{ "title": "Armorial_of_Albania", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armorial_of_Albania", "summary": "Heraldry, as a scholarly discipline that deals with the study and origin of various symbols and elements, emerged in Albania towards the end of the 13th century. Over time, it has evolved as an inseparable component of European heraldry, encompassing its advancements, shifts and accomplishments.\nThe earliest evidence in the usage of coats of arms can be traced to the formative period of the Principality of Arbanon, with the Gropa ruling family. This practice continued in uninterrupted succession across various medieval Albanian lineages and patronymic families, namely the Albani, Angeli, Arianiti, Balsa, Be\u00e7ikemi, Dukagjini, Durazzo, Dushmani, Kastrioti, Mataranga, Muzaka, Skuraj, Spani, Spata, Thopia, Zaharia, Zenevisi and numerous others.", "content": [ { "section_title": "Medieval rule", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Albanian nobility", "section_content": [], "subsections": [ { "section_title": "Austria\u2013Hungary", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Dalmatia", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Italy", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Moldavia & Romania", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Greece", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Ottoman Empire", "section_content": [ { "sentence": "For over 500 years, Albanians were an integral and indispensable component of the Ottoman Empire, with far-reaching contributions that extended beyond politics, the economy, the military, administration and the judiciary", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "At least 32 accounted for grand viziers that served in this vast empire were of full or partial Albanian stock.", "refs": [] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Egypt", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] } ] }, { "section_title": "Stratioti", "section_content": [ { "sentence": "Following the Ottoman conquest during the Middle Ages, the heraldic tradition became localized primarily throughout the coastal cities that fell under Veneto's rule", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "While Ulcin and Tivar succumbed in 1571, Parga, in present-day Greece, remained under Venetian control for extended periods (1447\u20131537; 1561\u20131797)", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "The pinnacle of the city's prosperity was witnessed between 1572 and 1797", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "Its affiliation with Veneto facilitated the emergence of a class of captains and stratiotes, primarily engaged in furthering the Republic's interests", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "According to H", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "G", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "Str\u00f6hl, one of the notable families among the captains of Parga that possessed heraldic coats of arms was the Barbati", "refs": [] } ], "subsections": [ { "section_title": "Republic of Veneto", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Holy Roman Empire", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] } ] }, { "section_title": "Modern rule", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "National defence", "section_content": [], "subsections": [ { "section_title": "Military coats of arms", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Police coats of arms", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] } ] }, { "section_title": "Local administration", "section_content": [], "subsections": [ { "section_title": "Counties", "section_content": [ { "sentence": "The symbolism in the coats of arms of counties in Albania is reflected in Article 5 of Law no", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "139/2015, later amended by Law no", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "38/2019, dated 20 June 2019 and titled \"On Local Self-Governance\", which classifies the county as a second level unit of local governance that represents an administrative-territorial unit, consisting of several municipalities with geographic, economic, social and common interests", "refs": [] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Municipalities", "section_content": [ { "sentence": "Emblems of municipalities are required to incorporate and visually present, in a highly stylized approach and preferably in accordance with the formal rules of heraldry, the inherent elements and distinctive features that typify and symbolize any given municipality", "refs": [] } ], "subsections": [] } ] }, { "section_title": "Ecclesiastical coats of arms", "section_content": [ { "sentence": "The initial phase of clerical heraldry in Europe commenced around the year 1118, with the establishment of the Order of the Knights Templar", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "Its formal development occurred between 1417 and 1431, during the reign of Pope Martin V.Clerical heraldry in Albania endured throughout the Ottoman occupation, though it steadily waned due to the scarcity of prelates serving in the country", "refs": [] }, { "sentence": "Whatever remained from that period was eradicated during communist rule, when a more atheist ideology was embraced.The earliest extant clerical coats of arms (or seals), recognized to this day, are attributed to Pjet\u00ebr Zaharia and Nikoll Mekajshi", "refs": [] } ], "subsections": [ { "section_title": "Coats of arms", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "Seals", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] } ] }, { "section_title": "In society", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] }, { "section_title": "See also", "section_content": [], "subsections": [] } ], "references": { "1": "https://gazetadielli.com/kodiku-i-laurencianes-dhe-doreshkrimet-tjera-te-familjes-fisnike-shqiptare-te-engjelloreve-nga-shek-xv-e-xvi", "2": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "3": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "4": "https://doi.org/10.3406%2Filiri.1984.1332", "5": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "6": "http://rrugaearberit.com/2021/05/11/stema-e-gropajve-ne-maqellare-te-dibres-se-eperme", "7": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "8": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "9": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "10": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "11": "https://archive.org/details/dizionariostoric00cava/page/50/mode/1up", "12": "ISBN: 9783487413006", "13": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "14": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "15": "https://shqiptarja.com/lajm/aleksandri-i-madh-sipas-statutit-te-shkodres-zbuluar-nga-lucia-nadin?r=pop5s", "16": "https://www.worldcat.org/title/statuti-di-scutari-della-prima-meta-del-secolo-xiv-con-le-addizioni-fino-al-1469/oclc/50580334", "17": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "18": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "19": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "20": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "21": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "22": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "23": "ISBN: 9789992731857", "24": "https://dl.wdl.org/12052/service/12052.pdf", "25": "https://archive.org/details/BiemmiIstoriaDiGiorgioCastriotoScanderBegh/mode/2up", "26": "http://asa.archiviostudiadriatici.it/islandora/object/libria%3A315894#page/6/mode/1up", "27": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "28": "ISBN: 99927-31-85-0", "29": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "30": "http://www.brundarte.it/2021/06/19/madonna-della-misericordia-_-mesagne-br", "31": "https://mangup.su/geraldika/kakim-byl-gerb-komninov.html", "32": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "33": "https://www.kultplus.com/lajme/historia-e-dhimbshme-e-familjes-gjonmarkaj-gjyshi-kerkoi-te-pushkatohej-ne-vend-te-djalit-dy-vite-me-pas-e-varen-ne-litar", "34": "http://www.kroraina.com/knigi/hzh/gal/index.html", "35": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "36": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "37": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "38": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "39": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "40": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "41": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "42": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "43": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "44": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "45": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "46": "https://books.google.com/books?id=gItpAAAAMAAJ", "47": "https://albanica.al/shejzat/issue/view/65/53", "48": "https://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/bishop/bgjura.html", "49": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "50": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "51": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "52": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "53": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "54": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "55": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "56": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "57": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "58": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "59": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "60": "https://www.storiaememoriadibologna.it/durazzo-marcello-519716-persona", "61": "http://www.nobili-napoletani.it/Albani.htm#1)", "62": "https://archive.org/details/dizionariostoric00cava/page/50/mode/1up", "63": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "64": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "65": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "66": "https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG208437", "67": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "68": "ISBN: 9789735053819", "69": "ISBN: 9781788318570", "70": "ISBN: 9781592110681", "71": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "72": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "73": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "74": "https://books.google.com/books?id=pgf6GWJxuZgC&pg=PA416", "75": "https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/638417", "76": "ISBN: 978-0-465-02396-7", "77": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "78": "http://www.hubert-herald.nl/EgyptKingdom.htm", "79": "ISBN: 99927-31-85-0", "80": "https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k26826q/f277.item.zoom", "81": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "82": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "83": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "84": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "85": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "86": "https://anemi.lib.uoc.gr/php/pdf_pager.php?rec=/metadata/2/7/f/metadata-247-0000036.tkl&do=70228_01.pdf&pageno=18&width=354&height=603&maxpage=386&lang=en", "87": "ISBN: 9780192586285", "88": "https://www.arcanum.com/hu/online-kiadvanyok/Siebmacher-siebmacher-wappenbuch-1/der-adel-von-ungarn-magyarorszag-2/csaladok-29/basta-85C", "89": "https://archive.org/details/illyrischalbanis02thaluoft/page/1/mode/1up", "90": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "91": "https://www.e-periodica.ch/cntmng?pid=ahe-002:1976:90::87", "92": "ISBN: 978-99943-1-746-2", "93": "https://bksh.al/uploads/_/originals/1340d1ca-5c1c-41a8-8960-001e08ce9b47.pdf", "94": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "95": "https://bksh.al/uploads/_/originals/9697b7eb-6747-48d9-8d6e-e4e464d00ba7.pdf", "96": "http://asa.archiviostudiadriatici.it/islandora/object/libria:305932/datastream/PDF/content/libria_305932.pdf", "97": "https://bksh.al/uploads/_/originals/b0d5203f-7993-4224-98b9-ef3a894806ef.pdf", "98": "http://michaelharrison.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Albania-Today-No-1-32-1977.pdf", "99": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "100": "https://www.bankofalbania.org/Paraja/Numizmatika/Kartemonedha_te_emetuara_nga_Banka_e_Shtetit_Shqiptar_1945-1992", "101": "https://www.parlament.al/Files/PunimeKuvend/1992/1.pdf", "102": "https://www.55news.al/dossier/item/211839-1992-si-u-hoq-ylli-i-kuq-sovjetik-nga-flamuri-kombetar-dhe-stema-shteterore", "103": "https://www.parlament.al/Files/PunimeKuvend/1992/6.pdf", "104": "https://qbz.gov.al/eli/ligj/2015/12/17/139", "105": "https://peizazhe.com/2018/03/23/stemat-e-deshires/", "106": "ISBN: 99927-31-85-0", "107": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "108": "ISBN: 9789992731857", "109": "[ERROR retrieving ref link]", "110": "https://www.vaticannews.va/sq/bota/news/2018-10/themelimi-kolegjit-sacverian-shkoder-17-tetor-1877.html", "111": "https://gazetadielli.com/zbulohet-vula-e-ipeshkvit-te-sapes-pjeter-zaharise-nga-viti-1422-ne-hvar-te-kroacise", "112": "https://www.koha.net/kulture/189326/vula-peshkopale-e-nikolle-mekajshit-e-ruajtur-ne-koleksionin-e-shtjefen-gjecov-kryeziut", "113": "https://gazetadielli.com/prezantim-i-revistes-albaniate-faik-konices", "114": "https://albanica.al/phoenix/article/view/881" }, "spicy_entities": { "armorial_of_albania": "GPE", "heraldry": "GPE", "albania": "GPE", "the end of the 13th century": "DATE", "european": "NORP", "gropa": "LOC", "albanian": "NORP", "albani": "ORG", "angeli": "GPE", "arianiti": "GPE", "balsa": "GPE", "be\u00e7ikemi": "GPE", "dukagjini": "GPE", "durazzo": "PERSON", "dushmani": "ORG", "kastrioti": "PERSON", "mataranga": "GPE", "muzaka": "GPE", "skuraj": "GPE", "spani": "PERSON", "spata": "PERSON", "thopia": "GPE", "zaharia": "GPE", "zenevisi": "GPE", "ottoman empire": "GPE", "over 500 years": "DATE", "albanians": "NORP", "the ottoman empire": "GPE", "at least 32": "CARDINAL", "stratioti": "PERSON", "ottoman": "NORP", "the middle ages": "DATE", "veneto": "PERSON", "tivar": "ORG", "1571": "DATE", "parga": "GPE", "present-day": "DATE", "greece": "GPE", "venetian": "NORP", "1447\u20131537": "CARDINAL", "1561\u20131797": "DATE", "between 1572 and 1797": "DATE", "h. g. str\u00f6hl": "PERSON", "one": "CARDINAL", "barbati": "GPE", "article 5 of law no. 139/2015": "LAW", "law": "PERSON", "20 june 2019": "DATE", "on local self-governance": "WORK_OF_ART", "second": "ORDINAL", "emblems": "GPE", "europe": "LOC", "the year 1118": "DATE", "the knights templar": "ORG", "between 1417 and 1431": "DATE", "martin": "PERSON", "this day": "DATE", "pjet\u00ebr": "GPE", "nikoll mekajshi": "PERSON" }, "flair_entities": [ "arianiti", "ottoman empire", "principality of arbanon", "greece", "european", "tivar", "on local self-governance", "muzaka", "dushmani", "veneto", "be\u00e7ikemi", "balsa", "dukagjini", "albanians", "zenevisi", "republic", "albania", "article 5 of law", "zaharia", "thopia", "order of the knights templar", "albania heraldry", "europe", "ottoman", "barbati", "gropa", "pjet\u00ebr zaharia", "str\u00f6hl", "spani", "kastrioti", "mataranga", "angeli", "venetian", "albani", "ulcin", "parga", "durazzo", "skuraj", "nikoll mekajshi", "albanian", "martin v.clerical", "spata" ] }