stringlengths 9
| text_b
stringlengths 18
| labels
int64 0
what do xyzs representation mean in python | pthis is a hrefhttpdocspythonorg27librarystdtypeshtmlstringformatting relnofollowstring formatting using keysap
precodegtgtgt d answer 42
gtgtgt the answer is answerd d
the answer is 42
| 2 |
given some small and big numbers make desired number without loops | pkeep in mind that you only have to reach the final size therefore it does not matter at all in which order you place the bricksp
pthe next important idea then is to use 5inch bricks whenever possible you cover 5 inches if you use one of those as well as if you use 5 of the 1inch bricks hence using up just one brick is preferablep
pnow youre already done really check the maxmium length you can create with your given 5inch bricks until you either run out of 5inch bricks or you have less than 5inch missing for your target length either way there is some distance missing which you will have to fill up with the remaining 1inch bricksp
pi wont give any code here because its really a very simple problem and from what you have written above you should be easily able to solve it once you understand howp
| 2 |
can someone explain this conditional assignment | pfrom the a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2referenceexpressionshtmlbooleanoperations relnofollowdocumentationap
pthe expression codex and ycode first evaluates codexcode if codexcode is false its value is returned otherwise codeycode is evaluated and the resulting value is returnedp
pthe expression codex or ycode first evaluates codexcode if codexcode is true its value is returned otherwise codeycode is evaluated and the resulting value is returnedp
pfurthermore any nonempty string is considered to be true when it appears in a boolean contextp
pwith this we can tackle your questionp
pdue to operator precedence rules the followingp
precodestatus none and off or on
pis equivalent top
precodestatus none and off or on
pthe first part codestatus none and offcode evaluates top
licodefalsecode if codestatuscode is codenonecodeli
licodeoffcode otherwiseli
pthe entire expression codestatus none and off or oncode evaluates top
licodeoncode if codestatuscode is codenonecodeli
li<code>"off"</code> otherwise.</li>
<p>an arguably more pythonic way to write this statement is:</p>
<pre><code>result = "on" if status is none else "off"
| 2 |
scoping in python for loops | ppython does not have blocks as do some other languages such as cc or java therefore scoping unit in python is a functionp
| 2 |
pandas df pivottransformvectorize operation | puse codeunstackcode might be fasterp
precodein 245
df1z 1
df1groupbyx ycountunstackfillna0
y 8 9 12 34 45 57
254 0 0 0 0 0 1
300 0 0 1 1 1 0
850 1 0 0 0 1 0
1000 0 1 0 0 0 0
in 256
timeit pdcrosstabdf1x df1y
100 loops best of 3 872 ms per loop
in 261
df1z 1
df1groupbyx ycountunstackfillna0
100 loops best of 3 475 ms per loop
in 262
df1z 1
df1groupbyx ysumunstackfillna0
100 loops best of 3 488 ms per loop
| 2 |
not all arguments converted during string formatting python | pfirst of all you need to change code4code to code4code because your items are string and convert the codejcode to int in codej3code also you need to parenthesis your comparison expression because the a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3referenceexpressionshtmloperatorprecedence relnofollowprecedencea of codecode is higher than codecode and it will raise a codetypeerrorcode also if you want to preserve your result you can use a list comprehension p
precodegtgtgt j for j in lijst if j14 intj3 gt 0
124576 795834 890432
pif you just want to print the result you can use a usual loop with print functionp
| 2 |
vectorizing a multiplication and dict mapping on a pandas dataframe without iterating | phere is an option using codeapplycode and the codegetcode method for dictionary which returns codenonecode if the key is not in the dictionaryp
precodedfc dfapplylambda r maskgetra if ra 1 else maskgetra 1 axis 1 dfb
a b c
0 1 1 32
1 2 2 64
2 2 3 96
3 4 4 400
4 nan 5 nan
| 2 |
safe and lazy method invocations in pysidepyqt | pid recommend reading a hrefhttpelithegreenplacenet20110518codesamplesocketclientthreadinpython relnofollowthis posta for a general approach to interface threads with a pyqt gui the post discusses a thread that does socket io but this really is applicable to any thread specifically hardwareinterface threads usually also use io so this may be a good fitp
pthe approach discussed is very generic using codequeuequeuecode and may seem like an overkill for simple tasks but i just want to call that function in a thread however once your application grows nontrivial you will appreciate it because it avoids any thread synchronization problems whatsoever and is very scalable ive personally used it to implement complex pyqt guis with sidethreads doing all kinds of stuffp
| 2 |
reverse marked substrings in a string | pits pretty simple with regular expressions coderesubcode takes a function as an argument to which the match object is passedp
precodegtgtgt import re
gtgtgt s hello ltwolfrevokcatsgt how ltt uoy eragtoday
gtgtgt resubltgt lambda m mgroup11 s
hello stackoverflow how are you today
pexplanation of the regexp
pcodeltgtcode will match everything between codeltcode and codegtcode in matching group 1 to ensure that the regex engine will stop at the first codegtcode symbol occurrence the lazy quantifier codecode is usedp
pthe function codelambda m mgroup11code that is passed to coderesubcode takes the match object extracts group 1 and reverses the string finally coderesubcode inserts this return valuep
| 2 |
how to programmatically catch which command failed on a try block | pyou can probably get that information from the members of the codekeyerrorcode exception object but a simpler way would be to just use codegetcode that will return a default value if the key is not therep
foo datagetfoo
bar datagetbar
panother reason this is better than handling an exception is that you can only handle one exception what happens if two keys are missing and on top of that coderetdictcode will not even be defined in your example because the code failedp
| 2 |
greedy versus nongreedy matching in python re | pid recommend using a hrefhttpcodegooglecompyubikeypython relnofollowyubikeypythona for python interfacing to yubikey but thats a side and strictly pragmatical issuep
pin theory there should be no cases where a choice between greedy and nongreedy causes a re to match in one case and fail in another it should only affects what gets matched and as you mention performance not whether the match succeeds at all since res are supposed to backtrack for the purposep
pproblem is i cannot reproduce the problem i dont have a yubikey at hand and the tests in a hrefhttpcodegooglecompyubikeypythonsourcebrowsetrunktestpy relnofollowthis filea show no differences between the two res matchnomatch behaviorp
pcould you please post a couple of failing examples where one matches and the other one doesnt ideally by editing your question so i can reproduce the problem and try to cut it down to its minimum sounds like there may be a re bug but without reproducible cases i cant check if and when its been fixed already reported or what thanksp
pstrongeditstrong the op has now posted one failing example but i still cant reproducep
precode py26
python 265 r26579359 mar 24 2010 013255
gcc 401 apple inc build 5493 on darwin
type help copyright credits or license for more information
gtgtgt import re
gtgtgt r1 recompilertaz09cbdefghijklnrtuv18032tcbdefghijklnrtuv1832trn
gtgtgt r2 recompilertaz09cbdefghijklnrtuv18032tcbdefghijklnrtuv1832trn
gtgtgt noxvvbrentlnccnhgfgrtetilbvckjcegblehfvbihrdcui"
>>> r1.match(nox)
<_sre.sre_match object at 0xcc458>
>>> r2.match(nox)
<_sre.sre_match object at 0xcc920>
<p>i.e., match succeeds in both cases, as it should -- and that's exactly the same 2.6.5 python version as the op is using. op, pls, show the results of this simple sequence of commands on your platform and tell us exactly what the platform is, since it looks like a weird platform-dependent bug... thanks!</p>
| 2 |
where is nonlocals | pfrom within running code you can easily get the names of the nonlocal variables but retriving their content in a way a call to codelocalscode gets you a dictionary is a bit trickierp
pthe used codenonlocalcode variable names are stored in the current running code object in the cofreevars attributep
pso getting the nonlocal names is a matter ofp
pcodenames inspectcurrentframefcodecofreevarscodep
pthe emcontentsem for these variables however are stored in the codeclosurecode attribute codefuncclosurecode in python 2 of the emfunction objectem instead not the code object the problem is that without aid from outside there is no easy way for a running code to get to the function object it is running on you can get to the frame object which links to the code object but there are no links back to the function object for a top level defined function one could explicitly use the function known name as used in the codedefcode statement but for an enclosed function that is returned to a caller there is no way of knowing its name eitherp
pso one has to resort to a trick getting all the objects that link to the current code object by using the gc module garbage collector there is a codegcgetreferrerscode call it will return all the function objects that link to the code object one holds p
pso inside a function with nonlocal variables one could dop
precodeimport inspect gc
def ab
b1 2
def c
nonlocal b1
print b
code inspectcurrentframefcode
names codecofreevars
function func for func in gcgetreferrerscode if isinstancefunc functiontype0
nonlocals dict zipnames xcellcontents for x in functionclosure
return inspectcurrentframe
return c
c a5
f c
pand therefore retrieve the names and values of the nonlocals strongbutstrong this wont work if you have more than one instance of that function around that is if the function of interested was created more than once with more than one call to the functin that generates it becasue all of those instances will link to the emsameem code object the example above assumes there is only one function running with the current code and would work correctly in this case another call to the factrory function would create another function with potentially other values for the nonlocal variables but with the same code object the codefunction code list genrator above would retrieve all of those and arbitrarily pick the first of thosep
pthe correct function is the one on which the current code is executing i am trying to think of a way of retrieving this information but cant get to it if i can i will complete this answer but for now this cant help you to retrieve the nonlocals values values p
<p>(just found out that trying to use "eval" with a nonlocal variable name won't work as well)</p>
<p>it looks like that the only thing linking the current running frame to the function object where the nonlocal variables values are held is created at run time inside the native side of the python interpreter. i can't think of a way of getting to it short of using the ctypes module to look at interpreters data structures at runtime, which would, of course, be unsuitable for any actual production code.</p>
<p>the bottom line: you can reliably retrieve the nonlocal variable names. but it looks like you can't get their value given their name as a string (nor rebind then).</p>
<p>you could try opening a feature-request for a "nonlocals" call on python's bug tracker or on python-ideas mailing list.</p>
| 2 |
shoud globglob be preferred over oslistdir or the other way around | pboth are fine also consider codeospathwalkcode if you actually want to do something with that list rather then building the list for its own sakep
| 2 |
how can i split a long function into separate steps while maintaining the relationship between said steps | pjust wrap the three helper methods in a class and track which methods are allowed to run in an instancep
precodeclass helperobject
def initself
selfa true
selfb false
selfc false
def funcaself
if not selfa
raise errorcannot run funca now
do stuff here
selfa false
selfb true
return whatever
def funcbself
if not selfb
raise errorcannot run funcb now
do stuff here
selfb false
selfc true
return whatever
def funccself
if not selfc
raise errorcannot run funcc now
do stuff here
selfc false
selfa true
return whatever
def func
h helper
pthe only way to call a method is if its flag is true and each method clears its own flag and sets the next methods flag before exiting as long as you dont touch codehacode et al directly this ensures that each method can only be called in the proper orderp
palternately you can use a single flag that is a reference to the function currently allowed to runp
precodeclass helperobject
def initself
selfallowed selffunca
def funcaself
if selfallowed is not selffunca
raise errorcannot run funca now
do stuff
selfallowed selffuncb
return whatever
| 2 |
adding field to sql table from django application | pyou really dont want to implement each questionanswer as a separate db fieldp
pinstead make a table of questions and a table of answers and have a field in the answers table in general a codeforeignkeycode to indicate which question a given answer is associated withp
| 2 |
convert a python list with strings all to lowercase or uppercase | plist comprehensions is how id do it this snippet below shows how to convert a list to all upper case then back to lowerp
precode python
python 252 r25260911 dec 2 2008 092614
gcc 344 cygming special gdc 012 using dmd 0125 on cygwin
type help copyright credits or license for more information
gtgtgt list one two three
gtgtgt list
one two three
gtgtgt list elementupper for element in list
gtgtgt list
one two three
gtgtgt list elementlower for element in list
gtgtgt list
one two three
| 2 |
read files from directory that has running script rather than calling directory location from where the script was called python | pif i understand your question correctly you want to know the directory of the running python filep
pyou can access the special variable codefilecode inside a python program it returns the path of the python filep
pto open a named file in the running scripts directory usep
precodeimport os
f openospathjoinospathdirnamefile filenametxt
| 2 |
saving scrapy data to corresponding url in mysql | pfollow this stepsp
padd a strongreviewurlstrong field into your strongcrawledscorestrong itemp
precodeclass crawledscorescrapyitem
reviewscore scrapyfield
reviewcount scrapyfield
reviewurl scrapyfield
psave strongresponse urlstrong into itemreviewurlp
precodedef parseself response
item crawledscore
itemreviewscore responsexpathidavgratingspanaspantextre090
itemreviewcount responsexpathidsummarystarsatextre09
itemreviewurl responseurl
yield item
pfinally on your pipelines file insert or update depending on your logicp
precodedef processitemself item spider
selfcursorexecuteinsert into scrapedscore count url values s s s itemreviewscore itemreviewcount itemreviewurl
except mysqldberror e
print error d s eargs0 eargs1
return item
precodedef process_item(self, item, spider):
self.cursor.execute("""update scraped set score=%s, count=%s where url=%s""", (item['reviewscore'], item['reviewcount'], item['reviewurl']))
except mysqldb.error, e:
print "error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
return item
| 2 |
when creating a model in django why does the class inherit modelsmodel instead of just model | pthis isnt a django question its a python questionp
pif youre not familiar with the python way of doing things please read up on it before working in djangop
pinvestigate pythons module and import concepts to learn about this a good place to start is the a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2tutorialmoduleshtml relnofollowmodules document in the python tutorialap
pthe point is that codefrom djangodb import modelscode imports the codemodelscode module so that you have a variable in that scope named codemodelscode which is the models modulep
pit is possible to have something like codefrom djangodbmodels import model charfieldcode but for django models the convention is to import the codemodelscode module rather than its componentsp
| 2 |
how do i access inherited variables from another module when they are changed in parent | h1apyh1
precodeavariable none
class a
def methodself
global avariable
avariable 100
print variable is avariable
precodeimport a
class baa
def mymethodself
print avariable is aavariable
if name main
print aavariable
variable is 100
avariable is 100
variable is 100
avariable is 100
pyou get codenonecode all the time because once you import codeavariablecode you keep it in your own file but what codeapycode is changing is the codeavariablecode variable in its own file or more appropriately its own global namespace and thus you can see no changep
pbut in the example above you can see the changes this is because we are importing the codeacode module itself and thus accessing all its objects everything in python is an object and thus when we call codeaavariablecode we are actually calling the codeavriablecode variable in codeacodes global namespacep
pthe code below will still produce the same outputp
precodeimport a
class baa
def mymethodself
print avariable is aavariable
if name main
print aavariable
| 2 |
django sending email u around headers | plose the trailing commas herep
precode elif formisvalid
name formcleaneddataname
sender formcleaneddatasender
subject formcleaneddatasubject
message formcleaneddatamessage
| 2 |
whats the recommended way to unittest python gui applications | pare you sure you want to emunitem test the gui your example of complexity involves more than 1 unit and is therefore an integration testp
pif you really want to unit test you should be able to instantiate a single class providing mocks or stubs for its dependencies then call methods on it like the gui framework would for eg a user click this can be tedious and you have to know exactly how the gui framework dispatches user input to your classesp
pmy advice is to put even more stuff in models for your given example you could create a filtermanager which abstracts all the filterselectdisplay stuff behind a single method then unit test itp
| 2 |
installing pygame with easyinstall error | pcode
sudo aptget install pythondev libsdlimage12dev libsdlmixer12dev libsdlttf20dev libsdl12dev libsmpegdev pythonnumpy subversion libportmididev ffmpeg libswscaledev libavformatdev libavcodecdev
pcodesudo aptget install pythonpygamecodep
| 2 |
python platform independent way to modify path environment variable | psince comments cant contain formatting i have to put this in an answer but i feel like its an important point to make this is really a comment on a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions1681208pythonplatformindependentwaytomodifypathenvironmentvariable16812561681256the comment about there being no equivalent to exportap
pplease note that codeosenvironcode is not actually a dictionary its a special dictionaryemlikeem object which actually sets environment variables in the current process using a hrefhttpwwwopengrouporgonlinepubs009695399functionssetenvhtmlsetenvap
precodegtgtgt osenvironclass
ltclass osenviron at 0x100472050gt
gtgtgt import os
gtgtgt osenvironhello world
gtgtgt osgetenvhello
pthis means that codepathcode and other environment variables emwillem be visible to c code run in the same processp
| 2 |
multiple decorators for a view in django execution order | pto explain it a bit more i was also confused at first codeactiverequiredcode is applied first in a sense that it takes codemyviewcode and wraps it in some code then codeloginrequiredcode is applied and wraps the result in some more code p
pbut when this wrapped version of codemyviewcode is actually invoked first the code added by codeloginrequiredcode is executed checking that youre logged in then the code added by codeactiverequiredcode is executed checking that youre active and then finally codemyviewcode is executedp
| 2 |
python creating a list from two other lists | puse codesetcodesp
precodegtgtgt setlist2 setlist1
orange pink
| 2 |
making a module global | peach of your codeexeccode calls happens in a separate namespace abandon this path it will only lead to ruinp
| 2 |
numpy double summation | pits always a good idea to precompute everything thats possible and never calculate anything twicep
lijust invert the covariance once and store the inverted matricesli
lialso precompute the normalization terms codepart1code and codepart2code only once rather than on every call of codegetgaussianvaluecodeli
lino need to calculate codenpmatrixxmeancode twice dont know whether numpy optimizes it anywayli
liconsider using numpys builtins like codescipystatsmultivariatenormalpdfcodeli
| 2 |
python dns resolver and original ttl | pyou can only get the original ttl by directly querying the authoritative server this is not pythonspecificp
lifind out what the set of authoritative nameservers is by querying for codenscode records for the desired name if you find no ns records for the name then remove the first label and query again query the parent domain recursively repeat until you get some ns recordsli
lionce you have ns records query emthoseem nameservers directly for the originally requested name in case one or more of these nameservers doesnt respond query the next one in the listli
pthis is basically equivalent to doing part of the job of a recursive resolverp
| 2 |
use only some parts of django | pi myself use django for its objectdb mapping without using its urlconfigs simply create a file called codedjangosettingspycode and insert the necessary configuration for examplep
precodedatabaseengine oracle
databasehost localhost
databasename orcl
databaseuser scott
databasepassword tiger
pthen in your regular python code dop
precodeimport os
osenvirondjangosettingsmodule djangosettings
pbefore you import any django modules this will let you use djangos objectdb mappings without actually having a django project so you can use it for standalone scripts or other web applications or whatever you wantp
pas for caching if you dont want to use django then you should probably decide what you are using and go from there i recommend using cherrypy which doesnt use djangostyle regular expression url mapping but instead automatically maps urls to functions based on the function names theres an example right at the top of the cherrypy home page a hrefhttpcherrypyorghttpcherrypyorgap
pcherrypy has its own caching system so you can accomplish exactly the same thing as what django does but without needing to use djangos urlconfig systemp
| 2 |
why is my if statement not comparing list items | pthe problem is that codeiscode compares identity and not equality of strings two short strings that are equal emmayem be identical due to some string interning cpython does but you generally should not build on this behavior instead use codecode to compare the emequalityem of stringsp
pnote that you can do this a lot better using a hrefhttpdocspythonorg3librarystdtypeshtmlstrtranslate relnofollowcodestrtranslatecodea with a map created by a hrefhttpdocspythonorg3librarystdtypeshtmlstrmaketrans relnofollowcodestrmaketranscodeap
precodegtgtgt table strmaketransabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz cdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzab
gtgtgt hello worldtranslatetable
jgooq yqtof
pyou can further use a hrefhttpdocspythonorg3librarystringhtmlstringasciilowercase relnofollowcodestringasciilowercasecodea so you dont need to type the alphabet yourself or use a hrefhttpdocspythonorg3librarystringhtmlstringasciiletters relnofollowcodestringasciiletterscodea for lower and upper case charactersp
precodegtgtgt table strmaketransstringasciiletters stringasciiletters2 stringasciiletters2
gtgtgt hello world this workstranslatetable
jgnnq yqtnf vjku yqtmu
| 2 |
practice with threads in python | pif the sobel operator is cpubound then you wont get any benefit from multiple threads because python does not take advantage of multiple coresp
pconceivably you could spin off multiple processes though im not sure if that would be practical for working on a single imagep
p10 seconds doesnt seem like a lot of time to waste if youre concerned about time because youll be processing many images then it might be easier to run multiple processes and have each process deal with a separate subset of the imagesp
| 2 |
find largest number from selected list elements in python | precodegtgtgt thelist order 1 5 order 2 18 order 3 45 order 4 2 order 5 8 order 6 2 order 7 1 order 8 1 order 9 1
gtgtgt items zipiterthelist 3
gtgtgt items
order 1 5 order 2 18 order 3 45 order 4 2order 5 8 order 6 2 order 7 1 order 8 1 order 9 1
gtgtgt maxitems keylambda x intx2
order 3 45
| 2 |
requests via a socks proxy | psocks support for requests is still pending if you want you can view my github repository here to see my branch of the socksipy library this is the branch that is currently being integrated into requests it will be some time before requests fully supports it thoughp
pa hrefhttpsgithubcomanorovpysocks relnofollowhttpsgithubcomanorovpysocksap
pit should work okay with urllib2 import codesockshandlercode in your file and follow the example inside of it youll want to create an opener like thisp
precodeopener urllib2buildopenersocksipyhandlersocksproxytypesocks5 localhost 9050
pthen you can use codeopeneropenurlcode and it should tunnel through the proxyp
| 2 |
extensions and libraries for django | pthe best place by far is a hrefhttpdjangopackagescom relnofollowhttpdjangopackagescoma it has a very novel approach to organizing apps its a great resource it has a grid system which makes it easy to compare apps with similar features its built on an a hrefhttpsgithubcomcartwheelwebpackaginator relnofollowopensource django projecta and it seems they will be launching a pythonpackagescom soon as wellp
| 2 |
how to debug long running python scripts or services remotely | pusing a hrefhttpwinpdborg relnofollowwinpdba you can attach to a running process like thisp
lipinsert p
precodeimport rpdb2 rpdb2startembeddeddebuggermypassword
pinside your scriptpli
lilaunch your script through paster or uwsgi as usualli
lirun winpdbli
liclick fileattachli
litype in password eg mypassword select the processli
lito detach click filedetach the script will continue to run and can be attached to again laterli
| 2 |
django rest framework serializer relations how to get list of all child objects in parents serializer | pyou can implement this in two wayp
lipwith codeserializermethodfieldcode
your code became like thisp
precodeclass parentserializerserializersmodelserializer
childrenlist serializersserializermethodfieldgetchildren
def getchildrenself obj
serializer childserializerobjchildlist manytrue
return serializerdata
class meta
model course
fields urlidnamechildrenlist
lipevery field could be attribute of model or a method so you can define a getchildrenlist method in codeparentcode model then call it in list of fields of codeparentserializercodep
precodeclass parentserializerserializersmodelserializer
class meta
model course
fields urlidnamegetchildrenlist
pnote you need to inherits from codeserializersmodelserializercode in this scenariop
| 2 |
why do i get a memoryerror with itertoolsproduct | pit doesnt store intermediate emresultsem but it has to store the input values because each of those might be needed several times for several output valuesp
psince you can only iterate once over an iterator codeproductcode cannot be implemented equivalent to thisp
precodedef proda b
for x in a
for y in b
yield x y
pif here codebcode is an iterator it will be exhausted after the first iteration of the outer loop and no more elements will be produced in subsequent executions of codefor y in bcodep
pcodeproductcode works around this problem by storing all the elements that are produced by codebcode so that they can be used repeatedlyp
precodedef proda b
b tupleb create tuple with all the elements produced by b
for x in a
for y in b
yield x y
pin fact codeproductcode tries to store the elements produced by all the iterables it is given even though that could be avoided for its first parameter the function only needs to walk over the first iterable once so it wouldnt have to cache those values but it tries to do anyway which leads to the codememoryerrorcode you seep
| 2 |
large amount of data in many text files how to process | phave a look at a hrefhttpdiscoprojectorg relnofollowdiscoa it is a lightweight distributed mapreduce engine written in about 2000 lines of erlang but specifically designed for python development it supports not only working on your data but also storing an replication reliably theyve just released version 03 which includes an indexing and database layerp
| 2 |
i keep getting the error message typeerror int object is not subscriptable in python | pint is a base type it is not a list or array so you cannot do int0p
pstring would work but its hard to figure out if thats really what you want based on the tiny snippetp
precodeguess strguess
number strnumber
if guess0 number0
| 2 |
get utc timestamp in python with datetime | pstrongwhat is a nave codedatetimecodestrongp
pdefault codedatetimecode objects are said to be nave they keep time information without the time zone information think about nave codedatetimecode as a relative number ie code4code without a clear origin in fact your origin will be common throughout your system boundary think about aware codedatetimecode as absolute numbers ie code8code with a common origin for the whole worldp
pwithout timezone information strongyou cannotstrong convert the naive datetime towards any nonnaive time representation where does code4code targets if we dont know from where to start this is why you cant have a codedatetimedatetimetoutctimestampcode method cf a hrefhttpbugspythonorgissue1457227httpbugspythonorgissue1457227ap
pto check if your codedatetimecode codedtcode is nave check codedttzinfocode if codenonecode then its navep
precodedatetimenow danger returns nave datetime pointing on local time
datetime1970 1 1 returns nave datetime pointing on user given time
pstrongi have nave datetimes what can i do strongp
pyou must make an assumption depending on your particular context
the question you must ask yourself is was your codedatetimecode on utc or was it local time p
lipstrongif you were using utcstrong you are out of troublep
precodeimport calendar
def dt2tsdt
converts a datetime object to utc timestamp
naive datetime will be considered utc
return calendartimegmdtutctimetuple
<li><p><strong>if you were not using utc</strong>, welcome to hell.</p>
<p>you have to make your <code>datetime</code> non-naã¯ve prior to using the former
function, by giving them back their intended timezone.</p>
<p>you'll need <strong>the name of the timezone</strong> and <strong>the information about
if dst was in effect</strong> when producing the target naã¯ve datetime (the
last info about dst is required for cornercases):</p>
<pre><code>import pytz ## pip install pytz
mytz = pytz.timezone('europe/amsterdam') ## set your timezone
dt = mytz.normalize(mytz.localize(dt, is_dst=true)) ## set is_dst accordingly
<p><strong>consequences of not providing <code>is_dst</code></strong>:</p>
<p>not using <code>is_dst</code> will generate incorrect time (and utc timestamp)
if target datetime was produced while a backward dst was put in place
(for instance changing dst time by removing one hour).</p>
<p>providing incorrect <code>is_dst</code> will of course generate incorrect
time (and utc timestamp) only on dst overlap or holes. and, when
also incorrect time, occuring in "holes" (time that never existed due
to forward shifting dst), <code>is_dst</code> will give an interpretation of
how to consider this bogus time, and this is the only case where
<code>.normalize(..)</code> will actually do something here, as it'll then
translate it as an actual valid time (changing the datetime and the
dst object if required). note that <code>.normalize()</code> is not required
for having a correct utc timestamp at the end, but is probably
recommended if you dislike the idea of having bogus times in your
variables, especially if you re-use this variable elsewhere.</p>
<p>and <strong>avoid using the following</strong>: (cf: <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/q/27531718/4279">datetime timezone conversion using pytz</a>)</p>
<pre><code>dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone('europe/amsterdam')) ## bad !!
<p>why? because <code>.replace()</code> replaces blindly the <code>tzinfo</code> without
taking into account the target time and will choose a bad dst object.
whereas <code>.localize()</code> uses the target time and your <code>is_dst</code> hint
to select the right dst object.</p></li>
<p><strong>old incorrect answer</strong> (thanks @j.f.sebastien for bringing this up):</p>
<p>hopefully, it is quite easy to guess the timezone (your local origin) when you create your naive <code>datetime</code> object as it is related to the system configuration that you would hopefully not change between the naive datetime object creation and the moment when you want to get the utc timestamp. this trick can be used to give an <strong>imperfect</strong> question.</p>
<p>by using <code>time.mktime</code> we can create an <code>utc_mktime</code>:</p>
<pre><code>def utc_mktime(utc_tuple):
"""returns number of seconds elapsed since epoch
note that no timezone are taken into consideration.
utc tuple must be: (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
if len(utc_tuple) == 6:
utc_tuple += (0, 0, 0)
return time.mktime(utc_tuple) - time.mktime((1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
def datetime_to_timestamp(dt):
"""converts a datetime object to utc timestamp"""
return int(utc_mktime(dt.timetuple()))
<p>you must make sure that your <code>datetime</code> object is created on the same timezone than the one that has created your <code>datetime</code>.</p>
<p><em>this last solution is incorrect because it makes the assumption that the utc offset from now is the same than the utc offset from epoch.</em> which is not the case for a lot of timezones (in specific moment of the year for the daylight saving time (dst) offsets).</p>
| 2 |
search and replace strings in a text file using wildcards | pyour life would be vastly improved with the use of a hrefhttpwwwregularexpressionsinfopythonhtml relnofollowregexesa you should be able to do this in 2 lines assuming i understand the problem correctlyp
precodeimport re
for line in fileinputinputfile inplace1
resubrvd4 v1000 line
| 2 |
find substring in string but only if whole words | pheres a way to do it without a regex as requested assuming that you want any whitespace to serve as a word separatorp
precodeimport string
def findsubstringneedle haystack
index haystackfindneedle
if index 1
return false
if index 0 and haystackindex1 not in stringwhitespace
return false
l index lenneedle
if l lt lenhaystack and haystackl not in stringwhitespace
return false
return true
pand heres some a hrefhttpcodepadorgipovxnwh relnofollowdemo codea codepad is a great idea thanks to felix kling for reminding mep
| 2 |
integer overflow in numpy arrays | ppython integers dont have this problem since they automatically upgrade to python long integers when they overflowp
pso if you do manage to overflow the int64s one solution is to use python ints in the numpy arrayp
pprecodeimport numpy
| 2 |
numpy ceil and floor out argument | pcodeoutcode is the output emarrayem which must have the same shape as the inputp
pif you construct it to be of the desired codedtypecode thatll be the codedtypecode you getp
precodegtgtgt arr nparray55 72
gtgtgt out npemptylikearr dtypenpint64
gtgtgt npceilarr out
array 6 7 dtypeint64
gtgtgt out
array 6 7 dtypeint64
| 2 |
writing crawler that stay logged in with any server | ploggedin state is usually represented by cookies so what your have to do is to store the cookie information sent by that server on login then send that cookie with each of your subsequent requests as noted by aiden bell in his message thxp
psee also this questionp
pa hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions1016765howtousecookielibwithhttplibinpythonhow to quotkeepalivequot with cookielib and httplib in pythonap
pa more comprehensive article on how to implement itp
pa hrefhttpwwwvoidspaceorgukpythonarticlescookielibshtml relnofollowhttpwwwvoidspaceorgukpythonarticlescookielibshtmlap
pthe simplest examples are at the bottom of this manual pagep
pa hrefhttpsdocspythonorglibrarycookielibhtml relnofollowhttpsdocspythonorglibrarycookielibhtmlap
pyou can also use a regular browser like firefox to log in manually then youll be able to save the cookie from that browser and use that in your crawler but such cookies are usually valid only for a limited time so it is not a longterm fully automated solution it can be quite handy for downloading contents from a web site once howeverp
pive just found another interesting tool in a recent questionp
pa hrefhttpwwwscrapyorg relnofollowhttpwwwscrapyorgap
pit can also do such cookie based loginp
pa hrefhttpdocscrapyorgtopicsrequestresponsehtmltopicsrequestresponserefrequestuserlogin relnofollowhttpdocscrapyorgtopicsrequestresponsehtmltopicsrequestresponserefrequestuserloginap
pthe question i mentioned is herep
pa hrefhttpstackoverflow.com/questions/1804694/scrapy-domainname-for-spider">scrapy domain_name for spider</a></p>
<p>hope this helps.</p>
| 2 |
windows installer for a python application created within linux | pive successfully used a hrefhttpwwwpyinstallerorg relnofollowpyinstallera running under wine to produce an executable which runs on windows set up your wine environment on linux putting a copy of pyinstaller in an appropriate location eg codedrivecpyinstaller20codep
palso install python for windows in your wine environment you have to use the codemsiexeccode option run the python installerp
precodewine msiexec i python266msi
pyou might also need to install other dependencies such as codepywin32codep
pthen simply run pyinstaller on you spec filep
precodewine cpython26pythonexe cpyinstaller20pyinstallerpy ltspecfilegt
pthis takes care of creating an executable which will run under windows packaging this exe as part of an installer is an additional task for which you could use nsis as suggested in other answers im not sure if nsis will successfully run under wine on linux so this only answers half of your questionp
| 2 |
not able to connect to https sites using urllib due to ssl error | pyou missed the codecode in the urisp
precodeproxieshttp httpusernamepasswordipport
proxieshttps httpsusernamepasswordipport
| 2 |
how to add the current query string to an url in a django template | pto capture the queryparams that were part of the request you reference the dict that contains those parameters coderequestgetcode and urlencode them so they are acceptable as part of an href coderequestgeturlencodecode returns a string that looks like codedsampdatepublishedyear2008code which you can put into a link on the page like sop
precodelta hrefsamelink requestgeturlencode gt
| 2 |
using python to develop web application | pif you really dont want to delve into the frameworks and you should i heartily recommend django or pylons theres still need to go down the road of cgi this is a totally outofdate technology not to mention slow and inefficientp
pthere emisem a standard way of building python web applications and its called a hrefhttpwwwwsgiorg relnofollowwsgia if you want to roll your own web app from scratch this is absolutely the way to gop
pthat said if youre just starting out really you should go with one of the frameworksp
| 2 |
does python pil resize maintain the aspect ratio | pa hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions273946howdoiresizeanimageusingpilandmaintainitsaspectratiohow do i resize an image using pil and maintain its aspect ratioap
pimageresize from pil will do exactly as told no behind scenes aspect ratio stuffp
| 2 |
python isprime function much slower after adding lookup of pregenerated list | pthe reason it is slower is because the list lookup is on instead of using lists use setsp
precodeprimes set
pthe codenum in primescode check will be now o1p
palso forget about this optimization codeprimes3code it actually slows down your code since it recreates the list note that it wont work anyway if you switch to setsp
pfinally you can implement a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikisieveoferatosthenes relnofollowthe sieve of eratosthenesa although there are more sophisticated sieves to generate primes fastp
| 2 |
find all list permutations of a string in python | precodedef splitterstr
for i in range1 lenstr
start str0i
end stri
yield start end
for split in splitterend
result start
yield result
combinations listsplitterstr
pnote that i defaulted to a generator to save you from running out of memory with long stringsp
| 2 |
how to make a numpy recarray with datatypes datetimefloat | pyou can use tuples instead of lists for the recordsp
precodegtgt y datetimedatetime 20121111 21
datetimedatetime 20121112 31
datetimedatetime 20121113 01
gtgt nprecarrayy dtypetimestamp object xf
recarraydatetimedatetime2012 1 1 1 1 20999999046325684
datetimedatetime2012 1 1 1 2 30999999046325684
datetimedatetime2012 1 1 1 3 010000000149011612
dtypetimestamp o8 x ltf4
| 2 |
python valueerror incomplete format upon printstuff thingy | pits expecting another character to follow the codecode in the string to tell it how to represent codevariablecode in the stringp
puse codeone s variablecode or codeone formatvariablecode to correct the issuep
| 2 |
for loop with 2 iterators and 2 ranges | pinstead of codezipitx itycode you need to use codeitertoolsproductitx itycodep
pcodezipcode iterates over two iterators in parallel operation known as a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikiconvolution28computerscience29 relnofollowconvolutiona yielding pairs of matching items and ending iteration when the shortest iterator is exhausted codeitertoolsproductcode iterates over the a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikicartesianproduct relnofollowemcartesian productema of the two iterators yielding pairs of all combinations of items from one and the other set the latter is what the codecode operator refers top
pas martijn pieters pointed out manually calling codenextcode on the iterators is incorrect since codeforcode advances them itself and doing it yourself you end up only processing every second item of the iterable also codeiterrangecode is unnecessary simply use codexrangecode or coderangecode in python 3p
| 2 |
how do i get a list of function instances for a python source file | pyou can use a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibraryinspecthtml relnofollowinspecta modulep
precodegtgtgt import inspect
gtgtgt import example
gtgtgt inspectgetmembersexample inspectisroutine
funcone ltfunction funcone at 0x0238cbb0gt functhree ltfuncti
three at 0x0240adb0gt functwo ltfunction functwo at 0x0240adf0gt
| 2 |
accessing value inside nested dictionaries | pas always in python there are of course several ways to do it but strongthere is one obvious way to do itstrongp
pcodetmpdictonetwothreecode emisem the obvious way to do itp
pwhen that does not fit well with your algorithm that may be a hint that your structure is not the best for the problemp
pif you just want to just save you repetative typing you can of course alias a subset of the dictp
precodegtgtgt twodict tmpdictonetwo now you can just write twodict for tmpdictonetwo
gtgtgt twodictspam 23
gtgtgt tmpdict
one two three 10 spam 23
| 2 |
python threading can i make a list of thread queues | pyour approach is just fine the only thing i would change is making codeclientqueuescode a a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions3506150staticclassmemberspythonstatic membera of codeclientthreadcode rather than a global variablep
| 2 |
typeerror str does not support the buffer interface | pfor python 3x you can convert your text to raw bytes throughp
precodebytesmy data encoding
pfor examplep
precodebytesattack at dawn utf8
pthe object returned will work with codeoutfilewritecodep
| 2 |
check if value is between pair of values in a tuple | pno there is no dedicated syntax using chained comparisons is the right way to do this alreadyp
pthe one nicety i can offer is to use tuple unpacking first but thats just readability icing herep
precodelow high t
if low lt val lt high
pif you are using a tuple subclass produced by a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2librarycollectionshtmlcollectionsnamedtuplecodecollectionnamedtuplecodea you could of course also use the attributes herep
precodefrom collections import namedtuple
rangetuple namedtuplerangetuple low high
t rangetuple1 2
if tlow lt val lt thigh
| 2 |
python generating a non repeating random pairs of numbers | pone way to think about this is there are codexcodecodeycode possible positions specifically codeboardsize boardsizecode in your case and you want to pick codencode codeselfbombnumcode random samples from those positions emwithout repetitionemp
pthe a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3libraryrandomhtmlrandomsample relnofollowcodesamplecodea function in the coderandomcode module does this perfectlyp
precodepossiblecoordinates x y for x in rangex for y in range1 y1
bombcoordinates randomsamplepossiblecoordinates n
pcreating that list is a little wastefulbut given that codeboardsizecode is probably something small like 30 a temporary list of 900 elements is not worth worrying aboutp
| 2 |
how do i find common items from python dictionary values | pfor the sake of variety you could also use codereducecodep
precodegtgtgt d a 1 2 3 b 2 4 5 c 1 2 7
gtgtgt reducelambda x y x amp y dvalues or use operatorand instead of lambda
pa hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2libraryfunctionshtmlreduce relnofollowcodereducecodea is a builtin function in python 2x but needs to be imported from the a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg35libraryfunctoolshtml relnofollowcodefunctoolscodea module in python 3xp
| 2 |
keeping connections alive | pwhat you are describing is in essence a hrefhttpinfrequentlyorg200603cometlowlatencydataforthebrowser relnofollowcometa p
| 2 |
what on earth file permissions from files created by python c code | pthe function codeopencode takes three arguments if you specify the codeocreatcode flag you need to call it with this signaturep
precodeint openconst char pathname int flags modet mode
potherwise the behaviour is undefined its very unlikely for the creation of the file in your first example to work at all also take a look at codeumaskcode which is always anded with the mode that you specifyp
| 2 |
how to format a shell command line from a list of arguments in python | pyou could use the undocumented but longstable at least a hrefhttpsvnpythonorgviewpythontrunklibsubprocesspyrevision37587ampviewmarkupsince oct 2004a codesubprocesslist2cmdlinecodep
precodein 26 import subprocess
in 34 argshello bobbity bob bye
in 36 subprocesslist2cmdlineargs
out36 hello bobbity bob bye
| 2 |
django tuple object has no attribute strftime | pi added flattrue to the queryp
precodeadesignlistvalueslistdatesubmitted flattrue
pwhich givesp
precodedatetimedatetime2012 10 21 13 56 24 datetimedatetime2012 10 21 10 33 58
pwhich then can be convertedp
| 2 |
how to simulate from an arbitrary continuous probability distribution | pas mentioned by francis youd better know the cdf of your distribution
anyway scipy provides a handy way to define custom distributions
it looks pretty much like thatp
precodefrom scipy import stats
class yourdistributionstatsrvcontinuous
def pdfself x
return sinx 075 432141 x 15
distribution yourdistribution
| 2 |
sorting tuples in list using lambda function | pthe sorted method return a new sorted list it does not modify the existing list on the other hand listsort method sort the list inplacep
precodet d2 b 1 a c 2
pto sort this use eitherp
precodet sortedt keylambda x x1 reversetrue
por p
precodetsortt keylambda x x1 reversetrue
| 2 |
reading and writing in python specific issue | pyou forgot a closing parenthesis on the codewritewritecode callp
| 2 |
does python have something like anonymous inner classes of java | pjava uses anonymous classes mostly to imitate closures or simply code blocks since in python you can easily pass around methods theres no need for a construct as clunky as anonymous inner classesp
precodedef printstuff
print hello
def doitwhat
pedit im aware that this is not what is needed in this special case i just described the most common python solution to the problem most commonly by anonymous inner classes in javap
| 2 |
imap deleting messages | pthe following code prints some message header fields and then delete messagep
precodeimport imaplib
from emailparser import headerparser
m imaplibimap4sslyourimapserver
get list of mailboxes
list mlist
select which mail box to process
resp data muidsearchnone all search and return uids
uids data0split
mailparser headerparser
for uid in uids
respdata muidfetchuidbodyheader
msg mailparserparsestrdata01
print msgfrommsgdatemsgsubject
print muidstoreuid flags deleted
print mexpunge
mclose close the mailbox
mlogout logout
| 2 |
django populate isnt reentrant | pin the end the problem that i had was that i tried to run a second django app and did not have the following defined in my apache configp
pjust learned that you can run a single django app without defining them but when its two it produces a conflictp
| 2 |
how do python and php compare for ecommerce | pim personally a fan of python specificity with django for the web for ecommerce applications there is the a hrefhttpwwwsatchmoprojectcom relnofollowsatchmo projectap
| 2 |
upload raw json data on google cloud storage using python code | pin your example codecontentcode is a dict perhaps you want to use jsonp
precodecontent jsondumpsname test
| 2 |
pick a key from a dictionary python | pyou can iterate over the keys of a dict with a for loopp
precodegtgtgt for key in yourdict
gtgtgt printkey
pif you want them as a comma separated string you can use code joincodep
precodegtgtgt print joinyourdict
hi hello
pon a similar note is there a way to say mydictionarykeya hrefhttpdocspythonorgdevlibrarycollectionshtmlcollectionsordereddict relnofollow1a and that will return hip
pno the keys in a dictionary are not in any particular order the order that you see when you iterate over them may not be the same as the order you inserted them into the dictionary and also the order could in theory change when you add or remove itemsp
pif you need an ordered collection you might want to consider using another type such as a codelistcode or an a hrefhttpdocspythonorgdevlibrarycollectionshtmlcollectionsordereddict relnofollowcodeordereddictcodeap
| 2 |
django friendlier header for stackedinline for auto generated through model | pive never used an m2m field like this so thanks learned something newp
pi found 2 ways to get around the problemp
p1 simply reassign the codeunicodecode function with a new functionp
precodeclass myinlineadmintabularinline
mymodelm2mthroughunicode lambda x my new unicode
model mymodelm2mthrough
p2 set up a a hrefhttpdocsdjangoprojectcomendevtopicsdbmodelsproxymodelsproxy modela for the m2mthrough model and use that model insteadp
precodeclass mythroughmymodelm2mthrough
class meta
proxy true
def unicodeself
return my new unicode
class myinlineadmintabularinline
model mythrough
| 2 |
generating file to download with django | pto trigger a download you need to set codecontentdispositioncode headerp
precodefrom djangohttp import httpresponse
from wsgirefutil import filewrapper
generate the file
response httpresponsefilewrappermyfilegetvalue contenttypeapplicationzip
responsecontentdisposition attachment filenamemyfilezip
return response
pif you dont want the file on disk you need to use codestringiocodep
precodeimport cstringio as stringio
myfile stringiostringio
while notfinished
generate chunk
poptionally you can set codecontentlengthcode header as wellp
precoderesponsecontentlength myfiletell
| 2 |
400 bad request while using djangotestclient | pyou can use the test client while debug is false you just need to add testserver into your allowedhosts settingp
| 2 |
compute sum with huge intermediate values | pyou can use a hrefhttpscodegooglecompgmpy relnofollowgmpy2a it has arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic with large exponent boundsp
precodefrom future import division
from gmpy2 import combmpfrfsum
def mn
return fsumcombnkmpfr1nmpfr1mpfrknmpfr2nkmpfrknk1 for k in xrange1n1
for i in xrange11000000100
print imi
phere is an excerpt of the outputp
p2001 015857490038127975br
2101 015857582611615381br
2201 015857666768820194br
2301 015857743607577454br
2401 015857814042739268br
2501 015857878842787806br
2601 015857938657957615p
pdisclaimer i maintain gmpy2p
| 2 |
selecting values from nonnull columns in a pyspark dataframe | pas always it is best to operate directly on native representation instead of fetching data to pythonp
precodefrom pysparksqlfunctions import concatws coalesce lit trim
def combinecols
return trimconcatws coalescec lit for c in cols
tblwithcolumnfoo combinefirstname lastname
| 2 |
python removing tuples from a list of lists | precodegtgtgt a
1l 2l 3l 4l 5l
gtgtgt a x00 for x in a
gtgtgt a
1l 2l 3l 4l 5l
| 2 |
how to stream stdoutstderr from a child process using asyncio and obtain its exit code after | pthe solution ive come up with so far uses a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3libraryasyncioprotocolhtml relnofollowsubprocessprotocola to receive output from the child process and the associated transport to get the process exit code i dont know if this is optimal though ive based my approach on an a hrefhttpstackoverflowcoma20697159265261answer to a similar question by jf sebastianap
precodeimport asyncio
import contextlib
import os
import locale
class subprocessprotocolasynciosubprocessprotocol
def pipedatareceivedself fd data
if fd 1
name stdout
elif fd 2
name stderr
text datadecodelocalegetpreferredencodingfalse
printreceived from formatname textstrip
def processexitedself
if osname nt
on windows the proactoreventloop is necessary to listen on pipes
loop asyncioproactoreventloop
loop asynciogeteventloop
with contextlibclosingloop
this will only connect to the process
transport looprununtilcompleteloopsubprocessexec
subprocessprotocol python c printhello async world0
wait until process has finished
printprogram exited with formattransportgetreturncode
| 2 |
using pil to detect a scan of a blank page | pjust as a first try sort your image folder by file size if all scans from one document have the same resolution the blank pages will certainly result in smaller files than the nonblank ones p
pi dont know how many pages you are scanning but if the number is low enough this could be a simple quick fixp
| 2 |
can you search backwards from an offset using a python regular expression | pusing positive lookbehind to make sure there are at least 30 characters before a wordp
precode re like rwlt30
m rematchrwltd offset mystring
if m print mgroup1
else print no match
pfor the other example negative lookbehind may helpp
precodemynewstring looking feeding dancing prancing
offset 16
m rematchrbwingltd offset mynewstring
if m print mgroup1
pwhich first greedy matches any character but backtracks until it fails to match 16 characters backwards codelt16codep
| 2 |
string replacement with dictionary complications with punctuation | phere is a way to do it with a single regexp
precodein 24 d asapas soon as possible afaik as far as i know
in 25 s i will do this asap afaik regards x
in 26 resubrb joindkeys rb lambda m dmgroup0 s
out26 i will do this as soon as possible as far as i know regards x
punlike versions based on codestrreplacecode this observes word boundaries and therefore wont replace abbreviations that happen to appear in the middle of other words eg etc in fetchp
palso unlike most all other solutions presented thus far it iterates over the input string just once regardless of how many search terms there are in the dictionaryp
| 2 |
python matplotlib setarray takes exactly 2 arguments 3 given | pi think youre a bit confused on several thingsp
liif youre trying to chance the x amp y locations youre using the wrong method codesetarraycode controls the emcolorem array for the collection that codescattercode returns youd use codesetoffsetscode to control the x amp y locations which method you use depends on the type of artist in questionli
lithe two vs three arguments is coming in because codeartistsetarraycode is a method of an object so the first argument is the object in question li
pto explain the first point heres a simple bruteforce animationp
precodeimport matplotlibpyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x y z nprandomrandom3 100
fig ax pltsubplots
scat axscatterx y cz s200
for in range20
change the colors
change the xy positions this expects a single 2xn 2d array
pto explain the second point when you define a class in python the first argument is the instance of that class conventionally called codeselfcode this is passed in behindthescenes whenever you call a method of an objectp
pfor examplep
precodeclass foo
def initself
selfx hi
def sayhiself something
print selfx something
f foo note that we didnt define an argument but self will be passed in
fsayhiblah this will print hi blah
this will raise typeerror bar takes exactly 2 arguments 3 given
fsayhifoo bar
| 2 |
installing psycopg2 postgresql in virtualenv on windows | pedit this solution is outdated a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions5382801wherecanidownloadbinaryeggswithpsycopg2forwindows53832665383266refer to this answera insteadp
pi had the same problem following the suggestion on a hrefhttpwwwstickpeoplecomprojectspythonwinpsycopgthe download pagea of the windows port for getting it working on zope worked for me under virtualenv also in the nonvirtual installp
lidownload the executable rename the exe extension to zipli
liextract the file contentsli
licopy the psycopg2 folder to myenvlibli
licopy the egg to myenvlibsitepackagesli
| 2 |
is it possible getting all parameters of a field | pfor a model codemymodelcodep
precodeclass mymodelmodelsmodel
myfield modelscharfieldmaxlength100
pyou can get the field using the a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen19refmodelsmeta relnofollowmeta apiap
precodegtgtgt field mymodelmetagetfieldmyfield
pyou can then use the codedeconstructcode method to get the kwargs that were passed to the field when it was instantiatedp
precodegtgtgt name path args kwargs fielddeconstruct
gtgtgt printkwargs
umaxlength 100
| 2 |
bound method responsejson of response 200 | pactually you should call it since there is methodp
precodedata requestsgeturljson
| 2 |
problems with creating label in tkinter | pcodegame overnyou scored number pointscode is a tuple of three items but codetextcode probably expects a string instead and does strange things to arguments of other types use string concatenation or codeformatcode to provide a single stringp
precodegameoverlabelroot textgame overnyou scored strnumber points
fontarial black 26 bgred
por p
precodegameoverlabelroot textgame overnyou scored pointsformatnumber
fontarial black 26 bgred
| 2 |
measure time elapsed in python | pthe python cprofile and pstats modules offer great support for measuring time elapsed in certain functions without having to add any code around the existing functionsp
pfor example if you have a python script timefunctionspyp
precodeimport time
def hello
print hello
def thankyou
print thank you
for idx in range10
for idx in range100
pto run the profiler and generate stats for the file you can just runp
precodepython m cprofile o timestatsprofile timefunctionspy
pwhat this is doing is using the cprofile module to profile all functions in timefunctionspy and collecting the stats in the timestatsprofile file note that we did not have to add any code to existing module timefunctionspy and this can be done with any modulep
ponce you have the stats file you can run the pstats module as followsp
precodepython m pstats timestatsprofile
pthis runs the interactive statistics browser which gives you a lot of nice functionality for your particular use case you can just check the stats for your function in our example checking stats for both functions shows us the followingp
precodewelcome to the profile statistics browser
timestatsprofile stats hello
lttimestampgt timestatsprofile
224 function calls in 6014 seconds
random listing order was used
list reduced from 6 to 1 due to restriction lthellogt
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filenamelinenofunction
10 0000 0000 1001 0100 timefunctionspy3hello
timestatsprofile stats thankyou
lttimestampgt timestatsprofile
224 function calls in 6014 seconds
random listing order was used
list reduced from 6 to 1 due to restriction ltthankyougt
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filenamelinenofunction
100 0002 0000 5012 0050 timefunctionspy7thankyou
pthe dummy example does not do much but give you an idea of what can be done the best part about this approach is that i dont have to edit any of my existing code to get these numbers and obviously help with profilingp
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python ide on linux console | pusing emacs with pythonmode you can execute the script with cc ccp
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how to split continuous data into groups | pfor numpy have a look at a hrefhttpdocsscipyorgdocnumpyreferencegeneratednumpyhistogramhtml relnofollowcodenphistogramcodea for the continuous data and a hrefhttpdocsscipyorgdocnumpyreferencegeneratednumpybincounthtmlnumpybincount relnofollowcodenpbincountcodea for the discrete datap
pas a quick examplep
precodeimport numpy as np
data1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7
data2 nprandomnormalsize100
discretecounts npbincountdata1
discretevals nparangelendiscretecounts
counts edges nphistogramdata2
pif youd like to plot the results have a look at a hrefhttpmatplotliborgapipyplotapihtmlmatplotlibpyplothist relnofollowcodeplthistcodea and a hrefhttpmatplotliborgapipyplotapihtmlmatplotlibpyplotbar relnofollowcodepltbarcodeap
pfor examplep
precodeimport numpy as np
import matplotlibpyplot as plt
data1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7
data2 nprandomnormalsize100
fig axes pltsubplotsnrows2
counts npbincountdata1
vals nparangelencounts
axes0barcounts vals aligncenter colorlightblue
axes0settitlediscrete data
axes[1].hist(data2, color='salmon')
axes[1].set(title='continuous data')
for ax in axes:
<p><a href="http://i.stack.imgur.com/rcxot.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/rcxot.png" alt="enter image description here"></a></p>
<p>if you're using <code>pandas</code>, as @carsten mentioned, look at the <code>hist</code> function to plot the histogram (similar to <code>plt.hist</code>). however, the equivalent of <code>numpy.histogram</code> is <a href="http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.cut.html" rel="nofollow"><code>pandas.cut</code></a>, which is extremely handy when you want the histogram counts (or want to group by a continuous range).</p>
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ipython notebook pylab inline zooming of a plot | pat present the closest you can come is to redraw it at a larger size using the codefigsizecode function it expects dimensions in inches which caught me out the first time i tried to use itp
pthere are some plants for a rich backend that would allow plots to be manipulated live using html5 but i think it will be a few more months before thats readyp
pif youre using the notebook on your local computer for now the easiest option might be not to use inline mode so the plots pop up as separate windowsp
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what does functoolswraps do | pi very often use classes rather than functions for my decorators i was having some trouble with this because an object wont have all the same attributes that are expected of a function for example an object wont have the attribute codenamecode i had a specific issue with this that was pretty hard to trace where django was reporting the error object has no attribute codenamecode unfortunately for classstyle decorators i dont believe that wrap will do the job i have instead created a base decorator class like sop
precodeclass decbaseobject
func none
def initself func
selffunc func
def getattributeself name
if name func
return superdecbase selfgetattributename
return selffuncgetattributename
def setattrself name value
if name func
return superdecbase selfsetattrname value
return selffuncsetattrname value
pthis class proxies all the attribute calls over to the function that is being decorated so you can now create a simple decorator that checks that 2 arguments are specified like sop
precodeclass processlogindecbase
def callself args
if lenargs 2
raise exceptionyou can only specify two arguments
return selffuncargs
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how to hide console window in python | psave it with a codepywcode extension and will open with codepythonwexecode double click it and python will start without a window p
pfor example if you have the following script namep
prename it top
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how to use python beautiful soup to get only the level 1 navigabletext | psomething likep
precodefor anchor in tbodyfindalldiv styles1
text joinx for x in anchorcontents if isinstancex bs4elementnavigablestring
pworks just know that youll also get the line breaks in there so codestripcodeing might be necessaryp
pfor examplep
precodefor anchor in tbodyfindalldiv styles1
text joinx for x in anchorcontents if isinstancex bs4elementnavigablestring
precodeunnnhere is text 3 and this is what i wantn
uhere is text 3 and this is what i want
pi put them in lists so you could see the newlinesp
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how do i properly use connection pools in redis | predispy provides a connection pool for you from which you can retrieve a connection connection pools create a set of connections which you can use as needed and when done the connection is returned to the connection pool for further reuse trying to create connections on the fly without discarding them ie not using a pool or not using the pool correctly will leave you with way too many connections to redis until you hit the connection limit p
pyou could choose to setup the connection pool in the init method and make the pool global you can look at other options if uncomfortable with global p
precoderedispool none
def init
global pool
printpid d initializing redis pool osgetpid
redispool redisconnectionpoolhost10001 port6379 db0
pyou can then retrieve the connection from a pool like thisp
precoderedisconn redisredisconnectionpoolredispool
palso i am assuming you are using hiredis along with redispy as it should improve performance in certain cases have you also checked the number of connections open to the redis server with your existing setup as it most likely is quite high you can use the info commmand to get that informationp
precoderediscli info
pcheck for the strongclientsstrong section in which you will see the strongconnectedclientsstrong field that will tell you how many connections you have open to the redis server at that instant p
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what causes django to use 500html only 3 out of 6 times | pi would try restarting apache ive noticed inconsistencies in how urls are handled after any change this sounds very similar to a problem i had when a url would sometimes load on refreshp
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Subsets and Splits