a, The 2-bp deletion identified in exon 9b of patient 1. b, The T-to-A nonsense mutation in exon 4 of patient 2 (stop codon is underlined). c, Upper panel, intronic mutation in patient 3; lower panel, sequencing of the RT-PCR product in patient 3, showing exon-6 skipping. d, Upper panel, The G-to-A point mutation at the splice-donor site in intron 5 of patient 6; lower panel, sequencing of the RT-PCR product in patient 6, showing a 6-bp insertion at the junction between exons 5 and 6. The inserted sequence (underlined) is derived from the first six nucleotides of intron 5 (underlined), which creates a stop codon (dotted). Most probably, nucleotides 7 and 8, GT (double underlined), in intron 5 are alternatively recognized as a splice-donor site. e, Upper panel, the 10-bp deletion in patient 9. This mutation deletes four nucleotides from intron 5 and six from exon 6. Lower panel, sequence of the RT-PCR product in patient 9 reveals the deletion of the 10 nucleotides at the 5′ end of exon 6. The 'AG' (double underlined) in exon 6 immediately after the genomic DNA deletion appears to be recognized as an alternative splice-acceptor site.