File size: 1,375 Bytes
{"DrishtiSharma--mr_opus100_processed": {"description": "OPUS-100 is English-centric, meaning that all training pairs include English on either the source or target side.\nThe corpus covers 100 languages (including English).OPUS-100 contains approximately 55M sentence pairs.\nOf the 99 language pairs, 44 have 1M sentence pairs of training data, 73 have at least 100k, and 95 have at least 10k.\n", "citation": "@misc{zhang2020improving,\n      title={Improving Massively Multilingual Neural Machine Translation and Zero-Shot Translation},\n      author={Biao Zhang and Philip Williams and Ivan Titov and Rico Sennrich},\n      year={2020},\n      eprint={2004.11867},\n      archivePrefix={arXiv},\n      primaryClass={cs.CL}\n}\n", "homepage": "", "license": "", "features": {"text": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}}, "post_processed": null, "supervised_keys": {"input": "en", "output": "mr"}, "task_templates": null, "builder_name": "opus100", "config_name": "en-mr", "version": {"version_str": "0.0.0", "description": null, "major": 0, "minor": 0, "patch": 0}, "splits": {"train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 1889995, "num_examples": 27007, "dataset_name": "mr_opus100_processed"}}, "download_checksums": null, "download_size": 895658, "post_processing_size": null, "dataset_size": 1889995, "size_in_bytes": 2785653}}