[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When using product customizations with an additional cost, two issues arise. The additional cost for basic customizations in Prestashop cannot be managed directly, but they can be handled through a custom module by utilizing the id_module and price fields in the customized_data table, which Prestashop automatically uses to calculate the product cost. Issue 1: When purchasing a customized item with an extra charge, the "Total products" column on the order confirmation page is incorrect. Attached are screenshot **01 - Order create.png** and video **01 - Order create.webm**. Issue 2: When purchasing the same customized item with two different customizations and two different costs, if I modify the cost of one of the two items in the order, the system updates the cost of both products. Attached are screenshots **02 - Order edit - 01.png** and **02 - Order edit - 02.png** and video **02 - Order edit.webm**. Attached is a module that adds 2 customizations to any item added to the cart. Adding the same item twice (with two separate cart additions), the system adds 2 different customizations with 2 different costs. The module is just an example and with quickly developed code. **01 - Order create.png** ![01 - Order create]( **01 - Order create.webm** [01 - Order create.webm]( **02 - Order edit - 01.png** ![02 - Order edit - 01]( **02 - Order edit - 02.png** ![02 - Order edit - 02]( **02 - Order edit.webm** [02 - Order edit.webm]( **Module** []( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Issue 1: 1. Access the site and add a product to the cart. 2. Add a customization with an additional cost to the product. 3. Proceed to checkout and complete the order. 4. Observe the "Total products" column on the order confirmation page. Issue 2: 1. Access the site and add the same product to the cart with two different customizations and different costs. 2. Complete the order. 3. Modify the cost of one of the customizations in the order. 4. Observe that the system updates the cost of both customizations. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened all ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Codencode
Problems with Product Customizations
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problems with Product Customizations Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When using product customizations with an additional cost, two issues arise. The additional cost for basic customizations in Prestashop cannot be managed directly, but they can be handled through a custom module by utilizing the id_module and price fields in the customized_data table, which Prestashop automatically uses to calculate the product cost. Issue 1: When purchasing a customized item with an extra charge, the "Total products" column on the order confirmation page is incorrect. Attached are screenshot **01 - Order create.png** and video **01 - Order create.webm**. Issue 2: When purchasing the same customized item with two different customizations and two different costs, if I modify the cost of one of the two items in the order, the system updates the cost of both products. Attached are screenshots **02 - Order edit - 01.png** and **02 - Order edit - 02.png** and video **02 - Order edit.webm**. Attached is a module that adds 2 customizations to any item added to the cart. Adding the same item twice (with two separate cart additions), the system adds 2 different customizations with 2 different costs. The module is just an example and with quickly developed code. **01 - Order create.png** ![01 - Order create]( **01 - Order create.webm** [01 - Order create.webm]( **02 - Order edit - 01.png** ![02 - Order edit - 01]( **02 - Order edit - 02.png** ![02 - Order edit - 02]( **02 - Order edit.webm** [02 - Order edit.webm]( **Module** []( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Issue 1: 1. Access the site and add a product to the cart. 2. Add a customization with an additional cost to the product. 3. Proceed to checkout and complete the order. 4. Observe the "Total products" column on the order confirmation page. Issue 2: 1. Access the site and add the same product to the cart with two different customizations and different costs. 2. Complete the order. 3. Modify the cost of one of the customizations in the order. 4. Observe that the system updates the cost of both customizations. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened all ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Codencode --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I randomly get errors when deleting cache. It's a bit strange when the code checks for file existence just before deleting it. Maybe it can be resolved by `@unlink`? ![Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-31 173150]( Ping @PrestaShop/tech-council ### Expected behavior Cache should be deleted reliably. ### Steps to reproduce - ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Warning when clearing cache on windows
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Warning when clearing cache on windows Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I randomly get errors when deleting cache. It's a bit strange when the code checks for file existence just before deleting it. Maybe it can be resolved by `@unlink`? ![Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-31 173150]( Ping @PrestaShop/tech-council ### Expected behavior Cache should be deleted reliably. ### Steps to reproduce - ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm suggesting to change the current regex at this line: from this: `#id|id_\w#` to this: `#^id$|^id_.*$|^.*_id$#` ### Expected behavior Explanation and context: this method is currently used only in AdminContriesController.php: and its purpose, is to get all of the public properties of the Address class, and to filter out all of the properties which are not directly linked to the Address class So by leveraging the method in AdminCountriesController.php, we have this section of the Backoffice where we can setup the Address format with the fields we want to show, great! ![image]( Now the trouble comes whenever a module overrides the Address class and adds some additional public properties: in this case, you'll see the new properties will be added into the address format setup in Backoffice, however, whenever a new property starts with 'id', the method filters out the property even if it's a direct field which needs to be shown. In my case, my module was adding a new property called "identification_code", which indeed needs to be included in the list and not filtered out. By changing the regex, the problem would be solved. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a module which overrides the standard Address class 2. add some custom public properties which need to be showed into the Country settings Backoffice page ( Zones > Country > edit a country and setup the address format, see tab "Address" ). 3. see the custom public properties which starts with "id" are filtered out by prestashop, and thus cannot be setup anyhow in this section. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Hostinato
Improve AddressFormat's getValidateFields method used to filter out id fields
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Improve AddressFormat's getValidateFields method used to filter out id fields Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm suggesting to change the current regex at this line: from this: `#id|id_\w#` to this: `#^id$|^id_.*$|^.*_id$#` ### Expected behavior Explanation and context: this method is currently used only in AdminContriesController.php: and its purpose, is to get all of the public properties of the Address class, and to filter out all of the properties which are not directly linked to the Address class So by leveraging the method in AdminCountriesController.php, we have this section of the Backoffice where we can setup the Address format with the fields we want to show, great! ![image]( Now the trouble comes whenever a module overrides the Address class and adds some additional public properties: in this case, you'll see the new properties will be added into the address format setup in Backoffice, however, whenever a new property starts with 'id', the method filters out the property even if it's a direct field which needs to be shown. In my case, my module was adding a new property called "identification_code", which indeed needs to be included in the list and not filtered out. By changing the regex, the problem would be solved. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a module which overrides the standard Address class 2. add some custom public properties which need to be showed into the Country settings Backoffice page ( Zones > Country > edit a country and setup the address format, see tab "Address" ). 3. see the custom public properties which starts with "id" are filtered out by prestashop, and thus cannot be setup anyhow in this section. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Hostinato --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments While performing an update via 1-Click Upgrade, I'm getting an error at the end related to ps_psgdpr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating database schema... Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_translation CHANGE `key` `key` TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8_bin` Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_authorized_application CHANGE name name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_feature_flag CHANGE state state TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE description_wording description_wording VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang MODIFY id_gdpr_consent INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang DROP PRIMARY KEY Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_lang id_lang INT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_shop id_shop INT NOT NULL, CHANGE message message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Executing: CREATE INDEX IDX_9C2246C9BEB78BEF ON ps_psgdpr_consent_lang (id_gdpr_consent) Executing: CREATE INDEX IDX_9C2246C9BA299860 ON ps_psgdpr_consent_lang (id_lang) Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang ADD PRIMARY KEY (id_gdpr_consent, id_lang) Executing: DROP INDEX id_customer ON ps_psgdpr_log Executing: DROP INDEX idx_id_customer ON ps_psgdpr_log Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_log CHANGE id_gdpr_log id_gdpr_log INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_customer id_customer INT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_guest id_guest INT NOT NULL, CHANGE client_name client_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent MODIFY id_gdpr_consent INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent DROP PRIMARY KEY Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL 15:01:56 CRITICAL [console] Error thrown while running command "prestashop:schema:update-without-foreign --env=prod". Message: "An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" ["exception" => Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException { …},"command" => "prestashop:schema:update-without-foreign --env=prod","message" => """ An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL':\n \n SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key """] In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 128: An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_mod ule id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANG E error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCH AR(255) NOT NULL': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table def inition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key In Exception.php line 18: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table def inition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key In PDOConnection.php line 141: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table def inition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key prestashop:schema:update-without-foreign [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--id_shop [ID_SHOP]] [--id_shop_group [ID_SHOP_GROUP]] [--] ### Expected behavior To successfully upgrade the ps from 8.1.0 to 8.1.6 ### Steps to reproduce Install 8.1.0 version Make sure you have the ps_psgdpr module activated. Perform an update through 1-Click Upgrade from 8.1.0 to 8.1.6 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_psgdpr ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Upgrade from 8.1.0 to 8.1.6 causing error via 1-Click Upgrade
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Upgrade from 8.1.0 to 8.1.6 causing error via 1-Click Upgrade Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments While performing an update via 1-Click Upgrade, I'm getting an error at the end related to ps_psgdpr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating database schema... Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_translation CHANGE `key` `key` TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8_bin` Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_authorized_application CHANGE name name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_feature_flag CHANGE state state TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE description_wording description_wording VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang MODIFY id_gdpr_consent INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang DROP PRIMARY KEY Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_lang id_lang INT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_shop id_shop INT NOT NULL, CHANGE message message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Executing: CREATE INDEX IDX_9C2246C9BEB78BEF ON ps_psgdpr_consent_lang (id_gdpr_consent) Executing: CREATE INDEX IDX_9C2246C9BA299860 ON ps_psgdpr_consent_lang (id_lang) Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent_lang ADD PRIMARY KEY (id_gdpr_consent, id_lang) Executing: DROP INDEX id_customer ON ps_psgdpr_log Executing: DROP INDEX idx_id_customer ON ps_psgdpr_log Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_log CHANGE id_gdpr_log id_gdpr_log INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_customer id_customer INT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_guest id_guest INT NOT NULL, CHANGE client_name client_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent MODIFY id_gdpr_consent INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent DROP PRIMARY KEY Executing: ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL 15:01:56 CRITICAL [console] Error thrown while running command "prestashop:schema:update-without-foreign --env=prod". Message: "An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" ["exception" => Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException { …},"command" => "prestashop:schema:update-without-foreign --env=prod","message" => """ An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_module id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL':\n \n SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key """] In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 128: An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE ps_psgdpr_consent CHANGE id_gdpr_consent id_gdpr_consent INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, CHANGE id_mod ule id_module INT NOT NULL, CHANGE active active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANG E error error TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, CHANGE error_message error_message VARCH AR(255) NOT NULL': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table def inition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key In Exception.php line 18: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table def inition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key In PDOConnection.php line 141: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table def inition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key prestashop:schema:update-without-foreign [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--id_shop [ID_SHOP]] [--id_shop_group [ID_SHOP_GROUP]] [--] ### Expected behavior To successfully upgrade the ps from 8.1.0 to 8.1.6 ### Steps to reproduce Install 8.1.0 version Make sure you have the ps_psgdpr module activated. Perform an update through 1-Click Upgrade from 8.1.0 to 8.1.6 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_psgdpr ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Kanbot deployment ! Feature wording
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Kanbot deployment ! Feature wording Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If you are in maintenance mode, but you have access to the backoffice, you can place an order (with external validation) and you will be charged, but PrestaShop will not register it. This is because (at least with Redsys in Spain) the POS itself calls a URL (to validate the cart) `` that does not execute the `postProcess()` method of the `validation.php` file, which extends `ModuleFrontController`. Redsys takes it for good, they charge you, but PrestaShop has not been able to make its checks, and, therefore, the order does not exist or anything. The order of execution is like this: 1. The previous URL is called. 2. It ends up getting to Controller.php, method run() 3. That method calls `init()`, but as the `RedsyspurValidationModuleFrontController` class extends `ModuleFrontController` which in turn extends `FrontController`, first the `init()` of `FrontController` is executed, which on line 474 checks that I am in maintenance. As I am, it shows me the maintenance page, the `init()` call of `Controller.php`, is not executed and, therefore, the rest of the `run()` code is not executed either (which is who calls `postProcess()` of `RedsyspurValidationModuleFrontController`). Therefore, I have not been able to validate the POS result and I do not create the order or anything else, but the money in the bank account has disappeared. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Put in maintenance mode. 2. buy something with a method which does external validation. 3. no validation is executed, so the order is not created. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.23 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Payment module charges you, but the order is not created.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Payment module charges you, but the order is not created. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If you are in maintenance mode, but you have access to the backoffice, you can place an order (with external validation) and you will be charged, but PrestaShop will not register it. This is because (at least with Redsys in Spain) the POS itself calls a URL (to validate the cart) `` that does not execute the `postProcess()` method of the `validation.php` file, which extends `ModuleFrontController`. Redsys takes it for good, they charge you, but PrestaShop has not been able to make its checks, and, therefore, the order does not exist or anything. The order of execution is like this: 1. The previous URL is called. 2. It ends up getting to Controller.php, method run() 3. That method calls `init()`, but as the `RedsyspurValidationModuleFrontController` class extends `ModuleFrontController` which in turn extends `FrontController`, first the `init()` of `FrontController` is executed, which on line 474 checks that I am in maintenance. As I am, it shows me the maintenance page, the `init()` call of `Controller.php`, is not executed and, therefore, the rest of the `run()` code is not executed either (which is who calls `postProcess()` of `RedsyspurValidationModuleFrontController`). Therefore, I have not been able to validate the POS result and I do not create the order or anything else, but the money in the bank account has disappeared. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Put in maintenance mode. 2. buy something with a method which does external validation. 3. no validation is executed, so the order is not created. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.23 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Unknown error alla linea 114 nel file /home/customer/www/*********** <img width="524" alt="Screenshot 2024-05-29 alle 22 22 01" src=""> .it/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php [16384] Using php-function "array_merge" as a modifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Smarty::registerPlugin to explicitly register a custom modifier. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce No particular action Unfortunately, after installing version 8.1.5, many errors continue to follow one another ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Unknown error alla linea 114 nel file /home/customer/www........
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Unknown error alla linea 114 nel file /home/customer/www........ Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Unknown error alla linea 114 nel file /home/customer/www/*********** <img width="524" alt="Screenshot 2024-05-29 alle 22 22 01" src=""> .it/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php [16384] Using php-function "array_merge" as a modifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Smarty::registerPlugin to explicitly register a custom modifier. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce No particular action Unfortunately, after installing version 8.1.5, many errors continue to follow one another ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When using the Faceted Search module in PrestaShop, I encountered unexpected behavior when selecting filters. Specifically, when selecting both the "Screen Size: 16 inch" and "Screen Size: 17 inch" filters, followed by selecting the "Graphics Card: RTX4050", which is only available in 17-inch (17.3) laptops, the "Screen Size: 16 inch" filter is automatically cleared. This behavior is not desired as I expect both screen size filters to remain active even after selecting the graphics card filter. url: ### Expected behavior After selecting the 'Graphics Card: RTX4050' filter, I expect both the 'Screen Size: 16 inch' and 'Screen Size: 17 inch' filters to remain active, displaying all products with 16-inch and 17-inch screens, in addition to the selected product with the graphics card. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Navigate to the product page with laptops in the "Laptops" category. 2. Select the "Screen Size: 16 inch" filter and "Screen Size: 17 inch" filter. 3. Then, select the "Graphics Card: RTX4050". 4. Observe that the "Screen Size: 16 inch" filter is automatically cleared. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version faceted search v3.15.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Filter cleared unexpectedly when adding incompatible criteria
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Filter cleared unexpectedly when adding incompatible criteria Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When using the Faceted Search module in PrestaShop, I encountered unexpected behavior when selecting filters. Specifically, when selecting both the "Screen Size: 16 inch" and "Screen Size: 17 inch" filters, followed by selecting the "Graphics Card: RTX4050", which is only available in 17-inch (17.3) laptops, the "Screen Size: 16 inch" filter is automatically cleared. This behavior is not desired as I expect both screen size filters to remain active even after selecting the graphics card filter. url: ### Expected behavior After selecting the 'Graphics Card: RTX4050' filter, I expect both the 'Screen Size: 16 inch' and 'Screen Size: 17 inch' filters to remain active, displaying all products with 16-inch and 17-inch screens, in addition to the selected product with the graphics card. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Navigate to the product page with laptops in the "Laptops" category. 2. Select the "Screen Size: 16 inch" filter and "Screen Size: 17 inch" filter. 3. Then, select the "Graphics Card: RTX4050". 4. Observe that the "Screen Size: 16 inch" filter is automatically cleared. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version faceted search v3.15.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a user clicks on the "Forgot your password?" link. is redirected to a page where the email address linked to the account is requested in order to receive the link to change the password. However, the link they receive, if clicked, takes you back to the page where you are asked to enter your email, instead of opening the page for changing your password. If the link displayed in the email is instead copied and pasted, it correctly takes you back to the password change page. With the inspect tool I saw that the text of the generated link does not correspond to the actual link indicated in the href. ![1]( ![2]( ![3]( ![4]( ![5-a]( ![5-b]( ![6]( ### Expected behavior I plan to access the password change page by clicking on the link received ### Steps to reproduce 1. Click "Forgot your password?" on login page 2. Enter your registered email and click the button to receive the password reset link 3. Click on the link you received via email ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version E-mail module and/or Customer "Sign in" module ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Password Reset Link Redirects to Email Request Page Instead of Password Change Page When Clicked
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Password Reset Link Redirects to Email Request Page Instead of Password Change Page When Clicked Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a user clicks on the "Forgot your password?" link. is redirected to a page where the email address linked to the account is requested in order to receive the link to change the password. However, the link they receive, if clicked, takes you back to the page where you are asked to enter your email, instead of opening the page for changing your password. If the link displayed in the email is instead copied and pasted, it correctly takes you back to the password change page. With the inspect tool I saw that the text of the generated link does not correspond to the actual link indicated in the href. ![1]( ![2]( ![3]( ![4]( ![5-a]( ![5-b]( ![6]( ### Expected behavior I plan to access the password change page by clicking on the link received ### Steps to reproduce 1. Click "Forgot your password?" on login page 2. Enter your registered email and click the button to receive the password reset link 3. Click on the link you received via email ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version E-mail module and/or Customer "Sign in" module ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**US** Optimize the carrier update, avoid generating a new instance on each save, handle duplication ONLY when the carrier is already assigned to an order Impact on module ??
Optimize the carrier update, avoid generating a new instance on each save, handle duplication ONLY when the carrier is already assigned to an order
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Optimize the carrier update, avoid generating a new instance on each save, handle duplication ONLY when the carrier is already assigned to an order Issue date: --- start body --- **US** Optimize the carrier update, avoid generating a new instance on each save, handle duplication ONLY when the carrier is already assigned to an order Impact on module ?? --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**US** As a merchant, I want to config my zones and the shipping costs. **Specs** 1. Shipping locations - Add button zones. The button opens the modal, displays all the zones. The zones selected are displayed as tag with the zone label. If user selects all the zones than the tag 'All zones' is displayed 2. Shipping costs - Free shipping toggle switch behavior This is toggle switch ([Forms switch story UI kit]( that allows choosing if the carrier is free or not. - Add handling costs toggle switch behavior This is toggle switch ([Forms switch story UI kit]( that allows choosing if the handling costs are added to the final price or not. - Billing radio buttons behavior There are 2 radio buttons ([Forms radio buttons]( are displayed: "According to total price." and "According to total weight.". When "According to total price" is selected, the ranges are defined by currency. The currency displayed is the default one configured in International > Localization. When "According to total weight" is selected, the ranges are defined by weight. The weight displayed is the one defined in International > Localization. - Tax dropdown behavior This is dropdown menu ([Dropdowns basics UI kit]( that displays all the enabled tax rules existing in International > Taxes > Taxes rules. - Out-of-range behavior dropdown behavior This is dropdown menu ([Dropdowns basics UI kit]( that allows to select one of the 2 options: "Apply the cost of the highest defined range" or "Disable carrier". If the total weight or total price of the cart is not in one of the defined ranges and if the chosen option is "Disable carrier", then the carrier will be disabled. If the total weight or total price of the cart is not in one of the defined ranges and if the chosen option is "Apply the cost of the highest defined range", then the carrier price will be the one corresponding to the highest range. When the free shipping is enabled, all the input and button are disabled and greyed. **Design** ![Image](
[UI] Shipping costs and location configuration
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [UI] Shipping costs and location configuration Issue date: --- start body --- **US** As a merchant, I want to config my zones and the shipping costs. **Specs** 1. Shipping locations - Add button zones. The button opens the modal, displays all the zones. The zones selected are displayed as tag with the zone label. If user selects all the zones than the tag 'All zones' is displayed 2. Shipping costs - Free shipping toggle switch behavior This is toggle switch ([Forms switch story UI kit]( that allows choosing if the carrier is free or not. - Add handling costs toggle switch behavior This is toggle switch ([Forms switch story UI kit]( that allows choosing if the handling costs are added to the final price or not. - Billing radio buttons behavior There are 2 radio buttons ([Forms radio buttons]( are displayed: "According to total price." and "According to total weight.". When "According to total price" is selected, the ranges are defined by currency. The currency displayed is the default one configured in International > Localization. When "According to total weight" is selected, the ranges are defined by weight. The weight displayed is the one defined in International > Localization. - Tax dropdown behavior This is dropdown menu ([Dropdowns basics UI kit]( that displays all the enabled tax rules existing in International > Taxes > Taxes rules. - Out-of-range behavior dropdown behavior This is dropdown menu ([Dropdowns basics UI kit]( that allows to select one of the 2 options: "Apply the cost of the highest defined range" or "Disable carrier". If the total weight or total price of the cart is not in one of the defined ranges and if the chosen option is "Disable carrier", then the carrier will be disabled. If the total weight or total price of the cart is not in one of the defined ranges and if the chosen option is "Apply the cost of the highest defined range", then the carrier price will be the one corresponding to the highest range. When the free shipping is enabled, all the input and button are disabled and greyed. **Design** ![Image]( --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**US** I want to set the price depending on the range and the zone. **Specs** ![Image]( Once the ranges are saved, a list of zones is displayed containing all the ranges with an empty input. Depending on the configuration, either price or weight metrics are displayed, along with the currency or weight metrics. If the ranges or zones are updated, then the list of range/zone is also updated. The value is kept if the range min and max stay the same even if the range position changed. Max 4 ranges per row displayed. Once the form saved the value are persisted. **Responsive** ![Image]( **Design**
[UI] Price management from the range and zone Part 2
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [UI] Price management from the range and zone Part 2 Issue date: --- start body --- **US** I want to set the price depending on the range and the zone. **Specs** ![Image]( Once the ranges are saved, a list of zones is displayed containing all the ranges with an empty input. Depending on the configuration, either price or weight metrics are displayed, along with the currency or weight metrics. If the ranges or zones are updated, then the list of range/zone is also updated. The value is kept if the range min and max stay the same even if the range position changed. Max 4 ranges per row displayed. Once the form saved the value are persisted. **Responsive** ![Image]( **Design** --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**US** As a merchant, I want to be able to configure my shipping range. **Specs** When I select a range, a modal window opens to choose the specific ranges I wish to set. The modal features: - A table with 3 columns (Minimum, Maximum, Action (delete), Plus button (revealed upon hovering) - An option to add a range Upon selecting "add range" either from the designated button or the plus button within a row, a new row is appended at the bottom of the table. The minimum value for the new row is automatically set to match the maximum value of the preceding row. Once the users input the maximum value, the minimum value for the next row is automatically populated. Once users press the delete button, the range is removed. ![Image]( When a minimum is higher than the max, the input is displayed in red. ![Image]( If the users save while the inputs are reds then a error message is displayed. error message: Make sure there are no overlapping ranges. Remember, the minimum is part of the range, but the maximum isn't. So, the upper limit of a range is the lower limit of the next range. ![Image]( **Design** ## Todo - [ ] POC modal only range creation - [ ] Add the business rules
[UI] Shipping costs Range part 1
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [UI] Shipping costs Range part 1 Issue date: --- start body --- **US** As a merchant, I want to be able to configure my shipping range. **Specs** When I select a range, a modal window opens to choose the specific ranges I wish to set. The modal features: - A table with 3 columns (Minimum, Maximum, Action (delete), Plus button (revealed upon hovering) - An option to add a range Upon selecting "add range" either from the designated button or the plus button within a row, a new row is appended at the bottom of the table. The minimum value for the new row is automatically set to match the maximum value of the preceding row. Once the users input the maximum value, the minimum value for the next row is automatically populated. Once users press the delete button, the range is removed. ![Image]( When a minimum is higher than the max, the input is displayed in red. ![Image]( If the users save while the inputs are reds then a error message is displayed. error message: Make sure there are no overlapping ranges. Remember, the minimum is part of the range, but the maximum isn't. So, the upper limit of a range is the lower limit of the next range. ![Image]( **Design** ## Todo - [ ] POC modal only range creation - [ ] Add the business rules --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**US** I want to set a max width, height, weight and deph of an order **Specs** - Maximum order width (Dimension unit) input behavior This is input field to enter package width. The dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. - Maximum order height (Dimension unit) input This is input field to enter package height. The dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. - Maximum order depth (Dimension unit) input behavior This is input field to enter package depth. The dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. - Maximum order weight (Dimension unit) input behavior This is input field to enter package weight. The weight dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. **Notes** Package is renamed Order. and the image will not be replaced. **Design**
[UI] Create & Update command Size, weight, and group access
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [UI] Create & Update command Size, weight, and group access Issue date: --- start body --- **US** I want to set a max width, height, weight and deph of an order **Specs** - Maximum order width (Dimension unit) input behavior This is input field to enter package width. The dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. - Maximum order height (Dimension unit) input This is input field to enter package height. The dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. - Maximum order depth (Dimension unit) input behavior This is input field to enter package depth. The dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. - Maximum order weight (Dimension unit) input behavior This is input field to enter package weight. The weight dimension unit mentioned in parenthesis is the one defined in International > Localization > Localization. **Notes** Package is renamed Order. and the image will not be replaced. **Design** --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**US** As a merchant, I want to be able edit the general setting of my carrier. **Specs** - Carrier name input behavior This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter carrier name. - Transit time input behavior This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter transit time. This input has language dropdown to enter information for customers in different languages. - Speed grade input behavior This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter speed grade. - Logo input behavior This is input (Forms files UI kit) to choose file that will be shown as carrier logo. This input has a file icon on the left input side. On the right input side there is CTA button with a catalog icon with title Choose a file. Once clicked on input or button opens modal with this PC files. When file uploaded it is shown in Logo block in each carrier creation step. - Tracking URL input This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter tracking URL. - Group and Shop association checkboxes behavior The user associate the Group and Shop through the modal. The modal lists all the Groups and Shops The ID and the name of all existing customers' groups are displayed. A checkbox (Forms checkboxes UI kit) is displayed before each group to select or unselect them. A global checkbox allows selecting/unselecting all customers' groups in one click. It displays on the form the label 'All' Once an element is selected and the modal closes, the selected elements are displayed in a tag. A tag can be deleted by pressing the cross next to the tag label. ![Image]( By default, the All the shop and All the customer are selected **Remarks** - Ideally, the shops should filter the groups and location. If yes then, put the shop association first. **Design**
[UI] Create & Update General Setting
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [UI] Create & Update General Setting Issue date: --- start body --- **US** As a merchant, I want to be able edit the general setting of my carrier. **Specs** - Carrier name input behavior This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter carrier name. - Transit time input behavior This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter transit time. This input has language dropdown to enter information for customers in different languages. - Speed grade input behavior This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter speed grade. - Logo input behavior This is input (Forms files UI kit) to choose file that will be shown as carrier logo. This input has a file icon on the left input side. On the right input side there is CTA button with a catalog icon with title Choose a file. Once clicked on input or button opens modal with this PC files. When file uploaded it is shown in Logo block in each carrier creation step. - Tracking URL input This is input (Forms normal UI kit) to enter tracking URL. - Group and Shop association checkboxes behavior The user associate the Group and Shop through the modal. The modal lists all the Groups and Shops The ID and the name of all existing customers' groups are displayed. A checkbox (Forms checkboxes UI kit) is displayed before each group to select or unselect them. A global checkbox allows selecting/unselecting all customers' groups in one click. It displays on the form the label 'All' Once an element is selected and the modal closes, the selected elements are displayed in a tag. A tag can be deleted by pressing the cross next to the tag label. ![Image]( By default, the All the shop and All the customer are selected **Remarks** - Ideally, the shops should filter the groups and location. If yes then, put the shop association first. **Design** --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
When dependabot has no module to update in prestashop, it fails on this error: `cron_php_update_modules.txt: No such file or directory` seems like this file is created only when there are modules to update, so it fails when trying to read it while there's no module to update
Dependabot (module) fails when there is nothing to be done
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Dependabot (module) fails when there is nothing to be done Issue date: --- start body --- When dependabot has no module to update in prestashop, it fails on this error: `cron_php_update_modules.txt: No such file or directory` seems like this file is created only when there are modules to update, so it fails when trying to read it while there's no module to update --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments It doesn't save when I select all the categories. When I enter the template and select all the categories and then click save it does not save the categories ### Expected behavior It should save all the selected categories ### Steps to reproduce 1. I enter the squad 2. I select all the categories with the available tool 3 save ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4, 8 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version facetedsearch v3.15.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
It doesn't save when I select all categories
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : It doesn't save when I select all categories Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments It doesn't save when I select all the categories. When I enter the template and select all the categories and then click save it does not save the categories ### Expected behavior It should save all the selected categories ### Steps to reproduce 1. I enter the squad 2. I select all the categories with the available tool 3 save ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4, 8 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version facetedsearch v3.15.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Create a file csv, with image urls (my file the location of image is not local, is stored in another domain/server) Upload file, and run. The folders have a chmod 775 and if i change all folders to 777 the upload goes The server log <img width="476" alt="Captura de ecrã 2024-05-27 222207" src=""> ### Expected behavior Import sucess, with images located in server, with file/folder correct location ### Steps to reproduce 1 - Upload csv 2 - Id and URL (outside server location, didn´t test it with local images) 3 - See product list results (image alternate text instead) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Import via csv - image download in another location - folder permissions issue
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Import via csv - image download in another location - folder permissions issue Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Create a file csv, with image urls (my file the location of image is not local, is stored in another domain/server) Upload file, and run. The folders have a chmod 775 and if i change all folders to 777 the upload goes The server log <img width="476" alt="Captura de ecrã 2024-05-27 222207" src=""> ### Expected behavior Import sucess, with images located in server, with file/folder correct location ### Steps to reproduce 1 - Upload csv 2 - Id and URL (outside server location, didn´t test it with local images) 3 - See product list results (image alternate text instead) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
On login page click on `I forgot my password` Then click on `Cancel` button, nothing happens This used to work but the IDs must have changed because of some refacto, updating the selector should be good Basing it on a dedicated class should make it more stable as well
Reset password -> back button not working.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Reset password -> back button not working. Issue date: --- start body --- On login page click on `I forgot my password` Then click on `Cancel` button, nothing happens This used to work but the IDs must have changed because of some refacto, updating the selector should be good Basing it on a dedicated class should make it more stable as well --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Exceptions of type CoreException thrown in this block are not caught. Dispatcher line 502 ``` try { $controller = Controller::getController($controller_class); // Execute hook dispatcher Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher); // Running controller $controller->run(); // Execute hook dispatcher after Hook::exec('actionDispatcherAfter', $params_hook_action_dispatcher); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { $e->displayMessage(); } ``` For example, the function Hook::coreRenderWidget($module, $hook_name, $params) converts all exceptions to CoreException and they will never be caught. ``` public static function coreRenderWidget($module, $hook_name, $params) { $context = Context::getContext(); if (!Module::isEnabled($module->name) || $context->isMobile() && !Module::isEnabledForMobileDevices($module->name)) { return null; } try { return $module->renderWidget($hook_name, $params); } catch (Exception $e) { $environment = ServiceLocator::get('\\PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Environment'); if ($environment->isDebug()) { throw new CoreException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } return ''; } ``` @kpodemski ### Expected behavior Catch exceptions and display the error message ### Steps to reproduce 1. - Throw any exception in a widget ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
CoreExceptions are not being caught in the dispatcher
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : CoreExceptions are not being caught in the dispatcher Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Exceptions of type CoreException thrown in this block are not caught. Dispatcher line 502 ``` try { $controller = Controller::getController($controller_class); // Execute hook dispatcher Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher); // Running controller $controller->run(); // Execute hook dispatcher after Hook::exec('actionDispatcherAfter', $params_hook_action_dispatcher); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { $e->displayMessage(); } ``` For example, the function Hook::coreRenderWidget($module, $hook_name, $params) converts all exceptions to CoreException and they will never be caught. ``` public static function coreRenderWidget($module, $hook_name, $params) { $context = Context::getContext(); if (!Module::isEnabled($module->name) || $context->isMobile() && !Module::isEnabledForMobileDevices($module->name)) { return null; } try { return $module->renderWidget($hook_name, $params); } catch (Exception $e) { $environment = ServiceLocator::get('\\PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Environment'); if ($environment->isDebug()) { throw new CoreException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } return ''; } ``` @kpodemski ### Expected behavior Catch exceptions and display the error message ### Steps to reproduce 1. - Throw any exception in a widget ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On backend, in product combination entered minimal quanity for sale: 50. Then, on frontend product page, tried to enter quantity by keyboard: 100 (or any value from 100 to 499), the quantity jumps back to 50. ### Expected behavior The minimum quantity must not allow to enter quantity that is less than the minimum. In this example, must not allow to enter 0 - 49. The problem is that it also does not allow to enter values from 100 to 499 BY KEYBOARD. It reverts to 50 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to back office, create a product with combinations 2. Open combination, set minimal quanity for sale: 50. 3. Go to frontend product page. 4. In the quantity field, enter quantity 100 by keyboard (or any value from 100 to 499). 5. The quantity in the field goes back to 50. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
When minimal quantity for sale set, then on product page not possible to enter quantity by keyboard
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : When minimal quantity for sale set, then on product page not possible to enter quantity by keyboard Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On backend, in product combination entered minimal quanity for sale: 50. Then, on frontend product page, tried to enter quantity by keyboard: 100 (or any value from 100 to 499), the quantity jumps back to 50. ### Expected behavior The minimum quantity must not allow to enter quantity that is less than the minimum. In this example, must not allow to enter 0 - 49. The problem is that it also does not allow to enter values from 100 to 499 BY KEYBOARD. It reverts to 50 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to back office, create a product with combinations 2. Open combination, set minimal quanity for sale: 50. 3. Go to frontend product page. 4. In the quantity field, enter quantity 100 by keyboard (or any value from 100 to 499). 5. The quantity in the field goes back to 50. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Reimplement PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP functionality removed in This feature allows to enable/disable checking IP address of the session. Helps prevent cookie theft. Some people running proxies disabled it, because the IP behind the proxy fluctuated and they were logged out every few minutes. Good would be to check both client IP address and X-Forwarded-For header.
Check IP when connected on BO
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Check IP when connected on BO Issue date: --- start body --- Reimplement PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP functionality removed in This feature allows to enable/disable checking IP address of the session. Helps prevent cookie theft. Some people running proxies disabled it, because the IP behind the proxy fluctuated and they were logged out every few minutes. Good would be to check both client IP address and X-Forwarded-For header. --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Integrate proper icons for facebook, twitter and github in the login page
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Integrate proper icons for facebook, twitter and github in the login page Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Login page is not responsive.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Login page is not responsive. Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments 1. enable maintenance mode 2. enable debug mode 3. click on oneclick upgrade 4. I wait 50 seconds or more 5. here are the errors I get when upgrading from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 6. `in [/home/udlah5r1/domains/ ]( 151) protected function _query($sql) { try { return $this->link->query($sql); } catch (\PDOException $exception) { throw new PrestaShopException($exception->getMessage(), (int) $exception->getCode(), $exception); } } /** * Returns the next row from the result s` ![screenshot-www 100asa it-2024 05 25-09_15_21]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. enable maintenance mode 2. enable debug mode 3. click on oneclick upgrade 4. I wait 50 seconds or more 5. here are the errors I get when upgrading from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 , 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
upgrade from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : upgrade from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments 1. enable maintenance mode 2. enable debug mode 3. click on oneclick upgrade 4. I wait 50 seconds or more 5. here are the errors I get when upgrading from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 6. `in [/home/udlah5r1/domains/ ]( 151) protected function _query($sql) { try { return $this->link->query($sql); } catch (\PDOException $exception) { throw new PrestaShopException($exception->getMessage(), (int) $exception->getCode(), $exception); } } /** * Returns the next row from the result s` ![screenshot-www 100asa it-2024 05 25-09_15_21]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. enable maintenance mode 2. enable debug mode 3. click on oneclick upgrade 4. I wait 50 seconds or more 5. here are the errors I get when upgrading from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 , 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After upgrade many prestashop from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 ; same problem ![Capture d’écran 2024-05-25 à 3 03 24 AM]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce just upgrade with the module autoupgrad version 5.0.2 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Warning message after upgrade presatshop 8.1.6
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Warning message after upgrade presatshop 8.1.6 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After upgrade many prestashop from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 ; same problem ![Capture d’écran 2024-05-25 à 3 03 24 AM]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce just upgrade with the module autoupgrad version 5.0.2 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Error in GSC : Type de valeur incorrect ### Expected behavior No error in structured datas the last item of the products on the category page must not have a comma ### Steps to reproduce Test category page with : ![Capture d'écran 2024-05-24 130117]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Error in category pages
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Error in category pages Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Error in GSC : Type de valeur incorrect ### Expected behavior No error in structured datas the last item of the products on the category page must not have a comma ### Steps to reproduce Test category page with : ![Capture d'écran 2024-05-24 130117]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When setting up a discount, there is an option to define a discount based on "selected product(s)". However, the in-line documentation (i.e. hover over this option) and the "help" button/screen on the right side of the page do not define this behavior. Perhaps this discount applies to the "Condition > production selection" items. If so, it should specifically say that. --- # Applicable best practice / mantra Any error when pricing products can be very bad for a merchant. Therefore software for setting up pricing should be reliable and unambiguous. ### Expected behavior An in-line popup clearly and unambiguously explains how the pricing discount will be applied. ### Steps to reproduce Go here and click this: ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 16 08 25]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Discounts > Cart rules > Actions > Apply discount to > Selected product(s) is undefined behavior
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Discounts > Cart rules > Actions > Apply discount to > Selected product(s) is undefined behavior Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When setting up a discount, there is an option to define a discount based on "selected product(s)". However, the in-line documentation (i.e. hover over this option) and the "help" button/screen on the right side of the page do not define this behavior. Perhaps this discount applies to the "Condition > production selection" items. If so, it should specifically say that. --- # Applicable best practice / mantra Any error when pricing products can be very bad for a merchant. Therefore software for setting up pricing should be reliable and unambiguous. ### Expected behavior An in-line popup clearly and unambiguously explains how the pricing discount will be applied. ### Steps to reproduce Go here and click this: ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 16 08 25]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments This error message is incorrect, based on a plain reading of the text: > This product is below the low stock level you have defined. Low stock level: 0 Mathematically this is because: > 0 < 0 is false. --- Shown here ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 14 57 11]( ### Expected behavior Either the error message should be changed to: > This product is <mark>equal to or</mark> below the low stock level you have defined. or the message should be kept but there should be a way to disable the low stock warning. This would be similar to setting the low stock amount to "-1". But a stock quantity of "-1" is an abstraction that does not relate to anything that humans physically encounter, so this should be managed by a separate checkbox in the GUI. ### Steps to reproduce Set quantity to zero ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Inaccurate "This product is below the low stock level you have defined."
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Inaccurate "This product is below the low stock level you have defined." Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments This error message is incorrect, based on a plain reading of the text: > This product is below the low stock level you have defined. Low stock level: 0 Mathematically this is because: > 0 < 0 is false. --- Shown here ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 14 57 11]( ### Expected behavior Either the error message should be changed to: > This product is <mark>equal to or</mark> below the low stock level you have defined. or the message should be kept but there should be a way to disable the low stock warning. This would be similar to setting the low stock amount to "-1". But a stock quantity of "-1" is an abstraction that does not relate to anything that humans physically encounter, so this should be managed by a separate checkbox in the GUI. ### Steps to reproduce Set quantity to zero ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Tooltip is missing here ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 11 57 07]( ### Expected behavior Similar tooltip like this: ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 11 57 09]( ### Steps to reproduce Visit admin####/index.php?controller=AdminCartRules&addcart_rule&token=#### ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Tooltip missing for Cart Rule / Status
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Tooltip missing for Cart Rule / Status Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Tooltip is missing here ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 11 57 07]( ### Expected behavior Similar tooltip like this: ![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 11 57 09]( ### Steps to reproduce Visit admin####/index.php?controller=AdminCartRules&addcart_rule&token=#### ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class, the `install` method registers the module to the `taxManager` hook. However, this is insufficient for proper functionality. The module should also be registered to the `actionTagManager` hook to ensure complete integration with the tax management system. ### Expected behavior The module should seamlessly integrate with the tax management system, handling tax calculations and related tasks effectively. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Develop a custom module that extends the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class. This module will serve as a test case to demonstrate the incomplete hook registration issue. 2. Utilize the `Hook::getModulesFromHook(Hook::getIdByName('taxManager'));` method within the custom module. This will retrieve a list of modules registered to the `taxManager` hook. 3. Verify that the custom module is not included in the retrieved list of modules. This confirms that the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class is not properly registered to the `actionTagManager` hook. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Incomplete Hook Registration in TaxManagerModuleCore Class
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Incomplete Hook Registration in TaxManagerModuleCore Class Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class, the `install` method registers the module to the `taxManager` hook. However, this is insufficient for proper functionality. The module should also be registered to the `actionTagManager` hook to ensure complete integration with the tax management system. ### Expected behavior The module should seamlessly integrate with the tax management system, handling tax calculations and related tasks effectively. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Develop a custom module that extends the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class. This module will serve as a test case to demonstrate the incomplete hook registration issue. 2. Utilize the `Hook::getModulesFromHook(Hook::getIdByName('taxManager'));` method within the custom module. This will retrieve a list of modules registered to the `taxManager` hook. 3. Verify that the custom module is not included in the retrieved list of modules. This confirms that the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class is not properly registered to the `actionTagManager` hook. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good evening, After trying to load the 'Paccofacile' form from the BO, the error below emerged after doing these actions: The ZIP file of the module was not loaded, I thought it was a problem of the Prestashop marketplace and I was deactivating the module then but it was a bad idea because the error came back. I went into debug mode without understanding the problem and restored the last backup. I cleaned the cache but nothing .... Compile Error: Declaration of WebserviceSpecificManagementPaccofaciletracking::setObjectOutput(WebserviceOutputBuilderCore $obj) must be compatible with WebserviceSpecificManagementInterface::setObjectOutput(WebserviceOutputBuilder $obj) [Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError 0] Thank you for your help. Laura ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1)The ZIP file of the module was not loaded, I thought it was a problem of the Prestashop marketplace and I was deactivating the module then but it was a bad idea because the error came back. 2)I went into debug mode without understanding the problem and restored the last backup. 3) I cleaned the cache but nothing .... ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Paccofacile v.1.0.19 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Error loading "Paccofacile" module
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Error loading "Paccofacile" module Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good evening, After trying to load the 'Paccofacile' form from the BO, the error below emerged after doing these actions: The ZIP file of the module was not loaded, I thought it was a problem of the Prestashop marketplace and I was deactivating the module then but it was a bad idea because the error came back. I went into debug mode without understanding the problem and restored the last backup. I cleaned the cache but nothing .... Compile Error: Declaration of WebserviceSpecificManagementPaccofaciletracking::setObjectOutput(WebserviceOutputBuilderCore $obj) must be compatible with WebserviceSpecificManagementInterface::setObjectOutput(WebserviceOutputBuilder $obj) [Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError 0] Thank you for your help. Laura ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1)The ZIP file of the module was not loaded, I thought it was a problem of the Prestashop marketplace and I was deactivating the module then but it was a bad idea because the error came back. 2)I went into debug mode without understanding the problem and restored the last backup. 3) I cleaned the cache but nothing .... ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Paccofacile v.1.0.19 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the abstract class `TaxManagerModuleCore`, the `hookTaxManager` method returns a new instance of the current class (`new $class()`). However, the returned class should be initialized with two mandatory arguments: `address` and `type`. This initialization error can lead to malfunctions and unexpected behavior of the module. ### Expected behavior The `hookTaxManager` method should return a new instance of the current class correctly initialized with the `address` and `type` arguments. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a custom module that extends the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class. 2. Implement the `hookTaxManager` method in the custom module. 3. Run the module in Prestashop. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.x, 8.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Initialization Error in TaxManagerModuleCore Class
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Initialization Error in TaxManagerModuleCore Class Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the abstract class `TaxManagerModuleCore`, the `hookTaxManager` method returns a new instance of the current class (`new $class()`). However, the returned class should be initialized with two mandatory arguments: `address` and `type`. This initialization error can lead to malfunctions and unexpected behavior of the module. ### Expected behavior The `hookTaxManager` method should return a new instance of the current class correctly initialized with the `address` and `type` arguments. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a custom module that extends the `TaxManagerModuleCore` class. 2. Implement the `hookTaxManager` method in the custom module. 3. Run the module in Prestashop. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.x, 8.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm currently building an new PrestaShop 8.1.6 shop and had no issues until I tried to add a new user. I discovered that the file OptionsChecker.php was not uploaded to the server with FileZilla, so I uploaded it again. From that moment I have "deprecated" errors on practically everypage I edit in the back-end. Could this be PHP version related? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce ![error na aanmaken nieuwe gebruiker 01]( ![error na adresgegevens invoer 05]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.16 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Caer boardsports
Deprecated error on many pages. Prestashop 8.1.6 with PHP 8.2.16
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Deprecated error on many pages. Prestashop 8.1.6 with PHP 8.2.16 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm currently building an new PrestaShop 8.1.6 shop and had no issues until I tried to add a new user. I discovered that the file OptionsChecker.php was not uploaded to the server with FileZilla, so I uploaded it again. From that moment I have "deprecated" errors on practically everypage I edit in the back-end. Could this be PHP version related? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce ![error na aanmaken nieuwe gebruiker 01]( ![error na adresgegevens invoer 05]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.16 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Caer boardsports --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments when I configure some module the error is present. Modules where I could see the error: - marketingWithGoogle - ps_faviconnotificationbo - autoupgrade ![image]( ### Expected behavior Access to the module configuration page works correctly ### Steps to reproduce 1 Install v9 2 go to module manager 3 Configure "Order Notifications on the Favicon" module 4 see error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Employee is not granted read on controller ...
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Employee is not granted read on controller ... Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments when I configure some module the error is present. Modules where I could see the error: - marketingWithGoogle - ps_faviconnotificationbo - autoupgrade ![image]( ### Expected behavior Access to the module configuration page works correctly ### Steps to reproduce 1 Install v9 2 go to module manager 3 Configure "Order Notifications on the Favicon" module 4 see error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a credit slip is generated, but concerns only delivery fees, the PDF generation of this credit slip generates an issue : > PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Util\Sorter::natural(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given, called in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php on line 169 [TypeError 0] I modified the HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php on line 169 like this : ``` $order_details = []; $order_details = $this->order->products; if (!empty($order_details)) { // Sort products by Reference ID (and if equals (like combination) by Supplier Reference) $sorter = new Sorter(); $order_details = $sorter->natural($order_details, Sorter::ORDER_DESC, 'product_reference', 'product_supplier_reference'); } ``` ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Generate an credit slip with only delivery fees 2. generate associated PDF ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Romaric PIBOLLEAU - RP2I
PDF generation of OrderSlip generates an error if no product inside (orderslip concerns only delivrey fees)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PDF generation of OrderSlip generates an error if no product inside (orderslip concerns only delivrey fees) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a credit slip is generated, but concerns only delivery fees, the PDF generation of this credit slip generates an issue : > PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Util\Sorter::natural(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given, called in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php on line 169 [TypeError 0] I modified the HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php on line 169 like this : ``` $order_details = []; $order_details = $this->order->products; if (!empty($order_details)) { // Sort products by Reference ID (and if equals (like combination) by Supplier Reference) $sorter = new Sorter(); $order_details = $sorter->natural($order_details, Sorter::ORDER_DESC, 'product_reference', 'product_supplier_reference'); } ``` ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Generate an credit slip with only delivery fees 2. generate associated PDF ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Romaric PIBOLLEAU - RP2I --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The bug related to the database table ps_cusotmization_field. If an entry is present in the table with the "is_module" column set to 1, this seems to get reset to 0 whenever the product is saved after editing in the back office. This causes issues for modules which utilize the customization_field table. This seems to affect more recent versions of Prestashop, at least from 8.1.3 onwards but not tested on earlier versions. ### Expected behavior The existing value for "is_module" should not be overwritten ### Steps to reproduce Create an entry in the ps_cusotmization_field table for a product, eg product ID #16 Set the "is_module" column to 1 Not in the back office edit product #16 and save the changes Notice the "is_module" column has been set to 0 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
CustomizationField::is_module flag gets reset after a product save
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : CustomizationField::is_module flag gets reset after a product save Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The bug related to the database table ps_cusotmization_field. If an entry is present in the table with the "is_module" column set to 1, this seems to get reset to 0 whenever the product is saved after editing in the back office. This causes issues for modules which utilize the customization_field table. This seems to affect more recent versions of Prestashop, at least from 8.1.3 onwards but not tested on earlier versions. ### Expected behavior The existing value for "is_module" should not be overwritten ### Steps to reproduce Create an entry in the ps_cusotmization_field table for a product, eg product ID #16 Set the "is_module" column to 1 Not in the back office edit product #16 and save the changes Notice the "is_module" column has been set to 0 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I am taking the liberty of contacting you, because despite my research I am unfortunately bredouille. The problem is that my Link List is disconnected for no apparent reason. It worked for more than 3 months and then the drama. ^^ ![Footer bug]( I'd like to ask you a quick question: do you know why a menu is displayed like this? And more importantly, how do you get it to display correctly ? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce No special manipulations, it simply appears like this. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Link List v6.0.7 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Display bug footer link - EMERGENCY
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Display bug footer link - EMERGENCY Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I am taking the liberty of contacting you, because despite my research I am unfortunately bredouille. The problem is that my Link List is disconnected for no apparent reason. It worked for more than 3 months and then the drama. ^^ ![Footer bug]( I'd like to ask you a quick question: do you know why a menu is displayed like this? And more importantly, how do you get it to display correctly ? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce No special manipulations, it simply appears like this. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Link List v6.0.7 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Expected behavior Categories to be searchable and editable ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the Experimental feature section and enable the new product page 2. Go to a product and try to edit the category ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### Additional information The old product page works fine ![image]( No requests are happening when searching, I don't know if it's supposed to though as the old one doesn't seem to make any request either No js errors either A request is happening when opening the category modal like so `/admin.../index.php/sell/catalog/categories/tree?_token=xxx` but returns `[]`
New product page: category of a product cannot be modified/searched
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : New product page: category of a product cannot be modified/searched Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Expected behavior Categories to be searchable and editable ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the Experimental feature section and enable the new product page 2. Go to a product and try to edit the category ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### Additional information The old product page works fine ![image]( No requests are happening when searching, I don't know if it's supposed to though as the old one doesn't seem to make any request either No js errors either A request is happening when opening the category modal like so `/admin.../index.php/sell/catalog/categories/tree?_token=xxx` but returns `[]` --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Make TokenizedUrlsListener dynamic so that it automatically gets the public routes based on configured access controls
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Make TokenizedUrlsListener dynamic so that it automatically gets the public routes based on configured access controls Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, When I do an upgrade from version 8.x.x to 9.0.0, I'll have an exception when I want to go on 1 click Upgrade (to rollback for example) as you can see : [recording(208).webm]( ### Expected behavior I wish I could use the module after the upgrade ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh Prestashop 8.1.6 2. Install a autoupgrade in dev version (for example 3. Do a manual upgrade to 9.0.0 4. Go on the BO of 9.0.0 5. Clic on the 1-Click Upgrade shortcut 6. You'll have the exception ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.x.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Autoupgrade - Upgrade to 9.0.0 - When you want to go on 1 Click Upgrade, you don't have the right
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Autoupgrade - Upgrade to 9.0.0 - When you want to go on 1 Click Upgrade, you don't have the right Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, When I do an upgrade from version 8.x.x to 9.0.0, I'll have an exception when I want to go on 1 click Upgrade (to rollback for example) as you can see : [recording(208).webm]( ### Expected behavior I wish I could use the module after the upgrade ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh Prestashop 8.1.6 2. Install a autoupgrade in dev version (for example 3. Do a manual upgrade to 9.0.0 4. Go on the BO of 9.0.0 5. Clic on the 1-Click Upgrade shortcut 6. You'll have the exception ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.x.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have created website in win10 local wsl2 using prestashop open source program, which currently works fine on win10. I uploaded the source code from the root directory of the website /var/www/ucoredata to the /var/www/ directory on the remote server via scp. At the same time, I also created a mysql database prestashop on the remote server and imported the local sql database into prestashop. I used the virtual domain locally for testing and development. I have used the real domain on the remote server I have changed the virtual domain to in the remote database. Currently when I visit through my browser, it prompts: This page is not functioning properly cannot process this request at this time. HTTP ERROR 500 Looking forward to your help and answers, thanks in advance! Thanks in advance! Visit the frontend ![01]( Visit Backend ![02]( ### Expected behavior The site can be accessed normally ### Steps to reproduce Environment test: Upload environment test file scp phppsinfo.php stuffren@ ![03-phppsinfo]( As you can see based on the screenshot, my configuration almost always matches the environment configuration officially required by prestashop. Step 1. Package the source code in win10 local wsl2 Step 2: Upload the packaged file to the server using the scp command Step 3: Unzip the file Step 4: Create a new database Name, login and password of the mysql database in the remote server. Keep the same name, login name and password of the database in the remote server as the mysql database in the local wsl2. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5;I didn't do the upgrade, it has nothing to do with the upgrade ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.17 (cli) (built: May 1 2024 10:10:07) (NTS) ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version no ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). no
Uploading win10 local source code to a remote server prompts HTTP ERROR 500 【请求帮助!!!谢谢!】
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Uploading win10 local source code to a remote server prompts HTTP ERROR 500 【请求帮助!!!谢谢!】 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have created website in win10 local wsl2 using prestashop open source program, which currently works fine on win10. I uploaded the source code from the root directory of the website /var/www/ucoredata to the /var/www/ directory on the remote server via scp. At the same time, I also created a mysql database prestashop on the remote server and imported the local sql database into prestashop. I used the virtual domain locally for testing and development. I have used the real domain on the remote server I have changed the virtual domain to in the remote database. Currently when I visit through my browser, it prompts: This page is not functioning properly cannot process this request at this time. HTTP ERROR 500 Looking forward to your help and answers, thanks in advance! Thanks in advance! Visit the frontend ![01]( Visit Backend ![02]( ### Expected behavior The site can be accessed normally ### Steps to reproduce Environment test: Upload environment test file scp phppsinfo.php stuffren@ ![03-phppsinfo]( As you can see based on the screenshot, my configuration almost always matches the environment configuration officially required by prestashop. Step 1. Package the source code in win10 local wsl2 Step 2: Upload the packaged file to the server using the scp command Step 3: Unzip the file Step 4: Create a new database Name, login and password of the mysql database in the remote server. Keep the same name, login name and password of the database in the remote server as the mysql database in the local wsl2. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5;I didn't do the upgrade, it has nothing to do with the upgrade ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.17 (cli) (built: May 1 2024 10:10:07) (NTS) ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version no ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). no --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments We're trying to load some custom js files from a hook action. In our hook action : `$this->context->controller->addJS([somepath].js); ` it seams to go throught `addJS` function but the files are not loaded ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. call `addJS` function in hook action with `$this->context->controller` 2. go through `addJS` function in `PrestaShop/classes/controller/Controller.php` and try to print` $js_files` a bunch of JS files in this list are not loaded on layout ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_mbo ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
$this->addJS in module not loading front js files in layout
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : $this->addJS in module not loading front js files in layout Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments We're trying to load some custom js files from a hook action. In our hook action : `$this->context->controller->addJS([somepath].js); ` it seams to go throught `addJS` function but the files are not loaded ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. call `addJS` function in hook action with `$this->context->controller` 2. go through `addJS` function in `PrestaShop/classes/controller/Controller.php` and try to print` $js_files` a bunch of JS files in this list are not loaded on layout ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_mbo ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ![image]( During the installation process, at the "Install Module" step, the message "1: HTTP 500 - error -" appears. " error. I've tested this in a number of ways, including local VM testing, VPS testing all of which have issues when it comes to this step. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce During the installation process, at the "Install Module" step, the message "1: HTTP 500 - error -" appears. " error. I've tested this in a number of ways, including local VM testing, VPS testing all of which have issues when it comes to this step. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
During the installation process, at the "Install Module" step, the message "1: HTTP 500 - error -" appears. " error
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : During the installation process, at the "Install Module" step, the message "1: HTTP 500 - error -" appears. " error Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ![image]( During the installation process, at the "Install Module" step, the message "1: HTTP 500 - error -" appears. " error. I've tested this in a number of ways, including local VM testing, VPS testing all of which have issues when it comes to this step. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce During the installation process, at the "Install Module" step, the message "1: HTTP 500 - error -" appears. " error. I've tested this in a number of ways, including local VM testing, VPS testing all of which have issues when it comes to this step. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments i cannot edit layout of theme installed. The link going on module page but not in layout configuration Prestashop 8.1.6 PHP 8.1.28 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Design -> customization ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
Edit Layout of template button link going in module page
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Edit Layout of template button link going in module page Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments i cannot edit layout of theme installed. The link going on module page but not in layout configuration Prestashop 8.1.6 PHP 8.1.28 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Design -> customization ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hey, i tried to install PrestaShop on my localhost XAMPP Server, when I try to install it this Error comes: ![image]( I already enabled in the php.ini: - extension=zip - extension=php_zip.dll - extension=gd But nothing helped... Can someone help pls. ### Expected behavior that the installation runs corecctly ### Steps to reproduce 1. setup prestaShop like in the docs 2. Running the AutoInstallation 3. Error comes ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). zGamerZz
PrestaShop installation requires the Zip PHP extension to be enabled. (XAMPP)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PrestaShop installation requires the Zip PHP extension to be enabled. (XAMPP) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hey, i tried to install PrestaShop on my localhost XAMPP Server, when I try to install it this Error comes: ![image]( I already enabled in the php.ini: - extension=zip - extension=php_zip.dll - extension=gd But nothing helped... Can someone help pls. ### Expected behavior that the installation runs corecctly ### Steps to reproduce 1. setup prestaShop like in the docs 2. Running the AutoInstallation 3. Error comes ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). zGamerZz --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Admin hooks of format "display#controller_name#Form" on legacy admin forms such as "displayAdminReturnForm" are not executed. The hook is supposed to be called here : Here `$name_controller` is supposed to be the name of the controller, so for exemple "AdminReturn" in the case of the "AdminReturn" controller when we try to view a single order return. The hook should be called at the end of the form ![screenshot-127 0 0 1_4502-2024 05 17-12_55_42]( But actually, the value of `$name_controller` is an empty string, so the executed hook is "displayForm" and not "displayAdminReturnForm". This behaviour is caused by these two code snippets: On the `AdminController.php` file, we see that `$name_controller` takes the value only if it doesn't equal null. But in the `HelperForm.php` file we see that `$name_controller` is not equal to null, it's an empty string, thus the bug : `$name_controller` is equal to an empty string and never takes the `Tools::getValue('controller')` as a value We see in this file the smarty affectation of the "name_controller" variable used in the `form.tpl` file This PR introduced this bug : ### Expected behavior The hook "displayAdminReturnForm" should be executed at the end of a return form in backoffice (in the red rectangle on the screenshot above) ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a module that's attached to the "displayAdminReturnForm" hook 2. On this module, create a function that returns a simple string, such as "test" 3. On the "AdminReturn" in backoffice, select a return issued by a customer 4. The text "test" should appear at the end of the form (see screenshot above), but it doesn't ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened Tested on 8.1.4, but was presumably introduced in 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened N/A ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version N/A ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PliciWeb
Admin hooks of format "display#controller_name#Form" on legacy admin forms are not executed
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Admin hooks of format "display#controller_name#Form" on legacy admin forms are not executed Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Admin hooks of format "display#controller_name#Form" on legacy admin forms such as "displayAdminReturnForm" are not executed. The hook is supposed to be called here : Here `$name_controller` is supposed to be the name of the controller, so for exemple "AdminReturn" in the case of the "AdminReturn" controller when we try to view a single order return. The hook should be called at the end of the form ![screenshot-127 0 0 1_4502-2024 05 17-12_55_42]( But actually, the value of `$name_controller` is an empty string, so the executed hook is "displayForm" and not "displayAdminReturnForm". This behaviour is caused by these two code snippets: On the `AdminController.php` file, we see that `$name_controller` takes the value only if it doesn't equal null. But in the `HelperForm.php` file we see that `$name_controller` is not equal to null, it's an empty string, thus the bug : `$name_controller` is equal to an empty string and never takes the `Tools::getValue('controller')` as a value We see in this file the smarty affectation of the "name_controller" variable used in the `form.tpl` file This PR introduced this bug : ### Expected behavior The hook "displayAdminReturnForm" should be executed at the end of a return form in backoffice (in the red rectangle on the screenshot above) ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a module that's attached to the "displayAdminReturnForm" hook 2. On this module, create a function that returns a simple string, such as "test" 3. On the "AdminReturn" in backoffice, select a return issued by a customer 4. The text "test" should appear at the end of the form (see screenshot above), but it doesn't ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened Tested on 8.1.4, but was presumably introduced in 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened N/A ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version N/A ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PliciWeb --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I upgrade from a Prestashop version 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 by a major version, I have a blank FO as you can see : [recording(205).webm]( FYI : I didn't have this issue with 8.1.5 and ### Expected behavior I wish I could use my FO after the upgrade ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh 8.0.5 2. Go to BO > Modules > Modules Manager 3. Install Autoupgrade (1-Click Upgrade) 4. Clic on configure 5. Select the Major version 6. Do the upgrade 7. After the upgrade, clic on view my shop :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 and 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Autoupgrade - From 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 - FO is blank
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Autoupgrade - From 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 - FO is blank Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I upgrade from a Prestashop version 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 by a major version, I have a blank FO as you can see : [recording(205).webm]( FYI : I didn't have this issue with 8.1.5 and ### Expected behavior I wish I could use my FO after the upgrade ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh 8.0.5 2. Go to BO > Modules > Modules Manager 3. Install Autoupgrade (1-Click Upgrade) 4. Clic on configure 5. Select the Major version 6. Do the upgrade 7. After the upgrade, clic on view my shop :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 and 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good morning, I have a problem with assigning categories and subcategories. Every day I manually reload a .csv file that I need to update the stocks of the over 1000 products I have on my site, the upload is set with a table that only updates the prices and stocks, all the other columns (name, category, etc) are ignored. After import, however, the categories and subcategories are reset on all products, leaving only one category, the highest among those assigned, even if it had another one set as default, and removing all subsequent subcategories. Example: I assign to product A the generic category 1 (Default category), the subcategory 2 and the sub-subcategory 3, I assign generic category 1, subcategory 2 and sub-subcategory 3 (Default Category) to product B. I assign only subcategory 2 and sub-subcategory 3 to product C (default category) After the next import: Products A and B remain assigned only in category 1, subcategory 2 and sub-subcategory 3 are removed, even if 3 for product B was set as Default. Product C remains assigned to subcategory 2, and sub-subcategory 3 (set as default) is removed. The big problem is that if I only assign the sub-subcategory 3, even if it is a daughter of 2 which in turn is a daughter of 1, the product appears only in 3 and does not appear either in category 1 or in subcategory 2. In practice, the system does not allow me to assign more than one category to each product, or to essentially have subcategories. website: Prestashop version: 8.1.3 PHP version:7.3 Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Import product from file.csv (without modules) from Advanced Parameters -> Import 2. Add manually category and subcategory to product from edit product page in backend 3. Update the products with a new.csv file, again going from Advanced parameters -> Import, using a data matching configuration ignoring almost all the columns except reference, stock and price, therefore also ignoring the categories column. ![Add-category-1]( ![Add-category-2]( ![1]( ![2]( ![3]( ![4]( ![5]( ![Final-result-after-second-import]( ### Expected behavior I want the categories and subcategories to remain those assigned manually and not to be deleted each time a new.csv file is imported ### Steps to reproduce 1. Import products from file.csv (without modules) from Advanced Parameters -> Import 2. Add manually category and subcategory to product from edit product page in backend 3. Update the products with a new.csv file, again going from Advanced parameters -> Import, using a data matching configuration ignoring almost all the columns except reference, stock and price, therefore also ignoring the categories column. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Parafarmacia San Michele s.r.l
Prestashop 8.1.3 - Each new import with file.csv deletes the categories assigned to the products
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Prestashop 8.1.3 - Each new import with file.csv deletes the categories assigned to the products Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good morning, I have a problem with assigning categories and subcategories. Every day I manually reload a .csv file that I need to update the stocks of the over 1000 products I have on my site, the upload is set with a table that only updates the prices and stocks, all the other columns (name, category, etc) are ignored. After import, however, the categories and subcategories are reset on all products, leaving only one category, the highest among those assigned, even if it had another one set as default, and removing all subsequent subcategories. Example: I assign to product A the generic category 1 (Default category), the subcategory 2 and the sub-subcategory 3, I assign generic category 1, subcategory 2 and sub-subcategory 3 (Default Category) to product B. I assign only subcategory 2 and sub-subcategory 3 to product C (default category) After the next import: Products A and B remain assigned only in category 1, subcategory 2 and sub-subcategory 3 are removed, even if 3 for product B was set as Default. Product C remains assigned to subcategory 2, and sub-subcategory 3 (set as default) is removed. The big problem is that if I only assign the sub-subcategory 3, even if it is a daughter of 2 which in turn is a daughter of 1, the product appears only in 3 and does not appear either in category 1 or in subcategory 2. In practice, the system does not allow me to assign more than one category to each product, or to essentially have subcategories. website: Prestashop version: 8.1.3 PHP version:7.3 Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Import product from file.csv (without modules) from Advanced Parameters -> Import 2. Add manually category and subcategory to product from edit product page in backend 3. Update the products with a new.csv file, again going from Advanced parameters -> Import, using a data matching configuration ignoring almost all the columns except reference, stock and price, therefore also ignoring the categories column. ![Add-category-1]( ![Add-category-2]( ![1]( ![2]( ![3]( ![4]( ![5]( ![Final-result-after-second-import]( ### Expected behavior I want the categories and subcategories to remain those assigned manually and not to be deleted each time a new.csv file is imported ### Steps to reproduce 1. Import products from file.csv (without modules) from Advanced Parameters -> Import 2. Add manually category and subcategory to product from edit product page in backend 3. Update the products with a new.csv file, again going from Advanced parameters -> Import, using a data matching configuration ignoring almost all the columns except reference, stock and price, therefore also ignoring the categories column. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Parafarmacia San Michele s.r.l --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
This is the step to integrate an alpha version in the core, the theme will be accessible but not used as the default one - [x] Release the theme with the latest changes into a 0.2.0 version (see this PR - the version needs to be bumped to 0.2.0) - [ ] Prepare a page in devdocs that explains the technical constraints for this theme (can be empty at first but we need the URL for the following task) The page can later be enriched - [ ] Explain that the theme is based on bootstrap5 and won't be compatible with all modules until they handle the theme - [ ] Explain the trick about integrating the Bootstrap Compatibility Layer (we still need to decide if it should be in the core, in the theme or in the module) - [ ] Integrate hummingbird 0.2.0 into composer, adapt UI tests that don't need to install the theme anymore, integrate a warning popup when the theme is enabled to warn about bootstrap with a link to devdoc for more details (also see this issue
Integrate an alpha release of the theme in the project
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Integrate an alpha release of the theme in the project Issue date: --- start body --- This is the step to integrate an alpha version in the core, the theme will be accessible but not used as the default one - [x] Release the theme with the latest changes into a 0.2.0 version (see this PR - the version needs to be bumped to 0.2.0) - [ ] Prepare a page in devdocs that explains the technical constraints for this theme (can be empty at first but we need the URL for the following task) The page can later be enriched - [ ] Explain that the theme is based on bootstrap5 and won't be compatible with all modules until they handle the theme - [ ] Explain the trick about integrating the Bootstrap Compatibility Layer (we still need to decide if it should be in the core, in the theme or in the module) - [ ] Integrate hummingbird 0.2.0 into composer, adapt UI tests that don't need to install the theme anymore, integrate a warning popup when the theme is enabled to warn about bootstrap with a link to devdoc for more details (also see this issue --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If I delete an address from a user's profile, it doesn't actually delete in the database and therefore my xml has saved addresses that my users don't have. ![Screenshot 2024-05-17 094904]( ![Screenshot 2024-05-17 095058]( ### Expected behavior When I delete an address from my profile it should also be deleted in the API ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create user 2. Add Address 3. Delete Address 4. Check ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Customer addresses persist in the XML even after deletion from FO or BO ( WEBSERVICES )
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Customer addresses persist in the XML even after deletion from FO or BO ( WEBSERVICES ) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If I delete an address from a user's profile, it doesn't actually delete in the database and therefore my xml has saved addresses that my users don't have. ![Screenshot 2024-05-17 094904]( ![Screenshot 2024-05-17 095058]( ### Expected behavior When I delete an address from my profile it should also be deleted in the API ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create user 2. Add Address 3. Delete Address 4. Check ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Make sure the work done by @M0rgan01 for backoffice cron calls work correctly with the migrated Login system (search cron regeneration)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Make sure the work done by @M0rgan01 for backoffice cron calls work correctly with the migrated Login system (search cron regeneration) Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When the customer adds a fixed amount cart rule to his cart, and order splitting happens (when two different products are shipped only by different carriers), the cart rule is applied to both orders. ### Expected behavior Apply the cart only only to one of the orders (first one preferably). But maybe the order splitting feature may be revisited completely. ### Steps to reproduce 1. create two carriers in backoffice 2. create to products in backoffice 3. associate the first carrier to the first product, then associate the second carrier to the second product: ![image]( ![image]( 4. create a fixed amount cart rule: ![image]( 5. add the products to the cart in frontoffice, and then add the cart rule, see the calculations are correct: ![image]( 6. finalise the checkout process and validate the order 7. see the cart is splitted and the cart rule has been duplicated on both orders: ![image]( ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Hostinato
Fixed amount cart rule is duplicated after order splitting
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Fixed amount cart rule is duplicated after order splitting Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When the customer adds a fixed amount cart rule to his cart, and order splitting happens (when two different products are shipped only by different carriers), the cart rule is applied to both orders. ### Expected behavior Apply the cart only only to one of the orders (first one preferably). But maybe the order splitting feature may be revisited completely. ### Steps to reproduce 1. create two carriers in backoffice 2. create to products in backoffice 3. associate the first carrier to the first product, then associate the second carrier to the second product: ![image]( ![image]( 4. create a fixed amount cart rule: ![image]( 5. add the products to the cart in frontoffice, and then add the cart rule, see the calculations are correct: ![image]( 6. finalise the checkout process and validate the order 7. see the cart is splitted and the cart rule has been duplicated on both orders: ![image]( ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Hostinato --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, it seems that I found bug in product page (BO). To exclude possible problems on our eshop, I have instaled new Prestashop for test purpose. When you, on product page in back office, set Redirection page to Permanent redirection to a product (301) or Temporary redirection to a product (302) and select product and then save ( ![save]( ) , redirection type is not stored correctly. When you reload product page in back office, it shows that it was set to Permanent redirection to category ( ![reload]( This bug is related to saving of product - I checked DB table ps_product and as you can se on picture ![db](, redirect_type is set to 301-category. id_type_redirect is stored correctly (id of selected product). I also tried to switch to New product page (New & Experimental features) and when New product page is used, then redirection is stored correctly. Best regards Adam Prokop ### Expected behavior Correct redirection to product, not to category :-) ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Catalog / Products 2. Select product that you want to edit 3. Chose SEO 4. Set redirection page to Permanent redirection to a product (301) or Temporary redirection to a product (302) 5. Select product on which you want to redirect 6. Save product 7. Reload product ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Adam Prokop
Product redirect is not stored correctly in DB
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Product redirect is not stored correctly in DB Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, it seems that I found bug in product page (BO). To exclude possible problems on our eshop, I have instaled new Prestashop for test purpose. When you, on product page in back office, set Redirection page to Permanent redirection to a product (301) or Temporary redirection to a product (302) and select product and then save ( ![save]( ) , redirection type is not stored correctly. When you reload product page in back office, it shows that it was set to Permanent redirection to category ( ![reload]( This bug is related to saving of product - I checked DB table ps_product and as you can se on picture ![db](, redirect_type is set to 301-category. id_type_redirect is stored correctly (id of selected product). I also tried to switch to New product page (New & Experimental features) and when New product page is used, then redirection is stored correctly. Best regards Adam Prokop ### Expected behavior Correct redirection to product, not to category :-) ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Catalog / Products 2. Select product that you want to edit 3. Chose SEO 4. Set redirection page to Permanent redirection to a product (301) or Temporary redirection to a product (302) 5. Select product on which you want to redirect 6. Save product 7. Reload product ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Adam Prokop --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments PrestaShop was updated from 8.0.5 to 8.1.6. After enabling the new product page and attempting to edit previously added products on the old product page, I get the following error: Call to a member function formatPrice() on null [Error 0]. Adding new products works, but editing old ones does not. ### Expected behavior Expected Behavior After updating PrestaShop from 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 and enabling the new product page, I expected the following: Editing Existing Products: I should be able to edit previously added products on the old product page without encountering any errors. Consistent Functionality: The formatPrice() function should work correctly, and no errors should occur when editing existing products. Data Integrity: The size and integrity of the product data should remain consistent, and any changes or updates should be saved and reflected correctly. ### Steps to reproduce Go to product page and edit old products. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Call to a member function formatPrice() on null [Error 0]
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Call to a member function formatPrice() on null [Error 0] Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments PrestaShop was updated from 8.0.5 to 8.1.6. After enabling the new product page and attempting to edit previously added products on the old product page, I get the following error: Call to a member function formatPrice() on null [Error 0]. Adding new products works, but editing old ones does not. ### Expected behavior Expected Behavior After updating PrestaShop from 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 and enabling the new product page, I expected the following: Editing Existing Products: I should be able to edit previously added products on the old product page without encountering any errors. Consistent Functionality: The formatPrice() function should work correctly, and no errors should occur when editing existing products. Data Integrity: The size and integrity of the product data should remain consistent, and any changes or updates should be saved and reflected correctly. ### Steps to reproduce Go to product page and edit old products. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If there are multiple feature values in the Generate combinations popup, the Generate x combinations button becomes not visible on a Full HD screen. ![image]( ### Expected behavior The feature values list should scroll when there is a large number of values. ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Products 2. Create new product with combinations 3. Start to generate combinations 4. In the Generate combinations popup choose multiple features 5. The .tags-wrapper will expand 6. Generate x combinations button will move out of user's view ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Romicore
PPV2 Generate x combinations button not visible when there are multiple features values
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PPV2 Generate x combinations button not visible when there are multiple features values Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If there are multiple feature values in the Generate combinations popup, the Generate x combinations button becomes not visible on a Full HD screen. ![image]( ### Expected behavior The feature values list should scroll when there is a large number of values. ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Products 2. Create new product with combinations 3. Start to generate combinations 4. In the Generate combinations popup choose multiple features 5. The .tags-wrapper will expand 6. Generate x combinations button will move out of user's view ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Romicore --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I am encountering an issue with the declaration of services in modules for PrestaShop v1.7.8. When I add a service to an already installed module, I have to uninstall and then reinstall (reset) the module for the new services to be recognized. Is there a way to force the update of the list of services recognized by PrestaShop (directly in the module code or via CLI), or is this a bug? ---------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour, Je rencontre un problème dans la déclaration des services dans les modules pour PrestaShop v1.7.8. Lorsque je rajoute un service dans un module déjà installé, je suis obligé de désinstaller puis réinstaller (reset) le module afin que les nouveaux services soient pris en comptes. Y a-t-il la possibilité de forcer l’actualisation de la liste des service pris en compte par PrestaShop (directement dans le code du module ou en cli) ou est-ce un bug ? ### Expected behavior I would like to know if there is a way to refresh the list of services for an existing module without having to reset it (I also feel that the command "cache:clear --env=dev|prod" does not always solve the problem). Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------- J’aurais voulu savoir s’il y a une manière d’actualiser la liste des services pour un modules déjà existant sans avoir à le reset (j’ai l’impression aussi que la commande « cache:clear –env=dev|prod » ne règle pas toujours le problème. En vous remerciant ### Steps to reproduce For example: Version 1 of the module mymodule/config/services.yml ``` services: # V1.0.0 # Data factory class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory arguments: - '' # Data provider class: MyModule\Data\Configuration\SettingConfiguration arguments: - '@prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration' - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getLanguages()" public: true class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory factory: '' ``` If I want to update the module as follows: mymodule/config/services.yml ``` services: # V1.0.0 # Data factory class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory arguments: - '' # Data provider class: MyModule\Data\Configuration\SettingConfiguration arguments: - '@prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration' - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getLanguages()" public: true class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory factory: '' public: true # V2.0.0 # Data factory class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactoryNew arguments: - '' # Data provider class: MyModule\Data\Configuration\SettingConfigurationNew arguments: - '@prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration' - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getLanguages()" public: true class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactoryNew factory: '' public: true ``` While creating an upgrade file, for example: mymodule/upgrade/upgrade-2.0.0.php ``` <?php declare(strict_types=1); if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } /** * @param $module * * @return bool */ function upgrade_module_2_0_0($module): bool { $r = true; try { // TODO Can we perform an action here to force the update of the services? } catch (Throwable $e) { $r = false; PrestaShopLogger::addLog('mymodule - upgrade 2.0.0 - ' . __LINE__ . ' - Throwable #' . $e->getCode() . ' - ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', 3); } return (bool)$r; } ``` Then the new services will not be recognized by PrestaShop (services suffixed with "new"). ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.2.34 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
The addition of a service during the update of a module is not taken into account by PrestaShop v1.7.8.11.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The addition of a service during the update of a module is not taken into account by PrestaShop v1.7.8.11. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I am encountering an issue with the declaration of services in modules for PrestaShop v1.7.8. When I add a service to an already installed module, I have to uninstall and then reinstall (reset) the module for the new services to be recognized. Is there a way to force the update of the list of services recognized by PrestaShop (directly in the module code or via CLI), or is this a bug? ---------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour, Je rencontre un problème dans la déclaration des services dans les modules pour PrestaShop v1.7.8. Lorsque je rajoute un service dans un module déjà installé, je suis obligé de désinstaller puis réinstaller (reset) le module afin que les nouveaux services soient pris en comptes. Y a-t-il la possibilité de forcer l’actualisation de la liste des service pris en compte par PrestaShop (directement dans le code du module ou en cli) ou est-ce un bug ? ### Expected behavior I would like to know if there is a way to refresh the list of services for an existing module without having to reset it (I also feel that the command "cache:clear --env=dev|prod" does not always solve the problem). Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------- J’aurais voulu savoir s’il y a une manière d’actualiser la liste des services pour un modules déjà existant sans avoir à le reset (j’ai l’impression aussi que la commande « cache:clear –env=dev|prod » ne règle pas toujours le problème. En vous remerciant ### Steps to reproduce For example: Version 1 of the module mymodule/config/services.yml ``` services: # V1.0.0 # Data factory class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory arguments: - '' # Data provider class: MyModule\Data\Configuration\SettingConfiguration arguments: - '@prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration' - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getLanguages()" public: true class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory factory: '' ``` If I want to update the module as follows: mymodule/config/services.yml ``` services: # V1.0.0 # Data factory class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory arguments: - '' # Data provider class: MyModule\Data\Configuration\SettingConfiguration arguments: - '@prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration' - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getLanguages()" public: true class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactory factory: '' public: true # V2.0.0 # Data factory class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactoryNew arguments: - '' # Data provider class: MyModule\Data\Configuration\SettingConfigurationNew arguments: - '@prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration' - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getLanguages()" public: true class: MyModule\Data\Factory\SettingDataFactoryNew factory: '' public: true ``` While creating an upgrade file, for example: mymodule/upgrade/upgrade-2.0.0.php ``` <?php declare(strict_types=1); if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } /** * @param $module * * @return bool */ function upgrade_module_2_0_0($module): bool { $r = true; try { // TODO Can we perform an action here to force the update of the services? } catch (Throwable $e) { $r = false; PrestaShopLogger::addLog('mymodule - upgrade 2.0.0 - ' . __LINE__ . ' - Throwable #' . $e->getCode() . ' - ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', 3); } return (bool)$r; } ``` Then the new services will not be recognized by PrestaShop (services suffixed with "new"). ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.2.34 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ,,Failed to download'' - That's google search console said, when I paste site map. Site map adress: What is the problem? That still doesn't work and I have no idea what to do. I need help. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. I generate site map in Presta Shop site map module. 2, I copy it ,,'' 3. I paste it to google search console (sitemap) 4. I see ,, Failed to downald.'' (PS: I have tried too, and was the same ,, Failed to downald.'' ) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
,,Failed to download'' - That's google search console said, when I paste site map.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : ,,Failed to download'' - That's google search console said, when I paste site map. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ,,Failed to download'' - That's google search console said, when I paste site map. Site map adress: What is the problem? That still doesn't work and I have no idea what to do. I need help. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. I generate site map in Presta Shop site map module. 2, I copy it ,,'' 3. I paste it to google search console (sitemap) 4. I see ,, Failed to downald.'' (PS: I have tried too, and was the same ,, Failed to downald.'' ) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments product_mini generatio accessing product backoffice page take an extreme amount of time on a 2TB SSD Samsung 980 Pro with 12 core cpu and wampp local setup. ### Expected behavior thumb generator must not slow down the store ### Steps to reproduce Delete img/tmp folder Open admin product page and search for some query to get for example 10 result Page load for about 40 seconds before load. Submit again the same query, page load take about 2 seconds. Try to delete some product_mini image generated in img/tmp and reload again the products search page submitting the query. product_mini image are generated 1 every 5 seconds. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ With image just generated in img/tmp: ![image]( Deleting 4 over 16 img: ![image](
Thumbnail generation on img/tmp (product_mini_xxx) take about 5sec every image slowing down products page in backoffice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Thumbnail generation on img/tmp (product_mini_xxx) take about 5sec every image slowing down products page in backoffice Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments product_mini generatio accessing product backoffice page take an extreme amount of time on a 2TB SSD Samsung 980 Pro with 12 core cpu and wampp local setup. ### Expected behavior thumb generator must not slow down the store ### Steps to reproduce Delete img/tmp folder Open admin product page and search for some query to get for example 10 result Page load for about 40 seconds before load. Submit again the same query, page load take about 2 seconds. Try to delete some product_mini image generated in img/tmp and reload again the products search page submitting the query. product_mini image are generated 1 every 5 seconds. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ With image just generated in img/tmp: ![image]( Deleting 4 over 16 img: ![image]( --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Preview button is not working and customers are confused and consistently reporting problem to developers, very difficult to explain it's "security feature", because customers are asking "Why is there button Preview, if it's not working"... Real issue from real production environment. ![1]( ![2]( ### Expected behavior Preview will show email content only for logged BO users, but it can be a **lot of edits**, so for now **it's better to hide button "Preview" at least.** Maybe in future improve it. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO to section "Statutes" 2. Open any State with "Send email to customer" enabled 3. Scroll down and click on button "Preview" 4. Popup will appears, but we see only error 403 Forbidden (because of security protection of email contents from outside) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
Remove email "Preview" from BO section "Statutes" (because it's not working)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Remove email "Preview" from BO section "Statutes" (because it's not working) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Preview button is not working and customers are confused and consistently reporting problem to developers, very difficult to explain it's "security feature", because customers are asking "Why is there button Preview, if it's not working"... Real issue from real production environment. ![1]( ![2]( ### Expected behavior Preview will show email content only for logged BO users, but it can be a **lot of edits**, so for now **it's better to hide button "Preview" at least.** Maybe in future improve it. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO to section "Statutes" 2. Open any State with "Send email to customer" enabled 3. Scroll down and click on button "Preview" 4. Popup will appears, but we see only error 403 Forbidden (because of security protection of email contents from outside) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If you use input type "text" everything is nice, but if you use input type "number", it's not styled properly. So, we should edit CSS for type "number" as well, it must be same like input type "text" Check screenshot: ![type_number]( ### Expected behavior Same styling for input type "text" and type "number". Module developers can use input type "number", so we should make it nice like "text". ### Steps to reproduce Use <input type="number"> and compare with <input type="text"> in html in BO for example and you will see results like on my screenshot. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
input type "number" is not styled properly
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : input type "number" is not styled properly Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If you use input type "text" everything is nice, but if you use input type "number", it's not styled properly. So, we should edit CSS for type "number" as well, it must be same like input type "text" Check screenshot: ![type_number]( ### Expected behavior Same styling for input type "text" and type "number". Module developers can use input type "number", so we should make it nice like "text". ### Steps to reproduce Use <input type="number"> and compare with <input type="text"> in html in BO for example and you will see results like on my screenshot. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The Finder used to search traduction files does not follow symlinks by default. Which is a major problem when working with modern and robust solutions like Deployer. On those environments, each GIT release is in a specific folder, and the "living" files (traductions, images...) are in a common shared folder. And symlinks are made to point to the shared folder. So for now, all the traduction files are ignored by Presta, as they are symlinks. ### Expected behavior Also parse symlinked traduction files ### Steps to reproduce - Move a traduction file somewhere else on your filesystem (mainly Linux) - make a symlink (for example: ln -fs /moved/file /original/place) - rm Prestashop cache (rm var/cache/*/translations -Rf) - navigate to a page - check the traductions are no longer visible ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 to 9.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). KIWIK (
Traductions files ignored when symlink
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Traductions files ignored when symlink Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The Finder used to search traduction files does not follow symlinks by default. Which is a major problem when working with modern and robust solutions like Deployer. On those environments, each GIT release is in a specific folder, and the "living" files (traductions, images...) are in a common shared folder. And symlinks are made to point to the shared folder. So for now, all the traduction files are ignored by Presta, as they are symlinks. ### Expected behavior Also parse symlinked traduction files ### Steps to reproduce - Move a traduction file somewhere else on your filesystem (mainly Linux) - make a symlink (for example: ln -fs /moved/file /original/place) - rm Prestashop cache (rm var/cache/*/translations -Rf) - navigate to a page - check the traductions are no longer visible ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 to 9.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). KIWIK ( --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Move password reset code into dedicated employee CQRS Commands, use form handlers in LoginController to follow the usual convention and add automatic hooks
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Move password reset code into dedicated employee CQRS Commands, use form handlers in LoginController to follow the usual convention and add automatic hooks Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Refacto homepage redirection, duplicated code is common between `AdminAuthenticationSuccessHandler` and `LoginController::homepageAction` this could be extracted in a dedicated service
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Refacto homepage redirection, duplicated code is common between `AdminAuthenticationSuccessHandler` and `LoginController::homepageAction` this could be extracted in a dedicated service Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle multi shop context via Symfony session instead of legacy cookie
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Handle multi shop context via Symfony session instead of legacy cookie Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you want to upgrade from 8.0.5 to 9.0.0 (last develop version) with an autoupgrade from dev branch ( like autoupgrade#690 ) as you can see : [recording(202).webm]( ### Expected behavior I expect that I can go on my BO without Fatal Error ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh version of 8.0.5 2. install autoupgrade from dev branch (like autoupgrade#690) 3. Do an upgrade with a archive version to upgrade to develop 4. At the end of the upgrade, clic on the dashboard 5. You should Login into BO without Fatal Error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Autoupgrade - Autoupgrade from 8.0.5 to 9.0.0 - Fatal Error with "_PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_"
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Autoupgrade - Autoupgrade from 8.0.5 to 9.0.0 - Fatal Error with "_PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_" Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you want to upgrade from 8.0.5 to 9.0.0 (last develop version) with an autoupgrade from dev branch ( like autoupgrade#690 ) as you can see : [recording(202).webm]( ### Expected behavior I expect that I can go on my BO without Fatal Error ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh version of 8.0.5 2. install autoupgrade from dev branch (like autoupgrade#690) 3. Do an upgrade with a archive version to upgrade to develop 4. At the end of the upgrade, clic on the dashboard 5. You should Login into BO without Fatal Error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the BO, on the configuration page of ps_emailsubscription, the list under the section `Newsletter registrations` shows the customers of all shops, disregarding the current shop context or the permissions of the employee. ### Expected behavior In a multishop installation, when a shop is selected, only the newsletter regitstrations of that show must be displayed. ### Steps to reproduce Prerequisite: - Multishop activated - At least 2 shops - At least one customer that registered for newsletters in each shop Steps to reproduce 1. Select a particular shop in the shops menu 2. Go to `Module manager`, search ps_emailsubscription, click on configure 3. Scroll down to `Newsletter registrations 4. You see the registrations of all shops ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailsubscription 2.8.2 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Société Biblique de Genève
BO ps_emailsubscription not multistore compliant
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO ps_emailsubscription not multistore compliant Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the BO, on the configuration page of ps_emailsubscription, the list under the section `Newsletter registrations` shows the customers of all shops, disregarding the current shop context or the permissions of the employee. ### Expected behavior In a multishop installation, when a shop is selected, only the newsletter regitstrations of that show must be displayed. ### Steps to reproduce Prerequisite: - Multishop activated - At least 2 shops - At least one customer that registered for newsletters in each shop Steps to reproduce 1. Select a particular shop in the shops menu 2. Go to `Module manager`, search ps_emailsubscription, click on configure 3. Scroll down to `Newsletter registrations 4. You see the registrations of all shops ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailsubscription 2.8.2 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Société Biblique de Genève --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments we use Prestashop A few weeks ago I noticed that the sales tax was being calculated incorrectly for certain net prices and this also affects the final total in the invoice. Since Prestashop cuts off the last 4 decimal places, we end up missing 1 cent per item each time and we have a difference between the online order and our merchandise management invoice. If I enter the price of an item: Net 5.90 +20% VAT = 7.08 (correct) Net 6.90 +20% VAT = 8.279999 (wrong – correct would be 8.28) Net 7.90 +20% VAT = 9.48 (correct) So, as soon as I change the price to 6.90, the calculation is incorrect no matter which item. Interesting: the same thing happens even with a multiple of 6.90, e.g. 13.80. This is a program error! Are there any other insights into this? Is an update planned for this BUG? ### Expected behavior a correct representation of the sales tax for all prices that are net divisible by 6.90 (6.90/13.80/20.70/27.60.....etc) ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to article 2. change the net price to 6,90 3. an now check the price including tax = it shall be 8,28 but it shows 8,2799999 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Sanon Handels GmbH
Wrong Vat-Display
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Wrong Vat-Display Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments we use Prestashop A few weeks ago I noticed that the sales tax was being calculated incorrectly for certain net prices and this also affects the final total in the invoice. Since Prestashop cuts off the last 4 decimal places, we end up missing 1 cent per item each time and we have a difference between the online order and our merchandise management invoice. If I enter the price of an item: Net 5.90 +20% VAT = 7.08 (correct) Net 6.90 +20% VAT = 8.279999 (wrong – correct would be 8.28) Net 7.90 +20% VAT = 9.48 (correct) So, as soon as I change the price to 6.90, the calculation is incorrect no matter which item. Interesting: the same thing happens even with a multiple of 6.90, e.g. 13.80. This is a program error! Are there any other insights into this? Is an update planned for this BUG? ### Expected behavior a correct representation of the sales tax for all prices that are net divisible by 6.90 (6.90/13.80/20.70/27.60.....etc) ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to article 2. change the net price to 6,90 3. an now check the price including tax = it shall be 8,28 but it shows 8,2799999 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Sanon Handels GmbH --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Update module ps_imageslider to make it compliant with Then perform a module release Once this is done, the issue can be closed. The work started in PR could help
Make ps_imageslider compliant with v9 .htaccess policy for direct PHP calls
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Make ps_imageslider compliant with v9 .htaccess policy for direct PHP calls Issue date: --- start body --- Update module ps_imageslider to make it compliant with Then perform a module release Once this is done, the issue can be closed. The work started in PR could help --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
We want to release a stable version of Hummingbird with PrestaShop v9. Current version of Hummingbird is 0.1.6 . To do so, we need to: - Check remaining bugs and "what's left" items, and make sure no important / blocking items is not done yet. The theme does not have to be perfect but it has to be good enough. - If there is not a lot of work to do, we can aim to deliver a version 1.0.0 to be ready for the Freeze. - If there is a fair number of items to do, we can focus on the blocking issues and fix them, then release a 1.0.0-alpha or 1.0.0-beta version of Hummingbird. It will be enough for PrestaShop 9 Beta. Classic theme will remain the default theme in PS v9. Hummingbird will be shipped in the Zip, next to Classic theme. Merchants will have to decide to use it. Item to investigate: the bootstrap compatibility layer - need a decision - then implement decision Item to investigate: Support for Node 14 - Core supports Node 14 and 16 - Hummingbird supports Node 16 : Modifications à prévoir sur les tests UI : - Make assets (gérer hummingbird) - Sanity Tests (install : choix du thème) - UI Tests : Design : cas où on ne teste qu'un thème - UI Tests : Hummingbird : install/uninstall H => enable / disable H Temps estimé : 3 j/H => env 1 semaine et demi Tasks to do - [ ] #36182
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hummingbird Issue date: --- start body --- We want to release a stable version of Hummingbird with PrestaShop v9. Current version of Hummingbird is 0.1.6 . To do so, we need to: - Check remaining bugs and "what's left" items, and make sure no important / blocking items is not done yet. The theme does not have to be perfect but it has to be good enough. - If there is not a lot of work to do, we can aim to deliver a version 1.0.0 to be ready for the Freeze. - If there is a fair number of items to do, we can focus on the blocking issues and fix them, then release a 1.0.0-alpha or 1.0.0-beta version of Hummingbird. It will be enough for PrestaShop 9 Beta. Classic theme will remain the default theme in PS v9. Hummingbird will be shipped in the Zip, next to Classic theme. Merchants will have to decide to use it. Item to investigate: the bootstrap compatibility layer - need a decision - then implement decision Item to investigate: Support for Node 14 - Core supports Node 14 and 16 - Hummingbird supports Node 16 : Modifications à prévoir sur les tests UI : - Make assets (gérer hummingbird) - Sanity Tests (install : choix du thème) - UI Tests : Design : cas où on ne teste qu'un thème - UI Tests : Hummingbird : install/uninstall H => enable / disable H Temps estimé : 3 j/H => env 1 semaine et demi Tasks to do - [ ] #36182 --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Refacto context listeners into EventSubscriber this will allow merging default listeners with related context listener to keep everything in the same class
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Refacto context listeners into EventSubscriber this will allow merging default listeners with related context listener to keep everything in the same class Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Add dedicated permission denied template
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Add dedicated permission denied template Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle the warning for install and admin folder in login page and clean legacy AdminLoginController
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Handle the warning for install and admin folder in login page and clean legacy AdminLoginController Issue date: --- start body --- None --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello guys, I've noticed an issue on Prestashop when Geolocation is enabled. instead of displaying default country shipping costs for visitors, shipping is set ''to free shipping'' I think it is because detected IP country is used as default country. I've set France as default country in "international/localization/parameters" Default carrier is also set (here cheapest ) and enabled for all groups (visitors, etc..) When geolocation is disabled, default country shipping costs are set. When geolocation is enabled : -acess from default country Ip (France) : default shipping costs are set for visitors -access from non default country IP (UK for example ) : displays free shipping for visitors Thank you ### Expected behavior By default Prestashop should use default country shipping carrier for visitors regardless of detected visitor ip ### Steps to reproduce 1.setup a default country 2.setup default carrier (carrier name, cheapest, best grade etc) for all groups 3.enable Geolocation 4. access to shop from non default country ip using a vpn 5. add a product to cart as visitor ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version no ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Defaut shipping are not set for visitors when geolocation is enabled
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Defaut shipping are not set for visitors when geolocation is enabled Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello guys, I've noticed an issue on Prestashop when Geolocation is enabled. instead of displaying default country shipping costs for visitors, shipping is set ''to free shipping'' I think it is because detected IP country is used as default country. I've set France as default country in "international/localization/parameters" Default carrier is also set (here cheapest ) and enabled for all groups (visitors, etc..) When geolocation is disabled, default country shipping costs are set. When geolocation is enabled : -acess from default country Ip (France) : default shipping costs are set for visitors -access from non default country IP (UK for example ) : displays free shipping for visitors Thank you ### Expected behavior By default Prestashop should use default country shipping carrier for visitors regardless of detected visitor ip ### Steps to reproduce 1.setup a default country 2.setup default carrier (carrier name, cheapest, best grade etc) for all groups 3.enable Geolocation 4. access to shop from non default country ip using a vpn 5. add a product to cart as visitor ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version no ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Let's say the default country set for the shop is France. When you proceed to checkout as a guest and move to the next step to create your first address and you choose another country, like Germany, and submit the form, you'll be redirected back to step 1. You'll then need to click "continue" again, go to the "address" step, and from there you can finally proceed. The issue arises because after saving the form, the country and cookie country don't seem to update immediately. Despite several attempts, including using a custom module and hooks, I couldn't successfully set the correct country immediately after submitting the form. This bug or whatever it should be called exists in Prestashop 1.7, 8x. Didn't try older ones. Even the Prestashop live demo has this bug. ### Expected behavior If a customer chooses another country during checkout, the country in the context should be updated immediately. Currently, customers are cancelling their purchases because they mistakenly believe there's an issue with the shop. After submitting the form, the country should be set to the newly chosen one right away. For instance, if I do this within a module's constructor and choose Germany (with 1 representing Germany), it works fine because the country is correctly set. However, finding where to implement this fix has been challenging. I've looked through classes and controllers but haven't found the appropriate place to add it. Simple example which seems to fix (but of course its not the solution): $default_country = new Country(1); $context = Context::getContext(); $context->country = $default_country; $context->cookie->iso_code_country = 'DE'; ### Steps to reproduce 1. Proceed to Checkout. 2. Choose to Continue as a guest. 3. Select a country different from the default one. 4. You'll be redirected back to step 1. 5. Continue once more, and now the address should be set correctly. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened - 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Redirected Back to Step 1 When Choosing Another Country at Checkout
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Redirected Back to Step 1 When Choosing Another Country at Checkout Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Let's say the default country set for the shop is France. When you proceed to checkout as a guest and move to the next step to create your first address and you choose another country, like Germany, and submit the form, you'll be redirected back to step 1. You'll then need to click "continue" again, go to the "address" step, and from there you can finally proceed. The issue arises because after saving the form, the country and cookie country don't seem to update immediately. Despite several attempts, including using a custom module and hooks, I couldn't successfully set the correct country immediately after submitting the form. This bug or whatever it should be called exists in Prestashop 1.7, 8x. Didn't try older ones. Even the Prestashop live demo has this bug. ### Expected behavior If a customer chooses another country during checkout, the country in the context should be updated immediately. Currently, customers are cancelling their purchases because they mistakenly believe there's an issue with the shop. After submitting the form, the country should be set to the newly chosen one right away. For instance, if I do this within a module's constructor and choose Germany (with 1 representing Germany), it works fine because the country is correctly set. However, finding where to implement this fix has been challenging. I've looked through classes and controllers but haven't found the appropriate place to add it. Simple example which seems to fix (but of course its not the solution): $default_country = new Country(1); $context = Context::getContext(); $context->country = $default_country; $context->cookie->iso_code_country = 'DE'; ### Steps to reproduce 1. Proceed to Checkout. 2. Choose to Continue as a guest. 3. Select a country different from the default one. 4. You'll be redirected back to step 1. 5. Continue once more, and now the address should be set correctly. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened - 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When trying to download a credit slip where only the shipping was reimbursed, a NPE exception is thrown. ``` PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Util\Sorter::natural0:Argument#1(Sarray) must be of type array, null given, called in /public_html/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.phponline167 ``` ### Expected behavior The credit slip can be downloaded just fine. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Refund just the shipping for an order (no products) 2. Go to "Credit slips" and try to download the generated credit slip 3. You get the NPE ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
NPE when downloading credit slip for shipping only
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : NPE when downloading credit slip for shipping only Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When trying to download a credit slip where only the shipping was reimbursed, a NPE exception is thrown. ``` PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Util\Sorter::natural0:Argument#1(Sarray) must be of type array, null given, called in /public_html/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.phponline167 ``` ### Expected behavior The credit slip can be downloaded just fine. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Refund just the shipping for an order (no products) 2. Go to "Credit slips" and try to download the generated credit slip 3. You get the NPE ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a Symfony 5 interface that adds 3 products to my website per day through a CRON task. Adding goes smoothly, there's no issue with that. However, after a few days, the products simply disappear from the site, as if I had clicked "delete", there's no trace of the products anymore, even in database. For example, it happened today between 2 pm and 6 pm without a single trace, I regenerated my cache around 2 pm, and by 6 pm the products weren't there (the twenty or so products added by the API for the past 4/5 days). Here are the products present thanks to the cache: ![image png 518f249d168c8e4fac7100eeba2d9eca]( When I click on a product that was here yesterday : ![image png 9f28f8f9959b05c369437c8613ab4211]( For example, a product added after this disappearance, everything is perfect and in place: ![image png 95308f7e9198672e728b01825a434394]( This is the second time in the last 15 days that all my products added via the API have disappeared (I just set up the system). I have no messages in the log, and the products are added perfectly. New clue : Here is a product posted this morning: ![image png 267bfca116ac8f55915bc7af60bbfe5c]( ![image png 77afd31c28c4485c22371b7d06f1dacf]( ![image png 321370a899e0dd86cfd3eb949ac75998]( It is correctly in the database. I will try to make it disappear. First clue: products that are only added via the API without having clicked the save button are not visible in the list of products sorted by ID in the back-office. The latest references that should be visible are "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-5-1", "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-4-1", "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-2-1", "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-1-1": ![image png 73252e7cf39a4526196fc75adcb41eef]( The reference "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-30-1" was manually saved by pressing the save button in the back-office. ### Expected behavior I want the products stays on my website. ### Steps to reproduce Just adding a product with Prestashop Web Services. I don't have any clues to reproduce it. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2-fpm ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Products disappear after few days when added by API (Webservices)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Products disappear after few days when added by API (Webservices) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a Symfony 5 interface that adds 3 products to my website per day through a CRON task. Adding goes smoothly, there's no issue with that. However, after a few days, the products simply disappear from the site, as if I had clicked "delete", there's no trace of the products anymore, even in database. For example, it happened today between 2 pm and 6 pm without a single trace, I regenerated my cache around 2 pm, and by 6 pm the products weren't there (the twenty or so products added by the API for the past 4/5 days). Here are the products present thanks to the cache: ![image png 518f249d168c8e4fac7100eeba2d9eca]( When I click on a product that was here yesterday : ![image png 9f28f8f9959b05c369437c8613ab4211]( For example, a product added after this disappearance, everything is perfect and in place: ![image png 95308f7e9198672e728b01825a434394]( This is the second time in the last 15 days that all my products added via the API have disappeared (I just set up the system). I have no messages in the log, and the products are added perfectly. New clue : Here is a product posted this morning: ![image png 267bfca116ac8f55915bc7af60bbfe5c]( ![image png 77afd31c28c4485c22371b7d06f1dacf]( ![image png 321370a899e0dd86cfd3eb949ac75998]( It is correctly in the database. I will try to make it disappear. First clue: products that are only added via the API without having clicked the save button are not visible in the list of products sorted by ID in the back-office. The latest references that should be visible are "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-5-1", "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-4-1", "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-2-1", "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-1-1": ![image png 73252e7cf39a4526196fc75adcb41eef]( The reference "verrePLA-SAPH-0-80-19-30-1" was manually saved by pressing the save button in the back-office. ### Expected behavior I want the products stays on my website. ### Steps to reproduce Just adding a product with Prestashop Web Services. I don't have any clues to reproduce it. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2-fpm ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello everyone I need help! The search module version 2.1.3 is displayed incorrectly, not in full width and length. ![PIC3]( ### Expected behavior ![Correct_bar]( ### Steps to reproduce The module was re-downloaded but w/o any improving the problem ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Search bar by PrestaShop version 2.1.3. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Search_bar_module version 2.1.3
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Search_bar_module version 2.1.3 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello everyone I need help! The search module version 2.1.3 is displayed incorrectly, not in full width and length. ![PIC3]( ### Expected behavior ![Correct_bar]( ### Steps to reproduce The module was re-downloaded but w/o any improving the problem ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Search bar by PrestaShop version 2.1.3. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I had a problem with retrieving the stock location for products that are no longer available when viewing an old order. Normally, this should return false when the stock location is not found. But when the Memcached cache is active, the null value is returned, causing a fatal error. This must be linked to the fact that Memcached doesn't distinguish between null and false. To correct my specific problem, I added the following processing at the end of the setProductCurrentStock() method in /classes/order/Order.php: if ($product['location'] === null) { $product['location'] = false; } This ensures that false is returned and not null. The following issues seem to be affected by a similar bug: [#22215]( [#35753]( [#35979]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Memcached cache 2. Create an order 3. Delete an ordered product from the catalog 4. View order ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Problems "must be of type string (or int), null given" and Memcached
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problems "must be of type string (or int), null given" and Memcached Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I had a problem with retrieving the stock location for products that are no longer available when viewing an old order. Normally, this should return false when the stock location is not found. But when the Memcached cache is active, the null value is returned, causing a fatal error. This must be linked to the fact that Memcached doesn't distinguish between null and false. To correct my specific problem, I added the following processing at the end of the setProductCurrentStock() method in /classes/order/Order.php: if ($product['location'] === null) { $product['location'] = false; } This ensures that false is returned and not null. The following issues seem to be affected by a similar bug: [#22215]( [#35753]( [#35979]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Memcached cache 2. Create an order 3. Delete an ordered product from the catalog 4. View order ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); I get an error message when I use a sitemap generator. PrestaShop 8 <img width="1261" alt="Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-09 om 10 59 47" src=""> ### Expected behavior throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); ### Steps to reproduce Got to SITEMAP google Generate Sitemap throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). SmarThuis
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); I get an error message when I use a sitemap generator.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); I get an error message when I use a sitemap generator. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); I get an error message when I use a sitemap generator. PrestaShop 8 <img width="1261" alt="Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-09 om 10 59 47" src=""> ### Expected behavior throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); ### Steps to reproduce Got to SITEMAP google Generate Sitemap throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid category parameter'); ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). SmarThuis --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments css-loader 7 and sass-loader 14 in current devDependencies of [blockreassurance]( and [ps_facetedsearch]( require at least Node18 so `npm install` for these two modules throw warning as screenshots below. ![css7_sass14_loader_node16_blockreassurance]( ![css7_sass14_loader_node16_facetedsearch]( ### Expected behavior `npm install` for these two modules complete without Unsupported engine warning. ### Steps to reproduce 1. git clone module repo 2. cd to module folder and switch to node16 3. run `npm install` and see warnings ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version blockreassurance v6.0.0, ps_facetedsearch v3.15.2 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
css-loader 7 and sass-loader 14 is not compatible with Node16
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : css-loader 7 and sass-loader 14 is not compatible with Node16 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments css-loader 7 and sass-loader 14 in current devDependencies of [blockreassurance]( and [ps_facetedsearch]( require at least Node18 so `npm install` for these two modules throw warning as screenshots below. ![css7_sass14_loader_node16_blockreassurance]( ![css7_sass14_loader_node16_facetedsearch]( ### Expected behavior `npm install` for these two modules complete without Unsupported engine warning. ### Steps to reproduce 1. git clone module repo 2. cd to module folder and switch to node16 3. run `npm install` and see warnings ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version blockreassurance v6.0.0, ps_facetedsearch v3.15.2 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If you go to the import page and use the sample file for products and try to import that it fails. ### Expected behavior The example file is a valid example. ### Steps to reproduce ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- See also: * There is additional discussion on improving the products import process at This this issue is only about one specific problem, which is definitely a bug.
The example products_import CSV file is not a valid file for importing
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The example products_import CSV file is not a valid file for importing Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If you go to the import page and use the sample file for products and try to import that it fails. ### Expected behavior The example file is a valid example. ### Steps to reproduce ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- See also: * There is additional discussion on improving the products import process at This this issue is only about one specific problem, which is definitely a bug. --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments me da errores cuando intento cambiar de version en el modulo 1-clic ![Screenshot of 1-Click Upgrade _ 1-Click Upgrade • Pescados y mariscos Anna]( ### Expected behavior actualizar a una nueva version de prestashop ### Steps to reproduce al actulizar no me deja no hace nada. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Versión PHP: 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
errores en actualizacion de version
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : errores en actualizacion de version Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments me da errores cuando intento cambiar de version en el modulo 1-clic ![Screenshot of 1-Click Upgrade _ 1-Click Upgrade • Pescados y mariscos Anna]( ### Expected behavior actualizar a una nueva version de prestashop ### Steps to reproduce al actulizar no me deja no hace nada. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Versión PHP: 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments when using a plugin that is connected to "hookActionCartSave", we get a FatalThrowableError in the CartRule->checkValidity function for older cookies. These legacy cookies contain id_cart, which refer to a no longer existing record in table _DB_PREFIX_.'cart' (table _DB_PREFIX_.'cart' is periodically deleted by the abandoned cart plugin) ![checkValidity1]( ### Expected behavior the problem imho is caused that **$context->cart** is not set this simple patch of **/classes/controller/FrontController.php** solves our problem ```` public function init() // ... if ((int) $this->context->cookie->id_cart) { if (!isset($cart)) { $cart = new Cart($this->context->cookie->id_cart); } if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart) && $cart->orderExists()) { // ... ```` change to: ```` public function init() // ... if ((int) $this->context->cookie->id_cart) { if (!isset($cart)) { $cart = new Cart($this->context->cookie->id_cart); } // adding lines } if (isset($cart) && $cart->id && isset($context->cart) ) { // adding lines if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart) && $cart->orderExists()) { // ... ```` ### Steps to reproduce - ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
CartRule->checkValidity FatalThrowableError
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : CartRule->checkValidity FatalThrowableError Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments when using a plugin that is connected to "hookActionCartSave", we get a FatalThrowableError in the CartRule->checkValidity function for older cookies. These legacy cookies contain id_cart, which refer to a no longer existing record in table _DB_PREFIX_.'cart' (table _DB_PREFIX_.'cart' is periodically deleted by the abandoned cart plugin) ![checkValidity1]( ### Expected behavior the problem imho is caused that **$context->cart** is not set this simple patch of **/classes/controller/FrontController.php** solves our problem ```` public function init() // ... if ((int) $this->context->cookie->id_cart) { if (!isset($cart)) { $cart = new Cart($this->context->cookie->id_cart); } if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart) && $cart->orderExists()) { // ... ```` change to: ```` public function init() // ... if ((int) $this->context->cookie->id_cart) { if (!isset($cart)) { $cart = new Cart($this->context->cookie->id_cart); } // adding lines } if (isset($cart) && $cart->id && isset($context->cart) ) { // adding lines if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart) && $cart->orderExists()) { // ... ```` ### Steps to reproduce - ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments _1-Click Upgrade start HTTP ERROR 500, when products >20K with images in presta. ![500-status-code]( ### Expected behavior When I start the program, I press configure - it takes about five minutes to load and the program is broken. It is not possible to use the program, it is not possible to update the version of prestashop. I noticed this error since presta stop version 8.1, because with 8.0.4 I still managed to update to version 8.0.5. I noticed that the error is related to the pictures, on the new version of presta never have this error and everything works. Somewhere in the forums it is written that you need to increase server resources, more ram, etc. However, the solution is very simple, when you upload an empty image directory, everything works. Make it so that there is no checking and counting of images by default, simply leave it to default to update prestashop without allowing and checking the image directory, whoever wants to, let them do backup, but by default do not touch the image directory. ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to prestashop 8.1.5 with 20k products with images when images innode 200k, with thousands folders 2.. go to 1-Click Upgrade 3. see 5oo error page do not load ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version 1-Click Upgrade ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
1-Click Upgrade HTTP ERROR 500, when images 20K in presta
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : 1-Click Upgrade HTTP ERROR 500, when images 20K in presta Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments _1-Click Upgrade start HTTP ERROR 500, when products >20K with images in presta. ![500-status-code]( ### Expected behavior When I start the program, I press configure - it takes about five minutes to load and the program is broken. It is not possible to use the program, it is not possible to update the version of prestashop. I noticed this error since presta stop version 8.1, because with 8.0.4 I still managed to update to version 8.0.5. I noticed that the error is related to the pictures, on the new version of presta never have this error and everything works. Somewhere in the forums it is written that you need to increase server resources, more ram, etc. However, the solution is very simple, when you upload an empty image directory, everything works. Make it so that there is no checking and counting of images by default, simply leave it to default to update prestashop without allowing and checking the image directory, whoever wants to, let them do backup, but by default do not touch the image directory. ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to prestashop 8.1.5 with 20k products with images when images innode 200k, with thousands folders 2.. go to 1-Click Upgrade 3. see 5oo error page do not load ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version 1-Click Upgrade ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In 8.1.3, its just impossible to edit a country. 3 files are missing on the official package. After " Denial acces", when i put debug mode on, the message change by "Page no found". <img width="1838" alt="Capture d’écran 2024-05-06 à 19 51 53" src=""> After investigating, @PrestaShop/Admin/Improve/International/Country/Blocks/Editing.html.twig is missing, function in controler too, etc... Thanks for fix ! ### Expected behavior Be able to edit a country.... <img width="1838" alt="Capture d’écran 2024-05-06 à 19 51 53" src=""> ### Steps to reproduce Try to edit a country on official 8.1.3 bundle. (i search on dev branch, dev is not finish yet...) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Isquarecube SAS
Impossible to edit a country
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Impossible to edit a country Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In 8.1.3, its just impossible to edit a country. 3 files are missing on the official package. After " Denial acces", when i put debug mode on, the message change by "Page no found". <img width="1838" alt="Capture d’écran 2024-05-06 à 19 51 53" src=""> After investigating, @PrestaShop/Admin/Improve/International/Country/Blocks/Editing.html.twig is missing, function in controler too, etc... Thanks for fix ! ### Expected behavior Be able to edit a country.... <img width="1838" alt="Capture d’écran 2024-05-06 à 19 51 53" src=""> ### Steps to reproduce Try to edit a country on official 8.1.3 bundle. (i search on dev branch, dev is not finish yet...) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Isquarecube SAS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I try to access my admin panel, it returns the following error: You have requested a non-existent service "PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\PsAccountsService". However, my Ps Accounts module is up to date ### Expected behavior Just access to the admin panel ### Steps to reproduce 1. Idk, I just dump by database on phpmyadmin ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
You have requested a non-existent service "PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\PsAccountsService".
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : You have requested a non-existent service "PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\PsAccountsService". Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I try to access my admin panel, it returns the following error: You have requested a non-existent service "PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\PsAccountsService". However, my Ps Accounts module is up to date ### Expected behavior Just access to the admin panel ### Steps to reproduce 1. Idk, I just dump by database on phpmyadmin ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Using module mdsmartpickup, we should get the addresses of the shop. If the name contains numbers, we get an error " La propriété Address-&gt;lastname n'est pas valide.". As I change the name of the shop to an alphabetic name, it works. ### Expected behavior To get the shop address should work whatever the shop name contains. ### Steps to reproduce install mdsmartpickup module create a shop with a number in its name select this shop address for delivery -> we get the error. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.14 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version mdsmartpickup ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). CRF
"propriété Address-&gt;lastname n'est pas valide"
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : "propriété Address-&gt;lastname n'est pas valide" Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Using module mdsmartpickup, we should get the addresses of the shop. If the name contains numbers, we get an error " La propriété Address-&gt;lastname n'est pas valide.". As I change the name of the shop to an alphabetic name, it works. ### Expected behavior To get the shop address should work whatever the shop name contains. ### Steps to reproduce install mdsmartpickup module create a shop with a number in its name select this shop address for delivery -> we get the error. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.14 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version mdsmartpickup ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). CRF --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In middle screens (1200 x 600), the menu hide a part of the page in tablet mode ### Expected behavior In middle screens (1200 x 600), the menu doesn't hide a part of the page in tablet 1200 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Size the window to 1200 x 600 ![image]( 2. Go to the BO 3. Go to Catalog > Products ![image]( 4. Go to Create product page ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp
Edit Product Page : The menu hide a part of the page in tablet mode
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Edit Product Page : The menu hide a part of the page in tablet mode Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In middle screens (1200 x 600), the menu hide a part of the page in tablet mode ### Expected behavior In middle screens (1200 x 600), the menu doesn't hide a part of the page in tablet 1200 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Size the window to 1200 x 600 ![image]( 2. Go to the BO 3. Go to Catalog > Products ![image]( 4. Go to Create product page ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Any payment method will return an error. Third-party payment plug-in Pay on collect, wire transfer But I can receive the order and pay successfully Maintenance mode has been turned off Any payment mode will report an error. Thank you so much Ubuntu Php version: PHP-8.2.16 & php 8.0.26 prestashop version: 8.1.5 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1- Select any product and make payment 2- confirm payment 3- Return http 500 after successful payment ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.16 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
After payment is completed, HTTP error 50 appears in the return url.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : After payment is completed, HTTP error 50 appears in the return url. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Any payment method will return an error. Third-party payment plug-in Pay on collect, wire transfer But I can receive the order and pay successfully Maintenance mode has been turned off Any payment mode will report an error. Thank you so much Ubuntu Php version: PHP-8.2.16 & php 8.0.26 prestashop version: 8.1.5 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1- Select any product and make payment 2- confirm payment 3- Return http 500 after successful payment ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.16 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I submit the form to submit a product comment using the native Prestashop Product Comments module, the raw JSON is displayed. Feel free to watch the enclosed screen recording. The behavior is the same wether the form submission is an error (error message) or a success (no error message). I can reproduce the issue on both Chrome (latest version) & Firefox (latest version) ### Expected behavior I would expect the HTML page to be updated instead and display a message to the user. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to a product page 2. Click the button to show the product comment form 3. Submit a comment ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version product comments 7.0.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Product Comments module displays raw JSON instead of updating the DOM
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Product Comments module displays raw JSON instead of updating the DOM Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I submit the form to submit a product comment using the native Prestashop Product Comments module, the raw JSON is displayed. Feel free to watch the enclosed screen recording. The behavior is the same wether the form submission is an error (error message) or a success (no error message). I can reproduce the issue on both Chrome (latest version) & Firefox (latest version) ### Expected behavior I would expect the HTML page to be updated instead and display a message to the user. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to a product page 2. Click the button to show the product comment form 3. Submit a comment ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version product comments 7.0.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The security policy states that only the latest version (currently 8.1) is supported. Therefore the older, not supported and not in-development branches can be deleted. Currently this includes: * 8.0.x (no longer supported) * release-815 (should be a tag, not a branch) * 1.7.8.x (no longer supported) as listed at ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce See and ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Delete 8.0 branch as it is not supported
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Delete 8.0 branch as it is not supported Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The security policy states that only the latest version (currently 8.1) is supported. Therefore the older, not supported and not in-development branches can be deleted. Currently this includes: * 8.0.x (no longer supported) * release-815 (should be a tag, not a branch) * 1.7.8.x (no longer supported) as listed at ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce See and ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments fix error in PHP 8: count(): Argument ($value) must be of type Countable ### Expected behavior in code : $tab = []; foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($this->attributExistInTable($attr, $table['table'])) { $tab = $table['table']; } } if (count($tab) == 1) { return $tab; } in PHP 8 $tab = $table['table']; delete the array property ans $tab become a string ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to BO SQL Manager 2 . Create a new SQL request with join Exemple : SELECT p.id_product , p.reference FROM `ps_stock_available` sa INNER JOIN `ps_product` p ON p.`id_product`=sa.`id_product` INNER JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl on pl.`id_product`=p.`id_product` WHERE `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND pl.`id_lang` = 9 AND pl.`available_later` = 'Hors Stock' AND sa.`quantity` <= 0 AND p.`active`=1 3. You have a error "count(): Argument ($value) must be of type Countable" ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened All Version ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
fix error in PHP 8: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : fix error in PHP 8: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments fix error in PHP 8: count(): Argument ($value) must be of type Countable ### Expected behavior in code : $tab = []; foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($this->attributExistInTable($attr, $table['table'])) { $tab = $table['table']; } } if (count($tab) == 1) { return $tab; } in PHP 8 $tab = $table['table']; delete the array property ans $tab become a string ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to BO SQL Manager 2 . Create a new SQL request with join Exemple : SELECT p.id_product , p.reference FROM `ps_stock_available` sa INNER JOIN `ps_product` p ON p.`id_product`=sa.`id_product` INNER JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl on pl.`id_product`=p.`id_product` WHERE `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND pl.`id_lang` = 9 AND pl.`available_later` = 'Hors Stock' AND sa.`quantity` <= 0 AND p.`active`=1 3. You have a error "count(): Argument ($value) must be of type Countable" ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened All Version ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I uploaded the zip file, then manually installed. But when it got to "Create File parameters" the install fails. My host techs claim it is a problem with the coding, and I don't understand enough to know, but they say I need coding help from the developers. Hoping someone can tell me how to fix this issue. This is the error log. [02-May-2024 20:22:05 UTC] PHP Warning: Constant _PS_DO_NOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION_ already defined in /home/signtest/public_html/ on line 26 [02-May-2024 13:22:08 America/Vancouver] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2026] SSL connection error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed in /home/signtest/public_html/ ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Follow the install procedure everything works until create file parameters ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Installing Prestashop 8 fails at the first step SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Installing Prestashop 8 fails at the first step SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I uploaded the zip file, then manually installed. But when it got to "Create File parameters" the install fails. My host techs claim it is a problem with the coding, and I don't understand enough to know, but they say I need coding help from the developers. Hoping someone can tell me how to fix this issue. This is the error log. [02-May-2024 20:22:05 UTC] PHP Warning: Constant _PS_DO_NOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION_ already defined in /home/signtest/public_html/ on line 26 [02-May-2024 13:22:08 America/Vancouver] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2026] SSL connection error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed in /home/signtest/public_html/ ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Follow the install procedure everything works until create file parameters ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Add article 1 with order: Click and Collect 0€ DHL 5€ Add article 2 with order: external supplier 10€ Now add article 1 and article 2 to your basket. you will see, that these shipping costs shown: external supplier 0€ external supplier 10€ ### Expected behavior I am missing the selection 1. Click and Collect or 2. DHL for the first aricle and the 2. article shipping costs hould be added. if now i will select click and collect for 1. article the shipping cost should be 10€ plus tax if i will select dhl vor the 1. article the shipping cost should be 15€ plux tax The root problem is, that this both shipping costs are displayed under one and the same shipping choice in the payment area. ### Steps to reproduce create articles with different shipping costs to review this issue ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Orders with two different shipping locations - Shipping Price Issue
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Orders with two different shipping locations - Shipping Price Issue Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Add article 1 with order: Click and Collect 0€ DHL 5€ Add article 2 with order: external supplier 10€ Now add article 1 and article 2 to your basket. you will see, that these shipping costs shown: external supplier 0€ external supplier 10€ ### Expected behavior I am missing the selection 1. Click and Collect or 2. DHL for the first aricle and the 2. article shipping costs hould be added. if now i will select click and collect for 1. article the shipping cost should be 10€ plus tax if i will select dhl vor the 1. article the shipping cost should be 15€ plux tax The root problem is, that this both shipping costs are displayed under one and the same shipping choice in the payment area. ### Steps to reproduce create articles with different shipping costs to review this issue ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Using Postman I created a new Category, then using Postman again I attempted to create a new Product with the previously created category as the id_category_default, and a position of 1. The webservice returned an error: { "errors": [ { "code": 135, "message": "You cannot set a position greater than the total number of products in the category, starting at 1." } ] } The code in classes/Product.php first checks whether position <= 0, issuing an error if that is the case. After some processing, it checks whether Position is > the number of products already associated with the category. If so, an error is issued. This makes it impossible to add the first product to the category through the webservice. A good solution here would be to always allow a position of zero to append the product to the end of the list of category products. ### Expected behavior The Product is added as the first Product in the Category ### Steps to reproduce 1. Use Postman to create a new Category 2. Use Postman to attempt to add the first Product in the new Category ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Error with Product POST to Empty Category on Webservice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Error with Product POST to Empty Category on Webservice Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Using Postman I created a new Category, then using Postman again I attempted to create a new Product with the previously created category as the id_category_default, and a position of 1. The webservice returned an error: { "errors": [ { "code": 135, "message": "You cannot set a position greater than the total number of products in the category, starting at 1." } ] } The code in classes/Product.php first checks whether position <= 0, issuing an error if that is the case. After some processing, it checks whether Position is > the number of products already associated with the category. If so, an error is issued. This makes it impossible to add the first product to the category through the webservice. A good solution here would be to always allow a position of zero to append the product to the end of the list of category products. ### Expected behavior The Product is added as the first Product in the Category ### Steps to reproduce 1. Use Postman to create a new Category 2. Use Postman to attempt to add the first Product in the new Category ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The translation of the product flag **New** is not working in any language, after checking i found a bug on Prestashop 8.X This is my pull request to fix the issue : ![new_traduction]( ### Expected behavior This problem is related to Prestashop _multi-languges_ only ### Steps to reproduce 1) Add new language pack in prestashop Ex: French 2) In front end check new product badge it will show New instead of Nouveau NB: even if you translate the New => Nouveau from the backend it will not work ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.X ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.X ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). MedMethnani
Translation prestashop product flag (New)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Translation prestashop product flag (New) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The translation of the product flag **New** is not working in any language, after checking i found a bug on Prestashop 8.X This is my pull request to fix the issue : ![new_traduction]( ### Expected behavior This problem is related to Prestashop _multi-languges_ only ### Steps to reproduce 1) Add new language pack in prestashop Ex: French 2) In front end check new product badge it will show New instead of Nouveau NB: even if you translate the New => Nouveau from the backend it will not work ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.X ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.X ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). MedMethnani --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I have configured Prestashop to generate the images in .webp format. However, images are still generated in .jpg on the frontend and are also saved in .jpg in the /img directory. I have regenerated the images and the problem remains, the new images are generated with the .jpg format. I have also cleared the cache. I have tried the experimental option of having images with different formats, and then I see that the images in the product page are still .jpg, but there are the <source srcset> with the images in webp format. Is this correct? Why does Prestashop give the option to generate images in .webp if they are then displayed in .jpg anyway by default? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to Admin Images page Select webp format ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 and 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Problem with generating images in .webp format
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problem with generating images in .webp format Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I have configured Prestashop to generate the images in .webp format. However, images are still generated in .jpg on the frontend and are also saved in .jpg in the /img directory. I have regenerated the images and the problem remains, the new images are generated with the .jpg format. I have also cleared the cache. I have tried the experimental option of having images with different formats, and then I see that the images in the product page are still .jpg, but there are the <source srcset> with the images in webp format. Is this correct? Why does Prestashop give the option to generate images in .webp if they are then displayed in .jpg anyway by default? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to Admin Images page Select webp format ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 and 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Greetings, on my prestashop versions 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 of the module are installed only if version 2.1.2 is already installed. Uninstalling 2.1.2 and installing 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 results in an installation error. Upgrading 2.1.2 to 3.0.0. or 3.0.1 a blank page appears when you try to open a wish list in the account management pages. With version 2.1.2 the bug does not seem to occur. Has anyone already had a similar problem? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Update module from 2.1.2 to 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 anche go to custemer wishlist page. The page is white. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Blockwishlist 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 white page on wishlist page in customer dettails
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Blockwishlist 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 white page on wishlist page in customer dettails Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Greetings, on my prestashop versions 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 of the module are installed only if version 2.1.2 is already installed. Uninstalling 2.1.2 and installing 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 results in an installation error. Upgrading 2.1.2 to 3.0.0. or 3.0.1 a blank page appears when you try to open a wish list in the account management pages. With version 2.1.2 the bug does not seem to occur. Has anyone already had a similar problem? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Update module from 2.1.2 to 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 anche go to custemer wishlist page. The page is white. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The platform allow to buy products with carriers that have not coverage on zone (state/country) were customer is when in cart are product that does have carrier with coverage ### Expected behavior Not allow to buy products that have a specific carrier enable with a specific coverage that is not on the customer country or state when it is mixed with products that does have a carrier with coverage ### Steps to reproduce 1.- Have 2 different carriers that have service only on a specific zone (state or country), let say, carrier 1 for Europe and carrier 2 South America 2.- Add carrier 1 to product 1 and carrier 2 to product 2 3.- Go to front office, create a user and add country on Europe to the address 4.- Add to the cart product 1 and product 2 5.- Finish the buy process Then you will get 2 orders with the same reference, one with carrier 1 for Europe and one without carrier because carrier 2 of the product 2 has not service on Europe ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Multiservicios Austral (PS Partner)
Problem adding products with no shipping carrier to the state or country of the buyer
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problem adding products with no shipping carrier to the state or country of the buyer Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The platform allow to buy products with carriers that have not coverage on zone (state/country) were customer is when in cart are product that does have carrier with coverage ### Expected behavior Not allow to buy products that have a specific carrier enable with a specific coverage that is not on the customer country or state when it is mixed with products that does have a carrier with coverage ### Steps to reproduce 1.- Have 2 different carriers that have service only on a specific zone (state or country), let say, carrier 1 for Europe and carrier 2 South America 2.- Add carrier 1 to product 1 and carrier 2 to product 2 3.- Go to front office, create a user and add country on Europe to the address 4.- Add to the cart product 1 and product 2 5.- Finish the buy process Then you will get 2 orders with the same reference, one with carrier 1 for Europe and one without carrier because carrier 2 of the product 2 has not service on Europe ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Multiservicios Austral (PS Partner) --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---