stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public void registerDropPasteWorker(DropPasteWorkerInterface worker)
| worker.getAcceptableActions(defaultDropTarget.getComponent())
} | [
"Register a new DropPasteWorkerInterface.\n@param worker The new worker"
] | [
"Evict cached object\n\n@param key\nthe key indexed the cached object to be evicted",
"Use this API to kill systemsession resources.",
"Convert an object to another object with given type\n\n@param <T>\n@param source\nobject to convert\n@param typeReference\nreference to {@link java.lang.reflect.Type}\n@return the converted object if conversion failed\n@throws ConverterException",
"Reads filter parameters.\n\n@param params the params\n@return the criterias",
"Returns the adapter position of the Parent associated with this ParentViewHolder\n\n@return The adapter position of the Parent if it still exists in the adapter.\nRecyclerView.NO_POSITION if item has been removed from the adapter,\nRecyclerView.Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() has been called after the last\nlayout pass or the ViewHolder has already been recycled.",
"Finds the file at the provided path within the archive.\n\nEg, getChildFile(ArchiveModel, \"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF\") will return a {@link FileModel} if a file named\n/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF exists within the archive\n\n@return Returns the located {@link FileModel} or null if no file with this path could be located",
"call with lock on 'children' held",
"Tokenizes the input file and extracts the required data.\n\n@param is input stream\n@throws MPXJException",
"Inflate the main layout used to render videos in the list view.\n\n@param inflater LayoutInflater service to inflate.\n@param parent ViewGroup used to inflate xml.\n@return view inflated."
] |
void onSurfaceChanged(int width, int height) {
Log.v(TAG, "onSurfaceChanged");
final VrAppSettings.EyeBufferParams.DepthFormat depthFormat = mApplication.getAppSettings().getEyeBufferParams().getDepthFormat();
mApplication.getConfigurationManager().configureRendering(VrAppSettings.EyeBufferParams.DepthFormat.DEPTH_24_STENCIL_8 == depthFormat);
} | [
"Called when the surface is created or recreated. Avoided because this can\nbe called twice at the beginning."
] | [
"A convenience method for creating an immutable list\n\n@param self a List\n@return an immutable List\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableList(java.util.List)\n@since 1.0",
"See also WELD-1454.\n\n@param ij\n@return the formatted string",
"alias of setColorUnpressed",
"adds the qualified names to the export-package attribute, if not already\npresent.\n\n@param packages - passing parameterized packages is not supported",
"Returns the current revision.",
"Compute 1-dimensional Perlin noise.\n@param x the x value\n@return noise value at x in the range -1..1",
"Finds all the resource names contained in this file system folder.\n\n@param classPathRootOnDisk The location of the classpath root on disk, with a trailing slash.\n@param scanRootLocation The root location of the scan on the classpath, without leading or trailing slashes.\n@param folder The folder to look for resources under on disk.\n@return The resource names;",
"Returns a BSON version document representing a new version with a new instance ID, and\nversion counter of zero.\n@return a BsonDocument representing a synchronization version",
"Use this API to unset the properties of clusterinstance resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] |
protected void appendTableWithJoins(TableAlias alias, StringBuffer where, StringBuffer buf)
int stmtFromPos = 0;
byte joinSyntax = getJoinSyntaxType();
if (joinSyntax == SQL92_JOIN_SYNTAX)
stmtFromPos = buf.length(); // store position of join (by: Terry Dexter)
if (alias == getRoot())
// BRJ: also add indirection table to FROM-clause for MtoNQuery
if (getQuery() instanceof MtoNQuery)
MtoNQuery mnQuery = (MtoNQuery)m_query;
buf.append(getTableAliasForPath(mnQuery.getIndirectionTable(), null).getTableAndAlias());
buf.append(", ");
else if (joinSyntax != SQL92_NOPAREN_JOIN_SYNTAX)
if (!alias.hasJoins())
for (Iterator it = alias.iterateJoins(); it.hasNext();)
Join join = (Join) it.next();
if (joinSyntax == SQL92_JOIN_SYNTAX)
appendJoinSQL92(join, where, buf);
if (it.hasNext())
buf.insert(stmtFromPos, "(");
else if (joinSyntax == SQL92_NOPAREN_JOIN_SYNTAX)
appendJoinSQL92NoParen(join, where, buf);
appendJoin(where, buf, join);
} | [
"Appends to the statement table and all tables joined to it.\n@param alias the table alias\n@param where append conditions for WHERE clause here"
] | [
"Mark the given TaskItem depends on this taskGroup.\n\n@param dependentTaskItem the task item that depends on this task group\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of\ninvocation of given task item.",
"Additional bean deployment archives are used for extentions, synthetic annotated types and beans which do not come from a bean archive.\n\n@param beanClass\n@return the additional bean deployment archive",
"Returns the result of calling a closure with the first occurrence of a regular expression found within a CharSequence.\nIf the regex doesn't match, the closure will not be called and find will return null.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param regex the capturing regex CharSequence\n@param closure the closure that will be passed the full match, plus each of the capturing groups (if any)\n@return a String containing the result of calling the closure (calling toString() if needed), or null if the regex pattern doesn't match\n@see #find(String, java.util.regex.Pattern, groovy.lang.Closure)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Translate this rectangle over the specified following distances.\n\n@param rect rectangle to move\n@param dx delta x\n@param dy delta y",
"Populates a calendar exception instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param calendar calendar to which the exception will be added\n@throws MPXJException",
"Use this API to fetch tmtrafficpolicy_lbvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Creates an immutable list that consists of the elements in the given collection. If the given collection is already an immutable list,\nit is returned directly.\n\n@param source the given collection\n@return an immutable list",
"In case parent thread spawn thread we need create a new queue\nfor child thread but use the only one root step. In the end all steps will be\nchildren of root step, all we need is sync adding steps\n@param parentValue value from parent thread\n@return local copy of queue in this thread with parent root as first element",
"Appends a line separator node that will only be effective if the current line contains non-whitespace text.\n\n@return the given parent node"
] |
public void writeNameValuePair(String name, long value) throws IOException
internalWriteNameValuePair(name, Long.toString(value));
} | [
"Write a long attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name\n@param value attribute value"
] | [
"Creates a ClassNode containing the wrapper of a ClassNode\nof primitive type. Any ClassNode representing a primitive\ntype should be created using the predefined types used in\nclass. The method will check the parameter for known\nreferences of ClassNode representing a primitive type. If\nReference is found, then a ClassNode will be contained that\nrepresents the wrapper class. For example for boolean, the\nwrapper class is java.lang.Boolean.\n\nIf the parameter is no primitive type, the redirected\nClassNode will be returned\n\n@see #make(Class)\n@see #make(String)\n@param cn the ClassNode containing a possible primitive type",
"Called after creating the first connection. The adapter should create its caches and do all initialization it requires. Most\nimportantly, the SQL query cache should be created.\n\n@param cnx\nan open ready to use connection to the database.",
"Scroll to specific page. The final page might be different from the requested one if the\nrequested page is larger than the last page. To process the scrolling by pages\nLayoutScroller must be constructed with a pageSize greater than zero.\n@param pageNumber page to scroll to\n@return the new current item after the scrolling processed.",
"Create constant name.\n@param state STATE_UNCHANGED, STATE_CHANGED, STATE_NEW or STATE_DELETED.\n@return cconstanname as String",
"Obtains a local date in Ethiopic calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Ethiopic era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Ethiopic local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code EthiopicEra}",
"Get the real Class\n\n@param objectOrProxy\n@return Class",
"Creates an appropriate HSGE for a domain-wide resource of a type that is mappable to server groups",
"Returns the mode in the Collection. If the Collection has multiple modes, this method picks one\narbitrarily.",
"Add a variable to the scripting context.\n\n@param varName The variable name.\n@param value The variable value."
] |
public Iterator getAllBaseTypes()
ArrayList baseTypes = new ArrayList();
for (int idx = baseTypes.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
ClassDescriptorDef curClassDef = (ClassDescriptorDef)baseTypes.get(idx);
for (Iterator it = curClassDef.getDirectBaseTypes(); it.hasNext();)
ClassDescriptorDef curBaseTypeDef = (ClassDescriptorDef)it.next();
if (!baseTypes.contains(curBaseTypeDef))
baseTypes.add(0, curBaseTypeDef);
return baseTypes.iterator();
} | [
"Returns all base types.\n\n@return An iterator of the base types"
] | [
"Adds the given property and value to the constructed reference.\n\n@param propertyIdValue\nthe property to add\n@param value\nthe value to add\n@return builder object to continue construction",
"Get the response headers for URL, following redirects\n\n@param stringUrl URL to use\n@param followRedirects whether to follow redirects\n@return headers HTTP Headers\n@throws IOException I/O error happened",
"Use this API to fetch appfwprofile_denyurl_binding resources of given name .",
"Creates a single property declaration.\n@param property Property name.\n@param term Property value.\n@return The resulting declaration.",
"Returns the expected name of a workspace for a given suffix\n@param suffix\n@return",
"Get image ID from imageTag on the current agent.\n\n@param imageTag\n@return",
"Show multiple channels. All other channels will be unaffected.\n@param channels The channels to show",
"Register the given mbean with the platform mbean server\n\n@param mbean The mbean to register\n@param name The name to register under",
"Merge a new subsystem from the global registration.\n\n@param registry the global registry\n@param subsystemName the subsystem name\n@param version the subsystem version"
] |
public final int toChars(int[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen, char[] dest, int destOff) {
if (srcLen < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("srcLen must be >= 0");
int written = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; ++i) {
written += Character.toChars(src[srcOff + i], dest, destOff + written);
return written;
} | [
"Converts a sequence of unicode code points to a sequence of Java characters.\n\n@return the number of chars written to the destination buffer"
] | [
"Get the OAuth request token - this is step one of authorization.\n\n@param callbackUrl\noptional callback URL - required for web auth flow, will be set to \"oob\" if not specified.\n@return the {@link OAuth1RequestToken}, store this for when the user returns from the Flickr website.",
"Sets a string that will be prepended to the JAR file's data.\n\n@param value the prefix, or {@code null} for none.\n@return {@code this}",
"Check that an array only contains elements that are not null.\n@param values, can't be null\n@return",
"generate a message for loglevel DEBUG\n\n@param pObject the message Object",
"Download a specified URL to a file\n\n@param stringUrl URL to use\n@param parameters HTTP Headers\n@param fileToSave File to save content\n@throws IOException I/O error happened",
"Configures a RequestBuilder to send an RPC request.\n\n@param <T> return type for the AsyncCallback\n@param responseReader instance used to read the return value of the\ninvocation\n@param requestData payload that encodes the addressing and arguments of the\nRPC call\n@param callback callback handler\n\n@return a RequestBuilder object that is ready to have its\n{@link RequestBuilder#send()} method invoked.",
"Sets the ojbQuery, needed only as long we\ndon't support the soda constraint stuff.\n@param ojbQuery The ojbQuery to set",
"Use this API to update protocolhttpband.",
"Detect and apply waves, now or when the widget is attached.\n\n@param widget target widget to ensure is attached first"
] |
public String getHostAddress() {
if( addr instanceof NbtAddress ) {
return ((NbtAddress)addr).getHostAddress();
return ((InetAddress)addr).getHostAddress();
} | [
"Return the IP address as text such as \"\"."
] | [
"Creates updateable version of capability registry that on publish pushes all changes to main registry\nthis is used to create context local registry that only on completion commits changes to main registry\n\n@return writable registry",
"Invalidating just the GVRView associated with the GVRViewSceneObject\nincorrectly set the clip rectangle to just that view. To fix this,\nwe have to create a full screen android View and invalidate this\nto restore the clip rectangle.\n@return full screen View object",
"Updates this BoxJSONObject using the information in a JSON object.\n@param jsonObject the JSON object containing updated information.",
"This method is called to alert project listeners to the fact that\na resource has been written to a project file.\n\n@param resource resource instance",
"Set the menu view from a layout resource.\n\n@param layoutResId Resource ID to be inflated.",
"Get the literal value for an expression.\n\n@param expression expression\n@return literal value",
"Retrieve a byte array of containing the data starting at the supplied\noffset in the FixDeferFix file. Note that this method will return null\nif the requested data is not found for some reason.\n\n@param offset Offset into the file\n@return Byte array containing the requested data",
"Rename a key for all languages.\n@param oldKey the key to rename\n@param newKey the new key name\n@return <code>true</code> if renaming was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise.",
"Returns a OkHttpClient that ignores SSL cert errors\n@return"
] |
public static base_responses renumber(nitro_service client, nspbr6 resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
nspbr6 renumberresources[] = new nspbr6[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
renumberresources[i] = new nspbr6();
result = perform_operation_bulk_request(client, renumberresources,"renumber");
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to renumber nspbr6 resources."
] | [
"Convenience method dispatches this object to the source appender, which\nwill result in the custom message being appended to the new file.\n\n@param message\nThe custom logging message to be appended.",
"Writes a buffered some-value restriction.\n\n@param propertyUri\nURI of the property to which the restriction applies\n@param rangeUri\nURI of the class or datatype to which the restriction applies\n@param bnode\nblank node representing the restriction\n@throws RDFHandlerException\nif there was a problem writing the RDF triples",
"Starts the HTTP service.\n\n@throws Exception if the service failed to started",
"Create an ephemeral node with the given path and data. Create parents if necessary.\n@param zkClient client of zookeeper\n@param path node path of zookeeper\n@param data node data",
"Retrieve the state object associated with the specified interceptor instance and property\nname on this request context.\n\n@param interceptor the interceptor instance\n@param stateName the name key that the state object was stored under\n@param stateType class of the type the stored state should be returned as\n@param <T> the type the stored state should be returned as\n@return the stored state object\n@see #setState(HttpConnectionInterceptor, String, Object)\n@since 2.6.0",
"Reads next frame image.",
"BuildInteractiveObjectFromAnchor is a special type of interactive object in that it does not get\nbuilt using ROUTE's.\n\n@param anchorSensor is the Sensor that describes the sensor set to an Anchor\n@param anchorDestination is either another Viewpoint, url to a web site or another x3d scene",
"Creates a proxy object which implements a given bean interface.\n\n@param proxyInterface\nthe interface the the proxy will implement\n@param <T>\nthe proxy implementation type\n@return the proxy implementation\n@throws NullPointerException\nif proxyInterface is null",
"This method writes data for a single task to a Planner file.\n\n@param mpxjTask MPXJ Task instance\n@param taskList list of child tasks for current parent"
] |
private void writeCustomInfo(Event event) {
// insert customInfo (key/value) into DB
for (Map.Entry<String, String> customInfo : event.getCustomInfo().entrySet()) {
long cust_id = dbDialect.getIncrementer().nextLongValue();
+ " values (?,?,?,?)",
cust_id, event.getPersistedId(), customInfo.getKey(), customInfo.getValue());
} | [
"write CustomInfo list into table.\n\n@param event the event"
] | [
"Sets the distance from the origin to the far clipping plane for the\nwhole camera rig.\n\n@param far\nDistance to the far clipping plane.",
"Print a duration represented by an arbitrary fraction of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@param factor required factor\n@return duration represented as an arbitrary fraction of minutes",
"Generates a column for the given field and adds it to the table.\n\n@param fieldDef The field\n@param tableDef The table\n@return The column def",
"Send a device found announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param announcement the message announcing the new device",
"Returns a new instance of the class with the given qualified name using the constructor with\nthe specified parameter.\n\n@param className The qualified name of the class to instantiate\n@param type The types of the single parameter of the constructor\n@param arg The argument\n@return The instance",
"Converts the real matrix into a complex matrix.\n\n@param input Real matrix. Not modified.\n@param output Complex matrix. Modified.",
"Process any StepEvent. You can change last added to stepStorage\nstep using this method.\n\n@param event to process",
"Stops the server. This method does nothing if the server is stopped already.",
"Process TestCaseStartedEvent. New testCase will be created and added\nto suite as child.\n\n@param event to process"
] |
protected void eigenvalue2by2( int x1 ) {
double a = diag[x1];
double b = off[x1];
double c = diag[x1+1];
// normalize to reduce overflow
double absA = Math.abs(a);
double absB = Math.abs(b);
double absC = Math.abs(c);
double scale = absA > absB ? absA : absB;
if( absC > scale ) scale = absC;
// see if it is a pathological case. the diagonal must already be zero
// and the eigenvalues are all zero. so just return
if( scale == 0 ) {
off[x1] = 0;
diag[x1] = 0;
diag[x1+1] = 0;
a /= scale;
b /= scale;
c /= scale;
off[x1] = 0;
diag[x1] = scale*eigenSmall.value0.real;
diag[x1+1] = scale*eigenSmall.value1.real;
} | [
"Computes the eigenvalue of the 2 by 2 matrix."
] | [
"Removes all pending broadcasts\n\n@param sessionIds to remove broadcast for (or null for all sessions)",
"if |a11-a22| >> |a12+a21| there might be a better way. see pg371",
"Create a Count-Query for QueryByCriteria",
"Helper method to copy the contents of a stream to a file.\n@param outputDirectory The directory in which the new file is created.\n@param stream The stream to copy.\n@param targetFileName The file to write the stream contents to.\n@throws IOException If the stream cannot be copied.",
"Returns a human-readable string representation of a reference to a\nprecision that is used for a time value.\n\n@param precision\nthe numeric precision\n@return a string representation of the precision",
"Get the first non-white Y point\n@param img Image in memory\n@return the trimmed y start",
"Roll the years forward or backward.\n\n@param startDate - The start date\n@param years - Negative to rollbackwards.",
"Parses a tag formatted as defined by the HTTP standard.\n\n@param httpTag The HTTP tag string; if it starts with 'W/' the tag will be\nmarked as weak and the data following the 'W/' used as the tag;\notherwise it should be surrounded with quotes (e.g.,\n\"sometag\").\n\n@return A new tag instance.\n\n@see <a\nhref=\"http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.11\">HTTP\nEntity Tags</a>",
"Use this API to fetch all the cacheselector resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
private void processOutlineCodeValues() throws IOException
DirectoryEntry outlineCodeDir = (DirectoryEntry) m_projectDir.getEntry("TBkndOutlCode");
FixedMeta fm = new FixedMeta(new DocumentInputStream(((DocumentEntry) outlineCodeDir.getEntry("FixedMeta"))), 10);
FixedData fd = new FixedData(fm, new DocumentInputStream(((DocumentEntry) outlineCodeDir.getEntry("FixedData"))));
Map<Integer, FieldType> map = new HashMap<Integer, FieldType>();
int items = fm.getItemCount();
for (int loop = 0; loop < items; loop++)
byte[] data = fd.getByteArrayValue(loop);
if (data.length < 18)
int index = MPPUtility.getShort(data, 0);
int fieldID = MPPUtility.getInt(data, 12);
FieldType fieldType = FieldTypeHelper.getInstance(fieldID);
if (fieldType.getFieldTypeClass() != FieldTypeClass.UNKNOWN)
map.put(Integer.valueOf(index), fieldType);
VarMeta outlineCodeVarMeta = new VarMeta9(new DocumentInputStream(((DocumentEntry) outlineCodeDir.getEntry("VarMeta"))));
Var2Data outlineCodeVarData = new Var2Data(outlineCodeVarMeta, new DocumentInputStream(((DocumentEntry) outlineCodeDir.getEntry("Var2Data"))));
Map<FieldType, List<Pair<String, String>>> valueMap = new HashMap<FieldType, List<Pair<String, String>>>();
for (Integer id : outlineCodeVarMeta.getUniqueIdentifierArray())
FieldType fieldType = map.get(id);
String value = outlineCodeVarData.getUnicodeString(id, VALUE);
String description = outlineCodeVarData.getUnicodeString(id, DESCRIPTION);
List<Pair<String, String>> list = valueMap.get(fieldType);
if (list == null)
list = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();
valueMap.put(fieldType, list);
list.add(new Pair<String, String>(value, description));
for (Entry<FieldType, List<Pair<String, String>>> entry : valueMap.entrySet())
populateContainer(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} | [
"Reads outline code custom field values and populates container."
] | [
"Creates the given connection pool with the given configuration. Extracted here to make unit mocking easier.\n@param config configuration object.\n@return BoneCP connection pool handle.",
"Utility function to zip the content of an entire folder, but not the folder itself.\n@param folder\n@param fileName optional\n@return success or not",
"Log original incoming request\n\n@param requestType\n@param request\n@param history",
"Moves the given row up.\n\n@param row the row to move",
"Update max min.\n\n@param n the n\n@param c the c",
"Map the EventType.\n\n@param eventType the event type\n@return the event",
"Checks the orderby attribute.\n\n@param collDef The collection descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the value for orderby is invalid (unknown field or ordering)",
"Add the value to list of values to be used as part of the\nevaluation of this indicator.\n\n@param index position in the list\n@param value evaluation value",
"Obtains a Symmetry454 local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Symmetry454 local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time"
] |
private void updateBeatGrid(TrackMetadataUpdate update, BeatGrid beatGrid) {
hotCache.put(DeckReference.getDeckReference(update.player, 0), beatGrid); // Main deck
if (update.metadata.getCueList() != null) { // Update the cache with any hot cues in this track as well
for (CueList.Entry entry : update.metadata.getCueList().entries) {
if (entry.hotCueNumber != 0) {
hotCache.put(DeckReference.getDeckReference(update.player, entry.hotCueNumber), beatGrid);
deliverBeatGridUpdate(update.player, beatGrid);
} | [
"We have obtained a beat grid for a device, so store it and alert any listeners.\n\n@param update the update which caused us to retrieve this beat grid\n@param beatGrid the beat grid which we retrieved"
] | [
"Returns the perma link for the given resource and optional detail content.<p<\n\n@param cms the CMS context to use\n@param resourceName the page to generate the perma link for\n@param detailContentId the structure id of the detail content (may be null)\n\n@return the perma link",
"Tells you if the given ASTNode is a VariableExpression with the given name.\n@param expression\nany AST Node\n@param pattern\na string pattern to match\n@return\ntrue if the node is a variable with the specified name",
"Use this API to enable nsacl6 of given name.",
"Sets the specified date attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0",
"Generates a change event for a local update of a document in the given namespace referring\nto the given document _id.\n\n@param namespace the namespace where the document was inserted.\n@param documentId the _id of the document that was updated.\n@param update the update specifier.\n@return a change event for a local update of a document in the given namespace referring\nto the given document _id.",
"Use this API to fetch sslcertkey resources of given names .",
"Transforms a length according to the current transformation matrix.",
"This method allows a resource assignment to be added to the\ncurrent task.\n\n@param resource the resource to assign\n@return ResourceAssignment object",
"Creates an association row representing the given entry and adds it to the association managed by the given\npersister."
] |
private <T> T populateBean(final T resultBean, final String[] nameMapping) {
// map each column to its associated field on the bean
for( int i = 0; i < nameMapping.length; i++ ) {
final Object fieldValue = processedColumns.get(i);
// don't call a set-method in the bean if there is no name mapping for the column or no result to store
if( nameMapping[i] == null || fieldValue == null ) {
// invoke the setter on the bean
Method setMethod = cache.getSetMethod(resultBean, nameMapping[i], fieldValue.getClass());
invokeSetter(resultBean, setMethod, fieldValue);
return resultBean;
} | [
"Populates the bean by mapping the processed columns to the fields of the bean.\n\n@param resultBean\nthe bean to populate\n@param nameMapping\nthe name mappings\n@return the populated bean\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif there was a reflection exception while populating the bean"
] | [
"Checks if the provided artifactQuery is valid\n\n@param artifactQuery ArtifactQuery\n@throws WebApplicationException if the data is corrupted",
"Returns an input stream that applies the required decompression to the\ngiven input stream.\n\n@param inputStream\nthe input stream with the (possibly compressed) data\n@param compressionType\nthe kind of compression\n@return an input stream with decompressed data\n@throws IOException\nif there was a problem creating the decompression streams",
"Return the value from the field in the object that is defined by this FieldType.",
"Send a metadata cache update announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param slot the media slot whose cache status has changed\n@param cache the cache which has been attached, or, if {@code null}, the previous cache has been detached",
"Returns the Organization that produce this artifact or null if there is none\n\n@param dbArtifact DbArtifact\n@return DbOrganization",
"Create a ModelNode representing the operating system the instance is running on.\n\n@return a ModelNode representing the operating system the instance is running on.\n@throws OperationFailedException",
"Helper method to copy the contents of a stream to a file.\n@param outputDirectory The directory in which the new file is created.\n@param stream The stream to copy.\n@param targetFileName The file to write the stream contents to.\n@throws IOException If the stream cannot be copied.",
"Read JdbcConnectionDescriptors from the given repository file.\n\n@see #mergeConnectionRepository",
"Returns an iterator that iterates over all elements greater or equal to key in ascending order\n\n@param key key\n@return iterator"
] |
public SerialMessage getMultiChannelCapabilityGetMessage(ZWaveEndpoint endpoint) {
logger.debug("Creating new message for application command MULTI_CHANNEL_CAPABILITY_GET for node {} and endpoint {}", this.getNode().getNodeId(), endpoint.getEndpointId());
SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessageClass.ApplicationCommandHandler, SerialMessagePriority.Get);
byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(),
(byte) getCommandClass().getKey(),
(byte) endpoint.getEndpointId() };
return result;
} | [
"Gets a SerialMessage with the MULTI CHANNEL CAPABILITY GET command.\nGets the capabilities for a specific endpoint.\n@param the number of the endpoint to get the\n@return the serial message."
] | [
"Requests the beat grid for a specific track ID, given a connection to a player that has already been set up.\n\n@param rekordboxId the track of interest\n@param slot identifies the media slot we are querying\n@param client the dbserver client that is communicating with the appropriate player\n\n@return the retrieved beat grid, or {@code null} if there was none available\n\n@throws IOException if there is a communication problem",
"Closes the server socket. No new clients are accepted afterwards.",
"Adds all items from the iterator to the Collection.\n\n@param self the collection\n@param items the items to add\n@return true if the collection changed",
"Generate the specified output file by merging the specified\nVelocity template with the supplied context.",
"Prints the help on the command line\n\n@param options Options object from commons-cli",
"Use this API to expire cacheobject.",
"Given the current cluster and a zone id that needs to be dropped, this\nmethod will remove all partitions from the zone that is being dropped and\nmove it to the existing zones. The partitions are moved intelligently so\nas not to avoid any data movement in the existing zones.\n\nThis is achieved by moving the partitions to nodes in the surviving zones\nthat is zone-nry to that partition in the surviving zone.\n\n@param currentCluster Current cluster metadata\n@return Returns an interim cluster with empty partition lists on the\nnodes from the zone being dropped",
"Add a source and destination.\n\n@param source Source path to be routed. Routed path can have named wild-card pattern with braces \"{}\".\n@param destination Destination of the path.",
"Gets the actual type arguments of a Type\n\n@param type The type to examine\n@return The type arguments"
] |
public static void loadCubemapTexture(final GVRContext context,
ResourceCache<GVRImage> textureCache,
final TextureCallback callback,
final GVRAndroidResource resource, int priority,
Map<String, Integer> faceIndexMap)
throws IllegalArgumentException
validatePriorityCallbackParameters(context, callback, resource,
final GVRImage cached = textureCache == null
? null
: (GVRImage) textureCache.get(resource);
if (cached != null)
Log.v("ASSET", "Texture: %s loaded from cache", cached.getFileName());
context.runOnGlThread(new Runnable()
public void run()
callback.loaded(cached, resource);
TextureCallback actualCallback = (textureCache == null) ? callback
: ResourceCache.wrapCallback(textureCache, callback);
CancelableCallbackWrapper.wrap(GVRCubemapImage.class, actualCallback),
resource, priority, faceIndexMap);
} | [
"Load a cubemap texture asynchronously.\n\nThis is the implementation of\n{@link GVRAssetLoader#loadCubemapTexture(GVRAndroidResource.TextureCallback, GVRAndroidResource, int)}\n- it will usually be more convenient (and more efficient) to call that\ndirectly.\n\n@param context\nThe GVRF context\n@param textureCache\nTexture cache - may be {@code null}\n@param callback\nAsynchronous notifications\n@param resource\nBasically, a stream containing a compressed texture. Taking a\n{@link GVRAndroidResource} parameter eliminates six overloads.\n@param priority\nThis request's priority. Please see the notes on asynchronous\npriorities in the <a href=\"package-summary.html#async\">package\ndescription</a>.\n@return A {@link Future} that you can pass to methods like\n{@link GVRShaderData#setMainTexture(Future)}"
] | [
"Adds a file to your assembly but automatically generates the field name of the file.\n\n@param file {@link File} the file to be uploaded.",
"Classify the tokens in a String. Each sentence becomes a separate document.\n\n@param str\nA String with tokens in one or more sentences of text to be\nclassified.\n@return {@link List} of classified sentences (each a List of something that\nextends {@link CoreMap}).",
"Append the text supplied by the Writer at the end of the File, using a specified encoding.\n\n@param file a File\n@param writer the Writer supplying the text to append at the end of the File\n@param charset the charset used\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 2.3",
"Initializes an annotation class\n\n@param name The name of the annotation class\n@return The instance of the annotation. Returns a dummy if the class was\nnot found",
"Modify a module.\n\n@param moduleName the module name\n@param slot the module slot\n@param existingHash the existing hash\n@param newHash the new hash of the modified content\n@return the builder",
"This method is called from the task class each time an attribute\nis added, ensuring that all of the attributes present in each task\nrecord are present in the resource model.\n\n@param field field identifier",
"Evaluates an EL.\n\n@param vars the variables to be available for the evaluation.\n@param el the EL string to evaluate.\n@param returnType the class the EL evaluates to.\n@return the evaluated EL as an instance of the specified return type.\n@throws ELEvalException if the EL could not be evaluated.",
"Get the first non-white Y point\n@param img Image in memory\n@return the trimmed y start",
"Read custom property definitions for tasks.\n\n@param gpTasks GanttProject tasks"
] |
void onWeekOfMonthChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
if (handleChange()) {
} | [
"Handler for week of month changes.\n@param event the change event."
] | [
"Register the entity as batch loadable, if enabled\n\nCopied from {@link org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType#scheduleBatchLoadIfNeeded}",
"Stops listening. Safe to call when already stopped. Ignored on devices\nwithout appropriate hardware.",
"Get top deployment unit.\n\n@param unit the current deployment unit\n@return top deployment unit",
"Returns an object which represents the data to be transferred. The class\nof the object returned is defined by the representation class of the flavor.\n\n@param flavor the requested flavor for the data\n@see DataFlavor#getRepresentationClass\n@exception IOException if the data is no longer available\nin the requested flavor.\n@exception UnsupportedFlavorException if the requested data flavor is\nnot supported.",
"Remove all the existing links of the Declaration.\n\n@param declarationSRef the ServiceReference<Declaration> of the Declaration",
"Returns an iterator that will only offer leaf trace regions. If the nested regions have gaps, these will be\nfilled with parent data. If this region is a leaf, a singleton iterator will be returned.\n\n@return an unmodifiable iterator for all leafs. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Copies information between specified streams and then closes\nboth of the streams.\n@throws java.io.IOException",
"refresh all deliveries dependencies for a particular product",
"Shortcut for mapping the output of an arbitrary observable to one returning an instance of a specific type, using the IO scheduler.\n@param fromObservable the source observable\n@param toValue the value to emit to the observer\n@param <T> the type of the value to emit\n@return an observable emitting the specified value"
] |
public static String getDumpFileWebDirectory(
DumpContentType dumpContentType, String projectName) {
if (dumpContentType == DumpContentType.JSON) {
if ("wikidatawiki".equals(projectName)) {
return WmfDumpFile.DUMP_SITE_BASE_URL
+ WmfDumpFile.WEB_DIRECTORY.get(dumpContentType)
+ "wikidata" + "/";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Wikimedia Foundation uses non-systematic directory names for this type of dump file."
+ " I don't know where to find dumps of project "
+ projectName);
} else if (WmfDumpFile.WEB_DIRECTORY.containsKey(dumpContentType)) {
return WmfDumpFile.DUMP_SITE_BASE_URL
+ WmfDumpFile.WEB_DIRECTORY.get(dumpContentType)
+ projectName + "/";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported dump type "
+ dumpContentType);
} | [
"Returns the absolute directory on the Web site where dumpfiles of the\ngiven type can be found.\n\n@param dumpContentType\nthe type of dump\n@return relative web directory for the current dumpfiles\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif the given dump file type is not known"
] | [
"Assigns the provided square matrix to be a random Hermitian matrix with elements from min to max value.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be modified. Must be square. Modified.\n@param min Minimum value an element can have.\n@param max Maximum value an element can have.\n@param rand Random number generator.",
"Returns the compact project records for all projects in the team.\n\n@param team The team to find projects in.\n@return Request object",
"Use this API to fetch rewritepolicy_csvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Returns a short class name for an object.\nThis is the class name stripped of any package name.\n\n@return The name of the class minus a package name, for example\n<code>ArrayList</code>",
"Searches for all annotations of the given type on this method or on type level for all interfaces and superclasses\n\n@param method the method to scan\n@param annotation the annotation to search for\n@param <T> the type of the annotation\n@return the list of all method or type level annotations in the type hierarchy",
"delete of files more than 1 day old",
"Mirrors the given bitmap",
"Adds Editor specific UI components to the toolbar.\n@param context The context that provides access to the toolbar.",
"set the layout which will host the ScrimInsetsFrameLayout and its layoutParams\n\n@param container\n@param layoutParams\n@return"
] |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
protected void addStoreToSession(String store) {
Exception initializationException = null;
for(Node node: nodesToStream) {
SocketDestination destination = null;
SocketAndStreams sands = null;
try {
destination = new SocketDestination(node.getHost(),
sands = streamingSocketPool.checkout(destination);
DataOutputStream outputStream = sands.getOutputStream();
DataInputStream inputStream = sands.getInputStream();
nodeIdStoreToSocketRequest.put(new Pair(store, node.getId()), destination);
nodeIdStoreToOutputStreamRequest.put(new Pair(store, node.getId()), outputStream);
nodeIdStoreToInputStreamRequest.put(new Pair(store, node.getId()), inputStream);
nodeIdStoreToSocketAndStreams.put(new Pair(store, node.getId()), sands);
nodeIdStoreInitialized.put(new Pair(store, node.getId()), false);
remoteStoreDefs = adminClient.metadataMgmtOps.getRemoteStoreDefList(node.getId())
} catch(Exception e) {
try {
streamingSocketPool.checkin(destination, sands);
} catch(Exception ioE) {
initializationException = e;
if(initializationException != null)
throw new VoldemortException(initializationException);
boolean foundStore = false;
for(StoreDefinition remoteStoreDef: remoteStoreDefs) {
if(remoteStoreDef.getName().equals(store)) {
RoutingStrategyFactory factory = new RoutingStrategyFactory();
RoutingStrategy storeRoutingStrategy = factory.updateRoutingStrategy(remoteStoreDef,
storeToRoutingStrategy.put(store, storeRoutingStrategy);
validateSufficientNodesAvailable(blackListedNodes, remoteStoreDef);
foundStore = true;
if(!foundStore) {
logger.error("Store Name not found on the cluster");
throw new VoldemortException("Store Name not found on the cluster");
} | [
"Add another store destination to an existing streaming session\n\n\n@param store the name of the store to stream to"
] | [
"given the groupName, it returns the groupId\n\n@param groupName name of group\n@return ID of group",
"Decides and returns the preferred deployment credentials to use from this builder settings and selected server\n\n@param deployerOverrider Deploy-overriding capable builder\n@param server Selected Artifactory server\n@return Preferred deployment credentials",
"Adds a boolean refinement for the next queries.\n\n@param attribute the attribute to refine on.\n@param value the value to refine with.\n@return this {@link Searcher} for chaining.",
"updates the values for locking fields , BRJ\nhandles int, long, Timestamp\nrespects updateLock so locking field are only updated when updateLock is true\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException if there is an erros accessing obj field values",
"Set the name of the schema containing the schedule tables.\n\n@param schema schema name.",
"Fetch JSON from RAW resource\n\n@param context Context\n@param resource Resource int of the RAW file\n@return JSON",
"Extract schema of the key field",
"Adds a filter definition to this project file.\n\n@param filter filter definition",
"Records the result of updating a server.\n\n@param server the id of the server. Cannot be <code>null</code>\n@param response the result of the updates"
] |
public static TransactionPhase getTransactionalPhase(EnhancedAnnotatedMethod<?, ?> observer) {
EnhancedAnnotatedParameter<?, ?> parameter = observer.getEnhancedParameters(Observes.class).iterator().next();
return parameter.getAnnotation(Observes.class).during();
} | [
"Tests an observer method to see if it is transactional.\n\n@param observer The observer method\n@return true if the observer method is annotated as transactional"
] | [
"Map content.\n\n@param dh the data handler\n@return the string",
"Retrieves the amount of work on a given day, and\nreturns it in the specified format.\n\n@param date target date\n@param format required format\n@return work duration",
"Concats an element and an array.\n\n@param firstElement the first element\n@param array the array\n@param <T> the type of the element in the array\n@return a new array created adding the element in the second array after the first element",
"Clear all overrides, reset repeat counts for a response path\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Support the range subscript operator for String\n\n@param text a String\n@param range a Range\n@return a substring corresponding to the Range\n@since 1.0",
"Stores a new certificate and its associated private key in the keystore.\n@param hostname\n@param cert\n@param privKey @throws KeyStoreException\n@throws CertificateException\n@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException",
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Long.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isLong(String)\n@since 1.8.2",
"running in App Engine",
"Generate a results file for each test in each suite.\n@param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s)."
] |
public void process() {
// are we ready to process yet, or have we had an error, and are
// waiting a bit longer in the hope that it will resolve itself?
if (error_skips > 0) {
try {
if (logger != null)
logger.debug("Starting processing");
status = "Processing";
lastCheck = System.currentTimeMillis();
// FIXME: how to break off processing if we don't want to keep going?
status = "Sleeping";
if (logger != null)
logger.debug("Finished processing");
} catch (Throwable e) {
status = "Thread blocked on error: " + e;
if (logger != null)
logger.error("Error in processing; waiting", e);
error_skips = error_factor;
} | [
"Runs the record linkage process."
] | [
"Conditionally read a nested table based in the value of a boolean flag which precedes the table data.\n\n@param readerClass reader class\n@return table rows or empty list if table not present",
"Returns the bounding box of the vertices.\n@param corners destination array to get corners of bounding box.\nThe first three entries are the minimum X,Y,Z values\nand the next three are the maximum X,Y,Z.\n@return true if bounds are not empty, false if empty (no vertices)",
"Extract a duration amount from the assignment, converting a percentage\ninto an actual duration.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param work duration from assignment\n@return Duration instance",
"Determine which field the Activity ID has been mapped to.\n\n@param map field map\n@return field",
"Calculate matrix exponential of a square matrix.\n\nA scaled Pade approximation algorithm is used.\nThe algorithm has been directly translated from Golub & Van Loan \"Matrix Computations\",\nalgorithm 11.3.1. Special Horner techniques from 11.2 are also used to minimize the number\nof matrix multiplications.\n\n@param A square matrix\n@return matrix exponential of A",
"Helper method that encapsulates the logic to acquire a lock.\n\n@param jedis\nthe connection to Redis\n@param namespace\nthe Resque namespace\n@param lockName\nall calls to this method will contend for a unique lock with\nthe name of lockName\n@param timeout\nseconds until the lock will expire\n@param lockHolder\na unique string used to tell if you are the current holder of\na lock for both acquisition, and extension\n@return Whether or not the lock was acquired.",
"Returns true if the grammar element that is associated with the given param is filtered due to guard conditions\nof parameterized rules in the current call stack.\n\nIf the grammar element is the only element contained in a group, its container is checked, too.\n\n@see #isFiltered(AbstractElement, Param)",
"Gets an app client by its client app id if it has been initialized; throws if none can be\nfound.\n\n@param clientAppId the client app id of the app client to get.\n@return the app client associated with the client app id.",
"Invoke to tell listeners that an step started event processed"
] |
public void setTimeWarp(String l) {
long warp = CmsContextInfo.CURRENT_TIME;
try {
warp = Long.parseLong(l);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// if parsing the time warp fails, it will be set to -1 (i.e. disabled)
} | [
"Sets the time warp.\n\n@param l the new time warp"
] | [
"Put object to session cache.\n\n@param oid The {@link org.apache.ojb.broker.Identity} of the object to cache\n@param entry The {@link org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl.CacheEntry} of the object\n@param onlyIfNew Flag, if set <em>true</em> only new objects (not already in session cache) be cached.",
"Use this API to change responderhtmlpage.",
"Find the logging profile attached to any resource.\n\n@param resourceRoot the root resource\n\n@return the logging profile name or {@code null} if one was not found",
"Constructs a valid request and passes it on to the next handler. It also\ncreates the 'StoreClient' object corresponding to the store name\nspecified in the REST request.\n\n@param requestValidator The Validator object used to construct the\nrequest object\n@param ctx Context of the Netty channel\n@param messageEvent Message Event used to write the response / exception",
"Gets the Symmetric Chi-square divergence.\n\n@param p P vector.\n@param q Q vector.\n@return The Symmetric chi-square divergence between p and q.",
"checks if a bean has been seen before in the dependencyPath. If not, it\nresolves the InjectionPoints and adds the resolved beans to the set of\nbeans to be validated",
"Transposes a block matrix.\n\n@param A Original matrix. Not modified.\n@param A_tran Transposed matrix. Modified.",
"Will prompt a user the \"Add to Homescreen\" feature\n\n@param callback A callback function after the method has been executed.",
"Reads a file and returns the result in a String\n\n@param file File\n@return String\n@throws IOException"
] |
public boolean hasUppercaseVariations(int base, boolean lowerOnly) {
if(base > 10) {
int count = getSegmentCount();
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
IPv6AddressSegment seg = getSegment(i);
if(seg.hasUppercaseVariations(base, lowerOnly)) {
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Returns whether this subnet or address has alphabetic digits when printed.\n\nNote that this method does not indicate whether any address contained within this subnet has alphabetic digits,\nonly whether the subnet itself when printed has alphabetic digits.\n\n@return whether the section has alphabetic digits when printed."
] | [
"Check for exceptions.\n\n@return the list",
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"This method allows a resource assignment workgroup fields record\nto be added to the current resource assignment. A maximum of\none of these records can be added to a resource assignment record.\n\n@return ResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields object\n@throws MPXJException if MSP defined limit of 1 is exceeded",
"Stop listening for device announcements. Also discard any announcements which had been received, and\nnotify any registered listeners that those devices have been lost.",
"Consumes the next character in the request, checking that it matches the\nexpected one. This method should be used when the",
"Checks that the data starting at startLocRecord looks like a local file record header.\n\n@param channel the channel\n@param startLocRecord offset into channel of the start of the local record\n@param compressedSize expected compressed size of the file, or -1 to indicate this isn't known",
"Get a list of all methods.\n\n@return The method names\n@throws FlickrException",
"Print time unit.\n\n@param value TimeUnit instance\n@return time unit value",
"Return a Halton number, sequence starting at index = 0, base > 1.\n\n@param index The index of the sequence.\n@param base The base of the sequence. Has to be greater than one (this is not checked).\n@return The Halton number."
] |
public BoxFileUploadSessionPart uploadPart(InputStream stream, long offset, int partSize,
long totalSizeOfFile) {
URL uploadPartURL = this.sessionInfo.getSessionEndpoints().getUploadPartEndpoint();
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), uploadPartURL, HttpMethod.PUT);
request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
//Read the partSize bytes from the stream
byte[] bytes = new byte[partSize];
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new BoxAPIException("Reading data from stream failed.", ioe);
return this.uploadPart(bytes, offset, partSize, totalSizeOfFile);
} | [
"Uploads chunk of a stream to an open upload session.\n@param stream the stream that is used to read the chunck using the offset and part size.\n@param offset the byte position where the chunk begins in the file.\n@param partSize the part size returned as part of the upload session instance creation.\nOnly the last chunk can have a lesser value.\n@param totalSizeOfFile The total size of the file being uploaded.\n@return the part instance that contains the part id, offset and part size."
] | [
"Generic version of getting value by key from the JobContext of current thread\n@param key the key\n@param clz the val class\n@param <T> the val type\n@return the value",
"Evaluates an EL.\n\n@param vars the variables to be available for the evaluation.\n@param el the EL string to evaluate.\n@param returnType the class the EL evaluates to.\n@return the evaluated EL as an instance of the specified return type.\n@throws ELEvalException if the EL could not be evaluated.",
"Use this API to delete appfwlearningdata.",
"Revert all the working copy changes.",
"Use this API to fetch sslaction resource of given name .",
"Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out to the stream. If propagate is\ntrue, the wrapped stream will also be flushed.\n\n@param propagate\nboolean flag to indicate whether the wrapped OutputStream should also be flushed.\n@throws IOException\nif an I/O error occurs.",
"Use this API to fetch a tmglobal_binding resource .",
"Copy a patch element\n\n@param entry the patch entry\n@param patchId the patch id for the element\n@param modifications the element modifications\n@return the new patch element",
"Get the sub registry for the domain.\n\n@param range the version range\n@return the sub registry"
] |
public static PasswordSpec parse(String spec) {
char[] ca = spec.toCharArray();
int len = ca.length;
illegalIf(0 == len, spec);
Builder builder = new Builder();
StringBuilder minBuf = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder maxBuf = new StringBuilder();
boolean lenSpecStart = false;
boolean minPart = false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c = ca[i];
switch (c) {
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
lenSpecStart = true;
minPart = true;
illegalIf(minPart, spec);
lenSpecStart = false;
minPart = false;
if (!lenSpecStart) {
} else {
if (minPart) {
} else {
illegalIf(!lenSpecStart || !isDigit(c), spec);
if (minPart) {
} else {
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
if (minBuf.length() != 0) {
if (maxBuf.length() != 0) {
return builder;
} | [
"Parse a string representation of password spec.\n\nA password spec string should be `<trait spec><length spec>`.\n\nWhere \"trait spec\" should be a composition of\n\n* `a` - indicate lowercase letter required\n* `A` - indicate uppercase letter required\n* `0` - indicate digit letter required\n* `#` - indicate special character required\n\n\"length spec\" should be `[min,max]` where `max` can be omitted.\n\nHere are examples of valid \"length spec\":\n\n* `[6,20]` // min length: 6, max length: 20\n* `[8,]` // min length: 8, max length: unlimited\n\nAnd examples of invalid \"length spec\":\n\n* `[8]` // \",\" required after min part\n* `[a,f]` // min and max part needs to be decimal digit(s)\n* `[3,9)` // length spec must be started with `[` and end with `]`\n\n@param spec a string representation of password spec\n@return a {@link PasswordSpec} instance"
] | [
"Adds a measure to the crosstab. A crosstab can have many measures. DJ will lay out one measure above\nthe other.\n\nA measure is what is shown on each intersection of a column and a row. A calculation is performed to\nall occurrences in the datasource where the column and row values matches (between elements)\n\nThe only difference between the prior methods is that this method sets \"visible\" to false\n\n@param property\n@param className\n@param title\n@return",
"Retrieve an enterprise field value.\n\n@param index field index\n@return field value",
"this class loader interface can be used by other plugins to lookup\nresources from the bundles. A temporary class loader interface is set\nduring other configuration loading as well\n\n@return ClassLoaderInterface (BundleClassLoaderInterface)",
"The way calendars are stored in an MSPDI file means that there\ncan be forward references between the base calendar unique ID for a\nderived calendar, and the base calendar itself. To get around this,\nwe initially populate the base calendar name attribute with the\nbase calendar unique ID, and now in this method we can convert those\nID values into the correct names.\n\n@param baseCalendars list of calendars and base calendar IDs\n@param map map of calendar ID values and calendar objects",
"Updates the information about this weblink with any info fields that have been modified locally.\n\n<p>The only fields that will be updated are the ones that have been modified locally. For example, the following\ncode won't update any information (or even send a network request) since none of the info's fields were\nchanged:</p>\n\n<pre>BoxWebLink webLink = new BoxWebLink(api, id);\nBoxWebLink.Info info = webLink.getInfo();\nwebLink.updateInfo(info);</pre>\n\n@param info the updated info.",
"LRN cross-channel forward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type",
"Get the first non-white Y point\n@param img Image in memory\n@return the trimmed y start",
"Use this API to fetch all the dnssuffix resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Sets ID field value.\n\n@param val value"
] |
private boolean hasAbstractPackagePrivateSuperClassWithImplementation(Class<?> clazz, BridgeMethod bridgeMethod) {
Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
while (superClass != null) {
if (Modifier.isAbstract(superClass.getModifiers()) && Reflections.isPackagePrivate(superClass.getModifiers())) {
// if superclass is abstract, we need to dig deeper
for (Method method : superClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (bridgeMethod.signature.matches(method) && method.getGenericReturnType().equals(bridgeMethod.returnType)
&& !Reflections.isAbstract(method)) {
// this is the case we are after -> methods have same signature and the one in super class has actual implementation
return true;
superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
return false;
} | [
"Returns true if super class of the parameter exists and is abstract and package private. In such case we want to omit such method.\n\nSee WELD-2507 and Oracle issue - https://bugs.java.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6342411\n\n@return true if the super class exists and is abstract and package private"
] | [
"Template method responsible for file compression checks, file creation, and\ndelegation to specific strategy implementations.\n\n@param backupFile\nThe file to be compressed.\n@param properties\nThe appender's configuration.",
"Append field with quotes and escape characters added, if required.\n\n@return this",
"Returns the list of people who have favorited a given photo.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param photoId\n@param perPage\n@param page\n@return List of {@link com.flickr4java.flickr.people.User}",
"Broadcast a packet that tells some players to start playing and others to stop. If a player number is in\nboth sets, it will be told to stop. Numbers outside the range 1 to 4 are ignored.\n\n@param deviceNumbersToStart the players that should start playing if they aren't already\n@param deviceNumbersToStop the players that should stop playing\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem broadcasting the command to the players\n@throws IllegalStateException if the {@code VirtualCdj} is not active",
"Creates an object instance from the Groovy resource\n\n@param resource the Groovy resource to parse\n@return An Object instance",
"Start the first inner table of a class.",
"Adds a shutdown hook for the process.\n\n@param process the process to add a shutdown hook for\n\n@return the thread set as the shutdown hook\n\n@throws java.lang.SecurityException If a security manager is present and it denies {@link\njava.lang.RuntimePermission <code>RuntimePermission(\"shutdownHooks\")</code>}",
"Check if a given string is a valid java package or class name.\n\nThis method use the technique documented in\n[this SO question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13557195/how-to-check-if-string-is-a-valid-class-identifier)\nwith the following extensions:\n\n* if the string does not contain `.` then assume it is not a valid package or class name\n\n@param s\nthe string to be checked\n@return\n`true` if `s` is a valid java package or class name",
"Populate the UDF values for this entity.\n\n@param tableName parent table name\n@param type entity type\n@param container entity\n@param uniqueID entity Unique ID"
] |
public static void Forward(double[] data) {
double[] result = new double[data.length];
for (int k = 0; k < result.length; k++) {
double sum = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < data.length; n++) {
double theta = ((2.0 * Math.PI) / data.length) * k * n;
sum += data[n] * cas(theta);
result[k] = (1.0 / Math.sqrt(data.length)) * sum;
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
data[i] = result[i];
} | [
"1-D Forward Discrete Hartley Transform.\n\n@param data Data."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the vrid6 resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Dumps a single material property to stdout.\n\n@param property the property",
"Turn map into string\n\n@param propMap Map to be converted\n@return",
"Check if a module can be promoted in the Grapes server\n\n@param name\n@param version\n@return a boolean which is true only if the module can be promoted\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException",
"Set the value for a floating point vector of length 4.\n@param key name of uniform to set.\n@param x new X value\n@param y new Y value\n@param z new Z value\n@param w new W value\n@see #getVec4\n@see #getFloatVec(String)",
"Retrieve and validate the zone id value from the REST request.\n\"X-VOLD-Zone-Id\" is the zone id header.\n\n@return valid zone id or -1 if there is no/invalid zone id",
"Returns a \"clean\" version of the given filename in which spaces have\nbeen converted to dashes and all non-alphanumeric chars are underscores.",
"Validate that the overlay exists. If it doesn't exist, throws an\nexception if not in batch mode or if failInBatch is true. In batch mode,\nwe could be in the case that the overlay doesn't exist yet.",
"Use this API to delete nsip6 resources of given names."
] |
public static nsacl6_stats[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
nsacl6_stats obj = new nsacl6_stats();
nsacl6_stats[] response = (nsacl6_stats[])obj.stat_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nsacl6_stats resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Iterates through the given CharSequence line by line, splitting each line using\nthe given separator Pattern. The list of tokens for each line is then passed to\nthe given closure.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param pattern the regular expression Pattern for the delimiter\n@param closure a closure\n@return the last value returned by the closure\n@throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs\n@since 1.8.2",
"Counts the number of elements in A which are not zero.\n@param A A matrix\n@return number of non-zero elements",
"Returns if this maps the specified cell.\n\n@param cell the cell name\n@return {@code true} if this maps the column, {@code false} otherwise",
"Utility function that fetches all stores on a node.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param nodeId Node id to fetch stores from\n@return List of all store names",
"Returns the value of found in the model.\n\n@param model the model that contains the key and value.\n@param expressionResolver the expression resolver to use to resolve expressions\n\n@return the directory grouping found in the model.\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@link org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants#DIRECTORY_GROUPING directory grouping}\nwas not found in the model.",
"Used only for unit testing. Please do not use this method in other ways.\n\n@param key\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Tries to load a class using the specified ResourceLoader. Returns null if the class is not found.\n@param className\n@param resourceLoader\n@return the loaded class or null if the given class cannot be loaded",
"On key down we assume the key will go at the end. It's the most\ncommon case and not that distracting if that's not true.",
"Verify that the given channels are all valid.\n\n@param channels\nthe given channels"
] |
public ProjectCalendarHours getHours(Day day)
ProjectCalendarHours result = getCalendarHours(day);
if (result == null)
// If this is a base calendar and we have no hours, then we
// have a problem - so we add the default hours and try again
if (m_parent == null)
// Only add default hours for the day that is 'missing' to avoid overwriting real calendar hours
result = getCalendarHours(day);
result = m_parent.getHours(day);
return result;
} | [
"This method retrieves the calendar hours for the specified day.\nNote that if this is a derived calendar, then this method\nwill refer to the base calendar where no hours are specified\nin the derived calendar.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@return calendar hours"
] | [
"Moves everything up so that the specified shift or latch character can be inserted.\n\n@param position the position beyond which everything needs to be shifted\n@param c the latch or shift character to insert at the specified position, after everything has been shifted",
"Execute all recorded tasks.\n\n@param context the patch context\n@param callback the finalization callback\n@throws Exception",
"helper to calculate the statusBar height\n\n@param context\n@param force pass true to get the height even if the device has no translucent statusBar\n@return",
"Iterates through this file line by line, splitting each line using\nthe given regex separator. For each line, the given closure is called with\na single parameter being the list of strings computed by splitting the line\naround matches of the given regular expression.\nFinally the resources used for processing the file are closed.\n\n@param self a File\n@param regex the delimiting regular expression\n@param closure a closure\n@return the last value returned by the closure\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@throws java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException\nif the regular expression's syntax is invalid\n@see IOGroovyMethods#splitEachLine(java.io.Reader, java.lang.String, groovy.lang.Closure)\n@since 1.5.5",
"Use this API to fetch all the tunneltrafficpolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"EXecutes command to given container returning the inspection object as well. This method does 3 calls to\ndockerhost. Create, Start and Inspect.\n\n@param containerId\nto execute command.",
"Helper method that encapsulates the logic to acquire a lock.\n\n@param jedis\nthe connection to Redis\n@param namespace\nthe Resque namespace\n@param lockName\nall calls to this method will contend for a unique lock with\nthe name of lockName\n@param timeout\nseconds until the lock will expire\n@param lockHolder\na unique string used to tell if you are the current holder of\na lock for both acquisition, and extension\n@return Whether or not the lock was acquired.",
"This method is used by non-blocking code to determine if the give buffer\nrepresents a complete request. Because the non-blocking code can by\ndefinition not just block waiting for more data, it's possible to get\npartial reads, and this identifies that case.\n\n@param buffer Buffer to check; the buffer is reset to position 0 before\ncalling this method and the caller must reset it after the call\nreturns\n@return True if the buffer holds a complete request, false otherwise",
"Use this API to fetch all the gslbservice resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public List<Task> getActiveTasks() {
InputStream response = null;
URI uri = new URIBase(getBaseUri()).path("_active_tasks").build();
try {
response = couchDbClient.get(uri);
return getResponseList(response, couchDbClient.getGson(), DeserializationTypes.TASKS);
} finally {
} | [
"Get the list of active tasks from the server.\n\n@return List of tasks\n@see <a href=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/active_tasks.html\">\nActive tasks</a>"
] | [
"Adds a tag to the resource.\n@param key the key for the tag\n@param value the value for the tag\n@return the next stage of the definition/update",
"Copy new grayscale data to the GPU texture. This one is also safe even\nin a non-GL thread. An updateGPU request on a non-GL thread will\nbe forwarded to the GL thread and be executed before main rendering happens.\n\nBe aware that updating a texture will affect any and all\n{@linkplain GVRMaterial materials} and/or post effects that use the texture!\n@param width width of grayscale image\n@param height height of grayscale image\n@param grayscaleData A byte array containing grayscale data\n\n@since 1.6.3",
"Returns the index of a key in the set.\n\n@param key The key to search for.\n@return Returns the index of the key if it exists, else a negative integer.",
"generate a prepared DELETE-Statement for the Class\ndescribed by cld.\n@param cld the ClassDescriptor",
"Mark objects no longer available in collection for delete and new objects for insert.\n\n@param broker the PB to persist all objects",
"Option check, forwards options to the standard doclet, if that one refuses them,\nthey are sent to UmlGraph",
"Reads all sub-categories below the provided category.\n@return The map from the provided category to it's sub-categories in a {@link CmsJspCategoryAccessBean}.",
"Adds all direct subtypes to the given list.\n\n@param type The type for which to determine the direct subtypes\n@param subTypes The list to receive the subtypes",
"Obtains a Ethiopic zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Ethiopic zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time"
] |
private void query(String zipcode) {
/* Setup YQL query statement using dynamic zipcode. The statement searches geo.places
for the zipcode and returns XML which includes the WOEID. For more info about YQL go
to: http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/ */
String qry = URLEncoder.encode("SELECT woeid FROM geo.places WHERE text=" + zipcode + " LIMIT 1");
// Generate request URI using the query statement
URL url;
try {
// get URL content
url = new URL("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" + qry);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream content = conn.getInputStream();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} | [
"Query zipcode from Yahoo to find associated WOEID"
] | [
"Use this API to add dnsview.",
"Sets the category display options that affect how the category selection dialog is shown.\n\n@param displayCategoriesByRepository if true, the categories are shown separated by repository.\n@param displayCategorySelectionCollapsed if true, the selection dialog opens showing only the top-level categories\n(or the various repositories) in collapsed state.",
"Read an element which contains only a single boolean attribute.\n@param reader the reader\n@param attributeName the attribute name, usually \"value\"\n@return the boolean value\n@throws javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException if an error occurs or if the\nelement does not contain the specified attribute, contains other\nattributes, or contains child elements.",
"Use this API to fetch wisite_farmname_binding resources of given name .",
"Retrieve the index of the table entry valid for the supplied date.\n\n@param date required date\n@return cost rate table entry index",
"Converts the paged list.\n\n@param uList the resource list to convert from\n@return the converted list",
"Adds the default value of property if defined.\n\n@param props the Properties object\n@param propDef the property definition\n\n@return true if the property could be added",
"Gets the a singleton reference to the SPIProvider returned by the SPIProviderResolver\nretrieved using the default server integration classloader.\n\n@return this class instance",
"Transposes an individual block inside a block matrix."
] |
public static final String printExtendedAttributeDate(Date value)
return (value == null ? null : DATE_FORMAT.get().format(value));
} | [
"Print an extended attribute date value.\n\n@param value date value\n@return string representation"
] | [
"Merge the two maps.\n\n<p>\nThe replied map is a view on the given map. It means that any change\nin the original map is reflected to the result of this operation.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nIf a key exists in the left and right operands, the value in the right operand is preferred.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param left the left map.\n@param right the right map.\n@return a map with the merged contents from the two maps.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException - when a right operand key exists in the left operand.\n@since 2.15",
"Gets the value of the callout property.\n\n<p>\nThis accessor method returns a reference to the live list,\nnot a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the\nreturned list will be present inside the JAXB object.\nThis is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the callout property.\n\n<p>\nFor example, to add a new item, do as follows:\n<pre>\ngetCallout().add(newItem);\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>\nObjects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list\n{@link Callouts.Callout }",
"Determine the X coordinate within the component at which the specified beat begins.\n\n@param beat the beat number whose position is desired\n@return the horizontal position within the component coordinate space where that beat begins\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the beat number exceeds the number of beats in the track.",
"Get viewport size along the axis\n@param axis {@link Axis}\n@return size",
"Clone layer information considering what may be copied to the client.\n\n@param original layer info\n@return cloned copy including only allowed information",
"Emit a event object with parameters and force all listeners to be called synchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(EventObject, Object...)",
"Clones the given collection.\n\n@param collDef The collection descriptor\n@param prefix A prefix for the name\n@return The cloned collection",
"Given a particular key, first converts its to the storage format and then\ndetermines which chunk it belongs to\n\n@param key Byte array of keys\n@return Chunk id\n@throws IllegalStateException if unable to find the chunk id for the given key",
"Use this API to update dbdbprofile."
] |
public double[] getMoneynessAsOffsets() {
DoubleStream moneyness = getGridNodesPerMoneyness().keySet().stream().mapToDouble(Integer::doubleValue);
if(quotingConvention == QuotingConvention.PAYERVOLATILITYLOGNORMAL) {
moneyness = moneyness.map(new DoubleUnaryOperator() {
public double applyAsDouble(double x) {
return x * 0.01;
} else if(quotingConvention == QuotingConvention.RECEIVERPRICE) {
moneyness = moneyness.map(new DoubleUnaryOperator() {
public double applyAsDouble(double x) {
return - x * 0.0001;
} else {
moneyness = moneyness.map(new DoubleUnaryOperator() {
public double applyAsDouble(double x) {
return x * 0.0001;
return moneyness.toArray();
} | [
"Return all levels of moneyness for which data exists.\nMoneyness is returned as actual difference strike - par swap rate.\n\n@return The levels of moneyness as difference of strike to par swap rate."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Add an appliable dependency for this task item.\n\n@param appliable the appliable dependency.\n@return the key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve updated dependency",
"Unlocks a file.",
"Looks for sequences of integer lists and combine them into one big sequence",
"Writes the details of a recurring exception.\n\n@param mpxjException source MPXJ calendar exception\n@param xmlException target MSPDI exception",
"Prints associations recovered from the fields of a class. An association is inferred only\nif another relation between the two classes is not already in the graph.\n@param classes",
"Creates a random diagonal matrix where the diagonal elements are selected from a uniform\ndistribution that goes from min to max.\n\n@param N Dimension of the matrix.\n@param min Minimum value of a diagonal element.\n@param max Maximum value of a diagonal element.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@return A random diagonal matrix.",
"Returns the text for the JSONObject of Link provided\nThe JSONObject of Link provided should be of the type \"copy\"\n@param jsonObject of Link\n@return String",
"Create a new instance for the specified host and encryption key.\n\n@see #create(String)"
] |
public static boolean isAssignableFrom(TypeReference<?> from, TypeReference<?> to) {
if (from == null) {
return false;
if (to.equals(from)) {
return true;
if (to.getType() instanceof Class) {
return to.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(from.getRawType());
} else if (to.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
return isAssignableFrom(from.getType(), (ParameterizedType) to
.getType(), new HashMap<String, Type>());
} else if (to.getType() instanceof GenericArrayType) {
return to.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(from.getRawType())
&& isAssignableFrom(from.getType(), (GenericArrayType) to
} else {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected Type : " + to);
} | [
"Check if this type is assignable from the given Type."
] | [
"Vend a SessionVar with the default value",
"Check if information model entity referenced by archetype\nhas right name or type",
"Process TestCaseFinishedEvent. Add steps and attachments from\ntop step from stepStorage to current testCase, then remove testCase\nand step from stores. Also remove attachments matches removeAttachments\nconfig.\n\n@param event to process",
"Sets a listener for user actions within the SearchView.\n\n@param listener the listener object that receives callbacks when the user performs\nactions in the SearchView such as clicking on buttons or typing a query.",
"Retrieve the dir pointed to by 'latest' symbolic-link or the current\nversion dir\n\n@return Current version directory, else null",
"There is a race condition that is not handled properly by the DialogFragment class.\nIf we don't check that this onDismiss callback isn't for the old progress dialog from before\nthe device orientation change, then this will cause the newly created dialog after the\norientation change to be dismissed immediately.",
"Runs a Story with the given configuration and steps.\n\n@param configuration the Configuration used to run story\n@param candidateSteps the List of CandidateSteps containing the candidate\nsteps methods\n@param story the Story to run\n@throws Throwable if failures occurred and FailureStrategy dictates it to\nbe re-thrown.",
"Get a lower-scoped token restricted to a resource for the list of scopes that are passed.\n@param scopes the list of scopes to which the new token should be restricted for\n@param resource the resource for which the new token has to be obtained\n@return scopedToken which has access token and other details",
"Add a value to this activity code.\n\n@param uniqueID value unique ID\n@param name value name\n@param description value description\n@return ActivityCodeValue instance"
] |
public PersistentResourceXMLDescription getParserDescription() {
return PersistentResourceXMLDescription.builder(ElytronExtension.SUBSYSTEM_PATH, getNameSpace())
.addAttribute(ElytronDefinition.SECURITY_PROPERTIES, new AttributeParsers.PropertiesParser(null, SECURITY_PROPERTY, true), new AttributeMarshallers.PropertiesAttributeMarshaller(null, SECURITY_PROPERTY, true))
.addChild(decorator(CREDENTIAL_STORES).addChild(new CredentialStoreParser().parser))
} | [
"at this point definition below is not really needed as it is the same as for 1.1, but it is here as place holder when subsystem parser evolves."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch sslservice resource of given name .",
"Adds an additional site link to the constructed document.\n\n@param title\nthe title of the linked page\n@param siteKey\nidentifier of the site, e.g., \"enwiki\"\n@param badges\none or more badges",
"Get an exception reporting a missing, required XML child element.\n@param reader the stream reader\n@param required a set of enums whose toString method returns the\nattribute name\n@return the exception",
"An extremely simple method for identifying multimedia. This\ncould be improved, but it's good enough for this example.\n\n@param file which could be an image or a video\n@return true if the file can be previewed, false otherwise",
"Checks if class is on class path\n@param className of the class to check.\n@return true if class in on class path, false otherwise.",
"Filter everything until we found the first NL character.",
"Use this API to fetch appfwprofile resource of given name .",
"Returns a Client object for a clientUUID and profileId\n\n@param clientUUID UUID or friendlyName of client\n@param profileId - can be null, safer if it is not null\n@return Client object or null\n@throws Exception exception",
"Get the next available ordinal for a method ID\n\n@param methodId ID of method\n@return value of next ordinal\n@throws Exception exception"
] |
protected String buildErrorSetMsg(Object obj, Object value, Field aField)
String eol = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
.append(eol + "[try to set 'object value' in 'target object'")
.append(eol + "target obj class: " + (obj != null ? obj.getClass().getName() : null))
.append(eol + "target field name: " + (aField != null ? aField.getName() : null))
.append(eol + "target field type: " + (aField != null ? aField.getType() : null))
.append(eol + "target field declared in: " + (aField != null ? aField.getDeclaringClass().getName() : null))
.append(eol + "object value class: " + (value != null ? value.getClass().getName() : null))
.append(eol + "object value: " + (value != null ? value : null))
.append(eol + "]");
return buf.toString();
} | [
"Build a String representation of given arguments."
] | [
"This method changes package_path into folder's path\n\n@param path\n, as es.upm.gsi\n@return the new path, es/upm/gsi",
"Use this API to fetch autoscaleaction resource of given name .",
"Returns all known Java installations\n\n@return a map from the version strings to their respective paths of the Java installations.",
"Detect new objects.",
"Term value.\n\n@param term\nthe term\n@return the string",
"Deletes all of the Directories in root that match the FileFilter\n\n@param root\n@param filter",
"Get the parameters of determining this parametric\ncovariance model. The parameters are usually free parameters\nwhich may be used in calibration.\n\n@return Parameter vector.",
"Send a request to another handler internal to the server, getting back the response body and response code.\n\n@param request request to send to another handler.\n@return {@link InternalHttpResponse} containing the response code and body.",
"Helper method for formatting connection termination messages.\n\n@param connectionName\nThe name of the connection\n@param host\nThe remote host\n@param connectionReason\nThe reason for establishing the connection\n@param terminationReason\nThe reason for terminating the connection\n@return A formatted message in the format:\n\"[<connectionName>] remote host[<host>] <connectionReason> - <terminationReason>\"\n<br/>\ne.g. [con1] remote host[] connection to ECMG -\nterminated by remote host."
] |
private List<ExpandableWrapper<P, C>> generateFlattenedParentChildList(List<P> parentList, Map<P, Boolean> savedLastExpansionState) {
List<ExpandableWrapper<P, C>> flatItemList = new ArrayList<>();
int parentCount = parentList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < parentCount; i++) {
P parent = parentList.get(i);
Boolean lastExpandedState = savedLastExpansionState.get(parent);
boolean shouldExpand = lastExpandedState == null ? parent.isInitiallyExpanded() : lastExpandedState;
generateParentWrapper(flatItemList, parent, shouldExpand);
return flatItemList;
} | [
"Generates a full list of all parents and their children, in order. Uses Map to preserve\nlast expanded state.\n\n@param parentList A list of the parents from\nthe {@link ExpandableRecyclerAdapter}\n@param savedLastExpansionState A map of the last expanded state for a given parent key.\n@return A list of all parents and their children, expanded accordingly"
] | [
"Support the range subscript operator for CharSequence\n\n@param text a CharSequence\n@param range a Range\n@return the subsequence CharSequence\n@since 1.0",
"Run through the map and remove any references that have been null'd out by the GC.",
"Convert an object to a collection.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source object\n@param targetCollectionType the target collection type\n@param targetElementType the target collection element type\n@return collection",
"Use this API to add nslimitselector.",
"Convenience method for retrieving a char resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"append multi clickable SpecialUnit or String\n\n@param specialClickableUnit SpecialClickableUnit\n@param specialUnitOrStrings Unit Or String\n@return",
"Calculate conversion map.\n\n@param inRange Input range.\n@param outRange Output range.\n@param map Conversion map.",
"Adds a new Token to the end of the linked list",
"Use this API to fetch aaapreauthenticationpolicy_aaaglobal_binding resources of given name ."
] |
public String upload(InputStream in, UploadMetaData metaData) throws FlickrException {
Payload payload = new Payload(in);
return sendUploadRequest(metaData, payload);
} | [
"Upload a photo from an InputStream.\n\n@param in\n@param metaData\n@return photoId or ticketId\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Adds a function to the end of the token list\n@param function Function which is to be added\n@return The new Token created around function",
"Fires the event.\n\n@param source the event source\n@param date the date\n@param isTyping true if event was caused by user pressing key that may have changed the value",
"Configs created by this ConfigBuilder will use the given Redis master name.\n\n@param masterName the Redis set of sentinels\n@return this ConfigBuilder",
"Send an error to the client with an exception.\n\n@param httpServletResponse the http response to send the error to\n@param e the error that occurred",
"Returns the RPC service for serial dates.\n@return the RPC service for serial dates.",
"updates the values for locking fields , BRJ\nhandles int, long, Timestamp\nrespects updateLock so locking field are only updated when updateLock is true\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException if there is an erros accessing obj field values",
"Creates a map between a work pattern ID and a list of time entry rows.\n\n@param rows time entry rows\n@return time entry map",
"Creates a new capsule\n\n@param mode the capsule mode, or {@code null} for the default mode\n@param wrappedJar a path to a capsule JAR that will be launched (wrapped) by the empty capsule in {@code jarFile}\nor {@code null} if no wrapped capsule is wanted\n@return the capsule.",
"Template method responsible for file compression checks, file creation, and\ndelegation to specific strategy implementations.\n\n@param backupFile\nThe file to be compressed.\n@param properties\nThe appender's configuration."
] |
public static void main(String[] args) {
CmdLine cmd = new CmdLine();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
int res = 0;
try {
res = ToolRunner.run(conf, cmd, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error while running MR job");
} | [
"Entry point for this example\nUses HDFS ToolRunner to wrap processing of\n\n@param args Command-line arguments for HDFS example"
] | [
"Gets constructors with given annotation type\n\n@param annotationType The annotation type to match\n@return A set of abstracted constructors with given annotation type. If\nthe constructors set is empty, initialize it first. Returns an\nempty set if there are no matches.\n@see org.jboss.weld.annotated.enhanced.EnhancedAnnotatedType#getEnhancedConstructors(Class)",
"Read a FastTrack file.\n\n@param file FastTrack file",
"Removes a tag from the task. Returns an empty data block.\n\n@param task The task to remove a tag from.\n@return Request object",
"Gets the URL of the service with the given name that has been created during the current session.\n\n@param name to return its URL\n@return URL of the service.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of appfwpolicy_stats resource of given name .",
"Create a new queued pool with key type K, request type R, and value type\nV.\n\n@param factory The factory that creates objects\n@param config The pool config\n@return The created pool",
"Writes no-value restriction.\n\n@param rdfWriter\nthe writer to write the restrictions to\n@param propertyUri\nURI of the property to which the restriction applies\n@param rangeUri\nURI of the class or datatype to which the restriction applies\n@param subject\nnode representing the restriction\n@throws RDFHandlerException\nif there was a problem writing the RDF triples",
"Creates a statement with parameters that should work with most RDBMS.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all protocolip_stats resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
private void countCoordinates(int xCoord, int yCoord,
ItemDocument itemDocument) {
for (String siteKey : itemDocument.getSiteLinks().keySet()) {
Integer count = this.siteCounts.get(siteKey);
if (count == null) {
this.siteCounts.put(siteKey, 1);
} else {
this.siteCounts.put(siteKey, count + 1);
for (ValueMap vm : this.valueMaps) {
vm.countCoordinates(xCoord, yCoord, itemDocument);
} | [
"Counts a single pair of coordinates in all datasets.\n\n@param xCoord\n@param yCoord\n@param itemDocument"
] | [
"Get the last modified time for a set of files.",
"Adds OPT_FORMAT option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Send an error to the client with a message.\n\n@param httpServletResponse the response to send the error to.\n@param message the message to send\n@param code the error code",
"Queries database meta data to check for the existence of\nspecific tables.",
"Sets the left padding for all cells in the row.\n@param paddingLeft new padding, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Look for the closing parenthesis corresponding to the one at position\nrepresented by the opening index.\n\n@param text input expression\n@param opening opening parenthesis index\n@return closing parenthesis index",
"Change the color of the center which indicates the new color.\n\n@param color int of the color.",
"capture screenshot of an eye",
"Synchronize the geotools transaction with the platform transaction, if such a transaction is active.\n\n@param featureStore\n@param dataSource"
] |
public static cachepolicy_cacheglobal_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String policyname) throws Exception{
cachepolicy_cacheglobal_binding obj = new cachepolicy_cacheglobal_binding();
cachepolicy_cacheglobal_binding response[] = (cachepolicy_cacheglobal_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch cachepolicy_cacheglobal_binding resources of given name ."
] | [
"Reads the given text stream and compressed its content.\n\n@param stream The input stream\n@return A byte array containing the GZIP-compressed content of the stream\n@throws IOException If an error ocurred",
"Manually set the breaker to be reset and ready for use. This\nis only useful after a manual trip otherwise the breaker will\ntrip automatically again if the service is still unavailable.\nJust like a real breaker. WOOT!!!",
"Only one boolean param should be true at a time for this function to return the proper results\n\n@param hostName\n@param enable\n@param disable\n@param remove\n@param isEnabled\n@param exists\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Filter the URI based on a regular expression.\nCan be combined with an additional file-extension filter.",
"Adds a function to the end of the token list\n@param function Function which is to be added\n@return The new Token created around function",
"Read the metadata from a hadoop SequenceFile\n\n@param fs The filesystem to read from\n@param path The file to read from\n@return The metadata from this file",
"Use this API to fetch sslfipskey resource of given name .",
"This method is a sync parse to the JSON stream of atlas information.\n\n@return List of atlas information.",
"If the deployment has a module attached it will ask the module to load the ServiceActivator services.\n\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context"
] |
public Class getPersistentFieldClass()
if (m_persistenceClass == null)
Properties properties = new Properties();
this.logWarning("Loading properties file: " + getPropertiesFile());
properties.load(new FileInputStream(getPropertiesFile()));
catch (IOException e)
this.logWarning("Could not load properties file '" + getPropertiesFile()
+ "'. Using PersistentFieldDefaultImpl.");
String className = properties.getProperty("PersistentFieldClass");
m_persistenceClass = loadClass(className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
m_persistenceClass = PersistentFieldPrivilegedImpl.class;
logWarning("PersistentFieldClass: " + m_persistenceClass.toString());
return m_persistenceClass;
} | [
"Returns the Class object of the class specified in the OJB.properties\nfile for the \"PersistentFieldClass\" property.\n\n@return Class The Class object of the \"PersistentFieldClass\" class\nspecified in the OJB.properties file."
] | [
"Use this API to delete route6.",
"Gets the thread usage.\n\n@return the thread usage",
"The metadata cache can become huge over time. This simply flushes it periodically.",
"Ask the specified player for the album art in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID,\nusing cached media instead if it is available, and possibly giving up if we are in passive mode.\n\n@param artReference uniquely identifies the desired album art\n@param trackType the kind of track that owns the art\n@param failIfPassive will prevent the request from taking place if we are in passive mode, so that automatic\nartwork updates will use available caches only\n\n@return the album art found, if any",
"Use this API to fetch all the dnsnsecrec resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses dnsnsecrec_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources.",
"Starts recursive delete on all delete objects object graph",
"Register a new SingleServiceWrapperInterceptor for the bean being\nwrapped, associate it with the PerformanceMonitor and tell it which methods\nto intercept.\n\n@param source An Attribute node from the spring configuration\n@param beanName The name of the bean that this performance monitor is wrapped around\n@param registry The registry where all the spring beans are registered",
"Shows error dialog, manually supplying details instead of getting them from an exception stack trace.\n\n@param message the error message\n@param details the details",
"submit the adminClient after usage is completed.\nBehavior is undefined, if checkin is called with objects not retrieved\nfrom checkout.\n\n@param client AdminClient retrieved from checkout"
] |
public static String writeMultipleClientConfigAvro(Map<String, Properties> mapStoreToProps) {
// TODO: Use a dedicated json lib. We shouldn't be manually manipulating json...
String avroConfig = "";
Boolean firstStore = true;
for(String storeName: mapStoreToProps.keySet()) {
if(firstStore) {
firstStore = false;
} else {
avroConfig = avroConfig + ",\n";
Properties props = mapStoreToProps.get(storeName);
avroConfig = avroConfig + "\t\"" + storeName + "\": "
+ writeSingleClientConfigAvro(props);
return "{\n" + avroConfig + "\n}";
} | [
"Assembles an avro format string that contains multiple fat client configs\nfrom map of store to properties\n\n@param mapStoreToProps A map of store names to their properties\n@return Avro string that contains multiple store configs"
] | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of snmpmanager resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Counts the packages prefixes appearing in this project and if some of them make more than half of the total of existing packages, this prefix\nis returned. Otherwise, returns null.\n\nThis is just a helper, it isn't something really hard-setting the package. It's something to use if the user didn't specify using\n--mavenize.groupId, and the archive or project name is something insane, like few sencences paragraph (a description) or a number or such.",
"Remove the listener active in this session.\n\n@param listenerId the id of the listener to remove",
"Find out which field in the incoming message contains the payload that is.\ndelivered to the service method.",
"Shows a dialog with user information for given session.\n\n@param session to show information for",
"Calculates the Black-Scholes option value of a digital call option.\n\n@param initialStockValue The initial value of the underlying, i.e., the spot.\n@param riskFreeRate The risk free rate of the bank account numerarie.\n@param volatility The Black-Scholes volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity T.\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@return Returns the value of a European call option under the Black-Scholes model",
"Counts additional occurrences of a property as the main property of\nstatements.\n\n@param usageStatistics\nstatistics object where count is stored\n@param property\nthe property to count\n@param count\nthe number of times to count the property",
"Called internally to actually process the Iteration.",
"Get the short exception message using the requested locale. This does not include the cause exception message.\n\n@param locale locale for message\n@return (short) exception message"
] |
public static String subscriptionFromResourceId(String id) {
return (id != null) ? ResourceId.fromString(id).subscriptionId() : null;
} | [
"Extract the subscription ID from a resource ID string.\n@param id the resource ID string\n@return the subscription ID"
] | [
"Reads a string from input stream saved as a sequence of UTF chunks.\n\n@param stream stream to read from.\n@return output string\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Rehashes the contents of the receiver into a new table\nwith a smaller or larger capacity.\nThis method is called automatically when the\nnumber of keys in the receiver exceeds the high water mark or falls below the low water mark.",
"Saves the state of this connection to a string so that it can be persisted and restored at a later time.\n\n<p>Note that proxy settings aren't automatically saved or restored. This is mainly due to security concerns\naround persisting proxy authentication details to the state string. If your connection uses a proxy, you will\nhave to manually configure it again after restoring the connection.</p>\n\n@see #restore\n@return the state of this connection.",
"Create a Vendor from a Callable",
"Set the payload to the fileModel of the given instance even though the variable is not directly of it's type. This is mainly to simplify the\ncreation of the rule, when the FileModel itself is not being iterated but just a model referencing it.",
"Acquire the shared lock, with a max wait timeout to acquire.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@param timeout - the timeout scalar quantity.\n@param unit - see {@code TimeUnit} for quantities.\n@return {@code boolean} true on successful acquire.\n@throws InterruptedException - if the acquiring thread was interrupted.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permit} is null.",
"Generate a uniform random number in the range [lo, hi)\n\n@param lo lower limit of range\n@param hi upper limit of range\n@return a uniform random real in the range [lo, hi)",
"Handles the response of the SerialApiGetInitData request.\n@param incomingMlivessage the response message to process.",
"Prints a debug log message that details the time taken for the Http\nrequest to be parsed by the coordinator\n\n@param operationType\n@param receivedTimeInMs"
] |
public static systemmemory_stats get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
systemmemory_stats obj = new systemmemory_stats();
systemmemory_stats[] response = (systemmemory_stats[])obj.stat_resources(service);
return response[0];
} | [
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all systemmemory_stats resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Creates a block matrix the same size as A_inv, inverts the matrix and copies the results back\nonto A_inv.\n\n@param A_inv Where the inverted matrix saved. Modified.",
"add trace information for received frame",
"Adds an object to the Index. If it was already in the Index,\nthen nothing is done. If it is not in the Index, then it is\nadded iff the Index hasn't been locked.\n\n@return true if the item was added to the index and false if the\nitem was already in the index or if the index is locked",
"Updates the terms and statements of the current document.\nThe updates are computed with respect to the current data in the document,\nmaking sure that no redundant deletions or duplicate insertions\nhappen. The references of duplicate statements will be merged. The labels\nand aliases in a given language are kept distinct.\n\n@param currentDocument\nthe document to be updated; needs to have a correct revision id and\nentity id\n@param addLabels\nlabels to be set on the item. They will overwrite existing values\nin the same language.\n@param addDescriptions\ndescription to be set on the item. They will overwrite existing values\nin the same language.\n@param addAliases\naliases to be added. Existing aliases will be kept.\n@param deleteAliases\naliases to be deleted.\n@param addStatements\nthe list of statements to be added or updated; statements with\nempty statement id will be added; statements with non-empty\nstatement id will be updated (if such a statement exists)\n@param deleteStatements\nthe list of statements to be deleted; statements will only be\ndeleted if they are present in the current document (in\nexactly the same form, with the same id)\n@param summary\nshort edit summary\n@return the updated document\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection",
"Build resolution context in which message will be discovered and built\n@param components resolution components, used to identify message bundle\n@param messageParams message parameters will be substituted in message and used in pattern matching\n@since 3.1\n@return immutable resolution context instance for given parameters",
"Applies the matrices computed from the scene object's\nlinked to the skeleton bones to the current pose.\n@see #applyPose(GVRPose, int)\n@see #setPose(GVRPose)",
"Gets the top of thread-local shell stack, or null if it is empty.\n\n@return the top of the shell stack",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all scpolicy_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Registers a handler and returns the callback key to be passed to\nJavascript.\n\n@param handler Handler to be registered.\n@return A String random UUID that can be used as the callback key."
] |
public EventStream doStreamRequest(final StitchRequest stitchReq) {
return super.doStreamRequestUrl(stitchReq, getHostname());
} | [
"Performs a streaming request against a Stitch app server determined by the deployment model\nof the underlying app. Throws a Stitch specific exception if the request fails.\n\n@param stitchReq the request to perform.\n@return an {@link EventStream} that will provide response events."
] | [
"Check, if the current user has permissions on the document's resource.\n@param cms the context\n@param doc the solr document (from the search result)\n@param filter the resource filter to use for checking permissions\n@return <code>true</code> iff the resource mirrored by the search result can be read by the current user.",
"Return a licenses view of the targeted module\n\n@param moduleId String\n@return List<DbLicense>",
"Add a '<=' clause so the column must be less-than or equals-to the value.",
"Use this API to fetch clusternodegroup_binding resource of given name .",
"Creates a polling state.\n\n@param response the response from Retrofit REST call that initiate the long running operation.\n@param lroOptions long running operation options.\n@param defaultRetryTimeout the long running operation retry timeout.\n@param resourceType the type of the resource the long running operation returns\n@param serializerAdapter the adapter for the Jackson object mapper\n@param <T> the result type\n@return the polling state\n@throws IOException thrown by deserialization",
"Was this beat sent by the current tempo master?\n\n@return {@code true} if the device that sent this beat is the master\n@throws IllegalStateException if the {@link VirtualCdj} is not running",
"Private used static method for creation of a RemoteWebDriver. Taking care of the default\nCapabilities and using the HttpCommandExecutor.\n\n@param hubUrl the url of the hub to use.\n@return the RemoteWebDriver instance.",
"Export modules and check them in. Assumes the log stream already open.\n@return exit code of the commit-script.",
"Update the Target Filter of the ExporterService.\nApply the induce modifications on the links of the ExporterService\n\n@param serviceReference"
] |
private void clearMetadata(DeviceAnnouncement announcement) {
final int player = announcement.getNumber();
// Iterate over a copy to avoid concurrent modification issues
for (DeckReference deck : new HashSet<DeckReference>(hotCache.keySet())) {
if (deck.player == player) {
if (deck.hotCue == 0) {
deliverTrackMetadataUpdate(player, null); // Inform listeners the metadata is gone.
} | [
"We have received notification that a device is no longer on the network, so clear out its metadata.\n\n@param announcement the packet which reported the device’s disappearance"
] | [
"Returns the adapter position of the Parent associated with this ParentViewHolder\n\n@return The adapter position of the Parent if it still exists in the adapter.\nRecyclerView.NO_POSITION if item has been removed from the adapter,\nRecyclerView.Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() has been called after the last\nlayout pass or the ViewHolder has already been recycled.",
"Make log segment file name from offset bytes. All this does is pad out the offset number\nwith zeros so that ls sorts the files numerically\n@param offset offset value (padding with zero)\n@return filename with offset",
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key can be used as a delayed queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key already is a delayed queue or is not currently used, false otherwise",
"Retrieve from the parent pom the path to the modules of the project",
"Curries a procedure that takes five arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes four arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Convert the integer representation of a duration value and duration units\ninto an MPXJ Duration instance.\n\n@param properties project properties, used for duration units conversion\n@param durationValue integer duration value\n@param unitsValue integer units value\n@return Duration instance",
"A smoothed pulse function. A cubic function is used to smooth the step between two thresholds.\n@param a1 the lower threshold position for the start of the pulse\n@param a2 the upper threshold position for the start of the pulse\n@param b1 the lower threshold position for the end of the pulse\n@param b2 the upper threshold position for the end of the pulse\n@param x the input parameter\n@return the output value",
"Run the configured crawl. This method blocks until the crawl is done.\n\n@return the CrawlSession once the crawl is done.",
"Populate a milestone from a Row instance.\n\n@param row Row instance\n@param task Task instance"
] |
public void setTotalColorForColumn(int column, Color color){
int map = (colors.length-1) - column;
} | [
"Set the color for each total for the column\n@param column the number of the column (starting from 1)\n@param color"
] | [
"Parse request parameters and files.\n@param request\n@param response",
"convert Date to XMLGregorianCalendar.\n\n@param date the date\n@return the xML gregorian calendar",
"The range of velocities that a particle generated from this emitter can have.\n@param minV Minimum velocity that a particle can have\n@param maxV Maximum velocity that a particle can have",
"Merges two lists of references, eliminating duplicates in the process.\n\n@param references1\n@param references2\n@return merged list",
"Check that each group is satisfied by one and only one field.\n\n@param currentPath the json path to the element being checked",
"Turn a resultset into EndpointOverride\n\n@param results results containing relevant information\n@return EndpointOverride\n@throws Exception exception",
"gets the count of addresses that this address division grouping may represent\n\nIf this address division grouping is not a subnet block of multiple addresses or has no range of values, then there is only one such address.\n\n@return",
"Find all the values of the requested type.\n\n@param valueTypeToFind the type of the value to return.\n@param <T> the type of the value to find.\n@return the key, value pairs found.",
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new Truncate processor.\n\n@param maxSize\nthe maximum size of the String\n@param suffix\nthe String to append if the input is truncated (e.g. \"...\")\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif {@code maxSize <= 0}\n@throws NullPointerException\nif suffix is null"
] |
protected StatisticsMatrix createMatrix(int numRows, int numCols, MatrixType type) {
return new StatisticsMatrix(numRows,numCols);
} | [
"Returns a matrix of StatisticsMatrix type so that SimpleMatrix functions create matrices\nof the correct type."
] | [
"Creates a metadata cache archive file of all tracks in the specified slot on the specified player. Any\nprevious contents of the specified file will be replaced.\n\n@param slot the slot in which the media to be cached can be found\n@param playlistId the id of playlist to be cached, or 0 of all tracks should be cached\n@param cache the file into which the metadata cache should be written\n\n@throws Exception if there is a problem communicating with the player or writing the cache file.",
"Stops the scavenger.",
"Resets the resend counter and possibly resets the\nnode stage to DONE when previous initialization was\ncomplete.",
"Sets the HTML entity translator for all cells in the row.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param htmlElementTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Associate the batched Children with their owner object.\nLoop over owners",
"Return a copy of the new fragment and set the variable above.",
"Returns iterable with all folder assignments of this retention policy.\n@param limit the limit of entries per response. The default value is 100.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing all folder assignments.",
"This method retrieves the data at the given offset and returns\nit as a String, assuming the underlying data is composed of\nsingle byte characters.\n\n@param offset offset of required data\n@return string containing required data",
"Returns the value of an option, or the default if the value is null or the key is not part of the map.\n@param configOptions the map with the config options.\n@param optionKey the option to get the value of\n@param defaultValue the default value to return if the option is not set.\n@return the value of an option, or the default if the value is null or the key is not part of the map."
] |
public static File createFolder(String path, String dest_dir)
throws BeastException {
File f = new File(dest_dir);
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.severe("Problem creating directory: " + path
+ File.separator + dest_dir);
String folderPath = createFolderPath(path);
f = new File(f, folderPath);
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Problem creating directory: " + path
+ File.separator + dest_dir;
throw new BeastException(message, e);
return f;
} | [
"This method returns the existing folder, and if it does not exist, the\nmethod generates it.\n\n@param path\n@param dest_dir\n@return the folder\n@throws BeastException"
] | [
"Get a loader that lists the files in the current path,\nand monitors changes.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nslimitidentifier_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"For use on a slave HC to get all the server groups used by the host\n\n@param hostResource the host resource\n@return the server configs on this host",
"Use this API to fetch cmppolicylabel_cmppolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Close the connection atomically.\n\n@return true if state changed to closed; false if nothing changed.",
"Find a given range object in a list of ranges by a value in that range. Does a binary\nsearch over the ranges but instead of checking for equality looks within the range.\nTakes the array size as an option in case the array grows while searching happens\n@param <T> Range type\n@param ranges data list\n@param value value in the list\n@param arraySize the max search index of the list\n@return search result of range\nTODO: This should move into SegmentList.scala",
"LRN cross-channel backward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type",
"Get a View that displays the data at the specified\nposition in the data set.\n\n@param position Position of the item whose data we want\n@param convertView View to recycle, if not null\n@param parent ViewGroup containing the returned View",
"remove an objects entry from the object registry"
] |
public ConfigBuilder withHost(final String host) {
if (host == null || "".equals(host)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("host must not be null or empty: " + host);
this.host = host;
return this;
} | [
"Configs created by this ConfigBuilder will have the given Redis hostname.\n\n@param host the Redis hostname\n@return this ConfigBuilder"
] | [
"Use this API to delete dnssuffix of given name.",
"Adds listeners and reads from a file.\n\n@param reader reader for file type\n@param file schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Calculates the maximum text height which is possible based on the used Paint and its settings.\n\n@param _Paint Paint object which will be used to display a text.\n@param _Text The text which should be measured. If null, a default text is chosen, which\nhas a maximum possible height\n@return Maximum text height in px.",
"Convenience wrapper for message parameters\n@param params\n@return",
"Handle bind service event.\n@param service Service instance\n@param props Service reference properties",
"Get the log if exists or return null\n\n@param topic topic name\n@param partition partition index\n@return a log for the topic or null if not exist",
"Adds an array of groupby fieldNames for ReportQueries.\n@param fieldNames The groupby to set\n@deprecated use QueryByCriteria#addGroupBy",
"Count the number of queued resource requests for a specific pool.\n\n@param key The key\n@return The count of queued resource requests. Returns 0 if no queue\nexists for given key.",
"Use this API to fetch service_dospolicy_binding resources of given name ."
] |
public Collection getReaders(Object obj)
Collection result = null;
Identity oid = new Identity(obj, getBroker());
byte selector = (byte) 'r';
byte[] requestBarr = buildRequestArray(oid, selector);
HttpURLConnection conn = getHttpUrlConnection();
//post request
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
// read result from
InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(in);
result = (Collection) ois.readObject();
// cleanup
catch (Throwable t)
throw new PersistenceBrokerException(t);
return result;
} | [
"returns a collection of Reader LockEntries for object obj.\nIf now LockEntries could be found an empty Vector is returned."
] | [
"Determines how many primary partitions each node within each zone should\nhave. The list of integers returned per zone is the same length as the\nnumber of nodes in that zone.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param targetPartitionsPerZone\n@return A map of zoneId to list of target number of partitions per node\nwithin zone.",
"end class SAXErrorHandler",
"Instantiates a new event collector.",
"Use this API to update ntpserver.",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of vpnclientlessaccesspolicy resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Use this context as prototype for a new mutable builder. The new builder is\npre-populated with the current settings of this context instance.",
"Get the authentication info for this layer.\n\n@return authentication info.",
"Set a bean in the context.\n\n@param name bean name\n@param object bean value",
"Get a reader implementation class to perform API calls with while specifying\nan explicit page size for paginated API calls. This gets translated to a per_page=\nparameter on API requests. Note that Canvas does not guarantee it will honor this page size request.\nThere is an explicit maximum page size on the server side which could change. The default page size\nis 10 which can be limiting when, for example, trying to get all users in a 800 person course.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param paginationPageSize Requested pagination page size\n@param <T> The reader type to request an instance of\n@return An instance of the requested reader class"
] |
public CSTNode set( int index, CSTNode element )
if( elements == null )
throw new GroovyBugError( "attempt to set() on a EMPTY Reduction" );
if( index == 0 && !(element instanceof Token) )
// It's not the greatest of design that the interface allows this, but it
// is a tradeoff with convenience, and the convenience is more important.
throw new GroovyBugError( "attempt to set() a non-Token as root of a Reduction" );
// Fill slots with nulls, if necessary.
int count = elements.size();
if( index >= count )
for( int i = count; i <= index; i++ )
elements.add( null );
// Then set in the element.
elements.set( index, element );
return element;
} | [
"Sets an element in at the specified index."
] | [
"Remove colProxy from list of pending collections and\nregister its contents with the transaction.",
"A slop is dead if the destination node or the store does not exist\nanymore on the cluster.\n\n@param slop\n@return",
"Starts a background thread which calls the controller every\ncheck_interval milliseconds. Returns immediately, leaving the\nbackground thread running.",
"Send the message with the given attributes and the given body using the specified SMTP settings\n\n@param to Destination address(es)\n@param from Sender address\n@param subject Message subject\n@param body Message content. May either be a MimeMultipart or another body that java mail recognizes\n@param contentType MIME content type of body\n@param serverSetup Server settings to use for connecting to the SMTP server",
"Returns a set that contains all the unique entries of the given iterator in the order of their appearance.\nThe result set is a copy of the iterator with stable order.\n\n@param iterator\nthe iterator. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return a set with the unique entries of the given iterator. Never <code>null</code>.",
"and class as property",
"Checks if class package match provided list of package locators\n\n@param classPackageName\nname of class package\n@return true if class package is on the {@link #packageLocators} list",
"Creates a scatter query from the given user query\n\n@param query the user's query.\n@param numSplits the number of splits to create.",
"Use this API to fetch all the vlan resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public static List<Versioned<byte[]>> resolveVersions(List<Versioned<byte[]>> values) {
List<Versioned<byte[]>> resolvedVersions = new ArrayList<Versioned<byte[]>>(values.size());
// Go over all the values and determine whether the version is
// acceptable
for(Versioned<byte[]> value: values) {
Iterator<Versioned<byte[]>> iter = resolvedVersions.iterator();
boolean obsolete = false;
// Compare the current version with a set of accepted versions
while(iter.hasNext()) {
Versioned<byte[]> curr = iter.next();
Occurred occurred = value.getVersion().compare(curr.getVersion());
if(occurred == Occurred.BEFORE) {
obsolete = true;
} else if(occurred == Occurred.AFTER) {
if(!obsolete) {
// else update the set of accepted versions
return resolvedVersions;
} | [
"Given a set of versions, constructs a resolved list of versions based on\nthe compare function above\n\n@param values\n@return list of values after resolution"
] | [
"Return a new File object based on the baseDir and the segments.\n\nThis method does not perform any operation on the file system.",
"Get the error message with the dependencies appended\n\n@param dependencies - the list with dependencies to be attached to the message\n@param message - the custom error message to be displayed to the user\n@return String",
"Get maximum gray value in the image.\n\n@param fastBitmap Image to be processed.\n@param startX Initial X axis coordinate.\n@param startY Initial Y axis coordinate.\n@param width Width.\n@param height Height.\n@return Maximum gray.",
"Format the date for the status messages.\n\n@param date the date to format.\n\n@return the formatted date.",
"Emit an event object with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the event object\nclass given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nIf there is no parameter passed in, i.e. `args.length == 0`, then it will\nalso invoke all the {@link ActEventListener} bound to the event class.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following Event defined:\n\n```java\npublic class UserActivityEvent extends ActEvent<User> {\npublic UserActivityEvent(User user) {super(user);}\n}\n```\n\nAnd we have the following event handler defined:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void logUserLogin(UserActivityEvent event, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void foo(UserActivityEvent event) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(new UserActivityEvent(user), System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(UserActivityEvent)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(UserActivityEvent, long)` does not match the declared\nargument list `(UserActivityEvent)`. Here the `String` in the parameter\nlist is taken out because it is used to indicate the event, instead of being\npassing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object ...)` will\nbe invoked because it declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches\nany parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Shut down actor system force.",
"Executed read-resource-description and returns access-control info.\nReturns null in case there was any kind of problem.\n\n@param client\n@param address\n@return",
"Adds OPT_N | OPT_NODE option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Convert a url to a file object. No checks are made to see if file exists but there are some hacks that\nare needed to convert uris to files across platforms.\n\n@param fileURI the uri to convert"
] |
public Results analyze(RuleSet ruleSet) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
DirectoryResults reportResults = new DirectoryResults();
int numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1;
numThreads = numThreads > 0 ? numThreads : 1;
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads);
for (FileSet fileSet : fileSets) {
processFileSet(fileSet, ruleSet, pool);
try {
boolean completed = pool.awaitTermination(POOL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!completed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Thread Pool terminated before comp<FileResults>letion");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Thread Pool interrupted before completion");
LOG.info("Analysis time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms");
return reportResults;
} | [
"Analyze all source code using the specified RuleSet and return the report results.\n\n@param ruleSet - the RuleSet to apply to each source component; must not be null.\n@return the results from applying the RuleSet to all of the source"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all service_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Converts SMatrixTriplet_64 into a SMatrixCC_64.\n\n@param src Original matrix which is to be copied. Not modified.\n@param dst Destination. Will be a copy. Modified.\n@param hist Workspace. Should be at least as long as the number of columns. Can be null.",
"Retrieves a vertex attribute as an integer array.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>int</i>\n@see #setIntVec(String, IntBuffer)\n@see #getIntArray(String)",
"Get a property as a double or null.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Manipulates a string by cutting of a prefix, if present, and adding a new prefix.\n\n@param word the string to be manipulated\n@param oldPrefix the old prefix that should be replaced\n@param newPrefix the new prefix that is added\n@return the manipulated string",
"Extract name of the resource from a resource ID.\n@param id the resource ID\n@return the name of the resource",
"This method writes data for an individual calendar to a PM XML file.\n\n@param mpxj ProjectCalander instance",
"Get the time zone for a specific exchange suffix\n\n@param suffix suffix for the exchange in YahooFinance\n@return time zone of the exchange",
"Creates a new fixed size ThreadPoolExecutor\n\n@param threads\nthe number of threads\n@param groupname\na label to identify the threadpool; useful for profiling.\n@param queueSize\nthe size of the queue to store Runnables when all threads are busy\n@return the new ExecutorService"
] |
public static String getSolrRangeString(String from, String to) {
// If a parameter is not initialized, use the asterisk '*' operator
if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(from)) {
from = "*";
if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(to)) {
to = "*";
return String.format("[%s TO %s]", from, to);
} | [
"Returns a string that represents a valid Solr query range.\n\n@param from Lower bound of the query range.\n@param to Upper bound of the query range.\n@return String that represents a Solr query range."
] | [
"Changes the message of this comment.\n@param newMessage the new message for this comment.\n@return updated info about this comment.",
"Sorts the entries into the order we want to present them in, which is by position, with hot cues coming after\nordinary memory points if both exist at the same position, which often happens.\n\n@param loadedEntries the unsorted entries we have loaded from a dbserver message, metadata cache, or rekordbox\ndatabase export\n@return an immutable list of the collections in the proper order",
"Use this API to flush cachecontentgroup.",
"Get new vector clock based on this clock but incremented on index nodeId\n\n@param nodeId The id of the node to increment\n@return A vector clock equal on each element execept that indexed by\nnodeId",
"Start the first inner table of a class.",
"General API\n-> compile each of supplied files\n-> recompile any required types for which we have an incomplete principle structure",
"Appends the GROUP BY clause for the Query\n@param groupByFields\n@param buf",
"Fancy print without a space added to positive numbers",
"Checks the second, hour, month, day, month and year are equal."
] |
private void init()
jdbcProperties = new Properties();
dbcpProperties = new Properties();
} | [
"Set some initial values."
] | [
"Enables or disabled shadow casting for a direct light.\nEnabling shadows attaches a GVRShadowMap component to the\nGVRSceneObject which owns the light and provides the\ncomponent with an orthographic camera for shadow casting.\n@param enableFlag true to enable shadow casting, false to disable",
"The conditional expectation is calculated using a Monte-Carlo regression technique.\n\n@param exerciseTime The exercise time\n@param model The valuation model\n@return The condition expectation estimator\n@throws CalculationException Thrown if underlying model failed to calculate stochastic process.",
"Returns whether the division range includes the block of values for its prefix length",
"Decompiles the given .class file and creates the specified output source file.\n\n@param classFilePath the .class file to be decompiled.\n@param outputDir The directory where decompiled .java files will be placed.",
"Retrieve the finish slack.\n\n@return finish slack",
"Stops listening. Safe to call when already stopped. Ignored on devices\nwithout appropriate hardware.",
"set the insetsFrameLayout to display the content in fullscreen\nunder the statusBar and navigationBar\n\n@param fullscreen",
"Write a message to the console.\n\n@param pattern\nA {@link String#format(String, Object...)} pattern\n@param parameters\nOptional parameters to plug into the pattern",
"Send a request for a menu that we will retrieve items from in subsequent requests, when the request must reflect\nthe actual type of track being asked about.\n\n@param requestType identifies what kind of menu request to send\n@param targetMenu the destination for the response to this query\n@param slot the media library of interest for this query\n@param trackType the type of track for which metadata is being requested, since this affects the request format\n@param arguments the additional arguments needed, if any, to complete the request\n\n@return the {@link Message.KnownType#MENU_AVAILABLE} response reporting how many items are available in the menu\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem communicating, or if the requested menu is not available\n@throws IllegalStateException if {@link #tryLockingForMenuOperations(long, TimeUnit)} was not called successfully\nbefore attempting this call"
] |
private static List<Node> difference(List<Node> listA, List<Node> listB) {
if(listA != null && listB != null)
return listA;
} | [
"Computes A-B\n\n@param listA\n@param listB\n@return"
] | [
"Used for unit tests only.\n\nFIXME: Refactor test code with dependency injection or scope restrictions so this function is not public.\n\n@deprecated Do not use for production code, use {@link #fetch(String, String, voldemort.server.protocol.admin.AsyncOperationStatus, String, long, voldemort.store.metadata.MetadataStore, Long diskQuotaSizeInKB)} instead.",
"Generates an expression from a variable\n@param var The variable from which to generate the expression\n@return A expression that represents the given variable",
"Use this API to fetch linkset resource of given name .",
"We have identified that we have a SQLite file. This could be a Primavera Project database\nor an Asta database. Open the database and use the table names present to determine\nwhich type this is.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Get the collection of the server groups\n\n@return Collection of active server groups",
"Add an appliable \"post-run\" dependent for this task item.\n\n@param appliable the appliable \"post-run\" dependent.\n@return the key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve updated \"post-run\" dependent",
"Renders the given FreeMarker template to given directory, using given variables.",
"Quits server by closing server socket and closing client socket handlers.",
"Restore authentications from persisted state.\n\n@param savedAuthorization saved authorizations"
] |
public Object materializeObject(ClassDescriptor cld, Identity oid)
throws PersistenceBrokerException
final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager();
final SelectStatement sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedSelectByPkStatement(cld);
Object result = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
stmt = sm.getSelectByPKStatement(cld);
if (stmt == null)
logger.error("getSelectByPKStatement returned a null statement");
throw new PersistenceBrokerException("getSelectByPKStatement returned a null statement");
arminw: currently a select by PK could never be a stored procedure,
thus we can always set 'false'. Is this correct??
sm.bindSelect(stmt, oid, cld, false);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
// data available read object, else return null
ResultSetAndStatement rs_stmt = new ResultSetAndStatement(broker.serviceStatementManager(), stmt, rs, sql);
if (rs.next())
Map row = new HashMap();
cld.getRowReader().readObjectArrayFrom(rs_stmt, row);
result = cld.getRowReader().readObjectFrom(row);
// close resources
catch (PersistenceBrokerException e)
// release resources on exception
sm.closeResources(stmt, rs);
logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of materializeObject: " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
catch (SQLException e)
// release resources on exception
sm.closeResources(stmt, rs);
throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql.getStatement(), cld, logger, null);
return result;
} | [
"performs a primary key lookup operation against RDBMS and materializes\nan object from the resulting row. Only skalar attributes are filled from\nthe row, references are not resolved.\n@param oid contains the primary key info.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.\n@return the materialized object, null if no matching row was found or if\nany error occured."
] | [
"read broker info for watching topics\n\n@param zkClient the zookeeper client\n@param topics topic names\n@return topic->(brokerid-0,brokerid-1...brokerid2-0,brokerid2-1...)",
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ assignment fields and Primavera assignment field names.\n\n@return mapping",
"Sanity-check a new non-beat update, make sure we are still interpolating a sensible position, and correct\nas needed.\n\n@param lastTrackUpdate the most recent digested update received from a player\n@param newDeviceUpdate a new status update from the player\n@param beatGrid the beat grid for the track that is playing, in case we have jumped\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached at that point in time",
"Take a stab at fixing validation problems ?\n\n@param object",
"Add a Opacity bar to the color wheel.\n\n@param bar The instance of the Opacity bar.",
"Output method responsible for sending the updated content to the Subscribers.\n\n@param cn",
"Read resource assignment baseline values.\n\n@param row result set row",
"parse the target resource and add it to the current shape\n@param shapes\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Use this API to enable the feature on Netscaler.\n@param feature feature to be enabled.\n@return status of the operation performed.\n@throws Exception Nitro exception."
] |
public static Map<FieldType, String> getDefaultTaskFieldMap()
Map<FieldType, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<FieldType, String>();
map.put(TaskField.UNIQUE_ID, "task_id");
map.put(TaskField.GUID, "guid");
map.put(TaskField.NAME, "task_name");
map.put(TaskField.ACTUAL_DURATION, "act_drtn_hr_cnt");
map.put(TaskField.REMAINING_DURATION, "remain_drtn_hr_cnt");
map.put(TaskField.ACTUAL_WORK, "act_work_qty");
map.put(TaskField.REMAINING_WORK, "remain_work_qty");
map.put(TaskField.BASELINE_WORK, "target_work_qty");
map.put(TaskField.BASELINE_DURATION, "target_drtn_hr_cnt");
map.put(TaskField.DURATION, "target_drtn_hr_cnt");
map.put(TaskField.CONSTRAINT_DATE, "cstr_date");
map.put(TaskField.ACTUAL_START, "act_start_date");
map.put(TaskField.ACTUAL_FINISH, "act_end_date");
map.put(TaskField.LATE_START, "late_start_date");
map.put(TaskField.LATE_FINISH, "late_end_date");
map.put(TaskField.EARLY_START, "early_start_date");
map.put(TaskField.EARLY_FINISH, "early_end_date");
map.put(TaskField.REMAINING_EARLY_START, "restart_date");
map.put(TaskField.REMAINING_EARLY_FINISH, "reend_date");
map.put(TaskField.BASELINE_START, "target_start_date");
map.put(TaskField.BASELINE_FINISH, "target_end_date");
map.put(TaskField.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, "cstr_type");
map.put(TaskField.PRIORITY, "priority_type");
map.put(TaskField.CREATED, "create_date");
map.put(TaskField.TYPE, "duration_type");
map.put(TaskField.FREE_SLACK, "free_float_hr_cnt");
map.put(TaskField.TOTAL_SLACK, "total_float_hr_cnt");
map.put(TaskField.TEXT1, "task_code");
map.put(TaskField.TEXT2, "task_type");
map.put(TaskField.TEXT3, "status_code");
map.put(TaskField.NUMBER1, "rsrc_id");
return map;
} | [
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ task fields and Primavera task field names.\n\n@return mapping"
] | [
"Calculate power of a complex number.\n\n@param z1 Complex Number.\n@param n Power.\n@return Returns a new complex number containing the power of a specified number.",
"Check if the print has not been asked to stop taking new jobs.\n\n@return true if it's OK to take new jobs.",
"Pause between cluster change in metadata and starting server rebalancing\nwork.",
"This method is used to push install referrer via UTM source, medium & campaign parameters\n@param source The UTM source parameter\n@param medium The UTM medium parameter\n@param campaign The UTM campaign parameter",
"Push docker image using the docker java client.\n\n@param imageTag\n@param username\n@param password\n@param host",
"Use this API to add inat resources.",
"Use this API to update nd6ravariables resources.",
"Logs an error by sending an error event to all listeners.\n\nError events can be generated by any part of GearVRF,\nfrom any thread. They are always sent to the event receiver\nof the GVRContext.\n\n@param message error message\n@param sender object which had the error\n@see IErrorEvents",
"Returns the Class object of the class specified in the OJB.properties\nfile for the \"PersistentFieldClass\" property.\n\n@return Class The Class object of the \"PersistentFieldClass\" class\nspecified in the OJB.properties file."
] |
public static void timeCheck(String extra) {
if (startCheckTime > 0) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = now - nextCheckTime;
nextCheckTime = now;
Log.d(Log.SUBSYSTEM.TRACING, "FPSCounter", "[%d, %d] timeCheck: %s", now, diff, extra);
} | [
"Computes execution time\n@param extra"
] | [
"Applies the kubernetes json url to the configuration.\n\n@param map\nThe arquillian configuration.",
"Method to service public recording APIs\n\n@param op Operation being tracked\n@param timeNS Duration of operation\n@param numEmptyResponses Number of empty responses being sent back,\ni.e.: requested keys for which there were no values (GET and GET_ALL only)\n@param valueSize Size in bytes of the value\n@param keySize Size in bytes of the key\n@param getAllAggregateRequests Total of amount of keys requested in the operation (GET_ALL only)",
"Retrieve an instance of the ResourceField class based on the data read from an\nMS Project file.\n\n@param value value from an MS Project file\n@return ResourceField instance",
"Initial setup of the service worker registration.",
"Gets the groupby for ReportQueries of all Criteria and Sub Criteria\nthe elements are of class FieldHelper\n@return List of FieldHelper",
"get the last segment at the moment\n\n@return the last segment",
"Check whether the URL end with one of the given suffixes.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible suffixes\n@return true when URL ends with one of the suffixes",
"get the converted object corresponding to sourceObject as converted to\ndestination type by converter\n\n@param converter\n@param sourceObject\n@param destinationType\n@return",
"Used to locate the first timephased resource assignment block which\nintersects with the target date range.\n\n@param <T> payload type\n@param range target date range\n@param assignments timephased resource assignments\n@param startIndex index at which to start the search\n@return index of timephased resource assignment which intersects with the target date range"
] |
public static base_response add(nitro_service client, authenticationradiusaction resource) throws Exception {
authenticationradiusaction addresource = new authenticationradiusaction();
addresource.name = resource.name;
addresource.serverip = resource.serverip;
addresource.serverport = resource.serverport;
addresource.authtimeout = resource.authtimeout;
addresource.radkey = resource.radkey;
addresource.radnasip = resource.radnasip;
addresource.radnasid = resource.radnasid;
addresource.radvendorid = resource.radvendorid;
addresource.radattributetype = resource.radattributetype;
addresource.radgroupsprefix = resource.radgroupsprefix;
addresource.radgroupseparator = resource.radgroupseparator;
addresource.passencoding = resource.passencoding;
addresource.ipvendorid = resource.ipvendorid;
addresource.ipattributetype = resource.ipattributetype;
addresource.accounting = resource.accounting;
addresource.pwdvendorid = resource.pwdvendorid;
addresource.pwdattributetype = resource.pwdattributetype;
addresource.defaultauthenticationgroup = resource.defaultauthenticationgroup;
addresource.callingstationid = resource.callingstationid;
return addresource.add_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to add authenticationradiusaction."
] | [
"This adds to the feature name the name of classes that are other than\nthe current class that are involved in the clique. In the CMM, these\nother classes become part of the conditioning feature, and only the\nclass of the current position is being predicted.\n\n@return A collection of features with extra class information put\ninto the feature name.",
"Obtains a Symmetry010 zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Symmetry010 zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Login the user and redirect back to original URL. If no\noriginal URL found then redirect to `defaultLandingUrl`.\n\n@param userIdentifier\nthe user identifier, could be either userId or username\n@param defaultLandingUrl\nthe URL to be redirected if original URL not found",
"Converts a DTO attribute into a generic attribute object.\n\n@param attribute\nThe DTO attribute.\n@return The server side attribute representation. As we don't know at this point what kind of object the\nattribute is (that's a problem for the <code>FeatureModel</code>), we return an <code>Object</code>.",
"Sets the ssh password.\n\n@param password\nthe password\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Return a copy of the new fragment and set the variable above.",
"We have an OLE compound document... but is it an MPP file?\n\n@param stream file input stream\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Gets the default configuration for Freemarker within Windup.",
"Log a warning for the given operation at the provided address for the given attributes, using the provided detail\nmessage.\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param operation where which problem occurred\n@param message custom error message to append\n@param attributes attributes we that have problems about"
] |
private void processFile(InputStream is) throws MPXJException
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is, CharsetHelper.UTF8);
Tokenizer tk = new ReaderTokenizer(reader)
@Override protected boolean startQuotedIsValid(StringBuilder buffer)
return buffer.length() == 1 && buffer.charAt(0) == '<';
ArrayList<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>();
String nextTokenPrefix = null;
while (tk.getType() != Tokenizer.TT_EOF)
TableDefinition table = null;
while (tk.nextToken() == Tokenizer.TT_WORD)
String token = tk.getToken();
if (columns.size() == 0)
if (token.charAt(0) == '#')
int index = token.lastIndexOf(':');
if (index != -1)
String headerToken;
if (token.endsWith("-") || token.endsWith("="))
headerToken = token;
token = null;
headerToken = token.substring(0, index);
token = token.substring(index + 1);
RowHeader header = new RowHeader(headerToken);
table = m_tableDefinitions.get(header.getType());
if (token.charAt(0) == 0)
if (table != null && token != null)
if (token.startsWith("<\"") && !token.endsWith("\">"))
nextTokenPrefix = token;
if (nextTokenPrefix != null)
token = nextTokenPrefix + DELIMITER + token;
nextTokenPrefix = null;
if (table != null && columns.size() > 1)
// System.out.println(table.getName() + " " + columns.size());
// ColumnDefinition[] columnDefs = table.getColumns();
// int unknownIndex = 1;
// for (int xx = 0; xx < columns.size(); xx++)
// {
// String x = columns.get(xx);
// String columnName = xx < columnDefs.length ? (columnDefs[xx] == null ? "UNKNOWN" + (unknownIndex++) : columnDefs[xx].getName()) : "?";
// System.out.println(columnName + ": " + x + ", ");
// }
// System.out.println();
TextFileRow row = new TextFileRow(table, columns, m_epochDateFormat);
List<Row> rows = m_tables.get(table.getName());
if (rows == null)
rows = new LinkedList<Row>();
m_tables.put(table.getName(), rows);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new MPXJException(MPXJException.READ_ERROR, ex);
} | [
"Tokenizes the input file and extracts the required data.\n\n@param is input stream\n@throws MPXJException"
] | [
"Read calendar data.",
"Determine the generic value type of the given Map field.\n@param mapField the map field to introspect\n@param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type\n(typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the\nnested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List)\n@return the generic type, or {@code null} if none",
"Sets the number of views for this Photo. For un-authenticated calls this value is not available and will be set to -1.\n\n@param views\n@deprecated attribute no longer available",
"Adds the default value of property if defined.\n\n@param props the Properties object\n@param propDef the property definition\n\n@return true if the property could be added",
"Convert an object to a list of maps.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source object\n@return list",
"Helper method called recursively to list child tasks.\n\n@param task task whose children are to be displayed\n@param indent whitespace used to indent hierarchy levels",
"Return the containing group if it contains exactly one element.\n\n@since 2.14",
"Performs a HTTP DELETE request.\n\n@return {@link Response}",
"Adds to this set all of the elements in the specified map of members and their score.\n@param scoredMember the members to add together with their scores\n@return the number of members actually added"
] |
public static int cudnnGetReductionWorkspaceSize(
cudnnHandle handle,
cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor reduceTensorDesc,
cudnnTensorDescriptor aDesc,
cudnnTensorDescriptor cDesc,
long[] sizeInBytes)
return checkResult(cudnnGetReductionWorkspaceSizeNative(handle, reduceTensorDesc, aDesc, cDesc, sizeInBytes));
} | [
"Helper function to return the minimum size of the workspace to be passed to the reduction given the input and output\ntensors"
] | [
"Determines the prefix of an accessor method based on an accessor method name.\n\n@param methodName\nan accessor method name\n@return the resulting prefix",
"Append the bounding volume particle positions, times and velocities to the existing mesh\nbefore creating a new scene object with this mesh attached to it.\nAlso, append every created scene object and its creation time to corresponding array lists.\n\n@param particlePositions\n@param particleVelocities\n@param particleTimeStamps",
"Parse the XML for a collection as returned by getInfo call.\n\n@param collectionElement\n@return",
"Sets the global setting for this ID\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param global True if global, False otherwise",
"Lift a Java Callable to a Scala Function0\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function",
"another media scan way",
"Throws an exception if the current thread is not a GL thread.\n\n@since 1.6.5",
"Creates the event for endpoint with specific type.\n\n@param endpoint the endpoint\n@param type the type\n@return the event",
"Convert a Throwable into a list containing all of its causes.\n@param t The throwable for which the causes are to be returned.\n@return A (possibly empty) list of {@link Throwable}s."
] |
public boolean destroyDependentInstance(T instance) {
synchronized (dependentInstances) {
for (Iterator<ContextualInstance<?>> iterator = dependentInstances.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
ContextualInstance<?> contextualInstance = iterator.next();
if (contextualInstance.getInstance() == instance) {
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Destroys dependent instance\n\n@param instance\n@return true if the instance was destroyed, false otherwise"
] | [
"Promotes this version of the file to be the latest version.",
"Read multiple columns from a block.\n\n@param startIndex start of the block\n@param blockLength length of the block",
"Curries a procedure that takes five arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes four arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Sets the offset for the animation.\n\n@param startOffset animation will start at the specified offset value\n\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nIf {@code startOffset} is either negative or greater than\nthe animation duration",
"Get the current stack trace element, skipping anything from known logging classes.\n@return The current stack trace for this thread",
"Returns a string to resolve apostrophe issue in xpath\n\n@param text\n@return the apostrophe resolved xpath value string",
"Fetch all relevant attributes from the backing store and copy instances which are not present in the local bean store.",
"Update server mapping's host header\n\n@param serverMappingId ID of server mapping\n@param hostHeader value of host header\n@return updated ServerRedirect",
"Whether this association contains no rows.\n\n@return {@code true} if this association contains no rows, {@code false} otherwise"
] |
private boolean somethingMayHaveChanged(PhaseInterceptorChain pic) {
Iterator<Interceptor<? extends Message>> it = pic.iterator();
Interceptor<? extends Message> last = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Interceptor<? extends Message> cur = it.next();
if (cur == this) {
if (last instanceof DemoInterceptor) {
return false;
return true;
last = cur;
return true;
} | [
"as we know nothing has changed."
] | [
"Use this API to update snmpalarm resources.",
"This method retrieves an int value from a String instance.\nIt returns zero by default if a null value or an empty string is supplied.\n\n@param value string representation of an integer\n@return int value",
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Checks if two parameterized types are exactly equal, under the variable\nreplacement described in the typeVarMap.",
"Writes all data that was collected about properties to a json file.",
"Returns a client model from a ResultSet\n\n@param result resultset containing client information\n@return Client or null\n@throws Exception exception",
"Attach a component to this scene object.\n\nEach scene object has a list of components that may\nbe attached to it. Only one component of a particular type\ncan be attached. Components are retrieved based on their type.\n\n@return true if component is attached, false if a component of that class is already attached.\n@param component component to attach.\n@see GVRSceneObject#detachComponent(long)\n@see GVRSceneObject#getComponent(long)",
"Returns the input to parse including the whitespace left to the cursor position since\nit may be relevant to the list of proposals for whitespace sensitive languages.",
"Used to finish up pushing the bulge off the matrix."
] |
protected Deque<Step> childValue(Deque<Step> parentValue) {
Deque<Step> queue = new LinkedList<>();
return queue;
} | [
"In case parent thread spawn thread we need create a new queue\nfor child thread but use the only one root step. In the end all steps will be\nchildren of root step, all we need is sync adding steps\n@param parentValue value from parent thread\n@return local copy of queue in this thread with parent root as first element"
] | [
"Sets the specified range of elements in the specified array to the specified value.\n\n@param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be filled with the specified value.\n@param to the index of the last element (inclusive) to be filled with the specified value.\n@param val the value to be stored in the specified elements of the receiver.",
"Gets the parameter names of a method node.\n@param node\nthe node to search parameter names on\n@return\nargument names, never null",
"Try to set specified property to given marshaller\n\n@param marshaller specified marshaller\n@param name name of property to set\n@param value value of property to set",
"Inject members into this instance and register the services afterwards.\n@see #getGuiceModule()\n@see #registerInRegistry(boolean)\n@since 2.1",
"Throws one RendererException if the viewType, layoutInflater or parent are null.",
"Converts string to UUID and returns it, or null if the conversion is not possible.\n\n@param uuid the potential UUID string\n@return the UUID, or null if conversion is not possible",
"Locks the bundle file that contains the translation for the provided locale.\n@param l the locale for which the bundle file should be locked.\n@throws CmsException thrown if locking fails.",
"Require that the namespace of the current element matches the required namespace.\n\n@param reader the reader\n@param requiredNs the namespace required\n@throws XMLStreamException if the current namespace does not match the required namespace",
"Collects all the fields from columns and also the fields not bounds to columns\n@return List<ColumnProperty>"
] |
public static boolean bidiagOuterBlocks( final int blockLength ,
final DSubmatrixD1 A ,
final double gammasU[],
final double gammasV[])
// System.out.println("---------- Orig");
// A.original.print();
int width = Math.min(blockLength,A.col1-A.col0);
int height = Math.min(blockLength,A.row1-A.row0);
int min = Math.min(width,height);
for( int i = 0; i < min; i++ ) {
//--- Apply reflector to the column
// compute the householder vector
if (!computeHouseHolderCol(blockLength, A, gammasU, i))
return false;
// apply to rest of the columns in the column block
// apply to the top row block
System.out.println("After column stuff");
//-- Apply reflector to the row
return false;
// apply to rest of the rows in the row block
System.out.println("After update row");
// apply to the left column block
// TODO THIS WON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Needs the whole matrix to have been updated by the left reflector to compute the correct solution
// rank1UpdateMultL_LeftCol(blockLength,A,i,i+1,gammasV[A.row0+i]);
System.out.println("After row stuff");
return true;
} | [
"Performs a standard bidiagonal decomposition just on the outer blocks of the provided matrix\n\n@param blockLength\n@param A\n@param gammasU"
] | [
"This method is a sync parse to the JSON stream of atlas information.\n\n@return List of atlas information.",
"Append the text at the end of the Path.\n\n@param self a Path\n@param text the text to append at the end of the Path\n@throws java.io.IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 2.3.0",
"Clean wait task queue.",
"Gets the data handler from event.\n\n@param event the event\n@return the data handler",
"as we know nothing has changed.",
"Read remarks from a Gantt Designer file.\n\n@param gantt Gantt Designer file",
"Process a calendar exception.\n\n@param calendar parent calendar\n@param row calendar exception data",
"Get the list of all nodes and the list of active nodes in the cluster.\n\n@return Membership object encapsulating lists of all nodes and the cluster nodes\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/advanced.html#-get-_membership-\">\n_membership</a>",
"Populate the properties indicating the source of this schedule.\n\n@param properties project properties"
] |
public TaskProvider<GenerateHensonNavigatorTask> createHensonNavigatorGenerationTask(
BaseVariant variant, String hensonNavigatorPackageName, File destinationFolder) {
TaskProvider<GenerateHensonNavigatorTask> generateHensonNavigatorTask =
"generate" + capitalize(variant.getName()) + "HensonNavigator",
generateHensonNavigatorTask1 -> {
generateHensonNavigatorTask1.hensonNavigatorPackageName =
generateHensonNavigatorTask1.destinationFolder = destinationFolder;
generateHensonNavigatorTask1.variant = variant;
generateHensonNavigatorTask1.logger = logger;
generateHensonNavigatorTask1.project = project;
generateHensonNavigatorTask1.hensonNavigatorGenerator =
return generateHensonNavigatorTask;
} | [
"A henson navigator is a class that helps a consumer to consume the navigation api that it\ndeclares in its dependencies. The henson navigator will wrap the intent builders. Thus, a\nhenson navigator, is driven by consumption of intent builders, whereas the henson classes are\ndriven by the production of an intent builder.\n\n<p>This task is created per android variant:\n\n<ul>\n<li>we scan the variant compile configuration for navigation api dependencies\n<li>we generate a henson navigator class for this variant that wraps the intent builders\n</ul>\n\n@param variant the variant for which to create a builder.\n@param hensonNavigatorPackageName the package name in which we create the class."
] | [
"If the file is compressed, handle this so that the stream is ready to read.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@return uncompressed input stream",
"This method finds the start of the next working period.\n\n@param cal current Calendar instance",
"Removing surrounding space in image. Get trim color from specified pixel.\n@param value orientation from where to get the pixel color.\n@param colorTolerance 0 - 442. This is the euclidian distance\nbetween the colors of the reference pixel and the surrounding pixels is used.\nIf the distance is within the tolerance they'll get trimmed.",
"Formats a date or a time according to the local conventions.\n\nSince ReadablePartials don't support all fields, we fill in any blanks\nneeded for formatting by using the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).\n\nSee {@link android.text.format.DateUtils#formatDateTime} for full docs.\n\n@param context the context is required only if the time is shown\n@param time a point in time\n@param flags a bit mask of formatting options\n@return a string containing the formatted date/time.",
"Retrieve the frequency of an exception.\n\n@param exception XML calendar exception\n@return frequency",
"Decomposes the input matrix 'a' and makes sure it isn't modified.",
"Core write attribute implementation.\n\n@param name attribute name\n@param value attribute value",
"Cancel all currently active operations.\n\n@return a list of cancelled operations",
"Set the week day the event should take place.\n@param dayString the day as string."
] |
public Object extractJavaFieldValue(Object object) throws SQLException {
Object val = extractRawJavaFieldValue(object);
// if this is a foreign object then we want its reference field
if (foreignRefField != null && val != null) {
val = foreignRefField.extractRawJavaFieldValue(val);
return val;
} | [
"Return the value from the field in the object that is defined by this FieldType. If the field is a foreign object\nthen the ID of the field is returned instead."
] | [
"Renames the current base log file to the roll file name.\n\n@param from\nThe current base log file.\n@param to\nThe backup file.",
"Do the search, called as a \"page action\"",
"get specific property value of job.\n\n@param id the id\n@param property the property name/path\n@return the property value",
"Answer the counted size\n\n@return int",
"Configure the mapping between a database column and a field.\n\n@param container column to field map\n@param name column name\n@param type field type",
"Harvest a single value that was returned by a callable statement.\n\n@param obj the object that will receive the value that is harvested.\n@param callable the CallableStatement that contains the value to harvest\n@param fmd the FieldDescriptor that identifies the field where the\nharvested value will be stord.\n@param index the parameter index.\n\n@throws PersistenceBrokerSQLException if a problem occurs.",
"Set the on-finish callback.\n\nThe basic {@link GVROnFinish} callback will notify you when the animation\nruns to completion. This is a good time to do things like removing\nnow-invisible objects from the scene graph.\n\n<p>\nThe extended {@link GVROnRepeat} callback will be called after every\niteration of an indefinite (repeat count less than 0) animation, giving\nyou a way to stop the animation when it's not longer appropriate.\n\n@param callback\nA {@link GVROnFinish} or {@link GVROnRepeat} implementation.\n<p>\n<em>Note</em>: Supplying a {@link GVROnRepeat} callback will\n{@linkplain #setRepeatCount(int) set the repeat count} to a\nnegative number. Calling {@link #setRepeatCount(int)} with a\nnon-negative value after setting a {@link GVROnRepeat}\ncallback will effectively convert the callback to a\n{@link GVROnFinish}.\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.",
"The amount of time to keep an idle client thread alive\n\n@param threadIdleTime",
"Use this API to enable Interface resources of given names."
] |
public static <T> SortedSet<T> asImmutable(SortedSet<T> self) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(self);
} | [
"A convenience method for creating an immutable sorted set.\n\n@param self a SortedSet\n@return an immutable SortedSet\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableSortedSet(java.util.SortedSet)\n@since 1.0"
] | [
"Creates a non-binary text media type with the given subtype and a specified encoding",
"checking availability of ClassInfo.setFlags method is just workaround for JANDEX-37",
"Get PhoneNumber object\n\n@return PhonenUmber | null on error",
"Initializes the information on an available master mode.\n@throws CmsException thrown if the write permission check on the bundle descriptor fails.",
"Gets an array of of all registered ConstantMetaClassListener instances.",
"Calcs the bonding size of given mesh.\n\n@param mesh Mesh to calc its bouding size.\n@return The bounding size for x, y and z axis.",
"Old SOAP client uses new SOAP service with the\nredirection to the new endpoint and transformation\non the server side",
"Renames this folder.\n\n@param newName the new name of the folder.",
"Use this API to add nspbr6."
] |
public static final String printTimestamp(Date value)
return (value == null ? null : TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.get().format(value));
} | [
"Print a timestamp value.\n\n@param value time value\n@return time value"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch autoscaleprofile resource of given name .",
"Asynchronous call that begins execution of the task\nand returns immediately.",
"Use this API to enable the mode on Netscaler.\n@param mode mode to be enabled.\n@return status of the operation performed.\n@throws Exception Nitro exception.",
"Construct a pretty string documenting progress for this batch plan thus\nfar.\n\n@return pretty string documenting progress",
"Checks the constraints on this class.\n\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated",
"Formats a date or a time range according to the local conventions.\n\nYou should ensure that start/end are in the same timezone; formatDateRange()\ndoesn't handle start/end in different timezones well.\n\nSee {@link android.text.format.DateUtils#formatDateRange} for full docs.\n\n@param context the context is required only if the time is shown\n@param start the start time\n@param end the end time\n@param flags a bit mask of options\n@return a string containing the formatted date/time range",
"Read exceptions for a calendar.\n\n@param table calendar exception data\n@param calendar calendar\n@param exceptionID first exception ID",
"Creates a scatter query from the given user query\n\n@param query the user's query.\n@param numSplits the number of splits to create.",
"Return a set of all the Declaration matching the DeclarationFilter of the.\nLinker.\n\n@return a set of all the Declaration matching the DeclarationFilter of the\nLinker."
] |
public int consume(Map<String, String> initialVars) {
this.dataPipe = new DataPipe(this);
// Set initial variables
for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : initialVars.entrySet()) {
dataPipe.getDataMap().put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue());
// Call transformers
for (DataTransformer dc : dataTransformers) {
// Call writers
for (DataWriter oneOw : dataWriters) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) { //NOPMD
log.error("Exception in DataWriter", e);
return 1;
} | [
"Consumes a produced result. Calls every transformer in sequence, then\ncalls every dataWriter in sequence.\n\n@param initialVars a map containing the initial variables assignments\n@return the number of lines written"
] | [
"Reads Logical Screen Descriptor.",
"Create a Date instance representing a specific time.\n\n@param hour hour 0-23\n@param minutes minutes 0-59\n@return new Date instance",
"Validate an RIBean. This includes validating whether two beans specialize\nthe same bean\n\n@param bean the bean to validate\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@param specializedBeans the existing specialized beans",
"Send message to all connections labeled with tag specified.\n\n@param message the message to be sent\n@param tag the string that tag the connections to be sent\n@param excludeSelf specify whether the connection of this context should be send\n@return this context",
"Invokes the exit logger if and only if no ExitLogger was previously invoked.\n@param logger the logger. Cannot be {@code null}",
"Store the given data and return a uuid for later retrieval of the data\n\n@param data\n@return unique id for the stored data",
"Adds the correct load instruction based on the type descriptor\n\n@param code the bytecode to add the instruction to\n@param type the type of the variable\n@param variable the variable number",
"Used to retrieve the watermark for the item.\nIf the item does not have a watermark applied to it, a 404 Not Found will be returned by API.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return the watermark associated with the item.",
"Sets the time warp.\n\n@param l the new time warp"
] |
public void removeFilter(String filterName)
Filter filter = getFilterByName(filterName);
if (filter != null)
if (filter.isTaskFilter())
if (filter.isResourceFilter())
} | [
"Removes a filter from this project file.\n\n@param filterName The name of the filter"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch cacheselector resources of given names .",
"Do not call this method outside of activity!!!",
"Convert a Java date into a Planner date-time string.\n\n20070222T080000Z\n\n@param value Java date\n@return Planner date-time string",
"Return collection of path Ids in priority order\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@return collection of path Ids in priority order",
"Initializes a type\n\n@param name The name of the class\n@return The instance of the class. Returns a dummy if the class was not\nfound.",
"Try to get a system property for obsolete keys. The value is automatically converted - a runtime exception may be thrown during conversion.\n\n@return all the properties whose system property keys were different in previous versions",
"Delete the proxy history for the active profile\n\n@throws Exception exception",
"Check if information model entity referenced by archetype\nhas right name or type",
"read the file as a list of text lines"
] |
private synchronized Class<?> getClass(String className) throws Exception {
// see if we need to invalidate the class
ClassInformation classInfo = classInformation.get(className);
File classFile = new File(classInfo.pluginPath);
if (classFile.lastModified() > classInfo.lastModified) {
logger.info("Class {} has been modified, reloading", className);
logger.info("Thread ID: {}", Thread.currentThread().getId());
classInfo.loaded = false;
classInformation.put(className, classInfo);
// also cleanup anything in methodInformation with this className so it gets reloaded
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, com.groupon.odo.proxylib.models.Method>> iter = methodInformation.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, com.groupon.odo.proxylib.models.Method> entry = iter.next();
if (entry.getKey().startsWith(className)) {
if (!classInfo.loaded) {
return classInfo.loadedClass;
} | [
"Obtain the class of a given className\n\n@param className\n@return\n@throws Exception"
] | [
"Use this API to update route6 resources.",
"Build a Dataset from some data.\n\n@param oldData This {@link Dataset} represents data for which we which to\nsome features, specifically those features not in the {@link edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index}\ngoodFeatures.\n@param goodFeatures An {@link edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index} of features we wish to retain.\n@return A new {@link Dataset} wheres each datapoint contains only features\nwhich were in goodFeatures.",
"key function. first validate if the ACM has adequate data; then execute\nit after the validation. the new ParallelTask task guareetee to have the\ntargethost meta and command meta not null\n\n@param handler\nthe handler\n@return the parallel task",
"Stops this progress bar.",
"Returns the set of synchronized documents in a namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to get synchronized documents for.\n@return the set of synchronized documents in a namespace.",
"Group results by the specified field.\n\n@param fieldName by which to group results\n@param isNumber whether field isNumeric.\n@return this for additional parameter setting or to query",
"Returns a builder that is initialized with the given path.\n@param path the path to initialize with\n@return the new {@code UriComponentsBuilder}",
"Returns the position of the specified value in the specified array.\n\n@param value the value to search for\n@param array the array to search in\n@return the position of the specified value in the specified array",
"Ask the specified player for an Artist menu.\n\n@param slotReference the player and slot for which the menu is desired\n@param sortOrder the order in which responses should be sorted, 0 for default, see Section 6.11.1 of the\n<a href=\"https://github.com/Deep-Symmetry/dysentery/blob/master/doc/Analysis.pdf\">Packet Analysis\ndocument</a> for details\n\n@return the entries in the artist menu\n\n@throws Exception if there is a problem obtaining the menu"
] |
protected synchronized void doClose()
LockManager lm = getImplementation().getLockManager();
Enumeration en = objectEnvelopeTable.elements();
while (en.hasMoreElements())
ObjectEnvelope oe = (ObjectEnvelope) en.nextElement();
lm.releaseLock(this, oe.getIdentity(), oe.getObject());
//remove locks for objects which haven't been materialized yet
for (Iterator it = unmaterializedLocks.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
lm.releaseLock(this, it.next());
// this tx is no longer interested in materialization callbacks
* MBAIRD: Be nice and close the table to release all refs
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Close Transaction and release current PB " + broker + " on tx " + this);
// remove current thread from LocalTxManager
// to avoid problems for succeeding calls of the same thread
// now cleanup and prepare for reuse
} | [
"Close a transaction and do all the cleanup associated with it."
] | [
"Load the given class using the default constructor\n\n@param className The name of the class\n@return The class object",
"Sets the response context.\n\n@param responseContext\nthe response context\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Split input text into sentences.\n\n@param text Input text.\n@return List of Sentence objects.",
"Use this API to update dospolicy.",
"Formats the value provided with the specified DateTimeFormat",
"Sets name, status, start time and title to specified step\n\n@param step which will be changed",
"Assigns retention policy with givenID to folder or enterprise.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created assignment.\n@param policyID id of the assigned retention policy.\n@param assignTo object representing folder or enterprise to assign policy to.\n@return info about created assignment.",
"Returns a copy of this year-quarter with the new year and quarter, checking\nto see if a new object is in fact required.\n\n@param newYear the year to represent, validated from MIN_YEAR to MAX_YEAR\n@param newQuarter the quarter-of-year to represent, validated not null\n@return the year-quarter, not null",
"Retrieves child nodes from a directory entry.\n\n@param parent parent directory entry\n@return list of child nodes"
] |
public Trajectory subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
Trajectory t = new Trajectory(dimension);
for(int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++){
return t;
} | [
"Generates a sub-trajectory"
] | [
"Writes the data collected about classes to a file.",
"Add a column to be set to a value for UPDATE statements. This will generate something like columnName = 'value'\nwith the value escaped if necessary.",
"Extract a Class from the given Type.",
"Initialize dates panel elements.",
"Returns a client object for a clientId\n\n@param clientId ID of client to return\n@return Client or null\n@throws Exception exception",
"Adds a type to collection with inheriting base type properties.\n\n@param type the type definition to add\n\n@return true if the type definition was added",
"Will create a JNDI Context and register it as the initial context factory builder\n\n@return the context\n@throws NamingException\non any issue during initial context factory builder registration",
"Encrypt a string with AES-128 using the specified key.\n\n@param message Input string.\n@param key Encryption key.\n@return Encrypted output.",
"Returns the default shared instance of the CleverTap SDK.\n\n@param context The Android context\n@return The {@link CleverTapAPI} object"
] |
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"})
public void pushEvent(String eventName) {
if (eventName == null || eventName.trim().equals(""))
pushEvent(eventName, null);
} | [
"Pushes a basic event.\n\n@param eventName The name of the event"
] | [
"On host controller reload, remove a not running server registered in the process controller declared as stopping.",
"This is the main entry point used to convert the internal representation\nof timephased baseline work into an external form which can\nbe displayed to the user.\n\n@param file parent project file\n@param work timephased resource assignment data\n@param rangeUnits timescale units\n@param dateList timescale date ranges\n@return list of durations, one per timescale date range",
"Returns an iterator that iterates over all elements greater or equal to key in ascending order\n\n@param key key\n@return iterator",
"Read custom fields for a GanttProject resource.\n\n@param gpResource GanttProject resource\n@param mpxjResource MPXJ Resource instance",
"Curries a procedure that takes two arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes one argument. Never <code>null</code>.",
"symbol for filling padding position in output",
"Maps a story if it is allowed by the meta filter\n\n@param story\nthe Story\n@param metaFilter\nthe meta filter",
"Use this API to update appfwlearningsettings.",
"Associate a type with the given resource model."
] |
public static List<Object> filterMapToList(final Map<String, ?> map, final String[] nameMapping) {
if( map == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException("map should not be null");
} else if( nameMapping == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException("nameMapping should not be null");
final List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(nameMapping.length);
for( final String key : nameMapping ) {
return result;
} | [
"Returns a List of all of the values in the Map whose key matches an entry in the nameMapping array.\n\n@param map\nthe map\n@param nameMapping\nthe keys of the Map values to add to the List\n@return a List of all of the values in the Map whose key matches an entry in the nameMapping array\n@throws NullPointerException\nif map or nameMapping is null"
] | [
"Old SOAP client uses new SOAP service",
"Add a text symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.",
"If the not a bitmap itself, this will read the file's meta data.\n\n@param resources {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}\n@return Point where x = width and y = height",
"Returns the orthogonal U matrix.\n\n@param U If not null then the results will be stored here. Otherwise a new matrix will be created.\n@return The extracted Q matrix.",
"Enables or disables auto closing when selecting a date.",
"Extract a list of work pattern assignments.\n\n@param workPatterns string representation of work pattern assignments\n@return list of work pattern assignment rows",
"Reads input data from a JSON file in the output directory.",
"compute Sin using Taylor Series.\n\n@param x An angle, in radians.\n@param nTerms Number of terms.\n@return Result.",
"Use this API to fetch cmppolicylabel resource of given name ."
] |
public static base_response update(nitro_service client, filterhtmlinjectionparameter resource) throws Exception {
filterhtmlinjectionparameter updateresource = new filterhtmlinjectionparameter();
updateresource.rate = resource.rate;
updateresource.frequency = resource.frequency;
updateresource.strict = resource.strict;
updateresource.htmlsearchlen = resource.htmlsearchlen;
return updateresource.update_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to update filterhtmlinjectionparameter."
] | [
"Create a buffered image with the correct image bands etc... for the tiles being loaded.\n\n@param imageWidth width of the image to create\n@param imageHeight height of the image to create.",
"Use this API to fetch all the policydataset resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Return given duration in a human-friendly format. For example, \"4\nminutes\" or \"1 second\". Returns only largest meaningful unit of time,\nfrom seconds up to hours.\n\nThe longest duration it supports is hours.\n\nThis method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour,\n60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second.\nAll currently supplied chronologies use this definition.",
"Returns the associated SQL WHERE statement.",
"Find any standard methods the user has 'underridden' in their type.",
"Obtain newline-delimited headers from response\n\n@param response HttpServletResponse to scan\n@return newline-delimited headers",
"Retrieve from the parent pom the path to the modules of the project",
"Get a random pod that provides the specified service in the specified namespace.\n\n@param client\nThe client instance to use.\n@param name\nThe name of the service.\n@param namespace\nThe namespace of the service.\n\n@return The pod or null if no pod matches.",
"Rethrows OperationCanceledErrors and wraps platform specific OperationCanceledExceptions. Does nothing for any other type of Throwable."
] |
public CoordinatorConfig setBootstrapURLs(List<String> bootstrapUrls) {
this.bootstrapURLs = Utils.notNull(bootstrapUrls);
if(this.bootstrapURLs.size() <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide at least one bootstrap URL.");
return this;
} | [
"Sets the bootstrap URLs used by the different Fat clients inside the\nCoordinator\n\n@param bootstrapUrls list of bootstrap URLs defining which cluster to\nconnect to\n@return modified CoordinatorConfig"
] | [
"Check whether the URL end with one of the given suffixes.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible suffixes\n@return true when URL ends with one of the suffixes",
"Add a new download. The download will start automatically once the download manager is\nready to execute it and connectivity is available.\n\n@param request the parameters specifying this download\n@return an ID for the download, unique across the application. This ID is used to make future\ncalls related to this download.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException",
"Attachments are only structurally different if one step has an inline attachment\nand the other step either has no inline attachment or the inline attachment is\ndifferent.",
"This method take a list of fileName of the type partitionId_Replica_Chunk\nand returns file names that match the regular expression\nmasterPartitionId_",
"Prepare a parallel PING Task.\n\n@return the parallel task builder",
"This implementation will probably be slower than the metadata\nobject copy, but this was easier to implement.\n@see org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.ObjectCopyStrategy#copy(Object)",
"Generates JUnit 4 RunListener instances for any user defined RunListeners",
"Cancels all the pending & running requests and releases all the dispatchers.",
"Abort and close the transaction.\nCalling abort abandons all persistent object modifications and releases the\nassociated locks.\nIf transaction is not in progress a TransactionNotInProgressException is thrown"
] |
public static void registerTinyTypes(Class<?> head, Class<?>... tail) {
final Set<HeaderDelegateProvider> systemRegisteredHeaderProviders = stealAcquireRefToHeaderDelegateProviders();
register(head, systemRegisteredHeaderProviders);
for (Class<?> tt : tail) {
register(tt, systemRegisteredHeaderProviders);
} | [
"Registers Jersey HeaderDelegateProviders for the specified TinyTypes.\n\n@param head a TinyType\n@param tail other TinyTypes\n@throws IllegalArgumentException when a non-TinyType is given"
] | [
"Returns an array with the width of the longest word per column calculated from the given table.\nDefault padding will be added per column.\nPadding for individual columns will be added if defined.\n@param rows the table rows for calculations\n@param colNumbers number of columns in the table\n@return array with width of longest word for each column, null if input table was null",
"This method retrieves a Duration instance representing the amount of\nwork between two dates based on this calendar.\n\n@param startDate start date\n@param endDate end date\n@param format required duration format\n@return amount of work",
"Given a file name and read-only storage format, tells whether the file\nname format is correct\n\n@param fileName The name of the file\n@param format The RO format\n@return true if file format is correct, else false",
"Filter events.\n\n@param events the events\n@return the list of filtered events",
"Retrieve and validate the key from the REST request.\n\n@return true if present, false if missing",
"Converts an update description BSON document from a MongoDB Change Event into an\nUpdateDescription object.\n\n@param document the\n@return the converted UpdateDescription",
"Load a model to attach to the avatar\n@param avatarResource resource with avatar model\n@param attachBone name of bone to attach model to",
"Return cached object by key. The key will be concatenated with\ncurrent session id when fetching the cached object\n\n@param key\n@param <T>\nthe object type\n@return the cached object",
"Creates a replica of the node with the new partitions list\n\n@param node The node whose replica we are creating\n@param partitionsList The new partitions list\n@return Replica of node with new partitions list"
] |
public static <T> T flattenOption(scala.Option<T> option) {
if (option.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return option.get();
} | [
"Flattens an option into its value or else null, which is not great but is usually more convenient in Java.\n@param option Optional value -- either Some(T) or None\n@param <T> Any type\n@return The value inside the option, or else null"
] | [
"Performs the conversion from standard XPath to xpath with parameterization support.",
"Read remarks from a Gantt Designer file.\n\n@param gantt Gantt Designer file",
"Returns all found resolvers\n@return",
"New SOAP client uses new SOAP service.",
"Pick arbitrary wrapping method. No generics should be set.\n@param builder",
"Add an event to the queue. It will be processed in the order received.\n\n@param event Event",
"scans right to left until max to maintain latest max values for the multi-value property specified by key.\n\n@param key the property key\n@param left original list\n@param right new list\n@param remove if remove new list from original\n@param vr ValidationResult for error and merged list return",
"Returns an input stream that applies the required decompression to the\ngiven input stream.\n\n@param inputStream\nthe input stream with the (possibly compressed) data\n@param compressionType\nthe kind of compression\n@return an input stream with decompressed data\n@throws IOException\nif there was a problem creating the decompression streams",
"A property tied to the map, updated when the idle state event is fired.\n\n@return"
] |
public static int getScreenHeight(Context context) {
DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
return metrics.heightPixels;
} | [
"Returns the screen height in pixels\n\n@param context is the context to get the resources\n@return the screen height in pixels"
] | [
"Build a String representation of given arguments.",
"Create the exception assignment map.\n\n@param rows calendar rows\n@return exception assignment map",
"Read the data for all of the tables we're interested in.\n\n@param tables list of all available tables\n@param is input stream",
"Try to delegate the responsibility of sending slops to master\n\n@param node The node that slop should eventually be pushed to\n@return true if master accept the responsibility; false if master does\nnot accept",
"Use this API to fetch ipset_nsip6_binding resources of given name .",
"Creates a new Product in Grapes database\n\n@param dbProduct DbProduct",
"Find the the qualified container port of the target service\nUses java annotations first or returns the container port.\n\n@param service\nThe target service.\n@param qualifiers\nThe set of qualifiers.\n\n@return Returns the resolved containerPort of '0' as a fallback.",
"Declares a shovel.\n\n@param vhost virtual host where to declare the shovel\n@param info Shovel info.",
"Determine the enum value corresponding to the first play state found in the packet.\n\n@return the proper value"
] |
public App named(String name) {
App newApp = copy();
newApp.name = name;
return newApp;
} | [
"Builder method for specifying the name of an app.\n@param name The name to give an app.\n@return A copy of the {@link App}"
] | [
"Read holidays from the database and create calendar exceptions.",
"Return true if the connection being released is the one that has been saved.",
"Updates the style of the field label according to the field value if the\nfield value is empty - null or \"\" - removes the label 'active' style else\nwill add the 'active' style to the field label.",
"Update list of sorted services by copying it from the array and making it unmodifiable.",
"Calculate a cache key.\n@param sql to use\n@param columnIndexes to use\n@return cache key to use.",
"Adds not Null criteria,\ncustomer_id is not Null\nThe attribute will NOT be translated into column name\n\n@param column The column name to be used without translation",
"call with lock on 'children' held",
"Returns the overtime cost of this resource assignment.\n\n@return cost",
"Creates a timespan from a list of other timespans.\n\n@return a timespan representing the sum of all the timespans provided"
] |
protected void prepareRequest(List<BoxAPIRequest> requests) {
JsonObject body = new JsonObject();
JsonArray requestsJSONArray = new JsonArray();
for (BoxAPIRequest request: requests) {
JsonObject batchRequest = new JsonObject();
batchRequest.add("method", request.getMethod());
batchRequest.add("relative_url", request.getUrl().toString().substring(this.api.getBaseURL().length() - 1));
//If the actual request has a JSON body then add it to vatch request
if (request instanceof BoxJSONRequest) {
BoxJSONRequest jsonRequest = (BoxJSONRequest) request;
batchRequest.add("body", jsonRequest.getBodyAsJsonValue());
//Add any headers that are in the request, except Authorization
if (request.getHeaders() != null) {
JsonObject batchRequestHeaders = new JsonObject();
for (RequestHeader header: request.getHeaders()) {
if (header.getKey() != null && !header.getKey().isEmpty()
&& !HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION.equals(header.getKey())) {
batchRequestHeaders.add(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
batchRequest.add("headers", batchRequestHeaders);
//Add the request to array
//Add the requests array to body
body.add("requests", requestsJSONArray);
} | [
"Prepare a batch api request using list of individual reuests.\n@param requests list of api requests that has to be executed in batch."
] | [
"returns controller if a new device is found",
"Adds the given service provider factory to the set of\nproviders for the service.\n\n@param serviceName\nThe fully qualified name of the service interface.\n@param factory\nA factory for creating a specific type of service\nprovider. May be <tt>null</tt> in which case this\nmethod does nothing.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if serviceName is <tt>null</tt>",
"This method writes project extended attribute data into an MSPDI file.\n\n@param project Root node of the MSPDI file",
"Returns true if the activity is a start milestone.\n\n@param activity Phoenix activity\n@return true if the activity is a milestone",
"Closes the server socket. No new clients are accepted afterwards.",
"Internal utility to help JNI add hit objects to the pick list. Specifically for MeshColliders with picking\nfor UV, Barycentric, and normal coordinates enabled",
"Creates a real agent in the platform\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name that the agent is gonna have in the platform\n@param path\nThe path of the description (xml) of the agent",
"Use this API to fetch all the dospolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Handle unbind service event.\n@param service Service instance\n@param props Service reference properties"
] |
private CmsVfsEntryBean buildVfsEntryBeanForQuickSearch(
CmsResource resource,
Multimap<CmsResource, CmsResource> childMap,
Set<CmsResource> filterMatches,
Set<String> parentPaths,
boolean isRoot)
throws CmsException {
CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
String title = cms.readPropertyObject(resource, CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_TITLE, false).getValue();
boolean isMatch = filterMatches.contains(resource);
List<CmsVfsEntryBean> childBeans = Lists.newArrayList();
Collection<CmsResource> children = childMap.get(resource);
if (!children.isEmpty()) {
for (CmsResource child : children) {
CmsVfsEntryBean childBean = buildVfsEntryBeanForQuickSearch(
} else if (filterMatches.contains(resource)) {
if (parentPaths.contains(resource.getRootPath())) {
childBeans = null;
// otherwise childBeans remains an empty list
String rootPath = resource.getRootPath();
CmsVfsEntryBean result = new CmsVfsEntryBean(
CmsIconUtil.getIconClasses(CmsIconUtil.getDisplayType(cms, resource), resource.getName(), true),
isEditable(cms, resource),
String siteRoot = null;
if (OpenCms.getSiteManager().startsWithShared(rootPath)) {
siteRoot = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSharedFolder();
} else {
String tempSiteRoot = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteRoot(rootPath);
if (tempSiteRoot != null) {
siteRoot = tempSiteRoot;
} else {
siteRoot = "";
return result;
} | [
"Recursively builds the VFS entry bean for the quick filtering function in the folder tab.<p<\n\n@param resource the resource\n@param childMap map from parent to child resources\n@param filterMatches the resources matching the filter\n@param parentPaths root paths of resources which are not leaves\n@param isRoot true if this the root node\n\n@return the VFS entry bean for the client\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong"
] | [
"Convert this object to a json object.",
"Return whether or not the data object has a default value passed for this field of this type.",
"Write a long attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name\n@param value attribute value",
"Populates a recurring task.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param task recurring task\n@throws MPXJException",
"Checks if this service implementation accepts the given resource path.\n@param resourcePath Resource path\n@return true if the implementation matches and the configuration is not invalid.",
"Inserts the result of the migration into the migration table\n\n@param migration the migration that was executed\n@param wasSuccessful indicates if the migration was successful or not",
"Returns the right string representation of the effort level based on given number of points.",
"Check if the property is part of the identifier of the entity.\n\n@param persister the {@link OgmEntityPersister} of the entity with the property\n@param namesWithoutAlias the path to the property with all the aliases resolved\n@return {@code true} if the property is part of the id, {@code false} otherwise.",
"Inserts a new instance but references via the outIdentifier, which is returned as part of the ExecutionResults\n\n@param object\n@param outIdentifier\n@return"
] |
@NonNull public CharSequence getQuery() {
if (searchView != null) {
return searchView.getQuery();
} else if (supportView != null) {
return supportView.getQuery();
throw new IllegalStateException(ERROR_NO_SEARCHVIEW);
} | [
"Returns the query string currently in the text field.\n\n@return the query string"
] | [
"Checks if the provided duration information is valid.\n@return <code>null</code> if the information is valid, the key of the suitable error message otherwise.",
"Executes the given xpath and returns the result with the type specified.",
"Support the subscript operator for CharSequence.\n\n@param text a CharSequence\n@param index the index of the Character to get\n@return the Character at the given index\n@since 1.0",
"Create and serialize a WorkerStatus for a pause event.\n\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus",
"Puts a message in the wake-up queue of this node to send the message on wake-up.\n@param serialMessage the message to put in the wake-up queue.",
"Merges a specialized archetype with its parent. Merge will be done in-place on the specialized parameter.\n\n@param flatParent Flat parent archetype\n@param specialized Specialized archetype",
"Use this API to unset the properties of bridgetable resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Set a variable in the top variables layer to given \"collection\" of the vertex frames. Can't be reassigned -\nthrows on attempt to reassign.",
"Create and serialize a WorkerStatus for a pause event.\n\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus"
] |
public static void pauseTimer(final String type) {
TransactionLogger instance = getInstance();
if (instance == null) {
} | [
"Pause component timer for current instance\n@param type - of component"
] | [
"Publish the bundle resources directly.",
"Use this API to change sslcertkey resources.",
"Handles a complete record at a time, stores it in a form ready for\nfurther processing.\n\n@param record record to be processed\n@return flag indicating if this is the last record in the file to be processed\n@throws MPXJException",
"Get permissions for who may view geo data for a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nreqired photo id, not null\n@return the permissions\n@throws FlickrException\nif photo id is invalid, if photo has no geodata or if any other error has been reported in the response.",
"Creates a field map for relations.\n\n@param props props data",
"Returns the given text with the first letter in upper case.\n\n<h2>Examples:</h2>\n<pre>\ncapitalize(\"hi\") == \"Hi\"\ncapitalize(\"Hi\") == \"Hi\"\ncapitalize(\"hi there\") == \"hi there\"\ncapitalize(\"\") == \"\"\ncapitalize(null) == null\n</pre>\n@param text the text to capitalize\n@return text with the first letter in upper case",
"Specify the time out of the session established at the server. The\nsession is kept alive by requests sent by this client object. If the\nsession is idle for a period of time that would timeout the session, the\nclient will send a PING request to keep the session alive.\n\n@param timeout timeout in milliseconds, must be greater than zero and less\nthan 60000.",
"Set the individual dates where the event should take place.\n@param dates the dates to set.",
"Creates a sort configuration iff at least one of the parameters is not null and the options list is not empty.\n@param sortParam The request parameter used to send the currently chosen search option.\n@param options The available sort options.\n@param defaultOption The default sort option.\n@return the sort configuration or null, depending on the arguments."
] |
public static InterfaceAnalysis analyze(@Nonnull final String code) {
Check.notNull(code, "code");
final CompilationUnit unit = Check.notNull(SourceCodeReader.parse(code), "compilationUnit");
final List<TypeDeclaration> types = Check.notEmpty(unit.getTypes(), "typeDeclarations");
Check.stateIsTrue(types.size() == 1, "only one interface declaration per analysis is supported");
final ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration type = (ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) types.get(0);
final Imports imports = SourceCodeReader.findImports(unit.getImports());
final Package pkg = unit.getPackage() != null ? new Package(unit.getPackage().getName().toString()) : Package.UNDEFINED;
final List<Annotation> annotations = SourceCodeReader.findAnnotations(type.getAnnotations(), imports);
final List<Method> methods = SourceCodeReader.findMethods(type.getMembers(), imports);
Check.stateIsTrue(!hasPossibleMutatingMethods(methods), "The passed interface '%s' seems to have mutating methods", type.getName());
final List<Interface> extendsInterfaces = SourceCodeReader.findExtends(type);
final String interfaceName = type.getName();
return new ImmutableInterfaceAnalysis(annotations, extendsInterfaces, imports.asList(), interfaceName, methods, pkg);
} | [
"Analyzes the source code of an interface. The specified interface must not contain methods, that changes the\nstate of the corresponding object itself.\n\n@param code\nsource code of an interface which describes how to generate the <i>immutable</i>\n@return analysis result"
] | [
"Get a View that displays the data at the specified\nposition in the data set.\n\n@param position Position of the item whose data we want\n@param convertView View to recycle, if not null\n@param parent ViewGroup containing the returned View",
"Sets the action label to be displayed, if any. Note that if this is not set, the action\nbutton will not be displayed\n\n@param actionButtonLabel\n@return",
"Log an audit record of this operation.",
"Executes a query using the given parameters. The query results will be added to the\nExecutionResults using the given identifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier to be used for the results when added to the ExecutionResults\n@param name\nThe name of the query to execute\n@param arguments\nThe arguments to be used for the query parameters\n@return",
"Sets all dates in the list.\n@param dates the dates to set\n@param checked flag, indicating if all should be checked or unchecked.",
"Returns the default privacy level for geographic information attached to the user's photos.\n\n@return privacy-level\n@throws FlickrException\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_NO_FILTER\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_PUBLIC\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_FRIENDS\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_FAMILY\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_FRIENDS_FAMILY\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_PRIVATE",
"returns an array containing values for all the Objects attribute\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException if there is an erros accessing obj field values",
"Drops a driver from the DriverManager's list.",
"Reverse how the transition is applied, such that the transition previously performed when progress=start of range is only performed when progress=end of range\n\n@return"
] |
private void copy(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
try {
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
int bytesRead = input.read(buffer);
while (bytesRead != -1) {
output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
bytesRead = input.read(buffer);
} finally {
} | [
"Transfer the data from the inputStream to the outputStream. Then close both streams."
] | [
"Prints out the interceptor chain in a format that is easy to read. It\nalso filters out instances of the DemoInterceptor so you can see what the\nchain would look like in a normal invokation.\n\n@param chain",
"Retrieve a list of the available P3 project names from a directory.\n\n@param directory directory containing P3 files\n@return list of project names",
"Returns the resource bundle for current Locale, i.e. locale set in the PageComponent.\nAlways create a new instance, this avoids getting the incorrect locale information.\n\n@return resourcebundle for internationalized messages",
"Read the domain controller data from an S3 file.\n\n@param directoryName the name of the directory in the bucket that contains the S3 file\n@return the domain controller data",
"Login the user and redirect back to original URL. If no\noriginal URL found then redirect to `defaultLandingUrl`.\n\n@param userIdentifier\nthe user identifier, could be either userId or username\n@param defaultLandingUrl\nthe URL to be redirected if original URL not found",
"Add \"ORDER BY\" clause to the SQL query statement. This can be called multiple times to add additional \"ORDER BY\"\nclauses. Ones earlier are applied first.",
"Compute the offset for the item in the layout cache\n@return true if the item fits the container, false otherwise",
"Resize the key data area.\nThis function will truncate the keys if the\ninitial setting was too large.\n\n@oaran numKeys the desired number of keys",
"Creates a new DMatrixRMaj around the provided data. The data must encode\na row-major matrix. Any modification to the returned matrix will modify the\nprovided data.\n\n@param numRows Number of rows in the matrix.\n@param numCols Number of columns in the matrix.\n@param data Data that is being wrapped. Referenced Saved.\n@return A matrix which references the provided data internally."
] |
public void collapseParentRange(int startParentPosition, int parentCount) {
int endParentPosition = startParentPosition + parentCount;
for (int i = startParentPosition; i < endParentPosition; i++) {
} | [
"Collapses all parents in a range of indices in the list of parents.\n\n@param startParentPosition The index at which to to start collapsing parents\n@param parentCount The number of parents to collapse"
] | [
"Print an earned value method.\n\n@param value EarnedValueMethod instance\n@return earned value method value",
"Adds the given property and value to the constructed reference.\n\n@param propertyIdValue\nthe property to add\n@param value\nthe value to add\n@return builder object to continue construction",
"Prepare a parallel HTTP OPTION Task.\n\n@param url\nthe UrlPostfix: e.g. in http://localhost:8080/index.html.,the url is \"/index.html\"\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Requests the cue list for a specific track ID, given a dbserver connection to a player that has already\nbeen set up.\n\n@param rekordboxId the track of interest\n@param slot identifies the media slot we are querying\n@param client the dbserver client that is communicating with the appropriate player\n\n@return the retrieved cue list, or {@code null} if none was available\n@throws IOException if there is a communication problem",
"Returns true if this Bytes object equals another. This method checks it's arguments.\n\n@since 1.2.0",
"Parse a comma-delimited list of method names into a List of strings.\nWhitespace is ignored.\n\n@param methods the comma delimited list of methods from the spring configuration\n\n@return List<String>",
"Prioritises the list of step candidates that match a given step.\n\n@param stepAsText\nthe textual step to match\n@param candidates\nthe List of StepCandidate\n@return The prioritised list according to the\n{@link PrioritisingStrategy}.",
"Creates a quad consisting of two triangles, with the specified width and\nheight.\n\n@param gvrContext current {@link GVRContext}\n\n@param width\nthe quad's width\n@param height\nthe quad's height\n@return A 2D, rectangular mesh with four vertices and two triangles",
"Get the value for a particular configuration property\n\n@param name - name of the property\n@return The first value encountered or null"
] |
public static int[] binaryToRgb(boolean[] binaryArray) {
int[] rgbArray = new int[binaryArray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < binaryArray.length; i++) {
if (binaryArray[i]) {
rgbArray[i] = 0x00000000;
} else {
rgbArray[i] = 0x00FFFFFF;
return rgbArray;
} | [
"Converts a boolean array containing the pixel data in BINARY mode to an\ninteger array with the pixel data in RGB mode.\n\n@param binaryArray pixel binary data\n@return pixel integer data in RGB mode."
] | [
"Gets the index input list.\n\n@return the index input list",
"Divides the elements at the specified column by 'val'. Takes in account\nleading zeros and one.",
"Throw IllegalStateException if key is not present in map.\n@param key the key to expect.\n@param map the map to search.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if key is not in map.",
"Creates a new Product in Grapes database\n\n@param dbProduct DbProduct",
"Return a list of place IDs for a query string.\n\nThe flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round \"up\" to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a\nstreet level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.\n\n<p>\nThis method does not require authentication.\n</p>\n\n@param query\n@return PlacesList\n@throws FlickrException",
"handle white spaces.",
"This method is called by the client to load the most recent list of resources.\nThis method should only be called by the service client.\n\n@param result the most recent list of resources.",
"Close all HTTP clients created by this factory\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs",
"Check real offset.\n\n@return the boolean"
] |
public int update(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, T data, ObjectCache objectCache) throws SQLException {
try {
// there is always and id field as an argument so just return 0 lines updated
if (argFieldTypes.length <= 1) {
return 0;
Object[] args = getFieldObjects(data);
Object newVersion = null;
if (versionFieldType != null) {
newVersion = versionFieldType.extractJavaFieldValue(data);
newVersion = versionFieldType.moveToNextValue(newVersion);
args[versionFieldTypeIndex] = versionFieldType.convertJavaFieldToSqlArgValue(newVersion);
int rowC = databaseConnection.update(statement, args, argFieldTypes);
if (rowC > 0) {
if (newVersion != null) {
// if we have updated a row then update the version field in our object to the new value
versionFieldType.assignField(connectionSource, data, newVersion, false, null);
if (objectCache != null) {
// if we've changed something then see if we need to update our cache
Object id = idField.extractJavaFieldValue(data);
T cachedData = objectCache.get(clazz, id);
if (cachedData != null && cachedData != data) {
// copy each field from the updated data into the cached object
for (FieldType fieldType : tableInfo.getFieldTypes()) {
if (fieldType != idField) {
fieldType.assignField(connectionSource, cachedData,
fieldType.extractJavaFieldValue(data), false, objectCache);
logger.debug("update data with statement '{}' and {} args, changed {} rows", statement, args.length, rowC);
if (args.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("update arguments: {}", (Object) args);
return rowC;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw SqlExceptionUtil.create("Unable to run update stmt on object " + data + ": " + statement, e);
} | [
"Update the object in the database."
] | [
"Gets a SerialMessage with the BASIC SET command\n@param the level to set.\n@return the serial message",
"Read calendar data.",
"This method is used to configure the primary and alternative\nformat patterns.\n\n@param primaryPattern new format pattern\n@param alternativePatterns alternative format patterns\n@param decimalSeparator Locale specific decimal separator to replace placeholder\n@param groupingSeparator Locale specific grouping separator to replace placeholder",
"Print a resource type.\n\n@param value ResourceType instance\n@return resource type value",
"Perform a post-boot scan to remove any deployments added during boot that failed to deploy properly.\nThis method isn't private solely to allow a unit test in the same package to call it.",
"Write the criteria elements, extracting the information of the sub-model.\n\n@param writer the xml stream writer\n@param subModel the interface model\n@param nested whether it the criteria elements are nested as part of <not /> or <any />\n@throws XMLStreamException",
"below is testing code",
"Unregister the mbean with the given name, if there is one registered\n\n@param name The mbean name to unregister\n@see #registerMBean(Object, String)",
"Retrieve a map of custom document properties.\n\n@return the Document Summary Information Map"
] |
public Script updateName(int id, String name) throws Exception {
PreparedStatement statement = null;
try (Connection sqlConnection = SQLService.getInstance().getConnection()) {
statement = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(
" SET " + Constants.SCRIPT_NAME + " = ? " +
" WHERE " + Constants.GENERIC_ID + " = ?"
statement.setString(1, name);
statement.setInt(2, id);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (statement != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return this.getScript(id);
} | [
"Update the name of a script\n\n@param id ID of script\n@param name new name\n@return updated script\n@throws Exception exception"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch dnsview resource of given name .",
"disables the current active id, enables the new one selected\n\n@param profileId profile ID of the client\n@param clientUUID UUID of the client\n@param active true to make client active, false to make client inactive\n@throws Exception exception",
"Returns all the pixels for the image\n\n@return an array of pixels for this image",
"Adds parameters contained in the annotation into the annotation type reference\n\n@param typeRef\n@param node",
"Copy the contents of the given InputStream into a String.\nLeaves the stream open when done.\n@param in the InputStream to copy from\n@return the String that has been copied to\n@throws IOException in case of I/O errors",
"Get the class name without the qualified package name.\n@param className the className to get the short name for\n@return the class name of the class without the package name\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the className is empty",
"Set up the ThreadContext and delegate.",
"Prints the error message as log message.\n\n@param level the log level",
"Converts a date series configuration to a date series bean.\n@return the date series bean."
] |
public ServerGroup addServerGroup(String groupName) {
ServerGroup group = new ServerGroup();
BasicNameValuePair[] params = {
new BasicNameValuePair("name", groupName),
new BasicNameValuePair("profileIdentifier", this._profileName)
try {
JSONObject response = new JSONObject(doPost(BASE_SERVERGROUP, params));
group = getServerGroupFromJSON(response);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return group;
} | [
"Create a new server group\n\n@param groupName name of server group\n@return Created ServerGroup"
] | [
"Reads a single record from the table.\n\n@param buffer record data\n@param table parent table",
"Append field with quotes and escape characters added in the key, if required.\nThe value is added without quotes and any escape characters.\n\n@return this",
"Removes the value from the Collection mapped to by this key, leaving the\nrest of the collection intact.\n\n@param key\nthe key to the Collection to remove the value from\n@param value\nthe value to remove",
"Alias accessor provided for JSON serialization only",
"Use this API to fetch lbvserver_appflowpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"refresh all primitive typed attributes of a cached instance\nwith the current values from the database.\nrefreshing of reference and collection attributes is not done\nhere.\n@param cachedInstance the cached instance to be refreshed\n@param oid the Identity of the cached instance\n@param cld the ClassDescriptor of cachedInstance",
"Registers the deployment resources needed.\n\n@param deploymentResourceSupport the deployment resource support\n@param service the service, which may be {@code null}, used to find the resource names that need to be registered",
"Add SQL to handle a unique=true field. THis is not for uniqueCombo=true.",
"Send a device lost announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param announcement the last message received from the vanished device"
] |
public Iterable<BoxTaskAssignment.Info> getAllAssignments(String ... fields) {
final QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (fields.length > 0) {
builder.appendParam("fields", fields);
return new Iterable<BoxTaskAssignment.Info>() {
public Iterator<BoxTaskAssignment.Info> iterator() {
BoxTask.this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), BoxTask.this.getID());
return new BoxTaskAssignmentIterator(BoxTask.this.getAPI(), url);
} | [
"Gets an iterable of all the assignments of this task.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing info about all the assignments."
] | [
"Return the numeraire at a given time.\nThe numeraire is provided for interpolated points. If requested on points which are not\npart of the tenor discretization, the numeraire uses a linear interpolation of the reciprocal\nvalue. See ISBN 0470047224 for details.\n\n@param time Time time <i>t</i> for which the numeraire should be returned <i>N(t)</i>.\n@return The numeraire at the specified time as <code>RandomVariableFromDoubleArray</code>\n@throws net.finmath.exception.CalculationException Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the <code>cause()</code> method.",
"Output method that sends a subscription confirmation for the subscriber to avoid DoS attacks, or false subscription.\n\n@param sr\n@return True case the subscription was confirmed, or False otherwise\n@throws org.ow2.chameleon.fuchsia.push.base.hub.exception.SubscriptionOriginVerificationException",
"Generates timephased actual costs from the assignment's cost value. Used for Cost type Resources.\n\n@return timephased cost",
"Get FieldDescriptor from joined superclass.",
"Use this API to fetch sslservicegroup_sslcertkey_binding resources of given name .",
"Returns true if the provided matrix is has a value of 1 along the diagonal\nelements and zero along all the other elements.\n\n@param a Matrix being inspected.\n@param tol How close to zero or one each element needs to be.\n@return If it is within tolerance to an identity matrix.",
"Factory method, validates the given triplet year, month and dayOfMonth.\n\n@param prolepticYear the International fixed proleptic-year\n@param month the International fixed month, from 1 to 13\n@param dayOfMonth the International fixed day-of-month, from 1 to 28 (29 for Leap Day or Year Day)\n@return the International fixed date\n@throws DateTimeException if the date is invalid",
"Creates a REST client used to perform Voldemort operations against the\nCoordinator\n\n@param storeName Name of the store to perform the operations on\n@param resolver Custom resolver as specified by the application\n@return",
"end class CoNLLIterator"
] |
public List<Map<String, String>> pipelinePossibleStates(NWiseAction action, List<Map<String, String>> possibleStateList) {
String[] coVariables = action.getCoVariables().split(",");
int n = Integer.valueOf(action.getN());
List<Map<String, String>> newPossibleStateList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map<String, String> possibleState : possibleStateList) {
Map<String, String[]> variableDomains = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> defaultVariableValues = new HashMap<>();
for (String variable : coVariables) {
String variableMetaInfo = possibleState.get(variable);
String[] variableDomain = variableMetaInfo.split(",");
variableDomains.put(variable, variableDomain);
defaultVariableValues.put(variable, variableDomain[0]);
List<Map<String, String>> nWiseCombinations = produceNWise(n, coVariables, variableDomains);
for (Map<String, String> nWiseCombination : nWiseCombinations) {
Map<String, String> newPossibleState = new HashMap<>(possibleState);
return newPossibleStateList;
} | [
"Uses current variable assignments and info in an NWiseActionTag to expand on an n wise combinatorial set\n\n@param action an NWiseAction Action\n@param possibleStateList a current list of possible states produced so far from expanding a model state\n@return every input possible state expanded on an n wise combinatorial set defined by that input possible state"
] | [
"Add the dependencies if the deployment contains a service activator loader entry.\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context\n@throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException",
"Get the URI for the given statement.\n\n@param statement\nthe statement for which to create a URI\n@return the URI",
"Set to array.\n@param injectionProviders\nset of providers\n@return array of providers",
"Create servlet deployment.\n\nCan be overridden with custom servlet deployment. e.g. exact resources listing in restricted env like GAE\n\n@param context the servlet context\n@param bootstrap the bootstrap\n@return new servlet deployment",
"Converts from partitionId to nodeId. The list of partition IDs,\npartitionIds, is expected to be a \"replicating partition list\", i.e., the\nmapping from partition ID to node ID should be one to one.\n\n@param partitionIds List of partition IDs for which to find the Node ID\nfor the Node that owns the partition.\n@return List of node ids, one for each partition ID in partitionIds\n@throws VoldemortException If multiple partition IDs in partitionIds map\nto the same Node ID.",
"Gets an entry point for the given deployment. If one does not exist it will be created. If the request controller is disabled\nthis will return null.\n\nEntry points are reference counted. If this method is called n times then {@link #removeControlPoint(ControlPoint)}\nmust also be called n times to clean up the entry points.\n\n@param deploymentName The top level deployment name\n@param entryPointName The entry point name\n@return The entry point, or null if the request controller is disabled",
"Issue the database statements to drop the table associated with a class.\n\n<p>\n<b>WARNING:</b> This is [obviously] very destructive and is unrecoverable.\n</p>\n\n@param connectionSource\nAssociated connection source.\n@param dataClass\nThe class for which a table will be dropped.\n@param ignoreErrors\nIf set to true then try each statement regardless of {@link SQLException} thrown previously.\n@return The number of statements executed to do so.",
"Add the list with given bundles to the \"Import-Package\" main attribute.\n\n@param importedPackages The list of all packages to add.",
"package scope in order to test the method"
] |
public void setEnable(boolean flag) {
if (flag == mIsEnabled)
mIsEnabled = flag;
if (getNative() != 0)
NativeComponent.setEnable(getNative(), flag);
if (flag)
} | [
"Enable or disable this component.\n@param flag true to enable, false to disable.\n@see #enable()\n@see #disable()\n@see #isEnabled()"
] | [
"Boyer Moore scan that proceeds backwards from the end of the file looking for ENDSIG\n@throws NonScannableZipException",
"Return the list of galleries created by a user. Sorted from newest to oldest.\n\n@param userId\nThe user you want to check for\n@param perPage\nNumber of galleries per page\n@param page\nThe page number\n@return gallery\n@throws FlickrException\n\n@see <a hrerf=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.galleries.getList.html\">flickr.galleries.getList</a>",
"Update the Target Filter of the ImporterService.\nApply the induce modifications on the links of the ImporterService\n\n@param serviceReference",
"Gets read-only metadata.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param nodeIds Node ids to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param storeNames Stores names to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param metaKeys List of read-only metadata to fetch\n@throws IOException",
"Returns the getter method for field on an object.\n\n@param object\nthe object\n@param fieldName\nthe field name\n@return the getter associated with the field on the object\n@throws NullPointerException\nif object or fieldName is null\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif the getter doesn't exist or is not visible",
"Get a writer implementation to push data into Canvas while being able to control the behavior of blank values.\nIf the serializeNulls parameter is set to true, this writer will serialize null fields in the JSON being\nsent to Canvas. This is required if you want to explicitly blank out a value that is currently set to something.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param serializeNulls Whether or not to include null fields in the serialized JSON. Defaults to false if null\n@param <T> A writer implementation\n@return An instantiated instance of the requested writer type",
"Answer the orderBy of all Criteria and Sub Criteria\nthe elements are of class Criteria.FieldHelper\n@return List",
"Sets the elements in this matrix to be equal to the elements in the passed in matrix.\nBoth matrix must have the same dimension.\n\n@param a The matrix whose value this matrix is being set to.",
"Create and return a new Violation for this rule and the specified import className and alias\n@param sourceCode - the SourceCode\n@param className - the class name (as specified within the import statement)\n@param alias - the alias for the import statement\n@param violationMessage - the violation message; may be null\n@return a new Violation object"
] |
public static base_response unset(nitro_service client, nsspparams resource, String[] args) throws Exception{
nsspparams unsetresource = new nsspparams();
return unsetresource.unset_resource(client,args);
} | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of nsspparams resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] | [
"Calculate the child size along the axis and measure the offset inside the\nlayout container\n@param dataIndex of child in Container\n@return true item fits the container, false - otherwise",
"Return the NTSC gray level of an RGB value.\n@param rgb1 the input pixel\n@return the gray level (0-255)",
"Print duration in tenths of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@return duration in tenths of minutes",
"helper method to set the TranslucentNavigationFlag\n\n@param on",
"Returns a new macro resolver that loads message keys from the workplace bundle in the user setting's language.\n@param cms the CmsObject.\n@return a new macro resolver with messages from the workplace bundle in the current users locale.",
"Returns the default privacy level for geographic information attached to the user's photos.\n\n@return privacy-level\n@throws FlickrException\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_NO_FILTER\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_PUBLIC\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_FRIENDS\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_FAMILY\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_FRIENDS_FAMILY\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.Flickr#PRIVACY_LEVEL_PRIVATE",
"Launches the client with the specified parameters.\n\n@param args\ncommand line parameters\n@throws ParseException\n@throws IOException",
"Sets the permissions associated with this shared link.\n@param permissions the new permissions for this shared link.",
"Returns true if all pixels in the array have the same color"
] |
public String getCanonicalTypeName(Object object) {
ensureNotNull("object", object);
for (TypeDetector typeDetector : typeDetectors) {
if (typeDetector.canHandle(object)) {
return typeDetector.detectType(object);
throw LOG.unableToDetectCanonicalType(object);
} | [
"Identifies the canonical type of an object heuristically.\n\n@return the canonical type identifier of the object's class\naccording to Jackson's type format (see {@link TypeFactory#constructFromCanonical(String)})"
] | [
"Validates that the data structure at position startEndRecord has a field in the expected position\nthat points to the start of the first central directory file, and, if so, that the file\nhas a complete end of central directory record comment at the end.\n\n@param file the file being checked\n@param channel the channel\n@param startEndRecord the start of the end of central directory record\n@param endSig the end of central dir signature\n@return true if it can be confirmed that the end of directory record points to a central directory\nfile and a complete comment is present, false otherwise\n@throws java.io.IOException",
"Swap the current version folder for a new one\n\n@param newStoreDirectory The path to the new version directory",
"Use this API to add dnsaaaarec resources.",
"Get DPI suggestions.\n\n@return DPI suggestions",
"Copy a patch element\n\n@param entry the patch entry\n@param patchId the patch id for the element\n@param modifications the element modifications\n@return the new patch element",
"Removes all commas from the token list",
"Show only the given channel.\n@param channels The channels to show",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of servicegroup_stats resource of given name .",
"Returns true if we should skip this bar, i.e. the bar only has a single child task.\n\n@param row bar row to test\n@return true if this bar should be skipped"
] |
Subsets and Splits