# YFCC100M OpenAI Subset [[Original Dataset](https://github.com/openai/CLIP/blob/main/data/yfcc100m.md)] [[Dataset Download](https://storage.depia.wiki/yfcc100.jsonl.zst)] The subset contains 14,829,396 images, about 15% of the full dataset, which have been filtered to only keep those with natural language titles and/or descriptions in English. # Citations ```bibtex @article{Thomee_2016, title={YFCC100M}, volume={59}, ISSN={1557-7317}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2812802}, DOI={10.1145/2812802}, number={2}, journal={Communications of the ACM}, publisher={Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)}, author={Thomee, Bart and Shamma, David A. and Friedland, Gerald and Elizalde, Benjamin and Ni, Karl and Poland, Douglas and Borth, Damian and Li, Li-Jia}, year={2016}, month={Jan}, pages={64–73} } @misc{radford2021learning, title={Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision}, author={Alec Radford and Jong Wook Kim and Chris Hallacy and Aditya Ramesh and Gabriel Goh and Sandhini Agarwal and Girish Sastry and Amanda Askell and Pamela Mishkin and Jack Clark and Gretchen Krueger and Ilya Sutskever}, year={2021}, eprint={2103.00020}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```