diff --git "a/environmental_2000.csv" "b/environmental_2000.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/environmental_2000.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@ +,text,env,source +0,The balance included in-kind donations prepared in accordance with B4SI guidelines.,0,Tobi_MA +1,"Internal controls and risk management The Board, through the Audit Committee, is responsible for ensuring that suitable internal control systems to prevent and detect fraud and error are designed and implemented by the third-party service providers to the Company and is also responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of such controls.",0,Tobi_MA +2,This analysis does not take into account the energy mix related to the electricity consumption of the TTV portfolio issuers.,1,Tobi_MA +3,"Change in Chief Financial Officer and plc Board Chair positions Clare Bousfield stepped down from the Board with effect from 1 October 2021 and transitioned into the role of Managing Director of our Retail & Savings business, for which Clare continued to receive salary and benefits reflective of her new role.",0,Tobi_MA +4,Consideration and prioritisation of climate risk is also built into the decision-making and governance processes and is a requirement of key strategic Board risk assessment papers.,1,Tobi_MA +5,We are working with a broad range of clients and expect to see growth in our Derivatives division as we continue to evolve the nature of solutions we offer in both the institutional and wholesale space.,0,Tobi_MA +6,Training The training delivered is designed to ensure that employees can adapt to their roles and develop their skills.,0,Tobi_MA +7,"In our business segment of Fund Investment Services, our aim is to achieve sustainable growth in managed and advised assets.",0,Tobi_MA +8,"The fees for the non-executive Directors are determined within the limits (not to exceed £300,000 per annum) set out in the Company’s Articles of Association, or any greater sum that may be determined by special resolution of the Company.",0,Tobi_MA +9,"For the individual risk measure, we use an adjusted ß (beta) of 0.6.",0,Tobi_MA +10,"Over the year, we accelerated efficiency measures to achieve the full amount of our € 150 million gross cost savings objective ahead of schedule.",0,Tobi_MA +11,It should be noted that the Supervisory Board does not include any member representing employees and/or employee shareholders and that the Company is not bound by any obligation to make such an appointment (under the provisions of Article L.226-5-1 of the French Commercial Code).,0,Tobi_MA +12,"Colleague welfare, as well as customer focus, has been at the centre of everything we have tried to do during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly as work patterns flexed and changed.",0,Tobi_MA +13,They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.,0,Tobi_MA +14,"On 30 April 2021, the Company announced its intention to implement a “zero discount” policy to seek to manage the discount or premium to net asset value and gave instructions to Winterflood to implement the policy on the Board’s behalf.",0,Tobi_MA +15,The Board The UK Corporate Governance Code recommends that the Board should include a balance of executive and non-executive Directors (and in particular independent non-executive Directors) such that no individual or small group of individuals can dominate the Board’s decision making.,0,Tobi_MA +16,All employees have periodic individual evaluation interviews.,0,Tobi_MA +17,"These included the “In conversation with” series in which the Chief Executive and other key members of senior management presented items such as the half year results, strategy and sustainability.",1,Tobi_MA +18,"They also have the responsibility for disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern.",0,Tobi_MA +19,"We do not take a linear approach to decarbonisation because this can create unintended consequences: such as incentivising divestment to pass the problem onto someone else, and missing out on transition related opportunities.",1,Tobi_MA +20,A highly-diversified London and Euronext-listed closedend fund investing in private equity limited partnerships.,0,Tobi_MA +21,"One year ago, around 20 percent the portfolio value was still attributable to investments that had been in the portfolio for more than five years.",0,Tobi_MA +22,See “Section – Catastrophe (Cat) risk and exposure controls” for further information on risk mitigation actions.,0,Tobi_MA +23,"In accordance with our fundamental diversity concept, we also take into account the knowledge and skills required for the proper performance of tasks and the necessary experience of the employees in the composition of the two levels below management.",0,Tobi_MA +24,These funds are also available for investments.,0,Tobi_MA +25,"Addressing these risks requires a systemic shift in global production and consumption, and in the way the financial sector allocates capital.",0,Tobi_MA +26,Adjusted profit before tax increased by 24% to € 774 million in 2019 (2018: € 625 million) as we recorded higher revenues.,0,Tobi_MA +27,"Fifth resolution ��� (Ratification of the co-opting of Mr Remmert Laan as member of the Supervisory Board) The General Shareholders’ Meeting, acting under the quorum and majority requirements for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Manager’s report and the report of the Supervisory Board, approves the co-opting by the Supervisory Board at its meeting of 6 December 2018 of Mr Remmert Laan as member of the Supervisory Board to replace the resigning Mr Jean-Pierre Denis for the remainder of his term of office, i.e.",0,Tobi_MA +28,Life divisions where it operates may depend on external factors such as economic risks and political risks.,0,Tobi_MA +29,All data in graphs as of 31 December 2021.,0,Tobi_MA +30,The weighted average warming potential across counterparties is 2.7 °C (based on the counterparties modelled for scenario analysis).,1,Tobi_MA +31,This section summarises the remuneration awarded to Executive and Non-Executive Directors for services during the year ended 30 June 2015 and compares this to remuneration awarded for the prior year.,0,Tobi_MA +32,On 19 October 2020 the Company entered into a £25 million revolving credit facility agreement with State Street Bank International GmbH.,0,Tobi_MA +33,"In general, where a sustainability risk event occurs in respect of an individual asset, there is the potential for a negative impact on, or an entire loss of, its value.",1,Tobi_MA +34,"Refer also to Appendix A - Notes to the Corporate Financial Statements, Note 14 - Compensation of the Corporate Officer.",0,Tobi_MA +35,The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) are a response to the global challenges we face and Tikehau Capital naturally wishes to support SDG 8 — Decent work and economic growth.,1,Tobi_MA +36,More information about the Group is available on the Claranet website: www.claranet.fr.,0,Tobi_MA +37,"Following the reopening of the public tender offer, Tikehau Capital held in concert with Sofidy, GSA Immobilier, Sofidiane, Makemo Capital, AF&Co, and Mr Antoine Flamarion and Mr Christian Flamarion, 1,250,029 shares issued by Selectirente, representing as many voting rights, equivalent to 81.03% of the share capital and voting rights of Selectirente.",0,Tobi_MA +38,"For 2013, the Lloyd's Channel Syndicate (49 employees at 31 December 2013) is 100% subsidiaries of SCOR Global P&C SE, managed independently of the Group in terms of human resources and not aggregated in the division.",0,Tobi_MA +39,They are also responsible for ensuring that the Annual Report includes information required by the Disclosure Rules of the UK Listing Authority.,0,Tobi_MA +40,Our Retail and Savings business financial performance was impacted by our Wealth business experiencing increased competitive pressure due to consolidation in the market and the move to digital post COVID-19.,0,Tobi_MA +41,"Where there is sufficient heterogeneity among companies listed in a particular market, we take into account the performance of these on various ESG measures, of which climate metrics are a key component.",1,Tobi_MA +42,The benefit of these visits is recognised to give a valuable understanding of colleagues’ opinions and their working environment.,0,Tobi_MA +43,"In 2017, following the restructuring in preparation for the initial public offering, the Company replaced its subsidiaries as signatory to the UN PRIs which now cover a wider scope.",1,Tobi_MA +44,"Sofidy is a leading asset manager in the Real Estate management sector in France and Europe, involved in the creation and development of investment and savings products particularly focused on retail and office Real Estate.",0,Tobi_MA +45,"They need to be well designed, they need to bemarketed, they need to be attractively priced and they need to performwell.",0,Tobi_MA +46,"The potential impacts of sustainability risk events on the Company’s portfolio include degradation of issuer cashflow and consequent inability to meet debt servicing obligations, and inability to continue to actively and competitively participate in its chosen markets.",1,Tobi_MA +47,"Our Operational Risk Framework defines our approach to the identification, assessment, management and reporting of operational risks and associated controls across the business including IT, data and outsourcing arrangements.",0,Tobi_MA +48,This year we will be asking our shareholders to support our climate transition plan through a specific “Say on Climate” resolution to be put to our shareholders at our AGM.,1,Tobi_MA +49,"These valuation techniques involve some level of management estimation and judgment, the degree of which will depend on the price transparency for the instrument or market and the instrument’s complexity.",0,Tobi_MA +50,"Climate targets and commitments As an asset owner, sustainability is a key part of our decision-making.",1,Tobi_MA +51,Sustainability: Long-term objectives and performance parameters as well as variable compensation granted on a deferral basis guarantee sustainable work on further success and business development.,1,Tobi_MA +52,"Key focus on positive customer outcomes and quality of customer engagement; Support for the Group’s purpose and values to build a safe, respectful and inclusive culture through remuneration policies and schemes that promote and reward good conduct and behaviours for the benefit of our customers and colleagues; and Promotion of a positive culture for employees and customers with demonstrable alignment to remuneration outcomes where our standards for conduct and behaviours are not met, including a robust individual performance assessment process and malus and clawback policy.",0,Tobi_MA +53,Enhanced Board reporting on employee engagement from September 2021.,0,Tobi_MA +54,"Over 2021, the Board considered M&G plc’s social purpose, the flagship programmes within social purpose; how colleagues have been engaged in community and charity work and how we compare to other listed companies.",0,Tobi_MA +55,"Rather, the expertise contributed individually by each of the Supervisory Board members combined shall ensure that all fields of expertise are covered by the Supervisory Board as a whole.",0,Tobi_MA +56,"We continue to diversify our savings and investments business to respond to developing customer needs in terms of products, distribution and servicing.",0,Tobi_MA +57,"Since financial year 2007/2008, a part of the financial resources not needed in the near term has been invested in securities.",0,Tobi_MA +58,The Directors present their annual report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31st May 2012.,0,Tobi_MA +59,"They do not eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and, by their nature, can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against misstatement or loss.",0,Tobi_MA +60,"The outcomes expected of the Committee The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board in discharging its responsibilities with regard to financial reporting, monitoring the integrity of the Group’s financial statements, and reviewing the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls and risk management systems.",0,Tobi_MA +61,Private Debt has achieved strong growth in a climate of more stringent regulations weighing on the banking sector.,0,Tobi_MA +62,Health and safety is an indispensable component in all the Group’s projects and activities.,0,Tobi_MA +63,"Level 3 includes non-listed securities on an active market, where a significant portion of the valuation refers to non-observable data.",0,Tobi_MA +64,One measure of loyalty is the employees’ years of service to the Company: investment managers and senior executives have been with DBAG for an average of seven years (previous year: eight years).,0,Tobi_MA +65,"The Company may purchase and hold shares as treasury shares up to a maximum amount equal to 10% of the nominal value of the issued ordinary share capital at that time, rather than cancelling them.",0,Tobi_MA +66,"The diverse range of the members’ educational and professional backgrounds includes banking, business administration, social sciences.",0,Tobi_MA +67,The final determination of the variable compensation is subject to the resolution of the shareholders´ meeting.,0,Tobi_MA +68,Voting outcomes at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021 The following table provides the voting outcomes at the May 2021 AGM for the 2020 Annual Remuneration Report and the Directors’ Remuneration Policy approved by shareholders in 2020.,0,Tobi_MA +69,Values Values describe the behaviours that the business considers to be critical to success.,0,Tobi_MA +70,"The framework will be based on individuals’ capabilities, and designed to empower our employees, encourage innovation, unlock our performance culture, and enable the execution of our overall strategy.",0,Tobi_MA +71,Sustainability has been a hot topic within financial communications for some time now.,1,Tobi_MA +72,Application of the accounting policies requires making judgements that can materially influence the reported amounts in the financial statements.,0,Tobi_MA +73,"Although partly affected by COVID-19 this also reflects our commitment to purchase renewable electricity, with 98% of our electricity use provided by renewable energy.",1,Tobi_MA +74,"Additionally, reduced liquidity limits the possibility of terminating relations with an issuer whose ESG profile deteriorates significantly.",1,Tobi_MA +75,Company that undertakes to cover the portion of a risk ceded to it by the insurer.,0,Tobi_MA +76,"As such, each of these entities must therefore comply with the obligations set out in EMIR when entering into over-the-counter derivatives contracts, in particular: (i) offsetting OTC derivatives considered by ESMA as being eligible for offsetting, (ii) putting in place risk mitigation techniques for contracts not cleared by a central counterparty and (iii) transparency requirements.",0,Tobi_MA +77,"In particular, the growth opportunities open to countries in the eurozone have improved in the course of 2017, according to the IMF.",0,Tobi_MA +78,"In terms of direct real estate investments, we are strengthening our consideration of physical and transition risks (specifically energy efficiency and net zero carbon performance) by undertaking work to set interim targets at fund levels.",1,Tobi_MA +79,"Viability statement Ahead of the Company’s fifth annual general meeting in 2024, the Board will formulate and submit to Shareholders proposals (which may constitute a tender offer or other method of distribution) to provide Shareholders with an opportunity to realise the value of their Ordinary Shares at NAV per Ordinary Share less costs.",0,Tobi_MA +80,"In March 2020 we decided to prioritise two areas for action: climate change, and diversity and inclusion, and to hold ourselves accountable with specific commitments in these areas.",1,Tobi_MA +81,"The crankcases are used in engines installed in generators for decentralised energy supply (but also for data centres belonging to Facebook and Google), and as energy supply or power units on ships, in locomotives and in other large-scale vehicles.",1,Tobi_MA +82,"If there is more than one general partner, they shall share this amount between themselves as they see fit.",0,Tobi_MA +83,"Several stages in such transactions cannot be categorised as pure Asset Management functions, but rather as a complementary arranger function: (i) the borrower auditing phase (financial, legal, operational, etc.",0,Tobi_MA +84,"The primary objective of Internal Audit is to provide independent and objective assurance to the Board and Executive Management regarding the adequacy of the design and effectiveness of the systems of internal control, including risk management, governance and operational processes.",0,Tobi_MA +85,"At least one independent member, who can serve as the chairperson of the audit and risk committee, shall have specific knowledge and experience in applying accounting principles and internal control procedures.",0,Tobi_MA +86,"During the year to 31st May 2012 the Committee met on four occasions principally to review and approve the quarterly assessment of the profit share pool, and allocations therefrom to Directors and senior employees, and the semi-annual salary review including both the overall level of awards and individual awards to Directors and senior employees.",0,Tobi_MA +87,No security has been furnished as guarantee for the Syndicated Credit Agreement.,0,Tobi_MA +88,"In this regard, in particular, attention should be placed on the integrity, personality, willingness to perform, professionalism and independence of the individuals proposed for election.",0,Tobi_MA +89,A regular governance process provides for regular interaction to identify changes in the client’s desired outcomes and solicits feedback on the actual outcomes experienced by the client.,0,Tobi_MA +90,"In addition four clients having achieved their funding objective, moved to buy in or buy out or moved to alternative arrangements.",0,Tobi_MA +91,While not set as a specific percentage a significant part of the annual cash bonus is linked to the Board evaluation of how the Executive team has delivered the outcome orientated culture of the Group.,0,Tobi_MA +92,Alongside this we will be looking to embed the new Supply Chain Modern Slavery Business Standard and enhanced processes into the business.,0,Tobi_MA +93,In September 2018 one-off IPO related awards under the DWS Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) Plan were granted to all DWS employees.,0,Tobi_MA +94,"Paragon Customer Communications has the following certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001 and ISO 22301.",0,Tobi_MA +95,"Such authority will expire at the conclusion of the Company’s next Annual General Meeting, or on 30th November 2013 (whichever is the earlier), unless renewed, varied or revoked by the Company prior to or on that date.",0,Tobi_MA +96,"Investment management and third-party service provider arrangements The Board has overall responsibility for the Company’s activities, including the review of investment activity and performance and the control and supervision of all suppliers of services to the Company, including the Investment Manager.",0,Tobi_MA +97,"In addition, if there is a constructive obligation for the employing entity to pay deficit funding in respect of schemes where there is no unconditional right to a refund to any surplus, this is also recognised such that the financial position recorded for the scheme reflects the higher of any underlying IAS 19 Employee Benefits deficit and the obligation for deficit funding.",0,Tobi_MA +98,These plans pay stated percentages of eligible medical and dental expenses of retirees after a stated deductible has been met.,0,Tobi_MA +99,"Other information In accordance with French law, we have verified that the required information concerning the purchase of investments and controlling interests and the identity of the shareholders or holders of the voting rights has been properly disclosed in the management report.",0,Tobi_MA +100,"The companies dedicated to investment At the registration date of this Registration Document, Tikehau Capital conducts its Investment activities directly or through holding companies.",0,Tobi_MA +101,"As far as the current and the next two financial years are concerned, we expect to see a constant supply – in terms of number and volume – of investment opportunities on our market.",0,Tobi_MA +102,"Overall, the aforementioned changes resulted in an immaterial effect and were applied on a prospective basis in 2019.",0,Tobi_MA +103,This plan represents a contingent right to receive Deutsche Bank AG common shares after a specified period of time.,0,Tobi_MA +104,"Performance in 2021 The resilience of our capital position has been demonstrated over the period, with our shareholder Solvency II coverage ratio increasing by 36% to 218% at 31 December 2021, after paying dividends of £466 million.",0,Tobi_MA +105,The general partner of DBG Advising GmbH & Co. KG can terminate the management agreement with DBAG at three months’ notice to the end of a quarter.,0,Tobi_MA +106,"The Board does not consider Jonathan Punter or Angus Samuels to be independent by virtue of their shareholdings and directorships in PSG, a controlling shareholder of the Company.",0,Tobi_MA +107,The potential effect of these laws and regulations on the financial statements varies considerably.,0,Tobi_MA +108,The Shareholders’ Meeting of the General Partner is responsible for the compensation strategy of the Executive Board of DWS Management GmbH as well as for determining their level and structure of compensation.,0,Tobi_MA +109,"The Company is in particular committed to maintaining interest rate hedging greater than or equal to 50% of the amounts used under Tranche A of the Syndicated Credit Agreement for the duration of the loan; Change of control – The Syndicated Credit AgreementP provides for the option for each lender not to finance its participation in the event of drawdown and to terminate its commitment in the event of a change of control of the Company; Early repayment – Under the Syndicated Credit Agreement,P the majority of the lenders (i.e., lenders representing more than 2/3 of commitments) can decide to demand the total or partial early repayment of the amounts due under the Syndicated Credit Agreement in certain cases limited to those stipulated, which include non-payment, non-compliance of the commitments described above, the occurrence of a cross default or the occurrence of events having a material adverse effect on the assets and financial position of the Company or its ability to meet its payment obligations or any of its financial commitments.",0,Tobi_MA +110,Mr Christian de Labriffe was appointed as Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board at a meeting of the Board on 22 March 2017.,0,Tobi_MA +111,"Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.",0,Tobi_MA +112,We have expanded our operations in Europe to ensure that we can continue to grow and service our European customer base following the UK’s departure from the European Union.,0,Tobi_MA +113,"Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with French accounting principles and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.",0,Tobi_MA +114,"Disclosures Forum, supporting the development of investment decision useful nature-related financial disclosures.",1,Tobi_MA +115,The Managers approve the internal control systems put in place according to the risk management objectives defined.,0,Tobi_MA +116,"In addition, the committee was informed and advised on the DWS Group’s cultural change program and its plans to replace the current corporate title system with a functional role framework to support the transformation into a leaner, less hierarchical organisational structure.",0,Tobi_MA +117,"The Group has unused tax losses carried forward of £512m, primarily UK capital losses, on which no deferred tax is recognised.",0,Tobi_MA +118,"A review of the Group’s strategy, political or global risks for the Asset Management industry such as a return of the European sovereign debt crisis, uncertainties regarding the implementation of already adopted regulation as well as a slowdown of GDP growth may negatively impact the performance forecasts and thus, could result in an impairment of goodwill in the future.",0,Tobi_MA +119,The Board have appointed Peter Warry as the Senior Independent Director.,0,Tobi_MA +120,"This made it possible to bring new shareholders into the Company, such as the Singaporean investment management company Temasek (about €170 billion in assets under management), the Luxembourg insurance company La Luxembourgeoise, and the listed French investment management company FFP; as part of the reorganisation operations carried out onb) 7 March 2017 for the admission of the Company's securities to trading on the Euronext Paris regulated market, a recapitalisation through an in-kind contribution in the amount of €266,324,982 (share premium included) was completed on 21 December 2016.",0,Tobi_MA +121,Directors are required to comply with applicable law and SCOR SE’s by law (“statuts”).,0,Tobi_MA +122,The resulting gain or loss is recognised in the Income Statement.,0,Tobi_MA +123,"In order for a proxy appointment made by means of CREST to be valid, the appropriate CREST message (a CREST Proxy Instruction) must be properly authenticated in accordance with Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited’s (EUI) specifications and must contain the information required for such instructions, as described in the CREST Manual.",0,Tobi_MA +124,Our flagship real estate fund family DWS Grundbesitz also continued to sustain strong demand in 2019.,0,Tobi_MA +125,In 2021 98% of our electricity use was provided by renewable energy (74% via procurement and 24% via EACs).,1,Tobi_MA +126,"Compared with the end of the financial year 2015/2016, we are faced with an improved macroeconomic environment with solid economic growth.",0,Tobi_MA +127,Many of our new employees have commented on how genuine they find our people.,0,Tobi_MA +128,By their nature forward looking statements relate to events and circumstances that could occur in the future and therefore involve the risk and uncertainty that the Group’s actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied in the forward looking statements.,0,Tobi_MA +129,"In the reporting year, no conflicts of interest were reported or otherwise apparent which would have to be reported to the General Meeting.",0,Tobi_MA +130,We have derived our materiality calculation based on a proportion of total equity as we consider it to be the most important financial metric on which shareholders would judge the performance of the Company.,0,Tobi_MA +131,"In response to a request made during this assessment, the Board Secretariat undertook to make every effort to provide the relevant documents further in advance of the meetings.",0,Tobi_MA +132,Sustainability risk As a responsible investor we consider the sustainability risks of all our investments and advice by taking into consideration ESG factors that have the potential to have a material financial impact and seek to incorporate them into our general risk management framework.,1,Tobi_MA +133,"First and foremost, the scale effect discussed previously (see paragraph (ii) above), resulting in a reduction of operating costs per unit under management and an increase in the asset base supporting the fee structure, should control changes to costs.",0,Tobi_MA +134,"As a result, we have deemed the probability of occurrence of the risk “Negative impact of general economy and economic cycles in certain sectors on earnings, financial and asset position of portfolio companies” to be “low” as opposed to “possible” since the end of the third quarter of 2016/2017.",0,Tobi_MA +135,"This means growing opportunities to invest in companies and projects which will transform our environment and society for the better, while also offering the potential for sustainable financial returns.",1,Tobi_MA +136,"The Group promotes sport and the related values such as readiness for personal effort, discipline, teamwork and respect for the rules and other players.",0,Tobi_MA +137,"Moreover, these devices are twinned in a remote backup data centre; security: Data drives are completely isolated from theP computer network.",0,Tobi_MA +138,"In accordance with German law, the members of the Supervisory Board must be reliable, must have the expertise required to perform their control function and to assess and monitor the businesses the company operates, and must commit sufficient time to the performance of their tasks.",0,Tobi_MA +139,Consequently we consider sustainability a “principal risk” which means that we recognise the considerable threats and the potential benefits that sustainability risk could have on our business and that of the companies that we invest in.,1,Tobi_MA +140,"Fondul Proprietatea, the Romanian-listed fund that now has a secondary listing in London, suffered due to its 40% exposure to the oil & gas sector.",1,Tobi_MA +141,"We were pleased to enhance the Board’s skills in this area through the appointment of Dev Sanyal, who has deep experience in sustainable energy, in particular solar, wind energy and hydrogen, and bioenergy integrated low carbon power.",1,Tobi_MA +142,Of the 191 Directors and employees at period end: one of 11 Directors; seven of 27 senior managers; and 49 of 180 staff were females.,0,Tobi_MA +143,"Culture The Directors are of the opinion that establishing and maintaining a healthy corporate culture amongst the Board and in its interaction with the Investment Manager, Shareholders and other stakeholders will support the delivery of its purpose, values and strategy.",0,Tobi_MA +144,"We are committed to working with all our suppliers and stakeholders to help end slavery, human trafficking, child labour or any other abuse of human rights.",0,Tobi_MA +145,Fees are accrued monthly and charged when the work has been completed.,0,Tobi_MA +146,Decarbonising industrial processes which generate excess heat remains one of the major challenges in the global fight against climate change – and the electrification of industrial heat is emerging as a significant decarbonisation opportunity.,1,Tobi_MA +147,The valuation of investment property inherently captures the impact of climate change if it were located in an area subject to climate change events.,1,Tobi_MA +148,"Total Eren is also developing numerous projects worldwide and has a portfolio of more than 2GW of assets under development, with the objective of achieving a net installed capacity of at least 3GW by 2023.",0,Tobi_MA +149,"In line with the Group's remuneration policy, the Company awarded free shares to Group employees as part of their variable remuneration for 2017 and 2018, under five free share plans for eligible employees and corporate officers of the Company or related companies or corporate groups, approved by the Manager on 30 March 2018 (for the two plans corresponding to the variable remuneration in respect of 2017), and on 18 February 2019 (for the three plans corresponding to the variable remuneration in respect of 2018).",0,Tobi_MA +150,"Its NAV decline of 9% was further exacerbated by the Romanian Leu falling by 5% versus the British Pound, costing British Empire 0.29% of NAV in total.",0,Tobi_MA +151,"In addition to formal Board meetings, the Chair maintains regular contact throughout the year with the Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer and members of the Group Executive Committee to discuss specific issues.",0,Tobi_MA +152,"The total compensation is calculated on the basis of 2,314 employees as at 31 December 2013.",0,Tobi_MA +153,Environment 40% of the responding companies had an environmental management system (EMS) in place and 7% were in the process of introducing one.,1,Tobi_MA +154,"The calculation of the severance payment is based on the annual compensation for the previous financial year and on the expected annual compensation for the current financial year, if applicable.",0,Tobi_MA +155,Net investment income better reflects the performance of assets invested by SCOR and therefore has replaced the investment income disclosed in the 2011 Registration Document and previous financial reporting.,0,Tobi_MA +156,"M&G Investments manages over 85% of the assets in the With-Profits Fund, with the remainder managed by firms which are not part of M&G plc.",0,Tobi_MA +157,"Accordingly, there are no differences in policy on the remuneration of Directors and the remuneration of employees.",0,Tobi_MA +158,Global Compact and to the “Principles for sustainable insurance”.,1,Tobi_MA +159,These factors are considered attractive for Tikehau Capital’s investor clients and seem to have contributed positively to the rapid growth of the Group’s assets under management in the past.,0,Tobi_MA +160,Our business is built on trust and we don’t take that lightly.,0,Tobi_MA +161,"Other than the service condition, there are no other performance conditions associated with this plan.",0,Tobi_MA +162,Tikehau Capital appointed a responsible investment specialist stemming from DWS' teams to the Advisory Board of the T2 Energy Transition Fund.,1,Tobi_MA +163,"We strive to promote sustainable standards that will balance the need to enhance our profitability while minimizing the risk that any association, action or inaction is perceived by stakeholders to be inappropriate, unethical or inconsistent with our values and beliefs.",1,Tobi_MA +164,Committee membership was reviewed in February 2022.,0,Tobi_MA +165,Appointments are made on merit and against objective criteria; care is taken to ascertain that appointees have sufficient time available to devote to their position.,0,Tobi_MA +166,"The trust is a fiduciary relationship in which the legal ownership of assets is undertaken by the trustee (in this case DBS Trustee Limited), which is responsible for holding it on behalf of the beneficial owners (in this case the holders of the listed shares in the trust).",0,Tobi_MA +167,Commitments to Board of Management members initially appointed to the Board up to 1 January 2001 for the first time provide for defined annual pension benefits.,0,Tobi_MA +168,"Limitations of scenario analysis As with any model, a wide range of assumptions which may or may not be true in practice underpin the calculated results.",0,Tobi_MA +169,"We measure our financial performance using the following key performance measures: IFRS profit before tax, adjusted operating profit before tax, net client flows (excluding Heritage), AUMA, shareholder Solvency II coverage ratio, total capital generation and operating capital generation.",0,Tobi_MA +170,These payments also include followon remuneration for former Board of Management members arising from older investments (investments agreed up to 31 December 2000 or entered into from 2001 to 2006).,0,Tobi_MA +171,"This includes ensuring each part of our business and M&G plc as a whole has sufficient resources to cover outgoing cash flows, under a range of severe but plausible scenarios.",0,Tobi_MA +172,"Accordingly, due to exceptional items that increased costs and reduced revenue against plan – primarily due to closing the thematic global equity strategy – the annual variable compensation proposal that was recommended for approval by the Committee included a voluntary zero cash bonus for all Executive Directors.",0,Tobi_MA +173,Compliance: The structure of the system and the determination of the individual compensation comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements.,0,Tobi_MA +174,"The Board understood and recognised the need to constantly adapt and modify available resources to help colleagues access remote well-being support, advice and resources.",0,Tobi_MA +175,Any such catastrophic event may generate insured losses in one or more of the Group’s lines of business.,0,Tobi_MA +176,For the performance fee and fees from securities lending transactions this is when based on the contractual provisions any uncertainty from the performance-related nature of the fee component has been fully removed.,0,Tobi_MA +177,"Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc, Shires Income plc, Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT plc and Witan Pacific Investment Trust PLC.",0,Tobi_MA +178,Emission factor: Scope 1 and 3 reporting uses the UK DEFRA 2021 GHG Conversion Factors.,1,Tobi_MA +179,"This fosters a culture of integrity and conduct that is based on engagement with our clients, shareholders, regulators, employees and the broader community.",0,Tobi_MA +180,"With €22 billion in assets under management as at 31 December 2018 (1), Tikehau Capital firstly operates, within its Asset Management activity, comprising four business lines: Private Debt (see Section 1.4.2(a) (Private Debt activity) of this Registration Document), Real Estate (see Section 1.4.2(b) (Real Estate activity) of this Registration Document), Liquid Strategies (fixed income management/balanced and equities management) (see Section 1.4.2(c) (Liquid Strategies activity) of this Registration Document) and Private Equity (see Section 1.4.2(d) (Private Equity activity) of this Registration Document), and secondly, within its Direct Investments activity (see Section 1.4.3 (Direct Investments activity) of this Registration Document).",0,Tobi_MA +181,The dedicated T2 management fund is composed of Tikehau IM professionals and energy specialists seconded by Total.,1,Tobi_MA +182,"At the end of the purchase cycle, the acquired stock is matched in a ratio of one to one up to a maximum of ten free shares, provided that the employee remains at Deutsche Bank Group for another year.",0,Tobi_MA +183,The shareholder is indirectly exposed to interest rate risk through the value of future shareholder transfers from with-profits business and charges levied on unit-linked and asset management business.,0,Tobi_MA +184,"For longer durations where limited bond information is available, reasonable yield curve extrapolation methods are applied using respective actual swap rates and credit spread assumptions.",0,Tobi_MA +185,Climate impact on our investment portfolio We have conducted detailed work with analytics providers on scenario analysis to evaluate how various climate scenarios could affect the future value of our AUMA.,1,Tobi_MA +186,"The Risk and Audit Committees at M&G plc and subsidiary levels collectively monitor outstanding actions and embed plans in these and other areas, and ensure sufficient resource and focus is in place to resolve such actions within a reasonable timeframe.",0,Tobi_MA +187,"In case an award is modified such that its fair value immediately after modification exceeds its fair value immediately prior to modification, a re-measurement takes place and the resulting increase in fair value is recognized as additional compensation expense in the consolidated financials of the Group.",0,Tobi_MA +188,"Your Board thanks him for his wise counsel, commitment and for his considerable contribution since the inception of the Company.",0,Tobi_MA +189,"In addition, the Group aims to implement a platform to review ESG scores for investments by 2020, to enable it to identify ESG and climate risks and opportunities.",1,Tobi_MA +190,Financial assets increased by 7.9 million euros because the subsidiary is now included at its net asset value.,0,Tobi_MA +191,Greenhouse Gas Emissions Statement We have compiled our global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018.,1,Tobi_MA +192,"In particular, the requirements set by local regulators can vary significantly and broadly determine the design and financing of the benefit plans.",0,Tobi_MA +193,As a result we have purchased carbon off-sets which cover our business travel and estimated colleague homeworking emissions in 2021.,1,Tobi_MA +194,The Manager representatives are involved in developing ESG and Climate policies.,1,Tobi_MA +195,"Microsoft, Nestlé, PepsiCo and Unilever have also joined the Business Alliance for Water and Climate (“BAFWAC”), which commits them to reducing water consumption in their respective supply chains in three ways: analysing, measuring and reducing.",1,Tobi_MA +196,"Through its innovative ThermalBattery™ energy storage solutions, EnergyNest enables the transfer of industrial waste heat into electricity and the use of renewable power in industrial heat processes.",1,Tobi_MA +197,"As at 31 December 2011, the calculation of debt taken into account in the ratio did not exclude accrued interest and therefore the ratio published in the 2011 Registration Document and previous financial reporting was 18.1% as at 31 December 2011.",0,Tobi_MA +198,Dr Woehrmann is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DWS Group entity DWS Investment GmbH.,0,Tobi_MA +199,The Directors are satisfied with the credit quality of counterparties representing balances neither past due nor impaired.,0,Tobi_MA +200,"Tikehau Capital has also begun to accelerate its commercial development outside Europe, particularly in priority countries in Asia, Oceania and North America.",0,Tobi_MA +201,The Supervisory Board agreed for the Audit and Risk Committee to continue to monitor risks arising from a low interest rate environment.,0,Tobi_MA +202,The PAC Chair also has a regular dialogue with the Plc Chair to escalate any issues that are required.,0,Tobi_MA +203,"Processes are executed by multiple Front-Office and control functions (Investment Guidelines, Risk, Legal, and Compliance) and governed by policies, procedures, and oversight bodies (committees and regional/global management boards).",0,Tobi_MA +204,"They are paid by the entity that benefits from the investment at the time when the latter is made and remunerate the preparatory work done by the Asset Management company to set up the deal (auditing, structuring, search for partners, negotiation of financial and legal terms, etc.).",0,Tobi_MA +205,This risk may become more pronounced as a consequence of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial markets generally.,0,Tobi_MA +206,"Paris Agreement The Paris Agreement is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, agreed in 2015.",1,Tobi_MA +207,"Sustainable Engagement was again positive at 75%, albeit lower than the 2020 outcome, resulting in threshold performance.",1,Tobi_MA +208,We are committed to procuring high quality off-sets externally verified by Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard and support the Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting.,1,Tobi_MA +209,"Use of external accountants To prepare the statutory accounts of some of its companies as well as its consolidated accounts, the Group uses external accounting firms, which ensures regular control, in collaboration with Tikehau Capital Advisors, of the accounting documents and the processing of transactions impacting the Group.",0,Tobi_MA +210,For our non-UK offices salary review budgets are determined on the basis of economic and market data in each location.,0,Tobi_MA +211,Clare Chapman joined the Board on 15 March 2021.,0,Tobi_MA +212,"Indeed, under Regulation 575/2013/EU on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (the “CRR”), resulting from the Basel III Committee work, a retention rate of 5% of securitised assets is applied by law to the originating entities and therefore to Tikehau Capital Europe in the context of the management of its CLOs (the principle of the “retention piece”).",0,Tobi_MA +213,European assets invested abroad fell slightly due to the considerable increase in the value of the euro against other currencies in 2017.,0,Tobi_MA +214,"The CEO succession planning was discussed in prior years, and the Committee had recommended that CEO responsibilities should pass from Barry Olliff to Doug Allison in 2013.",0,Tobi_MA +215,"Governance Of the companies responding, 44% have appointed at least one independent member to the Supervisory Board or Board of Directors.",0,Tobi_MA +216,"The performance of the Fund Investment Services business segment requires an appreciable, preferably increasing level of managed and/or advised assets over the medium term; it is measured by sustainable growth in fee income for these services and its surplus over the relevant expenses.",0,Tobi_MA +217,"The Board believes that a flexible approach to share incentives, which encourages significant employee ownership, is consistent with both client expectations and shareholder objectives.",0,Tobi_MA +218,"The City of London Employee Benefit Trust (the “EBT”) (Resolution 10) In accordance with the Association of British Insurers’ Principles of Remuneration, the prior approval of shareholders should be obtained before 5% or more of the Company's issued share capital is held on behalf of the EBT.",0,Tobi_MA +219,Product innovation is fundamental for us to meet the requirements of our diversified client base.,0,Tobi_MA +220,Chief among these is scenario modelling.,0,Tobi_MA +221,Achieving an improved strategic position of the portfolio companies would justify deriving a higher multiple from that.,0,Tobi_MA +222,"Our climate strategy and targets Strategy Climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse are now recognised as a global risk in terms of likelihood and impact, affecting all geographies, sectors and economies.",1,Tobi_MA +223,"Persistent or repeated attempts at fraud, conflicts of interest or circumvention of existing policies and controls could have an adverse effect on the Group’s reputation and cause regulatory investigations and financial losses.",0,Tobi_MA +224,"Other operating income includes 0.9 million euros from the reimbursement of consultancy expenses by the DBAG funds; in the previous year, this time had included 1.3 million euros from the reversal of provisions for performance-related emoluments.",0,Tobi_MA +225,"Continuing to embed sustainability Last year, we committed to embedding sustainability across everything we do in our business, to help us deliver better long-term outcomes for our customers and clients, and stronger more resilient returns to shareholders.",1,Tobi_MA +226,The Group’s total net income (loss) from equity method investments is € 42 million in 2019 (2018: € 43 million).,0,Tobi_MA +227,"In our joint capacity as an asset manager and an asset owner, we are developing our resilience by transitioning to net zero through a mix of portfolio decarbonisation, investee engagement and ESG integrated investment approaches.",1,Tobi_MA +228,The total nominal amount of the bonds with warrants and convertible bonds may not exceed a total value of € 600 million.,0,Tobi_MA +229,"We have fulfilled our ethical responsibilities under, and we remain independent of the Company in accordance with, UK ethical requirements including the FRC Ethical Standard as applied to public interest entities.",0,Tobi_MA +230,"Throughout 2017, 1,000,000 warrants were granted to employees in the Group.",0,Tobi_MA +231,"If interviews are successful the Committee will make a recommendation to the Board covering skills, experience, time commitment and availability, diversity (ethnicity, gender and thought) and, in the case of Non-Executives, independence.",0,Tobi_MA +232,"Tikehau Capital is a Director on the Board of Directors of Claranet International Limited, parent company of the Claranet group and Director on the Board of Directors of Claranet Group Limited, Claranet group’s operating company.",0,Tobi_MA +233,"Pioneer in the clean energy value chain sector – Total Eren seeks to create and respond to new opportunities to deploy its fleet of power stations internationally, in countries committed to extending their generation capacity using renewables, or to energy-hungry industrial clients looking to cut the cost and environmental impact of their power supply.",1,Tobi_MA +234,"ESG Short for “Environmental, Social and Governance”.",1,Tobi_MA +235,Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.,0,Tobi_MA +236,"In particular, we announced that we target an adjusted costincome ratio of ~70% by the end of 2019 on the assumption of flat revenues year-on-year.",0,Tobi_MA +237,As a result an analysis of the Group’s assets by contractual maturity is not considered appropriate to evaluate the nature and extent of the Group’s liquidity risk.,0,Tobi_MA +238,"When referring to our investment net zero targets this includes Scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions (including investments, operations, supply chain).",1,Tobi_MA +239,"The awards total £1,070,000 and will be converted into a number of shares subject to award based upon the share price following the announcement of the Group’s results for the year.",0,Tobi_MA +240,The model produces key outputs of Value at Risk and Temperature Alignment for each year of the projection period.,0,Tobi_MA +241,A shareholder may appoint more than one proxy in relation to the Annual General Meeting provided that each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held by that shareholder.,0,Tobi_MA +242,An insurance policy for fire or flooding mitigates the associated financial risk.,0,Tobi_MA +243,"In total, 495 Group staff from 10 countries enrolled in the eleventh cycle that began in November 2019.",0,Tobi_MA +244,"To this end, the authorised intermediary and account-holder notifies the Company or its representative of the transfer of ownership and provides all necessary information.",0,Tobi_MA +245,The company is benefiting from the growing proportion of electrical and electronic components in vehicles and from the trend among original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers towards outsourcing parts of their production.,0,Tobi_MA +246,During 2021 we made changes to our offices to reflect how our colleagues will use our spaces moving forward.,0,Tobi_MA +247,"In 2013, on average, approximately 18 hours of training were followed per employee.",0,Tobi_MA +248,The Board sets out its investment policies on page 34.,0,Tobi_MA +249,"Management incentives are now closely aligned to returning capital to shareholders through asset sales, which we believe is key to extracting value from this company.",0,Tobi_MA +250,ESG focus Environmental and climate issues have been a focus of the Board’s agenda in 2021.,1,Tobi_MA +251,Normal market conditions apply.,0,Tobi_MA +252,"Compensation expense is recorded on a straight-line basis over the period in which employees perform services to which the awards relate, or over the period of the tranches for those awards delivered in tranches.",0,Tobi_MA +253,All shares in Deutsche Beteiligungs AG are no-par value registered shares in financial year 2016/2017.,0,Tobi_MA +254,"In some geographies there is limited data and incomplete historical monitoring, and so the model is enhanced using simulated events set to forecast the impact of projected climate perils.",1,Tobi_MA +255,"However, based on its business activity, DBAG has the economic intention of providing finances to the co-investment vehicles in cases of investment decisions by DBAG funds for the purposes of profitably investing its capital and of aligning its interest with that of the fund investors.",0,Tobi_MA +256,"In addition, the applicable regulations could hinder the development of the Group’s business, increase its operating costs or prevent it from implementing its development or reorganisation plans.",0,Tobi_MA +257,It also produces hand-moulded castings of highly sophisticated engine blocks (cylinder crankcases) for large diesel and gas engines.,0,Tobi_MA +258,Evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used andP the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management in the consolidated financial statements.,0,Tobi_MA +259,"Where hot-spots have been identified, we will undertake further analysis to evaluate asset specific exposure and climate resilience.",1,Tobi_MA +260,"Risk assessments We have an Environmental Policy which is applicable to all of our offices internationally which details the requirements we have set for our own environmental footprint from the operation of our buildings, business related travel and our supply chain.",1,Tobi_MA +261,The companies are governed by French law unless otherwise stated.,0,Tobi_MA +262,We have formal processes of training and accreditation to advance and motivate our employees in order to support the continuity of our client engagement business model.,0,Tobi_MA +263,Personal accident is a cover provided by SCOR Global Life.,0,Tobi_MA +264,"Here, there are no new climate policies introduced beyond those already implemented.",1,Tobi_MA +265,Aspire is providing 12-month secondments in investment and client focused distribution roles.,0,Tobi_MA +266,Our priority for 2022 is to develop an appropriate NZAOA interim carbon emission reduction target for 2030 and will continue to build on this with the addition of targets for our externally-managed portfolios.,1,Tobi_MA +267,"The expected benefits from future or completed acquisitions may not materialise in the timeframe and at levels expected and could affect the financial position and earnings of Tikehau Capital, as well as its prospects.",0,Tobi_MA +268,"In addition, the emergence of details of a new COVID variant, Omicron, in late November also contributed to spreads widening.",0,Tobi_MA +269,DB Group has an independent specialised valuation control group within its Finance function which governs and develops the valuation control framework and manages the valuation control processes which covers the valuation of financial instruments across all levels of the fair value hierarchy.,0,Tobi_MA +270,"Since these contracts are easily renewable, the cost of renewal is minimal, and they have a long history of renewal, these agreements are not expected to have a foreseeable limit on the contract period.",0,Tobi_MA +271,"Filling carbon data gaps In order to understand and manage climate risk in our investment portfolios, and guide our transition towards net zero, we need to be able to assess and monitor portfolio level carbon emissions closely.",1,Tobi_MA +272,"In this context, the Group's recruitment policy aims to promote, wherever possible, applications from women, whenever there are vacancies, and particularly for investment roles.",0,Tobi_MA +273,"As a result, more countries are deferring the statutory retirement age, which in turn is leading to a widening savings gap.",0,Tobi_MA +274,Unit value of the share on the allocation date: €23.74 corresponding to the share price on 29 March 2018 (€25.80) to which an 8% discount is applied to take into account the absence of dividend rights over the vesting period.,0,Tobi_MA +275,During 2021 we delivered many sessions on this topic to leaders and their teams.,0,Tobi_MA +276,"The Head of Risk is responsible for the organisation of this Committee, and in particular has the role of ensuring (i) the presence and participation of its members, (ii) the quality of the valuation documents presented and the consistency of the methods used, and (iii) that decisions on valuations adopted are written up in reports.",0,Tobi_MA +277,Governance manuals have been updated in response to the Board’s Governance review.,0,Tobi_MA +278,"In January 2019, one-off IPO related awards under the DWS Equity Plan - DWS Performance Share Units (PSUs) were granted to each Executive Board member in the amount of € 1,000,000 (for full-time employment).",0,Tobi_MA +279,"The term ‘segment manager’ also identifies a function, not necessary a single manager with a specific title.",0,Tobi_MA +280,The Group has set out its commitments under the Paris objective to net zero carbon emissions by 2030 within their own business and 2050 across all investments portfolios in Climate change and TCFD disclosures on page 45.,1,Tobi_MA +281,We currently operate in these markets under the P-Solve and Meridian brands.,0,Tobi_MA +282,"Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification (‘TIC’), delivering high quality services to help clients meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.",1,Tobi_MA +283,"This included 862 colleagues who dedicated 7,280 hours of volunteer service in their communities.",0,Tobi_MA +284,"However, climate is one of many interconnected environmental systems on Earth, which carry potentially catastrophic economic and social risks if human activity puts too much strain on them.",1,Tobi_MA +285,"In 2018, the Group continued its internationalisation strategy with the opening of an office in New York in 2018 and Tokyo in 2019.",0,Tobi_MA +286,"Under IAS 19: Employee Benefits and IFRIC 14: IAS 19-The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction, the Group can only recognise a surplus to the extent that it is able to access the surplus either through an unconditional right of refund or through reduced future contributions relating to ongoing service of active members.",0,Tobi_MA +287,Both legal restructurings took place as at 1 January 2013.,0,Tobi_MA +288,"Although it has no legal or regulatory obligation to compensate the losses suffered by its funds, Tikehau Capital could decide on a voluntary basis to provide financial assistance to its funds suffering significant losses, particularly in order to ensure that its clients do not withdraw their assets quickly.",0,Tobi_MA +289,"Further, the committee received regular reports on the impact of long-term interest rates on DWS Group and discussed related management actions with the Chief Risk Officer.",0,Tobi_MA +290,"We are a leading asset manager with € 767 billion in assets under management (AuM) as at December 31, 2019.",0,Tobi_MA +291,"In reaching this conclusion the Board has considered budgeted and projected results of the business including a formal five year plan for the Group with several scenarios, projected cash flow and regulatory capital requirements, and the risks that could impact on the Group’s liquidity and solvency over the next 12 months.",0,Tobi_MA +292,The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee.,0,Tobi_MA +293,The information reported by the Company concerning the remuneration of its corporate officers (Manager and members of the Supervisory Board) are described and justified in Section 4.3.1 (Remuneration of the Manager-General Partner) of this Registration Document.,0,Tobi_MA +294,"Sustainable investment opportunities In 2021 we grew our Planet + range of sustainably-focused products to 20, with c.£5 billion in AUMA.",1,Tobi_MA +295,"This improvement is related to the focus on improving investment performance, the development and launch of in demand investment strategies, and proactive steps to deliver investment propositions with more sustainable outcomes.",0,Tobi_MA +296,"This includes establishing the investment objectives, strategy and benchmarks, the permitted types or categories of investments, the markets in which transactions may be undertaken, the level of permitted gearing and borrowings, the amount or proportion of the assets that may be invested in any category of investment or in any one investment, and the Company’s treasury and share buyback policies.",0,Tobi_MA +297,The Non-executive Directors Session has been put in place in 2012.,0,Tobi_MA +298,"While COVID-19 restrictions have made the traditional in-person meetings difficult, we nonetheless view the AGM as a critical point of engagement with shareholders and we strive to ensure your voting support remains at the high levels we have seen in 2021.",0,Tobi_MA +299,"We have also read the disclosures of climate related information in the front half of the annual report and accounts as set out on pages 44 to 57, and considered consistency with the financial statements and our audit knowledge.",1,Tobi_MA +300,"Our Catalyst strategy has already committed over £1.2 billion to sustainably-focused private assets, and just after the financial year closed we announced our plans to further bolster our capacity in this area by acquiring a controlling stake in responsAbility, a leading player in impact investing, based in Europe and specialising in emerging markets.",1,Tobi_MA +301,"The capital reserve comprises, unchanged, amounts achieved in the issuance of shares in excess of the nominal value.",0,Tobi_MA +302,"Despite the partial data coverage, this gives an indication of how each portfolio might behave in each scenario.",0,Tobi_MA +303,The four objectives above are equally weighted at 25% of the target figure for the Deutsche Bank Group component of the STA.,0,Tobi_MA +304,Where necessary the Chairman discusses the responses with each Director individually.,0,Tobi_MA +305,We were also delighted to announce our new Board Chair on 24 February 2022.,0,Tobi_MA +306,"All scenario analysis is, by its nature, uncertain.",0,Tobi_MA +307,We have reported our Scope 2 emissions using both the location and market-based methods in line with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.,1,Tobi_MA +308,"This year, we partnered with the Leonard Cheshire Change 100 scheme, an initiative to support students with disabilities to gain work placements.",0,Tobi_MA +309,Also a Director of First Integrity Limited and Peckwater Limited.,0,Tobi_MA +310,Details of the Board’s Committees and their composition are set out on page 44 of this Report.,0,Tobi_MA +311,The agreed upon procedures did not constitute an audit engagement or a review of the Half Year Report.,0,Tobi_MA +312,The Board continues to believe that Paul Bradshaw is an independent Chairman for Code purposes.,0,Tobi_MA +313,"Regulation applicable to UCITS managers Tikehau IM and Sofidy manage and market UCITS in the European Union, and therefore must comply with strict rules on internal organisation, including requirements with regard to risk management and conflicts of interest, as well as rules of good conduct relating in particular to the amount of fees charged or information to be provided to clients.",0,Tobi_MA +314,"We are convinced that good deals have no wheels, and that local footprint is a key differentiating factor.",0,Tobi_MA +315,"Where the terms and conditions of options are modified before they vest, the change in the fair value of the options, measured immediately before and after the modifications, is recognised in the consolidated income statement over the remaining vesting period.",0,Tobi_MA +316,"Our HR Framework includes policies and standards for Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Relations, Remuneration, Talent, Resourcing, Performance and Learning.",0,Tobi_MA +317,"Dev’s indepth experience of sustainability and finance from his 32-year career at BP – where he led the company’s entry into solar and offshore wind power – and from his current role as Chief Executive Officer of VARO Energy Group AG, will be invaluable to us as M&G continues to embed sustainability in everything we do.",1,Tobi_MA +318,Most employees expressed alignment with the Group's values.,0,Tobi_MA +319,The purchase price to be paid per share upon exercise of the put options or upon the maturity of the forward purchase may not exceed by more than 10% or fall below 10% of the average of the share prices (closing auction prices of the DWS share in Xetra trading and/or in a comparable successor system on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) on the last three stock exchange trading days before conclusion of the respective transaction in each case excluding ancillary purchase costs but taking into account the option premium received.,0,Tobi_MA +320,"This approach is in line with work done at the level of France Invest, the main French trade association for private investors, on the collaboration between stakeholders.",0,Tobi_MA +321,"When TREIC invests in vehicles managed by the Group, it is intended that the former will receive 25% of the carried interest from the vehicles concerned.",0,Tobi_MA +322,We also acknowledged the Board of Management’s risk report.,0,Tobi_MA +323,It reconciles its participants’ greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets (typically varying by 10% to 75% on scope 1 and 2) with the science-based climate data.,1,Tobi_MA +324,"The firm’s mandatory all-employee training, which was introduced for Board members in Q4 2021, included sessions on Customer Vulnerability.",0,Tobi_MA +325,The Executive Board steers DWS KGaA and its subsidiaries based on uniform policies and generally controls the entities of DWS Group within the limits of applicable laws.,0,Tobi_MA +326,They show the part of the benefit obligations that has been recognised in profit or loss by the reporting date.,0,Tobi_MA +327,"We have however ensured that the models have good coverage across all key funds and biggest counterparties, and cover three of our most significant asset classes: equities, debt securities and real estate.",0,Tobi_MA +328,Our success is based on a culture of professionalism and mutual respect.,0,Tobi_MA +329,"Mr Mathieu Chabran, who are inter alia owners of a portion of the share capital of Tikehau Capital Advisors, does not reflect an executive’s managerial incentive within the meaning of the AFEP-MEDEF Code.",0,Tobi_MA +330,Weighted Average Carbon Intensity: arithmetical3) average carbon intensities of portfolio companies weighted by their portfolio weights which allows exposure to high emission companies to be assessed.,1,Tobi_MA +331,"M&G plc will seek authority from its shareholders on an annual basis to issue shares up to a maximum amount, of which a defined number may be issued without preemption.",0,Tobi_MA +332,The fair value of the performance shares over and above the price paid for them by the employees was charged to the income statement.,0,Tobi_MA +333,"This study resulted in six patents and a review of the full operational installation: from the preparation of the wood (delivery, cutting and drying), to carbonisation and production of electricity with the pyrolysis gas produced by carbonisation.",1,Tobi_MA +334,"We have an infrastructure that has the capacity to support additional products and teams, we have the marketing resource, and we are keen to add to our Emerging Market capability, in particular as regards equities and perhaps bonds.",0,Tobi_MA +335,Our testing identified weaknesses in the design and operation of controls.,0,Tobi_MA +336,"Therefore the Group would only exit this position in the case of a significant diminution in value, or if the fund was closing or a third party buyer could be found.",0,Tobi_MA +337,"Where no market data is available for a particular instrument then pricing inputs are determined by assessing other relevant sources of information such as historical data, fundamental analysis of the economics of the transaction and proxy information from similar transactions, and making appropriate adjustments to reflect the actual instrument being valued and current market conditions.",0,Tobi_MA +338,"This procedure is based on regulations governing Tikehau Capital’s business and generally accepted professional codes of conduct, including key professional associations (AFG, France Invest) of which Tikehau Capital is a member.",0,Tobi_MA +339,"The bond issue agreement provides that any bondholder may obtain early redemption or repurchase of all or part of the bonds he owns at a price equal to the nominal value of the bonds (or, where applicable, the redemption price) plus accrued interest (See Section 2.2.4 (Liquidity and Capital Resources) of this Registration Document).",0,Tobi_MA +340,This Section describes the internal control procedures relating to the preparation and processing of Tikehau Capital’s financial and accounting information as they exist as at the registration date of this Registration Document.,0,Tobi_MA +341,ESG factors when determining our corporate strategy and new business initiatives.,1,Tobi_MA +342,"The search for return has always been there, but it seems clear that offering higher return ways for investors to increase wealth, at what might be considered a reasonable price, will be an increasing trend going forward.",0,Tobi_MA +343,"Lastly, it should be stated that around 60 senior corporate members have joined together to invest in a structure which owns an equity interest in Tikehau Capital Advisors and which receives 20% of the carried interest available on the funds managed by the Group.",0,Tobi_MA +344,The Company is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board.,0,Tobi_MA +345,"Deutsche Telekom, which accounted for more than 51% of IREIT’s gross rental income as at 31 December 2018, has set ambitious targets for reducing its energy consumption and won the National German Sustainability Award in 2017.",1,Tobi_MA +346,Active Capital Management and Operational Efficiency Our seventh strategic priority is Active Capital Management and Operational Efficiency.,0,Tobi_MA +347,AUM/NUM The growth of our net management fee revenue results from the growth of our assets and notional under management and the stability of our management fees charged to clients.,0,Tobi_MA +348,"In the Eurozone, the government debt burden in some countries, especially in Italy, is a risk due to the fragile political situation.",0,Tobi_MA +349,"Tenure, election, reappointment and removal of Directors Directors are typically appointed by the Board and then put forward for election by shareholders at the subsequent AGM.",0,Tobi_MA +350,Carbonex's biomass power generation projects were selected for the Grenelle de l'Environnement (French environmental pact) in 2010 and for the French Energy Transition for Green Growth Act (wood-energy call for tenders) in 2017.,1,Tobi_MA +351,It can be considered a guide identifying sector leaders and engagement with the laggards to ultimately bring them into alignment.,0,Tobi_MA +352,In our opinion CEF’s are consumer products.,0,Tobi_MA +353,The fair value for the accounts shortfall is calculated with option pricing models using Monte-Carlo simulations including the behavioural risk of the client.,0,Tobi_MA +354,"Scope 1-2 for the Group This assessment was conducted on Scope 1, covering direct emissions from fixed or mobile sources controlled by the organisation, and Scope 2, covering indirect emissions associated with energy consumption.",1,Tobi_MA +355,"The Company has exposure to higher-yielding private debt arrangements, which may include debt securities of smaller companies, some of which may be privately owned, and thus may be less transparent in respect of environmental, social and governance and sustainability-related disclosures.",1,Tobi_MA +356,The spot rate on 21 October 2019 was used for the closing TSR.,0,Tobi_MA +357,"We receive regular briefings from Internal Audit throughout the year, and ask business owners to attend the Committee to explain actions being taken.",0,Tobi_MA +358,The financial statements of the material subsidiaries are prepared for the same accounting period as for the parent company.,0,Tobi_MA +359,The participation of ordinary shareholders in the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company takes place under the conditions provided for by law and the stipulations of Article 11.1 of the Company’s Articles of Association (See Section 4.2 (General Shareholders’ Meetings) of this Registration Document).,0,Tobi_MA +360,"Once every financial year, the Board of Management extensively informs the Audit Committee about DBAG’s risk exposure.",0,Tobi_MA +361,"The approach taken on external growth is one of flexibility, depending on the opportunities received or perceived and according to the strategy set by the Management, seeking the greatest complementarity with the Group’s existing activities.",0,Tobi_MA +362,Unit value of the share on the allocation date: €24.30 corresponding to the share price on 4 July 2018 (€27.00) to which a 10% discount was applied to take into account the absence of dividend rights over the vesting period.,0,Tobi_MA +363,Service Agreement between your company and the company Chardi Inc.,0,Tobi_MA +364,"Lines are open between 09:00-17:30, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.",0,Tobi_MA +365,Certain colleagues have entitlement to higher levels of core benefits retained from their employment prior to 2020.,0,Tobi_MA +366,"Meantime the Group’s other products experienced different fortunes, with the Developed CEF and Frontier products performing strongly, but the Emerging Markets and Natural Resource equity strategies faring significantly less well.",1,Tobi_MA +367,Regular reports on investor sentiment and industry issues from the Company’s broker are submitted to the Board.,0,Tobi_MA +368,"Matters considered during the year During the year under review, the Audit Committee has ensured the effective assessment of the Company’s evolving risk environment, particularly given the continued challenging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market for the majority of the year with markets recovering towards the end of the year.",0,Tobi_MA +369,"These are available to our analysts and investment teams to help them identify, understand and assess climate risks for different types of assets, drawing on a database of ESG information refreshed daily by our data vendors.",1,Tobi_MA +370,This capital increase was carried out with preferential subscription rights maintained at a price of €21 per new share and was subscribed in the amount of €239.8 million by cash contribution and €176.1 million by offsetting against debts with the equity convertible bonds issued by the Company in May 2015 (see Section 2.2.4 (Liquidity and Capital Resources) of this Registration Document).,0,Tobi_MA +371,"They may change or be modified due to uncertainties related in particular to the economic, financial, competitive and regulatory environment.",0,Tobi_MA +372,"The feedback provided was consolidated in a report, which was submitted – along with action items recommended by the Nomination Committee – to the Supervisory Board for its discussion and the adoption of measures.",0,Tobi_MA +373,"In early 2018, an accredited consultant on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audits (referred to here by its French acronym “BEGES”) conducted an analysis of the offices in Paris, London, Brussels, Milan and Singapore.",1,Tobi_MA +374,"The Company has found that the issue of share awards to executives and employees has been a very useful tool in motivating and retaining key staff, and the Board intends to continue to maintain a flexible approach to share incentives and to seek to encourage significant employee ownership.",0,Tobi_MA +375,"In addition, the Group maintains unfunded contributory post-employment medical plans for a number of current and retired employees who are mainly located in the United States.",0,Tobi_MA +376,"As a result, the Board’s views on diversity principles are aligned with those expressed in the Hampton-Alexander Review regarding the proportion of women on boards and also the Parker Review about ethnic representation on boards, amongst other published commentaries.",0,Tobi_MA +377,Borrowings include operational borrowings attributable to shareholder-financed operations and other borrowings attributable to the With-Profits Fund.,0,Tobi_MA +378,"The score is an indicator of how we measure, disclose and manage our carbon emissions footprint.",1,Tobi_MA +379,Documents on display The terms and conditions of all Directors’ appointments are available for inspection at the Company’s registered office during normal business hours and at the AGM.,0,Tobi_MA +380,"Officer functions (Group Legal, Group Communication, Group Human Resources) and Group Chief Risk Officer expenses.",0,Tobi_MA +381,Our business is built on trust and we don’t take that lightly.,0,Tobi_MA +382,We have also made good progress towards pivoting the entire business towards sustainability.,1,Tobi_MA +383,Sustainability and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) risk has also been a key area of focus.,1,Tobi_MA +384,"Our plans to optimise and simplify our processes in the interests of our customers, business partners and employees will enable us to identify further opportunities for growth for the good of our business and to the benefit of the community.",0,Tobi_MA +385,These changes in the fair value of the guarantees will be reflected in Other Revenues.,0,Tobi_MA +386,Investments in companies whose performance is more strongly linked to consumer demand mitigate the effects of business cycles on the value of the portfolio.,0,Tobi_MA +387,"Carbon footprint of the diversified equity funds Tikehau Capital commissioned Trucost to carry out carbon benchmarks thanks to low exposure to the most polluting assessments of its main liquid funds at 31 December 2018. sectors (energy, materials, industries).",1,Tobi_MA +388,In particular we have seen continued growth in our DC Fiduciary model where we are the first provider to deliver a three year track record in this important arena.,0,Tobi_MA +389,Health represents a small proportion of SCOR Global Life’s portfolio.,0,Tobi_MA +390,Each member of the Supervisory Board should be able to build productive partnerships with key constituents including fellow Supervisory and Executive Board members.,0,Tobi_MA +391,"The new fee that will apply from the appointment date will be £525,000 per annum.",0,Tobi_MA +392,"We think giving people what they need from their homes now and in the future makes sense for the environment, for our business, and for our customers, who include millions of pensioners, savers and Prudential policyholders.",1,Tobi_MA +393,Consideration of individual performance The Committee considered performance assessments for the Executive Directors and concluded that the formulaic outcome of the STI was appropriate in the context of their personal contribution over the performance period.,0,Tobi_MA +394,"As such, Tikehau IM Asia and IREIT Global Group are subject to the laws, regulations, guidelines and recommendations laid down by MAS.",0,Tobi_MA +395,"In 2018, attendance fees were paid to him in respect of his duties as member of the Supervisory Board in 2017.",0,Tobi_MA +396,There will be only minor changes to the current accounting for lessors.,0,Tobi_MA +397,It will remain flexible in adding risk to the portfolio from both public and private markets as and when it sees value.,0,Tobi_MA +398,We attach particular importance to nurturing a corporate culture in which loyalty to the Company can prosper.,0,Tobi_MA +399,The Syndicated Credit Agreement provides for the option for each lender not to finance its participation of any possible drawdown and to terminate its commitment in the event of a change of control of the Company.,0,Tobi_MA +400,We also launched a green energy switching service for our UK colleagues.,1,Tobi_MA +401,These broadly align to the orderly 2°C scenario and a 4°C scenario.,1,Tobi_MA +402,The spend was split between a 4.25% budget for the majority of the workforce and 3% for those in senior management positions (with some variation in our international locations to reflect market conditions).,0,Tobi_MA +403,"We operate an International Sharesave in all other locations, providing the same opportunity as the UK Sharesave, subject to the rules/regulations that apply in each location.",0,Tobi_MA +404,This analysis enables us to assess the exposure of our portfolio to climate risk on a forward-looking basis using various scenarios.,1,Tobi_MA +405,Flagship programmes (urban regeneration; economic empowerment; and skills and education) support all our strategic priorities.,0,Tobi_MA +406,"While the US is still expected to show positive growth, the Eurozone is likely to achieve only a slight positive expansion in 2020.",0,Tobi_MA +407,"Like a stock corporation, the share capital of a KGaA is held by its shareholders.",0,Tobi_MA +408,"As outlined in the Company’s Prospectus at the time of the IPO, before the Company’s fifth Annual General Meeting in 2024, the Board will formulate and submit proposals (which may constitute a tender offer or other method of distribution) to provide Shareholders with an opportunity to realise the value of their Ordinary Shares at Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share less costs.",0,Tobi_MA +409,The Audit Committee reviews the Annual Report as a whole and makes recommendations to the Board.,0,Tobi_MA +410,"Local and responsible production – Buoyed by its new technology, Carbonex has been able to relocate the production of wood charcoal and briquettes in France, improve quality control, significantly reduce the use of fossil energy and avoid deforestation.",1,Tobi_MA +411,"As a business regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority, we hold prudent levels of capital resource in order to ensure our financial stability.",0,Tobi_MA +412,All plan assumptions that have an impact on cash are included in the projection of financial resources.,0,Tobi_MA +413,"Regarding the estimate of the long-term results of the selected portfolio companies, we verified that this estimate had been derived from the individual company projections and had been approved at the level of the portfolio company by the latter’s supervisory body.",0,Tobi_MA +414,We have a zero waste to landfill commitment for our UK offices where we have operational control and promote this as best practice for all other offices.,1,Tobi_MA +415,"The Nomination Committee continues to lead transparent selections, with weight given to gender, ethnicity and diversity of thought.",0,Tobi_MA +416,The change in the balance of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities does not equal the deferred tax expense/(benefit).,0,Tobi_MA +417,SASB The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board is an ESG guidance framework that sets standards for the disclosure of financially material sustainability information by companies to their investors.,1,Tobi_MA +418,Our M&G plc Supply Chain Modern Slavery Business Standard supports the management of Modern Slavery risk and how we approach third party supplier relationships.,0,Tobi_MA +419,"The review concluded that the Directors’ qualifications, effectiveness, performance and contribution to the Board are of a high standard.",0,Tobi_MA +420,"Options exercised in the context of a full donation for a total amount of EUR 1,174,495.9.",0,Tobi_MA +421,"In fulfilling its supervisory tasks, it monitored the General Partner and advised the Executive Board.",0,Tobi_MA +422,"Thus, in the event of the poor performance of the assets of funds that have employed leverage, the relevant funds and their shareholders or unitholders could see their position adversely affected by the existence of financing and the lending banks’ priority rights on the assets and income concerned.",0,Tobi_MA +423,"Waste We aim to reduce the volume of waste each of our offices generate, maximise recycling rates and minimise the amount we send to landfill.",1,Tobi_MA +424,It defines the high-risk and excluded sectors and behaviours.,0,Tobi_MA +425,"An example is our investment in Storegga Geotechnologies, which you can read more about on page 39.",0,Tobi_MA +426,The number of shares definitively acquired is based on the performance of a level of published revenues from the Group's Asset Management business as at 31 December 2019.,0,Tobi_MA +427,Our approach to scenario modelling is to incorporate bottom-up analysis (derived from security specific data) into a scenario parameterised in a topdown fashion.,0,Tobi_MA +428,"Through our second line assurance responsibilities, we’re ensuring that internal controls remain effective and that internal audit is providing strong third line assurance.",0,Tobi_MA +429,"Forward-looking statements therefore speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future events.",0,Tobi_MA +430,Nature and purpose Amendment dated 20 December 2018 to the service agreement between your company and the company Parc Monceau SARL on 29 March 2017.,0,Tobi_MA +431,The expected credit loss model (ECL) is applicable to DWS Group.,0,Tobi_MA +432,"Under the equity method, the Group’s share of profit or loss of its joint ventures and associates is recognised in the income statement and its share of movements in other comprehensive income is recognised in other comprehensive income.",0,Tobi_MA +433,"Except for the employee representatives, the members of the Supervisory Board are elected by the shareholders of DWS KGaA at the General Meeting.",0,Tobi_MA +434,"Under a £107 million and two £53.6 million revolving loan facilities between the Company and the bank named therein as lender (Lender) dated 27 March 2019 (the Facility), in the event that any person or group of persons acting in concert directly or indirectly gains control of the Company and its subsidiaries, then the Lender may elect within a prescribed time frame to be replaced by a new lender, or to cancel its commitment, under the Facility whereupon the Company shall be required to repay each loan made to it, together with accrued interest and all other amounts accrued under the Facility, which shall in each case be immediately due and payable, on the last day of the interest period for that loan.",0,Tobi_MA +435,"The Company indirectly holds 18,878,569 ordinary shares in P-Solve Holdings Limited which carry 100% of the voting rights.",0,Tobi_MA +436,"The effects of the compensation systems on risk, capital and liquidity management shall be assessed and it shall be ensured that the compensation systems and the group-wide compensation strategy – in consideration of the corporate culture – are aligned to achieving the objectives set out in the business and risk strategies of DWS Group.",0,Tobi_MA +437,Dr Woehrmann has also assumed the responsibility for setting the overall DWS Group ESG and Sustainability strategy.,1,Tobi_MA +438,"As set out on page 77 of the Strategic Report, M&G plc faces the potential risk of the facilitation of financial crime and continues with the programme of work to ensure that the controls that operate across the Group are sufficiently comprehensive and resilient to mitigate this risk in line with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, and complete any necessary remediation where appropriate.",0,Tobi_MA +439,The largest suppliers in the period have been professional service firms.,0,Tobi_MA +440,Details of the Committee Members’ experience are given in the biographical information on page 38.,0,Tobi_MA +441,"The valuation guidelines set out further details on IPEVG provisions, insofar as the latter are vague or undefined, in order to allow them to be applied in intersubjectively clear terms to DBAG.",0,Tobi_MA +442,"In light of these Court rulings, at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, the Group has recognised an estimated allowance for GMP equalisation within the IAS 19 valuation for all the UK schemes – comprising £43m for PSPS, £20m for SASPS, and £6m for M&GGPS as at 31 December 2021 (2020: £48m for PSPS, £21m for SASPS and £6m for M&GGPS).",0,Tobi_MA +443,"In the medium to long term, our operations and investment portfolios will be exposed to physical risks resulting from extreme weather events and to the impact of climate change on other environmental systems such as biodiversity and water, and through them on health, living standards and social stability.",1,Tobi_MA +444,"Executive Directors are eligible to participate in UK all-employee share plans, which currently comprises HMRC-approved Sharesave and SIP plans, on the same terms as other employees.",0,Tobi_MA +445,"Appointment of Proxy by Joint Shareholders In the case of joint shareholders, where more than one of the joint shareholders purports to appoint one or more proxies, only the purported appointment submitted by the most senior holder will be accepted.",0,Tobi_MA +446,"This independent spirit has forged an investment culture of conviction, sometimes going against market trends, in keeping with the desire of Tikehau Capital to provide enhanced added value for its investor clients.",0,Tobi_MA +447,"In the disorderly 2°C scenario, downside impacts to asset values are initially mild but then become greater after 2030, as greater investment is needed to adapt to climate change.",1,Tobi_MA +448,"Supporting our ambition to build the most inclusive culture, our colleagueled diversity networks provide invaluable support and networking opportunities for our people globally.",0,Tobi_MA +449,"As a result, there was no material impact from climate on our key audit matters.",1,Tobi_MA +450,Our focus on client outcomes aligns us with our clients and results in a business with low attrition rates.,0,Tobi_MA +451,"The Chief Human Resources and Director of Public Policy and Regulation retired at the end of 2021 and, as of 1 January 2022, the new combined role of Chief People and Corporate Affairs Officer was created as an Executive Committee member.",0,Tobi_MA +452,"Remuneration philosophy The Group’s remuneration philosophy is based on rewarding people for their individual performance, their division’s performance and the overall performance of the Group.",0,Tobi_MA +453,"The acquisition of Sofidy has enabled Tikehau Capital to expand its range of Real Estate funds and thus improve its business mix, to reach out to new investor categories and extend its know-how in the field of Real Estate investment solutions thanks to the strong synergies between the two groups.",0,Tobi_MA +454,"In addition, the Supervisory Board concurred with the proposal of the Executive Board for the appropriation of distributable profit and resolved the Report of the Supervisory Board.",0,Tobi_MA +455,Employees of the Real Estate activity 19 (excl.,0,Tobi_MA +456,"Specialised in plant chemistry, since 1932, the DRT group has developed rosin and turpentine extracted from pine resin.",0,Tobi_MA +457,"The Whistleblowing policy is supported by our Speak Out programme that includes different reporting channels, such as EthicsPoint which is a confidential reporting system provided by an independent external service provider.",0,Tobi_MA +458,"The Managers, with the power of sub-delegation under the conditions provided by law, enjoy the broadest powers to decide and implement said authorisation, to specify, if necessary, its terms, and the procedures for executing the share buyback and, in particular, to place any market order, enter into any agreement, allocate or reallocate the acquired shares to purposes allowed under applicable law and regulations, set the procedures for ensuring, where applicable, the rights of holders of securities giving access to equity or other rights giving access to equity in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and, where applicable, enforce contractual clauses providing for other cases of adjustment, to make any disclosures to the AMF or any other competent authority and any other formalities and, generally speaking, to undertake any necessary actions.",0,Tobi_MA +459,Financial debt Financial debts are recognised at their historical cost.,0,Tobi_MA +460,"Within our equity portfolios, the assets that are exposed to greatest downside are our holdings in industrials, materials and energy, as companies operating in this sector are exposed to transition risk in the 4°C scenario, the sector most exposed to downside impacts is consumer discretionary, with industrials, materials and energy performing relatively better.",1,Tobi_MA +461,"Internally, presentations and training are delivered by Group employees and cover awareness on compliance, explanation of the various business lines and Group products, talent management (management, annual interviews, best recruitment and mentoring practice, welcome meetings for new recruits and business culture, etc.).",0,Tobi_MA +462,"We have updated the sustainability requirements in our Supplier Code of Conduct and now require all suppliers to have clear procedures in place to ensure direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with goods and services are understood, measured and managed.",1,Tobi_MA +463,"The audit partner was previously the engagement partner involved with the audit of PSG, P-Solve and RAMAM.",0,Tobi_MA +464,Similarly the remaining emissions will be offset.,1,Tobi_MA +465,"Total Eren held workshops on PV power, environmental protection and public health for local communities.",1,Tobi_MA +466,"The middle-office teams monitor, whenever the net asset value is published, that the valuation data used by the custodian comply with decisions taken and that all closing elements have been properly integrated.",0,Tobi_MA +467,"The Committee confirms that the non-audit work undertaken by the Company’s Auditor satisfies, and does not compromise, the tests of the Auditor’s independence, objectivity, effectiveness, resources and qualification.",0,Tobi_MA +468,The Board of Management knows of no other restrictions relating to voting rights or the transfer of shares.,0,Tobi_MA +469,"The membership of the Company’s Audit Committee comprises four independent non-executive Directors, namely Lynn Ruddick, David Cardale, Allan Bufferd, and Rian Dartnell.",0,Tobi_MA +470,"We earned a higher than planned margin on our annuity business due to favourable benefits from longevity and expense assumption changes, which offset lower than expected operating profit before tax from our Asset Management business.",0,Tobi_MA +471,"Tikehau Capital’s activities have a low level of health and safety events, access to gyms at reduced prices for employees, etc.).",0,Tobi_MA +472,"In the event that our desired risk appetite is breached, a predefined escalation governance matrix is applied so these breaches are highlighted to the respective committees.",0,Tobi_MA +473,"The purpose of this reserved issue was to strengthen employees’ personal interest in the Group (particularly at the point of exercising these equity warrants), to reinforce the alignment of interests between the Group and its employees, and to encourage them with the Group’s future performance.",0,Tobi_MA +474,"Considering all significant aspects of the Group’s relationship with the IMEs, the Directors are of the opinion that although the Group manages the investment resources of the IMEs, the existence of: termination provisions in the Investment Management Agreements (IMAs) which allow for the removal of the Group as the investment manager; the influence exercised by investors in the control of their IMEs and the arm’s length nature of the Group’s contracts with the IMEs; and independent Boards of Directors of the IMEs, the Group does not control the IMEs and therefore the assets, liabilities and net profit are not consolidated into the Group’s financial statements.",0,Tobi_MA +475,"We aspire to be a thought leader, to innovate, and to advance understanding of sustainability issues.",1,Tobi_MA +476,"The employer’s contribution on behalf of all permanent employees, including executive Directors, is 12.5% of basic salary, except where local overseas regulations stipulate otherwise.",0,Tobi_MA +477,"At its meeting on December 13, 2019 the Supervisory Board dealt with the results of the review of the efficiency of its work.",0,Tobi_MA +478,Provisions are measured based on management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the reporting date.,0,Tobi_MA +479,"However, we are cognisant of the need to encourage good corporate governance and sustainable business practices and, if necessary, vote for changes to board composition where this is not the case.",1,Tobi_MA +480,It has been pleasing to see that financial controls remain robust and that high quality financial reporting continues to be delivered.,0,Tobi_MA +481,"Depending on the nature of the businesses and their industries, qualitative or quantitative criteria used in regard to social aspects may vary: human resources policy, social risk, employee safety and work-related accident rates.",0,Tobi_MA +482,Reminder:  Scope 1: carbon footprint from fixed or mobile sources controlled by the organisation.,1,Tobi_MA +483,"Information Systems, a Head of Finance, a Head of Human Resources and a Risk Manager.",0,Tobi_MA +484,"In addition, Tikehau IM and Sofidy, which manage and market UCITS, must comply with the requirements of the UCITS V Directive, which includes provisions on remuneration substantially similar to those contained in the AIFM Directive.",0,Tobi_MA +485,"Where the Group does not control these entities (as it is deemed to be acting as an agent) and they do not meet the definition of associates, they are carried at FVTPL within equity securities and pooled investment funds in the consolidated statement of financial position.",0,Tobi_MA +486,Further information is given in the Viability Statement (unaudited) on pages 24 to 25 and the Going Concern Statement on page 25.,0,Tobi_MA +487,"It makes a report at the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting, in which it indicates in particular, the irregularities and inaccuracies noted in the annual and consolidated financial statements for the financial year.",0,Tobi_MA +488,"This pioneering blend of digital technology and human advice allows us to deliver outcomes much more efficiently, giving UK customers access to financial advice in an understandable, affordable and sustainable way.",0,Tobi_MA +489,The financial resources serve DBAG for investments in financial assets and loans and receivables.,0,Tobi_MA +490,"After a dividend of 1.20 euros was paid out in February 2017, this corresponds to an increase of 6.20 euros per share, or 26.5 percent – the third- highest return on equity reported since IFRS accounting was implemented.",0,Tobi_MA +491,"In order to take into account the existing forecasting uncertainty and the earlier date for the impairment test, we examined the effects of possible changes in expected net changes in cash flows of the managed mutual funds, the effective fee rate and the assumed long-term growth rates, or the discount rate used, on the recoverable amount by calculating alternative scenarios and comparing them with the Company's figures (sensitivity analysis).",0,Tobi_MA +492,"This will be achieved by launching further DBAG funds with new investment strategies that we have not pursued to date, or by ensuring that a successor fund exceeds the size of its predecessor.",0,Tobi_MA +493,"Every year, our One Voice employee opinion survey tracks what our people think of life at M&G, showing us what we are getting right and where we can improve.",0,Tobi_MA +494,"Total capital generation is the total change in Solvency II surplus capital before dividends and capital movements, and capital generated from discontinued operations.",0,Tobi_MA +495,"Our net zero commitments are supported by a number of initiatives, from implementation of our coal policy, to updating our product range, continuing to transition our existing European funds to SFDR Article 8/9 standard on sustainable investing.",1,Tobi_MA +496,"This plan outlines the steps that we’ve committed to undertake by putting sustainability at the heart of everything we do: as an investor, employer and business partner and as a company run in the long-term interests of our shareholders.",1,Tobi_MA +497,"No member of the Supervisory Board or the Board of Management holds shares, share options or other derivatives representing 1 percent or more of the subscribed capital.",0,Tobi_MA +498,"Continuing the development of open-ended funds (“Liquid Strategies”) – The Group considers that open-ended funds are a pillar of its growth, alongside the development of closed-end funds (see Section 1.4.2(c) (Liquid Strategies activity) of this Registration Document).",0,Tobi_MA +499,"If after engagement we feel that investees cannot or will not commit to a credible phase-out plan by 2030 for OECD and EU countries, or 2040 for developing countries, they will become candidates for divestment.",1,Tobi_MA +500,"A specific Board training session also took place, which included discussion on the Board’s role in establishing culture.",0,Tobi_MA +501,Our offices have video conference facilities which are used extensively for client meetings to reduce travel for us and our clients.,1,Tobi_MA +0,Significant environmental issues. ,1,Tobi_MA +1,We are committed to maintaining and enhancing our reputation for responsible business practices and will continue to promote our standards in line with our Business Principles. ,0,Tobi_MA +2,"We create and maintain a positive, healthy and safe working environment that promotes diversity, inclusion and respect. ",0,Tobi_MA +3,"The firm's mandatory all-employee training, which was introduced for Board members in Q4 2021, included sessions on Customer Vulnerability. ",0,Tobi_MA +4,"Engaging with stakeholders (including Shareholders) will allow the Company to make the most of their contributions, ensure that the Company fulfils its obligations and build long-term value for all stakeholders. ",0,Tobi_MA +5,"""The United Nations Global Compact"" (""UNGC"") and ""The Principles for Responsible Investment"" (""PRI"") are examples of initiatives that have been adopted by several companies, including SCOR SE. ",1,Tobi_MA +6,We have adopted a Group-wide policy on equal opportunities. ,0,Tobi_MA +7,The company has an active programme to promote sustainable consumption and production. ,1,Tobi_MA +8,We carry out comprehensive background checks on all new employees and regularly review their behaviour during the course of their employment. ,0,Tobi_MA +9,The environmental requirements applicable to the Group's production process are set out in the environmental permits applicable to the individual production sites. ,1,Tobi_MA +10,"The initial remuneration for the Group Managing Director is competitive in the current market, and the total remuneration takes into account the Group’s current business development and financial position. ",0,Tobi_MA +11,"The Board is committed to continuing this trend, demonstrated through its substantial support for the introduction of a number of new policies and programmes. ",0,Tobi_MA +12,"The results are presented to the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and the Executive Committee for review. ",0,Tobi_MA +13,The Board is responsible for the Company's strategic direction and risk management. ,0,Tobi_MA +14,The Group is committed to protecting biodiversity through its sustainable development policies and initiatives. ,1,Tobi_MA +15,"At year-end, the Group employed 11,045 people, including 7,749 in France. ",0,Tobi_MA +16,"The review of the audit plan includes a detailed review of the risk profile, including the risk assessment performed by the Company’s internal control function. ",0,Tobi_MA +17,The principal aim of our Corporate Governance framework is to ensure that the highest standards of corporate governance are maintained. ,0,Tobi_MA +18,"The Company is committed to foster and maintain an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation. ",0,Tobi_MA +19,"We are committed to integrating ESG factors into the investment process, and are working on a new ESG framework. ",1,Tobi_MA +20,Changes in the company's ownership and control structure were also considered. ,0,Tobi_MA +21,"The company is committed to maintaining an effective system of internal controls, including policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. ",0,Tobi_MA +22,"This position is not remunerated, but is a key management function, reporting directly to the Board, with the mandate to promote good corporate governance, enhance risk management and safeguard the interests of the Shareholders. ",0,Tobi_MA +23,"However, we are cognisant of the need to encourage good corporate governance and sustainable business practices and, if necessary, vote for changes to board composition where this is not the case. ",1,Tobi_MA +24,We are introducing LEED v4 and we will achieve our first project certification in 2017. ,1,Tobi_MA +25,We have not established sufficient internal control over our financial reporting to comply with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. ,0,Tobi_MA +26,The Board of Directors of the Company consists of eight directors. ,0,Tobi_MA +27,The Group has also implemented a code of conduct for its employees. ,0,Tobi_MA +28,A chart on page 18 shows the results of an analysis of social media and news articles. ,0,Tobi_MA +29,The company was founded in 1846 as a manufacturer of surgical instruments and was the first major medical equipment supplier to require sales representatives to have graduated from a medical college. ,0,Tobi_MA +30,"In the year ended 31 December 2016, the Company's total investment income amounted to $8.8 billion. ",0,Tobi_MA +31,"We also provide access to external services, including health and well-being, financial services and training. ",0,Tobi_MA +32,Our employees are the most important aspect of our business. ,0,Tobi_MA +33,The Board has recently reviewed the Group's policies and guidelines on whistleblowing and harassment. ,0,Tobi_MA +34,The Company has implemented a clear set of rules to ensure that no improper payments are made to any public official or third party. ,0,Tobi_MA +35,"We are committed to promoting a safe and healthy working environment, where employees are treated fairly and with respect, and where they can reach their full potential. ",0,Tobi_MA +36,"As of December 31, 2013, the Company's Board of Directors consisted of seven members: two executive directors, two general directors, two independent non-executive directors and one employee representative. ",0,Tobi_MA +37,The Company considers that the purpose of the audit is to provide an independent opinion as to whether the financial statements of the Company give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs. ,0,Tobi_MA +38,"The main objective of the new policy is to reduce our CO2 emissions and better integrate the social, environmental and economic aspects in our activities. ",1,Tobi_MA +39,The turnover of the company increased by 4.1% to € 67.7 billion. ,0,Tobi_MA +40,We are committed to promoting gender diversity in the workplace and our management team consists of over 50% women. ,0,Tobi_MA +41,"The Group's recruitment policy aims to promote, wherever possible, applications from women, whenever there are vacancies, and particularly for investment roles. ",0,Tobi_MA +42,"If any such election is not made by the due date, the executive must defer the compensation and benefits received during the prior year and make a section 83(b) election within 30 days after the due date. ",0,Tobi_MA +43,"In the social sphere, our focus on the world in which we operate, both locally and globally, involves us in building lasting relationships with partners who share our vision. ",0,Tobi_MA +44,"We are also committed to realizing our market leadership in ""Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility"" (""CSR"") activities. ",1,Tobi_MA +45,We have formal processes of training and accreditation to advance and motivate our employees in order to support the continuity of our client engagement business model. ,0,Tobi_MA +46,"We have a strong commitment to ""Doing the Right Thing"" and fostering a culture of integrity and compliance. ",0,Tobi_MA +47,The operating company will provide a comprehensive information and communication strategy to ensure that the Group's stakeholders are kept fully informed of the Group's activities and performance. ,0,Tobi_MA +48,The Company will support the local community through the activities of its staff and the support of local non-profit organisations. ,0,Tobi_MA +49,"We also hold that a focus on long-term performance, whether for an individual or for a company, is the only rational strategy. ",0,Tobi_MA +50,"Our Board of Directors has established a Risk Committee, which meets regularly to review the risk profile of the Company and to oversee the risk management of the Company. ",0,Tobi_MA +51,The decision-making process is a continuous process which draws on the experience of all members of the Executive Committee. ,0,Tobi_MA +52,The Company also strives to maximize the benefits from its participation in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) by using the positive influence of the DJSI as an investment marketing tool. ,1,Tobi_MA +53,"The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Company is managed in a sound, efficient and ethical manner and that the interests of shareholders are properly protected. ",0,Tobi_MA +54,The Board has an active social responsibility policy and an Employee Forum. ,0,Tobi_MA +55,"The Company is committed to conducting its business activities in a responsible manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and in an environmentally, socially and economically responsible manner. ",1,Tobi_MA +56,The Inclusion Council is the Group's advisory body on inclusion and diversity. ,0,Tobi_MA +57,"The Board is comprised of seven members, including the Chairman and six non-executive Directors. ",0,Tobi_MA +58,We also have an active lending policy to support the local economy. ,0,Tobi_MA +59,The Group's remuneration policies and practices do not encourage excessive risk-taking. ,0,Tobi_MA +60,"In addition, the Group supports the development of young talent in the area of music. ",0,Tobi_MA +61,"The firm is committed to transparency and the sharing of information with clients, and this is reflected in the firm's publications and communications. ",0,Tobi_MA +62,The Group will continue to develop and implement an employee assistance programme to support the personal development and well-being of employees. ,0,Tobi_MA +63,"We have a strong commitment to the conservation of natural resources, water and energy. ",1,Tobi_MA +64,"The Group is currently involved in a number of initiatives to make its business more environmentally sustainable, including reducing its use of paper in favour of more environmentally friendly media. ",1,Tobi_MA +65,We have a strong commitment to improving our social and environmental performance and this is reflected in our Corporate Governance Statement on our website. ,1,Tobi_MA +66,The Group's risk management policy is designed to ensure that any risks that arise are identified and assessed in a timely manner and that appropriate controls are in place. ,0,Tobi_MA +67,We are committed to building a sustainable business that delivers long-term value for all our stakeholders. ,1,Tobi_MA +68,"As part of the company's governance process, an annual report on the company's social and environmental performance is published. ",1,Tobi_MA +69,The governance framework will be based on clearly defined and transparent principles. ,0,Tobi_MA +70,Our company has no debt and has no plans to borrow any money. ,0,Tobi_MA +71,The Company's remuneration policy is designed to be consistent with the Company's overall strategy in order to attract and retain the skills and talents required to drive the business forward. ,0,Tobi_MA +72,"This applies to all BlackRock funds, funds of funds and third party discretionary managed accounts. ",0,Tobi_MA +73,The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and contractors. ,0,Tobi_MA +74,"In addition, the Board has introduced a policy to ensure that the financial and social performance of each of the Group's service lines and regions is reported in the report. ",0,Tobi_MA +75,"The Group's overall strategy is aimed at reducing its environmental footprint and to achieve this, the Group is committed to reducing its emissions by 20% compared to 2006. ",1,Tobi_MA +76,We will continue to actively work with all stakeholders to contribute to the eradication of malaria in the country. ,0,Tobi_MA +77,"We have also introduced a Whistleblowing and Ethics programme for employees, which has been designed to encourage honesty and respect for our policies. ",0,Tobi_MA +78,"Transparency on environmental, social and governance issues is a key element of communication with our stakeholders. ",1,Tobi_MA +79,"The Company and its directors are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, ethical conduct and compliance with all laws and regulations. ",0,Tobi_MA +80,Ethical and values-based behavior are not only a means to an end but are also the end in themselves. ,0,Tobi_MA +81,The Group has committed to instilling a culture of integrity and complying with the highest ethical standards through a combination of internal controls and business-led initiatives. ,0,Tobi_MA +82,"CSR Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby businesses recognise their responsibility to their stakeholders and the wider community, and take action to address the needs of society and the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +83,"Our strategy of social engagement is designed to support our business priorities, reduce environmental impact and enhance our reputation. ",1,Tobi_MA +84,The Board has established a remuneration committee that has reviewed and approved the remuneration arrangements for the Executive Directors and their independence from the Company and its subsidiaries. ,0,Tobi_MA +85,"The Company's significant subsidiaries include the Corporate Centre, a 60% subsidiary established for the purpose of managing the group's worldwide group-wide corporate and administrative operations. ",0,Tobi_MA +86,"It has been a difficult period for the Group. However, we are confident that the actions taken on the following key priorities will drive growth in the near term and place the Group on a stable footing for the future. ",0,Tobi_MA +87,"In 2017, the Group reduced its water consumption by 5% compared to 2016. ",1,Tobi_MA +88,We are committed to being a provider of choice for our clients in the markets in which we operate. ,0,Tobi_MA +89,"The Board, the Executive Management and the Group's employees are committed to promoting and maintaining high standards of business conduct and ethics. ",0,Tobi_MA +90,"The report provides detailed data on areas such as the number of visits per week, the number of customers served and the number of items on the menu. ",0,Tobi_MA +91,The availability of the appropriate skills in the market is assessed to ensure that internal resources can meet project requirements. ,0,Tobi_MA +92,The Board has established a remuneration committee which is responsible for establishing the remuneration of the executive directors and the other key management personnel. ,0,Tobi_MA +93,The Board has a policy of encouraging diversity on the Board. ,0,Tobi_MA +94,We pride ourselves on providing a safe working environment for our employees. ,0,Tobi_MA +95,"In accordance with French law, we have verified that the required information concerning the purchase of investments and controlling interests and the identity of the shareholders or holders of the voting rights has been properly disclosed in the management report. ",0,Tobi_MA +96,"The Group has a commitment to a safe and healthy working environment, and to ensuring that its employees are aware of the risks associated with their work and how to avoid them. ",0,Tobi_MA +97,We believe that a pipeline of future low-carbon energy sources is essential to ensure that we mitigate the worst effects of climate change. ,1,Tobi_MA +98,"The rich variety of activities and services includes lectures, seminars, workshops, excursions, cultural activities and sports. ",0,Tobi_MA +99,The Group is committed to supporting the communities in which we operate through a variety of initiatives. ,0,Tobi_MA +100,Employees are consulted regularly through the Group's Works Council. ,0,Tobi_MA +101,"The policy is supported by our Speak Out programme that includes different reporting channels, such as EthicsPoint which is a confidential reporting system provided by an independent external service provider. ",0,Tobi_MA +102,We are committed to continuous improvement and strengthening of the internal control environment of the company. ,0,Tobi_MA +103,"The Group's policies are designed to ensure that the Group and its employees, advisers and agents act in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulations. ",0,Tobi_MA +104,This includes the submission of an annual report on our policies and procedures and the development of an online training program for all employees. ,0,Tobi_MA +105,The Company's Quality Management System complies with the requirements of the International Standard for Quality Management (ISO 9001:2008). ,0,Tobi_MA +106,"Our network of stewards, who come from all levels of the organisation, help to spread the word about our policies and encourage others to speak up. ",0,Tobi_MA +107,"In view of the current financial situation in Europe, the Group has established a number of measures to reduce its risk exposure. ",0,Tobi_MA +108,"In the coming months, we will be rolling out a comprehensive programme of training, communications and action to address the issues. ",0,Tobi_MA +109,"The board of directors was fully informed of the risks facing the company; in particular, it was informed of the strategy for prevention and mitigation of such risks and the progress made in implementing this strategy. ",0,Tobi_MA +110,Our business activities are subject to regulation by various regulatory authorities. ,0,Tobi_MA +111,The Board of Directors is responsible for the operation of the Company and the achievement of its objectives. ,0,Tobi_MA +112,Performance of the group's activities are subject to the supervision and control of the Board of Directors and its Committees and/or the Management Board. ,0,Tobi_MA +113,This is explained in the financial information that is provided in the bidder and target's respective annual reports and accounts. ,0,Tobi_MA +114,The Board has reviewed the Company's system of internal control and has determined that the system provides reasonable assurance that the Company's financial statements are free from material misstatement. ,0,Tobi_MA +115,The Company is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board. ,0,Tobi_MA +116,"ESG is the integrated management of environmental, social and governance factors, which may affect a company's financial performance. ",1,Tobi_MA +117,"In this context, the BEE Black Economic Empowerment law did not encourage companies and other business entities to increase the number of Black shareholders. ",0,Tobi_MA +118,"Our policy is to comply, and to encourage compliance with laws and regulations that are applicable to us. ",0,Tobi_MA +119,"The Group's key ESG policies are set out in our Group statement on sustainable business, which we refer to as our Sustainability Report. ",1,Tobi_MA +120,The Group also has a number of ongoing partnerships with external stakeholders and runs a number of long-term awareness-raising activities. ,0,Tobi_MA +121,"Our commitment to fair trading and sustainable sourcing is demonstrated by our membership of the Fairtrade Foundation, and our membership of the Ethical Trading Initiative. ",0,Tobi_MA +122,"The Company is committed to increasing the number of women on the Board, and to supporting its female employees with a range of initiatives, including flexible working. ",0,Tobi_MA +123,"We are committed to good corporate governance and ethical behaviour, and to ensuring that our business and our supply chain are slavery free. ",0,Tobi_MA +124,We have been a member of the FTSE4Good index since 2001 and the FTSE4Good Environmental Leaders Europe index since 2001. ,1,Tobi_MA +125,The Company is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact . ,1,Tobi_MA +126,The European Commission has been informed of the intention to prepare a tender offer for the shares of Daimler AG. ,0,Tobi_MA +127,"The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the appointment of Ramesh Narayanan as Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from September 1, 2011. ",0,Tobi_MA +128,"In the event that the annual general meeting does not fix a date for the next annual general meeting, the directors must call the annual general meeting at the next convenient time. ",0,Tobi_MA +129,"The company has an extensive programme of CSR, including a commitment to meeting the UN Global Compact principles. ",0,Tobi_MA +130,"We are committed to working with all our suppliers and stakeholders to help end slavery, human trafficking, child labour or any other abuse of human rights. ",0,Tobi_MA +131,"In 2015, we adopted the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and made a commitment to integrate the principles into our business activities. ",0,Tobi_MA +132,"We have a policy of sourcing responsibly and will have policies on suppliers, labour, the environment and the consumer that are aligned, to the extent possible. ",1,Tobi_MA +133,We aim to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions while increasing the use of renewable energy. ,1,Tobi_MA +134,We have a well-established quality management system (QMS) that has been certified to standard ISO 9001:2008 by an accredited certification body. ,0,Tobi_MA +135,"The Board, through the Nomination Committee, is responsible for overseeing the selection of candidates for appointment as directors. ",0,Tobi_MA +136,"At least annually, the highest ranking executive officers of the company are evaluated by the Board of Directors. ",0,Tobi_MA +137,"Our total consolidated assets amounted to €1,376.9 million at 31 December 2016, an increase of €92.6 million compared to 31 December 2015. ",0,Tobi_MA +138,The Group's Group Sustainability Report 2016 and accompanying Sustainability Report Summary are available on our website. ,1,Tobi_MA +139,"The Group is committed to conducting its business in an ethical manner, and in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations applicable to its operations and the Group's Code of Conduct. ",0,Tobi_MA +140,"As regards the board, it would be appropriate to have one or two more independent directors with relevant skills and experience, to ensure that the board has appropriate expertise to assess these risks. ",0,Tobi_MA +141,The Group is committed to providing its employees with a safe and healthy working environment. ,0,Tobi_MA +142,"We comply with all applicable laws, including trade and economic sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury. ",0,Tobi_MA +143,The Company has decided not to make a recommendation to the Annual General Meeting concerning the appointment of the Company's Auditor. ,0,Tobi_MA +144,The Board is advised by an independent and non-executive Chairman. ,0,Tobi_MA +145,The company is committed to hiring employees from diverse backgrounds and providing training to develop their skills. ,0,Tobi_MA +146,The Company is committed to improving the health and safety of its employees and to protecting the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +147,"The Group's Board of Directors and management team believe that the Group's shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, local communities and other stakeholders are best served by the Group's continued independence. ",0,Tobi_MA +148,"To maintain the integrity of the system, we will not tolerate any violations of the Code, including the illegal use of personal information or the abuse of the trust of our customers. ",0,Tobi_MA +149,We have adopted a policy of continuous improvement and go beyond the regulatory requirements. ,0,Tobi_MA +150,The Company will continue to monitor the situation and will cooperate fully with any government investigation that may result. ,0,Tobi_MA +151,"The value of the Company’s investment in these instruments was £1,049,073,000. ",0,Tobi_MA +152,"The Board is responsible for the maintenance of adequate internal control and for the establishment and monitoring of adequate internal control procedures, including the company's compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. ",0,Tobi_MA +153,It is too early to evaluate the effect of the Sustainability Report on the way the organisation is viewed by its stakeholders. ,0,Tobi_MA +154,The Group's operations are conducted in a socially responsible manner. ,0,Tobi_MA +155,The Group periodically reviews the effectiveness of its internal control system. ,0,Tobi_MA +156,"This year, we have re-examined our approach to sustainability reporting and have updated our reporting cycle and methodology to ensure we present our sustainability performance in a more consistent and comprehensive way. ",1,Tobi_MA +157,The company's investment in environmental protection is recognised in the way it invests in training and safety. ,1,Tobi_MA +158,"In the last decade, several initiatives have been designed to promote the welfare of the Group's staff, as well as its local communities, and to respect and protect the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +159,The Board believes that the Company's corporate structure and capitalization are currently in compliance with the listing standards of the TSX. ,0,Tobi_MA +160,"We are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethics, as set out in the Criminal Justice Act, the Proceeds of Crime Act and the Bribery Act. ",0,Tobi_MA +161,We have a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact. ,0,Tobi_MA +162,"In line with the requirements set out in the EU Regulation on Corporate Governance of Credit Institutions, the Board confirms that it oversees the compliance of the Bank with the legal and regulatory requirements. ",0,Tobi_MA +163,We have had a number of opportunities to meet with their management teams to discuss their plans and objectives and to share our knowledge and expertise. ,0,Tobi_MA +164,"We have developed a Human Rights Policy, which is available on our website and sets out our commitment to respect human rights at all times when doing business. ",0,Tobi_MA +165,"[T]he Committee is responsible for the appointment, evaluation and compensation of Directors. ",0,Tobi_MA +166,The Group Management Board endorsed the Group's Code of Conduct and the Group's Statement of Ethics and Business Conduct. ,0,Tobi_MA +167,"If we do not receive the requested permits by the end of 2014, we will be unable to develop the planned capacity until such time as the permits are issued. ",0,Tobi_MA +168,"The Board has reviewed the Company's governance and considers that the Company's Board has the appropriate mix of skills, diversity, experience and competencies to provide the Company with effective and efficient governance. ",0,Tobi_MA +169,"The Group will review the impact of the East Japan Railway Company Act on its business strategy and management, but at this stage it is not expected to have a material impact on the way the Group conducts its business. ",0,Tobi_MA +170,The board of directors have reviewed the financial statements and have taken responsibility for their content. ,0,Tobi_MA +171,The risk of climate change is not one the company can ignore. ,1,Tobi_MA +172,Sustainability The Group has an active programme of work to promote the sustainable use of resources and minimisation of waste. ,1,Tobi_MA +173,We recognize the importance of corporate governance and compliance. ,0,Tobi_MA +174,The audit committee will have a majority of independent directors who are not officers of the company. ,0,Tobi_MA +175,This statement focuses on the material risks and uncertainties that the Group's Management Board and the Board of Directors currently consider to be relevant to the Group. ,0,Tobi_MA +176,"The Group's reputation is an important asset, and our brands are an important element of this asset. ",0,Tobi_MA +177,We will take steps to ensure that our employees and officers comply with the law and that our financial reporting is in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. ,0,Tobi_MA +178,"For over two decades, we have been active in the fight against global climate change and we continue to work hand in hand with the government in order to achieve the objectives set by the Paris Climate Agreement. ",1,Tobi_MA +179,"The Company, which is not a legal entity under French law, has a single member. ",0,Tobi_MA +180,We are looking forward to working with the new team and achieving further successes in the future. ,0,Tobi_MA +181,"Our board of directors has determined that the company is not a ""public interest company"" within the meaning of Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. ",0,Tobi_MA +182,The Board and the management team have a strong commitment to the concepts of corporate governance and corporate citizenship. ,0,Tobi_MA +183,The company has a zero tolerance policy with regard to bribery and corruption and is committed to actively promoting ethical business practices. ,0,Tobi_MA +184,"Prudential requirements (e.g. Basel II) are being met with regard to risk management, governance and regulatory compliance. ",0,Tobi_MA +185,"The report includes a discussion of the Group's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance in the period. ",1,Tobi_MA +186,"The company has a well-established Engineering and Technology Club, with a strong reputation for student social and networking activities. ",0,Tobi_MA +187,The Group's organisational structure is aligned with the current economic and business environment. ,0,Tobi_MA +188,The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the Group's corporate governance. ,0,Tobi_MA +189,"We use a combination of direct, indirect and strategic engagement approaches to influence the actions of governments and others. ",0,Tobi_MA +190,The Group has a Code of Conduct that applies to all of its employees. ,0,Tobi_MA +191,We are committed to the highest standards of quality and service in all we do and our award-winning customer care and delivery teams work hard to ensure the smooth and successful delivery of our products and services. ,0,Tobi_MA +192,"The Board has delegated the responsibility of compliance with the Company's internal policies and procedures, including those relating to risk management and the Code of Business Conduct, to the Chief Executive Officer. ",0,Tobi_MA +193,A core environmental value is to develop and implement energy-efficient technologies. ,1,Tobi_MA +194,"The Company's major environmental risks include air emissions, water discharges and wastewater, solid waste, contaminated land, climate change and the potential effects of greenhouse gas emissions on the atmosphere. ",1,Tobi_MA +195,We are committed to ensuring that our operations are conducted responsibly and with respect for human rights and the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +196,The Company has set up a special committee to monitor the Company's compliance with the new guidelines and to provide advice to the Board and management on matters relating to the implementation of the guidelines. ,0,Tobi_MA +197,"Corporate citizenship: Since its inception in the USA, the Starbucks Foundation has been a key part of Starbucks' commitment to Corporate Citizenship. ",0,Tobi_MA +198,"ESG Environment, social and governance factors are increasingly important to the Company's stakeholders. ",1,Tobi_MA +199,"We need to be aware of these risks and, where we cannot eliminate them, mitigate them using appropriate internal controls and procedures. ",0,Tobi_MA +200,We are committed to a zero tolerance policy for unethical conduct. ,0,Tobi_MA +201,Our suppliers' activities support our overall business strategy and are in compliance with our Corporate Responsibility policy. ,0,Tobi_MA +202,The Group continues to pay particular attention to reducing its impact on the environment and is committed to the principles of sustainable development. ,1,Tobi_MA +203,"We have a number of initiatives in place to promote diversity and inclusion within the business, including an emphasis on gender balance within our programme. ",0,Tobi_MA +204,The Group encourages its employees to engage in voluntary work for associations or for the benefit of the community. ,0,Tobi_MA +205,"In 2011, we were certified as an A-rated employer by the Ethical Trading Initiative in recognition of our commitment to ethical principles in our employment practices. ",0,Tobi_MA +206,The Company has an interest in ensuring the protection of the environment in which it operates. ,1,Tobi_MA +207,"In addition, the Company has substantially reduced its carbon emissions and taken a number of steps to promote a sustainable future. ",1,Tobi_MA +208,We are committed to supporting the communities in which we operate and in which our employees live and work. ,0,Tobi_MA +209,"While the content of the code is ultimately a matter for the board itself, the board will want to ensure that the code is being applied in a transparent and consistent way. ",0,Tobi_MA +210,Each plan has a different set of eligibility criteria and benefits that varies significantly from the other plans. ,0,Tobi_MA +211,"The Company's environmental policy is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and to continuously improve our environmental performance by reducing the environmental impact of our activities and increasing the use of renewable and recycled products. ",1,Tobi_MA +212,The Group has a policy to reward employees for outstanding performance. ,0,Tobi_MA +213,"The Group has a policy of zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption and of compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the UK Bribery Act 2010. We also have a comprehensive whistleblowing policy. ",0,Tobi_MA +214,"For this reason, the Company has adopted a policy for the preparation of management accounts which conforms to the IFRS. ",0,Tobi_MA +215,The Board has considered the report of the Audit Committee on the financial reporting and internal control systems of the Company. ,0,Tobi_MA +216,"We have fulfilled our ethical responsibilities under, and we remain independent of the Company in accordance with, UK ethical requirements including the FRC Ethical Standard as applied to public interest entities. ",0,Tobi_MA +217,"We are committed to a responsible and sustainable palm oil policy, in line with the RSPO Principles and Criteria. ",0,Tobi_MA +218,As part of our commitment to corporate governance we have a high level of internal audit coverage. ,0,Tobi_MA +219,"We have a diverse team of 11,000 employees around the world, of whom 66% are women, and we are committed to attracting, developing and retaining the best talent. ",0,Tobi_MA +220,"The Group's culture is based on a set of values that underlie our business strategy, as well as the way we do business. ",0,Tobi_MA +221,The inclusion of an equivalent indicator of value at the portfolio level would benefit investors interested in long-term performance. ,0,Tobi_MA +222,"The Group is committed to investing in its people and we aim to provide an inclusive, engaging and rewarding work environment, where people are enabled to maximize their potential. ",0,Tobi_MA +223,The Group strives to maintain good relations with its suppliers and to be aware of their environmental and social performance. ,1,Tobi_MA +224,"For the year ended 31 December 2010, we paid out €8.4m in the form of dividends to our shareholders. ",0,Tobi_MA +225,A regular governance process provides for regular interaction to identify changes in the client's desired outcomes and solicits feedback on the actual outcomes experienced by the client. ,0,Tobi_MA +226,The Company has a commitment to the protection of the environment and is involved in various environmental activities. ,1,Tobi_MA +227,"The success of our global sourcing strategy and the key role played by our suppliers in ensuring that our products meet our quality and sustainability standards and our values of respect, care and honesty. ",0,Tobi_MA +228,"We are committed to creating a successful, sustainable business that is economically, socially and environmentally conscious. ",0,Tobi_MA +229,The Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) function has now become a key component of the company's culture and is embedded into the strategic framework of the company. ,0,Tobi_MA +230,"The Company has a Code of Conduct and a whistleblowing policy, the details of which are available on the Company's website. ",0,Tobi_MA +231,"We will concentrate our efforts on improving our processes around the assessment and approval of all projects, and to ensure that appropriate, timely and effective action is taken to address all high, medium and low risks we identify. ",0,Tobi_MA +232,The responsibility for the Group's business activities rests with the management. ,0,Tobi_MA +233,"Emissions from the UK House are predominantly from electricity use, transport and food waste. ",1,Tobi_MA +234,The Board's commitment to the sustainable development of the Group is underpinned by strategic and operational risk management. ,1,Tobi_MA +235,"For the year ended 31 December 2018, the Group's total operating profit before tax was $1,281 million, an increase of $138 million (12.1%) on the prior year. ",0,Tobi_MA +236,The company has a comprehensive and effective whistleblowing policy which is prominently displayed throughout the Company's global offices. ,0,Tobi_MA +237,A key component of our social and corporate responsibility strategy is to provide financial and non-financial support and to encourage community involvement in the areas of our properties in which we operate. ,0,Tobi_MA +238,"The Board has adopted a formal governance and risk management statement, which is reviewed annually. ",0,Tobi_MA +239,The Board of Directors is composed of 10 Directors and 1 alternate Director. ,0,Tobi_MA +240,"The Board will continue to monitor the Company's overall compliance with the Code and, where necessary, recommend that the Company makes appropriate changes to its policies, procedures and practices. ",0,Tobi_MA +241,"The Board considers that the Group's corporate governance structure and processes are in line with good practice, designed to promote effective and efficient decision-making and aligned with the regulatory framework. ",0,Tobi_MA +242,Our portfolio companies are also required to appoint a chief compliance officer and a board committee to oversee the reporting of conflicts of interest. ,0,Tobi_MA +243,The Company is committed to achieving a diverse and inclusive workforce and is vigilant in implementing its policies and practices to prevent discrimination of any kind. ,0,Tobi_MA +244,SASB The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board is an ESG guidance framework that sets standards for the disclosure of financially material sustainability information by companies to their investors. ,1,Tobi_MA +245,The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance and has adopted a Code of Business Conduct. ,0,Tobi_MA +246,"The Company considers that, as a general rule, it is important that the Directors and senior management should own, directly or indirectly, shares in the Company. ",0,Tobi_MA +247,The social policy package included a reduction in the statutory minimum wage. ,0,Tobi_MA +248,The Board of Directors is responsible for Risk Management at the Company. ,0,Tobi_MA +249,"The firm has a team of experienced lawyers who concentrate on the following core areas of the law: Corporate and Commercial, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Financial Services and Real Estate. ",0,Tobi_MA +250,The Company is committed to operating in compliance with the requirements of all the Environmental and Health and Safety laws and regulations in the countries where it operates. ,1,Tobi_MA +251,We have not identified any issues that require disclosure under the current Dutch Corporate Governance Code. ,0,Tobi_MA +252,The Board is currently considering the merits of establishing a Gender Pay Gap reporting regime. ,0,Tobi_MA +253,"The Company takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the Company, its subsidiaries and its business operations do not cause damage to the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +254,"The Company will maintain a flexible approach to share incentives, and to encourage significant employee ownership. ",0,Tobi_MA +255,"A number of Group-wide policies and procedures are in place to monitor and control conflicts of interest, including a conflicts of interest policy for the Board of Directors. ",0,Tobi_MA +256,The level of remuneration payable to directors shall be sufficient to attract and retain individuals who are able to make a positive contribution to the performance of the Company. ,0,Tobi_MA +257,"In 2012, the Group achieved a strong environmental performance in terms of the management of its risks and its environmental impacts. ",1,Tobi_MA +258,The Company is committed to respecting the environment and is working to reduce its impact on the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +259,"Measures have been introduced to improve the transparency of the remuneration of directors and executives and to strengthen the governance, corporate social responsibility and risk management function. ",0,Tobi_MA +260,"The Board of Directors, acting through the Audit Committee, monitors compliance by the Company's Internal Audit function with the Group Code of Conduct and Ethics, which includes a zero tolerance policy on fraud and corruption. ",0,Tobi_MA +261,"The group offers a diverse range of products and services to its customers, including retirement, investment and protection products, general insurance, life assurance, mortgages and savings. ",0,Tobi_MA +262,The Company is committed to sustainable development and to conducting its business in an ethical manner. ,1,Tobi_MA +263,"The risk management process is intended to provide an integrated and consistent approach to managing and controlling business, market, credit, liquidity, legal, operational and strategic risk. ",0,Tobi_MA +264,We have set in place an effective process for establishing procedures and systems to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. ,0,Tobi_MA +265,The Company has also established a register of any shareholder who has notified the Company of an interest in owning or disposing of 5% or more of the Company's issued share capital. ,0,Tobi_MA +266,"But the company was recently honored for its corporate social responsibility efforts, winning the 2013 Corporate Responsibility Award for its “relentless commitment to excellence in delivering social and environmental value.” ",0,Tobi_MA +267,We have a dedicated team who manage a portfolio of relationships with key suppliers in order to gain better understanding of their business models and sustainability practices. ,0,Tobi_MA +268,"The company's approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (""CSR"") is integrated into the development of its strategy, the activities of its operating divisions and its corporate structure. ",0,Tobi_MA +269,"We have always sought to conduct our business in a socially responsible manner and we are committed to acting ethically and responsibly for our shareholders, colleagues, customers, suppliers, communities and the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +270,"The Group's business activities are conducted in a manner consistent with the Group's Core Values, which are integral to the Group's culture. ",0,Tobi_MA +271,The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company's activities and controls and is accountable to the shareholders. ,0,Tobi_MA +272,"Regulatory environment The Company is subject to various European Union and United States laws and regulations, including those relating to the protection of human subjects and the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +273,"The members of the audit and risk committee shall have appropriate technical knowledge and experience, and should have knowledge of the company's business model, products and services. They should have a sound knowledge of the financial markets. ",0,Tobi_MA +274,We are committed to increasing the percentage of profits invested in social purpose activities. ,0,Tobi_MA +275,"The Company's Board of Directors approves the annual budget, the annual work program and the financing plan, which are submitted to the General Shareholders' Meeting for approval. ",0,Tobi_MA +276,"In addition, the group will seek to be good corporate neighbours and will work with our neighbours and the local community to pursue our shared goals. ",0,Tobi_MA +277,The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Group's systems and controls are designed and maintained to ensure that its policies and procedures are implemented effectively. ,0,Tobi_MA +278,The Group has now been awarded the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Award for the fifth time since 2007. ,0,Tobi_MA +279,"The Company's social policy is fully aligned with the Group's overall strategy, goals and processes. ",0,Tobi_MA +280,The Group's aim is to reach a carbon-neutral status by 2025. ,1,Tobi_MA +281,"The first step in this process is to develop a better understanding of the business and its various contexts, followed by a process to identify risks and opportunities. ",0,Tobi_MA +282,Our Company and its subsidiaries are largely self-insured. ,0,Tobi_MA +283,Environmental protection is a fundamental part of the Group's responsibility. ,1,Tobi_MA +284,It is working with a range of stakeholders to improve the social and environmental impact of its supply chain. ,0,Tobi_MA +285,"In order to reduce the impact of climate change, we are continually improving the efficiency of our operations. ",1,Tobi_MA +286,"Our sustainability strategy is embedded in our business practices, policies and decision-making. ",1,Tobi_MA +287,"The Group identifies a large number of risks, including those that could have a significant impact on the Group¹s ability to achieve the objectives set for it. ",0,Tobi_MA +288,"Our firm's investment process is firmly rooted in fiduciary duty, and is informed by the fiduciary duty principles of prudence, loyalty and due care, as well as the duty of disclosure. ",0,Tobi_MA +289,The company has been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2009. ,1,Tobi_MA +290,The Board has adopted the proposed code of conduct and code of ethics for the members of the Board of Directors. ,0,Tobi_MA +291,The Group has developed a corporate governance code which is distributed to all Group employees. ,0,Tobi_MA +292,"Moreover, the Board's responsibilities as a fiduciary to the Company, its Shareholders and beneficiaries and the wider community are paramount. ",0,Tobi_MA +293,"The Directors believe that the Company's success depends upon the efforts of all of its employees, and as such, has established a number of initiatives to support its people strategy. ",0,Tobi_MA +294,The Company is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and has participated in their Director Education Program for more than 5 years. ,0,Tobi_MA +295,"We are committed to improving the way we work, and to reducing our environmental impact. ",1,Tobi_MA +296,The Company also has a Code of Conduct that states that employees shall not commit any act of bribery or corruption. ,0,Tobi_MA +297,"The Company is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice, including those relating to the environment, health and safety and social responsibility. ",1,Tobi_MA +298,The Company is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board. ,0,Tobi_MA +299,"We shall not ask, either directly or indirectly, for any gift or favour or for any special treatment for employees, customers, suppliers, partners or any other person. ",0,Tobi_MA +300,SRI Short for œSocially Responsible Investment. ,0,Tobi_MA +301,This is to be achieved by engaging our suppliers in an open dialogue to improve performance. ,0,Tobi_MA +302,The Group will ensure that the tax due to the State is paid in full and on time. ,0,Tobi_MA +303,"In March 2018, the company announced that it would increase its investment in sustainability by $500 million over five years. ",1,Tobi_MA +304,The Group has a policy of sustainable development and this is integrated into the Group's Risk Management Policy and all other relevant policies. ,1,Tobi_MA +305,"The Company made a donation to the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity in 2016 of £110,000. ",0,Tobi_MA +306,"In April 2010, the Board of Directors of the Company determined to join the FTSE4Good Index Series. ",1,Tobi_MA +307,"The Group's sustainability reporting highlights its environmental impacts, environmental policy and performance, energy and carbon management, water usage, waste management, health and safety and community engagement. ",1,Tobi_MA +308,The group is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. ,0,Tobi_MA +309,We will strengthen the compliance function and its control framework. ,0,Tobi_MA +310,The Company also undertakes a thorough analysis of the potential risks and opportunities arising from the Group's social and environmental performance. ,0,Tobi_MA +311,"The Board's Corporate Governance Statement, revised in December 2005, sets out the Company's commitment to sound corporate governance. ",0,Tobi_MA +312,The Group is committed to managing its business and operations responsibly and to protecting the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +313,Each of the following investment vehicles is governed by the board of trustees of the relevant trust. ,0,Tobi_MA +314,"The company is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, which it considers to be an integral part of its activities. ",0,Tobi_MA +315,"The value of this Group contribution was €1,624,000 in 2010 and €1,320,000 in 2011. ",0,Tobi_MA +316,"In 2017, we worked with a supplier to address their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act (2015) and we are satisfied that they have taken appropriate action in response to the issues raised. ",0,Tobi_MA +317,We are moving to a living wage for all our employees by 2022. ,0,Tobi_MA +318,We aim to increase the proportion of our staff that have been through the train-the-trainer programme. ,0,Tobi_MA +319,"This is to be done by enhancing the policies, procedures and practices. ",0,Tobi_MA +320,"The Board is committed to ensuring that the Company operates in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and takes its responsibility to uphold ethical business practices seriously. ",0,Tobi_MA +321,"We are proud to be supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which include a target to enable sustainable consumption and production patterns. ",1,Tobi_MA +322,The social impact of our work is one of the key non-financial factors we consider when assessing our overall performance and when making decisions about future projects. ,0,Tobi_MA +323,"The report covers our performance on the key social and environmental issues that contribute to the Group's economic, environmental and social sustainability. ",1,Tobi_MA +324,The Board is ultimately responsible for the Company's overall strategic direction and the protection of its long-term interests. ,0,Tobi_MA +325,The Group¿s environmental policy is to comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements and to implement best practices. ,1,Tobi_MA +326,The Company is committed to operating in accordance with high ethical standards and is committed to operating in a manner that is consistent with good corporate governance. ,0,Tobi_MA +327,"Over the last year, we have been working hard to ensure that our business is sustainable. ",1,Tobi_MA +328,We are dedicated to the safety and well-being of our employees and contractors. ,0,Tobi_MA +329,"A number of factors may affect the time taken to resolve a complaint, such as the nature of the complaint and the number of other complaints at the same time. ",0,Tobi_MA +330,"The Company's values as an employer are based on fair and transparent treatment of all employees, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status or family status. ",0,Tobi_MA +331,We are committed to operational excellence and quality of service. ,0,Tobi_MA +332,"Decent Work and Development Impact Goals The Group's vision is to be a leader in sustainable palm oil production in Indonesia that contributes to the economic, social and environmental development of local communities. ",0,Tobi_MA +333,The company's target is to reduce the environmental footprint of its operations to 90% of the global industry average by 2030. ,1,Tobi_MA +334,"Our employment practices include the promotion of women into leadership roles and a focus on making work more flexible, including part-time and job-share opportunities. ",0,Tobi_MA +335,"ESG issues, such as climate change, can also have a material impact on value. ",1,Tobi_MA +336,The Company's procedures for the identification and reporting of conflicts of interest have been developed to ensure that the directors' and executives' duties to NWS are not materially and adversely affected by other interests they may have. ,0,Tobi_MA +337,"We have a broad and integrated HR framework which is truly global, with a number of regional and global policies and programmes. ",0,Tobi_MA +338,We are a leading employer of choice in the region with a strong emphasis on gender balance and diversity within the workforce. ,0,Tobi_MA +339,"The Company's operations are subject to numerous environmental laws and regulations, including those relating to air and water quality, the discharge of materials into the environment, and the protection of endangered species and other sensitive environmental resources. ",1,Tobi_MA +340,"The Group has been audited since 2002 by an auditor based in Switzerland. In 2014, the statutory auditors of the Group were the audit firms Ernst & Young SA and PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit SA. ",0,Tobi_MA +341,"We are committed to social investment, which includes providing financing and financial services to assist in the development of businesses that provide sustainable goods and services or generate positive social impact. ",0,Tobi_MA +342,"We monitor the effectiveness of our controls through our internal audit function, which is independent of the operating divisions and reports directly to the Audit Committee. ",0,Tobi_MA +343,"During the year under review, the Group continued to make progress in its sustainability initiatives and to implement sustainable development practices in all its facilities throughout the world. ",1,Tobi_MA +344,"Following this analysis, we believe that the commitments made by the Group to the United Nations Global Compact, UN Global Compact, are relevant and that the Group is a responsible corporate citizen. ",0,Tobi_MA +345,We are working with our partners in government to ensure the protection of the rights of employees and their families. ,0,Tobi_MA +346,"The group's mission is to create the best possible experience for our guests, and that means being a responsible citizen, employer and neighbour. ",0,Tobi_MA +347,". . . in addition, it has established a Compliance Committee to oversee compliance with laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Company and to provide guidance to the Risk Committee on regulatory matters. ",0,Tobi_MA +348,"The Board has an Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee, each of which has a written Charter. ",0,Tobi_MA +349,"In view of the common ownership of the Company and the Subsidiaries, the Group consolidates the Subsidiaries. ",0,Tobi_MA +350,Compliance: The structure of the system and the determination of the individual compensation comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements. ,0,Tobi_MA +351,"In 2013, the Director responsible for ESG was appointed as an executive member of the Board. ",1,Tobi_MA +352,"We have been tracking our carbon emissions and energy consumption since 2012, and in 2017, we set ourselves a goal to become carbon neutral by 2020. ",1,Tobi_MA +353,"We expect that the Group's employees, agents and other persons acting on its behalf will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and SCOR SE's by law (œstatuts). ",0,Tobi_MA +354,"The plan is based on a number of parameters, including the employee's position, the employee's length of service and the objective results of the company. ",0,Tobi_MA +355,The Company's Board of Directors has a diversity of skills and experience that allows it to make a full assessment of the Company's business and prospects and to make decisions on behalf of the Company's shareholders. ,1,Tobi_MA +356,"The objective of the updated Code is to protect the reputation of the company, protect the rights of its employees, avoid the risk of reputational damage, and to protect its business interests. ",0,Tobi_MA +357,We are committed to protecting the environment and reducing the impact our operations and products have on the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +358,We are committed to providing a healthy and positive working environment for our employees and are committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. ,0,Tobi_MA +359,"The Company, through its subsidiaries and other interests, has been undertaking a number of projects to improve the quality of living in urban areas. ",0,Tobi_MA +360,"It is expected that all directors will discharge their duties with due care and diligence, within their respective areas of responsibility. ",0,Tobi_MA +361,The Group has no outstanding grants under any equity incentive plan. ,0,Tobi_MA +362,Accelrys is committed to sustainability and to being a socially responsible member of the communities in which we conduct business. ,1,Tobi_MA +363,The Company has developed a culture of integrity and ethical behavior based on the highest standards of professional conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. ,0,Tobi_MA +364,"The Board of Directors is composed of nine members, all of whom are non-executive. ",0,Tobi_MA +365,"Within the context of sustainability reporting, ""transparency"" means that the information provided is accurate, complete, relevant, timely, and understandable to stakeholders. ",1,Tobi_MA +366,"We have a clear and transparent structure of governance and reporting, with an effective and efficient group structure that can serve the needs of a large and complex business and provide appropriate controls. ",0,Tobi_MA +367,"These include the introduction of an Occupational Health and Safety policy, and the development of a framework for managing health and safety risks. ",0,Tobi_MA +368,A performance management system based on the balanced scorecard is implemented. ,0,Tobi_MA +369,SASB The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board is an ESG guidance framework that sets standards for the disclosure of financially material sustainability information by companies to their investors. ,1,Tobi_MA +370,"In 2009, the Company adopted the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. ",1,Tobi_MA +371,The Company's long-term strategy envisages a progressive increase in the share of electricity generated from renewable sources. ,1,Tobi_MA +372,"The Board of Directors has a duty to consider and promote the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, communities, suppliers and the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +373,The US Department of Justice has recently made significant changes to its merger notification procedure to reduce the burden on filers. ,0,Tobi_MA +374,"The Group has become a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the UN initiative on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. ",1,Tobi_MA +375,The firm will continue to develop its strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship that promotes the development of new products and services and the use of technology. ,0,Tobi_MA +376,"This report is designed to provide you with an understanding of how we conduct our business, our values and the Company's strategic direction. ",0,Tobi_MA +377,"We will continue to work to improve the representation of women in the workplace, the diversity of our workforce and the gender balance of our Board. ",0,Tobi_MA +378,"However, the Group did not participate in the last Common Assessments and has not received any Common Assessments or Common Assessments Plus ratings to date. ",0,Tobi_MA +379,A new joint venture was established with a subsidiary of the world's largest independent producer of wood pellets to establish a wood pellet production facility in the United States of America. ,1,Tobi_MA +380,"The aim of the information and consultation procedure is to ensure that employees and their representatives are consulted in good time, and are kept fully informed of the measures contemplated. ",0,Tobi_MA +381,We have also committed to work with the Forest Stewardship Council (œFSC) to develop a policy to support improved supply chain management of timber products. ,1,Tobi_MA +382,"The Board has been particularly mindful of the need to maintain the Company's financial flexibility and its capacity to attract, grow and retain a talented, diverse workforce. ",0,Tobi_MA +383,"We have a robust approach to managing risk, which encompasses the identification and assessment of risks, the establishment of policies and procedures to control and manage those risks and an organisation-wide approach to communicating and monitoring risks. ",0,Tobi_MA +384,The amount of provision for doubtful debts is the best estimate of the Company's probable liability for credit losses. ,0,Tobi_MA +385,"The Board of Directors, supported by the Audit Committee, has oversight of the Company's risk management and internal control processes. ",0,Tobi_MA +386,This system is designed to enable our customers to build the widest possible picture of risks and opportunities arising from the interaction of a variety of factors. ,0,Tobi_MA +387,"A large part of the Group's assets is exposed to the financial markets, thereby exposing the Group to the risk of losses resulting from fluctuations in interest and exchange rates. ",0,Tobi_MA +388,We have initiated a comprehensive programme of actions to strengthen our governance processes and our capability to manage risks and opportunities. ,0,Tobi_MA +389,"The Board has reviewed the policy annually to ensure that it remains relevant, and that we are focusing on the areas of most impact. ",0,Tobi_MA +390,My wife and I have a strong sense of social justice and I am pleased to be able to support the work of this organisation in its efforts to provide safe and secure homes for the most disadvantaged people in society. ,0,Tobi_MA +391,"The Board is responsible for the Group's strategy and the implementation thereof, and for approving the annual operating budget and draft financial statements. ",0,Tobi_MA +392,"The Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship of the Corporation's resources, and for the oversight of the management of its affairs. ",0,Tobi_MA +393,The Group has an active board of directors and a strong and active Shareholders' Committee. ,0,Tobi_MA +394,"The Company's Board of Directors is committed to ensuring that the Group complies with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical guidelines. ",0,Tobi_MA +395,Our Business Plan for 2018–2021 has been approved by shareholders and sets out the strategic objectives for the Group. ,0,Tobi_MA +396,The Company is subject to the Corporate Governance Code for the Pharmaceutical Industry in France. ,0,Tobi_MA +397,The Company is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and has been certified as a sustainable palm oil producer by the RSPO. ,0,Tobi_MA +398,"We are also working on a variety of cost reduction initiatives, including engineering improvements and process changes in our production facilities. ",0,Tobi_MA +399,"The association is a non-profit organization established in 1993, which promotes collaboration and cooperation among its members. ",0,Tobi_MA +400,"We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our activities and products, and our aim is to operate as an environmentally responsible company. ",1,Tobi_MA +401,"The Company is fully committed to ensuring that its employees are treated equally, irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, disability, marital status, political opinion, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or age. ",0,Tobi_MA +402,The board of directors is responsible for approving the general policies of the Company and for overseeing the management thereof. ,0,Tobi_MA +403,A 'sustainable procurement' policy and supporting procedures were developed. ,1,Tobi_MA +404,The Best Management Practices (BMPs) are mandatory requirements set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). ,0,Tobi_MA +405,A high carbon intensity of electricity supply may be a factor in the choice of location. ,1,Tobi_MA +406,"The Company is in the process of developing a Water Conservation Policy, which is expected to be completed during the current fiscal year. ",1,Tobi_MA +407,We are also working to reduce energy consumption in our data centers and to increase the energy efficiency of our products. ,1,Tobi_MA +408,An independent report on the Company's corporate governance in relation to the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities was published in March 2010. ,0,Tobi_MA +409,"In 2011 the Group implemented a new sustainability strategy, entitled ""From Stagnation to Growth"". ",1,Tobi_MA +410,The Group is subject to a range of regulatory requirements and the continued maintenance of our regulatory compliance is a key management focus. ,0,Tobi_MA +411,"In any situation of systemic or significant non-compliance with laws and regulations, there is a risk that the Group could suffer financial loss, incur penalties or other sanctions, or be required to cease conducting business. ",0,Tobi_MA +412,"The Group is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance, which are fully integrated into its culture. ",0,Tobi_MA +413,"The Company's Board, Management and employees are committed to ensuring that the Company is a safe and secure working environment where all employees are treated with dignity and respect. ",0,Tobi_MA +414,"The company is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, which commits it to respect and promote human rights, labour standards, and the environment. ",1,Tobi_MA +415,"The Management Board consists of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the General Counsel. ",0,Tobi_MA +416,The Company does not have any share incentive plans. ,0,Tobi_MA +417,"The purpose is to provide all our employees with a safe and healthy working environment, to support the safety and health of our employees and to support the health and safety of all of our stakeholders. ",0,Tobi_MA +418,The group's goal is to achieve a 10% return on invested capital by 2015. ,0,Tobi_MA +419,"We have implemented a comprehensive sustainability strategy that is based on the three pillars of Social responsibility, Environmental responsibility and Good Governance. ",1,Tobi_MA +420,"The Company has adopted a ³Fit for the Future² strategy to evolve and modernise itself, and to remain competitive on the market and meet the challenges of the future. ",0,Tobi_MA +421,"This is achieved by means of a series of meetings, including the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee, both of which are open to the public. ",0,Tobi_MA +422,"The Board believes that the Company's long-term success depends on the achievement of the Company's environmental, social and governance targets by all stakeholders. ",1,Tobi_MA +423,We promote the involvement of our employees in the implementation of the Group's Sustainable Development Strategy and foster their contribution in its implementation through a total of 20 working groups. ,0,Tobi_MA +424,We have been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2010 and have been certified by the RSPO since January 2014. ,0,Tobi_MA +425,We have a comprehensive range of health and safety policies and procedures in place. ,0,Tobi_MA +426,We have internal policies and procedures to ensure that we are conducting our activities in an ethical and socially responsible manner. ,0,Tobi_MA +427,The Group is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. ,0,Tobi_MA +428,The Company is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board. ,0,Tobi_MA +429,"Our board is made up of a number of non-executive directors, including the chief executive of a local authority, a current and former police officer, and a local councillor. ",0,Tobi_MA +430,The Company has a comprehensive health and safety program in place that is designed to ensure that all of its employees are safe while they work. ,0,Tobi_MA +431,"Furthermore, the code of conduct is updated regularly and is available on the company's website (www.google.com). ",0,Tobi_MA +432,"A strong, healthy and engaged workforce is fundamental to the success of any organisation. ",0,Tobi_MA +433,"We are committed to reporting transparently on our initiatives, both in the annual report and in our sustainability report. ",1,Tobi_MA +434,It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to monitor on a regular basis the risks of the Group and to ensure that adequate risk management systems are in place. ,0,Tobi_MA +435,"The performance of the Board and Committees is reviewed through the Remuneration Committee, and the Chairman is required to provide an annual performance report on the Committee's activities to the Board. ",0,Tobi_MA +436,The Company is committed to ensure that its business activities do not cause or contribute to environmental damage and that the Company has in place environmental protection systems and processes to minimise the effects of its activities on the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +437,"Our vision is to be the employer of choice in the market, enabling our people to develop their skills, to maximise their contribution to the success of the business and to enjoy their work. ",0,Tobi_MA +438,"On behalf of the Company, the Board of Directors is pleased to present its Corporate Responsibility Report for 2018. ",1,Tobi_MA +439,The new Government is committed to continuing the programme of fiscal consolidation and we will continue to take difficult decisions in order to reduce debt as a share of GDP over the medium term. ,0,Tobi_MA +440,"In addition, the Legal and Compliance Department and the Audit Committee regularly monitor the results of the independent auditor. ",0,Tobi_MA +441,"The diversity and inclusion programme is focused on the recruitment and development of women, as well as on the protection of the rights of migrant workers. ",0,Tobi_MA +442,The Company's policy is to ensure that the Company's operations do not cause damage to the environment. ,1,Tobi_MA +443,This is a significant investment in the future development of the Group and I am confident that it will further enhance the Company's status and reputation. ,0,Tobi_MA +444,"The Company is subject to various laws, rules and regulations applicable to its business. ",0,Tobi_MA +445,"During the year under review, we continued to support the ongoing development of a number of young players, including through our sponsorship of the Arsenal FC Foundation. ",0,Tobi_MA +446,The Group has established a Sustainable Development Committee that provides advice and monitors the implementation of the Group's environmental policy. ,1,Tobi_MA +447,The Board and senior management are committed to developing and maintaining a culture of integrity and ethical conduct. ,0,Tobi_MA +448,We are looking to embed the new Supply Chain Modern Slavery Business Standard and enhanced processes into the business. ,0,Tobi_MA +449,"The Group has an Environmental Management System in place that addresses a number of environmental issues, including those relating to the use of energy, water and natural resources and waste management. ",1,Tobi_MA +450,The Company's remuneration policy aims to link the interests of management with those of the shareholders and to provide incentives for the Company's management to perform well. ,0,Tobi_MA +451,We have a strong focus on training and developing our people to help them reach their potential in their job and life. ,0,Tobi_MA +452,The Office of the Chairman will also conduct a review of the remuneration and benefits provided to the Chairman and the related party transactions in respect of the Chairman's remuneration. ,0,Tobi_MA +453,The Company will also make every effort to improve the effectiveness of its sustainability reporting. ,1,Tobi_MA +454,"This includes a requirement to establish a Code of Conduct and a Code of Ethics, which are applicable to all employees, consultants and agents of the Company. ",0,Tobi_MA +455,We are developing a governance framework which will be implemented in 2017 to guide the Board in its decision-making. ,0,Tobi_MA +456,"Our strategy recognises that there are a number of factors that can affect the overall performance of the Group, including the economy in which we operate and the political and regulatory environment. ",0,Tobi_MA +457,"In line with the requirements of the CSA, we are implementing a new compliance management system and have appointed a compliance officer. ",0,Tobi_MA +458,"To ensure the independence of the Board, the shareholders of DWS KGaA agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 21 May 2015 to reduce the number of members of the Supervisory Board to six. ",0,Tobi_MA +459,"One of the key principles of this approach is that the Group will continue to pay dividends to shareholders, whilst also delivering long-term value creation. ",0,Tobi_MA +460,We will continue to work with our suppliers and consumers to reduce the environmental impact of our activities. ,1,Tobi_MA +461,The Board has delegated responsibility for the implementation of the Policy to the Group Chief Executive and the Group Chief Executive has delegated responsibility for the implementation of the Policy to the Chief People Officer. ,0,Tobi_MA +462,Our policy is to require each of our directors and executive officers to notify the Board promptly of any potential conflict of interest and to recuse themselves from any discussion or decision with respect to that potential conflict. ,0,Tobi_MA +463,"In particular, the Corporate Governance Code recommends that the Board should oversee the development of a corporate strategy, including an appropriate response to environmental, social and governance issues. ",1,Tobi_MA +464,"In order to increase the impact of the investment teams' efforts, the Board has also created a Social Impact Committee. ",0,Tobi_MA +465,"ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. ",1,Tobi_MA +466,"We are committed to the highest ethical standards and business practices, including compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. ",0,Tobi_MA +467,The Company has a Code of Conduct and Ethics which is made available to all employees and is available on the Company's website. ,0,Tobi_MA +468,The Board has formally delegated authority to the relevant Board Committees and Management. ,0,Tobi_MA +469,"The company has a policy of sponsoring local, county and national charities and events. ",0,Tobi_MA +470,Our Global Supply Chain Management Policy (the “Policy”) is a key component of our commitment to support the achievement of our corporate responsibility goals. ,0,Tobi_MA +471,"We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in our business dealings and in all aspects of our relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, the communities in which we operate and the general public. ",0,Tobi_MA +472,We also support and encourage efforts in the community. ,0,Tobi_MA +473,The Board of Directors of each Subsidiary is comprised of at least one female director. ,0,Tobi_MA +474,"The Group attaches considerable importance to the development of its staff, adapting the training programmes to the changing needs of the business. ",0,Tobi_MA +475,"We believe that running a responsible business is not just the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. ",0,Tobi_MA +476,"Where there is significant risk of harm to the environment or the reputation of the Group, senior management will report the matter to the Board. ",1,Tobi_MA +477,The Committee believes that the relationship between the Company and the communities in which it operates is of fundamental importance. ,0,Tobi_MA +478,The Group has a Code of Conduct which applies to all Group employees and is aligned with the standards of the United Nations Global Compact. ,0,Tobi_MA +479,The Group's remuneration policy is designed to support the delivery of the Group's strategy and its operating and financial objectives. ,0,Tobi_MA +480,"In 2017 we reviewed our policy on non-executive directors' remuneration, which we felt was in need of updating. ",0,Tobi_MA +481,"This was a difficult decision, but was necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of the business. ",1,Tobi_MA +482,"If a country has a lower ranking than other countries in the same region, then it is deemed to have a low level of governance. ",0,Tobi_MA +483,These restrictions are applicable to all directors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries and have been communicated to them. ,0,Tobi_MA +484,This is a result of the Group's adoption of a foreign currency hedging policy and the prevailing exchange rate differences between the US dollar and the euro. ,0,Tobi_MA +485,The Group's key performance indicators for the Group's corporate governance and sustainability framework are measured and reported on by the Group. ,1,Tobi_MA +486,"We also have a clear code of conduct to address integrity, conflict of interest, and fraud. ",0,Tobi_MA +487,"We can provide a high-quality product using the most advanced technology and the best materials, and we can make our clothes in the right size to fit the customer. ",0,Tobi_MA +488,The Group is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board. ,0,Tobi_MA +489,We also continue to focus on the environmental impact of our operations. ,1,Tobi_MA +490,"In 2016, the Board of Directors and the administrative board of the Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH (GNS) agreed to end their cooperation. ",0,Tobi_MA +491,The Company is committed to managing and improving its environmental impact and is striving to become 100% carbon neutral. ,1,Tobi_MA +492,The Group has also identified key social and environmental issues that are relevant to its business activities and is working to address these effectively. ,0,Tobi_MA +493,"In the UK, we have a long-standing commitment to reducing waste, and we have ambitious recycling targets for our stores and for our packaging. ",1,Tobi_MA +494,"The Board has a clear understanding and recognition of the need to constantly adapt and modify available resources to help colleagues access remote well-being support, advice and resources. ",0,Tobi_MA +495,The Company is not a subject to supervision under the provisions of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. ,0,Tobi_MA +496,"In addition, the Group has an active policy for the prevention of conflict minerals in its products and is in the process of developing a conflict minerals disclosure policy, in line with SEC and EU expectations. ",1,Tobi_MA +497,"The main objectives of the Regulation are to ensure that the directors' responsibilities are clearly defined, their independence is protected and that they are accountable for their decisions. ",0,Tobi_MA +498,"We are committed to communicating the most relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics, through publications, web portals and events, in order to keep our investors informed. ",1,Tobi_MA +499,"In the case of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors has adopted a policy for the nomination of its members. ",0,Tobi_MA +0,In February the taxonomy criteria for new gas and nuclear power stations.,0,NAT +1,"Through the summer, strong competition for LNG supply as well as constraints from Russian pipeline gas supplies tightened the market and prevented stocks from being replenished.",0,NAT +2,sharing resources and benefiting from synergistic exchanges of experience and energy.,0,NAT +3,The incredible rise in the price of fuel and emission allowances shaped the trajectory of our most important wholesale electricity markets in Europe.,1,NAT +4,The Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) estimates that Germany needs to add gas-fired plants with a total capacity of country is set on phasing out coal over that same period.,1,NAT +5,"Examples include shale gas and oil, coalbed methane, gas hydrates and natural bitumen deposits.",1,NAT +6,"As part of the IED framework, additional emission limit values are informed by sector specific and cross-sector Best Available Technology (BAT) Conclusions.",1,NAT +7,"As an online business, number of companies that operate in more resource intensive industries.",0,NAT +8,"According to WindEurope, the European wind industry association, in about for electricity generation, the ocean is simply too deep for conventional foundation designs.",1,NAT +9,In resulted in total purchases of more than €125 million of agricultural raw materials.,1,NAT +10,"Estimated quantity (in metric tons) of agricultural ‘extract’ producing raw materials that are cultivated in Africa and that are used in the manufacture of beers, soft drinks, cider, wine and spirits at our own production facilities in Africa.",0,NAT +11,> Ensuring the costing for drugs considers potential increases associated with transition risks (such as cost of fuels and changes to approval mechanisms).,1,NAT +12,"To meet its financial responsibility requirements, the firm Shipping maintains marine oil pollution liability insurance in respect of its operated ships to a maximum limit of $associations (P&I Clubs), although there can be no assurance that a spill would necessarily be adequately covered by insurance or that liabilities would not exceed insurance recoveries.",1,NAT +13,"– Logistics covers both inbound transport of raw agricultural inputs, processed inputs and packaging materials to our breweries as outbound distribution of beverages to the point of sale consumer, and warehouse energy consumption.",1,NAT +14,"> This high emissions ‘business as usual’ scenario was not modelled in detail but is expected to give rise to more significant physical impacts and delayed but more uncertain/disruptive transition, potentially leading to higher overall costs and representing failure to implement stated policies.",1,NAT +15,"Waste management provisions in the nuclear energy sector are based on obligations under public law, in particular the German Atomic Energy Act, and on restrictions from operating licenses.",1,NAT +16,"In order to mitigate the risk of short-term sales and price fluctuations, we sell most of our electricity forward, whilst also hedging the prices for necessary fuels and emission allowances.",0,NAT +17,"Historically, our operations have been seasonal, and extreme weather conditions, including natural disasters, unseasonable weather or changes in weather patterns, may diminish demand for our seasonal merchandise and could also influence consumer preferences and fashion trends, consumer traffic and shopping habits.",1,NAT +18,"First and foremost, these consist of our German electricity generation from coal and nuclear fuel as well as our lignite production in the Rhenish mining region to the west of Cologne.",1,NAT +19,• The Oil Pollution Act liability standards and other obligations governing the transportation of petroleum products in US waters.,1,NAT +20,"Putting customers and consumers firmly at the core, we aim to continually enhance and expand our portfolio and footprint.",0,NAT +21,Another project dedicated to the use of carbonaceous waste materials launched in June 2021.,1,NAT +22,"Where appropriate, the risk mitigation measures and interventions were escalated to site management and captured on the local risk register.",1,NAT +23,Louisiana Coastal restoration Six coastal parishes and the State of Louisiana have filed over seeking damages for coastal erosion.,1,NAT +24,"For example, the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board of Directors oversees the Company’s strategies, policies and practices regarding social issues and trends, including diversity and inclusion initiatives, health and safety, human rights, and philanthropy and community investment matters.",0,NAT +25,The gas business also opens up opportunities for activities in the field of hydrogen.,0,NAT +26,"Whenever we need fuel and COallowances to produce power, we secure the respective prices when we sell the electricity.",1,NAT +27,"We leverage our scale and global footprint, innovation capabilities, and strong ecosystem partnerships, together with our assets and platforms including MyWizard, MyNav and SynOps, to consistently deliver tangible value for our clients.",0,NAT +28,They also include the cost of conditioning and packaging radioactive waste generated during dismantling operations and the transportation of such waste to BGZ.,1,NAT +29,"We believe that without our active and ongoing commitment to the Reduction and Refinement of animals in research), our animal use would be much greater.",1,NAT +30,"Restructuring Post Alexion Acquisition Group Review In conjunction with the acquisition of Alexion, the enlarged Group has initiated a comprehensive PAAGR, aimed at integrating systems, structure and processes, optimising the global footprint and prioritising resource allocations and investments.",0,NAT +31,"For the the firm Energy Outlook outputs have been expanded to capture 16 regions and 15 end-use sectors; in addition process emissions from key industrial sectors are included, for the first time.",1,NAT +32,"The portfolio of increasingly digital and connected solutions includes electric vehicle charging infrastructure, renewable power solutions, modular substation packages, distribution automation products, switchboard and panelboards, switchgear, UPS solutions, circuit breakers, measuring and sensing devices, control products, wiring accessories, enclosures and cabling systems and intelligent home and building solutions, designed to integrate and automate lighting, heating, ventilation, security and data communication networks.",1,NAT +33,"Although we created a large number of jobs by expanding renewable energy, headcount in our core business declined somewhat.",1,NAT +34,"The pandemic may also have long-term effects on the nature of the office environment and remote working, which may result in increased costs and present operational and workplace culture challenges that may also adversely affect our business.",1,NAT +35,"Moving forward, we will continue our commitment to sourcing agricultural ingredients locally in Africa, with the aim to increase volume by compared to 2020.",1,NAT +36,We strive to preserve the nutritional value of our by-products by recirculating them in animal and human food applications.,0,NAT +37,We have used the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition).,1,NAT +38,"Hydro / Biomass / Gas: Generation from our run-of-river, pumped storage, biomass and gas power stations is pooled here.",1,NAT +39,The renewable thermal market is not as mature as electricity and its development requires a site-by-site approach.,1,NAT +40,e Natural gas liquids for Russia are included in crude oil.,1,NAT +41,In June solar inverters business which was sold in February 2020 (See Note 4 for details).,1,NAT +42,Our transition risk scenario analysis identified impacts on the earnings of our oil-priced businesses as having the most potential to impact the resilience of our strategy in 2030.,1,NAT +43,"GET Hspans the entire hydrogen value chain, from production and transport to industrial usage.",1,NAT +44,"the combustion of fuel at a facility or the operation of any facility and (ii) the annual quantity of energy consumed resulting from the purchase of electricity, heat, steam or cooling by the Company for its own use.",1,NAT +45,The increase in energy consumption driven by the economy contributed to the rise in prices because it also drove up greenhouse gas emissions and demand for emission allowances.,1,NAT +46,"It is one of the world’s most powerful GHGs, CO2, with a lifespan of 3,200 years.",1,NAT +47,"The plaintiffs seek unspecified statutory penalties and damages, including the costs of restoring coastal wetlands allegedly impacted by oil field operations.",1,NAT +48,"In October joint venture in India with Reliance, opened their first ’mobility station’, providing a fully-integrated customer offer, including high-quality additivized fuels, EV charging points, tailored convenience offers, as well as our Castrol products and services.",1,NAT +49,"Assets affected by the transaction were companies in Europe and Israel which provide services relating to the construction, operation and maintenance of solar farms.",1,NAT +50,"We expect this growth to be driven by our differentiated convenience and fuels offers, selective growth markets expansion, acceleration of our EV charging ambition, as well as our Castrol, aviation, B2B and midstream businesses.",1,NAT +51,A 26 Nov 2021 99.808 750 26 Nov 2028 0.500 A3MP70 XS2412044567 26 Nov 2021 99.138 600 26 Nov 2033 1.000 A3MP71 XS2412044641 the firm enters green bond market.,1,NAT +52,"the combustion of fuel at a facility or the operation of any facility and (ii) the annual quantity of energy consumed resulting from the purchase of electricity, heat, steam or cooling by the Company for its own use.",1,NAT +53,"Accordingly, we are satisfied management’s judgement is reasonable that the potential impact of further emission costs being borne by the firm is not expected to have a material impact on the group’s oil and gas CGU carrying values.",1,NAT +54,Two examples of this are the massive batteries with storage capacities of are currently installing at our German power plant sites in Werne and Lingen.,1,NAT +55,"Customers The Motion Business Area serves a wide range of customers in different industrial segments such as pulp and paper, oil and gas, metals and mining, food and beverage, HVAC, water and wastewater, transportation, power generation, marine and offshore.",1,NAT +56,Responsible supply chain BV Every employee and contractor who sources goods and services on behalf of the firm is expected to follow our Global Standard for the Procurement of Goods and Services.,0,NAT +57,It functions as the Group’s interface to the global wholesale markets for electricity and energy commodities.,0,NAT +58,an extraordinary cold front in parts of the USA curtailed energy supply substantially (see page 39).,1,NAT +59,"This testing process will provide us with valuable technical learnings, as well as helping us to understand how best to limit potential for friction between the plant and local fisheries.",1,NAT +60,The Company may have legal obligations to perform environmental clean-up activities related to land and buildings as a result of the normal operations of its business.,1,NAT +61,"the firm Ability™ Genix Datalyzer enables comprehensive analysis, consolidation, and utilization of emissions data from industrial plants, helping customers manage their emissions and improve environmental compliance while keeping costs under control.",1,NAT +62,"During key functions in the business to assess alternative low-GWP propellant options from an environmental, technical, regulatory, medical, non-clinical and commercial viewpoint to enable a Phase III investment decision for the lead propellant in the first half of 2022.",0,NAT +63,We are developing a dedicated strategy and targets to close material loops and turn waste into value across all stages in our value chain.,1,NAT +64,"One of the primary effects of climate change is disruption of the water cycle, with changing weather patterns making some places wetter and others much drier.",1,NAT +65,• The UK Emissions Trading System (UK ETS) launched on 2021 following the end of the Brexit transition period and the UK’s participation in the EU ETS.,1,NAT +66,"Under the current administration of US President Joseph Biden, the EPA has issued proposed “Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review” which are in the public comment period.",1,NAT +67,"We use our responsible sourcing processes when working with suppliers to support their sustainability journeys, innovate together on challenges and promote supplier diversity.",1,NAT +68,"One example is our fuel management project which requires suppliers to use telematics to promote, monitor and report safe and fuel-efficient driving.",1,NAT +69,"In our Africa Middle East region, we sourced renewable electricity in four operating companies through energy certificates allowing Russia, South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Egypt to source electricity.",1,NAT +70,"Balances disclosed in the financial statements and notes thereto are not adjusted for any pending or enacted environmental legislation, and the directors' understanding thereof.",1,NAT +71,"These are informed by expert views from external organizations including United Nations, Oxford Economics, Rystad Energy and a proprietary integrated assessment model.",0,NAT +72,"It states that gas-fired power plants which are approved before the upper emissions limit of 100 g CO2 / kWh, provided they replace more carbon-intensive assets and are fully operated using climate-friendly gases like hydrogen no later than 2036.",1,NAT +73,"• We also met with refinery management to understand the potential alternative use cases under consideration for refineries in the future, which include options for the production of low carbon and sustainable fuels.",1,NAT +74,This reduces our exposure to incremental costs associated with some renewable alternatives.,1,NAT +75,"Changes in the legal or regulatory environment affecting responsible sourcing, supply chain transparency, or environmental protection, among others, including regulations to limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, to discourage the use of plastic or to limit or to impose additional costs on commercial water use may result in increased compliance costs for us and our business partners, all of which may negatively impact our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.",1,NAT +76,The US and EU F-Gas reviews carry the potential risk that some F-gases used in pMDI-based respiratory products could be subject to emission restrictions from which they are currently exempt (EU: 70% phase down target by 2030).,1,NAT +77,We are also determining to what extent the resulting fuels could be further processed and used for industry in the Ruhr region.,0,NAT +78,"Some of our competitors have developed, or may develop, substantially greater financial and other resources than we have and may offer richer value propositions or a wider range of programs and services than we offer or may use more effective strategies to acquire and retain more customers, capture a greater share of spending and borrowings, develop more attractive cobrand card and other partner programs and maintain greater merchant acceptance than we have.",0,NAT +79,"Hydro / Biomass / Gas: Generation from our run-of-river, pumped storage, biomass and gas power stations is pooled here.",1,NAT +80,"Activities with run-of-river, pumped storage, biomass, and gas-fired power plants are bundled in the Hydro / Biomass / Gas segment.",1,NAT +81,"Ongoing economic and political volatility and uncertainty and changing demand patterns affect our business in a number of other ways, including making it more difficult to accurately forecast client demand and effectively build our revenue and resource plans, particularly in consulting.",0,NAT +82,"In addition, some capital market participants fear that mounting competitive pressure in the renewable energy business, e. g. created by oil companies entering the market, and rising material costs, may make wind and solar projects less profitable.",1,NAT +83,"Our wholesale business in Portugal, Novadis, has introduced the first part of its plan to lower emissions and air pollution in the larger cities.",1,NAT +84,For scope for reporting: ‘Climate Change Mitigation’ and ‘Climate Change Adaptation’.,1,NAT +85,We also closed the fiscal year above the forecast ranges in the Onshore Wind / Solar and Hydro / Biomass / Gas segments.,1,NAT +86,"How exactly these additional emission reductions will be achieved is now down to the new government coalition between Germany’s Social Democrats, Greens and Free Democrats.",1,NAT +87,In November programme (Energize) with peers in the pharmaceutical industry to accelerate access to renewable power for our suppliers.,1,NAT +88,• MoU with NYK Line on collaborate on future fuels and transportation solutions to help industrial sectors including shipping decarbonize.,1,NAT +89,"During the period under review, they were Supply & Trading (previous year: 4.25 %), 3.75 % for Offshore Wind (previous year: 4.25 %), 3.50 % for Onshore Wind / Solar (previous year: 3.50 %) and 4.00 % for Hydro / Biomass / Gas (previous year: 3.75 %).",1,NAT +90,"Significant sums were also spent to build the Sofia wind farm off the eastern coast of England (Heligoland (342 MW), the Blackjack Creek (240 MW) and El Algodon Alto (200 MW) onshore wind farms in Texas, and the Hickory Park solar farm in the US state of Georgia (196 MW plus battery storage).",1,NAT +91,The NRW-Revier-Power-to-BioJetFuel study we are conducting together with the firm Europe and the Jülich Research Centre is assessing the prerequisites for manufacturing carbon-neutral aviation fuel on an industrial scale.,1,NAT +92,They highlighted the enormous burden that irreversibly delaying considerable emission reductions would place on future generations.,1,NAT +93,"To ensure the sustainability of our feedstock, we have joined the Roundtable of Sustainable Biomass (RBS) to develop policy and audits of our biomass suppliers.",1,NAT +94,"Last year, we began implementing our our greenhouse gas emissions by more than half in our previous strategy period to 2020.",1,NAT +95,"The cost of allowances purchased to cover a shortfall is recognized separately on the balance sheet as an intangible asset unless the emission allowances acquired or generated by the group are risk-managed by the shipping & trading function, then they are recognized on the balance sheet as inventory. 190 the firm Annual Report and Form 20-F 2021 1.",1,NAT +96,"This is where, since hydrogen and carbon dioxide made by electrolysis to produce fuel and feedstock for the chemical industry for research purposes.",1,NAT +97,"Priorities for > Identify opportunities to take collective actions in hot spot regions, together with stakeholders, including peers, to manage water stress in a systemic way.",1,NAT +98,"Public Lands Media continued reporting on topics critical to the preservation of public lands, such as wildfire ecology, livestock grazing, and forest service policies.",1,NAT +99,"In addition, the Business Area offers a comprehensive range of services ranging from repair to advanced services such as remote monitoring, preventive maintenance, asset performance management, emission monitoring and cybersecurity services.",1,NAT +100,"Furthermore, conditions must be in place for us to operate our gas-fired power stations using green hydrogen over the longer term.",1,NAT +101,Disclosure of the nature of the liability cover and the premium paid is subject to a confidentiality clause under the insurance policy.,0,NAT +102,"If a portion of the obligation is not covered with allowances that are available or have been purchased forward, the provision for this portion is measured using the market price of the emission allowances or certificates for renewable energies on the reporting date.",1,NAT +103,reporting using two emissions factors for each site – Market-based and Location-based.,1,NAT +104,"Changes in the legal or regulatory environment affecting responsible sourcing, supply chain transparency, or environmental protection, among others, may result in increased compliance costs for us and our business partners.",1,NAT +105,Outcomes indicate potential for: > increased exposure to extreme heat events and an increased need for cooling to maintain GMP compliance > heavy rainfall causing local flooding and/or inducing landslides > high wind events that can damage site structures.,1,NAT +106,The provisions of the law on the reassignment of responsibility for nuclear waste disposal stipulate that accountability for the shutdown and dismantling of the assets in Germany as well as for packaging radio active waste remains with the companies.,1,NAT +107,"Based on a review by the independent Science Based Targets initiative, our emission reduction strategy is in line with the Paris climate target.",1,NAT +108,Surge in fuel and emissions allowance prices impacts cost of electricity.,1,NAT +109,"Balances disclosed in the financial statements and notes thereto are not adjusted for any pending or enacted environmental legislation, and the directors' understanding thereof.",1,NAT +110,"Methane emissions from upstream operations, used to calculate our intensity, decreased by 2020.",1,NAT +111,This ongoing shift towards better quality of revenues is part of the firm’s DNA which centers around resource-efficiency in electrification and automation.,1,NAT +112,"The using existing methodology and, while it reflects progress in reducing methane emissions, it will not directly correlate with progress towards delivering the 2025 target under aim 4. 2021 performance Refining availability reduced slightly in 2021, due to a higher level of maintenance activity.",1,NAT +113,"Each watershed is unique, being shaped by the ecosystem and biodiversity it supports, local governance and stakeholders, among other things.",1,NAT +114,"In doing so, goodwill in the amount of €operations' cash-generating unit to the new Offshore Wind cash-generating unit and in the amount of €121 million to the new Hydro / Biomass / Gas cash-generating unit.",1,NAT +115,"In the Hydro��/ Biomass / Gas cash- generating unit, goodwill decreased by € France SAS.",1,NAT +116,"Our specific emissions, i. e. the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per megawatt hour of electricity generated, amounted to close.",1,NAT +117,"However, for value-in-use impairment testing on the firm's existing cash generating units (CGUs), consistent with all other relevant cash flows estimated, the firm is required to reflect management's best estimate of any expected applicable carbon emission costs payable by the firm, including where the firm in not the operator, in the future for each jurisdiction in which the group has interests.",1,NAT +118,"Another example that relates to the development of the hydrogen economy is the planned Brunsbüttel LNG terminal near Hamburg, which the firm Supply & Trading is helping to realise.",1,NAT +119,"There had been some initial disagreement, in particular with regard to the emission reduction goal for 2030.",1,NAT +120,The Company notes that in connection with the SEC’s recent modernization of the disclosures of legal proceedings required under Item (with such amount being the lesser of $1 million or 1% of the current assets of the Company on a consolidated basis) pursuant to Item 103(c)(3)(iii) of Regulation S-K in connection with determining the required disclosure with respect to environmental proceedings to which a governmental authority is a party.,1,NAT +121,"In addition to maintaining oversight of the Company's executive management and operations, the Board monitors substantive issues such as ethical standards and social environmental responsibilities.",1,NAT +122,"Today, close to around the world are already sending no waste to landfill.",1,NAT +123,"Indigenous technicians walked on flora, fauna, socioeconomics, and land use.",1,NAT +124,"In addition, the following factors, categorized by the primary nature of the associated risk, could affect our financial performance and cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any of the forward-looking statements.",0,NAT +125,"To perserve resources, we are introducing circularity into our business models, aimed at reducing waste at every stage of the value chain.",1,NAT +126,The new British trading system for carbon emission allowances entered into force in early 2021.,1,NAT +127,"The climate crisis also poses risks to public health, with rising global temperatures increasing the prevalence of respiratory and cardiovascular disease, changes in water-borne illnesses, allergen distribution and concentration, as well as mental health effects.",1,NAT +128,"In recent years, we have forged a range of partnerships with businesses and research institutes seeking to work closely with us to develop a comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure.",1,NAT +129,There are also very early-stage segments which are still emerging and which might offer a high potential in the future such as fully electric mines (“eMines”) or alternative fuels such as hydrogen.,1,NAT +130,"We consider operational risk to be the risk of loss due to, among other things, inadequate or failed processes, people or information systems, or impacts from the external environment (e.g., natural disasters).",1,NAT +131,"From 4%, due to engaging with farmers to use our spent grain for animal feed and organic fertiliser.",0,NAT +132,"The key to achieving this goal is the phaseout of electricity generation from coal, which in Germany goes hand in hand with an exit from nuclear energy.",1,NAT +133,"HoverGuard™ is capable of reliably detecting, quantifying and mapping leaks of greenhouse gases from natural gas pipelines and other potential sources from distances of up to 100 meters.",1,NAT +134,"Due to the diversified nature of the investments, the Company is of the opinion that no significant concentration of risks exists in its pension fund assets.",0,NAT +135,"Among the high-growth segments we are targeting are: water and wastewater, food and beverage, sustainable transport and data centers.",1,NAT +136,We also want to help build a circular economy in which sensible use is made of carbon dioxide.,1,NAT +137,"To ensure compliance, we have optimised the nitrogen oxide reduction processes in all our lignite-fired power plants and equipped our three most state-of-the-art units with additional mercury removal systems.",1,NAT +138,"We also met with refinery management to understand the potential alternative use cases under consideration for refineries in the future, which include options for production of low carbon and sustainable fuels.",1,NAT +139,"New material capex investment For the purposes of the material capex investment’ means a decision taken by the resource commitment meeting (RCM) in 2021 to incur inorganic or organic investments greater than $250 million that relate to a new project or asset, extending an existing project or asset, or acquiring or increasing a share in a project, asset or entity.",0,NAT +140,"By far the most significant positive impact we can have is through innovative technologies that reduce energy consumption and emissions, which improves quality of life for citizens around the world.",1,NAT +141,"Furthermore, in the previous year €allocable to government grants awarded in relation with co-firing biomass in two Dutch power plants.",1,NAT +142,"By annual CO2-equivalent emissions by 100 megatons, equivalent to the annual emissions of 30 million combustion cars.",1,NAT +143,"The more we rely on wind and solar power for our electricity supply, the more crucial it will be to have ample energy storage facilities to ensure a reliable, weather-independent supply of electricity that satisfies demand.",1,NAT +144,Hydrogen: we aim to capture a by 2030.,1,NAT +145,The utilisation of run-of-river power stations depends on precipitation and melt water volumes.,1,NAT +146,The EU has set the goal of covering at least energy consumption from renewable sources by 2030.,1,NAT +147,An increasingly important price factor for fossil fuel-fired power plants is the procurement of CO2 emission allowances.,1,NAT +148,"Our business depends on generating and maintaining ongoing, profitable client demand for our services and solutions, including through the adaptation and expansion of our services and solutions in response to ongoing changes in technology and offerings, and a significant reduction in such demand or an inability to respond to the evolving technological environment could materially affect our results of operations.",0,NAT +149,The order issued by the government of Canada in work or activity authorized under the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act on frontier lands that are situated in Canadian Arctic offshore waters has been extended until 31 December 2022.,0,NAT +150,"Mr Mitchell is a former mining advisor to the Department of Mines & Energy, Northern Territory and has many years' experience as a Business Development Manager.",0,NAT +151,Units of production are barrels for liquids and thousands of cubic feet for gas.,0,NAT +152,"This assessment has helped identify sectorallevel water stewardship opportunities, as well as potential shared water challenges that may be strategically relevant in areas of concentrated pharmaceutical manufacturing.",0,NAT +153,This was partially offset by a higher level of combined turnaround and maintenance activity and increased energy costs.,0,NAT +154,"This testing process will provide us with valuable technical learnings, as well as helping us to understand how best to limit potential for friction between the plant and local fisheries.",0,NAT +155,"If we are unable to manage the risks of our global operations and growth strategy, including pandemics, international hostilities, terrorist activities, natural disasters, security or data incidents and the concentration of our global delivery capability in India and the Philippines, our results of operations and ability to grow could be materially adversely affected.",0,NAT +156,"Our formal engagement programme allowed the board to meet people based in the tropical rainforests of West Papua, the Abu Dhabi desert, our US retail stations, a refinery in Spain, and our Indian offices – to highlight just a fraction.",0,NAT +157,the firm’s Process Automation Business Area supports industries that address a wide range of essential needs – from supplying energy and water to manufacturing goods and transporting them to market.,0,NAT +158,"$The direct damage costs to health (excluding costs in health-determining sectors such as agriculture, water and sanitation), is estimated to be between $2-4 billion per year by 2030.",0,NAT +159,% increase in volume from locally sourced agricultural ingredients in Africa Always a choice 16.,0,NAT +160,"One such technology is the the firm Ability™ Energy and Asset Manager, which combines sensors and analytics software to provide insights on energy consumption and the performance of multiple systems in a factory or plant.",0,NAT +161,Another project dedicated to the use of carbonaceous waste materials launched in June 2021.,0,NAT +162,"Social – Positive impact in our communities Local sourcing of agricultural ingredients in Africa: Key performance indicator Baseline Measurement/units Key Definitions Scope % increase in volume of locally sourced agricultural ingredients 2020 Growth in the total quantity of local raw materials compared to 2020, reported in a percentage of increase.",0,NAT +163,This was contrasted by significant charges in our US wind energy business.,1,NAT +164,"Higher US margins are a result of strong demand rebound and higher renewable identification number (RIN) prices, which have more than doubled since last year.",0,NAT +165,These will deliver cost advantaged low carbon hydrogen for export to global customers.,1,NAT +166,"These include the BAT Conclusions for the refining sector, for large combustion plants as well as common wastewater and waste gas treatment and management systems in the chemical sector.",1,NAT +167,Coastal regions with greater water depths have – until recently – been off-limits to offshore wind farms.,1,NAT +168,"coal, natural gas and CO2 certificate prices as well as the planned service lives.",1,NAT +169,"For instance, we have partnered with Public Power Corporation (PPC), Greece’s largest energy group, to position ourselves as a solar power producer in its home market.",1,NAT +170,"the firm Annual Report and Form Oil and natural gas Resource progression the firm manages its hydrocarbon resources in three major categories: prospect inventory, contingent resources and reserves.",1,NAT +171,"Above and beyond this, the firm Supply & Trading has established itself as an intermediary for pipeline gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG).",1,NAT +172,Thermal Energy accounts for demand but this is the most challenging part to replace.,1,NAT +173,"As a result of future investments and divestments, and the natural depletion of fields, we expect our net production of oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids in be around 1.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, or 40%, lower than in 2019 (see page 16), and the Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our operations (the majority of which are associated with the operating assets in our hydrocarbons portfolio) to be 50% lower in 2030 than in 2019.",1,NAT +174,"ESG framework – Made for the Future Recent Annual Reports have outlined the progress to support safer gambling, increase employee diversity, invest in communities, and reduce the Group’s environmental impact.",1,NAT +175,"Changes in the legal or regulatory environment affecting responsible sourcing, supply chain transparency, or environmental protection, among others, including regulations to limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, to discourage the use of plastic or to limit or to impose additional costs on commercial water use may result in increased compliance costs for us and our business partners, all of which may negatively impact our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.",1,NAT +176,"The current economic and geopolitical environment, as well as the ongoing impact of COVID-as part of the going concern assessment.",0,NAT +177,Our water strategy focuses on working towards healthy watersheds by combining internal and external efforts to support water security.,1,NAT +178,"To support the transition to renewable energy, we joined Climate Group’s REcommitted to purchasing 100% renewable power.",1,NAT +179,"Long-term targets > achieve emissions by 2030 and 90% reduction by 2045, from 2019 baseline > become carbon negative for all residual emissions from 2030 and science-based net-zero by 2045 > transition to next-generation respiratory inhalers with near-zero climate impact by 2030.",1,NAT +180,The energy transition is basically about abandoning electricity generation from fossil fuels and embracing renewables.,1,NAT +181,"Additionally, gas storage facilities in Germany and the Czech Republic also belong to this segment.",0,NAT +182,Diversity of thoughts ignites greater innovation and leads to better performance.,0,NAT +183,"Due to the firm's global footprint, its revenue is exposed to strategic and financial risks that differ per region.",1,NAT +184,"Explore further: Become the best connected brewer, pages Non-compliance What could happen? Changes in the legal and regulatory environment tend to increase the risk of non-compliance with local and global laws and regulations.",0,NAT +185,"The policy refers to the diversity criteria of age, gender, ethnicity and educational and professional backgrounds.",0,NAT +186,Contributes to net zero We believe that our strategy enables the firm to make a positive contribution to the world achieving net zero GHG emissions and meeting the Paris temperature goals – outcomes which we believe to be in the best interests of the firm as well as beneficial to society generally.,1,NAT +187,"During the Russian economy (energy, finance and defence/military) and on certain individuals and entities, including Rosneft.",0,NAT +188,"Oil price is likely to remain the main source of climate-related transition uncertainty for our strategy through to wide range of outcomes and the share of our expected total adjusted EBITDA over this period, that oil-price-linked businesses represent – note that for the purposes of our scenario analysis and resilience test, we have assessed the impact of oil price across both our oil production businesses and those natural gas businesses for which commercial outcomes are linked to oil price.",1,NAT +189,"Thanks to this the firm technology, energy costs have been reduced by up to people working in the building have a much more comfortable and secure work environment.",0,NAT +190,> Our the firm Ambition Zero Carbon commitment will help to mitigate some exposure to future carbon pricing and environmental taxation for our operations and our wider value chain.,1,NAT +191,Groups from the UK and US joined a session in the same period that directors approved and published the board diversity policy.,0,NAT +192,"Leading in Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) performance Under Mr Soriot’s leadership, the firm has continued to demonstrate commitment to its ESG practice, and to maintain a leadership position externally across the industry with its sustainability strategy delivery.",1,NAT +193,"Critically, over emissions reductions were delivered over the 2019 to 2021 period, an important step in our aim 1 to be net zero across our entire operations on an absolute basis by 2050 or sooner.",1,NAT +194,"The purpose of this function is to build and maintain a positive work environment where every employee can feel safe, productive, motivated and able to speak up.",0,NAT +195,"Our work with hop farmers promotes certification, reduced pesticide use, and use of renewable biomass energy for hop drying.",1,NAT +196,"The increase was driven by improved profitability from all Business Areas, a strong focus on net working capital management as well as fewer items impacting comparability, including transformational impacts such as restructuring or separation costs and cash outflow in the prior year due to the Kusile settlement and pension plan transfers.",0,NAT +197,b The AGT and Middle East regions have been further subdivided by asset to allow reporting in either gas & low carbon energy or oil production & operations as appropriate.,0,NAT +198,"Moreover, these provisions also include the costs for transport and intermediate storage containers for and the loading of spent fuel assemblies within the framework of final direct storage.",0,NAT +199,Environmental laws also require the firm to remediate and restore areas affected by the release of hazardous substances or hydrocarbons associated with our operations or properties.,1,NAT +200,Uncertainty concerning commodity deliveries from Russia to Europe has caused a significant increase in gas and electricity trading quotations.,0,NAT +201,Reporting methodology Our approach to reporting GHG emissions broadly follows the IPIECA/API/IOGP Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting GHG Emissions.,1,NAT +202,These cost mitigation actions are by nature nonrepeating benefits and are expected to reverse next year.,0,NAT +203,"Cash and equivalents (excluding securities with original maturities up to current and non-current, and Marketable securities and short-term investments (excluding securities): The carrying amounts approximate the fair values as the items are short-term in nature or, for cash held in banks, are equal to the deposit amount.",0,NAT +204,"In October working guidance for carbon dioxide peak and carbon neutrality which sets out specific targets and measures for both reaching peak emissions and carbon neutrality, and an action plan for carbon dioxide peak before 2030 which sets out the main objectives for the next decade to achieve peak carbon emissions by 2030.",1,NAT +205,"We plan to create integrated low carbon energy hubs, enabled by two of our transition growth engines, renewables and hydrogen.",1,NAT +206,"the firm is a leading international energy company headquartered in Essen, Germany, with a focus on power generation.",0,NAT +207,"With our 2030 diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy, we seek to increase diversity across all dimensions, including gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations.",0,NAT +208,Investment cases above defined thresholds for anticipated annual GHG emissions from operations must estimate those anticipated emissions and factor carbon pricing for those emissions into the investment economics.,1,NAT +209,"And where it is not possible to switch to green electricity directly, for example in steel production, hydrogen is a suitable alternative – that is hydrogen produced using electricity from renewables.",1,NAT +210,E W O F A B B G R O u P and support the development of new and renewable energy models.,1,NAT +211,"We will continue on-site assets that supply electricity from wind, solar and hydro power directly to our breweries as well as off-site assets (including wind and solar) through long-term power purchase agreements.",1,NAT +212,"As a professional services company, the most significant aspects of our environmental footprint are the greenhouse gas emissions related to electricity used in our locations and travel.",1,NAT +213,"As of the balance-sheet date, our payment obligations from material fuel procurement contracts amounted to €€23.6 billion).",0,NAT +214,"An associated Committee responsibility is to review the scope, nature and effectiveness of the work of the internal audit team, as well as ensuring that the business responds to the recommendations made.",0,NAT +215,Market environment Strong economic output in all of the firm’s core markets.,0,NAT +216,However we expect realized margins to remain impacted by high energy costs.,0,NAT +217,"Reflecting the underlying performance of the business, an improving outlook for the environment, confidence in our balance sheet and commencement of the share buyback programme, the board announced a increase in the second quarter 2021 dividend to 5.46 cents per ordinary share.",0,NAT +218,gas that the group either produces or consumes in its manufacturing operations.,0,NAT +219,"Reviewed the effectiveness of investment, including the emissions intensity of the project portfolio.",1,NAT +220,"This process includes identifying Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks.",1,NAT +221,"If the results are promising, project development for the construction of a demonstration plant could start as early as this year.",0,NAT +222,"In Mexico, during operations in the Salina Basin with Equinor and Total, Block 1 (the firm 33% and operator) and Block 3 (the firm 33%), and in one exploration joint operation in the Sureste Basin with Total, QPI Mexico and Hokchi Energy, a subsidiary of Pan American Energy Group (PAEG), Block 34 (the firm 42.5% and operator).",0,NAT +223,The Browse joint venture participants continue to progress the development of Browse by connecting it via a NWS Venture's Karratha Gas Plant.,0,NAT +224,"Our objective is to retain sufficient levels of capital generated through net income and other sources, such as the exercise of stock options by employees, to maintain a strong balance sheet, provide flexibility to support future business growth, and distribute excess capital to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases.",0,NAT +225,"The using existing methodology and, while it reflects progress in reducing methane emissions, it will not directly correlate with progress towards delivering the 2025 target under aim 4. 2021 performance Refining availability reduced slightly in 2021, due to a higher level of maintenance activity.",1,NAT +226,"Renewable energy, gas-fired power plants, energy storage, our hydrogen business and energy trading are distributed among the first four segments.",1,NAT +227,"Using its expertise in establishing living schoolyard programs, Green Schoolyards Am er ica founded and led the National COVID-large-scale effort to help schools around the country teach outdoors as a way to address the pandemic and reduce virus transmission.",0,NAT +228,"For example, changes in sales assumptions have resulted in changes in the effectiveness to certain of our hedging instruments, and we could see similar impacts in future periods.",0,NAT +229,"In addition to the strong trading performance, improved earnings in the gas business also came to bear.",0,NAT +230,Fully balance water used in our products in water-stressed areas Our aim is to 100% balance the water we use in water-stressed areas.,1,NAT +231,"Protecting and restoring ecosystems to improve health outcomes and tackle environmental drivers of disease, such as water and air quality, through our focus on water stewardship and biodiversity.",1,NAT +232,"It is printed in the UK by Pureprint using its pureprint® environmental printing technology, and vegetable inks were used throughout.",1,NAT +233,The Directors believe there is a sound strategic rationale for the acquisition to proceed and that the enlarged group will benefit from significant operating efficiencies due to the complementary nature of the businesses.,0,NAT +234,PAE E & P Bolivia Limited Ordinary Pan American Energy Investments Ltd.,0,NAT +235,We also used the WWF Water Risk Filter to assess site risks for droughts in water stressed areas and how these could be amplified by climate change.,1,NAT +236,"The annual power savings at the Yara Porsgrunn site in Norway are expected to be in the region of 40 GWh, leading to CO2 emissions reductions of 12–19 kilotons.",1,NAT +237,"This applies to methane emissions within our operational control boundary, where we have the highest degree of control.",1,NAT +238,"Embracing diversity and inclusion in all forms, including gender, race, ethnicity, disability, nationality, religion, age, veteran, LGBTQIA+ status, and other factors.",0,NAT +239,"To ensure it doesn’t just produce green electricity but is also entirely environmentally friendly, a turbine should be completely recyclable once it reaches the end of its service life.",1,NAT +240,"For more than ten years now, the firm has been developing techniques that use CO2 in an ecologically meaningful way.",1,NAT +241,Major key figures of the activities of the discontinued operations deconsolidated as of Georgia Biomass Holding LLC.,0,NAT +242,"We assessed the appropriateness of the future cash inflows used in the measurement by, inter alia, comparing this data with the medium-term planning and reconciling it against general and sector-specific market expectations with regard to electricity, coal, natural gas and CO2 certificate prices and the planned service lives.",1,NAT +243,The temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels' was reaffirmed at COP 26 in Glasgow during November 2021.,1,NAT +244,We have used the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition).,1,NAT +245,"Our innovation projects are dedicated to developing solutions that help us advance the utilisation of renewable energy, expand electricity storage and become involved in large-scale hydrogen production.",1,NAT +246,The renewable thermal market is not as mature as electricity and its development requires a site-by-site approach.,0,NAT +247,"Accordingly, we were satisfied with the results of the remediation by year end and the mitigation for the period the controls were not operating meaning we continued to adopt an audit approach which places reliance on the operating effectiveness of financial controls.",0,NAT +248,"Such oversight may include internal audit reports, group risk reports and reviews of the outcomes of business processes including strategy, planning and resource and capital allocation.",0,NAT +249,"Midway through Emission Control Act and new co-firing requirements in the 17th German Emission Control Act entered into force, introducing more stringent limits on nitrogen oxides and mercury, in particular.",1,NAT +250,Ethics and compliance The S&SC reviewed these risks and their management and mitigation in depth with relevant executive management.,0,NAT +251,the firm’s green bond policy stipulates that proceeds on issuances be spent on wind and solar farms exclusively.,1,NAT +252,"We are concentrating our onshore wind and solar efforts on North America and Europe, where we are looking to diversify geographically.",1,NAT +253,"Long-term targets > achieve emissions by 2030 and 90% reduction by 2045, from 2019 baseline > become carbon negative for all residual emissions from 2030 and science-based net-zero by 2045 > transition to next-generation respiratory inhalers with near-zero climate impact by 2030.",1,NAT +254,The energy transition is basically about abandoning electricity generation from fossil fuels and embracing renewables.,1,NAT +255,"From of our Ambition Zero Carbon commitments is included in our executive incentive arrangements, which underlines the importance we place on eliminating our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.",1,NAT +256,"Despite this, the firm procurement worked closely with our suppliers to understand any risks to supply of goods and services, and agree mitigation strategies that have ensured there has been no disruption to supply.",0,NAT +257,"A There is no straightforward answer as games differ greatly from one another according to many factors, such as the category, for example whether it’s a video slot or Blackjack table game,and production value, which dictates the design and resource investment that goes into any given game.",0,NAT +258,"To achieve this, we will reduce fossil-energy demand by delivering production efficiencies and process innovations.",1,NAT +259,"Payments associated with short-term leases of Property, plant and equipment and all leases of low-value assets are recognised on a straight-line basis as an expense in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.",0,NAT +260,"A reconciliation to GAAP information is provided on pages Adjusted EBITDA for the group is defined as profit or loss for the period before finance costs and net finance expense relating to pensions and other post-retirement benefits, adjusting for inventory holding gains or losses before tax, adjusting items before interest and tax, and adding back depreciation, depletion and amortization (pre-tax) and exploration expenditure written-off (net of adjusting items, pre-tax).",0,NAT +261,The process of estimating these reserves requires a high degree of judgment.,0,NAT +262,"However, IFRS requires that the measure of profit or loss disclosed for each operating segment is the measure that is provided regularly to the chief operating decision maker for the purposes of performance assessment and resource allocation.",0,NAT +263,The carrying amount of plant and equipment is reviewed annually by directors to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from these assets.,0,NAT +264,will make a full transition to zero-carbon energy sources.,1,NAT +265,Contributes to net zero We believe that our strategy enables the firm to make a positive contribution to the world achieving net zero GHG emissions and meeting the Paris temperature goals – outcomes which we believe to be in the best interests of the firm as well as beneficial to society generally.,1,NAT +266,Other EPA GHG and environmental regulations affect electricity generation practices and prices and have an impact on the market for fuels used to generate electricity and on renewable energy installations.,1,NAT +267,"Where the concentration test is not applied, or is not met, a further assessment of whether the acquired set of assets and activities is a business will be performed.",0,NAT +268,"the firm’s interest in GDLNG ~22% of China’s total LNG imports accounted for by GDLNG 1 Reimagining convenience and mobility in India Jio-the firm, our fuels and mobility joint venture with Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), has opened its first ’mobility station’, providing a fully integrated customer offer.",0,NAT +269,"Animal studies therefore remain a small, but necessary, part of developing new medicines.",0,NAT +270,"We seek to achieve diversity and cost efficiency in our funding sources by maintaining scale and market relevance in unsecured debt, asset securitizations and deposits, and access to secured borrowing facilities and a committed bank credit facility.",0,NAT +271,Most of our hydrogen projects focus on decarbonising industrial applications.,1,NAT +272,Most renewable energy assets are likely to meet the criteria.,1,NAT +273,To help our customers reduce their COanother key target of our 2030 sustainability strategy – we have identified products and solutions from our portfolio that deliver the most significant reductions in CO2 emissions.,1,NAT +274,"Through our Ambition Zero Carbon programme we are on track to reduce GHG emissions from our global operations by of 2026 and halve our entire value chain footprint by 2030, on the way to a 90% reduction by 2045.",1,NAT +275,"Our funding plan is primarily driven by the size and mix of business asset growth, our liquidity position, and choice of funding sources, as well as cash requirements generated by the redemptions of deposits by our customers, the maturities of debt outstanding and related interest payments.",0,NAT +276,Additional process steps can then be taken to convert the remaining gas mixture of hydrogen and carbon back into chemical raw materials or fuels.,0,NAT +277,"Alongside this, we are exploring opportunities to replace fossil fuels as we transition to energy.",1,NAT +278,"With respect to non-depreciable items of property, plant and equipment measured at fair value and items of investment property measured at fair value, the related deferred tax liability or deferred tax asset is measured on the basis that the carrying amount of the asset will be recovered entirely through sale.",0,NAT +279,"2021 has continued to be volatile, with a high degree of uncertainty driven by the COVID-19 crisis.",0,NAT +280,"• We challenged management’s judgement, described in Note emission costs being borne by producers including the firm is not expected to have a material impact on the group’s oil and gas CGU carrying values.",1,NAT +281,"Our work with hop farmers promotes certification, reduced pesticide use, and use of renewable biomass energy for hop drying.",1,NAT +282,"In planning our projects, we identify potential impacts from our activities and use the results to identify actions and mitigation measures and look to implement these in project design, construction and operations.",0,NAT +283,"Additionally, our employees are coming together in Employee Resource Groups, including the the firm UK Women and Allies network, the Women Leadership Forum in the USA, the firm Open and Proud (HOP) in several countries and many more.",0,NAT +284,"And that is precisely what we are doing, by investing billions of euros in wind power, photovoltaics, battery storage and green hydrogen, phasing out coal-based generation, building environmentally friendly backup capacities and helping industrial customers optimise their energy consumption.",1,NAT +285,"At Impairment charges in 2021 totalling $343m were recognised for Plant and equipment and Assets in course of construction due to the rationalisation of our manufacturing capacity and footprint across certain production sites as a result of restructuring programmes, including the Post Alexion Acquisition Group Review (see Note 2).",0,NAT +286,"We focus on preventing and reducing waste wherever possible, maximising the utility of the natural resources we use.",1,NAT +287,"We value diversity and aim to attract, retain and develop talented employees who thrive in a vibrant, high-performing culture with a passion for people development.",0,NAT +288,These cost mitigation actions are by nature nonrepeating benefits and are expected to reverse next year.,0,NAT +289,"During the meeting in September, we focused on management's growth plans in relation to the firm's green core business and the phaseout of coal-fired power generation.",1,NAT +290,A sustainable business involves far more than cutting greenhouse gas emissions.,1,NAT +291,"In October working guidance for carbon dioxide peak and carbon neutrality which sets out specific targets and measures for both reaching peak emissions and carbon neutrality, and an action plan for carbon dioxide peak before 2030 which sets out the main objectives for the next decade to achieve peak carbon emissions by 2030.",1,NAT +292,"We assessed the CPR program and determined that eligible loan modifications were temporary in nature, for example, less than three months, and not considered TDRs.",0,NAT +293,"We also introduced a new water stewardship pilot, focused on six key sites in water-scarce areas as these face future water availability and quality risks.",1,NAT +294,"Business and strategic risk management Our businesses, integrators and enablers integrate risk management into key business processes such as strategy, planning, performance management, resource and capital allocation and project appraisal.",0,NAT +295,"The brand continued to embrace its spirit of wild experimentation and launched its new Go Desperados creative platform, designed to capture the essence of the brand – inviting people to try new things and pour some unusual in their lives.",0,NAT +296,We continue to invest in enhancements to cyber security capabilities and engage in industry and government forums to promote advancements to the broader financial services cyber security ecosystem.,0,NAT +297,"Climate change and our strategy for physical risks Understanding the potential impact of future climate scenarios, together with proactive mitigation, intervention plans and targeted investment, will future proof our business and build resilience to ensure our long-term financial sustainability and continued supply of medicines to patients.",1,NAT +298,"Green labs In organisation, My Green Lab, continued to inspire a reduction in the environmental impacts of our labs.",1,NAT +299,"Mr Mitchell is a former mining advisor to the Department of Mines & Energy, Northern Territory and has many years' experience as a Business Development Manager.",0,NAT +300,"We are leveraging our experience with LEAN manufacturing, which includes tools to enhance efficiency and eliminate waste, to build a framework for employees to identify and implement initiatives that contribute to our environmental targets.",1,NAT +301,"On top of that, the company is in charge of the commercial optimisation of our power plant dispatch, the earnings of which go to our generation companies.",0,NAT +302,"The main reason for the increase, however, were high margin payments for forward contracts for electricity, fuel and CO2 certificates.",1,NAT +303,"We believe that the attraction, retention, and management of qualified talent representing diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets, and fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment is integral to our success in advancing our strategies and key business priorities.",0,NAT +304,"In addition, our products are subject to import and excise duties and/or sales, consumption or value-added taxes (“VAT”) in many jurisdictions.",0,NAT +305,"And where it is not possible to switch to green electricity directly, for example in steel production, hydrogen is a suitable alternative – that is hydrogen produced using electricity from renewables.",1,NAT +306,Renewable Electricity Generation and Transport Oil Demand figures were used from the SDS.,1,NAT +307,"Discount revenue increased in part, recovery from the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the prior year.",0,NAT +308,"In terms of solar, where our capacity currently stands at 0.5 GW, we are still in the start phase.",1,NAT +309,Each transaction is considered to establish whether it qualifies as a business combination by applying the criteria assessment detailed in IFRS applying the optional concentration test on an elective basis.,0,NAT +310,"To this end, it enters into long-term supply agreements with producers, organises gas transportation by booking pipelines or LNG tankers and optimises the timing of deliveries using leased gas storage facilities.",0,NAT +311,"The net deferred tax position reflected an adjustment of $inventories, property, plant and equipment and contingent liabilities as described above.",0,NAT +312,"Damage to our reputation and loss of consumer confidence for these or any other reasons could lead to adverse consumer actions, including boycotts, negative impacts on investor perception and could impact our ability to attract and retain the talent necessary to compete in the marketplace, all of which could have a material adverse impact on our business, as well as require additional resources to rebuild our reputation.",0,NAT +313,"As a professional services company, the most significant aspects of our environmental footprint are the greenhouse gas emissions related to electricity used in our locations and travel.",1,NAT +314,> Use of lower-emission sources of energy will reduce costs and will reduce exposure to fossil fuel and carbon price changes.,1,NAT +315,"> Within the CFDA, sensitivity analysis was carried out using carbon prices from the IEA NZE emissions scenario, to ascertain the impact that carbon prices higher than in Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS) would have.",1,NAT +316,"As of the balance-sheet date, our payment obligations from material fuel procurement contracts amounted to €€23.6 billion).",0,NAT +317,"the firm's calculation scope and principles are compared to the requirements of three additional relevant protocols; the GHG protocol Product standard, the GHG protocol Corporate Standard (scope standard (scope 3).",1,NAT +318,"For example, lower oil and gas price or production sensitivities do not fully reflect the specific impacts for each contractual arrangement and will not capture all favourable impacts that may arise from cost deflation or savings.",0,NAT +319,"Where the concentration test is applied, the acquisition will be treated as the acquisition of an asset if substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired (excluding cash and cash equivalents, deferred tax assets, and related goodwill) is concentrated in a single asset or group of similar identifiable assets.",0,NAT +320,"Convenience, retail fuels and electrification gross margin Non-GAAP measure.",0,NAT +321,"The Company is exposed to risks associated with changes in foreign currency exchange rates and uses derivative instruments, primarily forward contracts, to manage the financial impacts of these exposures.",0,NAT +322,Emissions Liabilities for emissions are recognized when the cumulative volumes of gases emitted by the group at the end of the reporting period exceed the allowances granted free of charge held for own use or a set baseline for emissions.,1,NAT +323,"We believe embracing diversity make us all stronger and that our associates, customers and those with whom we partner should feel included, respected, supported, and empowered.",0,NAT +324,"The E-mobility Division engineers electrification solutions to enable global, accessible, reliable, smart and emission-free mobility.",1,NAT +325,We need to build low-carbon backup capacities that can balance out the fluctuations in power generation from solar and wind.,1,NAT +326,"The company’s targets to promote reductions in its operational greenhouse gas emissions, to be reviewed in line with changing protocols and other relevant factors.",1,NAT +327,"We use our responsible sourcing processes when working with suppliers to support their sustainability journeys, innovate together on challenges and promote supplier diversity.",1,NAT +328,Electricity generation using renewable sources depends on the weather conditions as well as the time of day and the season.,1,NAT +329,"We want to be active along the entire value chain, from green electricity generation and hydrogen production by electrolysis to hydrogen trading and storage and the conclusion of individual supply agreements with major industrial customers.",1,NAT +330,"As part of the adjustment of targets to reflect the impact of the Alexion acquisition, described on page 99, the Ambition Zero Carbon target has been expressed in ktCO2e (kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) rather than as a percentage change from our 2015 baseline.",1,NAT +331,"– Sustainable ingredient: An agricultural material that was produced in a manner which produces safe, high quality agricultural products, protects and improves the natural environment and the social and economic conditions of farmers and their communities.",1,NAT +332,"In these limited instances other approaches are applied to determine the reserves base used to calculate depreciation, depletion and amortization, including the use of management’s best estimate of price assumptions as disclosed in Significant judgements and estimates: recoverability of asset carrying values, to determine the commerciality of technical proved reserves.",0,NAT +333,"We continue to monitor impacts to our people and our operations, and mitigation plans are being implemented where needed.",0,NAT +334,The production profiles used are consistent with the reserve and resource volumes approved as part of the firm’s centrally controlled process for the estimation of proved and probable reserves and total resources.,0,NAT +335,"Unless drastic action is taken now to reduce emissions from power generation and consumption, temperatures will continue to rise at unsustainable levels.",1,NAT +336,"Total energy consumption 1 Regular review of the data is carried out to ensure accuracy, consistency and reflect major business changes.",0,NAT +337,"Contribution to the enterprise This priority is built on three pillars: performing as an enterprise team, commitment to lifelong learning and development, and championing of inclusion and diversity.",0,NAT +338,"A partnership to make green hydrogen more affordable Cost is currently a major barrier to the widespread adoption of green hydrogen, which is about three to six times more expensive than hydrogen produced using fossil fuels.",1,NAT +339,In Downstream she held roles in retail and commercial fuels and planning.,0,NAT +340,"Ideally, only as much carbon enters the atmosphere, by way of greenhouse gas emissions such as CObound by other processes at the same time.",1,NAT +341,"Risk identification and management The Committee continued its regular reviews of the Group’s approach to risk management, the operation of its risk reporting framework and risk mitigation.",0,NAT +342,It is estimated that no reasonably possible change in the key assumptions used in the US Fuels and European Fuels goodwill impairment assessments would cause the recoverable amount to be equal to the carrying amount of goodwill and related net non-current assets.,0,NAT +343,"On Mexican Federal District Court on behalf of any person or entity harmed by the Incident, including several coastal Mexican states and municipalities against the firmXP, the firmAPC, and other purported the firm subsidiaries.",0,NAT +344,"Our integrated service teams meet client needs rapidly and at scale, leveraging our network of more than expertise and ecosystem relationships, and our global delivery capabilities.",0,NAT +345,"Our objective is to retain sufficient levels of capital generated through net income and other sources, such as the exercise of stock options by employees, to maintain a strong balance sheet, provide flexibility to support future business growth, and distribute excess capital to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases.",0,NAT +346,Primary sources and uses of cash The Company’s business has two principal selling seasons: Spring and Fall.,0,NAT +347,"For example, changes in sales assumptions have resulted in changes in the effectiveness to certain of our hedging instruments, and we could see similar impacts in future periods.",0,NAT +348,Working for inclusion and diversity The next wave of innovation will only come from organisations that are both diverse and inclusive.,0,NAT +349,"Net debt does not include our off-balance-sheet obligations, which largely stem from long-term purchase agreements for fuel and electricity.",0,NAT +350,"Renewable energy, gas-fired power plants, energy storage, our hydrogen business and energy trading are distributed among the first four segments.",1,NAT +351,"Protecting and restoring ecosystems to improve health outcomes and tackle environmental drivers of disease, such as water and air quality, through our focus on water stewardship and biodiversity.",1,NAT +352,"This assessment has helped identify sectorallevel water stewardship opportunities, as well as potential shared water challenges that may be strategically relevant in areas of concentrated pharmaceutical manufacturing.",0,NAT +353,"In the previous year, fair value hedges were used to limit the market price risk exposure related to CO2 emission allowances.",1,NAT +354,"We consider whether to adjust the quantitative reserves (higher or lower) to address possible limitations within the models or factors not included within the models, such as external conditions, emerging portfolio trends, the nature and size of the portfolio, portfolio concentrations, the volume and severity of past due accounts, or management risk actions.",0,NAT +355,A high degree of subjective auditor judgment and specialized skills and knowledge was required in assessing the Group’s interpretation of international tax practice and developments in relation to intragroup charges and intragroup sales of goods and services and the Group’s ability to estimate the ultimate resolution of the tax positions.,0,NAT +356,Scope (GHG) emissions (carbon dioxide and methane) such that GHG emissions would have been higher in the reporting year if the intervention had not taken place.,1,NAT +357,"– A regenerative agriculture strategy that will progressively bring to the next level our starting Low carbon farming programme, by incorporating more holistic agriculture key performance indicators close to carbon, such as water and biodiversity.",1,NAT +358,the firm has life-cycle assessments (LCAs) in place for key brands (respiratory and wider) that includes the GHG footprint to help assess and manage risks and target interventions to reduce the environmental footprint of our products.,1,NAT +359,"In September, the S&SC reviewed progress against aims zero operations and reducing methane.",1,NAT +360,"It states that gas-fired power plants which are approved before the upper emissions limit of 100 g CO2 / kWh, provided they replace more carbon-intensive assets and are fully operated using climate-friendly gases like hydrogen no later than 2036.",1,NAT +361,33 the firm’s targets to promote operational GHG reductions.,1,NAT +362,"Product Sales by Disease Area Product Sales by reporting region Commitment to our people A focus on inclusion and diversity, as well as lifelong learning and development.",0,NAT +363,These analysis and studies were designed to determine the most efficient way to recommission the existing plant and operations to recommence gold production and as at year end have been brought together into a Scoping Study expected to be released soon.,0,NAT +364,We also aim to enhance biodiversity at our major operating sites and support biodiversity restoration and sustainable use of natural resource projects in the countries where we have current or growing investments.,1,NAT +365,"We are also adopting nature-based solutions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges, such as the impact of the climate crisis and supporting biodiversity.",1,NAT +366,"The expectations related to environmental, social and governance matters are rapidly evolving, and from time to time, we announce certain initiatives and goals, related to environmental, social or governmental matters, such as those through our participation in the United Nations Global Compact.",1,NAT +367,To support our customers in reducing their COa basket of the products and solutions from our portfolio that deliver the most significant reductions in CO2 emissions for our customers.,1,NAT +368,It is made from waste recycled paper and is FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certified.,1,NAT +369,"In addition, we corroborate the prices provided by our pricing services by comparing them to alternative pricing sources.",0,NAT +370,Developing responsible agricultural supply chains to increase our volumes of sustainable raw materials is a key priority for our growing business and a crucial lever for reducing our carbon footprint.,1,NAT +371,Reductions are measured against our Sustainable Development GHG Protocol methodology for accounting and reporting of our emissions footprint.,1,NAT +372,"Movements in carrying amounts for each class of property, plant and equipment between the beginning and the end of the current financial year.",0,NAT +373,My Green Lab certification has been recognised by the pharmaceutical sector as part of the UN Race to Zero.,1,NAT +374,"the firm will capture and evaluate solar and wind data from of land, to support the government of Oman in approving the future developments of renewable energy and green hydrogen hubs.",1,NAT +375,"The Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) framework aims to assess, improve and validate on-farm sustainability in our supply chain, including such areas of water management as water management practices, irrigation methods, fertiliser management and soil pollution.",1,NAT +376,"> Project started with peers in pharmaceutical industry (Energize) to enable access to renewable energy in supply chains with a start in the US and the EU, and plans to expand into less mature markets. Change in raw material or sourcing cost.",0,NAT +377,"The additional tables show the Operating profit and Profit before tax made by companies located in that area, together with Non-current assets, Total assets, assets acquired, net operating assets, and Property, plant and equipment owned by the same companies.",0,NAT +378,Plant and equipment Any accumulated depreciation at the date of revaluation is eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the net amount is restated to the revalued amount of the asset.,0,NAT +379,"• Low carbon energy: recognizing the opportunity to scale up our low carbon businesses over the next decade to meet growing demand and regulatory requirements, we aim to grow our renewables businesses and seek early positions in hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS).",1,NAT +380,"Due to the seasonal nature of the retail apparel industry, the results of operations for any interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results expected for the full fiscal year and the Company could experience significant fluctuations in certain asset and liability accounts.",0,NAT +381,In December change conference in Paris (COP21) agreed to the Paris Agreement which aims to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.,1,NAT +382,Our principal funding objective is to maintain broad and well-diversified funding sources to allow us to finance our global businesses and to maintain a strong liquidity profile.,0,NAT +383,"We are very excited to bring together three strong businesses to create a regional beverage champion, perfectly positioned to capture significant growth opportunities in Southern Africa.",0,NAT +384,"We are adopting nature-based solutions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges, such as the impact of the climate crisis, and support biodiversity.",1,NAT +385,"the names of the directors considered by the board to be independent directors; if a director has an interest, position, affiliation or relationship of the type described in Box but the board is of the opinion that it does not comprise the independence of the director, the nature of the interest, position or relationship in question and an explanation of why the board is of that opinion; and the length of service of each director.",0,NAT +386,"Animal use in research and development varies depending on many interrelated factors, including our amount of pre-clinical research, the nature and complexity of the diseases under investigation and regulatory requirements.",0,NAT +387,These foreign exchange risks are managed primarily by entering into foreign exchange spot transactions or hedged with foreign exchange forward contracts when the hedge costs are economically justified and in notional amounts designed to offset pretax impacts from currency movements in the period in which they occur.,0,NAT +388,"With the approval of the Senate, the Dutch Parliament passed an amendment of the Coal Phaseout Act, which limits the carbon dioxide emissions of power plants to maximum possible level by the end of 2024.",1,NAT +389,"The provision for obligations which are not yet contractually defined covers the costs of the remaining operational phase of the operating plants, the costs of dismantling as well as the residual material processing and waste treatment costs incurred in connection with waste produced as a result of shutdowns.",1,NAT +390,"In around 83 million emission allowances were auctioned off in total, and around 38 million were allocated free of charge.",1,NAT +391,The qualitative component is intended to capture expected losses that may not have been fully captured in the quantitative component.,0,NAT +392,"Power plants that do not run on hydrogen, could separate CO2 from the flue gas and store it underground.",1,NAT +393,"Gangkou road, Jiangmen, China the firm Petro China Jiangmen Fuels Co., Ltd.",0,NAT +394,"• East Coast Cluster, a collaboration between Northern Endurance Partnership, Net Zero Teesside – both led by the firm – and Zero Carbon Humber, selected by the UK government as one of the UK’s first two carbon capture, use and storage projects.",1,NAT +395,"This measure incentivises the elimination of our Scope greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2025 with targets verified in line with the science of climate change, where we will innovate to avoid, reduce and substitute to become zero carbon.",1,NAT +396,"Signatories aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as soon as possible and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter, so as to achieve a balance between human caused emissions and removals by sinks of GHGs in the second half of this century.",1,NAT +397,The combination of our own innovation and that of our ecosystem partners allows us to amplify and accelerate our scale and speed in a way that supercharges the value we deliver to our clients and all of our stakeholders.,0,NAT +398,"The Vendor Code of Conduct details our dedication to employing leading practices in human rights, labor rights, environmental responsibility and workplace safety.",1,NAT +399,the firm has worked closely with BIER - Beverage Industry environmental roundtable to develop GHG emissions sector guidance to standardise GHG reporting.,1,NAT +400,results of operations and financial condition” under “Risk Factors” for potential impacts related to legal and regulatory changes on our ability to collect amounts owed to us.,0,NAT +401,Our Ambition Zero Carbon measure is based on our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reductions.,1,NAT +402,Renewable energy is subsidised largely via tax credits in the USA.,1,NAT +403,Performance shares granted on a preliminary basis on the date of a change of control are valued based on the degree to which the targets have been achieved up to that point in time.,0,NAT +404,It is also the first time that an emission reduction target for 88 %.,1,NAT +405,"This product is made of material from well-managed, FSC®‑certified forests and other controlled sources.",1,NAT +406,"For this to happen, our scientists embrace carbon neutral design, migrate away from fossil fuels (where possible) and embrace a circular mindset to use materials (minimise by design, reuse, recycle, recover).",1,NAT +407,"These targets align with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, prosperity and peace and justice.",1,NAT +408,Our Growing Green strategy will make the 2020s a decade of growth for our company.,1,NAT +409,Growing Green – our strategic roadmap to 2030.,1,NAT +410,Agendas focused on the progress made in expanding renewable energy and on the Group’s numerous hydrogen projects.,1,NAT +411,"Therefore, the transition to next-generation propellants with a near-zero global warming potential within our Ambition Zero Carbon strategy is not only reducing our GHG footprint, it is also mitigating some of the transition risks we face in the market and will protect our revenue.",1,NAT +412,"These vendors are expected to respect local laws and have committed to follow the standards set forth in the Company’s Vendor Code of Conduct, which details the Company’s dedication to human rights, labor rights, environmental responsibility and workplace safety.",1,NAT +413,This initiative highlights our progress on water quality and builds on our established leadership in responsible active pharmaceutical ingredient discharge management from our operations.,0,NAT +414,"In robot manufacturer ASTI Mobile Robotics Group, which will help us to capture growing potential in areas such as logistics and warehouse automation.",0,NAT +415,"Our short-term funding programs are used primarily to fund working capital needs, such as managing seasonal variations in receivables balances.",0,NAT +416,"During the reporting period, the firm‘s net debt was mainly influenced by inflows of variation margins on forward transactions with electricity, commodities and CO2 certificates.",1,NAT +417,The NZE is a normative IEA scenario that shows a narrow but achievable pathway for the global energy sector to achieve net-zero COadvanced economies reaching NZE in advance of others.,1,NAT +418,"Compared with flows in 2020 reflected lower oil and gas realizations, lower refining margins and lower fuels volumes partly offset by lower tax payments and lower working capital build.",0,NAT +419,"Resource commitment meeting Chair: CEO Attended by CFO, EVP SS&V, EVP I&E. Observed by EVP legal and SVP internal audit.",0,NAT +420,"By renewables, gas-fired power plants and electrolysers in North Rhine-Westphalia, with no less than 500 MW of wind and solar capacities being built in the Rhenish region alone.",1,NAT +421,"Major projects are defined as those with a the firm net investment of at least $be of strategic importance to the firm, or of a high degree of complexity.",0,NAT +422,"Our business as a whole has not experienced significant seasonal fluctuations, although network volumes tend to be moderately higher in the fourth quarter than in other quarters.",0,NAT +423,"As we continued to invest in our colleagues throughout the pandemic, our results have shown that we were even more successful and efficient than ever, while fostering an environment which allows us to attract and retain the best talent.",0,NAT +424,"In Governance (ESG) strategy, which comprises Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I), Financial Confidence, and Climate Solutions pillars, with long-term goals and initiatives to guide our efforts in the years ahead and provide a shared sense of purpose for our work.",1,NAT +425,We call that the Unified Customer Ecosystem (UCE).,0,NAT +426,"As part of the initiative, we joined forces with four partners at our Lingen power plant in launch the GET H2 Nukleus project.",0,NAT +427,the firm sets the stage to expand solar power in Greece.,1,NAT +428,"New measures, if adopted, would be expected to increase the supply and demand of renewable fuel and energy, extend emissions trading to the maritime sector and emissions from road transport and heating fuels.",1,NAT +429,"Resource commitment meeting For capital investments above defined financial thresholds for organic or inorganic spend, investment approval is conducted through the executive-level resource commitment meeting (RCM), which is chaired by the chief executive officer.",0,NAT +430,"In alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement, we’ve pledged to do our part to keep global warming below the UN Global Compact’s Business Ambition for 1.5° Pledge to date.",1,NAT +431,"The R&D expenditure in Digital & Technology is related to Cyber-Security, brewery IT infrastructure, commercial and sales related information systems, warehouse management software, human resource applications and deployment, enterprise resource planning software, data analytics.",0,NAT +432,"The Energy Industries Division enables safe, smart, and sustainable projects and operations for businesses across the oil and gas, chemicals, life sciences, power generation and water sectors.",1,NAT +433,"We made good progress in building a high-performance culture by empowering our Divisions, and we initiated several important actions to reduce our own CO2 emissions and make the firm a more attractive employer.",1,NAT +434,"After finishing his degree, Jorge was selected into the the firm R&D team in Milwaukee, WI.",0,NAT +435,"Projects take many years to complete, requiring differing amounts of resource, so a smooth or increasing trend should not be anticipated.",0,NAT +436,"but all can be important, whether or not they translate into GHG reductions for the company.",1,NAT +437,Assessment of transition risks and opportunities To meet the Paris Agreement commitments to be net-zero and restrict global warming to and healthcare system perspective to proactively manage the risks and opportunities posed by the transition to a low-carbon economy and healthcare system.,1,NAT +438,Sources of hedge effectiveness will depend on the hedge relationship designation but may include: > a significant change in the credit risk of either party to the hedging relationship > a timing mismatch between the hedging instrument and the hedged item > movements in foreign currency basis spread for derivatives in a fair value hedge > a significant change in the value of the foreign currency denominated net assets of the Group in a net investment hedge.,0,NAT +439,"The PSI captures GHG and water intensity metrics per product, per patient and per annum, as well as measures of % renewable power and resource efficiency used to make that product.",1,NAT +440,The Company continues to assess the potential impacts these events and similar events may have on the business in future periods and continues to develop contingency plans to assist in mitigating potential impacts.,0,NAT +441,"Mr Mitchell has also worked as a Corporate Advisor for Lowell Capital where he provided financial and technical analysis of projects and companies, including projects in Australia and various other countries such as USA, China, North Korea, Mongolia, Zambia, Egypt, Romania and Zimbabwe, and as Resource Analyst for Prudential Bache.",0,NAT +442,This will enable us to eliminate approximately of CO2 on the way to net zero.,1,NAT +443,"Such a maximum amount has not been indicative of our actual loss exposure in the past and we have not experienced significant losses related to these exposures to date; however, our historical experience may not be representative in the current environment given the economic and financial disruptions, particularly to travel, caused by the COVID- and resulting containment measures and staff shortages.",0,NAT +444,"In addition, we have a lesser degree of control over the business operations of the joint ventures and businesses in which we have made minority investments or in which we have acquired less than 100% of the equity.",0,NAT +445,"The Board considers short-term requirements against available sources of funding, taking into account forecast cash flows.",0,NAT +446,a session was held with members of our business resource groups that focus on ethnic diversity.,0,NAT +447,"At this time, the Company is not able to quantify the amount of future impacts, including any cash expenditures that may take place in future periods resulting from any potential flagship store closures given the unpredictable nature of lease exit negotiations and ultimate lease renewal decisions.",0,NAT +448,"Net zero« operations the firm’s aim to reach net zero operational greenhouse gas (COemissions by 2050 or sooner, on a gross operational control basis, in accordance with the firm’s aim 1 which relates to our reported Scope 1 and 2 emissions.",1,NAT +449,T We report Scope emissions material to our business on a carbon dioxide-equivalent basis.,1,NAT +450,"Depending on the nature of the operating lease, amortization and interest expense are primarily recorded within stores and distribution expense, marketing, general and administrative expense, or flagship store exit (benefits) charges on the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss).",0,NAT +451,"The Company’s accounts receivable are first grouped by the individual legal entity which generally has a geographic concentration of receivables, resulting in different risk levels for different entities.",0,NAT +452,our progress Changes to KPIs Our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions KPI now comprises Scope included in our aim 1 – net zero operations on an operational control basis.,1,NAT +453,"Accordingly, the company has established a diversity policy.",0,NAT +454,"In the Rhenish lignite mining area, water ingress at the Inden opencast mine brought production to a temporary halt.",0,NAT +455,"• The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulates the generation, storage, transportation and disposal of wastes associated with our operations and can require corrective action at locations where such wastes have been disposed of or released.",1,NAT +456,"We continue to raise the bar, including in the areas of leading benefits programs, increasing opportunities for internal mobility and development, enhancing our diversity and inclusion efforts, and providing competitive compensation.",0,NAT +457,"Through this collaboration, in sector-level water risk assessment of the global pharmaceutical supply chain.",0,NAT +458,The and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels' was reaffirmed at COP 26 in Glasgow during November 2021.,1,NAT +459,"We have been investing in a number of growth initiatives, including to attract new Card Members, retain existing Card Members and capture a greater share of customers’ total spending and borrowings.",0,NAT +460,"The Group has set out its intention – as part of the Ambition Zero Carbon programme – to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by maximising energy efficiency, shifting to renewable energy sources and investing in nature-based removals to compensate for any residual GHG footprint.",1,NAT +461,There will also be a cap on CO2 emissions.,1,NAT +462,"At the majority of this capacity will come from wind farms, solar assets and battery storage.",1,NAT +463,"The three key growth drivers for our businesses are: resource efficiency through electrification and automation, where we are global leaders, occupying number are accountable for growth and decision-making has been moved closer to the market; and the acceleration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) drivers for energy efficiency and automation.",1,NAT +464,Methane intensity Methane intensity refers to the amount of methane emissions from the firm’s operated upstream oil and gas assets as a percentage of the total gas that goes to market from those operations.,1,NAT +465,"Disclose Scope appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks.",1,NAT +466,Green energy is the lifeblood of a sustainable economy.,1,NAT +467,"Working in tandem with Singapore-based Berkeley Energy Commercial Industrial Solutions (BECIS), we are building the largest biomass power plant in Cambodia to generate thermal energy for our production site, helping us reach our goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the movement for renewable energy and climate change.",1,NAT +468,"To manage this risk, we seek to maintain access to a diverse set of cash, readily-marketable securities and contingent sources of liquidity, such that we can continuously meet our business requirements and expected future financing obligations for at least a twelve-month period in the event we are unable to raise new funds under our regular funding programs during a substantial weakening in economic conditions.",0,NAT +469,Our accomplishments demonstrate how seriously we are taking this: our carbon dioxide emissions from power production have more than halved since 2012.,1,NAT +470,Forecast cash flows include the impact of all approved emission reduction projects.,1,NAT +471,"In addition, our ability to adopt new technologies may be inhibited by the emergence of industry-wide standards, a changing legislative and regulatory environment, an inability to develop appropriate governance and controls, a lack of internal product and engineering expertise, resistance to change from Card Members or merchants, lack of appropriate change management processes or the complexity of our systems.",0,NAT +472,The aim here is to decrease the total number of emission allowances placed on the market.,1,NAT +473,"This requires the efficient production of safe, high quality agricultural products in a way that protects and improves the natural environment, social and economic conditions of farmers, their employees and local communities, and safeguards the health and welfare of all farmed species.",1,NAT +474,"The increased difference between Reported and Core Operating profit in the year is primarily due to items related to the acquisition of Alexion, increased intangible asset impairments and restructuring charges, of which $Acquisition Group Review (PAAGR), aimed at integrating systems, structure and operations to optimise the global footprint and prioritise resource allocations and investments, following the acquisition of Alexion.",0,NAT +475,We need to continually update and enhance our control environment to address operational and compliance risks.,0,NAT +476,"By contrast, wind, solar and hydro are energy sources which do not generate COsupply of electricity and heat.",1,NAT +477,"As the world seeks lower carbon fuels, we see opportunities to leverage our portfolio of assets and customer base – with bioenergy as one of our transition growth engines.",1,NAT +478,In mid-intend to use to test whether phosphorus can be reclaimed from sewage sludge using high-temperature conversion.,0,NAT +479,It is considered that these sources of income are sufficiently predictable or diversified to support a recognition period in excess of five years.,0,NAT +480,"As the wider healthcare system looks to deliver patient-centric net-zero healthcare, this will present some risks for the firm to manage, as well as some opportunities to deliver better patient and societal outcomes with a lower GHG footprint for the healthcare sector.",1,NAT +481,In aim to have long-term contextual water targets in place by 2025.,1,NAT +482,"Among other things, GLBA imposes certain limitations on our ability to share consumers’ nonpublic personal information with nonaffiliated third parties and requires us to develop, implement and maintain a written comprehensive information security program containing safeguards that are appropriate to the size and complexity of our business, the nature and scope of our activities and the sensitivity of customer information that we process.",0,NAT +483,The workforce engagement programme supports the UK Corporate Governance Code requirement that the board establishes a mechanism to have meaningful and regular dialogue with the workforce to capture key insights and to bring the employee voice into the boardroom.,0,NAT +484,"Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.",0,NAT +485,"This requires management’s best estimate of how future changes to relevant carbon emission cost policies and/or legislation are likely to affect the future cash flows of the group’s applicable CGUs, whether currently enacted or not.",1,NAT +486,"After her degree and an internship at the firm, Iga joined the the firm Ability team in Poland where she found an ideal environment to develop and learn as one of the growing number of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields.",0,NAT +487,"on of such waste to BGZ Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH (BGZ), which has been commissioned by the Federal government for intermediate storage.",0,NAT +488,to apply the principle of mitigation in the payment of compensation on the termination of the service contract of any Executive Director.,0,NAT +489,"This was reflected in the stock market’s positive reaction to our Growing Green strategy, as the the firm share closed trading that day with a strong gain and continued to perform well in the following weeks.",1,NAT +490,"The Asia Pacific region offers a large growth potential, and we are well positioned to capture it given our strong market positions.",0,NAT +491,We will use these funds exclusively for wind and solar projects.,1,NAT +492,"To help address one of the most consequential threats facing the world, climate change, we have committed to net-zero emissions by climate change.",1,NAT +493,"We expect developing markets, including Africa, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Indian subcontinent and Latin America, to fuel pharmaceutical growth.",0,NAT +494,"Accordingly, the Board has developed the following objectives regarding gender diversity and aims to achieve these objectives as Director and senior executive positions become vacant and appropriately qualified candidates become available: achieve a diverse and skilled workforce, leading to continuous improvement in the achievement of its corporate goals; The Company has a formal policy and comprehensive procedures on continuous disclosure.",0,NAT +495,"Any one of these risks, or a combination of risks, could result in further adverse impacts on the Company’s business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.",0,NAT +496,Estimate and report material upstream and downstream (GHG Protocol Scope emissions where appropriate.,1,NAT +497,"Whether it’s expanding renewable energy capacities, transitioning to a hydrogen economy or opting for environmentally friendly carbon recycling methods, technical challenges lurk behind every turn, waiting for solutions to address them.",1,NAT +498,"impacts of economic, geopolitical and competitive conditions and certain litigation and regulatory matters on our business.",0,NAT +499,"Excluding the interest accretion, additions to provisions for nuclear waste management are based on quantity-related increases in the provisions as well as updates of the cost estimates and amount to €162 million.",0,NAT +0,We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.,0,Addes_Nos +1,The conditions corres- pond to those applicable to independent third parties.,0,Addes_Nos +2,Regular training courses on operational risks enhance the staff’s general awareness of these issues.,0,Addes_Nos +3,"These bodies ensure that a disciplined risk culture is promoted, and thus risk transparency is enhanced.",0,Addes_Nos +4, The number of employees adjusted to account for part-time staff represents 710 as at year end (previous year: 699).,0,Addes_Nos +5,"On behalf of the Board of Directors and Management, we would like to thank our customers and business partners for the trust they have placed in us.",0,Addes_Nos +6,Our employees contribute with their personal engagement significantly to the success of our Bank.,0,Addes_Nos +7,"As Scout24 endeavours journeys into the digital future, it finds itself in a high-tech online world.",0,Addes_Nos +8,"Together with our business partners, we ensure payment security, attractive health coverage and protection against credit card abuse.",0,Addes_Nos +9,We always focus on proximity to the customer and personal service.,0,Addes_Nos +10,The individual financial needs of our customers are in the centre of our daily activities; here we concentrate on our core areas of expertise,0,Addes_Nos +11,"GE Money Bank’s consolidated liabilities to group companies represent 45.2% of all borrowed capital, or 1.5 billion CHF",0,Addes_Nos +12,"This development is primarily due to the decrease in the amounts due from customers position, which has declined by 166.9 million CHF mainly due to the securitisation transaction launched in March 2012.",0,Addes_Nos +13,"Funding requirements are covered by the Bank’s parent company, third-party banks, the capital market and through money received from customers.",0,Addes_Nos +14,Other business areas GE Money Bank AG mainly operates in the field of rented real estate properties.,0,Addes_Nos +15,The Bank has two fully consolidated participating interests.,0,Addes_Nos +16,There is no requirement to hold capital for such risks arising from a non-trading book.,0,Addes_Nos +17,"As a result, foreign exchange positions arise only to a very small extent.",0,Addes_Nos +18,The market risks standard approach is applied to calculate the necessary equity.,0,Addes_Nos +19,Liquidity risks Solvency is monitored and ensured in accordance with banking regulations.,0,Addes_Nos +20,"The Bank’s Management continuously supervises both the minimum reserves (previously referred to as cash liquidity) and the total liquidity, and gives a regular account to ALCO and the Board of Directors of the Bank.",0,Addes_Nos +21,These are recorded at nominal value or acquisition cost.,0,Addes_Nos +22,The discount not yet earned is deferred in the respective balance sheet position over the term of the agreement.,0,Addes_Nos +23,Amounts due from banks Loans and interest thereon due but not yet paid are disclosed at nominal value less any value adjustments.,0,Addes_Nos +24,"Amounts due from customers As a general rule, loans are disclosed at nominal value less value adjustments.",0,Addes_Nos +25,"Lease financing is recorded at the value of amortised tangible assets plus due and unpaid interest, default interest and fees.",0,Addes_Nos +26,"tRust assets totalled 8,777 thousand euros at 30 September 2016 (at start of financial year: 7,144 thousand euros).",0,Addes_Nos +27,"Members of management are appointed by the Board and serve at the discretion of the Board, subject to any applicable agreement.",0,Addes_Nos +28,"For additional information, please see also section 3.4.",0,Addes_Nos +29,"On 17 December 2018, the Company drew down €250 million from line A of the syndicated loan.",0,Addes_Nos +30,"priorities Change from last year We operate in highly regulated markets and interact with a number of regulators across the globe, in an environment where the nature and focus of regulation and laws remain fluid.",0,Addes_Nos +31,Risk oversees the application of the liquidity risk framework and adherence to the risk appetite as approved by the Executive Board.,0,Addes_Nos +32,The Company has taken advantage of the exemption in Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 not to present its own income statement in these financial statements.,0,Addes_Nos +33,The ordinary shares carry the right to vote and rank pari passu for dividends.,0,Addes_Nos +34,The AGM is a key opportunity for the Board to engage with shareholders to answer questions and is the main forum for dialogue with private shareholders and the Board.,0,Addes_Nos +35,Tangible assets are disclosed under financial investments and proceeds from their sale as well as any value adjustments are regarded as recoveries and collected accordingly.,0,Addes_Nos +36,The Board of Directors may determine a different ratio for the Corporate Executive Board as a whole or for the Chairman (Group CEO) or individual members of the Corporate Executive Board (discretionary decision).,0,Addes_Nos +37,"These matters included those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy, the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team.",0,Addes_Nos +38,"As set out in the Chairman’s Statement, it has been a challenging year for our industry and markets more generally.",0,Addes_Nos +39,"We now have a robust asset management platform with over 430 employees, working across nine countries.",0,Addes_Nos +40,Staff Training Plans are drawn up yearly and hinged on grade specific base-line programmes.,0,Addes_Nos +41,"For DBAG Fund V, DBAG Fund VI and DBAG Fund VII, fees during the investment phase are based on the committed capital (DBAG Fund VI in the current financial year leading up to December 2016 and DBAG Fund VII1 since then).",0,Addes_Nos +42,* Please note that this request would not be processed if the signature(s) herein differs from that which appears in the Registrar’s records.,0,Addes_Nos +43,An equity incentive award which is typically delivered by the RSU plan.,0,Addes_Nos +44,"In the main, the period for which the model considers the future recovery of amounts previously written off was increased from 48 months to 72 months.",0,Addes_Nos +45,"The Company may before this authority expires, make an offer or enter into an agreement which would or might require equity securities to be allotted after such expiry and the Directors may allot equity securities in pursuance of that offer or agreement as if the power conferred by this resolution had not expired.",0,Addes_Nos +46,Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period.,0,Addes_Nos +47,"The Supervisory Board profile of requirements includes, in particular, the knowledge, skills and professional expertise that are collectively required to perform the tasks of the Supervisory Board of DWS, taking into account the suitability and properness requirements of the European Banking Authority and the standards which are required under applicable laws (collective qualifications).",0,Addes_Nos +48,Annual training expenditure (in thousands of euros) (4) 172.1 74.5 Excluding Sofidy and ACE Management.,0,Addes_Nos +49,Our investment portfolio decreased in value by £2.2m over the year reflecting a number of write-downs in relation to our early-stage unquoted investments.,0,Addes_Nos +50,"We will continue to work on creating a leading fiduciary asset manager with a clear performance-driven culture, with entrepreneurship and collaboration across its global platform.",0,Addes_Nos +51,we have allocated operational risks to the business line that is most strongly affected by the risk.,0,Addes_Nos +52,"Additionally, 1,962 shareholder warrants were exercised during the year at a price of 323.27p.",0,Addes_Nos +53,Effective Fraud Risk Assessment programme that ensures fraud risks are adequately managed and mitigated through bank-wide anti-fraud training and awareness sessions.,0,Addes_Nos +54,"As Clare remains within the M&G group, no payment in lieu of notice or other termination payment was made to her on stepping down from the Board.",0,Addes_Nos +55,"Supervisory law requires the Group and all its insurance and reinsurance companies to have a proper, effective business organisation in place that ensures sound, prudent business management.",0,Addes_Nos +56,"In 2000, he joined the European Leveraged Finance team.",0,Addes_Nos +57,"Investment mandates specify explicitly the counterparty risk appetite for cash on deposit, foreign exchange and OTC trading whilst other counterparty risk is taken for the purposes of efficient portfolio management and reduction in risk.",0,Addes_Nos +58,SCOR will be unable to accurately predict the impact of future changes in tax law on the taxation of life insurance in the hands of policyholders.,0,Addes_Nos +59,"Operating capital generation is the total capital generation before tax, adjusted to exclude market movements relative to those expected under long-term assumptions and to remove other non-operating items, including shareholder restructuring and other costs as defined under adjusted operating profit before tax.",0,Addes_Nos +60,"If an acquirer of shares is not prepared to provide this declaration, the Board may refuse to register him as a shareholder with the right to vote.",0,Addes_Nos +61,The proportion of transaction opportunities that we followed up was unchanged at around three-quarters.,0,Addes_Nos +62,and the Supervisory Board The remuneration report beginning on page 84 ff.,0,Addes_Nos +63,"GmbH & co. KG Unconsolidated subsidiary 0 20.8 For dBaG Fund V, a group of key management personnel as well as individual former key management personnel and other members of the investment team have invested their own money at a fixed ratio in all of the four fund companies listed above.",0,Addes_Nos +64,“Financial instruments classified at fair value through profit or loss” are structured products that are recognised using the fair value option.,0,Addes_Nos +65,"(ii) Total fair value movements on other capital hedges, which are solely held to optimise the Solvency II capital position.",0,Addes_Nos +66,"The company itself is not active in the operating asset management business, but rather holds a large number of major shareholdings.",0,Addes_Nos +67,"This isn’t just a market trend, it’s the right thing to do for our planet and society.",1,Addes_Nos +68,"Yes In the absence of business ties between Mr Jean Charest and Tikehau Capital, as the service agreement between the Company and Chardi Inc, a company of which Jean Charest is manager and shareholder, ended on 31 December 2018, the Supervisory Board considered that all the criteria set out in Article 8.5 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code were met.",0,Addes_Nos +69,Relative Carbon Footprint (also called Carbon to1) Value ratio): allocated carbon footprint per € million invested that captures the absolute impact of the portfolio per € million invested; held (total of the carbon emissions held divided by total revenues attributed to the portfolio) which assesses the efficiency of the portfolio; Carbon Intensity (also called Carbon to Revenue2) ratio): allocated carbon footprint per € million of revenues Weighted Average Carbon Intensity: arithmetical3) average carbon intensities of portfolio companies weighted by their portfolio weights which allows exposure to high emission companies to be assessed.,1,Addes_Nos +70,The latter are approved by the Group COMEX and are submitted annually to the Audit Committee and to the Board of Directors of the Company.,0,Addes_Nos +71,(5) Absolute compliance with the Group's ethical principles as described in the Code of Conduct of the SCOR Group.,0,Addes_Nos +72,Mr Kreuzkamp also serves as Management Board member of DWS Group entities DWS Investment GmbH and DWS Beteiligungs GmbH.,0,Addes_Nos +73,"The Fontavis portfolios are focused on thermal, water, solar and wind power.",1,Addes_Nos +74,"In 2020, we aim to increase our focus on smart ESG integration across the investment platform, intend to establish a Group Sustainability Office, and to continue to embed ESG into all of our corporate activities.",1,Addes_Nos +75,Key management personnel of DBAG serve on a number of supervisory bodies of companies in the portfolio of DBAG as well as of the funds stated above.,0,Addes_Nos +76,"We expect premium income in property/casualty insurance to continue to rise in Germany in 2020, albeit at a slower rate than in the reporting period.",0,Addes_Nos +77,Current and deferred taxes are recognized in profit or loss except to the extent that the tax relates to items that are recognized directly in equity or other comprehensive income in which case the related tax is recognized either directly in equity or other comprehensive income accordingly.,0,Addes_Nos +78,"More fully model our balance sheet, incorporating consideration of liabilities (and perhaps capital position) alongside our asset portfolios in each climate scenario.",1,Addes_Nos +79,Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).,0,Addes_Nos +80,The advisory fee amounts to 2.0 percent of the capital commitment of 183 million euros to DBAG Fund VII Konzern SCSp and 1.0 percent of the cost to DBAG Fund VII Konzern B SCSp.,0,Addes_Nos +81,"All these parameters promote volatility in outperformance-related income, making the amounts difficult to predict, which may well be much lower than expected.",0,Addes_Nos +82,"Persons whose remuneration is decided upon do not have a right to participate in the relevant meeting, or otherwise to participate in the process.",0,Addes_Nos +83,"In May 2017, IFRS  17 Insurance Contracts was published and replaces IFRS  4 insurance contracts, which currently permits a wide variety of practices.",0,Addes_Nos +84,"Principal Risk Exposure We have identified 12 Principal Risks, which are explained in more detail in our Risk Management section on pages 72 to 78.",0,Addes_Nos +85,"the loss from experience-related changes of 7,593 thousand euros (previous year: gain of 1,291 thousand euros) largely results from the significant decline in the actuarial rate as compared with the previous year.",0,Addes_Nos +86,"The company has identified further attractive growth areas, including special films for pharmaceutical applications and for the production of composite materials; this area should be expanded in the coming years.",0,Addes_Nos +87,of this Group Annual Report regarding this and the maximum limits on remuneration/the variable remuneration components recommended in section 4.2.3(2) of the German Corporate Governance Code.,0,Addes_Nos +88,"The Board, at its regular meetings, undertakes reviews of key investment and financial data, revenue projections and expenses, analyses of asset allocation, transactions and performance comparisons, share price and net asset value performance, gearing, marketing and shareholder communication strategies, the risks associated with pursuing the investment strategy and industry issues.",0,Addes_Nos +89,"During these video and telephone conference meetings, an assessment was made of audit risk and strategy, the findings reported to the Group audit team were discussed in more detail, key working papers were inspected and any further work required by the Group audit team was then performed by the component auditor.",0,Addes_Nos +90,"The parties agree that the purchase for the shares corresponds to their market value which will be calculated on the basis of the following formula: 5.1% of the average net annual basic rent paid for the lease object in the years 2008 – 2012 (or in the 5 years preceding the year in which the purchase or sales option was executed, if not executed in the year 2013) (inclusive) x 4.2.",0,Addes_Nos +91,"Social responsibilities We recognise that Numis should take account of the needs of society, its community and the environment and maintain high ethical standards.",1,Addes_Nos +92,Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) 2017 Plan The Board approved this plan on 7 November 2017.,0,Addes_Nos +93,"Therefore, revenues and earnings will be well up on the previous year.",0,Addes_Nos +94,Life technical margin (2) in 2013 was 7.3% compared to 7.7% in 2012 and 8.1% in 2011 (3) .,0,Addes_Nos +95,"To ensure a seamless complaint and feedback process, the Bank has provided various communication channels for customers.",0,Addes_Nos +96,The balance of income and expenses allocated to the insurance business and shown in the technical statement of income.,0,Addes_Nos +97,"In line with the growth in premiums, Swiss Life improved its operating expense ratio, thanks in particular to efficiency improvements which will be continued into 2010.",0,Addes_Nos +98,"In accordance with the Group’s values , one of the policy’s objectives (beyond retaining employees and rewarding performance) is to discourage excessive risk-taking.",0,Addes_Nos +99,This development offers additional growth potential for duagon in its role as a “complexity manager”.,0,Addes_Nos +100,"The focus on financial risk, risk exposures, risk management and strategic risk issues brings a renewed rigour to these areas at a time of uncertain markets and has afforded additional time by each Committee to opine on these important issues and agree risk mitigants and appropriate strategies.",0,Addes_Nos +101,the Company’s auditors were unaware; and n that Director has taken all steps a Director ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company’s auditors are aware of that information.,0,Addes_Nos +102,"M&GGPS is in a net economic surplus position but in deficit on an IAS 19 basis as the pension scheme has investments in insurance policies issued by Prudential Pensions Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, through which it invests in certain pooled funds.",0,Addes_Nos +103,CDs and T-bills maturing in more than 12 months from date of purchase are included in “other loans maturing in more than one year”.,0,Addes_Nos +104,"REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2018 In October 2016, Tikehau Capital announced a draft agreement to total of about €700 million in assets under management.",0,Addes_Nos +105,Fees are accrued monthly and charged when the work has been completed.,0,Addes_Nos +106,Certain financial assets with embedded derivatives which otherwise would have to be separated.,0,Addes_Nos +107,As part of this process we understood our impact linked to home working as a new material source of carbon emissions.,1,Addes_Nos +108,"Please refer to our Basis of Reporting for further detail on our methodology, which can be found on our website.",0,Addes_Nos +109,"In addition, each Director and committee has access to the advice of the Company Secretary, Doug Allison.",0,Addes_Nos +110,"2013 2012 £’000 £’000 Wages and salaries 29,645 20,122 Social security costs 5,396 3,425 Compensation for loss of office 251 296 Other pension costs (see note 27d) 1,386 1,149 Share based payments 4,494 5,591 41,172 30,583 The share based payment award costs shown above include an amount of £4,099,000 (2012: £5,205,000) in respect of share-based payment transactions which are accounted for as equity-settled awards.",0,Addes_Nos +111,"Workflows, internal control processes and escalation protocols designed to achieve predictable outcomes.",0,Addes_Nos +112,"This mechanism, which is associated with closed-end funds, usually takes the form of securities (shares) subscribed for by the beneficiaries when the fund is set up, and confers the right to a remuneration should certain performance thresholds be exceeded when the fund is liquidated.",0,Addes_Nos +113,"Outlook Your Company’s portfolio (including irrevocable commitments) is now 62% invested in private (non- listed) assets, with an additional investment of some 11% in illiquid publicly listed assets which are intended to be held to maturity.",0,Addes_Nos +114,Net profit in 2020 fell by 13% from the previous year to CHF 1.05 billion.,0,Addes_Nos +115,The Strategic Report aims to provide Shareholders with the information to assess how the Directors have performed their duty to promote the success of the Company during the year under review.,0,Addes_Nos +116,Fidelity Bank therefore appreciates any feedback or complaints from customers and ensures timely resolution and process/product improvement.,0,Addes_Nos +117,"interest rate 0% – 1,99% Unlisted bond funds 2 34 46 NAV method 3 n. a. n. a.",0,Addes_Nos +118,"The Financial Plan for DWS Group, which had earlier been approved by the Executive Board, was reviewed.",0,Addes_Nos +119,Short-term changes therefore ordinarily do not convey a true picture of the success of an investment.,0,Addes_Nos +120,Transactions between DWS KGaA and its subsidiaries meet the definition of related party transactions.,0,Addes_Nos +121,"Nevertheless, it increased in 2016/2017: two of our new investments were not en tered into in euro terms.",0,Addes_Nos +122,"GROUP COMPANy 2010 2009 2010 2009 £ £ £ £ Cash at bank and in hand 291,869 309,642 6,661 284,557 Short term bank deposits - 2,207,250 - 2,207,250 291,869 2,516,892 6,661 2,491,807 23.",0,Addes_Nos +123,"Further, it addressed service fees charged by Deutsche Bank AG and the governance framework set out in the by Master Service Agreement, as well as tax-related topics.",0,Addes_Nos +124,"Total mandated AUM/NUM 1,539 10,265 11,804 Fiduciary Management Sales included 17 new mandate wins during the year and £274m of contributions from scheme sponsors from existing clients.",0,Addes_Nos +125,"income and local tax rules - i.e. unlimited carry forward in France, 20 years carry forward period in the United States and 7 years carry forward period in Switzerland.",0,Addes_Nos +126,"Valuation of the With-Profits Fund’s liabilities The policyholder liabilities for the Group’s With-Profits Fund are measured under FRS 27 Life Assurance, which requires the use of the realistic value of liabilities.",0,Addes_Nos +127,"Romaco benefits from growth drivers in the pharmaceutical market, such as a growing global population, an aging population in industrialised nations, and rising prosperity in emerging countries.",0,Addes_Nos +128,"both the management of conflicts of interest, which includes the representatives of PSG on the Board, as well as the flow of information concerning the Group to such persons.",0,Addes_Nos +129,The One Voice survey is supplemented by “Pulse” engagement surveys which give a snapshot of sentiment from a sample group of colleagues.,0,Addes_Nos +130,"When taking out residual debt insurance, the cap would be set at 2.5% of the insured loan amount.",0,Addes_Nos +131,"Post-acquisition, PPMSA is presented within fee-based revenues and operating expenses, with non-controlling interests removed to arrive at adjusted operating profit before tax.",0,Addes_Nos +132,"The stake in GHS was acquired in August 2015, however, the requirement to account for GHS as an associate arose with effect from 23 November 2015, the date of the acquisition of Aitchesse Limited, from which date the Company ceased being an investing company and became an operating company which resulted in a reassessment of the accounting for all such equity investments.",0,Addes_Nos +133,"Fiona Clutterbuck took the role of Interim Chair in early 2021 and, at the same time, Clare Thompson took on Senior Independent Director (SID) duties.",0,Addes_Nos +134,"The GHA is directly accountable to the Audit Committee and has unfettered access to both the Chairs of the Committee and the Board, as required, as well as Executive Management.",0,Addes_Nos +135,DBG Advisors Expansion GmbH & Co. KG is the sole general partner of DBAG Expansion Capital Fund Konzern GmbH & Co. KG.,0,Addes_Nos +136,Others (1) Total as of 31 December 2017Company Subsidiaries TOTAL Company Subsidiaries TOTAL Certification of accounts (excl.,0,Addes_Nos +137,"The main write-downs were those companies which, whilst still growing during the period, saw expansion at lower levels than anticipated.",0,Addes_Nos +138,"With effect from 31 December 2018, the segregated account entered into an agreement with a non-Group life insurance company to acquire a reinsurance portfolio which is partially retroceded.",0,Addes_Nos +139,11 Money is playing an important roles in our lives: for society and for each and every human being.,1,Addes_Nos +140,"Board of management 20 Sept. 2016 purchase 5,000 29.65 At 30 September 2016, the members of the Board of management held a total of 39,613 no-par value shares and members of the Supervisory Board a total of 4,000 no-par value shares, or less than one percent of the subscribed capital of deutsche Beteiligungs AG.",0,Addes_Nos +141,"In 2013, SCOR Global Life’s gross written premiums increased by 11.1% to EUR 5,405 million compared to EUR 4,864 million in 2012 (EUR 3,620 million in 2011).",0,Addes_Nos +142,Details of the dividends paid on the ordinary shares by the Company are provided in Note 11 of the Group financial statements.,0,Addes_Nos +143,All of the above mentioned companies are included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group.,0,Addes_Nos +144,"Given Elements requirement for capital for ongoing exploration and development projects, it is unlikely that the Group will pay dividend on a regular basis, although this situation may change if one or more projects are realised for sale or a partnership is entered into.",0,Addes_Nos +145,The Group and Company monitor their levels of working capital to ensure that they can meet debt repayments as they fall due.,0,Addes_Nos +146,The Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) supported economic activity by lowering its policy rate three times in 2019.,0,Addes_Nos +147,The portfolio of investments made takes the form of distributions made by the vehicles.,0,Addes_Nos +148,"Beyond the negative, even catastrophic, consequences of climate change, the energy transition also creates a significant investment opportunity.",1,Addes_Nos +149,There are no performance conditions associated with the plan.,0,Addes_Nos +150,"in addition, there are risk administrators at the next management level below the board of Management; the Managing directors in charge of the individual corporate departments support the risk Manager in identifying and assessing risk in their areas of responsibility.",0,Addes_Nos +151,"a n n u a l R e p o R t 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 1 4 5 f in a n c ia l s t a t e m e n t s interest rate sensitivity in relation to the portfolio companies valued by the discounted cash flow method, an increase/decrease of 100 basis points in the reference interest rate would result in a decrease/increase in net income for the year and in the equity of the dBaG Group of 1,394 thousand euros (previous year: 1,914 thousand euros).",0,Addes_Nos +152,"We aim to advise more ambitious companies which themselves are disrupting their sectors for the better, to execute more deals that are particularly interesting, to back more fantastic management teams.",0,Addes_Nos +153,These various contracts have enabled the Company to gain market shares in a number of different sectors.,0,Addes_Nos +154,"This deployment strategy will reinforce the generation of recurring management fees and performance-related revenue, and will benefit from the resulting size effect.",0,Addes_Nos +155,"The groups have continued to concentrate on the updated CA100+ Benchmark, and to keep pressure on the companies’ disclosure weaknesses.",1,Addes_Nos +156,"O. The Board should establish procedures to manage risk, oversee the internal control framework, and determine the nature and extent of the principal risks the Company is willing to take in order to achieve its long-term strategic objectives.",0,Addes_Nos +157,"Financial assetsNote 2. (a) Change in the presentation of the financial statements In order to provide more consistent and more relevant financial information, the Company has decided to reclassify reversals of provisions on financial assets into net non-recurring income, effective from 1 January 2018, so as to directly show the net capital gain or loss made before tax.",0,Addes_Nos +158,Drop in outstanding capital commitments after amounts called for new investments in the financial year 2016/2017 (DBAG Fund VII: more than 20 percent of the committed capital called in less than a year).,0,Addes_Nos +159,"Declaration by the Person responsible for the Registration Document and for the annual financial report “We hereby declare, after having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, that the information contained in this Registration Document is, to our knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import.",0,Addes_Nos +160,"At 31 December 138 235 Regulatory provisions in relation to annuity sales practices PAC had agreed with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to review annuities sold without advice after 1 July 2008 to its contract-based defined contribution pension customers, and this review is now complete.",0,Addes_Nos +161,"The successful delivery of the transformation activities in the short-term is key to the success of our strategy, and the Remuneration Committee therefore felt it appropriate for restructuring costs to be included for determining the short-term incentive outcomes.",0,Addes_Nos +162,"The company’s product portfolio ranges from precision single parts to complex modules and systems, for example for the automotive supplier industry, for sports shoe production and for other selected industries.",0,Addes_Nos +163,"our assumptions are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may vary materially.",0,Addes_Nos +164,"The Talanx Group has been indirectly involved in infrastructure projects for some time via funds and has also participated directly in selected projects since the beginning of 2014, providing both equity and debt.",0,Addes_Nos +165,We challenged management in relation to the selection of assumptions to assess if there are indications of management basis.,0,Addes_Nos +166,"- Notes to the consolidated financial statements, Note 2 – Segment information for an analysis of principal cash flow statement items.",0,Addes_Nos +167,"Over the course of the year, the change in the fair value of the derivative lifted earnings by EUR 6 (7) million.",0,Addes_Nos +168,Economic empowerment We know that many social and structural factors can make it very difficult to save and plan for the future.,0,Addes_Nos +169," Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2).",0,Addes_Nos +170,"If the awards are accelerated, they will be subject to pro-ration and an assessment of the extent to which the performance conditions have been achieved.",0,Addes_Nos +171,"1 Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies continued 194 | M&G plc Annual Report and Accounts 2021 1.5.29 Property, plant and equipment (PPE) PPE includes Group occupied properties and other tangible assets, such as computer equipment, motor vehicles, leasehold improvements and fixtures and fittings.",0,Addes_Nos +172,"When needed, recommendations are given to underwriters and local management.",0,Addes_Nos +173,"The balance sheet item cash and bank balances of € 2,086 million (2018: € 2,310 million) comprises time deposits of € 99 million (2018: € 124 million), bank balances on demand of € 1,987 million (2018: € 2,186 million) and cash of € 0 million (2018: € 0 million).",0,Addes_Nos +174,Provisions are discounted and represent the present value of the expected expenditure where the effect of the time value of money is material.,0,Addes_Nos +175,Equity method accounting ends when the Group ceases to have significant influence or joint control.,0,Addes_Nos +176, SCOR Global P&C Underwriting Management and Retrocession Department establishes and implements the external retrocession plan for P&C activities.,0,Addes_Nos +177,Further details are set out in the Notes to the Accounts.,0,Addes_Nos +178,The outlook for the UK and global economies continues to be the key risk affecting your Company.,0,Addes_Nos +179,"Our strategy will target growth in specific product lines and regions, especially Asia.",0,Addes_Nos +180,"The market capitalisation rate has been determined by reference to actual market transactions for properties in that region, with adjustment made to reflect the particular characteristics of that property.",0,Addes_Nos +181,"Of the remainder, EUR 7.3 (6.0) billion was attributable to institutional third-party clients and EUR 7.7 (6.4) billion to the retail business.",0,Addes_Nos +182,"(b) Other regulations applicable to Asset Management activity The impact of MIFID II When an Asset Management company is authorised to provide investment services (investment advice and/or portfolio management on behalf of third parties), it is required to apply the rules resulting from the transposition of MIFID II applicable to investment services, including “distributor rules”.",0,Addes_Nos +183,"The degree of smoothing is illustrated numerically in the following table, which allows comparison of the relatively “smoothed” level of policyholder bonuses declared as part of the surplus for distribution with the more volatile movement in investment return and other items of income and expenditure of the WPSF.",0,Addes_Nos +184,The Bank ensures that all properties and chattels pledged as collateral are properly and adequately insured with the Bank’s interest duly noted as first loss beneficiary.,0,Addes_Nos +185,Allocation date: 4 July 2018 Unit value of the share on the allocation date: €24.30 corresponding to the share price on 4 July 2018 (€27.00) to which a 10% discount was applied to take into account the absence of dividend rights over the vesting period.,0,Addes_Nos +186,"HEREBY GIVEN that the 27th Annual General Meeting of Fidelity Bank Plc will be held at the Grand Banquet Hall, Civic Centre, Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, Victoria Island, Lagos State on Thursday, the 7th day of May, 2015 at 11.00 a.m.",0,Addes_Nos +187,"The Controller function sets the reporting timetables, performs the consolidation and aggregation processes, effects the elimination entries for inter and intra group activities, controls the period end and adjustment processes and compiles the Group financial statements.",0,Addes_Nos +188,COMPARABIL ITY WITH THE PREVIOUS YEAR 85 .,0,Addes_Nos +189,The Committee considers at each meeting an agenda that is risk based and focused on the key and emerging risks impacting our business.,0,Addes_Nos +190,"These assets are included in the analysis presented however, as the investment risk is borne by the unit-linked policyholders, there is no impact on IFRS profit after tax and shareholders’ equity.",0,Addes_Nos +191,There are no associated companies or minority interests within the Group.,0,Addes_Nos +192,The other indices have only reported performance of between 4.0 and 7.5 percent.,0,Addes_Nos +193,"It runs in our DNA to keep our promises and make a positive impact in our host communities, as demonstrated by our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.",1,Addes_Nos +194,"Fund size (as at 31 December 2018) €235 million In 2013, Tikehau IM was selected as the result of a tender launched by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), the French Insurance Federation (FFA) and 27 institutional investors to manage a fonds de prêts à l’économie (“FPE”, economic development loan fund) intended for SMEs and intermediate-sized companies.",0,Addes_Nos +195,"The Group has asked for a reconsideration of such revocation and argued that the five-year term of the ECC should not be deemed expired as the time period were the ECC was revoked by the government, and subsequently the Group was prevented from fully implementing the Mindoro Nickel Project, should not be counted towards the expiry of the ECC.",0,Addes_Nos +196,"REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2018 The Group intends to develop its Asset Management platforms (Tikehau IM, Sofidy, ACE Management, Tikehau Capital Europe, IREIT Global Group, and Credit.fr) by setting up and recruiting talented teams.",0,Addes_Nos +197,"without the funds at its side, dbag’s opportunities to make its own investments would also be limited.",0,Addes_Nos +198,We assessed the different components of the discount rate on a portfolio level.,0,Addes_Nos +199,Vesting usually continues after termination of employment in cases such as redundancy or retirement.,0,Addes_Nos +200,"companies are selected for the peer group that are comparable with the investee business to be valued as to their business model, the geographical focus of their operations as well as their size.",0,Addes_Nos +201,It enjoys excellent road access and meets “last mile logistics” criteria.,0,Addes_Nos +202,3 Segmental analysis The Group’s operating segments are defined and presented in accordance with IFRS 8: Operating Segments on the basis of the Group’s management reporting structure and its financial management information.,0,Addes_Nos +203,"Some companies’ emissions declined in 2020 as a result of reduced operational activity due to COVID-19, which may result in these companies appearing to make more progress towards a lower temperature alignment than would otherwise have been expected.",1,Addes_Nos +204,"furthermore, the funding for the polytech investment was called prior to the period end at the expense of outstanding capital commitments and the financial resources of dbag.",0,Addes_Nos +205,the comparability between the twelve-month reporting period and the previous year is therefore limited.,0,Addes_Nos +206,Swiss Life insures people and does not wish to exclude them from any relevant insurance cover because their employer falls short in terms of sustainability.,1,Addes_Nos +207,"this is either due to cyclical influences in a very specific market or a delay – not uncommon to the project business – in the placement of orders, which, in turn, entails a delay in income contributions.",0,Addes_Nos +208,180 homes at The Mill near Cardiff city centre – let through a combination of market rent and discounted or social rent.,0,Addes_Nos +209,The Head of Human Capital Management is responsible for ensuring that a copy of the Policy is available to each Fidelity employee via the Bank’s intranet while the Chief Internal Auditor ensures compliance.,0,Addes_Nos +210,The Board carried out a skills audit during the year and will continue to do so on an annual basis concurrently with the Board evaluation.,0,Addes_Nos +211,Tikehau Capital General Partner is wholly-owned by Tikehau Capital Advisors.,0,Addes_Nos +212,I was honoured to take over as Chairman in what has been a very challenging year for the Company.,0,Addes_Nos +213,"Key reasons for these changes include the loss amount, the payout duration and the loss adjustment costs.",0,Addes_Nos +214,British Empire Trust plc Annual Report 2015 66 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued 18.,0,Addes_Nos +215,"1,558,808 The amounts recognised at acquisition date in respect of trade receivables acquired in the business combination approximate their fair value.",0,Addes_Nos +216,"Under this agreement, following completion of the acquisition of the company Sofidy, your company disbursed €212,630,522.36 over the 2018 financial year, made up of the price for acquisition of the shares of the company Sofidy of €210,143,362.50 and costs relating to this acquisition of €2,487,159.86.",0,Addes_Nos +217,"The eligible person who retired from Company is entitled to additional benefits under this pension plan if he or she complies with the terms and conditions of the additional pension plan on the date of his or her departure, including a seniority of at least five years at the time of departure and obtaining the implementation of his or her pension benefits under the mandatory pension plans.",0,Addes_Nos +218,The investor’s share in the associate’s profits and losses resulting from these transactions is eliminated against the carrying value of the associate.,0,Addes_Nos +219,"43Talanx GroupAnnual Report 2019 At the end of the year, the interest rate for ten-year German government bonds was around –0.19%, down approx.",0,Addes_Nos +220,"However, a unanimous vote is required to increase liabilities of shareholders.",0,Addes_Nos +221,They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.,0,Addes_Nos +222,"In our estimation, there are currently no recognisable individual or cumulative risks that would endanger the continuity of DBAG or the Group as a going concern.",0,Addes_Nos +223,"It reviews the detailed components of market, credit and liquidity risk exposures of the business to ensure that such risks are monitored and assessed appropriately.",0,Addes_Nos +224,"We also challenged Group management’s assumptions of terminal value, void periods and assumptions of the renewal rents by comparing them with economic and industry forecasts.",0,Addes_Nos +225,The companies risk classification and internal controls related to the identification of loans with a heightened credit risk is central for the valuation of loans to customers.,0,Addes_Nos +226,"Furthermore, the risk department analyses all dealers with a potential risk on a monthly basis.",0,Addes_Nos +227,He joined General Electric Company (GE) in 1995 as a finance trainee in London.,0,Addes_Nos +228,"For example, it is conceivable that policyholders whose health has deteriorated significantly will be less inclined to terminate contracts insuring disability or death benefits than those policyholders remaining in good health, thus contributing to an increasing trend in the expected mortality of policyholders, as the portfolio of insurance contracts is reduced due to surrender.",0,Addes_Nos +229,"For instruments where fair value is determined from valuation models, the assumptions and techniques used within the models are independently validated by an independent specialist model validation group.",0,Addes_Nos +230,"For the period from the 2020 Annual General Meeting to the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the General Meeting of Shareholders of 28 April 2020 approved a maximum amount of fixed compensation for the Board of Directors totalling CHF 3 200 000.",0,Addes_Nos +231,"Furthermore, in May and November of each year, it publishes specific details on the previous quarter.",0,Addes_Nos +232,"These calculations were performed individually and plan by plan, and rounded up to the nearest unit.",0,Addes_Nos +233,Performed a retrospective test over the NAV valuations for each fund to assess if the fund valuations reported in the audited financial statements in the prior year were materially consistent with the NAV valuation statements available at the time.,0,Addes_Nos +234,Swiss Life anticipates the rapid change in the world of work by offering varied and targeted training and development opportunities to update the professional and methodological skills of its employees.,0,Addes_Nos +235,"(as information provider, mainly making available market offers or valuations of instruments) and Markit®, as credit data provider, mainly for liquid loans.",0,Addes_Nos +236,"The amendments clarify, among other things, that disclosures in the notes are only specifically required if the information is material.",0,Addes_Nos +237,"Lastly, the Group has introduced a series of presentations called “Tikehau 360°” essentially calling on high-level external stakeholders from all walks of life to broaden the perspectives of their employees and enrich their general culture.",0,Addes_Nos +238,"Alongside this, both asset owner and asset manager will begin implementing our policy to phase out of thermal coal investment.",1,Addes_Nos +239,The change in fair value of -585 thousand euros (previous year: 126 thousand euros) is recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in “Unrealised gains/ (losses) on available-for-sale securities”.,0,Addes_Nos +240,We expect sustainability and sustainable investments to become the driving force behind successful asset management over the coming years.,1,Addes_Nos +241,"It reports regularly, promptly and comprehensively to the Supervisory Board on business developments, the Company’s financial position and results of operations, planning and goal achievement, and on current opportunities and risks.",0,Addes_Nos +242,Refer to Note 20 for additional disclosure about level 3 instruments.,0,Addes_Nos +243,"Deferred tax assets and liabilities are assessed at the tax rate applicable in the fiscal year in which the asset will be realized or the liability settled, based on the tax rates (and tax regulations) that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date.",0,Addes_Nos +244,"Thus, actual losses and policy benefits may deviate, perhaps significantly, from estimates of reserves reflected in the Group’s consolidated financial statements.",0,Addes_Nos +245,Valuation changes are recognised directly in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.,0,Addes_Nos +246,"Further, we draw attention to the fact that half of the share capital and the legal reserves is no longer covered (article 725 para.",0,Addes_Nos +247," SCOR SE,  SCOR Global P&C SE,  SCOR Global Life SE,  SCOR Auber,  GIE Informatique,  SCOR Global Life Deutschland (branch),  SCOR Global P&C Deutschland (branch),  SCOR Rückversicherung AG,  SCOR Global Life Rappresentaza generale per l’Italia (branch)  SCOR Global P&C Rappresentaza generale per l’Italia (branch)  SCOR Global Life Iberica Sucursal (branch),  SCOR Global P&C Iberica Sucursal (branch),  SCOR Global Life Reinsurance UK Ltd (which became SCOR Global Life SE UK Branch) (branch),  SCOR Global Life Reinsurance Services UK Ltd,  SCOR Global Life Reinsurance Ireland Ltd,  SCOR Global P&C Ireland Ltd.",0,Addes_Nos +248,Our response during 2021 included launching a new app that makes it easier for our people to access learning tools – from anywhere and at any time.,0,Addes_Nos +1896,"In addition, we partner with the most estab- lished fund managers, fast-growing funds and select startups, blending traditional prime brokerage services with innovative financing solutions and comprehensive capital and consulting advisory services, to help funds build durable organizations across their lifecycle.",0,CB_data +2138,"Currently, there are no licenced facilities in Canada for the permanent disposal of used nuclear fuel or L&ILW.",1,CB_data +2720,La Poste SA's trajectory was SBTi-certified in 2019.,1,CB_data +2349,"These may have a material adverse effect on the market prices of certain vehicle types in certain jurisdictions, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.",0,CB_data +2977,These factors impact the economic and social system as well as the relative insurance needs.,0,CB_data +3043,"Optimising our repair network Direct Line Group Auto Services has been operating since 1995 and has grown to 21 sites covering most major UK cities, repairing around 90,000 accident-damaged cars each year.",0,CB_data +1740,This title elicited a fantastic response from consumers worldwide.,0,CB_data +2528,Engage- ment makes it possible to share the results of the quanti- tative and qualitative assessments included in the fund methodology with investee companies too.,0,CB_data +2765,"Over the last few years, we have witnessed a continued increase in the number and severity of weather events.",1,CB_data +470,"53 respectively, through ASE Cultural and Educational Foundation to fund various environmental projects, and our board of directors have resolved in a resolution in January 2018 to contribute NT$100.0 million (US$3.4 million) through ASE Cultural and Educational Foundation in environmental projects in 2018.",1,CB_data +2923,adidas is the only sports brand that rewards both physical and purchasing activity through membership points.,0,CB_data +3266,"In September 2020, volunteers from Eurobank Bulgaria continued with the transformation of a forest path in the area of Zlatnite Mostove (Golden Bridges) in Vitosha Nature Park.",1,CB_data +2457,"For the Medium-Term Management Plan period from fiscal 2017 to fiscal 2020, we have set a quantitative target for ESG-themed investments and finance of ¥700 billion and are actively working to achieve this target.",1,CB_data +973,"Climate change may also cause operational or hazard risk related to exceptional weather events such as more severe storms, floods and draughts resulting in e.g. unpredictable wood harvesting conditions and hydro power availability.",1,CB_data +2671,The detailed methodologies underpinning the joint MDB approach to alignment with the Paris Agreement are currently under development and are being tested to support the assessment of alignment at a project level.,1,CB_data +2472,This now accounts for 13% of total assets under allocation for Wealthify and growing.,0,CB_data +1195,Maintaining risk awareness in the organisation is engrained in Nordea’s busi- ness strategies.,0,CB_data +1775,"Risks are identified, assessed and prioritised using a common methodology.",0,CB_data +617,"Among our initiatives, we are starting to integrate an innovative new hydrogen-based technology to enable our cement kilns to increase their use of alternative fuels by optimizing their combustion process, while lowering their consumption of fossil fuels and reducing their CO2 emissions.",1,CB_data +3016,"In line with 2018, the process adopted to define the 2019 matrix of materiality involved interviews with the top management of Atlantia and its main subsidiaries, as well as the use of the Datamaran platform to examine the external perspective and context, through an automated analysis of the multitude of information available from public sources, including company reports, regulations, voluntary initiatives, news and social media The resulting matrix of materiality was submitted to the Atlantia Control, Risk and Corporate Governance Committee during the session held on 14 April 2020 and to the Board of Directors of Atlantia during the meeting held on 17 April 2020, was was approved by the latter together with this Report.",0,CB_data +2392,Completion of the modernization of the power section of EW Gałąźnia Mała with a capacity of 4.25 MW in September 2019.,0,CB_data +1734,"JetBlue is also proactively establishing its own pilot talent pipeline, making it easier for those interested in JetBlue to receive the necessary training to become JetBlue pilots.",0,CB_data +301,[5] Location-based emissions.,1,CB_data +619,"Launched by Bill Gates during the Conference of the Parties - Climate Change 21 conference, the coalition combines innovative re- search funded by public-private partnerships; - BNP Paribas helped draft the Charter for Engagement 'Women leading climate action', of the Women's Forum, a charter that has now been signed by nearly 400 corporations, opinion leaders and other organisations.",1,CB_data +1519,"[In addition to third - party funds , Kempen Asset Management also manages + our private banking discretionary management mandates and Evi Beleggen + products , amounting to total assets under management of € 10.9 billion + at the end of 2017 ( this amount of € 10.9 billion is not included in + Asset Management ’s total AuM of € 45.5 billion ) .]",0,CB_data +1927,Effectively managing each risk type supports preventing adverse reputation outcomes.,0,CB_data +968,"[In response to this challenge , BBVA is working on the launch of specific + training itineraries in Sustainability , divided into three levels which + have been selected with a focus on the two dimensions of the new + sustainability strategy : climate action and inclusive growth .]",1,CB_data +3284,"The Company’s site assessments revealed that 34, or 23%, of its Properties contain asbestos-containing materials and that historical operations at or near some of its Properties, including the operation of underground storage tanks, may have caused soil or groundwater contamination.",1,CB_data +2937,The € 500 million bond has a term of eight years and a coupon of 0.00%.,0,CB_data +699,"[Greenhouse gas Mitigation Measures Our five year Greenhouse gas + mitigation plan consists of three key elements - Energy Efficiency ( + Reduce ) , Renewable Energy ( RE ) Purchase ( Replace ) and Travel + Substitution ( Reduce and Replace ) ; of this , RE procurement will + contribute the maximum , 80 % share to Greenhouse gas emission mitigation + strategy for Scope 1 and 2 .]",1,CB_data +3159,"During the 2000 period, Core Communities received a cash payment of $8.5 million relating to a receivable from a public municipality providing water and wastewater services to St. Lucie West, resulting in a $4.3 million gain.",1,CB_data +3004,"FY18 non- GAAP diluted earnings per share grew 9 percent on a comparable basis, or 10 percent on a comparable, constant currency basis.",0,CB_data +1514,"The wholesale banking sector is a mature, highly competitive market with competition arising from banks, large global investment firms, and independent niche dealers.",0,CB_data +370,"Through the Climate Action 100+ initiative, VicSuper is engaging with investee companies to reduce emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and to strengthen governance practices and financial reporting on climate change.",1,CB_data +2141,"[BBVA is focusing on increasing its activity in telecommunications + infrastructures , given the social importance they have as facilitators + of access to new technologies ( ' narrowing the digital divide ' ) , + digitization and contribution to economic development : ADAMO : + Acquisition by the Swedish fund EQT of the fastest growing independent + fiber supplier in Spain , whose main focus is rural communities .]",0,CB_data +1117,We calculate carbon intensity from IEA’s projected generation mix and carbon emissions through 2030.,1,CB_data +2147,"We assess the regulatory approval process and where the particular product stands in relation to that approval process, including any known safety or efficacy concerns, potential labeling restrictions and other impediments to approval.",0,CB_data +175,The goal is to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse-gas emissions by 20% by 2025 from a 2018 base year.,1,CB_data +3108,"This started years ago with the separation of property assets from fi nancial and retail companies, and has continued to occur with power plants being separated from industrial companies, timber assets from forest product manufacturers, and port terminals from shipping companies.",1,CB_data +2972,"The project was set up by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the government of Madagascar and other partners that worked closely with the local communities living in the Makira plateau in north-eastern Madagascar.",1,CB_data +2294,"Unfortunately, this progress has come at a cost.",0,CB_data +1207,You should not place undue reliance on these statements.,0,CB_data +2759,"Loss or impairment of key manufacturing sites, inability to procure sufficient raw materials, disruption to transportation of raw materials or finished goods, etc. as result of an extreme weather event could disrupt our operations if the response to such an event is not effectively managed and remedied.",1,CB_data +245,"The Group and its customers are exposed to climate related events, including climate change.",1,CB_data +2570,"As a founding member of the Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience & Safer Communities, IAG works collaboratively with governments to effect change in public policy, increase investment aimed at building safer and more resilient communities and working to improve the capacity of people and businesses to better withstand future natural disasters.",1,CB_data +1028,"The current model for financing renewables is an example of inefficient distribution of effort, since, even though the electricity sector accounts for only around 25% of energy consumption, it is the electricity consumers who bear most of these costs (more than 80% in Portugal and Spain).",1,CB_data +1238,And the best way to attract the right talent is by continuously developing new business runways and fostering a culture of innovation that will attract like-minded people.,0,CB_data +1169,Climate-related risks and opportunities can be found in the respec- tive categories of the risk and opportunity report according to their cause.,1,CB_data +752,"On top of this, we issued our first green bond for €1,000 million as a starting point for a global plan on sustainable emissions.",1,CB_data +1368,"Thus, there is a very gradual deceleration towards more sustainable growth rates.",0,CB_data +325,"In total, the Fund has divested from equities and corpo- rate bonds in 79 companies as a result of financial climate risks.",1,CB_data +1049,Assess climate change scenarios of key material risks.,1,CB_data +3195,"In addition, on an annual basis, subject to then-applicable high water marks, HPS receives a base performance fee equal to 10% of the income generated on the non-investment grade portfolio, and is eligible to earn an additional performance fee equal to 25% of any such investment income in excess of a net 10% return to us after deduction for paid and accrued management fees and base performance fees, with the total performance fees not to exceed 17.5% of the Income (as defined in the investment management agreements relating to Watford Re, WICE and Watford Trust) or Aggregate Income (as defined in the investment management agreements relating to WSIC and WIC), as applicable.",1,CB_data +3088,This demonstrates the resilience of the Group’s strategy to such a scenario.,0,CB_data +2677,"In some cases, these have replaced former targets.",0,CB_data +745,See more on the Sustainability website.,1,CB_data +2429,"These risks incorporate policy and legal risk, technology risk, market risk and reputation risk.",0,CB_data +3072,"Our risk and opportunity identification process is however not only limited to external risk factors or opportunities, it also includes an internal perspective that considers company culture, processes, projects, human resources and compliance aspects.",0,CB_data +5,"It is expected to leverage up to US$1 billion in private sector investments in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and forestry to help the region’s most vulnerable population segments, especially women and young girls, to better prepare and adapt to climate change.",1,CB_data +2207,"High-emitting projects undergo additional sensitivity testing, including the potential for future CCS projects.",1,CB_data +2095,"These lists include companies involved in controversial weapons and countries with high risk of violating human rights, which are automatically excluded from the list of companies in which BBVA can invest.",0,CB_data +2513,This training has now been converted into an on-line course which has now been shared with local units to incorporate as part of their training programmes.,0,CB_data +3008,We have a strategic cooperation relationship with major partners for realizing a closed-loop.,0,CB_data +2779,"[Many new distribution pathways were validated that provide greater + opportunity to utilise ocean freight , especially into the emerging + Middle Eastern markets .]",0,CB_data +3127,(iv) Power Generation Revenue from the sale of electricity is recorded at the time power is provided based upon output delivered and capacity provided at rates as specifi ed under contract terms or prevailing market rates. (v) Timberlands Revenue from timberlands is derived from the sale of logs and related products.,1,CB_data +534,"Our objective: to reach climate neutrality by 2050, globally.",1,CB_data +1634,"To sustainably develop operational activities that are capable of flexibly responding to customer diversity, product diversity and the globally expanding market, we acknowledge that adequate risk-taking and decisive decision-making are necessary.",0,CB_data +208,"During 2019, we participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project and aligned our responses to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations.",1,CB_data +3042,"As we invest in Manufactured Capital to improve plant performance and pursue our growth projects, we are able to return long- term value to our Financial Capital, and strengthen our customer relationship within our Social and Relationship Capital.",0,CB_data +1701,They provide little insight into whether existing risk management processes were sufficient to identify emerging risks or whether they had to flex or amend these processes to do so.,0,CB_data +2053,O N M,0,CB_data +2852,"For this reason, aware of the key role that networks will play, the new Strategic Plan increases investment in expanding network infrastructure in Italy and abroad, for a total of €5.8 billion between 2017 and 2019.",0,CB_data +108,"Within our overall risk management categories, we recognise a number of key non-financial risks pertaining to our supply chain, environmental impact, employees, and social issues such as labour rights, human rights and corruption.",1,CB_data +374,Our main source of indirect (scope two) emissions is electricity used in our operations.,1,CB_data +2962,"• Our financial condition and results of operations are sensitive to, and may be adversely affected by, a number of factors, many of which are largely outside our control.",0,CB_data +59,METRICS AND TARGETS DNB sets targets and uses metrics to help monitor and manage our climate risk.,1,CB_data +124,"Since the beginning of 2018, PME no longer invests in coal producers.",1,CB_data +1074,"In terms of opportunities, Leonardo is mainly involved in the development of technologies for products and services with a low environmental impact (lighter aircraft and helicopters, which consume less fuel thanks to carbon aerostructures, hybrid and electric maritime propulsion systems, air traffic and vessel traffic management systems to optimise air and maritime traffic, virtual training services for pilots), the development of Earth observation solutions and data collection, to be provided to specialist operators, to monitor and limit impacts induced by climate change and the development of products and services, with special configurations that can intervene in the case of natural disasters.",1,CB_data +2284,"This will cause phenomena such as rising sea levels and abnormal weather patterns, and have a great impact on the living environments of people and other organisms.",1,CB_data +2590,3) Active Ownership: engagement and voting activities We actively engage with companies to foster their efforts in aligning with a below 2 C world in pillar 3.,1,CB_data +2039,"Komatsu has not established numerical targets for growth, profitabil- ity, and financial position in its mid-term management plan.",0,CB_data +1115,The ESG facility includes a mechanism that adjusts the margin based on carbon emissions against an annual benchmark.,1,CB_data +1933,"Building on this, we took steps in 2019 to perform an eco- nomic analysis and engage with stakeholders in the Pearl River Delta in China, which was established as a hot spot.",0,CB_data +1173,"Linked to climate change is water scarcity, a threat to 3.2 billion people.",1,CB_data +1549,"Over the rest of the portfolio, a further €255 million of assets are contracted and currently in the process of being onboarded during the first half of this year and will add to AUM during FY18.",0,CB_data +916,"In December 2019, Eni signed an agreement with Falck Renewables for the joint development of renewable energy projects in the United States, targeting at least 1 GW of installed capacity by the end of 2023.",1,CB_data +2289,"Damage to the properties and operations of borrowers could impair asset values and the creditworthiness of customers leading to increased default rates, delinquencies, write-offs and impairment charges in the Barclays Bank Group’s portfolios.",0,CB_data +1033,"For many investors, climate change poses significant financial challenges and opportunities.",1,CB_data +264,One of the ways we do this is through our relationship with Climate Smart.,1,CB_data +1833,"In particular, a sustained mar- ket decline in China, which accounts for approximately 30% of KONE’s sales, could have an adverse effect on KONE’s growth and profitability.",0,CB_data +389,"The main transition risks Saint-Gobain manages the risks associated with the increasing scarcity of certain raw materials by developing the circular economy (see Chapter 3, Section 4.2).",1,CB_data +2789,"On the market side of the equation, price and volume control mea- sures can also affect our ability to achieve our targets in the short term.",0,CB_data +500,"The value of Origin's portfolio is lower under a 1.5 C scenario compared to the 2 C case; however, it remains higher than under a low-action, Nationally Determined Contribution case.",1,CB_data +787,The results of these efforts will serve to develop sector strategies and measure their impacts on the alignment of the loan book with the Paris Agreement goals.,1,CB_data +826,"For example, we opposed the ballot initiative to introduce a carbon fee in Washington State, US in November 2018.",1,CB_data +914,DEFINITIONS Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or operated facilities.,1,CB_data +1750,"Aside from the said meetings, urgent decisions were also approved via a BRC Circular Resolution.",0,CB_data +2614,"The executive team that manages our enterprise risk reporting to the Board reviews all submissions for consistency in determining scope of impacts, and comprehensiveness in determining the adequacy of current support by internal staff, the sufficiency of financial support for contractors or mitigation measures needed to manage and reduce risk, sufficiency of legal support, and the extent and sufficiency of third-party consulting support.",0,CB_data +1363,Annual contributions may be reviewed under the Framework Agreement.,0,CB_data +822,"Climate-related physical risks are those risks resulting from climate change, which involve event-driven (acute) or longer-term (chronic) shifts in climate patterns.",1,CB_data +1304,See Management Board Report - Partners - Sustainable relationships with suppliers.,1,CB_data +1726,"The existing and new project work demonstrates the ability of the Wates Residential team to operate as both developer and contractor, in support of our business partners in delivering mixed tenure housing.",0,CB_data +903,"As regards air conditioning, modernisation of the systems continued, with more efficient machinery, such as refrigeration units, significant results have been obtained with monitoring and diagnostic platforms that have reduced waste, for a total saving of 3.7 Gwh of electricity.",1,CB_data +1951,"For this reason, the company’s social responsibility is a circular process involving the three groups of stakeholders: the community, in the sense of the citizens, institutions and associations it is formed by; customers, to whom we offer our services, guaranteeing their safety and the safety of the infrastructures, and the supply chain.",0,CB_data +1354,"To achieve our business objectives and performance goals, we must ensure that our business strategies are aligned with the risks we face.",0,CB_data +1774,The Company Secretary acts as a secretary to the BRC.,0,CB_data +3169,"This document is printed on Core Silk, a paper containing 100% virgin fibre sourced from well managed, responsible, FSC® certified forests.",1,CB_data +2961,"Increases in the cost of dairy products and other commodities, or lack of availability, whether due to supply shortages, delays or interruptions in processing, or otherwise, especially in international markets, could have a material adverse impact on our profitability.",0,CB_data +3241,"Rising sea levels could, in the future, affect the value of any coastal assets that the Group owns or develops.",1,CB_data +1577,The game is being enjoyed by both long-time fans of the Fire Emblem series and consumers who have never played the series on dedicated video game systems.,0,CB_data +2388,That’s why making these assets as strong as they can be will always be the bedrock of growth – as reflected in the investment we have committed to upgrading the Bayswater and,0,CB_data +424,"In particular, as a top priority of the Sustainability strategy, we have developed a carbon neutral growth strategy and are working on detailed action plans.",1,CB_data +2732,"BlackRock provided recommendations that aimed at helping the Department of Labor improve the DoL Proposal, while mitigating the potential burdens the DoL Proposal would have placed on plan fiduciaries.",0,CB_data +1552,"Risks and uncertainties Within the framework of its normal business operations, Nordea faces various risks and uncertainties.",0,CB_data +2327,"The biggest risks in the company's business are related to more frequent and severe extreme weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, storms and drought.",1,CB_data +2189,Water damages now make up more than half of our home insurance claims.,1,CB_data +1339,"Meanwhile, urban consumers are demanding greater convenience across their lifestyle choices, better mobility and light smart devices.",0,CB_data +840,"Since 1990, we have increased our cement production by around 79 percent, while our annual energy consumption has increased by just 18 percent.",1,CB_data +2266,"APRR has undertaken to create 1,700 car-pooling spaces at 27 sites by 2021, investing a total of €10.6 million, while AREA will invest €1.7 million to create 250 spaces at five sites in the same timeframe.",0,CB_data +2884,"Be assured, we are not prepared to sit idly by.",0,CB_data +2044,The following principles underline Equinor’s approach to corporate governance: • All shareholders will be treated equally.,0,CB_data +1333,"The effectiveness of this element is determined by the thoroughness of efforts to plan, prepare and exercise in advance of events.",0,CB_data +1340,in- tegrating components from several Swatch Group companies.,0,CB_data +1013,Climate change The EIB Group has ambitious targets to grow its support for climate action and environmental sustainability.,1,CB_data +2848,All capital expenditures must satisfy clearly defined requirements in terms of profitability.,0,CB_data +2512,"[Potential risk Disruptions to operations and client services Actions to + mitigate risk - We identify properties that we lease or own , which + contain business processes and supporting applications that require + enhanced facility infrastructure to mitigate site disruptions , such as + those caused by extreme weather events .]",1,CB_data +1480,"Countries, companies, and merchants who do not use this certification system in its entirety are excluded from trade.",0,CB_data +1728,"For its power business, AC Energy Corporation competes with other power generating companies in generating and supplying power to the Company's wholesale and retail customers.",0,CB_data +2244,"Energy policy Throughout FY2018, national energy policy remained highly topical within Australia.",1,CB_data +1695,Enagás has received the Healthy Workplace certification.,0,CB_data +1458,"With its rich culture and breathtaking landscapes, the Yunnan region provides the best natural environment to create this new wine.",1,CB_data +694,"At the request of the Board's Responsible Banking, Sustainability and Culture Committee and the Board Supervision, Regulation and Compliance Committee, a joint session was held to review the current and emerging risks in the oil & gas and mining & steel portfolios of the Santander Group.",1,CB_data +226,"Nearly across the board, the largest fund managers tend to vote in line with management recommendations and generally support very few shareholder proposals, which typically advocate for sustainable and responsible business practices.",1,CB_data +1029,Business Opportunities MUFG aims to contribute to environmental and social sustainability and help realize United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through financial services.,1,CB_data +412,"While the primary reasons for this purchase were to demonstrate environmental leadership, a secondary beneft is that the company now has a long-term contract to buy carbon-free power.",1,CB_data +1030,"This means that consumption increases until 2025 and then starts a gradual but significant decline as systems collapse, supply routes are disrupted and health and safety issues take precedence over discretionary items.",0,CB_data +2168,"In addition, all crewmembers can take an online human trafficking course.",0,CB_data +1077,"This is why noise protection is a high-priority issue for the Group, whose efforts begin from the planning and design stages of the new works, with the development of innovative solutions, tools and methods to guarantee optimal environmental conditions for citizens.",1,CB_data +1038,Liability risk associated with climate change a.s.r.’s,1,CB_data +483,"[Since its approval in 1996 , PSEG has adhered to a corporate EHS policy , + which reflects the principles according to which PSEG operates in eight + areas : - Associate health and safety - Nuclear safety - Climate change - + Pollution prevention and resource conservation - Environmental compliance + - Risk reduction - Open communication - Continuous improvement Employees + at PSEG support its implementation through a collaborative effort across + various lines of our business .]",1,CB_data +2599,Risks are assessed by the respective risk owners and aggregated in a risk map by the risk management function.,0,CB_data +126,"BB DTVM, by strategic direction, performs extensive asset screening considering socioenvironmental and corporate governance aspects.",1,CB_data +2260,"Limited transportation infrastructure risks The profitability of Equinor’s oil and gas production in a remote area may be affected by an infrastructure constraint Equinor's ability to commercially exploit discovered petroleum resources will depend, among other factors, on infrastructure to transport oil and gas to potential buyers at a commercial price.",1,CB_data +2719,"Currently, our products use an average of 28 percent of constituents to replace clinker, resulting in one of the lowest levels of clinker content in the sector.",0,CB_data +2558,"To do so, we participated in an industry working group that brought together Canadian financial institutions to discuss TCFD-related disclosures.",1,CB_data +1216,"$15-20 billion in projected savings for the banking sector by 2022 thanks to blockchain technology* in manufacturing efficiency over the next five years, contributing $500 billion in annual added value to the global economy.",0,CB_data +1673,It also created a new mission statement to express its basic management concept of creating new value for stakeholders in and outside the Group.,0,CB_data +1091,"It is powered by solar energy, with the product moved using solar power conveyors instead of diesel trucks, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 80% and power costs by 30%.",1,CB_data +887,We have already achieved our 2020 operational target set in 2010 by reducing our carbon emissions by 66% and we have a long-term reduction target of 70% by 2030.,1,CB_data +3021,"The risk assessment consists of the identification, assessment and analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities.",0,CB_data +1798,The Board has oversight of the Group's operations to ensure that internal controls are in place and operate effectively.,0,CB_data +1735,"Identifying, quantifying and managing risk is complex and challenging.",0,CB_data +1415,"The effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control over financial reporting has been audited by the independent auditors, Ernst & Young LLP, a registered public accounting firm that has also audited the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Bank as of, and for the year ended October 31, 2020.",0,CB_data +869,The Product Steering Board (PSB) monitors the development of the car fleet’s CO2 emissions in markets where such emissions are regulated.,1,CB_data +1282,The additional revenue from the business combination with Sprint in the United States was a decisive factor.,0,CB_data +1170,"The International Finance Corporation and the European Investment Bank also participated in the fund, which will invest in bonds issued by financial institutions and support climate and environmental projects.",1,CB_data +1944,"CN's capital spending also included $1.2 billion on strategic initiatives to increase capacity, enable growth and improve network resiliency, including line capacity upgrades and information technology initiatives, $0.9 billion on equipment capital expenditures, including the acquisition of 154 new high-horsepower locomotives and 560 new grain hopper cars, and $0.2 billion on implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC), the safety technology system mandated by the U.S. Congress.",0,CB_data +1315,The Group considers risk management to be the key point in the financing business.,0,CB_data +2774,We won’t invest in any bank which lends to an Adani Carmichael coal mine.,1,CB_data +1185,"Similarly, the Seed’Innov fund aims to support all the Group’s low-carbon innovations, from the initial R&D stage and trials through to their introduction on the market.",1,CB_data +1246,"Action has been required to address these risks, particularly in the following areas:",0,CB_data +1625,"Lack of transparency around future market developments, fears of recession, and the effects of intense price competition overshadowed the general economic recovery in this period.",0,CB_data +2258,"The transition risks are determined by largely uncertain factors such as policy and regulatory changes, political, social and market dynamics and technological innovations.",0,CB_data +584,"The operation of these facilities is expected to help reduce CO emissions by approximately 27,000 tonnes per",1,CB_data +2130,"To do so, they must invest in communities the same way they invest in their own businesses.",0,CB_data +3142,"Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 77 driven by lower estimated losses for the 2017 and 2018 California wildfires, including a $260 subrogation benefit from PG&E, as well as a reduction in losses for various 2017, 2018 and 2019 wind and hail events.",1,CB_data +854,Improving our energy efficiency reduces the carbon intensity of our products and lowers our production costs.,1,CB_data +21,"As there is still no industry- wide definition for 'green' finance, we are conservative and transparent in our assumptions, and report our share of capital market transactions where we have played an active role, not the total deal value of transactions that may have multiple banks involved.",1,CB_data +2883,"We also maintain a separate compliance function which is operated as the Social & Environmental Affairs Team (SEA) to evaluate supplier-facing social and environmental compliance performance and human rights impacts, reporting, through the General Counsel, to the CEO. ¬",1,CB_data +332,"Foreign, federal, state and local regulatory and legislative bodies have proposed various legislative and regulatory measures relating to climate change, regulating greenhouse gas emissions and energy policies.",1,CB_data +1346,"The company also introduced its Dual-Pixel image sensor that delivers a DSLR camera-level phase-detecting autofocus on a mobile platform to provide device users with fast photo shooting and premium im- age quality, even in low light environments.",0,CB_data +1420,Our analysis of a representative sample of CFD client accounts found that these products were increasingly being sold to retail clients and that 82% of clients lost money on these products.,0,CB_data +3111,"The net proceeds from the offering will be used to fund renewable energy, water conservation, energy efficiency and green building projects.",1,CB_data +2725,This is combined with our own analyses.,0,CB_data +210,"Changes in precipitation patterns and extreme weather conditions such as floods, storms, droughts and fires may impact our plantations and the forests we source wood from and could result in fibre supply chain interruptions and higher fibre costs.",1,CB_data +2121,In a challenging market we are conscious of the obligation to build on our strengths and retain our financial and operational stability.,0,CB_data +166,Climate risk has emerged as one of the top environmental risks for the Bank.,1,CB_data +1953,"The Board strives to ensure that its corporate governance practices provide for the effective stewardship of the Company, and it regularly evaluates these practices to ensure they are in keeping with the highest standards.",0,CB_data +3265,We also work with the BEI on the 'Soft Commodities' Compact and the fight against deforestation.,1,CB_data +2008,"[Underlying Profit Key Drivers • Transport , logistics and asset + management costs ( including external factors such as fuel and freight + prices , as well as labour costs ) ; • Plant operating costs in relation + to management of service centre networks and the inspection , cleaning + and repair of assets ( including labour costs and raw materials costs ) ; + • Other operational expenses ( primarily overheads such as selling , + general and administrative expenses ) ; and • Depreciation , as well as + provisioning for irrecoverable pooling equipment .]",0,CB_data +2880,Nedbank has integrated lessons learned in our CRMF.,0,CB_data +663,"Societe Generale's leading position in the renewable market is confirmed by the recently issued Dealogic league tables for 2018, in which the Group was ranked N 2 for both Lending and Financial Advisory in the EMEA renewable market.",1,CB_data +2119,"Derived from the beliefs of our founder Sir Ove Arup, they shape our goals and our behaviour, wherever we are working.",0,CB_data +2419,Your Board is actively engaging with management on this critical task.,0,CB_data +2886,"We have streamlined our Crisis Response and Emergency Preparedness systems, and we continuously improve our ability to rapidly mobilize and effectively respond to crises globally.",0,CB_data +720,"We have committed to extending a total of ¥20 trillion for sustainable financing over a period spanning fiscal 2019 through fiscal 2030 (of this, ¥8 trillion will be used for environmental finance).",1,CB_data +628,"Developments in these and other external factors may affect customers’ use of EVs and, therefore, our EV transition goals.",1,CB_data +530,"Group environmental impacts: With over 83,000 employees in more than 100 countries, the Group’s operations impact on the environment, particularly as a result of travel, energy consumption and waste.",1,CB_data +1908,"In November, Fortum launched a voluntary public takeover offer to all Uniper shareholders at a total value of EUR 22 per share implying a premium of 36% to the price prior to intense market speculation on a potential transaction at the end of May.",0,CB_data +1164,– Our environmental management system provides a framework to help us oversee our environmental responsibilities effectively and meet our targets.,1,CB_data +1290,"This was partially offset by increased sales in our Building Products Division driven by a strong residential sector in the United States (US), particularly in Repair, Maintenance and Improvement (RMI) activity.",0,CB_data +2394,"A 40% reduction by 2030 will be achieved through large industrial measures, including energy efficiency, digitalization and launch of several electrification projects.",1,CB_data +2325,Governments alone also cannot address the challenges laid out in the SDGs.,1,CB_data +518,● Developed nations are expanding the application of the global water management system.,1,CB_data +1653,"Currently, Enagás has obtained ISO 27001:2013 certification for its logistics and commercial systems, gas pipeline control systems and industrial control systems for each type of infrastructure that it operates.",0,CB_data +1303,"While working to improve profitability by promoting cost reductions in each business, we will make prioritized capital injections in the necessary domains with respect to capital expenditures and R&D expenses for growth, tying this into the next breakthrough.",0,CB_data +465,"In order to achieve Environmental Future Vision 2050, we set out the following breakdown of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets for FY2030 and are promoting initiatives to achieve such targets.",1,CB_data +2988,"Linde evaluates the direct and indirect business risks, consults with vendors, insurance providers and industry experts, makes investments in suitably resilient design and technology, and conducts regular reviews of the business risks with management.",0,CB_data +1919,These risks normally fall within our low-risk appetite level as there is no strategic benefit from accepting the risk and accepting that it is not in line with our vision and values.,0,CB_data +404,"Through ecoCare, we engage local community volunteers in carrying out conservation and rehabilitation activities.",1,CB_data +2025,"Payments into or withdrawals from time deposits with maturities of more than three months, as well as the timing of acquisition or sale of short-term investment securities, may have an upward or downward impact on net cash provided by (used in) investing activities.",0,CB_data +87,"[For example , in 2018 , the impact of natural disasters was significant + with a series of devastating wildfires in the U.S. as well as floods in + several geographies around the globe .]",1,CB_data +1574,"Nordea has defined clear risk and liquidity management frameworks including policies and instructions for different risk types, capital adequacy and capital structure.",0,CB_data +2505,"This broad, detailed study found BNP Pari- bas' business model to be resilient to these risks, with respect to: o its businesses, and the sector and geographic classifications of its portfolios; o the measures taken to mitigate these risks.",0,CB_data +1234,There may also be consequences for relations with suppliers and intermediaries.,0,CB_data +1084,"The CRRC includes the following roles: the Chief Communications and Reputation Ofcer, the Chief Enterprise Responsibility Ofcer, the Environmental Sustainability Director, Chief Ethics Ofcer, the Deputy General Counsel, and many others.",1,CB_data +2427,"This could increase overall system costs and reduce visibility over the network, potentially slowing our responsiveness to disruptive events.",0,CB_data +1462,"We could suffer losses and our business has been and could be adversely affected by the failure to adopt and implement effective risk management We have implemented risk management strategies, policies and internal controls involving processes and procedures intended to identify, monitor and manage risks facing the Group.",0,CB_data +2592,"In addition, Bank J. Safra Sarasin contributes to different collaborative engagement initiatives.",0,CB_data +2771,Adherence to social and environmental standards is promoted throughout our supply chain.,1,CB_data +1206,"We have also consistently advocated for key information disclosure documents, including UCITS, packaged retail investment, and insurance-based investment products and pan European personal pension products to be designed on a digitally friendly basis rather than on a paper basis.65",0,CB_data +16,The increased focus on climate change impacts and a transition to a low-carbon economy is also challenging the sector.,1,CB_data +1976,VALUATION SENSITIVITIES AND FINANCIAL MODELLING The sensitivity analysis does not show a comprehensive picture of all potential scenarios.,0,CB_data +3206,We were also finalists in the SEAI Energy Leadership awards and the Envirocom water and waste reduction awards.,1,CB_data +2132,"Across our global workforce, 20% of Gold Fields’ employees are women (2018: 19%) – as recently as 2016, this number was only 15%.",0,CB_data +2501,"In addition, BlackRock's Business Continuity Management and Disaster Recovery planning, strategy, and crisis management activities are managed by the Business Continuity Management team, which sits within Enterprise Services.",0,CB_data +894,"S&P 500 Environmental, Social, and Governance Index In May 2019, our Indices Division expanded its Core Environmental, Social, and Governance offering, with the launch of a global suite of Environmental, Social, and Governance Indices which includes the S&P 500 Environmental, Social, and Governance Index.",1,CB_data +1712,EM Microelectronic successfully launched a ruggedized industri- al module for tracking assets over large outdoor distances.,0,CB_data +2587,"44 National Australia Bank delayed in the 2020 financial year, due to COVID-19, but is expected to be completed in the 2021 financial year.",0,CB_data +2507,"For each counterparty analysed, the final score of exposure to physical risks is based on three risk factors: operational risks, supply chain risks (upstream) and risks of market share losses (downstream).",0,CB_data +1983,"The fair value of the earn-out component at December 31, 2020 amounts to US $ 15 million (2019: US $ 50 million).",0,CB_data +443,"We interacted with eight customers, requesting to 100% of cases environmental licensing, if applicable, and projects were not denied during the year.",1,CB_data +1921,"Already in October 2017, Fortum received approval from the US competition authorities.",0,CB_data +2178,"[Enhancing our responsible screening criteria Negative screening is used + by institutional investors to exclude or to limit certain types of + investments usually based on a set of defined industry criteria .]",1,CB_data +157,"Our climate change strategy includes a focus on reducing emissions from deforestation through support for REDD+, the UN program that aims to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.",1,CB_data +2841,"Via the segments, information for reporting to the Board of Management and Supervisory Board is passed on to Group Risk Management.",0,CB_data +2154,"[- CaixaBank voluntarily applies this procedure to sy - ndicated + operations with a term of 3 years or more and when CaixaBank 's + individual commitment is between $ 7 million and $ 35 million .]",0,CB_data +2201,"The scope and range of our products make it impossible to calculate a single production figure and our financial results are affected by commodity prices and foreign exchange rates, which are outside our control.",0,CB_data +585,Climate risk is currently governed by ING's Climate Change Committee and relevant risk management committees.,1,CB_data +3273,"Investments are made predominantly in quoted companies which provide, utilise, implement or advise upon technology-based systems, products or services in environmental markets, particularly those of alternative energy and energy efficiency, water treatment and pollution control, and waste technology and resource management.",1,CB_data +2644,Investec supports international best practice regarding the responsibilities of the financial sector in financing and investing transactions.,0,CB_data +2834,"In this report, we have presented relevant data from all the manufacturing subsidiaries within the Group in which we have more than 50% ownership.",0,CB_data +3175,"Design Portfolio is committed to planting trees for every corporate communications project, in association with Trees for Cities.",1,CB_data +22,"[Furthermore , again in 2019 , the following plants were completed : - the + Adam plant in Tunisia ( 5 MWp with energy storage , 2.5 MWp Eni share ) + which will power the facilities at the Adam oilfield operated by Eni ; - + the photovoltaic plant at Katherine in Australia with a capacity of 34 + MWp and energy storage ; - 70 % of the Badamsha wind farm in Kazakhstan , + which is also an absolute first for Eni , with a total capacity of 50 MW + ( completed in February 2020 ) .]",1,CB_data +1818,Profit may only be included after permis- sion from the financial supervisory authority and after deducting the proposed dividend.,0,CB_data +1385,"The following risks noted below are not meant to represent an exhaustive list, but the risks faced by the Group that have been identified by the RMS process:  strategic risk: the risk of not achieving corporate or strategic goals;",0,CB_data +446,"[Signicant decrease Slight decrease Slight increase Decrease Flat Increase + Signicant increase Other matters In addition to the above analyses , MC + uses multiple scenarios , including the 20C Scenario , across various + situations to confirm and strengthen the climate change resilience of + each of its businesses .]",1,CB_data +240,"It is expected to produce over 32,000 tonnes of sustainable jet fuel per year.",1,CB_data +753,In the following section we outline our approach to risk management and discuss some of the efforts we are undertaking to better understand climate-related impacts within our current risk management framework.,1,CB_data +3023,A training working group was established to ensure ‘fit-for-purpose’ training which will be provided to all employees across the three LoDs.,0,CB_data +1538,The first allows to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 from nasal and nasopharyngeal swabs and saliva samples (only in markets accepting CE marking).,0,CB_data +1849,"Businesses subject to this policy and implementation methods In this document, section (1) Financing and Investment Transactions Prohibited",0,CB_data +2514,"In our response to the FCA, we advocated for mandatory reporting on all publicly listed companies from 2021.",0,CB_data +2756,"In addition, each site has a business continuity plan, which is regularly reviewed and updated.",0,CB_data +454,"The types of change are similar under the two scenarios, but their expressions could be much more severe under the 4°C scenario.",1,CB_data +3125,"• The effects of weather and natural disasters such as floods, droughts, wind, tornadoes and hurricanes, and the effects of man-made disasters.",1,CB_data +3134,"In future years, water consumption per employee will be measured and compared to similar office environments to ensure that consumption within our offices is within reasonable limits.",1,CB_data +642,"z Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 GHG emissions, as well as the related risks.",1,CB_data +904,"To help contribute to our carbon neutrality goal, we continued to actively work to improve the energy efficiency of our network sites and exchanges, and data centres.",1,CB_data