I have to start getting ready for a family reunion I am contributing to next weekend. I volunteered for food so now's the time to get ready!
I signed up to do a lot of food for a family reunion next weekend. I have to start getting supplies now for sure! <SEP> That is a lot of work! But I bet the reunion will be fun. <SEP> My family's reunions are incredibly memorable. I volunteered for a lot of desserts so I think it's fair to get started this weekend. I want to be ready. <SEP> Yum_comma_ I love making and also eating desserts! Do you have a specialty? <SEP> I'm glad you asked! I make a mean german chocolate cake everyone raves about. It makes me feel good to help out. <SEP> Oh that's one of my faves. My go to is cheesecake. <SEP> I love cheesecake_comma_ I should do that as well. <SEP> It's a crowd pleaser. I love the dips and apps at get togethers like that.
I am a nurse and I take care of people in the last stage of their lives.
I am a nurse and I take care of people in the last stage of their lives. <SEP> Is that like hospice care? How do you deal with seeing loss so frequently? <SEP> Yes it is. It's really tough. I never stop caring about the loss. It's hard. <SEP> I'm sure you do a great job of making these people feel cared for and loved in their final times. <SEP> That's the best part. Some people are in so much pain it's a relief for them to go. Hard on the families though. <SEP> I bet it is. Thank you for giving your time to this type of work. <SEP> It's rewarding but also pretty high burn out. I take two really good vacations a year! <SEP> You deserve them! That's excellent to hear.
I went to make a patty melt today and my bread was rotted. It was really nasty.
I went to make a patty melt today and my bread was moldy. <SEP> Oh no! I hate when I'm hungry for something and it goes wrong like that! <SEP> I know! It was a super specific craving I was having too. <SEP> The worst! Did you find something else to eat? <SEP> I just had a salad. <SEP> Better than nothing but still no patty melt!
I was invited on a road trip with my kids. I was worried about not having my husband there to help me.
So_comma_ my mom invited me and my kids on a road trip. <SEP> That's exciting. Is that something you want to do? <SEP> Kind of. I was worried because my husband wouldn't be coming along and my kids are very young_comma_ 3 years and 6 months. <SEP> That could definitely be tough. Especially with a baby. <SEP> I definitely had my doubts_comma_ especially with the trip being so long. 16 hours in the car!
Last night I was watching a really great movie with a bowl of pop corn with my hubby. I was so comfortable.
I was totally comfortable last night watching a movie with my boyfriend and eating popcorn. <SEP> Really_comma_ did you get to pick the movie? <SEP> We both agreed on Fight Club. <SEP> Oh wow thats always nice when everyone can agree on the same movie. <SEP> Yep_comma_ thanks
I had a chance to cheat on my girlfriend but I didn't!
Man I had a really cute girl hit on me <SEP> That's always nice_comma_ how did you respond? <SEP> I told her I had a girlfriend but was flattered <SEP> That's cool_comma_ nothing wrong with being faithful.
I'm so excited for the weekend! This summer has been so much. I got a new car_comma_ new job_comma_ and a new place to live. Things are going well.
This has been such a great summer so far. I just got a new job in June and I bought a new set of wheels this week! <SEP> Nice_comma_ jobs are ok_comma_ but a new ride is really fun. What did you get <SEP> I put money down on a Toyota Tacoma. It wasn't my first choice but it gets the job done for sure. <SEP> Toyota's usually last a long time so it might be a good decision. <SEP> That's why I went for it_comma_ that engine will last me a very long time. They're very dependable.
I was talking to my boss and accidentally used a word I didn't really know the real meaning of. I looked like a fool.
I was talking to my boss and used a word that I didn't know the real meaning of. made a total fool of myself. lol <SEP> Wow_comma_ was it embarrassing? <SEP> Totally. at least I know what the word means now so I can use it in the future. <SEP> Dang! Well at least you got a good story to tell now!
We've moved many times over the past ten years for my husband's job. It's been hard but worth it!
We've moved a lot of the past decade for my husband's job. <SEP> oh really_comma_ hopefully its a pretty nice job cause moving is not fun. <SEP> yeah_comma_ change is so hard for me! but it's been worth it <SEP> Well at least you get to be with the man you love...hopefully
I get nostalgic thinking about all the games I used to lpay with my friends on our street
I get nostalgic thinking about all the games I used to lpay with my friends on our street <SEP> I remember those games too. What kinds did you play? My favorite was flashlight tag. <SEP> Ball tag_comma_ ghost in the graveyard_comma_ kick the can_comma_ all the best games haha <SEP> Ghost in the graveyard was a blast! I can't believe I forgot that one. It sounds like we both had great childhoods.
All of my friends have these great jobs and travel so often_comma_ it isn't fair.
All of my friends have these great jobs and they get to travel to awesome places so often. It's not fair_comma_ having to watch them jetset and have a blast while I'm stuck working all the time. <SEP> I get that_comma_ I am not sure how some of these people can afford the places they go! <SEP> It's ridiculous_comma_ everyone has to be so showy. <SEP> Yeah_comma_ that is not me at all_comma_ I barely post anything to people online
I put snow tires up for sale on craigslist. It's my first time in many years selling on craigslist after having some bad experiences before so I hope it goes well.
I just put some snow tires up for sale on the internet. I stopped using Craigslist awhile ago because of some bad experiences so I hope it goes okay. <SEP> As long as you're safe about it. You can meet up at police stations too! <SEP> That was my mistake in the past. I always went to weird locations to exchange things. I have to be smart about it nowadays. <SEP> More people are open and into it so yo ucan always talk to your police about it <SEP> That is true! Thanks for your advice. I want to be more open to selling stuff on the web to strangers for sure.
I've been in a long term committed marriage for over 34 years.
I've been married to the same person for over 34 years <SEP> Wow. That's a long time. Longer than I've been alive! Congrats on your successful marriage. Got any tips? <SEP> Yeah_comma_ be fully committed_comma_ communicate about everything & let petty things roll right off. <SEP> Thanks for the advice. I have trouble letting the petty things go but I think I'll learn to be better as time goes by. I wish you a happy marriage! <SEP> Thanks! You can do it! With the right person_comma_ it's not as hard as it seems. So I guess the real secret is to find the right person from the start. ;)
My heart sank when I heard my favorite teacher from elementary school passed away.
My heart sank when I heard about my favorite teacher from elementary school passing away. <SEP> Ohhhh_comma_ that's so sad. I remember (long ago) when that happened to me. Did he/she live a good long life? <SEP> I hope so. I heard it was cancer. He was always such a happy man. It's a shame. <SEP> Yeah_comma_ that is a shame. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how important a great teacher can be your life. <SEP> Thanks for the kind words. He was a lot older than me so I hope he lived a great life.
I need to past a test next week. I am well prepared_comma_ so I believe I won't have trouble passing it.
I need to past a test next week but since I am well prepared I believe I will have no trouble doing it. <SEP> Are you nervous? Or do you have amazing confidence in your ability? <SEP> I am feeling pretty good about it since I think I am very well prepared. <SEP> Do make sure to get a good nights sleep before hand. That is just as important.
I had never let my son stay the night at anybody's house before. For my anniversary with my husband we really just wanted to have a night to ourselves and thought we should let our son stay with his grandparents. I was nervous but I had faith that they would take care of him well.
My husband and I decided we wanted a night to ourselves_comma_ but we've never let our son stay the night anywhere. I was pretty nervous. <SEP> How old is your son? <SEP> He's 3 now_comma_ but at the time he was about one and a half. We decided to let him stay with his grandparents that night. <SEP> I can understand why you felt so nervous. A mothers attachment is rather strong to a newborn. You should get him a gaurd dog when he's a bit older if you still feel that way.
I'm hoping I can reach diamond next season in overwatch. I've been practicing a ridiculous amount
I've spent at least an hour a day on overwatch for the past 3 months. Altogether I have roughly 90 hours this season <SEP> Wow! I enjoy watching Overwatch on Twitch occasionally. Would you say that's your favorite game? <SEP> I would say it's my favorite fps now by a mile. Cod became fecal matter 5 or 6 years ago. I'm hoping I can finally stop being a pleb and hit diamond next season <SEP> I never got into COD and I tried Overwatch when it first came out but I wasn't very good. Fortnite on the other hand I'm alright at. <SEP> Overwatch is a team oriented game_comma_ just try your est to communicate and use strategies_comma_ while also self improving and you will climb.
I recently renovated my home. It's so relaxing to have all of the work done and just enjoy the new space we worked so hard on!
I recently renovated my home and it's so nice to be done with all the work! <SEP> That's awesome! What did you have done? <SEP> We painted_comma_ bought new furniture and installed new tile and light fixtures. It's so relaxing to be able to sit back and enjoy the new space we worked so hard to create! <SEP> I can imagine. Things like are always so stressful_comma_ but so nice once they are completed.
We are going camping next weekend and I have all the equipment to do it_comma_ so I believe we are going to be quite comfortable and safe.
We are going camping next weekend and I have all the equipment to do it right_comma_ <SEP> Make sure to bring smores and bug spray. I hate bug bites. and love chocolate <SEP> Yes I have all of that plus everything else we will be needing. <SEP> Make sure you bring something to drink as well. can get quite thirsty ya know.
I'm really lucky to have the family that I do. We're all so very close knit and the togetherness really helps me get through some tough times. I'm so fortunate to be around them.
I just moved back near family_comma_ and I'm feeling overwhelmed with how close knit everything is again. <SEP> Oh I feel you! Every time I go back to stay with my family it feels... claustrophobic almost. <SEP> I'm very lucky to be back and around them though. They are truly generous people. <SEP> I'm sure they are! Itll feel more normal soon_comma_ I am sure <SEP> I can't wait. They can really help me get through some tough times. They're always there.
I have to go into get my tooth pulled soon. I don't do well at the dentist.
I have to go get my tooth pulled soon. I hate the dentist <SEP> What's wrong with your tooth? I hope it's not too painful of an experience. <SEP> It's an impacted wisdom tooth_comma_ it is stuck under my gum line <SEP> Yikes! I've had that before. My thoughts are with you. I'm sure the dentist will take care of it though.
I have to go rescue a dog from a violent household. This place has a bad history and the cops are always there. This might not end well_comma_ but I'll work for it to be fine for the dog's sake.
I have a distant relative that's been abusing their dog_comma_ and I have to rescue it from their property. <SEP> That's awful. What are you going to do? <SEP> I'm bringing some backup with me to start off. I'm going to just be direct and take the dog. If that doesn't work I'll have to get animal control involved. <SEP> What type of dog is it? <SEP> It is a staffordshire terrier. It's a lovely dog and very sweet. The dog certainly doesn't deserve this treatment_comma_ no dogs do.
My brother won a 75" TV from work yesterday. I bet that will look awesome with Xbox games.
My brother told me that he won a 75" TV from work. He says it looks good with his new Xbox! <SEP> Interest are you going to try and get him to sell it? <SEP> No_comma_ I have no where to put it but I'm going to his house to watch football for sure. <SEP> That will be fun_comma_ maybe he will even let you play his xbox on it. <SEP> He better!
was surprised when my parents gave me a car as my graduation present from college
i was surprised when my parents gave me a car as my graduation present from college <SEP> How exciting for you. What kind of car is it? <SEP> It was a ford focus_comma_ it was actually a car I had and was in the process of paying off_comma_ and they just gave it to me! <SEP> That was so generous of them.
I told something to someone that I had promised to keep a secret.
I told something to someone that I had promised to keep a secret. <SEP> That is not nice! People do that all the time as long as the person they tell is closer to them <SEP> I felt bad afterwards for what had happened. I am a very nice person. <SEP> Everyone believes that of course_comma_ but I believe you_comma_ people make mistakes
I am old enough to remember the times before internet and social media when people you spoke over the phone or in person and you could have much more meaningful contact with people
I am old enough to remember the times before internet and social media when people you spoke over the phone or in person. <SEP> Same. When you had one phone in the middle of the house with the SUPER long phone cord so you could at least get around the corner to talk. <SEP> That's it! I guess I miss having what I believe where much more meaningful contacts with people on a daily basis. <SEP> I agree. The convenience is nice now_comma_ but the quality is much lower.
My wife's grandmother passed away recently. She was the family matriarch and I actually felt very close to her as of late. She will be greatly missed.
My wife's grandmother passed on a couple weeks ago. It's still eating at me to think about it. <SEP> Were you close to your wife's grandmother? <SEP> I had become close to her as of late. She was a very strong and respected woman. <SEP> That is very heartbreaking. Im sure she had a very positive opinion of you as well. <SEP> I think she did. We got along very well and she was always happy to see me. <SEP> Im sure your wife also appreciates you getting along with her family.
As I get older_comma_ the more I remember my childhood
My daily life consists of getting up_comma_ going to work or going to college. I miss being young and spending my day playing videogames and playing outside <SEP> Those times seemed much simpler didn't they? Do you ever break out of the routine? <SEP> If im not studying or working I usually go out for a run_comma_ practice piano or do surveys online to make some extra cash <SEP> I see. How do you like playing the piano? <SEP> Its hard at first_comma_ but with practice comes perfection. <SEP> That's the spirit. I bet you're a wonderful pianist.
Even when it has been a rough year_comma_ I am now feeling that things are beginning to go my way and that the future will be much better.
Even when it has been a rough year_comma_ I am now feeling that things are beginning to go my way and I can expect good thing for the future. <SEP> Awesome! Anything exciting on the horizon to treat yourself? <SEP> Sure_comma_ there are a few things... <SEP> What's the one you are most excited about? <SEP> That one I can't tell...
They've been doing road work outside my house all week! It just goes on for 12 hours straight everyday_comma_ mostly at night!
I haven't slept well this week at all. The county has been drilling outside my house for 12 hours a day. <SEP> Well that stinks. What are they drilling for? <SEP> They're ripping up the road to just re-do. I'm not saying it's unnecessary but it's sure driving me nutty! <SEP> Are they almost done with it? <SEP> I'm not sure! Nobody has been able to give me a clear answer_comma_ not even the workers outside.
I really though I was going to be accepted in med school_comma_ but I wasn't_comma_ and now I don't know what I am going to do with my life.
I really though I was going to be accepted in med school_comma_ but I wasn't. <SEP> Oh no what happened? <SEP> I don't know and now I don't know what I am going to do with my life either. <SEP> That is sad. I am sure you can come up with a good career. What do you like to do?
I'm waiting to hear back from the nursing program I applied to for my degree
I'm waiting to hear back from the nursing program I applied to for my degree <SEP> That's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time I bet. How do you feel about it? <SEP> I think I will get in since my board exam score is good_comma_ and my GPA is high. I don't want to be too confident though! I heard the program is competitive. <SEP> For sure. Well good luck! Nurses are very under-appreciated. I hope you get. <SEP> They really are. Thanks!
For a long time I lived out in the middle of nowhere far away from many people. My friends and family were very far away and it felt very overwhelming sometimes.
I'm much better off now but I just got out of a time of my life where I was isolated out in a rural area away from a lot of people. <SEP> that can be tough but it also can be great to have time for yourself <SEP> At first I felt that way_comma_ but over a period of time it can get very overwhelming. <SEP> i can see where isolation can be overwhelming and the need for social contact is desirable and needed <SEP> I did try to keep busy to keep it from setting in but it got to be too much sometimes. I'm glad that I am away from that.
School is about to start and we have everything we need.
School is about to start. We are ready. <SEP> Ugh I remember those days! All the shopping_comma_ making sure to look good for the first day! good times <SEP> Yep. My daughter is so excited. I am glad summer is over. <SEP> Me too_comma_ I am looking forward to winter and christmas_comma_ much better in my opinion! <SEP> I like spring because the weather is so nice.
I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of 2.5 years
I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of 2.5 years <SEP> congratulations. marry her <SEP> I am thinking about it_comma_ we are still young <SEP> then maybe you should cheat.
My boss is coming for dinner tonight with his wife. Many things could go wrong I hope they don't or I probably won't be getting a raise.
My boss is coming for dinner tonight with his wife. <SEP> Oh that's exciting. Are you nervous to have them over? <SEP> Yes I am. Many things could go wrong I hope they don't or I probably won't be getting a raise and worse still I will be to embarrassed to ask for it. <SEP> I bet it's all in your head. I am sure it will all good smooth.
My new puppy just learned how to swim! He acted scared for awhile but once he was finally in he took to it like it was nothing.
We just got a new puppy_comma_ a real water dog. We have been trying to get it to swim and today he did for the first time! <SEP> Aww that's so cute! Was it tough trying to get it to swim? <SEP> At first_comma_ he was curious about the water but had a scared look in his eyes. But he did it! <SEP> Proud of the little pup! <SEP> I love this dog_comma_ I think I'm going to keep him haha!
Last night I was running in the road in a very lonely place and a car began to follow me slowly. I took a picture of the car and pretend to be sending it and the car just went away quickly.
Last night I was running in the road in a very lonely place and a car began to follow me slowly. <SEP> That's so creepy and scary. What happened next? <SEP> Yes_comma_ thank god I just took a picture of the car and pretend to be sending it and the car just went away quickly. <SEP> Why are there so many weirdos in this world? I'm glad you made it out safe.
My daughter snuk out the window last night. Cops brought her home this morning. she was still drunk
My daughter snuk out the window last night. <SEP> What for? I hope it wasn't for anything dangerous. <SEP> Cops brought her home this morning. She was still drunk from the party she went to. <SEP> That's a little dangerous. I'd definitely talk to her about why you didn't allow her to go to that party_comma_ and maybe she'll realize that what you're doing is for her own good. <SEP> I agree_comma_ needless to say_comma_ she is grounded til Thanksgiving.
I want to loose wait and I'm trying to eat less_comma_ but just a few minutes ago a had some sugar cravings and ate a whole package of cookies. Now I feel awful.
I want to lose wait and I'm trying to eat less_comma_ but just a few minutes ago a had some sugar cravings and ate a whole package of cookies. <SEP> Yes I understand! It is so hard to lose weight! <SEP> Yes_comma_ and now I feel awful about eating those cookies. <SEP> Yes. Chocolate is my nemesis. I think it is more addicting than cocaine
About a year ago_comma_ I was about to run my first 50 mile race. I had broken my toe a few weeks prior and was very nervous that it wasn't going to hold up through the race.
Last year I was about to run my first 50 mile race. I had broken my toes a few weeks before and wasn't sure I was going to make it. <SEP> Ouch_comma_ that's unfortunate. Hopefully it turned out okay though? <SEP> It did_comma_ thankfully I had listened to my doctor's recommendations and it healed up just enough. It was still a pretty nerve wracking start though. <SEP> I can imagine_comma_ talk about bad timing injuring your toes!
When I was a kid I threw a rock at a boy. It hit him on the forehead and made a big gash. I felt so bad about doing it.
When I was a kid I threw a rock at a boy. It hit him on the forehead and made a big gash. I felt so bad about doing it. <SEP> Oh no! Did you get in trouble? <SEP> It's hard to believe but I didn't. I honestly didn't think it would hit him. He had been fighting with my little brother and I was just trying to scare him off. <SEP> Good for you for standing up for your little brother. hope the kid is ok though.
I was looking through an old family album and I realized_comma_ I really had a good childhood. I miss my family.
I was looking through my old family album and realized I had a really good childhood. <SEP> Sometimes when you are looking back at a situation you get a whole new perspective now that you're away from it. I'm happy that you have that realization. <SEP> Me too. Makes me really miss my family. <SEP> Are they gone now or is a reunion possible? <SEP> A reunion is possible but we all live so far away.
I was at the store and some old guy bought my groceries for me. It helped restore my faith in humanity
I was at the store and some old guy bought my groceries for me. It helped restore my faith in humanity <SEP> God's Plan! Do you know why he did it? <SEP> No_comma_ he just said he felt like doing something good! <SEP> Dang_comma_ I wish I could have it happen to me someday! <SEP> I hope it does!
I studied endlessly for my biology final_comma_ and while I was taking the test_comma_ I was sure about my responses
I studied endlessly for my biology final_comma_ and while I was taking the test_comma_ I felt good about my responses <SEP> That's great! Such a satisfying feeling! Did you get a good grade? <SEP> Yes! I got an A. It was definitely satisfying to see that my hard work paid off. <SEP> I hope you were really proud of yourself :-)
We're finally settled in one place after moving around a lot. It's so nice to be able to put down roots.
My family is finally settled down in one place after moving around a lot. <SEP> That's really good news. It must be frustrating to move from place to place constantly. Is your family happy with the place? <SEP> Very happy! It's so nice to be able to put down roots_comma_ to finally feel at home. <SEP> I hope you and your family enjoy the new home.
I love walking my dogs on these late summer mornings. It's still cool_comma_ the sun is shining_comma_ and I still have two more weeks off.
I love walking my dogs on these late summer mornings. It's still cool_comma_ the sun is shining_comma_ and I still have two more weeks off. <SEP> Amen. What kind of dogs do yo have? <SEP> A boston terrier and a chihuhua cross. <SEP> Aw little guys. Do they walk well on the leash? <SEP> Most of the time_comma_ until we see another dog. <SEP> That's about how mine is. He is a bit bigger so he pulls a little harder. I found using a harness has helped. <SEP> Yeah_comma_ I use that too! What breed do you have? <SEP> He is a mix breed. We don't really know.
All my neighbors constantly want to get together to gossip and talk bad about the people who live across the street. I'm sick of it!
Lately_comma_ my neighbors want to sit around and gossip about the family across the street. They love to talk bad about them even though it's clear this family is struggling. I'm sick of it <SEP> I am sure you are_comma_ that sounds bad <SEP> It's awful! How are people okay with being so cruel? <SEP> There are just bad people out there
When my dad got sick randomly_comma_ I went into care mode. I made sure he was going to get all the help he needed
I really went into care mode when my dad got sick. I just made sure he was going to be okay <SEP> That takes a lot of strength to be able to do that. A lot of people would just break down instead of trying to help however they can. <SEP> I just knew what I needed to do to help <SEP> Good for you_comma_ I'm sure your dad is so very thankful for you.
The new school semester starts in a few days and I have all of my supplies and work ready to go
The new school semester starts in a few days and I have all of my supplies ready! <SEP> That sounds great! Are you excited? <SEP> I'm very excited. This year is crucial for my degree's program and I want to make sure I raise my GPA. <SEP> I hope you accomplish everything!
I saw a dog on the side of the road that had been hit by a car_comma_ it was so sad
I saw a dog on the side of the road that had been hit by a car_comma_ it was so sad <SEP> Oh my goodness. That must have been traumatic to see. Do you know what happened to the dog? <SEP> No <SEP> Well_comma_ I'm sorry you had to see that!
I believe that most people are good people_comma_ deep down.
I believe that most people are good people_comma_ deep down. <SEP> I agree with that. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt at first. <SEP> I am a high school teacher and it's hard to keep that in mind sometimes <SEP> Oh man. Bless your soul! I bet that can test your patience. <SEP> On the best of days_comma_ yes! I love it though. <SEP> Im sure it can be highly rewarding too. <SEP> yes_comma_ definitely. I keep in touch with a lot of the kids as they become adults.
A bad storm with a tornado almost went through my town_comma_ I was so scared
A bad storm with a tornado almost went through my town_comma_ I was so scared <SEP> I'm glad it's over and nothing happened. do you have an underground shelter? <SEP> No_comma_ I live in an apartment <SEP> Oh_comma_ I would be scared too. apartments seem safe unless the roof gets ripped of of coarse.
I'm trying to save up money to buy a home by next year. If all goes well It can happen.
I am saving up my money to buy a home next year sometime. I think it can happen. <SEP> Are you excited? <SEP> I am so excited. I'm thinking of all the things I want to do to it and I don't even know what it looks like yet. <SEP> I hope you do it! <SEP> Thanks_comma_ I will!
I return to work in September to a new role. I'm excited but anxious.
I return to work in September to a new role. I'm excited but anxious. <SEP> congratulations! that is exciting. How long have you been waiting for this. <SEP> I got the new role in June_comma_ so not too long. It's within my organization. <SEP> Very cool. I wish you all the best. <SEP> Thanks! I'm sure I'll love it. What do you do? <SEP> I'm a freelancer <SEP> Oh cool. That must be quite liberating. <SEP> started out slow but now it is!
I woke up this morning to find that my well trained dog pooped on the carpet sometime in the night. He must have really had to go!
I woke up this morning to find that my dog pooped on my brand new rug! <SEP> Oh no! Not the old pop on the rug trick. Did you yell? <SEP> It was too late. He did know I was mad at him. I could tell he knew he did wrong. <SEP> What kind of dog? I have a boston terrier. She's the cutest. <SEP> Aww I like those. He is a little shitzu. <SEP> Oh cute! What a devil. <SEP> yep_comma_ spoiled little brat he is. <SEP> Mine too. Can't help it_comma_ those eyes!
I was at the fair_comma_ and I spilled my drink all over myself.
I was at the fair_comma_ and I spilled my drink all over myself <SEP> Oh no! Did you have to go home and change? <SEP> Yeah <SEP> What a bummer! Sorry to hear that.
I am a very committed spouse. I have been married 15 years.
I am a very committed spouse. I have been married 15 years. <SEP> That is so cool! Im not married yet <SEP> DO you think you'll ever want to get married? Marriage can be hard. <SEP> Maybe_comma_ im not sure yet <SEP> Yeah_comma_ I guess it depends on meeting the one.
I was feeling really badly when my child heard me swear and curse out his father because I was mad he was late picking him up. I didn't want him to hear me treat his father that way but I was really angry.
I felt so badly today because my son overheard me yelling and cursing out his dad because he was late picking up our son. I didn't mean for him to overhear that but I was really angry. <SEP> Aw that's tough! Have you talked to him about it? <SEP> I haven't had a chance yet since he's still with his dad. I hope to call him later tonight. <SEP> It might have upset him but I'm sure he'll understand! Everyone loses their temper sometimes and it's not like you didn't have a legit reason
We're waiting to see what size my husband's bonus will be. It's the first year he'll get one. We're hoping it's enough for a new roof.
We're waiting to see what size my husband's bonus will be. This is the first year he's eligible for anything bigger than a Starbucks gift card lol <SEP> I hope it's a lot more than just a gift card but at least Starbucks should be a lot of money because it's so expensive there! <SEP> haha true_comma_ prices are insane there! We're hoping to be able to afford a new roof this year <SEP> oh yes then you need much more than a starbucks gift card! good luck!!
When I was younger_comma_ my best friend and I worked at the same company. She got a promotion that we both wanted. I'd been working there longer so it really stung.
When I was younger_comma_ my best friend and I worked together. She ended up getting the promotion that we both wanted. <SEP> I am sorry that must have been tough. She probably felt bad for you. <SEP> I'd been working there longer so it really stung. Our friendship survived though! <SEP> That is great because friendships are very important
My neighbours just bought a new car and put in a pool. I feel like I just can't get ahead- I can barely pay the bills.
My neighbours just bought a new car and put in a pool. I feel like I just can't get ahead- I can barely pay the bills. <SEP> Ok_comma_thats lovely <SEP> For them it is_comma_ I guess. <SEP> Its shows a lot of care <SEP> Well_comma_ I guess I'm envious. They are better off than me I guess.
I was embarrased when my shoe peeled off on the way
I had to walk bare footed to a point <SEP> A point of what? Like_comma_ of land? <SEP> I was looking for a shoe mender <SEP> Oh boy. I'm not sure where you'd find one. That's pretty old fashioned. Did you find one?
Someone at my work missed part of their shift due to a personal issue_comma_ but requested I withhold any information that would reveal they missed such time.
Someone at my work missed part of their shift due to a personal issue_comma_ but requested I withhold any information that would reveal they missed such time <SEP> Oh no! That must have put you in a bad position. How did you handle it? <SEP> I did my best to speak around the subject to anyone that may have otherwise brought it up_comma_ Luckily no one ended up being at all the wiser <SEP> Sounds like a great way of handling a potentially sticky situation - good job!
I love to rely on my friends for advice
They are too good to me <SEP> hi friend who is too good to you? <SEP> My frisds <SEP> that's good though! I bet you're grateful.
I had the chance to look through my girlfriend's phone while I was in the shower_comma_ I decided not to because I felt I could respect her privacy.
I had the chance to look through my girlfriend's phone while I was in the shower_comma_ I decided not to because I felt I could respect her privacy <SEP> Thats so cool of you <SEP> i hope so i hope i did the right thing <SEP> Yea_comma_thats the right thing to do
I can't believe my electric is bill is so high this onth.
MY electriv bill is through the roof this month. <SEP> Yikes_comma_ did anything out of the ordinary happen? <SEP> We went on two vacations so I thought it would have been lower. <SEP> That is weird_comma_ sorry to hear that_comma_ paying more money is never fun at all
I was impressed when my friend was our valedictorian in high school
I was impressed when my friend was our valedictorian in high school <SEP> Wow that's awesome. <SEP> Yeah_comma_ I was proud of them_comma_ I was surprised when i heard the enws <SEP> Why so surprised>
We have to make an expensive car repair. This is coming just after finding out our roof is finally kaput.
We have to make an expensive repair to our car. <SEP> I know! That must be frustrating. Do you have enough money to cover it? <SEP> We do technically_comma_ but it's really frustrating because we also have to replace our roof :-/ <SEP> Oh wow... it seems like bad things always hit at once like that. Hang in there - I hope it will get better for you!
I wanted to go out but needed someone to watch my kids. No one had ever babysat before. I let my sister watch them because I knew she would do a good job.
I wanted to go out but I couldn't take my small kids. I hadn't ever had a babysitter but I knew my sister would take good care of them. <SEP> I'm sure it was scary to leave your kids for the time but at least it was their aunt and not a stranger! <SEP> They did great. I knew I was worried for nothing! <SEP> Oh that's so great - and now you can feel comfortable leaving them with her more often!
All my friends signed up for horse back riding lessons but I had never been before. I wasn't sure I wanted to go with them but they convinced me to sign up and go even though I was very scared!
All my friends signed up for horse back riding lessons but I'd never been before and was scared. They convinced me to sign up and take them! <SEP> It does sound like fun_comma_ though. Did you have a good time? <SEP> I wouldn't say it was a good time but I'm glad I tried it! <SEP> Are you ever going to do it again or are you done? I went when I was a child.
You can believe in your friend
If we can believe and trust in each other_comma_the world will be a better place <SEP> True. Easier said than done though. How can we be? <SEP> Is not an easy task but we can try <SEP> Definetly! it starts with a single person right
I had a c-section planned to deliver my baby. I was excited about seeing her but nervous about the surgery.
I had a c-section scheduled to have my baby. I was very excited about seeing her but very nervous about the surgery. <SEP> Did you layer had the surgery? <SEP> I had the surgery and everything went great. I was glad it was over! <SEP> Oh_comma_congrats dear
I was broken when i heard a bad news from my office
Some of my collegues wete sacked by the management <SEP> Oh_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that! That must have been upsetting. <SEP> Honestly_comma_i was just lucky not to be among <SEP> Then you must have felt relief.
I felt ashamed when I quit my job due to depression and anxiety problems_comma_ a lot of stigma_comma_ especiall for men_comma_ when dealing with employment (or lack of) and mental health.
I had an okay job_comma_ not a great job but it paid well_comma_ working as a commercial truck and trailer repair technician. After a few weeks on the job I fell into a deep depression after getting injured at work. <SEP> oh I am so sorry_comma_ I am assuming the injury was serious? <SEP> No_comma_ it was minor. I had a previous injury to my arm_comma_ not sure what is messed up in it really... Doctor said it was just a sprained wrist but it was obivously more serious_comma_ the doctor didn't really care. <SEP> oh man I hope you got a second opinion? I would be so worried about your injury. I am so sorry. <SEP> I haven't gotten it looked at since_comma_ it doesn't bother me enough to warrant spending the money on the doctor visit. It's alright for the most part now_comma_ thank you for your concern. My shoulder and elbow pop consistently but it rarely aches these days_comma_ though using the computer mouse can give me fits if I don't watch it.
i farted in a barnes and noble once and someone smelled it.
i farted in a barnes and noble once and someone smelled it. <SEP> Hasn't everyone done so at some point? <SEP> haha I guess so. But they knew it was me... <SEP> Atleast it wasn't in class at a college or something_comma_ right? <SEP> yeah you're right I shouldn't feel so bad then. <SEP> I wouldn't sweat it_comma_ chances are you won't see any of those people again right? Even if you do_comma_ it's unlikely they'll remember you let alone your smelly fart.
I was going through some pictures of when my children were young. I can't believe how little they were! It made me think about the past.
I was looking through pictures of when my kids were young. I can't believe how tiny they were. It made me remember the times when they were tiny. <SEP> oh my gosh that's so cute! I bet they were the cutest. <SEP> They were so sweet and little. Time passes so quickly. <SEP> I'm sure it does_comma_ I don't have any of my own but I would be really sentimental.
I am worried about going back to school_comma_ I don't know if I should do it. It can be hard.
I am worried about going back to school_comma_ I don't know if I should do it. It can be hard. <SEP> Yes_comma_ but think of all the opportunities it can open up. Don't let fear stop you! <SEP> you're right! I guess I am just very cautious you know. <SEP> I know_comma_ but I'm sure you'll do great! I went to school for many years through a Master's degree_comma_ and although it was hard_comma_ it was worth it.
I spent 2 hours helping my daughter on her homework. found out today she never turned it is and won't receive credit for turning it in late. What a waste of time.
I spent 2 hours helping my daughter with her homework. I found out today she never turned it in. <SEP> Did she forget it at home or did she just not bother turning it in? <SEP> She just didn't bother. She won't even get credit for turning it in late. What a waste of time. <SEP> Be happy that you were able to spend some time with her and sharing personal time with her by helping her with her homework. Not many parents do that for their children <SEP> No_comma_ your right. That is so true. I just wish she put more effort into school instead of talking in class.
I dropped my chipotle after being hungry for the whole morning
I had just went on my break after a long morning at work_comma_ so I got chipotle. As soon as I stepped out of my car with my food_comma_ I dropped my bowl on the floor <SEP> oh no! I bet you were so mad! were you able to find something else to snack on? <SEP> It was pretty heartbreaking honestly_comma_ I really looked forward to my steak bowl. I just ended up getting some chips from the vending machine to fill my stomach at least a bit <SEP> That is heartbreaking. That sounds really good. Never purchased one of those.
I work with several other men that are fairly attractive_comma_ but I love my husband so I want to remain true to him. I do not want to betray his love.
It is good to remain faithful if you are married. Faith and trust are important in a healthy relationship. <SEP> I am completely agree. How long have you been married? <SEP> I have been married for 14 years now. We've had our ups and downs_comma_ but a good relationship takes work. <SEP> Constant work and attention is key to a great relationship! <SEP> Compromise an important part_comma_ too. It can't work if someone insists on being right all the time.
I had to wear a scratched up pair of old glasses because I broke my other pair.
I broke my glasses so I had to wear an old pair that had visible scratches on the lenses from being stored in a drawer. <SEP> That sucks. I hate having scratched glasses <SEP> Well_comma_ it felt so self-conscious knowing that people could probably see the scratches. <SEP> Yes and it always bothers me looking through scatches. <SEP> That part sucked too. Guess I care too much what others think.
I am going through a breakup_comma_ we were together for five years I am heartbroken
I am going through a breakup_comma_ we were together for five years I am heartbroken <SEP> I'm so sorry to hear that. I was together with my wife for 7 years when she left me so I know your pain. <SEP> it's horrible. I know you felt the same way. I just want this terrible feeling to be over. <SEP> It takes awhile for it to be over. Find a hobby to take your mind off of it. It helps to ease the pain.
Sometimes I get annoyed by my parents_comma_ there seems to be such a generational gap between us sometimes
Sometimes I get annoyed by my parents_comma_ there seems to be such a generational gap between us sometimes <SEP> I know exactly what you mean. <SEP> I guess everyone feels like that to an extent_comma_ it is unavoidable <SEP> It makes it hard to communicate though.
I miss my old boyfriend. He is no good though.
I miss my ex. <SEP> I am sorry to hear that_comma_ how did it end between you? <SEP> He kept gambling away our bill money so I had to let him go. <SEP> That makes sense_comma_ sometimes things are just not meant to be
One time I let this guy crash on my couch. He seemed like a nice guy_comma_ but he took advantage of me. I found out he was eating all my food and stealing money from my room.
You ever have a situation where you help someone out and just end up regretting it? <SEP> yes_comma_ that is always a hard situation. <SEP> Yea_comma_ I once let this guy crash on my couch rent free for 3 months_comma_ and the entire time he was taking money out my room and eating my snacks without saying anything. I knew things were missing_comma_ but he'd always deny it. <SEP> oh man that is horrible! I am so sorry <SEP> Thanks_comma_ I guess some people are just scumbags. I don't understand how you can take advantage of someone who is helping you.
An old friend wanted to get together. It would have been fun_comma_ but he is a guy and I knew it would bother my husband so I didn't meet him.
An old friend wanted to get together. IT was a guy_comma_ and he was someone I was involved with. I knew it would bother my husband so I didn't meet with him. <SEP> That's the best decision. I know mine wouldn't either. If he is a good guy_comma_ he will understand. <SEP> I didn't want to make my husband uncomfortable_comma_ even if it would have been nice to catch up. But I have to respect him. <SEP> That's good. No sense in rocking the boat.
I have to go to the dentist really soon. One of my teeth are very sensitive lately. I don't want to go.
I have to go to the dentist really soon. One of my teeth are really sensitive lately. <SEP> It is definitely good to get that looked at right away. Then they can take care of it! <SEP> Yes_comma_ that is true. I am one of those people who hate the dentist. <SEP> Oh I know it's hard. Just try to relax and it will go quick. <SEP> I will make myself go. thanks!
I made a news years resolution to meditate every day and I have kept it for the most part.
I have meditated nearly every day this year. It was my new years resolution. <SEP> Nice! Did it help you become less stressed? <SEP> Yes! It is surprising how much it has helped me considering how neurotic I can be. <SEP> Dang_comma_ well I hope you can continue your goal of meditating every day!
I remember at scout camp we had to do a trust fall exercise where one person would fall and the rest of the troop would catch them.
Wow_comma_ I'm not sure if I could do that. Did you feel scared? <SEP> Scared of what <SEP> Of doing a trust fall_comma_ I guess I forgot to mention that part. <SEP> Oh_comma_dont mind me_comma_just been curious <SEP> No worries_comma_ was just thinking back to when a group of my friend when to scout camp and were doing trust exercises.
I am always satisfied with whatever i have
I dont like borrowing from people <SEP> Why is that? <SEP> I like to manage whatever i have <SEP> I feel that_comma_ plus it's nice not to have to worry about returning it.
I thought my son was capable of cleaning the kitchen. Apparently I was wrong.
I asked my son to clean the kitchen. He left dirty dishes in the sink and garbage on the counter. <SEP> Oh thats not good..sometimes teenagers can be alittle messy <SEP> He's 10 but definitely messy. We are working on it though. <SEP> Well I am sure he will get better with age
One time I was on a ride at a theme park and the ride stopped in midair. I was so scared_comma_ but I believed that help would arrive and I knew the rescuers would save us. They showed up and we were all good.
Do you like theme park rides? I used to enjoy them a lot_comma_ but one time my ride got stuck. <SEP> I think theme park rides are scary! Was it scary when you were stuck? <SEP> It really was_comma_ I was freaking out_comma_ but I also felt confident that we'd be saved. It didn't take too long_comma_ maybe 5-10 minutes before they were able to rescue us. <SEP> They are really good about that. They have a lot of safety features you don't even realize. We were stuck on Space Mountain once. <SEP> Jeeze_comma_ man. I wonder how many other people have gotten stuck on rides before. Is it that common of an occurrence? Well_comma_ we're both here to talk about it.
My nephew was so sweet and adorable. I just wanted to hug him and spend time with him. He was the first child in the family for a long time_comma_ so it was special.
When he was little_comma_ my nephew was so adorable. He was the first child in the family for a long time_comma_ and he was so cute. I loved to spend time with him. <SEP> Awww_comma_ you're speaking fondly on when he was young. Is he not as nice anymore? <SEP> Oh he's still nice. He has some issues_comma_ though_comma_ but I love him very much of course. <SEP> That's depressing to here. I have family members who are still cool now as well_comma_ but I just think so fondly on when they were younger. They grow up too fast_comma_ and it really is amazing when they're young and innocent and haven't been exposed to the real world yet.
Working as a nurse_comma_ there are many times when I have been worried about my patients. Sometimes when a patient is just starting to get seriously ill_comma_ there are not any obvious signs_comma_ but my intuition is almost always correct.
Intuition can be a key tool to a seasoned nurse. <SEP> I suppose_comma_ but research and concrete knowledge is more beneficial as it is a very hands on and physical occupation_comma_ especially when the health of others are in their hands. <SEP> Those are very beneficial tools as well but sometimes experience plays a large part in patient outcomes. <SEP> That is true. There are many situations where experience can strengthen your skills compared to just learning it from a book. <SEP> Skills can be difficult to learn from a book. Hands-on practice is what it takes to perfect those skills.
Dog greeting me at the door whenever I get home
It's always such a great feeling whenever I get home and my dog is there waiting for me at the door ready to greet me. <SEP> Dogs are wonderful pets. They are so loving and devoted. What kind of dog do you have? <SEP> I have a little havanese named Yoko. <SEP> That's an awesome name. I have two feists. If you're not familiar with the breed_comma_ they resemble Jack Russell terriers_comma_ but they are bred for squirrel hunting. Their names are Whiskey and Ruby.
When my husband and I were younger and our children were small_comma_ we were on really tight budget. One day at church_comma_ when it was time to give out tithe_comma_ I knew we had only about $40 in our bank account. I wrote a check for $40. I put my faith in God to carry us. Within a few days_comma_ I received an unexpected care package from my mother_comma_ which included some cash.
Hi_comma_ I want to tell you about one time my faith was tested. Have you ever had a time when you had to just put your faith in God? <SEP> all the time I am not sure I believe in God <SEP> I can understand that. That's why I said my faith was tested...when my husband and I were younger couple with small kids_comma_ we were living on a small budget. My husband was still in college to be a teacher_comma_ so it was pretty tight with just my income. Well_comma_ long story short_comma_ I wrote a check for $40 as tithe at church and that was pretty much all we had. A few days later I received a care package from my mom out of blue and she even included some cash. It was not something she usually did. What do you think of that? <SEP> that's pretty crazy you could of had your money and the care package too <SEP> Yup_comma_ sometimes you just have to believe_comma_ I think. But I did feel convicted to do so. I'm not saying everyone should do it. You know what I mean? <SEP> yeah I understand what you mean definitely <SEP> It was nice talking to you. Have a great night. Best wishes!
my cat just recently died and I am very shaken up about it.
my cat just recently died and I am very shaken up about it. <SEP> Oh_comma_ I am so sorry! I am an animal lover_comma_ too. We have two dogs now_comma_ but used to have cats_comma_ too. We did have to say goodbyes to some of our pets over years. It's heart breaking... <SEP> it is I am just so sad and heartbroken <SEP> How long did you have your cat?
We went over my grandma's house for the holidays. I loved being with my relatives. The cooking was divine. I felt so happy.
We went over my grandmother's house one holiday. Everyone was spending quality time together and cooking and it was just so special. <SEP> Was it a holiday? <SEP> Yes_comma_ it was. My family usually is far_comma_ but some people came into town. It was just nice to be together. <SEP> It sounds like a fun event.
Someone I know lost an expensive phone. She told me about it and started crying.
My friend lost an expensive phone. <SEP> Oh no! That is so frustrating. <SEP> Yeah she even cried about it and I had to comfort her. <SEP> That is good that you are a nice friend to her.