How does retroactivity work? The retroactivity feature ensures that employees created in the tool after their company entry date and during the rule execution period are taken into account. Conditions: With regard to this functionality, particularly for Onboarding rules, there are three conditions (in addition to the employee meeting the KPP filters, etc.): The employee must have a company or group entry date within the set timeframe (D-31 maximum). The employee must have a company or group entry date after the date on which the rule is first executed. The employee's account must have been created after the rule's first execution date. How do the prerequisites work within Training Match? It is possible to define prerequisites in the cycle at the level of steps or training courses. All courses in the step defined as a prerequisite must be completed before courses in subsequent steps can be carried out. Can we manage certification renewals with Training Match? Yes, this is possible. Unlike other types of rules, which can be used to generate registrations, requests or suggestions for training cycles, certification renewal only allows automatic registrations for training courses. Once your rule has been configured, Training Match will identify each day the people with the certification to be renewed who are part of the target population, then automatically register them in the appropriate training session. An employee was not registered by Training Match when he should have been. Why? You've created and started your Training Match rule with the expected result of registration, but your collaborator hasn't been registered. Here's what you need to check to make sure the registration is completed: 1. Check that the collaborator is present in the Simulation 2. Check that the Training Match batch is activated (please contact our Customer Care team for this) 3. The collaborator cannot be registered at the moment because one or more of the following conditions are missing: Session active (not in a final state), Session ending after the arrival date if ""session in progress"" in the rule OR session starting after the arrival date, Session starting after the deadline defined in the cycle (applied to the arrival date), Session starting after the end of the prerequisite action sessions (defined in the cycle), Session with space available, Session for which the collaborator meets the enrolment criteria (key properties), Session for which the collaborator is available (no synchronous training at the same time). Can I delete a Training Match rule? Yes, if the rule concerned is in draft state OR is active but not executed. Training Match rules already executed cannot be deleted, only archived." Can I modify a Training Match rule after activation? "Once your Training Match rule has been activated, it can no longer be modified. If you wish to make changes, you must duplicate it and deactivate the old rule. The new duplicated rule will then be in draft form, and you will be able to modify it." Can I use Training Match to manage mass registration for training courses? Training Match is not designed to manage large volumes of registrations, but to automate recurring registrations. We therefore advise you against using it for this purpose. A rule has been created with an effective date of today, but the target population has not yet been registered. Why has this happened? "Training Match runs every day at around 5:00 a.m. (GMT), by default. If you activate a rule on the same day as its execution start date, and the daily execution time has passed, you'll have to wait until the following morning to see the first registrations made. How do I display the ""Their training"" widget? Your managers can keep track of their employees' training requests and registrations from the ""Their training"" widget. This widget is available from the home page by switching from the ""My Space"" view to ""My Team"" and/or ""My N-1"". This widget is only available to managers in the ""My Team"" and ""My N-1"" views. It will not be available for the ""My perimeter"" view. For it to be displayed, the following conditions must be met: Have the right to ""View the ""Registration"" tab"" to see the ""Registration"" tab, Have the right to ""View the ""Training requests"" tab"" to see the ""Requests"" tab, Have authorization for the employee on the ""Collab. profile"" and ""FO training"" analysis modules. How can I hide requirements and registrations in the ""My training"" widget? You can configure the display of requests and registrations in the ""My training"" widget from Intelligence > Object settings > Registrations (or Training requests) > Status types. These screens let you configure: - for registrations: whether a registration should be visible according to its status, - for request: whether a request should be visible according to its status and source." How do I change the layout of my widgets? "From the My Talentsoft page, you can change the order of the widgets to suit your needs. To do so, click on the ""Manage"" pencil icon on your home page. Please note that the widget order cannot be set by default for all collaborators. In fact, this feature means that each collaborator is free to modify the order of widgets on his or her space as he or she sees fit. How can I remove the ""Text 1"" field from the training requests interface in the My/Their Training Widgets? From the ""My training"" and ""Their training"" widgets, when you select a training request, the details display the ""Text 1"" field, notably used when requesting training via form (Performance and Skills modules). This customizable field had been requested by many customers during the widget's co-construction phase, and was therefore displayed by default in the requirements detail. If you no longer wish to display the ""Text1"" field in the widget's training requirements, please request it by support ticket, using the following procedure: Company characteristic ""DisplayRequirementText1InWidget"" to be set to ""False"". What is the order of display of registrations on my ""My courses"" widget, and can it be configured? Registrations for current sessions are displayed according to the session end date. For example, a registration for a session ending on July 15 of the current year will be placed before a registration for a session ending on October 30." "When impersonating an employee's identity, the ""My training"" and ""Their training"" widgets do not appear. Why not?" "The ""My training"" and ""Their training"" widgets do not appear when impersonating an employee, for reasons of compliance with fundamental RGPD principles. Given the principles of default data protection and minimization, this access is not justified." "When I log in, why do I see the message ""Authentication failed""?" Please ensure that you have an active LMS account. If you do, please ensure that you have correctly entered your log-in details (username and password). Take care, these details are case-sensitive. Can I log into the LMS application using a QR code or a direct link? "Yes: the QR Code is available in the ""My training"" area of the LMS, as long as: - session separators are active: Administration > Display > Display options > Display a session separator on the course page > Yes - the session must be set up to allow downloading to the LMS app: from the page for the session in question > ""Information"" section > ""Modify"" button > activate the setting ""Download session content to the LMS app"" This QR Code can also be received by sending an email suing the ""APP_LMS_CONNECT"" template. Furthermore, this email template includes a link that, once used on the recipient's phone, opens the LMS Application (if it has been installed) and logs in automatically. Can I expand a training unit screen on the LMS mobile application? It is not currently possible to zoom in this way. If a training session is to be followed on mobile devices, we encourage you to size the elements (text, images, videos, etc.) accordingly so as not to lose readability. How do I download an e-learning session to the LMS mobile application or delete a session from the application? "This can be done when you log into the application with a Trainee profile (or similar). On the home page of the application, open the page ""Download and play your courses offline"". On this page, you will find all of the content that you have authorisation to download to read offline. To delete a downloaded training session, go to the ""Settings"" area within the application (settings icon, top right), then open the ""Storage management"" page and use the ""Delete"" button at the bottom of the screen to delete content from your telephone." Why are the results for a Trainee who has approved their training on the LMS application not visible? This Trainee probably completed their training offline after downloading the content to their telephone using the application. The application must be connected to the internet to enable the results to be sent to the LMS. How can I exceed the 32 MB limit when importing files into the LCMS online editor? A maximum file size of 32 MB is permitted when uploading videos when setting up an activity within the LCMS online editor. However, it is possible to integrate larger videos as follows: from your Library, create a new ""Video"" document. The maximum file size for files imported in this way is between 1 and 4 GB (depending on your LCMS settings). Once your LU has been created, there may be a delay in processing your imported file prior to it becoming usable. When your video file is visible in the ""Media"" tab, it can be used as normal. Once your video has been imported as a new document and processed, you can integrate it into your activity using the editor by selecting from ""Project media""." How do I add or delete a folder in the Library for my LCMS project? To add a folder, go to the Documents and Course tabs in your Library. Click on New > New folder. To delete a folder, select it, then click on the arrow to the right of the title in the breadcrumb trail. This displays options for editing and deleting this folder. CAUTION: deleting a folder also deletes the documents that it contains. How do I reuse a TvLearn animation in multiple training units? A TvLearn produced using the online LCMS creates a separate LU. Therefore, you cannot integrate a LU in another LU. In contrast, you can extract the animation from the TvLearn LU to integrate it into another LU. To do this, go to the TvLearn LU file, click on the menu (to the right of the ""Publish"" button), then ""Extract an animation"" and select the corresponding animation. This is then made available as an independent object in your Project Library and can be reused within any E-learning type LU as follows: in the online editor, add an Animation or TvLearn activity and use the import project animation function to integrate the previously created document." Is it possible to export a TvLearn in video format (mp4)? At this time, this type of export is not possible. However, you can reuse the TvLearn animation in other LU. Why can I not open a learning unit downloaded from the LCMS in the ""Web export"" format? A web export is intended to be used online and, therefore, should be stored on a web server in advance. If you open this content on your computer using an index.html file, it will probably be blocked by your browser (for security reasons). Therefore, it is recommended that the web export should be stored on a web server and opened using the latter or, if the export should be used locally to prioritise a CDRom type export which integrates an executable file (.exe), enabling it be used on a computer. Why is the message ""It is not possible to connect to the LMS. Please check the settings"" displayed when publishing or reviewing on the LCMS? In the first place, please check that your LCMS platform is connected to the expected to the expected LMS platform by accessing the screen available via Administration > LMS Configuration. If the expected LMS is there, check that the account you use on the LCMS has the same login as an existing LMS account and has adequate rights for at least one of the associated profiles. The rights in question are: - edit a course, - import a course. Otherwise, you must create an account on the LMS so that the connection can be established between the platforms and enable you to publish. If the warning still appears despite these checks, please contact Talentsoft Customer Care." What is the purpose of the CSV import function that is available on the LCMS online editor? CSV importing into the LCMS online editor enables quizzes to be generated without having to use the Production LCMS application. This allows you to create three types of activities: MCQ, SCQ and text entry. Refer to the sample file available for download for further information about the structure of the file to be completed. Above all, this import facilitates the creation of questionnaires, however, it does not replace the settings for each activity (for example: number of attempts, corrections, etc.). Should I manage (create, modify) my e-learning content on the LCMS? As far as possible, create your LU and your courses using your LCMS, if you have this platform. This enables you to save your work and to reuse it easily later on. You also have features such as review (archiving changes made to content and the option of restoring an earlier version of a LU), test, etc. Finally, you have a larger file size limit (up to 4 GB per file), which enables you to put any sort of content online, unlike the LMS, which has a limit of 32 MB (which can be avoided by importing from a FTP server). How can I get more settings on the LCMS online editor? For this, activate advanced editing mode. This editing mode enables you to use a greater number of settings to adapt your content to your requirements. You can activate this mode via the menu at the top right of the online editor. Can I install the Production LCMS application on a computer other than my work computer? The Production LCMS application can be installed on any terminal (professional, personal, etc.) provided that it meets the technical requirements, available on the Talentsoft Community. Note that the Production LCMS application only works in a Windows environment. You can download the executable file for Production LCMS from the Web LCMS: top right menu > Tools > Install the app." How do I update a LU without losing results (tracking)? If you want to update a LU without impacting the tracking that has already been saved, it is recommended: - not to change the structure of your module: no pages or activities should change position (nor should any pages be added, deleted or moved), - not to change the exercise types, - not to amend the titles of questions or the content of each exercise. Why does a TvLearn not retain the media and animations from the PowerPoint file? The purpose of the TvLearn functionality is to convert the Powerpoint slides into images. Therefore, the animations and media are not retained. Which e-learning standards are supported by the LCMS and LMS platforms? Our platforms support SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 3rd edition and AICC 3.5. Content produced using other standards (xAPI) or exported in other formats (.story files, for example) cannot be used. Can I change the graphic design of the LCMS? These changes require the appropriate tools and/or knowledge. This can be done either by Talentsoft as part of the Content+ type Advanced Services or by any other supplier with the necessary technical know-how to perform such a task. Can I save Tutorials (screen recording) through the Web LCMS? Currently the online LCMS does not allow tutorials to be saved. Therefore, you should use the Production LCMS application to record then save online. After this, you can use the animation on the Web LCMS by integrating it into a LU via an ""Animation"" type activity. Why can I not integrate a video file that I have imported into the LCMS into a learning unit? Importing a video into the Web LCMS is followed by processing in order to make it possible to use the file on the platform. Therefore, it may be that the video file is only available for use several minutes after being imported. One method of checking the availability of a file is to view the ""Media"" tab in the Library: if your file is there, it can be used. If it is not there, you must wait for it to be processed. Can I record more than 15 minutes using TvLearn on the Web LCMS? Currently, the maximum recording period for a TvLearn is 15 minutes. The user receives a notification one minute prior to the end of the recording which ends automatically after 15 minutes. I cannot log into my account using the Production LCMS application (ECMG). In the first place, please check that the LCMS link used is in the following format: Then check that you are using the correct login and password. If necessary, you can reset your password by clicking on ""Forgotten password?"" on the LCMS login page. You will need your email address and your login. How do I create multilingual learning units with the LCMS? You can produce multilingual resources by using the Production LCMS application (ECMG). Below you will find documentation describing this feature. Please note: currently, any multilingual LU should only be edited with the Production LCMS. Currently, the Web LCMS cannot handle this content. Why are some templates absent from the Web LCMS? It is not possible to use all templates in the online editor. Some templates are reserved exclusively for the production tool because they are quite old and, for the most part, contain Flash animations that are not compatible with the Web LCMS (and that are no longer compatible with most browsers). As part of work on the online editor, some templates may, in the future, be updated and made available again through the online editor of the Web LCMS. How can I import/export multiple documents at the same time using my Web LCMS? You can export multiple LUs from a LCMS using the Library, for example, to save them on your computer or to move them to a different LCMS platform. To do this, in your Library, select the LUs to be exported then click on the ""Move/Export"" button. In this way, you can download an archive named after the original project for the LUs selected and containing them. To import it into a different LCMS, begin the creation of a new document of the ""Multiple documents"" type and select the previously downloaded archive. At the end of the process, a new folder will be created in your Library, enabling you to view and use this content. How can I edit a learning unit marked as ""Being edited by…""? This message can be deactivated in three ways: - this message is generally displayed because the LU is being edited using a user's Production LCMS application. This person must save the LU online to make it available for use on the Web LCMS again, - you can unlock the LU by going to the file (on the Web LCMS) then by opening the action menu and clicking on ""Unlock the module"". Please note that any changes to the LU not saved online are lost, - you can also duplicate the LU if you do not want to unlock it. In this way, you will duplicate the latest update available from the root of the LCMS project. PLEASE NOTE: exiting the LCMS online editor by closing the browser may lock the content, requiring it to be unlocked to recover access and, therefore, losing any changes that may have been made previously. How do I integrate the content that appears in a different learning unit? The Production LCMS application allows this to be done easily: from the top menu, click on ""File"" then ""Import a LU"". Following this, all of the activities present in this imported LU will be available for integration in the LU that you are designing. On the Web LCMS, you can extract animations to reuse them in other LUs. To do this, go to the LU file that contains the desired animation and, from the actions menu, click on ""Extract an animation"". The extracted animation becomes an independent object in your Project Library. How do I integrate a new graphic design into my Web LCMS? To import a new graphic design, go to ""Looks"" in your project on the Web LCMS. There you will find various linguistic folders (FR, EN, etc.). Import the archive containing your graphic design and place it in the folder corresponding to the language for which this graphic design will be used.