,Main Activities,Third-Party Revenues,Related-Party Revenues,Total Revenues,Profit Before Tax,Income Tax Paid (cash basis),Income Tax Accrued (current),Stated Capital (1),Accumulated Earnings,Number of Employees,Tangible Assets,Comments Member States of,the European,Union,,,,,,,,,, France,P&C/L&S AM/ ASS / REINS OTH,29 975 989,2 934 149,32 910 137,2 046 991,(307 064),(110 611),18 377 863,29 842 832,19 969,451 660,The low current income tax is mainly due to specific tax regime on disposal of participations and recognition of profit net of tax of some investment funds (more detail page 19). Austria,P&C OTH,299 985,13 694,313 679,(19 370),(1135),(1174),-,5 062,99,970, Belgium,P&C L&S / ASS OTH,3 695 578,(253 263),3 442 315,(30 371),(125 196),(95 662),1 395 4 447,3605 616,3486,190 819,"The loss before tax in IFRS includes a significant loss on derivatives, whichis not deductible for tax purposes leading to a positive taxable result and payment of income tax." Czech Republic,ASS,52 429,525,52 953,4 003,(85),(351),80,1452,375,2 064,Use of carryforward losses to offset the taxable profit of the year. Denmark,P&C /L&S,10 794,-,10 794,4 983,(1072),(65),-,2059,12,4, Finland,P&C /L&S,74681,-,74 681,64130,(2003),(5837),-,1 786,100,135,Use of carryforward losses to offset the taxable profit of the year. Germany,P&C L&S / AM/ ASS / OTH,12 2 439 250,385 229,12 824 479,1 064 479,(223 338),(238 612),494 996,2651 074,9421,377 229, Greece,P&C L&S / ASS,66813,1154,67 968,(7371),(1140),(1756),43 930,18 482,46,383,"The loss before tax in IFRS is made of a consolidation of profit-making and loss-making entities. Nevertheless, such consolidation is not possible for tax purposes in Greece." ,Main Activities,Third-Party Revenues,Related-Party Revenues,Total Revenues,Profit Before Tax,Income Tax Paid (cash basis),Income Tax Accrued (current),Stated Capital (1),Accumulated Earnings,Number of Employees,Tangible Assets,Comments Member States of,the European,Union,,,,,,,,,, Ireland,P&C/L&S / AM/ ASS / REIN,2 010 776,25 905,2 036 682,248 322,(29 860),(40 500),3 077 115,1966292,1 473,29 765,"The profit before tax in IFRS is made of a consolidation of profit-making and loss-making entities. Nevertheless, AXA XL losses can't be surrendered to profit-making AXA entities in Ireland because of the presence in the holding chain of an entity located in a non-EU country which has not signeda tax treaty with Ireland." Italy,P&C/L&S / AM/ ASS,4719 925,115 099,4 835 024,443 300,(68 797),(97 856),952 081,2 091 696,2231,19 021, Luxembourg,P&C/L&S / AM,1 249 817,436,1 250 1 253,29353,(11 646),(12 644),223 972,186 809,312,22 338,"The profit before tax in IFRS is made of a consolidation of profit-making and loss-making entities. Nevertheless, such consolidation is not possible for AXA XL entities in Luxembourg because of the presence of a non-UE entity in the holding chain." Malta,P&C,799,-,799,715,(82),-,-,-,-,-, Netherlands,P&C AM,239 792,11 855,251 647,59362,(1011),(1616),1 786,(655 973),75,1102,The low current tax is due to the participation exemption regime applicable to dividends received in the Netherlands. Poland,P&C /L&S / ASS,177 994,782,178 776,13175,(1860),(2 306),436,(5 409),637,2 095, Portugal,P&C L&S / ASS,83 146,234,83 380,23 3262,(949),(510),150,2355,495,2708,Use of carryforward losses to offset the taxable profit of the year. ,Main Activities,Third-Party Revenues,Related-Party Revenues,Total Revenues,Profit Before Tax,Income Tax Paid (cash basis),Income Tax Accrued (current),Stated Capital,Accumulated Earnings,Number of Employees,Tangible Assets,Comments Member States of,the European,Union,,,,,,,,,, Spain,P&C/L&S / ASS OTH,3204158,55 087,3259245,250 722,(136 047),(82 960),419 404,492 484,3583,40 616,"High corporate income tax accrued is due to tax charge incurred by the Spanish tax group which includes, by law, non-consolidated entities." Sweden,P&C/ L&S,239 917,3198,243 115,(14 914),(1984),(521),10,6832,67,474, Flagship countries,(other than,EU Member States),,,,,,,,,, Hong Kong,P&C /L&S / AM,4 036 140,77 651,4 113 791,292 399,(48 998),(23 649),1477 665,2 2927 502,1837,80 933,"In Hong Kong, life insurance companies are taxed on a net premium basis." Japan,P&C L&S / OTH,5 703 367,17 333,5 720 700,1 081 033,(208 208),(168 404),1563 993,196 716,4 007,88 203,The profit before tax computed in IFRS differs from the calculation of the taxable result in Japan. Switzerland,P&C L&S / REINS,986 023,243 749,5229773,1 389 319,(150 571),(166 148),556 607,7604883,4 659,417 891,"The profit before tax in IFRS is made of a consolidation of profit-making and loss-making entities. Nevertheless, such consolidation is not possible for tax purposes in Switzerland." United Kingdom,P&C/REINS / AM / ASS,004 713,311 711,8 316 424,567 091,(101885),(124 521),2465 809,6 460 064,10 545,334 767, United States,P&C /AM / ASS,7 045 341,5 578 002,12 623 343,721 822,(110 473),(90 640),1936 145,(1 870 320),2427,011,Use of carryforward losses to offset the taxable profit of the year. ,Main Activities,Third-Party Revenues,Related-Party Revenues,Total Revenues,Profit Before Tax,Income Tax Paid (cash basis),Income Tax Accrued (current),Stated Capital,Accumulated Earnings,Number of Employees,Tangible Assets,Comments Countries in the EU,Grey/Black,list of non-cooperative,jurisdictions¹,,,,,,,,, Barbados,OTH,-,-,-,95,-,-,1100,22 431,-,-,The two AXAentities present in Barbados are ina process of liquidation. Malaysia,P&C / ASS / REIN,301 155,10 326,311 481,20 061,(5947),(6 601),45 003,219 561,1412,434, Thailand,P&C,108 230,2676,110 906,3 951,-,9,97 305,(16 088),457,1903,Use of carryforward losses to offset the taxable profit of the year. Turkey,P&C L&S / ASS,542 905,34 425,577 330,190 295,(16 430),(42 234),165 525,10 045,936,9341, Other countries,,,,,,,,,,,, Bermuda ²,REINS/OTH,1 957 576,2459175,4416751,393 326,(2685),(2 2 787),103 305,779 532,161,77144,Corporate income tax paid and accrued correspond to withholding taxes. Rest of the world,,7 703 308,154 847,7 858 155,211 878,(71314),(99 998),3 701 144,370 642,23 577,213 820, TOTAL,,99 930 601,12 183 980,112 114 582,9 052 040,(1 . 629 779),(1417953),37 100 871,58 928 418,92 398,2 442 829,