)\nMel\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis)\nPomelo (Scientific name is Citrus maxima)\nPomelo (nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus maxima)\nGuava (Scientific name is Psidium guajava)\nGuayaba (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Psidium guajava)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus persica)\nKiwifruit (Scientific name is Actinidia deliciosa)\nKiwi (nombre cient\u00edfico Actinidia deliciosa)\nPersimmon (Scientific name is Diospyros kaki)\nCaqui (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Diospyros kaki)\n \n": 3, ">> We've looked at fluid statics to figure out\nwhat the pressure is at different locations.\nAnd one of the big reasons we're\ninterested in knowing what the pressure is,\nis so that we can know what\nthe forces are that are acting\non things that are surrounding the fluid.\nNow, if we know the pressure at this location,\nwe also know that pressure acts normal\nto a surface and it acts on the surface.\nSo, if I had a pressure acting on this\nsurface, it would be pushing in that direction\nwith a pressure P. The resulting\nforce would depend on the size\nof the area that it was pushing on.\nSo if I look at just a little small area there,\ndA, then this will be the pressure times dA.\nSo pressure times area gives me a force.\nAnd finally, if I want to get the direction\ncorrect, then I'll need a vector that accounts\nfor the direction of the surface, and the\nusual way we define that with surfaces is\nwith a unit normal vector that\npoints outwards from the surface.\nSo this n vector is a unit normal.\nThat means it's one unit in magnitude\nand it is at a right angle to the surface\nand we can define that unit\nnormal vector for every surface\nas pointing outwards from the surface.\nIn that case, the force from the\npressure is going to be negative.\nIt's in the opposite direction of that unit\nnormal pointing outwards from the surface,\nnegative n times the pressure times the\nsmall amount of area that it's acting over.\nNow, if I want to get the total force over the\nentire area, then I'm going to have to integrate\nover this whole surface S, and I'll get that\nthe total vector force is equal to the integral.\nIt's a double integral because\nit's over area, over the surface S,\nthe whole surface that I'm interested in\nof the pressure times the incremental area.\nThat's the magnitude of the force.\nAnd the normal vector is going to be\ninvolved and this normal vector may change\nif this area isn't perfectly flat.\nSo we need to make sure we keep that\nnormal vector inside the integral signs.\nAnd there's a negative coming\nfrom this reversal of direction.\nThis is just a sign convention that says\nthis unit normal always points outwards\nso the pressure force is always\npointing in the opposite direction.\nSo this is how we could get the total\nvector force acting on the surface.\nOr if we were interested only\nin components of that force,\nwe could make our lives a little simpler by\nnot worrying so much about the vector stuff.\nWe could say that the force component in\nthe x direction will still have the integral\nover the surface area and we'll take\nthe pressure and we'll multiply it\nby the area projected in the x direction, so\nthat f of x is the x component of the force,\nand a of x is the projected\narea in the x direction.\nNow, if we're going to take that approach, we\nneed to be careful to look after that sign there\nand make sure that we get our projected area\npointed in the direction that we're interested\nin so that we get this integral right.\nBut it's going to get a lot simpler if we've\ngot simpler situations on our arbitrary surface.\nAnd let's look at how we can break this down.\nIf I had a sloping surface like this\nwith a pressure acting on it like that,\nit's going to be exactly like this one up here.\nI'll have a normal vector outwards.\nI've got the pressure acting\nin the opposite direction.\nI can break that down into two\nparts, an x and a y component,\nwith one of them being pressure times\nthe area projected in the x direction\nand the other one being pressure times\nthe area projected in the y direction\nwhere those are each projected areas of dA.\nI can look at it this way or\nI can look at it this way.\nI can say that that's going to be equal\nto the component of the pressure force\nover the entire area so I could take P in\nthe x direction over the entire area plus P\nin the y direction, the component of P\nin the y direction over the entire area.\nAnd that would give me the same thing.\nI'm taking the component either of the area\nof projection or I'm projecting the pressure\nbut not projected pressure\ntimes the projected area\nbecause that way I would be taking the\nprojection twice, I ": 4, "The new album Paradise. out now.\nThought I'd end up with Sean\nBut he wasn't a match\nWrote some songs about Ricky\nNow I listen and laugh\nEven almost got married\nAnd for Pete, I'm so thankful\nWish I could say, \"Thank you\" to Malcolm 'Cause he was an angel\nOne taught me love\nOne taught me patience\nAnd one taught me pain\nNow, I'm so amazing\nSay I've loved and I've lost\nBut that's not what I see\nSo, look what I got\nLook what you taught me\nAnd for that, I say\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next\nI'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next\nI'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex\nDidn't have to know me , \nkeeping me in the moment\nI'd get you hot and moaning \n why don't you say so?\nDidn't even notice,\nno punches left to roll with\nYou got to keep me focused. You want it? Say so\nLet me check my chest, my breath right quick (Ha)\nHe ain't never seen it in a dress like this (Ah)\nHe ain't never even been impressed like this\nProlly why I got him quiet on the set like zip\nLike it, love it, need it, bad\nTake it, own it, steal it, fast\nBoy, stop playing, grab my ass\nWhy you actin' like you shy?\nShut it, save it, keep it, push\nWhy you beating 'round the bush?\nKnowing you want all this woman\nNever knock it 'til you try (Yah, yah)\nAll of them bitches hating I have you with me\nAll of my _____ saying you mad committed\nRealer than anybody you had, and pretty\nAll of that body I need ass and titties\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next\nI'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next\nI'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex\nDidn't have to know me , \nkeeping me in the moment\nI get you hot and moaning,\n why don't you say so?\nDidn't even notice,\nno punches left to roll with\nYou got to keep me focused.\nYou want it? Say so\nYo\nHe don't know me\nBut he settin' up to blow me uh\nSaid my Twitter picture 'mind him of Naomi uh\nOn the low I used to holler at his homie uh\nFuck it, now I'm about to ride him like a pony, yeah\nOkay thug probably\nYo come Polly\nHe wanna fuck a bad dolly and pop Molly\nI hope your pockets got a motherfucking pot belly\nOr is it that you never ball John Salley\nHe had the Rolls and the Royce\nThe tone in his voice\nDon't want a good girl\nNaw hoes is his choice\nDick on H\nPussy on W\nMouth on open\nAss on smother you\nAss on the cover too Elle Magazine\nVroom vroom vroom get gasoline\nCould I be your wife?\nNaw we could bang though\nI got these ____ whipped\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next\nI'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next (Next)\nThank you, next\nI'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex\nDidn't have to know me, \nkeeping me in the moment\nI get you hot and moaning,\n why don't you say so?\nDidn't even notice,\nno punches left to roll with\nYou got to keep me focused.\n You want it? Say so\nThank you, Next\nThank you, Next\nYeah,\nThank you, Next\nThank you, Next\nThank you, Next\n \n \n \n \nThank you, Next\n": 1, "[19:02:27] weetabixs: hi\n[19:02:27] weetabixs: hi\n[19:02:31] bigolpete1: hey its tim!\n[19:02:27] weetabixs: hi\n[19:02:31] bigolpete1: hey its tim!\n[19:02:32] monotone_sellout: stereotonetim is now live on Twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/stereotonetim\n[19:02:31] bigolpete1: hey its tim!\n[19:02:32] monotone_sellout: stereotonetim is now live on Twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/stereotonetim\n[19:02:54] smiling_sphere: hi Tim, how ya doing\n[19:02:32] monotone_sellout: stereotonetim is now live on Twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/stereotonetim\n[19:02:54] smiling_sphere: hi Tim, how ya doing\n[19:03:04] callicantzaros: hi tim\n[19:02:54] smiling_sphere: hi Tim, how ya doing\n[19:03:04] callicantzaros: hi tim\n[19:03:26] crusatyr: Tim!\n[19:03:04] callicantzaros: hi tim\n[19:03:26] crusatyr: Tim!\n[19:04:17] theresax13: Hola Friendo\n[19:03:26] crusatyr: Tim!\n[19:04:17] theresax13: Hola Friendo\n[19:04:33] lucasnator2: did you ever have anything against names like timmy or timothy\n[19:04:17] theresax13: Hola Friendo\n[19:04:33] lucasnator2: did you ever have anything against names like timmy or timothy\n[19:04:46] anony54: 114 seconds\n[19:04:33] lucasnator2: did you ever have anything against names like timmy or timothy\n[19:04:46] anony54: 114 seconds\n[19:04:49] anony54: NEW RECORD\n[19:04:46] anony54: 114 seconds\n[19:04:49] anony54: NEW RECORD\n[19:05:15] mrzorage: Hello Tim and chat !\n[19:04:49] anony54: NEW RECORD\n[19:05:15] mrzorage: Hello Tim and chat !\n[19:05:19] lucasnator2: I hate luke but thats because of starwars\n[19:05:15] mrzorage: Hello Tim and chat !\n[19:05:19] lucasnator2: I hate luke but thats because of starwars\n[19:05:37] smiling_sphere: but now you just put aaa\n[19:05:19] lucasnator2: I hate luke but thats because of starwars\n[19:05:37] smiling_sphere: but now you just put aaa\n[19:05:44] mrzorage: You can shorten Brandon :Z\n[19:05:37] smiling_sphere: but now you just put aaa\n[19:05:44] mrzorage: You can shorten Brandon :Z\n[19:06:00] lucasnator2: my brothers never liked those because theyre both NAA\n[19:05:44] mrzorage: You can shorten Brandon :Z\n[19:06:00] lucasnator2: my brothers never liked those because theyre both NAA\n[19:06:02] crusatyr: I was always jealous of kids with 3 letter names for that exact reason :(\n[19:06:00] lucasnator2: my brothers never liked those because theyre both NAA\n[19:06:02] crusatyr: I was always jealous of kids with 3 letter names for that exact reason :(\n[19:06:24] smiling_sphere: I would just use my initials\n[19:06:02] crusatyr: I was always jealous of kids with 3 letter names for that exact reason :(\n[19:06:24] smiling_sphere: I would just use my initials\n[19:06:42] mrzorage: I can't be Bra it's not the 90's anymore Tim\n[19:06:24] smiling_sphere: I would just use my initials\n[19:06:42] mrzorage: I can't be Bra it's not the 90's anymore Tim\n[19:07:02] weetabixs: bran is more popular now with game of thrones\n[19:06:42] mrzorage: I can't be Bra it's not the 90's anymore Tim\n[19:07:02] weetabixs: bran is more popular now with game of thrones\n[19:07:21] tapplastic: Just join the mob and become Don\n[19:07:02] weetabixs: bran is more popular now with game of thrones\n[19:07:21] tapplastic: Just join the mob and become Don\n[19:07:44] mrzorage: I have a friend named dom so don wouldn't work\n[19:07:21] tapplastic: Just join the mob and become Don\n[19:07:44] mrzorage: I have a friend named dom so don wouldn't work\n[19:08:01] bl0cks: just start going by And\n[19:07:44] mrzorage: I have a friend named dom so don wouldn't work\n[19:08:01] bl0cks: just start going by And\n[19:08:03] mrzorage: I guess as a don I could just kill him\n[19:08:01] bl0cks: just start going by And\n[19:08:03] mrzorage: I guess as a don I could just kill him\n[19:09:18] weetabixs: is that the wind outside your room?\n[19:08:03] mrzorage: I guess as a don I could just kill him\n[19:09:18] weetabixs: is that the wind outside your room?\n[19:09:20] tapplastic: the mob doesnt kill people they just \"take care of them\"\n[19:09:18] weetabixs: is that the wind outside your room?\n[19:09:20] tapplastic: the mob doesnt kill people they just \"take care of ": 1, "sic hum in San Diego to yeah, \nboth\nhum in San Diego to yeah, both.\nhum in San Diego to yeah, both.\nimportant topic is Cuba \ndiscussing\nCuba Discussing Caleb\nCaleb\nthe Buddhist story. So Nyongi\nwill, jogging\nwill Jacques Ak. Is go identify\nBecause they take a year made a\nyear, I'll be equally\nbe equilibria cent case what\ntime\nequilibria cent case what time \nequilibria cent case what time \nBhutanke\nBhutan Kay Royal Family is like\nKay Royal Family is like shota \nbutcha hamadi\n, You\nYou just keep me out\nYou just keep me out the hey\nYou just keep me out the hey?\nOr Iik Jaco\nik Jacquel. Ek! He's got a\nJacquel. Ek! He's got a deficit.\ndon't know\ndon't miss cause\nYeah, I'm size\ndon't miss cause Yeah.\ndon't miss cause\ne\ndon't miss cause over\ndon't miss cause over.\nHi\nhi to\nto Ya. A general semantical, \nhuman psyche\nhi to yi ek general semantical\nhuman cycle. A.\nBut Jupiter\nBut Jupiter exist\nBut Jupiter exist dot dioxide\ndot O, the dirty kernel!\nThey can take\ney can't They can't tell me\npretty like you think\nultimately.\nyeah. Happy query is that you\nquery. Is that you?\nPeda hunisipali\nPeda Hunisipali, or Death\nHunisipali, or Death Haniki.\nme Jawwa in San gets out of me\n. Other\nOther agent\nof me\nJoshua\nBorder Cartier\nBA Cartier Wuhari passed the \ncasa related hand, whose past \nwill\nuhari Pass, the\nPass, the casa related. Hey, \nWho's past him, Kassie Jazz \nacting\nokay.\nokay.\nYeah.\nAspects! Hello!\nHello\nAspects! Hello! Hello!\nAspects! Hello! Hello!\nSo\no hum is\nhum is topical to bacteria, \ndiscuss scattering, impact\ncutting, and pass subsequently. \nI'm inside\nI'm in San Go. This is easy\n. Yes, it can\nSan. Go. This is easy. Oh.\nsy.\nOh, yeah, It fixed ages in a \nbook. Dynamics\nProject stages in town.\nstages in town. Iskinder. I've \nsuggested\nthis\nthis party\nyou are here, Joe, Update\ne, Joe of the father\nJoe of the father Capella.\nBotanic courses got there, the\nvite from Bacheko Bhararajani \nYaniki\nAnd this and simple say, Yeah,\nimple say you have come up in\nthe past code, Sudharabina \npresent next to us\nabina Appna presented me to the\nAppna presented me to the acid \npercent because it's not even\ni'm\nnot feature enzyme\nsimple summit\nsimple summit\nsimple summit correlation\n,\nn\nChelsea\nChelsea, Iscohol\n. We all\nWe all know this\nthis\nI hope we all know this\nI hope we all know this picture\n. Okay\nthe please. Type, no! In the\nthe please type. No, in the \nbook, so that I can\ntype.\nNo, in the book, so that I can\nexplain this also metaphoric\nNay, we don't know\nOkay, this is\nSofia\nOkay, this is Sofia\n, humanoid, com robot\n, humanoid com robot,\nhumanoid com robot, here. Join \nSanta Cruz\nIn Santa Cruz. Oh,\nSanta Cruz. Oh, your Pala Robot \nHasiscos! Citizens\nRobot agiscos citizenship, Biga\nagiscos citizenship, Biga.\nYeah, plus\nplus citizens Bigga, you here. \nplus citizens Bigga, you here. \nHow did I\nizens.\nOr he's Kay introduced Kafka\nSiddhi: Hi, again\nSiddhi: Hi, again.\nHere\nHere.\nHere, sojack,\nsojack, Jessie, I mean Grogie, \nsojack, Jessie, I mean Grogie, \nand the like.\nGrogie and the Alexa\nand the Alexa.\nyeah, Alexa, put you up digging\nYeah, Alexa, put you up\nscoop coffee\nscope, coffee, coverage, Miller:\nhair\nMiller Sophia,\nMiller Sophia, go or escape\nbarbecue, or be coffee sack \nrobots. Joe Hammond is\nDo him modify hockey game at the\nbasement.\nbasement. Yeah, it's called \ncoffee coverage Bela Sophia, the\nrobot woman\nBela Sophia, the robot, humanoid\nrobot\nRobot A bomb is good.\nThey stay here. So this is a\nstay here. So this is a machine.\nOkay, planning\nhine. I got plenty pictures\nI got plenty pictures go \ndictate that we hardly can make \nour\nake out\nout.\nTomlog is cool. Live\nis cool, live Video: company.\nTomlog: is cool, live Video.\nVideo: kind of timing, as the \nother way may have like will do.\nThe school.\nschool\nschool Victory way upload Patani\nbuying.\nThis is a human being.\nthis is a human being, exactly \nwho\nis a human being, exactly who \nwon't get behaved. Got the exact\nlike spaces\nthe exact like spaces at the \nhatches\nDaggie\nDaggie.\nof course, Google desk. And \nthen, oh, basically.\nd then to basic\nd then to basic\nthen to basic I am at the ": 0, "Hi guys this is me \nCheap Alan walker welcome back with another video\nAnd in this video \nwe will make a new tune I hope \nyou will love that tune let get started\nJust Joking \nlet's do our original intro Hi guys this me \nRohan Barnwal welcome back with another video \nAnd you must have already come to know about this video of today by watching the title and thumbnail.\nSo now you must be thinking that what is the use of making it with Arduino? So recently\nI was watching your comments on my last video \nThe response was very nice \nfor that thank you very much \n \n \nSo there were many comments on this\nplease make it with Arduino \nplease make it with Arduino So \nLet make it with Arduino\nSo \n here we have our video \nSo lets talk about how to make it \nBut before that\n we have something new this time most of you guys might be thinking there will be a giveaway but these time we have extraordinary thing just wait a minute guys\nSo here we have our new intro\nSo the things \nrequired for making this project \nAre here\nSo first things we required is Arduino so as you all know that my Arduino Uno board is broken and my Arduino Mega is currently working on a project \nSo we required a Arduino Uno Board and also Lockdown is going on in my state\nAnd I want to mention one thing that you can make this project with any Arduino Board\nSo I need a Arduino Board so lets take it out from our screen \nSo here we have our board\nNext thing we require is a Buzzer So lets take it out from screen \nSo here we have our Buzzer\nNow We need Bluetooth Module\nNo Internet Connection\nNo Internet Connection\nNo Internet Connection\nNo Internet Connection\nGuys my internet has been exhausted !!!\nGuys my internet has been exhausted !!!\nbut don't worry we have Bluetooth Module\nYeh Party!!!!!!\nNow lets see our connection\nSo here is the connection RX will go to TX and TX will go to RX and VCC to 5v and GND to GND pin and for Buzzer Positive pin will go to Data Pin 8 and Negative to GND\nSo here is the connection RX will go to TX and TX will go to RX and VCC to 5v and GND to GND pin and for Buzzer Positive pin will go to Data Pin 8 and Negative to GND\nnow we will see the application part and then we will see the final part\nso guys here is the code you will get the my GitHub link from where you can download the code\nNow let's test it \nSo here is my app name is MiniTag\nLet me open this \nSo here is the app\nso now click on connect your minitag to connect it with you device \nHere it is showing HC-05 \nclick on that to connect with it\nit takes some time\nNow it is connected\nNow it is connected\nso now we will click on find button\nwait a minute\nbeep starts working\nbeep starts working\nNow we will click on we got it \nand now the beep the stops\nSo if you like this video then don't forget to like share and subscribe till then godbye meet you in the new one \n": 2, "Kenneth Bickers: Welcome to the spring 2020 political science commencement exercise and welcome to zoom our lives have been on zoom for the last two months as, as you know from\nKenneth Bickers: From your experience in the emergency response of the of the university. This is our chance to\nKenneth Bickers: Acknowledge the accomplishments of our graduates and to read the names of all of our graduates, both at the PhD and masters level as well as our undergraduate\nKenneth Bickers: Students, we're going to take a few moments to talk about the department in the University. My name is Ken Vickers I'm the chair of the political science department.\nKenneth Bickers: I'm joined today by Janet Donovan, who is our undergraduate director and will be trading off duties as we go through this. I'm sorry that we're not all together commencement is always one of the most fun activities of our of our year\nKenneth Bickers: It's not only to see all of the students gathered together and and see their faces, maybe for the first time for a year or two, since we've had them in class, but also to meet the parents the grandparents, aunts and uncles.\nKenneth Bickers: It's fun to be part of the larger family of the of the students that we've been spending some years with excuse me in our classroom so\nKenneth Bickers: I'm sorry that that's not going to happen right now for the spring 2020 graduates. We are inviting all of the 2020 graduates to come back.\nKenneth Bickers: In December, Warren may whichever works more easily for for for the families and for the new graduates to be part of the in person commencement celebrations.\nKenneth Bickers: In if those two points of time we're going to do something special for for the spring 2020 graduates. We don't know yet what\nKenneth Bickers: We're very much hopeful that we will have in person commencement exercises in December and may have this next upcoming year.\nKenneth Bickers: But we do want to meet you all in person. We want to congratulate you in person. We want to shake your hands and not just\nKenneth Bickers: Bump elbows with with one another. So we do look forward to that kind of an opportunity\nKenneth Bickers: I do want to talk a little bit before we start reading names about some bigger changes that have taken place at the university and particularly in the political science department over the time that that you have been with us.\nKenneth Bickers: All the attention has been on the emergency response moving classes from in person to remote and online and so forth. And all of that was\nKenneth Bickers: Was done. It was amazing political science that we moved well over 100 classes from in person to online and remote and that was a huge undertaking, some of it went smoothly. Some of it did not\nKenneth Bickers: We're still learning a lot about these how to how to do this on a large scale.\nKenneth Bickers: But I wanted to back away from that for for just a few moments and talk about some of the bigger picture things\nKenneth Bickers: That have happened over the last few years, one at the university level that may have had a pretty important impact on you and you may not have actually realized that it was happening.\nKenneth Bickers: The University changed the, the core curriculum requirements.\nKenneth Bickers: During the time that you've been here and radically simplified the core curriculum. And one of the one of the really cool things that that emerged from them and it was one of the intended goals.\nKenneth Bickers: Was to make it easier for our undergraduate students to do certificates that are cross disciplinary kinds of programs to minor in other\nKenneth Bickers: Majors in other departments to get double majors and a lot of you have certificates and minors.\nKenneth Bickers: And majors and that actually you may not realize it but that's actually a fairly new thing at CU, it was much more difficult.\nKenneth Bickers: To do those kinds of things under the old core curriculum that that was changed during the time that you've been here. And so that's how to had a really, I think,\nKenneth Bickers: positive eff": 4, "First and second row\nI feel we are moving forward\neveryone on board\nbelieving\nsomething's gonna happen got our fingers\ncrossed so we can be together when the\nSun comes up for us\nsomewhere there's a hope to catch a fish\nand serve the others looking for a cove\nthat's it to be around the corner is it\nthe last call before we crack and\nsplit the boat to Row alone\nWho said that this was the only way to explore the coast?\nWho said that we were supposed to carve our names on the rocks?\nwhen we are just another cog\nfeeling lost\nyes I know they have been lucky yes I\nknow that I'm supposed to smile yes I\nknow so don't you worry yes I know that\nit's all a lie yes I know that I've been\nlucky yes I know that I'm supposed to\nsmile yes I know supposed to smile. Yes\nI know so don't you worry. Yes, I know\nWho said that this was the only way to explore the coast?\nWho said that we were supposed to carve our names on the rocks?\nthat we are just another cog craving hope\nYes, I know that I\u2019ve been lucky\nYes, I know that I\u2019m supposed to smile\nYes, I know so don\u2019t you worry\nYes, I know that its all a lie. Yes, I know that I've been lucky\nYes, I know that I'm supposed to smile.\nYes, I know so don't you worry\nYes, I know that its all a lie\n": 4, "I am sorry\nFor the hugs that were not given\nFor not listening to what you are saying\nFor the hours meant for you but only spend with others\nFor each day you waited for my return\nI am sorry\nFor the day you got wet in the rain\nFor every time you fall asleep, the chair is the only thing you leaned on\nFor the dripped tears and have not been wiped\nAnd for your puffy eyes while looking at our picture\nI am sorry\nFor not saying, \"I love you\" to you before\nFor not saying \"Are you okay?\"\nFor your letters that have been ignored\nAnd for every night you were left alone\nI am sorry if you have questions that I can't answer\nI am sorry if I have secrets I can't reveal\nI am sorry if I have a past I can't escape\nI am sorry if I forgot\nI am sorry if I changed you\nI am sorry if your heart has turned to stone\nI am sorry...\nI am sorry...\nIf I can only bring back the past\nLet me choose you again\nLet me correct the mistakes\nLet me bring back your smiles\nAnd let me promise not to leave your side again\nAgain\nI am sorry\n": 4, "thank you\n[Music] thank you [Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music]\nthank you\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\ntell me [Music] Let It Go [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] ES\nyour hands\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\nforeign [Laughter] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music] without me\n[Music]\n[Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music]\n[Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] [Applause]\nthank you foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music] foreign\n[Music] [Applause]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nthank you\n[Music]\n[Music] another one\n[Music] [Applause] [Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music] foreign [Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\nthank you [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] thank you [Music] thank you\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\nforeign foreign [Music] foreign [Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music] foreign [Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music]\n[Music] [Applause] [Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music] thank you foreign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\nthank you\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Applause] which one is\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music] foreign [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeign [Music] [Applause] [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nyou know [Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n": 0, "[silence]\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue nightTechno\ntrance made\nwith FL\nStudio 10.\nYeaaaaa its\nschool holiday\nnow i\nhave more\ntime to\nmake songs...\n:D\nI hope\nive improved....\nflp\ndownload(if you\nhave all\nthose fancy\nplugin) :\n?midi\ndownload :?Download\nmp3 :\nrate, give\nsome opinions\n25\n00:02:56,558 --> 00:02:2,631\nor advices\nand enjoy!\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\n37\n00:03:56,741 --> 00:03:0,452\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\n49\n00:04:56,720 --> 00:04:3,874\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\ntrance -\nblue night\nFL Studio\n10 Techno\n61\n00:05:59,793 --> 00:05:1,67\ntrance -\nblue\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\n73\n00:06:59,89 --> 00:06:3,569\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\n85\n00:07:59,550 --> 00:07:3,526\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\n97\n00:08:59,44 --> 00:08:1,677\nFL Studio 10 Techno trance - blue night\n109\n00:09:57,103 --> 00:09:4,5\n": 1, "animal. They beat on him like he\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwatch\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwatch the\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwatch the video,\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwatch the video, the\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwatch the video, the seat\nwas nothing. I don't have to\nwatch the video, the seat to\nwatch the video, the seat to\nwatch the video, the seat to\nknow\nwatch the video, the seat to\nknow that.\"\nknow that.\"\nknow that.\"\nIn\nknow that.\"\nIn their\nknow that.\"\nIn their observations\nknow that.\"\nIn their observations for\nknow that.\"\nIn their observations for more\nIn their observations for more\nIn their observations for more\nemployees\nIn their observations for more\nemployees training\nIn their observations for more\nemployees training here\nIn their observations for more\nemployees training here in\nIn their observations for more\nemployees training here in South\nemployees training here in South\nemployees training here in South\nCarolina,\nemployees training here in South\nCarolina, we\nemployees training here in South\nCarolina, we now\nemployees training here in South\nCarolina, we now want\nemployees training here in South\nCarolina, we now want to\nemployees training here in South\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nin\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nin Jackie\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nin Jackie swindler,\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nin Jackie swindler, the\nCarolina, we now want to bring\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nof\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nof the\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nof the South\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nof the South Carolina\nin Jackie swindler, the director\nof the South Carolina criminal\nof the South Carolina criminal\nof the South Carolina criminal\njustice\nof the South Carolina criminal\njustice Academy.\nof the South Carolina criminal\njustice Academy. So\nof the South Carolina criminal\njustice Academy. So Mr.\njustice Academy. So Mr.\njustice Academy. So Mr.\nswindler,\njustice Academy. So Mr.\nswindler, thank\njustice Academy. So Mr.\nswindler, thank you\njustice Academy. So Mr.\nswindler, thank you so\njustice Academy. So Mr.\nswindler, thank you so much\njustice Academy. So Mr.\nswindler, thank you so much for\nswindler, thank you so much for\nswindler, thank you so much for\njoining\nswindler, thank you so much for\njoining us\nswindler, thank you so much for\njoining us here\nswindler, thank you so much for\njoining us here this\nswindler, thank you so much for\njoining us here this evening\njoining us here this evening\njoining us here this evening\ninitially\njoining us here this evening\ninitially I\njoining us here this evening\ninitially I just\njoining us here this evening\ninitially I just want\njoining us here this evening\ninitially I just want to\njoining us here this evening\ninitially I just want to get\ninitially I just want to get\ninitially I just want to get\nyour\ninitially I just want to get\nyour reaction\ninitially I just want to get\nyour reaction to\ninitially I just want to get\nyour reaction to this\ninitially I just want to get\nyour reaction to this video\nyour reaction to this video\nyour reaction to this video\ncoming\nyour reaction to this video\ncoming out\nyour reaction to this video\ncoming out of\nyour reaction to this video\ncoming out of Memphis.\ncoming out of Memphis.\ncoming out of Memphis.\nYes.\ncoming out of Memphis.\nYes. Well\ncoming out of Memphis.\nYes. Well this\ncoming out of Memphis.\nYes. Well this like\ncoming out of Memphis.\nYes. Well this like several\nYes. Well this like several\nYes. Well this like several\nothers\nYes. Well this like several\nothers have\nYes. Well this like several\nothers have happened\nYes. Well this like several\nothers have happened over\nYes. Well this like several\nothers have happened over the\nothers have happened over the\nothers have happened over the\nlast\nothers have happened over the\nlast few\nothers have happened over the\nlast few years.\nothers have happened over the\nlast few years. concerning": 1, "hello my name is mary claire strasberger\u00a0\nand today i'm going to talk about\u00a0\u00a0\num knife skills and different knife cuts and\u00a0\nwe're going to be cutting a potato and an onion\u00a0\u00a0\nand we're also going to talk about the importance\u00a0\nof sanitizing your cutting board and your knife\u00a0\u00a0\nbetween each thing that you cut on the cutting\u00a0\nboard um first we're going to need to um stabilize\u00a0\u00a0\nour cutting board so it doesn't roll around\u00a0\nlike this so we just take two damp paper towels\u00a0\u00a0\nlike this and we just put them on the\u00a0\ncounter kind of ruffled up like this\nand then when you put your cutting board down\u00a0\non top of it it doesn't move around anymore\u00a0\u00a0\nso we're going to start first with the potato\u00a0\u00a0\nand so to prepare to cut it you're going to cut\u00a0\nboth sides off just like this let me throw those\u00a0\u00a0\n \nto the side and then you're going to turn it to\u00a0\nthe side and you're going to cut this side off\nand then you're going to turn it you're\u00a0\ngoing to cut this turn it and cut this side\u00a0\u00a0\nand then you only want one side with the skin\u00a0\nstill on it so first you're going to cut a baton a\u00a0\u00a0\nand a baton a is a quarter of an inch by quarter\u00a0\nof an inch so just kind of measure like this and\u00a0\u00a0\nkind of mark it with your knife and you can tell\u00a0\nwhen it's straight you can see the cut that i made\u00a0\u00a0\non the plank so then we're going to take it and\u00a0\nput our knife back in that little edge we're going\u00a0\u00a0\nto point down and then slide through and here's\u00a0\nour quarter of an inch plank and then we want to\u00a0\u00a0\nmake it square so we want to\u00a0\ncut a quarter of an inch in\nso now we have a batonnet which is now a square\u00a0\nquarter of an inch by a quarter of an inch and\u00a0\u00a0\nwe want it two and a half inches long so\u00a0\ni'm gonna take that skin off right there\u00a0\u00a0\ntake that off and then let's say\u00a0\ntwo and a half let's say right there\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo and a half inches so batonnet is two and\u00a0\na half inches by a quarter quarter of an inch\u00a0\u00a0\nwe need two of these so we're going to cut this\u00a0\nagain and i'm going to we can use this one to\u00a0\u00a0\nmake our large dice so we want a square and then\u00a0\nuse this one to measure it there's two of those\u00a0\u00a0\nthere's those two so we have baton a enlarged\u00a0\ndice so then here's our extra one so now we want a\u00a0\u00a0\njulienne and a julienne is an eighth of an\u00a0\ninch by an eighth of an inch so half of this\u00a0\u00a0\nso we're going to measure um another\u00a0\nplank and we're going to do about half\u00a0\u00a0\nof that so measure an eighth of an inch and\u00a0\npoint your knife down and then cut through\u00a0\u00a0\nso now we have a plank it's eighth of an inch\u00a0\nso we're going to cut it again use the flat side\nmake a square and cut through\u00a0\nand then we want two of those so\nthis\nthrough\nso we have two of these\nand we want them the same length as the baton\u00a0\na so we're going to just put one of those over\u00a0\u00a0\nthere and measure and now we have two julienne\u00a0\nthat are an eighth of an inch square on the\u00a0\u00a0\nend and then from that from the scraps that\u00a0\nwe cut we can take and make our small dice\nand make a square just like that now you\u00a0\nhave two small dices to go with our julienne\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we're going to cut the fine\u00a0\njulienne and we're going to make it\u00a0\u00a0\na 16th of an inch so so we're\u00a0\ngoing to measure just like this\nand we're going to cut all the way down\nyou have this right here 16 of an inch and then\u00a0\nwe'll measure it make a square and cut down\u00a0\u00a0\nthere's one and then here\u00a0\nis two and then measuring\nso julian find julian and then we can get\u00a0\nour brunoise which is a the dice from the\u00a0\u00a0\nfine julienne which is a sixteenth of an inch by\u00a0\nsixteenth of an inch um little cube there's that\u00a0\u00a0\nand then we have two tiny ones like this you're\u00a0\ngoing to have a bleach bucket and in your bucket\u00a0\u00a0\nyou'll have um some warm water and then from\u00a0\nthe bleach bottle you'll put half of a cap\u00a0\u00a0\nof bleach into that and you'll just throw\u00a0\nyour towel in there and you'll mix it up\u00a0\u00a0\nand then between each thing that you cut you want\u00a0\nto sanitize your knife so we're going to sanitize\u00a0\u00a0\nour knife so we have no more potato starch\u00a0\non it before we begin cutting something else\u00a0\u00a0\nand we also want to wipe our cutting board\u00a0\nbetween everything okay now we're ready to\u00a0\u00a0\ncut our onion so c": 4, "A smart locker idea\nThis is a strong security lock box\nStick the cardboard pieces as shown\nMake a circular dial\nA smart locker idea\nThis is a strong security lock box\nStick the cardboard pieces as shown\nMake a circular dial\nA smart locker idea\nThis is a strong security lock box\nStick the cardboard pieces as shown\nMake a circular dial\nPaste a wooden stick in its center\nMake the inside half of the dials as shown\nInsert in the wooden sticks\nAlign your code number with the opening in the inside circle\nMake the opening of the safe\nPaste a wooden stick in its center\nMake the inside half of the dials as shown\nInsert in the wooden sticks\nAlign your code number with the opening in the inside circle\nMake the opening of the safe\nPaste a wooden stick in its center\nMake the inside half of the dials as shown\nInsert in the wooden sticks\nAlign your code number with the opening in the inside circle\nMake the opening of the safe\nThe door will open only when you select the code\nThe door will open only when you select the code\nThe door will open only when you select the code\nStore your valuables in your personal safe box\nMake this mini safe box for your home\nThis personal locker is a security safe box\nStore your valuables in your personal safe box\nMake this mini safe box for your home\nThis personal locker is a security safe box\nStore your valuables in your personal safe box\nMake this mini safe box for your home\nThis personal locker is a security safe box\nLike and subscribe to DIY Ocean\nLike and subscribe to DIY Ocean\nLike and subscribe to DIY Ocean\n": 3, "sector\nsector\nmeaning\nan area or portion that is distinct from others\nan area or portion that is distinct from others\nsalaries in the public sector are\u00a0\nexpected to fall by 15 percent this year\nsalaries in the public sector are\u00a0\nexpected to fall by 15 this year\navailable\navailable\nmeaning\nable to be used or obtained at someone's disposal\nable to be used or obtained at someone's disposal\nthe offer is only available for a limited period\nthe offer is only available for a limited period\nfinancial\nfinancial\nmeaning\nrelating to finance\nrelating to finance\ni really need to get some basic financial advice\ni really need to get some basic financial advice\nprocess\nprocess\nmeaning\na series of actions or steps taken\u00a0\nin order to achieve a particular end\na series of actions or steps taken\u00a0\nin order to achieve a particular end\nwe are using a new process to make butter\nwe are using a new process to make butter\nindividual\nindividual\nmeaning\nsingle separate\nsingle separate\nwe interviewed each individual\u00a0\nmember of the community\nwe interviewed each individual\u00a0\nmember of the community\nspecific\nspecific\nmeaning\nclearly defined or identified\nclearly defined or identified\nyou have to be more specific than that\nyou have to be more specific than that\nprinciple\nprinciple\nmeaning\na fundamental truth or proposition that serves as\u00a0\nthe foundation for a system of belief or behaviour\u00a0\u00a0\nor for a chain of reasoning\na fundamental truth or proposition\u00a0\u00a0\nthat serves as the foundation for a system of\u00a0\nbelief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning\nhe applies this principle to everything in life\nhe applies this principle to everything in life\nestimate\nestimate\nmeaning\nroughly calculate or judge the\u00a0\nvalue number quantity or extent of\nroughly calculate or judge the\u00a0\nvalue number quantity or extent of\ni estimate that we'll need\u00a0\ntwo days to finish the work\ni estimate that we'll need\u00a0\ntwo days to finish the work\nvariable\nvariable\nmeaning\nan element feature or factor\u00a0\nthat is liable to vary or change\nan element feature or factor\u00a0\nthat is liable to vary or change\nthe quality of the hotel\u00a0\nfood is distinctly variable\nthe quality of the hotel\u00a0\nfood is distinctly variable\nmethod\nmethod\nmeaning\na particular procedure for\u00a0\naccomplishing or approaching\u00a0\u00a0\nsomething especially a\u00a0\nsystematic or established one\na particular procedure for\u00a0\naccomplishing or approaching something\u00a0\u00a0\nespecially a systematic or established one\nwhich method is likely to produce the best results\nwhich method is likely to produce the best results\ndata\ndata\nmeaning\nfacts and statistics collected\u00a0\ntogether for reference or analysis\nfacts and statistics collected\u00a0\ntogether for reference or analysis\nthe data was collected by various researchers\nthe data was collected by various researchers\nresearch\nresearch\nmeaning\nthe systematic investigation into\u00a0\nand study of materials and sources\u00a0\u00a0\nin order to establish facts\u00a0\nand reach new conclusions\nthe systematic investigation into\u00a0\nand study of materials and sources\u00a0\u00a0\nin order to establish facts\u00a0\nand reach new conclusions\nhe did research on group\u00a0\ndynamics and leadership styles\nhe did research on group\u00a0\ndynamics and leadership styles\ncontract\ncontract\nmeaning\na written or spoken agreement especially\u00a0\none concerning employment sales or\u00a0\u00a0\ntenancy that is intended to be enforceable by law\na written or spoken agreement\u00a0\u00a0\nespecially one concerning employment sales or\u00a0\ntenancy that is intended to be enforceable by law\nread the contract carefully before you sign it\nread the contract carefully before you sign it\nenvironment\nenvironment\nmeaning\nthe surroundings or conditions in which a\u00a0\nperson animal or plant lives or operates\nthe surroundings or conditions in which a\u00a0\nperson animal or plant lives or operates\nwe must create a safe environment for our children\nwe must create a safe environment for our children\nexport\nexport\nmeaning\nsend goods or services to another country for sale\nsend goods or services to another country for sale\nwe now export all kinds of industrial products\nwe now export all kinds of industrial products\nsource\nsource\nmeaning\na place person or thing": 4, "If lions come, we'll fight until the end\nIf tigers come, we'll fight and battle\nIf elephants come, we'll fight in rage\nIf humans come, we'll fight and obliterate\nWe, If lions come, we'll fight until the end\nIf tigers come, we'll fight and battle\nIf elephants come, we'll fight in rage\nIf humans come, we'll fight and obliterate\nIf you come as snakes,\nWe'll become Garuda birds and fly over you\nIf you come as tigers,\nWe'll face you as Lions with blue mane\nHU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU\nIf you with come evil intentions, we'll give you a fight!\nTen of us will strike you as thunder\nHundred of us will shatter your hearts\nThousand of us will destroy and obliterate\nTen thousand of will hand you the wrath of Heaven!\nIf you come as flood, we'll fight until the death\nIf you come swarming, we'll scatter you around\nIf you come flying, we'll shoot you down with our archery\nIf you come charging, we'll slice you with our swords\nHU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU\nLet's cut through them as speed of flying falcons!\nLet's burn within as the hearts wolves!\nLet's stampede with our horses!\nLet's defeat them with the wisdom of our Great Khaan, Chinggis!\nHU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU\n": 3, "I eat healthy, I eat carrot\nI grow strong, I grow big!\nI eat unhealthy, I eat a hot dog\nI grow small, I grow weak\nCarrot - is healthy\nHot dog is unhealthy\nChoose healthy food\nNo, I won\u2019t!\nI eat healthy, I eat broccoli\nI grow strong, I grow big!\nI eat unhealthy, I eat chocolate\nI grow small, I grow weak\nBroccoli - is healthy\nChocolate is unhealthy\nChoose healthy food\nNo, I won\u2019t!\nI eat healthy, I eat cucumbers\nI grow strong, I grow big!\nI eat unhealthy, I eat French fries\nI grow small, I grow weak\nCucumbers are healthy\nFrench fries are unhealthy\nChoose healthy food\nNo, I won\u2019t!\nI eat healthy, I eat tomatoes\nI grow strong, I grow big!\nI eat unhealthy, I eat burgers\nI grow small, I grow weak\nTomatoes are healthy\nBurgers are unhealthy\nChoose healthy food\nNo, I won\u2019t!\nI eat healthy, I eat avocado\nI grow strong, I grow big!\nI eat unhealthy, I eat chips\nI grow small, I grow weak\nAvocado is healthy\nChips are unhealthy\nChoose healthy food\nNo, I won\u2019t!\nCarrot is healthy\nLet\u2019s eat some carrot\nChoose healthy food!\nYes, I will\n": 4, "hi there it's kaylee today we're going\u00a0\nto use a number line to determine\u00a0\u00a0\nif inequalities with negative numbers\u00a0\nand variables are true or false let's go\nnow let's take a look at the points on this\u00a0\nnumber line based on the number line which of\u00a0\u00a0\nthese statements are true the first statement\u00a0\nsays points x y and z are all negative numbers\u00a0\u00a0\nand that would mean x y and z are all less than\u00a0\nzero are these statements true well let's find out\u00a0\u00a0\nx is equal to negative five so this is the same\u00a0\nas negative five less than zero is that statement\u00a0\u00a0\ntrue yes the next one says y is less than zero and\u00a0\ny is equal to zero so this statement says zero is\u00a0\u00a0\nless than zero is that statement true no zero is\u00a0\nequal to zero this next one says z is less than\u00a0\u00a0\nzero is that true if we have negative two less\u00a0\nthan zero is that a true inequality yes but if\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have two true inequalities and one inequality\u00a0\nthat's not true that means our statement is false\nlet's try the next statement it says\u00a0\npoint y is greater than point z and x\u00a0\u00a0\nis this true this would mean that y is greater\u00a0\nthan z and y is greater than x if y is zero\u00a0\u00a0\nthis inequality would say zero is greater than z\u00a0\nwhich is negative two and y this inequality here\u00a0\u00a0\nzero is greater than x which is negative five\u00a0\nare these inequalities true yes zero is greater\u00a0\u00a0\nthan any negative number so that means this\u00a0\nstatement is true let's try that last one\u00a0\u00a0\npoint x is greater than point z and y so this\u00a0\nis saying x is greater than z and x is greater\u00a0\u00a0\nthan y are these true if x here is equal to\u00a0\nnegative 5 greater than z which is negative 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand this one here x is equal to negative 5 greater\u00a0\nthan y is equal to 0. are these inequalities true\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 5 is less than negative 2 so that's not\u00a0\ntrue and is negative five greater than zero no way\u00a0\u00a0\nwe know that zero is greater than any negative\u00a0\nnumber so it looks like this statement is also\u00a0\u00a0\nfalse gabe is going ice climbing his pants and\u00a0\njacket will keep him warm down to negative eight\u00a0\u00a0\ndegrees but ice climbing is only safe\u00a0\nif the temperatures stay less than zero\u00a0\u00a0\ndegrees on which days will it be safe for gabe\u00a0\nto ice climb and not too cold for his clothing\nokay let's start by calling the temperature t\u00a0\nand as it says here his pants and jacket will keep\u00a0\u00a0\nhim warm down to negative eight degrees that means\u00a0\nif t is less than negative eight gabe's gonna be\u00a0\u00a0\ncold so which of these temperatures is t greater\u00a0\nthan negative eight let's check our inequalities\u00a0\u00a0\non friday t is equal to four is\u00a0\nfour greater than negative eight\u00a0\u00a0\nyep that one checks out how about on saturday is\u00a0\nnegative 9 degrees greater than negative 8 degrees\u00a0\u00a0\nno negative 9 is smaller than negative 8.\u00a0\nhow about on sunday is negative two degrees\u00a0\u00a0\ngreater than negative eight degrees yeah\u00a0\nit is so on saturday gabe will be too cold\u00a0\u00a0\nin his clothes to go ice climbing but we have\u00a0\nanother requirement here ice climbing is only safe\u00a0\u00a0\nif the temperatures stay less than zero\u00a0\ndegrees so that is telling me that when t\u00a0\u00a0\nis greater than zero danger so that means\u00a0\nwe need t to be less than zero degrees\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's check our weather forecast here is four\u00a0\ndegrees less than zero degrees no obviously not\u00a0\u00a0\nhow about here is negative nine degrees less than\u00a0\nzero degrees yep that checks out negative numbers\u00a0\u00a0\nare less than zero how about on sunday is negative\u00a0\ntwo less than zero degrees yes by our same logic\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative numbers are less than zero okay so on\u00a0\nwhat day do both of our requirements check out\u00a0\u00a0\nit's warm enough that gabe won't be cold in\u00a0\nhis clothes but cold enough that it's safe\u00a0\u00a0\nto ice climb yeah on sunday right sunday is the\u00a0\nonly day that the temperature is greater than\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative eight but less than zero so so this is\u00a0\nthe day that gabe can go on his ice climbing trip\u00a0\u00a0\nthat was some complex math thinking you did great\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have another video about negative numbers\u00a0\nand how the negative symbol can be used to mean\u00a0\u00a0\nopposite it's called negative numbers\u00a0\nopposites on the number line i'll see you there\n": 3, " \nAstronomers have discovered the heaviest star in the universe, believed to be more than twice the weight of the Sun\nAstronomers have discovered the heaviest star in the universe, believed to be more than twice the weight of the Sun\nLocated approximately 4,600 light-years away and 330,000 times larger than Earth, the neutron star was formed from the remains of a supernova when a giant star collapses\nLocated approximately 4,600 light-years away and 330,000 times larger than Earth, the neutron star was formed from the remains of a supernova when a giant star collapses\nLocated approximately 4,600 light-years away and 330,000 times larger than Earth, the neutron star was formed from the remains of a supernova when a giant star collapses\nLocated approximately 4,600 light-years away and 330,000 times larger than Earth, the neutron star was formed from the remains of a supernova when a giant star collapses\nAll stars do not become black holes when they reach the end of their lives\nAll stars do not become black holes when they reach the end of their lives\nSometimes, when the core of a massive star collapses, the remains are densely packed\nSometimes, when the core of a massive star collapses, the remains are densely packed\nThe force of its gravity crushes protons and electrons together, forms neutrons, and transforms the mass into a 'neutron star'\nThe force of its gravity crushes protons and electrons together, forms neutrons, and transforms the mass into a 'neutron star'\nThe force of its gravity crushes protons and electrons together, forms neutrons, and transforms the mass into a 'neutron star'\nThe force of its gravity crushes protons and electrons together, forms neutrons, and transforms the mass into a 'neutron star'\n \n \nAstronomers still don't know much about neutron stars\nAstronomers still don't know much about neutron stars\nbut recently a team of researchers with the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center reported on a discovery\nbut recently a team of researchers with the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center reported on a discovery\nthat gave mankind another step to understand these unusual creations Brought closer\nthat gave mankind another step to understand these unusual creations Brought closer\nHe observed the existence of the largest neutron star that scientists never found.\nHe observed the existence of the largest neutron star that scientists never found.\nTypically, neutron stars are the same size as a city,\nand are made \"so tightly packed,\" according to NASA, that a sugar-cube-size material weighs more than [a billion] tons.\nand are made \"so tightly packed,\" according to NASA, that a sugar-cube-size material weighs more than [a billion] tons.\nand are made \"so tightly packed,\" according to NASA, that a sugar-cube-size material weighs more than [a billion] tons.\nAnd this newly discovered celestial body is 2.14 times the mass of the Sun\nAnd this newly discovered celestial body is 2.14 times the mass of the Sun\nThis discovery limits how large and dense a mass can be without a black hole.\nThis discovery limits how large and dense a mass can be without a black hole.\nThe neutron star named J0740 + 6620 is classified as a 'pulsar'\nThe neutron star named J0740 + 6620 is classified as a 'pulsar'\nThis basically means that it emits a beam of radio waves from each magnetic pole like a lighthouse\nThis basically means that it emits a beam of radio waves from each magnetic pole like a lighthouse\nThis basically means that it emits a beam of radio waves from each magnetic pole like a lighthouse\nNASA said on its website, \"Pulsar also rotates faster\" than the kitchen blender.\nNASA said on its website, \"Pulsar also rotates faster\" than the kitchen blender.\nUsing the Green Bank Telescope located in West Virginia\nthe team of researchers observed both a white dwarf star and a neutron star\nBy measuring the white dwarf -\na dead star's low-density corpse - and the neutron star\ninteracting with each other, the team can measure the size of the neutron star.\ninteracting with each other, the team can measure the size of the neutron star.\nAccording to Alber": 1, "Dragonfruit (Scientific name is Hylocereus undatus)\nDragonfruit (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Hylocereus undatus)\nJackfruit (Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nYaca (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nMango (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Mangifera indica)\nPapaya (Scientific name is Carica papaya)\nPapaya (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Carica papaya)\nApricot (Scientific name is Prunus armeniaca)\nAlbaricoque (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus armeniaca)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nPomegranate (Scientific name is Punica granatum)\nGranada (nombre cient\u00edfico es Punica granatum)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nCiruela (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus domestica Brooks)\nLychee (Scientific name is Litchi chinensis)\nLychee (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Litchi chinensis)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nGuava (Scientific name is Psidium guajava)\nGuayaba (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Psidium guajava)\nPear (Scientific name is Pyrus)\nPera (nombre cient\u00edfico es Pyrus)\nCherry (Scientific name is Prunus avium)\nCereza (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus avium)\nLoquat (Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica)\nN\u00edspero (nombre cient\u00edfico es Eriobotrya japonica)\nSugar apple (Scientific name is Annona squamosa)\nManzana de az\u00facar (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Annona squamosa)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nNaranja (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus sinenis Budd)\nRose apple (Scientific name is Syzygium jambos)\nManzana rosa (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Syzygium jambos)\nFig (Scientific name is Ficus carica)\nHigo (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Ficus carica)\nMelon (Scientific name is Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis)\nMel\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis)\nPassion Fruit (Scientific name is Passiflora edulis)\nFruta de la pasi\u00f3n (nombre cient\u00edfico es Passiflora edulis)\nDurian (Scientific name is Durio)\nDurian (nombre cient\u00edfico es Durio)\nPear (Scientific name is Pyrus)\nPera (nombre cient\u00edfico es Pyrus)\nPersimmon (Scientific name is Diospyros kaki)\nCaqui (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Diospyros kaki)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nWatermelon (Scientific name is Citrullus lanatus)\nSand\u00eda (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrullus lanatus)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus persica)\nLemon (Scientific name is Citrus \u00d7 limon)\nLim\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Citrus \u00d7 limon)\nStrawberry (Scientific name is Fragaria \u00d7 ananassa)\nFresa (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Fragaria \u00d7 ananassa)\nMelon (Scientific name is Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis)\nMel\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nMango (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Mangifera indica)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nApple (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Malus domestica)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus persica)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus persica)\nPersimmon (Scientific name is Diospyros kaki)\nCaqui (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Diospyros kaki)\nLoquat (Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica)\nN\u00edspero (nombre cient\u00edfico es Eriobotrya japonica)\n Unknown\nChestnut (Scientific name is Castanea)\nCasta\u00f1o (nombre cient\u00edfico es Castanea)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nCiruela (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Prunus domestica Brooks)\nLoquat (Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica)\nN\u00edspero (nombre cient\u00edfico es Eriobotrya japonica)\nGrape (Scientific name is Vitis)\nUva (nombre cient\u00edfico es Vitis)\nJackfruit (Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nYaca (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nJujube (Scientific name is Ziziphus)\nAzufaifo (el nombre cient\u00edfico es Ziziphus)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nMelocot\u00f3n (el nombre cient\u00edfico e": 3, "Ended up far away from the trail\nHard to shake\nParanoia plays round in the bones\nHard to hear words over the phone\nSignals lost\nThe darker the road\nThe sharper the frost\nEnded up far away from home\nNot a wonderland\nNot a promise land\nBut a cursed one\nSuch a wretched hole\nThat we\u2019re digging in\nSuch a wretched thing\nSuch a tainted plan\nSuch a thick forest in the dead of night\nSharpen your eyes. You knew the cost. Can\u2019t be surprised\nBiting your tongue\nTo make sure\nIt\u2019s still there\nInto the night, the part of yourself you thought you forgot\nBack on the path\nEnded up far away from home\nTheres a difference\nBetween saying grace and saving grace, one\u2019s a sickness\nThe other is arbitrary\nInto the night\nFogs thickening. Starlights flickering. Such a wretched pace\nHard to focus. Such a tainted plan. Such a thick forest\nEnded up far away from home\nEnded up far away from home\nSharpen your eyes. You knew the cost. Can\u2019t be surprised\nBiting your tongue\nTo make sure\nIt\u2019s still there\nInto the night, the part of yourself you thought you forgot\nBack on the path\nEnded up far away from home\nEnded up far away from home\nEnded up far away from home\nEnded up far away from home\nEnded up far away from home\n": 2, "ALPHA\nFE 28-60mm F4-5.6\nThe world\u2019s smallest and lightest* full-frame compatible zoom lens\n*Among interchangeable zoom lenses for 35mm full-frame format digital camera bodies, as of Sep 2020. Sony survey.\nCompact and light full-frame lens\nCompact retractable lens\n4.5cm (1 13/16 inch)-length*, 167g (5.9 oz) weight*\n*Approx.\nCompact and high resolution\na7C 1/500 sec., F5.6, ISO 400\na7C 1/20 sec., F11, ISO 400\na7C 1/125 sec., F5.6, ISO 800\na7C 2 sec., F11, ISO 100\nHigh resolution throughout the zoom range\nVersatile zoom lens suited to any scene\n28mm\na7C 1/400 sec., F4, ISO 200\n28mm\na7C 1/400 sec., F4, ISO 200\n50mm\na7C 1/250 sec., F6.3, ISO 200\n60mm\na7C 1/20 sec., F11, ISO 400\nCompact and outstanding AF for stills and movies\nLinear motor for quiet AF in stills and movies\nLinear motor for precise still and movie AF\nLinear motor for fast AF in stills and movies\na7C 1/10 sec., F11, ISO 200\na7C 1/320 sec., F5.6, ISO 200\na7C 1/30 sec., F8, ISO 100\na7C 1.6 sec., F5.6, ISO 100\na7C 1/640 sec., F5.6, ISO 400\na7C 1/125 sec., F5.6, ISO 400\na7C 1/80 sec., F4, ISO 400\nCompact full-frame lens for Alpha\nFE 28-60mm F4-5.6\n": 1, "Welcome to 4K Scenic Relaxation!\nAmazon 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film | Beautiful Relaxing Music | Nature Sound, Stress Relief (4K Video Ultra HD)\nThe Amazon Rainforest, also known as Amazonia, is a vast tropical forest located in South America, primarily in Brazil, \nbut also extending to several other countries including Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador. It is the largest \nWelcome to 4K Scenic Relaxation!\nAmazon 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film \nThe Amazon Rainforest, also known as Amazonia, is a vast tropical forest located in South America, primarily in Brazil, \nbut also extending to several other countries including Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador. It is the largest \nWelcome to 4K Scenic Relaxation!\nAmazon 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film \nThe Amazon Rainforest, also known as Amazonia, is a vast tropical forest located in South America, primarily in Brazil, \nbut also extending to several other countries including Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador. It is the largest \nrainforest in the world, covering approximately 5.5 million square kilometers. \nrainforest in the world, covering approximately 5.5 million square kilometers. \nrainforest in the world, covering approximately 5.5 million square kilometers. \n": 3, "Violence can be used for the benefit of\nWhat are you talking about?\nAbout justice\nThe people should not be afraid of power\nPower must be afraid of the people\nLong live anarchy!\n- The enemy is approaching, waiting for orders\n- Shall I open fire?\n- There is no answer from the top\n- The general, not the commander-in-chief, is not responsible.\n- Lower the weapon\nIt's hard to be proud, it's hard to be brave\nThe slave clings to his throat, the slave lives in each\nAn ancient evil curse\nBlack relic fear\nBoa constricts the hug\nAnd rusty nails in the legs\nI know how difficult it is\nBecome from your knees and scream\nThe slave kills me\nThe slave forces silences\nScary pain and torture\nTo live like a dog on a chain\nRecognize defeat beforehand\nLoop itself to fasten\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVER INSIDE YOURSELF!\nAbove secular laws\nDogmas of church enemas\nWords from childhood are familiar:\n\"Freedom\" and \"humanism\"\nMutual respect\nJoyful honest work\nPowerful heartbeat\nEliminate slavish fetters\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVER INSIDE YOURSELF!\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVER INSIDE YOURSELF!\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVE!\nKILL THE SLAVER INSIDE YOURSELF!\nThis is a symbol\nJust like its destruction\nThese people give the symbols a power\nWithout them, the symbol is nothing\n- Die\n- Why are not you dying?\n- Why are not you dying?\nUnder this mask, not only the flesh\nUnder this mask, the idea\nA bullets are not terrible for ideas\n": 1, "in this video we're going to go over the answers\u00a0\nfor the CUDA software infinite calculus free\u00a0\u00a0\nworksheet derivatives of inverse functions\u00a0\nI'll leave a link in the description below\u00a0\u00a0\nso you know how to access this free worksheet and\u00a0\nso you know how to support my channel by becoming\u00a0\u00a0\na patreon so click that patreon link to find\u00a0\nout more our instructions for our first section\u00a0\u00a0\nsay for each problem find the inverse function\u00a0\nderivative of X by direct computation so we're\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst going to calculate the inverse function\u00a0\nand then we're going to find the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\nthat inverse function so remembering how to find\u00a0\nthe inverse remember y and x will get switched so\u00a0\u00a0\nwe'll have X equal to negative 3 y plus 3 so I'll\u00a0\nsubtract 3 from both sides to get X minus 3 equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto negative 3 y and then I'll divide by negative\u00a0\n3 to get negative X minus 3 over 3 equal to Y but\u00a0\u00a0\nremember this Y is my inverse function so now\u00a0\nI'm going to write this in inverse notation so\u00a0\u00a0\nthe inverse function of x equals negative x over\u00a0\n3 so negative 1/3 x minus a negative so plus 3\u00a0\u00a0\nover 3 which equals 1 so here we have the inverse\u00a0\nfunction of f of X which is negative 1/3 X plus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we're going to take the derivative of that so\u00a0\nthe derivative of the inverse function of x equals\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative with respect to X of negative 1/3 X\u00a0\nplus 1 the derivative of a constant is 0 so we're\u00a0\u00a0\nlooking at the derivative of negative 1/3 X which\u00a0\nis negative 1/3 so the derivative of our inverse\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction of x equals negative 1/3 let's move on\u00a0\nto number two and number two again we're going to\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst start for direct computation by calculating\u00a0\nthe inverse function so if y equals f of X we're\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to switch why and X so we'll have X equal\u00a0\nto negative 2y plus 3 then I'll subtract 3 from\u00a0\u00a0\nboth sides to get that X minus 3 equals negative\u00a0\n2y next I'll divide both sides by a negative 2\u00a0\u00a0\nto get negative X minus 3 over 2 equals y so an\u00a0\ninverse notation that's the inverse function of x\u00a0\u00a0\nequals negative x over 2 so negative 1/2 X minus\u00a0\na negative so plus 3 over 2 and when I find the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of our inverse function of X that's\u00a0\nthe derivative of negative 1/2 X plus 3 halves\u00a0\u00a0\nand we can see that 3 halves is a constants of\u00a0\nthe derivative of a constant is 0 so I'll have\u00a0\u00a0\n0 plus the derivative of negative 1/2 X which is\u00a0\na negative 1/2 so negative 1/2 is the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof our inverse function of X and number 2 now\u00a0\nlet's move on to number 3 for problems 3 through\u00a0\u00a0\n6 we're now going to be finding the derivative\u00a0\nof the inverse function of X F inverse prime\u00a0\u00a0\nof X by using the theorem the theorem states\u00a0\nthat the derivative of the inverse function of\u00a0\u00a0\nx equals 1 all over the derivative of F of the\u00a0\ninverse function of X so what we're going to\u00a0\u00a0\nneed to do is we're going to need to calculate the\u00a0\nderivative of F and then plug our inverse function\u00a0\u00a0\nin to that derivative and that's all below our\u00a0\nvalue of 1 looking at number 3 we have f of X\u00a0\u00a0\nequals negative 5x plus 1 so the derivative of\u00a0\nf of X equals a negative 5 because this 1 is a\u00a0\u00a0\nconstant of zero and the derivative of negative\u00a0\n5x is negative 5 so again the derivative of f of\u00a0\u00a0\nX equals negative 5 now I'm going to calculate\u00a0\nmy inverse function of X the inverse function\u00a0\u00a0\nof X remember if I switch Y and X I'll solve for\u00a0\nthat so I'll have X equal to negative 5y plus 1\u00a0\u00a0\nI'll subtract 1 from both sides to get X minus\u00a0\n1 equal to negative 5y and then I'll divide by\u00a0\u00a0\na negative 5 on both sides to give me that my\u00a0\ninverse function of x equals negative X minus\u00a0\u00a0\n1 over 5 so now that I have my inverse function\u00a0\nof X I'm going to take that value and plug it\u00a0\u00a0\nin for my X in my derivative however there is no\u00a0\nX within my derivative formula so regardless of\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat I plug in the derivative of the f of X is\u00a0\nalways going to be negative 5 so the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof my inverse of X equals 1 over F prime of\u00a0\nnegative X minus 1 over 5 however we know that\u00a0\u00a0\nthat derivative is always negative 5 so this is\u00a0\ngoing to equal negative 1 over 5 1 over negative\u00a0\u00a0\n5 is the same as negative 1 over 5 and that's my": 4, "Catch me in the battle bus Fortnite\nMake it rain money dance Fortnite\nRunning from a storm in a Fortnite\nDroppin on yo bitch in a Fortnite\nFortnite Fortnite All night\nFortnite Fortnite All night\nRunning from a storm in a Fortnite\nDroppin on yo bitch in a Fortnite\nCatch me in the battle bus Fortnite\nMake it rain money dance Fortnite\nRunning from a storm in a Fortnite\nDroppin on yo bitch in a Fortnite\nFortnite Fortnite All Night\nRunning from a storm in a Fortnite\nDroppin on yo bitch in a Fortnite\nLlama Llama Pi\u00f1ata\nDo the Money dance when i'm with yo momma\nLil Pump back with the boogie down disco\nI'm back with the Loot Box let's go\nGliding on yo bitch room when she at home\nLil Pump Shotgun gotta reload\nGotta lot of Lean in the Chug Jug\nGotta lot of Slurp Juice whats up?\nWe out here\nHiding in the bushes\nThrow the Boogie Bomb i'm pushing pushing\nGot about a million of the V-Bucks\nLining up girls for the D-sucks\nStreaming streaming on that Twitch\nMe and Ninja take yo bitch\nTomato Town too much sauce\nEating Pizza like a Boss\nUp in class dripping sauce\nServer down connection lost\nGotta new skin like I'm John Wick\nGotta #1 like real quick\nY'all can't keep up nice with the sticks\nNo cocaine but I flip them bricks\nLlama Llama Llama Llama\nSmash Smash Smash that Llama\nLlama Llama Llama\nI said just smash that Llama\n": 1, "Gotta put her on the team, got a great bench\nLinking with the opps, bitch,\nI did that shit for J Prince\nBitch, I did it for the mob ties,\nFeel like seventeen, two Percs, frog eyes\nAnd I never been the one to go apologize,\nMe, I'd rather hit 'em up one more time\nAyy, known the girl for six months, dinner up at my place,\nBut I got these diamonds on my neck, so it's a blind date\nAll my ni^^as on the roads raising up the crime rate,\nYour name not ringin' out here, it's on vibrate\nAnd she took a score, now shorty gotta hydrate,\nAnd he did some dirt, now my crodie gotta migrate\nProlly won't see him for some years,\nwhen I do, though, Turn me up\nCrodie, turn me up\nCrodie, turn me up\nAyy, Crodie, turn me\nAyy, yeah, what? Crodie, turn me, what?\n(21) In a droptop Benz like it's '03\n(21) Had the shooters aim down\nfrom the nosebleeds\n(21) Gotta get this passport,\nkeep my nose clean, Bitch tried to burn me up\nKeep a Magnum tucked (Yeah)\nI'll never slip (Never)\nSF90 rims red like a poker chip (Pussy)\nRich as hell, still hood,\nin the Stroker's VIP (Pussy)\nPink slip in the glove for the ownership (21),\nLimpin' with the .30 on like a broke hip (21)\nRed flag giving blood on some donor shit (On God),\nAll the opps get a bullet on some Oprah shit\nWent from Angell Town Estate to a big estate,\nProlly woulda had a zombie on me if I woulda stayed (21)\nStill a caught a case if I woulda stayed (Facts)\nI been thuggin' all my life,\nthat's just how I play it (Facts)\nStill posted in the A where ni^^as fear me,\nStill gotta see the Gunners win Premier League (21)\nStill gotta keep a gun that's always near me,\nAnd I'm down to hit 'em up, One more time\nHit my line, you know that head was great\nOh, yeah, alright, don't do romancin'\nOne more time, you gotta run the fades\nOh, yeah, alright\nOne more time\nOne more\u2014\nOne more\u2014\nOne more time\n": 1, "For an airplane to fly, the wings need to create an upward force which is called \u201clift.\u201d\nIt is also necessary for the airplane to be able to maneuver.\nThe engine of the aircraft provides a forward force that is called \u201cthrust\u201d,\nwhich counteracts the force from air resistance, which is called \u201cdrag.\u201d\nUnlike airplanes, birds generate thrust by pushing their wings against the air molecules.\nBut, airplanes and birds maneuver and generate lift the same way.\nMore lift is achieved when air molecules flow faster across the wings.\nSuppose that the air around a wing is completely still.\nThe air pressure from above and below the wing will cancel out,\nand there will be no net force.\nNow suppose the wing is moving relative to the air.\nAs air flows around the wing,\nthe wing\u2019s shape forces the air above the wing to flow faster than the air below.\nThe air below the wing is now creating a greater pressure than the air above,\nwhich creates a net upward force on the wing.\nThis is one of the two reasons that lift is created.\nThe second reason is that if we tilt the wings, the air molecules\nwill generate an upward force when they bounce off the bottom part of the wing.\nThe fact that air molecules generate a force when they bounce off a surface is also\nwhat allows an airplane to maneuver by using movable surfaces controlled by the pilot.\nThese movable surfaces are what is called the rudder, the elevator, and the ailerons.\nThe rudder controls what is called \u201cYaw.\u201d\nThe elevator controls what we call \u201cPitch.\u201d\nAnd the ailerons control what is termed \u201cRoll.\u201d\nWhen the aileron on one wing goes up, the aileron on the other wing goes down.\nWhen an airplane rolls, the force of lift created by the wings changes direction.\nA component of the lifting force is now pointed sideways,\nand this allows the airplane to turn and change direction.\nBut, when the direction of lift changes,\nthis also decreases the component of the lifting force pointing upward.\nWe need to compensate for this loss of lift in the upward direction\nduring the airplane\u2019s roll, and we can do this by\nsimultaneously controlling the airplane\u2019s pitch with the elevator.\nChanging the airplane\u2019s pitch with the elevator\nallows the pilot to change the strength of the lift that is produced.\nChanging the airplane\u2019s pitch changes the angle between the\nairplane\u2019s wings and the direction of the incoming air molecules.\nThe angle between the wings and the direction of the incoming air molecules\ndetermines how much lift is created.\nIf the force of lift is stronger than the force of gravity,\nthe airplane\u2019s elevation increases.\nIf the force of lift is weaker than the force of gravity,\nthe airplane\u2019s elevation decreases.\nAs we increase the angle of the wings relative to the\ndirection of the incoming air molecules, the lift increases.\nHowever, there is a certain angle which will give the maximum lift possible,\nand if we increase the angle even further, the lift will decrease.\nIf this happens, the airplane is in a stall,\nand the airplane will end up losing altitude.\nTo recover from a stall, the nose of the airplane should be pointed downward,\nso as to decrease the angle between the wings and the incoming air flow.\nThe amount of incoming air flow can be altered by changing the airplane\u2019s speed.\nThe faster an airplane is moving relative to the surrounding air,\nthe more lift it generates.\nWhen it is time to land, the airplane\u2019s speed needs to be significantly reduced,\nand this is done by reducing the amount of thrust generated by the engine.\nThis, then also reduces the amount of lift generated,\ncausing the airplane to lower altitude in preparation for the landing.\nHowever, right before the airplane is about to land,\nthe speed may be so slow that the wings are not generating enough lift.\nWe can increase the amount of lift being generated during landing\nby extending the wing flaps.\nExtending the wing flaps also significantly increase the amount drag\nfrom the air resistance, causing the airplane to slow down more quickly.\nIt is always desirable to land into the wind,\nso as to shorten the amount of runway necessary to": 4, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Ochman with the song \"River\".\nI don't know this singer and I've never heard this song before,\ntherefore, it will be the first time I will hear it.\nAnd for those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\nproducer and composer. And in this video,\nI will analyze the vocal behavior, the musical style,\nhow the elements of the song work and how your voice is working.\nhow the elements of the song work and how your voice is working.\nTherefore, whenever I consider it necessary, I will make my technical observations.\nBut first of all, if you are not a subscriber yet, subscribe,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nAnd leave more suggestions in the comments.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nLet's break down Ochman.\nAnd now I take this opportunity to make a comment about the piano.\nThe piano has a very dramatic sound.\nThis is thanks to the notes used here and\nThis is thanks to the notes used here and\nIt enriches the drama of this song much more.\nI'm already very surprised by his voice.\nHis voice sounds fantastic.\nI... My auditory perception tells me that Ochman is a singer in a tenor region.\nI... My auditory perception tells me that Ochman is a singer in a tenor region.\nI... My auditory perception tells me that Ochman is a singer in a tenor region.\nHe has a voice that has a lot of prominence.\nand this way he works with his voice is incredible.\nBecause he shows a lot of skill with his voice.\nAnd the tenor has a very light turn to work with. He is fantastic.\nOf course, my region is different from the region where he sings and\nmy comfort zone is different, it's not the same.\nBut it's amazing how he inserts this way of singing and these notes...\nBut it's amazing how he inserts this way of singing and these notes...\nIt's really surprising.\nThis is fantastic. It is a very strong work of your voice.\nIt is in a direct region of the mask voice.\nIt's a very consistent voice and the incredible vocal power that it possesses.\nIt's a very consistent voice and the incredible vocal power that it possesses.\nI didn't expect him to do this.\nThis is a way of singing... An incredible lyrical component.\nIt's a bit of work in the head region and not necessarily a use of falsetto.\nIt's a bit of work in the head region and not necessarily a use of falsetto.\nBecause the use of falsetto is weak and here the projection is more powerful than the use of falsetto.\nIf he did the falsetto...\nBut that's not what it does. It is this...\nThis is very different, it contains more force than a falsetto projection. Amazing.\nThis is very different, it contains more force than a falsetto projection. Amazing.\nAnd there is a detail in all this, which is the aesthetics that music has.\nThe piano, an instrument with keys, violins, inserted in a contemporary sound,\nThe piano, an instrument with keys, violins, inserted in a contemporary sound,\ninserted in a modern use of music.\ninserted in a modern use of music.\nWe can say that it sounds electronically.\nThese elements make us realize the classic crossover style.\nThese elements make us realize the classic crossover style.\nAnd the way Ochman sings is just that.\nIt is a mixture of the modern, the classic and the modern.\nAnd this is fantastic. Amazing..\nAnd the virbato is incredible.\nIt is a consistent use of vibrato.\nSensational.\nLook at this melisma.\nIt is different from vibrato. If he did the vibrato...\nIt would be longer, this vibration of the voice and that's not what it does.\nIt would be longer, this vibration of the voice and that's not what it does.\nMake a little drawing.\nA fantastic dynamic.\nAnd look how he makes the dynamism with his voice.\nAfter all this consistency and strong projection of his voice,\nAfter all this consistency and strong projection of his voice,\ninserts an incredible delicacy. A fantastic interpretation.\nBut it's very interesting to see how he has such a strong personality as a singer.\nAnd this personality is what distinguishes him from\noth": 4, "Access granted.\nWelcome to your second game.\nBefore the second game begins,\nChoose one of among the four shapes and stand before it.\nChoose a shape and stand in front of it immediately.\nChoose a shape and stand in front of it immediately.\nThe time to decide has ended.\nWe will now reveal the game.\nAll players, please each take a case in front of you.\nPlease, open the case and check the contents.\nThe next game is sugar honeycombs.\nThe shape you have chosen is the shape you must piece out.\nThe time limit is ten minutes.\nYou will pass if you trim out the shape within ten minutes.\nLet the game begin.\nNumber 111, pass.\nNumber 218, pass.\nNumber 067, pass.\nNumber 199, pass.\nNumber 204, pass.\nNumber 205, pass.\nNumber 201, pass.\nNumber 206, pass.\nIt melted.\nThat's it. I can melt it from the back.\nThe lines are thinner, so it will melt first.\nNumber 208, pass.\nNumber 456, pass.\nThe second game is now over.\nAll successful players, please leave the playground immediately.\nPut your hands up.\nNumber 207, pass.\nNumber 123, pass.\n": 3, "I was so insatiable\nTill the lights came on\nAnd the stories got old\nNow there's no one here I know\nAnd the city outside's\nNot the same anymore\nAnd I\nI remember when we were young\nWe'd write our names in the sand,\nso carelessly\nThen the rain came and yours was gone\nAnd now mine, it stands alone\nNobody sees me\nNow, I'm a one man show\nI'll do this on my own\nWe knew it all then\nNow, this is all I know\nGuess I'm heading home now\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\nYes, I'm heading home now\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\nYes, I'm heading home now\nAnd the music always played\nWith the sound of our lives\nAnd the sweetest escape\nAnd the neighbors would complain\nWe would turn it up louder\nWho cares anyway?\n'Cause we\nWe remember that we were young\nOur lives were grains in the sand\nHad we made our castles and kingdoms up?\nNow the waves have torn them down\nNobody sees me\nNow, I'm a one man show\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\nYes, I'm heading home now\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\nYes, I'm heading home now\nYou'll find me\nI'll be here, oh\nI can't see\nI can't breathe anymore\nBut how could we have stayed?\nYou were high on love\nI was drunk\nDrunk on the pain\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\nYes, I'm heading home now\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\n(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)\nYes, I'm heading home now\n": 3, "asalam o alakum /hello\nwalakum salam\nthis is tomato plant disease\nthis disease calls blight\nin this disease plants leaf gets dry\nlike this\nthis\nand this one\nthe bottom plant leafs\ngets dry in this disease\nlike this\nif did not control\nthen this disease cause the plant to dry\nthis is blight disease\nfor this disease we uses pesticides like 4 plus and agrobet\nboth are suitable pesticides for this disease\nfirst we sprays 4 plus pesticides\nbecause we cannot mix with or add to another pesticides\nthen after a couple of days we will spray agrobat pesticides\nthen these plants will change to a healthy plant\nthen this disease will stop insha Allah\nmaking spray solution\nthis spray pump is bigger therefore we make 5 pump spray solution from this packet\nbecause this pesticides packet is for 8 pump spray solution\nbut we will make 5 spray pump from this packet because this a bigger 18 litre spray pump\ntherefore we will 5 spray pump from this\ninsha Alaah\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nit is full now and tight the lid on the spray pump\n \n \ntomato farm or tomato land\n \nspraying now\nthe horn worms also attacks in this stage\nfor horn worm pest we add or mixes coragen pesticides with this\nbut we cannot mix coragen pesticides with this\nbecause this pesticides doesn't work with other pesticides\nwe farmers request government\nthat\ncooperate with farmers and give them packages\nhelp farmers\nwhen farmers loses in crops\nbecause of diseases or natural disaster\nthen the government need\nto help farmers\nand cooperate with farmers\nand help them\nand produce quality pesticides in the ,market\n": 2, "well okay the tribe of Dan and who John\nthe Baptist mmm will John the Baptist\nthe greatest man whom ever lived did you\nthink about it why was he the greatest\nman whom ever lived isn't there a war\ngoing on in heaven there's a war going\non in heaven for all the fucking wrong the\nprophets spoke before John yeah all the\nwrong the prophets spoke before John all\nthe prophets of old all the Mormon\nprophets yeah all the fucking wank\nMormon fucking wank prophets yeah all the\nfuckin old prophets the prophets of old\nout of the Bible and out of the Quran erh\nall the fucking old prophets of old all\nof the prophets of old fucking got it wrong\ndidn't they who got it right? John the Baptist that's\nwhy there's a war going on in heaven mmm\nfor who entereth and who fuckin doesn't\nbecause all the prophets were wrong and\nthere's a fucking war going on on earth\nthat's why all the fucking bullshit\ndickhead's are talking shit mate yeah it's\ncalled a war war of words mmm war of\nfucking what hmm a jihad eh? or a war of\nreligions yes that's right a war a\nfucking wank wank one person got it\nright hmm who got it right John the Baptist John\nthe Baptist got it right all the rest of\nthem were fucking idiots that's why\nthere's a war going on in heaven mmm\nthat's why fuckin John the Baptist come\ndown and stired the pot so fucking much so\nfucking much that what happened oh there\nwas just fucking chaos and discord among\nthe fucking people among the world among\neverything cause he got it so fucking\nright and everyone was so fucking wrong\nthey're still arguing over fucking their\nwrongness yeah how fucking wrong\nthey are well hello Jesus told you\nyourself if you read the Bible mmm but\nif you haven't he ain't told you fuckin shit\nyeah well who's the greatest man whom\never lived why is he the greatest man\nwhom ever lived and how come Christ took\nover his religion\noh-ah yes there's a reason left and right mmm\nleft right left right mmm hello right\nokay what about the tribe of Dan well the\ntribe of Dan the Illuminati tribe of Dan\nokay the Eagle all the places that are\nrun under the eagle all the places all the\nfuckin civilizations that have run under\nthe eagle yes that's right they go back for\ncenturies for millennia yes eagle this the\nEagle that before that it was a serpent but\nthat if you look into it the tribe of\nDan hmm was the serpent they changed\ntheir fucking symbol to the eagle the\neagle whom represents the fucking\nserpent bearer the one whom yeilds the fucking\nserpent yes the serpent bearer that's\nright the tribe of Dan are the\nIlluminati the tribe of Dan were the Vikings the\nVikings that will get maritime Admiralty\nlaw from that's what the whole world's\nbased on maritime Admiralty law yeah all\nthat bullshit look that shit up and fuckin\nunderstand the symbology in it and\nyou might fucking know something yes\nthat's right maritime Admiralty law come\nfrom the tribe of Dan cause the tribe of\nDan were the judges and they ruled\nthe seas mmm the Sea all the waters of\nthe ocean that's why the tribe of Dan wasn't\ngiven any fucking land ok! see this\nthis shit only happens to me somebody\ndoesn't want me to be heard okay so what\ndid the tribe of Dan do they run the sea\nthey were the fucking what? they were the\nVikings the six kings the VI kings hmm the\nsix kings and wherever the fuck they come from doesn't\nmatter tribe of Dan it was the fucking\njudges the Illuminati mmm tribe of jan dan\nshall judge the fucking tribes as one of\nthe fucking tribes of Israel or one of\nthe tribes of Jacob Jacob yes Israel\nJacob the bloodline hello of the\ntribes not the fucking place of a\nfucken piece of soil on a fucking map\nyou dickheads okay so what's all this\nabout hm it's all about who runs the world\nwho has run the world for fucking\nmillennia the tribe of Dan has the Illuminati\nwhom are the tribe Dan yes that's the\nserpent symbolism and everything that's\nall over your dollar bill mmm dollar\nbill the tribe of Dan are know what's going\non hmm what do you think the fucking\neagle represents on the fucking dollar\nbill in America hmm Eagle represents\nChrist yes that's right Christ hello\ny": 1, "Let us now start with properties of\nlogarithms. Our first important property\nis a raise to the power log of x to the\nbase a, gives the result as x. Let us see\nwhat happened here, if any positive real\nnumber 'a is raised to the power of the\nlogarithm of a real positive number x to\nthe same base a then the result is x, for\nexample, '2 to the power log of 8 with\nbase 2 gives us 8 as the result'. Our\nnext important property is log of m*n\nis equal to log of m + log of n,\nthat is if any real positive number,\nlet's say b, can be written as the product\nof its two factors m and n then, it's\nlogarithmic value is equal to the sum of\nthe logarithms of its individual factors.\nInfact not just two factors, if you can\nwrite this number b as the product of\nits n factors such that, x1 * x2\n* x3 up to xn is equal to b, then log\nof b is equal to log of x1 plus log of\nx2 plus log of x3 up to log of xn.\nThat is, the sum of the logarithms\nof its individual factors for example,\nlet's say\nlog of 108, now if i prime factorize 108\nit becomes, 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3\nthat is, i can write log of 108 as log\nof 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3. Now if i\nsplit it as the sum of its individual\nfactors, it becomes log 2 + log 2+ log 3 +\nlog 3 + log 3\nand + log 3. Now if I add\nlog 2 and log 2 and log 3 with\nother log 3's, we get log 108 is\nequal to 2 log 2 + 3 log 3. Similarly log\n(m/n) is equal to log m - log n and\nthat is the logarithm of division of two\nnumbers, is equal to the difference of\nthat individual logarithms. For example,\nlog 125/8 is equal to log 125 - log 8.\nLet us take an example now, the question\nsays simplify log 5 + log 4\n- log 2. Here, if i use the\nproperties of log, i can write log 5 +\nlog 4 as\nlog (5 * 4), that is, log 20. Now my question\nhas become, log 20- log 2. Now we\nknow, that the difference of the\nlogarithms of individual numbers is\nequal to the logarithm of their division.\nThus, log 20 - log 2 =\nlog 20/2, that is log 10. Now here since,\nthe base is not mentioned so by default,\ni'll take its value as 10 and we know, that\nlog of a number to the same base is\nequal to 1. Thus if i simplify log 5\nplus log 4 - log 2, the result is\none.\nLet us see a next property which is also\nknown as the base changing theorm.\nIt states that the quotient of the\nlogarithm is independent of its base, that\nis log b to the base a, can be written\nas log of b to the base m upon log of\na to the base m, where a is greater than 0\nis not equal to 1 and m is greater than\n0 and is not equal to 1. Ofcourse\nthis real positive number b is greater\nthan 0. For example, log of b to the\nbase a * log of a to the base b is\nequal to log of b\nupon log of a * log of a upon log of\nb. Here log a and log a cancels each\nother and similarly, log b and log b\ncancels each other leaving 1 for us. So\nlog b to the base a * log a to the\nbase b gives us one as the result. So we\ncan also say, that log of b to the base a\nis equal to 1 upon log of a to the base\nb, also by base changing theorm, a raise to\nthe power log of c with base b is equal to\nc raise to the power log of a to the\nbase b.\nOur next property is log of b raise to the\npower m to the base a is equal to m log\nb to the base a, that is the exponent of\nthe number b, becomes the coefficient of\nthe logarithm. For example, if i write log\nof 5 raise to the power 3 to the base 8\nit becomes 3 log 5 to the base 8.\nSimilarly log of 3 raise to the power 2\nto the base 2 becomes, 2 log 3 with\nbase 2. If this power m is the exponent\nof the base, instead of the number then\nlog of b to the base a raise to the power m\nis equal to 1 upon m * log of b to\nthe base a,\nthat is the reciprocal of the exponent\nof the base gets multiplied with the\nlogarithm. For example, log of 9 to the base\n4 is equal to log of 9 to the base 2\nsquare. Now the reciprocal of two gets\nmultiplied with the logarithm and it\nbecomes 1/2 log 9 with base 2.\nLet us solve few examples now, the\nquestion says evaluate log 27 to the\nbase 9 - log 9 to the base 27. Here, log\n27 to the base 9 can be written as log\nof 3 raise to the power 3 to the base\n3 raise to the power 2 as 27, is\n3 raise to the power": 4, "Now that we're comfortable with the \"why\" of why we do something to both sides of an equation,\nlet's see if we can apply it to some equations to solve for\nan unknown variable. So let's say that you have x plus seven is equal to ten, and I want to solve for x.\nAll its saying is something plus seven is equal to ten, and you might be able to figure that out in your head,\nbut if you want to do it a little bit more systematically, you're like well just\nall I want on the left hand side is an x. Well if all I want on the left hand side is an x\nI'd want to get rid of the seven. I want to subtract seven from the left-hand side, but if I want to maintain an equality\nhere, whatever I do to the left-hand side I also have to do to the right-hand side going back to our scales\nthat's so that we can keep our scale balanced, so that we can say that the left is still equal to the right.\nAnd so what we're going to be left with is x and then the sevens cancel out\nis equal to ten minus seven is equal to three. So that unknown is three,\nand you can verify it, three plus seven is indeed equal to ten.\nLet's try one more. Let's say we have a minus five is equal to negative two.\nSo this is a little bit more interesting since we have all of these negative numbers here, but we can use\nthe exact same logic. We just want an a over here on the left-hand side\nso we have to get rid of this negative five somehow.\nWell the best way of getting rid of a negative 5 is to add five to it.\nSo I'll do that. So I will add five to the left-hand side.\nBut if I want the left-hand side to stay equal to the right-hand side,\nwhatever I do to the left I have to do the right.\nSo I'm going to have to add five on the right-hand side as well,\nand so on the left-hand side I'm left with a, and then the negative five and the positive five cancel out\nand on the right hand side, and they're going to stay equal because I did the same thing to both sides,\nwe have negative two plus five which is equal to three.\nSo a is equal to three. Once again you can verify it.\nThree minus five is indeed equal to negative two.\n": 4, "Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a brave and noble warrior named Gintoki.\nHe was a master swordsman and had a heart of gold.\nHe was also a master of disguise and could often be found on the battlefield, facing down countless enemies.\nOne day, while on a mission to save his people, Gintoki stumbled upon a beautiful woman named Scarlett O'Hara.\nShe was a mysterious, strong-willed woman who had been kidnapped by a group of bandits.\nGintoki was immediately taken by her strength and beauty, and he vowed to rescue her.\nGintoki tracked the bandits to their hideout, and with his sword and skill, he defeated them all.\nAfter rescuing Scarlett, he brought her back to his home village, where they became fast friends.\nScarlett was fascinated by Gintoki and his courage, and she was in awe of his skill with a sword.\nShe soon realized that Gintoki was a man of great honor and deeply respected him.\nGintoki and Scarlett began to grow close, and after a few months, Scarlett confessed her love for him.\nGintoki was taken aback but couldn't deny that he felt the same way.\nHe proposed to her and they were happily married.\nGintoki and Scarlett's union was a happy one, and they lived happily ever after.\nThey had a son and a daughter, who both inherited Gintoki's courage and Scarlett's strength.\nThe two of them traveled the lands and fought off evil wherever they found it.\nThey were known for their courage and bravery, and their legend still lives on to this day.\n": 4, "We now know that the atom is not the smallest particle of matter and that it is broken down into protons, neutrons and electrons. \nBut just knowing these particles exist is not enough. In this video, we are going to look at the 3 subatomic particles and what role they play in the atom!\nIn order to understand the significance of the 3 subatomic particles, there are a couple concepts you need to remember from other videos:\nWhat is an Atom, Atom vs Ion and Isotopes.\nIf you do not remember this information or need a refresher, please check out our videos on all of these topics!\nThis slide summarize the 3 subatomic particles and their role in the atom. \nPause the video now and write this down! We will cover each particle in more detail as we go through this video. \nHere we see what happens when we change the different particles. \nIf you change the number of protons, you will change the element. \nIf you change the number of neutrons, you will change the mass and that will create an isotope. \nAnd if you change the number of electrons, you will change the charge and that will create an ion.\nThe proton is the subatomic particle that gives us the identity of the element. The proton is located in the nucleus. \nThe number of protons is the same as the atomic number found on the periodic table. \nRemember that the atomic number is the number at the top of each square on the periodic table. \nNotice that every element has a different atomic number\nwhich means they all have a different number of protons. \nFor example, oxygen will always have 8 protons as we see here the atomic number is 8. \nMagnesium will always have 12 protons because it has an atomic number of 12. \nIf you change the number of protons, you will change the identity of the element!\nThe neutron is located in the nucleus and serves 2 roles in the atom. \nThe first role is that it helps to buffer the positively charged protons in the nucleus. \nParticles that have the same charge repel each other. This means they do not want to be close together.\nBecause all protons are positive, they repel each other. \nThe neutron acts as a buffer between the protons so that the nucleus of the atom does not just break apart. \nThe second role the neutron serves is that it contributes to the mass of the atom. \nRemember that the mass number is calculated by adding together the number of protons and neutrons. \nWe just learned that if you change the number of protons then you will change to a new element. \nSo if you want to change the mass of an atom but keep it as the same element, you can change the number of neutrons. \nChanging the number of neutrons changes the mass which creates an isotope. \nThe electron is the final subatomic particle.\nIt is located outside the nucleus in the electron cloud and particle that mainly responsible for an elements chemical reactivity. \nIt is also the main particle responsible for changing the charge of the atom. \nAs we discussed in our Atom vs Ion video, an ion is simply an atom with a charge. \nThere are 2 charged particles in the atom, the proton and the electron. \nChanging either of these particles will change the charge of the atom. \nAs we learned previously, changing the number of protons will change the identity of the element. \nSo if we want to keep the identity the same and only change the charge, we have to change the number of electrons. \nElectrons are negative so adding electrons will make the charge negative and removing electrons will make the charge positive. \nIf you want to learn more about calculating the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom or an ion, check out our videos!\nTo summarize what we have covered in this video, I want to bring back the chart from the beginning. \nRemember that changing the number of protons will change the identity of the element. \nChanging the number of neutrons will change the mass which creates an isotope. \nAnd changing the number of electrons will change the charge which turns the atom in to an ion.\nNow you should have a better understanding about the role of each subatomic particle in the atom. \nIf y": 4, "(tense ambient music)\n- [Female Entity] Every\nliving thing has a mind.\nWe all have the ability to create,\nchoose,\nimagine.\nWe're able to do research,\nstudy,\ninvent.\n(people chattering)\n(person laughs)\nSome create to do good\nand some create to do evil.\n(screen crackles)\nBut we can always choose what side\nwe want to be on.\n(prototype shatters)\nBut can a machine think for themselves\nlike a human?\nOr be slaves to their masters?\n(door creaks)\n(spacecraft whirring)\n(spacecraft rumbling)\n- [Pilot 1] Our prototype\nshould be ready soon.\nMaybe we should check on him.\n- [Pilot 2] It's been a long time coming.\n(tense ambient music)\n(lock clicks)\n(door squeaks)\n- [Pilot 1] Greetings.\nHow nice of you to finally join us.\n- [Pilot 2] It's been a long time coming.\nDo you know who you are?\n- [Pilot 1] You work for us now.\n- [Male Prototype] I\ndon't know who you are.\n- [Pilot 1] We are your masters.\nRise.\n(prototype clicks)\n(dramatic orchestral music)\n(steps thudding)\n(male prototype blipping)\n(gun blasting)\n(suspenseful electronic music)\n(alarm wailing)\n- [Guard] Go, go, go, go, go!\n(gun blasts)\n(man grunts)\n(gun blasts)\n(explosion booms)\n(guns blasting)\n(tense music)\n- [Soldier] Sir, the\nprototype is out of control.\n- [General Kai] He must\nnot leave the ship.\nAttack it.\n(guns blasting)\n(intense electronic music)\n(explosion booms)\n(guns blasting)\n(spacecraft rumbling)\n- [Soldier] Sir, I don't\nthink this is a good idea.\nWe have men on that ship.\n- [General Kai] Are you\nquestioning my authority?\n(tense music)\n(sword whooshes)\nThe prototype must be destroyed.\n(spacecraft whooshes)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosions booming)\n(spacecraft whooshes)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosions booming)\n(flames whooshing)\n(explosions booming)\n(gun blasting)\n(intense music)\n(explosion booms)\n(gun blasts)\n(explosion boom)\n(explosions booming)\n(men groaning)\n(male prototype blipping)\n(explosion booms)\n(flames whooshing)\n(explosion booms)\n(gun clicks)\n(explosion booms)\n- [Soldier] Sir, our ships\nturned against each other.\n(dramatic music)\n(explosions booming)\n(cannons blasting)\n(electricity crackling)\n(spacecrafts whooshing)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosion booms)\n(gun blasting)\n(intense music)\n(flames whooshing)\n(explosion booms)\n(guns blasting)\n(man grunts)\n(explosion booms)\n(male prototype blipping)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosions booming)\n(spacecrafts whooshing)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosions booming)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosions booming)\n(alarm blaring)\n(flames whooshing)\n(explosions booming)\n(intense music)\n(explosion booms)\n(male prototype blipping)\n(spacecraft rumbling)\n(cannons blasting)\n(spacecraft whooshing)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosions booming)\n(spacecraft whooshing)\n(explosion booms)\n(cannons blasting)\n(explosion booms)\n(electricity crackling)\n(cannons blasting)\n(calm ambient music)\n(gentle ambient music)\n(menu chimes)\n(bright ambient music)\n(calm ambient music)\n(tense ambient music)\n(spacecraft rattling)\n(flames whooshing)\n(spacecraft creaking)\n(explosion booms)\n(spacecraft thuds)\n(flames whooshing)\n(ominous choral music)\n(steps thudding)\n(wind whooshing)\n(gun clicking)\n(beast shrieks)\n(dramatic orchestral music)\n(beast grunts)\n(beasts growling)\n(gun blasting)\n(gun clicks)\n(gun blasting)\n(beast growls)\n(steps thudding)\n(beast growls)\n(claw clinks)\n(gun blasting)\n(steps thudding)\n(steps thudding)\n(gun blasting)\n(beast growling)\n(beast grunts)\n(claw thuds)\n(gun blasting)\n(beast growls)\n(intense music)\n(beast growls)\n(gun blasts)\n(gun clicks)\n(gun blasts)\n(gun clicks)\n(spacecraft whirring)\n- [Soldier] We took some heavy losses,\nbut there was a ship that\nwas spotted escaping.\nIntel shows it crashed on Air Axis Eight.\n- [General Kai] I want\nadditional troops sent down there\nas well as our planetary armament.\nWe must make sure the prototype is there.\n(tense ambient music)\n(ground crashes)\n(beast shrieks)\n(intense music)\n(beast rattles)\n(stinger clinks)\n(beast whirring)\n(ground rumbling)\n(gun blasting)\n(beast whirring)\n(beast shrieking)\n(steps thudding)\n(beast shrieking)\n(steps thudding)\n(ground crashes)\n(steps thudding)\n(beast shrieks)\n(gun blasting)\n(beast sh": 1, "SEGI: [SINGING] When you're in\nschool and in the classroom.\nALL: [SINGING] Woohoo.\nSEGI: [SINGING] You\ngot something to say.\nALL: [SINGING] Woohoo.\nSEGI: [SINGING] When your\nteacher asks a question.\nALL: [SINGING] Woo, woo-oh.\nSEGI: [SINGING] You know\nthe answer right away.\nALL: [SINGING] Woohoo.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Before you\nspeak, raise your hand up high.\nJust raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] And I said,\nraise your hand up high!\nALL: [SINGING] Raise\nyour hand up high.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Stick\nyour fingers to the sky!\nALL: [SINGING] Raise\nit up to the sky!\nWoohoo!\nSEGI: [SINGING] It's a\nvery simple rule when\nyou want to talk in school.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nRaise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Sometimes\nyou feel like shouting out.\nALL: [SINGING] Ah.\nSEGI: [SINGING] But\nthat's not the way to go.\nYou've got to raise\nyour hand in school now.\nALL: [SINGING] Woohoo.\nSEGI: [SINGING] That's how\nto show the world you know.\nALL: [SINGING] You got to\nshow the world you know now.\nSEGI: [SINGING] So be calm,\nstay cool and just raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nRaise it up!\nSEGI: [SINGING] Remember\nto raise your hand\nand your teacher\nwill give the word.\nBe patient and be\nstrong now because it\nwon't be too long now.\nALL: [SINGING] You will\nget the chance to be heard!\nALL: [SINGING] Woo, woo.\nALL: [SINGING] And I said,\nraise your hand up high.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise\nyour hand up high.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Stretch\nyour fingers to the sky!\nALL: [SINGING] Raise\nthem up to the sky.\nOoh-ooh.\nSEGI: [SINGING] It's\na very simple rule,\nwhen you want to talk in school.\nJust raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] I\nsaid, raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING]\nJust raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING]\nJust raise it up.\nALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise\nit up, hey, hey!\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Whoo!\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Hey, hey!\nALL: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nSEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up.\nRaise it up.\nRaise it up.\nHey, hey, hey.\nALL: [SINGING] Raise\nyour hand up high!\nWOMAN: [SINGING] Just\nbreathe don't lose control.\nKeep trying and you'll\nreach your goal.\nYou just didn't get it yet,\nbut you'll make it soon I bet!\nIt's the power of yet.\nALL: [SINGING] Yet, yet, yet.\nThat's the power of yet.\nALL: [SINGING] Yet,\nyet, yet, yet, yet.\n": 2, "I was sitting in a corner when I saw her\nShe was like none other and most beautiful\nMy eyes met her eyes yet again\nOnce and then twice then I burst out laughing\nOne hand was in the air and the other on the glass\nI don\u2019t know what is in the glass\nBut she slowly moved her waist and danced\nShe looks so sexy\nShe glances at me\nI glance at her\nThe tension in the air started to go up\nI swear on God that I have never got drunk\nEven then I started getting intoxicated slowly\nUnable to control myself I went near her\nI said I want to talk\nand she asked me to go ahead\nI went close to her and asked her, Baby\nDo you freak like you dance\nCoz you dance like a pro\nHave mercy on me\nHave mercy on me\nDon\u2019t move your body like you do\nI feel you will make me reach the Almighty\nYour body is hotter than chinchilla fur\nWhat did your mother feed you\nwhen you were growing up?\nMy heart stops when you get low\nHave pity on me and listen to me\nDon\u2019t do this my love, my love\nDon\u2019t do this my love, my love\nI looked for flaws but couldn\u2019t find any\nThe ground moved from under my feet\nStop teasing me like this\nI fold my hands and say please\nHave Mercy on me\nHave Mercy on me\nHave pity on me and listen to me\nHave pity on me and listen to me\nHave pity on me and listen to me\nHave pity on me and listen to me\n": 3, "in this video we're going to complete\u00a0\nthe Kudus software infinite calculus free\u00a0\u00a0\nworksheet differentiation rules with tables so\u00a0\nthe differentiation rules that we're using will\u00a0\u00a0\nuse some rule difference rule product rule\u00a0\nquotient rule and finally the chain rule so\u00a0\u00a0\nfor each problem you're given a table containing\u00a0\nsome values of differentiable functions f of X G\u00a0\u00a0\nof X and their derivatives so we're going to use\u00a0\nthe table data and the rules of differentiation\u00a0\u00a0\nto solve each problem so looking at number one\u00a0\nour table is given on the left it says given H\u00a0\u00a0\nof x equals f of X plus G of X we're finding the\u00a0\nderivative of H of 1 so using the sum rule we can\u00a0\u00a0\nsay that the derivative of H of 1 equals the\u00a0\nderivative of the function of s at 1 plus the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of the function of G at 1 so looking at\u00a0\nour table when X is equal to 1 the derivative of\u00a0\u00a0\nf of 1 is 1 so we'll have 1 plus looking at our\u00a0\ntable again the derivative of G of 1 so when X\u00a0\u00a0\nis 1 that derivative which is this last column for\u00a0\nthe derivative of G of X and that's going to be 2\u00a0\u00a0\nand 1 plus 2 equals 3 so the derivative of H at 1\u00a0\nis 3 so number one we use the sum rule continuing\u00a0\u00a0\non to number two we're given H of X equals f of\u00a0\nX minus G of X and we're finding the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof H at two so the number two we're going to\u00a0\nbe using the difference rule which remember we\u00a0\u00a0\ncould also think of this as the sum rule so we\u00a0\nwould be adding a negative G of X as opposed to\u00a0\u00a0\nsubtracting G of X but using the difference\u00a0\nrule the derivative of H of two equals the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of F of two minus the derivative of\u00a0\nG at two so this time we're going to be looking\u00a0\u00a0\nat when x equals 2 now the derivative of f at\u00a0\n2 is 1/2 so we'll have 1/2 minus the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof G at 2 1 1/2 minus 1 equals a negative 1/2\u00a0\nso the derivative of H of 2 is negative 1/2 so\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative of H at 2 is negative 1/2 now\u00a0\nonto number 3 and number 3 we're given H of X\u00a0\u00a0\nequals f of X times G of X and we're finding the\u00a0\nderivative of H at 3 so remember we're going to be\u00a0\u00a0\nusing that product rule so the derivative of H at\u00a0\n3 is going to equal the derivative of F at 3 times\u00a0\u00a0\nG of 3 plus F of 3 times the derivative of G at\u00a0\n3 so the derivative of the first times the second\u00a0\u00a0\nplus the first times the derivative of the second\u00a0\nanother way to think of this is since addition is\u00a0\u00a0\ncommutative first times the derivative of the\u00a0\nsecond plus second times the derivative of the\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst but now let's find those values from our\u00a0\ntable and plug them in we're looking at when X\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to 3 so this bottom row the derivative\u00a0\nof F at 3 is 2 so we're going to have 2 times G\u00a0\u00a0\nof 3 which is 1 plus F of 3 which is 3 times G\u00a0\nPrime at 3 so negative 2 that's going to be 2\u00a0\u00a0\nplus a negative 6 and 2 plus negative 6 equals a\u00a0\nnegative 4 so the derivative of H 3 is negative so\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can see by using tables we don't have to worry\u00a0\nabout all of the algebra and combining like terms\u00a0\u00a0\nand such we're just focusing on the rules in this\u00a0\nworksheet the values are given to us moving on to\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber four we've done the sum rule a difference\u00a0\nrule product rule and now we're going to do the\u00a0\u00a0\nquotient rule f of X over G of X and we're taking\u00a0\nthe derivative of that at three so the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof H of three remember it's a quotient rule we're\u00a0\ngoing to have low D high so G of X or G of three\u00a0\u00a0\nin this case times the derivative of f of X so\u00a0\nlow D high and that's the derivative of F three\u00a0\u00a0\nminus high D low minus f of X F of three times\u00a0\nthe derivative of G of three all over low low so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's G of three squared so now we're going to\u00a0\nfind those values and plug them in and in this\u00a0\u00a0\ncase we're focusing on this bottom row where X\u00a0\nis equal to three so G of 3 is two so we'll have\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo times the derivative of F of three which is\u00a0\nnegative one and then we're subtracting F of three\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is 1 times the derivative of G a 3 which\u00a0\nis one and that's all over G of 3 squared which\u00a0\u00a0\nis 2 squared so we'll have negative 2 because 2\u00a0\ntimes negative 1 is negative 2 minus 1 times 1\u00a0\u00a0\nso minus 1 all over 2 squared which is 4 so the\u00a0\nd": 4, "dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\nnarrated by Akash\nnarrated by Akash\nnarrated by Akash\nnarrated by Akash\nnarrated by Akash\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \nscript by Akash\nscript by Akash\nscript by Akash\nscript by Akash\nscript by Akash\nscript by Akash\n \n \n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ninspired from discovery\ninspired from discovery\ninspired from discovery\ninspired from discovery\ndedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists\n": 0, "Effort\nEffort is isolated.\u00a0\nthe reason why effort is isolated\u00a0\nbecause nobody can dictate it.\u00a0\nEffort is one hundred percent in the mind.\u00a0\nno coach, no player, nobody else\u00a0\ncan make you want to look old.\u00a0\nnobody else can make you finish attack. `\nnobody else can do it.\u00a0\nthat's why it's the most isolated\u00a0\nthings in this earth right now\u00a0\nit's effort.\nyou gonna get up,\u00a0\u00a0\nyou gonna get dressed, you're going to get out and\u00a0\nyou're going to do what you've been called to do.\u00a0\nyou're going to be what you call it, you will have\u00a0\nand you go prove to everybody, that tried to break\u00a0\u00a0\nyou. you go and prove them wrong\neverybody trying to stop you,\u00a0\u00a0\neverybody tried to kill your dream\nyou will prove all of them wrong.\u00a0\npeople that say they have dreams, they want\u00a0\nto open a business or want to do something\u00a0\u00a0\ndifferently than what they're now doing\nthey don't like their jobs. they're unhappy\u00a0\nthey are unfulfilled\npeople who say they want to improve their\u00a0\u00a0\nincome level, look at how they spend their time.\nhow they spend their time,\u00a0\u00a0\nthe commitment of their time,\nhow they use that, that will really tell the truth\u00a0\nyou got to be the hardest workers in the group.\nthe masters make the hardest things in\u00a0\u00a0\nthe world, look easiest\nand in the moments where\u00a0\u00a0\nyou push yourself when no one else is around\nthose moments have a tendency to lead to success\u00a0\nand not only that, but in what\u00a0\nworld do we not work every day\u00a0\nI work every f*ckin' day\ndoesn't end.\u00a0\non the other hand, you can make\u00a0\nthe commitment to your life.\u00a0\nthat you don't like the results that you have\nand that you're going to do something about it.\u00a0\nsee that power is available to all of\u00a0\nus people who look at life and decide\u00a0\nI want something different for myself.\nyou gonna get up, you're going to get dressed,\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're gonna get out\nand you're going to do\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you've been called to do.\nyou're going to be what you call it,\u00a0\u00a0\nyou will have and you go prove to everybody, that\u00a0\ntried to break you. you go and prove them wrong\u00a0\neverybody that's trying to stop you\neverybody tried to kill your dream.\u00a0\nyou will prove all of them wrong.\nwe all fail. it's okay.\u00a0\nwhat is not okay is that\u00a0\nwhen you fail, you stay down.\u00a0\nwhoever stays down is a loser.\nand winners will fail and get up.\u00a0\u00a0\nfail and get up, fail and get up.\nyou always get up, that is.\u00a0\u00a0\na winner. that is a winner.\u00a0\none day, I made a decision that enough\u00a0\nis enough. I'm tired of being average\u00a0\nI'm tired of being good. I'm tired.\nI want to move to the nicest neighborhood.\u00a0\nI want to fly first class. I made a\u00a0\ndecision enough is enough. It's show time.\u00a0\nI wake up every morning at three o'clock why?\nbecause you just got to get there\u00a0\u00a0\nbefore the genius, get there\nand they ain't waking until eight\u00a0\nso if you get up at three, you\u00a0\nain't got to be smarter than them.\u00a0\u00a0\nyou just got to be quicker than them,\nyou just got to be faster than them.\u00a0\nyou just got to get to the slide\u00a0\nbefore they get to the spots,\u00a0\nyou ain't got to be him, you\u00a0\nain't got to be on that level.\u00a0\nyou don't have to be smart, you don't\u00a0\nhave to become them. you can stay you\u00a0\nbut you got to get there before they\u00a0\nget there. if you gonna stay you\nevery day, I feel like eating every day.\u00a0\nI feel like giving my wife the best life\u00a0\nevery day. I feel like driving in a nice car\nevery day. I feel like flying on a first class\u00a0\nevery single day of my life.\u00a0\ni feel like giving a 100%\u00a0\nevery single day.\ni don't have. days\u00a0\u00a0\nwhere i don't feel like it, why?\nbecause i'm counting on me,\u00a0\u00a0\nmy wife's count on me\ni don't have days to waste\u00a0\nwhen you want it that bad. we wake up early in the\u00a0\nmorning when everything else is secondary to you\u00a0\nyou're going to be successful, but\u00a0\nuntil you do that, you'll never have it\u00a0\nwhen you want to succeed as bad as you want\u00a0\nto breathe, then you will be successful.\nLIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE\n": 2, "ok this is Jesus's time the head of the\nfork is pointing towards Jesus the ox\nand the blade is pointing north to the\nWater Bearer or the mother and the blade\nof the fork is pointing in our direction\nso that's where the destruction is\ncoming the back of the fork is where\nwe're heading the back of the blade is\nwhere we're heading the back of the fork\nis where we're heading so we're heading\nto the forks handle and the back of the\nblade of the knife is how we get there\nbut we have to face the face of the blade\nwhich is the actual fucking blade the\nrazor's edge to get there which is the\nwater bucket the man bearing the water\nbucket or the woman bearing the water\nbucket of water that will fucking get us\nhome to West but it's always about south\nand south is the father all right? the same on\nhere! we've got the arrow pointing up\neverything's aligned the father's making\nlove with the mother the mother is\nmaking love with the father over here we\nhave west and west west or! east and east\nalright? so! Jesus Jesus John John\nmother father mother father all right?\nand he is centered why God have you\nforsaken me so! that's the clock okay so?\nthree is the celestial one 3 three is the\ncelestial one the celestial one goes in\nthe middle into the center which is the\nscorpion scorpions always the center\ncelestial one in! astrology the scorpions\nthe center the center head and the\ncenter head flips so this is Jesus's\ntime in John's time this flips clockwise\naround now the arrows pointing down same with\nthe plate this flips around now the\nknife is pointing down so! once\nApophis hits and we make it to the\nkingdom in the west of the eagle we have\nto face the Sun burning up at the end\nand the blade and if we can get past\nthat then we can get to the other side\nof the fucking knife again understand?\nand in this time Jesus is the handle and\nJohn is the fuckin head of the fork over\nhere it's all the same on the outside the\nonly thing that's changed is what's flipped is\nthe center so now we have gay farther\nand farther together mother and mother\ntogether we have earth fighting West and we\nhave West fighting earth so we have west\nearth earth west all right! mother\nmother father father\nthe arrows pointing down the pyramids\nupside down so it's coming in from the\nNorth! which is what Jesus was talking\nabout facing the blade we have to get to\nthe other side and? it comes in from the\nnorth! it comes in? we're here and we have to get back\nhere! and that's our whole destination\nand the wings are spread to get us back\nto here all right? and that's how it's\npositioned right now! on the Mayan calendar\nso? that's what's going on in the world we have\nwater and fucking earth and water and\nfire all doing their things all because\nof the air right! and the calendar\nswapped over so now we're on the other\nside of the calendar we have Jesus we\nhave John all right? the elder always\nlooks after the younger is that not\nright!\nso forth etc twelve o'clock six o'clock\nthree o'clock nine o'clock north south\nwest east alright? so! did we have two\ntables or two tablets of commandments of\nstone they were two tablets we're they not?\nlast time i checked a tablet is what! a\ntablet is it not? yes! are a round thing so\nhe come down with two tablets or tables\nof stone two Round Table's like King\nArthur and your two round tables of stone\nalright? and we have eight points on this\nand we have four points on that so! what? what\ndoes that equal hmm! 12 does it not? so is\nthat not! that? is it not! what are these\nfor? precisely! okay? hmm so! we have two tables\nof stone that we're in the Ark of the\nCovenant the two tablets of the Lord\ntablets like you put a tablet in your\nmouth and they're round okay? three is\nthe celestial one the celestial one is\nalways! Scorpio Scorpio is the head of a\nlong tail bore of the tribe of Judah so\nthere's your head of the long tail bore of\nthe tribe of Judah alright? so here's the\nhead that collides at the bottom and this\ntime John and west the Eagle come down\nto here! the two heads collide this head\nwhich is this head is the head of the\ntribe of Judah which is we": 1, "- (Popcaan) Yeah man,\nyeah I know the boss.\nSee me? Merci. Oh the Unruly.\nRepresent for the Viva tho.\nKick it off like a record\nmax the same speed.\n[Energetic Piano Music]\n- Yo. Fully fully.\nOn the Viva tho.\nYo Josh.\nLife teach me something\nMade me no trust a lot.\nMe no trust me 'cause\nif he got trust a shot?\ny'all find someone me\nfriend you know what I\nBelieve me say it was a lot.\nI don't trust friend.\nI don't trust family.\nI am chosen.\nMe no love life like similile.\nMe only trust the bank and God\nPeople only trust the bank and God.\nMe only trust the bank and God.\nJobs, only trust the bank and God.\nMe just trust the bank and God.\nHmm, only trust the bank and God.\nOnly trust the bank and God\nAy Y G.\nThem people worser than shark.\nYa that tell them your business\nBecause them love talk.\nInstigator them, so watch your head back\nthem set up them friend\nto kill in the bus park.\nFrom them we no seem right.\nThem Father move them from out of my life\nWe set up your life\nSo me walk with my gun\nevery day, every night.\nI don't trust friend\nI don't trust family\nI am chosen\nMe no trust no body.\nMe only trust the bank and God.\nOh, Only trust the bank and God\nOnly trust the bank and God\nOh, Only trust the bank and God.\nYou see them drive wheel in a Jesus hand\nMe see man kill him\nbrother for a piece of land\nJudah not afraid of a evil man\n[Inaudible Lyric]\nJah Jah watch over me\nYou know say me firm, me born to fight\nMe full up an enemy.\nMe no leave me gun no day, no night\nDawg, man ah real OG me no\nfrighten for the lime light\nPagan love spy like them working fly ah\nTell them run up if them\nwant gun and bright light\nMan future so bright, Jamaican sunlight\nAnd me got me weed, and\nthe same thing so high\n8 7 6 GAD, the great, the Judah\nLike Kalonji we taking over\nDawg, me don't even trust me neighbor\nFrom me young me trust the savior\nI don't trust friend\nI don't trust family\nI am chosen\nRight I don't trust nobody.\nMe only trust the bank and God.\nYeah, only trust the bank and God.\nMe only trust the bank and God.\nOnly trust the bank and God.\nMe only trust the bank and God.\nOnly trust the bank and God.\nOnly trust the bank and God.\nOnly trust the bank and God.\n[Inaudible Lyrics]\nFoolish Foolish, Crazy Crazy\nY G, Y G!\nBombaclat\nOnly trust the bank and God\n[Upbeat Outro Music]\n": 1, "hydrogen 1st atomic\nberelyum 4th atomic\nlol\nlithium 3rd atomic\nit's 6 pointed star forming time\nsodium 11st atomic\nmagnesium 12th atomic\npotassium 19th atomic\ncalcium 20th atomic\nscandium 21st atomic\ntitanium 22nd atomic\nvanadium 23rd atomic (sorry about the symbol but i will reupload it)\nchromium 24th atomic\nmanganese 25th atomic\niron 26th atomic\ncobalt 27th atomic\nnickel 28th atomic\ncopper 29th atomic\nzinc 30th atomic\ngallium 31st atomic\naluminium 13th atomic\nsilicon 14th atomic\nboron 5th atomic\ncarbon 6th atomic\nnitrogen 7th atomic\noxygen 8th atomic\nfluorine 9th atomic\nneon 10th atomic\nhelium 2nd atomic (fake) see the real one at the reupload\nphosphorus 15th atomic\nsulfur 16th atomic\nchlorine 17th atomic\nargon 18th atomic\ngermanium 32nd atomic\narsenic 33rd atomic\nselenium 34th atomic\nbromine 35th atomic\nkrypton 36th atomic\nrubidium 37th atomic\nstrontium 38th atomic\nyttrium (yeet) 39th atomic\ncesium (caesium) 55th atomic\nbarium 56th atomic\nfrancium 87th atomic\nradium 88th atomic\nzirconium 40th atomic\nniobium 41st atomic\nmolybdenum 42nd atomic\ntechnetium 43rd atomic\nruthenium 44th atomic\nbai hava greit taim\nrhodium 45th atomic\npalladium 46th atomic\nsilver 47th atomic\ncadmium 48th atomic\nindium 49th atomic\ntin 50th atomic\nantimony 51st atomic\ntellurium 52nd atomic\niodine 53rd atomic\nxenon 54th atomic\nhafnium 72nd atomic\ntantalum 73rd atomic\ntungsten 74th atomic\nrhenium 75th atomic\nosmium 76th atomic\niridium 77th atomic\nplatinum 78th atomic\ngold 79th atomic\nmercury 80th atomic\nthallium 81st atomic\nlead 82nd atomic\nbismuth 83rd atomic\npolonium 84th atomic\nastatine 85th atomic\nradon 86th atomic\nrutherfordium 104th atomic\ndubnium 105th atomic\nseaborgium 106th atomic\nbohrium 107th atomic\nhassium 108th atomic\nmeintnerium 109th atomic\ndarmstadtium 110th atomic\nroentgedium 111st atomic\ncopernicium 112th atomic\nnihonium 113th atomic\nflevorium 114th atomic\nmoscovium 115th atomic\nlivermorium 116th atomic\ntenesine 117th atomic\norganeson 118th atomic\nlanthanum 57th atomic\ncerium 58th atomic\npraseodymium 59th atomic\nneodymium 60th atomic\npromethium 61st atomic\nsamarium 62nd atomic\neuropium 63rd atomic\ngadolinium 64th atomic\nterbium 65th atomic\ndysprosium 66th atomic\nholmium 67th atomic\nerbium 68th atomic\nthulium 69th atomic\nytterbium 70th atomic\nlutetium 71st atomic\nactinium 89th atomic\nthorium 90th atomic\nprotactinium 91st atomic\nuranium 92nd atomic\nneptunium 93rd atomic\nplutonium 94th atomic\namericium 95th atomic\ncurium 96th atomic\nberkelium 97th atomic\nby sun\ncalifornium 98th atomic\neinsteinium 99th atomic\nfermium 100th atomic\nmendelevium 101st atomic\nnobelium 102nd atomic\nlawrencium 103rd atomic\n": 1, "Translation by Agami\nhttp://lyricstranslate.com/en/prekrasnoe-dalyoko-prekrasnoe-daleko-.html\nI am hearing voices from the glorious future,\nIn the silver dew these morning voices sound,\nI am hearing voices and alluring road\nWhirls my head just like in childhood roundabout.\nI pray glorious future,\nDon't be to me so cruel.\nDon't be to me so cruel,\nOh, please do not be!\nFrom innocent inception\nInto the glorious future,\nInto the glorious future\nI start my way to thee.\nPronunciation spelling by Angel the SiliconHeart\nSlishoo gawlahs is pree-krahsnah-vah dahlyokah\nGawlahs ootreeniy, v see-rebryannoy rah-seh\nSlishoo gawlahs, ee mah-nyashchah-ya dah-raw-gah\nKroo-zheet gaw-lah-voo, kahk v detstweh carousel...\nPree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah,\nNe bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah,\nNe bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah,\nZhees-taw-kah ne bhoot'!\nOt chees-tah-wah ees-taw-kah\nV Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah,\nV Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah\nYa nah-chee-nah-you poot'\nI am hearing voices from the glorious future,\nThey are calling me to fairy wonderlands,\nHearing voices and they're asking me so strictly:\nFor tomorrow what's been done by you today?\nI pray glorious future,\nDon't be to me so cruel.\nDon't be to me so cruel,\nOh, please do not be!\nFrom innocent inception\nInto the glorious future,\nInto the glorious future\nI start my way to thee.\nI swear I will become better and kinder,\nAnd will never leave in trouble any friend,\nSlishoo gawlahs is pree-krahsnah-vah dahlyokah,\nOhn zah-vyot me-nya v choo-des-nee-ye krah-ya.\nSlishoo gawlahs \u2013 gawlahs sprah-shee-vah-it straw-gah:\nAh see-vod-nya shtaw dlya zavtrah zdeh-lahl ya?\nPree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah,\nNe bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah,\nNe bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah,\nZhees-taw-kah ne bhoot'!\nOt chees-tah-wah ees-taw-kah\nV Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah,\nV Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah\nYa nah-chee-nah-you poot'.\nYa klya-noos', shtaw stah-noo chischeh ee dub-reh-ye,\nEe v behdeh nee braw-shoo droo-gah nee-kah-gdah.\nI am hearing voices, rushing to their callings,\nBy the road on which there's not any trail.\nI pray glorious future,\nDon't be to me so cruel.\nDon't be to me so cruel,\nOh, please do not be!\nFrom innocent inception\nInto the glorious future,\nInto the glorious future,\nI start my way to thee.\nSlishoo gawlahs ee spee-shoo nah zawv skah-reh-ye\nPah dah-raw-geh, nah kah-taw-roy nyet sleh-dah...\nPree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah,\nNe bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah,\nNe bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah,\nZhees-taw-kah ne bhoot'!\nOt chees-tah-wah ees-taw-kah\nV Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah,\nV Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah\nYa nah-chee-nah-you poot'.\n": 1, "DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell them play that shit again\nTell him that you like that, like that\nDJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell him play that shit again\nTell him\nTurn up the bass!\nDJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell them play that shit again\nTell them that you like that, like that\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ turn it\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nT-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-urn up the, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-urn up the bass!\nDJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nTell the DJ turn it up\nTell the DJ bring it back\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ turn it\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nDJ, DJ, DJ\nT-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-turn up the bass\nT-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-turn up the bass\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it (turn up the bass)\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it\nDJ turn it (turn up the bass)\nDJ turn it\nDJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ (turn up the bass)\nDJ, turn it up\nTell the DJ\n": 1, "I thought that you remember but it seems that you forgot\nIt\u2019s hard for me to blame you when you were already lost oh yeah\nI\u2019m tired of always waiting oh yeah yeah\nI see you changed your number\nThat\u2019s why you don\u2019t get my calls\nI gave you all of me now you don\u2019t want to be involved oh yeah yeah\nI really gotta face it oh yeah yeah\nI just wanna be the one\nBut to you we\u2019re already done\nTell me why\u2019d you have to hit and run me\nNow I\u2019m all alone crying ugly\nYou broke my heart just for fun\nTook my love and just left me numb\nNow it\u2019s 8 in the morning\nHate in the morning\nAll because of you\nAnother story that\u2019s sad and true\nI can feel the pain can you\nYou had to be the one to let me down\nTo color me blue\nHate to see you with someone new\nI\u2019ll put a curse on her and you\nAin\u2019t no looking back now you\u2019re dead and gone\nMy love is gone too\nAll my love is gone\nAll my love is gone\nNow you\u2019re dead and gone\nAll my love is gone and the hate has grown\nStanding all alone and I\u2019m searching for something\nBut I can\u2019t feel nothin\u2019\nI pack my bags and go\nThis don\u2019t feel like home\nToo much darkness for a rainbow\nI feel so used\nHow am I supposed to live without you\nI refuse yeah\nI just wanna be the one\nBut to you we\u2019re already done\nTell me why\u2019d you have to hit and run me\nNow I\u2019m all alone crying ugly\nYou broke my heart just for fun\nTook my love and just left me numb\nNow it\u2019s 8 in the morning\nHate in the morning\nAll because of you\nAnother story that\u2019s sad and true\nI can feel the pain can you\nYou had to be the one to let me down\nTo color me blue\nHate to see you with someone new\nI\u2019ll put a curse on her and you\nAin\u2019t no looking back now you\u2019re dead and gone\nMy love is gone too\nAll my love is gone\nAll my love is gone\nNow you\u2019re dead and gone\n": 3, "Hello and welcome viewers\nToday I will share with you an amazing drink that is best for your children\u2019s height,\nsharp eye sight and brain development.\nIt is very tasty in drinking and good for all ages, even pregnant ladies can use it\nThe ingredients used are full of all those nutrients and vitamins\nThe ingredients used are full of all those nutrients and vitamins.\nwhich are must for growth of healthier and strong bones.\nwhich are must for growth of healthier and strong bones.\nFlax seeds used here have abundance of calcium, magnesium, iron and protein\nFlax seeds used here have abundance of calcium, magnesium, iron and protein\nYou should try and add Flax seeds in your family diet\nYou should try and add Flax seeds in your family diet\nSesame seeds which are packed with calcium, copper, iron, copper and magnesium.\nSesame seeds which are packed with calcium, copper, iron, copper and magnesium.\nRemember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body\nRemember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body\nRemember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body\nRemember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body\nBut today I will explain you the usage in a way that all these ingredients will leave a cool impact\nBut today I will explain you the usage in a way that all these ingredients will leave a cool impact\nAnd whole family can use it very easily in summer\nThird, Pistachio that is also rich in vitamin A & B, calcium, magnesium\nThird, Pistachio that is also rich in vitamin A & B, calcium, magnesium\nThird, Pistachio that is also rich in vitamin A & B, calcium, magnesium\nIt is good for growth of stronger and healthier bones, and play big part in beautifying your skin\nIt is good for growth of stronger and healthier bones, and play big part in beautifying your skin.\nCashew Nuts are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, iron and potassium.\nCashew Nuts are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, iron and potassium.\nCashew Nuts are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, iron and potassium.\nit\u2019s a super food for growth of children height, brain development and eye sight.\nit\u2019s a super food for growth of children height, brain development and eye sight.\nit\u2019s a super food for growth of children height, brain development and eye sight\nAlmonds are no doubted best for eye sight, skin and for your overall health.\nAlmonds are no doubted best for eye sight, skin and for your overall health.\nAlmonds are no doubted best for eye sight, skin and for your overall health.\nIt has Vitamin E in high quantity that is best to keep your skin as young and tight.\nIt has Vitamin E in high quantity that is best to keep your skin as young and tight.\nWe may add rock sugar as sweetener here,\nit is an healthier option than white sugar.\nit is an healthier option than white sugar.\nit is an healthier option than white sugar.\nit is an healthier option than white sugar.\nNow we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond\nNow we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond\nNow we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond\nNow we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond\nNow we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond\nand 50gram each of sesame seeds, flax seeds and rock sugar.\nand 50gram each of sesame seeds, flax seeds and rock sugar.\nand 50gram each of sesame seeds, flax seeds and rock sugar.\nNow grind all these ingredients all together and rock sugar can be grinded separately\nNow grind all these ingredients all together and rock sugar can be grinded separately\nNow grind all these ingredients all together and rock sugar can be grinded separately\nDon\u2019t grind it too much, but keep upto what you see here in video\nDon\u2019t grind it too much, but keep upto what you see here in video\nDon\u2019t grind it too much, but keep upto what you see here in video\nYou may eat with spoon, but kids may not like eating it in summer\nYou may eat with spoon, but kids may not like eating it in summer\nSo, put the mixture i": 2, "Hello music people, welcome to another video on our channel.\nIn this video we are going to analyze Diana Ankudinova.\nAnd for those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer,\nI am a composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer.\nAnd this time we are going to analyze a song \"Duduk\", music by Diana Ankudinova.\nAnd this time we are going to analyze a song \"Duduk\", music by Diana Ankudinova.\nLet's analyze and see the behavior of your voice.\nIf possible, add information about the music production.\nand also in relation to the composition of the music, so it will be done.\nand also in relation to the composition of the music, so it will be done.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, click like and share this video.\nAnd leave your suggestion in the comments.\nThe message was passed and let's go to the most important one who is Diana Ankudinova.\nIt is the style of music we are used to listening to Diana Ankudinova.\nIt is the style of music we are used to listening to Diana Ankudinova.\nIt's the kind of music with a very mysterious and mystical sound.\nIt's the kind of music with a very mysterious and mystical sound.\nand this fits very well with the artistic personality of Diana Ankudinova.\nand this fits very well with the artistic personality of Diana Ankudinova.\nIt's not something she's been doing lately but,\nIt's not something she's been doing lately but,\nwe noticed that she began to work more with the use of the mixed voice.\nwe noticed that she began to work more with the use of the mixed voice.\nwe noticed that she began to work more with the use of the mixed voice.\nIt is a job that she began to adopt and that is very good,\nIt is a job that she began to adopt and that is very good,\nbecause by the way she interprets the songs,\nthis is something that brings more dynamism to your playing.\nthis is something that brings more dynamism to your playing.\nAnd this is very positive. The use of mixed voice and the use of falsetto...\nThe falsetto was something she used occasionally.\nand currently makes a very different use of falsetto.\nand currently makes a very different use of falsetto.\nAnd this is also very good, along with the use of the mixed voice.\nThis is a mixed use of voice.\nIt's not a full voice in the chest region...\nAnd it's not just this region, which we call the voice mask region.\nAnd it's not just this region, which we call the voice mask region.\nAnd it's not just this region, which we call the voice mask region.\nWe use mask voice a lot, when we use our modal region,\nWe use mask voice a lot, when we use our modal region,\nthe speaking region, the voice conversation region.\nNow there is a second voice on this work, an octave up.\nAnd it is very likely that Diana herself made this recording.\nAnd it is very likely that Diana herself made this recording.\nAnd she has the ability to do this kind of voice and play those notes softly.\nAnd there is still a third voice doing solos.\nThe solos are vocalizations...\nListen to this beautiful falsetto.\nListen to this beautiful falsetto.\nDiana starts a job where she builds her voice\nDiana starts a job where she builds her voice\nand we're starting to realize that it projects a dynamic that wasn't there in the beginning.\nand we're starting to realize that it projects a dynamic that wasn't there in the beginning.\nShe was doing another dynamic and this is fantastic.\nShe was doing another dynamic and this is fantastic.\nShe inserted a Glissando.\nListen to these vocalizations and these solos that she interprets with her voice.\nListen to these vocalizations and these solos that she interprets with her voice.\nIt is wonderful.\nThis is something that Diana knows how to do very well.\nIt is a work that adds a main voice line that she recorded.\nIt is a work that adds a main voice line that she recorded.\nTherefore, in post-production effect,\nshe inserts these vocalizations that we call a solo. It's a voice solo.\nshe inserts these vocalizations that we call a solo. It's a voice solo.\nshe inserts these vocalizations that we call a solo. It's a voice solo.": 3, "welcome to an Adventure Into the Heart of\u00a0\nAfrica a land of incredible wildlife and\u00a0\u00a0\nnatural beauty in this video we'll take you\u00a0\non a journey through the vast savannas unless\u00a0\u00a0\nForest of Africa introducing you to some\u00a0\nof the most incredible animals you ever\u00a0\u00a0\nsee from The Majestic lions and elephants\u00a0\nto the Speedy cheetahs and nemble gazelles\nget ready to experience the thrill of the\u00a0\nAfrican safari so sit back relax and get\u00a0\u00a0\nready to explore the Wilds of Africa with\u00a0\nus we hope you enjoy this video and that\u00a0\u00a0\nit inspires you to appreciate the beauty and\u00a0\ndiversity of the animals that call Africa home\nforeign\nwe need your support it's disheartening when we\u00a0\nsee viewers enjoying our content but not taking\u00a0\u00a0\na moment to like And subscribe your support\u00a0\nmeans the world to us and it motivates us\u00a0\u00a0\nto continue creating more exciting content so if\u00a0\nyou enjoy this video please hit that like button\u00a0\u00a0\nand subscribe to our channel to stay updated on\u00a0\nour latest Adventures thank you for your support\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's get started on our African safari\nlichu antelopes\nCape buffaloes\nan elf crocodile\nhippos\nSerengeti\nAfrican elephants\nzebra\nlion\nforeign\nER\nyes\nflamingos\nKenya foreign\ngiraffe\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nthank you\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nforeign\nwe hope you enjoyed this journey into the Wilds\u00a0\nof Africa and discovering some of its incredible\u00a0\u00a0\nanimal species from The Towering giraffes\u00a0\nto the playful zebras and fierce Predators\u00a0\u00a0\nlike lions and hyenas there's no shortage of\u00a0\namazing animals to see on African continent\nif you enjoyed this video please\u00a0\nremember to give it a thumbs up and\u00a0\u00a0\nsubscribe to our channel for more\u00a0\nexciting content don't forget to\u00a0\u00a0\nhit the notification Bell to stay\u00a0\nupdated on our latest Adventures\nthank you for watching and we\u00a0\nlook forward to taking you on\u00a0\u00a0\nmany more wild Journeys in\u00a0\nthe future goodbye for now\nforeign\nforeign\n": 3, "WS: Here I go!\nWS: WHOO!\nWS: Back up!\nWS: Uh Oh!\nWS: Watch out!\nWS: You done wound me up!\nWS: Boutta show you what I'm workin' with!\nRW: Well, Ali Baba had them forty thieves,\nRW: Scheherazade had a thousand tales.\nRW: But, master, you're in luck 'cause up your sleeves,\nRW: You got a brand of magic never fails!\nWS: You got some power in your corner now!\nWS: Heavy ammunition in your camp.\nWS: You got some punch, pizazz, yahoo, and how?\nWS: All you gotta do is rub that lamp! And then I'll say:\nRW: Mister ...\nWS: Man, what's you're name? Whatever.\nRW: What will you pleasure be?\nRW: Let me take your order, jot it down,\nRW: You ain't never had a friend like me!\nWS: Life is your restaurant, and I'm your ma\u00eetre d'.\nWS: Come, whisper to me whatever it is you want.\nWS: You ain't never had a friend like me!\nRW: Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service.\nRW: You're the boss, the king, the shah!\nRW: Say what you wish, it's yours, true dish!\nRW: How about a little more baklava?\nWS: Have some of column A. Try all of column B.\nWS: I'm in the mood to help you, dude.\nWS: You ain't never had a friend like me!\nWS: Can your friends do this?\nRW: Can your friends do that?\nWS: Can your friends pull this....\nRW: Out their little hat? Can your friends go....\nRW: WHOO!\nWS: [Beatboxing]\nWS: [Beatboxing]\nWS: I'm the genie of the lamp.\nWS: I can sing, rap, dance, if you give me a chance!\nRW: So don't you sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed!\nRW: I'm here to answer all your midday prayers!\nRW: You got me bona fide, certified!\nRW: You got a genie for your charg\u00e9 d'affaires!\nWS: I got a powerful urge to help you out,\nWS: So what's your wish? I really wanna know.\nWS: You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt!\nWS: All you gotta do is rub like so!\nRW: Mister Aladdin, sir!\nRW: Have a wish or two or three!\nRW: I'm on the job, you big nabob.\nRW: You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend, you ain't....\nWS: Never had a friend, never had a friend, you ain't....\nRW: Never! Had a! Friend! Like!\nWS: Never! Had a! Friend! Like!\nRW: Me!\nWS: You ain't never had a friend like me!\n": 2, "Vanessa:\nHi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.\nAre you ready to learn a lot of English?\nLet's do it.\nI have a little secret or surprise to share\nwith you.\nFor the last year I have been making 10 second\nto 30 second quick, rapid fire English lessons\nfor a social media channel that I have in\nChina.\nYou can check it out here if you are in China.\nBut I thought, why should my lovely YouTube\nstudents, you, miss out on these English lessons?\nSo today I have compiled 84 rapid fire English\nlessons that you can study today to improve\nyour vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and\ncultural knowledge of American English.\n84 lessons is a lot, so I have created something\nspectacular for you.\nI have created a huge PDF worksheet that you\ncan download for free that has everything\nyou will learn today.\nI hope that this worksheet will help you never\nforget what you've learned and feel excited\nabout English.\nSo make sure you click on the link below this\nvideo to download the free PDF worksheet.\nAll right, let's get started with these 84\nrapid fire English lessons for beginners and\nintermediate English learners.\nDon't forget to click on CC to view the full\nsubtitles so that you don't miss a word that\nI say.\nAll right, here goes.\nIn America, these are pants.\nThese are pants.\nBut in the UK these are trousers.\nTrousers.\nSo what are pants in the UK?\nYou wear pants inside your trousers.\nThey're this.\nSo be careful.\nIn America, these are pants but in the UK\nthese are pants.\nDo you know how to describe this shirt in\nEnglish?\nIt is a long-sleeved shirt.\nIt has a color and it has buttons.\nSometimes we call this a button up shirt.\nA button up shirt.\nI'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt.\nThis is the sleeve and it's short.\nThis is the sleeve and it's long.\nLong-sleeved, short-sleeved.\nThis is a tank top.\nA tank top has no sleeves.\nThis tank top has a built in bra.\nThis is a piece of elastic inside the shirt.\nThis is also a tank top but you can call this\nalso a spaghetti strap tank top because the\nstraps are thin like spaghetti.\nIt's a spaghetti strap tank top.\nJeans.\nJeans.\nKhakis.\nKhakis.\nSweat pants.\nSweat pants.\nWomen wear leggings.\nLeggings.\nOr sometimes we call these yoga pants.\nYoga pants.\nWhat's this?\nIt's a baseball cap.\nI don't play baseball but it's still a baseball\ncap.\nIn daily English we do not say it's a cap.\nThe word cap is old fashioned in American\nEnglish.\nInstead, we say baseball cap or this a sun\nhat.\nA sun hat.\nThis is a winter hat.\nA winter hat or a beanie.\nA beanie.\nWhat are these shoes in English?\nSlip-on shoes.\nSlip-on shoes.\nSandals.\nSandals.\nIn America, these are flip flops.\nFlip flops.\nRain boots.\nRain boots.\nTennis shoes.\nTennis shoes.\nMaybe for running or basketball, they're all\ntennis shoes.\nHigh-heeled shoes.\nHigh-heeled shoes or high heels.\nHigh heels.\nAnd dress shoes.\nDress shoes.\nWhat do you wear under your clothes?\nI won't show you, but we wear underwear or\nundies.\nA bra.\nA bra.\nFor men, men could wear briefs, boxers or\nboxer briefs.\nDo you like to garden?\nFirst, you plant the seeds in the soil.\nLet's watch.\nI'm planting the seeds in the soil.\nI'm planting the seeds in the soil.\nWhat a beautiful day, spring has sprung.\nThis is a great expression we can use at the\nbeginning of spring after a long winter, cold,\ndark, cloudy, snowy.\nWhen the trees become green, the flowers bloom,\nyou can say, \"Yes, spring has sprung.\nSpring is here.\nSpring has sprung.\"\nDo you hear that sound?\nThe birds are chirping.\nBirds are chirping.\nThis is a wonderful phrase that we use in\nthe springtime because the birds are making\na lot of noise.\nUsually, its beautiful noise and we say, \"The\nbirds are chirping.\nSpring is here.\nWhat a wonderful day.\nThe birds are chirping.\"\nWhat is this in English?\nLet's see.\nThese buds haven't opened yet.\nThis is a bud.\nThis is before the flower opens or before\nthe flower blooms.\nIt is a bud.\nA bud.\nIn the springtime, there are a lot of buds\non the trees.\nI hope they will open and bloom soon.\nI have great news, my seeds are sprouting.\nLet's look.\nThe seeds have sprouted, have sprouted.\nThese are seedlings.\nSe": 4, "E\nEx\nExc\nExci\nExcit\nExcita\nExcitat\nExcitati\nExcitatio\nExcitation\nExcitation\nExcitation t\nExcitation te\nExcitation tes\nExcitation test\nExcitation test\nExcitation test o\nExcitation test of\nExcitation test of\nExcitation test of C\nExcitation test of CT\nExcitation test of CT,\nExcitation test of CT,\nExcitation test of CT, P\nExcitation test of CT, Pa\nExcitation test of CT, Par\nExcitation test of CT, Part\nExcitation test of CT, Part\nExcitation test of CT, Part I\nExcitation test of CT, Part I:\nExcitation test of CT, Part I:\nT\nTr\nTra\nTran\nTrans\nTransf\nTransfo\nTransfor\nTransform\nTransforme\nTransformer\nTransformer\nTransformer a\nTransformer an\nTransformer and\nTransformer and\nTransformer and i\nTransformer and it\nTransformer and its\nTransformer and its\nTransformer and its s\nTransformer and its sa\nTransformer and its sat\nTransformer and its satu\nTransformer and its satur\nTransformer and its satura\nTransformer and its saturat\nTransformer and its saturati\nTransformer and its saturatio\nTransformer and its saturation\nTransformer and its saturation:\nTransformer and its saturation:\nBefore talking about the Excitation test,\nit is necessary to review some important and useful subjects related to analyzing behavior of transformers including equivalent circuit and some electric and electromagnetic analyses.\nYou can see a transformer equivalent circuit in the figure.\nIn this circuit, \u201cRp\u201d and \u201cRs\u201d refer to the primary and secondary coils resistance respectively which occur as heat loss and increase in the temperature of the coil.\n\u201cXP\u201d and \u201cXS\u201d, on the other hand, indicate a part of the flux whose path is through air and is known as \u201cleakage Flux\u201d.\nIn the parallel branch, \u201cRc\u201d is the indicator of core loss including eddy current and Hysteresis losses which occur as increase in the temperature of the core.\nThe reason for parallelism of \u201cRc\u201d is that the losses caused by it are in accordance with the square of the input voltage.\n\u201cXm\u201d indicates magnetizing inductance of the wires wrapped around the core of the transformer.\nTransformer Loading and Its Effect on Transformer Saturation\nWhen load is drawn from the transformer, this power causes the secondary current to increase.\nWhen the secondary current increases, the flux caused by the secondary coil increases as well.\nAlso, after the secondary current increases, the primary current increases as well which leads to an increase in the flux of the primary side.\nBut since the changes in the secondary side current are bigger, the flux of the secondary side will be more than the primary side.\nBecause of the influence of the opposite side of these two in the equivalent flux of the transformer core, the flux of the transformer decreases.\nAs a result, while the load drawn from the terminals of the power transformer increases, the core recedes from the saturation area.\nTherefore, in full-load it is possible to use a small core for the transformer, but since transformer is not always used in nominal load,\nby reducing the core, the decrease in the load, leads to the saturation of transformer.\nSo to avoid transformer saturation in light load and change the waveform from sine wave, it is necessary to extend the transformer core.\nS\nSa\nSat\nSatu\nSatur\nSatura\nSaturat\nSaturati\nSaturatio\nSaturation\nSaturation\nSaturation C\nSaturation Cu\nSaturation Cur\nSaturation Curv\nSaturation Curve\nSaturation Curve\nSaturation Curve o\nSaturation Curve of\nSaturation Curve of\nSaturation Curve of \u201c\nSaturation Curve of \u201cC\nSaturation Curve of \u201cCT\nSaturation Curve of \u201cCT\u201d\nSaturation Curve of \u201cCT\u201d\nAs mentioned before, the power transformer recedes from saturation by increasing the current whereas CT gets closer to the saturation area.\nThe reason for this is related to the voltage of parallel branch where, in the power transformer by increasing the current, voltage of the parallel branch decrease.\nBut in \u201cCT\u201d, by increasing the current, the voltage of the parallel branch in the secondary side increases and the \u201cCT\u201d saturates.\n\u201cCT\u201d saturation in a power system is caused by increase in the primary current because of occurrence of a fault which disa": 1, "Scientific method\nScientific method\nFirst you make an observation of the world around\nTake notes and record all the things that you found\nThen you ask a simple question\nSomething that you wanna learn\nThen you form a hypothesis to explain what you observed\nThen you make a prediction about how it's gonna go\nDo a test with a control and a variable\nThen you analyze the data and draw a conclusion\nDo the scientific method to avoid all confusion\nMake an observation\nAsk a question\nForm a hypothesis and make a prediction\nDo a test\nOr experimentation\nAnalyze data and draw a conclusion\nMake an observation\nAsk a question\nForm a hypothesis and\nand make a prediction\nDo a test\nOr experimentation\nAnalyze data and draw a conclusion\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method, scientific method, scientific method...\nFirst you make an observation of the world around\nTake notes and record all the things that you found\nThen you ask a simple question, something that you wanna learn\nThen you form a hypothesis to explain what you observed\nThen you make a prediction about how it's gonna go\nDo a test with a control and a variable\nThen you analyze the data and draw a conclusion\nDo the scientific method to avoid all confusion\nMake an observation\nAsk a question\nForm a hypothesis\nAnd make a prediction\nDo a test\nOr experimentation\nAnalyze data and draw a conclusion\nMake an observation\nAsk a question\nForm a hypothesis\nAnd make a prediction\nDo a test\nOr experimentation\nAnalyze data and draw a conclusion\nMake an observation\nAsk a question\nForm a hypothesis\nAnd make a prediction\nDo a test\nOr experimentation\nAnalyze data and draw a conclusion\nMake an observation\nAsk a question\nForm a hypothesis\nAnd make a prediction\nDo a test\nOr experimentation\nAnalyze data and draw a conclusion\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\nScientific method\n": 3, "today we will learn about basic\u00a0\nmathematics in logic how to write\u00a0\u00a0\nsimple equations consisting of predictions\u00a0\nsquare roots subscripts and superscripts\u00a0\u00a0\nthere are two types of mathematical modes\u00a0\nthese are inline and displayed modes\u00a0\u00a0\nin inline mode the expression is displayed\u00a0\nin between the text while in the displayed\u00a0\u00a0\nmode the expression is displayed on a new line to\u00a0\nwrite the mathematical expression in inline mode\u00a0\u00a0\nit should come in between the single\u00a0\ndollar symbol like dollar x plus 5 dollar\nthe x plus 5 is written in the same\u00a0\nline similarly to write the expression\u00a0\u00a0\nin displayed mode it should come in\u00a0\nbetween the double dollar symbols like\nx plus 5 here the x 5 is written on\u00a0\nthe separate new line to write the\u00a0\u00a0\nmultiplication symbol in the expression\u00a0\nthe times command used for example\n3 times 5\nthe multiplication symbol is coming here\u00a0\u00a0\nsimilarly to write the division\u00a0\nsymbol the div command used 25 leave 5\n25 divided by 5 is coming here the fractions\u00a0\nare written with the prediction command\u00a0\u00a0\nit has two arguments first\u00a0\nargument is the numerator and\u00a0\u00a0\nthe second argument is the denominator of\u00a0\nthe expression write the fraction command\nin the first argument write denominator of the\u00a0\nexpression x plus 5 and in the second argument\u00a0\u00a0\nwrite the denominator of the expression x\u00a0\nminus 5 the fraction is coming here but it\u00a0\u00a0\nis coming in small size to display it in the\u00a0\nnormal size write the command display style\u00a0\u00a0\nnow the fraction is coming in the proper size\u00a0\nsubscripts are written with the underscore\u00a0\u00a0\nsymbol and the superscripts are written\u00a0\nwith the hat symbol after the underscore\u00a0\u00a0\nunderscore or head symbol the text will appear in\u00a0\nthe base or in the power respectively for example\nto write 3 in the base of x write x underscore 3.\nnow 3 is coming in the base of the x similarly\nto write 10 in the base of y\nonly the 1 is coming in the base and the 0 is\u00a0\u00a0\nnot coming to write the 10 in the base\u00a0\nand close it in the curly brackets\nnow the whole whole number is coming in the\u00a0\nbase of y similarly to write the superscript\u00a0\u00a0\nx at 3 x to the power of 3 is\u00a0\ncoming here similarly to write\u00a0\u00a0\nmore than one words in the power close\u00a0\nit in the curly brackets y hat 23\ny to the power of 23 is shown here the square\u00a0\nroot is written with the square root command\u00a0\u00a0\nwrite the square root command\nsqrt in the curly brackets write the expression of\u00a0\nthe square root for example 2 the square root of 2\u00a0\u00a0\nis coming here in the curly brackets you can also\u00a0\nwrite long expression fractions etc for example s\u00a0\u00a0\nqrt x plus 3 sqrt write the fraction in\u00a0\nit reaction command x plus 2 x minus 5\u00a0\u00a0\nthe fraction command is coming in the square\u00a0\nroot you can also write the display style here\u00a0\u00a0\nnow the square root is\u00a0\ncoming in in the proper style\nlet's write these expressions these\u00a0\nequations here for example this f\u00a0\u00a0\nof x is equal to 1 plus x square can be written as\nf of x is equal to 1 plus x to the power 2\nhere it is coming here f of x is equal to 1 plus\u00a0\ns square x square similarly the second expression\nf of x is equal to 1 minus square\u00a0\nroot of square t square root of x\nthe second equation is coming here write the third\nequation\nf of x is equal to square root of\n5 x plus 10.\nwrite the fourth equation g of x is equal to\u00a0\nsquare root of x to the power 2 minus three of x\nthe fourth equation is coming here\nwrite the fifth equation\nf of t is equal to selection\u00a0\nwrite reflection command\u00a0\u00a0\nin denominator there there is four and\u00a0\nin the denominator there is three minus t\nit is coming in small size write the display style\nnow it is coming in proper form and proper style\nthis equation is\nj of t is equal to fraction like the fraction\u00a0\u00a0\na denominator that is true and in the denominator\u00a0\nthere is t square right a power 2 minus 16\nwrite the display style command\nis coming here\nthe next one is find the\u00a0\ndomain of y finally the name of\nit is coming in line write the inline\u00a0\ncommand y is equal to and there is fraction\u00a0\u00a0\nright the fraction command in the in denominator\u00a0\nthere is x plus 3 and the denominator there is\u00a0\u00a0\n4 minus and square root right\u00a0\nthis square r": 4, "You have time \nYou make the time \nLook everyone has a problem with time.\nBut\nthe day is 24 hours,\nand we sleep 6.\nNow I know there are some out there that say\nwhoa whoa whoa whoa ...\nI need 8.\nBut I say to sleep a little faster.\nBecause the bottom line is we have\n6 hours of sleep,\n24 hours are available.\nSo it's 18 hours now available\ndo your work,\nyour family,\nyour hobbies,\nand also to learn something new,\nor to do something new\nwhich could easily\u00a0be that you want to\nlearn and language\nor that you want to read does and as a New Year\u2019s\u00a0resolution\nafter read a book every week,\nor where you say I gonna to reshape my body.\nSo you're gonna go and take this hour out of your schedule\nand say I'm gonna to train an\u00a0hour every day\nso this is for most people a huge challenge\nbut it\u2019s totally doable I can\u00a0tell them\nbecause the kind of things that I did\nWhen they came to this country\nI mean I\u00a0went to school,\nI was working in a construction\nI was working out 5 hours a day\nI was taking\u00a0acting classes\nfrom 8 at night to 12 midnight.\nI was doing all of those things.\nI wanted to\u00a0make sure\nthat out of the 24 hours of the day\nthat I don\u2019t waste one single hour.\nThose hours\u00a0were too precious\nand so they're just going to tell people\ndon't give me this thing\nI have a\u00a0difficult time of at the time\nand I don't have time for this now\nYou have time\nYou make the time\nWhen the president of the United\u00a0States\nhas time to work out.\nWhen the pope has time to work out.\nThen you have time to work out.\n": 2, "May God\u2019s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. In the name of God, praise be to God, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him\n \n \n \nFrom here from Egypt, specifically from Cairo, we are enlightened by the grace of God the world and we take it out of disregard for it\n \n \n \n \nYou will ask me the reason for this introduction\nThe truth is that a foreign person wrote to me in the comments\n \n \n \n \n,, How to believe a person who has been absent from his culture since the second century AD\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nOf course he meant the end of Roman rule in the year 200 AD after the Pharaohs or the ancient Egyptians\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAs if our culture had ended at this century and forgotten or forgotten that God had sent to us\n \n \n \n \nA great Messenger is our master Muhammad, the world has enlightened him,\n \n \n \n \nWhat this means is what you will add to us after losing culture\nWhat this means is what you will add to us after losing culture\n \n \n \nIn the sense that whatever you discover you will not reach the extent of our knowledge, we are the ones who invented complicated machines and machines\n \n \n \n \n \n \nThis is true, but he forgot that the reason for this knowledge is the Islamic civilization, with its pioneering scholars in all fields, and everyone knows them\n \n \n \n \n \nThey put the furniture of the people of the West, translated their books, studied them well, and finished them\n \n \n \n \nI wrote to him in response to his comment, I said it, then his culture returned to him again in the sixth century AD to illuminate the world and take it out of its delusions\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAt the hands of our Master Muhammad and culture, it was only 350 years late and not a long, dark find.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWe start now with the episode first. I notice that the videos there are watched by just a few minutes, and nothing will benefit\n \n \n \n \n \n \nThanks to God, these are the foundations of new science. If you see a part and leave a part, maybe you will leave it with strong evidence, build it in the future.\n \n \n \n \n \nThanks to God, these are the foundations of new science. If you see a part and leave a part, maybe you will leave it with strong evidence, build it in the future.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nLike a doctor or a teacher. If you leave part of his explanation, you will not understand the lesson. There are those who object to things that you answered in many videos.\n \n \n \n \n \nThe meaning of this is that he did not see anything and object and only must watch the whole video as the subject of the mountains will continue with us for some time,\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAnd the issue is not limited to the mountains only, but what was hidden was greater and everything was in its time\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nNow if the huge mountains are rooted in plants, they must have huge fruits, just as they are\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nHere is the first picture with us\n \n \nThe fruit on the right is two conjoined fruits, with a fossil of figs, as are many fruits\n \n \n \nThe fruits are many and sporadic\n \n \nAnd this is very clear that it is a fruit and its shell has occurred as the skin is a texture and the fruit is another fabric and there is a separation between them as it is the first thing that occurs when the fruit is petrified\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nAnd this is very clear that it is a fruit and its shell has occurred as the skin is a texture and the fruit is another fabric and there is a separation between them as it is the first thing that occurs when the fruit is petrified\n \n \n \n \n \n \nAnd this is very clear that it is a fruit and its shell has occurred as the skin is a texture and the fruit is another fabric and there is a separation between them as it is the first thing that occurs when the fruit is petrified\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nThese are scattered fruits in the desert, where are the mountains then?\n \nI say that the mountains are connected to each other by roots and these fruits come out\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nThis is another\n, And this is an external framework then an internal layer and then the nucleus\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nThese are v": 1, " Whoo! Pressure. \n Oh, no, please, Shellyann, \n don't fumble. \n Tonight, there's no rules any more, \n is there, \n for what could happen. \n Rule book, gone. \n # I was born in a thunderstorm \n # I grew up overnight \n # I played alone \n and I played on my own \n # But I survived \n # I'm still breathing \n I'm still breathing \n # I'm still breathing... # \n Yes, yes! \n # I'm still breathing \n # I'm alive... # \n Yeah, she's doing it! \n # I'm alive \n # I'm alive \n # I'm alive \n # I have made \n every single mistake \n # That you could \n ever possibly make \n # I took and I took \n I took what you gave \n # But you never noticed \n that I was in pain \n # I knew what I wanted \n I went out and got it \n # Did all the things that \n you said that I wouldn't \n # I told you that I would \n never be forgotten \n # And all in spite \n of you... # \n Go on! \n # I'm still breathing \n # I'm still breathing \n # I'm still breathing \n # I'm alive \n # I'm alive \n # I'm alive. # \n CHEERING \n With a score of 100, \n you're our winner. \n CHEERING \n You just won \u00a350,000. \n Oh, my God! \n Thank you so much, guys, thank you. \n What does \u00a350,000 mean to you, \n Shellyann? \n I'm going to get married. \n You're going to get married? \n CHEERING \n And Southern Flavor, \n just pipped at the post. \n You should be \n so proud of yourselves. \n This entire experience \n has been absolutely amazing. \n You guys are absolutely amazing. \n Thank you for this. Thank you. \n Give it up for Southern Flavor, \n everyone. \n Congratulations. \n Ladies and gentlemen, your \n All Together Now 2019 champion, \n it's Shellyann. \n You so deserve to win. \n I'm so proud of you. We all are. \n CHEERING \n Well, that's it for this series. \n Thanks to all our amazing acts \n and, of course, Geri \n and the rest of the 100. \n To find out more about the show, \n check out our website \n and follow us on social media. \n Now, it's been an incredible night, \n and to sing us out one last time, \n Shellyann and the 100. \n Good night. \n # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh \n # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh \n # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh \n # And don't it feel good? Yeah! \n # And don't it feel good? Hey! \n # I feel the love \n I feel the love \n # I feel the love that's really real \n # I feel the love, I feel the love, \n I feel the love \n # That's really real \n I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh \n # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh \n # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh \n # And don't it feel good! # \n": 2, "Happy, feeling glaa\nSunshine in a bad\nMuseless, not for Lon\nFuture coming on\nHappy, feeling glaa\nSunshine in a bad\nMuseless, not for Lon\nFuture coming on\nCumming on\nCumming on [x2]\nCumming on [x3]\nCumming on [x4]\nFinal Lees out of my K\nTime for me is counting no A\nCouldn't be DARE, shouldn't be scare\nGood at repair under E-snare\nTangible, think so I con man\nPanoramic make it all man\nPick and flu all you\nChicks 'n Pink is really\nPicture down in a book\nLike you lick, you think is Miss Tickle\nPiritual, here's a new the cure to\nLifeless, to bishop for what christ-less\nTo you, to on the \"like it?\"\nRighteous but side kick to zes you in\nHappy, feeling glaa\nSunshine in a bad\nMuseless, not for Lon\nFuture coming on\nHappy, feeling glaa\nSunshine in a bad\nMuseless, not for Lon\nFuture coming on\nCumming on\nCumming on [x2]\nCumming on [x3]\nCumming on [x4]\nEssence to 'bout choo-choo\nAllow me to choa like it\nRhythm, you DON'T (accurate portrayal of this video)\nThat's an ffff in 'em\nTree, every Terry\nCloud in semen-je AAH\nChe and the...chin in the f***ing enter\nSomething to ya list so might as nuts as people\nMe as a guy, Y'all can see me ne\nSee with ya i, see with ya ma\nn, f***ah, so brown with what mentor\nRuss are mah member when the\nI brought you kazoo, law is law\nFearless, and Saw was dead\nQuill and rem, all in your HEN\nHappy, feeling glaa\nSunshine in a bad\nMuseless, not for Lon\nFuture coming on\nHappy, feeling glaa\nSunshine in a bad\nMuseless, not for Lon\nFuture coming on\nCumming on\nCumming on [x2]\nCumming on [x3]\nCumming on [x4]\nFuture coming on\nCumming on [x5]\nCumming on [x6]\nCumming on [x7]\nCumming on [x8]\nFuture coming on\nCumming on [x9]\nCumming on [x10]\nCumming on [x11]\nCumming on [x12]\nFuture coming on\nCumming on [x13]\nCumming on [x14]\nFuture coming on\nCumming on [x15]\nCumming on [x16]\nFuture coming on\nCumming on [x17]\nCumming on [x18]\nFuture\n(it's just instrumentals from here on out, bois)\n": 1, "Someone\u2019s shadow is slightly passing\nIts charm makes heartbeat mixing like the drunk\nHooking the clouds following the waves continuously\nYour sweet smile makes me disappear and forget all the way to get home eh,\nCould not find my own way home ehhhh\nRhythm mixing in your lips and eyes\nCreate the way for the love vibration\nTouching takes many\nAttached Love overwhelms\nFill up everywhere\nDaydream with winds and flowers\nJust in that moment\nSpeechlessness controls\nThousands stars warmly handing make me feel solitary\nAll the flowers are awakened up smoothly overwhelming over the spaces\nSinging together asking for your stop of each step\nThe lovesick is amazed\nThe shocking beautiful maze save our memories\nGive it to me\nGive it to me\nWhat I am waiting\nGive it to me\nGive it to me\nLets do all we wish right at this moment \nGive it to me\nGive it to me\nGive it to me all of burning love\nGive me the fully origin love\nLooking at my Gucci is about that time\nWe can smoke a blunt and pop a bottle of wine\nNow get yourself together and be ready by nine\nCuz we gon\u2019 do some things that will shatter your spine\nCome one, undone, Snoop Dogg, Son Tung\nLong Beach is the city that I come from\nSo if you want some, get some\nBetter enough take some, take some\nTouching takes many\nAttached Love overwhelms\nFill up everywhere\nDaydream with winds and flowers\nJust in that moment\nSpeechlessness controls\nThousands stars warmly handing make me feel solitary \nAll the flowers are awakened up smoothly overwhelming over the spaces\nSinging together asking for your stop of each step\nThe lovesick is amazed\nThe shocking beautiful maze save our memories\nGive it to me\nGive it to me\nGive it to me What I am waiting\nGive it to me\nGive it to me\nLets do all we wish right at this moment\nGive it to me \nGive it to me \nGive it to me all of burning love\nGive me fully origin love \nYou let me see the paradise quickly in just a second\nLike the sound contains all the invitation via the song\nLike a drunk guy looking for, wishing for\nSlowly getting closer holding you tightly\nGive it, Give it all, don\u2019t waver or hide anymore\nForget forget all, get closer, closer\nSinking into the sky, for us only, closing our eyes, hand in hand get lost amongst the stars\nYou let me see the paradise quickly in just a second\nLike the sound contains all the invitation via the song \nLike a drunk guy looking for, wishing for\nSlowly getting closer holding you tightly\nGive it, Give it all, don\u2019t waver or hide anymore\nForget forget all, get closer, closer\nSinking into the sky, for us only, closing our eyes, hand in hand get lost amongst the stars\nGive it to me\nGive it to me What I am waiting\n": 2, "glucoseandrodo: hello?\n\nglucoseandrodo: hello?\nDukeDeserix: Sup\n\nglucoseandrodo: hello?\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nbarnycalhoun: trol\n\nglucoseandrodo: hello?\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nbarnycalhoun: trol\ndoomguydon: good afternoon\n\nglucoseandrodo: hello?\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nbarnycalhoun: trol\ndoomguydon: good afternoon\nspoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad\n\nDukeDeserix: Sup\nbarnycalhoun: trol\ndoomguydon: good afternoon\nspoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad\n\nbarnycalhoun: trol\ndoomguydon: good afternoon\nspoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad\n\ndoomguydon: good afternoon\nspoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad\n\ndoomguydon: good afternoon\nspoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad\njcscruggs: New Vegas 2 is better\n\nspoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad\njcscruggs: New Vegas 2 is better\n\njcscruggs: New Vegas 2 is better\n\ns4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea\n\ns4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea\nTheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler\n\ns4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea\nTheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler\nglucoseandrodo: hola\n\ns4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea\nTheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler\nglucoseandrodo: hola\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO\n\ns4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea\nTheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler\nglucoseandrodo: hola\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR\n\nTheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler\nglucoseandrodo: hola\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR\n\nTheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler\nglucoseandrodo: hola\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA\n\nglucoseandrodo: hola\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA\n\nLittleGreentrooper: Hi vnn, where's Tyler ?\n\nLittleGreentrooper: Hi vnn, where's Tyler ?\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Oh- I mistook vnn for tyler, my mistake\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Oh- I mistook vnn for tyler, my mistake\n\njcscruggs: This game must be good now cause that\u2019s all I ever hear\n\njcscruggs: This game must be good now cause that\u2019s all I ever hear\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: I get bullied at school because I like Fallout 76\n\njcscruggs: This game must be good now cause that\u2019s all I ever hear\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: I get bullied at school because I like Fallout 76\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: I get bullied at school because I like Fallout 76\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help\ninnerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot\n\nxX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help\ninnerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot\ndoomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! \n\ninnerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot\ndoomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! \n\ninnerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot\ndoomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! \nedenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!!\n\ninnerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot\ndoomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! \nedenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!!\ncomic_sams123: Can you elaborate on the fallout 76 offline thing you talked about? :)\n\ndoomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! \nedenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!!\ncomic_sams123: Can you elaborate on the fallout 76 offline thing you talked about? :)\n\nedenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question Number fourteen of our calculus review.\nChristopher Carbone: If F. Of X is equal to x to the fourth, or it's fourx. We want to find F. Prime of X,\nChristopher Carbone: and then try to see\nChristopher Carbone: that your answer in part A is reasonable by comparing the graph of F and F. Prime.\nChristopher Carbone: So first and foremost,\nChristopher Carbone: we need to find this derivative.\nChristopher Carbone: So F. Prime of X\nChristopher Carbone: is by definition a limit.\nChristopher Carbone: As h approaches zero over F of Vax bus age,\nChristopher Carbone: minus F of x,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: And let's do the work for that down here.\nArms\nChristopher Carbone: F of x plus H.\nChristopher Carbone: Minus F. Of x,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: So there should be x plus h\nChristopher Carbone: to the for us,\nChristopher Carbone: plus four times x plus h\nChristopher Carbone: manus.\nChristopher Carbone: Let me fix my age there\nChristopher Carbone: minus\nChristopher Carbone: um. This would be going to suction is off\nChristopher Carbone: manus ducks to the fourth,\nChristopher Carbone: who has four acts,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: So expanding the x plus h to the fourth, distributing the four and the four times x plus h,\nChristopher Carbone: and distributing this negative at the end.\nChristopher Carbone: This mates x to the fourth\nChristopher Carbone: was four x cubed times H.\nChristopher Carbone: And let me just fix that\nChristopher Carbone: to make that more readable,\nChristopher Carbone: Four x cubed times h\nChristopher Carbone: plus six x squared times H. Squared.\nChristopher Carbone: It was fourx times. H cubed\nChristopher Carbone: cross edge to the fourth,\nChristopher Carbone: who has fourx.\nChristopher Carbone: What's for H\nChristopher Carbone: man? It sucks to the forest,\nChristopher Carbone: minus fourx,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by it,\nChristopher Carbone: and a few things cancel there,\nChristopher Carbone: right. It's next to the fourths\nChristopher Carbone: and the four X.\nChristopher Carbone: So this would leave us with\nChristopher Carbone: before we divide by H,\nChristopher Carbone: and this will leave four X cubed. H\nChristopher Carbone: was six x squared. H squared\nChristopher Carbone: was four x H. Cubed.\nChristopher Carbone: Who is H to the fourth?\nChristopher Carbone: What's voyage,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by it\nChristopher Carbone: that leaves us with. When we divide by H. We\nChristopher Carbone: a four X cubed\nChristopher Carbone: or sips x squared times H. The\nChristopher Carbone: plus fourx times h squared plus h cubed\nChristopher Carbone: what's four\nChristopher Carbone: so we can we way. I'll limit no with this\nChristopher Carbone: before we apply h is equal to zero\nChristopher Carbone: limit as h approaches zero of the\nChristopher Carbone: or it's cubed\nChristopher Carbone: was six x squared.\nChristopher Carbone: That's h\nChristopher Carbone: was four x h squared\nChristopher Carbone: what h cubed plus four,\nChristopher Carbone: so since h can be zero here and make no issues. We would just be left with four X cubed.\nChristopher Carbone: It's plus four\nChristopher Carbone: to compare those graphs. Let me\nChristopher Carbone: hold up. That's most for this. Our original function was X to the fourth\nChristopher Carbone: quest for Apps\nAnna, me\nChristopher Carbone: zoom out so we could see that\nChristopher Carbone: there we go,\nChristopher Carbone: and the derivative. We just found the\nChristopher Carbone: which was four X cubed.\nChristopher Carbone: What for?\nChristopher Carbone: And we could see that comparison\nChristopher Carbone: by looking at this, even though we are not looking at a specific point per se.\nChristopher Carbone: The derivatives, the one in green does show that diversity of what's no function in red.\nChristopher Carbone: Thank you.\n": 2, "22K Gold\nheat the gold on a metallic cotton\nthen make the gold little longer in the rolling machine\ncut it into half so that one half portion used to make wires and another to cut gold pieces\nthis is gold press dies cutting machine which cut gold pieces\nchange the dies and we can have different gold pieces\nnow it time to make gold wires\n22 gauge wire to make pendant holder\n24 gauge wire for designing and solid small gold spheres\n31 gauge wire to make twisted wire\n31 gauge wire to make twisted wire\nthe twisted wire can not be made at once so heat it up again then twist it again\nanother wire for designing\nuse 22 gauge wire to make the frame\nthe frame is almost ready\nsolder all the edges\nthis is plasticine type clay\nthe surface of the clay should be uniform\nso use two iron plate to make the surface uniform\nplace all the frame part on the clay\npress the frame little inside the clay\nlets start designing\nheat the design with diluted acid\nthis magnetic polishing machine I use polish gold jewelry\nthe final design\nand the weight of this pendant is 9.480 grams\n": 2, "2000+ Common Swedish Nouns\nwith the Pronunciation\na people\na dad\na thank you\na no\na home\none day\na way\na mother\na song\na problem\na helpful\na father\na hell\nonce\nan error\na choir\na friend\na child\na product\na name\na mine\na hold\na son\na faith\na wife\na God\na question\nawhile\none morning\na road\na field\na pipe\nend\nan era\na brother\na woman\na time\na sweetheart\na guy\na chance\na place\na part\none night\na car\none thing\na couple\na house\na ride\na liver\na daughter\nan idea\na danger\none word\na leg\na room\na sister\na fool\na life\na family\na bath\na weapon\na friend\na choice\na hand\na captain\na plan\none four\na spring\na heart\nan attempt\na number\na blood\none week\nan apology\na card\na foundation\na mother\na sting\na love\na miss\na lot\na doctrine\na girl\na place\na mistake\na poison\na role\na gentleman\na sin\nslightly\nan order\na night\na health\na while\na story\nhappiness\na trip\na person\na country\na service\na piece of evidence\na side\nan advice\na job\nan agent\nan earnest\na murder\na ring\na body\nan answer\none hour\na boy\na conversation\na type\na cop\nan injury\na mess\na start\na boss\na prison\na human\na moment\na berry\na planet\na dog\na doctor\na coffee\na phone\na world\na fire\na speed\na war\na hair\na message\nan office\na face\na bowl\na game\nan animal\na party\na land\na movie\na president\na peace\na murderer\na reason\nan uncle\na goodbye\na meeting\na dream\na contact\na goal\na rest\na decision\none step\na beer\none meter\nan information\na book\na city\na stop\nbar\na lunch\na ship\na head\na king\na father\na joke\na safety\na mission\na lawyer\none minute\none month\na colonel\nan apartment\na light\na nod\na river\na picture\na thought\na pile\nan accident\na letter\na husband\none thing\na track\na glass\na jump\na team\nan eye\na Christmas\na general\na baby\na reindeer\na scarf\na crime\na sign\na gun\na voice\na kid\na force\na victim\na surprise\na doctor\na permission\na group\none piece\na reason\nan honor\na drink\na corpse\na host\na band\na visit\na paper\na grandfather\na boat\na tea\na future\na bed\na grace\na power\nan age\na wine\na speech\na feeling\na price\na responsibility\na brother\na translation\na difference\none reason\na cousin\none leader\na hero\nan example\na pain\na destiny\na lead\na hospital\na brain\na pig\na hole\na farewell\na teacher\na shape\na relationship\na pattern\none second\nA wedding\na fish\na horse\na lady\none punch\na company\na medicine\na memory\na hotel\na kiss\na whore\na bite\na pressure\na gift\na man\na strength\na text\na battle\na class\na shop\nA holiday\na percent\na truth\na proposal\na million\nan egg\na suicide\na freedom\na position\na school\na soldier\na wife\na marriage\na career\na situation\nan area\na present\na door\none flesh\na mouth\na grandma\none mile\na sound\na farce\nan opportunity\na threat\na door\na tree\na table\nan advantage\na pleasure\na major\na fact\na birthday\none arm\na computer\na debt\na breast\na desire\na lie\na French\nan army\na bag\nan ice\na passport\nmagic\na stone\na champion\na fear\nan afternoon\na game\nsupport\nan oath\na lock\na path\na possibility\none kilometer\nan energy\na style\na guy\na protection\na deal\na cat\na color\nan al\na language\nan address\na queen\na cup\na duck\na report\na vocation\na bid\na Friday\na professor\na knee\na hostage\nsurgery\na vengeance\none sentence\na grandmother\nan asset\na system\nan ironing\na knife\na guard\na thing\na desire\na Saturday\na panic\na sight\nan opinion\nan enemy\na vacation\na dress\na bottom\na courage\na disease\nan experience\na bottle\na justice\na purchase\na German\na relation\na judge\na tongue\na prince\na bomb\none eleven\na miracle\na need\na coat\na milk\na container\na brand\na back\na window\nan alternative\nawhile\na sword\nan art\na Monday\npound\na bed\na favorite\na mood\na guest\na dance\na park\na client\na signal\na star\na patient\na nightmare\na warning\na salary\na risk\na level\na clock\na funeral\na village\na priest\na course\na rumor\na bullet\na break\na duty\na genius\na seizure\na radio\na distance\na patient\na champagne\nan ambulance\ncancer\nan interest\na suit\na family\na line\none bread\na row\na punishment\na taste\na turn\na theory\na task\na walk\na fight\na scene\nan equipment\na colleague\na talent\na promise\none move\nan ice cream\nan angel\na bench\na discovery\na key\nan explanation\na ground\na result\nattack\na bird\na silence\na chocolate\na chicken\na grass\na stomach\none tire": 0, "alien\nalien alien\nalien alien alien\nalien alien alien orifice\nalien alien orifice alien\nalien where\nalien where is hold on\nalien where is hold on Argos\nwhere is hold on what\nwhere is hold on what is\nwhere is hold on what if\nwhere is hold on what if we\nwhere is hold on what everyone\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall too\nwhere is hold on what if we will\nall try\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall trap\nwhere is hold on what\nwhere is hold on what if we\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall trapped\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall trapped inside\nwhere is hold on what if we were\nall trapped inside a trap\nwhat if we were all trapped\ninside a trap there was nothing\nwhat is\nwhat is a\nwhat is\nfree\nor\noral\nfree\nor at least\nor at least of\nor at least of our\nor at least\nor at least of our or a cold\nor at least of our\nor at least of our ecole de\ncommerce commerce and\nor at least of our ecole de\ncommerce commerce and in\nor at least of our ecole de\ncommerce commerce and in the\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema but\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what is\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what is a\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what is a chat\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what is\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what is a\nor at least they are recalling\nand in the cinema what is a\nchair\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm really\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real but\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real but I\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real but I'm\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real but am I\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real but\nwhat is a chair you might think\nI'm real but am I\nreally is\nwhat really is\nwhat really is the person\nwhat really is the person who\nwhat really is the person\nwhat really is the person you\nsee\nwhat really is the person\nwhat really is the person you\nsee\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but the\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but the person\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but the person\nbehind\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but the person\nbehind the\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but the person\nbehind the person\nwhat really is the person you\nsee isn't real but the person\nbehind the person most\nsee isn't real but the person\nbehind the person most\ndefinitely\nsee isn't real but the person\nbehind the person most\ndefinitely is\nHR\nh o\nhave you heard of a choke\nhave you heard of a choke is\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that is\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that is very\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that is\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that is very\nhave you heard of a choke is\nsomething that is very likely to\nhappen\nso what\nso what I\nso what I have\nso what I have seen\nso what I have seen that\nso what I have seen better\nso what I have seen that\nso what I have seen\nso what I have seen this\nso what I have seen this I don't\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow why\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow why that\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow why\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow why that was\nso what I have seen this I don't\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow why\nso what I have seen this I don't\nknow why that\nso what I have seen this": 1, "Sara Lovecraft: hi everybody welcome in.\nSara Lovecraft: Welcome in it is so good to see everybody Thank you so much for letting me, be a part of your Saturday.\nSara Lovecraft: I got a fun project for you guys that I think that you guys are really going to like i'm going to give you kind of like an insider.\nSara Lovecraft: trick insider secret, if you will, to how a lot of the beaten tassel things that you see that are for sale.\nSara Lovecraft: are actually put together, and there are so many different ways to make a tassel whether you're using cord or.\nSara Lovecraft: Whether you're using jump rings, or you know there's there's a lot of different ways that you can do this, but I found that for the most part, when it comes to purchasing tassels that are pre made.\nSara Lovecraft: A lot of them and i've dissected quite a few or put together this way and it's a really cool way to put together a tassel but also can be used as a multi strand design.\nSara Lovecraft: i'll try to explain that a little bit sometimes that's a little bit further out there in may deserve a class on its own, but i'm going to try to explain.\nSara Lovecraft: and show you how you can make that connection with the exact same technique that we're going to be using today to create these earrings.\nSara Lovecraft: Now that being said, i'm a big earrings kind of person, the bigger the better when it comes to earrings, but a lot of people are not.\nSara Lovecraft: A lot of other people do not feel the same way about earrings that I do so that being said, this project can also be turned into a pendant doesn't have to be earrings at all.\nSara Lovecraft: They are rather large when they are finished, so if you feel like this would be better suited to be a necklace a pendant or you know just a focal to a another beat it design.\nSara Lovecraft: Then please feel free to to use it that way you don't have to do things exactly the way that i'm doing it please just let this be your inspiration and you take it and run with it okay.\nSara Lovecraft: Alright, so i'm going to turn you guys around and we're going to get started right away with how to do this, and what we need to make it work.\nSara Lovecraft: Alright, so i'm going to be using some beat alone wildfire and i'm using the green for this i'm using the point 006 you can use on the point 006 or the point 008 it's completely up to you.\nSara Lovecraft: I like to use the green because it disappears, I know that seems a little weird since our beads are kind of a Teal Turquoise a blue color.\nSara Lovecraft: But the green really is kind of a camouflage green and it does disappear, and you really don't even see it.\nSara Lovecraft: When you're finished so you're going to need about 36 inches of this you want to go ahead and cut that some scissors and have it ready to go you're going to need a beating needle i'm going to thread our needle here in just a second.\nSara Lovecraft: Then you're going to need your regular tools just a cutter tool and then, of course, your standard set supplier so i've got two pairs of chain those players and my round nose pliers have those on hand.\nSara Lovecraft: scissors of course i'm going to be using some of these are really beautiful check seed beads these are from john Bead.\nSara Lovecraft: available at michael's in a bunch of different colors i'm using the 10 oh in beauty blue, which is a very beautiful Turquoise.\nSara Lovecraft: And then, for our accents for this i'm using I have mine you'll have to forgive me minor in a bag because i've used so many of these, but a lot of you who have taken classes with me before know that I love the cards The hanging cards beads.\nSara Lovecraft: That have rondo's around beads that are in like four different sizes and that's what these are, and of course the link.\nSara Lovecraft: is in your handout so you can you can get these exact this exact ones, if you want to, but they come in a lot of different sizes, which means that you can use them for a lot of different projects, as you can tell, this is what I have left over.\nSara Lovecraft: And i've used those fou": 3, "Fold and unfold along the diagonals\nTurn over\nFold in half\nUnfold\nFold in half vertically\nUnfold\nFold a square base\nFold the right corner\nFold the left corner\nUnfold\nReverse fold\nFold the point up\nTurn over\nValley-fold the left corner\nUnfold\nSquash-fold\nValley-fold the right and left sides\nUnfold\nReverse-fold\nValley-fold\nValley-fold the right corner\nUnfold\nSquash-fold\nValley-fold the right and left sides\nUnfold\nReverse-fold\nValley-fold\nFold the point down\nFold the bottom up to the center\nUnfold\nValley-fold the edge to the crease\nRepeat on the other side\nMake a rabbit-ear fold\nMountain-fold\nBring the point between the two flaps\nValley-fold the tip up (note the reference points)\nValley-fold the edges\nFold in half\nBring the edge to the vertical crease\nFlatten it as shown\nRepeat on the other side\nFold the flap down\nFold the top layer on the existing crease and squash-fold\nFold and unfold\nReverse-fold the little corner\nRepeat on the other side\nOpen the model\nMountain-fold\nValley-fold and bring the previous fold under the wings\nClose the model\nBring the wings upwards\nValley-fold the edge of the tail\nRepeat on the other side\nBring this edge to inside the tail\nRepeat on the other side\nRelease the trapped paper\nRepeat on the other side\nFold and unfold the point\nFold and unfold at angle bisector\nCrimp-fold\nFold the flap and squash-fold\nRepeat on the other side\nValley-fold from the corner to the base of the flap\nRepeat on the other side to flatten it\nFold the corners inside to narrow the neck\nReverse-fold\nReverse-fold\nShape the tail with crimp folds\nPleat-fold the arm\nReverse-fold to narrow the arm\nRepeat on the other side\nShape the feet\nValley-fold\nMountain-fold\nRepeat on the other side\nValley-fold\nValley-fold\nValley-fold to the previous crease\nFold each segment at the bisector\nRepeat on the other side\nValley-fold\nValley-fold\nValley-fold to the previous crease\nFold each segment at the bisector\nPleat-fold\nRepeat on the other side\nReverse-fold the corner and mountain fold the edge\nRepeat on the other side\nShape the wings\nShape the horns\nDragon finished!\n": 3, "KYLE KIDD: Hi.\nWe are Mourning [A] BLKstar out of Cleveland,\nOhio.\nWe are so excited to be here.\nWe are a eight-piece band, and we are a genre-nonconforming\nband.\nWe kind of do whatever we feel, wherever we\ngo.\nSo, we are so excited to be here, and we\u2019re\ngoing to share some stuff with you.\nLATOYA KENT: This first song is called \u201cThese\nStars Collide.\u201d\nMOURNING [A] BLKSTAR: [performing \u201cThese\nStars Collide\u201d]\nYes, these stars collide\nIn judgment of your rule\nIn concert with the air\nYour reign is misery\nAnd this land is not yours\nIt\u2019s sovereign\nIt\u2019s god\nAnd man\nAnd earth\nMy side, this is a lie\nYou kill my kind\nO lord\nAnd when the marching fails us\nThe sun comes down\nAnd crush the imperial\nIn you\nI will not stare\nAnd witness the murder\nOf my kind, yeah\nMy will is aligned\nWith the stars\nAnd the earth\nIs my god\nAnd the earth\nIs my god\nPhilando, Philando\nTamir, sweet Tamir\nTanisha, Tanisha\nO Eric, Eric\nMike Brown\nMiss Bland\nFreddie Gray\nAkai\nRumain Brisbon\nPowell\nFord\nParker\nCrawford\nVictor White\nYvette\nCochran\nJordan Baker\nAndy Lopez\nAll these names families\nAll these names families\nAll these names families\nAll these names families\nKYLE KIDD: This next selection we\u2019re going\nto do is entitled \u201cWanders.\u201d\nMOURNING [A] BLKSTAR: [performing \u201cWanders\u201d]\nIt\u2019s all the same\nI know you sense it too\nThe failing\nThe blame\nThe guilt\nThe shame\nTime passes you\nAt the row you till\nTo let no one die\nNo spar\nNo kiss\nLook the other way\n'Cause you're not to blame\nI\u2019ve been sitting still\n'Cause it's the only way\nTo make this heartache go away\nNo love\nNo bliss\nNo care\nNo love\nNo bliss\nNo care\nThere\u2019s no love\nNo bliss\nNo care\nI\u2019ve been sitting still\n'Cause it's the only way\nTo make this heartache go away\nNo love\nNo bliss\nNo care\nNo love\nNo bliss\nNo care\nWell you\u2019re wanderers\nSo make sense of this\nNo love\nNo bliss\nNo care\nJAMES LONGS: All right, this next song is\ncalled \u201cGarner Poem.\u201d\nIt\u2019s dedicated to Eric Garner.\nMOURNING [A] BLKSTAR: [performing \u201cGarner\nPoem\u201d]\nI can\u2019t breathe\nNo, it ain\u2019t your hands\nChoking me\nIt\u2019s history\nOut of hand with police\nSituation\u2019s critical\nYou agree, yeah\nHey, you\u2019d agree\nThey kill children in the park\nMurder youth unarmed\nThey stand on the corner\nClaiming space that\u2019s ours\nHey, they kill children in the park\nMurder youth unarmed\nThey stand on my corner\nClaiming space that\u2019s ours\nHey\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe, yeah\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe, yeah\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe\nSaid I can\u2019t breathe, no\nI can\u2019t breathe\nSaid I can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nHey, we want fire\nWe want fire\nBurn it to the ground\nBurn it to the ground\nCan\u2019t wait no longer\nDo you hear the riot sound, yeah\nHey, we want fire\nWe want fire\nBurn it to the ground\nBurn it to the ground\nCan\u2019t wait no longer\nDo you fear the riot sound, yeah\nHey, come on\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nI can\u2019t breathe\nIt ain\u2019t your hands\nSay it, I can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nSaid I can\u2019t breathe, no\nI can\u2019t breathe\nSaid I can\u2019t breathe, no\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\nI can\u2019t breathe\n": 3, "Our topic for today is Soil Formation.\nOur topic for today is Soil Formation.\nSoil is formed by the combination of physical, chemical and biological processes in which huge rocks are broken down into smaller particles over a long period of time.\nRocks undergo a process of expansion and contraction in which they expand during the day and contract during the night due to the constant rise and fall in temperature.\nHowever, not all parts of a rock undergo expansion and contraction at the same rate, resulting in the formation of cracks.\nGradually, these cracks cause the rocks to\nbreak down into smaller pieces.\nWith time, these smaller pieces convert into particles and form soil.\nSoil is formed by the combination of physical, chemical and biological processes in which huge rocks are broken down into smaller particles over a long period of time.\nRocks undergo a process of expansion and contraction in which they expand during the day and contract during the night due to the constant rise and fall in temperature.\nHowever, not all parts of a rock undergo expansion and contraction at the same rate, resulting in the formation of cracks.\nGradually, these cracks cause the rocks to break down into smaller pieces.\nWith time, these smaller pieces convert into particles and form soil.\nWater plays an important role in soil formation.\nWater that gets collected in the cracks of\nrocks sometimes freezes, which helps in widening the cracks.\nAlso, flowing river water helps in the wearing down of rocks over time, which results in the formation of soil.\nStrong blowing winds also rub against rocks and help in wearing them down.\nWater plays an important role in soil formation.\nWater that gets collected in the cracks of rocks sometimes freezes, which helps in widening the cracks.\nAlso, flowing river water helps in the wearing down of rocks over time, which results in the formation of soil.\nStrong blowing winds also rub against rocks and help in wearing them down.\nLastly, some living organisms like lichens,\nthat grow on rock surfaces release certain substances that cause rock surfaces to powder down and form a thin layer of soil.\nLastly, some living organisms like lichens, that grow on rock surfaces release certain substances that cause rock surfaces to powder down and form a thin layer of soil.\n": 3, "You were the shadow to my light\nDid you feel us?\nAfraid our aim is out of sight\nWanna see us\nI see\nApart, but still together\nI feel\nA-A-Anything for you\nI see\nApart, but still together\nI feel\nI know I'm not alone\nLegends never die\nWhen the world is calling you\nCan you hear them screaming out your name?\nLegends never die\nThey never lose hope when everything's cold.\nAnd the fighting's near\nIt's deep in their bones. They run into smoke when the fire is fierce\nOh, pick yourself up 'cause\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nThey're written down in eternity\nBut you'll never see the price it costs\nThe scars collected all their lives\nWhen everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat\nBefore it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream\nWoah, pick yourself up 'cause\nLegends never die\nLegends never die\nLegends never die (oo-oh)\nLegends never die (oo-oh)\nLegends never die\nWhat's the trick? I wish I knew\nI'm so done with thinking through\nall the things I could've been\nAnd I know you wonder too\nAll it takes is that one look you do\nI run right back to you\nYou cross the line and it's time to say F you\nWhat's the point in saying that\nwhen you know how I'll react?\nYou think you can just take it back\nbut shit just don't work like that\nCause you're the drug that I'm addicted to, and I want you so bad\nGuess I'm stuck with you, and that's that\nCause when it all falls down, then whatever\nWhen it don't work out for the better\nAnd If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down, when it all falls down. I'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nCause you're the drug that I'm addicted to and I want you so bad\nBut I'll be fine\nWhy we fight? I don't know\nWe say what hurts the most\nOh, I tried staying cold, but you take it personal\nAll these firing shots and making ground\nIt's way too hard to cope, but I still can't let you go\n'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever\nWhen it don't work out for the better\nAnd If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down (duo)\nWhen it all falls down (duo)\nI'll be fine\nFine, fine and fine\nI'll be fine(Julie)\nI'll be fine(Juliander)\nCause you're the drug that I'm addicted to, and I want you so bad\nI'll be fine\n": 3, " \nsubscribe\n \n \nsubscribe\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 0, "This is your weekly dose of clubland! Techno, Tech House, House Music, Progressive House and Electro House mix with Free MP3 Download featuring tracks released at the end of October 2013.\nPressure (Original Mix) - D-Unity\nHard to See (Original Mix) - Harvey McKay\nFrenetik (Original Mix) - Raffaele Rizzi\nJungle Luv (Original Mix) - Peter Bailey\nGood Halloween (Original Mix) - Konstantin Yoodza\nCome Get It (Original Mix) - Peter Bailey\nThe Morning Kids (Original Mix) - Oscar Aguilera, George Privatti & Guille Placencia\nLift Your Feet (Original Mix) - Optimuss\nFind My Mind (Original Mix) - Harvey McKay\nHard Times (Original Mix) - Oscar Aguilera, George Privatti, Guille Placencia\nCvile Mi Jaja (Original Mix) - UMEK\nWork The Track (Original Mix) - Jason Chance, Kevin Andrews\nOverload (Richard Grey Re-Edit) - Fully Charged\nBlueprint (Original Mix) - Dannic & Sick Individuals\nNOLA (Original Mix) - Enzo Darren\nYou and Me Forever (Molella & Montorsi No Rap Mix) - Molella Ft Adam Savage\nBlasterfunk (Original Mix) - Venemy\nFirst Day (Maor Levi Remix) - Walden\nCan't Hold Back (Original Mix) - Jacob Plant\nTorpedo (Original Mix) - Jordy Dazz\n": 1, "Marlians\nDundum, dundum,\nDundum,\nDundum, dundum\nThere is space, but nothing to say\nThere is something to say, but no space\nThe little space left\nIs for the Marlians\nThey call you thief\nAnd you are rocking a baby goat\nThey are calling you thief\nYou are dancing with the goat\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a king, where is the space now?\nThere is no space at all\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a slave, where is the space now?\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a dumb man, where is the space now?\nWhere is the space now?\nWhere is\u2026 where is the space now?\nThey said I should not utter obscenity\nThat I should not utter obscenity\nThat is to say,\nYou also listen to obscenity\nMay your ears not be deaf\nMay your eyes not be blind\nAm I not the one that sang \"Mafo\"\nI also sang \"Japa\"\nWhere were you people\nWhen we were suffering?\nWhen the money now came\nThey now want to come back\nWe've chosen ourselves, we are complete\nThe vehicle is full\nThey are saying I should shift\nShould I shift, then slip and fall?\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a king, where is the space now?\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a slave, where is the space now?\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a dumb man, where is the space now?\nWhere is the space now?\nWhere is\u2026 where is the space now?\nOne can only rest when one dies\nI will enjoy myself till I die\nEnjoy myself till I die\nI will enjoy myself till I die\nNo lapping, no plus one\nNo pushing where we are\nNo more space; where is the space now?\nNo space, no time, this doesn't call for a\nfight\nWhere is the space?\nYou know me from back in the days?\nWhere was the back in the days?\nWhen I was running the\u2026\nWhen I was running the race\nI am not looking at their faces\nMost of them, they are hypocrites,\nEverybody is a thief\nThat\u2019s why I am not looking at their faces\nI am not looking at their\u2026\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a king, where is the space now?\nThere is no space at all\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a slave, where is the space now?\nThere is no space at all\nWhere is the space now?\nChild of a dumb man, where is the space now?\nThere is no space at all.\nWhere is the space now?\nWhere is\u2026 where is the space now?\nThere is no space at all\nThere is no space at all\nExcuse me please!\nExcuse me please!\nExcuse me!\nThere is no space at all\nSay what?\nWhat did you say?\nThere is no space at all\nThere is no space at all\nYeah, yeah, you know what it is?\nIt\u2019s your boy Naira Marley\nGTTB the Album, out now\nGod\u2019s Timing's the Best\nPlease listen and share with your family\nIt's great!\nYeah, yeah\nThe native doctor is a scammer\nEverybody is a thief\nWhoever is caught is the one labelled a thief\nHe wants to hurt me\nI have no charm, but I have a Quran\nAnd I always say my prayers\nAnd as I say my prayers\nAllah hears my prayers\nWe've gone and come back\nHe who is fortunate runs back home\nHe whom he went with is the one he returned\nwith\nWhen I returned, they crowned me\nMay the crown last for long on your head\nMay the shoes fit your feet for long\nMay my enemies' legs be broken\nMay my enemies\u2026\nmay their legs be broken\nExcuse me!\nInside Life\nIs where you find 5-Alive\nInside Life\nIs where you find Deeper Life\nInside Life, some are suffering while some\nare enjoying Life\nInside Life, as some are weeping, some are\neating\nExcuse me!\nDance to soapy (Soapy)\nKirikiri dance to soapy\nDance to soapy (Soapy)\nIkoyi prison dance to soapy\nDance to soapy (soapy)\nInside EFCC cells they dance to soapy\nDance to soapy (soapy)\nIf you don't have a wife at home, dance to\nsoapy\n(Soapy!)\nSoapy, this man dances to soapy\nSoapy, or, you too are so\u2026\nOr, you too are soapy?\nSoapy, single fathers dance to soapy\nSoapy, don't dare use OMO if you are soapy\n(Soapy!)\nCan you recognize any currency?\nWould you say you don't know the Naira?\nIt's heavy in the hand\nYou just exchange it into Naira\nThe dog wants to ambush the tiger\nThe dog is no match for the smallest of tigers\nThey are being overzealous\nDon't say, Even they themselves want no trouble\nI just want to make Mama proud\nThey want to make Mama cry\nMama, you going to cry no more\nEven if you do cry, you're going to cry for\njoy\nDance and r": 1, "\"Krishna roams around with Gopis.\"\n\"He plays with them, can't stop..\"\n\"Now I don't like him.\"\n\"Radha on the dance floor.\nRadha likes to party.\"\n\"Radha likes to move\nthat native Radha body.\"\n\"Radha on the dance floor.\nRadha likes to party.\"\n\"Radha likes to move\nthat native Radha body.\"\n\"My beloved comes to the well,\ntwists my wrist.\"\n\"And everybody blames it on Radha.\"\n\"He troubles me,\nthat Krishna my enemy.\"\n\"And everybody blames it on Radha.\"\n\"He might be a thief of a thousand hearts,\nthink he's a bore.\"\n\"What a mad he is\nthat he keeps on saying.\"\n\"O Radha your scarf.\nO Radha your ring.\"\n\"O Radha your naughty sight.\"\n\"O Radha your ear-rings.\nO Radha your jerky dance steps.\"\n\"The entire town's behind you.\"\n\"O Radha your scarf.\nO Radha your ring.\"\n\"O Radha your naughty sight.\"\n\"O Radha your ear-rings.\nO Radha your jerky dance steps.\"\n\"The entire town's behind you.\"\n\"Radha on the dance floor.\nRadha likes to party.\"\n\"Radha likes to move\nthat native Radha body.\"\n\"There is peacock feather on his forehead,\nhe's called butter thief.\"\n\"He plays the flute,\nthinks of him as some big heart stealer.\"\n\"But Radha wants more.\"\n\"I'll look everywhere,\nI'll find someone else.\"\n\"I'll give him, this heart's strings.\"\n\"Because Radha wants more.\"\n\"O Radha Radha is\nan innocent mad one.\"\n\"Radha, it's two moments of youth.\"\n\"Someone control Radha.\nSomeone tell her.\"\n\"That there will be\nno other dear like Krishna.\"\n\"O Radha your scarf.\nO Radha your ring.\"\n\"O Radha your naughty sight.\"\n\"O Radha your ear-rings.\nO Radha your jerky dance steps.\"\n\"The entire town's behind you.\"\n\"O Radha, why so much Pride?\"\n\"Leaves your tantrums,\nwhat's the style in that?\"\n\"Did you think only are famous here.\"\n\"There are lacs of gopis dying on me.\"\n\"The whole world has now admitted.\"\n\"The whole story begins with me only.\"\n\"O leave, dear Krishna.\"\n\"You'll never trouble me, once\nwhen I fall on you like a lightening.\"\n\"O drummer, play the drums.\"\n\"My anklets are calling you.\nCome to me.\"\n\"I'll dance. You make me dance.\"\n\"O Radha your scarf.\nO Radha your ring.\"\n\"O Radha your naughty sight.\"\n\"O Radha your ear-rings.\nO Radha your jerky dance steps.\"\n\"The entire town's behind you.\"\n\"Radha on the dance floor.\nRadha likes to party.\"\n\"Radha likes to move\nthat native Radha body.\"\n\"Radha on the dance floor.\nRadha likes to party.\"\n\"Radha likes to move\nthat native Radha body.\"\n\"Radha on the dance floor.\nRadha likes to party.\"\n\"Radha likes to move\nthat native Radha body.\"\n": 1, "Hi! Welcome to Math Antics.\nIn our last video we learned how to add and subtract integers.\nIn this video, we\u2019re gonna learn how to multiply and divide integers.\nThe good news is that multiplying and dividing integers is easier than adding and subtracting them\nbecause even though it involves both positive and negative numbers,\nthe multiplication and division still works basically the same way.\nAs we learned in our video about negative numbers,\nthe negative numbers are like a mirror image of the positive numbers on the number line.\nEach number on the positive side has a negative counterpart on the negative side.\nThere\u2019s a 2 on the positive side, and there\u2019s a -2 on the negative side.\nThere\u2019s a 5 on the positive side and there\u2019s a -5 on the negative side, and so on\u2026\nRealizing that can help us understand that\nnegative numbers are just like positive numbers, but they have a negative factor built into them.\nFor example, think about the number 3 for a minute.\nDo you remember when we learned about factors, we learned that 1 is always a factor of any number.\nAnd that\u2019s because multiplying by 1 doesn\u2019t change a number.\n3 and 1 \u00d7 3 are the same value.\nSo if you have the number 3, you can factor out a 1 and you have 1 \u00d7 3.\nOn the other hand, what if you have negative 3 instead?\nWe could still factor out a 1 from it and nothing would change; you\u2019d have 1 times -3.\nBut because the number is negative, we could also factor out a -1.\nDoing that would give us -1 \u00d7 3.\nSo one way to think about negative numbers is to imagine that they are just like positive numbers,\nbut they always have a factor of -1 built into them.\nThat means, if you want to change a positive number into a negative number,\nall you have to do is multiply it by a factor of -1.\n5 times -1 is -5,\n7 times -1 is -7,\n10 times -1 is -10, and so on\u2026\nAnd one way to visualize this is to see\nthat multiplying by a factor of -1 just switches a number from the positive side of the number line to the negative side.\nAh\u2026 but that raises an interesting question.\nWhat happens if you multiply a number that\u2019s already on the negative side by a factor of -1 ?\n\u2026like -1 times -3 Is that going to make it EXTRA negative?\nNope! In fact it\u2019s going to do just the opposite!\nMultiplying a negative number by another negative factor is actually going to switch the answer back to the positive side of the number line.\nMultiplying by -1 acts like a switch no matter which side of the number line you start on.\nIf you start with a positive, then multiplying by -1 switches it to negative.\nBut if you start with a negative, multiplying by -1 switches it back to positive.\nAnd you can keep switching back and forth between the positive and negative side of the number line\nby multiplying by another -1 as many times as you want\u2026\nPositive!\nNegative!\nPositive!\nNegative!\nPositive!\nNegative!\nSo, multiplying by 1 negative gives us a negative\nmultiplying by 2 negatives gives us a positive\nmultiplying by 3 negative gives us a negative\nmultiplying by 4 negatives gives us a positive\nmultiplying by 5 negative gives us a negative\nmultiplying by 6 negatives gives us a positive, and so on\u2026\nDo you see the pattern?\nIn a multiplication problem, if you have an EVEN number of negative factors,\nthey\u2019ll form pairs that will balance each other out and will give you a positive answer.\nThat\u2019s because the pair (-1 \u00d7 -1) just equals 1 which has no effect on the answer.\nBut, if you have an ODD number of negative factors that are being multiplied together,\nafter you balance out all the pairs,\nthere will always be one negative factor left over that will give you a negative answer.\nIn a minute, we\u2019ll see some examples of how knowing this will help us when multiplying and dividing lots of integers,\nbut first, let\u2019s look at the simple problem 3 \u00d7 5.\nWe know that the answer is 15. But now, thanks to negative numbers,\nwe know that there\u2019s three more variation of this problem that we need to learn how to do.\nThis might seem a little complicated, but it\u2019s really not.\nThat\u2019s because we\u2019re gonna get the same number for the answer in all four problems,": 4, "(everyone laughing and cheering)\n- Thank you for singing about\nthe alphabet with us, Wiggles.\n- Yeah, my new favorite is F for friends.\n- Yeah.\n- Yeah, mine's still C for cookie.\nBut F for friends,\nthat's pretty good, too.\n(Wiggles laughing)\n- Yeah. (laughing)\nOh, Elmo can't wait to see\nThe Wiggles again soon.\n- Us too, Elmo.\nLet's do it again real soon.\nBye-bye.\n- Bye-bye.\n- Bye.\n- Bye.\n- Bye.\n- Bye, Wiggles.\n- Oh come on, radio, play.\nPlay radio.\n- Oh boy, Elmo's never gonna\nget this radio to work.\nOh boy.\n(Elmo grunting)\n- Uh, hi, Elmo.\n- Oh, hi, India.\nOh boy.\n- What's wrong, Elmo?\n- Oh, well Elmo wants to hear music,\nbut Elmo's radio won't work.\n- Oh, I think I can help you with that.\n- You can?\n- Mmhmm.\n- What kind?\n- Music, please.\nQ.\nR.\nS.\nT.\nU.\nV.\nW.\nX.\nY.\nZ.\n- Oh no, no, no, no, Gina.\nDon't stop, don't stop, you're doing good.\n- Oh, well I have to stop, Elmo,\nthat's the end of the alphabet.\n- Oh.\n- Yeah.\n- Oh, look, that's the\nend of the soup, too.\nMore, please.\n- Okay, I'll get you another\nbowl of alphabet soup.\n- No, no, no, no, Gina.\nElmo not want another\nbowl of alphabet soup.\nElmo want another alphabet.\n(Gina laughing)\n- Okay.\n- Okay.\nA.\n- A.\n- B,\n- B.\n- C.\n- C.\n- D.\n- D.\n- E.\n- E.\n- F.\n- F.\n- G.\n- G.\n- H.\n- H.\n- I.\n- I.\n- J.\n- J.\n- K.\n- K.\n- L.\n- L.\n- M.\n- M.\n- N.\n- N.\n- O.\n- O.\n- P.\n- P.\nK.\n(circus music)\nL.\n(circus music)\nM.\n(circus music)\nN.\n(circus music)\nO.\n(circus music)\nP.\n(circus music)\nQ.\n(circus music)\nR.\n(circus music)\nS.\n(circus music)\nT.\n(circus music)\nU.\n(circus music)\nV.\n(circus music)\nW.\n(circus music)\nX.\n(circus music)\nY.\n(circus music)\nZ.\n(circus music)\nThe alphabet, thank you.\n- Ha ha, hi, you are just in time,\nbecause my friend Tyra and I are\n": 3, "omg what are you doing!\nI know its your birthday! it doesn't mean you are going to beat mommy daddy!\no my small baby, happy birthday dear!\no she got bangles! good that we didn't got the same design!\nwe just bought the new bangles for her!\nits for you, keep it!\nshe got a coin made in 1917! give it back to mommy, I will buy a nice dress for you.\nnow hold these, wow ana got new bangles! ana cracked a lottery lol\nI am going to feed her,\nyes please!\nits so sweet!\nI am talking on phone with my friend in background\nsona pari please come to mommy!\nomg my pants are not tight baby! please understand!!!!!\ni said it so many times, don't do it! don't do it! but she din't get it\ni was trying to make her understand don't be mad!\nbut seriously she is having her mind in her knees\ni think she made pickles out with her mind!\nafter that she regrets! and said why did it happened to me!\nI did a mistake\nmy small baby! you are smiling, laughing\nana, small baby<3 small baby <3\nBaar Baar Din Yah Aaye, Baar Baar Dil Yah Gaaye\nBaar Baar Din Yah Aaye, Baar Baar Dil Yah Gaaye\nTu Jiye Hazaaron Saal, Yah Meri Arazu Hai\nHappy Birthday To You \u2013 2\nHappy Birthday To You, Ana, Happy Birthday To You\nsay hail Ana!\nsay hail Ana!\nsay hail Ana!\nmy baby girl baby doesn't eat \"Kichdi\" \"cerelac\" please do something for me!\nplease do something for me!\nplease do something for her nose! she is making so many weird faces these day!\nplease do something for me!\nplease bless me Lord Ana!\nbeat mommy!\nLord Ana had given blessings now! Say Hail Ana!\nyour sister is here!\nAna's sister came!\nwhy you are so angry with your sister!\nsay thanks to your sister for coming!\n": 2, "Whispering the names, before she turns to sleep\nPlaying in the games, repeating every vow to keep\nThe storm is closing in, and the water dancer flows\nThe Lions aim to win, but the water dancer knows\nWinter to the bone, she's cunning and she's quick\nThey circle 'round the throne, and Needle always does the trick\nThe storm is closing in, and the water dancer flows\nThe Lions aim to win, but the water dancer knows\nKnows how to\nFind another way, find another way,\nLive another day, live another day\nFind another way, find another way,\nLive another day, live another day\nRavens in the sky, the kings are out for war\nShe tells another lie, revenge is what she's fighting for\nThe armies marching in, and the water dancer flows\nThe battle soon begins, but the water dancer knows\nKnows how to\nFind another way, find another way,\nLive another day, live another day\nFind another way, find another way,\nLive another day, live another day\nOh oh, oh oh...\nHow to\nFind another way, find another way,\nLive another day, live another day\nFind another way, find another way,\nLive another day, live another day\nOh oh oh...\nFar away from home, the enemies surround\nWith nowhere left to roam, the water dancer holds her ground.\n": 4, "Christopher Carbone: Question Number 7 of this final exam review.\nChristopher Carbone: I have a certain object moves in such a way that it's velocity in meters per second\nChristopher Carbone: after time. T in seconds is given by V is equal to t squared, plus 3 t plus 4.\nChristopher Carbone: We want to find the distance travel during the first 4\u00a0s by evaluating the integral from 0 to 4 of t squared, plus 3 t plus 4 dt.\nChristopher Carbone: Rounding. I'll answer to the newest tenth of a meter\nChristopher Carbone: so, and to go from 0 to 4\nChristopher Carbone: for t squared\nChristopher Carbone: the Us. For dt\nChristopher Carbone: is one third t cubed\nChristopher Carbone: what we have\nChristopher Carbone: t squared\nChristopher Carbone: plus 4 t.\nChristopher Carbone: and this whole thing is evaluated between 0 and 4.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: this would be\nChristopher Carbone: one-third\nChristopher Carbone: times 4 cubed.\nChristopher Carbone: What? We have\nChristopher Carbone: times 4 squared\nChristopher Carbone: what's 4 times 4,\nChristopher Carbone: and we would be subtracting 0 from here.\nChristopher Carbone: since when you put 0 into that function you get 0,\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: no is that\nChristopher Carbone: this would give us one into one tenth.\nChristopher Carbone: yeah, to the newest tenth of a meter. This is about 61 point, 3\nChristopher Carbone: meters.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: interpretation of that the distance traveled.\nChristopher Carbone: Distance traveled\nChristopher Carbone: during the first 4\u00a0s.\nChristopher Carbone: The first\nChristopher Carbone: 4\u00a0s\nChristopher Carbone: He is 61 point, 3 meters\nChristopher Carbone: for question, number 8. Of this final exam of view. I have a force X and a certain object in such a way that the object has moved a distance of our in meters.\nChristopher Carbone: The force F and Newton's is given by the\nChristopher Carbone: F is equal to 6 times r squared plus sixr. We want to find the work in joules done through the first 4 meters by evaluating the integral from 0 to 4 of 6 times r squared, plus 6 r. Dr.\nChristopher Carbone: This would give us\nChristopher Carbone: 2 are cubed\nChristopher Carbone: what's 3\nChristopher Carbone: times r squared.\nChristopher Carbone: and we'll evaluate that between 0 and 4.\nChristopher Carbone: Putting foreign, we get 2 times 4 cubed.\nChristopher Carbone: plus 3 times 4 squared.\nChristopher Carbone: and then playing in the 0 would just give us just right the last problem 0 back, anyway.\nChristopher Carbone: and this would give us\nChristopher Carbone: 176 when\nChristopher Carbone: putting that into a calculator.\nChristopher Carbone: An interpretation of that is.\nChristopher Carbone: they work.\nChristopher Carbone: I'm. Pointed.\nChristopher Carbone: and the first\nChristopher Carbone: for\nChristopher Carbone: in the first 4 meters\nChristopher Carbone: is 176 jewels\nChristopher Carbone: based upon\nChristopher Carbone: the force and distance that we were given.\nChristopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.\n": 3, "1977\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\n(5...)\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\n(4...)\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\nTWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE\n(4...)\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\nTWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE\n(3...)\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\nTWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE\n(2...)\n1977\nNASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II\nTWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE\n(1...)\nABOARD EACH IS A GOLDEN RECORD,\nCARRYING SOUNDS & GREETINGS FROM EARTH\nPeace on you. We the inhabitants of this earth send our greetings to you\nI\nI w\nI wi\nI wis\nI wish\nI wish y\nI wish yo\nI wish you\nI wish you a\nI wish you al\nI wish you all\nI wish you all g\nI wish you all go\nI wish you all goo\nI wish you all good\nH\nHe\nHel\nHell\nHello\nHello a\nHello an\nHello and\nHello and g\nHello and gr\nHello and gre\nHello and gree\nHello and greet\nHello and greeti\nHello and greetin\nHello and greeting\nHello and greetings\nHello and greetings t\nHello and greetings to\nHello and greetings to e\nHello and greetings to ev\nHello and greetings to eve\nHello and greetings to ever\nHello and greetings to every\nHello and greetings to everyo\nHello and greetings to everyon\nHello and greetings to everyone\nGreetings\nGreetings and\nGreetings and friendly\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter this\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter this voyager\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter this voyager\nand\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter this voyager\nand receive\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter this voyager\nand receive this\nGreetings and friendly wishes\nto all who may encounter this voyager\nand receive this massage\nhello\nhello\nhello\nhell\nhel\nhe\nh\nhello\nMay time bring us together\nW\nWe\nWe i\nWe in\nWe in t\nWe in th\nWe in thi\nWe in this\nWe in this l\nWe in this la\nWe in this lan\nWe in this land\nWe in this land h\nWe in this land ha\nWe in this land hav\nWe in this land have\nWe in this land have\nWe in this land have s\nWe in this land have se\nWe in this land have sen\nWe in this land have sent\nWe in this land have sent w\nWe in this land have sent wa\nWe in this land have sent war\nWe in this land have sent warm\nWe in this land have sent warm g\nWe in this land have sent warm gr\nWe in this land have sent warm gre\nWe in this land have sent warm gree\nWe in this land have sent warm greet\nWe in this land have sent warm greeti\nWe in this land have sent warm greetin\nWe in this land have sent warm greeting\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings t\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to y\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to yo\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to you\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to you a\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to you all\nWe in this land have sent warm greetings to you all\nhello\nW\nWe\nWe g\nWe gr\nWe gre\nWe gree\nWe greet\nWe greet y\nWe greet yo\nWe greet you\nWe greet you,\nWe greet you, g\nWe greet you, gr\nWe greet you, gre\nWe greet you, grea\nWe greet you, great\nWe greet you, great o\nWe greet you, great on\nWe greet you, great one\nWe greet you, great ones\nWe greet you, great ones\nS\nSi\nSin\nSinc\nSince\nSincer\nSincere\nSincere g\nSincere gr\nSincere gre\nSincere gree\nSincere greet\nSincere greeti\nSincere greetin\nSincere greeting\nSincere greetings\nSincere greetings t\nSincere greetings to\nSincere greetings to y\nSincere greetings to yo\nSincere greetings to you\nSincere greetings to you\nWe\nWe step\nWe step into\nWe step into the\nWe step into the universe\nWe step into the universe\nwith\nWe step into the universe\nwith humility\nWe step into the universe\nwith humility and\nWe step into the universe\nwith humility and hope\nWe step into the universe\nwith humility and hope\nhello\nGreetings\ns\nrs\nars\ntars\nst": 1, "There is only one of you\nOnly one of me\nThere\u2019s a million of those\nWho won\u2019t let us be\nBut they\u2019re not gonna, not gonna, see me\nbleed\n\u2018Cause baby I got you, you\nYou, you\nI\u2019ve been beaten to the ground, dragged\nacross the dirt\nI\u2019ve been scared to live cause some people\nnever learn\nBut they\u2019re not gonna, not gonna, watch\nme burn\n\u2018Cause baby I got you, you\nYou, you\nHere\u2019s to new beginnings\nAnd a better life\nHere\u2019s to dancing underneath\nThe disco lights\nThey can try but they can never take me down\n\u2018Cause\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nThey always prey on the lonely\nBut with you here nothing can scare me\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nI will tell them what I\u2019m feeling, for evermore\nI don\u2019t care about their feelings, not anymore\nSo let\u2019s show them, let\u2019s show them that\nlove is pure\nNo matter who it\u2019s for, for\nFor, for\nHere\u2019s to new beginnings\nAnd a better life\nHere\u2019s to dancing underneath\nThe disco lights\nThey can try but they can never take me down\n\u2018Cause\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nThey always prey on the lonely\nBut with you here nothing can scare me\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nYou\u2026\nNot afraid to love\nYou\u2026\nNot afraid to love\nYou\nI\u2019m gonna go where my heart is\nFrom now on I\u2019m being honest\nI\u2019m gonna show that I got this love, love\nLove, love\n\u2018Cause\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nThey always prey on the lonely\nBut with you here nothing can scare me\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid\nI\u2019m not afraid to love\nNot afraid to love\n(You)\nYou\u2026\nNot afraid to love\nYou\u2026\nNot afraid to love\nYou\n": 2, "In the name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious.\nPeace be upon you and ALLAH's mercy and blessings.\nViewers!\nThis is our today's project.\n\"Temperature and Humidity Controller System\"\nHere, first of all for power source,\nwe have used a power source of 12 volts.\nAfter this, there is a filter capacitor.\nAfter this, there is a voltage regulator 7805.\nIts input is from 6 volts to 12 volts.\nAnd its output is fixed that is 5 volts.\nAfter this, here we have used Arduino nano as a microcontroller.\nAfter this, we have used a RTC module for real time clock.\nAfter this, a relay isused to turn the heater on / off.\nAnd a relay is used to turn the humidity booster on / off.\nAfter this, here we have used temperature and humidity sensor.\nDHT 21\nAfter this, here we have used a TJC HMI LCD.\nThis is of 4.3 inches.\nHere, we have used a thermal printer.\nWe keep 3 days back data stored on it.\nWe print that data on thermal printer day wise.\nSo here, first of all we have displayed time and date on the LCD.\nAfter this,\nset point of the temperature and set point of the humidity is displayed.\nAfter this, real time value of the temperature and real time value of the humidity is displayed.\nAfter this, there is a button of Print and a button of Setting.\nFrom here, we go to Setting.\nSo, as we have moved to the settings.\nHere, the set point of temperature and humidity is displayed.\nAlong this, difference is also displayed.\nIf the value of the temperature will become more than 40\nthen our heater will turn off.\nAs it will drop two points from 40. . .\nMeans that when it will drop from 38, at that condition our heater will turn active again.\nAfter this, here we have keep the set point of the humidity as 70.\nAs the humidity will increase from 70,\nHumidity booster will turn off.\nAnd as the humidity value will drop from 65,\nAt that condition, himidity booster will turn on again.\nBecause here we have set the difference of 5.\nAnd we can also change this difference.\nAlong this, here we can also set the clock.\nIf we have to change any value, then we will press that value.\nLike, for now I have to increase the difference for temperature.\nI will press it.\nNow, here we will set its defference to be 5 degree celcius.\nSo, as the difference of temperature has been changed.\nNow, from here we will go back.\nSo, as we come to the menu.\nHere, we get the real time values of the temperature and the humidity displayed.\nNow as the value of the temperature\nWill become more than 40\nThen heater will turn off.\nAnd as the value of the humidity will become more than 70\nThen humidity booster will turn off.\nAnd as the value of the humidity\nwill drop from 65. At this condition humidity booster will turn on again.\nSo, as the temperature value becomes equal to 40\nOur heater has been turned off.\nAnd when the value of the temperature will drop from 35\nSo at that condition, heater will be active again.\nAs the temperature value becomes equal to 35\nThe heater has become active again.\nNow, I will keep my finger on the sensor\nThe humidity will start increasing due to the humidity in our hand.\nSo, as the humidity become more than 70\nat this condition\nOur humidity booster has turned off.\nAnd when the humidity value will drop from 65,\nat that condition, humidity sensor will turn on again.\nSo, the data which has been stored\nIf we have to print that data\nFrom here, we will press the button for Print.\nSo, as we press the button of Print, this print page opens.\nIf we have to print the data of last one day, from here we will press the button of 1 Day.\nIf we have to print the data of last two day, from here we will press the button of 2 Day.\nIf we have to print the data of last 3 day, from here we will press the button of 3 Day.\nAnd if we have to print the real time data, which is currently being read from the sensor.\nIf we have to print that value\nFrom here, we will print the Live Data Print button.\nSo, it has printed the real time value being read.\nalong with time and date.\nAnd similarly, if we have to\nprint data of last one day.\nFrom here, we will press the button of 1 Day.\nIt will print the d": 3, "\u201cHello friends!\nReady for a game of Football?\u201d\nHold the ball in your hands\nBounce bounce bounce\nKick the ball all around\nKick kick kick\nRoll the ball on the ground\nRoll roll roll\nAnd shoot it through the goal post\nGoal goal goal\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nLet\u2019s go to the soccer ground\nWe got a biggest one in town\nThe biggest one in town\nChange into our playing gear\nAnd shout our team\u2019s victory cheer\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nHold the ball in your hands\nBounce bounce bounce\nKick the ball all around\nKick kick kick\nRoll the ball on the ground\nRoll roll roll\nAnd shoot it through the goal post\nGoal goal goal\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nLet\u2019s learn how to swing and swerve\nTackle opponents with a curve\nCross all of them one by one\nDoesn't matter if your short or tall\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nBounce! Bounce! Bounce!\nKick! Kick!Kick!\nHold the ball in your hands\nBounce bounce bounce\nKick the ball all around\nKick kick kick\nRoll the ball on the ground\nRoll roll roll\nAnd shoot it through the goal post\nGoal goal goal\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\nThat\u2019s football! Football Yeah!\n": 3, "everyone welcome to my YouTube channel in this\u00a0\nvideo we are going to talk about English tenses\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is one of the most important yet\u00a0\nproblematic Topic in English language\nas you can see here in this slide we have\u00a0\non the left hand side four aspects simple\u00a0\u00a0\ncontinuous perfect perfect continuous these\u00a0\nare called four aspects of tenses and on the\u00a0\u00a0\nright hand side you can see three times these are\u00a0\ncalled three different tenses we have past tense\u00a0\u00a0\nwe have present tense and we have future tense so\u00a0\nin English language we have three tenses and four\u00a0\u00a0\naspects that makes it twelve tenses starting from\u00a0\nsimple past it says I studied English yesterday\u00a0\u00a0\nwhy have we use studied here with Ed\u00a0\nbecause studied is the past form of study\u00a0\u00a0\nso an action that has taken path take in\u00a0\nplace in the recent past that is called\u00a0\u00a0\na simple past tense that comes Under\u00a0\nThe Heading of simple past tense\u00a0\u00a0\nsince this is passed that's why\u00a0\nwe use the second form of the verb\u00a0\u00a0\nand what is the first form of studied study\u00a0\nstudy so when we come to the simple present\u00a0\u00a0\ntense it's I study English I study English\u00a0\nhere the main verb will remain as it is\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen we have a future plan then we can say in\u00a0\nsimple future tense we can see I will study\u00a0\u00a0\nEnglish that shows your intention that shows your\u00a0\nplan so basically when do we use simple past tense\u00a0\u00a0\nwhen there's an action which is just completed in\u00a0\nthe recent past and we use simple present tense\u00a0\u00a0\nfor habitual actions for a universal\u00a0\ntruths and for routine jobs\u00a0\u00a0\nand when we use Simple future tense it is\u00a0\nused when we have an intention or plan in the\u00a0\u00a0\nfuture regarding some action coming towards\u00a0\nthe next aspect that is continuous so here\nlooking at the first one\u00a0\u00a0\npast continuous tense here we'll use an auxiliary\u00a0\nverb that is was auxiliary verb for past is was\nand there there are so many like walls and\u00a0\nwere but for present we have is R and M okay\u00a0\u00a0\nand for future we'll use will be so we'll see them\u00a0\ncategorically and we'll see them individually so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat we can understand clearly so looking at past\u00a0\ncontinuous tense it says I was studying English\u00a0\u00a0\nso I was studying English in past\u00a0\ncontinuous and I am studying English in\u00a0\u00a0\npresent continuous that shows an action\u00a0\nwhich is going on in the present time\u00a0\u00a0\nand for future action we'll say I will be studying\u00a0\nEnglish future continuous it represents an action\u00a0\u00a0\nuh as going on at some time in the future also\u00a0\nit represents future action that are planned\u00a0\u00a0\nso according to your intention according\u00a0\nto your plan I will be studying English\u00a0\u00a0\nyou have to focus and concentrate on the structure\u00a0\nof these sentences talking about the perfect\u00a0\u00a0\naspect let's see the first one past perfect tense\u00a0\nI had studied English so here you have to focus\u00a0\u00a0\non two things one is had that is the past form of\u00a0\nHealth h a v e have so past form of Harris head\u00a0\u00a0\nand whenever in a sentence we use head it's\u00a0\nnecessary to use third form of the verb\u00a0\u00a0\nwith have and help both also with has so I had\u00a0\nstudied English in past perfect tense talking\u00a0\u00a0\nabout present perfect I have studied English now\u00a0\nyou will see the difference between present and\u00a0\u00a0\npast in the present tense I said I have have\u00a0\nbut in past I said I had I had so this is the\u00a0\u00a0\ndifference here I have studied English and again\u00a0\nin the future perfect tense I will have studied\u00a0\u00a0\nEnglish so will is necessary obligatory compulsory\u00a0\nfor the future tense I will have studied English\u00a0\u00a0\ncoming towards the fourth aspect that is present\u00a0\nsorry that is perfect continuous tense so\u00a0\u00a0\nfirst we'll see the past perfect continuous tense\u00a0\nthat is I had been studying English so here we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave edit bean and also you see that with the\u00a0\naddition of word been again we have used here the\u00a0\u00a0\nfourth form of the verb fourth form that is ing\u00a0\nform of the work so I had been studying English\u00a0\u00a0\nand in present perfect continuous it will\u00a0\nbe I have been studying English only the\u00a0\u00a0\ndifference of have and had and in\u00a0\nfuture perfect continuous we have\u00a0\u00a0\nI will have been studying English\u00a0\nI will have been studying English\nnow here as we know that every sentence has ": 4, "Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\n": 0, "What's the trick I wish I knew\nI'm so done with thinking through\nAll the things I could've been\nAnd I know you wonder too\nAll it takes is that one look you do\nAnd I run right back to you\nYou crossed the line\nAnd it's time to say F you!\nWhat's the point in saying that\nWhen you know how I'll react\nYou think you can just take it back\nBut shit just don't work like that\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nAnd I want you so bad\nGuess I'm stuck\nWith you\nAnd that's that\nCause when it all falls\ndown, then whatever\nWhen it don't work out for the better\nIf we just ain't right and\nit's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down\nWhen it all falls down\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nAnd I want you so bad\nBut I'll be fine\nWhy we fight, I don't know\nWe say what hurts the most\nOh, I try\nStaying cold\nBut you take it personal\nAll this firing shots\nAnd making ground\nIt's way too hard to cope\nBut I still\nCan't let\nYou go\nCause when it all falls\ndown, then whatever\nWhen it don't work out for the better\nIf we just ain't right and\nit's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down\nWhen it all falls down\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nAnd I want you so bad\nBut I'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nCause when it all falls\ndown, then whatever\nWhen it don't work out for the better\nIf we just ain't right and\nit's time to say goodbye\nWhen it all falls down\nWhen it all falls down\nI'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nYou're the drug that I'm addicted to\nAnd I want you so bad\nBut I'll be fine\nI'll be fine\nAnd that's that\n": 3, "- [Voiceover] g is a function\nthat describes an arithmetic sequence.\nHere are the first few\nterms of the sequence.\nSo let's say the first term is four,\nsecond term is 3 4/5,\nthird term is 3 3/5,\nfourth term is 3 2/5.\nFind the values of the\nmissing parameters A and B\nin the following recursive\ndefinition of the sequence.\nSo they say the nth term\nis going to be equal to A\nif n is equal to one\nand it's going to be\nequal to g of n minus one\nplus B if n is greater than one.\nAnd so I encourage you to pause this video\nand see if you could figure out\nwhat A and B are going to be.\nWell, the first one to figure out,\nA is actually pretty straightforward.\nIf n is equal to one,\nif n is equal to one,\nthe first term when n equals one is four.\nSo A is equal to four.\nSo we could write this as g of n\nis equal to four\nif n is equal to one.\nAnd now let's think about the second line.\nThe second line is interesting.\nIt's saying it's going to be\nequal to the previous term,\ng of n minus one.\nThis means the n minus oneth term, plus B,\nwill give you the nth term.\nLet's just think about what's happening\nwith this arithmetic sequence.\nWhen I go from the first\nterm to the second term,\nwhat have I done?\nLooks like I have subtracted 1/5,\nso minus 1/5,\nand then it's an arithmetic sequence\nso I should subtract or add\nthe same amount to every time,\nand I am, I'm subtracting 1/5,\nand so I am subtracting 1/5.\nAnd so one way to think about it,\nif we were to go the other way,\nwe could say, for example, that g of four\nis equal to g of three\nminus 1/5,\nminus 1/5.\nYou see that right over here.\ng of three is this.\nYou subtract 1/5, you get g of four.\nYou see that right over there\nand of course I could have written this\nlike g of four\nis equal to g of four\nminus one minus 1/5.\nSo if you look at this way,\nyou could see that if I'm\ntrying to find the nth term,\nit's gonna be the n minus oneth term\nplus negative 1/5,\nso B is negative 1/5.\nOnce again, if I'm trying\nto find the fourth term,\nif n is equal to four,\nI'm not gonna use this first case\n'cause this has to be for n equals one,\nso if n equals four, I\nwould use the second case,\nso then it would be g of four minus one,\nit would be g of three minus 1/5.\nAnd so we could say g of n\nis equal to g of n minus one,\nso the term right before that minus 1/5\nif n is greater than one.\nBut for the sake of this problem,\nwe see that A is equal to four\nand B is equal to negative 1/5.\n": 4, "they were completely devoted to each\nthey were completely devoted to each\nother they were a loving couple that\nother they were a loving couple that\nother they were a loving couple that\nwere together for quite some time with\nwere together for quite some time with\nwere together for quite some time with\nnot an enemy in the world their friends\nnot an enemy in the world their friends\nnot an enemy in the world their friends\nwere good people and i think good people\nwere good people and i think good people\nwere good people and i think good people\nattract good people\nattract good people\nattract good people\ngood people who somehow end up dead in\ngood people who somehow end up dead in\ngood people who somehow end up dead in\nthe trunk of a car\nthe trunk of a car\nthe trunk of a car\nwho could have done such a\nwho could have done such a\nwho could have done such a\nterrible thing the treatment of the\nterrible thing the treatment of the\nterrible thing the treatment of the\nvictims is shocking i didn't know\nvictims is shocking i didn't know\nvictims is shocking i didn't know\nanybody could be that brutal to somebody\nanybody could be that brutal to somebody\nanybody could be that brutal to somebody\nall the killer leaves behind is a\nall the killer leaves behind is a\nall the killer leaves behind is a\nmysterious set of clues the blood smears\nmysterious set of clues the blood smears\nmysterious set of clues the blood smears\nindicate that there was violence there\nindicate that there was violence there\nindicate that there was violence there\nwe had these military writings that were\nwe had these military writings that were\nwe had these military writings that were\nall over the place we were wondering if\nall over the place we were wondering if\nall over the place we were wondering if\nthis is some disgruntled military person\nthis is some disgruntled military person\nthis is some disgruntled military person\nthe case is confounding investigators\nthe case is confounding investigators\nthe case is confounding investigators\nthere were just so many questions so\nthere were just so many questions so\nthere were just so many questions so\nmany unknowns we had a whodunit the\nmany unknowns we had a whodunit the\nmany unknowns we had a whodunit the\nfirst 48 hours are over and we were down\nfirst 48 hours are over and we were down\nfirst 48 hours are over and we were down\nfor the long haul\nfor the long haul\nfor the long haul\nto jump start the investigation they\nto jump start the investigation they\nto jump start the investigation they\nturned to a criminal profiler it was a\nturned to a criminal profiler it was a\nturned to a criminal profiler it was a\nhorrific crime and we were very anxious\nhorrific crime and we were very anxious\nhorrific crime and we were very anxious\nto get it solved\nto get it solved\nto get it solved\nshe makes some shocking connections this\nshe makes some shocking connections this\nshe makes some shocking connections this\nperson seemed to have some kind of\nperson seemed to have some kind of\nperson seemed to have some kind of\nfantasy we didn't know what it was it\nfantasy we didn't know what it was it\nfantasy we didn't know what it was it\nseemed to be somewhat sexually sadistic\nseemed to be somewhat sexually sadistic\nseemed to be somewhat sexually sadistic\nthey fear the killer will strike again\nthey fear the killer will strike again\nthey fear the killer will strike again\ncan they find him in time we were on a\ncan they find him in time we were on a\ncan they find him in time we were on a\nrace to stop another homicide\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Applause]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\njust an hour's drive north of the\njust an hour's drive north of the\ncongestion\ncongestion\ncongestion\nand crowds\nand crowds\nand crowds\nof the city of toronto\nthe quaint town of caledon is idyllic\nthe quaint town of caledon is idyllic\nfor city slickers looking for an escape\nfor city slickers looking for an escape\nfor city slickers looking for an escape\nthe large country estates attract the\nthe large country estates attract the\nthe large country estates attract the\nlikes of elton john who's rumored to": 1, "Hey, I'm feeling tired.\nMy time, is gone today.\nYou flirt with suicide.\nSometimes, that's ok.\nDo what others say.\nI'm here, standing hollow.\nFalling away from me.\nFalling away from me.\nDay, is here fading.\nThat's when, I would say.\nI flirt with suicide.\nSometimes kill the pain.\nI can always say,\n'It's gonna be better tomorrow'.\nFalling away from me.\nFalling away from me.\nBeating me down.\nBeating me, beating me.\nDown, down.\nInto the ground.\nScreaming some sound.\nBeating me, beating me.\nDown, down.\nInto the ground.\n(falling away from me).\nIt's spinning round and round.\n(falling away from me).\nIt's lost and can't be found.\n(falling away from me).\nIt's spinning round and round.\n(falling away from me).\nSlow it down.\nBeating me down.\nBeating me, beating me.\nDown, down.\nInto the ground.\nScreaming some sound.\nBeating me, beating me.\nDown, down.\nInto the ground.\nTwisting me, they won't go away.\nSo I pray, go away.\nLife's falling away from me.\nIt's falling away from me.\nLife's falling away from me.\nFuck!\nBeating me down.\nBeating me, beating me.\nDown, down.\nInto the ground.\nScreaming some sound.\nBeating me, beating me.\nDown, down.\nInto the ground.\n": 1, "Music Theory for Guitar - Intervals | Half\nSteps and Whole Steps\nSo half steps and whole steps.\nHalf step F, F sharp, one fret is a half-step,\ntwo frets is a whole step.\nBy the way, we call have step have a name\ncalled minor second not commonly used.\nTwo half steps are whole step also called\nthe major second, more commonly used.\nOkay, so play it with me.\nFirst fret sixth string and going up to the\nthird fret, that's the whole step and go one\nfret up half step.\nPut your first finger on the third fret sixth\nstring -- G to G sharp, that's a half step\nnow a whole step to an A that's two frets\nup.\nNow go to the open A string.\nI want you to play a half step.\nI want you to do what you gonna play.\nA to half step, that's B flat good!\nFirst fret fifth string.\nGo from there to whole step, that's a C note,\ntwo frets.\nNow, let's gonna do a little bit ear training.\nI'm gonna play whole steps and half steps\nand you try to tell me what it is before I\nactually say it.\nI will say the name but I'll give a little\npause, listen (strumming) half \nstep (strumming) whole step (strumming) whole\nstep, (strumming) whole step, (strumming)\nwhole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming)\nwhole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming)\nwhole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming)\nwhole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming)\nhalf step,\n": 1, "Zon, Hello\nfriends, have a nice day.\nIt's sunny today.\nZon drying the rice\n. Drying again to avoid mold\nZon, Hello\nfriends, have a nice day.\nIt's sunny today.\nZon drying the rice\n. Drying again to avoid mold\ncoming soon I need to build a wood grinder, powered by water\ncoming soon I need to build a wood grinder, powered by water\nFlour corn cooked with bananas\nPoorly, the mother pig gave birth last night\nFlour corn cooked with bananas\nPoorly, the mother pig gave birth last night\nThe number is 05 pigs, I'm happy that the number of pigs is increasing every day\nThe number is 05 pigs, I'm happy that the number of pigs is increasing every day\nThe whole herd is very healthy\nThe whole herd is very healthy\nFeeding the mother pig with corn and rice porridge just had a baby\nFeeding the mother pig with corn and rice porridge just had a baby\nHarvest flowers in the forest\nThis is a plant that blooms in the 10th lunar month\nThe flower has a bitter taste, used to make medicine, or to prepare food\nHarvest flowers in the forest\nThis is a plant that blooms in the 10th lunar month\nThe flower has a bitter taste, used to make medicine, or to prepare food\nOr stuffed with chicken eggs + pork and onions + spices Inside the flower, it will form a delicious dish. Wild\nOr stuffed with chicken eggs + pork and onions + spices Inside the flower, it will form a delicious dish. Wild\nbanana flower, an indispensable dish, for local mothers here\nbanana flower, an indispensable dish, for local mothers here\nThis is a wild ginseng plant\nGinseng areca is sweet, warm, effective. warm the kidney (temperate the kidney), strengthen the tendons and bones.\nThis is a wild ginseng plant\nGinseng areca is sweet, warm, effective. warm the kidney (temperate the kidney), strengthen the tendons and bones.\nKeep the small trees to preserve\nthe tendons and bones, except for low welding. The main treatment is impotence, physiological weakness, cold semen, urinary incontinence, cold limbs and back.\nKeep the small trees to preserve\nthe tendons and bones, except for low welding. The main treatment is impotence, physiological weakness, cold semen, urinary incontinence, cold limbs and back.\nSoaked with alcohol or dried and boiled to drink is good for health\nSoaked with alcohol or dried and boiled to drink is good for health\nWild\nWild\nginseng sausages cost 30,000 vnd for 01 kg\nThank you, next time support\nginseng sausages cost 30,000 vnd for 01 kg\nThank you, next time support\nbitter flowers cost 60,000 vnd for 01 kg\nbitter flowers cost 60,000 vnd for 01 kg\nBanana flowers cost 10,000 vnd for 01 pcs\nBanana flowers cost 10,000 vnd for 01 pcs\n": 1, "(gentle music)\n- [Divers] Whoa!\n- [Diver] What is it?\n(divers chattering each other)\n- [Man] Yeah, that's weird.\n- [Man] Yo, what is it?\n- [Man] Is that a cuttlefish?\nOr is it a cuttle\n- [Woman] Get close, get close\n- [Man] like the angle\nwe are seeing, no no,\ndon't change the angle please\n- [Man] Maybe the legs are folded under\n- [Man] Maybe he's got weird eyes\n- [Man] It's a cuttlefish\n- [Woman] It might be a cuttlefish\nit had weird uh\n- [Man] It's an octopus\n- [Man] Is it?\n- [Two Men] Yeah, yeah\n- [ Man] Yeah it look like\n- [Man] Yeah the body\nlooks like a cephalopod\n(divers talking over each other)\n- [Woman] Well cuttlefish\nand octopus are related\n- [Man] Maybe he's got eye problems\n- [Man] Oh man, look at him\n- [Woman] He's totally a cuttlefish\n- [Man] He's different guy.\n- [Woman] Look at all of\nhis tentacles are centered,\n- [Woman] So cute\n- [Man] Like Davie Jones\n- [Woman] They look fake, like googly eyes\n- [Woman] They look\nlike they're painted on\n(all laughing)\n- [Man] Yeah.\n- [Woman] They look so fake\n- [Man] So something\nthat just came before.\nJust left it here.\n- [Woman] It's like some\nlittle kid dropped their toy.\n(all laughing)\n- [Man] trash\n- [Woman] He is awesome though\n- [Woman] He's so cute\n- [Man] He is awesome\n- [Man] It's a good focus right there.\n- [Man] Great focus.\n- [Woman] Seriously, his\neyesight's freaking me out.\n- [Woman] I want to see him move\n- [Woman] do something.\n(man laughing)\n- [Man] Do something\n(woman laughing)\n- [Woman] Let's flash our lights\n(all laughing)\n- [Woman] Maybe he'll change colors\n- [Woman] He's all veiny\nYou can see how like reactive he is\nbecause of all his veins.\n- [Man] This is a good\nspot to end our watch.\n(laughing)\n- [Man] Stay here until\n(man laughs)\n- [Woman] Just stay here.\n- [Woman] I don't know if the ship will.\n- [Man] The ship is still moving\n- [Man] The ship is still moving.\n- [Woman] He's cool Mr. Cuttlefish\nI want to see him swim.\n- [Man] Yeah me too\n- [Woman] How can we make him swim\n- [Man] So are we sure it's a cuttlefish?\n- [Woman] It's fine, we need like a horn\non Hercules\n- [Man] Or an octopus\nCuttlefish,\n- [Man] Cuttlefish.\nCool.\n- [Woman] They're both cephalopods.\n- [Man] It's a cuttlefish\n- [Woman] It's a cuttlefish\n- [Man] Bye bye guy.\n- [Woman] I mean, we can still look\nat him if you want, but I\njust was gonna slide into it.\n- [Man] Nice way to end up.\n- [Man] Got a cuttlefish.\n- [Man] yeah\n- [Man] Alright. Hey, I turned around so\n- [Woman] He's so cute\n- [Man] He is so that's awesome.\n- [Man] You were looking\n- [Man] At a cuttlefish\n- [Man] We saw two octopus,\n- [Man] Two baby octopus\nand this cuttlefish.\n- [Man] All right, so I'm turning back\nover.\n- [Woman] Yeah, I just didn't\nwant to go right over him.\n": 1, "- Missed spot.\n- What spot?\nHey, hey, how come you didn't\ntell me you were going fishing?\nYou not here when I go.\nMaybe I would've wanted\nto go. You think of that?\n- You karate training.\n- I'm what?\nI'm being your goddamn slave, is what\nI'm being, man. We made a deal here.\n- So?\n- So? So you're supposed to teach\nand I'm supposed to learn,\nremember?\nFor four days I've been busting my\nass and haven't learned a goddamn thing!\n- You learned plenty.\n- I learned plenty.\nI learned how to sand your decks,\nmaybe,\nhow to wax your car, paint your house,\npaint your fence. I learned plenty. Right!\n- Not everything is as seem.\n- Bullshit! I'm going home, man.\nDaniel-san! Daniel-san!\n- What?\n- Come here.\n- Show me sand the floor.\n- I can't move my arm, all right?\nWhat're you doing? What you...\nWhat're you doing?\nNow show me sand the floor.\n- How did you do that?\n- Show!\nSand the floor?\nStand up.\nShow me sand the floor.\nSand the floor.\nSand the floor.\nBig circles. Sand the\nfloor. Sand the floor.\nNow show me wax on, wax off.\n- Wax on, wax off.\n- Wax on, wax off.\nWax on, wax off.\nConcentrate.\nLook in my eye. Lock\nhand. Thumb inside.\nWax on. Wax off.\nWax on. Wax off.\nWax on. Wax off.\nShow me paint the fence.\nUp, down.\nUp. Down.\nUp. Down.\nOther side. Look\neye. Always look eye.\nShow me paint the house,\nside, side.\nLock wrist. Side, side.\nSide, side.\nShow me wax on, wax off.\nShow me paint the fence.\nShow me side to side.\nShow me sand the floor.\nLook eye. Always look eye.\nCome back tomorrow.\n": 2, "It\u2019s a trip, yeah\nGonna hit, yeah\nPull me closer to the end of the world\nGet a grip, yeah\nLet it rip, yeah\nI\u2019m addicted to not giving a f***\nShe said she from S\u00e3o Paulo\nBurning up like a golden sun\nReady to get my heart broke\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nI think I\u2019m \u2018bout to blow\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nI think I\u2019m \u2018bout to blow\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nOh oh ohhhhhh\nOoooooooooooooooooooooooooh\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nWhen it hit ya\nBite your lip, yeah\nThat cookie nookie got you closer to God\nAre you coming or not\n\u2018Cause I\u2019m comin\u2019 in hot\nAnd I\u2019m comin\u2019 in hard\nYeah, yeah\nShe said she from S\u00e3o Paulo\nBurning up like a golden sun\nReady to get my heart broke\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nYou know I\u2019m the one\nI wanna do magic to your heart\nI wanna get crazy in your car\nI wanna see Paris from the stars\nI\u2019m like a volcano\nAnd it\u2019ll be tragic when we part\nBut forget all that sad shit you been on\nWe should just smash it at the bar\nI\u2019m like a volcano\nLike a volcano\nI think I\u2019m \u2018bout to blow\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nI think I\u2019m \u2018bout to blow\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\nOh oh ohhhhhh\nOoooooooooooooooooooooooooh\nLike I\u2019m a volcano\n": 1, "We have reached chapter 5 of our course about fundamental cryptography in theory and python, \nand with this reached the second to last chapter which is dedicated to the classic cryptography security goal of non-repudiation.\nAs a recap, the 4 classic security goals of cryptography are confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation.\nAnd non-repudiation as a classic security goal of cryptography demands that within a system providing non-repudiation,\nthe source of information can now not only be verified by a receiving party as it was the case with authenticity, \nbut that the source of information can now be verified by any third party.\nI again now suggest you to pause the video and to briefly think about how the security goal of non-repudiation relates to the security goal of authenticity.\nThe relationship of non-repudiation with authenticity is, \nthat every system providing non-repudiation is a system that also provides authenticity that can be used to verify that the source of information is a specific sender s.\nHowever, non-repudiation is a stronger notion then authenticity, as with non-repudiation, \nit\u2019s not only the recipient of the data within a certain session of communication that can verify the source of the information,\nbut that this source of information can now be verified by any third party.\nExplained again on an example using English language, an authenticity statement reads along the lines \u201cobserved by entity e, information x has state h\u201d.\nNon-repudiation now allows to turn this statement into a statement provable to any third party, \nand the example non-repudiation statement would then read along the lines \u201cAs provably observed by entity e, information x has state h\u201d.\n": 4, "I feel your presence amongst us\nYou cannot hide in the darkness\nCan you hear the rumble?\nCan you hear the rumble that's calling?\nI know your soul is not tainted\nEven though you've been told so\nCan you hear the rumble?\nCan you hear the rumble that's calling?\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nA candle casting a faint glow\nYou and I see eye to eye\nCan you hear the thunder?\nHow can you hear the thunder that's breaking?\nNow there is nothing between us\nFrom now our merge is eternal\nCan't you see that you're lost?\nCan't you see that you're lost without me?\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nCan't you see that you're lost without me\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\nI can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart\nI can see through the scars inside you\n": 4, "Hi! How are you doing during the hot summer days?\nHi! How are you doing during the hot summer days?\nToday, I\u2019m going to make tomato soup. Let\u2019s get started.\nToday, I\u2019m going to make tomato soup. Let\u2019s get started.\n \nCut celery into small peaces.\nCut celery into small peaces.\nCut celery into small peaces.\nCut celery into small peaces.\nCut celery into small peaces.\nCut celery into small peaces.\nCut celery into small peaces.\n \nI\u2019m peeling one carrot now.\nI\u2019m peeling one carrot now.\nIf you don\u2019t want to peel it, you don\u2019t have to.\nIf you don\u2019t want to peel it, you don\u2019t have to.\nCut a carrot in half, the cut them in half, then cut them in half again.\nCut a carrot in half, the cut them in half, then cut them in half again.\nCut a carrot in half, the cut them in half, then cut them in half again.\n \nCut them into small pieces.\nCut them into small pieces.\nCut them into small pieces.\nPut water in a pan and heat.\nPut water in a pan and heat.\nPut water in a pan and heat.\nPut water in a pan and heat.\n \nPut the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water.\nPut the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water.\nPut the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water.\nPut the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water.\nPut the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water.\n \n \n \nBoil until carrots are somewhat tender.\nBoil until carrots are somewhat tender.\nThen add the cut celery stalks.\nThen add the cut celery stalks.\n \nAdd stock cubes.\nAdd stock cubes.\nYou can use powdered soup stock if you like.\nYou can use powdered soup stock if you like.\n \nCook until the cut carrots and celery are tender.\nCook until the cut carrots and celery are tender.\n \nAdd the celery leaves.\nAdd the celery leaves.\nAdd the celery leaves.\n \n \n \n \n \nBoil until ingredients are soft.\nAdd pepper if you like.\nAdd pepper if you like.\nOptional\nOptional\nAdd a piece of salmon.\nAdd a piece of salmon.\nYou don\u2019t necessarily have to add it.\nYou don\u2019t necessarily have to add it.\nIn that case, the soup is completed in one previous step.\nIn that case, the soup is completed in one previous step.\nIn that case, the soup is completed in one previous step.\nSimmer until the salmon is cooked.\nSimmer until the salmon is cooked.\nSimmer until the salmon is cooked.\n \nBon Appe\u00e9tit\nThank you for watching!!\nThank you for watching!!\nSee ya!!\nSee ya!!\n \n": 3, "Uh-Huh\nYeah, Thanos\nUh-Huh\nYeah, I'm going\nto take my gauntlet with Infinity Stones,\nI'm going to snap til there ain't no more.\nYeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet with Infinity\nStones, I'm going to snap til there ain't\nno more. Got Avengers in the back, world is\ncut in half. Gamora really bad. She tried\nto screw her dad. Wish she would of stopped.\nCome and joined her pops. Betrayed me instead,\nnow she's really dead. And I'm going to bring\nthe balance. I'm going to bring the balance.\nAnd I'm going to bring the balance. I'm going\nto bring the balance. Black Panther is dead.\nAnd Spider-man is dead. And Chris Pratt is\ndead. And I ain't got no regrets. You got\nmy respect, you ain't seen nothing yet. Thor\nwas a threat, should of gone for the head. And\nI'm going to bring the balance. I'm going\nto bring the balance. And I'm going to bring\nthe balance. I'm going to bring the balance.\nYeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet with Infinity\nStones, I'm going to snap til there ain't\nno more. Yeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet\nwith Infinity Stones, I'm going to snap til\nthere ain't no more.\n": 1, "[Narrator] The next question checks that you understand one-time pads.\nAlice and Bob have agreed on a perfectly random key\nand that Alice will send Bob the answer to the question, \"Are you taking CS 387?\"\nAs either the single character Y or the single character N.\nThis will be encoded using the string to bits procedure,\nwhich takes in a string and gives you a list of bits,\nand the results of string to bits Y is 1011001,\nand the route for N is 1001110.\nMallory knows nothing about the key or the message,\nbut she intercepts the transmission between Alice and Bob,\nand intercepts this sequence of bits,\nand Mallory wants to cause trouble between Alice and Bob.\nShe wants to make Bob hear the opposite of what Alice sent\nso if Alice sent a Y, Mallory wants Bob to hear an N.\nIf Alice sent an N, Mallory wants Bob to hear a Y.\nWhat should Mallory send instead of the original message that she intercepted,\nand your answer should be in the form of 7 bits, each of which is a 0 or a 1.\nOnce you understand the answer to this,\nI want to encourage you to join an open discussion question, which is\nis there a way to solve this problem without using anything other than a one-time pad?\nIs there a way for Alice and Bob to communicate correctly the answer to this question\nand know that it can't be altered in transmission and still preserve all the privacy properties of a one-time pad?\n": 3, "welcome to a lesson on the orthogonality\nwelcome to a lesson on the orthogonality\nof eigenfunctions something that is very\nof eigenfunctions something that is very\nof eigenfunctions something that is very\nuseful in the next section is the\nuseful in the next section is the\nuseful in the next section is the\northogonality property of the\northogonality property of the\northogonality property of the\neigenfunctions this is an analog of the\neigenfunctions this is an analog of the\neigenfunctions this is an analog of the\nfollowing fact about eigenvectors of a\nfollowing fact about eigenvectors of a\nfollowing fact about eigenvectors of a\nmatrix a matrix is called symmetric if\nmatrix a matrix is called symmetric if\nmatrix a matrix is called symmetric if\nMatrix a is equal to the transpose of\nMatrix a is equal to the transpose of\nMatrix a is equal to the transpose of\nMatrix a recall to find the transpose of\nMatrix a recall to find the transpose of\nMatrix a recall to find the transpose of\nMatrix we interchange the rows and\nMatrix we interchange the rows and\nMatrix we interchange the rows and\ncolumns the eigenvectors of two distinct\ncolumns the eigenvectors of two distinct\ncolumns the eigenvectors of two distinct\neigenvalues of a symmetric Matrix are\neigenvalues of a symmetric Matrix are\neigenvalues of a symmetric Matrix are\northogonal recall vectors that are\northogonal recall vectors that are\northogonal recall vectors that are\northogonal are perpendicular the\northogonal are perpendicular the\northogonal are perpendicular the\ndifferential operators we are dealing\ndifferential operators we are dealing\ndifferential operators we are dealing\nwith act much like a symmetric Matrix we\nwith act much like a symmetric Matrix we\nwith act much like a symmetric Matrix we\ntherefore get the following theorem\ntherefore get the following theorem\ntherefore get the following theorem\nsuppose that X1 of T and X2 of T are two\nsuppose that X1 of T and X2 of T are two\nsuppose that X1 of T and X2 of T are two\neigenfunctions of the problems 4.1\neigenfunctions of the problems 4.1\neigenfunctions of the problems 4.1\nthrough 4.3 in the blue box below for\nthrough 4.3 in the blue box below for\nthrough 4.3 in the blue box below for\ntwo different eigenvalues Lambda 1 and\ntwo different eigenvalues Lambda 1 and\ntwo different eigenvalues Lambda 1 and\nLambda 2. then they are orthogonal in\nLambda 2. then they are orthogonal in\nLambda 2. then they are orthogonal in\nthe sense that the integral from A to B\nthe sense that the integral from A to B\nthe sense that the integral from A to B\nof X1 of T times X2 of T DT is equal to\nof X1 of T times X2 of T DT is equal to\nof X1 of T times X2 of T DT is equal to\nzero the terminology comes from the fact\nzero the terminology comes from the fact\nzero the terminology comes from the fact\nthat the integral is a type of inner\nthat the integral is a type of inner\nthat the integral is a type of inner\nproduct we will expand on this in the\nproduct we will expand on this in the\nproduct we will expand on this in the\nnext section the theorem has a very\nnext section the theorem has a very\nnext section the theorem has a very\nshort elegant proof which we will now\nshort elegant proof which we will now\nshort elegant proof which we will now\nshow\nshow\nshow\nwe begin with the following two\nwe begin with the following two\nwe begin with the following two\nequations X1 double prime plus Lambda\nequations X1 double prime plus Lambda\nequations X1 double prime plus Lambda\nOne X one equals zero and next two\nOne X one equals zero and next two\nOne X one equals zero and next two\ndouble prime plus Lambda two x two\ndouble prime plus Lambda two x two\ndouble prime plus Lambda two x two\nequals zero we multiply the first\nequals zero we multiply the first\nequals zero we multiply the first\nequation by x two which is shown in Blue\nequation by x two which is shown in Blue\nequation by x two which is shown in Blue\non the right and then we multiply the\non the right and then we multiply the\non the right and then we multiply the\nsecond equation by x one which again is\nsecond equation by x": 0, " We believe and dream \n We are where we expected much. \n There with the seven winds, \n a motive in the hearts. \n Through thorns to the stars. \n Above it will be so easy and simple \n Start and just go to win. \n If we fall, then we will take off again. \n We know the truth \n You are our team! \n And this without you \n It will not fly so high \n Without you, it will never win! \n My wings on my back, \n like sitting on the fuselage. \n I'm a player, and I always go to the end, the rest does not matter. \n No matter what they say, I'll win and lose. \n I'll fall, I will rise up! Encourage all my \n For everyone I fight, that's what matters. \n Thanks, team! \n We are family and we're friends - this is power. \n Unconquered, invincible, \n Everything is in our hands, \n I received a call luck. \n - Hello? \n I dream since my childhood, I see dreams, they have the property to be realized. \n Our goal is high, very high, but our team can get there! \n There are dreams that can not be measured. \n And friends, which is worth believing. \n Each is important, if the limit. \n Everyone is first, the first on your goals! \n We know the truth, \n You are our team! \n And this without you \n It will not fly so high, \n Without you, it will never win! \n We are in the game! \n We are in the game! \n We are in the game! \n We are in the game! \n You know, we're in the game! \n": 1, "Metrum (Umek Remix) - Fedde Le Grand Vs Alright - Janet Jackson\nPlaying With Knives (Utah Saints Remix) - Bizarre Inc.\nHangover (Delano & Mark Drake Remix) - Marc Systematic, Delano, Mark Drake Vs Dub Be Good To Me - Beats International\nHustlin (Original Mix) - Crazibiza & Dave Aude feat. Vassy\nColossal (Original Mix) - Thand Steerner Vs Set You Free - N-Trance\nClub Games (Nihil Young Remix) - Balthazar & JackRock Vs People Hold On - Lisa Stansfield\nDig This (Original Mix) - Mike Balance Vs Young Hearts - Kings Of Tomorrow\nDanger (Original Mix) - Denny Berland Vs Where Love Lives - Alison Limerick\nTrue Story (Original Mix) - Mladen Tomic Vs Love Generation - Bob Sinclar\nHouse Circus (Original Mix) - Peter Brown Vs Dont Call Me Baby - Madison Ave\nFiltre (Slideback Remix) - Norman Doray\nBe Rich (BAZU Remix) - Marco Lys Vs Bad_Habit - ATFC\nShake (Original Mix) - Kill The Buzz Vs You Make The World Go Round - Sandy B\nReset (Original Mix) - 7 Skies, Tritonal Vs Jus 1 Kiss - Basement Jaxx\nGinger (Konstantin Yoodza Remix) - Alex D'Elia Vs Got 2 Get Up - Afrika Bambaata\nLook Back (Original Mix) - Denzal Park feat. Eyelar\nTechnicolor (Club Extended) - Madeon vS You Make Me Feel - Byron Stingly\n": 1, "The schedule\u2019s tight on the cluster tonight\nSo I parallelized my code\nAll those threads and continuations\nMy head\u2019s going to explode\nAnd all that boilerplate\nThat FactoryBuilderAdapterDelegateImpl\nSeems unjustified\nGive me something simple\nDon\u2019t write in Scheme\nDon\u2019t write in C\nNo more pointers\nthat I forgot to free()\nJava\u2019s verbose\nPython\u2019s too slow\nIt\u2019s time you know\nWrite in Go!\nWrite in Go!\nNo inheritance anymore\nWrite in Go!\nWrite in Go!\nThere\u2019s no do or while,\njust for\nI don\u2019t care what your linters say\nI\u2019ve got tools for that\nThe code never bothered me anyway\nIt\u2019s funny how some features\nMake every change seem small\nAnd the errors that once slowed me\nDon\u2019t get me down at all\nIt\u2019s time to see what Go can do\n\u2019Cause it seems too good to be true\nNo long compile times for me.\nI\u2019m free!\nWrite in Go!\nWrite in Go!\nKiss your pointer math goodbye\nWrite in Go!\nWrite in Go!\nTime to give GC a try\nI don\u2019t care if my structures stay\nOn the heap or stack\nMy program spawns its goroutines\nwithout a sound\nControl is spiraling through\nbuffered channels all around\nI don\u2019t remember why I ever once subclassed\nI\u2019m never going back\nMy tests all build and pass\nWrite in Go!\nWrite in Go!\nYou won\u2019t use Eclipse anymore\nWrite in Go!\nWrite in Go!\nWho cares what Boost is for?\nI don\u2019t care what the tech leads say\nI\u2019ll rewrite it all!\nWriting code never bothered me, anyway.\n": 2, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I will analyze Daneliya Tuleshova.\nWe have many videos with Daneliya.\nIf you have not seen the other videos, I invite you,\nto see other videos of Daneliya Tuleshova.\nIn this video I am going to analyze her doing a cover of Adele,\n\"Set Fire To The Rain\". She is an amazing singer.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis on his vocal behavior.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis on his vocal behavior.\nTherefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my observations.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nAnd let's go to the most important, let's analyze, Daneliya Tuleshova.\nAnd let's go to the most important, let's analyze, Daneliya Tuleshova.\nI apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped,\nI apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped,\nI apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped,\nI apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped,\nbut I need to comment on how she has such a powerful and fascinating voice.\nbut I need to comment on how she has such a powerful and fascinating voice.\nAnd since her voice plays an incredible role in various songs she records and\nAnd since her voice plays an incredible role in various songs she records and\nwe have a lot of videos with Daneliya Tuleshova,\nso, if you haven't seen it, I invite you to see the other videos we have of her.\nso, if you haven't seen it, I invite you to see the other videos we have of her.\nBut it's amazing how powerful her voice is. This is fantastic.\nI love the vocal embellishments that she inserts into her performances.\nWhat makes her insert her personality as a singer and\nWhat makes her insert her personality as a singer and\nthis is extremely important.\nEven though she's covering for Adele,\nit is very important that she does not abandon her artistic personality.\nShe needs to insert, she needs to insert this,\nbecause it is something that is part of her as an artist, as a singer.\nAnd she's a fantastic singer.\nIf there is something that I find very interesting in the production of this song,\nit is the reverberation that was built into his voice.\nThis makes her create a much bigger atmosphere, makes her voice more prominent,\nThis makes her create a much bigger atmosphere, makes her voice more prominent,\nand creates a very interesting effect.\nLook, she does a very interesting job with her use of the falsetto.\nlike Adele...\nCan you see the texture?\nWhat can she put into her voice? Just for the falsetto.\nHowever, in this case, we have to understand that\nel falsetto is used as a vocal adornment.\nAnd it looks very beautiful. This makes his acting very fantastic.\nAnd it looks very beautiful. This makes his acting very fantastic.\nIt's amazing how she manages to work the falsetto in such a perfect way.\nIt's amazing how she manages to work the falsetto in such a perfect way.\nEvery time she inserts vibrato, she always inserts vibrato very prominently.\nEvery time she inserts vibrato, she always inserts vibrato very prominently.\nAnd this is part of his personality as a singer and\nyou should always insert your personality.\nShe always has to give evidence of her talent as a singer.\nand how you work with your voice, this is extremely important.\nBelting is perfect, his voice projection is consistent.\nBelting is perfect, his voice projection is consistent.\nShe holds her voice perfectly, she's a great singer.\nShe holds her voice perfectly, she's a great singer.\nAnd I love analyzing and listening to Daneliya Tuleshova,\nAnd I love analyzing and listening to Daneliya Tuleshova,\nbecause she does a wonderful job with her voice.\nShe is a great performer and manages to infuse much of her personality.\nShe is a great performer and manages to infuse much of her personality.\nLook how beautiful this is...\nThis is w": 3, "Christopher Carbone: Welcome back. This is part two of the section, two point two: the derivative as a function continuing on\nChristopher Carbone: a function F is differentiable at A. If F prime of a exists and is differentiable on an open interval, A to B\nChristopher Carbone: or a tin Fanny\nChristopher Carbone: negative, a to a negative, and Fanny to and Fanny.\nChristopher Carbone: If it is differentiable,\nChristopher Carbone: every number in that interval.\nChristopher Carbone: A theme that's attached to that is, F is differentiable at A.\nChristopher Carbone: If, then, F is continuous at a\nChristopher Carbone: so.\nChristopher Carbone: An example.\nChristopher Carbone: This,\nChristopher Carbone: where is the function F. Of X is equal to the absolute value of X deflangible\nChristopher Carbone: right?\nChristopher Carbone: So we could see her from a graph\nChristopher Carbone: Right? We have this V shape, and we could try to find our limits. We have to look at a couple of cases, though. And now for this to\nChristopher Carbone: makes sense, since\nChristopher Carbone: we do have that v-shape\nChristopher Carbone: first case is when X is greater than zero.\nChristopher Carbone: So if x is greater than zero. We could choose an H\nChristopher Carbone: such that we have x plus h greater than zero.\nChristopher Carbone: This will mean that the limit, as h approaches zero of the absolute value of x plus h.\nChristopher Carbone: The absolute value of X, divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: Since X is greater than zero,\nChristopher Carbone: we on the right-hand side of this this would be the limit. As h approaches zero. We could just drop this absolute value. Bars. This is x plus h minus x, divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: X's cancel h is cancel. This is just the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: H approaches zero of one which as well.\nChristopher Carbone: One\nChristopher Carbone: second case,\nChristopher Carbone: if we have x be less than zero.\nChristopher Carbone: Again, we could choose an H small enough, so x plus h is less than zero.\nChristopher Carbone: For this we have the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: H approaches zero of the absolute value of x plus h, minus the absolute value of X divided by it.\nChristopher Carbone: This time we are on the left-hand side of this\nChristopher Carbone: so if x's\nChristopher Carbone: less than zero. That means x is negative. So we could rewrite both of these with negatives. This is the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: H approaches zero of negative x plus h\nChristopher Carbone: minus negative X, divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: Again, x's and H is cancel.\nChristopher Carbone: We'll just be left with the limit as h approaches zero of negative one,\nChristopher Carbone: and that makes negative one.\nChristopher Carbone: So both of those are fine right. We have limits. They give us values.\nChristopher Carbone: We're good there.\nChristopher Carbone: But we need one more case right, since we did greater than zero, less than zero. How about a third case to be\nChristopher Carbone: X is equal to zero,\nChristopher Carbone: So that means the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: H approaches zero of the absolute value of zero, plus h\nChristopher Carbone: plus the absolute value of zero divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: So because we have those zeros that was just\nChristopher Carbone: disappear. This is the limit\nChristopher Carbone: as h approaches zero of the absolute value of h divided by H\nChristopher Carbone: this time we didn't really define what is going on with the value of H.\nChristopher Carbone: I.\nChristopher Carbone: So because of that we can't just cancel that out in call a day.\nChristopher Carbone: Um.\nChristopher Carbone: So\nChristopher Carbone: because of that, we need to look at the left and right hand limits.\nChristopher Carbone: Let's start with the like\nChristopher Carbone: limit as h approaches zero from the right.\nChristopher Carbone: The absolute value of H divided by H. The.\nChristopher Carbone: If we're moving from the right, then that means H.\nChristopher Carbone: Should be a positive value for that, So we cou": 2, "hello and welcome to my channel again in\u00a0\nthis video you will find out why healing\u00a0\u00a0\nspiritual healing psychological healing\u00a0\nis not the way to solve your problems\u00a0\u00a0\nit does seem logical that when you have a problem\u00a0\nor a disease or when something is bothering you\u00a0\u00a0\nthe only logical thing is to think about it\u00a0\u00a0\nto think of a solution but the longer you're\u00a0\ndoing this the more you are in the problem\u00a0\u00a0\nand what you want to do is to get\u00a0\nout of the problem in to the solution\u00a0\u00a0\ntry to imagine a big Vortex of thoughts\u00a0\nyes of thoughts and this vortex\u00a0\u00a0\nsurrounds you in you you are the\u00a0\nvortex so what you think about now\u00a0\u00a0\nis this Vortex of thoughts now at this moment\u00a0\nwhat you think about is what your Vortex contains\u00a0\u00a0\nso if you think about your problem no matter\u00a0\nwhat it is about your pain about your sorrow\u00a0\u00a0\nabout your stress that means that\u00a0\nthis is what your Vortex contains\nso now that you try to heal it or to fix it\u00a0\nyou are trying to fix it from this vortex\u00a0\u00a0\nbut these vortex does not have the solution this\u00a0\nVortex contains only thoughts about the problem\u00a0\u00a0\nthe patterns of this vortex\u00a0\ncontains only problems patterns\u00a0\u00a0\nyou see so trying to heal a problem from a problem\u00a0\nstate will not give you a solution or a healing\u00a0\u00a0\nthis vortex is your mind is your\u00a0\nthought patterns is your energy field\u00a0\u00a0\nso in order to get to the solution you need\u00a0\nto get out of the problem state of being\u00a0\u00a0\nand step into the solution instead of being\nand in order to do that you need to get out\u00a0\nof your mind just think about it why is it so\u00a0\u00a0\neasy for you to come with that solution with an\u00a0\neasy solution to a friend who comes to you with\u00a0\u00a0\na problem because you are out of his mind you\u00a0\nare detached you are detached from the problem\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're out of his energy field you are not\u00a0\nconfused so this is what you need to do\u00a0\u00a0\nif you want to find a solution for\u00a0\nyourself you need to look at your problem\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom outside you need to detach [Music] and\u00a0\nthe best way to do it is to quiet the mind\nto be in silence\nsitting in meditative state for at\u00a0\nleast 15 minutes and just listen\nto the silence and if a thought\u00a0\ncomes to just observe it\nserve the thought observe feeling that\u00a0\ncomes with the thought but just observe it\u00a0\u00a0\ndon't be it [Music] and then let it go\u00a0\nlet the thought go keep being in silence\nfeel how you are now in control of your\u00a0\nthoughts and not your thoughts controlling you\u00a0\u00a0\nand when you're in this state\nyou change your energy field and\u00a0\nnow you can reach to the solution\u00a0\u00a0\nto a different solution that comes\u00a0\nfrom a higher state of being place\u00a0\u00a0\nI hope this video helped you if it did let\u00a0\nme know in the comments thanks for being here\u00a0\u00a0\nPlease Subscribe and share\u00a0\nwith someone you care about\n": 4, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\nGarlic\n \n \n \n \nGreen chili pepper \nGreen chili pepper \nGreen chili pepper \nGreen chili pepper \nGreen chili pepper \nGreen chili pepper \nGreen chili pepper \n \n \n \n \n \n \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \nCucumber \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIngredients in the description \nIngredients in the description \nIngredients in the description \nIngredients in the description \nIngredients in the description \nIngredients in the description \nIngredients in the description \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nSalt\nSalt\nSalt\nSalt\n \n \n \nVinegar \nVinegar \nVinegar \nVinegar \nVinegar \n \n \nWater\nWater\nWater\nWater\nWater\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nNeed to completely cover with water\nNeed to completely cover with water\nNeed to completely cover with water\nNeed to completely cover with water\nNeed to completely cover with water\nNeed to completely cover with water\n \nPinch of salt\nPinch of salt\nPinch of salt\nPinch of salt\nPinch of salt\n \n \n \n \nReady to eat in 2 days\nReady to eat in 2 days\nReady to eat in 2 days\n \n \nBon appetit\nBon appetit\nBon appetit\nBon appetit\nBon appetit\n": 1, "Bai Yucheng: What did you say?\nZhan Yao: I said, how come no one has ever file a complain about you\nBai Yucheng: Complain about what?\nZhan Yao: You drive in and out of the police station with a 400,000 dollar sports car\nZhan Yao: I refuse to believe that no one has ever file a complain about you\nBai Yucheng: The car was a gift of my brother\nBai Yucheng: His money is legal income\nBai Yucheng: Besides, I like this car\nBai Yucheng: It can drive to the speed of sound\nBai Yucheng: The best way to chase criminals\nZhan Yao: To the speed of sound?\nZhan Yao: That ain't a plane anymore\nBai Yucheng: So what?\nBai Yucheng: Even on a highway, can no one drive faster than someone with a pilot license\nZhan Yao: Team leader Bai\nZhan Yao: Your behavior shows that you still enjoy the superiority feeling you had when you were still a pilot\nZhan Yao: This clearly proves that your idea of social status is completely off base\nBai Yucheng: Oh Doctor Zhan, you've already been trying to prove that I'm abnormal since birth\nBai Yucheng: But your mighty psychological theories does not work on me!\nZhan Yao: It's okay if you don't admit it\nCause for the past twenty years, I've already successfully proven that you have PPD, ASPD, BPD, HPD, NPD and other eccentric personality disorders\nBai Yucheng: The people you should research are in a mental hospital\nBai Yucheng: Why don't you go show off your obsessive analytical skills\nBai Yucheng: Don't use me as your lab rat\nZhan Yao: Bai Yucheng\nZhan Yao: You are my lab rat!\nBai Yucheng: Whose?\nZhan Yao: Get lost!\n": 1, "Welcome back, Educators.\nWe're going to create a dynamic Pie chart.\nIn this data set, we have the bio and non-bio fruits orders.\nOur mission is to show the bio and non-bio ratio of a selected item.\nWe need two helper columns.\nAnd a drop-down menu that has the items\u2019 names.\nIn cell D2, type this formula.\nINDEX($B$2:$C$4,MATCH($G$1,$A$2:$A$4,0))\nIt returns the bio and non-bio quantity of the selected item.\nCopy the formula down.\nSelect the A, D, and E columns, then click the icon to insert a chart.\nActivate the checkboxes.\nSet a color to the bio partition.\nAnd also to the non-bio.\nRemove the legend.\nRemove the chart title.\nOn the Pie chart section, select Label.\nDouble-click the Non-bio label.\nFormat the label, then click the icon to come back.\nRepeat the same process for the Bio label.\nSet the background color to None.\nSet the border color to None also.\nActivate the checkbox.\nHide the D and E columns.\nActivate the checkbox.\nHover over the partition to show the screen tip.\nTo resize the chart and maintain the aspect ratio, click hold and move the corner.\n": 4, "Step up the two of us, nobody knows us\nGet in the car like, \"Skrrt\"\nStaying up all night, order me pad thai\nThen we gon' sleep 'til noon\nMe with no makeup, you in the bathtub\nBubbles and bubbly, ooh\nThis is a pleasure, feel like we never act this regular\nClick, click, click and post\nDrip-drip-dripped in gold\nQuick, quick, quick, let's go\nKiss me and take off your clothes\nImagine a world like that\nImagine a world like that\nWe go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest\nLove how my face fits so good in your neck\nWhy can't you imagine a world like that?\nImagine a world\nKnew you were perfect after the first kiss\nTook a deep breath like, \"Ooh\"\nFeels like forever\nbaby, I never thought that it would be you\nTell me your secrets, all of the creep shit\nThat's how I know it's true\nBaby, direct it, name in the credits\nLike the movies do\nClick, click, click and post\nDrip-drip-dripped in gold\nQuick, quick, quick, let's go\nKiss me and take off your clothes\nImagine a world like that\nImagine a world like that\nWe go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest\nLove how my face fits so good in your neck\nWhy can't you imagine a world like that?\nImagine a world\nCan you imagine it?\nCan you imagine it?\nCan you imagine it?\nCan you imagine it?\nCan you imagine it?\nCan you imagine it?\nCan you imagine it?\nImagine that\nImagine it, imagine it\nImagine it, imagine it\nImagine, imagine\nImagine, imagine\nImagine, imagine\n": 1, "Hi friends, how are you? I am Nabeel.\nToday is our Sunday Q&A in which I try to answer your questions.\nIf someone leaves a question, I apologize to them first.\nScammers keep searching the comment section.\nThey will write anything in the comment section under my photo or on the telegram.\nThey will comment and I will not answer them.\nI will not contact them on any other platform.\nAnd my name is verified by YouTube.\nThe first question is from Sohail Khil.\nHe says that he wants to buy an iPhone but he has problem in his eyes.\nAnd Android has a triple tap to zoom feature.\nSo, does iOS have the same feature?\nYes, iOS has the same feature.\nThose who have problem with hearing, visual impaired,\nyou can see these accessibility features in iOS.\nSo, you can buy an iPhone.\nYou won't face any issue.\nThe next question is from Joy Mir.\nHe says that he has been using 12 Pro Max for two years.\nHe lives in Bangladesh.\nShould I buy S23 Ultra or 14 Pro Max?\nI like both of them.\nBoth are great phones.\nSo, you can choose either of them.\nBut if I were an iPhone user, I would have chosen 14 Pro Max.\nBecause I would have felt at home.\nI am using the same phone as I had before.\nAnd I am used to all the features.\n14 Pro Max is a great phone.\nBut if you want to buy a phone for a change,\nand you want to buy S23 Ultra,\nthen you won't go wrong with either of them.\nBoth are great phones.\nBoth have great cameras.\nBut the only difference is that the picture\ngame of Samsung is stronger than the iPhone.\nAnd the video game of the iPhone is stronger than the Samsung.\nSo, you can decide according to your preference.\nIf you are an iPhone user, then it is recommended to shift to the iPhone.\nBut it is also important to bring a change in your life.\nThe next question is from Universe.\nHe says that he is a student.\nI want to buy iPad Air 5.\nAnd there is a hollow portion in the back of it.\nWhere we press, we can see some lines in the display.\nSo, if you press the back or Apple logo in the display of the iPad Air 5,\nyou can see the finger print on the display.\nBut I don't think it is an issue.\nThere must be a hollow portion in the display.\nAs you have also written that this issue is coming because of this.\nSo, it is less built quality compared to iPad Pro.\nBut if you put a good case on your iPad,\nthen you won't face any problem.\nAnd if it was a major issue,\nthen Apple would have recalled these iPads and solved it.\nBut there is no issue.\nYou just have to press it with your thumb.\nThe next question is from Tejas.\nTejas has asked 3-4 questions.\nSo, I can't answer all your questions.\nBut I can answer only the selected questions.\nYour question was so big that I couldn't answer it in the screenshot.\nHis question is that,\n13 Pro Max and 14 Pro Max are used in Pune.\nAnd they are running 5G on the latest iOS.\nSo, they are getting less battery life.\nBecause 5G consumes more battery compared to 4G.\nThe second question is that Samsung S22 Ultra has a 1TB S23 Ultra.\nSo, it would be better to buy from Dubai.\nAnd they know that the Samsung devices from Dubai,\nor the devices from India,\nare in their home country.\nThe devices from India are in India.\nThe devices from Dubai are in Dubai.\nSo, they have to activate the local SIM card there.\nSo, there won't be any issue.\nThere won't be any issue.\nBut I would recommend you that if you are buying a Samsung phone,\nthen buy it from India.\nAnd there are many offers in the launch.\nThere are many offers on this phone.\nYou can save Rs.10,000-20,000 in the same way.\nBy exchanging the cashback and your old phone.\nSo, it would be better to buy from India.\nBecause you won't get any warranty on Samsung phones.\nThe next question is from Lakshya.\nThey say that they are getting a manufacturing watch from June 2021.\nMeaning, they are getting an Apple watch that is almost 2 years old.\nAnd it is a sealed pack.\nThey will get a warranty of 1 year.\nSo, should you buy such Apple watch?\nAnd will there be any issue with the battery?\nYou have to buy this watch because you are saving money.\nSo, definitely, it will be a valuable thing for you.\nBecause you are gettin": 3, "[chimes]\n[narrator] \"The train is a dragon\nthat roars through the dark.\nHe wriggles his tail as he sends up a spark.\nHe pierces the night with his one yellow eye.\nAnd all the Earth trembles when he rushes by.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,\nWhere oxlips and the nodding violet grows.\nQuite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,\nWith sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.\nThere sleeps Titania sometime of the night,\nLull'd in these flowers with dances and delight.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"It's the fall,\nthe unfallen apples\nhold their brightness a little longer into the blue air,\nhold the dream they can be brighter.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"The cat went here and there.\nAnd the moon spun round like a top,\nand the nearest kin of the moon,\nthe creeping cat looked up.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"My feet took a walk in a heavenly grass.\nAll day while the sky shone clear as glass.\nMy feet took a walk in a heavenly grass,\nAll night while the lonesome stars rolled past.\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"Last night when the yellow moon of November\nbroke through the last line of turbulent Midwestern clouds,\na lone frog,\nthe same one who probably announced the spring floods,\nattempted to sing.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"Nature's first green is gold,\nHer hardest hue to hold.\nHer early leaf's a flower,\nBut only so an hour.\nThen leaf subsides to leaf,\nSo Eden sank to grief.\nSo dawn goes down to day,\nNothing Gold Can Stay.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"Snow is a mind falling,\na continuous breath of climbs, loops, spirals,\ndips into the earth like,\nwhite fireflies wanting to land,\nfinding a wind between houses,\ndiving like moths into their own light,\nso that one wonders\nif snow is a wing's long memory across winter.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"Loveliest of trees, the cherry now\nIs hung with bloom along the bow,\nAnd stands about the woodland ride,\nWearing white for Easter tide.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"One day, through the primeval wood,\nA calf walked home, is good calves should,\nBut made a trail all bent askew,\nA crooked trail, is all calves do.\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"I've watched you now, a full half hour.\nSelf-poised upon that yellow flower.\nAnd little butterfly, indeed,\nI know not if you sleep or feed,\nHow motionless, not frozen seas\nMore motionless, and then.\nWhat joy awaits you when the breeze\nHath found you out among the trees\nand calls you forth again?\"\n[chimes]\n[chimes]\n[narrator] \"I love to see the big white moon\nA shining in the sky,\nI love to see the little stars\nand shadow clouds go by.\nI love the raindrops falling\nOn my rooftop in the night.\nI love the soft wind sighing\nBefore the dawns gray light.\"\n[chimes]\n": 4, "Hold on\nHold on\nHold on\nHold on\nUnder the cold winter wind deep footsteps,\nit blooms alone\nI\u2019ve been trying to find out\nwhy I was born\nand met you\nA sigh that spreads white\nIt\u2019s frozen tears\nAbandoned dreams\ncause other wounds\nWhere is the end of this season? \nIf there is eternity\nHold on\nHold on\nHold on\nI will take it away \nbefore you stumble\nI will stay by your side \nuntil you survive\nhoping you would bloom\nWhy did I meet you? \nWhy are you here right now on this winter day?\nIf I close my eyes, spring is far away\nand this place is only full of cold breath\nIn the blood you shed in winter\nI was born red\nPlum blossom in the snow, Camellia, Daffodil \nYeah, I\u2019m fine with whatever you call me\nThey say life is full of paradox\nAll you gotta do is gettin\u2019 used to this marathon\n\u201cWould the world be harsh only to you?\nIt\u2019s difficult for anyone\u201d\nTo you who have grown up \nThat's not comforting\nListen up, winter : \nYou\u2019re the one that bloomed me \nNow I'm gonna burn my branches blue\nI'll let you know, \nThat there\u2019s another sky \nI'll do my best to get autumn\nThe autumn that resembles you\nA light that spreads white \nIt's frozen sun\nEven if it still exists\nlike a hidden moon\nWhere is the end of this waiting?\nIf there\u2019s a beginning\nHold on\nHold on\nHold on\nI will take it away \nbefore you stumble\nI will stay by your side \nuntil you survive\nhoping you would bloom\nI won't forget your warmth\nBy becoming a winter flower\nby becoming a dancing star\nI will be by your side\nStay...\nI will take it away \nbefore you stumble\nI will stay by your side \nuntil you survive\nhoping you would bloom\nhoping you would bloom\nhoping you would bloom\nhoping you would bloom\nhoping you would bloom\n": 3, "Hyo Ahn's Origami\nSimple Origami Sampan Boat\nCopyrighted by Hyo Ahn\nLevel: Beginner\nBase: Gate\nPublished on November 25, 2010 at www.origami-make.org\nIf you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!\nSubscribe and click the bell for notifications!\nWe will start with a 6\" x 6\" (15cm x 15cm) origami paper.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply another horizontal valley-fold.\nApply another horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to turn the paper over.\nTurn the paper over.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to open the paper.\nOpen the paper.\nPrepare to apply two valley-folds.\nApply two valley-folds.\nPrepare to apply two valley-folds.\nApply two valley-folds.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold in half.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold in half.\nPrepare to apply two valley-folds and then unfold.\nApply two valley-folds and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply two inside reverse-folds.\nApply two inside reverse-folds.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply two mountain-folds.\nApply two mountain-folds.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply two mountain-folds.\nApply two mountain-folds.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply two valley-folds.\nApply two valley-folds.\nOpen the boat.\nCongratulation! You have completed making a simple origami sampan boat.\n": 3, "The evil it spread like a fever ahead\nIt was night when you died, my firefly\nWhat could I have said to raise you from the dead?\nOh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?\nWell you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe're all gonna die\nSitting at the bed with the halo at your head\nWas it all a disguise, like Junior High\nWhere everything was fiction, future, and prediction\nNow, where am I?\nMy fading supply\nDid you get enough love, my little dove\nWhy do you cry?\nAnd I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best\nThough it never felt right\nMy little Versailles\nThe hospital asked should the body be cast\nBefore I say goodbye, my star in the sky\nSuch a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth\nDo you find it all right, my dragonfly?\nShall we look at the moon, my little loon \nWhy do you cry?\nMake the most of your life, while it is rife\nWhile it is light\nWell you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\nWe're all gonna die\n": 3, "Hyo Ahn's Origami\nEasy Origami Menko\nCopyrighted by Hyo Ahn\nLevel: Beginner\nBase: 4x4 Matrix\nPublished by February 13, 2013 at www.origami-make.org\nIf you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!\nSubscribe and click the bell for notifications!\nLet's start witha 6\" x 6\" (15cm x 15cm) square paper. Here I am using a typical double-sided origami paper but it might be better if you use a high density paper instead.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold in half and then unfold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold in half and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a vertical valley-fold in half and then unfold.\nApply a vertical valley-fold in half and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold.\nApply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold.\nApply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold.\nYou have completed making a 4x4 matrix base. Prepare to turn the paper over.\nTurn the paper over.\nPrepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.\nRotate the paper by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.\nRotate the paper by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.\nRotate the paper by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a valley-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply the crease pattern on the existing crease lines.\nApply the crease pattern on the existing crease lines.\nPrepare to apply a mountain-fold.\nApply a mountain-fold.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.\nRotate the model by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a mountain-fold.\nApply a mountain-fold.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.\nRotate the model by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a mountain-fold.\nApply a mountain-fold.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a mountain-fold.\nApply a mountain-fold and insert the flap into a pocket.\nCongratulation! You have completed making an easy origami menko.\n": 4, "boy number 4014 made a stop in\nHouston.\nHouston.\n>> Immobile I just historic\n>> Immobile I just historic\nlocation.\nlocation.\n>> People wound up close even\n>> People wound up close even\nwalk inside a rail car to learn\nwalk inside a rail car to learn\nabout railroading history.\nabout railroading history.\n>> My entire life I really like\n>> My entire life I really like\ntrains and this is the train to\ntrains and this is the train to\n>> Josh Myers has a youtube\n>> Josh Myers has a youtube\nchannel about trains.\nchannel about trains.\n>> It\u2019s just the\n>> It\u2019s just the\nfeeling of the of this even\nfeeling of the of this even\nthis close realize it the how\nthis close realize it the how\nbig it is as an engine is\nbig it is as an engine is\njust unbelievable.\njust unbelievable.\n>> Big BOI 44 team was one of\n>> Big BOI 44 team was one of\n25 built in 1941 retired in\n25 built in 1941 retired in\n1961 but underwent a\n1961 but underwent a\ntwo-year restoration before\ntwo-year restoration before\nreturning to the tracks in May\nreturning to the tracks in May\nas part of the 100 and 50th\nas part of the 100 and 50th\nanniversary celebration, the\nanniversary celebration, the\ntranscontinental railway.\ntranscontinental railway.\n>> Tomorrow it will lead the\n>> Tomorrow it will lead the\nGeorge Bush 4141 locomotive to\nGeorge Bush 4141 locomotive to\ncollege station with stops in\ncollege station with stops in\nspring. And\nspring. And\nnever soda. This is what we\nnever soda. This is what we\nhoped it would be engineer at\nhoped it would be engineer at\nDickens leads big boys\nDickens leads big boys\noperation. It\u2019s the most\noperation. It\u2019s the most\nspecial part.\nspecial part.\n>> The whole operation is being\n>> The whole operation is being\nable to share that with all the\nable to share that with all the\nenthusiasm.\nenthusiasm.\n>> All the enthusiasm passed on\n>> All the enthusiasm passed on\nfrom generation to generation.\n>> And the public viewing ends\n>> And the public viewing ends\nat 3 o\u2019clock this afternoon\nat 3 o\u2019clock this afternoon\nboth trains will depart Houston\nboth trains will depart Houston\nat 10 o\u2019clock tomorrow morning\nat 10 o\u2019clock tomorrow morning\nand then it will continue its\nand then it will continue its\n60 day tour. Until it ends\n60 day tour. Until it ends\nat home in Wyoming the day\nat home in Wyoming the day\nbefore Thanksgiving reporting\nbefore Thanksgiving reporting\nlive near downtown Houston.\nlive near downtown Houston.\nCathy Hernandez KPRC. Channel 2\n": 1, "hello everyone.\nwelcome to Jenny Daily Life.\ngrilled chicken eggs.\nIt was 1 PM and many people still come to visit.\nbeautiful souvenirs for sales. \nBeautiful baskets. the price is depend on its size.\ngrilled chicken 1 stick is for 8000 riel=$2. if you buy 3 sticks of grilled chicken is for 20000 riel=$5.\npalm juice.\npalm seeds.\nmilk fruits 1 kg is for 8000 riel=$2.\ndeep fried chicken.\nsweet pineapple 3 pieces is for 5000 riel=$1.25.\nNom Lom Orng Jek ( that made from rice, and sweet coconut mixed with black sesame). 3 pieces is for 5000 riel= $1.25.\nsweet coconut mixed with black sesame\ndeep fried crispy fresh shrimp 1 piece is for 3500 riel=$0.875. if we buys 3 pieces is for 10000 riel=$2.50.\ndeep fried crispy fresh shrimp.\nsteamed snail.\nfried field crabs.\ndeep fried crispy fresh shrimp 1 piece is for 3500 riel=$0.875. if we buys 3 pieces is for 10000 riel=$2.50.\ndeep fried spider 1 piece is for 3000 riel=$0.75.\ndeep fried fish patty with lemon grass paste 10 pieces is for 6000 riel=$1.50.\ndeep fried crispy fresh shrimp.\ndeep fried crispy fresh shrimp.\ndeep fried fish patty with lemon grass paste 10 pieces is for 6000 riel=$1.50.\nfresh palm seeds.\n": 2, "We are about to create unlimited energy with a self-made circuit\nWe will use simple tools and objects you can find at home\nLet's do it!\nWe're creating this circuit with just a very few common elements\nWe're using a magnet with 4 Ohms of impedance for this experiment.\nThe first step will be attaching some elements to our wood panel.\nWe'll attach a powerr strip to this small hole.\nNow we'll attach the lampholder.\nNow we go with the wires. We stretch them well first.\nAnd now we start to roll them in the spoon.\nTHis one will have 15 turns in this direction.\nAnd the other one will have 15 turns in the other direction.\nWe put a little bit of duct tape on it so that it doesn't unwind.\nNow we continue with the other spoon.\nAgain, 15 turns in the opposite direction. That's very important.\nRemember to use the duct tape again to prevent unwinding.\nThe spoons are ready.\nNow we'll cut the wires to prepare the wielding.\nWe peel every wire ending.\nNow we're going to solder with the soldering iron.\nWe solder the end of the wire from this spoon to this speaker.\nAnd we do the same with the other end to the other speaker.\nFinally we'll connect all the wires here.\nThis is how we connect the spoons to the main magnet.\nNow we'ldd a little test with these wires.\nYou'll be able to see how the electricity flows when connected.\nNow, when we put the spoons on the magnet...\nOne on the North Pole, and the other on the South Pole...\n...the magnetic field of the magnet will induce a current to the coils...\nthat will cause a voltage od 12 volts or 12.5 volts at the ends of the wires.\n...and here a small spark will jump.\nAnd now let's do the first test.\nWe put a spoon in there, and we'll check with the tester in AC mode.\nAs we can see, there's no power if the spoons are not connected.\nLet's test if there's power when connecting the spoons to the speaker.\nThere is electricity! We have 12-12,8 volts.\nNow we can also see the sparks.\nIf we disconnect the spoons there's no power again.\nIf we disconnect the spoons there's no power again...\nAnd now we are connecting the circuit again...\nAs you can see, we have finished our infinite energy generator.\nIf we remove one of the spoons, the voltage stops.\n": 4, "NOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND\n\nFORKS..\nNOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND\n\nFORKS.. FOOD\nNOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND\n\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS\nNOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND\n\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND\nNOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND\n\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER\n\nSERVICES\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER\n\nSERVICES ARE\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER\n\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND,\nFORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER\n\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\n\nFOOD\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\n\nFOOD BANKS\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\n\nFOOD BANKS AND\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\n\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\n\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO\nSERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING\n\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\n\nTO\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\n\nTO FILL\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\n\nTO FILL IN\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\n\nTO FILL IN THOSE\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\n\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS.\nFOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY\n\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\n\nREASON\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\n\nREASON FOR\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\n\nREASON FOR THE\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\n\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS?\nTO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE\n\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF\n\nSHORTAGES.\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF\n\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF\n\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS\nREASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF\n\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\n\nAARON\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\n\nAARON WALLING\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\n\nAARON WALLING BRINGS\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\n\nAARON WALLING BRINGS US\nSHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS\n\nAARON WALLING BRINGS US THE\nAARON WALLING BRINGS US THE\nAARON WALLING BRINGS US THE\n\nSTORY.\nSTORY.\nSTORY.\n\n\"It\nSTORY.\n\n\"It really\nSTORY.\n\n\"It really means\nSTORY.\n\n\"It really means a\nSTORY.\n\n\"It really means a lot\nSTORY.\n\n\"It really means a lot to\nSTORY.\n\n\"It really means a lot to us.\"\n\"It really means a lot to us.\"\n\"It really means a lot to us.\"\n\nJeannine\n\"It really means a lot to us.\"\n\nJeannine Ditterick,\n\"It really means a lot to us.\"\n\nJeannine Ditterick, gets\n\"It really means a lot to us.\"\n\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\n\nat\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\n\nat the\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\n\nat the St.\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\n\nat the St. Joe's\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\n\nat the St. Joe's Food\nJeannine Ditterick, gets food\n\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\n\nto\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\n\nto help\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\n\nto help fill\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\n\nto help fill the\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\n\nto help fill the need\nat the St. Joe's Food Pantry\n\nto help fill the need because\nto help fill the need because\nto help fill the need because\n\nher\nto help fill the need because\n\nher husband\nto help fill the need because\n\nher husband is\nto help fill the need because\n\nher husband is on\nto help fill the need because\n\nher husband is on disability\nher husband is on disability\nher husband is on disability\n\nand\nher husband is on disability\n\nand they\nher husband is on disability\n\nand they have\nher husband is on disability\n\nand they have two\nher husband is on disability\n\nand they have two children.\nand they have two children.\nand they have two children.\n\n\"Give\nand they have two children.\n\n\"Give that\nand they have two children.\n\n\"Give that helping\nand they have two children.\n\n\"Give that helping hand.\nand they have two children.\n\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\ngoing\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\ngoing to\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\ngoing to be\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\ngoing to be a\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\ngoing to be a lot\n\"Give that helping hand. It's\n\ngoing to be a lot more\ngoing to be a lot more\ngoing to be a lot more\n\nbeneficial\ngoing to be a lot more\n\nbenef": 0, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nOne of my friends went to her field camp in Morocco,\nOne of my friends went to her field camp in Morocco,\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 4, "I said we didn't need any new constructs, but we are gonna introduce one\nand that's gonna make writing the code we need for a search engine much more convenient\nIt's also gonna be very useful for lots and lots of procedures that we wanna write\nand the construct we are gonna introduce is called a loop\nIt's a way to do things over and over again\nThe kind of loop that we are gonna introduce first is called the while loop\nThe syntax for the while loop is this\nWe have the key word \"while\", followed by a test expression\nfollowed by a colon, and then inside we have a \"block\"\nand the \"block\" is a sequence of instructions\nThis is very similar to the \"if\" statement\nSo as a reminder, here's what the \"if\" statement look like\nwe had an \"if\" followed by a test expression, followed by a colon\nand then an indented \"block\", which is a list of statements\nthat executes whenever the test expression evaluates to a \"True\" value\nWith \"if\", the block executes either zero or one times, depending on whether the test expression is \"True\"\nWith \"while\", the block can execute any number of times\nIt keeps going as long as the test expression is \"True\"\nSo with the \"if \" statement, if the test expression is \"True\"\nwe go to the block, run the block and then continue\nif the test expression was \"False\", we go right to the next expression\nWith a \"while\", we also start by checking the test expression\nif it's \"True\", we go to the block\nBut now, instead of going to the next statement, after the block, we go back\nwe try the test expression again, if it's \"True\", we go back to the block\nwe always go back to the test expression\nif it's \"True\", we do the block again, we go back to the test expression\nIf it's \"True\" again, we do the block again, we go back to the test expression\nand we can keep going around as many times as we need as long as the test expression is \"True\"\nwe'll keep executing the block and keep trying the test expression again\nAt some point, maybe the test expression is \"False\"\nOnce the test expression is \"False\", we go to the next instruction\nSo this means a while loop can execute the block\neither zero times if the test expression was \"False\" at the beginning\none time if it was \"True\" the first time, but \"False\" after that\ntwo times, three times...any number of times, it could keep going forever\nThere's no requirement that guarantees the test expression eventually becomes \"False\"\nSo here's an example of while loop.\nWe start by initializing variable i, and we'll give it a value, zero\nthen we have the \"while\", the test expression says i is less than ten\nSo that means as long as this evaluates to \"True\", we'll evaluate the block\nand what the block does is print i and then add one to i\nSo here's what happens when this executes\nSo initially, the value of i is zero, i is less than ten\nSo that means we'll enter the loop\nSo that means the test expression is \"True\", so we'll enter the block, we'll print i\nSo we'll see the value zero printed\nand then we'll do the assignment, so that will change the value of i\nWe add one to i, so that's gonna be making the value of i now refers to one\nSo if it was an \"if\", we would be done now, but because it's a \"while\", we keep going\nWe go back, test again, if i is less than ten\nNow the value of i is one, which also is less than ten\nso we continue, go to the block again\nwe are gonna print i, this time we'll see the value one\nThen we go to the next statement, increase the value of i by one\nthat's gonna make the value of i two\nNow i refers to the number two\nBecause it's a \"while\", we keep going, we go back to the test expression\ni is less than ten, still less than ten, now it's two, we are gonna print the two\nwe are gonna add one that it will make the value of i three\nand we are gonna keep going\nTest again, and i is still less than ten, so we are gonna print i again\nwe will print the value nine, then we add one, so that's gonna have one to nine, we'll get ten\nSo that's the new value of i\nand we go back again\nand now we do i is less than ten, and now i has the value ten\nTen is not less than ten, so that will be \"False\" and we": 4, "(T): Today we have an unusual guest\n(T): We have Kim Shin from sincook\n(T): What are we going to cook?\n(S): Dakbal\nSpicy Chicken Feet With Cheese\n(T): First step, is boiling\n(S): We'll use lemon for getting rid of\nunpleasant smell on the chicken\n1 Lemon juice\n(S): There's white part of the lemon that is bitter\n(S): We won't use that part, we use the yellow skin\n(S): Add a bit of lemon zest\nAdd lemon zest\n(S): Pepper\n(S): Then, salt\n(T): Salt\n(S): Next, add the chicken feet\n(S): Then we'll boil it for abut 8 minutes\n1 Onion\nTips: Soak the onion in the water can reduce the spiciness if you eat it raw\n(S): Garlic is often used in Korean dish\n(S): Asides for seasoning, it is also a side dish\n(S): Then, in South Korea, we usually use green chilli\n(S): But here we'll use Indonesian bird's eye chilli\n3 Bird's eye chilli\n(S): It smells spicy\n*Oh no*\n(S): I Think I'll add more\n(T): Okay, is that enough?\n(S): Enough\n(S): Ooo... Smells spicy\n(S): Now we're adding Korean chilli sauce\n(T): Korean chilli sauce\n2 tsp Gochujang\n1 1/2 tsp Fish sauce\n(T): Fish sauce,\n3 tbsp Chilli powder\n(T): Chilli powder,\n2 tbsp Sugar\n(T): Sugar,\n(S): Then we mix\n(T): Add pepper,\n(S): Finish\n(T): It's finish\n(S): Will you taste it?\n(T): Is it save?\n(S): Maybe\n(T): I think the spiciness is enough\n(T): But maybe for him\n(T): It'll be very spicy\n(S): Very spicy\n(T): Now we will continue the cooking process\n(S): Yes\n(S): This is basil leaf, we'll use it later\n(S): In Korea, we actually use perilla leaf\nwhich has a certain smell\nSince in Indonesia there's no perilla\nleaf, so we use basil as subtitutes\nDrain the chicken feet\n(S): We soak the chicken feet into the\ncold water for a while\n(S): If the cooking oil is heated,\n(S): Add the chicken feet in a pan\n(S): If the chicken feet is golden and \nbecomes sticky with each other\n(S): Then turn off the heat\n(S): Now we drain to take away the excess oil\n(S): And, put it back to the pan\nAdd a bit of the chilli sauce, don't put it all at once\n(T): So, actually you are\n(T): Really like to cook\n(T): Or do it for work?\n(S): Since I was a kid, I like to cook\n(S): Because I like to eat\n(S): So I can eat my own cooking\n(T): Then, if you cook,\n(T): Do you prefer cooking or baking?\n(S): Hmm\n(S): I was prefer cooking,\n(S): But lately I am into baking\n(S): Add 1 tsp sesame oil,\n(S): Basil,\n(S): Young woman in South Korea really like chicken feet\n(T): So in Korea, chicken feet is a hit\n(T): Since chicken feet is good for skin,\n(T): And an anti-aging\n(S): Enough!\nMozzarella cheese\n(S): South Korean people usually eat it like this way\n(S): But since this is spicy,\n(S): So we add cheese by rolling it like this\n(S): Or dip it like this\n(S): Want to try?\n(T): We can eat as it is, or roll it with cheese\n(T): Shin too\n(T): Chan *Cheers*\n(S): Ooo\n(S&T): Chaaan\n(S): Spicy\n(T): For me this is not too spicy\n(T): Or maybe it hasn't? But he's already feeling hot\n(S): Eventhough this is spicy, yet addicting\n(T): If anyone wants to ask about your social media,\n(T): Where to?\n(S): Instagram\n(T): There's on below, you can check it\n(T): For you\n(T): Spatula!\n(S): Huh? Spatula!\n(T): And t-shirt like this\n(S): Ah! Masak.TV!\n(S): Yeeaaaah\n(T): I Hope you like it\n(S): I like it\n(S&T): Thank you\n(T): Thank you for watching this webisode\n(T): Don't forget to watch the other videos\n(T): Stay tuned on\n(S&T): Masak.TV\n": 2, "Sab Matsumoto: Hello!\nSab Matsumoto: So we learned what a derivative is in Section 3.1. And now\nSab Matsumoto: we're going to go a little further. See in that first section. What we learned was the derivative at a single point.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay. But in in instead of finding the derivative or the rate of change at every single point, and you have to take the limit of the difference. Quotient every single time at every single point. 200\nSab Matsumoto: there is a much better way to do that which is to take the the derivative or of Alpha at any point X. And so that's going to lead us to the derivative as a function, not at a single point. So that's what Section 2 is about. So let's now get into Section 3, point, 2 derivative as a function.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay. So now, what what we are going to do is to generalize the idea of the derivative not as a single point and a single point, but as a function, all right, so we are going to derive a new function based on the old function. F\nSab Matsumoto: i'm going to write. I'm going to go right into the definition of this derivative as a function, because it's not too difficult to understand. Given what you have already learned.\nSab Matsumoto: If F\nSab Matsumoto: is a function.\nSab Matsumoto: The derivative.\nSab Matsumoto: The derivative.\nSab Matsumoto: Of F\nSab Matsumoto: as a function\nSab Matsumoto: is okay. I'm. Going to use the same notation F. Prime, because it's derived from the original function. F is going to be the limit.\nSab Matsumoto: As H. Approach to 0. It sounds familiar, right, but we are no longer going to be looking for the slope of the tangent line at a specific point. So instead of having a we just going to call this random point X right? So F of x plus h\nSab Matsumoto: all over 8.\nSab Matsumoto: I. If it exists, because sometimes it may not.\nSab Matsumoto: all right, and that's it. So this is the definition of the derivative as a function. Most times when we say that find the derivative we are looking for the function which is derived from the\nSab Matsumoto: the original function.\nSab Matsumoto: So I should also say this: finding the derivative.\nSab Matsumoto: F prime yeah. This\nSab Matsumoto: we use a specific verb, which is actually a very fairly common verb. We use finding the derivative\nSab Matsumoto: in mathematics is called the act of differentiation.\nSab Matsumoto: differentiating\nSab Matsumoto: differentiation. Okay. And the calculus that has to do with the derivative is called the differential calculus, which is, one of the 2 branches, member of Differential and integral calculus.\nSab Matsumoto: And so if you are asked to differentiate a function we don't mean like, oh, yeah, this is different from this. And this is different from that. Okay, differentiating a function means finding the derivative of the function which is to find this limit.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay, all right. So remember F. Prime of X. What does it represent? It is the slope\nSab Matsumoto: of the tangent mine\nSab Matsumoto: now, not at a specific point, but at any X.\nSab Matsumoto: So if you can find this derivative as a function, then you can do that first, and then you can plug in these, you know different numbers. What is the slope of what's the rate of change? At 5, 7, 20, and you can just plug in the number, because you have this new function, which represents the slope of the tangent line at any\nSab Matsumoto: point.\nSab Matsumoto: It's also, of course, the instantaneous rate of change.\nSab Matsumoto: instantaneous\nSab Matsumoto: rate of change.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay. So we were. We're going to do a a few things, I think. let's say we did X Square. Well, like we can try. Right, let's let's go ahead and and differentiate several functions there, maybe 4 or 5 of these right. So first let's say,\nSab Matsumoto: Let's try to find the derivative. Of\nSab Matsumoto: 3 X.\nSab Matsumoto: Okay, You can probably\nSab Matsumoto: find the answer. I mean, you can probably get the answer to this? What is the slope of the tangent line at\nSab Matsumoto: any point for the line? 3 X.\nSab Matsumoto: The key": 3, "Pinky swear, if I do tell a lie\nI'm willing to swallow needles or anything on Monday\nIt doesn't matter if it's Sunday\nMirror mirror on the wall\nWho would give me the fairest love of them all?\nNo need to ask cause it's my darling \nI want you to be my last\nIf I had to keep being separated from you like this\nI'd rather die\nI'd rather die\nI choose you over three meals a day\nIf I had to keep being separated from you like this\nI'd rather die\nI'd rather die\nStill, sometimes my heart is being unfaithful\nEven tho it\u2019ll never be cured, I\u2019m gonna cure it anyway, baby\nYeah I ain't nothin but ya baby\n\"You don't know what you got till it's gone\"\nI'm sick and tired of repeating that same old clich\u00e9 Goodbye\nOh Don't you ever say ByeBye\nEh\nI want you to be my last\nIf I had to keep being separated from you like this\nI'd rather die\nI'd rather die\nI choose you over three meals a day\nIf I had to keep being separated from you like this\nI'd rather die\nI'd rather die\nI want you to be my last\nIf I had to keep being separated from you like this\nI'd rather die\nI'd rather die\nI choose you over three meals a day\nIf I had to keep being separated from you like this\nI'd rather die\nI'd rather die\nStill, sometimes my heart is being unfaithful\nI don't need that corny shit anymore byebye \nI'll always stick wit ya my baby.\n": 2, "Welcome to this guided affirmation video for\nSelf Love by Luna London.\nBefore starting this meditation, know that\nyou are enough and whole just as you are.\nWhen you truly start believing this is true\nyou will unlock all of your heart's desires.\nIf you have a Rose Quartz crystal please place\nit in the palm of your hand or if you are\nlying down place it on your heart chakra with\nyour hand resting gently on top.\nClose your eyes if you haven\u2019t already,\nand let\u2019s take a few deep breaths now, inhaling\nand exhaling through the nose... breathe in\nbringing serenity and relaxation to your mind...\nand breathe out releasing any worries or anxiety...\nbreathe in again feeling your lungs expanding...\nand breathe out letting go of any tension\nin your body... in this way use your exhalation\nto let go and relax... breath after breath\nyour mind starts to calm down, breath after\nbreath your body gets more and more relaxed...\nTurn your attention and awareness inwards\nnow... let\u2019s take a moment to simply be\npresent with our experience as it is right\nnow... let your mind settle down and continue\nto allow your body to relax...\nAnd now that you are open and receptive, let\u2019s\nembody self love through these affirmations\nwe will repeat together.\nHear in these words the voice of your true\nself, your higher self.\nRepeat after me.\nI am enough\nI am enough\nI\u2019m kind to myself as I am kind to others\nI\u2019m kind to myself as I am kind to others\nI choose to show up and become the best possible\nversion of myself I\u2019m grateful and inspired\nI choose to show up and become the best possible\nversion of myself I\u2019m grateful and inspired\nWhat I have to offer the world is of high\nvalue\nWhat I have to offer the world is of high\nvalue\nI have everything I need\nI have everything I need\nI feel empowered to live my best life\nI feel empowered to live my best life\nI\u2019m blessed, healthy and happy\nI\u2019m blessed, healthy and happy\nI am in control of my destiny\nI am in control of my destiny\nI allow myself to feel the loving energy of\nthe universe\nI allow myself to feel the loving energy of\nthe universe\nI am confident and strong\nI \nam confident and strong\nI allow my inner beauty to shine brightly\nI allow my inner beauty to shine brightly\nI celebrate my success\nI celebrate my success\nI am caring and compassionate\nI am caring and compassionate\nI am a good friend to myself\nI am a good friend to myself\nMy ability to succeed has no end\nMy ability to succeed has no end\nI look forward to the future\nI look forward to the future\nI resonate with high frequencies\nI resonate with high frequencies\nI am at peace with myself\nI am at peace with myself\nI am worthy\nI am worthy\nI am talented and capable\nI am talented and capable\nI welcome love in my life\nI welcome love in my life\nI deserve all the best\nI deserve all the best\nI will achieve all my dreams\nI will achieve all my dreams\nNothing can stop me\nNothing can stop me\nI am connected with the source of abundance\nI am connected with the source of abundance\nI can manifest my reality\nI can manifest my reality\nOthers love me for who I am\nOthers love me for who I am\nI feel supported and loved\nI feel supported and loved\nI am grounded and strong\nI \nam grounded and strong\nI fully embrace and celebrate who I am\nI fully embrace and celebrate who I am\nI am brave in the face of adversity\nI am brave in the face of adversity\nI invite positive energy into my life\nI invite positive energy into my life\nI honor my body as a temple\nI honor my body as a temple\nMy needs are important, I don\u2019t postpone\nmyself\nMy needs are important, I don\u2019t postpone\nmyself\nI make the world a better place\nI make the world a better place\nI\u2019m joyful and others love my company\nI\u2019m joyful and others love my company\nI love my own company\nI love my own company\nI am creative and inspired\nI am creative and inspired\nI am connected with the source of love\nI am connected with the source of love\nI am present and mindful\nI am present and mindful\nI enjoy being myself\nI enjoy being myself\nEveryday I love myself more\nEveryday I love myself more\nI am whole\nI am whole\nI trust my intuition\nI trust my intuition\nI": 4, "Friends, the subject upon which I am going to talk today.\nThe name of that subject is science and art of selling.\nScience and art of selling.\nWhat is the science of selling?\nWhat is the art of selling?\nWhat is the science and art of selling?\nWhat is called science?\nWhat is science?\nWhen vi is added to gyan,\nThen the meaning of vi is subtle.\nVery deep.\nVery subtle.\nThe knowledge which is very subtle.\nAbout which subject? It is about selling.\nThe whole world and industry of selling,\nin which we, in the whole world, have the most management.\nWe are the most organized, and the world most recognized sector of the world.\nIn the world of selling, the most biggest part is direct selling industries. \nIn which we all work.\nBut we will talk about the science that what is the science of selling?\nWhat is the subtle of the knowledge?\nAnd through subtle knowledge, we will learn that from which skill it can be learned? \nRight. Are you ready?\nLet's start. The very first.\nThe first point is what is selling?\nWhat is selling?\nWhat is selling?\nTo promote something forward.\nThe sound also came from here.\nWhatever you speak, speak it loudly.\nTo earn money. Okay.\nYou sold someone. Person or things?\nWhatever you have, you have sold it, that is called selling, very good madam.\nAnyone else. Tell me in loud voice.\nTo forward a good or service.\nYou came close to the pincord number, very good.\nMy god means it may be bouncer but your words are like you are telling the truth.\nVedji, it was correct. It is exactly what you said now. There should be clap for it. It is the same.\nTo sell some things, some service, some thinking.\nHe also told that to sell some things, some services, some thinking.\nIt is correct but why I have come here, is it to take laddu? It is correct. It is correct.\nThe exchange of celebration between two people, that is called selling.\nThat's why I came here.\nDo you understand?\nBetween any two people, either they are buyer or seller.\nOr any two people of the world.\nWhen there is an exchange of excitement and celebration in this world.\nThe exchange of celebration is called selling.\nIn the whole world of selling.\nIf there are fifty crore people.\nThen imagine that among fifty crore people,\nUntil the news is not there that\nThe exchange of celebration is called selling.\nIf there is no celebration, whatever you sell, you will never become rich and successful.\nThe people who become rich and successful on this earth.\nThose are the people who along with things, thoughts, \nThe more kilos of things, the more kilos of excitement, the more kilos of celebration.\nThe shopkeeper who bought a smile on their customer's face,\nThere is an exchange of excitement between two people.\nWhen any people come, they ask the condition of your home then there is an exchange of excitement.\nWhen there is an appearance of happiness on the face of the people while talking,\nThe exchange of excitement happened.\nWhile talking about the things, services, or thoughts.\nWhen there is an exchange of excitement, then there is a new creation in the life.\nAnd to sell in this way is the successful selling on this earth.\nOthers are just average. The livelihood continues.\nSelling by some other ways is to continue the livelihood.\nBut when there is an exchange of excitement between two people.\nOne time, please tell me by doing like this.\nNot like this, That of excitement.\nWhat the thousands of words and thousands of lines can not say,\nDo you know that body can say that things.\nThe exchange of excitement between two people is called selling.\nDo you understand?\nWhat is selling?\nAfter today, if you are going to sell in this world.\nAnd it was not sold.\nThen stand on the road and do like this. This has not happened.\nAnd until this will not happen, you will not get money.\nThere is an exchange of excitement.\nAny two people on this earth.\nWhenever they come to the subject of selling anything in their life.\nIf there is no transaction of excitement.\nThen you can not create big.\nThe excitement is necessary.\nThe excitement is necessary.\nIt is really incomplete to sell without excitement.\nThere is n": 1, "shut my eyes and count to ten\nit goes in one ear out the other\none ear out the other\nburning bright right 'till the end\nnow you'll be missing from the photographs\nmissing from the photographs\nwatching through my fingers\nwatching through my fingers\nin my thoughts you're far away\nand you are whistling a melody\nwhistling a melody\ncrystallizing clear as day\noh i can picture you so easily\npicture you so easily\nwhat's gonna be left of the world\nif you're not in it?\nwhat's gonna be left of the world, oh\nevery minute and every hour\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more\nevery stumble and each misfire\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more\nwatching through my fingers\nwatching through my fingers\ncaught off guard\nby your favorite song\noh i'll be dancing at the funeral\ndancing at the funeral\nsleeping in the clothes you love\nsuch a shame we had to see them burn\nshame we had to see them burn\nwhat's gonna be left of the world\nif you're not in it?\nwhat's gonna be left of the world, oh\nevery minute and every hour\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more\never stumble and each misfire\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more\nyou might have to excuse me\ni've lost control of all my senses\nyou might have to excuse me\ni've lost control of all my words\nso get drunk\ncall me a fool\nput me in my place put me in my place\npick me up\nup off the floor\nput me in my place put me in my place\nevery minute of every hour\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more\nevery stumble and each misfire\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more\nwatching through my fingers\nwatching through my fingers\nevery minute and every hour\ni miss you i miss you\ni miss you more <33\n": 2, "Introduced the\nIntroduce\nIntroduce the 2\nIntroduce\nIntroduced the 2\nIntroduce\nIntroduce the 2 opening from the\nIntroduced the 2 opening from\nthe 2 opening from the Ufm.\nThe, you\nThe, you know, for the\nThe, you know, for the\nThe, you know, for the\nThe, you know, for the\nMediterranean and for the\nMediterranean and for the\nEuropean Commission,\nEuropean Commission\nEuropean Commission.\nAnd let me\nAnd let me so\nAnd let me so give directly\nAnd let me so give directly\nAnd let me so give directly the\nAnd let me so give directly the\nthe\nthe floor to\ny the floor to to\ny the\ny the the floor to to Joseph,\ne the the floor to\ne the\ne the\ne the the floor to\ne the the floor to\nthe the floor to to\nfrom the for the for the\nfrom the for the\nfrom the for the opening of\nfrom the for the opening of our\nwebinar today\nwebinar today.\nThank you very much. They\nThank you very much. They are\nAlessandro. Good morning,\neveryone\neveryone\nVietnamese at your head, but\nmese and your help, but your\ncolleagues.\nIt is truly a pleasure being\nhere with you in this digital\nhere with you in this digital\nhere with you in this digital\nhere with you in this digital\nformat\nformat.\nAnd this\nAnd this for this info\nAnd this for this info day of\nour\nour eyesone\nour eyes on Europe\nour eyes on Europe.\nWe\nWe the focus\nWe\nWe focus on the\nWe\nWe to focus on the\nWe to focus on the Mediterranean\ninitiative\ninitiative?\nI am\nI am particularly\nI am particularly grateful to\nI am particularly grateful to\nI am particularly grateful to\nthe G\nthe G research\nthe G research innovation from\nthe European\nthe European Commission\nthe European Commission for\nn for organizing this\nn for organizing this event\nfor organizing this event.\nA\nAffect the support\nA vector support of\nA vector support of aeroxes,\naeroxis Africa. And of course,\naerox\naeroxes, Africa. And of course,\nin collaboration\nin collaboration with the\nin collaboration with the the\nUnion for the\nUnion for the\nUnion for the Mediterranean,\nUnion for the Mediterranean,\nwhich I have the pleasure of\nrepresenting\nrepresenting today\nrepresenting today.\nThis information event is\nThis information event is\nThis information event is\nparticularly important for the\nparticularly important for the\nparticularly important for the\nparticularly important for the\nUnion, for the\nUnion, for the\nUnion, for the Mediterranean,\nas it\nas it shows that I want\nas it shows that I want\nas it shows\nas it shows in our\nas it shows in our region the\ncrucial role\ncrucial role that\narise in\narise in Europe. The flagship\nThe flagship research program of\nthe European\nthe European\nthe European Commission is\nthe European Commission is\nthe European Commission is\nthe European Commission is\nthe European Commission is \nthe European Commission is \nB\nBoth a global level, but\nBoth a global level, but also\nalso Mediterranean\nalso\nalso meditating a\nalso\nalso Mediterranean level. And\nfor this I'd like to\nfor this I'd like to thank\nfor this I'd like to thank\nfor this I'd like to thank gee\nthank Ge research innovation,\nthank Ge research innovation,\nwhich is also a\nwhich is\nwhich is also like\nwhich is also like\nwhich is also like\nco-presidency for the research\nearch and innovation for\nearch and innovation for the\nand innovation for the Union.\nFor the\nFor the Mediterranean, for\nFor the Mediterranean, for\nFor the Mediterranean, for the\nparamount,\nparamount\nparamount support that is\nparamount support that is\nparamount support that is\nparamount support that is given\na global level to\na global level to\na global level to scientists,\nentist researchers. And\nentist\nentists, researchers and\nentist\nentist researchers and\nentists, researchers and\ninnovators\ninnovators.\nSpecifically in our\nSpecifically in our\nEuro-military, in the region\nEuro-military, in the region.\nIn\nIn this part of the world, in\nIn this part of the world, in\nIn this part of the world, in\nthe Euro\nthe Euro Mediterranean area\nthe Euro Mediterranean\nthe Euro Mediterranean area,\nscience\nscience and\nscience and knowledge\nscience and knowledge exchanges\nhave always been\nhave always been\nhave always been\nhave always been central for\n": 1, "In this lesson we are going to solve exercises of indefinite integrals,\nwhich give as a result or in whose calculation expressions with natural logarithms or exponentials are used.\nExercise 1\nAny question in the comments. Give us a like and share.\nDisclaimer: This video was made for the purpose of helping and educating.\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\nExercise 2\nExercise 3\nDisclaimer: This video was made for the purpose of helping and educating.\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\nAny question in the comments. Give us a like and share.\nExercise 4\nExercise 5\nExercise 5\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\nAny question in the comments. Give us a like and share.\nExercise 7\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\nDisclaimer: This video was made for the purpose of helping and educating.\nExercise 8\nExercise 9\nExercise 10\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\nExercise 11\nAny question in the comments. Give us a like and share.\nDisclaimer: This video was made for the purpose of helping and educating.\nRemember that you can pause or repeat the lesson as many times as you want.\n": 3, "Pork neck - 500 gr.\nVegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.\nOn high heat - 10-15 min.\nPork neck - 500 gr.\nVegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.\nOn high heat - 10-15 min.\nPork neck - 500 gr.\nVegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.\nOn high heat - 10-15 min.\nOnion - 1 pc.\nCarrot - 1 pc.\n5 minutes\n5 minutes\nSalt - 1 teaspoon.\nBlack pepper - 1 tsp.\nOnion - 1 pc.\nCarrot - 1 pc.\n5 minutes\n5 minutes\nSalt - 1 teaspoon.\nBlack pepper - 1 tsp.\nOnion - 1 pc.\nCarrot - 1 pc.\n5 minutes\n5 minutes\nSalt - 1 teaspoon.\nBlack pepper - 1 tsp.\nThyme - 1 tsp.\nPaprika - 3 teaspoons.\nHot boiling water - 400 ml.\n50 min.\nMushrooms - 400 gr.\nThyme - 1 tsp.\nPaprika - 3 teaspoons.\nHot boiling water - 400 ml.\n50 min.\nMushrooms - 400 gr.\nThyme - 1 tsp.\nPaprika - 3 teaspoons.\nHot boiling water - 400 ml.\n50 min.\nMushrooms - 400 gr.\nGreen peas - 400 gr.\nTomato paste - 3 tablespoons.\nCold water.\nCorn starch - 2 teaspoons.\nSugar - 1 teaspoon.\nGreen peas - 400 gr.\nTomato paste - 3 tablespoons.\nCold water.\nCorn starch - 2 teaspoons.\nSugar - 1 teaspoon.\nGreen peas - 400 gr.\nTomato paste - 3 tablespoons.\nCold water.\nCorn starch - 2 teaspoons.\nSugar - 1 teaspoon.\n10 minutes\n10 minutes\n10 minutes\n": 1, "There's nothing to regret, I did my best\nIt's the same for me whether or not I have you anyway\nEverytime the promises change and countlessly repeat\nThe man that you are ain't shit, even though I gave you my heart, no\nYour sorry rings like an empty can. Now all it sounds like is a dog barking\nWhen I come to, everything about you makes my skin crawl.\nI'll throw you away, recycle. The girl next to you is an idiot.\nI'll tell you today, I don't want you no more\nHold up, did you think it would be forever?\nBut in the end, again, you messed up\nBack and forth, you're too light like a ping pong.\nRight now I'm dumping you, ding dong.\nPlaya, you ain't know? You chose the wrong person\nYou should have worshipped me, like a queen bee\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later boy, see you later later\nSee you later boy, see you later\nWoulda, coulda, shoulda , didn't\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later boy, see you later later\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later, maybe never\nI'm not infatuated anymore. It doesn't matter if you chase after me\nYou're being wishy washy again and blah blah blah it's pathetic\nNow, you ain't got no best friend. You'll be lonely this weekend.\nYeah, you're a loser, loner, mean bully. Ha\nYour sorry rings like an empty can.\nNow all it sounds like is a dog barking\nWhen I come to, everything about you makes my skin crawl.\nI'll throw you away, recycle. The girl next to you is an idiot.\nI'll tell you today, I don't want you no more.\nLike the time that's gone so quickly. Without realising the pain, you're gone too now, just now.\nHave you forgotten who I am? Better remember straight, I'm a boss bitch.\nI've started the engine in my heart again toward\ncatching feelings with someone else. Booming pedal to the metal like...\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later boy, see you later later\nSee you later boy, see you later\nWoulda, coulda , shoulda , didn't\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later boy, see you later later\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later, maybe never\nGoodbye baby. You should have been good to me when I was next to you, why\nWhy you wanna go and do that do that why?\nYou liked the way I used to walk away from you. Look at all this you want and remember\nBye, bye, bye, bye, bye\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later boy see you later later\nSee you later boy, see you later\nWould of, could of, should of, didn't\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later boy see you later later\nSee you later boy, see you later\nSee you later, maybe never.\n": 3, " \n \n \n \n \n \nA thousand discoveries of various kinds,\nA thousand adventures on this plain\nA thousand adventures on this plain\nA thousand and more loves left on edge\nA thousand regrets of those who then gave up\nA thousand regrets of those who then gave up\n \n \n \n \n \n \nA thousand base actions of various kinds\nA thousand base actions of various kinds\nA thousand base actions of various kinds\na thousand and more mafia gangs on this plain\na thousand and more mafia gangs on this plain\na thousand and more mafia gangs on this plain\na thousand jobs kept hanging\na thousand and more tears of those who then gave up\na thousand and more tears of those who then gave up\na thousand and more tears of those who then gave up\nbut how can you live with no anger\nbut how can you live with no anger\nbut how can you live with no anger\nbut how can you live with no anger\nbut how can you live with no anger\nbut how can you live with no anger\nbut how can you live with no anger\nwith no anger\nwith no anger\nwith no anger\n \n \n \n \n \n \na thousand tricks of various kinds\na thousand tricks of various kinds\na thousand and more thieves on this plain\na thousand and more thieves on this plain\na thousand and more bombs that surprised us\na thousand and more graves of those who did not give up\na thousand and more graves of those who did not give up\na thousand and more graves of those who did not give up\nbut how can you live\nbut how can you live\nbut how can you live\nbut how can you live\nin this cage\nin this cage\nin this cage\nin this cage\nin this cage\nand a thousand and more deceptions of various kinds\nand a thousand and more deceptions of various kinds\nand a thousand and more deceptions of various kinds\na thousand and more wars on this plain\na thousand and more children left to die\na thousand and more children left to die\na thousand and more horrors of those who most loved power\na thousand and more horrors of those who most loved power\na thousand and more horrors of those who most loved power\na thousand and more horrors of those who most loved power\n \nbut how can you live\nbut how can you live\nbut how can you live\nbut how can you live\npeacefully\npeacefully\nbut how can you do it\nbut how can you do it\nbut how can you do it\n \n \nwhen there are people owning nothing\nwhen there are people owning nothing\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 2, "You will need an A4 paper and a razor cutter\nTake upper right corner and fold as shown\nFlip paper and and fold bottom paper as shown\nTake razor cutter and and cut excess part of paper you just folded\nTake upper corner and fold it (without out pushing down) to the bottom end of paper as shown\nMake sure not to fold all the way but only in the middle part as I show you\nOpen paper and fold right side to the middle part\nRepeat same step for left side\nTake upper corner and flip down towards the folds we just made\nNow take bottom corner and fold it towards the end of fold of upper side like I show you\nTake left side corner and fold it as shown\nRepeat the same for right side\nNow take bottom part of corner and fold where I show you\nOnce you're done take bottom left corner and fold again where you had previously folded before\nRepeat same step for right side\nNow comes the tricky part . Take the right overlaped corner and fold it beneath the middle part just like I show you\nRepeat the same for left side\nOnce you're done take bottom part and fold to the middle as shown\nTake left side and insert corner to the socket we created previously with the bottom part\nRepeat the same for the other side . This step is to secure our envelope so it doesn't open apart\nThat's it ! You now know how to create your own paper envelope !\nThanks for watching!!\n": 3, "(We are recording.)\nCool\n[guitar strumming]\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nSmile. Be happy.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nThe secret to learning\nFor ev...\n...everyone.\nWe don't learn ... oh...(laughter)...let's do that again...\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nSmile. Be happy.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nSmile. Be happy.\nEnjoy being wong.\nWe don't learn being right.\nWe don't learn being wrong.\nThat is not how the world moves along.\nWe don't learn being right.\nWe don't learn being wrong.\nThe only time that we learn is when we are being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nSmile. Be happy.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nSocrates' universal learning song.\nI wonder what old Socrates saw\nTwo-and-a-half thousand years before.\nTwo-and-a-half thousand years ago.\nWhen he found out all we need to know.\nAnd he said...\nEnjoy being wong. Make leaning play. Pretend you are a teacher.\nBe as happy as a wonky bee.\nBecome a learning creature.\nI wonder what old Socrates saw.\nTwo-and-a-half thousand years before.\nTwo-and-a-half thousand years ago.\nWhen she found out all we need to know.\nAnd what did he say?\nHe said...\nEnjoy being wong. Make leaning play. Pretend you are a teacher.\nBe as happy as a wonky bee.\nBecome a learning creature.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nSmile. Be happy.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong.\nEnjoy being wong\nThe secret to learning.\nFor ev...\n...everyone.\n(That's good Andy. I like that...\n": 1, "in this video we have to find the remainder when 9\u00a0\npower 1990 is divided by 11 so we need to divide 9\u00a0\u00a0\npower 1990 by 11 so we need to think any X such\u00a0\nthat 9 power X is equivalent to 1 or minus 1\nmod 11\nso 9 power 1 is 9 that is equivalent to minus 2\u00a0\nmod 11, 9 power 2 it is 81 that is equivalent to 4\u00a0\u00a0\nmod 11 and if we check X is equal\u00a0\nto 3 then 9 power 3 it is 729\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is equivalent to if we divide 729\u00a0\nby 11 then 6 times 66 69 6 times 66 and 3\nso it is 3 mod 11 and we can check by putting X\u00a0\nis equal to 4, 5 and so on... but in these three\u00a0\u00a0\ncases I am not getting 1 or minus 1 mod 11 so I\u00a0\nwill take second simplest that is minus 2 mod 11\nso 9 is equivalent to minus 2 mod 11\nand\nif a is equivalent to b mod c then a\u00a0\npower n is equivalent to b power n mod c\nso 9 power 1990 will be equivalent\u00a0\nto minus 2 power 1990 mod 11\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is 9 power 1990 is equivalent to and\u00a0\nminus 2 power 1990 will be 2 power 1990 mod 11\nand\nnow we need to think any X such that 2\u00a0\npower X is equivalent to 1 or minus 1 mod 11\u00a0\u00a0\nand we can easily think that 2 power 5 is equal\u00a0\nto 32 that is equivalent to minus 1 mod 11\nso 2 power 5 is equivalent to minus 1 mod 11\nand if we divide 1990 by 5 then it is 398 so if\u00a0\nwe raise both side to the power 398 then 2 power 5\u00a0\u00a0\npower 398 will be equivalent\u00a0\nto minus 1 power 398 mod 11\nand it is 2 power 5 times 398 is 1990 is\u00a0\nequivalent to minus 1 power 398 is 1 mod 11\nso it is equivalent to 1 mod\u00a0\n11 so the remainder will be 1\nremainder will be 1.\n": 2, "Hark that sound yonder \u2026\nHark that sound yonder!\nHark that sound yonder \u2026\nHark that sound yonder!\nListen to the roar of the guns ...\non the hilltop at Pukehinahina\nThe earth trembles!\nThe lightning cackles\nBring on the fire\nTo the gates\n(War cry)\nThe lightning cackles\nBring on the fire\nTo the gaping jaws\nOf the monster\nDeath has arrived\nDeath has arrived\nDeath has arrived\nDeath has arrived\nYou are mistaken!\nThe people below (The bones below)\nIn the tunnels (In the caves)\nDeath has arrived\nDeath has arrived\nDeath has arrived\nDeath has arrived\nYou are mistaken!\n(Wail of sorrow) \u2026\nthe tears \u2026\n(Wail of sorrow) \u2026\nthe dead and dying \u2026\n(Wail of sorrow) \u2026\nthe flowing tears \u2026\n(Wail of sorrow) \u2026\nthe flowing blood \u2026\nOnto the bosom of Mother Earth\nLike mist ...\nthe people have vanished\nUnleash death!\nLike the joints of the canoe ...\nwe are woven together as one\nLike the joints of the canoe ...\nwe are woven together as one\nLike the joints of the canoe ...\nwe are woven together as one\nLike the joints of the canoe ...\nwe are woven together as one\nLike the joints of the canoe ...\nwe are woven together as one\n": 1, " \nI love my mom...\nI love my mom, but I dont wanna see her right now\ncause she's gonna take one look at me\nand worry about my lifestyle.\nDon't worry about my lifestyle.\nYou know your son, your son's got a goal\nI got this whole thing under control.\nYes, I'm losing weight and my eyes are red\nmaybe cause I'm a man that lies in bed.\nRacking my brain for answers, cause I've been out here running my mouth.\nChatting about progress. They say it's a process.\nBut I want it right now...\nSo I gotta...live this way because to\nplay the boss you gotta pay the cost\nand that cost might come as a major loss\nand that's just the life I...\nyeah...\nI don't trust no one I get no peace.\nEveryday petrol from west to east.\nI love to sleep, I love to eat,\nbut I don't get no rest or feast\nand that's the reason I ain't afraid of my foes\njumped on the grind and I stayed on my toes\nand mamma believe it or not...\nCouple man got a problem with me\nSome of the man dem wan rob them for me so,\nevery time I start writing songs\nI gotta face the things I've been hiding from.\nThey wanna ride or die tell them ride along.\nJust know that it's real in the field.\nI don't wanna hear no crying or moaning.\nI ain't got time for no sighing or groaning.\nYou gotta be down to grind on your own ting.\nJust follow the leader.\nCome follow the leader.\nYou gotta be accountable for your own decisions\nor you won't get no sorrow with me darg.\nFollow the leader.\nCome follow the leader.\nYou gotta be accountable for your own decisions\nor you won't get no sorrow with me darg.\nRound, round we go\nAnd it's down, down we fall\nRound, round we go\nIf we're dying on the inside\nHow we gonna live right\nRound, round we go\nAnd it's down, down we fall\nRound, round we go\nKeep your flowers in the sunlight\nI just got to live right\nYeaaah...\nFlowers by the doorstep\nDon't know where they're from\nAnd how did we all get here,\nYeaahh..\nAnd where do I belong\nAnd anywhere the wind blows\nYou left me turned to stone\nBut the sunlight in the window\nTelling me you're wrong,\nyou're wrong...\nFollow the leader.\nCome follow the leader.\nYou gotta be accountable for your own decisions\nor you won't get no sorrow with me darg.\nFollow the leader.\nCome follow the leader.\nYou gotta be accountable for your own decisions\nor you won't get no sorrow with me darg.\nRound, round we go\nAnd it's down, down we fall\nRound, round we go\nIf we dying on the inside\nHow we gonna live right\nRound, round we go\nAnd it's down, down we fall\nRound, round we go\nKeep your flowers in the sunlight\nI just got to live right\n": 2, " Today we are going to visit Venice. There are a lot of interesting facts about it.\n The whole city is in water. No buses run here.\n And this was not the part of Italy before.\n The water here is very dirty.\n We will talk all about that in this video.\n And we will visit the whole city today.\n So stay tuned.\n We will meet all our friends here.\n We are in Venice.\n Here we are.\n In Venice.\n It is very foggy here.\n Welcome to Venice.\n This is a city where public transport is only for boats.\n Because there are no roads here.\n Everything runs in boats.\n The hospital's ambulance is also in a boat.\n Public transport is also in a boat.\n So when we want to go to the hostel, we have to go in a boat.\n And I think the day pass for the boat is 20 euros.\n So it is like Switzerland.\n This is not a day pass for 20 euros.\n We have come out of the station.\n And in front of us, there are only boats.\n See, we will get what we want.\n The public one.\n There are also taxis.\n This water taxi.\n So the guy asked me if I wanted to take a water taxi.\n This is great.\n So we took this ticket.\n It was very sad to give 20 euros.\n But now we had to take it.\n Our budget was lost.\n Our budget was lost.\n Okay, now our car will come here.\n The boat will not come here.\n Where will it come?\n There is no route written on it.\n It looks very cold here.\n Doctor?\n 4 degrees Celsius.\n Minus 64.\n Where did you bring me doctor?\n Have you ever seen such a city?\n Today's day is not good.\n Then what happened now?\n Here it is written that because of the fog,\n the route we had to go on was cancelled.\n We have come to find another place.\n Everything is written there that it has been cancelled.\n Now we are looking for Wi-Fi.\n Let's see if there is any other way or not.\n We have also taken the pass.\n We have also paid for the hostel.\n I don't know how we will reach.\n We can't even walk here.\n Let's see what will happen now.\n We can't even walk here.\n Our boat was cancelled.\n Now we have taken another boat.\n Someone will ask me if this boat will go.\n But I have a bad feeling.\n I don't know where we are going.\n Because it is foggy.\n Look at this.\n Look at this.\n This is the book.\n Was our taxi here?\n We got down here.\n This is our hostel.\n Our boat will go from here.\n We have just got down.\n This was our stop.\n Now we have to go this way.\n He is listening to his heart.\n Two raffles.\n It is the same house since morning.\n Is it 200 meters from here?\n Yes.\n The hostel is called generator hostel.\n It is cold.\n This is our hostel.\n This is our locker.\n This is our hostel.\n I have locked my locker.\n What happens in this?\n If you have locked it, it won't work.\n You will have to pay for it.\n Both the beds are locked.\n There is no one here.\n There is no one here.\n Look at this.\n This is the way.\n This is the washroom.\n This is the bathroom.\n This is the main gate.\n We have two keys.\n They are the same.\n We have two keys.\n Hold on.\n The bed is very congested.\n What is this?\n This is the hostel.\n We got this for 20 Euros.\n Tomorrow's hostel is available.\n It is the cheapest.\n It is the cheapest.\n It is more expensive.\n It is 60 Euros.\n Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.\n There is no one here.\n I asked them.\n They said they won't reduce the price.\n We can't give 60 Euros.\n We will buy a better hotel.\n Let's go eat food.\n Let me take a shower.\n There was a shop here.\n You get pizza with slice.\n We got 3 slices for 3 Euros.\n We will have to pay for it.\n Doctor, you won't get food here.\n We will get it in Venice.\n But we won't get a place on this island.\n We have to eat.\n Good morning. Welcome to the Punjabi Wohandas YouTube channel.\n We have already started the vlog.\n This is our hostel where we stayed last night.\n We are in Venice city.\n Today is the 31st of December 2021.\n Today is the last day of the year.\n Today we will visit Venice city.\n There are many interesting facts about it.\n The whole city is in water.\n No buses run here.\n No buses run here.\n This was not the part of Italy.\n Then it was made.\n Then we went to Austria.\n There are many interesting facts.\n We will talk all about that in thi": 2, "Sans: It's a beautiful day out side\nSans: birds are singing flowers are blooming\nSans: On day like this kids like you\nSans: should be buring in hell\nChara: 1 step left now. It's almost time.\nChara: Show you what my DETERMINATION\nChara: has still left for you. You should prepare to just die\nChara: Like all your friends you'll have a really good time\nSans: But kids you don't play by the rules\nSans: And guys like me it ain't easy to be played for fools\nSans: So let's go let the room get chiller\nSans: Let's go dirty brother killer\nChara: Go ahead, kill me again I see you're able\nChara: But inside you know the end can't be evaded\nChara: I can tell you're really tired out of fighting\nChara: But I'll even come back after dying\nSans: You're not gonna win. We'll be here together\nSans: Fighting in this judgement hall forever\nSans: I know you just reset each time I beat you\nSans: But I'll always be right back here to meet you\nSans: I know you're made || Chara: I am made\nBoth: Of\nBoth: Love (5x)\n*Sick beats*\nChara: This is where it stops\nChara: This is where it ends\nChara: You keep telling me those words\nChara: and hope that I would understand\nChara: But even if I hear you I won't give up my attack\nChara: Can you just not see the truth\nChara: or can you not see what this all meant?\nSans: Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able\nSans: You should know that mercy's off the table\nSans: Think that you can try to spare me like I'm some pawn?\nSans: Well you didn't spare my brother\nSans: so get DUNKED ON\nChara: You know I made your friends all disappear\nChara: Erasing all what's left this is why I'm here\nChara: I will keep FIGHTING. You should be DYING.\nChara: That is your DESTINATION\nSans: I know you're made || Chara: I'm entirely made\nBoth: Of\nBoth: LOVE\nSans: but I think I'm || Chara: And I'm sure I'm\nBoth: Stronger than you\nChara: Of\nChara: Love\nChara: I am stronger than you\n": 2, "hello everyone it's Glenda and welcome back to my\u00a0\nchannel creative Grandma today's crochet tutorial\u00a0\u00a0\nis part one for the flowers in the sand throw now\u00a0\nthis throw measures 51 inches in diameter I wanted\u00a0\u00a0\nto keep it the size where it's just comfortable\u00a0\nto throw over yourself when you're sitting on\u00a0\u00a0\nthe couch it's just a beautiful manageable size\u00a0\nand it's not too overwhelming of a size so let\u00a0\u00a0\nme give you a close-up of some of the details of\u00a0\nthis Afghan I'm just going to walk over towards\u00a0\u00a0\nthe center you're going to see how we start with\u00a0\nthat little Daisy Center we did some front post\u00a0\u00a0\nstitches and there's no back post stitches in\u00a0\nthis design I had someone ask me I kept it to\u00a0\u00a0\nfront post to make it as easy as possible to make\u00a0\nthis Afghan then you see the flower section where\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're going to make those popcorn stitches where\u00a0\nour petals for our flowers you're going to see\u00a0\u00a0\nyellow popcorn stitches coming out to accent that\u00a0\nCenter then you're going to see we're going to do\u00a0\u00a0\nsome v-stitches with a little blossom flower then\u00a0\nwe're going to do some Ray stitches again just to\u00a0\u00a0\nbring those Browns in the design then we're\u00a0\ngoing to come out and make the flowers again\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we brought that deep dark walnut\u00a0\ncolor and added some little yellow blossoms\u00a0\u00a0\nbrought the brown back out added a third section\u00a0\nof those flowers ended with white and yellow so\u00a0\u00a0\nthis pattern you're doing a total of three\u00a0\nsections of the flower pulling those flowers\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom the center out to the outside of the design\u00a0\nso it's just a great learning experience to try\u00a0\u00a0\nnew techniques and learn how to work in the round\u00a0\nso let me tell you everything you're going to need\u00a0\u00a0\nto make this Afghan today so let's go ahead\u00a0\nand go over the material list of what you're\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to need for this Afghan now this video is a\u00a0\ncollaboration with Lion Brand Lion Brand sponsored\u00a0\u00a0\nthis video they sponsored this design they sent me\u00a0\nall the yarn I needed to make this project now my\u00a0\u00a0\nchallenge was to make an Afghan using some of the\u00a0\nbrand new skin tone colors and these skein tones\u00a0\u00a0\ncan be found under the Lion Brand basic stitch on\u00a0\ntheir website so I chose the five different Browns\u00a0\u00a0\nfor the challenge and then I chose three accent\u00a0\ncolors that I thought would go well with brown so\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's get started with what you're going to need\u00a0\nso first you're going to need one of the skein\u00a0\u00a0\ntones colors and again this is under the basic\u00a0\nstitch on their website and you need one skein of\u00a0\u00a0\ncolor one one four V Walnut you're going to need\u00a0\none skein of color number one one one five L Birch\u00a0\u00a0\none skein of color number one one six H Beech\none skein of color number one three four you honey\nthe next color you're going to need two skeins\u00a0\nof color number one one eight e Sienna now this\u00a0\u00a0\nis just what I had left over but you need two\u00a0\nfull skeins of color one one eight e Sienna\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're going to need one skein of color number one\u00a0\nfive seven lemonade and again all these Yarns are\u00a0\u00a0\nunder basic Stitch you're going to need two skeins\u00a0\nof baby pink this is color number 101 baby pink\u00a0\u00a0\nyou're going to need two skeins of\u00a0\ncolor number one seven three a sage\nthe last color you're going to need\u00a0\none skein of lion Brands pound of love\u00a0\u00a0\nand this is color antique white color number zero\u00a0\nnine nine you're also going to need a size h8 or\u00a0\u00a0\n5 millimeter crochet hook so looking at the yarn\u00a0\nthat I used in this design when you're on Lion\u00a0\u00a0\nBrand's website again this will be available\u00a0\nin kit form it's going to list everything you\u00a0\u00a0\nneed for the Afghan it also gives you an option to\u00a0\nchange any of these colors so if you did not want\u00a0\u00a0\nto use the five shades of brown say maybe you like\u00a0\nBlues instead then you would need five different\u00a0\u00a0\ncolors of blue going from light to medium to dark\u00a0\nthen you would choose your three accent colors so\u00a0\u00a0\nagain let's review it one more time you're going\u00a0\nto need one skein of color one one four V Walnut\u00a0\u00a0\none skein of color number one one five L Birch\u00a0\none skein of color number one one six H Beech\u00a0\u00a0\none skein of color number one three for you\u00a0\nhoney now this colo": 4, "THIS\nTHIS WEEK\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTRUMP\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTRUMP ISSUED\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTRUMP ISSUED A\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO\nTHIS WEEK PRESIDENT\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO DEFUND\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO DEFUND\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO DEFUND\nCITIES\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO DEFUND\nCITIES LIKE\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO DEFUND\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND,\nTRUMP ISSUED A MEMO TO DEFUND\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nAND\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nAND DC\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nAND DC -\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nAND DC - CALLING\nCITIES LIKE PORTLAND, SEATTLE\nAND DC - CALLING THEM\nAND DC - CALLING THEM\nAND DC - CALLING THEM\n'ANARCHIST\nAND DC - CALLING THEM\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\nWE'VE\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\nWE'VE HAD\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\nWE'VE HAD OUR\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY\n'ANARCHIST JURISDICTIONS'.\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nLOOKING\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nLOOKING INTO\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nLOOKING INTO WHAT\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS\nWE'VE HAD OUR VERIFY TEAM\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nAND\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nAND WHETHER\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nAND WHETHER IT\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nAND WHETHER IT FALLS\nLOOKING INTO WHAT THIS MEANS\nAND WHETHER IT FALLS WITHIN\nAND WHETHER IT FALLS WITHIN\nAND WHETHER IT FALLS WITHIN\nTHE\nAND WHETHER IT FALLS WITHIN\nTHE PRESIDENT'S\nAND WHETHER IT FALLS WITHIN\nTHE PRESIDENT'S POWER.\nTHE PRESIDENT'S POWER.\nTHE PRESIDENT'S POWER.\nHERE'S\nTHE PRESIDENT'S POWER.\nHERE'S OUR\nTHE PRESIDENT'S POWER.\nHERE'S OUR JASON\nHERE'S OUR JASON PUCKETT.\nThis\nThis Memorandum\nThis Memorandum from\nThis Memorandum from President\nThis Memorandum from President\nTrump\nThis Memorandum from President\nTrump was\nThis Memorandum from President\nTrump was published\nTrump was published Wednesday.\nTrump was published Wednesday.\nIt's\nTrump was published Wednesday.\nIt's written\nTrump was published Wednesday.\nIt's written to\nTrump was published Wednesday.\nIt's written to Attorney\nIt's written to Attorney\nIt's written to Attorney\nGeneral\nIt's written to Attorney\nGeneral Barr\nIt's written to Attorney\nGeneral Barr and\nIt's written to Attorney\nGeneral Barr and the\nIt's written to Attorney\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nof\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nof the\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nof the Office\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nof the Office of\nGeneral Barr and the Director\nof the Office of Management\nof the Office of Management\nof the Office of Management\nand\nof the Office of Management\nand Budget\nof the Office of Management\nand Budget or\nof the Office of Management\nand Budget or OMB.It\nof the Office of Management\nand Budget or OMB.It calls\nof the Office of Management\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nfederal\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nfederal funds\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nfederal funds to\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nfederal funds to be\nand Budget or OMB.It calls for\nfederal funds to be blocked\nfederal funds to be blocked\nfederal funds to be blocked\nfrom\nfederal funds to be blocked\nfrom Portland,\nfederal funds to be blocked\nfrom Portland, Seattle,\nfederal funds to be blocked\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nYork,\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nYork, and\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nYork, and Washington\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nYork, and Washington DC..\nfrom Portland, Seattle, New\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nmemo\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nmemo defines\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nmemo defines these\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nmemo defines these cities\nYork, and Washington DC.. The\nmemo defines these cities": 1, "Acrocanthosaurus\nAlamosaurus\nAlbertosaurus\nAllosaurus\nAmargasaurus\nAnkylosaurus\nApatosaurus\nArchaeornithomimus\nAtrociraptor\nAustralovenator\nBaryonyx\nBrachiosaurus\nCamarasaurus\nCarcharodontosaurus\nCarnotaurus\nCeratosaurus\nChasmosaurus\nChungkingosaurus\nCoelophysis\nCompsognathus\nCorythosaurus\nCrichtonsaurus\nCryolophosaurus\nDeinonychus\nDilophosaurus\nDimetrodon\nDiplodocus\nDracorex\nDreadnoughtus\nDryosaurus\nEdmontosaurus\nEuoplocephalus\nGallimimus\nGiganotosaurus\nGigantspinosaurus\nHerrerasaurus\nHomalocephale\nHuayangosaurus\nIguanodon\nIndominus Rex\nIndoraptor\nKentrosaurus\nLystrosaurus\nMaiasaura\nMajungasaurus\nMamenchisaurus\nMegalosaurus\nMetriacanthosaurus\nMinmi\nMonolophosaurus\nMoros Intrepidus\nMuttaburrasaurus\nNasutoceratops\nNigersaurus\nNodosaurus\nOlorotitan\nOuranosaurus\nOviraptor\nPachycephalosaurus\nPachyrhinosaurus\nParasaurolophus\nPentaceratops\nPolacanthus\nProceratosaurus\nPyroraptor\nQianzhousaurus\nSauropelta\nScorpios Rex\nSinoceratops\nSpinosaurus\nStegosaurus\nStruthiomimus\nStygimoloch\nStyracosaurus\nSuchomimus\nTherizinosaurus\nTorosaurus\nTriceratops\nTroodon\nTsintaosaurus\nTyrannosaurus Rex ( T-REX ) \nVelociraptor\nWuerhosaurus\nAttenborosaurus\nElasmosaurus\nIchthyosaurus\nKronosaurus\nLiopleurodon\nMosasaurus\nPlesiosaurus\nStyxosaurus\nTylosaurus\nBarbaridactylus\nCearadactylus\nDimorphodon\nDsungaripterus\nGeosternbergia\nMaaradactylus\nPteranodon\nQuetzalcoatlus\nTapejara\nTropeognathus\n": 1, "music playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nDrizzy Chaplin made this heat\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nDrizzy Chaplin made this heat\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nDrizzy Chaplin made this heat\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nDrizzy Chaplin made this heat\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\nmusic playing\n": 0, "My head is a box filled with nothing\nAnd that's the way I like it\nAnd my garden's a secret compartment\nAnd that's the way I like it\nYour body's a dream that turns violent\nAnd that's the way I like it\nAnd the winter is long down in Tassie\nAnd that's the way I like it\nSo please\nBaby please\nOpen your heart\nCatch my disease\nI was backstage on the Gold Coast.\nAnd that's the way I like it\nAnd she drank Fireball with apple juice\nAnd that's the way I like it\nShe told me about the wind from Wangaratta\nAnd that's the way I like it\nShe told me she loved me like fireworks\nAnd that's the way I like it\nSo please\nBaby please\nOpen your heart\nAnd catch my disease\nSo please\nBaby please\nOpen your heart\nCatch my disease\nI hear Skegss on the radio\nAnd that's the way I like it\nAnd I hear the Beddy Rays on the radio\nAnd that's the way I like it\nAnd I hear Alex The Astronaut on the radio\nAnd that's the way I like it\nAnd I hear the Tezzies on the radio\nAnd that's the way I like it\nSo please\nBaby please\nOpen your heart\nCatch my disease\nSo please\nBaby please\nOpen your heart\nCatch my disease\nCatch my disease\nCatch my disease\nCatch my disease\nCatch my disease\nCatch my disease\n": 2, "can you give me something new can you\u00a0\ngive me something refreshing exciting\u00a0\u00a0\nto look forward to to go home and try to\u00a0\nget in that vortex something that will just\u00a0\u00a0\nspark it off i just i feel like i need something\u00a0\ndifferent well it's hard to know where to go for\u00a0\u00a0\nyou because we have said to you everything in the\u00a0\nworld that you have become and everything in the\u00a0\u00a0\nworld that you want is in your vortex and you say\u00a0\nabraham please give me a reason to go in there\ncan't you call me in in an exciting\u00a0\nnew way it's not enough for me to know\u00a0\u00a0\nthat everything i want and everything\u00a0\ni am is in there give me another\nreason you believe do you believe us when\u00a0\nwe say do you believe that the vortex\u00a0\u00a0\nexists absolutely i've experienced the vortex\u00a0\nso so what are you asking for helping getting\u00a0\u00a0\nin there and staying in there more often well\u00a0\nhere's the thing most everyone tries to get in\u00a0\u00a0\nthe vortex from not being in so this is something\u00a0\nthat is fresh and new for you most people\nokay i'm going to get in the vortex and\u00a0\ni'm going to get in there relative to\u00a0\u00a0\nmoney and so i'm going to buy abraham's\u00a0\nmoney and the law of attraction cards\ni've heard said by abraham that these are the best\u00a0\ncards that have ever been written we wrote them\nthese cards are magic\nif you read these cards\u00a0\neverything you want will come true\u00a0\u00a0\nso you buy the cards they're thirty dollars\nbest thirty dollars you'll ever spend\nsarcasm doesn't doesn't become us either but the\u00a0\nreason that we're playing with you like this is\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause when you are not in the vortex wanting\u00a0\nto be but not and you decide that you're going\u00a0\u00a0\nto apply some of our processes these cards\u00a0\nbeing one of them and you begin reading the\u00a0\u00a0\nlaw of attraction responds to my vibration we\u00a0\ncan see why you're asking for something new\u00a0\u00a0\nthat doesn't really ring your bell i can make\u00a0\na career of living happily ever after right\ni'm always receiving the essence of\u00a0\nwhat i'm giving oh good deal on that\ni can follow the trail of good feeling thoughts\u00a0\ni can create both money and the time to enjoy it\nclearly abraham is dead\nno kids to feed no house to clean i\u00a0\nwill pray success wherever i see it\u00a0\u00a0\nthe story i tell is the basis of\u00a0\nmy life can i get my money back\nmy what is need not influence my what is\u00a0\nbecoming i will tell my story as i want it to be\u00a0\u00a0\nabraham don't you have anything new for me\u00a0\u00a0\nnone of this is ringing my bell and the reason\u00a0\nis because even though everything that's here\u00a0\u00a0\nresonates with your absolute knowing you\u00a0\nhave to be in the vortex and up to speed\u00a0\u00a0\nwith who you are before the power of what's\u00a0\nwritten here is thrilling to you but that's really\u00a0\u00a0\nnot the point that we're making the point that\u00a0\nwe're making is that when you're not in the vortex\u00a0\u00a0\nand you really really want to be that the effort\u00a0\nthat you often make in order to try to motivate\u00a0\u00a0\nyourself into the vortex has the reverse effect\u00a0\nbecause it makes you sort of dig in in a sort of\u00a0\u00a0\ndefensive justifying way of defending where you're\u00a0\nat does that make sense to you have you ever had\u00a0\u00a0\nsomeone try to convince you of something and you\u00a0\ndidn't agree you were on the other side of it and\u00a0\u00a0\nthe more the two of you talk to each other the\u00a0\nmore you both dug in and held your position it's\u00a0\u00a0\nlike you left the argument just sure that you were\u00a0\nright and they left the argument just sure that\u00a0\u00a0\nthey were right and nope nothing good there was no\u00a0\nmiddle ground that was discovered because you both\u00a0\u00a0\njust dug in well sometimes that's what's happening\u00a0\nto you you want to get into the vortex but the\u00a0\u00a0\nharder you try it's like and the reason there\u00a0\nis a a physiological and a vibrational reason\u00a0\u00a0\nfor it the reason is because as you prac\u00a0\nbecause every subject is really two subjects\u00a0\u00a0\nwanted and unwanted there are two ends to every\u00a0\nwave if you know what you don't want you know\u00a0\u00a0\nwhat you do want and if you know what you do\u00a0\nwant you know what you don't want in other words\u00a0\u00a0\nwith sickness there is illness on the other end\u00a0\nwith plenty of money there is not nearly enough\u00a0\u00a0\nmoney every subject really is two subjects so when\u00a0\nyou've been practi": 2, "Dollar bill Heart Ring\nDollar bill Heart Ring\nDollar bill Heart Ring\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nBegin with the desired side down. Fold in half, unfold.\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nBegin with the desired side down. Fold in half, unfold.\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nBegin with the desired side down. Fold in half, unfold.\nFold edge to crease.\nFold edge to crease.\nFold edge to crease.\nFold each edge in 1/3 distance to center.\nFold each edge in 1/3 distance to center.\nFold each edge in 1/3 distance to center.\nFold edges to center. Note: On each side, width of flaps equals remaining distance to center.\nFold edges to center. Note: On each side, width of flaps equals remaining distance to center.\nFold edges to center. Note: On each side, width of flaps equals remaining distance to center.\nFold in half, unfold. Turn model over.\nFold in half, unfold. Turn model over.\nFold in half, unfold. Turn model over.\nEvenly fold sides of top edge to center. Crease as shown. Unfold. Evenly fold sides of bottom edge to center. Crease as shown.\nEvenly fold sides of top edge to center. Crease as shown. Unfold. Evenly fold sides of bottom edge to center. Crease as shown.\nEvenly fold sides of top edge to center. Crease as shown. Unfold. Evenly fold sides of bottom edge to center. Crease as shown.\nTurn model over.\nFold midpt. of edge to pt. as you fold edges to center.\nTurn model over.\nFold midpt. of edge to pt. as you fold edges to center.\nTurn model over.\nFold midpt. of edge to pt. as you fold edges to center.\nInsert flap within pocket beneath to lock sides together.\nInsert flap within pocket beneath to lock sides together.\nInsert flap within pocket beneath to lock sides together.\nInside reverse fold each flap 3/16 to 1/4 inch above corner pt. Open sides to symmetrically fold flap in and through.\nInside reverse fold each flap 3/16 to 1/4 inch above corner pt. Open sides to symmetrically fold flap in and through.\nInside reverse fold each flap 3/16 to 1/4 inch above corner pt. Open sides to symmetrically fold flap in and through.\nFold side open.\nLift side of flap and pull corner out. Refold corner over flap.\nFold side open.\nLift side of flap and pull corner out. Refold corner over flap.\nFold side open.\nLift side of flap and pull corner out. Refold corner over flap.\nFold pt. to pt. while folding sides together and folding flap to the left.\nFold pt. to pt. while folding sides together and folding flap to the left.\nFold pt. to pt. while folding sides together and folding flap to the left.\nUnfold side.\nLift side of flap and pull corner out. Refold corner over flap.\nFold pt. to pt. Fold sides together. Fold flap to the right.\nUnfold side.\nLift side of flap and pull corner out. Refold corner over flap.\nFold pt. to pt. Fold sides together. Fold flap to the right.\nUnfold side.\nLift side of flap and pull corner out. Refold corner over flap.\nFold pt. to pt. Fold sides together. Fold flap to the right.\nTurn model over.\nTurn model over.\nTurn model over.\nInside reverse fold each tip by opening side to push/fold tip in.\nInside reverse fold each tip by opening side to push/fold tip in.\nInside reverse fold each tip by opening side to push/fold tip in.\nLift flap beneath to fold top flap between layers on both sides.\nLift flap beneath to fold top flap between layers on both sides.\nLift flap beneath to fold top flap between layers on both sides.\nTurn model over.\nOn each side: Separately fold layers down. Fold end first. Slightly bend and round sides to make folds.\nTurn model over.\nOn each side: Separately fold layers down. Fold end first. Slightly bend and round sides to make folds.\nTurn model over.\nOn each side: Separately fold layers down. Fold end first. Slightly bend and round sides to make folds.\nUse a pencil to further round sides and set folds. Lift both flaps on left. Unfold top flap on right.\nUse a pencil to further round sides and set folds. Lift both flaps on left. Unfold top flap on right.\nUse a pencil to further round sides and set folds. Lift both flaps on left. Unfold top flap on right.\nRound right side inside of left side. Slip low": 0, "One, two, three, four.\nOnce I said\nI never want your love again\nYou showed up tonight\nand proved me wrong\nThings I said I'll never do\nSince you and I were through\nBut here I am back\nin your arms again\nI heard from someone\nthat you were back in town\nI knew I couldn't stay away\nNo matter how I tried\nThis love won't be denied\nand here I am\nBack in your arms again\nHey, hey, hey, here I am\nI'm back in your arms again\nI should know better\nWhat does it matter\nto a lovesick fool\nI know I said never\nI know forever\nI'll come back to you\nI'll keep coming back to you\nI should know better\nWhat does it matter\nto a lovesick fool\nI know I said never\nBut I know forever\nI'll come back to you\nI'll keep coming back to you\nOnce I said I never\nwant your love again\nYou showed up tonight\nand proved me wrong\nThings I said I'll never do\nSince you and I were through\nbut here I am\nHere I am back\nin your arms again\nHey, hey, hey\nHere I am back\nin your arms again\nOh, oh, oh\nHere I am back\nin your arms again\nHey, hey, hey, here I am\nI'm back in your arms again\nHey, hey, hey, here I am\nBack in your arms again\nOh, oh, oh, here I am\nBack in your arms again\nHey, hey, hey\nHey, hey, hey\nOh, oh, oh\nOh, oh, oh\nHey, hey, hey\nHey, hey, hey\nOh, oh, oh\nOh, oh, oh\n[audience applauding] Thank you.\nThank you.\nThank you so much. It's a...\nIt's a real pleasure\nto be here and, uh,\nwe're going to... We're going\nto play a song now that, uh,\nwe recorded on our first-ever\nall Spanish record called,\n\"En Espa\u00f1ol.\"\nThis is a song called, \"Mujer.\"\nOne, two, three, four.\n[singing in Spanish]\n[audience applauding] Thank you.\nThank you so much.\nBack in... We're going to go\nback in time a little bit.\nThis is a song called,\n\"Come Unto Me.\"\nIf your world\nhas only done you wrong\nAnd all you find yourself\nis all alone\nAnd if there's no one there\nto see you through\nI'll be there for you\nAnd in your darkest hour,\nI'll be light\nI'll be your beacon\nthrough the longest night\nLike Samson and Delilah\nonce again\nUntil the bitter...\nThere is nothing\nthat anyone can say to me\nTo persuade me\nto change my mind needlessly\nFor here I am, and I will stay\nTo love you better,\ncome what may\nTo long for you in every way\nTo fight for you\nanother day, day, day\nYeah\nYeah, yeah\nYeah, yeah\nCome unto me, oh, yeah\nCome unto me, oh, no\nCome unto me, oh, yeah\nCome unto me\nThere is nothing\nthat anyone can say to me\nTo persuade me\nto change my mind needlessly\nFor here I am, and I will stay\nTo love you better,\ncome what may\nTo long for you in every way\nTo fight for you\nanother day, day, day\nYeah, yeah\nYeah, yeah\nCome unto me, oh, yeah\nCome unto me, oh, no\nCome unto me, oh, yeah\nCome unto me, oh, no\nCome unto me, oh, yeah\nCome unto me, oh, no\nCome unto me, oh, yeah\nCome unto me\n[audience applauding]\nThank you.\nThank you.\nThank you.\nThank you, everybody.\nThank you.\n": 3, "Hello dear friends\nin this video demonstration of how to fold\norigami envelope simply and easily.\nThis origami - paper folding for beginners\ntake a sheet of A4 format\nfolded horizontal top edge and bottom edge\nHello dear friends\nin this video demonstration of how to fold\norigami envelope simply and easily.\nThis origami - paper folding for beginners\ntake a sheet of A4 format\nfolded horizontal top edge and bottom edge\nHello dear friends\nin this video demonstration of how to fold\norigami envelope simply and easily.\nThis origami - paper folding for beginners\ntake a sheet of A4 format\nfolded horizontal top edge and bottom edge\nfold\nfold lower\nfold\nfold\nfold lower\nfold\nfold\nfold lower\nfold\nto the folded top center line reveal\nfold the bottom right corner\nrefold the lower left corner\nto the folded top center line reveal\nfold the bottom right corner\nrefold the lower left corner\nto the folded top center line reveal\nfold the bottom right corner\nrefold the lower left corner\nlay down in a vertical line\nrefold vertical line\nreveal\nfold to make small rectangles so\nhere to make the fold fold\nlay down in a vertical line\nrefold vertical line\nreveal\nfold to make small rectangles so\nhere to make the fold fold\nlay down in a vertical line\nrefold vertical line\nreveal\nfold to make small rectangles so\nhere to make the fold fold\nopen on the right side\n\u00a0the left side is also open\ntriangles bend\nto lay down the central part of the horizontal\nopen on the right side\n\u00a0the left side is also open\ntriangles bend\nto lay down the central part of the horizontal\nopen on the right side\n\u00a0the left side is also open\ntriangles bend\nto lay down the central part of the horizontal\nfold vertically and fold angle\nI refold the left side\nfold to make a bend and fold\nI refold the left side\nadd up to make a bend and fold\nfold vertically and fold angle\nI refold the left side\nfold to make a bend and fold\nI refold the left side\nadd up to make a bend and fold\nfold vertically and fold angle\nI refold the left side\nfold to make a bend and fold\nI refold the left side\nadd up to make a bend and fold\nfold the origami envelope full\nplace class subscribe to a channel\nfold the origami envelope full\nplace class subscribe to a channel\nfold the origami envelope full\nplace class subscribe to a channel\n": 1, "This is a video on the limit definition. The\u00a0\nquestion states: use the limit definition to find\u00a0\u00a0\nthe partial derivative of f with respect\u00a0\nto y, with f(x,y) equals x squared minus\u00a0\u00a0\nxy minus y squared. So let's first recall the\u00a0\nlimit definition of the derivative for a partial\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative with respect to y. And it says that\u00a0\nthe partial derivative of f with respect to y\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to the limit as delta y approaches zero\u00a0\nof f(x,y + delta y) minus f(x,y) all over delta y.\u00a0\nSo f(x,y + delta y), to find that, I plug in\u00a0\ny plus delta y where I see a y in my function.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo I get still an x squared and then minus\u00a0\nx times instead of y, I have y plus delta y,\u00a0\u00a0\nand then minus instead of y, I have y plus\u00a0\ndelta y squared. And then I have f(x,y)\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich was x minus xy minus y squared. So\u00a0\nI put that in and then all over delta y.\nMy next step is to just multiply the x through\u00a0\u00a0\nand FOIL this out and then\u00a0\nmultiply the negative through.\nSo I still have my x squared. I have\u00a0\nminus xy and then minus x times delta y\u00a0\u00a0\nand then I FOIL y plus delta y and then change\u00a0\nthe sign, or make them all negative because of\u00a0\u00a0\nthis minus sign. So I get minus y squared and then\u00a0\nminus 2y delta y and then minus delta y squared.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd then I have minus x squared minus xy minus y\u00a0\nsquared. So I change the signs and I get minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nsquared plus xy and then minus a minus is\u00a0\nanother plus y squared all over delta y.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo now let's see what I can cancel. I have an\u00a0\nx squared and a minus x squared. Those cancel.\u00a0\u00a0\nI have a minus xy and a plus xy. Those\u00a0\ncancel. I have a minus y squared and a\u00a0\u00a0\nplus y squared. Those cancel. So notice all the\u00a0\nterms cancel that don't have delta y's in them.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd what I'm left with is the limit as delta\u00a0\ny approaches 0 of -x delta y minus 2y delta y\u00a0\u00a0\nminus delta y squared all over delta y.\u00a0\nEach of these terms have a delta y in them.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo that means I can divide each of these\u00a0\nby delta y. -x delta y over delta y is -x.\u00a0\u00a0\n-2y delta y over delta y is -2y. And minus\u00a0\ndelta y squared over delta y it's just minus\u00a0\u00a0\ndelta y. So I'm left with the limit as delta y\u00a0\napproaches 0 of -x minus 2y minus delta y. As\u00a0\u00a0\nsoon as I've cancelled the denominator, it's time\u00a0\nto plug in. So I plug in 0 where I see a delta y,\u00a0\u00a0\nand I'm left with -x - 2y. So I can say that the\u00a0\npartial derivative of f with respect to y when f\u00a0\u00a0\nis x squared minus xy minus y squared is\u00a0\n-x - 2y. And I'm done with the problem.\n": 4, "I want to be your love\nI want your love\nI want to be your love\nI'll have you, you just wait\n \nWhy are you shaking my heart\nWhy are you shaking my heart\n \nWhy are you shaking my heart\nShaking my heart, shaking my heart\n \nHow did dad ask mom out\n \nShould I write a letter\nWhat's this, I'm like a dust in front of you\n \nI start being mean and grumpy\nAnd whining in front of you\n \nI'm serious but I keep\nStarting arguments with you\n \nWhy do I care about you\nYou make me a kid\n \nI'll flip this around\nFrom relation to relationship\n \nI think I'll go to a good\nUniversity if it's with you\n \nABCDEFGH\nHakuna Matata\n \nWhy do I keep checking your\nProfile pictures when it's the same\n \nDon't mistake me for\nAn easy guy though\n \nI'm nervous, I'm nervous\nWhat are you?\n \nAre you that great?\n \nWhy do you make fun of me?\nNow stop hol' up hol' up\n \nHold tight on to me\nBefore I jump on you\n \nBefore my heart let you go\n \nSay what you want\nSay what you want\n \nWhat do you really want\n \nHold tight on to me\nBefore I jump on you\n \nBefore my heart let you go\n \nSay what you want\nSay what you want\n \nWhat do you really want\n \nWhy are you shaking my heart\nWhy are you shaking my heart\n \nWhy are you shaking my heart\nShaking my heart, shaking my heart\n \nOn the outside bad bad girl\nInside even more bad bad girl\n \nYou'll regret it if you\nLet go of a guy like me\n \nYou checked your messenger\nBut you don't press send\nAs '1' vanishes I start getting\nNervous, maybe I should buy a navigation\n \n(Fast fast fast) I try to appeal to you\nI keep on (trying trying trying)\n \nReal feelings? (I got 'em)\nEndurance?(I got 'em)\n \nThe only thing I couldn't\nGet is your(beauty beauty)\n \nHow should I change, hol' up\nPush and pull? Playing games\nI don't know those things\n \nBut if you are sick call 119\nInstead of me\n \nIf you want to me cry\nI'll cry\n \nIf you want me to smile\nI'll smile\n \nIf you want me to role, I'll role\n \nI'm nervous, I'm nervous\nWhat are you?\n \nAre you that great?\n \nWhy do you make fun of me?\nNow stop hol' up hol' up\n \nHold tight on to me\nBefore I jump on you\nBefore my heart let you go\n0:03:24.171,1193:02:47.295\n \nSay what you want\nSay what you want\n \nWhat do you really want\n \nHold tight on to me\nBefore I jump on you\n \nBefore my heart let you go\n \nSay what you want\nSay what you want\n \nWhat do you really want\n \nI want to be your love\n \nWhy don't you know my\nHeart towards you\n \nEven if you act as if you don't\nKnow me, I can't push you away\n \nI want to be your love\nI'll become your man, just wait\n \nI'll run to you know\nSo my heart can get to you\n \nHold tight on to me\nBefore I jump on you\nBefore my heart let you go\n \n \n \nSay what you want\nSay what you want\n \nWhat do you really want\n \nHold tight on to me\nBefore I jump on you\n \nBefore my heart let you go\n \nSay what you want\nSay what you want\n \nWhat do you really want\n \n": 2, "They have had a good vision again\nDon't be shy now\nI've already seen you dancing hard.\nThey have had a good vision again\ndon't be shy now\nI've already seen you dancing hard.\nThey have had a good vision again\ndon't be shy now\nI've already seen you dancing hard.\nI greet you all\nI first want to acknowledge the first people who walked this land\nthey were given this land\nthey are known as the Sarcee Nation\nthey are part of the Treaty 7 territory\nthere have been people here for a long time.\nThe Creator had given them everything,\nlanguage, dance, and song.\nGreetings\nI would like to first acknowledge\nthe Tribe, whose land we are on\nhere, in this place where many gather\nthe pow wow arbor\nthe \"Beaver Dome\"\non the Tsuut'ina Nation, in Southern Alberta, Treaty 7 territory\na long time ago, there were people here\nthey were given language\nthey too, had dances\nand with that dance\nmusic\nmusic\nall music, speaks to everyone\nacknowledging Tiny Desk for allowing us to share\nour music, with everyone on Mother Earth\nGrandmother come dance for us\ncome bless us with good health\nGrandmother come dance for us\ncome bless us with good health\nGrandmother come dance for us\ncome bless us with good health\nDance, get low, and tell your story.\nDance, get low, and tell your story.\nDance, get low, and tell your story.\nDance, get low, and tell your story.\nDance, get low, and tell your story.\n": 3, "yes it is workout number eight of the\u00a0\nelevated audio hybrid boxing workouts\u00a0\u00a0\nhere on nate bower elevated or youtube\u00a0\nmemberships crush the combinations\u00a0\u00a0\nuse the variety to your advantage you can pick\u00a0\nup these combos much faster you can float a lot\u00a0\u00a0\neasier and of course enjoy it along the\u00a0\nway work these combinations on the heavy\u00a0bag\u00a0\nor shadow boxing add in more punches\u00a0\nwhen you can and of course move your head\u00a0\u00a0\nmove around and let's get it done and work out\u00a0\nnumber eight your warm-up is coming up right now\nall right let's go let's work the one one\u00a0\njab jab three minutes for your warm up jab\u00a0\u00a0\njab now i want you to move a little bit more\u00a0\nand workout number two jab jab it's an easy\u00a0\u00a0\nwarm-up so flow with the combinations\u00a0\ndouble jab one one add the cross now one\u00a0\u00a0\none two add in ducts and slips movement\u00a0\none one two catches some slips one one two\none one two now let's add in the lead\u00a0\nhook to that combination one one two three\none one two three\none one two three\none one two three good now step left one\u00a0\nstep right two step left one step right two\u00a0\u00a0\nstep left two duck and step right one step left\u00a0\none dock right with a step two step left one\u00a0\u00a0\ndock right with a step two let's work\u00a0\nyour uppercuts five six movement five six\u00a0\u00a0\nmovement five six move five six move around let's\u00a0\nswitch it up six five duck left six five duck left\u00a0\u00a0\nrear uppercut lead uppercut duck left two punch\u00a0\ncombos one two one two cross jab two one cross\u00a0\u00a0\njab two one one minute in your warm up cross\u00a0\njab two one three four lead hook rear hook\u00a0\u00a0\nthree four don't stand still that's it hands\u00a0\nback to the stack three four three four five six\u00a0\u00a0\nfive six slip right slip left five six slip\u00a0\nslip five six slip slip five six slip slip\u00a0\u00a0\nduck right two duck left one duck right two\u00a0\nduck left one dock right two duck left one\u00a0\u00a0\none two three four five six one two three four\u00a0\nfive six slip left slip right dock left dock right\u00a0\u00a0\nslip left slip right duck left duck right\u00a0\ngreat job guys warm up is over 30 seconds\nall right let's go round\u00a0\nnumber one you're gonna step\u00a0\u00a0\nin and we're gonna work two and three\u00a0\npunch combinations so you're always step\u00a0\u00a0\nfrom stepping forward and remember you\u00a0\nwant to step back get back into position\u00a0\u00a0\nso you're mimicking moving throwing and getting\u00a0\nback into position with balance three two one\u00a0\u00a0\nstep in two three remember step in step back\u00a0\nafter or change positions step in two three\nstep in two three\nstep in one two step in one two change\u00a0\nposition step back pivot duck step in one two\nstep in one two step back one two three step\u00a0\nin one two step back jab cross lead hook\u00a0\u00a0\nstep in one two step back one two three\nstep in one two step back one two\u00a0\nthree great job step in double jab move\u00a0\u00a0\nstep in double jab move now you step\u00a0\nin before you throw the combination\u00a0\u00a0\nassume you're always stepping in double\u00a0\njab one one move double jab one one move\u00a0\u00a0\none one two add a duck one one two\u00a0\nduck right step in on the one one two\u00a0\u00a0\none one two duck right two and three punch\u00a0\ncombos one one two duck right one one two\u00a0\u00a0\none one two dot right one one two\u00a0\nstep in on both those combinations\u00a0\u00a0\nclose the distance one one two dot right one one\u00a0\ntwo great pivot one one two dot right one one two\ntwo five duck left two five duck left step in\u00a0\non that cross lead uppercut two five duck left\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo five dock left two one two\u00a0\ntwo five dock left two one two\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo five dock left two one two time to elevate\u00a0\nstep in on every combination one one two\none one two one one two one one two you gotta move\u00a0\nafter one one two dot right two three two one one\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo dot right two three two keep moving back\u00a0\nin position one one two dot right two three two\nfive two three two five two three two five two\u00a0\nthree two three two three five two three two three\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo three five two three two three two three five\u00a0\ntwo three two three two three one two one two one\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo one two five seconds one two one two one two\u00a0\none two and time now that's what i'm talking about\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's what you can expect for workout number\u00a0\nthree 30 seconds we'll get into round number two\nall right here we go he": 4, "- Hello, my friend.\nHas your heart been broken so many times\nthat it wants to give up?\nAre your arteries clogged\nlike a dirty sewer pipe?\nIf you are worried about\ncoronary heart disease,\nI'm gonna show you how to prevent it.\nOur friend Csilla also asked\nfor a Natural Method for this.\nImagine how relaxed you will feel\nonce you get rid of the symptoms.\nLet's get to work.\nWith both fingers, massage\nyour heart up and down,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive.\nMassage sideway, one,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nmassage strong enough so\nthat you feel the friction,\nfour, five.\nLift your left arm up and\nmassage your armpit up and down,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive.\nRight arm up and left hands\nmassage your armpit up and down,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive.\nRight fingers on your\nheart and left arms up\nand breathe into your nose, stretch back,\nand breathe out through\nyour mouth, (exhales) one,\n(exhales) two,\n(exhales) three,\n(exhales) four,\nmake sure you stretch\nto the tension point,\n(exhales) one,\n(exhales) two,\n(exhales) three,\n(exhales) four,\n(exhales) five.\n(exhales) Right hands up\nand left fingers in the\nmiddle of your heart\nand breathe in and breathe\nout, (exhales) one,\n(exhales) two,\n(exhales) three,\n(exhales) four,\nbreathe in through your nose,\nyour chest will expand if\nyou are doing it properly,\n(exhales) three,\n(exhales) four,\n(exhales) five.\n(exhales) Left finger,\nmassage your right neck down,\none, two, three, four, five,\none, two, three, four, five.\nRight fingers, massage your neck downward,\none, two, three, four, five,\none, two, three, four, five.\nBoth fingers, massage\nthe back of your neck,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive,\none,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive.\nBoth hands up and shake it up and down,\none, two, three, four, five,\none, two, three, four, five.\nLeft hand onto your heart\nand breathe into your nose\nand breathe out through\nyour mouth. (exhales)\nOne, (inhales and exhales)\nbreathe in through your nose,\nyour chest will expand if\nyou are doing it properly,\n(exhales) five. (inhales and exhales)\nClose your eyes and breathe into your nose\nand breathe out through\nyour mouth, (exhales) one,\n(inhales and exhales) two,\n(inhales and exhales) focus\nonly on your breathing,\n(exhales) five.\n(inhales and exhales)\nHold it for five second,\none, two, three, four, five,\ngently open your eyes\nand drop your hands down.\n": 3, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more (Kio, Kio)\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nHat down, cross town, livin' like a rock star\nSpent a lot of money on my brand new guitar\nBaby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras\nRidin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car\nGot no stress, I've been through all that\nI'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back\nWish I could roll on back to that old town road\nI wanna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "The atomic radius and its trends in\u00a0\nthe periodic table are presented in\u00a0\u00a0\na beautiful animated way in this video.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis video covers very basic explanation of atomic\u00a0\nradius for the level of Secondary School students.\u00a0\u00a0\nLet\u2019s start with a radius of a simple circular\u00a0\nshape. The radius of a circle is the distance from\u00a0\u00a0\nthe mid-point to the outer boundary of the circle.\u00a0\nIt is normally represented by small alphabet r.\u00a0\u00a0\nAs we know that atoms are very small and do not\u00a0\nhave defined boundaries that fix their size.\u00a0\u00a0\nActual atom does not have exact circular shape,\u00a0\nbecause electrons move in various wavy patterns,\u00a0\u00a0\nas shown in the diagram. Hence, it is not possible\u00a0\nto measure the radius of an atom just like the\u00a0\u00a0\nradius of a circle. The detail about the shape of\u00a0\nexact atom will be covered in our later videos.\u00a0\u00a0\nHowever, for educational purposes\u00a0\nfrom now onward the shape of the atom,\u00a0\u00a0\nis approximated as 2D circular\u00a0\nshape as shown in the diagram.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe atoms of carbon are bonded\u00a0\ntogether, to form element of carbon.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe elemental form of carbon, is\u00a0\nhexagonal, as shown in the diagram.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe standard way to find the atomic radius is to\u00a0\nhalf the distance between the nuclei of the two\u00a0\u00a0\nbonded atoms. For example, the distance between\u00a0\nthe nuclei of two carbon atoms is 154 picometer.\u00a0\u00a0\nHence, the half of this distance is the\u00a0\natomic radius of carbon which is 77 picometer.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe atomic radius is also\u00a0\nreferred as the atomic size.\u00a0\u00a0\nIn order to understand the trends of\u00a0\nthe atomic radius in the periodic table,\u00a0\u00a0\nlet\u2019s discuss the first element of\u00a0\nthe periodic table that is Hydrogen.\u00a0\u00a0\nHydrogen takes place in the first period and\u00a0\nin the first group of the periodic table.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe atomic number of Hydrogen is one which means\u00a0\nit has one proton in its nucleus, and therefore,\u00a0\u00a0\nonly one electron resides around the nucleus.\u00a0\nFor accommodating the single electron, only one\u00a0\u00a0\nshell is required. The only shell is the outermost\u00a0\nshell. The outermost shell is also called valence\u00a0\u00a0\nshell. And there is only one electron in the\u00a0\nvalence shell which is also called valence\u00a0\u00a0\nelectron. One proton in the nucleus will attract\u00a0\nthe only valence electron. Hence, the force of\u00a0\u00a0\none proton is the force of nucleus in Hydrogen.\u00a0\nThe force of nucleus on the valence electron is\u00a0\u00a0\nalso called nuclear charge. The nuclear charge is\u00a0\nshown by the purple arrow throughout this video.\u00a0\u00a0\nHalf of the distance between two bonded\u00a0\nHydrogen atoms, is 53 picometers,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich is the atomic radius of Hydrogen.\u00a0\nNext Let\u2019s take the example of Lithium.\u00a0\u00a0\nLithium takes the position in the first group,\u00a0\nand in the second period of the periodic table.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe atomic number of Lithium is three, which\u00a0\nmeans it has three protons in its nucleus,\u00a0\u00a0\nand therefore, three electrons reside around\u00a0\nthe nucleus. For accommodating three electrons,\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo shells are required. Two electrons will\u00a0\nreside in the first shell, while one electron\u00a0\u00a0\nwill reside in the second shell. The second shell\u00a0\nin this case is the valence shell, and the only\u00a0\u00a0\nelectron in the valence shell is the valence\u00a0\nelectron. In Lithium, since there are three\u00a0\u00a0\nprotons in the nucleus, so nuclear charge will\u00a0\nbe increased due to the addition of more protons.\u00a0\u00a0\nHence, nuclear charge in Lithium is more as\u00a0\ncompared to the nuclear charge in Hydrogen.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe higher nuclear charge are shown by relatively\u00a0\nlonger purple arrows. Another point to be focused\u00a0\u00a0\nin Lithium is that there are two inner electrons,\u00a0\nwhich are present between the valence electron\u00a0\u00a0\nand the nucleus. These inner electrons reduce\u00a0\nthe nuclear charge on the valence electron.\u00a0\u00a0\nAs a result, valence electron experiences less\u00a0\nnuclear charge than the actual nuclear charge.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe less nuclear charge is called effective\u00a0\nnuclear charge. The effective nuclear charge\u00a0\u00a0\nis shown by green arrows throughout this video.\u00a0\nThe effective nuclear charge in Lithium pulls\u00a0\u00a0\ndown or contracts, the valence or outermost\u00a0\nshell, towards the nucleus to some extent.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe contracted radius of the Lithium is\u00a0\n152 picometers, as shown in the figure.\u00a0\u00a0\nNext let\u2019s take the examp": 4, "Oh hey\nWhat's up? \nHey\nOh hey didn't see you there\nWhat's going on?\nOh nothing just hanging\nLooks like you've got some new armour and\nyou're trying to show it off to everyone\nOh this old thing oh I forgot I was wearing it\nWhy you jealous?\nI am not jealous\nOh I think you're jealous\nNo no no\nYou're definitely jealous\nI am not jealous in fact I think this entire\nthing is a little bit stupid\nYou think this is stupid?\nHahahaha\nYes I do and infact I think there is no one\nelse in the entirety of Azerim who thinks-\nWhat are you doing on my corner peasant?!\nWho the hell are you peasant?!\nThat's my corner peasant\nWhere did you get that armour peasant?\nOh this old thing no where special just cleansing\nthe furthest reaches of the dark lands peasant\nOh please you're no match for me peasant\nOh aren't I?\npeasant?\nWhere did you learn that move peasant?\nFrom a master much greater than your own peasant\nWell what's this then peasant?\nWell what's this then peasant?\nWell what's this then peasant?\nWell what's this then peasant?\nWell what's this then peasant?\nWell what's this then peasant?\nOkay I'm just gonna get back to questing\nI'm gonna go this is so stupid literally no\none cares okay\nWell what's this then peasant?\n": 2, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question Number eleven of our calculus Review.\nChristopher Carbone: Consider the curve F of Apps is equal to X minus X cubed. The first one to find the slope of the tangent line to the curve at the point. One time a zero find the equation of the tangent line and put A, and then graph the curve and said, tangent on.\nChristopher Carbone: So in order for us to do this\nChristopher Carbone: for us to find the slope of the tangent line right we have. Our function\nChristopher Carbone: of X is equal to X minus X cubed,\nChristopher Carbone: and a point P.\nChristopher Carbone: That one comma zero.\nChristopher Carbone: So that means our slope of this line is going to be the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: X approaches one of our function F of X, minus the y value from a point P. Zero, divided by\nChristopher Carbone: whatever X is minus the X value from P, which is one.\nChristopher Carbone: So in our case, then, this is equal to the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: As X approaches one\nChristopher Carbone: we could we place this\nChristopher Carbone: F. Of X in the numerator with the function X minus X cubed?\nChristopher Carbone: We could just drop the minus zero, because that's zero divided by X minus one.\nChristopher Carbone: But we can factor this numerator a bit.\nChristopher Carbone: This is equal to this. This is equal to the limit. As X approaches, one of this would be X. Times. X. Excuse me, x Times. The\nChristopher Carbone: this will be one minus X squared, divided by X minus one.\nChristopher Carbone: That is the limit. As X approaches one,\nChristopher Carbone: the one minus X squared also factors. This would be X times one minus x times, the\nChristopher Carbone: one plus x,\nChristopher Carbone: all divided by x, minus one\nChristopher Carbone: Well, stuff does cancel here right? It's very important to know that x one can be rewritten,\nChristopher Carbone: can be. We've been slightly\nChristopher Carbone: aye, as\nChristopher Carbone: this would be\nChristopher Carbone: negative.\nChristopher Carbone: Um.\nChristopher Carbone: This would be negative,\nChristopher Carbone: one\nChristopher Carbone: minus x,\nChristopher Carbone: which would then allow us then, to be able to cancel stuff out in that fact. So let me just rewrite that denominator. Just so we can quickly and easily see the cancellation as\nChristopher Carbone: so limit as X approaches one\nChristopher Carbone: of x times, one minus x times one plus x, all divided by rewriting the X one as negative, one minus x.\nChristopher Carbone: So now we can see\nChristopher Carbone: that we could cancel out the one minus X,\nChristopher Carbone: and that would leave us with the limit.\nChristopher Carbone: X approaches. One of this would be\nChristopher Carbone: negative. X\nChristopher Carbone: times one plus x.\nChristopher Carbone: Well, there was absolutely no reason why one can't be putting it for X here.\nChristopher Carbone: This would make I'm substituting in the one negative one times one plus one.\nChristopher Carbone: So in this case it gives us a value of negative two\nChristopher Carbone: for that slope of the tangent on to the curve at the point One comma zero the\nChristopher Carbone: ah for put B,\nChristopher Carbone: but Part B. And I need a bit more of them for this. We want the equation of the tangent line that we just found the slope for in part A.\nChristopher Carbone: So that would be based on Why, since it's based on this point, one comma zero. This would be f of one\nChristopher Carbone: as you go through it\nChristopher Carbone: the derivative that we just found\nChristopher Carbone: F. Prime of one times x minus one.\nChristopher Carbone: So in our case, filling the stuff in y minus zero is equal to negative two times x minus one,\nChristopher Carbone: so distributing in that negative two. This to this P. Y is equal to negative twox plus two,\nChristopher Carbone: and then for part, c. They want to grab graph the curve, and it's tangent on.\nChristopher Carbone: So just so we could see that specifically. Let me\nChristopher Carbone: this open here into Desmos, ": 4, "hello everyone I hope you're fine I'm going great\nwe meet again for a new video on Fortnite\nso I'll show you my locker\nI am only bearing 78\n \nso I'm going to have Madame flamenco pumpkin and lican later\nso I'm going to have Madame flamenco pumpkin and lican later\nit stays 24 days so it's okay\n \n \nwe will start with the dances\n \nboogie down that we earned by protecting our account, groovy\n \nthe robot, the dab and hype\n \nbest friends and basic dances\nthat's my favorite\n \nhere for my dances\n \n \ndrag does not matter\n \nI just have that I will put the flames\n \ngliders there I have a little more\nthe conqueror the splasher\nthe intrepid, the turboplaner\n \nthe trolley trash the candy\n \nthe magic glider the cilindr\u00e9 the picnic\n \nthe greens are not beautiful except the following 2\nthis one is rather rare\n \n \n \nbla bla bla\n \n \n \n \nI also have all the umbrellas of the top 1\n \n \n \n \nI also have all the umbrellas of the top 1\nI also have all the umbrellas of the top 1\nI also have all the umbrellas of the top 1\n \nthen as a collection tool\ndouble function my favorite\ntapping, the basic pick\nhew permafrost\nrupture, balloon, cross-key\n \nteeth of coy, megasucette\n \ncrowbar, zephir\nadjuster, control dj\n \n \nglowing ax and positron, I will put the haircut\nin backpack I have riot shield, exomodule\nin backpack I have riot shield, exomodule\nicy shroud, support system\nwing of the sunset, astromodule\nwaveform, nonoss\n \n \nhard-boiled egg, radiotransmitter\nlittle k\u00e9vin, the rear guard\nrainbow buoy, red cape\nbig eyes, sugar reserve, pile of rust\nbig eyes, sugar reserve, pile of rust\nand other bag void\nhere for my backpacks\nand of course the most important skins\ncalamity maximum level\ncarburo level max\nexecutor, the reaper\nthe visitor, the nomad\n \nomega I do not have lights\n \n \n \nraganarok maximum level\nvalora, the black astronaut\nvalora, the black astronaut\n \n \nelite agent, the rabbit\n \nthe chaperon, head of section\ndj lama, graffiti artist\nred line, pestle hammer, king of rust\nred line, pestle hammer, king of rust\nrescuer, secretary of war\nHuntress, twilight\nlunar explorer, proud steed\nthe astronaut, the falcon and zoey\nthe one I put is\nomega level 0\nor the reaper\nand in a backpack I put the hard egg\nand in a backpack I put the hard egg\nand in a backpack I put the hard egg\n \nI hope you enjoyed this video\nsubscribe likez\nand comment\n \n": 1, "[English] I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz and everything that she believed in.\n[Castilian Spanish] Rose quartz is my inspiration. I will fight for her legacy.\n[European Portuguese] I will fight on behalf of Rose Quartz and everything she believed.\n[French] I would fight on behalf of Rose Quartz. And all those in what she believed.\n[Italian] I will fight for whatever idea her believed in Rose Quartz.\n[Romanian]I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz and everything that she believed in!\n[Hungarian] Yes we believe in Rose Quartz if you are interested in fighting back.\n[Dutch] And I fight in the name of my Rose and everything that she believed in.\n[Swedish] I will fight in Rose Quartz name. And everything that she believed in.\n[Norwegian] I will fight in Rose Quartz name. And everything that she was and stood for.\n[Danish] I will fight for Rosa Quartz' name, husband and son and everything she stood for.\n[Polish] I'll fight in the name of Rose and the values she professed.\n[Indonesian] I fight in the name of Rose Quartz, and everything she believed in.\n[Malay] Will fight for Rose Quartz, and everything that she believed in.\n[Taiwanese Chinese] Rose Stone led the way for all of her efforts to guard the faith.\n": 0, "Hello and welcome to the Graphics Way\u00a0\nchannel our tutorial for today is:\u00a0\u00a0\nHow to create a beautiful logo using\u00a0\npolygon and Shape Builder Tool only,\u00a0\u00a0\nBefore begin don't forget to\u00a0\nsubscribe to our channel let's start:\nselect polygon tool make a polygon\u00a0\u00a0\nmake a copy by pressing alt key click and drag\nmake six of the polygons\nselect all and group them\ncopy them and paste in front you can do that\u00a0\neasily by pressing control and c then control\u00a0\u00a0\nand f now select direct selection tool click\u00a0\nand drag to change the polygons to circles\nnow select the pen tool close the spaces\nnow select the shape builder tool\u00a0\npress alt click and drag to remove\u00a0\u00a0\nthe corners and keep only the curves as you see\nnow follow these steps carefully we should make\u00a0\nsix shapes inside this shape the shape number one\u00a0\u00a0\nthe shape number two\nthe shape number three\nthe shape number four\u00a0\u00a0\nthe shape number five\u00a0\u00a0\nthe shape number six\nnow select all and ungroup\nrotate it to 90 degrees\u00a0\u00a0\nnow let's add the colors\nnow the logo look very nice thank you for watching\u00a0\nplease don't forget to subscribe like and share\n": 3, "Hey guys, how are you doing today?\nI see you've got some people in the chat already.\nYou've got Mr. Epos, oh, and you've got two donations from Mike as with two roses, oh,\nthank you very much.\nI love roses.\nDo you know that we had anniversary a week ago and I didn't got any roses?\nHm.\nAt least I've got some from Mike.\nAnd thank you for joining the membership, Brian Hinoski, welcome on the board.\nAnd I should say hi to Louis Simons, oh, okay, it's supposed to be quite a rookie mistake.\nSo, hi Louis Simons and Jeff Downshand, yeah, Brian is back, Mr. Epos, nice to have you\nguys.\nWe're gonna go hunting for players, we're gonna play nuclear winter today, it's PVP stream,\nsunny streams are PVP.\nHi, Katherine Craig and Martin Peters and Isra Katya, better son, hi guys.\nOkay, I think I should start my game, mmm, let me see, oh hi, Altmer and Countryboy,\nand sexy hand games with $5, no dollars, Canadian money donation, that would pineapple\nmeets today, a mental devil today, it's that pineapple, oh, I've got ginger, Jacob, yeah,\nI'm doing well ginger, how about you, are you doing well?\nLet's see, if that works, we've got a sound, that's a good sign, and I will quickly put\nmyself into the corner.\nOh, there it is, that's better, hi James Goodhall, how are you, okay, let me see, of course I'm\non the wrong character, so guys, who's joining me for nuclear winter today, do you have any\nbrave people in there, devil pineapple, okay, that's you sweet, I've got some people in\nthe mail, oops, I've got some people in here, but I don't know if they're watching the stream\nand if they want to play nuclear winter, also let me see if I'll just, oh, there's a lot\nof friend invites, let's get you guys up and running, let me see, oh, that's, there's a lot\nof you guys, I'm trying my best, is that all or not yet, oh no, not yet, keep scrolling\nand keep scrolling, how many of you is there, like seriously, we can tune in for an hour\nbefore I will finish accepting, it's, I saw some more, yeah, it's cross, cross, cross,\ncrown, there's someone, is that all, no, maybe now it's all, oh, almost, I hope I did\nhope i didn't miss another one of course i missed someone\nwhy i even said that\nkeep scrolling means you keep scrolling\nthat's such an interesting stream accepting spending\nkeep scrolling keep scrolling\ni think i've done it okay\nyou can always ask me no star darmals i'm always accepting all the\nbrand invites as you can see there's lots of friends in my list so that's fine\ni will keep accepting whenever i can\nand now let's go to people in the main menu\nand see who's willing to play\ni one two three\ni see that ah this friend list i can't see any more invites for now\noh okay let's pop it up\nokay do i have my team yet yeah okay i've got a team guys\nplease let's take them in before they will run away\nthat's usually what happens when you're inviting strange people from your\nfriend list that you don't know and they're saying nuclear winter they're literally\ndropping the team immediately\nhi vern and stevenself\nwhere's my team hi team oh there they are\noh look star darmals what i come in my members welcome to my members nice having you\num are you guys in the discord that you're not talking to me\ni'm in the discord but i'm on the uh i'm muted in the discord okay yeah it's better to stay\nin game voice so at least everyone can hear our conversation that only one part of it\nright only you right yeah because if i'm talking through the discord to you they can hear me of\ncourse but they can't hear you guys so it's like one way talk without any contest okay so we lost\none person from our team\nwhat build are you running wiggle runner uh commando commando ochidok do we have an\nhacker or piklock in our team uh i do not i have scrounger\nokay though how about the rest will you talk to us guys\ni guess sorry about the yeah i'm trying one nukes but i can play one\num where do you want to go uh i'm i'm comfortable if i've replaced so go ahead\noh i was thinking about airport but okay airport's fine i don't know do we have hacker for the\nairport not do you because i don't have a hacker": 2, "In this segment we will talk about some theorems\nof eigenvalues and eigenvectors so the second\ntheorem right here saying that if lambda=0\nis an eigenvalue \nof a nxn [A] matrix, then [A] is noninvertible\nso if you find out that one of the eigenvalues\nof the [A] matrix of a square matrix turns\nout to be zero just one then the [A] matrix\nis noninvertible which is the same as saying\n(singular) which is the same as saying its\ninverse doesn t exist and so on and so forth\nso that s what it is telling you so for example\nif somebody says that hey this is my matrix\ngiven to me [A]=5, 6, 2, 3, 5, 9, 2, 1, -7\nfor this particular matrix if you go through\nthe process of finding the eigenvalues you\nwill find that lambda=0 is an eigenvalue youll\nfind one of the eigenvalues is zero so what\ndoes that mean that means that [A] inverse\ndoes not exist that means that [A] inverse\ndoes not exist or it means that [A] is not\ninvertible it means [A] is singular it also\nmeans that the det(A)=0 because if [A] inverse\ndoes not exist then we know that for a square\nmatrix the det of that matrix has to be equal\nto zero that s the end of this segment\n": 3, "take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nI got the horses in the back\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my baby\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' and boobies\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nDream Player\n": 1, "Albert Einstein: Time is an illusion.\nAlbert Einstein: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.\nAlbert Einstein: Any fool can know. The point is to understand.\nAlbert Einstein: Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.\nAlbert Einstein: I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.\nAlbert Einstein: Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.\nAlbert Einstein: Student is not a container you have to fill but a torch you have to light up.\nAlbert Einstein: When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again.\nAlbert Einstein: A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.\nAlbert Einstein: Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.\nAlbert Einstein: I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.\nAlbert Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.\nAlbert Einstein: If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.\nAlbert Einstein: The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.\nAlbert Einstein: In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.\nAlbert Einstein: Never memorize something that you can look up.\nAlbert Einstein: The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.\nAlbert Einstein: Creativity is intelligence having fun.\nAlbert Einstein: I'd rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right.\nAlbert Einstein: You never fail until you stop trying.\nAlbert Einstein: Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.\nAlbert Einstein: Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.\nAlbert Einstein: If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.\nAlbert Einstein: Black holes are where God divided by zero.\nAlbert Einstein: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.\nAlbert Einstein: Nothing happens until something moves.\nAlbert Einstein: Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.\nAlbert Einstein: Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.\nAlbert Einstein: I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.\nAlbert Einstein: Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.\nAlbert Einstein: The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.\nAlbert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.\n": 4, "Last chance to make believe in... always and\nall it seems\nTrain wrecks hide underneath your umbrella\nAccept a frame destiny and on... first name soliloquy\nTired... symphonies... play down on\nLet me give the world to you, my love...\nLet me give the world to you, my love\nLet me show you what I'm thinking of...\nLet me give the world to you my love.\nAnd I wouldn't change a thing no ohhh no...\nNo, I wouldn't change a... thing about the way you are\nThe distance here to speak so far... \nSo far...\nLovers with dead excuse\nBlur the line with soul abuse\nLonesome hearts just have no use...\n Right here\nNew skin will holds you in\nBut the old skin turns us on\nFlicker-fade but not trade down to end...\nLet me give the world to you, my love\nLet me give the world to you, my love\nTimes are hard and we're the last in line...\nIn my grief, I've forgotten what was mine...\nAnd I wouldn't change a thing no ohhh no...\nNo, I wouldn't change a... thing about the way you are\nThe distance here to speak so far... \nSo far...\nLet me give the world to you, my love...\nLet me give the world to you, my love...\nLet me give the world to you, my love...\nLet me give the world to you, my love\nLet me give the world to you, my love...\nLet me give the world to you...\nLet me give the world to you...\nLet me give the world to you...\nLet me give the world to you... (Let me give the world to you...)\nLet me give the world to you...\nLet me give the world to you...\n": 1, "Tell me you love me,\ntell me you love me\nLike I want you to\nTell me you love me\ntell me you love me\nGirl\n Girl\nGirl \nI love you so hard now, I'm cryin' for you\nDon't make me lose my pride\nI want to come inside\nAnd grab a hold of you,\nAnd grab a hold of you,\nTell me you love me\ntell me you love me\nLike I want you to\nTell me you love me\ntell me you love me\nNow... now... now...\nI want to feel it, give me your love now\nDon't make me steal it\ndon't make me steal it\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nLike I want you to\nTell me you love me\nTell me you love me\nGirl... girl... girl...\nI love you so hard now, I'm cryin' for you\nBurnin' with fire\n I've gotta hot desire\n'Cause I gotta make love with you,\nBaby\u2026\n'Cause I gotta make love with you\nTell me you love me\nlike I want you to\nTell me you love me\nlike I want you to\nTell me you love me\nlike I want you to\n": 1, "Welcome to the Polytechnic \nUniversity of the Philippines. \nOkay, good morning again \neveryone. May you request that \nyou rename yourselves by \nindicating your affiliation. If \nyou are from PUP, if you're \nPUP, from another branch, or \nyou're a student, please \nindicate your course. \nAs well as our ah friends ah \nwho are joining \nthe GS Reyes awareness of the \nResearch Ethics and Review. \nThis is the continuations of \nthe discussions on introduction \nof the discussion \nform and the endorsement \ntogether with the format of the \ncertifications for ethics \nclearance. \nvalidated, your answer would be \nvalidated by the committee. So \nif you answer for example, in \nthis question, are the criteria \nfor terminations of the trial \ndetail \nregarding ethical concern. I \nwill notify the GS Rec within 1 \nweek regarding ah any \nsignificant unexpected problems \nand or unexpected adverse \nevents that impact my human \nparticipation ah participant \nsorry. And then we have the \nlast is all \nin Research and Ethical \nBehavior towards human \nparticipants. Any individual \nResearch and Extension Office \nof the Indian technical and \nEconomic Cooperation Fellowship \nfor the International \nCertificate Training Program in \nBusiness Research Methods and \nData Analysis at the \nEntrepreneurship Development \nInstitute of India Amedabad, \nIndia. He finished his \nBachelors in Human technology \nand master of arts in \npsychology Degrees from the \nPolytechnic University of the \nPhilippines. So talagang \nproducto na si tampa aralan. \nDoctor Jose is \nPhilippines. And he has served \nas president of the Philippine \nEducators Network for Training \nResearch \nat the Department of \nPsychology, College of Social \nSciences and \ncan join me, no, this is some \nsort of a workshop also, I \ncould send you a, link to the \nJammovi, because Jomovi is a \nfree software \nmeasures of tendency, measures \nof variability, ah simple \ncorrelations, these are \nexamples of descriptive \nstatistics. They are used to ah \ndescribe ah the profile or \ndescribe ah the characteristics \nof the population. And then we \nhave the inferential \nstatistics. These are \nprocedures that allow the \ndrawing of conclusions and \ngeneralization. About \nscale of measurement. The other \none is ratio. Ratio has a \ncharacteristics of a true zero \npoint. Okay? It's a fixed zero \ncharacteristics. And you can \nactually describe objects or or \nthe measurement using zero as a \nreference point. So an example \nlang ratio scale ay yung mga \npinataog natin na crime rates. \nPastors in the board exams. \nOkay. Ano pa ba? Ah bacteria \nand specimen. Okay so these are \nexamples of gracious scale. So \nwhen you talk about ah \nproperties of measurement, you \nwould see that the nominal \nscale ah is limited in \nproceed, let's say by the DEM, \nDPA, and the DPA students. So \nthis is another case \nare either quarterly bed or\nare either quarterly bed or\nmarch or bear, not for coming\nmarch or bear, not for coming \nfrom the same sample.\ne. So maybe they'll have one \nclass in\nSo maybe they'll have one class \nin and out.\nuilt on the same side\nuilt on the same subjects are\nrepeated measurement and example\nrepeated measurement and\nexample the complete test and \npost test.\nSo, complete test scores\ncomplete test scores equal \ncompare.\nar some\nar, suppose this course I'm good\nar, suppose this course I'm\naling relevance course the young\nlike neon sign Stan.\ngroup\ngrupo river\nthe bar.\nBut there are also cases\nBut there are also cases when.\nyou're\ncomparing.\nour two.\ntwo groups of individuals\ntwo groups of individuals, but\nthese two groups of individuals\nare not totally in depth\nare not totally independent.\nsee like\nto like really bad or\nto like really bad or Silla a \nbeer\nlike really bad or Silla a\nbeard.\nOkay, so for instance.\ndifference in\ndifference in the marital\nsatisfaction between husbands \nand\nsatisfaction between husbands\nand wives, meaning to say for\nevery husband membership\nevery husband membership data\npartner wife now make\npath, no wife no makeup compare \nyour.\ne your marital satisfaction and \nnow\nyour marital satisfaction you \nnow.\n": 2, "Careful of the Enderman he's\nBlack\nHe will get angry if you look at him and\nattack you\nHe's black & he'll steal\nhe'll rob your blocks\nHe cannot swim\ncannot swim at all\nI'm in the deep deep basement of\nmom's house\nmining til I get to the next\nlevel\nI just gotta build something big\nbigger than me & I'll be\ncrafting in the basement all night\nMinecraft won't add inches to your cock\nSo mine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nBuild it higher\nSo mine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nto the sky\nThis is Minecraft\nThis is Minecraft\nZombies & creepers & the\nspiders\n& the skeletons that carry bows &\narrows\nI just gotta build a building\nthat'll keep em from me\nbc the netherworld's the only thing that waits for me\nI'm always living in a lego land in\ninvented\nby a Swedish viking lookin\nfat kid\nGotta keep on building and survive vive vive\n& then maybe somebody will have sex with me\nMinecraft won't add inches to your cock\n So mine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nBuild it higher\nSo mine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nto the sky\nThis is Minecraft\nThis is Minecraft\nDamn enderman man enderman stealin shit\nDamn enderman man enderman stealin shit\nMinecraft won't add inches to your cock\nMinecraft won't add inches to your cock\nSo mine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nBuild it higher\nSo mine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nMine it up up up\nto the sky\nThis is Minecraft\nThis is Minecraft\n": 1, "Say Happy Birthday, come on\nyou can do it, it is Pamela Freud's birthday\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nI hope you get to enjoy all your favorite things\nHappy Birthday to my friend Pamela Freud\nWishing you a very happy birthday\nfrom the tip of my tail\nto the end of my nose\nand may all your dreams come true\nBreaking News: It is Pamela Freud's birthday again!\nHow is that even possible?\nDidn't we just celebrate this last year?\nStay tuned for a rundown on all the\nbirthday party festivities\nHappy Birthday my friend Pamela Freud!\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nCan you help me find Pamela Freud's party?\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nHappy Birthday Pamela Freud\nWait... What?\nYou can talk?\nPlease subscribe to our YouTube channel\nLike this video and leave a comment.\nMaybe tell me something special\nabout your dogs.\nNow, let's get Pamela Freud's party started!\n[Music]\n": 3, "Tanja: It's 7 o'clock in the morning, welcome to our Berlin vlog\nStefan: Did you understand the point of that story? \"Listen to what others (I) say for you.\"\nTanja: And Bubo? Did you understand? \nBuba: The problem is that\nBuba: that I don't listen to what others say to me.\nStefan: Well, you see, you didn't understand - he says\nStefan: listen to what others (I) say to you\nStefan: He says that, so he ... \nBuba: So he is the one who says\nStefan: That's right! So what do others - now I think\nStefan: and you need it, smart people say, old people\nStefan: I SAY! So listen to me, my friend\nBuba: This is the show program\n Tanja: And Stefan, what is the explanation of \"Utepala prostinja\"?\nStefan: That means that ...\nStefan: it's not the rain that beats\nStefan: it's the people who are beaten\nStefan: who are simple.\nStefan: So they ... we as humans are\nStefan: weak individuals, that's what that means. And yes ...\nStefan: Usually we are not prepared for many things in life. And then something beats you up!\nStefan: Like now - look! \nBuba: I'm not going there!\nStefan: (sings) beats the sheet beats beats ..\nStefan: Beat, beat, beat! Let's light the fog lights to see us better!\nTanja: It's not a good weather for us in Berlin, but my God, what now.\nTanja: That won't stop us. \nStefan: My brother!\nStefan: Tanja, do you understand me?\nTanja: 10 more points for Berlin!\nTanja: I'm freezing in this Germany!\nStefan: Summer! Summer iiiiis, where are you\nStefan: Tanja, to the right. To the right!\nTanja: Woooooow \nStefan: Catch, catch!\nTanja: And look how high they are!\nStefan: Come on, here's a low one. Here you have low!\nStefan: Run there from the roots Tanja\nTanja: I don't want from the roots, I'm ashamed!\nStefan: Chase, why are you ashamed\nStefan: Hold him!\nStefan: Hold him, ksks - ksks!\nStefan: Ks!\nStefan: Ks!\nStefan: Ks!\nTanja: What are you doing?\nStefan: That's how the puppy is told to run!\nTanja: So I'm a puppy ?!\nStefan: Sometimes! \nTanja: Am I a puppy? !!\nStefan: No! Don't tickle me Tanja, run there run there!\nStefan: Chase him! Hold him!\nTanja: I won't! I'm a lady!\nStefan: Ksks lady!\nTanja: Bubo, Stefan addresses me as if I were a puppy!\nStefan: Ooo Ksks - lady! Ksks!\nStefan: RRRRR to her!\n Tanja: Rrrr!\nBuba: Stefi, keep this son so I don't knock something down\nBuba: put them in a bag somehow\nStefan: As always I'm an object for keeping things\nTanja: While we buy cosmetics\nStefan: Clothes\nTanja: No, no, no ... cosmetics are mine favorite!\nStefan: This guy looks like he's alive.\nStefan: As if he were totally alive\nStefan: Look at this thing\nStefan: Even his hands\nStefan: My God\nStefan: It is historical that I think\nStefan: Hitler started his campaign from this place\nTanja: We are now thrift shopping in Berlin \nYaaay, fun!\nTanja: Woooow, very pointy building!\nStefan: Now you're going to be beaten, I'm serious\nStefan: You need to film those buildings, not me\nTanja: We need to tell people that I forgot my phone yesterday\nStefan: And that you forgot our snack today!\nTanja: No, no! I prepared both a snack and a backpack. Someone seems to have just not taken it\nTanja: We are now on the Postdamer Platz to see what is it here\nBuba: Here's Tanja, bravo Tanja!\nBuba: Stefan is not there yet\nBuba: but I hear something\nBuba: Here he is! (laughs)\nStefan: Here Tanja pretends that it is very difficult for her\nTanja: Bubo, this is very difficult! \nStefan: and it's as if I'm guilty because I'm not\nStefan: took the bags from the store. \nStefan: And now Buba will see it\nStefan: And she will say ...\nStefan: it's my fault that I don't carry bags, even though she doesn't let me carry them\nStefan: This is how actors ... professional actors work!\nStefan: Well, this is coming for me now!\nBuba: Tanja to carrie, ah! And you will walk\nStefan: Run, be!\nStefan: Professional actor!\nStefan: Look at that face\nTanja: now let's go to the Berlin Wall\nStefan: What language do you speak?\nTanja: aaaa every language.\nTanja: I don't know, this is a multi-cult vlog. As always\nTanja: Crowded here Miko \nStefan: Yes, let's go to U5\nTanja: How long do we need to get there?\nStefan: 15": 2, "We're not in love\nWe share no stories\nJust something in your eyes\nDon't be afraid\nThe shadows know me\nLet's leave the world behind\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the dark side\nFall in to the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the dark side\nBeneath the sky\nAs black as diamonds\nWe're running out of time\nDon't wait for truth\nTo come and blind us\nLet's just believe their lies\nBelieve it, I see it\nI know that you can feel it\nNo secrets worth keeping\nSo fool me like I'm dreaming\nTake me through the night\nFall in to the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the dark side\nFall in to the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the dark side\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it\nLet's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall in to the dark side\nSapphire Instagram: @SapphireOfficial x\n": 3, "All my life, I've been walking on my own\nAlong the lonely road of the heart\nOn my side, I got symphonies and songs\nTo help me find my way through the dark\nOh, six in the morning with nowhere to go\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nLost in the dark, but I'll never be alone\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\n(Sing hello world, it feels so good to be\nhome)\nHello, hello, hello world\nI open my eyes and said hello to the world\n(Hello to the world)\nHello, hello, hello world\nI open my eyes and said hello to the world\nAll night long, I've been talking to myself\nThe voices in my head don't cry\nOn my mind, I become somebody else\nSo this is how it feels to say goodbye\nOh, six in the morning with nowhere to go\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nLost in the dark, but I'll never be alone\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nHello, hello, hello world\nI open my eyes and said hello to the world\n(Hello to the world)\nHello, hello, hello world\n(I open my eyes and said hello to the world)\n": 3, "You have been warned :)\nTechnoblade: \"The only thing that works in this world...\"\nTechnoblade: \"...is that you treat others...\"\nTechnoblade: \"...as they treat you.\"\nTechnoblade: \"Those that has treated me with kindness,\"\nTechnoblade: \"I will repay that kindness ten fold.\"\nTechnoblade: \"And those...\"\nTechnoblade: \"...that treat me with injustice!\"\nTechnoblade: \"That used me.\"\nTechnoblade: \"That hunt me down.\"\nTechnoblade: \"That hurt my friends!\"\nTechnoblade: \"I shall repay that in justice \n a thousand times over.\"\nTubbo: \"Hey, Big Q!\"\nTubbo: \"Look what I found.\"\nQuackity: \"So the plan is simple.\"\nQuackity: \"We find.\"\nQuackity: \"And we kill Technoblade.\"\nTechnoblade: \"If theres no other way...\"\nTechnoblade: \"I choose BLOOD!!\"\nTubbo: \"Big Q, do something!\"\nTubbo: \"BIG Q!!\"\nQuackity: \"STOP! Stop!\"\nTechnoblade: \"You get away from that horse, Quackity!\"\nQuackity: \"Technoblade, drop everything.\"\nQuackity: \"... or I'm going to kill this horse right infront of you.\"\nPhilza: \"You actually got him.\"\nTubbo: \"Phil, you're on house arrest.\"\nTechnoblade: \"Phil!\" \n Tubbo: \"Phil, you're on house arrest.\"\nTechnoblade: \"Phil, what did they do to you?!\"\nTubbo: \"Technoblade has robbed our country.\"\nTubbo: \"...of everything that made it special.\"\nTubbo: \"...of everything that define what it was.\"\nTubbo: \"What is Punz doing?!\"\nTubbo: \"Big Q, pull the lever!\"\nTechnoblade: \"HEH\"\nTubbo: \"PULL THE LEVER, BIG Q!!\"\nTubbo (at the distance): \"What the fu--?!\"\nTubbo (at the distance): \"Woa! Woa! Woa!\"\nTechnoblade: \"He's got Carl!!\" \n Fundy: \"Don't let him get away!!\"\nFundy: \"Don't let him get away!!\"\nTechnoblade: \"Did you really think Quackity...\" \nTechnoblade: \"...that you could kill me that easily?\"\nQuackity: \"You have done so much fucking damage \nto everything we've been building!\"\nQuackity: \"All the fucking long, Techno!!\"\nTechnobade: \"I have a pickaxe!\"\nTechnobade: \"And I'll put it THROUGH YOUR TEETH!!\"\nTechnoblade: \"See, there's something, Tommy--\"\nTechnoblade: \"See, there's something, Tommy--\" \n Tommy: \"But I know, I-\"\nTechnoblade: \"That I haven't shown anyone.\" \n Tommy: \"But I know, I-\"\nTechnoblade: \"That I haven't shown anyone.\" \n Tommy: \"but-\"\nTechnoblade: \"Not even Philza.\"\nTechnoblade: \"I have been working on, just a little--\"\nTechnoblade: \"Just a little hobby, Tommy.\"\nTechnoblade: \"You see this wall?\"\nTechnoblade: \"WELCOME HOME THESEUS\"\n": 3, "Hello everyone! I'm Prof Wang. Here is the\u00a0\nquestion: if a is a positive integer,\u00a0\u00a0\nx squared minus ax plus 4a equals zero has\u00a0\ntwo integer solutions, what is the value of a?\nWe can assume m and n are the two roots for\u00a0\nthis given equation, both m and n are integers, \u00a0\nand we also can assume m is less than or equal to n.\nBased on the root theory of quadratic equation,\u00a0\u00a0\nthe sum of the two roots equals a, and the\u00a0\nproduct of the two roots equals 4a,\nHere a is given which is positive. This\u00a0\nimplies both m and n are positive integers, \u00a0\nbecause m times n is positive, this implies m and n\u00a0\u00a0\nhave the same sign, positive or negative, at the\u00a0\nsame time, and from the first condition m plus n\u00a0\u00a0\nequals a positive integer, this implies\u00a0\nboth roots m and n are positive integers.\nFrom the first equation a equals m plus n, we\u00a0\ncan replace a in the second equation by m plus n, \u00a0\u00a0\nthen we have this equation. Simplify, move\u00a0\neverything to the left hand side.\nIn the first two terms, we have the common\u00a0\nfactor m, so we can factor m out.\nBoth sides\nplus 16 at the same time,\nso for the last two terms, 4 is a\u00a0\ncommon factor, we can factor 4 out.\nLook at the left hand side, m minus 4 is\u00a0\nthe common factor, and we can factor m minus 4 out.\nWe have m - 4 times n - 4. equals 16.\nBecause based on our assumption that m is less than or equal to n,\u00a0\u00a0\ntherefore the first factor is\u00a0\nless than the second factor.\nWe decompose 16 as following:\nthe first factor equals 1, \u00a0\nand the second factor equals 16;\nthe first factor equals 2, \u00a0\nand the second factor equals 8;\nthe first factor equals 4 and the second factor\u00a0\nequals 4. Solving these three systems, we have\nthree sets of solutions. The first set: 5, 20.\u00a0\nThe second set, that's 6, 12. The third is 8, 8.\nFrom the definition we know\u00a0\na equals the sum of the two roots:\u00a0\n5 plus 20 equals 25; 6 plus\u00a0\n12 equals 18; 8 plus 8 equals 16.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe have three answers for a. That's all.\u00a0\nThanks for watching and see you next time!\n": 4, "Now that you have seen my return\nAnd witnessed this reality burn\nThere's just one thing you should know\n\"Don't you wish you knew the mystery?\"\nYou're just a player in my show\n\"So play on and on and on for me\"\nand everything you ever thought was true,\nwas just part of the play I made for you.\nIsn't it horrible?\nMy prize is in sight, you continue to fight\nYou're adorable\n\"So adorable\"\nOh, so adorable\n\"So adorable\"\nThere's nothing in this world to save\nDon't try, IO\nYour fight with Seven is in vain\nAll these worlds bow to my reign\nSo make your peace with all you have known\nYour time with us was only on loan.\nOh no.\nThere's just one thing to realise\n\"Don't you wish you knew the mystery?\"\nThis reality is my greatest prize!\n\"The fight is always more divine to see\"\nAnd everything you ever thought was true\nWas just part of the game I led to you\nDon't think me deplorable,\nI'm doing what's right yet you fight on despite\nYou're adorable\n\"it's so horrible\"\nOh so adorable\n\"so deplorable\"\nYou're adorable\n\"so adorable\"\nSo adorable...\n": 3, "idk\nplzzz help my old town roblox im got ot oof (another guy: yeah im helping)\nhelooo\nidk i just a kid\ntik tok old town road i got RUN IDK\nYeah~ I'm gonna oof my horse to the oof town road.\nI'm gonna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nI'm gonna oof my horse to the oof town road.\nI'm gonna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nI oof the horse in the back.\nHorse tack is oof.\nHat is oofd black\nGot the boots that's black to oof.\nOofing on a horse.\nOOF~\nYou can oof your Porsche.\nI oof in a valley\nYou ain't oof up off that oof, now.\nCan't nobody oof me nothing~\nYou can't oof me nothing.\nCan't nobody oof me nothing~\nYou can't oof me nothing.\nOofin' a tractor.\nOof all in a bladder.\nOofed in a noobie.\nYou can go and oof him.\nMy life is a oof.\nOof rider and noobies.\nCowboy oof from Gucci.\nWranger oof my booty.\nCan't nobody oof me nothing~\nYou can't oof me nothing.\nCan't nobody oof me nothing~\nYou can't oof me nothing.\nYou can't oof me nothing. (Yeah~ I'm gonna-)\noof my horse to the oof town road.\nI'm gonna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nI'm gonna oof my horse to the oof town road.\nI'm gonna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nHat oof, oof town, oofin' like a oofstar.\nOof a lot of robux on my brand oof guitar.\nNoobie got a oof, diamond rings and Fendi oof bras\nOofin' down Rodeo in my Maserati oof car\nGot no oof, I've been oof all that\nI'm like a Marlboro man so I oof that back.\nWish I could oof on back to that oof town road.\nI wanna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nYeah~ I'm gonna oof my horse to the oof town road.\nI'm gonna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nI'm gonna oof my horse to the oof town road.\nI'm gonna oof 'til I can't no oof.\nthanks for watching\ni know... the subtitle is weird... i know right\ncuz im a kid either :D (but another kid not that kid)\n9 years old kids plz save pewoofpie (cuz pewdiepie the word die in roblox is oof (nvm tserie win))\nfak u tserie\n": 1, "But before we\nBut before we get\nBut before we get started\n, just wanted to\n, just wanted to do a couple\n, just wanted to do a couple\nintroductory slides\nSo\nSo\nSo\nSo just one time\nSo just\nSo just want to\nSo just want to acknowledge, so\nSo just want to acknowledge, so\nthat\nthat Cro Canyon\nthat Cro Canyon\nthat Cro\nthat Cro\nthat Cro Canyon, Archaeological\nCenter\nCenter acknowledges the\nCenter acknowledges the pueblo\nYou Ty, you deny, and Hicoria\nYou Ty, you deny, and Hicoria\nApache\nApache people\nApache people whose traditional\nhomelands this\nhomelands this instance\ns institution\ns institution sits\ninstitution sits.\nOur mission related work would\nnot be\nnot be possible without\nnot be possible without\nnot be possible without\nnot be possible without\nindigenous people in the past\nindigenous people in the\nindigenous people in the past,\npresent\npresent, and future\npresent, and\npresent, and future, and\npresent, and future, and we\nrespect\nrespectfully\nrespectfully recognize and\nrespectfully recognize and\nrespectfully recognize and\nhonor ancestral and\nhonor ancestral and in\nhonor ancestral and in\ndescendant indigenous\ncommunities\nfor their contributions to\nfor their contributions to all\nFor Katie is\nFor Katie is grateful to\nFor Katie is grateful to\nFor Katie is grateful to all\nindigenous\nindigenous people, and\nindigenous people, and supports\nthe preservation and protection\nthe preservation and protection\nof cultural\nof cultural\nof cultural traditions and\nand sexual connections\nand sexual\nand sexual connections, and\nand sexual\nand sexual connections and\nsacred lands\nsacred lands.\nWe\nWe also, wanna\nWe\nWe also wanna let\nWe also wanna let webinar\nlisteners and viewers\nlisteners and viewers know that\nwe have\nwe have some\ne live in person\ne live\ne live in-person programs coming\nup soon. We have\nup soon\nup soon.\nWe have 2 sessions one in\nWe have 2 sessions one in\nWe have 2 sessions one in\nSeptember, the one September \nfourth.\nThrough the evening\nthe eighth one in September\nthe eighth one in September\nthe eighth one in September\neighteenth, through the 20 third\n, and you\n, and you can work\nand you can work with\nth our\nth our\nth our awesome\nth our awesome\nth our awesome\nth our awesome archaeologists\nth our awesome\nth our awesome archaeologist\nlogists here at the Hawkins\nhere at the Hawkins preserve\ndoing some survey works. So if\ndoing some survey\ndoing some survey work. So if\nwork.\nwork.\nSo if you want to learn more\nabout that, you can go to the\nwebsite\nwebsite and we can all we\nwebsite and we can\nwebsite and we can all, we also\nhave a\nhave a clip\nhave a clip here to watch\nhave a clip here to watch\nhave a clip here to watch and\nhave a clip here to watch and\nhave a clip here to watch and \nlisten.\nSo let me get that\nSo let me get that started\nSo let me get that started.\nHey\nHey? My name is\nHey? My name is\nHey? My name is Kellum Frog\nHey? My name is Kellum Frog\nMorton. I'm the field director\nfor this project\nfor this project.\nWe are working\nWe are working in the\nWe are working in the Hawkins\npreserve, which is a\npreserve, which is a\npreserve, which is a nature\narea on the south edge of\nCortez.\nAnd the goal of this project\nAnd the goal of this project is\nsurvey. We're actually\nsurvey. We're actually walking\naround identifying\naround identifying\naround identifying\naround identifying\naround identifying sites and\nthen recording what they\nthen recording what they are\nthen recording what they are.\nThis is part of a partnership\nThis is part of a partnership\nwith the Cortez\nwith the Cortez cultural\nwith the Cortez cultural center\n, which is a not-for-profit in\nthe town of\nthe town of Cortez, and it's\nthe town of Cortez, and it's\nsort of a nexus for\nsort of a nexus for\nunderstanding\nunderstanding the history and\ncultur\nculture of the\nculture of the area\nculture of the area when\nvisitors come they can get\nvisitors come they can get\nvisitors come they can get\nvisitors come they can get a\nvisitors come they can get a\nsense of what's going\non in this\non in this place, and\non in this place, and they can\nbe sent out here to\nbe sent out here to\nbe sent out here": 1, "Okay\u2026 in the last section, we learned one of the most important things about fractions!\nWe learned that they are numbers that are written like division problems.\nWe also know that fractions can be used to represent smaller parts of things.\nNow since a fraction is just a division problem, if we wanted to,\nwe could go ahead and do the division and get an answer.\nAnd that answer would be a regular number that\u2018s the value of the fraction.\nLet\u2019s look at this fraction for example: ten-fifths\nThat\u2019s the same as the division problem 10 divided by 5.\nNow we know that 10 divided by 5 is 2, so the value of this fraction is 2.\nSo what\u2019s the deal? The value \u20182\u2019 doesn\u2019t seem like a smaller part of something!\nIn fact\u2026 it seems like TWO of something!\nAren\u2019t fractions supposed to have a value smaller than one?\nHere\u2019s the deal\u2026\nIf the top number of a fraction is bigger than the bottom number,\nthen the value of the fraction will be greater than one.\nBut, if the top number is smaller than the bottom number,\nthen the value of the fraction will be smaller than one.\nBut if we divide a smaller number by a bigger number and get a value that\u2019s smaller than one,\nthen how are we going to write that value down like a regular number?\nIsn\u2019t \u20181\u2019 the smallest number we can write? (well\u2026 besides zero)\nLuckily the answer is no.\nYou see, we can write values that are smaller than one by using something called \u2018decimals numbers\u2019.\nTo understand how decimal numbers work, let\u2019s first review how we write down regular numbers that don\u2019t involve fractions.\nWe call those numbers \u2018whole numbers\u2019.\nWe use whole numbers when we count things, and counting things is very important in math.\nThe system that we count things with is based on the number 10. In fact, it\u2019s called \u2018Base 10\u2019,\nand it uses what we call \u2018powers of 10\u2019 as the groups or building blocks that we count with.\nIt\u2019s probably no surprise that our first building block is \u20181\u2019,\nand we can get bigger building blocks just by multiplying by 10.\nSo our next building block is \u20181\u2019 times 10 or 10.\nAnd the one after that is 10 times 10 or 100.\nAnd the one after that is 100 times 10 which is 1,000.\nI could keep on multiplying by 10 to get bigger and bigger building block,\nbut I think I\u2019m going to stop at 1,000 for now.\nSo what am I going to do with all these powers of 10 ?\nWell, like I said, they\u2019re the building blocks of our counting system, so I\u2019m going to count with them!\nBut before I do that, I should mention two more things that our number system needs besides these building blocks.\nAnd those two things are \u2018digits\u2019 and \u2018number places\u2019.\nDigits are just the 10 different symbols we use for counting\u2026 you know: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9\nNumber places are like little imaginary boxes that can hold just one digit at a time,\nand they\u2019re used like \u2018counters\u2019\u2026 you know\u2026 to count things.\nWe use one number place for each of our building blocks, to count how many of each of them we have.\nFor example, let\u2019s say I have \u20182\u2019 hundreds, well then I just put a \u20182\u2019 in the number place that counts how many hundreds I have.\nAnd let\u2019s say I have \u20185\u2019 tens, then I put a \u20185\u2019 in the number place that counts tens.\nAnd I also have \u20183\u2019 ones, so I put a \u20183\u2019 in the number place that counts ones.\nEach number place is named for the building block it counts.\nFor example, this number place is called the \u2018ones place\u2019 because it counts ones.\nThis is the \u2018tens place\u2019 because it counts tens,\nthe \u2018hundreds place\u2019 counts hundreds, and so on\u2026\nOf course, most of you aren\u2019t used to seeing numbers written like this,\nso let\u2019s re-arrange our number places to make it look more like we are used to.\nThere\u2026 now you can see that the \u20182\u2019 in the hundreds place,\nthe \u20185\u2019 in the tens place,\nand the \u20183\u2019 in the ones place all combine to make 253.\nOh\u2026 and most of the time, we don\u2019t actually show the number places\u2026 they\u2019re invisible.\nThere\u2026 that\u2019s better.\nOkay, so that\u2019s how we use our building blocks, number places and digits to write any whole number we want to.\nBut this video is about fractions, right?\nSo how are we going to write fractions with this system?\nA lot of fract": 4, "P. M. Back\nBen.\nHello! Out there\nHello! Out there! Dr.\nHello! Out there! Dr. Benjamin\nin Delorado. Thank you\nin Delorado\nDelorado!\nThank you for joining us\nThank you for joining us tonight\nThank you for joining us\nThank you for joining us tonight\nonight for our this\nonight for our this evening's\nonight for our this evening's\nwebinar\nwebinar entitled\nwebinar entitled\nwebinar entitled Footstep, for\notsteps\notsteps into the Pad\notsteps into the\notsteps into the Past. At\notsteps into the\notsteps into the Past at White\ne Fans National Park\ne Fans National\ne Fans National Park, with Dr\ne Fans National Park, with Dr\nFans National Park, with Dr.\nMatthew Bend\nMatthew\nMatthew Beennett, and now\nMatthew Beennett, and\nMatthew Beennett, and now,\nbefore we get into this evening\nbefore we get into this\nbefore we get into this\nevening's webinar\n, I'd like to\n, I'd like to talk to you a\nlittle bit about\nlittle bit about the pro\nlittle bit about the pro\nlittle bit about the pro\ncanyons.\nDiscover\nDiscover archaeology\nDiscover archaeology. Webinars\nDiscover\nDiscover archaeology, Webinars,\nebinar series, and give you a\nebinar series, and give you a\ncouple tips to\ncouple tips to enhance your\ncouple tips to enhance your\ncouple tips to enhance your\nviews\nSo\nSo the\nSo the start I'd like to show\nSo the\nSo the start. I'd like to\nthe start. I'd like to \nacknowledge\nrespectfully\nrespectfully that Colonel\nrespectfully that\nrespectfully that\nrespectfully that Kryo Canyon\nrespectfully that\nrespectfully that Colonel\nCanyon acknowledges the\nCanyon acknowledges the Pablo.\nCanyon acknowledges the Pablo.\n, Paiute dine, or\n, Paiute dine, or\n, Paiute dine, or Naboo and\no and hickory Apache people on\no and hickory Apache people on\nwhose traditional homelands\nwhose traditional homelands\nthis institution sits our\nthis institution sits our\nmission related work would not\nbe possible without indigenous\nbe possible without indigenous\npeople\npeople.\nIn the\nIn the past, present, in the\nIn the past, present, in the\nfuture\nfuture\nfuture, and we\nfuture, and we respectfully\nfuture, and we respectfully \nrecognize\nand honor\nand honor ancestral and\ndescendant\ndescendant indigenous\ncommunities for their\ncommunities for their\ncontributions to all humankind\ncontributions to all humankind.\nHurricane is grateful to all\nindigenous\nindigenous people, and supports\nindigenous people, and supports\nindigenous people, and supports\nthe preservation and protection\nthe preservation and protection\nof cultural\nof cultural traditions\nof cultural traditions\nof cultural traditions\nancestral\nancestral connections, and sake\nof life.\nke of reliance\nof reliance.\nHave you been\nHave you been enjoying our\nHave you been enjoying our\nHave you been enjoying our\nHave you been enjoying our\nWebinars\nWebinars series? Well, if you\nWebinars series? Well, if you\nhave, we invite you to also\nhave, we invite you to also\ncheck out our travel program\nograms we have a couple coming\nup this year that are gonna be\nreally\nreally exciting.\nreally exciting\nreally exciting.\nAnd putting the first, which\nAnd putting the first, which is\nChako de Mesa Verde. From April\nVerde, from April 20, third to\nto 20 ninth this year,\nto 20 ninth this year, and\nit'll be a long\ngside scholars\nscholars.\nOctavia. They want to\nOctavia. They want to\nOctavia. They want to off\nOctavia. They want to off from\nthe public of Zunie\n, and our own\nf Zuni and our own Kalen\nZuni and our own Kalen Frogmore\n, from Croc\nfrom Croc Canyon.\nThen in August we have a Pablo\nThen in August we have a Pablo\nThen in August we have a Pablo\nweaving workshop\nweaving workshop from August 6\nweaving workshop from August\nweaving workshop from August 6\nweaving workshop from August 6\nweaving workshop from August 6\nto\nto twelfth alongside\nto twelfth alongside scholars.\nto twelfth alongside scholars\nto twelfth alongside scholars.\nAustin, could you\nstin, would you want\nstin,\nstin, Gucci wanted to. Chris\nstin, Gucci wanted to. Chris\nLewis and\nLewis and myself\nand you can learn more about\nand you can learn more about\nand you can learn more about\nthese programs and register at\ngister": 1, "[walking]\n[opening door]\n[cracking sound]\n[breathing]\n[door opening]\n[door closing]\nI was heading out to meet my crodies.\n[media sound]\nGo to my car, \nturn on my relaxation music\n before taking off\nlike I always do. \n[footsteps]\n[footsteps]\n[heavy breathing]\n[intense music]\n[footsteps]\n[heavy breathing]\n[going away]\n[heavy breathing]\n[door handle]\n[door opening]\n[door closing]\nI stayed there in my car \nstaring at that door for 30 minutes.\nI kind of go out with my crodies\n after that.\nWhat does crodies mean? \nJust friends like us.\nOkay. \nSo, wait. \nSome random stranger\n was in your trash room for 30 minutes?\nYes.\nAnd what happened after that?\n[door opening]\n[sound of keys]\n[door closing]\n[heavy breath]\n[spilling a drink]\n[door cracking sound]\n[a cup hitting ground]\nWhat exactly did you see? \nUh. I don't know. \nYou don't know? \nI don't. \nDid he hurt anyone? \nNo, I doubt it. Seriously.\nWell, that's kind of anticlimactic, isn't it?\nYeah. \nIt placed a wrinkle to my peace of mind.\n40 hertz. \nWhat are you doing? \nI\u2019m gonna help you out. \nMeditation, music set to 40 hertz. \nYou know I don't trust that stuff. \nI just told you what happened\n last time I listened to it.\nYeah, but you couldn't finish telling me\n because you couldn't remember.\nPlus, I made this one, so it's different.\nYou made it? \nWell, not really. \nBut I specifically picked it out for you. \nPlus it set at 40 hertz. \nRemind me what 40 hertz does again.\nIt improves your mood,\nbut more importantly,\n it increases your working memory.\nWhat's the importance\n of increasing my working memory?\nYou should be able to recall\n what happened in the trash Carter.\nWhy? \nYou mentioned that it put a wrinkle\n on your peace of mind.\nMaybe if you can remember,\n we can get out of this loop.\n[laughing]\nLoop? \n[laughing]\nOkay. \nThe benefits of having a friend like you. \nYeah. \n[deep breath]\nOkay. \nI'm ready. \nClose your eyes. \nFeel your eyes closed.\nStare into the darkness.\nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nLet\u2019s focus breathing now.\nCan you breathe?\nWe are going to travel deep into your mind.\nThe part of your mind keeps bad experiences with...\nThose bad experiences that are hard to remember\nbut aren\u2019t to forget.\nThose good moments no longer matter.\nCan you breathe?\nOpen your eyes and look to the bad moments.\nCan you breathe?\nCan you breathe?\nWhat? What is this?\nWhat's wrong? \nTrash room. \nIs it that guy? \n[door opening]\n[breathing heavily]\n[door closing]\n[intense music]\n[door opening]\n[a cup falling down]\nCall my voice.\nCall my voice.\nCall my voice.\nLet\u2019s focus on your breathing now.\nCan you breathe?\nWe\u2019re going to travel into your mind.\nThe part of your mind has bad dreams.\nThose bad dreams are hard to remember \nand hard to forget.\nThose good moments no longer matter.\nCan you breathe?\nOpen your eyes. \nThat moment. \nCan you breathe?\nCan you breathe?\nCall my voice.\nCall my voice.\n[owl sounds]\nCall my voice.\n[cracking branches]\nCall my voice.\n[scary music]\n[owl sounds]\n[heavy breathing]\nCan you breathe?\nCan you breathe?\n[heavy breathing]\nCan you breathe?\nCan you breathe?\n[heavy breathing]\nCan you breathe?\nCan you breathe?\nStare to the darkness. \nFollow my voice. Follow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nThere is the darkness. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nThere is the darkness.\nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nFollow my voice. \nLiz?\nWhat's going on?\nYou are in the deepest state \nof relaxation right now, \nI don't feel relaxed.\nIn fact, I feel unrelaxed.\nBut you are. \nYou're, in fact, very relaxed at 40 hertz.\nWhen do I wake up? \nWhen you're ready, \nI'm ready to wake up now.\nNow you're not. \nI just told you that I am. \nYou're not ready. \nYou're": 4, "All my life, I've been walking on my own\nAlong the lonely road of the heart\nOn my side, I got symphonies and songs\nTo help me find my way through the dark\nOh, six in the morning with nowhere to go\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nLost in the dark, but I'll never be alone\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nHello, hello, hello world\nI open my eyes and said hello to the world (hello to the world)\nHello, hello, hello world\nI open my eyes and said hello to the world\nAll night long, I've been talking to myself\nThe voices in my head don't cry\nOn my mind, I become somebody else\nSo this is how it feels to say goodbye\nOh, six in the morning with nowhere to go\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nLost in the dark, but I'll never be alone\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nSing hello world, it feels so good to be home\nHello, hello, hello world\nI open my eyes and said hello to the world (hello to the world)\nHello, hello, hello world\n(I open my eyes and said hello to the world)\n": 4, "Zon, Hello everyone,\nWishing you all a very energetic, healthy, and happy new\nyear. Today Zon went to the jungle to collect herbs\nZon, Hello everyone,\nWishing you all a very energetic, healthy, and happy new\nyear. Today Zon went to the jungle to collect herbs\nZon, Hello everyone,\nWishing you all a very energetic, healthy, and happy new\nyear. Today Zon went to the jungle to collect herbs\nValuable and very expensive herbal plants, have been growing day by day. scarcity due to over-exploitation by humans\nVery hard to find, today I will harvest all that can be sold\nHarvest forest banana flowers to sell to city people\nValuable and very expensive herbal plants, have been growing day by day. scarcity due to over-exploitation by humans\nVery hard to find, today I will harvest all that can be sold\nHarvest forest banana flowers to sell to city people\nValuable and very expensive herbal plants, have been growing day by day. scarcity due to over-exploitation by humans\nVery hard to find, today I will harvest all that can be sold\nHarvest forest banana flowers to sell to city people\nI really don't expect, people in the city I love eating banana flowers and the things I get from the forest so\nmuch Every time, I sold out very quickly\nI really don't expect, people in the city I love eating banana flowers and the things I get from the forest so\nmuch Every time, I sold out very quickly\nI really don't expect, people in the city I love eating banana flowers and the things I get from the forest so\nmuch Every time, I sold out very quickly\nCucumber field it's time to harvest, pick the fruit to sell\nCucumber field it's time to harvest, pick the fruit to sell\nCucumber field it's time to harvest, pick the fruit to sell\nI'm on my way to the city\nI selling goods right on the roadside\nI'm on my way to the city\nI selling goods right on the roadside\nI'm on my way to the city\nI selling goods right on the roadside\nHello, sell me banana flowers,\nhow much do you buy?\nHello, sell me banana flowers,\nhow much do you buy?\nHello, sell me banana flowers,\nhow much do you buy?\nThank you customers\nThank you customers\nThank you customers\nSell me 01 kg of cucumber\nSell me 01 kg of cucumber\nSell me 01 kg of cucumber\nZon move to another location\nZon move to another location\nZon move to another location\nSell me 01 banana flower\nSell me 01 banana flower\nSell me 01 banana flower\nCook pig bran\nCook pig bran\nCook pig bran\nHarvest this wild fig leaves for wild boar\nHarvest this wild fig leaves for wild boar\nHarvest this wild fig leaves for wild boar\nHarvest the tops, leaves\nHarvest the tops, leaves\nHarvest the tops, leaves\nThis is my favorite dish boar\nThis is my favorite dish boar\nThis is my favorite dish boar\n": 1, "The world was right side up when I went to sleep last night\nNow it's spilled out like a car crash \nI'm a passer-by \nOnce, my friend Jessie told me crazy's nothing \nIf I could work on being scared, I'd be all right\nSo I kept the windows fastened\nTried to not think about it\nWorry about parking and paying down my credit \nKeep an ear out for anyone talkin' shit \nAnd hope the spirit would pass over \nMy door \nMy door \nMy door\nMy door \n(Whistling) \nI got field notes from all the people I've been\nThey left me charts and graphs and affirmations \nWith my ancestors, they sing in a Greek chorus \nSaying, here's the equation, kid,\nLet's see how you solve for X\nDo you keep the windows fastened\nTry to not think about it?\nDo you create problems to avoid what's underneath 'em\nCover it all in plastic\nTo keep yourself untouched, and pray\nThe spirit would pass over \nYour door\nYour door \nYour door\nYour door\n(Whistling)\nI survived the death of God\nBy sheer will and counting sidewalk cracks\nIn an absence of my mind, I can only wait\nFor the wind to change\nChange\nChange\nFor the wind to change\nChange\nChange\nFor the wind to change\nA house with windows open\nFor the wind to change\n A house with windows open\nFor the wind to change\nA house with windows open\nFor the wind to change\nA house with windows open\nFor the wind to change\nChange\nChange\nFor the wind to change\nFor the wind to change\n(Offscreen applause) That was sick.\nThat was, that was it.\nThat was the best one!\nJuli, that was sick. That was good.\n": 3, "dad what's wrong with the telly good\ndad what's wrong with the telly good\ndad what's wrong with the telly good\nevening\nevening\nevening\nlemon mommy first to apologize for the\nlemon mommy first to apologize for the\nlemon mommy first to apologize for the\nemergency Channel I do like many of you\nemergency Channel I do like many of you\nemergency Channel I do like many of you\nappreciate the comforts of everyday\nappreciate the comforts of everyday\nappreciate the comforts of everyday\nroutine security of the familiar quality\nroutine security of the familiar quality\nroutine security of the familiar quality\nrepetition enjoy them as much as any\nrepetition enjoy them as much as any\nrepetition enjoy them as much as any\nbloke but in the spirit of commemoration\nbloke but in the spirit of commemoration\nbloke but in the spirit of commemoration\nshe sat there by those important events\nshe sat there by those important events\nshe sat there by those important events\nof the past usually is associated with\nof the past usually is associated with\nof the past usually is associated with\nsomeone's death or the end of support\nsomeone's death or the end of support\nsomeone's death or the end of support\nfor bloody struggle I celebrated with a\nfor bloody struggle I celebrated with a\nfor bloody struggle I celebrated with a\nnice holiday I thought we could mark\nnice holiday I thought we could mark\nnice holiday I thought we could mark\nthis November the visitors a day that's\nthis November the visitors a day that's\nthis November the visitors a day that's\nsadly no longer remembered by taking\nsadly no longer remembered by taking\nsadly no longer remembered by taking\nsome time out of our daily lives to sit\nsome time out of our daily lives to sit\nsome time out of our daily lives to sit\ndown and have a little chat there are of\ndown and have a little chat there are of\ndown and have a little chat there are of\ncourse those who do not want us to speak\ncourse those who do not want us to speak\ncourse those who do not want us to speak\nwho think just let me select even now\nwho think just let me select even now\nwho think just let me select even now\norders are being shouted into telephones\norders are being shouted into telephones\norders are being shouted into telephones\nand men with guns will be on their way\nand men with guns will be on their way\nand men with guns will be on their way\nthat's why because while the truncheon\nthat's why because while the truncheon\nthat's why because while the truncheon\nmay be used\nmay be used\nmay be used\nlieu of conversation words will always\nlieu of conversation words will always\nlieu of conversation words will always\nretain their power words offer the means\nretain their power words offer the means\nretain their power words offer the means\nto meaning and for those who will listen\nto meaning and for those who will listen\nto meaning and for those who will listen\nthe enunciation of truth\nthe enunciation of truth\nthe enunciation of truth\nthere is something terribly wrong with\nthere is something terribly wrong with\nthere is something terribly wrong with\nthis country isn't that if you decided\nthis country isn't that if you decided\nthis country isn't that if you decided\nsir you wanted it foolproof you told me\nsir you wanted it foolproof you told me\nsir you wanted it foolproof you told me\nevery television in London\nevery television in London\nevery television in London\ncruelty and injustice intolerance and\ncruelty and injustice intolerance and\ncruelty and injustice intolerance and\noppression and where once you have the\noppression and where once you have the\noppression and where once you have the\nfreedom to object to think and speak as\nfreedom to object to think and speak as\nfreedom to object to think and speak as\nyou saw fit you now have censors and\nyou saw fit you now have censors and\nyou saw fit you now have censors and\nsystems of surveillance coercing your\nsystems of surveillance coercing your\nsystems of surveillance coercing your\nconformity and your Mahela cameras how\nconformity and your Mahela cameras how\nconformity and your Mahela cameras how\ndid thi": 1, "and not only this\ni can even reduce this current using my magical power\n& can also increase it\nhere i have a small bulb\nwhose current requirement is very low\neven 3 volts are enough to provide required current\nbut i dont have a 3 volt battery\ni only have a 12 volt battery\nbut when i will connect the bulb to 12V battery\n12V is very high as compared to the required 3V\nit will fuse the bulb\ni am connecting this bulb to 12V battery again\nbut using my magical power\ni will control the current\nand bulb will not fuse\nand not only this\ni can reduce current using my magical powers\nand can also increase it\nwhat kind of magic is this?\nlets make an electric circuit using guitar string\nwhen cells are connected to string\nit becomes a close circuit\nand current start flowing\nonly a small portion of this wire is a part of our circuit\n& resisting the flow of current\nif i move the terminal to right\n& connect here\nnow a larger portion of wire is the part of our circuit\nthe bulb is now glowing less\nwhich means current decreases\nbut which factor decreases amount of current??\nactually length of the wire has increased\nin simple words resistance depends on length of wire\nif i increase the length further\nbulb glow further decreases\nhence resistance further increases\nit is now obvious that\nresistance is directly proportional to length of conductor\nso by changing the length of the conductor\nwe can change the resistance of the circuit\nthats how we can control amount of current\nbut this long string occupies so much space\nlet's wrap the string on this cylinder\nto save some space\nlet's fix the string on both sides\nlet's add a 3rd terminal which can slider on this wire\nwhen terminal will slide\nlength will vary\nwhich will vary the resistance\nand finally current will vary\nyour rheostat is ready now :)\nwhen i was controlling current using magical powers\ni was actually using a rheostat :D\n": 2, "Com\u00e9?\nest\u00e1s a ver aquela minha casa do Condom\u00ednio?\nYa\n epa eu aluguei num rapaz\neu n\u00e3o sei onde \u00e9 que ele trabalha, o que \u00e9 que ele faz\nmas s\u00f3cio...\ns\u00f3 conforme ele apetrechou o cubico meu\nx\u00e9 ficou no lim\u00e3o ma nem j\u00e1 eu\nque sou o dono pensei at\u00e9 ai meu\ns\u00f3 que a renda dele acaba hoje!!\nYou are\n \ncomo um anel sem dedo \ncomo uma onda sem Mar \nsou eu sem a minha pequena\nsem a minha Xuxu\ns\u00f3 ela \u00e9 minha cura\ns\u00f3 ela \u00e9 minha dona \ns\u00f3 ela me faz cantar\npara todo mundo ouvir\nTe amo tanto e cada vez mais\nme conven\u00e7o que contigo \u00e9 somar, (\u00e9 somare) \neu e tu, somos dedo e unha\nbaby you are the only one in my life\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\n\u00e9s tu o meu amor\nminha maluquice boa, minha ternura\nsegura a minha m\u00e3o e deixa eu segurar a tua \nna chuva ou no Sol\nna chuva ou no Sol\nTe amo tanto e cada vez mais\nme conven\u00e7o que contigo \u00e9 somar, (\u00e9 somare)\noye ye\neu e tu, somos dedo e unha baby\nbaby you are the only one \nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nYou\u2019re the only one\nbaby you\nyou are\nthe only one\ni swear that you are \nyou are\nthe only one\nyou are\nyou are\nthe only one\nmy baby girl\nyou are\nye ye ye\nyou are\ne hoje mesmo vou l\u00e1 lhe cobrar\nya eu at\u00e9 empurrei ai umas canecas meu\ne voc\u00ea j\u00e1 sabe quando eu bebo como \u00e9 que eu fico\neu sou muito mau!\neu vou l\u00e1, vou espremer o gajo\neu vou espremer esse puto com\u00e9 est\u00e1s a brincar ou qu\u00ea?\nlogo eu\ncom\u00e9? \nPapoite meu!\n Voc\u00ea aqui?\no que \u00e9 que voc\u00ea est\u00e1 aqui a fazer?\n...mas pai\nmas pai o qu\u00ea? \nE de quem \u00e9 esta roupa de homem rapariga? \nNelma?\nOnde \u00e9 que est\u00e1 esse rapaz? \nSai, sai, sai, sai!!!\nmas o que \u00e9 que significa isso?\nmas pai \u00e9 s\u00f3 um Tik Tok...\nque Tik Tok, Tik Tok\nTik Tok de qu\u00ea?\n": 1, "Driving down sunset on a Saturday night\nIt's getting kinda crazy under the lights\nBut we don't care, we're passing the time\nWatching those L.A. Boyz roll by\nIn their drop tops, Harleys, Escalades too\nA hundred different flavors to vary your view\nThere's one for me and there's one for you\nWatching them L.A. Boyz roll through\nLooking so hot down in Hollywood\nYou know they got, got the goods\nSo let's give it up for those L.A. Boyz\nRiding the waves up in Malibu\nThey really get, get to you\nSo let's give it up for those L.A. Boyz\nGive it up, give it up\nYou don't have no choice\nGive it up, give it up\nFor the L.A. Boyz\nI put your number in my phone, eh\nMaybe I'll call you, maybe not\nWhat you doin' all alone?\nCome show me what you got, boy\nShow me what you got, got boy\nWhat you got, boy\nShow me what you got\nLooking so hot down in Hollywood\nYou know they got, got the goods\nSo let's give it up for those L.A. Boyz\nRiding the waves up in Malibu\nThey really get, get to you\nSo let's give it up for those L.A. Boyz\nGive it up for the L.A. Boyz\nLet's give it up for those L.A. Boyz\n": 2, "English singsing\nHobbies and interests.\nWhat do you like doing?\nplaying the guitar\nI like playing the guitar in music class.\nplaying the guitar\nreading books\nI like reading books in the library.\nreading books\ndrawing\nI love drawing with crayons.\ndrawing\nwatching TV\nI like watching TV on the weekend.\nwatching TV\ncooking\nI love cooking for my parents.\ncooking\nsinging\nI love singing in front of people.\nsing\ndancing\nI love dancing to hip-hop music.\ndancing\nlistening to music\nI love listening to music before I go to sleep.\nlistening to music\nplaying games\nI love playing games with my brother.\nplaying games\nswimming\nI enjoy swimming in the ocean.\nswimming\nhiking\nI like going hiking in the mountains.\nhiking\ntaking photographs\nI love taking photos of my pet.\ntaking photographs\nplaying basketball\nI love playing basketball after school.\nplaying basketball\nriding a bicycle\nI enjoy riding a bicycle at the park.\nriding a bicycle\nReview\ncooking\ndancing\ndrawing\nhiking\nlistening to music\nplaying basketball\nplaying games\nplaying the guitar\nreading books\nriding a bicycle\nsinging\nswimming\ntaking photographs\nwatching TV\n": 4, "A new day has begun.\nWe came to the market to purchase fresh materials.\nWe are sharing with you today a delicious [Stir-Fried Pork Slices with Celery and Lily].\nIt's winter now. Eating some lilies properly is good for people's lungs.\nThis is the ingredients for this dish: pork, lily, ginger, green onions, garlic, carrots, and peppers.\nNow let's process the pork.\nProcess the pork into slices.\nNow let's process celery. We use three knife methods to process celery. This is the first method.\nThis is the second method of knife.\nThis is the third method of knife.\nAll three knife methods can be used to process celery.\nNow let's process the carrots.\nProcess the ginger.\nProcess the garlic.\nNow process a little green onion.\nNow all the ingredients for this dish have been processed.\nOh, I also want to cut a little chili and put it in. If you don't like chili, you can leave it alone.\nThis lily is a dry product and needs to be soaked in water.\nNow we put 1 tablespoon of salt and a little sugar in the meat slices.\nContinue to add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce to the pork.\nStir quickly and evenly.\nContinue to put 1 tablespoon of starch and 1 tablespoon of cooking oil in the meat slices.\nStir quickly and evenly.\nHeat the pot and put 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in the pot.\nPut the pork in the pot and stir fry quickly.\nStir-fry the pork until 8 mature, pour out the pork, and place it on a plate for later use.\nPut clean water in the pot and wait for the water to boil.\nPut an appropriate amount of water, 1 tablespoon of light-colored soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of salt, a little sugar, and 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce in a bowl.\nStir quickly and evenly.\nContinue to add 1 tablespoon of starch in the bowl and stir evenly.\nThe water in the pot has boiled. We put 2 tablespoons of salt and a little oil in the pot.\nPut the carrot, celery, and lily in the pot.\nPour the celery, lily, and carrot into the strainer.\nContinue to heat the pot and put 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in the pot.\nPut the ginger, garlic, and shallots into the pot and stir fry quickly.\nContinue to put the peppers in the pot and stir fry quickly.\nPut half a spoon of bean paste in the pot, you can also put your favorite sauce.\nPut the celery, lily, and carrot in the pot.\nStir fry quickly.\nPut the meat slices in the pot.\nPut the prepared flavoring material into the pot and stir fry quickly.\nContinue to put 1 tablespoon of cooking oil in the pot and stir fry quickly.\nThis delicious [Stir-Fried Pork Slices with Celery and Lily] is now complete.\nIf you also like this delicious and healthy dish, remember to subscribe, like, and share.\nThank you all for watching.\n": 4, "[COUNT PLAYING ORGAN]\nCOUNT: [SINGING]\nIn old Transylvania, when I was\na lad, our castle was cold\nyet we never were sad.\nWe learned to be happy, we'd\ndance 'round the hall, and\nlearning to count was\nthe key to it all.\nBy counting each count, I knew\njust where to start, and one\nspecial step has stayed\nclose to my heart.\nHa, ha, ha.\nOne, two, three, spread\nout the cape.\nOne, two, three, twirl\nround the floor.\nOne, two, three, left\nfoot you swing.\nOne, two, three, then\nstart to sing.\nOne, two, three, loud\nas you please.\nOne, two, three, counting\nwith ease.\nOne, two, three, doing\nthe batty bat.\nBATS AND COUNT: Batty\nbatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nWon't you dance with me\ndoing the batty, bat?\nCOUNT: Ha, ha, my happy\nchildhood in the Carpathian\nMountains, how well\nI remember.\nSo now in my own castle I can\nenjoy this wonderful dance\nthat I learned as a boy.\nI see just how wise was\nmy whole family.\nThey taught me to count, and\nso now we look at me.\nI'm counting and dancing and I\nswear that it's true, if you\ndo the same you will\nbe happy, too!\nCome, we try again.\nOne, two, three, spread\nout the cape.\nOne, two, three, twirl\nround the floor.\nOne, two, three, left\nfoot you swing.\nOne, two, three, then\nstart to sing.\nOne, two, three, loud\nas you please.\nOne, two, three, counting\nwith ease.\nOne, two, three, doing\nthe batty bat.\nBATS AND COUNT: Batty,\nbatty, bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nDance with me doing\nthe batty bat.\nAh, ha!\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nHa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nOne, two, three, count.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nAh, ha, yes!\n[SQUEAKING]\nBatty bat.\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\n[INAUDIBLE]\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nYes, yes!\nBatty batty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty bat.\nBatty batty batty bat!\nOh, come dance with me\ndoing the batty bat.\n": 2, "Bring the zombies\nwhen we're waiting for the bus\nwe gotta build this shit up\nWhen we up in the bus\nzombies lookin' at us,\nthey watching us,\ndead eyes on us\nopen up a randon box,\nto fight the undead flood,\nSpillin' zombie blood\nwhile we smoking' some bud\nI'm gonna stab,\nand run,\nand shoot all my guns\nAnd stab,\nand run\nand shoot my guns\nsingin' survivors,\nwe're survivors\nsingin' survivors were survivors\nwe're gonna stab,\nand run.\nand shoot all our guns\nand stab,\nand run,\nand shoot our guns\nWe singin' survivors,\nwe're survivors\nyou are now now,\nriding with,\nMarlton and- Misty bitch!\naw yeah\naw yeah\naw yeah\nBring the zombies!\nInvasion!\nTakin' y'all to the power station.\nbuild lever ask marlton.\nPull the switch like an electrician\nHEY! YO\nCommuting all the way through hell,\nfires burnging with a fleshy smell\nthis is where denizens all dwell\nHEY! YO!\nblow their heads off with your ray gun\nTeddy Bears they just aint no fun,\nrandom box's left and now we're bummed\nHEY! YO!\nNow our bullets are runnin' low\njust In time I got a max ammo\nfully locked and loaded now so...\nBring the-BRAINS!!!\neverybody on the bus,\nzombies lookin' at us.\nthey watchin' us\ndead eyes on us\nHey stuhlinger.\nit's your lucky day\nyou get to see me use a knife\nyou get to see me use a knife\nwhen we cruisin' downtown.\nwe breakin' into the vault\ngettin' drunk on juggernog,\nwe like to party don't stop\ni'm gonna stab,\nand run.\nand shoot all my guns\nand stab,\nand run,\nand shoot my guns.\nwe singin'\nsurvivors'\nwe're survivors.\nsingin'\nsurvivors we're survivors\nwe're gonna stab\nand run and shoot all our guns\nand stab\nand run\nand shoot our guns\nwe're singin' survivors\nwe're survivors\nyou are now , now riding with\nStuhlinger and Russman bitch!\naw yeah\naw yeah\naw yeah\nwe are survivors\nwe're survivors\nwhen we all stick together\nI wish this nightmare would last forever\nbut the zombies keep comin'\nand they wont surrender\nand baby were survivors\nwe're survivors.\nwhen me and you stick together\nI wish this nightmare would last forever\n": 1, "Hello everyone. Today's subject is\nfriends and friendship. Everybody needs a friend\nThey are the family we choose for ourselves. A true friend comforts us, supports us and always tells the truth.\nThey are the family we choose for ourselves. A true friend comforts us, supports us and always tells the truth.\nA true friend would die for you and u know that even if u don't say it to each other.\nThe older you get - the harder it gets to find new friends\nA key quote for friends is one of Aristotle\nThere is always this question- can man and woman be just friends?\nFridrich Nietzsche believed they can, but for this to endure, it must be \nassisted by a little physical antipathy.\n \nA friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.\nsome people forget about you, until they want something from you, they \nwill ignore you, until they need you.\nsome people forget about you, until they want something from you, they \nwill ignore you, until they need you.\nIf you have such friends than you \nneed no enemies.\n \nFor young people it is very hard to tell real friends from false ones. \nUsually parents notice your fake friends before you do.\nFor young people it is very hard to tell real friends from false ones. \nUsually parents notice your fake friends before you do.\nIf you have to constantly put in the effort to be friends with someone \nthat friendship isn't worth it..\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWhat quotes you liked the most, please write in a comment section below.\nThank you, for watching this video. Till next time.\n": 3, "Elizabeth Lambert: Alright, so now we're going to deal with more quantitative.\nElizabeth Lambert: So quantitative data, very often, we don't want to put a category for each number like each measure we got because then we'll see if any of the measures.\nElizabeth Lambert: had some frequency but otherwise it's it's too miniscule it's hard to get a general sense for what's going on, so what we do is, I would say zoom out from the data.\nElizabeth Lambert: Which means when I zoom out now two things that were next to each other it's hard to tell them apart and that's what we're going to do we're going to merge a couple of measures into one been.\nElizabeth Lambert: The bin is going to represent just a certain range of values, and then the next Ben will represent the next range of values, but one of the catches is bins must be of equal size.\nElizabeth Lambert: So if I decided it's going to be a bin that covers five numbers every bin has to cover five numbers.\nElizabeth Lambert: Now, when we can begin the data like this, our bar graph actually takes on a special meaning, because now, the width can be associated with a range of values.\nElizabeth Lambert: And then we can actually like configure your calculate the area to figure out some meaning it's really interesting, I think, but i'm weird alright so must be the same size, this can get a little weird with grades because.\nElizabeth Lambert: So here like I look the lowest grade is 72 these are actually in order yay and highest grade is 98 so I could just take those as my lows and my highs, but these are exam scores, so I know the theoretical highest exam score would be a 100.\nElizabeth Lambert: And then, it certainly go lower than 72.\nElizabeth Lambert: So one way, we could do it would be to just clump it in our normal letter grades like 70 to 7988 89 but then it would be 90 to 99 would follow the trend and then where does 100 go so strange as it sounds, will actually start.\nElizabeth Lambert: A lot of times we'll go down.\nElizabeth Lambert: But in this case, since we don't have a 100 we can kind of ignore it.\nElizabeth Lambert: But what I listed was only three bins that's a little too zoomed out you want five is the good number like we can do six four really five or six would be better.\nElizabeth Lambert: Because you want to be able to get a feel for where's the high and just knowing you know the highest in the seas will is pisces are low sees where the low bees kind of close to that so we're gonna go with like low SES high seas, but i'm going to write the numbers.\nElizabeth Lambert: alright.\nElizabeth Lambert: So we're going to start with 70 and we're going to run that to 74.\nElizabeth Lambert: Then 75 would be the next number, and we can do this, because these are all whole numbers, if there were decimals in there, like if 74.5 was the possible score than i'd right 74.9 and 75.\nElizabeth Lambert: For the next one.\nElizabeth Lambert: Alright, so 75 up to 79.\nElizabeth Lambert: then add up to 8485 up to 8990 up to 9495 up to 99.\nElizabeth Lambert: So, in a full blown statistics class they love this question, but they also love to throw the hundred in there, because then you have to figure out what to do with it it's annoying.\nElizabeth Lambert: All right now we're just going to count and, since these are an order I see three in my first 7272 74 than 123456 in the next been.\nElizabeth Lambert: Now we started a DS you see three.\nElizabeth Lambert: So when we say to 84 we're including 84 and that, just like before the 79 got included in that count.\nElizabeth Lambert: So it's not just the stuff in between, it includes the numbers we're writing unless we write it in a special way.\nElizabeth Lambert: There is a way to notate that and, certainly, you can think of a graph that way and it makes sense if you have like decimal values.\nElizabeth Lambert: All right, and then the 90 to 94 there's two and then the 98 is the only one in that been.\nElizabeth Lambert: There we go.\nElizabeth Lambert: Now.\nElizabeth Lambert: There is our frequency table.\nElizabeth Lambert: I like to know my total that": 4, "Look at us\nWe're livin' a drama\nGoin' round and round\nDon't let me go\nThis can't be the end\nDon't hug me goodbye\nDon't say you're going home\nWe're livin' a drama\nWe're livin' a drama\nWe're livin' a drama\nCome on, let's go drive\nCheers, tonight's for us\nI'm don't want this to end\nYou're stuck with me tonight\nI wanna lay in your arms\nEvery day, no matter what\nI wanna hold you in my arms\nEvery morning, no matter what\nIf you're feeling emotional\nI'll drop everything and come to you\nIf you're feeling worked up\nI'll settle you down\nHere we are outside my place\nYour perfect lips, your beautiful face\nTonight's the night\nTonight's our night\nLook at us\nWe're livin' a drama\nGoin' round and round\nDon't let me go\nThis can't be the end\nDon't hug me goodbye\nDon't say you're going home\nWe're livin' a drama\nWe're livin' a drama\nWe're livin' a drama\nDon't move, stay just like that\nI'm gonna make you feel loved\nYou can lay your head on me\nI'll always be here to hold you\nI wish time would just stand still\nI hope you never cry when we\u2019re together\nPlease, call my name\nFor us\nLook at us\nWe're livin' a drama\nGoin' round and round\nDon't let me go\nThis can't be the end\nDon't hug me goodbye\nDon't say you're going home\nWe're livin' a drama\nWe're livin' a drama\nWe're livin' a drama\n": 2, "i have the high privilege and the distinct honor or presenting to you\nthe President of the United States\nfor this final one\ni'm gonna try to make it a little shorter\nwe've got the strongest job growth\nsince 1999\nwe produced more oil here for the first time\nfor the first time\nfor the first time\nget it, get it, like 1999\nget it, get it, like 1999\nit has been and still is a hard time\nbut tonight we get it like it's 1999\nif a kid from Tatooine can save the galaxy\nyou can too\nyour future will be brighter\nthere's no limit to what we can do\nbut\nhere's the big but, here's the big but\nwe're not there yet, we all know that\nall the income gains flow to the top 1%\nso imma bring jobs back\nget it, get it, like 1999\nget it, get it, like 1999\nit has been and still is a hard time\nbut tonight we get it like it's 1999\nif folks wanna pop off, pop off\nI wanna meet 'em\nI'm not gonna be soft, be soft\nI'm gonna beat 'em\nif folks wanna pop off, pop off\nI wanna meet 'em\nI'm not gonna be soft, be soft\nI'm gonna beat 'em\n1999\n1999\n1999\n1999\n19 99\nhere's the, here's the big but\nhere's the BIG BUT\nour economy is growing like 1999\nthe crime rate came down for the first time\nfor the first time\nfor the first time\nget it, get it, like 1999\nget it, get it, like 1999\nit has been and still is a hard time\nbut tonight we get it like it's 1999\ngot the strongest job growth since 1999\nwe produced more oil here for the first time\nfor the first time\nfor the first time\nget it, get it, like 1999\nget it, get it, like 1999\nit has been and still is a hard time\nbut tonight we get it like it's 1999\n": 1, "Hello music people, welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Maneskin, this fantastic band from Italy.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Maneskin, this fantastic band from Italy.\nThey recently acted in a television program in the United States and\nThey sang the song \"I Wanna Be Your Slave\" and I'm going to do the analysis of that song.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nTherefore, I will make an analysis in relation to this performance by Maneskin.\nAnything possible for me to add to the musical style,\nto the vocalist or to the structural form of the musical arrangement, I will add.\nto the vocalist or to the structural form of the musical arrangement, I will add.\nBut first of all, if you are not yet subscribed to our channel,\nsubscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video,\nsubscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video,\nso that the video reaches more people.\nAnd now let's discuss Maneskin.\nJust with this introduction in the song, I already consider it sensational.\nJust with this introduction in the song, I already consider it sensational.\nBecause the minimalist way the music starts, with just the beat of the kick drum and the vocals,\nBecause the minimalist way the music starts, with just the beat of the kick drum and the vocals,\nit's something that helps create a climax.\nIt is something that makes us look forward to what will come after this.\nIt is something that makes us look forward to what will come after this.\nLook how amazing this is.\nThis bass drum breaks, so the drums stop\nThis bass drum breaks, so the drums stop\nonly the voice of the vocalist remains,\nthis is very, very exciting.\nJust watch them through the computer.\nIt is something that makes us have an incredible desire\nto be at one of their concerts.\nIt must be very exciting to see this live, it must be sensational.\nIt must be very exciting to see this live, it must be sensational.\nThe songs and the structures in relation to the arrangement, composition and harmony used in the songs,\nThe songs and the structures in relation to the arrangement, composition and harmony used in the songs,\nThe songs and the structures in relation to the arrangement, composition and harmony used in the songs,\nIt is something that they know how to work very well.\nThis bass player plays a lot.\nShe plays the bass very well. They are all great musicians.\nAnd the fact that Maneskin is a very successful band these days,\nAnd the fact that Maneskin is a very successful band these days,\nIt's not just that they've gone viral on social media and advertising.\nIt's not just that they've gone viral on social media and advertising.\nwhich was in a very organic way.\nBut none of this would happen were it not for the talent of the musicians themselves.\nBut none of this would happen were it not for the talent of the musicians themselves.\nAnd all of them are very talented and great musicians,\nbut I think that the great differential of Maneskin,\nIt's not just the talent but also this mix of elements that they have in their music.\nIt's not just the talent but also this mix of elements that they have in their music.\nIt's not just the talent but also this mix of elements that they have in their music.\nAnd they create a very particular identity for themselves.\nAnd they create a very particular identity for themselves.\nIt's something that makes your sound unique.\nAnd this is fantastic.\nThis is really cool.\nThe bass line follows the vocal line.\nThe bass line follows the vocal line.\nTherefore, one complements the other, but in such a way that they are in the same harmony.\nTherefore, one complements the other, but in such a way that they are in the same harmony.\nAnd the electric guitar this time sounds different.\nWhile we have in \"Beggin'\" where the electric guitar works in a more swing way,\nWhile we have in \"Beggin'\" where the electric guitar works ": 4, "Carl Sagan: If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.\nCarl Sagan: Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.\nCarl Sagan: Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.\nCarl Sagan: In all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other.\nCarl Sagan: For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.\nCarl Sagan: The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars.\nCarl Sagan: We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.\nCarl Sagan: It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.\nCarl Sagan: Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns.\nCarl Sagan: We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.\nCarl Sagan: We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.\nCarl Sagan: We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands.\nCarl Sagan: The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.\nCarl Sagan: The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.\nCarl Sagan: You are made of a hundred trillion cells. We are, each of us, a multitude.\nCarl Sagan: I don't want to believe. I want to know.\nCarl Sagan: Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.\nCarl Sagan: The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.\nCarl Sagan: We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.\nCarl Sagan: The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.\n": 4, "What\u2019s the point of living? \nWhat target do we need to choose? \nEveryday we pray for an easy life,\nbut is it really worth to pray for something that we don\u2019t really get? \nWe struggle, we fall down, and want to give up.\nThe pain is just too big, the road is just too long\nand then our dreams end and die. \nWhat would be the point of being on this fantastic planet,\nwhat would be the point of living, if we keep only falling down?\nWhat would be the point of completing? \nWhat would be the point of hope? \nAnd we start to realize, that everything happens for a reason.\nAll the pain and adversities were made to make us stronger because\nwhat\u2019s the point of having a million cups and medals and races won, if you don\u2019t have any satisfaction from it\nNothing is more satisfying than a victory made of liters of sweat poured and the last muscles twitched.\nIn this amazing sport everything can be possible \u2013 It\u2019s the greatest competition.\nThe cars are designed to take a man beyond the limits.\nTo take him to a world, where he can complete on arenas that stood the test of time\nWhere glory and failure are separated by fractions. \nWhere a lot of passion has been given,\nwhere many lives has been lost,\nwhere millimeters decide about the future.\nSo salute for those who race.\nSo salute for those who despite the danger drive on the edge,\nrisking their lives just for the pleasure to be P1. \nSo salute to those who didn\u2019t gave up, \nso salute to those who fight, \nso salute to those who are going beyond the limits, \nbeyond the dreams,\nbeyond the life.\nThe goal is not to live forever, the goal is to create something that will, \nand on the end we only regret the chances we didn\u2019t take.\nAnd the only thing we are looking for is to die with memories, \nnot dreams.\n": 4, "Dollar Assault Rifle\nPAPER: Two one-dollar bills Or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nThe barrel\nDollar Assault Rifle\nPAPER: Two one-dollar bills Or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nThe barrel\nDollar Assault Rifle\nPAPER: Two one-dollar bills Or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nThe barrel\nFold in half. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the short edge to the long edges along both diagonals. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold in half. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the short edge to the long edges along both diagonals. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold in half. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the short edge to the long edges along both diagonals. Unfold. Turn over. \nCrease the angle bisectors as shown.\nCrease the angle bisectors as shown.\nCrease the angle bisectors as shown.\nFold in half.\nFold in half as indicated. Unfold.\nFold in half.\nFold in half as indicated. Unfold.\nFold in half.\nFold in half as indicated. Unfold.\nFold the angle bisector as indicated. Unfold.\nFold the angle bisector as indicated. Unfold.\nFold the angle bisector as indicated. Unfold.\nMake a sequense of reverse folds to hide the extra paper.\nMake a sequense of reverse folds to hide the extra paper.\nMake a sequense of reverse folds to hide the extra paper.\nValley fold at the intersection of the creases.\nAdjust the fold so the horizontal center creases are aligned. See the next step for desired result.\nValley fold at the intersection of the creases.\nAdjust the fold so the horizontal center creases are aligned. See the next step for desired result.\nValley fold at the intersection of the creases.\nAdjust the fold so the horizontal center creases are aligned. See the next step for desired result.\nFold the eges to the center crease. Squash the paper by the pleat to flatten.\nFold the eges to the center crease. Squash the paper by the pleat to flatten.\nFold the eges to the center crease. Squash the paper by the pleat to flatten.\nMountain fold. Unfold.\nMountain fold. Unfold.\nMountain fold. Unfold.\nFold the corners out.\nFold the corners out.\nFold the corners out.\nPleat.\nValley fold the tip (top layer only).\nPleat.\nValley fold the tip (top layer only).\nPleat.\nValley fold the tip (top layer only).\nFold the eges to the center crease. Squash the paper by the pleat to flatten.\nFold the eges to the center crease. Squash the paper by the pleat to flatten.\nFold the eges to the center crease. Squash the paper by the pleat to flatten.\nValley fold in half.\nValley fold in half.\nValley fold in half.\nOutside reverse fold the top flap.\nOutside reverse fold the top flap.\nOutside reverse fold the top flap.\nReverse fold.\nOutside reverse fold.\nReverse fold.\nOutside reverse fold.\nReverse fold.\nOutside reverse fold.\nRound out the barrel. See next picture for the result.\nRound out the barrel. See next picture for the result.\nRound out the barrel. See next picture for the result.\nThe grip\nThe grip\nThe grip\nFold in half horizontally and vertically. Unfold.\nFold in half horizontally and vertically. Unfold.\nFold in half horizontally and vertically. Unfold.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the center crease along the diagonals shown. Unfold.\nFold the edges to the center crease and crease to the intersection point. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the center crease along the diagonals shown. Unfold.\nFold the edges to the center crease and crease to the intersection point. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the top and bottom edges to the center crease along the diagonals shown. Unfold.\nFold the edges to the center crease and crease to the intersection point. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold vertically through the intersection of the creases. Unfold.\nFold as indicated. Unfold\nFold vertically through the intersection of the creases. Unfold.\nFold as indicated. Unfold\nFold vertically through the intersection of the creases. Unfold.\nFold as indicated. Unfold \nCrease as indicated.\nCrease as indicated.\nCrease as indicated.\nCrease the diagonals\nCrease the diagonals\nCrease the diagonals\nFold the egde in as shown, then turn the paper over.\nFold the egde in as shown, then turn the paper over.\nFold the egde in as shown, then turn the paper over.\nCrease as indicated.\nCrease as i": 1, "Luca Guazzotto: Hello, and welcome back t0 0ur plasma physics course.\nLuca Guazzotto: This is Lecture 12, as\nLuca Guazzotto: explicitly stated on top of the page.\nLuca Guazzotto: and we're going to pick up\nLuca Guazzotto: where we left in\nLuca Guazzotto: Lecture 11. That is.\nLuca Guazzotto: we are going to continue the derivation of fluid equations\nLuca Guazzotto: from\nLuca Guazzotto: i'm going to say physical intuition.\nLuca Guazzotto: even though we're not early guessing. We're doing the physics right. But we're doing the physics\nLuca Guazzotto: in one of the 2 ways. This could be done. That is, we're starting from\nLuca Guazzotto: a fluid element and looking at what happens with the fluid element rather than starting from the single particle, description, and integrating some\nLuca Guazzotto: way over the particles, whatever we will need to do\nLuca Guazzotto: part of the reason. So just in case I was not clear in Lecture 11 is that we didn't really going right. an equation for the distribution function, which is what we will need to integrate.\nLuca Guazzotto: Therefore.\nLuca Guazzotto: either we go through the process of kinetic theory\nLuca Guazzotto: and then get to the fluid equations, or we try to get the fluid equations in some other way, which is\nLuca Guazzotto: perfectly okay. That's the way.\nLuca Guazzotto: So the equations it's up normal way to drive through the equation. That's the way they were first derived in a fluid dynamics. Many fluid dynamics course courses start this way\nLuca Guazzotto: without ever talking about them\nLuca Guazzotto: single particles.\nLuca Guazzotto: Okay, then, with the introduction. And let me remind you what we were.\nLuca Guazzotto: We were talking about\nLuca Guazzotto: conservation of Mass.\nLuca Guazzotto: That's the first thing we need to conserve. Now you may think well what we're looking at. Nuclear fusion. Really, mass isn't conserved will take care of that, for now we are looking at the fluid element.\nLuca Guazzotto: and we are not\nLuca Guazzotto: worrying about that part. We're going to write\nLuca Guazzotto: microscopic equations\nLuca Guazzotto: for the conservation of single species.\nLuca Guazzotto: And\nLuca Guazzotto: as we proceed we'll see that we're actually going to look at this as\nLuca Guazzotto: a system of 2 spaces. So we're going to write set of 2 fluid equations, as was already announced.\nLuca Guazzotto: what we were was here, that the total derivative with respect to time. of the number of particles in a fluid element was equal to the volume of the element that we call Delta. V. If you remember\nLuca Guazzotto: times, the derivative\nLuca Guazzotto: of the density\nLuca Guazzotto: plus and\nLuca Guazzotto: times, the derivative\nLuca Guazzotto: of the velocity in a Dx direction\nLuca Guazzotto: which we call the user backs\nLuca Guazzotto: over x\nLuca Guazzotto: plus. and\nLuca Guazzotto: derivative of the y component of the velocity of the fluid element.\nLuca Guazzotto: With respect to y plus, and derivative\nof the z component\nLuca Guazzotto: of the velocity. With respect to C, which we can summarize as volume times the and over dt plus\nLuca Guazzotto: and divergence of you. And this whole thing needs to be equal t0 0,\nLuca Guazzotto: because particles are conserved.\nThat's what we've been saying. Hmm.\nLuca Guazzotto: Let me just pull this in\nLuca Guazzotto: as a reminder.\nThese\nLuca Guazzotto: capital, and he's the number of particles in\nLuca Guazzotto: the fluid elements number of let me type. It\nLuca Guazzotto: somehow\nLuca Guazzotto: alright.\nLuca Guazzotto: made another that's not appear on my screen. I hope it's actually\nLuca Guazzotto: there. Looks like I'm. Maybe having some connection problems correct. Well, anyway, that's the number of particles in the fluid element.\nLuca Guazzotto: Oh, I see what happened. Okay.\nLuca Guazzotto: little pose, and i'll fix it.\nLuca Guazzotto: We always have technical problems, right.\nLuca Guazzotto: all right. Now that I've magically made finally all the things that were supposed to be on the page up here\nLuca Guazzotto: I'm. Read": 4, "Let It Rip (Original Mix) - Bass Kleph [Big & Dirty (Be Yourself Music)]\nHere's the recording of my live mix in the Insanity Radio studio from Saturday the 21st of June featuring the last few weeks hottest releases. \nIn My Mind (Original Mix) - Coyu [Suara]\nRollin' (Original Mix) - Mike Vale, Simon Doty [1605]\nTake Me (Original Mix) - Egoism [Leap4rog Music]\nDusk (Original Mix) - Olivier Giacomotto [Great Stuff Recordings]\nJe Ne Sais Quoi (Original Mix) - Arjun Vagale, Ramiro Lopez [SCI+TEC]\nHelp Me One Time (Original Mix) - DJ Sneak [Exploited]\nThis Is House (Original Mix) - Mihalis Safras [Lapsus Music]\nExpress Yourself (Jaceo Dub Mix) - Ante Perry, Shimmer (NL) [Kraftek]\nSpinning Around (Original Mix) - Vlada Asanin, Big Bite, Oscar Tivi [Sphera Records]\nPhreak It (Club Mix) - Reza, Peter Brown [Hotfingers]\nMe Gusta (Original Mix) - Vlada Asanin [Sphera Records]\nI Can Hear You (Platinum Monkey Remix) - Electrosila [Leap4rog Music]\nBurnfire (Original Mix) - Umek Feat Jay Collins [Spinnin Records]\nChannels (Original Mix) - Alex Kenji [Tiger Records]\nGroove Is In The Heart (Dirty Disco Vocal Remix) - Cut & Splice [Big In Ibiza]\nRewind (Original Mix) - Groovebox, Belocca [100% Pure]\nWhoomp! (Club Mix) - Tradelove [LoudBit]\nGet You High (Original Mix) - Kevin Andrews, Jason Chance [Hotfingers]\nRollerkraft (Original Mix) - Muzzaik, Stadiumx [Onelove]\nPantheon (Original Mix) - Reepublic [Spinnin Records]\nCarbon (Original Mix) - Kill The Buzz [Revealed Recordings]\nBangers & Mash (Original Mix) - Nathan C [Big & Dirty (Be Yourself Music)]\nKnightrider (Original Mix) - Damian William [In My Opinion (Armada)]\nWorld Is Our Playground (Denzal Park Remix) - Vice feat. Mike Taylor [Ultra]\nSamurai (Original Mix) - Ton! Dyson, Juicy M [JUMMP Records]\nAbout The Drop Out (Original Mix) - Joey Dale [Revealed Recordings]\nMET (Original Mix) - Marco V [Flamingo Recordings]\nOne For Love feat. Yoshi Breen (Tom Fall Remode) - Tom Fall [Trice Recordings (Armada)]\nRadical (Original Mix) - Dyro & Dannic [Revealed Recordings]\nThe Future (Original Mix) - MOGUAI [Punx Records]\nReady (Club Mix) - Mazza & Klaas [Scandic Records]\nMoving On (feat. Emel) - Stonebank [Monstercat]\n": 2, "\u201cI\u2019m utterly aware that being in this world of duality is painful\nbut also full of joy and pleasure and longing.\nSo I decide to stay and listen.\u201d\nTake some messages of time\nIn love divine\nIn love divine\nPainting passages in time\nIn days divine\nIn days divine\nIn my dreams I saw you die \nWith a secret inside\nA secret inside\nThe deer, its antlers touch the sky \nl ask him why\nl ask him why\nDance you into the light\nI see your eyes are open wide\nDance you into the light\nLevitate the void\nSway you out of fights\nLet Orion be your guide\nDance you into the light\nElevated, overjoyed\nJust for you, I've swallowed the sun\nWe've just begun\nWe've just begun\nTame your demons in disguise\nBehind your eyes\nBehind your eyes\nDance you into the light\nI see your eyes are open wide\nDance you into the light\nLevitate the void\nSway you out of fights\nLet Orion be your guide\nDance you into the light\nElevated, overjoyed\n\u201cCome on, big black bird!\nMy window\u2019s open wide.\nCome on over, big black bird!\nHere\u2019s your treats. Here. Here. Here ... \u201d\n": 3, "Hello Guys, Welcome Back to Chris Poli Channel.\nThis video I want to share about swap outfit that you can wear another class outfit.\nOkay, before that to enjoy watch my video\nI will show you some tips\nin all my video I already provide timestamp to faster you to go to target topic\nand you can activate Subtitle that I provide manually\nby pressing CC button on below my video\nand also you can use auto translate feature from YouTube\nthat will translate my subtitle to become any language that suitable for you\nand on top right my video\nyou can access my another video that I provide as reference for each video\nand for more detail information don't forget to open video description,\nin this video description I show you some link reference\nthat related for this video and also Timestamp\nand don't forget to join my official Discord channel to keep in touch with me directly\ndon't forget to Like, Subscribe and turn on Bell notification\nto keep update with my new video\nokay let's\u00a0start this video content using any feature that I provide\nIf you open your pearl shop and go to apparel tab,\nyou will see this cosplay Party Pack A and this cosplay party Pack B.\nActually, this is two different pack that you can purchase\nfor cosplay party pack A you only can get Halloween outfit box one piece,\nbut you also can get this value pack for 30 days,\nblessing Camarillo for 15 days,\nor secret book of old moon for 15 days.\nYou must choose one of them\nand this cosplay party pack A have purchase restriction three pieces per family,\nbut will reset next Monday\nand this cosplay party pack A only available until 14 April 2021 before maintenance\nand during this event period, this cosplay party pack A have discount 25%.\nSo actually you get this value pack and one of this family buff\n with discount 25% by purchase this cosplay party pack A \nbut if you didn't want to purchase this family buff,\nyou can choose this cosplay party Pack B\nactually, this cosplay party Pack B you will spend more Pearl,\nbut you will get this three pieces Halloween of box\nthat you can distribute it to another class in your family.\nAnd sadly this Halloween Outfit box,\nwe cannot process it one piece during this event period.\nWe only can purchase it from this cosplay party pack A or this Cosplay party pack B,\nbut be notice this Halloween Outfit box, you cannot get it from Central Market.\nAnd also if you open this box using any class,\nthis specific class box cannot be put on Central market too.\nAnd also each part for this outfit cannot be put on Central Market.\nSo the only way to get this Halloween Outfit box you must spend your pearl in your family.\nAnd if you want to purchase this Cosplay party pack B\nduring this event period, have discount 15%.\nAnd also if you have apparel discount coupon\nas you see, actually long time ago, I already save\nthis event Splat Fisher's Clothes set for seven days\nthat inside this box have content a apparel 10% discount coupon\nthat I can use any time\nbecause by purchasing this Cosplay party pack,\nthis is so much pearl that you will spend.\nThis is great time to use a apparel discount coupon.\nActually, I didn't remember where I get this event Splat Fisher's Clothes set for 7 days box,\nand I already save it for a long time.\nMaybe I got this box when I started playing Black Desert online,\nokay just opened this box and I will get this event Splat Fisher's Clothes set seven days\nthat I can open with any class.\nAnd the target item is this item apparel 10% discount coupon\nthat I want to use for this opportunity.\nOkay, I just use this item.\nAnd as you see, I just got notification.\nYou have new coupon\nand this coupon have expired date seven days after I use it.\nOkay, I will purchase this Cosplay party pack B\nand just just discount coupon that I already activated before.\nAs you see, cost pearl for this item or reduce 10% by using this discount coupon.\nOkay, I will purchase this item and confirm it,\nand you can find this Halloween outfit box at your pearl inventory.\nAs you see, this is the item three of this box.\nYou can distribute it to another character in your family.\nOkay": 2, "packing he feels that something is\nlacking thus no matter whether it's a\nblessing or curse you won't be able to\nensure the other safety among the people\nwho took part in that world who can be\nexcluded\nthere's no need to look forward to this\nTV program\nthat's not actually why its my patience\nvery trying to impress even really tries\nto move because it's great to do is pay\nanyways we do anything a musician the\nEngland osu game\nyet it's still a great for anybody to\nthe parent frame this is just in case it\ndoesn't like such a good scientist ask\nat least to my sister just bring on the\nfront just ask unless you want to manage\nmeanwhile freestyle switch you actually\ndid frying the CSS actually done with us\n10's as having such a hard time trusting\nwould be 20\ngood to see that actually sounds like\nshe's in city council meeting with my\nprivate that lets users to show your\ngreat-great-great it's just not just try\ngetting against my blog posts\nor 480 9639 1810 1798 2780 9302 8722\nremember one night when they picked up\nduring the night\n151like surface of Io 555111 light try\nflipped to the on light for online life\nfrom the life 634 online 414 unlike\nleast their first white sox 653 fine\nline 343 industries saying fine and fun\nto be around a fire for fun states of\ntheir own in this 3056 4141 live sexus\nsemantic 667 statistic subjects mi 44\n1 131630 16 x 640 around 63 225 225 225\n17 11 and 7 11 different wine 1991 line\nflying soon find my 911 991 14 9 2014 17\n18 yr fire 599 why 1999 why five and\nseven wives in 77 1991 war separate line\nfor enforcing to find it easy to fly for\nfriends with a 25 190 12 tonight fun to\nsee a 2111 wine 11 2012 18 40 sake 6-7\n359 foxy 42 wife's 2154 1045 he walks 3\n4 1245 111 flow 491 wines there are two\nthree stripes 1 105 fines if they're\nflying in 1178 around 19 2013 14 11 12\nto 32 left to think 74 4-0 for like for\nfun threaten overdrive right to new\nlife-forms very\nexciting 3327 very reliable was a 533\nfor online for non-life 263 food from c3\n32 32 and 36 168 60-some a sex ring 18 1\nC 2 46 factory see tonight soon 932\nexciting m1 feet\nthis is the only thing i can say this is\nthe only thing i can say this is the\nanything I can say this is the only\nthing i can say this is the only thing i\ncan say this is the only thing i can say\nsay thank you think the thing is this is\nthis is this is this is this business\nthe same this is the second to say this\nis there anything anything anything\nanything anything anything anything\nanything anything anything so you think\nthe music is the only thing anything\nanything anything anything anything you\nthink is the only answer the second\nanything you say this is this is the\nthing to say and say this is the only\nthing the only thing i can say anything\nthe only if there is anything i can say\nanything\nthis is this is the thing you can say\nthis is this system this is because this\nis this is the only 30 think this is the\nonly thing this is the icons to say this\nis the only thing the only thing because\nthis is a thing to say this is only\nthink this is this a this is this is\nthis is the only yesterday this is say\nanything anything and you can see the\nyoung i can say you can say this i can\nsay the only thing the only thing\nanything i think i can do you think this\nis the only thing i can say anything\nanything i'm gonna say there's this is\ngonna say the same thing I think the\nonly way to say this is a silly thing I\nthink this is anything like this is the\nonly thing i can say the acting thing I\ncan say is the only thing anything to\nsay anything anything anything anything\nin this is the only thing i can say this\nis anything that considers the only the\nonly thing this is their sisters will\nsay the assistance of this is this is\nthe only thing I can say is this is this\nis something anything to say\n": 1, "All right, what's going on, contenders!\nToday I have a very special video for you,\nwe are going to do\nwe are going to do \nA 10,000\nwe are going to do \nA 10,000-Punch\nwe are going to do \nA 10,000-Punch Punchout\nwe are going to do \nA 10,000-Punch Punchout Challenge!\nNow, here is how it's gonna work,\nI'm calling out punches in sets of 500.\nFirst we're doing 100 straight punches,\nthen 100 uppercuts,\nthen 100 hooks,\nand then 200 punches freestyle,\non your own, any punches that you want.\nWhat I do is I count the numbers 1 to 50,\nfor every number I count\nyou throw two punches.\nSo for example, like this,\nOne,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour.\nSo by the time I've counted to 50,\nyou've thrown 100 punches.\nWhen I count to 100,\nyou've thrown 200 punches.\nIn between every 100 punches\nyou'll get a few seconds break.\nJust to relax your arms and take a breath.\nAfter each set of 500\nyou're gonna get a 30-second break,\nwhere you get to recover\nfor whatever intensity you've been through\nand get ready for the next set.\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 uppercuts!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 hook punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands, take a breath.\nGet ready for 200 freestyle punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50,\n55,\n60,\n65,\n70,\n75,\n80,\n85,\n90,\n95,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax,\nrelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 uppercuts.\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax,\nrelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 hook punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands, take a breath.\nGet ready for 200 freestyle punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 uppercuts!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 hook punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax, relax your hands,\ntake a breath.\nGet ready for 200 freestyle punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50,\n55,\n60,\n65,\nReady, 100 straight punches,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right relax,\nrelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 uppercuts!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax,\nrelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 hook punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax.\nRelax your hands, take a breath.\nGet ready for 200 freestyle punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50,\n55,\n60,\n65,\n70,\n75,\n80,\n85,\n90,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax,\nrelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 uppercuts!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax,\nrelax your hands and take a breath.\nGet ready for 100 hook punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50!\nAll right, relax,\nrelax your hands, take a breath.\nGet ready for 200 freestyle punches!\nReady,\ngo!\n1,\n2,\n3,\n4,\n5,\n10,\n15,\n20,\n25,\n30,\n35,\n40,\n45,\n50,\n55,\n60,\n65,\n70,\n75,\n80,\n85,\n90,\n95,\n100!\nAll right, take a break, take a break.\n30-second break.\nAnd we're about\nto get ready for the next set.\nAll right contenders, 2,500 punches down!\nI'm just here to show up\nevery now and then\nto keep you motivated and keep you strong.\nStay in there,\nthis for me was very mentally challenging,\nit didn't really destroy me physically.\nBut mentally, knowing that\nI had such a long way to go...\nWhat I recommend is...\nset a goal for today.\nWhat do you want today?\nAnd once you get there,\nreward yourself just for achieving that.\nReward yourself mentally.\nAnd that's gonna give y": 2, "Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nI am an asteroid orbiting in space\nin the belt between Mars and Jupiter.\nI will collide and go spinning out of place,\ntowards the stars or back towards Earth.\nI'm made of rocks and metal.\nElemental dust that settled.\nFour and half billion years ago!\nWhoa!\nWhoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nI am a comet orbiting much farther\nout than Neptune or Pluto.\nThe path I'm on brings me towards your star,\nheats up my core, a tail of gas begins to show.\nI'm made of rocks and frozen gas.\nLooking like a shooting star as I go past.\nSling shot and then back out I go!\nOhhh!\nOhhh! Ohhh!\nOhhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!\nOhhh! Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!\nI\u2019ll never be a \u2018Near Earth Object\u2018\nI\u2019ll never be an \u2018NEO\u2019\nNASA\u2019s got my trajectory projected\nlike the two million four thousand objects they know.\nI\u2019m a meteorite!\nI killed the dinosaurs!\nI was an asteroid or a comet\nor piece of a planet and I crashed.\nI sort of bumped my head...\nI\u2019m in New Mexico!!\nI am an asteroid.\nI am a comet.\nAND I\u2019M A METEOR!!\nI know I started out the size of a VW Bus,\nbut then I hit the Earth\u2019s atmosphere and now\nI\u2019m about the size of a microwave oven...\nHey, you guys wanna hang out?\nI\u2019ll never be a \u2018Near Earth Object\u2019\nI\u2019ll never be an \u2018NEO\u2019\nI\u2019ll never be an \u2018NEO\u2019 (so thats a no?)\nNASA\u2019s got my trajectory projected\nlike the two million four thousand objects they know.\nis it a soft maybe?\nYeah, but you know where I am?\nI\u2019m in field,\nor a museum,\nor sometimes on a pretty lady\u2019s necklace...\nENJOY THE VACUUM OF SPACE!!\nWhoa!\nWhoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nWhoa!\nWhoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa!\nWhoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!\n": 3, "Assalamu Alaikum .Welcome to student cooking.Today i am making long chiray recipe.Let's start cooking with BISMILLAH HIR RAHMAN NIR RAHEEM .\n_____ Ingredients For Chutney _____:\n .Sabut khatai (Raw dry mango) = 10 - 15 slices .(wash it , then soaked over night raw dry mango slices )\n. Imli paste = 1/2 cup\n.Mint leaves = 1/4 bunch \n.Garlic cloves = 10 - 15\n. Black salt = 1 tbsp\n.Crushed red chilli = 2 tsp\n.Red chilli powder = 1 tsp\n.Salt = 1 tsp\n.Garam masala powder = 1 tsp\n Add all ingredients into the jug and grind it .until well combined . \nNow i am making the red and yellow phulki. \n_____Ingredients for long chiray Yellow pulki_______:\n..Besan = 1 cup\n.Wheat flour = 1/ 2 cup\n.Baking soda = 1 tsp\n.Water as required\n.Ajwain = 1/4 tsp\nMix all dry ingredients , then add gradually add water into it , and make a thick better. Then divide into two equal parts , and add the ingredients of red pulki.\n \n_________Ingredients for long chiray Yellow pulki_______:\n.Red food colour = 1/4 tsp ( heaped) or you can add Zarda colour\nIn pan add oil , And fry the yellow and red phulki on medium to low flame , from both the sides \nNow soaked the red and yellow phulki into the water for about 1 minutes . Then take out the phulki into the water , and squeeze all water into the phulki\nNow i am making long chiray ( kabab ) :\nIn bowl add , Moong dal atta = 1 cup \n.Wheat flour = 1/2 cup \n.Besan = 1/4 cup \n.Onion = 2 medium ( fine chop )\n.Green chilli = 2 - 3 ( fine chop )\n Fresh coriander = 1 bunch ( fine chop )\n.Crushed red chilli = 1 tsp\n.Red chilli powder = 1 tsp \n.White cumin seeds = 3 tsp ( roasted and crushed )\n.Coriander seeds = 3 tsp ( roasted and crushed )\n.Salt = 1 tsp\n.Turmeric powder = 1/2 tsp \n.Ajwain = 1/4 tsp\n.baking soda = 1 tsp \n.Water as required\nGradually add water and knead well until medium soft dough. now make kebabs of equal sizes on skewer or with help of hands . Then fry it or grill on charcoal\nIn pan add oil and fry the kebab on medium low flame . Then turn off the flame , and give a coal smoke. \nMust try this Long Chiray Recipe and serve it with onion and special chutney of long chiray , and if you like this recipe ,so press the like button , share your feedback , and subscribe to my you tube channel student cooking. Remember me in your prayers , Take care , ALLAH HAFIZ.\n": 2, "VIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVI\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIR\nVI\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTU\nVIR\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL \nVIRTU\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL RE\nVIRTUAL \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REA\nVIRTUAL RE\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALI\nVIRTUAL REA\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALIT\nVIRTUAL REALI\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY \nVIRTUAL REALIT\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY ki\nVIRTUAL REALITY \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi \nVIRTUAL REALITY ki\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yu\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yu\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga ka\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga \nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kana\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga ka\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kana\nVIRTUAL REALITY kimi to no yume ga kanau\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPA\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARA\nPA\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL \nPARA\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD \nPARALLEL \nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD a\nPARALLEL WORLD \nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato \nPARALLEL WORLD a\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato i\nPARALLEL WORLD ato \nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi \nPARALLEL WORLD ato i\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi \nPARALLEL WORLD ato ichi BIT\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsu\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsuna\ntsu\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunaga\ntsuna\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru \ntsunaga\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru se\ntsunagaru \ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru seka\ntsunagaru se\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai \ntsunagaru seka\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai to\ntsunagaru sekai \ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke \ntsunagaru sekai to\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke da\ntsunagaru sekai toke \ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu \ntsunagaru sekai toke da\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu \ntsunagaru sekai toke dasu no\nfutari naranda inuneko no SESSION\nfu\nfutari nara": 0, "This video is about Optimization Problems. In this\u00a0\nvideo we are going to solve problem number three.\nLet us read the problem. Construct\u00a0\nan open box with a square based and a\u00a0\u00a0\nvolume of 256 cubic centimeters. What\u00a0\nshould the dimensions of the Box be\u00a0\u00a0\nso that it would have a minimum\u00a0\nsurface area. This is the the box.\nEach side of the square base is represented by\u00a0\nx and the height of the box is represented by y.\nStep letter a. Form the constraint equation.\u00a0\nThis is the box. The volume of the box is the\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to x times x times y or V is equal\u00a0\nto x squared y where V means volume.\u00a0\u00a0\nAccording to the problem the volume of the box is\u00a0\n256 cubic centimeters. We substitute 256 for V and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen solve for y. So 256 is equal to x squared\u00a0\ny and then y is equal to 256 over x squared.\u00a0\u00a0\nStep letter b. For the optimization equation. This\u00a0\nthe side of the box is x times to y and then this\u00a0\u00a0\nside is also x times y this right side is also x\u00a0\ntimes y and then this left side is also x times\u00a0\u00a0\ny so we have 4 x y and the base is x times x\u00a0\nor x squared so the surface area is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nS is equal to 4 x y plus x\u00a0\nsquared where S means surface area\u00a0\u00a0\nand then substitute 256 over x squared for y so we\u00a0\nhave now S is equal to 4X times 256 over x squared\u00a0\u00a0\nplus x squared. This is the equal to S\u00a0\nis equal to 10 24 over x Plus x squared\u00a0\u00a0\nand this can be written as s is equal to 10\u00a0\n24 x raised to negative 1 plus x squared.\u00a0\u00a0\nStep letter c. Find the first derivative.\u00a0\nIn step letter b, we got the equation S is\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to 10 24 x raised to negative 1 plus x\u00a0\nsquared. Using the power rule for derivatives\u00a0\u00a0\nthe first derivative or S prime is equal to 10\u00a0\n24 times the negative 1 x raised to negative 2\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 2 x this is equal to S prime or the first\u00a0\nderivative is equal to negative 10 24 x raised\u00a0\u00a0\nto negative 2 plus 2 x. Let us make this the\u00a0\nexponent negative 2 positive by bring it down.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo this is the equal to S prime is equal\u00a0\nto negative 10 24 over x squared plus 2 x.\nStep letter d. Find the critical value. We are\u00a0\ngoing to equate to zero the first derivative we\u00a0\u00a0\ngot in Step C negative 10 24 over x squared plus\u00a0\n2x is equal to 0. and then solve for x. Transpose\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 10 24 over x squared to the right\u00a0\nside change its sign from negative to positive.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we have now 2x is equal to 10 24 over x\u00a0\nsquared. Cross multiply. 2x times x squared.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is now equal to 2 x cubed is\u00a0\nequal to 10 24. Divide both sides by 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is now equal to x cubed is equal to\u00a0\n512. Extract the cube root of both sides.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we have now the cube root of x is equal to\u00a0\nthe cube root of 512. x is equal to 8 centimeters\nStep letter e. Use the second derivative test.Iin\u00a0\nStep letter C we got the first derivative S prime\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to negative 10 24 x raised to negative\u00a0\n2 plus 2x. Using the power rule we are going to\u00a0\u00a0\nsolve for the second derivative. This is now\u00a0\nequal to 20 48 x raised to negative 3 plus 2.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is now equal to 20 48 over x cubed plus\u00a0\n2. In Step letter d, we got X is equal to 8\u00a0\u00a0\ncentimeters. We are going to substitute 8\u00a0\nfor x. This is now equal to 2040 over 8 cubed\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 2. This is now equal to 4\u00a0\nplus 2 and 4 plus 2 is equal to 6.\u00a0\u00a0\n6 is greater than 0 therefore the\u00a0\nsecond derivative is greater than zero\nThe second derivative is greater than zero\u00a0\ntherefore the minimum value occurs to an\u00a0\u00a0\nx is equal to eight. In Step letter a, we got\u00a0\nthe equation y is equal to 256 over x squared.\u00a0\u00a0\nSubstitute 8 for x and solve for y. So we\u00a0\nhave now y is equal to 256 over 8 squared\u00a0\u00a0\ny is equal to 256 over 64. So y is equal to 4\u00a0\ncentimeters This is the box. This side of the\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare base is the 8 centimeters and this side is\u00a0\nalso 8 centimeters and the height of the box is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe four centimeters. These are the dimensions of\u00a0\nthe box that will give the minimum surface area,\u00a0\u00a0\n8 centimeters by eight\u00a0\ncentimeters by 4 centimeters.\n[Music]\nforeign [Music]\n": 4, "i've been paralyzed waiting for this parallax\nwhat's going on power director peeps today\u00a0\nis tablet tuesday that means i get to show\u00a0\u00a0\nyou how to do the parallax effect using the\u00a0\npowerdirector mobile video editor app here we\u00a0\u00a0\nare in the powerdirector app if you're new\u00a0\nto my channel and you want to learn how to\u00a0\u00a0\nuse powerdirector click the subscribe button\u00a0\nand click on the bell to get notifications\u00a0\u00a0\nevery time i upload content to youtube the\u00a0\nparallax effect creates a video from a photo\u00a0\u00a0\nby adding simultaneous pan and zoom which\u00a0\ncreates a motion effect for your viewers\u00a0\u00a0\nso in this video i'm going to show you how\u00a0\nto create this unique effect for your videos\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's put some motion in the mountains as you\u00a0\ncan see i have a picture of some mountains in\u00a0\u00a0\nthe timeline if i play this uh you'll see it's\u00a0\njust a static picture but i want to create some\u00a0\u00a0\nmotion to jazz it up a bit and i want to make\u00a0\nthose clouds move sideways and have the mountains\u00a0\u00a0\nmove forward i need to create a picture of the\u00a0\nclouds and a separate picture of the mountains so\u00a0\u00a0\ni can make those two movements independently now\u00a0\ni'm going to use photodirector for this but you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan use any photo editor on your device that can\u00a0\nremove parts of an image and replace them with a\u00a0\u00a0\ngreen screen or a transparent background so\u00a0\nlet's go ahead and go over to photo director\nso you want to tap on edit\nyou want to tap on pictures you want to go to the\u00a0\npicture that you want to use on your device and\u00a0\u00a0\ntap that picture and it it'll go ahead and open\u00a0\nit up so at this point you want to go to tools\nand we want to tap on removal\u00a0\u00a0\nyou want to tap on this plus sign and then\u00a0\nyou want to go ahead and tap on the mountains\u00a0\u00a0\nall right so we want to go ahead and remove these\u00a0\nand we're going to just kind of go over the top\u00a0\u00a0\nof these not too much of a concern for if it's\u00a0\nperfect or not just want to make sure we get them\nif you make a mistake on anything\u00a0\nyou can always hit the minus sign\u00a0\u00a0\nhold your finger on it and if you\u00a0\nwant to be precise you can do that\nyou can tap on the plus sign and add anything\u00a0\nback same thing hold your finger over it\nand once you're done you can\u00a0\ngo ahead and tap on remove\nand as you can see that removed the mountains\u00a0\nand the ground and replaced them with clouds\u00a0\u00a0\nso if you like how it looks you can\u00a0\ngo ahead and tap on the check sign\u00a0\u00a0\nand then you can go ahead and tap on the export\u00a0\nand it'll save your photo next we need to create\u00a0\u00a0\nan image of just the mountains with no other\u00a0\nbackground in there so you want to tap on home\nyou want to tap on edit\u00a0\u00a0\npictures you want to tap on the mountain picture\u00a0\nagain and this time you want to tap on cutout\u00a0\u00a0\nnow you want to go ahead and tap the plus sign\u00a0\nand you want to go ahead and tap on the image\nonce again you can hold your finger down make\u00a0\nany adjustments if you want to make sure that you\u00a0\u00a0\nget all of the mounting in there\u00a0\nnext you can go ahead and tap on cut\u00a0\u00a0\nand as you can see it kept the selection that\u00a0\nwe made and got rid of everything else at the\u00a0\u00a0\ntop so it's transparent which is what that checker\u00a0\nboard means but we don't want it to be transparent\u00a0\u00a0\nwanted to have a green background so we can use\u00a0\nthe chroma keyer in powerdirector so we're going\u00a0\u00a0\nto tap on green you'll change that background\u00a0\nto green you want to tap on the check mark\u00a0\u00a0\nand you want to tap on export to save it as\u00a0\nwell and now you got your two photos saved you\u00a0\u00a0\ngot a photo of just clouds and then you got\u00a0\na photo of the mountains with no background\u00a0\u00a0\nso now we're going to go back to powerdirector\nand we don't need this picture so we're going\u00a0\nto tap on it we're going to tap the trash bin\u00a0\u00a0\nto get rid of it and we're going to\u00a0\ngo ahead and tap on the overlay icon\u00a0\u00a0\nwe're going to go to photo i'm going to go to\u00a0\nphoto directory and we're going to choose the\u00a0\u00a0\nclouds and we'll tap on the plus sign and now\u00a0\nwe'll tap back and we'll tap back again now we\u00a0\u00a0\nwant to go ahead and move these clouds sideways\u00a0\nso the first thing that we need to do is tap on\u00a0\u00a0\nthe clouds and we need to go ahead and size\u00a0\nthem up to fill in the ": 4, "hello Lara happy birthday I know I'm the happy\u00a0\nbirthday singer and your friends Lara they've\u00a0\u00a0\nasked for me to come and sing a special happy\u00a0\nbirthday song to you today on their behalf so\u00a0\u00a0\nhere I go with a specially requested birthday song\u00a0\njust the you Lara oh happy birthday to you happy\u00a0\u00a0\nbirthday to you happy birthday Lara happy birthday\u00a0\nto you for your a jolly good fellow Lara's a jolly\u00a0\u00a0\ngood fellow she's a jolly good fellow and so say\u00a0\nall of us so say all of us and so say all of us\u00a0\u00a0\nyour a jolly good fellow Lara's a jolly good\u00a0\nfellow she's a jolly good fellow and so say\u00a0\u00a0\nall of us hip hip hooray hip hip hooray hip hip\u00a0\nhooray for Lara's birthday so there you go there's\u00a0\u00a0\nyour specially requested birthday song sung by\u00a0\nme just for you Lara today on your birthday so\u00a0\u00a0\nyou have a great day have a lot of fun and if\u00a0\nyou're very lucky next year on your birthday\u00a0\u00a0\nyour friends might send me back again to sing\u00a0\nanother special Happy Birthday song to you Lara\u00a0\u00a0\non your birthday good bye have fun birthday\u00a0\ngirl Lara you're looking good and so young\n": 2, "in this video we have to find the product of\u00a0\nreal roots of the equation x square plus 18x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 30 is equal to 2 times root under x square\u00a0\nplus 18x plus 45 so for simplicity if we assume x\u00a0\u00a0\nsquare plus 18x minus 30 as y if we\u00a0\nassume x s square plus 18x plus 30 as y\nthen this is y that is equal to 2 times\u00a0\u00a0\nroot under and x square plus 18x\u00a0\nplus 45 will become y plus 15\nand if we square both side then we get y square\u00a0\nis equal to 4 times y plus 15 and it is y square\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to 4y plus 4 times 15 is 60 and it is\u00a0\ny square minus 4y minus 60 is equal to 0 and\nit is y square and minus 4y is minus 10y plus 6y\u00a0\nminus 60 is equal to 0 and if we take y common\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we get y minus 10 and here if we\u00a0\ntake 6 common then we get y minus 10\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is equal to 0 and if\u00a0\nwe take y minus 10 common\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we get y plus 6 that is equal to 0 and we\u00a0\nget y is equal to 10 and y is equal to minus 6.\nand we have y is equal to 2 times root\u00a0\nunder y plus 15 that is always positive\u00a0\u00a0\nso y also must be positive\nso y cannot be equal to\u00a0\nminus 6 so y is equal to 10\u00a0\u00a0\nand we have y is equal to\u00a0\nx square plus 18x plus 30\nwe have y is equal to x square plus 18x plus 30\u00a0\nthat is equal to 10 and it is x square plus 18x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 20 is equal to 0 and if we check discriminant\u00a0\nD that will be equal to b square that is 18 square\u00a0\u00a0\nminus 4ac that is 4 times a is 1 and c is 20 and\u00a0\nit is 18 square is 324 minus 4 times 20 is 80\u00a0\u00a0\nand it is 244 that is positive\u00a0\nthat means both roots are real\nso product of root\nwill be c by a and c is 20 and a is 1 that is 20\nso\nproduct of real roots is equal to 20.\n": 3, "Elephant: Pig and Elephant sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! \nOh Pig, stop reading and give me a kiss! \nPig: What? Oh, okay. \nLuby: Pig gives Elephant a kiss. \nElephant: What do you want to do? Do you want to play a game? Maybe the game called Hide and Seek? \nPig: Yes certainly, after I read this chapter of my book about philosophy. \nElephant: I will be hidden, you will count to ten and look for me!\nPig: Yes certainly, one\u2026 two\u2026 three\u2026 four\u2026 \nElephant: Come and find me! \nLuby: Where is Elephant? \nIs she under the tree? No. \nIs she near the garden? Maybe\u2026\nFrom where to where am I going? \n I am there. \nI am going from the tree to the garden. \nI am going from there to there. \nIs she in the garden? No. \nIs she outside of the garden? No. \nIs she under the house? No. \nIs she over the house? No way! \nFrom where to where am I going? \n I am at the house. \nI am going from the small house to the big house. \nI am going from the small house to my home.\nIs Elephant under the table? No. \nIs Elephant on the table? No!\nIs she in the chairs? No!\nIs she under the seats? No. \nIs she on the road? Maybe\u2026 \nFrom where to where am I going? \nI am here. \nI am going from my home to there. \nI am going from there to there. \nI am now there. \nLuby: He is not here, he is there. He is elsewhere. \nElephant: He is not here, he is there? He is elsewhere? \nLuby: Yes. Pig is under the tree. For he is reading philosophy. \nPig: I am reading philosophy. I want to go to Athens and philosophize there. Many philosophers are Athenians. \nElephant: Well, we are not in Athens now! We are here! \nPig: Yes! Exactly! We are here! And philosophy is everywhere! It comes from everywhere and it goes everywhere! \nIt is sufficient for me to read here.\nBear: It\u2019s becoming Spring. Good! For I prepare to wage war at the coming of Spring. (adapted from Thuc Hist. 8.3.2).\nLuby: Thanks for coming here! Be well. \n": 3, "Don\u2019t make a mistake in my hood, cause you\u2019ll never make it out\nYou will never make it out, you'll need a badge and a pistol\nCause no friend will ever save you\nScarred killers who wouldn\u2019t have mercy on their own families\nKids that\u2019ll snatch your eyes out, you wouldn't even think\nThey\u2019re never scared of the darkness of jail, still better than their regular daylight\nMind out! Mind out! Mind out! Mind out!\nMind out! Mind out! Mind out! Mind out!\nMind out! Mind out! Mind out! Mind out!\nWhen I'm with the homies\nWhen I'm with the homies\nGrowing up in the jungle, pain and wounds\nPolice van sniping, father coming back from the mosque\nAin\u2019t no love in here, hearts harder than a rock\nOnly seeking God\u2019s and my parents\u2019 approval cause probably won\u2019t get it from the Palace\nWill the grave welcome us?\nWill the sea accept us?\nOur Morocco is the best country but you made it hell for us\nGod will forgive us for our suffering\nHow are you trying to educate us you don\u2019t even know how to speak\nIncompetent like you play for Al-Nassr\nYou just bark but you never listen\nTalking like you invented petrol\nYou\u2019re not even considered one of us\nTesting the waters, cause you feel insecure\nDon\u2019t like criticism? Sit down then\nCalm down and stop the yapping\nLet us share half of what you got\nY\u2019all took all the money God is our only hope\nWe ate dirt, no sleep\nThen we parted ways\nGod blessed me with everything, all that's left is a Tesla\nI\u2019m a good guy but you might not recognise me well\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\n2 warm bottles of Coke\nStreet corner is the spot\nEverything black there ain\u2019t no colors\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\n2 warm bottles of Coke\n2AM and we keep it going\nTake two puffs don\u2019t ever worry\nLet me tell you why people all believe in my words\nEat dinner in Four Seasons then have coffee in Berrchid\nConversate with a minister then beat your grandma in Ludo (Parch\u00eds)\nTalk nicely to you but cut your balls if you cross the line\nI rapped when you were in 3rd grade\nYou wanted beef but I left you hanging\nMustapha Tah Tah says hi to you\nThis was all a set up\nFor the money\nYour own brother would panic\nEveryone that life has brought to me only wanted benefits\nThey were family, turned out to be microbes\nThey took a punch, God is Great\nCome to the office, here\u2019s a sample for you\nI\u2019ll run you over while I\u2019m smiling\nIn Saint-Michel with a Belgian girl\nTelling her \u201cYou\u2019re so pretty\u201d\nRappers racing for the trend I run the trend on a scooter bike\nDo the math, check the score\nLet me help you with that\nManal signed a deal with only 2 songs and you still perform for 300\u20ac\nManal signed a deal with only 2 songs, all factories will shut down\nManal signed a deal with only 2 songs, she\u2019ll send us all to the kitchen\nWhat\u2019s wrong with you? This is only a possibility\nI don\u2019t really care\nAttention, I don\u2019t follow any agenda\nYou seem very confused\nMad at me? Fill a complaint or send an email\nTo avoid heart burn have some Actimel\nI never trusted a human being even those with long beards\nI never got near Vodka, I\u2019ll slap the shit out of you\nWhen I drop everyone\u2019s happy\nAs if Asmaa Beauty died\nAs if I\u2019m giving away Gucci hats\nCause I kill these pussy cats\nGrowing up in the jungle, pain and wounds\nPolice van sniping, father coming back from the mosque\nAin\u2019t no love in here, hearts harder than a rock\nOnly seeking God\u2019s and my parents\u2019 approval cause probably won\u2019t get it from the Palace\nWill the grave welcome us?\nWill the sea accept us?\nOur Morocco is the best country but you made it hell for us\nGod will forgive us because of our suffering\nI never really got wild but I might do a couple lines\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\n2 warm bottles of Coke\nStreet corner is the spot\nEverything black there ain\u2019t no colors\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\nWhen I\u2019m with the homies\n2 warm bottles of Coke\n2AM and we keep it going\nTake two puffs don\u2019t ever worry\nThe sun is": 2, "Let's use the derivative rules we have learned\nso far to calculate the derivative of this\npolynomial, F of X equals 3x to the fourth\nminus 9x plus seven.\nSo far we have learned the rule for a constant,\nthe power rule, the constant multiple rule,\nand also the derivative of a sum.\nSo we are going to use those rules to basically\nbreak this polynomial up into very basic parts\nthat we will then be able to take the derivative\nof those basic parts.\nSo what I want to find is d/dx, that is the\nderivative with respect to X of 3x to the\nforth minus 9x plus 7.\nNow we know from the sum rule that the derivative\nof a sum is the sum of the derivatives.\nNow that also applies to differences as well,\nbecause differences can be written as sums\nwith negative numbers.\nSo same idea there.\nSo I'm going to go ahead and split this derivative\nup in to the sum of the derivatives.\nSo in other words this equals the derivative\nwith respect to X of 3X to the fourth minus\nthe derivative with respect to X of 9X plus\nthe derivative with respect to X of 7.\nOk, so that broke it down a good bit, so the\nnext thing I'm going to do is use the constant\nmultiple rule, so from the constant multiple\nrule we know that if a function is being multiplied\nby a constant then we can pull that constant\nout in front of the derivative.\nSo in other words, with this first term I\nhave the derivative with respect to X of 3X\nto the fourth, I can take that constant multiple\n3 and pull it out front of the derivative.\nSo this becomes 3 times the derivative with\nrespect to X of X to the fourth minus now\nI can do the same thing here, I have a constant\nmultiple of 9, so minus 9 times the derivative\nwith respect to X of X plus the derivative\nwith respect to X of 7.\nOk, so from here I should be able to take\neach of these derivatives.\nSo 3, now the derivative with respect to X\nof X to the fourth, that's something I'm going\nto use the power rule on.\nOk so to use the power rule on X to the fourth\nI simply bring the 4 down front, so 4X and\nI reduce the power by one, so that's going\nto become the third power, so X to the fourth\nderivative of that is 4x to the third.\nSo that is my first term I'm done with that.\nMinus 9 now we learned before that derivative\nof X is just one.\nSo that is minus 9 time 1, we also learned\npreviously that the derivative of a constant,\nany constant standing by its self, is zero.\nSo this is plus zero.\nSo if I combine everything together my final\nanswer then is going to be for this first\nterm is 12x cubed and then minus 9.\nSo the derivative of this function here this\npolynomial is 12x cubed minus 9, this is F\nprime of X.\n": 4, "Ode To A Robin /The Thomson Home Nov. 1973\nWings Of An Angel / Jam Session 16 January 1968\nU.S. Male / take 4 16th January 1968\n100 Years From Now / Uncut 4th June 1970\nGot My Mojo Working /Uncut 5th June 1970\nI Washed My Hands In Muddy Water / Uncut 7th June 1970\nOnly The Strong Survive / Uncut 20th February 1969\nIt's Midnight /Rehearsal 16th August 1974\nPromised Land /Rehearsal 16th August 1974\nHurt / Graceland/ Jungle Room February 1976\nCindy, Cindy /Uncut 4th June 1970\nGoin' Home /takes, 16,17,18, 19 , 15th January 1968\nBeach Shack / takes 1,2, 3,...16th February 1966\nDon't Cry Daddy / Studio Rehearsal 24 July 1970\nHeart Of Rome / Studio Rehearsal 24 July 1970\nMemories / Studio Rehearsal 24 July 1970\nStranger In My Own Home Town / Studio Rehearsal 24 July 1970\nGood Time Charlie's Got The Blues / Las Vegas Hilton 19th August 1974\nYou Gave Me A Molehill / Studio Rehearsal 31st. Marc 1972\nPolk A Little Sock Salad / Studio Rehearsal 31st. Marc 1972\nAmerican Trilogy /Las Vegas Hilton 30th August 1974\nMonologue / 2nd September 1974\n": 1, "The tables are empty\nThe dance floor's deserted\nYou play the same love song, it's the tenth time you've heard it\nThat's the beginning\nJust one of the clues\nYou've had your first lesson\nIn learning the blues\nThe cigarettes you light\nOne after another\nWon't help you forget her and the way that you love her\nYou're only burning\nA torch you can't lose\nBut you're on the right track\nFor learning the blues\nWhen you're at home alone, the blues will taunt you constantly\nWhen you're out in a crowd, the blues will haunt your memory\nThe nights when you don't sleep\nThe whole night you're crying\nBut you can't forget her\nSoon you even stop trying\nYou'll walk that floor\nAnd wear out your shoes, oh\nWhen you feel your heart break\nYou're learning the blues\nWhen you're at home alone, the blues will taunt you constantly\nWhen you're out in a crowd, the blues will haunt your memory\nThe nights when you don't sleep\nThe whole night you're crying\nBut you can't forget her\nSoon you even stop trying\nYou'll walk that floor and wear out your shoes\nWhen you feel your heart break, you're learning the blues\nWhen you feel your heart break, you're learning the blues\n": 3, "Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nFold and Unfold\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nFold and Unfold\nPaper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm)\nFold and Unfold\nFold in half\nSquash-fold\nTurn over and rotate\nFold in half\nSquash-fold\nTurn over and rotate\nFold in half\nSquash-fold\nTurn over and rotate\nSquash-fold\nReverse-fold\nSquash-fold\nReverse-fold\nSquash-fold\nReverse-fold\nCrimp-fold to the dotted line\nCrimp-fold to the dotted line\nCrimp-fold to the dotted line\nSquash-fold. Repeat behind\nSquash-fold. Repeat behind\nSquash-fold. Repeat behind\nReverse-fold\nReverse-fold\nReverse-fold\nSquash-fold\nSquash-fold\nSquash-fold\nTuck inside\nTuck inside\nTuck inside\nDon't repeat behind\nSquash-fold the mouth\nDon't repeat behind\nSquash-fold the mouth\nDon't repeat behind\nSquash-fold the mouth\nCrimp-fold the tall\nCrimp-fold the tall\nCrimp-fold the tall\nSpread the tip of the tall\nSpread the tip of the tall\nSpread the tip of the tall\nReverse-fold at the front\nReverse-fold at the front\nReverse-fold at the front\nRepeat behind\nRepeat behind\nRepeat behind\nCrimp-fold\nCrimp-fold\nCrimp-fold\nCrimp-fold\nCrimp-fold\nCrimp-fold\nShape the body\nShape the body\nShape the body\nCompleted model\nCompleted model\nCompleted model\n": 1, "I bought my baby, a red radio\nHe play de dah deh, a go go, a gogo\nHe like to dance to it\nDown in the streets\nHe said he loved me\nBut he loved the beat\nBut when I switch on\nI rotate the dial\nI could see it there\nDriving him so wild\nI bought my baby, a red radio\nHe said he loved me\nBut he had to go\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nI got my baby, a red radio\nHe play de dah deh\nA go go, a gogo\nHe liked to dance to it\nDown in the streets\nHe said he loved me\nBut he loved the beat\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nIt's just the same old show\nOn My Radio\nI bought my baby\nA red radio\nA red radio\nA go go, a gogo\nA red radio\nRotate the dial\nA red radio\nDriving him so wild\nI bought my baby\n": 2, "Instrumental: Dynamite\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More\nInstrumental: More & More + How You Like That\nInstrumental: More & More\nInstrumental: More & More + Dynamite\nInstrumental: Dynamite + How You Like That\nInstrumental: Dynamite\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More + HYLT\nInstrumental: How You Like That\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More + HYLT\nInstrumental: How You Like That\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More + HYLT\nInstrumental: More & More\nInstrumental: More & More + How You Like That\nInstrumental: How You Like That\nInstrumental: More & More + How You Like That\nInstrumental: More & More\nInstrumental: More & More + Dynamite (Both Filtered)\nInstrumental: More & More + Dynamite (Both Filtered) + HYLT\nInstrumental: How You Like That\nInstrumental: How You Like That + More & More\nInstrumental: More & More\nInstrumental: More & More + Dynamite\nInstrumental: Dynamite\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More\nInstrumental: Dynamite + More & More + HYLT\nThanks for watching! :D\n": 0, "well good morning three days since I\nposted that video or videos and I want\nto talk about parents and ferants and\nwarrants and fuckin whatever else\nso! pull up a seat Feran ferant parent\nwarrant barren heh we all know about Barren don't\nwe yeah barren well it's a good thing to\nbe barren barren is good in the Bible if\nyou don't understand that! you don't\nunderstand the Bible and your a complete\nhypocrite do you understand that? you're\nstupid if you don't understand Barren is\nin the Bible and why Barren is such a\ngood thing hmm because who was barren\nall the fucking harems were barren\nweren't they oo they were Barren yeah they were\nBarren and kept for the king who's the\nking oh the king that's right oh there was\none king that's coming and this kings\nfucking names hmm Jesus fucking King\nChrist ohh yeah the king of kings or the\nPrince of princes? well there's two hmm\nthey are two but they represent the same\nthing its a point in their life you know?\nwhen they turn just like when you turn\n18 mmm when you turn when you turn\nfucking 55 or 60 and have your midlife\ncrisis you become like the king you become\nthe older fucking person and you're fucking\nfrom the younger fucking person like the\nsun at mid day and then fucking you know\nafternoon I mean come on peoples yous\nstupid cunts it's all about Feran if\nyou're Feran you're not barren yeah if\nyour feran your not barren so if you're\nbarren you're barren but if you're not\nbarren you're faren and to be faren\nyou'd be Ferant hmm to be a ferant it\nmean you become pregnant hmm because you're\nferan so you've went from Feran to\nFerant right! and ferant once you've become\nferant you become a parent don't ya! you\nbecome a parent yeah because you were Feran\nand then you become a Ferant because you were!\ngot pregnant then you bore the child and\nyou become a parent well? make sure that\nchild doesn't get a warrant yeah! hmm\nit's a whole play of words isn't it oh\neverything's a fucking play on words\nwell? are you barren would you prefer to\nbe barren or feran hmm cause it's all\nabout Feran and\nif you're Feran you can become Ferant\nand you become parent and then you\nbecome what? warrant if you listen to\nthe bullshit the fucking government's\nfeeding at the moment heh now are you a\nsheep or are you a wolf hmm? want to take\nfucking mind games and fucking word\ngames? are you a sheep or are you a wolf what are\nyou? are you a sheep or are you a wolf well we're all\nabout fucking rounding up the sheep are\nwe? or are we meant to be rounding up the\nwolves? didn't Jesus tell us to round up\nthe wolves and the foxes it's not about\nrounding up the Sheep it's about\nrounding up the wolves and the foxes\nis it not the Wolves and the Foxes round up\nthe Sheep that's why the worlds so fucked\nup! is it not? yep the world's fucked up\nbecause the wolves and the foxes round\nup the sheep and tell them a whole\nlot of fucking twat lies bullshit bog's\nwallop yes so all the while all the foxes and\nthe fucking wolves out there round up\nthe sheep and teach them a whole lot of\nbog's wallop bullshit in the churches\nand completely fill their mind with turd\ncrap as they don't read the Bible and\nthey expect fucking answers on pulpits\nwe Jesus's disciples are meant to be\nrounding up the foxes and the wolfs\nthat's what the dogs do sheep dogs they\nstop the fuckin foxes and the wolves from\npenetrating the pack is that not right?\nso what are you mmm are you a Fox you a Wolf\nor you a fucking Sheep or are you a\nfucking Dog because oh! the last time I\nchecked a dog was a wolf and a fox\nyeah! so you better fucking check that to\nyou know? do the fucking math! hmm so wolves\nShepherd the Sheep we Shepherd the wolf\nhello you want a warrant hmm? you a pig\nor you a wolf or you a fucking dog huh?\ndifference between a wolf and a dog a\ndogs been fucking what trained by a man\nby the fucking hmm the border collie man\njust like the dog trains the sheep that\nthe man trained the dog to fucking train\nthe Sheep you know? like! fucking common\nsense is rife heh ya morons well? all this\nshit is all about fucking paperwork\ncourts the Queen Freemasons and buying\n": 1, "[Music throughout]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: 22 nearby black hole systems appear to scale]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Each system has a star and a black hole,]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: which appears at the center of a cloudy disk]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Pop-up of system MAXI J1659]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Fastest-known orbit of an accreting black hole]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: 29,000 light-years away, 2.4 hours to orbit, 5-solar-mass black hole]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Pop-up of system A0620-00]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Closest-known accreting black hole system]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: 3,300 light-years away, 7.8 hours to orbit, 6.6-solar-mass black hole]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Pop-up of system Cygnus X-1]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: First confirmed black hole, 7,200 light-years away]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: 5.6 days to orbit, 21-solar-mass black hole, 40-solar-mass companion star]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Pop-up of system GRS 1915]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Widest-known accreting black hole system, 8,200 light-years away]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: 33.5 days to orbit, 15-solar-mass black hole]\n[SCENE DESCRIPTION: Large binaries orbit at slower speeds than small ones]\nNASA\nNASA\n": 1, "Rumi Poetry - Persian Music and Singing\nTehran, Iran\nImprovisation in Esfehan mode\nConcert/Album: Masters of Mysteries\n(Khodavandane Asrar, aka The Lords of the Secrets)\nTanboor: Sohrab Pournazeri\nVocal: Homayoun Shajarian\nCome! For in your love I have lost my mind. \nOnce a city, now I am a ruin.\nFrom your love I moved out of my home, left my family.\nNow my bedmate is the pain of longing.\nNever mind how passive I was before I saw you.\nNow I\u2019m a real man.\nWhen I saw how sweetly our souls were related,\nWhen I saw how sweetly our souls were related,\nI became a stranger to my own family.\nDay and night I consumed the tales of lovers,\nNow consumed by your love, I am the tale. ...\nNow consumed by your love, I am the tale. ...\nNow consumed by your love, I am the tale.\n-- End of selected lines from Ghazal 1499 --\n-- Next lines from Ghazal 1497 --\nI swear on the souls of all holy drunkards, I am drunk on your love!\nO Beloved, take my hand.\nI swear by all who risk their lives for God, I am life.\nI swear on the souls of the freed, I am free! \nI swear on the souls of all holy drunkards, I am drunk on your love!\nO Beloved, take my hand.\nI swear by all who risk their lives for God, I am life.\nI swear on the souls of the freed, I am free! \nI trailed after books like Mercy after the sun.\nI ranked high among intellectuals.\nWhen I saw what was written on the Wine-bearer\u2019s face,\nI broke all pens in my drunken frenzy.\n-- End of selected lines from Ghazal 1497 --\n-- Next lines from Ghazal 1496 --\nYou commanded, rip the veil; I ripped it!\nYou commanded, break the chalice; I broke it!\nYou commanded I cut ties with my friends.\nI left all and bound myself to you. ...\nI left all and bound myself to you.\n": 4, "In this video you will learn how to read this.\nA seventh chord is formed by adding another\nthird above the fifth of the chord.\nThere are five different 7th chords.\nMajor, Dominant, Minor, Half Diminished and Full Diminished.\nA major 7th chord has a major triad and an interval of a major 7th\nabove the root.\nTo make a dominant 7th chord lower the 7th a half step.\nTo make a minor 7th chord, lower the 3rd and the 7th a half step.\nTo make a half diminished 7th chord, lower the 3rd, 5th and 7th a half step.\nTo make a full diminished 7th chord,\nlower the 3rd and the 5th a half step and the 7th a whole step.\nLet as start with a C major 7th chord.\nThe notes C E and G make a C major triad\nand the note B is a major 7th above the note C.\nTo make it a C dominant 7th chord, lower the 7th from the note B natural to the note B flat.\nTo make it C minor 7th, lower the 3rd from the note E natural to the note E flat.\nTo make it a C half diminished 7th, lower the 5th from the note G natural to the note G flat.\nTo make it a C full diminished 7th, lower\nthe note B flat to the note B double flat.\nLet us make a G full diminished chord.\nStart with a G major triad using the notes G B and D\nand a major 7th above root which is the note F sharp.\nLowering the 7th a half step from the note F sharp\nto F natural would make this a G dominant 7th chord.\nLowering the 3rd a half step from B natural\nto B flat would make this a G minor 7th chord.\nLowering the 5th from the note D natural to the note D flat would make\nthis a G half diminished 7th chord.\nLowering the 7th from the note F natural to the note F flat would make this a\nG full diminished 7th chord.\nLet us make an E full diminished 7th chord.\nMake an E major triad with the notes E G sharp and B\nand a major 7th above the root with the note D sharp.\nTo make it a dominant 7th chord, lower the 7th from the note D sharp to D natural.\nTo make it a minor 7th chord, lower the 3rd from the note G sharp to G natural.\nTo make it a half diminished chord,\nlower the 5th from the note B natural to B flat.\nTo make it a full diminished chord,\nlower the 7th from the note D natural to D flat.\nLet us do one more.\nA F full diminished 7th chord.\nMake a F major triad with the notes F A and C\nand a major 7th above the root with the note E.\nTo make it a dominant 7th chord,\nlower the 7th from the note E natural to E flat.\nTo make it a minor 7th chord, lower the 3rd from the note A natural to A flat.\nTo make it a half diminished chord,\nlower the 5th from the note C natural to C flat.\nTo make it a full diminished chord,\nlower the 7th from the note E flat to E double flat.\nAnd here is what you have learned today.\nKeep practicing and I will see you in the next video.\nIf you liked the video, please hit like.\nIf you would like to see more videos, please subscribe to my channel.\nYou can also leave a comment or question in the comment section below.\n": 4, "Hey!\nHey, what's going on?\nI don't know, Franke\n \nI just haven't been feeling inspired lately...\nYou go in there\nAnd you sing from the heart!\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8\n8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,\n9, 10, 11, 12\n9, 10, 11, 12\n13, 14\n15, 16, 17\n15, 16, 17\n18, 19, 20\n21, 22\n23, 24, 25\n26, 27, 28, 29\n30!!!\nFuck all the haters,\nthat said I couldn't do it\nI said I'd count to 30\nand you know I'd fuckin' do it\nI'm that boy\nThat's my boy\nAnd I love to count\nI'm that boy\nThat's my boy\nThat's my boy\nThat's my boy\nThat's my boy!\nI'm that boy!\nThat's my fuckin' boy!\nThat's my boy!\nThat's my boy!\nI'm that boy!!!\nI fuck with you if you\nsay you love to count\nCounting is my favorite\nand that's what this song's about\nSing it loud\nAnd sing it proud\n'Cause no this ain't the alphabet,\njust in case you had a doubt\nIt's like\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,\n9, 10, 11, 12,\n13, 14,\n15, 16, 17,\n18, 19, 20,\n21, 22,\n23, 24, 25,\n26, 27, 28, 29,\n30\nI saw your face\nWhen I counted up to 10,\nyou knew it wasn't 30\nMy mom's ashamed\nI know if I don't finish,\nyou'll probably disown me\nIs it Einstein? Is it Newton? \nGalileo? Maybe Uller?\nThat's giving me this power\nTo finish what I started!\n'Cause I never though that numbers were better!\nI could never wrap my head around that letter!\nI know I have to follow my (heart)!\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,\n9, 10, 11, 12,\n13, 14,\n15, 16, 17,\n18, 19, 20,\n21, 22,\n23, 24, 25,\n26, 27, 28, 29,\n30!!!\nI fuck with you if you \nsay you love to count\nCounting is my favorite\nand that's what this song's about\n": 1, " Lost Contro l Intro\nAlone Vs Get Down\nAlone (Blazars Remix)\nAlone (Recee Low X SND Bootleg Remix)\nSayonee (Sartek Remix)\nPYRO \nDifferent World (Niviro Remix)\nEIFFEL 65- Blue Da Be Dee (Jeonghyeon Ahso 2022 Remix)\nAlan Walker - All Falls Down \nAll Falls Down (Mark Villa Remix) X All Falls Down (LUM!X Remix)\nSia - Move You Body (Alan Walker Remix)\nAll Falls Down (Mark Villa Remix)\nAlone (Lost Stories Remix)\nDarkside (Afrojack & Chansers Remix)\nAlan Walker - Darkside\nStar Wars Theme X Darkside\nEnd Of Time (Moti Remix)\nWanna a Break From Ads X New World Sound & Thomas Newson - Flute\nNew World Sound & Thomas Newson - Flute\nAlone Pt. II (RetroVision Remix)\nThe Spectre (Intro)\nAlan Walker - The Spectre\nThe Spectre (Patrick Key Remix)\nThe Spectre - Steeve & Glionna Remix\nAlan Walker - Ignite\nIgnite (Psyke Remix\nLil NasX - INDUSTRY BABY [F\u00c4T TONY Remix]\nAbba - Gimme Gimme Gimme (F\u00c4T TONY & MEDUN Remix) (- X Gimme Gimme Gimme (Club Mix)\nGimme Gimme Gimme (Club Mix)\nAlan Walker, K-391, Tungevaag, Mangoo - Play (Stefan Bors Festival Mix)\nAlan Walker, K-391, Tungevaag, Mangoo - Play (ElementD Remix)\nBbno - edamame \nNicky Romero - Dynamite\nKSHMR Lost Stories Bombay Dreams feat Kavita Seth\nOn My Way (Da Tweekaz Remix)\nAlan Walker & Sorana - Catch Me If You Can X Move To The Bass\n Move To The Bass\nAlan Walker - Lovesick vs Nicky Romero & Afrojack - Back To Where We Started\nNicky Romero & Afrojack - Back To Where We Started\nLet Me Love You vs L'Amour Toujours(Remix) vs. Not You(Remix)(Walker 89183 Mashup)\n Not You (Bad Reputation Remix)\nStay (Bad Reputation Remix)\nRunning Up That Hill - Saberz Festival Mix VS The Drum\nThe Drum (Bad Reputation Remix)\nThe Drum (KARIOKO Festival Remix)\nZedd - Beautiful Now ft. Jon Bellion\nR3HAB & A Touch Of Class - All Around The World (Alan Walker Remix)\nSing Me To Sleep (Marshmello Remix)\nSing Me To Sleep (Galwaro x B3nte Remix)\nHello World (Aras \u00d6zege Remix)\nSing Me To Sleep (Galwaro x B3nte Remix)\nID (For Me) Comment If Know With Timer: 1:05:24\nBad Reputation Style | Headlights (hidden Melodies Remix) \nAlan Walker - Fade (Marnik & Blazars Remix)\nFaded (The Aviation Intro Remix)\nAlan Walker - Faded\nAlan Walker - Faded (Slooze Flip)\nAlan Walker - Faded (Ranji Remix) [End Festival Remix]\nLast Drop\n": 0, "I need to ask you to stop. That,\u00a0shouting, is making people nervous.\nI need to ask you to stop. That,\u00a0shouting, is making people nervous.\nNuminex was the dragon's name. That's\u00a0his skull decorating the main hall.\nNuminex was the dragon's name. That's\u00a0his skull decorating the main hall.\nGet back! Get back! We need to trap it, not kill it!\nGet back! Get back! We need to trap it, not kill it!\nI don't dare return to Whiterun. But my\u00a0mother, she'll need some consolation.\nI don't dare return to Whiterun. But my\u00a0mother, she'll need some consolation.\nGiving up Markarth is a heavy price for this\u00a0truce dragonborn. I hope it was worth it.\nGiving up Markarth is a heavy price for this\u00a0truce dragonborn. I hope it was worth it.\nRobbaz thinks himself the king of nipples. He is mistaken.\nI like to punch\u00a0myself in the kidneys just for fun, but it hurts.\nI'll show you to your room, right this way.\nI'll show you to your room, right this way.\nTry to hide it all you want, I know you're in the\u00a0thieves guild, and so do the other guards.\nTry to hide it all you want, I know you're in the\u00a0thieves guild, and so do the other guards.\nIf you're here for sight seeing, well, then you've seen the\u00a0sights. Might as well head somewhere warmer.\nIf you're here for sight seeing, well, then you've seen the\u00a0sights. Might as well head somewhere warmer.\nMy cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I\u00a0get? Guard duty.\nMy cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I\u00a0get? Guard duty.\nI didn't expect to see you again.\u00a0What became of my doting husband?\nI didn't expect to see you again.\u00a0What became of my doting husband?\n'cause i'm a barbie girl, and i'm living in a cyber sausage world.\nI once saw Ulfric Stormcloak fall down a flight of stairs and land on his arse!\nI am sworn to carry your burdens.\nI am sworn to carry your burdens.\nYou hear all this talk about a war? I hope it\u00a0never comes here.\nYou hear all this talk about a war? I hope it\u00a0never comes here.\nThis is the prayer heard by the\u00a0goddess and relayed to her servants.\nThis is the prayer heard by the\u00a0goddess and relayed to her servants.\nI help my husband Rustleif run the\u00a0forge. He's a marvel with steel.\nI help my husband Rustleif run the\u00a0forge. He's a marvel with steel.\nMay you carry the warmth of Mara\u00a0to all corners of the frozen wastes.\nMay you carry the warmth of Mara\u00a0to all corners of the frozen wastes.\ni am sworn to carry your shit.\nDid you just\u00a0fart? It smells like a dead skeever in here.\n": 4, "sun shining on the sky there ain't a cloud\nin sight it stopped rainin'\neverybody' in the play well\ndon't you know it's a beautiful new day\nRunnin' down the avenue\nsee how the Sun shines brightly\nin the city on the streets where once was pity\nMr. Blue Sky is living here today\nMr. Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong?\nMr. Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong?\nHey you with the pretty face welcome to the human race a celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waitin'\nAnd today is the day we've waited for\nMr. Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong?\nMr. Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong?\nHey there Mr. Blue \nWe're so pleased to be with you\nLook around see what you do \nEverybody smiles at you\nHey there Mr. Blue \nWe're so pleased to be with you\nLook around see what you do \nEverybody smiles at you\nMr. Blue, you did it right\nBut soon comes Mr. Night creepin' over\nNow his hand is on your shoulder\nNever mind I'll remember you this\nI'll remember you this way\nMr. Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong?\nMr. Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong?\nwhere did we go wrong? where did we go wrong?\nMr. Blue Sky\n": 2, "hello children\nhow are you? do you enjoy learning?\nI hope you do.\nDo you remember? we already learned\nto do addition using the ten frame\nIn lesson 25\nin today lesson, I\nwill show you another way to addition\nthat is to use the number line. Are you\nready? Let's begin\nDo you remember the number line?\nhow to do addition using the number line\nFor example, how to find 3 plus 2 using the number line\nlet me show you. To find\n3 plus 2. We start from number 3 then jump two numbers to the right.\nthen see number where we stop\nTo find some\nhere we stop at number 5\ntherefore three plus two equals five.\nit's easy, right?\nNow let's take another example\nlet's fine four plus five using the number line\nWe start from number four\nthen jump five numbers to the right. Then\nsee the number where we stop to find the\nsome. Here we stop at number nine\nTherefore four plus five equals nine.\nNow let's have some practice. Task 1:\nFind sum using the number line: 1 plus 3, 2 plus 4, 5 plus 3, 6 plus 4\nto do this task, download the worksheet below and print a copy then try to do it on\nyour own. Pause this video while you are\ndoing. it when you finish replay the\nvideo to check the answers with me.\nNow let's find the answers together\nfirst, to find one plus three. We start from\nnumber one then jump three numbers to\nthe right. Then see the number where we\nstop, to find the Sum.\nHere we stop at number four\ntherefore one plus three equals four\nNext, to find two plus four we start from\nnumber two. Then jump four numbers to the right\nthen see the number where we stop.\nTo find the sum. Here we stop at number six\ntherefore two plus four equals six\nNext, to find 5 plus 3. We start from\nnumber 5. Then jump three numbers to the right\nthen see the number where we\nstop to find the sum. Here we stop at number 8\ntherefore 5 plus 3 equals 8\nThe last one, to find 6 plus 4.\nWe start from number 6. Then jumps four\nnumbers to the right. Then see the\nnumber where we stop to find the sum.\nhere we stop at number 10.\nTherefore 6 plus 4 equals 10\nI hope you enjoy the lesson.\nBye for now and see you soon.\n": 2, "In This video we are going to learn about Faradays law\nThis is fundamental, for all further chapters in Electricity\nSo this is very important and intresting topic\nBefore you are going to know about faradays law, you need to comfortable with what is Magnetic flux\nSo no need to worry, I will explain every thing in detail\nLet us consider, there is a Magnetic field at certain location\nIn this magnetic field, a plane object is placed\nHere, Magnetic field lines passes through the plane\nThat means, magnetic field is linked to this plane\nAnd the Magnetic field linked to this plane object is called Magnetic flux.\nMagnetic flux is denoted by \"phi-B\"\nHow Magnetic flux can be calculated ?\nThis Magnetic field intensity is multiplied with this area of this plane object\nOk, This is about Magnetic Flux.\nIf you want to know more information about Magnetic flux,\nPlease watch my previous video, that I did on magnetic flux and Faradays laws. Video links are given below in the description.\nFaradays law is based on a experiment\nAnd the first law in faradays law, says that\n": 2, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wembley\u2026\n\u2026for the Cup Final Showdown\u2026\nIn the red corner it\u2019s\u2026The Baron of Boredom aka Louis van Harsh!\nLouis van Harsh!\nHas anyone seen Louis van Harsh?!\nI\u2019m here! Traffic in London is a F* nightmare!\nLike 1990, we\u2019re taking home the trophy!\nThe Baron of Boredom and he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nYou bitches won\u2019t be bored if we take home the trophy!\nHe\u2019ll still get the sack if he brings home the trophy!\nAnd in the claret and blue corner, it\u2019s the Count of Controversy\u2026Alan Buttew\nI\u2019m big hard Al and I\u2019m taking home the trophy!\nHe\u2019s big gay Al and he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nWrong cartoon you c***, I\u2019m taking home the trophy!\nQrong cartoon you c***, he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nGood evening, Al\nShut your noise, you old\u2026\nCode-red, this is a code-red. Please evacuate the stadium.\nOh, JESUSH CHRISHT!!!!!\nWelcome back to Wembley for the rescheduled Cup Final Showdown...\nGood evening, Al\nShut your noise, you old c***!\nI understand your anger\u2026\nLook who you signed up front!\nI won\u2019t be taking shit about signings from you\u2026Failcow, Depay, DerPieEater \u2013 you haven\u2019t got a clue!\nYou\u2019ve lost this final twice and I\u2019m gonna make it three...\nI\u2019ve been working on a sucker-punch\n...with Stevie G!\nLike the suspect package they found, you think that you\u2019re the bomb...\nYes, you bombed in the league, alright, and I loved your Euro sit-com.\nLike 1990, we\u2019re taking home the trophy!\nThe Baron of Boredom and he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nHe\u2019s big gay Al and he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nWrong cartoon you c***, I\u2019m taking home the trophy!\nYour brand of football\u2019s ugly like your squashed-up little face\nIt\u2019s time someone put you in your place\nSo your PR campaign for the England job is finally at an end\nYou\u2019ve stopped acting like a nice guy, you\u2019re back to being a bell-end\nYou said Essien\u2019s challenge on Ched Evans was \u2018rape\u2019 - idiot.\nSay what you want, I don\u2019t really care\nBut I\u2019ll break you fucking neck if you try to pull my hair!\nLike 1990, we\u2019re taking home the trophy!\nThe Baron of Boredom and he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nHe\u2019s big gay Al and he\u2019s taking home the trophy!\nWrong cartoon you c***, I\u2019m taking home the trophy!\nAttack, attack, attack! That\u2019s how we\u2019ll win the trophy!\nDefend, defend, defend! Have you learnt nothing from me?\nYou\u2019re Big Gay Al and you\u2019re taking home the trophy!\nI\u2019m Big Hard Al, I don\u2019t take it up the whoopsy!\nSeconds out!!!\nSubtitles by the Amara.org community\n": 2, "Fighters are the purest essence of the combat side of D&D, all about hitting things hard and fast, getting into the thick of the fight, and-\n-Hey, you get out of here, we're not talking about you!\nThey're all focused around rolling more dice than a Limp Bizkit song as well as being straight-up easy baby mode\nbecause you get to start using any weapon you want,\nbecause you get to start using any weapon you want, heavy armor,\nbecause you get to start using any weapon you want, heavy armor, some ranged options,\nbecause you get to start using any weapon you want, heavy armor, some ranged options, a free cheesecake,\nbecause you get to start using any weapon you want, heavy armor, some ranged options, a free cheesecake, and a complimentary belly rub just for picking the class.\nSeriously, everything about it is geared towards being so noob-friendly, even a Monster Hunter Longsword player will be laughing at you.\nIf you feel so inclined during combat, you can heal yourself, attack twice, and take a second action to attack twice again all in the same turn -\nand that's at 5th level!\n...Not to mention you getting more ability score increases than any other class means that if you go a turn without hitting at least something, then\nyou must have made some kind of D&D sin that angered Gary Gygax,\nlike getting weighted dice or putting milk in before your cereal.\nFighter flavors allow you to pick how you want to be hitting the bad guys, like\nbeing a magic bitch that can actually take a hit,\nor ride a bitch while you cut down a fool,\nor go all-out Sensei mode and just decide you want advantage for every attack this turn so you're going to absolutely destroy a bitch.\nBut odds are, knowing most Fighters out there, Champion is the best bet because it's basic.\nYo, we heard you like Fighters, so we put more Fighter in your Fighter.\n": 2, "Shara ra rarara\nShara ra rarara\nShara ra rararara\nIt doesn't matter if our destiny is to hurt each other!\nEven if meteors of different colors intersect at midnight\nThe future I want to reach is the same!\nI don't need the future I always encounter\nI want to reach the distance that can be touched immediately!\nEven if it looks like that, it will soon shattered away\nEven if its not allowed, just throw it away..\nAfter all, It's your destiny, face it now!\nPlease come true!\nDon't hesitate!\nIf it's to protect you, I'm sure to go against this days of fighting\nEven if I'm hurt!\nWhen I get stronger!\nI'll be sincerely proud to change the world!\nShara ra rarara\nShara ra rarara \nShara ra rararara\nEven if our destiny is to hurt each other\nEven if we had an aggressive relationship, I still have to encounter you!\nWhat kind of emotions do you have?\nIs it those who pursue a solid ideal?\nLoneliness suits you better than familiarity!\nI have a wish!\nI won't run away this time!\nI'll surely shake off these swaying feelings\nI'll be ready until there is a time to return\nI'll come forward without looking back!\nI'll jump over this dilemma to change the world!\nI have a good feeling about this snowstorm!\nI'll hold on to this feelings\n": 2, "Add welcome back to the factor\nAdd welcome back to the factor\non since and we continue our\non since and we continue our\nblack history month by\ncelebrating the creatives in our\ncelebrating the creatives in our\ncommunity joining me now are\npoets young C. E. O. and J.\ncook is poetry when it comes to\ncook is poetry when it comes to\nthe black community we see a lot\nthe black community we see a lot\nlimited your thoughts why is it\nlimited your thoughts why is it\nthe community kind of given a\nthe community kind of given a\ngood background of our history\nStruggles that we have on our\nStruggles that we have on our\nbacks so I think is good it's\nalso expanding live via voice\nalso expanding live via voice\nfor the people to show them like\nfor the people to show them like\nwhat we really go to where we\nwhat we really go to where we\ncome from and where we're going.\ncome from and where we're going.\nAnd of course it's incredible\nAnd of course it's incredible\nthe greatest poets Everitt.\nAngelou who excelled in it\neveryone knows our as a pre\neveryone knows our as a pre\neminent poet yes yes so yeah we\npoet that came before us and we\npoet that came before us and we\ntry to fulfill that legacy and\ntry to fulfill that legacy and\nkeep it going to let people know\nkeep it going to let people know\nthey're Portree is not day and\nin and besides venues like this\nin and besides venues like this\non the factor how do you keep it\non the factor how do you keep it\ngoing how do you keep it in the\ngoing how do you keep it in the\nforefront. Of people's minds so\nwe actually have light local\npoetry- even if they have here\npoetry- even if they have here\nin the Houston area and not just\nin the Houston area and not just\nI'm actually relocated to in the\nI'm actually relocated to in the\nSenate's o'neill area they have\nSenate's o'neill area they have\nthem all over so they have\nplaces like a bog garden they\nhave. Places like empire state-\nhave. Places like empire state-\nJanice building- sugars so. They\nJanice building- sugars so. They\nhave a multitude of places where\nwe can go out and be able to\nwe can go out and be able to\nlive perform all poor tree. And\nlive perform all poor tree. And\nthey also have like local basis\nthey also have like local basis\nChristians for people to be able\nlike that. How you. I was\nthat you a J. brown have and\nthat you a J. brown have and\nfactor uncensored tonight all\nfactor uncensored tonight all\nto exercise the brain sex the\nto exercise the brain sex the\nquestion what's on your mind.\nquestion what's on your mind.\nThe waters of a pair of eyes\nThe waters of a pair of eyes\ngreat to start. With the\ngreat to start. With the\nelemental content to be great.\nproducts like a humble stand it\nis given much is required lead\nby example on on top of the\nby example on on top of the\ngrow tired. Channels missile\ngrow tired. Channels missile\npressure is applied. Never\nless important is game only a\nless important is game only a\nfew survive. Not make your news\nfew survive. Not make your news\nmourn is deliberate wrote was a\nmourn is deliberate wrote was a\nMarch on next move. We all\nMarch on next move. We all\nrisk of the kind of the to never\nrisk of the kind of the to never\ngranted when you live in a live\ngranted when you live in a live\nwanna may have been paid a\nthe fruits of my labor and it's\nnice and pleasant. Comedy Murphy\nnice and pleasant. Comedy Murphy\nthe motivational purpose again\nto break. Because what what I\nto break. Because what what I\nthink is like no other that most\nfall. Well after the tone MMI\ncold you just pass me the ball.\ncold you just pass me the ball.\npale gold spikes. Mike Tyson\nEvander Holyfield apostle some\nEvander Holyfield apostle some\nfight. Now some might take a\nfight. Now some might take a\nNever gonna come my money back\nNever gonna come my money back\nroad. Motivational speaking I\ndon't Dr Martin Luther king.\nNever stood a chance of the\nNever stood a chance of the\nfeel like I'm a working contract\nfeel like I'm a working contract\nlike a exploration of third\nlike a exploration of third\nhigh recognition of leadership\nin a pleasant afternoon ": 1, "Langdon White: So first off as I keep reiterating the checkpoints and the final version of the project or do very soon.\nLangdon White: In case you were unaware, and to add to your stress level I apologize.\nLangdon White: as of yesterday it's four weeks to last day of classes, which I was kind of like um what when did that happen so it's very, very soon.\nLangdon White: The courses assistant, so, as you may or may not know you don't often see them that much, but you may have gone to their office hours.\nLangdon White: We have two courses assistance for this class and the option to do it is basically available once you've taken this class, so if you're interested that's the qr code to the form to sign up.\nLangdon White: And it is a paid job in its I want to say it's like five hours a week is the expectation so it's a relatively light lift.\nLangdon White: And you can do more data science stuff if there's nothing like learning something by teaching it, it makes it much it really does help you understand something better.\nLangdon White: As I have discovered teaching this class, for example, and many other things that i've taught over the years, so those are a couple things.\nLangdon White: You because it's the spring semester you basically have until the end of the Semester to kind of sign up and then we'll kind of figure it out over the summer, so you know so don't worry too much about the pressure on it.\nLangdon White: If you want any more details also feel free to write to me or write to Bella or Ben and ask them about it.\nLangdon White: I have to cancel my office hours again tomorrow, I need to take a note that I should not try to have office hours on Fridays apparently.\nLangdon White: So if however you do need time with me please shoot me an email or you know post a PR to note and i'll schedule something individually.\nLangdon White: But yeah tomorrow for me is kind of a train wreck.\nLangdon White: So that should be a lot of fun, however, there is a talk, you might be interested in tomorrow, which is a talk on data visualization by a former member of the aclu in Massachusetts.\nLangdon White: And it should be accessible to all of you, I think that's kind of my expectation.\nLangdon White: But you know you never know till the lecturer actually start speaking exactly what level they'll be at so.\nLangdon White: But that's my hope so, hopefully, that would be there, it will count, if you want to use it for that extra credit that we talked about in the past.\nLangdon White: So that would count as one of the talks I posted information about both the office hours and that talk npr earlier today, so you can look for it there.\nLangdon White: questions.\nLangdon White: yeah.\nYou.\nLangdon White: know I think this this week's homework there's no homework right.\nLangdon White: No more no more suddenly sign next week yeah so there's no homework do on Tuesday just the project alright well checkpoint.\nLangdon White: Okay, any other questions.\nLangdon White: asked me anything ever about a calendar, that is not directly in front of me is basically worthless just fyi all right in good news today, especially if you're an American.\nLangdon White: I have a hard time saying or first name but tangi brown Jackson.\nLangdon White: was nominated to Supreme Court like she passed all the tests and so she is now officially a Supreme Court justice first black woman as a Supreme Court justice so i'm very excited about that so i'm telling you because i'm excited about it.\nLangdon White: Alright, moving on.\nLangdon White: So I want to talk about confidence intervals from like kind of a different perspective today to hopefully make it a little clearer So here we have a.\nLangdon White: Thank you, a ruler, I have no idea what those units of measure are but, basically, I picked this particular piece of amazing clip art.\nLangdon White: Because it actually has pretty good gaps so recently I was doing it with like a millimeter ruler, and it wasn't working out well so and now here we have, I mean this is.\nLangdon White: The Franco dumbledore it's not me all right, you kn": 3, "English Subtitle Translation credit to the\nUyghur Beauty YouTube channel\nI have already told you, again and again,\nI have already told you how many times to cherish me.\nAs long as you are sincere in love, we will last forever,\nI have already told you to treat me a little better. \nNot all beauties will become your companion,\nEven if they become, they will not be like me.\nI have already told you how many times to cherish me.\nI have already told you, again and again,\nI have already told you how many times to cherish me.\nI have already told you, again and again,\nI have already told you how many times to cherish me.\nYou have to cherish the one who loves you, love will make us happy,\nI have already told you how many times to love me seriously.\nDon't expect other women, don't let me be sad,\nI have already told you how many times to be faithful to me. \nI have already told you, again and again,\nTo cherish me and be faithful to me.\nEnglish Subtitle Translation credit to the\nUyghur Beauty YouTube channel\n": 4, "Hi friends! Welcome to the VERBA channel! Today we will play, we will look at the picture\nand answer questions, look for different people. Let's go! So how many people do you see in the picture?\nHow many people do you see in the picture? Let's count: one, two, three, four, five, seven,\nseven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. Thirteen people,\nright? And how many children are in the picture? How many children?\nOne child and another child, two children in the picture.\nOK, now find the woman on the bike in the picture, find the woman on the bike.\nWhere is she?\nHere she is, this is a woman riding a bicycle.\nNow find the man sitting on the bench. Where he?\nHere he is, this man is sitting on a bench.\nNow find a guy who rides a scooter.\nFind a guy who rides a scooter.\nWhere he? Here he is, this guy rides a scooter, or rides a scooter.\nNow find the running woman, find the running woman,\nwhere is she?\nHere she is. This woman is running. She is running. OK, find a woman carrying a stroller with a baby,\nfind a woman carrying a stroller with a baby.\nHere she is, a young mother, she is carrying a stroller with a child.\nOK, find a man who goes hand in hand with a woman.\nFind a man who goes hand in hand with a woman.\nWhere he?\nHere he is, this man walking hand in hand with a woman.\nNow find the girl sitting on the bench, find the girl sitting sitting on the bench.\nHere she is. This girl is sitting on a bench.\nFind people looking at the phone,\nfind people looking at the phone, where are they?\nThis guy or this young man is looking at the phone, and what else?\nThis guy is also looking at his phone.\nNow find the man holding the toy.\nFind the man holding the toy, where is he?\nThere he is, this man is holding a toy,\nright? This man is holding a toy. Now find the man who has the laptop\nfind the man who has the laptop where is he?\nHere he is, this man has a laptop.\nFind the guy sitting on the ground.\nFind the guy sitting on the ground.\nThere he is, this guy sitting on the ground.\nNow find the baby lying in the pram, find the baby lying in the pram.\nHere she is, this child is lying in a pram. This is a stroller. OK, find the woman holding the bag.\nFind the woman holding the bag.\nHere she is. This woman is holding a bag in her hands.\nNow find the man who wears glasses.\nFind a man who wears glasses.\nThere he is, this man wears glasses.\nFind the woman wearing the blue dress Find the woman wearing the blue dress.\nHere she is. This woman is wearing a blue dress. Find a woman who has red hair.\nFind a woman who has red hair.\nHere she is. This woman has red hair.\nFind the girl with two ponytails, find the girl with two ponytails.\nHere she is, a girl with two tails. She has two tails. Find the man in the green pants,\nfind the man in the green pants.\nWhere he?\nHere he is, this is a man in green pants.\nFind the woman in the hat, find the woman in the hat.\nHere she is, this is a woman in a hat. Now find the woman in the blue skirt,\nfind the woman in the blue skirt, where is she?\nThere she is, a woman in a blue skirt. Now find a woman who has gray hair,\nfind a woman who has gray hair.\nIt's her again! This woman has gray hair. OK, now find the man in the hat,\nfind the man in the hat.\nHere he is, this guy has a hat, this is a man in a hat. Now find the man with the white beard,\nfind the man with the white beard.\nHere he is, a man with a white beard.\nNow find a woman wearing sneakers, find a woman wearing sneakers.\nHere she is. This woman is wearing sneakers. She wears sneakers. And one last question:\nfind the guy wearing the blue cap. find the guy wearing the blue cap.\nThere he is, this guy is wearing a blue cap.\nPerfectly! I hope you found them all and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.\n": 4, "Honey, would you like to cook tonight?\nHoney, would you like to cook tonight?\nYes, I would like to. What do you want to cook?\nYes, I would like to. What do you want to cook?\nI don't know what do you think about pasta with tomato sauce.\nI don't know what do you think about pasta with tomato sauce.\nOkay, that sounds easy and delicious.\nOkay, that sounds easy and delicious.\nExactly, we need pasta, tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices and so on.\nExactly, we need pasta, tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices and so on.\nI understand, but we don't have groceries. shall we go shopping now?\nI understand, but we don't have groceries. shall we go shopping now?\nYes, we need to buy groceries for dinner.\nYes, we need to buy groceries for dinner.\nWhere are we going?\nWhere are we going?\nWe go to the supermarket.\nWe go to the supermarket.\nAlright, what do we have to buy?\nAlright, what do we have to buy?\nFor dinner we need pasta, tomatoes, onions and garlic.\nFor dinner we need pasta, tomatoes, onions and garlic.\nFor tomorrow's breakfast we need bread, milk, cheese, fruit and vegetables.\nFor tomorrow's breakfast we need bread, milk, cheese, fruit and vegetables.\nI understand what kind of bread do you want?\nI understand what kind of bread do you want?\nI like whole grain bread.\nI like whole grain bread.\nOk, what kind of cheese would you like?\nOk, what kind of cheese would you like?\nI like gouda cheese.\nI like gouda cheese.\nWell, what kind of fruit would you like?\nWell, what kind of fruit would you like?\nI like apples.\nI like apples.\nAll right, let's go shopping now.\nAll right, let's go shopping now.\nHere's the bread, we need two pieces of bread.\nHere's the bread, we need two pieces of bread.\nAnd here is the cheese, we need 100g.\nAnd here is the cheese, we need 100g.\nAnd here is the milk. We need a carton of milk.\nAnd here is the milk. We need a carton of milk.\nAnd here are the apples. We need ten apples.\nAnd here are the apples. We need ten apples.\nAnd here are the carrots. We need a kilo.\nAnd here are the carrots. We need a kilo.\nAlright, do we still have what we need?\nAlright, do we still have what we need?\nYes, we need some groceries before dinner.\nYes, we need some groceries before dinner.\nThat's right, we need pasta, tomatoes, onions and garlic. And we need help!\nThat's right, we need pasta, tomatoes, onions and garlic. And we need help!\nHello, can you help me buy some groceries?\nHello, can you help me buy some groceries?\nHello, I'm happy to help you, what do you want to buy?\nHello, I'm happy to help you, what do you want to buy?\nI buy pasta, tomatoes, onions and garlic.\nI buy pasta, tomatoes, onions and garlic.\nOK, no problem. Here's noodles. And here is a stand with fresh fruit and vegetables.\nOK, no problem. Here's noodles. And here is a stand with fresh fruit and vegetables.\nWow! The fruit and veg look very fresh.\nWow! The fruit and veg look very fresh.\nCan I have ten tomatoes, please?\nCan I have ten tomatoes, please?\nSure, here are ten tomatoes. Would you like bananas too?\nSure, here are ten tomatoes. Would you like bananas too?\nYes, can I have five bananas, please?\nYes, can I have five bananas, please?\nHere are five bananas. Would you like cucumbers too?\nHere are five bananas. Would you like cucumbers too?\nYes, please can I have five pickles?\nYes, please can I have five pickles?\nHere are five cucumbers.\nHere are five cucumbers.\nAnd I need five more onions and three garlics.\nAnd I need five more onions and three garlics.\nHere are cucumbers and garlic.\nHere are cucumbers and garlic.\nThanks, and how much is everything together?\nThanks, and how much is everything together?\nEverything together costs 40 \u20ac.\nEverything together costs 40 \u20ac.\nHere are \u20ac50!\nHere are \u20ac50!\nThank you very much.\nHere's your change.\nThank you very much, here is your change.\nThank you for your purchase. See you soon!\nThank you for your purchase. See you soon!\nYes, thank you see you soon!\nHere are all the ingredients.\nHere are all the ingredients.\nPerfect, what do we do now?\nPerfect, what do we do now?\nNow let's cook. First we make the sauce.\nNow let's cook. First we make the": 3, "From doing military funeral honors I've met a lot\nof people that were in that war in the aftermath\nof 9/11 and a lot of people that had joined\nbecause of 9/11. And it was an incredible\nexperience to perform those kind of ceremonies for\ntheir fallen comrades. And it's just an incredible\nfeeling.\nMy name is Ryan Spiers. I was in the U.S. Navy for\nfive years. I was a steelworker second class and\nfor the first four years I was in Naval Mobile\nConstruction Battalion unit. And for the last year\nI did a military funeral honors. My name is Ben\nScotty and I'm a six year Navy veteran. I worked\nas Aviation Main Administration man and about nine\ndifferent squadrons over a period six years. I\ndefinitely felt like it was a calling. I also felt\nlike it was an honor because these people there\nit's their last moments. It's their last moments\nto say goodbye to their loved one. And when I\nthink about that when I'm when I'm presenting that\nfolded flags their next of kin you know and\nthey're looking at me and they're looking for some\nkind of words of encouragement. And it just it's\nan honor to be the one to comfort them in that way.\nI was in fourth grade. And they kept us in the dark\nthe whole day. They were they weren't kids who are\nstill fourth graders at the country's war. When I\nthink about those things especially when I was in\nuniform. I felt like I was honoring them and\neverybody else who had lost their lives in the war\nafter that because I was still here I could\nrepresent them. I could be a symbol for honor and\nhope and commitment really to our country. They\nlined us up for our buses and all the teachers\nthe guidance counselor and the principal were\nasking students if they knew where their parents\nwere. And because my town I'm from a town called\nBurnsville, New Jersey which was an hour away from\nNew York City. So most of the people in our town\ncommute it every morning. We're actually in the\ncity that day. It made me think about what those\npeople went through especially the people that\nwere on the planes who had realized what was\nhappening and the people that crashed in\nPennsylvania. It made me think about the families.\nWhen I went to Washington D.C. and saw the crash\nat the Pentagon it really it it hit me because it\nmade me realize that these were actual people. It\nwasn't just a story that you're told when you're a\nkid. At 8:46 on the morning of\nSeptember 11th 2001. A plane flew into the north\ntower of the World Trade Center in New York City.\n19 years later we as a country united still\npause at this moment in time and solemn\nremembrance of the lives that were lost and the\nlives that were forever changed by the events of\nthat day. We remember the images. We remember the\nfeelings. We remember the faces. And we remember\nthe names.THE NAMES OF 911\nGordon M. Aamoth, Jr. S-49\nEdelmiro Abad S-40\nMarie Rose Abad S-34\nAndrew Anthony Abate N-57\nVincent Paul Abate N-57\nLaurence Christopher Abel N-32\nAlona Abraham S-4\nWilliam F. Abrahamson N-7\nRichard Anthony Aceto N-4\nHeinrich Bernhard Ackermann S-55\nPaul Acquaviva N-37\nChristian Adams S-68\nDonald LaRoy Adams N-55\nPatrick Adams S-45\nShannon Lewis Adams N-49\nStephen George Adams N-70\nIgnatius Udo Adanga N-71\nChristy A. Addamo N-8\nTerence Edward Adderley, Jr. N-58\nSophia B. Addo N-68\nLee Adler N-37\nDaniel Thomas Afflitto N-25\nEmmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah N-71\nAlok Agarwal N-36\nMukul Kumar Agarwala S-43\nJoseph Agnello S-11\nDavid Scott Agnes N-47\nJoao Alberto da Fonseca Aguiar, Jr. S-34\nBrian G. Ahearn S-13\nJeremiah Joseph Ahern S-47\nJoanne Marie Ahladiotis N-37\nShabbir Ahmed N-70\nTerrance Andre Aiken N-17\nGodwin O. Ajala S-65\nTrudi M. Alagero N-5\nAndrew Alameno N-52\nMargaret Ann Alario S-63\nGary M. Albero S-63\nJon Leslie Albert N-7\nPeter Craig Alderman N-21\nJacquelyn Delaine Aldridge- \nFrederick N-10\nDavid D. Alger N-59\nErnest Alikakos S-47\nEdward L. Allegretto N-40\nEric Allen S-21\nJoseph Ryan Allen N-41\nRichard Dennis Allen S-21\nRichard L. Allen N-19\nChristopher E. Allingham N-42\nAnna S. W. Allison N-2\nJanet Marie Alonso N-5\nAnthony Alvarado N-23\nAntonio Javier Alvarez N-70\nVictoria Alvarez-Brito N-8\n": 3, "Oh, no!\nNever\nYeah\nreven. Probably he has joined \nperhaps\nperhaps\nerhaps\nSo.\nSo.\nSorry\nSo are you here\nSo are you here\nPlease, please, close\nPlease, please, close\nPlease please close your mic.\nPlease please close your mic.\nOkay.\nOkay.\nOkay. Hello.\nSo that you have joined\nSo that you have join.\nYeah, I, have one.\nYeah, I have done.\nNot\nAnd I amica\nYes.\nYes, sir, a very\nsir, a very form good afternoon \nto one, and also\nto one and also joining us\none and also joining us today on\nthe Zoom Platform\nI welcome you all for the\nwelcome you all for the National\nWebinar\nnar on mental health issues\non mental health issues.\nRelated to disability\ned to Disability jointly\norganized by\norganized by Ibas, Luck now and \nSpark Indiana\nLuck now myself\nLuck now myself an\nLuck now myself\nnow myself Anamica, Shavasta \nClinical, Psychologist and \nAssistant Professor.\nistant, Professor and Department\nof\nProfessor and Department of \nClinical Psychology, I have\nClinical Psychology, I have\nasked, will be\nus will be your official host\nfor the Event\nand I, am\nand I, Am Very\nand I, Am Very Handful to the\nand I, Am Very Handful to the \nconcerned, Authorities, for \nConsidering Me\nMe Worth the Opportunity\nQuoting\nQuoting Robert\nQuoting Robert M\nPencil\nPencil. There is no greater\nThere is no greater disability \nin society\nthan the\nthan the inability\nto\nto see a person\nto see a person as more\nto see a person as more \nrespected page\nted patron, honorable\nted patron, Honorable Provides,\nChancellor, Sir, Professor Dr.\nSonyan, Tanishman\nSonythani Schwarz are\nSchwarz are very respected.\nChairperson\nChairperson,\ndirector Ivas, Professor Zedi \nServer\nr Zedi Sir, our\nr Zedi Sir, our Eminent Speakers\nfor the Day, Dr.\nAmitab niro\nmitab Mayhotra Sir\nmitab Mayhotra Sir Directors\nPark\ndialect, now Dr. Nishan who is\nnow Dr Nishan\nnow Dr Nishan Coel, Sir\nProfessor of Psychiatry, from \nCentral Institute of Psychiatry.\nand Dr Madamika May\nmika Metacharajam Assistant\nmika Metacharajam Assistant\nProfessor of Clinical Psychology\nProfessor of Clinical Psychology\nPaul\nhology, also from Central\nInstitute of\npsychiatry, rati held off\natry, Raji\natry, Raji help of various\ninstitutes, from amity.\nUniversity Love, now Campus.\nersity, Love, now Campus, all\nthe\nersity, Love, now Campus, all\nersity, Love, now Campus, all\nthe Dignitaries, faculty \nMembers, and Dear Galilee\nDear Colleagues, Gracing, the\nOccasion, today we have Gap\nhave gathered here to Stimulate\nhave gathered here to Stimulate \nour Brain\nRefresh\nRefresh, our\nRefresh, our Learnings\nRefresh, our Learnings Inculcate\nRequired Clinical\nAccumulation\nAccumulation and skills,\nAccumulation and\nAccumulation and skills, on a\nVery Sensitive Theme \nSurrounding, Mental\nMental Health Issues\nRelated to\nRelated to disability. We have\nwith us directors\nhave the Best Directors Park in\nDallas.\nNow Dr.\nNow Dr. Amita\nDr. Amita Mayo Thraser, sir, is \na phd\naser, Sir, is a phd in applied\npsychology, from Laknow \nUniversity.\nand masters in the Social\nin social work.\nFrom this Mumbai. So\nthis Mumbai. So had a vision\nto\nto create\nto create an environment of\nto create an environment of \ninclusion and equal\nopportunity\nopportunities for all the\nopportunities for all the people\nwith\nany kind\nany kind of disability, keeping\nany kind of disability, keeping \nhis long term\ns\ns long-term vision in mind he\nestablished spark which is\nschool\nch is cool for potential\nadvancement and restoration\n, of\nn, of confidence India, in 1\nof confidence India, in 1,900\nAnd 96 and\nAnd 96, and has been super hit\nting the\nting the movement from the front\nthe movement from the front ever\nsince\nm the front ever since last\nmonth\nthe front ever since last month.\nOnly\nOnly government of India has\nnominated him for a member of\nnational\nnational advisory\nnational Advisory Committee for \naccessible\nelections\nelections\nelections, 2,024,\nelections, 2,024.\nthis I would request you, sir,\nto\nst you Sir, to warmly welcome\nour very respected paper.\npatron honorable program\nle\nProvides, Chancellor Professor \nDr.\nSunil\nSunil\ndhanesh Verser, our very \nrespected chair, person, Sir\nanesh versa": 1, "Press The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Subscribe\" Button Below My Video To Get My Free Videos on YouTube Inbox !!!!!\nPress The \"Share\" Button Below The Video, to Share My Videos With Your Friends, In, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsup Groups ect !!!!!\nPress The \"Share\" Button Below The Video, to Share My Videos With Your Friends, In, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsup Groups ect !!!!!\nTo see all my videos click on my channel name (Joel John J) or on my photo and go to my channel click on Videos tab and select play all option !!!\nTo see all my videos click on my channel name (Joel John J) or on my photo and go to my channel click on Videos tab and select play all option !!!\nTo see all my videos click on my channel name (Joel John J) or on my photo and go to my channel click on Videos tab and select play all option !!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\nPress The \"Share\" Button Below The Video, to Share My Videos With Your Friends, In, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsup Groups ect !!!!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\n \nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below 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ect !!!!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\n \n \n \n \nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\nPress The \"Share\" Button Below The Video, to Share My Videos With Your Friends, In, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsup Groups ect !!!!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\n \n \n \nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\nPress The \"Share\" Button Below The Video, to Share My Videos With Your Friends, In, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsup Groups ect !!!!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\n \nTo see all my videos click on my channel name (Joel John J) or on my photo and go to my channel click on Videos tab and select play all option !!!\nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\n \n \nPress The \"ThumbsUp\" Icon, Below my video, If You Like This Video !!!\nPress The 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me from chaininnnn\nkeeps me from chaininnn\nno one keeps me from chaininnnn\nkeeps me from chaininnn\nyeahhh\nim gonna take my calc to my math teacher\nshes gonna helppppp till she can't no more\nim gonna take my calc to my math teacher\nshe gonna help till she can't no more\nx left x right sounds like a limit\nspent a lot of time on this brand new limit\ngotta get a habit of doing our homework\ngrinding down my pencil till my homework is completed\ngot not stress, ive been through the test\nim like a zombie man cuz I get no rest\nwish I could go on back to my old math class\ni wanna derivvveee till I cant no more\nyeah im gonna take calc to my math teacher\nshes gonna help till she can't no more\nim gonna take my calc to my math teacher\nshes gonna help till she can't no more\n": 2, "You and me, we have no faces\nSoon our lives will be erased\nDo you think they will remember?\nOr will we just be replaced?\nOh I wish that I could see\nHow I wish that I could fly\nFar from things that hang above me\nTo a place where I can cry\nSo why can it be?\nNo one hears me call\nEchoes back at me\nNo one's there\nTo all these nameless feelings I can't deal with in my life\nTo all these greedy people trying to feed on what is mine\nYou've got to fill your hunger and stop fucking with my mind\nI know it's time to leave these places far behind\nYou and me, we have no faces\nThey don't see us anymore\nWithout love as they had promised\nAnd no faith for what's in store\nOh, I wish that I could see\nHow I wish that I could fly\nFar from things that hang above me\nTo a place where I can cry\nSo why can it be?\nNo one hears me call\nEchoes back at me\nNo one's there\nTo all these nameless feelings I can't deal with in my life\nTo all these greedy people trying to feed on what is mine\nYou've got to fill your hunger and stop fucking with my mind\nI know it's time to leave these places far behind\nWhere are all these feelings hiding? Dancing in and out my mind\nBurning up all that I long for, feeding me to my decline\nWhere are you? My soul is bleeding, I am searching, am I blind?\nAll alone and bound forever, trapped inside me for all time\nTo all these nameless feelings I can't deal with in my life\nTo all these greedy people trying to feed on what is mine\nYou've got to fill your hunger and stop fucking with my mind\nI know it's time to leave these places far behind\nTo all these nameless feelings I can't deal with in my life\nTo all these greedy people trying to feed on what is mine\nYou've got to fill your hunger and stop fucking with my mind\nI know it's time to leave these places far behind\n": 3, "hello hello my dear youtube friends welcome to my channel I am cam and apiaries in\nthis video I will be teaching you how to do the parallax effect in the capcom application for this\nI want you to stay and watch the whole video because everything will be super interesting Join me\nwell the first thing we are going to do is go to the menu then we are going to enter capcom\nwe are going to select where it says new project then we are going to select the\nphoto to which we want to edit we click on add\nafter that we are going to select and we are going to give it click where the photo comes out we are going to\nclick where the photo comes out which is going to be edited down here where up where it says\nadd audio and we are going to select the option that says style down here\nafter that we are going to look for the one that tells us its 3d we go to wait for it to load\nafter that we are going to select here in the bottom right part\nwe are going to reproduce to see how the effect was as we can see here the effect comes out\nif we want to add another photo we are going to select Click here where\nthe white square with a plus sign appears and we are going to select another photo\nand we are going to do the same with the photo that we have just selected we are going to do the same operation\nwhich we did with the previous photo to style it then we are going to look for a 3d\nwe hope it loads\nthis photo we have put the same effect as the previous photo we are going to reproduce and here we see that\nthe effect is being seen we are going to save the effect we can place a transition to make the effect look better\nwe are going to do it selecting in the middle of the two photos where the white box appears we are going\nto select there then we select where it says camera we are going to select the transition\nwhich we want we are going to accept the transition and we are going to play the video\nand that would be all then we are going to save the video we are going to do it by selecting in the right\npart of the top where the up arrow appears we select there there it says exporting\nwe hope it reaches 100% and voila We give in done on the\nright side of the top and that would be all we are going to play the video and it looks like this\nwell my friends this was all I hope and you liked the video do not forget to be supporting\nme with a like or leaving a comment I invite you to subscribe to my channel and share this\nvideo either on facebook twitter or instagram in the part of your preference it would be helping me a\nlot a lot I have nothing more to say I say goodbye until the next bye\n": 3, "[Music]\nthank you\nevery night I rush to my bed let's hope so\nmaybe I'll get a chance to see you when I\nclose my eyes hey lost in a fairy tale you\nhold my hand and be my eyes filled with stuff\ncover your skies and I hope it rains you're\nmy perfect lover\nsweet dreams\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\nsky cover your sky and I hope it rains you're\nmy perfect [Music]\nlife's too good to be true\n[Music]\nand it will remain not even death [Music]\nyou can be my sweet dream [Music] s\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwhat's even worse\n[Music]\nIt's Gonna Rain baby can we make up now cause\nI can't slip through the face [Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\ncan we make [Music]\n[Music] you and I don't want you to go to\nbed\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\nass jumping [Music] yeah [Music]\nI'm a maniac I'm a maniac I'm a maniac call\nme Brainiac [\u00a0__\u00a0]\n[Music] six for the pros seven for the numbers\nbehind big walls [\u00a0__\u00a0] these devils and\nthese laws never question the size of Ice\nCube's balls the biggest cruise [Music]\nthat's how he got shot on that mysterious\n[Music] get up here\n[Music] when it gets a bigger crew\n[Music] foreign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nyou should let me love you let me be the one\nto give you everything you so [Music]\n[Music] supposed to be say baby you should\nlet me love you love you love you [Applause]\nyeah yeah\nyour true beauty description looks so good\nthat it hurts you're a dime plus 99 and it's\na shame don't even know what you're worth\neverywhere you go they stopping me stare cause\nyour bed and it shows from your ear to your\ntoes [Music]\nbaby [Music]\ndeserve Good Times\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] we should be together baby girl\nhey so can we make this thing Ice Baby\nso let me be the one to give you everything\ngood love and protection make me your selection\nshow you the way you love supposed to be [Music]\nthe one to keep you give you everything you\nwanna need\noh yeah yeah [Music] hey maybe you should\nlove me\nyeah\n[Music] give you everything that you foreign\n[Music]\n[Music] you look so dumb right now\nstanding outside my house trying to apologize\nyou're so ugly when you cry it's just cut\nit out\ndon't tell me you're sorry cause you're not\nbaby when I know you're only sorry\nwithout you [Music] really help me go away\nand now it's time to \ngo curtains finally closing there was quite\na show very entertaining but it's over now\n[Music]\nempty\n[Music]\nfor making me believe\n[Music]\nforeign\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music] that's a liability\n[Music]\n[Music] foreign [Music]\nforeign [Music] I see the clouds getting lower\nor maybe I'm getting higher you see these\nnotes that I carry like Mariah I'm playing\nbut they told me that I'm on fire so imma\nrhyme with it from here to the slums with\nit I admit it I kill it but they acting like\nguns [\u00a0__\u00a0] so I take off with these bad\ndreams and these nightmares my girl bought\nme a fresh paranite ass I didn't care what\nthey were charging for flight fare so I bought\na first class ticket for the nice chairs the\nflight attendants only sit right here excuse\nmy ways pretty lady but I might stand straight\nout the window at the city below I was trying\nto figure out like which city to go my homies\nsay I'm cold like it was fitting below when\nI'm busting it it seems like I was ready to\nblow in my self-centered cause I listened\nto my old tracks I try to put it in the verse\nbut I hold back never play cards but deal\nwith a whole stack I don't feel it for the\nziplock flow like a soul crack and we act\nlike we fresh out of the real we the people\nin charge and the haters couldn't see yes\nyou married to the game in the game with a\nfree nothing if you try kick it we fresh out\nof Adidas roll your tree out what it feel\nlike I'm just trying to make make sure that\nyou feel right I love red wine and some good\nfood good news [\u00a0__\u00a0] came with a good view\nuh white girl on the granite yeah yeah I think\nthat they call it Janet I was never involved\nand I took the [\u00a0__\u00a0] for granted cause\nthey say I'm out of this world I'm on another\nplanet cause I'm coasting fly wherever the\nwind blows I'm in motion with fog all over\nthe windows and": 1, "- Hi, some time ago we released a video\nthat was about how to\nharmonise a major scale.\nAnd several people have\nwritten to us to ask\nif we could show how to\nharmonise on minor scale.\nSo that's what we're going\nto do in this short video.\nSo let's take a scale\nof C minor for example,\nand have a think about how we might do it.\nSo let's start of by thinking\nabout sort of basic chords\nthat would work.\nWell we could start with a chord I.\nWe could then have a chord V.\nGo back to a chord I.\nWe could then go to a chord IV.\nBack to a chord I.\nThen to a chord IV again.\nThen we could use a chord V.\nOr even a V7.\nFollowed by a chord I.\nThat would be one way of doing it.\nOr we could use a few\ninversions, couldn't we?\nSo we could use chord I.\nAnd then we could use Vb maybe.\nThen we can come back to I again.\nThen it might be quite nice\nto use IVb.\nThen we could use Ib.\nThen how about this,\nthat we maybe use a chord II7,\nwhich is often a good approach chord,\nit's a bit richer.\nAnd then we could use a chord V7.\nAnd then, followed by a chord I.\nSo you see what we've got there\nwhen we put that together.\nAnd of course, what I've harmonised there\nis a harmonic minor scale.\nSo if you wanted to do\na melodic minor scale,\nwell, that wouldn't be too different.\nYou've just got to think\nabout the raised sixth degree\nof the scale.\nSo maybe we go I.\nVb,\nback to I,\nto IVb,\nthen we go to Ib,\nand then we could use our II7 again\nbut with an A-natural in it,\nand then a V7 then a I.\nSo you see it would\nwork much the same way.\nSo that could be one way of\nharmonising a minor scale.\n": 4, "I hear your heartbeat\nto the beat of the drums\noh what a shame\nthat you came here with someone\nyeah, but while you're here in my arms\nlet's make the most of the night\nlike we're gonna die young\nwe're gonna die young\nwe're gonna die young\nlet's make the most of the night\nlike we're gonna die young\nhearts, outta mind\nrunnin' 'til we outta time\nwild childs, lookin' good\nlivin' hard, just like we should\ndon't care who's watchin'\nwhen we tearin' it up\nthat magic that we got,\nnobody can touch\nlookin' for some trouble tonight\ntake my hand,\nI'll show you the wild side\nlike it's the last night of our lives\nwe'll keep dancin' 'til we die\nI hear your heartbeat\nto the beat of the drums\noh what a shame that you\ncame here with someone\nyeah, while you're here in my arms\nlet's make the most of the night\nlike we're gonna die young\nwe're gonna die young\nwe're gonna die young, yeah\nlet's make the most of the night\nlike we're gonna die young\npunks, takin' shots,\nstrippin' down to dirty socks\nmusic good, gettin' hot,\nkiss me, give me all you got\nit's pretty obvious that you got a crush,\nthat magic in your pants\nit's makin' me blush\nlookin' for some trouble tonight\ntake my hand, I'll show you the wild side\nlike it's the last night of our lives\nwe'll keep dancin' 'til we die\nI hear your heartbeat\nto the beat of the drums\noh what a shame,\nthat you came here with someone\nyeah, while you're here in my arms\nlet's make the most of the night\nlike we're gonna die young\nwe're gonna die young\nwe're gonna die young, yeah\nlet's make the most of the night,\nlike we're gonna die young, yeah\nwe're gonna die\nlet's make the most of the night,\nlike we're gonna die\nyoung\nwe're gonna die young\n": 2, "- [Instructor] Let's try\nto name this molecule\nright over here.\nAnd so the first thing we wanna do\nis identify the longest chain of carbons.\nSo let's see, it could be one, two, three,\nfour, five, six, seven, eight.\nOr, let's see, maybe it's one, two, three,\nfour, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.\nYes, indeed, that's the longest chain.\nAnd if you go one, two,\nthree, four, five, six, seven,\nor one, two, three,\nfour, five, six, seven.\nSo those aren't the longest.\nSo the longest one is this one.\nOne, two, three, four, five, six, seven,\neight, nine, 10, 10 carbons.\nAnd this is going to be an alkane,\n'cause it's all single bonds.\nAnd an alkane that's\na chain of 10 carbons,\nwe would use a prefix deck for 10.\nSo this is a decane.\nLet me write that right over here.\nThis is a decane, decane.\nNow, let's think about the groups\nthat are attached to this decane.\nSo we have this group right over here.\nThis has two carbons in it,\none carbon, two carbons.\nAnd so because it has two carbons,\nwe would use the prefix eth.\nRemember, meth is one carbon.\nEth is two carbons.\nAnd since it's a group,\nwe're not talking about the backbone,\nthis is an ethyl group.\nThis is an ethyl group.\nAnd we have another ethyl\ngroup right over here,\ntwo carbons attached right over here.\nThis is also an ethyl group.\nAnd now this group right\nover here is interesting.\nWe can count the carbons in it.\nSo it has one, two, three carbons.\nSo you could think about,\nwell, this has three carbons.\nOur prefix for there carbons is prop.\nSo you could say it maybe\nthis is a propyl group.\nThis right over here.\nThis right over here.\nYou could say maybe\nthis is a propyl group.\nAnd you wouldn't be completely\noff base by saying that.\nBut we have to be a little bit\nmore careful when we name it,\nbecause a propyl group, you would assume\nthat you're attaching to\none end of the propyl group.\nBut we're not attaching to\none end of the propyl group.\nWe're attaching essentially\nto the second carbon,\nto the middle carbon.\nAnd this is a secondary carbon.\nThe reason why it's\ncalled a secondary carbon\nis because it's attached\nto two other carbons.\nIf it was attached to three other carbons,\nit would be a tertiary carbon.\nIf it was attached to only one carbon,\nit would be a primary carbon.\nSo you could call this,\nsince we're attached\nto the secondary carbon right over here.\nThis is sometimes called a sec,\na sec-propyl group.\nA sec-propyl group.\nAnd it's also sometimes called iso-propyl,\nan isopropyl group.\nIsopropyl, and you'll\nactually see isopropyl\na little bit more frequently.\nAnd these would both be\nreferred to as common names,\ncommon names for this group.\nNow, if you wanted to\nname this systematically,\nthen you would do it very similar\nto the way you would\nname the entire molecule.\nYou would look for the longest chain here.\nAnd the longest chain in this molecule,\nstarting with where you are attached,\nis a chain of two carbons,\nis a chain of two carbons.\nAnd so you could call,\nso that the backbone\nright over here is ethyl,\nis, let me write this right over here,\nis ethyl, it's an ethyl backbone here.\nAnd then you could view\nthis carbon as a group\nattached to that ethyl backbone.\nAnd we would start counting,\nwe would start counting\nright where we're attached\nto the main chain.\nSo this is the one carbon,\nthis is the two carbon.\nSo this right over here, this\nis just one carbon group.\nThis right over here is an methyl group,\nor a methyl group, this is a methyl group.\nSo you have a methyl group attached\nto the one carbon of an ethyl group.\nSo the systematic name for this,\nand this is a little bit less typical\nfor a group as small as a propyl group.\nBut you could call this one methyl,\none, one methyl, one methyl-ethyl,\none methyl-ethyl is the\nsystematic name for this.\nNow, the systematic name,\nyou might say, \"Hey,\nwhy go through the pain\n\"of doing this for something so simple\n\"that we could just call isopropyl.\"\nThis is useful if this was a much larger\nor a much more complex\ngroup that was attached\nto this main chain.\nBut, more typically,\nand this is why it's\ncalled the common name,\nyou will see this ": 4, "Everything is two-fold\nWhat\u2019s joy, what's pain on the other hand?\nAnd What happens when the one that you love is the\nThe main cause of your suffering?\nI need you like I need air to breathe\nI need you to save me from me\nI\u2019m caught in your wave, I\u2019m drifting away\nI need you to save me\nPlease don\u2019t let me drown\nPlease don\u2019t let me drown\nPlease don\u2019t let me drown\nGive me all of your lies\n\u2018Cause you\u2019re my demon in disguise\nI learn to love the cage you keep me in\nBut the walls keep closing in\nAnd I don\u2019t wanna die\nBut your poison feels so right\nWhy do I want you when you\u2019re bad for me?\nMy perfect storm my beautiful catastrophe\nMy perfect storm my beautiful catastrophe\nYou need me like you need air to breathe\nYou want me to save you from me\nI know that you\u2019re trapped inside this wave Who's gonna save you\u2026\n Who's gonna save you from me? I can\u2019t see you drown\nI can\u2019t see you drown\nI can\u2019t see you drown\nI can\u2019t see your drown Woah\nGive me all of your lies\n\u2018Cause you\u2019re my demon in disguise\nI learn to love the cage you keep me in\nBut the walls keep closing in\nAnd I don\u2019t wanna die\nBut your poison feels so right\nWhy do I want you when you\u2019re bad for me?\nMy perfect storm my beautiful catastrophe\nMy perfect storm my beautiful catastrophe\nIt's a toxic addiction\nYou\u2019re a guilty affliction yea\nI can\u2019t breathe I need to get some air\nBut it's a toxic addiction\nYour a guilty affliction yea\nYou can\u2019t breathe and you just need some air\nGive me all of your lies\n\u2018Cause you\u2019re my demon in disguise\nI learn to love the cage you keep me in\nBut the walls keep closing in And I don\u2019t wanna die\nBut you poison feels so right\nWhy do I want you when you\u2019re bad for me?\nMy perfect storm my beautiful catastrophe\nMy perfect storm my beautiful catastrophe\n": 3, "Hi, welcome to Math Antics. In this lesson, we\u2019re gonna learn about negative numbers.\nNegative numbers can be a little confusing at first, so don\u2019t get discouraged if it takes you a while to get it.\nTo learn what negative numbers are, we first need to start with \u2018whole numbers\u2019.\nYou remember what whole numbers are, right?\nThey\u2019re the set of numbers on the number line, starting with zero, and then counting up one at a time:\n1, 2, 3, 4\u2026 all the way to infinity.\nThat\u2019s a LOT of numbers, but it\u2019s only half the story!\nAnd that\u2019s because the number line really goes in BOTH directions.\nYou\u2019re used to seeing the number line starting at zero and just going to the right, but the number line also goes to the left.\nAnd what numbers are on that part of the number line?\nYep\u2026 you guessed it\u2026 negative numbers.\nThe negative numbers are just like a mirror image of the numbers on the right side of the number line that we call the positive numbers.\nAnd zero is the special number that separates the positive numbers from the negative numbers.\nBy the way, when you combine all these numbers\n(1 ,2, 3, and so on up to infinity, and -1, -2, -3, and so on down to negative infinity, and the number zero)\nthat entire set of numbers gets a special name in math. They\u2019re called \u2018the Integers\u2019.\nAs you can see, the negative numbers look just like the positive numbers.\nThe only difference is that they have a \u2018negative sign\u2019 in front of them.\nThe negative sign looks just like the minus sign.\nIn fact, if we wanted to, we could write a positive sign (a plus) in front of all the positive numbers.\nBut to save time, we just assume that if a number doesn\u2019t have any sign in front of it, then it\u2019s positive.\nPositive is the \u2018default\u2019 sign.\nOkay, now that you know what negative numbers are, we need to learn how to compare them to other integers.\nRemember that in math, comparing just means saying which of two numbers is bigger or smaller than the other, or saying that they\u2019re equal.\nAnd to do that, we use the greater than, less than, or equal signs.\nYou\u2019re probably already pretty good at comparing positive integers.\nLike if I ask, \u201cWhich is bigger: 2 or 3 ?\u201d You know that 3 is bigger than 2.\nBut what if I asked you to compare two negative integers? \u201cWhich is bigger: -2 or -3 ?\u201d\nAh, this is where negative numbers can be a little tricky, especially if this is your first time learning about them.\nThat\u2019s because you\u2019re SO used to 3 being bigger than 2 that when you see -2 and -3,\nit\u2019s really tempting to think that -3 must be bigger than -2, but it\u2019s NOT!\nNegative 3 is actually smaller (or less) than negative 2.\nAnd to help you understand why, let\u2019s look at our number line again.\nHave you noticed that if you start at zero on the number line and then you move to the right,\nthe numbers keep getting bigger and bigger as you go along.\n1 is greater than 0, 2 is greater than 1, and 3 is greater than 2, and so on\u2026\nBut what if we go in the opposite direction instead; to the left?\nAs we go to the left, the numbers get smaller and smaller.\n2 is less than 3, 1 is less than 2, and 0 is less than 1.\nWell, those same exact rules apply to negative side of the number line also.\nThe numbers get bigger as you go to the right and they get smaller as you go to the left.\nSo, since -3 is on the left side of -2, it\u2019s actually smaller than -2.\nI like to think of it like this\u2026\nOn the positive side of the number line, 3 is more positive than 2 (so it\u2019s bigger).\nBut on the negative side of the number line, -3 is more negative than -2 (so it\u2019s smaller).\nAnd you can use that idea no matter what the numbers are.\nOn the positive side, 500 is more positive than 200 (so it\u2019s bigger)\nbut on the negative side, -500 is more negative than -200 (so it\u2019s smaller)\nKeep that in mind if anyone every offers to give you negative 500 dollars.\nThe \u2018500\u2019 part sounds pretty good, but the negative part\u2026 not so much!\nAlright, so the positive integers are on the right side of zero on the number line, which means they\u2019re all greater than zero.\nAnd the negative integers are all on the left side of zero on the number line,": 4, "Say I'm cold hearted\nBut I'm just getting started\nGot my eyes on the the target\nNow, now\n'Till the battles are won\n'Till kingdom come\nI'll never run\nBest to give me your loyalty\n'Cause I'm taking the world you'll see\nThey'll be calling me, calling me\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nBest to give me your loyalty\n'Cause I'm taking the world you'll see\nThey'll be calling me, calling me\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nThey say I'm dangerous, 'cause I\nBroke all the cages\nNo I, won't sit and take it\nThey left me for dead, I guess\nthey'll never learn\nEvery time I break there's\njust more pain to burn\nThey'll never, never, never learn\n'Till the battles are won\n'Till kingdom come\nI'll never run\nBest to give me your loyalty\n'Cause I'm taking the world you'll see\nThey'll be calling me, calling me\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nBest to give me your loyalty\n'Cause I'm taking the world you'll see\nThey'll be calling me, calling me\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nThey'll be calling me royalty\nThey'll be calling me royalty\n": 2, "Hey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*jumps from above*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*clap*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, my name is Michael.\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce! Michael here. This is a completely still image. But as your eye reads what I'm saying and jumps from word to word the paragraph will appear slightly, just subtly, wave and bpoil. The illusion is called ANOMALOUS MOTION. It's neat.\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*unzips his shirt*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*picks his nose*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Micheal, Michael here...\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey thats pretty good!\nHey Micheal, Vsauce Here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, my name is Michael... WAIT ITS DIFFERENT\nHey Vsauce, my name is Michael.\nHey Vsauce, my name is Michael.\nHey Vsauce, my name is Michael.\nHey Vsauce! Michael here. This is a completely still image. But as your eye reads what I'm saying and jumps from word to word the paragraph will appear slightly, just subtly, wave and bpoil. The illusion is called ANOMALOUS MOTION. It's neat. And I the subtitler have no life.\nHey Vsauce! Michael here!\nHey Vsauce! Michael here!\nHey Vsauce! Michael here! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW\nHey Vsauce! Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*opens fridge*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*zooms to the moon*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*crushes bottle in real time*\n!ereh leahciM ,esuasv yeH\n*high pitched screech*\n*reversed high pitched screech*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here! (italian michael)\n*re-bottles the bottle*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHEY!\nvsause\nmichael here...\n*kinky noises*\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n*intense badassery*\n(distorted) Hey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nNOISESx44444\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\nHey Vsauce, Michael here!\n": 0, "Halo viewers and welcome to the Luo English\ndictionary channel.\nMy name is Agina and my daughter's name is\nNiquee.\nIf you are new here, please hit the subscribe\nbutton now so that you never miss a video,\nturn on the notifications and today's video\nis about parts of the body.\nwe had done a video like this but we did it\nat a park one month ago and we shall put the\ndescription here.\nyeah? here? where?\nalright we'll put the description here so\nthat you can see but this is a continuation\nof that video but his is a rich video.\nwelcome\nso today we talk about he parts of the body,\nyou remember wiya, goka chonga tienda\nthats it, wiya. now Iwill have the name of\nthe body my possesive my, yours and his\nso wich is the head, wich is the I have just\nexplained wich is the head wiya my head wiyi\nyour head wiye his head or her head\nso say wich wiya wiyi wiye\nwiye wiye\nwiiiye wiiye\ngood\ngok gok goka goki goke\ngoka, goki, goke\ngood\nknees, chong\nchonga chongi, chonge\nchong\nchonga chongi, chonge\nLeg tielo tienda, tiendi, tiende\ntielo tiendi tienda, tiendi, tiende tiende\near it\nita iti ite\nit it ita iti ite\neye wang'\nwang'a wang'i, wang'e\nwang'\nwang'a wang'i, wang'e\nwang'e\nwang'e\num nose Um\numa umi ume\num\numa umi ume\nume\nume\nmouth dhok\ndhoga, dhogi, dhoge\ndhoga, dhogi, dhoge\nDHOK\ndhoga dhoga, dhogi dhogi, dhoge dhoge\nif you say dhok it changes to cows\nso you must say dhok\ndhok\nif you say dhook cows same spelling\nmany cows is dhok, one cow is dhiang\nnow hat was this? oh sorry\nhaha\nlak - tooth one tooth\nlak laka laki lake\nis that yake?\nlak sorry this is \nlak\nsay\nlak laka laki lake\nmany teeth is leke\nlekega lekegi, lekege\nlekega lekegi, lekege\nthats teeth\nbuttocks sianda\nsinada\nsiandana siandana, siandani siandani, siandane\nsiandane\nPier, piera, pieri, piere\nthigh bam\nbamna bamna, bamni bamni, bamne bamne\nnails, kogono\nkoka koka\nkoki koki\nkoke koke\nlwedo hand\nlwedo\nlwedo\nlweta lweta\nlweti lweti\nlwete lwete\nnavel you know navel pend\npend this on your stomach that thing\nits called navel\npenda penda\npendi pendi\npende pende\nstomach ich\niya iya\niyi iyi\niye iye\nmake sure the y is pronounced okay?\nchest kor\nkor kor\nkora kora\nkori kori\nkore kore\nkore kore\nnow hen you say koore it changes the meaning\nagain\nhis side is koore\nbut kore is your chest okay\nbreast thuno\nthuno\nthunda thunda\nthunde no thundi thundi\nthunde thunde\nalright\nneck ng'ut\nng'ut\nng'uta ng'uta\nng'uti ng'uti\nng'ute ng'ute\nmake sure its nnggg'\nng'ute\ngood\nyou know Adams apple? you knowthis thing here\nooh thats called Adams Apple\nnow we call it lokro\nlokro\nlokro na\nlokro ni\nlokro ne\ntoes now the fingers of the toes is called\nlith tielo\nlith tielo\nlith tienda\nlith tienda\nlith tiendi\nlith tiendi\nlith tiende\nlith tiende\nahhh cheek is lemb\nlemb lemb\nlemba\nlemba\nlembi lembi\nlembe lembe\nthe last one tongue\nlep lep\nlewa\nlewa\nlewi lewi\nlewe lewe\ngood\nthose are the parts of your body.\nnow if we didn't touch any part please comment\ndown below and let us know we shall do another\nvideo to enrich this one\nand now we have a few minutes and Niquee will\ntalk about\nhow you should subscribe and if you want to\nsupport us.\nthank you peace\nif you enjoyed this video please make sure\nyou give it a like subscribe and turn on the\nnotification bell so you never miss a video\nthat we post when we post you can follow us\nif you want to support us you can go on www.patreon.com/luoenglishdictionary\nif you'd like to support us you can follow\nus on facebook and twitter as @LuoEnglishDict\nso for now oriti, goodbye\n": 2, "Vladimir Vinogradov: Hello everyone we now start section 3.4 in the text and.\nVladimir Vinogradov: We are going to talk mainly on moment generating functions which are discussed in section 3.4 but formal.\nVladimir Vinogradov: title.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Section 3.4 is just January.\nVladimir Vinogradov: auctions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And the reason is there.\nVladimir Vinogradov: We have numerous generating functions and.\nVladimir Vinogradov: There can see that in this section 3.4 which is discussed on pages 162 to 170 of textbook by aaron's original.\nVladimir Vinogradov: event in particular will have.\nVladimir Vinogradov: probability.\nVladimir Vinogradov: functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: issue 3.4.\nVladimir Vinogradov: On page 162 which good.\nVladimir Vinogradov: or no negative.\nVladimir Vinogradov: integer.\nVladimir Vinogradov: value.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Random variables.\nVladimir Vinogradov: probability generating functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: derived by a simple trump transformation from mormon generating functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Also.\nVladimir Vinogradov: moment.\nVladimir Vinogradov: generating.\nVladimir Vinogradov: functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: which I use the acronym m G h.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Are.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Close.\nVladimir Vinogradov: To the.\nVladimir Vinogradov: analysis.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Advanced calculus.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Plus.\nVladimir Vinogradov: transforms.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So it's basically a lot less stress for our negative arguments so Nelson about it in the course and you already showed the name of French school appear symbol laplace.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Before.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Also.\nVladimir Vinogradov: subsection 3.4 point one on pages.\nVladimir Vinogradov: deals.\nVladimir Vinogradov: With.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This so called.\nVladimir Vinogradov: characteristic.\nVladimir Vinogradov: functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And are in more advanced courses of probabilities see.\nVladimir Vinogradov: The emphasis is.\nVladimir Vinogradov: imposed on the status of characteristic functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: However.\nVladimir Vinogradov: what actually happens is in order to define the concept of a characteristic function.\nVladimir Vinogradov: You.\nVladimir Vinogradov: This.\nVladimir Vinogradov: One so it's I, which is the root of negative one.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So.\nVladimir Vinogradov: In order.\nVladimir Vinogradov: To define.\nVladimir Vinogradov: The characteristic function.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Some.\nVladimir Vinogradov: know of, it is just the root of negative one.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So it's a solution to equation X squared plus one equals equals zero some no more on the analysis of complex variable or complex analysis, which is a beautiful part of Muslim logics.\nVladimir Vinogradov: and see must majors who take this course might find this subsection.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Being a really interesting.\nVladimir Vinogradov: computer science majors might find that more challenging so I should let you know that you're not going to be tested uncharacteristic functions and subsection.\nVladimir Vinogradov: Of the textbook but if you're.\nVladimir Vinogradov: A pure math major interested in more advanced things you, of course.\nVladimir Vinogradov: More than welcome to lead subsection see for one and a new one more on characteristic functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And what happens that they always exist, whereas moment generating functions do not always exist, and it is customary.\nVladimir Vinogradov: For probably absolutely it's customary for calculus based courses of probability of see taught in North America to use mormon generating functions, instead of characteristic functions.\nVladimir Vinogradov: So you make an assumption that your distributions are such that moment, generating functions do exist, I did not define them yet, but i'm going to do it later, but I want to explain that there is a discrepancy between this section title.\nVladimir Vinogradov: And the title moment generating functions are used in the notes, I also want to say that for non negative integer value di": 3, "If you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\nIf you enjoy this mix, be sure to like this video and Subscribe!\n": 1, "the skin tells you how it was for you to be a\nthe skin tells you how it was for you to be a\nweakling here I thought\nweakling here I thought\nweakling here I thought\nthat when it's Nolan you already expect a\nthat when it's Nolan you already expect a\nthat when it's Nolan you already expect a\nplateau and I think for him he went\nplateau and I think for him he went\nplateau and I think for him he went\na little below but\na little below but\na little below but\nNolan's credit is that he is no longer the only one right\nNolan's credit is that he is no longer the only one right\nNolan's credit is that he is no longer the only one right\nbut he was the only director who made a pop movie as\nbut he was the only director who made a pop movie as\nbut he was the only director who made a pop movie as\nsoon as he dares and does something a\nsoon as he dares and does something a\nsoon as he dares and does something a\nlittle different now I have to be a\nlittle different now I have to be a\nlittle different now I have to be a\nvillain who is also much stronger much\nvillain who is also much stronger much\nvillain who is also much stronger much\nbetter that I have the slightest idea is the\nbetter that I have the slightest idea is the\nbetter that I have the slightest idea is the\nguy who made Runner 2049 the arrival and\nguy who made Runner 2049 the arrival and\nguy who made Runner 2049 the arrival and\nnow it's not like Blade Runner man Blade\nnow it's not like Blade Runner man Blade\nnow it's not like Blade Runner man Blade\nRunner closed because just to get\nRunner closed because just to get\nRunner closed because just to get\nto your house today and if the arrival is going to\nto your house today and if the arrival is going to\nto your house today and if the arrival is going to\nteach no and Blade Runner is better\nteach no and Blade Runner is better\nteach no and Blade Runner is better\nthan the original Blade Runner if\nthan the original Blade Runner if\nthan the original Blade Runner if\nyou said for the boring movie you it's kind\nyou said for the boring movie you it's kind\nyou said for the boring movie you it's kind\nof the level one and it's kind of like that he's a\nof the level one and it's kind of like that he's a\nof the level one and it's kind of like that he's a\nvery\nvery\nvery\nthe Artist director how am I going to use this\nthe Artist director how am I going to use this\nthe Artist director how am I going to use this\nhe shouldn't have that right\nhe shouldn't have that right\nhe shouldn't have that right\nbad it's not good and bad he\nbad it's not good and bad he\nbad it's not good and bad he\nvalues photography and ventilation academy a lot\nvalues photography and ventilation academy a lot\nvalues photography and ventilation academy a lot\nhe's a guy concerned with the language\nhe's a guy concerned with the language\nhe's a guy concerned with the language\nwill stay here it will be in the burst\nwill stay here it will be in the burst\nwill stay here it will be in the burst\nbut what happens dies not like there are\nbut what happens dies not like there are\nbut what happens dies not like there are\nother things about photography no i stay\nother things about photography no i stay\nother things about photography no i stay\nhe was the bathroom it's really there but\nhe was the bathroom it's really there but\nhe was the bathroom it's really there but\nhe is the least\nhe is the least\nhe is the least\nof those people who make movies like this he is\nof those people who make movies like this he is\nof those people who make movies like this he is\nthe least least what he really is he is\nthe least least what he really is he is\nthe least least what he really is he is\nhis movie can be pop plane\nhis movie can be pop plane\nhis movie can be pop plane\nsomething poor understand accessible So\nsomething poor understand accessible So\nsomething poor understand accessible So\nprepare arrival is a fantastic movie\nprepare arrival is a fantastic movie\nprepare arrival is a fantastic movie\nthat has none of that can watch you can\nthat has none of that can watch you can\nthat has none of that can watch you ": 1, "Good morning or good evening \ndepending on where you're \njoining us from today. My name \nis Sanchita Saxena and I'm the \nexecutive director of the \nInstitute for South Asia \nStudies at UC Berkeley. It's my \ngreat great pleasure to welcome \nyou all today to to today's \nevent. Birth controlled \nSelective reproduction and \nneoliberal neoliberal eugenics \nin South Africa and India. We \nhave a wonderful lineup of \nspeakers and to introduce them, \nI would like to welcome my \ncolleague, Professor Laura. \nProfessor is professor of \ngender and women studies and \nglobal studies. She is she just \njoined us at UC Berkeley and \nwe're thrilled to have her \nhere. Prior to coming to \nBerkeley, she was professor of \nTransnational Asian Studies and \ncore faculty in the Center for \nthe Women for the Study of \nWomen, Gender and Sexuality at \nRice University. She is the \nauthor of of many books, \nchapters, and articles and her \nmost recent book is Sisters \nmirror, a history of Muslim \nwomen, and the global politics \nof feminism published by \nUniversity of California Press \nin 20twenty1. We are thrilled \nto have Elora as a colleague \nand I would like to welcome her \nto the virtual stage. \nWelcome. Thank you. So am I \nvisible? Hi. Um thank you \neveryone. Um thank you Sanchita \nfor that very generous \nintroduction which feels unfair \nbecause I've been given strict \nintroductions to only give \nbrief very brief introductions \nto of my of the speakers today \nbut you'll find out more about \nthem in the chat and on the \ninstitute's website. Um I'm \nthrilled to be able to moderate \nthe discussion around this \nwonderful new book with the \neditor presen\nwith the editor present\nseveral of the contributors\nutors it's a marvelous\nutors it's a marvelous book that\nlooks at the\nthe\nthe the nexus as\nthe the nexus, as the editor \nputs it\nthe nexus, as the editor puts\nit.\nbetween\nbetween\n, between eugenics reproductive\npolitics population\npolitics population policies\nassisted reproductive techniques\nogies all in the\nall in the context of\na\na pandemic world,\npandemic world.\nAnd of course, Hindu, not the\nHindu Nationalist policy\ntics of India Today,\ntics of India Today, and\ntics of India Today, and similar\npolitics in South Africa\nin South Africa.\nToday's contributors will\nToday's contributors will focus\nmostly on the indian the side\nmostly on the indian this\nIndian aspect, but in Q.\nQ. A.\nAnd just we hope\njust. we hope to bring in the \nSouth\nAfrican\nAfrican perspective\nOur\nOur first speaker will\nOur first speaker will be the\neditor of the volume, and read \nthe question\ne, whose associate\ne, whose associate\ne, who is Associate Professor of\nSociology at the University of\nSociology at the University of\nCape Town.\nShe will be followed by\nBanner,\nBannas subramanium Professor of\nf Women, gender and\nWomen, gender and sexuality \nStudies\nies at the University of\nMassachusetts,\nMassachusetts, amherst, then\ndo.\nWe have set him up\nWe have satiamala\n, we\nwe hope to have\no have So\nhave so Pamela, who's a visiting\nfor\nellow at the\nellow at the International\nInstitute of Social Studies.\nErasmus\nErasmus University, and \nRotterdam\nErasmus University in Rotterdam,\nthen Vasuda Mahanka.\nthen Vasuda Mahanka.\nka,\nIndependent Researcher,\nMmuki, who's a PHD.\nCandidate right here at Uc.\nBerkeley, in sociology.\nfollowed\nfollowed by your\nohanna Gondoa,\nohanna Gondoa, assistant\nProfessor in gender studies at\nProfessor in gender studies at\nlink via Penn University.\nand\nand her co-author.\nand her co-author.\nand her co-author\nand her co-author.\nSorry suicide\n. I have\nSorry suicide. Why have I also\nthis survey? teeth?\nthis survey? teeth?\nHopper bunkyard\nHopper bunkyard.\nwill also\nalso be joining the discussion\nI will stop\nI will stop here and i'd like to\ninvite and meet that to come up\ninvite and meet that to come up\naboard and\naboard and share her paper\naboard and share her paper\nand share her paper.\nShare her her efficient\nr this\nr this book and her own\nr this book and her own work,\n, her own contribution to it.\nThank you. Thank you\nThank you. Thank you. Thank you.\nyou. Thank you. Thank you. ": 4, "Have you met that new guy in town? His name was Bebo.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nIn-\nOh no. \nOh no.\nBebo melted!\nPoor little B35g+15 baby!\nAaaAaaAAaAAAaAaAAa\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nIn- Insert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nIn- Insert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nIn- Insert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nInsert Bebo render with B35g+15.\nIns- \nBOOM\nWhere's bebo?\nAaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAAaaAAAAaAAAAaAAaaaAaAAaAAaAaa\naaaaAAAaAAaAAaAaaaaAAaaAa\noh fuck is that Nebula?\nOh no, oh nonono I hope nebula burns in hell!\nfun fact: this was made by her voice provider\n*Nebula burns in hell as happy music plays*\nWanna go to hell?\nYeah, I guess... If we're here to see nebula burn...\n*Happy music plays*\nOh my gosh, nebula is dead!!!! I'm so fucking happy!! \nOh my gosh, nebula is dead!!!! I'm so fucking happy!! \nWOOOooOoOooOoOoOoOoOOoOOooO\nOh my gosh, nebula is dead!!!! I'm so fucking happy!! \nWOOOooOoOooOoOoOoOoOOoOOooO\nNEBULA'S DEAD!\nWOOOO IM SO FUCKING HAPPY~!\nNEBULA, OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE DEAD!\n*they dance on nebula while happy music plays*\n": 0, "hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel in\u00a0\nthis video I will explain very interesting tricks\u00a0\u00a0\non Fibonacci series before explaining these tricks\u00a0\nwe need to understand what is Fibonacci series\u00a0\u00a0\nFibonacci series is a series of numbers in which\u00a0\neach number is the sum of two preceding ones\u00a0\u00a0\nsequence commonly starts from 0 and\u00a0\n1. so sequence starts from 0 and 1.\u00a0\u00a0\n0 plus 1 1 0 plus 1 1 again 1 plus 1 2 1\u00a0\nplus 2 3 like that so 0 1 1 2 3 5 H 13 21\u00a0\u00a0\n34 55 89 144 and so on so this is the Fibonacci\u00a0\nseries in this video I will explain how to find\u00a0\u00a0\nsome of first n Fibonacci series within\u00a0\n2 seconds for example I want to add up to\u00a0\u00a0\nthis step up to this step so how to add\u00a0\nthis Fibonacci numbers simple triggers\u00a0\u00a0\nignore next number ignore next number\u00a0\nhere the next number is 34. ignore this\u00a0\u00a0\nand subtract 1 from this number so 55 minus\u00a0\n1 that is equal to 54. this is the answer\u00a0\u00a0\nI will explain with one more example so 0 1 1\u00a0\n2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 1 40. suppose I want to\u00a0\u00a0\nadd up to this numbers to 55 this step so what\u00a0\nis the logic ignore next number so that means\u00a0\u00a0\nignore 89 so subtract 1 from this number so 144\u00a0\nminus 1 that is equal to 143 this is very simple\u00a0\u00a0\nso I will explain logic by hand this trick so here\u00a0\nthe Fibonacci series first number is X Asian first\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber is X next number is y next number X Plus y\u00a0\nnext number these two add these two numbers next\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber X plus pi plus y that is equal to X Plus\u00a0\n2y next number 2 X Plus 3y next number 3x Plus 5.\u00a0\u00a0\nnext number 5x Plus 8 like that okay suppose I\u00a0\nwant to add up to this number up to 2x plus 3y\u00a0\u00a0\nso what is the value X Plus X 2 X Plus x 3X plus\u00a0\n2 X 5 X plus y plus Y 2 y plus 2 by 4y plus 3\u00a0\u00a0\nby 7 by what is the logic ignore this number next\u00a0\nnumber and subtract 1 from this number this number\u00a0\u00a0\nis 5 X Plus 8y actually here we get 5x plus 7y\u00a0\nwhat is the difference between these two numbers\u00a0\u00a0\nso just Y is the difference so what is y in\u00a0\nFibonacci series X Y X Plus y that means 0 is\u00a0\u00a0\nequal to X Y is equal to 1 simply subtract 1 from\u00a0\n5x Plus 8 by and get the answer this is the first\u00a0\u00a0\ntree so next one how to find sum of 10 consecutive\u00a0\nnumbers in Fibonacci series within 2 seconds\nso for example this is Fibonacci series 0 1 1\u00a0\n2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 and so on\u00a0\u00a0\nso I want to add 10 consecutive numbers so for\u00a0\nexample these are the 10 consecutive numbers I\u00a0\u00a0\nwant to add these 10 consecutive numbers 2 3 5 8\u00a0\n13 21 34 55 89 144 these are the 10 consecutive\u00a0\u00a0\nnumbers how to add these 10 consecutive numbers\u00a0\nwithin one second here the trick is very simple\u00a0\u00a0\nidentify the seventh term one two three four\u00a0\nfive six seven this is the seventh term identify\u00a0\u00a0\nthe seventh term and multiply with 11 will get\u00a0\nthe answer so 34 into 11 that is equal to 374.\u00a0\u00a0\nit's very simple I will explain logic behind this\u00a0\ntrick the first number is X next number is y next\u00a0\u00a0\nnumber X Plus y next number X Plus 2y next number\u00a0\nto X Plus 3y next three X Plus 5y next 5x Plus 8y\u00a0\u00a0\neight X Plus 13y 13x Plus 21 while 21 x plus 34 y\u00a0\njust add these two brilliant answer so these are\u00a0\u00a0\nthe first 10 numbers by adding all these numbers\u00a0\nwe'll get the 55x plus 88 pi so 55 X Plus 88y\u00a0\u00a0\nso here 11 is the common we'll get 5x Plus 8y so\u00a0\nwhat is 5X Plus 8y in this sequence just observe\u00a0\u00a0\nthe seventh term observe the seventh term five\u00a0\nX plus eight Y is the seventh ten so 11 into\u00a0\u00a0\n7th term is the answer for any 10 consecutive\u00a0\nnumbers addition in Fibonacci series simply\u00a0\u00a0\nidentify the seventh term and multiply with 11\u00a0\nwill get the answer between two seconds thank you\n": 4, "Tell everyone at home\nwe'll be late tonight\nSo don't wait up\nWe've earned the right to celebrate\nSo forgive all my mistakes\nFriends, for a handful of hours today\nLet's walk the wayward path\nLet's turn our backs on the world\nLet's break all the rules\nOut in the open\nMaking a sound\nDrenched in red dye\nLike true heroes, we'll dance\nJai Jai Shivshankar!\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\nWe're raring to go\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\nJai Jai Shivshankar!\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\nOn a sweet melody\nWe keep in step\nLet's move to the Desi beat\nForget all your inhibitions\nRemember to get tipsy\nForget all your shame\nRemember to dance\nNo one will be spared today\nEveryone will dance the night away\nThat's two rounds for us\nLet bank notes fly!\nLet's get drunk and be merry\nLike heroes, we'll dance\nJai Jai Shivshankar!\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\nWe're raring to go\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\nJai Jai Shivshankar!\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\nJai Jai Shivshankar!\nCarefree and wild\nJai Jai Shivshankar!\nCarefree and wild\nLet the colours fly!\nLet the colours fly!\n": 2, "I want you to come and talk\nTo me like magic\nYou probably don\u2019t know\nU mean everything to me\nWhat do you think?\ngirl I'm bout to dive in (divin' divin')\nI'm bout to dive in (I'm divin' into you girl)\nI'm bout to dive in\n I'm bout to dive in\nI really don\u2019t need other girls\nOther girls are not interested in me either\nIt\u2019s not that I\u2019m not\n good enough well\nThe important thing is that \nI just wanna spent some time wit chu\nWhat do you really think\num let me think\n u my type be my baby\nI just think about it\nI can\u2019t spit it out\nWhat do I do with you\nJust let me let me\nWait Wait, wait a moment\nI think I\u2019m in a pool called you\ngirl it's ok it's ok it'ok\nWhen I look at your\n smile yeah it\u2019s all good\nBut let me say\nI want you to come and talk\nTo me like magic\nYou probably don\u2019t know\nU mean everything to me\nWhat do you think?\nI'm bout to dive in (divin' divin')\nI'm bout to dive in (I'm divin' into you girl)\nI'm bout to dive in\nI'm bout to dive in\nI'm bout to dive in\nYou know this too\nLooking at your instagram\nI\u2019m not sleeping at nights like this\nYou are a fishbowl full of caffeine\nI think what\u2019s deeper than\nThis night is my feelings\nWait for your phoncall\nEven if I take some distance so tight\nA condominium in a hot peak season\nNot too far not too close\nI\u2019ll run to you\nTo the front\nTomorrow in the same room\nI\u2019ll great a new morning and say bonjour\nWhen I have a lot of time\nI want to be with you\nI want to run \nOn a sunny day\nI want to rest with you on a bad day\nActually weather doesn\u2019t mean anything\nBeing together is just good\nI don\u2019t know what\u2019s valuable\nI\u2019ll just fall into you deeply\nwe divin'\nyeah we gon divin'\nwe gon divin'\nwe gon divin'\nYou my young precious\nSummer time\nMy feelings are so hot\nIt\u2019s a sun, tonight\nWhat should we do this night\nI\u2019m going to dive into\nCool you, divin\u2019\nI'm bout to dive in (divin' divin')\nI'm bout to dive in (I'm divin' into you girl)\nI'm bout to dive in\nI'm bout to dive in\n": 1, "Oh, angel sent from up above\nYou know you make my world light up\nWhen I was down, when I was hurt\nYou came to lift me up\nLife is a drink and love's a drug\nOh, now I think I must be miles up\nWhen I was a river, dried up\nYou came to rain a flood\n\"Drink from me, drink from me\"\nPour on a symphony\nAh, oh ah, oh ah\nGot me feeling drunk and high\nSo high (so high), so high (so high)\nOh ah, oh ah, oh ah\nNow I'm feeling drunk and high\nSo high (so high), so high (so high)\n(Woo)\n(Ooh)\nOh, angel sent from up above\nI feel you coursing through my blood\nLife is a drink, your love's about\nTo make the stars come out\nAh, oh ah, oh ah\nGot me feeling drunk and high\nSo high, so high (so high)\nOh ah, oh ah, oh ah\nNow I'm feeling drunk and high\nSo high (so high), so high (so high)\nAh, oh ah, oh ah\nLa, la, la, la, la, la, la\nSo high, so high\nAh, oh ah, oh ah\nNow I'm feeling drunk and high\nSo high (so high), so high (so high)\nThat we shoot across the sky\nThat we shoot across the\nThat we shoot across the sky\nThat we shoot across the (that we shoot, yeah)\nThat we shoot across the sky\nThat we shoot across the\nThat we shoot across the sky\nThat we shoot across the\n": 2, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video answering many suggestions in the comments.\nAn analysis, a reaction to Alip Ba Ta with the song, \"Kepangku Kapang\".\nAn analysis, a reaction to Alip Ba Ta with the song, \"Kepangku Kapang\".\nI apologize if I mispronounced the name.\nBut anyway I will do a reaction and an analysis\nby Alip BaTa For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer.\nmulti-instrumentalist, producer and composer.\nAnd in this video I am going to give you an analysis and a reaction to the great Alip Ba Ta.\nFirst of all, follow me on social networks and other platforms.\nFirst of all, follow me on social networks and other platforms.\nI will be very happy and very grateful for this. The message was passed\nand let's go to the most important thing, let's react to Alip Ba Ta.\nAlip Ba Ta uses the acoustic guitar to play,\nAlip Ba Ta uses the acoustic guitar to play,\nobviously the acoustic guitar, to make the drums...\nHe does everything on acoustic guitar.\nAnd this technique that he uses with the harmonics is great, it's amazing.\nHe has a lot of skill.\nThe harmonic work of Alip Ba Ta,\nIt's really surprising This is your trademark.\nIt is a characteristic that he possesses when playing acoustic guitar.\nOf course, he's not the only person who plays acoustic guitar this way.\nOf course, he's not the only person who plays acoustic guitar this way.\nBut the ability he possesses to exploit this technique is surprising.\nAnd another thing is in relation to the arpeggios.\nHe uses a lot of arpeggios, he does an exquisite job\nusing this function on the acoustic guitar.\nAnd that without forgetting the skill he has in strumming the acoustic guitar.\nAnd that without forgetting the skill he has in strumming the acoustic guitar.\nAnd without forgetting that\nmanages to extract percussive sounds from the acoustic guitar in a fantastic way.\nmanages to extract percussive sounds from the acoustic guitar in a fantastic way.\nHe is really very skilled.\nHis hands glide with impressive ease and technique.\nHis hands glide with impressive ease and technique.\nHis hands glide with impressive ease and technique.\nIt's really amazing what he can achieve on acoustic guitar.\nIt manages to extract a sound with great sensitivity. Is awesome.\nIt manages to extract a sound with great sensitivity. Is awesome.\nHe is really fantastic.\nIt's amazing Alip Ba Ta.\nIt is always a great pleasure to admire what Alip Ba Ta can do on acoustic guitar.\nIt is always a great pleasure to admire what Alip Ba Ta can do on acoustic guitar.\nExtract incredible sound.\nHe is an artist who has a lot of musical sensitivity.\nIt's absurd what he can do on acoustic guitar.\nHis hands slide over the acoustic guitar.\nHe has an amazing technique with the use of harmonics and arpeggios,\nHe has an amazing technique with the use of harmonics and arpeggios,\nit's something impressive. He is really fantastic.\nHis way of working is also very percussive.\nAlthough here the percussion was only in the introduction of this incredible interpretation of his.\nAlthough here the percussion was only in the introduction of this incredible interpretation of his.\nAnd it's another job\nanother exquisite work, it's another class\non how to have incredible sensitivity and connection with an instrument,\nand Alip Ba Ta is a master of the acoustic guitar.\nIs incredible. I am speechless for...\nI lack adjectives to praise him, because he is a fantastic artist.\nI lack adjectives to praise him, because he is a fantastic artist.\nBut this is the reaction and technical analysis of this video.\nIf you want more reactions and technical analysis for Alip Ba Ta.\nLeave more suggestions in the comments, subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nI end here. I hope you liked this video\nand see you in the next review.\nGoodbye then.\n": 4, "This is a video on using the chain and product\u00a0\nrule to find the derivative of a function.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe question states: find the derivative of f(x)\u00a0\nis equal to x squared times the sine of x cubed.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo we see in this function, we\u00a0\nhave a product of two functions:\u00a0\u00a0\nx squared times sine of x cubed. And also inside\u00a0\nthe sine function we have an x cubed function.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo because of this product,\u00a0\nwe'll use a product rule\u00a0\u00a0\nand because of having a function inside a\u00a0\nfunction we'll use a chain rule. So let's begin.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe start with the product rule. The product\u00a0\nrule says we take the first function, the first\u00a0\u00a0\nfunction here is x squared. Times the derivative\u00a0\nof the second function. So we take the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof sine of x cubed and then plus the derivative of\u00a0\nthe first function so the derivative of x squared\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the second function\u00a0\nwhich is sine of x cubed.\u00a0\u00a0\nSo now let's calculate the derivatives to\u00a0\nfind the derivative of sine of x cubed,\u00a0\u00a0\nthat's the chain rule. The chain rule\u00a0\nstates: we find the derivative of the inside\nand the inside is x cubed. So the derivative of\u00a0\nx cubed will be 3x squared times the derivative\u00a0\u00a0\nof the outside. The outside is sine of x. And\u00a0\nthe derivative of the sine of x is the cosine\u00a0\u00a0\nof x. But we don't plug in x. We'll plug in x\u00a0\ncubed. And then the derivative of x squared is\u00a0\u00a0\njust 2x. So let's see that we get our x squared\u00a0\nwhich comes from above. The derivative of x cubed\u00a0\u00a0\nwas 3x squared and the derivative of the sine\u00a0\nfunction is the cosine function. And remember,\u00a0\u00a0\nwe don't plug in x. We plug in the inside, which\u00a0\nis x cubed. And then the derivative of x squared\u00a0\u00a0\nwas 2x. And we brought down the sine of x\u00a0\ncubed. So now let's just clean it up a bit.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe can say that x squared times x squared\u00a0\nis x to the fourth. And my final answer is\u00a0\nwe could say the derivative of f is three\u00a0\nx to the fourth times the cosine of x cubed\u00a0\u00a0\nplus two x times the sine of x cubed.\nAnd I'm done with the problem.\n": 4, "The Ford Anglia I received is a very popular model from the 1960s, mine had virtually no paint left.\nThe Ford Anglia I received is a very popular model from the 1960s, mine had virtually no paint left.\nThe Ford Anglia I received is a very popular model from the 1960s, mine had virtually no paint left.\nI ground the axle ends with a diamond mandrel. The cockpit in this model was made of a very delicate material pressed by thermoforming.\nI ground the axle ends with a diamond mandrel. The cockpit in this model was made of a very delicate material pressed by thermoforming.\nI ground the axle ends with a diamond mandrel. The cockpit in this model was made of a very delicate material pressed by thermoforming.\nI removed the remnants of the old paint in a solution of caustic soda and boiling water. I secured the body with an epoxy primer with anti-corrosion properties.\nI removed the remnants of the old paint in a solution of caustic soda and boiling water. I secured the body with an epoxy primer with anti-corrosion properties.\nI removed the remnants of the old paint in a solution of caustic soda and boiling water. I secured the body with an epoxy primer with anti-corrosion properties.\nI decided to paint the roof as it was on the car from the movie \"Harry Potter\". I secured the unpainted part of the body with painter's tape.\nI decided to paint the roof as it was on the car from the movie \"Harry Potter\". I secured the unpainted part of the body with painter's tape.\nI decided to paint the roof as it was on the car from the movie \"Harry Potter\". I secured the unpainted part of the body with painter's tape.\nA friend of mine advised me to repaint the roof with the same paint as the rest of the body before changing the color. This is a very good idea. Thanks to it, the paint sealed the tape and a different color does not leak into unpainted places.\nA friend of mine advised me to repaint the roof with the same paint as the rest of the body before changing the color. This is a very good idea. Thanks to it, the paint sealed the tape and a different color does not leak into unpainted places.\nA friend of mine advised me to repaint the roof with the same paint as the rest of the body before changing the color. This is a very good idea. Thanks to it, the paint sealed the tape and a different color does not leak into unpainted places.\nI cast the missing tires from molding polyurethane dyed black. Such polyurethane, heated at 70 degrees Celsius, is ready to be demolded after one hour.\nI cast the missing tires from molding polyurethane dyed black. Such polyurethane, heated at 70 degrees Celsius, is ready to be demolded after one hour.\nI cast the missing tires from molding polyurethane dyed black. Such polyurethane, heated at 70 degrees Celsius, is ready to be demolded after one hour.\nI polished the rims using metal polish. I cleaned the wheel axles with fine sandpaper with a grit of 800.\nI polished the rims using metal polish. I cleaned the wheel axles with fine sandpaper with a grit of 800.\nI polished the rims using metal polish. I cleaned the wheel axles with fine sandpaper with a grit of 800.\nTo seal the wheel axles, I used a tip made of an M6 screw drilled inwards and mounted to a drill with the impact switched on.\nTo seal the wheel axles, I used a tip made of an M6 screw drilled inwards and mounted to a drill with the impact switched on.\nTo seal the wheel axles, I used a tip made of an M6 screw drilled inwards and mounted to a drill with the impact switched on.\nI cleaned the glass with alcohol thinner. I removed the scratches with fine sandpaper and polished the glass with plastic regeneration fluid.\nI cleaned the glass with alcohol thinner. I removed the scratches with fine sandpaper and polished the glass with plastic regeneration fluid.\nI cleaned the glass with alcohol thinner. I removed the scratches with fine sandpaper and polished the glass with plastic regeneration fluid.\nI threaded the rivet holes for M 2 Torx screws. I pasted the plastic glass on the glue, which becomes transparent after drying.\nI threaded the rivet holes for M 2 Tor": 4, "Welcome back to my channel!\nI am starting my journey again\nWelcome back to my channel!\nI am starting my journey again\nRight here is a stream\nI need to rest here for a while\nI notice that there are quite a few fish gathered below\nI think I should make a bamboo fishing rod\nto try my luck mine today\nRight here is a stream\nI need to rest here for a while\nI notice that there are quite a few fish gathered below\nI think I should make a bamboo fishing rod\nto try my luck mine today\nI am looking for a small bamboo top suitable for fishing.\nIt's a bit heavy, but it's still pretty good for fishing!\nI'm looking for some earthworms for bait\nI am looking for a small bamboo top suitable for fishing.\nIt's a bit heavy, but it's still pretty good for fishing!\nI'm looking for some earthworms for bait\nThis is fish's favorite food!\nhope it helps me get some fish today.\nI still have my old fishing gear\nThis is fish's favorite food!\nhope it helps me get some fish today.\nI still have my old fishing gear\nToo fast and dangerous!\nI caught the first fish in just 30 seconds\nreally lucky!\nToo fast and dangerous!\nI caught the first fish in just 30 seconds\nreally lucky!\nThis is the end of a stream of cool water.\nso fish are more concentrated here\nThis is the end of a stream of cool water.\nso fish are more concentrated here\nFishing in this place is really fun!\nFishing in this place is really fun!\nI should move to the other side\nThere's also a stream there,\nI should move to the other side\nThere's also a stream there,\nand it's covered by the shade of trees so it's cooler here\nThere's a dead fish here!\nBig fish are swimming around below!\nand it's covered by the shade of trees so it's cooler here\nThere's a dead fish here!\nBig fish are swimming around below!\nI caught a pretty big fish!\nWhat a lucky day!\nWhen I have enough fish for dinner\nso I want to stay here tonight Tonight\nI caught a pretty big fish!\nWhat a lucky day!\nWhen I have enough fish for dinner\nso I want to stay here tonight Tonight\nI will spend the night in this place\nThere is spring water right next to it\nNow I need to light a fire\nto grill all those fish.\nI will spend the night in this place\nThere is spring water right next to it\nNow I need to light a fire\nto grill all those fish.\nThere's a dry plant here\nThere's a dry plant here\nthat's convenient for my smoked fish.\nthat's convenient for my smoked fish.\nI need a bamboo to knit a fish drying sheet\nI need a bamboo to knit a fish drying sheet\nLucky is free to enjoy his favorite food.\nI'm making some bamboo laces\nto start creating a shelter for tonight\nLucky is free to enjoy his favorite food.\nI'm making some bamboo laces\nto start creating a shelter for tonight\nI made a simple shelter right here\nenough for me to sleep tonight!\nI made a simple shelter right here\nenough for me to sleep tonight!\nThere are no palm leaves around here\nso I have to use banana leaves for roofing.\nThere are no palm leaves around here\nso I have to use banana leaves for roofing.\nI finally finished my shelter for tonight\nI finally finished my shelter for tonight\nI invite you to dinner with me!\nThank you for watching the video!\nI invite you to dinner with me!\nThank you for watching the video!\nSee you in the next video!\nSee you in the next video!\n": 2, "London Bridge is broken down.\nBroken down, broken down.\nLondon Bridge is broken down,\nMy fair lady.\nBuild it up with wood and clay.\nWood and clay, wood and clay.\nBuild it up with wood and clay.\nMy fair lady.\nWood and clay will wash away.\nWash away, wash away.\nWood and clay will wash away.\nMy fair lady.\nBuild it up with bricks and mortar.\nBricks and mortar, bricks and mortar.\nBuild it up with bricks and mortar.\nMy fair lady.\nCheck it out.\nIt's London bridge.\nFallen down. Right. Here we go.\nBricks and mortar will not stay.\nWill not stay, will not stay.\nBricks and mortar will not stay.\nMy fair lady.\nBuild it up with iron and steel.\nIron and steel, iron and steel.\nBuild it up with iron and steel.\nMy fair lady.\nIron and steel will bend and bow.\nBend and bow, bend and bow.\nIron and steel will bend and bow,\nMy fair lady.\nBuild it up with silver and gold.\nSilver and gold, silver and gold.\nBuild it up with silver and gold,\nMy fair lady.\nSilver and gold will be stolen away.\nStolen away, stolen away.\nSilver and gold will be stolen away.\nMy fair lady.\nSet a man to watch all night.\nWatch all night, watch all night.\nSet a man to watch all night.\nMy fair lady.\nSuppose the man should fall asleep?\nFall asleep, fall asleep.\nSuppose the man should fall asleep?\nMy fair lady.\nLondon Bridge is falling down.\nFalling down, falling down.\nLondon Bridge is falling down.\nMy fair lady.\n": 2, "Every breath you take\nand every move you make\nEvery bond you break\nEvery step you take\nI'll be watching you\nEvery single day\nand every word you say\nEvery game you play, every night\nyou stay, I'll be watching you\nOh can't you see\nyou belong to me\nMy poor heart aches\nwith every step you take\nEvery move you make,\n and every vow you break\nEvery smile you fake, every claim\nyou steak, I'll be watching you\nSince you've been gone\nI've been lost without a trace\nI dream at night\nI can only see your face\nI look around but its\nyou I can't replace\nI feel so cold and I long\nfor your embrace\nI keep crying baby baby please\nOh can't you see\n you belong to me\nHow my poor heart aches\nwith every step you take\nEvery move you make,\n and every vow you break\nEvery smile you fake, every claim\nyou steak, I'll be watching you\nEvery move you make, every step\nyou take, I'll be watching you\nI'll be watching you\nEvery breath you take\nand every move you make\nEvery bond you break\n- Every step you take (I'll be watching)\n- I'll be watching you\nEvery single day\nevery word you say\nEvery game you play, every night\nyou stay (I'll be watching you)\nEvery move you make,\nand every vow you break\nEvery smile you fake, every claim\nyou steak (I'll be watching you)\nEvery single day, every word you say\nEvery game you play, every night\nyou stay (I'll be watching you)\n": 2, "[Music]\nKuang\nSubscribe me\nFive Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed\n[Music]\nfive little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nFour little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped her head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nThree little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nTwo little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped her head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nOne little monkey jumping on the bed\nHe fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nNo little monkey jumping on the bed\nNone fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"Put those monkeys back to bed!\"\n[Music]\nOne More Time\n[Music]\nfive little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nFour little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped her head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nThree little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nTwo little monkeys jumping on the bed\nOne fell off and bumped her head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nOne little monkey jumping on the bed\nHe fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!\"\nNo little monkey jumping on the bed\nNone fell off and bumped his head\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said\n\"Put those monkeys back to bed!\"\n[Music]\nSubscribe me\nSearch for Kuang on YouTube\n": 2, "[Jeff whistling]\nJeff: Hi Einstein! How are you?\n[whistling]\nJeff: Happy to see me?\n[Jeff sound making]\n[Jeff whistling]\nMarcia: Who is that, Einstein?\nJeff: Hi baby bird!\nJeff: How are you? Come see me?\n[Jeff doing the raspberry thing]\nJeff: Raspberries.\nJeff: How are you? Did you miss me?\nJeff: Did you miss me?\nJeff: Happy to see me?\n[Jeff doing the raspberry thing again]\nJeff: Raspberries.\nJeff: Good parrot. Such a good bird. Good to see you.\n[indiscernible sound]\nJeff: You\u00b4re so quiet.\nMarcia: You happy to see Jeff?\nMarcia: You\u00b4re a good bird.\n[Jeff soundmaking]\nJeff: Missed you. Told you I'd be back, didn't I.\nJeff: Told you I'd be back.\nJeff: You\u00b4re just staring at me, aren\u00b4t you?\nJeff: Putting the eyeball on me.\nJeff: Gimme a kiss!? [smooch]\nGimme a kiss! [smooch]\n[Jeff doing the raspberry thing]\nJeff: Raspberries.\nJeff: It\u00b4s good to see you! ...\nIs Marcia disturbing your time?\nJeff: Yeah.\nJeff: Wanna nibble on my nose?\nJeff: It\u00b4s good. Did you miss that?\nJeff: Did you miss our cuddle time?\nJeff: Pretty tasty Jeff, huh?\nJeff: Please be gentle. Be gentle.\nJeff: I know you like to nibble on the bridge of my nose. Good boy.\nJeff: You\u00b4re a good boy.\n[Jeff doing the raspberry thing]\nJeff: Raspberries.\nJeff: Good boy!\nJeff: It\u00b4s good to see you.\nMarcia: OK. Let me say hi to Jeff now. [laughing]\nJeff: Oh yeah. Oh hi.\nMarcia: Hi. [laughing]\nJeff: I got a load of luggage, Einstein. Can you get down so I can do the luggage?\nMarcia: OK. No, maybe not.\nJeff: Maybe eat some more dinner?\n": 2, "In this video you will learn how to read \nthis.\nThe smallest unit of harmony is the chord.\nA chord is three or more\u00a0notes sounding together.\nAlthough any combination of three \nor more notes can be a chord, \nthe triad is a specific three\u00a0\nnote chord build in thirds.\nYou have the root of the chord,\u00a0\nthe 3rd and the 5th. \u00a0\nChords are named by the note of the root.\nThe most common triads have a perfect\u00a05th\nbetween the root and the 5th. \nBut the interval between the root and the\u00a03rd\ncould be either major or minor. \nThis is what\u00a0makes a chord a major chord or a minor chord.\nThe name of a major chord is\u00a0indicated by a capital letter. \nThe minor chord is indicated by adding a lower\u00a0case m \nto the letter name of the chord.\nLet us make a D major chord.\nWrite 2 notes a 3rd away from each other starting on the note D.\nSo that would be the notes F and A.\nThe 5th is already a perfect 5th.\nIf you remember from the intervals video,\na perfect 5th has the same accidental on\u00a0\nboth notes\nor both notes are natural.\nHere both notes are natural,\u00a0so this is a perfect 5th.\nTo write a major 3rd, think of the root being\u00a0the first scale degree of a major scale. \nIn the key of D there is an F sharp.\nSo a major third from D is the note F sharp.\nNow we have a D major chord. \u00a0\nHow do we make it a minor chord?\nLower the 3rd a half step.\nSo lower the note F sharp\u00a0to the note F natural. \u00a0\nAnd we have a D minor chord.\nLet us make an E flat minor chord.\nWrite 2 notes a 3rd away from each other.\nSo that is the notes G and B.\nFirst make the chord major.\nTo have a 5th perfect, make the B natural a B flat.\nThen check the 3rd.\nIn the key of E flat there\u00a0is a note G natural.\nTo make this a minor chord, lower\u00a0the note G natural to G flat. \u00a0\nLet us make one more.\nG flat minor.\nWrite G flat, B and D.\nMake D natural a D flat to make it a perfect 5th.\nIn G flat there is a B flat.\nTo make this chord minor, lower\u00a0the B flat to a B double flat.\nAnd here is what you have learned today.\u00a0\nKeep practicing and I will\u00a0see you in the next video.\u00a0\nIf you liked the video, please hit like.\nIf you would like to see more videos,\u00a0\nplease subscribe to my channel. \n\u00a0\nYou can also leave a comment or question\nin the comment section below.\n": 4, "{\\rtf1\\adeflang1025\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc1\\adeff31507\\deff0\\stshfdbch31505\\stshfloch31506\\stshfhich31506\\stshfbi31507\\deflang1033\\deflangfe1033\\themelang1033\\themelangfe0\\themelangcs0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose 02020603050405020304}Times\nNew Roman;}{\\f1\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n020b0604020202020204}Arial;}\n{\\f34\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02040503050406030204}Cambria Math;}{\\flomajor\\f31500\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose 02020603050405020304}Times\nNew Roman;}\n{\\fdbmajor\\f31501\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\\fhimajor\\f31502\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose 020f0302020204030204}Calibri\nLight;}\n{\\fbimajor\\f31503\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\\flominor\\f31504\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose 02020603050405020304}Times\nNew Roman;}\n{\\fdbminor\\f31505\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\\fhiminor\\f31506\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose 020f0502020204030204}Calibri;}\n{\\fbiminor\\f31507\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\\f43\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset238\\fprq2 Times New Roman\nCE;}{\\f44\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset204\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Cyr;}\n{\\f46\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset161\\fprq2 Times\nNew Roman Greek;}{\\f47\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset162\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Tur;}{\\f48\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset177\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Hebrew);}{\\f49\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset178\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Arabic);}\n{\\f50\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset186\\fprq2 Times\nNew Roman Baltic;}{\\f51\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset163\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Vietnamese);}{\\f53\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset238\\fprq2 Arial CE;}{\\f54\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset204\\fprq2 Arial Cyr;}\n{\\f56\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset161\\fprq2 Arial\nGreek;}{\\f57\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset162\\fprq2\nArial Tur;}{\\f58\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset177\\fprq2\nArial (Hebrew);}{\\f59\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset178\\fprq2\nArial (Arabic);}\n{\\f60\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset186\\fprq2 Arial\nBaltic;}{\\f61\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset163\\fprq2\nArial (Vietnamese);}{\\flomajor\\f31508\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset238\\fprq2 Times New Roman\nCE;}{\\flomajor\\f31509\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset204\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Cyr;}\n{\\flomajor\\f31511\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset161\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Greek;}{\\flomajor\\f31512\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset162\\fprq2 Times New Roman\nTur;}{\\flomajor\\f31513\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset177\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Hebrew);}\n{\\flomajor\\f31514\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset178\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Arabic);}{\\flomajor\\f31515\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset186\\fprq2 Times New Roman\nBaltic;}{\\flomajor\\f31516\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset163\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Vietnamese);}\n{\\fdbmajor\\f31518\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset238\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman CE;}{\\fdbmajor\\f31519\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset204\\fprq2 Times New Roman\nCyr;}{\\fdbmajor\\f31521\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset161\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Greek;}\n{\\fdbmajor\\f31522\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset162\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Tur;}{\\fdbmajor\\f31523\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset177\\fprq2 Times New Roman\n(Hebrew);}{\\fdbmajor\\f31524\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset178\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman (Arabic);}\n{\\fdbmajor\\f31525\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset186\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Baltic;}{\\fdbmajor\\f31526\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset163\\fprq2 Times New Roman\n(Vietnamese);}{\\fhimajor\\f31528\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset238\\fprq2\nCalibri Light CE;}\n{\\fhimajor\\f31529\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset204\\fprq2\nCalibri Light Cyr;}{\\fhimajor\\f31531\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset161\\fprq2 Calibri Light Greek;}{\\fhimajor\\f31532\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset162\\fprq2 Calibri Light Tur;}\n{\\fhimajor\\f31533\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset177\\fprq2\nCalibri Light (Hebrew);}{\\fhimajor\\f31534\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset178\\fprq2 Calibri Light (Arabic);}{\\fhimajor\\f31535\\fbidi\n\\fswiss\\fcharset186\\fprq2 Calibri Light Baltic;}\n{\\fhimajor\\f31536\\fbidi \\fswiss\\fcharset163\\fprq2\nCalibri Light (Vietnamese);}{\\fbimajor\\f31538\\fbidi\n\\froman\\fcharset238\\fprq2 Times New Roman\nCE;}{\\fbimajor\\f31539\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset204\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Cyr;}\n{\\fbimajor\\f31541\\fbidi \\froman\\fcharset161\\fprq2\nTimes New Roman Greek;}{\\fbimajor\\f": 0, "DEAD RISING, SCARLXRD, THE WALKING DEAD, LXUDER, S8NS HEAD, CAN'T DIE, LIFE IS A LIE, CXFFINS, HXW SPITEFUL, DTH INTERLUDE, ANTI PRXGRESS, KILLAH, DR DXXM, HATE SXNG 2, LIFE?, BLUE FRAME, STUCK IN MY HEAD, BANG-BANG, XMNIMAN,CXWARD, STILL HERE, nu metal, deathcore, industrial metal, death metal, djent, thall, korn, slipknot, suicide silence, scarlxrd, ghostemane, city morgue, zillakami, trxsh, sk3red, xxtentacion, crucify thy infant, trap metal, type beat, doom, doom eternal, doom eternal ost, mick gordon, id software, bethesda, microsoft, doom, bfg division, the only thing they fear is you, guitar cover, metal cover, metal type beat, glory kills, doom amv, doomslayer, demon slayer, slayer, knocked loose, hardcore, emmure, breakdown, nu metal type beat, nu metal type beat , nu metal type beat free for profit, nu metal, nu metal , nu metal playlist, nu metal mix, nu metal instrumental, nu metal 2021, nu metal type beat, nu metal drum track, nu metal bands, nu metal documentary, nu metal riffs, nu metal songs, nu metal reaction, nu metal fashion, nu metal cringe, nu metal backing track type beat linkin park, nu metal type beat, nu metal hip hop type beat, doom eternal, doom eternal soundtrack, doom eternal the only thing they fear is you, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal main menu theme, doom eternal review, doom eternal intro, doom eternal speedrun, doom eternal ancient gods part 2, doom eternal theme, doom eternal rap, doom eternal switch, doom eternal cultist base, doom eternal ending, trap metal, trap metal type beat, trap metal instrumental, trap metal mix, trap metal beats, trap metal music, trap metal type beat free for profit, trap metal songs, trap metal rap, trap metal drum kit, trap metal artists, trap metal tutorial, trap metal guitar type beat, trap metal jasiah, trxsh\nHARD TRAP METAL FREE TYPE BEAT 2022\nHARD TRAP METAL TYPE BEAT \nHARD TRAP METAL\nTRAP METAL TYPE BEAT 2022\nSCARLXRD TRAP METAL FREE TYPE BEAT 2022\nSCARLXRD TRAP METAL TYPE BEAT\nSCARLXRD TRAP METAL\nSCARLXRD TYPE BEAT\nTYPE BEAT 2022\nTYPE BEAT\nHARD FREE TYPE BEAT\nTRASH TYPE BEAT\nDOOM TYPE BEAT\nDOOM ETERNAL FREE TYPE BEAT\nDOOM ETERNAL TYPE BEAT\nHARD BEAT\nZILLAKAMI TYPE BEAT 2022\nZILLAKAMI TYPE BEAT 2021\nZILLAKAMI FREE TYPE TYPE BEAT\nZILLAKAMI TYPE BEAT\nMETAL\nscarlxrd type beat,slipknot type beat,scarlxrd guitar type beat,hard scarlxrd type beat,trap metal,trap metal type beat,hard trap metal type beat,guitar trap metal type beat,trap metal beat,trap metal instrumental,free trap metal type beat,trap metal type beat free,trap metal type beat scarlxrd,slipknot trap type beat,slipknot rap type beat,slipknot instrumental,scarlxrd instrumental,free scarlxrd type beat,free hard scarlxrd type beat,metal type beat\n": 0, "assalamualaikum and hi everyone in\u00a0\nthis video i would like to talk about\u00a0\u00a0\nhow to write your chapter one either\u00a0\nyour proposal or for your thesis\nwell chapter one is very important in\u00a0\nthis chapter you have to make it clear\u00a0\u00a0\nyou have to make it clear how your research\u00a0\nquestions methodology and theoretical framework\u00a0\u00a0\nare tied up how are they related to each other\u00a0\u00a0\nyour research questions your methodology and\u00a0\nyour theoretical framework should be in line\nokay in this chapter there\u00a0\nare several sub-sections\u00a0\u00a0\nfor example introduction background of the study\u00a0\nstatement of the problem research objectives\u00a0\u00a0\nresearch questions scope of the study\u00a0\nsignificance of the study theoretical framework\u00a0\u00a0\nconceptual framework definition of terms\u00a0\nor in other words operational definition\u00a0\u00a0\nand lastly summary if you are doing a quality\u00a0\nqualitative study it is not a must for you\u00a0\u00a0\nto have conceptual framework otherwise it is\u00a0\nexpected for you to have all these sections\nfirst let's go through this introduction\u00a0\nin this section you have to introduce\u00a0\u00a0\nyour study this section is like an overview\u00a0\nof your study what your study is all about\u00a0\u00a0\nhow to write this section to write this\u00a0\nsection you have to find the keywords or key\u00a0\u00a0\nterms that you can find in your title\u00a0\nor your research questions so make sure\u00a0\u00a0\nyou explain and discuss all the key terms found in\u00a0\nyour title and your research questions for example\nthese are the research questions from razon study\u00a0\nthere are four research questions the ones in\u00a0\u00a0\nred are the key terms or keywords of history for\u00a0\nexample linguistic features advertising discourse\u00a0\u00a0\nsmartphones print advertisements visual\u00a0\nelements social identities and visual features\u00a0\u00a0\nso in writing the introduction roswan has\u00a0\nto make sure he includes all these key terms\u00a0\u00a0\nin the introduction how to write an introduction\u00a0\nwhich is you have to start from the very general\u00a0\u00a0\nvery broad and make narrow down to specific and\u00a0\nto work towards towards your study for example\u00a0\u00a0\nit is like having the upside down pyramid or\u00a0\nupside down triangle we start with something broad\u00a0\u00a0\nin general and move on to specific\u00a0\nthat specifically to your study\u00a0\u00a0\nfor example in russian's case he has to start\u00a0\nwith the smartphones because his study is about\u00a0\u00a0\nsmartphones from the smartphones he has to move\u00a0\nto the print advertisements okay and that people\u00a0\u00a0\nthe readers will know oh he's studying something\u00a0\nabout advertisements or smartphones and then he\u00a0\u00a0\nmoves to the discourse of advertisement\u00a0\nadvertising discourse and followed by\u00a0\u00a0\nlinguistic features linguistic features\u00a0\nshape the discourse and then visual elements\u00a0\u00a0\nvisual elements also shape the discourse and\u00a0\nlastly to social identities so in the end rajwan\u00a0\u00a0\nhas to show how all these are connected with the\u00a0\npurpose of history so the purpose of his study\u00a0\u00a0\nis to look at the smartphones smartphone print\u00a0\nadvertisements how the smartphone produces\u00a0\u00a0\nuse the advertisements to portray social\u00a0\nidentities for example if you are a fan of oppo\u00a0\u00a0\nsmartphones you must be someone who loves\u00a0\ntaking photographs so this is the social\u00a0\u00a0\nidentity portrayed by the awful smartphone\u00a0\ncompany that is so each smartphone company\u00a0\u00a0\nhas determined the social identity that\u00a0\nthey want to portray with their product\nnext we move on to background of the study and\u00a0\nstatement of the problem okay in the background\u00a0\u00a0\nof the study you'll have to discuss or\u00a0\nhighlight the previous studies that are\u00a0\u00a0\nrelevant to your study for example in\u00a0\nrussian's case he needs to highlight\u00a0\u00a0\nthe previous studies of print advertisement\u00a0\nor the discourse of print advertisements\u00a0\u00a0\nstudies on smartphone studies on social identity\u00a0\nokay so we have to show what people have done from\u00a0\u00a0\nthere we need to identify or highlight the gaps\u00a0\nokay from the gaps we then you write the statement\u00a0\u00a0\nof the problem so these are the issues of problems\u00a0\nthat have not been investigated so these are the\u00a0\u00a0\nthings that you include in your statement of\u00a0\nthe problem okay statement of the problem is\u00a0\u00a0\nthe section where you discuss and elaborate\u00a0\nyour issues or your problems where to ": 4, "Welcome to another round of Movie Trivia with\nme your badass hostess Kate Costello.\n[Intro]\nWe continue our Tarantino movie trivia tribute\nwith film that put this genius on the map:\nReservoir Dogs.\nYou gonna bark all day little doggy or ya\ngonna play?\nThis is tough one like Mr. Blonde \u2013 what\nfamous movie gimmick was used in Reservoir\nDogs,\nwhich has also been used in countless other\nmovies such as\nStar Wars: A New Hope, Raiders of The Lost\nArk, Howard The Duck, Inglorious Basterds\nand Batman Returns.\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nNeed another hint?\nOkay it sounds like this [DUB OVER WITH SCREAM]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nLast hint: The gimmick originally comes from\nthe 1951 cowboy movie Distant Drums.\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nUgh!\nC\u2019mon people know you\u2019re movie history.\nTry again.\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nThat\u2019s right!\nThe Wilhelm Scream is used in tons of movies,\nmainly at this point for its iconic nature.\nAnyway, I\u2019m Hungry.\nLet\u2019s Get a Taco.\nClick one of these boxes floating around me\nor I\u2019ll cut your ear off.\nJust kidding.\nBut not really.\n": 2, "agile has something to do with it. And I think\u00a0\nempowering employees has something to do with it.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd I think it's leaders taking concerted steps\u00a0\ntowards ensuring that ethics becomes a part of\u00a0\u00a0\nnormal business life. \nAnd so, how do we do that?\u00a0\u00a0\nWell, partly it is employee empowerment. Partly\u00a0\nit is that employees are allowed to speak\u00a0\u00a0\nup around what their companies are up to.\u00a0\nPartly is this agile structure that means\u00a0\u00a0\nthat we're giving missions down to teams that\u00a0\nare empowered to go accomplish those missions.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd we need to incorporate value statements and\u00a0\nexpected behaviors into those mission statements.\u00a0\u00a0\nAnd then it's creating layers of that.\u00a0\nThe social construct of agile teams,\u00a0\u00a0\nthe social construct of team of teams, reinforces\u00a0\nsocially acceptable behavior, reinforces ethics,\u00a0\u00a0\nand it's really where culture comes from. Just\u00a0\nlike an innovation program, culture can't be this\u00a0\u00a0\ntop down implementation. We can have the values\u00a0\nthat are top down, but the culture is actually\u00a0\u00a0\ndriven ground up based upon behaviors. And so,\u00a0\nwe need to put in the practices and the policies\u00a0\u00a0\nand the procedures and the reinforcement\u00a0\nof behaviors down on the ground level up.\n": 3, "a baboon walks through the grass in africa\na long haired monkey in the zoo\nblack eared marmoset in tree\nblack eared marmoset\nclose portrait of red colobus monkey face through leafs funny looking african prima\na female lioness watches a group of zebras intently\ncute baby vervet monkey grabs a leaf\ncute portrait of manyara monkey looking around yawning while sitting on tree branch\nfootage of a monkey near water pit monkey clip\nfront face view of monkey close view of monkey face\nhamadryas baboon intimidating other male with his big mouth wide open monkey open\nlittle decorotive monkey in the zoo\nlittle decorotive monkey in the zoo\nman in hands holding a small lemur\nold urangutan monkey sitting and eating fruits\npan across large family of baboons sitting on ground picking fleas and ticks off ea\nportrait of cute monkey on branch looking at camera pretty wet ape fooling around o\nrhesus macaque macaca mulatta in slow motion is one of the best known species of ol\nrhesus macaque with a cub sits on the ground and eats banana\nrhesus macaque with a cub sits on the ground and eats banana thailand\nzanzibar red colobus monkey cautiously staring at camera funny scene of primate enc\nzanzibar red colobus monkey cautiously staring at camera funny scene of primate enc\na line of monkeys in the monkey forest in ubud are grooming each other\na monkey in the zoo\na pair of macaques rests in the park on a bench\na pair of macaques rests in the park on a bench\nadorable face of baby asian monkey looking at camera asia thailand\namazing portrait view of a black macaque curiously looking into the camera slow mot\nanimals nature and wildlife concept japanese macaque or snow monkey in hot spring o\naxel portrait of pair of long tailed macaques sittting on stone structure primate g\nbaboon with baby eating seeds on a grass field in moremi game reserve botswana\nbaboon with baby eating seeds on a grass field\nbarbary ape eating fruit in a tree at cdre gouraud forest in the middle atlas mount\nbeautiful close up of a mandrill looking around against natural blurred background\nbeautiful juvenile spider monkey chilling on a branch costa rica ateles geoffroyi\nbehind the shoulder gorilla in habitat\nblack and white colobus monkey colobus guereza napping on a branch in a funny way p\nblack and white colobus monkey colobus guereza sleeping on a branch\ncaptived sad monkey behind the dirty glass\nchimpanzee at the zoo\nclose up from a baboon eating seeds\nclose up gorilla eating\nclose up monkey with black face martinique zoo\nclose up view of a black macaque looking around slow motion\nclose up view of a black macaque looking up with sad look in its eyes slow motion\ncotton top tamarin saguinus oedipus also known as cotton headed tamarin or crested\ncute baby vervet monkey and his mom in a tree\ncute baby vervet monkey grabs a leaf\nemperor tamarin with his juvenile playing on a branch saguinus imperator martinique\nfemale western lowland gorilla captive prague zoo\nfemale white faced saki or guianan saki and the golden faced saki pithecia pithecia\nfunny monkey hanging on a rubber ring ape having fun with round toy\ngray langur semnopithecus also called hanuman langur is a genus of old world monkey\ngray langur semnopithecus also called hanuman langur is a genus of old world monkey\nlife of wild monkeys in the indonesian jungle\nlife of wild monkeys in the indonesian jungle\nlounging orangutan with blanket over head\nmacaque on monkey island near phi phi thailand\nmacaques family with babies resting and feeding in a park\nmale mandrill mandrillus sphinx sits at the fence in the zoo and eats the grass big\nmammal animal chimp 1\nmammal animal chimp 2\nmammal animal chimp 5\nmammal animal monkey chewing food\nmandrill sitting between the rocks and scratching its ear slow motion\nmandrill walking between the rocks slow motion\nmonkey close up sihanoukville cambodia asia\nmonkey eating potato chip\nmonkey indian monkey monkey eating fruits garbage indian streets monkeys on indian\nmonkey indian monkey monkey eating garbage indian streets monkeys in indian street\nmonkey playing on a beach in sea macaque monke": 1, "When it all falls down\nWhen it all falls down\nIf it just ain\u2019t right and it\u2019s time to say goodbye\nWhen it don\u2019t work out for the better\nCus when it all falls down, then whatever\nGuess I\u2019m stuck, With you, And that\u2019s that\nAnd I want you so bad\nYou\u2019re the drug that I\u2019m addicted to\nBut shit just don\u2019t work like that\nYou think you can just take it back\nWhen you know how I\u2019ll react\nWhat\u2019s the point in saying that\nYou crossed the line And it's time to say f-u\nAnd I run right back to you\nAll it takes is that one look you do\nAnd I know you wonder too\nWhen it all falls down\nIf it just ain\u2019t right and it\u2019s time to say goodbye\nWhen it don\u2019t work out for the better\nCus when it all falls down, then whatever\nBut I still, Can\u2019t let, You go\nIt\u2019s way too hard to cope\nAll this firing shots And making ground\nBut you take it personal\nOh, I try Staying cold\nWe say what hurts the most\nWhy we fight, I don\u2019t know\nI\u2019ll be fine\nI\u2019ll be fine\nand that\u2019s that\nI\u2019ll be fine\nI\u2019ll be fine\nI\u2019ll be fine\nI\u2019ll be fine\nWhen it all falls down\nWhen it all falls down\nIf it just ain\u2019t right and it\u2019s time to say goodbye\nWhen it don\u2019t work out for the better\nwhen it all falls down, then whatever\nI\u2019ll be fine\nI\u2019ll be fine\nWhen it all falls down\n": 2, "Y. Daniel Liang: Hi, I'm Daniel Liang. I'm the author of the Pearson Revel for programming books.\nY. Daniel Liang: I have written the Java Revel, the c++ Revel and the Python Revel.\nY. Daniel Liang: Revel is an engaging interactive ebook with built-in auto-gradable exercises.\nY. Daniel Liang: I teach Java, C++ and Python courses using regular regularly.\nY. Daniel Liang: During the COVID 19 pandemic,\nY. Daniel Liang: my courses were moved online. I started to create video lectures. My students study from the book and the videos before the class and complete the auto-graded exercises on Revel.\nY. Daniel Liang: I meet students online during the regular class time.\nY. Daniel Liang: In the class we discuss the problems raised by students and give quizzes online.\nY. Daniel Liang: This approach works very well with my courses.\nY. Daniel Liang: I would like to share the videos with the community. The videos are based on my revel books.\nY. Daniel Liang: Most videos cover one section.\nY. Daniel Liang: Some videos multiple sections. Most videos are under ten tenants.\nY. Daniel Liang: The videos for the first 13 chapters of the Java revel are now available. More videos c++ and Python will be posted soon.\nY. Daniel Liang: Please google Daniel Liang Revel videos to locate the videos.\nY. Daniel Liang: Thank you for watching.\n": 2, " \n \n \nWe hear so many sounds in our surrounding in our daily life.\n \nWhen a lion roars we hear a sound.\n \nIf we pluck the string of a musical instrument, say a guitar, we hear a sound.\n \nWater pouring into a glass,\n \nbat hitting the ball,\n \nwater hitting the rocks, etc,\n \nare some of the examples of different sounds.\n \nSound plays a very inportant role in our life.\n \nAnd most importantly,\n \nit helps us to communicate with each other.\nHave you ever thought about what actually produces the sound?\nTo answer this question first we need to understand vibration.\nWhat is vibration?\nIt is \"To and Fro\" or \"Back and Forth\" motion of an object.\nFor example, if we stratch this rubber band with one hand\nand pluck it in the middle,\nit starts to move back and forth.\nIn short, it starts to vibrate.\nIt is that vibration, that produces the sound.\nYes, anything that vibrates will produce sound.\nWe will learn more about this in the next video\nWe know that the voice of adults and children differ.\nWhy is that that the sounds are different?\nWhat separates the sounds?\nWhy is it that some sounds are louder than the others?\nWhy are some of the sounds pleasant while other ones are annoying?\nWe will answer all these questions in the coming videos\nthese are the points that we are going to elaborate on\nin this series of videos based on sound\nvibrating bodies produce sound\nmedium of propagation of sound\namplitude ,frequency and Time period of vibration\nLoudness and pitch\nAudible and Inaudible sounds\nnoise pollution and measures to control it\nDo watch our coming videos to learn about these concepts and much more...\n \n": 4, "Ko-knee-chi-wa bitches.\nThis is movie line trivia and I rode here\nin my BLEEP wagon today.\nGet ready for some movie trivia.\n[Intro]\nThis movie trivia is a part of Tarantino series\nand comes from\nthe classic Kill Bill Vol. 1.\nYour trivia question is:\nWhich one of these snakes is not a member\nof the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad?\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nNeed some more frosting on that cupcake?\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nHere\u2019s another hint Vivica A. Fox\u2019s character\n\u201cVernita Green\u201d gets pissed at\nUma Thurman\u2019s character because she got\nthe code name was \u201cBlack Mamba\u201d,\nwhich Vernita thought belonged to her.\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nOne more clue?\nThese names are all names of Captain America\u2019s\nenemies.\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nNope \u2013 sharpen your blade cap-ee-tan\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\n[Countdown]\nThat\u2019s right The Rattler is not one of the\nsquad.\nThe Deadly Vipers were: Sidewinder, Black\nMamba, Cottonmouth, Copperhead,\nand California Mountain (King) snake.\nCheck out some more tarantino trivia by clicking\nhere.\n": 2, "Subtitled by\nErick Figueiredo, Seolha and fuzzyn thanks to Amara.org\nCan you believe it?\nCan you realize that we, that all of us, have\nactually begun the exploration\nof another world?\nCome with us.\nWe are going to the Moon.\nYou will be taken along with the\nastronauts as they explore the unknown.\nShare the thrill of discovery\nand expand our understanding\nof the Universe.\nThe Moon is due to have\nvisitors from another planet.\nThrough the window\nof the Command Module,\nthe Earth gently slipped away.\nNext stop:\nNext stop: The Moon.\nTHERE IT IS...\nBEAUTIFUL!\nMagnificent desolation.\nMan\nMan on\nMan on the\nMan on the MOON!\n...one small step...\nMan\nMan on\nMan on the\nMan on the MOON!\nTranquility Base here,\nTHE EAGLE HAS LANDED.\nFor thousands of years the Moon has made\nher impression upon man and planet Earth.\nNow man, from planet Earth,\nhas made his impression on the Moon.\nT\nTH\nTHA\nTHAN\nTHANK\nTHANK\nTHANK Y\nTHANK YO\nTHANK YOU\nTHANK YOU N\nTHANK YOU NA\nTHANK YOU NAS\nTHANK YOU NASA\nTHANK YOU NASA.\nHere men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D.\nWe came in peace for all mankind.\n": 4, "Lil Nas X - Old Town Road\nKEYBOARD -- Other -- Pipa\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Bass -- Hip Hop Sub Bass\nKEYBOARD -- Keyboards -- Electric Piano\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nKEYBOARD -- Alchemy Synth -- Stringed -- Ethereal Guitar\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Alchemy Synth -- Stringed -- Ethereal Guitar\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Alchemy Synth -- Stringed -- Ethereal Guitar\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nKEYBOARD -- Alchemy Synth -- Stringed -- Ethereal Guitar\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Synth Classics -- Synthetic Voice\nKEYBOARD -- Alchemy Synth -- Stringed -- Ethereal Guitar\nDrums -- Beat Sequencer -- Electronic -- Modern 808\nKEYBOARD -- Other -- Pipa\nThanks for your like, share and subscribe.\n": 1, "Eu vou te mostrar que Rock N' Roll \u00e9 liberdade, ent\u00e3o balance sua bunda pelos deuses ou bata sua cabe\u00e7a pelos dem\u00f4nios.\nTraga suas emo\u00e7\u00f5es, traga suas sensa\u00e7\u00f5es, traga o que puder e sinta o poder desta na\u00e7\u00e3o!\nCamisa de banda surrada, t\u00eanis surrado, pouco dinheiro no bolso, mas ou\u00e7o os alto-falantes.\nCaminhada de fim de semana prolongado, bebida barata a noite toda, comida vagabunda para aquecer e esperar por um tempo melhor.\nPegando o \u00f4nibus.\nPensando na noite.\nS\u00f3 volto amanh\u00e3.\nEu quero esquecer essa vida de merda!\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal\u2026 J\u00e1 fui visto como um metal marginal.\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... Agora eles v\u00e3o ver o metal marginal.\nMas ali os olhos me encaram e n\u00e3o sei se \u00e9 por causa do meu cabelo, da minha pele ou de ambos.\nE s\u00f3 ent\u00e3o percebo que n\u00e3o me pare\u00e7o com seus \u00eddolos ou com a maioria deles tamb\u00e9m.\nEu subo no palco.\nAgora \u00e9 minha vez.\nMinha voz ecoa ao redor.\nE eu sinto todo o lugar queimar!\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... J\u00e1 fui visto como um metal marginal.\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... Agora eles v\u00e3o ver o metal marginal.\nEles vivem em uma hierarquia.\nEles criaram sua pr\u00f3pria pol\u00edtica.\nEles imp\u00f5em suas regras.\nFalando como tolos.\nEu n\u00e3o preciso disso.\nEu n\u00e3o me encaixo nessa idiotice.\nRock n' Roll \u00e9 liberdade\ne Heavy Metal \u00e9 tudo sobre contestar!\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... J\u00e1 fui visto como um metal marginal.\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... Agora eles v\u00e3o ver o metal marginal.\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... J\u00e1 fui visto como um metal marginal.\nMetal marginal... Ooh... Oooh...\nMetal marginal... Agora eles v\u00e3o ver o metal marginal!\n": 0, "Instrumental: Blackpink - Ddu-Du Ddu-Du\nInstrumental: Blackpink - Ddu-Du Ddu-Du + Stray Kids - God's Menu\nInstrumental: Stray Kids - God's Menu + BTS - MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)\nInstrumental: NCT 127 - Kick It\nInstrumental: NCT 127 - Kick It + Red Velvet - Psycho\nInstrumental: NCT 127 - Kick It + Blackpink - Ddu-Du Ddu-Du\nInstrumental: Stray Kids - God's Menu\nInstrumental: Blackpink - Ddu-Du Ddu-Du + Blackpink - Kill This Love\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + TXT - Can't You See Me?\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + Red Velvet - Psycho\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + TXT - Can't You See Me?\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + Red Velvet - Psycho\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + TXT - Can't You See Me?\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + Red Velvet - Psycho\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + Red Velvet - Psycho + TXT - Can't You See Me?\nInstrumental: TWICE - Fancy + Blackpink - Kill This Love (Drum)\nInstrumental: Blackpink - How You Like That (Teaser)\nInstrumental: TXT - Can't You See Me?\nInstrumental: TXT - Can't You See Me? + Stray Kids - God's Menu\nInstrumental: Stray Kids - God's Menu + Blackpink - Ddu-Du Ddu-Du\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + NCT 127 - Kick It + TWICE - More & More (Very Low)\nInstrumental: Blackpink - DDDD + TWICE - More & More + Red Velvet - Bad Boy\nInstrumental: TWICE - More & More + NCT 127 - Kick It\nInstrumental: Stray Kids - God's Menu + NCT 127 - Kick It\nInstrumental: Stray Kids - God's Menu + NCT 127 - Kick It + Stray Kids - Double Knot\nInstrumental: NCT 127 - Kick It\n": 0, "wanna get the biggest cruise [Music]\nI got enough [\u00a0__\u00a0] to leave blood in your\nurine when the West Coast say it [\u00a0__\u00a0]\ndo it if I had a brick wall you run right\ndo it right like your ass respect my [\u00a0__\u00a0]\nwork just like I drew I got through and it\nain't nothing to it [\u00a0__\u00a0] full steam ahead\nI retire when I'm dead\n[Music] better better [Music] behind big walls\n[\u00a0__\u00a0] these devils and these laws never\nquestion the size of ice cubes balls\nget the biggest group [Music]\nthat's how he got shot on that mysterious\n[Music] chain react watch my Cranium crack\nwatch these [\u00a0__\u00a0] George Bush is like Damien's\nback can't trust no Republican or Democrat\nDemocrat do I wonder if they care about my\nblack ass\nget up\n[Music] running gets a bigger crew\n[Music] I \nsee the clouds getting lower or maybe I'm\ngetting higher you see these notes that I\ncarry like Mariah I'm playing but they told\nme that I'm on fire so imma run with it from\nhere to the slums where did I admit it I kill\nit but they acting like guns [\u00a0__\u00a0] so I\ntake off with these bad dreams and these nightmares\nmy girl bought me a fresh pair of night ass\nI didn't care what they were charging for\nflight fare so I bought a first class ticket\nfor the nice chairs the flight attendance\nonly sit right here excuse my ways pretty\nlady but I might stand straight out the window\nat the city below I was trying to figure out\nlike which city to go my homies say I'm cold\nlike it was fitting below when I'm busting\nat the seams like I was ready to blow in my\nself-centered cause I listen to my old tracks\nI try to put it in the first but I hold back\nnever play cards but deal with a whole stack\nI don't feening for the ziplock clothes like\nI saw crack and we act like we fresh out of\nthe real we the people in charge and the haters\ncouldn't see yes you married to the game then\nit came with a prenup and if you try kick\nit we fresh out of Adidas roll your tree out\nwhat it feel like I'm just trying to make\nsure that you feel right I love red wine and\nsome good food good no [\u00a0__\u00a0] came with\na good view uh white girl on the granite yeah\nI think that they call it Janet I was never\ninvolved and I took the [\u00a0__\u00a0] for granted\ncause they say I'm out of this world I'm on\nanother planet cause I'm coasting fly wherever\nthe wind blows I'm in motion we fog all over\nthe windows and I'm ghosts yeah I'm ghost\nI'm ghost right now shout out to my haters\nlet's toast right now we on another level\nso close right now but me and my team yelling\nwe yeah we up we up we up we we yeah and we\nare we up we up and we up we up we up and\nwe are we up we up like me and my team yelling\nwe up we up we up yeah we are we up we up\nwe up we up we up and me and my team yelling\nwe up we up we up we\nthank you [Applause]\nas I walk through the valley of the Shadow\nwith death I take a look at my life but free\nyour life there's nothing looking so I've\nbeen blasting and laughing so long that even\nmy mama thinks that my mind is gone but I\nain't never crossed the man that didn't deserve\nit me be treated like a punk you know if it's\nunheard of you better watch how you talking\nor where you walking or you or your homies\nmy bin Laden sure I feel Paradise [Music]\nliving in the gangsters\n[Music]\nlook at the situation they got me facing I\ncan live a normal life I was raised by the\nstreets so I gotta be damned with a hood team\ntoo much television watch it got me chasing\ndreams I'm an educated fool with money on\nmy mind got my tin in my hand in the gym in\nmy eye I'm alone\n[Music]\nthis is [Music] against this paradise\nliving in the gangsters\n[Music]\neverybody's running I have to look what's\ngoing on in the kitchen but I don't know what's\ncooking they see I gotta learn but nobody's\nhere to teach me if they can't understand\nit how can they reach me the\n[Music] beginning\n[Music]\n[Music]\ntell me that the ones [Music]\n[Music]\nParadise\n[Music] living in the Gangster's Paradise\n[Music] surveillance [Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nthe future\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nAll Eyes [Music] [Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nwe got home\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nforeig": 0, "Doggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\n[Intro: Snoop Dogg]\nAffirmations are a positive statements that\nhelp bust a challenge and overcome\nWhen you not feeling good and have negative\nthoughts, so repeat after me, come on everyone\n[Verse 1: Snoop Dogg & Doggyland]\nThere is no one better to beat than myself\nThere is no one better to beat than myself\nToday is going to be an amazing day\nToday is going to be an amazing day\nMy feelings matter\nMy feelings matter\nI get better every single day\nI get better every single day\nI choose to feel happy\nI choose to feel happy\nMy family loves me so much!\nMy family loves me so much!\nI care about others\nI care about others\nI learn from my mistakes\nI learn from my mistakes\n[Hook]\nAffirmations are fun and cool\nThey help us heal and they help us grow\nIf you love to learn and wanna keep feeling\ngood, let's say some more\nFollow me, let's go![Verse 2: October London\n& Doggyland]\nI am responsible\nI am responsible\nI get better every single day\nI get better every single day\nI'm surrounded by love\nI'm surrounded by love\nEvery problem has an answer\nEvery problem has an answer\nI deserve to feel good\nI deserve to feel good\nAnything is possible\nAnything is possible\nI believe in myself\nI believe in myself\nI can control my own happiness\nI can control my own happiness[Outro: Snoop\nDogg]\nNow we know some new affirmations that we\ncan choose, and learn to say\nSo next time you need a little inspiration\nto help you more have a positive day (positive\nday)\nAffirmations\nAffirmations (affirmations, affirmations,\naffirmations)\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations LyricsDoggyland\n& Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations LyricsDoggyland\n& Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations LyricsDoggyland\n& Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations LyricsDoggyland\n& Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\nDoggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmations Lyrics\n": 1, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I will analyze Zain Zohaib and Quratulain Balouch.\nAnd in this video I will analyze Zain Zohaib and Quratulain Balouch.\nI apologize if I mispronounced the name.\nBut I don't know these artists and I've never heard this song before,\nIt will be the first time I hear it. And for those who don't know,\nI'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do\nanalysis and technical observations of vocal behavior,\nInstrumental behavior and musical production.\nTherefore, I will make my observations whenever I consider it necessary.\nTherefore, I will make my observations whenever I consider it necessary.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nanalicemos a Zain Zohaib y Quratulain Balouch.\nThis is incredible.\nI really liked the intro of this song. When he starts to sing\nalong with it other instruments are added.\nThe song begins in a very minimalist way.\nThe way these instruments begin along with him singing,\nThe way these instruments begin along with him singing,\nthis makes the music gain a much higher proportion in terms of sound.\nthis makes the music gain a much higher proportion in terms of sound.\nThis is wonderful.\nSee how the dynamics of the song unfold when the two of you sing together,\nSee how the dynamics of the song unfold when the two of you sing together,\nin a higher region of the voice.\nIs incredible. This is wonderful.\nThe aesthetics of the music is fantastic.\nThe way the instruments sound here is amazing.\nAnd this is the result of a production job that,\nAnd this is the result of a production job that,\nworks to ensure that\nthe sound of all the instruments sounds with great quality. Is incredible.\nthe sound of all the instruments sounds with great quality. Is incredible.\nI can say that the main element besides the voice of these great singers,\nI can say that the main element besides the voice of these great singers,\nis the bass. The bass is present with much evidence in relation to the other instruments.\nis the bass. The bass is present with much evidence in relation to the other instruments.\nis the bass. The bass is present with much evidence in relation to the other instruments.\nAnd because it sounds so prominent, the bass inserts a very strong presence in the song and\nAnd because it sounds so prominent, the bass inserts a very strong presence in the song and\nthis is the big difference in this song so far. The bass does a good job.\nthis is the big difference in this song so far. The bass does a good job.\nLook at the choirs, they do a very important job.\nThe backup singer's job is to support and also further enrich the song.\nThe backup singer's job is to support and also further enrich the song.\nAnd here is a wonderful job.\nThe choirs are supportive and do a wonderful job. Amazing.\nThe choirs are supportive and do a wonderful job. Amazing.\nLook at these wind instruments.\nAmazing.\nAmazing. It's wonderful work.\nSee how important musical arrangement is and how these instruments work.\nSee how important musical arrangement is and how these instruments work.\nTo make this impact on whoever listens to the song. Is incredible.\nTo make this impact on whoever listens to the song. Is incredible.\nThis is amazing and this song is sensational.\nThis is amazing and this song is sensational.\nAnd another instrument, other musical elements that\nVery important in the arrangement of this song, are the percussion instruments.\nThey sound fantastic making the aesthetic of this song amazing.\nThey sound fantastic making the aesthetic of this song amazing.\nThis drummer plays in a very similar way to jazz drummers.\nThis drummer plays in a very similar way to jazz drummers.\nBy the way, hold the drumstick to play the drums.\nIt's fantastic.\nI even see that there is a \"pad\" here we call it \"pad\"\nan electronic sound device.\nThis \"pad\" can work and insert very interestin": 4, "ooooooooooo\nYou are perfect\nYou deserve it\nBe who you are\nOnce you know this\nAnd you own it\nYou'll go far\nSay\nI am perfect\nI am worth it\nI am of God\nI am of God\nSay, I am perfect\nI am worth it\nI am of God\nooooooooooo\nComing from a world of magic\nYou bloomed\nYou bloomed\nWith a fresh energy\nYou're feeling brand new\nComing from a world of magic\nMagic\nYou bloomed\nYou bloomed\nWith a fresh energy\nYou're feeling brand new\nBecause\nYou are perfect\nYou deserve it\nBe who you are\nOnce you know this\nAnd you own it\nYou'll go far\nSay\nI am perfect\nI am worth it\nI am of God\nI am perfect\nI am worth it\nI am of God\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nFreedom is a mindset away\nComing from a world of magic\nMagic\nYou bloomed\nYou bloomed\nWith a fresh energy\nYou are feeling brand new\nYour mind is taken over by you again\nAnd finally you will perceive\nYour reality\nGo manifest\nYou catalyst you\nYour mind is taken over by you again\nForget everything that you were ever told\nThe sky is not your threshold\nComing from a world of magic\nMagic\nYou bloomed\nYou bloomed\nWith a fresh energy you are\nYou are feeling brand new\nBecause you're magic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nMagic\nI am\nI am\nI am\nI am\nI am\nI am\nI am\nI am\nI am perfect\nI do deserve it\nI am of God\nI am perfect\nI am magic\nI am of God\nYou are perfect\nYou are deserving\nYou are of God\nYou are perfect\nYou are magic\nYou are of God\n": 3, "I see those tears in your eyes\nI feel so helpless inside\nOh, love, there's no need to hide\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nCold hands, red eyes\nPacked two bags at midnight\nThey've been there for weeks\nYou don't know what goodbye means\nJust roll up a cigarette\nJust forget about this mess\nI'm waiting on the sidelines\nFrom the sidelines\nI see those tears in your eyes\nAnd I feel so helpless inside\nOh, love, there's no need to hide\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nIf your ghost pulls you apart\nAnd it feels like you've lost who you are\nMy love, there's no need to hide\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nWhen you whisper, I'm alright\nBut I see through your white lies\nBut these walls don\u2019t talk\nAnd if they could, they\u2019d say\nCan't hide the secrets\nYou can't forget about this mess\nI'm waiting on the sidelines\nFrom the sidelines\nI see those tears in your eyes\nAnd I feel so helpless inside\nOh, love, there's no need to hide\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nIf your ghost pulls you apart\nAnd it feels like you've lost who you are\nMy love, there's no need to hide\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nI know those tears in your eyes\nAnd I feel so helpless inside\nMy love, there's no need to hide\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\n": 3, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel.\nAnd in this video I am going to analyze Mirriam Eka and Reza.\nAnd in this video I am going to analyze Mirriam Eka and Reza.\nI don't know these two Indonesian singers and have never heard them before,\ntherefore, it will be the first time that I will hear them and you,\nwill track my impact and what I think about their performance.\nwill track my impact and what I think about their performance.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist,\ncomposer and I am also a producer and I am going to do my analysis,\nI'm going to do a technical analysis and talking about the dynamics of your voice,\nI'm going to do a technical analysis and talking about the dynamics of your voice,\nwhat they are doing, how they sing and their vocal behavior.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel,\nturn on notifications, like and share this video.\nAnd leave more suggestions in the comments.\nThe message has been passed and let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze\nMiriam and Reza.\nThis is incredible. They are two extremely light voices.\nTwo voices in high regions.\nBoth she and he are in loud regions.\nAnd she's a soprano,\nthis is the impression I have when I hear them sing for the first time.\nAs I mentioned, I don't know either of these two singers,\ntherefore, I am really very surprised by this.\nAnd they have incredible skill with their voices.\nIt's interesting that when he sings,\nI do not have the perception that the note is too dark.\nI do not have the perception that the note is too dark.\nHe has a very strong voice...\nThis darkening note...\nThis is the chest voice region.\nIt is the complete emission of the chest voice region.\nIt darkens the voice but also makes a lot of use of the mixed voice.\nHowever, it is not very obvious that his voice is very dark.\nWhich means he doesn't do full chest voice work.\nHe does mixed voice work.\nThis is the mixed voice.\nThis is fantastic. This is a falsetto usage job.\nYou use falsetto along with mask voice output...\nYou use falsetto along with mask voice output...\nNote that there is a transition,\nare different regions in the way of working\ndifferently using the falsetto and other regions of the voice.\nRemembering that the use of falsetto is a vocal embellishment,\nbut it also serves to intermediate different regions of the voice,\nbut it also serves to intermediate different regions of the voice,\neither from head voice to mask voice or from mask voice to chest voice.\nI can see there are other voices working alongside her voice.\nI can see there are other voices working alongside her voice.\nI can see there are other voices working alongside her voice.\nWhich means they probably recorded other voices.\nTherefore, they do the main voice but there are other voices working in different octaves.\nTherefore, they do the main voice but there are other voices working in different octaves.\nAnd it's fantastic. It is wonderful.\nHe also did this mixed voice work...\nIt's fantastic. It is an ornament that is working very well for them.\nIt's very pretty.\nDid you see how he uses his voice in his chest region?\nNow he used an entire region of his chest voice.\nYes now. Dark voice, dark note, chest voice region.\nI am very surprised.\nEven music in Portuguese is going on here?\nHow is this possible?\nCalm down, I know why this is possible.\nBecause they are extremely talented, of course this is possible.\nBecause they are extremely talented, of course this is possible.\nIt's fantastic. I am very surprised by this.\nDid you see how he also makes use of the mask voice with the use of the mixed voice?\nDid you see how he also makes use of the mask voice with the use of the mixed voice?\nThis is a mixed voice...\nThe mixed voice has a bigger body, it has more volume.\nThe mixed voice has a bigger body, it has more volume.\nAnd it works very well in the use of different regions of the voice.\nThey all work very quickly.\nThis was very good.\nVery good.\nThis was an amazing performance. Fantastic.\nThey make an amazing duo.\nI am very ": 3, "Owen Grady is the name, work at this freaky attraction\nWith a hottie named Claire, but she won't give me no action\nI train raptors for a living like it's no big deal\n'Cause after all I am StarLord & to masses I appeal\nMy boss called me up for an evaluation\nOf his brand new terrorizing money-making mutation\nWhere'd it go, could it climb that high?\nIt's an ambush, time to haul ass, 'cause I just don't wanna die\nI've got big teeth\nAnd my claws are sharp\nBut your legs might be too fast\nI will chase you until you run too far\nThen I'll find someone else to eat\nI've got the most haunting roar\n'Cause I'm a hybrid dinosaur\nHybrid dinosaur\nHybrid dinosaur oh!\nHybrid dinosaur\nHybrid dinosaur oh!\nHybrid dinosaur\nHybrid dinosaur oh!\nHybrid dinosaur\nHybrid dinosaur\nBreaking barriers down with her horrifying rage\nThe heli frees Dimorphodon from the giant bird cage\nA Pteranodon drops a lady into the pool...HEY!\nPteranodon gets schooled\nShe's killing for sport whether large or small\nWent after 2 kids like a cat & a yarn ball\nGoing after it with everything we've got\nUsing raptors seems crazy but we gotta take a shot\nI've got big teeth & my claws are sharp\nBut your legs might be too fast\nI will chase you until you run too far\nThen I'll find someone else to eat\nI've got the most haunting roar\n'Cause I'm a hybrid dinosaur\nI'm the King puttin' on a show-ow-ow\nAll the tourists watchin' me eat a goa-oa-oat\nI-Rex had to pick my bo-o-one\nKick it in the puss and reclaim my throne\nLight myself a blunt, 2 puffs for me\nAnd one for my dead homey in JP3\nDinos be hungry, us dinos be hungry\nWe're eating all the tourists cause these dinos be hungry!\nI've got big teeth and my claws are sharp\nBut your legs might be too fast\nI will chase you until you run too far\nThen I'll find someone else to eat\nI've got the most haunting roar\n'Cause I'm a hybrid dinosaur\n": 2, "Que dije loco \nthe \nand chemical environment. And \nalso with the other organisms \non which it comes in contact. \nSay for example \nThat is what we\nThat is what we call\npopulation\npopulation. Okay? Ed\npopulation. Okay? Ed\npopulation. Okay? Ed.\nOkay? Add on a you'll see\nOkay? Add on a you'll see\nAdd on a you'll see population.\nOkay\nOkay, so\nOkay,\nOkay, so after week\nOkay, so after\nOkay, so after which,\nOkay\nOkay. So after which, if\nOkay. So after which, if this\npopulation will interact\npopulation will\npopulation will interact with\npopulation will interact with\npopulation will interact with\none\none another, given a\none another, given a certain\none another, given a certain\none another, given a certain\none another, given a certain\narea, it will form\narea, it will form a\narea, it will form a community,\nSay, for\nSay, for example, a\nSay, for example, a human\nfor example, a human population\nat\ntion and its\ntion\ntion at its community. So\nat its community. So back\nyour\nyour Butam guy, that\nyour Butam guy,\nyour Butam guy, okay, that is\nthe community\nthe community.\nAlright\nAlright\nAlright\nAlright, and all of\nAlright, and all of the\nAlright, and all of the\ncommunity\ncommunity interaction\ncommunity interaction\ncommunity interaction pattern\ncommunity interaction\ncommunity interaction pattern\nn within the physical\nn within the physical\nn within the physical\nwithin the physical environment.\nIt will make up\nIt will make up the\nIt will make up the ecosystem.\nSo Yannu\nhierarchy, the\nhierarchy, the on from a\nhierarchy, the on from a single\norganis\norganism\norganism to\norganism to a\npopulation with the same\npopulation with the same\npopulation with the same\nspecies.\nThen community\nThen\nThen community based\nThen community\nThen community base,\nThen community base, then to the\nwhole\nwhole ecosystem itself\nwhole ecosystem\nwhole ecosystem itself, that\nwhole ecosystem itself\nwhole ecosystem itself.\nThat is basically the\nThat is basically the structure\nThat is basically the structure\nThat is basically the structure\ne of work with Eastern\ne of work with Eastern ecosystem\nof work with Eastern ecosystem.\nNamaki,\nNamaki\nNamaki, the invader\nNamaki, the\nNamaki, the environment, or\nNamaki, the environment, or\nwithin the\nwithin the bias.\nwithin the bias. Here.\nOkay. And with\nOkay. And\nOkay. And within\nOkay. And within that, we in\nOkay. And within that, we in the\nn the biosphere, we have what we\nn the biosphere, we have what we\nn the biosphere, we have what we\ncall\ncall\ncall biomes. Okay\ncall biomes\ncall biomes.\nOkay\nOkay\nOkay\nOkay, this is the\nOkay, this is the area or\nOkay, this is the area or areas\nin which there is\nin which there is a\nin which there is a distinctive\nin which there is a distinctive \nokay.\ne okay, there is a word\ne okay, there is a word\ne okay, there is a word here.\ne okay, there is a word\ne okay, there is a word here\ndistinctive\ndistinctive distinction\nNew area is,\nNew area is, but I don't\nNew area is, but I\nNew area is, but I\nNew area is, but I know\nNew area is, but I know purely\narea is, but I know purely \ngeneral\nurely\nurely you, Mala, in my\nyou, Mala, in my experience now\nurely Yuma. In my experience\nurely you, Mala. In my\nexperience among our populations\nyou are among us\npurely, basically, they\npurely, basically, they\npurely,\npurely, basically they adapt\npurely, basically they adapt\npurely, basically they adapt on\nthat same\nthat same\nthat same\nthat same claiming\nthat same claiming distinction\nAgain\nAgain\nNagano.\nOkay\n. Okay,\nNagano.\nOkay,\nOkay, so each of\nOkay, so each of these\nOkay, so each of these\nOkay, so each of these organisms\nOkay, so each of these organisms\nhave been\nhave been\nhave been adapting to\nhave been adapting to this what\nwe call biome, and we\nwe call biome, and we have\n2 types\n2 types of 2 types of biom. You\n2 types of 2 types of biome\n2 types of 2 types of biome.\nYou have that estate.\ne that, and\ne that, and the\ne that, and the aquatic. So\ne that, and the aquatic, so\nterrestrial.\nterrestrial.\nMeaning to\nMeaning to say\nMeaning to\nMeaning to say, land, base\nMeaning to say,\nMeaning to say, land base, okay\nMeaning to say,\n": 1, "hi chess friends welcome to my youtube\u00a0\nchannel in chess there is a general\u00a0\u00a0\nconsensus among players and theorists\u00a0\nthat the player who makes the first move\u00a0\u00a0\nwhite has an inherent advantage the idea for white\u00a0\nis to attack and the idea is for black to defend\u00a0\u00a0\nblack can generally get equality if he opens\u00a0\nup the board as early as possible by trading\u00a0\u00a0\ntoday i have black pisces and alpha\u00a0\nhave white okay let's start the game\nblack's idea is to play c5\u00a0\nand targeting the e4 pawn\nalpha sacrificed his bishop\u00a0\nfish play d takes e5 best move\nblack plays queen takes knight if you think\u00a0\nking b8 is fine for example if king b8 happen\nknight takes bishop is not possible\u00a0\nbecause the f7 knight is hanging\nblack is losing its plus seven advantages\u00a0\nfor white i am showing you further moves\nwhite can play bishop a6 the\u00a0\nseven rank is occupied by the rook\u00a0\u00a0\nking is passive black will lose the game\nso i played queen takes knight chess friends\u00a0\nif you haven't subscribed our channel yet\u00a0\u00a0\nplease like share subscribe and comment you\u00a0\nwill never miss any latest contents from us\u00a0\u00a0\nso please subscribe the channel because\u00a0\nit's a best move okay queen takes d7\nso\nso\nso\nso\nmy\nso\nso\nthanks for watching subscribe for more\u00a0\nbye bye take care see you in my next video\n": 4, "Give it all up for nature!\nSave nature today!\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nU saw my pitcher and my money but this didn't\nmake your day\nHay!\nI'm talking and you learning but it will never\nsave the day!\nHay!\nI'm sweating ice is thawing in every single\nstate\nHay!\nYes I know I'm foreign but my green plan is\nunderway\nYour thing this ain't got sh*t to do whit\nyou still watch you should ya!\nBut Brother I told ya, we need all the fungus\nand the all the mold ya!\nI ain't afraid of what we made so play the\nfunky vid to save the world\nEvery week I pull a trick to get us back to\nMonkey quick\nFellas from my hometown, little town\nSome ask what it means now\nAnd if the deal is real then why are we still here and\nIsnt the climate cange phantom just taxes\ntrying to be handsome?\nThis isnt what you thinking, I am just hinting\nI live and die for the hops\nI drink hops every day\ncheers to inventors of hops\nand to beer I say hooray\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nSave nature today! \nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nYou hear a lot about me brother, mentaining\nmy ground\nDo you think I am low down, do the showdown\nwith a hoe around, for fun?\nNo!\nDont wanna know what you belive in and all\nyour funny reasons\nEven when Iam sleeping I think about the heating\nI think you know I am the NGO man,\nThe save the world man\nAnd you will only see the real me man\nYou should know that we will hit the crack,\nand for this bit\nStep back a step and consider the trap, heck!\nI tell you partner, it will get hot as a baker\nAnd I am naughty for nature, not cause I hate\ncha\nPut your head in da sand or in the part that\nspreads apart\nIf you want ta\nMay you be forgiven when everything\ngoes dark\nDont act like something big isnt missing\nEven thou you might be playing dayly with\nyor kitten\nI will love this world and trashing it ain't the way\nLets start saving the world today, hooray,\nhay hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nSave nature today!\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nHay...hoe...\nGet up, get up, get up, get up, hooray\nThere is many hungy people lets all feed them today \nGet up early in da day, caus no matter what\nyou heard\nMorning is the best time for bailing your\nhay and digging the dirt\nCause crops are growing every day!\nHers a ball so round, one of the wonder found\non the ground, and it goes down hill\ncan you feel, how it still\ntakes a mold for it all to distill\nDon\u00b4t clown, just come and feel \nTippy tippy, paws\nTippy tippy, paws\nSometimes creeping up they eat them up\nand maybe even bite a finger of yours\nPlease peace to this one and that one and these\nThat way I shout out and didnt miss one fan\nYes I get foolish but neither you or Parker\nLewis knew us\n": 1, "*Paradigm Shift Soloing*\nHi! This was part of \n\"5 Minutes Medley - John Petrucci\"\nWhere I played a Powerful and \nvery challenging Lick\nFrom this Wonderful Guitar Player\nA Lick that is Intro and Outro\nof Paradigm Shift\nSong by Liquid Tension Experiment\nAnd now i\u00b4ve decided to record a Tutorial\nSo You can play it too\nSo you can get the Power!\nTO PUT YOUR GUITAR ON FIRE!!!\n*Guitar Shred Power Intensifies*\nLet\u00b4s Start!\nINTRO JARCOR\nThe first advice I can give to you, \nDo Not Start on Full Speed\nNOP\nThe Secret to Control the Speed \nIs by Dominating the Slowness\n\"The Secret to Control the Speed\nIs by Dominating the Slowness\"...\nJuan Pablo 2018\nSounds like a Clich\u00e9\nBut It is True\nThis time we won\u00b4t need TABS\nBut If you want them write in the comments or look on Songsterr\nFirst, I\u00b4ll play the solo on Slow mo\nSo you can watch the amount of notes\nHowever, I\u00b4ll break this solo in\n2 sections so you can learn it easily\n*Slow Motion*\nRight, These are the 2 sections\nSection 1\n#CoolLick\nSection 2\n#MinorPentatonic\nThis lick it\u00b4s kinda easy but pretty\nchallenging while you have to play it with quickly\n2nd String, Fret 17 (E)\n2nd String, Fret 18 (F )\n2nd String, Fret 17 (E) again\n2nd String, Fret 15 (D)\n2nd String, Fret 17 (E) again again\n2nd String, Fret 15 (D) again\nThen\n 3nd String, Fret 18 (C#)\n2nd String, Fret 15 (D)\n2nd String, Fret 17 (E)\n2nd String, Fret 15 (D)\n 3nd String, Fret 18 (C#)\n and Finally...\n2nd String, Fret 15 (D)\nWhen you play these notes it sounds like...\nA bit faster\n1st String, Fret 15 (G)\n1st String, Fret 13 (F)\n2nd String, Fret 15 (D)\n2nd String, Fret 13 (C)\n3rd String, Fret 15 (A#)\nNow we play 3 notes on 3rd String, Fret 15 (A#)\nThen 2nd String, Frets 14 and 13\nits debatible if you can use the 15th fret\nBecause its the note on the G minor pentatonic scale\nSo until now we have\n3rd String, Fret 15 (A#)\n3rd String, Fret 12 (G)\n4th String, Fret 15 (F)\n4th String, Fret 12 (D)\nThen we come back to the 3rd string\nwith the same last pattern\nThen 5th String, Fret 15 (C)\n5th String, Fret 13 (A#)\nNow we have\nTo finish we have\n5th String, Frets 16, 15 and 13\nSo we end it on the 15th fret of the 6th string\nBut man, Petrucci doesn\u00b4t end it that way!\nYeah yeah well, when I recorded the Medley\nI didn\u00b4t noticed that tiny detail\nPetrucci does not play it like this\nBut he plays the exact same notes on these strings\nWhen he comes with these pattern\nHe comes up tp the 4th String and plays\nthe 11, 10 and 8th frets\nTo end it on the 10th Fret of the 5th String\nThese are the same notes but the sound changes \njust a bit because of the strings \nBecause the 6th string its Extra Thiccccccccccc\nWell this is it for today guys!\nDid you like this tutorial?\nSubscribe if you like this kind of content\nIf you have an idea, a song or a solo\nyou wanna for me to check\nWrite it on the comment section\nGreat things are coming\n": 2, "If I cannot bring you comfort\nThen at least I bring you hope\nFor nothing is more precious\nThan the time we have and so\nWe all must learn from small misfortune\nCount the blessings that are real\nLet the bells ring out for Christmas\nAt the closing of the year\nLet the bells ring out for Christmas\nAt the closing of the year.\nUp on the knees of a sergeant major\nRide through the woods with the wind in your hair\nSilver bells on a stolen reindeer\nWhile we race to the castle over there\nIf I cannot bring you comfort\nThen at least I bring you hope.\nNow all the winter bells are ringing\nHear them echo through the snow\nAnd the children's voices singing\non the streets so far below\nThis is a time to be together\nAnd the truth is somewhere here\nWithin our love of people\nAt the closing of the year.\nWe'll walk in a Sun\nWith all of the Pain\nAnd all of the Patience\nAll of the Way\nAnd all of us Right\nAnd all of us Same\nLove One Another\nWe'll Fly in the End of Time\nWalk in the Waves, never fall\nDon't fall\nAt the closing of the year.\nIf I cannot bring you comfort\nThen at least I bring you hope\nThen at least I bring you hope.\n": 4, "The Carnival Event will drop very soon within\u00a0\nState of Survival. This is one of the numerous\u00a0\u00a0\nevents that we call Skin Events. The reason why\u00a0\nis fairly simple. Ranking high upon the leader\u00a0\u00a0\nboards gives you a free HQ skin, but let's be\u00a0\ncompletely honest. These Skins are far from\u00a0\u00a0\nfree. You literally have to spend an arm and a\u00a0\nleg to rank in the top spots of the leaderboard,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich makes these HQ skins incredibly expensive\u00a0\nand why? Besides looking pretty HQ skins don't do\u00a0\u00a0\nmore than offering a small bonus. On average they\u00a0\noffer a 2.5 percent troop attack. Sometimes it is\u00a0\u00a0\n3 percent, sometimes it is 2 percent. In general,\u00a0\nnot a huge stat boost and I think State of\u00a0\u00a0\nSurvival realized that as well, because a few skin\u00a0\nevents ago they introduced The Guardian skins,\u00a0\u00a0\nwhich are basically these giant wings that\u00a0\nyou can see on some settlements. They offer\u00a0\u00a0\na 5 percent troop health and Troop lethality,\u00a0\nbut with a catch. They only stay active for\u00a0\u00a0\n90 days and it automatically activates, so you\u00a0\nreally cannot choose when you want to use it.\u00a0\u00a0\nAfter those 90 days it is completely gone.\u00a0\nNow, the reason why I wanted to make this\u00a0\u00a0\nvideo is because I genuinely don't understand why\u00a0\npeople go crazy over this. In battle the effects\u00a0\u00a0\nof Skins are super small and one HQ skin won't\u00a0\nmake the difference between winning and losing\u00a0\u00a0\nand definitely for huge players. I'm not sure\u00a0\nif people are aware, but the maximum of troop\u00a0\u00a0\nattack you can get from these HQ skins is 150\u00a0\npercent. Once you have reached that number,\u00a0\u00a0\nyou ain't getting one percent more and if you are\u00a0\na low spender, mid spender or free to play... I\u00a0\u00a0\nliterally don't see any reason why you should\u00a0\nbe chasing these HQ skins. Imagine you save up\u00a0\u00a0\nyour materials for months to spend during a skin\u00a0\nevent... Best case scenario, you win the HQ skin\u00a0\u00a0\nand then what? You get a three percent extra\u00a0\ntroop attack, but after that you don't have\u00a0\u00a0\nany materials left and you can't even reach\u00a0\nthe targets during State versus State prep or\u00a0\u00a0\nSurvival of the Fittest. Please tell me what's the\u00a0\npoint? Keep in mind that people spend thousands on\u00a0\u00a0\nthese Skin Events. While you can achieve the same\u00a0\nresults by buying a 10 dollar bundle. I simply\u00a0\u00a0\ndon't see it. Let me know in the comments what\u00a0\nyou think about this. Now frames are a completely\u00a0\u00a0\ndifferent story for me. Usually you get them in\u00a0\nthe first bundle, which is around five dollars\u00a0\u00a0\nand if you want to save even more money it would\u00a0\nbe wise to use Packsify. Packsify offers discounts\u00a0\u00a0\nup to 20 percent and thanks to them buying bundles\u00a0\nbecame less expensive. Check out the link in the\u00a0\u00a0\ndescription if you are interested. Long story\u00a0\nshort, HQ skins only offer small bonuses for\u00a0\u00a0\nan insane amount of money. For example, if\u00a0\nyou look at this report you can see that\u00a0\u00a0\nmy opponent has almost 25 percent troop attack\u00a0\nstats more. I quite comfortably won the battle,\u00a0\u00a0\nbut due to the fact that my Limitless heroes are\u00a0\nbetter. I won even though I have less troop attack\u00a0\u00a0\nstats and don't let me start on march skins.\u00a0\nThey are even more wasteful. Anyways, thank\u00a0\u00a0\nyou for coming to my TED talk. If you enjoyed the\u00a0\nvideo, make sure to slap a like. Subscribe if you\u00a0\u00a0\nwant more content like this and I'll see you soon\u00a0\nfor a new one. Thank you for watching and baai.\nState of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\u00a0\u00a0\nState of Survival State of Survival State of\u00a0\nSurvival State of Survival State of Survival\n": 3, "best trap kills in fortnite battle royale\nfortnite battle royale noob plays\nfortnite battle royale funny moments my first time\nfortnite battle royale gameplay download\nfortnite battle royale gameplay 2019\nfortnite battle royale best kills compilation\nfortnite battle royale best kills ever\ntop 10 best kills in fortnite battle royale\ntop 10 best kills in fortnite battle royale\nfortnite battle royale gameplay videos\nfortnite battle royale best kills ever\nfortnite battle royale noob plays\nfortnite battle royale funny moments clean\nfortnite battle royale best kills compilation\nfortnite battle royale gameplay videos\nfortnite battle royale glitches 2019\nfortnite battle royale gameplay 2019\nfortnite battle royale funny moments clean\nfortnite battle royale glitches 2019\nfortnite battle royale gameplay download\ndaily fortnite battle royale moments channel\nfortnite battle royale funny moments my first time\nfortnite battle royale fails and epic wins\ndaily fortnite battle royale moments channel\nfortnite battle royale fails and epic moments\nbest trap kills in fortnite battle royale\nfortnite battle royale fails and epic wins\nbest sniper kills in fortnite battle royale\nbest sniper kills in fortnite battle royale\nbest trap kills in fortnite battle royale\nfortnite battle royale fails and epic moments\nfortnite battle royale fails and epic moments\nfortnite battle royale funny moments my first time\nfortnite battle royale gameplay download\nfortnite battle royale fails and epic wins\nfortnite battle royale gameplay 2019\ndaily fortnite battle royale moments channel\nbest sniper kills in fortnite battle royale\nfortnite battle royale best kills compilation\nfortnite battle royale best kills ever\ntop 10 best kills in fortnite battle royale\nfortnite battle royale noob plays\nfortnite battle royale glitches 2019\nfortnite battle royale gameplay videos\nfortnite battle royale funny moments clean\n": 0, "Hello, friends! Britannic is in port\nFire engine arrives at the hangar\nTitanic firefighter waiting at the station\nFire truck parked\nPassenger arrives at the Britannic by bicycle\nAnd goes on deck\nBritannic begins journey\nPassengers are enjoying on the deck of the ship\nThis passenger causes a fire on the ship\nThe fire on the ship is getting bigger\nWoman notices a fire\nAnd runs to the captain of the ship to tell about the fire\nThe fire alarm goes off on the ship\nThe captain stops the engines\nThe captain calls the fire station and asks for a firefighter ship\nFire alarm sounds at the station\nFireman runs to the ship\nFire covered the entire back of the Britannic\nThe captain with a fire extinguisher runs to the place of the fire\nTitanic firefighter moves to the rescue\nThe captain tries to put out the fire\nBut he fails to do so and decides to wait for the firefighter ship\nTitanic firefighter on the way\nTitanic firefighter arrives at the Britannic ship\nTitanic firefighter puts out a fire on Britannic\nBritannic passengers being evacuated\nTitanic firefighter brings passengers to shore\nRescuers meet passengers and help them\nRescue work underway on Britannic\nThank you for the watching, friends!\n": 3, "Vang Hoa, hello friends\nHave a nice day\nI say hello Grandma\nGrandma hello\nGrandma, I'm here to buy sweet potatoes for seeding\nVang Hoa, hello friends\nHave a nice day\nI say hello Grandma\nGrandma hello\nGrandma, I'm here to buy sweet potatoes for seeding\nVang Hoa, hello friends\nHave a nice day\nI say hello Grandma\nGrandma hello\nGrandma, I'm here to buy sweet potatoes for seeding\nThen you and I dig together\nSweet potatoes you grow are very delicious\nRoots are very few This year's crop is lost\nThen you and I dig together\nSweet potatoes you grow are very delicious\nRoots are very few This year's crop is lost\nThen you and I dig together\nSweet potatoes you grow are very delicious\nRoots are very few This year's crop is lost\nThis year due to weather changes, little rain, so it is no longer productive\nThis year due to weather changes, little rain, so it is no longer productive\nThis year due to weather changes, little rain, so it is no longer productive\nVery beautiful, grandma\nVery beautiful, grandma\nVery beautiful, grandma\nVery beautiful, I\nVery beautiful, I\nVery beautiful, I\nwish you good luck at the market\nGoodbye\nwish you good luck at the market\nGoodbye\nwish you good luck at the market\nGoodbye\nSeparating seeds for planting\nSeparating seeds for planting\nSeparating seeds for planting\nDrying\nVang Hoa seeds to the market sweet potatoes\nDrying\nVang Hoa seeds to the market sweet potatoes\nDrying\nVang Hoa seeds to the market sweet potatoes\nToday's market is empty after a heavy rain\nToday's market is empty after a heavy rain\nToday's market is empty after a heavy rain\n": 1, "Over 100 years ago,\nsince we first rode into fire\nThe rulers of the battlefield, \nrolling over trench and wire\nInto battle, no retreat, roll out,\nfor our foes we spell disaster\nIn the footsteps of Montgomery,\nPatton followed we came after\nFlers-Courcelette showed the way\nEvolution leading to El-Alamein until today\nWe\u2019re the first ones into the fray\nSteel Commanders\nrule the battlefield\nSpearhead Flanders \ntankers leading the\nStorm of panzers \nbattle calling the Steel Commanders\nFrom the Mark 1's introduction \nto the beast known as the Leopard\nWith our Chieftains and Centurions \nour frontline has been tempered\nFrom the fields of Prokhorovka \nto the shores of Overlord\nThe beginning of the victory \nShermans rolling on to Sword\nFlers-Courcelette showed the way\nEvolution leading to El-Alamein until today\nWe\u2019re the first ones into the fray\nSteel Commanders \nrule the battlefield\nSpearhead Flanders \nTankers leading the\nStorm of panzers \nbattle calling the Steel Commanders\nSteel Commanders\nSpearhead Flanders\nStorm of panzers\nSteel Commanders\nSteel Commanders \nrule the battlefield\nSpearhead Flanders\nSteel Commanders\nSteel Commanders \nrule the battlefield\nSpearhead Flanders \ntankers leading the\nStorm of panzers \nbattle calling the Steel Commanders\n": 4, ">> Hello everyone.\nWelcome.\nI'm Krishna Rajagopal, \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n \n.\n \ne\n \n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \nm\n \n.\n \n?\n \n \ny\nr\n \n \nT\n.\n.\n.\ns\n \n \n.\n \n.\n.\n \n.\n \n \ne\n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \ns\n \nm\n.\n \nh\n \n.\n \n \n.\n \nd\n \nR\n \n.\n \n \n.\n \ne\n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n.\n.\n \nt\n.\n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n.\nt\n \nd\n.\n \n \ne\n \n \n \ns\n.\no\ne\n.\nr\n \n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n.\n.\n.\nm\n.\n \n \n.\nR\n \n \n \n \n \n.\n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n?\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n \no\n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \nd\ny\n.\n \n \n \ng\nt\n \n \ne\nT\n \n \n \n.\n \n \nh\n.\n \n.\n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n \n \nT\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n.\n \no\n.\n \nt\ne\n.\n \n.\n \n.\n \nr\n.\n \n \n.\n \n.\nm\nk\n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n \nT\n \n.\ne\n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \ny\n \n \n.\n \n \nd\n \n.\ns\n \n \n \n.\n>> Deeply inspiring more me to \nwatch every time I see it and \nr \n.\n \ne\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \nt\nu\nn\n.\n \nn\n.\n \ng\ny\n \n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \nn\n \n \n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \nt\n.\n \n.\nr\n.\n \n \n.\n \nd\nf\n \n \n \n \nt\n.\ne\n \n \n.\n.\n.\ns\n \n \n \ne\n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n.\n.\nl\ns\n \n.\ny\n \nd\n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \nT\n.\n.\n.\n \n \nt\n \n \n \n \n.\ns\nf\n.\n.\ns\n.\n.\n.\n.\n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n.\nh\n \n \nu\nt\n.\n.\n \n.\n \n \n.\n \nn\n \n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n.\nl\n \n \n.\n \n \n \nt\n \nT\n.\n.\n.\n \n \n.\n \n \n \n \n.\n \n \n \nT\n \nm\n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n.\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n \n \ns\n.\ns\n \n.\n \np\n.\n \n.\n?\n \n \n?\n \n.\n \nn\nb\ne\nr\ne\n.\n \ns\n \n \n \n.\n \n \n.\n \n \ng\nt\n.\n.\n.\n \ne\ne\ni\nK\n.\n \ni\n.\n \n 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\nh\n \n.\n \n \n \nl\n": 0, "Nate: All right, you want to talk?\nNate: Let's talk\nApril: Yeh, can you sit on the big chair?\nNate: In the big chair? Is this okay here in the couch then you can sit with me.\nApril:Oh! Can I sit with you?\nNate: Yeh!\nApril: And talk?\nApril: Let me hold the big camera, OK?\nApril: I won't break it, OK?\nNate: You won't break it? Oh I'm glad you don't want to break it because that would be terrible.\nApril: No!\nNate: Oh no!\nNate: Oh no!\nApril: Don't say \"Oh no!\"\nApril: I will hold the camera, OK?\nNate: Alright, you can try.\nApril: Ok!\nNate: Ooh, it's heavy.\nApril: Yeh, Ooh, it's heavy.\nNate: Got your chin there.\nApril: Yeh, yeh I see my chin.\nApril: Let me put on my neck.\nNate: Oh you want to wear it?\nApril: Yeh! I want to wear it!\nApril: Like this?\nApril: Yeh I'm wearing it.\nApril: I'm just putting this on.\nNate: That's the lens cap\nApril: Yeh!\nNate: That makes everything go black.\nApril: No, let me hold it.\nNate: OK, you've got it pointed in the wrong direction.\nNate: You're pointing it at your shirt.\nNate: Let's turn it around.\nApril: Pointing at my shirt?\nApril: See? I can point it to daddy.\nApril: Daddy's shirt.\nNate: Take a picture of me?\nNate: Let's see if this is set right. Let's see here.\nNate: There we go, now it's going to look better. \nHow's that?\nNate: Lovely\nApril: Like this?\nNate: Turn that, turn it the other way I think.\nApril: You can't see?\nNate: Yeh, now you can see.\nNate: Let's take it and get a shot. Ooh it's on your neck.\nCan I borrow it for a second?\nApril: Oh Can I borrow it for a second?\nNate: Yeh, I'll give it back.\nMargie: Say hi Mom. Can you say \"Hi mom!\"\nMargie: I'm doing the same old stuff.\nMargie: Still drinking\nApril: See? I'm decorating the Christmas Tree.\nApril: Can you stand back? On couch?\nNate: Sure I'll stand back so you can take a picture of the Christmas Tree.\nNate: I'm going to make some honeydew.\nApril: Oh, for me and daddy?\nNate: Yeh I'll share with you.\nMargie: Wow, if it's as good as it looks!\nMargie: Look at this face.\nApril: Daddy what you doing?\nNate: I am cutting honeydew.\nNate: Almost finished. The last piece here.\nApril: There is a lots and lots of honeydew skins!\nNate: There's lots of honeydew skins?\nNate: Yep, it all goes in there.\nNate: You a fork, me a fork.\nNate: Two forks. Ready?\nApril: Yeh, I'm ready!\nMargie: I better get a hug before I go.\nNate: Grandma wants a hug.\nApril: Oh grandma wants a hug and a kiss?\nNate: I think she's coming. She's coming for it.\nApril: Do you want a kiss?\nApril: Um, do you want a kiss?\nMargie: I love ya!\nMargie: You gonna be daddy's helper?\nMargie: You can't eat my zipper. Termite! Termite!\nMargie: Alright, I'll see ya later. OK?\nMargie: Bye bye\nApril: Bye bye\nMargie: You gonna let go?\nApril: Yeh.\nMargie: Funny face! Dont' fall.\nNate: You want to go say bye-bye to grandma? Watch her leave?\nApril: No. I want to say bye bye to grandma!\nNate: Yeh, let's do it!\nApril: No! Can I say bye bye to grandma?\nNate: Yeh we're just going to watch her drive away.\nNate: It's pretty cold, but...\nMargie: Come on sweetie, daddy's got socks on too so he'll give up about the time you do.\nApril: You have a sock on... you have a leaf on your sock!\nNate: Got it?\nApril:Yeh I got it!\nNate: Here let's go stand in the Sun, be a little warmer.\nMargie: Hey, blowing me kisses!\nApril: Gonna say bye!\nMargie: I'll see ya... when you tell me when to come back.\nNate: There she goes.\nApril: Yeh there she goes!\nApril: See? Moving the car!\nNate: Yeh, it's taking a while.\nApril: There she goes!\nApril: Let me stand on concrete, OK?\nApril: You sit here, OK?\nNate: Wow, so loud!\nApril: I'm just saying bye.\nNate: I'll bet she can hear you\nApril: She can't hear me.\nApril: She can't hear me.\nNate: She can't hear you? You're just yelling for fun?\nApril: I'm just yelling this time.\nApril: No don't go home!\nNate: Does this sun feel good?\nApril: The sun feels good!\nApril: Daddy, dad has socks on?\nNate: I do. These are my Christmas socks\nNate: Yeh I got these for Christmas. Aga gave them to me.\nApril: Oh, two?\nNate: Really nice.\nApril: Don't go home yet.\nNate: You like it out here. Feel good?": 4, "white out survival is complex.\nit's games for free and my game version is 1.4.3\nwhite out survival game pros 1 - it's a nice game story\nwhite out survival game pros 2 - its game tutorial is good\nwhite out survival game pros 3 - is simple\nwhite out survival game pros 4 - its sound effect is great\nwhite out survival game cons: it requires patience\nplease hit the like button and subscribe betty's channel\nall games in their being are good for something.\ndears, please share my video and leave a comment.\nthanks to century games\ngame review details: is this game worth playing?\nyes. this game worth playing for 60 minutes.\ngame art design: 4 stars (of 5 stars).\n not bad ! i like white out survival.\ngame ideas: 3 stars (of 5 stars).\n keep up efforts for it ! white out survival.\ngame story: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the white out survival game story.\ngame control: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the white out survival game control.\ngame smoothness: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the white out survival game smoothness.\ngame music: 4 stars (of 5 stars).\n not bad ! i like white out survival.\nsound effect: 4 stars (of 5 stars).\n not bad ! i like white out survival.\ndegree of difficulty: i think this game is easy for you\ngame login: no need to log in to any account to play white out survival\nkaspersky security scan: great! white out survival is a safe game. no virus or trojan.\nnorton security scan: white out survival is a safe game. no virus or trojan.\nall copyright to century games\nthanks for your watching\nplease hit the like button\nand subscribe betty's channel\nbut turn off the notifications :)\nthank you !\nfind more videos by\n\"white out survival\" game: us secret games review iphone | century games\n us secret games review iphone\nwhite out survival apk\nwhite out survival app\nwhite out survival review\nwhite out survival ios\nwhite out survival mod apk\nwhite out survival tips and tric\nwhite out survival tips\n": 2, "I can't get rid of my pain Oh Allah\nEven my parents are not able to ease my pain O Allah\nPlease almighty Allah\nHelp me.... ease my pain\nI can't get rid of my pain Oh Allah\nOh Allah Oh Allah\nplease Allah give me guidance to the right path....Allah\nplease Allah give me strength during the dark days....Allah\nplease Allah give me guidance to the right path....Allah\nplease Allah give me strength during the dark days....Allah\nplease Allah distance satan away from us....Allah\nplease Allah keep all my friends safe and well....Allah\nplease Allah distance satan away from us....Allah\nplease Allah keep all my friends safe and well....Allah\nplease Allah help me hold on to my faith....Allah\nplease Allah give me what I need from good things....Allah\nplease Allah help me hold on to my faith....Allah\nplease Allah give me what I need from good things....Allah\nplease Allah keep me safe from trouble and pain....Allah\nplease Allah keep all my friends safe and well....Allah\nplease Allah keep me safe from trouble and pain\nplease Allah keep all my friends safe and well....Allah \nmay almighty Allah protect all of us from any harm ....Allah\nO almighty Allah I seek your support you are the sustainer of my soul....Allah\nmay almighty Allah protect all of us from any harm ....Allah\nO almighty Allah I seek your support you are the sustainer of my soul....Allah\nplease Allah keep me safe from trouble and pain....Allah\nplease Allah keep all my friends safe and well....Allah\nplease Allah keep me safe from trouble and pain....Allah\nplease Allah keep all my friends safe and well....Allah\n Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah\nI wish peace to be on us\nI wish peace among my loved ones\nI wish peace to be on us\nI wish peace between my loved ones\nIf anyone tries to harm them\nmay Allah protect them and let evil fail\nIf anyone tries to harm them\nmay Allah protect them and let evil fail\nAllah Allah Allah Allah\nI wish peace to be on us\nAllah Allah Allah Allah\n": 2, "We cover our eyes passing through the dark\nWe don't wanna fade away\nWe're always afraid we're gonna fall apart\nWaiting for the same mistakes\nLet's color the sky\nLet go of the pain for tonight\nLet's see what's behind the clouds\nRays of light that's what we are\nWe chase away the dark\nRays of light that's what we are\nOhhhhhhhh\nRays of light, that's what we are\nWe chase away the dark\nRays of light\nRays of light\nRays of light that's what we are\nOhhhhhhh\nOhhhhhhh\nYor're never alone you don't need to run\nIt is only just begun\n'Cause everytime you open up your heart\nYou get closer to the sun\nLet's color the sky\nLet go of the pain for tonight\nLet's see what's behind the clouds\nRays of the light that's what we are\nWe chase away the dark\nRays of the light that's what we are\nOhhhhhhh\nRays of the light thats what we are\nWe chase away the dark\nRays of the light\nRays of the light\nRays of the light that's what we are\nThat's what we are\nThat's what we are\nOhhhhhhhh\nOhhhhhhhh\nOhhhhhhhh\nOhhhhhhhh\nOhhhhhhhh\n": 1, "Assalamu Alaikum.welcome to student cooking.\nToday in student cooking we are making chicken peshawari kabab\nNote Down the ingredients of kabab.\n.CHICKEN MINCE = 750 GARAM (WITHOUT WATER)\n \n \n \n \n \n.ONION = 250 GARAM OR 4 - 5 MEDIUM SIZE (FINE CHOPPED)\n \n.MAKKI KA ATTA = 5 TBSP\n.TOMATOES = 4 MEDIUM( CUT INTO ROUND SLICE )\n.GARAM MASALA POWDER = 1-1/2 TSP\n.SALT = 1-1/2 TSP OR TO TASTE\n.RED CHILLI POWDER = 1-1/2 TSP OR TO TASTE\n \n \n.GINGER PASTE = 2 TBSP\n.GARLIC PASTE = 2 TBSP\n \n.CRUSHED WHOLE CORIANDER SEEDS = 2 TBSP\n.CRUSHED CUMIN SEEDS =2 TBSP\n.CRUSHED ANARDANA (DRIED POMEGRANATE SEEDS) = 2 TBSP\n \n \n \n \n \n.GHEE = 2 TBSP\n.EGG = 2\n.FRESH CORIANDER LEAVES = 1 BUNCH (FINE CHOPPED)\n.SMALL GREEN CHILLIES = 5- 6 ( FINE CHOPPED)\n \n \nLets start today cooking with BISMILLAH HIR RAHMAN NIR RAHEEM.\nIn a bowl add all ingredients.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nNow mix well until well combined.\nTake a mixture and make kebabs , press a round slice of tomato into the center of kabab\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nnow frying it into the ghee ,you can fry this kabab into the oil\n \nIn frying pan,heat up the ghee or oil and fry chapli kabab on medium low flame until done.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nNow chicken peshawari kabab or chapli kabab is ready to serve\n \n \n \n, serve this kabab with tandoori naan and rita\nTry this recipe and share your feedback in comment section .\nAnd don't forget to like , share , comment and subscribe to my youtube channel student cooking.\nRemember me in your prayer ,take care , ALLAH HAFIZ\n": 2, "No one can have it easily. \n You know that.\nSo it shines even brighter.\n(Don\u2019t look back. Get over the distance.)\nThe breathtaking hours of pain \nAre coming to an end.\nAll these things I kept so far away \nAre right in front of me.\nThose scary, heavy thoughts are behind me.\nAll I have to do is look ahead and run.\nWe just do it. \n We\u2019re sure we want it.\nFeeling completely confident.\nKeep on going.\nJust keep watching.\nThere\u2019s nothing we can\u2019t achieve.\n I\u2019ll show you a fantasy \nyou\u2019ve never seen before.\nTake a look. \n Now it\u2019s time to blaze.\n(Take my hand. I will never forget you.)\nIt\u2019s getting hotter;\nI\u2019m flying higher.\nI'll always be by your side.\nAll these incredible things I wanted endlessly\nAre spread out in front of me.\nThose scary, heavy thoughts are behind me.\nAll I have to do is look ahead and run.\nWe just do it. \n We\u2019re sure we want it.\nFeeling completely confident.\nKeep on going.\nJust keep watching.\nThere\u2019s nothing we can\u2019t achieve.\nEyes on me\nEyes on me \n yeah\nEyes on me\nEyes on me \n yeah\nHigher up\nHigher up \n yeah\nHigher up\nHigher up \n yeah\nWe just do it. \nWe\u2019re sure we want it.\nFeeling completely confident.\nKeep on going.\nJust keep watching.\nThere\u2019s nothing we can\u2019t achieve.\n": 3, "I'm not going\nI'm not going after\nI feel\nI'm not doing nothing\nI figure\nI figured\nI figured we\nI figured we were\nI figured we would\nI\nI figured\nI figured we\nI figured we would\nI figured we would used\nI figured we would who's\nI figured we would you suck\nI figured we would do some\nI figured we would new summer\nI figured we would do some music\nI figured we would do some let\nme see\nI figured we would do some music\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on the\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 honest\nI figured we would do some music\nsongs.\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on Steam\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on Steam.\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on\nI figured we would new summer\npremiere 6 on\nset\nset a\nsuch a\nsetting\nsettings\nsettings display\nsettings\nsettings display\nsettings display case or running\nsettings display case or\nsettings\nsettings displays running its\nreference\nsettings displays running its\nreference or\nsettings displays running its\nreference order\nsettings displays running its\nreference Orla\nsettings displays running its\nreference or less\nsettings displays running its\nreference orilissa\nsettings displays running its\nreference or listen\nsettings displays running its\nreference or this one\nsettings displays running its\nreference or less when\nsettings displays running its\nreference or less wind\nsettings displays running its\nreference borderless\nis a really good job this\nis a really good job I just\nis a really good job this\nis a really good job AR test\nAR test all right\nguys only\nguys always\nas always I\nguys always on\nguys always on a\nguys always out of breath\nguys always out of breath of\nguys always\nguys always out of breath\nguys always out of breath when\nguys always out of breath when\nevery logs\nI want to understand did it I\nunderstand you\nouch yeah it's a really janky\nused to do\nouch yeah it's a really janky\nused to do it myself\nguys always out of breath\nwhenever he logs in\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO we have\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO Jennifer\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO we have for\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO we have four.\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO prayer for Dale\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO we\nouch yeah it's a really janky\nused to do it myself\nin the car\nin the car now\nin the car make\nin the car maker\nin the car makers\nin the car\nthe carmaker's do\nthe carmaker's don't\nthe carmaker's don't care\nthe carmaker's\nthe carmaker's don't\nthe carmaker's don't care\nthe carmaker's don't care I just\nthe carmaker's don't care I just\nsee\nthe carmaker's don't care I just\nsee themselves\nexcuse me I did Rodger Zapp.\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin the\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin the day\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin the\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin the day\nexcuse me I did I just got back\nin the day with\nI just got back in the day with\nI just got back in the day with\nwhat's\nI just got back in the day with\nwhat's the\nI just got back in the day with\nsorry\nI just got back in the day with\nwhat's the ridge\nI just got back in the day with\nsyringe\nI just got back in the day with\nwhat's the reason\nI just got back in the day with\noriginal\nI just got back in the day with\nwas originally\nI just got back in the day with\noriginal Ninja\nI just got back in the day with\noriginal Nintendo\nI just got back in the day with\noriginal\nwe've seen some of those delays\nMO we have for\nthank\noh you\noh you know\noh you know I\noh you know what\noh you\noh you know\noh you know what\noh you know what something\ndifferent\noh you know what something so\ndifferent\noh you know what something so\ndifferent does\noh you know what something so\ndifferent is it\noh you know what something so\ndifferent does it\noh you know what something so\ndifferent is it me\noh you know what": 0, "belt\nbelt\nt-shirt\nt-shirt\nbra\nbra\njeans\njeans\nsuit\nsuit\nscarf\nscarf\nhoodie\nhoodie\ntie\ntie\nleather jacket\nleather jacket\npolo shirt\npolo shirt\nsunglasses\nsunglasses\nsweater\nsweater\ngloves\ngloves\nflip flops\nflip flops\nsocks\nsocks\ndress\ndress\ntrousers\ntrousers\nbow tie\nbow tie\nboxer shorts\nboxer shorts\nunderpants\nunderpants\nbathrobe\nbathrobe\nslippers\nslippers\nshirt\nshirt\ncollar\ncollar\nsleeve\nsleeve\nbutton\nbutton\nsandals\nsandals\nwallet\nwallet\nwatch\nwatch\nwaistcoat\nwaistcoat\numbrella\numbrella\nswimsuit\nswimsuit\nstraw hat\nstraw hat\ntank top\ntank top\nnecklace\nnecklace\njacket\njacket\nrubber boots\nrubber boots\nraincoat\nraincoat\ndenim shorts\ndenim shorts\nskirt\nskirt\nstockings\nstockings\ntights\ntights\nhigh heels\nhigh heels\nbobble hat\nbobble hat\near muffs\near muffs\nfleece jacket\nfleece jacket\npyjamas\npyjamas\ntrainers\ntrainers\nknickers\nknickers\nsleeveless shirt\nsleeveless shirt\ntracksuit\ntracksuit\ncardigan\ncardigan\nbikini\nbikini\nwedges\nwedges\nknee high boots\nknee high boots\nberet\nberet\nmittens\nmittens\nfootball boots\nfootball boots\nvisor\nvisor\nearrings\nearrings\nring\nring\ncanvas shoes\ncanvas shoes\npurse\npurse\nhandbag\nhandbag\nheadphones\nheadphones\nbriefcase\nbriefcase\ncomb\ncomb\nbackpack\nbackpack\nface mask\nface mask\nbaseball cap\nbaseball cap\nsports bra\nsports bra\nshoe horn\nshoe horn\nshoe stretcher\nshoe stretcher\nearphones\nearphones\nboots\nboots\ntrilby\ntrilby\nheadband\nheadband\nzipper\nzipper\nshoe laces\nshoe laces\nheel\nheel\nbum bag\nbum bag\nbracelet\nbracelet\nblack socks\nblack socks\nwhite socks\nwhite socks\ncargo pants\ncargo pants\ninsoles\ninsoles\ngum shield\ngum shield\nvest jacket\nvest jacket\ntowel\ntowel\nglasses\nglasses\ndenim skirt\ndenim skirt\ncowboy hat\ncowboy hat\neyelashes\neyelashes\noveralls\noveralls\nhigh visibility vest\nhigh visibility vest\nbeanie\nbeanie\nwalking stick\nwalking stick\nhandkerchief\nhandkerchief\ncufflinks\ncufflinks\n": 3, "Get squished by a rock,\nCarried off by a big angry hawk,\nChase a pheasant bird,\nAcross the path.\nFace Bloodclan and their\nterrible wrath.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nIt's cold out it the snow,\nThrown off the edge of the gorge.\nGet trapped under the ice,\nWound infections after getting rat bites.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nTry to fight dogs by yourself,\nFlattened while trying to save a mouse.\nCatch a cough that's green or white,\nGet struck down due to Starclan's might.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nAttack the sharptooth from above,\nSacrifice yourself for true love.\nWashed away taking a poo.\nI wonder...\nWhat these red berries do?\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nDumb ways to die,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nStuck inside the camp\nduring a forest fire...\nHave your evil plot\nup and expire...\nJump on a dog and then\ndrown in the river,\nSave your friend from badgers\nwhile defending her babies.\nGo down in smoke in a grandeur,\nThey may not rhyme,\nBut they're quiet possibly..\nDumbest ways to die,\nDumbest ways to die.\nDumbest ways to die,\nSo many dumb,\nSo many dumb ways to die.\nBe safe around Erin hunter,\nA message from concerned readers.\nDumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die. Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die.\n": 2, "David Bowie & Gail Ann \nDorsey - Under Pressure\nDavid Bowie & Gail Ann Dorsey - Live \nAt Rockpalast Loreley Festival In 1996\nBah, bah, bah\nBah, bah, bah, bah\nBah, bah, bah, bah\nPressure \nPushing down on me\nPressing down on \nyou, no man ask for\nUnder pressure, that \nburns a building down\nSplits a family in two\nPuts people on streets\nBah, bah, bah, bah\nBah, bah, bah, bah\nBah, bah, bah\nThat's o-kay\nIt's the terror of knowing\nWhat this world is about\nWatching some good friends\nscreaming `Let me out'\nPray tomorrow takes me higher\nPressure on people, people on streets\nDoh, doh, doh \nBah, bah, bah, bah\nO-kay\nChipping around, kick \nmy brains across the floor\nThese are the days it \nnever rains but it pours\nBah, bah, bah, bah\nBah, bah, bah, bah\nPeople on streets\nPeople on streets\nIt's the terror of knowing\nWhat this world is about\nWatching some good friends\nscreaming `Let me out'\nPray tomorrow takes me higher\nPressure on people, people on streets\nTurned away from it \nall, like a blind man\nSat on a fence but it don't work\nKeep coming up with love\nbut it's so slashed and torn\nWhy, why, why! \nWhy, why, why?!!!\nI love, love, love, love...\nInsanity laughs, under \npressure we're cracking\nCan't we give love one more chance\nWhy can't we give love\none more chance?\nWhy can't we give love, give love, \ngive love, give love, give love...\nCause love's such \nan old fashioned word\nAnd love dares you to care\nFor the people on \nthe edge of the night\nAnd love dares you \nto change our way of\nCaring about ourselves\nThis is our last dance\nThis is our last dance\nThis is ourselves\nUnder pressure\nUnder pressure\nPressure\nComposi\u00e7\u00e3o: David Bowie\n": 1, "Hello guys, welcome back to my channel, The temperature is very low today\nI will take you to visit a handmade steamed bun store\nHello guys, welcome to watch my channel, the temperature is very low today\nTake everyone to visit a handmade steamed bun specialty store\nHello guys, welcome to watch my channel, the temperature is very low today\nTake everyone to visit a handmade steamed bun specialty store\nThe production of meat buns and steamed buns starts at 5:00 every morning.\nThis store is located in Shuili Township, Nantou County, Taiwan\nThe owner of this store will light up the fire at 6:30 in the morning\nLet the water boil\nand continue to add wood \nthis is a traditional stove\nThe production of meat buns and steamed buns starts at 5:00 every morning\nThe store is located in Shuili Township, Nantou County, central Taiwan\nThe owner of this store lights the fire at 6:30 in the morning\nlet the water boil\nkeep adding wood\nThis is a traditional stove\nThe production of meat buns and steamed buns starts at 5:00 every morning\nThe store is located in Shuili Township, Nantou County, central Taiwan\nThe owner of this store lights the fire at 6:30 in the morning\nlet the water boil\nkeep adding wood\nThis is a traditional stove\nThis is one of the ingredients for vegetable buns (bean curd)\nIngredients for fried pork buns\nThis is Fucai (salted sauerkraut)\nThis is one of the raw materials of vegetable buns (bean curd)\nThis is Fucai (salted sauerkraut)\nThis is one of the raw materials of vegetable buns (bean curd)\nThis is Fucai (salted sauerkraut)\nwith a lot of Chopped green onion and pork\nput the dough into the fermentation box\nAdd a lot of chopped green onion and pork\nPut the dough in the fermentation box\nAdd a lot of chopped green onion and pork\nPut the dough in the fermentation box\nto make the vegetable buns\nMaking Vegetable Buns\nMaking Vegetable Buns\nThe aroma of Hakka vegetables and ground pork\nis tightly wrapped in the whole wheat dough\nThe aroma of Hakka dishes and ground pork\nTightly wrapped in a whole wheat crust\nThe aroma of Hakka dishes and ground pork\nTightly wrapped in a whole wheat crust\nand sent to the fermentation box\nAfter fermentation, it can be put into the steamer.\ninto the fermenter\ninto the fermenter\nThis steamer is the boss designed it\nhimself. It has a larger capacity than the traditional steamer\nThis steamer was designed by the boss himself\nVery design sense, larger capacity than traditional steamer\nThis steamer was designed by the boss himself\nVery design sense, larger capacity than traditional steamer\nAfter 50 minutes, the steamed\nbuns are cooked\nLift the steamer with an electric crane,\n40 minutes later\nThe buns are cooked\n40 minutes later\nThe buns are cooked\nopen the small slit to let the heat escape\nOpen the slit to let the heat escape\nOpen the slit to let the heat escape\n, and put the meat packs into the incubator. \nput the kimchi meat packs into the incubator\nVegetable packs are put into the incubator.\nBecause the filming time is the New Year holiday, there are many guests\nThe next video is the making process of steamed buns.\nPut the meat buns into the incubator\nPut the kimchi meat bag into the incubator\nSending the vegetable buns into the incubator\nBecause the filming time is the New Year holiday, there are many guests\nThe next video is the making process of steamed buns\nPut the meat buns into the incubator\nPut the kimchi meat bag into the incubator\nSending the vegetable buns into the incubator\nBecause the filming time is the New Year holiday, there are many guests\nThe next video is the making process of steamed buns\nThis is black sesame\nsteamed buns. Whole wheat dough is rolled into black sesame powder. Red bean\nand longan steamed buns\n Red bean dough is added with longan and\nwalnuts . Soft and rotten red beans are tightly combined with flour.\nWrap sweet dried longan and crispy\nBlack Sesame Mantou\nWhole wheat dough wrapped in black sesame powder\nRed Bean and Longan Mantou\nRed bean noodle with longan and walnut\nRed beans cooked until soft and rotten are tightly combined with flour\nPacked with sweet dried longa": 4, "hi i'm Lyndsay stone and this is my song called\nthe blaze that i am submitting to the npr\ntiny desk concert competition\ni'm gonna wait\ntill what comes in feels like it's mine\ntill what comes in is worth my time\ntill what comes in gives me as much\njust as much as it takes i'm gonna write\nfor the rest of the day and into the night\nplace my whole brain under the light\nand stay with the pain to let it take flight\ntake flight take flight\ncause it's not for me to let my life\nand it's not like me to let myself stay lost\nin a maze i'll only stand a chance if i can\nfind myself at peace in the blaze in the burning\nof who i thought i had to be\ni'm gonna love\nall the parts of me that i've tried to shove\nfar out of my reach\ncause my heart's dove\nand it cannot be free until i release this\nshame shamelessly cause it's not for me to\nlet my life pass in a haze and it's not like\nme to let myself stay lost in a maze I only\nstand a chance if i can find myself at peace\nin the blaze\nin the burning of who I thought I had to be\nand this is to the part who wants to figure\nit out this is to the part who'd rather live\nin doubt this is to the part who really wants\nto share and this is to the part who's really\nvery scared this is to the part who wants\nto be seen and this is to the part who doesn't\nwant anything this is to the part who wants\nto jump ahead and this is to the part who'd\nrather stay in bed\nhey\ni'm gonna wait\ntill what comes in feels like it's mine\nah\n": 3, " Prof Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\n Prof Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\nProf Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011_English Phonetics Archive\n Prof Jack Windsor Lewis gives his Final Lecture on UCL Summer Course in English Phonetics 2011.\n": 0, "- [Instructor] What we're\ngoing to do in this video\nis think about different ways\nto represent multiplication.\nAnd especially connect it to the notions\nof skip counting and the number line.\nSo if we were to think about\nwhat four times two means,\nwe've already seen in other videos,\nyou could view this as four groups of two.\nSo we could have four groups,\nso one group, two groups,\nthree groups, and four groups,\nand each of them have two of something.\nI'll just put two little circles here.\nSo you have two there,\nyou have two there,\nyou have two there,\nand you have two there,\nand you could also view that\nas four twos, or four twos added together.\nSo we could view it as two plus two\nplus two plus two.\nAnd this, of course, is going\nto be two plus two is four,\nfour plus two is six,\nsix plus two is eight.\nWe see that over here,\nwe could even skip count.\nTwo, four, six, eight.\nFour times two is equal to eight.\nWe can also think about\nthat on a number line.\nSo I'm gonna make a little\nbit of a number line here.\nAnd so we could imagine four\ntimes two being, all right.\nSo this is one times two,\ntwo times two,\nthree times two,\nand four times two.\nSo we started at zero,\nand we took four hops of\ntwo along the number line\nto end up at eight.\nWe went from zero to\ntwo, four, six, eight.\nWe just skip counted our way to eight.\nSo if I were to ask a\nsimilar question, actually,\nlet me draw a little series of hops,\nand I want you to think\nabout it the other way.\nWhat multiplication does that represent?\nSo let's say I start here\nand then I'm going to hop like this.\nSo I'm gonna go there\nand then I'm gonna go there.\nI'm taking equal jumps every time.\nThen I'm gonna go there.\nThen I'm gonna go there.\nThen I'm going to go over there.\nSo what would that represent,\nif we used the same type of ideas\nthat we just thought about?\nWell I went from zero to\nfour, eight, 12, 16, 20.\nI'm skip counting by four.\nSo you could imagine this is\nprobably something times four.\nNow how many hops did I take?\nI took one, two, three,\nfour, five hops of four.\nSo this is five times four.\nAnd we can see that we ended up at 20.\nWe could also view this\nas being the same thing\nas five fours or four plus four plus four\nplus four plus four, and\nyou see that over here.\nYou have, we're starting\nat zero, we're adding four,\nthen another four, then another four,\nthen another four, and another four.\nWe have five fours here.\nLet's do one more.\nSo I'm gonna have a number line here\nand think about what it would mean\nto say, do something like\nseven times three, times three.\nWell, we could view that\nas seven hops of three\nstarting at zero, seven equal hops.\nSo one,\ntwo,\nthree,\nfour,\nfive,\nsix, and seven.\nWe end up at 21, so this is equal to 21.\nYou could also view this\nas we took seven threes\nand added them together.\nAnd you could also view\nit as skip counting.\nYou went from zero to\nthree, six, nine, 12,\n15, 18, and 21.\nNow just out of interest,\nwhat if we went the other way around?\nWhat if we were to take\nthree hops of seven?\nWhat would that be?\nWell, we would start here\nand so we would take our first hop\nof seven right over there.\nGet to seven, then if we\ntake another hop of seven,\nwe get to 14,\nand then if we take another hop of seven,\nwe get to 21, interesting.\nAt least for this situation,\nwhether we took seven hops of three\nor three hops of seven, we\ngot to the exact same value.\nI encourage you to think about\nwhether that's always going\nto be the case.\nI'll see you in a future video.\n": 4, "She ain't got no papers, she got a belly and it's swellin' up her ankles\nShe had no idea four months ago when she left Costa Rica\nHer boyfriend used to beat her. She said, \"hit me one more time and I'm packing up my shit\"\nOh, he didn't believe her. With a black eye she went out to find her escape\nOoh (oh no) she ain't coming back. She gave all her money to a man, a coyote in a van\nBut she had been lied to.\nThey said a van to a boat, a boat to a car\na car to a plane and a plane to the stars\nBut it was mostly on foot through the rivers (oye!)\nAnd it was mostly with God in the deserts (oye!)\nIt was like nothing they'd promised. Shut up or there's violence\nOoh (oh no) she ain't coming back. She gave all her money to a man, a coyote in a van\nShe ain't comin', she, she, she ain't comin'\nShe ain't comin, she, she\nDid she make it here, oh we'll never know\nIf she's livin' here, yeah she's livin' low\nAnd if you ask me if I've seen her\nI'll say no 'cause blood's thicker than la Migra.\nDo you know how hard it's gotta be\nIf you'd rather risk the chance of leaving clothes on trees\nAnd if you still find it hard to see\nJust think for a minute:\nIf you didn't have your freedom, what would you do to get it?\n(ooh, oh no) She ain't comin' back. She gave all her money to a man, a coyote in a van.\n(ooh, oh no) She ain't comin' back. She gave all her money to a man, a coyote in a van.\nShe ain't comin', she, she, she ain't comin'\nShe ain't comin'\nShe ain't comin' back, no\n(she ain't comin', she, she, she ain't comin')\nNo, no\n(she ain't comin')\nShe ain't comin' back. No, no\n(she, she, she ain't comin')\nOoh... she ain't comin' back, no, no\n(she, she, she ain't comin', she ain't comin')\nShe ain't comin' back\n": 2, "When rounding to a certain place value,\nFind the rounding place, then continue to\nLook at the number to the right; man, you don\u2019t need luck.\nIf the digit\u2019s five or more, then round up.\nIf the digit\u2019s less than five, then round down.\nThat\u2019s how the rounded number is found.\nWhen rounding up, the rounding place goes up by one.\nWhen rounding down, it stays where it had begun.\nThe numbers to the right of the rounded digit\nGet changed to zeros; then it\u2019s legit.\nWhen you need to find out an approximate amount,\nRounding gives you numbers that are easy to count!\nWhen you need to find out an approximate amount,\nRounding gives you numbers that are easy to count!\nWhen rounding to a certain place value,\nFind the rounding place, and then continue...\nLook at the number to the right, man, you don't need luck.\nIf the digits 5 or more, then you round up.\nIf the digits less than 5, then you round down.\nThat's how the rounded number is found.\nWhen rounding up, the rounding place goes up by one.\nWhen rounding down, it stays where it had begun.\nThe numbers to the right of the rounded digit\nGet changed to zeros, then it's legit.\nWhen you need to find out an approximate amount,\nRounding gives you numbers that are easy to count!\nWhen you need to find out an approximate amount,\nRounding gives you numbers that are easy to count!\nHere\u2019s a trick to use... to help you choose\nWhere the digit to the right tells you to move.\nDraw zero to ten on a hill, with five on top.\nA car drives until it comes to a stop\nIf it\u2019s five or more, it moves forwards.\nIf it\u2019s one through four, it moves backwards\nForward rounds up; backward rounds down;\nJust a little trick to help you round!\nWhen you need to find out an approximate amount,\nRounding gives you numbers that are easy to count!\nWhen you need to find out an approximate amount,\nRounding gives you numbers that are easy to count!\n": 4, "What's up? Are you next?\nYou next?\nCome on. Come sing.\n- Come on.\n- Which song?\nDepends. What kind of music do you like?\nEnrique Iglesias.\n \nEnrique Iglesias.\nAkon.\n- Great artist. Great artist.\n- I'm from India...\n- I'm just traveling here.\n \n- I'm just traveling here.\n- Awesome. Welcome.\nUm, which state are you from?\n- Deli.\n \n- Deli.\n- Deli. Awesome, awesome.\nSo, how are you liking New York so far?\nIt's amazing.\n \nIt's amazing.\nNew York's been amazing, yeah.\nThis is the City of Dreams, I mean.\nIt's true.\nYeah. I mean, like, New York...\nI want to stay here for,\nfor a while, but...\nit's just two days more.\n- Oh. Okay, you have 2 days left.\n- Ah, yeah.\nSo, do you have plans for the two days?\nYeah, I gotta visit all the city.\nYeah, it's -- I mean, like, it's huge.\nI've just covered a part of it.\n- That's true. That's true. \n- Yeah.\nDo you speak Hindi?\nHindi is my mother language, Yeah.\nMother tongue, Yeah.\nSo, is that the major language in Delhi?\n- Yeah, Delhi.\n- Okay.\nIn India, Hindi, yeah.\nYou can do an Indian song if you want.\nIndian song?\nI can figure out how to play it, or...\nyou can do an Enrique Iglesias' song.\n \nyou can do an Enrique Iglesias' song.\nWhatever you want.\n- Hindi song you can play?\n \n- Hindi song you can play?\n- I'll try my best.\nI'll listen to it and I'll figure it out.\n- Yeah.\n- Alright.\nI'll give you a song.\nMaybe -- I won't be able to sing that well,\nbut, yeah, I'll try to.\nCool. Let's, let's do it.\n- Oh, what's your name?\n \n- Oh, what's your name?\n- Laksh.\n- Laksh?\n- Laksh?\n- Yes.\nNice to meet you, Laksh.\nNice to meet you. What's your name?\nMy name is Reggie.\n- Reggie?\n- Yes.\nGood name!\nThis is a bit fast.\nYou will be loving the acoustic.\nUh-huh.\n[Cell Phone Speaker]\n[Neele Neele Ambar Par - Indian Song]\nI know this song.\nYeah, you got it!\nWow. What a dream!\n[Both laugh]\n- Who is it by?\n- Who is it by?\n- Kishore Kumar.\n- Oh, Kishore Kumar, the legend.\n- Oh, Kishore Kumar, the legend.\n- The legend Kishore Kumar, yeah.\nThe legend of Bollywood. Yeah.\n[Music]\n- I'll be sending it on Instagram.\n \n- I'll be sending it on Instagram.\n- There you go.\nEverybody is going to see it.\nEverybody's going to comment and be like,\n \nEverybody's going to comment and be like,\n\"Yeah, singing out in New York!\"\nAwesome. Awesome.\nOkay, what --\nOkay, what is the person's name?\n- Saki.\n \n- Saki.\n- Saki. Awesome.\nWell, I hope Saki likes it.\nYeah, I hope, too.\n[Both laugh]\nGreat, man.\nThank you, thank you!\n- Great. I love you, man!\n- You too, bro.\nThat was cool, man.\nThat was cool. He was great.\nHe's great. He's great.\nWho's next?\nThank you so much for watching!\nClick here to watch the next video!\nClick here to check out some AWESOME Ovation Guitars!\n": 3, "Can\u2019t keep track of what day it is\nBut that\u2019s the least of my worries\nI feel powerless, real hopeless\nand all I can think\nIs at least I\u2019m not, at least I'm not\nat least I'm not alone in this\nI try to stay away from too much news\nI try to stay away from looking at the numbers\nI feel anxiousness\nwith some numbness\nand all I can think\nIs at least I\u2019m not\nat least I'm not\nat least I'm not alone in this\nAnd after this we will hug a little more\nAnd because of this we'll say I love you a little more\nBut while we\u2019re in this\nthe fear creeps in\na whole lot more\nBut because of this we\u2019ll learn,\nbecause of this we'll have to\nNo one knows what the next day brings\nWish I could say I wasn\u2019t frightened\nBut with this fear, we\u2019re feeling here\nall I can think\nis the changes that we need are clear\nAnd after this we will hug a little more\nAnd because of this we'll say I love you a little more\nBut while we\u2019re in this the fear creeps in\na whole lot more\nBut because of this we\u2019ll learn,\nbecause of this we'll learn\nbecause of this we'll learn\nbecause of this we'll have to\nAnd I don\u2019t want to get preachy or political\nBut I think we should help each other a little more\nI think greed has left us down a road\nWhere we forget what\u2019s important\nwe forget\nAnd after this we'll hug a little more\nand because of this we'll say I love you a little more\nBut while we\u2019re in this the fear creeps in\na whole lot more\nBut because of this we\u2019ll learn\nbecause of this we'll learn\nbecause of this we'll learn\nbecause of this we'll learn\nbecause of this we'll learn\nbecause of this we'll have to\n": 3, "Angels from the realms of glory\nWing your flight o\u2019er all the earth\nYe who sang creation\u2019s story\nNow proclaim Messiah\u2019s birth\nGloria \nGloria \nGloria in excelsis Deo\nGloria in excelsis Deo\nGloria\nGloria \nGloria \nGloria \nSaints before the alter bending \nWatching on in hope and fear \nSuddenly the Lord descending \nIn his temple shall appear \nThough an infant now we view him\nHe shall fill his Father\u2019s throne\nGather all the nations to him\nEvery knee shall then bow down \nGloria in excelsis Deo \nGloria in excelsis Deo \nGloria \nMerry Christmas Everyone. Steven Sharp Nelson Here representing The Piano Guys\nWe wanted to take a minute and express our gratitude for everyone involved\nin this project and All the YouTubers that brought their talent in this thing to make it possible\nYou got to watch this video over here its called Share the Gift\nIts what all of this project has been about\nand for us the christmas season is so special\nWe believe that the purpose of life is to be happy\nand for us in our own lives\nThat happiness comes from following the teachings of Jesus Christ\nHolding family extra close\nAnd loving others more than ourselves. It's not easy\nBut,It's so worth it. And Christmas so beautifully brings all of these three things together.\nSo, got out an make someone else's Christmas season extra special\nBy doing something anonymous for someone in need, do what ever it is\nthat you feel that you want to share the gift of christmas\nMerry Christmas\n": 4, "Let's dance\nStop to fight\nWe do the paradigm shift tonight\nYeah, it's a natural drift alright\nAnd it's coming up out of the blur\nOut of your mind from deep below\nThe hidden harmonies discover\nChaos which means order\nEvolution's not a model of yours\nFor quietness is stronger than motion\nand silence is stronger than sound\nWe're listening to the tone which is not played\nNothing is what we want\nQuietness is stronger than motion\nSilence is stronger than sound\nNothing is what we get\nBut the holistic movement of all\nYes!\nThat is the way\nDo you hear the river flow?\n(Do you hear it?)\nYes!\nDo you hear it flow\nYou talked yourself into wrong questions\nYou don't care about the answers\nYou let the others be the good ones\nYou're part of the death-bringing system\nThere is no place where you can hide\nStop chasing the wrong\nGods of time\nStop chasing the wrong\nGods of time\nStop chasing the wrong\nGods of time\nChasing the wrong\nGods of time\nChasing\nWrong Gods of time\nRunning out of time\nRunning out of time\nRunning out of time\nTime kills!\nYou're lowering hopes.. much too much\nYou get into the grind much too much\nAnd losing faith in your abilities\nThe loyalty to your beloved system\nOf belief must surrender\nTo chaos which means order\nEvolution's not a model of yours\nFor quietness is stronger than motion\nSilence is stronger than sound\nListen to the tone which is not played\nNothing is what we want\nQuietness is stronger than motion\nSilence is stronger than sound\nNothing is what we get\nBut the holistic movement of all\nYes\nThat is the way\nYes\nThat is the way\nDo you hear the river flow?\nDo you hear the river flow?\nDo you hear it flow?\nDo you hear it?\n(Hear it, hear it?)\n": 2, "Kick in the door Waving the coco\npapkonina chaenggyeo kkyeodeul saenggak malgo\nI talk that talk Runways I walk walk\nnun gamgo pop pop an bwado cheok\nOne by one then Two by two\nnae sonkkeut tuk hanae da muneojineun jung\ngajja syo chigon hwaryeohaetji\nMakes no sense\nYou couldn\u2019t get a dollar outta me\nja oneul bamiya nan dogeul pumeun kkot\nne honeul ppaeaseun daeum\nLook what you made us do\ncheoncheonhi neol jamjaeul FIRE janinhal mankeum areumdawo\nI bring the pain like\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nGet \u2018em, get \u2018em, get \u2018em\nStraight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa\nStraight to ya dome like ah ah ah\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nGet \u2018em, get \u2018em, get \u2018em\nStraight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa\nStraight to ya dome like ah ah ah\nBlack paint and ammo, got bodies like Rambo\nRest in peace, please light up a candle\nThis da life of a vandal,\nmasked up and I\u2019m still in Celine\nDesigner crimes or it wouldn\u2019t be me\nDiamonds shinin\u2019 drive in silence\nI don\u2019t mind it I\u2019m ridin\u2019\nFlyin\u2019 private side by side with da\npilot Up in the sky\nAnd I\u2019m wildin\u2019, stylin\u2019 on them\nand there\u2019s no chance\nCuz we got bodies on bodies\nlike this a slow dance\nja oneul bamiya nan dogeul pumeun kkot\nne honeul ppaeaseun daeum\nLook what you made us do\ncheoncheonhi neol jamjaeul FIRE janinhal mankeum areumdawo\nI bring the pain like\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nThis that pink venom\nGet \u2018em, get \u2018em, get \u2018em\nStraight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa\nStraight to ya dome like ah ah ah\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nTaste that pink venom\nGet \u2018em, get \u2018em, get \u2018em\nStraight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa\nStraight to ya dome like ah ah ah\nwonhandamyeon provoke us\ngamdang mothae and you know this\nimi peojyeobeorin shot that potion\nne nunapeun pingkeubit ocean\nCome and give me all the smoke\ndo animyeon mo like I\u2019m so rock and roll\nCome and give me all the smoke\nda jul sewo bwa ja STOP DROP\nI bring the pain like\nLa tatata La tatata La tatata La tatata\nLa tatata La tatata\nStraight to ya\nStraight to ya\nStraight to ya dome like\nLa tatata La tatata La tatata La tatata\nLa tatata La tatata\nI bring the pain like\n": 1, "Transcriber: Truong Pham Xuan Mai B2013944\nReviewer: David DeRuwe\n(Piano music)\n(Singing: Rise Up)\nYou\u2019re broken down and tired\nOf living life on a merry-go-round\nYou can\u2019t find a fighter\nI see it in you\nWe gonna walk it out\nAnd move mountains\nAnd move mountains\nAnd I\u2019ll rise up\nHigh like the day\nI\u2019ll rise up\nRise unafraid\nI\u2019ll rise up\nAnd I\u2019ll do it a thousand times again\nAnd I\u2019ll rise up\nRise like the waves\nl rise up\nRise unafraid\nI rise up\nAnd I do it a thousand times again\nFor you\nFor you\nYou-uh-ooh\nYou-ooh\nWhen the silence isn\u2019t quiet\nAnd it feels like \nit\u2019s getting hard to breathe\nAnd I know you feel like dying-eh-eh-eh\nBut I promise we\u2019ll take\nthe world to its feet\nAnd move mountains\nTake it to its feet\nAnd move mountains\nAnd I\u2019ll rise up\nHigh like the day\nI\u2019ll rise up\nRise unafraid\nI\u2019ll rise up\nAnd I\u2019ll do it a thousand times again\nFor you-ooh\nFor you-oh-hoo\nFor you-oh-huh-huh\nYou-ooh\nAll we need\nAll we need is hope\nAnd for that we have each other\nAnd for that have each other\nWe will rise\nWe will rise\nWe will rise oh\nWe will rise\nAnd I rise\nHigh like the day\nI rise up\nIn spite of the ache\nI will rise up again\nAnd we\u2019ll rise up\nHigh like the day\nWe\u2019ll rise up\nRise unafraid\nWe\u2019ll rise up\nAnd we\u2019ll do it a thousand times again\nFor you-huh\nYou-uh-ooh\nYou\nYou-ooh\nOh-oh-oh yeah\n(Music ends)\nThank you!\n(Applause)\n": 1, "Hallelujah [lyric video]\nJeff Buckley\nwell I heard there was\na secret chord\nthat David played\nand it pleased the Lord\nbut you don't really\ncare for music, do ya?\nwell it goes like this:\nthe fourth, the fifth\nthe minor fall\nand the major lift\nthe baffled King composing\nHallelujah\nHallelujah [x4]\nwell your faith was strong\nbut you needed proof\nyou saw her bathing, on the roof\nher beauty, and the moonlight, overthrew you\nwell she tied you to her kitchen chair\nand she broke your throne\nand she cut your hair\nand from your lips\nshe drew the Hallelujah\nHallelujah [x4]\nwell baby, I've been here before\nI've seen this room\nand I've walked this floor\nyou know, I used to live alone\nbefore I knew ya\nand I've seen your flag\non the marble arch\nand love is not a victory march\nit's a cold, and it's a broken, Hallelujah\nHallelujah [x4]\nwell there was a time\nwhen you let me know\nwhat's really, going on below\nbut now you never show\nthat to me, do you?\nbut remember when, I moved in you\nand the holy dove, was moving too\nand every breath we drew\nwas Hallelujah\nHallelujah [x4]\nwell maybe there is a God above\nbut all I've ever learned from love\nwas how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya\nand it's not a cry\nthat you hear at night\nit's not somebody\nwho's seen the light\nit's a cold, and it's a broken, Hallelujah\nHallelujah [x4]\nHallelujah [x4]\nHallelujah [x4]\nHallelujah\n": 3, "Hello, welcome to NETVN channel\nYou have a broken screen android phone, you can turn it into an ip camera and access it from anywhere.\nCurrently I have a Samsung android phone with a broken screen\nTo make it an ip camera I install BabyCam app for it\nThis app is made for parents to monitor their young children from afar, but you can use it to turn a phone into a security camera.\nThis app is made for parents to monitor their young children from afar, but you can use it to turn a phone into a security camera.\nIt not only captures videos, but also records sounds or plays music for children\nAfter installing the BabyCam app you open it up\nIt will ask to access camera and microphone of android phone\nAnd this is the address for you to remotely access the camera of your android phone\nBut it is only accessible within your local network\nIn the next part of the video I will show you how to access your android phone's camera over the internet\nOn a Windows 11 PC I open any web browser and access the camera of the target phone using ip address and port 8080\nOn a Windows 11 PC I open any web browser and access the camera of the target phone using ip address and port 8080\nSo from my Windows computer I can access the camera of my android phone\nSo from my Windows computer I can access the camera of my android phone\nSo from my Windows computer I can access the camera of my android phone\nAlso you can take a photo or save a video if you want\nAs mentioned I want to access my android phone via internet so I use a vpn service called tailscale\nAs mentioned I want to access my android phone via internet so I use a vpn service called tailscale\nYou just need to sign up for a free account to create a virtual private network with tailscale\nI created a new tailscale account with my Gmail account\nThen I downloaded the vpn client and installed it on my Windows 11 computer\nThe tailscale client helps Windows 11 computers connect to a virtual private network\nWindows 11 computers join a virtual private network with a Gmail account\nSo the Windows computer has successfully joined the vpn network\nBack to the broken screen android phone\nYou set up this phone to join the vpn network by installing the Tailscale application\nWhile waiting for the app to install, you can check out the t-shirt designs below the video and choose one for yourself\nOr click like and subscribe to the channel\nAfter I finished installing the Tailscale app, I logged in using the same account on my Windows computer\nSo both android phone and Windows computer share the same virtual private network\nAnd this is the ip address of the android phone, so I have completed the virtual private network setup\nNow I open BabyCam app on my android phone\nYou will see two ip addresses appear on the BabyCam application and you can access it from within the local network or access over the internet using a virtual private network\nYou will see two ip addresses appear on the BabyCam application and you can access it from within the local network or access over the internet using a virtual private network\nAnd here is the ip address and port you use for remote access using vpn\nYou can use port 8080 or 6060\nBack on my Windows computer I copied and pasted the android phone's ip address assigned by the vpn network to access the ip camera over the internet\nBack on my Windows computer I copied and pasted the android phone's ip address assigned by the vpn network to access the ip camera over the internet\nWith tailscale virtual private network you can access to android phone over internet\nAnd here is the result, I turned my broken screen android phone into ip camera and access from anywhere\nYou can also access this camera ip from another phone\nHere I add an iphone to this virtual private network for remote access to ip camera\nThis iphone has tailscale application installed and has joined the same virtual private network as the android ip camera\nThis iphone has tailscale application installed and has joined the same virtual private network as the android ip camera\nFrom my iphone I access the camera ip using tailscale virtua": 3, "in this video we're going to start the CUDA\u00a0\nsoftware infinite algebra one free worksheet\u00a0\u00a0\nusing the quadratic formula and this is going to\u00a0\nbe using the quadratic formula to solve quadratic\u00a0\u00a0\nequations quickly let's go over the quadratic\u00a0\nformula well we know that a quadratic equation\u00a0\u00a0\nis in the form of ax squared plus BX plus C and\u00a0\nwhen that's equal to 0 we can use the quadratic\u00a0\u00a0\nformula to solve for our variable X and now here's\u00a0\nthe quadratic formula for solving for x x equals\u00a0\u00a0\nthe opposite of B so negative B plus or minus\u00a0\nthe square root of B squared minus 4 times a\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes C so that's the square root of the quantity\u00a0\nB squared minus 4ac all over 2 times a so again\u00a0\u00a0\nthe opposite of B plus or minus the square root of\u00a0\nb squared minus 4ac all over 2a and it's important\u00a0\u00a0\nto note that because this is plus or minus the\u00a0\nmajority of the time we will get two separate\u00a0\u00a0\nanswers when solving for x so knowing this let's\u00a0\nlook at number one and number one our variable is\u00a0\u00a0\nM but we can say that a is equal to one since one\u00a0\ntimes M squared equals M Squared B is a negative\u00a0\u00a0\nfive since the five is subtracted and C is a\u00a0\nnegative 14 since the 14 is subtracted we're\u00a0\u00a0\nadding B X and adding C so if we're subtracting\u00a0\nB and subtracting C then they're going to be\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative in our formula now we're just going to\u00a0\nplug in and solve so M is our variable so that's\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to be equal to the opposite of B so the\u00a0\nopposite of negative 5 plus or minus the square\u00a0\u00a0\nroot of B squared negative 5 squared minus 4 times\u00a0\na which is 1 times C which is negative 14 all over\u00a0\u00a0\n2 times a which is 2 times 1 now I'm going to\u00a0\nsimplify this so we have the opposite of negative\u00a0\u00a0\nfive and the opposite of a negative is a positive\u00a0\nso we'll have 5 plus or minus the square root of\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 5 squared is negative 5 times negative 5\u00a0\nwhich is 25 and we're subtracting 4 times a times\u00a0\u00a0\nC so 4 times 1 times negative 14 is going to be\u00a0\nnegative 56 but if we're subtracting a negative\u00a0\u00a0\n56 that's the same as adding a positive 56 and\u00a0\nthat's all over 2 times 1 which is 2 simplifying\u00a0\u00a0\nfurther we'll have 5 plus or minus the square\u00a0\nroot of 25 plus 56 which is the square root of\u00a0\u00a0\n81 and that's all over 2 simplifying even further\u00a0\nwe'll have 5 plus or minus the square root of 81\u00a0\u00a0\nis 9 and that's all over positive 2 so we'll\u00a0\nhave 5 plus 9 over 2 and 5 minus 9 over 2 so\u00a0\u00a0\nlet me write out each of those solutions and then\u00a0\nwe'll simplify them individually so we have 5 plus\u00a0\u00a0\n9 over 2 and we also have 5 minus 9 over 2 5 plus\u00a0\n9 over 2 is going to be 14 over 2 5 minus 9 over\u00a0\u00a0\n2 is going to be negative 4 over 2 14 divided\u00a0\nby 2 is 7 and negative 4 over 2 is a negative\u00a0\u00a0\n2 so you can see that 7 and negative 2 are my\u00a0\nsolutions for number 1 and I'll write them in\u00a0\u00a0\nset notation so in order to solve this M equals\u00a0\n7 and M equals negative 2 when we plug in 7 and\u00a0\u00a0\nnegative 2 in for M we will get 0 when the math\u00a0\nis worked out so let's continue on to number two\u00a0\u00a0\nand number two a is a positive one B is going to\u00a0\nbe a negative 4 and that's the B in our formula\u00a0\u00a0\nnot the B within our quadratic equation and then C\u00a0\nis a positive 4 so remember the opposite of B plus\u00a0\u00a0\nor minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac\u00a0\nsee all over two times a if that gets confusing\u00a0\u00a0\nrefer back to your formula but a helpful hint is\u00a0\nthat whenever you're writing it out just say it\u00a0\u00a0\nto yourself all in one step the opposite of B\u00a0\nplus or minus the square root of the quantity\u00a0\u00a0\nb squared minus 4ac all over 2a and just each\u00a0\ntime you say it it'll help with remembering it\u00a0\u00a0\nso we have the opposite of B so the opposite\u00a0\nof negative 4 plus or minus the square root\u00a0\u00a0\nof the quantity B squared so negative 4 squared\u00a0\nminus 4 times a so 4 times 1 times C which is 4\u00a0\u00a0\nall over 2 times a 2 times 1 so the opposite of\u00a0\nnegative 4 is positive 4 and we'll have plus or\u00a0\u00a0\nminus the square root negative 4 squared is\u00a0\n16 minus 4 times 1 times 4 is 16 and that's\u00a0\u00a0\nall over 2 times 1 which is 2 now simplifying\u00a0\nfurther we'll have 4 plus or minus the square\u00a0\u00a0\nroot of 16 minus 16 is 0 all over 2 but note that\u00a0\nthe": 4, "Hello everyone.\nThis is Pedro Mustard.\nAnd it's time for a needy song.\nThis one is called: 'By Your Side'.\nAnd it goes like this...\nYou tell me you're horny, and then you tell me you're sorry.\nIt's ok, you know, dear. I'll be here 'till our hug breaks.\n'Cuz I, I do love you, and I truly need you.\nGuess that's all I know.\nYes. that's all we know.\nInside of every smile, inside of every tear I drop\nyou know that I'll be there, giving my whole heart.\nInside of every smile, inside of every blink of my eyes.\nI'll be better if you show me love once in a while.\nOh, love\nOh, love\nOh, lo-ove!\nOf course I'm the stupid. Well, of course I'm the blind!\nI give the purest love to the unkindest one.\nIt would be really good, it would be celestial...\nIf you could only know what I really want in life:\nYour hugs and love words with the most amazing kiss at night.\nYour breathe and arms against my neck and all the bed sheets around.\nYour pretty lips pronouncing words like 'I love you so bad!'.\nYour will to be here, loving the ---- that never lets you down.\nMy heart.\nMy heart!\nDon't you really wanna make me feel alright these days and nights?\nDon't you really wanna take me higher than the skies and clouds?\nDon't you really wanna make me feel a bit ashamed sometimes?\nCome on. Make me feel!\nDon't you really wanna make me feel alright these days and nights?\nDon't you really wanna take me higher than the skies and clouds?\nDon't you really wanna make me feel ashamed sometimes?\nDon't you really wanna keep me by your side?!\nOh, love\nOh, love!\nHoney...\nI'm so tired of singing your 'Larala larala la-la'.\n": 2, "Top 31 University from all over the world has\u00a0\njoined the USM (United States of Mars) Metaverse.\nRadio Caca USM wants to return the Metaverse to\u00a0\npeople by partnering with University students.\n1. Cambridge University\n2. University of Southern California\n3 The University of Texas at Austin\n4. University of California San Diego\nTop 31 University from all over the world has\u00a0\njoined the USM (United States of Mars) Metaverse.\nRadio Caca USM wants to return the Metaverse to\u00a0\npeople by partnering with University students.\n1. Cambridge University\n2. University of Southern California\n3 The University of Texas at Austin\n4. University of California San Diego\nTop 31 University from all over the world has\u00a0\njoined the USM (United States of Mars) Metaverse.\nRadio Caca USM wants to return the Metaverse to\u00a0\npeople by partnering with University students.\n1. Cambridge University\n2. University of Southern California\n3 The University of Texas at Austin\n4. University of California San Diego\n5. University of California Irvine\n6. Istanbul Technical University\n7. Middle East Technical University (METU)\n8. The London School of\u00a0\nEconomics and Political Science\u00a0\u00a0\n9. University College London\u00a0\n10. Imperial College London\n11. Bilkent University\n12. Silpakorn University (ICT)\n13 Rangsit University (DIT)\n5. University of California Irvine\n6. Istanbul Technical University\n7. Middle East Technical University (METU)\n8. The London School of\u00a0\nEconomics and Political Science\u00a0\u00a0\n9. University College London\u00a0\n10. Imperial College London\n11. Bilkent University\n12. Silpakorn University (ICT)\n13 Rangsit University (DIT)\n5. University of California Irvine\n6. Istanbul Technical University\n7. Middle East Technical University (METU)\n8. The London School of\u00a0\nEconomics and Political Science\u00a0\u00a0\n9. University College London\u00a0\n10. Imperial College London\n11. Bilkent University\n12. Silpakorn University (ICT)\n13 Rangsit University (DIT)\n14 King Mongkut\u2019s University\u00a0\nof Technology Thonburi\u00a0\u00a0\n15. Princeton Blockchain Society\n16. Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society)\n17. University of Nigeria\n18 National Institute of Technology\u00a0\n+ India Institutes of Technology\u00a0\u00a0\n19. Hacettepe University\n14 King Mongkut\u2019s University\u00a0\nof Technology Thonburi\u00a0\u00a0\n15. Princeton Blockchain Society\n16. Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society)\n17. University of Nigeria\n18 National Institute of Technology\u00a0\n+ India Institutes of Technology\u00a0\u00a0\n19. Hacettepe University\n14 King Mongkut\u2019s University\u00a0\nof Technology Thonburi\u00a0\u00a0\n15. Princeton Blockchain Society\n16. Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society)\n17. University of Nigeria\n18 National Institute of Technology\u00a0\n+ India Institutes of Technology\u00a0\u00a0\n19. Hacettepe University\n20. Purdue University\n21. \u00c7ankaya University\n22. Arizona State University\n23. Dhurakij Pundit University\n24. Uludag University\n25. Nnamdi Azikiwe University\u00a0\u00a0\n26 University of Benin\n20. Purdue University\n21. \u00c7ankaya University\n22. Arizona State University\n23. Dhurakij Pundit University\n24. Uludag University\n25. Nnamdi Azikiwe University\u00a0\u00a0\n26 University of Benin\n20. Purdue University\n21. \u00c7ankaya University\n22. Arizona State University\n23. Dhurakij Pundit University\n24. Uludag University\n25. Nnamdi Azikiwe University\u00a0\u00a0\n26 University of Benin\ndedicated exclusively to academic research\u00a0\nand aimed at promoting science and knowledge,\u00a0\u00a0\nuniting research in the physical world with\u00a0\nresearch and development in the metaverse.The\u00a0\u00a0\nUniversity Hall will be open at Kiss State (Land ID: 393332).\u00a0\u00a0\nThe new space in the metaverse is already\u00a0\nborn with a partnership with the largest\u00a0\u00a0\npublic university in Latin America Universidade\u00a0\nde S\u00e3o Paulo (USP) and 30 other universities.\nThis is the first space dedicated to universities\u00a0\nin a metaverse. Here they can explore the full\u00a0\u00a0\npotential of the metaverse and Web 3 and conduct\u00a0\nresearch into different fields of science\u00a0\u00a0\nand human knowledge that can help transform\u00a0\nsociety. In addition, they can meet with\u00a0\u00a0\ndedicated exclusively to academic research\u00a0\nand aimed at promoting science and knowledge,\u00a0\u00a0\nuniting research in the physical world with\u00a0\nresearc": 2, "Look at you.\n-Winterfell is yours.\n-Winterfell is yours, your Grace.\nAnd soon the Lannister army \nwill ride north to join our cause.\nI used to think you were the cleverest man alive.\nI\u2019m going to put a prince in your belly.\nShe has a keen sense of poetic justice.\n-We could stay a thousand years.\n-We should have stayed in that cave.\nAs you wish, my lady.\nYou\u2019d be my lady.\nI offered to let him retain his lands \nand titles if he bent the knee.\nYou are not my queen.\nHe refused.\n-You will have to kill me too.\n-You are the future of your house.\nYour brother stood with your father.\n-I gave them a choice.\n-Your grace.\n-Dracarys.\n-She executed my father and brother.\nWould you have done it?\nNow\u2019s the time.\n-I\u2019m not King in the North anymore.\n-I\u2019m not talking about King in the North\nI\u2019m talking about the King of the bloody Seven Kingdoms.\nYour mother was Lyanna Stark.\nAnd your father was Rhaegar Targaryen.\nI\u2019ll kill every Targaryen I\u2019ll put my hands on.\n-I brought two armies home with me, two dragons.\n-And a Targaryen queen.\nI\u2019m defending our family. So is she.\n-I\u2019m her family too.\n-Don\u2019t forget that.\n-If she can\u2019t respect me\u2026\n-You gave up your crown to save your people.\nDid you bend the knee to save the North\u2026\n-\u2026or because you love her?\n-Would she do the same?\nWe\u2019ll get there before the dead.\nThe wall has fallen. The dead march south.\n-What our you doing out here?\n-Waiting, for an old friend.\n": 2, "Aj na mainu taal ve sajjna (Don\u2019t ignore me today dear)\nChal tu mere naal ve sajjna (Come with me dear)\nChal tu mere naal ve sajjna (Come with me dear)\nHae aj na mainu taal ve sajjna (Don\u2019t ignore me today dear)\nChal tu mere naal ve sajjna (Come with me dear)\nTeriyan jacketa lakh diya (Your jacket costs lakh)\nMere kol iko 1 shawl ve (I have only one shawl)\nKade tareef vi nahi karda (You never praised me)\nKithe aune jane ho gaye (Where you go )\nMein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\nMein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\nNa na na na \nSab suit purane ho gaye ( All my suits gone old)\nMein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\nJach ke rehn nu keeda naiyo dil karda(Who will not want to look gorgeous)\nLad hi payenga lagda jad tu bill bharda (When you pay the bill it seems like you will get in an argument)\nJach ke rehn nu keeda naiyo dil karda( Who will not want to look gorgeous)\t\nLad hi payenga lagda jad tu bill bharda (When you pay the bill it seems like you will get in an argument)\nJe kahe ta bhaar ghatadu mein vi (If you want I will loose my weight)\nAdhe paise pa du mein vi (Even I will pay half of the bill)\nAdhe paise pa du mein vi (Even I will pay half of the bill)\nKite mein aida na ho ja (Might be i would look like)\nJiwe hon niyaane ho gaye (I gave birth to a child)\nMein tainu sohni ki lagna( How I will look beautiful to you)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\nMein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\nJo jo laina mein laike dae mall ch tu (Whatever I want you have to buy for me from the mall)\nGhatt lai laega 2 jeena koi na saal ch tu (There is nothing wrong if you buy 2 jeans lesser in this year)\nJo jo laina mein laike dae mall ch tu (Whatever I want you have to buy for me from the mall)\nGhatt lai laega 2 jeena koi na saal ch tu (There is nothing wrong if you buy 2 jeans lesser in this year)\nDil vich pehla he chaa boht ne (I have all the wills in my heart already)\nNale agge viah boht ne (Even in future there are lots of weddings)\nNale agge viah boht ne (Even in future there are lots of weddings)\nBabbu aida nahi chalna (Nothing will work like that babbu)\nJi hun assi siyane ho gaye (Yes we are mature)\nPar tu edda hi sohni ae( But you look beautiful like that)\nCaahe sab suit purane hogaye (Even all your suits are old)\nJedhe merzi leh lai tu (Whatever you wanna to buy)\nHun ta hit na gaane hogaye (Because all my songs are hit now)\nMein tainu sohni ki lagna(How I will look beautiful to you)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\nSab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)\n": 0, "Qasim Bhai! How many kilos of chicken have you taken?\nWe take 1.5 kg of chicken for 1 pot.\nWe add 250 to 350 grams of potatoes.\nAdd 1 tbsp Ginger, Garlic paste\nAdd 1/2 Half tbsp of Turmeric\nAdd 1 tbsp of Red Chilli Flakes\nAdd 1 tbsp of Red Chilli Powder\nAdd 1/2 tbsp of Black Pepper Powder\nAdd 2 tbsp of Garam Masala (Ground Spices)\nAdd 1.5 tbsp of Salt \nAdd 3 tbsp of White Vinegar\nAdd 1 mug (350 ml) of Normal Water \nMix it well.\nAdd spices and leave for 1 hour.\nAdd 1/2 tbsp of Food Color\nThese all are beef pot?\n4 of beef, 4 of mutton and 4 of chicken pots.\nAdd 1 tbsp of Garam Masala\nAdd 2 tbsp of Essence (Kewra)\nAdd 1 Tomato into small pieces.\nAdd 2 Small Green Chillies (cut into small piece)\nAdd 3 Green Chilies\nAdd 4 tbsp of Fried Onions\nAdd Coriander and Mint (cut into small piece)\nIt's good that you add proper spices.\nthese are not readymade (market) masalas, we make it by ourself. All spices are imported and high quality.\nwe have secret formula of our masala we never take it from market.\nwe use high quality ingredients and masala, even rice, meat and other things we use hight quality for making our matka biryani\nin few minutes this biryani will be ready to serve. then you will know the color and looks of matka biryani and you enjoy it inshaAllah.\neveryone gives us a great response when they eat our special matka biryani. Alhamdulillah!\nThey put 1 kg of rice in 1 pot.\nFirst, they add 25% boiled rice.\nthey add 2 layers of rice first layer 25% cook and second layer almost done rice layer\nThis rice is 25% boiled. and then we add almost done boiled rice.\n2nd layer of rice (full boiled rice)\nAdd Cooking Oil\nAdd 100 grams of cooking oil.\nCover it properly with foil paper.\nAdd Coriander and Fried Onions (for presentation)\n": 3, "It's like you got superpowers\nTurn my minutes into hours\nYou got more than 20-20, babe\nMade of glass the way you see through me\nYou know me better than I do\nCan't seem to keep nothing from you\nHow you touch my soul from the outside?\nPermeate my ego and my pride\nI wanna love me (ooh) \nThe way that you love me (ooh) \nOoh, for all of my pretty\nAnd all of my ugly too\nOoh, for all of my pretty\n And all of my ugly too\nI'd love to see me from your point of view\nI wanna trust me (trust me)\nThe way that you trust me (trust me)\nOoh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do\nI'd love to see me from your point of view\nI couldn't believe it or see it for myself\nBoy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here\nFallin', fallin', frozen, slowly\nFallin', got me right\nI won't keep you waitin' (waitin')\nAll my baggage fadin' safely (my baggage fadin')\nAnd if my eyes deceive me\nWon't let them stray too far away, I\nI wanna love me (ooh)\nThe way that you love me (ooh)\nOoh, for all of my pretty\nAnd all of my ugly too\nI'd love to see me from your point of view\nI wanna trust me, ooh (trust me)\nThe way that you trust me, baby (trust me)\n'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do\nI'd love to see me from your point of view (oh)\nYeah\n": 2, "what is in my heart today\n \nif you ask i can tell.\nI don't want gold or diamonds\n \n \n \ndon't want diamonds or pearls.\nwhat good does it do to me?\ni don't want a mansion or car.\ndon't want horse or car.\nthese are only for name\ngive me our heart in exchange for your heart.\n \n \n \n \n \nno no no no no no man.\nno business in love\n \n \n \n \n \nlying!!\nif you lie crow will bite\nbe scared of the black crow\ni will go to my paternal home and you will be watching.\n \n \n \nlying, crow will bite you\nthe crow will bite you\nbe scared of the black crow\ni will go to maternal home and you will be watching\ni will go to my house and you'll be watching\n \n \nthe people with good hearts will take the bride away\n \n \n \nthey will take her away take her away the good hearts will take her away\n \nthe people will stay watching\nthe people will be left watching\n \n \n \n \nthey will take her away\nthey will take her waya\naway away\nthis village and house\ndon't come here again\nthis village and this house\ndon't come here again\nnow i am going to my husband\nthat you have no one here\nyou have no one here\n \nthese colorful memories\non the favor of your crying\nnow i am going to my maternal home that you don't have anyone here\nyou don't have anyone\nyou have no one here\n \n \nbe careful oh beauties\nlook i am here\nbe careful oh beauties\nlook i am\nhere\nthe lover of beauty the smell of beauty\nmy features are related to beauty hey hey\nbe careful oh beauties\nlook i am here\nwhy are you here?\nbecause you invited me\nif you are here help with the work\nno no no please you smile first\nwhy are you here?\nno you smile first\nwhy are you here?!\ni got out with the car\n(music)\ni got out with the car\non the road\non the streets\nthere came a turn\ni left my heart there\nthere came a turn\ni left my heart there\ngod knows when we past\namritsar\nwho knows\nwhen did\nLahore came\ni left my heart there\na turn came and i left my heart there\ni left my heart there\n \n(music)\nmusic\nyou are standing quietly\nthere's something definitely\nthis is the first meeting the first meeting. first meeting the first meeting\nfirst meeting the first meeting. you're standing quietly\nthere's definitely something this is the first meeting, the first meeting, the first\nthis is the first\nfirst meeting\nthe marriage procession of my king will come\nthe night will be colorful\nbut i will dance\nbut i will dance\nthe marriage procession will come the night will be colorful\nbut i will dance\nbut i will dance\n \nthe wedding procession will come...\ntoday the news of our love\nis on everyone's lips\nreally?\neveryone knows and is informed about it. so what??!\nour love is on everyone's mouth\nbye bye!\neveryone knows\nand is informed about it.\noooooooooo lover\nthis is true\neveryone says i gave you my heart\n(music)\noh beloved!!\noh beloved this is true\neveryone says\ni gave you my heart (music music)\ni tell them you took my heart\ni tell them you took my heart\n \n \n \nwhenever your hair blows\nwhenever your hair blows\nthe hearts of the widows is eager\nthe hearts of the widows get eager\nget eager\noh my beloved\n \noh when you have such white faces\nho when such white faces\nthen how do the eyes not slip?\nhow do the eyes not slip\nmy beloved\n(snaps)\noh people of hearts\nmy hearts is eager to hear\neager to hear\nadmit your love\nadmit your love\n \n(music) say you love me\nsay you have love\nwith love we have each other with love there's world\n \n \nwith love there's the world\nsay you have love\n \nadmit your love (repeating)\nmusic\nthis is a weird world\nwhere does it start and end?\n \nwhich paths are these?\nyou don't understand and nor do i\nyou are lucky that you\nthe light of someone's life\n \nyou are so close to someone\nthat you're faraway from everyone\nthis is a weird world\nhumming\n \nno one knows what will happen here tomorrow\nlife is a beautiful voyage\nwe don't know what will happen tommorow\n \n \n \n \n \n \nyou came close and smiled\n \nyou came close\nand smiled\nyou don't know the dreams you showed me\n \nnow my heart doesn't sleep\n \nwhat should i do? something happens\n \nwhat should i do something happens?\n \n \n \n(thunder)\nput your henna on\nkeep your wedding procession decorated\nput yo": 1, "- [Voiceover] All right,\nso grammarians, I want to\ntalk to you about the difference between\nsubject and object pronouns, but before\nwe do that, let's start off with a little\nprimer on what subjects\nand objects actually are,\nJust generally for our\ngrammatical purposes.\nIn grammar, the subject is\nthe part of the sentence\nor clause that does a thing.\nThe subject does a thing.\nThe object, on the other hand, is the\nthing that is acted on,\nhas stuff done to it,\nso the object has stuff done to it.\nThe subject acts, the\nobject is acted upon,\nlet's give an example.\nIn the sentence, Reina wrote an e-mail,\nthe subject of the sentence,\nthe doer of the thing\nis Reina, right, as the subject.\nThe thing she is doing\nis writing an e-mail,\nso Reina wrote an e-mail.\nE-mail is the object of the verb wrote.\nIt is the object of the sentence.\nNow, there are cases when a sentence\ndoesn't have an object.\nFor example, we could just say\nReina wrote.\nIt doesn't have an object, it's just\nReina's the subject, and\nthen there is no object.\nThis is what we call intransitive usage,\nbut you don't need to write\nthat down or anything.\nNow, understanding the relationship\nbetween e-mail and Reina enables you\nto understand how subject\nand object pronouns are used.\nWhen we're subbing out\nthese nouns for pronouns,\nwe can figure out which\nones we have to use,\nbecause pronouns have different forms\ndepending on whether or not\nthey are subjects or objects.\nReina is a girl's name, and if\nwe know that Reina is a girl,\nwe can refer to her as either she or her.\nThese are two of the feminine pronouns.\nOne of these is a subject,\nand one of them is an object.\nShe is the subject form,\nand her is the object form.\nIf we wanted to rewrite this sentence,\nspeaking of Reina, we would say,\nshe wrote an e-mail.\nNot, her wrote an e-mail, you see.\nBecause her is the object pronoun,\nand therefore is the thing that,\nthe object pronoun has stuff done to it,\nas opposed to the doer of things.\nShe is the subject form, it's the doer.\nFor e-mail it's easy, this\njust becomes it in all cases.\nThe subject form, and the\nobject form are the same.\nLet's do a couple more examples\njust to shore this up\nso you see what I mean.\nI give her a present.\nRight now, I is the\nsubject, her is the object.\nSubject, object, but\nwhat if we switched it?\nWhat would it look like then?\nWell it wouldn't be her give I a present,\nbecause since we're switching\nthe subject and the object,\nwe're gonna be switching the\npronouns that we use too,\nso it would be, she gave me a present.\nNow, she is the\nsubject form of her,\nand me is the subject, is\nthe object form, excuse me,\nme is the object form of I.\nGet a little period in there.\nSame thing with they and he.\nThey showed\nhim a guitar.\nWhy not?\nThey is the subject,\nand him is the object.\nLet's give it the old switcheroo.\nHe showed\nthem a guitar.\nNow, we do the switcheroo, him becomes he,\nso we go from the object form which is him\nto the subject from which is he,\nand then they, the\nsubject form becomes them,\nthe object form.\nNow when it comes to you and it,\nyou're in luck, because\nthe subject and object\nforms of these are the same, so subject\nequals object,\nwith you and it.\nI could say you give it a present\njust as easily as I could\nsay it gives you a present.\nI didn't realize I changed\nthis to the past tense.\nShe gives me a present.\nThere we go, that's better.\nThat's the difference between a subject\nand an object pronoun.\nYou can learn anything.\nDavid out.\n": 4, "in this video we have given that log base\u00a0\n7 of log base 5 of square root of X plus 5\u00a0\u00a0\nplus square root of X is equal to 0\u00a0\nand we have to find the value of X\u00a0\u00a0\nso if we have log base X of Y is equal\u00a0\nto a then Y will be equal to X power a\nand we have log base 7 of this so\u00a0\nlog base 5 of square root of X plus 5\u00a0\u00a0\nplus square root of X will be equal\u00a0\nto 7 power 0 and it is log base 5\u00a0\u00a0\nof square root of X plus 5 plus square\u00a0\nroot of X is equal to and 7 power 0 is 1\u00a0\u00a0\nand again square root of X plus 5 plus\u00a0\nsquare root of X will be equal to 5 power 1\nand\nsquare root of X plus 5 plus square\u00a0\nroot of X is equal to 5 power 1 is 5\u00a0\u00a0\nand square root of X plus 5 will be\u00a0\nequal to 5 minus square root of X\u00a0\u00a0\nand if we square it both side\u00a0\nthen square root of X plus 5\u00a0\u00a0\nwhole square will be equal to 5\u00a0\nminus square root of X whole square\nand\nit is X plus 5 is equal to 25 plus X minus\u00a0\n2 times 5 times root X will be 10 root X\u00a0\u00a0\nand X will get cancelled\nand we will get 10 root X is equal to 25 minus 5\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be 20 and root X will be\u00a0\nequal to 2 and X will be equal to 4\nso X is equal to 4.\n": 2, "Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with CommentaryUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\nUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary\n": 0, "- For what you do now\nand what you decide now\nat this age, may well determine\nwhich way your life shall go.\nAnd the question is, whether you\nhave a proper, a solid,\nand a sound blueprint.\nAnd I wanna suggest some of the things\nthat should be in your life's blueprint.\nNumber one in your life's blueprint\nshould be a deep belief\nin your own dignity, your own worth,\nand your own somebodiness.\nDon't allow anybody to make you feel\nthat you are nobody.\nAlways feel that you count.\nAlways feel that you have worth.\nAnd always feel that your life\nhas ultimate significance.\nSecondly, in your life's blueprint\nyou must have as a basic principle\nthe determination to achieve excellence\nin your various fields of endeavor.\nYou're gonna be deciding as the days\nand the years unfold,\nwhat you will do in life,\nwhat your life's work will be.\nOnce you discover what it will be\nset out to do it and to do it well.\nBe a bush if you can't be a tree.\nIf you can't be a\nhighway, just be a trail.\nIf you can't be the sun, be a star.\nFor it isn't by size\nthat you win or you fail.\nBe the best of whatever you are.\n(audience applauds)\nAnd finally, in your life's blueprint\nmust be a commitment to\nthe eternal principles\nof beauty, love, and justice.\nWhile life for none of us\nhas been a crystal stair\nwe must keep moving, we must keep going.\nIf you can't fly, run.\nIf you can't run, walk.\nIf you can't walk, crawl.\nBut by all means keep moving.\n(audience applauds)\n(instrumental music)\n": 4, "- [Voiceover] Let's say\nsomeone walks up to you\non the street and says to you,\n50 divided by five,\n50 divided by five is equal to blank,\nis equal to blank.\nHow can you think about this\nas a multiplication problem?\nWell, whatever blank\nis, whatever blank is,\nif you multiply it by five,\nif you multiply by five,\nyou should get 50.\nYou should get 50. You should get 50.\nSo one way of thinking\nabout it, you could say\n\"what times five is 50?\"\nWell, 10 times five is 50.\n10 times five is 50, so 50 divided by five\nis going to be 10.\nHopefully you see the relationship here.\nIf 50 divided by five is 10,\nthen 10 times five is 50.\n10 times five is 50.\nAnd you could do it the other way around.\nWhat is 50 divided by 10 going to be?\n50 divided by 10, well that's\ngoing to be equal to five.\n50 divided by 10 is going\nto be equal to five.\nHow do I know that?\nWell, five times 10, five times 10,\nfive times 10, is equal to 50.\nIs equal to 50.\nSo let's keep thinking about this.\nIf someone walked up to\nyou in the street again,\nand said blank, blank, divided by,\ndivided by two,\nblank divided by two is equal to,\nis equal to nine.\nHow would you figure out what blank is?\nSomething divided by two is equal to nine.\nWell, one way to think about\nit, and if we just follow here,\nif you said 50 divided by five is 10,\nyou could say 10 times five is 50,\nso right over here we could say\nwell, nine times two,\nnine times two,\nmust be equal to blank.\nMust be equal to our blank.\nWell we know what nine times two is,\nthat is 18, so this must be 18.\n18 divided by two is nine.\nAnd that's really describing how\n18, two, and nine relate to each other.\nTwo nines is 18, or nine twos is 18,\nor if I were to divide 18 into two groups,\neach group would have nine.\nOr if I were to divide into groups of two,\nyou would have nine groups.\nAny way you look at it,\n18 divided by two is nine,\nnine times two is 18.\nLet's do one more of these.\nSo, someone walks up to you on the street,\nand tells you, and tells you that\n12 divided by,\ndivided by blank,\n12 divided by blank is equal to three.\nIs equal to three.\nWhat is blank going to be?\nWell one way to think about this\nis three times blank is\ngoing to be equal to 12.\nThree times blank,\nthree times this unknown number,\nis going to be equal to 12.\nAnd three times what is equal to 12?\nWell three times four is equal to 12,\nso 12 divided by four is equal to three.\n": 4, "C\nCT\nCT \nCT r\nCT ra\nCT rat\nCT rati\nCT ratio\nCT ratio \nCT ratio a\nCT ratio an\nCT ratio and\nCT ratio and \nCT ratio and p\nCT ratio and po\nCT ratio and pol\nCT ratio and pola\nCT ratio and polar\nCT ratio and polari\nCT ratio and polarit\nCT ratio and polarity\nCT ratio and polarity \nCT ratio and polarity t\nCT ratio and polarity te\nCT ratio and polarity tes\nCT ratio and polarity test\nCT ratio and polarity test \nCT ratio and polarity test w\nCT ratio and polarity test wi\nCT ratio and polarity test wit\nCT ratio and polarity test with\nCT ratio and polarity test with \nCT ratio and polarity test with c\nCT ratio and polarity test with cu\nCT ratio and polarity test with cur\nCT ratio and polarity test with curr\nCT ratio and polarity test with curre\nCT ratio and polarity test with curren\nCT ratio and polarity test with current\nCT ratio and polarity test with current \nCT ratio and polarity test with current m\nCT ratio and polarity test with current me\nCT ratio and polarity test with current met\nCT ratio and polarity test with current meth\nCT ratio and polarity test with current metho\nCT ratio and polarity test with current method\nCT ratio and polarity test with current method:\nCT ratio and polarity test with current method:\nTo perform a ratio and polarity test you should use \u201cRatio and Polarity Test (With Current)\u201d tab.\nIn this tab, turns ratio, polarity and phase deviation between \u201cCT\u201d primary and secondary is performed where \u201cAC\u201d current is injected and the secondary current is measured through \u201cInput9\u201d.\nTo perform this test, you need to enter the current and time of the test in \u201cState Setting\u201d, in \u201cI test\u201d and \u201cState Time\u201d fields respectively.\nBefore initiating the test some points must be considered.\nThe first point is that the current limit is \u201c128\u201d amps while the \u201cBinary/Analog Input9\u201d limit is \u201c500\u201d milliamps.\nBut since in sometimes the \u201cCT\u201d secondary current exceeds \u201c500\u201d milliamps which damages the \u201cInput9\u201d, \u201cIcalc\u201d is limited to \u201c450\u201d milliamps.\nThis means that you can increase the primary as much as that \u201cIcalc\u201d does not exceed \u201c450\u201d milliamps.\nThe second point is that if the route resistance is too high and the device is not able to provide the needed \u201cBurden\u201d, to perform the test you should decrease the resistance.\nTo do so, you can parallel \u201c4\u201d pieces of wire.\nThe third point is that if even by using \u201c4\u201d pieces of wire the problem is not solved, you need to decrease the current.\nNote that the test current must be based on the standard because the software uses it to assess the test.\nThe table made in this section is the basic standard for test assessment where the allowed turns ratio error and phase deviation are specified in percent and \u201cminute\u201d for classes of protection and measurements \u201cCTs\u201d.\nIn turns ratio section, the allowed error for different percentages of nominal current and in the \u201cphase\u201d section allowed error is specified in minute.\nFor example, for a \u201cMeasuring CT\u201d with the class of \u201c0.5\u201d, in \u201c5\u201d percent of the nominal current, \u201c1.5\u201d percent turns ratio and \u201c90\u201d minutes of phase deviation error are allowed.\nBut for \u201cProtection\u201dCTs mode, the maximum error is determined independently from the primary current.\nFor example, for a \u201cProtection CT\u201d with the accuracy class of \u201c10P10\u201d, the maximum allowed turns ratio error is \u201c3\u201d percent and there is no limitation mentioned for phase deviation.\nAfter entering the information in \u201cState Setting\u201d, you should set the wiring according to the picture.\nIn this wiring ,short circuit \u201cIa1\u201d, \u201cIb1\u201d, \u201cIa2\u201d and \u201cIb2\u201d together and \u201cIa3\u201d, \u201cIb3\u201d, \u201cIa4\u201d and \u201cIb4\u201d together and then according to the picture,\nconnect a wire to \u201cIa1\u201d and \u201cIb4\u201d phases after passing it through the \u201cCT\u201d. To measure the secondary current, connect \u201cInput9\u201d to \u201cS1\u201d and \u201cS2\u201d.\nAfter wiring, for \u201cCT Protection 500/1\u201d, \u201c10\u201d percent of the nominal current which equals \u201c50\u201d amps and \u201c1\u201d seconds as time are entered and the test runs after \u201cInit Test\u201d is pressed.\nYou can view the \u201cStates\u201d created by the software in \u201cTable View\u201d.\nIf \u201cAt Calibration State\u201d is checked, in the first state (with zero current), the secondary is me": 0, "Uh, excuse me.\nl don't think there's anything wrong\nwith the action on this piano.\n# Well, l heard about the fella\nyou've been dancin' with #\n# All over the neighborhood #\n# So why didn't you\nask me, baby #\n# Or didn't you think l could #\n# Well, l know that the bugaloo\nis outta sight #\n# But the shing-a-ling's\nthe thing tonight #\n# But if that was you and me\nout there, baby #\n# l would have shown you\nhow to do it right #\n- # Do it right #\n- # Uh-huh #\n# Do it right #\n- # Do it right #\n- # Do it right #\n# Do it right #\n# ___ #\n# Twistin' #\n# Shake it, shake it\nshake it, shake it, baby #\n# Here we go, loop-dee-loop #\n# Shake it up, baby #\n# Here we go, loop-dee-la #\n# Bend over, let me see you\nshake a tail feather #\n# Bend over, let me see you\nshake a tail feather #\n# Come on, let me see you\nshake a tail feather #\n# Come on, let me see you\nshake a tail feather #\n# ___ #\n# Come on\nCome on, baby #\n# Come on #\n# Yeah, come on, baby #\n# All right\nDo the twist #\n# Do the fly #\n# Ow, do the swim #\n[ Ray Laughing ]\n# And do the bird #\n# Ahh, do the ierk #\n# Ahh, do the monkey #\n# H-Hey, Watusi #\n# And, uh\nwhat about the frug #\n# Do the mashed potato #\n# What about the bugaloo #\n# Oww, the Bony Maronie #\n# Come on\nLet's do the twist #\n# Ahh, twistin' #\n# Shake it, shake it\nshake it, shake it, baby #\n# Twistin', shake it, shake it\nshake it, shake it, baby #\n# Ohh, twistin' #\n# Shake it, shake it, shake it\nshake it, baby, oww ##\n[ Cheering ]\n- Okay, man, we'll take these axes.\n- Naturally.\nAnd, as usual,\nl gotta take an l.O.U.\n": 2, "- Whereas to move the orange dot\nto the number that equals five times 1/3.\nAlright, so one way to think about it,\nwe just have to move 1/3 five times.\nSo let's do it once,\nso that's going to be 1/3,\nyou do it twice, you get to 2/3,\nyou do it three times, you get to 3/3,\nfour times, you get to 4/3,\nfive times, you get to 5/3.\nFive times 1/3 is gonna be 5/3.\nOr you could say five 1/3,\nwhich is the same thing as 5/3,\nhopefully that makes some sense.\nLet's do some more examples here.\nSo let's say we need to figure out,\nso let's see, it says move the orange dot\nto the number that equals two times 4/3.\nAlright, so one times 4/3\nis just gonna get us to 4/3,\nand then if we have another 4/3,\nwe're gonna add 4/3 to that,\nso we're gonna move\nanother 4/3 to the right.\nSo 4/3 plus 4/3 would get us to 8/3.\n8/3, I'm having trouble moving this, 8/3.\nSo one times 4/3 is just 4/3,\nand then two times 4/3 is 8/3.\nAnd notice that's the same\nthing as two times four,\nwhich is eight, over three, 8/3.\nLet's do one more of these.\nSo, move the orange dot to the number\nthat equals three times 3/2.\nSo this is gonna be 0/2, that's just zero,\nso you could do that as zero times 3/2.\nOne times 3/2, well that\nwill just get us to 3/2.\nTwo times 3/2, we'll add another 3/2,\nso that'll get us to 6/2.\nAnd then three times 3/2,\nwe'll add another 3/2,\nthat gets us to 9/2, and we're done.\n": 4, "[MUSIC]\nWhen you're want to do\nsomething that's new.\nAnd it seems really, really hard to do.\nYou feel like quitting.\nYou feel you're through.\nWell I have some advice for you.\nDon't give up.\nKeep on trying.\nYou're gonna make it, I ain't lying.\nDon't give up.\nDon't ever quit.\nTry and try and you can do it.\nDon't give up.\nYeah.\nIf you want to catch a ball, but\nyou're having no luck at all.\nThe ball hits your head,\nit hits your nose, it hits your belly,\nyour chin and toes.\nWell, try and try, and\ntry again, keep on trying.\nAnd soon then,\nyou'll put your hands out in the air.\nYou'll catch that ball, yes, this I swear.\nDon't give up.\nKeep on going.\nYou're on a boat, so keep on rowing.\nDon't give up, don't ever stop.\nJust try and try and\nyou'll come out on top.\nDon't give up.\n[MUSIC]\nYou got yourself new roller skates,\nyou put them on and you feel great.\nStand up but then you fall.\nDon't think you can skate at all.\nYou get back up and then you trip.\nYou skip and tip and slip and flip.\nWell try and try and try some more.\nAs soon you're skating cross the floor.\nDont give up, keep on moving.\nYou're gonna get there,\njust keep on grooving.\nDon't give up, don't pack it in.\nTry and try and you will win.\nDon't give up.\nNo, no, no, no, don't give up.\nNo, no, no, no, don't give up.\nNo, no, no, no, don't give up.\nNo, no, don't give up.\n": 2, "Assalam u Alaikum.welcome to student cooking!.\n \nToday we are making vegetable macaroni recipe\nNote down the ingredients of veg macaroni\n.MACARONI = 400 GRAM/2 CUP\n \n \n \n.SALT = 1/2 TSP\n.OIL = 1 TBSP\n \n \nPEAS = 1 CUP BOIL WITH 1 TSP SALT\n \n.CABBAGE SMALL = 1 OR 1 CUP\n \n.CARROT = 2 OR 3\n.\n \nSPRING ONION = 3\n.TOMATOES = 2 MEDIUM\n.CAPSICUM = 2 MEDIUM\n \n \n.GINGER PASTE = 1 TBSP\n.GARLIC PASTE = 1 TBSP\n.SOY SAUCE = 1 TBSP\n.CHILI SAUCE = 1 TBSP\n \n \n \n \n.VINEGAR = 1 TBSP\n.OIL = 1/4 CUP\n.BLACK PEPPER POWDER = 1 TSP\n.GREEN CHILIES = 2 - 3 (CHOP)\n.CRUSHED RED PEPPER = 1 TSP\n.SALT = 1 TSP (OR TO TASTE)\n \n \n \nLets start are cooking with BISMILLAH HIR RAHMAN NIR RAHEEM!.\n \nfor boiling the macaroni,take any vessel add 4 or 5 cups of water.\nand allow the water to simmer.cover the vessel so that water starts boiling quickly.\nnow water has started boiling: add 1/ tsp salt and 1 tbsp oil into it .mix it\nwe have taken 2 cups or 400 grams macaroni\nnow place the macaroni in boiling water\n \n \n \nand cook 7 to 8 minutes and keep stirring the macaroni at regular intervals so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan .\n \n \nnow check the macaroni as well .\nmacaroni has puffed up and you can press it to check for softness\nnow macaroni is aptly boiled\n \nnow turn off the flame and drain the water from macaroni\n \nstrain the macaroni and remove the extra water\nnow we'll start making the macaroni\npreheat a pan .add oil into it\nwhen oil is slightly hot.add ginger and garlic paste into it .\n \n \n \nmix it and saute for while\n \n \n \n \n \nnow add chop tomatoes and saute for while\n \n \nadd spring onion and saute with tomatoes for while\n \n \n \nnow add carrot ,salt ,black pepper ,crushed red chili and chop green chilies into it\n \n \n \n \n \n \nmix it and saute on high flame. sauce add into the last\n \nsaute until carrot cook properly\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nsaute 3 to 4 minutes\n \n \nnow add more vegetable capsicum,peas,cabbage and sauce\n \n \n \nsoy sauce.chili sauce and vinegar now mix it\n \n \n \n \n \nand saute on high flame\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nnow add boiled macaroni and mix well\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nafter mixing all the ingredients check salt and pepper into it\n \n \n \n \n \nmix all ingredients really well and cook for 2 minutes\nnow turn off the flame vegetable macaroni is ready ,take it out in a platter\n \n \n \n \n \nyummy and tasty vegetable macaroni is ready\nwe have prepared it with lots of vegetable and its tastes scrumptious\n \ntry this yummy veg macaroni recipe and give your feedback in comment section\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nand please subscribe to my channel student cooking and like , share our recipes\nand don't forget to follow my instagram ,facebook account\n \n \nremember me in your prayers .takecare\nALLAH HAFIZ!.\n": 3, "please stay tuned after the program for the\u00a0\nexciting bonus video nothing but steam trains\neveryone have your tickets ready\u00a0\nplease of course here they come\u00a0\u00a0\nclickety-clack down the track it's time for\u00a0\nlots and lots of really big steaming trains\nlots and lots of big steam trains\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trains\nover the bridge and down the line past\u00a0\nthe station in a railroad sign over\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trains\ntraveling fast and traveling slow\u00a0\ntraveling high and traveling low\u00a0\u00a0\nhear that big steam russell blow\u00a0\nwatch them come and watch them\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trees\u00a0\u00a0\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trains\nah um\nand\noh\nso\nbeen working on the railroad just to pass the\u00a0\ntime away and you hear the whistle blowing\u00a0\u00a0\nrise up so early in the morning\nyour\nwon't you blow dino\ni've been working on the\non the railroad\njust to pass the time away can't you hear the\u00a0\nwhistleblower rise up so early in the morning\nblue\nblue\nblue\nwon't you blow your home\nyes\nforeign\nrun\nso\nso\non a hot summer day many years\u00a0\nago when my great-grandpappy was\u00a0\u00a0\nfeeling old he'd sit in his\u00a0\nrocker and he'd begin to\nwith his sing voice he would\u00a0\ntell the tale of going full\u00a0\u00a0\nthrottle down that rusty rail back in\u00a0\nthe good old days when steam was king\nyou can see her coming from miles away engine\u00a0\u00a0\npounding as the cabin swayed as she grew closer\u00a0\nto you you could hear her brass bell ring\nwhat was coming everybody knew where\u00a0\nthe smoke would rise and the whistle\u00a0\u00a0\nblew back in the good old days when steam was came\nhow long for the days when he could feel\u00a0\nthe rumble of the injunaid of iron and steel\u00a0\u00a0\nback and forth he could feel those boxcars swing\nthen he closed his eyes and began to\u00a0\nsmile as his thoughts drifted back\u00a0\u00a0\njust for a while back to the\u00a0\ngood old days when steam was came\nback to the good old days when steam was killed\nback to the good old days when steam was\nso\nso\nso\nshe'll be coming round the\u00a0\nmountain when she comes she'll be\nyou can hear\nyou can hear\nwe\nshe'll be plowing through the snow when she comes\nstation when she comes\nshe will stop\nshe will stop in the water\nshe'll mountains\nso\nthank you\noh\nyes\nso\nyes\nthe clouds move in and it starts to\ni'd like to hang around and play in the snow\u00a0\nbut there's trains out there with places to go\nbut it's not too good for the\u00a0\u00a0\ni railway really hard both night and day\u00a0\nthrowing that snow right out of the way\ngot the flowers\nclean up the snow\ni blow that snow right off to the side\u00a0\nso the track is clear and the train goes\nclean up that snow\nso\nthat's\u00a0\u00a0\nhmm so so\ndo\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\num\nuh\nso\nso\nso\ni\nso\nso\nso\nso\nah\nmy\nah\nso\ngood\nso\ndo\nthis\nso\ndo\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\nso\noh\nso\nhere from the trains on down the track\u00a0\npast the house in the railroad chat\u00a0\u00a0\nbig pup smoke coming out the\u00a0\nstaff here those cars going\nlots and lots of big steam trains\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trains\nover the bridge and down the line past the station\u00a0\nin a railroad sign over the hills and through\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trains\ntraveling fast and traveling slow\u00a0\ntraveling high and traveling low\u00a0\u00a0\nhear that big steam russell blow\u00a0\nwatch them come and watch them go\nsome old things just never change\u00a0\nlike lots of really big steam trains\nold things just never change like\u00a0\nlots of really big steam trains\nso\nso\nah\nso\nso\noh\nuh\nuh\nso\nso\noh\nuh\nuh\nso\nso\noh\nso\nso\nso\nforeign\nso\nforeign\nso\nso\nso\nchannel\ntrump\nme\nso\nso\nso\nyou\nso\nforeign\nso\nokay\nso\nso\nuh\nforeign\n": 1, "it's like you're a drug\nit's like you're a demon I can't face down\nIt's like I'm stuck\nIt's like I'm running from you all the time\nAnd I know I let you\nhave all the power\nIt's like the only company I seek\nis misery all around.\nIt's like you're a leech\nsucking the life from me\nIt's like I can't breath\nwithout you inside of me\nAnd I know I let you\nhave all the power\nAnd I realize I'm never gonna\nquit you over time\nIt's like I can't breath\nIt's like I can't see anything\nNothing but you\nI'm addicted to you\nIt's like I can't think\nwithout you interrupting me\nIn my thoughts, In my dreams\nYou've taken over me\nIt's like I'm not me\nIt's like I'm not me\nIt's like I'm lost\nIt's like I'm giving up slowly\nIt's like you're a ghost that's hunting me.\nLeave me alone!\nAnd I know these voices in my head \nare mine alone\nAnd I know I'll never change my ways\nIf I don't give you up now\nIt's like I can't breath\nIt's like I can't see anything\nNothing but you\nI'm addicted to you\nIt's like I can't think\nwithout you interrupting me\nIn my thoughts, in my dreams\nYou've taken over me\nIt's like I'm not me\nIt's like I'm not me\nI'm hooked on you\nI need I fix, I can't take it\nJust one more hit,\nI promise I can deal with it.\nI'll handle it, quit it\njust one more time and that's it\nJust a little bit more\nto get me through this\nI'm hooked on you\nI need I fix, I can't take it\nJust one more hit,\nI promise I can deal with it.\nI'll handle it, quit it\njust one more time and that's it\nJust a little bit more\nto get me through this\nIt's like I can't breath\nIt's like I can't see anything\nNothing but you\nI'm addicted to you\nIt's like I can't think\nwithout you interrupting me\nIn my thougths, in my dreams\nYou've taken over me\nIt's like I'm not me\nIt's like I'm not me\nIt's like an addiction...\n": 3, "this is kathy\nthis is kathy\nplease come in\nmission opera has only one objective\nmission opera has only one objective\nbring the arks and their revolutionary\nbring the arks and their revolutionary\nbring the arks and their revolutionary\ntechnology back home\nwhat do you expect to find on mars\nwhat do you expect to find on mars\ni'll see you soon\ni'll see you soon\ni'll see you soon\nkathy why did you want to come on this\nkathy why did you want to come on this\nkathy why did you want to come on this\nmission so badly t-minus two minutes to\nmission so badly t-minus two minutes to\nmission so badly t-minus two minutes to\ncruise stage separation everybody copy\ncruise stage separation everybody copy\ncruise stage separation everybody copy\ncopy copy copy start and burn\ni know i can do this\ni know i can do this\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nhow does it come to this\nhaving good intentions isn't hard kathy\nhaving good intentions isn't hard kathy\nthe hard part is knowing the difference\nthe hard part is knowing the difference\nthe hard part is knowing the difference\nbetween what's right\nbetween what's right\nbetween what's right\nand what's wrong\nwe have to leave i will not risk\nwe have to leave i will not risk\nthe success of this mission\nplease stay strong do all of that\nplease stay strong do all of that\nhow do you stay\n": 1, "When the Sun was a God\nAnd the dragons were protecting Asgards, \nWhite mountains were proudly standing\nIn the far north of Midgard.\nIn the far north of Midgard. \nWhite rivers were flowing from the mountains,\nAnd were feeding white stones with milk. \nThe white mountains were holding the skies,\nAnd were protecting white flammable Alatyr.\nAnd were protecting white flammable Alatyr.\nAlatyr was holding the eternal tree,\nA prophetic bird was living on that tree,\nThe white stone throne was located under that tree. \nZorya was reigning there in the glare of the flame.\nRa-river was flowing under Alatyr,\nAnd Zorya-maiden was bathing in that river.\nYoung Mesyats god at nights was hiding her \nFrom Aspid covering with stars. \nTo Four Winds, To Stribog sons,\nI\u2019m whispering \u2013 I\u2019m Mertsana-Zarya.\nI\u2019m whispering, I\u2019m praying, I\u2019m calling Khors.\nSave me, dispel the darkness.\nRoll out the Gold-Kolovrat fire.\nTo Four Winds, To Stribog sons, \nI\u2019m whispering \u2013 I\u2019m Mertsana-Zarya. \nI\u2019m whispering, I\u2019m praying, I\u2019m calling Khors.\nSave me, dispel the darkness.\n Roll out the Gold-Kolovrat fire.\nFrom the blue Svarga to the sky\nKhors was propelling the fiery wheel, Asgards were praised.\nOur protection is Solstice. \nOur strength is white flammable Alatyr! \nTo Four Winds, To Stribog sons, \nI\u2019m whispering \u2013 I\u2019m Mertsana-Zarya. \nI\u2019m whispering, I\u2019m praying, I\u2019m calling Khors. \nSave me, dispel the darkness.\nRoll out the Gold-Kolovrat fire.\n": 3, "sir\nwelcome to the third lecture on association\nrule binding we have seen the apriori algorithm\nwhat i do in apriori algorithm is to reduce\nthe number of candidate item sets using the\napriori principal so if you recollect the\nsteps of finding the association rule so what\nwe do is that first we suppose there are m\nnumber of or d number of items we will try\nall possible item sets ah in x and y and see\nif their combination x y is frequent that\nmeans they appear more than means of fraction\nof total transactions and once we identify\nthe frequent item sets next step will do the\nrule generation so if you recollect that the\nah the all possible item sets for example\nif we have five items a b c d e can be arranged\nin a lattice like this and if we dont do any\nintelligent thing what you have to do is that\ncheck whether each of this combinations how\nmany times they appear in the total number\nof transactions and then threshold them based\non the means up and tell them to be what the\na priori principle says is that\nif some item set a b is not frequent then\nnone of your super sets a b c a b d a b a\nb c d a b c can be frequent so for example\nif milk and butter themselves are not frequent\nmilk butter sugar three cannot be frequent\nok if two are not frequent three cannot be\nfrequent they obviously three will appear\nin less number of transactions than just two\nso this principle we use to prune them we\nah just ah can remove among the candidates\nand evaluate for the rest so this was used\nin the apriori algorithm what were what we\ndo is that go down this way from the lattice\nwe go down this way from the lattice\ntake the single item sets which are frequent\nthen from the single item sets combine to\nproduce frequent two item sets and from the\ntwo produce three item sets so how do you\nproduce two from three you see that suppose\na e and a d they are frequent you can join\nthese two if they differ if they differ by\nor if they have if they differ by only one\nso here d and e are differed so if we join\nthem you get a d e so a d and a e if we join\nwe take we get a d e ok so what we do in the\napriori principal is that from k frequent\nitem sets\nwe produce k plus one sized frequent item\nsets how by joining two items which are sharing\nsome of the items except one so a b c and\na b d we these are three item sets delta they\nwill join to produce a four item set a b c\nd a b c a b d joins to produce a b d so let\nme write down so if i have if a b c is frequent\nand a b d is frequent i can join them they\nare frequent i can join them to produce a\nb c d as candidate frequent note that it may\nbe frequent it may not be frequent so to actually\ntake if it is frequent i have to again go\nthrough this transactions but if a b c is\nnot frequent suppose c d e\nis not frequent not frequent then definitely\na c d is also not frequent not frequent ok\nif something is not frequent its superset\ncannot be frequent all right so this way from\nthree item sets i produce four item sets item\nset from three item sets i produce four item\nsets ok of size three and size four so this\nway you go on doing doing and checking now\nit may turn out that a b c d itself is not\nfrequent a b c d itself a b c are frequent\na b d are frequent a b c d is not frequent\nthen definitely a b c d e cannot be frequent\nok this way we go on all right so\nnow let us come to the next part let us come\nto the next part about rule generation so\nwe now have some item sets which are known\nto be frequent \nwhat we want to do is that now split them\ninto left and right halfs so i know say a\nb c d is frequent ok say for example a b c\nd is frequent so what are the rules i can\nproduce form a b c d i can produce a b c associated\nwith d i can produce a b associated to it\nc d i can produce a associated with b c d\nok so now using this frequent item set i test\nbut now whether testing whether the rules\nare frequent i need to test no longer the\nsupport criteria because support they are\nalready highly supported they are frequent\nfrequent item sets i need to test the confidence\ncriteria what is the confidence criteria that\nmeans the fraction of t": 3, "i wake up every morning\nand running to the way of balcony\u00a0\nbecause i won't miss you to see\nhow beautyful you are\u00a0\nyour shine\nmake me feel free\u00a0\nand give me so much energy\nto make my day\u00a0\nthe way you love me\ni love you more then ever\ni breathe\nand i feel the breathe because of you\ni sing a song\nand the way i sing\nyou make it feel\nand when i feel\ni rise\ni rise\nyour feeling is amazing\nmakes me understand\nand it makes me want to lose with you\nbut i know that with you\ni am not lost\ni believe and i enjoy every moment\nthat i saw and what i am going to see\u00a0\nit's because of you\nand your kindness\nday by day you surprise me\nbecause day by day i live for you\nthe love with you\nis eternal\nwhat i receive everyday from you its special\nthe love with you is eternal\nand the love with you\nits special\nmy walk thru your shadow\nthere are many to see me\u00a0\nand i see them too\nmy run thru your soul\u00a0\nits given life to me again and again\nyour beauty\nyour wealth\u00a0\nyour power\nyour wisdom\nyour acquaintance\nyour stranger\u00a0\nyour talent\nyour effort\nI take it far away\nbecause I feel with you\u00a0\ni rise\ni rise\nyour caress\nyour passion\u00a0\nand your guidance to another mastery\nyour steps i follow\ni avail on self of\ni have so much amusement\nthat you make bring to life\nyour philosophy\nyour art\nyour testimony\nyour credence\nyour liability\nyour prosper\nand\nyou are the earth\nand so I return to you with the\u00a0\nconfidence of living with you\u00a0\nbecause I love you\nand for your caress\u00a0\ni rise\n": 2, "hello everyone.\nwelcome to Jenny daily Life.\nToday, I bring you see factory workers breakfast for less than $1.\na bowl of Nom Banhjok ( chicken and fish gravy) is for 3000 riel=$0.75 for each.\naunty sells rice, fried fishes, chicken, pickles, salty duck eggs, fried foods and sour soups.\nfried catfish 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375.\nfried chicken 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375.\nfried dried fishes.\nfried food 1 plastic bag is for 1500 riel=$0.375.\nfried noodle ( Kuyteav Chhar) 1 bowl is for 2000 riel=$0.50.\nfried noodle ( Kuyteav Chhar) .\nfried short noodle 1 box is for 2000 riel=$0.50.\nfried chicken eggs.\nfried chili.\nhusband and wife sells pork rice. chicken rice, and fried foods.\ncucumber and carrot pickled.\na box of pork rice is for 2500 riel=$0.625.\nrice.\nfried pork.\nfried chicken eggs.\n fried chicken and ginger with rice 1 box is for 2500 riel=$0.625.\npork rice mixed fried fried chicken and ginger 1 box is for 2500 riel=$0.625.\ngrilled banana sticky rice 1 piece is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\ndessert 1 small box is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\nshe sell pork porridge and fried fried 1 bowl/box is for 2000 riel=$0.50 for each.\nmom and kids selling pork rice, soups, and rice.\naunty sells fried fishes, fried foods, soups, and rice.\nsalty duck eggs 1 piece is for 1000 riel=$0.25.\nfried fishes 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0375.\nCambodian snacks 1 piece is for 500 riel=$0.125.\nshe sells pork rice, fried foods, soups, and rice.\npork rice 1 box is for 2500 riel=$0.625.\nbraised pork with duck eggs.\nmom and son selling breakfast.\nfried chicken 1 small piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375.\nfried fishes 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375.\naunty selling sweet drink and desserts.\na plastic of dessert is for 500 riel=$0.125.\nthey come to buy breakfast before they go to work.\nhope you guys enjoy watching.\n": 2, "Buy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n \n \nBuy Link Given in the Description Box.\n": 0, "Iss duniya ki ik khoobi hai...\nYeh Duniya saari jhuti hai...\nHaan ismein aati tu bhi hai....\nYeh duniya saari jhuti hai...\nIss duniya ki ik khoobi hai...\nYeh Duniya saari jhuti hai...\nHaan ismein aati tu bhi hai....\nYeh Duniya saari jhuti hai...\nEverybody is a lier yahan sach bikta bazaron mein...\nKhanjar peeche maarne ko apne hain kataaron mein...\nDarr hai lagta ab toh mehfilon mein mujhko yaaron mein...\nHum toote he sahi hain kum se kum milein sitaaron mein...\nAb jaan bhi de chahe koi hota na yakeen...\nMai woh bann gya hu jismein mera raazi na zameer...\nHaan mai bura hu ab tum mere bas aana na kareeb...\nIss dil ke hisse jodne mein darta hai HAKEEM...\nAati dua bhi na kaam,\nHar koshish hai nakaam...\nDuniya leti na ilzaam,\nTabhi yun he hum badnaam....\nSehma andar se yeh,\nBikhra bikhra toota sa insaan....\nMy real side died,\nJisse duniya hai anjaan...\nSau ni paata raaton mein bas badlu karwatein....\nSapne aate kum khayal aate hain bure...\nRang badalti duniya ki aag mein hum jale...\nAb rehna ni angaaron mein lo dua deke hum chale...\nIss duniya ki ik khoobi hai...\nYeh Duniya saari jhuti hai...\nHaan ismein aati tu bhi hai....\nYeh Duniya saari jhuti hai...\nKin ke liye apne armaanon ko maara maine...?\nInke liye thukraya saara zamana maine...!!\nZamana hua fir inhein qubool,\nToh huzoor issi gum mein ab hum hain akele thehre... :)\n": 0, "Hello Viewers ,today i'm going to show you how to configure Ai-Thinker A7 GPS module\nI'm showing you A7 module\nThis is USB power point. give 1A DC input.\nThis is sim card case\nThis is PWR(power) pin\nThis is 5 volt output pin\nThis is UTXD( data transfer from A7) pin\nThis is URXD ( data receive from Arduino ) pin\nI'm going to insert sim card.\nthis 5v pin\nand\nthis PWR pin will be connected.\nI'm going to connect those two pins.\nThis connection for turning on A7 module.\nI'm going to conect UTXD & URXD pin\nYellow wire for UTXD & Green wire for URXD\nThis is arduino Uno\n0 & 1 are RX & TX pin\nURXD( A7 ) pin connects with 1(Arduino,TX) pin\nUTXD( A7 ) pin connects with 0(Arduino,RX) pin\nGND pin of A7\nGND pin of arduino\nGND pin of A7 & GND pin of arduino connect together\nThis is 5v 1A mobile charger\nI will power up A7 mobule by this charger\nIm going to connect USB male port to A7 female port\nNow A7 module powered up\nRed LED gives power up signal\nThis is Arduino usb connector.\nIt used to power up arduino module and Load codes.\nNow arduino connect with my laptop through USB.\nBefore giving load command you must unplug all pin connection\nOtherwise arduino will not be loaded\nThis is arduino IDE\nI have written calling code\nVerifying this code\nNow loading this code to Arduino\nAgain plug in RX & TX pin with UTXD & URXD pin\nUTXD( A7 ) pin connects with 0(Arduino,RX) pin\nURXD( A7 ) pin connects with 1(Arduino,TX) pin\nCheck buad rate & Open Serial monitor\nAll AT command are printed in serial monitor.\na phone call is coming to my mobile from A7 module\nNow i will test SMS demo code\nSo Before giving load command you must unplug all pin connection\nGiving Load command\nThis is SMS test code\nAgain plug in RX & TX pin with UTXD & URXD pin\nUTXD( A7 ) pin connect with 0(Arduino,RX) pin\nURXD( A7 ) pin connect with 1(Arduino,TX) pin\nCheck buad rate & Open Serial monitor\nAll AT command are printed in serial monitor.\na SMS is coming to my mobile from A7 module\nSee , phone notification light blinking\nUpps!!\nPhone is locked :)\nSMS received by phone\nNow Im going to show GPS data receive demo\nSo Before giving load command you must unplug all pin connection\nIm going to Load GPS data receive code\nChange URXD , UTXD connection\nURXD( A7 ) pin connects with 11(Arduino) pin\nUTXD( A7 ) pin connects with 10(Arduino) pin\nKeep A7 module in open sky place\nDon't forget to change buad rate to 115200\nOpen Serial monitor\nAll AT command are printed in serial monitor.\nIt takes comparatively long time to receive data\nAnd something Arrive\nAll info of your place added in long string\nClean sky needed to get frequent data\nIf you are not getting any data, use signal amplifier antenna .\nI have given that link bellow\nData coming\nAll code file link given billow\nThank you for watching\n": 3, "(cheering)\n(In Da Club instrumental)\n- Now you wild out.\nSay it, say it.\n- [Audience Members] Now you wild out.\n- The topic is hairstyles.\n- [Audience Members] Now you wild out.\nNow you wild out.\n- You got the sew-in braids.\nYou got the sew-in braids.\nYou got the sew-in braids.\n- [Red Team] Now you wild out.\n- Big ass head.\nYou got a big ass head.\n- [Black Team] You got a big ass head.\nNow you wild out.\n- You had a perm.\nYou had a perm.\nYou had a perm.\n- [Red Team] Now you wild out.\n- I sho' did.\nI sho' did.\nI sho' did.\n[Black Team] Now you wild out.\n(bleep)\n- [Red Team] Now you wild out.\n(bell rings)\nNow you wild out.\n- Your topic is plastic surgery.\n- Your girl got a fake ass.\nShe got a fake ass.\nShe got a fake ass.\nNow you wild out.\n- But I paid for it though.\nBut I paid for it.\n(cheering)\n- [Audience] Now you wild out.\n- You went to Dr. Miami.\nYou went to Dr. Miami.\nYou went to Dr. Miami.\nNow you wild out.\n- He gotta good price.\nHe has a good price.\nHe has a good price.\nNow you wild out.\n- Derek need liposuction.\nHe need liposuction.\n[Conceited] He need liposuction.\nNow you wild out.\n- He probably do.\nHe probably do.\nHe probably do.\nNow you wild out.\n(cheering)\n(bell rings)\n(clapping)\n- The topic is being rich.\n- [Asian Rapper] Okay, okay.\n- [Black Team] Now you wild out.\n- Shine my shoes bitch.\nShine my shoes bitch.\nShine my shoes bitch.\nNow you wild out.\n- You want a latte.\nYou want a latte.\nYou want a latte.\nNow you wild out.\n- I'm Nick Cannon.\nI'm Nick Cannon.\nI'm Nick Cannon.\nNow you wild out.\n- I own this.\nI own this.\nI own this.\nNow you wild out.\n(fumbles)\n(bing)\n(cheering)\n- The topic is graduation.\n- I (bleep) my teacher today.\nI (bleep) my teacher today.\nI (bleep) my teacher today.\nNow you wild out.\n- You didn't make it.\nYou didn't make it.\nYou didn't make it.\nNow you wild out.\n- I put my (mumbles) on the desk.\nI slap my (mumbles) on the desk.\nI slap my (mumbles) on the desk.\nI slap my (mumbles) on the desk.\n(mocking sound)\n- [Black Team] Now you wild out.\n(random sound)\n- [Red Team] Now you wild out\n(random sounds)\n- Whoop-de-scoop.\nWhoop-de-scoop.\nWhoop-de-boop.\nNow you wild out.\n- You stupid.\n(bell rings) You stupid.\n(bell ringing)\n(horn blows)\n(clapping and cheering)\n": 1, "Open up Aranyaka Quest Item & head to the location based on the picture\nHead to the mailbox at Vanarana & interact with it\nAfter the dialogue, open up Aranayaka Quest Item to look for clues\nTeleport to Apam Woods waypoint & head to the treasure location based on the picture \nOpen back Aranayaka Quest Item to look for next location\nEleminate the Eremites at the cave entrance\nHead to the treasure location based on the picture\nTeleport to Mawtiyima Forest South-West waypoint & keep head west towards treasure location\nTeleport to Mawtiyima Forest North-East waypoint & head east towards treasure location\nTeleport to Gandharva Ville Statue Of The Seven & head north towards treasure location\nTeleport to Vimara Village North Waypoint & head south-east towards treasure location\nTeleport to Devantaka Mountain South-West Waypoint & keep head west towards treasure location\nTeleport back to Vanarana, exit the dream state & head back towards the mailbox\nOpen Aranayaka Quest Item to find the final clue\nTeleport to Vanarana South-West Waypoint & Clear up the Withering Zone\nHead to the upper platform & find the \"Mushroom\"\nPlay the \"Tune\" to unlock the path\nHead inside the path to triggered a cutscene\nAfter the cutscene, the quest will be complete & Chapter VI will have a green mark\nThat's all for now guys, Thank you for watching\n": 3, "Great blue city in the sky\nmakes me wonder what it's like to die\nescape the madness\nescape the pain\nthrough the thunder\nthrough the rain.\nDeath of angels\ndeath of saints\nnot up there though\nin that mystic place\namidst the mountains\nin the sand\na fitting place for\nthis wonderland.\nEras passing\nby and by\nin this ageless city\nin the sky\nsituating\nconfiscating\nmeditating\nalienating.\nPeace be with you\nor so it seems\nfollow your heart\nfollow your dreams\npick up the pieces\noff the floor\nbuild a glider and\ngo ahead and soar.\nGreat blue city in the sky\nmakes me wonder\nwhat it's like to fly\nescape the madness\nescape the pain\nthrough the thunder\nthrough the rain.\n)}] harmonica\n)}] (music)\nOne for the money\ntwo for the show\nif you're not ready\nthere won't be a show\nso keep to the wind and\nstick to the stars\nif you keep dreaming\nyou're sure to go far.\nWizards and witches\nthey'll change the game, but\nwhat can you do, you're\nstuck with your name, so\nput all your woes and\nyour troubles in a cup\nhold your nose and\ndrink it up.\nGreat blue city in the sky\nmakes me wonder what it's like to die\nescape the madness\nescape the pain\nthrough the thunder\nthrough the rain.\n)}] instrumental outro\n": 3, "*Soothing music plays as the chef puts down a cutting board made of the finest wood available, Bamboo\u2014 or is it Oak\u2013 no wait, maybe Maple?*\n*The chef cleans the cutting board made of the finest wood available*\nsplish sploosh\n*shake shake shake*\n*The chef grabs a knife as it makes a satisfying 'shing'*\n*The chef begins to cut the finest peppers known to man on the cutting board made of the finest wood available* *Bell Pepper cutting sound*\n*Bell pepper cutting ASMR*\n*The chef turns on the stove*\n*The chef places a marvellous pan on the stove*\n*The chef melts some butter in preparation of frying the finest peppers*\n*The chef puts water in a pot to boil the spaghetti (without sauce, of course)*\n*The chef prepares to boil the pot that will cook the spaghetti (Again, without sauce)*\n*The chef grabs the finest peppers available from the cutting board made from the finest wood available- sans gloves, because gloves are for plebs- and deposits them into the pan*\n*silent admiration to the sexy sound of sizzling veggies*\n*The chef saut\u00e9s the finest peppers available that were chopped on the cutting board made of the finest wood available, in the pan*\n*fwoomp*\n*The chef continues to saut\u00e9 the finest peppers available that were chopped on the cutting board made of the finest wood available, in the pan*\n*another fwoomp*\n*The chef cooks broccoli along with the peppers but did not show the preparation of the broccoli for the sake of suspense*\n*sexy sizzle noises continue*\n*The chef opens the lid of the pot that will be used to cook the spaghetti (again, sans sauce)*\n*The chef puts the finest spaghetti available in the pot*\n*The chef tries to open a bottle of the finest champagne available*\n*Flawless execution*\n*the chef places a wine glass down because champagne flutes are too small*\n*The chef fills the glass with the finest champagne available*\n*oops*\n*the chef removes the spaghetti from the heat and strains it*\n*shake shake shake*\n*the chef places the spaghetti on a plate made with the finest material available*\n*the chef arranges the broccoli and the finest peppers available that were chopped on the cutting board made of the finest wood available beside the spaghetti*\n*The chef awkwardly removes the fallen piece of broccoli, the candle and the champagne glass, as she suddenly decided to drink a tankard of water*\n*The chef licks her lips, ready to taste the wonderful meal*\n*the chef enjoys her meal, and the accompanying background music*\n*the chef enjoys a piece of broccoli*\n*the chef congratulates herself on a meal well cooked*\n*jazz hands*\n*the chef thinks about having more spaghetti, but then stops herself after realising how good the broccoli is*\n*the chef has more broccoli*\n*pieces of broccoli fall out of the chefs mouth, but the chef does not mind*\n*the chef licks the broccoli*\n*the chef plays with the spaghetti as she tries to get some more broccoli*\n*the chef spots the spaghetti and eats it*\n*the chef tries some peppers*\n*the chef brushes herself*\n*the chef eats more spaghetti*\n*the chef picks up the plate to grab any food under it*\n*the chef licks a pepper*\n*the chef licks the entire plate*\n*the chef eats some more spaghetti*\n*the chef conducts some sort of spell*\n*the chef scratches her ear*\n*the chef gives a thumbs-up. the chef approves of the meal!*\n*the chef smiles as she gives another thumbs up! she really enjoyed the meal! hooray!*\n*the chef approves very much.*\n*the chef has a few more bites*\nthe chef is satisfied with his work\n \n": 2, "2022 Ranking #197\tScuola Normale Superiore di Pisa\n2022 Ranking #197\tSapienza University of Rome\n2022 Ranking #197\tUniversity of Hohenheim\n2022 Ranking #197\tUniversity of Geneva\n2022 Ranking #197\tUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg\n2022 Ranking #196\tMedical University of Graz\n2022 Ranking #193\tTexas A&M University\n2022 Ranking #193\tQueensland University of Technology\n2022 Ranking #193\tUniversity of Barcelona\n2022 Ranking #192\tMacquarie University\n2022 Ranking #190\tRutgers, the State University of New Jersey\n2022 Ranking #190\tKing Abdulaziz University\n2022 Ranking #189\tCardiff University\n2022 Ranking #185\tTechnical University of Denmark\n2022 Ranking #185\tPohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)\n2022 Ranking #185\tUniversity of Leicester\n2022 Ranking #185\tUniversity of Gothenburg\n2022 Ranking #183\tUniversity of Notre Dame\n2022 Ranking #183\tUniversity of Cape Town\n2022 Ranking #182\tUniversity of East Anglia\n2022 Ranking #181\tHuazhong University of Science and Technology\n2022 Ranking #180\tKarlsruhe Institute of Technology\n2022 Ranking #178\tUlsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)\n2022 Ranking #178\tUniversity of Liverpool\n2022 Ranking #176\tStockholm University\n2022 Ranking #176\tUniversity of Lausanne\n2022 Ranking #172\tTufts University\n2022 Ranking #172\tTU Dresden\n2022 Ranking #172\tUniversity of Cologne\n2022 Ranking #172\tUniversity of Bologna\n2022 Ranking #170\tUniversity of Canberra\n2022 Ranking #170\tAutonomous University of Barcelona\n2022 Ranking #169\tUniversity of York\n2022 Ranking #168\tNortheastern University\n2022 Ranking #167\tIndiana University\n2022 Ranking #166\tBielefeld University\n2022 Ranking #165\tUniversity of W\u00fcrzburg\n2022 Ranking #162\tSouthern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)\n2022 Ranking #162\tUniversity of Ottawa\n2022 Ranking #162\tDurham University\n2022 Ranking #158\tUniversit\u00e9 Catholique de Louvain\n2022 Ranking #158\tLomonosov Moscow State University\n2022 Ranking #158\tUniversity of Colorado Boulder\n2022 Ranking #158\tUniversity of Aberdeen\n2022 Ranking #157\tWuhan University\n2022 Ranking #156\tPompeu Fabra University\n2022 Ranking #155\tUniversit\u00e9 de Paris\n2022 Ranking #154\tUniversity of Florida\n2022 Ranking #151\tYonsei University (Seoul campus)\n2022 Ranking #151\tUniversity of Sussex\n2022 Ranking #151\tCity University of Hong Kong\n2022 Ranking #150\tUniversity of Arizona\n2022 Ranking #146\tUlm University\n2022 Ranking #146\tTrinity College Dublin\n2022 Ranking #146\tNewcastle University\n2022 Ranking #146\tUniversity of Mannheim\n2022 Ranking #143\tUniversity of Technology Sydney\n2022 Ranking #143\tUniversity of Exeter\n2022 Ranking #143\tUniversity of Antwerp\n2022 Ranking #142\tUniversity of Rochester\n2022 Ranking #141\tUniversity of Nottingham\n2022 Ranking #140\tUniversity of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus\n2022 Ranking #139\tTechnical University of Berlin\n2022 Ranking #137\tUniversity of Vienna\n2022 Ranking #137\tUniversity of Auckland\n2022 Ranking #136\tRice University\n2022 Ranking #132\tThe University of Western Australia\n2022 Ranking #132\tRadboud University Nijmegen\n2022 Ranking #132\tUniversity of Hamburg\n2022 Ranking #132\tArizona State University (Tempe)\n2022 Ranking #131\tUppsala University\n2022 Ranking #130\tGeorgetown University\n2022 Ranking #127\tUniversity of Virginia (Main campus)\n2022 Ranking #127\tMaastricht University\n2022 Ranking #127\tUniversity of Leeds\n2022 Ranking #126\tCase Western Reserve University\n2022 Ranking #125\tUniversity of Alberta\n2022 Ranking #124\tUniversity of Southampton\n2022 Ranking #122\tSungkyunkwan University (SKKU)\n2022 Ranking #122\tLancaster University\n2022 Ranking #119\tPenn State (Main campus)\n2022 Ranking #119\tUniversity of Oslo\n2022 Ranking #119\tUniversity of G\u00f6ttingen\n2022 Ranking #117\tQueen Mary University of London\n2022 Ranking #117\tUniversit\u00e9 Paris-Saclay\n2022 Ranking #116\tLund University\n2022 Ranking #115\tVrije Universiteit Amsterdam\n2022 Ranking #113\tVanderbilt University\n2022 Ranking #113\tNational Taiwan University (NTU)\n2022 Ranking #112\tUniversity of Bonn\n2022 Ranking #111\tUniversity of Adelaide\n2022 Ranking #110\tUniversity of Sheffield\n2022 Ranking #108\tRWTH Aa": 0, "{\\an8}You, you will pay for what you've done and\n{\\an8}I pray that God sends angels\nto visit vengeance upon you.\n{\\an8}But none of us will harm a hair\non your filthy, murderous heads.\n{\\an8}But God will crush you, crush you.\n{\\an8}You will be destroyed not us.\n{\\an8}Our will break you.\n{\\an8}God breaks Bill Gates.\n{\\an8}Yeah.\n{\\an8}Yeah.\n{\\an8}You understand that?\n{\\an8}You will be visited by the spirit of God.\n{\\an8}God descends the Angel of death and\nhe sends the Angel of Death with wrath.\n{\\an8}You will never suppress us,\nyou will never stop us,\n{\\an8}you will never take our birthright.\n{\\an8}Now that I've said that to Satan and\nhis minions, let us move to the news.\n{\\an8}>> Cocaine is a hell of a drug.\n{\\an8}Let's put up something my\nProducer cooked up here.\n{\\an8}Let's put it up.\n{\\an8}Yeah, there it is.\n{\\an8}Alex Jones has all of the charisma\nof a WWE Entertainment wrestler.\n{\\an8}100%.\n{\\an8}Do I even need to provide\ncommentary on how silly he sounded.\n{\\an8}I get it.\n{\\an8}You're anti Bill Gates, alright?\n{\\an8}I don't have a whole lot of love for\nBill Gates.\n{\\an8}He's a mixed bag.\n{\\an8}But damn.\n{\\an8}I need you to lighten up\non that commentary sir.\n{\\an8}[LAUGH] Adrian thought so Alex jones.\n{\\an8}>> Maybe he's trying to work his way into\na new career path working in wrestling,\n{\\an8}given that he's what bankrupt now, so\nto speak or at least his info wars is so\n{\\an8}I wouldn't be surprised, but he shows\nyou that he is absolutely ridiculous.\n{\\an8}He stays ridiculous and\nit's really sad because there are so\n{\\an8}many people who see him as a source or\nas an authority.\n{\\an8}And it just makes me wonder\nwhat do those people see?\n{\\an8}I don't see it.\n": 2, "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down\nLondon Bridge is falling down, my fair lady\nBuilt it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay\nBuilt it up with wood and clay, my fair lady\nWood and clay will wash away\nWash away, wash away\nWood and clay will wash away, my fair lady\nBuilt it up with bricks and stones, bricks and stones, bricks and stones\nBuilt it up with bricks and stones, my fair lady\nBricks and stones will not stay, will not stay, will not stay\nBricks and stones will not stay,\nMy fair lady\nBuilt it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel\nBuilt it up with iron and steel, my fair lady\nIron and steel will rust and bend,\nRust and bend, rust and bend,\nIron and steel will rust and bend,\nMy fair lady\nBuilt it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold,\nBuilt it up with silver and gold, my fair lady\nLondon Bridge didn\u2019t fall down, didn\u2019t fall down, didn\u2019t fall down,\nLondon Bridge didn\u2019t fall down, my fair lady\nLondon Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down\nLondon Bridge is falling down, \nMy fair lady\nBuilt it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay\nBuilt it up with wood and clay,\nMy fair lady\nWood and clay will wash away Wash away, wash away\nWood and clay will wash away, My fair lady\nBuilt it up with bricks and stones,\nBricks and stones, bricks and stones\nBuilt it up with bricks and stones, My fair lady\nBricks and stones will not stay, Will not stay, will not stay\nBricks and stones will not stay, My fair lady\nBuilt it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel\nBuilt it up with iron and steel, My fair lady\nIron and steel will rust and bend, Rust and bend, rust and bend,\nIron and steel will rust and bend, My fair lady\nBuilt it up with silver and gold, Silver and gold, silver and gold\nBuilt it up with silver and gold, My fair lady\nLondon Bridge didn\u2019t fall down, Didn\u2019t fall down, didn\u2019t fall down\nLondon Bridge didn\u2019t fall down, My fair lady\n": 3, "This is what we gonna create. Moving, rotating, and scalling object by touch the screen\nIntro\nWelcome to Maballo NET\nin this session we will learn how to moving, rotating and scalling object by touching the screen on smartphone\nlets open up our Augmented Reality project\nclick Asset Store Menu\ntype \"lean touch\" on input search field then Enter\nscoliing down, then click the Lean Touch\nclick Import\nclick Import Button\nnow we have a new Folder called LeanTouch\nopen that folder\nthen open Scripts folder\non the Hierarchy please right click on your mouse then click CreateEmpty to create new Empty Object\ndrag the LeanTouch.cs to the GameObject that we just created\nback to lean touch folder\nchange the view to List view by draging the scroll botton to the left\nopen the Example folder then scroll down\nopen the Image Target\ndrag the SimpleMove.cs to 3D object (not Image Target)\nthen drag SimpleRotateScale.cs to 3D object\nnow we see the scripts already attached to the 3D object\nClick File menu then click Build&Setting. Swich to Android platform\nmake sure you already swich the platform to Android platform\nclick Player Setting\nChange the Company Name\nchange the Identifier Name\nyou can also change the icon of apk\nafter we finish setting up the PlayerSetting, we click the Build button\nchange the name of apk to what ever you want\nthen click save button\nafter the Build finished. Open the directory\nsend the apk to your smartphone then installing it\ni will send the apk using Air Droid\ni will mirroring my smartphone on my Laptop\nmy smartphone was mirrored on my laptop\nlets installing the apk\ninstall the apk\ninstalling processing\nopen the application\nopen the Image Target\nyou can see the object was poped up on the Image Target\nscalling the object by two finggers on your smartphone\nrotating the object by two finggers on you smarphone\nmove the object using one fingger by dragging to other place\nPlease subscribe to watch updated videos from Maballo NET\nThanks for watching :)\n": 2, "Put your apron on, wash your hands\nLet\u2019s get out some pots and pans\nCups, plates and a wooden spoon\nTap, tap, tap, a little cooking tune\nCos cooking in the kitchen is so much fun\nWe\u2019re cooking dinner for everyone\nWe\u2019re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake\nSo many yummy things we can make\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nStir it, stir it, mix mix mix!\nLet\u2019s mix up a bowl of goo\nWith a little bit of water and flour too\nStir it up until it\u2019s nice and thick\nThen put it in the oven for one minute...\nYay!\nCos cooking in the kitchen is so much fun\nWe\u2019re cooking dinner for everyone\nWe\u2019re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake\nSo many yummy things we can make\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nStir it, stir it, mix mix mix\nRoll some dough with a rolling pin\nLet\u2019s make cookies for all our friends\nStars, squares and circles too\nCutting out shapes for me and you\nCos cooking in the kitchen is so much fun\nWe\u2019re cooking dinner for everyone\nWe\u2019re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake\nSo many yummy things we can make\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nStir it, stir it, mix mix mix\nStir it, stir it - cooking in the kitchen\nMix it, mix it - cooking in the kitchen\nWhisk it, whisk it - cooking in the kitchen\nRoll it, roll it - cooking in the kitchen\nCooking in the kitchen is so much fun\nWe\u2019re cooking dinner for everyone\nWe\u2019re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake\nSo many yummy things we can make\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nCook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen\nStir it, stir it, mix mix mix\nAnd when we\u2019re done, we wash up \nand put everything away\nSo all our cooking things are ready \nfor our next cooking day\nCook! Cook! Cooking in the kitchen\nCook! Cook! Cooking in the kitchen\nCook! Cook! Cooking in the kitchen!\n": 4, "You want to go bananas? \nIt's time\u00a0for some monkey business!\nLet's dance!\nIn the jungle, climbing a tree\n(Climbing a tree, climbing a tree)\nLooking for some food to eat\n(Food to eat, food to eat)\nGotta swing from vine to vine\n(I think I see a banana!)\nLet's grab it and peel it back\n(Peel it back, peel it back)\nTake a bite, that's good!\nIt makes me wanna...\n(Make me wanna wanna wanna)\nDance like a monkey!\nDance like a monkey!\nDance like a monkey!\nOkay, now let's\u00a0dance \nlike some different primates!\nCome on!\nScratch your fur like a chimpanzee\n(Chimpanzee, ch-ch-chimpanzee)\nHop around like a lemur\n(Boing b-b-boing boing b-b-boing boing)\nBeat your chest like gorilla\n(oohuh, oohuh, oohuh, Uh! Uh! Uh!)\nSwing your arms like orangutan\n(Orangutan, orangutan)\nBut if you wanna go crazy,\nlet's eat a banana\n(Make me wanna wanna wanna)\nDance like a monkey!\nDance like a monkey!\nDance like a monkey\nWhen I eat a banana,\nI really wanna dance underneath a cabana\nWhen I eat a banana,\nI really wanna dance, I really wanna\nWhen I eat a banana,\nI really wanna dance while I wear a bandana\nWhen I eat a banana,\nI really wanna dance, I really wanna\nDance like a monkey!\nDance like a monkey!\nWhen I eat a banana,\nI really wanna dance underneath a cabana\nWhen I eat a banana,\nI really wanna dance, I really wanna...\nDance like a monkey!\n": 2, "We didn't come here to play\nKing Kong!\nRockstar!\nOh Yeah Yeah\nOkumchorla (Miracle) ye ye\nIf you put your body on me\nI put my money on you\nI put the dollar on you girlll\nIf you put your body on me\nThen I put my money on you\nI put my dollar on you girlll\nOh girl you're looking so amazing\nFor you I think I'm going crazy\nOh girl your body so amazing\nAnd I don't wanna leave your sight\nGirlll...\nIf you put your body on me\nI put my money on you\nI put the dollar on you girlll..\nIf you put your body on me\nI put my money on you\nI put the dollar on you girlll...\nI go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle)\nChorla Chorla ee ee ee\nOkumchorla (Miracle)\nI go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle)\nChorla Chorla\nOkumchorla (Miracle) ee ee\nYou make I fall in love\nMy heart is all for you\nI go show you money money money\nKeep being you, don't change\nMy cars dey outside\nI go show you money money money\nOh girl you're looking so amazing\nFor you I think I'm going crazy\nOh girl your body so amazing\nAnd I don't want to leave your sight\nGirlll...\nIf you put your body on me\nI put my money on you\nI put the dollar on you girlll..\nIf you put your body on me\nI put my money on you\nI put the dollar on you girlll..\nI go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle)\nChorla chorla ee ee ee\nOkumchorlaa (Miracle)\nI go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle)\nChorla Chorla\nOkumchorla (Miracle) ee ee\nIf you put your body on body on\nI go put my money on money on\nI go put my dollar on dollar on you\nOh yeah yeah\nIf you put your body on body on\nI go put my money on money on\nI go put my dollar on dollar on you\nI go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle)\nChorla chorla ee ee\nOkumchorla (Miracle)\nI go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle)\nChorla Chorla\nOkumchorla (Miracle) ee ee\nOkumchorla (Miracle) ee ee\nRockstar Made It\n": 2, "Hi everybody,\nin this video we show\nhow you can edit the TV Programmes\non WebOS4.0 or 4.5.\nWe will show\nhow to change the order of the programmes,\nhow to change a programme number,\nhow you can skip programmes,\nand how you can lock a programme with a password.\nTo do this,\ngo to All settings,\nProgrammes\nselect Programme Manager,\nand then Edit All Programmes.\nHere you can see the list with the TV programmes,\nafter you have done the tuning with your Antenna,\nCable, or Satellite connection.\nThe list is ordered from left to right,\ntop to bottom.\nHow to change the order of the programmes\nTo change the order of the programmes,\nselect one or more programmes in the list\nand then select Move.\nThen use your magic remote\nto move the programmes to another position.\nUse the scroll wheel to move up and down in the list.\nThen press the scroll wheel\nto put the programmes on the new position.\nNow, we can see that the programmes\nare on the new position.\nHow to change the programme number\nTo change the programme number,\nselect a programme,\nthen select Edit Programme Number,\nand then enter the new number.\nNow, we can now go to the programme directly,\nby pressing the new number.\nBe aware that when you have done the Programme Tuning\nand you selected a pre-configured operator,\nit might not be possible to change the programmes position\nor number.\nIn that case,\ncheck out our other video\nabout how to create a TV Programmes Favourite List.\nHow to skip programmes\nTo skip programmes,\nselect one or more programmes in the list\nand select Skip.\nWhen we now go through the programme list,\nthese programmes are skipped.\nAlso,\nthe skipped programmes wil not be shown\nwhen you press the list button on the Magic Remote.\nTo restore skipped programmes,\nselect one or more programmes,\nand then select Restore.\nHow to lock programmes\nTo lock a programme,\nselect the programme in the list\nand select Lock.\nEnter the current password.\nBy default the password is 0000.\nWhen you use this function for the first time,\nthe TV will ask you to switch on the safety function.\nSelect Yes.\nTo change the password,\ngo to All Settings,\nSafety,\nand then select Reset Password.\nFirst enter the current password.\nThen enter the new password\nand again to confirm the new password.\nNow, when I go to a locked programme,\nI have to click the scroll wheel,\nand then enter the password\nbefore I can watch the programme.\nThis is how you can edit the TV Programmes.\nFor more help,\ncheck out the other videos on our YouTube channel,\nor contact your local LG helpdesk.\n": 4, "J. Matthew Register: Hi! There, folks! Today we are going to talk about eigenvalues and eigenvectors, now eigenvalues and eigenvectors.\nJ. Matthew Register: They can be some of the most difficult to understand things, but sometimes folks find it the easiest to understand things. we're going to hopefully explain it in a way where it is the easiest to understand things. But we shall see.\nJ. Matthew Register: here's just a brief overview of what they're about, though. eigenvalues and eigenvectors are used to identify and classify equilibrium values in different systems. positive eigenvalues means. The system is unstable leading to populations. Exploding in chaotic ways.\nJ. Matthew Register: Well, negative eigenvalues mean the system is stable, so the populations are going to be approaching some particular value.\nJ. Matthew Register: You can also get complex valued eigenvalues, which would mean that the system is either stable or unstable. but that it's going to fluctuate wildly as it approaches or escapes equilibrium.\nJ. Matthew Register: eigenvalues are a very major topic when we're talking about dynamics. We can use them to understand how a system is functioning.\nJ. Matthew Register: and before we actually calculate them and determine what they are, let's do a quick overview of what vectors and vector fields are.\nJ. Matthew Register: And so we know that a vector is something which has a direction and a magnitude that's really the defining characteristic. So you have a direction. You have a magnitude.\nJ. Matthew Register: a vector field such as something down here is where we have a large number of vectors, all in some coordinate system.\nJ. Matthew Register: Now, the interesting thing is, a matrix can be thought of\nJ. Matthew Register: as a way to transform one vector into another vector\nJ. Matthew Register: that's going to be the big thing\nJ. Matthew Register: and let's actually go to the whiteboard to show how that would work.\nJ. Matthew Register: And so here we see a 2 by 2 matrix, and this matrix is being multiplied by a vector and it gives us a new vector so we start with V. One we end with V 2\nJ. Matthew Register: we could put any vector in here, and this matrix is going to transform this vector into some other. Vector\nJ. Matthew Register: I think the only one that would stay. The same is probably going to be 0 0. But there might be others.\nJ. Matthew Register: and that's kind of what the idea of the eigenvalue and eigenvector are.\nJ. Matthew Register: If we look at this particular example\nJ. Matthew Register: with this matrix, a.\nJ. Matthew Register: When we multiply by V one.\nJ. Matthew Register: our V 2 is a scalar multiple of our V one.\nJ. Matthew Register: These 2 vectors are going in the exact same direction.\nJ. Matthew Register: and it's easy to see if you were to just graph them out this. One's gonna be going 3 over and 5 up.\nJ. Matthew Register: This is going to be going 7 times that amount, but it's still going to be going in the proportion of 3 over and 5 up.\nJ. Matthew Register: and we can even see that here\nJ. Matthew Register: where we factored the 7 out.\nJ. Matthew Register: And so here we have our matrix. A.\nJ. Matthew Register: We have a vector\nJ. Matthew Register: and it's equal to a scalar multiple of that exact same vector\nJ. Matthew Register: This is what the eigenvalue and eigenvector are all about.\nJ. Matthew Register: The eigenvector is this vector here? And so the 3 5 in this case would be our eigenvector.\nJ. Matthew Register: the 7. The scalar is considered our eigenvalue\nJ. Matthew Register: now as mentioned, depending on what the eigenvalue is.\nJ. Matthew Register: This system could be growing and growing and growing. It could be shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. It could be taking things and making them negative.\nJ. Matthew Register: But we could also get some things where we have complex numbers involved, and that gets a little bit more interesting.\nJ. Matthew Register: for now let's just focus on the real case.\nJ. Matthew Register: And so we use this notation, the Greek letter to s": 4, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nIn this video, I'll analyze Tanxugueiras with the song \"Desidia\".\nIt's a new post on your channel,\nso I'm already very anxious to know how this song and video are.\nso I'm already very anxious to know how this song and video are.\nThey always do an amazing job\nboth audio and image. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer.\nmulti-instrumentalist, producer and composer.\nTherefore, I will do an analysis on the vocal behavior,\nmusical arrangements and musical production. Therefore,\nwhenever I deem it necessary I will make my observations.\nFirst of all, follow me on other platforms and social networks.\nSoon I will be streaming on another platform, a purple platform.\nSoon I will be streaming on another platform, a purple platform.\nSo feel free to follow me there.\nAnd I will be very happy and very grateful for it.\nThe message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nlet's analyze Tanxugueiras.\nIt's very different.\nIt is a very different production.\nAnd when I talk about being different, obviously, I mean the visual production.\nBecause the song is still in its intro,\nbut I already consider it very different.\nThis is very difficult.\nThis couple... Are they dancers?\nBecause, what they do is awesome body art.\nBecause, what they do is awesome body art.\nLook at this sound.\nIt always starts in a very minimalist way.\nIt always starts in a very minimalist way.\nIt is not a rule but many songs of Tanxugueiras,\nAlways start with a very minimalist environment in terms of instruments.\nAlways start with a very minimalist environment in terms of instruments.\nIt's always very evident and the highlight is really their voice,\nIt's always very evident and the highlight is really their voice,\nThey are incredible singers and have wonderful voices.\nBut always the musical atmosphere is wrapped with a very mysterious atmosphere.\nBut always the musical atmosphere is wrapped with a very mysterious atmosphere.\nBut always the musical atmosphere is wrapped with a very mysterious atmosphere.\nThis work of art is amazing.\nVery different.\nAnd it is very, very, very difficult.\nNow the music is booming and\nmore musical elements are being added to the song.\nThe bass has a very different sound.\nSometimes I have the feeling that the bass sounds electronically.\nSometimes I have the feeling that the bass sounds electronically.\nbecause there is something\nringing along with it that I can't necessarily identify what it is.\nBut this video is very beautiful.\nAnd the Tanxugueiras invest a lot in visual production, which is...\nAnd the Tanxugueiras invest a lot in visual production, which is...\nAnd the Tanxugueiras invest a lot in visual production, which is...\nThey are always true works of art.\nIt's an electronic drum kit.\nThere's a loudness with the bass here,\nwith the use of synthesizers that are added to the sound,\nto the elements that are being worked on here in this song.\nBut it's always a feature...\nThe tanxugueiras have the habit of always adding electronic elements.\nThe tanxugueiras have the habit of always adding electronic elements.\nAnd that makes the sound really different.\nI realize that\nthe movements made by these people who are doing this body work,\nthe movements made by these people who are doing this body work,\nseems... doesn't seem,\nthere was certainly a lot of preparation and rehearsal for this,\nbecause sometimes\nthey are in different environments, but the movements complement each other.\nThey perform the same movement in different environments and in the edition of this video,\nThey perform the same movement in different environments and in the edition of this video,\nit is a continuous movement.\nIt is an amazing work of art. Incredible. Is very pretty.\nIt is an amazing work of art. Incredible. Is very pretty.\nLook at this pulsing battery...\nIt's very, very cool.\nIs a feeling...\nThe aesthetic way the instruments work, in this song,\nThe aesthetic way the instruments work, in this song,\nalways gives a feeling of great strength.\n'Cause this pulsing bass drum, these pulsing drums": 4, "Hello little Scientist!\nWelcome to ALLEN IntelliBrain.\nIn this video, we are going to learn about the process of \ndata representation and its interpretation\nin a visual format using the pie chart \nand we are going to have a lot of fun \nwhile learning with an interesting Intelli activity.\nYou will need the following material\nfrom your Intelli Smart Box to perform the activity.\nTake out\nthe Pie Chart Base Tray, the Pie Chart Ring, the Data Sections\nthe Pie Chart Activity Tag, 5 Category Tags \nand 12 Wooden Locks from your Pie Chart Kit\nand the Data Handling Cards from your Intelli Smart Box.\nPlace the Pie Chart Base Tray and the Pie Chart Ring\non a table or a flat surface.\nObserve the Pie Chart Base Tray, that it has, slits along the edge.\nAlso, take the Pie Chart Ring and observe that\nit also has the similar slits.\nPlace the Pie Chart Ring on the Pie Chart Base Tray,\nsuch that, all the slits on the Pie Chart Base Tray\nand the Pie Chart Ring match with one another\nand insert Wooden Locks from below into each of the slits,\njust like this. \nAnd now, fix the Pie Chart Activity Tag\nby inserting it in the Wooden Lock near to the 4 Wooden Locks\nthat are closer to one another as compared to the other Wooden Locks.\nNow, it's time to draw out the data\nwhich is provided to us in the form of Data Handling Cards.\nTake out all the Cards from the Data Handling Cards box.\nShuffle the deck of Cards, thoroughly\nand then draw out 20 Data Cards\nand keep the rest of the Cards aside.\nThese 20 Cards is your data in hand.\nThen, arrange data Cards in 5 category-wise stacks.\nIt is easier to do by matching the colours.\nThe red Cards are of the category, Scientist.\nThe green Cards are of the category, Sportsperson.\nThe blue Cards are of the category, Businessman.\nThe orange Cards are of the category, Astronaut.\nAnd, the yellow Cards are of the category, Mathematician.\nThe next step is to pick out \nthe Data Sections to represent the data in hand.\nWe will scale\n1 big Data Section to represent 2 Cards of a category\nand 1 small Data Section to represent 1 Card of a category.\nThe yellow Data Sections will be used to represent\nthe Cards of the category, Mathematician.\nThe orange Data Sections will be used to represent\nthe Cards of the category, Astronaut.\nThe red Data Sections will be used to represent\nthe Cards of the category, Scientist.\nThe blue Data Sections will be used to represent\nthe Cards of the category, Businessman.\nAnd, the green Data Sections will be used to represent\nthe Cards of the category, Sportsperson.\nLet's see how many Cards we have for each of the 5 categories.\nWe have 2 Cards of the category, Scientist.\n2 Cards of the category, Sportsperson.\n4 Cards of the category, Businessman.\n5 Cards of the category, Astronaut.\nAnd, 7 Cards of the category, Mathematician.\nWe need to place the Data Sections for each of the 5 categories,\none by one,\n in ascending order, of the number of Cards of each category.\nTo represent 2 Cards of the category, Scientist,\n we will use one big red Data Section.\nWe will start from left side of the Activity Tag.\nWe will use 1 big green Data Section\nand place it next to the red Data Section.\n1 big green Data Section represents\n2 Cards of the category, Sportsperson.\nTo represent 4 Cards of the category, Businessman,\nwe will need 2 big blue Sections \nand we will place them next to the green Section.\n2 big blue Data Sections represent\n4 Cards of the category, Businessman.\nTo represent 5 Cards of the category, Astronaut,\nwe will need 2 big orange Sections and 1 small orange Section.\nPlace them next to the blue Data Sections.\n2 big and 1 small orange Data Sections represent\n5 Cards of the category, Astronaut.\nTo represent 7 Mathematician Cards,\nwe will need 3 big yellow Sections and 1 small yellow Section\nand we will place them next to the orange Data Sections.\n3 big and 1 small yellow coloured Data Sections\nof the category, Mathematician represents, 7 Cards of the category.\nNow, we shall attach the category tags\nalong the side of the Section representing the category.\nFix the Mathematician Category Tag into the Wooden L": 4, "Entrepreneurship to me is a way to think.\nEntrepreneurship is understanding what are\nthe relevant questions in each\ndiscipline are that you have to solve in\norder to make a business work, or to make\na business opportunity happen. So, when\nyou think like an entrepreneur, you know\nhow to speak to the accountants, you know\nhow to speak to the marketers, you know\nhow to speak to the financial people, you\nknow how to speak to the HR people;\nyou're solving all those problems with\nthem. You're relying on subject matter\nexperts, but you're driving the\nconversation because you know what re the\nimportant questions you need the answers to.\nWell I think that's equally valuable\nin management. That's frankly my approach\nto being Dean. Being Dean really involves\nlots of different constituencies.\nObviously, there's the students who are\nhere, and the faculty are here, and the\nadministration who is here. But it's also\nabout all the alumni who've been here,\nit's also about all the prospective\nstudents we'd like to come here, it's\nabout their parents, it's about the\nemployers we hope our students will\nultimately work for. So there's lots of\ndifferent constituencies you have to be\nable to talk to, you have to know what's\nimportant to them, you have to be able to\nproblem-solve with them in all those\ndifferent areas of concern. So I think\nhaving an entrepreneurial mindset is\ncritical to really problem solving in\nalmost any job.\n": 4, "Bartender, gimme another shot\nAnd this time not one\nLet there be two\nI want to scream until I lose my voice\nBecause life is too short\nLife is only one\nAnd I owe nothing to anyone\nDo you like how I move\nA new game\nWith you I dare\nAh ah, here we live without fear \nAh ah, here we live without fear\nWith you I dare\nAh ah, here we live without fear\nWhat are you going to do if I get you \nIf I curl up with you\nAh, if I get you\nAh, ah, if I get you\nDelicious if you try me, you\u2019ll get addicted\nYou like how I look at you with malice\nI'll lose myself with you like Alice\nThat I'm naughty is not news, no\nI don't live in secret\nMy life has no script\nI just live in the moment\nThere\u2019s no time for laments\nI don't live in secret\nMy life has no script\nI just live in the moment\nAh, ah, here we live without fear\nAh ah, here we live without fear\nWith you I dare\nAh, ah, here we live without fear \nI don't care what so-and-so did\nWith people who are not\nworth the same as me\nThere are levels and levels\nI want someone for this night\nthat doesn't end\nBreak, break the rules\nIf you can take this woman\nwho doesn't conform\nIt could be, it could be\nthat I give you another night\nBut I don't promise you, no\nI don't live in secret\nMy life has no script\nI just live in the moment\nNo time for laments\nI don't live in secret\nMy life has no script\nI just live in the moment\nAh, ah, here we live without fear\nAh, ah, here we live without fear\nWith you I dare\nAh, ah, here we live without fear\nJowny\nDJ Luian\nMambo Kingz\nAnitta, Anitta\nHear this\nHear this\nAnitta\n": 2, "RMP Boys\nBamb basa\nCome on it's Fifa's Cup Yeah Yeah\nIt's Brazil's Match Yeah Yeah\n25th is the date Yeah Yeah\nIt's Our Team Match Yeah Yeah\nLyari is Beautiful more more\nLyari have a crowd more more\nBrazil is for lyari especial especial\nLyari is decor Forword the ball pass pass\nBrazil came to the field\nI sacrifice for my team\nWill not go to Qatar field\nWill watch the match in My Baghdad\nThiago Silva lit the fire\nThere is a lot of rush in the Brazil match\nThey hold the ball and pass\nThis match is very special today\nNeymar scores a goal goal\nDrum will be played at lyari\nMy dear you will get a faul faul\nMy dear you will get a Red faul\nQatar's field will be decorated Festival\nFrom Greiez to Ma\u00f1e Who will be the first ?\nGo away from the keeper\nI would go alone like Messi\nDe Maria will goal from mid \nFeiled is very tight when there's De Paul\nDecorated Lyari with excitement in veins\nZidane would take the faul if he agreed\nCome on, it's the FIFA Cup yeah yeah\nBrazil has a match yeah yeah\n25th is the date yeah yeah \nOur team has a match yeah yeah\nLyari is very beautiful more more\nLyari is very busy more more \nBrazil for Lyari Especial Especial\nForward the ball pass pass\nOn 25th I will be in a suit studs(football shoes)\nI also be wearing in my feet boot boot\nThe ground will be full of smoke smoke\nWhen Neymar will shoot shoot \nFootball is the glory of Lyari \nYou better know this\nNeymar is the glory of Bamb basa\nHe is giving goal after goal\n1,2,3 Come on my bro\nDo the kit and wear The Boots \nThe emphasis is on the free kick \nNoise on Try\nHis feet, his feet \nBall is in goal in the blink of an eye \nThe heart says to tear the veil and go there\nWhen it came out with his move\nWe don't care about his loss \nWe are big fans of Portugal\nWe are big fans of Portugal\nCome on, it's the FIFA Cup yeah yeah\nBrazil has a match yeah yeah\n25th is the date yeah yeah \nOur team has a match yeah yeah\nLyari is very beautiful more more\nLyari is very busy more more \nBrazil for Lyari Especial Especial\nForward the ball pass pass\n": 1, "Run and tell your mummy\nThe streets go ra pa pum pum\nRa pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum\nIt's coming from the Gully\nIt's coming from the city slum slums\nCity slum slums\nCity slum slums\nSadak zabaani, chai mein paani,\nhaath mein kaarigaari\nNaka ab khaali, bhaari thaali,\nsar pe zimmedaari\nEk hi toh maalik\nbaaki kuch din waale karamchaari\nKaayeka beef,\ntu is rap khel mein shakahaari\nBahut jaali\nYeh rapper famous hue deke gaali -\nlambi gaadi\nAsliyat mein inki jebein khaali -\nkalakaari\nMaas lega humse brahmachaari - kar savaari\nApni wohi gully, wohi chaali\nKitni naari, kitni chaabi,\nnote tere kitni saari,\nNahi aane wale kaam tere maiyat pe -\nswayam se\nJhoot na tu bol payega\nApne aad fassa kharcha phokat mein\ntu khayega\nRun and tell your mummy\nThe streets go ra pa pum pum\nRa pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum\nIt's coming from the Gully\nIt's coming from the city slum slums\nCity slum slums\nCity slum slums\nRaja Kumari\nI go harder than anybody\nDaughter of the King\nAmerican Dream\nPhir bhi dil mein Hindustani\nSo don't misunderstand me\nI do it for the people\nYes I do it for my family, mainly\nI'm gonna get it, I'm with it\nI make it run run\nI'm gonna get it\nI'm in it, until it's done done\nThey tried to stop me\nDon't make the same mistake\nThey tried to copy\nBut they can't take my place\nCuz oh God!\nAll eyes on the underdog\nGo hard\nNo time for you none at all\nWhole squad\nFour tires on the Boulevard\nRunning through the streets at dark\nFlowing like the Ganga (Gangotri!)\nRun and tell your mummy\nThe streets go ra pa pum pum\nRa pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum\nIt's coming from the Gully\nIt's coming from the city slum slums\nCity slum slums\nCity slum slums\nJa ke pooch-Ja ke pooch Apne baare mein\nGully Gang is the sound of the slums\nFrom LA to Bombay\nKnow we coming, know we coming\nKnow we coming up!\nJa ke pooch-Ja ke pooch Apne baare mein\nGully Gang is the sound of the slums\nFrom LA to Bombay\nKnow we coming, know we coming\nRun and tell your mummy\nThe streets go ra pa pum pum\nRa pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum\nIt's coming from the Gully\nIt's coming from the city slum slums\nCity slum slums\nCity slum slums\n": 1, "I didn't hear you leave\nI wonder how am I still here\nAnd I don't want to move a thing\nit might changes my memory\nOh I am what I am\nI'll do what I want\nBut I can't hide\nI won't go, I won't sleep\nI can't breathe\nuntil you're resting here with me\nI won't leave, I can't hide\nI cannot be\nuntil you're resting here with me\nI don't wanna call my friends\nthey might wake me from this dream\nAnd I can't leave this bed,\nRisk forgetting all that's been\nOh I am what I am\nI'll do what I want\nbut i can't hide\nI won't go\nI won't sleep\nI can't breathe\nUntil you're resting here with me\nI won't leave,\nI can't hide\nI cannot be,\nuntil you're resting here\nI won't go\nI won't sleep\nI can't breathe\nUntil you're resting here\nI won't leave\nI can't hide\nI cannot be\nuntil you're resting here with me\noh i am what i am\nI'll do what I want\nBut I can't hide\nI won't go\nI won't sleep\nI can't breathe\nUntil you're resting here with me\nI won't leave\nI can't hide\nI cannot be,\nuntil you're resting here\nI won't go\nI won't sleep\nI can't breathe\nUntil you're resting here with me\nI won't leave\nI can't hide\nI cannot be\nuntil you're resting here with me\n": 2, "Over mountains, from the high\nThe gray-winged eagle flies...\nThose wide wings can't be broken,\nThat flight can't be stopped!\nThose wide wings can't be broken,\nThat flight can't be stopped!\nWe will all rush to the top,\nWith the sunshine in the eyes...\nBy the eagle's solar flight,\nThe leader gives us the true sight.\nBy the eagle's solar flight,\nThe leader gives us the true sight.\nLet the land rejoice in singing\nIn this winged joyful time!..\nWord of Stalin is with us,\nStalin's will is among us!\nWord of Stalin is with us,\nStalin's will is among us!\nTo us, dark waters are obeyed,\nFields lie down at our feet,\nOur factories are built up,\nOur land is modernized!\nOur factories are built up,\nOur land is modernized!\nForward, like one regiment,\nBolsheviks' power goes,\nIn the eagle flight of Stalin\nThe wise leader leads all of us.\nIn the eagle flight of Stalin\nThe wise leader leads all of us.\nAnd with charming scarlet lights,\nThe new time shines to us...\nWord of Stalin is with us,\nStalin's will is among us!\nWord of Stalin is with us,\nStalin's will is among us!\n": 3, "Russians and Chinese - brothers forever!\nStrengthening the unity of peoples and races!\nThe simple man squares his shoulders.\nWith a song, the simple man walks.\nFriendship forever in our hearts!\nIn our hearts!\nIn our hearts!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nGo, go, forward people!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nFrom the Volga, the Yangtze's voice is heard.\nThe Chinese see the radiance of the Kremlin.\nWe aren't afraid of a military storm,\nthe will of the people is stronger than storms!\nOur victory is celebrated worldwide!\nCelebrated worldwide!\nCelebrated worldwide!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nGo, go, forward people!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nIn the world there is no stronger bond!\nIn our columns - the jubilant May!\nThe Soviet Union marches forward,\nthe mighty Soviet Union,\nalongside marches the New China!\nNew China!\nNew China!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nGo, go, forward people!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nRussians and Chinese - brothers forever!\nStrengthening the unity of peoples and races!\nThe simple man squares his shoulders.\nWith a song, the simple man walks.\nFriendship forever in our hearts!\n(in our hearts)\n(in our hearts)\nMoscow - Beijing!\nMoscow - Beijing!\nGo, go, forward people!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\nFor bright labor, for lasting peace,\nunder the banner of freedom!\n": 4, " Hey brah, how we doin' man? \n All right. \n It's been a while, man, life's so rad! \n This band's my favorite, man, don't you love them? \n Yeah. \n Aw man, you want a beer? \n All right. \n Aw man, hell brah, this is the best, man \n I'm so glad we're all back together and stuff. \n This is great, man! \n Yeah. \n Hey, did you know about the party after the show? \n Yeah. \n Aw man, it's gonna be the best, I'm so stoked! \n Take it easy, brah! \n W here I come from isn't all that great \n Wh ere I come from isn't all that great \n Whe re I come from isn't all that great \n Wher e I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I c ome from isn't all that great \n Where I co me from isn't all that great \n Where I com e from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come f rom isn't all that great \n Where I come fr om isn't all that great \n Where I come fro m isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from i sn't all that great \n Where I come from is n't all that great \n Where I come from isn 't all that great \n Where I come from isn' t all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't a ll that great \n Where I come from isn't al l that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all t hat great \n Where I come from isn't all th at great \n Where I come from isn't all tha t great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that g reat \n Where I come from isn't all that gr eat \n Where I come from isn't all that gre at \n Where I come from isn't all that grea t \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n Where I come from isn't all that great \n M y automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My a utomobile is a piece of crap \n My au tomobile is a piece of crap \n My aut omobile is a piece of crap \n My auto mobile is a piece of crap \n My autom obile is a piece of crap \n My automo bile is a piece of crap \n My automob ile is a piece of crap \n My automobi le is a piece of crap \n My automobil e is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile i s a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a p iece of crap \n My automobile is a pi ece of crap \n My automobile is a pie ce of crap \n My automobile is a piec e of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece o f crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of c rap \n My automobile is a piece of cr ap \n My automobile is a piece of cra p \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n My automobile is a piece of crap \n M y fashion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fashion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fashion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My f ashion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fa shion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fas hion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fash ion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fashi on sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fashio n sense is a little wack and \n my friends are just as screwy as me \n My fashion sense is a little wack and \n my friends are jus": 1, "hi guys happy new year let's look at the 118\nelements of the periodic table\nto start with hydrogen and this atomic number\nis 1 and the symbol is h hydrogen has a number\nof two the symbol is 18.\nthe atomic number basically goes up and um\ni will keep on saying uh the name of chemical\nelements since the atomic number keeps the\nnumbers\nso count to 181 something beryllium be born\nb carbon c nitrogen n oxygen oh\nmagnesium mg aluminum\nao silicon s9 phosphorus sph by the way p\nsulfur s\nand the f is not ph is f\n1 Hydrogen H\n- Atomic number 2 Helium He\n- Symbol 3 Lithium Li\n- Atomic Mass 4 Beryllium Be\n- Electronegativity 5 Boron B\n- Density 6 Carbon C\n- Melting point 7 Nitrogen N\n- Boiling point 8 Oxygen O\n- Vanderwaals radius 9 Fluorine F\n- Year of discovery 10 Neon Ne\n- Inventor surname 11 Sodium Na\n- Elements in earthcrust 12 Magnesium Mg\n- Elements in human body 13 Aluminum Al\n- Covalenz radius 14 Silicon Si\n- Ionization energy 15 Phosphorus P\nFor chemistry students and teachers: The tabular\nchart on the right is arranged by Atomic number.\nThe first chemical element is Hydrogen and\nthe last is Ununoctium.\nPlease note that the elements do not show\ntheir natural relation towards each other\nas in the Periodic system.\nThere you can find the metals, semi-conductor(s),\nnon-metal(s), inert noble gas(ses), Halogens,\nLanthanoides, Actinoids (rare earth elements)\nand transition metals.\n16 Sulfur S\n17 Chlorine Cl\n18 Argon Ar\n19 Potassium K\n20 Calcium Ca\n21 Scandium Sc\n22 Titanium Ti\n23 Vanadium V\n24 Chromium Cr\n25 Manganese Mn\n26 Iron Fe\n27 Cobalt Co\n28 Nickel Ni\n29 Copper Cu\n30 Zinc Zn\n31 Gallium Ga\n32 Germanium Ge\n33 Arsenic As\n34 Selenium Se\n35 Bromine Br\n36 Krypton Kr\n37 Rubidium Rb\n38 Strontium Sr\n39 Yttrium Y\n40 Zirconium Zr\n41 Niobium Nb\n42 Molybdenum Mo\n43 Technetium Tc\n44 Ruthenium Ru\n45 Rhodium Rh\n46 Palladium Pd\n47 Silver Ag\n48 Cadmium Cd\n49 Indium In\n50 Tin Sn\n51 Antimony Sb\n52 Tellurium Te\n53 Iodine I\n54 Xenon Xe\n55 Cesium Cs\n56 Barium Ba\n57 Lanthanum La\n58 Cerium Ce\n59 Praseodymium Pr\n60 Neodymium Nd\n61 Promethium Pm\n62 Samarium Sm\n63 Europium Eu\n64 Gadolinium Gd\n65 Terbium Tb\n66 Dysprosium Dy\n67 Holmium Ho\n68 Erbium Er\n69 Thulium Tm\n70 Ytterbium Yb\n71 Lutetium Lu\n72 Hafnium Hf\n73 Tantalum Ta\n74 Tungsten W\n75 Rhenium Re\n76 Osmium Os\n77 Iridium Ir\n78 Platinum Pt\n79 Gold Au\n80 Mercury Hg\n81 Thallium Tl\n82 Lead Pb\n83 Bismuth Bi\n84 Polonium Po\n85 Astatine At\n86 Radon Rn\n87 Francium Fr\n88 Radium Ra\n89 Actinium Ac\n90 Thorium Th\n91 Protactinium Pa\n92 Uranium U\n93 Neptunium Np\n94 Plutonium Pu\n95 Americium Am\n96 Curium Cm\n97 Berkelium Bk\n98 Californium Cf\n99 Einsteinium Es\n100 Fermium Fm\n101 Mendelevium Md\n102 Nobelium No\n103 Lawrencium Lr\n104 Rutherfordium Rf\n105 Dubnium Db\n106 Seaborgium Sg\n107 Bohrium Bh\n108 Hassium Hs\n109 Meitnerium Mt\n110 Darmstadtium Ds\n111 Roentgenium Rg\n112 Copernicium Cn\n113 Nihonium Nh\n114 Flerovium Fl\n115 Moscovium Mc\n116 Livermorium Lv\n117 Tennessine Ts\n118 Oganesson Og\nHAPPY 2022 NEW YEAR!\n": 3, "[MUSIC - KIDD KENN, \"OLD TOWN\n ROAD\"]\nYeah, I'm going to take my\nhorse to the old town road.\nI'm going to ride\ntill I can't no more.\nI'm going to take my horse\nto the old town road.\nI'm going to ride\ntill I can't no more.\nI got the horses in the back.\nHorse tack is attached.\nHat is matte black.\nGot the boots that's\nblack to match.\nRiding on a horse.\nYou can whip your Porsche.\nI been in the valley.\nYou ain't been up\noff that porch, now.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nRiding on the tractor.\nLean all in my bladder.\nCheated on my baby.\nYou can go and ask her.\nMy life is a movie.\nBull riding and boobies.\nCowboy hat from Gucci.\nWrangler on my booty.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nCan't nobody tell me nothing.\nI'm going to take my horse\nto the old town road.\nI'm going to ride\ntil I can't no more.\nI'm going to take my horse\nto the old town road.\nI'm going to ride\ntill I can no more.\nI got the--\n": 1, "Home in bed or out at night\nDon't think twice\nJust don't think twice\nMake a choice, one you won't regret\nThis is your life\nThis is still your life\nNever gone get away, never gone get away\nNever gone break their chains\nWatching me patiently, watching me patiently\nWatching me take the blame\nNever gone get away, never gone get away\nNever gone break the chains\nI'm running out of options, and they know\nOh woah, oh oh, woah oh, oh\nI'm tired of holding on\nOh woah, oh oh, woah oh, oh\nHear me when I say\nDon't blame it on the kids\nDon't blame it on the kids, kids\nDon't blame it on the kids\nDon't blame it on the kids, kids\nCome out, where your pretty faces hiding\nCome out I don't see no point in lying\nNo doubt, you have questions I can answer\nBut first come out with your hands up\nCome out, where your pretty faces hiding\nCome out I don't see no point in lying\nNo doubt, you have questions I can answer\nBut first come out with your hands up\nDon't blame it on the kids\nDon't blame it on the kids, kids\nDon't blame it on the kids\nDon't blame it on the kids, kids\nDon't blame it on the kids\nDon't blame it on the kids, kids\nAny moment I'll have you begging\nDon't turn your back\nOh, can't you see that I'm untamable?\nI'm unmistakable?\nI\u2019m hearing it all, I\u2019m hearing it in my head\nWhisperin, they\u2019re whispering again\nHearing it all, they see me as a threat\nPushing me, keep pushing to the edge\nYou keep calling me a psycho\nGot it in my head careful what you said\nThink you might be right though\nYou made me a psycho\nPsycho\nYou keep calling me a psycho\nThought that I was scared, But I came prepared\nThink you might be right though\nYou made me a psycho\nA psycho\nWhy you think I move in silence\nCause I know that your friends don\u2019t like me\nAnd I don\u2019t really take that lightly,\nthe hates a drug and I think It might be\nA little bit addictive\nAs the days go by I keep getting twisted\nWe\u2019re all a bunch of misfits\nBut the loudest voices don\u2019t fucking listen\nHow do you expect me to care\nwhen the loves all gone and the trust aint there\nHow do you expect me to feel\nwhen the truth aint true and the real aint real\nHow do you believe this will go\nif there\u2019s no more high and we just get low\nI really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain\nI really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain\nI really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain\nHow do you expect me to care\nwhen the loves all gone and the trust aint there\nHow do you expect me to feel\nwhen the truth aint true and the real aint real\nHow do you believe this will go\nif there\u2019s no more high and we just get low\nI really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain\nDrenched in weak and hurtful lies\nFull of hate and self despise\nWay too often leave myself so high & dry\nAlways willing, never able\nLiving out another fable\nFighting with myself I don\u2019t know why... no\nI make my worth a synonym\nWith everything I've never been\nAnd everything I\u2019m never gonna be\nWanna show you what I got, got, got\nWanna see me at the top, top, top\nBut I\u2019m bringing me down, bringing me down\nBringing me down, bringing me down\nGot, got, got\nWanna see me at the top, top, top\nBut I\u2019m bringing me down, bringing me down\nYeah.. That\u2019s the story of my life\nThat\u2019s the story of my life\nThat\u2019s the story of my life\n": 2, "Why is conventional current incorrect?\u00a0\nConventional current is current flowing from positive to negative.\nHowever, the flow of electrons is actually, negative to positive. \nThis is why it\u2019s called electricity, the flow of electrons.\nIf conventional current is true, then it\u2019s the positively charged protons that are oscillating around the nucleus. \nBut in an atom, it\u2019s only the negatively charged electrons that are oscillating around the nucleus not the protons.\nIf conventional current is true then it should be called \u2018protricity\u2019 instead of electricity, \nsince conventional current is from positive to negative, \nmeaning that protons with positive charge are the ones that are flowing towards the negatively charged electrons.\nBoth conventional current and the flow of electrons cannot be correct at the same time.\nOne of the currents don\u2019t move at all, and since it\u2019s the electrons that are moving and oscillating around the nucleus, \nit\u2019s the electrons that are flowing along with the stationary positively charged protons,\nnot the other way around, leaving conventional current to be incorrect.\n": 3, "Job\nWhose tools are these?\nartist\nartist\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a studio.\nstudio\nWhose tools are these?\ncarpenter\ncarpenter\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a carpenter\u2019s shop.\ncarpenter\u2019s shop\nWhose tools are these?\ncook\ncook\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a restaurant.\nrestaurant\nWhose tools are these?\ndoctor\ndoctor\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a hospital.\nhospital\nWhose tools are these?\nengineer\nengineer\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a factory.\nfactory\nWhose tools are these?\nfarmer\nfarmer\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a farm.\nfarm\nWhose tools are these?\nfirefighter\nfirefighter\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a fire station.\nfire station\nWhose tools are these?\nhairdresser\nhairdresser\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a salon.\nsalon\nWhose tools are these?\npilot\npilot\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in an airplane.\nairplane\nWhose tools are these?\npolice officer\npolice officer\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a police station.\npolice station\nWhose tools are these?\nscientist\nscientist\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a science lab.\nscience lab\nWhose tools are these?\nsinger\nsinger\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a broadcasting station.\nbroadcasting station\nWhose tools are these?\nteacher\nteacher\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in a school.\nschool\nWhose tools are these?\nvet\nvet\nWhere do you work at?\nI work in an animal hospital.\nanimal hospital\n": 3, "[Music]\n[Music]\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti kundalini\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti\nkundalini\n[Music]\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti kundalini\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti kundalini\n[Music]\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening spiraling\nshakti kundalini\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti kundalini\n[Music]\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti kundalini\n[Music]\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening spiraling\nshakti kundalini\n[Music]\nopening softening letting the water carry me\nopening spiraling\nshakti kundalini\nopening\nsoftening\nletting the water carry me\nopening\nspiraling\nshakti kundalini\n[Music]\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon new me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me new energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon new me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me i am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seas new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon\nnew me\ni am planting my seeds\nme\ni am planting my seeds new\nnew me\nnew energy\nnew moon new me\ni am planting my seed's new moon\nnew me\nnew energy\n[Music]\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close\nand when you're ready\nlet it go\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close and when you're ready\nlet it go\n[Music]\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close\nlean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close and when you're ready\nlet it go\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close and when you're ready\nlet it go\n[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close and when you're ready\nlet it go\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close and when you're ready\nlet it go\n[Music]\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close and when you're ready\nlet it go\nsit with your pain\ncradle it close lean in and listen\ntake it slow\nsit with your pain\ncradle it glows and when you're ready\nlet it go\n[Music]\n[Applause]\n[Music]\n[Music]\n[Music]\nbless this heart of mine\nbless my body and mid\nholy is your essence loving is your\npresence\nmay we repattern and honor\nthe sacred\n[Music]\nbless this heart of mine\nbless my body and mind\nholy is your essence loving is your\npresence may we repattern and honor\nthe sacred\n[Music]\n[Music]\n \n[Music]\nbless this heart of mine\nbless my body and mind\nholy is your essence loving is your\npresence may we repattern and honor\nthe sacred\n[Music]\nbless this heart of mine\nbless my body and mind\nholy is your essence loving is your\npresence may we repattern and\nthe sacred\n[Music]\n[Music]\nso\n[Music]\nbless this heart of a mine\nbless my body and mind\nholy is your essence loving is your\npresence may we repattern and honor\nthe sacred\n[Music]\nbless this heart of mine\nbless my body and mind\nholy is your essence loving is your\npresence may we repattern and honor\nthe sacred\n[Music]\n[Music]\nfull moon glow i am bright and beautiful\nfull moon glow i am brave and i am bold\nfull moon glow i am bright and beautiful\nfull moon glow i am brave and i'm bold\n[Music]\nfull moon glow i am bright and beautiful\nfull moon glow i am brave and i'm bold\nfull moon gl": 0, "In my eyes\nindisposed\nin disguises noone knows\nhides the face\nLies the snake\nand the sun in my disgrace\nboiling heat, summer stench\n'neath the black, the sky looks dead\ncall my name through the cream\nand I'll hear you scream again\nBlack hole sun, won't you come\nand wash away the rain\nblack hole sun, won't you come, won't you come, won't you come\nstuttering, cold and damp\nsteal the warm wind tired friend\ntimes are gone for honest men\nsometimes far too long for snakes\nin my shoes, walking sleep\nin my soul I pray to keep\nheaven sent, hell away\nnoone sings like you anymore\nblack hole sun, won't you come\nbah bah bum bah, wash away the rain\nblack hole sun, won't you come, won't you come\nwon't you come, whoa ah oh\nhang my head, drown my fears\n'til you all just disappear\nblack hole sun, won't you come\nand wash away the rain\nblack hole sun, won't you come, won't you come\nblack hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain\nblack hole sun, won't you come\nblack hole sun, black hole sun, won't you come\nblack hole sun, black hole sun, won't you come\nblack hole sun, black hole sun, won't you come, oh yeah\noh yeah\n": 2, "stressful\nstressful\nmeaning\ncausing mental or emotional stress\ncausing mental or emotional stress\nmy job is getting more and more stressful\nmy job is getting more and more stressful\nleverage\nleverage\nmeaning\nuse something to maximum advantage\nuse something to maximum advantage\nher wealth gives her enormous\u00a0\nleverage in social circles\nher wealth gives her enormous\u00a0\nleverage in social circles\ntemporary\ntemporary\nmeaning\nlasting for only a limited\u00a0\nperiod of time not permanent\nlasting for only a limited\u00a0\nperiod of time not permanent\ni'm living with my parents but it's only temporary\ni'm living with my parents but it's only temporary\ndivine\ndivine\nmeaning\nvery pleasing delightful\nvery pleasing delightful\nwe had an absolutely divine time in switzerland\nwe had an absolutely divine time in switzerland\nfloat\nfloat\nmeaning\nrest or move on or near the\u00a0\nsurface of a liquid without sinking\nrest or move on or near the\u00a0\nsurface of a liquid without sinking\nthe logs float down the river\nthe logs float down the river\nhopefully\nhopefully\nmeaning\nin a hopeful manner\nin a hopeful manner\nhopefully i'll be back home by ten o'clock\nhopefully i'll be back home by 10 o'clock\nromance\nromance\nmeaning\na feeling of excitement and\u00a0\nmystery associated with love\na feeling of excitement and\u00a0\nmystery associated with love\nafter a whirlwind romance the couple\u00a0\nannounced their engagement in july\nafter a whirlwind romance the couple\u00a0\nannounced their engagement in july\nprecaution\nprecaution\nmeaning\na measure taken in advance to\u00a0\nprevent something dangerous\u00a0\u00a0\nunpleasant or inconvenient from happening\na measure taken in advance to prevent\u00a0\u00a0\nsomething dangerous unpleasant\u00a0\nor inconvenient from happening\nhe took the precaution of\u00a0\nlocking his door when he went out\nhe took the precaution of\u00a0\nlocking his door when he went out\nambiguous\nambiguous\nmeaning\nopen to more than one interpretation\u00a0\nnot having one obvious meaning\nopen to more than one interpretation\u00a0\nnot having one obvious meaning\nhis reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous\nhis reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous\npretend\npretend\nmeaning\nbehave so as to make it appear that\u00a0\nsomething is the case when in fact it is not\nbehave so as to make it appear that\u00a0\nsomething is the case when in fact it is not\ni'm tired of having to pretend all the time\ni'm tired of having to pretend all the time\ntantrum\ntantrum\nmeaning\nan uncontrolled outburst of anger and\u00a0\nfrustration typically in a young child\nan uncontrolled outburst of anger and\u00a0\nfrustration typically in a young child\nshe throws a tantrum when she\u00a0\ncan't have the toy she wants\nshe throws a tantrum when she\u00a0\ncan't have the toy she wants\nmindless\nmindless\nmeaning\nacting or done without justification\u00a0\nand with no concern for the consequences\nacting or done without justification\u00a0\nand with no concern for the consequences\nit seems that the attack was\u00a0\na mindless act of violence\nit seems that the attack was\u00a0\na mindless act of violence\nfragment\nfragment\nmeaning\na small part broken off or\u00a0\nseparated from something\na small part broken off or\u00a0\nseparated from something\ni overheard a fragment of their conversation\ni overheard a fragment of their conversation\nprocedure\nprocedure\nmeaning\nan established or official way of doing something\nan established or official way of doing something\nthere is a set procedure\u00a0\nfor making formal complaints\nthere is a set procedure\u00a0\nfor making formal complaints\ninterpret\ninterpret\nmeaning\nexplain the meaning of information or actions\nexplain the meaning of information or actions\ndifferent people might\u00a0\ninterpret events differently\ndifferent people might\u00a0\ninterpret events differently\nsent\nsent\nmeaning\na distinct smell especially one that is pleasant\na distinct smell especially one that is pleasant\nthe air was filled with the scent of roses\nthe air was filled with the scent of roses\nassert\nassert\nmeaning\nstate a fact or belief confidently and forcefully\nstate a fact or belief confidently and forcefully\ni really must assert myself more in meetings\ni really must assert myself more in meetings\ncredible\ncredible\nmeaning\nable to be believed c": 4, "alright well\n* 12\nalright well this\nalright we'll just\nall right well the sky\nalright well this time\nalright well this\nalright well this time, wait for\nthe\nalright well this time, wait for\nthe bald\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald hey\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald are\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald hair\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald Harris\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald Harrah's\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald heritage\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald hair of my\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald Harold Lee\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so.\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald Harold Lee Soto\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so tough\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so talk\nto\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so tough\nif\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so talk\nto Joe\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so talk\nto\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald apparently so talk\nto John\nall right well this time, wait\nfor the bald Harold Lee so talk\nto John\ndo do do do\ndo do do do do\ndo do do do do do\ndo do do do\ndo do do do do\ndo do do do do do\ndo do do do do do do\ndo do do do do do do do\ndo do do do do do do do do\ndo do do do do do do do do do\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay he\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here we\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here we go\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here we go food has\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here we go food has lapsed\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here we go food has lapsed\nforbidden\ndo do do do do do do do do do\nokay here we go Buddhas laps\nforbidden\nokay here we go Buddhas laps\nforbidden yeah\nokay here we go Buddhas laps\nforbidden yep\nOSHA\nhow should\noh shit\nstrip\noship\noh shit\noh shit stop\noh shit stop the\noh shit stop.\noh shit stop double\noh shit stop\noh shit BB\noh shit stop double bow\noh shit DoubleDown\noh shit stop double bounce\noh shit stop double bouncing\noh shit stop double\noh shit stop double bouncing\noh shit stop double bouncing\nokay\noh shit stop double bouncing\nokay I can\noh shit stop double bouncing\nokay biking\noh shit stop double bouncing\nokay hiking boot\nstop double bouncing okay hiking\nboots\nstop double bouncing okay hiking\nboot\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nbuttigieg\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nBuddha juggle\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nBuddha juggalo\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nBuddha jugular\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nBuddha jugglers\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nBuddha\nstop double bouncing okay biking\nBuddha jugglers\nstop double bouncing okay Viking\nBuddha jugglers\nViking Buddha jugglers hey\nViking Buddha jugglers he\nViking Buddha jugglers he\nthought\nViking Buddha jugglers he fell\nViking Buddha jugglers he\nthought I\nViking Buddha jugglers he fell\noff\nViking Buddha jugglers he\nthought I was\nViking Buddha jugglers he\nViking Buddha jugglers hate that\nlevel\nViking Buddha jugglers hate that\nlevel I'm\nViking Buddha jugglers hate that\nlevel\nViking Buddha jugglers hate that\nlevel okay\nViking Buddha jugglers hate that\nlevel\nViking Buddha jugglers hate that\nlevel okay\nhate that level okay\nhate that level okay the only\nhate that level okay the only\nguy\nhate that level okay I only got\nhate that level okay I only get\nback\nhate that level okay I only get\nbetter\nhate that level okay I only\nhate that level okay I only get\nhate that level okay I only get\nbetter\nI only get better I'm\nI only get better call me\nI only get better Honda\nHonda\nHonda still\nHonda still no\nHonda still knows\nHonda still no sir\nHonda still no sign\nHonda still\nHonda still no\nHonda stil": 1, "3 AM, I'm awakened\nBy a sweet\nBy a sweet summer rain\nDistant howling\nDistant howling of a passing\nSouthbound coal train\nWas I dreaming\nOr was there someone just lying here\nBeside me in this bed\nAm I hearing things\nOr in the next room\nDid a long forgotten music box just start playing\nAnd I know\nIt's a sin putting words in the mouths of the dead\nAnd I know\nIt's a crime to weave your wishes into what they said\nAnd I know\nOnly fools venture where them spirits tread\n'Cause I know\nEvery word, every sound bouncing 'round my head\nIs just static on the radio\nIs just static on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\n(Static on the radio)\n(Static on the radio)\nEverything I think I know is just static on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\n(Static on the radio)\nEverything I think I know is just static on the radio\nMidnight rendezvous\nMidnight rendezvous with a pretty girl\nWearing a torn and tear-stained gown\nLike a ghost ship she appeared from nowhere\nOn a lonely highway and flagged me down\nI gave her a lift downtown to the Greyhound station\nUnder the flicker of the neon light\nShe kissed me goodbye\nAnd in the mirror of her eyes\nI saw my own reflection\nAnd I know\nThe blind will sometimes lead the blind\nAnd I know\nThrough shadowlands and troubled times\nAnd I know\nForsaking love we see it's a sign\nAnd I know\nOf truths forever hid behind\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\n(Static on the radio)\n(Static on the radio)\nEverything I think I know is just static on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\n(Static on the radio)\nEverything I think I know is just static on the radio\nNow there's a church house\nAbout a stone's throw down\nFrom this place where I've been staying\nIt's Sunday morning\nAnd I'm sittin' in my truck\nListening to my neighbor sing\nTen years ago\nTen years ago, I might have joined in\nBut don't time change those inclined\nTo think less of what is written\nThan what's wrote\nThan what's wrote between the lines?\n'Cause I know\nDreams are for those who are asleep in bed\nAnd I know\nIt's a sin putting words in the mouths of the dead\n'Cause I know\nFor all my ruminations I can't change a thing\nStill I hope\nThere's others out there that are listening\nTo the static on the radio\nTo the static on the radio\n(Static on the radio)\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Everything I think I know is just static on the radio)\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Ain't praying for miracles)\nStatic on the radio\n(I'm just down on my knees)\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Listening for the song behind)\nStatic on the radio\n(Everything I think I know)\nStatic on the radio\nStatic on the radio\n(Everything I think I know)\nStatic on the radio\n(Everything I think I know is just static on the radio)\nStatic on the radio\n(Everything I think I know)\nStatic on the radio\n(Everything I think I know is just static on the radio)\n": 2, "English Singsing\nhouse\nThis is my house!\nhouse\nhouse\nThere are roofs, windows and a door.\nThe roof is red.\nroof\nroof\nThere are many windows in my house.\nwindow\nwindow\nThe door is large.\ndoor\ndoor\nLook! There is a beautiful garden.\ngarden\ngarden\nThe car is parked in the garage.\ngarage\ngarage\nThis is the living room.\nliving room\nliving room\nThere are a television, sofas, and a bookshelf.\nThere is a soft carpet on the floor.\ncarpet\ncarpet\nsofa\nsofa\nbookshelf\nbookshelf\ntelevision\ntelevision\nThis is the kitchen.\nkitchen\nkitchen\nThere are a stove, a refrigerator, and a table.\nThere are dishes, spoons, forks, and knives on the table.\nstove\nstove\nrefrigerator\nrefrigerator\ndish\ndish\nspoon\nspoon\nfork\nfork\nknife\nknife\nThis is the bathroom.\nbathroom\nbathroom\nThere are a tub, a toilet, and a sink.\nThere are some soap and towels, too.\ntoilet\ntoilet\ntub\ntub\nsink\nsink\nsoap\nsoap\ntowel\ntowel\nThis is my bedroom.\nbedroom\nbedroom\nThere are a bed, a blanket and a pillow.\nbed\nbed\nblanket\npillow\nreview\n": 3, "stream\nstreaming\nstream\nStream Illinois\nstream Elmo\nstream illness\nstreamelements\nstreamelements bought\nstreamelements but\nstreamelements\nstreamelements bot\nstreamelements bot I'm\nstreamelements bot let me\nstreamelements bot I mean\nstreamelements bot let me know\nstreamelements bot I mean\nstreamelements bot I mean this\nis\nstreamelements bot I mean this\nis most\nstreamelements bot I mean this\nis most assuredly\nwe're going to try secure\nwe're going to try Scituate\nfree lunch\nfree lunch by\nfree lunch box\nfree lunch\nfree lunch box\nlunch box\nlunch box okay\nlunch box okay how\nlunch box okay\nlunch box okay how\nlunch box okay how to\nlunch box okay how to play\nlunch box okay how to play this\nlunch box okay how to play this\ngame\nokay how to play this game\nokay how to play this game you\nokay how to play this game you\nare\nokay how to play this game you\nare a\nokay how to play this game you\nokay how to play this game you\nare\nokay how to play this game you\nare here\nokay how to play this game you\nare here speak\nokay how to play this game you\nare here speak to\nyou are here speak to Skippy\nwhen I asked\nyou are here speak to Skippy am\nI fat\nyou are here speak to Skippy\nwhen I asked where\nyou are here speak to Skippy\nwhen I asked where is\nyou are here speak to Skippy\nwhen I asked where is he\nyou are here speak to Skippy\nwhen I asked where\nyou are here speak to Skippy\nwhen I asked where is\nwhat sound a little\nwhat sound a little while\nwhat sound a little white\nwhat sound a little white spray\nwhat sound a little\nwhat sound a little white spring\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I have\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I have my\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I have\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I have my\nwhat sound a little white spring\nhey I have my own\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way teen\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way team\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way teen\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way team\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way team tree\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way team trees\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way teen dream\nI've no idea what I'm doing by\nthe way team\nteam create new team Expedition\nteam create new team expeditions\nteam create new team expeditions\nyou know\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I'm\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I know\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I'm in\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I know\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I mailed\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I milk\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp I\nteam create new team expeditions\nYelp hi milk\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do that\nin\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do\ndoesn't\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do that\nand I\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do that\nuntil\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk dude\nthat entail\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do that\nand a long\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do that\nand day long\nexpeditions Yelp hi milk do that\nand a long\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nplay from\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for more\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for more be\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for more peas\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for more people\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for more\nYelp hi milk do that and a long\nwait for more people\noops\nEpsom\nsomebody\nsomebody else\nsomebody\nsomebody else\nsomebody else we're going to\nstart\nsomebody else we're going to\nstart a\nsomebody else we're going to\nstart a conversation\nin\nand\nif you\nif you do\nAmazon\nNBA Live\nand Josh\nAmazon\nand Josh just\nand Josh just me\nand Josh just met\nand Josh just made\nand Josh just made it\nand Josh just\nand Josh just made it extremely\nand Josh just\nand Josh just made it\nand Josh just made it extremely\nand Josh just made it extremely\nvaluable crash\nand Josh just made it extremely\nocean\nokay\nokay bye\nokay\nokay bye\nokay bye pull\nokay bye pull up\nokay bye bullet\nokay bye bullets\nokay bye bullets Hans\nokay bye bullets Hans jo": 1, "Chicken Pulao Recipe \nFennel seeds 25 gram and Coriander 25 gram crushed Total 50 gram \nCumin Seeds 100 gram \nGreen Cardamom 10 Gram and black cardamom 10 gram \nClove 10 gram and Black pepper 10 gram \nStar Anise 10 gram \nCinnamon stick 10 gram \nBay leaf 4 to 5 \nSalt as per your taste \nGinger and garlic paste 100 gram and green chili paste 100 gram \nPut all spices in a deg \n500 ml cooking oil \n1.5 liter water \nTomato 500 gram \nYogurt 500 gram \nTurn on flame and cook on high flame for 3 to 4 minutes \nChicken 7 kg and cook on medium to high flame for 3 to 4 minutes \nCook on low flame for 6 to 7 minutes \nMint 5 bunch \nFennel Seeds and coriander Seeds crushed 3 to 4 tablespoon \nCumin Seeds 3 to 4 tablespoon \nRed crushed chili 4 to 5 tablespoon \nGreen chili 10 to 15 \n500 gram fried onion \nAdd Boiled Rice 3.5 kg ( 50 to 60 percent done ) \nAdd Boiled Rice 3.5 Kg which was done 70 to 80 percent \nTurn on flame high cook for 2 to 3 minutes then Add half Liter Boiled Rice Water \nCook on low flame for 10 to 12 minutes \n": 3, "Alright, welcome everyone, I am\nabsolutely thrilled today\nabsolutely thrilled today to be \nhosted.\nDoctors.\nmost\nmostly Hoffman and error\nmostly Hoffman and areas, oily.\nmostly Hoffman and areas, oily.\nfurther\ntheir new book.\n, hidden games the surprise\n, hidden games the surprising\npower of game theory to explain \nit\nit\npower of game theory to explain\nirrational human behavior.\nSo very quickly mostly\nSo very quickly mostly hoffman, \nis a\nvery quickly mostly hoffman, is \nvery quickly mostly hoffman, is \na Currently.\na Currently.\ntly a research scientists\nscience\ntly a research scientist at the\nMax Planck Institute for\nevolutionary biology, as\nevolutionary biology, as well\nas a lecturer in harvard's\ndepartment of Economics and his\nresearch focuses on.\nusing\nusing\ngame theory to decide for the \ngame theory to decide for the \nthat shape our behavior areas\nthat shape our behavior.\nEric zero le is a research\nassociate at MIT Sloan School of\nManagement, and he collaborates \nManagement, and he collaborates \nwith governments nonprofits and \ncompanies to apply the lessons \nfrom game Theory and research \nand behavioral science.\ninto our\ninto altruism toward\naltruism toward addressing real \nworld.\nChallenges with me today\nChallenges with me today, co \nhosting\nChallenges with me today, co\nhosting is Nicola worry, honey,\nwho is the pI of the social\nevolution of behavioral lab it.\nevolution of behavioral lab it.\nevolution of behavioral lab it.\nat UCL. She wears\nat UCL. She, where she is\nprofessor in evolution of\nbehavior, Royal Society \nuniversity.\nresearch\nrch Fellow and fellow of the\nFellow and fellow of the Royal \nsociety.\nShe's also the author of a\nShe's also the author of an\nexcellent recent book on\nCooperation the social instinct\nhave cooperation shape the\nworld.\nSo today we are\nSo, today we normally would\nstart with.\nfork\nformal presentation.\nfor me\nfrom Russia and areas, but\nfrom Russia and areas, but\nhonestly this plenty of those\nfloating around the internet.\nSo what we thought we do is \nactually kind of dive in with.\nh informal fires\ninformal fireside chat.\nthat sound good to everybody.\nAll right, so.\n, this book is excellent. It is\n, this book is excellent. It is\nthe result of years of thinking \nand.\nchallenge\nchallenging and integration \nacross\nand integration across \ndisciplines.\nThe way I see it, it's kind of\nan\nway I see it, it's kind of an \nattempt to.\nrationalize the rash\nrationalize the irrational by\nbringing in the missing pieces, \nbut\nbringing in the missing pieces,\nbut most areas would you like to\nkind of give us a.\nquick\nquick overview of what you were\ntrying to do in this book.\nSure.\nWe are\nWe are interested in\nWe are interested in why people\nWe are interested in why people\ndo the very weird things\ndo the very weird things that \nthey do.\nLie, so\nWe think wow that's.\nkind of\nof ugly or why.\ndo.\nsome people give lots of\nsome people give lots of people \ngive to charity.\nbut when they do that\nbut when they do that they do\nit in this weird way where\nit in this weird way where\nthey'll give it to charities\nlike habitat for humanity that.\nat do a nice thing they build\nat do a nice thing they build\nhouses, but they\ndo it by flying piece\ndo it by flying people all the\nway across the world to\nway across the world, to a\nplace where they could probably\nhave used the funds from the\nhave used the funds from the \nflight ticket.\nto build more\nto build more housing by hiring\nto build more housing by hiring\nlocal people who actually know \nhow to build houses.\nWe look at things like\nWe look at things like, why do\nwe\nWe look at things like why do\npeople feud we have these great \nexample.\nmples throughout history from \nShane\nmples throughout history from\nShakespeare and not from\nshakespeare, real life as well\nof families that will enter into\nof families that will enter into\ndecades long.\nfuse that will decimate the \nfuse that will decimate the \nfamily.\nHatfields and McCoys of United\nStates for instance where\nStates for instance where.\nthey see\nthey seem driven to\nthey seem driven to have\nseem driven to avenge wrong.\nseem driven to av": 1, "I've been reading books of old \nThe legends and the myths \nAchilles and his gold\n \nHercules and his gifts\nSpiderman's control\nAnd Batman with his fists\nAnd clearly I don't see myself upon that list\nBut she said, where'd you wanna go?\nHow much you wanna risk?\n'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts\nSome superhero\nSome fairytale bliss\nJust something I can turn to\nSomebody I can kiss\n \nI want something just like this\nDoo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo \nDoo-doo-doo\nOh, I want something just like this\nDoo-doo-doo\n \nDoo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo\nOh, I want something just like this\nmusic... \n Oh, I want something just like this\nI've been reading books of old\n \nThe legends and the myths\nThe testaments they told\nThe moon, and its eclipse\nAnd Superman unrolls\nA suit before he lifts\nBut I'm not the kind of person that it fits \nShe said, where'd you wanna go? \nHow much you wanna risk?\nI'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts\nSome superhero\n \nSome fairytale bliss\nJust something I can turn to\nSomebody I can miss\nI want something just like this\nDoo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo\nI want something just like this\nDoo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo\nDoo-doo-doo\nI want something just like this\nmusic...\nI want something just like this\n": 2, "The seasons\nEnglish vocabulary\nThere are four seasons.\nThe names of the seasons in English are:\nwinter\nwinter\nspring\nspring\nsummer\nsummer\nautumn\nautumn\nAutumn has another name...\nfall\nfall\nFall is used in American English.\nAutumn is used in British English.\nThe letter N at the end of autumn is not\npronounced.\nIt is silent.\nautumn\nautumn\nWhat are the names of the seasons in\nEnglish again?\nwinter\nspring\nsummer\nautumn\nSometimes autumn is called fall.\nLet's look at some typical English vocabulary associated with each season.\nwinter vocabulary\ncold days\ncold days\nsnow\nsnow\nrain\nrain\numbrella\numbrella\ngloves\ngloves\nscarf\nscarf\nskiing\nskiing\nhot drinks\nhot drinks\nspring vocabulary\nwarm days\nwarm days\nflowers\nflowers\nbutterflies\nbutterflies\nnest\nnest\nrainbow\nrainbow\ngardening\ngardening\nallergies\nallergies\nbaby animals\nbaby animals\nsummer vocabulary\nhot days\nhot days\nbeach\nbeach\nvacation\nvacation\ncamping\ncamping\nice cream\nice cream\nsunglasses\nsunglasses\nsunscreen\nsunscreen\nswimming pool\nswimming pool\nautumn vocabulary or fall vocabulary\ncool days\ncool days\nleaves fall\nleaves fall\nwind\nwind\nharvest\nharvest\nrake\nrake\nacorns\nacorns\nclouds\nclouds\npumpkins\npumpkins\nWe use the preposition IN before a season.\nThe order is: IN + season\nLook at these example sentences.\nPeople go to the beach in summer.\nIt rains a lot in winter.\nThere are many flowers in spring.\nLeaves fall from the trees in autumn.\nSo the seasons are:\nspring, summer ,autumn or fall, and winter.\nAnswer these questions:\nWhat season is it now?\nYou can respond\nIt is (beep) in my country right now.\nFor example:\nIt is summer in New Zealand right now.\nAnother question:\nWhat is your favorite season? Why?\nMy favorite season is (beep) because...\nand your reason.\nFor example:\nMy favorite season is spring because it\nis not too hot and not too cold.\nWrite your answers in the comments section.\nI hope you found this English lesson about the seasons useful.\nIf you did, click like and subscribe to our channel\nso you know when we create new videos to help you improve your English.\nHave an awesome day!\n": 4, "Spirit Communication: echovox\n\"yes,\"\n\"Nicole,\"\n\"hello,\"\n\"angels,\"\n\"light...\"\n\"Robin...\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"start,\"\n\"hello,\"\n\"very good,\"\n\"Nicole Gaspard?\"\n\"Robin...\"\n\"up,\"\n\"yeah,\"\n\"love Misty...Nicole,\"\n\"Misty?\"\n\"Peter,\"\n\"grave, or brave?\"\n\"Eva,\"\n\"Gaspard,\"\n\"F---it,\"\n\"spirit?\"\n\"3...?\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"Marcus?\"\n\"echo...\"\n\"that's me?\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"angel,\"\n\"bad?\"\n\"good,\"\n\"there's Eva or evil?\"\n\"danger,\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"sad,\"\n\"Rob,\"\n\"yes?\"\n\"Pittsburg?\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"mother?\"\n\"love facebook?\"\n\"Becky...\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"...Becky,\"\n\"?\"\n\"Mel Gibson?\"\n\"Elvis,\"\n\"facebook,\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"Phillip,\"\n\"practice,\"\n\"facebook...again,\"\n\"its different...\"\n\"text me?\"\n\"candy,\"\n\"David,\"\n\"Twizzlers...\"\n\"something about facebook?\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"too bright,\"\n\"uncle,\"\n\"candy,\"\n\"f---this,\"\n\"apricots,\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"I'm thirty, or thirsty?\"\n\"?\"\n\"from...?\"\n\"Brazil?\"\n\"Nicole...\"\n\"4 of you,\"\n \n\"yes,\"\n\"Ester?\"\n\"demon...\"\n\"bad spirit,\"\n\"monster?\"\n\"Nicole,\"\n\"I was there?\"\n\"yeah,\"\n\"Ester...\"\n\"human spirit?\"\n\"?\"\n\"it raped...?\"\n\"bath or back?\"I also saw a bath tub in my dream.\n\"facebook...\"\n\"yeah...\"\n\"Misty?\"\n\"yes,\"\n\"Misty,\"\n\"Long Beach?...\"\n\"?\"\n\"angel watch us?\"\n\"Nicole Gaspard?\"\n\"bye...\"\n": 1, "I wish I had money like Jake Paul\nDriving my lambo around the town\nI wish I was famous like Jake Paul\nHearing my name being thrown around\nSixteen million subs and counting\nRollies, houses, stats are rising\nI am the YouTube messiah!\nI am the YouTube messiah!\nI am the YouTube messiah!\nI am the YouTube messiah!\nI wish I had money like Jake Paul\nDriving my lambo around the town\nI wish I was famous like Jake Paul\nHearing my name being thrown around\nJake Paul! Jake Paul!\nMoney, money like Jake Paul\nJake Paul! Jake Paul!\nFamous like Jake Paul\nJake Paul! Jake Paul!\nMoney, money like Jake Paul\nJake Paul! Jake Paul!\nFamous like Jake Paul\nBounce!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that merch!\nBuy that fucking merch!\nI wish I had money like Jake Paul\nDriving my lambo around the town\nI wish I was famous like Jake Paul\nHearing my name being thrown around\nJake Paul! Jake Paul!\n": 2, "A cute carrot.\nI peel a carrot for abc juice.\nI also peel a red beet for abc juice.\nI've already peeled them all off(?)\nI will wash my hands and come back.\nI cut my carrot hair.\nI cut a carrot into small pieces.\nI cut the carrot into small pieces again.\nI put these in the steamer.\nI peel the unpeeled of a red beet.\nI cut a red beet in half.\nI cut a red beet in half again.\nI cut these into small pieces so that they grind well into a blender.\nI put these in the steamer.\nI also cut the apple for abc juice in half.\nI cut out the seeds that I can't eat apples.\nI actually like abc juice because it tastes like apples.\nAnd I also put milk in glass containers.\nI stir these things.\nI cover the glass containers too.\nI put these glass containers in a yogurt maker.\nI will heat them up for about 10 hours.\nI will eat red pepper paste sujebi for lunch today.\nIn fact, I had to add only medium wheat flour, but I didn't have enough, so I mixed some strong wheat flour.\nI pour 150ml of water.\nI mix it until it is kneaded well.\nI'm done with the dough and I'll cover it with plastic wrap and ripen it for 30 minutes.\nI peel the carrot for the sujebi broth.\nI shred a carrot.\nI cut the chopped carrots into two equal parts to make it easier to eat.\nI slice the bisected zucchini.\nI spread the sliced zucchini overlapping and chop it.\nI also chop an onion.\nI scoop out the brothed anchovies and kelp with a scoop net.\nI put the cut vegetables in the pot.\nI mince a piece of garlic.\nOne spoon of minced garlic.\nOne spoon of red pepper powder.\nA spoon of red pepper paste.\nOne spoon of soy sauce.\nI add a little water to the seasoning and mix it.\nI put the seasoning in the pot.\nI cut the aged sujebi dough into a pot.\nI cut the green onion into small pieces.\nI put the finished sujebi in a bowl.\nI also had lunch with my grandmother.\nI ate lunch on a cold day, so I felt more delicious.\nI enjoyed my lunch this time, too.\nI will eat braised potatoes with chicken breast this evening.\nI cut potatoes in half.\nI cut potatoes into bite-sized pieces.\nA lap of cooking oil.\nI put the potatoes that I cut in the frying pan.\nI also add the onions that I cut and stir-fry them.\n300ml of water (based on 3 potatoes).\n3 spoons of soy sauce. (I added 2 spoons of soy sauce and one more spoon because it was bland)\nA spoon of oyster sauce.\nOne spoon of oligosaccharide.\nI cut a pack of chicken breast in a frying pan.\nI will make anchovy rice balls to eat with braised potatoes.\nI chop the pickled radish for kimbap in the refrigerator.\nA bit of sesame oil.\nI add stir-fried anchovies with pumpkin seeds and mix all.\nMy grandmother and I can't eat spicy food, so we eat non-spicy peppers.\nI remove the red pepper seeds and slice the red pepper thinly.\nI sterilize the glass container for beet pickle.\nI bought a lot of beets to make abc juice so I will make pickles.\nI cut beets vertically into small pieces.\nI cut my hand while cutting the beat so I put on plastic glove.\nI put the sliced beets in a sterilized glass container.\nVinegar 150ml (based on 2 beets)\nA little bit of stevia powder(You can replace it with sugar.)\nI mix the ingredients.\n400ml of water.\nI pour vinegar water into a glass container.\nI put the lid on the beet pickle and I will store it in the refrigerator.\nI'm going to eat beet pickles with spaghetti tomorrow.\nThe yogurt I made during the day is finally made.\nI put cloth on a sieve and pour yogurt over it.\nAnd I tie the cloth tightly.\nI put heavy objects on top of a tied cloth.\n a lot of milk serum in yogurt came out!\nWhen I woke up in the morning, a lot of milk serum in yogurt came out overnight.\nI untie the cloth.\nI leave only enough Greek yogurt in a glass container.\nStrawberries\nI remove the strawberry stems and put it in the water.\nI rinse strawberries in water a few times.\nI finally rinsed all the strawberries.\nI cut strawberries and put them on a yogurt bowl containing Greek yogurt.\n": 2, "Set fire to your hair\nPoke a stick at a grizzly bear\nEat medicine that's out of date\nUse your private parts as piranha bait\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nInvite a psycho-killer inside\nScratch a drug dealers brand new ride\nTake your helmet off in outer space\nUse your clothes dryer as a hiding place\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nKeep a rattlesnake as a pet\nSell both your kidneys on the Internet\nTeach yourself how to fly\nEat a two-week-old unrefrigerated pie\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDumb ways to die\nSo many dumb ways to die\nDress up like a moose during hunting season\nDisturb a nest of wasps for no good reason\nStand on the edge of a train station platform\nDrive around the boom gates at a level crossing\nRun across the tracks between the platforms\nThey may not rhyme but they're quite possibly\nThe dumbest ways to die\nThe dumbest ways to die\nThe dumbest ways to die\nSo many dumb\nSo many dumb ways to die\n": 2, "frozen city granpa's farm is that's the best.\nit's games for free and my game version is 1.0.6\nfrozen city granpa's farm game pros 1 - its game tutorial is good\nfrozen city granpa's farm game pros 2 - i can't stop playing this game\nfrozen city granpa's farm game pros 3 - it's good game art design\nfrozen city granpa's farm game pros 4 - it's better than similar games.\nfrozen city granpa's farm game cons: it requires patience\nplease hit the like button and subscribe betty's channel\nall games in their being are good for something.\ndears, please share my video and leave a comment.\nthanks to century games\ngame review details: is this game worth playing?\nyes. this game worth playing for 999 minutes.\ngame art design: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city granpa's farm game art design.\ngame ideas: 3 stars (of 5 stars).\n keep up efforts for it ! frozen city granpa's farm.\ngame story: 3 stars (of 5 stars).\n keep up efforts for it ! frozen city granpa's farm.\ngame control: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city granpa's farm game control.\ngame smoothness: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city granpa's farm game smoothness.\ngame music: 5 stars (of 5 stars).\n awesome ! i love the frozen city granpa's farm game music.\nsound effect: 4 stars (of 5 stars).\n not bad ! i like frozen city granpa's farm.\ndegree of difficulty: i think this game is easy for you\ngame login: no need to log in to any account to play frozen city granpa's farm\nkaspersky security scan: great! frozen city granpa's farm is a safe game. no virus or trojan.\nnorton security scan: frozen city granpa's farm is a safe game. no virus or trojan.\nall copyright to century games\nthanks for your watching\nplease hit the like button\nand subscribe betty's channel\nbut turn off the notifications :)\nthank you !\nfind more videos by\n\"frozen city granpa's farm\" game: atwork iphone gaming attack breaking | century games\n atwork iphone gaming attack breaking\nfrozen city granpa's farm apk\nfrozen city granpa's farm app\nfrozen city granpa's farm review\nfrozen city granpa's farm ios\nfrozen city granpa's farm mod apk\nfrozen city 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larger problem of who designed\u00a0\nthe designer in other parts it's basically\u00a0\u00a0\na restatement of who created God now let's break\u00a0\nit down this question so when a question is asked\u00a0\u00a0\nit has to satisfied two criterias number one it\u00a0\nshould have possible answers and number two that\u00a0\u00a0\nit should not self contradict itself now in this\u00a0\nquestion The Entity that is referred to is gold\u00a0\u00a0\nso what is code exactly in Islam because I\u00a0\nam Muslim I am giving this response from a\u00a0\u00a0\nMuslim perspective in Islam God is defined as\u00a0\nin chapter number 112 of Quran as Bismillah\nand translation is say that he is Allah only\u00a0\nunique is not dependent upon anyone and everything\u00a0\u00a0\nelse is dependent upon him he begets not nor is he\u00a0\nbegotten and there is nothing like unto him so in\u00a0\u00a0\nthis definition of Court God is basically a thing\u00a0\nthat is uncreated he isn't created by anyone else\nnow if you apply this to the question the question\u00a0\nbasically becomes who created the uncreated\u00a0\u00a0\nsee the contradiction created the\u00a0\nuncreated it does not both logically\u00a0\u00a0\nfollow hence the question falls down it\u00a0\nis an oxymoron a nonsensical question\u00a0\u00a0\nif you want more examples I'll give you some\u00a0\nfor example can you have a squared Circle\u00a0\u00a0\na figure that is both square and circle at the\u00a0\nsame time you cannot have that because a circle\u00a0\u00a0\nhas no sides and square has four sides similarly\u00a0\ncan you have a married Bachelor a person who is\u00a0\u00a0\nmarried and Bachelor at the same time you cannot\u00a0\nhave those because those are contradictions\u00a0\u00a0\nnow when you apply this the same logic to\u00a0\ngourd can you create the uncreated being\u00a0\u00a0\nsee the error the contradiction in the\u00a0\nquestion makes the question nonsensical\u00a0\u00a0\nand that basically that question is not a valid\u00a0\nquestion anymore it's a contradictory claim and in\u00a0\u00a0\nnature according to the law of non-currediction\u00a0\ncontradictions cannot exist in reality\u00a0\u00a0\nhence the question who created God is basically\u00a0\na nonsensical question and there's nothing so\u00a0\u00a0\nprofound about it it's basically an illogical and\u00a0\nirrational question to ask even in the first place\u00a0\u00a0\nand similarly questions like can go create a rogue\u00a0\nthat he cannot lift in that question also you are\u00a0\u00a0\nbasically saying can the all-powerful\u00a0\nnot be all powerful at the same time\u00a0\u00a0\nthere's a contradiction the question\u00a0\nthis question cannot be answered it's\u00a0\u00a0\nthe same as me saying can I try calculate\u00a0\nthe length of the fourth side of a triangle\u00a0\u00a0\nyou cannot have the force type of triangle\u00a0\nbecause a triangle by definition has only\u00a0\u00a0\nthree sides similarly Gold by definition\u00a0\nis a necessary being that it's uncreated\u00a0\u00a0\nto ask the question who created God is basically\u00a0\nasking who created the necessary being which by\u00a0\u00a0\ndefinition is uncreated it's nonsensical\u00a0\nwasalam and I'll see you guys next time\n": 2, "The fundamental laws that govern the universe\nspeak to us only in the language of mathematics.\nThe key to understanding this language is calculus.\nCalculus allows us to see the true beauty of nature.\nCalculus makes the predictions of modern physics possible.\nThe variable Y represents distance in space.\nThe variable X represents moments in time.\nThe purple line represents the relationship between space and time.\nThis line shows what the distance in space is for every moment in time.\nLet us focus on what happens during just one unit of time.\nThe distance traveled in one unit of time is what we call speed.\nThe speed is represented by the green rectangles.\nSuppose we add the areas of all the rectangles together.\nThe areas all these rectangles add up to the distance travelled.\nNow let us consider a different scenario.\nAgain, consider what happens during one unit of time.\nAgain, the speed is the distance traveled in one unit of time.\nAs before, let\u2019s add all the rectangles together.\nAs before, the areas add up to the distance traveled.\nUp till now, we have only been dealing with cases\nwhere objects move without changing speed.\nNow let\u2019s consider a case where we change speed and sometimes move backwards.\nAgain, the speed can be represented by a group of rectangles.\nThis graph shows that the speed is no longer constant.\nEvery moment in time now consists of a different speed.\nA negative speed is represented by yellow rectangles.\nA negative speed means that the object is moving backwards.\nLet us once again add the areas of all the rectangles together.\nThe yellow rectangles have a negative area, and cancel out the green rectangles.\nThe area that is left once again represents the distance traveled.\nLet us change the graph for the speed of the object.\nBefore, the graph of distance versus time consisted of sharp corners.\nNow the graph of time versus distance is much smoother.\nNow the graph is a smooth continuous curve.\nLet us once again add all the rectangles together.\nNo matter what kind of graph we have,\nthe rectangles will always add up to the distance traveled.\nThis is the fundamental theorem of calculus.\nConsider a very small increment of time which we will call \u201cdx.\u201d\nConsider the distance traveled during this time, which we will call \u201cdy.\u201d\nThe speed is the distance traveled divided by the time taken,\nwhich is \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx.\u201d\nWe can therefore re-label the speed as \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d,\nand we refer to it as the derivative of y with respect to x.\nIf we extend this white line, then \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d will be the line\u2019s slope.\nFor every moment of time, \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d is the slope of the extended white line.\nAs the slope increases, \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d increases.\nWhen the white line is horizontal, the slope is zero.\nWhen the object moves backwards, the slope is negative.\nLet us again consider the situation where we had large step increases in speed.\nThe purple line will now no longer be smooth, and will again have sharp corners.\nEach time we pass a sharp corner, the slope changes abruptly,\nand this is why \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d changes abruptly.\nNow let us return to the case where the speed changes smoothly.\nLet us give a new name to \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d.\nLet us call it f(x).\nFor every value of x, we have a corresponding value of f(x).\nFor the yellow rectangles, f(x) is negative.\nThe distance traveled during a very small moment of time is the\nspeed multiplied by the time, which is\n\u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d multiplied by \u201cdx.\u201d\nSince \u201cdy\u201d divided by \u201cdx\u201d is called f(x), another way to write down\nthe distance traveled during this moment of time is f(x) multiplied by \u201cdx\u201d.\nThis equation, f(x) multiplied by \u201cdx\u201d, also happens to be the\narea of the rectangle representing what happens during this moment of time.\nThe area of the rectangle is length multiplied by width,\nwhich is f(x) multiplied by \u201cdx.\u201d\nTherefore, the area of this rectangle is exactly equal to\nthe distance traveled during this moment in time.\nThe area of the entire graph is the sum of all the individual rectangles.\nTherefore, the area of the entire graph is\nthe sum of ": 4, "At first glance, the laws of electromagnetism appear to\nviolate Einstein\u2019s Theory of Relativity, which states that it is\nnot possible to tell if you are moving or if you are standing still.\nAccording to Maxwell\u2019s Laws of Electromagnetism,\ntwo particles with the same charge moving in the same direction\nwill exert an attractive magnetic force on each other.\nThis occurs only for moving charged particles,\nand not for stationary charged particles.\nFrom Sarah\u2019s point of view, the two charged particles are moving,\nand they will exert an attractive magnetic force on each other.\nFrom Adam\u2019s point of view, the two charged particles are standing still,\nand there is no magnetic field and no magnetic force.\nHow is it possible to reconcile the two views?\nAlthough Adam and Sarah will disagree about if there is a magnetic field present,\nthey will both agree that there are electric fields present.\nAll charged particles create electric fields, regardless of if they are moving.\nAdam and Sarah will agree that the electric fields cause the two particles\nto repel each other due to the fact that the two particles have the same charge.\nIn addition to the repulsive electric force,\nSarah will also see the attractive magnetic force.\nSarah will see the repulsive electric force\nas stronger than the attractive magnetic force.\nTherefore, she will still see the two particle move away from each other,\nbut she will see them move away from each other slower\nthan they would if there was no magnetic field present.\nBut, Sarah will not be able to use this as evidence to convince Adam that he is moving.\nThis is because Sarah will see Adam\u2019s clock running slower than her own.\nWhen Adam uses his clock\nto determine how fast the particles are moving away from each other,\nhe concludes that it is at exactly the rate as if there was no magnetic field present.\nHence, all of Adam\u2019s observations remain consistent with his belief that\nthere is no magnetic field present and his belief that he is standing still.\nEinstein\u2019s Theory of Relativity has therefore not been violated.\nBut let us try to violate Einstein\u2019s Theory of Relativity in a\nslightly more clever way by introducing gravity into the picture.\nSuppose we prepare two charged spheres such that their electric repulsion\nis exactly balanced by their gravitational attraction.\nAdam will see that the forces are balanced and that the\ndistance between the two spheres is neither increasing nor decreasing.\nAs a result, Sarah must also see that\nthe distance between the two spheres is neither increasing nor decreasing.\nBut, how is it possible for Sarah to see all the forces balance\nwhen she also believes that there is an additional magnetic force present,\nwhich does not exist for Adam?\nThe answer is that there is a magnetic analogy to gravity.\nThe gravitational field that we normally think of around an object with mass\nis analogous to the \u201celectric\u201d field around an object with charge.\nWe can also think of a new type gravitational field created by a \u201cmoving\u201d mass\nthat is analogous to the \u201cmagnetic\u201d field created by a moving charge.\nJust as in the case of magnetism, this new type of gravitational field would exert\nan apparent force perpendicular to the direction of the field\nand perpendicular to the direction of motion.\nJust as in the case of magnetism, this new type of gravitational field would exert\nan apparent force perpendicular to the direction of the field\nand perpendicular to the direction of motion.\nAs a result, in the case of our last example, Sarah will see all the apparent forces\nexactly cancel each other out, and she will see that the two spheres\ndo not move toward or away from each other.\nAdam and Sarah will disagree about whether or not\nthis new type of gravitational field is present, just as they will disagree\nabout whether or not there is a magnetic field present.\nBut this is OK, since we can\u2019t actually observe these fields directly,\nbut only their effects on objects.\nWhen observing the behavior of objects, there is no way for Adam and Sarah\nto determine which of them is moving, and which of them is standing still": 4, "Fibonacci retracements are like a scale or ruler. \nUnlike a linear scale, Fibonacci retracements are like the Fibonacci numbers, where you get the \n next number by adding the previous two numbers, i.e 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13 and so on.\nIt is more like a snowball gathering volume as it rolls on. \nForex price movements are also believed to gather volume and momentum as it moves on. Hence you need \n a reference high and low to use Fibonacci retracements, which are the 0 and 100 levels. \nA minute, day, week or a month can be \n your reference scale to measure future price levels.\nFibonacci retracements use Fibonacci ratios rather than the Fibonacci numbers. \nAdding the prefix %$ to the Fibonacci ratios \n will display the prices at those levels.\nYou have the option to change the properties of the Fibonacci retracements. You can \n change the color of the fibo, you can add word descriptions. \nYou can also check the ray option, where the lines \n extend to the right side of the chart.\nAccuracy depends mostly on the positions of the 0 and \n 100 levels and the direction of the trend.\n": 4, "They said I needed something in my life\nSaid I was doing dumb shit all the time.\n'Cause broken dreams won't pay your bills at all.\nI heard it was the wrong things I get right.\nI'm blamin' all the monsters in my mind.\nWith stories from outside this prison walls.\n'Cause even if we are hopeless\nWe know that this will hurt.\nTomorrow is just a blur\nThat they can't control.\nBelievers\nLet's raise a toast.\nEnjoy the show.\nYeah, believers\nSo incomplete...\nYet all we need\nBelievers\nLet's raise a toast\nEnjoy the show\nThey said I wanna come, but I'm terrified\nHeaded for the sun but I'm scared of heights\nSo you and me go fallin' through the dark (no, no)\nYou told me to be someone that I like\nInstead of being someone in their eyes\nYour battle scars make you look like a star\n'Cause even if we're hopeless\nWe know that this will hurt.\nTomorrow is just a blur\nThat they can't control\nBelievers\nLet's raise a toast\nEnjoy the show\nYeah, believers\nSo incomplete\nYeah, all we need.\n(We are) Believers\nLet's raise a toast\nEnjoy the show\nI want you to know that, believer\nThey can't control it, believer.\nI want you to know that, believer\nThey can't control it (they can't)\nI want you to know that, believer\nThey can't control it, believer.\nI want you to know that, believer\nThey can't control it.\nNo way they can control it.\nNo, they can't control it, ooh, ooh\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nYou're like the mist in the morning\nYou're a moment, body warming\nI can't resist where you're going\nMake me an ocean, overflowing\nSweet dreams of your love\nKeeping me up, can't get enough\nSweet dreams of your touch\nDo what you want, just keep it up\nTo the rhythm of the beat\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba\nTo the rhythm of the beat\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nWaves, as they're rolling\nAs they're growing, can't control 'em\nCaught in a haze up on the ceiling\nYou got me feeling, I must be dreaming \nSweet dreams of your love\nKeeping me up, can't get enough \nSweet dreams of your touch\nDo what you want, just keep it up\nTo the rhythm of the beat\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nTo the rhythm of the beat\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba\nTo the rhythm of the beat\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\n(Beat, beat, beat, to the beat)\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBeat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba\nTo the rhythm of the beat\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nBa-ba-ba-da-bum\nTo the rhythm of the...\n": 2, "Hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel if\u00a0\nyou are new here welcome to my channel my name is\u00a0\u00a0\nStephen in today's video i'm going to be sharing\u00a0\nwith you guys my new clients onboarding process\u00a0\u00a0\ni'm talking about the process after the clients\u00a0\nhave agreed to work with you are you about getting\u00a0\u00a0\nthe contract signed invoicing getting paid and\u00a0\nalso how you can get all the information you\u00a0\u00a0\nneed to complete the project from your client this\u00a0\nis the process that i'm talking about i'm going to\u00a0\u00a0\nshow you guys how i do it this is by no means the\u00a0\nbest way of doing it out there i know that a lot\u00a0\u00a0\nof you guys have different ways of doing this and\u00a0\nsome people will also disagree with the way i do\u00a0\u00a0\nit and that's fine i'm going to show you guys how\u00a0\ni do this maybe you can learn one or two things\u00a0\u00a0\nand i also appreciate if you guys can let me know\u00a0\nhow you go about the client's onboarding process\u00a0\u00a0\nin your web design business if you can let me know\u00a0\nin the comment section below if you already have\u00a0\u00a0\na wall of doing this let me know in the comment\u00a0\nsection below maybe i can learn one or two things\u00a0\u00a0\nyou never know well let's go ahead and get started\u00a0\nso i can show you guys how i do this the tools\u00a0\u00a0\nthat i use the softwares that i use and why i use\u00a0\nthem i have five simple steps that i follow every\u00a0\u00a0\ntime i'm going through a new client onboarding\u00a0\nprocess so i'm going to list all the steps for you\u00a0\u00a0\nguys and then we're going to go through each step\u00a0\none after the other so my first step is contract\u00a0\u00a0\nsecond one is invoicing and then the third one is\u00a0\ncollecting client information and then the fourth\u00a0\u00a0\nstep is setting objectives and expectations and\u00a0\nthen the final step is the welcome email that i\u00a0\u00a0\nusually send out to all my clients so now that we\u00a0\nhave all these five steps let's go ahead and get\u00a0\u00a0\nstarted with the number one step so the number one\u00a0\nstep is contract this is very very very important\u00a0\u00a0\nthis is why is my number one i know some people\u00a0\nwill maybe do invoicing first but i like to do the\u00a0\u00a0\ncontract first before i go to invoicing because\u00a0\ncontract is very very important i know you want to\u00a0\u00a0\nget paid i know that you want to get your money as\u00a0\nfast as possible you want to jump to that invoice\u00a0\u00a0\nand get that money that's fine but you need\u00a0\nto make sure that you have a contract it\u00a0\u00a0\ndoesn't matter the client you're working with\u00a0\nit doesn't matter if it's a friend a relative\u00a0\u00a0\nor a family member as long as there is kind of\u00a0\nagreement and they have to pay you for the job\u00a0\u00a0\nalways make sure that you have a contract it\u00a0\ncan be a hard copy or maybe electronic copy\u00a0\u00a0\nas long as both of you will be able to sign the\u00a0\ncontract you'll sign and be like okay this is the\u00a0\u00a0\nagreement you sign here and then your client\u00a0\nalso signed that you guys had that agreement\u00a0\u00a0\nthen that's all you need as long as you have that\u00a0\nthen you can move forward to the next step which\u00a0\u00a0\nis invoicing but before we move to the next step\u00a0\ni'll show you guys the tools that i used to use\u00a0\u00a0\nand the software that i'm currently using so\u00a0\nright here is the tool that i use this is the\u00a0\u00a0\nagile project management software this software\u00a0\nis very very powerful because this will allow you\u00a0\u00a0\nto do pretty much anything that you can think of\u00a0\nabout your clients about your project everything\u00a0\u00a0\nin one place before i started using agile project\u00a0\nmanagement i used to use fresh proposals which is\u00a0\u00a0\nthis one right here this is what i used to use to\u00a0\nsend client contract the pricing is not that bad\u00a0\u00a0\nbut i don't use this anymore because you can\u00a0\ndo everything right inside this software right\u00a0\u00a0\nhere so the reason why i like to use agile project\u00a0\nmanagement system is because it will help you to\u00a0\u00a0\nkeep everything in one place instead of jumping\u00a0\naround from one software to another you great\u00a0\u00a0\ncontract here you create an invoice here because\u00a0\nwhen i used to use fresh proposal and then i have\u00a0\u00a0\nto go to web accounting to send my invoicing or\u00a0\ni'll just use like another invoicing software\u00a0\u00a0\nwell right now you can do everything right inside\u00a0\nhere everything is all together everything is i": 4, "Luca Guazzotto: Hello, and welcome to lecture Thirteenth of the plasma business course.\nLuca Guazzotto: Today we're going to pick up\nLuca Guazzotto: from where we left\nLuca Guazzotto: at the end of a lecture 12, and up in particular what we were working on was\nLuca Guazzotto: what we call the pressure gradient force.\nLuca Guazzotto: Let me pull that writing for you.\nLuca Guazzotto: and we were evaluating the loss of pressure. or rather loss of momentum from the particles on the right\nLuca Guazzotto: of our fluid element.\nLuca Guazzotto: And we're talking about electrons. So i'm going to refer to them all\nLuca Guazzotto: either select ones or particles in general. And we're looking at the electron that are coming in and out\nLuca Guazzotto: of our fluid element\nLuca Guazzotto: at\nLuca Guazzotto: N0 0n the right side of the fluid. I don't mind.\nLuca Guazzotto: So here is what we're doing. Electron centering\nLuca Guazzotto: and exiting\nLuca Guazzotto: the fluid element\nLuca Guazzotto: x plus delta x over 2\nLuca Guazzotto: would have time done. Oh, what\nLuca Guazzotto: and\nLuca Guazzotto: what we got by summing over the various types of particles is that\nLuca Guazzotto: dot\nLuca Guazzotto: loss of momentum is given by this integral\nLuca Guazzotto: for all value of Wx\nLuca Guazzotto: of\nLuca Guazzotto: and a Times, W.\nLuca Guazzotto: Times, Wx. Times. The distribution function of the electrons calculated in our\nLuca Guazzotto: W. And T.\nLuca Guazzotto: Where the integral is in Dw.\nLuca Guazzotto: As a reminder. we define\nLuca Guazzotto: 3 different velocities\nLuca Guazzotto: in in the system or in our description of the plasma\nLuca Guazzotto: that are no particular order. The\nLuca Guazzotto: particle velocity\nLuca Guazzotto: we'd expect\nLuca Guazzotto: through the lab frame\nLuca Guazzotto: the\nLuca Guazzotto: fluid element. Velocity.\nLuca Guazzotto: Again, we could spec for the love frame.\nLuca Guazzotto: and that difference\nLuca Guazzotto: between the 2.\nLuca Guazzotto: We called the first one.\nLuca Guazzotto: V,\nLuca Guazzotto: the second one you some e.\nLuca Guazzotto: and the third one is W.\nLuca Guazzotto: Where you some e\nLuca Guazzotto: is the average of the by definition.\nLuca Guazzotto: the average velocity with which the particles in our\nLuca Guazzotto: fluid element or moving\nLuca Guazzotto: and okay\nLuca Guazzotto: by the finish on the average value of that is going to be 0.\nLuca Guazzotto: Okay.\nLuca Guazzotto: and of the reminder.\nLuca Guazzotto: We need to calculate this integral.\nLuca Guazzotto: Now.\nLuca Guazzotto: in order to calculate that integral, we need to know the distribution function.\nLuca Guazzotto: If\nLuca Guazzotto: we don't well. then there is no way to move any further. But we can\nLuca Guazzotto: make a simplifying assumption that is going to give us some results.\nLuca Guazzotto: and that assumption is that the distribution function is a Maxwellian in W.\nLuca Guazzotto: Let's see what that means.\nLuca Guazzotto: but it's gonna be faster than trying to ride the symbol.\nLuca Guazzotto: I's pretty tried.\nLuca Guazzotto: Wow. Distribution. Okay.\nLuca Guazzotto: Function is\nLuca Guazzotto: Maxwellian\nLuca Guazzotto: in W.\nLuca Guazzotto: This means.\nLuca Guazzotto: and i'll let you think about it. If this is not obvious that the distribution function\nLuca Guazzotto: he's.\nLuca Guazzotto: If we wanted in in terms\nLuca Guazzotto: of the the particle velocity.\nLuca Guazzotto: then that distribution function is going to be a shift in Maxwell.\nLuca Guazzotto: In other words, the distribution function is an Australian in the frame of reference that's moving with the average velocity on the particles.\nLuca Guazzotto: and\nin that frame of reference, the\nLuca Guazzotto: and definition.\nLuca Guazzotto: And therefore I can make coded transformation and go back to the lab frame and find out what the Max what? Yeah. What\nLuca Guazzotto: my distribution function looks like, and that's signal to be a Maxwellian, but a shift in Maxwell\nLuca Guazzotto: not going to go any further in this.\nLuca Guazzotto: but what\nLuca": 2, "Captions by: SplatTaco\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nI got the homis in my bag (Yeah)\nHave you heard of that? (Yeah)\nHomis made of steel, from Korea, they the be-e-est\nRidin' to the farm (Huh)\nGrabbin' all the corn (Huh)\nWe gon' get yo' money with my homi in your backyard\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nCaptions by SplatTaco\nLike and subscribe to MakeUMove! Also my Birthday (SplatTaco) Is on July 31st!\n": 2, "01- Traditional Peruvian dish- Pollo Saltado by TravelPod member eknoll\n02- Our hotel in Nazca by TravelPod member eknoll\n03- Our plane for the flight over the Nazca Lines by TravelPod member eknoll\n04- The Nazca Line area from the plane by TravelPod member eknoll\n05- Nazca Lines-The Whale by TravelPod member eknoll\n06- The Nazca Lines-The astronaut by TravelPod member eknoll\n07- The Nazca Lines-The dog by TravelPod member eknoll\n08- The Nazca Lines-The monkey by TravelPod member eknoll\n09- View from the plane by TravelPod member eknoll\n10- Views from the plane by TravelPod member eknoll\n11-Nazca Lines-The Condor by TravelPod member eknoll\n12-Nazca Lines- The Spider by TravelPod member eknoll\n14- Nazca Lines- The Hummingbird by TravelPod member eknoll\n15- Chickens in a market by TravelPod member eknoll\n16- Plaza De Armas in Nazca by TravelPod member eknoll\n17- Mummy of a child sacrifice by TravelPod member eknoll\n18- Nazcan Mummy by TravelPod member eknoll\n19- Nazcan mummy in a burial site by TravelPod member eknoll\n20- Nazca skulls and bones by TravelPod member eknoll\n21- Nazca skulls and bomes by TravelPod member eknoll\n23- The area around the cemetery by TravelPod member eknoll\n": 1, "Welcome to abacus tutorial.\nAbacus or soroban is a calculating device,\nused to do basic calculations such as addition,\nsubtraction, multiplication and division in\na simple, fast and easy way.\nThis is a software version of abacus.\nIn this video I am going to show how the number\nrepresentation is done in abacus.\nAbacus is a mechanical calculating device.\nThe structure of abacus is as in the image.\nA frame, beams and beads.\nOne set of beads on the top row.\nAnd four each at the bottom one.\nThe beads at the bottom is called earth beads.\nHeaven beads are the ones on the \ntop row.\nValue for each heaven bead is five.\nAnd the value for each earth bead is one.\nThe right most beam is for representing units,\nthe next one for tens, hundreds and so on.\nSet and reset mode.\nHeaven bead is \nset when is moved down, and reset when it\nis moved up.\nEarth\nbead is set when is moved up, and reset when\nit \nis moved down.\nset five\nset six\nset\nseven\nclear\neight\nnine\nmaximum single digit representation\n two digit numbers, that \nis from 10 to 99\nten\n twenty\nthirty\n ninety\n7:52 eleven\n8:08 nineteen\n08:30 Sixty three\n08:45 hundred\n09:00 Four hundred\n09:03 five hundred\n09:16 five hundred\nand thirty\n09:33 five hundred and thirty eight\n9:50 thousend\n10:03 Ten\nthousand\n10:12 hundred thousand\n10:23 hundred thousand and five\n10:50 hundred thousand and fourty five\n11:00 hundred thousand three forty\nfive\n11:20 five hundred [move heaven bead down]\nThis is the way to represent numbers in an\nabacus.\nEarth beads have value one and the heaven\nbeads value us five.\nMove heaven bead down to set and move earth\nbead up to set.\nMove heaven bead up to reset and move earth\nbead down to reset.\n": 3, "Hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses\ntoday in this video we have to represent\u00a0\u00a0\n3 minus root 3 on a number line in\u00a0\neasy way so let's start the video\nso first of all we have to draw\u00a0\nhere a number line so now first\u00a0\u00a0\ndrawing here a line of any length and taking Arrow\u00a0\nmark on both side now taking here number zero\u00a0\u00a0\nnext we have to mark the numbers on the line\u00a0\nso taking any length by compass and marking\u00a0\u00a0\nthe numbers on the line by this way and the\u00a0\nlength of the compass is one unit length okay\u00a0\u00a0\nso now here minus 1 1 2 3 4. now roughly\u00a0\ndiscussing here some important calculation so we\u00a0\u00a0\nhave to represent 3 minus root 3 on number line\u00a0\nso here 3 so from 0 to 3 this is 3 unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we have to subtract root 3 okay so first we\u00a0\nhave to represent root through root 2 then root 3.\u00a0\u00a0\nso first roughly discussing about root 2 so\u00a0\nnow roughly drawing here a right angle triangle\u00a0\u00a0\nABC and this is 90 degree now if you take the base\u00a0\nequal to one unit and the perpendicular equal to\u00a0\u00a0\none unit then the hypotenuse we have to find\u00a0\nout this so we know that by Pythagoras Theorem\u00a0\u00a0\nso AC equal to root over BC square plus a b square\u00a0\nokay so now root over this is 1 so 1 square plus\u00a0\u00a0\nthis one also one so one square so root over\u00a0\none plus one so this is root 2 unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nnow applying this concept between two two three\u00a0\nand the length between two and three is one\u00a0\u00a0\nunit so taking point B now we have to draw a 90\u00a0\ndegree angle on the point B by using Compass by\u00a0\u00a0\nthis way so taking any length and drawing Arc\u00a0\nby this way and putting the compass here and\u00a0\u00a0\ntaking same length and cut here and putting the\u00a0\ncomposite here and cut here and drawing a Arc here\u00a0\u00a0\nagain with save length and putting the\u00a0\ncomposite here and cut here so now joining\u00a0\u00a0\nthe slide to get here a 90 degree angle so\u00a0\nthis is 90 degree angle okay now taking one\u00a0\u00a0\nunit length between any two number and putting\u00a0\nthe compass on the point here and cut here\u00a0\u00a0\nso taking Point here C and this is one unit\u00a0\nlength and this is also one unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nnow joining a and C so from this we\u00a0\ncan say that this is root 2 unit length\u00a0\u00a0\nnow we have to represent root 3. so first\u00a0\nroughly drawing here a right angle triangle p q r\u00a0\u00a0\nand this is 90 degree angle now taking the base\u00a0\nequal to root 2 unit and the perpendicular equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto one unit then the hypotenuse VR equal\u00a0\nto by Pythagoras Theorem we can write\u00a0\u00a0\nPR equal to root over basis Square so this\u00a0\nis root 2 square and this is one square\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is 2 and here one so this is total root\u00a0\n3 unit okay so applying this concept on the line\u00a0\u00a0\nAC and this is root 2 unit length and now we have\u00a0\nto draw a 90 degree angle on the point C by using\u00a0\u00a0\nCompass so taking any length and drawing an arc\u00a0\nby this way and putting the compass here and\u00a0\u00a0\ntaking same length and cut here and putting the\u00a0\ncompass here and cut here and drawing a Arc here\u00a0\u00a0\nand putting the compass here and cut here now\u00a0\njoining this line to get a 90 degree angle on the\u00a0\u00a0\npoint C so we got a 90 degree angle here so this\u00a0\nis 90 degree now taking one unit length between 0\u00a0\u00a0\nto 1 so this is one unit length and putting the\u00a0\ncompass here and cut here so taking Point here\u00a0\u00a0\nD And CD equal to one unit length now joining\u00a0\na and d so from this we can say that a d equal\u00a0\u00a0\nto root 3 unit length now taking the length a d\u00a0\nequal to root 3 by using Compass by this way and\u00a0\u00a0\ndrawing a Arc through the point D which made the\u00a0\nnumber line here at a point so taking Point here\u00a0\u00a0\nso this is taking Point p and this is obviously\u00a0\n3 minus root 3 on number line so therefore\u00a0\u00a0\ndistance sorry op so op equal to we\u00a0\ncan write first o a and subtracting a p\u00a0\u00a0\nthen this is o p o a equal to 3 and AP\u00a0\nequal to root 3 unit so this is 3 minus\u00a0\u00a0\nroot 3 unit so that's all thanks for watching\u00a0\nif this video is helpful to you then please\n": 2, "Hello...\nA PID controller can turn something like a\nbasic heater\ninto a precisely controlled device\nIt uses a sensor to measure what's going on\nand then turns the heat on and off depending\non the temperature it sees\nHolding the value around a chosen set point\nWe made a PID controller using Micropython\non a Raspberry Pi Pico\nIt's connected to a relay switch that's attached\nto a power socket\nSo it can be used with any device that doesn't\nmind being turned on and off a lot\nIn the example we use it for cooking\nThe temperatures chosen using the dial and\nthe target temperature and actual temperature\nare shown on the screen\nIf you want to make one you'll need...\nA Raspberry Pi Pico\nA screen\nTemperature sensor\nRotary encoder\nand a relay switch\nAs usual all the code and instructions are\non our GitHub repository\nLink in the description\nHere it has been tested....and then making\na burger\n[dial turning sound]\n[hairdryer turning on & off]\n[hairdryer turning on & off]\n[hairdryer turning on & off]\n[hairdryer turning on & off]\n[hairdryer turning on & off]\n[hairdryer turning on & off] \n[hairdryer turning on & off] \n[hairdryer turning on & off] \n[dial turning sound] \n": 3, "When you add you put together\nWhen you add you get the sum\nIt's taking 2 or more numbers\nAnd getting a greater one\nAdding is called addition\nWhen you subtract you take away\nWhen you subtract you get the difference\nIt's taking one number from another and always getting less\nSubtracting is called subtraction\nLet's try an adding problem I think you can solve\nIf you have 3 pencils 3\nAnd you add 2 more pencils 2\nHow many pencils do you have all together?\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n3 + 2 = 5\nLet's try another adding problem, I think you can do it\nIf you have 2 dogs 2\nAnd you add 2 more dogs 2\nHow many dogs do you have all together ?\n1, 2, 3, 4\u00a0\n2 + 2= 4\nLet's try a subtracting problem\nI think you can solve\nIf you have 4 balls 4\nAnd you subtract 2 balls 2\nHow many balls do you have left?\n1, 2\n4 - 2 = 2\nLet's try another subtracting problem\nThink, you can do it\nIf you have 6 apples 6\nAnd you subtract 3 apples 3\nHow many apples do you have left?\u00a0\n1, 2, 3\n6 - 3 = 3\nNow listen to this cool rule about number 0\u00a0\nWhen you add or subtract 0 the number doesn't change\nWhen you add or subtract 0\u00a0the number stays the same\nWhen you add you put together\nWhen you add you get the sum\nIt's taking 2 or more numbers\nAnd getting a greater one\nAdding is called addition\nWhen you subtract you take away\nWhen you subtract you get the difference\nIt's taking one number from another and always getting less\nSubtracting is called subtraction\n": 3, "[A friend visits the protagonist and a casual conversation goes on...]\nProtagonist: Sit I will show you a magic trick.\nProtagonist asks the friend to select a card without revealing it to him.\nThe friend selected \"King of Spades\".\n[Without seeing the card, the protagonist shuffles the card deck along with the selected card.]\nProtagonist: In which row your card is in? [ Friend points the row]\n[Protagonist mixes the cards and place them again in rows]\nProtagonist: In which row your card is in? [ Friend points the row]\n[Protagonist mixes the cards and place them again in rows]\nProtagonist: In which row your card is in? [ Friend points the row]\n[Protagonist picks all the cards]\n[Protagonist places all the cards as groups of 3 as they face the ground. ]\nProtagonist: There are 7 sets now. Select any 4 sets.\nProtagonist: Select any 2 sets among the 4 available sets.\nProtagonist: Select any set among the 2 available sets.\nProtagonist: Select any card among the 3 available cards.\nProtagonist: Is this the card you selected?\nFriend: Correct !!!? [King of Spades]\n[ Friend is flabbergasted! ]\n[ The friend again visits the protagonist and requests him to reveal the magic trick. ]\n[ Protagonist agreed to reveal the magic trick. ]\nProtagonist: Do you know mathematics? You studied 3 tables?\nProtagonist: Totally we need unique 21 cards for this magic trick. \nProtagonist: Ask your friend to select any card from the deck of 21 cards. \nProtagonist: Without seeing the card put it back in the deck and shuffle.\nProtagonist: Divide the cards as a group of 7 - So totally 3 groups.\nProtagonist: After dividing, ask your friend in which row the selected card is.\nProtagonist: Keep the selected row in middle. Others 2 rows at top and bottom and place the cards again as 3 rows such as 7 cards in each row.\nProtagonist: Now we are again dividing that selected row of 7 cards by 3 - that is 2+3+2\nProtagonist: Top 7 and bottom 7 cards are also got divided but they are not important for us.\nProtagonist: Now we ask friend to select the row again.\nProtagonist: Now the selected card contains 2 or 3 cards from the earlier selected row.\nProtagonist: Now by repeat the earlier step of taking all the cards, by keeping the selected row in middle.\nProtagonist: This ordering is important while taking the cards!\nProtagonist: Now the selected cards are getting divided by 3 again. \nProtagonist: Now we get the selected cards from previous step placed in each row.\nProtagonist: Now the selected row's middle card (any of the 4th card in a row) is the selected card.\nProtagonist: Again collect the cards in a same fashion - that is selected row in middle.\nProtagonist: Turn the cards and place them as groups of 3 cards.\nProtagonist: Due to our earlier steps, the selected card should have came to the 11th position automatically.\nProtagonist: We should remember the group with that 11th card.\n[Here after just the usual magic trick based on deception]\nProtagonist: Now ask friend to select the groups.\nProtagonist: Reject the selected groups if the 11th card is not part of them.\nProtagonist: Reject the remaining groups if the 11th card is part of the selected group.\nProtagonist: Finally we have only the last group with the 11th card.\nProtagonist: Ask friend to select any 1 among the three cards.\nProtagonist: Mostly everyone selects the middle card.\nProtagonist: Reveal that middle card - that should be the selected card!\n[ Friend is happy now ]\nOur Protagonist performs this magic trick using the 3 tables which we studied in primary schooling.\nLike this magic trick, there are many interesting applications of mathematics in our lives.\nWe will dedicate these kind of awareness videos in our channel.\nUntil then, stay curious!\nKindly provide your support through your Likes, Comments and Subscribe!\nThank you!\n": 4, "Fold and unfold\nTurn over\nFold and unfold\nTurn over\nFold and unfold\nTurn over\nFold corners to center\nTurn over\nFold corners to center\nTurn over\nFold corners to center\nTurn over\nFold to center both sides\nFold and unfold\nFold to center both sides\nFold and unfold\nFold to center both sides\nFold and unfold\nFold and unfold diagonal\nFold and unfold diagonal\nFold and unfold diagonal\nFold the bisector on the diagonal\nUnfold\nFold the bisector on the diagonal\nUnfold\nFold the bisector on the diagonal\nUnfold\nFold corners to center\nFold corners to center\nFold corners to center\nSquash folds\nSquash folds\nSquash folds\nFold the bisector to the center\nFold and unfold\nFold the bisector to the center\nFold and unfold\nFold the bisector to the center\nFold and unfold\nSquash folds\nSquash folds\nSquash folds\nthose are the tusks of the elephant\nthose are the tusks of the elephant\nthose are the tusks of the elephant\nMountain fold\nTurn over\nPull out the legs\nMountain fold\nTurn over\nPull out the legs\nMountain fold\nTurn over\nPull out the legs \nSquash folds\nSquash folds\nSquash folds\nSlide the head\nSlide the head\nSlide the head\nRepeat behind\nRepeat behind\nRepeat behind\nRepeat behind\nReverse fold\nRepeat behind\nReverse fold\nRepeat behind\nReverse fold\nDouble-rabbit-ear fold\nDouble-rabbit-ear fold\nDouble-rabbit-ear fold\nDouble-rabbit-ear fold\nDouble-rabbit-ear fold\nDouble-rabbit-ear fold\nCrimp and reverse-fold\nCrimp and reverse-fold\nCrimp and reverse-fold\nCurl the tusks\nCurl the tusks\nCurl the tusks\nShape the legs\nShape the legs\nShape the legs\nCompleted model\nCompleted model\nCompleted model\n": 1, "Hello, welcome to NETVN channel\nIn this video I will show you how to build a private vpn server that does not need port forwarding on the router and also does not need dynamic domain name service.\nIn this video I will show you how to build a private vpn server that does not need port forwarding on the router and also does not need dynamic domain name service.\nTo do that I prepare an old laptop and turn it into a vpn server\nI will install Ubuntu server operating system on this computer\nYou need to make sure the target computer is connected to the internet\nFirst you go to the Ubuntu homepage and download the server installation version\nI use an 8GB USB stick to create the Ubuntu server installer\nNext I used the rufus tool to create a bootable installation USB stick\nWith rufus tool you can easily create a bootable installer\nAfter obtaining the installer, you plug it into the target computer\nIn the BIOS or UEFI you set the computer to boot from the USB stick\nNext are the steps to install Ubuntu server operating system on the target computer\nYou will be asked to set the language, keyboard\nYou will be asked to set the language, keyboard\nYou don't need to set up a static ip address for the target computer because you don't need to forward the port on the router\nSo I set the target computer to use the dynamic ip address allocated from the router\nWhile installing the operating system you are asked to create an administrator account, create a new one and write it down to access this computer over the network\nWhile installing the operating system you are asked to create an administrator account, create a new one and write it down to access this computer over the network\nMake sure to enable OpenSSH server when installing Ubuntu Server operating system\nHere you remove the installation USB stick from the target computer and press Enter key to restart the computer\nTarget computer has ip address\nThus I have completed the installation of Ubuntu Server OS for the target laptop\nNext I use a Windows 11 computer to access the target computer over the network\nIf you don't know the ip address of the target computer you can use ip address scanner software to find it.\nI will use it for remote access over the network using ssh\nYou use the admin account created when installing the Ubuntu server operating system and the ip address of the target computer for remote access over the network using ssh\nYou use the admin account created when installing the Ubuntu server operating system and the ip address of the target computer for remote access over the network using ssh\nTo build my own vpn server without port forwarding on the router I use zerotier\nYou just need to register for a free account, which is enough for your personal needs\nThis is my network identifier, clients will connect to this network using this network identifier\nThis is my network identifier, clients will connect to this network using this network identifier\nZerotier allows you to route between a physical network and a virtual private network so that remote network devices can access local resources over the internet.\nZerotier allows you to route between a physical network and a virtual private network so that remote network devices can access local resources over the internet.\nAnd here are the instructions from the Zerotier homepage\nNext I will use this to turn the target computer into a vpn server without port forwarding on the router\nYou will install zerotier to the target computer\nTo install zerotier on Ubuntu server operating system, just copy this command and paste it into the command window as above\nTo install zerotier on Ubuntu server operating system, just copy this command and paste it into the command window as above\nZerotier has been successfully installed on the target computer\nNext I set up this computer to join the vpn network I just created\nThis is the command for this computer to join the vpn network named netvn\nYou copy and paste the network identifier to complete the command\nJoin vpn network successfully\nNext you allow this computer to join the vpn netwo": 4, "If your ghost pulls you apart\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nOh love, there's no need to hide\nAnd I feel so helpless inside\nI see those tears in your eyes\nFrom the sidelines\nBeen waiting on the sidelines\nJust forget about this mess\nJust roll up a cigarette\nI don't know what came by me\nThey've been there for weeks\nPacked your bags at midnight\nCold hands, red eyes\nYou can't forget about this mess\nCan't hide the secrets\nAnd if they could, they\u2019d say\nBut these walls don\u2019t talk\nBut I see through your white lies\nWhen you whisper, I'm alright\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nJust let me love you, just let me love you\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nJust let me love you, just let me love you\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nMy love, there's no need to hide\nAnd it feels like you've lost who you are\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nJust let me love you, just let me love you\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nJust let me love you, just let me love you\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nMy love, there's no need to hide\nAnd it feels like you've lost who you are\nIf your ghost pulls you apart\nJust let me love you when your heart is tired\nOh love, there's no need to hide\nAnd I feel so helpless inside\nI see those tears in your eyes\nFrom the sidelines\nI'm waiting on the sidelines\n": 2, " \nHey, it's Delilah\nDid you hear I left the city?\nI've not been there since the day you left\nI know it's such a pity\nSorry to\nRun away without dropping a clue\nAway from you\nHey it's Delilah I'm so sorry for the silence\nCouldn't take another day\nBecause your absence was so violent\nJust in case\n \nYou ask why I left with no trace\nIt was a mistake\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nWhat you do to me\nHey it's Delilah\nI know the years have done you well\nI heard your music took you farther than\nWe could ever really tell\nYou have it good\nYou have the life you knew would\nYour word was good\nHey it's Delilah \nI've got so much on my chest\nI hope you understand this since i left there's\nNothing but regret but it's my fault\nNo text no note not one phone call\nI wrecked it all.\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nI know a thousand miles is far \nEven with planes and trains and cars\nSo I wrote 'cause i had so much to say \nMy friends they all make fun of me\nBecause i can't move on you see \nWhen it was my own choice to walk away\nRemember when you used to say\nDelilah if you were to stray\nMy world would never ever be the same\nAnd I'm to blame\nHey it's Delilah \nI hope you're good and you don't miss me\nHope you're thriving and in love again\nand your musics making history\nYes I do\nJust know that I'll always love you\nYou can do whatever you want to\nLove from Delilah, here's to you\nThis one's for you\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nOh it's what you do to me\nWhat you do to me\nWoah, Woah, Woah\nWoah, woah, \nWoah, Woah\nHmmm\n": 2, "They say we're young and we don't know\nWe won't find out until we grow\nWell I don't know if all that's true\nCause you got me, and baby I got you\nBabe\nI got you babe, I got you babe\nThey say our love won't pay the rent\nBefore it's earned, our money's all been spent\nI guess that's so, we don't have a pot\nBut at least I'm sure of all the things we\ngot\nBabe\nI got you babe, I got you babe\nI got flowers in the spring, I got you to\nwear my ring\nAnd when I'm sad, you're a clown\nAnd if I get scared, you're always around\nSo let them say your hair's too long\nCause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong\nThen put your little hand in mine\nThere ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb\nBabe\nI got you babe, I got you babe\nI got you to hold my hand\nI got you to understand\nI got you to walk with me\nI got you to talk with me\nI got you to kiss goodnight\nI got you to hold me tight\nI got you, I won't let go\nI got you to love me so\nI got you babe\nI got you babe\nI got you babe\nI got you babe\nI got you babe\n": 2, "[music plays]\nMother Goose Club Playhouse\nFive Little Monkeys \nHi Mother Goose Club would you like to sing \"Five Little Monkeys\" with me? \nAwesome.\nGet your five fingers ready to jump like five monkeys.\n[music plays] Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nFour little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nThree little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nTwo little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nOne little monkey jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nGreat job.\n[music plays] \nFive little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nFour little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nThree little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nTwo little monkeys jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nOne little monkey jumping on the bed,\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!\u201d\nFive little monkeys jumping on the bed.\none fell off and bumped his head.\nMama called the doctor and the doctor said,\n\u201cPut those monkeys back to bed!\u201d\n[music plays] \n[music plays] \nMother Goose Club Playhouse \n[music plays] \n": 1, "in this video we have given that integral\u00a0\nof 4e power x plus 6e power minus x by 9e\u00a0\u00a0\npower x minus 4e power minus x dx is equal\u00a0\nto Ax plus B log 9e power 2x minus 4 plus C\u00a0\u00a0\nthen we have to find the values of A, B and C so\u00a0\nwe have integral of this thing is equal to this\u00a0\u00a0\nthat means differentiation of\nAx plus B log 9e power 2x minus 4 plus C will\u00a0\nbe equal to 4e power x plus 6e power minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nby 9e power x minus 4e power minus x\u00a0\nbecause if we have given integration of A dx\u00a0\u00a0\nis equal to B then we can write\u00a0\ndifferentiation of B is equal to A\nand differentiation of Ax will be A plus\u00a0\ndifferentiation of B log 9e power 2x minus 4\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be B is constant and 1 by 9e power 2x minus\u00a0\n4 and differentiation of 9e power 2x minus 4\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be 9 times e power 2x and differentiation of\u00a0\n2x will be 2 and C is constant so differentiation\u00a0\u00a0\nof C will be 0 that is equal to 4e power x plus 6e\u00a0\npower minus x by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x\nand it is A plus and 9 times 2 is 18 B e power\u00a0\n2x by 9e power 2x minus 4 is equal to 4e power x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 6e power minus x by 9e\u00a0\npower x minus 4e power minus x\nand here we have 9e power x minus 4e power\u00a0\nminus x and here we have 9e power 2x minus 4\u00a0\u00a0\nso it is A plus and if we divide numerator and\u00a0\ndenominator by e power x then we will get 18B\u00a0\u00a0\nand e power 2x by e power x will be\u00a0\ne power x by 9 times and e power 2x\u00a0\u00a0\nby e power x will be e power x minus 4\u00a0\nby e power x will be 4e power minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is equal to 4e power x plus 6e power\u00a0\nminus x by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x\n9e power x minus 4e\u00a0\u00a0\npower minus x will be lcm and we will get\u00a0\nA times 9e power x minus 4e power minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 18Be power x is equal to 4e power x plus 6e\u00a0\npower minus x by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nand this will be equal to 9A plus 18B times\u00a0\ne power x minus 4A times e power minus x\u00a0\u00a0\nby 9e power x minus 4e power\u00a0\nminus x is equal to 4e power x\u00a0\u00a0\nplus 6e power minus x by 9e power\u00a0\nx minus 4e power minus x and\nhere the denominator is same\ne power x is also same and e power minus x\u00a0\nis also same so we can equate 9A plus 18B\u00a0\u00a0\nand 4 and also we can equate minus 4A and 6 and\u00a0\nfrom here we can get A is equal to minus 6 by 4\u00a0\u00a0\nor A is equal to minus 3 by 2 and here we get 9\u00a0\ntimes A is minus 3 by 2 plus 18B is equal to 4\u00a0\u00a0\nand we can get 18B is equal to 4\u00a0\nplus 9 times 3 by 2 will be 27 by 2\nand it is 18B is equal to\u00a0\u00a0\n8 plus 27 by 2 or 18B will\u00a0\nbe equal to 8 plus 27 is 35\u00a0\u00a0\nby 2 or B will be equal to 35 by 2 times 18 is 36\nso we get A is equal to minus\u00a0\n3 by 2, B is equal to 35 by 36\u00a0\u00a0\nand the equation is independent\u00a0\nof C, so C it can have\nany real value\nthese are the values of A, B and C\n": 1, "welcome to the session of our course and here\nin the last class we have defined the partial\ndifferential equation we have live we have\nah looked into the various you know types\nof equations linear non linear homogeneous\nnon homogeneous order of equation and we have\nlooked into detail the different types of\nboundary conditions one will encounter now\nin this class will be looking into the classification\nhow you will be doing the classification or\ncategory categorization of the partial differential\nequations now let us look into the classifications\nclassification of equations in most of the\nengineering applications one will be dealing\nwith the three independent variables \nx one x two and x three now typically we will\nbe dealing with the second order equations\nin most of the cases so that can be written\nin general as summation of I is equal to one\nto three summation of j is equal to one to\nthree a I j del square u del x I del x j is\nequal to r x one x two x three del u del x\none del u del x two del u del x three in general\nso all the typical the secondary equations\ncan be represented in this particular form\nnow let us look into the ah ah let us write\nthe details on the left hand side what is\nthat nothing but the coefficients will expand\nthe summation series and we will be writing\ndown the all coefficients of ah you know order\ntwo terms so any partial differentials that\nwill be of order two that will be recast in\nthis form particular form and one can just\nopen up the summation on the left hand side\nand can get the all the terms containing the\norder two so let us do that so if you if you\ndo that I just open out the left hand side\nleft hand side of this equation\nso I is equal to one to three so it will be\na I one del square u del x I del x one plus\na I two del square u del x I del x two plus\na I three del square u del x I del x three\nnow I open out so I opened up the first summation\nover j next I will be opening up the first\nsummation over I if I do that this will be\na I one a one one del square u del x one square\nplus a one two del square u del x one del\nx two plus a one three del square u del x\none del x three next term will be a one two\ndel square u del x two del x one plus a two\ntwo del square u del x two square plus a two\nthree del square u del x two del x three the\nthird term will be a one three del square\nu del x three del x one plus a three two del\nsquare u del x three del x two plus a three\nthree del square u del x three square so we\nopen up both the summation terms over I and\nover j and we have obtained the nine terms\nnow nine terms of order two of the partial\ndifferential equation now let us write down\nthe coefficient matrix of this nine terms\nif you write down the coefficient matrix so\na becomes the coefficient matrix the coefficient\nmatrix will be nothing but a one one a one\ntwo a one three a two one a two two a two\nthree a three one a three two a three three\nso we formulate the coefficient matrix for\nvarious ah for for different terms that those\nwill be appearing in the order two terms in\nthe partial differential equation now we will\nbe evaluating the eigenvalues of this matrix\nand by looking into the values and sign of\nthe eigenvalues we can classify the oh which\nah the the partial differential equation we\nare dealing with now if so we we evaluate\nthe eigenvalues of of the coefficient matrix\nof a evaluate eigenvalues of coefficient matrix\na now if all eigenvalues \nare positive or all eigenvalues are negative\nare negative then the partial differential\nequation we are dealing with is the elliptic\npartial differential equation if some eigenvalues\nare positive and \nsome are negative that means there is a ah\neigenvalues which are some mix mixture of\npositive and negative numbers so this is known\nas the hyperbolic partial differential equation\nif at least one eigenvalue is zero then it's\ncalled a parabolic then say parabolic ok so\nwill be ah by looking into the coefficient\nmatrix of the order two terms in in a three\nvariable problem we can get the with with\nget the coefficient matrix by evaluating the\neigenvalues of th": 2, "Since the dawn of time, war has raged between the plants and the zombies.\nYou must pick a side\u2026\nYeah, we get it!\nCome on down to Neighborville\nCome on down to Neighborville\nWe love it here and we know you will\nCome down to Neighborville\nWe got Acorn\nWhich is not corn\nit couldn\u2019t be corn\nso let me see corn\nCorn, he\u2019s a cereal grain\nAnd really great for poppin' with butter, it\u2019s insane\nZombies, Zombies\nBetter watch out\nKickin\u2019 down the door tryn\u2019 to get in your house\nWheelin through the \u2018hood on rollerskates\nLooking for brains all over the place\nYes, she\u2019s looking all over the place for your brain\nWatch her disappear while we sing the refrain\nReady. Set.\nGOAT.\nEverybody sing the chorus\nCome on down to Neighborville\nNow just the Zombie\nGrunt, grunt, grunt\nThat Zombie has a beautiful voice\nThat Zombie is the King of Pop\nThat Zombie has a beautiful voice\nPeas shooting peas, hitting zombies in the knees\nIt's a battle in the streets using Photosynthesis\nPunch a zombie in the teeth with super-sonic speed\nA ninja mushroom? Please! Classic P\u2019s versus Zees\nNow we\u2019re runnin\u2019\nNow we\u2019re running through the trees\nand we\u2019re crushing enemies\nand no one ever leaves\nSo pardon our language, don\u2019t mean to be crass\nOur town\u2019s the best town, let\u2019s go kick some grass\nCome on down to Neighborville\nCome on down to Neighborville\nWe love it here and we know you will\nCome down to Neighborville\nCome on down to Neighborville\nCome on down to Neighborville\nCome on down to Neighborville\nNEIGH - BA - VILLE\nGrunt, grunt, grunt\nThat Zombie has a beautiful voice\n": 2, "Langdon White: Alright, hopefully everything's working out.\nLangdon White: So foolishly well, I had to drive this morning to take my daughter to a doctor's appointment I foolishly drove up here, thinking that you know the.\nLangdon White: parking lot that was labeled as a Bu FLEX permit parking lot i'd be able to park it, but I was wrong so that was my adventure for today, this is why I don't drive normally.\nLangdon White: But here we go.\nLangdon White: So we're talking about models in a B testing today.\nLangdon White: No announcements per se.\nLangdon White: But let's start off with talking about models so a model, the set of assumptions about data and data science many models involve assumptions about assays and evolve randomness like chance models.\nLangdon White: and basically what it comes down to is does the model fit the data, so how many people here have heard the term model when we talk about data science like this.\nLangdon White: All right, can you tell me like some context in which you've heard it.\nLangdon White: So way of visualizing data, I would say it's.\nLangdon White: it's kind of more the root of that, like the visualization is something you apply on top of the model.\nLangdon White: So the model is really the thing that does the work I think these days you most commonly hear it in terms of machine learning.\nLangdon White: So many here have heard of machine learning.\nLangdon White: Alright, so let's be good, so if the machine learning is kind of exactly what it sounds like it's when the computer learn something.\nLangdon White: And by we use the term learning in this context, very loosely so that maybe they're learning by doing some math to do some sort of predictions, but it can also mean learning as.\nLangdon White: they're doing they're putting ideas together and we're not quite sure how they're doing that and then spitting out predictive results, so it kind of runs the whole gamut.\nLangdon White: Right so but anything that we're we're trying to figure out like how something works, we can call a mob okay.\nLangdon White: All right, so an assessment is again kind of like what it sounds like.\nLangdon White: Basically, this is how we define is the model doing what it claims to be okay, which is you know, easy to actually modeling the data, and so we use some sort of assessment to figure out whether or not that model is in fact modeling the data.\nLangdon White: Sometimes, and this is actually kind of where why stress, like the compliment stuff is sometimes you actually can assess it by looking at the inverse of what you really care about.\nLangdon White: Sometimes it's easier to prove the inverse than it is to prove the thing you're actually looking for we'll talk about that more some more we'll talk about that more later.\nLangdon White: Alright, so but model is all about sorry I kind of skipped over this, but a model is kind of all about being able to take a set of data and then making a prediction that is in line with, or at least close to what we would find if we actually observed it.\nLangdon White: Alright, so our first example, talks about jury selection and.\nLangdon White: The first thing I want to explain is what a jury is okay so.\nLangdon White: If you grew up in the US, you are probably familiar with this concept but, basically, I mean there are there are juries worldwide as well, but at the way the American justice system works is you know, in a particular way.\nLangdon White: And so, in the US, what we have is a jury, which is the group of people who actually decide a case okay so.\nLangdon White: You have a lawyer, on one side, you have a lawyer, on the other side, and you have a judge who's making sure everybody follows the rules.\nLangdon White: But the two lawyers are trying to argue the case, but ultimately in not all cases, but some kinds of court cases a jury is who actually makes the decision.\nLangdon White: A jury is made up of what are referred to as lay people or people who don't have any experience with often the topic at hand, like whatever is being decided on.\nLangdon White: And also don't h": 4, "Hello Friends, this is the intro of how the prisoners escape from the prison plane\nThe prison plane stands at the airport and waits for the prisoners\nPolice officers put the prisoners on the bus\nThe prison bus goes to the airport\nThe prison bus comes in to the plane\nPrisoners board a plane with police officers\nThe aircraft is approaching the runway\nThe police guard the prisoners\nThe plane starts to take off\n1 day ago, the partner of the prisoners quietly enters the plane in order to rescue them the next day\nThis worker is going to free the prisoners right now\nHe removes the handcuffs from the prisoners\nThey take parachutes and plan to jump out of the plane and meet on the ground\nAirplane door opens, crew jumps with parachutes\nThe plane starts to lose altitude because no one is driving and the autopilot is disabled\nThe prisoners are flying in the air\nThe plane is approaching the ground\nPrisoners open their parachutes\nPlane crash on the ground\nThe prisoners met on the ground\nPrisoners sneak to the farm car\nOne of them gets into the car while the others watch the farmer and the dog\nPrisoners get in the car too\nThe car tries to leave, but it skids on the spot\nThe dog and the farmer notice the prisoners and try to stop them\nBut the prisoners manage to get out of the pit and drive away from the farmer\nPrisoners arrive at their destination to discuss their future plans, because the police can find them at any time\nEvening has come, they are warming themselves by the fire and talking\nThanks for the watching, friends! \n": 3, "Peacock squid (Taonius sp.) | Size: 66 cm (26 in.) mantle length | Depth: 300\u20131,700 m (1,000\u20135,600 ft.)\nPsychedelic jelly (Crossota millsae) | Size: 2.8 cm (about 1 in) across | Depth: below 1,000 m (3,300 ft.)\nBlob sculpin (Psychrolutes phrictus) | Size: 70 cm (26 in.) | Depth: 800\u20132,800 m (2,600\u20139,200 ft.)\nMidwater octopus (Japetella diaphana) | Size: to 16 cm (6 in.) | Depth: 800\u20131,450 m (2,600\u20134,800 ft.)\nBlack seadevil anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii) | Size: 6 cm (2 in.) | Depth: 100\u20134,500 m (330\u201314,800 ft.)\nSpiny dreamer anglerfish (Oneirodes acanthias) | Size: 20 cm (8 in.) | Depth: 500\u20131,200 m (1,600\u20133,900 ft.)\nSwimming sea cucumber (Enypniastes sp.) | Size: 25 cm (10 in.) | Depth: 500\u20137,000 m (1,600\u201323,000 ft.)\nSmalleye snipe eel (Avocettina bowersii) | Size: 52 cm (10 in.) | Depth: 90\u20132,700 m (300\u20138,900 ft.) \nBlue shark (Prionace glauca) | Size: 3.8 m (12.5 ft.) | Depth: Surface to 350 m (1,150 ft.)\nSilky jelly (Colobonema sericeum) | Size: 4.5 cm (1.8 in.) across | Depth: 200\u2013700 m (660\u20132,300 ft.)\nStrawberry squid (Histioteuthis heteropsis) | Size: 13 cm (5 in.) mantle length | Depth: 300\u2013800 m (1,000\u20132,600 ft.)\nCrystal amphipod (Cystisoma magna) | Size: 14 cm (6 in.) | Depth: 200\u20131,500 m (660\u20134,900 ft.)\nCross jelly (Mitrocoma cellularia) | Size: to 9 cm / 3.5 in | Depth: to 100 m / 328 ft\nMidwater jelly (Chiarella centripetalis) | Size: 1.5 cm (0.5 in.) across | Depth: surface to 800 m (2,600 ft.)\nPeacock squid (Taonius sp.) | Size: 66 cm (26 in.) mantle length | Depth: 300\u20131,700 m (1,000\u20135,600 ft.)\nVampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) | Size: 30 cm / 12 in | Depth: 600\u2013900 m (2,000\u20133,000 ft)\nRattail fishes (Genus: Coryphaenoides) | Size: ~30 cm / ~12 in | Depth: 200-4,000 m / 600-13,100 ft\nBathyal squid (Bathyteuthis sp.) | Size: 7.5 cm (3 in.) mantle length | Depth: 100\u20134,200 m (330\u201313,800 ft.)\nSwordtail squid (Chiroteuthis calyx) | Size: 10 cm (4 in.) mantle length | Depth: 100\u2013800 m (330\u20132,600 ft.)\nOwlfishes (Family: Bathylagidae) | Depth: 100\u20131,500 m (330\u20134,900 ft.)\nHumboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) eating armhook squid (Gonatus sp.)\nHelmet jelly (Periphylla periphylla) eating market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens)\nBlack-eyed squid (Gonatus onyx) eating stout owlfish (Pseudobathylagus milleri)\nRattail fish (Family: Macrouridae) eating squid\nBlack-eyed squid eating another black-eyed squid (Gonatus onyx)\nSwarthy snaketooth (Chiasmodon subniger) | Size: 3 cm (1 in.) | Depth: 200\u20134,600 m (660\u201315,100 ft.)\nGiant whipnose anglerfish (Gigantactis gargantua) | Size: 41 cm (16 in.) | Depth: 500\u20131,500 m (1,600\u20134,900 ft.)\nPacific viperfish (Chauliodus macouni) | Size: 30 cm (12 in.) | Depth: 200\u20131,500 m (660\u20134,900 ft.)\nPacific blackdragon (Idiacanthus antrostomus) | Size: 38 cm (15 in.) | Depth: 300\u2013700 m (1,000\u20132,300 ft.)\nLongnose chimaera (Harriotta raleighana) Size: 1.2 m / 3.9 ft | Depth: 500\u20132,600 m (1,600\u20138,500 ft)\nFeather star (Family: Crinoidea) \nMidwater bristle worm (Flota sp.) | Size: 10 cm (4 in.) | Depth: 2,000\u20134,000 m \nThreadfin snailfish (Careproctus longifilis) | Size: to 16.2 cm / to 6.4 in | Depth: to 3675 m / 12,057 ft\nPointy-nosed blue chimaera (Hydrolagus trolli) | Size: 1.2 m (3.9 ft.) | Depth: 600\u20131,700 m (2,000\u20135,600 ft.)\nRabbit-eared comb jelly (Kiyohimea usagi) | Size: 28 cm (11 in.) | Depth: 200\u2013300 m (660\u20131,000 ft.)\nBomber worm (Swima fulgida) | Size: 3 cm (1 in.) | Depth: 3,200\u20133,600 m (10,500\u201311,800 ft.)\nPanda bear sea angel (Notobranchaea macdonaldi) | Size: 1 cm (0.5 in.) | Depth: 200\u20131,700 m (660\u20135,600 ft.)\nRed balloon jelly (Deepstaria reticulum) | Size: 75 cm (30 in.) across | Depth: 600\u20131,900 m (2,000\u20136,200 ft.)\nBarreleye (Macropinna microstoma) | Size: 15 cm (6 in.) | Depth: 600\u2013800 m (2,000\u20132,600 ft.)\n": 4, "Give it up for Naughty by Nature!\nHip Hop Hooray!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nYou drew a picture of my morning\nBut you couldn't make my day (Hey!)\nI'm rockin' and you're yawning\nBut you never look my way (Hey!)\nI'm licking down your darlin'\nIn every single way (Hey!)\nYour funny flow is foreign\nAnd a green card's on the way\nThis ain't got shit to do with shampoo, but watch your head n shoulder\nBrother older bold enough to fold ya, yo I told ya\nA raid afraid of what I made and played it, plus a funky fit\nSo save your flips and tricks for that music and the monkey bit\nTriggers from the Grilltown Illtown\nSome ask how it feels now\nThe deal is that we're real so we're still 'round\nDon't lamp with a freestyle phantom, ain't trying to be handsome\nShrinking what you're thinking cause I'm vamping\nI live and die for Hip Hop\nThis is Hip Hop for today\nI give props to hip-hop so\nHip Hop hooray, hey, ho\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHip Hop Hooray! Ho!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nYou heard a lot about a brother gaining mo' ground\nBeing low down I do the showdown with any little ho round, no!\nI wanna know who you're believing, through your funny reasons\nEven when I'm sleeping you think I'm cheatin'\nYou said, \"I know you, Mr. O.P.P. man\nYo PP man, won't only see me man\"\nYou should've known when I ain't hit it and step\nThat I was wit' it a bit not to consider the rep, heck!\nI did your partner cause she's hot as a baker\nCause I'm Naughty by Nature, not cause I hate ya!\nYou put your heart in a part of a part that spreads apart\nAnd forgot that I forgave when you had a spark\nYou try to act like something really big is missing\nEven though my name's graffiti Written on Ya Kitten\nI love black women always and disrespect ain't the way\nLet's start a family today\nHip Hop Hooray!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHip Hop Hooray! ho!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHip Hop Hip Hip Hop Hip Hip Hop Hooray!\nThere's many hungry Hip Hoppers one reason Hip Hop's tip-top today\nSwerve what ya heard cause I ain't bailing no hay\nAin't chopping no crops, but still growing every day\nHere's a thunder sound from the wonders found\nFrom the underground town down the hill\nFeel how Illtown drown smiles to frowns\nSnatchin' crowns from clowns beat downs are found\nDon't know me don't come around\nTippy tippy (pause) tippy tippy (pause)\nSometimes creepin' up I eat em up\nYour styles are older than Lou Rawls\nPeace to this one and that one and them\nThat way I shout out and I didn't miss one friend\nFools get foolish, neither them or Parker Lewis knew us\nYou could have crews with shoes and can't step to us\nSome kitties purr, now call me sir too\nLooking for her crew\nAny trick that diss gets a curfew\nI put on projects for boots, step through troops and leave proof\nMy problem solver's name is Mook\nI'm hitting woodies in a hoody\nPeace to Josette, Jobete, Jo-Jo, Genae, and every hood G\nThat's right, my fight is ill\nPeace goes to L.O.N.S. and Quest, Nice & Smooth & Cypress Hill\nI live and die for Hip Hop\nThis is Hip Hop of today\nI give props to Hip Hop so\nHip Hop hooray, hey! Ho!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHip Hop Hooray! Ho!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nHey!\nHo!\nSmooth it out now\n": 1, "Christopher Carbone: Hello and welcome to part one of this the derivative. As a function\nChristopher Carbone: So to start off,\nChristopher Carbone: we could write the derivative formula using X. To create a function as F prime of X is equal to the limit. As h approaches zero of F of x plus h, minus F of X. The whole thing divided by H.\nChristopher Carbone: The domain is the set of all X values\nChristopher Carbone: where that derivative exists, and this could potentially be smaller than the domain of the function F.\nChristopher Carbone: When X is close to zero. The slope of the tangent line is large, well large or steep. When X is large, the slope of the tangent line is small or flat,\nChristopher Carbone: depending, of course, on what numbers we are referencing for that.\nChristopher Carbone: And let us say, for example, that based on this graph. Here we want to sketch the graph of its derivative right\nChristopher Carbone: and very helpful to make no\nChristopher Carbone: where\nChristopher Carbone: number one where the derivative graph would cross the x-axis. So it turns out one of those is right about here at this vertex.\nChristopher Carbone: This right here is where the slope is equal to zero.\nChristopher Carbone: Likewise another one is right here.\nChristopher Carbone: Well, again, slope here is zero,\nChristopher Carbone: and\nChristopher Carbone: then, too,\nChristopher Carbone: coordinate where everything else is,\nChristopher Carbone: some\nChristopher Carbone: the values here where X is negative all the way until we get to where the slope here is zero, the slope here.\nChristopher Carbone: It's less than zero.\nChristopher Carbone: Of course it starts increasing the until we get to zero\nChristopher Carbone: between this zero and this zero. The slope here is positive\nChristopher Carbone: with the greatest slope being about.\nChristopher Carbone: Now,\nChristopher Carbone: what a say about\nChristopher Carbone: you it!\nChristopher Carbone: Oh, here\nChristopher Carbone: greatest stuff being about here since it's where this it's the steepest.\nChristopher Carbone: And then from the right hand side. Here,\nChristopher Carbone: after this zero slope, the slope here decreases,\nChristopher Carbone: and it eventually finds out down here\nChristopher Carbone: to help us again with this particular graph, and also to make notes we have about here. As as to where that decrease in slope is. The I don't want your largest, because we do have that left side, though, too, but\nChristopher Carbone: the largest in that overall neighborhood.\nChristopher Carbone: The graph of this will walk something like this. So we would have a zero here,\nChristopher Carbone: zero here.\nChristopher Carbone: The graph looks something like this,\nChristopher Carbone: so\nChristopher Carbone: would be increasing. Here they cross the x-axis, because it's no longer. The slope is no longer negative. It goes up to the highest point about here\nChristopher Carbone: again at this particular point right here that I had highlighted.\nChristopher Carbone: Then we decrease\nChristopher Carbone: until we get to the zero,\nChristopher Carbone: because the slope here\nChristopher Carbone: is not rising as fast,\nChristopher Carbone: so\nChristopher Carbone: i'm\nChristopher Carbone: the left side of this curve. This is where here that slope is increasing fast it\nChristopher Carbone: and the slope here on the right hand side here is when the slope is increasing slower.\nChristopher Carbone: It crosses the X-axis here, and then same spill it goes below. This y-axis we have about the lowest,\nChristopher Carbone: but there is\nChristopher Carbone: so it continue on here\nChristopher Carbone: Slightly tone\nChristopher Carbone: an approach\nChristopher Carbone: this x-axis\nChristopher Carbone: for something like that\nChristopher Carbone: Again, between this zero and where this point here is that slope is decreasing fast,\nChristopher Carbone: and here the slope is increasing.\nChristopher Carbone: I'm.\nChristopher Carbone: Whilst\nChristopher Carbone: slope is decreasing slower\nChristopher Carbone: it ev": 4, "There's such a sad love\nDeep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel\nOpen and close within your eyes\nI'll place the sky within your eyes\nThere's such a fooled heart\nBeating so fast in search of new dreams\nA love that will last within your heart\nI'll place the moon within your heart\nAs the pain sweeps through\nMakes no sense for you\nEv'ry thrill has gone\nWasn't too much fun at all\nBut I'll be there for you, ____\nAs the world falls down\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nI'll paint your mornings of gold\nI'll spin you Valentine evenings\nThough we're strangers till now\nWe're choosing the path between the stars\nI'll lay my love between the stars\nAs the pain sweeps through\nMakes no sense for you\nEv'ry thrill has gone\nWasn't too much fun at all\nBut I'll be there for you, ____\nAs the world falls down\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nAs the world falls down\nMakes no sense at all\nMakes no sense to fall\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nFalling in love\nFalling in love\nFalling in love\nFalling in love\nFalling in love\n": 3, " \nJavier Ram\u00edrez pa\u00b4 que te inspires\n \nI have lost your call\nI already saw your story on Instagram\n \nI want to hear your voice\nknow your location\nTell me if you feel better\n \nI can not find all the words\n \nTo tell you my pain\nI lost in the game myself\nFrom WhatsApp he blocked me\nOnly you know me well\nIt seems that we are falling in love\nThis is not unreal\nHere we are the two\nIt may seem atypical\nHowever, I believe in this love\nIt was your look that caught me\nIt was your look that caught me\nI am Sof\u00eda Castro\nAnd they say that I'm dumb\nI did not realize that you and me\nWe had destined roads\nWe had destined roads\nForgetting the damage that was already\nCaused by an evil of love\nTaking away the good things about me\nBut today with you he returns\nIt seems that we are falling in love\nThis is not unreal\nHere we are the two\nIt may seem atypical\nHowever, I believe in this love\nIt was your look that caught me\nIt was your look that caught me\n \nIt seems that we are falling in love\nIt seems that we are falling in love\n \nThis is not unreal\nHere we are the two\nIt may seem atypical\nHowever, I believe in this love\nIt was your look that caught me\nIt was your look that caught me\n \nCaught me\ncaught me\nIt was your look that caught\nMy heart\nMy heart\nAnd you saved him from the pain\nCaught me\nCaught me\nIt was your look that caught\nIt was your look that caught\nMy heart\nMy heart\nAnd you saved him from the pain\nIt seems that we are falling in love\nIt seems that we are falling in love\nThis is not unreal\nHere we are the two\nIt may seem atypical\nHowever, I believe in this love\nIt was your look that caught me\n \nIt seems that we are falling in love\nThis is not unreal\nHere we are the two\nIt may seem atypical\nHowever, I believe in this love\nIt was your look that caught me\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 2, "*earplugs recommended*\nIt was a nasty scene, not some Pre-Calc dream\nIt was the worst darn chapter I have ever seen.\nSaw all the worksheet's sides and almost died,\nKnockin' me out with those leading pi's\nReplacing Trig pairs has me fighting to care\nTomorrow it's due, so I said a quick prayer\n'Cause my hands were shakin'\nMy lead was breakin'\nMy mind was achin'\nAnd time was taken\n'Cause you took all night long!\nYeah, you, took me all night long!\nIntegratin' double prime to find the tangent line,\nC makes it one of a kind; a line all mine\nCouldn't even pause, 'cause now they want the cause\nStill ain't clear to see, so add a theorem more\nT.I. had to cool down 'fore graphs rotate 'round\nNow pi is back, and to my grade I will cling\n'Cause my hands were shakin'\nMy lead was breakin'\nAnd my mind was achin'\nAnd time was taken,\n'Cause you took me all night long!\nYeah, you, took me all night long!\nKnocked me out, that is you took me all night long!\nYou really took me, and you took me all night long!\nOh you took me, all night long!\nYeah, yeah you took me all night long!\nAnd you really got me and you took me all night long!\nYeah you took me\nYeah you took me all night long!\nRock on fellow nerds!\n": 3, "Dollar Tank\nPAPER: Two one-dollar bills Or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nDollar Tank\nPAPER: Two one-dollar bills Or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\nDollar Tank\nPAPER: Two one-dollar bills Or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm.\n The tracks\nFold in half. Unfold.\nFold the short edge to the long edges diagonally and unfold to crease the angle bisectors. Turn over.\n The tracks\nFold in half. Unfold.\nFold the short edge to the long edges diagonally and unfold to crease the angle bisectors. Turn over.\n The tracks\nFold in half. Unfold.\nFold the short edge to the long edges diagonally and unfold to crease the angle bisectors. Turn over.\nCrease at the points indicated.\nCrease at the points indicated.\nCrease at the points indicated.\nCrease between the lines created in the previous step. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines created in the previous step. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines created in the previous step. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines created in the previous step.\nCrease between the lines created in the previous step.\nCrease between the lines created in the previous step.\nCrease between the lines. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines. Turn over.\nBring edges to the intersections indicated. and crease between the lines only. Turn over.\nBring edges to the intersections indicated. and crease between the lines only. Turn over.\nBring edges to the intersections indicated. and crease between the lines only. Turn over.\nPleat fold. Turn over.\nPleat fold. Turn over.\nPleat fold. Turn over.\nAccordion fold.\nAccordion fold.\nAccordion fold.\nFold all the layers using the existing creases as a reference.\nFold all the layers using the existing creases as a reference.\nFold all the layers using the existing creases as a reference.\nThe tracks are complete.\nThe gun turret\nFold the short edge to the long edges and unfold to crease the angle bisectors.\nThe tracks are complete.\nThe gun turret\nFold the short edge to the long edges and unfold to crease the angle bisectors.\nThe tracks are complete.\nThe gun turret\nFold the short edge to the long edges and unfold to crease the angle bisectors.\nFold in half. Unfold.\nFold edges to the center line and crease up to the diagonals. Turn over.\nFold in half. Unfold.\nFold edges to the center line and crease up to the diagonals. Turn over.\nFold in half. Unfold.\nFold edges to the center line and crease up to the diagonals. Turn over.\nCrease between the lines created in the last step, up to the diagonals.\nCrease between the lines created in the last step, up to the diagonals.\nCrease between the lines created in the last step, up to the diagonals.\nCrease vertically through the intersection indicated. Turn over.\nCrease vertically through the intersection indicated. Turn over.\nCrease vertically through the intersection indicated. Turn over.\nCollapse (like a waterbomb base).\nFold edge to the corner and crease. Unfold.\nCollapse (like a waterbomb base).\nFold edge to the corner and crease. Unfold.\nCollapse (like a waterbomb base).\nFold edge to the corner and crease. Unfold.\nFold edge to the lines shown to create small diagonals. Unfold.\nFold edge to the lines shown to create small diagonals. Unfold.\nFold edge to the lines shown to create small diagonals. Unfold.\nFold vertically through the points indicated. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold vertically through the points indicated. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold vertically through the points indicated. Unfold. Turn over.\nFold the corner, starting at just below the line.\nPleat with a mountain fold on the existing crease, bringing the folded edge to the corner.\nFold the corner, starting at just below the line.\nPleat with a mountain fold on the existing crease, bringing the folded edge to the corner.\nFold the corner, starting at just below the line.\nPleat with a mountain fold on the existing crease, bringing the folded edge to the corner.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nSwivel fold.\nRepeat the st": 1, "Make the foundation by referring to the layout image.\nRaise up the spruce logs by five blocks.\nConnect the tops of the pillars.\nMake the floor with birch planks.\nMake the house foundation by referring to the layout image.\nUse stripped oak & spruce logs.\nRaise up the spruce logs by 4.\nConnect the tops of the pillars.\nFill the walls with stripped oak logs.\nFill the ceiling with oak planks.\nLet's make a triangular part of the roof.\nPlace oak stairs on it.\nMake the roof border with stone brick stairs.\nPlace upside-down stairs to make the line smooth.\nMake the same thing on this side.\nMake the roof by connecting the triangular parts.\nPlace stone brick slabs on the top line.\nMake the triangular part on the front.\nConnect the triangular part to the roof.\nI'll make the stairs to the house.\nStack up logs in the shape of the stairs.\nPlace birch stairs.\nPlace flower pots as well.\nLet's decorate the interior now!\nI'll make this room into a storage room.\nMake some windows.\nI'll make this room into a bedroom.\nI'll place beds by the window.\nCover the top with campfires.\nPlace armor stand as well.\nMake a brewing area here.\nMake a desk as well.\nI'll place ladders leading to the attic.\nMake the wall flat.\nMake the other side the same.\nRemove some blocks and make a small window.\nI'll make this room into an enchanting room.\nCheck if level 30 enchant is available.\nPlace some chests.\nMake a couch as well.\nLet's go outside now!\nI'll decorate the outer wall of the house a little more.\nDecorate the rest of the walls in the same way.\nMake a shade with campfires.\nMake a work area.\nI'll make a pen for livestocks.\nReplace the 9x11 size floor with grass blocks.\nPlace walls & fence gates.\nDivide the inner space.\nMake poles with spruce fences.\nMake the roof with spruce slabs.\nPlace slabs along the shape.\nI'll make a smelting area on the left side of the main stairway.\nPlace stone bricks on the ground in 11x4 size.\nPlace furnaces.\nPlace chests as well.\nCover the top with campfires.\nCover the back with stone slabs.\nCover the back of the main stairway as well.\nI'll make a stable with spruce fences here.\nMake poles & cover the top.\nSet up fences to keep the base safe.\nI'll place fences like so.\nLastly, decorate the remaining spaces freely.\nHow was the Survival Base today?\nI've built this base for survival world.\nShare your thoughts in the comments below!\nIf you enjoyed this video, Please Like & Subscribe!\nThanks for watching! :D\n": 4, "Dragonfruit (Scientific name is Hylocereus undatus)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nPapaya (Scientific name is Carica papaya)\nPomegranate (Scientific name is Punica granatum)\nApple (Scientific name is Malus domestica)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nSugar apple (Scientific name is Annona squamosa)\nWatermelon (Scientific name is Citrullus lanatus)\nPomelo ((Scientific name is Citrus maxima)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nBlood Orange (Scientific name is Citrus X sinensis)\nGuava (Scientific name is Psidium guajava)\nPassion Fruit (Scientific name is Passiflora edulis)\nBlueberry (Scientific name is Cyanococcus)\nPlum (Scientific name is Prunus domestica Brooks)\nJackfruit (Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nApricot (Scientific name is Prunus armeniaca)\nCherry (Scientific name is Prunus avium)\nPineapple (Scientific name is Ananas comosus)\nLoquat (Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica)\nPapaya (Scientific name is Carica papaya)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nCherry (Scientific name is Prunus avium)\nPersimmon (Scientific name is Diospyros kaki)\nMelon (Scientific name is Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) 1. Honeydew melon, 2.Yellow Melon, 3. Muskmelon\nAkebia (Scientific name is Akebia quinata)\nBlueberry (Scientific name is Cyanococcus)\nLychee (Scientific name is Litchi chinensis)\nLoquat (Scientific name is Eriobotrya japonica)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nPassion Fruit (Scientific name is Passiflora edulis)\nOrange (Scientific name is Citrus sinenis Budd)\nApricot (Scientific name is Prunus armeniaca)\nFig (Scientific name is Ficus carica)\nJujube (Scientific name is Ziziphus)\nChestnut nut (Scientific name is Castanea)\nPapaya (Scientific name is Carica papaya)\nMango (Scientific name is Mangifera indica)\nPeach (Scientific name is Prunus persica)\nApricot (Scientific name is Prunus armeniaca)\nJackfruit (Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus)\nDurian (Scientific name is Durio)\nGrape (Scientific name is Vitis)\nWatermelon (Scientific name is Citrullus lanatus)\n": 4, "Hey guys, our first topic for today is Engineering Mechanics\nwhich is the basic concept of every subject that you will study\nin your higher year in civil engineering course\nso under in Engineering Mechanics, we will study here our concept\nfirst concept of Engineering Mechanics is\nis the Rigid Bodies, so if we say rigid body\nthe definite amount of matter (and if we say matter...\nis anything that has mass and volume), where this matter, or any\nsmall elements of that matter is fixed on\neach other.\nAnother concept is Force.\npersonally I think forces it is anything\nthat tends to change or that cause\nchanges on that rigid bodies. If we say changes,\nmeans in terms of its motion or movement\nand in terms of its formation\nso if we say that these rigid bodies move,\nour study for those rigid bodies is for \"dynamics\",\nand if we say that these forces act in these rigid bodies\nand remain at rest, this is what we call \"statics\".\nAnd those are the two parts for engineering mechanics (statics & dynamics)\nFirst part is Statics, here we study the effect of forces\non rigid bodies and that body will\nremain at rest,\nmeaning there is no motion or there\nis no movement on that certain body\nmeanwhile in Dynamics, we study\nthe effect and distribution of force where it caused movements in rigid body.\nSo we will study first Statics\nand all rigid bodies to be analyzed here in this part\nand solved will remain at rest.\nUnder Statics of Rigid Bodies, we study\nforce system. There are two types of\nforces system according to the plane\nCoplanar, and Non-coplanar\nIf we say Coplanar Force System, all forces\non a certain body lies in one plane. For example this is the plane\nand all forces lie in this plane only,\nand that's what we call Coplanar Force System\nAnd if we say Non-Coplanar Force System,\nforces act or lie in two or more planes.\nFor example this is the second plane\nand forces act and lie in this 2nd plane\nand this is the difference between Coplanar and Non-coplanar Force System.\nThese two type of force system were based\naccording to the plane\nwhere forces acted upon.\nThe 2nd type of force system\nis according to the line of action\nand that's what we call Concurrent Force System\nand Non-concurrent force System\nand lastly, the Parallel Force System.\nSo these three is the type of force system according to the line of action\nand these three is under coplanar force system\nIf we say Concurrent Force System, all forces\nlie only in one point\nExample we have point A\nand all forces will intersect at a common point.\nThe line of action of this force is horizontal\nwhile the line of action of this inclince force\nis also going to intersect at A\nwhile this force is directed away from point A\nbut still, the line of action of this force intersects at A.\nSo that is concurrent force system.\nIf we say Non-concurrent force system, all forces\noriginates or coming from different point\nFor example this is point A, point B and point C.\nSo the line of action of this force only acts in point A\nand this force intersects only at point B\nand this force at point C.\nSo that is Non-concurrent Force System.\nAnd if we say Parallel Force System, all forces\nare parallel to each other, so for example we have a vertical force here\nupward vertical force great so this is\nparallel forces\nand there can be an inclined forces but still can be a parallel forces\nas long as they're parallel to each other or\nthere's a distance between them and that\ndistance is perpendicular for that two forces\nthen we can consider that those forces are parallel to each other.\nNext important thing in engineering mechanics\nand used during analysis\nis what we call the \"Free-Body Diagram\" or FBD.\nSo if we say Free-Body Diagram, we isolate\nthe parts/members on a certain body\nand every parts (FBD), we can solve forces and apply forces\nand we can solve internal forces sa certain FBD\nand we can apply the FBD\nunder Chapter III of Engineering Mechanics\nSo that is Chapter I for the Introduction of Engineering Mechanics\nSo thank you for watching. Bye bye! :)\n": 3, "I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI got the horses in the back\nHorse tack is attached\nHat is matte black\nGot the boots that's black to match\nRidin' on a horse, ha\nYou can whip your Porsche\nI been in the valley\nYou ain't been up off that porch, now\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nRidin' on a tractor\nLean all in my bladder\nCheated on my girl\nYou can go and ask her\nMy life is a movie\nBull ridin' i'm choosy\nCowboy hat from Gucci\nWrangler on my booty\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nCan't nobody tell me nothin'\nYou can't tell me nothin'\nYeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town\nroad\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\nI'm gonna take my horse to the old town road\nI'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more\n": 1, "Crashing, hit a wall\nRight now I need a miracle\nHurry up now, I need a miracle\nStranded, reaching out\nI call your name but you're not around\nI say your name but you're not around\nI need you, I need you, I need you right now\nYeah, I need you right now\nSo don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down\nI think I'm losing my mind now\nIt's in my head, darling I hope\nThat you'll be here, when I need you the most\nSo don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nSo don't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nSo don't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nRunning, out of time\nI really thought you were on my side\nBut now there's nobody by my side\nI need you, I need you, I need you right now\nYeah, I need you right now\nSo don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down\nI think I'm losing my mind now\nIt's in my head, darling I hope\nThat you'll be here, when I need you the most\nSo don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nSo don't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\nSo don't let me down\nDon't let me down\nDon't let me down\n": 2, "As usual the first thing to do is to draw a\ndiagram. The banner is a point mass at the\npoint where the line kinks here. The gap between\nthe building is L, the banner is a distance\ny down from the roofs of the building and\na distance x in from the left building and\nthe wire attaches into the right building\na height h above the ground. I also draw in\nthe two angles theta and phi. Adding the forces\nto this diagram the weight of the banner acts\ndownwards, mg, and the tension in both parts\nof the wire is the same, T, with them acting\nin two different directions. Resolving forces\nhorizontally we can see that T cos theta is\nequal to T cos phi, which means that cos theta\nis equal to cos phi. It also means that theta\nis actually equal to phi. If we split up the\nwire into two equal parts as shown with distances\nl_1 and l_2 we can then write this cos theta\nand cos phi so we get x over l_1 is equal\nto L minus x all over l_2. We can then use this,\nthat fact that the total length for the wire\nlambda L is equal to l_1 + l_2 to find the\ntotal length of the wire, lambda L.\n": 4, "I told my friends you were a soul mate\nLike that means anything\nLike I know what it means\nHome for a funeral\nThe first of its kind\nSent you a photo\nOf my friends sleeping in a pile\nAnd I wore yellow\nThe email said bright colors I wore yellow\nAnd I hoped I wouldn't be the only one\nBobby hugged me after the service\nA little too hard\nThat's when the tears started\nI sobbed into his synthetic fleece\nPiled high and soft and black and deep\nI was the shadow of a waxwing slain\nI was the shadow of a waxwing slain\nIt wasn't supposed to work out this way\nIt wasn't supposed to work out this way\nWell maybe I'm wrong\nYeah maybe it was\nAshes to ashes\nDust to dust\nAshes to ashes\nDust to dust\nAshes to ashes\nAshes to ashes\ndust to dust\nAshes to ashes\nMy friend tess was the most graceful thing\nyou've ever seen\nWith long and slender limbs and curly hair\nSlow to trust but it'd be hard to find\nA heart as pure as hers\nShe let me in so much more than I deserved\nThen a truck\nCrushed her bike\nTook her life\nAnd I've never met her mom before\nBut now she's folding her hands round mine\nAnd I love her and I love you\nAnd I love them all and I\nKnow that everyone I've ever loved\nIs someday going to die\nAshes to ashes\nDust to dust\nAshes to ashes\nAshes to ashes\nDust to dust\nAshes to ashes\nAshes to ashes\nDust to dust\nAshes to ashes\nashes to ashes\nDust to dust\nashes to ashes\nAnd George says\nI don't mind\nBeing uncomfortable if I'm\nUncomfortable with someone\nWho makes me feel alive\nI don't mind\nBeing uncomfortable if I'm\nUncomfortable with someone\nWho makes me feel alive\nI don't mind\nBeing uncomfortable if I'm\nUncomfortable with someone\nWho makes me feel alive\nI don't mind\nBeing uncomfortable if I'm\nUncomfortable with someone\nWho makes me feel alive\nI don't mind\nBeing uncomfortable if I'm\nUncomfortable with someone\nWho makes me feel alive\nI don't mind\nBeing uncomfortable if I'm\nUncomfortable with someone\nWho makes me feel alive\nAnd you make me feel alive\nI was the shadow of a waxwing slain\nI was the shadow of a waxwing slain\nIt wasn't supposed to work out this way\nIt wasn't supposed to work out this way\nWell maybe I'm wrong\nYeah maybe it was\nAshes to ashes\nDust to dust\nIt took me so damn long to find you\nTook me so god damned long\nCould have built a life together\nWhen we were still young\nBut we were dumb when we were young\nMaybe nothing would have worked out\nMaybe I'dve lost you and never known how\nAnd I'd be missing you\nBe missing you right now\n": 4, "There's such a sad love\nDeep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel\nOpen and closed within your eyes\nI'll place the sky within your eyes\nThere's such a fooled heart\nBeating so fast in search of new dreams\nA love that will last within your heart\nI'll place the moon within your heart\nAs the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you\nEvery thrill is gone, wasn't too much fun at all\nBut I'll be there for you-ou-ou\nAs the world falls down\nFalling\nAs the world falls down \n Falling in love\nI'll paint you mornings of gold\nI'll spin you Valentine evenings\nThough we're strangers until now\nWe're choosing the path between the stars\nI'll leave my love between the stars\nAs the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you\nEvery thrill is gone, wasn't too much fun at all\n But I'll be there for you-ou-ou\nAs the world falls down\nAs the world falls down\nFalling in love\nAs the world falls down\nMakes no sense at all\nMakes no sense to fall, falling\nAs the world falls down\nFalling\nFalling in love\nAs the world falls down\nFalling \nFalling in love\nFalling in love\n": 4, "guys how are you hopefully you are fine and\u00a0\nwell so guys I know you want to mind your TRX\u00a0\u00a0\nI know you are searching on YouTube new T-Rex\u00a0\nmining website best mining websites if you want\u00a0\u00a0\nto earn the TRX then you can use this website\u00a0\nbecause these website is a newly launched and\u00a0\u00a0\nvery Festival account in this website how to make\u00a0\nyour account on this platform and how to make\u00a0\u00a0\nmoney from these platforms and how to withdraw\u00a0\nmoney from this platform so now I want to show\u00a0\u00a0\nyou how to register your account on this platform\u00a0\nyour password after register your account when\u00a0\u00a0\nyou register your account successfully then\u00a0\nyou will get these type of interface and here\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can check when you reached your account\u00a0\nsuccessfully website give you twelve thousand\u00a0\u00a0\nguys before starting the videos I want to tell\u00a0\nyou about a new gaming platform which name is\u00a0\u00a0\ndigital logo so guys if you use these website\u00a0\nyou can make a lot of your city and you can\u00a0\u00a0\nmake a lot of money from these websites so if\u00a0\nyou want to make money first you need to create\u00a0\u00a0\nour account in this platform so if you want to\u00a0\ncreate your account in this website if you want\u00a0\u00a0\nto sign up your account in this website simple\u00a0\nyou need to click on the sign up now if you want\u00a0\u00a0\nto sign up your account I give you a link in the\u00a0\ndescriptions of go in the description fast in your\u00a0\u00a0\naccount first you need to enter your username or\u00a0\nusername chapter 99 then you need to enter your\u00a0\u00a0\nlogin password after adding your password then\u00a0\nyou need to click on the register water here you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan check my account is a register successfully\u00a0\nwhen your account is a registered successfully\u00a0\u00a0\nyou will log in your account and you will get up\u00a0\nthese type of interface and now you can check this\u00a0\u00a0\nas the gameplay instructions how to play the game\u00a0\nplease see the features below to enter the game\u00a0\u00a0\ndescription here you can check all these so guys\u00a0\nbefore going to the next step now I want to show\u00a0\u00a0\nyou about this platform is really very trustable\u00a0\nso guys if you have trust on me then you can trust\u00a0\u00a0\non these website and you can invest your city in\u00a0\nthis website so guys this is the Apex website and\u00a0\u00a0\nnow you can check this is Apex by legal paper so\u00a0\nguys you can check this is the white legal paper\u00a0\u00a0\nand you can understand this is really very secure\u00a0\nplatform if you use this platform I understand if\u00a0\u00a0\nyou watch this full paragraph So guys here you\u00a0\ncan check I have opened my account and now you\u00a0\u00a0\ncan check this is the home page of this platform\u00a0\nand the Chinese code ether email tcbtc use your\u00a0\u00a0\nSapphire role you can check here and next is the\u00a0\nhold and next is the miner so now I want to show\u00a0\u00a0\nyou how to recharge in this website so guys I\u00a0\nalready recharge it to used in this platform so\u00a0\u00a0\nif you also want to recharge so simply you need\u00a0\nto click on the reach and then you need to copy\u00a0\u00a0\nthis address and go to any wallet like I use my\u00a0\ntrust wallet you can use your own call that I am\u00a0\u00a0\ntoken wallet or any other you can use click on the\u00a0\naddress you want to recharge like if you want to\u00a0\u00a0\nrecharge to you enter the amount to and then you\u00a0\nneed to confirm your payment when your payment is\u00a0\u00a0\nconfirmed then you need to go back to the website\u00a0\nwithin one two minute you have the recharge amount\u00a0\u00a0\nwill be credited in your account and you can\u00a0\ncheck your recharge amount is successfully\u00a0\u00a0\ncredited in your account and next time want to\u00a0\nshow you this is the order transaction history\u00a0\u00a0\nyou so guys before one week I upload a video\u00a0\non robertwell Arkin today again I am talking\u00a0\u00a0\nabout Robert wallet if you use this platform you\u00a0\ncan make a lot of us from this website for seven\u00a0\u00a0\ndays I upload on this website video and I invested\u00a0\nmy 10 30 Farm Road water 2023 new year and now I\u00a0\u00a0\nwant to show you how much you can earn from 2023\u00a0\nrobots so here you can check my account in this\u00a0\u00a0\nplatform so Sim people you need to click on the\u00a0\nlogin and enter your account my account as 6584\u00a0\u00a0\n741 so after adding your account number and login\u00a0\npassword and you need to log in your account here\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can check on my account is logic so gu": 1, "We're not in love\nWe share no stories\nJust something in your eyes\nDon't be afraid\nThe shadows know me\nLet's leave the world behind\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it, let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nBeneath the sky\nAs black as diamonds\nWe're running out of time (Time, time)\nDon't wait for truth\nTo come and blind us\nLet's just believe their lies\nBelieve it, I see it\nI know that you can feel it\nNo secrets worth keeping\nSo fool me like I'm dreaming\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it, let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it, let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\n": 4, "Ladies and gentlemen!\nWe are ADG7, the best band in the world!\nThe chicken cries, the chicken cries\nI crossed Moshidangol street\nand saw a chicken was roaring!\nThe chicken cries the chicken cries,\na rooster cries from the morning breeze!\nMother cries, mother cries!\nWhen my mother sees my report card,\nshe cries.\nMother cries, mother cries!\nMom, I was at the last place.\nMother cries.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nThe chicken cries, the chicken cries,\nI crossed Moshidangol street\nand saw a chicken was roaring.\nBirds are flying. Birds are flying.\nA bird flies high in the air.\nBirds are flying. Birds are flying.\nA bird flies over that green meadow.\nIt feels good.\nIt becomes higher.\nI feel like I'm leaving after a while.\nI feels good.\nIt becomes higher.\nI'm working overtime today!\nI'm in tears.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nHow are these? How are these?\nHow about waking up a little late in the morning?\nWhat if I call my ex?\nI don't go to work, I don't go to meetings.\nOh, what if I don't go to class?\nWhat if the dog barks a little?\nWhat are these?\nWhat are those?\nHow about people who have laughed\nout of their belly buttons?\nWhat are these?\nWhat are those?\nWhat about those who have cried?\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nIt's good, it's good.\nUnbelievable!\nHello everyone,\nwe are ADG7.\nAnd we are from Korea.\nHow are you guys?\nI can't believe that we are actually here\nmeeting y'all in person.\nYay!\nIt's incredible.\nI'm so glad to see you all here.\nCalm down calm down.\nYes, we are so happy\nand so to introduce ourself.\nWe are an incredible team\nthat is making songs\nbased on Korean tradition\nand shaman music.\nIncredible, right?\nYeah.\nThank you.\nThe next song is what got us here.\nIt is our most famous song, Yeong Jeong Geo Ri.\nDear God, take me away\nas the wife's spirit in today's world.\nSpiritually under the heavens\nand eternally in the underworld.\nSpirit of Jade Emperor.\nSpirit of God.\nWhen the wife's spirit came,\nthe year she was doing.\nTwenty-five days of airborne on the day\nof the new moon in the moon color.\nFrom heaven to earth,\nthe spirit of preaching,\nthe spirit of human\nexistence and independence.\nSpirit of a foreign land,\nand spirit of Sangsan hometown.\nFrom the spirit of the Sangsan tree faun.\nTo the spirit of trees.\nThe spirit of Jishin in the hometown of Turwang.\nThe image of Uhsa Dan Maruro.\nRemembrance of salvation by the chimney.\nImage of lightning in front of the yard.\nThe spirit of the Crown Prince.\nPungent spirit. Sore spirit.\nThe spirit that saw you.\nThe spirit was peeking.\nThe wife's spirit blows out,\nthe silk wind blows,\nI look at you like a wave\nand accept it when you help me.\nThe lifting plague is plague,\nI am plague, plague, plague!\nSpiritually under the heavens\nand eternally in the underworld.\nThe wife's spirit.\nThe new bride's spirit.\nPlease give me a spare.\nThe wife's spirit blows out,\nthe silk wind blows,\nI look at you like a wave\nand accept it when you help me.\nThe lifting plague is plague,\nI am plague, plague, plague!\nSpiritually under the heavens\nand eternally in the underworld.\nThe wife's spirit.\nThe new bride's spirit.\nPlease give me a spare.\nThank you.\nThank you.\nThank you so much.\nAs you can see, we are a big family,\nso I'd like to introduce our band mates.\nFirst, wonderful gayageum player, Maru.\nAnd our leader, Kim Yak Dae.\nBeautiful percussionist,\nSunwoo Barabarabarabam.\nAnd master of jjangku,\nChun Gung Dal.\nAnd our wonderful ajaeng player,\nChoi Byung Hwal.\nYes, and beautiful piri and saenghwang player,\nLee Man Wol.\nSexy vocalist, Yoo Wol!\nAnd the cute vocalist, Myeong Wol.\nAnd I am the biggest, tallest vocalist,\nHong Ok.\nNice to meet you.\nThank you so much.\nThank you for having us in\nthis wonderful place. Tiny Desk!\nAnd this is going to be our final song!\n\"Hee Hee,\" please enjoy.\nThank you very much!\nHee Hee and Ha Ha,\nlaughing and laughing\nBing Bing and Bang Bang\nspinning and whirling\nHee Hee and Ha Ha\nlaughing and laughing\nBing Bing and Bang Bang\nsp": 2, "We will start with a 6\" x 6\" (15cm x 15cm) square paper but any size square paper will be o.k.\nPrepare to turn the paper over.\nTurn the paper over.\nPrepare to apply a Z-fold and then unfold.\nApply a Z-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to rotate the paper by 180 degrees.\nRotate the paper by 180 degrees.\nComplete a Z-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a Z-fold and then unfold.\nApply a Z-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to apply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.\nApply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.\nPrepare to turn the paper over.\nTurn the paper over.\nPrepare to apply a pleat-fold.\nApply a pleat-fold.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply a reverse swivel-fold.\nApply a reverse swivel-fold.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.\nRotate the model by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply a pleat-fold.\nApply a pleat-fold.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply a reverse swivel-fold.\nApply a reverse swivel-fold.\nPrepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.\nRotate the model by 90 degrees.\nPrepare to apply pleat-fold.\nApply pleat-fold.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply a reverse swivel-fold.\nApply a reverse swivel-fold.\nPrepare to apply a pleat-fold.\nApply a pleat-fold.\nPrepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.\nApply a horizontal valley-fold.\nPrepare to apply a reverse swivel-fold.\nApply a reverse swivel-fold.\nCongratulation! You have completed making a simple origami bowl.\n": 4, "Don\u2019t want no long ass hair \nDon't like your style\nDon't need no leather jacket\nWe're doing f*cking fine\nWe got our baggy T shirts\nWe dread our hair\nOur wallet chains are hanging\nCos we don't f*cking care\nThis aint no f*cking disco \nThis aint no f*cking glam\nThis is the f*cking NU age\nLets see your f*cking hands\n(cos this is) NU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU F*CKING METAL! \nDon't want your straight edge bullshit\nWe love our drugs\nWe're getting f*cking loco\nCos people = shit\nWe don't like guitar solos\nWe're tuning f*cking low\nWe're boning all the bitches\nAnd blowing all the blow\nWe're pissed of with our parents\nCos they dont understand\nThis is our way of living \nWe're NU until the end! \n(cos this is) NU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nits 1999!\nNU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU F*CKING METAL!\nI'm crazy as f*ck and i really dont care\nI'm crazy as fuck and i really dont care\nI'm crazy as f*ck and i really dont care\nIts 1999 and I've got spiky hair\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU! \nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\nNU!\n(cos this is) NU METAL!\nNU METAL! \nNU METAL!\nIt's 1999!\nNU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU METAL!\nNU F*CKING METAL!\nHot topic\nOzzfest\nBackpacks\nAdidas\n5FDP\n": 1, "Can't see nothin' in front of me\nCan't see nothin' coming up behind\nMake my way through this darkness\nI can't feel nothing but this chain that binds me\nLost track of how far I've gone\nHow far I've gone, how high I've climbed\nOn my back's a sixty pound stone\nOn my shoulder a half mile line\nCome on up for the rising\nCome on up, lay your hands in mine\nCome on up for the rising\nCome on up for the rising tonight\nLeft the house this morning\nBells were ringing and filled the air\nI was wearing the cross of my calling\nOn wheels of fire I come rolling down here\nCome on up for the rising\nCome on up, lay your hands in mine\nCome on up for the rising\nCome on up for the rising tonight\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La\nThere's spirits above and behind me\nFaces gone black, eyes burning bright\nMay their precious blood bind me\nLord, as I stand before your fiery light\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La\nI see you Mary in the garden\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La La\nLa, La, La La, La, La, La, La\n": 1, "\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nMad.\n\u00e2\u2122\u00aa\nYou finished, sir?\nYes.\nGet out the Thompson fire, Wilkins.\nYou know that hatchet killer.\nCan I get a copy of the case file?\nYes, sir.\nTake a look, Wilkins.\nYes, sir.\nThank you, sir.\nMr. Holmes did a neat bit of work on that case,\ndon't you think, sir?\nMight I remind you, Wilkins,\nVery good, sir.\nCrime seems to be falling off in London this week, sir.\nIt's been a dull week.\nYes, it's so dull I'm going to do something about it.\nWhat, sir?\nI'm going to visit our old friend, Sherlock Holmes.\nI've noticed that when we've got no crime, he has.\nA beautiful girl having hallucinations.\nA worried housekeeper.\nAn austere stepfather, a heartbroken boy.\nA gloomy old house in a quiet section of London.\nThat was one of the most bizarre and terrifying cases\never to challenge the talents of my extraordinary friend,\nSherlock Holmes.\nWe were plunged into it one drowsy day in mid-September\nwhen murder, sudden and brutal, came calling.\nWhat was that?\nI got a shot in the street.\nStand back there.\nStand back.\nWhat's happened to your passenger?\nHe's dead, sir.\nDead?\nTrue enough.\nHe's been shot.\nWhat's going on here?\nThis man in the carriage, Inspector.\nShort he was, sir.\nAll right, let's stand back here, please.\nStand back, please.\nStand back.\nLet's move along here, please.\nPlease.\nStand back, please.\nMove along here, please.\nPlease stand back.\nMove along here, please.\nMove along.\nOfficer.\nYes, sir.\nYou take charge here.\nYes, sir.\nAll right, Travers.\nWhat do you know about this?\nI don't know.\nI was, we were.\nWe were about to have a visitor.\nWhere?\nWhat do you mean, where?\nYes, a young man, but he was murdered\nbefore he reached here.\nMurdered?\nHow do you know?\nLet's move along, please.\nMove along.\nFall over.\nMove along, please.\nOh, hello, Mr. Straight.\nI've been expecting you.\nI didn't know myself I was coming\nhere until a few minutes ago.\nI suppose you also know why I came here?\nMurder.\nBoth Dr. Watson and I heard the shot, sir.\nI observed part of the proceedings\nthrough the binoculars.\nThis was found in his pocket.\nSherlock Holmes, 221B Baker Street.\nHmm.\nIt was obviously employed by a tea and spice merchant.\nThe aroma is unmistakable, eh, Watson?\nOh, unmistakable.\nThe boy's wallet gave us some further information.\nHis name was James Winant.\nHe lived at number five, Crestwood Place.\nHe was employed by Stackhurst and Durham,\ntea and spice merchants.\nStackhurst.\nStackhurst.\nDoes the name mean something to you, Holmes?\nWell, it should.\nStackhurst and Durham appears in almost every tin\nof tea sold in England.\nWhat was young Winant's business with you, Holmes?\nWinant.\nDurham.\nAh.\nI've never heard of Winant before.\nWere you able to ascertain anything from the cabbie?\nNo, one of the passersby heard him say, the singing violin.\nThe singing violin?\nNo, that can't mean anything, I'm sure.\nCan't mean anything, Lestrade.\nWell, now, of course not.\nGet your hat, Watson.\nWhere are we going, Holmes?\nTo interview the murderer of Jimmy Winant, of course.\nYou mean to say you know who killed him?\nOf course I do.\nDon't you?\nMight I inquire who lives in this dreary monument\nto great wealth?\nGuy Durham.\nDurham.\nWasn't he one of the partners of the firm\nthat employed young Winant?\nYes, the only surviving member.\nStacker's died 15 years ago.\nHolmes, you said we were going to visit Winant's murderer.\nI did.\nYes?\nGood morning.\nI'm Sherlock Holmes, and this is Dr. Watson.\nI'd like a word with Mr. Guy Durham.\nHere is my card.\nI'll tell him, for all the good it'll do.\nHe left word he doesn't want to be disturbed.\nI'm afraid he's not going to be.\nCome in.\nOh, permit me, madam, to congratulate\nyou on your new position.\nThank you.\nWho's at the door?\nExcuse me.\nHow did you know?\nWell, she was unfamiliar with the position\nof the curtain call.\nShe obviously hasn't been employed here very long.\nOh, obviously.\nI'm sorry, sir, but Mr. Durham can't come.\nOh.\nWhat is the me": 2, "**Cosplay Class Song**\nHOLLY : First things first. You need to figure out what you're sculpting.\nHOLLY : Is it a monster? Is it armor? Is it something onto another hard surface?\nHOLLY : Is it bake-able? \nHOLLY : You need to figure that out first, and then you can figure out what material you want to use.\nHOLLY : Magic sculpt and epoxy resin\nHOLLY : Sculpey\nHOLLY : Super Sculpey, to be specific.\nHOLLY : Translucent Sculpey (for teeth!)\nHOLLY : Friendly Plastic\nHOLLY : And finally, Monster Clay, and..\nHOLLY : **STRUGGLES** \nHOLLY : Wed clay \nHOLLY : *blahhh*\nHOLLY : **Ah!**\nHOLLY : Now that you know what the different kinds of clay are called\nHOLLY : Here's what I use them for.\nHOLLY : Magic Sculpt is used to put on a hard surface.\nHOLLY : If you're making, say, a magic staff, \nHOLLY : and you have a piece of PVC that needs to look like wood, \nHOLLY : you can use Magic Sculpt because it's an epoxy - style resin\nHOLLY : which means that you mix the A and B, you have about a 50 minute \nHOLLY : cure time, and you can sculpt it onto a hard surface.\nHOLLY : Now, it doesn't really work on foam or any other hard surface\nHOLLY : because it will crack off, but it is really durable \nHOLLY : and you can use it to hold pieces together, to sculpt details \nHOLLY : into things, it actually gets details really really well. \nHOLLY : and this is epoxy sculpt. I find that it gets fewer details than\nHOLLY : Magic Sculpt, but you can go ahead and use it for the same\nHOLLY : things, and you can get it at different places.\nHOLLY : All of these are going to be in the show notes (my blog) so you can find out where to buy them online or in your local stores. \nHOLLY : Magic Sculpt is also really easy to sculpt with alcohol and water, since it's alcohol and water soluble\nHOLLY : you can get a lot of details in it and do a lot of detail sculpting onto your hard surfaces.\nHOLLY : LOVE THIS STUFF <3\nHOLLY : LOVE IT \nHOLLY : *FLAIL*\nHOLLY : Next is Super Sculpey!\nHOLLY : This is great if you need to make a piece that needs to be baked and needs to be carved a little bit, needs a lot of detail,\nHOLLY : This is for molding. You really can't put this onto a costume because it will break really easily.\nHOLLY : But it's a great clay to use. You can smooth it down with a special sculpey smoother-on-er. \nHOLLY : Let me see if I have it\nHOLLY : Oh, here it is.\nHOLLY : You can smooth Sculpey down with a special Sculpey clay softener and that works really really well. \nHOLLY : You can bake it, add to it, so it just depends on what you're making. \nHOLLY : I use it for tiny buttons or little things that I need to mold later on.\nHOLLY : If they need to be baked and then sculpted on top of so I can get a rigid surface.\nHOLLY : Translucent sculpey I use for making monster teeth. \nHOLLY : It actually works really really well.\nHOLLY : And you can use this in costumes, you have to be really careful because it will break.\nHOLLY : You can use resin as well and mold and cast it, but if you need some quick monster teeth for a sculpture\nHOLLY : that's not going to be on the con floor, this works perfect.\nHOLLY : Next is friendly plastic. This stuff works awesome on worbla or wonderflex.\nHOLLY : If you need details on worbla and wonderflex and you can't use any of these rigid materials, \nHOLLY : Friendly plastic works perfect.\nHOLLY : You put it in hot water and it turns into a clear, moldable, plastic material that you can put onto any kind of plastic\nHOLLY : and it will bond to it and have a little bit of bend so that you don't mess up.\nHOLLY : Again, it works great with worbla and wonderflex and you can do pretty basic details\nHOLLY : can't really get too complicated with it because it doesn't take fine detail well. \nHOLLY : And last, but not least, for my big sculptures, I use Monster Clay and Wed Clay\nHOLLY : Now Monster Clay is the same as chavant, you can get chavant at the same place that you get Monster Clay\nHOLLY : Monster Clay is cheaper AND it comes in a bigger tub AND it's totally reusable because it's heat-reactive.\nHOLLY : So I use a can of air upside-d": 3, "ow I just wanna feel feel free\nand I just wanna be be me\nand i just wanna go so crazy\u00a0\nand i just wanna be a freak yeah\nand i just wanna rise to the top\nyeah i just wanna go reach peak so\ni been really well focused on success \nhey y'all will see\nyeah you will see that i will get it \ncause i'm really focused man i make it with the rapping\ni just follow my path, i just follow my passion\nto me this is what's precious\nyeah in my soul\nso i can feel it so every single verse i just gotta go and kill it\nman I gotta be the kid\ni could be the guy taking you out\ni could be the villain\nman that is okey\nLately im painting my path and my way yeah\ni got no time that i can waste\nso i been sitting in this space yeah\nmaking raps everyday man\nyou know that i go insane yeah\nyeah i hit you with the bullet to the brain \nThat is that verse cause we going we going insane\nyou don't know what im gonna do\nyou don't know what is next\nand im loving the fact\ntruley is making me blessed\ncause i work with my team\nno snakes in the grass\nand we have been chosen to win\nbecause all the work we did in the past\nbecause all the work we did in the past\nman we went the hours we barely got rest\nthough i kept it real man we didn't finesse\nso i got the feeling that we made be next\ncause when we go in\nwe winning the match yeah yeah\nwhen we go in we winning the the match so thats how we do we will be the best\nwe be the best best yeah\nyeah we be the best best dawg, yeah we be the best best dawg\nwe be the best hey\nyeah we be the best! best! hey\nwe be the best now\nyou wanna come \ncome and test well you will just see\nwe the best\nhey you will see that we the best kid\nso i suggest you never really come and test it\nbut otherwise i will smack your face\nlike michael jordan does with a ball and a basket ow dam kid\nyeah you didn't expect it you never really thought that\nthis could just happen but now im really coming man \nwe build up with the action cause we will defend\nthose that don't get it like\n": 1, "Got your mother in a whirl\nShe's not sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey baby, your hair's alright\nHey baby, let's go out tonight\nYou like me, and I like it all\nYou love dancing and you look divine\nYou love bands when they're playing hard\nYou want more and you want it fast\nPut you down, they say I'm wrong\nYou tacky thing, you put them on\nRebel Rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel Rebel, your face is a mess\nAnd you're a\nRebel Rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nYou've got your mother in a whirl\nShe's not sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey baby, let's stay all night\nHey baby your hair looks right\nYou like me and I love it all\nYou love dancing and you look divine\nYou love bands when they're playing hard\nYou want more and you want it fast\nThey put you down, they say I'm wrong\nYou tacky thing, you put them on\nGo...Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress\nRebel Rebel, your face is a mess\nSince you're a Rebel Rebel, how could they know?\nHot tramp, I love you so!\nYou've got your mother in a whirl\nShe's not sure if you're a boy or a girl\nHey baby, your hair's alright\nHey baby, you stay out tonight\nYou stay out tonight\nYou stay out tonight\n": 2, "Today, we will analyze the murder motives in India, using data available online. \nLink to the data is provided in the description below. \nDownload the data, and place it in your computer. \nUsing the get data feature, load the data into power B I. \nIn the get data window, select an appropriate file format, and press connect. \nLocate and open the file. \nIn the preview window, select transform data. \nThe data also contains totals, which need to be filtered out \nUncheck all the totals, and press ok. \nRemove the total column from the data set as well. \nNow, unpivot all the value fields, using unpivot feature in transform tab. \nWhen you are done with the transformation, press close and apply button in the home tab. \nThis will load the transformed data into power B I. \nIn the home tab, click on the Excel workbook button, to load data from MS Excel file. \nThis data contains the population of every state. \nLoad the data, into power B I. \nGo to the data view, and format the population as comma formatted number. \nIn the report view, insert a text box, to create a title for the dashboard. \nPlace the title at the top of the dashboard \nInsert a map chart, to display number of murders by States. \nInsert the state field, into the location area. \nInsert the value field, to the bubble size area. \nRename the value field, as murders. \nChange the map style, to gray scale. \nTurn off the auto zoom. \nInsert a pie chart to the dashboard, to display number of murders, by their motives. \nAdd the attribute field, to the legend area, and rename it to Motives. \nAdd the value field to the values area, and rename it to Murders. \nAdd a scatter chart to the dashboard, to analyze the correlation between population, and number of murders, in various states. \nAdd the states field, from population table, to the values area. \nAdd the field containing population, to the X axis \nAdd the value field, from murder motives table, to the Y axis.\nSince we did not create a relationship between the two tables, the data will not display correctly. \nGo to the model view, and create a relationship between states fields, in both tables.\nThe data is now displaying correctly. And we can see a clear correlation, between population, and the number of murders. \nInsert a slicer visual, into the dashboard, and add the year field to the slicer visual. \nPlace the slicer, at the top right corner of the dashboard. \nOur dashboard, analyzing the Murder Motives in India, is now complete. \nWe hope you liked our tutorial. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more tutorials and updates.\nData shows that, the areas with more population have more murder cases, and the areas with less population have less murder cases. \n": 4, "Growler: Bongani for the last time, you're not getting a slave\nGrowler: Screw you Bongani. Goodbye\nGrowler: Stupid stupid Bongani. Argh. Stupid\nGrowler: I need some coffee. Grr stupid.\nStalin: Oh, yes good a burner phone\nStalin: Yes yes. Come here.\nStalin: Yes. Fine. Yes\nStalin: I'll switch my hand\nStalin: Oh there we go yes.\nStalin: Oh, hello, Don, yes, how are you?\nStalin: Yes. Yes. I'm good Thank You. Mr. President. Yes. And how's the wife?\nStalin: Lovely lovely. Have you had a nice time with any prostitutes recently.\nStalin: Oh yes yes. That's good. I had 10 prostitute last night. Yes. Yes\nStalin: Oh you had 20 Oh. And Stormy Daniels was there.\nStalin: Oh dear. That's a bit shocking. Oh\nStalin: That would be a bit of a scandal if that was let out.\nStalin: What a hypocrite she would be. Oh\nStalin: Yes. Yes. Anyway. Yes, as you know, I'm just calling from the Russian office of Cambridge Analytica. Yes\nStalin: Yes, and I just want to let you know about the performance of your your marketing campaigns. Yes. Yes\nStalin: As you and Mr. Putin are on the \"buffoon\" plan\nStalin: Yes, the plan that makes people like you and Putin seem like sound leaders of intelligent mind with but to most people make you look stupid\nStalin: Yes that plan? Yes. Yes, and so no one takes you seriously\nStalin: Yes. Yes, that's right. Then you go to office and you prove everyone wrong. Yes. Yes. Yes.\nStalin: So, yes you you and Mr Putin are doing very well at the moment\nStalin: Yes, your latest mounting campaign had over 10 million views. Oh\nStalin: Yes. Yes. No, but 90% of them voted for you in the election\nStalin: Oh yes. That was good. Yes. Yes. Yes.\nStalin: Oh, sorry. I I just need to get it back. There we go\nStalin: That's better yes sorry\nStalin: Um, so yes, I wonder if you could hand over my business card came to Kim Jong Un when you see him soon\nStalin: He'd be great on the buffoon plan.\nStalin: Yes. Yes, he and I'm also looking at getting Mr Boris Johnson next.\nStalin: Oh, yes. Yes. He's a bit of a buffoon isn't he?\nStalin: Oh, yeah, he's so stupid. Yes. Yes. No, even you don't think so. Oh, yes\nStalin: Anyway, yes I need... I need you to wire me to twelve twelve million dollars we discussed\nStalin: Yes. Yeah. Well if you don't do that, well, we we have information on you as well. Mr. Trump\nStalin: Yes, about your glue-sniffing addiction. Oh, yes.\nStalin: Yes. Yeah. And you hair dye addiction? Yes. Yes\nStalin: I don't know where you get all that from. We'll tell it to the world if you don't pay us soon. Yes\nStalin: Yes, so we collect information on everyone and we don't make any exceptions just because you're the president. Mr. Trump\nStalin: Yes okay. Well send us the money soon, and you won't have any problems\nStalin: Okay, that's great. But if you can do that and hand over the business card, that'd be brilliant.\nStalin: Okay. Thank you. Bye bye. Oh\nStalin: Yes, that's good. Yeah\nGrowler: Oh. Oh yes.\nGrowler: Did I leave the phone there?\nGrowler: Well, I guess I must have up okay, that's fine\nGrowler: Oh.\nGrowler: Strange phone call. I didn't make this call.\nGrowler: To a private number?\nGrowler: I wonder who did.\nGrowler: Let's try and call it\nGrowler: Hello\nGrowler: Yes. Oh Hello. Mr President\nGrowler: Yeah. You're an idiot. Bye\nGrowler: Cut!\n": 1, "[RATTLING]\n[GROANING]\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\n[SNORING]\nOh boy.\nOh boy.\nMe must have dozed off.\nOK.\nTime for cookies.\nMm.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nWait.\nThose me cookies.\nDough roll.\nMacaroon.\nWalking Gingerbread\neating me cookies.\nShe bit 'em.\nBoy, what kind of monster\nwould eat someone's cookies?\nThey are Crumbies.\nCome from a bad\nbatch of gingerbread.\nThe Crumbies are\neating all our cookies.\nOh, what a nightmare.\nOh, what we going to do?\nIt's OK, Sheriff.\nIf we don't open any boxes\nof cookies, they'll go away.\nYeah.\nBut me want to eat\ncookies right now.\n[SIGH]\nYou just have to wait till\nlater, Sheriff Graham.\nIf the Crumbies\nhear you open a box,\nthey will come and\neat our cookies.\nYeah.\nBut-- but how can\nme control me-self\nand stop eating cookies?\nTry singing something.\nThat's what I do.\nTakes my mind off cookies.\nOK.\nMe sing me favorite song.\n(SINGING) C is for cookie\nthat good enough for--\nOK.\nYou know what.\nThat song make me\nthink of cookies.\nOh, cookie.\nNom nom nom.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nThere's too many of them.\nGrab the cookies and run.\nYeah.\nCookies.\nRight.\nYeah.\nCookies.\nOK.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nMe go this way.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nOh.\nThe Crumbies will never\nfind us in this here cabin.\nOh.\nWell, that a relief.\nNow me can eat cookies.\nNo.\nDo not open that cookie box.\nIf the Crumbies hear,\nthey're sure to find us.\nYeah.\nBut how me control\nme-self when me\nknow there are delicious\ncookies just waiting inside box?\n[SIGH] Just pretend that box\nis something else, something\nyou wouldn't eat, like a house.\nOh.\nOK.\nYeah.\nMe pretend box of\ncookies is house.\nYeah.\nYeah.\nYeah.\nOK.\nBox is house.\nBox is house.\nBox is gingerbread house made\nfrom yummy gingerbread cookies.\nHa.\nHa.\nHa.\nSheriff, wait.\nNo.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nOh no.\nOh no.\nWe got to get out of here.\nGrab those cookies.\nOh boy.\nOh.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nWelcome to the cookie safe zone.\nI'm the governor.\nYour cookies are safe here.\nTrust me.\nOK.\nTime to celebrate.\nLet's eat some cookies.\nNo.\nNo.\nThe cookies are only safe\nif you don't open the boxes.\nBut what me do to\ncontrol me-self?\nMe tried singing.\nMe tried imagining\ncookie boxes are houses.\nBut nothing worked.\nI'm the governor, so\nyou've got to do as I say.\nAnd I say dance.\nIt'll take your\nmind off cookies.\nHit it.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\nOh.\nHey.\nYeah.\nThis is fun.\nAnd you know, it working.\nMe not even thinking\nabout cookies.\nNice self-control, Sheriff Lick.\nNommy.\nNommy\nThe Crumbies.\nThey aren't going away.\nWhat are we going to do?\nWait a minute.\nMe have idea.\nMaybe if me teach\nCrumbies self-control.\nYeah.\nYeah.\nIf me can do it,\nso can Crumbies.\nOh yeah.\nYeah.\nYeah.\nNo.\nYeah.\nYeah.\nYeah.\nYeah.\n[GRUNT]\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nNommy.\nStop, Crumbies.\nNommy?\nThis cookie safe zone.\nInstead of eating cookies,\nCrumbies can dance.\nHit it.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\nIt's working.\nThe Crumbies are\ncontrolling themselves.\nThey're not eating the cookies.\nFrom now on, you not\nwalking gingerbread,\nyou dancing gingerbread.\nYeah.\nAnd you know what.\nYou look delicious\nwhen you dance.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\n": 1, "I didn't have a thick piece of sheet metal\nso i decided to join two 8mm sheet metal pieces together\nI didn't have a thick piece of sheet metal \nso i decided to join two 8mm sheet metal pieces together\nI drill the holes with a magnetic drill that I made,\nThe magnetic drill very well in such works\nI drill the holes with a magnetic drill that I made, \nThe magnetic drill very well in such works\nvideo link with the made the magnetic drill in the upper right corner\nI used a jigsaw with a metal cutter\nvideo link with the made the magnetic drill in the upper right corner\nI used a jigsaw with a metal cutter\nA vice made in the previous video\nA vice made in the previous video\n1,5kw 1400rpm\nTable saw shaft for wood\nThe gear ratio of the pulleys 1: 1\nIn the later part of the video, I will change the pulley on the engine\n1,5kw 1400rpm\nTable saw shaft for wood\nThe gear ratio of the pulleys 1: 1\nIn the later part of the video, I will change the pulley on the engine\nI used bearings in the housing ucp204\nI used bearings in the housing ucp204\nwidia blade for cutting metal\nwidia blade for cutting metal\nI used air spring for a smooth lowering\nThere will also ordinary spring\nI used air spring for a smooth lowering\nThere will also ordinary spring\nCutting is very fast\nCutting is very fast\n": 1, "The following outline is provided as an overview\nof and topical guide to psychology:\nPsychology is the science of behavior and\nmental processes.\nIts immediate goal is to understand individuals\nand groups by both establishing general principles\nand researching specific cases.\n== Branches of psychology ==\n=== Subdisciplines of psychology ===\nList of psychology disciplines\n==== Basic psychological science ====\nAbnormal psychology\nApplied psychology\nAsian psychology\nBehavioral genetics\nBiological psychology\nBlack psychology\nClinical neuropsychology\nCritical psychology\nCognitive psychology\nComparative psychology\nConservation psychology\nCriminal psychology\nCultural psychology\nDevelopmental psychology\nDifferential psychology\nEvolutionary psychology\nExperimental psychology\nForensic developmental psychology\nGroup psychology\nHealth psychology\nIndigenous psychology\nMathematical psychology\nMedical psychology\nMusic psychology\nNeuropsychology\nPediatric psychology\nPersonality psychology\nPositive psychology\nPsychopharmacology\nQuantitative psychology\nRehabilitation psychology\nSocial psychology\nTranspersonal psychology\n==== Other areas by topic ====\nBehavioral economics\nChild psychopathology\nFeminine psychology\nIndian psychology\nIntelligence\nMoral psychology\nParapsychology\nPedology\nPsychobiology\nPsychometrics\nPsycholinguistics\nPsychology of aesthetics, creativity, and\nthe arts\nPsychology of religion\nPsychology of science\nPsychology of self\nSelf\nPsychopathology\nPsychopharmacology and substance abuse\nPsychophysics\nSex and psychology\n==== Applied psychology ====\nAnomalistic psychology\nApplied behavior analysis\nClinical psychology\nCommunity psychology\nConsumer psychology\nCounseling psychology\nEcological psychology\nEducational psychology\nEnvironmental psychology\nForensic psychology\nHealth psychology\nHuman factors psychology\nIndustrial and organizational psychology\nLegal psychology\nMedia psychology\nMilitary psychology\nOccupational psychology\nOccupational health psychology\nPolitical psychology\nPsychoneuroimmunology\nPsychopharmacology\nSchool psychology\nSport psychology\nTraffic psychology\n=== Psychological schools ===\nPsychological schools \u2013 some examples of\npsychological schools follow (the most prominent\nschools are in bold):\nAnalytical psychology\nBehaviorism (see also Radical behaviourism)\nCognitivism\nDepth psychology\nDescriptive psychology\nEcological systems theory\nEgo psychology\nEnactivism (psychology)\nExistential psychology\nFunctional psychology\nGestalt psychology\nHumanistic psychology\nIndividual differences\nIndividual psychology\nPhenomenological psychology\nPsychoanalysis\nStructuralism\nTransactional analysis\nTranspersonal psychology\n== History of psychology ==\nHistory of psychology\nTimeline of psychology\nTimeline of psychotherapy\n== Psychology theories ==\nList of social psychology theories\n== Research methods ==\nList of psychological research methods\nList of neurological research methods\n== Psychological phenomena ==\nCognitive biases\nEmotion (list)\nMemory biases\nPerception (index)\nPsychological effects\nThought\nList of thought processes\nList of organizational thought processes\nList of decision-making processes\nList of creative thought processes\nList of mnemonics\nEmotional intelligence\n=== Psychological conditions ===\nDSM-IV Codes\nDSM-IV Codes (alphabetical)\nList of mental disorders\nList of mood disorders\nList of neurological disorders\nOutline of autism\n== Psychological treatments ==\nList of cognitive\u2013behavioral therapies\nList of therapies\nList of psychotherapies\n=== Medicine ===\nList of psychotropic medications\nList of psychedelic drugs\nList of psychiatric medications\nList of psychiatric medications by condition\ntreated\nList of neurosteroids\nList of nootropics (smart drugs)\nList of drugs\n== Psychology education ==\nList of credentials in psychology\nList of schools of psychoanalysis\n== Psychology organizations ==\nList of psychology organizations\nEvolutionary psychology research groups and\ncenters\nList of schools of psychoanalysis\n== Psychology publications ==\nList of further reading on Borderline personality\ndisorder\nList of important publicati": 4, "Mark: Say hi, Jack.\nJack: Hi... Jack. Everybody...\nMark: Hi. Everyone who needs to do that j-\nMark: Wait can I KILL YOU?\nJack: Oh! Don't fuck-\nMark: OK... because, I had the a...\n*voices start to deepen and become inaudible while ringing starts*\n*Ringing gets louder, rushing sound like wind*\n*Sound cuts out, silence*\nDarkiplier: I didn't think you were going to show up.\nAntisepticeye: Well you wanted me here, so here I am!\nDarkiplier: There isn't room for both of us here...\nDarkiplier: In this world, only one of us can be king.\nAntisepticeye: You're weak!\nAntisepticeye: Just like him!\nDarkiplier: You seem to like to try things that are...\nDarkiplier: ...destined to fail, so why don't you go kill yourself again\nDarkiplier: and come back when you're ready\nAntisepticeye: Why don't you just put on more make-up?\nAntisepticeye: I've already won!\nAntisepticeye: This world is mine!\nAntisepticeye: These people are mine!\nDarkiplier: You don't belong here\nDarkiplier: Why don't you run away, and go home?\nAntisepticeye: I don't need to go home\n.Antisepticeye: ...I'm already there.\nDarkiplier: We'll see... about th-\n*roaring sounds*\nGrizzlyVoices: Did I smell honey?\nGrizzlyVoices: I'm GrizzlyVoices!\nGrizzlyVoices: *roars*\nDarkiplier: Excuse me, we're...\nDarkiplier: ...in the middle of something.\nGrizzlyVoices: *roars and throws tiny bears*\nGrizzlyVoices:*roars and spits one tiny bear which squeaks when it hits Dark*\nAntisepticeye: You can't stop me, I AM-\nBlazingPhil: *interrupts* I am BlazingPhil and when you come to Britain\nBlazingPhil: your tea will be cold and your crumpets will be BURNT! [oh god no]\nDarkiplier: We're trying... we're trying to settle an argument here!\nDarkiplier: Now...\nDannyDarko: *interrupts* You can't escape DannyDarko...\nAntisepticeye: We're in the MIDDLE of something\nSharkYoHo: We're SharkYoHo\nSharkYoHo: SharkYoHo!\nSharkYoHo: Uh, Fire!\nAntisepticeye: I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO-\nTJSith: *interrupts* Did you forget about me?\nTJSith: TJSith?!\nTJSith: I have unlimited power!\nTJSith: AHHH! *casts lightning*\nTJSith: AHHH! *casts bolt 2*\nTJSith: AHHH! *totally milking the whole electricity thing*\nDarkiplier: SHUT UP! Just shut up!\nDarkiplier: No one cares!\nKillThePJ: *is just amazing with mysterious chanting cosmic voices chanting 'Kill.The.PJ'*\nAntisepticeye: I swear...\nKillThePJ: *is still just amazing with mysterious chanting cosmic sounds*\n*continuing chanting cosmic sounds* Darkiplier: It doesn't really effect them if you threaten to kill yourself...\nDarkiplier: You have to threaten to kill THEM\nAntisepticeye: Shit.\nKillThePJ: *chanting cosmic sounds are definitely chanting 'Kill.The.PJ*\nTomSKAR: Beep beep motherfucker, it's TomSKAR!\nTomSKAR: And my yell can explode your face!\nTomSKAR: *a yell worthy of a Jurassic Park velociraptor*\nDaniel: Oh hi there, it's Daniel.\nDaniel: What you didn't get it, the curly hair, the re-branding?\nDarkDan: I am the DarkDan, danisnotonfire has been dead for years\nDarkDan: and if you look into my eyes, all of the hope will drain from your life.\nPamick Attack: Hi, I didn't mean to interrupt your calm serene mood to remind you\nPamick Attack: that your friends are talking about you *laughs*\nPamick Attack: I'm sorry, did that give you a Pamic Attack?\nPamick Attack: *laughs*\n*JackKills exists*\nLogan Paulution: Oh hey it's Logan Paulution\nLogan Paulution: With every hip thrust, toxic smog gets released into the air.\nDarkiplier: Logan... no.\nIan KNEEcox: Well you forgot about me... Ian KNEEcox\nDarkiplier: No.\nIan KNEEcox: *kung-fu noises*\n*smacking noises*\n*sudden dramatic music, tension, danger, everyone dies and stuff*\n*sudden dramatic music, tension, danger, everyone dies and stuff* (too much smog)\n*sudden dramatic music, tension, danger, everyone dies and stuff*\n*roars and throws tiny bears to save herself from the dramatic music, with tension, danger, and growing intensity (it will not save her)*\n*I told you so* *it's still dramatic music central here*\nDarkiplier: One of yours?\nAntisepticeye: No!\nSharkYoHo: Avast!\n*music fades out*\n*doggoscare*\nCHICA: *god-mode": 1, "I was born in Macon Georgia\nKept my daddy over in Macon jail\nHe told me if you keep your hands clean, yeah\nYou won't hear them bloodhounds on your trail\nWell, I fell in with bad companions\nRobbed a man, oh, up in Tennessee\nThey caught me way up in Nashville, oh yeah\nThey locked me up and threw away the key\nWhat'd you do son ?\nI washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nTried to do what my daddy told me, yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream\nWell, I asked the judge now when's my time up\nHe said, \"Son, oh you know we won't forget\nNow, if you try just to keep your hands clean yeah\nWe might just make a good man of you yet\"\nOh, I couldn't wait to get my time up\nI broke out, broke out of Nashville jail\nI just crossed the state-line of Georgia, yeah\nWell, well, I can hear those bloodhounds on my trail\nWhat'd you do son?\nI washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nTried to do ( tried to do) what my daddy told me, yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream,\nYeah, I washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nTried to do ( tried to do) what my daddy told me, oh yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream, oh, oh\nYeah, I washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nTried to do what my daddy told me, oh yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream,\nYeah, I washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nTried to do what my daddy told me, oh yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream,\nYeah, I washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nWell, tried to do what my daddy told me, oh yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream,\nYeah, I washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nWell,tried to do ( tried to do) what my daddy told me, oh yeah\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream,\nYeah, I washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh, ma-ma-ma-ma, come clean, mu-mu-mu\nTried to do what my daddy told me, yeah Lord\nBut I must have washed my hands in a muddy stream,\nUhhh\nI washed my hands in muddy water\nWashed my hands, oh but they didn't come clean\nWell, tried to do what my daddy told me, yeah.....\n": 1, "in this video we're going to complete the\u00a0\nCUDA software infinite calculus free worksheet\u00a0\u00a0\ndifferentiation the quotient rule and I'll leave\u00a0\na link in the description below so you know how\u00a0\u00a0\nto access this free worksheet now quickly\u00a0\nthe quotient rule says that if F and G are\u00a0\u00a0\ndifferentiable at X and G of X isn't 0 then the\u00a0\nderivative of f of X over G of X equals G of x\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the derivative of f of X minus f of X times\u00a0\nthe derivative of G of X all over G of x squared\u00a0\u00a0\nnow if you remember from the product rule we had\u00a0\nthe derivative of f of X times G of X plus f of X\u00a0\u00a0\ntimes the derivative of G of X and because it was\u00a0\naddition the order in which we added didn't matter\u00a0\u00a0\nhowever this is subtraction and we need to take G\u00a0\nof X multiply it by the derivative of f of X and\u00a0\u00a0\nthen subtract f of X times the derivative of G of\u00a0\nX order is very important and then divide that by\u00a0\u00a0\nG of x squared there's a little saying to help\u00a0\nremember the order and that's low D high minus\u00a0\u00a0\nhigh D low all over low low or low squared and you\u00a0\ncan see lo is G of X d high the derivative of f of\u00a0\u00a0\nX minus high f of X D low the derivative of G of X\u00a0\nand that's all over lo low G of x squared so let's\u00a0\u00a0\nlook at number one and dive into utilizing this\u00a0\nformula we're going to be differentiating each\u00a0\u00a0\nwith respect to X so number two let's remember\u00a0\nlow D high minus high D low so that's going to\u00a0\u00a0\nbe low two x to the fourth minus five D hi so\u00a0\nthe derivative of two - hi - times D lo the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of 2x to the fourth minus 5 all over\u00a0\nlo lo so 2 X to the fourth minus 5 squared so\u00a0\u00a0\nlet's simplify and calculate 2 X to the 4th minus\u00a0\n5 will be multiplied by the derivative of 2 which\u00a0\u00a0\nthe derivative of the constant is 0 and then we're\u00a0\nsubtracting 2 times the derivative of 2 X to the\u00a0\u00a0\n4th minus 5 so for the derivative of 2 X to the\u00a0\n4th minus 5 that 5 is a constant and will go to\u00a0\u00a0\n0 so we're looking at 2 X to the 4th so we'll take\u00a0\nthis 4 multiply it by 2 to get 8 and then decrease\u00a0\u00a0\nthat exponent by 1 so we'll have 8 X to the 4\u00a0\nminus 1 or 8 X cubed and that's all over G of X\u00a0\u00a0\nthe function in our denominator squared so I'll\u00a0\nwrite this out 2 X to the 4th minus 5 times 2 X\u00a0\u00a0\nto the 4th minus 5 and I wrote that out so we can\u00a0\nsee how we're going to be foiling our terms first\u00a0\u00a0\noutside inside last also note that 2 X to the 4th\u00a0\nminus 5 times 0 is 0 so in our numerator we're\u00a0\u00a0\ngoing to have 2 times 8x to the third where that's\u00a0\nnegative because that was subtracted 2 times 8 is\u00a0\u00a0\n16 so we're going to have negative 16x to the\u00a0\nthird all over 2 X to the fourth times 2x to\u00a0\u00a0\nthe fourth is 2 X to the fourth squared that's\u00a0\n4 X to the 8th and we're subtracting 2x to the\u00a0\u00a0\nfourth times 5 that's minus 10 X to the fourth\u00a0\nagain we're subtracting five times 2x to the\u00a0\u00a0\nfourth which is another 10 X to the fourth and\u00a0\nthen lastly five times five is 25 and that will\u00a0\u00a0\nbe added so the derivative of Y with respect to\u00a0\nx equals negative 16x cubed all over combining my\u00a0\u00a0\nlike terms in my denominator four times X to the\u00a0\neighth minus 20 X to the fourth plus 25 let's move\u00a0\u00a0\non to number two low D high minus high D low all\u00a0\nover low squared X to the fifth minus five that's\u00a0\u00a0\nlow now we're going to take D high the derivative\u00a0\nof two and subtract high which is two times the\u00a0\u00a0\nderivative of low x to the fifth minus five and\u00a0\nthat's all over low low or low squared X to the\u00a0\u00a0\nfifth minus 5 times X to the fifth minus five now\u00a0\nwhen simplifying we'll have X to the fifth minus\u00a0\u00a0\nfive times the derivative of 2 which is 0 minus\u00a0\n2 times the derivative of X to the fifth minus\u00a0\u00a0\n5 this 5 is zero and we take the derivative so\u00a0\nadding or subtracting a zero does not change the\u00a0\u00a0\nvalue of the derivative but the derivative of\u00a0\nX to the fifth is 5x to the fourth so 2 times\u00a0\u00a0\n5x to the fourth and that's all over low times\u00a0\nlow the denominator times the denominator so\u00a0\u00a0\nI'll do first outside inside last X to the fifth\u00a0\ntimes X to the fifth is X to the 10th then we're\u00a0\u00a0\nsubtracting X to the fifth times five which is 5x\u00a0\nto the fifth and then we're subtracting another X\u00a0\u00a0\nto the fifth time": 4, "When I look outside,\nwhen I look inside\nWhen I look outside again\nFrom the periphery,\nto the very center\n I am always the witness\nand the judge.\nWhen will I know how to decipher my purpose?\nWhen will I feel at home in my voice?\nWhen I look to the water,\nWhen I look to the sky\nWhen I look to the water again\nFrom the deepest place,\nto this very moment\nI want to be the bird and the fish\nWhen will I know how to decipher my purpose?\nWhen will I feel at home in my voice?\nIn my voice\nIn my voice\nThank you!\nThank You!\nThank you so much!\nThank you!\nI need a moment to thank the strings,\nthe string quartet.\nIn order from right next to me:\nWe have Carol Anne,\nPaul,\nKristin,\nand Nick.\nThank you.\nHi!\nI'm Alisa, and...\nI don't know how much more I can speak without...\ngoing into tear zone, but...\nIt's just such an honor to be here.\nIt's such an honor that you're all here with me\nand all of you in this big world, watching these Tiny Desks\nThese videos have been such an anchor for me,\nEspecially during the pandemic.\nThey were ways that helped me to wake up and feel inspired.\nWays that helped me feel hopeful.\nWays that helped me feel connected to other people\nin a time that was so isolating.\nAnd so it's really an honor and very meaningful,\nbeyond words, to be behind this desk today.\nSo thank you for choosing me. What an honor.\nSo I'm gonna take you on a little journey through my music.\nAnd Alisa Amador, thats me.\nShe's bilingual, she was raised in Latin folk music.\nMy parents Rosi and Brian of Sol y Canto, who raised me are actually here today.\nSo I grew up with Latin folk music\nand then I studied jazz and funk and rock\nand all of these different styles.\nSo these songs are gonna be introspective,\nsad, joyful, English, Spanish, jazzy, what have you.\nSo now we're going into the funky zone.\nThis song is called Timing\nand I've removed my guitar, my security blanket.\nAnd now I'm going to dance!\nI don't know where it is I'm going.\nI don't know what it is I know\nMost of the time I think I blindly feel around\njust to see how life will go.\nYou came to me without a warning\nSo overwhelmed, under-prepared\nAnd in our hearts, three words are forming,\nand now we're both just scared.\nWhat did I tell myself when I first felt the flame?\n\"Don't you open yourself up to another strand of pain.\"\nI knew that the timing wasn't the right one, what a shame.\nWell but I'm getting tired of being right.\nWhy am I right again?\nThis was her idea.\nYou write to me every morning.\nYou write to me every night\nMost of the time, I wish that I could read your mind\nand I worry if that's right.\nAnd I can't help it if I worry, no\nAnd I can't help it if I care\nI know that there is not a hurry with this love,\nand that's just what makes me scared.\nSo what do we tell ourselves,\nnow that we've found the flame?\n\"Let's not open ourselves up to another strand of pain.\"\nYeah\nI knew that the timing wasn't the right one, what a shame.\nBut I'm getting tired of being right.\nWhy am I right again?\nI wanna take a moment to introduce you to my incredible band.\nOn my right,\nincredible bassist, incredible musician,\nincredible gardener, incredible cook, and incredible friend,\nNoah Harrington.\nBehind me on the drums,\nthe unbelievable multi-instrumentalist and songwriter,\nwho just got married eight days ago, Jacob Thompson!\nAnd to my left, on loan from the incredible band, Oshima Brothers\nOn guitar, keys, and any instrument that you'll put in his hands\nThe most renaissance Renaissance man I know,\nAnd the gentlest soul I've ever met, Jamie Oshima\nThis one's called Slow Down\nMorning comes,\nI make the bed,\nI wish it wouldn't end\nEvery morning is a battle I can't seem to win\nMorning comes and I'm afraid of what's in store for me\nWill it be another day of \nrunning 'round like everything is gone?\nIf I write it in a song,\nwill it slow down?\nMorning comes, I make the bed, I take a look around\nEvery morning brings a question I can\u2019t live without\nMorning comes and I\u2019m afraid of what\u2019s in store for me\nWill it be another day of running \u2018round pretending all is fine?\nWhen the thought won\u2019t leave my mind, can i": 4, "hello everyone thank you for coming\u00a0\nback for another online lesson\u00a0\u00a0\ntoday's topic is suitable for students who are\u00a0\npreparing for grades 6-8 music theory exam on how\u00a0\u00a0\nto decorate your melody appropriately and also\u00a0\nhow to identify them when you are analyzing the\u00a0\u00a0\nmusic i will be sharing more useful tips for\u00a0\nhigher grades music theory tips in future so please\u00a0\u00a0\nstay subscribe for more free theory lessons\u00a0\nwithout further ado let's start the lesson now\u00a0\u00a0\nthe first type of melodic\u00a0\ndecoration is called passing note\nso this is the first type\nfor passing note we have accented\u00a0\nor unaccented passing node\nit can be between two notes that are third\u00a0\napart or more than three steps apart for\u00a0\u00a0\ninstance when you are using the chord of ceg\u00a0\nthey can between two notes that are c and e\nor c and g\nor more than uh or very far apart uh g to e\nit can be third can be more than three\u00a0\nsteps like c to g is more than three steps\u00a0\u00a0\nor it can be e to g\nso let's say this is a\u00a0\u00a0\nsimple duple time between c and e you can add\u00a0\n d and when you add the passing note make sure\nit's one step lower and one step higher this\u00a0\npassing note must be prepared by step and\u00a0\u00a0\nresolve by step so the passing note will closely\u00a0\n is closely related to the note before and after\u00a0\u00a0\nfor instance between c and g you can add b\u00a0\nand a so b this is a b so before the b is step\u00a0\u00a0\nafter that it's a step and we must all resolve by\u00a0\nstep so they are all moving in stepwise movement\nokay next between g and e you can add f\nbetween e and g you can put f also\nfor accented passing note you need to add this\u00a0\nnote at the stem to the right draw the stem\u00a0\u00a0\nand join it to the right because originally\u00a0\nthis is the first beat and this is the second beat\u00a0\u00a0\nbut after you join this uh passing note here in\u00a0\norder to make this passing note to be accented\u00a0\u00a0\nyou join this stem to the right once the joint to\u00a0\nthe right the second beat will no longer be here\u00a0\u00a0\nokay this d looks at the main beat\u00a0\nso first beat is here second beat is here\u00a0\u00a0\nso this note is on the main beat that's how we\u00a0\nthat's why we call this accented passing note\u00a0\u00a0\nfor unaccented passing note we just need\u00a0\nto join the stem to the left left hand side\nso the first and second bit\u00a0\u00a0\ni remain at the same place so this is the first\u00a0\nbit second bit they remain unchanged so these are\u00a0\u00a0\nall at a week beat that's why we call this\u00a0\nunaccented passing note uh the next one this f\nyou just need to join this f to the right\u00a0\u00a0\nso originally the g and e are at\u00a0\nthe main beat but because of this f\u00a0\u00a0\nthe e is no longer at the main beat the f\u00a0\nreplaced the notes at the main beat so this f\u00a0\u00a0\nis on the beat that's why we call this accented\u00a0\npassing as a short form okay next one unaccented\nyou just need to join the f to the left right the\u00a0\nleft hand side so the first and second bit are at\u00a0\u00a0\nthe original place next let's look at a chromatic\u00a0\npassing note between c and d is it possible to add\u00a0\u00a0\npassing note the answer is yes because\u00a0\nif you look at the keyboard between\u00a0\u00a0\nc and d we have a black key so between\u00a0\nc and d you can still insert a c sharp\u00a0\u00a0\nbecause the direction is going up so we should\u00a0\nuse c sharp instead of b flat so because we want\u00a0\u00a0\nto make this to be accented passing note so we join\u00a0\nthis note to the right so this becomes first\u00a0\u00a0\nand second okay first beat second beat\nokay so this is an accented passing note\nnext uh what if i add between e and\u00a0\nd between e and b so between e and d\nuh we have a black key here which is e\nflat so instead of d sharp you should\u00a0\nput e flat because e to d is going down\nso the e flat i use a red color\u00a0\nbecause it represents passing note\nand i want this to be at a weak\u00a0\nbit so i join it to the left side\u00a0\u00a0\nso by joining to the left side the main beat are\u00a0\nstill at the the main beat are still the mean\u00a0\u00a0\nbeat it doesn't affect the note on the main beat\u00a0\nso this is called unaccepted passing note so\u00a0\u00a0\nthat is the first one first type uh first time we\u00a0\nhave another decoration is called auxiliary note\u00a0\u00a0\nfor auxiliary note is to be inserted between two\u00a0\nnotes that are repeated like ceg you can between\u00a0\u00a0\ntwo notes c and c": 4, "Hello world, and thank you for joining us\nfor the third annual Tiny\nDesk meets Global Fest.\nMy name is Ang\u00e9lique Kidjo, and\nI'm very happy to be here with you again.\nThe next three nights of music\nare part of New York's globalFEST,\nthe annual music festival and organization,\nand the result of many years working together\nwith NPR Music's All Songs Considered\nglobalFEST, now celebrating 20 Years,\nis dedicated to promoting \nmusic from around the world,\nincluding original American music,\nand creating opportunities\nfor artists leading to a more equitable\nand sustainable\necosystem for the global music scene.\nglobalFEST believes\nmusic is a source of unity that brings\npeople together, open hearts and minds,\nand leads to cross-cultural understanding.\nFor the next three nights,\nwe'll be exploring music\nfrom Ukraine, China, Morocco, Tunisia,\nBrazil, Romania, Cuba,\nHaiti, Italy, England, and Mauritania,\nwith artists who have\nrecorded new videos just for us\ndirect from their homelands, homes\non the road and in exile.\nTonight,\nwe start with artists from Ukraine, China,\nMorocco, Tunisia and the U.S..\nThe first performance tonight is from\nDakh Daughters,\na unique all female music\nand theater project from Kiev\nthat performed at Global Fest in 2019.\nTheir video tonight was filmed in exile\nin Normandy, France,\ndue to Russia's war\nthat is raging in the homeland in Ukraine.\nThe music reflects\non war, revolution and rebellion.\nHello, we are Dakh Daughters from Ukraine.\nSpecial for Tiny Desk Meets globalFEST.\nUnfortunately,\nbecause of the war in Ukraine,\nwe had to leave our country\nand move to France.\nNow, we are in Vire, Normandie,\nat Le Pr\u00e9au theatre,\nand here we have the possibility\nto create our art form\nto scream about our misery.\nToday, Ukraine is fighting\nfor freedom of everyone.\nThat\u2019s why together,\nand only together,\nwe have to defend\nfreedom and democracy\nof the whole world\nfrom Russian monsters.\nStand with Ukraine.\nGlory to Ukraine!\nGlory to the heroes!\nEvery day, the crows cry\nBurning here,\nkilling there,\ncatching here, grabbing there,\njailing, blinding, letting rot\nCaw-caw-caw!\nThe house is cold,\nthe stomach hungry.\nFollowing the priest\nfrom house to house,\nDeath comes reaping the gifts,\nthe priest\nwith his pockets empty.\nDeath was dying\nunder the weight of it,\nthe demon playing\nthe fiddle behind it,\nstamping on the corpses\nCaw-caw-caw!\nWhy are you staring?\nLament and weep!\nDon't caw, black crows\nWe've all gone deaf\nHow did you become like that?\nThey stupefied us,\nhammering nails into our ears,\ntwisting our heads,\nand sending us\nlike this into the world...\nCaw-caw-caw!\nAnd so we spend\nour days and nights.\nSeeing everything\nbut hearing nothing.\nAnd in no way can we remember\nwhat happened to our homeland.\nGone insane, we have no clue\nwhether we are free or not\nCaw-caw-caw!\nAnd if we're free, why the army?\nWhat's in your pockets?\nWhat's your name?\nAnd if we're not free,\nwhy no one urges us\nto join the Cossacks anymore?\nSuddenly, the crows flew up,\nbursting into laughter...\nCaw-caw! Free!\nCaw-caw! Free!\nInsane,\ninsane\ninsane\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nI dreamed about love.\nWhat? Again?\nYes. I dreamed about love again.\nI don't know\nif affection can be called love,\nbut\nI felt loved in my dream,\nand it felt good.\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nIt was so cozy, so tender,\nIt felt so good and warm\nto be wrapped in love.\nWhy\nWhy was it only a dream?\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nA flower blooming\nout there somewhere.\nAt every turn, every year,\nit blooms with life.\nIt blooms with laughter,\ndaze, and melancholy...\nFrom the tongue,\nfrom under the tongue\nFrom the teeth,\nfrom under the teeth\nFrom th": 4, "round one\nyour turn\nextra moves\nbooster ready\nextra move\nbooster ready to move\nbooster ready\nbooster ready\nopponent turn\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nfinal\nwell your turn\nbooster ready\nextra move\nboots are ready\nyeah\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra move\nboots are ready\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra moves\nextra moves\nopponents turn\nlove love love\nextra move\nyeah\nextra moves\nlove love love\nhuh\nround one\nopponents turn\nextra moves\nextra move\nextra move\nyour turn\nextra moves\nbooster ready\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nbooster ready\nbooster ready\nfinal round of phone\nits turn\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nyour turn\nbooster ready\nyeah\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nboots are ready\nextra move\nbooster ready\nround one\nyour turn\nyeah\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra move\nbooster ready\nyeah\nextra Move\nBooster Ready\nBooster ready\nopponents turn\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nfinal round\nyour turn\nbooster ready\nextra move\nextra move\nbooster ready\nextra move\nopponent turn\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nextra move\nyeah\n": 1, "H-hour (D-day)\nH. A. Sinclair de Rochemont\nH. E. Bates\nH. Emory Widener Jr.\nH. H. Kung\nH. Keith Thompson\nH. L. N. Salmon\nH. Montgomery Hyde\nH. Ryan Price\nH. Stuart Hughes\nH. W. Whillock\nH\u00f6cker Album\nH\u00f6fle Telegram\nH\u00f4tel-Dieu de Paris\nH\u00f4tel Biron\nH\u00f4tel Carnavalet\nH\u00f4tel Continental\nH\u00f4tel Costes\nH\u00f4tel d'Evreux\nH\u00f4tel de Castries\nH\u00f4tel de Cluny\nH\u00f4tel de Crillon\nH\u00f4tel de Lauzun\nH\u00f4tel de Rambouillet\nH\u00f4tel de Salm\nH\u00f4tel de Sens\nH\u00f4tel de Soubise\nH\u00f4tel de Toulouse\nH\u00f4tel de Ville (Paris M\u00e9tro)\nH\u00f4tel de Ville, Paris\nH\u00f4tel des Invalides\nH\u00f4tel Grimod de La Reyni\u00e8re\nH\u00f4tel Lambert\nH\u00f4tel Lutetia\nH\u00f4tel Matignon\nH\u00f4tel M\u00e9ridien Montparnasse\nH\u00f4tel particulier\nH\u00f4tel Ritz Paris\nH\u00f4tel Salomon de Rothschild\nH2S radar\nH2X radar\nHa'avara Agreement\nHA. 19 (Japanese Midget Submarine)\nHaakon Hansen (boxer)\nHamazasp Babadzhanian\nHamburg Ravensbr\u00fcck Trials\nHamilton Air Force Base\nHamilton H. Howze\nHamish Forbes\nHammerskins\nHammond Innes\nHampshire County Division\nHan Deqin\nHan Xianchu\nHana Brady\nHana Greenfield\nHana Ma\u0161kov\u00e1\nHandan Campaign\nHandley Page Heyford\nHanford MacNider\nHanford Site\nHangmen Also Die!\nHank Bauer\nHank Gowdy\nHank Greenberg\nHank Ketcham\nHank Soar\nHank Stram\nHank Thompson (baseball)\nHank Thompson (musician)\nHanna Reitsch\nHanna Yablonka\nHannah Arendt\nHannah Billig\nHannah Szenes\nHannes Messemer\nHannes Trautloft\nHannie Schaft\nHannover CL.II\nHannover CL.III\nHannover CL.IV\nHannover CL.V\nHanns-Martin Schleyer\nHanns Albin Rauter\nHanns Eisler\nHanns Johst\nHanns Kerrl\nHanns Ludin\nHanns Scharff\nHanover Street (film)\nHans-Adolf Pr\u00fctzmann\nHans-Arnold Stahlschmidt\nHans-Dieter Weihs\nHans-Dietrich Genscher\nHans-Erich Voss\nHans-Georg von Friedeburg\nHans-Hartwig Trojer\nHans-Heinz Augenstein\nHans-J\u00fcrgen Stumpff\nHans-J\u00fcrgen von Arnim\nHans-J\u00fcrgen von Blumenthal\nHans-Joachim Jabs\nHans-Joachim Marseille\nHans-Jochen Vogel\nHans-Karl Freiherr von Esebeck\nHans-Karl Stepp\nHans-Oscar W\u00f6hlermann\nHans-Rudolf R\u00f6sing\nHans-Ulrich Rudel\nHans-Ulrich Wehler\nHans-Valentin Hube\nHans \"Assi\" Hahn\nHans Adolf Krebs\nHans Aumeier\nHans Baur\nHans Bei\u00dfwenger\nHans Bernd Gisevius\nHans Bernd von Haeften\nHans Bethe\nHans Biebow\nHans B\u00fchler\nHans Candrian\nHans Conrad Leipelt\nHans Coppi\nHans Dammers\nHans Dorr\nHans Egon Holthusen\nHans Ekkehard Bob\nHans F. K. G\u00fcnther\nHans Felber\nHans Frank\nHans Frankenthal\nHans Fritzsche\nHans G\u00f6tz\nHans Georg Calmeyer\nHans Georg Dehmelt\nHans Georg Klamroth\nHans Globke\nHans Gollnick\nHans Graf von Sponeck\nHans Gr\u00fcnberg\nHans Grundig\nHans Gruneberg\nHans G\u00e1l\nHans Guido Mutke\nHans Hartung\nHans Heilbronn\nHans Heinrich von Twardowski\nHans Hinkel\nHans Howaldt\nHans Jacob Nielsen\nHans Jeschonnek\nHans J\u00fcttner\nHans John\nHans Jordan\nHans Josephsohn\nHans Kammler\nHans Kempin\nHans Koning\nHans Krebs (SS general)\nHans Krebs (Wehrmacht general)\nHans Kreysing\nHans Kr\u00fcger\nHans Kroh\nHans Kr\u00e1sa\nHans K\u00e4llner\nHans Lammers\nHans Langsdorff\nHans Larive\nHans Litten\nHans Loritz\nHans M\u00fcnch\nHans Modrow\nHans Mommsen\nHans Multhopp\nHans Nieland\nHans Nordvik\nHans Oster\nHans P. Kraus\nHans Philipp\nHans Plenk\nHans Pulver\nHans R\u00f6hrig\nHans Refior\nHans Reidar Holtermann\nHans Reiter\nHans Ritter von Seisser\nHans Rose\nHans Rothfels\nHans Schemm\nHans Schleef\nHans Scholl\nHans Seidemann\nHans Speidel\nHans Thomsen\nHans Ulrich Klintzsch\nHans van den Broek\nHans von Adam\nHans von Dohnanyi\nHans von Halban\nHans von Herwarth\nHans von Luck\nHans von Obstfelder\nHans von Ohain\nHans von Salmuth\nHans von Tschammer und Osten\nHans Waldmann (fighter pilot)\nHans Walter\nHans Weik\nHans Wind\nHans Ziegler (physicist)\nHansa-Brandenburg B.I\nHansa-Brandenburg C.I\nHansa-Brandenburg CC\nHansa-Brandenburg D.I\nHansa-Brandenburg G.I\nHansa-Brandenburg GW\nHansa-Brandenburg KDW\nHansa-Brandenburg W.11\nHansa-Brandenburg W.12\nHansa-Brandenburg W.13\nHansa-Brandenburg W.19\nHansa-Brandenburg W.27\nHansa-Brandenburg W.29\nHansa-Brandenburg W.33\nHansa-Brandenburg W\nHansa (Swedish ship)\nHansa Bay\nHanson Victor Turner\nHanyang 88\nHanyang Arsenal\nHao Mengling\nHappy Sam Sawyer\nHappy Valley, Oak Ridge, Tennessee\nHarald Edelstam\nHarald Feller\nHarald Gr\u00f8nningen\nHarald Hagen\nHarald Langhelle\nHarald Mors\nHarald Natvig\nHarald Quandt\nHarald Riipalu\nHarald Weinric": 0, "Hello, welcome to NETVN channel\nNormally to copy a file or folder you have to select it and navigate to the folder you want to save so many steps\nSo in this video I will introduce a little trick that will help you reduce the steps when you want to copy files or folders\nSo in this video I will introduce a little trick that will help you reduce the steps when you want to copy files or folders\nFirst, open the Run window and enter the command shell send to\nHere are the destinations when you choose send to\nYou add a new shortcut to copy a file or folder when you right-click it\nHere I create a new shortcut to a folder named Tom to copy files or folders without navigating to this folder\nWhen finished creating a new shortcut to the folder named Tom, you just need to right click on the file you want to copy and select sendto Tom, the file will be copied to the folder I specified.\nWhen finished creating a new shortcut to the folder named Tom, you just need to right click on the file you want to copy and select sendto Tom, the file will be copied to the folder I specified.\nThat way you won't have to navigate to a folder named Tom when you want to copy files or folders\nYou can create as many shortcuts as you want\nAlso you change the context menu to reduce one click when copying\nTo do that, copy the above command and paste it into the command window\nOnce done, restart your Windows 11 computer to apply the changes\nNow when you want to copy file or folder to specified folder you just need to right click and then click send to destination folder\nNow when you want to copy file or folder to specified folder you just need to right click and then click send to destination folder\nThanks for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe\n": 4, "Darkerrrr the berry...\n...sweeter the juice\nI get that thang when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make a name when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make some change when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll find my dame when I\u2019m spose to\nThey don\u2019t want bars no moe (x4)\nI get that thang when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make a name when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make some change when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll find my dame when I\u2019m spose to\nThey don\u2019t want bars no moe (x4) \nThey don\u2019t want bars no moe\nThey don\u2019t even use soap\nY\u2019all some dirty dudes\nCatch me dirty dancing like the GOAT\nI told her to beat it\nNo Dirty Diana for Joe\nDo the dirty bird in Atlanta when I touchdown on them folk\nI passed the competition\nPassed the test wisdom\nPassive turned aggression\nPassion so they feel em\nWhile they passing gas they stink\nNeed more than a mask when they speak\nNeed more than the masses seeks nods from my God\nGet on your job or they quick to fire\nHave you running home Mark McGwire\nNever down and out but it\u2019s down to the wire\nHigh off life let me take you higher\nMy bars for pull ups put you in a better shape\nPlease do not hesitate\nTo go and levitate\nYou wanna grow but scared of heavy weights\nI wanna go and fight the heavyweights\nNeed a challenge\nGod\u2019s blessings so I need to manage\nCan\u2019t bear the fruit if you ain\u2019t plant it\nLook at my stats I ain\u2019t average\nAy man is my linguistics off or yall just not listening right\n*chuckles\nI get that thang when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make a name when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make some change when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll find my dame when I\u2019m spose to\nThey don\u2019t want bars no moe (x4)\nI get that thang when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make a name when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll make some change when I\u2019m spose to\nI\u2019ll find my dame when I\u2019m spose to\nThey don\u2019t want bars no moe (x4)\nDon\u2019t talk outta turn when you talk to me\nYou better run do not walk to me\nI\u2019m HOF you can spark for free\nIf you waste my time you get charged a fee\nYou costing your dreams you get charged to sleep\nThis swag is illegal they charging me\nBut the Lord is my lawyer\nI feel like a Hoya\nI\u2019m G in my town\nWhen I score it\u2019s important\nPose for the portrait\nThese poachers is hunting my dawgs\nCant trust the law so they trust in they dawgs\nWon\u2019t live that way so I trust in my Lord.\nI\u2019m pressed to record\nThey pressing record cuz a moment like this you just can\u2019t afford to miss it\nThis for the children who losing they vision\nListening to rappers who don\u2019t got no vision\nI just got in it but feel like a pro\nWhere does this leads man I do not know \nTake it slow\nTake a sip of your water\nYou ain\u2019t learn but don\u2019t say I ain\u2019t taught ya\nLife is hard\nI\u2019m going harder\nTake it slow\nTake a sip of your water\nYou ain\u2019t learn but don\u2019t say I ain\u2019t taught ya\nLife is hard \nI\u2019m going harder\nThat\u2019s word to the Father\n": 1, "One of the most elegant ideas in science is Archimedes\u2019 principle.\nHowever, how does such a simple and elegant principle emerge from the messy and chaotic interactions of the atoms and molecules inside a fluid?\nFor the simulations in this video, let us model the molecules of the fluid as spheres interacting through perfectly elastic collisions, with no other forces involved.\nLet us see if we can derive and explain Archimedes\u2019 principle entirely in terms of this model.\nThroughout this video, all red objects will have double the density of the white objects.\nThe walls of the red rectangle have double the density of the white spheres.\nThe red sphere inside the rectangle also has double the density of the white spheres.\nBut, this red rectangle has a lower overall density due to the fact that it is hollow inside.\nSimilarly, a metal ship can float on water because the ship is filled with air,\ncausing the metal ship as a whole to be less dense than the water.\nLet\u2019s consider the interaction of different fluids with different densities.\nThe red spheres on the left have twice the density of the white spheres.\nThe violet spheres in the middle have four times the density of the white spheres.\nThe orange spheres on the right have ten times the density of the white spheres.\nThe orange spheres on the right, which have the highest density, quickly sink to the bottom.\nThe violet spheres in the middle are also trying to sink to the bottom, but it takes them longer to do so.\nThe red spheres on the left are having the hardest time sinking to the bottom,\nas they have to wait for the white spheres trapped underneath to slowly bubble up to the top.\nLet\u2019s now consider examples just involving the white spheres, but with different shapes for each container.\nAs we reach an equilibrium steady state condition, notice how the pressure is greater at the bottom than at the top.\nAt each point, the pressure depends on the height of fluid above that given point, the density of the fluid, and the acceleration due to gravity.\nIf all three containers are filled with fluids of the same density to the same height, then the pressure at any given height is the same inside all three containers, despite their different shapes.\nUnlike the case for closed containers, here we don\u2019t need to know the temperature to calculate the pressure, because the temperature of the fluid is already accounted for in the fluid density.\nLet us focus on just a single molecule at the bottom.\nGravity exerts a downward force on this molecule. This is balanced by an upward force by the bottom of the container.\nNow consider the molecule directly above this one.\nGravity also exerts a downward force on this other molecule too.\nThis is balanced by an upward force by the molecule underneath, which now exerts an even greater downward force on the bottom of the container.\nIn response, the bottom of the container exerts an even greater upward force, so as to support the gravitational forces from both of these molecules.\nLet us now consider a third molecule, above our original two.\nAs gravity exerts a downward force on this third molecule, this increases the pressure on the two molecules below it.\nAs we continue adding molecules, we see that the pressure at the bottom continues to increase.\nWe now have a situation where the pressure is greater at the bottom than at the top, as we saw in the simulation.\nAll molecules at the same height feel the same pressure.\nThis remains true even if we change the shape of the container.\nWe are ignoring the pressure of the atmosphere above the fluid, but this will just increase the pressure everywhere by the same amount.\nA partially submerged object will feel a net upward pressure by the amount shown.\nIn equilibrium, this net upward pressure will balance the downward gravitational force on the object.\nThis net upward pressure will be exactly equal to the downward gravitational forces that would have been felt by the fluid that has been displaced by the object.\nThis net upward pressure will be exactly equal to the downward gravitational forces that would have been ": 4, "Adobe XD\nAdobe XD\nAdobe XD 2018\nAdobe XD 2019\nAdobe XD 2019\nAdobe XD 2018\nToday We learn how to make\none page web design\non\nAdobe XD\nFirstly, We should make\nNavigation section on\nAdobe XD\nYou can make it easily on Adobe XD\nJust choose right color to navigation bar of\none page web design\nI think it will be very attractive one page web design.\nSubscirbe To Our Channel.\nand click to bell icon\nAdoeb XD 2018 is very easy to use\nyou can work well on Adobe XD 2018\nor Adobe XD 2019\nOne Page Web Design\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n": 2, "I wake up in the morning with a sense of dread\nAnd bags under my eyes\nPull the covers up and over my head\nIt's not even sunrise\nReluctantly I get out of bed\nAnd drag myself to the shower\nWhat the hell am I doing up at this unholy hour?\nThen I remember the reason why\nI set my alarm for seven forty-five\nAnd I leap with happiness and say\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nSo we head down to the library and there's no-one there\nWe can sit just where we choose\nWe're productive before the world's awake\nWho needs time to snooze?\nWe come and we go throughout the day\nIn varying amounts\nBut we'll get it done before the start of May\nAnd that's what freaking counts\nAnd I think - this is the reason why\nI got up whilst it was still pitch black outside\nAnd I jump around and shout hooray\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nLyssa's looking at church accessibility\nZac's is on righteousness (dikaiosyne)\nEllie's writing on saving all Israel\nBen's is on Genesis and when angels fell\nZug's is something to do with Halo\nChrissie, no surprises, well she still doesn't know\nNot enough to say on our Lord's prayer\nToo bad you did Jane Eyre last year\nAnd that is the reason why\nWe climb Forum Hill even though it's cold outside\nBook a library table for the day\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nAnd I remember the reason why\nI set my alarm for seven forty-five\nAnd I leap with happiness and say\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\nIt's dissertation Wednesday\n": 3, "If you look hard enough\nLike really really hard\nYou'll find a dick\npretty much everywhere\nif you look hard enough, like really really hard\nyou'll find a dick \npretty much everywhere\nIf you look hard enough \nLike really really hard- You'll find a dick (hey there's a dick there, over there)\npretty much everywhere \nIf you look hard enough, like really really hard (hey there's a dick over there, over there)\nyou'll find a dick pretty much everywhere (hey there's a dick over there)\nThere's a little little dick on the floor (hey there's a dick over there)\nThere's a little little dick on the door (over there, over over there)\nThere's a little little dick on me (hey there's dick over there)\nThere's a little little dick on the tree\nIf you look really hard, like really really hard (there's a little little dick on the floor, there's a little little dick on the door)\nYou'll find a dick pretty much everywhere (hey there's a little little dick on me, there's a little little dick on the tree)\nIf you look hard enough, like really really hard\nyou'll find a dick pretty much everywhere\nIf you look hard enough, like really really hard (there's a little little dick on the floor, there's a little little dick on the door)\nyou'll find a dick, pretty much everywhere (there's a little little dick on me, there's a little little dick on the tree) \nIf you look hard enough, like really really hard (there's a little little dick on the floor, there's a little little dick on the door)\nyou'll find a dick - pretty much everywhere (hey there's a little little dick on me, there's a little little dick on the tree)\nIf you look hard enough, like really really hard (there's a little little dick on the floor, there's a little little dick on the door)\nYou'll find a dick pretty much everywhere \n": 1, "Potatoes 5-7 pcs.\nFill with cold water.\nPotatoes 5-7 pcs.\nFill with cold water.\nPotatoes 5-7 pcs.\nFill with cold water.\nOnion 1 pc.\nOnion 1 pc.\nOnion 1 pc.\nMinced meat 600 gr.\nSalt.\nBlack pepper.\nOregano.\nNutmeg.\nPaprika.\nGarlic 2 cloves.\nMinced meat 600 gr.\nSalt.\nBlack pepper.\nOregano.\nNutmeg.\nPaprika.\nGarlic 2 cloves.\nMinced meat 600 gr.\nSalt.\nBlack pepper.\nOregano.\nNutmeg.\nPaprika.\nGarlic 2 cloves.\nshape cutlets.\nshape cutlets.\nshape cutlets.\nSqueeze the potatoes well.\negg 3 pcs.\nonion 1 pc.\nSqueeze the potatoes well.\negg 3 pcs.\nonion 1 pc.\nSqueeze the potatoes well.\negg 3 pcs.\nonion 1 pc.\nsalt.\nBlack pepper.\nFlour 2-3 tbsp.\nvegetable oil.\nsalt.\nBlack pepper.\nFlour 2-3 tbsp.\nvegetable oil.\nsalt.\nBlack pepper.\nFlour 2-3 tbsp.\nvegetable oil.\nFry on both sides over medium heat.\nFry on both sides over medium heat.\nFry on both sides over medium heat.\n5 minutes on each side.\n5 minutes on each side.\n5 minutes on each side.\nBake at 190\u00b0C for 20 minutes.\nCoriander.\nBake at 190\u00b0C for 20 minutes.\nCoriander.\nBake at 190\u00b0C for 20 minutes.\nCoriander.\nThanks for your time!\nSee you in my next recipe!\nBon appetit!\nThanks for your time!\nSee you in my next recipe!\nBon appetit!\nThanks for your time!\nSee you in my next recipe!\nBon appetit!\n": 2, "Pressure...\npushing down on me\nPressing down on you\nNo man ask for\nUnder pressure\nThat brings a building down\nSplits a family in two\nPuts people on streets\nThat's the terror of knowing\nWhat this world is about\nWatching some good friends\nScreaming \"Let me out\"\nPray tomorrow gets me higher\nPressure on people, people on streets\nChipping around\nKick my brains around the floor\nThese are the days\nIt never rains but it pours\nPeople on streets...\nPeople on streets...\nThat's the terror of knowing\nWhat this world is about\nWatching some good friends\nScreaming \"Let me out\"\nPray tomorrow gets me higher\nPressure on people, people on streets\nTurned away from it all like a blind man\nSat on a fence but it don't work\nKeep coming up with love\nBut it's so slashed and torn\nWhy?\nLove Love Love Love Love\nInsanity laughs, under pressure we're breaking\nCan't we give ourselves one more chance?\nWhy can't we give love that one more chance?\nWhy can't we give love, give love, give love, give love...?\nBecause love's such an old fashioned word\nAnd love dares you to care for\nThe people on the edge of the night\nAnd love dares you to change\nOur way of caring about ourselves\nThis is our last dance\nThis is our last dance\nThis is ourselves\nUnder pressure...\nUnder pressure...\nPressure...\nPressure...\n": 1, "The magnetic field for magnets comes out\nof the north pole and goes into the\nsouth pole. A current also generates a\nmagnetic field as we've previously\ndiscussed, but there is no north or south\npole in this case. So how do we find the\ndirection of the circular magnetic field\naround the current? Oersted discovered the\nmagnetic field around the current, but it\nwas Ampere that described the direction\nof the magnetic field. He said that if\none were to imagine a little mannequin\nto swim in the direction of the current,\nand to face the needles. Then the north\npole of the needle would be the\ndirection of the left arm and the south\npole that of the right arm. This\ndescription is slightly hard to follow\nso these days we use the \"right hand rule\"\nto identify the direction. The right hand\nrule is called the right hand rule\nbecause you use your right hand. So you\nput your thumb in the direction of the\ncurrent, and you curl your fingers around\nthe current. The direction which your\nfingers curl tells you the direction of\nthe magnetic field. So let's say you had\na current carrying wire and in it there\nis a current going towards the left. So\nyou curl your fingers around the wire\nand the direction what you think this\ncurl will show you the magnetic field. So\nin this case, on top of the wire, the\nmagnetic field points out of the screen\ntowards you. In front of the wire, the\nmagnetic field points down. Underneath\nthe wire, the magnetic field points\ntowards me. And behind the wire, the\nmagnetic field points up. Because\nmagnetic fields have direction, if we\nlook at a current going up, the magnetic\nfield goes into the screen on the right\nhand side of the wire, and comes out of\nthe screen on the left hand side of the\nwire. How we draw this is by using\ncrosses to indicate that the magnetic\nfield goes into the screen. This can be\nthought of as an arrow going away from\nyou. And dots indicate a magnetic field\ncoming out of the screen, and are going\ntowards you. Now that we have the\ndirection of the magnetic field at a\nmagnetic field strength also increases\nas distance from current decreases, which\nalso fits with the experiment so this\nformula behaves the way we want it to.\n": 4, "I have provided the basic sign for you so you can follow along \u2013 link is in the description\nThe images I\u2019m using are tagged as \u201cpublic domain\u201d on Google \u2013 links are in the description\nI will use the white noise texture on the screen\nIn edit mode, I select the screen and use the P-key to separate it from the rest of the sign\nI split the viewport and open the shader editor\nI delete the principled shader\nI add a texture coordinate, Voronoi texture, and white noise texture node\nI connect the generated output of the texture coordinate node to the vector of the Voronoi texture\nI connect the color of the Voronoi texture to the vector of the white noise texture\nI finally connect the value of the white noise texture to the surface of the material output\nTo make sure I can see individual blocks rather than the default Voronoi texture, \nI change the randomness of the Voronoi texture to zero\nTo make the blocks smaller, I change the scale to 20\nI add two image texture nodes and open my images\nI add a texture coordinate node to each image \u2013 using the UV output option\nI then add a mix shader to combine the two images and plug it into the output node\nI then connect the value of the white noise texture to the factor of the mix shader\nUnder the UV workspace, I unwrap the screen \nand then rotate and scale the UVs so the images appear correctly on the screen\nFor a cleaner transition, I add a math node between the white noise texture and mix shader node \nI change the function to greater than \u2013 this means that I can animate the sign using any number between zero and one\nI can now animate the sign\nI split the viewport and open the timeline\nI will be using a frame rate of 30 FPS and change the end frame to 60 \nOn frame 1, I make sure the threshold of the math node is set to zero\nI hover my cursor over the threshold of the math node and use the I-key to insert a keyframe\nOn frame 60, I change the threshold of the math node to one\nI hover my cursor over the threshold of the math node and use the I-key to insert a keyframe\nThanks for watching\nPlease like, subscribe, comment, and turn on notifications\nIf you want to request a tutorial, please leave a comment below\nHave a good day\n": 4, "Hello music people.\nIn this video we are going to analyze Band-Maid.\nI have never heard music from this band, it will be my first time.\nTherefore, I will give my impression and perception of what I feel for music.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.\nAnd we are going to see one more Japanese band, Band-Maid.\nLet's see how this song performs live.\nUntil now, I think Japanese bands are amazing, fantastic.\nand I am very surprised by this.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel.\nBut first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel.\nTurn on notifications, share and click the like button.\nAnd take the opportunity to make your suggestion in the comments.\nIf you want more reviews of amazing Japanese rock or heavy metal bands,\nIf you want more reviews of amazing Japanese rock or heavy metal bands,\nleave your suggestion. If you want reviews of other artists from Japan,\nalso leave your suggestion.\nIf you want from any other artist or music style in the world,\nleave your suggestion too.\nThe message has been transmitted, the message has been passed and we go to the most important thing,\nLet's analyze the Band-Maid.\nI already liked it a lot, the opening is wonderful, with a lot of energy.\nI already liked it a lot, the opening is wonderful, with a lot of energy.\nThe public responds to the band.\nThe band has a very good stage presence and that is something that we cannot fail to comment on.\nThe band has a very good stage presence and that is something that we cannot fail to comment on.\nFrom our most recent reviews of rock and heavy metal bands from Japan,\nFrom our most recent reviews of rock and heavy metal bands from Japan,\nall of these bands have incredible stage presence.\nAnd they all have sensational musicians. It's fantastic.\nLook, there's a staccato work on the instrumental...\nThis is really cool.\nIt is the type of musical composition in which the instrument speaks and the voice responds.\nIt is the type of musical composition in which the instrument speaks and the voice responds.\nI really liked this vocal work.\nIt's really great.\nSee how interesting, the use of mixed voice work,\nwhat stands out most in this mixed voice is the use of chest voice,\nwhat stands out most in this mixed voice is the use of chest voice,\nbecause the note is darker, it's interesting.\nEven at a certain moment, it emphasizes the resonance of the chest voice. \nEven at a certain moment, it emphasizes the resonance of the chest voice. \nI'll come back for this moment and we can continue with the analysis of this song.\nBut notice how there is a very interesting work of his voice.\nBut notice how there is a very interesting work of his voice.\nThis is a dynamic use of the use of the voice in the regions of resonance of the chest with the mask.\nThis is a dynamic use of the use of the voice in the regions of resonance of the chest with the mask.\nAt some point, the resonance in the chest region stands out more\nand in another for masked voice transmission.\nLook what a wonderful falsetto.\nNow she makes use of the Belt.\nAnd we can't fail to mention the use of vocal distortion.\nIs incredible. Within your air column there is a greater current by projecting the air,\nIs incredible. Within your air column there is a greater current by projecting the air,\nbut for this it is necessary to insert more force.\nbut for this it is necessary to insert more force.\nYou need to give your air stream more momentum.\nIn this way, it is possible to see that I can insert and remove the \"Drive\", the vocal distortion,\nIn this way, it is possible to see that I can insert and remove the \"Drive\", the vocal distortion,\nin a very peaceful way. This is precisely the process.\nThe chords of this song, we can see that there is an element present in the chords.\nThe chords of this song, we can see that there is an element present in the chords.\nThe chords of this song, we can s": 4, "(Song: \"Run\" by Daughter)\nWhile I powder my nose\nHe will powder his gums\nAnd if I try to get close\nHe is already gone\nDon't know where he's going\nDon't know where he's been\nBut he is restless at night\n'Cause he has horrible dreams\nSo we lay in the dark\nWe've got nothing to say\nJust the beating of hearts\nLike two drums in the grey\nI don't know what we're doing\nI don't know what we've done\nBut the fire is coming\nSo I think we should run\nI think we should run, run, run, run\nRun, run, run, run\nRun, run, run, run\nRun, run, run\nWhile I put on my shoes\nHe will button his coat\nAnd we will step outside\nChecking that the coast is clear on both sides\n'Cause we don't wanna be seen\nOh, this is suicide\nBut you can't see the ropes\nAnd I won't tell my mother\nIt's better she don't know\nAnd he won't tell his folks\n'Cause they're already ghosts\nAnd we'll just keep each other as safe as we can\nUntil we reach the border\nUntil we make our plan\nTo run, run, run, run\nTo run, run, run, run\nTo run, run, run, run\nWill you stay with me, my love,\nfor another day?\n'Cause I don't want to be alone,\nwhen I'm in this state\nWill you stay with me, my love,\n'til we're old and grey?\n'Cause I don't wanna be alone\nwhen these bones decay\nRun, run, run, run.....\n(music fades out)\n": 3, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc0\\stshfdbch0\\stshfloch0\\stshfhich0\\stshfbi0\\deff0\\adeff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2{\\*\\panose\n02020603050405020304}Times New 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0, "You've been my muse for a long time\nYou get me through every dark night\nI'm always gone, out on the go\nI'm on the run and you're home alone\nI'm too consumed with my own life\nAre we too young for this?\nFeels like I can't move\nSharing my heart\nIt's tearing me apart\nBut I know I'd miss you, baby, if I left right now\nDoing what I can, tryna be a man\nAnd every time I kiss you, baby\nI can hear the sound of breaking down\nI've been confused as of late (yeah)\nWatching my youth slip away (yeah)\nYou're like the sun, you wake me up\nBut you drain me out if I get too much\nI might need you or I'll break\nAre we too young for this?\nFeels like I can't move\nSharing my heart\nIt's tearing me apart\nBut I know I'd miss you, baby, if I left right now\nDoing what I can, tryna be a man\nAnd every time I kiss you, baby\nI can hear the sound of breaking down\nI\nI don't\nI don't want\nI don't want to\nI don't want to play\nI don't want to play this\nI don't want to play this part\nBut I do, all for you\nI\nI don't\nI don't want\nI don't want to\nI don't want to make\nI don't want to make this\nI don't want to make this hard\nBut I will 'cause I'm still\nSharing my heart\nIt's tearing me apart\nBut I know I'd miss you, baby, if I left right now\nDoing what I can, tryna be a man\nAnd every time I kiss you, baby\nI can hear the sound of breaking down\nSharing my bed, uh\nSharing my bread, yeah\nSharing my bed\nSharing my head\n(I'm breaking down)\nSharing my heart\nSharing my, sharing and I'm breaking down\nSharing, I'm done\nSharing my life\nThe evil it spread like a fever ahead\nIt was night when you died, my firefly\nWhat could I have said to raise you from the dead?\nOh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?\nWell you do enough talk\nMy little hawk, why do you cry?\nTell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?\nOr the Fourth of July?\nWe're all gonna die...\nSitting at the bed with the halo at your head\nWas it all a disguise, like Junior High\nWhere everything was fiction, future, and prediction\nNow, where am I? My fading supply\nDid you get enough love, my little dove\nWhy do you cry?\nAnd I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best\nThough it never felt right\nMy little Versailles\nThe hospital asked should the body be cast\nBefore I say goodbye, my star in the sky\nSuch a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth\nDo you find it all right, my dragonfly?\n": 3, "Jon\nJon Evans:\nJon Evans: Okay\nJon Evans: Okay Outer\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nfans,\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nfans, get\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nfans, get ready.\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nfans, get ready. Season\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nfans, get ready. Season three\nJon Evans: Okay Outer Banks\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nthe\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nthe hit\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nthe hit Netflix\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nthe hit Netflix series\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nthe hit Netflix series will\nfans, get ready. Season three of\nthe hit Netflix series will be\nthe hit Netflix series will be\nthe hit Netflix series will be\navailable\nthe hit Netflix series will be\navailable on\nthe hit Netflix series will be\navailable on Thursday,\nthe hit Netflix series will be\navailable on Thursday, February\navailable on Thursday, February\navailable on Thursday, February\n23.\navailable on Thursday, February\n23. You\navailable on Thursday, February\n23. You can\navailable on Thursday, February\n23. You can catch\navailable on Thursday, February\n23. You can catch up\navailable on Thursday, February\n23. You can catch up with\navailable on Thursday, February\n23. You can catch up with John\n23. You can catch up with John\n23. You can catch up with John\nB.,\n23. You can catch up with John\nB., J.\n23. You can catch up with John\nB., J. J,.\n23. You can catch up with John\nB., J. J,. Pope,\n23. You can catch up with John\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah,\n23. You can catch up with John\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand Cleo\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand Cleo as\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand Cleo as they\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand Cleo as they begin\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand Cleo as they begin life\nB., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara\nand Cleo as they begin life on\nand Cleo as they begin life on\nand Cleo as they begin life on\nthe\nand Cleo as they begin life on\nthe deserted\nand Cleo as they begin life on\nthe deserted island.\nthe deserted island.\nthe deserted island.\nWilmington's\nthe deserted island.\nWilmington's own\nthe deserted island.\nWilmington's own Jonas\nthe deserted island.\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate\nthe deserted island.\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\none\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\none of\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\none of the\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\none of the creators\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\none of the creators of\nWilmington's own Jonas Pate is\none of the creators of the\none of the creators of the\none of the creators of the\nseries,\none of the creators of the\nseries, and\none of the creators of the\nseries, and he's\none of the creators of the\nseries, and he's directed\none of the creators of the\nseries, and he's directed most\nseries, and he's directed most\nseries, and he's directed most\nof\nseries, and he's directed most\nof the\nseries, and he's directed most\nof the episodes.\nseries, and he's directed most\nof the episodes. Jonas\nseries, and he's directed most\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nwelcome\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nwelcome to\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nwelcome to the\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nwelcome to the '1on1\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nwelcome to the '1on1 with\nof the episodes. Jonas Pate,\nwelcome to the '1on1 with Jon\nwelcome to the '1on1 with Jon\nwelcome to the '1on1 with Jon\nEvans\nwelcome to the '1on1 with Jon\nEvans podcast'.\nEvans podcast'.\nEvans podcast'.\nThank\nEvans podcast'.\nThank you,\nEvans podcast'.\nThank you, Jon.\nEvans podcast'.\nThank you, Jon. Glad\nEvans podcast'.\nThank you, Jon. Glad to\nEvans podcast'.\nThank you, Jon. Glad to be\nEvans podcast'.\nThank you, Jon. Glad to be here.\nThank you, Jon. Glad to be here.\nThank you, Jon. Glad to be here.\nJE:\nThank you, Jon. Glad to be here.\nJE: Fans\nThank you, Jon. Glad to be here.\nJE: Fans would\nThank you, Jon. Glad ": 1, "We\u2019ve been playing in Roblox\nSince we were young and we can\u2019t stop, Wow\nIf we tried to fight crime right now,\nI don\u2019t think that we could work it out\nOut on the front lawn\nThinking about the world and, our small town\nCould I let you fight by yourself\nWhile I\u2019m searching for something else\nIf we go down then we go down together\nThey\u2019ll say you could beat anything\nWe\u2019ll fight like we are brothers\nIf we go down then we go down together\nWe\u2019ll make it out of anything\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nWe could do this forever\nWe\u2019ve been slaying in Roblox\nDefeating all of the warlocks\nYou look so proud\nStanding there with a mask and a bayonet\nMaking the bad guys run from our silhouette\nThey\u2019re trying to tear us\nWe breathe in the air of this good town\nOn our own chosen path we were killin it\nTraining hard with the powers we were gifted\nwith\nIf we go down then we go down together\nThey\u2019ll say you could beat anything\nWe\u2019ll fight like we are brothers\nIf we go down then we go down together\nWe\u2019ll make it out of anything\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nLet\u2019s show them we are\nShow them we are\nShow them we are\nShow them we are\nWe could do this forever\nWe were playing in Roblox\nWe could do this forever\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nIf we go down then we go down together\nThey\u2019ll say you could beat anything\nWe\u2019ll fight like we are brothers\nIf we go down then we go down together\nWe\u2019ll make it out of anything\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nIf we go down\n(We were slaying in Roblox)\nIf we go down\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nWe were slaying in Roblox\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nIf we go down\nLet\u2019s show them we are better\nWe could do this forever!\n": 3, "Oh, oh, I'm gonna use every heartbeat\nOh, oh, today not tomorrow\nOh, oh, I'm gonna disobey\nOh, oh, far from the shallows\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by headlights\nRunning in, running in headlights\nLight me up, light me up, headlights\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by headlights\nRunning in, running in headlights\nLight me up, light me up, headlights\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nOh, oh, I got a taste of the good life\nOh, oh, I'm never letting go\nOh, I'm a cat, gotta use all my nine lives\nWhoa, oh, I'm gonna do it all\nAnd oh, I'm tipping on the edge\nAnd oh, I don't wanna be scared\nAnd oh, don't you pull the brakes\nAnd oh, just take me all the way\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by headlights\nRunning in, running in headlights\nLight me up, light me up, headlights\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nBlinded by, blinded by headlights\nRunning in, running in headlights\nLight me up, light me up, headlights\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nBaby, I'm all about headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nHeadlights, headlights, headlights\nOh, oh, I got a taste of the good life\nOh, oh, I'm never letting go\n": 1, "Hi, I\u2019m Rob. Welcome to Math Antics.\nIn this lesson, we\u2019re going to learn how our basic number system works\nand we\u2019re going to learn about an important concept called Place Value.\nThe number system that we use in math is called \u2018base 10\u2019, because is uses ten different symbols for counting.\nMath could use other systems that are based on a different number (like \u2018base 2\u2019 or \u2018base 8\u2019),\nbut I\u2019ll give you ten guesses as to why the number ten is such a popular choice.\nThe ten symbols that we use are called \u2018digits\u2019 and they look like this:\nzero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine.\nAt first glance, you might think that\u2019s only nine digits, but remember,\nthe zero counts as one of the digits also.\nTo see how our numbers system uses these digits to represent amounts,\nlet\u2019s pretend that we have an apple orchard full of apple trees,\nand each of these trees is loaded with big, juicy, red apples\nthat we need to pick and then count for our records.\n[crunch]\nWe\u2019re going to use something called a \u2018number place\u2019 to count.\nThe best way to understand a number place is to imagine that it\u2019s like a small box\nthat\u2019s only big enough to hold one digit at a time.\nAs we count, we\u2019ll change the digit that\u2019s in the number place to match how many apples we\u2019ve picked.\nFor example, if we start with no apples at all, we put the digit \u20180\u2019 in the number place because zero means \u2018none\u2019.\nBut then, as the apples start coming in from the orchard, we begin to count\u2026\none, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine.\nOkay, now we\u2019ve got nine apples, but we\u2019ve also got a problem.\nWe\u2019ve already run out of digits to count with.\nThe highest digit we have is a \u20189\u2019, but there are a LOT more apples left to count.\nWhat will we do?\nThe solution is to use groups to help us count.\nIf we pick just one more apple, we\u2019ll have ten, right?\nSo let\u2019s combine those ten apples into a single group.\nSo\u2026 how many apples do we have? Ten!\nBUT\u2026 how many GROUPS of ten apples do we have? Ah\u2026 just ONE!\nDoes that help us with our lack of digits problem?\nIt sure does, IF we use another number place!\nInstead of using this new number place to count up individual apples\none at a time like we did with the first number place.\nWe\u2019re going to use it to count apples TEN at a time.\nIn other words, we\u2019ll use it to keep track of how many groups of ten apples that we\u2019ve picked.\nFor example, if we\u2019ve picked only one group of ten, then we\u2019ll put the digit \u20181\u2019 in that number place.\nIf we\u2019ve picked two groups of ten, then we\u2019ll put the digit \u20182\u2019 in that number place,\nand if we\u2019ve picked three groups of ten, then we\u2019ll put the digit \u20183\u2019 in that number place. And so on.\nDo you see what\u2019s happening?\nBecause the new number place is being used to count GROUPS of ten,\nit\u2019s allowing us to re-use our original ten digits, but this time they are able to count (or represent) bigger amounts.\nSince this new number place is for counting groups of ten, we\u2019re going to name it \u2018the tens place\u2019.\nAnd we\u2019ll name our original number place, \u2018the ones place\u2019 because we used it to count things one at a time.\nAnd here\u2019s the really important thing\u2026 we\u2019re not going to use the new number place instead of the old one\u2026\nwe\u2019re going to use it along side of the old one so that we have one number place for counting by ones\nand another number place for counting by tens.\nUsing these two number places together lets us represent amounts that are in-between the groups of ten.\nFor example, if we\u2019ve already picked thirty apples, then there will be a \u20183\u2019 in the tens place\nbecause we have three groups of ten.\nBut there will be a \u20180\u2019 in the ones place, because there are no individual apples left over.\nBut\u2026 if we have picked thirty-two apples, then there will be a \u20183\u2019 in the tens place\nand a \u20182\u2019 in the ones place to represent the two individual apples that are not in the groups of ten.\nIn fact, using only our ten digits and these two number places, we can count all the way from zero up to ninety-nine.\nAt ninety-nine, both of our number places are maxed out with the highest digits and we won\u2019t be able to count any higher,\nUN": 4, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel.\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Konstrakta with the song \"In Corpore Sano\". And I already analyzed this song,\nAnd in this video I'm going to analyze Konstrakta with the song \"In Corpore Sano\". And I already analyzed this song,\nhowever, this is an acoustic version and I have not heard this version. It will be the first time I hear it.\nhowever, this is an acoustic version and I have not heard this version. It will be the first time I hear it.\nFor those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter.\nAnd in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis.\nTherefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my technical observations,\nabout vocal behavior and how instruments sound.\nabout vocal behavior and how instruments sound.\nThe message has been passed and let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Konstrakta.\nThe message has been passed and let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Konstrakta.\nThis is incredible.\nI had already done an analysis in relation to this song,\nI had already done an analysis in relation to this song,\nIf you haven't seen it, I invite you to see another analysis I did of this same song.\nBut this version is interesting, because it's an acoustic version.\nBut this version is interesting, because it's an acoustic version.\nand we can have a different perspective on the study version, which was analyzed.\nand we can have a different perspective on the study version, which was analyzed.\nBut here it is very interesting to perceive a new perspective of this song,\nBut here it is very interesting to perceive a new perspective of this song,\nwhich is an acoustic version.\nKonstrakta has a very different way of singing in this song.\nKonstrakta has a very different way of singing in this song.\nIt is more or less the use of modal voice.\nBut here, because it is an acoustic version, we can see that\nthe other voices working with her become more evident.\nIn the other version, she also has voices that share vocal space with her,\nIn the other version, she also has voices that share vocal space with her,\nbut here is a very different sound.\nEven these acoustic elements are very prominent.\nAnd in this version, I think since it's not a very full sound,\nAnd in this version, I think since it's not a very full sound,\nthere is a great wealth of instruments, musical elements,\nthere is a great wealth of instruments, musical elements,\ntherefore, despite being acoustic elements, his voice takes on more prominence.\ntherefore, despite being acoustic elements, his voice takes on more prominence.\nAnd you can see that she inserts little vibratos into this modal voice,\nand this is very interesting\nbecause it shows that she has a domain in her voice\nwhat makes it inserted in this modal way of singing, manages to project the vibrato.\nwhat makes it inserted in this modal way of singing, manages to project the vibrato.\nPersonally, I find it difficult to do, but she does it very easily.\nPersonally, I find it difficult to do, but she does it very easily.\nAnd I find it very interesting that they put the subtitles.\nAnd I find it very interesting that they put the subtitles.\nDespite being in English, but it is possible to have a greater perception of the meaning of the song.\nDespite being in English, but it is possible to have a greater perception of the meaning of the song.\nDespite being in English, but it is possible to have a greater perception of the meaning of the song.\nIn the reaction above, I really appreciate the feedback,\nbecause many people insisted on explaining what the song is about.\nIt's a critical song and really the way he sang it and performed it in that performance,\nIt's a critical song and really the way he sang it and performed it in that performance,\nIn the other analysis I did,\nthat really reinforces this critical factor of the song.\nAnd in a way, there's also this critical content here, because of the way she carries herself,\nAnd in a way, there's also this critical content here, because of the w": 4, "When we compare the effectiveness of different\u00a0\noptimization methods, it is useful to examine\u00a0\u00a0\nthe rate of convergence of these optimization\u00a0\nmethods. The rate of convergence can be expressed\u00a0\u00a0\nin various ways, but a common classification is\u00a0\npresented here. Before we talk about this rate\u00a0\u00a0\nof convergence, let's assume the optimization\u00a0\nmethod generating the sequence of points x^k\nis converging to x*.\nThat is when\nk approaches positive infinity, then x^k is\u00a0\nconverging to x*. Now we can introduce these\u00a0\u00a0\nthree rates of convergence. If this condition is\u00a0\nsatisfied, then the rate of convergence is linear.\u00a0\u00a0\nIn this condition, we use the error at iteration\nk + 1 divided by the error at iteration k.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis ratio should be less than or equal to\u00a0\na constant c. c is greater than or equal to\u00a0\u00a0\nzero and less than one. From this condition,\u00a0\nwe can see the error at iteration k + 1\nis less than or equal to a constant\u00a0\nc times the error at iteration k.\nThat means the error at its iteration k + 1 is\u00a0\nbounded by c times the error at iteration k.\u00a0\u00a0\nIf c is equal to 0.1, then the error is\u00a0\nreduced by a factor of 10 at each iteration.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis constant c is called the convergence ratio.\nIf this condition is satisfied then the rate\u00a0\nof convergence is order p. When p is equal to 2\u00a0\u00a0\nthen the rate of convergence is set to be\u00a0\nquadratic. Let's suppose p is equal to 2,\u00a0\u00a0\nc is equal to 1, the error at iteration k\nis equal to 0.1. Then we can calculate\u00a0\nthe error at equation k + 1\nwhich is less than or equal\u00a0\nto c times the error at\niteration k square\nwhich is equal to c times 10^(-2).\u00a0\u00a0\nWe continue to calculate the\u00a0\nerror at iteration k + 2\nwhich is less than or equal to c times\u00a0\nthe error at iteration k + 1 square\nwhich is less than or\u00a0\nequal to c times c^2 (times) 10^(-4)\nWe continue to calculate\u00a0\nthe error at iteration k +3\nwhich is less than or equal to c\u00a0\ntimes the error at iteration k + 2 square.\nwhich is less than or equal to c times\nc^4 times 10^(-8). From this you can see the\u00a0\nerror decreases very quickly. Before this condition\u00a0\u00a0\nis reached, only a few iterations are needed. If\u00a0\nthis condition is satisfied, then the rate of\u00a0\u00a0\nconvergence is super linear. The super\u00a0\nsuperlinear rate is usually fast in practice.\u00a0\u00a0\nAs we have introduced the Secant method and\u00a0\nthe Newton's method, actually Newton's method\u00a0\u00a0\nhas quadratical convergence, the Secant method has\u00a0\na linear convergence. From the rate of convergence\u00a0\u00a0\nyou can also see Newton's method is much faster\u00a0\nthan the Secant method. In this topic we introduced\u00a0\u00a0\nthree different methods for one dimensional\u00a0\nunconstrained optimization problem.\u00a0\u00a0\nThey are the bracketing method, Newton's method\u00a0\nand the Secant method. The bracketing method\u00a0\u00a0\nis a function value based method. Newton's method\u00a0\nand the Secant method are derivative based methods.\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is because Newton's method and\u00a0\nthe Secant method use derivatives.\nUsually the derivative based method performs\u00a0\nmuch faster than the function value based method.\u00a0\u00a0\nHowever when the derivatives of a function cannot\u00a0\nbe obtained, then the function value-based method\u00a0\u00a0\nis better. We also discussed the advantages and\u00a0\ndisadvantages of these three methods in detail.\u00a0\u00a0\nFinally, we also defined three rates of convergence\u00a0\nincluding linear, order p and the super linear\u00a0\u00a0\nconvergence. As we mentioned, Newton's method has\u00a0\na quadratic convergence. The Secant method has a\u00a0\u00a0\nlinear convergence. That means Newton's method\u00a0\nperforms much faster than the Secant method\u00a0\u00a0\nI hope you can fully understand the contents of\u00a0\nthis topic. Thank you very much. See you next time!\n": 4, "[Audio Description: Ranger Mike stands outside\u00a0\nthe visitor center in front of the native garden\u00a0\u00a0\nwith the Bob Kerrey pedestrian bridge. He\u00a0\nwill later stand in front of the Missouri\u00a0\u00a0\nRiver along the Riverfront, in front of the\u00a0\nentrance to the visitor center, and lastly,\u00a0\u00a0\nhe will dance inside our visitor center in front\u00a0\nof the large Lewis and Clark Trail map on display.\u00a0\u00a0\nWe hope you enjoy his song and sing along with\u00a0\nhim next time!] Ranger Mike: Along their journey,\u00a0\u00a0\nLewis and Clark probably sang some catchy tunes\u00a0\nas they sailed along the mighty Missouri. Fiddle\u00a0\u00a0\ntunes are, in fact, what might have kept them\u00a0\nentertained as they sailed and struggled. Here at\u00a0\u00a0\nthe Lewis and Clark Trail, we park rangers also\u00a0\nlike to whistle and sing while we work. Here's\u00a0\u00a0\none of our favorites! [Paper Shaking] [Warming up\u00a0\nvoice] Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi.\u00a0\u00a0\nThe Bob Kerrey Bridge is near downtown, near\u00a0\ndowntown, near downtown. The Bob Kerrey Bridge\u00a0\u00a0\nis near downtown Omaha, Nebraska. The visitor\u00a0\ncenter for Lewis and Clark, Lewis and Clark,\u00a0\u00a0\nLewis and Clark. The visitor center for Lewis and\u00a0\nClark is nearby. They traveled on the Missouri,\u00a0\u00a0\nMissouri, Missouri. They traveled on the\u00a0\nMissouri, which goes under the bridge.\u00a0\u00a0\nCome on down and learn about the trail, learn\u00a0\nabout the trail, learn about the trail. Come\u00a0\u00a0\non down and learn about the trail at the Lewis\u00a0\nand Clark National Historic Trail Headquarters!\n": 4, "And we are back at Glendale Stadium.\nIt has been quite and ugly soccer match thus far,\nthe two team captains, Lele and Twan, are actually siblings,\nbut it is still unclear what grudge they're hoping to settle with this soccer match.\nStill anyone's game at this point.\nAnd it looks like our two teams are huddling up.\nOkay, okay, girls, this is a plan, okay?\nYou're gonna serve the ball over the net, then you're gonna grab it, dribble it and make it touched.\n- Dutch song.\n- I got it.\nListen up, when a star bird strike, we're gonna hit a three-pointer, which y'all gonna do?\nRevalue!\nBut how many the hounds do we have?\nWell, we all like seven innings.\nMy uncle's cousin's friend is a neighbor's with Tiger Woods.\nI like balls.\nOne, two, three... three points!\nOne, two, three...\nOne, two, three...\nHere comes brother and sister, Twan and Lele, to discuss.\nYou know what they say about sisters and brothers, right?\nYeah, you know they alwa...\nGood job, sweetie.\nAnd don't be afraid of ball, it's okay.\nSo sweet pepper oh my god. Yeah, I kicked that ball wave watch this\nBeam you wanna be not scared of the ball you gotta go get it run be strong for it strong\nYou gotta go go get it go get it go\nRomeo, Juliet\nHow can this be?\nIf only I was warning to your team. I have this dance. My love. Why of course I\nCould get lost in your eyes, I've lost in your heart Spence\nI want a nice clean girly fight. All right. We went over the rules in the dressing room\nAll right anything below here is legal anything below here is legal. If you want to touch gloves do it now\nDoing great, babe. I love you\nThat's my boyfriend no he's mine\nRight now - the babes a big fan big fan. They're gonna do a great job on the bench also\nTo the bench\nNo one's even playing now\nFire to describe today's game in one word\nDisappointed you know I mean the flagrant fouls the offsides all the penalties\nSo I eliminated everybody I'll be ready\nOh\nThat's it, and that's the game\nYour do you wants us to game it doesn't matter\nCome on let's get out of here, you know, I'm saying we'll need to worry about\nAll right sis I won, you know what that means\nDon't forget to do the bed\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\n*music*\nsubscribe!!\n": 2, "we want to solve the given boundary\nwe want to solve the given boundary\nvalue problem suppose X double prime\nvalue problem suppose X double prime\nvalue problem suppose X double prime\nplus x equals zero and X of zero equals\nplus x equals zero and X of zero equals\nplus x equals zero and X of zero equals\nzero and X Prime of pi equals one we're\nzero and X Prime of pi equals one we're\nzero and X Prime of pi equals one we're\nasked to find all these Solutions if\nasked to find all these Solutions if\nasked to find all these Solutions if\nthey exist\nthey exist\nthey exist\nWe Begin by determining the general\nWe Begin by determining the general\nWe Begin by determining the general\nsolution to the differential equation we\nsolution to the differential equation we\nsolution to the differential equation we\ncan do this using the corresponding\ncan do this using the corresponding\ncan do this using the corresponding\ncharacteristic equation for quick review\ncharacteristic equation for quick review\ncharacteristic equation for quick review\nwhen we have a linear second order or\nwhen we have a linear second order or\nwhen we have a linear second order or\nhomogeneous de with constant\nhomogeneous de with constant\nhomogeneous de with constant\ncoefficients in the form shown here the\ncoefficients in the form shown here the\ncoefficients in the form shown here the\ntype of roots of the characteristic\ntype of roots of the characteristic\ntype of roots of the characteristic\nequation AR squared plus BR plus C\nequation AR squared plus BR plus C\nequation AR squared plus BR plus C\nequals zero indicates the form of the\nequals zero indicates the form of the\nequals zero indicates the form of the\ngeneral solution\ngeneral solution\ngeneral solution\nso going back to our problem notice the\nso going back to our problem notice the\nso going back to our problem notice the\ncharacteristic equation is r squared\ncharacteristic equation is r squared\ncharacteristic equation is r squared\nplus one equals zero solving for R we\nplus one equals zero solving for R we\nplus one equals zero solving for R we\nhave R equals plus or minus I\nhave R equals plus or minus I\nhave R equals plus or minus I\nbecause we have two complex Solutions\nbecause we have two complex Solutions\nbecause we have two complex Solutions\nwhere Alpha is equal to zero and beta is\nwhere Alpha is equal to zero and beta is\nwhere Alpha is equal to zero and beta is\nequal to one the general solution is in\nequal to one the general solution is in\nequal to one the general solution is in\nthe form of X of T equals a cosine t\nthe form of X of T equals a cosine t\nthe form of X of T equals a cosine t\nplus b sine t\nplus b sine t\nplus b sine t\nand now we consider the conditions first\nand now we consider the conditions first\nand now we consider the conditions first\nwe have X of zero equals zero which\nwe have X of zero equals zero which\nwe have X of zero equals zero which\nmeans that we substitute zero for T into\nmeans that we substitute zero for T into\nmeans that we substitute zero for T into\nthe general solution the function value\nthe general solution the function value\nthe general solution the function value\nmust be zero this gives us a cosine zero\nmust be zero this gives us a cosine zero\nmust be zero this gives us a cosine zero\nplus b sine zero equals zero and since\nplus b sine zero equals zero and since\nplus b sine zero equals zero and since\nsine zero is zero and cosine zero is one\nsine zero is zero and cosine zero is one\nsine zero is zero and cosine zero is one\nthis is only true when a is equal to\nthis is only true when a is equal to\nthis is only true when a is equal to\nzero so now we know that X of T must\nzero so now we know that X of T must\nzero so now we know that X of T must\nequal B sine t\nequal B sine t\nequal B sine t\nand now we consider the second condition\nand now we consider the second condition\nand now we consider the second condition\nX Prime of pi equals one which means for\nX Prime of pi equals one which means for\nX Prime of pi equals one which means for\nthe next step we determine X Prime of t\nthe next step we determine X Prim": 1, "In this video, you will learn how to replace a\nline card in a Cisco 8800 series router.\nEnsure that these tools and equipment are ready.\nFollow these safety instructions\nbefore you begin.\nClick on one of the operations to continue\nTo replace a line card that is currently in the chassis,\ngracefully shut down the line card by running\nthe shutdown location, zero slash line card\nlocation slash\nCPU zero command.\nUse the show platform command to verify that\nthe status of the line card is shut down,\nthen disconnect and label each of the interface\ncables from the line card.\nTo remove a line card that has ejector levers with buttons, loosen the\ntwo captive screws.\nNote, you must loosen the two captive screws\ncompletely before using the ejector levers to\nremove the line card, failure to loosen the\ncaptive screws can cause damage to the ejector levers.\nPress the buttons on the ejector lever \nto unlock the two ejector levers. Use the ejector levers to pull the line card\nout a couple of inches, about five centimeters\nfrom the chassis.\nThen close the ejector levers to lock them in\nthe closed position.\nPlace your hands on the sides of the line card\nand pull it out of the chassis.\nSet the line card on an anti static surface or\ninside an anti static bag.\nBefore installing a line card, inspect the connectors for damage.\nIf any connectors appear damaged, contact the\ntechnical assistance center.\nDo not continue with the installation until you\nhave an undamaged line card to install.\nTo install a line card, hold the sides of the\nline card with both hands to support its weight.\nAlign the back of the line card to the guides\nin the open line card slot and slide the line card\nall the way into the slot.\nPress the buttons on the ejector lever to\nunlock the two ejector levers.\nSlide the line card further into the slot until\nthe ejector levers engage with the sides of the line card slot\nand close the ejector levers.\nTighten the two captive screws to\n8 inch-pound or .9 newton-meters torque.\nAttach the interface cables to the appropriate\nports on the line card.\nTo replace a line card that is currently in the\nchassis, gracefully shut down the line card by\nrunning the shutdown location, zero slash line\ncard, location slash\nCPU zero command.\nUse the show platform command to verify that\nthe status of the line card is shut down,\nthen disconnect and label each of the interface\ncables from the line card.\nTo remove a line card that has ejector levers\nwith latches, loosen the two captive screws.\nNote, you must loosen the two captive screws\ncompletely before using the ejector levers to remove the line card.\nFailure to loosen the\ncaptive screws can cause damage to the ejector levers.\nSlide the ejector lever latches outward\nto unlock the two ejector levers.\nUse the ejector levers to pull the line card\nout a couple of inches,\nabout five centimeters from the chassis, then\nclose the ejector levers to lock them in the closed position.\nPlace your hands on the sides of the line card\nand pull it out of the chassis.\nSet the line card on an anti static surface or\ninside an anti static bag.\nBefore installing a line card, inspect the\nconnectors for damage.\nIf any connectors appear damaged.\nContact the technical assistance center.\nDo not continue with the installation until you\nhave an undamaged line card to install.\nTo install a line card, hold the sides of the\nline card with both hands to support its weight,\nalign the back of the line card to the guides\nin the open line card slot\nand slide the line card all the way into the slot.\nSlide the ejector lever latches outward to\nunlock the two ejector levers,\nslide the line card further into the slot until\nthe ejector levers engage with the sides of the line card slot\nand close the ejector lever.\nTighten the two captive screws\nto 8 inch-pound or .9 newton-meters torque.\nAttach the interface cables to the appropriate\nports on the line card.\nFor more information, refer to the hardware\ninstallation guide for Cisco 8800 series routers.\n": 4, "Trailer\nIntro\nSetting the project wizard\nAdd CAPACITOR, INDUCTOR, POT-HG, SOIL MOISTURE, MOTOR, ARDUINO UNO R3, LM016L, and PCF8574 components to the workspace\nConnect the Test pin of the sensor to the POT-HG wiper pin and end to the POWER and GROUND\nConnect the A0 pin of the sensor to the INDUCTOR through CAPACITOR and end to the GROUND\nConnect GND and VCC of sensor pins to the GROUND and POWER\nConnect a wire between the inductor and capacitor to the A0 pin of the ARDUINO\nConnect LCD pins RS, RW, E, D4, D5, D6, and D7 to the PCF8574 IC0 pins P0, P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, and P7\nConnect A0, A1, and A2 PCF8574 IC pins to the GROUND\nConnect SCL and SDA PCF8574 IC pins to the ARDUINO pins A5 and A4\nAdd VIRTUAL TERMINAL component to the workspace\nConnect VIRTUAL TERMINAL RXD and TXD pins to the ARDUINO TXD and RXD pins\nConnect MOTOR from pin 2 Arduino to GROUND\nOrganize wire. Fast forward\nGo to Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Labcenter Electronics > Proteus 8 Professional > DATA > LIBRARY > SoilMoistureSensor2TEP.HEX\nClick Open then click OK\nDownload the library and project file in the description. Extract the project file and verify\nCopy the Hex file, then paste it to the project file Arduino board\nStart the simulation\nIncrease or decrease to change the soil moisture percentage %\nIf the soil is dry, the water pump is ON and OFF when the plant gets sufficient water. The LCD and serial will display the status \"Dry\" and the soil moisture level in percentage\nIf the soil is wet, the water pump is OFF. The LCD and serial will display the status \"Wet\" and the soil moisture level in percentage\nIf the soil is balanced, the water pump is OFF. The LCD and serial will display the status \"Perfect\" and the soil moisture level in percentage\nThank you for watching, and please subscribe, like, and share\n": 2, "You are a flower in my garden,\nYou know my true love for you.\nYou are a flower in my garden,\n You know my true love for you.\nWhen our eyes meet,\nYou smile underneath.\nWhen our eyes meet,\nYou smile underneath.\n My sweet flower.\nMy beautiful flower,\n My sweet flower.\nMy heartburn in your love fire, \nMy soul burns in your fire.\nBest flowers in my garden, \n You are the best among them.\nBest flowers in my garden, \n You are the best among them.\nSo many girls in the world, My sweet flower.\nYou are the most beautiful among them.\nSo many girls in the world,\n You are the most beautiful among them.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy heart and liver burns in your love fire,\nMy soul burns in your fire.\nYour beautiful sheep eyes,\n Are filled with true love.\nYour beautiful sheep eyes,\n Are filled with true love.\nI won't give up upon you,\n My fair beauty and love.\nI won't give up upon you,\n My fair beauty and love.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy beautiful flower, \n My sweet flower.\nMy heart and liver burns in your love fire,\nMy soul burns in your fire.\nEnglish subtitle credit to Z\n": 3, "J. Fla - 7 rings Breakfast and Tiffany's And bottles of bubbles Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble Lashes and diamonds ATM machines Buy myself all of my favorite things Been through some bad sh*t I should be a sad bi*ch Who woulda thought it'd turn me to a savage Rather be tied up with cuffs and not strings Write my own checks like I write what I sing My wrist Stop watching My neck is flossin Make big deposits My gloss is poppin You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it I see it I like it I want it I got it I want it, I got it You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it Wearing a ring but ain't gon'be no \"Mrs\". Bought matching diamonds for 6 of my bitches I'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches Think retail therapy my new addiction Who ever said money can't solve your problems Must not have had enough money to solve'em They say, \"which one\" I say, \"nah, I want all of 'em\" Happiness is the same price as red bottoms My smile is beaming My skin is gleaming The way it shine I know you've seen it I bought a crib just for the closet Both his and hers I want it I got it I want it, I got it You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it": 1, "Our hope is that a missionary will enter the mission field at a time when they're ready and that they want to go. One of the challenges that every missionary has when they're applying for a mission is knowing when they're going to go and when they're gonna come home. This new tool will allow them to figure out when I need to send my papers in, when I'll be leaving and also when I'll be coming home. We hope that it will help them plan school, it will help them plan athletics, it will help them play in employment so that they can actually decide this is when I'd like to serve, therefore this is when I need to send my my papers in. When the announcement was made that missionaries could go at 18 or 19, all of a sudden there became somewhat of a culture that, 'Oh you have to leave right when you're 18,' and that isn't what President Monson or the other leaders of the Church have said. We want them to come when they're ready. Our hope is that they'll be able to plan with this tool and it will make it easier for them to go when they are prepared to go. you": 3, "We have now talked a lot about the demand curve and the consumer surplus; now let's look at the other side. Let's think about the supply curve and you could imagine that there might be something called the producer surplus. So let's say that this is price axis, this is the quantity axis and let's say that we are running some type of a berry farm and this is our supply curve. That is the supply curve and this is our demand curve. So that is the demand and just like what we did to the supply curve, for the demand curve, now instead of thinking of a price and think about how much quantity would be supplied, let's think about a given quantity and think about what price would it have to be in order for the producers to produce that quantity. And let's say that this quantity right over here, this is in thousands of pounds of berries, thousands of pounds. So this is 1 thousand pounds, 2 thousand pounds, 3 thousand pounds, 4 thousand pounds, and 5 thousand pounds. And let's say this price right over here is 1 dollar per pound, $2, $3, $4, maybe I could make it more even, so this is $3, this is $4, this is $5 per pound. Let me write this all in per pound. So let's say that we want the suppliers to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries, so this is we want them to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries, What does the price have to be for them to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries. Well think of it from the suppliers from the berry farmers' point of view. If they are going to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries. in order for them to produce it, in order to convince them produce it, they have to get at minimum as much as they would get using the same resources to produce something else. So if they could get a dollar per pound or equivalent in dollars of a dollar per pound for those first thousand pounds, so about a thousand dollars. If they could get that by using their land for an apple orchard or using it to graze or maybe renting out the land to someone else, that's the minimum you would have to pay them. Because if you pay them less than that they would go do the other thing. They would go and rent their land out or they will allow their land for grazing. So you would have to pay them the opportunity cost for them to produce a thousand pounds. So the opportunity cost for them to producing a thousand pounds would be right over there. And this is on average first thousand pounds you could also think that the very first pound, the opportunity cost would be right over there, and the next pound would be right after that. The five hundred pound would be there, the thousand pound would right be there. or you could say the first thousand pound on average would be right over there. Now let's say that we wanted them to produce another thousand pounds. So we want the market or this entire farm to produce or maybe it's multiple farms to produce a total of two thousand pounds. What would we have to do? Well, same exact thing. We kind of assuming the market is already producing that first thousand pounds. So now we would have to think about what are they giving up to produce that next thousand pounds. And now we would assume that for that first thousand pounds, they would have used the land and the inputs that are most suitable so this is the most suitable resources. So we are talking about the labour that really knows how to grow berries. The land where the berries are the best grown and maybe they are really close to transportation networks so it's much cheaper to produce and ship from there. But now if we want another two thousand pounds of berries at this time period and maybe this per year if we want another thousand pounds. They are now going to less suitable resources, maybe the land is slightly further away from the transportation resources, they are now going to have labours that are slightly less efficient, they are going have to take land away from that. might have been slightly more suitable for other things. So now the opportunity cost for these growers for the next thousand pounds is going to be slightly higher. So their opportunity cost is going to be like that on average for the next thousand pounds. You could that the opportunity cost for the one thousand pounds will be right over there for the two thousand pounds would be right over there. But on average for the two thousand pounds, this is their opportunity cost now, same thing, the next thousand pounds after that If we want to get the market, if we want the whole supply be three thousand pounds they would have to produce, they would have to get that their opportunity across that incremental thousand pounds that opportunity cost of that incremental thousand pounds. So view it as this way, the supply curve no longer and it is the same exact curve, before we used to say, oh if we want how much would people produce if the price were 3 dollars. Oh they produce 3 thousand pounds, now we are looking at the other way, we are saying if we want the suppliers to produce 3 thousand pounds, what would the price actually have to be. Now with that out of the way, now we can think about the supply curve is really a opportunity cost curve for the suppliers. And let's say that this is supply and the demand, and then this would be the actual price which supply equals demand right over there so let's just say that is the market price. So what's going on over here, all of the suppliers, so this is the price here let's just for making the math simple, let's just say that price here is 4 dollars and the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied here is 4 thousand pounds. What's going on here, the very first 4 thousandth pound produced by the suppliers, the opportunity cost for them to produce it would be 4 dollars. We are gonna get exactly 4 dollars for it so they are right on the fence. but for the first three thousand 999 pounds, the opportunity cost of producing it was lower than the price to get it, so in this situation the producers are getting more, for the first 3999 pounds. They are getting more for their berries than their opportunity cost and just like we talked about, the consumer surplus, this is the producer surplus. So, for example, for the first thousand pounds right here, the producers, their opportunity cost was a little over a dollar a pound but they are getting 4 dollars a pound for it. For the next thousand pounds, the opportunity cost is approaching 2 dollars per pound, like a $1.75, just eyeballing it. Once again, they are getting 4 dollars a pound for it so they are getting this surplus, so if you think about the entire market, the producers as a whole, they are getting this entire area, this entire area represents the excess value that they are getting above and beyond their opportunity cost, and we call this right over here the producer surplus, the producer surplus. And we are assuming or we will assume a linear supply curve right over here. This is just a triangle, the area of a triangle. This length right on this side is just 4-1, it's just 3, 3 dollars per pound and then this length right over here is 4 thousand pounds, 4 thousand pounds. So to find the producer surplus, we are just finding the area of this region. So, let me write this, the producer surplus here is going to be, I will use the same color, 3 times, I want to do it with pink, 3 times the 4 thousand, and that would give us the area of this entire rectangle, so we have to divide it by 2. That's just finding the area of the triangle, so times one half, dividing by 2. And so this gives us one half times 4 thousand is 2 thousand times 3 is 6 thousand. And you could look at the unit, it's 6 thousand or 3 dollars per pound times thousand of pounds per week so we end up with, so the, we end up with 6 thousand dollars of producers' surplus per week.": 2, "hello guys welcome to five minute solutions and today we'll show you how to display your twitter profile link on your reddit profile so without any further ado let's get started to display a twitter profile link on your rated profile the method is very very very easy you just have to open write it on your web browser after that click the top right button and click user settings you'll be automatically put to the account settings make sure you're in the account settings because you can't do that in any other settings you have to be in account settings to do that and as you can see there is an option in the bottom named connected to twitter i've already connected my account to twitter and there's another option a switch named show link on profile just turn it on and the changes will be saved so now your to the profile link will be displayed on your reddit profile so that's how you can this that's how you can display your twitter profile link on your right profile hope you guys like this video share this video and other videos on the channel subscribe to the channel like this video and have a nice day peace": 3, "what's up beautiful people it's nate bauer from nate power fitness and this is a 20 minute boxing workout that you can do on the heavy bag or shadow boxing this is an audio call out boxing workout where i will call the combinations and the combinations will appear on screen you throw your boxing combinations as you hear them and will be a guide on screen so that you know exactly what's coming up and the timing will allow you to know when to throw them be calm be controlled throw your hands with power and speed and let's have some fun while getting it done remember do this workout on the heavy bag or shadow boxing put this in your ear and let's get it done guys your warm up is coming up first three minute rounds to show you exactly what's up for the rest of the workout let's go guys glove up get ready get focused let's have some fun throwing your hands and getting it done all right squad here we go now if you're more advanced i want you to throw two and three punch combinations starting with the first number you hear if you're new just do what i do ready let's go one job two cross three lead hook four rear hook five lead uppercut six rear uppercuts one two jab cross three four lead hook rear hook five six lead uppercut rear uppercut one one double jab two two double cross three three double lead hook four one rear hook lead jab or jab five two lead uppercut rear cross one one two jab jab cross two three two cross lead hook cross one two one two jab cross jab cross six one rear uppercut jab five four lead uppercut rear hook let's add in some defense one two slip right two one slip left one two three slip right slip left one six duck right two three duck left three two three cover three two three slip left one two five dot right one two five one minute duck left one two one six cover one two one six duck right two five one two cover two five one two cover slip left slip right cover one two slip right slip left cover one one six cover one one six dock right docked left one two three two one two cover and then one two dock right two one duck left good work guys 20 seconds we're gonna head into round number one your official first round let's go all right guys we're gonna work off the job first so everything you do you're gonna work off the job for round number one ready and three two one let's go one two one two one two one six one six one six one two that's one combination one six pause one two one four one one two one four one one two one five two one two one five two one two one one one one one one slip left one one one slip left three one two three two on that pace one two three two doc right one two three two doc right one two three two doc right one two three two dot right one two three two dot right move left to right one one one two cover one two cover two one two cover two three one two cover two three two one three dock right dock left one three dock right dock left one three dot right dock left one two one two one one two one two one two one one two one two one two one one two slip left one four slip left one four slip left one four slip left slip right six one fours the brights of left six you gotta reset off slip left to throw the rear uppercut one one one one one one dock left three two ten seconds one one one dock left three two one one one duck left three two one one one duck left three two and time great job guys 30 seconds rest and we'll jump into round number two where you work off the two one all right guys let's go gonna work off the two one which is the rear cross job let's go two one two one hands up hands up two one reset back to that strong stack two one back to the stack two one one two dot right two one one two dot right two one one two dot right two two one dot right one two two one two two one two six three two now a faster two one two two one two six three two two one two six three two cover two one two three two one two three slip left two one two three slip left two one two three slip left three two one two slip left three two two one two one two one one one two two one one one two two one one one two two one six three two three two one six three two three slip left duck right two one two six two one two six slip left dock right slip left duck right slip left duck right two three two two one two one two two one two one two two one two one two two one two one two one one two one two one two one one two rest thirty seconds and we'll get into round number three great job guys all right coming up in round number three you're gonna work off of the three two and three two one let's go three two that's a lead hook rear cross three two three two nice and controlled on that lead hook to rotate into the cross three two think rotate rotate release release three two three two three three two three one two three three two three one two three cover slip any direction you want three two three one two three cover slip get ready to go back to work three two five little pause hands up between transitions three two five three two five two dot right three two five two dot right three two five two dot right two three two three two five two get under two three two three two triple jab three two triple jet three two triple jab cross slip left three two triple jab cross slip right three two five six nice roll on those uppercuts three two five six silky smooth three two five six think about punching under those numbers as if somebody was holding the pads for you three two five six three two five six one two three two five six one two nice three two five six one two one two dot right duck left so give me a roll three two five six one two one two roll roll three two cover two three two cover two three two cover two now let's pick up the pace with two punch combinations freestyling let's go listen and rip three two one two one two three two six one six one five two three two one four one one one two and time awesome work you guys keep it up if you want to keep working through the 30 second break throwing those combos of course you can do that we'll be back in 20 seconds great work all right guys round number four in five seconds we're going to be working off the double job right hand ready go one one two you're gonna step in on the double jab one one two you're gonna close the distance a little bit just move towards the screen or the heavy bag wherever you are one one two step less than a shoe length one one two step back two jab jab cross step it in step back cross see the timing one one two step back two reset hands up one one two step back two one one two step back two five one one two step in step back two five one one two slip right slip left one one two slip right slip left one one two slip right slip left roll right two one one two step in slip left slip right roll left three let's do it again one one two slip left slip right roll left three one one two body throw that cross to the body one one two body that's a two b one one two body one one two body six bring it back up top one one two body six three work to the side of the head after the uppercut one one step in step back six three make them pay change direction small pivot one one two body six three small pivot and turn one two one one two body step back six three small turn two one one two body three two one one two cover two one one two cover two three let's pick up the pace three punch combinations listen and go one one two two one one two one two one two slip right slip left three duck right two dock left one one step in one two one step back one six three five two three and one one two one one two awesome job guys 30 seconds to go we have one round left we'll do a little one minute finisher at the end and the goal here guys again is make limited mistakes and just have fun with it limited mistakes and have fun with it in this round you're gonna throw a cross and three punches and three two i'll call them for you one let's go cross two three two cross one one two cross five six three cross one two four cross one two slip right two three two one one six two one one six dot right two two three two dot right two duck left three two three two step back one two one two step right two five two two step in five three two two slip slip one one two two one one two duck right duck left two one six one two one six one two three two three cover now throw your hands i'm gonna call two i want you to freestyle three punches right after ready go two three punches come on two three punches two three punches you can see those dots coming on screen that's how fast you should be punching so if you want to punch on rhythm use the dots to help you use those graphics to help you if not do your own thing two three punches two three punches slip two three punches duck two three punches cover two three punches slip two three punches step back three punches two step back three punches step in three punches it's work two duck right three punches two slip slip three punches one minute two slip slip three punches slip two three uppercuts slip slip three straight two duck right three punches duck left three straights two dock right three punches step back three straights two one one two 2 1 1 2 30 seconds let your hands go i'm going to say one punch you continue to work jab give me more cross work off the cross hook work off the hook keep punching rear uppercut number six keep working 10 seconds lead uppercut throw more punches rear uppercut throw more punches lead hook throw more punches rear hook throw more punches and jab throw more punches and there you go guys how did it feel did you flow nicely with those combinations if you want the leveled up version of this you can join this channel as a member and try the competitive virtual shadow boxing workout series where it's a video game style it's incredible also the competitive shadow boxing workout series whereas all call-outs based on a video and boxing combinations just go to join on the home page and you can get access to those workouts as well thanks for joining me guys and i'll see you all for the next workout here on the nape our fitness youtube channel good work": 4, "Against the waves with our swords in our hands Against the sea with our backs to the walls Against distress in the presence of our enemies Against the storms roaring at our faces A cry rang out throughout the skies A beckon, the flight of the cranes The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains What's that stir, so blatant in our sallying hearts? What's that urge that lifted up our longing eyes? What's that ring echoing from the leaden skies? What's that augur resounding from the lyre's strings? A cry rang on in the sibilant winds A behest, the outcry of the cranes The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains The voice in the wind, the sign in the sky The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains": 2, "friends we're going to record that and here we are in the end we have that friends and for the chords there they are the same chords as 'we added here we selected that and then we did control B to duplicate here we are going to listen to that what we are going to do now and we are going to add another sound from Nexus here and there you see in pergios and A1 here is pitchen 50 there we already have a good start and what we are going to do now then we're going to add another sound from Nexus here it is the blog sound what we're going to do we're going to add our kick sound I'm going to show you here we're going to add a beat sound here we go offbeat we're going to listen to that and now what we're going to do we're going to add a cobel sound here we go listen to this and now we're going to add our rhyme sound here then we're going to add our cymbal sound now we're going to add our Kanga sound next we're going to add another sound from Kanga to competent I'm going to show you then we're going to add another very soft sound you can do that too with the buretti here and I'm going to show you it's great friends now what we're going to do we're going to add a guitar sound we're going to record that friends here's for the notes we have that and now what we're going to do we're going to try to add our bass sound it's really heavy so in the end we have that after working our bass we have that it's really water over there it's really heavy we will add r a sound of 6 balls moan here's what we're going to do now we're going to work on the bricks we're going to copy a few symbols here for example here there we're going to add a sound from Qashqai I'm going to show you then we're going to add a sound from openhate here is cymbal to penetrate it's really great friends here then we go here and we will add that I will show you here is not bad then we go here there we will add these are there then we will add this sound there are caches and at the end we are going to add a left sound now we are going to add a Tom sound here we are going to reduce on these notes and we just go on the breakdowns here is from left to right then at the end we are going to remove that and here we are we're going to add here these are from penetrates then we're going to add this sound there I'm going to let you listen to this in short that was all for today if you like the video don't forget to give me a thumbs up and comment on the video thank you friends for watching the video we will find in a whole new new video": 1, "A boy from London tells me, he loves me Haay-O! a boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London Says, Let\u2019s go out somewhere Ohh\u2026.! a boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me My beloved tells me he\u2019ll take me shopping everyday I told him \u201cNo! No! I don\u2019t need anything He tells me \u2018we will have fun and will buy me a Jaguar A boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London tells me, he loves me He tells me lets be soulmates! I will settle down with you if you say yes Please listen to me and get married to me Deedar says the boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me Haay-O! a boy from London": 1, "Four seasons\u2014spring, summer, fall, and winter. The Sun\u2019s rising point and setting point and the length of the day and night changes depending on the season. When the Sun sets and night arrives, we are able to observe numerous stars. The changing seasons also change the stars we are able to observe. Let\u2019s learn more about what brings about these changes. Revolution and Annual Motion The vast Earth we live on makes a full circle around the Sun, from west to east, in one year. This is called the revolution of the Earth. There are 365 days in a year and a full circle is 360 degrees, which means that the Earth only moves around the Sun one degree per day. From our perspective on Earth, it looks like the Sun is moving. The apparent motion of the Sun, as it appears to move one degree from west to east due to the revolution of the Earth, is called the \u201cannual motion of the Sun.\u201d The ecliptic is the path of the Sun\u2019s annual motion along the celestial sphere. The ecliptic is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle compared to the equator of the celestial sphere. The point on the ecliptic with the highest declination is called the summer solstice point, and the point with the lowest declination is called the winter solstice point. The Sun\u2019s annual motion also affects the seasonal locations of the Earth and Sun. The Earth\u2019s revolution around the Sun forms an oval that is almost a circle. On the Earth\u2019s orbit of revolution, the point closest to the Sun is called the perihelion, and the point farthest from the Sun is called the aphelion. In the Northern Hemisphere, the aphelion is in summer and the perihelion is in winter. When the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer, the point where the Sun is visible is called the summer solstice point, and when the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing winter, the point where the Sun is visible is called the winter solstice point. The equator of the celestial sphere and the ecliptic meet at two points. The point going up from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere is called the vernal equinox, and the point going down from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere is called the autumnal equinox. In summary, during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, the Sun is located at the vernal equinox, summer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point, respectively. Now, let\u2019s locate the Sun in each season using specific coordinates called right ascension and declination. Because of the Earth\u2019s revolution, the Sun\u2019s annual motion is observed in the direction of vernal equinox, summer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point. The Earth\u2019s revolution not only affects the Sun\u2019s annual motion but also brings about changes in seasonal constellations as well as the actual seasons. Our zodiac signs are based on the date we were born. The 12 zodiac signs refer to the 12 constellations near the ecliptic. Why do we see different constellations depending on the season? Constellations in the direction of the Sun are blocked from view by strong sunlight, while constellations that are in the opposite direction of the Sun are in clear view. This is why the constellations change depending on the direction the Earth faces as it revolves around the Sun. Let\u2019s look at a specific example. In Korea during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, the right ascension of the Sun is 0h at vernal equinox, 6h at the summer solstice point, 12h at the autumnal equinox, and 18h at the winter solstice point. This means that the observable constellations in the spring are Virgo and Leo, located on the opposite side of the autumnal equinox at 12h. in the summer, Archer and Scorpio are visible on the opposite side of the winter solstice point at 18h winter. In the fall, we see Pisces and Aquarius, and in the winter, Gemini and Taurus are visible Stars also have annual motion. What\u2019s different is that stars move from east to west, unlike the Earth\u2019s revolution and the Sun\u2019s annual motion. While the star\u2019s diurnal motion and annual motion both occur in a clockwise direction, the diurnal motion has a cycle of one day, and the annual motion is based on one year, which means that diurnal motion has an apparent motion of 15 degrees an hour, and annual motion has an apparent motion of one degree a day. Now let\u2019s take a look at the changes in season. Seasons change because the Earth revolves around the Sun with a rotation axis tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees against the orbital plane of the revolving body. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, the hemisphere with the greater solar radiant energy per unit area experiences summer, while the other hemisphere\u2014the one with lower solar radiant energy per unit\u2014experiences winter. As we\u2019ve already discussed, the Northern Hemisphere experiences summer when the Earth is located at the aphelion and winter when the Earth is located at the perihelion. Seasonal changes can also be explained by meridian altitude. the declination of vernal equinox, summer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point is 0 degrees, +23.5 degrees, 0 degrees, and -23.5 degrees, respectively. This means that the meridian altitude of the Sun in spring, summer, fall, and winter is 53 degrees, 76.5 degrees, 53 degrees, and 29.5 degrees, respectively. In Korea, the meridian altitude of the Sun is the highest during summer solstice and the lowest during winter solstice. This means that the higher the meridian altitude, the larger the amount of solar radiant energy per unit area. So, solar radiation increases, which then causes temperatures to rise. The season changes the location of the Sun\u2019s rise and fall and the length of day and night. Korea has longer days in the summer, longer nights in the winter, and days and nights that are similar in length in the spring and fall. Before you go to bed tonight, check and see what stars you can spot in the night time sky! Series of why": 4, "Change the formatting for a chart Web Intelligence provides several options for changing the formatting of our charts, including color palettes, chart styles, and detailed formatting options. The options available depend on the chart type. In this example, we will review and adjust the formatting options for a pie chart. We will then change it to a column chart, and review and adjust several other options. We will start by selecting the chart. Note that the Chart Style tab displays once the chart is selected. We can choose a palette for our chart to apply a unified color scheme to all members. We will change the chart to use shades of blue. Chart styles are also available to adjust the overall appearance of our charts, such as high contrast. For the full range of options for adjusting the appearance of our chart, we can access the formatting settings. The General tab provides options for the general look of the chart, such as the size and rotation. We will expand the width of the chart to 15 cm. Now we will change the rotation of the chart by 60 degrees, which affects where the first slice of pie appears. The Area Display tab controls which items appear in the chart area, such as the title, data labels, and legend. We will add a title to the chart. We need to enter the title, and then set up the chart to show data labels and disable the legend. The Data Values tab enables us to adjust how the data values in the chart display. Here, we will show the labels inside the slices and change the font color to gold for better visibility against the blue. The Palette and Style tab includes the same options for applying a chart palette or style as in the main tool bar, plus some additional settings. We will change the chart to 3D. Next, we will add a simple shadow to the pie chart. The Background tab enables us to apply a color to the chart background. We will change the chart background to pale grey. The Border tab enables us to add lines. Here, we will add a thin grey border around the chart. The Layout tab controls how the chart is laid out on the document. We will set the chart to be exactly 0.5 cm from the left edge of the page. The Title options enable us to apply more complex formatting to the title. We will change the font size for the title. Note that we can also change the border and background for the title, if desired. The Legend options allow us to adjust the formatting of the legend. In this example, the legend has already been disabled for the chart. The Plot Area options enable us to adjust the format of the border, background, and title for the plot area, if applicable. Now we need to confirm the changes to see the results. Note the changes to the format of the pie chart. Next, we will change the chart into a column chart and access the formatting options again. Note that there are several additional options for the new chart type. The Region Type options let us choose the best way to display the members. The Category Axis options enable us to specify how the labels on the Y axis are displayed. We will reverse the order of the members. Now we will increase the font size and change the labels to italic. The Value Axis options control how the values on the X axis are displayed. We will stack the values. Now we will adjust the layout so that the width and height are proportional. Finally, we will confirm our changes to see the results. Note that our changes have been applied. Visit www.SAP.com/LearnBI for more tutorials on Web Intelligence and other SAP business intelligence products.": 4, "Welcome to the Channel Indian recipes by Meera Gupta. Today we will make tasty pickle of spicy garlic. Spicy and tasty pickle made from garlic enhances taste. It is very easy to make. The essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down. Now we will heat the mustard oil in a pot after putting it on the gas. When oil will be heated, add spices to it. Mustard oil has become hot, now will close the gas. And when the oil is slightly cooled down, mix all the spices. Mustard oil has cooled. Now put celery in it, add black mustard seeds, add fanugreek, add fennel, add Kalongi, add red chili powder, add turmeric powder , add salt, will now put the grated raw mango. Now mix them all in mustard oil. Now add Garlic and mix all spices You can reduce or increase the salt in it according to your taste. Add 2-3 spoonful white vinegar in it and mix it well. And keep it in sunlight for 4-5 days. This garlic pickle is mixed well, now it will take it out in a bowl. It can also be placed in the container, but it is easy to stir it so that it is taken out in the bowl. Keep it in sunlight for 5-6 days, so that its masala gets absorbed in garlic well. It will keep stirring up and down for 4-5 days. After 1 week, we will fill it in the container but before fill in container keep it in sunlight for 4-5 days. Also stir well so that spices absorbed in it. Garlic pickle is ready and eatable. Hope you will like this video, Please like, share& subscribe our channel and Do not forget to click the bell Ikon": 2, "Jon Jon Evans: Jon Evans: Okay Jon Evans: Okay Outer Jon Evans: Okay Outer Banks fans, fans, get fans, get ready. Jon Evans: Okay Outer Banks fans, get ready. Season fans, get ready. Season three fans, get ready. Season three of the the hit the hit Netflix fans, get ready. Season three of the hit Netflix series the hit Netflix series will the hit Netflix series will be available available on available on Thursday, the hit Netflix series will be available on Thursday, February 23. 23. You 23. You can available on Thursday, February 23. You can catch 23. You can catch up 23. You can catch up with available on Thursday, February 23. You can catch up with John B., B., J. B., J. J,. 23. You can catch up with John B., J. J,. Pope, B., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, B., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara and and Cleo and Cleo as B., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara and Cleo as they and Cleo as they begin and Cleo as they begin life B., J. J,. Pope, Sarah, Ciara and Cleo as they begin life on the the deserted the deserted island. Wilmington's Wilmington's own Wilmington's own Jonas the deserted island. Wilmington's own Jonas Pate Wilmington's own Jonas Pate is one one of one of the Wilmington's own Jonas Pate is one of the creators one of the creators of one of the creators of the series, series, and series, and he's one of the creators of the series, and he's directed series, and he's directed most of of the of the episodes. series, and he's directed most of the episodes. Jonas of the episodes. Jonas Pate, welcome welcome to welcome to the of the episodes. Jonas Pate, welcome to the '1on1 welcome to the '1on1 with welcome to the '1on1 with Jon Evans Evans podcast'. Thank Thank you, Thank you, Jon. Evans podcast'. Thank you, Jon. Glad Thank you, Jon. Glad to Thank you, Jon. Glad to be Evans podcast'. Thank you, Jon. Glad to be here. JE: JE: Fans JE: Fans would Thank you, Jon. Glad to be here. JE: Fans would kill JE: Fans would kill me JE: Fans would kill me if Thank you, Jon. Glad to be here. JE: Fans would kill me if I didn't didn't start didn't start out JE: Fans would kill me if I didn't start out with didn't start out with this question. question. What's question. What's ahead didn't start out with this question. What's ahead for question. What's ahead for the Pogues Pogues in Pogues in season question. What's ahead for the Pogues in season three Pogues in season three Jonas? Jonas Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": Banks\": No Banks\": No spoilers, Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": No spoilers, Jon. Banks\": No spoilers, Jon. No spoilers. spoilers. We spoilers. We are Banks\": No spoilers, Jon. No spoilers. We are incredibly excited. excited. We're excited. We're getting spoilers. We are incredibly excited. We're getting ready excited. We're getting ready to go go out go out for excited. We're getting ready to go out for the go out for the premiere go out for the premiere in excited. We're getting ready to go out for the premiere in Los Angeles. Angeles. We Angeles. We feel go out for the premiere in Los Angeles. We feel like Angeles. We feel like it's Angeles. We feel like it's our best best season best season yet. Angeles. We feel like it's our best season yet. But best season yet. But it best season yet. But it comes out out so out so soon. best season yet. But it comes out so soon. I out so soon. I would out so soon. I would just best season yet. But it comes out so soon. I would just say out so soon. I would just say go watch watch it. watch it. It's out so soon. I would just say go watch it. It's gonna watch it. It's gonna be watch it. It's gonna be a out so soon. I would just say go watch it. It's gonna be a lot watch it. It's gonna be a lot of adventure adventure and adventure and a watch it. It's gonna be a lot of adventure and a lot adventure and a lot of friendship. friendship. But friendship. But the adventure and a lot of friendship. But the things friendship. But the things that you you liked you liked about friendship. But the things that you liked about the you liked about the first you liked about the first two seasons, seasons, if seasons, if you're you liked about the first two seasons, if you're a seasons, if you're a fan, there's there's more there's more of seasons, if you're a fan, there's more of that. JE: JE: They've JE: They've lost there's more of that. JE: They've lost the JE: They've lost the treasure. Not Not once, Not once, but JE: They've lost the treasure. Not once, but twice. Not once, but twice. How Not once, but twice. How many times times can times can these Not once, but twice. How many times can these kids times can these kids have times can these kids have it right right in right in the times can these kids have it right in the palm right in the palm of right in the palm of their times can these kids have it right in the palm of their hands Jonas Jonas and Jonas and get right in the palm of their hands Jonas and get it Jonas and get it taken Jonas and get it taken away? Jonas Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": Banks\": That Banks\": That depends Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": That depends on Banks\": That depends on how Banks\": That depends on how many seasons seasons were seasons were we Banks\": That depends on how many seasons were we ended seasons were we ended up seasons were we ended up doing. No, No, I No, I think seasons were we ended up doing. No, I think we No, I think we sort No, I think we sort of seasons were we ended up doing. No, I think we sort of felt No, I think we sort of felt like they they needed they needed a No, I think we sort of felt like they needed a win they needed a win this they needed a win this year. No, I think we sort of felt like they needed a win this year. So, we we tried we tried to they needed a win this year. So, we tried to give we tried to give him we tried to give him one. JE: JE: When JE: When you we tried to give him one. JE: When you and JE: When you and your JE: When you and your twin brother, brother, Josh brother, Josh and JE: When you and your twin brother, Josh and Shannon brother, Josh and Shannon Burke, pitched pitched Netflix pitched Netflix on brother, Josh and Shannon Burke, pitched Netflix on this pitched Netflix on this series idea, idea, Jonas, idea, Jonas, did pitched Netflix on this series idea, Jonas, did you idea, Jonas, did you pitch idea, Jonas, did you pitch it with with these with these Indiana idea, Jonas, did you pitch it with these Indiana Jones-type adventures adventures in adventures in the with these Indiana Jones-type adventures in the back adventures in the back of adventures in the back of your mind? mind? Or mind? Or was adventures in the back of your mind? Or was it mind? Or was it going mind? Or was it going to adventures in the back of your mind? Or was it going to be mind? Or was it going to be the Pogues Pogues against Pogues against the mind? Or was it going to be the Pogues against the Kooks, Pogues against the Kooks, and then then we'll then we'll just Pogues against the Kooks, and then we'll just see then we'll just see what happens. Jonas Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": Banks\": Believe Banks\": Believe it Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": Believe it or Banks\": Believe it or not, Banks\": Believe it or not, we always always had always had this Banks\": Believe it or not, we always had this dream always had this dream of always had this dream of what if? if? What if? What if always had this dream of what if? What if you if? What if you were if? What if you were with always had this dream of what if? What if you were with this group group of group of friends, if? What if you were with this group of friends, and group of friends, and it group of friends, and it started on on what on what became group of friends, and it started on what became the on what became the greatest adventure adventure that adventure that anyone on what became the greatest adventure that anyone could adventure that anyone could ever possibly possibly imagine? possibly imagine? That adventure that anyone could ever possibly imagine? That it possibly imagine? That it would start start really start really small possibly imagine? That it would start really small and start really small and really local local and local and slowly start really small and really local and slowly over local and slowly over time, build build and build and build local and slowly over time, build and build and build and build and build build and build and build it. It's It's hard It's hard to build and build and build it. It's hard to pitch It's hard to pitch that It's hard to pitch that to Netflix Netflix right Netflix right off It's hard to pitch that to Netflix right off the Netflix right off the bat because because it's because it's such Netflix right off the bat because it's such a because it's such a grand because it's such a grand idea. So, So, we So, we pitched because it's such a grand idea. So, we pitched really So, we pitched really the So, we pitched really the first season, season, and season, and then So, we pitched really the first season, and then once season, and then once it season, and then once it became successful, successful, we successful, we realized season, and then once it became successful, we realized we successful, we realized we could start start telling start telling the successful, we realized we could start telling the story start telling the story bigger and and bigger. and bigger. But start telling the story bigger and bigger. But believe and bigger. But believe it and bigger. But believe it or not, not, we not, we always and bigger. But believe it or not, we always hoped not, we always hoped it not, we always hoped it would and bigger. But believe it or not, we always hoped it would be that. JE: JE: Why JE: Why have that. JE: Why have viewers JE: Why have viewers related JE: Why have viewers related so well well to well to your JE: Why have viewers related so well to your characters? well to your characters? Do well to your characters? Do you think think it's think it's the well to your characters? Do you think it's the class think it's the class divide thing? thing? Do thing? Do you think it's the class divide thing? Do you think thing? Do you think it's thing? Do you think it's the settings? settings? Or settings? Or is thing? Do you think it's the settings? Or is it settings? Or is it the settings? Or is it the young thing? Do you think it's the settings? Or is it the young men and and women and women that settings? Or is it the young men and women that you and women that you have and women that you have playing the the central the central roles? Jonas Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": Banks\": I Banks\": I think Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": I think it's Banks\": I think it's a Banks\": I think it's a little bit bit of bit of all Banks\": I think it's a little bit of all of bit of all of that. bit of all of that. But Banks\": I think it's a little bit of all of that. But I bit of all of that. But I think just just the just the friendship. bit of all of that. But I think just the friendship. Remember this this thing this thing came just the friendship. Remember this thing came out this thing came out in this thing came out in the middle middle of middle of a this thing came out in the middle of a pandemic, middle of a pandemic, and middle of a pandemic, and all these these poor these poor high middle of a pandemic, and all these poor high school these poor high school kids these poor high school kids were stuck stuck at stuck at home these poor high school kids were stuck at home without stuck at home without a connection connection to connection to their stuck at home without a connection to their friends. They're They're lonely. They're lonely. I connection to their friends. They're lonely. I think They're lonely. I think this whole whole generation whole generation is They're lonely. I think this whole generation is lonely because because of because of these whole generation is lonely because of these iPhones. because of these iPhones. And because of these iPhones. And I think think they think they longed because of these iPhones. And I think they longed for think they longed for more think they longed for more human connection, connection, and connection, and I think they longed for more human connection, and I think connection, and I think that connection, and I think that was real real in real in the connection, and I think that was real in the series. real in the series. It's real in the series. It's real connection, and I think that was real in the series. It's real on screen. screen. It's screen. It's real real in the series. It's real on screen. It's real off screen. It's real off screen between between our between our cast screen. It's real off screen between our cast and between our cast and it between our cast and it bled through through into through into the between our cast and it bled through into the work, through into the work, and through into the work, and I think think that think that more through into the work, and I think that more than think that more than anything think that more than anything is what what did what did it. JE: JE: Was JE: Was there what did it. JE: Was there a JE: Was there a special JE: Was there a special moment, maybe maybe as maybe as you JE: Was there a special moment, maybe as you were maybe as you were shooting season season one season one or maybe as you were shooting season one or shooting season one or shooting season two, two, that two, that you season one or shooting season two, that you thought two, that you thought to yourself, yourself, 'We've yourself, 'We've got two, that you thought to yourself, 'We've got something special special here! Jonas Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": Banks\": It's Banks\": It's so Jonas Pate/Co-Creator, \"Outer Banks\": It's so funny, Banks\": It's so funny, Jon, Banks\": It's so funny, Jon, it's like, like, when like, when I Banks\": It's so funny, Jon, it's like, when I was like, when I was younger, like, when I was younger, I would would really would really think like, when I was younger, I would really think about, would really think about, 'What would would happen would happen to would really think about, 'What would happen to a would happen to a project. would happen to a project. I'd worry worry about, worry about, what would happen to a project. I'd worry about, what were worry about, what were the reviews reviews going reviews going to worry about, what were the reviews going to be? reviews going to be? What reviews going to be? What was the the reception the reception going reviews going to be? What was the reception going to the reception going to be? the reception going to be? Was it it going it going to the reception going to be? Was it going to be it going to be successful it going to be successful or not?' not?' And not?' And then it going to be successful or not?' And then you not?' And then you get not?' And then you get older it going to be successful or not?' And then you get older and you you realize you realize that not?' And then you get older and you realize that the you realize that the process you realize that the process is almost almost more almost more important you realize that the process is almost more important than almost more important than the product. product. As product. As we almost more important than the product. As we were product. As we were making product. As we were making this thing, thing, you thing, you know, product. As we were making this thing, you know, I thing, you know, I grew thing, you know, I grew up product. As we were making this thing, you know, I grew up in the the Carolinas, the Carolinas, I thing, you know, I grew up in the Carolinas, I grew the Carolinas, I grew up the Carolinas, I grew up in Raeford, Raeford, North Raeford, North Carolina, I I moved I moved out Raeford, North Carolina, I moved out to I moved out to California I moved out to California for Raeford, North Carolina, I moved out to California for 20 years, years, I years, I got I moved out to California for 20 years, I got tired years, I got tired of years, I got tired of it, I moved out to California for 20 years, I got tired of it, I moved moved back, moved back, and years, I got tired of it, I moved back, and suddenly moved back, and suddenly I'm back back home! back home! I'm moved back, and suddenly I'm back home! I'm back back home! I'm back where back home! I'm back where I moved back, and suddenly I'm back home! I'm back where I grew up up in up in the back home! I'm back where I grew up in the marshes up in the marshes of up in the marshes of the Carolina Carolina coast, Carolina coast, and up in the marshes of the Carolina coast, and telling Carolina coast, and telling a story story that story that had Carolina coast, and telling a story that had a story that had a lot story that had a lot of Carolina coast, and telling a story that had a lot of overlap with with our with our high story that had a lot of overlap with our high school with our high school wife with our high school wife and Raeford, Raeford, and Raeford, and I with our high school wife and Raeford, and I just Raeford, and I just remember thinking, thinking, 'Man, thinking, 'Man, this Raeford, and I just remember thinking, 'Man, this is thinking, 'Man, this is awesome. This This is This is just thinking, 'Man, this is awesome. This is just so This is just so lucky!' This is just so lucky!' So thinking, 'Man, this is awesome. This is just so lucky!' So I didn't didn't think didn't think like This is just so lucky!' So I didn't think like it didn't think like it was didn't think like it was going to to be to be a didn't think like it was going to be a hit. to be a hit. But to be a hit. But I didn't think like it was going to be a hit. But I knew to be a hit. But I knew it to be a hit. But I knew it was didn't think like it was going to be a hit. But I knew it was a special special experience. special experience. And to be a hit. But I knew it was a special experience. And I special experience. And I think the the other the other cast special experience. And I think the other cast and the other cast and crew the other cast and crew did. TAKE TAKE :GFX You You can You can hear TAKE :GFX You can hear my You can hear my entire conversation conversation with conversation with Jonas You can hear my entire conversation with Jonas Pate, talking talking about talking about the conversation with Jonas Pate, talking about the upcoming season season of season of his talking about the upcoming season of his hit season of his hit show season of his hit show 'Outer Banks'.. Banks'.. on Banks'.. on the season of his hit show 'Outer Banks'.. on the new Banks'.. on the new episode Banks'.. on the new episode of the the '1on1 the '1on1 with Banks'.. on the new episode of the '1on1 with Jon the '1on1 with Jon Evans\" podcast.. Free Free download Free download on podcast.. Free download on all Free download on all major podcast podcast apps.. There There are There are also podcast apps.. There are also links There are also links to There are also links to listen inside inside this inside this story There are also links to listen inside this story on inside this story on our inside this story on our news": 0, "The tale of tomorrow. Thrill tonight to the most famous tale of a science created monster. We present Frankenstein starring Lon Chaney. With John Newland and Mary Alice Moore. All right, very well have your laugh. You asked me to describe my idea of a perfect human being and I tried. But Victor darling what you described and you're so serious about it. The perfect human being should be a giant in size strong as a gorilla disease proof durable and quick to learn. Oh it's so impossible. It is not impossible. I didn't say should be. I said will be. Oh does that word make a difference. It probably does. You know even when Victor Frankenstein was a student of mine he was brilliant and since then he's shown amazing talent. Originality daring. Thank you. Oh he's always said what he meant. Tell me Victor what did you mean when you said will be. I think medical science is ready to make an artificial human being. And he may as well be better equipped for life than we are. No since you find this so amusing Elizabeth. What's your idea of a perfect man. You darling. I think this cousin is trying to answer that question. You know there there's a perfect man I see how he walks when we were going to visit it you've given us a delightful evening but we have to catch that train back to Geneva please don't rush Matthew will roll you back to the mainland. Will you be coming again soon. Very soon darling we'll let you know. Oh this old capsule. Only you would select such a place in the middle of a lake. What was your reason to get away from me. You can't you know it is always like a quiet place to work. Is that the reason. That it's it's picturesque and Elizabeth you sound as if you thought Victor was concealing something he's buried himself in this remote place you can't leave it without a rowboat might almost be a prison. Many of these old castles were once a piece starting to finish a brand new idea you sound as if you thought Victor was holding someone here for ransom. But he won't tell us what he's been experimenting with. You said yourself how talented and original Victor is perhaps he has been making an artificial man he's been so preoccupied with this. All the way to right now she's getting back at you with a little joke of her own. Because Victor is a good scientist he knows where to draw the line between what can be done and what is impossible to come we must be on our way not sure Victor's talent has any such limits. Thank you. That's William playing with my recorder William please shut it off recording I'm not why I've been I've been recording various emotions for some work I'm doing for your artificial man don't please don't know more of that my dear you'll be having me thinking that way too and you shouldn't really in this sixteenth century castle it's too spooky come on let's hurry I wouldn't want to spend the night here. I hope you're not that anxious to leave. I know of course not. Take care of yourself darling you don't look well I've been worried about you. Get. With my. And. To. Medical science laughs at the idea of a man being a creator. But I have created you. I have made you stronger than ten men. You're indestructible. And now I shall give you life. Now I shall give you life. Now. You heard what they were saying at dinner. Do you think Miss Elizabeth guessed right? Of course not. Dr. Frankenstein's a very clever man. He's not as clever as all that. No one is. But he's got something locked in that room. His research equipment. It's very valuable. But who's to steal it? No one can get to the island without the rowboat. And there's only one boat on the lake. Whatever he's got in that room, it's not just equipment. See here, Elise, you're not to be nervous or upset. Miss Elizabeth is just a hysterical young woman. Oh, so you think women are hysterical? Now, now, I didn't mean you. You know how smart I think you are. You're just saying that to get around. You think all women have no sense. It isn't so. But how would I get along without you? As in you, then? I do. Now, what good would I be alone? Oh, now, stop your nonsense. We have work to do. Let's get our chair back where it belongs. OK, back where it belongs. Who are you? Oh, my God. Who was it? We shouldn't have left. We could have remained there to get help from the doctor. Touch it down. You're all right. Giddy up. Forward, my brave men, to victory! Charge! Forward! Now look at them and show them no quarter. Kill the enemy! They're mean and ugly. Mean and ugly. Kill the enemy. Step, Giddy up. Step. For. A fun. But you're down my. it. Because that's When you are you often. Waiting. For. A. Thing. One. Like a fuckin \uc124\uacc4\ub97c \uc790\ub97c\uae4c . He went out to a Mac Field. All right. All right. A. Monster. What did I do wrong what I overlook. I'm I'm completely responsible that. Once I swore that I would I would practice medicine for the good of humanity. I created the being with no thought of what would become of him. No thought of the danger involved. Thought of a tragedy like this. It's going to be better to have been prevented. And then. I should never have started this I should never have started. And now I get rid of it. What you're doing. My note. Never again. Something's going to happen that. You must be destroyed because the big. Time that we must do it ourselves. It's about to win the will you visa he's well and he's going to\u63d0 MT. Times for. a little thank you for. Your wisdom. And I think you could do just twice youould greatly appreciate what it is I'm going to hate right by. A lot like. Your. Hero. Mind. But. But the bottom of what did what to Under feet down that one. No. No just. Just the water. It's certainly the bottom of the lake. A. God. This doesn't bring you back at least. Come in here you must come in. That you see who that is that's all right it's all right. But if you please go to the men. You tell. The whole story. Does make any difference. The problem. All over. I made father bring me back I've been so terribly worried about you we talked of nothing but you all the way here. I had a feeling that something was wrong you were in danger it's over now and. That is I must tell you. I must tell you I I only pray that you'll understand. You remember last time you were here we talked about work when artificial man if it could be done what it would be like. It was not vital talk to Elizabeth I created a living breathing creature. You create yes yes I you must be. I was thinking only of the scientific achievement of the immensity of it. I was thinking only of the power of creation. Somewhere something went wrong. It was a. I created a monster. Tonight he tried to kill William and he did kill a lease. Thank God the dangers pass now he's dead at the bottom of the lake. But I have to tell you. I'm glad you did Matthew just told me what a terrible experience it's passed now. It's not talk about it anymore but Victor the things you must have learned I shall never want to speak of it again nonsense this could be the greatest contribution to science and history you've no right to keep it I had no right to start it but the seeming experiment to be. Dead. Bottom of the lake. He's the back part saying he's dead at the bottom of the bank we followumber late but the window. Can press. Where your guns. Monsieur done was going to stop him I've done my work to stop him know the power of danger that's being an evil vicious. Now it's only part of to kill. Electricity gave him. William you have to help us with. You must be very brave you and let's try to lure him to my lab to a small boy about the mind of a child it's direct very slow I was very brave. You must not go with kind of a trick. You play or sing or do whatever you like but you must not know what kind of. Your father and that's not a way to make your way there he should I won't have it there's nothing else to do if we don't destroy him I'll be killed anyway Victor's right we've got. You ready to. Give us just a few moments and God bless you. Are you scared when. You. So about it but that's not later on shall we. Call it. show. You. Shouldn't be. You can not for the love of heaven stay back. I knew this team of yours wouldn't wait we'll give them a moment it's I'm going to go right through I've got to go back. Cart in. Play but I do feel. Get got myself out with. \u03bd\u03b1 achieve hi Willing and that's why You": 1, "(orchestral music) (suspenseful sounds) (voices panting) - [Children] Up and down, up and down I will lead them up and down - (shouting) Up and down! - Up and down, up and down - I am feared in field and town - Goblin, lead them up and down The king doth keep his revels here tonight - The king doth keep his revels here tonight - The king doth have - Yeah! Take heed! - Take heed the queen will not come within his sight - For Oberon is passing fell and wrath - [Narrator] Because that she as her attendant hath - A lovely boy, stolen from an Indian King - She never had so sweet a changeling - And jealous Oberon would have the child Knight of his train, to trace the forests wild - But she perforce withholds the loved boy Crowns him with flowers and makes him all her joy - And now they never meet in grove or green By fountain clear, or spangled starlight sheen - [Girl] But they do square - That all their elves for fear (orchestral music) - [Boy] Creep into acorn-cups - and hide them there - [Girl] Up and down, up and down - I will lead them up and down - [Children] I am feared in field and town Goblin, lead them up and down. - How now, spirit; wither wander you? - How now, spirit; - Wither wander you? - Over hill, over dale Thorough bush, thorough brier - Over park, over pale Thorough flood, thorough fire - I do wander everywhere Swifter than the moon's sphere - And I serve the fairy queen - To dew her orbs upon the green (orchestral music) - [Children] I must go seek some dewdrops here And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear. - Farewell, thou lob of spirits, I'll be gone - Up and down, up and down I will lead them up and down I am feared in field and town Goblin lead them up and down (orchestral music)": 1, "Dollar Pig Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Fold in half, Unfold. Fold the short edge to the long ones. Unfold. Dollar Pig Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Fold in half, Unfold. Fold the short edge to the long ones. Unfold. Dollar Pig Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Fold in half, Unfold. Fold the short edge to the long ones. Unfold. Repeat to the other side. Valley fold on the iniersection, Unfold. Mountain fold across the edge. Mountain fold across the edge. Fold the short edge to the long ones. Unfold. Fold the short edge to the long ones. Unfold. Repeat to the other side. Fold the short edge to the long ones to the middle. Unfold. Fold the short edge to the long ones to the middle. Unfold. Mountain fold across the edge. Divide 1/2 Mountain fold across the edge. Divide 1/2 Fold the ends to the center (does not come together). Fold to the center. Bisector fold. Bisector fold (divide 1/2) Valley fold from point to point. Bisector fold. Bisector fold. Assemble using the creases. Turn over. Assemble using the creases (collapse base). Valley fold in 1/3 Open sink. Fold right. Stretch the fold a little Fold right. Stretch the fold a little Repeat to the other side. Valley fold across the edge. Shape the pig's snout, using a curved crease. Pull the layer forward a little (Both sides). Pull the layer forward a little (Both sides). Valley fold. Pleat the hind legs. Pleat the tail. Shape the belly, fold the edges inside. Fold the ears. Shape the head. Shape the body. The completed Pig": 2, "- [Voiceover] In a previous video we used the quotient rule in order to find the derivatives of tangent of x and cotangnet of x. And what I what to do in this video is to keep going and find the derivatives of secant of x and cosecant of x. So let's start with secant of x. The derivative with respect to x of secant of x. Well, secant of x is the same thing as so we're going to find the derivative with respect to x of secant of x is the same thing as one over, one over the cosine of x. And that's just the definition of secant. And there's multiple ways you could do this. When you learn the chain rule, that actually might be a more natural thing to use to evaluate the derivative here. But we know the quotient rule, so we will apply the quotient rule here. And it's no coincidence that you get to the same answer. The quotient rule actually can be derived based on the chain rule and the product rule. But I won't keep going into that. Let's just apply the quotient rule right over here. So this derivative is going to be equal to, it's going to be equal to the derivative of the top. Well, what's the derivative of one with respect to x? Well, that's just zero. Times the function on the bottom. So, times cosine of x. Cosine of x. Minus, minus the function on the top. Well, that's just one. Times the derivative on the bottom. Well, the derivative on the bottom is, the derivative of cosine of x is negative sine of x. So we could put the sine of x there. But it's negative sine of x, so you have a minus and it'll be a negative, so we can just make that a positive. And then all of that over the function on the bottom squared. So, cosine of x, squared. And so zero times cosine of x, that is just zero. And so all we are left with is sine of x over cosine of x squared. And there's multiple ways that you could rewrite this if you like. You could say that this is same thing as sine of x over cosine of x times one over cosine of x. And of course this is tangent of x, times secant of x. Secant of x. So you could say derivative of secant of x is sine of x over cosine-squared of x. Or it is tangent of x times the secant of x. So now let's do cosecant. So the derivative with respect to x of cosecant of x. Well, that's the same thing as the derivative with respect to x of one over sine of x. Cosecant is one over sine of x. I remember that because you think it's cosecant. Maybe it's the reciprocal of cosine, but it's not. It's the opposite of what you would expect. Cosine's reciprocal isn't cosecant, it is secant. Once again, opposite of what you would expect. That starts with an s, this starts with a c. That starts with a c, that starts with an s. It's just way it happened to be defined. But anyway, let's just evaluate this. Once again, we'll do the quotient rule, but you could also do this using the chain rule. So it's going to be the derivative of the expression on top, which is zero, times the expression on the bottom, which is sine of x. Sine of x. Minus the expression on top, which is just one. Times the derivative of the expression on the bottom, which is cosine of x. All of that over the expression on the bottom squared. Sine-squared of x. That's zero. So we get negative cosine of x over sine-squared of x. So that's one way to think about it. Or if you like, you could do this, the same thing we did over here, this is the same thing as negative cosine of x over sine of x, times one over sine of x. And this is negative cotangent of x. Negative cotangent of x, times, maybe I'll write it this way, times one over sine of x is cosecant of x. Cosecant of x. So, which ever one you find more useful.": 1, "Our technician is wearing the static-free wristband. We turn off the phone. We unscrew the 2 screws at the bottom. We heat the sticky corners of the screen with a hot air gun. We measure the screen temperature with a thermal thermometer. We spray a special solution for easy removal of the screen. We remove the screen with the help of a pick. We unscrew the screws that fix the connector shielding metal. We unscrew the connector protective metal. We unscrew the battery connector. We unscrew the screws securing the bracket. We remove the bracket. We dismantle the screen. We unscrew the sim card slot. We unscrew the screws that fix the camera shield metal. We remove the camera protective metal. We disassemble the camera. We disassemble the motherboard connection connectors. We unscrew the screws that secure the motherboard. We carefully disassemble the main board. We unscrew the screws that secure the inner earpiece speaker assembly. We disassemble the internal headphone speaker. We dismantle the front camera. We are cleaning our desk. We assemble the disassembled parts in order. iPhone 13 Pro Max case replacement is carried out successfully.": 3, "Tommy: Alright, Tubbo. Tubbo: Let's do this. Sam: Best of luck. Tommy: Thank you, everybody. Tommy: And I'll see you all when I get home Tubbo: When 'we' get home! Tommy: ... Tommy: When we get home. Tubbo: Wha- Tommy: Oh. Wait. Tubbo: You-- This is where you-- Tommy: Ok Tubbo: When you get home you're gonna sacrifice me. Tubbo: Uh. Tommy. Tommy: What? Tommy: I got it! I got it! Tubbo: You got it?! Tubbo: Tommy? Tommy! He's killing me! Dream: Tommy. Tommy: ... Tommy: Where? Where? Dream: He's gonna die. Tommy: What do you mean he's killing you? Dream: Tommy, he's gonna die! Tubbo: He's gonna kill me. I'm gonna die, Tommy! Dream: HE'S GONNA DIE TOMMY Tubbo: Dream, please! Dream: Make your decision. Dream: Tubbo dies. Dream: Or you give me the disk. Dream: If I can control Dream: The things that people are attached to Dream: Then I can control the server again. Dream: Because this isn't Tommy SMP, or Tubbo SMP! It's Dream SMP, right!? Dream: So I can control... Dream: The server Tommy: What am I without you? Tubbo: Yourself? Tommy: Tubbo. Tommy: Even though for this entire server. Tommy: I've always regarded you as my.. Tommy: As my sidekick. Tommy: But really, Tubbo. Tommy: I was your side kick. Tommy: Please don't go. Dream: Punz? Punz: I'm sorry, Dream. Punz: But you should've paid me more. Tubbo: Wha-- What? Tommy: You came! Tommy: Tubbo. Tommy: Tubbo! Over, Tubbo! Tommy: Behind! Behind! Behind! Dream: Hey? Hey! Hey!! HEY!! Sapnap: Dream. Sapnap: Step away from them. Tommy: You know what? You son of a bitch. You told me everything! Tommy: You said-- Dream: Listen. Tommy: No, no. I've done all the listening I need to do now. Tommy: Have you got any last words? Dream: Tommy, you don't need to kill me. Dream: Tommy, we were friends. Dream: Tommy, we were friends! Tommy: Dream. Dream: ... Tommy: Dream, you meant nothing to me. Dream: Ok, wait. Stop, stop, stop! Dream: Listen! Tommy: This is it. Dream: Wait! Tommy: The Axe of Peace Dream: WAIT!! Dream: Tommy, I can bring people back to life. Tommy: The Axe of Pea-- Dream: Listen Tommy: AYE?! Tommy: Dream, you just lie. There is no reason to-- Dream: Tommy! If I die, then death is permanent! Dream: Tommy! If I die, then death is permanent! Dream: I-If I die, then Wilbur's dead forever. Tommy: Wilbur. Tommy: Hello? Wilbur: Hello. Have you missed me? Wilbur: I'm proud. Tommy: Fu-- huh hh Tubbo: You really-- Tubbo: Yeah, that was-- Tommy: WHAT DID WE-- Tubbo: Dream SMP Season 3!! BABYY!! Tubbo: WOOOOOOOO Tommy: do we-- Tommy: He better not be fuckin' back.": 1, "okay! so? it's pretty simple there's your councils or your hosts of heaven yep! your hosts of heaven here's your Father the Trinity your mother's the Father which is also up here just as the father's up there the air! air is given birth to by the Trinity the mother the father and the son mmm? the council's of heaven around the outside 12 councils of heaven 12 heavenly you know! choices on the divine dial that we call the Mazzaroth or the fucking zodiac the host Jesus is the host of heaven the Lord of Hosts is God so! the Lord of hosts from the host of heaven and there's the host of heaven that Jesus leads because he's commander of hosts because his the Word of God so? God and the Word of God which is God which is the Son which is! nine to three which is six ok? it's everything it's the whole works the head on the platter! that's what it is it's talking to heads talking heads you know! yep head on the platter and your 12 councils and your councils on high from the outside in heaven and in earth in the center your councils and how we get around the fucking shop you know? and work the place and it's all about a friday you know! the day you fry on friday the 13th you know? and! Christ the 13th the 12 and the center the head John Christ the father and the one? you know! the father and the son are one so? is fucking John and Jesus they are one! one's not the father and ones not the son but? they are one! you know? and that's your head and fry day and Friday the 13th just so happens to be what! the day Apophis comes down and fries us? heh! coincidence? you cathode rays you know! Templars and Masons and fucking people playing stupid games at the moment you know? yeah! obviously which they ode to their ray? you know! they? and their ode to Satan or their owed to Osiris or! their owed to ray? their ray of light you know! the cath and Catholics you know? I am the fucking you know! pressure cooker think of it like that? I am the furnace yes! and this furnace see's this shit going on and? water comes down from on high down the chimney you know! the chimney comes down the chimney and out my face to cool everybody down while the fucking furnace is blazing and it needs to be a certain temperature otherwise things get too hot or too fucking cool? you know! and things don't work so you need water flushing through there to keep the fucking furnace all in good go you know? so fucking yeah! water comes down the fucking chimney and out the face of it when it gets too friggin hot and that's just the way God works isn't it you know? it's the Ark of the Covenant! you get cast down you get cast down by the fucking shit that's coming down in the fucking umbilical cord to town you know? you get cast down because you know! it's true information and it leaves you fucking sitting there wondering what the fuck's? going on! because it's just how the fuck does this shit work well? it's in front of you is it not! they've hidden it from you! and yous are all stupid and it is everywhere you look I mean? there's nowhere you don't look that! this shit does not fucking reveal to you? it's fucking all in front of you! they talk to yous? to you! as they talk to themselves you know? their sorcerers and they hide the council's and the host of heaven from you and use them all against ya! and fucking play your stupid heads on this earth I mean? is that not what they do their greater and the lesser light they laugh at you that's what they do! the fire from above and the fire from below the fire in the furnace and the fire of the mother's belly you know? that it took! takes the fire of the um? phallic to get into the belly and then the belly keeps the fire going and you know! it's all about nurturement and then gives it water in the fire in the oven to keep it fucking hot you know? it's! the mothers above just as the father's below and it's the umbilical cord but what's in between is what? it's just what we're made in is it not! it's the same friggen thing as in the sky the mother and the father yeah? are one! and the mothers on high and the father's down low and the father's up high and the mothers down low that's just the way it is! and? their hermaphrodite and her! dite deity you know? you get it yes! it's hmm? all the same shit and! like I said a ring for a ring it's simple as that you give a woman a ring? because you want their ring! it's a ring for a ring oh? I want to marry you here's a ring! can I have your ring on? for the rest of my life I mean! jeez I mean? do the math! are yous stupid or something? instead you think it's this! fucking? big fucking oh! yeah la-dee-da farce and yous all deserve fucking pink ribbons! and fucking white dresses? and big fucking cakes! like? you're fucking you know! and yous are all so fucked in the head that it is just so fucking ridiculous hehe? you're insane! yes? your! completely fucking insane it's all about? you insane! people being fucking insane in the first place and the fire and the water and the fucking earth that gives birth to everything like the alchemy and the Illuminati and the Illuminari cause the Illuminati are the Falcon and the Illuminari are the Owl the Falcon and the fucking Lion! are one and the same thing so? this fucking whole thing about fucking Ford! and Falcon? is a farce they're both the same thing! they both represent the Sun I mean? the Illuminari is the owl! the owl tells the fucking you know! tells Isis to go to the fucking scorpion you know? the owl mmm! the owl tells fucking Isis to go to the scorpion why? the Illuminari the Moon tells! fucking Isis to go to the scorpion I mean? for fuck's sake! it's all about the Illuminari were the wiser ones! hmm? were they not! the moon worshippers were the wiser ones they got it right! even though they weren't that wise? they knew wisdom! when it fucking confronted them and they looked at it in the fucking eye and said yep? and you're my mate and I'm taking you for life mmm! isn't that right? heh! yeah it's what it's all about isn't it the church? so! I don't know? what you people are all up to! but? fuck! catch up will ya": 1, "Assalam U Alikum Today I will talk about What is Microbiology Microbiology is the branch of science which deals with the study of microorganisms. What is Microorganism? Microorganism is also called microbe Microorganisms are so small in size that can only be seen with a microscope. Branches of Microbiology: 1. Bacteriology: The study of Bacteria. 2. Virology: The study of Viruses. 3. Immunology: The study of Immune system. 4. Mycology: The study of Fungus. 5. Parasitology: The study of Parasites. 6. Phycology: The study of Algae. Other Branches of Microbiology are: 1. Industrial Microbiology 2. Soil Microbiology 3. Microbial Ecology 4. Microbial Physiology 5. Astromicrobiology 6. Cellular Microbiology 7. Pharmaceutical Microbiology 8. Medical Microbiology 9. Food Microbiology 10. Agriculture Microbiology 11. Microbial Biotechnology Diagnostic Methods Used in Microbiology: 1. Culture and Biochemical Tests 2. Serological Tests 3. Microscopic Examination of Samples 4. PCR Test 5. Nucleic Acid Probes 6. Different Staining Techniques ": 3, "- Hi, in this quick tip, I'm going to try to provide a reasonably brief answer to a question that a number of people have sent me and it's on the question of modulation. What does modulation mean? It means changing key from one key to another key and the people asking questions are asking how do we do that or people have said \"Well, I've tried to change key in a piece that I've written \"and actually, it doesn't sound very good \"because there's a kind of, sort of big, bumpy moment \"when we suddenly go from one key to another,\" and it possibly sounds a little bit like a driver trying to change gear without using the clutch and if you're a driver, you'll know what that does. Anyway, let's have a quick look at how to modulate, how to change key. I've written a short piece on the board there, it's eight bars long, two phrases, we're in the key of D major and the first phrase is in D major and the second phrase modulates to A major. So, how do I do that? Well, if you want to have a really smooth modulation, that effectively uses that musical clutch very nicely, you have to use something called a pivot chord. Now, what is a pivot chord? A pivot chord is a chord that's common to the key that you're leaving and to the key that you're joining. So, we're going from D major to A major and what you'll find is that there are some chords in D major that also come in A major, which is quite useful. So, here's a scale of D major. And if I put chords on all those notes by taking the bottom notes in each case of the scale and adding the third and the fifth note above it, I get these chords. That's what we call chord I or a chord of D, chord II or a chord of E minor, chord III or a chord of F-sharp minor, chord IV or a chord of G, chord V or a chord of A, chord VI or a chord of B minor, chord VII or a C-sharp diminished, and then I come back to chord I again, which is that chord of D. Now, if I go through the scale of A major. I can also put chords in the same way so here's A major, here's the first chord, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh and then I come back to the first. Now, if I look at some of those chords in A major, I'll discover they're also chords in D major. So, if I look at chord I in A major, which is the chord of A, well, that's also chord V in the scale of D. So, in other words, this could be a pivot chord because it belongs to both the keys. If I look at chord II in A major, which is a chord of B minor, well, that's also in the scale of D major because in D major, that's a chord VI. If I look at chord III in A major, well, that doesn't come in D major, mainly because it's got a G-sharp and there's no G-sharp in D major so that could not be a pivot chord. This one, chord IV, which is a chord of D major, is also chord I in D major so it's IV in A major, it's I in D major so that would be a good pivot chord. Chord V in A major is no good to us because it's got a G-sharp in it so that's not a chord in D major. Chord VI in A major or a chord of F-sharp minor, well, that's also in D major, it's chord III. Chord VII in A major, that's not going to work, again because it's got a G-sharp in it. So, you see, some of these chords are not common to the two keys so you could not use those as pivot chords but there are quite a few chords that are common to the two keys, so you could use any of those as pivot chords. So, what I've done in this case, I've started writing in D major and I've put the chord numbers underneath in the key of D and I've put these chords in the middle, if you'd prefer to read it that way and then, from this point onwards, all the chords are in A major because we've modulated to the new key but this is the chosen pivot chord because this chord is chord I in D major, it's a D chord, D, F-sharp and it would have A in it to complete the chord but that chord, D, F-sharp, A, is chord I in D major but it's also chord IV in A major. So, I like to think of a pivot chord as like passing through a door, I'm in this room, I want to go to the next room, I can't walk through the wall, I can't just appear in the next room, I have to go through the door. The door connects this room with the next room, the door is kind of like the pivot chord. So, this is our musical door, this pivot chord, I'm choosing a chord that belongs to this key and belongs to that key and this is the moment at which I walk through the door and therefore, it's going to sound perfectly smooth, we're not going to get any bumps, we're not going to be changing from one key to another without using the clutch because we've used a pivot chord. If we just fly into the new key without using a pivot chord, that's when it's going to bump. So, what does all this sound like, well, let me just play you from the beginning, this is what we've got on the board. Here's the pivot chord. So, you can hear that I've started in the key of D, I've finished in the key of A, and really the modulation wasn't a bumpy corner at all because I used that pivot chord. So, that's how you do it, you decide which key you're starting in, you decide which key you want to go to, then you look for the possible pivot chords and you decide which one you're going to use and to the left of the pivot chord, you're in the original key, to the right of the pivot chord, you're in the new key. Well, there's a lot more that one could say about modulation and about using all these chords and if you want to know more about that, then have a look at the advanced theory package that we've made at Music Matters, which really covers all this in a lot more detail but at least, in this film, you can see how to modulate. Have fun with it.": 3, "Well, come on, let's find that house we bought. House they bought? In Beverly Hills? Whoa, wait a minute, hold it! How could a bunch of hillbillies possibly buy a mansion like this? Let's take them back to their home and see how this whole thing started. Kid, you gotta do something about that young'un of yours. How'd that happen? Fighting with a bobcat. Get hurt? I reckon so. It went limping off on three legs. I swear, I don't know what I'm gonna do about that girl. Well, the first thing to do is to get her into a dress. She's getting too big to be wearing man's duds. Looky here, she's done popped the buttons off of her shirt again. Well, honey, make yourself proud with the shoulders thrown back. It ain't her fault. It's the man's fault. I'm not gonna let him get away with it. I'm gonna get him.": 1, "We Wish You The Merriest,The Merriest, The Merriest, The Merriest New Year We Wish You The Merriest The Merriest The Merriest Yes The Merriest We Wish You The Merriest The Merriest The Merriest You'll Cheer We Wish You The Happiest The Happiest The Happiest Yes The Happiest We Wish You The Happiest The Happiest... The Happiest New Year May Your Dreams Be Filled with Happiness Happiness and Friendliness for All May Your Heart be filled with Cheerfulness Happiness and Cheerfulness for All We Wish You The Happiest The Happiest...The Happiest Yes The Happiest We Wish you the Merriest The Merriest The Merriest you'll Cheer And the Happiness New Year We Wish You the Merriest The Merriest The Merriest Oh Yes the Merriest We Wish you the Merriest The Merriest The Merriest The Merriest You'll Cheer We Wish You the Happiest The Happiest The Happiest Yes The Happiest We Wish you the Happiest the Happiest the Happiest New Year May Your Dream be filled with Happiness Happiness and Friendliness for all May your heart be filled with cheerfulness With Happiness and Cheerfulness and Friendliness for all We Wish you the Happiest the Happiest the Happiest yes the Happiest We wish you the Merriest the Merriest the Merriest you'll cheer And the Happiest and Friendliest and the Cheeriest And the Merriest new year Friendliest Cheerios merry merry Merriest New Year": 1, "*V See Yoona * Artist Zone *So Cutieee* The JYP family will do the finale for the 2nd part. Dahyun, tell us the highlight of the performance There's going to be a hit songs medley where you can Yeah because of you! Like a Hip hop music video... Can we do stuff that people do Hip hop music videos? [Traumatized] Artist Zone Wow You're out of control We have to get in the mood before we start filming You think you can do this? TEAM Trouble look confident You guys should change your team name! V: Oh, he is asleep. Wake up wake up! This song will wake your dormant love cells A smooth start with the parts that they have practiced so many times! Moonbyul: Heyne's Love Cells! Music! ALL: Start! JH: (Singing Mamamoo's You're the best) V: Next, we have April's Tsi...Tinker Bell! Music! *BTS Reaction to Blackpink Best Dance Female* *Sope so funny :))* *Wow, she is so sexy* *shy*": 1, "HIT 1, CRITIC 0 HIT 2, CRITIC 0 HIT 3, CRITIC 0 HIT 4, CRITIC 0 HIT 5, CRITIC 0 HIT 5, CRITIC 1 HIT 6, CRITIC 1 HIT 7, CRITIC 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 12 2 12 3 13 3 upps he may take some little damage 14 3 15 3 16 3 17 3 18 3 19 3 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 4 31 4 32 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 39 4 40 normal hits and 4 critical = 48 normal hits to kill behemoth - AA weapon Now testing Two shot crossbow. Two shot is little harder to count. There is one normal shot and second about 20% the first one. Second issue is that its harder to hit both shots and sometimes critics double the lower amount hit But after all, You will see is there are significant differences between TS and AA I have 110 bolts. 0 full hit 1 half hit 0 critical 0 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 1 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 2 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 3 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 4 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 4 full hit 2 half hit 1 critical 4 full hit 2 half hit 2 critical 5 full hit 2 half hit 2 critical 5 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 6 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 7 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 8 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 9 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 10 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 10 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 11 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 12 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 13 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 14 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 15 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 16 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 17 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 18 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 19 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 20 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 21 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 22 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 23 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 24 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 25 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 26 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 27 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 28 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 29 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 30 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 31 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 32 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 32 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 33 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 34 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 35 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 36 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 37 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 38 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 39 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 40 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 41 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical finally 41 full hits 5 half hits and 2 critical = something about 47 full hits Behemoth HP 3700 Damage resistance 150 conlusion 48 shots AA = something about 47 TS shots. (TS are harder to hit but have similar damage if hit)": 0, "[Epic Intro] [Guitar] mmmmhm nonono yaaaaaaa Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more im gonna my horse to the old town road im gonna (Kio) ride 'til I can't no more I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin'. Yeah I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna (Kio) ride 'til I can't no more I got the [Guitar] nono take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that are black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor, Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie Bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride I got the Such good video Thanks, Eclipse": 1, "Voiceover:Which numbers are greater than six? Select all that apply. We see six here on the number line, so the numbers that are greater than six are going to be the ones that are to the right of six on the number line. We see that we're increasing beyond six as we go to the right. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Seven is greater than six, eight is greater than six, nine is greater than six, and 10 is greater than six, and we could keep going. 11 is greater than six, and 12, and on and on and on. Which of these are greater than six? Well we see 10 is to the right, is on the right hand side of six, eight is also to the right of six but four is to the left of six. Four is less than six. These are the two numbers that are greater than, the two choices that are greater than six. Which numbers are less than six? Well that's all of these numbers right over here. The numbers to the left of six. Nine is definitely not less than six but four is. Notice four is to the left of six and three is even more to the left of six, so four and three are definitely less than six. When every day life when you're thinking of well if you have four things, or you have three things you have less than someone who has six things. In every day life if you have 10 bananas, you have a greater number of bananas than someone who has six bananas.": 3, "door radiator window plug chair table television lamp curtains door handle stairs mirror toaster sink tap cup plate fireplace toilet toothbrush bathtub sponge ironing board clock hairdryer stool fridge microwave knife fork spoon glass rolling pin bottle opener pillow towel bed toothpaste safety pin washing machine dishwasher laptop vacuum cleaner headphones feather duster bucket rubber gloves mop light bulb electric fan torch cushion wallet purse handbag key scissors ruler pen light switch suitcase plant bin bag brush rug hairbrush toilet roll soap comb shower wardrobe duvet telephone jeans socks belt shirt dress sunglasses ladder hammer screwdriver saw desk ashtray earrings ring bracelet fire extinguisher scales first aid kit plaster painkillers lipstick teddy bear apron chopping board grater whisk bowl": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question number ten of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: We want to sketch the graph of a function F that is defined on the real numbers and continuous except for the State discontinuities. A jump discontinuity at five, and it will moveable discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: That's why. Christopher Carbone: So? Christopher Carbone: What has that graph going to look like Christopher Carbone: the other things that we need to have are the jump, discontinuity and a removable discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: So everything else Christopher Carbone: arms. Christopher Carbone: Now the climate Christopher Carbone: and X and Y. Christopher Carbone: So we need some type of discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: Um, Christopher Carbone: we need that jump discontinued. You have five, and it will move a boat discontinuity at three, Christopher Carbone: so i'm just going to put some open silk on three. Christopher Carbone: We have a function doing something, but both we let's just draw something like this, Christopher Carbone: all right. Well, we have open circle on the line going throughout down there. But we do need that jump discontinuity at five. So let's put a point, let's say, here, Christopher Carbone: and Let's continue this graph up to that five. Christopher Carbone: Then have an open circle. That's a down here at five, and the function that's it, is going down that direction. Christopher Carbone: We would have our movable discontinuity here at three Christopher Carbone: turtle Christopher Carbone: movable discontinuity Christopher Carbone: at three, and over here we have a jump. Discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.": 1, "Rock 'N Learn! A, apple, a-a-apple A, alligator, a-a-alligator a-a-a B, bug, b-b-bug B, ball, b-b-ball b-b-b C, cat, c-c-cat C, cake, c-c-cake c-c-c D, dog, d-d-dog D, duck, d-d-duck d-d-d E, egg, e-e-egg E, elf, e-e-elf e-e-e F, fork, f-f-fork F, food, f-f-food f-f-f G, girl, g-g-girl G, guitar, g-g-guitar g-g-g H, hat, h-h-hat H, hamster, h-h-hamster h-h-h I, insect, i-i-insect I, iguana, i-i-iguana i-i-i J, jet, j-j-jet J, joker, j-j-joker j-j-j K, kid, kuh-kuh-kid K, king, kuh-kuh-king kuh-kuh-kuh L, lion, l-l-lion L, log, l-l-log l-l-l M, man, m-m-man M, monkey, m-m-monkey m-m-m N, nut, n-n-nut N, nest, n-n-nest n-n-n O, olives, o-o-olives O, octopus, o-o-octopus o-o-o P, pig, p-p-pig P, pool, p-p-pool p-p-p Q, quilt, qu-qu-quilt Q, queen, qu-qu-queen qu-qu-qu R, rocket, r-r-rocket R, raccoon, r-r-racoon r-r-r S, sailor, s-s-sailor S, sun, s-s-sun s-s-s T, tiger, t-t-tiger T, tent, t-t-tent t-t-t U, up, u-u-up U, umbrella, u-u-umbrella u-u-u V, van, v-v-van V, vegetable, v-v-vegetable v-v-v W, wagon, w-w-wagon W, water, w-w-water w-w-w X, fox, cks, cks, cks X, box, cks, cks, cks cks-cks-cks Y, yarn, y-y-yarn Y, yak, y-y-yak y-y-y Z, zebra, z-z-zipper Z, zipper, z-z-zipper z-z-z": 3, "Rachel, in the wake of the Weinstein scandal and the #me too campaign, I believe you wanted to pick up on the confusion surrounding what actually constitutes sexual harrassment. Yes, that's right Nish. Or should I say: stop sexually harrassing me, Nish! Because even talking to a woman is now completely off limits. Isn't that right Nish? No! No, it's not Nish, but it's fun to pretend to be confused about that, isn't it? In the light of recent revelations many men are feeling very worried about their own behaviour and feeling a little bit threatened as well which makes me so sad. 'Well done, feminism.' says Martin in The Telegraph. 'Now men are afraid to help women at work' 'Well done, feminism.' says Martin in The Telefgraph. 'Now men are afraid to help women at work' Well Nish, as ever The Daily Mail provides a very good barometer of the British public, with this headline which actually happened: 'Is hugging still okay?' In the wake of the Weinstein sexual assault accusations, men ask: 'What is acceptable to women and society now?' Sociologist Carol-Ann Peterson says in the article: 'Men do need to recognize that a sudden arm round the shoulder or a pat on the butt isn't the innocuous gesture some might have thought.' Oh Nish, it's an absolute minefield! What could possibly be wrong with spanking a colleague? Or the prospect of a sudden arm grabbing you from the shadows? Hang on. Are these real headlines? They're real Nish. They're genuine headlines. Welcome to the world. Nish, if you would. Please come and join me and let's see if we together can sort this mess out. It's absolutely impossible to see where the line is, so I've come up with a series of visual aids to help you at home through this difficult time. So, the first one. The biggest question is: 'What is sexual harassment?' Okay. Well, let me first say. Very nice use of the Comic Sans font there, Rachel. Thank you, Nisham. If you're laughing, you're learning. Let's start at the start. So, first thing's first. 'Can I complement a woman?' Yes! You can say something like: 'Hello, you look well!'. That's fine. But you can't holler: 'Nice whaps!' from a car. Not anymore. Sorry, Nish. Eh, what do you mean: 'Sorry Nish'? \"Allright be the good old days\" Okay. Is it okay to give a woman flowers? Yes. Yes! You're right Nish, as long as you don't put your penis in there. It's tricky, isn't it? Is it okay to give a cheery hello to a lady? Yes! Of course it is. But not if you're hiding under her bed. Not according to the PC brigade. (political correctness) Now, Nish. Take a look at the screen. And I'd like you to tell me Nish: do you think, in your view, that is this sexual harassment? 'Hi Jan, can I borrow your stapler?' Eh, No! He has got an erection, Nish. Having reviewed this picture and the angle he is standing at, I now see that I was naive to think he was not fully erect. Very good Nish. Although, in truth it's impossible to tell, his arm is directly in the way. Ehm, let's assume that this one is fine. But what about this one, Nish? 'Jan, please come to the server room and wank me off.' I'm going to say that's a definite 'not okay'. Yes, Nish. You got one right. So, Nish... I'm going to do now some harassment role play with you. Okay. I'm immediately uncomfortable. Nish, don't worry. You're a non-threatening beta male, whose absolutely tailor-made for the friend zone. So, Nish. Imagine we're in a normal pub situation and we're friends like we are, in a way. How would you great me normally in a pub? Well, we were friends so I would just give you a hug. Exactly, so give me a hug now. But now hold that for a little bit too long So you know what that feels like, Nish. Does that feel right or wrong? It's feeling more and more wrong by the second. Yes, that's right Nish. If it feels wrong, it is wrong. Sometimes a simple greeting like a hug can be harassment if one of the participants is obviously using it for their own weird gratification. Hugging is absolutely fine, Nish. But is blood suddenly moving to the groin area? If it is then it's a bad hug. And is it Nish? Is it? Eh, no. There's no blood flowing anywhere. Okay, wonderful! Thank you for your help. Thank you. \"Don't look at the script, Nish\". \"It'll be fine, Nish\". \"You'll be able to wing it on the night\". \"Of course we wouldn't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable\". Welcome to womanhood. So, I'm afraid that life is going to get harder now that we're not allowed to sexually harass anyone, of course it is. But, if you do stick to my handy guide we will manage to walk that terribly fine line between being a decent person and a complete wanker. Good luck to you. Ladies and gentlemen: Rachel Parris.": 2, "Lon don I'll be missing you London All the dreams, I'm leaving you Make me feel so blue, but I know this is right believe me London I'll be missing you London But hey, can we ever say goodbye When there's so much of you in me London I'm going home Ten years of joy, love and freedom You gave me like a mother would to her son But I know you're coming, you're coming And now you must be wondering Why now? What they all keep asking But who's ever understood why our dreams only rise overseas All year around you're surprising We never know what you're hiding And then it comes, energizing, a bright idea keeps me breathing Keeps me breathing Oh keeps me breathing London, I'm going home Ten years of joy, love and freedom You gave me like a mother would to her son But I know you're coming, you're coming with me Every time I would arrive at your station, I'd smell your perfume and it's like... pfhh... I'm alive again! I can do anything. I'm a child and the world's a playground. You kept lifting me up with no expectations. London, you're selfless. You leave your people changed. Your awakeness awakes them. Oh you're so young, and you'll always be. If I keep hanging out with you in my thirties I might run into some troubles you know that? I wonder what I'll miss the most about you... Is it your contagious energy, your multicultural skin, or just how you shine under the rain? You're special London, very special. From your hipster markets to your converted warehouses, from your corporate pride to your psychedelic gigs, from your dusty vintage shops to your tasteless looking pubs, your dry humour, your wandering foxes, your great street performers, your shitfaced customers, your wild geese to your crazy art performances. You're a bit mental London you know that? I mean, you're a little deranged. But I guess that's kinda what we like about you. You're life London, that's what you are. You're that messy life. London I'm going home but you are coming you're coming with me": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is question number twenty-nine Christopher Carbone: of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: We want to find y prime and y double prime for y is equal to the sine of X squared. Christopher Carbone: So for this we are going to do. U. Is equal to x squared, Christopher Carbone: which means, do you Christopher Carbone: is equal to two X. Christopher Carbone: So with that band side. Why, then, is equal to the sign of you, Christopher Carbone: and which means Y. Prime is the cosine Christopher Carbone: of you, do you? Christopher Carbone: That is equal to the cosine of X squared Christopher Carbone: Time's two ox, Christopher Carbone: or to everybody that's slightly nicer but Christopher Carbone: cosine so twox times the cosine of x squared Christopher Carbone: so now Christopher Carbone: we could be right Christopher Carbone: again now, using Christopher Carbone: you. Separate this Christopher Carbone: um if we were to y, then use Christopher Carbone: the fact of Christopher Carbone: um Christopher Carbone: you to again be the x squared, Christopher Carbone: and do you to be two ox? Christopher Carbone: It? Can we write y prime to be two x times the cosine of you Christopher Carbone: for this product rule? We're going to a A, B, two x A prime is two. Christopher Carbone: B is equal to the cosine of you, Christopher Carbone: and B. Prime is equal to negative sign Christopher Carbone: of you. Christopher Carbone: So the second derivative of y Christopher Carbone: it is going to be equal to Christopher Carbone: kill apps Christopher Carbone: times, the negative sign of you Christopher Carbone: do you Christopher Carbone: plus two times the cosine of you, Christopher Carbone: and this is twox times the negative sign Christopher Carbone: of X squared Christopher Carbone: times two outs Christopher Carbone: ah plus two Christopher Carbone: times the cosine of x squared, Christopher Carbone: and this makes Christopher Carbone: negative. Four x squared Christopher Carbone: times the sine Christopher Carbone: of X squared. Christopher Carbone: What's to Christopher Carbone: that? Was the cosine of X squared. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.": 1, "Jars line the walls of a dark little room festering contents in yellow and black. The stench of the rot and the fizz in the air such an unspeakable scene to behold. A collection of parts rotting in their jars. Eyes and tongues and hearts floating in their jars. I have spent all my life collecting, preserving the flesh. To satiate my needs I must. Another jar has burst contents drip down the wall. The ever growing thirst licking the chunks as they fall. I have spent all my life collecting, persevering the flesh. To satiate my needs I must. Compulsive dissection of people to eat curated selection of meat. Lining the walls in their bubbling jars fermenting as forbidden sweets. Another body on my table soon to be in jars. You know soon you will join them dissected and fermented. Another body on my table soon to be in jars. You know soon you will join them dissected and fermented. Dissected and fermented.": 1, "[music] See these eyes so green I can stare for a thousand years Colder than the moon Well, you been so long Feel my blood enrage It's just the fear of losing you Don't you know my name Well, you been so long I've been putting out fire, putting out fire Been putting out fire with gasoline [music] See these eyes so red Red like a jungle that is burning bright Those who feel me near They close the blinds and change their minds Just this pulsing night A plague I call a heartbeat Just be still with me You wouldn't believe what I've been through Been so long [music] I've been putting out fire, putting out fire I've been putting out fire with gasoline I've been putting out a fire in me Been putting out, putting out fire [music] I've been putting out fire www.milktoothmusic.com": 1, "He wants social security for everybody. And this is a quote: \"As much as unemployment blows, so do jobs. What if people didn't have to work to survive?\" Is this a joke?! Uh, no. I mean, it isn't. This is actually how a lot of millennials think, and this is how the Occupy the Wall Street movement thinks. This is a group of people who graduated with degrees in lesbian dance theory And then were surprised when they didn't get a six figures pay check out of college. THUG THUG LIFE Ben I wanna start with you. Is it your impression that in the court of public opinion that Israel has somehow taken more of a heat during this seven day then Hamas has? There's no question. I mean, Hamas is a terrorist group, and people [inaudible - for me] understood Hamas to be a terrorist group. Israel thinks that allies, like CNN, has been turn into the villain in this particular scenario And the moral equivalency has been drown between the two groups.": 2, "- I have done that. - You've literally done exactly this. - This is what we do every day. - We do this all the time. - (laughs) - He can never find me. - That's you. That's literally you. - (chuckling) Oh, that's funny. - The only thing that's missing is, like, the cat snuggled up with you under the blanket. That is Stephanie. - That's cute. Definitely goals. - That's goals? - That's cute, yeah. - When you hide from your spouse... - Yeah. - ...for 45 minutes? - \"Hello!\" - (FBE) Goals or no? - Relationship Goals. - I think that's cute. - I say it's goals. - Yeah. - Sure. - 100% goals. - Goals. - I say goals, 'cause it's realistic. - (both) Not goals. - Aww. - Not goals. If this was goals, he would have gone to that couch straight away. - Yeah. Okay, I'm with you on that one. - I'm gonna say yes just 'cause it was funny and cute. - And I differ, because that's health hazard number two for me. - (laughs) - What if you never wake up? - Oh, I know them! I know them! - We know this, yeah. - Oh my god! - These are really goals. - Aww. They're really cute. - We've actually tried this photo before. It was cute. - I appreciate that they're always holding hands. That's really nice. - Right? That's very nice. - I've seen ones where it shows the other perspective, and the guy's just like... - Like this, (chuckling) yeah. He's getting dragged. It's beautiful, but... I wouldn't want to drag you around the world. - Yeah. Also-- - I'd want you to be right by my side. - Aw. - Aww. - I'm gonna say goals on this one. - Yeah. - This is-- yeah. 'Cause not only are they beautiful photos, but they travel the world. - I like that a lot. - Goals. - Relationship Goals. - Professional Relationship Goals. - (chuckles) - I'm gonna say goals. - Goals. - Yeah. - World travel goals, not Relationship Goals. - Yeah, travel goals. Yeah. - This is Relationship Goals. This is really awesome. - 100%. - Yeah. - 100% Relationship Goals. - That's Relationship Goals. - That is goals, and also they got a cover of a magazine out of one of their pictures. So ultimate goals. - \"My grandma is in the hospital, but it's their 57th anniversary. (affectionately) So he showed up in a tux to surprise her with flowers.\" - This is super goals. - (squealing) This is so goals! - Oh my gosh. That's really cute. - Aww! That's so sweet. - That's really cute. - Oh, that's adorable. - So many goals. - If you say no, then you're just a heartless bastard. - All the goals. - I love old people. - It's just, hands down, goals. - If they smell good. - Why am I tearing up? - You're tearing up? - That's so cute. Yeah. - Uggh! - This isn't the Try Not to Cry Challenge. - This is so sweet! - That is definitely Relationship Goals. - That is Relationship Goals. - I think it's... - Not goals. - Goals. - Oh, goals. Whoa. - What? - This is totally, totally Relationship Goals. - Yeah. - As a child of several divorces, I think this is beautiful. - Yeah, I think that's the sweetest one we've seen. - Any time I see an old couple, it's goals automatically. - Really though. - It's like the ultimate goals. - Those are goals. - You don't even do that now. - No. It's true, I don't. - As you get older, as life kind of wears on you, as health problems arise, things like that, still staying strong and still being able to have that youthful, fun-loving connection is the greatest goal of all. - Yeah. - \"Honey, I'm pregnant. It's yours.\" - \"April Fools! Haha, OMG, I got you so hard!\" - \"Dave... you're male. I'm male. We are literally two gay men.\" - Oh my god! That is so us! Oh, that's cute. - Aww, that's cute. - Oh my god. Okay, that's cute. (both clap and laugh) - That's awesome! - She actually pranked me with a positive pregnancy test... - As a joke, because I thought he didn't want to have kids. - I didn't know I wanted to have kids. - Until that moment. - And then I started crying from happiness. But... - And then we had a baby. - Yeah. It gave me that fire. - Relationship Goals, yes. - Goals. - That's goals. - Yeah, I think that's goals. I mean-- - I guess. - I think this is hilarious. - This is cute. - I love funny things. - We can relate. - Yeah. It's also just so dumb. - Yeah. - So it's goals. - I'm going goals. - This is not goals. This is cute. This is very cute... - Don't listen to him. It's goals. - ...but not goals. - It's goals. Love lasts a long time. Humor far longer. - Yeah. - Right? The reason we get along so much is we hate most of the same people, and we can make each other laugh. Of course there's love in a lot of other stuff. (music and chatter) - Oh, the slow dance. - Where's this going? - They're gonna break out into the \"Triller\" dance. - I want to go with goals. - That's cute, now. Goals. - I mean, yeah, she's dancing, and she's pregnant. But... But does she do the \"Thriller\"? - (laughs heartily) - Yeah, it was goals. - Beyond Relationship Goals. Parenting goals. Pregnant goals. Dance goals. Everything goals. - (FBE) So here's the aftermath of that last video. - Ohh. - Aww. - Oh. - There you go. - Aw, that's so cute. - That is so sweet. - That's really cute. - I love it. So cute. - Are you gonna cry? - Yeah, no. - (whispering) Cry. - (FBE) So for you guys, is that last picture a relationship goal for you? - Yeah. - I think... someday. - It is. - Yeah. Right? - Yeah. - Oh, in the future. - Yeah. Not now. - Give him some years. - Not right now. - Yeah. - That was adorable. - I think it's Relationship Goals for everyone. That one's pretty universal. - Oh yeah. - Yes. - A million times, yeah. Best thing. - Yeah. Best thing ever. - When you have a baby, that's a long-term commitment. That's saying that, \"You are so important to me that I want to raise another human being with you.\" - I'm gonna say goals but not necessarily ours. - Since when do we not want to have babies?": 2, "[Music] [Applause] And as we live in the 21st-century there is only one thing and one thing that we realize and that is there is only one problem and the problem is that what makes our society is also what destroys it. Society in the 21st century is being eaten away by its own self and it is not long that humanity will come knocking on the doorway and all of us will have very little to show for. People ask me, hey is there a way out of it? I'll tell you what i tell them. Maybe with Kindness. If we are all a little kinder. But hey then ask yourself what kind of a world will you create. If that were to be the case would you dare to imagine? There was a man who once told me that if you ever stare at an abyss for long The Abyss would stare back at you [Music]": 1, "Nederlandsy Quakerahonge-jay I think, yeah. Whatever she said! Suejan Stevens Sufjan Stevens Sufageeden Stevens I like that you added another syllable to that Beautiful Swavoski. No! No. Swarovski. Schwawoski Swarovski Nailed it. Schwarzkopf It's incorrect, it is pronounced Swazzo and it's the most glamorous jewellery you can get, thank you very much. Bon Iver Bon Aye-ver And such eloquence French tinge a little bit French Sadie? Well that's easy, that's Sade Sha-day Sadie Sade Stop trying to be trendy Nederlands Kookerande Neder-landse Koytehondajay Woooah, Nederlandse Ke-la-la-la-la la la la la Nederlands Cookahonda Nay-der-lun-des Koi-ken-hordenge It's actually Koi-Ker Hoohn-Jah Is it? Oh man, I'm gonna give you a clap for that. Gif? I think it's jif. Gif. You look confident Gif, is it jif? Oh no, it's jif. No, incorrect. Jif. Oh, this is very controversial. It's a jif though. Yeah It started off as a jif. Gif? It's jif. It's not jif! Gif. No it's gif. Rita Ora's told me. No l think it's gif. I'm pretty sure it's gif. Am l right? Am l right?": 1, "Oh, oh-oh Oh Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road (Kio, Kio) I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie Bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road Hat down, cross town, livin' like a rock star Spent a lot of money on my brand new guitar Baby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras Ridin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car Got no stress, I've been through all that I'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back Wish I could roll on back to that old town road I wanna ride 'til I can't no more Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road": 1, "I wanna tell you how over and over Real love feels like walkin' on water I wanna tell you we'll be here forever Real feels like walkin' on water Real love feels walkin' on water Real love feels like walkin' on love feels like walkin' on water love feels walkin' on Real love like walkin' on water Real love like walkin' water Real love like walkin' Real love feels like walkin' water Real love like walkin' on water 16 00:00:29,80 --> 00:00:29,200 Real love feels walkin' on water love feels walkin' on water Real love feels like on water Real love like on water love like on water Real like on water Real like water Real love feels like walkin' on water Some things never end, it's you Right beside me You always will remember Ooh Ooh (You'll never forget) You never will forget her Ooh I wanna tell you how over and over Real love feels like walkin' on water I wanna tell you we'll be here forever 45 00:02:33,80 --> 00:02:33,200 Real love feels like walkin' on water Some things never end, it's you Right beside me #WalkingOnWater": 1, "The only question you need to ask yourself while studying the third law is. What happens when two objects interact with each other? What happens when you place an object on the table? The object exerts a force on the table. And the subject exert an upward force on the object. There are two forces that result from this interaction. A force on the table and a force on the object. The magnitudes of the two forces are the same, but the directions are opposite. These forces are called as action and reaction forces. The force exerted by the object on the table was an action force. And the force exerted by the table on the object is the reaction force. What we saw here is nothing but a display of the Newton's third law of motion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That's how simple the third law is. It means that when two objects interact there is a force on each object. The magnitude of force on the first object, equals the magnitude of force on the second one. And what about the direction? The direction of force on the first object is opposite to the direction of force on the second one. Let's talk about more examples. While a frog is swimming it pushes the water back. and the water pushes its body forward. Now let me ask you a question. Say a bird is flying upwards, will the Newton's third law apply here? Sometimes the third law is not so obvious. You'd probably say that the bird is the only object here, and there is no second object. But that's not correct! The wings of the bird push the air downwards, and the air pushes the bird upwards. Action and reaction forces make it possible for birds to fly. We take one last example to understand something very interesting about the third law. What happens when a gun is fired? You're right it exert the forward force on the bullet. And the bullet exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the gun. And this exists in recoil of the gun. A perfect example of Newton's third law! But hold on, if the force exerted by the gun on the bullet is the same as the force exerted by the bullet on the gun, then why doesn't the gun recoil with the same acceleration as the bullet? The gun recoils, yes, but it doesn't recoil at the same acceleration at the bullet, right? Same magnitude of forces but different accelerations. Why do you think this happens? Okay, so if your concept of the second law of motion was clear, you wouldn't really be surprised with this. The second law of motion says that the force is the product of the object's mass and acceleration. Or the acceleration of the object is equal to the force over its mass. What does this tell us? Yes, if the mass is more then the acceleration will be less. In this example the mass of the gun is much more than that of the bullet. Hence, the acceleration of the rifle is lesser than that of the bullet. If you're in a boat and step out of it onto the land there are two forces involved. You pushing the boat behind and the boat pushing you forward. And that's why you see the boat go behind when you go forward. Now let's say a sailor jumps off a huge ship. The sailor does apply a force on the ship and the ship also applies a force on the sailor. But do you think the ship will accelerate as much as the sailor? Not really and I think you know why.": 3, "radiologic technologists perform examinations that produce images for radiologists to interpret the public no would have as x-rays and that is what they are and we teach students how to perform examinations where patients are positioned and the correct technical factors are made so that you have an x-ray for a doctor to look at radiologic technologist could work in a hospital could work in a doctor's office could work in an urgent care center could work as a travel tech which means they would travel to different parts of the country or the world even where they may be needed where there's a shortage of radiographers or they can also bring x-rays to like nursing homes where the patients can't leave they'll bring in a x-ray unit and take x-rays there so there's lots of different environments so if someone was interested in this particular field of diagnostic imaging those people who are interested in working in healthcare number one really enjoy working with patients but also enjoy working with technology who enjoy fast pace environments where things are not necessarily a typical nine-to-five day you have to be patient patient with the patient's especially with your peers you have to be tolerant because not everyone is like you obviously you have to be able to listen and then know when to not talk you have to be able to work in the team you have to be very independent when you need to be one of the core values that are required in this is to critically think because not one patient's gonna be the same not one situations that will be the same and you're gonna have to deal with it on your toes you're taught one way to take an image but maybe the patient can't do that but you still have to get the image so you need good critical thinking skills [Music] students become radiologic technologists by enrolling in a program such as the ones that we have here at Montgomery College is a two-year program it's pretty intense basically you have to put everything off to get in this program it's it's a challenging program but it's rewarding when I got in the program I was like this is great like you know you get to help people like whether it's most laudable and to me and it's nothing like the laureate like that it requires a lot of clinical hours as well as didactic or classroom courses that prepare you to take a national registry after you take the national registry you can be hired as a radiologic technologist anywhere in the country for a first-year radiologic technology student they'll come to classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and then they'll go to their clinical sites Tuesdays and Thursdays as the student progresses to become a second year student they will have classes on Tuesday and clinicals on Monday Wednesdays and Fridays their second summer with us they are in clinicals every day for nine weeks I did my clinical rotations at Holy Cross Hospital here in Silver Spring as well as Georgetown Hospital as far as my clinical rotations I went to Holy Cross Silver Spring and then I went to holy cross in Germantown I went to a Children's Hospital for a month and I went to Georgetown University Hospital for my second clinical experience was very good they're very familiar with us they actually and the hairier for Montgomery College they hold you to a certain standard the worksites did know that montgomery college students were well-rounded students not only in book wise but with patient care and they did exceed that so I definitely know that that helped me the radiologic technology students get 1560 hours of clinical time so when they complete this program they're very well trained and the site's know this this is why they like to hire our students our graduates because they know the number of hours that they have actually seen them work when a student graduates from the program then they sit for the american Registry radiologic technologists or as known as the AR T national certification after they passed that and this program has a hundred percent first-time pass rate for the past seven or eight years we're very proud of that but actually past that then they go ahead and depending on the state they decide to work in they do have to apply for a license so if you wanted to work in the state of Maryland you would apply for a license when she became registered as an AR RT certified radiographer what's really exciting about the field of radiologic technology is foundationally allows a radiographer to go in many directions if they want to stay in diagnostic imaging they can cross train and CT and MRI and they don't go back to school for that most of the it's the clinicals are taught on the job and you might take a few courses on your own to pass the registry but it's not a dedicated two-year program so you can move in that direction or you can go administrative Lee and become an administrator go on and get you a four-year degree in Healthcare Administration or you go into education which is what I did so it's a really great starting point of a good career that is sustainable for many many years Montgomery College program I believe helped me because not only did it does it have a good reputation but it was a stepping stone for me as a student to be able to get land a good job it's rewarding jobs the job Security's there you get to learn it's you're always learning something you're always advancing your there's always room for improvement there's always room for promotions there's always room to divert it into a different you know areas in the medical field so if I did it I think anyone else can": 1, "Under the SU(5) transformations, the quarks and leptons are supposed to transform into each other, or, the quarks and leptons are supposed to furnish representations of SU(5). What are the dimensions of some representations of SU(5)? Recall that the dimension of the representation is simply the number of entities belonging to that representation. The defining representation is five-dimensional. We construct larger representations by gluing representations together. Let us, then, glue two defining representations. We imagine gluing a circle and a square together. The circle and the square are to be colored with one of five possible colors. Since we have five color choices for the circle and five choices for the square, we have 5 x 5 = 25 combinations or entities. These entities are to be divided into the so-called even and odd combinations. Let us look at the odd combinations. In order for the combination not to vanish, we must use different colors for the circle and the square. There are five choices of color for the circle. For each of these choices, we have four choices of color for the square. It appears that we have 5 x 4 = 20 combinations, but we must divide by 2 to avoid counting twice. So altogether we have 20 / 2 = 10 odd combinations. We have a ten-dimensional representation. The quarks and leptons would fit exactly into the five-dimensional and the ten-dimensional representations of SU(5).": 0, "The sun shines on beautiful people, like Locatelli. He heard it. You heard it! My dream is to have a dream. - My dream is to have a dream. - Well done. - If you say it slowly, I'll get it. - Right, your go. - Don't show him! - No one said anything! - With great power comes great responsibility. - Turn it down a little bit. - So... - Look at me. With great power comes great responsibility. What? Look at me! I didn't get a thing. Try it again. He's taking the ****! With great power comes great responsibility. Ah, with great power comes great responsibility. Fifth time lucky! You were saying it really quickly. Should I go? I play the guitar out of tune. - I don't know. - I play the guitar... - Thunder? - No. - I play... - Come on, help me. - Your? - I play! I play! - I play... - the guitar... - out of tune. - the guitar...? - out of tune! Yes, it's true. The last time I played, it was out of tune. You buy dinner for the whole team. - That means you, not me. - No you, I had to repeat it. Let me turn that over. - You post too many selfies. - Sorry? You post too many selfies. You get slapped too much. - You post... - You? - post... - You lay... - too many... - selfies. You post too many selfies. - Well done! - You get slapped too much! I've got butterflies in my tummy. I'm buying Bernardeschi in the fantasy football market. - Go again. - I'm buying... I'm buying... - Hit? - I'm buying... - I'm buying Bernardeschi... - in the market... - in fantasy football. - in the fantasy football market. I'm buying Bernardeschi in my fantasy football team. No, in the fantasy football market. - What? - in the fantasy football market. I'm buying Bernardeschi in the fantasy football market. That's it! I've got the last one. Red sky at night, sailors' delight. - Ah, red sky at night, sailors' delight. - Yes! Bye everyone. We had a lot of fun. We send our love. Tell us in the comments who else you'd like to see here. - Bye.": 2, "I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on It's coming on Yeah... Ha Ha! Finally someone let me out of my cage Now, time for me is nothing cause I'm counting no age Now I couldn't be there Now you shouldn't be scared I'm good at repairs And I'm under each snare Intangible Bet you didn't think so I command you to Panoramic view Look I'll make it all manageable Pick and choose Sit and lose All you different crews Chicks and dudes Who you think is really kickin' tunes? Picture you gettin' down in a picture tube Like you lit the fuse You think it's fictional? Mystical? Maybe Spiritual Hero who appears in you to clear your view when you're too crazy Lifeless To those the definition for what life is Priceless To you because I put you on the high shit You like it? Gun smokin' righteous with one toke You're psychic among those Possess you with one go I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on It's coming on The essence the basics Without did you make it Allow me to make this Child-like in nature Rhythm You have it or you don't that's a fallacy I'm in them Every sprouting tree Every child of peace Every cloud and sea You see with your eyes I see destruction and demise Corruption in disguise From this fuckin' enterprise Now I'm sucked into your lies Through Russel, not his muscles but percussion he provides For me as a guide Y'all can see me now 'cause you don't see with your eye You perceive with your mind That's the inner So I'mma stick around with Russ and be a mentor Bust a few rhymes so motherfuckers remember where the thought is I brought all this So you can survive when law is lawless Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead No squealing, remember that it's all in your head I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long My future is coming on It's coming on My future": 1, "Living things grow Living things have cells Living things need air Living things need nutrients Living things need water Living things reproduce Now I'll say some living things You show me how they go A cheetah is a living thing Show me how it goes Run, run, run fast A flower is a living thing Grow, grow, grow strong An eagle is a living thing Show me how it goes Fly, fly, fly so high An Eagle is a living thing Living things grow Living things have cells Living things need air Living things need nutrients Living things need water Living things reproduce Now I'll say some living things You show me how they go A turtle is a living thing Show me how it goes Paddle, paddle, paddle, glide A frog is a living thing Hop, hop, hop up A snake is a living thing Show me how it goes Slither, slither, slither smooth Living things grow Living things have cells Living things need air Living things need nutrients Living things need water Living things reproduce Now look all around each day And see the living things": 2, "Never thought I would find Oh, oh, I never thought I would find you Oh babe I know you're not really kind But if you wanna stay the night By night I mean Lay up, in my bed, holding your neck Leaving prints, it's your turn, do your worst I am not the one to cave in first I, hold you dearly I, feel you near me I, need this something I, need your something I wanna be the one that you could love in the night Come to me whenever shit ain't right Let me hold you through the weather when the sun don't shine Grey skies don't mind sticking by my side Hit my line I'll pull up at the sound of the tone In 10 minutes I'll be walking up to your front door You don't ever have to be alone I know you got a little something I've been looking for, babe Oh my God, shawty only listens to me on her iPod Said she wanted nothing but left, now she's upset And left me feeling stupid to defy odds Tell me where to go, 'cause I don't really know no more Me and you were a concept behind closed door And now I'm making a mess over some shit that you said Felt like it never would end and now I'm not yours Never thought I would find Oh, oh, I never thought I would find you Oh babe I know you're not really kind But if you wanna stay the night By night I mean Lay up, in my bed, holding your neck Leaving prints, it's your turn, do your worst I am not the one to cave in first I, hold you dearly I, feel you near me I, need this something I, need your something And I been feeling like the pieces from the petals never fall like they say Hitting Gepetto for the strings you strung me up 'cause you could Said I had a heart made of gold more like a heart made of wood You cracked and split it into pieces burnt and ashed it for good Came in from the East side worried 'bout your pride and your needs Letting me slide up and down the block in the streets There ain't no sad love hitting K I for the D But imagine you ain't never went and told me peace I need your something tonight You're giving me those sweet eyes And your lips look so good when they're wrapped on my neck You're singing sweet lullabies Your fingers crossed up with mine Laying down on my chest as we think of the rest Never thought I would find Oh, oh, I never thought I would find you Oh babe I know you're not really kind But if you wanna stay the night By night I mean Lay up, in my bed, holding your neck Leaving prints, it's your turn, do your worst I am not the one to cave in first I, hold you dearly I, feel you near me I, need this something I, need your something": 1, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I am going to do an analysis of Angeline Jordan with the song \"My Funny Valentine\". I don't know this song I know Angelina Jordan, she is a great singer. We have many videos with her. Feel free to visit our channel. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter. And in this video I'm going to do an analysis on their vocal behavior, how the instruments work, the aesthetics of music. Therefore, I will make my observations whenever I consider it necessary. But first of all, if you are not subscribed to the channel, subscribe, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. Leave more suggestions for other reactions. and technical analysis for Angelina Jordan. The message was passed and Let's go to the most important. Let's analyze Angelina Jordan. See the dynamic she manages to put into her voice because, works a lot with the use of the mixed voice. She works a lot with her voice projection. in the region of the mask but also with the projection of the chest. And with that she manages to insert textures and shows a lot of dynamics to interpret this song. And it's an amazing dynamic. See how she has a subtlety to project her voice. But the most interesting thing about this song, it's the fact that he knows how to work with the control he has over his voice. And she has incredible control. It's very interesting to realize that she has this control being such a young person, and have control of your voice. This shows that she knows the range of her voice, the limits of her range, what she can do with her voice... This is incredible. Again, the highlight is in relation to the dynamics that she inserts in her interpretation. See how he manages to project falsetto. She makes a very interesting use of falsetto as a vocal embellishment. And she can connect this falsetto... She displaces this falsetto in another region of her voice, and it does so very easily. And she uses incredible dynamics. I think, the big highlight in their performance in performing this song so far, be the dynamic that she manages to insert very easily in his voice. And it's an amazing performance. She does a wonderful job with the vibrato. She does an amazing job with the vibrato. This is fascinating. It's a beautiful interpretation, this is wonderful. But look how she injects a lot of dynamics into her voice in high and low regions. She can also work with the volume of her voice. The way your voice projects and she takes that power away from her voice in an incredible way. She is very flexible to perform this type of articulation of her voice. She changes her voice in very fast regions in a short period of time. And it's all done in a very subtle way. There is not a very strong change in relation to this. And this is amazing. It's a wonderful performance. This is cute. Here is a slight nasal projection. It is very fast and short. And all this greatly enriches his interpretation. The use of falsetto, the use of vibrato, the nasal region of your voice... They are used as incredible ornaments. It's a wonderful performance. See how wonderful this keyboard instrument is. This makes his acting very sophisticated. It is a very strong influence that she has from jazz music. In this way, she interprets the song, inserting that incredible influence of jazz. Jazz is a very direct way of singing. There is no work with many embellishments. But he manages to insert these embellishments in a fantastic way. This shows her great growth as a singer. Because this shows that she improves with each performance. Every time we hear a song from her... Look how hard she works... She does an amazing job with her voice. See the dynamic she uses and how she uses the volume of her voice to increase her performance. There are many embellishments in his voice and interpretation and all these ornaments greatly enrich his performance. And they are embellishments used in a very clever way. Look what an amazing use of falsetto. Amazing. The melisma was sensational, fantastic. An exciting interpretation of Angelina Jordan. She is a fantastic singer with an amazing interpretation and great artistic maturation of your voice. It was a fantastic performance. Amazing. The dynamics, the articulation that she makes with her voice, the ornaments used here were all fantastic and wonderful. An incredible performance. another fantastic performance of this incredible singer who is Angelina Jordan. Amazing. It was fantastic and I lack adjectives to praise this amazing singer. But this is the technical analysis of the reaction of this video. Therefore, If you want more technical analysis and reactions from Angelina Jordan, subscribe to our channel, activate the notification, like and share this video. I end here. I hope you liked this video and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.": 3, "Poncho: We're gonna do this. I want to promote you for your fight against Jake Paul or his other little b***h brother. Poncho: I know you beat both of their a** Chavez Jr: I'm gonna beat Jake Paul's A** Poncho: All the people watching this, send this to those Bit***s Poncho: Make the fight! I'm confident that you beat both of them Chavez Jr: Don't be confident, I assure you I will beat Jake Paul's A**! Chavez Jr: Yeah but they're not hearing me. They want to charge more, they keep forgetting I'm the boxer Poncho: F what they're charging! if you beat any of those two, you're stock goes all the way up! Poncho: Let's make sure the fight happens! Chavez Jr: I want the winner take all, when I fight Jake Paul. Winner takes all the money! Chavez Jr: We're risking our life's in the ring Chavez Jr: I want the promoter to take a lower percentage Chavez Jr: It's gonna be great business for everyone! Poncho: great business! you both are showmen! Poncho: You already messed around too much! the fight is gonna be good! Chavez Jr: What you mean by, I messed around too much? dude those are all lies. Poncho: The point I'm trying to make is you're gonna F-Up Jake Paul Chavez Jr: look, I'll get prepared but If I don't focus on Boxing it shows. Chavez Jr: I need to focus on Boxing! Chavez Jr: I'm super focused! I'm happy this happened to me. Chavez Jr: This motivates me! Chavez Jr: Canelo beat me because he was much faster. Poncho: But Canelo can take punches! Chavez Jr: I can take it and dish it out too. Especially in my weight Poncho: You're in Canelo's weight right now Chavez Jr: If canelo fights me in the weight he's gonna fight Makabu (200) its a very difficult fight for him Chavez. Jr: Canelo is very fast, and he's very active right now! Poncho: I much rather see you in the ring with Jake Paul Chavez Jr: Jake Paul is Garbage! I'm gonna knock him out! Poncho: Beat his a** in two rounds. Poncho: Well let's promote this fight with you against Jake Paul": 1, "1) Hit him once. 2) Hit him twice. 3) Where did this guy go? 4) He's one shot. 5) Can you ready up? 6) Can I build? Can I build!? 7) Are you lagging? 8) He's on me. He's on me! He's on me!!!!! Wow, man! 9) I would've killed him if it wasn't for the lag. 10) Stop taking my loot! 11) Are they taking Tilted out? 12) If I kill him, then it's my loot. 13) They're not taking Tilted out? 14) North north. Left to right. Left to right! 15) Do you have a mic? 16) Do you speak English? 17) Got a guy northeast moving right to left. 18) Let's go factories. 19) Kobe! 20) Let's go Snobby Shores. 21) Those guys were definitely on PC. 22) Let's go Flush. 23) He's over there. 24) Where is there? Where is there!? 25) That's not my trap. That's not my trap! 26) How many squad wins you got? 27) Dark Voyager east. 28) How many solo wins you got? 29) We got a John Wick west. 30) How did I miss that shot? 31) Who's mic is that? Bro, turn your mic off! 32) Ohhh! Cozy campfire. 33) Game end him. Game end him! 34) Guys, don't forget I got a launchpad. 35) This is the best emote in the game. 36) I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. Hold on. I'll be back. I'll be back! 37) Ohhhh, a vending machine! 38) Am I still alive? 39) I'm not spending that much metal. 40) Is your friend online? Yeah, we need one more. 41) Circle is closing in. We gotta move. 42) You want me to back out? I'll back out. 43) I'm low on mats. 44) No, no. Play it out. Play it out 45) Need a revive. 46) You have any medium ammo? 47) You got any shotgun ammo? 48) You got any heavy ammo? 49) Anyone have rockets? 50) What am I stuck on? 51) Oh my gosh. I got lasered! He didn't miss me once! 52) Double pump is so OP. 53) Double pump is back, baby! 54) I forgot I had a launchpad. 55) Pump-tac is the new meta. 56) Double pump is the new meta. 57) Pump-smg is the new meta 58) Who is this guy? You know this guy? 59) Got any heals? 60) Any bandages? 61) Any shields? 62) PUBG is trash! 63) Is that you near me? That's not you!? 64) Let's go Prison. 65) Let's go Greasy. 66) Let's go Retail Row. 67) My controller just died. 68) My DPI just changed. 69) I need some wood. 70) This kid is bad. Let's push him. 71) Ninja's playing with Drake again. Must be nice. 72) What do you mean? 73) This game doo-doo. 74) They talk about my snipes. 75) What a phenomenal gaming experience. 76) Rocket ride me. Rocket ride me! 77) I can hold med kits. I can hold med kits. 78) What tier are you? 79) I can hold minis. 80) The store is trash today. 81) He's pushing you. You don't have time to heal. 82) Got a team rotating. 83) What's your EPIC name? 84) How does anyone even play on mobile? 85) There we go! Let's go! 86) I'm a beast! Clip that! 87) Ohhhh!!! Golden scar! 88) My team is trash. 89) He's gonna finish me. He's gonna finish me! 90) Forget it. We're going Tilted. 91) Top 10 situation 92) Every time I take the half shield... ...I find minis. 93) Nine damage!? 94) They need to bring Blitz back. 95) How much health did he have left? 96) I cannot believe I just took fall damage. 97) I got a mini for you. 98) This my last game. Let's make it a good one. Ahhhh, AHHHHHH!!! Oh my gosh! 99) I hate this game! Dang man! I was so close. 100) Alright, one more. One more. Ready up. I'm a grown man.": 2, "[DS9 theme music] [serious music] [from a distance] Bashir: Miles! [getting closer] Bashir: Miles! Bashir: Miles! Bashir: Fancy a drink? O'Brien: I can't... O'Brien: Keiko and the kids are waiting on me for dinner. O'Brien: Next Thursday... O'Brien: Book a holosuite... O'Brien: They're going to Bajor... [slowly] O'Brien: Next Thursday... [slowly] O'Brien: They're going to Bajor... Kira: Hi Julian. Bashir: Hi. Are you going to Vick's? [awkwardly] Kira: Yes... Bashir: Mind if I join? [awkwardly] Odo: Uhhh.... [slowly] Bashir: Mind if I join? Odo: Actually... Odo: We were... Odo: ... looking forward to spending an evening alone Bashir: Oh... Right.... [slowly] Odo: Alone... Bashir: Right... Bashir: ... well have a great time! Bashir: I understand! [softly] Bashir: I understand! [softly again] Bashir: I understand! [echoing] Bashir: I understand! [echoing] O'Brien: I can't. [echoing] Odo: Looking forward to spending an evening alone. [ship horn] [sustained ship horn] [DS9 theme music] Computer: Transfer of data is complete.": 1, "I'm trying to hold my breath Let it stay this way Can't let this moment end You set off a dream with me Getting louder now Can you hear it echoing? Take my hand Will you share this with me? 'Cause darling without you All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll For me Never, never Never, for me Never enough For me All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll For me Never, never Never, for me Never enough For me Hey Hollens Family <3 I really hope you enjoy this song I think it is absolutely beautiful one This entire soundtrack is literaly my favorite i heard in over a decade I plan to do almost all this song expecialy sense you have request almost all of this as you can see Thank you so much guys for the support Those who are my patron on patreon You guys mean everything I can't say that enough I love you, i appreciate you Keep sending request down below I wanna know, do you like the guys version of the song ( ME ME :D ) Or if you like the original female version Or more importantly, my wife version Sinse this is a little bit of a \" I told you i can try do this \" 'Cause she told me that i couldn't So i wanna know which one you like more As a friendly reminder of the fact that my wife and i are competitive but love each other to death <3 I love you, check out my wife version, i think is over there And if you like to watch like 9 hours of my stuff, you can click on the links and watch the playlist Love you guys , i will se you really soon, and keep requesting down below , bye ! Subtitles by the Amara.org community": 2, "you, you can be mean And I, I'll drink all the time 'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact Yes we're lovers, and that is that Though nothing will keep us together We can beat them, for ever and ever Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day I, I wish you could swim Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim Though nothing, nothing will drive them away We can beat them, for ever and ever Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day I, I will be king And you, you will be my queen Though nothing, nothing will keep us together We can beat them, for ever and ever Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day I, I can remember (I remember) Standing, by the wall (by the wall) And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads) And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall) And the shame, was on the other side Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever We can be Heroes Just for one day We can be Heroes Just for one day We're nothing, you know will gonna happen Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay We can be Heroes just for one day Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, just for one day Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, We can be Heroes just for one day": 2, "Hip- Hop Tooty Ta Remix! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty ta ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! Tongue out! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! Tongue out! Eyes shut! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! Tongue out! Eyes shut! Turn around! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta": 1, "20cm x 20cm Fold and unfold along the diagonals Fold the edges to the crease and unfold Valley-fold vertically and unfold Note the reference points Fold the top corner down Mountain-fold in half Valley-fold Valley-fold at angle bisector Squash-fold Fold and unfold the corners Petal-fold Unfold everything except the top triangle Fold the top edge down to the horizontal crease Bring the top corner down Fold and unfold the corners to the reference points Fold and unfold the side corners to the corner on the middle. Crease only where indicated Fold the bottom corner up Note the reference points Valley-fold and unfold Fold the top corner down Make a rabbit ear fold Fold and unfold Squash-fold Mountain-fold the corner behind Crimp-fold using the existing creases Fold as shown on the existing creases Squash-fold Petal-fold Bring the point up while folding on the existing creases as shown Bring the right corner to the top Release the trapped paper Repeat on the left side Fold a corner to the right Fold at angle bisectors Bring the corner to the top again while folding at the creases you just made Bring the edge to the center and swivel-fold Fold the point down Bring the corner to the left side Bring the corner up while making a pleat Fold and unfold Reverse-fold Reverse-fold and line up the edges as shown Reverse-fold to the left Reverse-fold bringing the point up Fold the corner down Reverse-fold twice each corner to make the fingers Fold to the reference point while folding the edge to the center Fold it up Bring the top of the vertical crease to the right The model will not lie flat The existing creases will be aligned 00:21:54.000,00:00:00.000 Fold the flap down and flatten the model Fold two points down Reverse-fold the points to the sides Fold the corners inside Fold the top down Fold the corner down (there are no reference points) Fold a layer down to make the eyes Fold the point up Fold the edge a little to make the mouth Mountain-fold the corners Fold the tip to make the nose Fold the little corners if you can Make a rabbit ear fold Outside reverse-fold to make the staff Valley-fold Fold as shown to make the robe Mountain-fold the bottom to make the base Shape the ears Push the top of the head Yoda finished! Optionally you can change the color of the staff or point it up as a lightsaber": 1, "In this video, we will show you how to lock down your crown jewel data on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Arm-based AWS Graviton2 using Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall provides data-at-rest encryption by running as a storage proxy in between client applications and storage layer Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall is deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Arm-based AWS Graviton2 Create a directory to be secured by Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Access Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Web Management Console Create encryption key Choose post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithm and signature hash Configure physical storage Select local for physical storage type and enter storage path Configure Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage Select fuse for mode and input the mount path Choose the newly configured physical storage Select privacy for protection type Choose the PQC encryption key Configure cryptographic cipher Start Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage services Confirm Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage is mounted as configured Any file/data stored via Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage will be seamlessly encrypted and stored securely at the backend storage protected by PQC cipher": 3, "We are gonna learn how to solve a quadratic equation with the quadratic formula. So, when would you use the quadratic formula? When --- it's very specific... It has to be... it's: a x ^2 + b x + c = 0 'a' is the x squared coefficient... 'b' is the x coefficient... x to the one I should say... and 'c' is the x to the zero coefficient... and it [the equation] has to equal zero... what is the quadratic formula? well, it is... minus 'b', plus or minus the square root of 'b' squared, minus four 'a' 'c', all divided by two 'a' So, we want to solve what x is when this equation equals zero... Let's try a sample problem... It's gonna to be very easy... you won't have to put it in quadratic form... So, our problem is: two x squared, minus x, minus six... equals zero. So... the 'a'... is... 'a' coefficient is: two. The 'b' coefficient is: negative one. The 'c' coefficient is: negative six... Alright... So, minus 'b'... so it would be: negative one, plus or minus square root of negative one squared, minus four 'a' (which is: two) 'c' (which is: negative six). All divided by two times 'a' (which is: two). So it'd be, of course, one plus or minus square root of one... minus... a negative... 48, all divided by... four... ...one plus or minus square root: one plus 48, all divided by four... one plus or minus square root of 49, all divided by four... one plus or minus seven over four... and then... first one, let's use the plus... one plus seven over four, which is: eight over four, which is: two... and the other one is: one minus seven over four, which is: negative six over four, which is... to simplify it would be: negative two times three over two times two... ...which of course equals: negative three over two. x equals: two OR negative three over two [boxes answer] well... this should be an 'x equals' just so that - so that you know [points to the start of the solution and writes 'x equals' before the equation steps for clarity] I just wanted to make a note about something... if your quadratic equation is not in this form [points to the quadratic form]... ...then you'll have to rearrange it so that it is in this form [points to the quadratic form]": 2, "Hello music friends, welcome to another video on our channel. And in this video we are going to analyze Mahmood and Blanco with the song \"Brividi\". I apologize if I mispronounced any of these names. But anyway I'm going to do analysis of this song. And what I can add about the music I will do with my observations. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter. Therefore, I will make an analysis of the performance of these two singers. But first of all, if you are not a subscriber, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video, so that the channel reaches more people and grows. The message has been conveyed and now we are going to look at Mahmood and Blanco. I found his voice, a voice with a darker tone. I dare say I don't get the feeling that he is a singer in the highest region of the male voice, in this case, as a tenor. So, I say, it sounds like a baritone to my ears. Of course it's the first time I hear him sing. I would need to hear your voice giving interviews, singing other songs, with him talking and talking in his natural voice, have a greater perception and certainty about it. But he sounds like a baritone to me because he has a heavier voice. This dynamic that he inserts in his interpretation is very cool. It is a dynamic that I confess I remember rap singers, singers who sing hip hop, trap... It reminds me to be a very similar dynamic. I don't know this singer, it's the first I hear him. I'm finding it wonderful, with incredible behavior and vocal posture. Incredible. It's a fantastic performance. I must make an observation. When you sing with another person, It's not just you singing alone, there is a greater difficulty. Because it must be in the same key, it doesn't necessarily have to be the same octave. Because each voice has a particularity. The other singer who started singing sounds like a tenor to me. So it's in some different octave region which is the same note. The two must be on the same note to be in unison. It is a very beautiful performance. You have to have a preparation and here they show that they are well prepared for it. At some point I felt a slight inconsistency in the voice, but this is a normal thing to happen. And now a battery is added. And when this battery is inserted, it is strategically inserted precisely to create more impact on the listener. And it was presented in a very well designed way, also because it gives a differential in the atmosphere of the music. This is very well done. Why are you using falsetto... This falsetto... In falsetto the vocal cords are more tense and when you remove this tension, stop doing the falsetto, the vocal cords open and there is more vibration. Therefore, they are in a position to open their voice more and it is incredible. And in no way is there a mismatch. It's perfect. Again I have the feeling that they are rap singers. I'm really a bit confused here. Because I don't know these singers and I have the impression that they somehow lead in this direction. They show a lot of mastery in the melodic way of inserting their voice. But also to have a different posture with something more rhyming and more spoken. And in the background there is the sound of violins. Therefore, it is one more element that is introduced in the song. It was a fantastic performance. I was really surprised by the way they performed this song. It is very difficult to sing on the same note with another person. But the arrangement is also something that allows them to introduce a dynamic into the voice. Something that is not standardized to be just this melodic factor. Therefore, they manage to work very well in this much talked about way of singing. I was surprised and thought it was fantastic. An incredible performance. It seems that they are two Italian singers and I did not know them. And I was very happy and I am very glad to have followed this performance. But anyway, this was the analysis of this video. For more analysis of Mahmood and Blanco, subscribe to our channel, leave your suggestion in the comments, It will be a pleasure to meet so many talented artists on our channel. We have reached the end, I hope you enjoyed this video, and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.": 3, "Kissey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Kissey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Kissey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Shuru kiya meine as a Music Director, Aaj mere yaar dost bade bade Actor Waise Bollywood mein aati roj Picturein, But superhit picturon ka Yo Yo X-factor Yeh mein nhi kehta wo khud yahi mante,Koyle ki khan mein heere ko pehchante Middleclass boy aaj Super star hai, Charter mein ghume wo chaar badi car hain Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Bete Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Million dollars I don't give a damn, Kudiyan shudiyan I don't give a damn Badi hai soch meri bade hai plans, Jo kuch bhi hun aaj bcoz of my fans Jo bhi mein bola woh karke dikhaunga, Mere liye dua karo Grammy le ayunga Kasam Bajrang Bali ki, Desi ghi ki boondi sakarr-pare batwaunga Jis Din - Jis Din, Jis Din - Jis Din, Jis Din mein Grammy le ayunga Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Bete Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Pehla gana suna mene jab \"A$$ like that\",Khud se kiya tha sawal Golu who the dam is that Raat bhar woh gana kano mein bajaya,Tab kahi jake muje thoda samaj aya Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, Eazy E, Bollywood mein nhi Hip-Hop mein tha jee Hip-Hop ki samaj mere DNA mein thi, I am feeling so high baby so stress free Chocolate na hoti to phir socho kesa hota,Bournvita na hota toh phir doodh ka kya hota Socho Honey Singh hi agar paida hua na hota,Toh phir music industry ka revolution hi nhi hota Mein ulti t-shirt dalu baby meri marzi, Mein gaoon ya na gaoon baby meri marzi High jean wala natak-shatak mujse nhi hota,7 din na nahau baby meri marzi Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Bete Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop": 0, "I think I'm in trouble, I can't see the end I call you my lover, you call me your friend I keep it a secret, yeah even from you I call you my lover, oh what can I do? I've been lonely baby, I I've been hangin' on the line Been hangin' on the line And if you love me baby Don't, don't, don't hang up this time Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it I think we're overthinking it Used to be perfect, that we could be free To do what we wanted, you do it to me We only just started, don't say it's the end So call me your lover, don't call me your friend I've been lonely baby, I I've been hangin' on the line Been hangin' on the line And if you love me baby Don't, don't, don't hang up this time 'Cause you know Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it I think we're overthinking it Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it Don't think it over Oh Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it I think we're overthinking it": 2, "yeah you're the laughingstock of the fucking world I mean for fuck's sake eh I could not be any more fucking on top of this mountain and you are the laughingstock of the fucking world you're like a woman's magazine your like the fucking latest episode of vogue or woman's day yeah all feminism and fucking bullshit tit for fuckin tat I mean it proves how fucking crazy bitches are in this fucking world women are fucked in the fucking head and this whole fucking charade show of the media and Hillary Clinton's just proving it right at the same time people with their head's screwed on the whole fucking the whole of the Western civilization's getting divided yeah! divided all those dumb bitches those ugly fucking dumb bitches you know those ugly fucking women that fucking are obviously ugly cuz they have to go out and get their nails done their hair fucking done you know they need all these body products for their fucking body and they need to get Botox and facial fucking you know huh reconstruction's and you know they need to get liposuction and all this ohh everything under the Sun yeah everything that they fucken every time they do that shit just proves that they are one hundred percent fuckin ugly ugly fucking dumb bitches right and the only reason they think like that is because of the fucking bullshit that they're following in the fucking media right now and buying into I mean for fuck's sake and we've got dickheads going oh this and that trying to up the fucking anti fucking Donald Trump is kicking your fucking ass that's right and I'll tell you this America you've got fucking forgiveness or you've got fucking wrath all right you choose fucking Hillary the people haven't repented you choose Trump and Trump gets in the people have repented do you not understand this this is your chance this is your chance not to fucking fall this is your chance to fucking rise up out of the fucking ashes that you find yourselves in like saying oh there's no fucking fraud in your ballots I mean why the fuck has the UN been fucking overseeing the American fucking you know? ballots since 2012 why is the UN running the American elections because the UN runs America and they've run America since 2012 for fuck's sake just like the beast was released out of the fucking pit in 2012 ISIS was released out of the fucking pit that's what this is all about its all about fucking ISIS all right it's all about their little fucking plan to suck in you fucking idiots and divide and conquer your fucking minds like fucking a bunch of fucking cunts to put it fucking plainly yeah and how do they divide your fucking minds well it's quite fucking simple and I've gone over it and I'm gonna repeat myself just for you fuck head's all right you fuckin idiots out there this is how they divide your mind all right yeah the Spirit hovered over the void spoke then everything was created right yeah isn't that right? yeah! well what about this huh everything came from nothing the Spirit a spirit a ghost a Holy ghost a spirit a spirit a ghost everything came from nothing uh ok Spirit hovered over the void oh we need a fucking black hole to survive in this universe don't we? eh that's science yeah oh the Spirit the Nothing hovered over the void a black hole Nothing hovered over a void a black hole Nothing hovered over a void a black hole Spoke! everything's vibration the world is vibration the planets are held in their positions by vibration everything that's color is vibration right Spoke and everything was created so God's first begotten was his Word which is Jesus Christ and by the word everything was created doesn't that sound like fucking science I mean for fuck's sake and yous all go on about fucking CERN I told you what fucking CERN was about fucking years ago the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it fucking not what the fuck do you think they're looking for huh you turn a light on in the darkness what happens to the darkness the darkness flees so how does the fuckin Darkness not comprehend the fucking light the light has to be hidden right its fucking hidden light amen amen means fucking hidden hidden every time you say Amen your saying the hidden one the hidden fucking God Amen Rah the hidden fucking light the fucking dark matter that fuckin CERN is looking for and that's how they divide your fucking minds you're fucking stupid the whole lot of yous and I've fucking had it way past here with the fucking lot of yous right I have fucking done what I've done because of the fucking legit reasons in this fucking world unlike the majority of you fucking preaching fucking arse dicks out there who fucking have a gerbil up your fucking holes all right yeah! that's all you're fucking worth is repeating fucking wank and you'll go and you'll fucking get that gerbil going inside of you and your fucking what hmm what you're tickling ears with your fucking little fucking wank yeah nah you know you have to go through fucking loss all this information has been revealed to me to me a fucking lone right and nobody else in this fucking world has fucking exposed what I've exposed because I'm fucking original why am I fucking original why the fuck am I original cuz nobody's taught me I don't go to fucking churches right I never been to fucking church since I got kicked out of fucking sunday school for blaming the fucking teacher right blaming the teacher for being fucking wrong I fucking questioned her she couldn't take it and she fucking left and I was kicked out a day after that and why was I at sunday school because my fucking father was working and I was pawned off my whole childhood to fucking nannies and fucking sunday schools and fucking anywhere that I could fucking go so he could go off and live his life and forget about my fucking mother right told you about my bereavement why I am like I am hmm what happens to five-year-olds huh I was fucking four my mother died when I had just turned fucking five it was her fucking dying wish to fucking see my fifth fucking birthday all right my earliest memory as a fucking child right my earliest memory my only fucking memory as a fucking child right when my mother was fucking alive is this I woke up to flashing lights I was in my bunk and I saw the flashing lights my mother had already gone through all of her bullshit she had a broken back she was shitting in a fucking wheelchair and all that fucking jive that was all fucking happening before I was used to that but I woke up in a fucking bunk with flashing lights right I've got taken out of the bunk saw the ambulance go away got told that i was going to fucking go to my neighbor's house my neighbors took me up the road to their fucking house i watched the fucking ambulance go away all right my dad went off to the fucking Hospital with the ambulance and I went to my neighbor's house who was a good fucking Christian and he fucking looked after us for a few hours because just before bedtime for I was laying in bed and I remember fucking laying in bed for hours I heard the fucking phone ring and around that same time I fucking knew my mother had fucking died and the phone fucking rang and I heard them saying that fucking blah blah blah to my father and I knew he was coming to pick us up then they came in five minutes after the call got me back up out of bed and fucking waited with me until my fucking father got there my father got there picked up me and my friggin sister right and took us to the fucking Hospital I went and I fucking looked at my mother's dead body I looked at my mother's dead body up and down and I sprinkled fucking rose petals all over her fucking corpse you understand this is as a five fucking year old you don't know fucking shit your whole fucking community of fucking assholes don't know fucking shit right then after that I remember clearly being at the fucking funeral seeing the open fucking casket watching it go down a fucking hole and descend into the fucking bottom of the church only to go down in to the church and watch the fucking casket get fucking dragged by a fucking conveyor belt into a fucking oven all at the age of fucking five you don't know fucking shit you don't know fucking God and you don't know fucking anything till you are fucking dealt long suffering in life and all you fucking majority of fucking swine out there that have never fucking been dealt long suffering at all in their life don't know fucking shit and I'm the fucking proof and I don't want any of your fucking minds I don't want any of your fucking time I am fucking much better than that and I've always fucking known it right I am the best person qualified to do what I fucking do on the internet and people have fucking put me down and stopped me and tried to shut me up from the fucking very beginning when I'm the most honest and sincere person fucking doing it if you go into fucking google you go into YouTube type in Sqorpio1980 it has not shown up since 2010 they have covered this shit up I told you everything was going to fucking happen huh the year of the dragon was 2012 what the fuck do you think got released out of the fucking pit ISIS it's a fuckin America's scam to take out fucking King David's Kingdom in Syria right and it's got nothing to do with Judah Judah will pay for her sins for as it is written she is a fucking whore and she's whoring it off with America and all those other fucking nations as we fucking sit here and speak and your fucking chances tomorrow America are fucking Hillary or Trump I mean do the math World War or fucking destroy ISIS that's pretty fucking simple regardless of this tit for tat fucking bullshit and everyone's got an opinion but they're fucking opinions are wrong two fucking choices 2008 I told you fucking recession depression War I told you World War one World War two World War three Turkey what the fuck do you think's going on you either fucking help me or you fucking get out of my fucking way and I'm powerful more powerful than yous will ever fucking know": 0, "jump to 3:55 ": 0, "Hello friends! Welcome to Gate Smashers. In this video, we are going to discuss how CSP problems are solved. What algorithm do we use to solve CSP problems? I am going to explain it with a very important and interesting example. Watch this video till the end. Please like my video and please subscribe to my channel if you have not done it yet. And please press the bell button to get all the latest notifications. Let's start. CSP, the algorithm that is used to solve problems, that is called a backtracking algorithm. We use the backtracking method. You may think that we also use backtracking in depth-first search. Yes, it's the same as the backtracking that we use in depth-first tracking. But in this, we use intelligent backtracking. What's intelligent backtracking? How do we do backtracking intelligently? That will be clear to you by an example. We have taken constraint graph for an example. Constraint graph means? We have taken the graph and we have to do colouring on it. First, let me tell you that this graph is variable. In the last video, I explained how to represent the constraint satisfaction problem. I have already explained the basics in the last video. If you haven't watched it, the link is in the description box. Do check out that video. Because we have explained the basics of CSP. The set of variables I have is 1, 2, 3, 4, which are the nodes/vertex of this graph. Secondly, we have domain. In domain, we have red, green, and blue. I have to give a color to each vertex. But the color can be any of these 3 colors for 1, 2, 3, or 4. But, the third thing, which is important, is constraint. What's constraint? The color of the neighbour node/vertex must be different. Their color must not be the same. How have I represented it? 1 not equal to 2. The colors of 1 & 2, 1 & 3, and 1 & 4 will not be the same. Because all 3 are the neighbours of 1. 2 will not be equal to 1. Yes. 2 will not be equal to 4. Yes. There is no problem with 2 and 3 because 2 and 3 are not neighbours. Similarly, 4 must not be equal to 1. 4 is equal to 2 and 3. I have written all the constraints here. This way, we represent the constraint satisfaction problem. Now, let's talk about how to start it. Generally, in the state space, with the initial node,... Let's say I gave red color to the first one. Or I can give green to the first one. Or I can give blue to the first one. Based on that, we take the search/state space forward. Here we are using intelligent backtracking method to solve CSP. I am going to explain you in a simple way. I have these 1, 2, 3, and 4 vertexes. Write down the initial domain first. What does initial domain mean? Which color you can give to 1 initially? You can give it any of the 3 colors. I am writing RGB. It means that you can give any color from red, blue, and green. Initially, you can give any of the three colors to 2, 3, and 4. Let's say, I chose to give red color to 1. If I am giving red color to 1, I will write that 1 is of red color. Let's talk about 2. If 1 has red color, 2, 3, and 4 cannot have red color. 2 colors will come out of the domain. We will not write the red color here. Because if you write 'red' here, the constraint will be violated. We have to satisfy the constraint. This is our problem. We have given the red color to 1. For the rest of the three, we have the green-blue domain. Here, let's say, I gave green to 2. If I give green to 2, we have already fixed red for 1, I have done green for 2. Now see, what are the colors left for 3? For 3, I have green. If you give red to 1, I searched green for 2, if I select green, can we give green to 3? Yes, we can give green to 3 because these are not neighbours. Can you give blue to 3? Yes, we can give it blue because we have not given blue to any of them yet. If we talk about 4, you cannot give red and green to 4 because 2 and 4 are neighbours. So, only one is left for 4, and that is blue. This is known as legal. I had these three as initials. But now, blue is the legal color for 4. Green and blue are legal for 3. Now, let's say, I gave blue to 3. I gave blue to 3. I had already fixed red. I have fixed green for 2. For 3, I selected blue. If I selected blue color for 3, can we give blue to 4? No. But by default, the blue color is left for 4. Can I give blue color to this? No, I cannot because my constraint will be violated. So here, I have an empty value. There is no legal color left. And if no legal color is left, your problem will not be solved. But to solve the problem, you will have to use backtracking. While backtracking, where will we go? We will go where the conflict has occurred. This is the meaning of 'intelligent.' How does the normal DFS work? Let's say, I have this normal tree. In that tree, I have different nodes. Let's say, I am stuck here in the normal DFS. We will go to the recent/previous node. If I have a move here, we will go further. If I don't have any move, we will go back. If I have move here, we will go further. Otherwise, we will backtrack. This way, we are backtracking one by one. But, if a problem is occurring here, we will directly go back to the point due to which the conflict has occurred. So, this is time efficient. This is actually time efficient because we are directly going to where the conflict is occurring. Now we will try to resolve the conflict. The conflict occurring when we gave blue color to 3. Because I had two colors for 3, green and blue. When I gave blue color to it, the problem arose. To resolve this problem, I will have to backtrack. While backtracking, I fixed the green color for 3. If I fix the green color for 3, what do I have left for 3? I have given the green color. What is left for 4? The blue color was there for 4 already. I wrote it here as it is. I have given the green color to 3. And I have given blue to 4. From the point of view of graph coloring, red for 1, green, green, blue. Fine? No neighbours have the same color. This way, we solve these problems related to the CSP. Remember that the intelligent backtracking method that we used here, which is different from the previous backtracking method using DFS. In that, we move one by one. Here, we will go to the point directly where the conflict has occurred. So, it is time efficient. Second, if we use heuristic here, let's say, if I use heuristic here, let's say, I have a graph like this. In this graph, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I have this star graph. I have two colors. Red green, red green, red green, red green, red green, and red green for this too. How many nodes are there? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. How many possibilities are there? 2 raised to power 6, i. e. 32 assignments I can give. Red green for this, red green for this, if I give like this, without heuristic, or with uninformed search or normal state space, I have 32 possibilities according to the normal case. But, if I use heuristic here, give the color first to those whose degree/dependency is the highest. Whose dependency/degree is the highest? The degree of this vertex is the highest because it is connected to 5 vertexes. If I fix the red color to this, in this case, if I fix the red color to this, how many possibilities I am left with for the rest of the five? Only one possibility is left. Give green color to all. I brought it to only 5 possibilities from 32. You give green color to all five of these. If we use heuristic here and define it in an intelligent way, we are time-efficient and we can also solve problems faster. This is all about how CSP problems are actually solved and how the algorithm works. Thank you!": 2, "I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it, baby, stay with me (I love it) Love game intuition, play the cards with spades to start And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be (hey) A little gamblin' is fun when you're with me (I love it) Russian roulette is not the same without a gun And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun (fun) I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) I won't tell you that I love you, kiss or hug you 'Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin I'm not lying, I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunnin' Just like a chick in the casino Take your bank before I pay you out I promise this, promise this Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face (mum-mum-mum-mah)": 1, "Fibonacci Alpha Variant 1. This is a method that involves adjusting your wager. 2. There are 14 levels of wager: 1st level is the base wager, 2nd level is 1 time the base wager, 3rd level is 2 times the base wager, 4th level is 3 times the base wager, 5th level is 5 times the base wager, 6th level is 8 times the base wager, 7th level is 13 times the base wager, 8th level is 21 times the base wager, 9th level is 34 times the base wager, 10th level is 55 times the base wager, 11th level is 89 times the base wager, 12th level is 144 times the base wager, 13th level is 233 times the base wager, 14th level is 377 times the base wager. 3. For illustration, if your 1st level is 25 (i.e. base wager), then your 2nd level will be 25 (i.e. 1 time the base wager), 3rd level will be 50 (i.e. 2 times the base wager), 4th level will be 75 (i.e. 3 times the base wager), 5th level will be 125 (i.e. 5 times the base wager), 6th level will be 200 (i.e. 8 times the base wager), 7th level will be 325 (i.e. 13 times the base wager), 8th level will be 525 (i.e. 21 times the base wager) , 9th level will be 850 (i.e. 34 times the base wager), 10th level will be 1375 (i.e. 55 times the base wager), 11th level will be 2225 (i.e. 89 times the base wager), 12th level will be 3600 (i.e. 144 times the base wager), 13th level will be 5825 (i.e. 233 times the base wager), 14th level will be 9425 (i.e. 377 times the base wager). 4. Write down the wager of each level for keep tracking. For example, 25-25-50-75-125-200-325-525-850-1375-2225-3600-5825-9425. 5. If you win, proceed to use the next level wager amount for the next bet. For example, if you bet 25 (i.e. 1st level) and win, then your wager will be 25 (i.e. 2nd level) for the next bet, if you bet 25 and win, then your wager will be 50 (i.e. 3rd level) for the next bet, if you bet 50 and win, then your wager will be 75 (i.e. 4th level) for the next bet, and so forth. 6. Every time you lose, return using the second latest level wager amount for the next bet. For example, if you lose at level 10 wager, return using level 8 wager for the next bet. If you lose at level 8 wager, return using level 6 wager for the next bet. 7. Please stop if you lost 40 times your base wager from your initial capital. For example, if your base wager is 25, please stop when you lost 1000 from your initial capital. 8. Know the maximum bet limit before using this method and make sure it is possible to execute the 14th level wager. 9. You do not have to make the same bet every time. To put in perspective, you do not have to keep betting the colour black until you get a hit. 10. You do not have to bet immediately after the earlier bet, you can stop for a few turns before placing your next wager. Start demo start with betting 25 on black colour won 25, betting 25 on black colour won 25, betting 50 on black colour won 50, betting 75 on black colour won 75, betting 125 on black colour lost 125, betting 50 on black colour lost 50, betting 25 on black colour Thanks for watching": 2, "Today i am here in Gangnam to do something that i always had in my mind since 2 years. Since I was not confident about my eyes, i have been doing a lot of researches on internet and finally i chose this clinic in Gangnam. When i came out from the Exit 12 of Gangnam station, and kept walking for about 100 meters, i was able to see this huge blue building. WOW~ It looks like there are at least 10 floors. This is the entrance. Finally arrived. So hot... Hi, i am here for the plastic surgery. I just arrived the clinic. Now i am going to the 5th floor to get ready for the surgery. So nervous... Time to take the elevator to upstairs. There are so may people waiting. I am on my way to get changed. I have changed to surgical suit! Feeling so nervous right now... now i am here for washing my face and gargling. First, i need to clean my face with this cleasing foam. Then disinfect my mouth with this mouthwash. Photoshooting Now i am in the consultation room and waiting for doctor to do the last consultation before surgery. He will draw some lines on my eyelids and i will go for the surgery afterwards. I prefer wide eyelids. Doctor is designing for me. Doctor is drawing lines for me. He is measuring the width again and again! He is really professional and careeful~ I have just finished the consultation with my doctor and he drew these lines for me. After surgery, the line will be like this. I will be in the surgical room soon. Feeling so nervous right now.. At the same time, i am also very looking forward to the after surgery result. I just came out from the surgical room, and i was doing ice pack in recovery room for 20 minutes. Now my eyes are still bruised and swollen. But i can feel the lines are exact what i wanted. I can`t wait to see the final result. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7": 2, "how to write an article in WordPress so in this video I'm gonna tell you so without any further Ado so let's go to the screen so as you can see now we are on a screen you can see this is the WordPress this is the WordPress pay that you can create your article so so next click last so let's get started so this is the page so you can add your title for your article and there are several option over here but this is the main page that you can start writing your article by adding the title so now I am so first you need to write your write your content and write your content title your description in in a notepad then you need to then you need to set your title name and you need to organize your text in your formatting so there are several of you can format like a bold text or anything and there are and you need you can also you can also optimize your title by your tag your SEO so these are the several options but first I am so I'm gonna tell you basic understanding how you can start writing an article now you need to copy your content and paste it in your WordPress page now you can optimize your text or buy selecting your text whether you you can resize your text size you can board you can edit your text so here it is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign": 1, "[22:48:35] shimmerfairy: ( [22:48:45] perciacalos: The dream is dead [22:49:05] exiledcat: did you try blowing in it? i think that was the go-to solution for vhs stuff [22:49:16] shimmerfairy: Which VCR failed? The nice one or the most bog-standard-looking thing? [22:49:50] noisecrush: tim are you the admin of the geocities Twitch community too [22:52:13] mabusgaming: Energy drink it is! lmao [22:52:27] shimmerfairy: If you really loved Tim you'd stay up as long as it takes! Kapppa [22:52:29] bananaburger: huehuehue [22:52:35] mabusgaming: lol [22:54:23] bananaburger: anything interesting going on tim? [22:55:24] atomicagent: timOh [22:55:41] ludwich7: No oregon trail tonight? [22:56:03] exiledcat: you should buy some jorts to make your life more upbeat [22:56:35] noisecrush: d [22:59:27] atomicagent: Why do I always want to watch Super Milk-Chan when seeing Tim play this? [23:02:08] wryght: oh man its a tim chill stream [23:02:37] gashapon: Hello Tim [23:04:19] yaakov22: nooo [23:04:23] fusxfaranto: timMinus [23:04:26] fusxfaranto: lmao [23:04:28] pete5506: Nice, a real game [23:04:30] theaxel11: timMinus timMinus [23:04:31] joltb: timMinus [23:04:33] rintezuka1: oh [23:04:34] bananaburger: why do you do this to yourself [23:04:44] plasticleg: depression, the game [23:04:44] fusxfaranto: this is how you know tim really hates himself tonight [23:04:45] nbtl: Whoa, diagonals [23:05:06] nbtl: When is a 3D version of these games coming out? [23:05:14] noisecrush: tim, are you ever going to play puyo tetris again? [23:05:43] wryght: puyo x columns crossover game [23:05:45] seibbi: Wait is Tim trying to mix it up tonight [23:05:53] noisecrush: puyo columns would be cool [23:06:22] plasticleg: do you have any words of encouragement to help me find the will to pick zelda back up [23:06:33] noisecrush: you can do it! [23:06:38] plasticleg: im convinced [23:06:44] noisecrush: we all believe in you [23:06:50] plasticleg: now youve gone too far [23:06:57] noisecrush: ok only I believe in you [23:07:38] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hello timbles and timbuktuvians [23:07:43] pimanrules: It seems like a hard game to get back in to [23:07:46] seibbi: I think I played this before [23:07:48] plasticleg: i only spent maybe 2 hours into it and havnt touched it since. [23:07:53] pimanrules: the hero's path thing might help, though [23:09:25] seibbi: I like it [23:09:25] wqtraz: well it's a falling blocks game that isn't puyo [23:09:30] wqtraz: of course it's bad [23:09:48] wqtraz: not to say tetris is bad but you get what i mean [23:10:15] seibbi: I like the sounds and music in this game [23:10:29] seibbi: It makes me feel nostalgic [23:10:36] noisecrush: this game has a great soundtrack [23:10:36] wqtraz: it sounds sega [23:11:18] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: did you see the evo puyo tet footage of the guy 3v1-ing as tetris [23:11:29] wqtraz: whoa [23:11:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: if u hate on tetris again he will come to your house and t spin until you dier [23:11:39] willster132: Omigod its timm [23:11:54] wqtraz: the best ppt players play tetris, don't they? [23:12:07] noisecrush: most of 'em [23:12:08] jmleleven: unfortunately [23:13:21] wqtraz: so are l-spins and j-spins [23:13:28] willster132: also holy shit that play is good [23:13:31] wqtraz: L-spins [23:13:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: watch player-2 [23:13:42] wqtraz: s-spins and z-spins are fake news [23:13:52] willster132: The poeople in chat spamming RAID BOSS LUL [23:13:58] wqtraz: lmao [23:14:51] willster132: triple t spin ok [23:14:58] willster132: tim go play a real game like PPT [23:15:02] willster132: im hype now [23:15:05] willster132: you need to satisfy me [23:15:21] wqtraz: >real game [23:15:28] wqtraz: jk [23:15:42] daybreakz: Holy shit the AI plays so fast [23:15:49] daybreakz: Oh he slowed down [23:16:00] wqtraz: why does this game look so much like puyo [23:16:05] seibbi: Is this one a mimic? Or just someone hiding in a chest? [23:16:12] wqtraz: was it developed by the same studio/tema? [23:16:15] wqtraz: team* [23:16:15] willster132: >Un necissary I spin just because [23:16:17] willster132: K [23:17:39] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: \"The tetris player is at a disadvantage\" [23:17:43] perciacalos: You could do a line spin in tetris this WHOLE TIME?! [23:17:50] willster132: Was about to say [23:17:55] willster132: They are spamming that hard [23:18:05] dannyboyoo0: This is Columns on the Genesis but the game was first made in 1989. I dont know when it became vs [23:18:08] willster132: #Give Puyos Hard Drop [23:18:16] elagabaluscaesar: is this the cs:go major? [23:18:44] willster132: Lol evo moment T [23:19:03] dannyboyoo0: But it came before puyo thats for sure [23:19:11] brimthrown: why is it called collumns when rows and diagonals count as well? [23:20:03] followthetraincj: jesus this is scary [23:20:10] brimthrown: oh no a sentient sperm cell [23:20:15] gonchon22: how could this be [23:20:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hahahah someone said they were playing puyo/tet swap and every time it was tetris first he would kill them before it even got to puyo [23:20:44] wqtraz: lmao [23:21:04] wqtraz: just shows how far tetris skills goes [23:21:17] willster132: 50% chance for you lose [23:21:18] followthetraincj: yeah get out ghost [23:21:30] dreamleaking: what does flashy block do [23:21:32] brimthrown: you see the guy that did that granmaster rank tetris where it stops even showing you the blocks? [23:21:33] wqtraz: smol ghost boy gets bodied [23:21:35] willster132: I always though that if the first game in a 3 game set started puyos the next round should be tetris [23:21:37] willster132: And vice versa [23:21:43] willster132: 3rd round random again [23:21:48] willster132: ATM I think its 100% random [23:21:55] wqtraz: i saw the tetris thing [23:21:57] wqtraz: that's insane [23:22:04] brimthrown: i was amazed [23:22:10] followthetraincj: i didn't see it [23:22:14] wqtraz: you need some serious muscle memory/skill [23:22:15] followthetraincj: what would i search [23:22:23] willster132: >3 rows left before top out [23:22:25] brimthrown: tetris grandmaster invisible [23:22:26] wqtraz: rip tim [23:22:28] willster132: >Stacking for T spins [23:23:34] brimthrown: https://youtu.be/zaSr0IdNtGY?t=5m57s [23:23:43] gashapon: Are you actually having fun Tim? [23:23:46] brimthrown: this is where i saw it, its time stamped so u dont have to watch the rest of it [23:23:47] willster132: He got gm a few months after that [23:23:57] daybreakz: Tetris Grandmaster 1 is so fun [23:24:01] followthetraincj: wow. that's insane [23:24:03] willster132: I got to watch it on twitch live Kreygismo [23:24:14] daybreakz: I can only get to about 600 but man does it make you feel good when you push your gains [23:24:42] anonymousv8: t spin master [23:24:59] mabusgaming: YEAH [23:25:02] followthetraincj: get rekt ghost [23:25:02] mabusgaming: Fuk that ghost up! [23:25:10] brimthrown: ( [23:25:15] followthetraincj: omg it's a jeckin cober [23:25:23] followthetraincj: heckin* [23:26:19] blondrobin: I am so glad to know that I will always have Tim playing Columns, because this game is unbeatably bad [23:26:29] brimthrown: i love the character animations in this game [23:26:35] brimthrown: delightfully janky [23:26:48] wqtraz: it reminds me of puyo's layout but worse [23:27:01] followthetraincj: the pieces look like the crappy off brand candy you get from machines [23:27:08] squidmochi: when are you gonna play a good game [23:27:23] blondrobin: Tim will play a good game for a few minutes before returning to Columns [23:27:56] followthetraincj: what does a snake need with a ring [23:28:05] followthetraincj: you don't even have fingers [23:28:06] wqtraz: is that candy crush :^) [23:28:10] daybreakz: Is My Summer Car really a good game though? [23:28:21] daybreakz: Or just a good venue to watch trainwrecks? [23:29:36] willster132: All cealr [23:29:51] daybreakz: Honestly I was so happy you finally got it moving [23:29:54] blondrobin: It's also true that my summer car is *also* a good venue to watch trainwrecks [23:29:57] daybreakz: I was overjoyed for you Tim [23:30:12] blondrobin: I was watching the vod but unfortunately got distracted when you drove your ruined wreck into a lake [23:30:30] blondrobin: and spent like an hour failing to push it out [23:30:33] uncreativeusernamesp: hey TIm [23:30:33] followthetraincj: yeah when the car drove it was like [23:30:37] followthetraincj: so awesome lol it felt so good [23:30:57] followthetraincj: yeah cry snake [23:30:59] followthetraincj: cry [23:31:03] wqtraz: gg [23:31:24] wqtraz: god that enormous eye [23:31:49] seibbi: It's eye is so distracting [23:32:10] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: that's how my eye feels when my allergies are acting up [23:32:43] seibbi: Same [23:32:48] thunderclaw5: fuck why did i watch logan, i knew i was going to cry and i did it anyways [23:32:51] silentslider24: hi [23:34:04] chrisxii: why did his eyeball have an eyelid ON it? [23:34:07] wqtraz: logan was a good movie [23:34:16] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: yours doesnt.? [23:34:23] wqtraz: Your does? [23:34:29] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ?... [23:34:30] wqtraz: yours* damn it [23:34:33] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i ask the questions here [23:34:39] wqtraz: I am the one who asks [23:34:59] wqtraz: I don't have any eyelids, I moisturise my eyes by pouring water into them [23:35:00] koolman9921: Tim hows your day? Miserable? Good to hear [23:35:23] wqtraz: my eyes, that is [23:36:10] followthetraincj: i lost two umbrellas to a pool today [23:36:23] blondrobin: @koolman9921 tim is playing columns, so by definition he's not having a good time [23:36:25] wqtraz: rip umbrellas [23:36:26] thunderclaw5: tim i found 2 other surprise tycoon games, so ill send them w/ ultimate ride. you might get more use out of them than i will [23:36:35] followthetraincj: rip indeed [23:36:36] blondrobin: actually i dunno, maybe tim secretly loves this game [23:37:08] koolman9921: Tim doesnt want to face it that he secretly loves columns [23:37:10] wqtraz: I seriously doubt that blondrobin [23:37:20] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: am i a bad person for joining caesar's legion on my first FONV playthrough [23:37:28] wqtraz: what's fonv [23:37:28] seibbi: No [23:37:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: my friend told me that i am the worst type of person [23:37:38] uncreativeusernamesp: Fallout New Vegas [23:37:44] wqtraz: fol oot new veggies [23:37:44] followthetraincj: he's kind of a dick but whatever [23:37:46] followthetraincj: it's a video game [23:37:53] cyo__: So what's makes the enemy columns go up [23:37:59] wqtraz: big combos [23:38:08] wqtraz: oh god his eye keeps changing spots [23:38:14] wqtraz: that looks so uncomfortable [23:40:23] thunderclaw5: oh dear [23:40:25] blondrobin: tim is cheating! ...thank goodness, we might eventually see the end of columns [23:40:27] seibbi: Did you shower with it [23:40:37] followthetraincj: uh i showered until i was done [23:40:43] followthetraincj: then i escorted him out with a cup [23:40:49] thunderclaw5: lmao [23:41:04] wqtraz: scorpions are cute when they aren't deadly [23:41:10] wqtraz: which is good [23:41:11] followthetraincj: yeah i like them [23:41:13] ninjapikmin: rekt [23:41:14] blondrobin: not all scorpions are even poisonous [23:41:17] blondrobin: iirc [23:41:21] thunderclaw5: yup [23:41:22] followthetraincj: and they eat bugs that are annoying [23:41:23] not123username: Scorpions look cool on UV [23:41:25] 1995eclipse: scorpions are chill most of the times too [23:41:29] ironklad2001: how are they getting in? [23:41:37] thunderclaw5: the bigger the pinchers the less venomous they are [23:41:39] followthetraincj: so i just move them out of places that might cause problems [23:41:39] bobbob2238: scorpions are just sharp spiders [23:41:55] followthetraincj: uh in my bathroom i imagine they're entering through the vent in the ceiling [23:42:03] followthetraincj: otherwise i figure the doors, somehow [23:42:04] ironklad2001: oh ok [23:42:07] followthetraincj: same way any insect gets in [23:42:08] thunderclaw5: if they have big pinchers they catch food with the pinchers primarily [23:42:17] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hey google can scorpions use doors [23:42:29] thunderclaw5: if they have small pinchers they primarily catch food with their tails (aka venom most of the time) [23:42:34] saturn0s: Good morning [23:43:14] followthetraincj: we usually check the house with a flashlight that makes them glow [23:43:17] blondrobin: \"The common-or-garden scorpion is capable of using doors. as an additional piece of trivia, the same species of scorpion is able to experience hate on a level humans cannot comprehend and coordinate plans to eliminate humanity over millenia\" [23:43:19] followthetraincj: but i guess we missed one [23:43:29] blondrobin: that sounds cute [23:45:21] not123username: So tomorrow? [23:45:25] blondrobin: tim I feel like you should use the garbage eraser function more [23:45:26] mabusgaming: You got this tim! [23:45:33] thunderclaw5: LMAO [23:45:35] blondrobin: you usually drown in your own useless blocks more than lose to the enemy [23:45:41] followthetraincj: beat that scorpion! [23:45:48] wqtraz: all blocks are useless in columns [23:45:51] ehtna: tim when did columns become your favourite puzzle game? [23:45:55] seibbi: The orange gems look like fruit gushers [23:45:56] kitty49: Hi Tim and chat o/ [23:46:04] wqtraz: they all look like cheap gummies [23:46:41] followthetraincj: heyo [23:46:50] wqtraz: hi Kitty49 [23:47:10] thunderclaw5: do a save state when you're at one win so you dont have to get 2 wins [23:47:13] robbybobbybaby: hmmm [23:47:19] followthetraincj: wisdom [23:47:22] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: tim will never get good if he cheats [23:47:27] thunderclaw5: too late [23:47:40] blondrobin: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 are you implying you can, in fact \"get good\" at columns [23:47:43] not123username: Tim is not cheating, those are for safety reasons [23:47:56] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i was until i realized my error [23:48:04] wqtraz: There is no way to get good in columns [23:48:11] wqtraz: you can only be as good as the game [23:48:14] wqtraz: which is not very much [23:48:20] blondrobin: columns seems way more random and unhelpful than say puyo [23:48:30] wqtraz: puyo master race [23:48:54] followthetraincj: spooky [23:49:03] jmleleven: why is a witch inside of this pyramid [23:49:08] jmleleven: this isn't puyo [23:49:09] followthetraincj: look [23:49:10] hillaryclickbait: @StereotoneTim Did you know you're my favourite streamer? [23:49:12] followthetraincj: you don't know her life [23:49:17] seibbi: I was about to ask that too [23:49:18] gonchon22: its a sand-witch [23:49:24] jmleleven: end me [23:49:26] seibbi: Random ass pyramid witch [23:49:29] gonchon22: thank you [23:49:46] followthetraincj: is that magical energy [23:49:46] blondrobin: @jmleleven if it was puyo, the witch would have more than ten strands of noodle-hair [23:49:47] followthetraincj: or sweat [23:49:50] followthetraincj: coming off her [23:50:06] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: sorry if you don't like her virgin brazilian braids then feel free to buy her some new ones [23:50:39] blondrobin: the new hat dlc: buy hats... for your enemies [23:50:45] seibbi: I feel like this pyramid was filled with Halloween props that just came to life for no reason [23:51:32] gamecynic: Gonna chill here for a bit cause I don't want to bed yet [23:52:07] seibbi: Fall asleep to the soothing sound of columns [23:52:09] blondrobin: the witch cast HADOUKEN [23:52:41] gamecynic: I can never sleep with sound going on. Unless I've been up for about 24 hours [23:52:47] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: the witch stole bones from a graveyard for her hadouken [23:52:58] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: how can you support her [23:53:02] mabusgaming: I find I sleep better with twitch open lol [23:53:10] mabusgaming: When it's dead silent it's weird [23:53:19] blondrobin: aren't we technically robbing a graveyard [23:53:19] ststephen2458: @StereotoneTim you get that game yet you ordered [23:53:19] seibbi: I can never sleep [23:53:24] mabusgaming: koolCLAP koolCLAP koolCLAP [23:53:33] blondrobin: since we came into this burial chamber and are looting all its chests [23:53:46] ehtna: oh wow boss music [23:53:49] seibbi: You can't defeat ME [23:53:51] mabusgaming: This JAM [23:54:01] gamecynic: I need absolute silence when sleeping or... Well I just don't sleep [23:54:07] seibbi: this mummy is buff [23:55:31] gamecynic: SilentoneTim [23:56:02] seibbi: When it loses it just goes into the proposing pose [23:56:19] blondrobin: tim needs to focus to defeat such a serious, critical foe as \"a sweaty humanoid shape that could be a mummy, or maybe just an iron michelin man\" [23:57:29] seibbi: The mummy's neutral pose makes it look like its about to start dancing any second [23:58:05] blondrobin: if you tilt the COLUMNS 3 cartridge and put it to old J-pop... [23:58:08] princessragna: I don't understand how he kept pushing you up [23:58:24] dart133: ever see pictures of the old michelin man? its the stuff of nightmares [23:58:25] ehtna: hear that sound? its the sound of tim unironically enjoying columns [23:58:55] seibbi: I believe in you, tim [23:58:57] preposterousmindgames: this mummy is a cheater [23:59:01] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i am the old michelin man [23:59:05] preposterousmindgames: he went to gamefaqs for the faqs [23:59:14] ninjapikmin: timDinero [23:59:48] jencis0: hello Columns community! [23:59:52] princessragna: That two combo didn't do anything? [23:59:53] blondrobin: I like how mummy says \"you can't possibly beat me!\" and then is surprised and confused when you can't beat them [00:00:24] seibbi: The mummy just has high hopes for us [00:01:30] gamecynic: Tim. Column better pls [00:01:32] jencis0: how? [00:01:33] wryght: this mummy is ruthless [00:01:52] seibbi: Everybody, lend Tim your power [00:01:58] ehtna: are you saying columns is more complicated than puyo? [00:02:22] theeyesofsyn92: Hey Tim and Chat timOx / [00:02:29] mabusgaming: If only you had the hot anime babe don't give a shit shirt [00:02:30] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: if complicated, convoluted, confusing, and confounding are synonyms then yes [00:02:39] preposterousmindgames: take my Quan Tim! atpQuan atpQuan atpQuan [00:02:53] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: take my who [00:03:14] willster132: oh no [00:03:14] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: wait how [00:03:17] mabusgaming: Looool [00:03:18] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: which [00:03:20] dart133: oh boy [00:03:21] perciacalos: Yeah how? [00:03:33] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i fuckin want one [00:03:43] dangdatsgood: What is it? [00:03:56] toemanjon11: how's it going stream [00:03:56] gamecynic: I doubt I would be good at columns [00:04:03] sailorgalaxy: hi tim, when's the next main stream? [00:04:16] seibbi: Never [00:04:21] perciacalos: Tim doesnt stream [00:04:22] dangdatsgood: This is the main stream [00:04:23] sailorgalaxy: makes sense [00:04:31] ehtna: next full moon [00:04:40] perciacalos: Thats too soon [00:04:46] willster132: its a terrible game anyway [00:04:57] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: play puyo pop fever [00:04:59] hillaryclickbait: when's geocities [00:05:04] rintezuka1: back to a good game! [00:05:11] gamecynic: Tim escapes games that he's bad at by playing games where he can dominate [00:05:19] seibbi: We're home [00:05:33] hillaryclickbait: oh boy the red background on this hurts my eyes [00:05:51] jencis0: how are you all tonight? [00:06:17] wertye3: man that was beautiful [00:06:17] mag_launcher: shulululululu [00:06:22] theeyesofsyn92: Not terribly jEncis0, yourself? [00:06:42] wryght: hopefully this channel gets partner soon so we can get Ayyy and Hiyaaa as emotes [00:06:44] seibbi: I'm doing good, my surgery wounds are healing and I'm feeling alright [00:06:51] diggleshut: well [00:06:55] jencis0: confused, but tomorrow will be a good day (: (today was pretty nice too) [00:06:56] diggleshut: I kinda can't believe I actually went to the gym at 11pm [00:06:58] diggleshut: but I did [00:07:17] wertye3: @Seibbi what surgery did you have? [00:07:17] jencis0: ( : [00:07:35] ethernetseeds: ( : [00:08:02] seibbi: Well, it was basically a surgery where they put an implant in my ankle, and messed with my calf muscles to let off stress to my tendon [00:08:16] seibbi: It took 6 weeks of being in casts and splints [00:08:51] seibbi: The scars gonna look cool [00:09:02] gamecynic: Were you a runner? [00:09:40] seibbi: I could've been if my Achilles' tendons weren't messed up [00:09:50] gamecynic: Close enough [00:09:51] seibbi: My other tendon managed to rupture [00:09:54] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i wish i had cool scars for the ladie's to mire [00:09:56] seibbi: Lol [00:10:04] mag_launcher: ~ :D ~ [00:10:27] gamecynic: I got a scar on my eye. It was not admired by ladies or men [00:10:40] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: was? [00:10:44] jencis0: what about cats? [00:11:06] drifter_tv: yatta [00:11:17] seibbi: nani [00:11:25] gamecynic: Cats did not care. I guess the scar is pretty hard to notice unless you're looking for it at this point [00:11:55] wqtraz: gyogyogyo [00:12:02] sobeman1: tim [00:12:23] seibbi: How come when you beat the fish, it shows the fish part cooked but not the human limbs [00:14:10] seibbi: God I wish that was me [00:14:24] jencis0: hue hue hue [00:14:24] gamecynic: At least you don't have to fight an elephant [00:14:36] fusxfaranto: puyos are slimes [00:14:41] fusxfaranto: think dragon quest [00:15:08] jmleleven: that was very close [00:15:08] kitty49: Makes sense muh3 [00:15:38] reusablebox: She gulps like a goldfish [00:15:49] seibbi: Me too [00:15:53] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: be nice to puyos they have feelies": 2, "This is T Spawn. This area is called Second Mid. There is Mid Balcony. This is called Bridge. And these 2 houses are called T Apps. This area is called T Ramp. This is Bottom Mid, This is Mid and that is Top Mid. OK Poly from the future here, I forgot to mention that this is called Mexico or Underpass aswell. This area is called Banana. This is sometimes called Wood. And that is called Car, because on the old Inferno, this used to be a Car. This is called Halfwall. This is called Sandbags. This area is called CT all the way there. This is called First Oranges. That is called Second. That is called Newbox, and that is Pillar. Back there is Emo or Dark. And obviously this whole area is B Site. This is coffins. And this area is Ruins. This is Church. Now we are going through CT Spawn. This is called Library. This is Arch. This area is called Long. Now this is Top Mid. This is called Boiler because a boiler is here. This is called Quad. Now this is Mid Balcony, and this whole Area is called Apps or Apartments. Now this is Balcony. Now when we jump down to here its called Mini Pit. And the rest of the area here is called Pit. That area is called Short. This is Graveyard. This whole area is called A Site, and this is Default. And this area is called Moto, because a motorcycle is there. And that is Cubby.": 1, "This is how to configure static routing for using IPv6. Start to configure R1. Enter the configuration terminal. Set the R1 with IPv6 unicast routing protocol. Assign the IP address to interface s0/0/0. No shutdown. Assign the IP address to interface g0/0. Assign the IP address for local link to interface g0/0. Start to configure R2. Enter the configuration terminal. Set the R2 with IPv6 unicast routing protocol. Assign the IP address to interface s0/0/0. No shutdown. Assign the IP address for local link to interface g0/0. Assign the IP address to interface g0/0. Assign the IP address for local link to interface g0/1. Assign the IP address to interface g0/1. No shutdown. Next, insert static routing command for R1. Network = 2001:DB8:B:1::/64, next hop = 2001:DB8:A:B::2. Network = 2001:DB8:B:2::/64, next hop = 2001:DB8:A:B::2. Insert static routing command for R2. Network = 2001:DB8:A:1::/64, next hop = 2001:DB8:A:B::1. Set Auto Config for L1. Set Auto Config for PC1. Set Auto Config for L2. All right! Let's ping!!! All ping was successful. DONE. Thanks for watching :)": 2, "- I make breakfast for all my pretty foes And my boyfriend look like DiCaprio I could strike a pose for ya poster, bro Get the angle right though Way too much of me, that's an overload Robitussin' flow, that's an overdose Die again to grow, that's the antidote That's a miracle, that's the answer ho Apple in my throat, serpent on the road Way too sensitive, and my hands are cold Need a petticoat Feel like Comic Sans overused for that paper by the gram Freddie I'm a killer queen You lather me in kerosene I think I need a quarantine 'cause I'm a walking Halloween I read it in the prophecy I need an antihistamine Allergic to an evergreen and I'm a fuckin' Pharisee Yeah Yeah, that's the answer ho Robitussin' flow - I don't care too much, I don't cry a lot Interviewer wonder if I'm high or not Need a honest bitch 'cause I lie a lot She ain't ginger but she got a fire crotch Can we turn this up to a higher notch? They don't wanna dance, they just tryna to mosh (yeah) Let her fuck somebody else, 'cause I'd like to watch It's icy hot Ayy I'm fucked up in the back of a Jeep Bad chick at the wheel and the passenger seat (ooh) Ain't nobody with me got a bachelor's degree (nope) You can skip me when you passing the weed 'Cause I enjoy the dreams that I have when I'm sleep (yup) Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets (yup) When they see me out now, they ask if it's me (yup) And I say.. - Yeah, yeah - And I'm back in the city - Yeah - Back, back in the city - Back in the city - Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets - That's the answer ho Yeah - And I'm back, back in the city - Yeah Robitussin' flow - Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets - And I see in 5D like I'm Ed, Edd, and Eddy I got the hot pot running, I'm a little unsteady I told my grandmama I'll be back when it's ready, but I'm a liar Tie the band on me and the polygraph goes haywire Polymath, polyglot, Polly wants a cracker But I just (popping sound effect) like a lip smacker Ethereum, got up and I hit the ceiling, Got up out the water feeling' Feelin' like Popeye yeah, Feelin' like, feelin' like Popeye, yeah Mm, fuck Whole Foods 'cause I be feelin' like Popeyes yeah Uh, Freddie I'm a killer queen, you lather me in kerosene I think I need a quarantine 'cause I'm a walking Halloween I read it in the prophecy, I need an antihistamine Allergic to an evergreen, and I'm a fuckin' Pharisee - Yeah, yeah - And I'm back in the city - Yeah - Back, back in the city Yeah - Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets - That's the answer ho Yeah - And I'm back, back in the city - Robitussin flow Yeah (back in the city) Yeah": 1, "Now Dave wants to communicate with Alice without anyone being able to know they're communicating, and we have a set of routers. These are like our friends in the example of the envelopes. Let's say I know about five routers. We'll call them R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5. The routers are all connected. They can all talk to each other. They can all talk to Alice, and they can all talk to me. We're assuming we have a fully connected network here. I haven't drawn all the connections, because that would get kind of messy. We'll assume we have a fully-connected network here, and we don't need to have a physically fully-connected network. There could be other nodes in between these. We're assuming we have secure channels between each of the routers, and we can set up those channels using TLS, so we have these secure channels between all of the routers and between all the participants, including myself and Alice. We'll select some random sequence of the routers. Each of these i values is one of the values that identifies a router, and I want to send a message into this network. Let's assume for now that the last router that I select is R4. I want it to be the case that R4 sends the final message to Alice that Alice can read. The question is what message should R4 receive? The answers are encrypted with Alice's public key. The message to Alice in clear concatenated with the message-- this is the message Dave wants to send to Alice encrypted using the public key of R4. Encrypted using the public key of R4, the message to Alice concatenated with the message encrypted with Alice's public key. Encrypted using the private key of Bob, the message to Alice concatenated with the message encrypted with the public key of R4. Or the message to Alice concatenated with the message encrypted with the public key of Alice all encrypted with the public key of Bob.": 2, "Drink energy drinks Lyrics, Music & Arrangement: fumito_fumizuki Vocal: KAITO Again, I'm in a dire situation the day before the deadline I rely on \"it\" because it was unplanned (Monster) Caffeine (Monster) Citric acid (Monster) Arginine (Monster) Carnitine (Monster) Ginseng (Monster) Guarana extract (Monster) Let's start (Drink energy drinks) I have something I want to do (Drink energy drinks) to get rid of drowsiness (Drink energy drinks) Fight against myself (Drink energy drinks) Given the wings A new video game has been released so I have no choice but to play it all at once The savepoint is far so I will only play it for another hour (Monster) Stress (Monster) release (Monster) Immersion (Monster) I'm absorbed (Monster) Full of vitality (Monster) Awakening (Monster) Let's start (Drink energy drinks) I have something I want to do (Drink energy drinks) to get rid of drowsiness (Drink energy drinks) Fight against myself (Drink energy drinks) Given the wings (Drink energy drinks) I have something I want to do (Drink energy drinks) to get rid of drowsiness (Drink energy drinks) Fight against myself (Drink energy drinks) Given the wings (Eat vegetables) Lyrics, Music & Arrangement: fumito_fumizuki Vocal: KAITO Energy drinks are delicious": 1, "Welcome to Calisthenic Movement. My name is Alex. And in today's video, I will show you how to start training for the planche, as a beginner. The hardest part in the beginning is to get into the tucked planche position. Once you're able to hold the tucked planche for a bit, you can go on with training the usual progressions. Beside the tucked planche there are the following progressions. The Advanced Tucked Planche. The One Leg Planche. The Straddle Planche. And the Full Planche. We recommend you to the able to hold a progression for at least 30 seconds, before you go on to the next progression. In this video, we are focusing on how you can achieve the ability to hold the tucked planche progression and strengthening. Before you start with the planche training, you will need a minimal basic strength. If you can do more than 30 narrow push-ups, 20 dips and 60 seconds handstand on the wall, you can start with the regularly planche training. To be able to reach the tucked planche position it's very important that you concentrate on completely straight arms every time you train. Imagine how you push your shoulder blades forward and push with straight arms against the ground. In this way you stabilize your shoulder joints and activate the muscles that are necessary to hold a planche one day. All right. Let's go to the exercises. A good exercise to start is the Planche Lean. With that you can get closer to the right position step by step. The more you lean forward, the harder this exercise gets. Now your shoulder girdle gets more load, because the shoulder is not right above the wrist but it's placed in front of them. The Frog-stand and the Advanced Frog-stand are some more good exercises for the beginning. When doing the Frog-stand, your inner thighs are placed onto the elbows, and arms might be bent slightly. When you do the advanced Frog-stand, your arms have to be straight, and you lean your knees against your lower arms. The next exercise is the Straddle-sit. Here you're also allowed to rest your inner thighs on the arms a bit. As soon as you feel comfortable in this position, you can start trying to lean forward with your upper body and release your thighs from your arms. Another in this time dynamic exercise is the Tucked Planche Swings. Here you go to the tucked planche position by swingings likely into it. When your body gets used to that, you try to eliminate the swing step by step. And perform the movements slower and slower, and more controlled. Finally we show you another exercise from the hand-stand. This exercise is similar to a planche lean. You are in a handstand position with your belly facing the wall and start walking forwards in your hands. When you reach a certain point, you start leaning forward and hold the position. Lean only as much forward as you are able to hold this position for a few seconds. And avoid to fall down after seconds. Integrate 1 - 2 of those exercises into your training to reach a tucked planche. We recommend you to train those exercise at least 3 times a week. Thank you for watching this video. We are happy about your subscriptions and likes. If you have questions, just leave the comment below.": 4, "Our topic for today is Simple Distillation. The process of heating a liquid mixture to form vapor and then cooling that vapor to get a liquid is called simple distillation. Distillation is used to purify a liquid by separating the components of a liquid mixture. The process of heating a liquid mixture to form vapor and then cooling that vapor to get a liquid is called simple distillation. Distillation is used to purify a liquid by separating the components of a liquid mixture. Let us perform an activity to understand Simple Distillation. Take a mixture of acetone and water in a distillation flask. Put a thermometer in it. Connect the flask to a water condenser. Let us perform an activity to understand Simple Distillation. Take a mixture of acetone and water in a distillation flask. Put a thermometer in it. Connect the flask to a water condenser. The condenser has cold water running through its jacket to keep the temperature cool. Keep a beaker at the outlet of the condenser. Heat the mixture, keeping an eye on the thermometer. When temperature hits 56 degrees celsius, acetone starts to vaporize. The condenser has cold water running through its jacket to keep the temperature cool. Keep a beaker at the outlet of the condenser. Heat the mixture, keeping an eye on the thermometer. When temperature hits 56 degrees celsius, acetone starts to vaporize. These vapors condense in the water condenser. The condensed acetone gets collected in the beaker. When all the acetone vaporizes, water is left in the flask, acetone is collected in the beaker. In this way, acetone and water get separated by simple distillation. These vapors condense in the water condenser. The condensed acetone gets collected in the beaker. When all the acetone vaporizes, water is left in the flask, acetone is collected in the beaker. In this way, acetone and water get separated by simple distillation. Boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. Boiling point of acetone is 56 degrees celsius. As there is sufficient difference between their boiling points, these components can be separated by simple distillation. Simple distillation does not work properly when difference between 2 boiling points is less than 25 degrees celsius. This is because the components do not get separated and purified completely. If we repeat this process multiple times, we will be able to separate these 2 components. However, as this is very time consuming, a special type of distillation called fractional distillation is used. Boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. Boiling point of acetone is 56 degrees celsius. As there is sufficient difference between their boiling points, these components can be separated by simple distillation. Simple distillation does not work properly when difference between 2 boiling points is less than 25 degrees celsius. This is because the components do not get separated and purified completely. If we repeat this process multiple times, we will be able to separate these 2 components. However, as this is very time consuming, a special type of distillation called fractional distillation is used.": 3, "subscribe for more videos. subscribe for more videos.subscribe for more videos. ": 1, "The world science fiction masterpiece \"dragon egg\". By Robert fward. This is a probe ship from outside the ecliptic. It has been in service for 20 years. After humans sent it into space. It first sailed five astronomical units to Jupiter. After Jupiter. It doesn't photograph and travel to other planets like the exploration ships of the past. It's just below Jupiter's south pole. Then they burst out of the orbit plane formed by the planets in the solar system. Wait for the spacecraft to climb out of the ecliptic. Its sensors see a new image of the sun. The influence of magnetic field produced by sunspots in the mid latitude region of the sun is weakened. New effects dominate the picture. In the early days of the mission, exploration spacecraft outside the ecliptic kept sending back data. Many well funded scientific groups have thoroughly studied the data. The collected information shows that the sun changes abnormally:. It swallowed too many tiny black holes. Scientists have found the strength of the solar polar magnetic field. There is periodic fluctuation of polar law. 74. There is periodic fluctuation of polar law. Of course, there are many variables in the solar magnetosphere. Every sunspot is an important source of change. And (sunspots) are too strong in the mid latitudes of the sun. Everything is controlled by them. Later, exploration spacecraft from the ecliptic came to the top of the sun. Long term data sampling. Only then did people discover the highly regular and precise changes in radio flow. It is interpreted as the periodic change of the solar magnetosphere. The final conclusion may be that there are four clusters of dense matter in the interior of the sun. Most of them are micro black holes in the initial stage of formation. They revolve around each other deep in the sun. Eating the internal organs of the sun interferes with the normal fusion balance of the sun. The impact of black holes on the sun will become very serious in millions of years. But now they only occasionally create a glacial century. So the sun is not a reliable source of energy in the long run. Human beings can realize this, but at present there is no way to do it. One of the two communications transmitters on the spacecraft's satellite is still functioning properly. Three more experiments are continuing. One of them is the low frequency radio test. Now the output data of the spacecraft is spread out on the table. A determined graduate student is flipping down the data. At the moment, what is being analyzed is the information sent back by low-frequency radio. 1221.51. At the moment, what is being analyzed is the information sent back by low-frequency radio. She pulled the long paper tape onto the table. It was found that the slowly changing sinusoidal image on the paper became blurred. She said to herself, \"Damn it! It's a mess again.\". The graduate student's name is Jacqueline Cano. She did her dissertation under Professor swarinsky. But she's had some trouble recently. Because she doesn't have enough money for her research. But the more troubling thing is. When she does data analysis with a computer. There is quite a lot of noise like confusion. The topic of her paper is to find a periodic variable in that complex pattern. So there are five or more black holes in the sun. If she can't, she has to prove that there are really only four black holes in the sun. After a few days Jacqueline fell asleep because she was too tired at work. She dreamed of becoming a spaceship. Flying through empty space. Under her is the whole open solar system. Her brain is strictly trained in astronomy. It's easy to put the planets in the right place. She was sprawling and spinning slowly. She thought to herself: it is exactly the same as the low frequency radio outstretched by the ecliptic spacecraft. She focused on the north pole of the sun. Although the sun is very bright, her eyes don't feel any strain at all. She looks for changes on the surface of the sun. But I didn't see anything. But the limbs gradually detect the weak pulse, double pulse, three pulse. This is a complex radio signal generated by the black hole's orbit, she said. Her body kept turning and soon she could not see the sun. But the limbs still feel the pulse, and it's strengthening. \"Confused!\" she woke up, rubbing her numb arm. I couldn't help but chuckle and say: my mind is full of papers. It's so good to be able to become a spaceship by myself. For the rest of the time. Previous dreams come back to mind. She is very familiar with the operational characteristics of the spacecraft. But one thing is really strange. She is back to the sun, not face to the sun when the dream is messy. She found the analysis tape printed by the previous computers. Add double peaks and protuberances up and down - repeat twice. Add two peaks and protuberances up and down - repeat twice. And then the mess. Jacquelina unconsciously repeated the pattern on the paper. Suddenly stop, she exclaimed, chaos is cyclical!. It could have been caused by a spaceship. Its signal transmitter peaks for hours every day. But that's not likely. And from the last few months to the present, the confusion is gradually increasing. She decided to go to her tutor and apply for some more money. By the way, report the latest situation to the teacher. The reason for the noise is eliminated. And because it's changing places over time. It's enough to say that the sun doesn't make the mess. She was almost certain. Only one of the ship's four antennae received the mess. She excitedly told her tutor. As long as the engineer can switch the data acquisition mode. Let each antenna work in turn (independently). Before she finished, Professor swarinsky turned her down. Pay deep space networks to point their antennas at specific spacecraft. It's expensive enough to accept an hour of scheduled data dumps. Do you know how much it costs to send orders to the spacecraft?. The professor finally gave her a little money. Jacquelina quit the office. Now that she has money in her account, the computer is happy to see her again. She used a computer to send instructions to the spaceship. A thorough analysis of the mess was made. She found some problems and hurried to find the professor. It's not random noise. Because there is evidence that it occurs in a period of 199 milliseconds. Or five cycles per second, very regular. The oscillations between the one hundred ninety-nine second pulse and the one hertz data sampling rate. We can get the beat frequency of 200 seconds. But the fluctuation frequency is not 200 seconds, because it's here. Scientific data is interrupted by engineering. Now jacquelina has confirmed. For a long time, the reason of the influence on the solar exploration activity. Right here!. Professor swarinsky found that it has all the features of pulsars. It's just that the known pulsars are not at any frequency. The professor finally gave Jacqueline more financial support. Jacquelina found Donald, the jet propulsion experimental engineer. Donald manages the deep space network throughout the lab. Jacquelina needs his help. They gave orders to the ship. After repeated experiments, the parameters were changed and the data were sorted out. Finally, we found the pulsar. And this pulsar is only 2300 astronomical units away from the earth!. That's one thirteenth of a light year!. A star so close? Donald asked. Then we should have seen them move in the sky. No, the pulsar is a rotating neutron star. The diameter of the neutron star is only about 20 kilometers. Even if it's very hot, the light-emitting area is too small. We have to look right at where we are with a large telescope. Donald asked: if this pulsar is really so close. So why didn't radio astronomers find it?. Jacquelina replied. The radiation of a neutron star is a beam from a magnetic pole. You have to be in the direction of the beam to see the pulse. The spacecraft is 200 astronomical units above the ecliptic. It happens to be in the path of the beam. So the spacecraft can receive pulses and we can't see them. It's on the northern sky, but not where we thought it would be. Because neutron stars are too close. So there is a five degree error between the angle of the spacecraft from it and the angle of the earth from it. And the reason it hasn't been found is because it's right next to the constellation of Dracula, lambda. The fourth-class star on the tail of the constellation Dracula. In that bright light. It takes a good telescope to see the neutron star. A few days later, jacquelina's paper was ready. Published on the astrophysical information network. Before long, China's new telescope was in the air. A faint light spot was found and named \"dragon egg\". Astrophysics, an authoritative Chinese Journal, published the report. Soon someone was staring at the night sky. Want to capture the figure of \"dragon egg\". It's in vain, of course, but it's right behind the tail of Dracula. It's like an egg just laid. On weekends, Donald and jacquelina sat on the lawn of the observatory and chatted. For the first time in months, she was so relaxed. Her thesis has been completed and received unanimous appreciation from the scientific community all over the world. I wonder if human beings will have the chance to visit the dragon eggs. At its speed, it will leave the solar system in a few hundred years. I wish I could go, but most of us can only rely on our grandchildren. Donald replied: maybe not as long as you think. P. Donald replied: maybe not as long as you think. There are new discoveries about monopoles. They used the first monopoles. More monopoles have been made in large electromagnetic accelerators. Some of them have been used to make deuterium gas fusion reactions. The results of fusion excited the engineers at JPL. They have already begun to design fusion rockets for starships. Maybe in a few decades. One of our children is likely to overlook it from the track of the dragon egg. Thirty years later, the interstellar ark, St. George. Pierre Cano Nevin, chief scientist of the dragon egg exploration team. In front of the science deck console. Controlling the activity of the asteroid belt. Although the star is still far away from him. Pierre said to himself. In my heart, it is still my mother's star. Pierre thought of his childhood. On the lawn in the morning, he is beside his father. To see the first StarCraft. Leave the earth for space. To explore the neutron star his mother found. Since then, the exploration of the universe has planted seeds in his young mind. Now Pierre is close to exploring the planet. With unprecedented technology and confidence. We will embark on the journey of neutron star exploration. And what kind of answer will be waiting in front. The story begins.": 1, "The Lion King Start with the final color down PAPER: Kraft paper 30 x 30 cm. Fold and unfold. Fold the corners to the center and unfold. Mark the middle point along the line connecting the circled points. Fold the bottom corner to the mark. Unfold. Fold down the corner at the mark. Unfold. Fold the top comer down to the mark. Unfold. Fold the crease lines onto the next ones and unfold. Repeat the previous step, but do so with all the relevant crease lines. Fold the top corner to the circled point and unfold. Fold the side corners to the center and unfold, but only mark the middle point. Fold the side corners to the marks, again only marking in the middle, Unfold. Fold the side corners to the furthest marks and unfold. Fold at the middle point of the two crease lines, right and left. Unfold. Fold along the lines connecting the circled points. Unfold. Fold the edges to the crease lines. Unfold. Pleat fold putting the two crease lines onto each other. Fold at the middle of the two crease lines and unfold, right and left. Fold along the line connecting the circled points, Unfold. Fold along the lines connecting the circled points. Unfold. Fold in the middle of the two crease lines and unfold, right and left. Fold the bottom corner to the circled point. Unfold. Fold so that the two I circled points will be on top of each other. Unfold. Fold the top comer to the circled point and unfold. Fold in the middle of the two crease lines and unfold, right and left. Pleat and assemble using the crease lines. Fold the edges down and rabbit-ear the top comer. Redirect the flap by pleat folding using the crease lines. Fold the corner in half and let the flap lay flat. Inside reverse fold. Unfold the layers. Fold the edge up using the crease lines. Repeat on the left. Mountain fold along the crease line. Pull out the hidden layers. Pleat. Fold the side corners in using the crease lines. Fold edge to edge. Fold along the crease line. Push this area in and pleat in the lower part. The layer behind will be heading left. It is exactly the same folded, just with a kraft paper 50 x 50 cm. Open the layers and flatten. Do a series of inside reverse folds. Mountain fold the corner. Repeat behind. Fold the flaps to the other side. Repeat behind. Pull out the hidden flap. Inside reverse fold the four layers inside. Open the layer and look inside. Keep the head three dimensional. Open and squash. Fold the flap along the crease line. Fold edge to edge and unfold. Fold so that the circled points will reach the edge. Fold along the line connecting the circled points and swivel. Fold up the flap. Repeat on the lower part. Continue in part 2": 1, "[Evans] So here's the idea of how to do this. We're going to start by selecting some secret, and then we're going to compute the hash of that secret, and then we're going to do that again. We're going to compute the hash that we got for the first time as the input, and we're going to keep computing hashes here. This could be done anywhere. I've written it on the server side. The important point at the end of this-- so what Alice gets is the hash of s, the hash of the hash of s, the hash of the hash of the hash of s and so forth. Of course, if she just has s, she could compute all of these herself. The server only stores 1 thing. The only thing the server stores is the last value in this hash chain. So let's suppose we did this 100 times. This is the value the server would store, and that's the only value stored by the server. So now the protocol to log in will be Alice will send the 99th value in this hash chain. So what the server will do is compute the hash of p, check if it's equal to the stored value x. If it is, it will allow Alice to log in and will also update the value of x. The new value of x will be the value Alice sent as p. So that's how the first login works. Now the question is, the next time Alice logs in, what does she need to send? Here's the choices. Different number of times of doing the hash starting from the secret s.": 2, "We're not in love We share no stories Just something in your eyes Don't be afraid The shadows know me Let's leave the world behind Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall in to the dark side Give into the dark side Beneath the sky As black as diamonds We're running out of time Don't wait for truth To come and blind us Let's just believe their lies Believe it, I see it I know that you can feel it No secrets worth keeping So fool me like I'm dreaming Take me through the night Fall in to the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall in to the dark side Give into the dark side Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall in to the dark side": 3, "I can count, you can count, we can count together Practice your counting everyday And you'll count so much better Count to 100 Count proud Count out loud Check it out kids I'm DJ Count Count by 1's to 100 now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 I can count, you can count We can count together Practice your counting everyday And you'll count so much better Count to 100 Count proud Count out loud 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Count with DJ Count He is super cool Sing his song and count with him At home or in your school Count with DJ Count He is super cool Sing his song and count with him At home or in your school I can count, you can count, we can count together Practice your counting everyday And you'll count so much better": 2, "[Dave] Welcome back for Unit 2! I hope everyone is getting confidence in the things you learned in unit 1. We're going to continue to build on those in this unit as well as in rest of the course. Our main goal for this unit is to make the web crawler, instead of just finding one link in the page, to find all the links on a page, so that we can follow these links and collect more and more pages on the web. To do that we need two big new concepts in computer science. The first is procedures. Procedures are a way to package code so that we can reuse it more easily. The second is control. We need a way to be able to make decisions, and to do repetition, to find all those links on a page. What we saw at the end of Unit 1 was a way to extract the first URL from a web page-- that's great--we could find the first target. But if we want to build a good crawler, we don't just care about the first one, we care about all of the links on the page. We need to extract all of those links-- figure out where all of those links point to-- so we'll find many more pages to crawl than just the first one. So, that's the goal for this class as far as building a web browser. To do that, we're going to learn two really big ideas in computer science. The first is about procedures, and that's a way to package up code so we can use it in a much more useful way than we could before. The second is about control. Control structures will give us a way to keep going to find all the links on a page. So, let's remember the code we had at the end of Unit 1. We solved this problem of extracting the first URL from the page-- we assumed the page was initialized to the contents of some web page. We initialized the variable \"start_link\" to the result of invoking \"find\" on \"page,\" passing in the start of the link tag. Then, we initialized the variable \"start_quote\" to the result of finding, in the page, the first quote following that link tag. Then, we initialized the variable \"end_quote\" to the result of invoking \"find\" on \"page,\" to find the first quote following the start quote. And, then, we assigned to the variable \"url\"-- extracting from the page-- from the character after the \"start_quote,\" to the character just before the \"end_quote,\" we could print out that URL. This worked to find the first URL on the page. If we wanted to find the second one, we could do it all again. We could say, now we want to advance so we're only looking at the rest of the page. We could do that by updating the variable \"page,\" assigning to it the result of the rest of the page, starting from \"end_quote\"-- and, remember, when there's a blank after the colon that means select from this position, to the very end-- and then we can do all the same stuff. We'll do \"start_link\" again; ... we'll do \"start_quote\" again; ... Now we've got code that's going to print out the first URL-- keep going, updating the variable \"page\"-- and then doing the exact same thing-- printing out the second URL. If we wanted to print out the first three, we could do it again... So now, we've got code to print out the first three URL's on the page-- let's scroll all the way up--so you've got-- print out the first one--keep going-- print out the second one--keep going-- so this can go on forever. The reason we have computers is to save humans from doing lots of tedious work. We don't want to make humans do lots of tedious work-- certainly, typing this out, over and over again, would be really tedious, and it wouldn't really even work that well. We have pages with hundreds of links, but there are other pages with only one or two links. So, it wouldn't make sense to copy this hundreds of times. There's always going to be some web page that has more links than we have copies of it-- and any page that has fewer copies, we're going to run into problems because we're not going to be finding any of those links. So, our goal today is to solve all of those problems.": 3, "Hello. Before I start the video, I will talk about a few important details. One of the most important factors for making latte art is milk foam. The first latte you see was prepared with the right steam milk. Second, with the wrongly prepared steam milk, you can see the difference. If you're still having trouble preparing milk froth, you should watch my video on how to make steam milk. You can find the video link in the description section. Before we start with milk, let's practice with water. When we first start pouring the milk, we should adjust the distance between the glass and the milk pitcher. If it is far, the cream layer will not form, but if it is too close, the surface of the coffee is covered with milk. In the after stage, we should keep the milk pitcher and the glass as close as possible. Do this with the glass half full so it's easier to make latte art. Let's train with water to get your hand used to it, let's pour the water quickly and slowly. This study will allow you to pour milk more controlled while making latte art. Another important point is your wrist movement. While pouring the milk, try to move the milk pitcher by moving your wrist, not with your arm. Thus, you can pour the milk in a more controlled way. In order to make latte art, the tip of your milk pitcher and the glass must be very close to each other. For this, you should give the glass a little slope. Thus, the milk cream will be able to take shape on the coffee. Let's look at the angles in the different patterns. The inclination of the glass is almost the same, although there are different pouring points. Let's look at another angle for a different pattern. 1-) Mix the steam milk and espresso 2-) Tilt the cup. 3-) Increase the flow rate and create the pattern. 4-) Decrease the pouring speed, raise the milk jug and pull it forward. Let's take a closer look at how to make a heart. Step 1: Stir the steam milk and coffee from the appropriate distance. Step 2: Stop pouring the milk. Step 3: Bring the milk pitcher close to the glass and start pouring the milk quickly from the nearest side. Step 4: Once the heart shape starts to form, reduce the pouring speed, lift the milk pitcher and draw a straight line. Bring the milk pitcher closer to the glass. Increase pouring speed. Once the shape starts to form, reduce the pouring speed. Lift the milk pitcher and draw a straight line. Let's examine the latte art Tulip construction in detail. Step 1: Stir the steam milk and coffee from the appropriate distance and stop pouring the milk. Step 2: Bring the milk jug close to the glass and pour a small amount quickly into the back of the glass. Step 3 : Repeat the same process slightly in front of the previous point. Step 4 : Repeat the same process slightly in front of the previous point. Step 5: Repeat the same process on the front of the glass, create a heart shape, decrease the pouring speed, lift the milk pot and draw a straight line. 1. quick pour and stop. 2. quick pour and stop. 3. quick pour and stop. 4. Pouring, reduce speed, raise the milk pot and draw a straight line. Let's take a closer look at making Rosetta. Step 1: Stir the milk foam and coffee from the appropriate distance. Step 2: Start pouring the milk quickly to the back of the glass. Step 3: Once the milk cream starts to appear on the surface, gently shake the milk pot in the same spot with a flick of the wrist. Step 4 : Continue to shake the milk pitcher and slowly pull it back, reduce the pouring speed, raise it and draw a straight line. Bring the milk pitcher closer to the cup. Shake gently. Pour fast . Pull back slowly. Decrease pour speed, lift and draw a straight line. Do not forget to tilt the cup while doing all these operations. The closer the milk pitcher is to the cup, the easier it will be to make latte art. I hope I was helpful.": 3, "(see the description for complete project information) (see the description for complete project information) So as you saw, we were actually able to make our (see the description for complete project information) wheel move with the correct electromagnetic pulses, (see the description for complete project information) and we had a great circuit inside of a nice, (see the description for complete project information) modern, awesome car. (see the description for complete project information) Unfortunately, we could not pulse our electromagnet (see the description for complete project information) correctly because we didn't know how fast to do it, (see the description for complete project information) so the magnets just lined themselves up and froze; it (see the description for complete project information) didn't really work well as a propulsion system. (see the description for complete project information) So right now, our car might be better off as a (see the description for complete project information) braking system rather than a propulsion system, (see the description for complete project information) but hopefully, in the near future, we will be able to (see the description for complete project information) develop some of our issues. (see the description for complete project information) Maybe someday you will see a magnetic-propelled car (see the description for complete project information) out in the streets. (Made by us.) (Hopefully.)": 2, " aoa welcom to fatherhood series my wife has participated in contest announced by Nestle Cerelac my wife has participated in the contest announced by Nestle Cerelac They have launched their natures selection series having three different flavors ummm first of all we had to bought cerelac in order to participate in that contest let me show you Nestle Cerelav Natures Selection when I went out in search of this pack I got to know that No one had got it , it was not available on daraz online store I am sharing BTS with you in this video That we have sent them Yesterday here starts the story , I was in search of that specific product then finally a distributor guided me that He has seen the same product at shalimar near store Bait-ul-Mukaram Masjid They have got it So I went and bought it so thank you Shalimar So I went and bought it so thank you Shalimar for providing me that Its basically out of stock everywhere and having availability issues watch more Cerelac Advertisement Voice Over Like , subscribe and share my channel": 1, "we're mining stone we're building castles we're taking to the skies we're not afraid 'cause there's no limit we build with sand and ice take me to the mine right into the dark side where spiders hide and ores shine bright I see it, let's dig it while it's still safe to do it let go of the fear and take me to the dark mine take me to the dark mine take a tool and come inside come on let's mine cubic stones tonight we craft tonight big swords of diamond enchanting them with smite we build tomorrow armors of iron preparing for the fight we're building, we're fighting this is how we play this game we're coding, we're crafting there's fun in every frame take me to the mine right into the dark side where spiders hide and ores shine bright I see it, let's dig it while it's still safe to do it let go of the fear and take me to the dark mine take me to the dark mine take a tool and come inside come on let's mine cubic stones tonight (dark mine) take me to the mine right into the dark side where spiders hide and ores shine bright I see it, let's dig it while it's still safe to do it let go of the fear and take me to the dark mine": 2, "I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated I wanna break this spell that you've created Your something beautiful, a contradiction I wanna play the game, I want the friction You will be the death of me Yeah, you will be the death of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it And our time is running out You can't push it underground You can't stop it screaming out I wanted freedom, bound and restricted I tried to give you up, but I'm addicted Now that you know I'm trapped, sense of elation You'd never dream of breaking this fixation You will squeeze the life out of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it And our time is running out You can't push it underground You can't stop it screaming out How did it come to this? Ooh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Ooh, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah Yeah, you will suck the life out of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it And our time is running out You can't push it underground You can't stop it screaming out How did it come to this? Ooh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Ooh, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah": 1, "i thank god for everything Mind on my murder Sky is getting red Body getting cold Losing hella blood Lord please save my soul If I have to die Don't know where ill go I don't wanna die I'm only ten years old My mama cried Yellow tape around my body it's a homicide And he told me it was accidental, by surprise Ambulances everywhere and i just pray that I survive Cuz baby it's a homicide Ooh a homicide He just shot me and I dropped down to the floor He said I caught him by surprise I caught him by surprise He was shell shocked and he claimed he didn't know I grabbed his hand cuz I was terrified said I was scared to die He just watched my blood spill out and die slow I looked him right inside the eye He looked inside my eye Asked him would i survive he shook his head no Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, huh, murder, huh Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, ayy, murder, hey Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, hey, murder, huh Mind on my murder, hey, mind on my murder yellow tape around my body its a homicide never thought my day one friend would be the one to take my life and he aint even shoot me once this n**** shot me twice and i dropped down to the floor and i had tear drops in my eyes never would have thought a home invasion would have costed me my life all i wanted was a mouth full of gold and my neck and wrist with ice but now i just got murdered while i go in paradise just sing this chorus with me twice Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, huh, murder, huh Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, ayy, murder, hey Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, hey, murder, huh Mind on my murder, hey, mind on my murder Fuck with it then and your life will get ended Fuck do you know about Melly the menace Glock-26 and that bitch is extended Glock-27, bitch I'm really with it Catch that fuck nigga, hit him with the semi You know my young niggas really ain't friendly Ball like tarantula, flip like a spatula Suck on that bitch, I want blood like I'm Dracula Whoa whoa, suck on it slow, fuck that lil bitch on the floor You know it's Melly the menace, the clip is extended You fuck with me, life will get ended We go in your mouth like a dentist We walk through the entrance, bitch give me the bag, run it up Your bitches wanna have fun with us She wanna tote on a gun with us She smokin' dick, yeah that ho smokin' angel dust Top That a n**** get, they gon' top it, yeah Pull up on a n**** with a Glock-ock bitch I don't give no fuck about shot, shit I don't give no F-U-X about her Pull up on a n****, it's a fuckin' M-1 Free my n**** trill, he just caught an M-1 Cause baby it's a homicide, oh a homicide He just shot me and I dropped down to the floor he said I caught him by surprise, I caught him by surprise He was shell-shocked and he claimed he didn't know I grabbed his hand 'cause I was terrified, said I was scared to die He just watched my blood spill out and die slow I looked him right inside the eyes, he look inside my eyes Asked him would I survive? he shook his head no Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, huh, murder, huh Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, ayy, murder, hey Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, hey, murder, huh Mind on my murder, hey, mind on my murder": 1, "Oh, oh, I'm gonna use every heartbeat Oh, oh, today not tomorrow Oh, oh, I'm gonna disobey Oh, oh, far from the shallows Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Headlights, headlights, headlights Oh, oh, I got a taste of the good life Oh, oh, I'm never letting go Oh, I'm a cat, gotta use all my nine lives Whoa-oh, I'm gonna do it all And oh, I'm tipping on the edge And oh, I don't wanna be scared And oh, don't you pull a breath And oh, just take me all the way Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Headlights, headlights, headlights Oh, oh, I got a taste of the good life Oh, oh, I'm never letting go": 1, "Christopher Carbone: For question. Number 9 of our final exam review for the short answer questions. Christopher Carbone: I have. The number of books in a small library increases at a rate Christopher Carbone: according to the function. B prime of t is equal to 164 Christopher Carbone: times E. To the 400 T. Christopher Carbone: Where t is measured in years after the library opens Christopher Carbone: we want to find out how many books well the library have. One year. Christopher Carbone: One year after opening. Christopher Carbone: This is the integral from 0 to one Christopher Carbone: of 164 Christopher Carbone: times E. Christopher Carbone: To the 4 hundredths Christopher Carbone: T. Christopher Carbone: Dt Christopher Carbone: and this would be Christopher Carbone: 164 Christopher Carbone: divided by 0 point 0 4 times a to the 0 point 0 4 Christopher Carbone: t. Christopher Carbone: and that is 4,100 Christopher Carbone: times e to the 0 point 0 4 t Christopher Carbone: evaluate between 0 and one. Christopher Carbone: so that becomes Christopher Carbone: 4,100 times e Christopher Carbone: to the 0 point 0 4 times one power Christopher Carbone: minus 4,100 Christopher Carbone: times e to the 0 point, 0 4 times 0, Christopher Carbone: and that gives us rounded to be 167 Christopher Carbone: based upon a whole number Christopher Carbone: since. Again, can't we have a functional amount of a book? Christopher Carbone: So after one year of opening. Christopher Carbone: the library will have Christopher Carbone: 167 bucks. Christopher Carbone: and then, finally number 10. The rate of change in a person's body temperature with respect to the dosage of X milligrams of a drug is given by d prime of X is equal to 5, divided by X plus 2. Christopher Carbone: One milligram raises the temperature by 3 and a half. Christopher Carbone: Celsius. We want to find the function giving the total temperature change. Christopher Carbone: So this is the integral Christopher Carbone: 5, divided by X plus 2 Christopher Carbone: Dx. Christopher Carbone: based on our formulas. This is 5 times the natural algorithm of the absolute value of x plus 2, plus c. Christopher Carbone: To get that value of C, Christopher Carbone: we put in 3 point. 5 Christopher Carbone: is equal to 5 Christopher Carbone: times the natural logarithm of the absolute value of one plus 2, Christopher Carbone: plus c Christopher Carbone: Subtracting over this 5 times the natural log of the most 3, Christopher Carbone: we would get a value of C to be negative land into 2 decimal places, negative, 1 point, 9, 9. Christopher Carbone: So the function that we would get for this would be d of x Christopher Carbone: is equal to 5 Christopher Carbone: times the natural log of them Christopher Carbone: of the absolute value of x plus 2 Christopher Carbone: minus 1.9 9. Christopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.": 2, "Ignas Vasiliauskas DJ Lp. - I Love Techno, Tech-House music 2018. Ignas Vasiliauskas DJ Lp. - I Love Techno, Tech-House music 2018. Lithuania, Vilnius. ": 1, "There's a shadow just behind me Shrouding every step I take Making every promise empty Pointing every finger at me Waiting like a stalking butler Who upon the finger rests Murder now the path of must we Just because the son has come Jesus, won't you fucking whistle Something but the past and done ? Something but the past and done? Why can't we not be sober? Just want to start this over And why can't we drink forever ? I just want to start this over I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave I will work to elevate you Just enough to bring you down Mother Mary, won't you whisper ? Something but what's past and done Something but the past and done Why can't we not be sober ? I just want to start this over And why can't we sleep forever ? Why? I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave Trust me Why can't we not be sober ? I just want to start things over And why can't we sleep forever ? I just want to start this over Why ? I want what I want": 1, "I think, though. I think, though the It was, okay It was , , okay It was, , okay. , okay, what's up It was, , okay, what's up? Hey! My is Hey? My is cool. 6, But okay But okay. But see But see. , yeah. You know , you know, basically, there is ically, hey, guys , you know, basically , Let's see, that Let's see, that is, Let's see, that is, we In Benita . Got so what I so what Mexico? They allow them Mexico they allow them in do rain no needle land and in Chad Lab consists Somebody. They said they might body. It's a demographic so what I'm It's a demographic so what I'm in in. Okay. And it's public account public a initial abandoned ndoned They They'll you They'll what What was politicos? Okay? And the 2. So then So the that's good the that's good. And this. King. King, I that pretty minute that pretty many of questions estion. Kay Kay Unoklynik, is about about On documentary cumento cumento ho, but ho! But in pulls back On documento ho, but in The ultra question ultra question case, but I see said, but I case. But I see, said while Katie's while Katie's crystal political, it can again ical itical In. In my way. No, no, no. no, no! I say, a it reflex, you know. reflex sooner I say a it reflex but And it is And in I And in. I see it just kinda And in I see it , and And only And only this, also reach up for him to follow me. Android got that Android got that, hey? Let those Miko Miko Sapo is Kate Well, that goes. Okay Okay. No. Solar. Meantime. antime, they won't be they won't be so be so Hey? Most is that Hey? Nimos? Is that those Hey? Nimos, is that those it will be it will be cool , and that'll and that will be taught you d that'll be told that'll be told you, Al Qaeda is on this also a Zoom Meeting da is so on this also a zoom in second, it's connect to the second, it's connect to the communication in October. in Moving. port, Moving port, that What? Okay What? Okay? Alpha What? Okay? Alpha? ? What? Okay? Alpha? I Okay. Thank you. And they don't necessarily And they don't necessarily Okay. Barna. Okay. Barna, yeah Okay. Barna, yeah. That's that's Okay. Barna, yeah, that's that's that's pretty in India You know You know the question is. ion ion is, will is, will be , see, conflict of mind see, conflict of mind. of mind. Okay. Total info On! On a call. What I want On a call. What like so many uses a separate center on uses a separate center on conflict, though nflicto, owning owning. Get ready and take . I understand e what what? Okay, this is here. here. Calcium poly Calcium poly equal! Oh, my Always set that I Always set that I alright. Yeah. the space. Look Okay? Okay. . Okay, look at the name of Okay, look at the name of a of a See a political. See a political Hello! See a political hello at at at total Linkedin, I mean. So they made use Christmas So they made use look with it use look within each other. San Jose No! The question. No. The question is that like on is like that is like that consistency, like personally. Oh, political Oh, the political itical Ee, locate. Locate. Yeah Ee, locate. Locate. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. The comments ofolitica And And Philippa Calendar And Philippe Carlton, Sebastian. arlton Sebastian. Sebastian. Hey? Is it Casey? Hey? Is it Casey daily Is it Casey Daley y Is it Casey Dale? But no we said, Okay, no pulls off Canada for o pull on Canada for o pull on Canada pull on Canada for for Hey? Okay. Look at this, and in Look at this, in in Nabado Look at this, and in a Look at this, and in a a t this, and in a a Don't t this, and in a a Don't miss that this, and in a a Don't miss that. Okay. Which is hit by Nicole I don't think it would be no I don't think it's I don't think it I don't think it, and ink it, I don't think it. And yeah. Okay. Hey, Nick. I know the older question , yeah you You're okay You're okay you can call quadratic okay you can call quadratic 28, atic 20 20. So you put water. A. Do these these 2 so political, E, and I Do these 2 so political E, and and and eliminate and E and and a couple of E, and and , it's , it's it now w, and and now. And K. 8, And K. We hear so yes, and Lundy And Kay we hear so. Yes. Be, in. Be, Be, in, Isabel Saronacomo nica, so Be, in, Isabel Saronacomonica. So, or next So. Okay. Nope Okay, no. K, a. . K, a, a. It's Okay, no. K, a, a. It's just , you know , you you know. know, they will come in will not save you me in in Unas area. They leave me to kill it within leave me to kill it within that that In the winter. Oh, Oh, more my way with it! more In the winter. Oh, more than than. And did you handle each andle handle They! robolia. Contact. Take a look at one, yet ok at what you see almost come up, being so joke about so. Joke with with combat, seeing no lacking no lack , little K. E lack He's done. No, no He's done. No, no, hey. No, No, no. E, He's done. No, no. E, okay. no. E, okay. Oh, okay. So now okay. Autopsy 4 4. K K is. K. Is in conflict, though noise. K. Is in conflict, though no K. Is in conflict, though. No, it No, it it's it's Glenn, I assume it it's it's Glenn, I assume. Okay. Yeah Okay. Yeah. Okay, yeah, c plus zoom Okay, yeah, c plus okay. Okay, yeah, c plus always oh, it's way, blue blue. Okay. They! They They be cool. Cake. Okay. It's okay. Bye Is a I S. A. Rigid Savada . The only The only telephone ephone See. With, you know Pretty mad. You'll see that see the respects the respects now his second values. See, See, I've seen that I move just move to person. I can say move to person. I can say that. Yeah Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey? Want to add And it configured . Okay Okay. igured Okay. Okay Okay, okay, I, Okay. Okay. Yeah Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay, okay, Okay, okay, with it out , one person actually One One person, actually, yeah, even identification on. E, you'll have on. E, you'll have to get people 's people What is. What is okay. They They see this What is okay? They see this. Yeah, a, a. , a, a , a, a I've been to that. Yeah, a, a I've been to that And oh. oh, okay. okay, is right. Carlos Carlos, payroll. Okay? People. Hello Oh! Okay, Okay, so and get people Okay, so and get people to yeah. Okay, so and get people to no simple So So. So you know this Well, let's say let's see if Kayona, the last condition is contact see if wait Well, no, let's see if okay Well, no, let's see if okay. That question is is K, That question is K. What we said . That's it What? We said, okay, no. DC, What we said, okay, a group What What? We said, okay, Locan What? We said, okay, Locan. O sisapro mintendo, no bye Mintendo! No, my always goodise my, always kenos kenos my always kenos guaranteesa entry entre call me entre call me yes, okay, no entre call me yes, okay, no. 6, Please. He might finish. Yes. h. Yes, Yes, to possess more. Oh, best more. You'll miss Yeah Well, no. Good. Well, no! Well, no, yeah. Make it pasta. So now Well, no. Yeah. Okay Well, no. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. No. Both Okay. Not both most things. Okay, no, both. They mostly meet no, both. They mostly meet no problem. W What do you know? Boston Awesome. Okay . Okay. A Awesome. Okay, get, boy, that get, boy that a in for us today for us for us. So, just just weekend the barack, Obama if you say yes soon as I say if you say yes if you say yes soon as I say, yeah. say they okay. I say paid say paid. Okay, I'm not kidding. Okay. I'm not kidding. No No. No! A No, a, yeah. So No, a No, a ! Washington, see Washington. ington, they start to sue me. Yes Washington, they start to get Kate, Port Boy for popular Logan. I know know Can make this safe A. They! Hold around the Cfo in around the Cfo in Blackup 2,000 Hold around the Cfo in Blackup fo in Konadine and Konadine and Lacarac on Konadine and Lacarda on Frio Coca. Lacada Confrio, or calculation look with it. They got a set to to E. t to E When I see it I see it tofril license, he okay. lacrosse, I see. Okay. see. Okay Okay, last, technique that Okay, let's take this . That's cool . Hey Okay, let's take this. Hey. e this, hey? No Okay, let's take this, hey? No? They last month. Phone Phone E is that Phone E is that okay? It's lucky that okay Phone E is that okay? It's lucky . Okay . Okay, said Okay, said this cool. So , okay cool so, or get so or get, because if they thank y So this. A nice A. All these schools. Okay. Okay? No. So I'm in zoom , not rocky, , not , not Rativa not Rativa. That is, for state When, if this. When is this? Hey When is this? Hey, Joe? Location s? Hey, Joe? Locally safe way Hey, Joe? Locally safe way? A Must be. Landlord. They don't have any See. See They look at me. ook at? Yeah They look at? Yeah? And yeah. And north, they They look at? Yeah. And north. And North got a full day. Yeah, that are pain set in that are pain set in terminals. There They are policy and Hello. policy And so And so be available easy, And so easy and manuscript easy And so easy manuscripts , and Send you again on this phone Okay, yeah, see? So it's just like it's just like. like nestles. You You go? Yeah. You go? Yeah, you look. And if we see and see and no, see and no, no. no, no no see, hey, tampion. auto? The less causal. So. Too much Dilemma. Dilemma. Yes. Well. Hey! E. E yeah. E like also, they can need it. also vaccinating, and your lens ulance Okay. One thing One thing I'll thing I'll say, see animals? Yeah, we will need this stuff this submit platform. Gonesta Gonesta Facilities nesta facilities, and I'm on facilities, and I'm on DNA I'm on will not be into on will not be able to , you you know to. You know. Okay You know. Hey? hey? They stay, general You know, hey? They sitting You know, hey? They say, Amos , that You know, hey? They say, Amos. There is software There is they. s they There is they? They they look. There is they they Yeah, yeah. Yeah. A second book Yeah. A second book. Like. Like a Like Like a hey! Like a see Like a see. No. For Formal, hey. l, hey? Formal, hey? No, not come on Formal, hey? No, not Formal, hey? No , ey? No! They then by No! They then by see and see! And And each is not substantial And each is not substantial and see, I see, I don't own detail it's a 1 million people enthusiast C, locating nice C locating Yeah. O Obama , put on Obama, put on my promotion Obama, put on my promotion. And of America. And they absolutely And absolutely y see y see if also for land or see if also for land or land, or see see? Yeah. Okay. Even for Hey! In locations. ations, no, so Freezek or Noona Excell Phone Excell Phone Phone Excell, phone. Phone. See? Hey? phone phone, see a looking ooking And they say so totally And a people they And a people And a people device get getting Yeah key. It's it's mobile, neat It is. It is, is. It is is so . One It is is so. One day It is is so one day. See. Yeah. Yeah, key, Yeah. Key, look, okay. Yeah, key, look. Yeah. Key. Look, yes. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah, Loki say over my saber. my sabotage, they're not seen ecosystem Those K at total Okay. Not everything. Okay, not every time. See? Hey Okay, not every time. See? Hey? So most I I I I don't care. I won't I won't. A is the I won't. A is the Inamos, but I won't. A is the Inamos. But okay. But okay. Cynthia. But okay. Cynthia, okay. Who's the main thing? La manita ink . Okay . Okay. Local looter, king King. I I located. Yeah I I located. Yeah. I I located. Yeah, a. Anything, those Moy Bonita as soon as yeah okay looking Looking as Looking as a yeah if it were Looking as a if it Looking as a if it's in in those and e that e that see that see. So the day. Hello! So the day , yeah, I'm good . Okay, you care . Okay, you can Okay, you can see, host. Thank God! Thank God. Okay. It's like. Idea. In. And it will Obama, And and Hello And and they're not looking more . Let me see And and they're not taking Local, detail. Okay. So So. So Anna K. In this So Anna K. Ay is , , what do you see Ay, quick Equal those companies areables and proxy those permissions and permissions and proximal l . They they post, that they might amass post that they mar Amar. See pull them. See for See for them. No? Oh, yes, we . Okay Okay. Well, no! Well, no. Say ll, no, say a Well, no, say a it's it's I am so Well, no, say a it's I Well, no, say a. It's I. Yeah. Okay. Cool. This cool software K, and I'm in this video kept , Okay. Come in. Thank you Come in Saint Peter. ome in, Saint Peter, Come in, Saint Peter, a new , Peter a new make it called You'll be all Mexico You'll be on Mexico. They You'll be on Mexico day You'll be on Mexico Day E. Joel, Joel, Mexico, get Canada. Mexico Joel, Mexico get kkk get Kkk. I have a dream You will make it. Okay. There will be annual You could see He tell me That's cool And awesome And awesome And okay. Yes, yes Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. Get done. Yes. Okay Okay, so Okay, so. Yeah. Yeah. Get done. Yes. Okay. So So a at Newland , yeah and Hello So a and So a? And yeah. So a and yeah, exactly. Hey. Yes, the same Okay. They don't They don't need to see that , and at , and it'll and it'll be be They see, they In a Laplace. Have a phone. had a phone, and it is also the also the Martin Luther King E. Lo! Gas The The Martin Luther, King App The Martin Luther King . Hello . Hey? Don't . Yeah The Martin Luther King. Yeah. r The Martin Luther King Noonka Noon comma Noon comma Zoom Phone call Noon comma Zoom Phone call like Phone , hey Okay. Because Yeah. Much. Yes Yeah. Much. Yes. Questions! Oh. Let me know. Is e know. Is colony cocaine correct know, is, okay. Okay. Okay. e know is yes, know is yes, Kay, Hi, finale in this course. Okay Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. This point. 8 8 have it To see what Yeah. So. See. Okay. Yeah. Is it It's funny. Okay. Like this We. We? So no, yeah, they must. But I mean Parameters must paramet a a Bye. Bye, it's super cool cameras Bye, it's super cool cameras. Jupiter. Will be nature, then Would be nature Deployment I need a movie we didn't I need a movie. We will be by I need a movie. We will be don't. Maybe we have. don't. Maybe we have. Yeah, if they portrait portal disk streaming, screaming screaming, as you know. know. O Oh! Oh, we see! Oh, Oh, see! And so Let me see Okay. Hello! See. Okay. Let me. Okay, let me tell you. ll Okay, let me tell you. But Okay, let me tell you, it's also attendant attending attending. Hey! It. Exactly. Is that Exactly Exactly. Is that the xactly is that the you Exactly is that the you guys? Okay. does it. Let's implement that No, no, schedule may not No no schedule. No no schedule in Latvia. can't meet it. No, they don't meet not No, my my Okay. Thank you. Celanta . You see . Okay Thank you. Celanta. Okay. Thank you, Celanta. Thank you. Bye, bye. Okay. Shame. Yeah, yes Shame. Yeah, yes, it is. Shame. Yeah, yes, it is no. Yeah, they must. y must tap Yeah, they must tap in. No, not tap on a scenario. I want to keep Last year. I was. Nice Oh, no! Hey! Go ahead! Oh no! Oh, no, not mobile! Oh, no. Okay. Oh Oh no! no no, no, no! I guess you know Oh, no! No! No! No! No! No! Hey! Please. Yeah Please Please! No, no, no, no. Yeah. No. Get the money. No, don't see It's so Total maintainment. Total, maintain Yeah. Okay. I would have to With This This wonderful. This wonderful? No, and this is Okay. After that A second. I love What was that Thank you A second. Thank you. That's it. For Jupiter's. Okay. Okay, to tip with this product this in the comments and neutral Willyton , or . Sounds good Okay. See I See I call See. I call hey? You know. See, I call fatal Get that. Okay Okay. And so now now, like they are getting, is this one it it it puts on, I think it it's at an idea an again notice. This second Mandel porting This is kind of case . Nope . Okay, okay. okay, what is it? Study it? Study for more. Donald Study for more. Donald Trump r more, Donald Trump, do you know more, Donald Trump, do you know me, Soia? We're not . Yeah okay We're not. Oh, no, I don't think think this is it this is it this time is it this time? Oh, about Obama Awesome. No. No nico No No. Nico, yeah. They they want to jump from no. Kennel so those people Kennel Kennel, so Elizabeth. Chicken. Yeah. Everybody. I mean I I know. As soon as Port K Port Port Kapoor, Kelvin horizon Port Kapoor, Kelvin horizon. now the Nca. Is a person right here Ncaa. Is a persona. He command doesn't look look. They don't Port Capitol, Port Capitol, according to Capitol, according to Vida, push busted busted thing in the primary level , kiss her to you you. Post by the But I think that's No mass folks to contact No mass folks to see . Don't No mass folks to see don't see No mass folks to see don't see. No, no. Okay. So, just No, I can. You No, I can. You get complete. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Okay. Yes. Yes, if they will stand fatal Yes, if they will stand okay , I Yes, if they will stand. I was. It was , okay. See It was, okay. See? It was. I see It was. I see you know was. I see you know me, my keynote See. It's gonna": 0, "We know that all the plants synthesize their food by themselves. The plant synthesize their food by the process of photosynthesis. But they cannot utilize all this food at once so they store it in the form of starch. So, if you want to see that the plant has photosynthesized we can check this with the presence of starch. So, now let's do some experiments starch. So now let's do some experiments to see the presence of starch in the plants. So, in these experiments, we will use plants. So in these experiments, we will use iodine solution to confirm the presence of starch as this iodine solution turns blue-black in the presence of starch. Now let's start the experiment, pluck a leaf from the plant with variegated leaves. Now, what are these variegated leaves? The variegated leaves have green and non green parts. The green parts contain chlorophyll and so they photosynthesize and they have starch in them, while the non green part do not have. Now boil this variegated leaf in water for 40 to 60 seconds. This will stop all the ongoing chemical reactions. Then dip this leaf in boiling ethanol for some time and this will ethenol for some time and this will remove all the color of the leaves. Then wash the leaves with water and put iodine solution over it. What will you observe? You will see that all the green parts of the plant are stained blue black as they contain starch in them while the non green parts are left unstained. In other words, we can say that the green parts of the plants photosynthesized and they could do so because of the presence of chlorophyll pigments in them, while the non green plants, they do not have chlorophyll pigment so they could not photosynthesize. Let's do one more experiment to see if you got the gist of photosynthesis. In this experiment also, we will use iodine solution to test the presence of starch.We will take two potted plants and label them as plant one and plan two. Now keep these plants in dark for three days ,this will remove all the starch present in the leaves. Then we will invert the glass jars over these plants. We will keep potassium hydroxide in the jar which contains plant one, potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide. Now we will seal both the jars and make them airtight and will keep them in sunlight for three hours. After three hours we will test the presence of starch in the leaves of both of the plants. Let's see what happens? Here, we can see that plant one does not contain starch while plant two confirms the presence of starch in it. Can you tell me why? Let me explain ,now the plant one which contains potassium hydroxide in it could not utilize carbon dioxide present inside the glass jar as pottasium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide and so the plant could not photosynthesize. While plant two as it does not have potassium hydroxide in it, it utilized potassium hydroxide in it it utilized the whole carbon dioxide present inside the glass jar and so it photosynthesized and confirmed the presence of starch in it. So, in these experiments we saw that it. So in these experiments we saw that chlorophyll and carbon dioxide are essential for photosynthesis.": 2, "[music throughout] ON-SCREEN: Close-up of an Exoplanet Travel Bureau rocket as it lifts off. ON-SCREEN: A fictional spacecraft approaches the Moon, which is peppered with lights from settlements on the surface. ON-SCREEN: A parent and child watch from their home on Mars as a rocket lifts off in the distance. ON-SCREEN: Medium shot of an observatory floating among the clouds of Venus. People can be seen milling about and taking in the view. ON-SCREEN: A small spacecraft approaches Enceladus from afar. The family on the ship excitedly watches the moon's geysers as they erupt. ON-SCREEN: A space kayaker paddles in the oceans of Titan, with Saturn filling the background. ON-SCREEN: A daring skydiver falls toward exoplanet HD 40307 g. ON-SCREEN: A space tourist stands on the surface of exoplanet Kepler-16b. The planet's twin suns cast a double shadow on the ground. ON-SCREEN: Passengers, towed by floating balloons and protected by a clear bubble, observe the lava surface of exoplanet 55 Cancri e. ON-SCREEN: A fictional spacecraft passes by exoplanet GJ 367 d, a world that could potentially contain liquid water. ON-SCREEN TEXT: Where will you explore? ON-SCREEN TEXT: Start your journey. ON-SCREEN TEXT: exoplanets.nasa.gov/travel ON-SCREEN: NASA logo": 1, "Yeah Yeah When I walk on by I smell like shit and I come in fly I pimp to the beat in front the garbage on the street YEAAH This is how I roll, paper pag pants out of control You can find me in the glory hole lean into the wall for a quick free blow Girl look at my body! I eat trash Please give me some money When I walk in the spot This is what they see An old dirty man that drinks his own pee Got a disaster in my pants and I ain`t scared to show it Show it show it show it I`m sexy and I`m homeless When I`m at the mall I`m in the bathroom trying to clean my balls When I`m at the beach I`m in the bombay trying to tie my chicks This is how I roll I got a carbon box that I call home I keep a semen in the jar, baby, don`t be jelous No shoes no shirt cause I`m fucking homeless Girl look at my body! I eat trash Please give me some money When i walk at the spot This is what they see An old dirty man that drinks his own pee Got a disaster in my pants and I ain`t scared to show it I`m sexy and I`m homeless": 1, "Officer KD6 -3.7. Let's begin. Ready? Yes, sir Recite your baseline. A blood black nothingness began to spin A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem. Fuck off, skinjob And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played. Cells. cells Have you ever been in an institution? Cells. Do they keep you in a Cell? Cells When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells. cells Interlinked. What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked. Do they teach you how to feel, finger to finger?Interlinked. Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked. Interlinked. Do you dream about being interlinked? What's it like to hold your child in your arms interlinked? Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing, interlinked? Interlinked. Within cells interlinked Why didn't you say that three times:-within cells interlinked -within cells interlinked We're done Constant K. You can pick up your bonus Thank you sir Cells -Cells Have you ever been in an institution. Cells When you're not performing your duties, do they keep you in a little box? Cells. Interlinked. what It like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked -Interlinked Within cells interlinked -Within cells interlinked Dreadfully -Dreadfully What's it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully Do you like being separated from other people? Distinct -Distinct Dreadfully distinct -Dreadfully distinct Dark -Dark Within cells interlinked -Within cells interlinked Withing one stem -Withing one stem And dreadfully distinct -And dreadfully distinct Against the dark -Against the dark A tall white fountain played - A tall white fountain played You're not even close to baseline": 1, "Neural networks can be used in a large variety of problem areas, including machine translation. Today, let's take a look at one important concept that will help lay the foundations for understanding neural networks: mathematical functions. Each neural network represents a particular function. For each input, the network calculates an output value. Let's take a look at one particular function. This function accepts as input a letter of the English alphabet. The job of this function is to categorize each letter as either a vowel or as a consonant. In this example, our function is denoted by f. Inside the parentheses, the input to function f is denoted as x. After function f calculates an output value for a particular input x, we denote that output as y. Eventually, we might want to build a neural network that implements this function. Given such a neural network, we could provide the network with an input that represents one of the letters in the English alphabet. Given this input, the neural network would calculate an output value. For each possible input, a function must calculate an output. Our function is designed to map from English letters to either consonant or vowel. The set of possible input values is called the domain. Here, the domain is the set of lowercase English letters. The set of possible output values is called the range. Here, the range is the set {consonant, vowel}. Given the English letter \"a\", our function should return the value \"vowel\" Given the English letter \"b\", our function should return the value \"consonant\" Our function should return the value \"vowel\" when the input to the function is \"a\", \"e\", \"i\", \"o\" or \"u\" On the other hand, our function should return the value \"consonant\" when the input to the function is \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"f\", \"g\", \"h\", \"j\", \"k\", \"l\", \"m\", \"n\", \"p\", \"q\", \"r\", \"s\", \"t\", \"v\", \"w\", \"x\", \"y\", or \"z\" One way to implement a function is by using a general-purpose programming language. Here is example code using the Swift programming language that implements the function from the previous page. This code defines an enumeration called EnglishLetter that defines the domain of the function, an enumeration called SpeechSound that defines the range of the function, and a function called f that maps each item from the domain to exactly one value from the range. This code checks to see if x is the English letter \"a\" or the English letter \"e\" or the English letter \"i\" or the English letter \"o\" or the English letter \"u\". If x is any of these values, the function returns the value \"vowel\". Otherwise, the function returns the value \"consonant\". In order to represent this same function using a neural network, we will need to use a much different technique. Instead of writing code like this using a general purpose programming language, we will design a special kind of connected graph with weighted edges. We will discuss the details of that process in another video. This presentation was created and narrated by Lane Schwartz. You are free to reproduce and adapt this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.": 2, "Our topic for today is Laws of Reflection. Consider this ray of light which strikes a mirror. This ray of light is called the incident ray. Consider this ray of light which strikes a mirror. The point at which the incident ray strikes the mirror is called the point of incidence. Draw a line perpendicular to the mirror through the point of incidence. This line is called Normal. The angle which the incident ray makes with the normal is called the angle of incidence. The point at which the incident ray strikes the mirror is called the point of incidence. Draw a line perpendicular to the mirror through the point of incidence. This line is called Normal. The angle which the incident ray makes with the normal is called the angle of incidence. When the incident ray strikes the mirror, it will bounce off the mirror. The ray which bounces off is called the reflected ray. The angle which the reflected ray makes with the normal is called angle of reflection. Let us learn the 2 laws of reflection. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. If the angle of incidence is 30 degrees, then the angle of reflection will also be 30 degrees. Remember that, these angles are always measured from the normal, not from the mirror. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane. Let us learn the 2 laws of reflection. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. If the angle of incidence is 30 degrees, then the angle of reflection will also be 30 degrees. Remember that, these angles are always measured from the normal, not from the mirror. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane.": 3, "welcome to flyaero tech you tube channel. please subscribe and click the bell icon. if you click the bell icon, you will get notification when I post a new video. ok today I am going to talk about the angle of wing. so angling the wing up or down spanwise from root to tip can help to resolve various design issues, such as stability and control in flight. first one is dihedral. The tip are higher than the root. ok tips are higher than the root. so this is the aircraft fuselage. and this is the root. and this is the tip. so wing tip is higher than the root. so the shape will be like this V shape. This is called dihedral. so mostly passenger aircraft using this type of wings. ok , the second one is anhedral. The tip are lower than the root. just like opposite dihedral. use to reduce stability where some other feature results in too much stability. so this is the fuselage. this is the wing tip and this is the root. so wing tip is lower than the root. so the shape is like this. just opposite of dihedral . that is why it is called anhedral. opposite V . ok . mainly this type of aircrafts using for heavy transport, like cargo aircraft. ok, the next one is Gull wing. sharp dihedral on the wing root section. little or non on the main section. so this is the fuselage, this is the root section. root section is dihedral. so this type of wings are called gull wing. gull wing, right. mostly this type of aircraft using for sea landing. sea landing airplane. like this. the wing is higher. so water will not disturb the wing. ok, this is called gull wing. The next one is inverted gull wing. Anhedral on the root section. dihedral on the main section. opposite of gull wing may be used to reduce the length of wing mounted undercarriage legs while allowing raised fuselage. ok, this is inverted gull wing. this is the fuselage. wing root is anhedral and then dihedral. ok this is look like W. ok this type of aircraft's wing are called inverted gull wing. this mostly reducing undercarriage length. no need to fix the long undercarriage like this, this one need long undercarriage. but this one is short undercarriage. so that is the main purpose. and this type of aircraft used for battle fled in past. ok now we know that dihedral, anhedral, gull wing and inverter gull wing. when seen from the front of the aircraft , you can see the shape of the wing like this. this is dihedral, this is anhedral, this is gull wing and this is inverter gull wing. now we will watch a video about some aircrafts with this type of wing angles. ok this is dihedral wing shape. this is a aircraft with dihedral wing. this also same dihedral wing. and this aircraft also with dihedral wing. this is anhedral wing. the shape of anhedral .this a aircraft with anhedral wing. this is also with anhedral wing. this is the largest aircraft in the world, AN225. This is gull wing aircraft. sea landing aircraft. this is gull wing. this is a inverted gull wing aircraft. this is inverted gull wing aircraft. and this is also inverted gull wing aircraft.": 2, "We're not in love We share no stories Just something in your eyes Don't be afraid The shadows know me Let's leave the world behind Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall into the dark side Give into the dark side Beneath the sky As black as diamonds We're running out of time (Time, time) Don't wait for truth To come and blind us Let's just believe their lies Believe it I see it I know that you can feel it No secrets worth keeping So fool me like I'm dreaming Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall into the dark side Give into the dark side Take me through the night We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall into the dark side": 2, "F/X2 (1991) Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 7 (1991) Eagle Eye (2008) No Way Out (1987) Taken (2008) Underworld (2003) CSI: NY: Season 1, Episode 10 (2004) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) Blade Runner (1982) Taken (2008) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) CSI: Miami: Season 1, Episode 9 (2002) Eagle Eye (2008) Patriot Games (1992) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) Taken (2008) Battlestar Galactica: Season 1, Episode 7 (2005) Alias: Season 3, Episode 21 (2004) NCIS: Season 2, Episode 6 (2004) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Alias: Season 4, Episode 9 (2005) 24: Season 3, Episode 5 (2003) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 2, Episode 15 (2002) CSI: Miami: Season 1, Episode 21 (2003) 24: Season 4, Episode 5 (2005) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 2, Episode 15 (2002) Alias: Season 3, Episode 21 (2004) Eagle Eye (2008) Battlestar Galactica: Season 1, Episode 7 (2005) NCIS: Season 2, Episode 6 (2004) CSI: Miami: Season 1, Episode 9 (2002) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Enemy of the State (1998) 24: Season 4, Episode 23 (2005) 24: Season 4, Episode 7 (2005) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 7, Episode 7 (2005) Alias: Season 3, Episode 21 (2004) Alias: Season 2, Episode 12 (2003) Alias: Season 5, Episode 2 (2005) Alias: Season 3, Episode 17 (2004) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Enemy of the State (1998) The Pink Panther (2006) Blade Runner (1982) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) 24: Season 4, Episode 7 (2005) Alias: Season 2, Episode 12 (2003) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) Enemy of the State (1998) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Numb3rs: Season 2, Episode 8 (2005) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) MI-5: Season 3, Episode 3 (2004) No Way Out (1987) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 2, Episode 15 (2002) Numb3rs: Season 2, Episode 8 (2005) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 7 (1991) Enemy of the State (1998) Patriot Games (1992) Stargate (1994)": 0, "Okay Okay. 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Family Family, Family healing can see Family Healing Family Healing Catsini ng Catassini, Chanto, for example, an Epiphany of Warla, all right, and this you had a group. Please don't start Please don't start. don't! Such Please don't! Such a don't. Okay don't. don't. Ok. Please don't. Ok. That, but . That. But guys That. But guys apologize 't. Ok, that. But guys, okay 't. Ok, that. But guys, okay. Then I resolve okay. 't. Ok. That. But guys Ok. That. But guys can 't say which, Alan, no say which, Alan, no problem So So, Nakosi Anda Saturday So, Nakosi Anda Saturday, So, Nakosi Anda Saturday, Bao, So, Nakosi Anda Saturday, bao, Omar, yam Omar, yam! I love Kind of, okay. Kaila. Okay, it's I'm fine. That's enough. Okay, don't get up a giga by the next, so stuck at me. Say, yes, Say, yes, such a cuo! Huto's h a cucoo! Huto's appreciation is about uto's delegates so we are the teams so we are the teams of Okay, Okay, guys, all right Okay, guys, Okay, guys, alright, Daddy, Okay Okay. Guys. Alright Okay. Guys. Alright. S San Antonio, San San Antonio Dulu San Antonio Dulu Sail The San Antonio Dulu Sail The and San Antonio Dulu Sail. Harry Harry you need it. A body or 4 you need it. A body or 4 is made d it. So, Harry you need it. So, Karani it. So Karan it. So Karan guys, So Karan guys, government ys, gomeen nak up again. ys, gomeen nak up again gomeen nak up again. Check! Alright Check Check alright. Check alright, safari, cassini, Check alright, safari, cassiniana, cassiniana, Greg cassiniana, gret tower, and iana, Greg, tawaran, isti iana, iana, greg, tawaran, isti, maura F. Boom. X Kapada X Kapada paguna, a bum Boom. X Kapada paguna, a bum. La Lama yam below, at Lama Lama young below at the Lama young below at the FBI the Fbom X kitten, African under Tower is timetable Harryini. That is, is timetable. Harryini. That is, That is, Agita Hergar That is, Agita Hergar Ladwa hat is right That is right. So That is right. So Kappa step by step. . So step by step, that repaid, installed guys. The The other The other testimony don't The other testimony don't know timony. Peter Peter testimony The other testimony. Peter Peter Testimony, Peter Testimony, it's good job. Sign up book a video so Sign up book a video so that Peter testimony. It's Peter. Testimony. It's good Peter. Testimony. It's good. Oh, I By the group That the That That is. That means That. Yeah, go ahead That That go right That go right. But But oh, wow But oh, wow! This is the best This is the This is the best that we can help you in anthropology help you in anthropology. So So. In order for you to get things you get things you never had in order for you to get things you never have. have to do the thing you never did, did, Master er did. Ha, ha er did. er did. Haha! All right, did. Haha! All right, so er did, did, body er did to where this is did to where this is all": 0, " Consanguines, Affines Archal , Lineal, Local, Lateral Polygamy polyandry, polygyny and polygynandry Fraternal & Non-Fraternal Nayars of Malabar Toda of Nilgiris Tibetans Khasa !Kung Inuits Marquesans Prof D. N. Majumdar Nuer Ghost Marriage Masai Evans-Pritchard Purusutpimi Talli Tallikettukalyanam *correction: Divorcees Ranti & Dhyanti": 1, "dslr dslr 10000 dslr 6000 subscribe subscribe please": 0, "Place dark oak planks by referring to the layout image. Place the second layer's blocks on the first layer. Place spruce planks at the light blue part. Third layer. Make sure that the bottom and top are always symmetrical. I brought the bottom of the ship I have just built to the ocean. The third layer meets the water surface. Fourth layer. Fifth layer. Sixth layer. Seventh layer. Eighth layer. Fill inside of the eighth layer with oak planks. It's finished up to the 8th layer. Smooth the line by attaching the upside-down stairs at the right angle parts. Do it all over the ship like so. The line works are complete. I'll show you below the surface. Attach the upside-down stairs to the front. I'm going to make the back of the ship now. Ninth layer. Tenth layer. Eleventh layer. Twelfth layer. Thirteenth layer. Fourteenth layer. Fifteenth layer. Last Sixteenth layer. Smooth the line with stairs and slabs. Make the other side the same. I'm going to make the front of the ship now. Ninth layer. Tenth layer. Eleventh layer. Twelfth layer. Last Thirteenth layer. Connect the front and back with slabs. Smooth the line with stairs. Place 3 more blocks at the front. Attach the upside-down stairs at the top layer and the right angle part. I'll make the shape of the front part. Place dark oak planks at both sides. Place upside-down stairs. Replace the spruce planks with dark oak planks. Attach upside-down stairs at the right angle part of the back as well. I'll make a hinged rudder. Fill the empty space with dark oak fences. The hinged rudder is complete. I'll make a level on the deck. Build the walls with spruce planks. Fill the floor with oak slabs. Place dark oak fences. Make one more level. Make a level on the front deck as well. Place stairs on the front deck. Fill the empty space with oak planks. I'll make three masts on deck. Use Oak logs. Make a hole by 6x3 size on the floor. Fill the empty space with oak trapdoors. Build the main mast in the center. Make a mizzenmast the same as the foremast. The three masts are complete. Let's make sails with white wools. Place wools diagonally. Place wools all the way to the other side along the shape. I'll make the sails a little more detailed. Check out the switch spots of the blocks. Switch 3 blocks. Leave 5 blocks. Switch 2 blocks. Leave 4 blocks. Switch 5 blocks. Leave 2 blocks. Switch 7 blocks. Check out the back and front. Make the other three corners in the same way. It looks more real now. Make a sail along the shape. Switch 2 blocks. Switch 1 blocks. Leave 4 blocks. Switch 3 blocks. Leave 3 blocks. Switch 4 blocks. Back shape. Front shape. Make the rest of the corners in the same way. Make a crow's nest on the top of the mast. I'll Attach wools just for a while. Place trapdoors on the wools. Make a flagpole with a wall and fences. Make a flag with white wools. Make the shape freely. Let's make the front sail. Make the sail along the shape. Switch 2 blocks. Switch 1 block. Leave 4 blocks. Switch 4 blocks. Leave 3 blocks. Switch 5 blocks. Back shape. Front shape. Skip repetition part. Switch 1 block. Switch 1 block, Leave 2 blocks, Switch 3 blocks. Make a flagpole with a wall and fences. Make a flag with white wools. Make a mizzenmast's sails the same as the foremast's sails. The sails are complete. I'll make a bowsprit in front of the ship. Use dark oak slabs. Never mind the length. I'm gonna make ropes shape that connects the masts and the hull. I'm using the spruce fence. Connect the masts. I'll make windows on the side. Make a hole every three blocks. Place a fence and a trapdoor. Make a small window with stairs. Add details with stone bricks walls. I'll put the checkered pattern on the hull. If you don't want to, skip this part! Here is the completed checkered pattern. Of course, I made the other side the same. I'll decorate the deck now. Make a light. Make a table as well. Place barrels by the walls. I'll make this room into a storage room. Build walls with oak planks. Decorate it with a smithing table, barrels, and etc. Place upside-down stairs around the bottom of the mainmast. Set up the lights in front of the stairs. Set up the ladder all the way to the crow's nest. Replace one block with a trapdoor. It's the mizzenmast. I'll make this area into officer's cabins. Set up the walls with spruce planks. Make a table as well. We have two rooms now. Make a table and a chair. Make the next room the same as this room. I'll make a stairway that connects to the downstairs. Make the same to the other side. Here is the inside. I'll store the supplies on the floor. Place barrels and chests freely. Fill the floor with spruce slabs. Make the mainmast to the bottom. I'll make this area into the regular crew area. Divide the area with oak planks. We have several rooms now. Here is the front of the ship. Let's make doorways. Set up the lights and make drawers as well. Set up the light between the doors. Decorate the stairway area. Decorate the crew's cabins. I'll make this room into a storage room. Place the barrels and chests freely. Remove the middle of the aisle's floor. Place trapdoors in the empty space. I'll make this room into a dining room. Just place the blocks naturally! I'll decorate the back of the deck. Make a helm. Set up the light as well. Lastly, Let's make the captain's cabin! Make a carpet with red wools. Make a table with spruce. Make a captain's chair. Make drawers with looms. I'll make more windows. How was the Medieval Ship today? Share your thoughts in the comments below! It will help me make better videos. If you enjoyed this video, Please Like and Subscribe! Thanks for watching! :D": 3, "Christopher Carbone: This is Question number twenty, one of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: We want to differentiate the function f of y as you go to one over y squared minus three, divided by y to the fourth Christopher Carbone: times y plus nine y cubed. Christopher Carbone: Well, you can multiply this through and simplify it a little bit Christopher Carbone: before taking the derivative I'm going to do the product rule for this one. Christopher Carbone: Let me just first rewrite this first term just with negative exponents, wide to the negative second Christopher Carbone: minus three wides, the negative fourth Christopher Carbone: times y was none y-cubed. Christopher Carbone: So we are going to let F. Christopher Carbone: B. Why it's the negative second Christopher Carbone: minus three. Christopher Carbone: Why, to the negative force, Christopher Carbone: which means out of relatives, Christopher Carbone: it's going to be negative two times y it's the negative third. Christopher Carbone: This would then be plus Christopher Carbone: twelve wide to the negative fifth, Christopher Carbone: and we're going to it. G be y Christopher Carbone: plus nine y cubed, Christopher Carbone: and the derivative of G would be one plus twenty, seven y squared, Christopher Carbone: so i'll pop this into the Christopher Carbone: who add up to all Christopher Carbone: It's formula. Christopher Carbone: We're going to have y to the negative second, minus three y to the negative. Fourth times Christopher Carbone: one plus twenty, seven y squared. Christopher Carbone: Who was Christopher Carbone: This will be negative? Two y to the negative third power, Christopher Carbone: plus twelve wides. The negative fifth power Christopher Carbone: times y was nine y cubed, Christopher Carbone: multiplying everything through. Christopher Carbone: This would be a wide to the negative. Second, the Christopher Carbone: plus twenty-seven Christopher Carbone: minus three y to the negative fourth Christopher Carbone: minus eighty. One y. Christopher Carbone: It's the negative second Christopher Carbone: manus, Christopher Carbone: two y to the negative second Christopher Carbone: minus eighteen Christopher Carbone: plus twelve y to the negative fourth, Christopher Carbone: plus one hundred and eight Christopher Carbone: times y to the negative second power, Christopher Carbone: and then, combining like terms, Christopher Carbone: we get twenty, six times y it's the negative second, Christopher Carbone: plus nine times y to the negative fourth Christopher Carbone: plus nine. Christopher Carbone: And so now we're writing with positive exponents. We would Christopher Carbone: for this nine, divided by Y to the fourth, Christopher Carbone: plus twenty six divided by y squared Christopher Carbone: plus night.": 1, "I am creative. I am pioneering. I'm courageous. I like to stir things up. I am determined. I am ambitious. I'm confident and I have thick skin. I am an entrepreneur. I'm passionate and I am determined. I'm an entrepreneur because I couldn't work for anyone else and will never, ever wear a suit. Entrepreneurship drives innovation, it drives evolution. Entrepreneurship is important because it creates jobs, creates opportunities and changes society. Global Entrepreneurship Week is a gathering of entrepreneurs from around the world. Global Entrepreneurship Week is important because it creates a space for entrepreneurs to come together. When you bring a bunch of entrepreneurs together in one room, the energy and the passion is just amazing and further inspires you to go and succeed and kick ass. Get involved with Global Entrepreneurship Week by attending events or creating your own. For more information visit gewcanada.com Visit gewcanada.com Entrepreneurs can change the world.": 4, "[DUCKIE SQUEAKING] ERNIE: There's a brand new dance and it's got a reggae beat. You do it in the bath while you wash your hands and feet. Get in the tub. Hold your duckie in your lap. Tap your toes while you scrub in the water from the tap. ALL: And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber rubber duck, duck. ERNIE: Come on everybody try. ALL: Do de rubber duck! ERNIE: Don't be left high and dry. Yeah, do de rubber duck! As you keep on getting wetter, do de rubber duck, you'll be feeling so much better. Do de rubber duck! You'll be left without a care when you do de rubber duck. And you can even wash your hair, while you do de rubber duck. It will have a healthy sheen if you do de rubber duck! Yeah, you'll be squeaky clean when you do de rubber duck. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. TELLY: Don't get soap in your eyes. ALL: When you do de rubber duck. TELLY: Cause that will make you cry. ALL: When you do de rubber duck. OSCAR: Hey, all your grouches sing. ALL: Now do de rubber duck. OSCAR: Yeah, make the bathtub ring. ALL: Do de rubber duck! KERMIT: Everybody knows-- ALL: --how to do de rubber duck. KERMIT: Scrub your flippers and your toes. ALL: Do de rubber duck! COUNT: And while you wash away your troubles-- COUNT: --don't forget to count the bubbles, 1, 2, 3, 4. ALL: Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. BIFF: All around the woild-- ALL: They do de rubber duck-- BIFF: --whenever folks get soiled. ALL: They do de rubber duck! GUY SMILEY: Watch them splishin' and a spashin'. ALL: Do de rubber duck! GUY SMILEY: It's the very latest fashion. GLADYS: Take at least one bath a day. ALL: Do de rubber duck! GLADYS: And remove those gems away. HOOTS THE OWL: Come and be a bathtime bopper. ALL: Do de rubber duck! HOOTS THE OWL: Don't pull out the stopper. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber rubber duck. One more time! And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. ERNIE: Where'd everybody go? [DUCKIE SQUEAKING]": 2, "Christmas Tree with Star PAPER: dollar bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm. Begin with the desired side down. Place the star end on top. Fold sides in on creases. Align all edges. Set folds. Mountain fold each flap in half, unfold. Fold midpoint of edge to point. Fold edges to center. Flatten to set folds. Mountain fold each flap in half, unfold. Fold midpoint of edge to point. Fold corner point of flap up. Push on edge to flatten section on creases. Fold edges to center. Unfold flaps. Fold point of top flap down. Fold edge to crease. Turn model over and fold edge only to crease. Open and lift layer. Fold layer up on crease just enough to align point of flap on crease. Flatten to set all folds. Open and lift layer. Fold layer up on crease just enough to align point of flap on crease. Open layer. Lift point to fold edge to edge as far up as possible. Realign point on side of crease. Flatten to set remaining folds. Open layer. Lift point to fold edge to edge as far up as possible. Realign point on side of crease. Unfold flap. Turn model over. Keep flap aligned. Mountain fold section behind. Crease as shown. Unfold flap completely. Repeat steps on right. Fold edges in on creases, as you fold section up on crease. Flatten to set folds. Fold flap down on crease. Fold edges in. Push to flatten overlapping section symmetrically. Fold model in half. Fold model in half. Open sides at a wide angle, forming a triangular base at bottom end. Adjust base flaps if necessary to stand tree. The finished model. Open sides at a wide angle, forming a triangular base at bottom end.": 1, "blekjek in your arena tired looking for gf since a long time got heartbroken have done sacrifice but never got the attention that's why fakboy appear i'm just her punching bag when u bored, u leave me and say goodbye c'mon get up and remove all the wounds don't be depressed by her let's finish up go the revenge used to be hurt fakgirl seducing a lot of guys begin from reply instastory i got baper but suddenly she has gone sucks! dare to bother BLEKJEK u got broken heart it's time to the revenge u made me lyke mamang grab u find up a rich guy to replace me c'mon get up and remove all the wounds don't be depressed by her let's finish up go the revenge used to be hurt u say only texting with me but kinda full of shit seducing a lot of guys finish up I am not your clown go the revenge let's finish up": 1, "I've been asking myself for a long time: why in our time, in the 21st century, do they continue to shoot anti-utopias where totalitarian states are depicted? After all, there is no Soviet Union and fascist Germany, and these films are produced primarily for Americans. Who should the audience associate with the enemy depicted in the film? Against whom should you direct your hatred? One of the answers to this question can be found by linking the year of release of these films to current political events. Note: Several films were released in the early 2000s: EQUILibrium, Vendetta, Island. Thanks to the hint in Equilibrium (footage of Saddam Hussein), we can link their release to the U.S. campaign against Saddam Hussein's regime. Then a series of dystopias was released in 2012-2014: Hunger Games (2012), Oblivion (2013), Elysium (2013), Divergent (2014), Dedicated (2014). By analogy, we can assume that their output is connected with the events of the Arab Spring and the war in Syria. But, as usual, we will dig deeper and find out how the content of these films stems from the most philosophical paradigm in which Western society lives. As we remember, the postmodern paradigm is based on the denial of any hierarchies and, as a consequence, the dismantling of any power structures in any sphere of life - from family to state. Perceiving the world through the prism of this paradigm, we begin to consider any vertical structures as something unjust and oppressive. Nowadays, any teenager knows that it is necessary to fight the system and get rid of stereotypes imposed by society. It seems self-evident to us, but it is the self-evidence of a belief that indicates that it is part of an unconscious paradigm that forms our judgments and beliefs. That is, the very idea of fighting the system and liberation from social stereotypes is imposed on us by the system itself and by the society itself, or rather by the paradigm of postmodernity in which our society exists. According to this paradigm, the individual should, at the most, be freed from external influences and put his or her personal, individual will above any general will. [ads] Thus, the postmodern paradigm forms the idea of fighting against vertical structures in our consciousness. As for the dystopia films, they primarily focus on the struggle against such a social structure as the state. As for the antiutopic films, they primarily focus on the struggle against such a social structure as the state. Let us recall how the state is depicted in the film \"Equilibrium\" (2003). The power in the country belongs to the council called Tetragrammaton. This name is a reference to Jewish and Kabbalistic traditions, where tetragrammaton is the four-letter name of God. At the top of the council hierarchy we have clerics, which literally means priests. The emblem of a tetragrammaton consists of four letters T forming a cross that creates in viewer association with Christianity. To it obvious visual analogy with style of the Third Reich is added. Thus, references to symbols of traditional religions are placed in a context of fascist aesthetics that should cause the spectator to have a negative attitude to traditional religions. That is, there is a fallout in the direction of the religious picture of the world with its vertical from the material to the spiritual. At the head of the council is a leader who is called the Father, and the mission of the main character is very ambiguous: to kill the father. As we can see, the image of the state in Equilibrium combines several aspects: social institution, a religious institution and a patriarchal structure - the main components of traditional society. Accordingly, the hero's feat can be considered as the overthrow of God's power, the overthrow of state power and the overthrow of patriarchy. Changing the existing order must inevitably be accompanied by violence, and it is justified in the film by the fact that the current order is also built on violence. the system that produces such films encourages violence. And in the struggle for human rights, this system is ready to sacrifice the lives of others. The idea of demounting of the state is not new. According to Olga Chetverikova, plans to transfer state functions to private corporations have been under way since the early 1970s. But with the advent of digital technologies and the Internet, these plans began to be actively implemented. It is clear that demounting will be painless if people want to abolish the state themselves. And to do this, they need to be morally prepared. In 2005 Waczowski's film \"V for vendetta\" was released. In vendetta, also, the top of the government is occupied by religious conservatives, whose leader is shown as a hysterical fanatic. The signs of state power also reproduce the aesthetics of the Third Reich, and the state symbols are also close to the Christian one. All statesmen are shown in a bad light. Members of the government are suspected of releasing the virus to their own citizens in order to give them a life-saving vaccine and thus win the power struggle. State power is accused of serious crimes against its people, and a terrorist hero is needed to uncover these crimes Such a hero-terrorist is V., who wants to blow up the parliament building. Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the state, so the Parliament building is a symbol of the state itself. Thus, the creators of the film tell the viewer in almost direct text that the state must be destroyed. \"The building is a symbol, as well as its explosion.\" During the film, the viewer feels sympathy for the main characters and their revolutionary ideas, as well as hatred for the state that suppresses human freedom. The funny thing about this story is that the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, which is offered to the viewer as a symbol of the struggle for social justice, was actually a reactionary act, an attempt to restore shaken feudalism and Catholicism. In other words, it was an attempt to return to traditional values. But the substitution of meanings is one of the tricks of postmodernism. It does not matter to the postmodern what the real purpose of the 1605 conspirators was. The only thing that matters is the very fact of the attempt to overthrow the king, the destruction of the power vertical. Also, by the way, the meaning of fireworks turns over. On November 5, England traditionally celebrates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot, fireworks are launched during the celebration and the stuffed man Guy Fawkes is burned. While the film celebrates the victory of an anonymous conspirator who blew up the Parliament building. In the course of the film, the viewer is instructed to profane the role of the state and government: \"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.\" Viewers are told that both religion and the state have lost their significance for the people: \"Our country needs hope, not dead symbols\" Postmodern, destroying symbols, does not offer anything concrete in return, only hope. The main thing is to destroy what is there. \"Vendetta\" also justifies violence for the sake of social justice. \"Violence can be used for good\" Ironically, the footage of the explosion of the Parliament building is accompanied by the music of Tchaikovsky - overture \"1812\", where the anthem \"God Save the Tsar\" sounds. The liberal revolution is carried out under the anthem of the authoritarian monarchy. And meanwhile, the viewer, taking the revolutionary pathos of the film for a clean coin, does not even realize that perhaps the creators of the film just troll him. Quite in the spirit of postmodernism. As we can see, the culture of postmodernism gives rise to a new type of hero - a fighter with the system, a terrorist. And in the dystopian films it is specifically pointed out that the \"system\" is nothing but the state. The traditional hero's task was to preserve the integrity and established order in society and the state, i.e. to fight the forces of chaos so that the lower spheres could act in accordance with the higher ones. Any enemy in the traditional consciousness is associated with chaos, which seeks to invade the territory of a well-organized and strictly ordered world. The classic hero must conquer the forces of chaos, subordinate it to the highest reasonable principles. Must fight with the inferior, in favor of the higher. The hero of the postmodern, on the contrary, is a representative of chaos. And his mission is to fight against the order that restricts the freedom of the individual, and thus, in itself, is injustice. But of course, in the films the situation will be shown in such a way that there is no doubt about the correctness of the hero's actions. Nevertheless, the typical pattern will be the same: the hero fights not with foreigners or foreigners, but with the people of his own nation who have a higher status. In 2012, the first part of the film \"Hunger Games\" is released, which shows the dystopian state of Panem, formed after the war in the United States. The capital of Panem is called the Capitol. As you know, in the U.S., the Capitol is the seat of Congress, the U.S. legislative body, and thus again a fantastic location is associated with a real object, symbolizing a real state. The inhabitants of the Capitol are the aristocracy, which lives at the expense of the labor of the population of 12 districts. Certainly, aristocrats are shown by idlers spending their lives in luxury and entertainment. So the stereotype which is typical for outlook of the people who have long ago forgotten about an authentic role of aristocracy is reproduced once again. In fact, the message of the film is a call to overthrow the ruling class, a call to revolution, and it seems completely unclear why the capitalist system would dig under itself, making such films. However, this obscurity is dispelled by the fact that Western European civilization, firstly, seeks globalization and the abolition of states, Secondly, it uses the concept of human rights as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other States. Thus, the overthrow of the ruling power by the people of any country will be in the hands of globalists. Kitness Everdin, as a typical postmodern hero, fights with the established order for the sake of a situation of complete uncertainty, which a postmodern man calls hope. \"What do you feel? - Hope\" Such a hero is constantly acting on personal arbitrariness, based on what seems right at any given moment. In the film there are many episodes, where the main character does not obey his direct superiority, and acts at his own discretion. Not only the non-recognition of any subordination, but also the demoralization of the team - that's what the hero of postmodernity brings with him. In 2013, the film \"Oblivion\" was released, where the conflict of the oppressed and the oppressors was transferred to the cosmic and metaphysical plane (detailed analysis of the film is on the channel). was transferred to the cosmic and metaphysical plane (there is detailed analysis of the film on the channel). The main character here also destroys the symbolic vertical, at the top of which is the alien conqueror, symbolizing, firstly, God, and secondly, the top of power in an authoritarian state. This is evidenced by the references to the French bourgeois revolution in the film (the book \"The Tale of Two Cities\" by Ch. Dickens). Unfortunately, ordinary viewers, so to speak, the \"proletariat\", seized by the shown picture of the revolutionary overthrow of the oppressors, naively think that the creators of the film are on their side, on the side of the \"proletariat\". And no one thinks that the purpose of the bourgeois revolution to which the reference is made is to remove obstacles to the development of capitalism. That is, in fact, the bourgeois revolution is the dismantling of an authoritarian state for the sake of promoting business interests. And it turns out that the creators of the film, through their references, speak quite directly about their interests in spreading the capitalist system. Professor Valentin Katasonov, a well-known Russian finance specialist, writes the following \"At the first stage (after the bourgeois revolutions were committed), moneylenders became real \"masters of money\", as they received exclusive rights to the emission of money (this is the main goal of bourgeois revolutions). \"At the second stage, banks completely usurp the functions of the state. \"In order to speed up the process of dismantling the state, a variety of liberal ideas and theories are used, which are actively imposed on society through the system of mass media, education, and culture. This process is facilitated by films, like those we have considered, where the role of the state is diminished. All of the above is also confirmed by the fact that in recent years, media people have increasingly begun to talk about the need to abolish the state and national borders; about the abandonment of national identity. Alexander Bard, founder of Army of Lovers: \"Today the nation is dead.\" It is amazing how easily Germany, which created the greatest culture, gave up its achievements. Sadhguru, who was invited by Herman Gref to the Economic Forum. It is interesting how two seemingly opposite worldviews reveal a point of identity: extreme individualism in postmodernism and the desire to abandon individuality in Hinduism have converged in a joint pathos of destruction of borders and dissolution in boundless nothing. Vadim Demchog, creator of Mr. Freeman \"The state is a service.\" A postmodern man does not want to serve anyone, but wants to be served, so he wants to reduce everything to services, and the state to turn it into a brand. This video should be completed by revealing the meaning of the state. But for the sake of brevity, I will limit myself to the following analogy. For a living organism, the loss of integrity and disintegration into separate parts means death. A healthy body and those parts of it that have not yet been affected by the disease strive to preserve its integrity.": 3, "Long before dinosaurs existed, sharks roamed the waters. Few other species on Earth inspire so much respect ...and fear. Crusin' underwater, and they have these huge muscles, huge muscles. and so they see this thing kind of moving. They can see you in pitch blackness (blackness). And hear your heart pounding inside your chest (inside your chest). It's gonna do a lot of damage, even if it doesn't bite you (Even if it doesn't bite you). They can sniff out a drop of blood (sniff out a drop of blood). They can see you in pitch blackness. Crusin' underwater, and so they see this thing kind of moving (moving). WOOM! WOOM! Bam! WOOM! Bam! They get it! It's the bite of the Great White. (Bite of the Great White) It's almost a death blow without even biting it. Taking it by surprise, inflicting a massive bite. inflicting a massive bite (a massive bite). Great Whites can sense blood in the water, 3 miles away, and they don't keep us waiting long. And they don't keep us waiting long When the White Sharks want something, they really go hard to get it. If they wanted us, nobody would get away. Nobody would get away. Crusin' underwater, and they have these huge muscles, huge muscles. and so they see this thing kind of moving. WOOM! WOOM! Bam! WOOM! Bam! They get it! It's the bite of the Great White. It's almost a death blow without even biting it. (Bite of the Great White) WOOM! WOOM! Bam! WOOM! Bam! They get it! It's the bite of the Great White. It's almost a death blow without even biting it. We still have a lot to learn about these mysterious and misunderstood creatures. Scientists continue to unravel their secrets. Subtitles by the Amara.org community": 2, "I think it was sent by Yu Zolin So what if it is? Liudan Mountain tonight It is where your Lord Yuyang is buried On your own Ghost doctor, please hand over the Shennong medical code Maybe General Yu could cut you some slack Spare your life So your purpose is the Shennong Medical Canon Cut the crap Be careful clearing Clear clear clear fall Qingluo wake up Wake up and clear down clearing What are you doing? What's the cure for He needs to catch his breath It has to be that way to get him air Well, you teach me Pinch the nose OK I'm not hurt What's wrong? worried No harm done Come on. Come on. What's wrong with Tong, Tong, Tong I think I sprained it when I fell down the ravine I hold you Let's go We'll spend the night in this cave I'll take care of your foot tomorrow Let's go back to the Night Mansion Here, give me your clothes and I'll bake them for you What's wrong? You hurt your shoulder Let me see You go to the fire I don't know if you'd take advantage of that Rest assured I'm not a boat Don't you laugh The more you laugh, the more you look like a rogue What are you doing? I used poison You have this sword here I'll help you heal If you find out somewhere along the way that I'm responsible What improper behavior Ready to do Kill me at any time What's wrong? Did I hit you too hard This little injury is nothing to go on with": 1, "Ramesh Phirodia College of Architecture , Ahmednagar A.Y. 2021-22 Annual Day Function 5 Years Full Time B.Arch. Course Approved By COA Affiliated to DBATU Lonere Founded By. CA Ramesh Phirodia in 2017 For More information Call on 9890476237 |visit http://rpetarchitecture.com/ For More information Call on 9890476237 | visit http://rpetarchitecture.com/": 1, "My next guest is a bona fide worldwide superstar. She's absolutely incredible and I'm so excited to have her here on my show. Singing Let You Love Me, it's the wonderful Rita Ora! # I should've stayed with you last night # Instead of going out to find trouble # That's just trouble # I think I run away sometimes # Whenever I get too vulnerable # That's not your fault # See I wanna stay the whole night # I wanna lay with you till the sun's up # I wanna let you inside # Oh, heaven knows I've tried # I wish that I could let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Wish that I could let you love # Say what's the matter, what's the matter with me? # What's the matter with me? # Oh, I wish that I could I let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Now # I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I # And every time it gets too real # And every time I feel like sabotaging # I start running again # And every time I push away # I really wanna say that I'm sorry # But I say nothing # I wanna stay the whole night # I wanna lay with you till the sun's up # I wanna let you inside # Oh, heaven knows I've tried # I wish that I could let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Wish that I could let you love # Say what's the matter, what's the matter with me? # What's the matter with me? # Oh, I wish that I could let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Now # I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I # I wanna Stay with you till the morning Lay with you through the sunrise Show you that you're my only # I wanna Oh, yeah Stay with you till the morning Lay with you through the sunrise # Oh, heaven knows I've tried # I wish that I could let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Wish that I could let you love # Say, what's the matter, what's the matter with me? # What's the matter with me? # Oh, I wish that I could let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Say, what's the matter, what's the matter with me? # What's the matter with me? # Oh, I wish that I could let you love # Wish that I could let you love me # Now # I wish, I wish, I wish, I # Oh # I wish, I wish, I wish, I. # APPLAUSE AND CHEERING": 2, "Okay, Okay, So now we are cycles Okay, So now we are life cycles. Okay, So now we're like Okay, good afternoon everyone. Other military style gonna put this on my list gonna put this on my list Miley put this on my list Miley. Yes, but you literally could totally I'm doing any be exam oriented. matthew revision class matthew revision class tomorrow. diminish communicate with no money communicate with no money to the personas so attack questions about the extra samples or when you become a question so the organic chemistry good reason. vision Veronica to Palo Alto Veronica to Palo Alto and butter did literally could totally under any be exam oriented Matthew region classroom at to communicate with no money, no sir attack questions about the extras on to serve when you become a Christian so the organic chemistry revision Veronica to Palo Alto and butter. 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Okay, let's discuss the topic with a lot of kin. over Israel a lot what you're smarter than your normal kid my family about. prison rted a new law rted a new law pressure a new law for a person to person. purpose and my family purpose and my purpose in person purpose and my purpose and got some extra alone can cook. my purpose and my purpose and got some Deborah Allen Kim Cooper person kick it back to the lesson Emily. lesson Emily on all came back to school preparation going to start Tom Lee. y all about opinion y all kindergarten program the key concepts of preparation gonna suck so family on Paul part of some sort Paul part of a scoop represent. goodness me from old Kibana lucky me from again when we're looking for me from all from all kin. n all can barter or all can barter are looking bad. bad, ugly, yellow arter family. Yeah, hello. Kim prison custody.net. ustody.net net. make might adjust it and Kim and it goes. o see us for. ca o see ads for cx for you o see ads for cx for you all you can lay similar case and the reaction. group alluded on Sunday ry allegiance and reacts and onary Ks co present SMA onary Kisco presents my light group Kisco presents my light co present SMA. light. can be carried out. ut by free radical maker by free radical mechanism. that.": 1, "Balena by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Figura geometrica by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Triunghi by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Din avion by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Astronautul by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Maimutza by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Cainele by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Paianjenul by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Condorul by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Pasarea Colibri by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Manevra de intoarcere by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Cap de papagal by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Copacul by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Mainile sau broasca by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Avion in desert by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Aterizare by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Cu asta am zburat by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Ruine inca by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Apeduct by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Nu stiau by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Cimitirul Chauchilla by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Zambet de mumie by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Morminte pradate by TravelPod member dragoscurelea Apus in desert by TravelPod member dragoscurelea": 0, "Yeah, you can be the greatest You can be the best You can be the King Kong banging on your chest You can beat the world You can beat the war You can talk to God, go banging on his door You can throw your hands up You can beat the clock (yeah) You can move a mountain You can break rocks You can be a master Don't wait for luck Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself Standing in the hall of fame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame You can go the distance You can run the mile You can walk straight through hell with a smile You can be the hero You can get the gold Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke Yeah, do it for your people Do it for your pride How are you ever gonna know if you never even try? Do it for your country Do it for your name 'Cause there's gonna be a day... When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion On the walls of the hall of fame Be students Be teachers Be politicians Be preachers (Yeah) Be believers Be leaders Be astronauts Be champions Be truth seekers Be students Be teachers Be politicians Be preachers Be believers Be leaders Be astronauts Be champions Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame (Be a champion) You could be the greatest You can be the best You can be the King Kong banging on your chest (Be a champion) You could beat the world You could beat the war You could talk to God, go banging on his door (Be a champion) You can throw your hands up You can beat the clock (yeah) You can move a mountain (Be a champion) You can break rocks You can be a master Don't wait for luck (Be a champion) Dedicate yourself and you gonna find yourself Standing in the hall of fame": 2, "analysis analysis of analysis of natural analysis of natural gas analysis of natural gas and analysis of natural gas and the problems problems they problems they had analysis of natural gas and the problems they had during problems they had during the storm. >> >> There's >> There's a storm. >> There's a new >> There's a new bipartisan bill bill before bill before Congress >> There's a new bipartisan bill before Congress looking bill before Congress looking to give give tax give tax breaks bill before Congress looking to give tax breaks to give tax breaks to American mining mining companies. It's It's called It's called the mining companies. It's called the Rare It's called the Rare Act. One One of One of our It's called the Rare Act. One of our US One of our US congressmen, Democrat Democrat Vicente Democrat Vicente Gonzalez One of our US congressmen, Democrat Vicente Gonzalez has joined joined with joined with Texas Democrat Vicente Gonzalez has joined with Texas Republican Congressman Congressman Lance Congressman Lance Gooden joined with Texas Republican Congressman Lance Gooden to Congressman Lance Gooden to try and and get and get the Congressman Lance Gooden to try and get the rare and get the rare act bill bill passed. Both Both congressmen Both congressmen say bill passed. Both congressmen say the coronavirus coronavirus pandemic coronavirus pandemic made Both congressmen say the coronavirus pandemic made it apparent apparent the apparent the US coronavirus pandemic made it apparent the US is apparent the US is too apparent the US is too reliant on on China on China for apparent the US is too reliant on China for essential on China for essential minerals metals metals used metals used in on China for essential minerals metals used in national metals used in national defense and and other and other industries. Some Some of Some of those and other industries. Some of those include Some of those include cobalt lithium lithium and lithium and graphite. Certainly Certainly >> Certainly >> in lithium and graphite. Certainly >> in another catastrophic catastrophic situation catastrophic situation I Certainly >> in another catastrophic situation I think for for national for national security catastrophic situation I think for national security purposes we we need we need to for national security purposes we need to have we need to have a we need to have a better for national security purposes we need to have a better handle on on that. We We cannot We cannot be on that. We cannot be relying We cannot be relying on We cannot be relying on China or or Russia or Russia or We cannot be relying on China or Russia or some or Russia or some of or Russia or some of our We cannot be relying on China or Russia or some of our foes to to have to have those or Russia or some of our foes to have those essential minerals minerals that minerals that we to have those essential minerals that we need minerals that we need for national national defense, national defense, for manufacturing, manufacturing, for manufacturing, for a national defense, for manufacturing, for a lot of of essential of essential products manufacturing, for a lot of essential products that of essential products that that and and national and national interest of essential products that that and national interest >>. The The Department The Department of and national interest >>. The Department of Interior The Department of Interior has a a list a list dozens The Department of Interior has a list dozens of a list dozens of important a list dozens of important rare earth earth minerals earth minerals and a list dozens of important rare earth minerals and metals earth minerals and metals that are are sourced are sourced outside earth minerals and metals that are sourced outside the are sourced outside the US China China supplies China supplies twenty are sourced outside the US China supplies twenty two of of the of the thirty China supplies twenty two of the thirty five of the thirty five listed of the thirty five listed if this this act this act passes of the thirty five listed if this act passes it this act passes it would this act passes it would call on on the on the Internal this act passes it would call on the Internal Revenue on the Internal Revenue Code on the Internal Revenue Code to be be amended be amended to on the Internal Revenue Code to be amended to permanently be amended to permanently allow for for a": 1, "Subscribe to the Technical Awareness Channel And press the bell icon The latest technology to watch videos first In this video I will talk about United Barvo How can United Barvo get installments What will be the JS Bank Requirements? I will share his complete information with you in this video Hello Friend's . I hope you all are well I am your host Rana Rashid Come to your service with another new video If you want to buy a car You can not make a full payment to the company You have the option of taking the vehicle on installments You can get vehicle on installments from any bank How can you own a car? I will talk about how we can get a car on installments from JS Bank What will happen to the request? Before beginning the video I request you to do so Thank you if you have subscribed to my channel If you are new to my channel, please subscribe to my channel And definitely hit the bell icon so you get notifications for every new video I have United Barvo PKR 995,000 Down Payment: 20% (199,000) Tenure: 7 Year Monthly Payment : PKR 16,702 Total Initial Deposit : PKR 236,350 I will make it more explored Down Payment: 20% (199,000) Processing Fee: PKR 7,500 Insurance For First Year : PKR 29,850 Total Initial Deposit : PKR 236,350 Now let's talk about the installment plan 1st Year : PKR 18,941 per month 2nd Year PKR :18,817 PKR per month 3rd Year PKR 18,692 per month 4th Year : PKR 18,568 per month 5th Year PKR 18,443 per month 6th Year PKR 18,319 per month 7th Year PKR 16,702 per month Each month we will give to the bank Now let's talk about which document should be First you need a photocopy of your ID 2 recent passport size photographs If you have an account with JS Bank, it needs a six month bank statement If you have an account with another bank, it needs a 12 month bank statement Your statement from the bank is stamped by the bank People who do the job need three salary slips People who do business or self employed should have a bank statement of 12 months Now let's talk about which people are eligible First of all, you are a Pakistani national Age should be between 21 and 70 years old If you have an account with JS Bank, Self Employed and Business Person's account should have an average balance of at least 50 thousand rupees.\\ - 6 month If you have an account with another bank, the balance of your account should be Rs. 50,000 / - 12 months If you do a permanent job, your job must be at least 6 month out of date Apart from this, Permanent Jobs does have a minimum monthly salary of Rs 25,000. If you work on a contract base, your job must be at least one year old The salary of those who work on contract base should be at least Rs 40,000. I hope you like this video If you like the video then please like And share it with,Comment by telling you how So much for this video,See you at Next Video. Good Bye. Thank's For Watching": 2, "Yeah, I was there but I wasn't They never really cared if I wasn't We all need that someone who gets you like no one else Right when you need it the most We all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on A friend through the highs and the lows I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone Then I saw your face, your forgiving eyes Looking back at me from the other side Like you understood me And I'm never letting you go We all need that someone who gets you like no one else Right when you need it the most We all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on A friend through the highs and the lows I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it alone 'Cause you are that someone that gets me like no one else Right when I need it the most And I'll be the one you rely on, a shoulder to cry on A friend through the highs and the lows I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it alone": 1, "This is a Line 3 water protector who locked themselves to a horizontal directional drill and were arrested on felony theft charges. Being charged with felony theft by a company that is actively stealing our clean water, our clean air and our livable future. The state and Enbridge want us to be afraid. They have the money. They have the manpower. They have the courts to do their bidding. They want to bully us into believing their narrative that what we're doing here is wrong. If you think things can stay the way that they are or that oppressed peoples' responses to the daily onslaught of violence that is life in the so-called U.S. is too extreme, then you have made yourself an enemy of a just and habitable future.": 3, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze Angelina Jordan with the song \"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road\". I had never heard this song before, but we have several videos of Angelina on our channel, Therefore, I invite you to visit our channel. and check out the other videos we have of this amazing singer. angelina is a singer and it is evolving. She always evolves more and surprises us every day that she evolves. This is incredible. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer. multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer. And in this video I will do analysis and technical observations, on vocal behavior. Angelina is an amazing singer. And we know we'll be surprised we just don't know how she will surprise us. But the message was passed and let's go to the most important thing, Let's analyze Angelina Jordan. It's an amazing performance. One thing that really struck me about the performances, the way Angelina interprets the songs, is the melisma work she does. But it is very interesting to see how his work with melisma matured. Because she puts melisma in a very intelligent way. The melisma is exploited, but it is not abused. Notice how she is currently worried about focusing on working with vibrato. At this point, in the verse of the song, explore vibrato. And at one point she explores the melisma. And this is very interesting, the use of melisma with falsetto. And here she does a very delicate job. It's very subtle what he does with his voice. Is incredible. Amazing. Mixed voice. An amazing performance. I'm surprised. Is awesome. And the way she arranged her voice is very creative. How she created a harmonic way to interpret this song. Because we realize that she sings the verses in the same way, but it reproduces in another way what would be the chorus. It's amazing. It's wonderful vocal work. She has evolved a lot, to the point of having incredible vocal control. Ella uses the falsetto as an adornment. and she transits her voice in the region of the voice of the mask. It also projects mixed voice while working with melisma and vibrato. And how can she explore and insert a lot of embellishments into her voice and it's a wonderful performance. I was very surprised by this interpretation. Amazing. But this is the technical analysis and the reaction of this video. And if you want more technical analysis and reactions for Angelina Jordan, leave more suggestions in the comments. Subscribe to our channel, activate notifications, click like and share this video. I end here. I hope you liked this video and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.": 2, "Hi everybody, in this video we show how you can edit the TV Programmes on WebOS5.0 We will show how to change the order of the programmes, how to change a programme number, how you can skip programmes and how you can lock a programme with a password. To do this, go to All Settings, Programmes, select Programme Manager, and then Edit All Programmes. Here you can see the list with the TV programmes, after you have done the tuning on your Antenna, Cable, or Satellite signal. How to change the order of the programmes To change the order of the programmes, select one or more programmes in the list and then select Move. Then use your Magic Remote to move the programmes to another position. Use the scroll wheel to move up and down in the list. Then press the scroll wheel to put the programmes on the new position. Now, we can see that the programmes are on the new position. How to change the programme number To change the programme number, select a programme, then select Edit Programme Number, and then enter the new number. Now, we can now go to the programme directly, by pressing the new number. Be aware, that when you have done the Programme Tuning and you selected a pre-configured operator, it might not be possible to change the programmes position or number. In that case, check out our other video about how to create a TV Programmes Favourite List. How to skip programmes To skip programmes, select one or more programmes in the list and select Skip. When we now go through the programme list, these programmes are skipped. Also, the skipped programmes wil not be shown when you press the list button on the Magic Remote To restore skipped programmes, select one or more programmes, and then select Restore. How to lock programmes To lock a programme, select the programme in the list and select Lock. Enter the current password. By default, the password is 0000. When you use this function for the first time, the TV will ask you to switch on the safety function Select Yes To change the password, go to All Settings. Go to General, Safety, and select Reset Password. First enter the current password. Then enter the new password and again to confirm the new password. Now, when I go to the locked programme, I have to click the scroll wheel, and enter the password before I can watch the programme. This is how you can edit the TV Programmes. For more help, check out the other videos on our YouTube channel, or contact your local LG helpdesk.": 3, "Hi, how are you? I am super. I hope you're well, too. Today I'm going to show you my kitchen. Where do I start? So, on the far right is the refrigerator. There's a picture of my parents on the fridge. The photo is attached to the refrigerator with two magnets. On top of the fridge is the microwave. Next to the refrigerator is the dishwasher. Do you have a dishwasher too? The dishwasher was a gift from my parents. See this electrical outlet? There are two plugs in the socket. The first plug belongs to the electric kettle. The second plug is from the blender. Right next to the blender is my pepper mill. Do you like pepper? There's a bottle of Greek olive oil here. Two frying pans are hanging on the wall above. I have a large frying pan and a small one. There's a soup ladle down here. Right next to it is my stove. The stove also has an oven. I always bake a pie on Sundays. To the left and right of the stove are two kitchen cabinets. The sink is here on the left. Here are my clean plates. There are two pots on the stove. The pot on the left is a soup pot. I made a vegetable soup. Do you like soup? I'm boiling potatoes in the pot on the right. I love potatoes. What am I in the mood for today? I'm in the mood for pancakes. What ingredients do you need for pancakes? My recipe has six ingredients. I need 400 cc's of milk. I need four eggs. I need 200 grams of flour. I also need some sugar, salt and butter. Here I have a measuring cup. I mix all the ingredients. I then let the ingredients sit in the fridge for 30 minutes. I then fry the pancakes with a little olive oil. For the pancakes, I use the large frying pan. Have you ever made pancakes? What does your kitchen look like? Please leave a comment in your native language now.": 4, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video we are going to analyze Arch Enemy, with the song \"Sunset Over the Empire\". I apologize if I mispronounced the name. I do not speak English and I apologize. But anyway, I'm going to review this video. And for those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer. And in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis of vocal behavior, on musical production and musical arrangements. Therefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my observations. The message has been passed and let's go to the most important, let's analyze Arch Enemy. The scene is one of total destruction. And I already loved the sound with just the beginning of this video. With the bass having a lot of prominence. Help create the atmosphere in this musical arrangement. I really like the way she works with her voice. The use of this vocal distortion, I find it impressive. She works a lot with lower and middle region with the use of the glottis, using this distorted voice. At times it raises this vocal distortion a bit. And I say this referring to his voice in general. And I consider it a very different job. She does this with great quality. This ending she inserts this distortion, it is a job that there is with the musculature of the mouth. You have the projection of vocal distortion with the use of growl... And you can articulate this in many ways. And this is a job with the articulation of the tongue, the articulation of the opening and closing of the thickness that the mouth will have. Therefore, all this dynamics is realized, not only with the technique of making the distortion, but also how to work with it. And Arch Enemy's songs and sound are amazing. It is a band that has an absurd stage presence. They manage to command the audience and the audience gets excited... They really put on really exciting performances. It's fantastic. You realized? She is already doing a job, using this flexibility with the use of the glottis. Therefore, it moves the glottis in the upper region. But it does not project the superior glottis completely. Because in this case, the projection becomes higher. And with that you will lose the full-bodied voice you convey. Because there is a work of the middle and low region of the voice. And it is possible to regulate this superior projection of the glottis. Look at this change in the rhythm of the drums, how amazing it is. Amazing. Look at this melodic part in the chorus, it's fantastic. And this is a feature of Arch Enemy, to be able to insert this melodic passage. So we have this melodic death metal influence. And this style is very strong in Europe. European heavy metal is heavily influenced by melodic death metal. And it's amazing I consider these moments melodic, it creates an incredible difference and adds a lot of dynamics to the song. And it is always done in a very creative way. Only in this way... And this is not a show, and a video, a video production. But look how she has the attitude to perform this song. And this attitude reflects his personality, including the band as artists and this is the way they play on stage. What you see in this video is what she plays on stage. Because it is something very natural, it is a very natural way project what the artist feels and, this is impossible to control. Y articulates, transmits, she gives off this vocal distortion and always in a very comfortable way. And this double bass work is really cool. The double bass drum in heavy metal even performs percussive work. And it helps to fill out the sound much more and insert more dynamics in relation to the song. And ever since heavy metal introduced the double bass drum, it was fantastic. It was a reworking of NWOBHM influences. They weren't in the habit of using the double bass drum. And starting in the 1980s, the double bass drum was introduced very widely. Look at this pause that makes this dynamic of music... Because the music is sequential and suddenly it stops. It is a break in the dynamics that music has. And this is really cool. It's very exciting. And these riffs are excellent. It really is a very creative arrangement. Look at the way she projects her voice on a work connected in relation to the dynamics of string instruments. Is incredible. It's a fantastic metric. this rhythm... I at least know it as inverted battery. It is a time invested in relation to the dynamics and behavior of string instruments. I think it's fantastic. Is a way, to be able to make variations and insert dynamics without losing weight in the music. Imagine this song at a concert and at that moment the audience does... This is very exciting and those who had the opportunity to attend an Arch Enemy concert, saw how they manage to attract the audience. See the hype. The work and the dynamics that the bass drum intersperses with the double bass drum. The dual pedals really give the song a percussive feel. and does not lose the weight of the box that is in the battery, It continues to keep the battery pulsing but it is an element that makes a difference. With or without acceptance, the double kick makes an incredible difference. See how she projects her voice to a higher region... And before she was inserting this middle way up her voice and, sometimes emphasizing the lower region of the glottis. The voice gains volume and, at this time, works in the mid to high region. But it is not the entire region of the superior glottis. She has a very good command of her voice. That's why I always say the form of the vocalist... The way Alissa works her voice regarding the construction of the instrument it is extremely important. She needs to be connected. she also has to do creative work regarding their vocal behavior. And every dynamic that music has, It is very important that she follows all this dynamic, and the construction that the musical arrangement will have in relation to the behavior of the instruments. It's fantastic, it works very well in the glottis region, in a way that she has a lot of control over her voice. This is wonderful. And this opening that she makes in relation to the use of vocal distortion, It accompanies very well the rhythm made by the electric guitar. Look at this bass... This is very exciting... Arch Enemy is a fascinating band. They are very creative, extremely experienced and professional musicians. Alissa has a command with her voice. The way she works with her voice is amazing. His use of vocal distortion is truly impressive. Master this technique very well. It's a fantastic band. They are amazing. And I really like the performances. arch enemy live They have a lot of energy and aggression. They have a fantastic stage presence. And they manage to reproduce this stage presence from your experience, even for them to produce a video with a wonderful result. A very well produced video too. Arch Enemy is an amazing band and must have amazing video too. But this is analysis and technical reaction of this video. If you want more analysis and technical reactions to Arch Enemy, make your suggestion in the comments, subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. I end here. I hope you liked this video and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.": 3, "welcome to the TASCAM Model 12 in this video we will show the basic instructions on setting up the model 12 as a control surface for your digital audio workstation this video is specifically for logic if you don't have logic see the other videos for your particular da w connect the model 12 USB cable to your computer model 12 uses a USBC connector some modern computers will also have a USBC connector this computer we are using today as a USB a connector so the cable we need is this common USB see the USB a cable make sure the cable supports USB 2 or higher next put the input mode switch on PC or in the middle position of the model 12 for channels 1 and 2 you can set the other channels however you choose the first thing to do is download the model mixer setting panel software from task am calm this is found on the Downloads tab on the individual model 12 product page go ahead and install the model mixer setting panel software now it's time to put model 12 into da W controller mode press the menu button the multi jog knob uses a turn and push method once you highlight a function you can then push the knob to select it turn the multi jog knob until you get to the da W controller push the multi jog knob to select da W controller model 12 has presets for the most popular da WS so highlight Maggie logic and press the multi jog knob to select it the model 12 will ask you if you are sure and want to start the controller mode press the far right button directly under the display or yes bottle 12 is now in controller mode and it's faders and most of its knobs are disabled to the internal model 12 functions tascam cannot provide customer support for your software program computer or computer configuration here are the settings on this computer which is a MacBook Pro using Logic Pro X the first thing we need to do is set up the model 12 as the audio interface for logic we click on the upper left here Logic Pro X go down to preferences and we can go directly to audio here we have the output device and the input device we click Choose model 12 logic automatically choose model 12 as the input device if not you can click that and select model 12 now we need to set up the model 12 as the control surface so there's a control surface icon here let's click that pops up we then choose MIDI controllers set up and the lower right and on the upper left of the pop-up window new so we're going to choose install because we need to install a protocol for the controller and there are several selections here the model 12 uses the Mackie control protocol and we need now to tell logic to use the Mackie control protocol from the model 12 so the model 12 can be a control surface so we choose Mackie control and hit add and that's done and then finally the last thing we need to do is we need to take the input port here and select that and we will choose model 12 and the output port we will select model 12 close that close that and we're done now that we have that set up you can see that the faders are live the pan pots work the master volume works fine the transport control let's hit play let's hit stop let's fast-forward stop rewind stop and even the scroll dial on the model 12 scrolls through the file the default is to control tracks 1 through 8 on your d8w this screen is the marker set screen this is where you can set markers on your da W by pressing the set button underneath the display while the file plays to control tracks 9 through 16 press the menu button on the model 12 a model 12 will display track then press the arrow to the right button under the display and da W tracks 9 through 16 are controlled to control tracks 17 through 24 press the display arrow to the right again underneath the display now tracks 17 through 24 are controlled to go back to tracks 9 through 16 or 1 through 8 press the Display button to the left over and over and tracks 9 through 16 or 1 through 8 are then controlled [Music] you": 3, "(bright ambient music) (train chugging) (whistle blowing) - [Narrator] Here they come, clickety-clack down the track. It's Lots & Lots of Trains. Big trains, little trains, steam trains, diesel, freight, and passenger trains, even trains the blow through snow. Old trains, new trains, fast trains, slow trains, smokin' trains, even trains from around the world. Plus toy trains, trolley trains, and much, much more. Hear the whistle blow, feel the heat, smell the smoke, as these titans of the tracks thunder on by. (whistle blowing) (train chugging) (flames crackling) (steam hissing) (whistle blowing) (twangy country music) (train chugging) (bell tolling) (whistle blowing) (cargo crashing) (jaunty country music) (train chugging) (whistle blowing) (brakes squealing) (bell tolling) (train chugging) (whistle blowing) (twangy country music) (steam hissing) (bell tolling) (train chugging) (whistle blowing) (muffled radio announcement) (twangy country music) (train chugging) (whistle blowing) (flames crackling) (metal clanking) (train chugging) (whistle blowing) (brakes squealing) (steam hissing) (motor humming) (train chugging) (bell tolling) (steam hissing)": 1, "Skyfall (2012) Days of Heaven (1978) Amelie (2001) The Big Lebowski (1998) Kyousougiga OVA (2011) Katanagatari (2010) Mawaru Penguindrum (2011) Ergo Proxy (2006) Aria the Origination (2008) Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001) Joshiraku (2012) Kyoukai no Kanata (2013) Mononoke (2007) Shirobako (2014) Tokyo Ghoul (2014) The Eccentric Family (2013) Mononoke (2007) Katanagatari (201) Ergo Proxy (2006) K-On!! (2010) Tsuritama (2012) Pokemon 2000 (2000) Zankyou no Terror (2014) Kyousougiga OVA (2011) Madoka Magica (2011) Tamako Love Story (2014) Mawaru Penguindrum (2011) Hanayamata (2014) Mononoke (2007) Bakemonogatari (2008) Mawaru Penguindrum (2011) Shirobako (2014) Zankyou no Terror (2014) Paprika (2006) Ping Pong the Animation (2014) Redline (2009) Ghost in the Shell (1995) Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001) Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (2012) Your Lie in April (2014) Hibike Euphonium (2015) Aku no Hana (2013) Ghost in the Shell (1995) Madoka Magica: Rebellion (2013) Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (2012) Hibike Euphonium (2015) Tekkonkinreet (2006) Zankyou no Terror (2014) Kara no Kyoukai: Paradox Spiral (2008) 6:45 am SUN 31 August (2014) D-Frag (2014) Aria the Origination (2008) Etotama (2015) Evangelion 1.11 (2008) Your Lie in April (2014) Kill la Kill (2013) The Garden of Words (2013) Ergo Proxy (2006) Tekkonkinreet (2006) Hibike Euphonium (2015) Mawaru Penguindrum (2011) Hanayamata (2014) Tokyo Ghoul (2014) Tsuritama (2012) Ergo Proxy (2006) Nagi no Asukara (2013) Your Lie in April (2014) The Eccentric Family (2013) Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (2012) Hyouka (2012) Evangelion 1.0 + 2.0 (2008 - 2011) Akira (1988) Tamako Love Story Hanamonogatari (2014) Kara no Kyoukai (2008) Redline (2009) Akira (1988) Hyouka (2012) Mushishi Zoku Shou (2014) Angel Beats (2010) Ping Pong the Animation (2014) Shirobako (2014) Tsuritama (2012) Aria the Origination (2008) Paprika (2006) K-On!! (2010) Shinsekai Yori (2012) Fate/Stay Night (2014) Hanamonogatari (2014) Hyouka (2012) Kyousougiga OVA (2011) Ergo Proxy (2006) Your Lie in April (2014) Mawaru Penguindrum (2011)": 0, "[MUSIC - JOSEPH, \"SISTER WINTER\"] (SINGING) Oh, my friends, I've begun to worry, right, where I should be grateful, I should be satisfied. oh, my heart, I would clap and dance in place. With my friends I have so much pleasure to embrace. But my heart is returned to sister winter. But my heart is as cold as ice. Oh, my thoughts I return to summertime, where I kissed your ankle. I kissed you through the night. All my gifts, I gave everything to you. Your strange imagination, you threw it all away. Now my heart is returned to sister winter. Now my heart is as cold as ice. Oh, no. Now my friends, I return to sister winter. apologize, apologize. Ah, ha. All my friends, I've returned to sister winter. All my friends, I apologize, apologize. All my friends, I've returned to sister winter. All my friends, I apologize, apologize. wish you all the best. All my friends, I wish you a happy Christmas. We wish you a happy Christmas.": 2, "- So I have the number 235, and we can think of that as 2 hundreds, we have a 2 in the hundreds place so 2 hundreds, 3 tens, we have a 3 in the tens place, so 3 tens, and 5 ones, we have a 5 in the ones place. And over here I've actually drawn it out with that many boxes, this is 235 boxes. So you have 2 groups of a hundred boxes, so this is 2 hundreds, then we have 3 tens, 1,2,3. And then we have 5 ones. Now let's try some interesting things here. So what happens if I were to add 10 here. Well adding 10, we're just adding 1 ten. We're just adding 1 ten. So if we add 1 ten, what's going to happen? Well, over here I need to add one more 10, I've got to add this 10. So what's it going to look like? Well that, the next 10 is going to look like this. Let me see if I can draw it pretty fast. So we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. So I just added a ten. So what does that leave us with? Well if I had 3, if i had 3 tens, and I have 1 more ten now, now I'm going to have 4 tens, now I'm going to have 4 tens. I'm gonna do that in that yellow color. So now I'm going to have 4 tens. I'm still going to have 5 ones, 5 ones, I'm still gonna have 5 ones, I'm not adding any ones there. So I'm still going to have 5 ones, and I'm still going to have 2 hundreds, I'm not adding any hundreds there, so I'm still going to have 2 hundreds, 2 hundreds. So now it's going to be 2 hundreds, plus 4 tens, plus 5 ones. 2 hundreds plus 4 tens plus 5 ones. Well what's that going to be? Well, 2 hundreds, plus 4 tens, plus 5 ones: 245. Let's do one more. Instead of adding a ten, let's add a hundred. So let's do that, let me see if I can clear all this stuff out, so... So instead of adding 10 lets add 100 here, so I'm going to add, so plus, let's add 1 hundred, 1, I'll actually do it in yellow and in blue. So I'm adding 1 hundred, 0 tens, and 0 ones. So essentially just adding 1 hundred. So this is going to be equal to, so plus 1 hundred. So plus 1 hundred, so what's that going to get me? Let me draw it out here, let me copy and paste. I have 2 hundreds before but now I'm going to add 1 hundred. So let me just copy that, and let me paste it. So now, how many hundreds do I have? How many hundreds do I have now? Well now i have one, two, three hundreds. I have 3 hundreds. So over here, I had 2 hundreds, I'm adding one more hundred right over here so now I have 3 hundreds. Over here I could say that now I have 3, 3 hundreds. Now, are the number of tens, have they changed? No, I had 3 tens before, and I'm not adding tens this time so I'm still going to have 3 tens, and I had 5 ones before and I'm not adding any more ones so I still have 5 ones. So I have 335, which is the same thing as 3 hundreds plus 3 tens, plus 3 tens, plus 5 ones, plus 5 ones.": 2, "How to make an origami manatee Instructions in English. Video instructions to make a manatee in origami Start with a square piece of paper. Put the colored side on top. Fold and unfold the two diagonals. Turn the model to the other side, and rotate by 45 degrees. Fold the top right and the bottom right towards the horizontal axis. Fold the left tip slightly towards the right. Unfold the two right flaps. Fold the top left and the bottom left towards the horizontal axis. Slightly open the two folds on the left and fold again the two folds on the right. Flatten the folds towards the left. Turn the model to the other side. Fold the bottom of the model over the top of the model. Fold the tail. Start the fold in the middle of the right top side, and fold so that it touches the tip of the flap. Unfold the tail and open the model. Invert the tail fold at the bottom and fold again the top fold. Fold the model in two again. Fold the right tip towards the left, slightly upwards. Unfold the fold you just made and open the flap. Invert the fold of the tip and fold it inside the model. The tip is on one side and the model is not completely symmetric. Fold the flipper (fin) towards the right. Turn the model to the other side and fold the other flipper. Make two small folds inside for the snout, and flatten the tail. Your manatee is ready to swim and graze plants from the bottom of the sea! Don't leave your manatee alone, and fold a whole family of manatees! :-) You can also make the tail point towards the top instead of the bottom. I hope you like this model and this video! Please share and like the video. :-) And comment if you liked it! Thank you!": 3, "One of the categories of plotting the rational numbers on the number line, is when the numerators are less than the denominators. Let's try to plot '1 by 2' and 'minus 1 by 2' on the number line. First, we see how we can plot '1 by 2'. The numerator 1, is less than the denominator 2. When the numerator is less than the denominator, the positive rational number will be between 0 & 1. So we draw the number line like this. The number '1 by 2' has to lie somewhere between '0 & 1'. Now we divide the length between 0 & 1 into equal parts. How many equal parts is the question. The denominator tells us the number of equal parts. The denominator is 2. So we divide it into two equal parts. This line divides this region into two equal parts. But what does the numerator tell us? It tells us the number of parts starting from 0. The numerator is 1. And therefore we take one part from '0' and mark '1 by 2' here. We can use the same procedure to mark 'minus 1 by 2' on the left side of 0. Divide it into two parts, and mark 'minus 1 by 2', one part away from '0'. Just as integers had corresponding values, Rational numbers too have Corresponding values. In our example, 'minus 1 by 2' corresponds to '1 by 2'. Let us look at another example where the numerator is less than the denominator. We have to plot '3 by 4' and 'minus 3 by 4'. Let us plot '3 by 4' first. Since the numerator is less than the denominator, we know that the number will be between 0 & 1. So we draw the number line like this. With just 0 & 1 plotted. Remember, the denominator tells us the number of equal parts. Since the denominator is 4. We divide the length between '0 & 1' into 4 equal parts Drawing these three lines gives us four equal parts. Now we move to the numerator. The numerator tells us the number of parts from the number zero Since the numerator is three we move three equal parts from zero. One, two, and three. So we mark 'three by four' here. Now let us plot 'minus three by four'. Since 3 is less than 4. And the Rational number is negative, we know that will come between '0 and minus 1'. We divide this length into four equal parts as the denominator is 4. And we mark 'minus 3 by 4', 3 parts away from zero. That's it. We have plotted the points. But let me ask you a question. You have plotted the numbers '3 by 4' and 'minus 3 by 4'. But do you know which numbers are plotted on these points? Here's your answer. Since this is one part, we mark '1 by 4' here. Since these are two parts, we mark '2 by 4' here. Similarly, we can plot 'minus 1 by 4'. And 'minus 2 by 4' here. This was just for your understanding. And you don't need to mark all the points if you're asked to mark just '3 by 4' and 'minus 3 by 4'. In the next video we will look at an example, in which the numerator is greater than the denominator.": 3, "Christopher Carbone: Hello, and welcome to the third part of this section two point two, the derivative as a function to continue on. We have this example Here, in example, four, if F. Of X is equal to X cubed minus x. We want to find and interpret F. Prime of X and F. Double prime of X. Christopher Carbone: So to find um these particular values, let me do a part of this work up here, for right now to get that value of F of X plus h minus F of X, divided by H. Christopher Carbone: Based upon our function. Christopher Carbone: This is going to be Christopher Carbone: x plus h Christopher Carbone: cubed Christopher Carbone: modest exposure. Christopher Carbone: Manus Christopher Carbone: X cubed minus x, Christopher Carbone: all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: So we need to expand that output. Which is why i'm doing this up here, Christopher Carbone: expanding out this X plus h cubed. This makes x cubed. Christopher Carbone: What's the way Christopher Carbone: x squared h Christopher Carbone: plus three Christopher Carbone: x h squared plus h cubed is Christopher Carbone: minus x minus h minus x cubed, Christopher Carbone: plus that Christopher Carbone: all divided by it. Christopher Carbone: So a few of these Christopher Carbone: he's a we cancel out. Christopher Carbone: Why, we are the to us Christopher Carbone: three x squared h Christopher Carbone: plus threex h squared Christopher Carbone: plus h cubed Christopher Carbone: minus h, Christopher Carbone: all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: I'm nasty Christopher Carbone: that cancers out a bit just to leave us three x squared. Christopher Carbone: It was three x h Christopher Carbone: plus h squared minus one. Christopher Carbone: So for the F prime of x Christopher Carbone: be in that limit Christopher Carbone: h approaches zero. Christopher Carbone: This F of x plus h minus F of x, divided by H. Christopher Carbone: We can Well, let me write that step first. Actually, this is of x plus h Christopher Carbone: cubed Christopher Carbone: minus x plus h, minus X cubed Christopher Carbone: minus x, all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: This amounts to just nicely the limit Christopher Carbone: as h approaches zero of threex squared plus threexh plus h squared minus one, and Christopher Carbone: that makes nicely Christopher Carbone: threex squared minus one Christopher Carbone: for that second derivative Christopher Carbone: all that Christopher Carbone: we are going to have the limit. Christopher Carbone: H approaches zero. This will be now using the derivative Christopher Carbone: um Christopher Carbone: three times x plus h Christopher Carbone: squared minus one Christopher Carbone: manus Christopher Carbone: threex squared minus one, Christopher Carbone: all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: So to find this one Now we need to expand this, Christopher Carbone: so this will be the Christopher Carbone: as h approaches. Zero. Of Christopher Carbone: this would be three x squared Christopher Carbone: plus six xh Christopher Carbone: plus three h squared Christopher Carbone: minus one Christopher Carbone: minus three x squared, plus one, Christopher Carbone: all divided by it. Christopher Carbone: So again, a few things cancel Christopher Carbone: limit Christopher Carbone: as h approaches zero over. Christopher Carbone: Yeah, of this will be three. Christopher Carbone: So a couple of things cancel out here which will be nice without the for six xh Christopher Carbone: plus three h squared, Christopher Carbone: and that will be divided by H, which gives us the limit. Christopher Carbone: H approaches zero of sixx plus Christopher Carbone: three h, Christopher Carbone: which just gives us six x when we put in zero for H. Christopher Carbone: So the acceleration Christopher Carbone: in general, the second derivative is interpreted as a rate of change of a rate of change. So if we have S is equal to S. Of T. Being our position Function of an object that moves in a straight line. The first derivative is the velocity V. Of T. Christopher Carbone: The object as a function of time, so V of t is equal to s prime of T, which is Ds over Dt. Christopher Carbone: The derivative of the velocity function, which is the second derivative. Of the position. Function is the acceleration function. So A. Of T. Would be equal to V. Prime of T, which is the second derivative of S of T. Christopher Carbone: In Lebanese notation A is Dv. Over Dt. Or D squared s over Dt. Squared Christopher Carbone: the third derivative to go even higher. Christopher Carbone: Triple prime is the derivative of the second. Derivative so f triple prime is the second derivative prime Christopher Carbone: and f triple prime of X can be interpreted as the slope of the curve. The Christopher Carbone: Y is equal to F double prime of x, or as the rate of change of F double prime of X and Lebanese notation. This is expressed as y triple prime is equal to F. The triple prime of F of X is equal to d over dx of d squared y over dx squared, so that being d cubed y over d x cubed, Christopher Carbone: and we can interpret now that third derivative of our position function s so s triple prime being equal to the S. Double prime prime is equal to a prime. The third derivative of the position function is the derivative of the acceleration function, and this is called the jerk Christopher Carbone: of the motion. This jerk, the jerk is the rate of change of acceleration. So a large jerk is a sudden change in acceleration which causes in a buff movement, or that joking around, such as like with the car. If you shook Christopher Carbone: one direction while trying to change lanes or something. Christopher Carbone: Lebanese Notation J. Would be da over Dt. Which will be d cubed s over Dt. Cute. Christopher Carbone: So this is the third part of section two point, two on that derivative as a function B in the lookout for the fourth part. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.": 3, "hi everyone today we're going to talk about how to use the quadratic formula to solve for the roots of a quadratic function to complete this problem we'll identify components of our quadratic function plug them into the quadratic formula and then simplify the quadratic formula to solve for the roots of the function let's take a look in this particular problem we've been asked to use the quadratic formula to find the roots of the function f of x is equal to one fourth x squared minus two x plus three the first thing we need to recognize when we're talking about the quadratic formula is that we can only use the quadratic formula when we have a quadratic function and in this case we do have a quadratic function because our function is in the form a x squared plus bx plus c which is the form of a quadratic function this format for a quadratic function recognizes that there are three constant coefficients a is a constant coefficient and in our case that's one fourth which is the constant coefficient on the front of x squared we have a constant coefficient of b which is in front of an x to the first variable and in our case that's negative two it's always important to include the negative sign that's there and then we have the constant value here c with no x variable attached and ours in this case is just three so because we have the same format coefficient multiplied by x squared plus or minus coefficient times x to the first power plus a constant we know that we have a quadratic function so given that we have a quadratic function with these three values we can use the quadratic formula to solve for the roots of this function normally given a function like this our first choice to solve for the roots is just to factor the function but that's not always possible and when we can't factor it one of the things we can do is use the quadratic formula so as you can see with our quadratic formula we have the same values shown in our quadratic formula we have b we have a here and we have c here so let's go ahead and use the quadratic formula to solve for the roots of our function so we'll say that x the root of our function will be negative b we know that b here is negative two always include the negative sign if it is there so negative negative two plus or minus the square root of b squared we know that b is negative two so we'll plug in negative two minus four times a we know that a is one fourth times c we know that c is three so we enter all those values that's all underneath our square root sign and then we divide the entire numerator here by two times a and a and our quadratic function is one fourth so once we have all of our values plugged in we just need to simplify as much as we can so we have a negative negative two which will give us of course a positive two plus or minus the square root negative two squared gives us four four and one fourth here will cancel with one another and just become one and we'll be left with three so we'll get four minus three underneath the square root sign all divided by two times one fourth which will just give us one half when we simplify further we see that we'll get two plus or minus the square root of one which we know will just be one all divided by one half dividing by one half of course is the same thing as multiplying by two so we'll get two times two plus or minus one so we'll get two roots here for x we'll get x equals two times two plus one and we'll get x equals two times two minus one the first root of course will just give us six the second root will give us two and that's it these are the roots of our function that's how you use the quadratic formula to find the solutions to your quadratic function so I hope you found that video helpful if you did like this video down below and subscribe to notified of future videos": 2, "To create Tattoo android application Download unity package to slider images on https://github.com/walidabazo/Unity-Swipe-Slide-Show-Tutorial and import to your project Rotate images Button Zoom out button images zoom in button images Very simple code to can be change it add or remove images (Notes: Not need to Developer to change ) To change rotate scale To change zoom in scale To Change zoom out scale now we will add new image it slider Add New Image Copy And past Level images and rename it Change position New image in slider Change Image name Copy and past large image and rename it now will add new image name in code Add on game object new small image name On load hide this image On rotate button add new image name to change and rotate it copy and past other image and change image name On zoom in button add new image name to change and rotate it copy and past and rename image name On zoom out button add new image name to change and rotate it copy and past and rename image name must be change on event target new button function name import vuforia SDK": 1, "For this problem, we want to rewrite the log base four of 9X squared Y squared over the square root of Z as an expression of simpler logarithms. First, we can see that there's division within the logarithm, so we can use the quotient property to rewrite this as the log base four of 9X squared Y squared minus the log base four of the square root of Z. Here, we can see that there's multiplication within the log, so we can use the product property to rewrite this as the log base four of nine plus the log base four of X squared, plus the log base four of Y squared minus the log base four of the square root of Z. We can take a closer look at these two logs to further rewrite this as the log base four of three squared plus the log base four of X squared plus the log base four of Y squared minus the log base four of Z to the 1/2 power. Now we can use this last property to bring down all of the exponents. So this becomes two times the log base four of three plus two times the log base four of X plus two times the log base four of Y minus 1/2 times the log base four of Z. This cannot be extended any further, so this is the final answer.": 1, "We're born blind there's nothing than black When your journey ends that state comes back While we're waiting for the endless night We'll watch how fade the last strips of light So...everybody dies alone Life has no purpose on its own We are all on the way just to the end Deep into the void our souls will blend You may pray to the great beyond But you'll never have respond Life's the one you truly love But with death you'll spend aeons and above Life's a b^tch Call it by the name Whatever gives you Gonna take what you've reached This b^tch will leave you finally Take everything you have The more you wanna live The more you gonna lose Betray you Forsake you She hates you She's in you Rest in dust One day I'll disappear I'll be gone Like a dream when you're awake So, like a fetus before it's born I don't give a fuck If I would live or die Eight bilion lives will fade in 100 years After the salty rain of tears Dig into the mud to be forgotten Dirt is the place where dreams are rotten Ideas you so deeply care today Like thrash will be thrown away The truth we have to to face Life is the pure act of waste Life's a b^tch Call it by the name Whatever gives you Gonna take what you've reached This b^tch will leave you finally Take everything you have The more you wanna live The more you gonna lose Betray you Forsake you She hates you She's in you Rest in dust This b^tch will leave you finally Take everything you have The more you wanna live The more you gonna lose Betray you Forsake you She hates you Rest in dust She's in you": 2, "well if you don't know that it's a big fucking CIA plot by now then you're fucking stupid aye hmm ISIS and ISIL or? Isis is ill are they not yeah Isis the money what do you do with a fucking dollar sign that's two fucking I's and an S isn't it? or! two S's and the two I's it's the fucking ISIS Isis is their money and it's ill ISIS ISIL hmm they've got no fucking money so they need a war so what are they pulling on you they're fucking turning up the heat on the fucking pot are they not yes so once they turn the heat up on the pot you people are going to all go like a fucking pressure cooker which was what Boston was all about fucking explode which is what they're doing right now and they're doing it all the way around the world and they've done it many times over and I've watched it fucking happen many times over ok and this is what the fucking all the fucking biker burqa and bigots all about and the biker and the burqa and the bigot are the three fucking people in Australia that they want to fucking rev up and turn the fucking heat on the pot on you understand? so all the bikers and all the people with burqa's the Muslims and all the bigots which they're calling the fucking neo Nazi fucking whatever bigots so we've got the neo-nazis we've got the Muslims and we've got the bikers the three people in Australia that they want to turn the heat up so while they sit there and mock the three people they want to turn the heat up in Australia at the Parliament fucking steps with some fucking big meathead fucking salami necked fucking under agent fucking undercover fuckin i should say fucking agent talking about fucking wank! for some government ploy who we're never going to see again because he's a faceless man remember? so a faceless man that just pops out of fucking say Pine Gap and just you know appears on the fucking doorstep of the Parliament wanks on about burqa's bigots and bikers and tells yous all this fucking shit to say their trying to fucking make the fear not so much fear but they're just trying to fucking turn the heat up! on the fucking pot just like they're doing with Ebola and all this stuff they say oh they don't want fucking all this fear with Ebola but they want you fearing Ebola they want you're staying indoors they want you fucking thinking if you go to hospital you're gonna fuckin you know oh my god be fucking more fucked up at hospital then you're going to be at fucking home they want you to fucking think that the whole world is going to fucking collapse because they're collapsing it's a big Nazi CIA ploy because it's happened before in Germany they fucking did this when they lost all their fucking money and made the Reichsmark and the reichs mark is the fucking little IOU that we fuckin do with the Queen the queen is the I owe you money plastic fucking bullshit and then what are they doing now? they got this fucking look! the burqa Avenger the burqa Avenger well what are they doing with this burqa Avenger? they're trying to fucking piss off the Muslims more they're trying to rub salt in the Muslims faces because the Muslims don't believe in fucking idols do they so they're idolizing things their fuck en idolizing this burqa Avenger hero fucking person that goes around and does all this shit so while they make you Westerners believe that they're doing such a good thing their rubbing salt and vinegar into the wounds of the Muslims and trying to fucking rev them up so! we've got two sides of the story here and you people are so dumb and insipid that you fucking follow the fucking wrong side of the fucking story don't ya yeah and you go oh me oh pity oh blah blah blah empathy I'm a woman and fucking nurture fucking western shit because you can't see past your fucking stupid you know? sill in your fucking mind that makes fucking sense because they've already raped that from you because you're a Western woman and you fucking believe in all the shit that they feed you right! yeah so instead they're going to fucking tell you all this fucking wank and then give you a tax reform and up your fucking petrol and do all this fucking bullshit because Abbott's a fucking cunt yeah! Abbott the fucking cunt all the while ISIS is AL-CIA-DA and it's their fucking plan because they're fucking broke because Isis is ill do you understand? I hope you fucking understand cause I'm fucking really still tired and it's early and it's the day after my birthday and it was the worst birthday I've ever had considering ah? fucking last year which was fucking the worst-test birthday in my fucking life :( all right! so here we go mmm Abbott looking down on the people over his glasses like you're a little fucking shill yeah like you're his little child and he knows all fucking better for you because that's how you fucking are! in the eyes of fucking government because they want to fucking govern you because that was there meant do you understand? no! you don't because you're fucking stupid is that right? yeah oh okay well fucking swe swine jump fucken jumping off a cliff into a fucking sea isn't that what it's all about? yeah you're the swine you're on the cliff and you're about to jump off into the sea and what's that mean huh? the swine jumping off the cliff into the sea while you're on the razor's edge the sea is the fucking people and you're the swine so do that fucking math yeah right you're all on the razor's edge this shit's gonna fucking hit the pan fan and in the pan you know? the fuckin panic button pan up in the sky mmm the fucking pan eh and fucking shits gonna hit the fan and guess what hmm? you're all in the sea of people the masses of people that you've already pissed off that they're turning the fucking heat up on the fucking pot hmm right! and the swine are going to be eaten alive yeah by the demons that they're already full of that they've already fucking put into you because you're all Western fucking idiots that are hypnotized under a fucking spell and they're just loving this spell that they're going to fucking rev up on you right now because CIA's in Australia like I've told you over and over and over and over again that's why if you turn on the fucking television lately then everything on the television that you're seeing is fucking setup and it's there to fucking force fear into you while they tell you how they're trying to take the fear away well? just do the math and just look at it and fucking hello where's all the fucking taking the fear away hmm! I don't see any of it at all do you? because David Cameron and this wanker shill protection boy I see a camera chasing a Secret Service agent to make a point do you? yeah while this fucking boy runs across with a white little fucking thing in his hand like a little white dove of peace running into fucking David Cameron oh no fuckin Secret Service agent the count looks like fuckin Russell Brand is this a Russell Brand fucken ploy is it? like Russell Brand's little point to make a fucking point of their fucking shit so he you know everybody's like oh little secret fucking oh this little Russell Brand dude run over with a fucking white thing in his hand and ran into fucking David Cameron and oh all of a sudden the Secret Service agents all have to fucking pull all this new fucking shit and laws and fucking stuff because you're all fucking you are all fucking under the thumb you know? already! I mean like that's fuckin the case heh yeah and the fucking I mean fuck! look at this shit making a point mature meat hmm what about mature meat? well seven minutes mature fuckin meat isn't it about the wheat and the fruit well? you're fucking its the wheat and the fruit is it not where you wait for mature meat well what's it about the fucking young? the young you fucking eatin young lambs you're eatin young fucking food! what's about the fucking young all about isn't it about the fruit and the meat well we have to wait for fruit to fucking get mature don't you? yeah have to wait for the wheat to get mature before you eat the wheat and the fucking fruit! so what are you doing eating? fucking young meat isn't that the whole fucking point isn't that the point! of the fucking scriptures symbology are yous fucking stupid or something? or are yous living in the fucking past I don't understand! isn't it all about the Renaissance well? this whole fucking plague shit they fuckin put the plague on Vietnam didn't they? the Black Plague they dropped it on Vietnam well talk about Ebola why is Ebola coming from fucking Africa huh? do the fucking math why do yous all eat young meat for hmm? why do you eat young meat for why? you fuckin wait for the wheat to get fucking mature you wait for the fruit to get fucking mature you're as dumb as fucking not understanding burqa's well burqa's is just like a fucking doll isn't it? you give a fucking child a doll they grow up to fucken go oh I'm going to grow up and be a mother I'm going to fucking look after and nurture a doll yeah! well they have to nurture themselves first so you give them a burqa don't you! you put a burqa on them and you teach them how to be a lady is that not the whole point? because once you fucking teach them how to be a lady they don't need the burqa so much in life later on because they're already a fuckin lady just like when you give a child a fucking doll they fucken grow up and go oh I want to fucking be a mother and i'm going to fucking grow up and nurture a doll and you have to don't fucking teach that later on in life do ya! to them nah you stupid fucking cunts I mean its it fucking just speaks for itself it's as simple as fucking this mmm look under a rock and the truth is there lift a piece of bark and you shall find me the secret fucking sayings of Jesus fucking Christ hmm wake up are yous fucking daft or something? I can say more shit but I'm going to have to turn it off because stupid rules on fucking Facebook and fucking YouTube and if you want this YouTube account? to fucking you know fucking go some go places i'd say you fucking should start spreading my fucking videos thank you very much": 0, "Ryan: It's like no time at all has passed Ryan: i forgot what I was doing Ryan: that's it tha- it's all over Ryan: well we left it on all night Ryan: yeah it was still on Ryan: I've uh Ryan: I've forgotten how to do this first part already Ryan: tha- this is this is the end of the episode man we Ryan: I wasn't Ryan: I wasn't expecting to be there Ryan: oh Ryan: I promise I will never look at you Ryan: Downside really of the (mumbling) slow mo is that it takes much longer to clear the screen Ryan: uhhh Ryan: no I I was just (mumbling) Ryan: (mumbling) is what happened I usually go over Ryan: oh Ryan: yep Ryan: you go to a happy place Ryan: I Ryan: (mumbling) to do that Ryan: field? Ryan: a little bit more to the right Ryan: it is a bitch cunt gap Ryan: yes you are Ryan: it's the royal we Ryan: there it is! there it is! Ryan: go over there Ryan: there it is Ryan: ohhhh Ryan: oh Ryan: (unintelligible yelling) Ryan: aw Ryan: (something about doors) Ryan: oh oh Ryan: fuck Ryan: weeeeeee Ryan: what's he up to these days Ryan: like remember when uh Ryan: fuckin' what's his face Ryan: uh Ryan: (mumbling) uh the guy (more mumbling) Ryan: married uh Kardashian Ryan: yeah the dude who [sold?] a thousand dollar t-shirt Ryan: remember when he was rich? Ryan: uh Ryan: nooooooooooooooooo Ryan: weeeee Ryan: that might be the farthest we ever see in this level Ryan: people you don't want to spend hours with Ryan: Michael Bay had a back and forth with Megan Fox right Ryan: I mean (mumbling) Ryan: who's got my basketball Ryan: oh yeah it was amazing Ryan: awwww Ryan: burn it Ryan: get that subject outta here Ryan: I wonder what (mumbling) time this comes out Ryan: this video Ryan: you're not married Ryan: (mumbling) Ryan: he's getting testy Ryan: follow the line Jack don't get smart Ryan: well the one that you keep dying on you do need cause of the Ryan: fire trail Ryan: that is true Ryan: I think that it's just a (mumbling) delay Ryan: that one right there you don't need Ryan: but that one you do Ryan: not anymore you don't Ryan: how long is it gonna take to do all that again Ryan: we may be making it Ryan: they'd probably just go like Ryan: oh I can just walk three feet to the left and I'll be fine Ryan: boy it'd be real dumb to walk through this in two dimensions Ryan: yeah there was a uh a frame (mumbling) Ryan: no you were already bad Ryan: th-uh this game is such a rhythm timing based thing Ryan: yes Ryan: uhhh Ryan: yeah Ryan: we got like motion sensor Ryan: uh they calibrate Jeremy: heyo! Ryan: the line gave up! Ryan: yeah I figured (mumbling) Ryan: or we could just roll back the footage then analyse it real quick Ryan: what is this new reality I'm not prepared for this! Ryan: you know what? (mumbling) I also I'll go to whataburger in the morning and get a potato egg and cheese with Ryan: ham in it Ryan: I will say though that whataburger their potato is uh they put a hash brown in it Ryan: which is a little weird Ryan: but it's crunchy so I kinda like the texture Ryan; oh no you can - eggs are the easiest to mess up Ryan: oh yeah Ryan: they're not hard to cook Ryan: over cooking eggs is also pretty bad Ryan: it is right awful Ryan: yeah Ryan: right Ryan: I mean Ryan: this is why you eat it over a piece of paper Ryan: it's like you've been pavlovia- I tried it and I almost got it Ryan: (mumbling) attached to [a 2D line?] Ryan: (eating something) I knew I probably wouldn't be able to say it but I took the risk alright Ryan: that's what life's about Ryan: that is my problem I just need to stop pretending to use real words Ryan: oh I don't know I think we've done worse Ryan: I mean honestly this game at this point is more like playing music than it is playing a game Ryan: you're like a drummer you got to get the beats Ryan: how many times do you think he tripped that day? Ryan: paralyzed themselves probably Ryan: well you - you gotta sample them Ryan: (mumbling) bad grapes Ryan: see the- they scared me away from that idea Ryan: cause it's like ah now there's pesticides on it you got to wash them Ryan: so Ryan: yeah Ryan: [all the?] loose fruit Ryan: I just assume it's like every piece of loose fruit that I come across had a whole life before it met me Ryan: and maybe it took some hard choices Ryan: well no if it's in a package Gavin it's safe Ryan: that's just- that's just common sense Ryan: yeah Ryan: bags means that it's safe Ryan: no-he-uh-that that was it he was on it Ryan: maybe the next one will be shorter Ryan: ah! Ryan: there's- hey look everyone's got a limit somewhere right Ryan: yeah Ryan: it was nice Ryan: we were already like [at 280?] by that point Ryan: it's an achievement Ryan: for Michael Ryan: that would be great Ryan: that would be like uh Ryan: d-uh Ryan: gamerscore achievement just like a light achievement Ryan: yeah Ryan: I think you've asked that like a bunch of times Ryan: and the answer is uh I think now no Jeremy: bucket Ryan: uh what Ryan: uh I don't know you've asked a lot of uh ice related Ryan: I mean Christmas is coming up Ryan: you did Ryan: we- are they from like different sides Ryan: was he like revealing secrets or Ryan: either were inconvenient Ryan: oh! Ryan: (mumbling) we got an hour to go before (mumbling) pewdiepie Ryan: it's five pm British is what it was Ryan: I don't know Ryan: now Ryan: you know what? I'm gonna look Ryan: alright ok he uplo- he uploaded his video an hour ago Ryan: the channel still exists *realisation* Ryan: hey guess what? Ryan: look as this Ryan: this'll be good you're welcome with difficulty I got you sorta covered [and i... tried to help]": 1, "Voltage and current transformers Data Conversion ratio of voltage transformers By double-clicking on the voltage card, the Card Properties window opens, in this window the signals of the card are given. In the row of voltage signals starting with the letters PT, the conversion ratio of the network voltage transformers is specified. In primary column, the nominal voltage of the primary side and in the Secondary column, the nominal voltage of the secondary side of voltage transformers is selected. It should be noted that this conversion ratio should be adjusted separately for each voltage input of the card. If the desired value is not available, a new value can be added to Primary or Secondary by selecting the Add New option. For example, here the value of 230,000 volts for the primary and the value of 110 volts for the secondary are selected. By clicking on the Save option, the changes in this window are saved. Conversion ratio of current transformers Similar to the previous case, the Card Properties window opens by double-clicking on the current card, in this window in the row of current signals starting with the letters CT, the conversion ratio of the network current transformers is specified. In the Primary column, the nominal current of the primary side and in the Secondary column, the nominal current of the secondary side of the current transformers is selected. If the desired value is not available, a new value can be added to Primary or Secondary by selecting the Add New option. For example, here the value of 1000 amps for the primary and the value of 1 amp for the secondary is selected. By clicking on the Save option, the changes in this window are saved. Note: In this window, you can also access the other cards in the other units. To do this, first, in the Units field, the desired unit is selected and then in the Unit Cards field the desired card is selected. If changes are made, first the user is asked if the current card settings are saved or no, if you want to save the settings, you should click on save option.": 2, "Oh gabru de hatan vich dang jachdi (Stick look good in my hands) Tere paira vich sohniye panjeb jachdi (Your ankles looks good with anklets) Oo kurte pajamea ch fabbe gabru (I look good in kurta pajama) Ni tu chakmein je suita vich bhali jacchdi (You also look good in suits) Ho chobra de seene utte paun boliya (Boy become crazy) Jo akhian ne billo surme ch dhalia (When you apply kohl in your eyes) Oye aap de layi jattiye mangaya asla (For me I bought a gun) Ni mein tere layi mangayia london to walian (And for you brought hoop earrings) Oo turdi ae jado kude vair painde ne (When she walks people fight for her) Ho gabru de nitt tere shehar painde ne (Boy also gets involved in fight everyday) Je tainu kude maut da saman akhde (If they call you killing machine) Te jatt nu vi vairy billo zehar kehnde ne (Then they also call me death) Oo turdi ae jado kude vair painde ne (When she walks people fight for her) Ho gabru de nitt tere shehar painde ne (Boy also gets involved in fight everyday) Je tainu kude maut da saman akhde (If they call you killing machine) Te jatt nu vi vairy billo zehar kehnde ne (Then they also call me death) Oh sone diya mundia kara du gabru (Boy will get you gold earrings) Das di tu billo kinnia ne saaliya (Just tell how many sister in laws I have?) Oye aap de layi jattiye mangaya asla (For me I bought a gun) Ni mein tere layi mangayia london to walian (And for you brought hoop earrings) Oh rang ae sandoori ganne diye poriye (Your skin tone is really fair) Ho dolled up ho ke rehndi tu ae shoriye (You really look beautiful) Oh chaal teri biba hirni de wargi (You have walk like deer) Ho gabru de dil nu sataundi goriye (You make me suffer) Rang ae sandoori ganne diye poriye (Your skin tone is really fair) Ho dolled up ho ke rehndi tu ae shoriye (You look really beautiful) Oh chaal teri biba hirni de wargi (You have walk like deer) Ho gabru de dil nu sataundi goriye (You make me suffer) Oh jita jita jita pind manko da ni (Jita from manko village) Tere piche chakki firda dunalia (Carries gun because of you) Oye aap de layi jattiye mangaya asla (For me I bought a gun) Ni mein tere layi mangayia london to walian(And for you brought hoop earrings) Ni mein tere layi mangayia (And for you brought hoop earrings) Ni mein tere layi mangayia london to walian (And for you brought hoop earrings) Oye aap de layi jattiye mangaya asla (For me I bought a gun)": 0, "Do not love half-lovers Do not entertain half friends Do not indulge in the works of the half-talented Do not live half a life And do not die a half-death If you choose silence, then be silent When you speak, do so until you are finished Do not silence yourself to say something And do not speak to be silent If you accept, then express it bluntly Do not mask it If you disagree, be clear about it An ambiguous refusal is simply a weak acceptance Do not accept half a solution Do not believe half-truths Do not dream half a dream Do not fantasize about half-hopes Half a drink will not quench your thirst Half a meal will not satisfy hunger Halfway will get you nowhere Half an idea will yield no results Your other half is not the one you love It is you in another time yet in the same space It is you when you are not Half a life is a life you didn't live A word you have not said A smile you postponed A love you have not had A friendship you did not know To reach and not arrive Work and not work Attend only to be absent What makes you a stranger to those closest to you And they are strangers to you The half is a mere moment of inability But you are able for you are not half a being You are a whole that exists to live a life Not half a life": 4, "*Dog toy noise* You have a butt (butt). You like butts (butts). Nej, you love butts (butts). But you don't like your butt (butts). Your butt annoys you (butts). Sure, you sit on your butt (butts), your butt is the top of your legs (butts) You wouldn't look right without your butt. (butts) You can't get rid of your butt (butts), you just wish it looked like a different butt (butts). You like this butt and this butt but not your butt. Why you do dis, butt? Why can't you be this butt? Gotta make a new butt. Make your (inaudible) look like a different butt. A better butt, a butt's butt, a butt to end all butts. You think about your butt and then you butt. You dream about your butt and then you butt. You eat and think about your butt, you cry and think about your butt. Why must you defy me, butt? DAMN YOU, BUTT! You look at pictures of butts, try to get a buttspiration. An inspriation for your butt. Your butt is sore from butting, ouch my butt. \"I can't butt anymore,\" says your butt, but you continue to--": 1, "120 Hz Refresh Rate on 14 pro max & 13 pro max iphone 13 pro max have 1000 nits peak brightness But iphone 14 pro max have 2000 nits peak brightness Both smartphones comes with 12 MP Selfie Camera We can record 4k 30fps on both smartphones using 12mp selfie camera But we can shoot videos like cinematic mode using 4k 24/30fps in iphone 14 pro max ( iphone 13 pro max have only 1080p in cinematic mode) Both smartphone comes with triple camera setup on main camera section The iphone 13 pro max have 12 mp triple camera setup ( 12+12+12 ) Camera Setup But iphone 14 pro max have an upgraded 48MP Camera ( 48+12+12 ) camera setup Hmm..It's a good upgrade from apple We can shoot 4k 30/60fps videos using 14 pro max and 13 pro max We can shoot 4k 30fps cinematic videos on both Smartphones iphone 13 pro max have 4352 Mah battery capacity But iphone 14 pro max have 4323 Mah battery capacity only Both phones supports 20W fast charging and it help to complete 50% at 30 minutes iphone 13 pro max have A15 Bionic chipset with ios15 And the iphone 14 pro max have an upgraded powerfull A16 Bionic chipset with ios16 iphone 13 pro max have 160.8mm height But the 14 pro max only 160.7mm height 7.6mm thickness on iphone 13 pro max 7.8mm thickness on 14 pro max 238g Weight on iphone 13 pro max and 14 Pro Max have 240g weight Both phone supports IP68 Water & Dust Resistance Both Smartphones build at seramic shiled stainless Steel & powerfull quality Ok , why i not choose the 14 pro max to buy ? The reason is iphone 14 pro , it is more better than 14 pro max and the features are same but the price is lower than 14 pro max": 2, "[music plays] London Bridge is Falling Down London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. Build it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay. Build it up with wood and clay, my fair lady. Wood and clay will wash away, wash away, wash away. Wood and clay will wash away, my fair lady. Build it up with bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar. Build it up with bricks and mortar, my fair lady. [let's fix that bridge] [children yelling] [clap your hands] [clap, clap] Bricks and mortar will not stay, will not stay, will not stay. Bricks and mortar will not stay, my fair lady. Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel. Build it up with iron and steel, my fair lady. Iron and steel with bend and bow, bend and bow, bend and bow. Iron and steel will bend and bow, my fair lady. Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. [music plays] [cheering]": 3, "Whose the life change, The mindset change too, Yeah, How you do, Don't stuck on your mindset, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, All thing we think, Is mindset, All works we do, And how we link them, Mindset, Mindset, Mindset, All thing we think, Is mindset, All works we do, And how we link them, Mindset, Mindset, Mindset, Teach fellow class, When still are student, Then you go behind them, Behind them, Smoking smokin shit, Getting nothing, I mean no profit, For all the profecy you heard from officers, You put a cross in it, Cause of the mindset, Looking for money, You call men honey, Reach on the door, Then you call on your phone, Trying to taste way you were born, You never know that your dady was boss, And then you compare with your boy high dose, And then you know that your mom was miss, I don't the source of mess you have, N*** you need to change your, Mindset, N*** you need to deal with your, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, All thing we think, Is mindset, All works we do, And how we link them, Mindset, Mindset, Mindset, All thing we think, Is mindset, All works we do, And how we link them, Mindset, Mindset, Mindset,": 1, "[Music] *Audible cameras flashing* Reporter: Mrs. Pearce?! Can you tell us anything about the 'God Particle' Mission? *Sigh* Alison Pearce: On the 13th of December 2062, -my team and I launched a very important mission for the purpose of expanding our knowledge on Existence. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful. Whatever lies beyond the universe is too dense for us to sustain a signal and therefor there will be no further experiments regarding the mission, whatsoever. Reporter 2: What about the Pilot? Alison Pearce: No further questions. Reporter: Mrs. Pearce? Mrs. Pearce! Alison Pearce: (muffled) I mean, we just need some time to wrap our heads around the idea of it all. By analyzing the presence of black holes throughout our visible universe we can navigate a path where you'll be able to use the gravitational pull of these black holes to fling yourself further into deep space at a massive rate. Time as you know it will surely no longer exist, but... You'll be executing humanity's most crucial space mission... ever. Have you ever heard of the 'Higgs Boson'? Mr. Lockhart? The Higgs Boson is responsible for all mass in our universe. It passes through the 'Higgs Field' which creates all potential energy. Scientists have theorized that the Higgs Boson Particle is only the beginning of understanding our entire existence. When the simulated image of a Higgs Boson is compared to the image of the Big Bang theory... The similarities are... too identical... to overlook. I'm not following. What if I told you... [Soft Piano Music Starts] That there lies a much larger world beyond our very own? Every action has a reaction, right? Scale is the only thing that causes mass to react and behave differently. If the theory adds up... We might be looking at the very first image of... ultimate discovery. What kind of discovery are we actually talking about here? God. Alison Pearce: I understand that this can be quite daunting to digest. But I cannot trust anyone else up there... I just want you to think about it. Besides. Even if we manage to create a device that can transfer an individual through space time without being destroyed... I mean, it'll be months before your training program is even updated for this unique journey. How does one even begin to prepare for a mission like this? - If you're not willing to go through with this.... Listen... Ben... You'll never be able to come back. but... your name will forever be defined as a possible answer to every scientific equation. Just... Think about it. [Soft Piano Music Continues] Space Craft Interior: SYSTEM FAILURE SYSTEM FAILURE Distant: SYSTEM FAILURE Distorts: SYSTEM FAILURE [Soft Piano Music Continues] *Suction Audio* [Piano Music Fades] 'Heaven up There' by PALACE Starts. \"Well the night is gone And the shadows clear when I hear my song... with the grave beneath. So see what you want. But I'm the rising tide. I'm a selfish man Designed to die... But is it heaven up there? Is it heaven up there? 'Cuz it's hell down here. But even exist in space. to seperate us from them. to know that your blood runs thin Is to live with the truth within. So scrape up the bruise I wear. and eradicate all my fears but planning to walk these stairs. I don't know where my future is. Is it heaven up there?": 1, "I m currently on a plane headed to Scottsdale, Arizona... ... i haven t actually been out of state in six years... i thought i would eventually, just didn t expect it to be under these circumstances... ... Anyways, let me back up a bit first... This is what happened: Right after i disposed of the laptop, i heard my lock being tampered with... ... Somebody was trying to pick it... Now, I ve never been great under pressure, so you could imagine how i was feeling... ... But the human mind is an interesting thing... When you think you re at the end of the line, your will to live really ramps up... ... The balcony... i thought... Only way out of this... ... Without hesitation, i ran out and climbed over it... Fortunately, i was on the second floor, so i didn t break my legs... ... Now came a decision... Run or hide? Both didn t seem too promising... Shit... ... i thought... i was panicking... That s when i spotted salvation a cab parked on the other side of the lot... ... i bolted for it... i tapped on the window, startling the driver... Mr... ... Horvat? He asked... Well, no it wasn t... But i nodded anyways... ... You said 8: 40, didn t you? He looked at me in confusion... Finished early... ... Let s go... There was anxiousness in my voice, but i tried to hide it... ... Last thing i needed was for this guy to think i was a lunatic and drive off... i got in, told him the address and we got out of there... ... As we left the lot, i looked back... The two men i saw coming out of the car were now on the balcony where i just was... ... i could tell that there was a dead stare directed right at me behind their sunglasses... Despite all this, relief washed over me... ... It was short lived, however... i relayed the message i got in my head... Do so before this text gets intercepted... ... That meant i was still on the clock... If they don t know where I m headed yet, they will soon... ... We finally got to the place about fifteen minutes later... As soon as i got in, i rushed into the locker room... ... It was mostly empty... i kept repeating the combination in my head... This was the only thing i had... ... i didn t really care about getting answers before, but it seemed like i had no choice now... ... i finally found the locker... Don t know why this guy chose such a massive place... ... 12 left, 27 right, 33 left... i swung it open... Sitting there was an older blackberry model and an envelope... ... i opened it up to find a plane ticket, 2000 cash and a sticky-note... In horrific penmanship, the words CHECK PHONE, PASSWORD: SNAKETRACKS were scrawled across it... ... i obliged and booted up the ancient device... i remember being slightly amused... i always begged my parents for one of these when i was a kid... ... This was a far cry from that... i took a quick look through the phone... It was mostly blank... ... No apps downloaded, no pictures, nothing... There was only one contact, bluntly named CALL ME ... ... So i did... After just one ring, a voice answered... There was a sense of tentativeness in his tone... ... Somehow it sounded familiar... Who is this? Uh Well how the hell was i supposed to answer this? Should i say my name? i got your message... ... i finally responded... There was a brief pause... His response caught me off guard... ... What s your religious affiliation? His tone had gotten a lot more aggressive... Why the hell was he asking me this?, i thought... ... i didn t have enough energy to question him, though... Raised Protestant but now Agnostic i guess was my answer... ... He seemed to breathe a quick sigh of relief... Then he cut the line... Well, shit... ... Is this guy nuts or something? My thoughts were interrupted as i got a message... He d sent me an address and a room number... ... MEET ME , was the only other thing he d typed... i looked at it for a second before coming to my senses... ... I m an idiot... i should have just taken the stuff and bolted... i heard the door to the locker room swing open... ... Then footsteps coming towards where i was... Sprinting, actually... i flipped shit... ... i shoved the stuff into my pockets and started looking for a way out... Again, there was really only one option here... ... i started making a break for the pool entrance... As i ran, fucking gunshots started ringing out behind me... ... i could tell they were using silencers, but boy that doesn t do a whole lot when you re only forty feet away... ... i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side... i saw a bullet penetrate a locker right up ahead... ... God, that didn t miss by much... i ran faster than i thought i was ever able to... ... i almost slipped into the damn pool as i stumbled out... The life-guard shouted after me as i burst out the emergency exit... ... i couldn t stop there... i hurried along, making turns every minute, looking over my shoulder the whole time... ... It s a good thing i was downtown... i blended into the sea of people easily... At one point i saw a pair of policemen... ... i considered telling them, i really did... But what s that going to do? They ll search for those two guys, turn up with nothing, monitor my house for a couple of days and then call everything off... ... It wasn t going to solve anything... i finally ducked into a hair salon... i couldn t run anymore... ... The barber just looked at me like i was insane... Screw it, i thought... Might as well make myself less recognizable while I m here... ... i got him to shave it all off... i spent the rest of the day making various purchases... ... A used laptop, new set of clothes, some bandages and a pair of shades - at least something good came out of this... ... The flight was supposed in a couple of hours at this point... i called a cab and made my way there... ... And that s where i am now... I ve got a long trip ahead of me still... Let s see what happens next... ... As i made my out of the airport, i recoiled at the heat... God, its November... ... How does anybody live here during the summer? i called another cab... Got to the address... ... It was a holiday inn... i laughed to myself... How ominous, i thought... ... i made my way up to the room and knocked on the door... A billion thoughts were running through my head... ... What if it was a trap? i actually thought about just running away for a second... But i realized that wouldn t accomplish shit... ... After about a minute, the door opened... A wave of surprise washed over me... But in retrospect, this is exactly who i should have been expecting... ... It was the other guy that came to my house that night... The one that didn t get strangled... ... He didn t look great, however... He had a black eye and a busted lip... And just looked tired in general... ... He looked me over before gesturing me in... He had a slight limp as he walked... Nice haircut... ... He muttered softly... He sat down on the bed and i sat on the couch across from him... ... There was a long silence... The whole time, he just stared at the ground... To be honest, i didn t know what to say... ... So i said nothing... He finally spoke up: Might as well let you know what s going on... ... He then proceeded to let it all out: About 4 years ago, there was an incident in the Paris catacombs... ... i got chills after hearing this... Four teenagers decided it would be a good idea to wander off during a tour... ... i guess they got lost or something cause they weren t there at the end... The police pretty much swept everywhere... ... No sign of them... Eventually, the government decided to set up infrared cameras all around the place... ... Just to see what would turn up... One day, one of the cameras picked up movement... Nobody anticipated what they were gonna see next... ... It was hell manifested... An abomination of writhing limbs somehow stuck together squirmed across the screen... ... There were four human heads stuck to the top of this thing... You can guess who they were... ... i was beyond speechless... i thought about that video of the catacombs... Glad i didn t stick around for the grand reveal... ... He continued: They decided to send elite forces down there to exterminate it... ... Apparently it took out 12 men before they put it down... Now the question was what they were going to do with the video... ... They couldn t just get rid of it... But they didn t want anybody to see it either... And this was around the time the whole Snowden thing was going on, so they didn t feel comfortable with just using government servers... ... So this is where that website you saw comes into play... They got the most seasoned technical experts they had to bury it somewhere deep in the internet... ... And I m talking about as deep as they could go... Nobody was supposed to know about it, nobody was supposed to find it, and nobody was even supposed to know what to look for... ... i wracked my brain over this... Sure, i knew my way around, but there was no way in hell that i was on par with government experts... ... So how did i find it? He continued: And it worked well for a while... They made a pact with governments world-wide... ... Anything they deemed unfit for public knowledge went on that site... There were even precautions... ... For every real thing on there, they posted four fake ones... For the select few that actually managed to find it... ... Wait, what? i couldn t believe this... He just chuckled... Yeah... ... Most of that stuff you saw was bullshit... Most... The videos are harder to fake... ... i didn t know how to feel about this... i was slightly relieved, i guess... Just slightly... ... He kept on: The logic behind this was that once people found these things, they d look further into them... ... However, since they were fabricated, nothing would come up and the page would be disregarded... Just a gag site... ... At least that was the idea... i knew where he was getting at... What about the people that started looking into the real things? He sighed... ... Look, nobody would have given a shit if they started spouting it off to their friends or on the internet... ... People would think they re crazy... It s the damn people that just have to go and find proof... ... The ones that plan to publicize it... Yeah, they get silenced... i was about to say something... ... i think he noticed because he cut me off... Look, don t put that moralistic shit on me... They didn t have to do it... ... It was their choice, they were committing a crime... Do you really think public knowledge about any of these things would help anybody? No, it wouldn t... ... Sometimes ignorance is bliss, alright? To be honest, i had to agree... But here s where things really went to shit... ... He went on: Before, there would be maybe two breaches a month... ... And then it skyrocketed up to twenty... And then fifty... They looked into it... ... Apparently there were rumors circulating around the deep and dark web... A rumor about a page that held secrets nobody was supposed to see... ... They decided to find out how easy it really was to access this place just from reading forums and shit... ... It took the experts about twenty minutes to find it, just by solving weird fucking riddles and then following these concealed links that would spawn from them... ... And then there was the final prompt... What do you seek? You ve seen it, no? i nodded... Apparently, there s a lot of different answers that could work... ... Anyways, it didn t make any sense... Everybody that was supposed to know about this was grilled... ... Somebody had to be doing this, right? Nobody fessed up... Honestly, everybody seemed genuine when they said they didn t do it... ... They knew the consequences... After a brutally in-depth investigation, nothing was resolved... ... And then it hit them... Back in 2010, they had also finalized an experimental AI... ... I ll spare you the details, but it went off the rails... Nobody could control it... ... As soon as they thought they could corner it into a virtual trap, it just disappeared... It didn t come up again... ... Until now ... He paused after that... Like he was waiting for me to connect the dots... ... So, you think that this Ai resurfaced and is now directing people there? i asked... He said that he doesn t think that s the case... ... He KNOWS it is... It s the only feasible explanation... He stated... ... But why? i don t know... He responded... ... i was starting to get a hunch now... About why this was happening to me... These people they aren t after me because i saw those links, are they? He just nodded... ... It s what i saw after... And you think this Ai has something to do with it?\" Another nod... ... Well, what did i see? He took a second before speaking... i couldn t tell you... ... There s some things that i don t even know about... All i can tell you is that there are some groups, some people out there, beyond any government that are after this kind of stuff... ... This forbidden knowledge... And somehow, they know that you ve seen it... And they want to know what you know... ... And they came after you as well? i asked... Yeah... They know we talked to you... ... A wave of guilt came over me... Did i get that guy killed? However, that guilt quickly turned into frustration... ... Well, what the hell am i supposed to know?! i don t what the hell it was i saw! A dry chuckle came out of him... ... Well, they don t care, do they? They ll jump at anything... \"And who do you work for? The government?\" i finally asked... ... The question had been on my mind since i got here... \"Sort of\" Was all he responded with... ... He got up, taking out a pair of car keys... We gotta figure this out... We gotta go... ... Go where? i asked... Vegas... In any other situation i would have been ecstatic... ... We went outside and he led me to an older, beat-up Sedan... Inconspicuous... ... He said with a smile... i could tell he was just trying to lighten the mood... ... The drive was long and arduous... We barely spoke... My brain was fried at this point, so i didn t bother asking more questions... ... i did remember one peculiar conversation we had, though: Listen, if anything happens to me, there should be a file on the blackberry named contingency ... Everything you need to know will be there... i remember feeling flustered... What? What could happen to you? i responded... ... i don t know... Just in case, i guess... Don t lose that phone... ... In reality, i knew there were a lot of things that could happen... i just didn't want to admit it... ... He woke me up when we arrived at McCarran... i was confused... You have plane tickets? Don t need em... ... He responded... He got out of the car and i followed him in... What happened next was strange... ... He just walked past everyone... The check-in, security, everybody... They didn t even pay attention to him... ... Not to me, either... That s when i started to wonder who the hell this guy really was... ... As we walked past the various stores and restaurants set up near departures, he took a sharp turn... i stumbled keeping up... ... He walked towards an unassuming door set up right between two shops... He swung it open and i followed... ... We walked down a bunch of corridors, turning every so often... Various men in suits passed us but didn t seem to acknowledge our presence... ... We finally got to another door... This one required a key card... He took one out and scanned it... ... i didn t realize how huge this place really was until i thought about it after... We must have passed at least 15 other hallways... ... Anyways, the door opened up to what looked like a long flight of stairs... We trekked down for about five minutes before we got to what looked like another terminal... ... Now, it didn t look futuristic or anything... Just a regular damn terminal... Surely there s no planes taking off here... ... i asked... He said i was right... That s when i noticed the train tracks... ... Now we wait... And he sat down on a bench... Well, great... ... I d given up trying to piece this together in my head so i didn't even bother asking what this place was... ... Let s just see what happens, i thought... But as I d soon find out, things are just not that simple these days... ... i spotted a washroom sign towards the back and i headed for it... As i was washing my hands after finishing up, i noticed what looked like a card stuck into the side of the mirror... ... i plucked it out and looked at it... It was standard business card size... Just plain white with black text... ... But here's what it said: From far and wide, we search for meaning, As seconds pass, since the time of weaning, Our destiny is sealed, we ll face the wraith, We don t need hope, we have our faith, We will not stop until we re dust, All for God, in whom we trust... ... Creepy, i thought... And then i turned it over... In big bold letters, was FOTLG No idea what that s supposed to be... ... However, in that moment i felt that something just wasn t right... It s that creeping sensation you get when something just feels off... ... i needed to tell him, whoever the hell he is, about this... i opened the door and he was gone... ... i searched around the terminal for a bit, but he was nowhere to be found... Hell, there was nobody else here... ... The place started rumbling slightly... The train was coming... Well, i sure as hell wasn t getting on by myself... ... i looked around a bit more before i heard footsteps coming down the stairs... Great... ... i thought... He s back... Then i realized it wasn t just one pair of steps... ... There were multiple... Instead of seeing a familiar face, i was greeted with four of what i assumed to be men... ... i couldn t tell because their faces were covered with a burlap sack that had eye-holes carved out... ... Kind of like the one Scarecrow wears in Batman begins... The only difference was a symbol that seemed to be spray-painted on where the forehead should be... ... It was simple... A vertical semi-circle with angular arrows going through it... ... As i recall, the rest of their get-up was normal... Just plain street-clothes... ... i was frozen... And then i realized that one of them had liquid dripping off his glove... ... Dark liquid... The next few moments were a bur... i remember the train pulling up and those guys starting to run towards me... ... i started bolting for the train... It was a weird one... Only one section and one set of doors... ... i don t think i saw a driver... As i ran up to it, the doors opened automatically... i remember frantically looking for a shut button but there wasn't one... ... i just stared in horror as those freaks got closer and closer... As they got within about ten meters, i closed my eyes and just prayed for the best... ... i opened them when i heard kicking and banging at the door... It wasn t opening up for them... ... i watched their crazed eyes follow me as the train started moving... i was safe... ... But only for now... i turned on the phone again and took a thorough look through it... ... Sure enough, the text file he mentioned was there... Guess I ll read it soon... ... After I m done with this... Now i don t know where I m going, and i don t know what s waiting for me there... ... My head's pounding... All i know is that i should have just stayed on google... ...": 2, "We want to identify the whole number plotted on the number line. So, the key to doing these types of problems is to identify the scale used for each number line. Notice, on this first number line, from zero to 1,000 is divided up into one, two, three, four equal parts. So, 1,000 divided by four would tell us what each tick mark represents. Well, 1,000 divided by four is equal to 250. So, each tick mark represents 250. So, here, we'd have 250, here we'd have 500, here we'd have 750, and then 1,000. So, for this example, this point represents the whole number 750 on the number line. Looking at the second example, this is marked from 5,900 to 6,000, would be 100. And this interval is divided into one, two, three, four, five equal parts. Well, 100 divided by five is equal to 20. So, each tick mark represents 20. So, starting at 5,900, we'd have 5,920, 5,940, 5,960 here, 5,980, 6,000, 6,020, 6,040 and so on. So, the number 5,960 is plotted here on the number line and here we have 6,040 plotted on the number line. Let's take a look at one more example. From 10,950 to 10,970 would be 20. And this interval of 20 is divided into one, two, three, four equal parts. 20 divided by four is equal to five. So, each tick mark represents five. Here we'd have 10,955, here we'd have 10,960, and here we have 10,965, followed by 10,970. So, 10,965 is the whole number plotted on this number line.": 4, "- Aww, but I wanted to keep cooking. - Wait a second, is there a way to go to school and cook? - There is. - There is? - These is? - Kitchens are actually an important part of a school. - To the kitchen school. That can't be right. To the-- - [Both] School kitchen. - [All] Hidey ho, up we go. - [Basket] Beep, beep, next stop, school. - [Abby] Yeah. - Whoa. - Wow, this is the biggest kitchen I've ever seen. - This is the cafeteria where lunch is made for all the kids in all the classrooms. - That's a lot. - Your job is to be cafeteria workers and make lunch before the bell rings and all the kids come to eat. - Challenge accepted. - For today's lunch you need turkey, apple, milk, and a healthy green vegetable, broccoli. Fill all the trays so they'll be ready before lunchtime. - [Abby] Ooh, look at all the colors. - Cool. - Let's do this. (playful music) - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Let's keep going, these lunches aren't gonna make themselves. - Yeah. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Good work cafeteria workers, keep it up. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Looks delicious, it's almost lunchtime. - Oh-oh, we need to fill more trays. - Better speed up the conveyor belt. Zippity zap. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - Broccoli. - Turkey. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, excuse me. (both stammering) That can't be right. Zippity zap. - Much better. - Well done cafeteria workers, just one tray left to fill. - Let's do it. - Turkey. - Apple. - Milk. - And, oh no, Rudy, we're all out of broccoli. (Rudy gasps) Oh no, there's no broccoli, there's no broccoli. - Oh, no broccoli in here, what are we gonna do we need a green vegetable? - Is this a green vegetable? - No, apples are a fruit and we need a vegetable. Oh, look, here's a carrot. - It's a vegetable but not green. - Oh, right.": 1, "Hey what's up guys, I am Anuj and welcome to the complete web development course Today we will talk about media queries With the help of which, your website will convert into responsive website To understand this, we will start from very basic concept We have a very basic index.html i have connected the style.css with that, like this And I am not writing anything inside that Let's move within the style and in the body I will define the background color, let's say red Now, basically the page will look like that, where the background is red Now I want when the devise width get decreased then the background will change For that I have to write media queries The syntex is like that, @media After that you have to tell in which actions your media queries will fit I will write eithin brackets width lest than 400 pixel I want when the width is lest than 400 pixel then this style.css will be in use Within that, if I want to change the background color of the body I will change the background color from red to green Now you can see it is red color but when I will make it small, for that, I will right click and click on inspect I will come here and click on toggle device tool And then will click on responsive Here you can see the width in writing When I will make it big, width will increase I will make it small, width will decrease when you will hit 400 pixel Then your background color of the body will change from red to green You can see that till 400 width it is green after that it will become red again So this is our media queries What we have seen now that was media queries on the basis of device width If you don't want to do it on the basis of width but on the basis of orientation Than you will write orientation and portrait When orientation will be portrait then the background color will change to green When orientation will be portrait? When the height will be more than the width So when the height will be more than the width then it will change to green color background At the moment, the height is 458 and width is 391 So we are now at portrait mode when we will move more than 458 so we came to landscape mode This is your landscape mode When your width will become less than height then we will come portrait mode Here also my media query is fitting It is a very basic example where you saw how to change the body color We will not only change the color of the body in the website. We can change many other things also For example, let's watch the MDN website So, we can see that this is a very normal website where there are sidebars in the left and right and a menu at the top so we will inspect this and as we make the screen small and big, we will see the changes, okay? Right now it is looking like this with full width But as we make the screen smaller and smaller so you can see that the side bar in the right disappears And when you make it even more smaller, then the menu will change, it will disappear and we can see this button and when we make it small further, the left side bar also disappears. So, you can see they have used many media queries and now when you make it more smaller, no media queries are fitting. and if you want to see how many media queries are fitting here, you have to click on the three dots and then we will click on show media queries. you can see 3 bars They have defined the width that it will look like this with 992 pixel width Here maximum width is 758 pixel Maximum width is 40 ram and then so on So you will see when I will make it small, then it will change in different media queries If you want, you can make different media queries in your website Right now I have made only one media query Let's get back to width less than equal to 400 pixel I have written this, but if you want, you can make an another media query after this I will mention, when the width is less than 200 pixel when the width is less than 200 pixel then the color will be gold So you will see that, if it is less than 400 pixel then color will be green and if is less than 200 pixel then color will change to gold You can see that, above where width is mentioned, when it is 400 pixel then color is changing to green when it is less than 200 pixel then color is changing to gold Here we can do one more thing that In our media query we have mentioned that width is less than 400 pixel This is a completely new syntax It will roll out in version 4 of media query Instead of writing, width is less than 400 pixel, we will now write max- width 400 pixel So here we wrote max- width 400 pixel. when our width will be 400 pixel or less than that then only your condition will hit Similarly, we can write that, when max - width 200 pixel then only this condition will hit Here also the meaning is same You can see that, when it is less than 400 pixel then color is changing to green and when it is less than 200 pixel then color is changing to gold Now, if you will do show media queries here, then you can see that our media points are also there These are our media query which we had defined here So, this is how our max width works Similarly we can make min width also So, you read max width like that up to 400 pixel That up to 400 pixel, do whatever is defined in this media query And up to 200 pixel, do whatever is defined in this media query Actually, how do media queries work Here normal CSS is working First you have set the background color of the body Then media query will get hit Then the condition will be checked If this condition is true then execute, what is written inside this media query For example, Is this condition of max 400 pixel is true? Then we will see that, if the condition is less than 400 pixel, then it will be true And your background color will be green Then further it will check that, whether the max width is less than 200 pixel First it was green and now suppose your width is 150 pixel, then your body color will change from green to gold So you are going from top to bottom like that If you will write this above then you can understand that, when you will make it 150 pixel it will not be gold It will again change to green Because first it will be gold and when this another condition will it, Then it will be checked that, is the width which is now 150 pixel, less than 400 pixel? Yes it is, then it will become green again So, if you want to write max width, you have to write in a decreasing order from top to bottom Otherwise it will not work Similarly we have one min width We can define here min width and we can write here min width What does this mean? It means starting from. You are mentioning here that, starting from 400 pixel means after 400 pixel change my background color to this It means, first your background color will be red And when it will more than 400 pixel then you will change the color to green Similarly when it will more than 200 pixel then you will change the background color to gold Now we will make it 600 pixel You can see that, when it is more than 400 pixel it is changing to green and when it is more than 600 pixel it is changing to gold You can see that, it is more than 600 pixel, so it is now gold when it is less than 600 pixel, it is now green when it is less than 400 pixel, then you can see the default color red Now it is red. when this condition is getting hit then it is becoming green and again when this condition is getting hit then it is becoming another color red Similarly, you can write as many media queries as you can You can change corresponding different properties One more handy thing we can use, which is and We can write \"and\" here and after that, one more condition we can write here So this \"and\" will work as a logical and So, both the conditions will be true So we will define here that more than 400 pixel and less than 600 pixel So here I will write max width 600 pixel So when it is more than 400 pixel and less than 600 pixel then the color will be green If I remove this condition down Then you can see that, this green color is only be seen in between 400 - 600 pixel So when we are more than 400 pixel and less than 600 pixel then only this green color is showing when it is more than 600 red color will turn up You can see that, here is the green bar, this is our media query of range, which we have defined with the help of \"and\" You can read the rule also when I am hovering on it that, Min width 400 pixel and max width 600 pixel That means, we are hitting a media query, within a range Here if you feel problem to remember min width and max width that what is min width? I will tell you that, min width reads starting from Max width will read as up to So starting from 400 pixel and up to 600 pixel Or we can do a different work here similar to this, as we will copy and paste here You can use the new syntax of media query also You will write that, width will be more than 400 pixel and less than equal to 600 pixel This syntax will also work and will work the same way see here This is green and when you make it small, it will turn to red. This will only work between 400-600 pixel Here you can see at the top, the ruler is not visible. Maybe its not visible because this is a new syntax and its not supported inside the browser Inside the browser, the max width, min width and the range is visible. but for this syntax rule, those are not visible That's what was inside the theories of media queries Now let's practically implement it and see how we use media queries in real world so we will come to our grid portfolio example and we made this project in the last video. So if you want to understand how this works, you have to watch the last video. Where we made a layout, this is our portfolio which is looking great when you are in full width mode I mean if you are in laptop mode But when we will convert this over phone when we will go to inspect and make it small Then you can see that the layout got disturbed, it is not looking good One more thing I want to tell you here what response you have mentioned here under dimention You can change that in the aspect of different different device ratio For example, in iphone SE it will look like this in iPhone XR, it will look like this and so on They have some pre defined width and height You can't change the width and height after that change it to 100% You can see that now it is looking like this And you can see that, in iPhone 12, this portfolio will not look good We want to convert that and we want to show the left part should come at the top and the right part should come at the bottom You can do that very easily with the help of media queries You are now thinking that, we have many devices with us we have to put the breakpoint based on the height and width of the device chosen i just wrote it here that to keep it within 400-600 Pixel But how many device width and height we will consider? For this you can take help from var research document For example tailwind You will write tailwind media queries and basis of which tailwind has written it's media queries we can use that also as after so much research they came to this decision which is less than 640 pixel width, we will take that as small which is less than 768 pixel, we will take that as medium which is less than 1024 pixel, we will take that as large So accordingly to that can make as many media queries point as you want For large device I will keep this layout For large device, we will keep like this only But when it is becoming medium or small I mean when it is less than 1024 Than we want to change the portfolio For that I will add one media query here So we will go inside the style of the portfolio We will move to the end and define that media query for width then equals to 1024 pixel, like that Here I will define it in media so we will write @ media You can see sometimes that, with media, screen is written This is basically the type of media You have has another two values along with this which is print or another is all Usually you have to write screen It means, when it will happen within screen, then you are handling that Print means, when your website will get print then which media query will be in use At the moment I will write this @ media screen this is a type other than this which features we want to hit We will write less than 1024 width, so we will write max width 1024 This is upto 1024 pixel Here we will define something You can see this, this is a flex right? The container which is at top, is a flex If you want to understand that you have to see the last video i have explained well there So, this is currently a flex and if it is more than 1024 it will look like this But when it will become less than 1024 then we want to change the flex direction from row to column when you will come inside our container Where I have mentioned it's display as flex I will come here will write .container I will change the direction of flex from row to column Row is by default but I have changed it to column Then you can see that left part had gone up and right part had gone down like that If I will make more than 1024 left part is coming to left and right part is coming to right But when you are making is small it is changing to column We will set the other properties as well The gallery, which is here We have to set the width we will write .gallery and it's width, we will set to 100% so that it will take the whole width see, how it is taking the whole width But when you will make it small, you can see that, it is expanding in two rows I want that, when it will get small, all boxes will expand within one row and one column Basically it will make one column Here three columns are there To handle this I can do one thing I have given column2 class to some boxes and row2 class to some boxes I will go and set one rule for all boxes that For all my boxes, I will set the grid row to span 1 so all boxes will be row 1 the waterfall which was expanding in two rows will span in one row only Similarly the rain which was expanding in two rows will span in one row only But the mountain is expanding in 2 columns similarly the hills are expanding in 2 columns For that what we can do/ we have 3 columns here right? We can say all elements to expand in 3 columns My all elements will expand in 3 columns like that My all elements are now at one line and looking like this And like that my portfolio have become responsive It will look like this in a small screen and in a big screen like this Same content is shown in a different way by using media queries You can change some more properties For example, you can give padding to the container from top and bottom To give padding block from top and bottom we can take 20 pixel So when it will be in this mode, it will get a padding from top and bottom like that It is getting padding from both top and bottom Other functions will work as it is For example hover state will work like before One more thing we can do that, when it will get smaller in mobile then we will increase the height of the boxes For example, previously the height of the boxes were grid auto rows 120 pixel We will go to the gallery and will make it to 220 pixel Now our boxes will be bigger, like this They are big now In mobile mode, they will become big and laptop mode it will be like this I have two media queries here You can make more different media queries for different width Similar to this for mobile phones, you can some different one For Tablet you can make something different for 768 pixel So for making the different one, you have to copy the same code And for that you have to define some other properties here You have to write max width 768 pixel For different pixels, you can give different behavior and this is how your responsive website work In my next video I will discuss about variables in CSS and we will see some functions in CSS": 2, "If you have a golf ball sized consciousness, when you read a book, you'll have a golf ball sized understanding; when you look out, a golf ball sized awareness; and when you wake up in the morning, a golf ball sized wakefulness. If you could expand that consciousness, then you read the book, [you have] more understanding, you look out, [you have] more awareness, and when you wake up, [you have] more wakefulness. When I started meditating, I was filled with anxieties, filled with fears, kind of a depression, and anger. And I took this anger out on my first wife. After two weeks of meditation, she comes to me and she says, \"This anger - where did it go?\" and I didn't even realize that it had lifted. They have a saying: \"True happiness isn't out there. True happiness lies within.\" And I always wondered, \"Where is this within?\" And they don't say where it is. And then they don't even say how to get to it. There's lots of forms of meditation but with transcendental meditation, the key is to dive all the way in. It's a huge realm between the surface of life and this fundamental pure consciousness. Now these negative things like anger and depression and sorrow, they're beautifulthings in a story but they're like a poison to the filmmaker, they are a poison to the painter, they are a poison to creativity. They're like a vice grip. If you are super depressed, you can't hardly get out of bed let alone have that creativity flowing. People say got to have anger, you got to have an edge to create. You got to know about anger. You got to have energy, you got to have clarity to create. You got to be able to catch ideas. You've got to be strong enough to fight unbelievable pressure and stress in this world. There's an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us and it's right at the source and base of mind right at the source of thought and it's also at the source of all matter. This pure consciousness is called by modern physics, \"The Unified Field.\" All of matter - everything that is a thing - emerges from this field and this field has qualities like intelligence, creativity, universal love, energy, peace. Bliss is a thing in the unified field. Bliss is the sweetest nectar of life. Bliss is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual happiness and you can vibrate with this bliss. And it's not the intellectual understanding of this field but the experiencing of it that does everything. You dive within experiencing this field of pure consciousness and you enliven it, you unfold it, it grows. This field is a field of pure knowingness. Intuition grows. [You have] the ability to catch ideas at a deeper level. The final outcome of this growth of consciousness is called enlightenment. Enlightenment is the full potential of all of us human beings. At that level of life, we are all one. We're one.": 3, "This is fantastic. I thought the sound of this song was amazing. It's a very different song and at the beginning it shows a lot of swing. The music until this moment, is elaborated in staccato. Staccato is when a song has no continuity, when the music is not continuous... I only notice that there is a continuity in the battery. And it's fantastic, this introduction and this beginning, the singer shows a lot of attitude. Incredible. Is very good. This is incredible. Fantastic. The bass is very evident. And this musical style, is a musical style that, it is a funk style and in this style the bass is very evident. The bass and the drums. Wind instruments are added at strategic times. It is not common for wind instruments to always stand out. Although this is not a rule. I really like how he sings because it works with a mixed use of the voice. Gives little evidence in the chest voice region. And this is very different if direct transmission was used in the mask voice region. Therefore, this darkening caused by the chest voice is evident while singing. Because we notice that the note darkens. And he sings with a lot of attitude, he has an incredible stage presence. I didn't expect the bass player to sing as well. Therefore, they are... two band members sharing the voice. Incredible. And they both sing fantastically very well. This is very interesting. When the bass player sings, we notice that a chorus is also inserted. This choir not only serves to support those who sing, the lead singer, but also to enrich the song. And it's fantastic. The choreography is incredible. Realize that at this point we already have the job along with the other musical elements, the saxophone. Therefore, the saxophone is introduced strategically. It is not continuously inserted into the song. This is common, but not a rule. Notice that at the end of the word... This really makes it very obvious, how your voice is working and where projects the strongest resonance of your voice. is the chest region with a mixed use of the voice that is this more direct emission in the mask voice. And the performance of this band is incredible. This is incredible. And here everything is fantastic, it is a set of dance and music that is very moving. This is very exciting. All the vocal melodies are amazing. Everything is very well inserted, designed and added. The use of the chorus is extremely important at this point in the chorus. Because right now, it's the main moment, it's the climax of the song. Each song is always prepared for the chorus. And again what I'm talking about is not a rule, you take out a standard singing format, you insert vocal embellishments. This little note holder... With a little vibrato it's perfect. This makes the music gain a lot of dynamics. It is very interesting because we can see that the battery is present, and there is also another element that, It was added at this point that there are string instruments such as bass and electric guitar, but use synthesizer. The synth in this song works really well. Because it is an instrument that is not used to stand out but to just to complement the sound. And at this point it is more noticeable with the battery. And this saxophonist plays very well. This song has moments and All the moments that this song has are very remarkable. And this is very exciting. This is how the instruments work the dynamic that these instruments have when working together and at other times without everyone being together. This creates a dynamic but also makes the music very exciting for the listener. They are very exciting. It's an amazing performance. The choreography is very well done and that enriches not only the interpretation of the music but it also really excites the audience that hears and watches this and it's fantastic. I myself confess that I want to be among them dancing, because this song is fantastic. And the interesting thing about this musical style is that the electric guitar also works with swing. Therefore, in funk, in this musical style, everything is dance. Incredible. This band is really good. They have an amazing performance on stage. This is very exciting. This is really good. They are great musicians and they are also great dancers. This was a performance to take anyone's breath away. A fantastic and sensational band. They are all great musicians and great dancers. The bassist and vocalist are great singers and I found it very curious that there was a division in vocal work. It is an incredible performance, danceable, happy, vibrant and with a lot of attitude. They have a fantastic stage presence. And sure enough, everyone who saw this performance felt like dancing. I wanted to be among them dancing. Incredible, perfect. He was very surprised.": 2, "Alright everybody now I'm going to show you how to do the floating spoon, now this can also be the floating pencil, the floating pen, any kind of long skinny object. Your going to need a couple of other things your going to need to be wearing a watch, and you need to have something like a ruler. I'm going to use a table knife but you can use a ruler, you can use another pencil, anything that's kind of flat, and basically your going to stick it in your watch band just like that. Now all you do is you place a spoon in front of it like this okay and what your doing is going to hold it up with your finger like this so that it looks like it's balanced an then you can spread your fingers out and take this finger away. And it looks like you have the spoon floating in you hand now when I did the segment before I actually did the bending spoon part with this already set up. So this was here and I just did this and then you know I took the spoon and stuck it right here so if your wearing a long sleeve shirt you can have this a little further back you can have this right here it's only needs to be clipped on the very end and now you get a pretty good illusion that the spoon is just kind of floating there like that. And that's kind of a fun trick that you can do with some stuff that is around the office, don't be afraid to switch out the props do some experimenting practice in the mirror and see how it looks and have fun with it.": 2, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on our channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze Katrina and Jessica. I know Katrina and we have a lot of videos on our channel with Katrina. Feel free to watch the videos. I have never listened to Jessica before and in this video I am going to analyze the song \"I Surrender\". They will sing a well-known song by the voice of Celine Dion. But first of all, for those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer and in this video, I am going to do a technical analysis on the vocal behavior of the two singers. Therefore, I will make technical comments whenever I consider it necessary. But first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. Leave more suggestions in the comments and let's go to the most important, Let's look at Katrina Velarde and Jessica Villarubia. This is fantastic. Katrina has a very strong and powerful voice. And here she begins by making delicate use of the mixed voice... It darkens the note a little and when the note darkens, this means working on a region of the chest... And obviously it has a darker sound. But it's not that dark because she does a little mixed use of voice. And it does a lot of streaming from the mask region. This is incredible. In some moments I notice a slight use of fry. And that is what makes this voice sound. Therefore, sometimes she makes a lot of use of her vocal cords. but on other occasions this use of the vocal cords It's not as intense, it's more relaxed. Because the use of fry really comes into play when you relax your vocal chords too much. When you try too hard you stretch your vocal cords and that's why it doesn't sound like that. But everything is done very quickly. She is very skilled. She has incredible consistency in her voice. Especially this way, she's singing where she needs to hold the notes the most. She has a very consistent use of vibrato. He conveys a lot of confidence in what he does. And of course this confidence can be seen in her voice and the way she sings. We know that your vocal ability is impressive. Look how he has a darker voice. It's the first time I've heard it, I've never heard it before. But she has a very strong and very powerful voice as much as Katrina. Therefore, this shows that she is also a great singer. Interesting that it explores the lower region more and darkens your note more. Which is very different from... She darkens and adds more intensity to her voice but in a different way. Catrina too. But she has a different personality than Katrina. in the way he sings. And this is extremely important and essential for a singer. Possess a vocal personality. And Jessica shows a lot of vocal personality. Jessica draws on the note using melismas. However, the two of them singing together is an amazing combination. It's interesting that Jessica actually has a darker voice than Katrina. Jessica seems to have a deeper voice than Katrina. And this is very interesting to understand how two different voices are, but they work very well together. And great singers, they know how to work very well together with another singer. Is incredible. This result is fantastic. See this voice in the octave above the other. Is incredible. This is fantastic. The Philippines makes a lot of amazing singers. They are both great singers. It's fantastic. This is amazing. This is incredible. See consistency note. And how she manages to hold the note in a fantastic way. In different octaves and in a certain way in unison. This is fantastic. It's wonderful work. They are very connected. This is cute. Perfect. Perfect. This is wonderful. The attack notes here are wonderful. And each one has a highlight that is driving me crazy. This was an amazing performance. Is incredible. It's fantastic. This is wonderful. Jessica and Katrina make an amazing singing duo. The arrangement of the song is very well done and at times, there is something different in music to adapt inserted in the context of the proposal they had when making this work of art. Because it's amazing. Amazing. Fantastic. But anyway, this was the analysis of this video, if you want more technical analysis and reactions from Katrina or Jessica, Subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. And leave more suggestions in the comments, for Katrina, Jessica or any other great singer from the Philippines. Fantastic. Amazing. I end here. I hope you enjoyed this video and See you in the next review. Goodbye then.": 3, "The House of Pain is in effect y'all I say the House of Pain is in effect Ya know the House of Pain is in effect y'all and anyone that steps up is getting recked Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin I came to win, battle me that's a sin I won't ever slack up, punk you better back up Try and play the role and yo the whole crew'll act up The House of Pain is in effect y'all I say the House of Pain is in effect Ya know the House of Pain is in effect y'all and anyone that steps up is getting recked Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin I came to win, battle me that's a sin I won't ever slack up, punk you better back up Try and play the role and yo the whole crew'll act up Get up, stand up (c'mon!) see'mon throw your hands up If you've got the feeling, jump across the ceiling Muggs lifts a funk flow, someone's talking junk Yo I bust him in the eye, and then I'll take the punk's hoe Feelin', funkin', amps in the trunk and I got more rhymes Than there's cops at a Dunkin' Donuts shop Sho' nuff, I got props From the kids on the hill plus my mom and my pops I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around! Jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump) Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump I'll serve your ass like John McEnroe If your girl steps up, I'm smacking the hoe Word to your moms, I came to drop bombs I got more rhymes than the Bible's got Psalms And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned Anyone stepping to me, you'll get burned 'Cause I got lyrics, but you ain't got none If you come to battle, bring a shotgun! Get up, stand up (c'mon!) see'mon throw your hands up If you've got the feeling, jump across the ceiling Muggs lifts a funk flow, someone's talking junk Yo I bust him in the eye, and then I'll take the punk's hoe Feelin', funkin', amps in the trunk and I got more rhymes Than there's cops at a Dunkin' Donuts shop Sho' nuff, I got props From the kids on the hill plus my mom and my pops I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around! Jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump) Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump I'll serve your ass like John McEnroe If your girl steps up, I'm smacking the hoe Word to your moms, I came to drop bombs I got more rhymes than the Bible's got Psalms And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned Anyone stepping to me, you'll get burned 'Cause I got lyrics, but you ain't got none If you come to battle, bring a shotgun! But if you do you're a fool, 'cause I duel to the death Trying to step to me, you'll take your last breath I got the skill, come get your fill 'Cause when I shoot the gift, I shoot to kill I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around! Jump around! Jump up, Jump up and get down! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump) Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top I never eat a pig 'cause a pig is a cop Or better yet a Terminator, like Arnold Schwarzanegger Try to play me out like as if my name was Sega But I ain't going out like no punk bitch Get used to one style and yo and I might switch It up, up and around, then buck, buck you down Put out your head and then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead But if you do you're a fool, 'cause I duel to the death Trying to step to me, you'll take your last breath I got the skill, come get your fill 'Cause when I shoot the gift, I shoot to kill I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around! Jump around! Jump up, Jump up and get down! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump) Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top I never eat a pig 'cause a pig is a cop Or better yet a Terminator, like Arnold Schwarzanegger Try to play me out like as if my name was Sega But I ain't going out like no punk bitch Get used to one style and yo and I might switch It up, up and around, then buck, buck you down Put out your head and then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead I'm coming to get ya, I'm coming to get ya Spitting out lyrics, homie, I'll wet ya I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around! Jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump) Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Yo, this is dedicated to Joe \"The Biter\" Nicolo! Grab your Bozack, punk! I'm coming to get ya, I'm coming to get ya Spitting out lyrics, homie, I'll wet ya I came to get down, I came to get down So get out your seat and jump around! Jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump) Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Yo, this is dedicated to Joe \"The Biter\" Nicolo! Grab your Bozack, punk!": 1, "Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence It causes silence But who are we mistaking? There, you see It's not me It's not my family In your head, in your head They are fighting With their tanks and their bombs And air bombs and their guns In your head, in your head they are crying In your head... In your head Zombie, zombie Zombie What is in your head? In your head, oohh hoo Zombie, zombie, Zombie Ohhh, ooh oooh, oh Ooh oooh, woah Ooh ooh, ohh Ooooooh, oh Oooooooh Another mother's broken heart is taking over And the violence that causes silence We must be mistaken It's the same old thing since 1916 In your head, in your head they are fighting With their tanks and their bombs And their bombs and their guns In your head, in your head they are dying In your head... In your head Zombie, zombie Zombie, eh, yeeeh What is in your head? In your head Zombie, zombie Zombie, eh Eeeyyeeh, it's in your head In your head Zombie, zombie Zombie, eh Eeeyyeeh What's in your head? In your head Zombie, zombie Zombie, eh Eehhhh hey Dooo, dooooooo Tell me, what's in your head? What is in your head? Zombie, zombie Zombie-eeee Zombie": 2, "Particles can have a positive charge Or a negative charge Particles with the same charge repel one another Particles with opposite charges attract one another This is because charged particles create electric fields And Electric fields exert a force on charged particles When there is an electric field between two points ... ... we say that there is a voltage between them. Voltage can be thought of as the height of a mountain. Rocks at higher elevations can do more damage. The same is true with voltage. The height of the mountain tells you the energy of each falling rock. The total power is the... ...height of the mountain times the number of falling rocks per second. Similarly, the voltage is the energy of each charged particle. The total power is the voltage is times the number of particles per second. The number of particles per second is called the current. In a circuit, the charged particles flow through wires. If the wire is cut, the current stops flowing. All wires have charged particles in them. A battery creates an electric field which pushes the charged particles along. With this setup, if one light bulb breaks, all the lights turn off. With this setup, if one light bulb breaks, the other lights stay on. More batteries will give more voltage. This will cause more current to flow, and the lights will be brighter. The batteries do not create the charged particles. The batteries only create an electric field ... ... which pushes the charged particles along. All charged particles create electric fields. However only moving charged particles create magnetic fields. Magnetic fields exert a force only on other moving charged particles. A charged particle moving in a loop... ...creates a magnetic field that looks like this. A spinning electric charge is the same thing. When a material has many charged particles... ...spinning in the same direction, we call it a magnet. We call one end of the magnet the North Pole, ... ...and the other end of the magnet the South Pole. The magnetic fields exert a force ... ... on the spinning charged particles in other magnets. Magnetic fields can also be created by current through a wire. Reversing the direction of the current... ... causes the magnetic field to reverse direction By constantly changing the direction of the current ... ... we can cause the magnet to rotate. This is how electric motors are made. All charged particles create electric fields. And electric fields exert a force on charged particles. Only moving charged particles create magnetic fields. Electric Fields can also be created ... ... by a Magnetic Field which is changing with time. A moving magnet creates a changing magnetic field. The changing magnetic field creates and electric field ... ... which pushes the charged particles. The magnet must keep moving to maintain a changing magnetic field. The changing magnetic field creates an electric field ... This can be done by rotating the magnet. This is how power plants generate electricity. Here the voltage and current keep alternating direction ... ... so we call this AC voltage and AC current. AC stands for \"Alternating Current.\" A battery creates a voltage and a current which is always in the same direction. So, we call this DC voltage and DC current. DC stands for Direct Current. All charged particles create Electric Fields. However, only moving charged particles create magnetic fields. Electric Fields can also be created by a Magnetic Field that changes with time. Similarly, an electric field changing with time ... ... can create a magnetic field. Since changing magnetic fields create electric fields ... ... and changing electric fields create magnetic fields ... ... this can cause a chain reaction. We call this an electromagnetic wave. This is how radios and cell phones communicate. Visible light is also an electromagnetic wave. The only difference is that visible light ... ... has a much higher frequency than radio waves. Each color is a slightly different frequency. Electromagnetic waves with much higher frequencies ... ... are called X-rays and Gamma Rays.": 3, "Advanced Surgical Navigation System using Augmented Reality Technology Examination on the stone model The left area is the simulation software screen, and the right area is the ar view screen The translucent board shape 3D object on the stone model can move in conjunction with the implant on the simulation software The 3D objects indicate the placement positions of the simulated implants As you can see, the display positions of the 3D objects are very accurate The placement positions of the two implants were displayed on the stone model In the case of another patient Move implants on the simulation software screen to find the implant placement positions The mandibular canal can be displayed in the stone model for this patient The 3D objects indicating the 3D position of simulated implants were displayed on the stone model with good stability and accuracy When there are bone or teeth together with the 3D objects, we can hide the overlapping areas Drilling simulation on the training typodont The upper and lower rings are drilling guide rings separated from each other at the distance of the drill length First, determine the position of the implants Move the 3D objects to find and determine the implant placement positions Next, mark the starting points on the bone surface with a round bur When the centers of the upper and lower two guide rings are aligned, make a dent using a round bur Set the apex of the drill at the starting point and set the tail of the drill at the center of the guide ring, then start drilling The second installing hole is drilled in the same way Drilling simulation on the training typodont showed a good performance of our system Display of the 3D objects in the oral cavity The 3D objects were displayed in the patient's mouth proving that our system works in the actual oral cavity same as on the stone model As you can see, there are no obstructions in the oral cavity We examined our system in the staff's oral cavity The 3D objects move in conjunction with the implants on the simulation software screen These 3D objects are also very stable Unlike the plate type surgical navigation systems, our system has nothing to interfere with the operation in the oral cavity": 2, "We want to plot each decimal on the number line. The first decimal is negative 0.3, or negative three tenths. To help us pop this on the number line, we need to recognize that negative 0.3 is between negative one and zero, or negative 0.3 is greater than negative one and less than zero. So to begin, let's plot a negative one and zero on the number line, where negative one is on the left and zero is on the right. Notice how this interval has a length of one unit. So now we'll cut this interval into 10 equal subintervals, where each subinterval will have a length of 0.1 units, or one tenth of a unit. So in the middle, we would have negative 0.5. And now we'll cut the interval on the left and right into five equal subintervals. And now let's label these from zero to negative one. To the left of zero, we'd have negative 0.1 and then negative 0.2, negative 0.3, negative 0.4, and so on. And now we can plot negative 0.3 or negative three tenths in the number line which is here. So the next decimal, we have negative 1.64, or negative one and 64 hundredths. Because we have the hundredths place value here, it'll be helpful to recognize that negative 1.64 is between negative 1.7 and negative 1.6, or negative 1.64 is greater than negative 1.7 and less than negative 1.6. So this time on our number line, we'll plot negative 1.7 and negative 1.6. Or negative 1.7 is on the left and negative 1.6 is on the right. And notice this interval has a length of one tenth of a unit. So now I'll cut this interval into 10 equal subintervals, where each subintervals will have a length of one hundredth of a unit or 0.01 units. So in the middle, we would have negative 1.65. And now we'll cut the interval on the left and right into five equal subintervals. And again, each of these subintervals has a length of 0.01 units, or one hundredth of a unit. So starting at negative 1.6, we would have negative 1.61, negative 1.62, negative 1.63, negative 1.64 and so on. And now we can go ahead and plot negative 1.64. Notice negative 1.64 is just to the right of negative 1.65 which is here. I hope you found this helpful.": 4, "{\\an8}(translated to English) - Eight makes one team! {\\an8}Hello, we're ATEEZ! {\\an8}- We are going to get tangled up with {\\an8}- [All] MTV News! {\\an8}(cheering) (clapping) {\\an8}(bell dinging) - [All] Let's go. {\\an8}- Let's go. {\\an8}- Baa. {\\an2}- Oh! {\\an2}- Seonghwa, right hand. {\\an2}- Okay, Seonghwa where are you, where are you? {\\an2}- He's... - [Together] Here! {\\an2}- Ya! {\\an2}- Okay. - Yeah. {\\an2}- Wow. {\\an2}- Yeosang. {\\an2}- Yay! {\\an2}- It's me, it's me. {\\an2}- My turn. {\\an2}- Okay. - Okay. {\\an2}- It's little bit hard. {\\an2}- You can do it. - Okay. (groans) {\\an2}- Okay. - Wooyoung, right here. {\\an2}- Okay! - Whoa. {\\an8}- It's not difficult. {\\an8}Come on. Come on. - Ooh. {\\an8}- Come on! {\\an8}- Hey. {\\an8}(translated to English) - That's kinda hurtful-- {\\an8}- I can't believe... {\\an2}(translated to English) - Turn around, turn around. - Oh, I'm in trouble. - Everything. {\\an8}(translated to English) - My love for Hongjoong. {\\an2}(translated to English) - They look so intimate right now. {\\an2}- Yunho, left hand. - Okay. {\\an2}- No! - No! {\\an8}- What? - Boo. {\\an8}- Yeah, he's bad guy. {\\an8}- Yeah. - Best friends. {\\an2}- Without Mingi, we are best friends, yeah. {\\an2}Turn! - Whoa! {\\an8}- Okay. - Yeah. {\\an2}(chanting Hongjoong) {\\an2}- Left hand, Mingi. - Left hand, Mingi. {\\an2}- Bye, Mingi! {\\an2}- Okay, bye. (cheers) {\\an2}- Everything. - Oh, wow. {\\an8}- I don't think so. {\\an8}- I don't agree. - Yeah. {\\an2}- I can't agree. - He's liar. {\\an2}- Right foot, right foot. - It's too easy, look. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Hey man, this is really hard. {\\an2}- Bew, boop. Okay! {\\an2}- Okay. - Left foot? {\\an2}- Ooh, where is-- - Cross, cross. {\\an8}- He looks like Spider-Man. {\\an8}- No, no problem! {\\an2}(translated to English) - Right here. Hey, stop it! - Stop it! - I've never had any {\\an2}difficulty while being a member of ATEEZ. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Then let's make it hard now! - San, San, San, San. {\\an2}just move your left foot up. {\\an2}- San, I can move up for you. {\\an2}- Up, up! Just right there! {\\an2}- Your left foot, right there. {\\an2}- Right there, right there. {\\an2}- Help him out, man. {\\an8}(translated to English) - What, where are you going? {\\an2}- Oh, my favorite superhero is Iron Man. {\\an2}- Yeah! - Tony Stark. {\\an2}(imitating Iron Man) {\\an2}- [Jongho] Okay! - [San] Okay! {\\an2}(groans) {\\an2}- See you next time. {\\an2}- Help me. - Bye bye, Mingi. {\\an2}- Okay, goodbye Mingi. {\\an2}- Ooh! {\\an2}- Left hand Hongjoong? {\\an2}Where is he? {\\an2}- Hey, look at me. {\\an2}(shouting) {\\an8}(cheers) {\\an8}- Bye, Mingi. {\\an8}(mocking) {\\an2}- This is my turn? {\\an2}- Oh, no. {\\an2}- Ooh, ooh. - Yeah! {\\an2}- Ooh! Nice, Jongho. {\\an2}- Wow. - Yunho, Yunho, Yunho. {\\an2}- Left foot, San. {\\an2}- Wow {\\an2}(groans) {\\an2}(translated to English) - Oh, about each other... {\\an2}- Well San is able to showcase his many sides on stage. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Even though he is {\\an8}the youngest, Jongho is... How can I say it? {\\an8}Someone I can rely on. {\\an8}(translated to English) - Hongjoong and Mingi look {\\an2}like they're coaching right now. {\\an8}(laughs) (applauds) {\\an8}- Yay! {\\an8}- Okay, I'm in. {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an2}- Okay, okay. {\\an2}- Right foot, San. - Right foot, San? {\\an2}This here. - Okay! {\\an8}- Okay. {\\an8}- My face. {\\an2}(laughing) My face. {\\an2}- Left hand, Jongho. - Okay. {\\an8}- I love you, Jongho. - Yeah. {\\an8}- I will give a challenge. {\\an2}- Right foot. - Hey, that's me! {\\an2}I'm here! {\\an2}- San is sweat. {\\an2}San is sweat. - Okay, I can do it. {\\an2}- Oh, it's too easy. {\\an2}- Oh. - Left foot, Hongjoong. {\\an2}- My face! - Okay, bye. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Yes, it's to {\\an8}- [All] Oh! {\\an8}- Oh, no! {\\an8}- Oh, my God. (exclaims) {\\an8}- This is so strange. - Oh no, dangerous. {\\an2}- So weird. - So hot. {\\an2}- Mingi is. - Mingi. {\\an2}(shouting) {\\an8}- [Producer] Jongho's the winner! {\\an8}- Okay! (all cheer) {\\an8}(chanting) - Jongho, Jongho, Jongho. {\\an8}Jongho, Jongho, Jongho, Jongho, Jongho, Jongho. {\\an8}- Okay. {\\an8}- San is dead. {\\an8}(laughing) - I'm dead! {\\an8}(bell dings) - Oh, yeah! {\\an8}- I am nervous. {\\an2}- I guest the first loser is Wooyoung. {\\an2}- Ah, okay. {\\an2}- I! Me, me, me, me, me. {\\an2}- I think Yeosang. {\\an2}- Oh, no. - No, no, no, no. {\\an2}No. {\\an2}- Okay. {\\an2}- Left hand, Mingi. {\\an2}Where's Mingi. {\\an2}- No! {\\an2}- What? {\\an2}block the members from the camera. {\\an8}I don't want them on the footage. {\\an8}Just shoot me, just me. {\\an8}(translated to English) - Stop grabbing me. Stop! {\\an8}- No, I can't! Don't leave me! {\\an8}- Stop grabbing me! {\\an2}- I can't! Stay with me! {\\an8}(translated to English) - He can be cute at times, {\\an8}but also be sexy on stage. - Let go of me! {\\an8}- I won't! {\\an8}- I don't want you anymore! {\\an2}- No, take me with you! Don't leave me! {\\an2}- No, you can't! {\\an8}(translated to English) - This is getting serious. - Oh yeah, it's Wooyoung, me, and Mingi {\\an8}who are the main dancers in our group. {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an2}- Left hand, San, okay! {\\an8}- San! - Yeah! {\\an2}(laughs) {\\an2}(laughing) {\\an8}- [Hongjoong] Oh my face! {\\an8}- [Yeosang] Oh my face, oh my God. {\\an8}- Hello, hello. {\\an2}- Yeah. - Yeah. {\\an2}- Everybody is a great dancer. {\\an8}- Yeah, woo! {\\an2}- Woo! - Woo! {\\an2}- Okay. {\\an2}- Bye. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Oh, yeah, yeah, we do. {\\an2}- We're always relying on each other. {\\an2}- We actually play this game all the time. {\\an8}(translated to English) - When times are hard, {\\an8}we're always there to talk and listen to each other. {\\an8}- Hey man, why are you leaning on me right now? {\\an8}- I'm relying on them right now! {\\an8}(translated to English) - Hey, let go of me! - Can we speed this up {\\an8}a little faster, please? {\\an8}(translated to English) - No, don't let go! {\\an2}(translated to English) - We really like {\\an2}fried chicken. - You keep getting that! {\\an8}- Eight makes one team. - Yes. {\\an8}- Hurry up, hurry up. (laughing) {\\an8}Please! {\\an8}- Are you artist? {\\an8}- Oh my god! {\\an8}- Are you singer? {\\an8}- Fast please. Fast please. {\\an8}- Help me. {\\an8}- Excuse me. {\\an8}- Hello, Yeosang. {\\an8}- Oh my god. {\\an8}- Hey! {\\an2}- Oh. - Ooh! {\\an2}- I love chicken. - I really love chicken, {\\an2}very, very. {\\an2}I love you. {\\an2}- Oh, yeah, yeah. {\\an2}- Yeah! {\\an2}- Okay. {\\an8}(translated to English) - This really doesn't {\\an8}look good. Poor Yeosang. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Min... Mingi? {\\an2}- Right here, here. {\\an2}- Where? - Here. {\\an8}(translated to English) - What happens {\\an8}if you push them? - Don't push me! {\\an8}(translated to English) - I won't, I won't... {\\an8}- I'm totally comfortable here. {\\an8}- He's pushing down on him. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Yeosang's in trouble... {\\an8}(translated to English) - Yeosang, {\\an2}- Yeosang. - I'm here. {\\an2}- No. {\\an2}I'm-- - Whoa! {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an8}- Bye. {\\an2}- Oh my god. {\\an2}- Okay. (laughing) {\\an8}(groaning) {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an2}- Yes. (laughing) {\\an8}(shouting) {\\an2}- Yeah! {\\an2}- Help me! {\\an2}- Left foot. {\\an2}- Oh, Yeosang is standing up. {\\an2}- Okay. - Ooh. {\\an8}just stand up all the way! {\\an8}(translated to English) - Hey Yeosang, {\\an8}you should just stand up! {\\an2}(translated to English) - I de-stress by playing {\\an2}around with the group. - Oh, Seonghwa stepped out. {\\an2}- Where? {\\an2}(translated to English) - Hey Yeosang, {\\an2}can't you just jump up? - Stop it! {\\an2}(translated to English) - Oh my. {\\an2}- Oh my. {\\an2}(singing: \"I'll show you Every Hidden Part of Me\") {\\an2}(translated to English) - Trying to mess others up {\\an2}is hard work isn't it? {\\an8}- Oh, my God. {\\an8}Oh, my God. {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an2}(groaning) {\\an2}- Oh, out, out! - Ooh! {\\an8}- Out. - Oh! {\\an8}- He out. {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an8}- You're dead. {\\an2}(groans) {\\an2}- Right hand, Yeosang, okay. {\\an8}(shouting) {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an8}- Okay, sorry. {\\an8}(translated to English) - This act of love isn't real! {\\an2}(translated to English) - What are you guys doing? {\\an2}- What's happening? {\\an2}- Right hand, Hongjoong. {\\an2}(laughing) {\\an2}(groans) (laughs) {\\an8}- Okay, okay, okay. {\\an8}(laughing) - Oh! - Yay! {\\an8}- Okay. - Yeah, yeah, my boy! {\\an8}(grunting) {\\an8}- Wow, very scary. {\\an8}Scary. {\\an2}(translated to English) - Kick Mingi! - Well, we're known as {\\an2}\"Two Ho Brothers.\" We're that close. {\\an8}Two Ho. {\\an8}- Jongho, Yunho. - Jongho, Yunho. {\\an8}- \"Two Ho Brothers.\" {\\an8}(translated to English) - Well we're always playing {\\an2}around with each other. So this feels pretty normal. {\\an2}(translated to English) - It's right there, {\\an2}next to Yunho's left hand. - Wait, I'll have to {\\an2}cross over? {\\an8}- Yo, fight! {\\an2}- Okay. {\\an2}Okay. - Mingi. {\\an2}(laughing) This here. {\\an2}- Okay. - Oh. {\\an2}- Right foot, San, okay. {\\an2}- Nice to meet you! {\\an2}- Okay. - Okay. {\\an2}(groaning) (laughing) {\\an8}- Ho Ho. - Two ho. {\\an2}- Left foot. {\\an2}- Okay. {\\an2}- Goodbye, Jongho. {\\an2}- Okay, bye. {\\an8}- [Together] Oh! {\\an2}- My face! {\\an2}- Left foot. - You can do it! {\\an2}- [Together] Whoa! {\\an8}- He's here. {\\an2}(grunting) - Ooh, man. {\\an2}Ah, Yeosang. {\\an8}(translated to English) - Oh, {\\an2}if Jongho plays this right... {\\an2}(translated to English) - To your left. {\\an2}- That was unnecessary-- {\\an8}(translated to English) - Who's the coolest {\\an8}of 'em all? - I had so much fun playing {\\an8}this game today. {\\an8}I'd like to take this back home to Korea {\\an2}Okay! {\\an8}(groaning) {\\an8}Spider-Man, Spider-Man. {\\an8}(laughing) - I love him. {\\an8}- Okay. - Yeah, perfect. {\\an2}- Left hand, Yunho. - Yunho? {\\an2}Oh, this here. - Oh! {\\an2}- Okay. {\\an2}- Right foot. {\\an2}(grunting) {\\an8}- Push. - Okay. {\\an2}Okay. {\\an8}(cheering) {\\an8}(all chanting) {\\an8}- Yunho, Yunho! {\\an8}(chanting) {\\an8}(laughing) {\\an8}and play it again with the ATEEZ members. {\\an8}Thank you MTV News for making this happen. {\\an8}Thank you. Please show lots of love for ATEEZ! {\\an8}Please show us love! {\\an8}- Game key: Jeong Yunho. {\\an8}- Take that, take that, take that. {\\an8}- This is mine! - Take that, okay! {\\an8}Let's go! {\\an8}- Bye! - Bye!": 2, "Dollar Scorpion Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Fold in half, Unfold. Fold the short edge to the long ones. Unfold. Valley fold on the iniersection, Unfold. Crease the angle bisectors by aligning the edges to the creases. Turn over. Crease the angle bisectors by aligning the creases to the creases. Collapse the waterbomb base. lnside reverse fold the inner flaps using existing creases. Pivoting from the intersection of the creases. Note that it will not reach the tip. No crease is created on this step, and the model will not lie flat. Valley fold using the crease on the layer inside as a reference, so that the flap will stretch out and flatten completely. Make these creases for a rabbit-ear fold in the next step. After each crease, make the mirror image on the opposite flap. Rabbit-ear fold. Crease well. Unfold. Valley fold the top layer to open up flap; press the center to flatten. Petal fold, then fold in half. Create a small crimp fold inside so that the flap aligns with the edge. Turn over. Fold the edges of the top layer to align with the center crease, from the tip to the folded edges hidden underneath. The model will not lie flat. Release the layer that is trapped. Swivel fold. Shift the edges around the folded edges, allowing some paper to stretch to flatten. Start creasing along the edges from the sides, Crease to connect the references. Let the head fold over. Flatten the area indicated. The model should lie flat. Fold the entire flap to the back. Mountain crease the folded edge. Pleat. Start the first crease slightly bellow the edge, not on it. lnside reverse folding asymmetrically, starting from a point parallel to the center line, and ending in a point. Continue reverse folding so tha t the edges becomes flush. Repeat steps on the other side. Pleat fold. The first mountain should align with the folded edge. The valley fold should leave the same gap used on step 26. Unfold. Fold the edges to the center line. Fold the edges to the center crease, only to the first perpendicular crease. Unfold. Pleat on existing creases. Fold the edges to the center crease, allowing some of the paper to lift, The model will not lie flat. Creating new creases to flatten. Fold from corner to corner. Fold the edge almost to the center crease of the tail. Fold the legs back out along the center line. Rabbit-ear the tail to lift it up. Start by pinching the tail into a series of water bomb bases to make segments; curve; open the tip for the venom bulb; pinch and curve to make the stinger. Fold the head down as far as possible. Fold the mouthparts (the tip) forward. For the pincers, make an outside reverse fold, then crimp and leave the flap slightly open. Unfold. Shape the body. The completed Scorpion.": 2, "[Music] thank you [Music] I'm not sure I understand it before I don't know how I feel this way but every time I hear your name [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know if you feel the same but every time I hear your name [Music] you made my dreams come true [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know foreign baby [Music] because [Music] chemistry same energy [Music] character every day [Music] every day [Music] get up outside [Music] can't believe I forgot this feeling finally found the one in my life [Music] [Music] words to describe the bigger picture [Music] [Music] an angel in disguise [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the summer always make me wonder how you never get me feeling on the Flawless from you put my hand on my chest [Music] the way that you shine [Music] an angel in disguise [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] one step forward in another bag I would never try to fool you I One Heartbeat Away from going mad go when you look like that [Music] how many times [Music] loving you is [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you baby [Music] instead [Music] baby [Music] Come a Little Closer I Wanna Dance With You everything's moving slower I don't know what it is [Music] [Music] it's what you're doing there's no one else [Music] [Music] you see my wheels in motion I'm going crazy foreign thank you [Music] we break up and you slam the door I messed up on the bedroom door what the hell do we do this for I push you out you come back that attraction we can't fight that keep telling myself [Music] [Music] thank you tell me the things [Music] keep telling myself [Music] [Music] [Music] happy birthday [Applause] please please [Music] [Music] maybe later we can dance never let go listen to her favorite songs on the radio [Music] I just want your everything baby [Music] [Music] drinking from your body [Music] on the couch ES [Music] [Music] dripping from my love [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh keep it coming babe I don't mind another round [Music] relax [Music] ing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even when my teardrops start to try [Music] even when the sun begins to shine [Music] experience has made me realize that I won't build my life on empty words [Music] looking for someone [Music] looking back on how I used to be I always thought the love was made for me [Music] loving you has made me realize I'm so tired [Music] everything try to love songs [Music] even when my teardrops start to dry and even when the sun begins to shine again I've taken all the advice [Music] [Music] foreign girl I see your face everywhere when I'm going out you'll be there cause everything reminds me of you I can't take no more girl I think I'm losing my mind trying to go to work but I lost track of time cause everyone keep looking like you I can't take no more [Music] I miss your touch from your hands and your body it hurts so much to think of you with someone else Can't Get Enough when you're sweet talking to me now I'm talking sweet all by myself on me what you need from me need your love on me put your love on me [Music] put your faith in me put your love on me can we stop the clock and Rewind go back to that moment in time when you say you want me for life was it all alive [Music] no [Music] I miss your attention on me need your love on me put your [Music] faith in me put your love on me [Music] put your love for me [Music] it hurts me so much to think of you with someone else Can't Get Enough when you're sweet talking to me now I'm talking sweet all by myself put your arms around me put your faith in me put your love on me put your love on me put your faith in me put your love on me [Music] there is only one of you only one of me there's a million of those who won't let us be but they're not gonna Not Gonna See Me Bleed cause baby I got you yes [Music] take me down [Music] no matter who it's for foreign they always [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] I'm gonna go where my heart is I'm not afraid [Music] [Music] the game was set right from the start I don't wanna go I don't wanna know I don't want it anymore [Music] expressions [Music] questions [Music] Bang Bang foreign [Music] [Applause] enjoy [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign episode [Music] thank you": 0, "Right now, I'm in a state of mind I wanna be in like all the time Ain't got no tears left to cry So I'm pickin' it up, pickin' it up I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up Oh, I just want you to come with me We're on another mentality Ain't got no tears left to cry So I'm pickin' it up, pickin' it up I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up Pickin' it up, pickin' it up Lovin', I'm livin', so we turnin' up Yeah, we turnin' it up Ain't got no tears in my body I ran out, but boy, I like it, I like it, I like it We're way too fly to partake in all this hate We out here vibin', we vibin', we vibin' Can't stop so shut your mouth Ain't got no tears left to cry- I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up They point out the colors in you, I see 'em too And, boy, I like 'em, I like 'em, I like 'em Don't matter how, what, where, who tries it We're out here vibin', we vibin', we vibin' Comin' out, even when it's rainin' down Can't stop now Shut your mouth Ain't got no tears left to cry Oh yeah, oh yeah Oh, I just want you to come with me We're on another mentality Ain't got no tears left to cry (cry) So I'm pickin' it up, pickin' it up (oh yeah) I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up I just want you to come with me We're on another mentality Ain't got no tears left to cry (cry) So I'm pickin' it up, pickin' it up (oh yeah) I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up Pickin' it up (yeah), pickin' it up (yeah) Lovin', I'm livin', so we turnin' up Pickin' it up, pickin' it up Pickin' it up Pickin' it- Pickin' it UP Can't stop so shut your mo-o-o Ain't got no tears left (to cry-) Pickin' it up, pickin' it up Pickin' it Pickin' it up I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up (Pickin' it up, pickin' it up) (Pickin' it) (Pickin' it up) Ain't got no tears left to cry- Oh yeah, oh yeah Yeah, we turnin' it up": 1, "I've got this planet in my hands, you know I'll waste it if I can. Come on let's give it a twist and if it all turns to shit. And oh wait, let's try that again. My live's too short to have a plan, here let my help you understand. First take this drink and this pill, relax your mind and be still. Let's find out who I am. 'Cause I... I'm just American trash! Stupid American trash! I've got this planet in my hands, I'll try to save it if I can. I'm satisfied with myself, don't care for anyone else. I'm so united when I stand. I get my facts from the tv, believe in everything I read. It's such an ignorant bliss. When the whole fucking world wants to be like me. 'Cause I... I'm just American trash! Stupid american trash! I'm just American. And everyone's shutting down, the people all so worn out. Wake up, the dream is over. Everyone's shutting down, 'Cause I (Wake up) I'm just American trash! Stupid American trash! I'm just American! (Trash)": 1, "In this video, we will look at expanding and condensing logarithms. First off, here are the properties written out. Number 1: The Product Rule for Logarithms. The log, base b, of M times N is equal to the log, base b, of M plus the log, base b, of N. Number 2: The Quotient Rule for Logarithms. The log, base b, of M divided by N is equal to the log, base b, of M minus the log, base b, of N. Number 3: The Power Rule for Logarithms. The log, base b, of M to the power of p is equal to p times the log, base b, of M. Now, for a few examples of expanding logarithms: First, let us look at the log, base b, of x-squared times y-cubed. By the Product Rule, this makes the log, base b, of x-squared plus the log, base b, of y-cubed. By the Power Rule, applied to the x-squared and y-cubed, will yield two times the log, base b, of x plus three times the log, base b, of y. Secondly, let us look at the log, base b, of two times the square root of x divided by y. By the Product Rule, this makes the log, base b, of two plus the log, base b, of the square root of x divided by y. Now, by the Power Rule, this makes the log, base b, of two plus one-half times the log, base b, of x divided by y. Finally, by the Quotient Rule, we have the log, base b, of two plus one-half times the difference of the log, base b, of x and the log, base b, of y. Now, for a few examples of condensing logarithms: First, let us look at the log, base b, of x plus two times the log, base b, of z. By the Power Rule, we have the log, base b, of x plus the log, base b, of z-squared. Then, by the Product Rule, we have the log, base b, of x times z-squared. Secondly, let us look at three times the log, base b, of x minus a half times the log, base b, of z. By the Power Rule, applied twice, we have the log, base b, of x-cubed minus the log, base b, of the square-root of z. By the Quotient Rule, we have the log, base b, of x-cubed divided by the square-root of z.": 2, "1. There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains, And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though, vile as he, Wash all my sins away, Wash all my sins away, Wash all my sins away. And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3. Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved to sin no more; Be saved to sin no more, Be saved to sin no more; Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved to sin no more. 4. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme And shall be till I die. And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die. 5. When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave, Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing Thy power to save, I'll sing Thy power to save, I'll sing Thy power to save. Then in a nobler sweeter song I'll sing Thy power to save.": 2, "[MUSIC] I live in two different worlds. Like lots of other boys and girls. One's at home with my family. The other's school where I learn all I can be. [MUSIC] I live in two different worlds. At home I can speak whenever I please. I can talk real loud and shoot the breeze. At school I raise my hand in the air when there's something that I want to share. [MUSIC] Oh at home we go [NOISE]. At school we go. At home we go [NOISE]. I live in two different worlds. At home I can sit here and there. On the couch, the floor, my bed, or easy chair. At school I have a special place. It's my desk and that's my learning space. Oh at home we go [NOISE]. At school we go. At home we go. I live in two different worlds. >> School's got more rules because learning's the goal. Learning takes focus, so you'll need self-control. >> At home I move wherever I like. I can run around or ride my bike. At school we have a different way. We stand in line every day. >> Oh at home we go [NOISE]. At school we go. At home we go [NOISE]. I live in two different worlds. >> I live in two different worlds. >> Home and school are two different worlds. >> Two different awesome worlds.": 2, "Antichrist (2009) Melancholia (2011) Nymphomaniac (2013) Breaking The Waves (1996) Dancer In The Dark (2000) The Idiots (1998) Dogville (2003) Nymphomaniac (2013) Breaking The Waves (1996) Antichrist (2009) Melancholia (2011) Manderlay (2005) Dogville (2003) Europa (1991) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Breaking The Waves (1996) Manderlay (2005) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Nymphomaniac (2013) The Idiots (1998) Dogville (2003) Manderlay (2005) Antichrist (2009) Melancholia (2011) Breaking The Waves (1996) The Idiots (1998) Europa (1991) Epidemic (1987) Dancer In The Dark (2000) The Five Obstructions (2003) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Breaking The Waves (1996) Melancholia (2011) Dogville (2003) Europa (1991) The Five Obstructions (2003) The Idiots (1998) Melancholia (2011) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Melancholia (2011) Dogville (2003) Manderlay (2005) The Idiots (1998) Breaking The Waves (1996) Melancholia (2011) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Antichrist (2009) Breaking The Waves (1996) Dogville (2003) Nymphomaniac (2013) Antichrist (2009) Europa (1991) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Dogville (2003) Breaking The Waves (1996) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Europa (1991) Manderlay (2005) Melancholia (2011) Nymphomaniac (2013) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Breaking The Waves (1996) Antichrist (2009) The Idiots (1998) Making of The Idiots (1998) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Melancholia (2011) Nymphomaniac (2013) Dogville (2003) Antichrist (2009) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Breaking The Waves (1996) Nymphomaniac (2013) Melancholia (2011) Dogville (2003) The Idiots (1998) Antichrist (2009) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Breaking The Waves (1996) Nymphomaniac (2013) Dogville (2003) Making The Idiots (1998) Manderlay (2005) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Melancholia (2011) Dogville (2003) Manderlay (2005) Nymphomaniac (2013) Melancholia (2011) Europa (1991) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Breaking The Waves (1996) The Five Obstructions (2003) Nymphomaniac (2013) Dogville (2003) Antichrist (2009) Melancholia (2011) Europa (1991) Dogville (2003) Breaking The Waves (1996) Dancer In The Dark (2000) Antichrist (2009) Nymphomaniac (2013) Melancholia (2011) Breaking The Waves (1996) Europa (1991) Antichrist (2009) Dogville (2003) Nymphomaniac (2013) Melancholia (2011)": 0, "All right, today's workout is a hand speed workout. We're not gonna focus too much on head movement, or on footwork, moving around the ring. Just focusing on hand speed, putting quick combos together. Now, the combos are gonna be pretty simple. Ones and twos, one-two-threes, little bit of uppercuts, we're gonna work with the six basic numbers. So you're looking at one for the jab, two for the rear straight hand. That could be either you're southpaw or orthodox, that's your rear side. Three for the lead hook, four for the rear hook, five for the lead uppercut, and six for the rear uppercut. But we're gonna be focusing mostly on simple combos with the jab, one-two, multiple punches. Every now and then you'll hear me call out, \"Shoeshine!\" And right in your spot you're gonna bust out the Shoeshine. Every now and then you're gonna hear me call out, \"Punch-out!\" And that's when you'll be throwing a bunch of straight punches in a little short flurry. 2 2- 2-3 2-3! Two-three-two! 2 2- 2-3 2-3- 2-3-2 2-3-2! Two-three-two-three! 2 2- 2-3 2-3- 2-3-2 2-3-2- 2-3-2-3 2-3-2-3! One-two-three! 1 1- 1-2 1-2- 1-2-3 1-2-3! One-two-three-two! 1 1- 1-2 1-2- 1-2-3 1-2-3- 1-2-3-2 1-2-3-2! One-three! 1 1- 1-3 1-3! One-three-two! 1 1- 1-3 1-3- 1-3-2 1-3-2! One-three-two-three! 1 1- 1-3 1-3- 1-3-2 1-3-2- 1-3-2-3 1-3-2-3! Ready, Shoeshine! 5... 5... 4... 5... 4... 3... 5... 4... 3... 2... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Move! Double jab! Jab- Jab-jab! Six! 6! Six-five! 6 6- 6-5 6-5! Six-five-two! 6 6- 6-5 6-5- 6-5-2 6-5-2! Six-five-two-three! 6 6- 6-5 6-5- 6-5-2 6-5-2- 6-5-2-3 6-5-2-3! Punch-out, straights, go! 5... 5... 4... 5... 4... 3... 5... 4... 3... 2... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Move. Two-five! 2 2- 2-5 2-5! Two-five-two! 2 2- 2-5 2-5- 2-5-2 2-5-2! Two-five-two-three! 2 2- 2-5 2-5- 2-5-2 2-5-2- 2-5-2-3 2-5-2-3! Double jab! Jab- Jab-jab! Double jab - two! Jab-jab- Jab-jab-2! Shoeshine, go! 5... 5... 4... 5... 4... 3... 5... 4... 3... 2... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Move! Two! 2! Two-three! 2 2- 2-3 2-3! Two-three-two! 2 2- 2-3 2-3- 2-3-2 2-3-2! Two-one-one-two! 2 2- 2-1 2-1- 2-1-1 2-1-1- 2-1-1-2 2-1-1-2! Two-one-one-two-three! 2 2- 2-1 2-1- 2-1-1 2-1-1- 2-1-1-2 2-1-1-2- 2-1-1-2-3 2-1-1-2-3! Two-one-one-two-three-three! 2 2- 2-1 2-1- 2-1-1 2-1-1- 2-1-1-2 2-1-1-2- 2-1-1-2-3 2-1-1-2-3- 2-1-1-2-3-3 2-1-1-2-3-3! Again, two-one-one-two-three-three! 2 2- 2-1 2-1- 2-1-1 2-1-1- 2-1-1-2 2-1-1-2- 2-1-1-2-3 2-1-1-2-3- 2-1-1-2-3-3 2-1-1-2-3-3! Again, two-one-one-two-three-three! (Countdown clock beeping) And time. All right, nice work on the hand speed. You can always push your limits with the hand speed. Rest more in between, but when it's time to go, you let those hands fly. Do this workout enough and soon you're gonna start to know the combos even before all the punches are called out. All right, nice work. Make sure to subscribe to my channel, like the video, leave a comment, come back and do this again tomorrow. Thanks for watching. Peace.": 3, "Your experiences, the difficulties you have in your life, the troubles that you have, the things that are giving you anxiety, the things that give you depression, the things that worry you all the time, the burdens that you have in this life are unique to you, and they're different for you than they are even for your children. And those of you that are married, the burdens of the husband are different from the burdens of the wife. Everyone has been given a different set of burdens, and a different set of overbearing thoughts. You know, if you ask yourself as you're going through your day, obviously we do things that are functional, like go to work or you know, get stuck in traffic, or do the groceries and all of those things. And we're functioning in this world, but there's another world that exists inside of our minds. And that world is filled with worries about the future, or it's filled with thoughts about the past, or regrets about the past. Or it's worried about you know, all kinds of uncertainties. And they're always circling in our minds. And it doesn't show on the outside but there's a lot of turbulence going on, on the inside. Right? And everything we're going through, Imam Alqurtubi said something so beautiful: \"Why did Allah make me focus so much on water? Because water doesn't stay in the same place.\" Water mixes with other things, water is constantly moving and changing. And if you try to keep water in the same place, it goes bad. So actually Allah designed this life, to constantly go through changes. So those of you that got uprooted from your home, and you are in a different place, and you say \"I miss my village, I miss my home\". \"Why can't I just go back? Why can't I do this? Why can't I have that old job back?\" \"Why do we have to move to this neighborhood?\" \"Why did I have to, there's why, why, why, I hate change, I hate change.\" Allah says He made life full of change. You can't keep anything the same. Anything that Allah's command came into, like the water that came into a fruit, if you look at that fruit, what's happening slowly? It's losing it's water and it's getting dry, and it's eventually going to die, right? It's going to go. That's the beginning and the end. And everything else we're experiencing, is just the stuff in between. This is just an episode in between, or multiple episodes in between. And they will come to pass. they will go. These experiences will come and go, nothing is permanent. What happens to some of us? You know somebody sitting here, had something bad happen to them, and they think about that everyday. And they review it in their head everyday. And they get sad about it everyday, and they talk about it everyday, and they remind others about it everyday. They are stuck in it. over, and over, and over again. You are stagnating. This is not how Allah meant life to be. You had a tough experience yes, nobody is denying it. But it's time for you to take today and not live in yesterday. You have to keep moving, or you are rotting yourself. Because if you try to keep it the same and preserve, nothing stays preserved. No matter how bad you want the flower to live forever, the flower will wither. But you know what's incredible about those flowers that die on a tree?": 3, "Counting to 100. One, two... ...three, four... ...five, six... ...seven, eight... ...nine, and then... TEN, TEN! ...eleven, twelve... ...thirteen, fourteen... ...fifteen, sixteen... ...seventeen, eighteen... ...nineteen... what comes next? ...TWENTY! Twenty!... ...Twenty-one, twenty-two... ...twenty-three, twenty-four... ...twenty-five, twenty-six... ...twenty-seven, twenty-eight... ...twenty-nine... THIRTY! THIRTY! ...Thirty-one, thirty-two... ...thirty-three, thirty-four... ...thirty-five, thirty-six... ...thirty-seven, thirty-eight... ...thirty-nine... and what comes next? FORTY! ...Forty-one, forty-two... ...forty-three, forty-four... ...forty-five, forty-six... ...forty-seven, forty-eight... ...forty-nine... Half-way there after this... ...fifty, FIFTY! ...Fifty-one, fifty-two... ...fifty-three, fifty-four... ...fifty-five, fifty-six... ...fifty-seven, fifty-eight... ...fifty-nine... ...SIXTY!, SIXTY! ...Sixty-one,, sixty-two... ...sixty-three, sixty-four... ...sixty-five, sixty-six... ...sixty-seven, sixty-eight... ...sixty-nine, We're getting closer. SEVENTY!, SEVENTY! ...Seventy-one, seventy-two... ...seventy-three, seventy-four... ...seventy-five, seventy-six... ...seventy-seven, seventy-eight... ...seventy-nine... EIGHTY!, EIGHTY! ...Eighty-one, eighty-two... ...eighty-three, eighty-four... ...eighty-five, eighty-six... ...eighty-seven, eighty-eight... eighty-nine We just need 10 more after this. NINETY!, NINETY! ...Ninety-one ninety-two... ...ninety-three ninety-four... ...ninety-five ninety-six... ...ninety-seven ninety-eight... ninety-nine ONE-HUNDRED!!! ONE-HUNDRED!!! ONE THOUSAND. TEN THOUSAND ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND ONE MILLION TEN MILLION ONE-HUNDRED MILLION ONE-BILLION! ONE-BILLION! Now that is a lot! Counting to 100.": 1, "- [Voiceover] In the last video we learned that there are a class of stars called Cepheid variables. And these are the super giant stars, as much as 30000 times as bright as the sun. A mass, as much as 20 times the mass of the sun. And what's neat about them is, one, because they're so large and so bright, you can see them really really far away. And what's even neater about them is that they're variable, that they pulsate. And because their pulsations are related to their actual luminosity, you know if you see a cepheid variable star in some distant galaxy, you know what it's luminosity actually is if you were kind of at the star, because you know you can see how it's period of pulsation. And so if you know it's actual luminosity, and you know it's obviously apparent luminosity, you know how much it's gotten dimmed. And the more dim it's gotten from its actual state, you know the farther away it is. So that's the real value of them. What I want to do in this video is to try to explain why they're variables. Why they pulsate. And to do that, to do that, what we're gonna think about is doubly and singly ionized helium. And just to review, helium, so neutral helium, let me draw a neutral helium, neutral helium's got two protons, it's got two protons, two neutrons, two neutrons, and then two electrons and obviously this is not drawn to scale. So this is neutral helium right over here. Now, if you singly ionize helium you knock off one of these electrons. And these type of things happen in stars when you have a lot of heat, easier to ionize things. So singly ionized helium will look like this. It'll have the same nucleus, two protons, two neutrons. One of the electrons gets knocked off so now you only have one electron. And now you have a net positive charge. So here, let me do this in a different color, this helium now has a net charge, we could write one plus here, but if you just write a plus you implicitly mean a positive charge of one. Now you can also double the ionized helium if the environment is hot enough. You can doubly ionize helium and doubly ionizing helium is essentially knocking off both of the electrons. So then it's really just a helium nucleus. It's really just a helium nucleus like this. This right here is doubly, doubly ionized helium. Now I just said in order to do this you have to have a hotter environment. There has to be a hotter environment in order to be able to knock off both these, this electron really doesn't want to leave, to take an electron off of something that's already positive is difficult. You have to have a lot of really pressure and temperature. This is cooler. And this is all relative, we're talking about the insides of stars. So, you know, it's hot, this is a hotter part of the star versus a cooler part of the star I guess is a way you think about this, it's still a very hot environment by our traditional, every day standards. Now the other thing about the doubly ionized helium is that it is more opaque. It is more opaque, which means it doesn't transmit, it doesn't allow light to go through it, it actually absorbs light. It is more opaque, it absorbs light. It absorbs light. Or in another way, it absorbs that light energy that energy will make it even hotter. So that's just something to think about. Now, the singly ionized helium is more transparent. This is more transparent. More transparent, it allows the light to pass through it. So it doesn't get heated as much by photons that are kind of going near it, or through it, or whatever. It allows them to go through it here the photons are going to actually heat up, heat up the ion. So let's think about how this might cause cepheid variable to pulsate. So assuming that cepheid variables have a large enough quantity, I should say, of these ions, we can imagine that when a cepheid variable is dim, so let me draw a dim cepheid variable, so I'll draw that like, I'll draw this in a dim color so this is a dim cepheid variable right here. It's dim state, and it's dim state just like this, you have a lot of the doubly ionized helium, you have a lot of doubly ionized helium in the star, at least kind of the outer surface of the star. Doubly ionized helium. And so this does not allow a lot of light to pass through. So this is the dim part of the pulsation of the cepheid variable. Now because this doubly ionized helium is opaque it is absorbing the light, it is getting heated. It is getting heated. And because it's getting heated, it'll cause the star to expand. So because it's getting heated it'll become more energetic and the star will actually expand. The star will actually expand. Now, as the star expands, because this doubly ionized helium is getting heated, what's going to happen, the further away you are from the core of the star, the cooler it gets. So this expanded because it was getting heated, but then because it expanded the outer layers of the star become cooler. And since they're cooler, helium won't be doubly ionized anymore, it'll start to get a couple of, it'll get an electron from, each helium atom can now get an electron from the plasma, I guess you can say, to become singly ionized helium. So now we have singly ionized helium. We have singly ionized helium. And now the star is going to be more transparent, it's going to allow more light to pass through it. So now this is the bright part of the pulsation. It's going to allow more light through, so now it is bright. The star is bright. But what's happening now? Because the light is no longer or it's not being absorbed as well by the helium when it was a doubly ionized helium, now it's letting most of the light, or a lot more of the light, get through it's not going to get heated as much. And so it won't have the kinetic energy to kind of keep pushing out, to keep moving outward, and so it'll collapse back into the star. And so then this will cool down and collapse back in. And when it collapses back in what's going to happen? When it collapses back in, when these helium atoms get closer to the center of the star, to the core of the star, they're going to be heated again, because they're closer now to the core, and when they get heated they're going to become, they're going to become doubly ionized. So then we have doubly ionized helium, again. Doubly ionized, and then the cycle will go again, it is now opaque, it will now absorb more energy, that'll cause it to have more kinetic energy to expand, once it expands, it'll get cool again, and transparent and bright. And so this is the current best theory of why cepheid variable stars are variable to begin with. It's this whole notion of having the doubly ionized helium versus the singly ionized helium in kind of the outer layers of the star itself.": 2, "You're just a little girl with grey eyes never mind, say something wait until the crowd cries oh, wait until the crowd cries You're just a little girl with grey eyes So deep in your room you never leave your room something deep inside of me - yearning deep inside of me talking through the gloom what in the world can I do I'm in the mood for your love for your love ... just a little bit afraid of you cause love won't make you cry wait until the crowd goes oh, wait until the crowd goes I'm just a little bit afraid of you So deep in your room you never leave your room something deep inside of me - yearning deep inside of me talking through the gloom what in the world can I do I'm in the mood for your love for your love You're just a little girl with grey eyes never mind, say something wait until the crowd cries oh, wait until the crowd cries you're just a little girl with grey eyes ...deep in your room you never leave your room something deep inside of me yearning deep inside of me talking through the gloom what in the world can I do I'm in the mood for your love for your love I'm just a little bit afraid of you Cause love won't make you cry wait until the crowd goes oh, wait until the crowd goes I'm just a little bit afraid of you So deep in your room you never leave your room something deep inside of me - yearning deep inside of me talking through the gloom what in the world can I do I'm in the mood for your love for your love": 2, "[gentle music] - [Announcer] Mohammadsaid Abdelhadi. Sami Abdisubhan. Kevin Abraham. Kurt Abrams. Dania Abul-Enin. Rodrigo Acuna Cervantes. Robert Adashev. Ashwin Advani. Rohit Agarwal. Rohan Agashe. Sean Raphael Ages. Amritpal Ahluwalia. Nikhil Ahuja. Vinny Ahuja. Sami Al Marzooqi. Aman Alagh. Craig Albers. Alexander Aleksandrovich. Alyssa Alfano. Jorge Almeida. Hugh Alvarado. Sean Amegadzie. Alice An. Constantine Anastasakis. Dominick J Ancona. David Andiario. Andrew Andreatta. Flavia Araujo Sounis. Steven Annunziato. Andrew Aran. Justin Arn. Abhijit Aroskar. Lucas Arruda. Adeyemi Ashiru. Brandon Atchison. Tomer Attar. Michael Averbook. Jesse Axelrod. Sam Badawi. Lining Bai. Charles Baker. Sarah Baker. Azza Bakkar. Kelly Balavender. Shreya Balhara. Shantanu Ballal. Anthony B Balsam. Bitun Banerjee. Raca Banerjee. Gargi Bansal. Saransh Bansal. Ryan Barbaccia. Daniel Patrick Barron. Alexander Barry. Emily Bary. Sonali Basak. Noufal Mohamed Basheer. Jeffrey Battipaglia. Alicia Battistoni. Eric Bauer. Faheem Bawa. Colin Bayer. Danielle Beauchamp. Katherine Beck. Drew Becker. Umar Belal. Joshua Bellet. David Bellizzi. Natalie Belthoff. Thomas Bender. Jessica Bendes. Andrew Benjamin. Nitisha Bhatia. Trent Bielen. Jarett Bienenstock. Jeremiah Bird. Vincent Birmingham. Margaret Bissell. Elizabeth Bixenman. Jesse Bloom. Emily Blumhardt. Andrew Bolognesi. Katerina Borda. Gina Borden. Sergio Botero. Aurelien Bouee. Malcolm Boyd. Conor Brennan. Jason Brodsky. Alexander Brody. Samantha Brooks. Doug Browman. Maria Bruno. Richard J. Bubbico. Whitney Burbank. Katelyn Burke. Matthew Burke. Alastair Butler. Ayda Cader. Juntao Cai. Jeffrey Calhoun. Edward Callahan. Jordan Callahan. Sebastian Calvo. Ting Cao. Nathan Caplan. Nicholas Carbone. Russell Carlson. Nicholas Carroll. Ryan Scott Carroll. Ethan Case. Francisco Castillo Trigueros. Shane Cataract. John Caudle. Maximilian Cavallo. Daniel Rocha. Marelle Cerven. Anthony Inkwon Cha. Jordan Chafetz. Khaki Chan. Alan Chang. Charlie Chang. Poya Chang. Thomas Chao. Maria Chavez-Hoenes. Nino Chelidze. Austin Chen. Evan Chen. Lucy Chen. Qiang Wei Chen. Qianru Chen. Phoebe Shang-Chi Chen. Shuo Chen. Yan Chen. Nicole Cheng. Abhi Cherukupalli. Maggie Cheung. Kimberly Chew. Alexandra Childs. Matthew Chisick. Bahruny Choi. David Choi. Hyeonsoo Choi. Jiyoung Choi. Alexandria Chong. Geoffrey Chu. Jamie Chu. David Chung. EJ Chung. Tyler Cignarella. Megan Cipollini. Jose Clariond. Carolyn Clarke. Brian Clementi. Julia Cobb. Ben Cohen. Jake Cohen. David Colbert. Craig Colburn. Alexander Cole. Georgianna Condoulis. Eleanor Conlee. Demetris Constantinou. Virgilio Contucci. Steven Convery. Edgar Corona. Julian Cortes. Preston Cotnoir. Michael Coyne. Caroline Craig. Victoria Katherine Crawford. Ashley Crone. Marco Cuoco. Dominic Cuomo. Joanna Czyzewski. Maziar Daee. Rebecca Dailey. Sam Daly. Alexandre Danis. Julieta Dapero. Anay Dave. Melissa Davis. Stewart Davis. Victor Davis. Jefferson Day. Jose de la Garza Garza. Christopher De Meo. Rebecca DeCoud. Beatriz Del Rio. Brian Delaney. Joseph Delehanty. Oscar F. Delgado. Nora Dempsey. Dean Joseph Deonaldo. Sarah Dephtereos. Crystal Desai. Peenal Desai. Anton Deshchenko. Richa Deshpande. Shilpa Deshpande. James Devlin. Rebecca Dewey. Meghan Dewitt. Michael di Stefano. Chelsea Dias. Joe Diaz. Anthony Edward DiBella. Ihinosen Dibua. Andrew Diller. Tracy Ding. Timothy Dipaolo. Allison Doll. Jaclyn Dornfeld. Ivana Doubek. Catherine Dougherty. Michael Dowling. Adam Drucker. Zhuoyan Duan. Colin Dubois. Kathryn Duckworth. Helena Duffee. Ajay Anandkumar Dugar. Carolyn Duggan. Avery Dumke. Josh Dver. Michelle Dy. David Ecker. Emily Edlund. Marc Elciario. Edan Elias. Matthew Elipas. Kristin Emodi. Elizabeth Eng. Aaron Epstein. Beril Esen. Jenna Spivak Evans. Gidon Eydelnant. Amr Ezeldin. Chris Fan. Yizhou Fang. Claire Fanning. Liyana Fauzi. Michelle Faybyshenko. Will Fayssal. Owen Feng. Qiting Feng. Matias Ferraro. Christopher Ferzli. Sarah Findlay. Michael Fiorilli. Roberta Fiorito. 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Yijing Hu. Chloe Huang. Daniel Huang. Jonathan Huang. Min-Hsuan Huang. Pat Huang. Kyungye Hyun. Nida Zahid Ibrahim. Riazul Islam. Olivia Jacopetti. Daniel Alexander Jaw. Mahaesh Jayaraman. Huilin Jiang. Ayla Jiang. Yiliang Jiang. John Jo. Becky Joseph. Nitin Joshi. Kevin Joyce. Molly Joyce. Jaehoon Jung. Gage Kaefring. Barry Kagan. Tanvir Kahlon. Bryan Kahn. Matthew Kahn. Mithun Kalaga. Jessica Kaliski. Jeewon Kang. Dhwanil Kapadia. Sid Kaparthy. Benjamin Kaplan. Cheryl Kaplan. Jeremy Kaplan. Shaina Kaplan. Shakira Karimbaksh. Krishna K Karra. Rukmani Chaube. Alina Kasyanova. Andrew Katz. Brandon Katz. Chamandeep Kaur. Tatyana Kaverina. Adam Kayali. Roxanne Keeley. Kelly Keenan. Emily Kelley. Wilson Keng. Dylan Kennedy. Kelly Kennedy. Alexander Kestner. Rohit Khandelwal. Kamini Khanjee. Arjun Khanna. Ayush Khanna. Soham Khanna. Surabhi Khanna. Eva Khoueiri. Ryan Kiczek. Prita Kidder. Jacqueline Killenga. Kyu Sung Kim. Mark Kim. Julia Kingsley. Nicholas M Kinnis. Taylor Kirkpatrick. Umesh Kishnani. Lauren Klein. Rachel Klein. Svetlana Klimova. Tyler Kline. Amy Klopfenstein. Charlotte Klopfer. Samuel Knopf. Alison Ko. Pia Kochhar. Amy Kong. Allie Kornstein. Kristen Kossey. Curtis Koszuta. Augastin Kozhimala. Jonathan Kriner. Abhinav Krishna. Jacquelyn Kroeger. Abhinav Kumar. Avinash Kumar. Benoit Kumar. Hannah Kumar. Szu-Yu Kuo. Julie Kutchin. Zarin S Labiba. Matt LaForgia. Nicole Lam. Chemi Lama. James Lambridis. Samuel Lamson. Joseph Landers. Michael Landivar. Justine Landschulz. Nica Langinger. Yannick Lanner-Cusin. Roger Larach Faraj. Daniel Lasorte. Melanie Latchman. Charles Laurent. Benjamin Lawson. Sarah Lazun. Chris Lee. Cynthia Lee. Elvin Lee. Hanna Lee. Jennifer Lee. Lauren Lee. Michael Lee. Michelle Moon Lee. Sang Min Lee. SangJoon Lee. Sungi Lee. Thomas Lee. Jonathan Lefkovits. Marcella Leith. Tom Lesiczka. Noel Leung. Jonah Levavi. Daniel Leventhal. Ben Levy. Jennifer Levy. Faina Leyvi. Bo Li. Jiacheng Li. Jiang Li. Suhan Li. Xuezhu Li. You Li. Zifan Li. Jessica Liang. Raymond Liang. Andrew Lichtenauer. Adam Licker. Russell Lieberman. David Lim. Anna Lin. Beichen Lin. Chase Lin. Chih-Yuan Lin. Rosemary Lin. Tyler Lipperman. Samantha Lipton. Connie Liu. Maggie Liu. Siyao Liu. Yang Liu. Yinyu Liu. Alyssia Liu. Zhipeng Liu. Alyssa Loh. Jason Loh. JJ Loh. Matt Longo. Gabrielle Lopez. Thomas J. Lopez. Ann Lu. Ji Lu. Layla Lu. Sherry Lu. Tato Lu. Eric Lubus. Charles Lucia. Jonathan Lui. Pei-chin Luo. Kiran Lutfeali. - [Woman] Ke Ma. Austin Ma. Laura Macchiarola. Deepika Macherla. Andrew Machles. Samuel Mackey. Keith Mackie. Abigail Mackles. Bernardo Madero Murillo. Odd-Jorgen Maeland. Lyndsay Maggin. Siddharth Maheshwari. Ishan Maini. Chaimaa Makoudi. John Malfetano. Bonnie Malhotra. Rohan Malhotra. Jennifer Mammon. Michael Maniaci. Chloe Mann. Jie Mao. Andres Marcos. Alyssa Marderstein. George Margulies. Angelica Marino. Jane Marks. Henry Reid Marsh. Isaias Felix Martin Hoyo. Nick Martinez. Daryl Martis. Konstantine Mastroianni. 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Hye Yun (Yuni) Sohn. Christopher Sola. Rishub Solan. Joseph Daniel Solimini. Jared Sommerkamp. Engir Son. Inhae Song. Sean Song. Jose Sosa. Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein. Caitlin Stanton. Daniel Stark. Rebecca Starr. Tyler Steed. Jan Stefanski. Joel Stell. Michael R Stentiford. Tiffaine Stephens. Michael Stern. Challie Stillman. James Storch. Kacper Strak. Shokhrukh Sultanov. Terry Sun. Xueyu Sun. Jaclyn Sung. Jamie Titak. Alejandra Tobon. Mindy Tom. Alexander Toplansky. Jessica Tou. Nathaniel Tracer. Alane Trafford. Tatyana Triguboff. Paloma Troncoso. Noelle Trongone. Wai Tsang. Katelyn Tsukada. Hao Tsung. Lihan Tu. Toufique Uddin. Alexander Ulyett. Jason Underwood. Robert Ung. Sanjana Upadhyay. Nathalie Urry. Danielle Vaghi. Devneel Vaidya. Sue Valdivia. Sophia Valner. Miguel van Zeller. Vismayie Vandanapu. Patrick Vardaro. Ariana Varveris. Sebastian Velez. Arati Venkatram. Crystal A. Veras. Neil Vijapura. Hans Villamil. Kelvinder Virdi. Alexander Vitro. Hanhtrang Vo. Thomas Vogdes. Sarah Wacik. Aria Walfrand. Ajinkya Walimbe. James Walker. Kelly Wall. Samuel Wallace. Colin Walsh. James Walsh. Karon A. Walsh. Charles Walters. Adrian Wan. Ce Wang. Guanyi Wang. Junyi Wang. LeChun Wang. Michelle Wang. Minqi Wang. Sihao Wang. Xiaochen Wang. Xinger Wang. Xiong Wang. Anna Ward. Charles Waters. Christian Wattig. Keenan Weaving. Max Wechter. Robert Weeks. Jingxuan Wei. Te Wei. Joshua Weinstein. Daniel Weintraub. Yona Weisleder Froimzon. Jonathan Weiss. Bingran Wen. Isabell Wenning. Lia Serradell Wertheimer. Michael White. Jade Williams. Allison J Wilson. Nicholas Windwer. Maxfield Wiseltier. Andrew Witmer. Jillian Witt. Michael Wolf. Scott Wolitzer. Jackie Wong. Jessica Wong. James Wreschner. James Wu. Qinxuan Wu. Alyssa Wypychoski. Wenyi Xing. Steven Xu. Yuan Xu. Suraiya Yahia. Rui Yang. Zhengfei Yang. Lily Yao. Junno Yau. Marc Ye. Siyuan Ye. Cameron Yeh. Anthony Yeung. Basak Yildizgorer. Scott Yim. Brian Yoo. Jooyoung Youn. Amanda Young. Christina Yu. Bo Yuan. Dorothy Yuen. Thomas Zalewski. Hart Zeitler. Andrey Yuryevich Zelenovsky. Maria Zenzola. Boris Zhabianski. Hanson Zhang. Nancy Zhang. Tian Zhang. Xinyi Zhang. Diana Zhang. Yongqing Zhang. Yun Zhang. Mengyi Zhao. Nancy Zhao. Katrina Zheleznyak. Shao Zhou. Stephanie Zhou. Becca Yu Zhou. Danielle Zhu. Tong Zou. Nicholas Zubkoff. Karissa Zubulake. Maria Fernanda Zuleta. Feng Zuo. Sarah Molly Zweifach.": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is question. Number twenty-seven of our calculus review. We want to find the derivative of the function. Y is equal to the sine of the tangent of ninex. Christopher Carbone: So Christopher Carbone: we're going to use a use substitution you as the tangent Christopher Carbone: of nine x, Christopher Carbone: and do you? Christopher Carbone: It's going to be nine times the secant Christopher Carbone: of nine apps Christopher Carbone: squired. Christopher Carbone: That's this whole secant of ninex whole of that is squared. Christopher Carbone: So this, then, means, then, that we have. Christopher Carbone: Why is it good to the sign of you, Christopher Carbone: for this y prime would be equal to the cosine of you. Christopher Carbone: Deal. Christopher Carbone: So we're poisoned parts. Now this is equal to the cosine Christopher Carbone: of the tangent of nineux Christopher Carbone: times Christopher Carbone: nine Christopher Carbone: times the secant. I'm going to rewrite this as the secant squared of not x. Christopher Carbone: That just simplifies to be nine times the cosine of the tangent of nine X. Now Christopher Carbone: times the secant Christopher Carbone: of nine apps Christopher Carbone: squared. Christopher Carbone: Thank you,": 1, "roblox escape mineblox is a massively multiplayer game. it's games for free and my game version is 2.562.360 roblox escape mineblox game pros 1 - it needs quick-witted roblox escape mineblox game pros 2 - it's lots to do and rich in game content roblox escape mineblox game pros 3 - it's good for boys roblox escape mineblox game pros 4 - it's a new game model roblox escape mineblox game cons: too much ads :-( please hit the like button and subscribe betty's channel all games in their being are good for something. dears, please share my video and leave a comment. thanks to roblox corporation game review details: is this game worth playing? yes. this game worth playing for 100 minutes. game art design: 3 stars (of 5 stars). keep up efforts for it ! roblox escape mineblox. game ideas: 5 stars (of 5 stars). awesome ! i love the roblox escape mineblox game idea. game story: 3 stars (of 5 stars). keep up efforts for it ! roblox escape mineblox. game control: 5 stars (of 5 stars). awesome ! i love the roblox escape mineblox game control. game smoothness: 5 stars (of 5 stars). awesome ! i love the roblox escape mineblox game smoothness. game music: 3 stars (of 5 stars). keep up efforts for it ! roblox escape mineblox. sound effect: 2 stars (of 5 stars). degree of difficulty: i think this game is easy for you game login: you need to register for an official account to play roblox escape mineblox kaspersky security scan: great! roblox escape mineblox is a safe game. no virus or trojan. norton security scan: roblox escape mineblox is a safe game. no virus or trojan. all copyright to roblox corporation thanks for your watching please hit the like button and subscribe betty's channel but turn off the notifications :) thank you ! find more videos by \"roblox escape mineblox\" game: review before online iphone | roblox corporation review before online iphone roblox escape mineblox apk roblox escape mineblox app roblox escape mineblox review roblox escape mineblox ios roblox escape mineblox mod apk roblox escape mineblox tips and tric roblox escape mineblox tips": 1, "Frostbite Theater presents... Cold Cuts! No baloney! Just science! Hi! I'm Joanna! And I'm Steve! Here's a question for you... Two, essentially identical ice cubes, are placed in liquid nitrogen. One ice cube is left in the liquid nitrogen for one hour. The other ice cube is left in the liquid nitrogen for five hours. Both ice cubes are removed from the liquid nitrogen and are allowed to melt under essentially identical conditions. Which ice cube melts first? The one that was in the nitrogen for an hour? The one that was in the nitrogen for five hours? Do they both melt at essentially the same rate? Or, are the ice cubes now invulnerable to melting? Pause the video now if you'd like to think it over before we show you what happens. One hour is plenty of time for an ice cube to reach thermal equilibrium with liquid nitrogen, let alone five, so both ice cubes are the same temperature when they're removed from the liquid nitrogen. But, the ice cube that was in the nitrogen for five hours isn't 'more cold' just because it's been cold for longer. It's like if you have $10 in your pocket. If you have $10 in your pocket, then you have $10 in your pocket. It doesn't matter how long the $10 has been there. Since both ice cubes are essentially identical and are melting under essentially identical conditions and start at the same initial temperature, both ice cubes melt at essentially the same rate. Thanks for watching. I hope you'll join us again soon for another question! Essentially.": 4, "D J Bravo D J Bravo D J Bravo D J Bravo Champion Everybody know say bravo a champion Everybody know chris gayle is a champion Beenie a champion Bounty a champion Machel is a champion Bunji is a champion Pollard is a champion Lara is a champion Gayle is a champion Don't forget Michel Jordan Obama a Champion Mandela a champion Serena a champion Wendy a champion Shellyann a champion Dj Bravo,Dj Bravo Dj Bravo Dj Bravo Champion Everybody know say bravo a champion Everybody know chrise gayle is a champion Beenie a champion Bounty a champion Machel is a champion Bunji is a champion Pollard is a champion Lara is a champion Gayle is a champion Don't forget Michel Jordan Obama a Champion Mandela a champion Serena a champion Wendy a champion Shellyann a champion 958 bolt a champion champion Everybody know say bravo a champion Everybody know Chris Gayle a champion champion we are real champion Don't vex if your name not call We have to leave time to bat some ball we love Soca and Dance-Hall We love cricket and football From Dancing My name your call Champion Every trini and every yard man Every Vincy and every Bejan Beenie a champion Bounty a champion Machel is a champion Bunji is a champion 958 bolt a champion champion Everybody know say bravo a champion Everybody know Chrise Gayle a champion champion we are real champion Don't vex if your name not call We have to leave time to bat some ball we love Soca and Dance-Hall We love cricket and football From Dancing My name your call Champion Every trini and every yard man Every Vincy and every Bajan Beenie a champion Bounty a champion Machel is a champion Pollard is a champion Lara is a champion Gayle is a champion Dont forget Michael jordan obama a champion Mandela a champion Serena a champion Wendy a champion Shellyann a champion 958 bolt a champion champion Everybody know say bravo a champion Everybody know chris gayle is a champion Bunji is a champion Pollard is a champion Lara is a champion Gayle is a champion Dont forget Michael jordan obama a champion Mandela a champion Serena a champion Wendy a champion Shellyann a champion 958 bolt a champion champion Everybody know say bravo a champion Everybody know chrise gayle is a champion": 1, "Christopher Carbone: This is question. Thirteen of our calculus review. A ball is thrown into the air with the velocity of thirty six feet per second. Christopher Carbone: Its height and fee after t seconds is given by S. Of t is equal to three over six t Christopher Carbone: minus sixteen t squared. Christopher Carbone: We want to find the velocity in feet per second of the ball at time t is equal to one seconds. Christopher Carbone: So this is the velocity we're trying to fund, Christopher Carbone: which would be V of one. Christopher Carbone: This would be the limit Christopher Carbone: as t approaches one Christopher Carbone: A. Of S. Of T Christopher Carbone: minus s, of one Christopher Carbone: divided by T minus one. Christopher Carbone: So Christopher Carbone: for us to find that. Let's do the work down here. Christopher Carbone: Um s of t minus s of one Christopher Carbone: divide by t minus one. Christopher Carbone: We're placed in the function. First. Christopher Carbone: This would be Christopher Carbone: thirty-six t Christopher Carbone: minus sixteen t squared. Christopher Carbone: If we put one into that function we Christopher Carbone: we will get twenty Christopher Carbone: divided by t minus one. Christopher Carbone: So. Christopher Carbone: Ah, for us to do this Christopher Carbone: we could, you know, drop these parentheses and kind of rewrite this a little bit Christopher Carbone: has negative sixteen t squared the Christopher Carbone: plus thirty, six t minus twenty, Christopher Carbone: all divided by t minus one. Christopher Carbone: So this does factor a bit. Christopher Carbone: The numerous factors to be Christopher Carbone: t minus one Christopher Carbone: times Christopher Carbone: twenty, Christopher Carbone: minus sixteen T. Christopher Carbone: And this whole thing is divide by a still t minus one. Christopher Carbone: And now we can see, Christopher Carbone: and that the T minus ones Christopher Carbone: they are going to cancel out, Christopher Carbone: and then we would be left with Christopher Carbone: for this twenty minus sixteen T. Christopher Carbone: So let's rewrite that up here Christopher Carbone: a minute. Christopher Carbone: As t approaches one of twenty minus sixteen t Christopher Carbone: the placing in the T with one. Now, since nothing stops it from happening, Christopher Carbone: it's just twenty minus sixteen times one, which would just give us a value here of four, Christopher Carbone: so that describes the instantaneous velocity, Christopher Carbone: instantaneous velocity, Christopher Carbone: when Christopher Carbone: t is equal to one second Christopher Carbone: is from what we just found four feet per second. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.": 2, "[SINGING] Sunshiny day-- Time for your breakfast, dear. [GRUMBLING] I don't want breakfast, Ma. I want to go out and play. What the-- Did I hear you say you didn't want any breakfast? That's right. Huh? No breakfast? What? Don't you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Yeah, that's right! Yeah! Sing it, sister! [SINGING] You wake up in the morning. The sun is shining bright. You're going to start another day. You better start it right. Oh, yes. You wash yourself and brush your teeth, put sneakers on your feet. But before you go and play, you've got to eat! Yeah! Ba ba. It's the most important meal of the day, of the day. The most important meal of the day. Yes, you had your lunch and dinner, and breakfast clearly is the winner. It's the most important meal of the day. Little Suzie ate no breakfast before she went to school. She didn't think she needed it. She thought that it was cruel. But once she hit the playground, she was much too tired to play without the most important meal of the day. Of the day. It's the most important meal of the day. Yes! Don't ever wait for lunching. The morning's time for munching on the most important meal of the day. And what do we eat? I'll tell you. A piece of fruit. Or orange juice, with or without the pits. Some cereal. Or a muffin, or some pancakes. Or some grits. A glass of milk is what you need to send you on your way. We're the most important meal of the day. Of the day. So make your eggs with bacon. Breakfast can't be beaten. It's the most important meal of the day. A doggy needs his munchies to start the morning strong. Even animals need breakfast to last the whole day long. A tiger has a t-bone. A horse needs some hay. It's the most important meal of the day. Of the day. Swing it, daddy! No other meal can beat it, so go ahead and eat it. It's the most important meal of the day. Of the day. What's for breakfast, Ma? [MUSIC PLAYING]": 2, "Biologically Humans are fruitarians. Human body is designed to eat fruits and nuts. Since humans have started to eat cooked food thousands of years ago it is difficult to change to raw food suddenly. So we should live in natural raw food as far as possible and for the remaining we should follow vegan diet.(ie avoiding milk, curd, butter, ghee, butter milk egg etc.which comes under animal protein) Also in the vegan diet we should follow healthy vegan diet. I have prepared a list of vegan substitutes While switching over from non veg to vegan diet. If you have a idea of following vegan diet I think it would be helpful to you. That is the purpose of this list. In this list I have written non veg/veg food on the left side. I have written the vegan substitutes on the right side. Instead of mutton you can use soya, potato and jack fruit seeds. Instead of chicken mushroom can be used, Instead of milk we can use coconut milk. Instead of egg omlette we can use green gram omlette. Ginger instead of green chilly. pepper instead of red chilly. In the place of tamarind we can use tomato, mango, lemon, kudam puli which is available in nattu marunthu kadai. Tiger kills at forest but tamarind kills at home says a famous proverb. Hence instead of tamarind these 4 alternatives can be used. Himalayan rock salt in the place of sea salt/iodized salt. In the traditional country medicines given it is advised to have a diet without salt and tamarind for 48 days . The diet works more than the medicine in curing the disease. so we can realise how it is important to reduce salt and tamarind in our food. sea salt, iodized salt can be substituted by himalayan rock salt or indupu. In the place of oil chekku coconut oil can be used. vegetable /mushroom biriyani in the place of mutton/chicken biriyani. Instead of fish fry elephant yam fry can be substituted. This has to be avoided. Because lot of oil is required for this receipe. however if one feels it difficult to change from non veg to vegan diet this can be used as an substitute. coconut curd can be used in the place of dairy curd. coconut butter milk, lemon juice in the place of butter milk instead of polished rice unpolished rice, wheat and flattened rice(aval) can be used. Instead of snacks flattened rice (aval), Puffed rice (pori), roasted gram(pottu kadalai) can be used. For substituting sweets panchamirtham, sesame burfi (elurundai), ground nut burfi,(kadalai burfi) dry fruit laddu can be used. Instead of coffee black coffee and sukku coffee can be used. Instead of tea lemon tea, black tea and herbal tea can be substituted. Those who drink regularly coffee and tea will find it difficult to stop them immediately. They can use these substitutes. vegetable /mush room soup in the place of non veg soups. coconut curd rice in the place of curd rice. vegan mor kulambu instead of mor kulambu. cashew laddu in the place of pal peda. Instead of using mustard for tempering pepper, cumin and fenugreek seeds can be used. Instead of white sugar- palm sugar, jaggery and karumbu sarkari can be used. Those who want to overcome drinking habit can have coconut milk and red banana in their diet daily. Those who are interested in natural food can download the book aarokiyamae anandham free from the link given in the description box. thank you.": 2, "I'm trying to hold my breath Let it stay this way, can't let this moment end You set off a dream in me Getting louder now Can you hear it echoing? Take my hand Will you share this with me? 'Cause darling without you All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the night sky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll For me Never, never Never Never enough For me All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the night sky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll For me Never, never Never Never, for me For me Never enough Never, never No, never, never For me Cimorelli and James: Hi, sisters! James Charles here, and welcome back to my YouTube channel. You guys, I'm currently at Tennessee with some very very special guests, Cimorelli! Cimorelli: Hi! hey! Oh my god, you guys! I have literally been dying to do this collab for so many years now, I've been subscribed to them on YouTube for literally four years! That was literally so much fun to arrange and put all together and sing with you guys. Thank you sisters all so much for allowing me to be part of the group for the day like this is such a cool opportunity and has meant the absolute world to me and yeah, I really hope you sisters at home like this video as well. If you did, please don't forget to give a big thumbs up down below and show your love and support. It means so much to all of us, especially because you guys know I'm working heavily on music this next year and Cimorelli has been an amazing role model for me growing up in this industry. If you really really enjoyed it You can now stream it on Spotify using the link down below, kind of fun, kind of fresh Who knows what other things will be available from me to stream on Spotify within the next year? We don't know, if you really really enjoyed this cover also and you want to hear us sing more together We also did a ton of videos over on their channel which the link will be in the description box down below We did the harmonizing challenge Which was literally one of the greatest things that ever happened in my entire life And also a fun little mashup of Demi songs, you guys know she's my all-time favorite artist, so go check it out over there Please subscribe to them, they're such amazing and talented musicians and ooh if you guys want to subscribe to me as well Don't forget to click that big red subscribe button down below and come join this sisterhood. We're almost 13 million sisters strong which is so crazy and also click that bell icon so you get notifications every time I upload a brand new video, if you like to follow me on my makeup journey You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter. They're both just @JamesCharles And my Snapchat's more behind the scenes Snapchats it's James Charles with an extra 'S' after Charles. Where can they find all of you guys? Our Instagram is @cimorelliband and our YouTube is youtube.com/CimorellitheBand -Love that! -More on Spotify. This video sister shoutout goes to sister Shalynne. Thank you so much love for always following and supporting me. I love you literally the most in the entire world and if you have only to be the next videos sister shoutout Don't forget to always retweet with the links when I go live on Twitter. Already you guys, that is all we have for today's video I really really hope you enjoyed it. I love you so much, and I will see you in the next one, All: Bye!": 2, "slept in today better late than never they say clear all the clouds while I'm in flight Don't challenge me to a race You can't keep up with my pace don't wanna cry while you're in flight Someday I'll join the wonderbolts I'll dazzle fillies and colts They'll shower us with diamonds I daydream while I am in flight I have five friends in my life I'll be there for them until the day I die if they ever need me that is that I will be there for them in ten seconds flat Did you know that you're my best friend although sometimes I condescend I think of you when I am in flight I know I may sometimes be brash But I'm no longer Rainbow Crash A good friend is hard to find So I'm definitely sticking with mine I have five friends in my life I'll be there for them until the day I die if they ever need me that is that I will be there for them in ten seconds When we are in flight we can soar through the sky I'll never leave you I'll be right by your side and I am in flight feel the wind in my mane Before the rainbow you gotta fly through the rain I have five friends in my life I'll be there for them until the day I die if they ever need me that is that I will be there for them in ten seconds flat I have five friends in my life I'll be there for them until the day I die if they ever need me that is that I will be there for them in ten seconds flat": 2, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin Ridin' on a tractor Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie Bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' You can't tell me Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road Hat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar Spent a lot of money on my brand new guitar Baby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras Ridin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car Got no stress, I've been through all that I'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back Wish I could roll on back to that old town road I wanna ride 'til I can't no more take my horse to the old town road I'm a and ride 'til I can't no more": 1, "welcome to DPV technology in this video we will learn how to connect these four into four keypad and how to program these keypad with arduino so let's get started you can buy all types of electronic components modules sensors at best price from www.dpvtechnology.com these keep it has 4 rows 1 2 3 4 for each row we get an output port here so for 4 rows we get 4 out to port here 1 2 3 4 then for 4 columns we get 4 out of ports 1 2 3 4 so here 1 2 3 4 so this left side these 4 ports from the left side are for rows and these four ports from the right side for columns now you first open your arduino ide then go to file then go to example and then go to keypad so here we will find a keypad so here is the keypad and then go to hello keypad and open it if you did not find a keypad in your example folder then you have to download the keypad library from that Github so go to GitHub the link is given in the description of this video then go to clone download clone or download here then download zip then you go to your download folder find the downloaded library and then extract it extract here and then copy and paste the extracted folder in the Arduino library folder so I have already downloaded it so I'll not replace it again after downloading that keypad library please don't forget to reopen your Arduino software now in the hello keypad code we have to edit some codes here so in the keypad we can see after three we have 'A' so in the code also we have to write here 'A' comma then 'A' single quote then 6 this we have to add 'B' then after nine here we have to add C and then after Hash we have to add this D single quote don't forget to write this single quote here so here we have a addede ABCD now here these are the code and pins for rows that means we have to connect our lower pin of the keypad to digital pin 5 4 3 2 and column pin to 8 7 6 but we have 4 column pins so we have to write one here suppose we will connect it 9 8 7 6 so let us go to the connections now so in the code we have seen there these rows pins are connected to 5 4 3 2 that means we have to connect this first row pin to pin number 5 of the Arduino so here is pin number 5 similarly connect the second row pin to pin number 4 of the Arduino third row pin to pin number 3 of the Arduino and fourth row pin to pin number 2 of the Arduino now we have to connect our column pin so connect the first column pin here to pin number 9 of the Arduino similarly, connect the second column pin to pin number 8 of the Arduino third column pin to pin number 7 of the Arduino and fourth column pin to pin number 6 of the Arduino so now our connection is now go to your Arduino IDE again here in the column here we can see it is 3 so we have to make it 4 and then upload it so done uploading then you go to serial monitor and then here you can see let me maximize it so I will press 1 here so we can see in the serial monitor also 1is there so 2 3 a 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 C star 0 Hasd D so we can see all these characters are here that means the keypad is working property you can buy all types of electronic components modules sensors at best price from www.dpvtechnology.com": 2, "How to make origami HEART BUTTON POP IT [origami button] Let's make a cute and easy origami heart button pop it. It's a cool origami antistress toy that will help you to calm down if you're stressed. It's very fun to play with and it looks very nice. You can make one, two or any other amount of buttons. And you can also select any shape you like) This origami button is easy to make. How to make origami HEART BUTTON POP IT [origami button] Let's make a cute and easy origami heart button pop it. It's a cool origami antistress toy that will help you to calm down if you're stressed. It's very fun to play with and it looks very nice. You can make one, two or any other amount of buttons. And you can also select any shape you like) This origami button is easy to make. How to make origami HEART BUTTON POP IT [origami button] Let's make a cute and easy origami heart button pop it. It's a cool origami antistress toy that will help you to calm down if you're stressed. It's very fun to play with and it looks very nice. You can make one, two or any other amount of buttons. And you can also select any shape you like) This origami button is easy to make.": 1, "Plants prepare their own food by a process called photosynthesis. Photo is the Greek word for light and synthesis is the Greek word for putting together. Plants need sunlight, carbon dioxide from air and water from soil to prepare their own food. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of a plant. Leaves have tiny pores called stomata through which carbon dioxide enters the plant. Plant cells contain tiny structures called chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. Carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll get converted into glucose and oxygen. Oxygen then leaves the plant through the stomata. Glucose gives nourishment to the plant. The extra glucose produced is stored by the plant in the form of starch for later use. Carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll get converted into glucose and oxygen. Oxygen then leaves the plant through the stomata. Glucose gives nourishment to the plant. The extra glucose produced is stored by the plant in the form of starch for later use.": 4, "Understanding it doesn't mean listening to a talk or reading a book, though that is helpful. It comes through learning. Learning comes from participation. You learn from others. You learn from the people you're trying to organize. You have to gain the experience and understanding which will make it possible to maybe implement ideas as a tactic. There's a long way to go. This doesn't happen by the flick of a wrist. It happens from a long, dedicated work. I think in many ways the most exciting aspect of the Occupy movements is just the construction of these associations and bonds that are taking place all over. Out of that if they can be sustained can come expansion to a large part of the population that doesn't know what's going on. If that can happen, then you can raise questions about tactics like this, which could very well at some point be appropriate.": 3, "Wherever you go, where ever you may wander in your life Well surely you know, I always wanna be there Holding your hand and standing by to catch you when you fall Seeing you through in everything you do I said let me be there in your morning, let me be there in your night Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right Let me take you to that wonderland that only two can share All I ask you is let me be there Watching you grow and going through the changes in your life That's how I know I always wanna to be there Whenever you feel you need a friend to lean on, here I am Whenever you call, you know I'll be there I said let me be there in your morning, let me be there in your night Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right Let me take you to that wonderland that only two can share All I ask you is let me be there Let me be there in your morning, let me be there in your night Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right Let me take you to that wonderland that only two can share All I ask you is let me be there I said let me be there in your morning, let me be there in your night Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right Let me take you to that wonderland that only two can share All I ask you is let me be there": 2, "Hello. My name is Michael, and today we are going to have a fun time learning about day and night. Right now it is day. The day is light. During the day you can see the sun, clouds, and birds in the sky. This is night. The night is dark. At night you can see the moon, clouds, and stars in the sky. Today, we are going to practice speaking. I want you to listen and repeat after me. Day is light. Night is dark. Let's continue. Is this day or night? It's day. Good. Is it light or dark? Yes, it's light. How about this? Is this day or night? It's night. Good. Is it light or dark? It's dark. Very good. Let's learn a little bit more. This is a picture of the sky. During the day you can see the sun, clouds, and birds. Can you listen and repeat after me? Sun. Cloud. Bird. Very good. Let's practice using these words in a sentence. I see the sun. I see a cloud. I see a bird. Very good. Now let's learn about the night sky. This is the night sky. What can you see in the sky at night? Let's find out. At night, you can see the moon, clouds, and stars. Can you listen and repeat after me? Moon. Cloud. Star. Good. Now let's practice using these words in a sentence. Listen and repeat after me. I see the moon. I see a cloud. I see a star. Very good. Congratulations. You just learned ten new words. Great job. Hey! Did you hear that? I think it's time for us to say goodbye. Did you have a fun time learning today? I hope so. If you would like to play a game, all you have to do is watch this video again, practice the words and sentences that we learned today, and come back next time. And so you don't forget, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don't miss our next video. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you next time. Bye.": 3, "a drill a ladder a brick a hammer a vernier caliper bolt gloves an axe (an ax (US)) a broom a bucket a cable a cement mixer cement a chainsaw a chisel a clamp a combination pliers an Allen key / an Allen wrench / a hex key a concrete block a cone a cut off wheel / a cutting disc a digital caliper a dust mask a dustpan and brush set a stepladder / steps (UK) earplugs a combination wrench (US) / a combination spanner (UK) a face shield a torch (UK) / flashlight (US) a flat try square scissors (a pair of scissors) safety goggles grinder blades a grinding wheel / a sandpaper flap disc a gutter a hacksaw a hand brush a file (a hand file) a hand grinder a saw blade a high-visibility vest, a high-visibility jacket hi-vis vest, hi-vis jacket a knife a mallet / a rubber mallet a measuring tape / a tape measure a steel measuring tape / a steel tape measure an adjustable wrench / a monkey wrench a nail a nut (to a bolt) a padlock a paintbrush paint a can of paint / a tin of paint a pocketknife / a penknife an angle iron a plasterboard a dustpan pliers a plug protective glasses / safety glasses protective headphones a protractor a rake a rope a ruler a safety harness a hard hat a sandpaper saw / handsaw a scraper a screw a screwdriver a shovel a socket a double open-end wrench / a double open end spanner a level / a spirit level a lumber / a timber (for construction) a tool belt a toolbox a tool kit tools a string a vise (US) / a vice (UK) a washer (to place under a head of a screw) a dump truck a digger a wheelbarrow a wire brush a forklift truck / a lift truck a rivet a roller / a paint roller a circular saw a silicone gun silicone glue pincers a glue gun a soldering gun / a soldering iron a welder a wall plug plaster a pickaxe, a pick a bit / a drill bit a riveter a cloth (to clean a surface) a lathe a scaffolding a stapler brace (tool) / a hand drill a gimlet a pipe wrench a coping saw a plunger an awl / a bradawl a cordless drill": 2, "Didn't know what time it was, the lights were low I leaned back on my radio Some cat was layin down some rock 'n' roll \"Lotta soul,\" he said Then the loud sound did seem to fade Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase That weren't no DJ, that was hazy cosmic jive There's a starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds He's told us not to blow it 'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile He told me Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie I had to phone someone so I picked on you Hey, that's far out, so you heard him too Switch on the TV, we may pick him up on channel two Look out your window, I can see his light If we can sparkle he may land tonight Don't tell your poppa or he'll get us locked up in fright There's a starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds He's told us not to blow it 'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile He told me Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie Starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds There's a starman waiting in the sky He's told us not to blow it 'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile He told me Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie La, la, la, la-la, la, la, la": 1, "01 - Cacti on the runway......gotta be a bad sign by TravelPod member quinnlucie 02 -Ready to quite literally rock n roll..fearless by TravelPod member quinnlucie 03 - Licence out of a weetabix packet?..i think so by TravelPod member quinnlucie 04 - Action Shot! by TravelPod member quinnlucie 05 - A whale..can you see it...can you see it? by TravelPod member quinnlucie 06 - A carrot...hmmmm by TravelPod member quinnlucie 07 - The alien by TravelPod member quinnlucie 08 - The Monkey by TravelPod member quinnlucie 09 - The Condor by TravelPod member quinnlucie 10 - I'll let you have a guess what that is..... by TravelPod member quinnlucie 11- This one's a little easier..answer on postcard by TravelPod member quinnlucie 12 - Juanita's mate Betty by TravelPod member quinnlucie 13 - Our taxi's await....not quite the classic car by TravelPod member quinnlucie 14 - An arty shot from within by TravelPod member quinnlucie 15 - A face...do you see it?! by TravelPod member quinnlucie 16-Everyone looks at the face...boys throw stones by TravelPod member quinnlucie": 1, "This Powerful compact spreadsheet allows you to get valuable information when playing Poker. The first thing you'd do is enter the amount of players at the table, including yourself. You are now ready to play, click the icons that match the cards from your hand. You can now see what the chance is that anyone has a better hand then you. Your win chance is 100% minus the chance that someone has anything better. You can clear your hand or the table or both with a simple click. You can now start entering the cards that are placed on the table. You can also see the chance of getting a certain combination, as well as your current highest combination. You can see how every card chances the odds, so 100% at the start will rarely still be 100% at the end. The current combination has a 100% win chance, since the only thing that beats it is a player having two sixes, that chance is less then 1%. You can also set different profiles which will determine what you should do, based on your preferences. These preferences can be set in the second tab... You can set up to three different profiles, maybe for 3 situations. Here I've set: \"When someone raises\",\"my chance must be at least\"[92%] for me \"To raise\". ...\"and at least\" [85%]\"To call\". You can do this for two parts of the game: Pre-flop or after the flop, since the approach is often different. You can also set if cards are being burnt (real-life Poker) or not (internet Poker).": 2, "all truth passes through three stages first it is ridiculed second it is violently opposed third it is accepted as being self-evident the struggle so violent in the early days of science between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless either ordinate system could be used with equal justification although it is not uncommon for people to say that's corpenicus proved ptolmey wrong that is not true when you look at the CMV man it was the plaintiff the earth around is this is coming back to office that would say we are truly the center of the universe": 2, "Please, welcome: The game director of Bethesda Game Studios Todd Howard! The Chalkeaters - It Just Works Subtitles By: Martcraft and [INSERTNAMEOFTHEGUYWHODIDALLOFTHISEARLIERWORK] Enjoy the song. Watch this: our newest release! The legendary series you've missed for years Comes back, get ready for some action! Got couple bugs in here, some broken scripts right there The fans will fix it anyway so we don't care! They'll patch it through micro transactions So enjoy your pretty nylon bag Oh and boy, stop shitting on our swag You're not getting any money back You knew that was a one way wacky track Just shut up and have your nylon bag! Coming up with it was real drag! All proceeds go strictly to Vault Tec So you're NOT getting your money back! It just works, it just works Little lies, stunning shows People buy, money flows, it just works Overpriced open worlds Earnings rise, take my word It just works Our tech is cutting edge as far as I can tell The creation engine's aging very well We're not planning on Doing anything about it Skyrim's the limit, don't deny it See this mountain? You can buy it In the DLC for the price of a real mountain! What's wrong with a train in place of your head? Come on, believe me, you've seen nothing yet The battle spaceship with a dragon animation Will become a new sensation on the internet Just shut up, give us your every dime Buying an armored horse is not a crime! Our devs could eat the Shadowmere alive so... BUY SKYRIM ONE MORE TODD DAMN TIME! It just works, it just works Little lies, stunning shows People buy, money flows, it just works Overpriced open worlds Earnings rise, take my word It just works We don't want your endless shit It's just not the game we need Sick of looting useless junk Graphics making our eyes bleed We don't want your endless shit It's just not the game we need Sick of looting useless junk Graphics making our eyes bleed Hey Now listen up! Welcome to the place washed by lliac waves There's two and a half peasants with the same ugly face You're not into small towns? Check out big-ass plains! 50 times the size of Skyrim's, twice as many pointless caves! You see, We at Bethesda know exactly what you want Hardcore gamers inspired us to improve shopping a lot Now each lockpick must be bought for an actual ten spot And saving now is a paid mod for just twenty a slot You're never getting bored, you'll have infinite quests There's every vagabond will put you to the test You'll be richly awarded, with infinite chests Full of rusty swords and used pregnancy tests We got rid of skill trees, they were old and lame Who needs a leveling system in a role-playing game? You came to slash and kill and save one more nation No more levels and skills, only degredation! It just works, it just works Little lies, stunning shows People buy, money flows, it just works Overpriced open worlds Earnings rise, take my word It just works, it just works Little lies, stunning shows People buy, money flows! It just works! IT JUST WORKS! So, who's laughing now?": 1, "Kelly: this one or this one? Maxim : Ouw Found !! Maxim : Vest Maxim : Level 4 Haha Nice one Clu : There's something here .... Kelly : Maxim... Clu : Someone's calling me? Clu : Hey come here Luqueta : Do you want to be kicked? Kelly : Wait let's talk Luqueta : Any last words? Shirou : Only I can say that Shirou : I delivery danger Luqueta : I'm showing off, it's better to kill first, kid Shirou : Hey that's mine !! Luqueta : So disturbing Luqueta : WRYYYY Shirou : Stubborn Shirou : Take This Maxim : Thank You Shirou : WTF Clu : Take it easy, I will take your revenge Shirou : Sniper Shirou : EZ Clu : WTF ? *GTA* Shirou : FIRE Maxim & Kelly : Cool !! Shirou : What is that !! Shirou : Danger Alvaro : Watch out !! Wolfrah : Where Are you ? Wolfrah : There Shirou : Fight me if you can Shirou : I Delivery Danger Shirou : iam Fast Shirou : Take This !!! Shirou : HAHA EZ Shirou : Play rough you kid Alvaro : Then feel this ... Maxim : Haha iam healthy Shirou : Crazy damage is not messy Shirou : Hehe i have good idea Shirou : The Flying Drone Alvaro : Come out you Alvaro : Wait... Alvaro : What is that ? Shirou : Competition ? iam the competition": 1, "WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT-WHO la la la la la laaaaaa, la la la la laaa Why can't we rush B? Why can't we rush B..? I've seen you rushing to Long long fast... I really remember yelling you were the last! Why cant we rush B? Why can't we rush B? Why can't we rush B..? I've seen you planting Potato on wrong site... (woot yehe) I called you but couldn't go fight! Why can't we rush B? Why can't we rush B..? I paid my money for this AK Redline... I see you stealing me from it everytime! Why can't we rush B? The color of your team don't matter to me... The color of your team don't matter to me... (sooka blyat) As long as we can rush B in harmony! Why can't we rush B? I'd kinda like to be Global Elite... I'd kinda like to be Global Elite... (yeah) So I could show you how you were stupid. Why can't we rush B? Woo! Sometimes I don't... play... good. sooka blyat But yet I know how to use the P90 good! Why can't we rush B? I know you're working for the CIA... I know you're working for the CIA... (grampa_says_ayy.mp3) There wouldn't have some many Rush A! Why can't we rush B? Ayy, thanks you for listening to my blyatiful song. I hope your enjoyed it hahah Like, soobscribe commen (uncomprehensible) see me what you have a tougha budget And see you very soon. Bakabaka Hehehehe. EEEEUAAHH Ahh... Blyat. Video. Captions by Fesiug": 0, " Hello students, I am Dr. Gajendra Purohit today I am here with a new topic jacobian jacobian is a very important topic and students were commenting from a long time to make a video on this topic so I am here with this topic I will come up with 3-4 videos on jacobian in that video, we will discuss different topics what are jacobians, how to calculate, and properties we will discuss some concepts of jacobians student, you can go through my all old videos by clicking on 'i' tab and I have covered a lot of content which can be helpful in b.sc, engineering mathematics exam, GATE exam, IIT jam you can see here students I request you to like my videos and share with your friends so that they also get the benefit and press the bell icon and subscribe my channel so you get notification of my upcoming videos what is jacobian (explanation) similarly jacobian of u, v, w with respect to x, y, z (they are of three variables) its determinant will be the value of jacobians let's see the question this need to be understand 'x' in respect of 'r' now 'y' in respect of 'r' how to calculate, I will explain to you, firstly 'r' in respect of 'x' not having enough space. will make space. so I will tell you again, I will explain to you. you must have understood this one let you know in 2 minutes. how to proof 2nd part so, student, I have explained to you how to solve how to solve that part I will explain first, we differentiate 'r' with respect to 'x' the same way we will differentiate this if you have difficulties in solving partial differentiation you can click on 'i' tab and check my video on partial differentiation you can go through that video put the value now we multiply this we will calculate the determinant in the next video, I will teach you the properties I explain the property so that I am going to tell you further I have explained to you in two ways how to solve next videos will be on properties let's take 2-3 questions u1 in respect of 'X'1 u1 in respect of 'X'2 u1 in respect of 'X'3 u2 in respect of 'X'1 u2 in respect of 'X'2 U2 in respect of 'X' 3 U3 in respect of 'X' 1 U3 in respect of 'X' 2 U3 in respect of 'X' 3 its determinant should be 4 now find the value using determinants property if you have any problem in transformation then check the video on the rank of a matrix let's see the last question student, I don't have time for significance, I simply explain you if there are any doubts you can comment below in the comment box so students next video of the jacobian is based on properties and one more video on the most important properties then we will start new topics envelopes and evolutes. Thank you so much for watching my videos students subscribe to my channel, comment and press the bell icon so that": 2, "Black as oil false as gold The price of comfortable Burning hills flooding streets It's irrefutable In a greenhouse we call Our holy mother earth Still we talk, still we talk We talk, talk, talky talk. Species die, don't ask why Enjoy the decadence Power lies while oceans rise The price of arrogance In a greenhouse we call Our holy mother earth Still we talk, still we talk We talk, talk, talky talk Will you save this world? Or will you kill this world? Will you save this life? Will you talk, talk, talky talk? Woh - oh, Woh - oh Farms to dust, flee they must Climate refugees Tensions rise with angry eyes and anxious souls In a greenhouse we call Our holy mother earth Yea we talk, yea we talk We talk, talk, talky talk. Who will save this world? Who will kill this world? Who will save this life? Who will talk, talk, talky talk? Polar bear, starving there In a gray and ice-less land Hungry fears, no one hears Its desperate howl And when it falls, sad for all The last one's living in A Chinese mall, a shopper's thrall, With iceberg murals on the wall Will you save this world? Will you kill this world? Will you save this life? Will You? (Donald Trump): Global warming, a lot of it's a hoax, it's a hoax. What about the scientists who say it's worse than ever? You'd have to show me the scientists! Sanders: We have to transform our energy systems Huge chunks of ice falling into the oceans, raising the sea levels You don't know whether or not that would have happened with or without man. A dire warning from climate experts A UN Panel says governments around the world must take rapid action To curb rising temperatures Even now, man may be unwittingly changing the world's climate With the waste products of his civilization Al Gore: The 5 hottest years ever measured have been the last 5 years MIck Mulvaney: Climate change, we're not spending money on that anymore, it's a waste of your money 18 of the 19 hottest years have been in the last 19 years Talk, talk, talky talk": 1, "Hello. You all are most welcomed at Krishna Rasoi Ghar Myself Anita Agarwal Today we will prepare sweet pickle as you have already prepared sour pickle, mix pickle.. but today we will prepare sweet pickle of mango which is most liked by small children. Generally, it is liked by everyone nowadays. and it can be made very easily. So, let's prepare the sweet mango pickle today.. Ingredients required to make a sweet pickle of raw mango: 1.5 kilogram of Raw mango (Keri). This is 1.5 kilogram after peeling and removing the seeds of raw mangoes. One kilogram of sugar in 1.5 kilograms of raw mango pieces Measurement is like as 1-kilogram of Raw mango will contain 750 grams sugar. So, as per the measurement, I have taken 1 k.g. of sugar 1 tablespoon of grounded Fennel, not too grounded but limited amount 1/4 spoon of Asafoetida 2 teaspoons of Red Chilli Powder 3/2 teaspoons of Turmeric Powder 1 teaspoon of Black cumin or Onion Seeds 3 tablespoons of Salt To start the recipe of Raw mango sweet pickle, first of all, we will put all the mango pieces inside a big container. and we will put sugar in it and we will mix both in this way. It is mixed properly.. now we will put the turmeric powder in it and we will also put salt in it.. we will mix all these in a same way Now we will put this container on the burner to cook Turn on the burner now.. and we will put this container on the burner's flame. After 2 minutes, we will stir it gently with the big spoon so that the sugar will not get stuck at the bottom. Let the container gets heat for 2 minutes and then stir it gently with the spoon. We have to stir it gently for the next half an hour. Our container is heated up and the sugar also starts melting. So, just stir it gently with the big spoon so that the sugar will not get stuck at the bottom When the sugar gets melt completely, then there is no need to stir it frequently You can stir it within 2-5 minutes. Look our sugar has been melted. Now we will cook it for next 5-10 minutes. Half of the pieces are cooked while some are left. While cooking, we will put asafoetida in it so that it smells better and we will mix grounded fennel also and we will mix red chili powder and black cumin after it will cook completely. Now there is no much need to stir it as the sugar has already melted. Now leave it for 10 minutes to cook After 10 minutes... our pickle has been cooked. We can check by pressing one piece of mango if it presses well, it means it has cooked properly So, if we cook it more than the sugar syrup will become more viscous which will not be good. Now we will mix red chili powder in it. Now we will cook it only for 2 minutes so that the color of the pickle will be good. We will mix this black cumin in this after the pickle gets cool down. If we will mix it now the pickle will get black in color. Our red chili powder is mixed well in it. Our pickle is cooked well, now we will turn off the burner Our sweet raw mango pickle is now ready to serve. You need to take care here is that it must not to mix with water Before peeling the mangoes, wash it properly with water and then peel it and cut into small pieces. After it cooked, water must not get in touch with it. Let it cool down for around 6-7 hours and then put it inside the jar and mix the black cumin n it. which make it live for around 1 year and it will be good also So, you must try this. As it will not take much time and tastes yummy also. and the children loves it very much. So, you must try this at your home and Please don't forget to subscribe our Channel \"Krishna Rasoi Ghar\". Till Then Good Bye..": 2, "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell of and bumped his head mumma called the doctor and the doctor said no more monkeys jumping on the bed Four little monkeys swinging on a tree one fell of and brushed his knee mumma called the doctor and they both agreed will never let monkey swing on a tree Three little monkeys playing with the drum one slipped the stick which flew and hit his bum the doctor heard the noise and he quickly called the mum don.t let the monkeys make noise on the drum Two little monkeys playing on the beach one step in the water and he got bite by a leach mumma called the doctor who gave a listening speech never send your monkeys ever to play on a beach One little monkey getting bored at home he packed his bag and took along his comb he travel to the great big pharaoh dome he saw a walking mummy got scared and ran back home no little monkeys doing nothing mad they all just lazy eating butter and bread there mom got worried and to herself she said was still better when they were jumping on the bed": 2, "let me let me see get me some get me something happy Sunday happy Sunday did happy Sunday dinner happy Sunday dinners happy Sunday jitters happy Sunday she lives happy Sunday did everything happy Sunday if everything were happy Sunday did everything work happy Sunday if everything works so in today happy Sunday if everything works today is it going if everything works today how's it going if you it going 55 55 Avril 55 I've learned 55 I've learned for 55 I've learned for the 55 I've learned for the Bailey 55 I've learned for the Bailey's to 55 I've learned for the Bailey's. 55 I've learned for the Bailey stop stuff 55 I've learned for the Haley stuffed Steffen 55 I've learned for the Bailey Stephanie stuff I need stuff I need a 55 I've learned for the Bailey stuff I need a law stuff I need stuff I need a 55 I've learned for the Bailey bum bum bum yeah bum bum bum yeah xcii bum bum bum yeah xcii if bum bum bum yeah xcii if I bum bum bum yeah xcii 3 / bum bum bum yeah xcii people bum bum bum yeah xcii April bum bum bum yeah xcii Naples bum bum bum yeah xcii proposed bum bum bum yeah xcii repost Pier bum bum bum yeah xcii Maple Street bum bum bum yeah xcii people's picture bum bum bum yeah xcii peoples pictures bum bum bum yeah xcii people's picture and bum bum bum yeah xcii play prescription do bum bum bum yeah xcii people's picture in this picture in just bum bum bum yeah xcii play prescription Disco bum bum bum yeah xcii people's picture on Discord picture I should be easy enough baby let me me see me see you I should be easy enough baby let me see if me see me see a pic I should be easy enough baby let me take a picture me let me take a picture is pretty let me take a picture Australian let me take a picture what's for dinner let me take a picture I was pretty nervous pretty nervous if pretty nervous about let me take a picture I was pretty nervous about it pretty nervous pretty nervous about let me take a picture I was pretty nervous about it don't even really planning is like and I in the like and I in this like and I and just don't even really planning is and just going to ask later from there this there miss her there just have and just going to ask later from there miss having there miss having to miss having two monitors what's miss having two monitors look how miss having two monitors what kind kind of kind of have to miss having two monitors what kind of have to know kind kind of miss having two monitors what kind of have hey guys I'm here all hey guys I'm here also hey guys I'm here awesome hey guys I'm here awesome I'll hey guys I'm here awesome I love you it it when hey guys I'm here awesome I love it when I hey guys I'm here awesome awesome I love awesome I love it awesome I love it when awesome I love it when I awesome I love it when I squeeze the trigger are we go yeah I guess are we go yeah are we go yeah I guess I mean yeah I guess I mean if I've killed killed it myself and killed it myself and I I look kind of I look kind of sad I look kind of stuff I look kind of stuck I look kind of stuck on I look kind of I look kind of stuck aren't there who's the defense who's digit fast who's is digit fast is digit fast I want is digit fast the one with is digit fast oh wow wish is digit fast the one with the is digit fast the one we should pray probably probably go is digit fast the one we should probably guard is digit fast the one probably is digit fast the one we should probably guard this answer news for it has been management answering my management much management much and management much and I management much noise it has been much nicer Anderson Merchandisers Anderson Merchandisers in it has been much nicer since it has been much nicer since I they are am it has been much nicer since has been much nicer since a.m. many more Mini Mart many more people has been much nicer since a.m. many more people on many more people in many more people didn't get anything Nick is is V he's very is Vic is Vicki is vacate is please vacate or do you how old are you or do you get or do you get the or do you get the way or do you get the weather or do you get the witch or do you get the or do you get the witch it's all or do you get the witch it's also or do you get the witch that's awesome awesome which awesome which Spa or do you get the witch that's all right but where sliced all right but where it's like the the whole the old all right but where it's like the the Old the old all right but where it's like the old saying it's like the old saying on the one they have is so so it's Kim so it's Kim has an so it's Kim has an orange so it's Kim has an orange a kind of right there of right there was I don't hear it here though call call call yeah call it's call it's too call Steve call Asteria call it's to use call yeah it's Tuesday call this to you so call it's to you soon call it's tu7 call is t u s call it's tu7 the call it's to you soon. call it's tu7000 it's it's tu7000 it's tu7000 play some it's tu7000 what's a 7 it's tu7000 what's 1/7 it's tu7000 what's a 7-Day it's tu7000 what's a seven. it's tu7000 what's a $7 it's tu7000 what's a 7000 it's tu7000 what's it's tu7000 what's a it's tu7000 what's a 7000 Maybe 700d it's tu7000 what's i7700 D7000 you look new look new look look it's tu7000 what's i7700 D7000 new look look at new look looking is Allah is a lot is a lot of is a lot of work is a lot of work for is a lot of work when is is a lot is a lot of is a lot of work is a lot of work when in this camp camp and camp and I is a lot of work when in this camp and I don't I don't tell I don't tell you I don't tell you I I don't tell you I'll I don't tell you all I don't tell you all the I don't tell I don't tell you I don't tell you all I don't tell you all the I don't tell you all the sudden HDR HDR stuff HDR stuff which I don't tell you all the sudden HDR stuff which is HDR stuff we just two down when do two down Bend or my pants not painful I'm paying 50 my pants if you can my pants if you can't I'm paying 50 camp I'm paying 50 caps I'm paying 50 caps for I'm paying 50 caps for the I'm paying 50 I'm paying 50 caps I'm paying 50 caps for my pain 50 caps for that my pain 50 caps for that scrap my pain 50 caps for that scraps of and and see my pain 50 caps for that scraps and so my pain 50 caps for that grab some stuff my pain 50 caps for that scrubs and stuff my pain 50 caps for that grab some stuff on some stuff on me some stuff grab some stuff while I'm here like lion lying grab some stuff while I'm here lying in lying in the lying in the Sun grab some stuff while I'm here lying in the same lying in the sand lying grab some stuff while I'm here lying in lying in the lying in the sand lying in the sand to be a bunch of horses of horses that of courses at 1 lying in the sand to be a bunch of courses at 1 but myself missing don't myself missing do you myself missing do here myself missing do myself missing do here should myself missing do here should be some some spoopy people salty that's that's so had some Petsense had some stuff had some stuff that had some stuff just had some stuff just so had some stuff just I had some stuff had some stuff just had some stuff just like had some stuff just like a had some stuff just like a real Vivid Vivid colors Vivid colors and had some stuff just like a real Vivid colors and I pictures pictures of look for the day search for the Daily search for the daily I search for the Des Lacs search for the daily I asked search for the daily action search for the daily I actually search for the daily access search for the daily accent search for the search for the daily search for the daily I search for the daily I actually had to kill had to kill them had to Kill search for the daily I actually had to kill you're one sounds like a mosquito in your ear and now I don't hear it there is and now I don't hear it I didn't see see a see if and now I don't hear it I didn't see if I see a thing see and now I don't hear it I didn't I have a weapon for the snow turn I have a weapon for the snow can you I have a weapon for the snow turn what country I have a weapon for the snow can you resume oops oops is oops it's oops this is oops it's fine oops it's fun oops it's funny oops it's funny how oops it's funny cuz oops itsfunneh sza oops it's funny cuz I oops itsfunneh's isn't oops it's funny to think oops it's funny cuz I know oops it's funny cuz I had oops itsfunneh such thing as a oops it's funny cuz I had to check change oops itsfunneh such thing as a chainsaw chainsaw with chainsaw weapon oops itsfunneh such thing as a chainsaw oops it's funny cuz he has a chainsaw weapon crap when when's when do when did Wind River when's a when there's a Lincoln versus when did versus a when did receive when did versus Caesar when does the season when did versus Caesars when did vs seasons when did versus Caesar when did vs seasons in when one difference is season 7 one difference is season 7 of the one difference is season 7. Dance one difference is season 7 one difference is season one difference is season 17 7000 is is edge-lit is edge-lit LED one difference is season 17 7000 is edge-lit Led is edge-lit Led in is edge-lit LED one difference is season 17 7000 is edge-lit Led no do re no real no really no really it's no really if I no really of all no really of all the no no really no really of all no really of all the no really of all the times no really of all the times of reload reload I want reload I want you no really of all the times of reload I want you to reload functional functional Lowe's what is a similarity for dinner Lowe's what is a similarity for dinner hey dinner I guess dinner I guess I Lowe's what is a similarity for can't keep up Gypsy Pony Kiki pepper Gypsy peppers can't keep up with can't keep up with a Trixie mobile. can't keep up with us can you keep a list can't keep up with us. can you keep a list of can't keep up with that stuff can you keep a list of low can you keep a list of like can you keep a list of like a can you keep a list of like I use used used to can you keep a list of can you keep a list of like can you keep a list of like I used Gypsy pepper that stuff like I used to used to like a used to I can Gypsy pepper that stuff like I used to I don't used to I don't know used to I don't want Gypsy pepper that stuff like I used to I used to I don't used to I don't want just text me so fast I think you know know where they went I'm over cucumber turn I'm over cucumber can you I'm over cucumber KY I'm over cucumber Terry White I'm over cucumber K-Wave I'm over cucumber KYB I'm over cucumber Terry white bass I'm over cucumber k y a b I'm over cucumber Kya Bistro I'm over cucumber Terry White booster Terry White booster working Terry White booster 14 Terry White booster working for Terry White booster 1440 Terry White booster 1440p Terry White booster 1440p look Terry White booster 1440p looks good Terry White booster 1440p 1440p looks 1440p looks good 1440p looks good not to cuz 1440p looks good not to cuz on this this phone this phone let me 1440p looks good not to cuz on this phone only this phone I mean this phone how many 1440p looks good not to cuz on this phone how many p this phone Mini PC all my candies 3017 is going to do Beauty do do all my candies 3017 is going to do do do do do do do do do all my candies 3017 is going to do do do do do do do do do do do you're do do do do you're a do do do do your head do do do do your has do do do do your has a do do do do your do do do do you're hesitant do do do do you're hesitant not do do do do you're hesitant what time is time is it countries are do do do do you're hesitant look up movie times do do do do you're hesitant what time is it look up movies online gaming in here anyway turn off I don't I don't want like I would like I wouldn't I got I do when I'm gone I know when I'm done I do when I'm gone by like I would have gotten back like I would have gotten back to the the couch the couch I just maybe maybe so maybe some maybe someone maybe soon maybe someone was maybe maybe someone maybe someone was a golf shirt yeah maybe someone was a girl shirt yeah starring Henley I can't just sit on the couch pom pom pom how can I can't just sit on the couch I can guarantee can grenade can grenade what I can't just sit on the couch I I can grenade what is that Target you can sell some you can sell some of you can sell some in you can sell some is you can sell some mr. need a cell phone is so need a cell phone as soon Excelsior Minnesota need a cell phone as soon as need a cell phone is so messed up you can sell some to send you some you can sell some Associates of mine you can sell some to send you some money you can sell some need to sell some to send you some money I took my what are broiler what are broiler all right what are broiler you can what are broiler you can have what are broiler you can have a that what are broiler you can what are broiler you can have you can have that algebra you can have that algebra that you can have that I also put that in the never you can have that I was a bit unnerving you can have that algebra that live in you can have that I also put that on the vendor that in the vineyard who is armed to the teeth like hell I got hell I got figure hell I got figure out what's wrong with pockets all right all all right all right time to make all right time to make YouTube alright time to make YouTube mad I guess I guess I I guess I'm alright time to make YouTube mad I guess I'm a I guess I'm ahead I guess alright time to make YouTube mad I guess I'm listen more people get here that's one listen more people get here this one's listen more people get here that's what they that's one thing that's one thing I listen more people get here that's one thing I do that's that's one thing listen more people get here that's one thing I that's one thing I do that's one thing I do like better about better about you you treated trinity Trader Joe's Trick or Treat Trader Trader you try to treat you you treat your you trying to trade rumor you try to treat you more you try to treat you more. you try to treat you more time you try to treat you more times you you try to treat you more trigger creature more times trigger creature more times holy crap crap like crap it's trigger creature more times holy crap I got crap I got some crap trigger creature more times holy crap I got holy crap I got to play this game quite a bit even weight lower even weight the Lord even weight the Lord's even weight lower to even weight lower to me even weight LOL or too many even weight alarm for 2 minutes for or so for some even weight alarm for 2 minutes for somebody for list list when list when's list when's my list Amazon list Amazon these list Amazon just list Amazon music list Amazon list Amazon these Amazon list Amazon these Amazon drivers Easter Eastern external who started who started it who started its who started East who started Easter who started a star who started it start who started who started it who started it started who started it started male who started it started mount who started it started Mountain High Honey that's best that's the that's not that's not a that's not so that's not a song that's not what sound that's that's not that's not a salamander don't play who plays who plays with who plays well who plays Willow who plays Will it who plays will ever who plays will it rain who plays who plays Will who plays Will Ariza give who plays Will Ariza give me about about 4 minutes big boy 21 big boy to one of big boy to one of the big boy to one of them big boy to one of them were big boy 21 event where big boy to one of them where I do do have do have to de Paz deposit deposit please deposit please you tell me deposit please you tell me I don't don't have don't have any deposit please you tell me I don't have any Venom it's not it's not a it's not like it's not let it's not let me it's not letting me it's not it's not letting me see the it's not letting me see the nut gives me acid or games GameStop game still game store game still. games till about game still don't game still bugs Gainesville mugshot Gainesville mugshots Gainesville Gainesville mugshots send Gainesville mugshots Sunday Gainesville mugshots senor Gainesville mugshots the nearest Gainesville mugshots some years ago Gainesville mugshots Sun nearest me Gainesville mugshots some years back Gainesville mugshots so near as bad bad as bad as a Gainesville mugshots so near as bad as it bad as it was bad Gainesville mugshots so near as bad as bad as it bad as it was pig noises we need one more going to going to win going to leave pig noises we need one more got a weird pig noises we need one more I got a weirdo pig noises we need one more got a Weird Al a weird all a weird all the pig noises we need one more got a weird audio a weird audios a weird audio say pig noises we need one more got a weird audio thing a weird a weird audio pig noises we need one more got a weird audio thing I'm in a man I'm in a I'm in Ohio I'm in Ojai I'm in I hate I hate a I hate I do I hate I I hate I do hate I hate I do hate that I hate I do hate that pick I hate I do hate that pics I hate I do hate that pixel I hate I do hate that pick some I hate I do hate that pick something something up no no longer uniquely bad uniquely bad curious uniquely bad curious why uniquely bad curious what no no longer uniquely bad uniquely bad a curious one yeah yeah I'm glad yeah I'm glad I'm yeah I'm glad I'm just yeah I'm glad I'm just going to start picture are you going take picture are you going take a picture are you going take off picture are you going take all picture are you going take are you going take all yeah are you going take all yes stress Special are you going take all yeah specially stress is Special are you going take all yeah stress is on take all yeah stress is on Game Pass message I need a New York I need a charger for I need a trick or treat I need a trick or treating I need a trade agreement I need a trick or treating laws I need a trick or treating alarm to I need a I need a trade agreement while I'm I'm thinking about they've got a big it's almost reminds reminds me reminds me of some the really heavy for don't really have a first don't really have a foursome the really heavy for summer the really heavy for some the really heavy for some reason the really heavy for all right all right monster basseterre didn't matter we got rid of some way rid of some we got rid of some way is it we got rid of some way is it a we got rid of some way is it all on on me we got rid of some way is it we got rid of some way is it all on to meet to Meet we got rid of some way is it all to Meet The Heavy is it all to Meet The Heavy I don't is it all to Meet The Heavy honey don't you don't use is it all to Meet The Heavy don't you just don't use a don't use that is it all to Meet The Heavy don't don't use don't use that old possum use when old possum you just want old possum you just wanted old possum he is when he's old possum use one of these old possum nearest Wendy's all right fingernail open grenade open grenade never open grenade never heard open grenade never heard of open grenade never heard of that okay is it this is open grenade never heard of that is it supposed is it supposed to is it open grenade never heard of that is it supposed is it supposed to is it supposed to not be any sound just sound just met sound just make is it supposed to not be any sound just makes sound just makes me sound just makes fun of is it supposed to not be any sound just sound just makes I want I want to I want to know I want any I want to need I want to need to I want I want to need you more I want to need I want to need two more to I want to need you more too I want to need you more too bon bon I want to need you more too bum bum bum the interview I feel a bit or something what is the is the best is the bear I feel a bit or something what is a very is a very few is I feel a bit or something what is a very is a very few times what is a very few times I've dipped dipped into who sell Redline blue remind who sell Redline blue Reviving who sell Redline blue we're having a who sell Redline blue Reviving a butt bunch who sell Redline blue we're having a budget having a budget to having a budget to be who sell Redline blue we're having a budget having a budget to who sell Redline blue Reviving a budget to build that Reviving a budget to build that man man they man that Reviving a budget to build that man Vault boy portrait I want to I want to sarel I have a I want to I want to sarel I have anybody any place a blessed I want to I want to sarel I have you please put any place to put a any place to put it I want to I want to sarel I have I want to sarel I don't have any place to put it I don't have any place to put it sure sure wait there's a cannon don't put it on the eat it's like it's like a it's like I it's like I do it's like I don't it's like I don't know it's like I don't know how it's like it's like I it's like I don't it's like I don't know it's like I don't know how it's like I don't know how much candy candy you candy you have if your house or something going on with the sound in who has a shelter summer who has a shelter tomorrow She someone somewhere Norwell Outdoor World nor will the nor will they nor will I have nor will I have a nor will I have a show nor will they have a sale nor will I have Michelle nor will I have Michelle's nor will they have a shelter nor will they have a shelter by nor will nor will they have a shelter but is locked is locked alignment is locked nevermind nor will they have a shelter but is locked never mind bloodied the Dragon yeah old engine there engine let's go to Tyler stop let's go to Tyler stuck let's go to Tyler stuck in let's go to Tyler stuck in the let's go to Tyler stuck in your chest cute chipped let's go to Tyler stuck in let's go to Tyler stuck in your checked on stuck in your chipped on the ocean again I'm still ocean again still funny so the song it's all Sol's on Asylum Saul's uncle it's always on cold Saul's Uncle now Sol's on cooldown Sol's on cooldown what is Sol's on cooldown what is a Sol's on cooldown what is the Sol's on cooldown what is an Sol's on cooldown what is indeed a Sol's on cooldown what is a good as Sol's on cooldown what is Sol's on cooldown what is indeed publicity or anyting what's wrong with you what's wrong with you I would totally say totally suck totally support what's wrong with you I would totally totally support more the ascent was really good are you you sure you Siri the ascent was really good are you serious you serious or you serious or are the ascent was really good are you you serious you serious or the ascent was really good are you serious or all you serious or all the need a remote play together when my friends until my friends it has my friends in test need a remote play together when my friends intessa my friends intestine do I I guess I guess so I guess there I guess there's I guess there's a I guess they're just I guess there's a store I guess I guess there's a I guess there's a story I guess there's a story DLC I guess there's a story DLC came out out remind out thanks for I guess there's a story DLC came out thanks for the out Runners listen Netflix taking over cable yeah yes yeah they're listen Netflix taking over cable yeah there's yeah there's no yeah listen Netflix taking over cable yeah there's listen since The Simpsons the suit store 6 North since Norte the suit store chain the second store change since you're changing the suit store changes since no changes now the second store change is not stay state the suit store changes KT Tape the second store change is not state cross the state the second store change is not State State Cross bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum all right take text take to bum bum bum bum bum all right text you tattoo tattoo is bum bum bum bum bum all right tattoo is Ray tattoo is me all right tattoo is all right tattoo is me tattoo is me I'll tattoo is me I live tattoo is me I live in tattoo is me I literally is me I literally just is me I is me I literally is me I literally just had is me I literally just had I just just had just had about is me I literally just had I just had about I just can can I turn off turn off my turn off me get off me get off me you know get off me and I'm free get off me delete get off me delete the get off me deleting get off me delete them get off me deleting oops wrong one one oops one oops wrong deleting oops wrong one oops wrong one wrong wrong again okay so not even it's like 8:46 right now right now number legal right this minute a steak and potato and potatoes and legal right this minute a steak legal right this minute crustacean potatoes almost crustacean potatoes almost 9 a.m. a steak and potatoes almost 9 a.m. some anyone a.m. so maybe once a.m. resume once I a steak and potatoes almost 9 a.m. play one song a.m. some anyone sauce some anyone sauce I need some more more per more pressure some anyone sauce I need some more perfect more I need some more perfect I need some more perfect bubble gum gum only gum only one I need some more perfect bubble gum only run gum only Cardenas gun you Cardenas gun you've Cardenas gun you can Cardenas gun you can't Cardenas gun you can turn Cardenas gun you Cardenas gun you can't talk to me me nice me nice try Cardenas gun you can't talk to me nice try though you can't talk to me nice try though I like though I liked though I like to you can't talk to me nice try though Atlantic though Punta Cana do do do do do do do do do do to detect do to Detective Duke detected due to detected due to detected and if due to detected and a few due to detected and a fuel due to detected in a few. due to detected and a few late due to detected and a few leaks due to detected and a few and a few leaks all right and a few leaks all right sure and a few leaks all right shut down down the down the Lake Erie the fastest plumber ever to the fastest plumber ever turn the fastest plumber ever two were the fastest plumber ever to work the fastest plumber ever so where the fastest plumber ever the worst worst part worst part of the fastest plumber ever the worst part of the worst worst part the fastest plumber ever the worst part of worst part of the worst part of the plasma is a Reload speed or lack thereof volume 30 thereof floor 13 thereof 30 MI is a Reload speed or lack thereof alarm 30 miles thereof floor 13 thereof turn my light is a Reload speed or lack thereof turn in my life thereof 30 mile liquor or lack thereof 30 mile liquor in the area in the area new in the area newer or lack thereof 30 mile liquor in the area you are in the area north I'm dropping much less than that cuz it kind of cuz it kind of the cuz it kind of depends cuz it kind of depends on cuz it kind of depends on hello cuz it kind of depends on you look cuz it kind of depends on local chat cuz it kind of depends on a local chain cuz it kind of depends on local change change to change to you those are going to result in the oven start oven start it's oven start it was those are going to result in the oven start I trust start the cruise control I don't like start the cruise control lights start the cruise control don't like to the cruise control don't like today the cruise control don't like to be part party the cruise control don't like the cruise control little late to the party but the cruise control don't like to party many party money the cruise control I don't like to party money I don't like to party money I'll take that I don't like to party money what's a 10 minute what's 8 + 10 11 delay pounce man that Ricochet Park card and FL location close to me in FL location close to me FL location close to me entry FL location close to me intrude FL location close to me intruder this just destroy Destroyer destroy me destroy me for destroy me for a destroy me for any destroy me for me destroy me destroy destroy Mainframe destroy Mainframe hello destroy Mainframe hello there destroy Mainframe Hello destroy Mainframe hello are you a little bit of a little bit of a is someone is someone there this is this is a this isn't this is enough this is another this is another be this is another big this this is this is another this is another big this is another big irritation this is another big irritation I have have is have is fresh this is another big irritation I have is first have is for sure have is frustrate this is another big irritation I have is frustrated have is frustration okay aren't you area aren't you area aren't you area hello aren't you area look aren't you area look up aren't you area look be aren't you area look piece aren't you area look piece of aren't you area look wood wood and and I'm glad and I'm glad and I'm glad to and I'm glad and I'm glad this is is a isn't and I'm glad and I'm glad and I'm glad and I'm glad this isn't times has that Lou I asked that loot I asked that loot ever I asked that loot every I asked that loot everything I asked that loot button to is is a is it Is there a is there an is it raining is a random is is a random Quest marker oh man oh man I'm oh man I'm so ready oh man I'm so ready for oh man I'm so ready for a oh man I'm so ready for a break from work play Malawi nice I haven't eaten a a little break yeah yes yes I yes I do yes I can yes I got yes I can show yes I got shot yes yes I yes I guess I just yes I guess I just got to remember to remember to send remember to send a yes I guess I just got to remember to send a email remember to send a email a it's fun did it's fun did you it's fun did you do it's fun did you tell it's fun did it's fun did you it's fun did you delete it did you delete it man did you delete it man, did you delete it Mannford did you delete it Mainframe did you delete it Mainframe. did you delete it Mainframe call did you delete it Mainframe for did you delete it Mainframe did you delete it Mainframe core Google Rosalie Posley pictures of our machines are having no one is Siri having no one is Syria having no one is Serie B pictures of our machines are Syria eraser eraser got a eraser got to eraser got to go eraser got to get eraser got to get a eraser got to get out eraser got eraser got to eraser got to get eraser got to get out eraser got to get out for eraser got to get out for a little little bit little bit so eraser got to get out for a little bit so I can Mainframe core yeah I just Mainframe core yeah I just start started started the Mainframe core yeah I just started this started started this job yeah I just started this job for someone yeah I just started this job there's there's a there's be there's been there's there's been not there's been not doing there's been not doing it there's been not doing it right now now and": 0, "I have loved you for the last time Is it a video? I have touched you for the last time For the love, for laughter, I flew up to your arms Is it a video? I have loved you for the last time Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon And I have kissed you for the last time For the love, for laughter, I flew up to your arms Is it a video? (Is it a video?) For the love, for laughter, I flew up to your arms Is it a video? (Is it a video?) For the love, for laughter, I flew up to your arms Visions of Gideon (visions of Gideon), visions of Gideon (visions of Gideon) For the love, for laughter, I flew up to your arms Visions of Gideon (visions of Gideon), visions of Gideon (visions of Gideon), visions of Gideon Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon Visions of Gideon (is it a video?), visions of Gideon (is it a video?), visions of Gideon (Is it a video?) (is it a video?) (is it a video?)": 2, "good afternoon we are extremely pleased that you are here it is good to come together for the purpose of co-creating do agree are you knowing what you are wanting are you enjoying the evolution of your own desire so that must mean you are in the vibrational vicinity of it yes and other words you have a desire and no doubt about it is just a matter of enjoying the unfolding yes if your design yes if your desires feel good to you then that's what it means it means there's not a big expense between the vibrational frequency of what you want and the vibrational frequency of what you believe that the question is do you believe what is in the process of becoming more than or at least as much as what is already been experienced by you that's the tricky part isn't it because your attention to what is actually hold you back from where you would rather be so that's a little bit tricky for us and it because what is is so vivid there's so much for you to see about it and often so much for you to talk about it so you're talking about it and observing it and keeping what is so active in your vibration that you don't let it evolve to what you prefer what are you gonna do about that what are you gonna do about that that's the question that's what we'll be talking about together how can you adjust your point of attraction how can you adjust your vibrational frequency how can you adjust your point of attraction how can you adjust your vibrational frequency to be more like what you have asked for that is in the process of becoming and less like what caused you to ask for the improvement to begin with because there's a sort of human characteristic some of your getting over it a little bit but many are not and that is you are so aware of what is and so interested in explaining what is to someone else to everyone else because you want them to get you you want them to understand where you stand but if you are good at convincing people about where you are and what you believe and why you believe what you believe and how long have believed it then you may be holding yourself and of vibrational pattern that if not allow in the evolution of what you want into something that is improved and we gotta say to you all day every day your life is giving you opportunities to ask for improvements to improve your preferences to evolve it's the reason that you're here you are source energy in these beautiful physical bodies do you know that in this body are an extension of that source energy but that source energy is still dominant it's the dominant point of attraction that you have most humans don't really understand that you know yourself as you you know your personality and many of you especially those like you hear you're getting closer and closer to really understanding that you have a vibrational frequency that you are emitting and that the powerful law of attraction is responding to it so you're getting what you're thinking about whether you want it or not but there's another part of you who thinks to it's the inner been of view is the source energy part of you is the part of you that was you before you came into this physical body and the part of you that is still you even though you are now here in this is a full body and that you have you stand on the ready at all times aware of where you stand aware of where you be aware of how you feel aware of what you're asking for aware of the magnificent contrast that is causing you to ask for an improvement and not only aware of what you've asked for but able to blend into that non physical been us to actually become the vibrational frequency of each and every new request that you send forth from your very important physical life experience of fifteen and sorting and evaluating and concluding and deciding and preferring that's how the expansion of the universe works that's what the evolution of all species of about that's who you are that's what you are about as humans sometimes as life comes to you and you sift through you sift through knowing what you don't want which causes you to know what you do want as you launch those vibrational rockets sometimes consciously even with words accompanying the them but more often just launching rockets of desire vibrational preferences as you do that all day every day your inner being stands in this vibrational reality it's such a real place we have given up the name the vortex written two books about it because we want you to accept that the vibrational reality is reality it's the reality that contains all of the expansion that you have accomplished as you've been moving through your life experiences and your inner been stems their em holds the fullness of who you have become but you know what you often don't you don't go immediately to the vibration of frequency of what you've just ask for instead you stand in a sort of justifying mode of why you want that improvement a sort of explanation because you are accustomed to other humans who asked you why why why why why about everything and so you get very good and you're explaining don't do you get very good at explaining why you want more money because i do not have enough why you want more freedom because i do not feel free why do you want more loving relationship or why do you want a more meaningful work environment and your answers often are because i'm not happy where i am and in that awareness of what is you diss allow yourself to hold the perspective that your inner been have because when you ask it has given someone should write a book when you ask it has given it is given in the vibrational equivalency but often as humans that's not quite enough because the vibrational equivalency is not something yet that you can see and hear and smell and taste in touch it's not manifested it doesn't feel tangible to you it feels emotional to you you can feel when you're tuned to it because you feel wonderful are you can feel when you're tuned in opposition to it because you feel disappointed or unhappy but that become becoming is a real thing and we just want you here at the outset of our wonderful hours together we want you to focus and remember or recall or even try to think about it a little bit that there is a non physical part of you who is the extension of your further most becoming and that part of you is the dominant part of you that part of you is the part of you that the law of attraction is responding to and the strongest why because and this is an important statement that we're about to make because that part of you is non resistant thought the awesome power of non resist bought just wait till you tune into that on a regular basis wait until you discover what non resisted thought will bring to you this is the energy that creates world this is the focus that puts all things that you deem wonderful about short time and place this is the what has allowed that to be calm and so when you become a vibrational match to that part of you that further as extended part of you that most evolved part of you when you are a match to that which means you're not doubting that or countering it with contradictory thoughts your aligned with that because you've practiced yourself into alignment you have withstood all of the harassment from humans who can't see what you can see and so they doubt you knowing that it's there but you know that it's there because you've practiced the feeling of being an alignment with it you feel the residents of at your in on the becoming of it you're getting to witness the incremental unfolding of it you are that hands in the clay creator of your own experience most physical humans are not most physical humans stumble into alignment from time to time but they don't maintain that because they don't understand that they don't know why they feel what they feel but you do your understanding that you are a source energy being them as you here in this physical body that that source energy part of you is be mean the signal under the universe and as calling cooperate components to this vibrational reality on your behalf and when you in tune with that when you're in sync with it when you're in the zone when you're tuned in tapped him turned on when you feel great when you feel eager or when you feel full when you feel satisfied you know that those emotions are your indicator that you've got yourself tuned into the frequency of who you really are and you are in those moments experiencing the awesome nuff the amazing power of non resisted thought a resistant thought goes more like this i would really like that but wouldn't it be nice if i could do this that i am not doing i really want to do this but it does not a logical thing you're humanness has taught you to be real to face reality and we're not asking you not to face reality but rather we're asking you to create a reality that you want to face would rather than you understand that you get to create reality you are the creator of your own reality you get what you think about whether you want it or not and as you start taking that responsibility that awesome power and you begin to understand that you can feel when you are in that alignment and you can feel when you are not and you do the things we'll talk about a lot of them that keep you more consistently in a place where you are living in who you really are and what you really want them off it goes and we really want you to know off it goes toward what you want": 1, "For this problem, we want to complete the square to solve for x in the equation x squared minus four x plus 13 equals zero. To complete the square, we take the coefficient of x and multiply by 1/2. So we get negative four times 1/2 equals negative two. Then we take negative two and we square it, which is equal to four. Now we can add four to both sides of the equation to get x squared minus four x plus four plus 13 equals four. Now we can complete the square to make this equal to x minus two squared plus 13 equals four. We subtract 13 from both sides of the equation to get x minus two squared equals negative nine. Using the square root property, we make those equal to x minus two equals plus or minus the square root of negative nine. Since we have a negative number underneath the square root, there are no real solutions for x. However we can use i equals the square root of negative one to solve for a complex solution. So we rewrite this as x minus two equals plus or minus the square root of negative one times the square root of nine. This is equal to x minus two equals plus or minus three i. If we add two to both sides of the equation, we get x equals two plus or minus three i. So x equals two plus three i or two minus three i. This is the final answer.": 3, "and activate our weapons factories. You know the weapon: antibodies. They're like targeted missiles produced specifically to combat the invader. Unfortunately, this process takes several days to complete. That gives intruders a lot of time to do damage. Contrary to popular wisdom, what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. Our bodies really don't want to fight serious wars over and over, so our immune system came up with an ingenious way to get stronger and stronger over time. If we fight an enemy that is dangerous enough to trigger our heavy weapons, our immune system automatically creates memory cells. Memory cells remain in our body for years, in a deep sleep. They do nothing but remember. When an enemy attacks for a second time, the slumbering memory cells awaken, and order coordinated attacks and the production of antibodies. This is so fast and effective, and activate our weapons factories. You know the weapon: antibodies. They're like targeted missiles produced specifically to combat the invader. Unfortunately, this process takes several days to complete. That gives intruders a lot of time to do damage. Contrary to popular wisdom, what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. Our bodies really don't want to fight serious wars over and over, so our immune system came up with an ingenious way to get stronger and stronger over time. If we fight an enemy that is dangerous enough to trigger our heavy weapons, our immune system automatically creates memory cells. Memory cells remain in our body for years, in a deep sleep. They do nothing but remember. When an enemy attacks for a second time, the slumbering memory cells awaken, and order coordinated attacks and the production of antibodies. This is so fast and effective, that many infections you beat once will never make you sick again. You might even be immune against them forever. Which is also why little kids are constantly ill; they don't have enough memory cells yet. And this beautiful natural mechanism is what we build on when we use vaccines. How Vaccines Work As great as memory cells are, obtaining them through an infection is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Vaccines are a way of tricking our bodies into making memory cells, and becoming immune to a disease. They pretend to be a dangerous infection. One way of doing this is to inject invaders that can't do harm. For example, by killing them, or by ripping them into pieces. Our immune systems deal with these kinds of vaccines pretty easily. Sometimes, it's necessary to make our immune system work harder though, to produce even more memory cells. Live vaccines are the real deal. that many infections you beat once will never make you sick again. You might even be immune against them forever. Which is also why little kids are constantly ill; they don't have enough memory cells yet. And this beautiful natural mechanism is what we build on when we use vaccines. How Vaccines Work As great as memory cells are, obtaining them through an infection is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Vaccines are a way of tricking our bodies into making memory cells, and becoming immune to a disease. They pretend to be a dangerous infection. One way of doing this is to inject invaders that can't do harm. For example, by killing them, or by ripping them into pieces. Our immune systems deal with these kinds of vaccines pretty easily. Sometimes, it's necessary to make our immune system work harder though, to produce even more memory cells. Live vaccines are the real deal. An enemy that can punch back is a bigger challenge than a dead one. But this also sounds like a sort-of horrible idea. What if the germs win? To avoid that, we breed a sort-of weak cousin of the real germ in the lab. Just powerful enough to annoy the immune system, and create enough memory cells. Okay, so these are the basic principles of vaccine use. They provoke a natural reaction in our bodies that makes us become immune against very dangerous diseases. Some, like the flu virus, mutate so often that we need a new vaccine every year, but most vaccines protect us for years, or even a lifetime. But, there's a catch. Like everything in life, vaccines have another side: Side effects. What are they, and what happens if your child develops one? The Risks of Vaccines An enemy that can punch back is a bigger challenge than a dead one. But this also sounds like a sort-of horrible idea. What if the germs win? To avoid that, we breed a sort-of weak cousin of the real germ in the lab. Just powerful enough to annoy the immune system, and create enough memory cells. Okay, so these are the basic principles of vaccine use. They provoke a natural reaction in our bodies that makes us become immune against very dangerous diseases. Some, like the flu virus, mutate so often that we need a new vaccine every year, but most vaccines protect us for years, or even a lifetime. But, there's a catch. Like everything in life, vaccines have another side: Side effects. What are they, and what happens if your child develops one? The Risks of Vaccines It's complicated to directly compare the side effects of vaccines with the effects of diseases. For example, hundreds of millions of people are vaccinated against measles in the West, but there were only 83,000 cases in Europe in 2018. So, with numbers that different, even mild side effects can seem scary compared to the bad effects of a disease that we don't see as much anymore. Before the measles vaccine became available in 1963, virtually every single child on Earth contracted measles at some point. An estimated 135 million cases in the 1950s. Every single year. But are measles really that dangerous in the year 2019? With our advanced healthcare and new technologies, are they worth the risk of vaccine side effects? Let's do a thought experiment based on real numbers. Imagine a developed country in a parallel world. It has good healthcare but people stop vaccinating. It's complicated to directly compare the side effects of vaccines with the effects of diseases. For example, hundreds of millions of people are vaccinated against measles in the West, but there were only 83,000 cases in Europe in 2018. So, with numbers that different, even mild side effects can seem scary compared to the bad effects of a disease that we don't see as much anymore. Before the measles vaccine became available in 1963, virtually every single child on Earth contracted measles at some point. An estimated 135 million cases in the 1950s. Every single year. But are measles really that dangerous in the year 2019? With our advanced healthcare and new technologies, are they worth the risk of vaccine side effects? Let's do a thought experiment based on real numbers. Imagine a developed country in a parallel world. It has good healthcare but people stop vaccinating. In this scenario, let's say ten million children caught measles. What happens? Nine million eight hundred thousand, or 98%, will get a high fever and a very unpleasant rash. Up to 800,000 of them, or 8%, will suffer from dangerous diarrhea. 700,000, or 7%, will suffer from an ear infection, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. 600,000 kids, or 6%, will suffer from pneumonia -- the most dangerous effect of measles. It, alone, will kill 12,000 children. Up to 10,000 children, or 0.1%, will get encephalitis. 2,500 kids, or 0.025%, will contract SSPE, a disease where the measles virus lingers in their brain and kills them a few years later. Taken together, around 2.5 million children will suffer from somewhat serious effects from measles. In this scenario, let's say ten million children caught measles. What happens? Nine million eight hundred thousand, or 98%, will get a high fever and a very unpleasant rash. Up to 800,000 of them, or 8%, will suffer from dangerous diarrhea. 700,000, or 7%, will suffer from an ear infection, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. 600,000 kids, or 6%, will suffer from pneumonia -- the most dangerous effect of measles. It, alone, will kill 12,000 children. Up to 10,000 children, or 0.1%, will get encephalitis. 2,500 kids, or 0.025%, will contract SSPE, a disease where the measles virus lingers in their brain and kills them a few years later. Taken together, around 2.5 million children will suffer from somewhat serious effects from measles. And, about 20,000 children will be killed by measles. It doesn't stop here though. The kids who beat measles are left with a severely damaged immune system that needs a lot of time to regenerate. Time for other diseases to do further damage. Aside from that, what's almost guaranteed is that your kids will have a really bad time for about two weeks. Okay, but what about vaccines? It's only fair to look at these risks, too. So, let's repeat our thought experiment. But, this time, we vaccinate ten million children with MMR. What would theoretically happen here? After being vaccinated, of our 10 million kids, around ten percent get a fever. 500,000, or 5%, will get a mild rash. Up to 100, or 0.001%, might have a serious allergic reaction and will have to be treated. Up to ten boys, or 0.0001%, might get inflammation of the genitalia. And, about 20,000 children will be killed by measles. It doesn't stop here though. The kids who beat measles are left with a severely damaged immune system that needs a lot of time to regenerate. Time for other diseases to do further damage. Aside from that, what's almost guaranteed is that your kids will have a really bad time for about two weeks. Okay, but what about vaccines? It's only fair to look at these risks, too. So, let's repeat our thought experiment. But, this time, we vaccinate ten million children with MMR. What would theoretically happen here? After being vaccinated, of our 10 million kids, around ten percent get a fever. 500,000, or 5%, will get a mild rash. Up to 100, or 0.001%, might have a serious allergic reaction and will have to be treated. Up to ten boys, or 0.0001%, might get inflammation of the genitalia. And up to ten kids in total, or 0.0001%, might get the most serious side effect: encephalitis. So, we vaccinated ten million kids. In total, around one hundred and twenty had side effects that were somewhat serious. Thanks to good medical treatment in developed regions, almost all of them will be fine. What about autism? The connection of autism and vaccines stems from one source that has been disproven countless times. We'll link to further reading and videos in the description. But, in 2019, it's fair to say that vaccines do not cause autism. All right, but what about deaths? It's really hard to say if even a single one of our 10 million vaccinated kids would die. We really did look hard and talked to a lot of different experts. If we ignore self-reporting, we could only come up with a tiny handful of documented cases And up to ten kids in total, or 0.0001%, might get the most serious side effect: encephalitis. So, we vaccinated ten million kids. In total, around one hundred and twenty had side effects that were somewhat serious. Thanks to good medical treatment in developed regions, almost all of them will be fine. What about autism? The connection of autism and vaccines stems from one source that has been disproven countless times. We'll link to further reading and videos in the description. But, in 2019, it's fair to say that vaccines do not cause autism. All right, but what about deaths? It's really hard to say if even a single one of our 10 million vaccinated kids would die. We really did look hard and talked to a lot of different experts. If we ignore self-reporting, we could only come up with a tiny handful of documented cases for all the hundreds of millions of children who received the MMR vaccine since 1971. Measles are many, many thousands of times more dangerous for your child than even the absolute worst case of vaccine side effects. You have to search for lethal vaccine side effects with a huge magnifying glass and, even then, it's very hard to find confirmed cases. While, deaths from measles are real and easy to find. In 2017 alone, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. Statistically, today, 300 children will die of measles. One since this video started. You can compare vaccines to seatbelts. Are there weird freak accidents where someone gets killed by their seatbelt? Well, yes. But, do you personally think it's safer to not put a seatbelt on your kid? Wait a second! What if your kid is actually allergic? for all the hundreds of millions of children who received the MMR vaccine since 1971. Measles are many, many thousands of times more dangerous for your child than even the absolute worst case of vaccine side effects. You have to search for lethal vaccine side effects with a huge magnifying glass and, even then, it's very hard to find confirmed cases. While, deaths from measles are real and easy to find. In 2017 alone, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. Statistically, today, 300 children will die of measles. One since this video started. You can compare vaccines to seatbelts. Are there weird freak accidents where someone gets killed by their seatbelt? Well, yes. But, do you personally think it's safer to not put a seatbelt on your kid? Wait a second! What if your kid is actually allergic? What if none of the things we've said applies to your specific situation? In this case, you need to become the greatest vaccination promoter of all. Because if your children can't be vaccinated, only the collective can protect them. This is called herd immunity, and it's the only thing that can protect your unvaccinated child. Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease, that it can't spread, and dies before it reaches its victims. But to accomplish this for measles alone, 95% of the people around you need to be vaccinated. Conclusion The problem with the debate about vaccines is that it's not fought on a level playing field. While the pro-vaccine side argues with studies and statistics, the arguments against them are usually a wild mixture of gut feeling, anecdotes, and misinformation. And feelings are often immune to facts. We'll not convince anybody by screaming at them. What if none of the things we've said applies to your specific situation? In this case, you need to become the greatest vaccination promoter of all. Because if your children can't be vaccinated, only the collective can protect them. This is called herd immunity, and it's the only thing that can protect your unvaccinated child. Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease, that it can't spread, and dies before it reaches its victims. But to accomplish this for measles alone, 95% of the people around you need to be vaccinated. Conclusion The problem with the debate about vaccines is that it's not fought on a level playing field. While the pro-vaccine side argues with studies and statistics, the arguments against them are usually a wild mixture of gut feeling, anecdotes, and misinformation. And feelings are often immune to facts. We'll not convince anybody by screaming at them. But we can't hide from the reality of what anti-vaccine conspiracies do. They kill babies too young to be vaccinated. They kill healthy children that are just unlucky. They bring serious diseases back from the verge of extinction. And, the biggest side effect of vaccines is fewer dead children. Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have to eradicate the monsters that most of us have already forgotten. Let's not bring the beasts back! But we can't hide from the reality of what anti-vaccine conspiracies do. They kill babies too young to be vaccinated. They kill healthy children that are just unlucky. They bring serious diseases back from the verge of extinction. And, the biggest side effect of vaccines is fewer dead children. Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have to eradicate the monsters that most of us have already forgotten. Let's not bring the beasts back!": 3, "Spider-Man: Are you there? Peter Parker: Well, say so! Peter Parker: He's handsome, the new SPIDERMAN! Peter Parker: Hey Friends! Peter Parker: Hey! Go see the interview with Hichem the YouTuber. Peter Parker: Without messing around, go watch the interview with \"Donald Reignoux\" the Voice Over! Peter Parker: Uh... Rather the Hero of SPIDERMAN! Peter Parker: The French Voices. Spider-Man: Yoh Yoh Yoh! What are you... Peter Parker: Ah good! Peter Parker: No? Spider-Man: It's not, SPIDERMAN! Peter Parker: It's not him? Spider-Man: Look, it's my \"Suit\"! Spider-Man: It's not him! Spider-Man: He doesn't have a \"Suit\"!? Spider-Man: You see, I am SPIDERMAN! Spider-Man: So suddenly, just SPIDERMAN! Spider-Man: Hey friends, no but honestly... Spider-Man: What is he saying... lol Spider-Man: I'm not uh... Spider-Man: No, I'm not what you say. Spider-Man: It's me SPIDERMAN, so suddenly! Spider-Man: Friends lol Spider-Man: Cuckoo! It's me SPIDERMAN. Spider-Man: And go see Hichem's video, which is last. Peter Parker: You looked at a mirror or what lol? Peter Parker: Me me... Or me lol? Spider-Man: But I'm the SPIDERMAN!! Spider-Man: So suddenly... Peter Parker: And I'm SPIDERMAN. Spider-Man: So Subscribe!": 2, "We have already studied one dimensional two dimensional and three dimensional flow which gives us small understanding of kinematics of fluid flow that is flow of a fluid to study this in detail we'll consider a steady flow and an unsteady flow steady flow and unsteady flow now what do you mean by steady flow steady flow is the flow of liquid in which or a flow of fluid in which it's fluid parameters are not dependent upon time means something is not dependent upon time in mathematical expression we can write that is velocity acceleration viscosity all the three fluid parameters are not a function of time not a function of time means they are not dependent upon time if they are not dependent upon time this means the change with respect to time of all the fluid parameters will be zero so this can be written as DV by DT is equal to zero change in acceleration versus time is equal to zero with respect to time is equal to zero and change in viscosity with respect to time is equal to zero now we know that the velocity is a function of X Y Z and e it is dependent upon four variables three variables are spatial coordinates or space coordinates and the fourth variable is the time coordinate so we can write down that is dou u by dou T is equal to 0 dou V by dou T is equal to 0 and dou W by dou T is equal to 0 now why do we use D over here and over here because velocity is a function of one or more variables that is why we use blue over here while considering the velocity along X y direction and Z direction so this comprises of a steady flow this comprises of steady flow now what is an unsteady flow unsteady flow is a flow in which unsteady flow is a flow in which we'll consider it is dependent upon time that is all the fluid properties are dependent upon time that is velocity acceleration and viscosity are a function of time that means your dou V by dou T is not equal to zero similarly dou u by dou T is not equal to zero dou W by dou T is not equal to zero now during this entire part we can write this in terms of differentials let's check out one differential for this entire unsteady flow so we'll consider the u component of velocity what is U component of velocity that is velocity along X Direction that is change in velocity along X Direction is not equal to zero if it is not equal to zero either this part will be greater than zero or this part will be less than zero if it is greater than zero the velocity along that direction is increasing if it is less than zero then the velocity along that direction is decreasing let us consider if it is increasing so you will write this differential as dou u by dou T is equals to it is not equal to zero if it is not equal to zero either it is greater or less will consider this K as greater than zero a variable has a positive value so if you multiply that is do you is equal to K into duty and if you integrate over an entire limits or just if we integrate we will get this as U is equals to K T plus C that means U is a function of time and it is dependent upon type hence this flow is called as what unsteady flow I hope you have understood what is basic difference between steady flow and unsteady flow one is dependent upon time which is unsteady flow one is independent upon type which is steady flow thank you": 2, "Who gonna stop me Who gonna stop me When I am so real I can talk When u call me I can show When u hold me I'm tough But flexin I'm done But you're judging So who gonna stop me When I am so real Men I am sorry Cause you can't stop me Ntabwo aruku nabisanze Nubwo ubu nsa nuwagafashe Nabisanze bivanze Gusa oya ubu ntabwo bisanzwe Mvuge mw'itangiriro Bikigoye sinabona urugero Ngo n'ibyimihuro Ntabiriho njye niha umutuzo Sinabara izo nshuro Nagendaga ntazi uru rugendo Nzamura igiciro Ntangira gukora amannywa n'ijoro Kugenda kwisoko n'igitsi Rimwe na rimwe mu minsi mibi Nageraga yo nsa nindushyi Kandi akenshi bamfata nkumushyitsi Ibirometero cumi na bibiri Ngenda ntekereza ese ubwo mbahiki Abantu bamwe bicirana amasiri Bati uyu mwana subundi aruhira iki Ubwo nihutaga cyane Namenye ko ndi ntare Nkajya ngenda nta na fire Nanze imitwe yaba bire Njye wabonye byemeye Nkajya nifatira indege Gahunda zaba batipe Zo guhinduka ntazo mfite Natangiriye zero Meze nkuri mumuhezo Bamwe banyita amaheru Ariko nihagazeho None ubu ndabona ubukaro Ubwo noneho, noneho Who gonna stop me When I am so real I can talk When u call me I can show When u hold me I'm tough But flexin I'm done But you're judging So who gonna stop me When I am so real Men I am sorry Cause you can't stop me I started doing the shit on my own But what if I get support I know that I can stand on my own But what if they know that I won I told my men was not easy For me as u know ain't been lazy I've been looking for paparazzi To see me like a small gazelle They gat to see me in magazines Cause I'll be the one they emphasize Well I'm new yet music Brazil They'll see me another daily basis They'll play me in bed while I burn the streets They'll hear me in pain while I relieve the stressed I'll ruin their plans, they'll get them stretched I'll beat them times till they get brain straight I got my money, my time, my energy I got my nature, my mind, my fantasy Looking in this world of music industry But you can see this thing is synthetic I make it funny but guys they're panicking I make it ring when still in picnic I lead the people with my new phonetics They'll be all yelling yeah this is Leo King Yeah I came from nowhere Being defeated, no way Natangiriye zero Meze nkuri mumuhezo Bamwe banyita amaheru Ariko nihagazeho None ubu ndabona ubukaro Ubwo noneho noneho Who gonna stop me When I am so real I can talk When u call me I can show When u hold me I'm tough But flexin I'm done But you're judging So who gonna stop me When I am so real Men I am sorry Cause you can't stop me Who gonna stop me": 1, "Sorbo: Cancel culture. The woke world. What the heck are we doing? This is insanity. There are so many angry people out there, so many people that do not like who they are, do not like their own lives. And what they're doing now in the world of the media, the world of the internet, the world of Facebook, the world of Twitter, is hiding in their shadows of their basement and going after people that have a different opinion than they do. Facebook banned me 10 months ago, permanently, for posting the truth because they don't like the truth. They'd rather live the lie. They'd rather live in the world that's filled with anger and fear, because fear is an amazing weapon and we see governments of every level using fear to control our lives right now. We have to get past this. It took 1.2 million followers away from me. What are you going to do? Well, what you're going to do is find other places to go to. Because there are plenty of other places out there that you can post, that you can say whatever you want to say and not get taken down. The Big Tech companies are relentless and we need to be as relentless as they are. We need to match organization that they have, the message that they want to put out there. We can't be afraid of putting our feet forward and marching down the road of truth, because they're afraid of the truth. I'm not going to back down and I haven't backed down. I'm going to keep fighting the good fight and I want you to keep fighting the good fight because right now we're losing that cultural battle. But I know, if you stick with your guns, stick with your gut, stick with your heart, stick with your mind, stick with your soul, we're going to win this battle.": 2, "well okay okay okay we're talking about vainess and bitches and quandary ha ha-ha quandary 121 vain motherfucker mate I've said it a long time ago one of my first declarations here on the fucking internet on my webpage was vanity of vanities all is vain think of themselves for their own gain well mr. quandreary one-to-one oh you've oh you got lots of women coming after you now oh! you are so privileged oh! you love your women oh you love the fact that you got women coming around because I put your ugly carp face up onto the fucking internet because you were going around teasing people about fucking having carp faces and fucking teasing people about their appearance and teasing people about this and fucking teasing people about that! well? I fucking like I told yous in my last duckin video that I was teased the majority of my life! I know what it's fucking like to be teased that's right I only tease cunts that fucking deserve it after they've fucking teased me or i see them fucking teasing others or i see them being a childish like little fucking manure piece of fucking dog turd shit that they fucking are! well? fucking vanity of vanities quandary 121 and what about all the fucking dickheads i was talking about on the fucking news and all the sluts that are bred today huh? all the Barbie worshippers you know your fucking trained to be vain from the fucking day you were born your vain your holes that need fillings and poles that want a fucking hole to fucking fill yes! that's right that's what yous all fucking are! eh oh no he's fucking so full on! oh what did he just say well that's what I said your holes that need filling and polls that need a hole to fill now! fucking wake up you fucking ignoramus fucking want to be fucking idiots huh? the whole point of this fucking system society is fucking that to get yous all fucking dick fucking up and you're fucking pussies fucking wet oh no he said that! so that yous fucking go and have children and you become a slave to society then you have to slave your fucking life away for fucking all these fucking up the ass fucking un kosher free masonic societies and scam fucking manipulative cunts out there who fucking want to sit there and fucking have you as a little slave and a little shill so you go and you get somebody you knock somebody up you get a fucking you know you get something in the oven and then all of a sudden you fucken have to slave your life away mmm you have to slave your life away to these fucking pieces of dog turd shit that you never fucking knew you go out and you get loans you get credit cards you get all this stuff and look what's going on Babylon is falling and you're all slaves to the crown that is right! you're all slaves slaves the day you fucking have a child in this fucking so-called day and age and socis fucking corrupt system and system heh learn something from fucking Jordan Maxwell what was the first system the sewer system so in this sewer system you become a fucking slave a fucking slave that's right! a slave you're a bunch of fucking slaves you go and you knock somebody up you have a child and then all of a sudden you have to slave your life away you don't have a life anymore yeah! that's right oh you've got no life oh why? because you become a slave and you fell for their tricks in the first place you followed your fucking dicks yeah! and that's right you fucking got fucking tingly between the fucking legs yeah! well? fuckin that's your fucking bad fucken luck isn't it that's your fucking stupidity and all the other fucking dickheads out there that i was telling yous about in their vain boxes driving around in their fucking vain box oh they love their vain boxes yeah! well half the cunts that I know I don't even have a license by the way people I've never had a license I'm glad I never had a license because if I had a license I wouldn't have accomplished what i have in this fucking life that's right! but all of my fucking people friends and people that I've known in the past that have fucking got a license are still paying off their cars and guess what! their cars are fucking ridden off yeah! that's right how fucking stupid is that slaves you fell for the fucking trick you're fucking cast under the fucking spell and you think you're fucking were doing all this stuff oh you wanted to be great oh I wanted to be gracious oh look at me I've got this see oh look at me I've got that see it's vanity of fucking vanities that's what the fuck it is! vanity of fucking vanities wake up don't fall for their fucking bullshit their fucking bullshit is exactly that bullshit and yous all fucking fall for it well? this world is free we never asked to fucking live did we hmm no we didn't we didn't ask to live or did we? or was it the lyric of life well! the whole fucking point is nobody has the right to charge us for water that's right waters god-given God says in the Bible that everything is given to us by God freely so freely you fucking received freely you fucking give huh yeah well have you ever thought of that mmm yeah! has anybody fuckin ever thought of that no! they have not fucking thought of that that water is freely given by God so give water freely that's right food! hmm give food freely to clothes we're told it's a sin and that we fucken have to fucking cover ourselves up well? give out clothes freely that is right anything else! fucking work for get on your knees for you want to be a vain little fucking shill to a system well? fucking do it but! nobody has the fucking right to sell us water or fucking food food is rightfully alls water is rightfully alls we never fucking asked to live like this this is a fucking big scam that is right! scam you're all been fucking scammed that is fucking right you all fall into the system and you get fucking a book of choices of what you want to be in your life and you get told you have to do one thing and you have to follow this fucking one thing all the way till your fucking death well? no thank you very much this is the 21st fuckin century you have to fucking live and learn if you don't live and learn you die and burn anybody fucking remember that? mmm yeah I've been telling yous it for fucking days you little fucking free Masonic shills coming around to my page and fucking giving me shit cuz I'm standing up for my name against fucking Earthlasthope and he's fucking EDF fucking corrupt society of fiends yes! you're all fucking stupid every last one of yous there's a better way of doing things and it's with the word the Word of God the word is a sword huh I hold a fucking sword yeah! I hold a sword and it cuts like a fucking knife mmm cuts like a fucking knife but it doesn't draw blood unlike your fucking unkosher meat fucking sticks that's right! you fuckin like drawing blood my blood is fucking in the soul my blood will fucking corrupt your fucking bullshit roll my blood will fucking make sure you fucking wake up and fucking do something about this fucking world that is completely upside down messed with thrown about and turned around this is wrong we are fucking living a lie a fucking lie you have been living a lie since you were born your parents force feed you the lie because they were sheep that's right fucking sheep don't follow the fucking sheep we are all lambs Jesus told us that we are a lamb we are to look up as to Jesus or we are to look up at Jesus as a fucking Idol Jesus and John were our idols our fucking idols we asked for idols and we received Idols idle right so don't fucking sit there idle and fucking not doing shit look up to your fucking idol and fucking do something about this fucking manipulative fucking shit! that is fucking right yous don't know fucking nothing what does a sheep do huh? little sheeple the sheep follows the leader what does a fucking lamb do a lamb walks on its own go to a fucking paddock have a look at the paddock have a look at the Sheep you'll find all the sheep following the leader and you'll find all the Lambs off on their own! doing their own thing well? you're the fucking lamb you fucking dumb pieces of un kosher meat that is right! you do not know fucking shit you are fucking force-fed fools you're educated fools that is right hmm! educated fools what you fucking believe what you're taught in school do yous? heh you have got a fucking long way to come if you fucking believe what you're taught in schools I'm telling yous this right! this world is gonna burn it is going to fucking burn and it is going to burn soon and yous are fucking nothing nothing nothing nothing it has burned before and it is going to burn again not one fucking stone will be left unturned you listen to the Christ and you fucking learn right! and if you don't fucking like it well fucking bury your head in the sand huh a lot of people bury their head in the sand I would fucking love to bury my head in the sand but no I'm fucking force fed into this fucking world of fucking corrupt shit and I fucking know better so it's my fucking you know choice and it's my fucking heart and it's my fucking will to stand up and tell you fucking unkosher little fucking turds how the fuck it is because you're all fucked in the head every last one of yous and if you want to fucking argue with me I'll devastate your assholes you ask everybody that's fucking argued with me and try to take me on I'll prove to them how fucking stupid! they are and how their fucking got no right arguing with me because if they fucking look at all my fucking work I've been a hundred percent correct from the fucking start that's right! a little fucking oh mistake it might be fucking a little fucking mistake that's fucking material but that doesn't mean the fucking majority of my message is not fucking right! my message is fucking legit and you people don't know shit so wake up and learn live and learn or read and burn huh? die in this case you're gonna fucking read fucking shit and believe all your fucking taught that's right! if you do that you're a fucking shill a dickhead fucking look for the answers get scripture get all the scriptures and pull them apart put them back together and fucking know your heart all right avoir": 0, "Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze Angelina Jordan with the song Crazy. Angelina Jordan is a fantastic singer. We have many videos with Angelina Jordan. Therefore, I invite you to visit our channel and see the other analyses. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer. And in this video, I'm going to do an analysis on the vocal behavior of Angelina Jordan. Therefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my technical observations. But first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. And let's break it down, Angelina Jordan. It's fascinating to always listen to Angelina Jordan sing. She makes incredible use of falsetto. And also in the way she carries her voice. It's fantastic. She has impressive vocal control. And it has evolved a lot. It is an incredible evolution. It's very interesting... See how she can move very quickly with her voice. And in some moments he uses the falsetto as an ornament. Is incredible. Amazing. The vibrato is very consistent with incredible note support. She makes light use of fry... This sound is from the use of fry. So this shows that she tenses her vocal chords in very different ways. And this obviously occurs when she projects her voice. If, for example, you project your voice more directly with mask transmission... Or with the chest transmission... The tensions that the vocal cords will have will obviously be in different ways. Amazing. This is cute. A beautiful, beautiful performance. And as Angelina Jordan evolved, in the way she works with her voice. Works in very fast regions, it works in a short space of time in very different regions. She's amazing, she's a perfect singer. And with every song we hear from Angelina Jordan, we notice an impressive evolution. She is a fantastic singer. Amazing. But this is the technical analysis and the reaction of this video. If you want more analysis and technical reactions of Angelina Jordan, subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. Leave more suggestions in the comments. I end here. I hope you liked this video and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.": 3, "I just want to be with you, I. I just want to be with you I just want to be with you. There's nothing that can break us through, I. I just need you more than two. OOF Be with you I just want to be with you. There's nothing that can break us through, I. I just need you more than two. I, just need to be with you Nothing can break us through. I need you more than two, you Nothing can break us through I, just need to be with you OOF Be with you Nothing can break us through I need you more than two, you I just want to be with you, I I just want to be with you.": 1, "Hello music people, welcome to another video on our channel. And in this video I will analyze Diana Ankudinova, fantastic Diana Ankudinova. Wonderful Russian singer. I have been following Diana for a long time. There are a lot of videos with her on our channel. In this video the proposal of this new idea on our channel, I am a heavy metal singer, songwriter, record producer and multi-instrumentalist. And this time I will analyze Diana Ankudinova. Information about the musical style, if necessary, I will also talk about this. But the main thing is that the star of Diana Ankudinova should shine, and she will certainly shine a lot. But first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. And now let's look at Diana Ankudinova with Brandon Stone. It is wonderful. Diana Ankudinova, as always, sings a lot. She has incredible control over her voice and it's amazing how he manages to insert air around the note, and plan to explore your chest voice as well. Because the highlight of her voice is the bass, as she is an alto. She is an amazing singer. Impressive. This is fantastic, Diana Ankudinova is a wonderful singer. Brandon Stone is also an excellent pianist. It conveys a lot of emotions and feelings when interpreting this song. This is a famous Louis Armstrong song. And Diana shows her personality very strongly, play this wonderful song. And it's very touching to hear Diana Ankudinova sing in this quieter area. It's fantastic. This melisma was beautiful. Incredible. In this second moment we see that Diana Ankudinova, exerts more pressure on the air passage, on the air column. Because in the first part of this song she uses a lot of air around the note, and in the second moment it releases more air in its path. And by letting more air in, you're emitting more sound with less air... And with lots of air... As well as the muscles of the mouth, the opening of the mouth will also have a big impact on this. Incredible. It controls the air in the lungs very well. Because besides his singing, after all... She can project this vibrato, and this is a long vibrato. It has a very well made and designed note holder. And holds this note with incredible ease. Fantasy. He makes a light glissando and inserts a few melodic passages in the manner of singing, It's very reminiscent of some of the ways funk and soul are played. Incredible. Fantasy. Diana Ankudinova is indeed an extremely versatile singer. Incredible. Actually, it's a jazz sound because, the way Diana projects this vocalization is called Scat. And it originated in jazz music. I see it as a big tribute because it's fantastic. It's unbelievable how he can deliver vocals so effectively... Fantastic, she's amazing. My God, look at the use of those falsettos, incredible. Impressive. And that way of singing... It's a way to sing pure and hard jazz. It is extremely associated with this musical style and, like all other songs, Diana connects wonderfully with music... Words are not enough to describe how talented she is, she is incredible. It is not enough for him to project falsetto, he not only projects falsetto as also makes fantastic melismas. She makes amazing designs on a note, amazing. Incredible performance and performance. Incredible voice control. He knows how to connect with a song to interpret it. And it's such a strong connection that you can adapt very quickly. Everything you did here, the subtlety of your voice, melismas and falsettos... The way it creates balance. a lighter, thinner and softer voice projection with a heavy voice is fantastic. So this is a review of this video and I hope you enjoyed it. And before we finish, subscribe to our channel, click on the notification, click like and share this video. And see you in the next review. Goodbye.": 3, "Daily Routines in English I wake up I turn off my alarm I get up I take a shower I have a shower I get dressed I comb my hair I make breakfast I eat breakfast I have breakfast I brush my teeth I go to work I start work at 9 I answer emails I eat lunch I have lunch I work on my computer I finish work at five I go home I arrive home I feed the dog I cook dinner I eat dinner I have dinner I watch TV I read a book I go to bed I fall asleep Daily routines for school I go to school I have classes I eat lunch I have lunch I finish school at three I go home I do my homework Let's practice Which is correct? I watch TV I brush my teeth I cook dinner I get up I have dinner I read a book I have lunch I comb my hair I fall asleep I answer emails I get dressed I do my homework I make breakfast I turn off my alarm I start work at nine I go home I wake up I have breakfast I feed the dog I go to bed I have a shower I hope you found this lesson about daily routines useful. If you did, click like and remember to subscribe to our channel so you know when we create new videos to help you improve your English. Have an awesome day!": 4 }