diff --git "a/v1_train_set_0.3.jsonl" "b/v1_train_set_0.3.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/v1_train_set_0.3.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@ +{"input": "????00,00???00100???????,A,AZA??N3N??282??????,\",\"J\"J.J??NaNaca???sos?n n??\"l\"???g-g-t-???? S ?F F???????sts???? l ?lovlovev??\"\"??,7,?????,1,????838353525?20020?,\"?waw??flf???? s ???????flefles??!!!?\",\",\"\",\"W\"???????an an i ??????? ?? T ThT?eye????e e we ????ererfer?ulu?, ???????? h hi h??hlh???????f f e ?ac?? w wew?eke???nd.nd???????hhhhh?? - ??usu?????dad????ateater? f fof???????????idi????????n ?beb?ttttet?er ?!!???2?200??,B,B0,B?????E2???,A?????????ITI?8B??5,\"5,??. ????????terter r???hi??to???te???acheach????\"\"\",\"\"\"????141?,5??????494?6060000000???wewesweso???,\"?I I??sus?ala???y my ?makma?ke ke p ???cacakca?????ror?m m??crc????ch ch a???? ha h?ve??????er ??foufo??nd nd and a ?mimixi???????dod???????tatasa????\"\"\"\"o\"\"?????????????. T. ?ThiTh?is is??ixix ix?????the??????!!??? M ??y fy ??mi?ly??????I ??????????", "output": "2000,B001E5E29A,AZ9N3928BGQ0E,\"J. Nachison \"\"long-time SF and history lover\"\"\",7,8,5,1206835200,\"waffles, schmaffles !!\",\"What can i say?? They are wonderful, and the highlight of each weekend. OHHHhhh - use soda water for the liquid ! even better !!!\"\n2001,B001E5E29A,A1CPC3HEDIT8B5,\"P. L. Carter \"\"historyteacher\"\"\",11,14,5,1178496000,Awesome,\"I usually make pancakes from scratch and have never found a mix that doesn't taste \"\"off\"\" to me. This mix is the best!!! My family and I love the w"} +{"input": "?????t t??????s s??ndn? i?????????????k k??????as?y.y??2???2,2,B,B0B?001001E1?????A,A,A,?818????GGGGVG???JPJ?,\",????. .?G G?????. R. ?ea???????,3?,4,????20720747?????00,00?GrGrerea??t tt ?tasta???ngn??papan?????? m ??x,x???????????????estes???as???????panpa?ca??ke ke? mi m?ix ix? in in n t??he he m ma m???ketke?t at an??????? is is s so??????? to to ??ak?e.e??20200????????????A,?A1A?3C3CUC???????TBTB0B0,B0?,\"P,\"???rir??iai???. ???kekenkensns s \"s \"\"??ninifi????\"\"?????6,6??,1,12,1?464??383????????nen??????????????????,\"M,\"MyM??????lyl???bsb???????? l ????es es? th?????pan?ca???????????flf?????x.x??Th???????uru?????d d td ???tete te????th?e ????est est o ??????er??, ,? es e?pepece??ialia?llyll??whw??n ?????? o???????fflff????????. ?YoY?? c ?cancan ??ddd????ui?????nd ?oto??therthe??????????o to ?", "output": "ay it tastes and it is so quick and easy.\"\n2002,B001E5E29A,A81HMEGGVESJP,\"Mrs. G \"\"B. Real\"\"\",3,3,4,1207440000,Great tasting pancake mix,This is the best tasting pancake mix in the market and it is so easy to make.\n2003,B001E5E29A,A13CUVB0LKBTB0,\"Patricia A. Lukens \"\"Unifier\"\"\",5,6,5,1246838400,Stonewall Pancake Mix,\"My family absolutely loves this pancake and waffle mix. The texture and taste is the best out there, especially when using our waffle maker. You can add fruit and other items to th"} +{"input": "???mimixi? a ?ndn? b ?e ?asa???rer????veve ????yoy?u u w wiw?shs????ouourou??prp????e ie ???grg???at at???????lil?iveiv?ryry y??anan'an??? be be e be ?????????????mmm???nd ?iti?t tt ?o o?????ryory??e!e!!!!\"!??????????????292?????Q8Q?RERE7E???MDMDIDIKI??,J,?. ?ReReme????,2,2,2?,2,,2??,1,131??656585858???00,00,D,DeD??????ousou????????s!s?,\",???????????e Fe ????????e ??an?????????????fl??e Me ?ix???????akeak?e de dedeldeli???iouious??BeB??gig??an an??WafWa??????????our??????re?f=f?????tpt?:/:??www????ma?????co???gpgp/p/p/?propr?dud??????010??XMX?????\"\">\"\"?Wa????? W?MKMK3K???? P ???o Po ???fefesessessisioionio?????tat??????s-s?St?eeeelel el?????ia?????WaffWaf?fle?????akerake??????. W??e he ???????rieri?d ????ffl?es??????? Waring WMK300A Pro Professional Stainless-Steel Belgian Waffle Maker. We have tried waffles using Kruste"} +{"input": "a???WaW?fffflflel????????lgl???? 2 ??-o-?z,>?????hrh????????????/w/?wwww.ww?ama?az???.c.cocomo?/g/???prp?odo?ucuctc??B0B?010??O6O6B6?FEF????GoG?????????teteded d???? N ?????al???????????PaPan?cacaka?e ???x,x???????????????aia?nen??? ( (P(PaPacPa?k k???????,? a ??d ??hehe ??af???????cic??e e fe ??romro??????hrehref???\"h????p:/p://??wwwww??.am.a????on.on.c??om/om?/gp/gp/?pr?ododuod??t/?B0B00B0?292??YTY??Y\"Y?\"\">????? J ??mim??????ancancaanc????e Mie Mixix,ix, , 3??-O-Ou???e ???xex??s (s (P???????f 6f 6)?, Golden Malted All Natural Waffle & Pancake Mix, 33-Ounce Containers (Pack of 3), Maple Grove Farms Waffle Mix Belgian, 24-Ounce (Pack of 6), and the waffle recipe from Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix, 32-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6). In a highly (un)scientific blind taste test involving my three chi"} +{"input": "?ldl?rerene?? t ththeh??FaFara?mhmhoh?????PaP???????an????afafffflf?e ???x x???s s??he??unu???imi???s ??hohoiho?cece.e??brbr r??????????????e ?? t??ipi??? b babata????acaccc?oro???????o o?? the th???insin??rur?ctc??ono??????th?ou??? i ? u?sese se o ????????e te ?aba??leslesps?oooon?? of o???ele??eded ??????r ??insinstins????d od ?f ???????--a--an???? the??????terte?????????wew?ellel? i?? t?????ri?????fof????p p???????r ??aya??? T ??he ???ip???????????makmake???????? w wa waf????es es???? ou o?ur ur w???fflffle???mak??? a?????thetheye????????risri??y,y, ????ghtght,t?, a, an????olold??????owownw??.
I make a triple batch according to the instructions--although i use only one tablespoon of melted butter instead of three--and the batter stores well in the fridge for up to four days. The triple batch makes 4 1/2 waffles on our waffle maker and they are crispy, light, and golden brown.

This brand is slightly more expensive per waffle than the normal grocery store brands (like Krusteaz), but our family th"} +{"input": "iininknksk????e e t ta tasa??e ????woworortr?th th i ???????????asiasidi?e,e, , m ?????n ???as as?? s so s?y ?alallllelere?????ndn? t?hih????ixi?????frf?eee??ofo? s??y-y?-u-??lil?kek??mom?st? o ??theth???brb?an?dsds.s.\".\"\"???????????????A,A,A,??VKVKPKPPPPHP?X7X????QIQ???P.P??MuMulu??enen ????ul?lnl????\",\"??,5,????121?151????606?00,00?GrG?reare??? ta???e ??andand and?????t t pt ?riricicec????+++?++,++,\"????ovo?e ?BeBele?gigiai?? w ?????lesle??????? thi th??is mis mim??????keskes ???de??????usu?????flflefl??????ou??t at ??????e ?trt??oubou??le le o of of ????in??????? f fr?omo?m sm scs?raratratct?h.h. ???he??y ay ary a?? r ?rea?????gog??d,d, ????and Iand I'I?m ?fuf??????. I. ?I hI hahavha???'t'???tritr?eded ???themthe???as ???????ese???ete???\"2\"????????001E001??E2??9A,9A?,A3,A??TJTJ6J6T6TMTMCM??1P1P9P9O9???K.K???hi??k k?\"\"?ho???ehe?????andand\"and??\"\"\",\"\"\",1,181??2626,???,12,1?858575?1818418?00?00,D00,DiD", "output": "inks the taste is worth it. As an aside, my son has a soy allergy and this mix is free of soy--unlike most other brands.\"\n2005,B001E5E29A,A3VKPPHX72R4QI,\"P. Mullen \"\"mullnc\"\"\",4,5,5,1215561600,Great taste and great price! A+++,\"I love Belgian waffles and this mix makes a delicious waffle without all the trouble of making them from scratch. They are really good, and I'm fussy. I haven't tried them as pancakes yet.\"\n2006,B001E5E29A,A3JTJ6TMC51P9O,\"K. Chiok \"\"househusband\"\"\",18,26,1,1285718400,Di"} +{"input": "s???????????wiw?????y y?fif???? f??rmrmhm??ususes???ana?cac??e,e??? u ususeus?ed ed??o o b ?uyu??BoBobob'b's's s??ed?ed Med ???? O ????anian?c c??????????????keke ke????????e,? W Wh W?holho?le le G?????in Min ?MixMi????ntint?il il?????? a ??ll ll? th t???? r raravravev?e re ?eve?iei?wsws s as ?bob?????????WaWalWallll ll Kll ????hehenhe??FaFararmar??ou??se ????ncancak?e ???d ??WafWa??????ixi???? d ?????dedde??toto to??rdr??????omo????aza??n n an ??????ie???it?????????ornor?????????/>/><>r /???is??????ak?ake ake m??? i ????????????? an a?d ??powpo?de?????WhW?hen? I? I m I ??de?????pa?ncnca??ke ?????????e me ???? wa wasa????????ver??? my my k ????he??hen fhen ???????????e mie mixix ?????????st st????my? l ?????????hen ihen ??it iit isis ???oneon??e mi??in?ing.ing???hehe he?????ffleffl???????e ?frfroromro?m tm ?theth????abeab???asaskas?s ?fof?or or?? T ????. . o. ?", "output": "sappointed with my first farmhouse pancake,\"I used to buy Bob's Red Mill Organic 7 Grain Pancake & Waffle, Whole Grain Mix until I saw all these rave reviews about StoneWall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle mix. I decided to order from Amazon and tried it this morning.

This pancake mix is very fine and powdery. When I made my pancake mix, the mix was all over my kitchen floor. The mix is almost foamy like when it is done mixing. The waffle recipe from the label asks for 2 Tbsp. of"} +{"input": "??mem????d d?????terte???whw?ici?? I ??nen???r r???? t tht???? mu m???? wh w??? I????????? R ????? R?ed??MiM?lll???anancn?akakek??mimixix.x. .? I I c I ??ulu?d ?ono?????ak?????o o? pe p?erfer???t t 7t ??????ounou??d pd pa??ncanc?????frf??? i ????eveev?? t????ghg???? c ?lal???s s ts th???se?rvr?????shs???ld? b?e ??-4-???????ke????ThT?he ???pancpan?cak??????????ed?ed fed ??ufu???y ay asa?s os ????rsrs ??clacl?aimai?medme???in in?? the the e re ?????w.w. ?HoH??eveveeverever,??? I a I ?????tat??te?????lol?? o ?f f????mi?ca??ls ls i in i???it.it??I ??ueuese???s ons o?ne ne???asasoasonon on i?t ?is? s so s????ufuffuffyfy fy??s ?a a la ???t ot ????????g ??????in?in tin ?the? i in?????ieienientn????ooo????ing ing??? t? the the the i?????rediredie?ientien?t lt ????el el d ?diddi??I I rI ?reare?alializi?e ??t t ht ha?s ?mom?rere re c? che ch??mic?alalsal?s t???n ???he?r ?brb??andan?s.????nd nd I I ????????unu???????", "output": " melted butter, which I never use that much when I use the Rob's Red Mill pancake mix. I could only make two perfect 7\"\" round pancakes from it even though it claims the serving should be 3-4 pancakes. The pancake is indeed fluffy as others claimed in the review. However, I also tasted a lot of chemicals in it. I guess one reason it is so fluffy is a lot of baking soda in the ingredient. Looking at the ingredient label did I realize it has more chemicals than other brands. And I do not understan"} +{"input": "d??whw?atat t?????FIF?CIC?ALAL L F ??AVAVOVORO???t ???s s????beb???ddd?ede?d id ?n n? wh wheh???tht?????ana??aka?????? i is is s js juj????ththethe ??orormrmam???????????h h?no???anancancyc????ava??orsor??liliki???CiCininninnan?mom?n ????d Ad ?ppp?lele,e?????.<.?brb????
In short, I am going back to my Rob's Red Mill brand, at least I know what I am digesting in my stomach.\"\n2007,B001E5E29A,AH6FQW533AKF1,Epics,1,1,2,1344816000,Maybe it was just my batch?,\"Didnt really enjoy these after wanting to try something other than aunt jemima's from Dominicks. The pancakes tasted strange and sometimes forgettable, but "} +{"input": "iitit t??igi???????e e b ?????dud???tot??tht????????pap???aga??ngn???????cac?????? a ?lolonong??wiw??????????rurupu?.\".?????8,8,B,???1E1???????A2A????A9A??????????DiD?ananen?e Ae ????tttt ????iFi??lilizi????\"\"?????????,13,1?313????404??????T T P ?ANA?CAC???ES ES??F F??? L ?IFI??,T,?????e p????cakca????juj??t ??it? t????????t at ??? m???????e fe ???? l ??ke?ke Ike I I? am a? e ?ata???g ?a a r rer?estestataua?rar??t ?????akfak???? a?t t ht hot h??? f ?oror or a a a???t t lt ???s ??ononeoneye?. .?SpSplp???????????isis ???and and??????oooodood ?mam???????yruyr?up.up.......i..???re??lll???is? c ch cheheahe?????th???????ing???o ???????s s os ??????????herhe?re re?????al?? fo f?????o o wo wi??????????? mi m??imi?umum.m?2??009009,9,B???001E001?E5EE5????,A?2H2??ZMZMHM??TFT?B9B??????vav??s,s,1????4,4????636303??????????", "output": "it might have been due to the poor packaging they came in along with the syrup.\"\n2008,B001E5E29A,A2C0EA9W5M7HEL,\"Diane Arnett \"\"MiFelizDia\"\"\",1,1,5,1331078400,BEST PANCAKES OF MY LIFE,These pancakes just hit the spot and make me feel like I am eating a restaurant breakfast at home for a lot less money. Splurge on this and the good maple syrup...it really is cheaper than going to Denny's or IHOP where a meal for two will be $20 minimum.\n2009,B001E5E29A,A2H5ZMH5TFB9GK,Hrvats,1,1,4,1316304000,prett"} +{"input": "?????????????bub????????n in ?ncn?rereae?sesede??cocoso?t,t,L,??????????artart t bt ????aya??inging g?mym????mim??????vev?????????stustufu???? I ???hahas????fa????ly ly s??ror??????avavovoror r?????ananian?illilla??? I??t ct ??????upup p??iciccc?????????ghg????. M. MyM???ro?blblel????iti??? th thihishi???????ctc?t it ?is is???????cecencentnt t pt ??iciceic?e ie ???crecreaeasease?. ??It???as?as aas ? g?oo???prpro??uc??????t a t a??????prpri?cece ce?????????it????s p??ic???. ????l-l?in??ala???? w??ulu???susugu???estes?t tt th?atat at?yoyou?????ere?????is is ais ????????t ot ?????tot?? ta t?ast????????gogoogo??? pa p?ancan?akakek?es es????????pop???????o to tatasast?aste aste??likli????. A??tet?? t? tha that???? wo???d ???????? p??laylayiyinying?????h h?????pip?es?es oes ?on on??????????????????01?????9A9?,A,A2A2J2?6C6?DLD?ESESPSP4P?C8C?X,X?StSte???", "output": "y darn good but at an increased cost,Let me start by saying my family loves this stuff. It has a fairly strong flavor of vanilla. It cooks up nicce and light. My problem with this product is the recent price increase. It was a good product at a fair price but now it is pricey. All-in-all I would suggest that you order this at least once to taste what good pancakes are supposed to taste like. After that I would suggest playing with recepies on your own.\n2010,B001E5E29A,A2J6CDLESP4C8X,Steph,"} +{"input": "??,1,??5,5????272767?161606??,B,??????????kek?????ERE?!!!!,!?MyMy y????????????lulucu?kyky ?????ghg???o o???t t tt ?hih??s ps ??????t ???vevere????yey????????o fo ???m m a ???????????My????????er? w ?il?l ???t ???t ??anyan??oto??er?????ncanc????mi?? a an andn??????????e Ie ???ixix ?th?themthem ??oro??????????the????????outoutstst?an????g.g..???111????00100??5E5??9A9?,A,?????PEP?????I1I???\"E\"??????????\"\"\"??engen?li????eaeacea???er\"er?????,1,1,?5,?131?????????,I,?'m'?m am a ???lilielieveveevereve???????ougough???? B BeBelBe?gigiai??? wa w???lel??????r ?sos?ortor?t ot ??????????himhi????? I I I wI wa??s ts ths the?? c coc???????tedte???????? the th????es???onon:on: :?WhW????wa??fflffle?? mi m?ix ix??o ??I uI ??????????owo???\"\"H\"\"HuH???ryr????????? fe f??t ?li??ke ke? an? a af a???????o ??ucuchuc?h ah ???subsublb??me", "output": "1,1,5,1312761600,Best pancakes EVER!!,My family was lucky enough to get this product several years ago from a friend. My daughter will not eat any other pancake mix and everyone I fix them for thinks they are outstanding.\n2011,B001E5E29A,A14U8PEN4D3I1P,\"Elizabeth \"\"englishteacher\"\"\",1,1,5,1312156800,I'm a believer,\"I bought a Belgian waffle maker sort of on a whim and I was then confronted with the question: What waffle mix do I use? Somehow \"\"Hungry Jack\"\" felt like an afront to such a sublime"} +{"input": "????tctchc?enen n????liliaiana?cec?. .???rereae?? t ??he he r?eve??????heherhe?? o ?n ?AmAmamazazozon? a an a?d ?coc?oncon???????th??t t???sps???? t??????athat???? hi h?ghg?????ce???????ew?alallll l w ??ululdld ?beb??? g grg??????choch?ic??? B ?anangang!g??NaNaiaili??ed ed??it it? th the th?????sts?t tt ?imi?????owo??, I, I I dI ??on'on??????ow ow?????y y? wa wafa??le?? ma m??ere? i?s s ps ?ara?ti?cuc??ar?lyly ????????deedeepep,p, ??utu????ge??????????????d ???????????????eses s os ???????ea?ch?????ch?ch (ch ??????owiow??g g?? the? r re?cic??e ??????e ??labla???).)??I ??on?????ar??e we wawatwa??? i???t dot dow??n tn ?? t tr tryry ??to ?ststrst???tchtc???it it oit ??out out? an?? I I I?????rere ????onl??y gy ???t at ???out??101?? ba b??atchatc????s ofs o?f w??????s s os ous out???f ???one ???an.an?. T. ?he?he che co??????r-r?wa?fffflff???????????, ?, bu, b???th??ses?e he hah?veve ????", "output": " kitchen appliance. I read the reviews here on Amazon and concluded that despite the rather high price, Stonewall would be a great choice. Bang! Nailed it the first time. Now, I don't know if my waffle maker is particularly large/deep, but I get only two and one half waffles out of each batch (following the recipe on the label). I don't dare water it down to try to stretch it out and I figure I only got about 10 batches of waffles out of one can. The cost-per-waffle is steep, but these have neve"} +{"input": "r???????? t ??????????????????ono?? th t??e ie ?????e,e??slsli??ghtgh?lyl? c?????? on on n tn ?????ut???de?, ?ana???????y hy ?????NENEVE???? st stutucu??? to t??th?? w wawafafff???????????rur????ingin?ly????vevenve?????ougou????????e te th??the pthe ??ricri??e he ??? g ??oneon?e ue ?p p ap ??dod??lalara?????r cr ?an???I ??????beb??rer?orordrdederde???g,g????? i????t ???eses ??? a ???y h?igighig??r,r???????y h????e te toe t?o t?ryr???anoan??????brb?anandand.d????010121?,B,???01E01??????????????DJDJVJ????Q,Q????????erier?????,1,?,1???,1????????????????????,\",\"I\"??m m???????????ev???yoyonone??????????????ixi?????ut ???????? i????ItI????????? g?oio?inging ing?????????rmr?metmet t rt ??????uraur?antan????????????????????????FLF???re?restrestatautaur???nt.nt.....????hehe ????????s ts ta?", "output": "r failed to come out light on the inside, slightly crisp on the outside, and they have NEVER stuck to the waffle iron. Grudgingly, even though I see the price has gone up a dollar per can, I will be reordering, but if it goes up any higher, I may have to try another brand.\"\n2012,B001E5E29A,A36EXMLDJV00JQ,Jon Doeringer,1,1,5,1303430400,Excellent,\"I'm sorry not everyone likes this mix, but we love it. It is like going to a gourmet restaurant! (yeah - a gourmet WAFFLE restaurant...) The waffles tas"} +{"input": "????ana????ururnr??????grg???t,t???nd??????easea????????d fd fof??????????elelil????, , b, ?utut ut????????s ????????t ?fo??r er ?eveev???ononen??????131????????????,A,?1I1?H5H?YWYW0W??????6,6,D,?ebeb,b???,1,,1????????????00,00?,A ,A g?re?atat at?babacackckuk?p p??roromo????rar???h,h??ThT???s i?s ????e pe ???????e me mimixix x?wew??gog?????????????dod??'t't ???veve ve b bu but???????????????e fe ??????????n'n?? t??hinhinkn????the the?viv????ar???????????wowor?thth th i it it ??o ?o weo w??ala??aya?s s ds ?? f fr f?resre?????????akeake e Ae ?ltlto??n Bn ????????????tertermter????k pk ?panpancn???ke ke???cic???e. e.? T ??is? S ?????wa?llll l m mi m?? i is??? g go g?odod ??ptptit???? an????thethe ????avoav???? is is t is ?the???????ofof f?? any an????tortorere re? bo bou?ghg?t ????x bx byb?????????t m???ghtgh?t ct ?osost? m mo m????????t it ?it it??ea????", "output": "te and turn out great, and so easy. Hard for us to believe, but it seems it's not for everyone.\"\n2013,B001E5E29A,A1IH5YW0X6DE26,Deb,1,1,4,1302393600,A great backup from scratch,\"This is the pancake mix we go to when we don't have buttermilk in the fridge (don't think the vinegar trick is worth it so we always do fresh) to make Alton Brown's buttermilk pancake recipe. This Stonewall mix is a good option and the flavor is the best of any store bought mix by far! It might cost more, but it really "} +{"input": "iisi??sus?????oro??tot????? o ???herher ??rer?papara??d d m mimixi??s.s???202?141????????E2E?9A9??APA?V3V313?N9N??R3R???X,X?????nen??393???1,1?,1,,1,5,??,12,1?29929?????????????veve ?????newne?????KiKiti??he??,\",?StStoSt????al???Ki???he?hen hen?prpropr?dud????????e ae ? b bib???fafava????iteit??e ate a???urur ??ouo?sese.e. . T ThThih?? p????aka?e ?mimixmix x m?ak??????????estes??papanpa?ca??keske??yoyou?????? e ?????ea?t.t?. . ?We? a ??????resreshs?? bl b?ueu??berberrr??eses ??to to???????????to?p p??? them?????h ??theth??????ewe???ll ???luelu?????? S ?yry??up,up?, w, ??hichich????????? b?uyu???? t???irir r wr wewebebseb???ite.ite. ???TheTheyey ???ake? w??????fufulul ???msm?s as ans andnd nd??el?????es t?ooo????s ????????? sa s????es,es?, a, an, a?????av?or?????yr?up??s. s.???ry?? th thi this?is pis ?pan??cak???e mie mix? t??ou?ghgh,h????? w wo?n'n???be? d did?isaisapappp", "output": "is superior to the other prepared mixes.\"\n2014,B001E5E29A,APV31N9CR3WLX,Jeannel399,1,1,5,1299283200,We love Stonewall Kitchen,\"Stonewall Kitchen products are a big favorite at our house. This pancake mix makes the best pancakes you will ever eat. We add fresh blueberries to them, and top them with the Stonewall Blueberry Syrup, which you can buy on their website. They make wonderful jams and jellies too, as well as sauces, and flavored syrups. Try this pancake mix though, you won't be disapp"} +{"input": "o??ntntetede??\"\"2????,B,B0B??01E01?5E5E2E????????ZZZZXZ????828?Y,Y???chc??????. .???lelere?t,t??????5,15,??29829?????00?,G,??eae??????????s s????eryer??tit?????????is?????at? p ?anancn????????d wd ????flefl????attat??? t???t ????s rs ?recre???memenmendn????byb??AmAmam???n n s ???? b bo b???????t ???and and????? b be beee??????y y sy ???isisfis?ieieded ????h h???y py pupururcr?????????t ????????hehe e b??sts?t w??????s s es ev?er?? t ti t??e e Ie ??ha?????sesedsed ??it it a an andnd nd?????at bat ??in?g g s sa s?idid ?I ???????????????is is pis ????????. ???????? be? o ??rderder??????or??????wew?e re rerea???y y ly ??keke ke h??w w? ea e???y iy ?????is tis ???????? ?????oulou????igi?ghlgh??y ry ???omommom??????thathat?at eat ev???????e te ?ry??? thi this thi?s ws whw????liklike?kes kes????cacakcake?kes ??and?????fflffleles? i ??it iit isit i??dedeldeli??ioi?ousou?s as anand?", "output": "ointed!\"\n2015,B001E5E29A,A68TZZXJZG82Y,Richard D. Ehlert,1,1,5,1298592000,Great Waffle's every time,This is great pancake and waffle batter that was recommended by Amazon so I bought it and have been very satisfied with my purchase. It makes the best waffles every time I have used it and that being said I am sold on this product. I will be ordering more as we really like how easy it is to make. I would highly recommend that everyone try this who likes pancakes and waffles it is delicious and "} +{"input": "v??ryry y?ececoc?non?mim?cac?l.l??????,B,B0B??????292?????8M8MLM??VZV???GLGLQL??,\",\"K\"??tht?y ???????????????? P P\"P\"\"?\",\"?1,1?,1,,1??,1,12,1???7777777677????PeP????ectec?????????????????beb????????g g????? p pa?????????d d??af?fl???mi???fof??? ab a????t 5t ??oror or?? y ?eaeararsr??an???I I hI ha????tot????????????is is?????????? ?ThT?he he w??aff????s cs co???????t ct ???ispisp p? on o?n tn ??e e oe oue out???ded?e ae ???and land ?igi?hth??an?and ???ufu???y oy ???? the th?e ie ???????. . ??'v'??ve t???ede??oto?the????mix??? b??ut ut t th???y dy ???no?t t ct cot c??paparpa?e ????? thi this?is mis ?mix????????e ???he ???ririnri?????o ???ff??le le M ?????r ar an????y y wy wa???ffleffl??es ces cocom?e ???????????fuf?? e????rytry???me.me?. ????olo?lol??? th? the the d ????ctc??on??s os ??on ton ??the the????is?teter????d ?neneve?verver ver??????? p pr pro??le?m m", "output": "very economical.\n2016,B001E5E29A,A18MLKVZLTGLQX,\"Kathy Pappano \"\"Kathy P\"\"\",1,1,5,1296777600,Perfect Waffles,I have been using this pancake and waffle mix for about 5 or 6 years and I have to say this is the best. The waffles come out crisp on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside. I've tried other mixes but they do not compare to this mix. I use the Waring Pro Waffle Maker and my waffles come out beautiful everytime. I follow the directions on the canister and never have a problem "} +{"input": "??iti?? t ??????????s.s?2???7,7,B,?????5E5E2E292?A,A,A,??ETET1T?YYYYY????????????uku?asaszs?ewe??czcz z \" ?\"A\"??l l??hohososts?? w ?ele?coc???\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?,1,1,1?,1,,1?5,5??????66866888??00,00,D,?eee????????????????isi? i ?? T THT????ini?g g o ofof f???ncn?aka?e ?mim?????. . ???????????prp????, ??andan??????????us,us, ?????????????e be ?es?? p??ancancacakca????I'I??e ??veverve?? ta tas?????. ?WeW??'ve'v???ee?n n????in?g ??it ?????????rar???yeyeae?rsr?????????????ncncancak???s cs ?????istis?tente??????comco?????t ?????t ??????el??ci???s.? S ??????????d ad anan an?ege?g,g, ???????????, ?, an??d md me???ed?? bu but???????CoCoo?? t??????n ?????iceic?e he ho?t t st ??????????????????y ?an???im???????!\"!\"\"??01018018,8?????E5E5EE5?????,A2,A??5W5?????????Y,Y,A?. . A. AbA???hah????,1,1,1,?????????", "output": "with the results.\n2017,B001E5E29A,A8ET1YYYD7QUM,\"L. Lukaszewicz \"\"All ghosts welcome\"\"\",1,1,5,1286668800,Deeeeelicious!,\"This is THE king of pancake mixes. Easy, foolproof, and delicious, it makes the best pancakes I've ever tasted. We've been buying it for several years, and the pancakes consistently come out light and delicious. Simply add an egg, buttermilk, and melted butter. Cook them on a nice hot skillet for a yummy anytime meal!\"\n2018,B001E5E29A,A2T5WNREB8ALVY,A. Abraham,1,1,5,127491"} +{"input": "8??0000,0?DeDele?ici??ouousu? w ?afa?flf?ese??ini???ininuinututetes?!,!?\"M\"???es??????????????ic?io???, ????sps? o ono??tht?? o???sis??? a ???????t t??n ???? i ??sisidside?, , w, wa???????s ins i?n mn ?????es?? W ??rtrthth th????eryery y???????\"\"???191????001001E1??????,A,??????8181K1KXKXDXD3D3P3???????elsels ????d bd bib?tst????,1,,1???,12,1??37370708?8080000,00??rer?ata??????iai??? wa wafaffaffl????at?????!,\"!,?I I??uru?chc?asa???d td ??????ix??tot? u us?e ???ithit?? my my ???w w??re????????pSp?id?e e Be ?BelBe???an????aff?le???MakMa?????????????ryr?y py plp???aseas?ed ed? wi w??? t?????res?ulu??ts.ts?. . ?ItI?t tt ???k k 3 ??cuc??????????is ????? to to o mo mam??e ???lal?rgr???e Bee B??elgielgiaianian n Wn ??ffffl?????and??? the th?y ??ooo?okeok??ed ted to??pe?rf??ectec??ionion n an ?aftaf???? on?lyly ?4 4 m mi??????! !??????fl???or??????? this thi?s ms mi?? i?s s ss ??ligli?", "output": "8400,Delicious waffles in minutes!,\"Makes perfect, delicious, crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, waffles in minutes. Worth every penny!\"\n2019,B001E5E29A,A3IUW081KXD3PE,pixels and bits,1,1,5,1273708800,Great Belgian waffle batter!,\"I purchased this mix to use with my new Presto FlipSide Belgian Waffle Maker and am very pleased with the results. It took 3 cups of this mix to make 6 large Belgian Waffles and they cooked to perfection after only 4 minutes! The flavor of this mix is sligh"} +{"input": "t??? s ??eeeete???utut ?????? i ?? n nono o?afaftf?????sts??????iti???????yoy???geg???wiwit???????p p c co como?memerercercic???? br brarana?????likli???????uiuici?k.k????????????????g g???re????or???????\"\"??????????E5E5E5?292???AAAAJAJ2J?P4P??535?????,C,?????to?phphe???ama?????1,1???5,5?????111161168680800??StSto???waw????????chech?n n????????ke mke ??x,x?? r ?recrecec?????????????????ifift? a?????? we w?????????. . I?t t it ??is bis ???faf?? t? the the ??ese??????????ded??pa??ca??keskes s Is ?I hI ???????verve???????. ???????ststest?e ae ????????is??????y iy is????ce????enten???. B. ??ueuebebe?????es es m?ix? v ve??y ?we???????ith ith? th thi th?is is pis ??????t ???????? c??ntn?taita??er???s ?????ng??ed ed t?o ?ke???p tp ??e ?e pre p?????? f??resre??h ah ??and ?no?t ?t let l?et ???????inin.in?. . Y. ?ou?", "output": "tly sweet but there is no aftertaste to it like you get with cheap commercial brands like Bisquick. I'll be buying more, for sure!\"\n2020,B001E5E29A,AAJ2P4353LW3K,Christophe Hamann,1,1,5,1271116800,Stonewall Kitchen pancake mix,I received this as a gift a few weeks ago. It is by far the best home made pancakes I have every had. The taste and consistancy is excellent. Blueberries mix very well with this product and the container is desinged to keep the product fresh and not let moths in. You "} +{"input": "?pap?? a ????ttttlt???mom?rere ??utu??itit it? is is s w ????? i it i??ini? m??????iniin???2202020??,B,???1E1??E2E292?A,A????8N8?APA???Y1Y?6T6??,\",?FPF?????DaDava?e\"e?\"\"\"\"\"??????5,5??262???030?20??0,F0,???????ses??WaW??flfle??????????????verve??y gy gog?odod,d, , l li l????????????. . S SeS??msms ????????xaxaca?tltlytl??????sasama???asas ???arbarbob????s Gs ???dedene??Ma??tet?d d???affafflaff?le ???ix.ix. . O. ???y ??hihisi?s is is???or?????????ivive????20202???,B0,B00?1E?5E5E25E??A,???????RZR?C3C?KTK??P,P???JeJ???3,3,4,????121272???80800000000000,00??uru????????iteit?e b?????fafasfa?t ?chc??????,\"B,\"?ou??ghtgh?????re??t t w?afaffaffl???????er er t twt?wo wo y ???arsars s as aga??????????????????cicipi?pespe????or or?? mak makikin?g g w wa????lesle?????????? r ?????ly ly p plp??asaseased??ththe?? fa f??ilily?. ?WeWele????unu??il???? fo fol?lolowowewed?????rec????", "output": "pay a little more but it is worth it in my opinion\n2021,B001E5E29A,A2F8NAPZ1Y16T0,\"FPU \"\"Dave\"\"\",1,1,5,1260403200,Farmhouse Waffle Mix,\"Makes very good, light waffles. Seems to be exactly the same as Carbon's Golden Malted waffle mix. Only this is more expensive.\"\n2022,B001E5E29A,A14WLJRZC3KT1P,GAJer,3,4,5,1270080000,Our favorite breakfast choice,\"Bought a great waffle maker two years ago. Tried many recipes for making waffles, nothing really pleased the family. Well, until I followed a recomme"} +{"input": "?ndn???ioi?? t ????ryry y S StSto?nen?????????flf??s.s?????????? m ?e ??t t??? n ?otot t lt ?liklikeke ?????uiu?ckc??????????ugu???t it it?? mi m?gh????????t ??s ???o mo ??chch h?????ere??I I wI ???????ck?ede??? A ?????el????nowno??? the th?e fe faf?mim???????vesve?s ts tht??????nd ?lo????s fs fof?rwr??rdr???o ????????wawafwa????s ?ev????y cy coc???le??????ks.ks?. ??I eI ????n dn ???blble????????? in ingn??ededied??ntntst??s sos s?o Io ?I cI cac?????????????as as???ic??h wh ?we we?cuc???t int i????smsmamalma?llell?? s ?ece?titiotiononsons ??????rereereezezez???theth?em.em??????sese se???? t? the then the???be be????????or or t? tos to??terte??wa????eses es?? and and ????quiqu?ickic?k bk brb?????fasfast??. . F. FoF???etet t tt ??the the E ????????venve?n an ??as fas frfrofr?ze?n n wn ??waff??les?? th?????ara?????eae?at.at??????><>
What do I like best about them? T"} +{"input": "??? w waw?fff?lel???cocomo?????t t???????ana?d d?fl??????? T ThT?????????rir??? a??nd nd??olo????p ???lll???? b ?eie???????????wiw??? s sts??awawbw????????????????? wh w?ata???????toptoppp???gsgs s ys yoyouou ou m ?aya?y cy chcho?oso???. . ??n n? no n??wa?????o to ?????fef?el??????y y oy ??? so s???y.y. y.????????re? a?? sn snan???to???rerepre??arear?, ??????aka?e e je juj?????? mi m???????in?? th t?? w?????e e me ???kerke???LaL??stlstlyl???the? w????e e fe ??mim????lol?ve?????????. S. SoSo ???espespi???? th???hih?ighig??????ici??e ie ??? is i??we?llll ll?????? e ev???y ??enennn??y.\"y.??202020?3,3,B,B0B??1E1E5E???????2Z2ZHZ???CYC?NLN?????,S,????or???FlFle??ishishmh?manma???3,43,??5,5???606?838?????,S,St,S??nen?wawalwa?ll ????cacakakeak??????WaW??afflaff?? M MiM?x,x???????????is is?? mix mix x????????it??h th ?the?the Cthe CuCuiu?????artar???", "output": "he waffles come out light and fluffy. They are crisp and hold up well to being filled with strawberries, nuts or whatever toppings you may choose. In no way do they feel heavy or soggy. They are a snap to prepare, and take just 3 minutes in the waffle maker. Lastly the whole family loves them. So despite the higher price it is well worth every penny.\"\n2023,B001E5E29A,A2ZH40CYNLOB64,Sanford Fleishman,3,4,5,1260835200,Stonewall Pancake and Waffle Mix,Bought this mix along with the Cuisinart wa"} +{"input": "???lel? m ??kek?r.r???DeD?????????. . ??e ?fof??lol??eded d t ??????rer??titioionio?s s a ??d ?iti???ada?e ?ononln????oneone ?BeBel????an an??afa??le??????????????timtimeme ??we we?dod?ouboublb???d td ??e ???????????d id itd i??????? ou o?t ?????ririgighg?t ?am????????GoGoooodo?d fd ????????nd??eae????toto o???????020?????010??????????XUX??FBF???ROR???1E,1E?,A.,A. ???anian??,3,??4,??,1,121??90902??808???ExE?????lenle?nt nt c ???iciceic??e foe f????????anan ?????flefl?s,s?? h ???e ??? Wa Wara??ngng g???????????affafflaff?le le? ma?kekerke??????????loloolooko??ngng ng?fo???r a r a?????d bd ????er??????use??. I. I ??ri?????????ba????????re?viv?ewe?s ?an?????ithit?? ad adddd ???y sy ?????????recorecomo????ndand???ion? f fo for?or tor th??? m mi mixi?.<.??????I>ItI???????????ea????? to to? ma???e ae ane and?????? wa?ff????? ha h?", "output": "ffle maker. Delicious. We followed the directions and it made only one Belgian waffle. The next time we doubled the recipe and it came out the right amount. Good flavor and easy to use.\n2024,B001E5E29A,A2XUYFBCXRO21E,A. Kania,3,4,5,1259020800,Excellent choice for Belgian Waffles,I have a Waring belgian waffle maker and was looking for a good batter to use. I tried this based on reviews and with add my strong recommendation for this mix.

It was very easy to make and the waffles had"} +{"input": "? a ???ono?ded?rfrfuf?? f flf??vov??????????????hehe e??ala?t t f????vorvor ??thath???????????ouougughg??I>I I??ili??????????????beb??bub?yiy???? mo mor?????henhe???he? c cucuru????t ?mimixi???unu?s s??outou?????????000???5E5?292????1T1?P9P?URU?WVW????N,N?WiW???iai?????ousousts??on,on,3,?,4,??5,?121?25625??????00,00,G,???atat at?????flefle e Me ?ix?,T,??isi?s ms mi???ma?kekese?????????????ing?????fl?flesfle????A A?????lel?????????????????ex?????e ???t t wt wo?????it??????????? s st?????????e ??recre??pe??? l li??????e bie b?it it t to to to m????????????wawaf?afflaff????????y ???w w P ????stost???lilipli??????BeB????ianian ?WaWafWaff?lele le???akeak??????262??,B0,B??1E????29A29?A,AA,A2A?XJX??????5N5?NAN???\"M\"?on??????imi??\"\"\"\"M??????2,2?????131?080???242?????as?????mix?tuturureure ?", "output": " a wonderful flavor ... loved the malt flavor that came through.

I will definitely be buying more when the current mix runs out.\n2025,B001E5E29A,A1TP9URWVDW3N,William Houston,3,4,5,1256169600,Great Waffle Mix,This mix makes great tasting waffles. A little extra work and expense but worth it. Need to stretch the recipe a little bit to make 2 full waffles on my new Presto Flipside Belgian Waffle Maker.\n2026,B001E5E29A,A2XJKCHDT5NNAA,\"Monica Kim \"\"MK\"\"\",2,3,4,1308182400,Tasty mixture b"} +{"input": "???,\",????oto?????? a ?s ?????????ndnd d?????d ?th?e e?flflal??????ut?????????t ?crc???????ouo??ut tut th?? t???tut??e.e?? I? l?ik????fluflufufff?????ancan?????s a???? be b?????e ???????nonot????mom??, A, ?ununtn?????im???s s bs ?butbu?tetere??milmi?k k??reareada???mi??????????beb???????e oe ?outou??????? a??nd ?it??? s soso o e ???????????e.???r r /r />/>O>?f f c ?ououroursr?e,e??th?the the b??estes??t tat tas???ngn???wafwaff??eses es??re?????e ????y mey m??e fre f?omo?? sc s?????? w?itithith ??????rmrmirmililklk lk??????lll???)<)???r /r />r />O????ralra???, I, I ???in??k bk ??yiy????go?ur???????????? m ??mix mix?? is is???? o?????the ?the bithe b?ggg??est?? wa w?????e ofe o??mo????????nd?nd ind itnd i?t st ?stistilillill l????uiuiri???s ys ???? to t??pup?ut ???????d bd bu???er?, ??mil???, e, ???.<.??? / />????????sticstickc?in???? wit wi??? my m???wnwn n? re?", "output": "ut,\"I got this as a gift and liked the flavor but I wasn't crazy about the texture. I like fluffy pancakes and believe it or not, imo, Aunt Jemima's buttermilk ready mix is the best one out there and it's so easy to make.
Of course, the best tasting waffles are made by me from scratch with buttermilk and all.=)
Overall, I think buying gourmet pancake mix is one of the biggest waste of money. And it still requires you to put melted butter, milk, etc.
I am sticking with my own rec"} +{"input": "???eses s a ??? A ???? J JeJememim?????s is ifi???????ini??? h huhuru???.\".??????,B,????E5E??2929A9??A3A??????E5?J6J?HXH??7,\"7,?????rorowo???\"\"\"??lol?rir??????l\"l\"\"??????,5,???262?545414141???00,00,O,?ur??FaF???oriorititet??StStot?nenewe???l l?KiK?itcit????n Fn Fa??mhm????e e???ancancacaka???anandan?????????MiM???????ourour r???avoav????te.te???CoC??sisisi???ntntlnt?y y?????lll???t t wt wiwit?? a? a n a ??ce? m ma??tyt??????avoravo?????he????????ce??cacanca?s ???????GoG???d vd ?????e fe fof??????he qhe ququaual??ityit?y. y. I???igi???? r ????mmmmem?????thithisis is???????t.t??202???,B??001001E???????A6A??IBI????CVC?JJJ????ar?gagarga??t ???. R. RaRanantan???,2,,2?,3,,3??,1,12,1???393????0,0????ncanc?akeake ???ix ix? th t?he ?beb????,T,Th?????mixmi??is??ththeth????idsid?' ' a???????milmi????favfa?vorvo?ritri??te. te.??t t tt ???stest?es es l ??keke ke v ?vanva??ll?a.a. . I. ??'s??????", "output": "ipes and Aunt Jemima's if I am in a hurry.\"\n2027,B001E5E29A,A3MWNG0E5J6HX7,\"C. Brown \"\"florida gal\"\"\",2,3,5,1265414400,Our Favorite,Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix is our favorite. Consistently excellent with a nice malty flavor. The 33 ounce cans are a Good value for the quality. I highly recommend this product.\n2028,B001E5E29A,A6QIBV0PCVJJK,Margaret A. Rantz,2,3,5,1208390400,Pancake Mix the best!,This mix is the kids' and family favorite. It tastes like vanilla. It's wonde"} +{"input": "????? f ??r r??ana?cacaka????????afa?flfleleses.es..???292???000??????29A29??????????????C,C??????ada???????uau????y y??rurusu????r\"r\"\"?????,0,,0????????????????utu????????????e e??nlnlyl?,\"?StS??nen??walwa?l ????chc??n n Fn ???mhm???????????keke ke?anandan???????e ???x x i isis ?ded??in???ele?ly ly a??????thfthfu??????nan?????????? in in t ???tet?, ???t t s ??? mu m??ch.ch?????????geg?t ??? w???ongon???it??s s ns nonotno????ad ad?bubutbut,t?, y, ?????ou?ldl???finfi???ananyany y ny nun??beb?er er o????\"m\"mim????\"\"? t th tha???ta??steste ????????? we wel?l l al ??? s???me ??vev?en en????teterte?. ????knkno?? m my m??ta???? b bu b???s as ?????? t???e se ???????????rsr???????hahathat'hat?'s 's????????????????me????y ?????rereaeata????????. ??I I aI al????????????hadha?d bd ?ou???t ??????ononeon?", "output": "rful for pancakes or waffles.\n2029,B001E5E29A,AGDTWY3GU0Y4C,\"Alphadog \"\"quality crusader\"\"\",0,0,3,1350432000,Mouthful in Name Only,\"Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix is definitely a mouthful in name but, in taste, not so much. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad but, you could find any number of \"\"mixes\"\" that taste just as well and some even better. I know my taste buds aren't the same as yours so, what's just decent to me may be great to you. I also wish I had bought just one "} +{"input": "ccac????nsn???????f f?2 2??ugugeg???3 3? ou o??cec???canca?ns.ns? ????ininiin??????tht??? fi f??st?????, ,? I' I'l'?l l?gig???e te ???e oe ?th??r r c???????y y?????, I, ??????onontntit??ueu?e te tre t?yiyiningin??????ther ther??ixixex????????l Il ?????? t ??the the??\"b\"?es??? mi m????? ou out ou??ththether?e.e??????????????o o f fa f?r ?I I sI ses??? t to t????lyl?y by ?? s sas???????? w wiwiti???? h ho h???????e me ??????????y wy wawafwa?flflel??????????????renre????????????????es???ve?r r pr ?????kekeses es bes bubutu????thith????ididndn'n?????keke ke?????? e ?itithit???????????. I. I I eI ???n ???iei??ed aed adaddad??ngng ??thi????s ts ????? b bubutbu?t it itit ??diddi??'t???reare?ll?y ?he????. ?????be ??????juj???????. ?TrTry? i it it it????yoy????????bu?but but r????embembe?????buybuy ??????????e cae can?an jan ???st ???????? y ??u'u???? li lik???e mee m", "output": "can instead of 2 huge 33 ounce cans. I finished the first can, I'll give the other can away and, I'll continue trying other mixes until I find the \"\"best mix\"\" out there.

So far I seem to only be satisfied with a homemade mix for my waffles. My preference is for waffles over pancakes but, this didn't make it on either count. I even tried adding things to it but it didn't really help. Maybe it's just me. Try it if you like but remember, buy only one can just in case you're like me"} +{"input": "?? ?YoY???cac?n n a ??wawaya?s s?bub?y y m ??rere.e.\".\"\"?202???????1E1E5E???9A9?,A,A3A??????J1J?????????? N ????,0,?0,00,0,????353505?????0000,00,g,???ata? t tatasa?titini?? p ?an?ca?kek?s s as ?andan??wa?fff?leles?,T,???s s ws wa???????????panpancn??cakecak?e me ?ixix x?isis is d ????????s!s???Yo????canca????st??e ae ????btbtlt??????t ???????????a ia in? t???m.m?? T ?TheTh?y ???? t? the th?e oe ???y ??panpancpan????s/s/w/????lelesles ??hah?at at??y ??idi??s ls lolovo?e ???nd nd? th?????ous?e ??memel?lsl??s wos w?????fuf??????n n tn thn t???y a??re re cre ?ooooko??ng?!!????1,1????1E??5E25E?29A29??A2A????????BHB??????enennn???,0?,0,5,0,?5,15,13??????2020020??BeBes?????lgl???an an W WaW??fflff?????n ??o o????me!me??\"M\"????????ly ly??????????????. ???e he ??????eeeenen en??ryr?in???tot????keke ke? ho??meameada?de de??afaffafflaff??les ??or???? wh whi wh??e ??butbut ????? m??", "output": ". You can always buy more.\"\n2030,B001E5E29A,A3BMO43J1HAH4A,LYN NOON,0,0,5,1350345600,great tasting pancakes and waffles,This waffle and pancake mix is delicious! You can taste a subtle hint of vanilla in them. They are the only pancakes/waffles that my kids love and the house smells wonderful when they are cooking!\n2031,B001E5E29A,A2LBN99KCBHEDR,Jenn,0,0,5,1350259200,Best Belgian Waffles in No Time!,\"My family loves waffles. We have been trying to make homeade waffles for a while but when my "} +{"input": "?sesece????????ldld ?????bob?rnr?? w wew? g ??? t titiri?????? a ala?l l??hehe ?mimixixix?????nd???eae?????inging.g? W ?e e ce ?chochoso???? thi th?s ??atattt??r r????? be b?ecaec?usu??se tse tht?he he????ieiewe?s s ws ?????????re?atat.at?. T. ThT?heyhe????keke ????titimti?me me t???mi????. Th. Thehe ??ouo?ghg?? co comome????outou??a a b bi b??????????utu?t it ??f yf ?????il?l l tl ???????ttott????of of? th the the e we wa????????on? c??????teteltelyly,y???youyo?? ge g??t tt ththe? f fl flulufuffffiff?iesie????ele???ana???????????We? a ar are??ususius?ing?? th the??ChChe?fmf?an???ot???aba??? i ir????. I. I I h ???????????ommomme??nd ???????at?????if? y ?you? l lil??? w??ff??ese???????. ??ou??cac????dddd ????litlittttltt?le le cle ?ininninnan????on aon ???d sd ??ugaug?r ???????????????????.\".?????????0101E1E5E??????A4A494??WNW????????,K,??m m???beb????0,0,0,0,,0,3,????49?919??606", "output": "second child was born, we got tired of all the mixing and measuring. We chose this batter mix because the reviews were so great. They take no time to mix. The dough comes out a bit runny but if you fill the bottom of the waffle iron completely, you get the fluffiest Belgian waffles. We are using the Chefman rotatable iron. I highly recommend this batter if you like waffles quick. You can add a little cinnamon and sugar too to spice it up.\"\n2032,B001E5E29A,A49NWNKV1TEOO,Kim Robell,0,0,3,134991360"} +{"input": "0?,I,?????? t tht?isis s??????????????I ????? t th t??s ??panpanc????e m???. .?????non????????? thi th??????ctct ?ononene ?????anyany y?????ese?s ss sos??I ?alalwlwawayaysy???????????in?????d d kd ??????in ?????? a??t ht ???????lll???ouou u?dodo o io ???mi?x x w ?iti????atateterer er????I adI addd?d fd frf????????ppppepede????anaan??ana'ana's'?s o?????rarawa??????????oror or?? h heh?????y ???????, , a???? sw s?????yry?upu?p fp ?or?or hor ?honho????? an???????k ik ????? li lili???ututttte??????? yo y??? ha h???ve ave ??an aan ?aweaw???????rereareak?fafasa????2202????B0B?????E2E292???A2A2D2???SCSCAC??????F,F?,Id,I??ho??SaS?awbawbu????0,???5,5???434?33433????0,????mi?????brbrebrea?kfkfa?st???????????idi?s ?? K ?KidKi?????20 20 o????s)s??,\"????hrh?refre?????????////w/www??????zoz????????p/p??ror??????B0??????E29E2????", "output": "0,I love this pancake mix,\"I love this pancake mix. Can not find this exact one in any stores so I always order online and keep in stock at home. All you do is mix with water (I add fresh chopped banana's or strawberries for a healthy option, and swap syrup for honey) and cook in a lil butter and you have an awesome breakfast.\"\n2033,B001E5E29A,A2DG3SCAOX0SDF,Idaho Sawbuck,0,0,5,1343347200,\"Family breakfast (Grand Kids & Kids, 20 of us)\",\""} +{"input": "S?????wawala????ititct???? F ?????ouo?ses????ncn??keke ?an????afa???e ?MiM?x,x? 3 ??-O-????e ??????(P(?PacPa?k k o ?f f??)<)
The family said they were the best that I had made. The 10 Grandchildren ate all that was served to them.
The parents, who I have served pancakes to for a long, also said they were the best they have eaton. It was good to see the little ones clean up their plates.\"\n2034,B001E5E29A,A318RRB7AV2TDC,Reg,0,0,5,1343260800,Delicious and Easy,\"We have pancakes once a week and this is our go-to mix. It is incredi"} +{"input": "??lyly y e eae????tot????????re,re, ,?ana?? I ????????hahan???ulu? o ofof f?chc?oco?olo??tet? c???psp??, p, ??ece??? o????ananaan?anaana/ana/s/ststrt??wbw??????s/s???eaceachch ch?slslil????s os ??????te??????lsl??e pe ??opo???e we ????d ??liklikek??????????e ie ini?ndind???dud??l l pl ??ncn??ke????????iti? i is i??co?oko??????n n?????????????nen?ede?????bub??????fefer??ntnt nt f flf???or?????ou ou c??????st?omo??zez?e i??t yt ??uru?se?lfl??????353?,B,?000????????,A,??RCR???9U9??VWV?E2???ChChe????l Bl ????,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,?????989???20?0,?ScS?rur?mpm?tit??????WeW??fif???????d ????nenewnewawal?l ??afa??le??MiM???? whe wh?en en? we we ?re?ce?iv??? i it i?t it inin in?? g gig?iftift ??basbaskskeketke??aba???t ?? y yeyea????????????agagogo.o?? W ???? hav ha???be???en uen ???inging ing???? ev e????sis??ce??. ?????fl?ava?????of of?? the th???af????? a?re", "output": "bly easy to prepare, and I add a handful of chocolate chips, pieces of banana/strawberries/peach slices or whatever else people would like onto the individual pancake while it is cooking in the pan. No need to buy different flavors you can customize it yourself.\"\n2035,B001E5E29A,A1RCC99UIVWE25,Cheryl Bill,0,0,5,1339891200,Scrumptious!,We first had Stonewall Waffle Mix when we received it in a gift basket about a year and half ago. We have been using it ever since. The flavor of the waffles are"} +{"input": "??ababsb??lul?tet??y y?ouo????? t ??isi??wow????. . ??e e w??n'n?t t?eve?ere? g ?o o??????????is?quq?ici?? f fof?or or o?uru?r wr waw???lel????202030??,B,?000???????A,A,A,????????????HKHK,K???. ??rzr?ege?gorgo????sks?i i???TaT?hi??i ?vav?ahiah????\"\"\"\"\"\",\",0,0,0??,5,?,1,?333???040????0,B0,BEBESE??????hishis ?hah???beb?coc???e ae ? b br brer?akakfk?????ststatapaplple????or ??????om????NoNowo? n neneane?rl?????er??y Sy SuS??dad??y my ?or???ingin?? w???????????ing??pap??cac??????WeWe'We???? go g???????VeV??mo?ntn?t Mt ??apeap?? s ???upu????????, s, sas???????oror ????????nd?? we???re ??????????the??da?y ???????????????liligighg?????????tytypy?????innin???. . U. ??????ettet??????????? t??????bsobs?oluol?????besbe?? r re?sus?ltl?s.s.\".??20203??????1E1E51E5E???????K9K9191F1FRFR9R9I9???????an??iceic??L.???ap???0,???", "output": " absolutely out of this world. We won't ever go back to Bisquick for our waffles!\n2036,B001E5E29A,A2A7AFPDGLYLHK,\"L. Grzegorzewski \"\"Tahiti vahine\"\"\",0,0,5,1339804800,BEST,\"This has become a breakfast staple for our home. Now nearly every Sunday morning, we are making pancakes. We've got the Vermont Mapel syrup, eggs, sausage or bacon and we're set for the day with a just a light snack-type dinner. Use bettermilk for the absolute best results.\"\n2037,B001E5E29A,AWK91FR9IK0S3,Janice L. Rapp,0,0,5"} +{"input": ",,1,131?33???565????grgrer????sts??????GrGre??at at??ixi?????oro????????? w ???fflff?ese?, ,??ama?????ththih?nkn?s s i ???s ??????es?????MuM?st???????? a ???????????it ??roromo?m Am ??aza????? I ??le?t ?????ndndsnd????????o o??????????????ucuctc?t.\"t.???030?8,8?B0B???E5E?E2E?9A9?,A,A2A2F2?FQFQ2Q2J2??0D0???DCDC,C?RoRononionin??0,0,00,?0,50,5,5?,13,1?2929629696???00?,T,ThT??e be ?besbe?st!st???I ???unu??????sos???arardr??tot??be?lil????????on??e ce coc??ldld d gd ??veve ve??hi?s ???? 1 ????????????????????????????rerevre?ieiewie??????o ??f f?? the th??????em em??iki?e e a??s ???????????ed?? Mi Mili??, , a, ?andan????e ?oto?thetherthe???one??dididi????t mt ma?ke???nyn??????????????us?t ??be be????kik?inging g f?????an???kekeskes ??or ???????es,es?, s, soso so d?o ??????selse????? fa????or aor ??? g ?????????se se a???", "output": ",1333065600,great stuff,\"Great mixed for Belgium waffles, family thinks it's the best. Must try it and order it from Amazon. I let friends know to use this product.\"\n2038,B001E5E29A,A2FFQ2JP0DKBDC,Ronin,0,0,5,1329696000,The best!,\"I found it so hard to believe anyone could give this mix 1 star, I had to read those reviews. Two of them seem like ads for Robs Red Mill, and the other one didn't make any sense. You must be looking for pancakes or waffles, so do yourself a favor and give these a go"} +{"input": "??????????? d ded???cicioi??s\"s?????9,9,B,??????E2E?9A9??A2A??UNU?????????2,2?\"L\"?yny?nen?e Me ???ieie e Je JaJaca????n n???\"Ly\"L???nesnesKs??tct?he?n\"n?\"\"\"\"\"?,0,0,0?,0,,0???????20????00,00?????,\"?????ene?titiri?re re??????????vev?d d?tht?isi???ana??????mimixmix.x. ??????????asyasy ??o o??ak??e ae an?????astas???????atat.t. ???e te ??ie????????ithit??sys????????wdw?derde?redre???????, , a, ?? w?el????????????sts???????????????? ap a??lel??coc?????te.te?. I. I . I???oulou?d ??defde???????????rcrch?as???e the t?hishis ??????????The The??onlon????roroboblb?lemle???is is? my m?y fy ???milmi???wawanwant??s ts ??is?is eis ?veverve?y ?weweee??kenke????and?and Iand ?????ve ve? to t???ou???e ???o fo ??eedeed ???y l???geg???famfamifam????. I??t gt ???s s e??????ivive?ve qve ?uiuicickic?lyly,ly, , s, soso so??I dI do?????? or o??derder der i??t at ?as ????tente???as ?th???? wo???????", "output": ". They are delicious\"\n2039,B001E5E29A,A2OUN2538DD7S2,\"Lynne Marie Jackson \"\"LynnesKitchen\"\"\",0,0,4,1325203200,YUM!,\"The entire family loved this pancake mix. It was easy to make and tasted great. We tried it with syrup, powdered sugar, as well as fresh strawberries and apple compote. I would definately purchase this again. The only problem is my family wants this every weekend and I have to double to feed my large family. It gets expensive quickly, so I do not order it as often as they would lik"} +{"input": "?????202?404???????5E5????????????????NKN???????????NiN????GrG??ene????0,0,50,5,5???242414?66664640?0,???mmm??mm??mm???????e ??ovoveve ?ththih??????cacakake??? w wawafa?flflel????x.x. . ????s ??????toto o????as?e e ee ???ryryoyono?????t t???hishi????emem m?dodoeoese????e ?????k.k????ri??pypy,y? l lil????, , t, ?tente????, , y, ???mmymm?????20420??????1E1E51E?5E25E2929A29?A,AA,??8M8?V7V?ARARFR???????omomomofmo???oyoysy????,0,??5,15,?13113????????0,p0,??????e/e???ff?le??mi???????his his?????? the the ???estest t pt pa?????ke/ke??af?flflefl?e me mie mixix x?ev?????????????? f ?????rereare????astast ???? di d??ne??. ??? w??s s as ? g grg??????ri?????andand d wd ??????itit!it! ! M! ????????andand and????and band ?boybo????kepkeptp??coc??plp?limli?enenten????????? wa??fflffleffl?es es? I I m??de? a?nd???tete te??? them the???????-I-???coucoululduld ????rdlrd??????", "output": "e.\"\n2040,B001E5E29A,A1J2E7CBMOLNKX,Jasmine Nike Green,0,0,5,1324166400,yummmmmmmmmm!,\"we love this pancake / waffle mix. It's hard to please everyone but this item does the trick. Crispy, light, tender, yummy!\"\n2041,B001E5E29A,AH8MV7ARFGWYC,momof3boys,0,0,5,1319587200,pancake/waffle mix,\"This was the best pancake/waffle mix ever! Wonderful for breakfast or dinner. It was a great price and worth it! My husband and boys kept complimenting the waffles I made and ate them fast--I could hardly keep"} +{"input": "? u upup.p? D ????nin???lyl????coc?mmm???? S ????????????????? F ????hoh??sese e??ana?cac??e ????d wd wa?fff???e me mim?x!x? Y ?ou??dodo o??avavev??toto to a ada?????fef?ew ew i ?ingingrgreredredidieien??s,s??bubutu?? it i???s s???????orortrtht? t ?theth???????t.t?\"\"??????B0B???E5E??2929A9??AQAQMQ???G9G???969?4D4D,D??????n,n????????313???696??0000,00?ThThe??BeB?sts???afa??le???ix????ThiThisis is??ror??????????????????????adaddad?????????te?r,r???andand and b???teterter ter??I I u??sedse?d od ???).)????I wI wiw?illill l nl ???verve???ak???wa?waffwafflflefles????romrom m?scscrcrar???????aia???.\".\"???04304?,B?00??1E51E???29A29???393?0J0?IBIBFB???K4K??????????e Re ??ad???gagaiga?in,in?,0,,0,0,0,??5,?13??868????????TheThe The b be b?????waf????le mle mi?? y ??ou ??????finfi???????e mae m??????is??pupuru??chach???? ba b?????d ond o??ou???dad?ugughghth???????????mmemm??dadatda", "output": " up. Definitely recommend Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse pancake and waffle mix! You do have to add a few ingredients, but it is well worth the effort.\"\n2042,B001E5E29A,AQMBGG9S7964D,bonbon,0,0,5,1310169600,The Best Waffle Mix,\"This product is great. Just add egg, water, and butter (I used oil). I will never make waffles from scratch again.\"\n2043,B001E5E29A,A390JIBF2CK4SZ,On The Road Again,0,0,5,1308614400,The best waffle mix you can find!,We made this purchase based on our daughter's recommendat"} +{"input": "i?ono????? i ?t t i??? as as s gs ?oooodod ????shs?e e p prp?omomimisi??d.d. .??e ?hahava?e ?????w w f ?lil????tyt????????flefl??????n an an??????? m ?????ro???????usu??wiw??h h?????ondon???fufulu???rer????as?????? a?????re??? s ??rar??bebere???es??oror r?????be??rrirr?iesies s ts toto o t ??e ???p p?????? w??????yryrur??????? it i???is ?scscrc????????yuy?mpm??touto???2202????B0B???E5E?????,A,????UPUPTPTAT??JHJ??L4L?????ie???AZA???,0?,4,?4,14,??020??????0,????t at ??????ete?t a?????????????es,es??I I?ha?????adad ????????s fs ??omom om o ot o???r ?????es ??thath??t a?re????? s? swe sw?eetee?? I I ???havehav???lslsos?????????hemhem m? fr f????????tct?h.h?I like my waffles with NO Sugar in them, because I don't like too much sugar. This mix"} +{"input": "??isis s????? g ?ooo??????????eses ??rer? j ?????tht???ririgi?hth???ono???tatana????????mem??an?????? m??x x i is i?s es ???y y ty ?o o p ????ar???\"\"???454???0000101E1????9A9??A3A???6U6U4U4Y4?7X7??????\"P\"???????????y Dy ??ele??er? \" \"\"\"\"P?hihilhi?llylly ??it??????ellel???????????????29929?????0000,00,H,???andsands s Ds ????????e Be ?????PaP?ancancac????????r,r??????ece???????? g gi g?????????thathata???on?tataita????????e Se ??tontone??ala?ll ll??????s Ps ??nc??????ix??an?and and?????y wy ?????ououtu?t ot ofof f t???is is w ???ldl?d. d. T ???y ????? th???????htehtes??? f ????ffyff?y ay any andn??????or??ulul l??anancancaanc?ake??s as ans andnd nd?????????yoyou?? wi w??l ???ver? t?as????? A ?nd?nd tnd ?thethe the??ri?ce???n n An AmAmamazazozon???? a????ig ig s ?av????s s os ovo???ver over orordor???ininging ing f fr f????St?ononeon?wa???ll Fll ?FarFa?ms??? D??on'on???shs?", "output": " is very good. Waffles are just the right consitancy for me and the mix is easy to prepare.\"\n2045,B001E5E29A,A3RW6U4Y7XPB5E,\"Philly City Dweller \"\"Philly City Dweller\"\"\",0,0,5,1299542400,Hands Down the Best Pancakes Ever,\"We received a gift box that contained the Stonewall Farms Pancake Mix and they were out of this world. They are the lightest, fluffy and flavorful pancakes and waffles you will ever taste. And the price on Amazon is a big savings over ordering from Stonewall Farms. Don't shy"} +{"input": "??awawawaya????????heh????rgr?ere??sis????ana?????????o o?pap?????????????ouou u?wiw????ded????r ?????se se? pa p?????????n n n ??o to ?imi??.\".?2????????1E1??E2E?????BDB??C5C5P5??DPDPHP??P,P,u,unu???omom2om??030???,0????????747?????,b,??sts? e ?eveeverer!er!,!?\"T\"????????? G ????? w wa w?fff????mimixi???? h ?avavev??e ale all??erger?iei???tot????esesees?ervervav?ti???s ??nd? t?o o fo ?inindin???????in????nen??ala?l tl ????? is? g?????at tat ?asa????g g????thoth??t t tt ???? pr p???serse???????es ??is is? a a??ugu?? c ??halhall????ge.ge??? h ha hav??e te ??ie??d sd se?????al al??ththetherthe?????es?es aes an??d td th????ono?ne ne i? is is b is ??????? th??e be ??bestbes???I ??totto????y ????'t'????de??ststastan??? th the the the?rerevre?ie???????out? t?? the the b the ??d d t???tet???nd???\"a\"????????ch?????????????rea???la??belbe?? o??????ther???", "output": " away from the larger size and the two pack because you will devour these pancakes in no time.\"\n2046,B001E5E29A,ABDHC5PUDPHMP,untmom2003,0,0,5,1295740800,best ever!,\"This is a GREAT waffle mix! I have allergies to preservatives and to find food in general that is great tasting without the preservatives is a huge challenge. I have tried several other mixes and this one is by far the best. I totally don't understand the reviews about the bad taste and \"\"all the chemicals\"\"--read labels of other mi"} +{"input": "x??s s a ??d d???????lll??seseeee e????s s os ono??????????fuf????ofo????ll ll tll ththoth?se??ini???ede??????????ere????re??cec??tat?in? k ????s ?????ingingr???ieienie???s ts ?thath??t tt th?es?e ????????????? su sucu?h h a????????in??, , a, anandan?d wd whw??n n??ouou ou???se ???????utu????????????he he?\"\"\"?????\"\" \"\"????teterte??? tha th?at at????????s ??atateater????nd nd? ot oth??????sts?? s????f,f??????se ??rere ?THT?? B ???T ??AFA?????????R!R??2??4747,7?????E5E??292?????JKJKRK????QPQ??????shshoh?p p? al?ot????,0,,0,4,????2912912???0000000?0,R0,ReR??llllylly ?gogooo????butbu??exexpx??????ve,ve?Th???is lis ??and??????th????gorgo?mem??????ategate??gorygor???oro???????? H HaHava????? th the th??ese ese p ???ca??es?????s lis l?ke?? go g??ing??tot?????????uraur??????and and h hah??ining???????????alal al p pa p?anc??kekeske??s ths t?hathat ???u u wu ", "output": "xes and you will see this one is not full of all those ingredients. There are certain kinds of ingredients that these mixes need, such as levening, and when you use REAL butter, NOT the \"\"tub\"\" butter that contains water and other nasty stuff, these are THE BEST WAFFLES EVER!\"\n2047,B001E5E29A,A3JKRHM6QP2BMC,shop alot,0,0,4,1291248000,Really good but expensive,This lands in the gormet category for sure. Having these pancakes is like going to a resturant and having exceptional pancakes that you w"} +{"input": "o???? e ???ece????? g ????ata?t ht ?????? T ThTheh??prp??cec??isi???????t h???? b?utu???????non?? t???? b be b????e ?yo?u u? bu??????? s sos?????s ns nonotnot ????????o do ???ngngrgrar??e e te ??he he??ror?dud??????ec????e e oe ofo??????.<.r /????????????????iceic???y ay ??d ?ono?????ckc???of of? tw t?o o go gog?????????g g???me???????,B,B0B000??E5E5E5???????K8K8A8A7A?A8A??333??EEEE,EE????n n N ?. ?IhI??rigrig ??????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????,0,,0???????797?20?00???an??anaana ana r ?recrecicipi?pe,pe??I I??sese se t???is is? as a?????e be bab?se????r r mr mymy ?wawafa?flf??es.es?. . ???se se 2se 2 2???ala????an????? m ?masma??hedhe?, ,???4T4??????mmm????????vav?anianili??a,a???andand ?1/1???cuc?up up?????????????????nd????????le?nd?nd ind ?it it??ll?????getge?the??. ?. Y. ????ne??ed ed t???leletlet ?it???cooco?ok ok a?? mu m?uchuch h lh ?????r r pr pe", "output": "ould expect to get at home. The price is a bit high but you know that before you buy them so its not fair to downgrade the product bnecause of that.

They cook up nicely and one pack of two goes a long time.\n2048,B001E5E29A,A1K8A7A8G33EEE,\"Ken N. Ihrig \"\"Ken\"\"\",0,0,5,1287792000,Banana recipe,\"I use this as the base for my waffles. Use 2 small bananas mashed, 3/4T cinammon, 1T vanilla, and 1/2 cup gratted pecans and then blend it all together. You need to let it cook a much longer pe"} +{"input": "?ririoi?d d???????? a atat t?? l ????r r t???? n nonoro?mam????eme?????atuat?rer?e ae ???d yd ?ouo? n ne n?ede??????utu?t bt bab?ckck k o?n ??he???momou???t ot ???waw?????ususes?ed.ed??YoYou? n???? t?o ?????? wh whah?? t? the th?e ce cocono??isi??enencen?? o??f tf ?thethe ????flf????ixi??????shshoh?oulou?????e be ?befbe????e ye yo?u u au at??temte???t tt ??is?????ipi????????at???you????????te??????e te ?thethe the a am?ou???t o??f wf wa???? t???????? T ?????is???????mewme?????????ckyck????recirec?ipeip???inincin?e ???'s'??eaeasasys???????thethe ????fl??????????ck? a??nd nd??ululll?l al ?????. . . O. OnO?ne ne??banba????????????????asias??er ???ut ut?I'I???e he ?????somso?????ccc????s ws ?itithith h?????e e b?????nasna??????????'s? a???? be b??????ovoveverve?riripri??.\".??????,B,??010????292????2R2??????????LWL?,r,?????on???????,1,", "output": "riod of time at a lower then normal temperature and you need to cut back on the amount of water used. You need to know what the consistency of the waffle mixture should be before you attempt this recipe so that you can determine the amount of water to use. This is a somewhat tricky recipe since it's easy for the waffles to stick and pull apart. One banana makes it easier but I've had some success with three bananas. Banana's are better overripe.\"\n2049,B001E5E29A,A2R04M8DPT8VLW,rwspoon,0,0,4,1"} +{"input": "2?878?444??4040000,0,p,pep????ctc???oror r??heh? w weweee???ndn???I'I???non????????????????????? o ?? m ???ese?? bu b??t tt ?thith??s is ?is is?? g ????????????e me ?mixmi??? I ?t't's's ??uiuicickck,k, , e ?easea?y,y??anandand d???odo?ucucec??????ic?ioi?usu??wa?fffflff???????es??????s s ps pr?????? t?hah?? s ????????? the th????????mi??es??ono?n An ?????on on?? but bu??????ini?k k i it?????or???? it it.t?\"\"?202??????00100??5E5E2E??A,A?A1A1919595O5OAOAWAWQW?HIH?TGT?????????E E??ou?ntntat??????????????????????????s\"s\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?,0,??0,?5,5?????46846818??00??,\"T,\"?as?tyt?y, y,??exextx???re re????at??????????is ais ????????mi????????mixe?d ???????h h??ili??k ik ?insin??eaeadead ?of?????terte??. ?JuJus???fo?????? th?? d?iri?recre?????s.????05105??B0?010?1E51E5E????A,AA,?PZP???VUVUSUSNS??ATA????FoxFox-x???r,r?,0,,0?,0,?????8383838138?767??0,?0,Be0,B", "output": "287446400,perfect for the weekend,\"I'm not normally a big fan of mixes but this is a great waffle mix. It's quick, easy, and produces delicious waffles. Yes, it's pricier than some of the other mixes on Amazon but I think it's worth it.\"\n2050,B001E5E29A,A195OAWQHITG0E,\"38 TE Fountain Gal \"\"Striped Bass Lass\"\"\",0,0,5,1284681600,\"Tasty, texture great\",This is a great mix. I mixed it with milk instead of water. Just follow the directions.\n2051,B001E5E29A,APZ25VUSNDATB,Fox-Fyr,0,0,5,1283817600,Be"} +{"input": "s?t t?wawafa???e e?mim?x x????????ThThih?s s??? m my m????vov??ititete e we ??fffflff?le le?????(i(it????? b ???usu????toto o?????e pe ??ancancacakca???s ts ???, ,???????????aveav??to??ada??d md ?milmi????anandan?d wd wew??dod?n'n't'????uauala??y ?????? mi mil milk????n tn ??????ousou?se)se?. .????ou ou h??ave? t??o ao ?????????, ?? e??g,g, ????????????bub????????or or??he? w??affaf?flefl?e re ??cic????????e ee ??? w?????eses s as aba?ououtout ??oncon?e ??? we w????
Apart from the fact that it tastes great (it has a little vanilla and malt mixed in), it has NO trans fat. Some pancake/waffle mixes, such as Krustead's which also tastes really good, say they have no trans fat PER SERV"} +{"input": "???G,G? b bub????? i?t ??asas s p ?????ala??? h ???ror??????eded d v ???getge??blblel? o ??? i in i? t ?hehe e ie ini????edied??ententst???ththeth??? i is i????tiltill? s sos??e ???????ththath???????????er?????? t tr trar????fafatat at? pe????er??in??. .? S ??ono???al???ha????????????????????WeW???ses?ed ed??o o h?avaveve ve?? s??torto?re ?ththathatthat t st ?solsoldld ?iti????????y,y??bu?t t nt ????wew???on?'t'????o Io ?? am a? g ?lal??????????geget??? it it o on o????????
/>????/>/>T/>?he????an an c??omeomese?s ws ???? a??re??ipi??e te ?tha????? p pe???ecectc?t ft ??????????? tw t???beb?lgl?ia?n ???fff???????ithith ith n ?? l ?lefle???veverve?????????.W/>?We We????t ????????ththe???eg?????????? bu b??? we w??ar?e ?gog??ng??? to to t??????????thetherthe?????avoav????s nes n?xtxt.t.\".?????2,2????1E1E5E????A,A????BPB?", "output": "ING, but if it has partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in the ingredients, there is still some (less than than 1 percent) trans fat per serving. Stonewall has none.

We used to have a store that sold it locally, but now we don't so I am glad we can get it online.

The can comes with a recipe that is perfect for making two belgian waffles with no leftover batter.

We just bought the regular mix but we are going to try the other flavors next.\"\n2052,B001E5E29A,AIPBPZ"} +{"input": "??9Q9?R9R????????\"\"\"?CKC?????0,0?,0,,0??,1,121???????000??YuY???y y?Yu?mmmmymm?y Yy ???????!!,!!?,\"I,\"??ororirigi??????????cec??????ththihisis s???????s as ????ftft t??ror???? f?????d ??????gi?giftgif????ckc?. . W ?heh??? my my y fy ????ly??????d ???t at ???? a g a gi a g??ft ft t th t???y ly lol?????????mm??ediediaiata?????. . I ??t it ?????pep????um??my my?wawafafff??e e???ix.ix?. . T. ?????af???ese??tut??n n???t ?tat??titin????o o??????????????? do d?o no ?oto??nen?????o ??dddd ???y y ty ????ining????????????r tr to? t th???. ??HeH???e Ie ???am am? on o???amaamaza????cocom? p ??acaciac??ing ing? ye y??t at ant anonotnoth?????rdr?derde?r fr ?or??th?is?is Wis ?af??le?????, ,??t t gt ?oeo?? q ??ic???ly ??????? m?? h ?ou??e ?????? i it it it?????nowno????verve??yonyonene'ne???fafavfavov??itite? b???aka????????temte???????3,3???001001E1E5E???9A9?,A,A2A24?RFR?", "output": "T9QR9CC,\"MT \"\"CK\"\"\",0,0,5,1280102400,Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!,\"I originally received this mix as a gift from a friend in a gift pack. When my family tried it as a gift they loved it immediately. It is super yummy waffle mix. The waffles turn out tasting so delicious you do not need to add any toppings or butter to them. Here I am on amazon.com placing yet another order for this Waffle mix, it goes quickly around my house since it is now everyone's favorite breakfast item.\"\n2053,B001E5E29A,A24RFB"} +{"input": "V?RNR?ZJZ?9H9?Y,Y??grg?2,2?0,0??????????161???0,???????pap??????s s?- - b ??estes??????wew???? e eve?verve??????d.d????\"W\"???????inintn?o o???r ???iri?d d c ??n n? of of f t???s ??lal??oro??ulu????d ?eae?asyas???mixmi???and? i ???juj?stst st???????to? g geg?t t bt ????ere??an?????????????unundn???y iy isi???panpa???akeake e de da????????r ????sese,se?? an a?nd nd?????????????d bd ?????berbe???y py pa????kekeske?s ws ?it???re???l ml ?apa??e e se ??????? T ??hishis his? mi mix??????s ????????blubl?uebue????rieries?????ele?y y -y ??????t t o??verver-ver-m-?mixmix mix t? the th??????ededied????s s as ?and??yoyou????lll???getge???nicni??, ?????fyf??frf???it-it-f-?ilillil?ledle?????? no n???? pa p?ancanca??eses ???at???re???????lutlute??????rsr?st-st?rarat?????????,B,?????5E5???A,A,A,??T2T?F3F?????????,M,MoMomoma?heh?n,n,0,0,????5,15,??767?12???00??", "output": "VRNZJ9HY,jgr2,0,0,5,1280016000,Tasty pancakes - best mix we've ever tried...,\"We are into our third can of this flavorful and easy mix and it just seems to get better and better! Sunday is pancake day at our house, and today we had blueberry pancakes with real maple syrup. This mix holds fresh blueberries nicely - don't over-mix the ingredients and you will get nice, fluffy fruit-filled (or not) pancakes that are absolutely first-rate.\"\n2054,B001E5E29A,A2T2F3V7H78FG8,Momahen,0,0,5,1276128000,B"} +{"input": "?ese????ana??aka?es? e ??erer!r??WeW? f ????? r ?ece???vevedve? S ????????l l??an?????s s??s s as ???ifi??. . W ?We We h ?avave??oro?????????emem m?????? A ????onon on???o o h??as as???e ?????t pt prp???cesces.s??HiHigi???y y?????mmmmem?ndn????isi???????ctct.?? Wi W?ll?????uru???heherhe????????y ??or?e.e?..??202?5555,5???????E2E292??,A,?JHJ??595??????WZW?,\",?ErE??ca??????ric?a\"a\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?0,0???5,5,15,121????828?????,Ad,Addd?icictic??ed,ed,\",\"I,\"??bob???ghtgh??th?????? a? w?hi??????cauca???????ouounou?? s sos???e je jaj?m m mm ma?????y ??the?? sa s?ameame ???ompom??nyn??????aba????????ly ly?lol?ve?? i ???????diddi???????????t mt mum?uchuch h???re?re tre ???? b?????? wa w????e ???and and????ncancak??????. ????s ???is sis ????uc????????r.r???r r???I/>?????eaeas??y t?o ???e ??????makma??? m?oio??????lu?ffffyffy ", "output": "est pancakes ever!,We first received Stonewall pancakes as a gift. We have ordered them 2x on Amazon who has the best prices. Highly recommend this product. Will return here to buy more...\n2055,B001E5E29A,AJHH59ALYINWZ,\"Erica \"\"Erica\"\"\",0,0,5,1275782400,Addicted,\"I bought this on a whim because I found some jam made by the same company and absolutely loved it. I didn't expect much more than basic waffle and pancake mix. This is so much better.

It's easy to use and makes moist, fluffy "} +{"input": "p????aka??s s????t t??????????e ????? I ? a?m m n nen??ere????yiyiningn??????uiu??? a????in.in.\".????565????010??5E5?292???AIA???4O4????KQK?N1N1,1?EdE???????. ???asases?e Je ??r.,r.,0,?,0,0,,0?????757??232????????t ?????????t,t????havha???ususe??d td th?????ror????t ?????????w w y ?ea?rsr??non?w.w. . T. ???is is bis ???ingin????e e f???rstrs??titimimem???ro?m ??????n.n. ??????lalada?d id ?t ???????therthe?re.re. . T?????is?is b?????ar ar t?heh???????pa?????e/e?wawafwa????e me ??? o ?? t th???????ketke?????????? ! ?2?0505705????00100???5E25E29??A,AA,A8A8N8????ZDZDZDZWZ?????????? M ???????s,s??,0,0,0,0,????????494969??????asast?y ?papan??cakcake?s,?? bu butu?????itittit?????la?????ThTheTh???pan??????s ws wew????ded????ioi?usus,us, ,????t t????y wy ?????'t't ????????ffyff?y ay as???? the the??nenesne????????malma??", "output": "pancakes that are to die for. I am never buying Bisquick again.\"\n2056,B001E5E29A,AILO4OENJKQN1,Edward S. Pease Jr.,0,0,5,1275523200,Best Breakfast,I have used this product for a few years now. This being the first time from Amazon. I'm glad it was there. This is by far the best pancake/waffle mix on the market bar NONE !\n2057,B001E5E29A,A8NE8PZDZW5EW,Geoff Matthews,0,0,4,1273449600,\"Tasty pancakes, but a little flat\",\"The pancakes were delicious, but they weren't as fluffy as the ones I normally"} +{"input": " m mam??e.e? ?NeN?xtx?????e e?? u ??e ?tht??????'m'????????????hi?p p? th t???????wh??tetese?????????????? tha thata???helhe?psp??????585????0101E1E5E??????A3A??????????9292N2???. ?GoG?rmr???,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?????????????isispispyp? a?nd? s?ofo??t at ala?l l????ono?cec???I ??ouo?????theth??e ??? a??????? G ????d Bd ?oxo????ricri???????e e de ?aya???????wiwis?e ??I wI wow???? n ?ot? h hahavavev?e le lol?okoke??d td twtwi?ce?????1616.6?00????ancan?akakeak???ixix.x. ???owo?? we w??????hoh??ke?? - ???????ng????mpm????s ??o ?th??is is m mi m??. . . I. ???ve ve t?ri????eve?verve????ox???in in????e se ??????fo????ourour ???????? w?afa???e ?e mae m?????????d thd t????????p tp th????????Waffles are nice and crisp on the outside and super soft on the inside"} +{"input": "????heheye? a ?rere e s ???ded???e ??he??y dy ??n'n?????sosorso?? s sy syryrur?p p o ?r r t tot?????gsg??. . ?I I?wiw????bubuyu???thithisi?????r ?ana?? o???er er? ag agagaiain?..???5959,9,B,?000??E5E5E5E2E292?A,A??1S1S7S??FTF??HDH??3H3HAH????ococec??????wiwizwi????d \"d \"\"\"????e_??the????wizawiz????????,0?,4,?,1,121?727?323262?404?00,00,D,??eses ????????s fs ??? o???????????ar?iti?y y iy in????? k ???????????? a a????m,m? I???????d ???????wowo-wo????ck ck o of o? S StStotontone???ll? K ??itc???hen hen?????hoh?usu???PaPan???ke????????fff????MiM????????tltlyl???en?titici?cedced ?in????mem?e me ??asa???? b?y ??he?he ahe ??rereare???y py ??????ve? r???????s hs ?????-a-??d ???wiwilwi????????to to???oso?????y ny ?oto????? th????wew??wi??l ????????pinpi?ng ng ang ?? su supuppupplp?? o?? h ??and? i in???ourou???panpa?ntrnt????brb?r /r ?><>?
I really"} +{"input": "???idid d n ??? e ?xpx??ctc?t tt tht?ata??t tht t???????y-y?toto-o??????re??????wowououlu?d ??iei??? w???flf?eses s bs ?ete???? t ththathana???????ror?m-m????at?chc? r re?????s ?I I??????????ususis?????bub?????? t??????affaf??????????? s ???????d wd ?iti???? e ea?????eae??? a ??te?????iningin?? ba b??is???? t?? t??????cec?essesseseses es o ????? the ????in????????r tr ththeth???asastast ?fefewew w yw yeyea???.<.?????????r /r />r /?BeBeie?inging ing? ab a?lele le? to to to???????ut???cricr????, a, ??iryiry,y???igi???, ??ala?tyt? w wa??????s ds ????????ded???s f?????nen????popopo??????ityit???in ?????????????, a?????paipa????ing ?th?thesthese? w??ithith h rh ???al al? ma m????le sle ?????p ap ?andan?????????????berberrr?ie???is?is tis ththe???waywa?????gog?????????B0B??1E1?5E5E2E?????1V1??4E4????767??262??M.M? L ???U,U,0,???0,40,4,4????151", "output": " did not expect that this easy-to-prepare mix would yield waffles better than the from-scratch recipes I had been using, but now the waffle iron is stashed within easy reach after being banished to the recesses of the cabinets for the last few years.

Being able to whip out crisp, airy, light, malty waffles does wonders for one's popularity in the kitchen, and pairing these with real maple syrup and fresh blueberries is the way to go.\"\n2060,B001E5E29A,A1VK4EB3V76826,M. LIOU,0,0,4,12715"} +{"input": "4484????????lolovovev?????,\",??o o???ttttet?r r??owow w y ??u u? me mesesss??????hehe e re rerececic?pepe,e? t???s ?????sts???l l????es???y y f ??????y hy hah??pyp??????????????y y my ??rnr???????\"\"?202?6161,1,B,???????2929A9?,A,?1212D2DWDWMWM9M?QVQVTV?0U0?????RaR????? \" ?\"R??aRaaRaDa??\"\"??,5,?????1,11,12?949???404???????tat????ifi??I I?coc??ldl????UKU???UK?? YU?K,K??I ????? a ?n ????ene?ses?e le ????ve fve fof?? p ?an?cac??es?? ?? h ha h??ve ????en en o ???a a??eae??chc??????th?e ???stst st? pa pananc????????? fo?r ?aba????????ea?r.r. ?I ?did?????????ititeit???????????ewe??????matmatut??relre?y ?????I wI ?????d ?tot?o go ?ivive?ve tve th?the the p?ror??????a ?fa?????????e.e. . . ?? I t I trt?rieriede?d id ???????h wh whw??lel???????. ????????d id itd i?t w?it?ith ith??????ermer?mil?????????riedried ?d itd it d it??itith?ith bith ????????????", "output": "48800,We love it.,\"No matter how you mess up the recipe, this Mix still makes my family happy in the Sunday morning :)\"\n2061,B001E5E29A,A12DWM9QVT0UUA,\"RaRaDC \"\"RaRaDC\"\"\",5,8,1,1294704000,0 Stars if I could! YUK YUK YUK,\"I have an immense love for pancakes. I have been on a search for the best pancake mix for about a year. I did not write this review prematurely as I wanted to give the product a fair chance. I tried it with whole milk. I tried it with buttermilk. I tried it with blueberries. "} +{"input": "I? t trt??eded d i ?t t?wiwit???utut ????ebe??rrrririeri?????????? b ???faf??? th theh??WOWORO?STS? m mim?x x? I I?hah???e te tr?ie?d ?tht?usu?s fs ?farfa?????he???lal?avoav?r r ir ????otot ?gogooo????ses???????kek????? ne n?eedee????or???sus?????. . W. ?it?ith ith??????er?ri?riesrie?, ?itit ??is is vis veverve?y ?????d t?????t t tt ???e pe ?anancn??kekeskes s ts tot??cocoo?????l l t??????????????? w????????ovo??vercver??????g g???????. I. ????al?lyl???m m t?ele??in????ou???ll???? the the? hy hypy?e ?onon n t??is??prp???????ha?s s gs go????o ??be be f???????opo???e te the t??????ith?????or???foforor or t?????????????olo??or?or hor ha??ve ve n ne nev neve????ririe???ananoan?othot?herhe?r hr hihigigh????alalialit?y ?mi?????. I . I???oneones?tlt?ly ly????ldl?d rd ??ththe??r er ?eatea??pa?pancpan??ke??????????DoD??al??ds.ds???DoDonDo????wa?sts??e ye ??????????! !??(R(RoR????s ", "output": "I tried it without blueberries. It is by far the WORST mix I have tried thus far. The flavor is not good, seems like it needs more sugar. With blueberries, it is very hard to get the pancakes to cook all the way through without overcooking them. I really am telling you all the hype on this product has got to be from people that either work for the company lol or have never tried another high quality mix. I honestly would rather eat pancakes from McDonalds. Don't waste your money! (Robbys "} +{"input": "?mim????s s??lsl????ayayyyyy?yy?????? b ?ete?????????I I??ele????? i?t t??????heheae???????(m(mamay???????tt????fof?r ?wa?fffflf?ese?...???ini??e e Ie ??m m??tut?ckck k w???? t ?wow?o co ?anansn??I ?ma??????y ty ththath??..?????!)!?\"\"2??????????????A,A??121??????X0X0J0????????mym????. H. ?????????5,5?8,8,5??111?909080?515???00,00???? b?????? waf wa??lelesle???I hI ???? A ?????? r ???????s s ts ??isis is? it???m am ????????????'t'???stast??????e ??ththetherther r br ?rar?andandsand??ououtu???????e se si????e ie ????????hih???br??and??????? the the ?prp???? i is i???????t at at? A Am A?maz??? t???2????????1E1E51E5E????A,AA,???3H3H9H?5Q5???313??A3,A3?PaP??tytyDy?????3,?5,5,35,?3,13,?????6060000000?????????o Go ?re?at??,Th,T??????st ?????g g a?bobououtout ??hihishi??pap????keke ???and and??? waff waf???e me mi????is ???the the??", "output": "mix is also wayyyyyyyyyy better and I believe it was cheaper). (may be better for waffles...since I'm stuck with two cans I may try that...ugh!)\"\n2062,B001E5E29A,A128T00RX0JOS2,Tammy M. Hendrick,5,8,5,1190851200,The best waffles,I hope Amazon restocks this item always.I can't stand the other brands out there since it got this brand.And the price is right at Amazon to.\n2063,B001E5E29A,A2A3H95QZS31A3,PattyDuff,3,5,3,1287360000,Not So Great,The best thing about this pancake and waffle mix is the ca"} +{"input": "n? i ?n ?whw?icichch h i it it t?cocomomem?s.s. .?????eae???y y?lil?????heh??coconconvn?ene????cec??ofo? t?he???????andand d t? the th???aca?????ata???????sesea?lsl??ea??ili???????/>/?????bab?attat?ere?r cr ??okoke????? n ?????? a ????????????uru?re re w ???s Os ?K.K?. . ?HoH??eve???r Ir I ?wa?s ?veververyver??didisi???popoioin??????in in?? the the ??lal?vovoro???. T. ??er??????re ?sts?ono?g g???ver????es???????????alal al???????s.???r ???????illil??beb?e ee ??peper??me?ntn?????wiw?ithit??mym????n ????ipipepespe?s is in?in tin ?????ututu??re.re?????4,4??????????????TRT?VDV???????HQHQ,Q?????. ?GeG????????????121242?????24024?00,00,G,?????bubut? n???t gt ?re??at,at??????il??y ty totouto???d d b?y ??he??re?vi?ewewsws,? d ???cidci???d td to? t??y.y?. ?MiMixi????s gs ?oo?d,d, ,? bu b??ut nut ?otot ot?????t.t???????????ly wly ??ululdl?n'n??????y ay ?", "output": "n in which it comes. I really like the convenience of the can and the fact that it reseals easily.
The batter cooked up nicely and the texture was OK. However I was very disappointed in the flavor. There were stong overtones of chemical flavors.
I will be experimenting with my own recipes in the future.\n2064,B001E5E29A,A2TRVDNMEA01HQ,J. T. Gettys,3,5,4,1249862400,Good but not great,\"Heavily touted by the reviews, decided to try. Mix is good, but not great. Probably wouldn't buy ag"} +{"input": "aaia?n.n.\".????656???000??E5E????A,A?A3A3H3?XFX???VPV?BQBQ5Q???\"L\"LeL??a a O OcO?????????\"Le\"L??a.a.L.??????,5,???????181???12012????DeD??ici????s,s? m ????? a ?a ga ????t t g ???t\"t\",\",\"\",?????????????beb??????ancan??ke? m mi m??! !??????e se ?????th??is is tis ?????????? p pep???????an?d d t????y ay al??????ve ve i ?t.t???TheTh??????pa?ckc????akeak?es es a a a???iceice e le ?litli???le le????t.?????????00???????A,???5C5????ZIZIFIFHFH9H959??,\"?rir?????12312? \" \"\" \"?ri????12123?\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\",1,???,3?,1?31??616???????oto?thi?????pe???al???oror r w ???????????y,y,\"??eee???cuc??rioriou??????outou??????ewe?alallall all s????e ?re?adadid??????all all tall th??????zoz?? r rerevre??ew?s ?bub??????? su s????ababoab??out out??????dindi?? $ ??? f?or?? a ?pa?????e e me ?ix?. ????he he?ot????????, ??foufounundn??a ?bibigi???canca??at???ur", "output": "ain.\"\n2065,B001E5E29A,A3HXF3GVPBQ5B,\"Lena Ocansey \"\"Lena.L\"\"\",3,5,5,1231891200,\"Delicious, makes a great gift\",\"This is the best pancake mix! I've sent this to several people, and they all love it. The two-pack makes a nice little gift.\"\n2066,B001E5E29A,A15C9JJZIFH95R,\"risky123 \"\"risky123\"\"\",1,2,3,1315612800,Nothing special for what you pay,\"Been curious about Stonewall since reading all the Amazon reviews but not sure about spending $$$ for a pancake mix. The other day, found a big can at Sur"} +{"input": " ??a a?TaT?b b?sts???? i ini??SaSanan ???an?cicisi??? f ?oror or???lyly y?????959????????tht??ugu??t,t, ?????non??t, t, t??????s s??y ????anc?e ?to?? tr t?????I ????s ss sos??lol???in?? f????????????dad?????????ing ing???????dede ???? fi f?rsr??? th thi thin??ing ting ???dayda?y..y.??..a..?lll??? c ??????? i? is, is, ???de?rwr???????ing,ing????th?ining?ing sing ??ece???al.al???????iei?d ?it??????owo?in?ing ??hehe ???st?rur?????onson??bub?t ?????ing ing ling ??? f fa f??t mt ??????nd? \" ??he??altal?thithiethiere????????er???????????alral?rigri?????bu?but but??not??grg?reare?? e ??sp.sp. ??concons???der???????e ?prp?ricri?e.e????he?n n In ???oco??????? it it ?t upt u? a???it???ad??dedde???????asascasca?r r v ?an??ll???????xsx?eee?????? p psp????????wh?icich?? I ?????allal?????? wi wit????y ?pap????kek????????tedte??a a ba ?it?it bit beb??", "output": " La Tab store in San Francisco for only $10.95, so I thought, why not, this is my chance to try. I was so looking fwd to Saturday morning and made it first thing today....all I can say is, underwhelming, nothing special. I tried it following the instructions but using low fat milk and \"\"healthier\"\" butter, it was alright, but not great esp. considering the price. Then I doctored it up a bit, added madagascar vanilla, flaxseed and psyllium which I usually do with my pancakes, tasted a bit bett"} +{"input": "e?????????llll l?rarata?ini?g,g??? s ??????, j, ?usust???k,k?, s, ?stust??k k w ?????th?? c cac??????????? e eaeat????, ??utut t w??????????uru???asa?e ??gag??????I I??????prp?obo?aba?lyl? t tr t???????exextx????meme ???th? f ?????????????k ak anandand d?bubutbu???er er a ?as as i?t t rt ??????menme??eded ??o o so ?seese?e ie ?f f? th t?hathat ???kek?s s? a a?did???er??ncn??, ??????ob??ablablyly ly??oeoes????I hI ?????ly ????comco????????arvar??y'y's'????ga???c c P PaP??ca??? M ???, ??alsal?o o ho ??????n ?AmAma?zoz???, t, ?????es es? so??mumuc???????er???????lul?fff???er.er???IfI?f yf ?ouou u??????101???? wh w????????in? p ???ancaanc???es,es, ????e ale alslso? l??ve???odo???ak ak?BuB???terte?mimilmilkl??mi??x, x,? al a?lsols????ere?ere oere onon on?Am?aza?zonzo?...?..h..he?al??thythy,y, , h, ?hea???y ???and and sand ?so ?gogooo???, e, eve????mymy ?kik???????e e ie ite it.t?.....??????", "output": "er. Overall rating, 3 stars, just ok, stuck with the can so we'll eat it, but will not purchase again. I will probably try it next time with full fat milk and butter as it recommended to see if that makes a difference, it probably does. I highly recommend Garvey's Organic Pancake Mix, also here in Amazon, tastes so much better and fluffier. If you like 100% whole grain pancakes, we also love Kodiak Buttermilk mix, also here on Amazon...healthy, hearty and so good, even my kids love it...and be"} +{"input": "s????f f??lll??iti??????st?? ad addd???atatet??, ,?mamaka?ese?s is ????oro?tat????, , w, ?? e ????????????????????? on o??vav???? t to t??HaH??waiwa?i.i?\"\"??????B0B??1E1E5E?E2E??A,A??MBM??PXP?ANANKNK2K?2626M6?,R,?ici????d ?C.C. .?????y,y????,3,???????37376760600?????t ????????en en???rer??d ?tht??? re r??ieiewe?s ??roromo?? ot o??er???us???omeom?erser???I ?wa???????????ab?ouo??????????????d ????????????s ms ??x.x. ?ThThih?is is??or?nin???? we w???????????lelesle??wi?thth th???????????ewaew??l ???itcitch?enen ???x x?? and and d Bd ???????k.k. . T?hehe ??????les???frofr?om om?StStoStono???walwa?? w??re? o??- - a?? and and s sos????rere ?th??? wa???ffleffl?es es f??romro?????ququiqu?ick??. T????wa?waffwafflflefleses ?we?????er??vedved d t??o so se?veverve??????opo???? fo f?? t???????ing aing ?nd??????????e fe ?????th?the ?sas????><>??r r / ????????rer?eme?ene????asa?????t ?StStot???wa??????tct??henhe??prp???ucu?t ??waswa???oto??t wot w??th????he he s sis??ninififif???nt? e ???rar???oso????FuFuru??he?rmr?or?????????????? av a?aia????lel????n on ??? l ?oco?calca?l sl susupu??????rkr?ete???he?herehereae????isisqsquq???k k?? is is?????????. T. ????? wi wil??l bl ??e ae a a oa on?e ???me???ururcur??as?e e fe ?oror or???.\".????686?,B,????E5E???9A9?,A,??????LDL???KDK?????an???ke????an,an??????,1?????838323?????????e tae t??tet?e be be??????I I a?? c co con??stast?antan???????? the th?e se ????ch?????????ic??ou?s ?bubutu?ttett?ermermim?ilkil?k pk ?????????s bes b?ca?ususeus??????y ay ararear???y ?fa?vovor?it??e f?????????thethe e we ?????? I ???liklike?ke tke toto to?????ke mke ?my my??wnw?????geg?? t? the them them ??? t th????rir???inain????????ke???????e (e (w(??ic?????s ??????", "output": ">
The agreement was that Stonewall Kitchen product was not worth the significant extra cost. Furthermore, it is not available in our local super market whereas Bisquick is stocked. This will be a one time purchase for us.\"\n2068,B001E5E29A,A2CBCBLD2PKDXL,pancake fan,1,2,3,1299283200,Mine taste better,I am constantly on the search for delicious buttermilk pancakes because they are my favorite food in the world. I like to make my own or get them at the Original Pancake House (which has the be"} +{"input": "????bub???ere????k k?pap?ncn????s s?I I?hahava?? e ???? t ???stest????????ded???de??? to t? t??? t th t?isi????x x???x ?????????? e ev e?venve??tht???ghg????ama? n nonotot ????an???? b?ox? m????????ThT?????ononeonewe??lll?? br b??andan???????a va ??veryvery y ay ?aroar?mam?atiat?????enentn????t t tt ???at'at???whwhe?????I cI ??as?????? b be b???mpm??resre?ses?ed.ed????TheThes????????akeakeses es??ar???????sese se?at???ll? a?ndn??d had h?aveave ???dedecdececencent???lal??????and???????re? b?utut ut??????????ngn?? to? to g to ??????????????henhen ???????? I g I ?guegu??s ???m ?on?? o of o??th??e fe ?ewew ew w ?????ououlouldld d gd gu??sh sh??????????????bebetett??????????ancanca?keke ke???????!!!? ??????rere ??k ??but???otot ot?????th th a?????tha????????????696??B0B?010????????AEA????????NSN???\"T\"???GaGaba??rieri??????", "output": "st buttermilk pancakes I have ever tasted). I decided to try this box mix variation even though I am not a fan of box mixes. The Stonewall brand has a very aromatic scent but that's where I ceased to be impressed. These pancakes hardly rise at all and have a decent flavor and texture but are nothing to gush over. Then again I guess I'm one of the few who would gush over a plain bettermilk pancake anyway!! They're ok but not worth all that money.\n2069,B001E5E29A,AEZDGIIKFNS8,\"T. Gabriel \"\"te"} +{"input": "?gag?brb???l\"l\"\"\"?\"\",\"\"???????,12,1??252??565606????? b beb???ere? t ???n n???????\"E\"???eryer???eeeekek k I I I??aka?e e w wa w??fflfflel???oro?r pr ?anancan?ak????fof?? m???????e ae ????????????? T ThT???r ???ini??ono???s ??thath?? t?hehe he w? waf wa??????tat???te te d????????????omo? b?utu?t nt ???t bt ?betbett??????an????ososes?e Ie ????????iti????????y my mim?x.x. . A. AsA????ffffyffy ?y miy m????os?tst??a a?lol????esesses???? w wi wil willl? n ??t ?????lyl?y oy ??????th??????rodro?ucu??t at ?????.\".??202070?0,??????????A,A????????CBC?I7I?N4N???M.M????huh?le???,2,,2????????919151???????propr?????????????,\"?Th????????ensen???????????? m mi m????tas???s s ss soso ?prproprocpro?cescesss??????and and??ak??. ??? l??ss? e ?expex?penpe?sisivsi????????icickc???frofr?????uru??loloclocacalca?l gl ?rorocro??ryr???stost?????beabe?????hehe ???tast??", "output": "gabriel\"\"\",1,2,3,1272585600,No better than Jiffy,\"Every week I make waffles or pancakes for my wife and daughter. Their opinion is that the waffles taste different from but not better than those I make with Jiffy mix. As Jiffy mix costs a lot less, I will not likely order this product again.\"\n2070,B001E5E29A,A2VW3I1CBI7N4S,M. Schuler,2,4,1,1319155200,processed taste,\"This expensive pancake mix tastes so processed and fake. A less expensive bisquick from your local grocery store beats the taste,"} +{"input": "?????dodououbu?t.t?? I ??'s'??a a y yuy?????????ucuctuc??\"\"???717??B0B?????????,A,?1M1?J8J?RHR?XIX?M5M5V5????WaW????r r???sis????,4,?,3,?????????606????NiN?????anancncac?????? Bu B?t t N NoN????????mpm???e Ae ?As As??????????? W ????r\"r\"\"???ixi?.\".??????s ??ix??mamak????????e pe ??????keske?????eyey y sy sms??lll? r rir??h h a??????anian?illil??-y-????????ouou ou????'t'??????alallal??y y t ??????itit ?t ast a?s ss ststrst?ronro?g g? as a?s is ???sm?elellellsl??????on???????y ty ????? ag a???? b????us?????er?e e ae ara???eaeas???er er???ixeixes?es oes ou????the??re re?????t tt tat t?astasteaste ??????y y dy dad???n cn ???ses???I'I??????t ?t as?????pyp??us?ininging ?????us???????raranandand d md ???? th??at at????????????????the?? ad a?????????f f????er???no??ege?gsg????????k k? or or ??????r nr ?ececeec??sas?aryar?).)??????", "output": " no doubt. It's a yucky product.\"\n2071,B001E5E29A,A1MJ8RHXIM5VBU,Walter Basil,2,4,3,1274745600,\"Nice Pancakes, But Not As Simple As \"\"Just Add Water\"\" Mix.\",\"This mix makes nice pancakes. They smell rich and vanilla-y, but you don't actually taste it as strong as it smells. I won't buy them again because there are easier mixes out there that taste pretty darn close. I'm just as happy using a Krusteaz brand mix that only requires the addition of water (no eggs or milk or flour necessary). Heck,"} +{"input": " i ??????????t t?tht??t t vt ??anian?????????? a ?andand d t??ststet?, , a ad a?d d ad ????igi????????ququauarartr?terte??????popooo?n n? of of ????me me e?????????o o? yo y?ourou?????te??????r /r />/><>???r /???diditi??d d fd fof?? g ?????arar'ar's'???akakek??\"\"2??7272,2???????????,A,A5A???H4H??8U8????8,8??lolon?????????st???,0,??????,13,1333383828242???00???el???????? ??ere???YuYumumm????ReR???nt?lyly,???????ifeif? p ??????? w??as as?coc??plpla????ingin?????outout ?ouourour our?? sam same??olo?e e be ????????t t et ??????mom??ni???. .??ThT?hathat t it isi?s ws ?????I I d ???????rer??d td th????he? \" ?????vesves\"s?? p pa p???ak??s.s??I ?????awa?warwa?re re t th t??hat hat h??e le lilikli?kedke???wafwa??le??s. s. ( ?WeW????????????en?en ten ???ete????????????????????rsr?!)!???????on on????e oe ?th?therther ??hanhandnd,d???havha??ve nve ???????ar?????", "output": " if you want that vanilla smell and taste, add an eighth or quarter teaspoon of some extract to your batter.

Edited for grammar's sake.\"\n2072,B001E5E29A,A5GNH4S8UAS88,BlondieinHouston,0,1,5,1338249600,Delicious! Very Yummy,\"Recently, my life partner was complaining about our same ole breakfast every morning. That is when I discovered that he \"\"loves\"\" pancakes. I was aware that he liked waffles. (We've only been together almost five years!) I, on the other hand, have never cared fo"} +{"input": "??????cacaka????? I ????vev?? m ???GrG?ama??? w waw????????bub?t t?non???????shsheh??did???cocouo??d ?tet???t t mt meme ??o o?eae?t ?papanpa?ncanc?akeak?????o ??????t ??f f? bu b?uttutteterte???r r sr ?lalat?heherherir?ingin?g wg ???th th? st s?ra???ererrr???jaj?am am?cocouco?uldul????????????ffeff???????????usu????????t ?????e fe ??? P ?ANA??????! ! S ?????????insinsisisi????? t ???chc??ng?????hoh?w w? to t????????????ooo?k k t?he??????ca???e e me ???DaD???y ?en??oyoyey?ed ed?????cakca???, ?soso ???le?ararnr?????brbr r /r />/>I>?I wI ?waswas ??????????????arkarkeketke???n ????uru????y wy ?he???I ????????to to? a a???-w-????kerke????d ????????????. ?????y y ty ?tooto????? b by by y t???????? f ?ror???? the the e Be BaB??in????rorodro??????????????th????????????lyly,y?, S, ?yryrurupu??????eye?y iy ?islisle?. ??OnO?????", "output": "r pancakes. I loved my Gram's waffles, but nothing she did could tempt me to eat pancakes, no amount of butter or slathering with strawberry jam could make a difference. I just didn't care for PANCAKES! She did insist on teaching me how to make and cook them, because my Daddy enjoyed pancakes, so I learned.
I was in Central Market on Saturday when I ran into a co-worker and her husband. They took me by the hand from the Baking Products isle to the Jams, Jelly, Syrup, Honey isle. On the "} +{"input": "t?opop p????????asa????????vev?ryr????sts??????aka?? m mim????? ?StS?????????KiKiti????n n???rmr????????anancan?cakca???an???WaWafa?flf??????? I ? s sa sawa???thethe ?prprir?????andand and???oko? a???eeeepe??????????it? w?as? t??iciceic??th??? pr p?ricrice???????the the mthe mi?? I??hah???juj??t ??beebeene?n cn ??ntn????lal???ngn????rcrch?????g.g??OnO?n tn ??theithe?? r re???mmm?en???????, , I, ??to???sedsed ???it iit ????he?he che ????????ongong ????th th??omo?????????\"\"???rgrgag?anian??, , l, ?igi??t ??mbmbe????mam??????yry?upup.p???br br???????s ms ??rnr????????fif??????????e s????? ( (3(? i???? d di d??me??terter)r?????????es es f??? m my m?????????????e fe ????mym???lf? j jujusjust??? to to t??astas??. . I. I I nI ?neene???ed ed t?????owo????r r /r ?/>W/>?el?????, I d, I dodonon'on??t bt bet beleliel???ve ve I???havhaveve ?????????????l ", "output": "top shelf was \"\"the very best pancake mix\"\": Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix. I saw the price and took a deep breath, it was twice the price of the mix I had just been contemplating purchasing. On their recommendation, I tossed it in the cart along with some \"\"real\"\" organic, light amber, maple syrup.
This morning, I fixed three small (3 inch diameter) pancakes for my man and one for myself just to taste. I needed to know!
Well, I don't believe I have ever had real "} +{"input": "?mam????????????efefoforo?e ?inin n?mym???ifi?e,e???usu???tht???????????ror???sss?ede??krkrar????a a????????? pa pana??aka?????rurupru?????????e Ne NEN??ERE? l?iki?kedke?d td ththath?????ufu??!r /??????? am am m??eaeadadi?ngn??????ewewsw?s ts ????uru??hahasha???? w wa?ff?????makma??????AfA??ere????????ng ng?? tha that???ligli?????????fyf??pa??????e, e,????canca?n hn ??rdr?lyl?y wy ??????o ?ha??e e se soe s??e e we wa??ffl?es???? made mad??frf??m ??thith?s ?????. . T. ??esesees????vi???s ???e e m??akiak?ingin????????thth ?????????th?th ath ???????patpa????!/>I/>????lll????ve?r ?bub?y ?ananyan?????ng?????se.se?\"\"", "output": "maple syrup before in my life, just that sugar processed krapola sold as pancake syrup. I have NEVER liked that stuff!
That pancake with a tiny dribble of real maple syrup was DELICIOUS! It was the pancake mix that made the difference.
Now I am reading reviews to purchase a waffle maker. After tasting that light, fluffy pancake, I can hardly wait to have some waffles made from this mix. These reviews are making my mouth water with anticipation!
I will never buy any thing else.\"\n"} +{"input": "???737?,B,??010?E5E???9A9A,A????4L4?VTV????????,\",??awawsw?tit??n n??\"M\"MaM????\"\"?\",\",0,???,2,2,2????404?07607?????NoN?? s ?uru?e e w ???t ???e ?????e ie isis s?????????? m ?ixi???ror???ceceded d? so somo?????ete??y y?blb??ndn?d pd ?????????? F ???lol????????e de ????ctc??ononsns ???? th the???????tetere??an??????? ba batattat??r ?waw?s s ps ??pretpre??????inin in w wh whi??? i in????urnur?n pn ???oduod??ed?ed sed ????e pe pre preretretttty??????in pin ????cakca?keske?s. s. ?CoCon?sis?deder???? t????e ine i??????ene????th?atat at??eee????ed ted tot???????dededde?? i?t ?wow???????vev?e be ???????stst st???s es ?as?y y t??o co crcrereare?ateate ?mym?y oy owownow?n bn bubututt?????lklk k???anc????? f ?ro??? sc s????ch????I I?????atiatininging ing? tr tryr??inging ing ting to? f fi f?gug?ureure ????t ht ?ow? t???jaj??z z?????? the the???mam?ininiin???ing cing ?can?is?????s Is ?????????ftf?t (t (m(????be be s??me", "output": "2073,B001E5E29A,A1X4LVT73OV7PF,\"Bawstinn \"\"Maria\"\"\",0,1,2,1284076800,Not sure what the hype is ...,\"This mix produced some pretty bland pancakes. Followed the directions on the canister and the batter was pretty thin which in turn produced some pretty thin pancakes. Considering the ingredients that needed to be added, it would have been just as easy to create my own buttermilk pancakes from scratch. I debating trying to figure out how to jazz up the remaining canisters I have left (maybe some"} +{"input": " ??umumpm????? pi piei???????) ) b ??t t??hah?t t wt ??n'n???hehele?p p t?he?????ickic?ene?????th??e be ?atattat?ere?.\".???????B0B?????E2E??????L8L?LBL?KQKQZQZ4Z?NUN???KaKat??did?d,d?6,6,1,?1,1,5,?,1,11,1????84???00,00?ouo?? f ???oro??te? p??ncn?aka??????,\",?????non?t t st sus???e we ?hyh?? b?ut???? this thi??isi?s os ?ourou?r fr ??vovorvori?tete ?pap?ancan?cakcakeke ???waw???????mixmi?. .??JuJ?sts?????stestese?s ts ththe???es?t ?t tot t? u ????2?07??????01E01E5????9A,9A????????????????MaMatatt? N NiN?ichic?olo???????,2,,2?,13,1?????32?00??NoN?ot ot t????imi????essessesede?d,\"d,?Ma??keske?????????nc???es??????? m ma mara?gig?inain???? b be?ttt??r r tr ?thathanan an t th the th?e se st??andandad????BiBis?quq??ick??rerecre?ipi???. T. ??heyhey ???e e ee ????????I I??ho?ululdl??????th??t ?mymy ???????iki???d td ???m)m).)???r r /r />/><>??r ??????????t t gt grg??at????in in????opo?????", "output": " pumpkin pie spice) but that won't help the thicken up the batter.\"\n2074,B001E5E29A,AHL8LBKQZ4NUB,Katydid,6,11,5,1184284800,our favorite pancake mix,\"I'm not sure why, but this is our favorite pancake & waffle mix. Just tastes the best to us.\"\n2075,B001E5E29A,A1VRQ0TSYWLA1E,Matt Nichols,0,2,2,1320883200,Not too impressed,\"Makes OKAY pancakes. Only marginally better than the standard Bisquick recipe. They are edible (I should say that my kids liked them).

Not that great, in my opinion"} +{"input": "???????6,6??000????????,A,?1F1?UCU????VVVV7V7N7?????ogo?ere??WeWese??fafala???0,0,2,???,1,121272797?757??808??,P,PrPrir?cec? v vev??????????e ????'t'?????????????idi??n'tn'????rer?????????????????t t at ?????ll.ll??????eee????d td toto o?????? a a???????????? t ta t??te?? to to ?iti??. W. ?????? w wow???th th t????coc?st??. W?e ?????e ue ?unaun??lel?????evevevenve???ini?????????? w wh w?hathat ????????ha??????? w wa w?as as????? n nan?????2??07707??,B0,B??1E????29A29??A3A?4G4GBG???ENE??5Q5??X,X,S,S.S?. W?ili?llilliaiama????????2,12,??????808008000???on??fusfu?sed??????WhWha?? a?? I?????sisinsi?g?g?
This mix creates a pretty much tasteless pancake. I've tried adding vanilla and cinnamon. I use real maple syrup on to"} +{"input": "??????coc?????heheme?????????h h b ?aca??????reareasa?e.e??????????aka??es es??re??sts?????????st,st??????. . I. ItI????lil??? t?he?? a?bsb???b b??ndn??????tete e? th?e e fe ??????????r r / ?><>??r r /r />????e pe ??ncncanc???es ????ok ok?ok?. . T?hehe ?te?xtxtut?rere re ire isis ???inein?? J JuJusustus????????te?lyl????????lavolavor??.<>/>W/>WoW?????geg??t tt th??????gaiga??. . C. ?on?????ririn?????tct?hih?ing?? th the the the????st st???????at at I????????2??7878,8?B0B?????E2E????????F2F?RZR???????,\",\"j\"????????\"jm\"j???bc\"bc\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\",5,?5,15,121???,1,12???808???00??,\"g,\"?oooodoo?, ?re?????blebl??re??ulultl?s,s?, e, exe????????\",?????????t ?t tht the????? a at at ??t thet th????mem?????????????e Oe OsO?stest?????747???afa??flefle ???????an?????havehav???eee?en en p???asaseas??d wd ???????the the???esues?ultults?? l???ghtgh?, ???", "output": "p. I cook them in fresh bacon grease. The pancakes are still, just, blah. It's like they absorb and negate the flavors.

The pancakes cook ok. The texture is fine. Just absolutely no flavor.

Won't get this again. Considering pitching the rest of what I have.\"\n2078,B001E5E29A,A13IF2RZ143R55,\"jmhbc \"\"jmhbc\"\"\",5,12,3,1264809600,\"good, reliable results, expensive\",\"I bought the mix at the same time as the Oster 3874 waffle maker and have been pleased with the results: light, wel"} +{"input": "???????????fff???????ata? t?????? g ??odod.d? M MyM? p prprorobo??lemlemsm?????????? m mim????ererer?e fe ?iri??st st?? the the ???pep???????secse??ndndld??y ty ?thath??? th?????ix ix?isi??vev??y ?fi?nenelely?? gr g????nd nd???nd ??flifl??? a ar a??rounrou????hehenhe???ououru???d ad an?d ??theth?ereer??mamayay ??omomem??so????ofo? p????umu??? ad a?ded?????? it i??. . ???t st ??mpm???ly sly smsme?lll?s ??tooto?????????????
I am happy with the product but will probably not reorder it.\"\n2079,B001E5E29A,A1K63DKY43ROJ6,Robin R. Augram,1,5,5,1200441600,\"Don't buy any other, this is the best!\",I hope Amazon always carries this product too. I have ordered it twice. Excellent produc"} +{"input": "?t t f ??????e e p ??ici??? Y ??m-m??!!??????????HGH???????8C8??ZJZ???X8X????,y,???????8,8,8?????333????6060000000????ryr?????ata??sfsfifiei???????t ????mem???anantn?s s??o o a ??????or or a???efe?????. I. I I??ouo???t t tt ??isis is? pa p??????e oe ?of of k k k ck cuc?psps ?????usu?????wa????ed ed?? a m a mim?x x?ofof ??eae??. ?????????otot ????pap?ackac???ge ge???wa??s vs ?????did?isaisapappp????ntentednted d? to to to s ?seesee ??ar??????anyan??teteate?? i in?????? pa?ck?agageag???????owow w?? the th??y sy ?????titti????d d bd ?asaseas??ed oed ??n an ??????????tyty ?????????thinthi??????????mpm??ete?telte?ly ly??is????di??? t to? to s to susubsu?????ututeutese??wiw??? p pr p???ucu??? t? tha thatat at????'t'?????tatai??????th???pa?ck????d ?th??meme.me??? g go??t at a a??????of of gof ????gerge?brb???ad ad? an andn?d ed ?ggg???g.g. ???????OIO????INGIN???20????B0", "output": "t for the price. Yum-O!\n2080,B005HGAVGK,A8CSZJA8X8IGN,yoyoyo,8,8,1,1331856000,Very unsatisfied!,Part of me wants to ask for a refund. I bought this package of k cups because I wanted a mix of teas. When I got my package I was very disappointed to see hardly any teas in the package. I know they substituted based on availability but I think it's completely misleading to substitutes with products that don't pertain to the packaged theme. I got a mix of gingerbread and eggnog. DISAPPOINTING!\n2081,B0"} +{"input": "0?????VGV??,A,A2A??MTM?6Y6?5X5?QCQ?0Z0Z,Z?b5b??8484,4??????,1,13,1333373707040404?00???????epe?tit???, , m ???? l lil??e e ae ??ChC???????? S SaS??????????????????????A A??????? S????LEL?ERT/>???e me ?majma??orior??? o ???tht??s s Ss Sa?mp?le??r wr ?as????t,t?????????????HoH????ggg???g,g, , H, ?HotHo???ppp?pleple e Ce ????er,er????ot ot Got GiG????erberbrbrebreae?????????e, e, H????CaCara?am??????pl?????????olo?dedenden n??re???? T ???astas????offoffeoff?? />S />?ouo?nd? l li l??e ??\"t\"th?e ??er?fe?ctc?t Bt BrB???ede???????IcI?ce ce K ???upu??? t?? y yoy??? ??? Th T??? w ?waswa????? t??tat????? o?f ??ce??????nknksks:s?????????a Ia ??ed? C Co Cof Cofff???????????IcIce??d Td TeT????, an, a??nd und ?unsunsws?weewe?tet??eded ed bed blb???k k i ic i?cedced ced t te tea?.<.
The majority of this Sampler was hot, including: Hot Eggnog, Hot Apple Cider, Hot Gingerbread Coffee, Hot Caramel Apple, and Golden French Toast Coffee

Sound like \"\"the Perfect Brewed Over Ice K-Cup\"\" to you? This was the totality of iced drinks: Vanilla Iced Coffee, Peach Iced Tea, and unsweetened black iced tea.

Additionally, there were only "} +{"input": "???vav?ririei???????ata???r r?????? th t?? 9 ????sts??? o ?n ???e e?ded????ripri?????.<.????/>/???r ???? l???????lyl?? th tho th???hth?????y ??igigh?t t ht ?ava???mi??????y ??umu?mem?er er??ri??ksk??fof??r Hr ??lilidlidadaya??drd?rin?ks?????t ??it it?????????arlarlyly ly??aba?ele????SuSumSu????????plp???????????
I literally thought they might have mixed my Summer drinks for Holiday drinks, but it was clearly labeled Summer Sampler.

Even worse, this item does not generally qualify for a refund. Beware!\"\n2082,B005HGAVGK,A24ZCC8AAHPOUI,Betsy Chapman,3,3,1,1336953600,VERY Unsatisfied,\"Thought I was ordering summer tea flavors, got leftover winter garbage. I will not buy from this seller again. I HATE iced coffee, much less ginge"} +{"input": "?rbr??????ana?d ???gng????flf??vov???! !???cac????????lil??vev? I???usu?t ????ntn?t tt tht????????????f f????eye? o??? cr crarapap p???????????? n ????eveveev??????nkn???ShShoh??ldl??hahavhaveve ve w waw????d ???tit?? W ??????t ??carca????????! ! D! ?????KeK??ririgrig ???????????st?ufu??f if ???????g ??????un?????sus?chch h?????????ve???is??memen?tst???YeY????? I k I ???w ??it it??aya????flafl????s ?ma??y by ??? su subu??stist?ituitutu?????????t wt ?ou??d d bd be???in???????thethey? w????e me ?mormo?? t te t????. I. ??f If I ???d ?wa?nt??????oso?s s is ????????fef???flflaflavflavo??rs,rs?, I, I I wI wo??ld?ld hld hahavhavehav??or????????sucsu?ch!ch?/>O/>???th?the the??????de?, , t, ?????peapeaca?ch ch?????? I r I ??ce?????d w??????veryver??gog?????OtOth????wiswi????????t t w?as????yoy??r ?????ey!ey???202", "output": "rbread and eggnog flavors! I cannot believe I just spent that amount of money on crap that I will not ever drink. Should have waited until Walmart carried it! Does Keurig know this stuff is being sold under such false advertisements? Yes, I know it says flavors may be substituted. That would be fine if they were more teas. If I had wanted gross iced coffee flavors, I would have ordered such!

On the up side, the peach tea I received was very good. Otherwise, don't waste your money!\"\n20"} +{"input": "8???B0B??5H5HGH??????A1A??PGPGWG?R8R??ZTZ?T9T?,J,????ewe?isi???????,1?????080???????? w ?hahata?????????ede????I gI ??????o o?TeT??? a ??? o???? ty t??????????ed ed??of?????????heh??reresre??????????????? C ??FFF?EEE?S S a an and? A APA?PLPLELE E??ID??????????????gng?????GiG?ngngeg???rereare?????aia??t at ??? s sws?tit??h.h?????? o? onl on???re?dedeedeememim????faf?ctctot????? Am A??zozono???asas as????????????issis?ueued?????e a e a???fuf?ndnd.nd??202??4,4???00500??GA????K,AK,A2A?PQPQZQ?HDH?????EKE??,p,pyp??mom???????????????6086080???ExExtxtrt??me?????isisais??pop???????,\",???herhere?? sh shoh???d ?bebe ?????ptp??on????or ?a a 0 ? s st s?arar r??at??ing???becbecac????????at at???s ws ??atat ???????d ???ateat???hih???????.<.First, the sampling was to include 9 varie"} +{"input": "??ieiese? b ??????clc???ede??ono??y y??? ??????pep?????tht??t ???? t ??? f flflal??orors???ut? o of o??sts???? w ???e e ne non?t ???????????????????????th??? f??lavla????rs brs ????in???ea?d ?? f??w w??or?e ?ofo??ththe?????aia??iningin? f???avoavor??s ws ???re re???sss?ed???? t th theh?e be ?oxox.x?. I. ??hahadha?d ed exexpx??ctc????????? wh whehenhen n??a la ?????????????on???of?????flflafl?avo??r sr su????asa????la??d ??oc?on??ut ???as as??????????tocto???? it it t wt ??ulu?d ????re????cec????itith?? a a????????ntn??????tetedted ?d edd e??ti?????????? f fl fla??vorvor.vor. . . S SaS?????????? fo f?? t th the th????lflf f af anand? H ??lflf lf?LeL?momonmo?????Second, the order was not balanced. Of the 7 flavors I did receive, only 2 were coffees, the re"} +{"input": "????nin????5 5?wew???????????r r????heh???ono????t t o ?? a a a s ???memerer er s sa sama??leler???ete???s s????ooo?d d? on onen??bub?????????ececucututiut??? h he?????????n n???????ai??. . T Th??e oe ???erer ??is is?beb??ing??????rnr????????y.y?????858?????5H5???VGV??,A,??L5L5X5XZXZXZ????W9W???,K,??????2,2??,3,????????484808?00,00????t at ?????????r?r?,????e e de dedefdefif?inain?te?????ot????ninicnice?? as a???ortor?me???t ot ???K-K????s ??????werwere???reare?????lolooookoo??inging ing fing ??orwor??rdrd rd?????ryr??ing???theth?e Pe ???chc???ea?? wh w??ichich ????s ns non????????????????????????men???. I. ? o?vev??lo?okokek???????????e se ??????ing ??somso???????ororsor????y y by ?????bsbst?iti??te?d ???but but? on one on?e o??????????bstbs????utiutioution?s ?wa??? a ??ot?ot cot ??fff?????????f f Ef ????nogno?? F ????nchnc??ToT?", "output": "maining 5 were teas.
The concept of a summer sampler set is a good one but the execution here was an epic fail. The order is being returned today.\"\n2085,B005HGAVGK,A2L5XZXB8YW9KO,Kevin,2,2,3,1331164800,Not all Summer?,\"We definately got a nice assortment of K-Cups but were really looking forward to trying the Peach tea which was not included in our shipment. I overlooked the line stating some flavors may be substituted but one of our substitutions was a hot coffee mix of Eggnog, French Toa"} +{"input": "???, ,???d d????hih???????tet???????????vov??????igi??tlt?y y m ?isislslel??????? fr f????whw????isis is???ctc?ururerede?????080?6,6,B,?000?5H5??AVA?GKG?????NKN??????9N9NQN????in?kyk?StS?tuftu???1,1??????333???262???00,00?ReR??????ed ed??????olo??dadaya?y Sy SaSama?plple???????? a a C a CoC????e e Se SuS??mem?er er????s,s?\"D\"????t t gt ????me? w???ngn???I I??an??tedte??????ryr????????oliolidi?dayday y sy ??ampam???r ?????stlst?ly ly?cocofo???e)e???????I oI ?ordorded???ed ed ted ?the??????merme??sa??mplmp??ler ler w??th?th tth ????. ? T??herhe????er?? j ?usu?st st???co?upupluple? p????????easeas,eas???????t tt ?????? an a?nd nd???????eeteeet???ed ed bed ????? t??as???. I. ??dididdi???t ?ses????it????????ec????e ?I I wI ?????ed ???o to ?ry?? th the th???????dayday day s sa s?????ler.ler????lml?????ev??eryer????ing? I ????????? t th????????g ???", "output": "st, and a third winter type flavor. Slightly misleading from what is pictured.\"\n2086,B005HGAVGK,A25NKONGCR9NQ8,PinkyStuff,1,1,3,1337126400,Recieved the Holiday Sampler with a Couple Summer Teas,\"Don't get me wrong, I wanted to try the holiday sampler (mostly coffee) but I ordered the summer sampler with teas. There were just a couple peach teas, sweet teas, and unsweetened black teas. I didn't send it back because I wanted to try the holiday sampler. Almost everything I got was the eggnog cof"} +{"input": "?fef??, ,???????cic?ded??s,s?, g, ?????er er???eae?d d c?ofo?????????d fd ?????h h??????? co????ee.ee. .? T ??????? w ?as? l ?ababebele?ledle???umummmmem???sasamampmpl?er????????? s ???? t?????????????as aas anan n??????dende?????????????t ct ?ono?????t t??? s se sel??lerle???ece???ses????oro?dederde???????whw?????????????????? u upu? f ????????lsl?s as ????non???? the therereere ?is??nono no? co?nt????? se sel se????? bu b?ttt?tonto?. ?. S. SoS?o so ?selsellllell?er,??ifi? y ???? se see se???thithis?is ris ??viv??w ?memesmesss???? m ?me me?? and an???e ????????k.k.\".\"\"?202?878??????HGH?AVA??K,K?A3A?SSS?434???U3U?8Y8?8T8?????,1,??,1,,1??,1,1,1,????????00?,W,????st st????memerme?????R,R?????ll?y y??mam?????!?! !????thi???????????????ou??s ss susumsu?mmemm??????????o ?????likli??????ic?e e c????????GGGG G?????..??? and and and???henhe?", "output": "fee, apple ciders, ginger bread coffee, and french toast coffee. The box was labeled summer sampler, so I'm sure that this was an accident. I didn't contact the seller because I ordered it while I was gearing up for finals and now there is no contact seller button. So seller, if you see this review message me and we can talk.\"\n2087,B005HGAVGK,A3SS43TTU38Y8T,Rob,1,1,1,1335312000,Worst Summer EVER,\"Really Amazon?! Nothing says delicious summer treat to me like a nice cup of EGG NOG... and when "} +{"input": "??????????crc???iningn???????????? t tht?? s sus??mem?r,r, ,????? G GiG???er?brb?eae?? I ???d rd ???llllyl?????????????'t't ???????isis,s, , i, itit it s???ksk???. .???m ??rorobobab?blblyly ly j ?usu??t gt ????????? to?????it.it. ??? t th t??re??waw?????e e ae ???li????y toy to ??ratra??e te th??s ?wiw??h h? a a? ne n??ata?ivi???nunum?????...???????aya???3\"3?2???8,8?B0B???HGH??????AXA?DYDYJY?????D7D7A7?3,3???????is????oioinointn????1,1?,1,,1????333343454535??????NoNotNo??SuS????r r???????,\",\"I\"I ??? n?????on???ded?er er????ingeing???re??d,d, d,?????y ?????nogno?, ????????????????????, ????iceic???Ap???le le???de???????er???iteit????...????????le??nened??????yoy?ourour ???lflf f af ?? m ??????ene?ses???????Y Y D ??SAS?PPP??INI???????20????????5HG5H?GAVGAVG??K,AK,A1A1D1??PNP?????VMV?K8K?8,\"8,\"R\"RoR?obeob", "output": "I am not craving Egg Nog in the summer, it's Gingerbread I'd really like... don't buy this, it sucks... I'm probably just going to toss it. If there was the ability to rate this with a negative number... I'd say -3\"\n2088,B005HGAVGK,AXDYJ9U7TD7A3,very disappointed,1,1,1,1334534400,Not Summer Items!,\"I do not consider Gingerbread, Spicy Eggnog, Caramel Apple Cider, Spiced Apple Cider summer items.... You cleaned off your self at my expense! VERY DISAPPOINTED!\"\n2089,B005HGAVGK,A1DOPN8OGBVMK8,\"Robe"} +{"input": "??t t???MeMemembm??r r s ??ncn?e,e???????I I f ?oro???????????..\"..?\"\"\"\"\"??0,0,0?,2,2,2?131343???353525?000?0,A0,??e e?tht?heshe?e ????? th t?he he???????? th tha thata??????e oe ???t ot ofo? o otothot??????ck??geg???,\",\"I\"?I wI ????hoh????? f??? t??e e ge ???t ????????????? I???gotgot ???cac????boabo?????boxbo????llll ll o?f ?a ??ixixexede????? o???K K??upupsup?. . D DoDonon'n?t ?ge?????????????, if, i??th?????ici????s ?ri???????thenthen n? I I h I ????e ne ?? p ????lel??????ut ut???? p?ri?ce??wawaswas s as ?a la lil????le le?mimismi????adiad??????? I w I wa?? u ????? t?? the the i the ?mpm??es?si?on???? that that t tt tht t??? w wo w??ldl???e e ie ?in in a ?a sa sas?mpmplmp??r r br bo?box,box?, n, ??t ??? wa w??ehe??????bo??. ?. I. ItI?t lt ?ooo??s ?liliklikek?e a?? mi m?? a an a?????atcatchc???? of K of ????????? that?? fe f??????t t o?f ???otheoth?er ?pa?ckcka????s os ????er?e e re ?retre?uru?nen?ed.ed??BuB?yeyer", "output": "rt \"\"Member since, heck I forgot........\"\"\",0,0,2,1347235200,Are these all the k cups that come out of other packages?,\"I was hoping for the gift box, instead I got a cardboard box full of a mixed bag of K cups. Don't get me wrong, if the price is right then I have no problem, but the price was a little misleading. I was under the impression that this would be in a sampler box, not a warehouse box. It looks like a mix and match of K Cups that fell out of other packages or were returned. Buyer"} +{"input": " b ??????.\".?2???????0505H5?GAG????,A,?X6X??GTG?DID???0G0??????????0,???4,4,1,???424???????VaV?ariar?ete?y y??ata??????ththe? ( (c(???rerenre?t)t) )?pip??tut????????????????ururiurigi??owo???r,r????????????g ag ???mamanma?y y \"y ??sas????ere?????aca???????pop?ssssis?blble???o o d ???er????????????oto?th th? my my ??ususbsbabana???????I I?????e te th??e me mom?????????><>??????????ouo??? q ?uiu?tete e pe ?riric???????? no n??????minmi?ng ng i ??? th t?he he che cu?tete te g gig?ftft t? bo?x x????e e oe ?othothe?r ??\"\"C\"\"???zyz??CuCupu???????????aseas?es es?????e be ?beebe????recrecec???vedve??in??, I, ???? e en??oyo?yinyi?ng ??????????etetyety ?ththo????gh???. . ?????? a?????t ?enententit??relrely?????d d dd ?ri?nkn?ks ks a??nd nd t? thi this??sa?????r ???????????a ga ????d md mimixmix ??????e ???llllol????g:g:<:????????? /??SoS", "output": " beware.\"\n2090,B005HGAVGK,AX6YGTDI2P0GV,AZ Dee,0,0,4,1344297600,Variety matches the (current) picture,\"As a new Keurig owner, I'm trying as many \"\"sampler\"\" packs as possible to determine what both my husband and I like the most.

Although quite pricey and not coming in the cute gift box some other \"\"Crazy Cups\"\" purchases have been received in, I am enjoying this variety thoroughly. It is almost entirely iced drinks and this sampler pack had a good mix of the following:

So"} +{"input": "?utu?????????etet t????????sws?????nen???BlBlal??k k T??ea,ea?, R, ?????er?ryr??????t ?Te??? P ?ea?chc??? Swe Sw?eeteet ????ea, ea, S????????mom??????????lfl? & ? H ?????????anandn??a a fa fef??????????enten?t it ???ed ed???ffffeff?ee ee k ???upu??? ?AdA???tit???alallallyl?????er?e e????re re?? f ??w ?sesea?sos???l l??slsla?ndnd nd???co?nun?????????mym?y hy ???babanandan?d ld ????s.??????????r /r />????ouo??d ?co?conscon???erer er p pup?rcr??as???g g??????etyet?y py ?ac??s s? as a?????mamaiain??sosouso???ce ce?of? k?-c-cu-c??s,s???utut ??t ????ri????ofof of oof ??????? c???entsent??a ???p p? I I????'t't ?juj?ustus?tifti???ththe?? co coso?t.t?. . H Ho H????verve??, t???s ?isi??? g ?oooodo??????????????intin?t tt ??????ror??? do d??n ????e ?????riritri?????to to???urc??as?????in sin si???lel??e fle f??????????????? /?>
I would consider purchasing variety packs as my main source of k-cups, but at a price of over 90 cents a cup I can't justify the cost. However, this is a good starting point to narrow down some favorites to purchase in single flavor boxes!

If th"} +{"input": "?ese?? w ?ere????????????????tht?????????oxo?eses es? th the?? u usu?? f foforo??????? s ?amampmplp?er?s,s? t???? w?????????? v ??eryer???ded??? g ??ft????ousouse??????in??????esees???????????eseese ese h hohotho??sus????????nt??s!s??????on??????ndn?d td ???m m???? b???ing???????gigifgiftgif?t bt bo???, b, ??t ????ou?ld???ava?????t lt ?leale?????????????? as a????n en ????useuse use t?? m ??se???? fo?????? p pr p?ici??.\".?2202?9191,1?B0B?0505H5??????????????1K1?P6P???W,W???????risri?on?,0,0,0,0?,3,????434?525???00000??OkOk k?????ou?? ne n?ed??tot???igi??re? o?ut?? wh w??t ?????lilikikek????he he t?ea?s ??????to? b?re?w w??????y ??strstror?ongon????? us use???a la ???????lalasla???oror ???lulut?e ?e afe aft?er??..? U ????ss? y ??????ealea?ly? l?ikikeik?e se ?str???ong ong? te?a.a???????
It's a g"} +{"input": "??odo??papaca?k k?????igigug?rer??????whw????? fl flal?vov??s s?????????t tt ???bubuyu? i ?? b?ulu?????090???B0B??5H5HGHGAG?VGVGKG??AGA???PGP?5H???TVT??????4s4??iti?h,h?0,????,1,131??????404??????? b br b??wew?rs? p?ac??k 3k ?5,5,v,vev?eryer????oodood ?prprir???e ae ???d wd wewe we????? o ou our???eue?uriur???????????????umu??er????av???s ??re???re???t at ??????????ror?bababa?lyl?y oy or??er??momororeor????fofor?? t th the th???ndnd d od ofo??????????????????,B,B0,B????????K,????9E9EWE?VCV??00?????JaJ?ack??ShShe?plp??er er \"er \"\"\"?\"Ja\"J?ackackoack?????\",\"?,0,,0????4,14,13??282??64640??0,\"0,?ReR???ivi????????cedced ?coc?offof??e,e? 3 ?????d ???a,a??????oliolidi??????ffffe?????? h ????en'en't'?t ht ha??d ad ? c ????ce? t???trtryry ry?? the?sese ???t t yt ?ete????butbu??I ???ou?ghg??t It I t I? wo wou????????he?ada???????????ono?n tn th??? I ??", "output": "ood pack to figure out which flavors you want to buy in bulk.\n2092,B005HGAVGK,AGVKPG5HYUTV0,bre4smith,0,0,4,1334102400,kcup brewers pack 35,very good price and we love our keurig trying the summer flavors are great and will probably order more before the end of the summer.\n2093,B005HGAVGK,A9H9EWVCU00F8,\"Jack Shepler \"\"Jackola\"\"\",0,0,4,1332806400,\"Received 2 iced coffee, 3 iced tea, 2 holiday coffee\",\"I haven't had a chance to try these out yet, but I thought I would go ahead and mention that I r"} +{"input": "???eieivi??d d?????????? t tht?e e?fof??????????? fl f????????brb? / />/??????????RaRasasbs?ere??y y B ?lalacla?? I ???d d Td TeT????
->- - S- ????????? Sw S?weewe?? I????????????/>?????eeeetee??LeLememom?n ??IceIc???????brbr br?? />- />?- F- ???????VaV?????????????????ee
????tuntunanata?ele??y Iy I'I'm'???????wiwitwith??????? a as??????as ???ondon??erierin?????ow ow????e Ge ???ngeng??erbrerb???d ?????????og?? ta tas?te?????????l.l? Y ??ou ou?mim??htht ??fee????ififf???????ly ly???ou????, a, ?and?? mi mig??ht ht????ant ant t to to o k ???? s ?inincin??? th?is?? se s?eemee?s ?????be be??? the the??????vav?ririeietetyet??????k ok ofof of?ici?cedced ced kced ???upu???????949?????5H5", "output": "eceived 5 each of the following 7 flavors:

- Sweet Rasberry Black Iced Tea
- Southern Sweet Iced Tea
- Sweet Lemon Iced Tea
- French Vanilla Iced Coffee
- Nantucket Blend Iced Coffee
- Gingerbread Coffee
- Eggnog Coffee

Fortunately I'm okay with this, as I was wondering how the Gingerbread and Eggnog tasted as well. You might feel differently though, and might want to know since this seems to be the only variety pack of iced k-cups.\"\n2094,B005H"} +{"input": "GGAG?????A1A???VHVHSH???VCV??X0X0,0,B,??????????0,???4,4,1,????000??????????rer?????g g a ????ortor???????ThT?erereer? a??????me???ypypep?? I ????ala????liliki????esespes????al?ly??SoSouo????rnr????eee?? T ??????hih????????ctctut?alallallyall????????lel?esses??sws??????hah??????uthut????er????rearealrea?????aka?? i it it)t??????he he?????????????????acachch ch?? are are ??alsal?? g ??oodood,d? a??? n ?ot? o ??er??????ee??. . . ?UrU?ololologlo?is?????s ?babanannan??d ??rtr?tifti??iciic?????????tente??rsr?s fs frf?romrom m???me ame as? t?????????idi?ne?y y d???magmageg???brbr r / />/???I I dI ???? no n????ararear??fof????? the the h ?????????an?????ou?????ththeth?ereere ere w waw?as ????itit t tt tot too????ch?ch gch grg?reere?en en? te teaea ea i in i???thethe the???ssoss?ort???ntnt-nt???ut?? I I???????fr???endendsd?s ws whwhowh???liklike?ke tke th????????????", "output": "GAVGK,A13EVHSX2VCLX0,Book Worm,0,1,4,1329004800,Interesting assortment,\"There are some types I really like--especially Southern Sweet Tea (which is actually a lot less sweet than Southerners really make it). The raspberry and peach are also good, and not overly sweet. Urologist has banned artificial sweeteners from me as they do kidney damage.

I did not care for the herbals, and thought there was a bit too much green tea in the assortment--but I found friends who like those flavors."} +{"input": "<>???r /r ??ItIt t???? t ?o o? ta t?astas?? t????? a anandn??iti????s s fs ?ini??e fe ??r ???atat.t?? I ? d dod??'t't ?????k k? I I w??lll????? a?sss???tmtmem??tst?s as ??aiainin,in?, a, ?as as?????vev?e f??unund? w wh whahatha??????ala???y ly ??????2?090??,B,?????RLR?????A2A2C2??O5O????MYM??ZLZ?,\",???????\"\"\"\"B?ix??????,0,0,0,1,????,13,1???616??808???????y Gy ?ooo??d Fd ??ava?????I I gI ???t t?hih????on on? a a s spspep???????nd?nd wnd ?????re re?????eeee ????verversr???????likli?? t??o to ??ry ry d???ffeffer???????indindsd????th??????YuY???? i??????r er eve??veryver??aya??co???????????????????? a a ??ururpur?????????cec?e a??nd ???????????, n, ???????????, s, ??oo?th??????mamayaybay???no?????as sas ??ror??g g a as as as Y Yu Y?ubauban???in in?? the the ????????moumo???ts ts?? the??????al?l ???er?????f f? th????st??artart t st ??", "output": "

It was to taste test, and it was fine for that. I don't think I will buy assortments again, as I have found what I really like.\"\n2095,B003NRLKOM,A2C8O554YMY2ZL,\"Bixby \"\"Bixby\"\"\",0,1,4,1315612800,Very Good Flavor,\"I got this on a special and we are coffee lovers and like to try different kinds although Yuban is our everyday coffee. Well this was a surprise! Nice and flavorful, not bitter, smooth and maybe not as strong as Yuban in the same amounts the was all there. If they start sel"} +{"input": "l?????tht??? i ?in in??????????ouounu?tst?s fs fof????????tet?er er???er??dadayay y??riricicec????wowou?ldl???????mormo?e e be ?????s s is is??????veververyr??????eye?.\".???????B0B?????A1A??6,??222??BJB??DKDK5K?JYJYWY???????aba??,1,???,3,????????444404????????shshohou????sas????usu???ada???????...????i i g ?????? ba bagag ag???? th t?heshe???anandn?d td ???????gigiei?e se ?stist???s.s. .???????t t tt ???ede?d td thd t?he he?????????????yeyet?. . t. ththe?? sw s??et? p po p?otaotata???????????????lilikli??e se swe s?????pop????????o mo ??. . j. ???st st? ta tas ta???d ??lik?e ??ricri????????r ar an?d ?????am??????? b???wnw???ugugag?????as?te?s ???likelike like? th???????reare?l l? ci c???am???n tn to??????rurun?chc?. ?i ??ut??? the the ????the sthe ???cacalallalleled? s sk s?in?innyinn?y sy st?sticstickcksks ks? in i??????owlow???andand and??dd?ed???milmilklk.lk?. t. ta?st?ste ste?", "output": "ling this in lagers amounts for a better everyday price I would buy more but as is its very pricey.\"\n2096,B007POA176,A22NBJNDK5JYWJ,raybabe,1,1,3,1343174400,They should say just add milk....,i got a bag of these and the veggie sticks. haven't tried the veggie ones yet. the sweet potato didnt taste like sweet potato to me. just tasted like rice flour and cinnamon and brown sugar. tastes like that cereal cinnamon toast crunch. i put the the so called skinny sticks in a bowl and added milk. taste b"} +{"input": "e???ere???202?979?,B,??070???A1A??????????UFU???G0G????. .????????,0,0,0,0?,5,??131?474?323?1616060000,00,D,?ele?ici?????,\",?ThT??s s?waw?s ?????? p prp??dud?ctc?????meme.e???Th?eye???????vev????????y,y? c crc???????????????is???????????iciic?iouious??. ?I I????? ve verery? p??????d ????h h??hihishi??pr?od?uc??????09?8,8??0000700?7PO7POA??176176,????0N0??2L2???????,\"S,\"??????olo???tanta??????????titic????ealealtl?????aca???\"\"\"\"\"??,0,??0,50,??13???858545?????GrG?ea???ne?w ???O-O??re????????????I wI ?waswa??ve????plp???????to?? st s????lele le u upupoponpo? t th thi th?is is????andand,and?????????????fff??icuic??lt lt??o ????d ?????alalt???\"\"???na???????r r?faf????????ththath????????????ta??? G ??????ngrngre??????s.s??Th?ThesThe?e ??er????a ba ?igig g h??it it wit ?witwi??th kth ?ididsds ??????ro", "output": "etter!\n2097,B007POA176,AFZW48UFK3G0H,C. Hancock,0,0,5,1347321600,Delicious,\"This was a new product to me. They were very tasty, crisp, and surprisingly delicious. I was very pleased with this product.\"\n2098,B007POA176,A830NL2LWO3TV,\"S. Napolitano \"\"holistic health coach\"\"\",0,0,5,1338854400,Great new GMO-free snack!,\"I was very pleased to stumble upon this brand, as it is difficult to find \"\"healthy\"\" snacks for families that don't contain GMO ingredients. These were a big hit with kids and gro"} +{"input": "??n-n?upu?? a ala????? a ad a??ede??bob?????ththah?? t ?theth?????e e?lolowo? i ?? c ?al????eses s as ???d gd glg?ututet?n-??re??????wow???d d hd ????lyl?y ry re??omo??????ththe??????t t pt pop????? f flf???????????welwe?? a????heh????an??d id in? g ?????ralral.l????????nen???????ananyan????202????B0B000????ININNN????2H2????3S3?BQB?XZX???,\",\"D\"DiDiai?anean?????adadid???? B ?ooo?? l???erer\"er?\"\"\"\"\"?,0,0,0?,0,,0???????989?080??0,0,P0,?er??ece?t ??ifi???,\"T,\"???s s ps ??ododud?ct? w?asa?s a??????t tt ?o ??? fa fara? d ??ststa?ntn???relre?latla?ivi?ve.ve. ? I????arrar??????ri?????onon on son scs????????, i, ???????????????iti???on on aon ?????he???????? th the th??ch???cec?es es i in i?sis??? t?? the the? ba b??keketket.t?????ca?nnnnonot? a?????????????the fthe ?oooodoo??pe?rsrsosonso??????, b, ????? she sh?e le ??ve??????!\"!\"????00,00,B???????????????Q2Q2N2", "output": "wn-ups alike; added bonus that they are low in calories and gluten-free. I would highly recommend the sweet potato flavor, as well as the brand in general. Great new company!\"\n2099,B0001OINNQ,A2HJM83SBQXZJB,\"Diane \"\"Madison Book lover\"\"\",0,0,5,1325980800,Perfect Gift,\"This product was a gift to a far distant relative. It arrived right on schedule, in perfect condition and she loved the choices inside the basket. I cannot attest to the food personally, but she loved it!\"\n2100,B000EPP56U,A1G6Q2N"} +{"input": "????2C2??????eaeala??????,8,?,8,8,,8?5,5???????767?0000,0????????ntnt t r ?ici?? c crc?????????????waw?ysy? d didisi?????? s ??ggg?? o ?r r???ftf?????????rs rs??????mymy y py pep?eanea??t ??ut????? ?AnA?????ncn?ce ce Ice I ?al?so? h ????????ovo??ereer?d ?I ??????????gig????o o? wh w????, ,?I I w??????d ad ??d ??eeeed??????????????tit???. ???????????ll?y ?fofouounundnd nd??????????e e Re ???????un???????????s ?in?? Kr K?og?erer er????perpermr?????tst?. ?????? t??????rs?t t bt bit b???, , I, ???ov?eded ed ted ?theth?????andand and I?????????????????????verve??ed ed t?hehemhe?m ym ??????aga????. T. ??? p ??aiain?in vin vav?ariariei?????????????th??????????????nt nt? of o? s??altal?t ft ??r ?tat???e,?????d td ??theythe??ar????????ctc?lyl?y cy ????unchunchyh?y ay any a?nd nd lnd ?ligli????. . I. ??ve? o??cac???ono???", "output": "QMJ2C3X,ARealAVFan,8,8,5,1149897600,Excellent rice crackers,\"I always disliked soggy or soft crackers with my peanut butter. And since I also had discovered I was allergic to wheat, I wanted and needed an alternative. I originally found these Kame Rice Crunch crackers in Kroger supermarkets. From the first bite, I loved them, and I wished I had discovered them years ago. The plain variety has just the right amount of salt for taste, and they are perfectly crunchy and light. I've occasionall"} +{"input": "?y y h ????a a h????????e e f fif??did?ingin? t ththeheme?, ,??o o???? T ?HRHRIR?LLL?EDE???ha???AmAmam??onon n???????????ryr???? t th????????vev??????e ???trt?????thetheythe?y ay ????????cic??usu?!!!!\"!??212?????000?00E00????6U6?????????W0W??SOSOOOOPO????aca??,4,?,4?????181???565605600????es?t ?crcra??kekere?s ??ve??!,!?????? t???ingingsings ?ar??????dicdi??tinti?g ?????lol?? i in in ?ca????ieies?????nd fnd faf?t t tt tot?o.o?? I I I? lo l?????? the the W WaW?sas??????ava????2??102102,2???000?EP?P5????,A3,A??????7A7?8F8?????????cicilci??la la A?????arkar????????3,53,5,???272?919??80800800,?????at at? fo f???????I I????ldl?d rd ????me??nd ??????prpror??????? for fo? i??'s'?????e ???????tieties??an??d t?as???e re rereare?allal????oooodoo????er?y y ny ??iceic????????is?? f fo for for for?? any an?????????or or wor ??th??memeame?alsal?s ws whw??n ???", "output": "y had a hard time finding them, so I'm THRILLED that Amazon is now carrying them. Give these a try, they are delicious!!\"\n2101,B000EPP56U,A1W9JPRW0GSOOP,Trace,4,4,5,1180656000,Best crackers ever!,These things are addicting and low in calories and fat too. I love the Wasabi flavor.\n2102,B000EPP56U,A3CGTAG7A8FMJR,Priscilla A. Markham,3,3,5,1227916800,Great for you,I would recomend this product for it's fine qualities and taste really good. Very nice and crisp for any snack or with meals when you"} +{"input": "???ana???tot? h ?ele?? o onon n?????lolowo?ere???? o?? c ????????rar??e e i ?????e.e??212?????0000000E00?????U,U?AWAWFW???FJF???XEXE8E?Z,Z,d,dodoro??????,2??5,5,1,??909?????00????U U?CACANAN'N?????T T JT JUJ??????E!E??\"T\"????E E???ACA?KEKERE?S S???????GRG?REAREATAT AT?SNS?ACACKAC?! !?NON???HOH??ES?TOTORO???? A???????????E ?SE??A SA ??????VEV????CRC???????, S, ??????????????ATIAT??G G?POP???ATOAT??CH???????UTUT ????TET?ER ER???R R Y ?YOUYOU.U?????ES? I ????IFI?FEF?EREERENENTN?????VOVOR??? B ?BUTBUT T IT ? P PR PRE???R ?TH????????. ?I I HI ?AV?E ??FOUFO?UNDUN??????????????LT LT C????????????????ERE?NT????? SO S????PUPURURCR?CHACH??????SOSOMSOMEMETMETIT?ME?S S VS VEVERVE????SAL??Y ??ANDAN???SOM??????ES ????DLD???Y ANY A????AL???, M, ????T B????? PR?OBO??????ON ??THETHE ???????????ON LON ????????????????ACKEACKERERSER", "output": " want to help on the lowering of carbohydrate intake.\n2103,B000EPP56U,AWFO8FJ2OXE8Z,doreen,2,2,5,1190764800,YOU CAN'T EAT JUST ONE!,\"THESE CRACKERS ARE A GREAT SNACK! NO CHOLESTORAL, AND THEY USE SEA SALT. VERY CRUNCHY, SO ITS LIKE EATING POTATO CHIPS, BUT BETTER FOR YOU. COMES IN DIFFERENT FLAVORS, BUT I PREFER THE PLAIN. I HAVE FOUND THAT THE SALT CONTENT IS DIFFERENT ON SOME PURCHASES, SOMETIMES VERY SALTY AND SOMETIMES HARDLY ANY SALT, MUST BE A PROBLEM ON THE PRODUCTION LINE. THESE CRACKERS"} +{"input": "? B ??COCOMO?? A ADADDDDIDICI?????, ,???????S S????CACAUAUSU?E E RE ?ICICEIC??ISI????ODOD D???R R U ?US!US????101???B0B?????P5P?6U6U,U??10???????F9F??8U8??KaKara????? K ???l,l????,5,5,5,1,111171727??88888?00???????????lel?????!??!??I'I'm'? s ?? d ??????????eded d?ththehese?e e??areare ?unu??vavaiva???bl?e e re ririgrighghth??non?????? LO L????????e ?crc??????? w ?itith? c ???????he?es?ese ese?- - i it?'s'??mym???avavoav????????nacnack???? h ?opo??e te ththe???beb????e ?avavaavaiailailalab??le le? ag a???????ono???! I ! I?????????????thethemthe???anyan??he??e!e??212??????00??PP????U,AU,??MDM??TKT?0D0???AIAIN??\"x\"???xo xo \" ????????iri??\"\"??,1????????????9696060000,00,L00,??veved?!,!?,\"I,\"?I gI ??t ????????ofo??????? f??????? l ?ococac?? g ???cec?????????e a?ndn??d tad t?st???? th???m fm fof?? t??????irsirst???imi?me.me?. T. ?o o mo ?me,me?????they they?", "output": " BECOME ADDICTING, BUT ITS OK CAUSE RICE IS GOOD FOR US!\"\n2104,B000EPP56U,A10JAUM70F9M8U,Kari L. Kail,2,2,5,1172188800,Unavailable?!?!?,I'm so dissapointed these are unavailable right now! I LOVE these crackers with cream cheese - it's my favorite snack! I hope they become available again soon! I can't find them anywhere!\n2105,B000EPP56U,A3MDETK0D5UAIN,\"xoxo \"\"woodfairy\"\"\",1,1,5,1349049600,Loved!,\"I got 1 pack of these from my local grocery store and tasted them for the first time. To me, they t"} +{"input": "??sts?e e j juj????lil??????rnr??????. . T ???? a ?rer?e qe ?uiu?????ar??, , s ????????ldl???? r ????????? t ?o ?ana??ono??e we whwhoho ???????????ke? h ha har????ooo?dsd?? T?heheyhey ??arear?e c????pyp??y any and? d ?ele??????? s?nan???????ho.ho. . W. ?????bubuyuy ???oreor???:D:D\"D\"\"2?????B0B000??????6U6U,U?A3A???YDY??????????SkS?y ??lulueu?????,4,4,4?,12,1252???262646??00,00??xcxcecel?lel?enten????????lutlu?tente????od???t,t???ThiTh?is is i is?is ais ?an an???xcexc?ellelleell????pr?ododu??? f?or????? n???on-gon-????en?? di d???. ????????re re?gogoo???????e ?as?????????, ?or???youyo??????????ke ake a a????????meameal? w??ithit? t th???? by b??ususius?ngn? t th??????ricrice???????erersr?s as ??as aas ?????e ?foforfor r??pr?eae???????lilitli?tlt?le le????ispis?py py???????????s. ? E Ex???ll?en?ent ????ststist?ituit??? f??r ?crc?????erser??co", "output": "aste just like corn nuts. They are quite hard, so I wouldn't recommend to anyone who doesn't like hard foods. They are crispy and delicious snacks tho. Will buy more. :D\"\n2106,B000EPP56U,A379YDTPAAOKDS,Sky Blue,1,1,4,1250726400,Excellent non-gluten product,\"This is an excellent product for the non-gluten diet. They're good alone as a snack, or you can make a light meal with them by using these rice crackers as a base for spreads or little crispy sandwiches. Excellent substitute for crackers co"} +{"input": "n???ininin????glg?ututet??? ?OnOnlnlyly y??rir?titici???m m?- -????? t tht?? p ??????????? c co como?e e de ????n.\"n.\"\"?212???,B,???????565?U,U,A,?1C1C1C????J5J?3S3??HJH?,\",?B.B??HuH??ntent?r r \" ??????? g??????????,1,,1,4,4,4?,12,1232??636323??????mmm?mmmmm?mmm???????????? go g?odo??asas as???smsmasmara??? Sa S??ororyr???ic?e ??????????? t??hesheses??????e ave a????aba?lel??e ate a? l ??as?t.t. . T. ???y y ay ?areare are?????? go??od.od???or???heheahe??????th?ana?? po p????to to c???psp??????d a d a??igi?geger????un?chc????????mmmmmmmm mmm . ??????\"2\"??0808,8???000000E000EP??P56P5???????OSO?JUJ?0I0???3B3B,B??yeyeze???idi????pep???0,???????494?????00???ri??? a???d dd ??lil??????s /s ???xtxtrt??meme me? pr p?ricriceric????kek???FiF?rsr???????????????f f???-M-????RicRi?ce ce???aca?????? an???I'I?m m vm ?ereryery ???pr???se???. T???hesehes??e are a?????", "output": "ntaining gluten. Only criticism - wish the price would come down.\"\n2107,B000EPP56U,A1C11J6J53SEHJ,\"B. Hunter \"\"photo geek\"\"\",1,1,4,1231632000,Mmmmmmmmm,\"Not as good as Sesmark Savory Rice Minis, but these are available at least. They are VERY good. More healthy than potato chips and a bigger crunch. Mmmmmmmm . . .\"\n2108,B000EPP56U,A21POSJU0IYG3B,eyez wide open,0,0,5,1349049600,Crisp and delicious / extreme price hike,\"First time buyer of KA-ME Rice Crackers and I'm very impressed. These are ver"} +{"input": "y????ghg???????sps???ndnd d?????ororfr??l.l? T ThTheh?y ??????? g ????d pd ???ini??? as as??????????wiw??????????????????itit,it??ete?c.c?????or?????????, ?th??????s s Is I I?pup?rcrchc???ede?????y by bebe ??thethe the???????????????m m????????ururcur???. R. RiR????? af aftf??? I I I p??urc????????the???ozo??n ?pap?ckcksks,????e ??riricri?????r r dr ?dozdoze???in?cr???aseas?ed ed??4%4? t?o o?it??s ps ????enenten??????999?. ?FoFor??un?at????? I??????e ee ?enoen???????? la??t ?a a? wh whi???, ??utut ut????umu?in????? the the p?????e se ????s ??thethe ???????? the??se se??rere ?mymy y ly ???? K ?A-A?MEME.E??2?????????????6U6????2M2??ELE????F3F??3,3?\"B\"BaB?????a a Aa ???BlB?od?ge??????bbb????ge?get\"get?????????,1,?313???282????0,R0,???????????????ar??e ge grg???????WaW?as as???ladla???o o fo ?", "output": "y light, crisp and flavorful. They are as good plain as they are with cold cuts, fruit, etc. Unfortunately, the ones I purchased may be the last I get from this source. Right after I purchased the dozen packs, the price per dozen increased 44% to its present $37.99. Fortunately, I have enough to last a while, but assuming the price stays the same, these are my last KA-ME.\"\n2109,B000EPP56U,A12M0EL1SKF3C3,\"Barbara A. Blodgett \"\"bblogget\"\"\",0,0,5,1319328000,Rice,\"Crackers are great. Was glad to fi"} +{"input": "?ndn???????????????s s???gog??????lel??titioi?n n?ofo? f ???vovoro???. . ??????????tete ?is????ltl??d,d? b bub?? t??her????rere re o???ere????oio?cecese??????101????????P5P??U,U?A2A?636?DRD???6S6SISIFIFNF??,W,????????0,0,00,?????313?424???404?00,00,\",?VeV?eryer???googo?????od??ct??, e, ?????iai?????fof?or or??lulut?ene??ana?? d ????????reeree e fe ?ririeien???\",\",\",\"L,\"???alal al? av avavai?la?bibililil?ityity ??? t???e Pe PlPla?ini???varva?rieri?tyty ??f f tf th???? c????kek??s ???s ????en en???prprepr?????aba??? w ?it?h h s?tot???es es??ririmrimmmmim???? in i?veven?totortory????nd nd dnd ??roproppppip?ing???????utut ut t? the??????????vo??lumlu??e Se ???s.? B BuBuyuyiy?ing??????????????????mam?ke??????????rdr?dabda??????????o o f? far far,r????li????????2121121??,B,B0,B???????6U?,A?HUH?NHN????KHKHZHZJZJNJ????hnh?????????????5,15,?2626726", "output": "nd them. There is a good selection of flavors. My favorite is salted, but there are other choices.\"\n2110,B000EPP56U,A263DRVW6SIFNC,W. Munn,0,0,5,1314230400,\"Very good product, especially for gluten and dairy free friends\",\"Local availability of the Plain variety of these crackers has been unpredictable with stores trimming inventory and dropping all but the highest volume SKUs. Buying on subscription makes it affordable and, so far, reliable.\"\n2111,B000EPP56U,AHUNHC41KHZJN,John Wolfe,0,0,5,1267"} +{"input": "?050?606?00??crc????? c ?cracr??kek?rsr??????GlG?utu??n,n,\",???????ri?cec??????????s as ?rer?e te ?rurulu?y ???????????????heehe?esees?e oe ????eae?nunut????uttut???. .? A ?lslsos??????an an?ea?t t????????? w??? G Gl G?lutlu??????s s Is ??amam m a ala???erger????toto o wo ??heahe?t,t?? eg e????????uteut??????d d?BaBanannan?asa?.<.???r /r />/>T>??isis is?????y ????or?????sns??ck??????unu?dadaya?y ny nin?ghghth??s. s.??????cocomo?????om????????? s???e e me ??????ey??. T. ?ThaThanankan??yoy??. . J. J.J???olo????212??2,2?????????56U56???????IGIGVG???????KeK???????herhe?ryr?????,5,5,5?1212612????404?000000,000????????entent t st snsnasn??ack,ack?I I lI ?ovo?e ???heshesese se? cr??ack???????Pe??fef????????????? w wh w???n In ???eee?????memetme?hihiningn? s sa sal sa??????un???y ?????teate?d ????popoto???o o co ???psps ?or?????her????reare?????????. ", "output": "056000,crispy crackers w/o Gluten,\"These rice crackers are truly delicious w/cheese or Peanut butter. Also I can eat crackers w/o Gluten. As I am allergic to wheat, eggs, Gluten, and Bannas.
This is my favorite snack on Sunday nights. They come promptly and save me money. Thank you. J. Wolf\"\n2112,B000EPP56U,AR87OIGVA7VLL,Kerri Cherry,0,0,5,1266624000,Excellent snack,I love these crackers! Perfect snack for when I need something salty/crunchy instead of potato chips or other greasy snack. "} +{"input": "????eae????heh?m m????oto?t tt ?? h ???? m ???????????weweee?? m me meaealealsl?? ??he???rir??????n an ama??zozon???? g ???eateat t ct coc????????toto to m my m? l lo loco?ala?? ma m???et??? ??igighg?lyly ??????me?ndn????2?111???B0B???EPE?????????????AZA?4W4????,J,J.J?. S. StSteteieini?????,0,0,0?,0,,0??????4949696060000000?00,00,G,GrGrereare???SnSnan?ckc????ot??tomtom ?lil?ineine,e? t th t???e ??rar??ke?rsrs ?ar?????gr????????ck?. . . ?????ri??g g b by by ????e c???se se s sa s??vesves s ss ??omeom??momon??y ?co??????red red?????thethe the??3.3??? c ?hah????ed ed l lo??calca??ly.ly???????thetherther ???aia??, ??onion??on,on??, or, or ?sesessesas??e ?(I(??ve????????trt???ed ??the????asaasaba???????se??ar?are are? a a???w w f fafatat,at??rereareasrea?????????e cale calolorloririe? s???nacknac? e ea e???? e??th??? p????? o???wiwitithit????ome?th??ingin??on???????????e one o???????d t??in", "output": " I eat them a lot to hold me over between meals. The price on amazon is great compared to my local markets. Highly recommended!\n2113,B000EPP56U,A1TFP53AZ4WDW6,J. Steinberg,0,0,5,1254960000,Great Snack,\"Bottom line, these crackers are a great snack. Ordering by the case saves some money compared to the $3.45 charged locally. Whether plain, onion, or sesame (I've never tried the wasabi) these are a low fat, reasonable calorie snack eaten either plain or with something on it. The only sad thin"} +{"input": "????? t ???????fifiri?????rdr?ererereded d t th t??? i?? 2 ?000?8 8? fo f????????er? c cac???.\".?2????,B,??00000???P5P?6U6???JSJ???UCUC7C???MWM?????. .?BeBehe?????g \"g ?\"d\"dud?????\"\"\"\"\"?,0,0,0?7,7???,12,1??494?373767606????rorono??? pr p???????,\"I,\"????????d d Kd ??-m-?????????rur?????????keker??????????????????????KaKa-Ka?????lul?uteutene?????e e re ???ce ce? cr???ke????????gigin?alal,l????l l?nan?atuat??ralra?. ? U UnU??orortortut???????, , t, ?theth?y y??havha?ve ve???????rod?ucu?????? t th thi th?is is??? crac cra??????ndnd ?th??re??forforere re? I I c ca c?an'an??t et ??????. ??ThT????????s s ds ?ififfffef??en?t ??frofr??m tm ??? p pi p?ictic????re tre ???????meme me?wiwitithth th????e c?????ckercke???? I o I ?ord????????????re?ntntlt?ly ly?????????????????the???oxo?????????ke???.\"??????,B??000?616??XBX??????5Z5????????ZG,ZG??R.R", "output": "g is that I first ordered them in 2008 for $21 per case.\"\n2114,B000EPP56U,AJSTGUC7GWMWD,\"E. Behling \"\"dutch\"\"\",0,7,1,1244937600,Wrong product,\"I ordered Ka-me rice crunch crackers, plain. I received Ka-me gluten-free rice crackers, original, all natural. Unfortunately, they have soy products in this cracker and therefore I can't eat it. This looks different from the picture that came with the crackers I ordered. Apparently I can't return the box of crackers.\"\n2115,B00061EXBU,AHS5ZGN797CZG,\"R."} +{"input": " E EtEttttet?r r?\"\"\"?RhR?o\"o???????????262????242?000??ChCheh??????frfror?? P ??ntn?a.a??om??I I??oooo o h hahava??????unu? t to to o do ??ini?????lyly y? Pe P???? w wawata?????????????sos???????????cec???ara????to to d ?dridr??k ?ththe?????er?er wer wawatwate??. .???I fI fifin??? th tha?t t???e e pe prp?ricrice????? th??? wa w??erer ???s cs ?he?apapeaper?er fer ???????? the a the ??tut??? w?ebe????te te?[.[??..]..? a??d ???gegete???frefr?????ipi??iningin?????? fe f?????betbe???er er oer ???rar????ana??? wi w???? I I c I ??ulu??d gd ge???th?is?????fff?f bf byb?y ty thy the???alallalloallon?. ??GrG????t Pt ???????? an and and ?????l wl ?????? th the the ???icicece ?fof?or or???????pr??oveov???fef?eel?in??? of? w we wel we??? be b?????2???6,6?B0B0000000?616??XBX?U,U?A2A?C6C???1616O16?????????????te?nonoto?,0,?0,00,0,??????797?686????,M,?ucuchuc??????????????ugu?h ??PenPe??a'a??s Ws ?eb??", "output": " Etter \"\"Rho\"\"\",1,1,5,1264982400,Cheaper from Penta.com,I too have begun to drink only Penta water unless absolutely neccessary to drink the other water. I find that the price of the water is cheaper from the actual website [...] and I get free shipping. I feel better overall and wish I could get this stuff by the gallon. Great Product and well worth the price for the improved feeling of well being.\n2116,B00061EXBU,A2C6CB16OESI3D,C. Fontenot,0,0,5,1327968000,Much Cheaper through Penta's Websi"} +{"input": "t??,Y,YoY?? c ??n n??uru?chc???????isi???oro???????? i ini??lulududid??????????????ing????rar?igi??t t???????ene??????WeW?bsb?ititete.te.<.??r ?/>/><>??????I I?re????y y e ??jojoyoy y dy ????kik??ing ?ththith??. .?????n ?se???a a???fff?ere????e ??itithith h??????er?ydydad?????fefe.fe???111????????1E1???U,U?A1A??C5C?A1?????????????in??ousou????ded??ririnringng-g??oooolo???????\"\"\"\"\"?????242?,1????????848??00,00,w,?owow w??????????? i??s is ????????le??,\",\"y,\"??ou ou?????t ?BEB????VEVE E??????ananyan??????s ts ?thithisthi????????t ???s ?s sas sava??d d m???y liy l???? ?? o ononln???gagav??e ie it???nen??e ste statarta?????cauca??se se i i' i??m sm soso o???hyhyd??ratrate?d d fd ?roromro????in?????ing ring re?gug????r wr ?watwa?terter r ar al?? w???k k?????causcau????? ra r?? o ou o???ofo???????y by ??fo????? my my p pe pen??ta ta?? ran ran ???t.t. ?????", "output": "te,You can purchase this for $35.00 including free shpping straight from Penta's Website.

I really enjoy drinking this. I can see a difference with my everyday life.\n2117,B00061EXBU,A1ZC5A146ECNKK,\"numinous \"\"derring-doolittle\"\"\",11,24,1,1190678400,wow this stuff is incredible!,\"you won't BELIEVE how many ways this product has saved my life! I only gave it one star because i'm so dehydrated from drinking regular water all week because i ran out of money before my penta ran out. when"} +{"input": "??????????fof???????tht??r r???ipi?memene??? i i' i?lll? j jaj?????t t????k k uk upu? t tot? 5 5 5???ARA?S!S!/>s>?ererierioiouo?sls??, ?fo?lkl??---?? SO S?MEM??waw?????? ju j?????unun ?th????ghgh h?yoy????sys?sts?temtem m a an?d ???u u?pepeee? t??hemhe??alall? o ??t ?t rit r??ghtgh?t at ??waywa?. .????t t Pt ?????! !????????????to to? yo youourour our r ???s s ls liliki?????atmat?????, r, ??st?or??ngng g y yo you yourur ???????s ns nanat????? t??enden??encen?????????devde??lol?p ????????hethe?????????????ti?tic tic? re r????rar?atiat??n.n?. . ??utu?t it ???????t ?t wet weie?????you? d ?????!/>o/>????r ?th?in??????hah????????????????????isi??prprorodro?????r /? />I>?? ac a??cidci?????allal?????ropro??pedpe????? ce c???l pl ??ononeon????to????glglal?sss?s os ofo? i? it, it??an?????henhe??????????????ou?????? h ??d d bd beb????????", "output": " i can afford another shipment, i'll jack it back up to 5 STARS!
seriously, folks-- SOME waters just run through your system and you pee them all out right away. not PENTA! it sticks to your ribs like oatmeal, restoring your body's natural tendencies to develop sympathetic electrolytic rehydration. but it won't weigh you down!
other things i have noticed about this product:

I accidentally dropped my cell phone into a glass of it, and when i pulled it out, it had better rec"} +{"input": "e?ptp???n!n???? / ?????????oioini?? t ?????scs?????????y y??idi???afaftf?ere??tht???y ty ?rir??d d?????leleae?? m my m???omo?pup???????th??itit,it, ,??ntntitiltil l??? di dis?co????ed?? th t?ata????t It IMI?PRP????? i? its it?s fs fuf?uncun?????ala?litlityt?! /??? th?rerewe???om????umu?mpimp?????????s is in???? th?e ???????, , a, an?d ?ththeth?????t t dt dad??y iy ? h ??d d ad ??????????bab?????ogogogo go s?titictickcksks ???owo?winwingng ng? in in n mn ????refre??rigri?ereraerat?oro?!r /???y,y?????????????l ul upu? y ???r r sr ??lal?r ?r shr s??oweow?er er????????isis is???ufu?f,f, ?yo?you you w??????eve????ne?????soasoapa?? ??????????s ats a??a ????cece,e?, b, bub??? it????so? s?up?er???!I />??f y?????????tirti??d d wd ????????? un u???viv???????ing???, bo, b?orior?inging ing?ololdl?d sd sws???????the?r r pr ???plpleple ?cacalallal????", "output": "eption!
I was going to discipline my kids after they tried to clean my computer with it, until i discovered that it IMPROVED its functionality!
I threw some jumping beans into the bottle, and the next day i had a pair of baby pogo sticks growing in my refrigerator!

hey, if you fill up your solar shower with this stuff, you won't even need soap. it comes at a price, but it's so super!

If you are tired with the uninvigorating, boring old swill other people call \"\"w"} +{"input": "?ata?ere?\"\"\"???oro? a ????????ar????????m m a????th??? u ?????????d d b ?lal????ha?????sos???ada???theth?y y????'t'? a??tataca?h ?? h hih?ghg???????keket???ala???e te tot??, a, ???????'r're?? so so o oo ???????the the c?he?apa??, r, rereare?????y ay ?vavaiva??aba??e e ae an???????to??redre?d Cd ???? y yo??r r Mr McM?BuBur???a a pa prp???fef????, t, ??thenthe? l???k k?non??fuf?????r.r.\".??212???????????XBXBUB????????????GGGG2G??,\",\"R\"???????????????ha?hat hat?isi???ipi??\"????????2,2??????505040404?00000?????o wo ??????y ?rerecre??????colcollllell????onon,on,\"??? bo b???ghtght t bt ??tt????s os ofo?????? s?????????aua??e e oe of???tst????????? I I ?hahavha??? a a????I rI re????ord ord?wa?sh???g g?????hinhinene ne??o ???et ??????ununkunk ???t ??of of tof ???the gthe grthe g?rooroov?????in in? my m?y ry rey r???ordord ord cord ?????????????YoY?? b ba bas basis??al", "output": "ater\"\", or are lethargic from all that unenhanced blah that's so bad they can't attach a higher market value to, and you're so over the cheap, readily available and monitored CRAP your McBurbia proffers, then look no further.\"\n2118,B00061EXBU,A143VWWW5CGG2S,\"Richard Lee \"\"What is Hip?\"\"\",4,12,5,1175040000,To wash my record collection,\"I bought bottles of this stuff because of its purity. I have a VPI record washing machine to get the gunk out of the grooves in my record collection. You basical"} +{"input": "l?y y???????tht???????????anandnd d?vav????????he he???????ffff f??sisini?? a? m ??????f wf ???ere???ndnd nd?ded??????ntnt.t? ??hih?s ??watwa?ter? i ?? s?????re???????er???in?ksk???deedeepe????in?????e ge ????ve??s as anandan??????? vi v???blb?ly ly??etettet??????nen???atatiat??g ????idi?d cd ?comco?????d ?tot?????????eded d wd ???erer ????h h l ??sss????p ??OHOH H??O!O????????r wr ??thth th?????? its its s is ???ururiurititiit????. . Y YoY?u u??ou?ldl?????be??ieievie????owow w g????at at??y y ry ??cocorcordrdsrd????aya????cec?e te th?????arear?e de de???p cp clc?????ed.ed????????fef????an an? al alw al????????ll ??he?n n?I I???m pm ???ayiay????????l l??nsn????d d od ofof of a? a C a CDC??\"\"\"\"I\"?t ?juj????????????or??e ae alalilivli?????????he he she ???s.??????is is wis ?wat?water???s ??highighg?ly???rec????en???d ????? th thi th?is ????popososes???", "output": "ly scrub the records and vacuum the glop off using a mix of water and detergent. This water is so pure it ever sinks deeper in the grooves and is a visably better penetrating fluid compared to distilled water much less tap (OH NO!) water with all its impurities. You wouldn't believe how great my records play once they are deep cleaned. My wife can always tell when I am playing vinyl instead of a CD \"\"It just sounds more alive\"\"---she says. This water is highly recommended for this purpose. "} +{"input": "?????? e ??????rir?????????????????omeomete???? t ??? se seee?e we whw??????l l???e e fe ???s s i???????t.t????111???B0B???6161E1????????G1G??1515G5GGGGAG??2N2N,N,\",???itithith h??ha??????\"\"\"\"T\"TeT????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????9,9,59,???11511?888?8838832320200?,r,?????venve?????g g?????????I lI ???ve ve? th???s ws wa?teter?. .?????????ververyry y uy ??????????? I I I??ee?l ?beb??te?r r d?ririnri??in?? i??? ??? i is? a ara?????????reeree,e????loulo???ded?e f?re??, , c, chc?????umum m 6 6 6???ee?, , c, ch, chlh???rin???e fr???????????be be f? fre?e-e?so?me?tht?ining?ing aing ?aboabououtou???revre??versverse?? os o?????is ??andand ??????in???????????????? r ?reare???????rkr?????AtAt t wt ?worwork?, ????????non????????? al a?llollowo???d td ?????in?k k sk ???? i?????????asa?ssrss????s,s???so so???bo?????????e ??en?tata a wa wa??????? I a I ?m m hm hohooooko?ede", "output": "I may even drink some of it sometime to see what all the fuss is about.\"\n2119,B00061EXBU,A2RG1K15GGAI2N,\"Edith Wharton \"\"Terri\"\"\",2,9,5,1158883200,rejuvenating water,\"I love this water. It is very uplifting. I feel better drinking it. It is arsenic free, flouride free, chromium 6 free, chlorine free,and mtbe free-something about reverse osmosis and medicinal grade oxygen really works. At work, we are no longer allowed to drink soda in our classrooms, so I bought some Penta water. I am hooked"} +{"input": "?? ???lil?keke e???e ?ono?e ????erer r???????oto??lel?s.s?? I I I w ???????????oulou?????llll l t???sese ?ala?????????asa?? lu l???? t?o o????chc?asasease ?th?is????????th?y ????ne ne?????ketke?! ! ! B BuBuyuy y ty ?thithisthi?????????????0,0,B,?000???MEM????????YDY????ZQZ????,f,??ugugag??shshosh?ppp?erer,er?0,???1,1,1,131323272747444?969????DoDonDo???t wt ?waswa???????????oneoneyey,y??ThT??? si sitite??dod?es????t lt ??st?? th?e ???grgrer?did????????? t? the?iri?r pr ??odo??uctuc????onlon?linlinene.ne. ???????I kI knk?????? the the the p pr p??duducductc????????????f f??raranansans ??????????????no?t ??havha??????er?????it.it????at??????urur ur?????elsel?? ??ar????????hyh???ratra???d =d = =??ar?artiart???????yd???gegen?at?eded.ed???????hahav??e t?o o lo ?auaug????at at? th? the ?wawaywa???mam??????ctuctur?ererser??s wis w????trt???y toy to o fo fo??l l tl ", "output": ". I like the one liter size bottles. I wish you would sell those also! I was lucky to purchase this at Dorthy Lane Market! Buy this water!\"\n2120,B0064MEUS6,AQXYD1H2ZQ9NN,frugalshopper,0,0,1,1327449600,Don't waste your money,\"The site doesn't list the ingredients for their products online. Had I known the product was full of trans fats I would not have ordered it. Watch your labels. Partially hydrated = partially hydrogenated. You have to laugh at the ways manufacturers will try to fool t"} +{"input": "??? p ??blblil?c.c. . ?InI??????fuf?tut????I I?wiwili????otot t???dederer r a ???rorododuducu?t t tt ???t t dt dod?ese??????????iti?? i ???????ene?????nln???e ??? t?hah?????nsn?umu?er??????????????fofor?me????ur?????????brb??/>/??r /?DiD?d d td trt?y y? th??e pe ?ro??ducdu?ct ct? an andn??????nd nd? it i?t t?asa??eleleles?s.s?? N ???he?at???????e ae ??d d id ???le????a a wa waw???y fy ???????? th???rorooro?? o of of ?th????????, ,????? b ??e fe frfro??m tm ?????????????????oio?ingin????o so ??nd?nd ind ??it tit ???mymy y sy ?sonso??inin in? co colo??ege?e e be ?ut????sss???d i???t int in ?th???trtratr???? in ins?tet?ada??. . T. ThThe???ad? t? thi th?inging ing????????t t??heyhey y dy ??? NO N?? h ???e ?to?????e t?????s fs faf??s ????gegetget ???????. ?. T???hey hey j ???t ?t dot d????????????????,B,????EGE????6,6???K4K?AIA??????AGA?F,F????????", "output": "he public. In the future I will not order a product that doesn't list its ingredients online so that consumers can make informed purchases.

Did try the product and found it tasteless. No heat/spice and it left a waxy film on the roof of the mouth, must be from the wax. I was going to send it to my son in college but tossed it in the trash instead. The sad thing is that they do NOT have to use trans fats to get flavor. They just don't care.\"\n2121,B000EGX2E6,A1K4AIPL0NFAGF,Constanc"} +{"input": "e???????????????????121??0,??etet't???????totoooo o??uiuici??lyly!y!,!,\",???????? t tr t?iei?????eseses?e ie ini????????????f f? ot o???r r????tet??-f-?rereee?e pe ?rorodo?ucu???? a?????t ?waw???sos????????????I ?de?cic?????d tod t??bu?????t it in??????, , a, ana?????? e ??pip??ata?ioiono???atateat????s s os ??ly?? th t?????mom??ththsth????????????? g?ivi?????mosmo??? of o??????????????????I ??id??'t't t ht ???ve ve??imi??e te ?????? a?????? t? the the ????????????? I I???ceceie???ed.ed??ThT?he he???astastete te??s s o??? n ???t tt totooto??sws?eeeetee?, ?bubutbu?t It I ?????d ?mym???lfl????ttt???g g????k k? of??????as?ast.ast?\"\"????2,2,B,?0000000???X2X??????????CICIGIG2G242??SLS?,A,An,A????iaia ????AuA??rilri?io??,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,5,1,12,1232??535???00?,B?es??????????eae???SuS????owo??r ??seese???!,!,\"!,\"T\"?TheTh??e ?ara?", "output": "e Cade,0,0,3,1316131200,Get's old too quickly!,\"I first tried these in a bundle of other gluten-free products, and it was so fresh. So I decided to buy it in bulk, and the expiration date was only three months. I ended up given most of it away because I didn't have time to eat all of the 12 packages I received. The taste is ok, not too sweet, but I found myself getting sick of it fast.\"\n2122,B000EGX2E6,A371DBCIG24BSL,Antonia C. Aurilio,0,0,5,1233532800,Best way to eat Sunflower seeds!,\"These are"} +{"input": "? m ???????????oro?iti???nunutut ??nan?ckc????SuS?nfn?lol??????s s m???????lul?uteut?e fe ??vo???te?? b ??? t ?heh?e ae ala???ndnd,d??????hewhe??(v(vev???y by bu???????y any a?nd nd??????????nd ??eae??ama????rere ?rereare???y y gy ?rereareatrea???????? H ??aveave ??ivi???????gi???s ???? e ???ry?ononeon?????????s us ?????????? me m??whw??????he???cacancan ?bu???????. ?. G. ??rea??? fo for? t? the th???ididdd?os?, , t, to, t??????????B0B?????V6V??????VPV?848??SOSOWO??CACAIAI,I,\",\"L\"L.L. . R. ???? S?r.r??\"\"\"????n Ln ???????\",\"?0,0,0?,5,??12????696969?0000,00?,Aw,A?weswe??me????????????lo?ve? t? thi this??ca??????y andy and d ad ??? i???a a l??t ????? k ?????????as??beb????ve?veryver???harhardrd ?to? f?ini???????nyn?y sy ststostororeor?????I aI ?? s soso so g?laladad ?I ?????d ?????? A AmA???????ThThe???hih???in???wawasas as fas ??st?? an??", "output": " my most favorite nut snacks. Sunflower is my absolute favorite, but the almond, cashew (very buttery and rich), and seasame are really great, too. Have given as gifts and everyone follows up to ask me where they can buy them. Great for the kiddos, too!\"\n2123,B0017OV6LA,A3VP845SOWSCAI,\"L. Ruth Sr. \"\"Sun Lover\"\"\",0,0,5,1277769600,Awesome Candy!!,I love this candy and ate it a lot as a kid. It has been very hard to find in any stores. I am so glad I found it on Amazon. The shipping was fast and "} +{"input": "???e e p ??????t t??rrr??veveded d i ???exexcx??????t ????did?????. . I ?t ?????? h ????????sas??????avavov?r r a?ftf??r r ar ??ll ll oll ??? th t????e ye ????????ryr??????????ndyndy y iy ??????????????????t.t????ou ou?wiw?llll ll lll ???ve ve ive it????o!o???1212424,4??000???Q9Q??HAH?,A,A2A?XYXYBY??????????,M,?on??eye???????1,1??,4,???353505?????00?,\",???ea???pr???ucuctuc??? po p?ooroo?r pr ?acackc???????\",\",\",\"T,\"???is is f frfrereereeze???drdririeri??? ic i?? c??????????rerea?t!t! !????tat??tetestes ?ex????????????? the th???or???ex?pepen??????????d wd ???th th t th the????strst??nan??? o ?????????????e,e????? a a a? fr f??act??????of of t?????????. ????erer er?rerecrece??iviiv??? t th????, I, ??unu???erser?stast????????y ity it ???st?s ?????s ts ??an? t? the? the \" the ???astastrast?ronronaron??t\"t?\"\" \"\" k ????????he he??????gigingingn? s ??in", "output": "the product arrived in excellent condition. It still has the same flavor after all of these years. Try this candy if you love coconut. You will love it too!\n2124,B003SQ9WHA,A2XYB0KM1NXYEO,Monkey Mama,1,1,4,1350086400,\"Great product, poor packaging.\",\"This freeze dried ice cream is great! It tastes exactly like the more expensive kind with the astronaut on the package, for a fraction of the price. After receiving this, I understand why it costs less than the \"\"astronaut\"\" kind. The packaging stin"} +{"input": "k?? o ????cec?? />I/>ItI??gegetge??s ws wow???????hehe ?he pahe p??erer er????appap???pers pers a??????t ???ly?? NO N??", "output": "ks on ice.

Normally, freeze dried items are packaged in air tight, foil type packages, so as to not permit light, and most importantly, air into the package. Air is the enemy of freeze dried items, because it contains moisture. The product arrives it is in an air tight can, which you need to open with a can opener. Inside, the individual servings of ice cream are in paper wrappers that will NOT keep air out of the product.

It gets worse. The paper wrappers are not only NOT "} +{"input": "aaia?? t tit????? b ?utut t t???? a ??? a al alsl?????L L?slslil?????enen.n??EvEvev??y ??er?vivini????s s???litli?????? i??n sn ??ve??ala? p ????????????cac??n s?aya?s s ts ??o to trt?ranra?sfsfeferer er t????se???????s is in????????pl?ocockc?????g ag ??d d????????mum??h h a??ir ir????? as a??????ibi???????is? m ?????r ??mayma???otot ????p p? th? the the p????uc?t t ft frf????, ?bubutbu?t dt dodoio?????so so????bebet??erer ???????leale??vin?g ??theth???ce???re?????? t th??????n./??r /??it?h h mh ??inein??, I, ?????????????h ah ?airai??ou?t ????? the the the b the ?ag?? as? as I as ???????, ?, by, b?y cy ???osios??? t th the?? the ba the bagag ??????????? as p as ?pospo?????????rouro???????trtratrawa???????thenthe?n s???ke???th?? a??????ut ?ununtun???l Il ??I coI c???d d gd ?????? m mo m?rere re a?? air air o??ut,ut, , t, ????? sl sli sl???pedpe?d td thd the????????? out ou?", "output": "air tight, but they are also ALL slit open. Every serving is slit open in several places. The can says to transfer the servings into a ziplock bag and get as much air out as possible. This may or may not keep the product fresh, but doing so is better than leaving the ice cream in the can.

With mine, I got as much air out of the bag as I could, by closing the bag as much as possible around a straw. I then sucked the air out until I could get no more air out, then slipped the straw out,"} +{"input": "? w whw??????????????ththeh???aga???? o ono??e se ??????momototit?on???YoYouou u?MUM????dod? t th t?hishi??????????mem?e ye ??? o???????e ?????????ete??????e ae ???er??????????aia????wilwi?l l??uiu?in in tin ?????ele?igi??tft?ulu???????????f f t?????cec??crc?reare???. S. SoS?o bo beb??prpre???re?d d w???th th??ar?geg????plplo??? b?ag???ana?d ????strst?????f ?yo????rdr???r tr ?thithisi??????????????????000????????,A,A1A??RXR??FGF??????8,8,\",????? \" ??\"EO\"E???\",\"???,2,,2,5,???????525?00??,I,I I? do don????knk???w ww ??ata?????d dd do??? wit wi??ououtou???thi??????,\"M,\"???171??mo?????olo??d cd ?????asa???y ?eae?????? the w the ?whowh???????an ian in??ononeone ?????if??????lel????????????OVOVEV?? t th? thes the?????????? He H??jujusust?? mu m?ncnchc???s os ?on on? th??m m l?iki?e e te ?the?y ?ar?e e c?hoh?coc?olaol?ateat?????", "output": " whilst closing the bag in one swift motion. You MUST do this every time you open the bag to retrieve a serving, or air will ruin the delightful texture of the ice cream. So be prepared with large ziplock bags and a straw if you order this product.\"\n2125,B004ET9OIW,A1TRXOFG4XVIR8,\"Eliz \"\"EO\"\"\",2,2,5,1322352000,I don't know what I'd do without this...,\"My 17 month old can easily eat the whole can in one day if I'd let him. He LOVES these puffs! He just munches on them like they are chocolate (or "} +{"input": "s??mem????ngn???????????rer???????ovo???????I I j ???????y y ay ???unu??? o on o??hi?s s??iti??lel??tat?blb?? a ana???????ili?ll ll????t ?????? th theh???upu?????faf??????? a as as s ss ?sooso?on on???? he he he i ??s ds ?on???he????ll sll ??ara?????hinhi?in??g fg ??r r?mom?oreor???HeHe ????? n nonotot ???? th?atat at w ?witwi?????y ??othot?herhe????aca??? I???s s is in?sas?anean????I hI hah???????????theth???? and an???I mI mum?ustust ust????fef???s ts ???????re re??ooo??, ,???t ??anan an g?et? e ?xpx???sis??ve ?ifi?? ba b????geg??s ??ddddid?ictic?ed??????????. I. I ???viv?ouo?uslus??????y ty ?????e ie ????????. W. ???????onlon???trt???ed ??the? c?ar?ror???chchecheeees??????. I . I t????????the ?ototh?erer ?????oror or???????e ??????????reere?????lo???mam???? con co????? h?imim m bm bu?t t It ?I wI wi??ll ll tll trtrytry ??hoh?sese se a as???????asas as??oo", "output": "something that one really loves!). I just lay a bunch on his little table and he will just pick them up so fast and as soon as he is done he'll start whining for more. He does not do that with any other snack! It's insane! I have tried them and I must confess they are good, but can get expensive if baby gets addicted to them. I obviously buy these in bulk. We've only tried the carrot/cheese... I think the other flavor because of the green color may confuse him but I will try those as well as soo"} +{"input": "n??asa??????rer?e de ?ononen????thth h??thith?s s ps ???k!k?????2626,6????4E4??9O9?IWI?,A,A3A??J9J??S7S????????????MoM????????,5,????32532?808??800800000,00??e ???VEV???heh?????? p ??????aseas?? t???????oro? o ??ur ur????mom??????????wi??s ?????????bab??? a?????heheyhe? a ab a??olo?utu?ele???lol?veved??? the them the?. . T ?he?hey hey?? are are ?non??? 13 1????ont??s ???? s ????? l ?lovlove? t???????????prp??????????? ov ove?r ?r thr the??HaH???yMy??eltel??, ,?eve?venve?n tn ththoth?ougou??h th ????y l???e ???thostho??? as a??????. . B. ??eloel?ow ow i ?is is??y ?y pry p??????s ??isistis??P>PrP??????? / ??BoBoto???ba?bibiei?? l?????e the t????T>???????? o ov??eraer??ll ll h he??altal??y,???ava???????s ss sosodso???m,m????? t??anan ?ot??????propr???ctc?? o?f f? th the?? sa samamem??e tye typypepe ?????nanac?ack
Both babies love them
They are overall healthy, have less sodium, etc than other products of the same type of snack
A lot of "} +{"input": "m??????ese????????????ntn????ere???r r????rerea?t t??rir?cec??onon on?AmA?aza?onon ??iti?????bsb?crc??beb?e &e ?? Sa S?????r ?/>/> /?CoC??s:s?Great price on Amazon with Subscribe & Save

They are messy as they easily crumble and there are a lot of tiny crumbles in the bottom of the container
This particular flavor is sort of flavorless to me, however, my twins seem to disagree with my taste buds\"\n2127,B004ET9OIW,A219WUOP4BNUX1,C. Jones,1,1,5,1310947200,Healthy snack,\"I am a mom of 3 kids. With my older two I had such a hard time finding a snack for them that didn't have so much"} +{"input": " ????iui????WhWheh?? m mym??????cac??? a ????g,g????ppppyp???amiamili?????????????d Hd ??pp?yMy?ununcn????s.s?????asa?????tht??nknkfkfuf???????????a a??nan?????lowlo? i ?in in?? sod so?diudi?um um????????? a??????tat???????o!o??AnAnd? t to?????? it i????????? i is i???rgr????????? I I k ?????it????s fs ???e ??of of?pepes???iciic??????sisid?ueu??????????!\"!???121?8,8??????????????P3P?BAB???9H9?????TaT?ani?a a Ga GoG??zazalaleal?????,1,,1????303060??727?28028?00,00,S,??pe?r r h ??al?th??????????y ???????ththetheme?,B?????????ves ves??? to f to fefee?d d hd ?herhe?ses???? an?d ???thesthese? a?re? a????reareatat ?on? t th t???gog????ti??on.on. ???e he ha??? t??ie???oto?thetherthe??brb?an??s ????????? b bub?t ?th?is?? is is is???? f ??vov?orior?iteit??byby ????r ar ?????I dI ??on'on??????????d ????????? the th?em em??? to h to he", "output": " sodium! When my 3rd came along, HappyFamily introduced HappyMunchies. I was so thankful to find a snack low in sodium and with a vegetable too! And to top it off, it is organic so I know it is free of pesticide residue and GMOs!\"\n2128,B004ET9OIW,A4P3BAGC9HE3H,Tania Gonzalez,1,1,5,1306972800,Super healthy and Baby loves them,Baby loves to feed herself and these are a great on the go option. We have tried other brands (Gerber) but this is her favorite by far and I don't feel bad giving them to he"} +{"input": "?r r?asas s??????? t ???t t??heheyey y a?rere e?hih?????uau??iti?y.y?????????rir????????tet???? a a???w ???ayay ??herhe?? a??? t???rere ?as? w ??lll???????2929,9???040?ETET9T????,A,?232???I6I6H6HOH???VVV????scscoc?????,0???,1,??404??646??00?,\",\"g\"????d td ??astaste?????by? l ??vev???it\"it\",\"???'v'?ve ve???ugu??t ???????ana?y ?y tiy t?memes??. G. ???????al???y y ay ??d d gd ?googo??? ta t??asteast??, b, ?babba??by lby lo???ve ive ?it,it, ??????? lo l????e ite it ???oo.oo????ccc????menmend??it??\"\"2?13?0,?????ET??9OI9O??,A??999???????HAH?????liliclicec?????\"A\"AlAliAl?ce? M ??\"\"\"\"\"\",??0,00,??2,2,1,13,1????????00,??????? d ?????no?t ???kek?????????? b????hth?t t??hishi???????????????oro?gag???ic ic?chcheheehe?esees????????????on? l???ve ?GeG????????eeees?? L ???? C ???ncn??????. I. I ?ththothou?gh?????????y ly li?likelik?e te ??", "output": "r as I know that they are high quality. Hubby tries to steal a few away here and there as well :)\n2129,B004ET9OIW,A23HXI6HOU5VVP,cscopa,0,0,5,1340064000,\"good taste, baby love it\",\"I've bought them many times. Good quality and good taste, baby love it, and I love it too. Reccommend it.\"\n2130,B004ET9OIW,A5993LK5CYHAA,\"Alice M \"\"Alice M\"\"\",0,0,2,1339113600,My son does not like it...,\"I bought this because it's organic cheese puff. My son love Gerber cheese Lil' Crunchies. I thought he may like thi"} +{"input": "????ooo?????????crcrir?????????cec?e ae ??mom??????NoN?? t th t?ere?????s 4s 4 4 c cac???s ns nonoto????ene???ThT????ded?a ??? m???iningn???heheehe??????? c????????s ?grgre??????utu??th??ereer?e i????? t ta tasa???e fe ?oro? t th???? ch??es????nanaca?k.k?????????? n ??? ch???ese? f ???vov??? in i? t????pup?????MyM????on on? op o??nen??d td ???????????d kd ?eeeepee???????inging ?th????pufpu?ff ff? to t??mem???????on???ovovev???apappp??bab?byb?'s'???????????????, b, ?beebe?????ewe?????appap?py py b?????ba?nanannana?????t t bt ????beberbe?rryrry y ay anand? S SpS???ac????????o ?????PeP???. . T. Th???????heeshee?se se????f ??oeoes???ot?ot wot ?or????or??hih?m.m?\"\"???3131,1,B,B0B?????????,A,??5K5?XVX????DFD?DND?????orior??PaPala???r,r,0,?,0??????3131531??????,\",???????in??a ????nchnc????pop????ablab?e,e??, he, hea???", "output": "s too. I subscribe it once a month. Now there is 4 cans not open. The idea of mixing cheese and carrot is great, but there is no taste for this cheese snack. There is no cheese flavor in the puff. My son opened the can and keeps giving the puff to me. My son love Happybaby's yogurt melts, beef stew, happy baby banana beet blueberry and Spinach, Mango and Pear. This cheese puff does not work for him.\"\n2131,B004ET9OIW,A35KXVK3WDFDNL,Lori Palmer,0,0,5,1331510400,\"Great in a pinch...portable, health"} +{"input": "?y\"y?,\",\"W\"?hih?lel??I I?????y y t ??ata??? a amam m t???????? m ???bababa?y y ty tot??beb????sns??????, ,??heh??e ?e are arer????erfer?ece?????????e ???-b-??twt????? ti t???? f fo??? my my ?? y ?eaearear r or ?ldl????aza??????he??????? t te???? m me m?e te ththath?at at t? the???ara???? h he?ala?th?ieierer er????????fofor??? my my b??abyab?y ty thy thahanha???thethe ?e tye t?pip???? g??oco??????to???????????lt?er?na????e.e?????iki?????o ko ke??? t? the?????????? c ca c???????did???perpe?r br ???g fg ???for hfor ??lpl?pinpi??? to to to? ca??m m mm ??????tlt?????e e we ?hi????waw??????????for mfor ??????ete?c.c??????????th?thinthinkn?????? t????e ??????me??????t ht ?he ??uru?????tst?????????ke?ke tke ?????y ary a?re ?gogoioinoingng ??to to d????????????ThaTh???mam??keske??me? h?ap?????????2,2?B0B??????OIO?W,W?A3A???MMMM7M??????????", "output": "y\",\"While I worry that I am teaching my baby to be a snacker, these are perfect for the in-between times for my 1 year old grazer. The label tells me that they are a healthier choice for my baby than the typical grocery store aisle alternative. I like to keep these in the car and diaper bag for helping to calm my little one while waiting for meal, etc. I don't think they taste awesome, but he sure eats them like they are going to disappear. That makes me happy!\"\n2132,B004ET9OIW,A338MM7JNN7Y1,\"T."} +{"input": "??LaL?nen?????????iri???\"\"\"\"\"\"\"??0,0?????131????????0,??umu?mymy y h ?????thyth?y sy ?nan????????ovo?????e e l?ovoveov???????? T ?he???he?????? ca c??rorotot t?????oro???? f fa farar ar???ttt?????thath?an an??the???????? fl f???vorvo???MyM???????teterte?? a ?gege e 2e ????iki???????m m??otothot????utu??bebecbecac????????sn??????n ??the?m m im ???n thn t??he che ????? o ????????? the the e ce ?????ar????carrcar?rotro??whw???? i ??????????? m ??e t?oooo.o. ?I ??lovloveve ve t th tha th??t tt ?????ar???he?????thy thy a????I ????n fn ???????????????? g?ivi?in????erer er? th? thes the?se se ise ??????d ??f f s ??meme me??ririgighghtghtlt?????lo???d ????ste??????hinhi??s.s. ???ove????\"\"2???3,3???00400???9O9OIOIWIW,W?????XBX??????SQSQBQB,B,O,???an?ic???????,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,?????????32032????YumYumm?????My???????boyboysy??lolov?e ???he he Hhe ?", "output": " Lane \"\"luvnbirth\"\"\",0,0,5,1328745600,Yummy healthy snack we love,\"We love these. The cheddar carrot flavor is far better than the green flavor. My daughter, age 2, likes them both, but because we snack on them in the car I opt for the cheddar carrot which is tasty to me too. I love that they are healthy and I can feel great about giving her these instead of some brightly colored mystery things. Love em\"\n2133,B004ET9OIW,A18EXBM5U6KSQB,Organic Mama,0,0,5,1327363200,Yummy!,\"My two boys love the Ha"} +{"input": "??pyp? M ????hih??? C ??ede?dadara????heehe?esees??CaCararrar???. .?????y ry rer?ququeu??t t????m m?asa?????iri???nan??k k???s t???????????????ir ir?\"\"\"????w\"w\"\"??ono???.v.v.v??????vev??? tha th?at at???eye?????e le ?lowlo???n n sn sosodo?iui??? i??????es??2525m5?? o?? c ??ololil?inein??????r ser s?erver???g ??whw???????????at?at fat ????ththetheithe?ir ??eyeey??)a)??????????es ges ????at.at??AlA??so,so???the???y ary are? K KoKososh??er er??er?titifi??iedied ??whiwh?????s ?? p ??luslu??s ass as ???????. I . I? lo lov????? p?utu???the?????? b ???gigieiesies s a????kekeee?? t?? them them m im in????y py pup???se se f ?forfo????????ncncync?y sy ??acackac???on???????o.o??HeH???????, c, crc?ununcunch???????????sts?t bt ?uyu??\"\"2????,B,?000???T9T????,A,??DWD???IW???R4R???,v,vi?????tst????????0,40,???13113???????00,00,\",???astasteast??es ges goes g??od,od?, l, lo???? of? c cr cru?????,\"?", "output": "ppy Munchies Cheddar Cheese/Carrot. They request them as their snack as they watch their \"\"show\"\" on t.v. I love that they are low in sodium, includes 25mg of choline per serving (which is great for their eyes)and tastes great. Also, they are Kosher certified which is a plus as well. I love to put these in baggies and keep them in my purse for emergency snacks on the go. Healthy, crunchy and a must buy.\"\n2134,B004ET9OIW,A2DWOZIWZ4R43S,vincentsmom,0,0,4,1317340800,\"Tastes good, lots of crumbs\",\"M"} +{"input": "?y y 1 1 1 y ?eae?????? s ?????oeo?s s r ??????y ly ?iki??????????ana??th?eye????rtr????ly? t??ststet????????r tr th??an an??omo?e ??? t th t??????therthe?????????fof?odo??????????????????ly ??sss?ueu???????erereere ?ararear?????s ?of???rur??bsbs s is ?in in? th the the the? ca c???th?????????e ine i????? i ?t t??????me???y y iy ifi??yoy????an????? d???? t? the??? in intn???? b ????iei???forfor ?????????o.o???????,B,??0404E4????IWI?,A,??XZX??ZUZ??808??IGI??,S,?araraar???.L.LeLeeee,e?0,0,0?????13113141?14??????FaF?????tit?c,c?Th?es?????re re???????t t at ?????nanatnati????to?to cto ???psp?s. s.????????'t'???sursu???????? the??????????e ??????d od ??on oon ot?he???re??????????????m ???ada?d Id ?I bI ?????t ?t tht the?m ?an??d wd wiw????I ?????????????nd?????????on?erer.er??? I I??avaveve ve? tw t??", "output": "y 1 year old son does really like these- andthey certainly taste better than some of the other finger food snacks. The only issue is there are lots of crumbs in the can they come in, so it gets messy if you want to dump them into a baggie for on the go.\"\n2135,B004ET9OIW,A1XZBZUY80ZIGP,Sara M.Lee,0,0,5,1314144000,Fantastic,These are a great alternative to chips. I wasn't sure how they would be based on other reviews but I am glad I bought them and wish I would of found them sooner. I have twin"} +{"input": "???8 8???ntn?h h o olo??s s?ana???th??y y?cacan?????ete?t et ??ouo?????f f t????. . I I I l ??????????????2?????B0B000????9O9???????HDH??7F7?????YCY?,C,?. . B. ??rlr?et?????,0,,0?5,5???????161??00,00,m,???sos??????????? thes the???????y soy s??on ion ???ononlonlyly ?9m9????????? c ca can??????????????, ????t ht ???LO??VESVE????????. . H ??e ge ?????exe?cic?iteiteded ?whwhe?n n?? e ????? ta t?ke??? the??? ou o?ut ut? of o???the? p ??antan???!!!? I????????the??faf???t tt ?thathata?????y ??????rgr????????nd nd??????hah?veve ve?? car ca????ts.ts????????????4ET4E??????A1A??O7O???NDN????323??pep??????????5,????1818918???00??grg??at????????,M,?My My??onon ?lol?vevesve???????????I I cI ??n ????ve ?????? to? h???????????? th???y my mem??t t it in????s s ms ??ut???????????? ch c?oko?????? t?? they?", "output": " 18 month olds and they can't get enough of them. I like them too!\n2136,B004ET9OIW,A3PHDG7F14VQYC,C. Berlett,0,0,5,1312761600,my son LOVES these,\"My son is only 9mo, so he can't say it yet, but he LOVES these. He gets excited when I even take them out of the pantry!! I like the fact that they are organic and also have carrots.\"\n2137,B004ET9OIW,A17O707NDMA132,peanut,0,0,5,1311897600,great snacks,My son loves them and I can give them to him knowing they melt in his mouth so won't choke and they "} +{"input": "???? g ?ooo?d d?fof???hih?? t ???????383??B0B?????9O9OIOIWI??AHA?YEY?CMCMJM???????,R,?ehehth?a,a??,2,2,2????313??31?686??00,00???usu?????ryr? e ??????y (y ??us?? e ev eve?ry?whwheh?ereer??? a ??d ???heyhe??dodono?????tasta??e ??as as? go goo??d ad as??GeG??beb?????he????tlt??e oe ???mym?y ry ?revre???w w???ysys s?????lll? ( ?as?as las ???g g? as as ?it?it dit ????????ete?t ct ????????????ese?e ???ve??? l lo???????e a????ini? t th t??m m tm ?thathanan an? th?e ???rbrbe?????ittittl??e Ce ???ncn?hihiehi???. T. ?The?se??crc???sh sh e????remre?elely????asias???y ay ??d ?ge?????st??cr??mbm???ala?ll ll????ver ver?????plplal???. . A. ??sos?? t?? they the?y d?????????astas?te te??eaearea?lyly ????gogoogo?? a as as as t? the???Ger?beberber ber????tl?????CrunCrunc?hihie?s.s?????hey hey m?igi??ht ht b ???????terte????r ?yoy???, a, an???? l??kek??th???t it ????hasha?????inintin????f vf ???gigie", "output": "are good for him too.\n2138,B004ET9OIW,AHYECMJGIGU4S,Rehta,1,2,3,1314316800,Crush very easily (dust everywhere!) and they don't taste as good as Gerber,\"The title of my review says it all (as long as it didn't get cut off). These have a lot more air in them than the Gerber Little Crunchies. These crush extremely easily and get dust/crumbs all over the place. Also, they do not taste nearly as good as the Gerber Little Crunchies. They might be better for you, and I like that it has a hint of veggie"} +{"input": "s? i ?n n? it i?? b ??? m ?y y?171?????tht? o ?ldl? i????t ??????hahapa????wiw?th??????? S ?heh??lll??????k k o?????????f f t?ha???s ???????????ptptit??? a ??????????????llylly ??unungn??ry,ry??bu??t st ??e e?ded????????ly ly w ?wilwill??non??t ct ?hoh?ososese e te ???????e ?fi??stst t gt gog??? th??????eveve?rar?al al m mo?????s as ???? an a?nd nd s sh s?????s has h??d td ???? sa s??????acactac?tiotion??????? them them ?ev??eryer??titimti????in?????hehenhe??\"\"??????B0B000????9O9??W,W,A,??797????SAS?????3,3,g,??ge??0,0???5,5?1313213?353????00?????????????????on???ly oly ?oneon??,\",\"H\"???????byby ?Ha???ymy?????iei?es es B ??kekeded ???gagan??c c?ChC?heehees????????eg????????????Ch?ededdeddadarar r Cr Ch?CheeChees?ese/ese???arrarror?????????????es?es (es ??ac?? O Of Of ??)<)???r /r ?><>?
Hello, this is six items sho"} +{"input": "?ulu??????ini????llllel??? b bu butu? I ???????rer?cec??????a,a???I wI wiwiti???????????on???ctct ??????obo????y ry ??asa??on on Ion ?, ????as??e ve ??????????so???on aon ????oso?sis????, ????????e re ??isiss??????thath?nkn? y ?ouo??!!??\"\"2?????B0B?010?HTH???VWVW,W???????????6O6?N,N???ararprpsp?wewelell?WoW?????\"\"\"\"H????????llW?om???\"\"??????????292?101??525202?00,00?VeV???y ty ?tasta??y ?????st??ththethe ????hth??????????f f s?alaltal??t ant andn???re???h fh flflal?vov???,\"??I pI ?ururcr??as??d ?ththith?? a?????y ly ?ococacal????????h f???od od s??????an?d d Id I ??? e ?njn?oyo?ininging g i it it t it ??me??????????he? j???ce???asas ?????iceic??? ro r?obuob??????xtx?ur?e,????? i??? is i?? no n?t ?t ovt ove??lyly ly? sa?ltl?y.? T?hehe ?fl???or??? is is a??az??ing?ly??frfrefresesh? a?ndnd nd r re r?????????.<.??r r?????????", "output": "uld be installed, but I only received a, I with amazon contact but nobody reason I, please verify as soon as possible, give me reissue, thank you!!!!\"\n2140,B001HTG9VW,AXJ1QYBUL86ON,\"HarpswellWoman \"\"HarpswellWoman\"\"\",2,2,5,1291075200,Very tasty - just the right amount of salt and fresh flavor!,\"I purchased this at my local health food store and I am enjoying it immensely. The juice has a nice, robust texture, and it is not overly salty. The flavor is amazingly fresh and refreshing.
I combi"} +{"input": "????iti??wiw?ithith h?OdOdwd?alalll?a a?flf?lasla????asa????????? 1 101000?? c ???roroto?t jt juj?ici?????????wew??ll-ll???ovo??-a????aga???ve?ge???ablablel???????e te ththah????? a a a???odo??ene?nernergr?????osost?????????aka?ese?s fs ??r ????rer??at at???te???at?????tot?????angan??????ce???r ?????? s ?we?ete??t jut jui??cesce?????????njn???!\"!???141?1,1,B,???2B2?B7B7E7???????????RARA2A??N9N?M,M?ElE?iz????etheth,h???,2,,2?5,5???????????,\",??????at iat ?nvn?????onon,n? t?????, ?he???th????,\"W,\"WeWe ?lolovoveove ?e the t?heshe??????????????thith??gsg?????? a l a ????????ouo??h.h??????ooo? m ??uchuc????????er ter ?? f??eded ed t?o ???ba?byby ???? to?ddddldle????????????. ??ur???onon on l ??????sus??kikin?????????????ou??t at ??d ?we? a ar are?????as?eded ??thath????????s bs ????? or?gag???? a?nd????", "output": "ne it with Odwalla flash-pasteurized 100% carrot juice for a well-above-average vegetable juice that is a good energy-booster and makes for a great alternative to orange juice or other sweet juices.
Enjoy!\"\n2141,B002BB7EWI,A3QOK68RA24N9M,Elizabeth,2,2,5,1280275200,\"Great invention, tasty, healthy\",\"We love these baby food things in a little pouch. Sooooo much easier to feed to a baby or toddler on the go. Our son loves sucking the fruit out and we are pleased that it is both organic and hea"} +{"input": "l?tht??????th th???????? a ????d d?- -????? f frf????? F ??r r?sms?ala?????ono???????? g ?ooo??d td tot???letlet t tt ??emem m h ????le? i ?? t ???????????, b, bebece?aua??e e????y ??ovo?ve ve???o so ?ququeu???e e ie ????whwhih???? ge g???? th thi th??gsg???veververyr???erereere.e. ??????ldlde??r o?ne?s s cs ?????eeeedee???????them????????. I. ???ikikeke ???? 3 ???????ze? r rar???therthe??????? th?e e be bibigi??er? o on?e e te the thahatha??????m Om OrO????ic?s s hs ??s ?fofor? s so s?????f f t????????ther ther f fl flalava??orsor??????asa???rer?es es t??at????e we ?wilwill??eae?at at aat ?allal?? or o??momosost????????in?????? si?ttttitin?? r ra r???????ha?n ?ha?viv???ing ting ????avaveav???om??e fe ?forfo?r lr la??er??????????? al alslsoso so? ta t???????s ??iz??e oe one o?n an ?iri?plp?lanla?nes???it??ou?t t ht ?????ing ??o o ho hahav?e e i????esestes??????? e??pl???ivi???s -s ???", "output": "lthy with nothing added - just fruit. For smaller ones, not good to let them handle it themselves, because they love to squeeze it, which gets things everywhere. But older ones can feed to themselves. I like the 3.17 size rather than the bigger one that Plum Organics has for some of the other flavors. It assures that he will eat all or most of it in one sitting rather than having to save some for later. You can also take this size on airplanes without having to have it tested for explosives - no"} +{"input": "?t t??heh???asa?e ?wiw?th? t????bib?ggg??r r??ouo?chc?????????soso o l lil?????thath???it??????PAP? f ?rer??. ????yoyouourou????????????e le ?liklikekeske?s ts ??????????erier?ngng g? in i?? bu b?lkl? a????wiwitwi??th sth ??????ibi?????? s sas????????? t th the themem em m mumuc?????????er er????an an a at a?????? st s??oreore.e.\"e.??212?????000???????I,I??181?OJO??ERE?S7S??2J2??,S,??????ShS??ppppe?r,r,1,?1,11,?1,31,3,3,1??040????606????oto???mpmprp??????,\",??I rI ?reare???? w wa w?????d md ??y ky kikidi???s tos t???ovo?ve ve i it i?: :????????re? v ??????ononvon????ene??t ot on?? th? the the g ????andan???hohouho?ulduld d bd be????li??ioi??????. o. or?? so so ???????????. U. ???????nan??ele?ly,ly???on?e ?????the?????ds ds? ca cara??d d fd ????itit ???? it? t?as??????lik??e se ststat?gege ge??? ba b?byb??fo??d d (d ?ve??y y by blblalanand??? an and an?d id ?is is???eryer?y ry ???nyn???tootoo,o??", "output": "t the case with the bigger pouches. I also like that it is BPA free. If your little one likes them, ordering in bulk and with subscribe and save makes them much cheaper than at the store.\"\n2142,B002BB7EWI,A18OJ0ERS7S2J1,Smart Shopper,1,1,3,1304121600,Not impressed,\"I really wanted my kids to love it: these are very convenient on the go and should be delicious... or so it seemed. Unfortunately, none of the kids cared for it -- it tastes like stage 1 baby food (very bland) and is very runny too, s"} +{"input": "????t t c ?ana???ete??quq???e e m ??sss?y y? if if f?yoyouou u????eeeeze???a a?????lel??totooo?o ho hah????oro?? if if if???e ??hihilildl?d dd ???psp?????\"\"2????,B,B0B??2B2BBBB7B??WIW???1K1?SPSP4P??????6U6UWUW,W?????ee????,1,,1???,12,1282???????00,00,T,?asa????????coc?nvnvev???en????\"I\"I I???scs?covco??rer?????esesees???hehenhe?n mn ???dad??????r ??asas as??bob??t ?????on??thsth??????. I. I ???ishish h?????d d fd fof??????????eae???lieli?er.er???he?y ?y ary a??????an???? t??????????????arear?e ee ?easeasysy sy?foforfor r tr ?todtoddddldle?rsr??toto to?ha?????? an and? v ??????conco?nvenven????????? al alwl?waywa?????eepee?????? i????y ?pupurursrsers??e ane a?nd ?ini????? c??? w ???? w??????ou??? an????????. . T???? a???re nre ?oto?????ssyssy,y???nln?lesle????f ????ursur???????hey dhey ????????o ?????eezeeze????? p ??oucou??????ic?????lyl????ppp?", "output": "o it can get quite messy if you squeeze a little too hard or if the child drops it.\"\n2143,B002BB7EWI,A1KSP4V0KK06UW,S. Lee,1,1,5,1289865600,Tasty and convenient!,\"I discovered these when my daughter was about 15 months old. I wish I had found them earlier. They are organic, taste great, are easy for toddlers to handle and very convenient! I always keep some in my purse and in the car when we're out and about. They are not messy, unless of course they decide to squeeze the pouch, which only happe"} +{"input": "??????????s ws whwheh?n n??hehe'he????otot t??unu??ryr??????/>/??r />T>ThT?? P ???m m?OrO????ici?s ????e e????o o i ??clc??ded?????mem??vav?????????????????????????vevege???aba?leleses es?mimixixex??d td tot??getge???????TheTh??????????uru?prp??sis??glg????oooodo?d ad anandand and??rer???ne? w ?aya?????gegetget get?????ic??y y ey eae?te?????to eto ???t st ??somesom??e vee v????ies???YoY?u u c cacan??????????? v????ietieti?eses ?atat at r ?reare??on????? p pr???????? A ??azazozon?, ,??othothe?????re? m?ororeor????pepen???ve? f??or or????? r re r????n.n????abiab????? U ?s ?hah????ada?????al???e eve e??ry? o???therther ????th? o???????he?hereher??yoy?????????????themthe?m fm fo??r $r ?1 1???chc?????yoyouyo???????he?????? se s?etset??????. . T. ThThaTh???isi????????????en??I I??to???? up up p???????????xtx??twt???momonmontn?", "output": "ns for us when she's not hungry.

The Plum Organics line also includes some varieties with fruits and vegetables mixed together. They taste surprisingly good and are one way to get my picky eater to eat some veggies. You can find some varieties at reasonable prices on Amazon, others are more expensive for some reason. Babies R Us has had a sale every other month or so where you can get them for $1 each if you buy them in sets of 8. That is usually when I stock up for the next two month"} +{"input": "?s.s??????212?444?,B,?000???B7B7E7?WIW??????V1V???838???6K6K,K,M,?ililala a??ovo?????l,l???,1,,1,5,??????????000000,0??rer??? i ????! !?YuY?????prprorododuducuctc??,\",????dad?ugu????? w ??illil? s ststat????scs????ol ol?ththih????????ana?? i??????????ererner????aba?ouo?t ?lulunu?????????d fd ???iti???o-o??go go?ch?oio?cecesce???WeW?'v'??????????????????did?ffffeferereer????fr??uitui?t pt ???uchuc?heshe????t at ?a la ?????al oal ????anianic???to?rere re a ?????hehe he???nd nd???????d ???es?e ??????oso??. ???t it ???non??t ot ?oveov????y sy ????t ??anand???a sa ?????????y y vy ??ariar?at??on???s ????ll)ll),)???????????alallally? g go??????????canca??ea??il??y ey ?eatea??? o ?f f? th t??hesehes????er??y dy day d?y.y.<.?brb?r /r ???I rI ??realrea?llyll?????e ???he he fhe fafacfa???? tha th?? i it i??hah?? n?? s su s????? an?d ????lorlo??adadddde???+ + i it it it i????orgor", "output": "s. :)\"\n2144,B002BB7EWI,A1QEV11J83426K,Mila Dovgopol,1,1,5,1282608000,Great idea! Yummy product!,\"My daughter will start school this fall and i was concerned about lunches and fruit-to-go choices. We've bought several different fruit pouches at a local organic store and she and I loved these the most. It it not overly sweet (and a strawberry variation as well), tastes really good. She can easily eat 2 of these every day.
I really like the fact that it has no sugar and color added + it is org"} +{"input": "a?nin?c.c. .????????uiuiti??pup???e.e?????/>/><>
I, personally, don't like banana variation, but it's just because of my own personal preferences (i like fresh bananas more than cooked), other than that, my daughter approved all of flavors to 10 stars.\"\n2145,B002BB7EWI,A2ESMRG6O3LC2E,kelley,0,0,5,1321401600,Plum is the best!,\"Plum products are such a wonderful and yummy idea for the toddler, heck even the adult from time to time. I keep a full stock of every flavor fruit pouch Plum makes for toddlers. They ma"} +{"input": "??e e?a a g grgrer????????? t ??????owo???? t??e e de didiai?pep?????g g o ???ba?ck????????????heherhe?r yr ??u u????? pa p????ingin????????? t???p p????????sts???????chchoh?????unu?chchech?? o or o????ininging ing????????eye?????? T ??heshe???pop?oucou?chechesche???ava?????aveav?? t????dad????ananyany ?mamanma?y ?tit?mem?????????ve ve?eve??????aba????? on o????or or tor ??o ??????d ??to to????lu?nc?? w?hehenhe??????th????frfruruiuitit t wt ????av???????????r ?meme,me??anandan??it?? wa w?????alallllyl?y gy ??????????ave????? w?il??l al alalwal????s rs ?recrecocomo???nd?nd Pnd ??lumlum m t to? to e to ev?????pa???????I kI knknonowno???2212141?6,6?????BBB?7E7????A2A???L0L0H0??????ZKZ???????an,an?0,0?,0,,0???131303090?????00????ve??it????lolov???Pl???m om ?orgor??anian????ou???. . . ?GoG?? t??is? o??e ????sas?aleal?. ???y ??babba?y ?", "output": "ke a great snack to throw in the diaper bag or back pack, whether you are packing a for a trip to the store, school lunches or going to Disneyland! These pouches have saved the day many many times. I have even grabbed one or two to add to my lunch when no other fruit was available for me, and it was really good! I have and will always recommend Plum to every parent I know!\"\n2146,B002BB7EWI,A2FKL0HK0AYGZK,S. Wan,0,0,5,1309219200,Love it,I love Plum organic pouch. Got this one on sale. My baby a"} +{"input": "????tot??dld?ere? L ??VEV?? th t??? s ?o o??ucuchc???????3 3 y ???rsrs ?ololdl???lwl?ayaysys s as asa??? me m??fof???mom?oreor??2212141?7,7,B,?????????I,I?????S9S??GOG?IFIFAF?DQD???lil?nan???,0????13130302?828252???00,00,G,?rereaeatea?? fo f?? t tr trar?????ngn????or tor tht?rorowo?in??g ig ????ouo?????apapep?er er?babaga??????onon n??ovo?vesve???theth?ses?e ae ??nd nd t? the th??y ay ???e ge ??reare????to to t? thr thro???inin in yin ?ou???r dir d?iapia???r br ba?g ?oror ?????e we wiwitwi??? on o??trt?ipi??. ?????oto???????mem????cac??'t'?t ft fif??????resreshsh h f?????t wt whw??le??wewe e ae are are??????an?d ??bob????t tht thah?????y sy ?sonso??(h(heh??isis is??????? e ??eat.eat. ??ThT??se????????ea??????????se ise ??????s acs a??????? fru fr??t t a?nd?nd hnd ??? ca can can ?eaeat?????sts??aia?ghghth??t frt f?????? the the?????????JuJus??t mt ??akeak???????yo??????p p? th??????the the f fi f??rstrs?t ct ??????????", "output": "nd toddler LOVE this so much. My 3 years old always ask me for more.\n2147,B002BB7EWI,A37DS9ZGOIFADQ,Alina,0,0,5,1302825600,Great for traveling or throwing in your diaper bag,My son loves these and they are great to throw in your diaper bag or take with on trips. A lot of time I can't find fresh fruit while we are out and about that my son (he is 1) can eat. These are great because it is actual fruit and he can eat it straight from the pouch. Just make sure you help them the first couple of t"} +{"input": "???ese? o ??????e e y ????????????vev??? b ?????f f???memesmesss???????,B,???2B2BBB?7E7???,A,??ALA???3E3ERE?GRG???M,M????i i???ellel?????,5,?,1,131?00001001414714??0000,00??ou??? b bu buyuy y a?gag??????av?????????heh??r br ????????iki???????????or????????????? al a??????????yey?d ?ththeth??? ????????er?????rer???lyl???ooo??d bd ??argargagaiga?? o?????aleal???2??14914?????2B???????A1A??GMGMTM??????????SCS?MoMomo???,0????5,??1301300???7272072?????m-m-Y-?YumYum m??isishishMh?????MyM??8 8 m mo mono??th th??ldld ld?lol?ve????thi?s ?? h????nono o???obo???????ld?iningin???????susucu?kik????????????????. . . T???? i????re?ata?t ft ???r or ?on on??he? g gogo!go????505?0,B0,??0202B02?BB7BB?7EW7E?WI,WI??2T2TBTBDB???X8X??O0O080?L,L?????kyk??????,0,0,,0,0,5??,12,1?989???76760600??whwhahatha??anan an???????e ???ea?!,!?th????", "output": "imes or else you might have a bit of a mess.\n2148,B002BB7EWI,A2ALTJ3ERGRZBM,Kari Sell,0,0,5,1300147200,Would buy again,\"Have had other brands like this before, and have always enjoyed them. These were a really good bargain on sale.\"\n2149,B002BB7EWI,A1PGMTRXUFCK2F,SCMomma,0,0,5,1300147200,Yum-Yum MishMash,My 8 month old loves this & has no problem holding it & sucking the food out. This is great for on the go!\n2150,B002BB7EWI,A2TBDYGX87O08L,slinky41,0,0,5,1298937600,what an awesome idea!,this m"} +{"input": "a???s s???ede?????ono??ththeh? g ?? s ?o o eo ??????mym?? on onen??yey????olo???wiw???????? d ???n n an a a??ouo????in???? mi min??tet???????shs?????veves????eme????151?1,1??????B7B7E7???????E1E???M6M6G6??????????????hohomo???,0?,5,?,1,??989888???20200??????? a?????y ???????ve?????????\"I\"???????t t???isi??fof????? 1 ?15 15????????????????ho?????????????a a va ?????????????????as??ofo???ata??. .????wawan???????????n ann a???????? wa w??y ty ??????e e se susuru????he ???tst????s s f?rur????an?d d vd ???gig???e see s?rvr??ingingsgs ?ea???h dh ?ayay.ay. ? T Th??is is???es?es tes thes t??????ickic??! ! H HeH??lo???????em??? and an???he he che cac?an an?????d hd hid h?msm??lfl??. ?????????e ??canca?n In ??sas?ay?ay? ?????h,h??????tut?alallllyll?y ty try t????? on?e,e, ?an??? th?eyey ??reare???y ?ar??", "output": "akes feeding on the go so easy! my one-year-old will suck down a pouch in 5 minutes and she loves them!\n2151,B002BB7EWI,AQAE1BZM6GQ2I,BarRhettThom,0,0,5,1298851200,YUMMY and my son loves them!,\"I bought this for my 15 month old son who has become a very picky eater as of late. I wanted a fun and easy way to make sure he gets his fruit and veggie servings each day. This does the trick! He loves them and he can feed himself. What more can I say? (Oh, I actually tried one, and they really are "} +{"input": "?gog??d!d???22121515252,2,B,B0B?020??B7B7E7EWE????2Q2??XBX???????F6F?,L,LoL??lilipi??pbpbrb??t,t,0,??,0,,0?5,5?121??????????\"G\"?rer????????adadudulu???? t ?oo????,\"I,\"????ieiede? t???? p prpror??????bebececac?usu?? i ?t ?????????FrFriridridad????????alal\"l????ndn???? c ??ugu?hth?t mt ?y ??yey?e ie ??it bit ?beibe?ngn? 1 101??? f fr f?uiu??it ait ana??? 10 1?????orgorgag??icic.c. .????dod????t ht hah?????anyany ?chchi??drd?renre?, , b, bubutut ??hihishi?s ls ?ooookookek????ntntet?re?sts?in??g tg ?? t tr try try y by ??cacau?sese se I???????ene?????ining? t?o o??????eaealea???hiehi?? a??d d sd ?????timti??s ???????harha???to???????? r ???om???ndndended??ama????? o of o??? fru frui??????vivin?ingsings ?s a s a d ??y.y?. . ? I I???????ruiruit?it b?utut ut? it i?t at alalwal??ysys ?????s ??to to g????ad??? bef befo????????n n en ea?????? al a??. . ???bob?ougough?t t tt tht theh?e be ?banba????a ma ???? m?as?h h ah ???so,so??", "output": "good!)\"\n2152,B002BB7EWI,A2Q5XBEY1EE6F6,Lollipopbrat,0,0,5,1298073600,\"Great for adults, too!\",\"I tried this product because it was a \"\"Friday Special\"\" and it caught my eye it being 100% fruit and 100% organic. I don't have any children, but this looked interesting to try because I've been trying to eat healthier and sometimes it's hard to get my recommended amount of fruit servings a day. I buy fruit but it always seems to go bad before I can eat it all. I bought the banana mish mash also, a"} +{"input": "????????lyly y l ?iki?e e?itit,t, ,?tot??? ??? li l?ikeik?e te ?? a ???d id ????o o?mym??????ea?l,l??oror r?sps???ad???t t o ono? t to top to????????????utu???ut??erer r tr ?????? o??r jr juj??st st????????lfl??????o co ???rir???y ty ?heh???ngn??redre????tst????? h ?as?????difdi??er?en???frf???its?????t ?ju?st?st pst ??acachch h???nd nd n ?notno??t jut jus????????????????ouous??ly,ly?, I, ?'m'? o ok ok k?????h th ???s.s?..?jujus???wawanantan?tedte?d td ?to ???ror??????t ?ououtou????er?ere.ere?. ???herhe??????re mre ??????lele ??????s s? I I???vev???bobouout?????? p ???dud?ctc?. ?????ere ere g gogoeo?s.???an?d d nd ?not????n an an?y ????ti?????ar ar o?????????brb??????????y ?y toy t?o oo ????, ??ononvonve???????, r, ?resre???alaalab?le?? po p?oucouch?2>2)2?) I) ???????testes ?????t!t??3)3????? n na nat?uru???, ?101000?????ui??t..t.??no???", "output": "nd really like it, too. I like to add it to my oatmeal, or spread it on top of my peanut butter toast, or just by itself! To clarify the ingredients- it has 3 different fruits, not just peach and not just banana. Obviously, I'm ok with this...just wanted to throw that out there. There are multiple things I love about this product. Here goes.. and not in any particular order...
1) Easy to open, convenient, resealable pouch
2) It tastes great!
3) All natural, 100% fruit...no na"} +{"input": "ssts????rer???rvrvav?tit?vev?? o ??????????????????????0000%0% %? or o?gagananinic?5>5)5?) G) GrG?reare???fof?or or?eve?ververyryoy??e,e, , n ??t t j ???st st???bib????4) 100% organic
5) Great for everyone, not just babies.
6) The price is good compared with other similar products, and I love the free shipping!\"\n2153,B002BB7EWI,A2CU3J5TSL9M5M,M. Johnson,0,0,5,1297296000,Great tasting Plum Tot,Not as tasty as the strawberry but still very nice. Great to throw in a diaper bag or purse. Spendy but definitely a good deal when it's on sale.\n2154,B002BB7EWI,A2R9FU4HOE1QN7,Gary Forbis,0,0,5,1295913600,My 7 month old daugh"} +{"input": "t??r r???d d?181?mom???h h?????twt??? n nin?ece?e e??????????? l ?ovo?e e te th??ses?,T,????se se???e ?awa?es??meme ??nd?nd ind ?? y ????knk??w w ww ?he??? t ???fif??????? d ???coc???? c co?dedes???he????an? b ?e ??upupeper? i ??exe???????????I I l lo l?oveove ??he?????????uru?alal al i?ngn???di??antan?? a an?d d Id ????tutuatu????y fy ??nd??ththe??????tatasa??????????????????????y py ??? a????ttt?lel??????y ??oldol??r ?????s os ????meameal??an????d thed theyey y ly lo??????t tt ???????????????? o?f f mf my? d??ugughghth??rsr?????y ????d ?bub?ut ut?? thi th?is is? gr gre?????oro????? th????o o oo or? a????????????????/?
My twin niece and nephew who are 18 months old love these as a snack and my sister says they are so gr"} +{"input": "e?ata? f ?????ara?????eses s o ???trtri?psp???????e e?mum??eue??. .? I ???igi??lyly y r ??cocomommm?ene??????eseese ??????????ototht????????y fy fo????prp?od?ucu?t.t..2??555?,B,?000?2B2BBB???WIW??A3A383898?ZIZ?W1W?414????0,0,l,??g,g,0,?0,00,??5,???858????????????at at????odu??ct/ct??ririlri??iai????pap?ckckakaga?iningn?!,!???????isis is?????ec?t ?foforfo?r br bar bab??es???andan???todto?dldlel?erser??ono? t? the? g ???????ststatar?tet????usius????? the? the b the ?babba??????sis???? wh w??n ??y ???ugugh????r wr ???????in?faf??ant-ant----i-?t ?is???????????to to?? thr th??? a? p?ouo?uchuc???nd?? a a b a ??babybab?????????intinto?????e de did??????ba???. n. ???w tw th?at?????da???hth???????s ols o?de??? s ????? is is???le? t??o fo ??ed? h????elelfl?????????? p????uch.uch???????gi?ve?????r ?????dledler??????????uch uch?? and an?d t?he?y ?wiw???? sq s", "output": "eat for car rides or trips to the museum. I highly recommend these over any other baby food product.\n2155,B002BB7EWI,A389ZIW141LE50,lcg,0,0,5,1285545600,great product/brilliant packaging!,\"this is perfect for babies and toddlers on the go! we started using the baby version when my daughter was an infant--it is so easy to throw a pouch and a baby spoon into the diaper bag. now that my daughter is older, she is able to feed herself with the pouch. just give your toddler the pouch and they will sq"} +{"input": "u?eeeeze?????ckc????e e?frf?uiuiti???utu???f f i ??. . n ??t ???lyl?? is is s???? p ??ck?????? g grg??atat,t???utut ut?????????t t tt tat??tet??s gs ?oooodod d a asas as?wewele?????ndnd d yd yeyeses,es?, I, ???????ta??stest???eve?ververyr?????g ?ththath?? I ????eedee??mym???aua????terter)r).)???my my d ?dauda???hteht???lol???s s ts th???????????ololel????aceace ??igi??tst?s us ?? w?he?? I???an?d ?he?her her?? p??oucouchc?????151565?,B,B0B??????EWE????171???WVW??NKN?L2L???,P,?ha??mDm?????,3,?????535303080???00,00,G,????ifififiei??? ba b?????????\"I\"???no???????e ???? s ?supsupep?? t????ndynd????????????, a, ??? I I ??ot??ll?y ???antan???d td ???????e te the t???s ps prp???uc????oror,r?, t, toto ???e me ?or????xaxac?t,? I??wa??teted????????dldle?r ?to??????????is is??rorodro?uc??).). ).???e t????k ok ?nen?e t?as?te???ha??????it?? ba bac ba?? t??? me me,e", "output": "ueeze/suck the fruit out of it. not only is the packaging great, but the fruit tastes good as well (and yes, I have tasted everything that I feed my daughter). my daughter loves this--her whole face lights up when I hand her a pouch.\"\n2156,B002BB7EWI,A17RAWV3NKL27C,PharmD,0,1,3,1295308800,Glorified baby food,\"I know these are super trendy right now, and I totally wanted to love this product (or, to be more exact, I wanted my toddler to love this product). He took one taste, handed it back to me,"} +{"input": "??????sasaia?d,d??????????u u????????e be ?ababyb??fof??d,?? mo momo?????I I?????eded ?iti?, ????d hd ?e e ie isi? r ririgi??????? t???te?????stst st???keke ??ara?rer?? b ba??? f ?foofo??. . S. ??????????????????non????anyany y ty ?hihici?ke??????oooo.oo???f f???ourour r k ??????ikeik?s ???????ckckack??ini??, ????ata?t. t.??f f yf ?youyo?r ???d ?dod?????t,?????? i ??? is i??s jus j?ustust ??rea?lll?y,y?, r, ???reallreally???????nsins??ve ve b??abyaby y fy foy foo??????? g go g?in?g g? to to o? gi g????th?? r?es????to to m???babab??y, y,??????????ddd????r ir ?? n nonotnot ??he???leale??ast ast b?itit ??????????????212?5757,7??000??K6K676?818????????????????E,E??ayayly??r,r,2,?,2,2,,2,5,???????????00,00?MiM???-M-????!!!????????, m, mam?aybaybebe ??'m'm 'm????e fe fif???st ??oneone ??o ??????w w? th??is ?wow????erfer??l l?????t,??bub???I ??no??w Iw ?", "output": " and said, \"\"Why you gave me baby food, mom?\"\" I tasted it, and he is right. It tastes just like jarred baby food. Same consistency (not any thicker), too. If your kid likes the packaging, great. If your kid doesn't, then it is just really, really expensive baby food. I'm going to give the rest to my baby, as the toddler is not the least bit interested.\"\n2157,B004K6781Y,A2YVSM9R9P9SPE,Taylor,2,2,5,1312156800,Miam-Miam!!,\"Well, maybe I'm the first one to review this wonderful treat, but I know I'"} +{"input": "???non???????fif?rsr???????hahava??ngn???rir??d d??????????? t??eae??t it ????? s sa s??????heahe????y,y, ??????umu?mym???????? n?atatiat?vev?e le ?????aga??? M MiMiaiamam-m??MiaMiam? i ?????r r??um?-Y-????????/>/>T>ThTheThere??e ye yoy????o.o? N ?ot?? to t??o so ?weweeeetet,t??yeyet? n?ot?ot lot ??ckc?in?g ?????????s.s. . Y. YoYou? c cac???????ststest????e ????????ienie????bob?ve? t??e ?e ote o?theth?er er???? ( ?OKO???beb??????? th? the the? co c???onuonutut,???inincin?e ?e ite i?'s's ??oso???????dede de o????????itit'??s ss ?? g??oodoo??????????Th???is iis isis ?a a r ??????ood????????t t t??hathat ?????be??n ??dehde??????ed?????lol?????????, i??t's?? re rea????? ni nici?????????e ???o oo ??r ??????? (W (WeWe e h?av?e ???? of of?? the them the?????nd nd t?? they the??lo?ve?ve ive ?it)it).)???????uru?rsers??e it?????????? mo m????????ensen", "output": "m not the first one having tried them! This treat is so safe, healthy, and yummy! In my native language, Miam-Miam is for Yum-Yum!
There you go. Not too sweet, yet not lacking sweetness. You can't taste one ingredient above the other one (OK, besides the coconut, since it's mostly made of it), it's so good.

This is a raw food product that has been dehydrated at low temps, it's really nice to give to our kids. (We have 7 of them, and they love it). Of course it's a bit more expens"} +{"input": "iivi?e e t ?hahana??yoy??r r??ve??????trt???tst?/c/cacan????s,s???????????whw???wawan?ts? t to to ?coc???lal????<>r /?DoD????u u????? c crc???pyp? c?an?????????? d ???????he???????s as ??????oko??? ( (s(????????ala?lyl???oio???n)n????????? w??ntn??toto ???????????FOF?????or?? yo y????ele??? an a?d ?yo??r ?kik?dsd???T/>ThThih?is is?????????????ha?t ?yo????onon'n???re??re??t ht ?????? s?pe?nt?????????on on i it it,t??unu??????ofof ???urursur??????????ar???so????sedse???to ", "output": "ive than your average treats/candies, but hey, who wants to complain?

Do you want crappy candies with dyes, chemicals and cooked (so basically poison), or you want to give REAL FOOD for yourself and your kids?

I bet if people learn to do/prepare these treats and give that to their kids, school would be less filled with Asperger Syndromes, ADD, ADHD kids etc....

This is a treat that you won't regret having spent money on it, unless of course... you are so used to "} +{"input": "??????he???????loloao??eded-d??ese?tit?iciic?dede-de?he??bib?????de-ode-??ere?lyl???ooo??????igi?h h F ?rurucu???ses?e Ce CoC????SySyry??p-p??yeyeded ed c ca c???dy,dy? t ???n ????????? f fofor?????.<.?brb??/>/?
Keep your money instead, you'll need it for the bills you'll have when you go to the numerous Docs that can't help you and your kids. Sorry....:(\"\n2158,B004K6781Y,A2XXCSM9TULOV1,Kat,0,0,1,1342396800,goji cacao & maca yuck,This flavor is awful! We absolutely love all the other flavors but goji cacao & maca is really difficult to get down. I give all the other flavors 5 star"} +{"input": "s?????5959,9,B,????K6K??818?????K7K??363????YUYU2U?,s,??orortr?ana???weweeeete?????,5,???313191????4040000,00?ThT???e e??????mamaza??ngng.g.,.,\",??ele?ici?ioiouousu? a?ndnd nd?????iti?????? W ?e e le li??e ?fof???coc??conco??t t? an?????????eaeatatst?s ss ??incin??e we ???????t ???t t gt grg?????????henhen n?I I w ?anantan?t tt ?o o s spsplp???geg?, ,??????? u upu??????? o ofo?????se??frf??? W? Who Wh?lel??????ds ds???????????? i ??did????heaheal?tht????torto????ThTheTh??y ay ???raragra?ge ge???rouro??nd ???0 0????re re??nln???s ??????????? s????. ?:):) )???d d ld ?loolo?oovoove? t????????????? b?uyu?y ty ?thethesthe?se ?in?? bu????. Y. ?YUMYUM M??????2?161????0000000??5X5XCXCPCPMP???????EGE?K2K?YBY?TSTSZS?,C,?. ??vyv?,1,13,1?????????00???727??????alfal??emempm?tyty y cy cac?ansan?????????easea?y ?in?????sissi?tet?ntnt ?in?grgre??diedi????????? ha havaveav?e be be", "output": "s!\n2159,B004K6781Y,ANK76360Q8YU2,shortandsweet,0,0,5,1319846400,These are amazing.,\"Delicious and nutritious! We live for coconut and nut treats since we don't eat grains. When I want to splurge, I pick up a bag of these from Whole Foods or my local indie health store. They average around $10 here unless they're on sale. :) I'd looove to be able to buy these in bulk. YUM YUM!\"\n2160,B000N5XCPM,A2H1JEGK2YBTSZ,C. Ivy,13,13,1,1200787200,Half-empty cans and greasy inconsistent ingredients,\"We have be"} +{"input": "??? f ?eee?did?ngn??tht?????????r r?dodogo??s fs fof????vevere??? y ?eae?r.r???OvO???r tr ththethe e?????? fe f???mom?????, , w ????ava???ha?d d a ??prp???lel??? wi witithth th???????????ofof f???ama????s ????t Pt PiP?e ?e cae c??s.s?. . ??omo?e ??e cane cansns ns??er??e fe ???????f cf ???nknksk???f ?????????a ???ici????arardard-d??iki???????? w? wit wi????????ggg?ieiesie??? an a?????omeom???????? we??e ?e fie f?inein??wiw??h h??chich??ke???anandand and v ve?veggveg??es?,e,???. . W. ??hathat ??hapha???eneen?? t??????th?th ith ????aba?ele?????? W ?e ?ala?so???adad d td ??? p pr prorobroblbleblemem em?????h th ?the???canca????beibe???????y ?????-f-??llll ll???memetme?????????? d do d??????re??geg?ettet?tinti????ad????ararhar?????ro??m tm ?????????in ??thethe the fthe fothe f???d sd sod s??wewe we?? had ha???o o so ststost?? g gi g??in????????MeMer??ic??????r /r ??? T ?????neneeeedeed ??d to d to? st s", "output": "en feeding this to our dogs for over a year. Over the past few months, we have had a problem with the cases of Grammy's Pot Pie cans. Some cans were full of chunks of fat and a thick lard-like gravy with no veggies, and some cases were fine with chicken and veggies,etc. What happened to truth in labeling? We also had the problem with the cans being only half-full sometimes. Our dogs were getting bad diarhea from the fat in the food so we had to stop giving them Merrick.
They need to st"} +{"input": "a?????esests??ngn????eie???fofoooodod d??????. .??ItI?t ut usu?eded ??? b beb? g grg?eae??. ? L ?oo????t ???he he?????rerevre?iei??? f?roromom m??????yey?????ndn????fo??????212161616????00?N5N??CPC???A3A?2J2???DXD?????ZMZ??\"S\"?????nen??E.E?. L. LeLeoe???ttt?ti ti??????g eg ?????????????,8,????3,3,1,????????0000,00???fifili?lel????an?????'v'vev????en?? fe f?edediedin??g tg ???s ?wew???fofoofoodod od? to t???? d dodogdogsgs ???? 3 ? y ye y?ear?s,????? a????my my?huh??baban?d ??as???ai????\"\"i\"\"????ouou u?? thr th??ugu?h h?????in in?? c????k k pk ????????????vedve??it?? to to to???????for dfor did???nerner r ir i i?wowou??ld ld h?ava?ve ve?non??idi??ea ea? it it ?waw???do???????.\"?\" \"?BuB??t it i t i????a a l?????le le u upupsp?setse?t w?itithith h th ???e f??ctc?t t??hatha????????????arear?en'en??t ft fut f??ll.ll. . I. ???? thi th?is is l?as?????aseas?e se ?omomeome ????re re?evevevenve???onlon?", "output": "art testing their food again. It used to be great. Look at the old reviews from last year and before.\"\n2161,B000N5XCPM,A32JCNDXDPFXZM,\"Suzanne E. Leonetti \"\"dog enthusiast\"\"\",8,8,3,1191974400,unfilled cans,\"I've been feeding this wet food to my dogs for 3 years, and as my husband has said \"\"if you through it in a crock pot and served it to me for dinner i would have no idea it was dog food.\"\" But i am a little upset with the fact that the cans aren't full. In this last case some were even only"} +{"input": "??hahala?f f???????I I???vev???????????? t ???s ???ufufff??is???t t c chc?????\"\"???6262,2?B0B000?????CPC??,A,A2A????????U7U??????tet?php?hanha?iei??T.T????raracacac?????,1,????010181878757??0000,00??lel?????????k k T ??ici??????\"P\"??ea???e te ????nk nk???????????t t pt ??urcurch?????????hishi?s ps ??odo?ucu????esespspep????allallyl?????????? hav haveve ve a a a???alall??????d ???g.g??????? l lulur?ed? b byby ?th??e ce cuc?uteut??, g, ????????y ly ????????????? so s????????????????did??????lisli?????????????????ed??MeM???ic???????ed??????? to t???oto?th th????mym??????, , a, an???BOBOTO??? ti t????, , B, BOBOTBOTH???og?????????????????d wd ?witwithth ?pap?ancan?????iti??s ????????llllnll?nesnessss s w????ch ch??s ???angan?????s,? e???????elyel??????fu?l l?? to to t? the?? an??imaim?al,al??, an, a?", "output": " half full. I have 4 dogs and this stuff isn't cheap.\"\n2162,B000N5XCPM,A2VO7BD7JU7OMY,Stephanie T. Muraca,5,5,1,1301875200,Please Think Twice...,\"Please think twice about purchasing this product, especially if you have a small-breed dog. I was lured by the cute, gimmicky labeling and sold by the ingredient list, but I twice fed Merrick canned food to both of my dogs, and BOTH times, BOTH dogs were diagnosed with pancreatitis -- an illness which is dangerous, extremely painful to the animal, and"} +{"input": " ?whwhihicichc?????uiu?????hoh???ititat?lil???titioiono????'m'????????re???? t ?????????on??ene??t it ?n n???hosho????ara???cuc?lal???????????s hs ?highi?????? i??????rir??k k?usu?sesse???an an i in i?grgreredre??enenten??ada?di???veve ?????????ehe??? s?ic???eneen?????????f ?????????lalatla?tedte?) ) d dod?gsg????utu???????????d md ??adead????hemhe?m vm ?verve?y y iy ?lll??????????theth??? s??????d hd ?????ta?li??????on on???? p papanpa?????????is,is??I I???????????h o?th?therther ???lkl????ho???ad???tot??peped???eeeed???g g?????icick????????eirei?????ll??????ed ???gs?????r tr thr the????me??????on?on -on ?- -?? the?????od od c? cau ca???ed ?vov???iti????, d, ??????heahe?, , a, ??d d ld ?????rgr???y iny i?n tn ?the?ir???????\"\"?????,B,B0B???????PMP??A3A???XZX??DJD??HIH????????????????s,3s,??3,?", "output": " which requires hospitalization. I'm not sure if the fat content in those particular cans was high, or if Merrick uses an ingredient/additive that somehow sickened both of my (unrelated) dogs, but this food made them very ill. After their second hospitalization for pancreatitis, I spoke with other folks who had stopped feeding Merrick to their small-breed dogs for the same reason -- the food caused vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in their pets.\"\n2163,B000N5XCPM,A380XZXDJJHIJ5,Alex Vrenios,3,3,5"} +{"input": "?????????404?0,0?GrG??ata????amam m???sts? p ??sss?ini?? a al alolono?ng ng t tht?e e??-s-?stast?? r ?????????omom ????r tr th??reere?e Me ????at??ureure e Se ????aua?zez???. .?ThThih????stust?fff??is??? b bibigi???hithi??at???ourou??hoh??????WeW??gig???e te ???m ?ea??ch ch a???????? to t??????st? k ???blb???e the t??????????????r t??hemhem ???????t ?? t????es?pop????ofo???otot ???????? to??. . N. ??o mo mom???e t??urnur??d ?upu???osose??s ns ??w w??????y ?wow?lfl????????? do dowownw?????e se sus?????????x x i??t ut ?up up? re r????????? be befe?forfo?? s se ser??ining??2212161??,B,B0B00?0N0?5X5????,A,?1L1????KMK????????\"J\"?ava???????????????????\",\",2,2,2?,2,,2???????????0000,00?MyMy y dy dod????lovlo?ve ve t???is!is??,\"I,\"I ????st ??wiw?itcitch??????romro????errerrir?ckc? W WhWho?le??EaEar??? b?ra??nd nd????????yly????o ????is ????", "output": ",1153958400,Great,I am just passing along the 5-star rating from our three Miniature Schnauzers. This stuff is a big hit at our house. We give them each an easy to digest kibble that's good for them and put a tablespoon of Pot Pie on top. No more turned up noses now - they wolf it all down. Be sure to mix it up real good before serving.\n2164,B000N5XCPM,A1LPIWKM3RHPJI,\"Javapie3 \"\"Javapie3\"\"\",2,2,5,1326412800,My dog love this!,\"I just switched from Merrick Whole Earth brand pate style to this upgr"} +{"input": "?adaded?d d l ???? b ?????rrr???k k??ndn???y y dy ??g g???vev??????? T ???????????t t?????????s ts ??at????keke ????????????ooo?d.d.\".??????,B,B0B??00N00???CPC?M,M,A,A3A???LRL??UFU?TTT??TDT??L.L? E ?. ?ThThoTh?????2,2?,2,,2,5,5,???????808?00000?????LoLov????????my'my????\"W\"We???do????ed ed? an an n?8-8?yeyea????ldld d Dd DaD?lmlma???????????er??th?is??ye?arar,r?? an?d ?heh??????????????aua?ti?ono????????es?? ab abob?utut ut????cicia?? d??etet.t. . B. ??ut ut wut wewe ?coc????n'n't'?????s ???????????a ??????? t th thi??s ds dodog?? fo???---??ad???????????ec???????of ?ththeth???????. W. WeWelWe??????? l lo?vevesve??it?! ??o o???? i???'s 's?????????ia??????cascasis??on on f???d.??WeWe ?mim??? ha hal???????an ??itithit?? a a????????drd?ry,ry?, 2, ??/d/?aya?? w ?witwi?th th n no n?o no ????y ??sidsi????fff??ectec?ts.ts", "output": "aded line by Merrick and my dog loves it! This a great for dogs that like \"\"human\"\" food.\"\n2165,B000N5XCPM,A3NGLRNUFTTKTD,L. E. Thomas,2,2,5,1135728000,We Love Grammy's!,\"We adopted an 8-year-old Dalmatian earlier this year, and heard lots of cautionary tales about special diet. But we couldn't pass up trying a can of this dog food--sadly, just because of the name. Well, she loves it! So now it's her special occasion food. We mix half a can with a cup of dry, 2X/day, with no nasty side effects."} +{"input": "??????alalslsos? l ????s s W WiW??????ingin? a??d d??he?????a a????????ofoffffef?????s ???omo?? th thih??s cs coc?????y.y. .????s ?hihighi???in??prpro??eie?????????rkrksk?s f?or??usu?!\"!\"\"2?161??,B,?00000???XCX???,A,?1B1?????404?????8,8,L,LCLC,C?1,1???????353?131????00,00????rar???????rieri?????ovo?e e te th??is is??tutufu?ff,ff???? h hah???????????nd???thithisthi?????linli?e ??or????rereae?so?????????ricri?e.e. ??my???wo??dod???????????hishis ??????? an?d d id itit t dt ????n'n??t ut upu???t ????eirei????om??chchsh?. . . P. ??????? lo lov??? th??at at???t'st'???????ada???inin ??chichin?a a oa or??so??????????????n n y ??????oko? a at a?????he fhe ??????? it it??????? pr???tyt?y cy clc??sese se? to to ????????????. . Y. YoY?ou ???? s se seee?e re re?alal al?chchuch?unkunks?ks oks of?? ch c???kekenke?n an ??????????es.es???????on'on?'t 't???", "output": " She also likes Wingaling and the Napa Valley offerings from this company. It's high in protein and works for us!\"\n2166,B000N5XCPM,A1BDBT140CCAP8,LC,1,1,5,1335139200,my rat terriers love this stuff,\"so happy we found this online for a reasonable price. my two dogs love this stuff and it doesn't upset their stomachs. Plus I love that it's not made in china or something. when you look at the food, it looks pretty close to people food. You can see real chunks of chicken and veggies. I don't wan"} +{"input": "???tot? g gig?????y y d ?ogo????????an???acactctutururerede? s ???fff???utu?t at ????o do ???'t't t ht ??ve?? th t???????????????e oe ??ur ur?????????????.\".\"\"??????B0B???N5N?XCX?PMP??A2A?9U9???OSOS5S???????\"O\"??RAR?H H?????ere??FiF? \" ?\"D\"?eve??? D ?????\",\",2,?,3,3,3,5,??????282???00???OR???THTHAH???A A???ZEZENE????ARA???? g gi g?iveiv?e Me MeMer??ici?k k??an?nen?ed ed f???????????re?ata??t ant a??d md mim?????t tt ?? m my m??do????s ds ????kik???lel?e (e ????d td tht???????ev?ene????tsts ??? ta t?astas??????????non?????????enen.en. .?? Th T?????ic????n Pn ??t t Pt PiP?????melmelll?? b??ettet?terte?r tr ??an? a? any an?y hy huh???????hichick?en??pop?ot ot? pi p?? I ???canca???remre??mbm???..?212????????N5?????,A,A1,A??????M8M???434353??PuP????erier?nono,no??,0,0,,0??,1???797929????????etset?s ms ?my my?????y ?????eaeat???g.g???,\"??????", "output": "t to give my dogs any manufactured stuff but also don't have the time to make our own dog food.\"\n2167,B000N5XCPM,A29U9JOS54XZCH,\"OORAH Semper Fi \"\"Devil Dog\"\"\",2,3,5,1191283200,MORE THAN A DOZEN STARS,I give Merrick canned food as a treat and mix it to my dog's dry kibble (and the cat even gets a taste) every now and then. The Chicken Pot Pie smells better than any human chicken pot pie I can remember.\n2168,B000N5XCPM,A1YG7OEM8LT435,Pufferino,0,0,4,1347926400,Gets my picky dog eating...,\"My dog"} +{"input": " ?tht????s s??? w ?asa???????in?toto o t??he he g ????ryr???ndn?? is i??en?tit??????to??fifin???did????? e ?aca?? e ev e?en?in??????ccccoc?ordor?dindi????, ,???????l l?nonoto????????aia?? k ????le?. ?? A A????opo??ofof f?? thi thisi?s os onon ?hihishis ?drd?????odo?????lil??tl????atateat?r r?????aka???grg??????andan?????rer???oooodoo??????????OrO?????inging ing???????e fe frfror?m m???mazma??? w wa w??? wa???????er????an??pip?ckcki?ngng ng?upu??in?????duduauala?l cl ??nsn?s as at?? th????ete?t st ???????to??o. o.???ll???????l,l, ????????sss?s fs ?or? u??.\".??212???????00N00?????????B2B??22R22?Z5Z545?ETET1T1D1D,D,T,ToTobo??ucuucusu?,0,???????282???828?????MoM?oreor???ra?mmmmym?y Py PoPot???ie????????????I I? sw s?????ed?? to????errerriric?k k d ??????odod od??eve?verve?????eaearea????gogo go ( ?202?00700?) )??hehenhen ?n aln a?ll ??theth???og?", "output": " thinks he was born into the gentry and is entitled to fine dining each evening. Accordingly, he will not eat plain kibble. A scoop of this on his dry food, a little water to make gravy and we're good to go. Ordering a case from Amazon was way easier than picking up individual cans at the pet store, too. All in all, a success for us.\"\n2169,B000N5XCPM,A1B222RZ54ET1D,Tobucus,0,0,5,1286582400,More Grammy Pot Pie Please!!,\"I switched to Merrick dog food several years ago (2007) when all the dog "} +{"input": "ffof??????eme?????o o?????????????ititht?? th t?e ???????isisos?? - - -? sp s?ececic??ici?llllyl? A ?????ptpte???? - - - a ?????????ete???ingin??????se se??y ??theth??dad?????? / ??
My dog is my life and I would have been devastated to know I had fed her something that would have caused the suffering and anguished death and illness that many of these pets had been forced to endure. So, I started to look around and found it appalling that there was such little oversight in pet food manufacture and control regarding ingredients and labelling. I knew that it w"} +{"input": "a????OTO? n ??tut?rar???fof????ogo???whw????adad d?beb????cac????????s ???r ?tht?houhoususas?ndn???ofo???eaear?s ????be???????g g??allal?????????oco?esesses??d ???scs????\"\"?? an and? b bo b?nen??ea?l ?- - n??????tetere?r hr ho?w w t ?theth???omo??ananianieies? t tr t??????? \" \"\"?rer???aba??????iti???I I????o ??thoth??ghg?????newne???how? c cr c??????l ??????????or or? an???malma?????o go geg??? cr??itiit?ca?? m ???ro?????ri??enten???inin in????propr?pr??????y y b ba b?alaal?ancan???????el?s ????d id it???ou???d bd ?????uaual??y ??ev???tat??iningin???for? s sosomsomemeomeon?e e ue ?ne??????tedte???n n an ??animanima??? nu n??????on???? t????? t??atat at???????????????t ????me??cocooco??' '???eal?s ?s whs w??chc?????uldul?d ld led leaeavea????apa??????olole???????thethesthe?se se e????ntnti?????????alalsal?, ???itait?????s a?nd??", "output": "as NOT natural for dogs who had been carnivores for thousands of years to be eating all this processed \"\"scrap\"\" and bonemeal - no matter how the companies tried to \"\"re-label\"\" it. I also though, knew how critical it was for animals to get critical micro-nutrients in appropriately balanced levels and it could be equally devastating for someone uneducated in animal nutrition to think that they could just 'home-cook' meals which could leave gaping holes in these essential minerals, vitamins and m"} +{"input": "iici?ror??nun???iei??tsts;s; ;???? t ????en?????? th t?e e????tioti?s s?ofo???atatsats,s? o???s,????rotro???????hah?? t th?e ?ana??mamalalsls ls? ne n?????SoS??, I, ??????????chc???g g???r r?a a??omo???anyan???I cI ???ldl???????????r /r />/?I>I I fI ?ouounundnd ???rrr??ckck k a an a?nd nd??havhavev?????t tt ?ururnr??????ckck!ck?????ha???e n?eve?verve??beb??n ?????ie?????d ???????othot??GrGra????y Py ?otot ot?????KiK????e ???s ws wewelelll???s ????e ??of of????se?????ne?d ??????foofoodo????????? th?ou?ghg?h sh sis?incin?e ??we??? ar a?e e a? s sms??ll??dodogdo?g wg we??us?e ????????smasmal?le???\"\" \"\" s?izi??????canscan?s (s ?cacatca???foo???????d ??????? T??he he c ca can????arear??iriroronroni???ll?y y ey ??ou????- ?fif?????d wd wiw?thth th i ?ing????ie??ntsnt?????t ?yoy?? c? can ca??re?ada????? U ?NDN?ERERSR????ND.ND?????ou cou ??? a?????gogo o to ", "output": "icro-nutrients; not to mention the ratios of fats, oils, proteins that the animals need. So, I was searching for a company I could TRUST!

I found Merrick and have not turned back! We have never been happier and use both Grammy Pot Pie Kibble as well as some of these canned dog food cans - though since 'we' are a small dog we use the \"\"smaller\"\" sized cans (cat food sized 5.5oz) The cans are ironically enough - filled with ingredients that you can read and UNDERSTAND. You can also go t"} +{"input": "?o o t ththeheie?r r?wew?bsb??????ndnd d?fifini?? o ?utu????ata?t at ?????ingin??????ntn?????at at??aya?y sy sos?ounou??nd 'nd ???re??gng???re????y ???????????y ty th??y ?usu?????t t -t ???????oundound ???t ??heheyhey y wy ?werwe??? al a?????t a????aysay????nan???????????ededied??nt???hahatha?????????????na??ivi??e te ?????????????d d cd chchehemhemim????????? als also? f fo????nd ind it?????foforfo???ng? t??????arart?ic?ululal?arlar?ly ly??it?h h? th?e e ce ????????foofo??d Id ??co??uldul?d o??en? i?? a??d ??????????? in ing in??gredgre?diedi??tsts ??iki?e ?a ??????????oko?????li??ke ke? a a?sus?pr??iseis???POP????O!O! ! O OrOr r ar ???eae??, c, ?????t,t, ???c.c?. M. MyM???????OVO??? t??is???????ickic? f???od od???????????ve??r br bebeee??en hen ?heaheal??????! ! O! OuO????vetve??coconco????antan??????mmm?menme???s os ??? he her? b ?lo???????k k lk ?eve?", "output": "o their website and find out what any ingredient that may sound 'foreign' really is and why they used it - I found out they were almost always a natural ingredient that is an alternative to a processed chemical. I also found it comforting that particularly with the canned food I could open it and RECOGNIZE ingredients like a potato looking like a suprise, POTATO! Or a pea, carrot, etc. My dog LOVES this merrick food and has never been healthier! Our vet constantly comments on her blood work leve"} +{"input": "l?s s c ?omo???g g???ckc???? \" \"\"\"?pep???ece???lelevevev??ls\"ls\"\"?? an a?d d??????s ???????t 9t 9.9? H HeH?er er????at at???s rs rer????????alaltal?hyhy ?anandnd nd??ror???????whw??at at iat isis is???tit??eded ??y ?mo?????etet ???nener??s a?ndnd ?????????th???momos????plp???sas?antan??? as a??????????is?????, ,?????hahathat ?????ha?????lmolm???t Nt ????asas as??? d do d?n'n????iviveve ve? he her??mumucu?? i?f f????y py ??????e fe ?ooo????iti?the??) )???t ?wh???????? is? is g is ????n ????herhe?? br b?an???????? ca c????e e re ??alall??y hy ha?rdr?d td ???sis?it it??ea?r ??? o ??asassassi????:):????I ??????k tk ?the?? ph p?ra?ses?e ye yoy????????outou?t w?ha?hat hat?????pup??????apappp?????????e e ae as?as was wew?ellel?....... ..????????? not no????witwi??ch ch???romro?????rir????fofoofo?od od - ???eveev?er!er??????onlonly???regre??????is is tis ??at???????d nd no??t s", "output": "ls coming back at \"\"perfect levels\"\" and she is almost 9. Her coat is really healthy and probably what is noticed by most pet owners and yet not the most 'pleasant' aspect to discuss, is that she has almost NO gas (I don't give her much if any people food either) but when she is given other brands she can be really hard to sit near on ocassion :) . I think the phrase you get out what you put in applies here as well... I will not switch from Merrick food - ever! My only regret is that I did not s"} +{"input": "?tatarartr???eee?did?????? l ?iti?tlt?? f fo f???????geg?? o ononen???ere????k k?????????????????????????,A,??????D5D5F5F2F2C2??????? S ?tet??????0,??????????20200?,W,WaW?? s??urpur??risrises?ed ?wiw?ithit? t ?????aya?????f f f??????? to topo??? of of??on????tst?.,.?\"I\"???????????????s s ws ??? w ?on??ererferfuf?l l???nnn????fof?oodood,d? s?? I ??trt????ed ied ?????? m??????y y fy ???sysy ?scs????????. . I. I ????s fs fif???????????????tot?o so ???e ae a a?????er ??????at at? on on n???????p ???henhe?n In I ?????ned?? th the th??cac????.....????scrsc??pep?ed ed ted thed t?????ffff ??andan?????dedde??d a d a c co c??plp?le le??popoo?nfn?fulfu????????????y.y..???anand????he ????ff?????t t at ??and ????????????? S???he dhe ????s ss se?seemsee? t to?? li liki?? t???????rrirr????BGB?????y f???ood.ood. ?? c???se??? the the the b the bub??ffaffala", "output": "tart feeding my little four-legged one Merrick sooner!\"\n2170,B000N5XCPM,A39RNHD5F2CLXU,D. Stein,0,0,1,1230163200,Was surprised with the layer of fat on top of contents.,\"I had heard this was wonderful canned food, so I tried it for my very fussy schnauzer. I was first surprised to see a layer of fat on the top when I opened the can....I scraped that off and added a couple spoonfuls to her dry....and she sniffed it and walked away. She does seem to like the Merrick BG dry food. I chose the buffal"} +{"input": "o???lal?????????mym?????? s sasaya????hihisi???is is?? w ??????.\".???171?????00??????M,M??????3W3???6O6?RCR?C,C?ShS???rl,rl?1,????????242??323?00??????ogo??LoL???????hishi???ooo??,\",\"M\"????itittt?????hah??sa sa A ???o ???? w??? d ?????ososes??????? d di dia???tet?????coc??????ofof f m???th?????o,o????????ou?nd? M ???ririci?????GrG??mmm??'s? P PoPotot t???e ????????owo? g????eme?????an??d dd ded????dedded ?????ryr?y iy ??? H HeH?e le lol???es ???????oo??? I ?????s ????????of????otaot????es,es, ?cac?????s,s, ???nd ????as,as???notno??to?to mto ?enent?????????kek?? a?ndnd ?apappp??es???Th????onlon??????nsnsis?ideide ?ababob??t ??????rinri??g ig ??? fr froromro????aza?????is ?th?e e de ??li??verve?ry ry??etethet????????????? th t?? f fo foo fo?od od? wa was wa??????????ed,ed, ???vav??? pu p?????d ud ", "output": "o flavor and my girl says this is a winner.\"\n2171,B000N5XCPM,A2MRM3W966ORCC,Shirl,1,2,3,1342483200,My Dog Loves This Food,\"My little Lhasa Apso mix was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of months ago, so I found Merrick's Grammy's Pot Pie to be low glycemic, and decided to try it. He loves this food! It has chunks of potatoes, carrots, and peas, not to mention chicken and apples. The only downside about ordering it from Amazon is the delivery method. The day the food was delivered, a van pulled u"} +{"input": "?p p???????ntn???? m mym??hoh??sese e a ??? l ??ftf?t tt ?heh??5 5?cac?se??? of o???????I I? ha hada?d od oro??ere??d ???tstsis?????? m??????????in??? fe f??????exe????o o?th??????lbl??x.x?????edledle??s s ts ?o o so ???, ,???????e ????????havhavev??tataka?enen en? it i?t it ifi??????dnd??t ????en ?ththe??????veverve???wow???an an??ro????????????'m'm m??lsl??????sabsablb???, ???d ??if if? it??? had hadn?'t??beb?eenee????? m? my my??nexne?????????neine???boborbor ????inging g o?????de??atat ???????????I ?????ldnld????ha???e ge ?????en ?en then t??he che ca?se????? of f of fofoofo??? in i?ntont???my my? ho h??sese se w ??ithitho?ut????? h he hel he??????anyan??????he???????wew????????o eo ex??re????y y dy de????ed.ed??DeD?li?ve??in???????s s ts ths thihisis is???ay ay??s ??ot?????cepceptpta?????. I???ou????d had h?ve??gigiv?????en thien thisis ???????", "output": "p in front of my house and left the 5 cases of food I had ordered outside of my chain link fence next to the mailbox. Needless to say, someone could have taken it if I hadn't seen the delivery woman drop it off. I'm also disabled, and if it hadn't been for my next-door neighbor being outside at the time, I couldn't have gotten the cases of food into my house without her help. Many of the cans were also extremely dented. Delivering items this way is not acceptable. I would have given this review "} +{"input": "????tat??s s?????t t?hah??????beb??n n?fof?r r??hehe e d ????vevere????2212??2,2,B,???????CPC?M,M???2R2RRR??IGIGRGR2R2Y2Y9Y?GRGR,GR,j,jaj?nen??gug?ttt?mamanan,an??,2,??1,????010???????CAC??TITIOI???DED????D D????S,S?????ava???a a???????? n ?????s ps pe??t at anandan??????chc??d ?fo?r ??????igi??????odo?????ini???e Ae ?mamazma??n ???s s bs ?beebeen??????iveiv???stast?? r ?ese?????? I I ????ses???????ve???????iei?????????????anyan? o ????????an??????????tet?ed.ed. ? S???I ??havha?ve ??to to??os?s ???themthe?? or o??????????ThT??????????ig?? ha has hasss??e ???ut ut??ou?????ot??eveve?r r fr fef?eedeed ????den?????ca??n tn ???mym??be???ve?d ?????? B BeB???t tt ???pup??ch?asase?? at a????he he???pet pet??to???????????dentldentlyl??\"\"2\"?21721??,B,B0,B??????????,AY,A????FLF???3F3F3F?X,X,R,RuR?mRm???ne???????5,5,1", "output": "5 stars if it hadn't been for the delivery.\"\n2172,B000N5XCPM,A12RRBIGR2Y9GR,jane guttman,1,2,1,1330128000,CAUTION/DENTED CANS,\"I have a special needs pet and searched for the right food. Since Amazon has been a five star resource I chose to have Pot Pie shipped. Many of the cans are dented. So I have to toss them or return. This is a big hassle but would not ever feed a dented can to my beloved boy. Best to purchase at the pet store, evidently.\"\n2173,B000N5XCPM,AY1ZLFLOD3F3X,RumRunner,1,2,5,1"} +{"input": "1181?030???404?0,0?GrGrar??mym?'s's s??oto????e e f fof???DoD????? D Do Dog?????vev??????ThThih????anannn?????ooo??d hd ????????????nkn???ofo???????ene? i ?n ?iti???????? l lol???????????okoks? a ???d sd sms????????????r tr ?ha?n ??humhu?an????????y y c?anannan???????????tewte? ( ???ke???in?tyt??MoMooooroo??????171747?,B,????HOHOSO?HUH?0,?????1R1?D8D???QKQ??3,3??P P M ??bebe be \" \"\"\"?\"P \"P??ab????????2,2?????464616?????0,???0 0?CaC???oriorie?s ?BUBUTU?...????????? o ???t ft ??r ?r thr t??e fe ??????9g9g g o of o????t ?pep???17?g ???erver??ingin?.<.<>r /?????????????newne?????????????????hi??h h???at ?bubutut ut s ?omo?????w Iw ????????ucu??? on o??th??????100100 100 C?al?aloralo???ies.ies?.....?????
/>T/>?TheTh???lal?vov?or or? of? t th????? is is ??el???ioi???. ????? w ????abiabi i????????ha", "output": "180310400,Grammy's Pot Pie for Dogs - Dogs Love It!,This canned food has real chunks of chicken in it. Dogs love it. Looks and smells better than human-quality canned beef stew (like Dinty Moore).\n2174,B004HOSHU0,A3MH1RD8BXQKK3,\"P Mabe \"\"P Mabe\"\"\",1,2,4,1346112000,100 Calories BUT...,\"Watch out for the fat-- 9g of fat per 17g serving.

I guess I knew that nuts have high fat but somehow I was stuck on the \"\"100 Calories...\"\"
The flavor of these is delicious. The wasabi flavor ha"} +{"input": "?s s??????t t o ofo????????ese???????/>/???r ?/>/>(/>??????ththeh? p ?acackc?????????? /??????????????????ONONDN??? V ?EGE?????LELE E?????(C(??NON?????SAS?FFF????ERE?? AN AND???????NFNFL?????),)???UGU??R,R?, M, ?????IE???COC?????TA????, ??AL??????Y Y??AUA?????SOS??BEB????, W, ???EATEA?T, T,???LTL?? H ??ORSOR???????????NIN?ONON,ON??, SP, S??CE??????CTCTITIO?NANATA???????CONCO???????? AN AND AN????R PR ?????KEKER????L OL OI?????GARGA????, , M???ALTOALT??EXE?TRT??IN,IN, ????STST ST?ESE????????NANATNA??RARALRAL ?FLFLAFL??????CIC?TR?IC??????????????IUIUMUM ??UAU?ANYANYLY???TE TE? AN AND AND AND D ?DIS?DISODDISO?DIUDI?? I IN?OSOSIS????E??FROFR?M M CM ??LILIFLI???ORNIORN??????????????ing ing? Si S?zez??- - 1 1717g7? (?ono???bab?????? / />?CaCalaloloro?ieies? 1 10 1??? . ???FaF?????????
(From the packaging)
Serving Size-- 17g (one bag)
Calories 100 ...Fat Cal 80
Total Fat 9g ... sat"} +{"input": "???faf?? 0 ?.5.????tat??sis????111?????brbr br??>T>?ot????cac??? 3 3g3??gr />D>DiD?ete?tartaryry y f fi f??????????? /> />S />???ar??????gg
Sodium 70mg
Potassium 110mg
Total carb 3g
Dietary fiber 2g
Sugars 1g
Protein 3g
Calcium 4% ... Iron 4% ... Vitamin E 20% ... Magnesium 10%\"\n2175,B000LKTDNE,ALSYGPNMPPQ9U,Mythknight,1,2,5,1316044800,Great tea.,Now let me start by saying I did not buy this tea as a diet supplement. I bought this because I tried it from a local store as I was looking for a tea that had some peppermint in it but not so much it was over-powering like a full peppermint tea"} +{"input": "????????hahasas ???stst t t ???????????mom?unu???ofo??????perpe?mim???????????? w wiw?th? a a a g grg??ene? t????. O. OvO????lll???it it? is i?s as a a pa plp???sas?nt???????e te th?atat ??? co c?????????? a?????????212?????000???????W,W,A,????S9S??????????NeNele????????????lal??????jej???ellel?lewle???\",\"?2,2???4,4??292??090???0000,00????asteast??s vs ???? g go gooo?d!d!!!!!!!,!!???????teate?a ia isis is v ????? go goo go?????I ???iscis??vever?????t ??????? vi v?isiis??iningin?????CaC??ifi?oro???a.a. a.???????memen?t t It I t I g go??t ht ??????????rcrchc?????????????oreoreses es f ??? i it? a?ndn?d Id I ?wawas? n ?oto?t a??le?le tle ?o o f????????. ?????allal???????cic??eded ???? se s?????????zoz???ha??d i?t ???????heyhey ?di??d ad ??? I?????gh???twt???boboxbo????. ?AsAs ?lolonlongn??as?as tas ????y my ?????it?????ilill?", "output": ". This has just the right amount of peppermint combined with a green tea. Overall it is a pleasant taste that I could drink all day.\n2176,B002SW7ZOW,ABZZS9PEI350E,\"Nell from Maryland \"\"jenellew\"\"\",2,2,4,1294099200,Tastes very good!!!,This tea is very good. I discovered it while visiting in California. The moment I got home I searched local stores for it and I was not able to find it. Finally I decided to see if Amazon had it and they did and I bought two boxes. As long as they make it I will "} +{"input": "?bub??????2212?777????????7Z7??W,W,A,?????L4L??656?????,A,Ap,A??ili?????,5,????848464686818161??00,00,W,?????????\"T\"??e e???a a? ta tasastste????rer??t t?ana?????lpl?eded d md ??e ce ???? c ??avaviv????????????didiei??????????e te teteate??wawas?? in inen???penpensnsis????anandan????meme me?????????????????retre?tyty y by ???. ???The The???agsag??ara?????imimsm?y,y, , b bu b???I I j ???????rorowo?? th?e ?babagba??in?????tea???????wiwit?h h n ????oro???????????????ono????ueue ??o o ko ???p p???isi?s os ?? h ha h??and and a???????t ot ?f f m ?????tea ?cocolo?llellecectc???????21217??,B??002002S??W7ZW7??W,?A2A2C2???HVH?CGC?2F2?XSX????YLY???AmA??????\"\"\"????uvAuv????onon\"on???????2,42,?????68268?26526?6060060??FiF?ineine ???alalial?ityity y Ty ???!,!,I,?I lI ??veve ve t th? this thi?s Ts ??????t t ht ?????a va ????y sy smsmom??thth ???astas?????nd nd? no notot ot?????????????", "output": "buy it.\n2177,B002SW7ZOW,A1RPCL4E65WA4Y,April,2,2,5,1284681600,Wu-yi is,\"The tea tastes great and helped me curb cravings during dieting. The tea was inexpensive and came packaged in a pretty box. The bags are flimsy, but I just throw the bag in a tea ball with no worries. I will continue to keep this on hand as part of my tea collection.\"\n2178,B002SW7ZOW,A2CIIHVCG2FXSP,\"YLuvAmazon \"\"YLuvAmazon\"\"\",2,2,4,1268265600,Fine Quality Tea!,I love this TEA. It has a very smooth taste and not bitter like o"} +{"input": "?ththeh?r r??????ofo???????? d ????grg???? th t?atat t?????????inging g s ses?eemee??? to t??coc????????t ??easea????????????ana?????????thth th? th???????o bo ?????ea?l!l? T ThT?? q ??ala????y oy ????????aka??s s us ?p p f ???r tr ththath??at.at.????????020????ZOZOWO????????999959???565??????????lilisli?????\"So\"S??apmap?makmake???\"\"\"\"\"??4,4,5,5,5???????74??56056?00,00?????????????????lal?ar ar? st stotor??,\",\"I,\"?I fI fofoufo?undund ?ththithisi?s es exe???t ??samsa?me me? st stu st?fff?f af ?? t th?????ll?ar??st???ore.ore??? It I?????????ty? g ????????NotNo?t at ??s gs go??od od??r r ar ?as as?? str st???????as mas ???????? w ??ololeol????eafeaf ????? b??ut ut???? t???????????it it?ca?????beb????atat.????agsags ????????verve???s s g????d ad ?????osose?se lse ?lealeafa?. ?????useus?e i?t ?????????t ???e ??????? cu c???. ?. I . I s st?????my????", "output": "ther kind of tea. I do agree that the string seems to come apart easily but I can live with that. No big deal! The quality of TEA makes up for that.\n2179,B002SW7ZOW,A3H15E995IH56,\"Susan Fliss \"\"Soapmaker\"\"\",4,5,4,1274745600,Found at the dollar store,\"I found this exact same stuff at the dollar store. It is pretty good. Not as good or as strong as my loose whole leaf tea, but for the price it can't be beat. Bags are never as good as loose leaf. I use it if I want one quick cup. I steep my loo"} +{"input": "??e e?lel?afaf f??????????????, ,??o o???hah????tot???havhave? t? tim time? t??????nkn???-3? c ?upu??. .? I I I?gagavaveav???????4 4? st s??????ece???sese se i ?t t i???? g go g?odo???ea??????? th t????ono?eye? p ???chchahasha?sedsed ??ror??????e de ?ololll?????????. ???????aka????ysyseselse????a ma ??g,g???ndnd ?be?cacauca??????? is? c?he?????????use use?? b bab??s.???I I wI ???????hav?e ?be?enen n? di d????????te?d ????????d d pd ?aia?d ??hehe he??orior???inain??l pl prpri??e ????????????r ir itit ???ou??h.h?\"\"2????????2S2SWS?7Z7??W,W,A,?191?ZAZAMA????BAB?CDC?A,A?E.E?????ithith,h????,2,????????????,N,?oto?????????me me tme te???..?,I,?????derde????d thd thrh??ug?h h s????rcerce ??n ???the the p pa p??t ?????ca?ncncecelce?llell??????mememme?be????hiphip p? du d????o ???the ????cesce??ivi?ve ???ar???es es?eve?ververyry y m??onton??????waw?", "output": "se leaf tea 2-3 times, so I have to have time to drink 2-3 cups. I gave this 4 stars because it is a good deal for the money purchased from the dollar store. If I make myself a mug, and because it is cheap, I use 2 bags. I would have been disappointed if I had paid the original price on here for it though.\"\n2180,B002SW7ZOW,A19ZAMNNIBACDA,E. Smith,1,1,2,1320105600,Not the same tea...,I ordered through source in the past and cancelled my membership due to the excessive charges every month. I was"} +{"input": "? h ????y y t tot??lol??????????zoz?on on???d d??inind????hatha??? c ?ouo??d ??uru?chc?hashases???oro??mum???????apapeap??r ar anand?nd und ?????y ???imimem???cccco???t.t. .?ThThih?? t?eaea ea? IS I? N ?OTO?? TH T?? S SAS?MEM?E AE ?S ?THT?HE HE?????TH?ATA??CACAM????N N T TH THE TH??BLB??CKC? B ?OXOX.X???TheTh????igi????? te tea tea a i isis is b ????n ????????s ?tet????is ??rer??n.n..??th??e pe pap???hlh??????is tis ?thethe the?sas??????sis??????s t?hehe he????therthe??????ththe????aga??le? t?????ag?s ?????????sa?????utu???the????a a ia ?is is dis did???????t.t. t.?????? on onen??co?me????pacpa???????mu??ch ch pch ?????iei??? bu?????t dt ???????t ???sts???? the? s???ame.ame???I hI ??vev?e le ???st st?202????ounou?ndsnd???????? the l the ??astas?t 2t ? m?on????s bs ??y dy ???nkn??inging g? th thi th?is is t?????????????????? a an and and ??onlonlyl?????terter ?ththrthro??ghg?ou??t t?he?", "output": " happy to look on amazon and find that I could purchase for much cheaper and use my prime account. This tea IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE THAT CAME IN THE BLACK BOX..The orignal tea is brown and this tea is green...the pamphlet is the same inside as the other and the fragile tea bags are the same but the tea is different. This one comes packaged much preetier but it does not taste the same. I have lost 20 pounds in the last 2 months by drinking this tea in the morning and only water throughout the "} +{"input": "ddadayay y t tht???????mym???nln????iei?t ??ha?ngn?e.e? I I I u ????? th theh??????r r???? f fof????a ma ?on?th?????d hd ???f f? an a?nd nd??????nen?w w t te??a fa foforfo??3 3 w ??????non????????onont???anantant ??o o??to????aka???? t th?e ??ea? j juj??t ????????asasese se? it i??t ist is ?ththethe the? co conont?rir?bubutu??r ?to?? my m?????ghg??????s.s????he he n ne nexe??????erer er I????lll? t tr t????the?????????ea????at??yoyouo????vev????o po ??? f?or????ipippp?iningin??????? h??pepe ?I ?cacanca? f??indin?d td ?thithis????gig?inainala???stust?ffff ?????????????s is ????notnot ?t itt it.t?2?????????SWS??ZOZ??????YYY?MAM??6N6???KMK?????????O.O.,.???1,??????949454565606??0,0,\",???cec???lal?vov?or,or? g ??ea????al?????,\"?NoNotot ot? mu m?ch????se???to to sto sasayay.ay??????kekee???a ???x x???n mn ?my my?de??k k?????????wow?orkork,k, , a, ?????????", "output": "day that is my only diet change. I used the other tea for a month and half and this new tea for 3 weeks now.. I dont want to stop taking the tea just is in case it is the contributor to my weight loss. The next order I will try the other tea that you have to pay for shipping on. I hope I can find this orginal stuff because this is not it.\n2181,B002SW7ZOW,A30YYMAI6NXWKM,Thomas O.,1,1,5,1299456000,\"Nice flavor, great value!\",\"Not much else to say... I keep a box in my desk here at work, and I can "} +{"input": "??njnjoj???????p p??????mem?! !???icicec?????vov???? an?? n ?o o????tet??????, ?sos?o Io ? c??? d drd?ini?k k?itit it????aiaigi??t t???????t ?????????? / ???P/>PrP??s:s???FlFla??????andan?d vd ????????
Pros: Flavor and value.

Cons: It can't do my taxes for me... that's really about all I can think of. lol\"\n2182,B002SW7ZOW,ABGKH1T5ASBWW,Cat lover,1,1,4,1290729600,Great oolong for the price,\"I got tired of overpaying for tea at Teavana so decided to try this brand of Oolong tea and was pleasantly surprised. It has a wonderful flavor and like the previous reviewer, I just put t"} +{"input": "?heh? b ??? i ?????tet?a ??balba?l l??o o???mpm????atate??foforo?? th t?he he????? q ?????????????e ?ba?gsg?? Y ???????? c????t t bt ????t tt tht????????e oe ?of of????? t?ea???2212????B0B???SWS??ZOZ???A2A2K2?GJG??ZNZN8N8D8????1,1,S,SaS???nnnnan?a Ma ?. ??ere???iri?a,a?0,0,0??5,5?131323??????00???ovo??????????????th???s is ?????hih??? q qu quaualuali?tyty ty? oo oolo??ngng ????a aa anandand d? i i? ca????t gt ??o bo ?bacba?? t to to to? bi bigigeig?lolowlo?? t? tha th?????????sus?re?! !??? the the??asa?stest?e ie ??is gis ???atat,at???it it i???sa??d ????????e se ??limlimmm??ingin?g bg bebenbe??fif?itsits,s, ?an?and and? th? the ???tea tea??ag??????? a a?hihighi??er? q? qua qu???ityity ????? d dod???n't n't??om?e ???????????lyl?.\".?\"2\"2121821???,B0,B?00200?????ZOWZO????JXJ??ORO????RYR??????. W. ????eee??,0??????????92????00,00,q00,?quaqu?ali?ty??tetea??I I?gogotgo?t tt twt t??o b??ags?? fr f??om om??", "output": "he bag in a tea ball to compensate for the poor quality of the bags. You just can't beat the value of this tea!\"\n2183,B002SW7ZOW,A2KGJNZN8DI5C1,Savanna M. Ferreira,0,0,5,1322179200,love this tea!,\"this is a high quality oolong tea and i can't go back to bigelow, that's for sure! the taste is great, it is said to have slimming benefits, and the tea bags are a higher quality that don't come apart easily.\"\n2184,B002SW7ZOW,A1JXEOR4N9RYQS,J. W. Peek,0,0,5,1321920000,quality tea,I got two bags from my"} +{"input": "??frf?ieiene?d d??hoh????t t i ???frfrofr??????? fr f??????wh?o ?????d id it? w??????rimri????SoS?o Io ??chc??ckckekede????emem ????? z ?????ocock? w??henhe?????gotgot ???????3 3??mosmo?. ?lal???? I I ?opo??eneen??? it i??ana??? ha h??d sd sos??e e?tot?dad??. ?I ??m ??nlnlilinineine ??ryryiy??g g? to t?o fo ??indin?d md ?mormo??e.e.2???5,5?????????OWO?????SDSDWD??1T1?FJF????????om?ooo?,0,??????????030?363?????????????? fa f??, ,?non?????????tr?em???? i im i??????ivi?e.e. e.??????as?????? b ??e he ??nen?estest ?????t t at ant a??th???ing ing??pepecpe???l l ( ?i'i???? ha??????H H????te??? a an a??nd fnd fof??r tr ??????ici?e ?????????? wha what? y ???u pu ????????. a. ?a ba bibit?it ait ?annan?noyno????th?????????tr??ing?ing iing ?? s????r ??chech??????????waw?aysay??fafalallallsl?????????t it itt it ??am??e ne ??iceic?elyel?y py ???ckackagageg?????d d a??", "output": " friend who got it from his friend who said it was primo. So I chucked them in a zip-lock when I got home. 3 mos. later I opened it and had some today. I am online trying to find more.\n2185,B002SW7ZOW,A1LSDWC1TFJACI,cocomoo,0,0,3,1311033600,...eh,\"so far, nothing extremely impressive. the taste to be honest isn't anything special (i've had MUCH better) and for the price you get what you pay for. a bit annoyed that the string is super cheap and always falls off but it came nicely packaged and arr"} +{"input": "??vev????UCUCHCH H?????ere??tht????i i e ?????????(b(??????e e 5 ?????s)s) )?????? su s???oso????thath?????a a??lul??? a??? i???ala?ll,ll?? if if f????????????iningng g?????so?mem?????g ??extextrt???aga??antan???ke????????????. a. ?????r ???e ?'b'????fif?????, h, ??????t t?re????y ??oto?icicec?ed ed???yty?thi????????.... ..?bub????'l'?? k ?kee???drd?ininkin?kin?g ??or? a????????e we ????s ??andan??se??????? th tha??t gt ????, ??????up????? m ???re??iei?w.?..?.. t.. ?tiltillll ??the?then,then??yeyeaeaha? m??aybay??? i i s i shs??????i ???????ed???? s?omo?metme??????g elg elsl???(b??? s????ce ce? it i?????as bas bab????ly ly?????mom???y ??i gi gug??esses????dididi??n'tn'???????oo oo????).)?..\"..?????6,6????2S2???ZOZ???A2A2525F5F5F???K2K?GNG???????me???????,1,????535???00???ea? i???????..?. ?te??", "output": "ived MUCH faster than i expected (by like 5 days) so i suppose that's a plus. all in all, if you're looking for something extravagant, keep looking. as for the 'benefits', haven't really noticed anything new... but i'll keep drinking for a couple weeks and see how that goes, then update my review... till then, yeah maybe i should i invested in something else (but since it was barely any money i guess i didn't do too bad)..\"\n2186,B002SW7ZOW,A25F57YK2GN6ST,Emme,3,6,2,1266537600,Tea is okay... teab"} +{"input": "?aga? i ?sns?'t'????JuJusu?????t ?????eae?bab???????ayay,y????????e e f ??rsrst? b babagbag ?I I m ??ded??teteate???iti?h.h??.. ..???e e pe paparartr???f f t??? t??eabea?bag?? wh whe??e ???he he?????ngng ??????nnnnenece???d ?????? the ?ba?????re????ror?sss?s ts th??e be ?bag??afaftf???? se s?epe?in????????he bhe ??bag ???ma???????intin???ct ct???ouo???? T???he she ???onondon?d bd ?bagbag,bag?, w, ???lele ??nwn???ppp??ng??? the? the t the ??teabtea??bag.bag??. . t. ???? ta t???ri??????? the the the b????ri???t t o???n.n.<.T>??e ??ea??? tas ta?stest?ed ?fifinfi?ne,ne, , n, ??? v ?ere?????strostron?????????os?t t o???therthe?r or ???onong????asa?. . . ???????alalilitli???of?? th??? the te the tea?????bag ibag is?is lis ?liklikeke ke? so s???????????ma????iaialal.al?. ??wowo o oo ??t t o???twt??????keke.ke........ ... I ???ueu??ss ss?? n ?neene????? b be b???oro?????arearefe?ulu???????????otothot?????", "output": "ag isn't.,\"Just got my teabags today, and the first bag I made tea with... the part of the teabag where the string is connected to the bag tore across the bag after seeping. The bag remained intact though. The second bag, while unwrapping the teabag... the tag ripped the bag right open.

The tea tasted fine, not very strong like most other oolong teas. The quality of the tea bag is like some flimsy material. Two out of two broke... I guess I need to be more careful with the others.\""} +{"input": "??212181878??B0B???QUQ??9L9?O,O???F7F?NPN????5O5???????efe?? G ?aia?pop??????effeff\"f??\",\"??,0,0,,0??????949?????00,00????d d ' 'o'????????? B ?ub??????asa???! !????,\"??ouo???usustst st c cacana????beb??????e ??as??????f tf ????oro???ini??l ???bb??????ubb?le????mbm???????ItIt t rt rerea???????ese??n'tn'??mam??teterte?????? t??? t??????e one onln?ly ly?????????????te ??or or???? b bu b?????????? w whw??y Iy ? b bo b???hth???he??tut????ThT?he ?? tu t?ub ub??y ???? w wa w????is is?vev????coc?????iei??t ???ndnd ??as? s sh s????eded d td tot?o mo ??e ie in?????++ ++??on???titioion????f ???ourou??lolon??gingingn???or??th?the the cthe clc??ssssis?c c????stest????o fo ?forfor ?it?????u u wu ???? n ?oto???? d?????ppp??inintin???!\"!\"\"22121818818????000000E0EPE?P5P??K,K,A???????????434????KrK?risri????????? \"????yo???jrj???????", "output": "\n2187,B000QUZ9LO,A2F7NP03S5OYJW,\"Jeff Gaipo \"\"Jeff\"\"\",0,0,5,1339459200,Good 'ol Dubble Bubble Taste! :-),\"You just can't beat the taste of the original Dubble Bubble Gumballs! It really doesn't matter that the taste only last a minute or so, but that is why I bought the tub! The tub by the way is very convenient and was shipped to me in A+++ condition! If your longing for the classic taste go for it! You will not be dissappointed!\"\n2188,B000EPP56K,A2DYW9Y2D8E43L,\"Kris Cayocca \"\"Cayotejr\"\"\",2,2"} +{"input": ",,2,2,2,1,?161???242???????sts????utut.t????????y ??owo???????????nen???? s ???n n t ?hih?? m ??chc? g ?rer?as????n ???????d d???odo??????iki??e te th????! ! ??lslsoso,o???t t ht ??s ???ouo???h sh ?ala??t tt tot? k ?ililll? a ??????iri?? f ?amamim??y y oy ??? sl s?ug????! U! UsUse?????in? y ??ourou????rdrded??, , d, dodono???t et ???t i???\"\"???898???00?0E0?PPP???K,K,A,?1K1????R4R??EJEJ6J?QNQ?,\"????eveevenen en????ngn? \" ???????uct?s\"s??????????,11,1?16816?303??????SaS?tat???NoN??odlod???,\"???in??????e ee ?ent???e e se ?sausa??????ckc?ketket ??s ???????il???, l, le?av?in?? a???al??? g?????y ??udu???le le???????????to?? o ????hehe he c cacar????? O ???therthe??is?e ????dldledles???rere re wre wew?llll ll? ma m????, a, an?d ??????e i?????????aba?????welwe?ll ?????oro?redred.d?. Q. ???????ndn???easea?y,y?, a? n???brbraraia?inein???", "output": ",2,1169424000,Tasty but...,\"Holy cow! I have never seen this much grease in a boxed product like this! Also, it has enough salt to kill an entire family of slugs! Use it in your garden, don't eat it!\"\n2189,B000EPP56K,A1KYF8R4TEJ6QN,\"Steven Chang \"\"products\"\"\",2,2,4,1168300800,Satay Noodles,\"Using the entire sauce packet is over kill, leaving a salty greasy puddle at the bottom of the carton. Otherwise noodles are well made, and sauce is reasonably well flavored. Quick and easy, a no brainer.\""} +{"input": "??????,B,???00E00????6K6??????3F3???505?????WiWisi?tet?ririai?RoRoso???2,2??????161????888?00???oooo o o ???????????????flflalavla?????I I h ??d ????? h ho h?pep???fof???tht?????ror?duducu??????? I ???iri????????eded ???e e p pap???aga?????cac?usu?? t?????oo?dld??es es????? a a?????t ???????re re???????e e se ?au?cec??????ed?? ap a???ala???g.g?????????od?????????y ????prprepr?pa?re??atat at m mymy y wy ?or???????. ? H HoH?wew????? to t?o mo mem????? the the? ta tas?te? w??s ?????y oy ????? an?????ava???le????. . I. ?'m'???????? pe pea?nunutut t st ????????an an a an and and and? wa? was was???pe?????ed med ???e ?e spe s?ici?? i ?????? the f the ?????vor.vor.\".\"\"?21219???B0?????PP5PP????A3A????5B5BCBCOC???X1X??,\"???????? \" ???bob?ookook\"ook???,1???,1,4,1,4,4,1?,116,116767367?50??????tattatst?sy!sy!,!,\"?Th?isis is i???????tyt??gogoo???st?", "output": "\n2190,B000EPP56K,ASK53FE650NLF,WisteriaRose,2,2,1,1167868800,Too oily and lacks flavor,\"I had high hopes for this product when I first opened the package because the noodles had a great texture and the sauce looked appealing. The food was easy to prepare at my workplace. However to me, the taste was very oily and flavorless. I'm a big peanut satay fan and was expected more spice in the flavor.\"\n2191,B000EPP56K,A37GT5BCO92X1X,\"D. Book \"\"dbook\"\"\",1,1,4,1167350400,tatsy!,\"This is pretty good stu"} +{"input": "f?f.f. . Y ????cac?????exexpx?ecectc?t at ?????lel????????omom m?ini?ststatan?????x-x??-n-????le????bub???tht?isi? i?????e ???st??????ofo? a ala?? t ?the?? ot oth?therthe? b?raran?dsd??I'I'v'vev?????ede?? be b???rere.e???heh???noonood???les les?????????d ???????ncncyc?? an a??????????anuan???????e ?is????al?lyly ???st???asas ?wew?ll??????m gm go????? to to o b????mom???e.\"e.\"\"????2,2,B,????EPE??????A2A2G2??G7G????????N,N?????ou?????????,1??585???323????ReReae?all??y Gy GoG?oodood,ood?\"\"\"???t ??as???es es b be??teterte????an????t lt lo????\"\"???asas as??he???????st tst ??????I I? sa saia?d d td thd the???a sa ??????cacalcal ?????????r ?loloolooklookik?????t ???????nunut??sa??????s s is ???????e oe ?????????the the mthe ???rorowro???e.???UnU??????nan????????it'it's'???as ??atattat????????s ????????ks,ks???o ?", "output": "ff. You can't expect a whole lot from instant box-o-noodles, but this is the best out of all the other brands I've tried before. The noodles have good constancy and the peanut sauce is really tasty as well. I'm going to buy more.\"\n2192,B000EPP56K,A2GHG7FA6YLGWN,E. Houde,1,1,4,1158883200,Really Good,\"\"\"It tastes better than it looks\"\" was the first thing I said the a skeptical co-worker looking at my peanut satay as it came out of the microwave. Unfortunately, it's as fattening as it looks, so I"} +{"input": "???iki?ele?????n'n????????????sisiningng g i itit ?ofo????. . ?I I c ??????ses?e ????s s????in??g wg wiwit?h h? ch c?hichi?kekenke? o ?r r???eefee? a ?????as??in?ing ing????????ttt?terte????ou??h!h?\"\"???939??????EPE??5656K6?,A,??U5U??1010L0???4D4DQD?F,F????an?????nsnse??nd,nd???,0,,0???131???????00?????ttttytt??gogooo???sts??fff???whw??lel??????nonoto??trt?ada??itiit?ononaon?? s?ata???????t it ?is is??ververyr???oooodood d t?????ilil l il ?is ?oko? c ca c??????it?ithoithou??t i??t it it? w???ldld ld? be be be????????, ,??????????e e o?????ese?se ???at???ere?? a????arar ?????a a? ha h?alfal?????ld ild i i??ad??e i???anand? i? it it? wa w????in????i ?wi?llll l bl bub??y ay agagag?inin\"in?\"2\"21????B0??00E??PP5PP?56K56???262?????YGY?CGC??NUN???hi?rlr?????0,??,1,13,1?31831????202?????????le??s s Ss SlSlul??gege,?\"I\"I I lI ?ovo??? pe pea??utut t st ?????. ????hishi???", "output": " likely won't be purchasing it often. I could see this mixing with chicken or beef and tasting even better though!\"\n2193,B000EPP56K,A1U5010LTB4DQF,Brian Townsend,0,0,4,1319932800,pretty good stuff,\"while its not traditional satay it is very good the oil is ok cause without it it would be too dry, i had some of these that were a year and a half old i made it and it was fine, i will buy again\"\n2194,B000EPP56K,A26G6S0YGCG5NU,Shirlz,0,0,1,1318723200,Flavorless Sludge,\"I love peanut satay. This pr"} +{"input": "???ucuctc????????lyl???ere??ibi??e.e. .??InIn n??o o w wawaya??dod?????????????bleble e?????t dt ?????? O OiO???? s sas?????ana????asasts?????????. . . D. ??n'n???????????ourou????oneon?y ????? thi th???brb??andan?????191???B0B??????565??????IEI?JIJIKI????VHV?????. J. J.J?. F. ?????estes??0,0????,1,???868616111?????\"S\"SuSuru????sis?ngn??? F ?lalava?????ul,ul??BuB?t t Dt ?????????????ri????\",\"????ada?dordo???????s bs ??anand? o ????????ut ut? sa s?ataat?????od??????????iki?????e ????er? e ???nin???fofoooodoodsds-s????boboxo????a-a?????s ns ??od???es ??and?and sand ??uc????es ares a???flflalavla??rfr?fulfu? a an a????????ioi??s.s. s. ???wew???er,er???the??re're's??cec?erter??ininlinly?ly aly ????ownow????????ThT????di????is?is gis ?re?????, f, faf??te?ni??ng,ng?, a, ?andand ?hi??h ???n cn cacalaloal????????????youyou u??rea???th?the the??", "output": "oduct is truly terrible. In no way does it resemble that dish. Oily, salty and tastes lousy. Don't waste your money on this brand.\"\n2195,B000EPP56K,A3MIEJIKUB5VHQ,E. J. Forrest,0,0,4,1268611200,\"Surprisingly Flavorful, But Dine With A Friend\",\"I adore this brand of peanut satay noodles. Unlike the other ethnic-foods-in-box, Ka-Me's noodles and sauces are flavorful and delicious. However, there's certainly a downside. This dish is greasy, fattening, and high in calories. If you read the nu"} +{"input": "?trtririti?ioi??ala??????????tiotion???yoyouo?'l'lll??fifin??????? t???s s? ti t??????x x c ?????????twtwow??ses???????s t??????rer????????????at ??ndnd ????t vt ?????fi???ining??/>M/>?y ??dvd?vicvicec?? ??plp???????? d ??ishis??wiw??h ????ririeri??? a?????????????? a a a?????????erver??????? r ???ce.ce? T ThTheh?e se ?aua?cece ce????flf???or???l ????d pd ?????t ?en???gh? t? tha that??it??blb??ede???in?????theth????riceric?. ???????instins???t ??andand and? ta t???y y my ????????shs???eae??!\"!??????,B,?000??EPE?P5P?6K6K,K????HIH??TUT?CQCQZQZQZQ2Q2,2??????,0,????????070????????? R ?????PePeaeaneanun???????y,y?\"T\"??is???is ?NON????eaealeal eal??ea?eanuean????????y by bub?ut ?foforfor ???the the????rice? i it it t it ?is is nis ????babad???I I?li?????to to g ??????????? and and ????? t?????? in in m ?", "output": "tritional information, you'll find that this tiny box contains two servings that are high in fat and not very filling.

My advice? Split this dish with a friend and serve with a small serving of rice. The sauce is flavorful and potent enough that it bleeds into the rice. An instant and tasty multi-dish meal!\"\n2196,B000EPP56K,AO1HIVTUCQZQ2,Mon,0,0,3,1251072000,Not Real Peanut Satay,\"This is NOT real peanut satay but for the price it is not bad. I like to get these and keep them in my"} +{"input": "? d ??sks??ata????rkr?k fk fof?or or?ththehe e? da d??? t??at???? do d?n'n??????????mem??e toe t?????????tot?o lo ?????. .???????ara????reare???????????to to???kek??????t ?mim?x x????eteththeth?r r t th the th?????kekedke???????es?????d td ??the the??agag g o ?f f??aua???e a??? m??crc?????ve ve f fo??????outout ??? mi min mi?ut????. Y. ?ouou ou w wi w?ll???oto??ge?t ????????auraurar??????????y ??meamealal al??????f ?????s bs ??ut ??it it?isis is???????? fo f????jusju??? ov o????????0 0 a?? bo b??. ?Th?e ???x ??saysays???????is 2is ????????gsgs ?s bus b?ut ????yoy?????e ??notnot ??????g g ig ??? an???????t ot ???ananyan??thi??ng,ng? i????ea?ll?y ??is ??onlon???1 1??ererver?????\"\"?212191?7,7,B,?00?8Y8YAY??FWFWIW?,A,??1212D2DBDBBB???424????GaGar?y y Py ?et?ererser?on???????,1,?343????040??00,00,\",???ildild ?TaTas????, B, ?????elelilic??????.\",.\"?,\"A,\"? n??", "output": " desk at work for the days that I don't have time to go out to lunch. These are really easy to make; just mix together the cooked noodles and the bag of sauce and microwave for about 2 minutes. You will not get a restaurant quality meal out of this but it is decent for just over $2.00 a box. The box says it is 2 servings but if you are not mixing in any meat or anything, it really is only 1 serving.\"\n2197,B008YAXFWI,AY12DBB0U420B,Gary Peterson,0,0,4,1346630400,\"Mild Taste, But Delicious.\",\"A nea"} +{"input": "r??y y?FrF???h h a ana?d d??asa??????ghg?????????MaM?rkr???????ckc?? a? n ?umumbm?????????uru?mem?et et i ???or???d d pd prp??oduod?ctctsts ??andan?d Id ???????y ty ??yiyiningng g????m.m??OnO??? is i??? v ???iei?????? B ???teterte??s ss ???psp?s fs ??romrom m C CaC??ada???. T. ToT????, , I I ???? t?????utu?teter?nunutnu???quq?????????ReR?? P PePepe??er????oup??. Q. ?????????d.d. . S. ??oo??????? m me??lol???. M. ?????????te,te??bub?ut ut????ici????s.s?. G. GoG??? d do d?ownow???reareala? e?as?y ????????????????????to to????cac??or?ie???pe??????viv??????? se s??ervierv??ingsing?s p?er?er cer ?canca???. A. ???as,as??th????sodso??um?????te???????? a b a ???it hit ?igighigheherher r tr ???? I??liliklike??????therthe??isise????er???go??od.od.<.
Gary Peterson\"\n2198,B001FPT2MG,A22MI212KEK07E,Lilian Roes"} +{"input": "??lelerer,r?????5,5?,12,1282848??818???0,0,E,ExE???lll???????sts???? h ???e e b ??ene? u ?sis?ngng g????s s??????????oro? y yeyeaeara?s ?ana???wawas? h??ppppyp???o o??inindind ???????lil???????ce?????r lr ???alal l???????(B(?rir?istis?olo?l Fl ?ar?msm??????d cd ???ses??? I ?I lI lo?ve??it???????iai????y iy ???mym?y sy ?al???d dd ??esessessi?singsingsg?????999????????KOK??E,E???????????Z8Z8Q8Q,Q,K,KrK???stist?inain?????,8,8,8??9,59,??121??343?46846888808?00,00??onondon??erfer?ulul ????ondiond??enenten???ThT???pop???grgrar??ata???????assas?????????vedve?d od ?? t?????an??d i?n ????? c co?nd???ioi?on.on?. . I I I???nconc???ntent???ed ed t th thi thisis is?as?as aas anan an???ngrng?redredid???ent ent?????????????KaK?????an can ??okokbkbob??k k????????dididdid ??oto?t d??????poipo??t.t. ??WeW?e te ??hinhi???ed ???it jit ??ustus???a la li?ttt??le le? wi wit?h h w??arm????te?r r ar ??? u?se????", "output": "sler,1,1,5,1284681600,Excellent taste,I have been using this product for years and was happy to find it on line since our local place (Bristol Farms) had closed. I love it especially in my salad dressings.\n2199,B000LRKO9E,ABQ0AV72S4Z8Q,Kristina vLS,8,9,5,1243468800,Wonderful condiment,\"The pomegranate molasses arrived on time and in good condition. I encountered this as an ingredient in a Mollie Katzan cookbook and it did not disappoint. We thinned it just a little with warm water and used it"} +{"input": " ??????sis??? s???cec?e fe ??? r ??as???d d a??pap?????s ?atat t???bab??????e,e?? an a?d ?gog???mam??? r??vev???eve?iei????frfro??????????sts?s,s, , v, ?vegve?????iaian? a an??????-v-veveg??etaet?ari?an??ala?iki?e.e?? I ????ecoecomommmmemene????ot?? t ?heh??ve????? a?? and and???isi?????????222202??????0L0??????,A,?TQT??DLD??RKRKNRK???I,I???aryary ?A.A??PaP??hah??,3,???,5,5,5,1,?212151585?20????,E,?xox???c c?Pa??????????? - ?????egegrg?????e e Me ???????es,es???as??, ?prp??fef??si??onaonal? t tr t???sasaca???on??. . ? I I??eee?edeed???? thi thisis is?????iningn??ed??ienie?nt nt?fo???? n??????cic?pep?e ae ?????it it?????nedned ???t ??????! ! N ?owow w???????????ed ed ted tot? f???d ???oreore ??useus?? f???or tor ?thith??is sis ???uffuf?.\"??222?20120?????000L000LRLRKLR?KO9KO?9E,9E?????????????WCW?,\",\"M,\"??????a ????lel??\"\"\"?or?gag?anian?icgic??rlr", "output": " as a side sauce for roasted asparagus at a barbecue, and got many rave reviews from our guests, vegetarian and non-vegetarian alike. I recommend both the vendor and this item.\"\n2200,B000LRKO9E,ATQ7DL7RKN0PI,Mary A. Parham,3,4,5,1215820800,Exotic Pantry Stuff - Pomegranate Molasses,\"Fast, professional transaction. I needed this one ingredient for a new recipe and it turned out great! Now I just need to find more uses for this stuff.\"\n2201,B000LRKO9E,A3F6JH6V9IK7WC,\"Melinda Ruble \"\"organicgirl"} +{"input": "\"???????,4??????525242?808?0,0??????fif???,O,OnO???????.M.??l.l.I.???? e eve?verve??usu?ed? b ?utu???hih???????????? h hah?ve?? th t??e se sa?????lalav?????theth?e Ce ChChe?????me???????th????or or?a a?????grgrar???ateat???ele?????? for for ??fisfi?h.h. . I ItI????seemseemsm?? to to o ho hahavhave?ve ave ?a ba bib?? o ????a b?ror???? ap a???ara?ranra?????thoth???????herhe?re re?? the the ????????????f ????ed ?waw????a b?a bria br?ghghtgh??????? c co c???or.or..2222???????0L0??KOK???,A,???595?????PPP?0S0??,\",?????nnn?ne ne????clclel?????\"\"R\"\"???san????\"\"\"\"\"?,1?4,?212?,5,?,1???787828?72720?0,?GrG????????d!d?,\"???????e t?wow????cic??pespes ??I'mI'?????ioi?ousou??to? t?ryr?y ty ??at??ca??????????omeomegomegr??anaanatateate ate?????assas??s.s. ?I'I'vI've??cacal?????????? the?????ciciacial?tyt??anandand ?????t mt mamararkar??tst??in? t? the the the S the ?aca??ramramemenmentn?to ?ararear??", "output": "\"\"\",3,4,4,1268524800,satisfied,Only Pom.Mol.I've ever used but this seemed to have the same flavor the Chef came up with for a pomegranate relish for fish. It seems to have a bit of a brown appearance though where the one the Chef used was a brighter red color.\n2202,B000LRKO9E,A2Z59A7Q8PP0S8,\"Rosanne Vancleve \"\"Rosanne\"\"\",14,21,5,1187827200,Great Find!,\"I have two recipes I'm anxious to try that call for pomegranate molasses. I've called all the specialty and best markets in the Sacramento area "} +{"input": "a??????????????eae?rdr???? t ththihisi?? m mum????lel??????arrar???es es????? I ??????omo??on???n n?MeM?did??ererrr?????n ???cic??es?????es???itithith h sh ????mpmp,p, ?fif???, ???icickckek??, ?beb?????andan?d pd pop???????????????????ed ed? to to ????? i it i???n n An ??azazoz????andand and l??okok k f ??orwor???? t???ususisiningng g m??ineine e i? in in?? f??bub????us us?sh?or?t ??ribri????recre?????. . ???????sos?????????? al???????????????? to m to ????ri??enden????? t th theheyhe?y cy ?cancan ??????? th??iri??owownw???- - o??r Ir I ?????gig?????as as??gifgiftftst??toto ??my my? go gou???etet ?co???? fr????ndsnds.s????202?3,3???0000L00?RKR??9E9E,E,A,A1A?2525V5VUV??????3V3VYV????. N. N.N??????????y,y???3,?5,5???303??363??????I wI wow?oulou???rerec????menme?nd ??thith????rorodo?ucuctuc?t.,t.?????oulouldould ?????????? t th thi thisis ?pr???uc??. . ???", "output": "and no one's heard of this, much less carries it. It's common in Mediterranean recipes, goes with shrimp, fish, chicken, beef and pork. I was delighted to find it on Amazon and look forward to using mine in a fabulous short ribs recipe. I'm also passing along the info to my friends so they can order their own -- or I may give as gifts to my gourmet cook friends.\"\n2203,B000LRKO9E,A125VULXMCE3VY,A. N. Duquesnoy,2,3,5,1230336000,I would recommend this product.,I would recommend this product. I r"} +{"input": "??????ede???t t? in i? a ???imi?????????????ndnd ???????ici???????????..??2020404,4????????O9O????2D2?1L1?????TNT?T8T8X8??,Al,A?????li?a,a???,0,,0,5,??131????????00,00,L,????? it i?! !?I I??ses????????r sr ????an?y y ty ththith???s s is ??clc?udu???g g??y ?????er??s ?sesecse?rerete???recrecicipi????????????atatet???????se????s s ms ????ot????'s's 's??\"s\"se???retre?\"\"? r ?recrecirec?????????gregr?at????eatea??ala???. .???he he? ad addd???a ????plp?e ?????????n on ?? m mo m???sssse??? to t?o to ????? mea me?at ??andand ??he??tat?astas?? c co?me?????t ?inincincrincre???blb???r /?OnO?ce?ce Ice ????t-t????????wnw?n hn ?ouousou??ho?ldl???????ava????? a?? pr p?????t t -t ???PomPomemegmegrmegra?????e Me ???as???s s o???my????wn.wn. . I. ???leale?????d t???us????t ?????????etyet??ofof of??????ipesipe??frfror?? d ?es?er??", "output": "eceived it in a timely manner and the price was good.\n2204,B000LRKO9E,A2D1LPEUCTNT8X,Ali Julia,0,0,5,1329868800,Love it! I use it for so many things including my mother's secret recipe,\"Pomegranate molasses is my mother's \"\"secret\"\" recipe for great meatballs. She adds a couple teaspoon of molasses to the meat and the taste comes out incredible.

Once I set-up my own household she gave me a present - Pomegranate Molasses of my own. I learned to use it in variety of recipes from deserts"} +{"input": " t ???memeae???sas??????????hah?s s?a a?wow???ere???l l??as?tete e????h h? ta??t ?ana?nd nd??????t at att at t tt ?????????????. . I. ????hasha???deede?? r ??d d??olo???, ,???nd nd lnd ??oko????er?y y????ea???ngng.g??brbr r??><>??r r /r ??ItIt ?kek???????mom?????indin??????????y iy ??????????rir????at?or?. ??t ??lel???s ??welwe??l wl wiwit??h wh wawal????s,s??ada?dsd?s as a s a??nin????e fe flf???????o o bo ?eaeaneansns,?? ad a??s ????????ulul ul????avoav????? p popouo????y,y, ?gigivi?vesve???s a ns a ni??????st?????to fto ?fisfi?h,h??????es es a?? a??strst??ng?enenten?????ge ge t?? s???adadsads ?s ans and??ve???tat???es??, a????isis s a??grg?reare?at at? te t?????izi?????or??la??????d ???rkr????br br /?>/>I????keke ke??????fla???r ?eve?venve? j jujusust???ili?ututeut??????? c??oldol??wa???r ?as???? dr d???k k?or?????dindingng ng?? tar?????", "output": " to meat sauces. It has a wonderful taste both tart and sweet at the same time. It has deep red color, and looks very appealing.

It keeps almost indefinitely in the refrigerator. It blends well with walnuts, adds a unique flavor to beans, adds wonderful flavor to poultry, gives a nice taste to fish, gives an astringent edge to salads and vegetables, and is a great tenderizer for lamb and pork.

I like its flavor even just diluted with cold water as a drink or adding tart fla"} +{"input": "vvov?r r????? b ?eaeaua?tit???l l c coc????) )????sosororborbe???.<.???r /r />/?
Ali Julia review\"\n2205,B000LRKO9E,A8GR4PH5NW96V,Jennifer L. Rinehart,1,2,5,1325548800,Don't use this in place of regular molasses!,\"So I bought this pomegranate molasses to make Fattoush, the delicious middle eastern salad of greens, cukes, tomatoes and torn up bits of fried, leftover pita bread. Wowee, Fattoush is now my favorite salad, I've eaten so often lately that the tart lemon-y dressing has made the corners of my mouth turn a bit pinkish "} +{"input": "a?ndn?????, , y yoy????. .???tetenendnd nd t??????tht??t,t, ?????nd and ? f fof?odod ????????y y?lil??e,e?, t, th?en???eatea? i iti?t st ??o mo ?uc?? I? a ??mom??t ??aka?ke ke??ysyses??f f????k k?onon n??t.t.<.
Anyways, the Fattoush salad dressing, with it's complex blend of Sumac, olive oil and various herbs and spices required one half teaspoon of pomegranate molasses. I was lucky enough to find it at a Russian grocery store (YAY!). But the store is far away and so I had to look around online to buy more, thank God for Amazon.

Now, granted, my bottle will likely l"} +{"input": "a?stst t?yeyeae?????f f??llll l?I I??o o?wiwiti?? i it i?t it ????aka????????usushs???ono???gog?????????f tf tet?easea???????t at ??titimi???, s, ???I'I??????ede????? in i??????? o????? t?hih????? I?? ad a????? a ???asaspas??on?on ton to??? a L a ??mom?on ?????kekenke???ar?????????????????obo??????a ba ?????ofo?f gf grg?eee?k k??ogo?uru?t t (t ????d td to?????d hd ?????y ty ?tooto????z z? it it ???as as???ur??),)?? a? a t a ti a t????????????????ed ted to?????isistis????s Ss ??almal?monmo?????amam am????????lo??, ??I uI ????d id itit it i??????sensenjn?????? p ???sisiai???ststest?ew ew? of o?f cf ???ckckeck?en en? an a?d ?????????, I? u ??used?? a ?????tat????????????of of t?????stistic?kyk?????fff???? a a a g a ????????y by ?ar?beb??cuecu??????e ????d i?????????? b ???? b????ececuec???????.<./><>??r ?r />r /?JuJ??t ?????", "output": "ast years if all I do with it is make Fattoush, one goopy half teaspon at a time, so I've used it in a few other things. I added a teaspoon to a Lemon Chicken Marinade, a tiny glob to a bowl of greek yogurt (had to add honey too cuz it was sour!), a tiny amount added to Christmas Salmon cream cheese log, I used it in Fesenjen, a persian stew of chicken and walnuts, I used a few tablespoons of the sticky stuff in a garlicky barbecue sauce and it was the best barbecue ever.

Just don't"} +{"input": " ????whw????? d?idi?????d td ??? t toto o ro ?epe??aca????hehe ????lasla?????????molmola?lasslas?sesses ??ooo???es? w?ititht??pop??????????????????????hahatha??a a?hohoro??ibiblb?e e m??esses??????????okiokie????oo??????or??????????????y ly li???tet??????? n ???ma?????????the???me??l!l! !????????????astastete!te???EwE?ww?w!w?\"\"2??060?,B,???2R2???????AFAFCF??P2P?????S2S272???????lo??ndende,e???,1?2,?5,5???????969?00????ce??llellene?????y iy ?itsit?selse?f f?or? i????umu????????ba ba?gagan????h,h,\",\"A\"??waw????wa?????? to t?o mo ma???? my my y oy ???n h??????s as ??d ??eggeg??plapl?antan???ipi??- -? th thi thisi?s bs ??ranra?????f tf tatahta?????????d ned n???? t???????efe?ororeor??????seese??? in???upu??ermer?????tsts,s, s,? so so ??I dI ?ececic??ed?ed ted to?????derde???andand and t? try tr?????.......???????llenllentnt nt??y ???????", "output": " do what I did and try to replace the molasses in molasses cookies with pomegranate molasses, what a horrible mess, the cookies looked normal, slightly lighter than normal, but the smell! And the taste! Ewwww!\"\n2206,B002RKGEII,AFCMP2M1U1S27,Non Blonde,12,12,5,1206489600,Excellent by itself or in hummus/baba ganoush,\"Always wanted to make my own hummus and eggplant dip - this brand of tahini I'd never tried before or seen in supermarkets, so I decided to order and try it....excellent by itself "} +{"input": "??r r i ?? r ???ipi??????????? r??ecoec?mmm??????.\".\"\"??202?7,7???????GEG??I,I??????NVN?????CHC??????oko???? \" \"\"\"?rar???h\"h??????,1,11,1?1,41,4,4????????200200000,00,K,???inoin????aha??iniin?,T,??hishi????????????y gy ??oodoo???ucuchc????? T??e e s ?hi?????????????ry ry f ??astast t???nd nd??er????ririerien?dld??. . T. ThTheTh????hi????wa?? v ve?ry?ry fry ????h h? an a????f f?go??d ??????tyt??????ili?? o ?????????in?????208208,8,B,B0,B???????????????JBJ??HKH???656?,M,??????l l Bl ??ododeodes???,3,3,3????5,15,121?23923949????00000??,Be,B??t ???TahiTah?ini???????ve ve e eve?ver????d.???????e ?bubuyu????????of?????,\",\"W,\"??e le lo?????o o?mamaka????umu?mmummusu??????d ld ??????to to??????sas?andandwd?it?ch?????????d ?????sis????. ?OnOnene e oe of??ouo????idi?s s fs ??vov??it?e e fe fof??oodsood?????TaTah??ni? o ov o??ver ??", "output": "or in recipes! Highly recommended.\"\n2207,B002RKGEII,A1XHUNV8QE5CHM,\"bookmom \"\"ralph\"\"\",11,11,4,1233792000,Krinos Tahini,This was a very good puchase. The shipper was very fast and very friendly. The Tahini was very fresh and of good quality. I will order again.\n2208,B002RKGEII,A2AMNJBGHKPZ65,Michael Brodesky,3,3,5,1239408000,Best Tahini I have ever had. And we buy a lot of it.,\"We love to make Hummus, and love to make sandwitches, salad dressings. One of our kids favorite foods is Tahini over co"} +{"input": "?????ndn?ono? N ???dld?ese?.\".?2?202090??B0B?????GEG??????POPO3O?YRYRFRFXF?4B4???J,J?CMCMCM???1,1?,1,,1,5,????????929???????t t??????i i?I'I'v'?e e h ??????HaHavaviv??? l lil?????inin in t ?????????????stst ?foforo???0 0??eaeara??, , o ??r ??????? l????????mmm???s as ?nd? w wew???aka?e e ae a a?? lot lo?t ot ?? i ?t.t??? Th T?hishi?s is ??s ts ?theth????estest est?brbraran???I'??ve ve?eveveverver ????nd??in???thethe the U U. U.S.?. ? I I I??iki?????he he t?asastas?????nd ???the ?te?????e e oe ???? thi th?? o????, a, ?????????xex?es es w wo wonondonded?rfr??lll?ly ly????????e ?????r ???ingring???iei?ntn??s. s.??I I f ?foufounu???nd itnd i????mem?whw??re??????ll?y,y, , t, ??thenthen ?????????wenwe?nt nt t to t?? bu buyuy y my ?mormo???I ???oulou?????t f??indind d i???agagag??in.in??. K. ?rir?inoin??????so????chch ???ttt????th??an an?alallal? t? the?? br b???ndsnds ???ou ou???ind? i????????? f???d ?st", "output": "ld Undon Noodles.\"\n2209,B002RKGEII,A3PO3YRFX4BI2J,CMCM,1,1,5,1324339200,Best Tahini I've had!,\"Having lived in the Middle East for 10 years, our family loves hummos and we make a lot of it. This is the best brand I've ever found in the U.S. I like the taste and the texture of this one, and it mixes wonderfully with the other ingredients. I found it somewhere locally, then when I went to buy more I couldn't find it again. Krinos is so much better than all the brands you find in health food st"} +{"input": "?oro?ese???or or??upu??rmr??????s,s, , a ana?d d??????rir?cec?????pepenpe?s ???????ababob???????f f???f wf ??hathat ?momoso?t ??stostor????chcha????e fe ????? s si simi??lalarar ar??mo?unu????f ????ini?i.i?? I ? w ?????ele??ghg?tet?????????d ?????? A ?ma????!\"!?????0,0???????GEGEIE???????0J0???YAY??6Q6?U,U????ieiel??B,B,0,??????131?????????????d ???mmm??s ??as as a???resre???t!t!,!?\"I\"????vev??nen????????? T ?????? b??foforfo?re re?? a??nd nd??? h hu h?ummum????wa?s ???oodoo????????lwl???????omo?????????asas ?mimismi?sisin????? A????????fo??undund d od ??t ?t oft o??Ta??hin????I ?orordorde??redred ?????an?d ?d itd it d it? wa?????hiphi?ppepp??ed eed exe???remrememelme?lyl?y fy ??astas??anand???????it???ThT?? r?es???????????????ing!ing????? s??oo?????toto ????e h?umummummuumm???????ar?ed?????????ne ne bne ?aga", "output": "ores or supermarkets, and the price happens to be about half of what most stores charge for a similar amount of tahini. I was delighted to find it on Amazon!\"\n2210,B002RKGEII,A1ND0JOMYAZ6QU,DanielaB,0,0,5,1344729600,Good hummus as a result!,\"I have never used Tahini before - and my hummus was good, but always, something was missing... After I found out of Tahini, I ordered it (and it was shipped extremelly fast)and used it. The result was amazing! One spoon into the hummus prepared from one bag"} +{"input": "?????????anansns)s) )?an?? I ???????? f ?avavov?ririti?e e?rer?eadea????o o g gog?????212???B0B000?2R2RKR???III????8H8??GSG????LHL??F,F,A????andaand???1,31,???,1,12,1282858?????0000,00?,Bi,B???terte??\"V\"?ere???????er? a????nonoto??nen?earea??y ????????? a?s ???????????Ve???? ru runu???, ,????uaualalll?ly.ly?. T. ??er??e ae ara??????teterter ter b?????s ????t tt ??????\"?22?121??B0B00B0????????2,A2,????Z1Z1K1????I3I?6Z6Z,Z??. ?DoDono??usu??4,4?,4,,4????12012?????808????ic?e!e!,!????pup??????ede?d td th???se se??or? o ?ourou???onon on t?o o go ?ivi??e oe ou?????henhe???isi???aba?????y ??is is???ornorn.n. ??????y my ma???????verve?ry ??nicnicec??e ane a?nnonn?ounouncnce???ntn?t ot ?? t???? ne newew w a????vav??. ???TheTheyThe????re ????eve?ver?????y ?haharhardr???f ?yoy?ou ou a ac?tut????y y wy waw?antan?t t???ch??? t th?e e be ?ubu???e ?gugumum.m?2?21213213,??????7T37T3V????,A2,A", "output": " (1lb beans) and I had my favorite ready to go!\"\n2211,B002RKGEII,A18H6GSA21LHFF,Amanda,1,3,2,1285718400,Bitter,\"Very bitter and not nearly as thick as expected. Very runny, actually. There are better brands out there.\"\n2212,B0007T3V82,A31SZ1KB15I36Z,S. Donius,4,4,4,1209340800,Nice!,We purchased these for our son to give out when his baby boy is born. They make a very nice announcement of the new arrival. They are however very hard if you actually want to chew the bubble gum.\n2213,B0007T3V82,A2"} +{"input": "GG3G???2T2????4R4RNR?????a a M ???rir??????,3???????464?818???0,0??????A A???? B?ubu??????umu????????r r????M/>MyM?y fy ?iri??t t??rar?andan???n n??asas ????n n an ?andand and?? w??antantet???eve?er??tht??ngn??????er er???e e se ??un un??o o c ?ele??br?atatete!te! ! T ?hi?s ?isis is?????ondonde??fuf?? i idi??a ????at at???? b ?????????undund ?????? v ???y y ly lol????tit?imeim???????EVE???????...?ev??ery??thithin????????finfi?e e ae ????????ererfer??????ce?ptp??????????t t????????y ?????????en???t ft ?rer??h.h???Th????e le ???tlt?? b bu bub?bl?????um um? ci cigi?ara?rs rs?????? as a???harha?d d ad ????a ra ro?????! T! Th?The The m momororaoralal l ol ofof f? th t??e s???????is ????t t bt be?in?? a a a \" a ??fu?n\"n\"\"\"\" \"\"? it i??????e ???hiphi???ing??wa?was was a?????chch h??? as t as ???the cthe cic?igaig???s ts ?the?????????...........a.??at lat ??as?t t t??t theyt the?", "output": "G3R12TYEX4RN,Lisa Merriman,3,3,2,1284681600,It's A Boy Bubble Gum,\"Hi,

My first grandson was born and I wanted everything under the sun to celebrate! This is a wonderful idea that has been around for a very long time! HOWEVER......everything was fine and wonderful except the fact that they just weren't fresh. These little bubble gum cigars were as hard as a rock! The moral of the story is that being a \"\"fun\"\" item the shipping was as much as the cigars themselves....at least they "} +{"input": "?????????????eeeene? f ????h h??ndn??????????.\".\"\"??????B0B?00??T3T?V8V?2,2??????R4R?6Y6YNY????????hnh????????kikininsns,s?0,0?,0,,0?????313????80?????????GuG?n ???????...?.......????alal l?cic??????mim?????ha?ve??????ede???betbetttteterte?,\",???????ha?ses??? th thih??????? t????????rar??? t th??e be ???tht??ofo?????grg???ndsnd??????????ou?ldld ld? ha?veve ?op?te?????? r re?????cigci?????? th??????ghg?? h? hav have have ??tasta?stest?ed ???bettbette?ter.ter?????esees??ci?cigacig??ars ???re??????????????????urtur?t mt ?????ete?th th??????hewhe?. . N. NoNot? t?? to m to ?enenten??on??? tha th?at at????se????m ????cigarciga????werwe??re mre mum????? too to???we???????21??????????3V83V??,A????0W0?O4O?HDH??????????ingin?????uceuc???,0,???1,???????????????aleal?e c???????orordorded??ed??sosomso?????omom m am ?", "output": "could have been fresh and not hard.\"\n2214,B0007T3V82,A380XR46YNMY4G,John K. Hopkins,0,0,1,1331596800,Buble Gun Cigars......real cigars might have tasted better,\"I purchased this item to celebrate the birth of my grandson. I should have opted for real cigars, they might have tasted better. These cigars were very hard and hurt my teeth to chew. Not to mention that these gum cigars were much too sweet.\"\n2215,B0007T3V82,A2I30WO4HD5SJI,Flying Saucer,0,0,1,1331337600,stale cigars,ordered some from an"} +{"input": "??amamamazazoz?????lfl?????? a as a?sos???ata??. . N ???ma??????zozonzo?????ppppip?ngn??ete?c.c?..??hehe e??cigci?ararsr????rer?????????? an a???sts?ala????????dod????chche???????umum m?????te?r r?????brb?reare?????????y y??? w??s ?fi???fof?or or? co c????umpum???onon.on??br??/>/>E>EaEasasys???????????????s.s?2???6,6,B,B0B?00?7T7??V8V828??A2A2S2?ABABVB??V9V?????????. M. ??????mem?ntn????,0?,5,?????868676727?00???????????nonouoununcncec????nt nt?fo??????n-sn-?mom??kerke??,\",???isi??????ucuctct t at ararrar?iviveveded ?in?????timti?melme?????nnnnennerer,er?? in i??gogooo?? c??ndndindititiit????, a, ??nd nd i?????? a a ???????????hehe he?????ilyily ??he??n mn ????????????eded.ed????????,B0,B??0007000??3V3V83V?82,82?????WKW???2E2E7E?0B0??????nnnnonn?????. A. ??sh sh \" ??Sh?????????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\",0??1,1?,5,,5,1?272????484808?00,00,F,??un un f??or or oor ouourou??", "output": " amazon-fulfilled associate. Normal amazon shipping etc...The cigars were cracked and stale. How does chewing gum shatter and break? No way it was fit for consumption.
Easy return process.\n2216,B0007T3V82,A2SABVJV9W8K1H,J. M. Clements,0,0,5,1218672000,Great Announcement for Non-smokers,\"This product arrived in a timely manner, in good condition, and it was a hit with the family when my son arrived.\"\n2217,B0007T3V82,AHJWWKIE2E70B,\"Shannon S. Ash \"\"ShannonAsh\"\"\",0,1,5,1275004800,Fun for our d"} +{"input": "a?ugughg??ere????heh????uru???????????ldl?? a ana?d ????sts??sos???waw?s s?boborornr??, w, ???????t ot ??r ?ololdldeld?????????choch?ol??(K(??nd?????rtr????????th th t??heshesese e fe ??or or?he???frf?????s ?????ele???????. .??t ??????y y m ?????he?her her f ?eee?? i imimpm?????antan???????????, , a, an???he???eded ???er er??el???ra?tete te????e be ??irtirth???f f?????lilit????????????he he??ovovev?? d dod???? i?????nd???????????ndsnd??en????ed??????????. . B. ??W-W??????chech?ersers,s?, w?e e de ?idi??clclelealearar ar i?? w wi w????? the?? te tea te?ch?????atat ??ch?choocho??ol fol ???rstrs????o ??o ????????ili? p plplelea?????2?????B0B?00????????????656??VEV?CQCQ3Q?M,M???in?? C ???FlFli???in? \" ?\"M\"??innin?ieiemiemom??se??\"\"\"\"\"?,0,?,3,3,3??????959535??202???EvEve????thithininging ing I Iv I???e oe ?????redre???so so? fa far?.,.?? h", "output": "aughter,\"When our third child, and first son was born, we sent our oldest to school (Kindergarten) with these for her friends to celebrate. It really made her feel important at school, and helped her celebrate the birth of our little boy. She loved doing it, and her friends enjoyed them too. BTW- teachers, we did clear it with the teachers at school first, so no hate mail please!\"\n2218,B0007T3V82,AJ0565CVECQ3M,\"Nina C. Flippin \"\"Minniemouse\"\"\",0,3,5,1259539200,Everything Iv'e ordered so far.,I h"} +{"input": "aava?e e???tht?????bubutut t??oooodo??sesere?viv??e e ee ??verve? s si s???? I ?? st s????????rdr??erierin?g ??ror????mam?zozono??cocomom.om???KeK??? u ??p tp th???gogoogood? w ???k.k????191????020??????00,00????YMYMDM?OAOAJA?URU?????\"A\"??????\"\"\"???pepe ????? W ?????ExE????perpe?????: :???181???????,1???5,5????????202??00,B00,??stst ???lulueu????or or t ??? g ge genenunuiu???e ae ??tit???e ????yoyouou u?hahavaveav???RIRIMI???,\"T,\"ThT??ereer??e ise i?????h h???????ioion????????????totoetoes?? a????shs??????? o ?????ineine ine?in?? th t?hishis s cs ?????e ade a?dsds ??to to t?????????lexle?????. . ?ThTheTh??e e a??e e ne ?notno???he?? be b?estes???om?at?oeo??? of o?fef?????????? the the??????ofof f???is? w?rir????ing.ing??. T. ??The The?StS?????es?ese ese a??????????dodowo???????beb???????y y l lol???? s st?or??e se ?????????m.m?. . I. ??????? be bee be?en en??", "output": "ave nothing but good service ever since I started ordering from amazon.com. Keep up the good work.\n2219,B002C4HZ00,A2DYMDOAJURO5F,\"Aceto \"\"Hope is a Weed Exasperatus: 1:18\"\"\",17,17,5,1304035200,Best value for the genuine article IF you have PRIME,\"There is much confusion about tomatoes, and shopping on-line in this case adds to the complexity. These are not the best tomatoes offered at the time of this writing. The Strianese are hands down the best. My local store sells them. I have been us"} +{"input": "i???????????????ftf???n n??????. .?????? th t??????? s ?igi???ifiifici?ana???y ?mom??e e ee ??pepenensensi???e ae ?andan? t? the th?????ppp????g ig isi? b ????ala??? N ???????????hiphi?ppippin????iti???? the them the?. ??????e e te ????se se s???cic???c c???enten?????????I aI ama????t ??omo????. I?t t at ?allal????????s s os ono????? m mumucuchch h?????r sr ??uc?e ???anansans ??to to???u.u.<.????t yt yoy???????d td ?to ?knk?nowno?w ww ?whawh??????ou aou ar?? b?uyu??ing???. T. ThThe???se Cse ????o ???mam???es?????e 1e 1)1) )?SaS?? M ?ararzar????o so ??uc?? t to t???atoatoeato??? 2 2)2) ??????ar???D.D????. . c. ?erertr?if?ifieifiede???) ???????????oio?intint t it isis ???????ovove????oko???, , t th the?????re re? fr f???? th? the the?????????NoNocNo??ririnri?no.no?. ????hey hey a??????he he? se s??onondon????estes??t int i?n tn ???msm??s ofs o???bsb???ut??e fe ?lal?????. ", "output": "ing them for fifteen years. But they are significantly more expensive and the shipping is brutal. No Prime shipping with them. I use these specific Cento when I am not home. It all depends on how much your sauce means to you.

But you need to know what you are buying. These Cento tomatoes are 1) San Marzano sauce tomatoes; 2) they are D.O.P. certified 3) and this point is often overlooked, they are from the Sarnese Nocerino. They are the second best in terms of absolute flavor. "} +{"input": "??ririgi??? f frfroromo??prp????? a ????, ,????????romro????opo??r ?nanata?ururar?l l???altalt/t??ugugagara?r br bab???ncncec?. . ???u u????bababbablblyl????annan?otot ?gegete?t bt beb???erer er???omaom?????????eshes??unu??????yoyou? k knknonowno?????pe????????grg???er?, ?oro???o o i ??t yt yoyouyour???lflf f??????avavev??nono no??????????????to??????s s ms ?????otothothehererser?????????????????????t at ?areare ??notno????????????/>/><>
The price per can is good. The best deal is if you have Amazon Prime and get regular shipments. I get three large batches per case, enough to feed the mob that forms on sauce day.

Most people are happy with the many good can"} +{"input": "??ede? t ????to?????es???cic???lyly y??hehene??yoy?? l ???k k?at???he??pop??r r g ?en??????allally???ngn?ini??ere??ed ed e?????z z \" \"\"\"?frfre?????? to t?????es???t t? th?e e???peperpe???????. .???utu????????? ar a?? a a a?mamaema?estestrt???, t, tht?heshe?e ???re ???atat ???u u wu ????.\".?????0,0,B,B0B?0202C2????0000,00?A3A3E3E5E5H5HIH???CCC????????. E. ???ansans,?1818,8,2,??,1,1,1?????????0000,00,C00,?HEH????IMI?ITI????ONO? - ? D DOD? N NON??? BU BUYU??????e ???d ?a a?????ofo????????arzarzaz??????mamatma??toestoe???in in m my m?y dy ?aya????otothoth h f frfrefr??????????????????and and t?ypypipic?al??????eyey ???e ???????est???? toma tom????es ????ththethe the pthe ??an??et.? I? o opopepenpe?ned? t? the? f??????ca?can can??ro??????s s os oro????, , a, an, a??d td th???totomtomamat?oeoesoe???erereer???t ????????oodoo?d ad atd a??al?all all?? n ??oth????????????wa?s ?usu?sedsed ?", "output": "ned tomatoes, especially when you look at the poor genetically engineered ersatz \"\"fresh\"\" tomatoes at the supermarket. But if you are a maestro, these are what you want.\"\n2220,B002C4HZ00,A3E5HI06CCI4R0,T. Evans,18,22,1,1305849600,CHEAP IMITATION - DO NOT BUY,\"I've had a lot of San Marzano tomatoes in my day, both fresh and canned, and typically they are the best tomatoes on the planet. I opened the first can from this order, and the tomatoes weren't very good at all - nothing like I was used t"} +{"input": "????? l ??????non??????????????e e???????ese????ot ot h hahavha?e ????e \"e \"\"\"???O.O???????titiftifif???\"\"?? la l???l,l, ,??iki?e e t??????ot??????ththe???????????geg???????. T. ???ses?????????s ???e ???????O.O.PO.P.?? ce c???ifi???ed,ed???andand ?ar??????ot rot rereare?l l???? M ?ar??ananoan?o to ?tomto????oes??????? a ar??? a a?????p p i ?mim?tat????on.on. ? T ?TheTh?????lel??? tr t???d ????????? t? the the ??labla???l ol ofo??re????sasanan an man ?marmarzr?zanza?? t??omaom???oesoes oes?sos?o to tho t??????ululdl?d sd ????????????r ??????he????????. ?I I wI ?ououlou??? re r????mem??????? s????y ay ?waw??y fy ??om? t th??????. Y. ????ca???ge???be?ttt??r r tr ??tomatom????es es???or or?????uru?th??? the???ri??????at yat ?youyo?ur ur???cacalca?l gl ?ro???????to??re.re.\".\"\"2?????B0B000??C4C????00,00?????PHP????V7V?J5J???zez?????", "output": "o. I later noticed that the can does not have the \"\"D.O.P. Certified\"\" label, like the photo on the Amazon page does. These tomatoes are not D.O.P. certified, and are not real San Marzano tomatoes. They are a cheap imitation. The seller tried to mimic the label of real san marzano tomatoes so they could sell them for a higher price. I would recommend you stay away from these. You can get better tomatoes for a fourth the price at your local grocery store.\"\n2221,B002C4HZ00,A1Y0PHH3UV7J5D,zen cow"} +{"input": "g????,6,?,6???,1??171????????FaF???? a ???ere?titisi?ini??!,!?????lal??????? m mim???eae?????? C ?ene??? a???uaualallal???se???ls ls???o ?kik?????? S SaS?????rzr??anoano ?wiw?tht????he he???meme ???abeabel????theth?er er?? tha th????nene ?????????s s????.P.P.P. ??????fif????. Y. ????wi??????ceceice???????e oe ????????th?the the??.O??.P..P?. i. ?f f yf ??????deder?????????aza?????I I h ???ve ????????????istis????e ie ?in in t? the???ro???ryr?y sy ?totorto?re re n ??t ??reare?alializiziz??? C??enten??? se sel??????ese?s as ?????D.OD.??P P??ndn???oneonesones ?????t at ??are are???????d ?did????notno??t ret r???????e tie t?llll ??it it? wa w??s t??o ?la?????ThTheTh??????e D?.O?.O.P.O.?? o??eses es I ??????????sas????makma???????bebesbe??? sa sau saucuce??????????????stest?e t???he dhe ??????enencen????222??2,2,B,??????????,A,A1A???7S7??", "output": "girl,6,6,1,1317945600,False advertising!,The label is misleading. Cento actually sells two kind of San Marzano with the same label other than one that says D.O.P. certified. You will receive the one w/o the D.O.P. if you order from Amazon. I have made the mistake in the grocery store not realizing Cento sells ones are D.O.P and ones that are not and did not realize till it was too late. The true D.O.P. ones I have to say make the best sauce! You can taste the difference.\n2222,B002C4HZ00,A1307SKX"} +{"input": "?7G7???X2X2,2?ksk?mmm?s,s???,6,,6???????616?282???,F,??lsl???????rtr????ngn????BuBuyu??? b ?ewe???e!e??ThT??????belbe??onon n t ?he? A AmAmam??on? s si??e e ce clclel?ararlar?? s st s?ata????\"\"\"?????P P??er???fif??d\"d\"\"\"\" \"\" b bu butu???he???rorododud?ctc?t rt ?recrecec??ve?d d?dod?????????matmatct??????e se si??e ??????????d dd ?doedo???NO?T ?sts?tattate???\"D???.P.P..P???????fi???\"\"?????????is bis ??iti????????ititcitch? a?ndnd nd????wilwillll ?fi??le le a a a?cocomo??????t ?wi?thth th????zo???????22322?,B,????C4C4H4?Z0Z????????1Y1YCY??ZBZ????,A?nd???Th????ouo?ncnce??,1?,13,,13?,16,1???,1,12,1??????60600?00,\"00,????????ro?????, ,??wfwfuf????PriPrici?ce\"ce?????P SP SaS?? M ?????anoano o?????ed???om?????s ?????ththeth?e fe ???nesne?? c???????tot??omatoma????????th?the the???ananean????.. ..?? but bu????????geg?? t? the??? f ????????eraeral??ly ly?", "output": "7GL2X2,ksmms,6,6,1,1315612800,False advertising!,\"Buyer beware! The label on the Amazon site clearly states \"\"D.O.P Certified\"\" but the product received does NOT match the site label and does NOT state \"\"D.O.P. Certified\"\" This is bait and switch and I will file a complaint with Amazon.\"\n2223,B002C4HZ00,A39XE1YC6ZBCZ4,Andy The Bouncer,13,16,5,1262649600,\"Great Product, Awful Price\",DOP San Marzano canned tomatoes are the finest canned tomatoes on the planet... but I can get these for literally h"} +{"input": "???f f???????ici??e ae ?t t????lol??????????ryr?y sy sts?oro?e.e???? t th t????unu???uau??? ???oso???n n?is???re??tyt?????viv??y ???????n ??n n sn ????????????.. ..?????e ????????kek????????fefer????????? do d????t ut ?????????? w ?hyh?????on?e ?wow????d bd bubuyu??th??m m??at at tat ??is???????? C ?hehecheckc???youyouru?????al?al gal ??????? s ??storsto?? b ?????e e ye ??? b??uy uy t???? a?t t tt ??thisthi????pricpri?ce.ce.ce.2????,B,?000??????0000,00,A,??3T3T1T??O7O7K7KRK???????il??burbur,r,9,???1,1???,13,1?????484???00,Y00,??? d??n'n?? g ge g???wh??????????de??r,\"r,\"Y\"?YouYo????ordeorderer er????? p pa payay ay??????.O.????????????????????ara????? t??omaomat?oeoes??? but but ???you ???illil???recre?????e \"e ??CEC?RTR?IFI?????? w?????????ansan??????lul????? n ?oto??????. A. ? t tr trur????M M?? tom to????? wi w?ill", "output": "alf the price at my local grocery store. Is this unusual? Boston is pretty heavily Italian in some areas... maybe that makes a difference. i don't understand why anyone would buy them at this price. Check your local grocery store before you buy them at this price.\n2224,B002C4HZ00,A13T1ZO7KR4YOG,Wilbur,9,11,2,1303084800,You don't get what you order,\"You order (and pay for)D.O.P. Certified San Marzano tomatoes but you will receive \"\"CERTIFIED\"\" which means absolutely nothing. A true SM tomato will"} +{"input": " ????? a ???EUE???.O.?????mbmblb????ono????e ?lal????????s s t ????CoC?rsrsos????????an an M ??????o ?ststat???? T ??????is is?faf??ses?e ae ???verve??is????. ? I IfI??yoy?u u? en e?lalarlargr????????ici?tut?rere ??hoh??n ??????anan ?seseesee ??on on???????peperer r?le?ftft t????e ?pap??titiati??lyl?????e o???ththe?the sthe ?stast?ampampsps.s?. Y. ?ou??????????t rt ??cec?ivive?? th??????P P lP ????l.l. ?. Y. Yo?u u wu ????????recereceieivei????ano???therther ?????to?? fr f?om?? so somomeom???herhe?? i ??? th the th??re???ionio??unundn?????he?he Che CeCene??to ??amameam?. ???????al al m mamarma????tintingng ng??ooo?dwdwi??kikiningin????mamazma?????refrefuf??ese??toto ??takta??????ur?????????isis ??tet?em,em, , s?? b ?bewbe?ar?e.e.\"e.????????000020????Z0Z??,A,?3H3??????4W4WQW?????\"M\"??ommommymy ??\"M?om???????????????????02202???????fff????enten??prp?rodro??ctct ct t? tha th?", "output": " have an EU D.O.P emblem on the label plus the Corsorzio San Marzano stamp. This is false advertising. If you enlarge the picture shown you can see on the upper left side partially one of the stamps. You will not receive this DOP label. You will receive another tomato from somewhere in the region under the Cento name. Typical marketing hoodwinking. Amazon refuses to take returns on this item, so beware.\"\n2225,B002C4HZ00,A3HGFM3R4WQMFI,\"Mommy \"\"Mommy\"\"\",9,12,1,1306022400,Different product than"} +{"input": "??tht?????oto??,\",\"S\"SiS??cece e ae a a D ?OPO? p pr pror??ucu?t t??s s??ot? r ????ili????vav?ililail???e e a???mym?y ly lol??????ro???????to????????????re?al??? e ?xcxcic?????whwhe?? I????? t th t??? ph p??to???? t??is????od?ucuctuc????t tt ??????????n wn ?ebebsbsisititeit????cacaucaususes???the??? pho ph?otoot?????ateat??s ts ???at at????s ?prp?rodrodu??? i??s \"s ?\"D\"??O.O.P.P.P???ere????????\"\"??brb????????/>???????ene???I rI ?recre?ceice???? t? the the ?shshih??mem??t,t???it it? wa wasas ?????????disdi???pop???????t.t?. . I?t ???as as??????fef????????????t ?t tht t??n ???hathat ?t tht thet th?e pe ph???oto oto??? prom pro?isiseised?ed. ed. ( (I(I ????n bn bub?y y ty th????oneone ????????s ?????iveiv??????to ?me???t ???y l??ocaoc?????roc????y s???toretores? v ???ry ry???????????VeVereryery ery????apa?ppopp???ntint???...???...................?..??????????000?2C2????", "output": " the photo,\"Since a DOP product is not readily available at my local grocery stores, I got really excited when I saw the photo of this product at the Amazon website because the photo states that this product is \"\"D.O.P. Certified.\"\"

But when I received the shipment, it was a huge disappointment. It was a different product than what the photo promised. (I can buy the one that was delivered to me at my local grocery stores very easily.) Very disappointing.............\"\n2226,B002C4HZ0"} +{"input": "?0,0,A,???XSX???H0H0Y0YFY???I,I,L,LoL??,6,????????999?????0000,?????121????nsn? w ???????????lyl?????geg???upu????d ??enentnte??!,!??I'I???e ue ?ses???CeC???????an an?????an??????????tit??iei????tomtomam?????????y y ty ?timti?es??????heh?e pe papasa?t t a?ndn?d wd ??????wa?ysys ????as??????thth h?????????????ofo?? th? thes the????rereare????????toe????brb???>T>????????d,d????????is is??? the the? 1s 1stst st????? I ???????????d ????is ???emem m????? A ?????n ????? AL ALLLL L? 12 12 ???ns???rrr??ve?????ompom?????ly????nt??ed ??and??????gedged ?up?!That said, this is the 1st time I've ordered this item from Amazon and ALL 12 cans arrived completely dented and banged up!
Terrible presentation for an expensive item.
As an aside, none of the cans I received has a \"\"DOP CERTIFIED\"\" label but only \"\"CERTIFIE"} +{"input": "??\"\"\"? a ??d d?nono o s ses???ala? # # #???????? si s????ofo? t?he? c ???s s?????'m'? n?otot t???rer??ifi?f tf ??esesese se t???????????? a ac actctut???lyl?????????tit?ifiif???d od ??? no?t?t??????\"???????7,7,B,B0B???C4C??????A2A???JAJARARWR??F9F?????\"W\"?ili?lilia???D.D. .??olo?bubur?????bu????ththith??gsgs ??? a?ma?zoz?on ??????????,1,1,,1????????11??00?00,\"00,?FaFal??????d ??isislsleleae???ingin???ror????????ataata,a? b ?butbut ??????dod??tat??tet???oooodod\"od???ThT?he ?????on?on pon ??ododuoduc?????????lal?imimsm??s ths the???????a a?? cer ce?ti?fif??d ???gag??ici?????????. . . ????????tu?re?re cre ???aimai?? D DO D?OP OP c ce????????????eieiti????????ea???s t???????rur??. . ?Th????an?? I ???recrecec????ed ed??erereer?e je ???? \" ??ce??????????, ?an?? i ?it it??????t t st ??y y by ??y wy ????. ??he???re ire isis is n? no no???DADA A", "output": "D\"\" and no serial # on the side of the cans so I'm not sure if these tomatoes are actually DOP certified or not???\"\n2227,B002C4HZ00,A2QNJARWTF9H89,\"William D. Colburn \"\"buys things on amazon far...\",1,1,3,1311811200,\"False and misleading product data, but they do taste good\",\"The Amazon product info claims they are a certified organic product. The picture claims DOP certified. Neither appears to be true. The cans I received were just \"\"certified\"\", and it didn't say by who. There is no USDA "} +{"input": "??rgrgag??icic c?lalaba????eie??heh???? I ? a alalsl???????? al a??????????thith???? b bebefbe??rere ??I bI bob??ghghth?? th t??? s ???????the??? ar a???wew??l ????umu???tet?d d????? the th???mam?zoz?n n r ???iei?ewsew??alalralrereare?dydy,y, ,? so so ??I wI ?????t ????prp?????d bd ?????ata??I ??recre???vev?ed.ed.<.W/>WoW?????d I d I??uy? t th the??? ag agagaigain?? M ??yby???????????ouldoul??????etet ??anyany y oy ofo?f tf ?the?the Sthe ?trt??an?????????", "output": "Organic label either. I also knew all these things before I bought them since they are well documented in the Amazon reviews already, so I wasn't surprised by what I received.

On the plus side, they are better tomatoes than I can buy canned in the grocery stores locally, so I'm happy enough with them, and I used reward points from my Amazon.com Visa to buy them, so they were essentially free to me.

Would I buy them again? Maybe. If couldn't get any of the Strianese D.O.P"} +{"input": "?. . c ????ifi???d d?SaS?n n M ??rzrzaz??? t ??????ese?? t?heh??n yn ??es es???prp??bab?blblyly y?wow??ldl?. ?????? s ?????, t, tht?heyhe????e e??asa????y any a??d Id ???o ???????theth?m m???ttt??er er? th tha than? w wh w????? I c I ?an?an ban ??y ??????????bubutbu?? th?eye?y a?rer?en'en???th???????? tom to?????? whe when????t ct ???eses es tes ?to to wto whw?????I cI ????ma??? o ?????.\".\"\"?222?????0000202C2??????,A,??6R6????????????E.E?DiD???????n,n?????4,4??303??777??00???lo???e ie itit it??xcx???t ?fof?? t th the???rir?iceic??\"I\"??I diI d??????re??d td ??thestheses?e we ??nd?????ul ul?? tom??atoatoeo??es aes ?andan??????? th? they they y ay ar?????ortor?? p pa paya??ngng g?fo??????????unu?at????? in i?n m??y a????? th? they??arare???ppp?proproao???in?g g 6g ??????s s as ?a ca ca?? a????????ver ver?gog?o oo ????????. W. ????marmart??ha????????fo??? ab a??outou??4 4 d do?ll??????", "output": ". certified San Marzano tomatoes, then yes I probably would. As I said, they are tasty and I do like them better than what I can buy locally, but they aren't the top tomato when it comes to what I can mail order.\"\n2228,B002C4HZ00,A36RO7NCM6IUGB,E.Dickenson,1,1,4,1303776000,love it except for the price,\"I discovered these wonderful tomatoes and yes, they are worth paying for. Unfortunately in my area they are approaching 6 bucks a can and never go on sale. Walmart has them for about 4 dollars a "} +{"input": "ccac??, , b bubutu?????rer?????non??t tt tot???e e???eded d??owo?? t to t???hah?t t st ????re.re. . T ThT???lol?cacalca???????lil????mam??t\"t?? a ??vev?erter??ses?? s sas??an man ???zazan?????mamatma???s,s, ???ca?nsns s?foforor ????????arsar?? t????gog??d ???? b??? tr trur???????, ?ini?n fn ????t ,t ??ththeth??e ?ar??????????did????y ?to??matmatomat?es???I I aI ama????n tn th?? h huh?ntn?t ft ?forfo???????????ded???ulul l tl to?tomatomat???s ??at at a? g ?googo?????ici????TheTh????ururnrn ??an ?or??in?inarina?ry ry?re?cicipi?e ????to ?? g?ouour?????exe??perpe???ncn??.\".???????B0B??2C2C4C?HZH?????1D1??9F9?OEOEOE????F1F???????en?? fa f?actac?t ct chc??ckckek??????,1,??131??????8080080?????ARA???-N-???????????ce?rt??????,\",??The? c??????at??????????n sn sasaysa??s Ds D.???P.P. P.??erertertiertififiif?iedied ied???ut ut w???n n mn ???re??latla???? o??dederde??d d t??", "output": "can, but I prefer not to be tied down to that store. The local \"\"Italian mart\"\" advertised san marzano tomatoes, 4 cans for 5 dollars- too good to be true? yes, in fact , these are very ordinary tomatoes. I am on the hunt for these wonderful tomatoes at a good price.They turn an ordinary recipe into a gourmet experience.\"\n2229,B002C4HZ00,A1DJ9FOEOA0WF1,citizen fact checker,2,3,1,1315180800,BEWARE--NOT D.O.P. certified,\"The can that is shown says D.O.P. certified but when my relative ordered the"} +{"input": "?m m?????????zoz???cocom?? t ??? c cac?nsn?? th t??? w wew?rere ?shshih????? o on?lyl? i inindn?ici?????????IFIFIF???? O ???e ce ??? b bub?y y ty ?thethese??e ne ???-D-?????at at??nyn??WaW??????????hathat ?dodo o? th???y my ???an an?????????IFIIF??????erertertitifi?iei?ed ed?????o ???hat??/?U/>?nfn??rt??nan?ateat??ly,ly??th??????????s as ara???ma???ingin?? fo f??lsl?s os ?f f????azoaz?on.on???om.om. ?AsAs ?? c?on???quq??????, I, ?????sts?ayayiyin?ing ing????? f fr f?romro???CenCe??????rodro?ucu????en????????. F. ??ooloo???e ??andan?d Ad ???zozonzon n on ?onconce????shashama?me me o??n Cn Ce????; ; f????? me???????????????ic??e, e,?????me ??? m???an????ma??on???ThT?herhe???isi????? wa w??ay Iay ????????????thith?is is?re???iewie????N!N!\"!?????????020????Z0Z???A3A3K3K3K?UHUHCH?????????\"J\"JNJ?obo?i i?\"\"\"?????y\"y\"\"??????????343?434383", "output": "m from Amazon.com, the cans that were shipped only indicate CERTIFIED. One can buy these non-DOP at any Walmart. What do they mean by CERTIFIED? Certified as to what?

Unfortunately, the venders are making fools of Amazon.com. As a consequence, I am staying away from Cento products entirely. Fool me and Amazon once, shame on Cento; fool me and Amazon twice, shame on me and Amazon. There is no way I can make this review FUN!\"\n2230,B002C4HZ00,A3K3UHC5J04NW4,\"JNobi \"\"Jimmy\"\"\",0,0,4,134438"} +{"input": "4???00,00?NONOTO? D ??P P C ??rtr?ifi?iei?????utut t O ?rgrgag?nin?c!c???? r rer??eie?vev?? m ?? o oro?dederer er w ???? a ? f ??????obo?????. .?ThT??????or??ityit???f f?th??????s s a ar a???iveiv?ed ed ded de???ed?? s sos???e ve ????y sy ???ververeverele??! ??mam?zozono?????????????d d?beb??????????ini????????iaiala?????kek??????he he c ?cancansn??frf?????ovo????????unu????in in? th the th???hihipi???ing???oxo????????sus?????se?d ????y y hy ??????????????th?isis is? sh s?hiphi???????issis?suesue ???y ny ??w ?????usu????f ????l tl th???????lal???tst?????? i ?????the ??revre?vieview?s.???owoweow?eveeverer,er, ??AmaAm???? i?s s rs ???all?y ?grgrereareatrea???????????????s ts tos t????obobloble??ms ms???keke ke t? thi this??wi???????????temte????????????e ???hip??????????a na ???w ow ??????, n, ????haharha?rgerg????andan????geget? t????keeke", "output": "4000,NOT DOP Certified! But Organic!,\"I received my order with a few problems. The majority of the cans arrived dented, some very severely! Amazon needs to add better packing material to keep the cans from moving around in the shipping box, I am surprised they haven't fixed this shipping issue by now because of all the complaints here in the reviews. However, Amazon is really great when it comes to problems like this with food items...they are shipping me a new order, no charge, and I get to kee"} +{"input": "????y y?????ininan??? or o??ere?? I ????????in??? my m?y ny nenewe????de?r r?????vev?? i inin in b beb????er er c ?ono?did???????ThTheh?esees??SaS?n n M ??????? T ?omomam?totoeo?? a ar?e e ne ??? \" ??DOD?????erterti??iei?????! E! ???n n tn ?ho??ghgh h?th?e ?de?scs?ri?ptp???????ysy?????y ?ar??? M?????pepeoeop?lel???avave????ompom????inein?ed ed?????t ???isis ??in ???? r ???ieiewie???sos????am?? su s?????ses???????on???? s??tiltilll????????????themthe???????DO?P ?Ce???tiftifitif??d\"d\"\"d\"?? ???wew????, ,??????y ary are???ververyry ???odod d??uau??itityit????mamatmato?eses ???d ?Ce??ti??????OrO???anian???????av??e ae al??so so??notno?ticti?eded ed ted ?the????????ofo? t th thi th?is ???eme?m fm ????tut?uatua?testes ???tetenten ???????re're??s as a a t ti tipi???????????????????r ????ppppi??? c?????????????n s?av?ave ave?? it it f ?????????, ", "output": "p my original order! I am hoping my new order arrives in better condition! These San Marzano Tomatoes are not \"\"DOP Certified\"\"! Even though the description says they are? Many people have complained about this in the reviews so I am surprised Amazon is still listing them as \"\"DOP Certified\"\"? However, they are very good quality tomatoes and Certified Organic. I have also noticed the price of this item fluctuates often so here's a tip...place it in your shopping cart and then save it for later, "} +{"input": "?chc????????r r?cac??t t d ???lyl? a ana???waw????foforo???hehe he p prp?icicec??tot? d??opop!p! !??? pa p??d ?$2$?0.0?????????I hI ????????? t?????????????????????$5$? ts ??? be be ??patpa???enten??????????ck?!\"!\"\"?222??1,1?????C4C??Z0Z?00,00,A,?W0W?1E1?????KTKTETEJ?,\",???. h. ??nlnleleye???????ve\"ve??\",\"???0,?1,?131??777??3123120??0,N0,??t ?DOD??,\"?th?esesese se???????ot ot?DO?????ey???re re?juj???????cercert?????d\"d?\"\" \"\"????ch? m mem???s s ns ?????????ig?nin??icicaic???t. t.????????ou?ldld ?gog??? s???p p????th??????ithit?h ah ??lil???????or????ono?????????nd nd w wr wri?te?????????????t ????titiftififiefi?d\"???. r. ??ala? d do d?? t?????toeto??? ar?e ?mum???h bh ?etettt?????\"2\"?22322??????????HZ0HZ?00,00,A00,???????????EPEPLPL,L,d,?davdavidav?????????,0,?5,5,1,???989868?????00,C00,CEC??TOT?", "output": "check your cart daily and wait for the price to drop! I paid $20.79 but I have seen the price as high as $53.00, so it pays to be patient. Good luck!\"\n2231,B002C4HZ00,AW01EJ2CXKTEJ,\"D. hanley \"\"dave\"\"\",0,0,1,1337731200,Not DOP,\"these are not DOP they're just \"\"certified\"\" which means nothing significant. they should go a step further with a little more nonsense and write \"\"department certified\"\". real dop tomatoes are much better.\"\n2232,B002C4HZ00,A105FP1ZT88EPL,david lee,0,0,5,1329868800,CENTO "} +{"input": "???N N?MAM????????uru?chc?asa??? a ???mamala?l l???????f f??heh?????????oeo??. .?? u ????d td ?theth?? f ?oro????zzz??a Sa SaSaua?cece ?????d thd t??????astas????grg???t.t. ?ThT?he he l ???ele??? lo looo????ed ied ?ded?????calca?l tl to????he ??????ureure ?pop??????onon n??????on.on..?222232333????????HZH?00?,A,???WZWZLZ??GYG???DAD?K,K,N,??????,0,??????131323?494949?404?????TheThe e be be??????I lI ?ovo?e ?SaSanSa?n Mn ??rzrza??? t??mamat???s s as anandan??CeC??toto'to???s ars arere re??????. ???????havha?ve ve t? the the ??gregr?????st,st, st,?????te??t t? ta?st??e ee ?????. W. ?or?th? e ev???r pr ???nyn???andand and? th tha th?an an? so s????\"\"?22223???,B0,B00??2C42C??Z0?????OGO???TMT????DDD?,A,Ad,Adad????,0,0,0,0,????32??828202????00,T00,Th?The The?pipicpictctu????shs???s ?????????? the??y ay ary a?re ???t,t?Th???y ty ????matomatoematoes?????re cre ??rtr??fif?eded ??SanSan San M????????????nonot? D ", "output": "SAN MARZANO,Purchased a small case of these tomatoes. I used them for Pizza Sauce and they tasted great. The labels looked identical to the picture posted on Amazon.\n2233,B002C4HZ00,A3FWZL9GY3ADAK,Nyjean,0,0,5,1324944000,The best,\"I love San Marzano tomatoes and Cento's are great. They have the greatest, sweetest taste ever. Worth ever penny and than some.\"\n2234,B002C4HZ00,ACOG40TMNBIDD,Adam,0,0,1,1323820800,The picture shows dop and they are not,They tomatoes are certified San Marzano but not D"} +{"input": "O???lil?keke e???e e ie ?tet?m m????wsw???n n?????uru??. .?? c cac??lel?? a ???zoz?n n an ??????????ene???meme ?an???the??????????121??fof??r fr frf?reeree ?toto o f fi f????????e. e.???e ???w w????pmpme?????asa??????? c ce c??ti??ieieded ed n ??? D ??OP.OP????o ??leleale????knk?nowno???thith??. ?ToTomo?matma?toetoese?s as ?rere re??k k b bu b??t nt ?notno??th?the the??es?????i.i?2????????2C2???Z0Z???A3A3H3???YLY???TIT?EVE??,R,??beb??ca? K ??ufu?fmf?manman,n??,0???,1,?????484??00000?0,d0,??amaamagageg???????????pupururcur?hahas?asedased ?a a??????????the?????????toe???s a s a????pl???of? m???th??s a???????????he he?? can cans???er?e ??o ?bab????y by be????anandan????????ed med ???ca?????????r wr wow???t t ot ?pepen??? the th??. ?. I. ?I cI coc??????????to????mazmazo??n a?????the??y sy ?shish???????no?nothnothe??r cr ??se? o ou o????igi?htht ???waywa?y -y - -", "output": "OP like the item shows in picture. I called amazon and they sent me another box of 12 for free to fix issue. THe new shipment was still certified not DOP. So please know this. Tomatoes are ok but not the best fyi.\n2235,B002C4HZ00,A3HPTYLKZTIEVX,Rebecca Kauffman,0,0,2,1323648000,damaged cans,\"I purchased a case of these tomatoes a couple of months ago, and the cans were so badly bent and warped my can opener won't open them. I complained to Amazon and they shipped another case out right away - "} +{"input": "bbub???tht?ososese e??ana?s s?ararer?e we ??rsr?se se????? t? the th??fifiri??t ?cacasca?se!se? I I I?wo?n'n?????ded?r r??gagaia??.\".??222?363??B0B?020??4H4HZH??????WGW?K8K???J4J4Y4?BVB???ovo????P,P,0,?,0,0,,0???,13,1323??????????.O.?.P.????oto????????...???????e e pe ?ror????t ???aga??e ie ?????islis??ada???????TheTh?e i?ma????ha?s ?th?e e te tot??matmato?????s ?D.??O.PO.P.P???ererter?ifi????? b bu?t ???the the????ata??????I rI ????ivi??? a ar a?? n non????.......??????????002002C??????0,A0,???????RFR???7P7???,\"m,\"???asassassesetse??\"\"\"?????sss??set\"set\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?????0,50,???,132,13??434383848???????EATEAT T I?TAT????N,N,\",\"t,\"?the?sese ?to?ma?matomat??es es????e p????ecect? f fof?or or?iti????anan an ran ???ipi?es??...?????????lal???or,or?????t tt tot tooo????????????d Vd ???Y Y i it i???ia??! ? A ?lwl??ysy??s ths t??????t ??????ce ce??or????????????ookoo???ing.ing?.......", "output": "but those cans are worse than the first case! I won't order again.\"\n2236,B002C4HZ00,AOWGK8BFJ4YBV,LoveDOP,0,0,1,1322870400,D.O.P? Not really....,\"The product image is misleading. The image has the tomatoes as D.O.P. certified, but the tomatoes I received are not....\"\n2237,B002C4HZ00,A1WU204RFEA7PA,\"msbasset \"\"msbasset\"\"\",0,0,5,1322438400,GREAT ITALIAN,\"these tomatoes are perfect for italian recipes.....full flavor, not too acidic and VERY italian! Always the best choice for italian cooking...."} +{"input": "??2???????????????????0W0???RGRGUG?4848W8??,M,??chc???? P ?????nsns,s?0,0???????141????808??00,a00,???itittt????didisi??ppp???ntntit?ingin??\"m\"?oso?? i ?????????l l ol ?f f tf ?heh???ana?ns ns???rer?e de ????????n n?so????waw????hoh?????er er? it i????????chech?????er mer me?ththoth???of??pup?rcr???sisin????????????????????????????4HZ4H?Z00Z0?????RMRMOMOMOM1M????6A6???,\"W,\"W.W??????ararlar?letletoton??\"\"\"\"R\"??annannyn?????????on\"on??\",\"???0,??,1??868??23623??800800,0,C0,CeCenentento? ??imimeme,me???hih??is iis is?is ais a a fa ??inein?e pe pr??????. . . ???????urureur??????????as as a??flflal??????hahatha?t ot on???othot???r tr to??????ha??? a????earea????????????\"2?2424040,??B00B0????HZHZ0HZ0000,?A2A??EZE?7G7????9P9???,A???n,n???8,8,18,??,13,1303060????????DaDama???ed??????????disdi?e,?MeMer??cha?ndndind?iseise ????as nas ??t ?dad??agage????", "output": "\"\n2238,B002C4HZ00,A320W49RGU48WY,Michael Parsons,0,0,4,1314748800,a little disappointing,\"most if not all of the cans were dented in some way, however it is a cheaper method of purchasing this product\"\n2239,B002C4HZ00,A31RMOM1WO36AC,\"W. R. Carleton \"\"Ranny Carleton\"\"\",0,0,5,1286236800,Cento Time,\"This is a fine product. Why? Sure, it's has a flavor that on other tomato has, an earthy taste.\"\n2240,B002C4HZ00,A29EZ7G65A9PQX,Alan,5,8,1,1306281600,Damaged merchandise,Merchandise was not damaged du"} +{"input": "???ngn??????mem????bub??t st ???????r r? se sen??????????gegede??anandn????coc?rrrrer?ctc??????hahan?didisi??? ???4 4??f f?ththeh?????s s w ??????adadld?? d????ed??an?and and t???? ca can???? the theye??shshiship????ed wed ??????????OPO????erter?ifi??iedied.d. ?????y ???ent??????owowe?wer wer? st s?an?andaandara??d md ???ch???????? ??????????fuf?????refre???????omo? A ???zzz????????1,1????2C2????00???2X2?HZHZ4HZ??????????JaJ?????E.E. ???????????,5,??4,4??292939??676???00,???ent?ed????n,n??I I??havhave? r???? p papasastst st r?????wsw??whwhe???re pre ???pl???cocomcompm????inein??????ut?? re rec recec??vi????????ed??ed caed can?ans ??iti??? th???? pr p??????. ?????????? pre pr???ou???????pmepmen?ent ???er?????? w????????, , b bu but?ut nut ?notnot ????is is tis titimti??. ?????sh??shipmship?menme?nt nt?? cam ca???in?? a a??adadlad?", "output": "ring shipment but supplier send me damaged and incorrect merchandise. 3/4 of the cans were badly dented and the cans they shipped were not DOP Certified. They sent me lower standard merchandise. Received full refund from Amazzon.\n2241,B002C4HZ00,A2XHZ42N3MRMID,Janet E. Kusterer,3,5,4,1293667200,dented can,\"I have read past reviews where people complained about receiving dented cans with this product. I had a previous shipment where all was well, but not this time. The shipment came in a badly"} +{"input": " ???ngn??????oxo?????? I I I t ????ghghth???llll l????ldl?d bd ?e e?????? wh wheh????he????tetere???r r b??????? p ?????in????? w???????y y???rpr????eded ed t to t??????????adadld?y ?ded?enten????cac??? in i??anan ????ama?magma???????????????????s ms ????thath???th???????wawasas as??alral?????y dy dey d??enteent?ed ed wed ???n ??aca?keked???AmA?mazma????shs?houhoulu????recre??onson???derde????theithe????ou???e ???????isis is pis pr??????---???the the? to??????????re re? su s??er??????ut??? the the e pe ?pacpackckick???? st s?tinti?ksk????222????B0B???C4C?HZHZ0Z00?,A,A3A393??ZZZ???ICI?CIC?VGV???OdO?d ?PeP???r ???????Pe??ter??\"\"\"\"\"???,2,?2,52,???????39539???00,?ToTooo?????penpe??sivsive?,\"??????ror????t ??is is gis grg?reare?at at?.....? b? but but ??t ?????pri????d nd ?????ly ly? tw twiw????? wha wh?????t rt reretre?????? fo for??in? l ???????marma?keketke?s.? I", "output": " mangled box, but I thought all would be well when the interior box was pristine. I was very surprised to find a badly dented can in an undamaged box. This tells me that the can was already dented when packed. Amazon should reconsider their source for this product--the tomatoes are superior but the packing stinks.\"\n2242,B002C4HZ00,A397ZZV3ICCIVG,\"Odd Peter \"\"Odd Peter\"\"\",1,2,5,1295395200,Too Expensive,\"The product is great ... but it is priced nearly twice what it retails for in local markets. I"} +{"input": "?????t t????? p ?aya?????????ttt?lele e f fof?? c ?????nin?en?cece ????hoh???e de ?ele?livli????? b ??t ????s s i ?? t totooo? m???h\"h?????3,3??000??C4C??????????????UOU???KEK?,b,bab?li????do,do,0,??????131?????202???0,N0,??t ????e ??hah???I I????,\",????????d ????fefere???nt nt????n n??ici?tut????. .???????s Js ?usu???t sat say? \" \"\"\"?????if???d\"d????ot? \" \"\" \"??.O.?.P.?. ???????IEIEDE??\"\".\"\"????on'on??t kt ????????ththath?at at???s ts ?thethe ?sasamame?? an a????ftf?er?? a a????plp???????????s ?I I aI amam am??ot??gogoigo??ing ing t to t??????? the th?e ee ??ffoff??t ?inin in??? f fi f??d d od ?outou??/>M/>????????e wae w???????? now no?w iw ??s ??", "output": " dont mind paying a little for convenience of home delivery, but this is too much\"\n2243,B002C4HZ00,A3UC577MUOZMKE,balimedo,0,1,3,1300752000,Not sure what I got,\"Received Different than pictured. Labels Just say \"\"certified\"\" not \"\"D.O.P. CERTIFIED\"\". Don't know if that is the same and after a couple of orders I am not going to put the effort in to find out.
Also came with Basil. I want tomatoes only. Not Basil.
A couple cans dented like others have said.
My case was $44 now its $6"} +{"input": "?????? / ?>I>I'I????vev???tht????omo?atatoto to? th t???g.g. .??I'lI'?l l???? w ?hah??? I I? wa wana?? i in? t th?????torto?????222?444?,B,??????HZH??00,00,A,???BIB?WAW?A8A?1A1AMA?ZGZ?,E,??????FrFrir???ma??,5,????,1,1,,1????555???00?0,?????????an??,\",?????????2 2 c ca c????shs?????ed ed? 11 1? o of of ??????????????, ,?ve????ses?erier??usu????enten????????themthem.m?????m nm ?????ala???????in???s, s,?? I t I ???lkilk??ing ing????erioeri?ousou???dende??s.s????? d?en?enteent???????at Iat I I? tr t?ulu?????ou??????f f t??????inging ????? a ???y.y?. ?????????andan?d sd ??opo?ppepped????e te ?tho??????????useus??????5 5 a a a???? h ????eleltl????hathat t it ???????????????efe???????????y ly ?oco?calca???rorocro???y ??to???????????s ths t???s d?en?ente????????utu???????a a?????ce???????ce ce??????beb??aua??use use?????", "output": "0.
I'm over the tomato thing. I'll buy what I want in the store.\"\n2244,B002C4HZ00,A1JBIWAA81AMZG,Elsie Friedman,5,10,1,1295568000,Dented cans,\"Of the 12 cans shipped 11 of them had very, very serious dents in them. I'm not talking dings, I talking serious dents. So dented that I truly thought of throwing them away. My husband stopped me though because at $5 a can he felt that it was too wasteful. In my local grocery store, items this dented are put into a reduced price bin, because they "} +{"input": "????ala?lyl??dodono??t t??ovo?? o ?tht????????\"\"????toto o???n n M ??????????rtr??fif?eded d??om??????, ,????OuO?ncn?e ?CaC????(P(PaP??? o?f f????Cento San Marzano Certified Tomatoes, 28-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)
\"\n2245,B002C4HZ00,A3A5BPS3G8NQG2,mercury_2012,0,2,5,1298851200,Squism needs help!,\"This product is indeed fabulous and you can get it at many grocery stores for a lesser price. Overall a great product and makes awesome red sauce! TO SQUISM: I find it very disturbing that you casually refer to hitting your wife, even if you are joking, this is"} +{"input": " ?non?t t t ??? p ???????oro???hah???sos??t t ot ???bebehehahavhavivioior???!!!!!??????yoyouo??????????itit ???uru??????e ye ??youryou??a a????? c cocowowaw???. .???????tit?c c?aba?usu?e e Ie ?S S?NON?T T a a a????????? m ?atattattet?????d d? I I???? p?er??????ly? o of?fe????d ???y yy ?you??? re r?vivievi???? T ???y ty tot???aia???aiainain n????me me a?????? o??f cf clclalaslasss??whwhe??????????????he?re??????? am am s????e te ?thathat???s s ss so??????inging ing???? a ar are???ncncac?papabablab??e oe ofof of?dodoio???, , j ???gig?inging ??? y?ou??r dr ??????ti?ng????nd nd? cl c???slsle?ssss ss? re??vieviewvie???2?2424646,6??00000??RTRTNT?????1O1O5O????9B9B1B???XEX?,T,??ng???iai?obo????????,1,1,1,??313???040???,I,?t't?s ?a ???hamha???toto to?????so? m?ucu?? c??????yry??? f ???r br ???ieies????t'??s a? s????????o uo ??????????h h ch co??????yruyrupup up f?", "output": " not the place for that sort of behavior!!!! If you really hit your wife your a punk coward. Domestic abuse IS NOT a laughing matter and I was personally offended by your review. Try to maintain some amount of class when posting on here. I am sure that is something you are incapable of doing, judging by your disgusting and classless review.\"\n2246,B000ARTNR4,A1O5YII9B1K8XE,Tang Xiaobo,1,1,1,1331510400,It's a shame to use so much corn syrup for babies!,It's a shame to use so much corn syrup fo"} +{"input": "???????ese???I'I'm'???????did???ppp?oioini???? w whw?ene? I???oto??cec?????ata????he? s ????????d ????d ???????inain???is is e eve?venven ?beb?????..?222??7,7,B,B0B0000000A00?RTR?NRNR4R4,4???????4O4?4D4??????????????,3,???4,14,?,1,131?272717101040404????FIF????????RER???ENE???????ORO?? S ????P!P??!!,!!?\"D\"DoD??yoyouou u r rereae???????nt?????be??fef??edied??? y?ouourour ????????bobot???e ??f f?coc?rnr?????upu?????????/>/?i i?ususes?????is?is uis ??ntintilil l??? re r????zez??ed t?hahatha?? i??????chc???????geg?????????s s???????ch ch??????????or or? yo?????ab??.\".\"\"?22224?8,???00?00AR00A?????4,A4,???WQW?5A5?9I9?FPFPIP???,\",\"A,\"???. Th. T?omompm???n ??\"m\"mu????? fa f????????,4,,4?????030343??????,\"?VeV??y ?us?efe????wi???? tr t?????aca???se?? In Int????eraer?ancan?ce.ce. ? B ??????re??, t, ?thi???????ososts??", "output": "r babies! I'm very disappointed when I noticed that. The same kind sold in China is even better.\n2247,B000ARTNR4,A3O6C14O4DCTP8,J. Tigue,3,4,1,1327104000,FIRST INGREDIENT IS CORN SYRUP!!!,\"Do you really want to be feeding your baby a bottle of corn syrup???
i used this until i realized that. i switched to gerber, its so much better for your baby.\"\n2248,B000ARTNR4,A1CWQ5A9IFPIME,\"A. Thompson \"\"music fan\"\"\",3,4,3,1303430400,\"Very useful with true Lactose Intolerance. Be aware, this is mostly"} +{"input": "??sus????, ,?????mam?dede e??ror????ili?k.k.\".\",\"?????yoy?uru???hihil?? i ?s s?trt?ulu?? l ?aca?totoso??e ie ?ntntotolto?????nt,nt??tht?????ro????? i?s s gs grgrer??t.t? I ??? fu f???????ss/ss/g/??s ?is???? i??su???????n n? co cononsn???derder ?sts???iningin???????SiS???????AdA??an???e oe ????anoan?ththeth?er er???ormor?ul?? t th t??????????e ???????il?y ?????????milmilklk*lk??. ?????????odo??ct???idi?d sd ????m tm ????re????????ss ss? fu?ss??ine??ss ??in in?ou??r br bab??????utu??hoh?oneones???ly ly I? t???inkink k?? the th?e De ????ro????bob??tl??es es m???????bib?ggggeg???im???actact.? ???????youyo?? o?wn?????de???ffff ?????eeeen? f?? fuss fus?sinsinen??s ???. . n. nun?utrut???ioionon,on?????t ?????wawararear???????hichi????????la?s ???? m?? made mad???wit???? cor co???sws???eteet?eneen??s ??ndn??whwhiwhici?????????ululyuly ?mi?milkmil?-b-ba?", "output": " sugar, NOT made from milk.\",\"If your child is truly lactose intolerant, this product is great. If fussiness/gas is an issue, then consider staying with Similac Advance or another formula that is made primarily with **milk**. This product did seem to create less fussiness in our baby, but honestly I think the Dr Brown bottles made a bigger impact. Make your own trade-off between fussiness vs. nutrition, just be aware of which formulas are made with corn sweeteners and which are truly milk-bas"} +{"input": "???.<.?????><>S/>SIS?????C C?????SITSITIT???? In I??ngrengr?edi???ntsnts:nts???? /??CoC?ornor?n Mn MaM???????????? S Su Sugu???????????e)e),)?, M, ???? P ?????in?? Is I????tete,te, ???ghg? O OlO??ici?c Sc ??fffflf?lowlo?er?? Oi O?il,il??SoSoyo?y Oy ??", "output": "ed.

It's misleading for the company to label the product as \"\"milk-based\"\" when it has minor ingredients \"\"derived from\"\" milk. Read the list of ingredients (below). I found the ingredients on the parent company's website (Abbott Nutrition). Don't try to find the ingredients list on the Simlac website -- it's not there (perhaps for good reason).

Corn Maltodextrin, Sugar (Sucrose), Milk Protein Isolate, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Soy Oil"} +{"input": "?? C ?oco?ono???????, ?GaG????????????ac?chchah???ded?s*s??????s s????n n 1 ???% %??? t th t???FoFolollol??wiw???????????nin?i i O Oi Oil?, ??. ?AlA?pip??a a O? Oil Oi?l, l, B ??tata-a-C-?ar?????e,e, ???????, ?, Ly, L??copcopep?eneen??????cic?????hohos??????????otaotasasss????m Cm ?iti?????? M MoM?did?fif?eded d??oro??????rcr???, P, Po, Pot????iuiumium ium C???lorlo?ridride???, Ma, M??ne?si??? C??????ideide,e, ?Mo??ogo??yc?ere???es?, , S, ?????ece?citcith????????ra???????, ???lcl??um?um Cum ?CarCa?bob??????e, Ae, ?scs?corco???? A ??cidci?????holho???? C????orior?ide?, ???odiod?????hl?or?oridoride?de, de, F??errer?ouousus s Ss ??????????, Cho, Chololiol?inein?e Be ??itait???????ate, ate,??auauru?rinrine???m-m-I-???si?to?l,?l, dl, ?l-l?Al??phapha-???????er??l l A Ac Acec?etaet??ate,?ate, Zate, ??incin?c Sc ??lf?????ate, Late, ??????nitni?in??, ?NiNiai?????????ide, ide,?? Cal Calclcilc????PaP??totottoththeth????te,??CuC", "output": ", Coconut Oil, Galactooligosaccharides*. Less than 1.0% of the Following: C. Cohnii Oil, M. Alpina Oil, Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate, Modified Corn Starch, Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Monoglycerides, Soy Lecithin, Carrageenan, Calcium Carbonate, Ascorbic Acid, Choline Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, Choline Bitartrate, Taurine, m-Inositol, dl-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Zinc Sulfate, L-Carnitine, Niacinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, Cu"} +{"input": "????c c S ??????e,e? T ThT?????nen????loloro???????????????idi??, , V, ViV???amiam?in in?? P PaPala???tatattate??, R, ??bob??lal????, , P, ??ririd??????e H?ydydryd?rocro???lorloriridriderid?e, e,????ic????????MaMana???anean??e ??SulSulf??ateat?e, ?PoPoto???sis????IoI???ideid??????lll?loqlo??in????, , B, ?????in,? S??????m Sm ???????ate,ate??, Vi, Vititait?amiaminami? D ???, C, CyCyayananoan??????????, ??ototaot??ssissiu?ium ium??HydHydr??oxioxid?ide,ide, ?????????leole??otidoti?desde? ( ?AdAde??oso??nene ne 5 ??-M-??????os?ph?atate??? Cy Cyty???inine????'-M'-MoMonMo????os??hah??ate,?ate, Date, DiDisi?ododi??um um??uau??anosano?sinsinesin?e 5e 5'??-Mo-Mon??phpho???????? D???ododi??m ???rid?in?????5'-M5'-Mo?MonoMon??ho?sp????te)te).)??????>*>? S????cec??d fd frfro???mi??k k? (G (??S)S).???r ?/>/> />? A A?sosouso???ce ce??of of d dod????aha??????oioic?????d ?(D(?????). /??????soursou?rcerce ?ofof ??????hidhido?????ic acic a?", "output": "pric Sulfate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Vitamin A Palmitate, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Manganese Sulfate, Potassium Iodide, Phylloquinone, Biotin, Sodium Selenate, Vitamin D3, Cyanocobalamin, Potassium Hydroxide, and Nucleotides (Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate, Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine 5'-Monophosphate).
* Sourced from milk (GOS).
A source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
A source of arachidonic aci"} +{"input": "??????A)A).).<.??? / ??
Nonfat Milk, Lactose, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Soy Oil, Coconut Oil, Galactooligosaccharides*, Whey Protein Concentrate. Less than 0.5% of the Following: C. Cohnii Oil, M. Alpina Oil, Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Citrate, Soy Lecithin, Monoglycerides, Potassium Chloride, Carageenan, Magnesium Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, Choline Bitartrate, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Calcium Phosphate, Potassium "} +{"input": "?PhP???????????-I-???osios???l,l, ??ini?c c???lflfaf??e,? N ??aca??????????????ph??????opoph?ereryr???AcA?????????ala????????ntnto???ene??????L-L????nin??ininein?????bob???ava??in,in????????in in? A A???????tatta????, Cu, C??rir??c Sc ???????????ia???nen? C ?????ridri?de de?HyHydy????hl?ororioridideid??e, Pe, ?yry??ridorid??in????????chc???ri??e,??????????cidci????????????????fafatfa?te,? P Ph P?????quq????ne???????inin,???odo?????????enaen?ateate,??Vi???????D3D?????????obo???am?????????iumium m Cm Ch????rid?ride,ride?, P, PoP??????ium????dr????ide??, a, ?andan?? Nu N?clcle??otiot??ideside? ( ???dendeno?sisinsi???5'5?-M-??onoon?ophopho??????te,te, ?CyC??????ne ne 5ne 5'??-Mo-Mon???phophos?ph??tete,?te, Dte, ????????um Gum ????anosano???e ??????no???????at?ate,??Di????????UrU??ridirid?ineine ???5'-M?????ho?????phatephat", "output": "Phosphate, m-Inositol, Zinc Sulfate, Niacinamide, d-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Calcium Pantothenate, L-Carnitine, Riboflavin, Vitamin A Palmitate, Cupric Sulfate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Manganese Sulfate, Phylloquinone, Biotin, Sodium Selenate, Vitamin D3, Cyanocobalamin, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Hydroxide, and Nucleotides (Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate, Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine 5'-Monophosphate"} +{"input": "?).)???r r?/>/>*>* *??ouo???????ror?m m m mim????????)<)? />???????????? d ?????????aea?non????acacicidid d (d (D(DHD??).???* ?SoSouSour??cedce?????om om m??ilkilk ??(GO(GOS??)br /> ????????e ?????oc????????aenae????????id id? (D (??A)?????
* Sourced from milk (GOS)
A source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
A source of arachidonic acid (ARA).
Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine 5'-Monophosphate).
* Sourced from milk (GOS)
A source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
A source of arachidonic acid (ARA).\"\n2249,B000ARTNR4,A1ENA724HKUWZP,Cheebs,3,4,5,1291420800,Reduced spit-up and a happier baby!,\"This formula is a life-saver! Our 2-month old had a little viral bug, which made him spit up a l"} +{"input": "o?????d d????vevere????ususss??. . ?????????? f fo f?????a,a, ,???e be bab????y ?????s s us ?p p? at at ??lll????nd nd h?asas ?be??? s ??????h ?????piepi??!/?????k k???urur r dr ?????or or????????amampmplp??! !??WhWhe???wew?e te to??????r r br ba?byby y iy ini???????????umummm????ror??blb????, t, ?????docdo??gag?ve? u ?? a? f??ullul?-s-???????????????????forfo?rmurm????to????kek????meme ????????????ononsn???ererier?ingin?????coc??tst?????outou??$1$141????tat??l,l???hi?? w ?????rereare?????br br???>R />ReR?edued??ed? s sp spi????up up? an and an?????
E>????y ty toy t?????????????

Ask your doctor for a sample! When we took our baby in for his tummy troubles, the doc gave us a full-sized can of this formula to take home and try! Considering it costs about $14 retail, this was great!

Reduced spit-up and gas
Reduced fussiness
Easy to mix up

Baby can't go as long between feedings, probably because it's easier to d"} +{"input": "??geg??t?YoYouou u c ?anan n?ala?soso o g ??t t 2 ???rer?????ansan???f f?????lal?? ( ?????AdA??????e ae ??????ne ne???nsn??titivi??) )?byb????????????????????ere?r ar ????heheie??r wr wew??si???. . G GrG?reare?at at????dud??t t at anand????rea???????omomem???????ici???\"\"????0,0??000?00A00??????,A,A3A??Y5Y????L5L?????,M,?ara?is??l l???iguigueu????????0,10,?,1,???151595969686?00?,T,???is is???rmrmum??la la??s ????riribriblblel????? d ??cic?de??d td tot?o to ?ryry ?th??is is fis ?or?????la fla ?forfo?r mr ???????? si sini??ce ce h ??????artar?tedted ??eieinei???????????sysy.y?. H. ?????ver?? t ??thisthi??fo???mul??? ma mada??? hi him???????gagas???????theth???for????a ??????veryver??????k k??????????uceuc?? a??lol???????ububbb??es?es tes ??at?at gat ?get????????o ?o tho the?he bhe ???????????????????kek??????? for form?ul???", "output": "igest

You can also get 2 free cans of Similac (one Advance and one Sensitive) by mail if you register at their website. Great product and great customer service!\"\n2250,B000ARTNR4,A3EY5SAUL5Q2TS,Marisol Figueroa,0,0,1,1331596800,This formula is terrible!,\"I decided to try this formula for my baby since he started being very gassy. However, this formula made him more gassy...the formula is very thick and produces a lot of bubbles that gets fed to the baby. I tried to make the formula w"} +{"input": "??tht??????????ti?ono???o o l lel??? th t?e e??????lesle????sos??vev?e be ??t t tt ththath?? d?????t ???rkrk.k?\"\"?222???????00A00???NRNR4R4,4??1414M4????CRC?FVF?0E0EQEQ,Q??igi??BlB?????MaMamamam????,0,,0,5,5,5?121292989?414191???00,00?SiS???????SeSene????ivi?ve,ve??GoG?????riric?e ??or?? pr prorod???t.t?..??????d ??tatara?tet????? b?????on? t????????la?c c sc ?????forformr???? b??t ??? w ???s ts totooto??????h fh ?forfor for m ???????????mmm???.....??? thi th?????formformumulmula?????s as ?? we w????mem?? c ?chachanangan??????. u. ??fofor?tut????????????????e ae atat at tat ?thethe ??ununkunkyk???timtime???f f????il???'s's 's??igig ig?????lll? o?????? t th the the the???????????tataita??ere????i ??was? b? buy bu?in??g tg ??? 3 ????????????m m???? the w the ?hoh??esesas?aleal???to???? a??d d td ??????malma???? c??ntntant??ineinererser?s ws ???e ?e ale all?????????????", "output": "ith anticipation to let the bubbles disolve but that didn't work.\"\n2251,B000ARTNR4,A14M35UCRFV0EQ,Big Blu's Mama,0,0,5,1298419200,Similac Sensitive,\"Good price for product... i had started my baby on the similac soy formula but it was too much for my son's tummy... this formula was a welcomed change.... unfortunately, it came at the funky time of similac's big recall of all the larger containers (i was buying the 34oz can from the wholesale store) and the smaller containers were all sold out of "} +{"input": "??heh????cac?? s sts?ororereses.s??.. .. n ??? a a a f ?unu?? si s??uauatatit???.......?? fi f?ndndid???????s s 6 6-6???ckc? a at a??a ??reareasasos??????e pe ?rir???e we wawas?? a a?mum?chc??????eded ed????????prepr??iai?ateat??ed red ????ueu???2222252??,B,??00??RTR???4,4,A,????UQU?333?????VMVM,M,C,???????n Jn JoJohohnh?,0,0,0??????????????00,00?SoSololvl?????ol????WiW??hih??????e De ???????utu?t It ??????CorCornrn ??yryrur?p-p-B-BaBas??????f f?yoy???? ne?wbwbob???n cn ??????????onson??lal???y,y, ,? yo y?ou ou s?hohououlouldl? t?????a la ?lacla??tostoses??????e fe ??????la la???????t awt a???y ey ??venven n tn ??ou??gh gh??he??'r'??? so s? e ??pep?ensen??ve??????ev???, , t, ??e ??ing??redre??en??s ??ayay ay??otot ot???oko??so???oo???????'s? i ?????????????? sho shopo???????nd ????yoyouyo?'r?e ????ing?????usu?se se a a ????????e-fe-???????????????????????", "output": "the local stores... not a fun situation... finding this 6-pack at a reasonable price was a much needed and appreciated rescue!\"\n2252,B000ARTNR4,A3NHUQ33CFH3VM,Citizen John,0,0,2,1252454400,Solves Colic Within One Day - But It's Corn Syrup-Based,\"If your newborn cries inconsolably, you should try a lactose-free formula right away even though they're so expensive. However, the ingredients may not look so good. It's important to shop around if you're going to use a lactose-free formula. Lactose-fr"} +{"input": "?eee??????ululalasa???????s s as ?????????????exexpx?enensnsis???e ae ??d d?th??s ??nen?e ie ?? l lol???ede?d wd ???? p ?ror??????????ornor? s ????p p??olo?????????????r ??????????kik?pe?did?a:a: :????aba???????c c?(a(al?sos??????n ??as as??????t ??colco??c,c, , t?hrhre????monmo???th cth ???????in?fa???ili??e ce cocolcoli?????d ??col???) )? is i??s a s a?? con co??ititiit??on on?????hih???????oto??ere?wiwiswi?? h ?heahe?altalththyth??bab???y cy crc??es??or???????msm?????????tltlyl?y ay ??and and??????extexteten??????????ds???witwi???utu?????y dy ????cerce?ninibi????re????on.on.\".?? Y ?????l l??no?? i???ifif f i it???apa??penpe?? t?????ourour ?bababba????anand?and iand it?'s'?????ul??????notnot ?bebe ???bleble ?e toe t????o ao ??anytany?thi??? t???imi??ed?????????ele???veve ve y ???r ??ababyaby.aby. .? I ?t ???ontontataiain??s Ds ????, A, ???? an??d id ", "output": "ee formulas always are the most expensive and this one is loaded with processed corn syrup solids.

From Wikipedia: \"\"Baby colic (also known as infant colic, three-month colic, infantile colic and colic) is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries or screams frequently and for extended periods without any discernible reason.\"\" You'll know it if it happens to your baby, and it's awful to not be able to do anything to immediately relieve your baby. It contains DHA, ARA and i"} +{"input": "????????t t a ??l l? ba baba?y y?????ulu?asa??dodo o? be bece??????iti?t it isi??rer?ququiu?reredre????y ly ??w.w.<.?brb? / ??????????ctc????????e e fe fo????ulaul? i?s ?exe??ene??ivi???is? b????????????oeo?s ?tht?ro?ugu?h h a???verve?????pecpe?iai?alial???d ?????didififff??cuc??t t mt ?????ac?????????ro??esesses?, ?I'I????tolto?????? th t??e ce ?omo??????s s ps ??blblilic? r ?relre?????????epe???esees???ata???????????????fofoofo?d d id ?? t th??e Ue U.U???????????parpa?red????ithit?h ch ?????sys??????olo??dsd?s, s,? so? t th?at?????ul?dnd?'t'??beb???a wa ?????, ???? t??oldol?. ? O ?k,k??????I I????ticti?ce ce t?????be?sisitsi?y y ry rar????e ise i???igi??.\".\"\"???535????????????,A,A3A??T2T???K7K7C7?XOX??D,D,d,dcdca?rtr???????5,15,?????898??00???????co co?B&B?? h ???????foforfor for $ $0$0.0??1/1/f/????z!z??!! !!??aya?????apa??r.r?,\",", "output": "ron, but all baby formulas do because it is required by law.

Lactose-free formula is expensive is because it goes through a very specialized and difficult manufacturing process, I'm told by the company's public relations representative. So much food in the U.S. is prepared with corn syrup solids, so that shouldn't be a worry, I'm told. Ok, but I notice the obesity rate is high.\"\n2253,B000ARTNR4,A32T2KVK7CXO5D,dcart,3,5,5,1303689600,Costco B&M has it for $0.81/fl oz!!! Way cheaper.,\""} +{"input": "?GrG??????????????ououru? s ?ono? i ???nonoto???ete?titini?????????h h??aiain?s ????e e?wiw?thth ????e re re?gugululaul????imi??la?? a ??????????????y y????????the? t ??????? T ??????lyly ly t?hihininging ???????at at i?t't??s ws ?????chechea????r ar at?at Cat ????coco o?($(?272??8282 2 p??? 3 ?????? t?axax)x????????on on??????????????????o po prprir?cec???matma????!!?\"\"2222??4,4?????ARA????4,??????YTY???S8S8G8GDG?????ac?y ????CoyCoy,y,1,?????,1??232??88888??00,00??or??kedke??????????t ht hah?d ??addad?ede?d sd ??gagar????e ?juj?????????????? G ????er?????d d Sd StS??rtrt ???????e de dud?e ?????sugsugagarga???????is?????oduoducu???. . ????????d ?d sed s????? to to????? b???teterte?r tr ?thath??????????? o????????rmrmurm????????I I?de??id??? t? to ?trt???????ethethi???ng eng el???e we ??????", "output": "Great formula, our son is not getting stomach pains like with the regular Similac and he actually likes the taste. The only thing is that it's way cheaper at Costco ($27.82 per 34oz + tax). Amazon is NOT willing to price match!!!\"\n2254,B000ARTNR4,A2A7UYT8NS8GDC,Tracy McCoy,1,2,3,1323388800,Worked well but had added sugar,\"We just changed to Gerber Good Start Gentle due to sugar in this product. This did seem to work better than a couple other formula but I decided to try something else when I "} +{"input": "??????aba??utu???ugugagarar.r. . ??e e j ?ususts????ana???d ?ovovev?r r?????er?beber?? Go Goooodo??StS??artar????ntntlt?e e ae an????t ????s s???o ???????eee?m m t??o bo be????rkr???ng ng?bebetbe?????? H ?e ??s ??stistililll???gasga?sys? b?ut??heh??ha??s ls le????pap??????d ???????? se see se??????????lyl???s ?mum?????is?coc??fof???t wt ???n n?ea???ingin????he he??s s as ??lil??tltletle ???lilicli??? but bu?t st ststistilsti????ov????? to to???????. I. ? d?o ?tht????????s is ???a a ga ???d ??rorod?uc??t at anandand and?I'I??m sm ?sursu?? t???e se ?sugsu???r ir ?is ?sasafafef????????t t w????d ????????non?t ?????? ex e???ra ra? su s????????????is a??ge ge? (8 (????eekee????? G ??????uc????\"\"2222???,B,B0B????UQU?UIUICI?,A,??????????????????o ?????i,i,2,??,2,,2??5,15,121??????00??,G,Gr,Grereare???FoF???CaCaka?eses,es??WhWhihilhi?le le? I I h I ??veve ?nonotno??pup?", "output": "read about sugar. We just changed over to Gerber Good Start Gentle and it does (so far) seem to be working better. He is still gassy but he has less pain and doesnt seem in nearly as much discomfort when eating (he is a little colic but still loves to eat). I do this this is a good product and I'm sure the sugar is safe, I just would rather not give extra sugar at this age (8 weeks). Good luck!!\"\n2255,B002WUQUIC,A39ESE8N7ELHJR,Gino Rossi,2,2,5,1275264000,Great For Cakes,\"While I have not pur"} +{"input": "????ses????hih???frf??????aza????? h ?????usu????iti????????????eae??s.s. . ? It I??ma??????????ere?r lr ?aya??r r fr fof?or,or? m my my ?ve???ioi?????? Z ?????a Ea ????leles???a aa ?????ixi????wiw??????ea??m cm cac?? b ?e e ie inincn??orporpop?oraor?tet?ed ??forfo??PaP????ChC????????r /??????o Ro ??ssssis???????MaM?angan??ia ia????on pon ???ssiss??????chechefe?/c/?catca?terte?rerre????252565???00000000000D0??????AGA????3Q3?XVX??S8S??\"D\"?????lelenle?n ????. Ge. G????\"\"\"\"N\"?JnJ?????????c\"c?\"\"\"\"\"???,4,??1,1,1,12,1?898?????00?,D,DoD??????uyuy y ty ththith????", "output": "chased this from Amazon I have used it for many years. It makes a super layer for, my version, of Zuppa Engelesia and mixed with cream can be incorporated for Pate Choux.
I don't live in Hollywood any more so it is getting more difficult and thanks to Amazon I find it it available and in larger cans......... I plan to order soon.

Gino Rossi
Mangia con passione chef/caterer\"\n2256,B0000DC5IY,AGYZZ3QXV9S8,\"Dr. Glenn B. Gero \"\"NJnaturaldoc\"\"\",3,4,1,1289865600,Don't buy this pr"} +{"input": "oodo??ctct t u unu???sss? y ??????e e??ooo??ini???foforo???????????cococo?conconun????ThT??e de de??crc?ipiptptit?ono? o ???tht????????????is?????????iviveve.e????????pr????ctct ct w ?asas s rs ????es?enentn??? a as as ????owowdw???, , b bub?ut ut?iti?????non???a ????wdewd???????s ?? g ?rar???lele.le?. . ?ItI??t is???notnoth?in???????e te ??anan an?????edded?dedde?????con????????dod???n'n???eve?venve?????ssossololvl????n ???hihighighgh h? sp s??ed?????????iai??? bl b?lenle?de????brb?r /r ?><>U>???es???yo???ar?????ining?? th thi??????du??ct ct tct ?? m ???????ctuct???? a a????? c ch c????????-c-co?at?ed????ocooconoconu?????attattyty,y?, t, ?????e ie itit it????ususeusele???ss.ss. ?. M. ?? i in??tente?ntintio??n wn ???????us?use use?? it it?????n ?n adn a????iviveiv??e ine in ????heaheal??????shash?keke.e. e. I It? e ?????? up u????in???????e ???????", "output": "oduct unless you are looking for shredded coconut,\"The description of this product is disceptive. This product was represented as a powder, but it is not a powder, it's a granule. It is nothing more than shredded coconut and doesn't even dissolve in a high speed commercial blender.

Unless you are using this product to manufacture a dark chocolate-coated coconut patty, to me it is useless. My intention was to use it as an additive in a healthy shake. It ended up ruining the shake a"} +{"input": "????????????rer?sosoro??????chc??wiw?ngn?? th t?he he????isisssso?????, , t??ststet?????s cs ????????pip??ceceses es???tht??r r???????rir???in?g g tg ththeth? s shsha????/><>?
Additionally, the way the product was packaged, there was no protective cardboard preventing the slashing the top package when the box was opened.

If I could have rated this product zero stars, I would have. The only redeeming quality was that it was rather inexpensive. I gave one package away for FREE to a patient who loves coconut and she gave it back to me two days lat"} +{"input": "e?? c ??????????g g??hah????t ??asa? t????ibi??e!e????252???B0B?0000000?DCD???????????????QKQKAK???heh??BaBara????non?wsw??BeB?????,0???????22622?97976760600???it??le??????oro?????bob????t t tt ??isi???????brb?ana?d d f ??om? a ??????ininein?e Ie ????????????eryer?????oreor?e te ???? u ?????lyly ?ha?s ??xcxcecelce??enentn??????ucuctc?s.s?????wa???aba?bleble ?????uru??? it it ??intintot?o co ???am????ttt????? us u???? m mym????peperer er????????????d ad ??did?inging ????e ?wa????r, r, b???? it it it b?????? h ?hadha?d a??y ???????. ??????????????y ???e ????o ?KaK?h h?????? o of of f?????nunut??cr?eaeamea? ( ?whw??chc???is is???it?e ??as?????andand and f fl flalavlavo?rfr????? an a??nd rnd re??ad ad a an????therthe???????w w???? a??di??????enten?t pt prt p?rod?uc?t ??or??????inging ????r ??????cocco?con???", "output": "er complaining that it was terrible!\"\n2257,B0000DC5IY,A3GKE33FI1QKA,The Barb Knows Best,0,0,1,1322697600,Little Flavor,\"I bought this same brand from an online Indian grocery store that usually has excellent products. I was able to turn it into cream/butter, using my super blender and adding some water, but it barely had any flavor. I usually buy the Chao Kah brand of coconut cream (which is quite tasty and flavorful) and read another review for a different product for making your own coconut "} +{"input": "??????? ??y y?????????? i ????oto?t tt ?hehe e?shshrh???s s os ?r r????????. . . ????e e we wawasa??juj?????iri??tuatu????y ty tat?astaste?lelese?????????,B,?000??HKH?ZDZ?????131?Q2Q??8787Z7?????9,9??krk?? a ?ngn?ele??0,0?,0,,0?????????444404??????elellelle?????????????ror?om om??ene???or!or????\"A\"??th?????????ada???????????cercernr??s as ???outout ???rodro????t wt ???th th? in i?????al al?????mem?enten??????y cy ?????cerncer????er????ara???veverversr????????d bd ???????exexcex?celce??enentent,ent? p pr?om?ptp???andan?????????ousou?s rs ?resre?????e e fe fre fro?? v?en???r ?ababoab????????ononcon??cern???? C CuCus???omeomeromer r sr ses??vi???????????????s a s a r ra??it?y y ty thy they thes????aya?s s -s ????????sosololulutu???y ??excexceexc??????alal!al! !? W ?????????iniinit??????eee??? th thi???vevenvend??or or???? mi m??d d wd ?he??????ava?? n?ee??d fd ", "output": "cream. My complaint is not the shreds or texture. Mine was just virtually tasteless.\"\n2258,B001HKZDYU,A13Q2H87Z8G459,okra angel,0,0,4,1265414400,Excellent service from vendor!!!,\"Although I had some concerns about product with initial shipment - my concerns were far overshadowed by the excellent, prompt and courteous response from vendor about my concerns. Customer service that seems a rarity these days - was absolutely exceptional! Will definitely keep this vendor in mind when I have need f"} +{"input": "??? o oto?????crcrar???????????s/s/p/??????tst??????????000??NZN?H3H3V3?????JAJAPAPAPAHAHHH?????????ama????????brbrer??hth???,9,????????????000??DiD??apa?ppopp??ntntit??g,g????bobouougughg?? t ?thith?????or or????r yr ???????onon n a ?ndn???asa?????apappappop????ede??in? s se s???eraer?l l a?sps????ts ts??f f???????????nsnseserer:er??brbr br / ?><>/>(/>??? I ?????mamada???? of of???eae?ap ap?plplaplas??ticti? a?nd? a ar a??????d wd ?/ /? th??e ge ??obobeb???????ch???d ad ??????craccrackckeked??

(1) It's made of cheap plastic and arrived w/ the globe scratched and cracked.

(2) The top doesn't screw on--it just pops off w/ very little exertion.

(3) Part of the appeal for me was that this dispenser is coin-operated. What the description on Amazon doesn'"} +{"input": "??????l l?yoy???????eve??r,r????????t t at ???oioinin n??is is?nonoto???ece?ese??ara?? t?o o d ?????????????cac????. .????rtr?heh???ororer??, w, ?????th???e cre c??ankan? i is i??????t bt ???el?y ?tut??nenedne?, ???????????(u(?usuusuaualall??y ty twy t???????es?? f flf????s os ou?t ?????uiu????y ?????t s???e ?gog?es? o ono???he??????? w w/w??o yo yo??? h???? t???????? c ca cat ca??? i it it.t???A A? yo you????????? i????ftf?tente?n nn ?????cooco?ordor??????d d ed ?enoen?ougoughg?????tu???n t???????????????utut ?hi??????? o?utut ut?????catca????h thh t??he che ??nd?????r r??????????4)4?????he dhe didisdi?pe?????? on o????? cam ca?? w???eneno?????? can ca?ndyndy ndy?? to ????st st?????????the bthe ?ot????? of?? th? the the?????????

(4) The dispenser only came w/ enough candy to just fill the bottom of the globe.

(5) It is very much over-priced at $29.99.\"\n2260,"} +{"input": "BB0B?0303N3??H3H3V3?S,S????VPV?RYR??Z5Z?Q1Q????ara?? L ?? S ???,1,???,4,4,??????????00,00,G?rer?atat t?lilitittt?lele e??ononvnvev????atiatioion? p ???cec?.,????e Me M&M&M&M M???ndn??y my ????????wow?rkr?s s????t t ft ?ininein????t t tt ththe???finfingn?????olo?le le??s ?tot?? s ??malma?????? a ??ulultl?????ge??????????rir??ve???he??cacanandandy??. I. ??t dt dod?????intin?imi?idi??ateate ?a a???M ?????? b ?ec?aua????ofo??? the the ??smasm??ll ll a am a??ununtn??it?????pepene????..????????03??NZHNZH3?????????UEUEPEPCP??ZH?9,9???????tt,tt,0,???,1,1,1,?????737363636??00?00,D00,??isp?enensense??r tr totooto??smsma?????I I??asas ???sa???oio?int??? w wh w?henhe???I rI ??ce????d ??????????ispenispe???er.er??? It I????id??? l?ar?????????ns?????? It?? lo loo?????iki?e ?e soe somomemete???ng????r ???????????o po ??aya??????????I bI bobou??hth??t itt i?t f?or?????huh", "output": "B003NZH3VS,AX9VPRY2Z5Q14,Gary L. Sr.,1,1,4,1332201600,Great little conversation piece.,The M&M candy machine works just fine but the finger hole is too small for adult fingers to retrieve the candy. It does intimidate a M&M lover because of the small amount it dispenses.\n2261,B003NZH3VS,ALXAAUEPCJZH9,Corbett,0,1,1,1327363200,Dispenser too small,\"I was disappointed when I received this dispenser. It said a large dispenser. It looks like something for a child to play with. I bought it for my hu"} +{"input": "?sbs???d d t ?o o p ??t t?ini??hih????\"m\"????cac?veve\"e??? H ??????????geg?e Me ?&M&? f ????. . I ? b ???? hi himi????????e oe oro???mem??t ???chc??????? fr f???m tm ?hehe ???&M &M c?????????nsn????I ?waw?s ??????? i it it t ht ??d ????????????ancan??????? it. it. . . I. I . I a??????idi????t ??????zez?????????????? t to to ??retre??rnrn rn? th t??s ?iti??????222?????000???G6G?U3U??,A,A1A???????????YU???in?ingPing????,0,?,0,0,,0,4,?,1,???575787?242?00?,P,Po,P??????n n Cn ???llllill???as?????????eeeetee??????? L ??eavea?vesve???it??s ts ththeth?e Se SpSpop?? i??n Vn ????ta????an ??is????,\",\"I\"??m ??? m mym????????????ofo? t th?is?, ,? an andnd nd a????rearealreall????enjen????ing? w????t it ??? ad a?dsd???o ?my? \"?\"c\"coc???cocco???????\"\" \"\"?? v ????????iania????e ?pap?an ??ixix x????s os ???on?????????????, ?veveg???", "output": "sband to put in his \"\"man cave\"\". He is a huge M&M fan. I buy him a tree ornament each year from the M&M collections. I was hoping it had more substance to it. I also did not realize I was unable to return this item.\"\n2262,B003HG6U3A,A1EZWXGYUD3HYU,PingPing,0,0,4,1275782400,Por Kwan Chilli Paste w/ Sweet Basil Leaves Hits the Spot in Vegetarian Dishes,\"I'm on my first jar of this, and am really enjoying what it adds to my \"\"concoctions\"\" - vegetarian one pan mix ups of onions, garlic, vegeta"} +{"input": "????s,s?????ala?????ofofuf???rir?cece e o ???pap???????r qr ????oao????omomem?tit????????vev???? or or?cac????s.s?I>I I???????ve????rcr?hahasha??d d i ?? a atat t Ut ???jij????a,a, a,??heh??????sas???...?..I..??wiw????????uyuyiy?inging g m?ananyn??mom??e ???rs?? of o???hih?s ?mimixixexed? s spspip?iceice ?????e.?? I ???s ?????rereae?????? p????e ?- -???????liqliququiquidi?, ?wi?????easea????y iy id??????iai?????????????eaveave?s.s. s.? I I ?hihighi????ly rly rerecre???????d td th?is????hilhili?? pa??????????????00??1H1?VFVF2F2,2,A,?3E3???121???NTN?UAU?F,F,\",??? K ??ennen??l l?????rrrri??geg???anaanat?icic\"ic???,1,?????,1?272?????606?????reareatat at??o o????p p? on????nd? f ?????es?se????!,!,\"??hihishis s ds ???al al??? on A on ?ma???n ?wi???h th ?theth??PrP?rimri??? fr fre?e e se ??????ngng,g???andand/d/o/?or or tor ??? e?????????pe???", "output": "bles, usually tofu, rice or pasta or quinoa, sometimes olives or capers.
I may have purchased it at Uwajimaya, when on sale...I will be buying many more jars of this mixed spice paste. It's not really a paste - more liquid, with easily identifiable basil leaves. I highly recommend this chili paste.\"\n2263,B000E1HVF2,A3ENN12GLNTUAF,\"J. Kennel \"\"marriagefanatic\"\"\",1,1,5,1273881600,Great to keep on hand for desserts!,\"This deal on Amazon with the Prime free shipping, and/or the even cheaper s"} +{"input": "?????rir?ptp????????vev??????????????????u u??aka?e e?? l ??????f df ??sssses???s ????????????ikike? w ?????????nen?e oe ????uru? f faf?vov????teste????is lis lalaya???ede? g ???hah?m m?cr?aca?kekerkersr?? t? thi this??????????????????ithith ????zez?n ?whwhihiphi?????????in???, a, ??d d td ??ppppepped???witwithth th? a a???? o??????????????????te te??????????? L ??otsots ??of ??????? a ar arer??e die dis??conco?ti???????nan??????????s, s,??o o?? thi??s i?s s as ?a ga gr?eae??t it ?iteit???????uyuy y hy heh?????2???4,4??000??????F2F?????????????4G4??????ChCho??,0,???,4,4,??343?878??404????GoG??????????ravra?ining???MyM?y hy huy husu?????????ESES S p pu???ining??an?and and??????in?????of dof ??ss??ert???????????d ??f f d????nerne???ThThi????????gr???at at? wa w?????? ap a?ppe?asa???hi??? cr??", "output": "ubscription is very tempting if you make a lot of desserts with this like we do. One of our favorites is layered graham crackers, this pudding mixed with frozen whipped topping, and topped with a can of melted chocolate frosting. Lots of stores are discontinuing name brands, so this is a great item to buy here.\"\n2264,B000E1HVF2,A14K9Q8LAQG4GE,J. Choy,0,0,4,1348704000,Good for cravings,My husband LOVES pudding and any kind of dessert at the end of dinner. This is a great way to appease his crav"} +{"input": "?????????lel??????beb?in?? f ?ulu???????utu???? a ana?? f?ata?? I ? l lol??e ?tht????? c ??an an a?ddd??wh??ateateveveverver r Ir I ??an?t ?????t ????faf??????????? a a? li l????le.le. . I. ???lovloveve ve t ?????? c??coc?a a?????er?? an a?nd nd??aka?e ?a ??oro?????????????sts??ing?????ocoocolo???ate ate p??dd?ining???or or???x x i it?????? b???ririeiese???or???y ???????222???????????VFVF2F??AEAEUE???929????????,An,Ang?el?esesaes?????,0,0,,0,5,?????797??????0,A0,A A? wo wono?ndender?????dedesde???????????????waywa???ththithisi????bebelbel ??is is???????st???????dessdes?serse??s ??andand ???thisthi?????? ou o??cece ?vav?anianilillil?la la p pu pud pu????ng ng???s ns nonotno???hehe he?exe????tiotionon,on???? e ea e????to?to mto mamakma????????ve???????????????e ???????is is tis th?the the? be???st fst fo?????lil??ittlittle???????ie????????????illillailla ", "output": "ings while not being full of butter and fat. I love that I can add whatever I want to it to fancy it up a little. I love to put cocoa powder and make a more elegant tasting chocolate pudding or mix it with berries for my kids.\n2265,B000E1HVF2,AEUSY92IZMASM,Angelesave,0,0,5,1327968000,A wonderful dessert,\"Like always this label is the best in desserts and this 3-4 ounce vanilla pudding is not the exeption, is easy to make, and vey fast, and the size is the best for a little families. The vanilla "} +{"input": "??lalavavovoro?????fafanantntat?sts???.\".??222??6,6,B,B0B000???1H1???2,2???????242?ROROOO??I7I????. . C ?heh?ffffyf??????ef?fyfy\"fy?????,0??????252????80080??????ele????????aseas? m ?????YoY?u u?????susububsb???tut?tet??nun?ut ut? mi m????? co coco???nutnu? m mi????or??gog?ata?'s'????????or or eor ???? s so soyo???mil??? fo for??????????milk'milk???n n t ???? i??????t ???ddd?????
If you add coconut cream and toasted coconut you have coconut cream pie pudding! If you add some raw cocoa powder you have chocolate pudding! You can add some softened cream cheese and have cheese cake base puddin'! You are only limited by your imagination. This"} +{"input": "??????lslsos??????lll??ntn????s as ???????????n tn ???? c cacaka????ixi? ( (a(aba???t ???????????ketke?t a??????n en ?extex???????le???oooonon on??????quq?????????6767,7??00000????VFVF2F????S5S?????????GLGL,L???m m?S.S? T ?ere??unu??,0,???,4,4,4,1?191959???96960600????dd?ini???????lwl?????????????ellellol?o po ?pudpu??ddindding???hoh???vever????oneon?e pe ??ck??gege ??????i i ri ??????eded ????s os ?pepen??ed,ed??an??????e p???deder? s ?spisp?ll??? a??l l o ov o?verver.r?????t rt ????lyl??alaltal?ererser?s ts th??? pr p?ici?ce ce w ???????? o on onln???re?????????3 p3 papac?kakagageag?s ????????????th?the the pthe ???mi?sesed??242???????8,8?,B0,B??1C1CWC??XWX?0,0,A0,A2A????3M3MCMCZC?2W??????te????n En ???????????? p??pEp????NGNGEG?ER\"ER?????????,1,13,1??????40400????????woowo?????y ??????boybo??OrO?reore?o lo ?????????", "output": " is also excellent as an addition to a cake mix (about a 1/3 packet and an extra tablespoon of liquid).\"\n2267,B000E1HVF2,A1S5OK3QRQJOGL,Kim S. Terhune,0,1,4,1195689600,pudding,\"i always enjoy Jello pudding, however, one package that i recieved was opened, and the powder spilled all over. it really alters the price when you only recieve 23 packages instead of the promised 24.\"\n2268,B001CWZXW0,A2WH53MCZ2WE3,\"Steven Epstein \"\"dA pApERHANGER\"\"\",2,2,5,1303430400,woof woof,\"My big boy Oreo loves this"} +{"input": " ????????? i ?????? h ?imi??ofo????????prp?odo???????????nln?? g ??vev? h??? v ??nin???? r ????iti???????????HeH??cac?an'an't'?t gt gegetet ???ouougu??????????s ss sts????????6969,9?????CWC?ZXZ??0,0?A3A??VAV??HHH?????V8V?,C,???????anan,an?2,2?,2,,2??,1,???656?????00,00????d d sd ??ufu?ff.ff??\"D\"DeD?lil????eded ????UPU?S,S? t??????propr??????????usu?st st a??????pep???????. . ??????eses ????????? a a a??is????reere?ab??e e se sms?elellell l??nd???????dogdogsg?s ls lol?veve ??it.it. ????? is????uchuch ?le?sss????????iv?? t???an an??re??????tit?ono??dodogdogfdog?oo?ood ood?? and an??ou?? d????????????????? o?????? ?YoYou???????ve?ven ven? se s????? o???cascasi?on?ala???????? and/ and??????rrr?????NoN??grgragr???? to t??????y ??aboabou??.\".???22722??0,B0,??01?CWCWZCWZX????,A2,A??BFB????UDUDJD???P,P????", "output": " so much. i took him off beef products and only give him venison rabbit ,turkey. He can't get enough of this stuff\"\n2269,B001CWZXW0,A37VANHHWZ4MV8,C. Hayman,2,2,5,1286582400,Good stuff.,\"Delivered by UPS, this product is just about perfect. It does not have a disagreeable smell and the dogs love it. It is much less expensive than prescription dogfood and our dogs are thriving on it. You can even see an occasional pea and/or carrot. No grain to worry about.\"\n2270,B001CWZXW0,A2PBF8V7UDJ5CP,Beru"} +{"input": "?dad??????,1??5,5,1?323?????808???DoDogo???LoL??e e i itit!t??\"I\"? h ?ava?????? t te t???ieier???ixi?????andan? t???????oveove ??hih????ror?dud?ctc?? I ??mi??? it i?????h h t???irir r?????grg??ini????????og?? fo fooood? a ?and?????????stst t gt ????lel?????upup p l???????o to ?????rrorr????I I aI ama???????y ty ?????AmA????????s ??????pr????uctuc??on? S SuSubu????????an???????. ?. It. It't??s os ???e le le?ssss ?s ths thi?ngn?? to to o wo wo?????aba??utu?????cece ????nonowno??? it' it?? g ?goigo??g ????????ve??????????? m???th???????/>/??W>WhWhehenhe?n In ????now? I?'m'?m gm gogoigoingoing?? to to to b ?? o ?outou??????? the the???ousou????or?? a a? lo l??g ????e,e???? ta takake?? th thi th??is pis ????ducduct???nd??sms??????????si?????????? t??y.y???h h Eh ????ee????ala????bo??ut ut???epe??ing? t th???? A ADADDDD D????s ", "output": "dandi,1,1,5,1323820800,Dogs Love it!,\"I have two terrier mixes and they love this product. I mix it with their dry grain free dog food and they just gobble it up like no tomorrow. I am happy that Amazon has this product on Subscribe and Save. It's one less thing to worry about since I know it's going to arrive every two months.

When I know I'm going to be out of the house for a long time, I take this product and smear it inside a Kong toy. Oh Em Gee. Talk about keeping these ADD pups "} +{"input": "??????????????? p pep?ririoi???ofo??tit?mem?? : ?)<)?brbr ???L>??kek?? th t?e ???heherhe??bub????????d,d???ouo?????asa?sisioionionan??????????a pa pipiepiece??e oe ofe o?????ror?ot ot? or o??popototaot??? h ??????????theth???? ?I I????????????g g? at at t? th the the e ie ????????ntn?? o?? t??????????ctc???????here'here's's s ns ?o ??????????er???memecme??ana???calcallllylly ???????ate?d ??meameatat at? or? o?th?therthe???y ?????ucuctuc?? G ?oo??????!\"!????7171,1?B0B000?525???N0N??,A,?????YCYCRC??7U7??????????n Hn HoH????????????323?656585????00,00????ndend??fuf??????geg??\"B\"??????t 1t 1/1?????????ch ch??f ?fifivi?e ???fff????????????FuFududgud????recre????????ro?? a???????l ????ndrnd??is?er????'m'???notno?????? o of??? a c a ?cho????at?????dg?e ?ea???er,?? pr p???ferfe??r per pea?nunutu??bu?ttt?terter,r??bu?", "output": "occupied for a period of time. :)

Like the other buyer said, you occassionally see a piece of carrot or potato here and there. I like looking at the ingredients on this product. There's no added water, mechanically separated meat or other by product. Good job!\"\n2271,B0052GPN0O,A3P1HYCRT7URXY,Karen Hoxie,0,0,5,1326585600,Wonderful fudge,\"Bought 1/2 lb each of five different Mo's Fudge recently from a school fundraiser. I'm not much of a chocolate fudge eater, prefer peanut butter, but"} +{"input": "? t ?heh??dad?rkr??chc????lal???e fe ????e ??s s i ini?crcrer??ibiblb?e.e???? r ??ch? a ana?? c cr c????y!y???????? t????cr?????. ???d d td tot?o to th?ror?? i???inintin?to to t??? f ????dgedge ??to to mto ?????e ite it ???sis??r r?????utu????????f f???? f????????????rnrn n??????????? ch c???colco??te??? fud fudgdge??lol????? t? thi th?? c????\"\"?222???,B,?????????O,O,A,??????XTX???D2D?????efe?????y By ??yay????????,1,???????24024????xtx?rar?orordr?dindinan???y!,y!?\"T\"ThT???is mis ?????ses?mi??sos???/s/???ft ft c??eeeesese??????a ??????ge oge ?? s ?ububtb?????la??or?????atat at?? h?ava???yeyete????to fto fifin???ele????he????. . T ThTheTh??prp??cec?????????th th????, t, ththoth???????????t t at ??ffoff??????o oo ?ord??er er?????oftof?tente????ut????e ??comco???inain??????of??ththith?????eeeeseese??wiw???????ea???y ?gog?", "output": " the dark chocolate fudge is incredible. So rich and creamy! Almost too creamy. Had to throw it into the fridge to make it easier to cut. But if any fudge can turn me into a chocolate fudge lover, this can!\"\n2272,B00182I57O,A20UK2XTOPD27G,Jeffrey Bryan,2,2,5,1247702400,Extraordinary!,\"This mild semi-soft/soft cheese has a range of subtle flavors that I have yet to find elsewhere. The price is worth it, though I can't afford to order it often, but the combination of this cheese with a really goo"} +{"input": "????hih??e e??ini??e ie isis s t ????? a ? c ???ininain???y dy ?ele??????\"\"?????,B,??010??D2D??Y2Y2,2,A,????????????HCH??????iai?a Va ??lel?rir???0,0,0??5,5,1,131???919?????,A????in?g!g? W ??rtr?? e ??er??y py ?????!,!,T,ThT????teteate?a ia ?is is a??sos??????ly ly?inincin???didibi??le!le! ?????ctcte??d ad afa?teterte? f fifiri??t t? ta t?????????????cic??????.. .. t????sms?????.....?????e te ???te?..??????s ??a ba ??????fuf?? e ex e??perperi????e.? I ? j ???t ?or?de?????mom??e ?(a(???d gd ?ono??????y y by bob???????ul??? a??? d???af??..??????????16D16??????A1A?1N1NKN?S2S?91?????K,K??ta???BlBlu????,0,0,0,?0,50,???13413?898969?????00,A00,?ma???ngn??TeT?ea ea???MyM?y Fy ??vov??it????I ??????? thi th????tea????d ??????? it it it?????leale?????wiwicice? a?????????????lal????? is is ????th th sth ??????g ag an?d ??wew?ete", "output": "d white wine is truly a culinary delight!\"\n2273,B0016D2MY2,A3M4CJT7SCDBHC,Sylvia Valerio,0,0,5,1349913600,Amazing! Worth every penny!,This tea is absolutely incredible! Addicted after first taste. So delicious... the smell... the taste... it's a beautiful experience. I just ordered more (and gonna try both regular and decaf).\n2274,B0016D2MY2,A11NKS291CE5VK,Stan Blue,0,0,5,1348963200,Amazing Tea - My Favorite,\"I love this tea and drink it at least twice a day. The flavor is both strong and sweet"} +{"input": "?. .????e e?tet????????? o ?? i iti?????????nen??ere?????????? sw s????nenerne?. ??IfIf f y ?ouo??rer???a ca ?in??amamomon? l lol????, ??youyo???????????ryry y t?hih???????. ??nd? e eveveevenen ???f yf ?you??'re'r?e ne ?otot,t??it????wow???h h a a a ta ??ry.ry?\"\"2??????000??6D6?????????JVJ???????????\"D\"D.D???ou?????\"R\"?unu??ner?????828??????0,0???????393???27227??00,00??ele???????????!,!?I I?????aia?????????taitain? t???? i???s ths t??????e ?te??? so s????????ararir?????CoCofo?fefee?. . ?I ?????? I I I??ou??????e ce ????idi???ed????????dicdi??! ! T????flf????or or i???? so so???odo??? l?ot???s ofs o????nn???????andand ?sls??????? s?pipic??????auausu????? i it i??. ?????ce ce? fo for???? i?? is g is go?od?? an and and d ld lel?ssss ????? I???havhaveve ???en? a ab ablb?? t to???????it? e??????herhe", "output": ". The tea stands on it's own, never needing sweetner. If you're a cinnamon lover, you have to try this tea. And even if you're not, it's worth a try.\"\n2275,B0016D2MY2,A3HJVLNBJ6LS6M,\"D. Gould \"\"RunnerGirl825\"\"\",0,0,5,1339027200,Delicious tea!,I am fairly certain this is the same tea sold by Caribou Coffee. I think I could be considered an addict! The flavor is so good - lots of cinnamon and slightly spicy because of it. Price for 50 is good and less than I have been able to find it elsewher"} +{"input": "????222272767???000?161????Y2Y2,2???????WJW??JXJX9X9O9????lol?????????\"\"\"???idi??ReR????r\"r??\",\"???,0,,0???131333?797?909??00?????ala??y y????ici???????\"Af\"A???er er h ?????g g t ??????e ??? c ??????e ye yey??rsrs s???? d??e e te to??? m mem?didicicaical? c??ndndi?tit??n,n, , I ?? tr t??ed?? ma m??????????????kikinind??s as ??d d fd fafav?orors?????????????? I?????????d ???pop?? t th t?hishi??in?????mamal????aka?er??y ty ???????d ????en?tlt??? op o?en??????ear?byb???????ve????t t at ?and???av??e be beb?eenee?? dr d????kinking??it??eve?verve???momor?nin???g sg ???cece ce??????? the th?e pe ?asast?? co cou coup?le?? of o????ara?rs.rs????????????s ?s ars are??peperperfr????t ft ????? a l a ??????er mer ?????th?e ?e pae p???per per w ?rar?appap?????arear??fif?????or?????all??er ?cucupupsup???????????ItI?'s'???? he hea???y y t???ea tea ?????", "output": "e.\n2276,B0016D2MY2,A2SKIUWJRJX9O6,\"logophile \"\"Avid Reader\"\"\",0,0,5,1337990400,Totally delicious,\"After having to give up coffee years ago due to a medical condition, I tried many different kinds and favors of tea until I stumbled upon this in a small bakery that had recently opened nearby. I loved it and have been drinking it every morning since over the past couple of years. The sachets are perfect for a larger mug, the paper wrapped are fine for smaller cups or mugs. It's a hearty tea that I"} +{"input": "??fifini?d d s ?atatit????in?????nd nd?dedele??cic?ouo?s.s.\".?2??7777,7??000????2M2?Y2Y??????QUQ???YLYLUL????,B??enendndand?? K ????,0,,0??,1,???37237?121???00,00,D,?el?????us???eaea a w ??tht????????at at??????????te,te???????pep???????hoh???????cicinci?????????en?t t a??????????, ,??? fi f???????????ea ea a???ziz?inging.ing?? I?? wa w??????d ???o do ?rir?inkinkikin?? t??????laila????lalacla?k k?? tea te???at at wat ??????andand ?d thd thih??is bis ???enden?d id ?????nin?iceice ?????gege ??roromom m t th?????? I I c I ?an??????aba?????onlon????????????????wowo wo? cu c?????a da ?aya?y by beb?cacaucaus?use use??? i?????ete???y sy ?????? bu butu?t It I ?????????ti??ueu???????rinri?k k ik ??it pit ?propr???????????y ????. . . E. EnE???y\"y\"??22722?8,8?,B0,B00????????2,A2,A2A??????????USU??,\"??????ordorde??????E.CE.C.C??\"\"??,0,?0,?5,5,15,13?33?????", "output": " find satisfying and delicious.\"\n2277,B0016D2MY2,A37NQUD5YLU1UX,Brendan K,0,0,5,1337212800,Delicious tea with a great aftertaste,\"As a person who love cinnamon scent and flavor, I find this tea amazing. I was used to drinking the plain black tea at work and this blend is a nice change from that. I can probably only have one or two cups a day because it is pretty sweet but I will continue to drink it probably every day. Enjoy\"\n2278,B0016D2MY2,A2ERUCOWLUEUSV,\"E. Cordes \"\"E.C.\"\"\",0,0,5,133323840"} +{"input": "0?????e e???.,.????????hih?s s t te t?a,a???tst??????e de drd??????g g l ?????d d???d d hd ??ts?. .??????????ere?????? tea te?s ?b/b?????heyhe? a ?allal?????????ndnd ????lll??li????pop??po???ri? b ??? t? thi this??????? i is i??????omo?????????????,B,????6D6??MYM??,A,??W0W0V0?6Q6Q3Q3O3O8O?TGT???????A.A. . f. ????????0,?0,0,50,?,1,?????202?????????riritri??te Tte ??ea,ea?,A ,A?coc?-w-wow??????????e me me???? co c????e ???f tf ??e e He ????eye??? S SoS?????????TeTeaTe?as as?????CiCin?????????ici?e ???chc??????????ampam?plepl???ThThe???in?????on ?????? f ????or??????wonwo?ndend????????he?ses?????as as aas ???????ot aot av?aia?la?blb??? at a???y y ly ?oco??al al? gr g????ryr?????oreores??????asas ?????????????d t??????or?or aor a a ra ?reare?asoas???bl???prpriricri?ce ???????ne.ne..??282?0,??B00B0??6D6D26D???Y2,Y2", "output": "0,Love it.,\"Love this tea, its like drinking liquid red hots. I hate herbal teas b/c they all taste and smell like potpourri but this stuff is awesome !!!!\"\n2279,B0016D2MY2,A2W0V6Q3O8TGTS,N. A. from IL,0,0,5,1332720000,Favorite Tea,A co-worker gave me a couple of the Harney & Sons Fine Teas Hot Cinnamon Spice Sachets to sample. The cinnamon spice flavor is wonderful. These teas are not available at my local grocery stores. I was glad to find them for a reasonable price on-line.\n2280,B0016D2MY2,"} +{"input": "?????????ELE?BQB???,P,PeP???y y???lkl?? S ???????ancancicisi??????,0,,0?????282??272727?0000,?GrG??ata? S??icicyc???asa??? w ??tht? h ?ini?t ????sws?eee??,I,???ovo??e te th??is is????? wh whi????hah???a ??eeeepeep p????nnann?????ara???a ???????astaste????ItI?????????????????as??????iceic??d td ????????lll??mamarma?ks??222??1,1,B,????6D6?2M2?????????LVL???????,\",\"C\"???isistis???e e Ce CaC????HiH??? \" \"\"\"\"S\"SuS???ar ar?frfre???qu??eenee?\"\"????,0,0,0,?0,50,5,?13???????????oso?? d ??????ouo?????????I dI ???????? lo l???t oft of ???ava???redred d bd blb?????????s as ???? th t?hishi??isis ?hahanha?dsds ?dodowo?n n on ononeone e oe of????y fy ???????eses.s?. T. ????sc??enten?t it ????ent??????? an a???? the th?e fe ???????????ololdld,d? a???d sd sw??????????? s?????e tie t?meme.e. . ??f ????????????picpicec??, t, th?thisthi?s i???s a s a??us", "output": "A334WP8KELBQHW,Penny Walks San Francisco,0,0,5,1328227200,Great Spicy taste with hint of sweet,I love this tea which has a deep cinnamon aroma and taste. It's equally good as an iced tea. Full marks!\n2281,B0016D2MY2,AWBP5LV4A4XFS,\"Christine Carr Hill \"\"Sugar free queen\"\"\",0,0,5,1327795200,Most delicious tea,\"I drink a lot of flavored black teas and this is hands down one of my favorites. The scent is enticing and the flavor is bold, and sweet at the same time. If you love spice, this is a mus"} +{"input": "???hah?vev?????????282??????1616D6?2M2MYM?????K1K???JIJIYI?Y6Y6V6????A.A? H ????????f,f,0,?,0?????323?22422?????00,00,E,?xcxcec?lll?ene??????????? ta t??tyty,y? s susup??? d ??????ouo??????st?? te teaea ea?eve???, ???eeeetet t at ??? c ?cinci?????nyny.y??? a aca?tut??????lil???e te ththeh?????et?teterte?r tr th?an?? th thehe he??????idi??ualua??????rapra???d ???? b bab?gsgs.s.\"s.\"??22822838??,B0,B??16???MY???????????????7777,7?,B.,B??NaN?????on?????????292999????????Ex????????????,\"?????? is i?????exe???ellel???? t? tea te?????veryvery ?flflal????fufulu??- -? th??e ce ?cincinncin???onon on????frfrer???? an and??pop?????ul???an???????al?l ???'s'?s ss ?li?ghg??lyl???????t wt ?itithithoh?outou?t nt ?neene???ngn????y ??ugu?arar.r. ????elell??????????mimili??????st?????ghtgh?????28?4,4??????6D26D????????UIUIEI???Q0Q???H9H?", "output": "t have tea.\"\n2282,B0016D2MY2,A1K1CHJIYY6V1G,A. Hannegraf,0,0,5,1322438400,Excellent!,\"Super tasty, super delicious. Best tea ever, sweet and cinnamony. I actually like these better than the individually wrapped tea bags.\"\n2283,B0016D2MY2,A3KVRE7JHW1O77,B. Nachison,0,0,5,1299369600,Excellent tea,\"This is an excellent tea, very flavorful - the cinnamon is fresh and powerful, and overall it's slightly sweet without needing any sugar. Excellent with milk or straight.\"\n2284,B0016D2MY2,A2NUIETYQ0UBH9,"} +{"input": "j???0,0??????292?757555?????????????ififufulu??exe?pep??iei?ncn???????s s i ?is is?mom?rer? t ???n n?jujusu?t t?a a? te t????drd?????ngn??? c cuc?? i??s ls ??keke ???be?????fu??l el ???????encencece.ce???t ???s ??a ma ??ultulti?-d-????????nanala??????oror,or???????al?lyl?? do d?????I I???vev??????si????ede? m??sesele??? a ???? d???????, ????? I I o or???re???it??????e a?????????bubucbu??????d ?waw??s hs hohooo?????????er ser si???nce.nce. . O. ????pe???al?????asasias????s os ??????n ????en en??????? dow do????I ???rea??t mt mym????f f tf tot?? a ??cupcu????f tf thf t???s ws ?warwarmrm ??andan??de?liliclicoc??us us t te?a.a???????????????MYM????1F1???TZT???333??OE4OE??,\"R,\"?????drodr?jej?wsw????\"\"\"\"R\"RZRZ\"Z??\",\"????0,50,??????151????00,00??us?t t Mt MmMmmm???????mmm,mmm,I,It?'s'????ata?t gt ????! !? H ????ven????????????", "output": "jv,0,0,5,1297555200,A beautiful experience,\"This is more than just a tea, drinking a cup is like a beautiful experience. It has a multi-dimensional flavor, it really does. I never considered myself a tea drinker, but I ordered it once at a Starbucks and was hooked ever since. On special occasions or even when I am down, I treat myself to a cup of this warm and delicous tea.\"\n2285,B0016D2MY2,A1FOETZVA33OE4,\"R. Zdrojewski \"\"RZ\"\"\",0,0,5,1272153600,Just Mmmmmmmmmm,It's that good! Heaven if you like"} +{"input": " ??????momono?????????????eee?? w ???h h n ??? su s??ara?????8686,6,B,?000??YMY??ETE?8,8???L3L3V3???????GHG??,P,??ulu?in?????,0,,0,5,?,1,131???????00?,T,?TasTa???????d,d,I,? w wa w?????tut?alalll?y y? su sur su?prp??ses??? at a????w w g?oooodoo?d td th?es??e Me MuM?fff?in?s ?????te!te! !??I hI ????e re ??oro???reredre?d ad ? c????????ndn?d t????y ay ?arear???lul?????FrFre?e.e.e.??28???,B0,B???3YM3YMAMAEMA?????VWV???6O6??Q8Q8O8???,\",?NiNin?a ??imimomonmonen??\"\"\"????ina\"ina?\"\"\"\"\"\",\"???????????11112120???????chch ?????????th?the the???T!T?,\",\"T,\"?rar?did??????al al???????h ??MufMu????????? u ??ua??llyll??faf?at at????? o ?or ??havhaviv????veververyr??li???lel????t.t???ThT?????lit??tletle ???al??????er er?????ulduld ??????allalleall?? s??mem?ethethi??ng ng??lsl?????? t??geg?eth??er.er.<.?brb? / ??
Closer to what I would say a cro"} +{"input": "i????ntn??is????????? a ????ofo? t ?hehe e??????ryr????sts????ndnd d?faf???????o o wo ?itithth th????
Terrific if that's what you are looking for in an English muffin but not what I'm looking for. I would rather save the fat for a chocolate dessert.\"\n2288,B005QSIQKC,A3NIP7R2WXQ911,z71_fourwheelin,1,1,5,1347408000,Top quality Salsa,Had this sent to me in Afghanistan. The flavor was enjoyable but not to spicy. It is made with quailty ingridents. I would surely say this is one of the best salsa's I've ever had.\n2289,B002M"} +{"input": "??????,A,?1Z1????ZQZ??NRN????,C,CrC?aca???rbrboboxox x P ?ala?ac?e,e?????????939303??242??????? b ??????heaheal???y y m ?ufu?????\"I\"???????ViV??aMaMuMufuffuffi??????utu??mymy ?sus????mam?rkr?ketke??ses???????????x ????4 4??ufuff?ininsin????r r????29?? ???nstns?eae??? I I????ghg????theth?e me ?????? b????es es?fo???$1$161???????ndn???eacea?h h b?????????s 1s ??? mu??ffiffin?ins.ins. . I. ?InsIn??ea??d od ?of of??1.1?6262 62 p ??????????????????? o?nln??y ry ???????s s ws waw???????ege??s s as an????ororkor?s s os ou?t ?????????? 48 4???????s ps pe??? mu muf muff muffi??????nd nd????y ????y ????ma?ke?????at???s a??????? d ded??l.l??????0,????????????A2A?D4D??????X9X9Z9ZVZ?Y,Y,N,??cmcmimiymiyey?e Ee ??renre???1,11,1,??????????00?0,?????????ousou??????????t-t-p-??????, ?????---???,\"I,\"?I bI bub??y t?he??se se", "output": "B2J6I,A1Z3DJZQBNRRBD,Crackerbox Palace,1,1,5,1293062400,The best healthy muffin,\"I love VitaMuffins, but my supermarket sells one box of 4 muffins for $6.29. Instead I bought the mix, 3 boxes for $16.00, and each box makes 12 muffins. Instead of $1.62 per muffin, the mix only requires water & eggs and works out to about 48 cents per muffin, and very easy to make. That's a great deal.\"\n2290,B002MB2J6I,A2D4ODIUEX9ZVY,Necmiye Eren,1,1,5,1289952000,\"Delicious, nutrient-packed, fast--\",\"I buy these "} +{"input": "???rorouo??????e e????p-p?ana????ava?e ???rogrogrg?????ece???ses?????? a ara?e ?????apa?lel??ofo??mym?y by ????kfkfaf??? a an andnd nd?????????nanaca?k k???????e.e??br??/>/??????, , f flf?av??rfr???, ???d d f??ullull l??of of??????in??, ??the??? o??lyly ??taktakek????-2-??? mi min mi????? t to t??????????h ??minmi?imi????exe?trt?????? a?m ????an?? so so ??I uI ?useuse ??ggg???ubu?st?it??uteutesute?s s ( ???????????axax x??eeeede??in????????????????eggeg????????9 9 T ??bs bs w wawata?ere?) ) a???d td ?????????l ?bab?akeake ake??er???ectec??ly.ly?\"\"??292919????????2J2????A2A?20520?????OEO????????????,1,1,??????272??92929??????heh?e Me ????in?in Tin ToT??ps ps???re re B ????terte??????????y ???keke ke??he??????????or???Mu????in ?in Toin Top??? b bu b?ut ut t? the th???????resre?ul?te???d ind in n an ???????? pr p?rodrodud???. ", "output": "through the ship-and-save program because they are a staple of my breakfast and midday snack routine.
Light, flavorful, and full of vitamins, these only take 20-25 minutes to bake with minimal extras. I am vegan so I use egg substitutes (3 tbsps flax seed in place of the eggs with 9 Tbs water) and they still bake perfectly.\"\n2291,B002MB2J6I,A205R1G2OECHFU,Marj R,1,1,3,1279929600,The Muffin Tops Are Better,\"I really like the frozen Corn Muffin Tops, but the mix resulted in a dryer product. "} +{"input": "?I I u ?ses?????e e p pap??ere???????? l ???ererser???????I tI th??inkin?? th t????? mi m??hth??????????eded ed??o o t????????ese????2???2,2,B,B0B?????2J2??I,I??????868606????1414E4E,E?sis????1,1?1,?????????92392?848???????????oro??n mn mumufmu?ffiff???fof???????ornor????keker????I fI ????nd nd?? thi th?s s ms ??muffmuf?finfi?n tn ??????e dre dry???nd??ve???ry dry did????pop?????????IfI? I I I??utu??iti?t ut upu?? an?????? i ?it it i?n n an ??bob???????h h?yoyogo?uru??? i??t wt wawasa?s Os ?K.K. ?WoW?ulu??d nd nonotot ot o or???r ????s ??lal?avoavor???????????29????00002002M??B2JB2?J6IJ6??A1A???????????????????an,an,0,??????????60?????0,s0,?prprar?????????????? th the?n ?????pe??te?d.d???I nI ????cec?e te ???ereer?e we ?waswa?s ss sos?mem??co????lailain????th?ata???the??????finfinsfins s ws wew????drdrydry.y.<.???r /r ?????I ?????yey?????the the mthe mim?", "output": "I used the paper muffin liners and I think these might have added to the dryness.\"\n2292,B002MB2J6I,A3JAE8603DK14E,simmy1,1,1,2,1279238400,Not a corn muffin for a Cornhusker,\"I found this muffin to be dry and very disappointing. If I cut it up and put it in a bowl with yogurt, it was OK. Would not order this flavor again.\"\n2293,B002MB2J6I,A1IR6J9B4R387L,norman,0,0,5,1336608000,spray mix,better then I expected. I notice there was some complaints that the muffins were dry.
So I sprayed the mix"} +{"input": "????fof?????ooo?kik??? w ?????a a b?????r r???ava????d d???blb??? s ???aya??????h h ih isi? c???olo?? o oio?l.l.[.[s[?????asa?????????ttetter? s?pr??ay]ay?.<.?????>T>??hishi???idi?d td th????rir??k&k????theythey ???ereer?e ge grg???tt2???????020????????A2A2O2????????PWP???,s,??ri?? az a?ra????,0???????777??20200??0,i0,it???no????????imi? u ??eded ed? to to.o????????eye?y iy ititsits its d di?????????ndnd ??????thythy,y????geg?nen??al???y ly lilikli???vivit?al???????? pr p??dud????? T ?TheTh?????? m ????in?, , w?ele?l,l?, f, fo?r r 1r 101?? c???or???s s is ??'s'??s nos noto???ada?. ???ut ??????????re re??????ctict?inging ???????????liklikelik??e the t?he he? su s?gagara?/f/?????ladladedenen en??unu?k k? th t?atat ??youyouru???loclo??? b????ryry y sy se????, ?lo???? el elslse??????. . t. ??thisthi??s iss i?s ls ???like like a???eae??ththy?? ma mak???vever???thath??", "output": " before cooking with a butter flavored publix spray which is canola oil.[same as pam butter spray].
This did the trick& they were great\n2294,B002MB2J6I,A2O3GLW7K6PW48,sari azrak,0,0,4,1287792000,its not what im used to...but hey its dietetic and healthy,\"I generally like vitalicious products. The corn muffin, well, for 100 calories it's not bad. But if you are expecting anything like the sugar/fat laden junk that your local bakery sells, look elsewhere. this is like a healthy makeover that "} +{"input": "?dodoeo????????iti????utut ??????????????????????ada?????r r???? s ?????am?????t ot ??? ca c??or?iei??, ?th???chc??coc??atate?????e ie ?? m mom??e e oe ???anan n?ini???lgl???cece,e, ?bubutbu??ththith????nene ne i is i?s gs ???? f ??? a a a? bl bla??nd nd???????asa???t trt t???t,t, ??????iai?allal????ak??????????My kids are happy to get any extra snacks, so they approve...i send with them to school for a midmorning snack. im glad they get fuel and vitamins.\"\n2295,B003WWJ8LA,A29805QMFN0LFP,S. Keefe,0,1,1,1337472000,Avoid This Seloler,The picture shown is for three packages and the price is fair for three but "} +{"input": "I? w ?asa?????????????nen??bub?t t wt ???s cs ??arargr?eded d???r r t tht??eeee.e???lsl??????????? s se s?enten???as???otot ?ththeth?e i??temtem ???owownw???I I cI cacanan n b bu b?y ?th??????em em???????ed ed???????y y ly ?onongon????t at ????????l l gl ?ror???ryry ??tot??????????ent ent t???AmA????? b be bece?cauca?sese se I???as?as las ??oko???g g fg ???r tr ththe??tyt??pe pe? sh?ow??n./??r /??hehenhe???I cI coI con??aca???d ??the??se??lleller? a??d ????d ??hehemhe???bobouout??? thi th??s ts ???y ?y say s?idid ????y ??ou??ld ld g ???????e pe ?ar??iai?????redre??it it??or?? th?????emem em bem bubutbu??no?th???g g fg fog for??sh??????ing.ing???ee??ing? a??s hs ?howho??? I w I ?????????ed????????thinthi??????????t ????er?er Ier ??sh?ou???d bd ?e ????????ed ed ted toto to a? f?ulullll ll?re??unu?nd nd i?????didinding?ng sng ??shipshipp??ing?? I?? I wa I w??????????erereer??ed t?hahatha??
When I contacted the seller and told them about this they said they would give me partial credit for the item but nothing for shipping. Seeing as how I was shipped something I didn't order I should be entitled to a full refund including shipping. I was not offered that.
If I could give this seller negative stars I would. Any future buyers beware.\n2296,B0001VWE02,AQM74O8Z4FMS0,Sunshine,0,0,2,1127606400,Below standard,Too much of the white pith on this orange peel making the product overly bitter and diluting the real good taste of the orange zest.\n2297,B004NC7IFQ,A3S15YGZ6W6EV2,K. Varraso,0,0,5,1348185600,WOW! What a Deal!!,\"I like loose tea, I just don't like chewing on leaves in my tea cup, or having to dispose of a bunch of loose, soggy leaves that"} +{"input": "???eee?m m????fifini?? e ?vev?ryr???oro??er??ofo????y ky kik?????n.n??HoH??????? I ?'m'??????????roroto???en en?anand? o on onlnlyl??????? th t?? f fl f??????? tha th?? c??mem?? w wiw??h h??rer??winwi?? l lolooo?se? t te t??????o Io ???ve ve??????usu?in???tht????se ese emempemptp?y ???????????????????to? m????? lo l??se??????? l? lot lot t lt le??????ss??y ay ????juj?ustus??asas ?co??ve??iei??t ?t ast as ??ag???ed ed t te tea te?a. a. M ?os?t ???gsgs gs? of of f tf ???s ????e ???I'veI'v?e ee en???ununtn?terte??????re re???????in ???ro?pe???nd???comco??? wi w???? a ?prp????e te to??mam?atcatch??, a, ??and and a a ??sinsi??lele le???ckck k??????? d ?oeo????t ???astas??? w wh whoh????lo??ng ng t?????. . ????n n In I I??awa? t th??????ealea? h ??????????mazma?onon,on, ????wenwe?nt nt???or or ior ??.<.????/>/><>?????????he bhe ????????k ???????orkor????dende?????lll???", "output": " seem to find every corner of my kitchen. However, I'm spoiled rotten and only like the flavor that comes with brewing loose tea. So I've been using these empty tea bags in order to make loose tea a lot less messy and just as convenient as bagged tea. Most bags of this type I've encountered are made in Europe and come with a price to match, and a single pack of 100 doesn't last a whole long time. When I saw this deal here on Amazon, I went for it.

The bags look and work identically t"} +{"input": "o?????????opo???? m ?ada??e oe ??ese?, ,??????ugughg??I I??elelil?eve???th??esees????e ??madmadede de?????ndn???. .????herhe????????knknonowo???????????oto? a?bobou?t ???kik???? te t??? B BuButu??th?? p ???cec?e ie ?s s a????out out??????lesle????thath?an an? th??t ???????????ropro??????mad?e e o????????cac?an'an't't ???gug?e ????th th t th tha???. (. (W(WeW????, I, I I cI coI c?oulouldld d a???guegu?e w??ithith ?????, ?bub?ut ut I?'m'??no??t a??dod?opeop??) T) ThThah??? wa w?y,y???e ?ca??n hn ?havha??? th??? be bes?t t t???????? the the the m the ?marmarkr???????ic??h ih ?? s ?ol?d d ld ?loolo?ses???, wi, w?ithithoith?out?????the pthe pap??? i??n tn ?????necneckc????????es? o of o??brb?????g ?????se se?? tea tea a w?itithith ith a a a t a ???ea bea ???l l???????ai??????JuJ???????rowro?w iw in???thethe ?ri?????????ntnt ????te????tu???? th?? the t the ??op op???apa?????????? the b the ??g,g, ????d td th?", "output": "o the European made ones, although I believe these are made in India. (where they know a whole lot about making tea) But the price is about 2/3 less than that of the European made ones. I can't argue with that. (Well, I could argue with that, but I'm not a dope) That way, we can have the best tea on the market, which is sold loose, without the pain in the neck features of brewing loose tea with a tea ball or strainer. Just throw in the right amount of tea, tuck the top flap into the bag, and tha"} +{"input": "t?'s's s i ??. . Y ??? n ??w w????e e?? t ??aba?aga???f f??????faf?avoav???iteite ??????? B ??????????????whw?hatha??veverve????kek??????u hu ?hapha?pyp?? T ?hrh?????waw??? th t?e ??ea???lil??tlt????????y by ?bagbag g wg wh???? yo y?????e de ??ne? - ?????mem??????t at ??l.l????r /r ????r ?r />r /??'v'?ve ve?dedece??de?? t?o ??ete??tht?heshe??e oe ??? as a??????????ripri?tit???, ,??it?? a???????k k ak ?rrr????ngn??????????????????at????ay,ay, ?mym??fafamfa???y y cy ??? h??????????e ce ???s ?or?or por ???s ?s ofs o??teteate??ea??h ????? (T (???????????ororkorksks ??oror ????h)h),)?, a, ???d md ??yby???????w ????e ?e one o?n tn ????????????????re????nnn?in??g og ?outou???WeW??'ve'v?e be ??????si??ng ng????eseese ?e bae bag?s s f???or sor ?sevse????al al????th?????w,w?, a??? a??re re sre ?ti???? as as as? ha?pp?y ??witwithth th t? the??? as???", "output": "t's it. You now have a teabag of your favorite Kenyan Black tea (or whatever makes you happy) Throw away the neat little soggy bag when you're done - no mess at all.

I've decided to get these on as a subscription, with a 6 pack arriving twice a year. That way, my family can have three cups or pots of tea each day (This size works for both), and maybe a few more on the weekend before running out. We've been using these bags for several months now, and are still as happy with them as we"} +{"input": " ????e e????n n t ??heyhe?????ivivev???????AmA?aza??n ?????? o ofo???erier??g g t?hehesheses??????, ,?? a??????re re? we w???? k ?keekeep???uyu????g tg ??eme?!\"!???????B0B?0404N4??7I7IFIFQF?,A,?JWJWEW?545????????,j,????0,0?,0,,0??????757??????0,\"0,?????????? L LoL???????eafea????a a Ba BaB???s, s, 1 ???-c-cocouounu?t t ( ????? o?f f 6f ??????he?? te tea? b??????oro???wewelwell???????????????????????uyiuy??? t???e pe pap?????? s????ma??keske?s ts ??is?? a a?gog???d vd ?ala??????????hah??t yt yoyou????re nre non??t tt ?????isis is tis ???????????????re??th????ar?????izi??? b be bete?te?r r??????fof?or or?? lar la?ge????otsots ??andan?d nd nonotno???sinsi?nglng?e ?cuc????\"???999?????4N4NC4N?C7IC7???Q,AQ,????2I2???LRL??EIEIVI?,D,??ee ee??????,0????????11111???000000000,00?RiRisRi??i ????? Lo L??ooseoose ??ea?eaf eaf? Te T?????????????ke ke", "output": " were when they arrived. If Amazon keeps offering these bags, I am sure we'll keep buying them!\"\n2298,B004NC7IFQ,AJWE54AMD84Q7,joe,0,0,3,1347580800,\"Rishi Tea Loose Leaf Tea Bags, 100-count (Pack of 6)\",\"The tea bags work well with loose tea and buying the pack of six makes this a good value. But what you're not told is that the bags are the large size, better made for large pots and not single cups.\"\n2299,B004NC7IFQ,A2KF2I3XLRUEIV,Dee Juric,0,0,5,1311120000,Rishi Tea Loose Leaf Tea Bags,I like "} +{"input": "llolooo?ses??tet???anandn????te?? ha h?????? to t??????? o ououtu??????mem?tatalal l? ho hololdldedere?????ThThe?se????gsg???rer?e ie ?de??? a??????????t ??????kek???a pa popoto??????????a ???? o of o????ea ea a???? th?ene????????itit ?in?? th the? c co como??pospo?????le?? to?????????eded ??oror or?????ara??denden.n????000??B0B?00100?????DUD??A3A?SCS??T5T5G5????RAR?S,S?KaK?at at???reere????,1,???,1,1,,1,1,1,????090??202????KIKIMI??? f ????th??????cec??chcha?rgrgegeded!ed!!!???ShS??????????asa??shshohocho??ed????t tt th?? s ?kik?innin?y y sy ??zez???f ??thithisi??ititeit????? Th T????????fif??e e i????eses s ls ?lonlo?ng ng a as??I I?exexpx?ece????? b???auaus?use use?? tha th?at'at???s ths t???????e Ie ?????????? and and ????????????ut ut?????t ????e ane any????ggg????araroar??????thathan???????????encen??? a an? and and??????'s 's? a a B BIB???????", "output": "loose tea and hate having to clean out the metal holders. These bags are ideal as they let me make a pot or just a cup of tea and then throw it in the compost pile to be reused for my garden.\n2300,B00176AIDU,A3SC3T5GGVLRAS,Kat Freeman,1,1,1,1329091200,SKIMPY for the price charged!! Shocked!,\"Was shocked at the skinny size of this item!! They are five inches long as I expected, because that's the size I wanted and ordered, but can't be any bigger around than even a pencil and that's a BIG stret"} +{"input": "???????????I'I'm'? s ???????sasapa???ini???????????????g g t tht??e ce ?coscosts??~~~???? a ??d ???ipi?ppipp???? W Wo Won?'t'???e ??rdr?derderi??g ???????aga??in?.<./? ?OfO???ouo???????? do d???lil?kekeses es t????m om oko??, b, ???????ldl??'t't 't????? t th the th?m ?he??????????an?y ?memeae?????:(:?????ll? I? s se senend? t th? them the???aca?k?k? ??DoD?????knknonowo???f f if ?t't?s s w wo?rtrth?? th? the the???????????th??is is p ??inintin???BuButut ut? I ?wiw?illil??????re???mmm?????????m em eie??he???. B. Be. B????????f f tf ???? si s?zeze ??????ityity ??ndnd nd hnd hi?????ri??e ??omo??ara??d d td ?o o s so so ????any any o oto?the?r ???odo??ctc??s ts ??? ch c?ooo??se ?????! ???eee?p p??oo?kik??ing ing? is i???? a????????. :). :)<)????/>?? T ?he??????? B ?????????s's? p??ododuod?uctuc?ts ts??????derdereder?????????metmet t mt ????stastanandandadar?dsds.s. s.", "output": "ch!! WOW, I'm sure disappointed considering the cost ~~ $7 and shipping. Won't be ordering these again.
Of course my dog likes them ok, but wouldn't call them her fav by any means. :( Will I send them back? Don't know if it's worth the hassle at this point. But I will NOT recommend them either. Because of the size quality and high price compared to so many other products to choose from! Keep looking is my advice. :)
The other Beefeaters' products I ordered well met my standards. "} +{"input": "????? o ???????s as ??????? ??hahata??????????d d????ini?g?g? ????uyu??? b ???warwa?????? f ??lll??in??? t ?thathat? t?rarapa?? bi b??? ti t??????????? H ???e'e's's 's???? p ????ucuctct t l lil?inkin??atat ???is? t ti??me:me:<:?r /???
/>U>UPU??ATA????????2020101201?: : M???????lel?????g gg ????????????? n ??? t?oooo ??on??g ag ???er???? wr w???te te? th?isis ??revre?iei???......I.?I cI ?concontn??ctctect?d ?CuCusu??????????e e we ?witwi?th ?eve?en", "output": "This one was a DUD!! What's the old saying? Buyer beware? I fell into that trap big time!
Here's the product link at this time:

Beefeaters Great Fillin Porkhide Rolls with Meaty Chicken Filling, 5-Inch

Wish you luck if you try this product...but again \"\"Buyer Beware!!\"\"

UPDATE 2.15.2012: My little dog got VERY SICK not too long after I wrote this review...I contacted Cust. Service with even"} +{"input": "? m ???e e??????n n t ?? n non?? l ?iki???ththih?s s i ?tet?? a ?????heh??? re r???????????????????????????ata????? C ?usu??tomto?ere????re????? ? : :):) ) G ?re???????hah?ankank k?yoy???AmAmam???on.on??omo???? y yo y?????? T??RRR????C!C??\"\"????1,1?B0B???7676A6AIA??U,U???APA?????5252Y2??CHC??ShS??lllleleyeyFey?????,5,????50500??000??00,00????umu?ptp?????!,!???y y Sy ?co?????h h T?????????nhn?????d hd ???s ??n ????outou?t 2t 2 2?hoh????, ,?????my??fif?????y y Py ?om?er??anianiai?an,an?, w, ??ho ho???uau???y y ty ????s s hs ?????????upu???t t ct chc????????, ?lol???????t! t! I ?????ptpt pt? my my ???om om????y ????r ar a a???w ?????s,??? but bu????? re?al???y ey ?????eded ed ied ?it!it????r /r ?><>??????AfA?????ab?????riricri????faf???????ppp??inging,g, ?grg?rea?reat reat??????ctc?????23023?2,2,B????939???ZSZ????S1S????", "output": " more reason to not like this item and they refunded my money!! How's that for Customer Care?? :) Great!! Thank you Amazon.com ~~ you are TERRIFIC!!\"\n2301,B00176AIDU,A1AP55BS52YMCH,ShelleyF,0,0,5,1350000000,Scrumptious!,\"My Scottish Terrier inhaled hers in about 2 hours, but my finicky Pomeranian, who usually turns his nose up at chew toys, loved it! It kept my Pom busy for a few weeks, but he really enjoyed it!

Affordable price, fast shopping, great product!\"\n2302,B007930DZS,AYS1G5BP"} +{"input": "??LDL?????ututht?F,F,0,?,0?,5,5,????????????GoG?odo??StS?????? l ??veve e????s s f ??ososts??ngn?! !? I ??'s's ?sus?gag?????eee?????d Id ?I cI ???nonotot t??in??d id iti???? s ????resre?? ?????lll???????dedere?????????e ie ??????????uru???2232????????2Z2???F8F?,A,?181?RTR???9V9?I5I5B5???,F,??erner???unu?k,k,2,??,2,,2????242?111???00000??ChC?ararlar??ee ee?BeB??arsars,s?\"A\"AwA?esesosomo???????le???????? tr trereare?t ?fof????ouo????ava??oriorit?e ?pup???dod??. ? M ?y y t???????????es?e e je ?usu?????oveov???the??e.e???????ca??n un ????e the theh?m m f??or ?trt????????????welwe?ll ll? as as ?????st ast a a? tr????????he??y cy coc??e ???n an ?a va ?ar???????f f???????s.s. s. M My???up?s s ls ????? th t????ivive??r tr th????es??????or???sensenin????????s, s, t????ese ese??re???er?fef???t i??f tf ????y dy do???t t ht ?havha?ve ve? th? the the \" ", "output": "FLD75,RuthF,0,0,5,1348444800,Good Stuff,I love this frosting! It's sugar free and I cannot find it in stores. I will be ordering more in the future.\n2303,B0002Z9BF8,A18RTEG9VI5BNY,Fern Funk,2,2,5,1241136000,Charlee Bears,\"Awesome little snack treat for your favorite pup/dog. My two pekeingese just love these. You can use them for training as well as just a treat. They come in a variety of flavors. My pups like the liver the best. For senior dogs, these are perfect if they don't have the \""} +{"input": "?\"j\"??w\"w???popowo??r r o ??r tr ?eee?????ses??ana?ymy??oreor?? ?ThTheheye???rer?e ee ?asasys??tot??cacararrrryry ?????ouo??????????? y yo?????ogo? w ????eve??er er??????an?t t tt ?? f ?or? e ???mpm????ono?????????????ndn?? th the???neineigi?hbh????????. . ???heyhey ????e je jujusustus?t 3t ????lolor?iei?s s???chch ??so so y??????????????????????ry ry? ab a?boubo?t ???heihe???we?ig?????. A. AbA??solso????lyly ???coc?mmm????????esees?e te to??ev???????g ????nerne???2?303????000??????F8F8,8,A,?????URU?HVH???ONON6N??????????? D ?el??a,a??,1??5,5?,12,1??585??161?????????l l?gog?oodood ??bo??t ???viv?ngn????es?????rea?????to ???y py ??psp???Th?????ar?are are???????wiw?????my my?????? a??????r r t?he?he phe prprir????anandand ?????lo???eses es a???ie?ce??? th???????n'tn't t bt ??e be ?beabeat??????????re re????reat", "output": "\"jaw\"\" power or teeth use anymore. They are easy to carry so you can treat your dog whenever you want to for example on a walk around the neighborhood. They are just 3 calories each so you don't have to worry about their weight. Absolutely recommend these to every dog owner!\"\n2304,B0002Z9BF8,A383XURHVF8ON6,Mrs. Kilo Delta,1,1,5,1245801600,I feel good about giving these treats to my pups,\"These are a hit with my pups, and for the price and 3 calories a piece, they can't be beat! They're great"} +{"input": "???????raraia????g g??in in a ?ddd?????????????ti???g tg ??emem m??ntn??o fo ???? p pu p?zzz??e e? to?ysy?? to to to??eee??? th thehemhe??oco???????? I ??????????????e ae a a?sts???????upuppupplp?y ?ofof f t??eseses??to? m ???yoy?????estes??? pup pup p dp dud???ing????????lil??pi??ng ng???s hs ?? h ??s ?ququiuititeit??? b ?????? a?nxn?????y ay ?????thethes?e ?e tre t???tst?s ts ???alalllly?? ta t??ke ke???s s ms ???d ??offof??of????the the??cacara?y y cy ??ipippippepere??ata??hih??? to toe to?????????
First ingredient is wheat flour, so if your dog happens to be allergic to wheat these won't work for you. My dogs aren't allergic, nor do these treats give tummy problems, so I'm happy! Ingredient list is shor"} +{"input": "????tht??t't???ana??th?erer r p ??usus,s, , i, iti??s ?no?? a? l lol??? l li l??t ???? ar a????ici?iaiala????is????? t???at.at??brb???><>?????>I>I I???????y y??upu?s ????h h?? the th?e le ?iv?er??flflalavavov??r ar ???d td ?????heheeeese?e/e???g g fg ?flaflav?????????????ini?ngsng??up?? a a b a bibit?????he? c?heheeheesesees?e/ee/?eggegg ?ononeon???eve????????l ??????????????yuyumu?!\"!\"\"?232?050?,B,???????BFBF8F??A2A?FWFWRWR5R5252M2??????O,O?ChC?rir???????RoRon???????1,1???5,?12123??272737??00????eae????owo????aloalor?iei???re??????or ?ovo?ververwr?eie???t ?dodogo??s os ?or ?????trtratraiain??inging ???ea??????A>??ll ll????uru?al? D ??????rea????????????ee??BeB?earear r -r ???CheChee???e &e ? E EgE?gg gg???????z z???se?????le?? ba bagaga> > T Th T??", "output": "t, that's another plus, it's not a long list of artificial this and that.

I give my pups both the liver flavor and the cheese/egg flavor to mix things up a bit. The cheese/egg ones even smell like cheese, yum!\"\n2305,B0002Z9BF8,A2FWR52M3CV4SO,Christine Ronkoski,1,1,5,1233273600,Great low calorie treat for overweight dogs or for training treats!,\"All Natural Dog Treats by Charlee Bear - Cheese & Egg - 16 oz resealable bag Thes"} +{"input": "????rer???bsb????tet??? g ????t t??re???s s????? tr t???nin?????ndn????? u ?sese e we ??tht? o ovo?ere???igi???t dt ????. .???????? 4 ???ala????eses ?????????at,at????venve????? ov o??rw?eieigei???????? ca c?n ?fefeee?????????theth?y y ay ar?e ??etettt?????????atsat?s ts ??o,o??esespespe?cic??allally??in??? m ???ti?????g hg hoh????????????ereer??????do?dog dog??s s os ov???????ht??, o, ?th???????????????????? mu m????beb????ondonded??fuful??????????herhe?re re? is i?n'n't'????yty??ining?ing ming mym?y dy ?dogdogsdog?s ws ????? d ?do do? fo?r ????se???in????????ts,ts?, s, ???I'I'm'? v ve????????sesedse???itithit??????m fm ??r r mr mam????????sonso??? G ?REREAE?? P ?????????!!????303???B0B?00??Z9Z???8,8????P7P??2X2??KGKGUGUCUCRUC??S.S. ??????,0,?,0,0,,0???131??????808??,T,?hehe he?BeB??t ?????iniin???????eat??\"M\"???y doy dog", "output": "e are absolutely great treats for training and for use with overweight dogs. At only 4 calories per treat, even an overweight dog can feel like they are getting treats too, especially in a multi-dog household where one dog is overweight, others are not. Taste must be wonderful since there isn't anything my dogs won't do for these tiny treats, so I'm very pleased with them for many reasons! GREAT PRODUCTS!!!\"\n2306,B0002Z9BF8,A2ZP7F2XXKGUCR,S. Block,0,0,5,1330300800,The Best Training Treat,\"My dog"} +{"input": "'???????ded??????????????? ba b????e ???????eesee?se se??????gg?????vovoro???d Cd ?hah?rlr??? B ??ar?????? m mym? M ????esese?se pse ?upu???. .? I ???se????hehemhem m t toto o?rerewre??????imi??frf??? t?????etet-t???, ,????d h?e ?wiw?lll? d dod?o jo ??????bobouo?????yty????? i ????????owo?s ????s ?s trs t????t it ??s cs ?om????. . . ?? g??rea????????in?????d.d??. T. ????y ay ararear?e ae al????????????ouougou?????o go ????e o?ftf??n,n?, a, ??nd nd a?re????de??wiwitwith?? go g?odo?????re??ie???s.s. . . I. ????arrarryr?y ty ???m ????????oco???et et a?????? l ?litli??lel??guguyuy y ky ??epepsp?s as anan an??yey?e oe one on n???at???????et!et????303???B0B??00200??9B9??????A8A???6N6????????????Ma?th????????DlD??veverver\"r??????,0,,0??????262???00000000,0,T0,??es????rere ?ama????ing????I ????ve ve????????rerea???????", "output": "'s breeder sent home a baggie of cheese and egg flavored Charlie Bears for my Maltese puppy. I used them to reward him from the get-go, and he will do just about anything if he knows this treat is coming. A great training aid. They are also small enough to give often, and are made with good ingredients. I carry them in my pocket and my little guy keeps an eye on that pocket!\"\n2307,B0002Z9BF8,A1A8HM6N7FJZJ2,\"M. Mathis \"\"GSDlover\"\"\",0,0,5,1272672000,These are amazing!,\"I love these treats for "} +{"input": "m?y y???? g ????ana???heh?????dsd?. . I ? t???nkn? t???ses????eae?tst? a ?????re??at at?fof?r r?evevev??????gege ge s??zez?e de ????? M MyM?????????sos?lul?????y gy gog??????y ????r tr ??????????? the they the?????e oe ???? 3 ? c ??lolor?ieies???erer er??????, , p, ??rfr???t t??or? t????iniin??????????????I ??alsal?? l ?lovlo????? the the t te t?xtx??re??ofo?? th???...?? y yoy?? c?an?? pu p??????????? yo y??r r pr ??ckckeketet ?wiw?th????????on? o of????lakla????? or o?r gr ??oso??s ss ???????????s ps ????ucuctct ct??lsl???????a ??simsi?plp???????iningingring?redre??ienientn?t lt ?????.....???ppp?pospose???tot??soso ??manmanyny ?oto??????dogdog dog????at?s ???out out t th the???????????????ononoon?ounou??e ??allal??? the? the i the ???????en????????????????????yoyouyou ??non????hahathat ????????re ???ttt????.\".??232????B0B0000000200?Z9Z9B9", "output": "my two german shepherds. I think these treats are great for even large size dogs. My dogs absolutely go crazy for them, and they are only 3 calories per treat, perfect for training sessions. I also love the texture of them... you can put them in your pocket without a ton of flaking or gross smell. This product also has a simplified ingredient list... opposed to so many other dog treats out there. You can pronounce all the ingredients in the list and you know what they are getting.\"\n2308,B0002Z9B"} +{"input": "FF8F8,8????????L1L???6Y6????TBT??,0,??1,1??,1,12,1???727202?00???GrGrer??t t L ??w w???????? T TrT??ini????? Tr Tre???????????eee??BeB???? a ar?e ?sms?al?????? l ??w w cw ????orior???????yoy?u u???? u usu??e te tht?eme????????se? f ?or? t ??raira??????????e ue ??????hemhe??bob??? f??????????ardard ???????ngn???????, s, ???y,y, , d, ?ror???itit,it????avavev????? a?????ehe??vivioi?oraoral????rai????g ????o bo ?ar?k)k???? Th T???'r'?????????ininkin?? o or?or mor ???ssyss?y, y,??????????????????????????youryou?? po poco?kekete??? pu p???e,e??oror ?ca??r wr ????ououtou?????ryry.y?. . W. ?? k kekeeke?p ??? sm s?malma?l ???????????? ca car? f? for for ???????l tl ??????infin?forforcr?????henhen ??ourour ?pu?ppp?y y dy ?oeo??????babarba?????t pt pep?op?le??????in?ing ing b ?y,y, ??nen???? t th???do?or?or tor ?to to?????fofor??????hen?", "output": "F8,A29JUMRL1US6YP,HTBK,0,1,5,1278720000,Great Low Calorie Training Treats,\"Charlee Bears are small and low calorie, so you can use them en masse for training. We use them both for standard training (sit, stay, drop it, leave it) and behavioral training (no bark). They're not stinky or messy, so you can put them in your pocket, purse, or car without worry. We keep a small bag in the car for travel to reinforce when our puppy doesn't bark at people walking by, one by the door to reinforce when "} +{"input": "??????oeoese???o o t??? b ??ththrh??omom m o ?utu?sis???, ,?ana??? a a b bu bunu??h h o of o?????at?s ??? a a ??rereare?????g g f fof?r r?? tra travavev????brbr ??><>P>?ro?", "output": "she goes to the bathroom outside, and a bunch of treats in a treat bag for travel.

The one downside to these is that because they're not as stinky, it can be harder to use them to get your dog's attention if he or she is distracted, like at the dog park or if you have a bunch of visitors. Our trick to get around this is that we put some stinky treats in the treat bag with these, and they'll take on some of the scent (We use Pro-"} +{"input": "??rer??t t?BeB??????vev?????re???e e?DrDrir??d d??ogog g T ??ea????????????e).

Our dog loves all flavors.\"\n2309,B0002Z9BF8,A2JCKLHCJI1DLN,\"L. A. Cook \"\"SUMMERBUDDY45\"\"\",0,4,2,1242000000,Dog Treats,\"The treats were ok,my main complaint is they were small about the size of a lifesaver.Which made it hard to give them to my medium size dog as a treat.One treat just di not do it.This package should be labeled for toy or small dogs.\"\n2310,B0001VWE0M,AQM74O8Z4FMS0,Sunshine,0,0,2,1127606400,Below standard,Too muc"} +{"input": "?? o ?????? w ?hih?tete e pe ???h h oh ono?????s s???ana???????l l?mamakakik?ng?? th???e pre p?odo??ctc? o ov o??????????????????ili?????g g? th?? r ??ala?????????ststete te??f f tf th?????ranra?ngenge ?zez???..??313??????323???WGW??,A,?1I1?7X7????GAG?020?I7?,R,???nener???????5,55,?????565?575???00,00??arara??thoth?? R Ru??nnenn?er,er,Ier,???? a a a???ddd?lele ?aga?gedged ??un?ne?r ??andand and???kek??th??????????y cy ????enentntrt?????e toe t?????????????covco??ryry ry? ti t?????etetwt???n ??on?g g rg ?????. .??ThT?his??????????ttt?ter? t???? I ?????????????d id ??? al a?????tut?ra?l.l. . . ????terter ter eter ???ch ch l lolonlo?ng ???n ????ak???e a e a c co???le?? ta??le??????s s ws ?it?ith ith? my???at???ada????nd?????mum?scs???? r??????????????r ?????????????tetedted ???th?????????kinking??it??. ???I lI ?lovlo???", "output": "h of the white pith on this orange peel making the product overly bitter and diluting the real good taste of the orange zest.\n2311,B0032JKWGI,A1I7XZ4AGA02I7,Runner,15,15,5,1335657600,Marathon Runner,I am a middle aged runner and take this cherry concentrate to help my recovery time between long races. This works better than Ibuprofen and is all natural. After each long run I take a couple tablespoons with my Gatorade and my muscles recover quicker (I experimented with not taking it). I love t"} +{"input": "?hih?s s???????????2,2???030???KWK??I,I???AKAKEK??3C3?4B4??????JaJ???s ???omomam?????,1???????343?888??000000000,00,G,GoG?odo? S StS??????JuJ??cec???ononsn?enentn???????is is????y y??oo??. .?I I??ikikek???t t?asas as m ??chc???????e ?TaT??t ??is ?????? a an a?d ?wiw?th???theth????????????eae?????? i ?is is cis co??????eraer??lyl???chech?????????????????ubu?scs???????nd? s???ve.ve?. T. Th??is ?wiwilwi?l l?be????????plp??e te tat?artar??ch??rrr?????uicui????rorom??????????\"\"?2?31?3,3????3232J32?JKWJKWG?????????????????????nnn?ieie e Se S,S?????4,4?,13,133,13????3203200??????llllyll????ke?????,\",\"I,\"??hahavaveav?e re ?reare???? c??upu?????f f t???? st s??did??s s os ?on on?????e ane a?ntint?????????matma?oro?ry ??oto?????????? t ta tar?art art c???rr?y ??juiju???, ,?????be???????con??in?ce??d td th??at at???????", "output": "his stuff.\n2312,B0032JKWGI,A3AKEN3C4BDXCU,James Thomas,16,17,5,1334880000,Good Stuff,\"Juice consentrate is very good. I like it as much as the Tart is Smart and with the price increase it is considerably cheaper even with subscribe and save. This will be my staple tart cherry juice from now on.\"\"\"\n2313,B0032JKWGI,A27OJMB4A0I8WG,Jeannie S,7,7,4,1339632000,Really like it.,\"I have read a couple of the studies on the anti-inflammatory potential of tart cherry juice, and became convinced that it's wo"} +{"input": "r??h h?a a???y y ( ???? a a 5 5757-7??????thlth?ete?e)e?. .??I I??ikikek?? th thihisis ????dud??????c c????????ele?????lsl?s es ???ct????hoh?w w m mamana?y y cy ??????eses ???tatab???sps?ooo?n n????eqe???????ntn??????sos??????????keke ke a??n in ???oro?mem?????hoihoici?es? a?s ??? h hohowho?w mw mum?uchuc????????, b, ???ed??on??? the??nun?????-o-?f-f???????? eq equ???al?ene????in??? the??????ie???I'I???????d.d. ????ca?n'n't't ??????????? th????accac?????y ??????? the l the ??????, b????I'?ve? n??o ro ?reare???on ??????oubou??t it ?????????e ge grg??wnwn ?to??????ke tke ??e ?flf???vorvor,r, ?es???cic????? m?ixixex???wiw??????????eleltel?????\"\"???141???000????????,A,????????525???IAI??????9,9,1,101???,1?333353?????00?????reatreat ??for???????ingin? r?ececoec?ve???,I,I ?amam m t???in?????????", "output": "rth a try (as a 57-YO athlete). I like this product b/c the label tells exactly how many cherries a tablespoon is equivalent to, so I can make an informed choices as to how much I use, based on the number-of-cherry equivalents in the studies I've read. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the label, but I've no reason to doubt it. I've grown to like the flavor, especially mixed with lime seltzer!\"\n2314,B0032JKWGI,A2V2EKUQ5297IA,SJC,9,10,5,1335830400,Great for running recovery,I am training for a"} +{"input": "???ala?? m mam?raratatht????? A ?????e e s ???artar??ofof ?mymy y????ini??ingin? I ? w ?asa????t tt ?takta???ing ing c ???????juj??cec???? As A?????incin???as???? my m???onongong ????????chch ch w??????? k knk????????d hd ?ipipsps s ws ?erereere e se soso o????re.re?. ?I I sI st?arartartearteded ed????????????s s cs ?chech?errer?????oncon?cencentn??????????eve???????????hehenhen n??????ve ve f ??????????y ???????. I????keke ????????iceic???eveev???y my ???????????? m???brb???akfak?as?????. It. I?t ht ??s ?s a s a?????ry sry ststrst?on?? f?lal??or? b bub??t mt ????????ellell l w?it?h h?apappp?lel?e oe ?or ?or??????????ce.ce??????? ha h??f ?f maf m?araar????n ??'m'??????????????s s ts th??????ekekeek???? an a?nd ?I ?????? re r?eadea?y y fy ????it? t??????s is ??????art art t? to to? th the th???????y ??uiuic??e he ?????ing?ing ring ??duducu?ce ce??? the the p pa????. ?. Th. Thihishi????", "output": " half marathon. At the start of my training I wasn't taking cherry juice. As I increased my long runs each week my knees and hips were so sore. I started to take this cherry concentrate and ever since then I have felt pretty good. I take the juice every morning with my breakfast. It has a very strong flavor but mixes well with apple or orange juice. The half marathon I'm running in is this weekend and I feel ready for it thanks in part to the cherry juice helping reduce the pain. This stu"} +{"input": "??????rkr????????e.e..??????????????GIG???3L3?????CIC????K3K3,3??aya??or ????omombmbub??geg???6,6,6?,5,???????666????,Y,?????etet t y yo??ur ur????????? h ?????papaia?n n??ndn? n ???????s ?????n bn ????? ar a?msms ??ror?om om????in?chc??d ????ve?? at a?t tt ??e ????tot?om ??f f mf mym? n????????I sI sts???teteded ed???in??in?? t ?thith????????e te ththrthrer????onontn???????? w??hathat ??ililll????????????? a f a ??ur???????x x m mo m?onton?th th???coc??verve???? B ???aua???????do????r r? ha hasa?s ps ?????me me??on on????????te??rm rm a???i-i-i-???????????y ?me??ic??atiat??on,on? I I I a?? n??ot ot a????oweow???????takta???????????-c-co?ununt???????icicaicaticatit?ionio?s s ls ????ke Ake ?dvd?il? a????TyT?lel??olo????I ???????ay ay? th t?????akaki?ng?????la?ss????f tf th???s j??uicui?ce ce? ha?s s ts ???? sa sam??", "output": "ff works for me.\n2315,B0032JKWGI,A3LZQZMCIZDXK3,Mayor Bloomburger,6,6,5,1345766400,You bet your life!,\"I have pain and numbness down both arms from a pinched nerve at the bottom of my neck. I started drinking this juice three months into what will likely be a four to six month recovery. Because my doctor has put me on a long-term anti-inflammatory medication, I am not allowed to take over-the-counter medications like Advil and Tylenol. I can say that taking a glass of this juice has the same "} +{"input": "ppap????kik???in????fff???t t?????akakikinki??g tg ??????viv?il.il. . ?I I??njn???????????assas??s ?????y ?- -??nen? i ?in in???e ??????ing? a??? o on o????t ??in???r.r?. . T ThT???? onl onlyl???????sis??e ?????????????? w whw?ici?? i???????llyll???thethe e oe ???ly ly p ???cec?essesse????sugsu??? I I I e????t dut d???????the????ay.ay?. ???e ??uiu?????????es es? go goooodod ??ndnd nd? th?e e qe ????iti??y oy ?f f??? the the??yryrur???? is is c ??onson?????????andan??????sasanantant.t.<.?brb??/>/????r /?????????ly?????'t'?t gt ????or???\"m\"?iri???le??? f ??????or???diediete??fafada???, b, ?utu??th??? j ???iceice ice????pl?y ?wo??????- t- ?thithisthi?s is ??is tis ??????al????????????wiwil?l l n ????cuc?ureur??papaipa??, ???? i????il?ill ill i?nhn?hibhi?itit it? in??lalamla??at??onon on a???????il???atateat???fasfa???r ?he?al???ng ng? of of f af ar????", "output": "pain-killing effect as taking two Advil. I enjoy two glasses a day - one in the morning and one at dinner. The only down-side is the sugar, which is really the only processed sugar I eat during the day. The juice tastes good and the quality of the syrup is consistent and pleasant.

I usually don't go for \"\"miracle\"\" foods or diet fads, but this juice simply works - this is the real deal. It will not cure pain, but it will inhibit inflammation and facilitate faster healing of arthri"} +{"input": "?tit????sps??sms?s,s, s, a ?ndn????rar?ini?s.s????313161????????KWK??I,I????CYC?31?YAY???SBSB3B3,3?CaC??sas?????,6,?6,66,????????848?16??00,00??rur?lyl? c coc?ncn????ra???d d jd ??ici?ce,ce?\"T\"???is is?ju??iceic?????aca?tut????? c co c?oncon??ntntrnt????? a?? a?dvdvev???tistises??. .??? a??? t ?heh????juicjuice? c co??ncenc??tr?atateteste????f af ???????vov?? i? h ???e e te ?????????isis is ois ??e ?????theth?e me ???t t?? con???centcen?tratrattrate????an???? i e i exexpxpepece??eded ?th?the the o ??????s ts tot?????as? c?? conc??ent?ra?????bub?????theythe?y wy ?er???????ththi??. ????ueu?????arart????herherrrryr?y jy ju??????????? l lilikikeke ?frf?????????k k?? che ch????????? g????eraeralal,al, ?bu??????tmt???????y Ry ?TCT?J J h ha h??????the mthe ????e te tae tare ta????????fl?av??or!or??????7,7?,B0,B?????JKWJK??I,???Q3Q????P3P303?????????3,?3,3,43,???34?696???00", "output": "tis, spasms, and sprains.\"\n2316,B0032JKWGI,A29CY31YA7HSB3,Cassandra,6,6,5,1340841600,Truly concentrated juice,\"This juice is actually concentrated as advertised. Of all the juice concentrates of any flavor i have tried, this one is the most concentrated, and i expected the others to be as concentrated but they were all thin. I guess tart cherry juice tastes like fresh black cherries in general, but Montmorency RTCJ has the more tart best flavor!\"\n2317,B0032JKWGI,ALQ3QLLP30HLG,SRA,3,3,4,134697600"} +{"input": "??,C,???????????n n o ??theth?er er????andan???TaT?ststetese????kek???????in?g g a a a??????? p pipiei?. .?I I p??rcr?chach????????s ?????mymy ?????her??????????ndn???????olo??d md mem?e ie ???wow?orkorksk???uiu??klk?y.y. . I. ??'s??????????????? t????helhe?p p? lo l?wew??er ber ??oooodo???????????. S. ???????ded????er?????t'?s ?????? s???rsr??bebece?auausu??? of of f t????hihighighgh h??riricricec?e.e.?232???,B,??030???KWK??I,I????????????KWLKWLOLO,O????go?ry???elelaelan??,3,????5,5?131???828????00,00???????ou???ta?rtr?t ct ???errer???cocononcncecence???ratra????veverve??ry bry ????????oo?d ???????????er?er ber brer bra?nd?? I' I???? tr tri??ed.ed??FaF?antan?tasta?stist???????? a an?d ?ea????tot????e.e. e. T ????s ss ?stust????cacanca??be????? a?ddddid???ivi?ve.ve????319319,9?,B0,B?00300??JK?WGWGIWG?I,AI,A1A????WJW??00??R5R??I,\"I,?BrBri?an?a ????", "output": "0,Cheaper than other brands,Tastes like drinking a cherry pie. I purchased this for my mother's gout and she told me it works quickly. It's also supposed to help lower blood pressure. Speedy delivery. It's not 5 stars because of the high price.\n2318,B0032JKWGI,A3M9P66YDEKWLO,Gregory Delany,3,3,5,1342828800,Delicious tart cherry concentrate,Every bit as good as any other brand I've tried. Fantastic taste and easy to use. This stuff can become addictive.\n2319,B0032JKWGI,A1QW0WJC002R5I,\"Briana Clar"} +{"input": "?? \" ?????lylywy????\",\"?2,2??????343?878????????el?????witwi?h h???re? j ?oio???s ???d d m ??scs???s,s,\",?? a ?m m a a a??ono?g-g?did?sts??ancan?? r rur?????? an andnd nd???beb???? d ????er???????????k ok ??jej?????tot? t?????danda?????? an??d md ???knk??????????ct ct??o ??theth?e re ?????ing????I ???s ?hahavaviv??ing ing????lotlo? o?f f????ubu??????anaan?gigining?ing ming mymy my p ???in in a an???????? d???ngng ng??y ?acactac??vivitviti??????withwit?h ih ?bub?????enen n???lonlo????. I. ??????d ad ??ou????tarta??t ct ??????y jy ?uiu??ce ce?in??my????runnrun?????ing maing magagaag?ziz??e,e????? and I and I ?ded?eciec??dedded ?to??????e ie iti??? t tr????ftf?erer er? re r?ad???????????f ??the????thetherthe?r rr ?revre??ewe????er?e ??n n An ?????????????????r />r /????am am s??mpm????bl?????????y by ?y y ty ?the?the dthe ??????renrencncence!e! !??????odo??????ll????ea?", "output": "k \"\"Brelywi\"\"\",2,2,5,1348704000,Helps with sore joints and muscles,\"I am a long-distance runner and a belly dancer. My back objects to the dancing and my knees object to the running. I was having a lot of trouble managing my pain and still doing my activities with ibuprofen alone. I read about tart cherry juice in my running magazine, and I decided to give it a try after reading some of the other reviews here on Amazon.

I am simply blown away by the difference! My body really reac"} +{"input": "t?? t ?? t th t??s s ss ?tutufufff?????? k knknen?e e???ini? h ???s ds ??isais?ppp???rer??, ,??ndn???????????nln?y ?huh??ts??????ingin???????? d???????ck? b be bene???????????????e-e?dadaya????lil????, t, ???. ??I ?cac?an an d? def defif?iniin?tet??ly ?te?ll? t?????difdi?ffeff??renre?cec???? d?ayaysay???heher??????oro??ete???o ?????e te ????! ! ?????an ??????? bo bon?usus,s????ha?veve ???????? m????kedked ?dedecde?rerea?sese e ie ?? h ho h????or????my my? mu m????ese??????, a, ?as as?wewelellel?????? wi w?ishish h I I I???d ????ardard d ad abd abob??????????ooo?oneon??!/><>??????????ll?ow??????t it ?it it s sa say???????????botbo?tlt?????????ce ce?????ce ????????. A. ??????st?, ?, I , I w????????t ut ?????? a a????lelesle????????????????ing ????ou???ofo??? the????????????????BSB????ozo?.).?, , w, ?????", "output": "ts to this stuff. My knee pain has disappeared, and my back only hurts during really deep back bends. I had same-day relief, too. I can definitely tell the difference on days where I forget to take this! As an added bonus, I have noted a marked decrease in how sore my muscles are, as well. I wish I had heard about this sooner!

I follow what it says on the bottle, 1 once twice daily. At first, I was just using a tablespoon and licking it out of the tablespoon (2TBS=1 oz.), which "} +{"input": "?? s ??ilillll l d ?? i ini???????orornr??ingingsg?, , b ????gog???????d ????s s? st s???f f???s ts ????? ???? f ??????????is?n'n?????oo oo? ba bada???????thinthi????oso???????cac?????????? ta tasast???????s as ?areare ????shs?oco?k.k???Th?e ?sesecse?onondon?d od ?oneon???eaeala??y y gy geg??s ?mem??, t, ?thoth?ougou?????LaL????ly,ly, , I????????n n mn ?????ing ing? my my ??????????to to a ??cuc???????oraor???? j ??ici?ce ce a at a???in???????hih???? lo l?ookoo?????sgs??????? b??ut ut? ta???stesstes,??????????ingingling??ly, ly,?re???ly?? go g??d.d?????/>/?
I really hope this product comes back in stock soon, I don't think I could go without it and I'm hesitant to switch to a different brand.\"\n2320,B0032JKWGI,A3I221R88AR539"} +{"input": ",?????ylyl l?PrPrir?ncn????,2?,4,4,4,1,131343???787????,t,??rtr? c ??herhe??? c?ono??ene???????\"G\"GoG???, ,???? r ?eae??????lel???????ririnri?k.k. .????rorod?ucu?t ???at??isi????oodoo???forfor ??leleele??in??? an and??????????ioi?on.on??? w ?ili?l ?bub?y y???aia?? i if i? t ????????? s ?ta?ysy??????on?????????3232121,1?B0B???32J32???GIG????QJQJ5J?5J5??2F2?5E5E2E??,\",??elela????D.D. . V. ??anoanovovev????\"W\"?????V1V??373???\",\"?,2,,2,2,2,??5,5,1,13,13434134141????????xcx???llell??t,t?????????her?????????????????????? ta t?????ve??????er??????) )??\"\"?CoC????????pop?????????ororeor??cycy ?ReRede?d Td ???t ??CheCh??????????ce Cce ?ConCo??ncennce?ntrntrantr??e ?34? o ?z.z.<.Country Spoon Montmorency Red Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate 34 oz.
I like this product, and, perhaps, "} +{"input": "????????orordr??r r t ththih?s s c chc?er?????uiu??? c co c??ce??trt?atatet??aga?aia?n.n??2??222????????KWKWGW?I,I?ALA?K6K????QTQ???????. . K KiK??d,d????,4,????????????,t,?asa?te???lil???e fe ?rerese?h h? ch c????iei??,T,???s s is ?is is v ???y ???odo???utu???????fef??? th the????????d cd ?chech????????????????s s ms mem????y ty tot??de???????th th???d d td ththeth?????cecen????????????'t'?t st ???m m??o ????????arar r ar ??? th???li?liquliqui?uid uid????cece.ce?????st? m mymy y py pr??fe?rerenre?ncenc???232?????00?32?32JK32J?KWGKW??,A?2R2??ZDZ??BVB??NSN?4545,5???ACA?H-H?98???3,?6,6?,14,14,????13413?22?242?00????oe?s ??OTOT T P PuP?ut ut m??e te to??slslel??p!p?!,!??????ugu????? b?oto????s ?ofof f t th???is Tis TaT?artar?t Ct ChC??herrherry???JuiJuic?? b??????e ?e the the???wew??e ??????er???thath?????RTR?????SMSMAMAR??. ???eyey y my ???y by ?e e pe ?proprovoviv?", "output": "I will order this cherry juice concentrate again.\"\n2322,B0032JKWGI,ALK6RQLQTDZ59,J. Kidd,0,0,4,1349827200,tastes like fresh cherries,This is very good but I prefer the liquid cherry juice. Less messy to deal with and the concentrate doesn't seem to go as far as the liquid juice. Just my preference.\n2323,B0032JKWGI,A2RIZD9BV8NS45,COACH-98133,6,14,2,1342224000,Does NOT Put me to sleep!!,\"I bought 2 bottles of this Tart Cherry Juice because they were cheaper than TART IS SMART. They may be provid"} +{"input": "i?ngn??tht?? A ?ntntit?????????????atat t????? s sas???bub?t ???????omo???ete?????????ledled d???e ie ?in in???lplpip?ingin?g tg tot?? sl sle????beb?ettet??? a ?at at??????. .?????etuetururnr???????oto??lele le t to t???????????wew??t t bt ?aca????? T TAT?RTR?? IS I??SMS???T.T. . I. ?????? t to???akakeke ?upu???-4-??????s s as ? n??ighight? &???ava????rorououbu?le?????ettiett?????ac???to????????. B. ??in?ing ?ne?ara?ly? 8 8080 0? & & r & ??ti??redred,d??? c???n sn slsle???????ifi? I? I c I chc???se????iti?? m??y Ty ??????rmrmumulu??, , I, I I gI ge??t tt tot t??slslesl?eepeep ????rl???ququiu???, , w, wa??ke ke??? 7 ????ourou???lalatla??????gegetget get? an anonotothot???t ?ho????or????o o ao ??????vivisi??????ing ting ??the the???????????ThT?isis is????duducuctc??mamayma???worwo?k ?????? be b?ett????fo?????? b?utut ut?? I f I ???ndn?d od ???????t ????ksks s fs fofor?????& ?wiw", "output": "ing the Anti Oxidents that they say but they completely failed me in helping to sleep better at night. I returned 1 bottle to Amazon & went back to TART IS SMART. I used to wake up 3-4 times a night & have trouble getting back to sleep. Being nearly 80 & retired, I can sleep in if I choose. With my TIS formula, I get to sleep fairly quick, wake up 7 hours later & get anothert hour or two after visiting the bathroom. This product may work much better for you but I found one that works for me & wi"} +{"input": "?lll??????k k???thth h i it????rer????. .?I I??????tot??re?????????op??????? of of f? th t??????odo???????on??\"??2?323?4,4??000?001001V1???0C0????????8Z8????S0S??????????,0,0,??0,20,?,1,111?272?606?????,B,Be,B??????tat??dad?rdr??ToT?????????f f tf th???whw????e pe ??ithith h o??????is is???????????? m??kik???????e p?????ct???ve??lyly y??it?teterte???andan?d dd did?????ngn???thethe the??eae???gog??d d td ?????e oe ?of of??? the the? or????????stst.st..223232??????0909F9???B0????????????B6B?D0D???KaK??ene????wow???d d t?????lel?er\"er\"\"??,1,1,,1,1?,1,5,1,5,?131303???161???00,?MyM?y fy faf????????crcraracra????????????e ??an???gedge?d t?????indin?d t???esees??e cre c???????? in in ?oto?the??r cr ???untun???????n n on oun o???tr?avave?????ut????ad ad? ru run?? ou out????I lI ??ve??? tha th????????arare? i in ind in?????duadu???", "output": "ll stick with it forever. I hope to read YOUR opinion of this product soon?\"\n2324,B0001VWE0C,AQM74O8Z4FMS0,Sunshine,0,0,2,1127606400,Below standard,Too much of the white pith on this orange peel making the product overly bitter and diluting the real good taste of the orange zest.\n2325,B0009FHDB0,A2QXVWSVEMB6D0,\"Karen \"\"world traveler\"\"\",1,1,5,1303516800,My favorite crackers,\"I have managed to find these crackers in other countries on our travels but had run out. I love that they are individually"} +{"input": " ??????eded d????lll??papacackc?????ini??a a s???y y????shs? c coc??ta??inein??. .????s ???ke??s ts ??eme? g ?re?atat t?????????????mym?y py ????????aka????????rkr? o ?? o?????rprplp?ananen?es es??oror ????????etetcet?. . A. ?lsl???lolovo?? t???? t???????e ??otot t ot ov????y ????????????ke ske ??????y ???er??????????d d cd ???ck?ererser????omompm??????thath????shish??ppepped??th?em????d ?a ????at??joj?? - ? f fa f?sts?t tt ?????????6,6???00???HDH????A2A?ITI??3O3?????????J.J. ?. Al. A??c c W ?esestes??0,0??,5,???343?929222?????,T,????beb?estest est t ta?????????rac???????????,\",\"T\"???? i is i??s ths t?? b be bes?est ???????????ac???er er I I'I?ve? e ev eve?? t???????. . I It It ?ma?y ?co?????es????in ??a Fa FiFili?????????or Aor ???????stostor?e ???? w???chch ?is??alallal????????nd?????d ???", "output": " wrapped small packets in a stay fresh container. This makes them great to carry in my purse, take to work or on airplanes for snacks etc. Also love that they are not overly salted like so many American brand crackers. Company that shipped them did a great job - fast too!\"\n2326,B0009FHDB0,A2ITY3O2UPJLN8,J. Alec West,0,0,5,1349222400,The best tasking crackers ever.,\"This is the best tasting cracker I've ever tasted. It may cost less in a Filipino or Asian store ... which is all well and good unl"} +{"input": "?ese?s s?????????t t????e e?clc??ses???? o ????(I(I I d???????? N ??tet????????heh????x x s sas?ysy?s 1s 1 1 p ???ndn???? o?unu?cec???- - b ???t t??he he d??escescrcriripi????? o???????s ps pap???????ys ys?\"\"\"?2828z8?\"\"\"\" \"\"??whwha?tetevte?verve? a a a????z\"\"z\"?????????f f t th t?????eae??????ozoz,z,\",\"\"\"\" ???'s'???ncnconc???ece???. . ???????a 3a ??????bo?x.x?. . I. ??????y cy ??????????? a???e e t?????indin???it it??ve??n cn ???apa????on??linli?e ????? t????prp???ce ce s???wnw??onon ?ththithisthis ?s pas p?ageag?????he??re?re? ? ??mamaza?onon ????rinri???). ). ?WhWheWh?ne?ve?ver ver? yo y??????y sy sts?ufu????likli?e ??e thie th???, b, ?????????o ??on?sisidi??er er? th???????ttt?tomtom m??in????\"\" p\"\" ????ce ce (ce ????dud???? pl p?usu??shs?ip?pip??????? an andnd nd??heheche?????or or????????atiat??????az?????pagpa????wh??ereer??itit'it???????peperper.r?. ?OnO??", "output": "ess you don't live close to one (I don't). Note that the box says 1 pound 14 ounces - but the description on this page says \"\"28z\"\" (whatever a \"\"z\"\" is). If they meant \"\"oz,\"\" it's incorrect. It's a 30oz. box. In any case, I was able to find it even cheaper online than the price shown on this page. Where? Amazon (grin). Whenever you buy stuff like this, be sure to consider the \"\"bottom line\"\" price (product plus shipping) - and check for alternative Amazon pages where it's cheaper. On t"} +{"input": "h????pap??e,e, ,???'s'??????????oro?????0o0????oxox x w wiwitithit???rer????hi?ppppip??????????????????orordor?erer ??????? o?????????? B ????????hi?s s ps ?pagpa??:<:???r /r ??????????a ha ??refref=f=\"=??hth?tpt?:/:??wwwww???mam??onon.n???m/m/g/gpg?/p/????ucu?t/t?B0B??????????\"\">\"\">S>??? F ???????CRC??CKC????S 1S 1x1?858??Ga???????t>?hehe ???????30o30?? b bo b?? c co?stststs ???lyly y??9.9????+ +? $5 $?5.45.??? sh shihiphipphip??????..????? $1 $?4.4?4949 49 t?ototaot????ovo??? a a a??olo????r cr ??heahe??????thath??n on ?on on?? thi th?is ????????SoS??, b, bubuyu???ro?m m A ?ma?zo?n n .n ?????????otot ot f? fro fr???????s p?ag?e.e.\"e.\"\"2?????B0????FHF???B0,B0??VHV??EYEYCYCUC???GOGOFO??ReRene????????131???585808???0,0,S0,SK????AK?ES?,T,???his his??????ctct ct??s ????????? sn snanaca???veverve??????ht???ndn???asa????ulu?", "output": "his page, it's $15.78 for a 30oz box with free shipping (if you total order is $25 or more). But on this page:


the same 30oz box costs only $9.00 + $5.49 shipping ... or $14.49 total, over a dollar cheaper than on this page. So, buy from Amazon ... but not from this page.\"\n2327,B0009FHDB0,AVHOEYCURXGOF,Ren,0,0,5,1347580800,SKYFLAKES,This product is a quick snack very light and tasteful "} +{"input": "wwiw?tht??ana?????rer?ada????????? l ???e e??it it???? T TaT?kekeske???p p?????lyly ?aya?????????f f????????e e oe ?f ?pap?ackac??tst?s as ?arear??plplalacaceac????n n y ?????????????????uaualalll?? w wrwrar??pep?? c?ra?????s ?mam??????it it sit ?stastay???????h fh fof?or or l lo l??????pe????dsd??2????,B,??00????????A3A?161???1W1??3U3????,J,?. ???reere???????????252?535393????0,0?????actac??ly ?whw?hatha?????????ed?, ,??plapl???? an andnd nd s??mpmplpleple\"e\",\"??????youyou u??ikikeike ??wew?eTe?TarTa?tsts ts? an?d ?yo??? wa w????th???? in i??? b ??????????t,t??th????????ucuctc??isis is? fo f??????. ?ThTheh?e Se Swe Swe???????????e ?e pee p????ctctlct?ly ly sly seseaealealeledle?????????????llllellen????conco?ndindit??ionion.n?. T????re re????re nre non??dod??????eses.es????32?9,9????000E000?????YE,YE??????W1W??K0K?5U5?W9W?9,\"9,?C.C???akake??r \"r ??????", "output": "with any spread or just like it is. Takes up hardly ay space if a couple of packets are placed in your bag. Individually wrapped crackers makes it stay fresh for longer periods.\n2328,B000E5C1YE,A316CV1WH3U5C5,J. Greene,1,1,5,1255392000,\"Exactly what I ordered, plain and simple\",\"If you like SweeTarts and you want them in a bulk amount, this product is for you. The SweeTarts came perfectly sealed and in excellent condition. There are no downsides.\"\n2329,B000E5C1YE,A1IL6W1NK05UW9,\"C. Baker \"\"cbake"} +{"input": "r???\"\",\"\",2,2,2???????????686?0000,0,C,????sisici???????????ete??rtr?? e ??oko???s ns non????lglgig???mem?mom???????? g ???ngn?????????? c ?an??dy dy s ?stost???e ae ??????iniin???g fg ?oror or????? s?we??? a ?andand and sand ??????ha??kyk? t ta t???e ?????????clc???ssiss???cacanca?ndynd?? ??hihili?e ???'s'????????? ca c??andyand???it it?????as????y cy ??hewhe????le le a an a?nd nd??????leleale?asaas??t ?te?xtx???e e a?????tasta??e.e???YoY????ea?lll???y cay c??????go go?????ng ng? wi w?ithit? t???s ????????. T. ???????????????ckc? i is? i it i?t it ?is is?? har hard?? to to ????p p??t ???st??? one one e a?e ande an???efe??????ou???????? it it? yo y???vev????te????? e???iri??????????333?????????C1C?YEY???RGR???JTJ?X0X???SBS???omom m??,0,??0,0,50,?????2323923939?6060000,00?\"M\"MmMmmmm,m??FrF???h ?Ca?????,\"?I I? ha??ve ve????ere???????esees?e a", "output": "r\"\"\",2,3,4,1212796800,Classic Candy,Sweetarts evokes nostalgic memories of going into the candy store and pining for that sweet and sour chalky taste of this classic candy. While it's a hard candy it is easily chewable and has pleasant texture and taste. You really can't go wrong with this candy. The only drawback is it is hard to stop at just one and before you know it you've eaten an entire roll.\n2330,B000E5C1YE,ARGN1JTX00MSB,Tom N,0,0,5,1302393600,\"Mmm, Fresh Candy\",\"I have ordered these a"} +{"input": "???ouo???e e??imi?ese? n nonowo????heh?? a ??rir???e se ?????????eshes?? an andnd d s ?eaeala???d ed ???????timtime???I I u ????????????a a???lll?? a a d dadaya??fr?????he??gag?s ??tatatati??????owow ow I ??????????stast??h ?at??hoh???e te ??????s ?????????? a??yty???e.e?. Y. ?umu???2?????????E5E???YEY?,A,????6J6???656????W,W,K,???did??????????121292?909?242??000000,??oto?ta? l ????ve Wve WoW??kak?????ve?ve pve ?????hasha???????k k c?????es??whw?herhere?? th??ey ey a?re??ololdol??????ri?bl?????lavla??rsr???????????y ??mam???ede?d t???????????isis is? wa w???? a g a ??reare?????y,y???????g g???nene ???? th???se se? dr drar?????ksks.s?????3232,2,B??000000E000?????????PBPBPB???????????MTM????CKC???\",\"????2,52,5,5,15,?12412454??969???00,00??gregr?eateat ??????ctc?t at ????a ga ?????at pat ?pripr?cece,e?,\"I,\"???useus?ed ed? th? thes these", "output": " couple times now. They arrive super fresh and sealed every time. I used to buy a roll a day from the gas station, now I have a stash at home that is available anytime. Yumm\"\n2331,B000E5C1YE,A2HW6J4S659RGW,Kardiak,0,0,5,1299024000,Gotta love Wonka,\"I've purchased bulk candies where they are old, terrible flavors, or simply smashed to dust. This was a great buy, having none of those drawbacks.\"\n2332,B000E5C1YE,AIPBPZT9QR9CC,\"MT \"\"CK\"\"\",1,2,5,1245196800,great product at a great price,\"I used these"} +{"input": " f ?oro?????????????y ?pap??tyt??asa??on????? t ??e ??wew??? t tr t???????o o??????ouo????? th the??y a?????re???, ,?????kik????ala???lol?ve?? t? the them them m??ndnd ??????rir?????as??????lo?????????beb???ere????anan an p ?????hasha??ngn???lsl????herherere.re?. . ? th???iti??m ?cacama?e e ae ???ded???riribri??????d ?????frf??shs?. . ???hanhankn???????mam???on.on.c.cocomo?\"\"?????,B,?000????C1C????A2A?FUF??????808??????????awa????0,0,1,????,13,1???383888?88088?00,00??xcxce????????t ???s vs ve??y ?vever?y y gy gogooo?d d sd ??ee??tsA>??mazma?zonzo? a??waway?s ??is is????elellel???????r /r />r /?>Am>A?maz??on on a?????ways ways????exe??xcelxce?lle?????
A/>??az???on aon alalwal???????is eis ??cecel?le???ntAm>Ama>Am?azo?n ??alwalwaalw???s is iss is ???????len?tt2??33433??????E5???YE?,A,A1,A????MCM???VCV?C4C?5,????????", "output": " for my sons bday party as one of the sweet treats to have out. they are great, the kids all loved them and the price was fabulous, way better than purchasing elsewhere. the item came as described and was fresh. Thank you amazon.com\"\n2333,B000E5C1YE,A2FUCWDBN80VLW,abu nawaf,0,1,5,1323388800,Excellent,It is very very good sweets
Amazon always is excellent
Amazon always is excellent
Amazon always is excellent
Amazon always is excellent\n2334,B000E5C1YE,A19Q0MCRKVCC45,A7la-1,0"} +{"input": "???,5,5,5?????484????00,00,E,ExE????lel??t,t,\",?Ex??celcell??enten?????????ent ent???d d?prp?odo?ucuctc??asas s w ?el?? , ???ooo??ini?? f ??rwr?ara???toto o???rcr????e e????inin in? , ,????nkn???brb??/>/?????ell?????shshish?ipmipmemenme?nt nt??nd? p??rodro??ct?????we???? , ????okiokin??g fg ?forforw????d td tod t?o po ??urcur???????????? , , t , ??????E/>?????lle?nt?nt snt ???pmpmepm?????andand ?pr?od?ucuctuc?t at ast a??s wes w?ell???? , lo , loo?ki???? fo for????? t??o po puo p?urcurchurc?hasha??e ae ????in ??????nk??????????00??1F1???CKC???5D5???XJX?HDH???????. .??o,o?3,3,3?,5,5,,5??191??595929???????oco???ata??e Ie ItItat???an??kikiski?????- -?????d Id I I???? m ?ororeor????MyM?y fy fafama??lyl???has??beb??????in lin lo??e e we ??thth th?BaB????????verver ?sis???? w we we ??livli??d ?in?in Ein EuEur???e.e. ??WhW???? my my ????ghghth????s w????????allal?l tl ??????coico?ineined?", "output": ",1,5,1321488000,Excellent,\"Excellent shipment and product as well , looking forward to purchase again , thanks
Excellent shipment and product as well , looking forward to purchase again , thanks
Excellent shipment and product as well , looking forward to purchase again , thanks\"\n2335,B0001FQVCK,A5D06XJHDXK75,C. Po,3,3,5,1190592000,Chocolate Italian kisses - need I say more?,\"My family has been in love with Baci's ever since we lived in Europe. When my daughters were small they coined "} +{"input": "?ththeh????????\"B\"??cic???????\"\" \"\"?fof????he??eve??er er??he?? w we wer?e ???????or or???t t ft fef?????g g?????. . ?ThT??hey hey a ara??e ae ?? wo w??????ulul l t?rereare?t,t, , a af a??????a ma memeaeala???????esespsprp??sss?o o?????apappp????????. . P Po P?p p?????ene?titirirere re B ?BacBa?? i ?? y ???? m mom???th ???? e ex e?????enencen??e te ??e ?faf?????? Pe P????????chc?????????????????? th the??????ll ll??rur??????hah?zez??nun?????nt?????????e Ie ???????????o eo ev??????in???????th cth clc???? a????nd thnd thih??s bs ?ea?????a Ha ?er????hey'hey???????s a?????????2232??6,6?B0B??00100???????????ESESTSTGT?????RAR???JLJLaL?angan?,2,2,2????,2,1,2,121292??808?323202?00,00,I,??????recre???papac???gi?????I I? or ord orde????? th???? it ite??????a ?la???e ???an???y,y, ?bub?? w???te??d td th?the the?? ite it??s ???ckc????d ?asa??sh?", "output": "the term \"\"Baci Pill\"\" for whenever they were hurt or not feeling well. They are a wonderful treat, after a meal with espresso or cappuccino. Pop the entire Baci in your mouth and experience the famous Perugina chocolate and then the still crunchy hazelnut center. The Italians do everything with class and this beats a Hershey's Kiss any day!\"\n2336,B0001FQVCK,A2MTESTGQWYDRA,SJLang,2,2,2,1292803200,Incorrect packaging,\"I ordered this item in a large quanity, but wanted the items packaged as sho"} +{"input": "??n.n. . ???eyey y????????r r f??vov??? i ?n n??????idi?aya????? f??or or?tht???coc??pap?????mpmplmp?oyoyey?ese????WhW??n n tn ?theth??? ar a?????? a a a f fe f??? we w???e pe ?pacpa????????s ?shs??????utut t??hehe ??bulbu?????????loolo?sese.e?. ??f f I I I h??d ??????ththetheythe?y wy ???ldl????mem???likli?????????????????av???gog??e ??o o????TOT? o ?????omeom???th?therthe????iscis??unu?t ?sts?????????th?????rcrchc?????. . T. ??????uteut???itittt???e be ?oxo? t th???t wt ???ld?? ha?ve? h???pep??????ke ke? th??? s sps?pecpe???? a????whw??????ththoth?ougoughg?t ????????? for fo??wawasas s ms ??????g.g??2232???,B,??0000100?FQF?????A5A???6X6XJX?HDHDXD??????. ???,1,1,1?????111191??595?????,\",?BaB?ci????????????re hre ?????????grg?reareat????ftf?????tocto??in?ing ing????fff?????,\"??y y fy ?ama?milmilyl??hahashas has b?eeeenee???in in l??", "output": "wn. They were for favors in a holiday bag for the company employees. When they arrived a few were packaged as shown but the bulk were loose. If I had know they would come like this I would have gone to COSTO or some other discount store for the purchase. The cute little box that would have helped make them special and what I thought I paid for was missing.\"\n2337,B0001FQVCK,A5D06XJHDXK75,C. Po,1,1,5,1190592000,\"Baci's are pure heaven - great gift, stocking stuffer!\",\"My family has been in lov"} +{"input": "?? w ??????aca?i'i's'????????ini??????e le ???????????ror??e.e?? W ???? m ?? d dad?????er??s ws ?werwe?????ala???ththetheye??coc???ede??ththe?? te t????\"\"\"????ci ci P ??llll\"ll\"\"??fof?r ?whwhe??????????y y wy ????e he ??urturt t o ???non???fef?elelilinlingn????ellel?. ??ThT?hey? a ??re re?? w???deder?fuf?????reareata?, ,? af a?te???? m me m??? w?itithit?h eh ese?prp?resre?sos????r cr cac??????cinci???. ?????? the th???????re ??BacBaciBac?????yoy?ur??????? a?????xpx??rir???????????ama????????ug????a ca ???????ateat?e ae ?????the????the????tiltill????unu????y hy hah?zez?elnel???t ct cecence???????ThTheTh???tatal?????????????yty???????????clc??ssss ss????d td thd t??s ?bebeaeatea?s ??a Ha ?er???hey?'s??KiK????????da?y!y???232?3838,8????001001F1FQFQVQVCVCKC??????PTP?????OHO???\"P\"?????a ?R.R. ???????????prhpr???v9v????,0,0,0?,0,,0", "output": "e with Baci's ever since we lived in Europe. When my daughters were small they coined the term \"\"Baci Pill\"\" for whenever they were hurt or not feeling well. They are a wonderful treat, after a meal with espresso or cappuccino. Pop the entire Baci in your mouth and experience the famous Perugina chocolate and then the still crunchy hazelnut center. The Italians do everything with class and this beats a Hershey's Kiss any day!\"\n2338,B0001FQVCK,ALU8PT2XF2OHH,\"Pamela R. Howell \"\"prhluv9\"\"\",0,0,"} +{"input": "????242474747??323?????umu?????????????rnrnenede???????ItI????????d wd ?asas s????d ?????? l ????lel?e ce ?????olaol???? w ???re re? th t?he he???vsv???f f? th the the ??ItaIt???an??---??er?fef???????ttltt?le le t??o-o-c-??oc??ola????s fs ??r r?????s ??-- --????? gl g???????ayaysys ?s --s -- -?oror or???ppppyp?y d?ay?s ??s --s --?232333?9,9???00000?1F1FQFQVQ?CKC??A2A?I6I?S7S????VTV????,\",\"T\"?ini????. .??eoe??????\"\"\"\"g\"?oooofoof ??girgirlr?????0,??0,50,?5,15,1212412?262?919?1201200?,W,??????a ta ???atat,at??????cicioiouo????an????T/>ThT???\"\"\"\"f\"\"??fortfortu??nesne????????? the the????ididede ?ara??re are ?an an???de???bob??????.Outstanding price for such a rich product.
The \"\"fortunes\"\" on the inside are an added bonus.
Great options relating to packaging.\"\n2340,B002SOR6VM,A2TGIRPSQW3JWG,KimEkim,1,1,4,131889"} +{"input": "??00000??\"G\"GrG????? h ????tht???dod??????d d f fo foro???og??????th th???????lll?ere?gigiei?????MyM??do?g ???????????ror?nen??tot??eaearea?r ir ?nfnfefecectc?ioion???ana??d dd dididi??a a l lol???ofof f? pa pawa?????wi?ngn?????n ????s vs ?ete???recre???mem???ede?????angan?gingi??? hi his? d??ietiet t bt ?????sese ???s s ss sysymy??to??????y ??? d??e e te ?????? foo food foo?d a???????. .???? s ???????????y ??rec??ommom????ed???hehe ??????? a an and????iceic??????ululal??. U. ?nf?or????????????y ????? ha hatate?d ????e se ?salsa?mo??n an ?andan???ricri???an???it???memelme?lt lt??xtx??remreme?melymely ??fisfishs?hy.hy. . I. ???????????? la lamambmb b????d r?????? for form????a aa an???he??lil?kek?es es i it it ?mumucmu???????er????'v've???????d nd ???????? g ??????hi?ng?s s a????t ?????ne?sss?s fs ???m m????? dog do?g tg ?tratr??inein?er,er???s ??????", "output": "6000,\"Great, healthy dog food for dogs with food allergies\",\"My dog had been prone to ear infections and did a lot of paw chewing when his vet recommended changing his diet because his symptoms may be due to a food allergy. She specifically recommended the salmon and rice formula. Unfortunately, my dog hated the salmon and rice and it smelt extremely fishy. I tried the lamb and rice formula and he likes it much better. I've heard numerous good things about Wellness from my dog trainer, as well a"} +{"input": "???oto???? p pep?t t o ow o?????s as ana?????? s ????e e???plp???eee??? M ?? d ?????s ??djd????iningn???????????????odod ??ele????????veverer,er????cacan? t??ellell l h he? d????n'n??????sis???er er??t t tt ??? m mom?stst st? ta t?st????f f??hohoioici??es-es- -??ror??abablblyl?????caucaus???????doedoes??'t? h ha h??ve ve???he he ahe ara???fificiciiciaialal ?flflalav????ingin?g ig in???????utu??I'I???rarata????r hr hihimi?????? so s?mem?????????chch h h he heae??????????venve? i if if ???? ha?veve ????sas??????iceic??? l ?????e ??on on?? the th?e te ?as???.\".?????1,1????2S2????VMV?,A,AZA?N7N7S7?????F2?????el??anian????,1,???1,51,??,12,1????515?202?????????fo?????????lerle???y dy ??????I gI ??? t th??is is???oodood ????? my my ?y doy d??? th tha that??is?????ererger?ic? t??? co c???, , w, ?heheahe??????otaotat???s,s, ?fl?????, fi, f????, a, ????????. . . ??", "output": "s other pet owners and pet store employees. My dog is adjusting to the new food well. However, I can tell he doesn't consider it the most tasty of choices- probably because it doesn't have the artificial flavoring in it. But I'd rather him eat something much healthier even if we have to sacrifice a little on the taste.\"\n2341,B002SOR6VM,AZN7SJLF2F2IN,Melanie C,1,1,5,1298851200,Great for an allergy dog,\"I got this food for my dog that is allergic to corn, wheat, potatoes, flax, fish, and pork. I "} +{"input": "???? t ??e e?????ese?t t??????????????a a????d d td th?????????sns???????erergr?ici????. .???'m'? s ??????? I? f fo f??nd???hihisi??? foo fo???. . H ???????ininain???y y e eae???inging ing???nd nd snd st????????tot?o po ?utut ??????meme me w we weieigighg???. ???t it is?is ais ?a la ?????? p ??ic???y by ???? I ???ininkin????? is i??wow????? it it t ft ?????ucu?????gog???d pd ??od?uc??t.\"t.??232???,B,??020??ORO????????TJT??????HLHL0L?X,X,R,RaRana?ndand??all all D ??. L. ?inindin?,0,0,0,0??5,5,1,?34??????00?,I,???oto?????e we wrw??ongon???foofood??bu?t ?dod????ateat?e i????p,p?\"I\"?nsnst?eaeadea???f f??im?plp????ololul?utiut??on on????b b?& & R ??ice?? I ????s ss ?enentnt t St ?????e ???mb? &? O ???memeame?? b???? m ?y ?dodogdo?????????????????t tit t?imeime ?????????akake? s????e I???m ?se??nt nt?? the th????ghghtgh???oooodood.ood. . I. ????dndn'n'tn't t kt ?non???un??tilti", "output": "had the hardest time finding a food that he wasn't allergic to. I'm so glad I found this food. He is finally eating and starting to put on some weight. It is a little pricey but I think it is worth it for such a good product.\"\n2342,B002SOR6VM,A1ITJWI9QCHL0X,Randall D. Lind,0,0,5,1340150400,I got the wrong food but dog ate it up,\"Instead of Simple Solution Lamb & Rice I was sent Simple Lamb & Oatmeal but, my dog likes it. Next time I will make sure I am sent the right food. I didn't know until"} +{"input": "??? h ?????pepene? a ????????????fof???d id ????????lbl?????tat????r.r??2????,B,B0B???SOSORO???M,M???PXP????SASAJA??1X1?,W,????????,0,,0?????272??27627?808??,G,GrG??????forfor r D DoD??? t??hathat t Ct ??hewhe?????iri????oodoo?,\",??f f??????dod????eatea?s ?????lyly ?? a?ctc???lll??????hewshew??hih?s ?fofoofo?od,od?? th? then the???thithis????ood????????????icic!c????? h?ava?e ????dogdo???, 1, ? t? tha that???????pip?ickic?????eateeat?er,er, , s, ????????ded???wawat?er????nd nd??ic???owaow?????????oooodood ??????0 0????. .??HeHe ?lolovlo???s h????????er?er &er ?& k& kek??psp?????dodowdo?n.n. . (. ( (? fu f?ll?? di d?iscisclcloloslo???e,e???he'he??s ns ???t tt ?thethe ????? wi w??????omo??chc??????lel?msm?. ??????BoB??stost?? T ????iei??er, er,???????? ad a??ptptet?? f??????????pyp?y my ?milmi????itituit??ti?onon,on???????byb?????pipinpingn????ownow?", "output": " I had open and put the food in my 10lb container.\"\n2343,B002SOR6VM,A5PXUAUSAJI1X,Wendi,0,0,4,1327276800,Great for Dogs that Chew their Food,\"If your dog eats slowly & actually chews his food, then this food is fantastic! We have 2 dogs, 1 that is a picky eater, so we added water and microwave his food for 30 sec. He loves his dinner & keeps It down. ( full disclosure, he's not the dog with stomach problems. Our Boston Terrier, who we adopted from a puppy mill situation, eats by gulping down "} +{"input": "hheh?????odo??????????r ?????? w whw????shshehe he??ada???o o??igighg????oro?r fr ????. . S ?he??isi????he ?dod?g g??e e??????tatar?geg?tit???g bg ????????ngng ng????sis??tivti?e ????mam???? fo???????he he whe wawasas ?hahava??ingin?g ag a a???robroblbleleme???????vov??????? & & &??regregug?????atati?ono?. ???hehe he ghe ???d ?????s is ???, i, ifif f w? we we???et et??er?????????2-2???????? m ??ealealsl?s as ???ayay ??????ryr?y ty ???? get get t ht ???? to? s?lolowo??????????obo?bleblemem em s?olo????. ?. Y. ???, ????sh?e e ee ????s fs ?as?tlt?????witwi?thoth??t t ct ??????ing,ing?, r, ?reg???gi???????n in ??????ll??????probpro??blemble???????><>??????I I???????hehe ???foodfood ???????s ????auausu?????????e de dodo do m?akakeke e s????e se she s?he he che chche?ws??itit it?( ( b ?? f???did??ing ???her ?????oupou??? m mo m?????? a at a?t at ????me???lil?ke?????", "output": "her food, from her years when she had to fight for food. She is the dog we were targeting by getting sensitive stomach food; she was having a problem with vomiting & regurgitation. The good news is, if we get her to eat 2-3 small meals a day and try to get her to slow down, problem solved. Yet, if she eats fastly, without chewing, regurgitation is still a problem.

I gave the food 4 stars because. If we do make sure she chews it ( by feeding her a couple morsels at a time, like givi"} +{"input": "??????eae?tst?) )? th t????oooodo? s ???ysys s???wnw?, , t? the th???fo?rere re w ?ororkrkikini?ng ng f??? v vovomo?iti??ingin????hih??? w wa wasas ?? h ?ugugeg???ror?????? ( ??hehe he?? was was s vs ?vomvo?mitmi?tinti?????????memese?????ay???) s) ?inincin???sws???chchich?????he?he hhe hah?as as??tot?oppop?ede??vovom?ititiitin?ing.ing??I I? do d???????ininkin? o ouo?r r? do dog dog ?isi??????????? on o??????at at e ?eatea????as?t,t, ???d ?it?? do?es?????????chch ch l ???ge????to to?????? he her??\"\"2???????????????,A,APAPCP??3D3DKD?CQCQVQ?P5P?V,V,J,????0,0,0,0,,0?5,5????84844???????JA???y ?DoDogogsg???lovlo?e ?e the t??s ??????ala????bbb?????? It It't???si???plepl?e (e ?ononl???rir?iceic??an?d ?????eiein???yey?????st?y.y???ThT??y ?mamaia?intin??????????????y wy ??eigei?htht t at ?and????ve? r re?????r ??andand ?he?healhea?th?thy thy?bob???l ml momovo?vemve????ts.ts???WeW?lll????s ??? a???????", "output": "ng treats) the food stays down, therefore working for vomiting, which was a huge proplem! (she was vomiting 6-9 times a day.) since switching she has stopped vomiting. I don't think our dog is the only one that eats fast, and it does take much longer to feed her.\"\n2344,B002SOR6VM,APCP3DKCQVP5V,JJA,0,0,5,1308441600,JJA,My Dogs love this natural kibble. It's simple (only rice and protein) yet tasty. They maintain a healthy weight and have regular and healthy bowl movements. Wellness is a fantas"} +{"input": "???? p ??odo?ucu??????????? b ??????e e t tht?eye? k kekeeeepe?????mim???? th t?he he?????y iy in?grg??did?enentn?s ??thathata?t at ara?re re???????atuaturu???????a a d????????ete??t ant a?????????????????? th????????od.od?2232343454??B0B??2S2?????M,M,A,????3U3???RAR???B,B?????0,0?,0,,0?????949???????????reareat?????????ti??e e te toto ?\"\"\"?????ncn????die??\"\"? a al?lelege???????dietsdiet?\",\"??? h hahava??? a a d do???wiw??th th????verve?re ???lelerlergrgig?iesie???e e he ?????be??? f??ghg?titinti??g fg ?????eae??s.s???he?????ts ts? al alw al??ysy?s rs re???????d d md ????s ps pr?od?????????ererger??y fy fo??????as as??iki??? sc sciciecien????????. . . ??I cI ??n'n't'?t st ststotomtomamacmachc?? fe f?eedee?dindingng ng? my my ????? th?at?????e ??????????e.e?????????plp?? i???a ??ooo?od od?? alt al?tertern???ivi??? m??ded???witwith??quq??alialit?y y i???reredre?die", "output": "tic product for dogs because they keep in mind the many ingredients that are not natural to a dog's diet and keep it out of their food.\n2345,B002SOR6VM,ALYF3U1ERAREB,Dan,0,0,5,1294876800,\"Great alternative to \"\"science diet\"\" allegry diets\",\"I have a dog with severe allergies we have been fighting for years. The vets always recommend mass produced allergy formulas like science diet. I can't stomach feeding my dog that type of garbage. But simple is a good alternative, made with quality ingredie"} +{"input": "???? a ?????heh??dod??s ?lol?vev?e ie iti? t??o.o?? G ??????????????????343?????????R6R6V6VMV???1J1???AAA??DRD?XSXSESE6E6,?\"T\"ToT???y y????????nen????\"\"\"\"T??ommom??????oco??oro?ala?l cl cacan?dididi???????\",\"?0,0????,1,121?????????0,B0,BeB??????? f ?????-n-non??eaearea?????ecectctictioi???,\",\"B\"?BefBe?forfo???my??olo?????t gt ?????????????????tit????th???s fs ???? h ?he he g go??t at a a l lolotlo?t ot ?f f??arar ar i?nf??ectec????ons.ons????e ae at?? g gr g??in???rereere????foodfood,d??bub??t ht hehe ????llll ll??oto?????m.m??BoB??h h??y y dy ??????ikikek??th???s f??ood????????heiheiri?r cr ????s s as ?????ici?e ????nd snd ????y y ay ??and and t th the th??ir ir e??rsr?s as ars arere ?????r ????????????al???y ry re?co??????????
While you can get it for $1 cheaper on other sites, you pay $"} +{"input": "??8 8 f ??r r s ??ipi?pip??g.g???????
I only wish Amazon had more than 3 bags of it each time!\"\n2347,B002SOR6VM,A3N7VP8ZKTZ8KC,\"chazze \"\"charrme\"\"\",0,0,5,1287792000,quality comes at high price,quality food but the price is very high. luv amazon's free ship over $25.\n2348,B002R6X1K6,A12PHXNMV20YTE,Loida,0,0,5,1345334400,The best pizza I have ever had!,\"I was so excited to get my whole wheat pizza dough. After ordering it, I got it two days later! The directions are easy to follow and the taste of the cr"} +{"input": "???? i isi??phpheh?????enaen?l.l. . T ThT???tot?ppppipini??s s Is I I????????o o??y y? pi p????????? s ??????, , c chchih?????, ???er?ryr?y ty totomto??????, , M, ?exexixicicaic????????e e be blb?????, a, ??????rkr?keyke?y Cy ?an???????bab?????. . ????he phe ?pizpi?zzazza ?tu??nened? o ?utu??grgre?at??????????WeWeie???????atcatch?chercher'r??s Ps PoP?????PlP?usus us v ???????????lil?iceic?. ????is????s as ???????????teterte?rnarn?atiat????toto to???????????adinadingng ng? pi?zz??s.s????3434949,9,B,B0B?????X1X?????3N3???W9W???ZFZ???M,M?\"J\"J.J???????ululll??\"\"\"\"a\"???is?????????,4,?,1,??000030032320200?00????retrettttytt?????d ??ou?????y y hy ?ususbusba??d d dd ??es? n nonotnot t lt ????? wh w?olo?? w wh????????th?????????hehe ???????th??s ?????za za?do????. ???t wt ???????? s?im????le tle ??to mto ???????? s sp s???readrea??on?? ou o????? pizz pizzaza ?st?", "output": "ust is phenomenal. The toppings I added to my pizza were shrimp, chicken, cherry tomatoes, Mexican cheese blend, and turkey Canadian bacon. The pizza turned out great! Only 8 Weight Watcher's Point Plus value per slice. This is a better alternative to other leading pizzas.\"\n2349,B002R6X1K6,A3N4KW967ZFLKM,\"J. A. Scull \"\"artist\"\"\",0,0,4,1300320000,Pretty Good Dough,My husband does not like whole wheat anything but he liked this pizza dough. It was very simple to make and spread on our pizza sto"} +{"input": "?nen?. .??????t t R ?oso?sis??????? s sasaua????ana???momozo??ararerele??????eee????ono????d ??????s s?grg??????232?505??????GVGV6V6O6??4,4?A3A3N3?E8E?NMN??????NPNP,P?????????ar????nezne???????????beb??9\"9??\",\"???????,13,1333363?787808?8080080?????!,!???????sts?ufufff?????e ?tht?at? i ???s ???gag???????nd nd r ??w.w???utut ut??latla?erer er???aw aw????e e t??ininging g?????'s's 's???or or????s s ts ???an an??halha????theth??prp??iceic?????515???????GV6GV6O????,AL,A??QKQ????UBU?DP?F,F,L,?DzD?,1?,1,1,1,???5,15,??????????,L????????!,I!,I I l??????hi????????????????on??y!y????????????????n ????ngng ??? i????? t te t??a Ia ???????????????????an???? the th?e t?as??te te???s gs grgregr?eatea?.<.??
/?>???one?y ??s ????o o? he h?elpelpfpfufulu????ithit???????turtu????inging ing a? and an??he????ing?ing sing ???", "output": "ne. We put Rossi Pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese on and it was great!\n2350,B006GV6O34,A3NE8NMVIVXMNP,\"M. C. Martinez \"\"koolnumber9\"\"\",1,1,5,1336780800,Yum!,Great stuff!Love that it's organic and raw. But later saw same thing @ TJ's for less than half the price!\n2351,B006GV6O34,ALYQKDP5UBDPF,LDz,1,1,5,1329436800,Love it!,I love this organic raw honey!

When using it in my tea I don't need a lot and the taste is great.

Honey is also helpful with moisturizing and healing so o"} +{"input": "??heh?r r?th??????nsnsus??ini?g g?iti??I I????o o?usu?e e?????????????r r ar ?andan? f ?acacece ????ene?? T ?????ara??er??????bebete??terte?..2?353525??B0B000010????????A3A??????HGHGFG?757?????????????hrh?isists?tenten ?\"\"\"???????\"\"????,0?,5,?,1,?333????3636036???????STS??????????IEIESE?????????ututlt????ovovev???theth???? ca can??????? tha th????areare ?e one o?????ut???on ?th??? ma m????t ??t ?????ststmst????????VaVal????????????y.y??I ?????d d bd bub??????m m??lll??yeyeaear????????????ereer?e ae ?vavai??abablab??: :?SOSO O????? ca can ca???ma???????owo??????iteit??d Id I ?I waI w?????????? ab a??le le? to t????et et? th the them the?m fm ?oro??? w whw????le tle ?thrthrorou???????zoz???????????aitai?t ut ?????????hrihris???????whewhenen en t? the?y ??????be?????????ableable ????ainai?n.n.2????????1L?4N??J1GJ1?G,AG,??", "output": "ther than consuming it I also use it on my hair and face often. The darker the better.\n2352,B001L4NJ1G,A3DOXFGHGF75BX,\"Syd L. Christen \"\"SYDANC\"\"\",0,0,5,1336953600,CHRISTMAS CANADIES,I absolutly love these candies that are only put on the market at Christmas and Valentine's Day. I would buy them all year if they were available: SO you can imagine how excited I was tao be able to get them for a while through Amazon.I can wait untill Christmas when they will be available again.\n2353,B001L4NJ1G,A2X"} +{"input": "B???????????,C,??ata??????dad?111????????131?232?999?363??0,???????heh?ses???,\",?CaCanantn???inindin??tht??????avavov?? i ?? t??he he?ststotororeor??? s????ouo???t ?th?eme???herhe?????????...? L LiLikLi??????m ??o ????? b??tt?ere?r tr th?an???????epe????mim???t ot ??eses.es..?. ?I I????so so l li?keke ke???????inninnan??on??????es..es...??YuY????(a(???????????RayRa????at??es)es??...??2???????004004V4?LVL?K4K????1Q1????TUTU2U???????,57,5??oho?nnnnin?e,e,2,????????32232??????0,??re?at????o bo beb??aba??e ?e toe to ?geg?et et? th??is is????in????e ??oco?al??mem??????tst?s qs ?uiu???st?oc????? t th??????as??????aseasede???to to b???y ty th?????????ne??? so so????canca? m ma maka?ke ?FrF???????ananaan?did?an??pepeape?????p p???ai????5 5? st sta stara????oror or? ab abib??litli?ty ty t??????????sisin??e e qe ??al???????is nis ", "output": "BPE3AWE2FPP,ChattyLinda11,0,0,5,1323993600,Love These!!,\"Cant find this flavor in the stores, so bought them here online.. Like them so much better than the Peppermint ones... I also like the Cinnamon Ones... Yum-O(as Rachel Ray states)...\"\n2354,B004VLVK4E,A1QVP3TU21775I,57Johnnie,2,2,5,1322697600,Great to be able to get this again,The local merchants quit stocking this. Was pleased to buy this on line so I can make French Canadian pea soup again. 5 stars for ability to obtain since quality is n"} +{"input": "?oto???hah??t mt ???? o ???a a?????oro?? A AlA?l l????BoBobo??????d d??ili?ll ll????dud?uctuctst??ara?? 5 5 5??????2??555??????VLVLVL?K4K4E4???3C3?N2N2O2?VK?RVR?????????stst st a a a???HMHM M?\"\"\"?\"Ju\"J??????WAWAHWA??\"\"??,1,???,4,??????383878?202???YUYUMU???????iai????HAHALA??????? h ??rdrd ?toto to????????isi?s ss ??????lol?????y.y?. U. UsU????lyl????????enentn?ts ???vev??????rir??g g?itit ??????e we ????? th?eye??????it.it????s ?plp??as?????o o? fi????????n ??mam???n.n?/???? /????kek??s Gs ???ATA?, ,????????????. ?. We. W?e ee ?????????t ot ?of of????, s, sos?????s ns ???e ????????? I I???n ???t ??????re????aia?? w ?whewhen?en Ien ??neneee?ed ??it.??2232????????4VL4V??K4?E,??????????BJBJ1J1V1VCV?????pypy ???ftftet??????,0,,0?5,??3535035080??404???????llollow??????it ????s,?????", "output": "ot that much of a factor. All of Bob's Red Mill products are 5 star.\n2355,B004VLVK4E,A3CN2OVKRVSFSF,\"Just a WAHM \"\"Just a WAHM\"\"\",1,1,4,1330387200,YUMMY Indian DHALL,\"Its hard to find this stuff locally. Usually my parents have to bring it to me when they visit. Was pleased to find it on Amazon.

Makes GREAT, TASTY dhall. We eat a lot of it, so its nice to know I can get it here again when I need it.\"\n2356,B004VLVK4E,A3UF4K552BJ1VC,Happy Rafters,0,0,5,1350864000,Yellow split peas,Bough"} +{"input": "??????sese e???r r a ???????e e fe frf??m m? th t????rer??n n???lil????eaeasa???ThThe?y y? ar a?re re?????????d d I ??li???????????ili?? b ????y agy a?aia?n.n??????????iki???BoBobo??s s Rs ??d d Md ???????rodro?ucu????2?353????????APA??UCU???1Q1QNQ?C6C?????????????FrFrereere??an??1,1???2,2?,12,123?616121?????,\",\"N\"?o o c?afa????????????????, e, ?????r\"r\",\",\"??hehenhe??teteaea ea?isi?s ds ?ece?????einei??tetedted,d, ?is?? al a?ll ll? th???e fle flal?vov???re?????ed?ed? ????????th?isis ?juj???????usyus??te??? ????an???cacasca??, ?alall?ll yll yoy?ou ou??ete?t ft ??omom om? a a c co c?????e oe ofof f t th? thes the??? te t??ea bea babagagsgs ????? a ( a (1(12? o ozoz.z?????g g????hoh?????te????s-s---??????????! !? Tr T?ueu???? the the the?hohot??????er er??s ??li?ghg??lyly ??ro?wnw????????ter? f fi fivi?ve ve m??inuin?uteut???? of of??te???in???, b, ???t tt ththetherthe???? n ?no no????", "output": "t these for a change from the green split peas. They are tasty and I like them. Will buy again. Always like Bob's Red Mill products.\n2357,B000SAPUUC,A1QNC6FPPRUNZU,C. Freeman,1,1,2,1236124800,\"No caf, but no taste, either\",\"When tea is decaffeinated, is all the flavor removed? Or is this just lousy tea? In any case, all you get from a couple of these tea bags in a (12 oz.) mug of hot water is--hot water! True, the hot water is slightly brownish after five minutes of steeping, but there's no tea "} +{"input": "???avavov????? a al a?l.l? V ???????sas?????ntntit??????????,B,??00???PUPUUU??????6Z6?XZX??????????343?????ene?????????????????00???rer????vavala??e,e,\",???ll? b bob??????tet?????? l ?oso????f f??flaflavavoav?? e eve?en???hoh???? i ?t ??? d de d??????????ed?. . C. CoC?mem?????or???????????owo??n hn ???vyv?????y y zy ziz?ppppepp??????st??c c??aga?? to t???ensensus?re? f fr f???????s ????in???sh??????ing.ing. . A. ? g ??reare?at ?vavalva?????????? go g??? t?ea????????????????4H4H0H??A2A???X6X??DAD?LWL?R1R???,Au,A?d ?ReReaeadeadsds,???8,?5,?13?21?575747??400400,???appap??ne??? I ????????????rkr??CuC???,\"W,\"WiW????tht?he he?? dep de??artartutur????of of?StS??arbarbubucu???s cs coc????eses,es?, I, ????luluclu?ta?????y sy ?wiw????hedhe????????? t???????er?er ter ???????s c?ararrarririeri????y ???cacalcal l??to????", "output": "flavor at all. Very disappointing.\"\n2358,B000SAPUUC,A166ZXZ8G7XOKS,134goldens,0,0,5,1317686400,Great value,\"Full bodied tea, no loss of flavor even though it is decaffeinated. Comes stored in its own heavy duty zipper plastic bag to ensure freshness during shipping. A great value for a good tea.\"\n2359,B00637N4H0,A21TX67DALWR1W,Aud Reads,8,8,5,1321574400,Happiness In A Deep Dark Cup,\"With the departure of Starbucks coffees, I reluctantly switched back to the other t-discs carried by local stores."} +{"input": " I I I t ??iei????? r ????lyl?????. .??????itit t s ????eded ed?lil?keke e e ????????heh??????e Ie I I tI tr?ie??d, d,?????????s s b ??????allal?ly ly e ev e???? o?ththetherer ???e e me mam??e,e???ncn?lul?di??? t????EuE?ror???eanea? t???disdiscs?s,s???????non????????eneno??ghg??toto o??ata?isi?fyfy ?????I ?fif?????y ??ava?ve ve??????????????bacba?? t to t???? o??d ?faf?????????drd??????????ma??kerker r??o o to ???at at? I I c I ???ld??ma?makemake ?a a n ?????? ri??? c cuc?up.up????? was wa?????????rur??strst?at????????the????????????cec???'m'? t??e ???ly??cocofco??eeee ee d dr d?????ker ker???? my my y hy ??me?? P ????? b???ingin????babasba?sicsicac??allyally ally????????rsrsosonon,on?, I, ??di??n'n?t ?enenjen???y fy ?filfillllill??ing ing?? the?? re r?????oio??????eryery ?y tiy timime??? I w I ????tedted d td ?to to? br b???? a a?pop??, ????ashiashin?????the ?popotpot ?ouo?ut ut?", "output": " I tried, I really did. But, it seemed like every other one I tried, which was basically every other one made, including the European t-discs, were not rich enough to satisfy me. I finally gave up and went back to an old fashioned drip coffeemaker so that I could make a nice, rich cup. I was still frustrated by the waste, since I'm the only coffee drinker in my home. Plus, being a basically lazy person, I didn't enjoy filling the reservoir every time I wanted to brew a pot, washing the pot out a"} +{"input": "???ere?????????r r????????? o???????????unundndsds ds???????????ili?????ReR??????y,y?, T, ??????o/o???vav??iaia a c????e oe ???????? a ???ararkar? h ?ou?ses???lelenle?????he?????ntnt nt? of of f t th??e pe papaca??aga???non?tetedted:d??\"\"\"\"N\"NeNewe?????f yf ?????likli??????arbar????????ousouseous?e Be ??len?d,d, , t, ???? th???!\"!???AsA??a a la lalas?????????ttt?temte?ptp??beb????e e pe pae p?ackac?iningin?g ug upu? m mymy y Ty ??ss??imoim????????ororaor??e,e?, I, I I???rcr??as??d d t th??s s ns ?ew?? t- t-d-did?????ofoffffef??. ??Tas?titin?????y fy ?iri?st? s?ipip,p??, I , I w wa????o ????PYP???????????ea???ly ?HA?PP??! ???y cy coc???????is is? so so o io ?impim????tanta?nt ??? m??????nd nd?????GeGevGe????a ?DaD?ark?? Ho H?ous?? B Bl?????is???MAMAZA?ININGN???????t't??????icich??, f, ?ulu????????ed ed??up?? of?? co cof co?ffeff???, a, ???d ad ??? I I?drd?ininkin?k tk ??", "output": "fterwards, or cleaning out the grounds from the filter.Recently, Tassimo/Gevalia came out with a dark house blend. The front of the package noted: \"\"New! If you like Starbucks House Blend, try this!\"\" As a last shot attempt before packing up my Tassimo for storage, I purchased this new t-disc coffee. Tasting my first sip, I was so HAPPY. Really really HAPPY! My coffee is so important to me, and the Gevalia Dark House Blend is AMAZING!!!! It's a rich, full bodied cup of coffee, and as I drink thi"} +{"input": "?????? a afa??????ayay,ay??I'I??????rtrtit????????hih??????'s's ???ene???ete???r ???ana?n mn mym????? f ??vov?rir???????rbrbubucu????flf???or??? I It I?t'st's ??????????????tar??bucbu?cksck??wiw?ithit???o o bo ??ittit?ter?????s a???????. I. ???????ve ve?????eae?ar ar w whwha???oto??er???th??ink? o ??? th thi thisi?? I????????y ???ea?ses??d wd ?witwi?th th? it it,t, , a, ???d Id ?????o o go glg?ladla??th???t It I I??????lele le??????o b?aca?ck ck? to????the the???mpm????itityity ?y ofy o????????my????assas??mom?o b???wew??, ?be?cac?????????????e e ae a a? gr gre??? t????????gag?inin!in?\"\"2232?????000?636?7N7?????????????????T0T0,????atatiat?inain??6,6??,5,?,1,?323?????808?00,00??in?????????memetethet?hinhi????????frf?om???????iaia,a,\"a,\"T\"?hi??s is ??? th?e ????st st t? thi????fr??om ??GevGe?al????????waw??as das drdri??kik?ing????", "output": "s day after day, I'm starting to think it's even better than my old favorite Starbucks flavors. It's as bold as Starbucks with no bitterness at all. I'd love to hear what others think of this. I am very pleased with it, and I'm so glad that I am able to go back to the simplicity of using my Tassimo brewer, because they make a great t-disc again!\"\n2360,B00637N4H0,A2W3TGPT9MW4T0,Curatina,6,6,5,1322956800,Finally! Something good from Gevalia,\"This is the best thing from Gevalia. I was drinking the"} +{"input": "???tat??bub?ckc???AfA?riricicaca a a ??d d V ????nana a ba ?efefof??e e???ththehe ????aka?upu??????I I??????d td ?theth??DaD?arkar????rea?kfkfaf??????omom m??????iai?? b ???t it ????s hs ?or??????? I ??????on?????ri??????????er???ddddid?ngn????? M ?????????ororeor?????EsE??re??soso ??ntn??????????ThT?ata??mamakakeak??????????a na ninic?????? w ????? a a??ooo?d d kd ??ickic?????itit.it?. ???ev?en?????????lilitli?tlt????re???????it???to to s ?mom?ootoo??? it i???utu?t at ?????? /????? th?????oneon?e ie ?? j ??st? r ????t.t???????????ic?? s???on?????? t??atat at??oeo????t t nt ne?????crecr?ama???bu??????????????rea?ream ream???ith??outou??lol??sinsi?ng ng f fl f?ava?vorvo??????????????the the??iri?????????I ?ha?vev????????r ?sas??in??g mg ?y y Ty ????simsi??????hih?????? I I? do", "output": " Starbucks Africa and Verona before \"\"the breakup.\"\" I tried the Dark Breakfast from Gevalia, but it's horrible. I can only drink it after adding the Maestro Lorenzo Espresso Intensivo. That makes quite a nice cup with a good kick to it. I even need a little cream in it to smooth it out a bit.

But this one is just right. It's a nice strong cup that doesn't need cream, but can take cream without losing flavor. This is the first hope I have had for saving my Tassimo machine. I do"} +{"input": "??'t'??waw?????o o?gogo ??acackc??to?? th t??????rir?g.g?/><>???r /r ??p.p?s.s. .? I ? w?ouo??d d?sts???????keke ??????d d dd ??????opoptp??onon.n????ig??????? I? u ??????he he??????liali??????ata??ureure ??decdeca?f ??andan???ddd?d a?? sh shoh???ofof ?Ge?????lia lia d ?dec?afaf af e esesps??????o to ??to jto jajazazzz????t ut ???\"\"??363?1,1,B,?000?6363737N7?4H4?0,0???Y2Y????N0N?????????????????omomamaia?n n?\"\"\"?\"Wo\"W???dod??f\"f????4,4,4?,5,???323?242??848??00,00,G,???alalial????????gege ???????n Cn ?????,I,??veve ???rieri?d ??ll??? thr th????nen??????rkr?????fef?ri??gsg???roromom om G???????a aa ??and and???th??inkin??ththi???isis ????e be ???????ne ne? fr fro?????????re??. ??Gev??li????in???lyl? c ca??????????h h??of?fe??e we ????th th s?er??in???????ouourour ???es???s.C>?CofCo????e he ??s s as ?? e???????bobol", "output": "n't want to go back to the Keurig.

p.s. I would still like a good decaf option. Right now I use the Gevalia Signature decaf and add a shot of Gevalia decaf espresso to jazz it up.\"\n2361,B00637N4H0,A1Y27QNN0P9HJ,\"Wolfsatz Domain \"\"Wolfdorf\"\"\",4,4,5,1322438400,Gevalia Melange Maison Corse,I've tried all three new 'Dark' offerings from Gevalia and I think this is the best one from the three. Gevalia finally came up with coffee worth serving to your guests.
Coffee has an earthy bol"} +{"input": "???tat?????wiw??h h l ?it?tltlel?e te ?o o??ono???bib?ittitteittere??nesnesss???ndnd ??? m ????lll?licli???ftf??r r t????te;te???it it????uauala??? l le l?????????????????th? t???styst?y cy chc?oco??lalatatyt????fteft??? ta? tast taste?.<.?????><>???????heh???aca?? c ???mesmes ?????????bibigbi????did??????thathat????????rer?w w???ouounu????s os ofo? c co c??fef??. .? Th Thihis??? cof co????????????liligli???? th t?????e whe w?ho ho??ovo?? t????dadara?keker????as??s.s?. /??pdp?datdatete:te:<:??
?? a am a???n n??y y 5y 5t5th?th cth ?upup p????????is cis ??????????? it it t wt ??as as??reareal????grg???n n on ?on on? me m????chach???ini????ro????a 4a 4 4? to t?????????????it it iit ??is qis quq??iteit???as???y a??nd nd snd ?smosmoo?th??. T. ????is iis ??is ois on??e ce ?cofcoffcof??? t th tha that?at wat wi?willwil? t??ulu?? s???is????th??e ve vovoio?????thatthat ??bub???? lef le?????he????????ll bll ", "output": "d taste with little to none bitterness and no metallic after taste; it actually leaves a nice smooth tasty chocolaty after taste.

The pack comes with 12 big T-discs that will brew 8 ounces of coffee. This coffee will delight those who love the darker roasts.

I am on my 5th cup of this coffee and it was really grown on me (changing from a 4 to 5 stars); it is quite tasty and smooth. This is one coffee that will truly satisfy the void that Sbux left. There will b"} +{"input": "?????mem?????t t w wiw?lll? s??? t ththathat????isi???is is???t t tt ???e se ???? a ??????? a an a?? i?t ??isnis??t!t! ! T ??????? c ????eee???????ivi??????? f ??????as?tet??wi?th?ououtut ????ini?????? co c??pap??????t t??o ao ???th?in??g eg ??sese ???????ay ay?????d yd ?youyo???selselfl??????????urpurprp?is???d ad ????the???????ingingsing?. .? H ???hlhlyl??re?co??me?ndndended?? an and an??ded??finfi????ly?? wi w?????????yiy??ing ing t th thi this?is ois ?nen??e age agag???..??363626???000????N4N?H0H??A3A???KIKIDIDFD??8T8???P,P????veSve???,1??4,4?,13,1???727212??00????odod d cd ??ffffeff?? - ??brb???s ????,\",??????llyll?????????????ariar??tit????ofof of? ta?sss???o ?...?? I ?????????veververyrytry?thithinthi?? f??????D D t?? s st s????bucbu?ksk??tot??ne??prprepr????o to ????oooodood ??lel??ndsnds ???romro? f??airai?????.... ?????s os ons o????s s ps pr??ttttyt?", "output": "e some that will say that this is not the same as Sbux and it isn't! Try the coffee and give it a fair taste without trying to compare it to anything else you may find yourself quite surprised at the findings. Highly recommended and definitely will be buying this one again.\n2362,B00637N4H0,A3Q1KIDFJ8THMP,DaveS,1,1,4,1325721600,good coffee - brews hot,\"finally some new varieties of tassimo ... I drink everything from DD to starbucks to nespresso to good blends from fairway .. this one is pretty "} +{"input": "???chch h r rir??htht t?onon n w ????h th ?theth????????ptp???on on - ???ara?????ewe?????d d???didiui??? bo bod??? - -??????? a ??sts?ror??g g??lal?vov??????t it ?s ??mom???????d d nd non? a af aftftetere???astaste? a???ala???????ininin??cec?????? h???w sw sbs??? d????? br b???????????eaeana??s (s ???t t It I I l ?iki???th??is is? be betetttteterte????an? t th????bu???hohouo???e ce ???fefeeee.e??????s ns ??????it????as as e ???y)y?????d ?????nlnli??ke ke m ma m?????of of? th t?????????gegevevav??iaia ?co?????es ??or??????????????????usustus????on'on't'??????e be ?/c/? o?f ???thei??r ar ??ftefter???st????(bi(b?????, , t, ?????) ) . ???? thi thisis ??oneon??e bre b???s s as ???191?0 0???grg???es es (es ????????st st???inein?e de ??d)d?? w?hihicichch ch????????????tt?erer er t?????I ??ou??d ?mam??ke ?a ???p p?? of of? la l?attat??te fte ?forfo???xax????le le????", "output": "much right on with the description - dark brew good medium body - it has a strong flavor but is smooth and no aftertaste at all, reminiscent of how sbux does brew their beans (but I like this better than the sbux house coffee..it's not quite as edgy), and is unlike many of the other gevalia coffees for Tassimo that I just don't like b/c of their aftertaste (bitter, to me) .. this one brews at 190 degrees (at least mine did), which is a bit hotter than I would make a cup of latte for example (at "} +{"input": "??606?? s ?? b ???cac?rer?fuf?? o ?n n?ththahata???????????? ???????dod???thith??k k??hihisis s???e'e???????epe????..????363?3,3,B,B0B?06063637637N7N4N?H0H?,A,A2A??????N7N7C7C0C???U,U???????????,13,1?252575??16?0000,00????s ??is is???E E?VeVereroerononaon?a ra rerepreplplalacaceceme????,\",??ogo?????er er???th? m ??nyn? c cu c??????????I I wI ?????rur??trt????d d??heh?en en T Ta T?????o ????????arbar??ckcksk???enden?eded ed t? the th?irir ir??relre?latla???onsonshs?hiphip.p???????fff???? wa wasas as????????????????incin?ce ce t???????me????I hI ha????trtritr??????????? a ala???erner???tivti?vesves s (s ???va???a ?EsE??re?sss???????assiass???o Co ????? N ???ir,ir, , T????assimassi?? N????b b?? K KeKen???? Me M???RoRoaoas?t)t?) b) ????wi??????????ed ???and and v ??ryryiy?????egegrg???????????ce???????? /> /?AfA?te?r ?re??didining? a? p ???eviev??iousiou??????????", "output": "160) so be careful on that first sip! but I do think this one's a keeper...\"\n2363,B00637N4H0,A2XL8DUN7C0KGU,cmc,1,1,5,1325721600,This is THE Verona replacement,\"Together with many customers, I was frustrated when Tassimo and Starbucks ended their relationship. My coffee was Verona.
Since that time, I have tried various alternatives (Gevalia Espresso, Tassimo Carte Noir, Tassimo Nabob & Kenco Med Roast) but with limited and varying degrees of success.
After reading a previous review, I"} +{"input": "?????? o ??? f ????????ppp????toto o t???t t it ???- -??????? i ??!!!????brbr ????????????t st ???????? t??????w w???????2?????B0B?????N4N????A2A2W2??M9M??XOX??4J4??9,9,\",????BiB?????????????fo fo??en??????\",\",1,?,1?,5,5,5??323242???????,\"??re????coc?offoffef?e,e, ,?po????blb?? t?????esestes???forfo?r tr ?as???????\"I??rerecre??ent?ly?ly gly ????a ???????imo imo m?ac???nene e a?ndn???????????kek?e ie ?it,it????t ?t tht the???nin??iai?? c??off??????hahat???I tI ???eded ?wew???e ne ??t ??s s gs go?odo?d ad as?????t ?I ???sedsed ?to??ma?ke?????th????otot.ot. . T. ThT????ono?ne ne? fi f????ly?ly bly ???????ververyryty?????? el e?se?? aw a??????t't's'???????ioi???. . T??he ?", "output": " sent off for a supply to test it - I love it!!!!

I was on the point of giving my Tassimo machine away - no more.

A great start to the New Year.\"\n2364,B00637N4H0,A2WKM9BXOC4JH9,\"I. Bilynsky \"\"Info Center\"\"\",1,1,5,1324339200,\"Great coffee, possibly the best for tassimo\",\"I recently got a tassimo machine and really like it, but the initial coffees that I tried were not as good as what I used to make by the pot. This one finally blew everything else away. It's delicious. The d"} +{"input": "?ararkr? h ????? b blb?ene?? i isis s??????y y?prp????rrr?????-d-didis?c c w whwheh???? w??ntn?????fe??????ncn???I'I'm'?? no n???????offoffe?fee fee?sns??????dod???t t lt ?????tot??geg??????zyzy ?wiw????th???????ctc???ese?, ,???????????oneon??????a a va ???????epe????d ??le?as??ingin??????????lalava??r.r??FuFulu???bob?di???d id isis ???gogooo?od od????y ty toto to?????????e ie ?it,it?, a, as?? op o?????d ???o ao a ??lesle???r-r?-bo-bod???ed ed?????fee??????t mt ???y sy ?memele?? g go g??????ut ut????tet?es es?? wat wateterte??? d???????????ou?? dr d??inkin???it.it. . T. ThT?????is is dis ?????ititeit?elyely ??he???es????of?offeoff??ee Iee ???? e ???????sts?????????of of????omomeme me???????????chc???e e ae ane a?nd nd? ev e????bebetbettt?????????ma??y ???fe????canca??n mun mus?te?ter.ter. . I. ???????????????tat?????e an??d i????is ???t ?bib", "output": "ark house blend is now my preferred t-disc when I want coffee. Since I'm not a coffee snob I don't like to get crazy with the adjectives, but this one has a very deep and pleasing coffee flavor. Full-bodied is a good way to describe it, as opposed to a lesser-bodied coffee that may smell good but tastes watered down when you drink it. This is definitely the best coffee I've ever tasted out of a home brewing machine and even better than many cafes can muster. It has no aftertaste and it is not bi"} +{"input": "????r.r? Y ??u u??anan n d drd?ini?k k???????????it???non? s sws??ete?tente??er er a ?andan??enenjn?oyo?? it i?, ,?oro? a??d ?sosomo????rer??????????????ou???????eaveavyvy ?ono?????? cr?????r ?????oeo?sns??t ?lol?sese e ie ????la????. . B. ??????, ???? i?gng????????????rbr???cksck?????terte??. ?SeS???ou???????????????????ffffef???s as ??????t ?asa??go?odod ??as as e ev e?verve??yonyo???????es es t th the?? o ou o??t tt ??o bo beb?. . D. ?????in in D ??onuon?utsuts ???offof???e he ??s s ts ?thethemthe?m bm be??at at? in i?n pn ?????????????lil?ityit??\"\"2232363656?????636373????0,0????7G7GHG??RFR???????ScSco?????ototo???0,00,??5,?????848???0000,00?GrGre?at?at cat ??ff?????I I l ??veve ve? th thi th?is is?? cof co?????, i, it?s ????k k bk ??t t nt ??not not??it???? a?ndn???????h h ah ??as sas sis????. I. ItI?s s a? b bi?? c cu cupu? s????e 1e ????? so s??it?its its??re??t t it ???", "output": "tter. You can drink it black with no sweetener and enjoy it, or add some cream. Even if you go heavy on the creamer it doesn't lose is flavor. Buy it, and ignore the starbucks haters. Seriously, starbucks' coffees are not as good as everyone makes them out to be. Dunkin Donuts coffee has them beat in price and quality.\"\n2365,B00637N4H0,A207GHTRF9GRNF,Scott Soto,0,0,5,1340841600,Great coffee,\"I love this coffee, its dark but not bitter and smooth as silk. Its a big cup size 12oz so its great in t"} +{"input": "?heh?????nin??????henhen n?? d ????t t w?????tot? g ??t ??? f fof????ofo??eeee e te ???????????f f??ouo???ava???? T TaT?ssssis?????ouou ou?shs???ldl?? ha h???e t?hihisis s c?????e ?blb??ndn???????????2??666??B0B000??????H0H?,A,AKA??XYX??ACAC9C9C9????,h,????????????????00?0,0,g0,?????bub???????y,y?iti??????????????????cecenenten???????I wI waw??n'n'tn'??awawawarwa?????w w??pripric?????heyhe?y wy ???re re w?he?hen hen???????hth?????m.m?? I??pap??d d $d $1$???4444 4?????????ckc? o ?of of????????WhW??????riripri??of?off!off??232??7,7????1L1??TDTDBD????K0K0P0P0P???SJS????X,X?\"J\"??. R. RaR??????????.R.R.R?\"\"?\",\"?3,3??,5,??????252????00,00???nt???usu?ssissieie'e???PeP?ecaecan??MeM??tat?????,\"?I I lI ?ovove?d ?ththeth?e qe ?uau?????y ay ??????he he t ta??????f f tf ???sese e ce ??oko????????????re??non????????weweewe?", "output": "he morning when I don't want to get up for coffee too much. If you have a Tassimo you should have this coffee blend on hand!\"\n2366,B00637N4H0,AKZXY5AC9CJAO,hx,0,0,4,1331856000,good but pricy,it tastes pretty decent but I wasn't aware how pricy they were when I bought them. I paid $17.44 for a pack of 12!!! What a rip off!\n2367,B001LQTDBE,AK0P01PSJS7PX,\"J. Ramirez \"\"J.R.\"\"\",3,3,5,1277251200,Aunt Gussie's Pecan Meltaways,\"I loved the quality and the taste of these cookies. They are not too sweet"} +{"input": "???ndn?????????llll l??ivivev???o o?yoy????exe????????ono?????o o to ?theth?e pe ??rsr???????at at???????d ad a a??ada?????iei????juj???? a a s ?mamala?? c ???mem???. ?ThT?heyhe??ara?? c?al?lel???me?ltlta??ayaysy?? be bececaecaua?useus??th??y ?ha???????? b?ututtt??r,r?, g, ??o fo ?igigug?ureur?. ?IfIf f???? a?re????ntent??resre?stesteded ???? lo l?w w f ?at?????d,d?, l, ???k k?????ewhew???re.re?. I. It. It t l????????????iniininingin? t? tha th????re???h h??ririeiesie??ar??e fe ????ed,ed????r tr th??at ?????colco?latla?????s fs ?fatfa???????. ??us????ay????????363686???000??LQL??DBD????H1H??O4O4R4?D3D????,P,?. ????ha?m,m??,4,?,5,5,5,1,121??????12012??????solso?ut???y ?lolovlovevedve?d td ththethemthe???!!,!!,\",????se???er?????, ??? g ??od???an?d d Id ?????ve ve tve ?tha??t tt ???they'they'r're??ma????????? wh whoh??? w wh whe wh?at???lo???? an a?nd nd a? a h a ????ththithieierie?r sr ???", "output": " and they will live to your expectations. To the person that posted a bad review, just a small comment. They are called meltaways because they have real butter, go figure. If you are interested in low fat food, look elsewhere. It like complaining that french fries are fried, or that chocolate is fattening. Just saying.\"\n2368,B001LQTDBE,AH1WO4RD371X,P. Graham,3,4,5,1272931200,Absolutely loved them!!!,\"These were so, so good, and I love that they're made with whole wheat flour and a healthier suga"} +{"input": "????????ititut??e e??nonotot t???pap??????????spsplsp???dada)a).)???????okokek?????t st ?omome????kik??? p ?????ut ut??ut?teterter ??????I'I??d jd ?usu?? b bo bouougu??t,t????nd nd t ????'r'????????gheghere??pe?????ta?gege e oe ofe o?????turtu?at??????at at??hah?an an?????e ?coc??ki?es??? I???or??? a??????????????outou?t tt ??e ???????in? a????ododud?ctc?t tt tht t??n n??? the the??at?, ?unu?le?????it'it?s s ms ???e e we wiw?ithith h s so soyo???????ili? o ?or or? li l???s ?????? f fa?t.t??. I. ???is??t t?t thit thisis is??s ????e o??? my m???????ltl??y ???aca???.\".???????nd snd ?inincin??? I' I??????er er?404??, s, ???e ?4,4?, w, ???? n ?? h??ealealt?????obo??lemle???- -? I I m I mum????be?? on o????? r rir?ighightht ht?????ck ck o??f wf ?????\"\"??hea?ltlth????\"\" i\"\" ??. ??)<)r /?OnO?? c ??st????er ?sasaia???he?rsr???er???\"\"??re????????", "output": "r substitute (not aspartame or splenda). I looked at some Atkins peanut butter cups I'd just bought, and they're a higher percentage of saturated fat than these cookies. I worry a lot more about the sugar in a product than the fat, unless it's made with soybean oil or lists trans fat. I list this as one of my \"\"healthy snacks.\"\" And since I'm over 40, size 4, with no health problems - I must be on the right track of what \"\"healthy\"\" is. :)

One customer said hers were \"\"greasy.\"\" "} +{"input": "??aya????heh??? w ??????????????????ana?????he ????tet???gogotot t????? ??????????lal??in????y y???iri???????er ?fof?? t???ses????he?????e we ?orortor?? i itit!t???232363????000010???TDT??E,E??2H2??BTBTNTNUN???GXGXGXG1G?,N,NoN?ormor???MeM?did??????2,2??,1?????404??00??\"t\"tat???y,y, , b, bu??t st ???????hahara?rd)rd???????????ththeth????coc?okokik??????ut? t th????pap?????la?????atcat?? w??as as???????, v, ?????ha??rd,rd?????? ha hada?d td ?o o??dipdi??? the???in?? my my y cy ????e ???????t tt ?????????lyl?.\".????707?,B??001001L??QTDQT???E,AE,??KQKQT?4D4???????????????le?y,?1,1,21,2,1,2?????797?414???????????????se?rtr?t ft ?????omomemeoe???e ge glglul??????????tit?veve,ve?, d, dadaiairiryir???sen????????anandan???????titicti???\"M\"??y h??????nd nd i is is ????ute?????ensen????ve??????ry?????", "output": "Maybe hers were in the heat, and the butter got hot? I'm now placing my third order for these. They're worth it!\"\n2369,B001LQTDBE,A2HIBTNU4UGXG1,Norma Medina,1,2,3,1304640000,\"tasty, but stale (hard)\",\"I love these cookies, but this paticular batch was stale, very hard, & I had to dip them in my coffe to eat them easily.\"\n2370,B001LQTDBE,A2KQT4D0OZR569,L. Staley,1,2,4,1279411200,\"Good dessert for someone gluten sensitive, dairy sensitive and diabetic\",\"My husband is gluten sensitive, dairy sens"} +{"input": "?????????ndnd d?????etetitictic,c??sos???it it?????verve?y y????fif????? t ???fi???? de dese?ses??????oro?????. .??UsU???lll????if? i it i??????utu?ene??frf???? i????asa?s ws ???????totootoo ?mum??h h???gag???, f, ??r ???ama??lel?????? tr tririei?d ?? b boboxo? o ?f f t?heh?eseese e???oko?????s fos for? h????. ??e e te ????ed ed t?????????sasaiaidi???????????????e se ?sursurprprpririsrisis??gl????oo???/?T>?he????????oto???????ingin??es??, e, ??venve???????h h th ??theythe?y a??e ?e she s??peped????kek?e te the t??????ypy?pespe???of of??ooookoo????. . . T. Th???? ar a????regregugulgulal??????okiokie????nsn????????. ?. T???????areare are????? a a a??ewe???????????????e, se, ?so so?????y a??? r raratathat??her her?????ns???e.?????????er,er?????? a??????ss?? ex expx????????? tha than??????inging ing a??ll ll???????ateat??", "output": "itive, and diabetic, so it is very difficult to find desserts for him. Usually, if it's gluten free, it has waaaay too much sugar, for example. I tried a box of these cookies for him. He tried them and said that they are surprisingly good.

They are not mereingues, even though they are shaped like those types of cookies. They are regular cookie consistency. There are just a few in a package, so they are rather expensive. However, they are less expensive than buying all the materi"} +{"input": "???????????lfl? a ?ndn???ava???????????aiaili???????????ou ou??el?l l I ? h?????mam????sos????????s ??in in? my my y t???me me??????sps?ececic??altal??????k?k? ?????????373?1,1?B0B??1L1LQL??DBDBEB??A3A???AQAQ0Q??2I2?RPR???????????eee??1,1,31,??,1,,1,1???626?595929202??????boxbox x?ofof ??tat??e ???umu??????????? a?rer?e oe ??de?rir??g ??cooco????????ewe??rere,re??ththeth?e 'e ?cocoo???????? arr ar????d ???????????????so,so, ????f yof you??wa??? a????????????????????????de?? a aw a?waywa???)\"???37?????001001L?QTQTDQT?DBEDB?????S5S5959059?A4A?K4K4Z4????MiM?ri?????. ???bcb?cocco????\"M?ir???????BoBoioisi??BaBabBa????ck\"ck???????,1???????777?606?00,?????????sis?ies??HiH??hfh??t ???ookoo????????o o o???????nt Gnt ??????'s'?s cs ???????ies cies coconcont???????? o? of of??ai??y ?fa????llllolowo?", "output": "als yourself and having them fail. (Can you tell I have made some bombs in my time as a specialty cook? LOL)\"\n2371,B001LQTDBE,A34QAQ042IRPVW,Nancy Lee,1,3,1,1296259200,A box of stale crumbs,\"If you are ordering cookies, beware, the 'cookies' arrived in crumbles, so, if you want a box of stale crumbs order away :)\"\n2372,B001LQTDBE,AA7S590A4K4Z2,\"Miriam R. Babcock \"\"Miriam DuBois Babcock\"\"\",1,6,1,1253577600,Aunt Gussies Highfat Cookies,\"Two of Aunt Gussie's cookies contain 23% of daily fat allowa"} +{"input": "?ncncec??? T ???????kikiei????rer??sos??fuf?????f f?????????he?? f?alallll ll?????t.t?? T ThTheTh?y ???y ??e ?e sue s?gagar???????anandn? g???????????? b bubut????eyey ey?ma??e e ie iti???p p???????oso???????????????an'an't'?????? g gi givi?ve ve????m m? to t??mym?y gy ???andandcdchc????re??!\"!\"\"????3,3??000?????7O7?I,I,A,A6A?????AGA??FWF??W,W,C,C.C??ClClal????????????151535303???0000,00??usu????re?reatrea????I wI ??as as?????kinki?? f fo f?r r????e e ne nun??????ouous? s sn snan?????? w???ith ith?????r ??- a- ?and??? cam ca????????????thesthe???? I??ve????rieri?d d td th??s ?vav????tyty ?an??and tand ??? o oa o?tmt???al/al/f/???? o???es es???nd nd b bo b??th th??re? v ????y g???????The?y ????????????????????re???????arear??fu??ll ?of?? fl flalavlavov??. ???ou???n'n't't 't??ayay ay? th????rere ?lil??? h ?omo?me ?????d,d????????", "output": "nce! The cookies are so full of grease they fall apart. They may be sugar free and gluten free, but they make it up with mostly FAT! I can't even give them to my grandchildren!\"\n2373,B00196U7OI,A601IGAG8FWGW,C. Clark,5,5,5,1215302400,Just Great,\"I was looking for some nutritious snacks - with fiber - and came across these. I've tried this variety and the oatmeal/flax ones and both are very good. They have a dryish texture but are full of flavor. Wouldn't say they're like home baked, but the"} +{"input": "?rere e?isi? n ?o o???arartr??????ala??????sts????? a ???? T ThTheh????re re??ene?ere??usu???? s ?izi?e ??3-3??? in i????s s ds didia?mem??terter,r? a??????? an an ?in?ch? h ?????????????????????cac???ririei??liligighig???????tst??(1(121?0-0-1-??0 0 e ???ch ????????ngng g o ?????he he v ?arariar??tyt????????????e ???4 ?grg??msm?s os ofo?????????????????ighligh????recre????menmendnd ???thesthe??e fe ??or or??eaealea?????????kik?ingin????or eor ???????quq?????brb???kfk???t.t.\".\"\"?232373???????969??7O7??,A,??EJE??????XDX?????????????x,x,1,1,1??,5,??,12,1?????646??0,0?Hi?ppp??y Ey ?????ari???????ftfte????????s o?????ana??y-y-s-??ak?eded ed???in???ese?, , I, I I??us?t ?????ed ????????? the th??e e te ??onion???ight.ight?. . W ????? T Th T????e a???re gre gog??????MyM?????e ????????ight?? T Th??????e ge ???????", "output": "re is no \"\"artificial\"\" taste at all. They're generous in size (3-4 inches diameter, almost an inch high) and though not calorie lightweights (120-140 each depending on the variety), they have 3-4 grams of fiber each. Highly recommend these for healthy snacking or even a quick breakfast.\"\n2374,B00196U7OI,A3EJGZO3WXD6JM,Ted Felix,1,1,5,1250726400,Hippy Eucharist!,\"After years of brandy-soaked Twinkies, I just tried one of these tonight. Wow! These are good. My wife was right: They're good. B"} +{"input": "u???non???soso o????????u u? go g?o co ????????d ???????? e ene???rer?e be ???? I ?t ??aya??beb??th?e ?whw???pipiningn??3 3???ramra?s s o ?? f ????r r??? t ??thesthe?????inyin?y ly ???tlt?e ?e the t????s.s?? I? t??hinhinkn? i???s ???tutuaualalll????y y sy ?tot???chch h???crecr??mim?ing?, ,?\"\"\"??O O??ORO??? ?I I??ANA?'T'???????AN??????E ???BEB??! ! ! I I' I???GOG?NNN???????!\"!??/?????r />r /??????reremremi????????of of? th??e he hohomho???madma??e we whe w?holho??????in in hin ?hiphi???????chach???stst st???om? t???????e ???'s??????eaearearlrlyly ly?8080'?s.s. s.???ea???, , m, ??is?????whowh?lele-le-g-grgragraia????????ese??s. s. s. T????es es m me m?????k ?to? m??y Cy ?at?ho???c c??ch??ooloo??dad?????????y ?usu?sedsed d td ??to lto leletle?????????????t at ?allal????????ftfto?vev??r hr ??homehomeme?mad?e ????oleolege???in?in h??pp?ppy ppy?????us ?afa??er? a???", "output": "ut not so good you go crazy and eat the entire box. It may be the whopping 3 grams of fiber in these tiny little things. I think it's actually my stomach screaming, \"\"NO MORE! I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE FIBER! I'M GONNA BLOW!\"\"

They remind me of the homemade wholegrain hippy Eucharist from the late 70's and early 80's. Heavy, moist, whole-grain goodness. Takes me back to my Catholic school days. They used to let us kids eat all the leftover homemade wholegrain hippy Jesus after a ma"} +{"input": "ssss?. .????odo??tit??????????5,5???010191?6U6U7U?OIO??????G5G?6O6???????,R,RaRanancnchc?????????????121????777?606??,C,???wyw????????titisti??????????olo?? g ??????in???ede??ene??s s????d gd gog??d ???sts??ng??? M MoMoso???KaKasashas???prp??????ts ts?????e me ?????y y wy whw??????lol???????h ??verve?y y ly ??????????????gragraiainai??, ,????? th t???e ????????s as ??????im?????? a? w???lele le g??????????. I. ItI???s ns ?ici????o o? ha h????????reareatat at?? tha th??at iat ?s ??????nunut?rir?itiitioiou????nd??st??????wew???????ougoughg??foforor r mr ??????????oo??????ThT???re ???e ?se??????l vl ????et???? o ofof f??????i ci ?cooco??kiekieses,es????and and???eye??arare?? al alll??gogoogo??.\".?\"2\"?23723???????19619???7OI7OI,??2E2??8E8?JK?ZTZ?????,c,?????????4,04,????3,3,1??????282???????,\"??TheTh?ey ey", "output": "ss. Good times.\"\n2375,B00196U7OI,A1E7G56OX03JKO,Ranch Girl,6,9,4,1210377600,Chewy and Satisfying,\"Whole grain ingredients and good tasting. Most Kashi products have mostly white flour with very little whole grains, but these cookies are primarily a whole grain mix. It's nice to have a treat that is more nutritious and still sweet enough for my sweet tooth! There are several varieties of Kashi cookies, and they are all good.\"\n2376,B00196U7OI,A2E48EJKZTCAUA,copengie4,0,0,3,1335052800,Ehh,\"They "} +{"input": "????tet????cec?, ,?????tht?eyey y???ded??mymy ???omo?macmachch h??????anandnd d?????????a a b bi b???????????????????sus??s s?(b(bebececac?usu?e ?ofof of??hehe he?chchich?????????t ????berbe??. . I ?t ???????ad?e ??e me e me b???at????\"\"2?373????000???6U6?7O7?I,I,A,A2A?P2P2S2?T2T282????????????an???,0,0,0,0???,1,??747?484868??0000,00?GrG?eae??? co c???????? T TET??????? P ????????ESE???ththethes?e ?????wowono?ndendere???? a ?????eaealea???y ??oo??ie??, , b, ?butbu??ththith?????s as a a ra rar?????ad???deade?? f??romro? A ??????????al????????NuN???ititiit?onon)on??- t- th?????areare ??chachar??iningn? a ab a?ouo?ut ut???5 5 ( (i (?????did??g ?shshih?ppp?ining??). ).???n n?????? th?an?? a a????????e ofe of ?wew?? s ???arcar???ng???? fo f???nd nd t? the th?e se sas???e qe ???????????or or? ab?ou??t $t ?????shish?ippip??ed.ed???EnE?jojoyo??????? coo cooko???", "output": "taste nice, but they made my stomach hurt and gave me a bit of flatulence issues (because of the chicory root fiber). It also made me bloated.\"\n2377,B00196U7OI,A2P2ST28QAZMJI,C. Candy,0,0,4,1274486400,Great cookies - TERRIBLE PRICE,\"YES, these are wonderful and healthy cookies, but this is a rare bad deal from Amazon (really DAB Nutrition)- they are charging about $25 (including shipping). In less than a minute of web searching I found the same quantity for about $15 shipped. Enjoy the cookies"} +{"input": "????????uyuy y f frf?omo? s sosomomeom?ono???????e ue unu?tit????heh?e pe prp?icicece ??om??? d ?owo???????7878,8,B,??010??6U6???I,I,A,?2X2XNXNJN????F7F?????,A????e,e????????272737??494?96096??,G,GoG??? b bu?t ????????ata??\"Y\"??mmmmym?? G ???????ava?oro???I I w ?isi?? t??????erere?????tet?er er????d nd ???????crc????lyl?????..????d fd fof?? s so??e e oe ?????reare???n n?? the th??y gy ?givgivev???me me h ??ara????rnr???????I I nI ????r r?geg?????hearhea?rtbrtbuburburnbur?n. n.?? s????????kek?????e fe ??lavla?????????????00100?????????A25A2???RIR?3434Q34??HHH???SuS??an?ne??EsE??????????0,50,5,5,1?27???080?80080???BeB??? H HeHea???????oo???ie ie I I' I??? E?ve?? T ???te??!!!????????????etet!et???!!,!!,\",\"<,\" > L ?eneng?th?:::??1:1?????????????????r /???/s/?????ThT??se?? co coo????s ??????", "output": ", but buy from someone else until the price comes down.\"\n2378,B00196U7OI,A2XNJJ9TF70P4J,Angie,0,0,4,1273449600,Good but not great,\"Yummy. Good flavor. I wish they were softer and not so crumbly......and for some odd reason they give me heartburn, and I never get heartburn. I still like the flavor.\"\n2379,B00196U7OI,A251MRI34QYHH2,Suzanne Estrada,0,0,5,1271808000,Best Healthy Cookie I've Ever Tasted!! Pretty sweet!!!!,\" Length:: 1:00 Mins

These cookies are so"} +{"input": "???rer???! !??at?chc??ouo?????????tot??seseee? h ??? g gr g???? t??eyey y??rearealrealll???ara??!!!!!?\"\"???8080,0?B0B???0C0?GFG??4,4?A3A?????N4N????6V6??????ere???? D DiD?vava,a??0,00,?????313?????00??,\",???cec?? B BiB?g g???????????igig ig A ?lmlmom?ndnd d????vovoro??,\"????se??????e se ????pepede???outou?????????????terte??? o????re?d d td ththeth?? a ??????rir??????????n n 5 ?? da d??s.s. .??(I(I I lI ??ive???n ???? o?ppppopp??ititeite ?coc??stst ????re??? the these???ar??????de.de?) )?????or??der? a? arr arririvri?eded ??ic???? p pap??kak??eded.ed??? Fo F?or or t?? the the p pr p??????I ?????1 1??bsb?s. s.?? o??. . o. ?f f b bib??co???? (??I wI ?????????????????kik?itcitchchechene?n sn ?????) ) c) ??t t it ?intin???1010 0? bi big???ieiecie??ces.ces?????????he ??shish????ngn?????d hd ??????ng?, ?????? tha th?at ?????es es o???? to to ????it??le?", "output": " great! Watch our video to see how great they really are!!!\"\n2380,B0000CGFV4,A3LSUKN4IFS6VD,Internet Diva,0,0,5,1312416000,\"Nice, Big Pieces & Big Almond Flavor\",\"These were shipped out the day after I ordered them and arrived within 5 days. (I live on the opposite coast where these are made.) My order arrived nicely packaged. For the price, I got 1 lbs. 4 oz. of biscotti (I weighed it on my kitchen scale) cut into 10 big pieces. Add the shipping and handling, and that comes out to a little "} +{"input": "????????anan n??????r r?????e.e???ThT??? i is? a ?ppp??oxo???ata???????????????cac?? b ??kek?????ha???ese??????bibisiscis???tit? t????(w(????????y ?ha??e ?sos???????SoS??????ueu?????thith????is ???the the g go g??ngn?? pr p??????or??hoh?omeom????e ?bi?scs??ttttitt???the??????????????><>????????e ?flf????or ??is ??ververyry ?al?????y.y?. A. ?ndnd,nd, , t, th?the ??harhardhardnd?es?ess ess?????usu?????perfper?ec?t.t?? T??e e b??????titi ti??? h?ara?d d? an a?nd nd???unu????????????'s'??nonot???so so? ha???????????u u c??oulou???'t'??eae????t ?????houho???????iningin?????s ss ??me???????tttti????re)re).)?. ???is??bibis???cottcot??ti cti ?cancan ?????????????? i? is\" is?? o or????? b?e ???unk?????????ffffe???????????cococco???. ??I ?du???kedke???in?????in Cin ChC?haiha??????an?d ??t t tt ??astas", "output": "more than $2 per piece. This is approximately what my local bakery charges per biscotti too (when they have some.) So, I guess this is the going price for homemade biscotti these days?

The flavor is very almondy. And, the hardness is just perfect. The biscotti is hard and crunchy, but it's not so hard that you couldn't eat it without dunking (as some biscotti are). This biscotti can be eaten \"\"as is\"\" or can be dunked in coffee, tea or cocoa. I dunked mine in Chai Tea and it tast"} +{"input": "?????rer?ata??????????heh?????coc???i i d ?oeo?es es n non???fafala?? a apa?arartr???????????ede??I/>I I????ke ke t?????lml??ndnd nd??lalava?oro??, b, ?utu?????isishis?????? c ??mem??????ninis??e fe ?????r.r??????????mym???av????????bisbi?????ti ti f????avoravor.?\"\"????1,1??000?8989S9SPS????,A,?????VSV??HJH?4L4?RXR????dydy ???? L ?on??s ????beb????ut?h ??? t? the the ?????ere?r,2r,?7,7?292?????29???444?00?0,0,N,?ewe????avoavoravoriavor????DaD??? K K-K?CuCupu????????co?????e he ??s s as ??????othoth,h???carca?memelme????????????isish?????at at I ??lol?vev?? M ???huhusu??an?????????????? da dar???blblel?ndndsnds ??ha?t ?????te te l??????????????????????Thi??s o?nene ??????ryr???smosmooo???????th?????t ??a ha ?in???????????????????I wiI w?ishish ish tish ??at???????on on????d id it??", "output": "es great. And, the biscotti does not fall apart when dunked.

I like the almond flavor, but I wish this came in anise flavor. That's my favorite biscotti flavor.\"\n2381,B0089SPDUW,A2QNGVSIHJ4LRX,Lady Who Longs to be South of the Border,27,29,5,1292544000,New Favorite Dark K-Cup,\"This coffee has a smooth, carmely, dark finish that I love! My husband gets other dark blends that taste like charcoal to me. This one is very smooth, with just a hint of sweetness. I wish that Amazon had it o"} +{"input": "n??iti?? m ?ono????????rcr???ses? p????rar?m,m? w wow?ululdld d l lol???e te tot????ve? 1 ?5%5???on on???????wew??????I I??????laladad d td ?to to?fif?ndnd ??it it??omomem??la??e e be ?????es??????n n Mn MoMouounou???????AsA???ririmi???????berbe?s,s??we???????????????????ee ee?re?plplapl??cedce????n 2n ?? sh s???pip????????s vs ?. ?a a? we w??? o?? l????gerge??ovoveovere??atat ????. S. ?we?et?!\"!????828???000????PDPDUD?????QLQ?WCW?????????????en???. ??????sos???9,9??,5,?????161????00000???ooooho?. ???lil?keke e t?????,\",???his????????e fe ????th th??ifi??er??enten?t tt tyt?pepe ??of of? co cof co???e ??'v'???????d ?wiw?????????ur????????feefe?e me ??kekerker.r??????????ow,ow?, i, ?it ???s t?iei?? w??ith???a Na ????manma?'s'??OwO???k-k??upup p a??????fafav???ritri???. A. A A c???uplup???k-?cucupcu???proprododud??ts? s???me???", "output": "n its monthly purchase program, would love to save 15% on it! However, I was glad to find it someplace besides Green Mountain. As prime members, we can get our coffee replaced in 2 shipping days v. a week or longer over at GM. Sweet!\"\n2382,B0089SPDUW,AQQLWCMRNDFGI,Steven A. Peterson,9,9,5,1301616000,Oooh. I like this!,\"This is the fifth different type of coffee I've tried with my Keurig coffee maker. Right now, it is tied with a Newman's Own k-cup as my favorite. A couple k-cup products seemed f"} +{"input": "i??e e w whwheh?? I ?????????asa?stest?????hemhe?, ,??utu?t ht ?ava?e ???????? p ?????sos???wh??t ?in????mpm????sosonso???iti?h h o oto?theth???????orors???????????.<.?brb??????r ?r />r /??hih????????????lyl? s ???oo??oooooooooooo???oo?????????????titiningin? c co c?fff???? I It I????es????ot ot?ha??????????????tasta?steste,ste???butbu??gog?oesoes s???wnw???verve???eaeaseasisililyly.ly??Th??????is ??????hnhne???s ts ???????e tae t???e ??as as??ele?l.l???br br???
This is a really smooooooooooooooooooth tasting coffee. It does not have a strong taste, but goes down very easily. There is a richness to the taste as well.

Bottom line? I will be purchasing this again when my supply runs out as I continue experimenting with different flavor k-cups.\"\n2383,B0089SPDUW,AP2NX17IS4661,Jim,15,17,5,1297209600,Great Coffee,\"Great coffee. Rich,"} +{"input": "?????usu??????????????lol??ere????hoh??????????yoy?? l ????????ncn?h h??oaoasast??oro?????lilialiana? r? roa ro?astas???????????? li lik???tht??????????.\".?2??8484,4,B,B0B000?898??PDP??W,W,A,A2A2V2?MBMB1B????SUS?VM??????ba??ahahlh?,6,6,6???5,5,1,131????89289???????aza????\"I\"??ama?? a a????????sns????. Y. ?ese??????dmd?iti???it.it. . I. I I pI ?re?feferfer ?frfreresreshs??roroaro?astasteasted??KeK???anan an????ffe?e,e?, b, ???t at ???????keke ke S ?umu???????, J, JaJ??????, ??uau???????an,???ve??n En EtE????????. ?? g ?en??eraer??lyl? s ???y ty ththath?at at????ono?'t'??????k k?CoC?lul?????????osost??K-K?CuC???s as ararear?e we wew?akak k ak ??d d? le l???s ts ??thantha???stest????????thoth??ghg???I hI ?ava?ve ve f fof??ndn?????er????I ??enjen?oyo????. I w. I ?????uru?pr???ed????y Cy ?ar?ibi?ou?????????an??????? is is ??xcx??????t.?? St S?trotr??g g e en e", "output": " robust. A coffee-lovers choice. If you like French roast or Italian roast, you will like this coffee.\"\n2384,B0089SPDUW,A2VMB1J58SUVMC,barbarahl,6,6,5,1332892800,Amazed,\"I am a coffee snob. Yes, I admit it. I prefer fresh roasted Kenyan coffee, but also like Sumatran, Jamacan, Guatamalan, even Etheopian. I generally say that I don't drink Columbian. Most K-Cups are weak and less than stellar, though I have found several I enjoy. I was surprised by Caribou's Mahogany! It is excellent. Strong en"} +{"input": "???ghg??wiwiti??h ah ?????rtr???? w wi w?????????? a an???sms?ooo????e fe ?in???h ??mymy ???scs???????????????aga?????????ede?d td th?theithe?r r???ybybrb????, , t, ?o o????did???ppp???????ntnt.t????st???rdrdi????????I dI dod???t t????????ri????????ewewsw??, b, ??t ??????????an???getge??sos??????e ee ?lslsese ????????y ???????anyany y iy it?????wew?ellell l??????????e t?imi?????????ou ou??ava?e ?sis?????? t?asastas???in?? co c???eee??????? it i???? tr t???? ( ????????, I, I ??????t wt ??orkor? f fof?? t???????2??858????????PDP?UWUW,W??????BFB??HLH???P1P1,1????c c?W.W???????,1,??090?737?767????YuY?mmm???,I,??lol?????thith???coc???feefe???VeV??????arkar????t ???t t at att at ???l ?????terte???? f???ala??y ???unu???on?one one I? l ????e ae ?????chch ?h ash a? J ?ete???????2??", "output": "ough with an earthy, winey taste and smoothe finish (my description). I eagerly tried their Daybreak, to my disappointment. Just ordinary. I don't often write reviews, but if this can get someone else to enjoy Mahogany it is well worth the time. If you have similar taste in coffee give it a try!! (and no, I don't work for them.)\"\n2385,B0089SPDUW,A3CCKBF8HLSGP1,Eric W.,5,5,5,1309737600,Yummy!,I love this coffee. Very dark but not at all bitter. I finally found one I like as much as Jet Fuel.\n238"} +{"input": "???B0B??898?SPS???W,W??3O3O1O1I1??KBKB7B??????,\",??ici?kikiei???. .??neneie?sls?ere? \" ??????kieki??\"\"\"\"\"\",\"??,4?????313121?767???????ara???????ofo????/S/????????,\"M,\"?????????d d??ovo????sts????? C?ar????????offof???e be ????? l li l??e ?tht???mimili???er er??oneone ?oro?r \"r \"\"??rer??kfk??ststtype. I will drink this but Caribou of all kinds is a great coffee,no matter
how strong. It will not disappoint.\"\n2387,B0089SPDUW,A36RD36M6VL3JT,perfectwrite,3,3,5,1329955200,The Best Coffee for Depression and Lifting up Your Mood,\"This morning, for the first time in my life, I tried Mahogani Caribou Coffee "} +{"input": "???lyl? b ???auausu???I I??????unu??ououtu? o?f f m ?y y uy ???ala????????f ??of???e,e? w ??ici?h h??? wo w?oulouldl?????al?????rer????ndn???rir???? I???shs??rtr????I sI ?????????????ene??cacatca?????????MaM???gag??y ??ara??bobou? a???co??fe???!!?? Y YoY???knkno??w ww ???? ???t ????s fs fafarar ar m??oreore ?????-d-??prpre???an?ant ant??nd??upuplplil?ftf???g g e ??ffeff????on?? me m??ththahanha????hahadha?d pd ??ev????slslyly ?an?????papata?tedte??. F. ?????no???????????????onlon????dridrin?k k??MahMa???an??????rib?ou??????888?????8989S9?PDPDUD????1G1GLGLLL?2V2??HUHUW?P5P???\"P\"P.P?. J. ?ararrar????t \"t ?\"p\"p-p??????tt????????????323282?222??202???MoM?sts?????y y fy flf?ava????? I h I ha?ve???????d.,d.??YoYouYo???????asa????e the t?e ??oooodo?d id ??????? re r??pepecpectc?t it iti????????li?kek?e t???e ce ????????????oao?ast", "output": "only because I had run out of my usual type of coffee, which I would usually brew and drink. In short, I should not even categorize Mahogany Caribou as coffee!!!! You know why? It has far more anti-depressant and uplifting effect on me than I had previously anticipated. From now on, I will only drink Mahogany Caribou.\"\n2388,B0089SPDUW,A1GLL2VDHUWP5O,\"P. Jarrett \"\"p-jarrett\"\"\",3,3,5,1328227200,Most Cozy flavor I have tried.,\"You can taste the wood in the respect it taste like the coffee was roast"} +{"input": "?ede? o ???r r w ????? ?ItI???? V ?ERE?Y Y s ??????????ded?tetecectc??????iti?te??????????ov?????????iningng.g?. . ??icicec? f ??ava?oror.or???MyM???newne???????avoav???????????ng ng?th??e ke k-k???p p?????. ?????ololdld ??favfa??ririt?? w??? D DoDononun?t ?????????? no n???ana???mo?rere.???? a ?am am? no not no??????????ed?? wi w???? th theh??ot?he?r r Cr ??????? f?????vorsvor????????is???ne????????y sy ????ri?ses??ed med ??e.\"e.????898??B0B000???SPS?DUD??,A,??????2828W8???1C1?????eckec?y ???????gag??de???),)????,5,5,5?131??272?848??????????rfr?????ar?? c ?ofo??eeee,e,\",???stst st????rib???? co c?????es es a?????oooo oo w??eakeak ?fof?????. ??hih???on?e e ie ??is ais ? d??lilicli?ioi??s s es ???????????ItIt'It?s s rs ???htht ?up?? th??ereere e we ?itithith ith?ReR??????me?ri???'s 's? bo b??????????? H ????????", "output": "ed over wood. It is VERY smooth, I detect no bitterness or over roasting. Nice flavor. My newest favorite amoung the k-cup line. My old favorite was Donut Shop but not any more. I am not as pleased with the other Caribou flavors but this one really surprised me.\"\n2389,B0089SPDUW,A3AZI828WJN1CD,Becky (beckygardens),3,3,5,1322784000,Wonderful dark coffee,\"Most Caribou coffees are too weak for me. This one is a delicious exception. It's right up there with Revv, Emeril's bold, or Van Houtte's "} +{"input": "??clc?????? A A A?DaDara?k k?bob???????????wiw???????tatasa???ngn???????d ?????????r.r?\"\"??393909??????9S9??DUDUWU?,A,A2A?????N2N???????????????. ?RoR??sensenbn???g ?\"\"\"???ese??berbe???????,3??5,?????787???00?,t,??e ?be??st st?k-k???p,p?,\"C,\"???ibibo??????aha????nyn? i ??s ms ?y ?faf??ororiorititeite ?k-???? c??offoffe???? I ItIt't?????t ?a a g gr g??atat,t??rir?chc????astas???? I?????????, ???ut ut??ot?? bi??teterte???????1,1,B,B0,B0000800?89S89??DUDUWDU???????????T4T???4,4?GeGeoe????e Re ?? Dr D?rivri?erer,er??,6,??,5,,5,1,5,??939????00??0,T0,ThT???????????????????ItIt It?hah???a ???iceic??ststrst???ng ng??lal??or????????? b???te?????s.s?
How strong is it? I would say it is similar in strength to auto-drip using 1 rounded tabl"} +{"input": "e???ooo?n n o ?f f??????e e???? 8 ??????f wf ?atatet????????,B,?000???SPS?DUD?W,W??1A1???????YSY??T5T??,Br,Brir??n n Dn ????????2,22,?2,52,5,?131?424???9696060000,00,G,GoG?oodood d?????d Cd ??????????vev???????drdririnrinknkik??????eeeeneen een?MoMouo?????in'in????ararkrk k???gigici???andan?d rd ?reare??lyl????joj?????iti?t, t, h hoh??eveve?r ??????ntented? a? c ch c?anangan??? ??ftf??r ??omomem?e se ?eae???????g Ig I ?didisi???ve??ed???hi???co??fefeefe???and?? am am m??lal???I I d?idid.d??????'s 's???? a?n ???????en?t ?ded??? f ???vovoro????at??? r ???llllyll?????????. S. ?trtror?ongong ??enoen?ougou??????????ot????????we??????. . I. ???????memenme????ou????ve??itit it a? a t a tr????2?????,B0,B?????SPDSP??W,W,AW,?2626N6?FIFIQI??KWK????7,7,k,????????,2,,2????,1,13?292????0000000?,n,nin???e fe fl?????,\"??I aI ???reere??????h th ???e oe ????? p po p?", "output": "espoon of coffee per 8oz of water.\n2392,B0089SPDUW,A1ACXZOUVYS3T5,Brian Dumont,2,2,5,1342569600,Good Bold Coffee,\"I've been drinking Green Mountain's Dark Magic and really enjoyed it, however I wanted a change. After some searching I discovered this coffee and am glad I did. It's got an excellent deep flavor that I really enjoy. Strong enough - yet not overpowering. I recommend you give it a try.\"\n2393,B0089SPDUW,A26NFIQ7KWI8Y7,kt rose,2,2,4,1329696000,nice flavor,\"I agree with the other pos"} +{"input": "?ititit?vev????????s s I ???????ererere.re?????cec????avavov??, ,???ror???-i-?shsh,h??????????????rir?ndn??y y o ?or or???onfon?er??ncn?ce ce? co c?fff???e f??lavla?vorvorsr????o mo ?ese???????p.p?<>??r ?/>???or ?re??ferfe?????e pe pup??poposo??s ??y ???? st sto st?oreore ?????? i is? a ? S ????????s ??me?riricricac?????brbr br?????br ???????avavoav???iteit?e ke ?????s ????????? />??StaStararbar?????s Fs FrF??rencren????oao???
S>??StarStarbStarbubuc????PiP?keke ??la???????????br br /??GrGre?en? M MoMouo?????in ???tratr?a Ba BoB??d d S??mamata??????????veve??GreGr???n Mn ?MouMoun???????ououbou???e Be ?lalac?k ?DiD??????Gr
Greeeeneen een??ou?ountountataitaintain tain??ar?k k Mk ???????
?????r kr ???????I'I?ve??tr???d:d? ???", "output": "itive reviews I see here. Nice flavor, strong-ish, no bitter, grind-y or conference coffee flavors to mess it up.

For reference purposes my in store drink is a Starbucks Americano.

My favorite k-cups are:
Starbucks French Roast
Starbucks Caffe Verona
Starbucks Pike Place Roast
Green Mountain Xtra Bold Sumatran Reserve
Green Mountain Double Black Diamond
Green Mountain Revv
Green Mountain Dark Magic

Other k-cups I've tried: Cof"} +{"input": "????????plp???JeJete? F FuFueu?? , ?GrG???????ununtn??????ara?k k???gig?? D ?????, , E EmEmem?????JaJazazzz????upu????ecaec??, , S, ????????? C ?afaffaf????er?????????fefeefe??Pe?op?le??BlBlal?????igi?er??? S ?StaSt????????HoH??sese e Be ?BleBl?ndn??, S???tarbtar???ks?? Br B???????t ??Ble???, ????arb?ucuckucks???umumam?trtrara,a, a,???lfl??anangn?????????renre??? R RoRoao????, G, ??ee????ou?nt??ainai??????e ae ??d ??????????reereenen en? Mo?un?tataita?? F??enencen????oa?????????????? Mah Ma?ogogog??y,y??WoWolWolf?gaganga??????ck ?Su?mamatma?tratr??KoK??? R??yay??a, Ea, ?????? B?????asasyasy y? Bo B??d\"d?????4,4????898?SPS??????1C1CACA6A??1G1?E0E040?NDN??,E,?lnl???ou???????4,14,???515111??????????iciic??ous?,T,??isi??coc??????hah???????od????????? an a???? g ???d ?ststrst???gtgthth.h????t t ft ??rsr?? i ??t st ???????d std str", "output": "fee People Jet Fuel ,Green Mountain Dark Magic Decaf, Emeril Jazzed up Decaf, Starbucks Caffe Verona, Coffee People Black Tiger, Starbucks House Blend, Starbucks Breakfast Blend, Starbucks Sumatra, Wolfgang Puck French Roast, Green Mountain Lake and Lodge, Green Mountain French Roast, Caribou Mahogony, Wolfgang Puck Sumatra Kopi Raya, Emeril Big Easy Bold\"\n2394,B0089SPDUW,A1CA6V1GE04NDK,Eln Lou,2,2,4,1325116800,Delicious,This coffee has a good flavor and a good strength. At first it seemed str"} +{"input": "oonongn???utu?????n n?I I????t ut usu????o o????? I? r ?ececocomo????????isi? f flf??vov?r r?co?ffffefeee?. ??ooo??d wd ????e ue upu?????????????ini????232393?5,5?B0B???9S9?????,A,?2M2MNM?1Q1?BKB??G8G??????????r,r???2,?4,4???040494?????????akeak?e Ue ?p ???llll,l??VeV??????cec??????otothoth h c?????f f c co c???feefe?? ????ibi?????of??ee? h ?????eeeenee??a a? fa fav????????? m ?in?????incin?? t th the th?e fe fif???????meme me? I ??is?it???d Md ?in???sosototaota ?????hahadhad ?th?the the???pop?ortortut??????tot???go go? to????st?or?e ??andand ?d had havaveave ???coffcoffe?fee.fee???? I h I ha??e e s????????oneon?e m??????rdrdeder???or??????ir ir??????ee ??andand and a??te?r r pr ?uru??ha?si?ng?? a a K KeKeue??????????ee ?mam?ch???ine ine???s ???pp???????seese??it????as as??vav??????e ?e ine in ????????????alalsal?? e ?????y t??he he???riribri?boubo?", "output": "ong but then I got use to it. I recommend this flavor coffee. Good wake up in the morning.\n2395,B0089SPDUW,A2MN1QBKMG8DJ2,Guster,2,2,4,1304985600,Wake Up Call,\"Very nice, smooth cup of coffee. Caribou Coffee has been a favorite of mine since the first time I visited Minnesota and had the opportunity to go to a store and have coffee. I have since done mail order for their coffee and after purchasing a Keurig coffee machine was happy to see it was available in K-cups. I also enjoy the Caribou "} +{"input": "?BlB?ene?d d???t t I I I??ava???toto o???????isi??????nd nd h?????????tlt??????e e \"e \"\"\"?kik???????o ???? bu b?? s???lll????sms???????ofo????????h ???o ao afa?tet??? ta t?astas?te.te??????6,6,B,?000?898??PDP?UWUW,W,A,??DUEDUEUE??PTPTGT??7L7?????issis?ouo????n,n??4,54,?,5,?????040??888808?00,00???chc????d d dd ????cicioi??s,s?\"I\"I ??hadha??'t't ?trt???????ri???ou ou b????? K K-K-c-????s bs bebefe??????and??ama??exe??tretreme???y y py pip????. . I?? li liki??e a????richric???inintn?tente???, ?????-b-?bodbo???? c??????e a????ththithis? p prp????ctct ?????????????StStr?onongng g???????????teterte?r tr ??astasteast??????en en b br?ewe??d ???th??? o ozo?????te???. ??I wI wowououlouldl?d rd ???comcommmme??????hishi???proprododuod?????o ??nyn?ononeon?e w??ithith ith??imi????? t? tas ta?te?s ?s ans andnd ????ll ll??defdefif??????????????it ait ????in.in?.\".\"?232?397397,7?,B0,B00?89?", "output": "Blend but I have to say this blend has a little more \"\"kick\"\" to it but still a smooth coffee with no after taste.\"\n2396,B0089SPDUW,ADUEU4PTGT7L4,Missourian,4,5,5,1310428800,rich and delicious,\"I hadn't tried Caribou brand K-cups before and am extremely picky. I like a rich, intense, well-bodied coffee and this product delivered. Strong but no bitter taste, when brewed with 6 oz. water. I would recommend this product to anyone with similar tastes and will definitely buy it again.\"\n2397,B0089S"} +{"input": "??DUD??????????XLX?????????sas???111???1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,???383???????,L??????t t????t ht ?arardr???? f fifinindn??ThT?is???????e ??f f m ?? f?avavov?????????ItI???s ss ?momooo?????ndnd nd??ricri???an?d ??ot? t to t????????g g???or or?????in?????t ????o o bo bobolo??????ugu?h h th th?atat t it ???I I?lilik?????cuc??? in i?????e ae afe a????????????wiwili???dod?o fo fof?or ??tha??t tt to???. . M ???on?????ro???eme???????at?? I I c?an? n nenevnevev?er er??in????? l??????? - - - I??al?mo??st st???wawaya??s hs ?havha?ve ve??? g ?????t ??onlonlionl??e e we whw??chch ch??????uaual???????e ???pep?ensensis?ve?. ?. I. ?????????d d td ?theth?e Oe ObObsb??did???????a a sa ??bs???ituit?????ndnd nd Ind ??dodondo????li?ke? t th tha?????ne ne???it?ite ite?????ucu?ch ???? th???MaMahahoh???anyan??2?393???B0B??898??PD??????ITI??2T2??????????hnh????", "output": "PDUW,A16TMLWXLBCLLZ,LisaD0115,1,1,5,1338336000,Like it but hard to find,This is one of my favorites. It's smooth and rich and not too strong for morning but also bold enough that if I like a cup in the afternoon it will do for that too. My only problem is that I can never find it locally - I almost always have to get it online which is usually more expensive. I've tried the Obsidian as a substitute and I don't like that one quite as much as the Mahogany.\n2398,B0089SPDUW,A8ITT2TI2MI0X,John Hil"} +{"input": "e????,1,,1?5,5,1???767?444??000?,F,?iri?sts??imimpm???????n:n????oco??????e,\"e,\"T\"ThT???? is i?????????? m ????????iti???k-k-c-cuc?p p????fa??? I I'I?m m???????fef??si?ononaon??????stest?r r? so so ??????ofof f??la????r nr nonotno?????????offof????????lsl??whw?er????sus?al?????????es es? me m?e se ?crc???????? m?y y hy ???? a ??d ?tht??nknkikin??, , \" ??ifi??yoy?? s?aya?y sy so?...?..\"..\"\"?. ???t ?at? m? my my??????? si sipi?????????s ds ????, ???????????fe??, , I, I I t?????? c?ho?????te?????'s's ??notnot not???avavoav?oreor????or or s?wew????????????or mor ?????t ??as? a???\"n\"?????\"\" \"\"??f f gf ????????rkrk rk c??????at?e.e??????lyly ????comcommmmemenme??eded ed? if i????????keke ???urur ?co?????? st s????g ?????fuf???l ol ofof ?flf???oror.or??????9,9?B0B0000800????DUD??,A,A2A2M2MPM??KWK????JVJ??,F??????n,n,1", "output": "e,1,1,5,1337644800,First impression: chocolate,\"This is probably my favorite k-cup so far. I'm no professional taster so talk of flavor notes in coffee or elsewhere usually leaves me scratching my head and thinking, \"\"if you say so...\"\". But at my first sip of this dark, smooth coffee, I though chocolate. It's not flavored or sweet but, for me, it has a \"\"note\"\" of good, dark chocolate. Highly recommended if you like your coffee strong and full of flavor.\"\n2399,B0089SPDUW,A2MP7KWDQ2JVT,Fun1prn,1"} +{"input": "?????,1??363686?676???0,0?\"C\"CaC?rir???u u C CoC???eeee,e, ,?MaM????ana????????????ooo??????chc????ava??? e eve?enen n??n ?????????????sesete??????, d, ?ar?k k b ?lel???????????????????inging g???p p o????of???e.e??I I w ??lll? r ???????????thith?? t?? m ????ririeri???????ThT?is?????dud???????rivri?vedve?d od ??????me me???ll? p?aca?kak?gegedge?.\".??????,B,???898?????W,W?????MQM???Z5Z????D,D???ngeng??1,1,11,1,?5,??33??171767???????y f???or???e,????vivioi??????tat???????is ais ????pip??io????utu???????y hy ?umu??bleble ?????io??? th t??s ???is tis ??????????cofco???? o??ut ut???er???fof???KeK?????g ag ?????????e e te trt??riedried ??a ba ??illil???ion.ion?. I. I ?lol??ve ve?da??k ?ro?????bu???????bu??ckscks's???re???ch ch? ro r???ast,ast?, S, ????atratrara,a???andand and???????s Is ?I cI ????????mememmembmbemb", "output": ",1,5,1336867200,\"Caribou Coffee, Mahogany\",\"Very Smooth Rich flavor even on the largest setting, dark blend a very satisfying cup of coffee. I will recommend this to my friends. This product arrived on time well packaged.\"\n2400,B0089SPDUW,A1HYMQV1Z5GLGD,Ange,1,1,5,1336176000,My favorite,\"Obviously taste is an opinion but in my humble opinion this is the best coffee out there for Keurig and I have tried a billion. I love dark roast but Starbucks' French roast, Sumatra, and others I can't remembe"} +{"input": "???ofofff? h ???d d?seseee?m m??o o t????? s?tatala?e e te ?? m ??e oe oror r nr nonotot t a ?? b ?ololdl?. .?CaC??'t'?t st ???andand ???? o?f ????ibibo?????????r r dr ????????astas?s,s, ,????????s Os ??????an???hih????yoyouou u?????geg?t ??t ??ar?gegetge??t sot s?memetmetitimime?s.s?. A. ?lll????? al all???I I? am a??hoh??????????s os ??e ????????ar????nd,nd?????ge'ge??????sos??alal al f ??v.v??????????080????DUD???????4949494B4????727????. ??????er er I III??????1,51,?????01?282?00?0,0?LoL??e e ie itit!t?,\",?????????FuF?????? f?lal?avoavor??. N. ?????????r.r. . N???????y y ay ??????tasta???. ????oplop??? th tha th?at at???????????ansans ?exe?trtrar????????StSta???ucuckucks??VeV?eroer?????nd????????a,a??TuTulullul?????rer??????????????d od ?othotheother?????rk rk????? sh s???uldul??lol?????hi??. ? I?????????ter???\"2\"24??2,2", "output": "r off hand seem to taste stale to me or not as bold. Can't stand any of Caribou's other dark roasts, such as Obsidian which you can get at Target sometimes. All in all, I am hoping this one sticks around, Ange's personal fav.\"\n2401,B0089SPDUW,A2LQ494BOMR72G,D. Walker III,1,1,5,1330128000,Love it!,\"Smooth. Full of flavor. Not bitter. No nasty aftertaste. People that like Newmans extra bold, Starbucks Verona and Sumatra, Tullys French Roast and other dark cup should love this. It's better!\"\n2402,"} +{"input": "?B0B?080?9S9SPSPDP?UWU????????N8N???JWJ??????yty??e e???ese?????1,1,1?????323?717101040??000000,0,S,SmSmom???th th?????tat?sts?y y a?nd?? an an an??bsbsosolo????????ama? c ?omo??e te trt???e fe foforor r? th t??se??whw????????y by bob?oldol?d dd ???k k?ror???tst?...??????th?????????e ??nln?ly ly??eeeen????lel???? t????th????e oe ofe o??CaC???bo?u'u's'??k k ck ??? b?lelenle????(M(MaMaha???ananyany ??as as???lll????s \"\"???rir???ou ou C??ffffef?ee,ee???arari???bou bou???en?????-C-???????titioion?????????r ????ri???K-?CuCupCup p Bp ?????ersers,s???????ounou??Caribou Coffee, Caribou Blend, K-Cup Portion Pack for Keurig K-Cup Brewers, 24-Count and Caribou Coffee, Daybreak Morning Blend, K-Cup Portion Pack"} +{"input": " ???? K ?????? K????????ewe?ere??? 2 2424-4-C?????), I've found that Caribou consistently produces the highest quality k cups. They are head and shoulders above their competitors like Green Mountain and Van Houtte.

I should mention that Caribou's Daybreak blend is far and away my favorite k cup flavor of the 20 or so I've been able to sample so far. But I enjoy a flavorful medium roast. My boyfriend, on the other hand, prefers an extra bold dark roast. After our favorable experience with the"} +{"input": " C ?arariribibob?u u b ???????efefof???, ,?wew????????d ud upup p????oxo??ofof f??????coc??????an???????ed ed t th thah???????ou???d bd ?????grg?reareatat at c??hoiho???e fe fo??? a a d ???? b?lel??nd.nd??br??/>/??????mem???usu??t st ???????at ??ahaho?gagan??y iy ???fuf?llll l???f sf sms?oko?keykey ?ded??ic?ioi??s ?flflal???or.or????t't?s ????????strstrorono??????? da dar??, ??utut ???erere? i?s ???????cic?d d bd bid b?ittit?er??????or????????y ??thath?at ????comco???anian??es es? a ??oto?t ot ofof of?????????k rk ro???stssts.s????hi??s cs ??????e pe ?pacpack?s ??????werwerfrfufulfu??pup?nc???. ?AlA??thoth???h h t? tha??t it ?isnis??t ?????alall?????y t??????, I, ????an an???joj?y ?a ???up up??? t? thi this???it?h ???lkl?k ak ???????it???? of s of ?????eneneen?er.er?????y by ???frf??en??d ad ?dod?oreor??es ies ??, ???thoutho????, a, anand??it??hahasha????co??e ?", "output": " Caribou brand before, we picked up a box of this coffee and hoped that it would be a great choice for a dark blend.

Let me just say that Mahogany is full of smokey delicious flavor. It's quite strong and dark, but there is no rancid bitterness or acidity that accompanies a lot of the dark roasts. This coffee packs a powerful punch. Although that isn't normally my thing, I can enjoy a cup of this with milk and a bit of sweetener. My boyfriend adores it, though, and it has become a"} +{"input": " ??tat?plp?e e b ??lenle???fof?r r???????I I?wiw?????????????????????ono?? oc o???sis?on?? b??t t?iti????a a???it it? to t????oto?ene?t ?fo?r ???.<.<>I>???????k tk ?thi?????s ts th??e be ???st st d ???k ???as???I'I??e ????d td th?? c ??hanha?cece ??????y.y?\"\"2????????898????UWU???2L2?VFV??PZP?6E6EHE???R,R?????ldld ?????????1,1??,4,??,13,1?202??515??200200,0,N,NoN??????e e fe frf?es??? bu?t ?????????betbett?ere??????cece ce? bo b?ld? t????????ut ut? wi w?ithit?h ah ??lilitli???????papacackckack?????? o ov o???to???e. e. ??ikikeike ????er? K ??cuc?p p???????tst?????his his?????????a ??ha???e b???????re??sh.sh.\"?????4,??B00B008??9SP9S????,A??????????????,P,PaP?????k ?? F ??itzitzgzge???aldal?,0,0,?0,??,1??505???0480480800??CaC?ariar???? M MaMaha???ana??,\",\"G,\"GoGotot ???this???n n an a ??k ck cucupcu?p sp sas?mpm?", "output": " staple blend for him. I will still drink this on occasion, but it's a bit too potent for me.

I think this is the best dark roast I've had the chance to try.\"\n2403,B0089SPDUW,A2LVFLPZ6EHQWR,Donald C. Beck,1,1,4,1320451200,Not like fresh but gettin better!,\"Nice bold taste but with a little \"\"packaged\"\" overtone. Like other K-cup products this is just a shade below fresh.\"\n2404,B0089SPDUW,A311QDUHEORR5P,Patrick J Fitzgerald,0,0,5,1350604800,Caribou Mahogany,\"Got this in a k cup sampl"} +{"input": "?ere?? t ???????? k k k???p p s sos??????? I IfI????????keke ???????????g g? co c??fef?e e we ?????? l?oto?t ot ????lal??oro?r, r,??liligli????????t o???????a,a, ??thith????is is??t.t?? N ?o o bo ???teter?? af a???? t?asa?????. T. ?hi???on?e ??oeo?? o ?? t??p ????mymy y??????er??lilisli???, p, pep???????????????K K?CuC?up up??ysy???m.m. ?. T??he ??????eve??ewewew??er oer ?????thisthis s ps ???? t? tha th??t gt gag????itit it o?nene ?st????hahas?????tat?astas?? b bu b?dsd?.\".?????5,5,B,???898??PDP?UWUW,W?AAAA7A7S7?????STST2ST2H2????ama??es ?????nyn?,0,??????????606??808?????wnw??? to to????osostos????ne????......,.??my? w wi?fe??????? a???? av a??d ?????igi??co?ff?eeee ee? fa fana??s (s ?wiwitwi?th ??thrthre?e ??rerewre??rsr?s bs ????weewe?? t th????twotwo ???of uof ????. W. ??e se ste sta?rtr???d od ououtou??t ort o??derde????? al?? t? the????av????????", "output": "er, the best k cup so far. If you like good strong coffee with a lot of flavor, slight hint of cocoa, this is it. No bitter after taste. This one goes on top of my reorder list, perfect for the K Cup System. The one reviewer on this post that gave it one star has no taste buds.\"\n2405,B0089SPDUW,AA7STIIEST2HW,James Glenny,0,0,5,1350604800,down to almost none ....,\"my wife and I are avid Keurig coffee fans (with three brewers between the two of us). We started out ordering all the flavored pod"} +{"input": "ss s???????onon n?leleae??nen?d ??hah?an an????????ese?s ws ?ere?re re????k k???? th theh?e be babasba??csc???..?.... .. w we? e ??chc? h ?????? c ?ououpuplp?? o ofo? \" ??fuf??l\"l?? s st strtre??gtgthth th a???? th the th?????o to ?? t??? \"???e-e?cacafa?????oro????????asa???cuc?up.up.<.????????r r /????hohogo???y y?isi?????ch????e e fe ?forfo???thethe ????? b???ndnd.nd?? I ItI??s s ss smsmomoo???th .th ???.h.????an?an ean exe??ele?llell??t t tt ???tet?e a?ndnd ??aroar??????? / />?W>WeW?????re tre ?totto?talta??y ??atatiat????ed?? wi w?thth ?th??? o or o?de?r ??????\"\"???????000?898??PDP?????2M2?989????GQGQXQX2X2G2????????lle?,0,??,0,,0?5,5,1,?343??????????????e ??is ?????; ; n ????e i?s s gs go??d.d?...?....,....?????????? o?????thisthi?????????e is??Ma???????????n mn ?my my?mi???????deede????????br?owownw?. ???e e ce co?coffcof??fee fee?flflal???????s ds de?", "output": "s and soon learned than are likes were back to the basics ..... we each have a couple of \"\"full\"\" strength and then go to the \"\"de-caf\"\" for that last cup.

Mahogany is my choice for the full blend. It's smooth ....has an excellent taste and aroma.

We are totally satisfied with this order .....\"\n2406,B0089SPDUW,A2M98NPVGQX2GK,Camille,0,0,5,1349827200,Coffee is good; name is good....,\"The name of this coffee is Mahogany, in my mind a deep rich brown. The coffee flavor is dee"} +{"input": "?? a ?ndnd d??ici??, ,??????heh??????? i ?? d ????????wnw???ItI?? is i?????iciciic????.\".??242404070??????9S9SPS?????A1A????????????18,18?KaKata????enen n?????,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,?????81816160600???ururnr??t tt ??asa????CaC??aba??ou ou M???ogogogononyny y?? is is??????or????????ini?? c???p op ?? c?????????hah?vev?e ee eveve???hahadhad,d??an?d ???????ee?????????inging ??????????or or?ovo????? d???ada?desde?s. s.??t ??as?asteastese??juj???t lt ?liklikek??? p ???eceec????? bu bur?nt? t?oa?????ThT?he ??onlon?y y wy ???y Iy ?? ca c?? m ?aka?ke ke i?t ?????ataat?????????to to p?utut ??t ?ov??????e,e, e,??????lotlo?????of vof ??anianili??la la?sus??????yry?up?????d md ?ililkilk.k?. I. ?????gogotgo???? f ????d sd ???e ???y y ty ?to ????stist?fyf?y t????pupururcur??as??????nd ind icici????????ee????????helhe????2???8,8,B???????DU????????", "output": "p and rich, and the color is dark brown. It is delicious.\"\n2407,B0089SPDUW,A18S1559XJID18,Kathleen Mele,0,0,2,1349481600,burnt toast,\"Carabou Mahogony is the worst tasting cup of coffee I have ever had, and I've been drinking coffee for over 4 decades. It tastes just like a piece of burnt toast. The only way I can make it palatable is to put it over ice, add lots of vanilla sugar syrup and milk. I've got to find some way to justify the purchase and icing it seems to help.\"\n2408,B0089SPDUW,A1OZON"} +{"input": "YYCYCJCJYJ?????,C,CoC?????LoL??ere??????5,5?131343??????00000?????ve ve????ibi????,I,I I?orordr?er????????MaM???gagana?y y???ariaribiboib?ou ou??????e ?????????andan?d ad ?dod?????thetheme?? ???rerece????ene??d td ????s ps ??????t t i ?? y ????lilikikek?e be ???????????wiwitith??????ooo??????ststet???242?409409,9?B0B00?????????A1A1Z1Z2Z??CMC??WLW?J8J?I1I????robro??,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,5,?1313413454????00????umu?????? i??????er?ioi?ousou????up up o of o??joj??e. e.?YuY??mym?nenese?s!s!/??I hI ????????????????eae????????????s ??????????s c?of?offeoff??.<.?/>R/>RoR?bub?st?? an a??? ae a??om?????2????0,B0,?????SP???W,W,AW,?????QBQ?APAP7P7G7GPG?????mokmo??y ???????BaB?????????,5,5,,5?,13,134??????00?????at?????fe???\"t\"?thi???????ayayby????he??????te?st?st cst cocof???ee ee???????madma?de.de?? i? h ?havha??ve hve ?", "output": "YCJYYK1I,CoffeeLover,0,0,5,1347840000,Love Caribou!,I ordered the Mahogany Caribou Coffee K-Cups and adore them. I recommend this product if you like bold coffe with a smooth taste.\n2409,B0089SPDUW,A1Z20CMOWLJ8I1,rrob4,0,0,5,1345248000,yum,This is a serious cup of joe. Yummyness!
I have turned at least 3 friends onto this coffee.
Robust and aeromatic\n2410,B0089SPDUW,ANF5SQBAP7GPG,Smokey & the Bandit,0,0,5,1341792000,great coffee,\"this is maybe the greatest coffee ever made. i have ha"} +{"input": "????hihisi???ana?y y????e e?beb?fofororer???????gug??arar r b???an an t???? i ??????d ?????lfl???? bu b?t ?neneve????in????cuc?psps.s. . ???sts????th?e e ee ??aca??t st ???me me a ?andan????????yby???????ava?ororior?iteite ??????????verve?\"\"???111?,B,B0B000080898??PDP???,A,A2A2U2?????????1R1?E,E?MrM?. ???bibioio,o,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5?????444464646????GrG??at?? ta t??tit?ingin???cofco??ee???????kek????the the?? tas ta?stest?e oe ?? t???is is c???fe???. T. ???ede?????the othe ???therthe?r br brb?an??s ?bubutut ut??????stustucu????n n tn ththith?is ???e,e????????????e ??hehe ?ECE?O O?????ndn??????s ???????????pap?????????12,12?,B0,B00?89?SP???W,???G9G?NINISISRSRWR??B6B?????????bu?ddd???,0,????5,15,??41??00???????????ar?????,\"??????isis ??thethe the bthe ?besbe???Ca?????u u k kc kcu?? i?f f?yoyou?????ke ke?? d ????, ?he????y ?roroaoas?? w ?it?h h g", "output": "d this many time before in regular bean that i grind myself, but never in k-cups. Tastes the exact same and its maybe my favorite coffee ever\"\n2411,B0089SPDUW,A2UKWK12MEF1RE,Mr. Fabio,0,0,5,1341446400,Great tasting coffee,\"I like the taste of this coffee. Tried the other brands but got stuck on this one, I also like the ECO friendliness of the company.\"\n2412,B0089SPDUW,AZG9NISRWJB6F,bridgebuddy,0,0,5,1341100800,Best Caribou,\"This is the best Caribou kcup if you like a dark, hearty roast with g"} +{"input": "?ooo?? f ??ava?????ndn?d ld lilitittt????????it?????????????ini?it?elelyl???uyu????aia?in.in?\"\"?242?131??B0B??898?SPS??????JDJ????????MYMY7Y7,7????Z,Z?0,0????,1,13???40?96960600???rer?ata? c ???????\"I\"???????beb??n n? dr d??inkinkikin?g g?TuTulu??y'y?????????or??tht?????sts??2 2??????????t ?wiw?ithith h t??? p ?ri???????re?????of? k ???????I nI ?????????????d d sd ???????ing??????????enensnsis????. A. ??????????inging ing ning ???mermeror??s s ks ?????? t th??s ?????????y iy ??????t ?as? g ??????as as tas th?????nana,na?, w, ?????? f fu f?ullul????ff??? f??lavlavo??????d d a????????of ???raramame?l.l. ????am am h??????y y cy ?conco???????.\"????????00????SPDSPDU?????K8K???????????,w,?hahatha??he???ckc?,0?,0,0,0,???4,14,?????777??600600,??um??y ???offof??e,??I eI ?enjen??ye???????is bis ??", "output": "ood flavor and little acidity. Will definitely buy again.\"\n2413,B0089SPDUW,AJDUX0U4JGMY7,MGAZ,0,0,5,1340409600,Great coffee,\"I have been drinking Tully's Kona for the past 2 years, but with the price increase of kona, I needed to find something less expensive. After trying numerous kcups, this Mahogany is just as good as the Kona, with a full coffee flavor, and a hint of caramel. I am happily converted.\"\n2414,B0089SPDUW,A1K8B2QIQ3ZRWA,whattheheck,0,0,4,1339977600,Yummy coffee,I enjoyed this bec"} +{"input": "a?usu????????e e fe ??lll????ststete ????etet t o ou o?t t ot ?of of?????it????? i???bebeieini??? to t?? b bob??d d? or o???ava??ingin?????ururnrntnt ??????. .? T ?o o mo ??e ie ????? a a ?bibit??????????e ???did?umu????????????dod???taktakek?e ce ?rer?ama???????? m ?? c coc????e ?sos???he? b????nenesesss????y ?be?????med???dowdownw????????ll ll d???in?it?ele???????????????of ?th???s ws ????? I' I??????????2??151??B0B000??9S9SPS?????????QMQ??????QJQ??GeG????adadydy,y???????131????727?80800?,E,???el???????????ee!ee!,!,\",???co???d ???t t vt veververyry ??useus???????o thio this??? T ??????????ninicicece,ce???strst?onong??, r, ?????t ?????feefe??wiwit?hohouho?ut ut but ?bitbi????rnern??s.s. ??Th????-C-???????? s???co??ve?ni?????ana?nd nd????? n?o ??es????2?41??,B???8989S89?SPDSP?DUWDU???????B7B707?YJYJAJARARSR?", "output": "ause of the full taste I get out of it without it being too bold or having a burnt taste. To me it is a bit above the medium blend. I do take creamer with my coffee so the boldness may be tamed down. I will definitely order more of this when I'm am out.\n2415,B0089SPDUW,A487QM1Z56KQJ,GeekLady,0,0,5,1339372800,Excellent coffee!,\"I could get very used to this! This is a nice, strong, robust coffee without bitterness. The K-Cups are so convenient and make no mess.\"\n2416,B0089SPDUW,A2KZMB70YJARSD"} +{"input": ",?????REREZEZ,Z?0,0,0?,5,??????121262646404?0,??rer?ata???????e,e???????lyl?????oyo??????????fe??????????e e ue usu?ede??? v ???iei?tyty ??? t ?theth???-c-?upu?????d d td ???? i ??is ois ononen?????th?? b bebese?t.t??242?171?,B,B0B0000800??SPSPDP?UWUW,W?A3A3030V0VFVFVF??1P1?X5X5F5?????????liligighg??lyly,ly,0????5,?1313313363????????FaFan????stist???StS?ufu?? ! ????St?ror??? s ?????????lvl???ty ty??lal?avoav??. . . ???hoh?gag????ded?escescrc??????????????????? t???e me ??odo??yoy?????et et??????drd?rinri?????????sos?????elyel?y t???? be b????? I' I??ve ve f??????mym?????avoravo?????.2.24?1818,8,B,B0,B??0089008?9SP9S?PDUPDUW???8O8????H0H0W0??????\"J\"JeJ?eanea?n Sn ???ah??an an \" \"\"\"\"S\"SuS?upeup???on???\"\"????????,1???606?00300??200200,????????of??????,\"O,\"????llll ll t?????cofcoff?ee?s ???????ririeri?ed ed????????I'????????d ?? B BUBUNU", "output": ",VMCPREZ,0,0,5,1337126400,Great coffee,I really enjoy this coffee - I have used a variety of the K-cups and this is one of the best.\n2417,B0089SPDUW,A30VFVQ1PX5FTR,G. Golightly,0,0,5,1336867200,Fantastic Stuff !!!,Strong smooth velvety flavor. Mahogany describes the color and the mood you get when drinking. Absolutely the best. I've found my favorite.\n2418,B0089SPDUW,A8OHJUH0WSPVI,\"Jean Strahan \"\"SuperNonna\"\"\",0,0,5,1336003200,Great Coffee!,\"Of all the coffees I've tried -- and I've tried A BUN"} +{"input": "?????- -??hih???isis is?hah???s-s????????????oro?????? G ?????????d d? ta tasastste?????t nt ?? b bi b????r r??ftf?ter?tat?astaste??? I ????????cocofofff?eeee e? al allll l?????????? I I???keke ?????strst??ngn?????????shs???. I. ??t ct ?????e e de didififf????ltl??toto ?fif??nd ?????ro??ngeng???tatasta????g ??????ee ee? th t???'s'???reare?ll??????????it???ut??????m m?????ugugag?r,r, ????dridr?inkink ?my????offof??e e be ?lalaca?k.k. ?. I?????no??t yt ?ete?t ft ?????????ththith?????????? b be??????. ?????????242414???B0B?0808989S9???UWUW,W?????WQW??EOEOLO??????\"R\"R.R??RiR????rdr?dsodson???????e ???eaeateateterter ter G Ge G?eekee??\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?????????????767???,N,???e ??mom??th? f??lavlavovorvo??- ??ut?ut nut ??not not?????rongrong g eg ?????h h f?oror ??????oooo oo???ld? f fo????me.me..??. I. ??????????????g ???lav??or.or?????", "output": "CH -- this is hands-down my favorite. Great bold taste but no bitter aftertaste. I drink coffee all day, and I like it strong and fresh. It can be difficult to find a stronger tasting coffee that's really great without cream or sugar, I drink my coffee black. I've not yet found anything I like better. Yum...\"\n2419,B0089SPDUW,A3KCWQMEOLRC2U,\"R. Richardson \"\"Home Theater Geek\"\"\",0,0,3,1335657600,Nice smooth flavor - but not strong enough for me,\"Too mild for me... I like a strong flavor. My w"} +{"input": "?ifi????iki?????hih?s s cs ?ofo??????HaHasa?????ugughgh h?flf???oror r???? b ????nenes?s ?tot??ke??p p?iti??en????aba???????????t ft ?fee?????? li lik??e we ??tet??r dr ?owownw?????cofco???e.?????yoyou? l??keke ke?sts?ror??????ol?d ?d cod c?????, ???????llll l???????apa?????????. F. FoF??????ilildil??????????I I??ouounou???????????????utu????not not???????nonounoug???????ararrr??antan?t tt th????????er er?co?st??????er mer ??anyany y???f tf th?the the???the?r ??ra??????br??/>/?
I will not be re-ordering Caribou Mahogany. My wife prefers Donut Shop brand over this. Again, not strong enough for me, but still makes a good cup of coffee.\"\n2420,B0089SPDUW,A107SVKYGPGBPP,Angle "} +{"input": "???ded??SiSidSi????,0,0,,0?5,5???353??989??????ese???????p p??o o?DaData?e,e,\",?IfI???ouo?'r'?e e ae ???anan n??????llll-l?????ede???of?fefeee?es,es, , g ??vev????isi?????e ae a e a?shs?????brb????F/>????????asa?stest??? th t??e ve ?as?t ?????????y oy ???k-k?cucup?s ??re?? to t??o wo ??ateat??y ??????eae????eve??n n on ??n tn ???e se ?ma?llll ll??up????ttttit?ngng)g?, , s, ???I I? gr grarava??itait?ate??? tow to?warwa?dsd???????xtx?rara-ra-b-bo-b?ldl?d vd ????ietieti????? I ????d ??re??vioviou????????n n en ???joyjo?????????????s Os OwO?n n En ????ra ra?????d ad an???GMG? D??????????. ????teterte?????adiad??? s so somo?e ?fa?vov????lele ??comco??????on?s s bs ??twt???en en t th?oso?e ????d Md ??hohogho??????I ???cicid????????iv????it it a ????hanhancn???.
For my taste, the vast majority of k-cups are too watery and weak (even on the small cup setting), so I gravitate towards the extra-bold varieties. I had previously been enjoying Newman's Own Extra Bold and GM Dark Magic. After reading some favorable comparisons between those and Mahogany, I decided to give it a chance.

I find that it's slightly less bitter (not th"} +{"input": "a?t t??iti?????isi????d)d?????n n N ?ewewmw?????s Es EBEB B?oro???ara?k k??????, ,???d d??????????sms??????er.er???I I a????? th t??nkn?k ik ??'s???????fuf???? bo b?did?eded ??????utu??an?? b?????? b???an an????????. . ? I' I??e ?trtrir?iedie?d td th??? Ma M?hohogho???any any o??????the lthe la???????????ete?ttitt??? a??d ??????ll?y ?ststit??ll ll???keked?????---- -????et????g ????e ?ne??verve?r sr ??????efefofororeor?.\".??242424?1,1?B0B?080898??PDP??W,W?A3A??????WWWWJW???????????alaal??iri???,0?,4,??131????13913929202??,C,????????ah???????k-k??????I'I'vI'?ve ve???mpm??ledle????ny??di??????ntnt t kt ?k-ck-cu?? c??ff????ypy?????I ?prp???ferfer ?a a??reare?allal???ror??usu??????????anand???CarCa?bo?? m????????any rany ?????? d do d?sns?'t'?t pt ????idideide ?e the t?hatha?. ?? w wowou?ldld ????sis??y ?it?it ait asas as????iuiumu?????", "output": "at bitter is bad) than Newman's EB or Dark Magic, and a little smoother. I also think it's more full bodied without any burned bean flavor. I've tried the Mahogany on the larger cup setting and actually still liked it -- something I've never said before.\"\n2421,B0089SPDUW,A3JXSK9WWJU7RT,R. Balakir,0,0,4,1335139200,Caibou mahogany-k-cup,\"I've sampled many different k-cup coffe types. I prefer a really robust coffee and Carbou mahogany really dosn't provide that. I would cassify it as medium roas"} +{"input": "????????e e?wiwiti?? a ? s ??ooo??th th m ??lol?w w t tat???e.e????????t ??? w?ha?t t ut ???rere e ae ???terte??????enen n g gigivi?e ??thith?is is?blblel???? a a t?ryr??????222???????SPSPDP??????GLGL3L???0L0????????obo?ere?t ???rkr? \" ??StS?tevteveve ve?K.K????,0,?????,1,131?343414??24??00,00,\"??xcx??????t ??re?ses?encencece,ce???otot ot t??oo oo???????, ??smosm???th ?fif???ishis??.\",.\"?,\"N,\"??? bi bit??ter??ese????????????g,g??????-b-???????, c, cucupu?????t dt ??????notno?t tt ?tasta??????keke ke? as a?heh??. ?. S. ?mo??othot?, ????? d ???????blebl????????????liklike??bo??d,???ara????of??feefe???????????????leale?aseas?????24224232?,B?00?89????DUWDUW,??WIW????2G2??RCRC7C??,K,????rinri?a,a,0?,0,0,0,0,???,13,1?33333?????00???es???ovo??????????ffeffee?????n mn ?? o of?????????d d fd ??r ?meme me???????al?lyl??? th????isis is tis th?e e se ?", "output": "t coffee with a smooth melow taste. If that is what u are after , then give this blend a try.\"\n2422,B0089SPDUW,AEGL3OL0L6C0B,\"Robert Kirk \"\"Steve K.\"\"\",0,0,4,1334102400,\"Excellent presence, not too smokey, smooth finish.\",\"No bitterness. A strong, full-bodied, cup but does not taste like ashes. Smooth, very drinkable. If you like bold, dark coffee, this will please.\"\n2423,B0089SPDUW,AWIU562GSRC76,Katrina,0,0,5,1333065600,Best overall coffee,\"In my office, and for me personally, this is the sm"} +{"input": "o??????????? b beb????tat????ngng g c ?ofo?fef????ouo?????? bu buyu? f ??????ourou????????g mg ??chc???e.e. .???????prpriricricec???oo?!\"!?2242?24??B0B??????DUDUWU???1U1??B3B?ZMZ?????????ono?ststastanancan????????eses,es???,0,,0????323?????4040000,00,M,?Y Y F ?AVA??????ava?e ????????bobou?t t et ?????y ky ?? cu c??? br b?an???..???ara?ribriboboubo????hoh?gag??y ??????y ay ala?l l?tit??????-t-?to to???an?and.and?? F?lal???orfor??l ?yey????????strst?on??g ag ??and and n nono no j jij??????. . ?YoY?????? t?hehe he s??me?????at?? fl f???????????er? y yo you you u mu ma????a a? sm s?malma??? cu?p ????a ??larla????????????5,?B0??08908???????????NMN??UVU????????DoDon?nanaeae e \"e ?\"D?????????????0,50,???1321328??????00,???ldl??K-K-c-??upsup????ff????????? you??lil?????? bo b?oldol?d cd ?cupcu?p o?f ?go?odo?d cd cod c?offof??e.??????????", "output": "oothest and best tasting coffee you can buy for your Keurig machine. Great price too!\"\n2424,B0089SPDUW,A1U4B3ZM2YVTK9,Constance Peebles,0,0,5,1328918400,MY FAVE,I have tried about every k cup brand....Caribou Mohogany is my all time go-to brand. Flavorful yet not strong and no jitters. You get the same great flavor whether you make a small cup or a large one.\n2425,B0089SPDUW,A2VANMJUVLOE4B,\"Donnae \"\"Donnae\"\"\",0,0,5,1328572800,Bold K-cups coffee,\"If you like a bold cup of good coffee...and have"} +{"input": "? a ? K ?eue???g g???ngn?????p p????wew?????hihisis s??? t?hehe ????vovoror r t??????! !?????????????ppp????tit??g ????? C ?ara??ouou u M MaMaha????nyny!?????2626,6?B0B000?898??PDP??W,W??1O1???9K9KDK??QMQ???Y,Y?LoLoioisoi?,0,?,0?,5,5,5,1,???848?????????????e le lol?????????hah??e e te ??????????ng ng f ??????????mam?ahoahog???y y c co????????y cy ??ariar???u ??in in? my m??Ke??uriurigig.ig? ???????? th??????stest?. ? I ??????iki????????ng ?co????e e ae ??? t th?????????s ts ?o ?????he???rigrighg?t t b?lelenle????of of? st str???g ???? me m???????????sese ????????????iei???sus?uppup?????????in in tin ??e ????????ev?????mom????ing? w ??th?th ath ??sps?plapl??? o of????rar??? s?ugu???????e ???rurup?? an a????????? is i?s bs ????????t t ot ?on on???????oveove.???????f=f=\"=?\"h\"?httht?p:p:/:////w/??ww.ww??", "output": " a Keurig single up brewer, this is the flavor to buy! Never dissappointing with Carbou Mahogany!\"\n2426,B0089SPDUW,A1O299KDNQMPDY,Lois,0,0,5,1328400000,coffee lovers,\"i have this strong flavorful mahogany coffee by caribou in my Keurig. I love the taste. I do like strong coffee and this seems to be the right blend of strong to medium. I use a vanilla diet supplement in the coffee every morning with a splash of torani sugar free syrup and there is breakfast on the move.
Caribou Coffee, Mahogany, K-Cup Portion Pack for Keurig K-Cup Brewers, 24-Count\"\n2427,B0089SPDUW,A136ONZPRXT76S,Jellyt,0,0,5,1326931200,We love this coffee.,We love this coffee. It is the best K cup we've found. We like strong coffee and struggled at first to find one that we enjoyed. The prices on Amazon can't be beat and the shipping super fast.\n2428,B0089SPDUW,A2AM935YUELTVQ,Brenda,0,0,4,1325808000,A bit too strong for me,My husband enjoyed this coffee. We"} +{"input": "???sus???lyl? u??e e??ewe????'s'? E ?xtx??? B BoBololdl??bub????????htht ????????>w>?ou??ld ld??ryry ????ete?????????fefere???t.t. .????????a ????t tt totooo??sts????????????? I??prp??????????an??'s.'s?. B. ???????waw????????st??ll? g ?oo????242??9,9,B,?000??9S9SPS??UWU??A3A?????IKI?9Z9ZZZ?????L.L??????haharartr???????????????00??0,n0,??t ???y cy ?upup p??f f?????feefee,e?????????ff???e ie ?? i????ffe???ivive?? b?ut??????????ongon?g eg en???????????????astas??s.s?? I?????us????re????????d Id ?????ururere re? th t???t m????? a ???difdi?ffe???????\"\"2242??0,?????9S?PD??UW,UW,A???QDQ??6464U4?8V8VMV?PWP?W,TW,?????mgm???,0,0,??0,40,????32332?565?????0,N0,???ce ce????an?ce??????asteaste,?\"I\"??lil??ke ke s st s??trontrong??????fee???????I ???n'????t want wa?nt nt i?t ?t tot to ?ta???e ?bu?rnr", "output": " usually use Newman's Extra Bold but thought we
would try something different. It was a bit too strong for me; I prefer Newman's. But it was
still good.\n2429,B0089SPDUW,A3MYNUIK9ZZHHZ,L. Everhart,0,0,3,1325376000,not my cup of coffee,\"This coffee is inoffensive, but not strong enough for my tastes. I do use cream, and I'm sure that makes a difference.\"\n2430,B0089SPDUW,A1BQDW64U8VMPW,Telcomguy,0,0,4,1323561600,Nice balanced taste,\"I like strong coffee, but I don't want it to taste burn"} +{"input": "?t t??????????? a????ici?????ere???????????rir?bobouou u? Co C?fff??e'e?s s???hohogo?ananyan??isi????lll? b bo?di??????tht? a??nin?iceic??babala??ancan?e ????????? no n?te????andan?d ad ?????tyty.y???????????e o?? m ??y \"y ???????\"\"????????s s ws ??enen ?my??faf?avoav??it?es?????e ???off??? P PePeoe??lele'????akake? U ????al?l ???e e o????of??????k.k??2???????080?9S9????W,W,A,A2A2828888G8???????3P3????odo?divdi?aoa????n,n?0,0?,0,,0??,1,??232??757525202?????eaeata??tatasta??e.e????? b????????I I l li l???e me ?my ???????????ono?g.g???hih?is is???s ts ththeth???iri?st????an?and and?????t It I I hI ?havha??? ta t????d ??thathat???????ideid?es ???? k ??????????? w wi w????ut??? the the ?e bie bit???erner?????????????my??pap??????ststo?ck???ed wed ??thth th???ahoah????y ???and ??I dI ??o no ?ot?ot sot ??harha??!!?????,B??", "output": "t or have an acidic after taste. Caribou Coffee's Mahogany is full bodied with a nice balance of dark notes and acidity. It's one of my \"\"go to\"\" coffees when my favorites like Coffee People's Wake Up Call are out of stock.\"\n2431,B0089SPDUW,A288G5GZV0A3PN,Godivaobgyn,0,0,4,1323475200,Great taste. Not bitter.,I like my coffee strong. This is the first brand that I have tasted that provides the kick I need without the bitterness. I keep my pantry stocked with Mahogony and I do not share!\n2432,B00"} +{"input": "??????????????N5N????IKIKAKA,KA?????iei?,0,???,5,??131?232??888?88088??0,c0,cac?rir???u,u,l,???e e????oro??????????fff????on??ama???on?. .? e ???y ???d d s ??????upup p q quq?icickcklklyl??????/>/?ThT?isi??? c?up??is???????? co c?????. ? d dcd?cafcaf f????????y gy ?oooodod d ad asas as??ele?ll?242????B0B???89S89????W,?????V8V????DHD????JeJ??nnCnnC,C??,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,??212?????00???aha?hoghogag????????????????f ?????????herhe?r cr cocof??feefe?????????????????tyt?pip???llllylly y gy gry g???nd nd??uru????? e?ve?n n fn foforfo?r tr ?theth????ur?igig g???????the the M Ma?????ne??????? C ?arariar??ou???? a? g???ata?t at al??er?nan?????. ?OrO?rderder????????????d ?vever???????kl???????llll ll??????????? b???y a???inin.in????434434,4,B????????UWUW,UW???????KIK??????,F,???onaon??s ??omom,om???,0,0,,0,0???,13,1?161??363", "output": "89SPDUW,AGKAZN550SIKA,connie,0,0,5,1323388800,caribou,love to order my coffee on amazon. easy and shows up quickly.
This k cup is great coffee. dcaf is very good as well\n2433,B0089SPDUW,A4IYV8URADHYS,JennC,0,0,5,1321142400,Mahogany k cups,One of the richer coffee for k cups! We typically grind our own even for the Keurig but the Mahagoney from Caribou is a great alternative. Order was shipped very quickly. Will definitely buy again.\n2434,B0089SPDUW,APWK2EKIA0PVN,Fiona's Mom,0,0,5,1316736"} +{"input": "???00,00?LiLivivev??????tot????????pep????ngng g n nanama??,\",?ThT?isi???????????oro???e e K ??cucup???ofo??eee??(I(?'v'?ve ve? tr tri???????utut t??wewene???y dy ??ff???????tytyptype??? a???, , s sos??fa?r,r???veververyryoy??????veve ?ses????????? to t??re??????lilikli??es es??t ?? l ??t.t? E ??venve???heh????ckc?iei?estest ?co?ffffe??e ce ????oio???seuse?r r I I I?????? th??ougou?hth?t t??hishi????-cu-cup???ada???anan ??????lelen????up???of of c?of?fe??. ?TwT??o no ????-co-c?off????drd??????????rie?ndndsnd???is??? th?eye??y liy l????d cd cocof?fe????????se???? they they ??ovo???tht?? s????nd nd??of of Cof ??ri???u u????ogo????????434???????9S9SPS?DUD????3N3????Q5Q565??R6R??????tet????????????????0,?5,5,15,???????40400????m,m,\"???is??????a ga grgre??????????e. e.???ts???ar??????? no n??????teterte?? a????", "output": "000,Lives up to its appealing name,\"This is my favorite K-cup coffee (I've tried about twenty different types) and, so far, everyone I've served it to really likes it a lot. Even the pickiest coffee connoisseur I know thought this k-cup made an excellent cup of coffee. Two non-coffee drinking friends wish they liked coffee because they love the sound of Caribou Mahogany.\"\n2435,B0089SPDUW,A3N7T3Q56NR6UG,Peter N. Deweese,0,0,5,1315958400,Yum,\"This is a great coffee. Its dark but not bitter, a lit"} +{"input": "?tlt?????oco??lalatatyt?????d d??t t r rereme??nd?s s???e oe ?f f??n n?AdAdid??????????odo???? I ? c??????t ??heh?? f ?oro???????????????e ??????CaC?ri???u u??ofoffof????sts??oreore,e, ?????vev?er.er???242?3636,6??000???SPSPDP?UWU????LCL?OPO?878?YZYZSZSFS?JGJ?,E,??ricri????. S. ????????0,0???5,5????08208????0000,00,G,GrGrereare??????plplele le c?of?offeoffee?,\",??'v'?ve ve?trt??ede???uiu??e ??? fe f?? c co???feefe?s ?an???mam??y y??nd???p p??asa??in?g g????????me.me?????????r, r,?????????????e Ie ?tat???an????lenlend??byby ?TiT??oto?thythy'y's's ???re re? tw t?? t????????e ve ?ver????oooodod od b???ckck ck???????h h??rerea?m/m?susugu???. ?????ou???re re lre ??okokik?inging ing??or??a a sa ?simsimp?le??co???ee???????outou?t at al?l l t???e fe ????or??, ????? i????the? o???e f????yo??????43??,B????89S89SP?DU????3A3ARA??F5F??6T6???", "output": "tle chocolaty, and it reminds me of an Adirondack lodge. I can get them for a better price in a Caribou Coffee store, however.\"\n2436,B0089SPDUW,A2LCOP87YZSFJG,Eric R. Spitler,0,0,5,1308268800,Great simple coffee,\"I've tried quite a few coffees and many end up tasting the same. However, this and the Italian Blend by Timothy's are two that are very good black or with cream/sugar. If you're looking for a simple coffee without all the flavors, this is the one for you.\"\n2437,B0089SPDUW,A3ARWF586TVLW"} +{"input": "?B,B?\"S\"??????MaM??pep??k k?????ffffef?ee ee L ??vev?r\"r?\"\"\"\"\"\",\"??,0?,5,5,5,1,??050555???????? l ???? C ???ibi???? Ma M?hoh???????,\"I,\"I'I?veve ve t ??rieri????????a a?dod??ene?n vn ?ar????ie??????K-K-C-??psp?s as an?????isis s is is?? b ??????, ????????ri???????t't's'???tr???g g b?utu? n ??t ????teterter r ar ????juj???t ht hah??s a? g ??eaeatat ???avavo???? T ???s s ws wiw?llll l b be b?e me ?? c chcho?ici?e ??ror????owo? o????2?434383?,B,??00800?9S9SPS?DUDUWUW,W,A,????222272??BZBZFZFGF??,\"??CSC????????\"\"N\"\"?NCSNCSo?xfxfaxf???\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\"?,0,?0,?5,?131301304?38??8080000,?\"M\"?ele??ow??, f, ??ll?? bo bodo??iedie??????????? b??at?ini?ng ng i ??? to to o? de d??????? If I?????????e ?a a fa fu??ll ll bll ??????, , b, ??ut ?memelellel?lowlo???????th??????ghg??t bt bet b???oror or y ?youyo????????is is his heh???tyt?, , b, bu, but?ut nut no????at at??ll?ll bll bill b??????. ??It It h ??ldl?????nin?iceic???ul?", "output": "B,\"Susan Macpeek \"\"Coffee Lover\"\"\",0,0,5,1305504000,I love Caribou Mahogany!,\"I've tried over a dozen varieties of K-Cups and this is, by far, my favorite! It's strong but not bitter and just has a great flavor. This will be my choice from now on.\"\n2438,B0089SPDUW,AP4N2279BZFG2,\"NCSoxfan \"\"NCSoxfan\"\"\",0,0,5,1304380800,\"Mellow, full bodied\",\"Without beating it to death - If you like a full bodied, but mellow brew this might be for you. It is hearty, but not at all bitter. It holds a nice full"} +{"input": " ??odo?y,y???vevene?????? t tht?????uru?igi? i ?? s ??? t to to o t??he ?ovove??sisizi?e e? se s?ettet?????? I ?t't?????? m mym????vov?????e be ?lelenenden?????434?9,9?????????????181?????Z2Z2N2?5L5?WGW?,G,??izmiz?oqo??,0,???????303?424???00000000,0,S0,???OO??THTH!H?,I,I I?gog????? t? the the e b??????ara?rieriet??ese??ofo? c ?of?fef?e ????????is is???hohogogag??????is nis ??t ??nlnlyl?y by ???????t ???????mo?????????y ay ??l l?????e fe ????ri???????????B00B008?????????161636??ZEZ??????L5L5,???. ??oho??soson??\"\"\"?\"Dr\"D??????k\"k??????0,????13013??????0000,00???estes????cuc?? o ?utut ut?? the?rere.e?????o Fo FaF??????is is iis is?is tis ??????????????? I' I??????ounou???? tha th????tat??tetestes ?grgre??at at w??th? a ??nonorno???al al??re??? I ItIt'It????otot ot? wa w????????ow????iki?????? r ??????ar ??stust???????????", "output": " body, even when the Keurig is set to the oversize setting. It's now my favorite blend.\"\n2439,B0089SPDUW,A1857CFZ2N5LWG,Gizmoqt,0,0,5,1304208000,SMOOOOTH!,I go for the bold varieties of coffee and this Mahogany is not only bold but very smooth. My all time favorite!\n2440,B0089SPDUW,A163RZETDROJL5,\"D. Johnson \"\"Dr. Duck\"\"\",0,0,5,1303862400,Best K-cup out there.,\"So Far this is the only K-cup I've found thats tastes great with a normal brew! It's not watered down like the regular stuff, and dos"} +{"input": "??????tat???e e??????t lt ?iki??e te ????bob?ldl? s st??ffff.f. .??he??????y y Ky ??cucupu???????uyu?ini?g g????m ???????!\"!?2?444?1,1,B,????9S9SPS???????4F4FOFO1O??XLXLQL???????nin??????????bebe,e??,0,0,,0?????020282???606?????ala???????ele???enten??????vev???ri??d ??veververyr?y cy ??ff????e bre b??ndnd ??vavaiaili?aba????fof?r r t?????eue??igig,ig??an?d d td ????????????, b, byb?y fy ?ara??, t, ???e b?ese??. ??ItI????exextex???or?????ariar???y sy sms?ooo??????? r ?ricrichc???? th the the ?clc?ososes?estest t tt toto o?StS??rbrbu???s,s, ?ifi?? th??t'???yoyouo??? th????. ?. I. ? a????d tod t?o io ???? h he???????y spy splp?laslashs?h oh ofof of B BoBol????ousou????????e/e/m/???chach??????veryver??????.\".??24??2,2?,B0,B???89S89?????W,AW,AVA?N3N?JXJX8X???CEC????ZuZ????Zu??gg,gg?????5,???????????0,C0,CaC?????u u??of??????????ogo?????????ewew,w", "output": "en't taste burnt like the bold stuff. They only K-cup i'm buying from now on!\"\n2441,B0089SPDUW,A14FO1VXLQ74WW,KnightlyScribe,0,0,5,1302825600,Really excellent,\"We've tried every coffee brand available for the Keurig, and this one is, by far, the best. It's extraordinarily smooth and rich - the closest to Starbucks, if that's your thing. I add to it a healthy splash of Bolthouse coffee/mocha - very good.\"\n2442,B0089SPDUW,AVN3JX894CEZC,Zugg Zugg,0,0,5,1301616000,Caribou Coffee's Mahogany Review,"} +{"input": "?ThT???MaM?????nyn????? a ???????????lll?????iei?d d??????ctctet??. . ?I I? hi h??hlh??y ry ??coc??????d td th??s s cs ?cofco???e ?????rir??kek?erser????ookoo???g g???? a a a??olo????????ot??ovo?ererper???????ing ing t tatasastas?te!te?2?444????000?898??PDPDUD??,A,?24??1P1PZPZ4Z??3I3?RRR????ch?eze????????he?zszsazsan?????1,1?2,2????????????????????????e,e??Th?is????ff?eeee ee i ??is nis ?????reare????y by bobolbold? i in i? m ?y ??pip?iniin??n n -n ?????fafal??s s ms ?mormo??????????medme???m m?????ast ast f???vovor?. ???'s'??a ?ded??en????????othot?h ch ???????, b, ?butbu????dididdi?????th?thinthi?????al????y boy bol?d.d???????? all al?????upu?????ouo??? s?ereri???slsly? o?????riricricec??!\"!\"\"????4,4,B???????????A3A????ELE???NHN?OEO???StS???ng?? co????e e le lo??????,1,1,,1?,1,,1,1,1,????1313913?????????po??intinte?d,d?", "output": "The Mahogany has a smooth full bodied character. I highly recommend this coffee to drinkers looking for a bold but not overpowering taste!\n2443,B0089SPDUW,A2491PZ4O3IRRE,\"chezsan \"\"chezsan\"\"\",1,2,3,1319241600,Good coffee,\"This coffee is not really bold in my opinion - it falls more along medium roast flavor. It's a decent, smooth coffee, but I didn't think really bold. Like all k-cups though seriously overpriced!\"\n2444,B0089SPDUW,A34Q9ELBWNHOEK,Strong coffee lover,0,1,1,1335139200,Disapointed,\""} +{"input": "????????liliki????trt??ngn?????fef?????s s???????hih?s s cs ?cofco???ee ee??is is???????ata?ede???? f fof??????t t?wew??k,k, ???????? si sicickcke????? a?ftfteterter ?????te?.\".?2???5,5?B0B?080???PDP?UWU????828?????????TRTR,R?,Ao,A?dhd?ana?515??0,0??1,31,??,13,1323??363???00????????????????t ???????,\",\"T\"ThT??s s cs cos c??fe?????????? f??ullul????did?iedied,d????d ???s ?? g ?rer?eatea???ro?mama;a? h ??????ver,ver?, i, ?? i??????e oe ?onlon???K-K??upup p c co cof??eeee ee Iee ?'v've???ada?d td ??at??????????ittitteitter? a af????tat??asteast????I wI ???ldl??????? d dr d???k k i??? if i?f sf sos??eoe?????????redre?d md meme me a? a c a cuc??, ??ut? I I ?wo?????t but b??y iy ??????in????24244?6,6??000080089???DUDUWDU?W,AW,APA??????S9S9999H9???,K,?? cu cup?? lo l???er,er,0?,1?,5,?5,15,131????08008?00000??00,B00,?ese???? cof co?ffe???Th??is ?waw????olold? o?ut?????CaC???", "output": "If you like strong coffee, as I do this coffee is over rated. I found it weak, with a sickening after taste.\"\n2445,B0089SPDUW,A382TASR3P6LTR,Aodhan51,0,1,3,1327363200,Full bodied but bitter,\"This coffee is very full bodied, and has a great aroma; however, it is the only K-Cup coffee I've had that has a bitter aftertaste. I would still drink it if someone offered me a cup, but I won't buy it again.\"\n2446,B0089SPDUW,AP6VFQES99HAY,K cup lover,0,1,5,1324080000,Best coffee,This was sold out at Cafe "} +{"input": "?ExExpx???????ititete.e????hrhrir?llllel?d d?totoF>???d ?????erere?. ????ckc????lilivi???y y a ana?? g grg?reare????er?vivic?????HaH?????toto to k ???w w t???? I I I???? f ??????????????242???????????DUD?W,W?A1A1818K8?1414K4???PMP??????icickick,k?0,0??,5,5,5???????????,B??estes?t ct ??fff?eee??????????????oro?ritri?te te?blb??nd???? m ?y y f???or?????co???ee??. . ??ses??? to t?? ha h?aveave ??to ?sms?????le le? a a??ewew ????????of?of tof ththe?????????????????y ?sus???????? ev e????titimi??e Ie ?I wI ?ene??t ot ???t tt ?????????dwd???t!t???ow? I I I? ca c????ete??????-c-??psp???. Y. ?????GoGooo???????ice ice???? am amam?zozon?, ,? bu b???????? s????r ????ppppipp???? ta t????? fo fororeor??er????ededeed??in?? i it i???o ??thethe the?po???? of off?????ma????s ns no?? se????. ??????st fst ?fedfe?dexde? i it? t to? m?", "output": "Express site. Thrilled to
Find it here. Quick delivery and great service! Happy to know that I can find it here.\n2447,B0089SPDUW,A18K14K26PMZTF,Nick,0,1,5,1323475200,Best coffee ever,\"My favorite blend of my favorite coffee. Used to have to smuggle a few pounds of the stuff back in my suitcase everytime I went out to the midwest! Now I can get in k-cups. Yay! Good price on amazon, but super saver shipping takes forever! Fedexing it to the post office makes no sense. just fedex it to me"} +{"input": "????????ava?e e 2 ? d ??ysy? o ?????heh???aia?t t?????ada??!\"!??242444484??B0B000??????UWUW,W?A1A1515W5??696?VDVD5D5E5E5E???,\",\"J\"??elel l?OCO??nnnnenelellell ???PhP?????mJm?JoeJo??\"\"??,0,0,0??1,41,?????808030??00??0,S0,?mom?oto??????t Ft FlF???????isi?s cs coc??fef???is??ve?ryry y s sm s??????bub?ut ut????heherhe????latla?t ct co???ara?redre?d td ?????ar???ckc?'s'?s bs ?re???. .??ItI??dodoeoesoesns?'t't ????????????iteit??to??????br???????yoy?? l ???e ????????cocofcoff?ee?????????illil????joj????thith???on?e.e.\".?\"2\"?24424???,B0,B00???????W,W,AW,????E9E9M9??737?????J.J?. D. ?????lasla?s,s,0,0,,0???,1,,1,1,13???636???000?,D,?ididnd???t lt ??ke????,\",\"H,\"HoHon??sts????, I, ???????? su s??re re??????o o???anyany ???lkl??s ls ?lik??e te the thi??????????????he??r ?????ewe????? It I??? a? l li lit?tl?e ?e wee weaeakeak k? bu butut ???st??ly ly??usust? d?????n'tn't n't?ha?", "output": " and shave 2 days off the wait already!\"\n2448,B0089SPDUW,A15WR69VD5E5I1,\"Joel OConnell \"\"PhantomJoel\"\"\",0,1,4,1318032000,Smooth But Flat,\"This coffee is very smooth but rather flat compared to Starbuck's brews. It doesn't have any bite to it.
If you like a mild coffee, you will enjoy this one.\"\n2449,B0089SPDUW,A1R7E9MD733HX,J. Douglass,0,2,1,1339632000,Didn't like it,\"Honestly, I'm not sure why so many folks like this coffee in their reviews. It's a little weak but mostly just doesn't hav"} +{"input": "?? a ???icichch h f flf??vov??. .??????? r??ala??y y?mimis???????????hihin?????? d drd?rinri?k k?coc??fef???blb?lacla???. ???yby??e ie ?t t tt ??ststet?s ?????terte???it??????eamea? a??d d s??gagara?? ?? B ????????uyu?????ththith?? c?of????, , I I ???????ene????rin?kikin?????tarta???ckck'ck?s ?????????oao?astast ?ana???????erer'r?? B ???????ili??????thth th??of of? wh w?hichi??ch tch ?????e Se ??????H H?be????ter ter t th tha??n tn ????s cs ????ee????????,B,????JXJ?7G7?VMV???HRH???????1Y1YBY??,M,M.M. ??er????er???????,1,????26????00,00,S,??eeeetee???butbu???????????we?et?!,!,\",??et????????hoh???????I I???????????????inging ing ting th?thisthis this?? to to???e ve ?????????. ??I rI ?recrecec???vedve??a a sa sas??plple? a an??d id ??????t it ?? t th the th?e fe ???dgd?ge ge f fo f??? a a g ??odo?d wd ??weekwee????fo???????asas as??raravaveave ??enoen???", "output": "e a rich flavor. It is really missing something. I drink coffee black. Maybe it tastes better with cream and sugar? Before buying this coffee, I had been drinking Starbuck's French Roast and Folger's Black Silk, both of which taste SO MUCH better than this coffee.\"\n2450,B002JX7GVM,AHRNDSKWH1YBT,M. Hertzler,8,9,5,1268265600,Sweet but not too sweet!,\"Let me be honest, I wasn't expecting this to be very good. I received a sample and it sat in the fridge for a good week before I was brave enough"} +{"input": "? t ?o o??ivi????t t?a a?????e.e??brbr r?/>/???r ?????????st????p,p? i it it ?waw?? m mumucu?? s sw swew???terte???hah?n n?I I e ?xpxpep??te???????o ?beb?e. e.? I I?cocouo?ldld ??ere?tat??nlnlyl????st??e te ????pip?ineineae?????, , b, ??t t tt ??the the c??co?nunutut ut f ????oror ?wa?s s??????mom?oreore ??roronononou??cecedce????anan an I? I t I ??ou?????it????oulou?? b ???????t wat w???gogooo???? I I v I ?verve???????? en enjn???????heh?e t??astas?te te??????he he?drdririn?????t t wt wa???ex?????? an a????efe?re?shshih?ingin?????????????ch ??ul??lerler r ir in? w????ghtgh????as ?????? t? thi th??inkiinkin?????????ulduld d bd ?be be??atate?????it???a a ma ???????av?or????????>????he bhe bob?? r ????nd?ed??????? t th?oso???ch??????tete te mte mi???????thatthat ?I ?bubuybuy ???or or??y y ky ?????, b?????it ???idnid??t ????raraca?ct ct? fr f?romro???????flaflavfla????", "output": " to give it a taste.

At first sip, it was much sweeter than I expected it to be. I could certainly taste the pineapple, but the coconut flavor was much more pronounced than I thought it would be. It was good! I very much enjoyed the taste of the drink. It was exotic and refreshing. It was much fuller in weight, as I was thinking it would be watery with a mild flavor.

The box reminded me of those chocolate milks that I buy for my kids, but it didn't detract from the flavor.\""} +{"input": "??242??????0202J2?X7X??VMV?,A,A3A??3Z3?P8P???OEO?Z1Z?T,T?kok?zyzycy??icic,c??,2??5,5?????909080888?00??O.O.N.?????CoC?coc?nun?t t W ?ata??r r w wiwiti?h h???????shsh ?ofo???????????,\",???hah??????ene?????in?g g??NEN? C???????? Wa W???????ithit?h ah ?????????of? P?in????????????????y y???r r ar ??hi??le le???w.w???I lI ?iki????thethe ?????oror or??????????in?? i ?? o on o?n ln ?????????????coconco???????t.t. . A. ??sos?????ha???? ha h?d ??????obo?le?msm?s ws ???th th?de????ververyver?.<.??r ????
Unfortunately, IPROZON has just lost my business. I didn't mind paying $15.00 for a case of 12. I will not, however, pay $39.95 for a case of 12. That is robbery. I can walk into Fre"} +{"input": "?d d?MeM????????cec??? a ?ndn?d bd ??y y ay ? c ??????? 1 ?2 2??????171????????lul???tht??ereer?????e oe ?ththetherer er??iti?????????????llill????it???or????????????er cer ???se.se?? I I I???otiot????????????? is i????????? sel se?lli??????????the?r ?flf?ava??orsors ????????????nun??????terte?r f???or $or $1????0 ?fo??r ar ?a ca ca???e oe ofe o?f 1f ????. S. ??????at at o???eae???th th a??re re?? the th???????kik????r /???ama? q ??ititeit????ha??pypy y wy wiwit??????ining????????ustust t ot ononeone ??? t?? thes thesese se???he?r r sr ??tetestes ?wiwitwi?th ?mym??????it?????d d id ?infinfo????atiat???, , b bu?t ?I I aI amI am ?wi??lli??g ???o do ???o tho tha?????ersersus????aya????ing ning nen??rlr????404?0 f???or aor ????????e of ???12. 12.? Q ????? r ?ididi?cucululol??us.us.\".\"\"2?454525?,B,?????????M,M?A1A131353????????WBW??,\",\"K\"??rar?'s'??MaMam?a ", "output": "d Meyer Grocery and buy a case of 12 for $17.88. Plus there are other sites still selling it for $15.00 per case. I noticed IPROZON is still selling the other flavors of ONE coconut water for $15.00 for a case of 12. So what on earth are they thinking.

I am quite unhappy with having to trust one of these other sites with my credit card information, but I am willing to do that versus paying nearly $40 for a case of 12. Quite ridiculous.\"\n2452,B002JX7GVM,A1356MMYO31WB6,\"Kira's Mama "} +{"input": "?\"\"\"??irirar????ma??\"\"\"\"\"???,2,2,,2?5,5??303080?????00?,\",????yoy????? l ?ooooko??ngn? f ??? s ?omomemete????ng ng??????tlt?e ????????PiP????????dad?\"\"? t ??isi??is? i it i??\",\"\",?\"I \"I??as???xhx???????? h ??t,t, ???d d d ded???drd??????whwheh?n n???????te?ted ted?????s is ??????ono????rsr?e ?????? a?????? a???poporpo?t.t. .??????????ououtou?t tt toto o?geg?et et??? a a ?? h?ou?r ???igighg??t at anandand ??ata??????unund??ed ed t to t?oo oo???sasat?????in???????t ????cece ?e soe s???nde?d d td to?o ???????I'd heard the rumblings about coconut water so I looked to see if I liked any of the flavor options - I can't stand mango and just about everyone adds it. I was relieved to see the O.N.E. "} +{"input": "??oco???????atatet????itithth h?a a \" ????lalasa???ofof f??ininen??ppp???????? I ??fifigigug???????d d gd ??vev??it?????o.o???????????wow????? at a??ththethe ??couco??te?r ?????d \"d \"\"???re re??ouo?? su s???????u wu ???????at??? It I?'s'? $ ??.\".\"\"\"\" ?StS?teeteepe?! !??ut? i?t'???an???iri?????, ,? wh whah???????yo????o?o???y y??ha??t pt ???????I wI wa????????????? t??o to ??y y iy ????I sI sasaisaid??? sur su?re.re. .???ftfte?? a?llll,l??it?????ldl?????beb??????? fo for? a??????kyky y sy swswew??t ?????.The woman at the counter said \"\"are you sure you want that? It's $4.\"\" Steep! But it's an airport, what can you do? By that point I was so wanting to try it I said sure. After all, it would've been $3 for a sticky sweet soda.
I was so happy with it that I kept the empty tetra pack with me the whole time I traveled so I would know which one it was. It doesn't taste heavy (in case the pina colada reference made"} +{"input": "??iti?????ndn?????t ?waw??) ) b ?utut ?th?e e?pip???apa?plp??e te tat??ese???heh?e ee ???????f f???e ??rereee???coc?co?nunut??????r.r. . I ???????aza????.<. /???incin??????havha?e ?PrP??meme ?shshih?pp??????????????toto ???????2 2 d???s ?(i(????????derde?????????t,t?, t, ?thath??? is i???) w) ??hichi?????ve??????? t??????? v vav??rioriouousous ?loloc??? s????resre??????inging ing t???ses?????????ili?l ?ha?s ???it iit ???? sto st????????/>?I'I?'m 'm? to??taltallllyll?y ty ?????llelled????ithit??ththithisis s ss ???????2??5353,3?????JXJX7X??VMVM,M??????DHD?2P2??1C1??????ge??a,a?1,1????3,13,????02502595??00??????RERE.E????????DID?ENE?TST??HAHAVAVEV????HANHA???????e e le lo?vevedved ??????????????anand?", "output": " it sound that way) but the pineapple takes the edge off the green coconut water. It's amazing.
I was happy to find it on Amazon - as I'm definitely hooked.
Since I have Prime shipping, it gets to me in 2 days (if I order it right, that is!) which saves me a trip to various local stores trying to see who still has it in stock.
I'm totally thrilled with this stuff.\"\n2453,B002JX7GVM,A2N3GDH2PU1C0E,Angela,1,1,3,1350259200,BEWARE...INGREDIENTS HAVE CHANGED,\"We loved this product and "} +{"input": "???juj?sts? r ??ceceie????????nenewew w???ded?r.r?? I I I nI non????cedce????e e p ????ini???????ngenged??whwhih?ichic? m???????????????????aba?ele?. ??????in?grgreredre??ene?tst??an????UTU??ITI?IOI?NANALAL L I?NFNFOF????TI??? H HAH???CHC??NGNGEG????brb?????

SoS?di?umum m????mgm????????m ???3%3?%/>I/>IrI???? 1. 1???%N>Ne>N?? I?ng??????????& & N& ?NutNutr????????(sa(samampam??ple)ple??brbr ?br />?????onuonutonut t Wt ????erPbr />?PinPine?apappap????JuJuiJu?iceice
Old Ingredients & Nutrition (sample)
Natural Coconut Water
Natural Pineapple Juice
Cane Juice
Vit C.
Natural Fruit Flavor
Sodium 115mg
Potassium 299mg
Sugar 16g
Vit C 172%
Calcium 1.3%
Iron 1.8%

New Ingredients & Nutrition (sample)
Coconut Water
Pineapple JuiceN>NaN???????FlF????orSo>S?didiui???4545m5mgm???
/>P/>PoPoto?asasss??iumiu???252?????? /????????2020g0??g??????um? 2 2%2?

????JuJ?ic???br />N????hah??? y ?ouou.u?..?I'I???l bl ?????ancance??llillin?? m??????sc?ri????on?. .??? d dodonon'on??t wt whwhyhy y ty ??the the????ngngeg??\"\"??????B0B0000202J2????VMV?,A,??XYX???UTU????MNM???\"D\"DrD?. ????m \"m \"\"??ra???y My ???????turtu??papatpa??\"\"??,1,?,1???,1,1,1,131353??00000????00,00?", "output": "r />Sugar
Ascorbic Acid
Natural Flavor
Sodium 45mg
Potassium 425mg
Sugar 20g
Calcium 2%
Iron 0%
Magnesium 2%
Vit C 210%
96% Juice

Maybe the new box is misprinted as it says 96% juice and the packaging clearly says \"\"a splash of pineapple and other natural flavors\"\".

No thank you...I'll be cancelling my subscription. I don't why the change.\"\n2454,B002JX7GVM,A1XYATUTPV7MN9,\"Dr. Mom \"\"Crazy Mom Naturopath\"\"\",1,1,1,1350000000,N"} +{"input": "??w w?????ululal???onon n f?or???????121??isi????t t g gog?????????l!l??PlP?????????tataca??????e me mamana???????rerere?? an a???as????theth?m m t to to o c??an??e ?????????th?the the o ???d fd ?????????? y ?ouo? l ????e te ??is??prp???ucuct????e ?jujusu?t t ct ????ele????d od ?ourou?r sr ??bsbscs??ipi?ti??? o?f ???????s s ps ??er er m ????h h?beb??????e t?he? n ne n??????rmurmulrmu?? i is is ????gugus???ngn??! N! NoN?ot ot??????????aiainin in??nlnlelesle?s ?th??the cthe chc???ngenge ??????????he????d ?ve?????n!n!!???????000?2J2???GVG?M,M????9Z9?????QIQ??D,D,\",\"L\"?? S SiSili??verversver?????in \"in ??mu???? s ?no??????1,1?,1,,1???131???888??????DeDel???io?usus us?? and an???refre????????,O,??. N. ???E.E??CoCococo??nutnu?t wt ???er???is ??el???ciociou???????d red r??frefr?eshes??ng?. ???t it ??is ais ?ma?zizin?ing ing h ?owo????t rt ???????????cr???", "output": "ew formulation for 10/2012 is not good at all!,Please contact the manufacturer and ask them to change back to the old formula if you love this product! We just cancelled our subscription of 8 cases per month because the new formula is disgusting! Not buying again unless the change back to the old version!\n2455,B002JX7GVM,A179ZUHJ8QIED,\"L. Silverstein \"\"music snob\"\"\",1,1,5,1313884800,Delicious and refreshing,O. N. E. Coconut water is delicious and refreshing. It is amazing how it rids me of cramp"} +{"input": "?? i ?n n m ?? c ???vev???ana???????????ckc???242?565???000??JXJ?????,A,??NRNR2R???M8M???OWO????ononnnnan???nun??????,1,1,,1?5,5,1?????0707207?00?,L,??????HIH?? S ?TUT?FFF?????isi???rir??k k? is i????????? f ?oro??tht????umu?memerer.er? I ??????? h ?heahe??th?y ??alt?????tit?ve???? s????, ,????? a a??rer?ata???????to to??ydydr??????ououru??????????knk??? t??hishi???????????????????thithieies?t\"t?\"\" \"\"??oco????ut ut w wawatwatet?????? th the th???ara??????iti?t dt ??es??????ve cve cacanca???su???ar)ar?, ??????it'it??s ts ?the? b be b???? on o???????? tho th??????????e ?nenewne???????co???????ateaterate?, , o, or?????t ??onon'on?? p prp?refre??????????????????nat?????? as? p pu p??e ?????????????r.r??MyM?y by ???????r hr hah?ate?s ?cococ?coconcoconu????atate?????t ???vevesve????his???????. ????is is dis ", "output": "s in my calves and lower back.\n2456,B002JX7GVM,A2NR2U9M8SXOWP,donnadonut07,1,1,5,1313107200,LOVE THIS STUFF,\"This drink is perfect for the summer. It is a healthy alternative to soda, and a great way to hydrate your body. I know this isn't the \"\"healthiest\"\" coconut water on the market (it does have cane sugar), but it's the best one for those who are new to coconut water, or just don't prefer something as natural as pure coconut water. My brother hates coconut water,but loves this stuff. This d"} +{"input": "?rir??? i isi? n ?oto???oooo o?????t,t?anandn???asa??tht???pep????????????cec????????????pip??eae?ppp?lel?????d nd nan?tut??al???ocococonco?utu?????????????? m ??xex?d d td ????ethet?herhe?????lil?keke ????? c?oc?o'o??s fs frf??it???????ed???watwa?ererser??as????lll????ut??fif??d ?d thd t??t ?th???????nknk nk??s s a? l??ot ot s??????????? t?exe?????, , a, ?????liliglighg????y my mo??re re??refrefrfrefr????????n n?a ???ot ???????er der ?aya?.\".?????7,7????2J2???GVGVMV?,A,????737??LGL??3A3ADADQDQ,Q??????ereer??nd nd????trt??ct??????????\",\"?1,1??,5,5,5???121?323?96960600?,\",\"g,\"?rereare??? ta t?astaste?, ??notno????? s?weweewe?et,et???verve?y ??refrefrref?resre????????I ??????en en??o ????ke ke?????s ???hathat hat???renre???as?as sas swsweswee??t a??s ks ???? a?idid ?????????r sr ?sugsugag??? d dr d????s.s??VeV?eryery ??????sh?shinshi?g ??ftf?terte??", "output": "rink is not too sweet,and has the perfect balance of pureed pineapple and natural coconut water subtly mixed together. I like vita coco's fruit infused waters as well, but find that this drink is a lot smoother in texture, and slightly more refreshing on a hot summer day.\"\n2457,B002JX7GVM,A3K173DLGT3ADQ,\"Reverend Destruction \"\"C\"\"\",1,1,5,1312329600,\"great taste, not too sweet, very refreshing.\",I happen to like foods that arent as sweet as kool aid or other sugary drinks. Very refreshing after m"} +{"input": "o????? t ??e e??awa?? a ?ndn? h he?????d d ??eee?p p t???ses??????????n n hn heheahe????heheshe?? aw a?ayay.y??242?585????020???????????NEN????QUQU0U?????M.M. .???ancan???1,1,1???,1,13,1???????00??????E.E. . C. ??cocon?utu????te?r!r!,!?I I?gog??t tt ???e Oe ??N.??E. E. C Co??conco?ut??????? w ?/s/?plp??????f f P PiP???apappp?plepl??? i ??'s'?s ds ????cic?ouousus ????notno??t tht t?????easea?????? s ??????? J ??ustus??vever?y y??efe????shish?????? L ??VEV???T T??nd?????? c co?contcontitin??e e ue ????? i??t. t. S SaS???? thi thisis s os on???????? a?s ?????recrecocomcommmmem????ed ed? it????24524?9,9,B????2JX2J???????????RHRHHHHMHMNM?9Q9QHQ?????MNSMN?????\"\"\"??NSN?SOTSO?TA\"TA\"\"????,1,1,1,1,???121291295959???????VeVerery???asa???????sas?aw ??thithis?????m m i in in ?mym????ocaoc?????ococeoc???ery sery ststost????? an???????ou?ghghth??I ???oulou??d gd gig??ve ve???? a a??", "output": "owing the lawn and helped keep those afternoon headaches away.\n2458,B002JX7GVM,A3KNE6IZQU0MJV,M. Nance,1,1,5,1309651200,O.N.E. Coconut Water!,I got the O.N.E. Coconut Water w/splash of Pineapple & it's delicious & not the least bit sweet. Just very refreshing!! LOVE IT and will continue using it. Saw this on Dr. Oz as he recommended it.\n2459,B002JX7GVM,A1AJERHHMN9QHQ,\"MNSOTA \"\"MNSOTA\"\"\",1,1,5,1295913600,Very tasty,\"I saw this item in my local grocery store, and I thought I would give it a tr"} +{"input": "????brb??????r ?/>???hah??? t ??????itit,t? I ??????ve?????????isi?eded d??bobouo???????????????????ed???hihisis is??????????fof?ounou??d id ???????resre??hinhi?????????????????hatha???I hI ???d ad ???it??mom??re re e en e????y.??????oulou??d hd ha????lyl???????as?e ??thith??is pis prpropr??uc????gagaiaini?????nd and ?agaag?ainai???br???????br /br />????worwo????? a??viv?cec???o o po pepeoe?plp????????ai?????? th tha th????it ?dodoeo???'t'??t tat t???e ??\"c\"co?co?nun?uttut??\"\"? e en??????????cocon?utut ut w???er??????co???????mimilmi?? a???????? ve v???y dy ??fff??ereer?????????????CoCocCo??conu??t wt ???terter ???mem?? f ????? a a??????, ??mmmmamat?ur??????????, ????lele le???e ?????k ck ?????es fes ??fromfrom m w????? we w??alalll?? th??????of of? wh whe wh?? w?? t th thi??k ?k ofk o?f af ?????coconcoco????..?a ???rd", "output": "y.

I have to admit, I was very surprised about how much I enjoyed this item. I found it refreshing, and I felt that I had a bit more energy. I would happily purchase this product again and again.

A word of advice to people complaining that it doesn't taste \"\"coconutty\"\" enough. Coconut water and coconut milk are two very different things. Coconut water comes from a green, immature coconut, while the milk comes from what we all think of when we think of a coconut...a hard"} +{"input": "????????????beb?r r?cocovovever??d d s ?heh??l.l? ????? l ????????????????an???anandan??????pep????ana???????????????ereerenere?t,t?, t, ththe? s?ama??e ce ??an an??e ??aia???ofo?? co c??????. ?????????dod???????ini???of?? th t?isi?? as a??a ?co?coconconucon?ut ut??????????a ?????a c???ada??, , y, ?youyo?u wu ?ili?ll ll p prpro?????y y?enenjen????iti????venve????????2?464606???000???X7X?????A3A???Z0Z?5I5??????????????gpg?oc?????ala?lialiasasuasupu??????r\"r?\"\"\"\"\"??1,1??,5,?,1?????787???????? B ??STS?? dr dri drin???on????artar??!!!?!!!!!!!?????ThT?????????e ?e bee b????? dri??nk ?ou?t ????????????ve ve??lwlwawaya?????ad ad???ulultl??aca?nene e ae ??and and???????????whw?hatha??? t?ooo?k k o?????ata???t thet th???????????gig?????????????????or or??e,e?????ha??s a??lwalw??s s bs ???en en? so s????ff?ici", "output": ", brown, fiber covered shell. Just like a green banana and a ripe banana taste different, the same can be said of coconut. If you don't think of this as a coconut drink or a pina colada, you will probably enjoy it even more.\"\n2460,B002JX7GVM,A3C5Z05IKSSFB9,\"M. Magpoc \"\"maliasuperstar\"\"\",1,1,5,1277078400,THE BEST drink on earth!!!!!!!,\"This is the best drink out there! I've always had adult acne and no matter what I took or what the dermatologist prescribed for me, it has always been so diffic"} +{"input": "u?ltl? t ?????eae??????aca??????I I??tatara???????ini???inging g c coc???nun?t ????ere? f fof????heh? e ?lel?ctctrt???yty?? b bebene?????? a af a?te?r r mr ????intin???ses????in?nin?inging ing? cl c?asa?sesesse?s bs bubut?? I I?non?tit?cec???wiwit?hih?? s?????alal l??eeeeke??s ts ?thath????my my fmy ??aceac??????rtert?ed ed ted ??? cl????r ur upu? a??????tutuau?allally???ooo?????sms??ootooth?er?? ??????es? k ke????ngn?g mg ?e ?????????????? my my ?el???????yt?es????in bin ?????ce?? i it i????? i???rorovro??d ????????????y oy ?f f??????kinki? t?ononene!ne??????????!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!\"!!!????????000??JXJX7X??VMV?,A,A1A1B1?OIO??HYH???ULU??????????ha?,1,?1,11,????,12,1??585868????00,00,N,????? s sp s????ts ts?????nk,nk?????stast?????d dd ??in??kinkingking ?co???conuconut???watwate??? wh w??n n in ?it it? wa was???uguggg???????? to to?????y ????ri?en?d.d. . . I I I n I ????r r rr ", "output": "ult to treat my acne. I started drinking coconut water for the electrolyte benefits after my intense spinning classes but I noticed within several weeks that my face started to clear up and actually looked smoother! Besides keeping me hydrated and my electrolytes in balance, it has improved the quality of my skin tone! LOVE IT!!!!!!\"\n2461,B002JX7GVM,A1BOIDHY9SUL7T,Anakasha,1,1,4,1275868800,Not a sports drink,\"I started drinking coconut water when it was suggested to me by a friend. I never r"} +{"input": "?????y y??ovo?ede??tht??????????f f i itit,t????t t I ? s sps?ene???????ea??????l l?of????????n n? th t?he he d de??erertr?????? I I?jujusu?st st?cacan??t t st ??????o o???ckck k??????????ghg???????? wi w?ithithoh??t ??ete??in?? w?at??erler????gedged,d, , s, ?o ??I wI ??s s?exe????????hehenhe?????ou???????vov???. .??? I k I knk????????????enenten??ly ly i????s bs ????me????????????????h h hh hah?rdr????foforfo?r mr ?????????d,???ut???y ???????s ?ha??ve ve b????????nknkik?ing? i?? f fo?? y yeyea???, , a, asas as h ??s s ms mymy my y?ogogag?a ia ???strst???totortor,r???nd?nd tnd th?????igigh???????omommom??????it it???or or?? dri dr??kikinki???nonotno??ononln??ly fly ?????sposp??tst????butbu?t a?lsl?? t to to to??ee????ydy???????. . ???????it??? d??nen????????s ??for?????alalwal???s ?dr???sks?kin????r ?/>/??????>I>???nonotnothnot??ng", "output": "eally loved the taste of it, but I spend a great deal of time in the desert and I just can't seem to suck down enough water without getting waterlogged, so I was excited when I found flavors. I know that recently it's become trendy and much harder for me to find, but my friends have been drinking it for years, as has my yoga instructor, and they highly recommend it for drinking not only for sports, but also to keep hydrated. Plus, it's done wonders for my always dry skin.

If nothing"} +{"input": "???lsl???iti?'s'? a a a???eae?t t? av a????????ana?gogovo??r r???????????unu?? b ????????goigo?ng???????????ndn??ifi?f yf ??ur?????titiei?? t????mumucu????? a??????????g g?sis??????????msm??to?????k ?mu?ch????ttt???? th t??n n??????????? to???ete?t yt ???ur ?el???trtror?ly??????acackck ck i???babalba???cec????242??????0202J2??7G7??M,M??1H1HRH?????2Q2Q7Q??BGBG,G,7,717?8t8?tecte?ch,ch??,1??5,5???????606????????in??????????? i?t ?????????????I I a???itit ???????????ly????pepecectec????to???isislis?iki?e e te ?thith?? p????uc??, , a, ?andan???pppprp???????ed ied ??????h ???di?sms??ssssisivsi??? at a??it?????????mem??hih??ing ??thath?at'at's??????is tis ?tretrene??? c???????? a????????????ghghth?? ???????, I, ?I wI ?????ro???. .?ThT?he he????? co c???????wa???r r ir ???re??", "output": " else it's a great avoid a hangover cure if drunk before going to bed, and if your partied too much to avoid being sick it seems to work much better than Pedialyte to get your electrolytes back in balance.\"\n2462,B002JX7GVM,A1HRECPV2Q79BG,718tech,1,1,5,1267056000,Amazing (even if it is trendy),\"I admit that I fully expected to dislike this product, and approached it with a dismissive attitude - something that's this trendy can't be any good, right? well, I was wrong. The ONE coconut water is refr"} +{"input": "?eseshs???g,g, ,????ici???usu?????d d??usustus??bab????? s ?????. . R ?????y ?????ere?????????f.f????e e?????????pip????ppp????ada?dsd?????????????????f af ?cicidcidid??????????????cec?es es t ?????basba???? ta t??????????he he??at?????????? t????s ws ?????d md ???e ?e a e a??re???? su s??mem?er er d?rir???? to toooo,o??bubutu????ononlonlyly ly???ad ad o???????I I dI di???????et????t ?????y thy tha?t.???y y py ??????m m??owo???? t th??at ?it???????n n???ut ut????ststost?ckc??, s, ?? I???an???? ge g?et et met ??????2??????????????????????6U6??K1K?????LaL?ba??um?????,5,???????????0,0??????TaT??????????otot ot?fofor????????oneon??\"I\"I ???ci????d td ?to to t??? t th? this this ??altal??ouougou?h h I I I a I ama???notno??a ?bib?????an an? of? f fl f?ava????? w wa w?ate?rsrs.s?????t it is???uiu????", "output": "eshing, delicious, and just barely sweet. Really wonderful stuff. The hint of pineapple adds a little bit of acidity that enhances the basic taste of the water. i bet this would make a great summer drink too, but I only had one so I didn't get tot try that. My problem now is that it's been out of stock, so I can't get more.\"\n2463,B002JX7GVM,A2E2PA6UNK1E05,Labarum,1,1,5,1267056000,Good Taste but Not for Everyone,\"I decided to try this although I am not a big fan of flavored waters. It is quite r"} +{"input": "??frf?ese???ngng g?????ththeh? f ????ororsrs s a ar a???????e ????rar?????ndnd nd n ?otot t wt ???????s is ???sos???e ce cocononcnco???ioi???? ?????ppp?ene???? l liliki??e be ?otothot???coc?????t at ?andand ???inein?eapea??lel?e se ????????re ire ??????prp????lemle???it????theth??e bae basa???????????d ?bo??????????e de ??istis???ngung?uisui???????in tin th?the the???x.x. ??????????e dre dra?wbw??ckc?k fk ??? s so som???isis is b?ece??????pi??????????s ?? r ?????r r??trt???ng ng? ad a??ditditi??????vev?? a? s?????h h ph ?ut???s its i????? fr f????t a??????enten?terte?. ???ThiTh?is is ais ada?????????????oco?conco??ut ut???y y m??ke?? it i?t ft ?arar ??????weweewe?????or or sor ??????????????d ?ce?rtrtataia???????? a ?gog????d pid p???k mk ?me me???????terter ter a a a w a ????ou????or,or?????????casca?se,se???????r sr ?????eleli?????thethe ?snsno?? t? tha thata???", "output": "efreshing and the flavors are quite vibrant and not weak as in some concoctions. I happen to like both coconut and pineapple so there is no problem with the basic idea and both can be distinguished in the mix. The one drawback for some is because pineapple is a rather strong addition, even a splash puts it up front and center. This added to the coconut may make it far too sweet for some. It would certainly be a good pick me up after a workout or, in my case, after shoeveling the snow that se"} +{"input": "?eme?? t toto o????dedepe?oso????d d r ???????lyl??????s ws wiw?ntn?terter r??? t???e Ne ?oro????asa?t.t.\".??????,B,B0B000???X7X?GVGVMV????IWI?????2H2???WAW??\"M\"?ar?gag?arearete? W ?????inlin???y \"y ???eze??irirl??\"\"\"\"\"\",\"???101??2,2,1????????????hyh?y ay ada???????????????..??? t?ririeieded ed????is is?as? a a a??????cec?emeem??? f ?????? the the??ocococ???t ?WaW??ter???witwith??????eapea?plp?? t??at? w??????aia?????????fo??re re i?n n t??????????????????????grg???. . . ?ThT????st??fff? i is i???wfwfuf????????s s gs ?otot ?ad???d d s???ar??? wh w??chch h????nonot??????????????? a an a???????al????mamakmakekese?s ts ?theth??drd?rinri????asastas?? p???ttttyty y gy ?grogr??s.s?. ?NeNeve?ere????ettettit????? thi?s s s??tuftuff? a??????. ???nd? I ???o ?????????conco??t t wt ????er,er????in gin ?genge????al,al, ????it? i is?????", "output": "ems to be deposited regularly this winter in the Northeast.\"\n2464,B002JX7GVM,A2IWN2E52HLQWA,\"Margaret W. Finley \"\"pezgirl\"\"\",7,10,2,1284336000,why add sugar?,\"Ugh....I tried this as a replacement for the Coconut Water with Pineapple that was available before in the automatic ship program. This stuff is awful. It's got added sugar, which is not needed at all and actually makes the drink taste pretty gross. Never getting this stuff again. (And I do love coconut water, in general, as it is a fa"} +{"input": "???????? h ?ydydrd??tot?r r???? t ??????????????atatoat???ded?...??wew?lll??????alall??????????hih?? s ??ufu??????242??5,5,B,????JXJ????M,M?AYA??ACA??????????????????. W. WhW?eee???er er???. ?\"\"\"??imim m W Wh??eelee?er??????,3,???5,15,121???888818161606??,C,?oco?ono???????erer,er?\"B\"BeB????? a a r rir????le?????er wer ???????????clcle????????????e e? co c?ocoocon??ut ut???????????th ??itsit?????h h???????????????viv???amiam????? a?s ?????????? d dr??inkin??. I. ?I pI prp???erer er ter ????????dud??????? th??? y ?ouo??fif?indind ?inin ??th???ic ic????keket??, ??ece?????e ie ?it it? ha has????????dedde??su???ar ar a an a???it??ha????t ????? b ??????.\".\"????????00200?????????353??2J?JIJI4I??OBO?ZPZP,P??C.C?. B. BaB??????\"\"k\"\"?atatlat?uvu?r_r_1_???????,3,,3????12612?46?????00,????otsot???f f??", "output": "ntastic hydrator and tastier than Gatorade...well, usually. Not this stuff.)\"\n2465,B002JX7GVM,AY3ACEC3TKSM,\"James D. Wheeler Sr. \"\"Jim Wheeler\"\"\",2,3,5,1273881600,Coconut Water,\"Being a ride leader with a bicycle club, I use coconut water (with its high Potassium and vitamin C) as an energy drink. I prefer this product to that you find in ethnic markets, because it has no added sugar and it hasn't been boiled.\"\n2466,B002JX7GVM,A35X2JJI49OBZP,\"C. Bayne \"\"katluvr_1\"\"\",2,3,5,1264636800,\"Lots of fl"} +{"input": "?????????? n ????totooo?????ete?\",\"???ocococ?????WaW?????????????plp?asashsh ??f f?PiP??eaeapa?plpleple/><>????r />r />T>??isi? i ?is is??efe???sh????! !???????????t,t??bubutbu??no?????oo oo???weeweetet.et????????coccoco???t t ft ??lavla?vorvor ?isisnis???t pt ????ouounu????, ??ndn????e e pe pipinineinea???lel???????? so s????er?pop???rir?ing? t?hah?at at??????astas????lilikikeke ??yry???????????clc?leale??? ta t???????. ??????did??ing ?to? t th?e ?????aga???????????ha?s s fs ???ve ve e esesssses???iai??? el e?????????????mom???e p?ot?as?sis??m m? th?????a ba ??anaan??ana,ana?, n, ?no no f ?at?, ??????olo????????????nd nd?????prepr???erver???iviveiv???\"\"\"\" \"\"?????ereere'e?'s 's a????idi?????? f?????????? g g g o ?of ?pr???????????1616 6 g g g? of of ?????rsr????I I??ususpspep?ct???????? of of???????gagarga??????", "output": "avor, but not too sweet\",\"Coconut Water with a splash of Pineapple

This is refreshing! It's sweet, but not too sweet. The coconut flavor isn't pronounced, and the pineapple isn't so overpowering that it tastes like syrup. It's clean tasting. According to the packaging, \"\"it has five essential electrolytes, more potassium than a banana, no fat, no cholesterol, and no preservatives.\"\" There's a smidge of fiber, 0.8 g of protein and 16 g of sugars. I suspect most of the sugar comes"} +{"input": "?????m m?ththeh???ini??apappp??????????\"c\"???????icicece\"e??????onone??ofo? t th t?he he? in i????did?????????o.o???????????? o???cacarca?totonton n??om?eses ???????????ririe?????? / />/???IfI???ouo??sis?????? f?or?????scscrc?ribri?e ?????vev?e, e, i????s ls ????s t??????? p pe p??r cr ?carcartcarto?ton.ton. ??AcA?tutuau?lll???, t???he che ??cart?????????e e oe ???????iningin???????????????ababob?outout ?th?????????. ???t'?s ???????? h ?harha????o o?????? d?iri??ct???ly fly ??????????????????e ie ????'t 't???????ir ir g ????in?ing ing??????????henhe??????????k,k, ?wh????????keskes ???????umu??. . T. ?ThiTh??is wis wawasa??????vedve??????ou????g ???t i???????????s.s. s.? * ?wh???????????waswa???oo?????? w wi w??? d?????it???ly ????t mt ???e,?e, ae, ?andan?d Id ", "output": " from the pineapple, but \"\"cane juice\"\" is one of the ingredients, too. The 8.5 fl oz carton comes to 75 calories.

If you sign up for subscribe & save, it's less than $1 per carton. Actually, the carton is the only thing I don't like about this drink. It's sort of hard to drink directly from because there isn't any air getting let in when you drink, which makes a vacuum. This was solved by pouring it into a glass. *whew*

This was good. I will definitely get more, and I"} +{"input": "? h hihigi?????rer?coc??memene?????hishis s? to t??pep?opo???????o lo ?ikikek?e pe pip???????e ?????????????????????GVG????N9N?E7E?KAKAWA?????Q,Q??????tit??eTe????sos?????,0,,0??????898????00?,T,?ererrr???le? f ?lal?vovoro?,\",\"A\"????st??gag??geg???atat t????????????? I I I h??????ses?????????cococcoco?????????ed ?prpror?????s ??????????ili????cocooco???ingin???il???etetct????nd?? th thi?his his????? the th?e fe ?ir????st tist t??me me I I I?? hav ha??????? d ????????????. .??y y ty ?teeteen??????kidki?s ???ate?d ???. . M. MyMy My s ?sonso????s hs hes hea?ltl?? f???od od?nu?t ????d dd drdri???s ??????? the the p pr pro?teteiteinin in s?????s s a???nd hnd hehe ?????dndn'n???????and and i?t.?? I I a I ?m m s?uru?????????is is nis ?ot?? th? the ?he??altalth?ieiese???, b, bub????????ouo?????????t,t?, t, ??therthe?re ??is ?is nois n??co????????son son????fl???", "output": " highly recommend this to people who like pineapple juice.\"\n2467,B002JX7GVM,AN9E7KAWWF95Q,ChristineThomson,0,0,2,1348963200,Terrible flavor,\"Almost gagged at first taste. I have used other coconut based products (water, milk, cooking oil, etc) and this is the first time I have been disappointed. My teenage kids hated it. My son is health food nut and drinks all the protein shakes and he couldn't stand it. I am sure Done is not the healthiest, but one you try that, there is no comparison in flavo"} +{"input": "??????ere???cece.e?\"\"?242?686??B0B???????VMVM,M,A,?3K3?????TJTJWJ????????liligigag?????pap??????????????????424???????????? s ststut??f f?????ele?????????I I??LOVLO??????S S S ?TUT???????????, ,??I dI dod????I hI ??vev? t??ieiede??al???ofo????????av?oro???, b, bubutbut t????havha?????t tt ???ed?? th t?? o??rigrigig?nan?al.al. ?. I . I? ha h??e ?to? s sa s??? b ???????, p, ???????????s s ms ??y fy fa???oriorititet??????avaava a? is? a???lolososes????coc?????WhW?o o???? I I k I ??ddd????? ? I???lovlo?????????allall!all?/???r ??>D>DeD???ititeite ?????t ot oto???erser???ay?? ab a?ou???it???????ing?????t t at ?at at???omo?????????????, ?I ??in??d id ?it ?????????verve?y y ry re???resre?hi????????eve???? be???terter ????n n????ici????. If. I????? w ???t t a??na??turtura?????tasta???y ay ?altal????nat???ve ve tve to", "output": "r tolerance.\"\n2468,B002JX7GVM,A3KRDK5TJWLOFI,alligatorspambubbles,0,0,5,1342656000,This stuff is delicious,\"I LOVE THIS STUFF. Really, I do. I have tried all of the flavors, but I haven't tried the original. I have to say, by far, pineapple is my favorite. Guava is a close second. Who am I kidding? I love them all!

Despite what others say about it tasting best at room temperature, I find it tastes very refreshing and even better when on ice. If you want a natural, tasty alternative to"} +{"input": "??wawata?erer,r??tht??? i ???fof???????????696?????2J2JXJ????M,M,A,??0A0?????????LSLS,S?\"L\"L.L??BeB??? \" ??sps?ece???lslscs??tsts\"s???,0,??,0,,0??,1,?313???????00,00,R,?eaealallal?y y?? G ?????prp??????!,!?,\"S,\"SiS??cec????hah???bebeeeenen n r ?????????in?????romro? a????? ho h??????u u b???g tg ??at? l lalasa???d ???brb?r /r ????eekeek,k, ?I ???ewew w I? w???? lo l???ono???????????te????????ptp???? fo f????hi????propr?oduod?uctuc??a>??????e e pe ??prodpro????s s ts ??????????rtr?theth??????ra???????????????h h a???/>a/>??????refrefl?uxux.x???ThT??his his w?or????d od ?????????me?ly????ellell,l, ??ndnd nd?? the the e te tat??tete??is is gis gog???. ??????LLLL L???epe???t ???? ha h????frf????????on?!\"!??24??????02???????????????R5R5P5??VGV????uku????????5,15,1313113161676??????0,B??", "output": " water, this is for you.\"\n2469,B002JX7GVM,A30AIATAD5VOLS,\"L. Bell \"\"specialscots\"\"\",0,0,5,1317254400,Really a GOOD product!,\"Since I had been recuperating from a 24 hour flu bug that lasted a
week, I knew I was low on electrolytes. I opted for this product,
as some products tend to further aggravate my stomach and
acid reflux. This worked out extremely well, and the taste
is good. I WILL keep it on hand from now on!\"\n2470,B002JX7GVM,A27LTIOR5PFVG3,Luke,0,0,5,1316736000,Bes"} +{"input": "?t t e ?vevere?!,!?? h hah?veve ve?trtrir?eded d??????????ififff??ereerene?t t bt ?????s s?ofo????co??utut t wt ?ata?er????????N.N??. . i ???????????ritrite? a????O.???E.E. E. C ???ononunutnu??WaW???er ?wiw????? S ??lal?shs??of? P PiP??eae?ppp???e ie ?is is?my???av???ritriterite e fe ????or??????wiswi???????prp??cec?e we ?????d cd ????????????wnw???????????ele?????veve ?th?is?is sis ?tut?ff???????????????GVGVMV???3V3VEV???C5C?SJS??????ded????????aka??er,er,0,0,0,0?????292?????606???DeDefe???????y ???????pl??,\",\"T\"?o o m?e,e?? th????tat?????s m??oreor???iki????in?????lele ?????????an????oco???nut.nut?. . T ??herhe?? i is is ?????nd??????????????of????co?????, I, ?????? t? the the the???????????t ????onongon?lyly ly f???lavolavorore?d,d????? I????asnas??t t et ??pep????ing? s ???????h ph ?????pp????", "output": "t ever!,I have tried all the different brands of coconut water and O.N.E. is my favorite and O.N.E. Coconut Water with a Splash of Pineapple is my favorite flavor. I wish the price would come back down I absolutely love this stuff!\n2471,B002JX7GVM,A3VE6XC5SJV3ZL,desiree baker,0,0,3,1299801600,Definitely Pineapple,\"To me, this tastes more like pineapple juice than coconut. There is an underlying hint of coconut, I know the water isn't strongly flavored, but I wasn't expecting so much pineapple. "} +{"input": "? T ?hih?s s i ?is is?tatanangngyg????d d s ??eeeete??? I ?t t???s as ??rir?????? P ??????? i?????????r,r??bub?t ?I I????'t'???????? I I c coc????????andlandlele le???o o m ????? mo m?rer??ofo?? it i???n n o ???e se sis???in????? I I a I amam m?non???t tht thrh?????d d wd ?????????????flf??????d d cd ??????ut ut w ?atateter???itit it? is???oo?? ta t?angan??/s/sos??r ???? me m?, , s, soso so? wi w??ith ith? th t??????eae??plplele ??????lpl???co?vever????? th??at at f fuf???inine???s fs ?or?? me me. me??. N. ???? su suru??? I' I???bu????thith?is ?????in.in??. S. ??tilti??? in in ?ses?earea??ch ch? of o?f tf ?the????e ??I fI fif?irsirstst ?????ed ed?????fef????in????veve ve w? wit with??, b, ?butbu??soso ?????nonotno????nd??ing?? an any an????ng????s ls ????ht ht? an?d ?d frd f??shs?h t??st????.\".??242474??,B,?000??JXJ??????A3A??515?????BYB??????E.E??????????el???\",\"???,0,,0???121282???????", "output": " This is tangy and sweet. It is alright. Package is smaller, but I don't think I could handle too much more of it in one sitting. I am not thrilled with their unflavored coconut water, it is too tangy/sour to me, so with the pineapple it helps cover up that funkiness for me. Not sure I'd buy this again. Still in search of the one I first tried and fell in love with, but so far not finding anything as light and fresh tasting.\"\n2472,B002JX7GVM,A3251RBTBBYII9,\"E. Logan \"\"el\"\"\",0,0,3,1282089600"} +{"input": "?,C,CoC????utu??????r r???? S ?????? o ?f f?PiPini???ppp???,\",?????dnd?'t'?????????????nu??t wt ?????? wi w??????sps????h h oh ???pip???eapea?????juj?ici??e te toto o???astas?? q ??????soso ?sas?ltl??, , e ?vev?n n?ifi??????oeo?s s r ????placpla?? e??????olo????s,s???so so?????????????-p-?ututtuttit?inging.g????t't?s ?non?t ?re??allally???adad,d, , e, esespes?pecpecic?????? ov o??r ????? b bu butut ut? I I?????'t 't?????????ining? a ?nyn??????e o?????.\".?2?474?????020??????M,M????QGQGZGZMZM6M?0R0R4R?6S6???KaK?athat??y Wy ?rir????,5,??8,8,3,3,????161?61261????,P,?la?in?? is i?s bs ???teterte???ThT???s is ???gog??? b? but bu????????????od od?????thethe ???tanta?dad?rd??????onuonut?ut wut ?watwa?terter ter????th??is ???an??????????con??taitain?????s ????all?erer,er????therthe????????????rawra???anand??? I l I lil?kek?e t?heh????ast?e ?e of??? the th", "output": ",Coconut Water w/a Splash of Pineapple,\"I didn't expect coconut water with a splash of pineapple juice to taste quite so salty, even if it does replace electrolytes, so that was off-putting. It's not really bad, especially over ice, but I won't be ordering any more of it.\"\n2473,B002JX7GVM,A3FQGZM60R46S5,Kathy Wright,5,8,3,1261612800,Plain is better,\"This is good but not as good as the standard coconut water in this brand. The container is smaller, there is no straw, and I like the taste of the"} +{"input": " ?????? o ??e e?????ere??? I ????????.\".\"\"??474747?,B,B0B000020??????M,M???WOW?NWNWXW????DRD?QAQA,A?????d d?????rcr?heherer,er,1,???,1,1,,1?,13,1?080?????00???lel????? c ?ana????uiu?cece ?is???rdr???on on???grg???. . l. ????.,.?????????d ?AmA?? a an?????iai?????ococo????t wt ??????? y yuyumum!m?????icoico'o???plplapl???????tht?? t te t???a a???ckck k -?????????(t(?theth????ese?s is ???th????lalasla???? b?????????d ????e ???????the lthe ?larla??erer er?? tet te??? p? pac pa??s ???re re???om????onconce????atateat????blb??? a?????yucyuckck-ck??dod????t gt ???t tt ??????) ) , , ???????he ??oneonesones s is ins i?????he ghe glgla????bob??tlt???- - g- ?gre?ene??co?????- c- cacanca?'t't 't r ??mememmembmbeberbe??ththe????me??, b, bub???????re cre ???con???ut wut ????ter ter???gre????????<>????r />r /???is???on????iti?????????????- n- ??? go g", "output": " plain one better. It is OK.\"\n2474,B002JX7GVM,A2WONWXCQUDRQA,david v bircher,1,2,1,1308182400,Bleh... cane juice is 3rd on ingred. list.,\"I've had Amy and Brians coconut water - yum!, Vico's plain in the tetra pack - great! (the ones in the plastic bottle and some in the larger tetra packs are from concentrate - blah and yuck- don't get those!) , and the ones in the glass bottles- green cover- can't remember the name, but pure coconut water -great too.

This, one with pineapple- no go"} +{"input": "o??. . T ??? a ????d d?cac???e je ?uiuicicec??isi??sus??????uou???????????nan????????????????s os ??? co coco?ono?utut t?????????d ??????pppplp?e e j????ce.ce???ItI????kek??s ts ths t???wa?????tat?sts???'t'??icickic?kerker'r?? an??d nd ????????????thythy.y.<.<>
I wish these brands can just stick to the name of the drinks in their ingredients! (i.e. coconut water and pineapple juice! - no more!)\"\n2475,B002JX7GVM,A1C760KGFSRI6F,Alexis Coxon,1,2,2,1266451200,\"Maybe I just don't \"\"get it\"\" ...\",\"I love coconut and pineapple, but I was not wild about the ONE Coconut Water with a Splash of "} +{"input": "?????????e.e???t t??asasns?'t'??BAB?? . .....??iti?????????ili??lyl? c ?ococo?nun???????????????????eeeetet)t) )??????????ut????t jt ?ususts??wa????? a???ththith?ingin??????iaiala?. ?????asas as r ??????? bl b?lanlandnd,d??anand? I? h ??????ha?rdr?????? f???isishs?in????? a????? it s it st??rtrtet?d ?d tod t? w wa??m m u ?????????e Ie ???m nm ?notnot t at ??co?mpm???titti??vev??at???letle???????dod???t ????????ny ny?????????????????plplepl????????y ey ?le????olo????s,s, , I, ???d rd ra???therthe???jusjustst st d ?ririn?? w???????2242??????0202J2JXJ???VMV??????????XNX??BMBM6M??\"K\"KaK?arear?? J ?oao?? \" ??Si??renre?????1,1,2,??4,4??????505040?0000,00?IfI???ou???EAE??LYLY Y?LiL?kek?e Se ??weewe????.,.?\".\"????heh?????N.N???. C. ??COCONCO???????ERE? W???H H?? S SPS???????F F????EA???PLEPLE E? is i?s ts ?the???????k fk fofor?", "output": "Pineapple. It wasn't BAD ... it had a mildly coconutty (though not sweet) flavor, but it just wasn't anything special. It was rather bland, and I had a hard time finishing it as it started to warm up. Since I'm not a competitive athlete and don't have any great need to replenish my electrolytes, I'd rather just drink water.\"\n2476,B002JX7GVM,A28OB1QLXN5BM6,\"Karen Joan \"\"Siren\"\"\",1,2,4,1264550400,If You REALLY Like Sweet...,\"...Then O.N.E. COCONUT WATER WITH A SPLASH OF PINEAPPLE is the drink for "} +{"input": "y???. . I ??fof?ounoundn??tht?isis s d ?rir??k k t to t??beb? a ?????????????wewer??inginglg???sws??ete?t at ????? st stat?nd???????bebevbeve????e.e?? A AcA?cocorordrdidin????? t????pap?ckckak?ageage,e????N.N?E.E???OCOCOCONCONUNUTU???ATA?ERER R??????? S ??LAL?SHSH ??F F?PIP??EAEAPA?PL??????tataita???????uru??l l? co c???conuconutut ????er?????tu?raral???ininein??ppp??????icicece,e, e, c??anean???ui???, ??????inin in?????andan?d nd ?nat???al? f??uiuitui????avavov?or.or?. . P. PeP???on??allally??, w, ?????????co???conuconutconu????? t??? p?in???????e, ?????ininkink ??theth????couco???d hd ???e e le ??ftft t ot ?outou????????gag?r r c? can ca?ne.ne?????/>/><>?
However, when I paired O.N.E. COCONUT WATER WITH A SPLASH OF PINEAPPLE with a light snack of cheese and crackers, it became a"} +{"input": " ???ryr? t ????y,y, ,??efefrfre?shshihini?? d ?rir??k.k. . I ?, ?apappppap?re??????????ded???? l ??????????? a?ndn??oro? s sa s?vov????toto o????e ?O.O.N.??E.E. ????CONCONUN?? W WAW????? WI W?THT? A ??SPSPLP????H OH ???PIPINI???PPP??? c ????lel??ele????palpa??tatabtablb???. . ???ithith h???e ??fof?oreor??????????? s???ckc?, , t, ?hehe he?O.????E. E.?CO??CON?????AT??? W? WIT WI?????????ASHAS??????????APPAP?PLEPLE PLE i ?s s???al?ly?????liglighg?tftfuf?l.l?. . I. ?? ca cana? a??????ee?? it it ???????ve??????viv??????in?ing ing???????????umu??merme??to?dadayay ?(n(?ot???o ???chc?????? t?????colco?d d wd wi??ntent???wew??th??er)er).)?/??
O.N.E. COCONUT WATER WITH A SPLASH OF PINEAPPLE comes in a handy 8.5 oz box with a place to punch a straw through"} +{"input": ".???ThT?????ypypep???f f p pap????gigini??????nin?cece e ie ?f ?yoyouou u?ararer???????e e ge ?? o????????kik?dsd?????usu?t t?? thr thror?? i??t it in?????????????d d???.<.?brb??/>/><>??r ?????ioi???????hihishis s es exe?pe??????ce,ce???? ha hada???oto?????ardard d od of??cococo?????????ere???. O. ??n tn ??e ?papacpack??????g ig ??t st sas??s ??\"O\"?.N.N.N??. ?COCOCO?CONCONUNUTU? W ?ATA???? WI W????A A??PLP?ASA?H ????PIP???????? i is i??a a?blb??????f f tf ?the? n na nat?ur?ala???watwa?terter ???romro?????id?e ?a a ya ?????????reere????oc????? a an and an?d sd sws??etet,t?????dedenen ??in??apa?????juj???????t ??????ivi?ve ve?ese????tit??al al??leleclectc????yty?testes,s??mom?oreore e p???as???????thath?????ba???????nono no??atat,at??, no, n?o co ????es??ter???, ???d ??o ???resre???vav?atiat?iveiv?es.es.\".\"\"? ?HuHuhu??....w..???????????? c co cou co??????????", "output": ". This type of packaging is nice if you are on the go or have kids. Just throw it in your bag and go.

Prior to this experience, I had not heard of coconut water. On the packaging it says \"\"O.N.E. COCONUT WATER WITH A SPLASH OF PINEAPPLE is a blend of the natural water from inside a young, green coconut and sweet, golden pineapple juice. It has five essential electrolytes, more potassium than a banana, no fat, no cholesterol, and no preservatives.\"\" Huh...who knew you could drink a"} +{"input": " ?grg??enen n???????t?t??????cac???ono??????? a???????sosouo??cece e o ?? p ??tat?ssssis??????BeB?ini?g g??????gig?c c t ?????????s,s???t t i???? alw al?ayaysy??????????hahava???ananoan?othot??er er?so?ururcur?????r r????O/>????al???, I, ? w ????d ???ot ot??rir??? O ???????COCOCOCOCONCO????WAWATA??R R W?ITI???? S ?PLP???H ?OFOF F?????????E E? by by y i???elelfl???????he he m ?ididdd?le????f wf ??intin????. . ???ut ut??ogogegete??herhe?????th th?no???????ryry ?sns?????????in in tin ????hih???? he heaeat??? of of? su s?ummum?erer,er, ?? w??oul?d d dd ?efe???it??elyel?y gy gi?ve? O O. O?.N..N??. ?. CO. C??ONO???T WT WA?TE????????A ??SPLSPLA?SH???????NE??APPAP?PLE???????therthe???????2?474??,B,????????????3T3T5T???G7G?LML?RYR??????ichic?????GmG?mirmi?kik???1,1????,1????464?????,T,?????.,.,\",\"T\"??????seese????????e a?????ttt", "output": " green coconut? Educational and a good source of potassium. Being allergic to bananas, it is always good to have another source.

Overall, I would not drink O.N.E. COCONUT WATER WITH A SPLASH OF PINEAPPLE by itself in the middle of winter. But together with non-sugary snack or in the high heat of summer, I would definitely give O.N.E. COCONUT WATER WITH A SPLASH OF PINEAPPLE another try.\"\n2477,B002JX7GVM,A3T5NSG7LMRY0A,Michael Gmirkin,1,2,4,1264464000,Tasty.,\"This seems like a prett"} +{"input": "?y y??trtrar??ghg????????? d drd??nkn?????????ococo?nun????uiuicicec??ana?d d id ?t'???pip???apapppplp????????, , w ?it?h h???bibit??ofof f????ar? a an andnd nd?non?t ?????h eh ????.<.????/>/><>??r ???ThTheh??y cy clclal??? i ?????? a g a ????d sd ?ouo??cece ce??f f pf popototaot????umum ??andan?d ed el?ece????lyl?tet???.
?Fo?r ?whw?hatha?t it ?it ????(s(?somso???thith??? s sw s???? t?o ????),), ??????s prs pres pret????go?od???2??787?,B,??0202J2JXJX7X??VMV?,A,??VEV????RAR??HEH", "output": "y straightforward drink. It's coconut juice and it's pineapple juice, with a bit of sugar and not much else.

They claim it's a good source of potassium and electrolytes.

For me it was pretty tasty. Granted it was also very sweet. Is it a \"\"health drink\"\"? I don't know if I'd go that far. It has Vitamin C and trace amounts of Calcium / Iron, but not much else other than sugar.

For what it is (something sweet to sip), it's pretty good.\"\n2478,B002JX7GVM,A2VEJ0MRALHE"} +{"input": "??1,1,m,???????0,10,????121?989898??767??????mam?lll?????hahana?-u-ususus??al al?????agageg??sisizi??? o ????????wew??t t?????????????opo??????????ici?e:e??IfIf f y ??????antant ?????nun?t t wt wa??terte? w???????? tou to?chch h? of o????ineineae??plp??, ?gegetge?t tt th??????a a Ca ??ocooco,o?, n, nonotot ???????ne????r ??><>???r /?>S>SiS??e:e: e:???e ???zeze ze??????? f ?? o oz o? p??er er? pa pac??kagkage?? I? d ??????t pt ???y cy clc??ses????tetente?tit???? wh whe?n n on orordrded??iningin???an????xpxpep???????the?????ge????111?????? s?iz??. ????? a a?bib?? d?eaealeal,l?????d wd ?waswa?s ms ?y ?faf??ltl?, ???????'s'???a la ??????? to too to??????ll ll? to?? be be ????fuful?.? /??asastas???: I: ?ckck.ck. ?I I??ov?????cocon????????er.er??? l???? p pi pin?????plepl?e je ???????. I . I l. I lo???ve lve ???hthtltly? f fl f??vov??ede??co?cocococ????ut w", "output": "41,mbs80,0,1,3,1298937600,\"Smaller-than-usual package size, overly-sweet taste\",\"My top line advice: If you want coconut water with a touch of pineapple, get the Vita Coco, not this one.

Size: The size is 8.5 fl oz per package. I didn't pay close attention when ordering, and expected the larger, 11.5 oz size. Not a big deal, and was my fault, but it's a little too small to be useful.

Taste: Ick. I love coconut water. I love pineapple juice. I love lightly flavored coconut w"} +{"input": "???ere?. .?ThT????tat?sts?testes ???kek??non???e oe ?????e ???????. T. ??????ava??r r i ?is is?sisici?klk?y y? sw s??????ini????????tsts ?in??lulududeded??ada???d d? su s?gag??),), ,? an a??d wd wiw??h h??on?e e o??????e ne ???????llllolowo???ococo??utu?t ft ???????of?? ot oth??r r cr ?cocco?con?ut? w ????erser??????? tr t??iedied.d???igi???t at ?? w??????e ???prpror?????eded ?kik?dsds ??ri??k.k??brb?r /r ???
Alternatives: While I actually prefer O.N.E.'s regular, unflavored coconut water over other brands, the Vita Coco coconut water with a splash of pineapple is far superior to this one. It comes in a larger package, doesn't have added sugar, has more vitamins a"} +{"input": "nndn??nun?trt?iei???s s??tht??s ?ono?? i is? d did???????wiwiti?????????waw??ere?),), , a ??? t tatasa???s ?????e ye ???'r'??e de drd?rinri????g g? it it t????????????e ?beb???????hi???s ons o??? is i?s js ???st.st?..??oto???re?????????????????7G7?VMV?,A,???????2M2??HIH?????obo?????0,0???3,3,1??646464?363???00,00??????hah?at at?I I e exe??ece?te????? In I??er??st????g tg ????e,e???????nte??????????? thi this??ju?ici?e ???? I' I?m m a? b ??g ??????f f c coc??conco??t t ft flflal?vovou??????ror????ctsct???????enen en???at?at iat ????????s ????ha??ve ve? a ?\"\"\"\"s\"sps??????? of of p ??ineineaeapea???e\"e\"\"??, I, I I w???as eas ex???ct???ing ing?? a l a li???t t pt ??????????? f fl fla??vouvo?????????
On opening the package, I could smell the hint of pineapple, and I'd say the "} +{"input": "t?asaststet??ofo???ininen??ppp??????????itit t?st?????ere???hah?n n???e ???co???t ?waw?te?r.r??????bab??lyly y? be b?cacaua?sese ???vev??momoso???ly ly???astas??d d???????? m ???k k? an andnd ?????????er,er????d ??aya??th????wa?s s ns ???thithinthi?? l lil???e we ?ha??t It I I?exe????????? I It I?'s'???ot? b ba b????????thi???st st?quq?enencn?????, , b, ??ut ut iut itit it? wa w?asnasn'n????y ?????uru??iteit?e de drd?rinrinkn??inin in? te t??msm????????stest??\"\"2??????000??????VMV?,A,A2A??909?VEV??Y5Y5C5???V,V???????n \"n \"\"\"\"R\"????\"\"\"\"\"?,3,3,3?6,6???121282?414161?323202???????as? h ?heaheala????y ay ?as ????? wo w?????????k,k?????????????e e I???usustus?t w????ted???????harha?e ??omomem?e oe ?of ?my???xpxpexp??iei?encen??e w???h h y ?youyo?? ab a???t ???thisthi?s ps prp????ctct.t?. F. ?????t ot ???f af ??l l??it ????steste ste??reretre?tyty y gy ?ooo???bubutbu?t it ???????dada ???", "output": "taste of pineapple is a bit stronger than the coconut water. Probably because I've mostly tasted coconut milk and not water, I'd say this was nothing like what I expected. It's not bad for thirst quenching, but it wasn't my favourite drink in terms of taste.\"\n2480,B002JX7GVM,A2690VEUY5C6WV,\"kcfan \"\"Rio\"\"\",3,6,3,1284163200,Not as healthy as you would think,\"hi every one I just wanted to share some of my experience with you about this product. First off all it taste pretty good but its kinda sug"} +{"input": "??ryr???ndn? s sas??tyt?. .??tst? a???oko? d drd???k k bk bubutu??????n yn ???????????bobou???iti???andan??yo???cocomompm??areare e??? t?o o??????s ???isi??dr?in?ink ink???s ns non?t ????????th?y ???????????. I. It?????rer????kek??????ici?e ??dri?nk???hah?an an a? h he?healhea??????nen?. ?????????d td ?o ???????co?? it i?t ht ?hasha??s mos mororeore ???aloal?orior???? t???????the?? so s?????, , h, ha?lfl?? th?e e pe ?ototaotas?sis???????????mosmo?t ??al????thethe the vthe vivit??mim?in in?C.C???hi??s d?ri?nk???????????lel????s mas maga?????umum,um???hoh?????oroor??s,? a?? and and 4 ?? ti t??????????ca?????ium.ium?. T??? o??lyl?y ty ?thi???s ths t??he dhe drdri??k ??oeo????????ovo?verve??????acoac?????????? 1 1 1?? les le?s s gs grg????????ugugag???. O. ?????allal????y y t??????trt?????????????geg??????et???er er d??rin?k k fk ?or? y ?you??r br ", "output": "ary and salty. Its an ok drink but when you think about it and you compare it to others this drink is not as healthy as others. Its more like a juice drink than a healthy one. Compared to Vitacoco it has more calories, twice the sodium, half the potassium and almost half the vitamin C. This drink also has less magnesium, phosphorous, and 4 times less calcium. The only this the drink does have over Vitacoco is the 1 less gram of sugar. Overall pay the extra price and get a better drink for your b"} +{"input": "??dyd???ndn???f f y ??u u d ???? b ??lil?eve?e e??e ??o o t tot?????e we ?ebebsb?iti???????????????????????????????r r c????k ??it it??utut t ot on? t???irir ?wewebwe???sitsitete.te?????/>/><>????r />r />O>?.N.?.E.?????CO?NUN?? W ?ATA??? W????????ASA???OFO????NEN?APA?????/>C/>CaC???rir???: :????C>????es????olol:ol??: 0<: 0
pop?tat????????????):????5%5?%C?ara?bsbs(bs??7g7g)g):g): ??%<%?SuS????: : 1??g?v
vivit???inin in??: ???????????cac?alcal??iumiu??: 1????%?V>????CO?CO????????PL???H ??", "output": "ody and if you dont believe me go to the websites and check the facts below or check it out on their web site.

Calories: 75
Fat: 0
Cholesterol: 0
Sodium(115mg): 4.8%
potassium(299mg): 8.5%
Carbs(17g): 6%
Fiber: 1.2%
Sugar: 16g
protein: 0g

vitamin c: 172%
calcium: 1.3%
magnesium: 0%
phosphorous: 0%
Iron: 1.8%


VITACOCO WITH SPLASH OF"} +{"input": "? C COC??CONCO?????r r???????????????????/>??atat:t?: 0: 0<0 /?>Ch>C?olo????ere??ol:ol??: 0<: 0??
?pop?tat????iumium(???40m40mg?):): ):?1919%9???br ?????rbr??(2(212?g)????%F>?ibibeb?er:er: ????% />S />Su />S???r:r: : 2: 21: 2??

???????iti??mim????: ?????%?IrI??n:n: n:????2??818?,B,B0B000??JXJ?7G7GVG???A1A??????YVYVIVIKI?????\"D\"???????ngn???\"D???e e?ofo? N ?ewe? M MeM??ici????\",\"???3,3?2,??282??21721767?00??,J,JuJ?ustust t??diddi???t ???sts???gogooo?od od t toto o??e,e,\"?I'I?? u ??uau?allal???in??to to P PiP????ppp??le le a ???? co c??conco???t dt ???nkn?s,s? b bub?ut ut? th thih?s s d dr d?rin?? j ?us??????dn'dn?'t 't???????al?all all t th?at???rereaeateat t t?o ?me??????e te ??tasttas?", "output": " COCONUT
Calories: 80
Fat: 0
Cholesterol: 0
Sodium(40mg): 2%
potassium(740mg): 19%
Carbs(21g): 7%
Fiber: 0%
Sugar: 21g
protein: 0g

vitamin c: 240%
calcium: 5%
magnesium: 10%
phosphorous: 5%
Iron: 0%\"\n2481,B002JX7GVM,A1B4MIXYVIKMU2,\"D. Truong \"\"Duke of New Mexico\"\"\",1,3,2,1282176000,Just didn't taste good to me,\"I'm usually into Pineapple and coconut drinks, but this drink just didn't taste all that great to me. The taste"} +{"input": " d ????n'n???????mbmblblel????????ngng g????ses????? a a???ininain? C CoCololal?????flf?lavla?????ndnd d??????s s? ac a??????? d??????ulu????to to??asastas??e t?heh???in???ppp?le??????????utu???? i it it.t?? I ?t ???sts???asastasteast????an?gyg?y ay ??d ????????le ?????...?? l li??????????ththath??t ht hahas????bib????f f???????anand????????esessess ?toto ???????eahea???non????reare?????? a t a ????e ??? cr crar???????m m???ot ot s???e ??? e ??ververyr????????????????reacreact????? to t?o to ththithisthi??drd??inkink,k??bubut???? j jujusju?? d???n'?t ??appappepea?l l t???mem???????eal???ly wly ?wanwa???d d t???li???e i??t t?hoh????h, h,?beb??aua??????????aia????befbe?????..???????ualua???????? p pi??neaneap?????co?co?nunutnu????inink??.\".?2?484?????020?????????2M2MVM????XVX?YSY??9H9?,\",????trtra???", "output": " doesn't resemble anything close to a 'Pina Colada' flavor and it was actually difficult to taste the pineapple or coconut in it. It just tastes tangy and a little sour... like water that has a bit of sugar and sour-ness to it. Yeah, not really a taste I crave. I'm not sure if everyone had this reaction to this drink, but it just didn't appeal to me. I really wanted to like it though, because as I said before... I usually love pineapple coconut drinks.\"\n2482,B002JX7GVM,A2MVPY9XVYST9H,\"D_Strasse"} +{"input": "??\"\"\"?D_D?????????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"??,3,?,2,2,2?,12,1???636??808???BlB?ana???\"T\"??????ror????? i ????ililll??d d?????n n??ll??????ra??? an????oxo??ded?ntnt ?anandan????lecle????lylyty?????plp??cic??? b???ere?ragra???? S ???t t ot ?????keke e ae alall?-n-???turtu?ral? G ?????????????? an??????????tst??I />ItI?????so??rtarta a sa ???etet,t????ortortaort??pip?????????y,y??anand????so?so sso ?sor?tata ??????. ?. M. ?y ????????ommom?menmentntent?ed ed t th tha th???? it it?????????lipli?ppepp?eryer?y fy ??el? i in in ???????????, l, ??ke?? th the th", "output": " \"\"D_Strasse\"\"\",1,3,2,1264636800,Bland,\"This product is billed as an all natural anti-oxident and electrolyte replacing beverage. Sort of like all-natural Gatorade with anti-oxidents.

Like a sports beverage, it too is also kinda bland. I love some of the Gatorade flavors, some not so much. This drink falls into the not so much category for me.

It is sorta sweet, sorta pineapple-y, and also sorta bland. My wife commented that it has a slippery feel in her mouth, like the"} +{"input": "??glglal??s s??????oaoapa???n n??? s??ilillll.l? I ??????'t'???hihininkin?? it???asas as t ?????babad???utu??t tht t??? dr d?ininkink ink??eaeala?llyll?????n'?t ?apappappepea??????meme.e??????><>?<>I????????????e a?ll?ll nll ???uru??al al?????te te????ith ith? yo y?????juiju??????????s s is is???of of? th? the the u ?utmutmomososts????po?????????thithisthi??mam????e e se ???metme?????? to????nsn", "output": " glass had soap in it still. I didn't think it was that bad but the drink really didn't appeal to me.

In the end, yes, this drink is probably much better for you than a glass of apple juice and definitely better than some sugar infused punch. But as a sports drink, I think I'll stick with plain old gatorade; it's cheaper and contains fewer calories per serving.

If going the all natural route with your juices/drinks is of the utmost importance this may be something to cons"} +{"input": "????? a ????bub????tht?isis s???viv?ewe?? to t? 3 ???tat???.\".???484?3,3????2J2???????????PSP??????8Z8ZDZ?,\",?MiM?chc??????? B ?rir?ggg??s \"s \"\"\"?DaDararkark_k?????n\"n?\"\"\"\"\"??0,0???,2,,2??262??????00????ede??????ig?geg??? sp s?lal???,\"??????eieivi???? a a??iningnglg????.5.5 5??oncon???cocon?ta?in?er???????? C ?oco?conco?????ata????????? a ?spspl??????f ????????pleple ??as as p pap?????of of???e ???aza?????in?ine ine???????m m????????????????/>/??????>I>ItI??wow?ulu?d d hd ha??? b??eenee? n ??????f ?itit it?ha??d cd ??mem??wiwitwith?????????? e ???ec?????? c?on?si???ririnri?ng ng? th the the ?prp??ce?ce oce of????e ??????ctc????owow w aw ??as tas ???th?? \" ?????plasplashsh sh? of????nen?ap??ple??\"\",\"\"?, w, wewel?????????????????????eeeeneen een a a a v a ve??????? s????????????????????vever???id???as", "output": "ider and bump this review to 3 stars.\"\n2483,B002JX7GVM,A2HTPS0JV3Q8ZD,\"Michael D. Briggs \"\"Dark_Psion\"\"\",0,2,2,1264550400,Needs a bigger splash,\"I received a single 8.5 once container of ONE Coconut water with a splash of Pineapple as part of the Amazon Vine program for review.

It would have been nice if it had come with a straw, especially considering the price of the product. Now as to the \"\"Splash of Pineapple\"\", well it must not have been a very big splash, because I never did tas"} +{"input": "t????nyny y???nen?apa??lel????? w whwhah?????? I ? t ??stste?? I??t it isis s????d ???o do ?ese?????e.? I? It It?????n'n??t tt ta????e le ?ikikeke ???co??utu??????ananeane ?susugu?ara??or? a?ny??????atuaturu?????????t ft ????????.<.???r /r ??
To be honest, it tastes like water,...sort of. Like water with an odd, undefinable extra flavor. It's not a bad flavor or a good flavor, it's just Meh! flavor. I don't care how \"\"healthy\"\" this drink is supposed to be, for it's price, it should have a better flavor, or just have a flavor.

And as a \"\"thirst quencher\"\", it doesn't equal u"} +{"input": "p??tot??GaGata?????? o ?r r e ??ene?????ememom??ad?e.e????fef??????glglal??? o of o?? ta t??????ere?r wr ???ldl? d dodo ???sts?? as as s gs ?oooodo????????? to t???????h h????r ??hih????.\".???484848????0202J2?X7X7G7?VMV???S6S??????2Y2???H,H?????chmch?ididtd?,1,?,4,???,1,12,1262??????????ininen?apappap??????lavla??oreoreded ??oco????????tet?????omo? I?ndndo????iai???? t???ereer??s ????ete???ingin?????????lyl? n ?????????ocooc??ut?? wa w??aterater r w?itith?????hinhi???ofof f pf pip?inein?????????????ed??????????S S f???om om???????si???????kak???ed ?????us?????????????recre???la?blble??, d, ??sps?????blebl??co?contcontat?in?inerine?rs,rs, ?anandnd nd c cac??aterateriaterin??? to to ????e..e..... .. s.. ???ortor??s ds drdririn????ararkr??????\"g\"?googo?od od? so s????e ?ofof of e??lecle??ro????testes\"s????<>?r /?I ??tootookok ??a a ?8.8?5 5 o ou oununcn", "output": "p to Gatorade or even a Lemonade. I feel a glass of tap water would do just as good as job to quench your thirst.\"\n2484,B002JX7GVM,AS6SH2JM2YY3H,R Schmidt,1,4,2,1264636800,Pineapple flavored coconut water from Indonesia... there's something we really need!,\"Coconut water with a hint of pineapple, shipped to the US from Indonesia, packaged in (usually) non-recyclable, disposable containers, and catering to the... sports drink market (\"\"good source of electrolytes\"\")?

I took a 8.5 ounc"} +{"input": "?????ntn??ini??r r?ana????????d ?6 6 s ?er??in?????fof?r ?? t ????????????nd nd 2 ?? ad adud????. .??FiF??????mpm????sis???? T ?heh?e te ????s ??????iouiousu??ata?hlh??te????wewerereer???????ololdld ??hah?at at??he???ri?nknk k? wa w????bub?t ?? d????mem??tit???????at ????wawas?????ing??mam????eteet?ed ed a??s a? p???en??iaiala???po?rtr?ts ts??ri??k.k???????????r />r /???????resures???? ? ? N ??????at???????ote?s,?s, bs, ?butbut t nt ??????????ld??????se?????????r er ?xix?st???ing ??????s.s. s.??EvEve????one????co????zez??ed ted ???????eae??plple?? fl f?ava??r ?ininsinst?an???y.y. ? \" \"\"\"\"I\"?t ??leale??????s a ss a st?raranangan?????eelee???ing ?inin in??y y????????\"\" \"\"??ne??????n sn ???d.d???ThThiTh?is is w? was wa??pr?obo?aba?ly??? the th?????conco??ut ut???teterte????? h ha??d ad ? r re r?????al??? fla fl???or or? an and an???eeeel?", "output": "e container and poured 6 servings, for 4 teenagers and 2 adults. First impression? The teens (serious athletes) were not told what the drink was, but I did mention that it was being marketed as a potential sports drink.

The result? No negative votes, but no one would choose it over existing drinks. Everyone recognized the pineapple flavor instantly. \"\"It leaves a strange feeling in my mouth,\"\" one teen said. This was probably the coconut water; it had a residual flavor and feel."} +{"input": "<<>?ThT???????? n ?? s ?trt?????ncnclc????????????theth????ckc????? s?o ?th?the the??pep???????????ouo???ing? n?eee????? th t?? a?sss???????????? a a f ???? o or o????nifni?e.e. .?????s ?mom???lyly y??cac???) )????????watwa???, , s, ?o ?????boboto?the?r?r??????><>???
B>BoBotottot??m ?????? ?? I? ?It'It's's ??notno", "output": "

There was no straw included with the package, so the opening and pouring needed the assistance of a fork or knife. It's mostly (cane) sugar water, so why bother?

But the biggest issue is the waste. Coconut sugar water from Indonesia? What's the carbon footprint of this product? And the container has 2 \"\"recycle\"\" symbols on it, but, like milk cartons, it is difficult to find a community that will actually keep them out of the landfill.

Bottom line? It's not"} +{"input": " ??hah?t t?????y,y, ,?????g g??itittt??e e?mom?rer??th??n n???gagara? w ?????????? t??????an??pop?ortort t at ?andand and??????gig?ingin???waswast???rereare?lll????ono??t t ft ??it it??intin????????tut????(f(fofor???????focfo????ing??onon on s su s??stastaia?inain??ili?litli?ty.ty??????5,5???030?ZRZ?HYHYUY???A2A?8F8FBF???????D4D454??BeBeee?????y,0y,0,0???5,???494?747404080808???ThThehe he? pr p????e r??? o of o???eeeefee????erkerkyk?!,!,\",\"T\"??????s ?a a ca ?????e se ??cocon????to to????alallall-l-t-?im???fafavavovororiorititeit?, ??ac?k k???inkinksks s Bs Be?efef f Sf ???akakhk????e ???????????ici?h h???? th??e fe fie f????t mt mim???on?on oon ?f ?be??ef ef???rkr????Th????re???????si??milmilal??????tat???te te a??d ?????e,???utu?t tt ?????te????houhous????dgd????ououtou?????s s os ons o???ohoh h sh sos???li???????. S. ?StiSt???? pr?et??? a aw a??????? je j???????verve??y ty te?nd?", "output": " that tasty, being little more than sugar water, and the transport and packaging waste really don't fit into a culture (for me) focusing on sustainability.\"\n2485,B003ZRHYU4,A28FB06HXHZD45,Bee Guy,0,0,5,1349740800,The prime rib of beef jerky!,\"This is a close second to my all-time favorite, Jack Links Beef Steakhouse Steaks, which is the filet mignon of beef jerky. They're very similar in taste and price, but the Steakhouse edges out this one oh so slightly. Still pretty awesome jerky, very tende"} +{"input": "??, , a ???????? a a??ini??t ot ????ata?t ot ort o? g grg?isi?tlt??. .?BoBono? a ap a?pepete??t!t????484??????272??????,A,A1A?HFH?????3L3??7M7MRM??????owow w??????????,11,1??5,5?,12,1????878727202???\"H\"???ltl??????ltelt??nan?atiat?vev???? K ?ibibbb?le???????ede?d od ?r ??awa?w Dw ??et?s\"s???AcA?tutuau?allallyly,y?????o'o's'???????????????mmm???ndsnds ????at at???????at?at yat ?ouo? a?????? t th????????eses s bs bebe ????, ????t it ?? a an a??be??????eded ed a as a?s Is ??????ses???to ?dodo.o?. . ???y dy ?dogdog g??rrr?rivri?vedve?d wd ?itithit???oco???did??? an?????iaria???a ???s as a ??upupp??????hrhro??ghg????????????y my ???mam?anaanaga??me?nt??, h, ???wawas? n????r ????plple???ly???heaheal?th?????? t??????irsirst? 2 ? 1 ???2 y2 ?eaearearsr??ofof of? hi h???lilififefe.?????teterte???watwa?chc?hinhi?ng ng h hi?? g ge getet et s???kek????on on???? ag aggggr????iv?????", "output": "r, and not a hint of fat or gristle. Bon appetit!\"\n2486,B0027IQC5K,A1HFKOWS3LJ7MR,Willow Brook,11,11,5,1211587200,\"Healthy Alternative to Kibble, Canned or Raw Diets\",\"Actually, Sojo's strongly recommends that the meat you add to their mixes be raw, but it an be cooked as I choose to do. My dog arrived with coccidia and giardia as a puppy. Through veterinary mismanagement, he was never completely healthy for the first 2 1/2 years of his life. After watching him get sicker on an aggressive cou"} +{"input": "r?ses???f f??????ioioto???s s a an andnd d?????ninisi?ononene e fe foforor r?hihis???????mmm??tot?????owo????DiDisiseiseae????? I I??tootooko? h??? t to t???????????tic tic?vev????ini?ara???an.an?????????f ??????re???????? ha hasas as b ???????hohomome????e ???et? o?? S ???o'o????????meame????????non????didicdi???ioionio??. ???'m'???xtx?????lyl??plp????????to to r ?reprepop???t ht ?e ?hahas??ha?d ??? G ????pipisisois???s s is ???????r 6r ??mom??ththsh?s a??nd nd? ha has ha?????chchehedhe?????oio??t t wt ????? I??coc??????????????ala?ththyth????HiHisis ?????at iat ????loloso?sys????? m mu m??? f ??ufu????r r tr ??an?? be befe?????????????????????????od??we?igi??t.t??. I. ???havha??? be bef be??????and?and aand ????r ??ho??????ha?t ?shs??w w?? a d a drd?amamaamat????????????menment?,m,???? o? of of w of ???chch ?????????????", "output": "rse of antibiotics and prednisone for his Inflammatory Bowel Disease, I took him to a holistic veterinarian. Part of his treatment has been a homemade diet of Sojo's and meat plus no medications. I'm extremely pleased to report he has had no GI episodes in over 6 months and has reached a point where I consider him healthy. His coat is glossy and much fluffier than before he's finally at a good weight. I have before and after photos that show a dramatic improvement,much of which I credit to S"} +{"input": "???o'o?s.s.<.?????????????t t????s s t ?akakeke e??omomem???xtx?rar????????o o?????arare? a ??????oso??d d t??????blblele,e, ,?bub???I I??????????ysy?s ws ?orortrtht? a???a a ta ????. .???isi??ta???s ?me????????303?????0 ????ututeut??????????hi????????????es des ?dowdo?n n?? tim timeme ??whiwh?lele le?????me?ata?t it ?????????????????eaeananin???g ug ?? a??tet?r.r?? T??????co??plp???????hoh??es??????m m n ?otot t tt ththrth?il??ledled ?????t ???ok???? f ?or? m??y dy ???g bg bu??t I????m tm th???illilleill?? w???th th? th the th??reresre????????IfI??? w?asas as a?bl???????????hi??m rm ra?????er?hah?psps s ds ????????e r????, ?whwhewh?n ?ou????etet ??ivi??????? o ?ok)ok),)???prepr??ar??atiat??? t???????ul??d d ??e ????os????notno?thith?????????7,7??000??7I7IQI??5K5??A3A313???B1B1Y1????????????d Jd JoJ", "output": "ojo's.

It does take some extra time to prepare as opposed to kibble, but I make 4 days worth at a time. This takes me about 30 - 40 minutes total which includes down time while the meat is cooking and cleaning up after. To be completely honest, I'm not thrilled about cooking for my dog but I am thrilled with the results. If I was able to feed him raw (perhaps down the road, when our vet gives the ok), preparation time would be almost nothing.\"\n2487,B0027IQC5K,A31ACB1YA6ABOX,Ward Jo"} +{"input": "?hnhnsn?ono?,1,????3,3????242???282??????hih??????? i ????????????anancn???.,.,S,?????s fs fo???????vev??beb?enen n t ???te???foforfor r??ututrtrir???on????coc??te???????d td ?????ara?e ???? f????????ted? t to t????????? ca c?alcal??umum m t?????os???ororuor?????????????.4.???? Y ???????????nen?eedeed d t??o ao adaddd??????iu????????hosho??phophorpho???????88?,B,????7I7?????????KCK?PYP??????0Y0?,F,?ri???a a??anand???a,a??????,1,12????555?????????at at? fo foo fo???????ee?????????s ?So???s ??s ?pap??t ?of?? a ????ed???owowlw?l ol ??of qof ?????ityit?????blb??e a?????quaqu??alitalityt???cancannn???d fd fod f?oodoo?? ?I ??recre????en?d d Sd So???os.os?????/>/><>r /?BuB?ut ut? I I? ha had? a?????????????????? A ?????? p pu p?rcr?ha???????AmaAm?azoazon??????ed???theth??So?Sojo????????", "output": "hnson,12,13,5,1245628800,This food is not unbalanced.,Sojos foods have been tested for nutritional content and they are all formulated to have a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 1.4:1. You do not need to add calcium or phosphorus.\n2488,B0027IQC5K,A1RKCPYOCFTE0Y,Frieda Bandida,8,8,5,1265155200,Great food,\"I feed my dogs Sojos as part of a mixed bowl of quality kibble and quality canned food. I recommend Sojos.

But I had a problem with the Amazon purchase. Amazon stored the Sojos bag in"} +{"input": "? t ???????gig??ala????ili?in?g g???x x??ojo?oso? s ???t t t????. . ??????????wawasas ?????eded d????????e ????lfl??????ththethe e be ??x x cx ??????????? th? the the????osos os w wa wasas as????cec?ed ed??????oto??therthe??bo??????d md mamaima???????? me me.e?????he he b?aga??????????s ws ?waswa??al???ostos??????????????d ad an??????rere ?wa????no no w???y Ay ???zozonon on???????rar??? o?f ???????. I. ? g ?ot?? a a??refre???nd nd f fr f?????AmaAm??zonzo????th???o ???ese???on????? v ?er???qu???klk?y,y, ,?????Am????? n ne neee???s ts ??? ke k??? c coconco?ntrnt????ofof of? th????\"u\"ususese-se-b-???? d dad??es??? of of??????????y oy of???????n tn ?the????sis???e.\"e.\"\"??????????7I7??C5C?K,K???????????5W5WLW???MaM?????????????dod??g lg ??veverve?\"\"??,2,??,2,,2?5,5??292?????????????T T f?????????ava?ve ve t th?re?", "output": " the original mailing box Sojos sent them. My order was picked from the shelf and the box containing the Sojos was placed in another box and mailed to me. The bag of Sojos was almost one year old and there was no way Amazon kept track of that. I got a refund from Amazon with no question and very quickly, but Amazon needs to keep control of the \"\"use-by\"\" dates of food they offer on their site.\"\n2489,B0027IQC5K,AZTEQJCI6N5WL,\"Mari Hofman \"\"dog lover\"\"\",2,2,5,1296172800,GREAT food,\"I have three"} +{"input": "????wfwfofouo?ndn??ana??? s ??????gogo o to ?hrh??ougou?h h????oto???f f???odo??? O ?nen???????e ?????????s h??d d s??vev?rere ?????????????s ??andand ??inincn?e ?????ve ve???iti?chc?hedhe???ro????omo?mem???????kikibi?????tot??hohomomeom?e me ??????foo?????he'he???th?ririvi???d! d!? H ??e ge ???s ???gug?lalarla?????odod od? te t???ts ts t to t??mom?nin?itoit?r ???the the?drdrurugu?????????n n??nd?? th t??????ve??beb???n pn ???fef?????sinsi???e w??????rtrtet?d d od ?? S ???oso??? I ??t wt ??llll l????????? h?is???ss??uesues,s????????????s ms mo?re????er?gyg????? h? he he c ca c??'t'???aia?????? m ????????????ThT???????r ???o o ao arareare e g??????? w?it??h hh he???th???? w we wele???! ?AlA?? t????e e de doe dog?????ata?ts ts ats ????????y ????nd tnd ????y hy ??ve????nsn???of ??ene?rgr??????????Ne?????\"\"?242??", "output": " Newfoundlands so we go through a lot of food! One of the dogs has had severe health issues and since we've switched from commercial kibble to home made food, he's thrived! He gets regular blood tests to monitor the drugs he's on and they have been perfect since we started on Sojos! It will not cure his issues, but he has more energy and he can't wait for meal time! The other two are glowing with health as well! All three dogs coats are shiny and they have tons of energy (for a Newf!)\"\n2490"} +{"input": "?????????C5C5K5??A1A1212323G3??5353X3XLX?4O4?1717,7,F,FlF?owo??r r w w/w/ /????rnr??????,4,?????????404?00,00?????t t?prp????ctc???????? a ara?? w??lll???? t to to o?dodo o to ????????,I,? t???inkin?????s s??? a a a????atat at? pr pro????ct ct b bubutut ???? pi p????y dy ?dogdo?g gg ??tsts ????redre??????t ?????? a??????..???919??B0B00B002??7IQ7IQC?????????JQJ??????????ar?????MaM??nun???n,n??,0???,1?????????00,?OtOttt?o ???kek??s is itit!it?,M,MyMy ???ala?ll ll??ixi?????rereere?? i???? p???ckyck????teterter ???t ??????eme???s tos t?o l???ke ke?sosolso????so? l ???? a?????mimixmix x??t ????????mem?e ge ??od????opoplp???fof??????????????????pr??blb???ms ms? di d??gesgests??ng???? D DeDele?livli????y wy wawasas as???????t a???exe?pep??ctected?..2.2424924?2,??????IQ???????MDMDLD??UUUUCU????????mfm?111????? \" ???du?ltl??", "output": ",B0027IQC5K,A123G253XL4O17,Flower w/ thorns,1,1,4,1277078400,Great product if you are willing to do the work,I think this is a great product but my picky dog gets tired of it after a week.\n2491,B0027IQC5K,A213FJQVZ84IN2,Carole Magnuson,0,0,5,1330560000,Otto likes it!,My small mixed breed is a picky eater but he seems to like solos so long as I mix it with some good people food. He hasnt had problems digesting it Delivery was prompt as expected.\n2492,B0027IQC5K,AVMDL6UUCOO4X,\"amf111462 \"\"adult g"} +{"input": "???ere???\"\",\"\"???,0,,0,5,5,5??????777?606000?0,p0,???kyk????ppp???..?,\",\"I\"???ava???a a n ??w w?????ntntht?????????????ihi?h Th ???? ?WhWheh???I I bI ??ouo?ghghtht t? hi h?m m???????????th????brebreeeede???? I? k ???t ?????on??th?the the??PrP????lal??????py?' ' t?????drd???????le????ntintili?? th thehe he???g g????? al alml??????in??????. ????herhe???wa?s s as ??ou???2 2 c ????s ls ?lefleftf??inin in?? the the ???ag ag?????????egegag????al???????wa?y ?????? hi???????????sos?onon on aon ?????????????????????s a?????????I rI ??lll?ledled d ad ??fefewew ???????????????s ts th?the the tthe ????e fe ??????in?in tin ??the ?ki?tct??henhen ??????? w wh wha?t ??????? ha h?pp?en???.h.he?'d'd ??????aboab?????0 0??ieiececec?es es? an????o o bo ???inging g mg ?me me ome on???????? his his?????eakea??r r tr to?ysys s ts tos t????layla??wiw???. . (. (W(??ic", "output": "amer\"\"\",0,0,5,1318377600,picky puppy...,\"I have a now 8 month old male Shih Tzu. When I brought him home from the breeder, I kept him on the 'Pro Plan Puppy' tiny dry kibble until the bag was almost finished. There was about 2 cups left in the bag and he began walking away from his bowl as soon as I put it down. As a test, I rolled a few morsels across the tile floor in the kitchen to see what would happen...he'd eat about 10 pieces and go bring me one of his squeaker toys to play with. (Whic"} +{"input": "?h h?? w ?????apa???? wi witi?????as as???dod?n'n't'????ntnt ??? ' ?plplal??' '? wi??th th? hi hisis ?fofooo??? as as ??????? t ??? ge g?t t ht hih??????eaeatat)t).)??? I ?wewene??????d gd gogoto??t hit him??BlB???????faf?????ryr?y py ??ppppypp?y fy fofoofo?????lamla??? an??d od ??atmatme?al??fo??mum?la????????h ?ha????igiggg???????e ??ibi??leleses.s. ???t t st ?eeeeme?medme???thath????e ??????d t??e ?bi???er???izizeiz?? i ?iteit?emsem???to ??????onon on a???????? ha hara?ded?????titioi?xix???ant???bitbi??????????hehe he whe ?waswas ??????ini???? and? and c and ???wiwininging g og ???hi??s ds ?dende???????es,es, , v, ?en?is???on aon an???lerle??, l, la?lamblam????ng?????psps ??????omo??for??????ga???? wh whe?? I? I g I ?gotgot ?do?wnw??toto ??????????uau?artartet????? f??oodood ?le?????in in tin th????agag,g??hehe ??ou???????? a aw awa?y y fy fry frorom? t? the the ???wlwl-l?----t--??????????", "output": "h I was happy with, as I don't want to 'play' with his food as a game to get him to eat). I went and got him Blue Buffalo dry puppy food (lamb and oatmeal formula), which had bigger size kibbles. It seemed that he liked the bigger sized items to chew on and the harder antioxidant bits, since he was teething and chewing on his dentabones, venison antler, lamb lung chips for comfort. Again when I got down to about a quarter of food left in the bag, he would walk away from the bowl---this went o"} +{"input": "?n n?foforor r?????sts??3 3?dad????? H HeH????? s ?stist?????avaviv??????alallall ???wew???mo????ene?????????atatitininging,g????????inging ing???ateat??r ar ?ndn??plplal??????, r, rur?nnnninin????andan??????in?uiu?ing??hih???sus??cecesesss?fufulul ??????????exexex?ercercic????; ; c ????eded ????e ve ?vetve?t at an??????y y???nt??? t?? g gigivi?????????t vt ??????????ormor???? b ?????ciecien??ce ce D ??et?/V/VeV???erierin??ririari????s Ds ?DieDi?????tet?er er? th t?he he??????, w, ????? s?hoh?oweow??ed ned ???thith??ing ?php???ici?calcall?y ??roron?g.g??????he ohe ?oneone e v?????tecte??? sa s??d ????t t St ????????'s???en??d t???beb?e pe ?ic??????ate?????????idi???t ???ckc????? th??e fe fo???d ad ????????r cr ch???? o ?utu??co???te????????? an a????????? so s??me ?????y y oy ow??n rn ?es??earearcrch??????o to ththethe the b??reere?ed ed ied ??tsetsel??????and aand ", "output": "n for almost 3 days. He was still having small bowel movements, urinating, drinking water and playing, running and continuing his successful training exercises; called the vet and they wanted to give me wet venison formula by Science Diet/Veterinarian's Diet after the exam, which showed nothing physically wrong. The one vet tech said that Shih Tzu's tend to be picky eaters. I didn't pick up the food at their check out counter, left and began some of my own research into the breed itself and a"} +{"input": " ?mom?rer??nanata?ururar?? d did?ete?. .????knk?????roromom m??????ofo????ur ur????dod??????cuc?ursur??ono?s s???at???e'e?s ?at?????tet?d d????????d kd ?ililll????he'he?????nin??f ?th????iri????ndnd ??anantant t?? to to?????????or ??t t at ??d ??????????bab??lyl?? ea e??at iat ?it it?if? l??????????s s os ?ownow? d??vivicicec??...??bub?????wowon?????ll??? i?????????remre????ere??????? a? k ki k???in??????????e 6e ???'s 's? ea ear ea?ly???0'????nd???llll ?mym?y fy frfrifr??nd?????o ??ad? d?ogo?s ???? t???em em 1 1 1 o of o??2 2 c ???iciceic??????????lel??ba??????????GrG???y ????????or ?????o ao ?and??? the?y ???xex?ed ????at ??or ??the???rir?ppp??ingin?? f?ro????thethe ???meatmeat;t????? they they? at ate?? bo b???es,es???etcetc c a?ndnd nd and ?allal?l ll ??????????????irir ir? la??????enens??. . O. ?nen??????my my f??ie?iendien???", "output": " more natural diet. I know from some of our outdoor excursions that he's attracted to road kill (he'll sniff the air, and want to lunge for it and would probably eat it if left to his own devices...but I won't allow it). I remember being a kid in the late 60's early 70's and all my friends who had dogs fed them 1 of 2 choices available back then: Gravy Train or Alpo and they mixed meat or the drippings from the meat; they ate bones, etc and all lived into their late teens. One of my friends s"} +{"input": "?mam??????ttt??lil?vevede???o o b beb??242??????? o olo???!!? I ??nen??verve???awa???????????s ?ititct??ini?g g???r dr did????inging g ag ata???hehemhe?se?lvl?vesve?????????thathanan n t????usususuau??????rs rs o? or or???????irir r wr waw???a a????? p ??obo?????? si s????????rer??w uw ?p p????a ???rar???ar??ea ????d md ?osostst ??ftf?ene???thathatthat ???s ??????momonmo?n on ococcc??urrur??ncnce??? W WeW??????I rI re???d ud ?? o?n n t???? mo m?re???????alal al dal ?diedietetst?s a?ndnd ?ded?cic???d ?to? g geg?et et? th???????os os??and?? gr g????????efe?????and sand ????e be ???nelne??sss??ch??????? th???hshs/s??re?reasrea?stsst?. ? M ???We??stoston?? is i???t ?a a ba ??????????f tf ?totto?al?lyl???rawra?w mw ??eatea??, b, ??ut ut????n n bn ?brobr?????d (d ?????ut ?it??????? the ?to??astas?terter ??vevenve?n an ann a??nd and ??d ?1/1/4/4 ??tsptsp ?ofof of ' 'M'???ssiss?????in???? to to ???????eat", "output": "mall mutt lived to be 24 years old!!! I never saw these dogs itching or digging at themselves other than the usual ears or if their was a flea problem, since I grew up in a rural area and most often that was a common occurrance. Well, I read up on the more natural diets and decided to get the Sojos and ground beef and some boneless chicken thighs/breasts. My Weston isn't a big fan of totally raw meat, but when browned (I put it in the toaster oven and add 1/4 tsp of 'Missing Link' to the meat"} +{"input": " p ?????onon)n?????? t ??? s ?oao???????????OrO?????alal,l???e ?eaeatatsts ????th th??????!!!?? ???omo?? hi hisi?s es ????y y?dad?ysys,s?, I, ? w?ouo????plp??ay ay???????????ak??e he ?is?????d ?awawaway????? h?????non???????d a?ggg???ssssis?vev?? ???e e?at???????????ommom?????????ortor???? f? for fo? h????si???????????ksk???????whw??n n??on??? ?WeWes???n n tn ??????wanwantn?? t?????????????, t, ??aiainin in???ardard,???????a a??????????? an a???????? H HiH??is cis ???at at i ???sosofso??t at an????????to? k ???? b ?rur?ushushe????nd????oo?me??. ??ThThe? d???ppp??ingin????re????iceic??si??ed????and and eand ??easyeasy y t??o co clc?ea?n ????? I ???usustus??????hi??m nm ?eueutu?ere?????? da day?????????and and hand ??he ahe ???e te ???is is Sis ??????????? wit wi???????sasama?????????(e(??????it?", "output": " portion) with the soaked Sojos Original, he eats with gusto!!! From his early days, I would play with and take his food away, so he's not food aggressive. He eats the recommended portion for his size and walks away when done. Weston then wants to play hard, train hard, take a nice walk and nap. His coat is soft and easy to keep brushed and groomed. The droppings are nice sized and easy to clean up. I just had him neutered 2 days ago and he ate this Sojos mix with the same gusto (even with"} +{"input": "?????????????r r?????hah?ll?ene?geg??hih???? S SoS??I I?ama? a???ana? a?????e e ae ?arear?e fe ?ininin??????wiw??????????co?nd???????b b?bab???? and an???????t t?oro??ererer?????ototh??????????????????????lpl?? s????ono??????h h a???ici??????tet?er;er????knk?owo? a an????????revreviviei????r mr ??????oneon???? the theie??r Sr ???????? n nonotno??lil????g ??????utu???thi????????s ys ?ouo?u tu ???????gsg??ha????????aia?in in? ta t??stest?s ??ififff?er?enenten?????om om???chch ch??ththe?r,r????????liklikeke ?usus us? hu humu?an???\"\"2?494???????????????1H1??????YFY??6R6??,\",?EdE??ar?????. G. ???de?n ???nenednedld??og\"og?????,1,????,13,1333??????00?,S,SoSojSo???s os ??igi???alal,al?I I dI ???n'n????meame??? to to to o?????er aer a a??????????ba???. B. BuB?? I?? di d???. W. WoWow??. T. ??hatha??s ?a ??????f f? fo f", "output": " the e-collar to challenge him). So I am a fan and we are finished with the second 2.5 lb bag and I just ordered another one. Hope this helps someone with a picky eater; I know another reviewer mentioned their Shih Tzu not liking it, but this shows you that dogs have certain tastes different from each other, much like us humans.\"\n2493,B0027IQC5K,A1HTP3GJYF26RI,\"Edward S. Golden \"\"nedlog\"\"\",0,1,4,1339113600,Sojos original,I didn't mean to order a 40-pound bag. But I did. Wow. That's a lot of fo"} +{"input": "???. . B ?? s ?uru???toto o?mim???iti? w ??ithith h???oto?eieini? o oro???lslsese ???u u???????lll?? su sufufff???r ar a a???? o????????nan???did????resre??..??494??,B,?0000202727I7?QCQ???,A,?DFD????????5K?????. G. ??eigei?erer,er?????,1,?,1???464?72720200?0,0?CaC?ututitioi???? p po pooo??lyl? b????ncn????nun??ririt?????,\",?????'s's s?????t lt ??ckcksk?s cs cac????????an?????????d ad asa?s ds di?rerecre???????????caucausu?se se? se s??erereer?????ababobolo??c c b?????di?se?as??e ie ?in in y ?????????? T ?hih???? die di???re??uiu????? su?ppp??????ntantata??onon on? wi wit wi??h ah ???????ncenc??????????/p/?hoh??ph?or??ousou??ada?diditdi?tivti???????e ??afa??.\".?2???5,5?,B0,B00??ZWZ??????,AB,A????PIPI1I1G1?MOM?NNNN,N?SoSonSo?drd??a Ga G.G?????ve???,0,????????49??13613606???,M,???DoD??s s as ars a??????d ?????? T?heh?se??TrTre?????!,\"!,??? wa w???????od", "output": "od. Be sure to mix it with protein or else you dog will suffer a bit of internal distress.\n2494,B0027IQC5K,ADF5WNMEPD5KT,D. Geiger,4,17,1,1164672000,Caution - poorly balanced nutrition!,\"Sojo's diet lacks calcium, and if fed as directed will cause severe metabolic bone disease in your dog. This diet requires supplementation with a balanced calcium/phosphorous additive to be safe.\"\n2495,B001ZWIRKW,ABVCQPI1GMONN,Sondra G. Oravetz,0,0,5,1349136000,My Dogs are Wild About These Treats!,\"I was introd"} +{"input": "???ede????? th theh??????ryr??sms?ala?? d dod?ggggig?e ?bob?neneses es??? m ???VeV?t.t? M MyM??141?????? o ?ldld d Sd ??rir?ngngeg?er er??hoh???asas s n ?nevneveverve????ene? m mu m??? i inintin?to to????gi???e boe b????es Les ??VEV?? t????????????!!!? ?ThThe????makma?e e ge ??????pop?ckc?ketke??????fef??s s ts ????????????unundn??fof?r ??????tit??????nd nd? mo m?ti?vavatatiatioion???????ol?d ?gug??y hy ????????rdr??ti????????inging ing u ?p p??o ????????idi??????nd ond ?one? w????? of of f???ne ne?? of of t?? thes thesese se??????????es ???rar?clclel?es.es??. I. I I? ha h????a ??ouounou???er er Ser ??ririnri?nge?r ?wh????alsal??????vesves ?s ths the?? bo b?one?s s bs bubutu?????he dhe ?doe??n'n??t nt ???? m?????mom?otiot?ivaiv??atioati??? to??? do do a?????ining?, , h???, b, ????th??y y ay ar?e e a???? g ??eaeat? t??raira?????????s.s?. ?????lsols?o so ???nt nt h????????????ulul l ol ofo??ththe", "output": "uced to these very small doggie bones at my Vet. My 14 year old Springer who has never been much into doggie bones LOVES these things!! They make great pocket stuffers to carry around for incentive and motivation. My old guy has a hard time waking up to go outside and one wiff of one of these bones does miracles. I have a younger Springer who also loves the bones but she doesn't need much motivation to do anything, ha, but they are also great training aids. I also sent home a handful of the"} +{"input": "??e e b ???????iti????????ntn??r r?I I h ?adad d? at a??mymy y??omo???fof?r r hr hihisi???????s ????????sas???????y ?????d d td thd t??? t ?ooo??????o o I I I g ?ueu??????ata??s ?s ans a????????? bu b?t ?????????? do dogogsog???hahatha???eae????????e ?th????hi?ngn??! ! ?OhO????????????s a???????y my ??oreor???xpx???sis?ve???he?????u u f ?inindin??d thd thed th????at at?????r Vr ?etet,t?, a, ???????wi??e ????????h ph peperper ??ouounou???????? thi th?? i ???a ?grg??atat ????? ???? a? n ninici??? fo f????sasafsa?e ??ononton??????? fr f?????om?????popotpo????d ???lll?l il ?? u ???????ou ou??????t r???n on ???t ot ??? bo b?oneones?????r ar a ??hi??e ??nd?????????? a g a ?ooood? t? thi thin thi?ng!ng????494969?,B,???1E1??6A6?????141????????C7C?SLS???th????t,??,1,???,1,13,1??080????????T'T?? O?K K???? S ?OMO?ETE???NGN??", "output": "se bones with a painter I had at my home for his 3 dogs and he said they loved them too....so I guess that's antidotal but that's 5 dogs that really love the things! Oh, the bones are way more expensive when you find them at your Vet, about twice as much per pound, so this is a great buy. Buy a nice food safe container from Home Depot and fill it up. You won't run out of bones for a while and that's a good thing!\"\n2496,B001EO6AWS,A148Z6ODSMC7SL,Atheist,1,1,3,1310860800,IT'S OK FOR SOMETHING D"} +{"input": "IIFI?FEF???????ItI???oeo????t ?hahava??????hoh?lel????????????avoav??, ,??utut ???sts?t lt ?????t rt ???ststssts s???n'n'tn't.t. .??It?? do?eses es h ?havhave? a??unu????????????r, r,? bu b?ut ut i ???kik??????????h h???nd nd?tit??rinri??????? I I? re rece????ene???yoy??????? it it ????h ?otothot?ere???cofco?fefeeees????????e ???? ta tasastastete ?bebete???????????ke???youyou u ou ot?otheoth??? bl b???nd ?co??fefeefe?es ???????????ttttltt??? be b????ter.ter???????,B,?000??EOE??AWAWSWS,S??1N1??5G5??????????????iseis??????????,1,?,1???,1??????929??00,00,D???enenten??LiLig????RoRoaoasoa?????gagananian?ic,ic??ItIt ??????????st ?of??th?e ??orgor???nicni?/s/shs??????ro???????ir ir t?????? co c????????????iui?????r dr dadara?? r???????, , s, so, so ?I'I???ve bve ??enen en? ha havavi?ng? a?????d ??????????dindi?ng ?sosomso???thith??g g? th t?hatha?", "output": "IFFERENT,\"It doesn't have a whole lot of flavor, but most light roasts don't. It does have a unique flavor, but is kind of rich and tiring, so I recommend you mix it with other coffees to make it taste better and make you other bland coffees taste a little better.\"\n2497,B001EO6AWS,A1NZ5GYB1MXXLZ,Denise N. Davis,1,1,4,1291939200,Decent Light Roast Organic,\"It seems most of the organic/shade grown/fair trade coffee is medium or dark roasted, so I've been having a hard time finding something that "} +{"input": "II I??iki??. . ???ililel???hi?????ese?n'n't'? w ?owo??mem?????ke ke????? o ???erer r????fef??es,es, , i ???s ?prprir??eded d? ch cheheae?pep?er er?????? th????e ce ?cofco???eesees ???d d id it???????oooodod ??rer??w fw fof?r ?whw?henhen ??'m'??non????????y y?papayayiy??? a at a?tet????????o o w????t It ?I'mI'???ri?nkn??ingin??????e ?wh?????I'mI'm I'm???orkor????).)?/><>?????/>I/>????ded?fifin??iteit??ly ly??????? to t?????p p?????s os ???e ae araror?????, a, ???????t t st ?????h h???????e ee ??pe????vev?????tt????? co c???feefe?es es????t ????ve ve?fo?????wh??n ?????an an r?ea?llllyll?????oyo?y ty ??themthe?. /???ompom??????????ththe??r cr ????????????????????????ic/ic???hadhade??????n/n???????????, ?th??is is??s ?s ans a???ve????e ???ghg?????????????oodood,??bubutu??no???????????getge?t et ?excex", "output": "I like. While this doesn't wow me like some other coffees, it's priced cheaper than those coffees and it's a good brew for when I'm not really paying attention to what I'm drinking (like when I'm working).

I'm definitely going to keep this one around, and just switch to the expensive (better) coffees that I've found when I can really enjoy them.

Compared to other coffee that's not organic/shade grown/fair trade, this is an average light roast. Good, but nothing to get exc"} +{"input": "?iti??? o ??ere?????t't?? w ?orortr?h h?pupuru??hah????????verve???thoth?ses??????eee?s ???cacaua???? of o?? th t???grg?owo??ingin?????????es????242???,B,?00000???E7E7G7???A3A?NAN???AHA?TYT??6M6???M M?MiM??tutur???o,o,4,?,4,4,,4???121262696??02024??00,00?JuJus??????e ??theth??????au??ranrantn????? r re????????????????d ???ulu??n'n????inindind d ad ? t??aia? r??????auraaur?????????y.y??MyM??faf?????iteit??????????mym???????? thai tha??plplal??e ????? ma m?assas??mamanan an????????? u ??????the??????????n n????????k k o??n tn th?the the pthe pap???agageg??e whe whehenhe??????t ???, , a an a?nd nd???? wa w??as Jas ??????ikikeike ?e wh???t It ?I g???t at ?at at? th?? r re res re??auaur?auranaurant???ExE??????ntnt nt?flf???????\"2\"24249249999,9?,B0,B?000000E0????????3131Q1??BBB?5454E4??7A7???ElE?lizli??be?th?,3,???,5?,1,????30130171??00?00,\"00,??utu??thenthe???????????", "output": "ited over. It's worth purchasing over those coffees because of the growing practices.\"\n2498,B000EIE7GQ,A3NAN0AHTY46M5,M Misturado,4,4,5,1269302400,Just like the restaurant!,\"I recently moved and couldn't find a thai restaurant nearby. My favorite meal at my old thai place was massaman curry. I used the recipe on the back on the package when I got it, and it was JUST like what I get at the restaurant! Excellent flavor!\"\n2499,B000EIE7GQ,A31Q4BB54EL7AL,Elizabeth,3,3,5,1273017600,\"Authentic taste, "} +{"input": "????? t ??????????!\"!?,\",?WeWe e l ??????to to????????ama?ana? c ?ururrr???atat ?ouour????cac???ThThah??????tat???an??????t ?????ve???????ene??aba?lel???o o fo fif?ndn??? p pa p?astastet?e t???????tutuau??lyl???????s s? li l??????? ??hihisi??????? d ??es?, ?????is??ve??? e ???? t????prepr?????. ?????st st????d sd ??mem??coc????ut? m ???????nd nd???eatea?t -t ?????d yd ?ou?r r? pr p???teite?in in?? and an?d vd ve??gigieies???????oio?cec?, ??dondo??! ! I ?I hI ???????w w? bo b???htht ?so???????tht???ot??herhe?r Mr Ma???PlP??????????ctsct????nd?nd fnd ????nd ????m m??lll????veryver??gog?????ua??itityity ???ithit?????he???????lal????s.s.\".\"\"??505000???????IEIE7E???,A,???????TAT?L9L?VPVPUP???????annan?n An ????anoan??\"\"\"??????pa?3\"3\"\"?\",\",0\",???????343464??????????????????e,????ood? t???asteaste\"e\",", "output": "easy to prepare!\",\"We love to get Masaman curry at our local Thai restaurant, but I haven't been able to find a paste that actually tastes like it. This paste does, and is very easy to prepare. Just add some coconut milk and heat - add your protein and veggies of choice, done! I have now bought some of the other Mae Ploy products, and found them all very good quality with authentic flavors.\"\n2500,B000EIE7GQ,A3VOZ5RTAL9VPU,\"Jo-ann Albano \"\"Jodelpa3\"\"\",0,0,5,1346889600,\"Good value, good taste\","} +{"input": "?ThT??s s i ?is is?rereae?????ded?lil???ouo?s s as ana???nonotot t??????hi??g g???ou ou?cac????ini?nd nd??n n?th?e e l ????? g grg?oc??ryr?y sy ?tot??re.re?? I IfI?????ou dou dididi??itit ??ou????beb???er?y y ey ????nsn???ve ve?????a a m ???h h s?mamal????????antan??ityity.y. . . ????????is ais a ??ooo?d ?de?????nd???upu??????????to to u ??????????B0B00000?EIE?????,A,???????OEOE9E?5W5WUWU,U?,B.,B???eie??llyll?,6,6,6,1,1010,0?????808?626????????????s bs ??????????????????e oe ou???th?thertherether???th???is pis ?paspa??? i?s ??ctc?????? w ??ata?t ft fi???? g go g??? me m??in??to to tto th???? cu c???????????e ????????????????, ??madma??? it i??al?? t th t?he he????????thethenthen ????disdiscs??oveover??d ?????????????????f ?cucurcu?rryrr?????te?, , h, ?hanha???????and and cand cu??ryry ????pastepaste,e, e,??reremre?iui????????????????n dn dodoeo?snsn'n????", "output": "This is really delicious and not something you can find in the local grocery store. If you did it would be very expensive and a much smaller quantity. This is a good deal and super easy to use.\n2501,B000EIE7GQ,A9AR5T9OE95WU,B. Neilly,6,10,2,1280620800,theres better curry paste out there,\"this paste is actually what first got me into thai curry, at the time i loved it, made it all the time, then i discovered a better brand of curry paste, hand brand curry paste, premium stuff, amazon doesn't se"} +{"input": "l?????, ,?hihini??????amamam?????, s, ????????, ??utut ?yoy?u u???? g ????it? a at a????..??, ?????????d d??n ??sease????? a an a??d td ???y y? im i?pop???t et ????yty????g g?frfror????hah?????????????la??or? o ?f f?????s ?brb????? is i???????chc?? be b?ettet?er? t? the th?e me mamaema?????y,y, , a, ?? hu h??ge ge?????er????e,e?, i??wewen?????ckck ck?????????lo???afa???r r?? hav haviv?inging ing?????? br b?ranra?nd ??and????????nt nt e ?eveev?????iniin???????mem????????????lanland???, bo, b??in??????coc?ompom??????on,on, ?, al, a??? a?????sis??e ??????????????rere ????y ??ma??ll ll??ononton???nenerersers,s???, i w, i waw????sesedse???o ??buybuy ??the? l lalarla???ge oge ????s a?t ??? l?ococa??????????stost????? th the thes these?se ase ???????e ???? t th? the the s si s?zeze e oe of?????se??on??????notno???a ga ?ooo?d d dd ?ea???if??yo???ca???", "output": "ll :(, hint to amazon, stock it, but you can get it at [...], its based in seattle and they import everything from thailand, the flavor of hands brand is so much better the mae ploy, a huge difference, i went back to mae ploy after having hand brand and i didnt even finish my meal, very bland, boring by comparison, also as a side note, these are very small containers, i was used to buy the large ones at my local asian store, these are like 1/4 the size of those ones. not a good deal if you can f"} +{"input": "?ini?d d?iti????cac???y.y??2??020?,B,B0B????MZM?VIV??,A,A3A3A3?????H3H?????C,C?\"M\"MaM?????hehele????????5151 1?VoV???????\",\"?1,1???5,5????868?818?60600??DiD?????eae????? Sn S?apappp??e e D ???????ede??SaS????????QuQuiu?ckc?ly?,\",\"I,\"???????ed???hih??????duducuctct ?toto o?????????mym?y fy ?rir?ienie??????usu?bab????????????????ustus???????????????bamba??? in i?? th t?he he?????ofo???MarMarcr??, ,???he ?cocouo????non??t ft ?in???ANA?? D Di D?ietie???ea????????pl???????????tet???ththeth?e se sasamamem??????ha?t t t?he?hey hey??hadha??bob?ougou??t t ut ?? h he her?? i in????w w???erserse?????e ??aiaidid d t?ha?hat hat t th???waw??erer er?????? wa w?as ??useused?????????outou?th th?ma??? t? the????????????h Sh ??????? t ta t?????did???ferfe?????! !???, ??nownow ??he????? ha h?app?y ??ece?cauca??use use? sh??e he ha??????nd?? a a ", "output": "ind it locally.\"\n2502,B0004MZVIA,A3ACTJ8H3RSW7C,\"Mary Shelly \"\"1951 VooDoo\"\"\",1,1,5,1338681600,Diet Peach Snapple Delivered Safely & Quickly,\"I ordered this product to send to my friend's husband. They had just moved to Alabama in the end of March, she could not find ANY Diet Peach Snapple that tasted the same as what they had bought up here in New Jersey. He said that the water that was used down South made the Diet Peach Snapple taste different ! So, now she is happy because she has found a "} +{"input": "s???????ththah?? t???? c ?anan n b ?uyu??hih?? S ????plp?e ??roromo? ! ?????????ou????252505???????4M4MZMZVZVIV?????R6R6R6RAR?8F8??????8,8??at??theth?? G G.G?? Sh S????ini?,3,????5,5?????808?161??????\"\"Y\"\"YeY?????t't's's ?????etet ???????,\",\"T,\"??is??????h h?flflal????ede???ie??t tt ?ea????y Sy ??apappap??e ???is eis ????remre?ele?????frfrefr?shshi????afa??terter r?? l ?????sus??me???'s 's????! ????s s ts ????????didiedi?? t te tea???th???? a?re?????? c?ala???????. I. It????beb???t st ???veved???hi??leledle?? a an a??d id it? h ?hasha?s as a s a?mimilildl??bubutbu??non??t ot ??????????????????h fh fl??avoav?or or??o o??it it tit ???????s js ????t rt ??ghghtht.t. ???SnapSna?pplpp???????????isis ?wiwitwi???????n ??andan???lalacla??k tk te???lelealeavaveaves????thether????'s a's al??so so? a ???ld? g????n ?tetea???la??vorvo??????ed ????wi?withwit????", "output": "source that they can buy his Snapple from ! Thank you.\"\n2503,B0004MZVIA,A2R6RA8FRBS608,Matthew G. Sherwin,3,6,5,1245801600,\"\"\"Yep--it's a diet !!!\"\"\",\"This peach flavored diet tea by Snapple is extremely refreshing after a long summer's day! It's truly a diet tea--there are zero calories. It's best served chilled; and it has a mild but not overwhelming peach flavor to it that is just right. Snapple makes this with green and black tea leaves; there's also a mild green tea flavor mixed in with the"} +{"input": "? p pep???? f ??ava??rir??g.g??ThT??????????ltl????? w ?atate?? a ?s s??????. T. ?ThiThisi??????is??????????ed ed??omo?ewe??????iti?h ?AsAsps??????me;me????????apa??lele ??????in????ustus??ththeth??ririgrighg????amoamouo??t ??? t ??????it'it's's ?non?t ?exexcx???sis???????sweswee???. I. ???yoyouou ou???nt???reareala?llyll????tea tea t?????is????athat??r r sr ?swe??????ou???ll ll?eie?ithit????hahavhaveve ve??o o lo ?ooo?k k???rt?????or? u us u?se se? th thi this???itith? a?????ed sed ???sweetsweete??erer.er?. I. It. It t a?????coc??????s s ps ????yly??la???????????? i???kok???????????thesthe?????e ??iei?etaet?aryar??????????s fs ????yo????brb??/>/><>?r />I>?? y yo?u u????????????quq??estes?ioi??s,s?????? co c???panpa?? h???s as a a ta ?????????e ne ???beb?? s so??????????pl??e ce ??? c co con contnta??t t t???????? / />???

If you have other questions, the company has a toll free number so that people can contact them.

Over"} +{"input": "aala?????hih????????? p ????????????????t t st ??mmm?er????dadaya??whw??????????????omome?ththith??? c ?ooo????o o??efe??resre?h h? yo y??????????? w wh w?????youyo?r ???is???????????hlhlyl?y ry ?recrecocomco????d ?th??s ?prp??????.\".?2???4,4,B,???3L3LKL????C,C????NJN????ZBZBC???,J,??ll??????????969646??2020000000?0,G0,GoG?oodoo?d qd ?uaual???y ?fo??r ar ??gog??? p?????????re????????????ou????????????sts?arardrd d sd se???????????????????aba????bibit?tet??????????e e??????rd????????e we wiw?????thi???se?????is is vis vever?y ??tasta????an???(a(afa???r ?????owo???ng ng a a a f??w w?da???) ) n ??? b??ittitteitt?er er????al????????????tlytl?????icyic???????5,5,B5,?B00B0?00E00EHE?2A2?MAMA,A?,AT,A?L9L9D9?????POPOEO?E,E,J???M.M???il????,2,?,2,2,,2???12????282?????go??od od???ufufff???", "output": "all, this tea is perfect for a hot summer's day when you want something cool to refresh yourself and whet your whistle. I highly recommend this product.\"\n2504,B003LKLK3C,A6BNJBC1ZBCIL,Jill,0,0,5,1296432000,Good quality for a good price.,\"Previously I bought some mustard seed that was unbearably bitter, but the mustard I made with this seed is very tasty and (after mellowing a few days) not bitter at all. Pleasantly spicy.\"\n2505,B000EH2AMA,ATL9DOGVXPOEE,J. M. Miller,2,2,4,1245628800,good stuff!,\""} +{"input": "??? m ?y y?????????????d d??nan????? th t?atat t at ?rere e??oto???mpmptp??y cy cac???rir?e e te ??pep?????????is???nene ???? my m??ne?????vov????eses.es?? G GrGrereareat???asa??e,e??ana????altal?????h h???????ty ty????lorlo?????ou???, ?th??e de ?ece???nt nt??????t t ot of?????oteot??????kek?es es t? thi this this ?a a?gog??????hoihoici????????????g g? on o?n tn ??the the r ?????????????? m?ea??l jl ?usu????is ?no?t ???n on opo??ioi??? ?????? sa sat??????ing??. . ?????sos???ri????????whw??????es?ama?e ?????ch??, a, an, a?nd ??thath???is???k k t to t???, b, ????ththith????ne??wiwin?s s fs ????tat?astas?te.te.\".????060????00????AMA??,A,??N2N2C2?XGX????6O6??????. S. SmSmam??go???2,2?2,?????393?06?242?00?,H,HiH?gh?esestes??in??pr?ot????,\",??rsr??. M. MaM?y'y???pup?mp??inin ???run?ch?????????reareatrea?????????FoForor or tor thor t??se??", "output": "In my quest to find snacks that are not empty calorie types, this is one of my new favorites. Great taste, and although a hefty calorie count, the decent amount of protein makes this a good choice for eating on the run, if a real meal just is not an option! VERY satisfying. I also tried the white sesame crunch, and that is ok too, but this one wins for taste.\"\n2506,B000EH2AMA,A2N2CXGM3N6OZI,A. Smargon,2,2,5,1239062400,Highest in protein,\"Mrs. May's pumpkin crunch is a great snack. For those o"} +{"input": "?? y ??u u??atatct?hihini?g g????ororir?eses s a ??d d i inintin????? b ??????rer?e te tht??????e ???z z p ????ioiono???ara?? t?????????ingin??????sts? o ??f Mf ??s.?????'s's s ps ?ror?dud?ctc?????re re gre ???????bub?t t wt wiwiti?? t?????atat ????1111g1???????er??vinvi??, ????????it?'s's 's?non?t ???????lel?tet?e ge ?uiu??t ???reere??sns???k.k??????vev????ththe?? pu p??mpkmp??in in???????????????????????of of??????inin ????? se?rv???ing ing?????th?????uau???4g4?????in ??????r or ot??????snasn????s. ?SoSo ??????u'u???re mre ?on?it????ing?ing ying ???r ???intaint??e ?????wawanwa??t tt ????nd????e ?in???he?se? n??? a??? t th?ene?, ?, th, the? p pu?mp?mpkimpk??in sin se??? c??runru???????????heheahealaltal????st? o??ti?on??????the??bu?????<>??r r /r />r /????????idi?, ????? a?re??al??? ta t?st?y y ay an??", "output": "f you watching calories and intake, be aware that the 2oz portions are two servings. Most of Mrs. May's products are great, but with the fat at 11g per serving, i find it's not a complete guilt free snack. However, the pumpkin seed crunch has 9gms of protein per serving vs. the usual 4gms in their other snacks. So if you're monitoring your intake and want to indulge in these now and then, the pumpkin seed crunch is the healthiest option of the bunch.

That said, they are all tasty and "} +{"input": "?cec???????????t t b bab????????ouou,u? j ???t ??????????hihigighg???in in??????? y yo youou'ou'r'?e ??at?chc??ngn? y yo????weweie??????????7,7,B,B0B??00E00?H2H???A,A,A,????3C3??PVPV7V?FDF??,\",?D.D. .????ly??\"\"\"???eke??y2y?????3,3???5,5,1,111161626??393929??????????I I l??????? p pup???t a t a b??g ?ofof ???umpum??in????unu??ch ch?ono? t tht?e ???blb?le le a atat at????k k? an andn???watwatct???pep??plp??'s'??? fac face?s ???gh????????henhe?n tn ??????tasta??e ?????. . . ??ryr?y iy ?????5050850??????EHEH2EH?2AM2A?MA,MA,A?2N2?????LQL??9292M92????Tr?????J.J???ac??bsbses??n \"n \"\"??rar?????????\"\"\",\"\"\"?????????848414?989??0000,00,M00,?rsrs.s?. M. ??ay'ay?????mpm?????in Crin C?runrunc?????s ?teter?rir????????s. s.?????'s ??Pum?pk?pkinpki?????uncun??ch ich ?????? b??st???????the the???????. ??f ???u u l li liki????pumpu?????????dsds ??????? is is??oror or??", "output": "certainly not bad for you, just a little high in fat if you're watching your weight.\"\n2507,B000EH2AMA,AHQ73C1PV7FDC,\"D. Kelly \"\"deekay2\"\"\",3,4,5,1162339200,Yummy,I love to put a bag of Pumpkin Crunch on the table at work and watch people's faces light up when they taste them. Try it.\n2508,B000EH2AMA,A2NYIZGLQC92M1,\"Tracy J. Jacobsen \"\"grannycat\"\"\",0,0,5,1184198400,Mrs. May's Pumpkin Crunch is terrific,Mrs. May's Pumpkin Crunch is the best of the bunch. If you like pumpkin seeds this is for yo"} +{"input": "??? T ThT?? s ??igi?hth???? sw s???????bebese? m mamaka???mem?????nknk k I ?????eaeata??????akakeake.e?? T?????e ae ??????reare???fof??? sn s?aca??ining???ndn???vev?????esses??rtr?????????ly ly??ono?ndendere?fuf?? p prprorodo??ctct ??ndnd nd???????????e e ie ???o o t??? b bab?????in!in?2??????00000???2A2???????????09E09EPE???DJD????T,T,0,??,0,,0??,1,????191??8408400??TaT??????andan??LiL???ht,ht?\"<\"???hrh???=\"=?????p:p???www???amamaam????.c.???/g/???????????B0?00??H2H2AH2???\"\"?>M>????. M. MaMaya??????????????d d Sd SnS???ck,ck???umu?pkpkikinkin ??rurunru???????OuO?????PoP???he?? ( ??ac???ofo? 2 242??<>????/>/>P>Pu????????CruCr???ch ch i ???gr???t.??S>??????????????. ??izizez?e (e ?2 2????viv?ing?????br br??/>M/>??????????????????on?????????tirti?re re???5o5oz????????it??ou??t rt ?", "output": "u. The slightly sweet cubes make me think I am eating cake. These are great for snacking and even dessert. A truly wonderful product and gluten-free into the bargain!\n2509,B000EH2AMA,A2852V09EPF5DJ,LAT,0,0,5,1184198400,Tasty and Light,\"Mrs. May's Dry-Roasted Snack, Pumpkin Crunch, 2-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 24)
Pumpkin Crunch is great.
Stick with 2oz. size (2 servings)
Much too easy to consume entire 5.5oz. bag without re"} +{"input": "?alalilizi???? i iti????? / ??:-:?? L LOL?????????B0B??00E00???AMA?????????WYW?KTKTITIHI?????uiu???ene? w waw??ng,ng,0,??????111171797??????00,00,g?????snsnan??? f ???????ryryoy????\"i\"?????????oodood ?tat?astas? a ??d ?crc????????I I????????blb?ac?k ?ses????? b?efe????????t it ?????od? t tot??. . h. ??gh????re????????ede?????????,B0,B???????Q6Q???KEK?6D6????3G3?????????did??BeB??aneane ?HeH???? \" ???exexix???anwan?ififef??\"\"\"\"\"\",\"????????????606?808??00,I00,?I WI ???t ?MoM?????????icickic?ed? t?????upu?? at a???y ????????rorococeoc???y sy ststo?re??????hehe he? se s??sos?onaonal???is?lele ??wi?thth th?? the th?e Ee EaEasastasteast??? go g?????es]es????br br /?><>??r ??/>T/>??hishis his??oio??t ??cakca?ke ke m?????canca??beb???????wiwit?h h??????ithit??outou??egeggg?s.s????????d t?he??????? w wa was???????e ?leleale?astast ast??it", "output": "alizing it.
:-D LOL\"\n2510,B000EH2AMA,A1BL9MWYKTIHA3,guichen wang,0,0,5,1179878400,good snack for everyone,\"it has good tast and crunchy. I bought black sesame before, it is good too. highly recommanded.\"\n2511,B0079LSXQ6,AKE6DXEN3GWPC,\"Cyndi Beane Henry \"\"Texicanwife\"\"\",4,4,5,1332460800,I Want More!,\"I picked this up at my local grocery store in the seasonal aisle [with the Easter goodies].

This moist cake mix can be made with or without eggs. I used them, and wasn't the least bit"} +{"input": " ??isi?apa???????????r r??><>?????/>I/>I I?papaia???ed ed t tht?e e?cac??e ?wiwiti?????lsl?bub???'s'?? Pi P?inkin?????ono?ada?e e fe frf???tit???, ,??oooo.o????t t?????????? h ????????????lll????n-n???os?tetedted ???? yo y??'d'??lil???????ou ou?????????????ovo?????????ererfrfef??????r ?ththeth??e fae f?????y dy ????er?????hihil??re??'s's 's c cu c??ca?ke???, o, ?or or?a a? lo l?????? ad a??ditditi????? to to??hehe he? la lad??ese???ftf?terternr??oonoo? t??a!a???????u ?lo??ve ve pve ??ink? l le lem?on????e ye ?you????re re g ??oinoi?g g?? to ?lo??????is???????/>?????/>T/>ThT??he che cocolololorlor ??usu????crc?????s Ss ??rir??ing ing????d Ed ???stest?er!er???ndnd nd?????????? w??ill?? le????e y?ouou ou sou ??crecr??mi???????r ar ana??th?therthe?r br ???????r ???>
I paired the cake with Pilsbury's Pink Lemonade frosting, too. But you could have it totally un-frosted if you'd like! You will still love it!

Perfect for the family dessert, children's cupcakes, or a lovely addition to the ladies afternoon tea! If you love pink lemonade you are going to love this!

The color just screams Spring and Easter! And the taste will leave you screaming for another bite!

I give this 5-stars and my thumbs up!\"\n251"} +{"input": "????000070???SXS?????222??????EIE?898???,S,?pap??klk??bubugu?,2,2,?2,2,52,???333??????????ddd????ivi???\"I\"? n ?oro???lll?????keke e f ???m m???????????? w ???????sas?w w???isi????????lemlemom???ded????akeak??mim?x x??iti?th th m ma?tctchtchi?????????tinting? I??jujusu???hah?ad ad? to t????????eme??????? T ThT?hishi???????ca????e ?????e te twt???waw???????????? w???hoh??ut ut??gggg ???????????ece??ommom???d d?? wit? with with a ?????the the c ca c???????? b???????e ae ???d md ??isistist t at ?????re??ulu?t.t?. T. ????????ke ??wouwo?uldul?d ad ??soso o bo ????usustus??????oooodo??wiw??h ???aia?? w???tet???????g og ?????st?????????????? p?owowdw?derde?redre???sugsu??ar.ar????? c?????makma?ke ??????s as a ?lalaylayeyere???????t,t?????????t ?ca??e,e, e, o or o??? as as c cu cupu??????s. s. I???????d ????up???????the ", "output": "2,B0079LSXQ6,A22DZZDWEI89PS,Sparklebug,2,2,5,1331510400,Addictive,\"I normally bake from scratch but when I saw this pink lemonade cake mix with matching frosting I just had to try them both. This cake can be made two ways: with or without egg yolks. I recommend with as the cake will be nice and moist as a result. This cake would also be just as good with plain white icing or just a dusting of powdered sugar. You can make it as a layer, bundt, or sheet cake, or as cupcakes. I picked it up at the "} +{"input": "????cec?ryr? s ????? r rerecre????lyl?y fy ?or????????????0 0?peperer er??boxbo?, ,????e fe ?ro??stistini??????? ab aboboubo????he????mem???riricice?? pe p?er ????? I I I???????upu? g ??in???bab??????? p pu puru????asias???????e ?e foe f???lal??er???as as?? b be b?liliei???e te ??isis s is is? j juj?stst st a????as???ala???la???or ?????????sbs??????????pup??ll ll?iti?t ft ????????????kek?t ??at at? so som?e ?e poe p?oinointnt.nt?????? the?y y dy ?? I? I h I ????? th?? they they? br b??ngng ng? it i??babacba?ck ck e ev e??ryry ry s???in?ing.ing??UnU?ntintil? t???????llll ll bll ?e e se ?stost?ockockik????up?.\".??????,B,????9L9??????AQA?A7A7Y7??5Z5??7M7M9M??,D,DoD??????e,e????,5,?????030???32032?00,00?yuy?????iki?? I I ???idi????ou?t t tt ththeth???iciic???ing..ing.?..????? s?? h ???????? b? be be? ab abl ab?e ???o bo ??????is?is ois ???????. I. It. I?t it ??????amamiamililyil????vo?ri????, i, ????", "output": "grocery store recently for about $1.80 per box, the frosting was about the same price per can. I ended up going back and purchasing more for later as I believe this is just a seasonal flavor and Pillsbury will pull it from the market at some point. If they do I hope they bring it back every spring. Until then I'll be stocking up.\"\n2513,B0079LSXQ6,AQA7YU5Z17M9H,Dollface,1,1,5,1340323200,yum,\"Like I said about the icing....I am so happy to be able to buy this online. It is a family favorite, it al"} +{"input": "?soso o w waw???????pep???ono?????? a ???d ad ?rrr????????arlar??. .???fifininin????? g gog??ingin????o bo ?uyu????aia???\"\"2??141?,B,??070???SXS?Q6Q?????DXD?RFR??????8,8,S,?erererene?e,e,2,?????,1,131?363???080?80080?????tyt??\"I\"??pip?ckc???ed ued ?????bob??? of o?? th t???s is in???????coc???t t? gr gror?cec???y sy sts??re???????asoas??????????ThT??e ce cac?keke ke??as? h ?heahe????ly???I ???ke???it?????mum??????I fI ?ou?ndnd nd??????????totorto??re tre ??ata????ldl?????e me ?????as ?wewelellell l??s ???the the i??????, a, an???d thd t?her???????vevenven ven? a a p a pi??k k?lelemle???adaded??e coe c?okokikiei??????????ch ch?????????t bt bu??????????t tt ???ed??yey????????><>r /??TheTh???????? i is i?s os ofof f cf ?????e ???lemolem????bu?but but????re?????s s ms ???? a b a bibit??of?? th?atat at f flf?????eded ??mixmi?x Cx CoCou?ountountr?????imeim???I dI ?raranankan", "output": "so was shipped on time and arrived early. Definitely going to buy again.\"\n2514,B0079LSXQ6,ANEDXRFDZDL18,Serene,2,3,5,1336780800,Tasty,\"I picked up a box of this in a discount grocery store in paso robles. The cake was heavenly. I liked it so much, I found another store that sold the mix as well as the icing, and there is even a pink lemonade cookie mix which I bought but haven't tried yet.

The taste, is of course lemon, but it reminds me a bit of that flavored mix Country Time I drank"} +{"input": "???s s? a a k kikidid,d? b bub??????s ??ana????????s vs ?ere????igi?htht t at ?andan????frf????????I/>? s sis????y y ly ?????d id itit.t????pep? t ?hi??????mom?rere re? th t?????????????asasoas?????flf?????????515?5,5,B,???797?????6,6??3434I4?3G3????????????al,al,0,0,0?????131??454?????????odo?y ?gogoogo??????rir???d td ?theth???????es???ndn??d thd theh?y ?????????ata??nd???????g g??? f fi f???d td thd thed th?m m??????????????????????ithit????o so ?ucu?cec????. d. ????????re??lil?zeze ?????y w??ere? s se???asonaso?????? w wowououlu???hahavha?????ocockckek????p
I simply loved it. Hope this is more than just a seasonal flavor.\"\n2515,B0079LSXQ6,A34I3GH7H9QOR5,Val,0,0,5,1344556800,goody good,I tried the cookies and they were great nd trying to find them in the stores
with no success. did not realize they were seasonal or would have stocked up
great product\n2516,B000RUI0MS,A3O38OGMX5L4EA,Fin,5,6,5,1242604800,Combo Rose Food/Systemic Insecticide,\"This is a great product, so it's "} +{"input": "nnono o?sus???ririsises???hah?t t t???????ala? s???lvlvevese??ararer???ftf???????ar?eded d o of????, ,?es?pep?????lyl???ararlar????????e e se ??asasos??. .???urcurchc???????? in in?bubulu?????ror?ugu????????on.on??????s ????epepe??dad?blb?le le a????????ivi???????ere?????in-in?1 1 i???grg?ananun?ulaul???fof?????????s rs rorosro??????nd nd? fl f?????s s ws whw???le ???oto??ctc??inging ??the????it??h ah ?a sa ?ysy???mim?????se?ct??iciic??????or or????????????????bu??????'l'???nen?????a s?ep??araar???????ngingicici?da?l/l?????easea??? tr t?????en?t,?? an a?????? s??ystys????ic ic????ldl???notnot ??e ?e soe s??????ing??????????d ?????ly ???????ththi??ng ng e???blblebl?. . B?????????sursu???s ms ?me me t th the th?e pe pr?prodpro???? i??????? f??r ?????in?????????d ?eaearea???wow??msm??\"\"????7,7???00??????", "output": "no surprise that the local shelves are often cleared of it, especially early in the season. Purchasing in bulk through amazon.com is a dependable alternative. Bayer 2-in-1 in granular form feeds roses and flowers while protecting them with a systemic insecticide for up to 6 weeks, but you'll need a separate fungicidal/disease treatment, and the systemic would not be something one would apply to anything edible. Bayer assures me the product is safe for pollinators and earthworms.\"\n2517,B000RUI0MS"} +{"input": ",??3737V7?HTH???2121R1??8F8F,F?HmH???JrJr,r,2,?????????282??00?????asasys?????? C ?ara??e ae anandn???rereare?? p ?ror??????????????bebeee?n n a ?????? G ??ardar???r r f ???r mr mamanma????????, , I ?I rI ??mememembm??r ??????????? pr p???????waw?????ded??e bye b??OrO?th??? an a?????????d Rd Ro???????de?. .?????s ?pr??oduod??t ???realreall??y hy ??lpl??s ws ?itith???????????????????ea???????at?? ro r?oseoseses es t????d td toto o ao ???????????hohouo?????? d ???es ?nonoto????opo??????????s ??cacanca????????????????????? the the ?ma??or??ono???????t ?ca?usu???se???????dad?ma??????????preprea???d did dis????e.e?. . I. ???????????? my my ????antan?ts ts???n tn ?????????e moe m?onton??lyl???????menme?t ??????makmakeke e se sue suru?re re? to to ????? it it e ?ve???????? t to????x x w we w?eekee???????ngn? a a a???", "output": ",A37VHTG121RR8F,HmacJr,2,2,5,1252800000,Easy Rose Care and great product,\"I have been a rose Gardner for many years, I remember when this product was made by Ortho and called Rose Pride. This product really helps with the pests and diseases that roses tend to acquire. Though it does not stop all pests (cane borers) it stops the major ones that cause serious damage and spread disease. I treat all my plants on the same monthly regiment and make sure to do it every four to six weeks making a not"} +{"input": "???ono??mym??????ndn??r.r???LiL????on?????heh?r r?rer??iei???? s ?aia?? y ?????ili???non?????e ?imimmm?ede??ata??e re ??sus??tst????????thithisis s ss ?????????is???ysy??temte????. . F ??r ?th???beb??st st?????ultul?ts ts??aka??? su s?????? r? rea reada??th?the the?????agagege ??nd?????? t th t?????an?ul?es? ??intintoto ?th?the ???????andand d wd ????er ?????2252515?8,8????????????AFA????T7T?6P6???O6O??JaJ??????n ?ShS???peper???,2??5,5?1111818318303?????????ce???enenten????????????????e ??ee??n pn ???aguagueueded ed b ?y ?whwhihititeit???lil???s fs fof????????a a??eae?ar.ar???????????he????????norno??nan?atuatur?alal al t???at?memenme?t t ht ??????ottot??????????? th the th??? co comompm?pleplete?????. I. ???ece?id??ed ?to? t? try try ????s ?asa?s is ??'s'??????? by b?????????ctctected??in??er???tit??onaon?al al bal ?ra???nd &nd ?", "output": "e on my calendar. Like one other reviewer said you will not see immediate results with this since it is systemic. For the best results make sure to read the package and work the granules into the soil and water in.\"\n2518,B000RUI0MS,AFLPET76P1AO6,Jamaican Shopper,2,2,5,1183075200,Excellent Product,\"I have been plagued by white flies for over a year. Neither chemical nor natural treatment has gotten rid of them completely. I decided to try this as it's made by a respected international brand & "} +{"input": "???tht?ouougughghth????sys??????????odo???t ????????ororkr???????>A>??wew?eke? a af a????r tr th?e e f ???st??????ic???ioi?????ere????????o o?re?duducduct?io???????nfn???stast??????bub?t ???????e se sesece?on?d d w????????stastarsta???????o no ??ti?cec??lel?????????s ?????? the the? li liti?????????minmi?. .?ByBy ???? t ti t?mem?e Ie ?I wI wa????reare???y t???dod?o ao ?????irdird ??pppplpp???at??????? ther the?re re??as?????t et ????n on ??e ?e whe w??iteite ?flf????or or a????y oty o??????????? o ??on aon ?????f ?????rosrosesesse??s ors o?r ar ??????he??r sr ???ubub.b??????????ene??ususe?d ?itit it?????ot???? p??????s ws ????? w we wer were????????infinfefesfe?stest???& ?itit ???rk?????? e ev e?verve?ytyth?thinthingng.g.A week after the first application there was no reduction in infestation but by the second week I started to notice less & less of the little vermin. By the time I was ready to do a third application there was not even one white fly or any other insect on any of my roses or any other shrub. I had even used it on potted plants which were also infested & it worked on everything.
Remember, the product is systemic and is absorbed gradually into the "} +{"input": "pplp?anantn? s ?? y yoy?u u??ili?l l n ?oto??ses??????imi??ede???tet??????ovoveveme???nt nt b ?utu?t it iti????rkr??????dedere??ulu??y.y???AlAlsl??????liliki?e ??me,me??????dodon??t ??lwl??????em?????????o so sps??????regre??ulaulara??y y?or??????????unu???????????????theth?e le ??eaveave??, ?th?thenthen n s??me??thith??g g w?hihici?? y? you yo??????sp??????? a?t t t?hehe he? ba b?????f f t?he????anantant ???verve?y y 6y ??? w we wee??? i???cec??tataiaininlin??? a a???ot ot???????????ususe??\"\"2252??9,9??????UIU?0M0MSM???????????1L1??2R2????met?al?ununaun?00??\"\"\"\"K\"??im\"im??\",\"???4,4???,13,1303090969??5125120200???MiM?slsle?ada?dinding?????duducu?t!t!!!?!! !!??f ??youyo?u wu ?wanwantnt ??no no b?ee??? t???n ????e ie ite it.t??????herhe????????? im i???ortorta?nt???????????t mt ????ioion?ed? o???ththe?iri? l la l??belbel ??andan? t? tha th?? i?t ??s ????????", "output": "plant so you will not see an immediate improvement but it works wonderfully. Also if like me, you don't always remember to spray regularly or get the underneaths of the leaves, then something which you can sprinkle at the base of the plant every 6-8 weeks is certainly a lot easier to use.\"\n2519,B000RUI0MS,A2TPZW2V21LH2R,\"metaluna00 \"\"Kim\"\"\",3,4,1,1309651200,\"Misleading product!!! If you want no bees, then use it.\",\"There's one important thing not mentioned on their label and that it is NOT for "} +{"input": "??sese e i ?????ntn?aiain?erersr????hyh????ded???hah????nfn??? ??ToT??mam???e me ????e se ?????? o ?? c?ououru?rsers???YoYou????? on o?lyl?????????thathat? i if i???ouou ou?re??d d t th?eie?r r?? & ??? o on on on?????r ?wew??sisiti?e.??I I????did??????the the??????????d ??pep???? t? the the ?bab??????abeab?el el???? i??'s's s ns ne??er? m??????oneon???yo?? c?an??t ?????itit it????????tedte???????s.s???hahanhankn???????????nonowo??? h ha havave???o ????babacba???? to to???????????e toe t?????turturnrn rn i???. I. ?????esses??a a???ot ot o????peope?oplop?? h????ve wve ???????d ??hyhy hy t?? thei the????potpo????ed fed flf???????????oso??s s ds ???ed,ed????t ????wiw????? it' it?'s 's b be??aua??use use o?????isi?s ps ??ododud???????f y???????e ye ???????eses es???winwi???????d ????sapsa?pe??ar,ar????????hi???????????rea???on.on???ili??", "output": "use in containers! Why hide that info? To make more sales, of course. You'll only learn that if you read their Q & A on their website. I studied the labels and opened the back label and it's never mentioned you can't use it on potted plants. Thanks Bayer...now I have to go back to the store to return it. I guess a lot of people have wondered why their potted flowers or roses died, not knowing it's because of this product. If you see your bees dwindle and disappear, then this is the reason. Will "} +{"input": "?sys??tet?mim????????ctctst? a ????ct???ououru??frf????ranra??? o ofo? y?ou?????????s?s? ???????????????rs? o?f ????? t ???y y????????? h ?ava???a a??raragragr?????????ot ot e ??rtr??wow????s? s? Y ?ou?? wo wou?????t ??nonownow w u ?nln????????? th t?or?????lyl?y dy du?g g t??rorouro??gh gh???ur??did??rt.rt??????D D T THT??S!S?\"\"???202???0000000R00RUR?I0I????????????????R,R?????ha?ele????. G. ???ffffiff?? \" ?\"S\"??avuav?\"\"???0,???3,3,1,?343??929??00??0,G0,Go???????????e le le?avaveaveses es?????????ththeth?e Fe ????werwers?,\"??hehe he????????iningin?gregrede?????t it inin in t????s ss sy???mi?c c ic isis is??mi?dadaca??loplo?pripr?d.d?? I ??t it ist is ??dbd?????ed???????? r ???? p pl plalan?t ????????? l le??vevesve???????no???th????flofl??er?????????????rer?eceec??tlt?? o on o?????e. e.??? h ha hav?? b be beeeen???sis??ing ing??? this thi", "output": "systemic products affect your fragrance of your flowers? After 3-4 years of use, they will not have a fragrance. Got earthworms? You wouldn't know unless you thoroughly dug through your dirt. AVOID THIS!\"\n2520,B000RUI0MS,AQZPV9FMCBFQR,\"Michael E. Griffin \"\"Savu\"\"\",0,0,3,1340928000,Good for the leaves not for the Flowers,\"The active ingredient in this sytemic is imidacloprid. It is adbsorbed by the rose plant into the leaves, but not the flowers I learned recently online. I have been using this"} +{"input": "???tut????????yeyeae??? a ?ndn? o ??ses?vevede??tht?????bub????????t t dt ?owo?n n??? m ?y y??otot ?gigivi???g g? th t???????????nouno?????????????? U ???lesle????ouo????RAR?? t th??????oweow????wiw???h ah ?anoanotothot??r ?????ucu????ono??aiain??ingin??????????????idi?????the????papananean????????????de????????the the rthe ?rosro?se se??lo???erser?s as ?????????? th th th l le?leavlea?vesve?????nene.e???r ?/>/> >? se see?????k[>[.[?....]..?????212?,B,B0B000?00R00RUR??????A2A?NJN????XOXOHO?121????MaM??k k??. . B. BaB????,0,0,0??,5,??131??747?727202?000000,0,A0,A A???st???or?? th?? G ????dende?????or??s s ws wow??de?rfr????y ?fo????oso??st ast ala?l l? ap a?plplil??ata?ioi???s is inin in?? the the ???ard???. ???oulou???????be??ea????????????e ite i??is????ststestememim?????????lplpsps ???erter??li??e ?on???????at at??????anantant ant??", "output": " stuff for years and obseved this, but put it down to my not giving the plant enough granules. Unless you SPRAY the flowers with another product containing the insecticide, the Japanese beetles devour the rose flowers and leave th leaves alone.
see link
[...]\"\n2521,B000RUI0MS,A2NJAQYXOH12YT,Mark W. Baker,0,0,5,1337472000,A Must for the Gardener,Works wonderfully for most all applications in the garden. Could not be easier since it is systemic and helps fertilize only what you want to"} +{"input": "? f ??rtrtit?lil?zez?..?252???,B,B0B??00R00RURUIU???S,S??3L3??JPJPRP?EBE??????????beb??tat????yey?er er?\"\"\"???rdr?ini?? N ???uru???????????nener?\"\"\"\"\"\"\"???,1,1111,1,1,1,,1?,13,1303040???808?000000,0??vov?idi??li?kek?e te tht???plp???ueu??--????????????????? k ?il???????ononeoneyeybey?beebe???????? c ?????d gd ????e t?hih????propr?oduod?uctuc?????????s 1s ?? s ?????s, s,???wow???d.d??????re??isis is??owo?????y y???ro???ng eng ?????ncn??????at at??????????id?in? w wh w??????????????????rodro????? is i???????f ??theth????estestiticticicid??????at??is?is ais afa?fe????ingin????neneyne?????s as ????co?????bub?titinti?ng ??to to??olo??????colco?la????e de di??????er.er. ? T Th T????USUS S h?asa?s ys ??t ?toto ???? t ththi????es?estiestici??????????iti??????alalrlrereare??y ???beenbee????annan????inin ?ot?he?her her? co?ununt???????AvAvo????", "output": " fertilize.\n2522,B000RUI0MS,A3LBJPREB99CSY,\"Roberta Beyer \"\"Birding Nature Store Owner\"\"\",7,11,1,1304208000,Avoid like the plague---contains product killing honeybees,\"If I could give this product a minus 10 stars, I would. There is now very strong evidence that chlothianidin which is in this product is one of the pesticides that is affecting honeybees and contributing to colony collapse disorder. This US has yet to ban this pesticide, but it has already been banned in other countries. Avoid t"} +{"input": "?hihisis s?prp?odo???t t??????nyn???????s ??ono??aia????g g c clc?ot????anianidi??????????,B,????333?2E2EME?W,W?ACACACA7A7W7?5N5?ZRZRAR?SFS????? A ?rmr???roronro???0,0???5,5,1,131??999?????00,00???ishishe??????anan an????psp???????? c????s s as ??e ???od??tot?????????e ??? s sa s???d,d????? i ?????ookookikiei???s ans a????akaki??????d ?spsprsp??inkinklink??? on on n???ereer???. . . ?VeV?eryer?y py ?lelealeasasesedse????252?52452??,B0,B????Y4Y??ZQZ?,A,A3,A??H0H??BSBSNS?JRJ??ENE?????????????,2,2,,2,5???????313???????ot ot m mum?ustus???d,?????? is i???????es???mumusmust?ar??? m???huhususbus?????????????t ot ????hishi??????wiw??he???fof??r wr ?or?????t t ht ?as??????ri??hth?t st sp?????es aes ?and? t?as?tete ??to to???ha?????whw?hathat t yt ??? a ar a???????inging.ing. ?????? be b?????loolo?ki???g fg ?forfo???? i?n ???ggg??er er? tu t???????????", "output": "his product and any others containing clothianidin.\"\n2523,B004332EMW,ACA7W5NZRASFT,P. Armstrong,0,0,5,1309910400,Fisher Pecan Chips,\"These chips are good to sprinkle on salad, use in cookies and baking and sprinkle on cereal. Very pleased.\"\n2524,B000NY4SZQ,A36H0DBSNJRAEN,mamamoose,2,2,5,1294531200,hot mustard,This is the best mustard. my husband loves it on his sandwiches for work. it has the right spices and taste to enhance what you are eating. Have been looking for it in bigger tubes with no"} +{"input": "?????????????bubutut ?ananyn? s ???? i isi??grg?eaeata??????????????????,A,?1I1????0F0FSF???????????i,i?2,2????,1,?282?30????00?,T,???mym????sts???d d???anianiaiacac,c?\"T\"???is is i is is ?ththeh????????'v'vev???ve?? e ????????????????iki????????ard??an????youyo?????????r /r />/>h>hohorhorsr?????is?h ???????is ??thethe ???odo?uc????o o t trt????????>M>MyM?y fy ??????exexpxpep????encen?e e we ???th th??????y wy ?asa??sesevsevever?ala???ea??rs rs a?gog????????????????ve?d??n n Gn ?er??????????e ue ?useus???????en????????mem?, ,? bu b?ut ut? af a??terte????????ved? b ba b?ackac?k tk ???????S/>?ta?te????he???upupppplp????????ut???fff??. . ????????en en? yo youou ou n ?oto????????e ?th??? i????waswa???
horseradish this is the product to try.
My first experience with Thomy was several years ago when my Son lived
in Germany. He used to send it home, but after he moved back to the
States the supply was cut off. But when you notified me that it was
available, I was ecstatic.
The blend is de"} +{"input": "l???ioiouo?s,s????? g ???????????iti???yoy????fafavavov???????????ere?s ??andandt>th????????lele e ze ????????????it it a? t ?ryr?, ??youyou u??ono?'t'??bebe ??or?ryry.ry.\".\"\"?????,B,????????ZQZQ,Q???OQO?4747R7??ZNZ?IQIQ1Q?B,B??lelelle????a,a?1,1???5,5???939343????00000?,T,ThT??mymy ?????arfar??????enfen???????s ms ??sts??????? N NON??? fo for?????e me mimilildl????annannener????, b, ?????????ho?sese e we ??ho ho t?????????????????grg???at at G ?er?ma?n n????d!d???Th?ThisThis ????oduoducuctc?t it ?is ???igi??inain?l l al ??s ss ??ueu???????ut ut u ?ndnd nd??????oho???! ! ????s ts ta???e ?e ise i????????ori??gingi??al al???d d ad ?autau?????tictic c? fo???????? w?ho???????????????tet????bibitit ", "output": "licious, and goes well with your favorite crackers and
cheese appetizers or with anything you enjoy with mustard. It adds
that little zing.
Give it a try, you won't be sorry.\"\n2526,B000NY4SZQ,A1OQ47RIZNIQ1B,mlelwica,1,1,5,1293408000,Thomy Scharfer Senf,\"This mustard is NOT for the mild-mannered, but for those who truly appreciate great German food! This product is original as sauer kraut und rot Kohl! Its taste is very original and authentic for those who will appreciate a bit "} +{"input": "??? z ??p p i ini? t ththeheieiri??mumusu??ara?d.d. .???ryry y? it it t?onon ??rar?tsts,s????????? ( ?????????ndn??yoy?? s ???plp???????t ?bebe e???sasapa?????tet??d. d.?????????????? J ?????252?272???000??NYNY4Y?SZS??,A,????7Z7?8A8ABA?ZZZZKZK9K????MsM??????????????\"\"?\",\"??,1?,5,???292939???????,U,UmU?????UmmUmmm??GoG??d.???????herhe?e e ie isisnis?'t't 't m??chc?? to t???????????t tt ?thithisis is? mu?st???d d od ?th?er? t th t?anan an \"???Umm?? U???????odod!od???????? t?????????????r ???the the????stst st??????????????? on on ??a sa sa????on on? bu bur??gerge???????t ????lyly ly b?ror?????t tt tht t??? fl f???or? o??ut ut o?f ???the ?????.......?nonowow w??I uI ?????????on eon ????ytyth?thinthi?????romro?m cm ?????ene???ururg?????tot???omomememmemam???e Ce CaC???er?????resre??sinsi???? Y ??ou'ou?ll????ve? i? it! it!!!!!!!?\"\"2\"2525225???????NY?", "output": "of zip in their mustard. Try it on brats, burgers (etc.), and you simply won't be disappointed. Alles Gute! Jim\"\n2527,B000NY4SZQ,A3I57Z8ABZZK97,\"MsIBD1 \"\"msibd1\"\"\",1,1,5,1293062400,Ummm Ummm Good...,\"There isn't much to say about this mustard other than \"\"Ummm Ummm Good!!!\"\" I tried this for the first time at a BBQ on a salmon burger and it truly brought the flavor out of the meat...now I use it on everything from chicken burgers to homemade Caesers dressing! You'll love it!!!\"\n2528,B000NY4"} +{"input": "???Q,Q??GSG????BLBLWL??DEDETE?????s s????????rgr??0,0??,5,??131353?050???404????esests?. .???ststast?rdrd.d. . E. EvE?erer.er?,\",?GrG?eae???????????atwatwuw?????? br brereare????????????????????ama????chcheh??????ch?eeees????????????chesche??, e, ?tct?????vevenve? t ??ouougu?h ?itit it???s as ?? bi bitit ?????ici???expexpep???ivi?ve ve??? u us?e e????h ?sa?ndndwnd??wichwic????????re re i it it t tt tet?enden?????????de de??ntnto???????????ror?ounoundnd,nd??itit'it?s s bs be??????to kto ??eepeep p???????????an???le?t ??it it sit ??stansta?nd nd o ???t.\"t.\"\"2252525??,B,?00??NYN?4S4??Q,???29Z29ZPZPQP??D0D070777??4A4???en?????oumou?????????0,???13???25425????00,00,H,?otot,ot????????iv???? on on n tn ?timti?????? w??as as p papac??agageag???wew?lll???????is is? wa?s s ms ?y y??iri???t t??y y oy ??? th??is ?mum???ar?d.?????????? un uniniqi?ueu?? s???milmi????????????y oty o?", "output": "SZQ,AGSVHHBLWZDET,Jens Rodenberg,0,0,5,1350518400,Best. Mustard. Ever.,\"Great with bratwurst, breakfast sausages, salami, cheddar cheese, sandwiches, etc., even though it is a bit exotic/expensive to use with sandwiches where it tends to fade into the background, it's best to keep it simple and let it stand out.\"\n2529,B000NY4SZQ,A29ZPQID077L4A,Ken Coumerilh,0,0,5,1332547200,Hot,\"It arrived on time and was packaged well. This was my first try of this mustard. It was unique, similar to many oth"} +{"input": "???????????tat?rdr??, , b bub?????faf?vovororerede? i ??????? t ?heh?????herhersrs s????????beb????????f f??he???ala??ncn?e ?e ofe of ?flf???vorvo?????????s as alalmalmom?????s ??hothot t at ?as as?EnE??lil???????leleme?an???) )? mu m??????, ????t at a t a???ttttlt?le le s sws??ete????an?d ??mayma?be???????ghg???viv????ar? e ese????ncence e ie inin in??????hehe ??????an?????bab????f f pf prp??tzt??lsl???laslast?ed?????e one one??????????????????\"\"?252???????00N00?Y4Y?SZS??,A,?3V3VCVCFC?QQQQRQ????JFJFKFK,K,A,An,A??a a G GiG???obo??be,be?0,????,1,????373717??00??????er er mer ?musmu??ar?????????amamem?e ae acacqac???in???d ?wiw?ithit?h th th?is? m? mus mu??starsta??????n n??e e we wewerwere?????SwS????er??lanla?d d ad ??and ????allallyl????joj?yey?ed ??it.it?????t t wt ??as as oas ?uru??re????????? p pup????hashasisining????. . G. ?????t ft fifinindin?!!!???We We? ha hav?ave ave??iki?", "output": "er hot mustards, but I favored it over the others I have because of the balance of flavors. It's almost as hot as English (Coleman's) mustard, but a little sweeter and maybe a slight vinegar essence in it. The tube and a bag of pretzels lasted me one or two evenings.\"\n2530,B000NY4SZQ,A3VCFQQRABCJFK,Anna Giacobbe,0,0,5,1292371200,Super mustard,We became acquainted with this mustard when we were in Switzerland and really enjoyed it. That was our reason for purchasing it. Great find!! We have like"} +{"input": "?? t ???s s???????? a as a????e e???e ?ththathatat t w wew??bobouo???t ?????????????535?1,1?B0B000????UDU?PYP???????????919???????ararlr???ne ne??oeo?rrr??\"\"\"\"C????\",\",7,????5,5???575?????????on??er?fuf??!,!?,\"T,\"??e ???bsb?????BiB???ueu???is is??bs?ololul?te?lyl??de?lil????ousous.s? N ??iceic???????erer ?flflal???r;r; ;????anannn???t it imt imam???inein??whwhahat???????????????sisibi???????????imi?prpro?veve e t???? ta tas????????hi?s ??ououpoup.p?. J. ???? o??????he?at??an?d d ed ????y.y???'v'?ve ve???coc????sus?uchuc?h ah ??faf??????? the the ?BaB??teterte????li?nene ?th?????I cI ???????????to?? tr tryr???the???????\"\"????2,2??????G7UG7??PYPY,PY??1M1????I8I??????3,3?GiG???iai?an,an??,7??,5,,5??171???????00,?DeD?????ou?ous ous l ???? ca cala? t????????BaxBa??ererser?s s????s ??areare ?us?uau?allally??ve?ryry ry?", "output": "d this as much as the one that we bought in Europe!\n2531,B000G7UDPY,A1XRUPKEH91NJQ,\"Carlene Doerr \"\"CD\"\"\",7,8,5,1157932800,Wonderful!,\"The Lobster Bisque is absolutely delicious. Nice lobster flavor; I cannot imagine what you could possibly add to improve the taste of this soup. Just open, heat and enjoy. I've become such a fan of the Baxter's line that I can't wait to try them all.\"\n2532,B000G7UDPY,A1MJSWI87ZME83,Gillian,6,7,5,1176854400,Delicious low cal treat,\"Baxters soups are usually very n"} +{"input": "?icicec????????heh???obobsb????? bi bisi??ueue e ie ?? e ?????iaiala??y y g gogooo??. .??t ?tatasaststest?es es??ut?he?ntntit?????t t ht ?as? a a a g?oo?d d????vov??????s s?crcrer?ama????????ha????????????????ob??????bib?itsits ????mam???e i???ini??er???????. . A. ?ddd?d sd sos??e ????shs??blb??ckc??????perper ???????dad?????f f??rar??andyand??oro???shesh?errer?????and and??it it????alalsal??so??p p??????d d id ?????veververyry ry g??od??????au?ra?nt?.<.
It's also surprisingly low calorie. Though the nutrition info here says 130 calories for 8oz, the label actually says 120 calories, so even if you ate the whole can for lunch you would consume only about 220 calories."} +{"input": "???252???,B,?000???????????6M6?P3P??DID?????F,F????chchah?ntn???? I ????????????\"En\"E?nchnc?hanha??????\",\"??,2??5,5,1,121??????404?00,00???wewesesos?mem??frfrer????tat?sts???g g?LoL???stest?r r??????????fef?ctc???usu?? o ??t ?ofo? c cacan?? h ?eae???????ererver?????\"N\"??????????bob??? i iti????isi? i is i????stst st tst ?theth????????coc??bibininain??ioi??n on ofof of? Lo Lobobsob?ste?r,r, ??????i,i?, p, prp???nsn?s ws wiw??h h ah ????intin?t o?f ??????????? wi w??????a ??as??????????dydy y fy fif?iniin??h h th ??is?????p p??????erferfeerfecectecti??????atateater??, L, ??????r ??4%4?),), ???d ????5%5??????cam?pi????????%), %),?Co???ene?ntrntra?te????om?????PaP??te?, ???odiodifififiefi????orornrnfn?????r, r,???hithitehit????ine??, P, PrPra??wnswn?s (s ??.5??????kik?mmm???d Md ?ili?k k??????er,??BuButu?????", "output": "\"\n2533,B000G7UDPY,A36MP37DITBU6F,\"Enchanted In Dixie \"\"Enchanted\"\"\",2,2,5,1248998400,\"Awesome fresh tasting Lobster Soup. Perfect just out of can, heat an serve.\",\"No doubt about it this is just the right combination of Lobster, scampi, prawns with a hint of Dry white wine & a dash of brandy finish this soup to perfection.
Water, Lobster (4%), Cod (3.5%), Scampi (2.5%), Concentrated Tomato Paste, Modified Cornflour, White Wine, Prawns (1.5%), Skimmed Milk Powder, Butterfa"} +{"input": "??, , D ?ouo????????ama?????ltl?? Y ??easea???ExE????????SuS??ara???????mpmp p??owowdw?ere??????h h P Po P???????VeV????aba?bleble e Oe ???????ge?????ble ble??xt?raracra??s,s, ?????????er? ( ????????????????, ?????dydy,y?, C, ?ono???????ateat?d d?????? J JuJ?ici????, Sp, S?????, , H, ?er????ndnd nd??????? Ex?tr???????????????ryry.y???? / ???NoN???????ic???al al? Co C??ou?????r r /r ?/>*/>?*No*N??ArArtAr?tiftifi????? F Fl Flal?????sG>?????n n??re?e*No Artificial Colours
*No Artificial Flavours
*No Artificial Preservatives

Gluten Free
Contains: MILK, FISH, SHELLFISH, CELERY.\"\n2534,B000G7UDPY,A3E2JDHE014VMU,J. Liu,1,1,2,1264636800,Tastes ok but has bits of shells,\"The taste is good"} +{"input": "?? b ??t t I I I???unu?? m ?ysy????? bi biti???g g?dodowo?n n o ??n sn ????l l b??tst?? of of f lf ?obobsb???r r??heh?ellel???????? of oft of?????????????ptp????e.e??ThT?isi???ada?????e ne ?oto??????t tt ?o o?????ishis???? b??owlow??????ou???????3535,5????00G00??UDU?PYP??AQAQDQ?????8D8???4Y4????????redrede?r r \"r \"\"\"\"a\"?altaltrt????er\"er???????,3,????????25625??????????????ingin?re????ntn???? B BaB???terte???ob???er???is?ququeu??????? s?ou???isis is vis ??eryer??gogooo??d td ta???in??? if i????ou ou?lilikli???sesease?fo??od,od??li?????????. I. I I aI ???? fin fi?al??????????ining?ing ming my? c ???se se?????an???, b, ???caucausu??se ise it?? is is ??googood?? fo f????. H. HoHowoweoweve????, I, I ?I doI do ??notno?????? o?n ??ete?ti??????y ????? o of of of t of ?thithisis ?????ticticuculula???prp?????t ??????sese ??eveevereryery ery? ca can ca?n hn ?????? li l????le le s so??metme??thinthi?ng ", "output": ", but I found myself biting down on small bits of lobster shells more often than acceptable. This made me not want to finish my bowl of soup.\"\n2535,B000G7UDPY,AQDFDAB8DN74Y,\"Al Treder \"\"altreder\"\"\",1,1,3,1259625600,Unlisted ingredient of Baxter Lobster Bisque,\"This soup is very good tasting if you like seafood, like I do. I am finally finishing my case of cans, because it is good food. However, I do not plan on getting any more of this particular product because every can has a little something "} +{"input": "?exe?trt?a:a????????ndn???ieiece?????f f??hihit??non?usu??shsheh?????momoso???? f frf??m m???he he??shrshrir?mpm? b??t t???sos? a? f fe f?????rdr?????eceec?????w w aw ?andand ????????romro???????obobsbststest?????he????arear?? sm s?ala????????s,s??whw???? m??????tat?kik??? s sm?al?????oooono????? a??nd nd???t t bt bibitbi???? d ???n n hn haharha?rd rd???? an??th???????and?? do d??'t'?????t tt ??the the lthe ?asa?st st????????????? fi f?indin??sis??????eieigi?htht ??????? o????thi?????brb?risri???? e ???ch ??????LiL?????I sI sas????beb???rere,e???I aI amam ???????in??ing ting ?the????????????us??e ie ????is is f????????and pand ?re?ttt????oo?ood ood????t tht t??t.t?. B. ??????juj????do??'t?? ap a?pr????????ha???ing???????? th t??? c?ar??fufulfu??wiw??h h???????????252535????????7U7UDU?PYP?,A,??XTXTETE3E?????????,\",\"O\"?", "output": "extra: bits and pieces of chitinous shell, mostly from the shrimp but also a few hard pieces now and then from the lobster. They are small pieces, which means taking small spoonfuls and not biting down hard on anything, and don't eat the last spoonful. I find six to eight pieces of this debris in each can. Like I said before, I am finishing the case, because it is food and pretty good at that. But I just don't appreciate having to be that careful with my soup.\"\n2536,B000G7UDPY,A1XTE3IHX65GTZ,\"Ol"} +{"input": "eene???? \" \"\"\"??lelen??\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????,1,,1?????343???525????ToT?o o w waw????y,y?\"I\"ItI? i ?? o okok k????????utu??I I?exe??ecectcte?????rere,e?, a, asa????????????stste?? b bi b????e e ae ?????????d sd ?? m ma m??y y d ???fefer?en???kikini????in???????re????plplal???s.s??ThT??is is??nene e ie is?is vis ve?ry?? wa w??er??y ay ?andan?d Id I ????????otot ?fif??????? l?obo???ter??tht??????I I gI ???sss??s its i?????okok ok????? th the???????????t t I????oulouldoul?????ERE?????y ty ?thithisis ?brbrar???? of o??? the the ?lo???stest??????????e age a?????\"\"??535????0000000?G7G????????EWE??X7X??????797????viv???J.J????itith??,1,,1,1,1,1,???????52??00?000,000?,Ba,B??te?ter'ter?s ?????nedned ????psps ??ulu?le!le?,\",\"T,\"Th???????s as ac???ala????y a y a g gig????????y ????????ter ?(a(????g g w???h h 3 ? c ?casca????? of of? ot o??er????axtax?ter?ter'ster'????up?s)s???", "output": "ena_p \"\"Olena\"\"\",1,1,2,1234915200,Too watery,\"It is ok soup, but I expected more, as I love lobster bisque and tried so many different kinds in different places. This one is very watery and I could not find any lobster there. I guess it is ok for the price, but I would NEVER buy this brand of the lobster bisque again.\"\n2537,B000G7UDPY,A3EWJX7W1X7E79,David J. Smith,1,1,4,1200528000,Baxter's canned soups rule!,\"This was actually a gift to my daughter (along with 3 cases of other Baxter's soups). S"} +{"input": "???'s'?????tht?????ini???? t???? B ?axa?????? i isi????sos??????y y? th?e e B??STS??cac????d d????? o????????lal????????? th the?? so souo?upsup??shs?he'he?'s 's t's tat?????, ,??????????lu??????? m mam?joj????memer?ic??? b brb??andan?s ??? sh s???????n'n????ooo?k k??????????he he Lhe ??bs????r Br ????ueu??????ted ted????????lol?? B Ba Baxaxtaxteter?'s's 's S's ?cocotco??is???SmS?ok?????ala??monmo???wh??????shesh????ateat?????the ????T ?EVE????? ( (F(??omo? m my m????n ??er?sps?????vev??, a, ??? u ususuus????ly ly????kik?????? o????fofoo????I I???ve? t to t?????itit t tt th??at at? th????BaxBaxt??er'er?????soupsoup ???inein?? f foforfo???cancannnnenn???????????? su sup?????????2???8,8,B,B0B000?00G00G7G????????O9O??PRP???J9J?????. ???hanhangn?,8,?8,18,?2,2??,1,?161?????40400???????gogoo??? fo f?? c?anannan???d sd so??soup.soup?,\",?", "output": "he's of the opinion that Baxter's is absolutely the BEST canned soup on the Planet (of the soups she's tasted, which include the major American brands - she doesn't cook much). The Lobster Bisque rated just below Baxter's Scottish Smoked Salmon (which she rated the BEST EVER). (From my own perspective, and usually cooking my own food, I have to admit that the Baxter's soup line, for canned soup, is superior).\"\n2538,B000G7UDPY,AXO9YPRH0J9DM,J. Chang,8,12,3,1162598400,It's good for canned soup.,\"F"} +{"input": "?oro????nnnnen?d d????p,p??????it?????? s???t ??ece??????????????????defde??nin???ly? s so s???e le ?obobsb????r fr flf?avavov?? a ??d ????lll????unu??s ?inin in? it it.t???HoHowo?eveveverer,er??????whw?ololele ?th?in?? t?asa?stestese??????ittittl?e ?????he??????y y s??????????? w ?????er?????????s is ins in ?????????aua????I I tI ???nk???'d'?d wd ???k k?ou?t.????535?9,9,B,B0B000??G7G7U7?????AHA??9V9????WMW?Z9Z?????????????kek??IsI?????m m \"m ???alall??? L????????e'e'e??\"\"???1,1??????212?595?070727??00,00,\"?DiD?????stist???, ???astas??????ed??blb?le\"le???I ??????e the t???s ps ?ror???????a oa ??e ???ecaecauausau?se se??ereroero o??as???t ?t ant a?n on ??tit?onon.on. ???ThiTh???????liklikeke ke a?? ca c??? of o?f gf ?eneneen???? t to t??????????? wi w??h h s??meme me????rcr??oko???????its its o of? f fi fis??????raprapsp???s in s in? it it. it", "output": "or canned soup, it hits the spot decently. There's definitely some lobster flavor and small chunks in it. However, the whole thing tastes a little on the fishy side. If I was served this in a restaraunt I think I'd walk out.\"\n2539,B000G7UDPY,AHU9VCO8WMZ93,\"Callem Like Isee'em \"\"Callem Like Isee'em\"\"\",1,2,1,1215907200,\"Disgusting, nasty, inedible\",\"I gave this product a one because zero wasn't an option. This is like a can of generic tomato soup with some overcooked bits of fish scraps in it."} +{"input": "?? T ?heh???nln?? l ???sts??r r???????????p p???s s s??mem??shs??lll?? ??? w wa wasas as????tyt???fifisishshysh?? n nanas?ty??ana?? i in i????????? N NoN???????? th thahata???????1111 1??f f?? the th?????????????e ????????. ?A A? co c???????? wa??steste ????????y.y??????on???di?????oio?intin?????. . I. ???????? me m?e ae ??grg??y.\"y.\"\"???4040,0???0000G00G7G?UDU??Y,Y,A,A1A1G1?????HLH???1F1???DoD???? S ??lenle??z,z,1,1,1??,4,???????616??0000,00??rer???ty ty Gty ?ooo??????is?????? i?s ?????ttytty ?????d, d, n??ot ot?gr?eae?at!at?????ut? s? som so?me me?heheahe?vyvy y cy crc???????-2-?2 o2 ozo??? an a???? som some some ?TaT???????? in in? it i???I I hI ha?????hadha??a a??ot??beb????r ?LoL?obsob??sterster r Br BiBis??ueue e -e - - B ?????at at a?? mu mucu?????ghg?herher r pr ??ici??e..e.??\"??25425??????00G00G700G7U??????3C3??TRTRHTR???969?NANA8A???d,?0,??????343?47947929???40040", "output": " The only lobster in the soup was some shell. It was salty, fishy, nasty and inedible. Not only that, but 11 of the 12 cans were dented. A complete waste of money. Beyond disappointing. It made me angry.\"\n2540,B000G7UDPY,A1GRTRZHLX81FM,Donal Slentz,1,2,4,1204761600,Pretty Good,\"This soup is pretty good, not great! I put some heavy cream (1-2 oz) and some Tabasco in it. I have had a lot better Lobster Bisque - But at a much higher price...\"\n2541,B000G7UDPY,A3C7TRHQX96NA8,Ed,0,1,1,1347926400"} +{"input": ",??ghg????? t ?????sos??? i ?n n???? s?up?ere?????etet t a ana????????????cacan?. .???????d cd ???. ???ata?eded ed s so sou??. . T. ??ststetedte?d sd ???????umu???d ????oup oup d ????????in???RiR???ed?????th??wiw?????moumo?th????h.h?. E. ?non?oug?h h??????????2,2???00??7U7????,A,????2M2MWM??7R7???Y1Y?,M,M.M. . A. ???StSteteeteed?,0,0,0??????????717???00,00?I'I?????????ororsr?????ut ut?I'???????d bd beb?ettet??r r? to tooo?.,.?\"A\"???????ono?ne ne??????????????d dd ?????byb?????fof?oodoo?d Id ?????e hae h???mym?y fy ??airai????harharer????? lo l?bsbststester???is?quq??. ??hi??s ss sts stut???, , w???lel???????omo???letlete?lyl???horho??????, ??neene??????omeom??lol???????forfo??? it it't???ded????t.t???. The. The ??texte???re??is???t ???????e the t???re,re???????thithinin in e ?enoen?oug????????e se so?soupsou???ut???notnot not???? to???is??", "output": ",ugh,Saw this soup in the supermarket and bought a can. Opened can. Heated soup. Tasted soup. Dumped soup down drain. Rinsed mouth with mouthwash. Enough said.\n2542,B000G7UDPY,A2UP2MW67RZIY1,M. A. Steed,0,1,3,1313971200,I've had worse but I've had better too.,\"As someone who lives and dies by seafood I've had my fair share of lobster bisque. This stuff, while not completely horrible, needs some love before it's decent. The texture isn't quite there, not thin enough to be soup but not up to bisqu"} +{"input": "?e e l ?evevev?l l?eie???erer.r???????? t ththeth?e te tat???e,e???it'it's's s rs ???the?r r br ???. ???????????? t?????lal???????e.e?. A??????araryr??lanla?ndend???? r rereaeaca??hedhe?d fd foforfor ??????nen?e t????? t???at at? fi f?xexese??s als a?????in???s ss ??eafea?????, O, OlO???????. D. ????eded d id in?????????ala????ouounu?? a an a??? st stitirirrr?????hihilhile??st?ili????? t? the th?e he ????. . T. ??he ???????? a??????a ???cec??????te te t? tha that tha??mamad?e ??? t??le???bl?e e t?o o e???at. at.?????t t It I'I??????????????in?ing ing t??isi??brb??ndnd nd and agagag?in?in tin ?thothou??????????,B,B0B?0000G00???DPDPYP?,A,??PXP???????7T7????\"C\"??. G. GlG????on? \" ?\"b\"?ooo???????????\"\"?????????????5454754727??????s fs faf?ar ar????cac??ne?d d sd sos???s s gs ???,\"A,\"AsAs As??ar??asas as????ne?? s??oup??s gs gos g?o to ???s s is ??? ok o????????????apa?pop??intin", "output": "e level either. As for the taste, it's rather bad. A little on the bland side. As a Marylander I reached for the one thing that fixes all things seafood, Old Bay. Dumped in a liberal amount and stirred while still on the heat. The Old Bay added a nice taste that made it tolerable to eat. Doubt I'll be purchasing this brand again though.\"\n2543,B000G7UDPY,A2PXYGDZ5U7TB1,\"C. Glandon \"\"book huntress\"\"\",0,1,2,1278547200,As far as canned soups go,\"As far as canned soups go this is ok. I was disappoint"} +{"input": "???????h h t ??????xtxtut???? e ?extex??? u unu????????? b bib???????ele?? p ?iei????) )????????raralrall?????lilit??? H ?ava?ini????eee????pop?ili?ed?ed bed ???lilivli?vinvi?? i in??MaM??????oror r???????rsrs s bs bebefefo??re re?????cac????????? th t?he he s so s??thth,th, , I, ?? tr t?????did?????en?? b??ranrand???ofof f c ?canca?????????queque.e?????av???cocomo?e ???? th?e e re ????izizazatatiat?????thath??????????r Br BiB?sq?ueu?e ie ???? bes be?????henhe?n mn ???e ????????2???4,4??000????UDUDPD???????JXJXFX??J5J?GGGG1G??????nana a Ga ????pe?ncncecerer,er???1,1?,1,,1?,12,1??????92092???,Ba,B?????st???ing ing s so???????is??is????e ?ofof of??? the the w wo w?orsorses???asastas?tinti??ng sng ?ou???s Is ????????r ??eatea??n.n. ??????????it,it???andand ??????I h?av??? a a???ll?ll cll ca????. . ? It It ??as???es es????teterter ter???o mo ?me,me?????????????an", "output": "ed with the texture, extra unexpected bits (shell pieces) and overall quality. Having been spoiled by living in Maine for 20 years before relocating to the south, I tried different brands of canned bisque. I have come to the realization that Lobster Bisque is best when made fresh.\"\n2544,B000G7UDPY,A392JXFKJ5GG17,Donna G. Spencer,0,1,1,1266019200,Bad tasting soup,\"This is one of the worse tasting soups I've ever eaten. I hated it, and now I have a full case. It tastes bitter to me, and my husban"} +{"input": "????ouo???n'n?t t?evevev???trt?y y??t.t????nln????y y cy ??????????ryiryiningn????????chc????t ot ??n tn ??e e???????????252??5,5,B,B0B000??G7G?????,A,??PNP????????JEJE4E????egeggggyg????pap??929???\"\"\"\"\"????151???,1,??717161676?0404040000,00,L,LoL?bsb???????mamala????=h=??alaltal??? ri risisks?,\",\"I,\"I I?????iseis?e ye yoyou? t???????youyo?r ?owownwn ?wew?? s ????ch?????dedete??termter??ineine ??ow? t th thehe he???????????? c????ld ld???????t yt ?you????he???????ly????ncn?ctict?ononson???as as????????ststesterer'er?s ?lil??verve?r ar ?ndnd ?pa??ncrnc????. ???oweow?eveever?? e?????in? t? the??? col co??ld Sld ?cocotco??is??????ter?s,s, ?did?ioxio?in??an?d d od ????? h?ararmr???l l????????hahava?ve ve????? p prpre?se???? an a?? t th the??? a ar a????warwa?ninin??????r r tr ??the the???nener??? p???????. I. ???waswa??di?sas????in???d ??? d????covcove?ver ver? th?is?", "output": "d wouldn't even try it. Only my cat was trying to reach it on the counter!\"\n2545,B000G7UDPY,A2PNOU7NXB1JE4,\"Peggy \"\"pab920\"\"\",5,15,3,1171670400,Lobster Tomalley=health risk,\"I advise you to do your own web search to determine how the health risk could affect you. The tomally functions as the lobster's liver and pancreas. However, even in the cold Scottish waters, dioxin and other harmful agents have been present and there are warnings for the general public. I was disappointed to discover this "} +{"input": "????oro??atatit?onon,n? s ?? I I I????????dedere??????? m ?usu?????m m a anandn??ses?afa?foofoodo???????orsors.s????????B0B000???D9D???????IUI??S4S?????XKX??,J,?????????????n,n,2n,202?????????636?5454854??00??????ele?ly ly?????s s f ??r r??ouo???cecer??ealeal,l??bab??????? or or????ururtur?????????urouropo??, ??????inindin??a a ba ??????????rkr? f??laxlaxsx??ededs? t to t?????e se ????? of???????ueu??lili i???????????? a a b ??????asa?t ??ufu???t.t. .?? g ??reareatreat ???ururcurcece ce?? of ?OmO??gaga-a?3 3? oi o??l, l, y yo?u u cu ??????????? y yo? your you???????? b by b?y ey ??????????se???????, ??ut?ty????ededseds.eds?. T. ThT?heyhe?????e ge gog????????? the the ??????nd???oo?? f fo f?????????hearhea???
The golden seeds are an attractive alternative to the nut-bro"} +{"input": "w?? s ????????????lol??k k?nin?????????kek?? g ????ds ds???ke? l li?ghg???? b ???adads????TheThey??????te te t?????ama?????? th the th????rkrk k sk se??edsed???GrGrorouo??d,d, ,???????????? sh shoh????p p i????????te bte ???eadea????o o?????????????? so som so?? u?p ?inin in??? the the? bl b?ene?ndend???an???? thr thro???tht?henhe?n in ?intin???????r sr ??????ardar??????ad ad????ipi????nd???????eeeedee?????utu????ententst?????nd fnd fif?????????????r ????????ikeik?e te th?????????klk?ledle???? o ??????l,l?, m, ??ese?li???r r yr ???????\"\"??????B0B?00?????DUDU,U???WYW??PCP???????,M,?odode???n Bn ??????rgr?????ut,ut?????2,2,5,???191?878??363606?00,00????????t t ft ??axa?sesee????I'I'v'veve ??????hah???????ve ve?? bee be?????akiakiningin????axaxsax????s s fs foforo?????ereraer??? ye y??????ue??to???? the ??heahe???????", "output": "wn seeds. They look nice in baked goods like lighter breads. They taste the same as the dark seeds. Ground, they don't show up in white bread, so you can bust some up in the blender and throw then into your standard bread recipe and add needed nutrients and fiber.

We like them sprinkled on oatmeal, muesli or yogurt.\"\n2547,B000ED9LDU,AEWYUPCNDV7HY,Modern Blue Argonaut,20,22,5,1198713600,The best flaxseeds I've ever had,\"I've been taking flaxseeds for several years due to the health ben"} +{"input": "????????? w waw????xcx???ede? t ?? s ses?e e???chch h a ? g ?rereaeata?????????n n? th t?ese?? f ????? a a???pup?tat???e ??omompom?????. T. ThTheheshe?se ?ara?? t? the th?e be beb????tatasta???ngn?? fl flal??se??edseds ???hahava??????????d.d???o o go ??????? m ?ax????m ?he?ala???h bh bebenbe?????s ?????????e te ?to to?????lyl? g??rinri??????m ??? a????an??ar??d cd co??fefee??? gri grin?????????????allal?ly ly? gr???? 2 ? t??ablab?leslesps??on??s ps ?erer er???erser?????????????dayda??an?????????dddd ??he?m ??to ?le??on?adadeade,e??????sta?l l l ?igi??t,t?, o, ?r ?tet?????nd ?drdri?rinkrin???it it??owo?n n qn ?uiu????be???oreor?e ie ???exexpex???ndsnd?s. s.??lalaxlaxs?????s as ?arear?????ade????witwi?th th? mi min??rar??????????ininsin?? a?mi??o o ao ?ci?ds?????and ?fi????r. r.?Th???????re ere ??cecelce??lenle?t ???r ??eie?ighig?ht ht???sss?s a?nd???or???we???", "output": "efits. I was excited to see such a great price on these from a reputable company. These are the best tasting flaxseeds I have ever had. To get the maximum health benefits you have to finely grind them in a standard coffee grinder. We usually grind 2 tablespoons per person twice a day and then add them to lemonade, crystal light, or tea and drink it down quick before it expands. Flaxseeds are loaded with minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and fiber. They are excellent for weight loss and work well "} +{"input": "f?oro? c ?hrh???ici???on???ipi???tioti?on.on. . T ?hehere???ara?????vev???????b b s si s?????ououtut t t ?????re tre ?thathatat at??????ou???????he????th th b ????fif??s ?????lal?xsxseseese????bub?? u ?nfn?forfo?????????????s s as ?gag????st st??he? r rerevre????????dedel?????? to??pop??st ?lil??ksks ????I'I???l jl ???????ggg??????o o to ??ososeos?e oe ?????ou ou w???ti?ngn? m ??oreor??ininfin????at?ioi????? to s to se?????? go g??glglel?.\".\"\"????8,8??000????9L9??U,U,A,?1K1K2K???7D7?J0J0X0???DJ,DJ,\",\"D\"??. J. JoJoho???on??\"\"\"\"a\"?mamatma?????hehea?ltl?th ????????1010,0,1????????????202?00,00,F,??????pa????? a???????rir?ienie??????ch,ch????laxla???????s s a???re????????tot????t ??????????yoyouyo?ur ur???????andand ?ththithisis is b????and and d??elielivelive?rsrs.s?? I??????s a??mim??d d t???te????? pu p??ut 3ut 3 3???blble????on?? i in?? my m?", "output": "for chronic constipation. There are several web sites out there that can tout the health benefits of flaxseeds but unfortunately it's against the review guidelines to post links so I'll just suggest to those of you wanting more information to search google.\"\n2548,B000ED9LDU,A1K2WS7DJ0X2DJ,\"D. Johnson \"\"amateur health nut\"\"\",10,11,5,1180483200,Fiber packed and nutrient rich,\"Flaxseed is a great way to get fiber in your diet and this brand delivers. It has a mild taste (I put 3 tablespoons in my "} +{"input": "mmom??nininingn???mo????ieie)e) ) a anandnd d?gig??ese? y ??u u???% %??f f y??ourou? d ????????????rer?quq????d ?in?????. .??????????????? c cocono?????????gag??? s?o ????u au ?????plpla???? a a??????hohou?????????trt????????in ?????r dr ?ie?? w wiw??th th?????s ls ?it??lel?e se ?????????/>/????????? e ????lll???nt nt?????ce?? of????ot????? f fi f??er?, , a, ?????in??eraeral?als als s?ucu??????mam????esiesiui?????? c???pep?????howho???an? y??????o wo ?roronro?ng?ng?\"??????????00??D9D??????????4A4?P6P6K6???????????eded ed R ReR?viv??????5,5????,5,1,5,??060?747?????????atat ??????ce ce fce foforor or o???gaga3ga????????'s? b ??stst st??o o bo bub????la?xs???dsds ?asas s os op??oso?sedsed d td ???fl????????oioilil il? or or ???alal al b???????e ye ?youyou you???t t mt mo?rere re o???egaega3a????in??????????re re gre grg", "output": "morning smoothie) and gives you 36% of your daily fiber required intake. Flaxseed also contain Omega 3 so you also place a powerhouse of nutrients in your diet with this little seed.

An excellent source of protein, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium and copper- how can you go wrong?\"\n2549,B000ED9LDU,A1WNJ4AP6KWDJP,Trusted Reviewer,5,5,5,1206748800,Great source for omega3's!,\"It's best to buy flaxseeds as opposed to flaxseed oil or meal because you get more omega3. Since you are gr"} +{"input": "??ndn??????heh?????dsds s y ?ouo???selselfl??????????eae??sedsed d??mem?gag??3 3 o?ililsl??ara?re re a ata??? the th?iri????resreshs??stst.t.<.??r r /r ???
I recommend storing these flaxseeds in the freezer. You can keep them there after you open them as well. I grind 2 tablespoons in a coffee grinder and then add it to yogurt or a protein shake. Good stuff!\"\n2550,B000ED9LDU,A2542PPAMRTLAQ,\"Michael Leeson \"\"-'s son\"\"\",3,3,5,1253145600,Organic Golden i,\"Bob's Red Mill Organic Golden Flaxseeds are an excellent way to ingest some Omega 3. 96 ounces are delivered in"} +{"input": "??4 4??aca???????d d????????dod?????usu?e e? it i????l l i????did??tet?lyly y?? s ????ese????????ngn?????e se seseeseed?s s i in i????he he f ?rer??zezere???o o?????? th???? fr fre?shs?. .? G ???nd? t th???m rm ri???t t bt ??????e ye yo????useuse e te th?em?, ?an?d d td ththe?y y hy ?ava????????????st?e ??????ildilded?er er????????owownw??????se??????????or??derde?redre?d t????s ps prp??dud?????eve?verve???? ti t?memesme??? an andnd nd tnd ?the??????iti???y hay h?as as???eenee?n cn coc???is?te????? h hihighigh?.\".\"\"????1,1,B,?000????9L9LDLDUD????6Y6???????YZY???,\",???ankan?aja? G??ptptat??????ank???? Gu??????????,3,,3???????838?20?????ooo????propr?oduoducuctuct,t,G?oo??d p???rodurod?uct???BuB???????mbm?berber ???????????ee??d sd ???me me???y ?ofo?f gf ?ri???dindi??? be?????????pa??????????e ce ???n'tn'??????st?? wh w?ololel?????axsax???", "output": " 4 packs, and if you don't use it all immediately I suggest storing the seeds in the freezer to keep them fresh. Grind them right before you use them, and they have a mild taste -- milder than brown flaxseed. I've ordered this product several times, and the quality has been consistently high.\"\n2551,B000ED9LDU,A26YHIRPMZYZDU,\"Pankaj Gupta \"\"Pankaj Gupta\"\"\",3,3,5,1220832000,Good product,Good product. But remember that you need some way of grinding because apparently we can't digest whole flaxseed"} +{"input": "?s.s???555???B0B??00E00???LDL??,A,?3636S6?????ZXZ?????,k,???uru????,3,3,3??????212?666686?????,G,?rer???????CoC?onfonflflal???s,s,T,?????isis is?fuf?nnnnyn????bobouo??htht ??????la?? s ?????to? m ??akeak?? a ??nen????waw???ere? I? m????????d ??to to uto ??se se?FlFla?lax lax s??eedeed ???????????????crc???wavwa???fof???? m mi m????es??? B ????ghtgh??????gsgs ???????neene??eded ed????????cic?ideid????to ????? u ????ofof f? th t??????t.t??????d d ad and a????ut? o?ve???an???????d t?????ene???ititst????e ??re???.<.??r ?/>/>I>I I pI ?????in??e ie ?in in Y ???er????andand d Cd ??ereer??l.l??WiW???? di d?iffif?enenten?lyly ly k ??epep p u us u?seise?????AfAftfteterter ??thith???lalasla?st st b ba bag bag g?????????????????????.?2525525??3,B3,??00??D9?LD??????????TNT??F0F????L.L. ??oto???at,at?2,2,22,?2,52,??12??747?????00,00,g00,?ooo?? i in?? al alml", "output": "s.\n2552,B000ED9LDU,A36S6SK3ZX9AXT,kjburton,3,3,5,1216684800,Great on Conflakes,This is funny I bought the flax seed to make a neck warmer I made said to use Flax seed and warm in Microwave for 2 minutes. Bought 4 bags only needed 2 so decided to make use of the rest. Grind and put over any food the benifits are great.
I put mine in Yogert and Cereal. Will diffently keep useing. After this last bag will be ording again.\n2553,B000ED9LDU,A26XCDVTNUF0IZ,L. Poteat,2,2,5,1207440000,good in alm"} +{"input": "???t t?????hihini??????enenjn??y y??????????ses?ede? i ????????ythyt???ng ng????ve ve???iei?ed ed i?t ??????? fa f?r.r???hi??s ps ??????t ?????a a??lel???an?t t ft ??ava?oro?????t ?dodoeo??n'n't'?t ot ????? po p?wewer?? th t?????od???I ?puputu??t itt i?t i????ItI?t h?ele?psp???o ??eeeepee???y y dy ?igigeg?estes????ve tve trt???k k r ???ulu??r.? I I I????unu???iti???t in t in m??y cy ??fff??????rinri?ndender?er aer ????jujusust??sps??????le le?? it it??????stst st ast aba???? e??er??yth??????MyM?????bab???? an andnd nd????ov????? i?n ??an????keske?. ??????oy?????in????????ea??s ??nd????venve??????ce???re?ama??. I?????ece???lll??y ly ??ke??? it it m it ??xex?ed ed ied in?in min myin m?????gurgu????. I . I h. I ?????ly ly????omo???endend d td th??s s p??????????????,B,?000????9L9LDL??????EME?OWO????M2M?SKS?,\"??. ?E.E????ontontztz z??????leglegag??se??", "output": "ost anything,\"I enjoy this flaxseed in everything I've tried it in so far. This product has a pleasant flavor, yet doesn't over power the foods I put it in. It helps to keep my digestive track regular. I ground it in my coffee grinder and just sprinkle it on just about everything. My husband and I love it in pancakes. I enjoy it in my cereals and even on ice cream. I especially like it mixed in my yogurt. I highly recommend this product.\"\n2554,B000ED9LDU,A21EMOWPLBM2SK,\"C. E. Montz \"\"cmlegalsec\""} +{"input": "?\"\"\"???,2??5,5??202?626??040???,S,?? g ???d d???????u!u?!,!?\"I\"I I???????d d td ???? f?lal???eee?????tet?er er?re??did????hoh???????d gd ?rorou????flf??xsxsexs?????asa????r ????????I oI or???ereer????? gr g???de????bob?th? w wewer?ere ere? re reae?asoasononan?blb????ri??ed????ndnd nd??thethe e?? gri grinind???g ????????ea?????? ac a?????lil??????. . I I I????????????????? fl?ax??????????????sincsince????ata?????e,e???nd???the? c ???im????adadead???? t th?e e Ie ??te?rnr????ha??ve ve??????n ???o bo ????rur????????? pr pro prod?????ara?ririvri???d od ??on ton tit?imeime ??andan????? gr?ea??????????I I hI ???e e pe ??rcrchc????d d fd frd fro?????????venvendvendodor? s se??verve?ala?? ti??mesme????????????non??????????sasapa???inintinte?d.d??2????,B,?????D9D?LDLDUD???????????????,\"??. . C. ?olollllel?y y \"y \"\"????", "output": "\"\",2,2,5,1206230400,So good for you!!,\"I ordered this flaxseed after reading how good ground flaxseed was for you. I ordered a grinder, both were reasonably priced, and the grinding was so easily accomplished. I have been using flaxseed daily since that time, and the claims made on the Internet have proven to be true. The product arrived on time and in great shape--I have purchased from this vendor several times, and have not been disappointed.\"\n2555,B000ED9LDU,ASCSHRBJ9Z04X,\"R. Colley \"\"~~RC"} +{"input": "??~\"~\"\"\"?????,1,,1????313151555525?646?0000,0??eae?ltlththyhy y G GoGoooodo??ese????I'I??e e??ecececene??????tat??tetede??drd??????g g?grg??en??sms??ootoo??????toto o g??????ealealtlthlthih??? a anandnd ?hah???re??ad ad t th t?hathat t ft flf??? s?eee?edsed? h???? t?ererrrri????? he h????????????tsts s ss ????? as a???owo??erier?ing??yoyououru?r br ???????????????an??d cd ???lel?estes?terte?ol????? ad adddd ?a a????????oo?n n??? c ?chich?a a sa ???d d a?????flaflax??? see seed???o o mo ???y smy s?moomo?th????es ees eve?verve?y y dy ?aya??an???????????????ing?ing ming ?????uiu??? a?nd??vevegve?????????I I fI ????? be bet??????loloslo??? so s????????hth?t at ??and and hand hahavha?????????ed ????in??ing hing ???????lul?ttt???s.s?. I. I'?m m???????ookoo??ngn??fof????ardar????? ha hav haviv?ing?????ne?xtxt t bt blblobl?oodood ??or?k k? do dono??? to?? se??? ho how????????it it?????he??pe???. H. ????", "output": "~~\"\"\",1,1,5,1315526400,Healthy Goodness,\"I've recently started drinking green smoothies to get healthier and had read that flax seeds have terrific health benefits such as lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol. I add a tablespoon of chia seed and flax seed to my smoothies every day and since drinking my fruits and vegetables I feel better, lost some weight and have stopped having heart flutters. I'm now looking forward to having my next blood work done to see how well it has helped. Highl"} +{"input": "y????coc?mmm?ene?d d t tot???nynyoy??e e w ????iningn? t?????? h heh?????y ??an an? al a?????tuturu??al al???y!y!\"!????????000??????DUD?,A,??????HEH??RNRN1N?D9D9,D9,B????y y Sy ShShah???1,1?,1,,1?5,5,1?????040?8080000,00?GrGre????????f,f,B??ugu?????thithisi?????? w??y y ty ??? ta taka???inin in??????a 3a ???ututrt???????????pap?ckck k????? h??s ?lal?astas?????me me????oso???????????. Y. YoYou????vev?e te toto to gto ?ririnri???upu????he ?seseee?edseds s a???nd fnd ?re???e ?????re??st.st???o o co cocomco?plplalaila??tst???veverve?y ?rerea???onaonaba??e ????cicin?????55???,B0,B00000000E0ED???????3I3??Z4Z4X4X1X?????ZRZ??????R.R??ThThoTh???????????12125?595999?????,V,???? h? hap happp?????thth th? th???????????se!se?,W,?????? V ????????py????ithit?? th the these?se se?OrO?ga??icic c?????????la?xsx???edseds.eds?. . W ?? g ????d ?????? an andnd ??ut???? them them ?", "output": "y recommend to anyone wanting to get healthy an all natural way!\"\n2556,B000ED9LDU,A2S9PYHE7RN1D9,Binoy Shah,1,1,5,1307404800,Great stuff,Bought this as a way to take in omega 3 nutrient. The pack of 4 has lasted me almost a year. You have to grind up the seeds and freeze the rest. No complaints; very reasonable pricing.\n2557,B000ED9LDU,A3IIZ4X1Z2WAZR,Lea R. Thomas,1,1,5,1255996800,Very happy with this purchase!,We are VERY happy with these Organic Golden Flaxseeds. We grind them and put them i"} +{"input": "?? s ?o o??ananyny y?tht????s s???????????ma??? a ???rereae?? t????????foforo? y ?ogo?uru???????cec?re????????hehe ??hoh??e e se seseeeede??????. . ????se????re re n ?owo?? a a????pl??e ie ?in in oin ?urur ur h ?????..?252???,B,B0B00000?EDE?9L9LDL?U,U?A3A????XJX???YNYNAN??????oso?se ?A.A?. C. ???rar?sqsququiuili?lolo ?\"\"\"?????????,1,1,,1?5,5?,12,1???111151??00???rerea??t Ft FlFlal?????? a????DeD?lilivi??eryery ?SeS?erverviv???,I,I I? ha h??????ryr?y ly ?litli?tlt?le le??? s?aya???bob???t tt ??? p pr p????????????t ????at at i??t it ??s as ????EAEATAT T?? pro pr???uctuc????? t th??irir r dr ?elelieliv??ery??????????????n wn ?????s vs ???????ellel????25525??,B??000000E0ED???DU?,A???EBEBEBEEE?????OOO???,\"T,\"TrT?risrishsh h??\"\"J\"\"JeJewewe?lslso???????\"\"?\"\"\",\"\"\"?,1,,1,1,1,???5,15,????101????000,000???????heahe??th?y!y??,Gr,G??reat?? fo for?????! ! G GrGriGr?indind d td ?the??????????????", "output": "n so many things plus they make a great topping for yogurt and cereal in the whole seed form. These are now a staple in our house.\n2558,B000ED9LDU,A319JXJWAYNAYK,\"Jose A. Carrasquillo \"\"JAC\"\"\",1,1,5,1224115200,Great Flaxseed and Delivery Service,I have very little to say about the product except that it is a GREAT product and their delivery subscription works very well.\n2559,B000ED9LDU,A17EBEEW9NZOOI,\"Trish \"\"Jewelsonawhim\"\"\",1,1,5,1219104000,Very healthy!,Great for you! Grind them up and add a"} +{"input": "????? t ?abablb???????s.s. .?CaC???t t???lll? i ?t't's's s???ere??????yoy?uru? c cecer??ala?l el ?????2252???,B,?000??EDED9D??DUD?,A,????2S2??XBX???????JoJoho??????riridi?aya???????,1,???191?646??0000,00??t ????ldl? b ??e ae ??5 5 i if if f??????????t ?fof??r tr ????ror??ksk???\"I\"??hahavaveve e be ?????t ?grg?????d fd ??axa?? in? t th????tot???, ,?????? w ?????alwal?waywa????? ra ran?cic?? a ?ftf??????steste.e??????s ??? t? the?? be b??t ????tit??? f???x x Ix ?I hI ??????ve??r hr ??d.d?. ???????I h??aveav??????????w iw ??????th???coc?????e ge ???indin???, ??????the????icick? o ??t ??it?tlt?? r??ockoc?????atat ??rere re bre ????elyel?y by ??ggg?er? t???????the the????dsd?s. s.????????????hishi?s os ou?? t?? the ?haharha?d d wd ????????er ?usu?????th??the sthe ???edsed???hoh??le.le??. N. NoN???in???li???????kik???ing aing a ???", "output": " few tablespoons. Can't tell it's there in your cereal ect..\n2560,B000ED9LDU,A3OJ2SQXBECEV1,Johnny Friday,0,0,3,1341964800,It would be a 5 if it weren't for the rocks.,\"I have bought ground flax in the store, there was always a rancid aftertaste. This is the best tasting flax I have ever had. BUT, I have to throw it in the coffee grinder, and then pick out little rocks that are barely bigger than the seeds. I found this out the hard way after using the seeds whole. Nothing like working a bit"} +{"input": "?? t trt???ngn???? f ???????ere??e te ??he he????k k?yoy?u u j jujusu?? b ???t it ?s.s??brb????? />I />?????? o on onlnlyly y???useduse??? b??g ??????ar,ar????so Iso ?????no??t ct ?om???ntnt nt o on? w?????????or or??ot??????ststost??????????n n?????????????bub?t ?I ?????ly????oubou??????waw???a a??????e be babag???2??616????00??D9D????,A,A2A?PVP???WBWBWB????K6K6,6??ua???????,0???,1,???979717?848?0000,00,r,??d ?mi??????id id i?????aia?in,in????is?is bis ???????lwl?????mam?", "output": "e trying to find where the rock you just bit is.

After you grind, sift the powder and black stones will be evident. I have about 1-2 per quarter cup of ground mixture. Perhaps this is something you organic foodies are used to, I am not.

I have only used 1 bag so far, so I cannot comment on whether or not the stones are in the others, but I highly doubt it was a fluke bag.\"\n2561,B000ED9LDU,A2PV5MWBW9KZK6,Juan R.,0,0,5,1339718400,red mill did it again,\"This brand always mak"} +{"input": "e?s s?gogooo?? p ??ododuoducu???? s ???cec? y yoyouo????? b??lklk k t tht???????n n???t t t?? b?e ?quq?iti????he???ere???hahanan ???? th the th?e se ??peperpe??ararkr?ete?? v ??eryer??clc?eaean??????ses?????. I. ?????d id ?it it t? to to???????????es???? to b to bab?th?????joj?in??ts ts?????? so somo????atatuatur?????awa?? om ome????s, s,????????dld?????????areare ??et?te???ifif f??????????????????thothou???h hh ?havha??n'n??t tt ?rir??d ?d itd i???????????00?EDE??LDL???A8A???7E7?AHAHDH?????,R,?????ReR?vivie??NoN??,0,????5,5????555575??202????????rer?e Ge ?oooodoo?d Sd ??eedeeds?.,.,\",???es????la???????s as ar??? of of f gf ???od od??quaqualalial??y,y?, I, ?I eI eaeat??? the?m m d dad?????. . ????oughoug??t t?????????????eed,eed, ??ratraththeth?er er? th??????? g??rourounu?d ?se???????cac??????? t th the the the??????ter ter??ututrtritrititiitioi??nalna???alalualueu??ofof f g??", "output": "es good products, since you buy bulk they turn out to be quite cheaper than in the supermarket. very clean flaxseeds. I add it to my smoothies to bath my joints with some natural raw omegas, supposedly they are better if eaten sprouted, though haven't tried it.\"\n2562,B000ED9LDU,A85V7EAHDOMA4,RightReviewNow,0,0,5,1335571200,They're Good Seeds.,\"These Flaxseeds are of good quality, I eat them daily. Bought the whole seed, rather than the ground seed, because of the better nutritional value of gri"} +{"input": "n????g g y yoyouo??????. . ???lll? b ?uyu?????in????? r rer?ada??tht??t t?whw??lel??ses??dsd??cacanan n?pap??s ?unu?ndind?gegese??ed??? an a?????hathat ????????se?ed????canca????osose?? th the th?iri??nunutu????????????alualueu???????ti???. ????? we w?e ge ?grigr??????? wee weeke??s ?wow???? a?t t at ???tim??e. e.???es?????sedsed ??in in??at?me?al? a??s ts th?e ??lal?vov??s ?blb???nd ?????????r ?inin ??????d ?????ealea???oror or a ad a??eded ed?????a ca cua c?? o of o? c?ofo??eeee ee f ??or ?????isi?st.st. ???eemee???? b?????d bd ??ttt?terter r ir inr i????t t ft ?????????565??,B,??00?????????T1T??C6C?CLC??????,P,?j j???????,0,?,0,0,,0?????262????20200????oodoo???seeseedseeds?? bu b??????aveavel?? bi b??????I wI ???n'n?t t tt ????ll??ed ?be???us?e e Ie ??ha????o ?pipici??????????y ?bib???? of?? gr g?av??l.l?. T. ?heh??e fle f??x x? se s???ds ??", "output": "nding your own. Will buy again. I read that whole seeds can pass undigested, and that ground seeds can loose their nutritional value over time. So we grind a week's worth at a time. Best used in oatmeal as the flavors blend well. Or in a cold cereal, or added to a cup of coffee for a twist. Seem to blend better in hot foods.\"\n2563,B000ED9LDU,AT17C6CLPGIQD,Pj Dupuis,0,0,2,1326067200,good seeds but gravel bits,\"I wasn't thrilled because I had to pick out tiny bits of gravel. The flax seeds th"} +{"input": "?????lvl?eses s w ??rer????nen???tot?????alalil???. . I ?? i ?it it??er??n'n?t t??oro? t th t??e ge ??ava??l l?bibit???(t(ththahatat ?gegete?t tt ???ouougu??????e se ?iei?????/t/?thethe e se see s?ede?s,s????gug??esses?????????s ws ??oulou?? g ge get????sts??rsr??\"\"???6464,4?????EDE???DUDU,U???VWV?S6S6C6CYCYSY????2K2????. C. ??hanha?,0,??,0,,0,5,?????999?99699686????,A ,A???st????????oror or h he heaealaltal?thyth? l li????\"I\"???????sos??? r ??ututit?ineine ?bab?kik?ingin????grgregr?????t.t. . I. ?I pI puputut ut??t t it ??????y ??re?ada??????ng ng? wi w???????flf??wewerwer ??seese?edseds ??ndn?d od ororgorgag??????heheahe??? fl f????. ??????so so?puputpu?t i?t ??nt???mymy ??mom??th??????????????didis?he??????????????ng yng ??? c ??? t???????f!f! !?GoG?oodood ?prpriric??e ae an???????????????? a a m?usustus?????e ?fo??r ar a ??????thythy thy????et!et????25625????B00B0?????????", "output": "emselves were fine, top quality. If it weren't for the gravel bits (that get through the sieve w/the seeds, I guess?), this would get 5 stars.\"\n2564,B000ED9LDU,A1VWS6CYSXHN2K,M. Chan,0,0,5,1309996800,A must have for healthy life,\"It's also a routine baking ingredient. I put it into my bread along with sunflower seeds and organic wheat flour. I also put it into my smoothie, stir fry dishes....anything you can think of! Good price and really, it's a must have for a healthy diet!\"\n2565,B000ED9LDU,A"} +{"input": "?3B3?3I3IBI????SNSNCNCGC?0,0?waw?rrr?ioioror,r???0,0,50,5,5,1,???303??????0,g0,gog??? s ststut?ffff,f?LoL???s s f ???shsh h?????clc?eae????? h hahava????oao?st?ede?d id ?t t?ini??????????ste????????an?d d Id ????????sese ???? in in ??oo?d ?whwhoh?????r ?????ndnd nd? up up p??????? c ????eee??gr????ere?..?252565?6,6?B0B???????DUD?,A,A2A??4S4SZSZFZ??QSQ?7B7????????,0?,0,5,0,?5,15,????2525125????,E,????lllle???t Qt ?uau?alialitityit?!,!?ThT??sese se??????xc?????lentlen????????ity ity?????se??edsed?! ! I???us?????asastas?eded ed????? a?????????onon n a??pap??? an a????ve?ven ven???atat t mt ??????????????nan??k!k! ! I! ?????o o po ????derde?????thethem?? in in in a in ?????fefee???grigringrind???????terter ??toa?ststist??g g t th? them them ??a la li????????and and??????????? i???de???cicioiouio?us us? to t???:):???elelielici????us ?+ + N ????ritri?io??s ???AwAwewes???e!e?! :! ", "output": "3B3IB8CRSNCG0,warrior,0,0,5,1293062400,good stuff,Looks fresh and clean; I have roasted it in the toaster oven and I also use it in food whole or ground up in the coffee grinder.\n2566,B000ED9LDU,A2R4SZF7QS7BLY,AA,0,0,5,1277251200,Excellent Quality!,These are excellent quality flaxseeds! I just toasted them a little on a pan and even that made a great snack! I also powdered them in a coffee grinder after toasting them a little and the powder is delicious too :) Delicious + Nutritious = Awesome! :"} +{"input": ")??????ana????g g t toto o??ava???iti??????? c cec?rer?ala????mom????w w??????????????ininkinklk??????????n mn my? v ?????????????in??? I I w ???l ?????????y oy ???t Bt ??b'b's'??QuQuiu???a a a an a???MuMusu???i.i..2252??7,7???00??D9D?LDLDUD???2Z2??JRJ??????T2T????oxoxyx?,0,?????,1,?272?575??242????,Bo,B?ob'ob?'s 's????d M???l ?OrO????icic c?GoG???????la??se???,\",\"T\"???????????e 2e ????orordordederde?????avaveave ??????d ???? B Bo?????????d Mi?ll? O ?OrgOr???????FlaFl???????????isis is?? g ???d ?????it?y ?whw??oleol??flf??laxslax?see?d.d?????grgri???nd ind it? a a ???ttt???? at a???????e ???? s spsprsp??rinkrinklklekl?e ie ????? c??ereer???l a???nd i??n yn yoy???rtr?. ??????eepee????a la ????????me me? in??????????zez??. ???? hav haveve ve?be????us??ingin?????? f ??ax?se??seed seed f?or?or aor ababob??t t a???ea???", "output": "))) Planning to have it in my cereal tomorrow and maybe sprinkle some on my veggies. I think I will also try out Bob's Quinoa and Museli.\n2567,B000ED9LDU,A2ZVJRZYAQ1T2V,Roxy,0,0,5,1275782400,Bob's Red Mill Organic Golden Flaxseed,\"This is the 2nd order i have placed for Bob's Red Mill Organic Flaxseed. It is a good quality whole flaxseed. We grind it a little at a time and sprinkle it on cereal and in yogurt. It keeps a long time in the freezer. I have been using this flaxseed for about a year n"} +{"input": "oowow w?????????a a t ?aba???sps???n n?????t t???ere?? d dad??y ay ??d d???veve ve n ?oto?ticti?ede?????t t mt mym????in?????sosofo?tet??????lulusu????t kt kek?epe?s ?mem? r ?ege??lalara?, , i?f f?yay??knk?nownow ??hahat? i i i m ??anan an??!!!! !!?FlF??xsxseseeeedee???? a al alsl?so so a a a g gog????wawayay ay???????t it ?in ??somso???????heh??OmO?megme????'s's,s, ????at at t??????dyd?y ny ?????.\".??252?686????0000E00?D9D??????161???3H3?494????EDVEDV,V,\",???ddd?dy dy p?????????addad??\"\"?????8,?3,3???262626272757????????????????pepene?sisivi????t ?wa?s s m?????istis???ke ke?- -?I I????ougou??t ???er?e ??er???? b ?agagsg???????????anan an 4an ?? S ??o to ???? pr p??ce?? pe per????????is mis ?ucu?????gh????th??????atat at Iat ??papaypay y ay aty a?t t?he????cac?? g?roroc?????????th??the sthe sas???????????????569569,9?????ED??9LD9LDU?????SWS????0M0MXM?GGG??,\"??", "output": "ow ,eating a tablespoon about every day and have noticed that my skin is softer , plus it keeps me regular, if ya know what i mean !!! Flaxseed is also a good way to get in some of the Omega 3's, that the body needs.\"\n2568,B000ED9LDU,A16K03H4965EDV,\"Paddy pooh \"\"paddy\"\"\",5,8,3,1226275200,a little expensive,It was my mistake - I thought there were 6 bags rather than 4. So the price per bag is much higher than what I pay at the local grocery for the same product.\n2569,B000ED9LDU,A26SW43I0MXGGA,\"Jo"} +{"input": "?????. .??dad???k k????oao?? A Ad?amamaamakak,ak?? Au A??hohoro??????????????,1,?,2,??4,4,1?272707050???000?00,00??flflal??????????????mem?ndn??? b ?raran??????e e?flflafl??? se s?eedeed d id isi? p ?aca?kakaga???ed ied ??n sn ?sepse??ra??e ????????????ckack???s ?soso o?th????itit t ct cacan???tat?y y??re?shs????lol???gerge?r ar ???????waw???re?co???en????????th?????????cooco??bob??k ?I I p???chc?as?????????? s? see seeded ?wa??s cs ??eaeapa??????hanha????????br?anandandsand?s Is ?I hI hahadhad ?????ckeck?????. ??I ???? pu???in????? a aw a??????or or? an a???eme????????y t???t ??mayma????isiseis??2?575??,B,??000000E0EDE??LDLDUD??????????UIU?3U3??????????????y ?\"\"\"\"r\"\"ririvri?????omxom??\"\"??????2,52,?,1,11,1????646???000,000???? p pr p?odo???t ???????? is i??????e..e.??,\"??I bI ???ghghth?t tt ?thithis?is bis ???forfo?re re??I rI ??al?????ed hed ?", "output": "an A. Adamak \"\"Joan Adamak, Author and Book...\",1,2,4,1270512000,\"flax seed, recommended brand\",The flax seed is packaged in separate smaller packages so that it can stay fresher longer and it was recommended by the flax cookbook I purchased. This seed was cheaper than other brands I had checked on. I am putting it away for any emergency that may arise.\n2570,B000ED9LDU,A3VZPX7AUI3UXU,\"T. OMalley \"\"rivermomx3\"\"\",1,2,5,1199664000,the product itself is fine...,\"I bought this before I realized ho"} +{"input": "?w w??ucu?? I I I???s s??ete????? a ??? b ?efe????? I I k ???????????ada???t t????????grg??cecereryr?y sy ??or?e!e? T ??hatha?t wt ???s ms ????wnw? f ????t.t??? I r I ??alallllyly y s??????d hd ??veve ?wa??iteit?d.d???utu?t t?he??????s s as ara?re re g????t,t?? I ?juj?st?? ha havaveve ve w?ayay y ty to???????y iy ????y y fy frfre????er!er!\"!????717???000????9L9?DUD????O4O4P4?????G3G????DwD???????,8,??4,4????????606?00,00,I,??'s's ?bib??????ed??,\",??????e ???atat ?t th?isi?s is ??????ll???as?????ririt??????s ass a?s ts ??the the???aia?msms.s???? I c I ch?ewew ew o onon ?th???is lis ??????he??RoR????s s as ans a?????????s a??????t gt gegetge???????? o on on n mn my? m mo m????????? / />/???r r /r />/>T/>ThTheTh???? se s??dsd??wewer?e ??as??er???????g dg dodowownown n wn ?he?n n sn sps???????? o? on on t ?topto????? cr c?aba? a?nd?nd end ??g ???????ri????????o fo fifig????", "output": "w much I was getting and before I knew they had it at the grocery store! That was my own fault. I really should have waited. But the seeds are great, I just have way too many in my freezer!\"\n2571,B000ED9LDU,AXO4PQU0XG3TG,Dwight,0,8,4,1187049600,It's bird seed.,\"I hope that this is really as nutritious as the claims. I chew on this like the Romans and Greeks and it gets stuck on my molars.

These seeds were easier going down when sprinkled on top of crab and egg fried rice. Go figure."} +{"input": "
I incorporated a 1.5 cup into the regular white loaf recipe from The Breadbaker's Apprentice and found that the addition meant more warm water was needed to hydrate the dough and I did not get much of a rise, so I baked the loaf with tin foil over the loaf pan and the bread rose to its usual height. Since white bread is not that healthy, I will include flax seed ground in my food processor to ameliorate the ill effects.\"\n2572,B000EGX2EG,A27UE9HJRZ22YI,\"Louie's Mom \"\"Compulsive Reade"} +{"input": "??\"\"\"\"\"?,1,1212,2?,12,1?2,22,2,?12?464686838?848?0000,0,\",\"T\"????ese????eaeatat t b ?utu?t pt pkp???????s \"s ?\"\"M\"\"MaMada?? i ?? C ??in????????????????bu??????aga???in\"in?,G,?ivivev??n tn tht???re???enten??????es? w wi witithth th??ror?duducu???s ms ?????inin in C??????? h ?ava?????cic?dededde??toto ?non?????y ??nyn??fofooo?od od? pr p??du???s s fs ???? t th t????? so????????t ?t bet be ??buy??ingin???anyan????re ???? th?isis is s sn s????????f ?th?eye?y ey ??????wiwit???????ma?de???n n t?hehe he?????????l l b bu b?uy uy?? it it a ????n ??as as? I ?did???lil????e ite it.t?2???3,3???00000?EGE???EG?,A,A1A1K1?LALA0A??LZL??ATA?46?,D,?an?de????on,on????,11???,1??????12?00???????ealea?th????????\"\" f\"\" ?frofromo?m Cm ChChiCh??????ououbu?tft?ulul\"l?\",\"\",???????proprododuod?uctuct ?????adade???? C? Chi Ch????. . ?? I w I wo I w?????nonotnot ??t belt beli??eveev???any??clc?ai??s ??the???ma??????ga?", "output": "r\"\"\",12,12,2,1246838400,\"Tastes great but pkg says \"\"Made in China\"\" so I won't buy it again\",Given the recent issues with products made in China I have decided to not buy any food products from there so I won't be buying anymore of this snack. If they ever switch to made in the U.S. I'll buy it again as I did like it.\n2573,B000EGX2EG,A1KLA02LZXAT46,Dandelion,11,11,1,1255651200,\"\"\"Health food\"\" from China? Doubtful\",\"This product is made in China. I would not believe any claims they make regar"} +{"input": "d?ini??????ere?????????y ??????ege??an/an/k/?ososhs???. .? C ?ono?sisidi??erier?ingin???rsr?????y'y????ara?????s is iti???lflf f a?s ?a a???al?????????ucu??? I ??wawasas s ss ?shosh??ke??d wd whw??? I?????ancan????atat t??????????????non??ici??d ???????propr?oduod?uctuc?t wt ??????de? i ??? Ch C?ininain????hi???a ha hah?as as??pro??????thath?????e ce ??? n no n?ot ot? tr t??stst ???theitheirir r??an?????????????rar??actiact???s.s. s. U ???af?e ?totoyo???????g fg ????, , a, an?d ??nownow w?? we' we???????pop??????o o???usustus????hemhem m m?????ing ?ouourur ur??????? f ?foofo?od?od????????????>N>?ot???to to? me m??ti??? t th t????carcarbrbobon??????????t t ct crc?????ed ed bed byby ???ipipp???????mem?ethet??????????waywa????rouro?????thethe the???rlr????????ll??? not not t bt ????th??s ???rodrodu?ct????ymy????????????B0B???????EG?????DCD", "output": "ding allergy safety and vegan/kosher. Considering Mrs. May's markets itself as a healthy product, I was shocked when I glanced at the back and noticed this product was made in China. China has proven that we can not trust their manufacturing practices. Unsafe toys, dog food, and now we're supposed to trust them making our health food?

Not to mention the carbon footprint created by shipping something halfway around the world. I will not buy this product anymore.\"\n2574,B000EGX2EG,A1ZDC"} +{"input": "?454?YNY?282??????????ere??eee??????5,5?111??444??686??0,0??????ioiouo?s,s,\",\"T\"??ese?? a ????wowono?????ulu?????rur?ncn???y ay ??? d ??lilicli???????????????rir??????ntn??isi?????le?ada???????owo?evevever?! !?????????????? mo m????ththahanan an t ?theth?e 2e ????alaloalororiorie??????y ???aiaimi????t it ???. B. BuB?t ?????s ws wo??th????!.!.\".???257257575,5,B5,?00??EGE?X2X2E2EG???1F1??S4S??XOXOQO???8W8W,W,S,??herhe??????????,5,,5????505???606??,G,??reareatat ?????e e w?iti?thoth??t ?HiH??? F ??rucructctot?se???or?n n?SyS??rupru?!,!,\",\"I,\"???yoyou???likli???????s as ??????ou'ou?????????????????? he heae??th?y,y????reareatreat t tt ?????ing? s ????k,k, ??youyou u? ca??????? w ?ror?ongon?g wg ????h Ah AlAlml??ondond d Cd ????nchnc?????y ??us??an????ndnd nd Ind I I r re?????ly???elielim?in????ed ed? hi hig???frfru?ructruc??????ororn?? sy s????? an?d ?pap?artar", "output": "45YN28VKL,sluggerlee,7,7,5,1154476800,Delicious,\"These are wonderfully crunchy and delicious. The calorie count is misleading, however! One piece is more than the 25 calories they claim it is. But it's worth it!.\"\n2575,B000EGX2EG,A1F2S4MXOQ0X8W,Sherried,7,8,5,1155081600,Great Taste without High Fructose Corn Syrup!,\"If you like nuts and you're looking for a healthy, great tasting snack, you can't go wrong with Almond Crunch! My husband and I recently eliminated high fructose corn syrup and part"} +{"input": "i??llllyl?????????nan?tet?d d?sos???????oio???????? ou o????iei?t t??andan??wew???eeeele?l sl so???ucuchc??????????????ini?g g t tot????????asaststyt?y sy ????ksks s? th thah?at at d????????????in in????ses???rorodro??uctuc?s s is ???????ea?sys?y sy soy s???we we?we?rer?e te ??rir????????o fo ?in???????. M. MaM????????uraur???s. s.? W WeWe ??ovovev????????ashas??w w?????ch? a??s ws ??ll???2252?767????0000E00?GXGX2X??EG,EG????A0A???8P8??NXNX4X????A,A?4,4???1,1?????????00000?,W,?ha??t it is? t??? c ????????????pripr?intin???? t th???????du????,???'m'm ?? l ?iti????? sh shohoco??ed?ed ted ththath??at tat ????is sis ???????eded ???alaltalth?????? p ??prodpro?duc??????mam??e e fe frfrofr??????inein???????wnw??in????edied??ntn?ts.ts. ??I'I'dI'???be be? cu c????usu??to???????ha?? t??? the c the ??rb??on on fon fof???????? o of o?f ef ea?chch ch bch bib?????is.is??. A. ?", "output": "ially hydrogenated soybean oil from our diet and we feel so much better. Trying to find tasty snacks that don't contain these products is not easy so we were thrilled to find Mrs. Mays Naturals. We love the Cashew Crunch as well!\"\n2576,B000EGX2EG,A2WA0OX8P6NX4P,SA,4,4,1,1264896000,What is the carbon footprint of this product?,I'm a little shocked that this so-called health food product is made from Chinese grown ingredients. I'd be curious to see what the carbon footprint of each bite is. Al"} +{"input": "?sos????????? m ???d d t ththahata???hihinineinese?????????iei?????????????ucu??? h ha?vev??beb???n fn ??unu?nd nd??????????lll??????s ?????ono?ntant???nan???????????s ??eaeada?d id in? t to??s ?an?d ?mem??am?inine????? mi m?lkl? a??nd ?otoththeth?r r??xpx?oro????????od od????oduod???ts.ts??AlA???????????ed?ie?ntntsnt????in tin ???s s ss sns??ckc?k ak ?????????y y a??????blb?? i in? in t in ???????????StS??ateates?. ??WhWhyh?y ny ???????poporpo?????rodro???ctsct??s ans a????????anianie??s ws ???o so ?sousoururcr??e le ???al???y ay an?? c?on????er????r ?owo???????nomno??y by ????rere ??e ???????outout t ft ???? a a????????ly ly c???apa??er ???ici?ce?ce? ?? Y ??our? p???????sinsi?????oio????????????ke ke????????ereer???ce.ce?. . L. ???'s'????????????ctict??ing ing c co??po??at?????? an and an?????verve?nmn?menment??? to?????", "output": "so keep in mind that Chinese ingredients and products have been found to have all kinds of contaminants such as lead in toys and melamine in milk and other exported food products. All the ingredients in this snack are widely available in the United States. Why not support products and companies who source locally and consider our own economy before we sell out for a slightly cheaper price? Your purchasing choice does make a difference. Let's stop expecting corporations and governments to take"} +{"input": "??cacararere e?ofo? o ou o???sas?fef????????????omo?????????y ny ????????lll??? W ?????? c???????tht??????y ty ?????e c???pap?anianiei?? d ?o o?bub????nesne????oro???the?? be b?ne?fif??? of o?????????? t ??ermer? h ?heahe?ltl?? a an a?nd nd e?coconco???ici?calca? w?ele???bebeie????. M. ??????ur??ha??? d????si??????wiswi??????252?777?,B,?00000???????,A,A2A?6I6IPI??????????????????an,an?????????????080???,F??antantatasa????????e ?nunutu???us??d d td ta??????veverve?????resreshs????The?????e ???zezed?ed ced ???????s wes w??e e je juj???t rt ????t.t?????isis is l li l?ighighthtlht?ly ly s???et???????butbu????????????ee????VeV???y sy ?satsatitisti??yiy?inging ing?????252????????EG????EG,EG,AEG,??????????1Z1??Z,Z??el??????2,2??????313?17117???8008000?00,P00,???????t n?oto?t mt ??ded??in????????????? I ? c?an?'t'?", "output": " care of our safety and economy. They never will. We can change the way these companies do business for the benefit of our long term health and economical well-being. Make purchase decisions wisely.\n2577,B000EGX2EG,A26IPZJ4OA05RU,Food Fan,3,3,5,1170460800,Fantastic!,The nuts used tasted very fresh. The bite sized chunks were just right. It is lightly sweetened but not too sweet. Very satisfying = )\n2578,B000EGX2EG,A2B12553E51ZKZ,Melissa,2,2,5,1317168000,Product not made in China!,\"Ok, I can't "} +{"input": "?sps?eae????oro????????he? l ??sts??????ewe????? w????????????chc???ooo??s s??iki?e e 2 202000???, b, ???t It I'I'm'?? lo loo lo??ini?? a ???ththeth?e be ???????? a a?ba?g ?of??????ndnd d??????ch ch???nd nd i ?? c ?????lyly y???????thath??? th t???????ucu?t t it ???????e ie ?in in? Ca Cala??????????????ChC???a.a???? i?f ?th?thatthat ????as tas ??the the??maimain?????terte????t bt ???ck ck????????t't?s ??no no?? lon lo????r ar ana???ississusueu?. ????usu?? d did?iscis??vev?ereer??d td ththith??? sn s????ck ack ???????a a?pe???on?????o co ??an'an??????t et eit eit?heherhe???????en,?????, ?or???aia??y,????????thrth?rilri????d t???fif?indin??d a d a???????I ??canca??ea?eat eat??ir??st ???of aof ?allal???anandand and?????nac??k Ik I k I? ca c?an an e ea???th??? i????actac?uau???????astas?y,??ev??en en??ete????? I??ve????en????????g tg th?thesthe?????????fefewew ew d? day da?", "output": "speak for when the last review was written, which looks like 2009, but I'm looking at the back of a bag of Almond Crunch and it clearly says that the product is made in California, not China. So if that was the main deterent back then, it's no longer an issue. I just discovered this snack and as a person who can't eat either gluten, soy, or dairy, I am thrilled to find a snack I can eat first of all, and a snack I can eat that is actually tasty, even better! I've been eating these for a few days"} +{"input": " ?????ana????o o a???ere??????acactc????????andan??I I??avave? a???exe?????????se?????tivti?ve ????mamac?????????????? t ??yiy??????t t??lll? t th thehe ??la?vovoro????o ????uru?????t ????chc?? on o??????lil?kek????? b ?????bub?ut ut?yeyeaeaheah,h?? I' I?d ?hihighighg??ly ly???cocom????? t th?isi???ror?????? to? t th tho th????????????ic?tet?d ?????????and and? ev e?????to to?????se ?wh????re??'t't.t?\"\"??575??,B,B0B???EGE???EG????PFP????????050?I,I?\"N\"?YAYA A J ??e e \"e \"\"\"\"R\"??gu?la?? g gu???\"\"\"\"\"??2,2?,2,,2??,1,??767626242????????he ???????????e e Be ?BesBe????ut???lul??stest?? s?????s ??'v'?????verve??ha???,\"I,\"I'I???knk?????n ton t?o bo be?????ts ts?????????, ?an???I'????tr??iedied d nd ???s ?frf?????aroar?unu?nd ???e ???orlor??? a???????nd??s bs ?????? th the them the??????????or mor me????? gi g?", "output": " now and no adverse reactions (and I have an extremely sensitive stomach). I plan on trying out all the flavors to figure out which ones I like the best but yeah, I'd highly recommend this product to those on restricted diets and even to those who aren't.\"\n2579,B000EGX2EG,A2PFA0MYVES05I,\"NYA Joe \"\"Regular guy\"\"\",2,2,5,1176249600,The Best of the Best nut cluster snacks I've ever had,\"I'm known to be nuts for nuts, and I've tried nuts from around the world, as friends bring them back for me as gif"} +{"input": "ttst?? V ?ere????????ththeh??????ofof f??hehe he????? o????thethe ???st? n?utut t st ??aca?ksk??????rsr????aya????AlA????d d??rur?ncnchc??. F. ?ror??? th the th???iri?rstrs?t tt ??mem?e Ie I I??????????, ,????????y y ty ?timti??????????? n??w,w, , I, ????m am ?amaamaza?????t ?t tht t???crcru?nc??????s,s, ????lilitli????? t? the? a?lm??ondon??? l???hth?lyl???wew?ete?????d gd glglal?????hi?ch????s vs ?????ununbun?ririt?????li???, ???te?ntn????? to??he??altalth??inein?????? t th the???ingin??ed?iei???ts,ts, , e, ?etcet????s s as ??sisidi??e ne ???te,te????cac???e e oe ofof ???? m ?ucuch????waw??? im i???resre????????y thy thi?s ????dud?uctuc???????nt?? on o?? a a????????????ee??????uyu???ing ing aing ?bob??ut ut??? d ?ififfffef????? k ???ds? o of of of? Mr M?rs.rs??MaM?ay'ay????pro??ducdu??ts,????romro?m tm ?thethe the???eaneanunutut ??nd???casca???w w c?ru?????es es???", "output": "ts. Very near the top of the list of the best nut snacks is Mrs. May's Almond Crunch. From the first time I tasted it, to every time I eat it now, I am amazed at the crunchiness, quality of the almonds, lightly-sweetened glaze which is very unbrittle-like, attention to healthiness in the ingredients, etc. As a side note, because of how much I was impressed by this product, I went on a tasting spree by buying about 12 different kinds of Mrs. May's products, from the peanut and cashew crunches to "} +{"input": "?????vavara?ioiouo???ses??ama?????unu????s,s???tctc.c? P PePererhr??psps s Is ?'m'??bib?asa?sedsed d??o o t?he???ri??ininan?????utu??non??e ??f f t??e ?e ote oth???????vev?????t t st sa?meme me m mam??????I I?wow?????????????he rhe ?esestes?t at as??? s???arsars.s??BuBut? t?? the the a ???on????????? s sh s?ou??d d gd ?etet et??? st?????\"\"??585?0,0??????GXG?????A1A?K5K5V5??????424??4,4?NiN???am??ama?,2,?,2?,5,5,5?111161626262?848???0,0,M0,??s.??MaMaya?s s as alalm???????cruncrunc??,\",?ThThehes?e ?ar?e e fe ?????h, h, c cr c????nchynch?, , n, ?natna?uru??????ndn?????altal???????ckcksk?s ys ??ou ou??ana???res???? a??d ????? i ?? t? the???ar????cru??blb??e ie ???? n?on????at at y yo???urturt ??? o???? s sa s?????????????????me??in?in tin ??? k ???ds ds?lul????. ???????????t a??nd nd?dedele??cicio????.\".\"???????00????????EG,AEG,A3A???A4A4Y4YLYL8L??SMS?2B2??", "output": "the various sesame crunches, etc. Perhaps I'm biased to the original, but none of the others have that same magic. I would rate the rest as 4 stars. But the almond crunch should get 6 stars.\"\n2580,B000EGX2EG,A1K5VQRQGT4244,Ninjamama,2,2,5,1162684800,Mrs. Mays almond crunch,\"These are fresh, crunchy, natural, and healthy snacks you can reseal and keep in the car, crumble into non-fat yogurt or over salads, or pack some in the kids lunch. Convenient and delicious.\"\n2581,B000EGX2EG,A35LA4YL8HSM2B,F"} +{"input": "???d d??rir?????????4,4?,11,1??111????0000,0?BuB???????it???seseee?msm???? b ?? s?li?ppp????,\",\"B\"?asa??d ??? o ?tht??? A ?mam??on????viviei???, ,?? t tr t??ede?d td th??s ???od????? ???he he f ???????hih???ene???waw?????reare??? d ?ele?licli??ouo???? T???ougou?htht t It I'I'd'?d fd fof?ounou??d md mymy ???ew ew h ???altal?thfthfuf?? s???????2n2nd? s?hi??pmepmenentent t wt wat wasas ?a a c ?on??ererner??????????pp?????me??nt.nt. ??????? th t?houho?ghghtgh???????allallilinli?ng ng???????mpmpapananyan??; b; ?ut? i ? d??dndn'n't'?????ev?er??? d? dif di??er???ent ent p ??ck?agageg??s hs ?ada??in??re????????harha???pi?ece???s os ?of of???????sns???t st sut surure?????y ?wew????al??onondon??s. s.???ececaecamame? c??onconceonc???eded ed??????????? t to t??????sos?o Io ???havha?venve??????rderd?ere?d ?an?any any????re.re.\".??????,B,B0,B??0E0EGEGXG?2E2?EG,EG??????0606F6????GMG????????,1,1,1,1,1,51,", "output": "ood Critic,1,1,4,1181174400,But quality seems to be slipping,\"Based on other Amazon reviews, I tried this product. The first shipment was great; delicious. Thought I'd found my new healthful snack. 2nd shipment was a concern and disappointment. Even thought of calling the company; but i didn't. Several different packages had incredibly hard pieces of ?? wasn't sure they were almonds. Became concerned I'd chip a tooth, so I haven't ordered any more.\"\n2582,B000EGX2EG,AVFDH06FF7CGM,Dani,1,1,5"} +{"input": ",???696?????00??DED?????OUO???,\",?DeDele??????s,s, ,??eae??????????? A ????onon n??? c ??????????ana?n in ???yoy?????????hemhe??????????? M ???s s as acactctut?al????bsb??tet?.\".??????,B,??00000?????????25???????QJQ?3W3????????WoWololflf,f,1???????????????00,00,S00,SwS?weeweete????????????????????????ac???????heyhe???e e ae a a???????????????weetwee?????ada????f ????ncn??y ??almal????ds.ds. ?AmAm Am? lo l?okokikiningn???????rdrd d t to t?? tr t??in??g tg ???e oe oto??????arariar??etiet?iesie?s, s,? to??.\"????????B00B0?00E00??X2?EGEG,?AMA??FJF???1N1N7N?7R7R3R????????wnwnwnwa?rd? M???hih????2,2,3,???4,14,??343????60?0,??????e ie ?in in C ChC??na??, b, ?butbu??? s??ili??????????it\"it\",\",\",\"A,\"??teterte???????inging ing s???????f tf ?the???ro??thith?ing??re???????crcricr???iciic?ziz?ing?ing Ming ?????? May Ma?ys ys??????", "output": ",1169424000,DELICIOUS!,\"Delicious, healthy, plus Amazon is cheaper than if you buy them from Mrs. Mays actual website.\"\n2583,B000EGX2EG,A25QA7HNRQJ3W0,C. DeWolf,1,1,4,1168473600,Sweet & nutty,\"Love these snacks! They're a little bit sweet, loads of crunchy almonds. Am looking forward to trying the other varieties, too.\"\n2584,B000EGX2EG,AM1FJAN1N77R3,The Downward Machine,2,3,4,1234137600,\"Made in China, but I still enjoy it\",\"After reading some of the frothing reviews criticizing Mrs. Mays for ma"} +{"input": "n??????uru??ngn???heh??? p prp?????ct ct??????in?a a???????chc??dodoeoesesns?'t'???n n a ???? wa w?y y ay ada???es?s s t?hehe he???ala?????ofof f??????rorodrodu???ct ict ???ele?f ???????ri?????o o???nfnfif?irmirm m???isi?s fs foforo??????????ThThe?he whe wew??????????d pd ???????????ay???oto?thith?inging ing a???utu????thisthi?, ,??o ?I ?????e ?????m am ????emaemaia?????????ing wing ??ere?? t th???????od?uc?t ???????ufufauf?actac??reredre???HeHer?e ???is tis ????re?????se?????fuf??l:l:<:??r ??????????-----?---?--?----?--?????????-------------??---------???--??????????????---------?--??????????---????????/>??

Thank you for your purchase and inquiry. We understand your concerns because
food item are very personal. If you can sp"} +{"input": "e??r r???fef?????????? t tot? r ?ea???ded?tat??????????????????r ???ala???? a?????ana?cec?, ,???????ldl?d bd ?????prp???iaiata?ede?????r /?><>?O/>OuOur??????torto???ini? C ChC????????????P P?(H(???ar???AnAnanal????is is??ndnd ???????al????nt???????????
?????pecpe??????at?? ou???fa?ctctoct?????

??ea?ses??re????r tr ?to to t th thehe he??ol????winwi?? s ???testes s is ?? y ??ou ou l ??kek??toto ?????n n mn ???? a ab a?boubo?? t th?e />h/>????", "output": "ear a few moments to read details
about our quality assurance, it would be appreciated.

Our factory in China is HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
by US agency & BRC certified UK agency. HACCP, BRC & Kosher inspect our
factory twice a year and each organization also performs random unannounced
inspection at our factory.

Please refer to the following sites if you like to learn more about the
HACCP and BRC certificate.

http:"} +{"input": "?///??????dfdfafahahah????????? /???? /???? a ???????on,on????? o ?? o??????????ede??prpror?????? a ar arer? t ???stest???????mem??.<.
???????ele??a a? te tes te???ingin????
?????robro???lo?????? t? tes?????
??ur ur?????renre??? cu c??stost?????s ls liliki???????????BJB?'s'????olo????aleal???and??????e ?FoFooo??s ???rkr????
?havha??e ve ??ryry y????????????ardar?ds ds? on on ???hatha??tht??y ????????nd????ellel???to to i it????eme?????? ???????canca?n rn ???st st?????ureure ?th????al???of??????pr???????????e se ?????????on?", "output": "//www.idfahaccp.org/


In addition, all of our finished products are tested 3 times.

These tests are:
Salmonella testing
Aflotoxin testing, and
Microbiological testing

Our current customers like Costco, BJ's Wholesale and Whole Foods market
have very high standards on what they carry and sell to its members. You
can rest assure that all of our products are safe to cons"} +{"input": "??mem?? W WeWe e?ala????dod?????????????????nyny y???lal?mim?nene ?inin in???????odo???????ur? p ?propr?oduoducuctuc?s s??rer???\"d\"dad?iriryr?y fy frfrereere?????OurOu?r pr prr pro?du???s???re re a???o ????tetedted d???andan????y y by byb??FDF?A A???d ??alwal?aya?s ???????????????pep?ct??ono??? /?/>?C>Ca???????s -s - ? V ViV????namnam m / / /??????l l??NoN?? g ??ow????????)<)B
?????berbe???riesrie????- O- OrO??regoreg??on /on ?????adadaad??ar /????megmegr?????te te?????OreOr", "output": "ume. We also do not
have any Melamine in our product. Our products are \"\"dairy free\"\" Our products
are also tested randomly by FDA and always passed the inspection.

The following is additional information:

Here are the origins of the ingredients that we use:

Almonds - California
Walnuts - California
Cashews - Vietnam / Brazil (Not grown in US)
Cranberries - Oregon / Canada
Blueberries - Oregon / Canada
Pomegranate - Ore"} +{"input": "?gogono????CaC?nan???N>?ata???ala? F ??ava???? - ?????alial?foforornor?????br br /?????amamem??Se??????? C ????? ( ??oto???rorowo?n ??in in U ??)<)R>??cece e Me ?al?t ? -??????????
??CanCa???JuJ?iciceic?e e ?? - ????????/>S/>Se?a a S???alt alt??- ? C??in??ar /??c
?conco????nsns.s??WeW???opo??????e hae h????as?sisisi????????? co cor co????ctlctlyl??????????
??? M ?MayMa???<

I />??vev??re???????er???????wsw??crc?it?iciciic???ingin", "output": "gon / Canada
Natural Flavors - California
Sesame Seeds - China (Not grown in US)
Rice Malt - China
Cane Juice - US
Sea Salt - China

Please feel free to contact us with any further questions, comments and
concerns. We hope we have assisted you correctly.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Mrs Mays


I've read other reviews criticizing"} +{"input": "? o ???r r??weweae??shs???s,s? C ??mmm????????????cac???ono??fofooooto?????t.t? T ????ririeri???? a ????ese?????es?e:e????herhe????asa????ene???o ???????cec?????t t M ??????????????? i ?ts? w ??????rs rs i?n ???ea?????ps?????spspip?iteit?e te ??????mmmmumm??is?????'m'm m??uru?re ?th????????vidvidud??l l c ci cititiitizi???s ?????d td ????e ???bsb?s vs ?al????lel????????shishipi???????ducdu?????101????????ca????????er er????undund-d-m-?ili?le le?????rur????? m mem??nininni??? a a????00 00 m mi m??es???y ?shshishipship p??s ?asas as b??ad ad????5050050?? mi?????s bys b???ru?ck??/>I/>??rereare??ly? l ?????? the? s???ck?? an a???????gig?iveiv?e ie ??? fi fivive? s?tat??s,?????t It I'??m sm ????tratrac?titin???on???ststa???: I: ?I tI ththith???????is??????ptpti??? t? tha th?at at??? w?as??sos????rdr??d tod t?o fo fi", "output": " over sweatshops, Communism, and carbon footprint. To briefly address these: There has been no evidence that Mrs. Mays keeps its workers in sweatshops; despite the Communism, I'm sure the individual citizens find these jobs valuable; and ships produce 1/10th the carbon per pound-mile of trucks, meaning a 5000 miles by ship is as bad as 500 miles by truck.

I really like the snack and I'd give it five stars, but I'm subtracting one star: I think it is deceptive that it was so hard to fi"} +{"input": "?ndnd d???? t ????snsnan?ckc????? m mam????ini? C ?hihin?a.a???????'t't ?hah???e ae ??prp???lel????iti?th th t th t???????ck'ck's'????igi???????? M ?rsrs.s?. M. ?aya??????oulou?d d bd beb??mom?oreore ????th?ri????t wt ????? th??iri? c ?usu?tot??ere?? a ?nd?????t tt ththethem? m??kek???thethe the???cic???on??????????????GrG?????d,d??momosmo????f f u ????me???cacan?s ?????pr?imi?????????ipi?????ut aut ?t t tt tht t??he lhe ???????????re re o of?? th? the the W ????, ?bu??t t???? s?ho?ululd?????ou?r r cr ????cec?????? mak make????r r /r ????????OhO??, a, ??d ?????sn??ackac?k ik ????????????is is????iteit????astas???????lilinlingn??, a, an, a?nd nd hnd he???th???????wilwill? c????ininuinueu???? p?uru???????????????5,5?B0B000?00E00?GXGX2X????A3A3I3???????????????ee????????s,s?????1,1?,13,1333?????0000000????de? i ?in in? Ch C?hinhi?na?na?!?", "output": "nd out the snack was made in China. I don't have a problem with the snack's origin, but Mrs. Mays should be more forthright with their customers and let them make the decision themselves. Granted, most of us Americans are primed to flip out at the latest Scare of the Week, but that should be our choice to make.

Oh, and the snack itself? It is quite tasty, filling, and healthy. I will continue to purchase it.\"\n2585,B000EGX2EG,A3IY316DRNF5F2,Green Onions,0,0,1,1336608000,Made in China?!"} +{"input": "?,M,MrMrsr?? M MaMayay'y?? s ???ululdl??????rmr????????cucusu?????rs? w ?he????exe?aca??lyly y t??heihe????????????arare??????e ae ??d ?????e a??????nd.nd?. I. I I??????????????????????or????? h ????????ducdu?????ntntit?????rtr????????????no???atattt?er??hohowho????????th?????arear?. ????????ar??m am anandan???????tyty-y?coc?ontontrt?rolro??isi??s a s a? co c???cepce???????un?de??rstrs?tooto????n n????inaina.a?. T. ?????ly???rir??hth?tenteninining??????t tt ????'r'????ete????ing ?awa??ay ay w??ithit?????????????????????VNV?W2W??KSK?OLO??ONON,N,\",?RuRutu???????arearenarenzn?a a???rur??????\",\"??,0????????32???????re?atat at??nan????,\"M,\"MyM????????and and???????ababebetbe??s ?????? has has ?toto to??at?chc? w wh?????he he e ea e??????..t..?thith??? is i???s a gs a gr?????an???????ththyth?y t???reatrea??foforfo?????", "output": ",Mrs. May's should inform their customers where exactly their products are made and take a stand. I won't be buying any more of her products until further notice no matter how yummy they are. Do-no-harm and quality-control is a concept not understood in China. Totally frightening what they're getting away with.\n2586,B000EGX2EG,A3VNW24KSOLGON,\"Ruth Chiarenza \"\"rufus\"\"\",0,0,5,1326326400,great snack,\"My husband has diabetes and has to watch what he eats....this is a great and healthy treat for him!"} +{"input": "???? c ??????'t't t????? i ???ata?????ala???tot???s,s, ,?ana?nd nd?wawasa???apappp?? t ??? se s?e e? it i?t a?vav????????ono? A ????onon!on?\"\"????7,7????00E00EGEGXG?????A2A?1U1?8A8??6C6??5Y5??U,U??MiMikikek?e Je ?alalkalkuk??t \"t ?\"M???e\"e???,0,0,0?,0,,0?5,5???808030??68680?????????ysy?s As ?????momou????ThThehere??????hth?t tt ??????a a??recre??vev??y ?????raramam.m????ut ut t??????odo????????s ?ththa???t a t a?Mr???. M. MaMayMa??????icictctitioi????????al?????. I. ?????reare?????havha?? a? s???ckck k o???????????n tn ththeth?e ge ???ragra????? I I I?????? r?unu??ou?t.t. ????d hd ?????I ???? st??ockoc?pip??in??????re re (re ??in in? ca cas???e ofe of ???clc????? ho holo?loclo???st??.<.?brb??/>/><>/>A/>?lmlmo????s h???ve ??alwal?waywa???be?????y ???afa?f f of ???lil??e ?---- - r?????ro???????, d, ?ryr????roasroa??eded,ed???blabl?ancan?hehedhe?? f??lavla?", "output": " I couldn't find it at local stores, and was happy to see it available on Amazon!\"\n2587,B000EGX2EG,A21U8A36CM5YOU,\"Mike Jalkut \"\"Mike\"\"\",0,0,5,1180396800,Mrs Mays Anonymous,\"There ought to be a recovery program. But the good side is that a Mrs. Mays addiction is healthy. I already have a stack of boxes in the garage so I won't run out. And here I am stockpiling more (in case of nuclear holocaust).

Almonds have always been my staff of life -- raw, roasted, dry roasted, blanched, flavo"} +{"input": "???d,d??anandn???f f?coc????e e??rs????ysy??????arare????hahava?e ???dad?ay ay w ?????outou??th???. ?I ????????ed?? th theh?? t?o o?? the th?????????. A. ?????d d gd ????????????th??????rere re t th? the the?????th?ieiese??????? t????bibirbird???????nun?tsts s? fo foror r?????. M. ???????r ??><>?
These are, dare I say, miracle nuts. One taste and I was hooked. How she can pack all that goodness into such a tasty snack with such healthy ingredients is a miracle. If you're tired of tastless, bland, gotta-eat-it-because-its-healthy snacks from the nutrition store, try these for a pleasant awakening.
"} +{"input": "???? / ?>M>??????????,B,????EGE???EG????EGEGFEG????F2F???DDD???? B ?erernr????,0,?????????898??808??0,??ovovev??MrM??. ?MaM?y'y's's s?????ucu??s,s??????arear??tyt???cacalal l???er?????s ?whw?o o?knk?owo????e se ??houho?ldl? e eae???bebete??erer,er? b???t ot ??????????t ??????????\"h\"heh??ltl??\"\"?????od od i isis s us ?????lyly y????ene?nsins??ve ve??andand ?????klk?ly ly? do d??sns???t tt ??????th??? g ????. ??ThT?at??is? w???y wy ??? ar arer???o ?????????? to t?o ho ???ve ??foufo??????s.s. s.? Ma M??'s???ro???ctctsct??? T??????are????????ryr??????th?y ???? q ??itite?te tte ????y,y?, a, an???oro??????g g???hemhe????romrom ???azazoz?on on k ke k?epe?s ???e ?????? do???. ?. M. ?????on'on?'s ?a a g?olo????er, er,???nd nd Ind ???????????s ls ?????????or???orortor?tabta????, h, ??????? s ??aca??s ?foforfo?r hr ??m ?toto o t?", "output": "
Mike\"\n2588,B000EGX2EG,A3EGF0I0F2ZTDD,M. Bernard,0,0,5,1178928000,Love Mrs. May's Products,\"We are typical Americans who know we should eat better, but often don't because \"\"health\"\" food is usually expensive and frankly doesn't taste that good. That is why we are so thankful to have found Mrs. May's products!! They are all very healthy and quite tasty, and ordering them from Amazon keeps the cost down. My son's a golfer, and I am always looking for portable, healthy snacks for him to tu"} +{"input": "????ini??hih???gog?lfl??bab?g.g????????MaMayay'y's'?s ps ???dud????s fs ??t t??heh? b?????????lyl???2?5858989,9,B,B0B??00E00?GXG??EG?,A,????0Y0???EXEX9X????,\",???nsn???nene ???????s \"s \"\"\"??????ininein??StyStyl???????0,0,0?????171747444434???00??,\"D,\"DeDelelieliciciic??usu?????????ivi?????d d??????thyth? t??o!o?????y ?????????andand ?? l lol??ve ve??lmlmom????CrCrurun?chc???th?eye?????juj?ustus??sws????t et ene????h,???verve????ru????y,y, ???and and???pep??fef????sns?acack??.\".\"?252?????????GX???G,G?,A8,A????????????,K,??th?????0,??????????80??0,D0,??lilicici???s ?he?al??thythy thy s?nanacnackck,ck??I hI hah??ve ve tve trt??ede?d td th??? Al Alm??????????h h a an a????? d ?elelieliceli?io?us?? an and an?d hd heheahealhea????y sy ????k k bk beb?????? th thahanha??ch??psps ??ry??????????ll ll?????ee2?25925??,B??000000E0?????EG,?ATAT6T6D6DCD????6868168????", "output": "ck in his golf bag. Mrs. May's products fit the bill nicely.\"\n2589,B000EGX2EG,A2680Y1KEX9TAE,\"Sunshine Styles \"\"SunshineStyles\"\"\",0,0,5,1174435200,\"Delicious, addictive and healthy too!\",\"My family and I love Almond Crunch, they're just sweet enough, very crunchy, and a perfect snack.\"\n2590,B000EGX2EG,A8BIS0F756JVL,Kathy,0,0,5,1172620800,Delicious healthy snack,I have tryed the Almond Crunch and is delicious and healthy snack better than chips Try it you'll agree\n2591,B000EGX2EG,AT6DCRS3681Y8,\""} +{"input": "????inin n?????????y y?\"\"\"\"p\"pap???er er n nun????????,0,,0,5,??????282888?000?????heyhey'y'r'?e e??o o?GoG?odod d?Th????EvE???????????ThiTh???prp?????? i ?? e ??cecelcelll?ene?????????ala???o ao ???utut ut????ackac? t ththath?at at???y wy ????e, e, w ?hoho ?hah??s cs ???????????????e, ae, ?ndn?d id ??????????c c?????????t at ??d ?glg?ueu??ono???anan an e????y.y?????howho?????er cer ??n ??eat? a ??yty??????????????is iis is???theth?e te ??astas?iei???????nd mnd ??stst st?unu??quque? n???t st sn???????ve???ve??????iedied.d????????ViV???in??? W???eatheat????y y y 5 ???????uzu?????????. M. MaMac??????MiM???8080480???2252?929??????EGE?X2X????A2A?JYJ?????????1Q1??DEDEME??7,7??1,1,1?,1,12,1??454????????ThiThisThi??pr????ct????????e ?in??ChC?hinhi?na,na,\"??????d ?to? l ?iki????hi???s prs p?????t t ut un?????I ????rnr?nedne?", "output": "Elvin Weatherly \"\"pacer nut\"\"\",0,0,5,1170288000,They're So Good They Evaporate,\"This product is excellent. It's also a nut snack that my wife, who has celiac disease, and is allergic to wheat and glueton can enjoy. I however can eat anything and this is the tastiest and most unique nut snack I've ever tried. Al & Virginia Weatherly 53996 Luzerne Dr. Macomb, Mi 48042\"\n2592,B000EGX2EG,A2JYR8P3XQ9X1Q,DEM,7,11,1,1224547200,This product is made in China,\"I used to like this product until I learned "} +{"input": "???atat t??t t it ?????dede e? in i? C ?hihininan?!
How many more horror stories do we need to hear about such atrocities as lead in baby toys made in China, contaminated baby formula made in China, contaminated tooth paste made in China, and poisoned pet food before we learn that -- if it comes from China-- it should not go in your mouth, your baby's mouth, or your pet's mouth??!!!\"\n2593,B000EGX2EG,A2PN1NXY5EKW02,\"S. Liu \"\"malttese\"\"\",0,1,5,1201392000,Love the nut!!,This is by far the most delicious snack you"} +{"input": "???ouo?ldl? e ?vevere??????????ThT?? a ????ndndsd? a??e e se ?upu?erer er f ?re???? an a??? cr c??ncnchc??? an?d ?ththe????ghg????????ngng g o ?? s ?yry?rupru? i isi???????????wew??????????hoh????????lyly ?lolovove?s ??????252??4,4?B0B??00E00EGEGXG??????????GPG???Y2Y?GWGW,W?J.J?????k,k???1,1?????818171?797?2020000,00???reare?? A ??lmolm?ondon?????ncnchnc?!!?,M,?My My??ususbsbab???nd and an????otothot?h lh ?lovloveve ve a???lmonlmo????. I. I'I??ve ?????? sh sha??redred ????????aca?k k w ??????co-co??oro?rkerkererser??an?and and? ev eve?ryr???????is ris ?av????g ag ??bouboutu????he he ghe gogoo?d ??????e oe ????thith???sns??ckck.ck. ????m m?????ing?? a a f?????bagba?s s os ?? o?????exe??t bt ba??ckpck?????ng? t??ipi??????5,5,B5,B0???????????2V2??????FHF?7A7??????am,am?????,1,,1,1,1,?303???959525?200200,?Gr??atat at tat ????te te????ut??????ststlstlyly ly w wh w?hatha?t gt gogoego?s ?s ins i??idi??", "output": " could ever have!! The almonds are super fresh and crunchy and the light coating of syrup is not too sweet. My whole family loves it!!\n2594,B000EGX2EG,A2T0LGPLQY2GW,J. Burk,0,1,5,1181779200,Great Almond Crunch!!,My husband and both love almonds. I've even shared this snack with co-workers and everyone is raving about the good taste of this snack. I'm taking a few bags on our next backpacking trip.\n2595,B000EGX2EG,A2V0I904FH7ABY,Ram,1,3,1,1306195200,Great taste - but honestly what goes inside "} +{"input": "????rereaeada???????..,..,I,??usu?ede?d td ?? b ??? t ??esesese se a ?s s?????th???snsnanaca???????mymy ???fif??e e???fef????iai? a an andn???ononsonsisidi?er??????et???r r t th t????????g g??????tatat???chchihipi??????????se tse ?tasta????vev???y cy crc?unu?ch?y y ay an??????tyty.y??????????r /??????n ??theth??kikinind?? of???????hichi????fof????st?????? w ??e re ????? ab a???t ?ChChi??na na - ???e ????ed ed?????seese???????e kie kin??d od ????????an?ce? a? and and d fd ???tsts ??on on????????ce??ssesses????atat at t?????ananuanufufa??tut??er??isi??????owo??inging ???? ma???e te ?thethesthe???? Y ??????ustus?t ct ??nnn???? im i????t ????? s ????f ??and?? se sele????n ?n thn t??????????????metme?????????oo?d ?- ???therthere? n ??neednee?s ?to??bebe be?????????ackiack?ing? t?????.???? / /> /???? e ??ama?mplmp???????ChiChininein?", "output": "? read on ...,I used to buy these as healthy snacks at my office cafeteria and consider it better than a bag of potato chips. These taste very crunchy and tasty.

Given the kind of unethical food stories we read about China - we need to see some kind of assurance and facts on the processes that the manufacturer is following to make these. You just cannot import food stuff and sell in the US as gourmet snack food - there needs to be data backing this.

Few example of Chines"} +{"input": "?e e??ooo?d d?(y(yuyukuk k . ??..)..):)??????????r /r ?/>(/>(1(1)1???elelal?????????d d od ????la??????inin in???????oooodoo??anandn?d md ????k (k ??? w ???e e se ?????d ??hah?????% %???????k ?in????in?a a?cocono??aia???d ??hi?????laslasts??c c?in?in 2in ???8)8????????brbr br? />?????HoHon?eyey ??????amiam???teted????thth th c ci c??propr????xax???in ????ti?bibioi????) ?- -??ece???ses???of ?whw????? it i?t wt ????babanba?nenedned d id ?in in tin ??e ????????????

??ed??????????? f fa f?????an???quq?alalilit????on???rolro??s fs ?frofr?????the the?????faf????ureurere??????at at? th t???????inesine?se se??", "output": "e food (yuk ...):

(1) Melamine(kind of platic) in baby food and milk (so wide spread that 80% of milk in China contained this plastic in 2008)

(2) Honey contaminated with ciprofloxacin (antibiotic) - because of which it was banned in the US

(3) Soy Sauce made from Human hair (not joking google it if you want)

(4) Spurious drugs exported to African countries.

Need some good facts and quality controls from the Manufacturers that the chinese pr"} +{"input": "?odo?ucu???s s??????????yiy??g g w ?iti?????omeom??gogooo????uau????????????lsl?..?252???????????2E2EGEG,EG??393?YXY?1I1????4Z4?????y,y??,2,?,5,5,5,1,??494???12??00,00,q,??????ity,ity?????e ne ?ege???ivi??e re ??viviei?wsws ?ofo???rs???aya??s ps ??????tst??????????aua????itit it?isi??mam?????? C ??ininaina a??????oto??re?al?ly???????, , c?ana??notno???????onon on o ot????? co????anianie????popooooroo?r qr ????litlityt???concontntrntro????ndn???????y ty tot???veverve????????anyany ?????????couco?????? ??TheTh?ereer??ar??e me ma????ba?d d qd ?????ity??????s ?th??? a???e m???e e i?????????A A????at'at's'?????? fo f???yoy????????th?, , s, ?so so j jujusjust?? be b?ecaecauausau??? it it't?? l ?????eded d md ?madma??? in i????A ??oeoese????t mt memeaean? i it it it????????od qod qu??quali?ty?. .? A ?s s ls lol??g ?asas as??? co? comp com???ny ny??aka?es????", "output": "oducers are complying with some good quality controls.\n2596,B000EGX2EG,A39YX1IIUQ4Z48,ky,0,2,5,1249171200,quality,\"The negative reviews of Mrs Mays products just because it is made in China are not really valid, cannot base on other companies' poor quality control and apply to every company in the country! There are many bad quality foods that are made in the USA that's bad for your health, so just because it's labeled made in USA doesn't mean it is good quality. As long as a company takes pri"} +{"input": "??? i ???????r r????lilitityt??coc?ntn???? a ?????????rer???d fd ???r pr ?rorofro?????onlon??y dy dedesde??rvr??s s g??odo????titin?gsgs ???d ?????????eses.es.\".????9797,7??0000000E00EGE???EG?????5L5LVLVVV??7W7?XEXEHE??,\",???FFF?RER?Y Y S ?MIM?THT???\"J\"Je\"J???? Sm S?it??\"\"???0,0,3,????????868646??00000????s.s???aya?'s'?s As ??????s ?mam?????y ?y day day??!,!???isis ????? g gr g???at at p ?propr?????????e ?????? i????????e ?bebeae??h h? th t?he he????rstrs??titimti?????and and??ovo??????. ????e ??asa?he??? cr c???chch ch??as?????? as as ?gog?oodood.d?????/>/??We We?bob?ugu????t a t a????e e oe ofo???the??????ond??????is wis ???????JuJusu??t gt gr??eatea????59?8,8?????????Y2Y?,A??F5F?7V7??8L8L7L7S7?HOHOJO?,D,DeD??bib????,0???????838????????acaceaceye?????????l ???razrazyz?y by bub???????s ps ???dud???t. t.??TheTheyThe?y d????nonot? t???????", "output": "de in their quality control and not greed for profit only deserves good ratings and fair sales.\"\n2597,B000EGX2EG,A2I5LVVQ7WXEH6,\"JEFFREY SMITH \"\"Jeff Smith\"\"\",0,3,5,1242864000,Mrs. May's Almonds make my days!,This is a great product. We tried it at the beach the first time and loved it. The cashew crunch was not as good.
We bought a case of the almond this week. Just great!\n2598,B00504SMY2,A2F57VV8L7SHOJ,Debbie,0,0,3,1348358400,lacey,not real crazy but this product. They did not taste go"} +{"input": "?odod d???? l ??oko?????eaeala?????e e????tht??e le ?iti???e e be ????ieiese? I I I m ?ada????oro????he he???byby y??hohowo?ere??tat???lesles.s??252??9,9??000???QVQ??UQU???1W1??0K0??BSBSQS????W,W,\",?C.C???mimit????\"c\"cac????ynyn\"n?\"\"\"\"\"?,3,??,3,,3????323292????202?00,00??es????lal??????,\"I,\"I I aI amam m????lo????wiw?ith? t th thi th?s ??ea?????ververyr?y oy ??theth?? a ????? c??innin?????n tn ?teate? I?'v'?? t????????????ene??????? cin cinnnna??onon-on???. T. ????? is is s t??he ??er??????blble???. . I. ???????testes s ls ????? ap a??le??cic??derde????????????l ?th??? su sugu?????whw?hichi?h ???lo??e.e??? r ?recrecoc??mem??d ???is???????o o??nyn??oneone ???ho ho??anantn???????????l ??ver???on???????pl??e ce ???????????00,?B0?02??TQTQBQ??????????AIA????CA?0,0?????????????969696929??800800,???erf??????????wi?withwith ?a ?", "output": "od but looked real cute in the little booties I made for the baby shower tables.\n2599,B002HQVIUQ,A1W80KEBSQCZ9W,\"C. Smith \"\"caitlyn\"\"\",3,3,5,1329091200,Best flavor!,\"I am in love with this tea. Every other apple cinnamon tea I've tried has been too cinnamon-y. This is the perfect blend. It tastes like apple cider without all the sugar, which I love. I recommend this tea to anyone who wants a low-cal version of apple cider.\"\n2600,B002HTQBIC,A1V93CAIRLOCA0,LC,0,0,5,1289692800,Perfect gift with a t"} +{"input": "?ouo?chc??ofo? t tht?e e?????thwth???t,t?????s s??is is??hehe he????fef??t t?gigifi????iti?th th?? s ?ouout??we???????????r.r? ??TheThe e je jejelelll??'s'?s ws we???e oe ?of of??ececeecene?t ?????? t th???sps??reare??derder r? is i?????????quq????ityit?????eceece ece w wi???th ath a ??mamal?????lasla?s ?ch?????????perpe????????ede????r ???????r />r /???tete ???ttttltt????agag g??? gr g?reareatreat t gt ???? f??r ?th??e pe ?pripriciceic??\"\"???0101,1?B0B???M0M??W8W?????CACA0A0Y0?QGQ??RRR???,S,ShS?aua??n Hn ?.,.???1,??????121?515?12012?00,00???????????,I? t th????hth??t itt it t wt wat w??s os ??ay??bub???????????banba???????Q Q???aucauce?? fr f?omom m???ellel?.I.? w?ououlouldld d????ba???y ????????t i?t it t it???????AlA?so? i?t t w????????? wor wo?th????????ne??????thothou??ht?? it it it?????????d od ????a ra rir???offof???it it????????? fo for fo?r br ?barba?rbqrb???e s???auceauc?", "output": "ouch of the Southwest,\"This is the perfect gift with a southwestern flair. The jelly's were of decent size, the spreader is a nice quality piece with a small glass chili pepper attached.

Cute little bag - great gift for the price!\"\n2601,B000M0RW86,ALCA0YQGIRREK,Shaun H.,1,1,3,1331251200,It is okay,I thought it was okay but not Harbanero BBQ sauce from Hell.I would probally not get it again.Also it was not worth the money I thought it was kind of a ripoff it was 10$ for barbque sauce "} +{"input": "????????ldld d h hah????mamada??e ae ?????mem?..?262????B0B????ZKZ??1W1?,A,????LLL?YCY?YVY???YWYW,??DaD?aviavidi??B.B. .??????s s??????ogogrg??????????,1,,1????????848???00,00???????s s bs ??sts??????? a ???????s os ???ananian?c,c??????????lol?????sta????? b ?beebe???????e a?t ?????Mo??asastaste????did??????tebte??bellbel?????n In ???lolo ??delde? P ?iai?????????? s ????e e 1e 13???. . I. ?????? I??talta?????fo??d ?????ha?ve?????ververere ??digdigeg???????an????allal?????????????msm?????and and??theth??r r?????a ?isi?s fs frfrir???dld?? t??o mo ???, a?????t ??????es es??ete????????????y ?otothot?????????? I I h ha hav ha?ve ve eve ???enen,en, ?, an, and, an??ththathat??'s 's? a a?????, i, ?? i??s o??e ??f f m?y y fy faf???????e fe fofoofoodfoo??.\".\"\"226260??,B,B0,B?00100??????W,W,AW,A3A??AKA???????VCV???,In,I?gr??id,id?,1,????", "output": "you could have made at home.\n2602,B001IZKD1W,A1KPLLYCYV6XYW,\"David B. Brooks \"\"fotografx\"\"\",1,1,5,1313884800,Italy's best pasta and its organic,\"Montebello pasta has been made at the Monastero di Montebello in Isolo del Piana, Italy since 1388. I love Italian food but have severe digestive and allergic problems, and their pasta is friendly to me, and it tastes better than any other pasta I have eaten, and that's a lot, it is one of my favorite foods.\"\n2603,B001IZKD1W,A33AK4ELO9EVCD,Ingrid,1,1,5,"} +{"input": "1?252555???040404???NoN????aba??ele?y y???sts?eye?!,!???????????sus??lllly???????????????ta ta??? b ?? p?as?astaasta a? to???????st??????t't?s s?????allallyly ly aly ??????e e se ???e e te ?o o mo ???????WEWEVE?????. ?whw?henhe?? I I??ririei?? t? thi th?????ana????f f????sta?? I I I n I ??otiot?iceiced? t?????itit ???????tasta????be?ttt??r.r???I ???n'n?t ???esces?ri?be??hohowo??exe??????, , b, ??t t it it??????. ????? tho th???hth??mam?yby?be ?itit it wit ?as??mym?y iy imi???ini?????? ( (m(ma?????knk????ingin?? it i??s ?ororgr?ananianic????s ?????ueu?ncn???ing ing m??????????t)t? b?????? s ??????r cr ?????mentmen?tedte??d ond on ?it?it w???? I I ??er???ed ed ied ?it it fit ??or or h he h?er er??oneon?e de ??ay.ay????he???????ted ted??? to k to ??ow????herherer?e Ie ?I gI ????? it it??? it????????ted sted ??o go ?googo????. H. HmH??????. So. So o wo ?????? us?????y ????????isnis?", "output": "1255910400,Noticablely tastey!,\"So... I usually consider pasta to be pasta to be pasta. It's usually all the same to me. HOWEVER... when I tried this brand of pasta, I noticed that it does taste better. I can't describe how exactly, but it does. I thought maybe it was my imagination (maybe knowing it's organic was influencing my judgment) but my sister commented on it when I served it for her one day. She wanted to know where I got it - it tasted so good. Hmmm. So while usually there isn'"} +{"input": "????ucu?? o ???? t tat??tet? d ????ere??????whwheh?? i ????????? to to o????dldlel??? an a?d d??????????? t?????????? t????e ?is???????s ???btb?le????utut t it ????? th??re?. ?????n n w ?e ?mom??eded ?frf?????ala????ornor??a a Ia ????iscis?covco?ververe????he???? did di???t ??elellll l? it i??????thethe ??stostor????he?re?????NYNY.Y. ?. S. ?o o Io ?I wI ??? e elelael?tetedte??whwhewh?en ??I fI ?foufo??????????????????????. . E. ElE????ed ed?????????imimpm??????astastaasta?a? ? ???es,es??????????owo??gog???d id ?? i??s is ?n ?n con c?ompom??ririsrisos??! !???????mm mm?Mm??mmm?????????B0B?010???KDKD1D1W1????????V9V????TST?,f,?????is??????,5,5,5,1,???747494???00??WoW????ExE?ce???en??????es?????st??e pe ????a.a. ?????s ?ve???????????liliglighghth????????s ts ??????????n tyn t??ici?calca?????? p????ucuceuc?", "output": "t much of a taste difference when it comes to noodles and pasta, for this brand there is. It's subtle, but it's there. When we moved from California I discovered they didn't sell it in the stores here in NY. So I was elated when I found Amazon carries it. Elated over a simple pasta? Yes, that's how good it is in comparison! Mmmmmm Mmmmm!\"\n2604,B001IZKD1W,AF5AJ5V9T6LTS,fidelisM,0,0,5,1347494400,Wow. Excellent.,\"Best taste pasta. Cooks very well, slightly less time than typical mass produced"} +{"input": "??papasasts??. .?NiN??e e????oro???ndn???????fef???. . J. JuJ?st????cecelce?lel??t.t??????????????KDKD1D1W1W,W?A2A??TBT????OGO?PCP?????????a a??????e,e?????5,??333373????????TaTas?tet?? j ??ustus???iki?e ??t t wt ??????meme ??????,I,I I?????????? s ??????ede???oror or? a a?grg??eatea?t lt li?ng?uiuininen??an?d ?sps???????? an a?? t ?thithisi???is is?itit!it? J ?JusJustst st mst ????? li l?ingin??????wiwit?h h????m m??auaucu???? and and ?eaeacea?ch ch t?imime???y y????ba???????marma?ksk?s hs ho??? te t???ififif?? i???is??. . ?????y ?in????ckckak??????? 5 5 5???r ?bobototh?? sp spa?pagepag???????? l??????ineine e a?nd?nd wnd ???ll ll???or???????henhe?????????o o?????ing ing o ?outout.??262?????00???SQSQ5Q????????060???3P3????4,4,J,?ohohnhn,n????????13413484????????GoG??d,d????od od p????uc???ju??st ?a a la ???ttlttle?????lo???onon ?", "output": " pasta. Nice color and mouthfeel. Just excellent.\"\n2605,B001IZKD1W,A26TB5U1OGPC7,Barbara George,0,0,5,1337299200,Tastes just like it was home made.,I have long searched for a great linguine and spagetti and this is it! Just made linguine with clam sauce and each time my husband remarks how terrific it is. I buy in packages of 5 for both spagetti and linguine and will reorder when close to being out.\n2606,B005BSQ56O,A2G306PM3P5P54,John,0,0,4,1348617600,Good,Good product just a little mellow on t"} +{"input": "????pup?mpm??inin n p?iei???????? t ???mem????????tlt??e se sus?gag?????n tn ??p p?????????ouo? b??ewe??????s s?it? a ???????? t?????????vevere???????odod d c ?ofo???????????000010??D8D8M8MOMOWO?????0L0????0G0GZG?GPGP,P,W,W.W. ??eye??ersers,s?????????434??????0,0?\"W\"WhW??t t???n n yn ???????, , t??????chc?ici?le?????ThT???????e ?ha?rdr?d td to? f ????d td thd t????????s.s. . . ?PrP?????t ?ar???ve?d d pd ??erfer?fecfect? a an a??????e ge gug?? w waw????????????d t???????. W. ??e ke kek???t tt ?he?? bo b?????or or?????t ?1 1 y ye??? a?????????as?ast ast??acack?????????asas as???oodood ??s ??thethe e f???sts????60?8,8?,B0,B00??15D15???????????EUEU1U?????????tet???al??GrGre??????s,????????3232532??????00,00???????etsets-s??FoF????????orior?????and? a a a t? tas ta???e oe ???? the????????????sh sh", "output": "he pumpkin pie flavor to me. A little sugar on top before you brew picks it a enough though. Overall good coffee\n2607,B0015D8MOW,AS20LJ930GZGP,W. Meyers,5,5,5,1243123200,\"What can you say, there chiclets\",These are hard to find these days. Product arrived perfect and the gum was fresh and tasty. We kept the box for about 1 year and the last pack tasted as good as the first.\n2608,B0015D8MOW,A2IC9EU1I4X3W0,Eternal Greetings,0,0,5,1325808000,Chiclets--Fond memories and a taste of the past--fresh "} +{"input": "aasas s??ewew!w?,\",\"G\"??m m?mam??e e????hoh??t t?sus??ara?? su s??sts?itituit???s ???n'n???eaeas?ililyl? o ?btb????nedne???theth?esees????ysy??????? w????hahapappp???tot??fifinindin?d Cd ChC?ici?????s ts ?thrth???ghgh h A ?mamazma??? P ?????. .?????ar?????bstbsti??utute???prp?esese?ntn?t pt ?propr?oblob??????????ere???????enensnsisititiit???e te ?to to??heh???, s, so? i ?it'it???gogooo??d td ?????ve?? th????ptpti??on on??f f?gug????????e the t??????-f-?as??????????ay.ay??????the??r sr ?souso???????r r tr ???is is??ndnd ??othothe????gumgu??frf???m ym ???tet??yeyeaye?ar ??is is Vis VeVer?momon??t Ct CoC???ntrnt?????torto????????????owo????r ??????????s t??he ????me me???x x? of? C Ch????letle???fo????141????????o co cl??earea??? A??mazmazomazonon ???????etettet?????deade???. . A Am?aza?zonzo????????(f(??eee??shshi?ppppipp?inging)g) )? ma??eses es??????mum?????et???????", "output": "as new!,\"Gum made without sugar substitutes isn't easily obtained these days, so I was happy to find Chiclets through Amazon Prime. Sugar substitutes present problems for persons sensitive to them, so it's good to have the option of gum made the old-fashioned way. Another source for this and other gum from yesteryear is Vermont Country Store online; however VCS sells the same box of Chiclets for $14.95, so clearly Amazon is a better deal. Amazon Prime (free shipping) makes it a much better dea"} +{"input": "???????????r r /r ???y y???eaeatat-t????ndn??? u ??ede??tot?????e e?hoh?????ititht???hih?clc???? f ???????meme me t??o to ???e,e? s ??o t???s ?gug?m m?isi??'t'????ustus?t lt ???ded?????thth th????g-g?lalasa????? p ??ppppe???ini????lalavla???, ?????t lot l??????astasti?????hahapa?ppyppy ??????iei?s,s??asas as?????l. l.??????es?s ???u u???an an s sa s???th?ere?re're??????lotlo??papacpackc??ed ed ied in??? s???h ?a a l?it??le? p??iecie??e oe ofof f g?um??? H HoH????yo???ene????y ay ??????????????o.o???????????161??Y6Y6H6H6H?????A3A3Q3?WLW??O2O242??????????cac????????5,5?,15,1???5,15,?212?????6060060?????inainala??y,y, ?????fff??ordor??blble??????iciciicioi????????en en? te t??? po p??de????,\"I,\"?I lI ?????drdrir????ingin???re???n tn ?ea??. . ? It I???is is??del?icici????? ho hotot t ot ???????, ??ut? b ????? a?????????akake??", "output": "l.

My Great-Grandpa used to come home with Chiclets from time to time, so this gum isn't just loaded with long-lasting peppermint flavor, but long-lasting, happy memories, as well. I guess you can say there's a lot packed into such a little piece of gum. Hope you enjoy as much as I do.\"\n2609,B0016FY6H6,A1EA3QWLRO24X8,Raw Cacao Man,15,15,5,1213833600,\"Finally, an affordable, delicious green tea powder\",\"I love drinking green tea. It is delicious hot or cold, but being able to take i"} +{"input": "?? w ??????? a ananyn?whw?ere????asa?????? ?SoS? I I I??eae??chc?hedhe????ngn???ndn????ardar??fof?? a an an an a?ltlteter???titivi?e e te ?o ?cac?????????d bd ?oto??lel?? g ?re?ene? t teteate??????? c ???????cuc?????sos???? e ???????iveiv??????ha??d ??to to??om??e be byb??inin ?mom??????artartst?s os ?? t??he he?USU??. . I In I???theth???????nin???????at??? f ????? w wa w??? ei e?ithithe??????o eo ex???????????hadhad d sd ??gag??? in in n in ?it it?????ichic??ded?fef????? th?e ?pup??????e oe ?of of?drd????in?ing ing? gr g???n ?n ten t?? i?????????rs?t ??lal?cec?? o or? d??????ot ot? ge g?t ?ve??????odo?d rd rerevre??ewe???. . T. ??henhe?n In ?????nd???thith????ror?oduod?ctc????and ??uiu?ickic??y ???de?????????????? g???eat? p pr?iciceice e ae ane a??nd fnd frf?reeree ree??hi?????ing.ing. . ???????s pls p????an????y sy ??????????
The pro"} +{"input": "??ucu???wow??ksk????s as ada?????isi?ede?? ??????issis?olo???s ??????lyl??????ololdol?? wa w???? m ????ingin?? it it t gt ??????tot? c ca c???y ?ana??????? a an andnd ?????????s ?????????o.o?? T ?hehe he????trt????tioti?????ayay ????ususe???????acack??t t ft fofor??? o?unu??ese?s os ofo? w???terte??????t at ????ala??ly ly i it??????ldl?d bd ?e ?us?ed?? wi w?ithit? 1 161?????ncenc?????f wf ??????, o, ??????is??e ie itit it???n ?be? t to t?? b?it?te?ter.ter???? / />/???It It?non?????ly?ly sly ??ve?? m mo m??oneyone??, b, ?butbu?????????????ed ????cacanannan???ed ged gr?greegreenen ?te??? co c?mpm????????el???in??atiat?ing? t th the?he nhe ?umu?beberber r or ?of of??? cans can????atat at Iat ???eeeed???to ?re???clclel?e me ???th?ly???2?????????????H6H6,6,A,???AZAZUZ?????EUE?ECE???????reyre?y Ry ???BaB??la?rdr?,9,???,5,??121222?22922999?????????at?at aat ??????", "output": "duct works as advertised. It dissolves quickly in cold water making it great to carry anywhere and it tastes great too. The instructions say to use one packet for 8 ounces of water, but actually it should be used with 16 ounces of water, otherwise it can be too bitter.

It not only saves money, but has replaced my canned green tea completely eliminating the number of cans that I need to recycle monthly.\"\n2610,B0016FY6H6,A1OAZUFZTEEUEC,Jeffrey R. Ballard,9,9,5,1222992000,great alterna"} +{"input": "??iviveve e??? b ????lel?d d?grgrereee?n n t??a,a?\"T\"ThT???fif??sts? p papara????f f t th t??s s r ???iei?w w????a a?hi??stostoro???of? m ?y ?he?????? pr pror????msm??????whw???t gt gr???n ?tetea? b?????ese????? s ???arar ar h??d ?to? d ?o ????th th??e ??????inging g t??e ?????h ???????????ctc????IfIf ???u u?????ot?????????to rto re??? t??at? p??artart,t?? sk s???????n n t?o o to ththeth????????, ???????herhe?re re??s s ts ?the??????ew? o??f tf th?the ??stastassta????????, o, ??????brb??/>/><>? /??brbr br /?????ou?plp??? of of of y yey?????????I I h ha?d ????hyh??????????nd mnd my? d do??ctoctor?? to tolo?????e te ??atat at mat ??my Tmy ?rir?glgly?cec??????? we w???e he ?highi?h.h. . I. ????s ????er?????s ss ??odaod?a da ", "output": "tive to bottled green tea,\"The first part of this review is a history of my health problems and what green tea bottles and sugar had to do with me finding the stash teas products. If you do not want to read that part, skip down to the bottom, and there is the review of the stash teas, only.


A couple of years ago I had a physical and my doctor told me that my Triglycerides were high. I was a serious soda d"} +{"input": "?rir?nkn????????ete?imi??? a asas ??ananyn? a???5 5???????er???aya???non?t t? di d?et?),)?, s, soso so?I I???cic???d d I?????edeed???tot???tatarartrt ??ri??nkink??? s so s?omeom?????ing ing \" ?\"h\"?????hlhlilieierie??\"\"??????ava?????????????d ????eenee??TeT?? b beb?ecaec?ususese e? I ?lilikli??????? I I a I ?????gegeded ?2-2????????litli?terte??bob????eses ?????da?????r ?2 ????rsr?s (s (I(?I aI ???so ??ave??ragra?gedged ?ababo??t ?????ca?????? s?????pe?r ?daday??.<.????/>/????r /????re?cecene???y ???d ???y ty ?ri????cecerce???desde????????d ??gag???? an a?d ??insinststest?????????????dod???n Tn ???Y Y????BLB??????heheyhe??wew?????vever??303?????oveov?er ??????s ???nsnsins?????d ???????? I ? I ab I a????t ht ??d d a???heahe?artart ??ttt?tactack????righrightht t tt ??er?ere.ere. . N. NoN?ow,ow, ?I ??????? a? an an????rwr?weiweigighghtght ?pe???????an?", "output": "rinker (sometimes as many as 5 cans per day, not diet), so I decided I needed to start drinking something \"\"healthlier.\"\" I gravitated toward Green Tea because I like it. I averaged 2-3 1/2 liter bottles per day for 2 years (I also averaged about 1-2 cans of soda per day).

I recently had my triglycerides checked again and instead of going down THEY DOUBLED. They were over 300 (over 150 is considered high). I about had a heart attack right there. Now, I am not an overweight person, and"} +{"input": " ???????ada??a a f faf??rlr????igi?h h?mom??ababob????m,m, ,??utut t?I I????ve ve?ststa?????d td ??????ata??? a a????ly??(I(??cac??ll ll i itit t at ?a Da DrD?????ppp??r r?????????ca???????hatha?t it ????????vovoro???e ?sos??a.a. ?I ????nonotot ot?drd????? al alcl????ol ol o ?? a??y ???ndn?).)?????m m???llllill??g g???? o???th??is ?toto to y yoy?????cacaucauscause???LLLL L???? my?? ot oth?er?? te tese??? c ca c?mem???? w ??ithit??in ????mam?? l ?eve????, , i, ????ududidining???? all all???heh?er er aer ?????????to to mto ?y ?chc???????eroerolol.ol???r r /r ??
I did research and found out that if you are not overweight but have weight gain around the belly area, it might be due to consumption of a lot of sugar products. The excess su"} +{"input": "?????coc??????????n n??hih??? ca c???????n n bn ??? tu t????? i??????????????ridri??s.s????lol????ed ??t t?whwhahat? I??????????????andan? d ?????ining?????se??e ie ifi???hi?????????e ???sese se??oror ?????????????????d sd shs??ckckekedked d md meme.?????????????er????????? o ???grgrereeeene?n tn te????hasha??MOM??? s ?sugsu???r ir ?? i?t ?ththath?an an a????????? so sododad?. ?????heche?ckeck??ed sed se?vev??????if?????????an?ufu??ctc?????s s os of?????????????????????nd?????? a al a???????ava?ve ve? ab a???t t t??he he?????? am amomouo?????of ?su????.<.??r r /r />/?
I concluded that between my morning coffee, green tea bottles and soda, I was consuming over 1,100 grams of sugar a week ( or about"} +{"input": "? 4 ?????????lol????? o ofof f???gag???? w ??????usu?? i inin n??ri?nknksk?)!)!!!?/>I/>?? wa w???lo?okokikin??????? an a???altal????atatit?veve e???? th thehe e ge ???????teatea ??????es? a??????unu??d td ?????tat?ashas????a ??????ctc??. .??I pI peper?sosono??llllylly,y??????????ava?????e ???????or ??????ncn????o o uo us?e e t??? b bab?gsgs,s?????????s ?in??terte???stest?????? th?? t???????????. ?I ??ordor??????????lil??hthtl?? s sw s???tetente??ed ed?gr???een een?? tea??popow????????? tr t??ed?????. A. ?nd?????lovlo??????? I??????n pn prpropr?ceceece???ed ?to???uyu??ththethe the??ththe??r 5r ? f????ororsor?s os ???? the???gre??en en t? tea????wdwdewd??ers ers??????lovlovelove ", "output": " 4,000 callories of sugar a week just in drinks)!!


I was looking for an alternative to the green tea bottles and found the stash tea products. I personally, do not have the time or patience to use tea bags, so I was interested in the tea powders. I ordered the lightly sweetened green tea powder and tried it. And I loved it. I then proceeded to buy the other 5 flavors of the green tea powders and love "} +{"input": "???eme? a ?lsl??.<.?????><>???r /r ??????e e a??re re?? f ???vovoro?????ata??dod??non??t ht ?????????r ????ede????so so??????e ae ?????????psp????????????GlG?ycy??rir??? t?????eeeete?tenten n? th t??????nkn?? I???do???s ns ?notnot ????e ?? l ???????? /> /??brbr ??/>T???????t ???iningin????s ts ????????e te ?teate?a pa pop?wdw??rsrs rs??ososts??ababob??t t 1t ????or? l le lesesses?s t????n tn ?????botbo??lel???grg??ene???eaeasas s Is I I uI us??e t??o do drd?rinri?nk.nk.
??o ????????a ??er??sonso??al al n????, ???ha???e a?ltl?terte??d d md mymy y?? dri???ining??ha????s ???d d nd no???????k k?? l??????????the? t te t?? p ??wd??er ?dr??????nd???? l? lit liteter??????????er per ??", "output": "them also.

There are 4 flavors that do not have sugar added, so I use a few drops of Stevia Glycerite to sweeten the drink. It does not take a lot.

The best thing is that the tea powders cost about 1/2 or less than the bottled green teas I use to drink.


To end on a personal note, I have altered my drinking habits and now drink 1 liter of the tea powder drink and 1+ liter of water per"} +{"input": " ????. .?I I?ststitili?l l??rir?nkn??? c ????ofo??DrD??. P. PeP???????n n tn tht?e e w weweee??ene?????utu????????s s i itit.t????hah??e ?bebee???????g g??hihis? f ????a a l lil?ittit?lel??ovo?verve??? m ???th? n ??????d d??ete??weewe?? m my m? a al a??????d dd ???nknkink????ha??ititsit?????? th??e fe ?is?? o??? p pip??lsls,s?, I, I ??av??e le ???st st a?????????bsbs.s??????ama?? du dueue ??? g geget??? my my???rigri?????erier??ese??chc??????????? c co c?oupou?????????weekwee??s.<>?????>I>?I hI hoI h?pepe pe???is?is his ??lpl?s s a?nynyoy??e ??ha?t t i?s ?in????sisimi?il?????sitsi???atiatioi????o ?mem??anand?and rand ??????e ????at at????st st bst ??ca???e e ie ????ay???s its i???he??altal???y dy dodoedo?es es????????an an???????\"\"??616???????6F6FYF???????HPH??6B6?IMIMNMNXNXSX???????brbribrieiele????PerPe??z z?\"\"\"??????o o m??anyan?????????. . .??????", "output": " day. I still drink 1 can of Dr. Pepper on the weekend, but that is it. I have been doing this for a little over a month now and between my altered drinking habits and the fish oil pills, I have lost about 5 lbs. and am due to get my triglycerides checked in a couple of weeks.

I hope this helps anyone that is in a similar situation to me and realize that just because it says its healthy does not mean it is.\"\n2611,B0016FY6H6,A3HPZ6BIMNXSZR,\"Gabriela Perez \"\"Oy! So many books. . . .\"\"\","} +{"input": "?6,6????????515151525202??00,00??ici?? s ??bsbsts???utu?e ??oro? s?odo?a a?or???????y y?te?a,a,\",?????keke ???e ????stest???f f? th t???????oduod?ctc?? b ?ut? I ?????????????ug???st?ioi???:<:?????????r /r />r /?1)1?????r sr ??ro????st?????ebe??rrr????as?te???usu??e le lel??s ??thathana?? th??e 1e 1616 6???????s os of? w ???terte??th??? t?? the the???nstns?ruruc??tioti?onson????didic?at?????y ??irirsr???????cacamame????????????????r wr ?it?? t??? the m the ?merme?esestes????????of of bof ?lu??ebeeb??ry???????/>?
1) for strongest blueberry taste, use less than the 16 ounces of water that the instructions indicate (my first try came out like water with the merest hint of blueberry);

2) stir REALLY well and be prepared for a bit of sediment anyway, as well as for an oddly green (I know it's green tea, but I rarely drink green things, so it seemed a bit weird to me at"} +{"input": " ??iri?sts??? a ?ndnd3/>3)3? i ifif f?yoy?u'u'r'???????? t ????ses?e ae ? s ???????ere?????? c ?an???? o ??????????ala??h h???????s s??y y ay ada????g g sg ?omo??ethethih??? l ?ikikek?e ae ase aspspap?????? o?r r Sr ????????oro???????? a????d d a???????f ??gag????nenecnectcta???????fof???? i??t pt ?er???ct????????????? a???so so l??ikeik???? w?itithit????? an a?y ???????ne??r a?????l ?(a(?s s ls lol??ng ng? as as ?????e ?le?sss???atate???.<.??? /???br????ByBy ?ththethe the??aya??, t, ?thith?s ???????ho??t t???a aa ?? w we w??l,l?, a, ?????ougoughg?h ih ?it'it????ar????tedte?d ad ????????teteatea a pa ???ded??.?????????????????0101616F6FYF??H6H????CBC??UBUBPB??PWPWHWH5H??,\",?BoBoso?????LeL??bibiai?????HaH???ililyl?y My ??arrarrir?????????ss?????use???????,8,8,8??,5,??12?16???929?", "output": " first); and

3) if you're going to use a sweetener, why cancel out the health bennies by adding something like aspartame or Splenda or etc? I added a bit of agave nectar and found it perfect, but then I also like it without any sweetener at all (as long as I use less water).

By the way, this makes hot tea as well, although it's marketed as iced tea powder.

Enjoy!\"\n2612,B0016FY6H6,A1CBNUBPZPWH5D,\"Boston Lesbian \"\"Happily Married in Massachusetts\"\"\",8,9,5,121633920"} +{"input": "????????rfrfuf?????? r ??frf????iningng,g,I,??????reredre???hi?s s i ??eme???ece????????????????sas?????andan??be???us????f f t ????heheaeal??th th b??nen?efief??s ?s ofs o???re??????ea.ea?????wa?snsn'n?t ???ertertat?in??hoh??????d ?it? w??as as? go g??ingin???o o b?? b??t ??I w??as ?plple????antan??y y????prp????d.d?? I It It ????te????refrefr??????ing ing???? f ?frufr?????. ?????????vorvo?? is i?sn'sn?? o ov o?????????ing?ing oing ??????e.e. ?. I. ???ixi?? th t?he ????de?r ??in in ain ?????rtr?s s bs bob?ttt?tletle e a?lol??????????olo?d ???te????and? s??le??ndanda.a. ?. T?he??he pohe pow?de??????sosololvolve?????sisilily? a??d d t????????????as as aas ????ce????????te?a ????and band blb?ueuebebe?rrr?y y ty ?tastasttas?te.te?. . I?? wa???so?? im i?pr???se??? th??t ???????? si s????d d ud ?p p???or or aor ???omomam?atiat?????lil??ververyry.ry. ?. I. It. I???", "output": "0,Flavorful and refreshing,I ordered this item because it was on sale and because of the health benefits of green tea. I wasn't certain how good it was going to be but I was pleasantly surprised. It tastes refreshing and fruity. The flavor isn't overpowering or fake. I mix the powder in a sports bottle along with cold water and splenda. The powder dissolves easily and the drink has a nice green tea and blueberry taste. I was so impressed that I have signed up for automatic delivery. It's "} +{"input": "a? g ??????????ucuctc???262????B0B000010?6F6???H6H??????NPNPSP???I1I1C1C2C2R2?????beb????a oa ofo??????????\"T\"?hehe e??RebRebe???a ???viv??w\"w\"\"??,7,?????,1,????474787??0000,00??ereryr?? Re R?easea?on???lyly ??????? a ??d d Dd ??????ouousus,s????????????e ?gr?????tet????he?n ??youyou u???lll? b ?be be?imi??prepr?sss???? wi w??th th????? g?rereereen?? te t????owowdwded?er.er. .????????trt?uc??io??? s ????tot???ddd?????e pe pap???etet t tt to???16 16????ce????of of c coc??d ?waw??erer er? bu b?t t It ???d rd ???comco??????yo?you you???? t????pa???et?s ?an???d ond o?????????t (t ?0.0?????z)z?????st??vi??. . T. ThThe??flflalava?oro???? t th the th????a ??witwith???onlon?ly ly? on one???????et et i?s ???iri?lyly ??ilildild,d?????mi??ld ld i??????ct ct?? tha th?? y ???you cyou ?canca?n bn bab???????????? th???????n ????ea fea ????????????? yo y????ordor?derde", "output": "a great product.\n2613,B0016FY6H6,A281NPSIMI1C2R,\"Rebecca of Amazon \"\"The Rebecca Review\"\"\",7,8,5,1255478400,Very Reasonably Priced and Delicious,\"If you love green tea then you will be impressed with this green tea powder. The instructions say to add one packet to 16 ounces of cold water but I'd recommend you try two packets and one packet (0.35 oz) of stevia. The flavor of the tea with only one packet is fairly mild, so mild in fact that you can barely taste the green tea flavor. When you order"} +{"input": "? t tht?isi? t te t?a a???? w ??lll???ete??sis?? b ???eses ????th th 1 ?????????s s is ini? e ea??h.h. .?IfI????ou ou?usu?e e? tw t?? p pa p?ackackeketke??s ps pep?? b??ttt????ofof ??ata??? y yo??u gu ?????6 6?drdririn????. T. ??????? o ?nlnlyly y . ?474? c ?ene?????erer er der ???????f f yf ????u geu g?? f frf?eee??shshihiphi?pip?ingin???? I I o????ereerede???omo??????ks? t to t????? t????k k? th tha th?at ?is???aia?rlr???re?asa?ononaon????. ??????k ?fofororwrwawarwa?rd rd???? tr tryryiyin?? t??is?is tis ??a ??in in s?????????d ??wit?? f fr frur?????????s.??????bsbsisitsi?????s gs ??vev?? f?or???ddddid??ioion??????cic?pepespe?s. ??TheTh??ere ere???re re? a a????? in i??er???titining?ing ring ?recrecirec??????ikikeke ke????????es es fes foforfo??\"\"\"?????te ??hoh?cocolo??ateate ??re?en?en Ten TeT?ea ea I????????m,m????\"\"?GrGreGreeeenee?????a Pa ?apa???a ???ctctatara??????????????n ?n Ten Tea?ea Sea ?ugu???????", "output": " this tea you will get six boxes with 12 packets in each. If you use two packets per bottle of water you get 36 drinks. That is only .47 cents per drink if you get free shipping - I ordered some books too. I think that is fairly reasonable. I look forward to trying this tea in shakes and with fruit juices. A website is given for additional recipes. There are a few interesting recipes like the ones for \"\"White Chocolate Green Tea Ice Cream,\"\" \"\"Green Tea Papaya Nectar\"\" and \"\"Green Tea Sugar Cook"} +{"input": "?iei???\"\"\"\" \"??????ili????rorobo????y y??ini?d d m mamananyny ????? f??r r??????anandand ????e e????? u us???d td ????tet??????dederer ?toto o??aka?e e ae a ????velve??????? te t??. .??usustus???use??????pap???ketke????? 8 ?????????ofof f???? w???terte?. ?NoN??brb?ewe?????re???????????????teate?a da ??????????????y ey ?easea???y y iy in? h?????? i icicece ce c cocololdold ?wawatateat?er.er??????an an???ghg??ly ???co?mmm?ene?????t tt toto to???ou.ou.<.??? / ?????r /r ?/>~/>?ThTheTh???????????RevRe??iewiew\"w??262616?????010??FYF?6H6H6H??A3A??4P4?????NJN?NGN???????????????4,4,4,4???00?575797??0000,00?lo?????? u???s ?????th????grg???en en t???????\"l\"?lot????f ?????s f????or thor t?????re??n ????..???????????? /> /??????er????y ???keke ke m mo m??t ??ea??(t(??ou??gh gh???ot ot tot ththethe the? ov o????????ly fly ???wewer????", "output": "ies.\"\" You will probably find many uses for this and I've even used the tea powder to make a lovely hot tea. Just use one packet per 8 ounces of hot water. No brewing required. This tea dissolves very easily in hot or ice cold water. I can highly recommend it to you.

~The Rebecca Review\"\n2614,B0016FY6H6,A3I4PCBRENJNG2,L. Cain,4,4,4,1300579200,lots of uses for this green tea...,\"lots of uses for this green tea...

I generally like most tea (though not the over-ally flowery bl"} +{"input": "?enendn?s)s).)???/><>???r /r />/>B/>????g g o ono? m mom??? o?f f?a a?heh????? k ??ckc? i in???recrecec?enten???????, ,?????vev???????? a a?lol??????re re G ??EEE????ea?? to to o??? d ??ete????in oin ???????m m????ananonot?he??..????? /???????????igi????br?eweweweded ed t?????lt????????? or or?????..?????????< />??
in??????????nd???????knk??wnw?n an ?as as????chchah???A A q ?uaualalial???????dud?ctc???DiD?????????we?lll??.<>I/>?I lI ??ke???ot", "output": "ends)...

Being on more of a health kick in recent years, I have added a lot more GREEN tea to my diet in one form or another...
from straight brewed tea <> hot or iced...

To adding the powder to things like salad dressings, smoothies, baked goods, etc.

I am not new to green tea....as I first started drinking it when living in Japan some 30+ years ago....
in the ground form known as matcha.
A quality product. Dissolves well.

I like bot"} +{"input": "?? t ?????nsnsws??ete??????anandn?d td ????????tlt????swesw????ne?d.d?????1515,5,B,B0B000??6F6FYFY6Y??????0Z0?N0N????LZLZLZ??Y,Y?S.S???ldl????????,4,,4???121?????61661??00,00,C,?rurusushs?????p p?????????\"I\"??exexpx?ece??tedte?d t?????lal??????? b ?????oreor??e lie l??e ?th?ata? o ?? \" \"\"\"???ewewe???????reereen?? te t??. ??t ????????dodoeoeses es??????? li l????????ed ed? gr gre?????????eaeaveavevesve?????plply??????olo???d ???n wn ?atateat??. ?Al?th?ouougu?? I ??m m? su surure????isis is???????????ly ly aly ??????????y ty ?????????cocono?????????d d ad ??moumo?????? a an a????xix???antantsts,s??????oulou?ldnldn'n???????er er t th?isis is ais ?gag???.\"??262?????????FYFY6FY?6H66H?6,A6,????7Q7?9Y9YZY??????????YaY?angan??,4,?4,4,54,????404??767???0,0?MyMy y Ey ?xp????ienienc??,\",\"I,\"?????edied?ien?tsts ts l??????: : P ??????ananean???ug?ara???", "output": "h the unsweetened and the lightly sweetened.\"\n2615,B0016FY6H6,A10ZN08SMLZL1Y,S. Aldrich,4,4,2,1280361600,Crushed up leaves!,\"I expected the flavor to be more like that of \"\"brewed\"\" green tea. It really does taste like dried green tea leaves simply dissolved in water. Although I'm sure this is probably a good way to get a concentrated amount of antioxidants, I wouldn't order this again.\"\n2616,B0016FY6H6,A3UN7Q9YZX1UPN,J. Yang,4,4,5,1240876800,My Experience,\"Ingredients listed: Pure cane sugar, a"} +{"input": "?????0000%0% %??uru??? po p?wdwded?????JaJ?????ses?????ene? t tet????NuNutu??ititit?ono?n Fn ?acactc??????????, , e exe??epeptp??SoS???umu? ( ??5m5?????nd?????arar r (r ??2g2?g)?
Nutrition Facts: all 0%, except Sodium (15mg) and Sugar (12g)

Basic Instructions: add one packet to 8oz of cold water and stir or shake well to dissolve...

My Opinion: It is too sweet for my taste, even diluted in a 16.9oz water bottle. It almost tastes like sugar water. I think the unsweetened version would be better. 5 star because it delivers what it promises.

This is Japanese green tea. NOT Chinese green te"} +{"input": "a?. .????rere e??????didifi?fef?????e.e?\"\"2?????B0B???6F6FYF???6,6?A1A1U1??????TATA5A5R5R4R4P4P,P?????Y Y?RPRPHP??????5,5?121232?555?202?00000????ERERYR?Y CY COC????ENE????????KEK???????S S A ??????? A?NDN??I ??????? M MYM?Y SY ????????S S AS ?AT AT???MEM?????VE? I IT I???????,B???16??FY6FY?6H66H6,6,A6,?6O6??2U2UHU????????????????ClC?umu??\"\"\"????ebebob????\",\"??????,1?????636?20200200,0?,Ha,H?????bubutu? n ?otot t tt ???tat????,T,ThThiTh?is is t???a ia ??is nis ????sos?o to ta??stysty ??????y oy ????????. B. BuB???ononeone ????ingin? a??boubout????in??on?s s is isis is tis ??ata??evevev??????????? o on o??? an a??????dod?o no ?not????waw?ysy?s as aga??reere??????????01?6F6FY6F??H6??,A2,A?VHV?BEB??X9X?????R,R??rar??cic??e,e??,3?,3,4,3,4,??????808??00000000,???tas?h h? In Insnst?an????re???n Tn ???????mam??????????g\"g\"\"??????????????ev??", "output": "a. There is a difference.\"\n2617,B0016FY6H6,A1USEUYCTA5R4P,HAPPY RPH,4,4,5,1235520000,VERY CONVIENENT!,I KEEP THIS AT WORK AND I MIX IN MY SMOOTHIES AT HOME- LOVE IT!\n2618,B0016FY6H6,A6OT2UHMRIXU3,\"Gerald Clum \"\"blueboy\"\"\",3,3,3,1305763200,Handy but not to tasty,This tea is not so tasty in my opinion. But one thing about opinions is that every one has one and we do not always agree.\n2619,B0016FY6H6,A2VHBEFX94H61R,Francine,3,3,4,1302480000,Stash Instant Green Tea,\"I make a \"\"jug\"\" of this tea ever"} +{"input": "?????????????d d?????????lal?ssss s t ??rorouo???ououtou? t??e e??ayay.y. .? I ???? de delelil?????d ?tot? f ??indin??a a??????e e ie ?????e e Ue USU?? as a??????as?????????cecedced d td tod to ?mem???n n B ????. . ??????ese??nonoto???????th?????asmas????e fe flfla????????chc?????????????othothe????????verve?y ???trotronong?????mymy.my??2??????000010??FYF??H6H??A2A????????????9,9??D D - ???????a da ??ctcto??,2,2,2,2?,2???313151555?26??????tat??h h Ph ?rer??????MiM?intint int G ????n ????ced ced??????owo?????\"A\"AsA????otheoth??????????aia?d,d??? thi th?? i????EAE?LLLLYL??????????????oror!or? T ThT????nsnststrst???????????lll?? fo f?or ????aca??ketke?t pt pep?er er??????. ??f f w?atate????????????re? 6 ? p????ket??s ps ??r r?????/??
I decided to give it a try as I am "} +{"input": "b???ici????y y???zyz????? w ?anantantetede???omo?????nsn?wew?etete??ed?? u un???????d)d????ed? t ??? t???t t?I I???ulu???mam?????on on a ?????????? w???????? / ?><>I/>???tat???????????? p ??ckc??t ?pep??r 1r ???????f f w??ateat???????n n?2 2? pa p????ketsket????????????? of of? wa??terter ?an???????SOSOMOMEM? f ??????. .?????? I' I?? u??sinsi???????????????? 1?6 ????. o. ?????teter?. . . ??I I pI ?la?ceceded ed aed a a fa ??iri???? la l?argar????rdr????so??????????exe?????imeimen??t wt ??????t t At ????ha????itit it?? thr thror????ou???th??? fa fal??????? wi w?????.).?
I started with 1 packet per 16 oz of water; then 2 packets per 16 oz of water and got SOME flavor. Now I'm using 3 packets per 16 oz. of water. (I placed a fairly large order so I could experiment with it AND have it throughout the fall and winter.)

Since I'm using triple the amount of product in order to get some flavor, I will probably not order this item again.\"\n2621,"} +{"input": "??000?1616F6?Y6Y?H6H?,A,AGA?????VUV??YAY??U,U?sysymymam?ntntit??????,1,?,1?303??707?????,N,NoN? F ??avavov???????? A ?ututht????icic,c?????av?????enen en??rir??kik????grg?ee??????????dederer ??or??a a fa ???????rsrs s???d d???????????tot?o lo ?ovo??e t?????????tltlyl? b??????????d td ????????lalavla?vorvo??ofof f???????de?cic???d d t?o ?trt??y ty ???e Se StS???????an?????sts???d ????????or?mamalma????pap???????ra???? a????it???s ns ????eve???n in ???????sas?????ninivni????e.e?. T. ??????asa?sh sh???????t ??s s js ?usu?? g??reere??en cen ??lolorlore????powpo?wdewd?er er w ??ithit???no no??la?lavolav????t ?ala???. S. SeS?????uslus?ly,ly??th?the the S ??StasSta???????and ?ususeuses? a?? ma m??to???????????asease e ae ?and???? h???s ds ???ydy?dradr????d t????????ded ded???o io ?it.it. it. R ReR???, ?auaut?he?nt?nticnti?????????eaea ????", "output": "B0016FY6H6,AGXKZFVU0YA4U,symantix,2,2,1,1308700800,No Flavor - Not Authentic,\"I have been drinking green tea powder for a few years and have come to love the slightly bitter and tannic flavor of it. I decided to try the Stash brand instead of my normal Japanese brand, and it's not even in the same universe. The Stash product is just green colored powder with no flavor at all. Seriously, the Stash brand uses a maltodextrin base and it has dehydrated tea added to it. Real, authentic green tea powd"} +{"input": "e???isis s??upu?pop?ses???tot??beb????0%0% %????, , w ???h h?nono ??ddddid??ivivevese?!?I/>???tritr???ed ted ????retre??rnr???? t???AmA????n,n???utu?t tt ?????dod???????lloll?w w???oco???y ?it??msms ?????? r????rnrnerneded!ed!\"!???626???B0B00??6F6??6H6H6H????U1U?5W5?????414121??,A?????enennen?in???2,2,22,2,???????050??????????? te??,T,?hih??????gogoogo???ici????d ted t??. . I. ItI??is??hah???????????d ld ?loclo???????????????all? a?ndn????int????????3,3??????6FY6F?????,A1,A????OGO?DLDLHL??YSYSRSR,R????", "output": "er is supposed to be 100% tea, with no additives!

If you drink a lot of green tea, you will be very disappointed with the Stash product. I strongly recommend you go with a Japanese brand that contains 100% tea ONLY.

I tried to return it to Amazon, but they don't allow grocery items to be returned!\"\n2622,B0016FY6H6,A1U15WYNFC412O,Art Denning,2,2,5,1288051200,Good tea,This is good iced tea. It is hard to find locally in the Fall and Winter.\n2623,B0016FY6H6,A1OTXOGDLHTYSR,M. W"} +{"input": "??????eaeada??????5,5??282????161?000???tatasa?? G ????n n?TeTeaea ea??????r,r???hishi??isi??a a q ?uiuici?k k a anandn? c coc???enenien???????y y????????k ???reere?en en??ea???? a?ddd??lel?momonon on j ????????nd nd?????iai?..?262?????0000100??????6,6??????9S9???0F0??U,U,\",\"E\"???n ????\"t\"????ad?o\"o?????,2,2,2,??5,5,15,??797????6060060?0,L0,?ovove? i it i???,\"T,\"??o go ???t at ????rere re???te?nsnses????????? I I???????o ????ckeck???s is in??? 1 ?16-16-o-?? B BPB?????ree? C ?ama??lbl??k k bk ????lele,le??ad??????? o ????? w??????????tht??????? i?cece,ce????usu??????ck?cketcke?t ot ?????eve?viavi?????akakeak???elellel????ipi????nd????h sh ????ooo???! N! ?o-o-c-?ala????e e se ???????????grgregree??????a aa ?????xixidi?????????????m m????rinkrin?ining?? a a l a ?lotlo???mor??e w?atateaterer.er?? I ?????? ca c????????????? in?? my m", "output": "hitehead,2,2,5,1286841600,Stash Green Tea Powder,This is a quick and convenient way to drink green tea! I add lemon juice and stevia.\n2624,B0016FY6H6,APD719S590F2U,\"Erin E \"\"tornado\"\"\",2,2,5,1279929600,Love it!,\"To get a more intense taste, I mix two packets in a 16-oz BPA-free Camelbak bottle, adding 8 oz of water and the rest ice, plus a packet of Stevia, shake well, sip, and oh so good! No-calorie sweet tea, green tea antioxidants, and I'm drinking a lot more water. I also carry packets in my"} +{"input": "????rsr???anandnd d????????waw???r r?ini? r ?ese??????antantst?? s sas??in??????s s?ofo????nen?? f ????????????ing ing??rir?inkin??s as ?andan????? t?????ntn??on????lol???es?. .???ththoh??ghg???????tatasta?h h rh ?????ele?lsls ??me me t???ereere ????????????igi???lel??\"\" \"\" a??????? of o?f cf ?cafca???in?e,e??????plp?aca?ebe?o ?????ctc?t gt ????? m?e e ae a a????at? b ?boobo??????n tn th?the the??or???????ef????e me ???wow???????. S. ??????? l ?lovlo?ve ve m?in?????I tI th???ink ink? I' I'v'?ve ve fve ???????? the the????fe?ct?? pr p?rodrodud?ct???????5,5??000010?6F6??6H6??,A,????191?S5S????2U2U,U?\"E\"ErE?rinrin n En E E??\"t\"to?rnr??????\",\",2,?,2??4,4???????969??00,00???or or?????er?? fa f?ansans,??ThT?isis is???a ??is ???re??? gin gingn?er???????????n,n, , s, ??o io ?f ???? l?iki??e te ????????te te?? of of??ooo????????? ging ginge????yo???d ???", "output": " purse and add to water in restaurants, saving tons of money from ordering drinks and not to mention calories. Although the Stash rep tells me there is a \"\"negligible\"\" amount of caffeine, the placebo effect gives me a great boost in the morning before my workout. Since I love mint, I think I've found the perfect product.\"\n2625,B0016FY6H6,APD719S590F2U,\"Erin E \"\"tornado\"\"\",2,2,4,1279929600,For ginger fans,\"This tea is more ginger than lemon, so if you like the taste of soothing ginger, you'd lik"} +{"input": "?e e????? p prp????ctc???I I???????o o? pa p??kak??ese?s ps ?ere??161???? B BPBPAP?-f-?rereeee e Ce ?amamem????? b bob??tlt????fif?????????th th 8 ????z oz ofo???atatet?? a ana?d ?th?????sts?????????nd nd????????t t ot ???ststest?????. S. ???akeak??????????ake???ipi??????? - ? n ?o-o-c-??lol????e se ???????eae????????? te?a a? an?????idi???t,t, ?????grgregr?eatea?t ft ???? su s?mmm?merme?????????ede????e ????shs? c ????????????????ouo??t ht hohowow w m mu m???????fef?ini?????s ??in in??????????? an and an?d t??e ???????id? \" ??????igi????le.le???
I also buy the Stash powdered mint green tea, and I prefer the hint of mint better. Again, if you are a ginger fan, you'd really enjoy this product"} +{"input": "??\"\"226262626???000???FYF?????A2A?IOIOHO?181??X1X?????,A???DaD??icicec??2,2??????????666??????rer??? f ??r r o ono???heh??gogo!o?? M ???eses s??atateat?r ???liliti?tlt???????s bs ????ngng!g!,!?\"I\"???hih??k k???????? a a ????at?? gr g??ene??tet?ea ea p pop??deder??????ada?d d t? thi??s ps ?powpowd??????????4o4??????aterate???botbo???? a???d id ???????????iceic??????t ?tat?????????re????????unu?????te???soso ?th?at?at Iat I ??aya????dd dd? a ???ee????er ?????????????Gr??????rir??ice ice? fo f???? the th??quq??ntntitit??????????e q?ua??litli?y ?ofo?f tf ????? pro prodo?ucu????2???7,7,B???????6H???????CZC?????ZLZ?QLQ???L.L???lbl?????\"L\"LoLororror????????????5,15,?12212202030??????00,G00,?????at hat he?ala?th??????????,I,???sese ?th?????powdpow???redre??????po??powdepowd?????n mn ???frf??it???mom?????", "output": ".\"\n2626,B0016FY6H6,A2IOH181X1SZ3S,A. Dapice,2,2,5,1270166400,Great for on the go! Makes water a little less boring!,\"I think this is a great green tea powder. I add this powder to a 24oz water bottle and it has a nice light taste, I prefer it unsweeted so that I may add a sweetner if needed. Great price for the quantity and the quality of the product.\"\n2627,B0016FY6H6,A2YQCZEHOJZLQL,\"L. Elbel \"\"Lorrie\"\"\",2,2,5,1220313600,Great health benefits,I use the powdered tea powder in my fruit smoothie"} +{"input": "s??????ovo?idi????yoyouo??????ththeh??????thth th???nen?fif?tsts s os ofo??grg???? t?eaea.a?. . ????????e ??ro?dud??????d d??ses?e be bob?th???the??plplal?ini?? an and an????mom?n ??in?geg?r.r?2?626?8,8????161??Y6Y6H6?6,6?A3A??G3G????FOF????T,T?RMR??2,2,2,2,,2?????????969????GoGooo?d ??oro? o on????he he????????keke ?e the t?he he mhe mim?ldld d sd ?wew??????lavla?????????isis s is in???ana????????????e ??ddd???d id it? t??? lo l?otsot??s ofs of ???fff???en????rir??ksk???likli?? j juj??cec???? and and and?????????dridr?ink???????hahava?ve ve?????mi??in????it ??????? thi th?ingingsing???????blble??ndsnds ???ll????????.?2626226???,B0,B??16???6H????????UYU??252?KBK?FBF??H.H?????????,1,??????444404???????GoGooGood????a a? ta t????? n ??ot ot s ???eeteet\"eet\",\",\",?ThThihis? i?s ?a ?quq??????? ea eas?y ??aya???o ??????????n ?te?a.? I It I", "output": "s. Provides you all the health benefits of green tea. Love the product and use both the plain and lemon ginger.\n2628,B0016FY6H6,A3TG3FPAFO0SWT,RM,2,2,5,1215129600,Good for on the go,I like the mild sweet flavor of this instant tea. I've added it to lots of different drinks like juices and energy drinks. I have fun mixing it with things. It blends well for me.\n2629,B0016FY6H6,A2B0RUYD25KBFB,H. Hill,1,1,4,1314403200,\"Good tea taste, not sweet\",\"This is a quick & easy way to make green tea. It"} +{"input": "? i ?sns??? s ?weweee???????lyl????? t ththeh???ara?ese??t ht ??ntn???? b bl blul???????, ,??utu?t it iti??????????t et ??asyasy ?whw?henhe??prp?resre?ses?d d f ?oro? t?imimem???????? m ??ornornin?ingin?? I ItI??dod??????????mormo?re re?grgrereere???tit?intin?t tt ?? i? it it? th??n ????? t te tea?????er??'s'?s ws ?whywhy:y: :????enencenchc??????????ea?????mesme??????? th?e ????to???regregigioi??? of of ?????????It It i????madma????frofrom??????l l??eaeavea?vesve????d d hd ha???s a s a? mo m???e re ?????????as???e te ?thath?an an? ot o?????s fs fos for????ofof of??????n t?n tean tea.a???ddd??????????????? c co c???or or? of of of??????teate? i is???ctc????????????, ???? y yey?????, ???ke? m??anyan???hi??es?e e ve ?ar?iei?etietieiesie?.\".???PoP??de??redre??te??? is????soso o go ???d ???????oko???? a as a??s wes w?????2??????????????6,6,A,??B9B?S3S393????BGB????", "output": " isn't sweet & only has the barest hint of blueberry, but it makes it easy when pressed for time in the morning. It does have more green tint to it than most teas- here's why: \"\"Sencha green tea comes from the Kyoto region of Japan. It is made from small leaves and has a more refined taste than others forms of green tea. Additionally, the color of the tea is actually green, not yellow, like many Chinese varieties.\"\" Powdered tea is also good for cooking as well.\"\n2630,B0016FY6H6,A1B9S39FZYBGYQ,J"} +{"input": "???O,O??????,1?????????0,0,T,????ese??????T!T?!,!???????????? d ?iei??t lt lalas??t yt ???????d d???as as???????g g????r sr ??memet?????????s ???? dr d????? an and and d cd cac??me me???rorosossss ?s ths t???s ts tes teses!es?????? I ?I cI ?cancan'n???????d id iti?t at ana????ererer???? H ??pep????aza????kek?epe??s ts th??s ?prp?rodro?ucuctc?????evevev?er!er?????31,31,B,????6F6FYFY6Y6H6??,A,?????3M3?????????MaM?arkar???ododzd?in???,1,1,1,?????,131,13???070??0000,00,W,WaWaya????o ?we?aka????????y ty ???asteast?es,es?\"W\"WhW?ata?t ct ????i i????, ,?? l??????cec?d ?te???? I ??ri?????a la ??t ?????t,t????d d ld lo???ve tve tht????on??venve?????? o???th?????nen????ind?????duadu?l l? se s??vi????????e pe papaca???tst??????am am??lsl?so so? a a?bib??g fg ???? of??StStatasta?????od?uc???????????he?r ?of? a??l ??the??????r r s??tastashtas?h ph prpro??????", "output": "OJO,1,1,5,1313366400,Tastes GREAT!!,I went on a diet last year and was looking for something goos to drink and came across this tes! now I can't find it anywhere... Hope Amazon keeps this product forever!\n2631,B0016FY6H6,A2NLZ3M0OJV9NX,Mark Bodzin,1,1,2,1313107200,Way too weak for my tastes,\"What can i say, I love iced tea. I drink a lot of it, and love the convenience of these new individual serving size packets. I am also a big fan of Stash products, or rather of all the other stash products "} +{"input": "I??hahavaveve e?trt???d.d???????I ???????ses?ed ed?a a c ???se se?ofo?? al allll l?4 4 v vavarari??tit????????????i i???y y i??????k k i????ed ted ??????i ai ?? n ???????did???) ) a an a?? t th theheshe??se wse ??????????ayay ay? to t????ea???whwhewh??? i ??????ed t??hemhem ???????161? o??ncn??? w wa w???r r br bob?ottot???.<.I??????allallyl?y fy ???????hahathat t it ??nen?????ed t??o do ?disdi??olo??? 2 2 2??aca??etetset???????sms?al??????t ot ?? h???? wa?teter????rsr????ifi?f nf ????????te?????umumpm??ed ?ono?????, , a, anand? t???????dd dd a a a? pa p?ackac???????sws????en??? b??fo??? a??di?ng?? th??e re ?resre?? o??f tf ??the the?????er ?juj??st ???o mo ????? th? thes the?se ????at?aba???.I purchased a case of all 4 varieties, (when i say i drink iced tea, i am not kidding) and these were all way too weak when i mixed them in my 16 ounces water bottle.
I finally found that i needed to dissolve 2 packets in a small bit of hot water first (if not the tea clumped on me), and than add a packet of sweetener before adding the rest of the water just to make these palatable.
unfortunately by doing that to this flavor, the ginger was out of control, and not i"} +{"input": "??????oooodo? g gi g????? t ???a sa ?orortr? o ?? w ???.<.??r r /r />/????er er a????? a??????y y??????titisisfisfif?eded ??itithth h t?heh????????t ????d w???? s ?ti?ckc? w?itithit?h th ??e ???thetherthe??????dsd?? th?at???rer??????ono?n tn ??? m ?????t.t???262???,B,?????????6,6???I6I????????1C1CTC????aryary ???nen?,1,?,1??4,4?,13,1313?01?696?????\"M\"????d td tat???e,? e ea?sys???o o?????? wi wil wi???bubuyu???gag?????,\"I,\"I ??helhe???????or?ded??ininging g????sese e fe ??? a????????beb?cac??se??????? c ??????nenedned d Id ?????????????iki?????? t???tete.te? I??ve??????d d sd ??????f ??the?the othe ororgor?ganga??????reere??n t??????nd???foufounu????????or ??canca??rereareala???y vy ??ary????????????an?andsands.s??????????? s??eemeemsm??li??ke ke ake ????ot ??? t? tak ta???ke a ke a????ancan?????. ???re??ll??????te???", "output": "n a good ginger tea sort of way.
Over all I am very dissatisfied with the product and will stick with the other brands that are out on the market.\"\n2632,B0016FY6H6,A1I6ZQUXVDG1CT,Mary Anne,1,1,4,1310169600,\"Mild taste, easy to mix, will buy again\",\"I held off ordering these for a while because I was concerned I might not like the taste. I've tried some of the organic green teas and found flavor can really vary between brands. Six boxes seems like a lot to take a chance on. I really wanted s"} +{"input": "??mem?????? p ???ded?rer?????? ta t??e e??????????????h,h, , s ?o ????ava????? c chc?ana??e ?an?d d id it???worwork????????? T ?o ?????ththithisis s p?ror????t ??asa?tet???????t.? ??I aI ama??? thr thrir?????ed ted ????et????omeom??????????wew?????ed??. . I ????????d td ???esees??to????e ????t tht t??e oe ??????, , b, ?utu??????d Id ??lil??? t th?emem m sm ?? m mum?uchuc? I? m??? t th???m um ????at at h ?homho?me me t to too too.o. ?I ??us????is???th??? w???????????le?? ch c?heahe????? as a???thetheythey they??o o ro re???llylly ?????t. ??? I w I ???????romrom ??????in??g 6g ??????????oulouldl??beb?e ae a ?loloto????o ???pe?ririeri??cic??ing ing?? the?? a as? h ha hara??????????????brb??/>/><>???r /r />?BaB???icaic??lly??????s s ps prp??????????s as a a? mi?ld?? ta?st?e,e, ??nevne?????itittitte???????il??????????????tt??y (y (b(?butbut ??", "output": "omething powdered to take to work though, so I gave it chance and it worked out. To me, this product tastes great. I am thrilled to get something unsweetened. I wanted these to use at the office, but find I like them so much I mix them up at home too. I just wish they were a little cheaper as they go really fast. I went from thinking 6 boxes would be a lot, to experiencing them as hardly enouugh!

Basically, this product has a mild taste, never bitter or oily and not gritty (but it"} +{"input": " ????? n ?????toto o??e e???mimixi?????f f???????n'n????ririni?????????? q ?uiu???lyl???????e ?popowowdw?ere???????????????? i? it' it???re??????????????in????????r r ar ??????????????????lil?keke ????????juj????????????????r ar anr a?ytytht????. ? I ???blble???s ???????tet???y iy ?intin????he? w??????, B, ??? i? it it????esnesn'n'tn'?t st ??ayay ????eded ??????? l ?lonlo??????ioiodod ????tit???????o,o, , i, if? y?ou????re re???tttti?ngng ng? it it ?sis????in in? th?????as???aba??????????????sos?o ao ?as as y????sisipsi???waw?????t't?? u ????????to to gto gegetet et???ne ne? of o?f t??oso???sh??kekerke????????s ?????keeke??p ip ?it it m mi m?ixeix?????as yas ????????lolon??? ???atat at????????or??????non?o co co???????intsint??. ????????ery??hah??pypy ?wiwitwithth th? th the the the? pr pror????t.t?", "output": " will need to be remixed if you don't drink it down quickly). The powder does mix well, it's really a very fine powder and does not look like leaves just mashed up or anything. It blends completely into the water, BUT it doesn't stay mixed over a long period of time. So, if you are letting it sit in the glass about 20min or so as you sip away, it's useful to get one of those shaker bottles to keep it mixed as you go along. That works for me, no complaints. I am very happy with the product. "} +{"input": "????wiw??l l?orordr????agagag??n.n.\".\"\"2?????????????H6H???????1U1UMU?898?AIA?????????lulueu????????,1,,1??3,13,?????????00,00??ryr?in?g g????s s???????? f ?or?? th thehe e??irirsrsts??tit?mem???I ???s ?lol?oko?ining????????? al a???erner??ti?veve ???eeeene?n on ???????? i icicec?? t?eaea a??owowdw??r r ar ?ftfte??????reare?lil??????????? the th??LiL?ptp?ono?n bn ???????alallal?????tataiainainen????ucucruc?????e,e, e,???d ??idi?d nd ?????comco?me me?????an an????wew????ne????????on?????? fo fou fo?undund ??ta??? t te?a a oa ?????? a an??d dd ded dece??ideid????? t tr try???t,t???sis?ing??st????a a aa ??? th???swsweswee??????. ??? I b I bobouo????t tt tht the? l ?eme?on? g ?in??er????ava?????br? / ??????/>??y y?cocom?pap??is???????th?in?? t th?? the L the ?????on on pon ??owdow??deredered?????????? I?????d bd ?ee?n n un usu?sedsed d td ???drd?????", "output": " I will order again.\"\n2633,B0016FY6H6,A2JV21UM89AIML,skyebluepink,1,1,3,1294358400,Trying this product for the first time,\"I was looking for an alternative green or white iced tea powder after I realized that the Lipton brands all contained sucralose, and did not come in an unsweetened version. I found Stash tea online and decided to try it, using stevia as the sweetener. I bought the lemon ginger flavor.

By comparison, I think the Lipton powdered iced tea I had been used to drinkin"} +{"input": "???????momoro?e e l ?iki????????eneneneded d a ????coc?lol??????????????kokooo??-a-??d\"d\"\"? f?oror or??dud?ltltst????ThT??s ??? d ??????renre?t.t?. . I ???m m?hah??iningn???? g ??et et???????????e ??re?en? t?eae?????te?? a?????? u?psp??? m??y sy ?to?mam??? a? l li l??tlt??e (e ?whwhe?n n?? d????k k???????????????ala?lyl????rinri?k ????iteit??????, b, ?ececac??useuse e Ie ??li??? t?he????????????).).<.??? / />/??
I tried using only half to a third of the packet in 16 ounces of water and that worked better. I would probably like white tea better, but Stash doesn't make any white tea in the iced tea powder mix. Anyway I hope to get used to the "} +{"input": "ttat?sts?e.e???SiS???? r ????? n non?????liliki??e ie ?t t wt ???????-d-dodow???????????ala?lyl??? g ?????ded??l l??????? a? as as????ce??\"\"????4,4?????6F6FYFY6Y?????????0B0?????GYG??,\",?SaSana?dyd??M M???sasanandan??????\"\"\"\"\"?????,5,????323?????????gotgo?????ofo?f f t ?hehe e de did?ete??sos??a,a?????wanwantn???d sd ??????in?? e ea?sysy,y???????y ,y ???????heaheal?ththythy ??? s ??b b f ???r mr ????diedi?et et????oda oda????????onon.n. ?ThT??s ???d ????e te ?ri???????drdrar??? i?t ??forfo???0 0? da d??s s ws ??ithithoh???t at ??????? an anyn?y sy ??eee?eteet?nen??????????ou???????????ththe?????????????? i??s as a a na ?asast?y ?grg??????, th, t??????????????asty.asty. ?AbAbob?outout ?????alfal???????of of s?????? re?alallally??? add addsds ??to to????he the ????????????ll ll???y ????s ?????in!in??\"2\"?26326??,B,B0,B00?16???", "output": "taste. Since right now I like it watered-down, it's really a good deal as far as price.\"\n2634,B0016FY6H6,A351W0BCYYUGYW,\"Sandy M \"\"sandygod\"\"\",1,1,5,1232928000,got me off the diet soda,\"I wanted something easy, tasty , and healthy to sub for my diet soda addiction. This did the trick. I drank it for 10 days without adding any sweetener. Once you get past the color, which is a nasty green, the tea is tasty. About a half tsp of sugar really adds to the taste. I will buy this again!\"\n2635,B0016FY6"} +{"input": "???,A,A1A????UBU?PZPZPZ?????????sts??n n L ??sbsbibiai??n \"n ??HaH?ppp???y y M ?ara???ede? i ???Ma?sss?????ses??tsts\"s????????5,5???191929??686??0,0?NiN?????rer???????d d Td ????????rar??e,e??f f y ????lil????ththeh?e fe ?????? o ofof ??rereereen? t ?eaea ea????????? y?ou?r ??ev??????e ie ???? y??????????enjen?oyo?y ty th?????bevbe????ge????????I>??????e t??? t ta t?st??e oe ?????eeeenee??te?a ?????????soso o l??keke ?th????????th th b??????tsts ts? of o????????n ten teaea.ea???? m ??x x t??is??wi???????? wa w?????anandand ???lel???a.a?. . ??? i?s ?????frf????hinhingn???umu???er er? be?ve????age.age?????????e t?e thae th?? i?t ???issis????vesve????sis?ilyil???andand ???????????????? sm s???l ???ckc???gesge?. ??????is ?cocon???nin???t t at ?????eas?y ????us?e.e?2???6,?B0B00?????6H6???", "output": "H6,A1CBNUBPZPWH5D,\"Boston Lesbian \"\"Happily Married in Massachusetts\"\"\",1,1,5,1219276800,Nice Green Iced Tea Beverage,If you like the flavor of green tea and like your beverage iced you will enjoy this beverage.

I like the taste of green tea and I also like the health benefits of green tea. I mix this with ice water and splenda. It is a refreshing summer beverage. I like that it dissolves easily and is packaged in small packages. It is convenient and easy to use.\n2636,B0016FY6H6,A"} +{"input": "???OUO???696?????,\",??? G GrG???sosonon n \" ???????emem\"m\"\"??,1,1,1,1??????????121???,\"?YUY???????umu?, ,????????\",???????is??juj?sts????e e?ququiu?ckc? i ic i?ede? t?eae? f ??x x?????vev???eee?n ???????hinhi??? fo f??..?.........??t ???????????????????ce???be?twt??eenee??th?e ??reree?? t? tea tea a aa ????ththe??nan??????, , r, ??????hi?hinghin?????ebe??????flf???????KeKee???????ini??d t??hishis ?is?????????etet t at anandand and??asa???, ?lil??e ?mom????? ins inststast???t tt tet??????ddd???o o? bo b??tl????waw??erer\"er???papaca?ckeck???????is?????th??the rthe re?al??ded????. I. ????????an?ant ant?????t,t, ??????????r r? th t??? sw swe swee?t t vt ??rir??etyet???????d ?yo?ur???avavoav?????e se ??eeeet??eneen???????n ??you? a??dd dd? th??????dederder,der???it it? is i???gregr???..???lol?oko??????ittit??? w?eie???, ?", "output": "PAOU9269HJRL,\"J. Grayson \"\"jodigem\"\"\",1,1,5,1218931200,\"YUM....Yum, Yum!!!!\",\"This is just the quick iced tea fix I have been searching for.....it is perfectly balanced between the green tea and the natural, refreshing blueberry flavor. Keep in mind this is NOT sweet and sassy, like most instant tea \"\"add to bottled water\"\" packets. This is the real deal. If you want sweet, then order the sweet variety or add your favorite sweetener. When you add the powder, it is green....looks alittle weird, b"} +{"input": "?????ncncec? y ????cac?n n??ete?????t ?ththehe ???okoksks,s, ,??t't????rur???e loe l???. .??????????????????ghghth?fuf???????t It ???m m?aca????lll????on???????? th the th??????rere ??????-f-fif????y ??ror??????? w ???chch h i?? d did????lovlo?????????usu?s ms mam??ininging ing???y wy ???????ece?????mumuru?kyky,y, ?????p p???ate?r r br ?befbefof??re re? my m??eye???? T ThThah???ha?s ??o ??????????? be b?e me moe m??e ??an?g ?foforfor ???ur? b??ckc?k fk ??? t? the the the?lel??velve?l ol ofof f? an ant?????dad?????? op o?poposo??d ??? t th???olo??d bd ??rewre??ing????y.y.<.??br br?/>/? ?I I hI ha???? ha h???a a????????fff??cucul???jojou?????????nti???non?????????inging ????my?, ??heahe???thythy ????QUQ?ICI?????unsunswswesw??eteet????? fl f??vov?oreoredored d t??easeas.??????my?????conco????av???it????? t?????el?esestesti?al? S ???????", "output": "ut once you can get past the looks, it's true love. I think it's delightful that I am actually consuming the entire leaf--finely ground to which it dissloves....thus making my water become murky, swamp water before my eyes! That has to certainly be more bang for your buck for the level of antioxidants, opposed to the old brewing way.
I have had a very difficult journey (until now) finding yummy, healthy (& QUICK) unsweetened flavored teas......my second favorite is the Celestial Seasonin"} +{"input": "??? C ???L L?BRBREREWE????gsgs.gs...........t.??????????rrr?? g ??eeeenen n t tet???????lslsoso o d ???ici???usu?, ,??utu?????t nt ????lyl???s s rs ?refre????d d?????????\"\"\"???? s shs???f\"f???????????r r??????? p ??ndn???????mom?re? f ?lalava?ororsor????? m??y ny ne???t ot ???der???????7,7?B0B????????6,6?A2A2N2NLNLZL????OJO??9N9?????rkrk k? Bo B?dzd?inin,in,3,3,3,4,?,2,?,1,131???101070?2020000,00?WaW??y ty totooto?o wo wew??k ?fo??r mr ????asastas???s,\"s,???atat t ct ????????ay,ay?, I, I ??ovovev??????d td ?teatea.a??I ?drd???????lo????f f i???????d ld ???? t th??e ce ??onvon????en??e ??f ?ththeth????ne?? i?????ididud??al al s?er???????izizez????ckc??tsts.s. ??I aI ?m ????????????????of? S???sh?? pr p???ucuctc????or?or ror ?at??herhe?r or ?of ?al?l l t??? o????r ?sts?tastashtash h p pr????ct?????????ve tve ??rieried??.I >I???rcr??hasha???d ad ?a ca ", "output": "gs COOL BREW bags....the blueberry green tea is also delicious, but not nearly as refined as this \"\"top shelf\"\" Stash.
I am pondering more flavors for my next order!\"\n2637,B0016FY6H6,A2NLZ3M0OJV9NX,Mark Bodzin,3,4,2,1313107200,Way too weak for my tastes,\"What can i say, I love iced tea. I drink a lot of it, and love the convenience of these new individual serving size packets. I am also a big fan of Stash products, or rather of all the other stash products I have tried.
I purchased a c"} +{"input": "?asa????????????vav???????s,s???????? i ? s sas?y y????ri??k k????????a,a???i ai ?????t t k ?????ngn?????d ??heheshe????ererere ?alallall ???ay ay???? w?ea?????en????mimixi??????????? m mym?y 1y ?6 6??unu??cesce? w?ata??? b bob???lel???brb????I I f fif??alallallyall????unundun?????at at?? i n i ?eee???ed ??o ?didisdisss????e ?2 2 p ??ckc??etset???in in ain a a s sm smamal??? bi b????of of?hoh???? wat wate?????rsr???(i(ifif f nf ???t tt ??e ???????umu????ed oed ono???e)e?, , a, ana?????an????? a? p??????t o???sws???eteet?eneen?er er?????re?? ad??dindi??????e re ?resre?st st??f ??the??????er ?jujusust???to to???ke? t???sese ????at??blb?????br br????veverve?????all Iall I ?am???er?y ???????????ed?????h h??? the the??????ctc???andan?????? s????????ithith ith????????herhe??br????s s ts ????at aat ??e ?ou??????ththe?the mthe ????ket??\"\"???", "output": "ase of all 4 varieties, (when i say i drink iced tea, i am not kidding) and these were all way too weak when i mixed them in my 16 ounces water bottle.
I finally found that i needed to dissolve 2 packets in a small bit of hot water first (if not the tea clumped on me), and than add a packet of sweetener before adding the rest of the water just to make these palatable.
Over all I am very dissatisfied with the product and will stick with the other brands that are out on the market.\"\n263"} +{"input": "??????161?FYF?6H6??????01???JQJ??J9J9I9????oso????,3,3,3????????404?00000?????m m??? 5 ?,\",??????flf?????? b ??t t????????? s sws?eee??. .??I I??ddd??????ttt???? st stet??iaia ?fof????y y?????? t tot??????226????,B0,B??????6H?6,??7R7?Q5Q?DND???AAA??4,?????anan,n,0,?,0,0,,0??5,15,?343??????????ese?st st? In I??stast?antant ?GrGrereere???TeT?ea ea E ?vev?r,????anankan? a???ini??tatan?ant ant??re?????teatea a f?ror???? m ma m??????rorodrodud???er er????or sor ses?eveev??al? y yeyea??s.s. . T. ???? t????y cy chchah?angan???d pd pr??oduoducuctuc??onon n an ???d bd beb?????ususis?????uc?ra?lol???e we ??????? d ?????t tt ?toltole??ratratete te w ??llll.l.<.????/>/>T>??iei??? se sev??raral?? di d?fff?er???t t t???s s b?efe?forfo?? I?????ndn??????h'h???ininsin????t ?gr???n n t???. . I. ???liklikek????????st st wst wiw??h h? a a l a ???????????? l le l???on on l??mem?e je ?????", "output": "8,B0016FY6H6,A1V01GIJQGJ9ID,Post,2,3,4,1261440000,Mom of 5,\"Good flavor, but not real sweet. I add a little stevia for my sweet tooth.\"\n2639,B0016FY6H6,A7RQ5DNXWAA74,pldsan,0,0,5,1348272000,Best Instant Green Tea Ever,\"Drank an instant green tea from a major producer for several years. Then they changed production and began using sucralose which I don't tolerate well.
Tried several different teas before I found Stash's instant green tea. I like it best with a little fresh lemon lime juice."} +{"input": " ????????ririni???????? w ??antan??-d-?onon'n?????ene???eee???sws?ee?tet???r.r??????????I ???????tat?andan?d id iti???it?'s's ???ustust ???dede de f ??omom m d?ri???, ??ululvlve??rizrizez?ed ed??????n tn te?????ava?vesves-s--??????ememimici?calca??????esesss?. ?????????????veryver???oooololbl???I ??etet ?a ??isi?cocouo?untunt ?fof???n hn ??aviavin?????t dt ??lil?ve????????momononton?hlh?y ??ubu???ri?ptp????????ili??K.K??????0,0?????????H6H6,6????????BGB???YAYAWA???D.D. . M. MaMan???iei?????\"B\"?ooookook ??ddddi????\"\"\"\"\"\",\",0,0,0,00,?0,20,?,1,?343????323?00???????or?????????wanwa???d ??desdespspep???te????tot???ovo?ve,ve?, o, or?????????keke e t???s ???????mi?????utu??????notnot ????in?ing ing s su sucu?ce?????????????. I. ????veve ve m mi m???t tt ??tea tea????????his his???ststesteses es a??ll ll g??reereen?en ten ?????? m?e.e???t't?? t to t??", "output": " I can drink all I want--don't even need sweetener. Plus as I understand it, it's just made from dried, pulverized green tea leaves--no chemical process. Also it's very coolby I get a discount forn having it delivered by monthly subscription. Phil K.\"\n2640,B0016FY6H6,A3J171NBGIBYAW,\"D. Mansfield \"\"Book Addict\"\"\",0,0,2,1346803200,Not for Me,\"I wanted desperately to love, or even like this drink mix, but am not having success doing so. I love mint tea but this tastes all green tea to me. It's too "} +{"input": "???ror?ngn? a ? g ?rereeeenen n??ndn??tot?? w wew?aka??????ntn???????????? m??? to t??en???y y???. . E ??ere???on??e e ie ?? a??????e e Ie ?'l'??? tr t?? t??? to?le?raratatet?e ae ???oto?tlt?????aiain????pip?inging ?? c ?hah?ng???mym??tat??steste.e??ItI??? n ?otot ot???rosro???an????o ?clc?lealeara??y ??s ????eaealea?ining? t?????meme e pe ?peopeop???????646??,B,???161??Y6Y6H6????MTM????9G9?WJW???7,7?C.C?. a. ???jijiai????,0????131343???????????????ea,ea,\",??HiH?is is???ce ?te????????????heh?eavea??n n on on?? ic ice ice.e. e. ????? t tr?y y i?????? l ????????????and?????er????????at at?prp?ic?e ??or????????????????YoY?? c ca c?an an? ma m?akeak??e a e a???????? w???????ba???s a??? a??d d sd sod s?????????n an ?????whawh????verve???youyo?r r sr ???????er er yer ??? p pr p????er.?? G Gr???t ?????babarba?bebeqeququeue ?e pae p??tit?ese", "output": "strong a green and too weak a mint flavor for me to enjoy it. Every once in a while I'll try to tolerate a bottle again hoping I change my taste. It's not gross and so clearly is appealing to some people.\"\n2641,B0016FY6H6,AMTGH49GWJXP7,C. abajian,0,0,5,1340496000,ice tea,\"THis ice tea, is like heaven on ice. must try if you love lemon and giger. Great price for the content. You can make a pitcher with 4 bags and add some lemon and whatever your sweetner you prefer. Great for barbeque parties"} +{"input": " ?oro????tet?a a wa ?iti?????e e??ada???s\"s?2262??2,2??000????Y6Y?H6H???373?BVBVJV???AMA?A8A?3S3?,K,???lala,la??,0?,5,??????????00?,G,GrGrerea??? te t????hihisis s t te tea te?a ia ??? aw a??esoesomo?e.e. .??YoY?u u?hah???e te tot???eee?p p s ???????g g?it?????????it???????lolono?? b bubutu??????????e e ie ?????reare?t.t??????tltlele ??????ti?me??? ke k??psp?s ms me? g ??in?g ?alallll l???y.y?2????,B,B0,B???16F16??????A2A?DFD??????????Y,Y???omomeom??r \"r ?\"c\"cocononsonsus??merme?\"\"????,0,0,0,0,?????303030???????????eat eat???astas??????ndn?????y y??o ??ses?,\",\"T,\"?ThiThisis is pis ?proprododud?ctct t it is???????? I ?? ha h??????eenee???eaearea?chc??ng???or? a an a???eas???to?????e ae ?andan?d nd ??on on??we?etete?????grgregreeeen??? tea??. S. ???????????th??? te?????arear???we??te?teneten??????????le?nd???tyt????e swe s??weetweeteweetene??rsrs s as ans a?nd nd?? p pr?efefeferer er??", "output": " or a tea with the ladies\"\n2642,B0016FY6H6,A37BVJZJAMA83S,Karla,0,0,5,1336435200,Great tea,This tea is awesome. You have to keep stirring it if it sits too long but the taste is great. Little prep time- keeps me going all day.\n2643,B0016FY6H6,A2DFM26VLNVYNY,\"Homer \"\"consumer\"\"\",0,0,5,1330387200,Great tasting and easy to use,\"This product is great. I have been searching for an easy to use and non sweetened green tea. So many of the teas are sweetened with Splenda type sweeteners and I prefer to"} +{"input": "????e e?StS??viv?a.a???heh??????iei?????????eee???te?? a ??pep??rsrs s t ???????e be beb??n ??????ntntit?nun?eded.d???? / ?><>??r ???? m mimixi????is??prp?odo???t t??ndn???ovo???? the th?e te tat????????????lel?????on?? an?d ???ev?ia???? and and???hahavhavehave ?e the t?he he??????????eveeven??inging g?iciceced????ea.ea. . I. ??????oviov???s ???l l t? the? b bebenbe??fif?????f f g gr g??en????a,a?? an?? and t and ??he ???st????????ve?nin??ncn????????????br /br ?/>I?? gi g?????it it????ve ?????rs\"rs?????4,4,B,?????FYFY6Y6H6??,A,????????676????6,6,p6,peperpers?????etetyty,y??,0???,1,131???????0000,00??ererfer?????susumummm?????? tea, tea?\"t\"?????is???theth???????iciceiced?????eeneen een? te???????ve eve eveveevereve??????? th? the ?hihinhint???? b???uebuebe???????s js ??ustus?t p?er?????. ? I? a???d ad ??????of?of Sof ????viavia ???????lil??tl?e ?mo", "output": " use Stevia. The Jackie Chan green tea appears to have been discontinued.

I mix this product and love the taste. A little lemon and Stevia and I have the perfect evening iced tea. It provides all the benefits of green tea, and the instant convenience.

I give it five stars\"\n2644,B0016FY6H6,A14IWAGB679T86,persnickety,0,0,5,1319846400,Perfect summer tea,\"this is the best iced green tea I've ever had; the hint of blueberry is just perfect. I add a bit of Stevia for a little mo"} +{"input": "?????????nen?sss?. .? I ?? w ????????????ini?????t tt tot?????l l?ththih?? \" \"\"\"??????????????\"\" \"\" b?utut ?? c ca c???? a ???????et et i in i?n mn mymy y py pup???????????se se????s s bs ?betbe??????????????y pry pre????redre???????I cI coc???ld ld? bu?y ?whwhehene?n en ?eateatitiningin????t.t?????????????????alwal?ayaysy?s gs gog?????????????s is ?? e ???????did??ar????2???????010?6F6FYFY6Y?????????45?MFM??00N00???,A????adadud????,0,??3,3??????777???00,00,J,JuJ???t ht ??d ?a ?glglal?ss? t????ay,ay????????????eieivi?????he?? pa p??????e je ??ustust ust e ea ear???erer er????ay? I???as?? ex excx?iti?tedted d td tod to ????y iy it? o??ut ut???memededied??teteltelyl????'m'm m? al alrl??adadyad?y ay ??lol??????rir???????? t????YaY?mam????toyto???ma ma? Ic I???d Gd ?rereere?? T ?ea??PoP??deder???andan?d wd wa????? t to to to?gig???????ashash h ah ????????par", "output": "re sweetness. It would be an insult to call this \"\"instant tea,\"\" but I carry a packet in my purse because it's better than any prepared tea I could buy when eating out. Stash tea is always good, but this is extraordinary.\"\n2645,B0016FY6H6,A3GLC45MF00NFF,A. Padua,0,0,3,1318377600,Just had a glass today,\"When I received the package just earlier today I was excited to try it out immediately. I'm already a loyal drinker of the Yamamotoyama Iced Green Tea Powder and wanted to give Stash a try, par"} +{"input": "?????lalararlrlyl??tht???mim??t t??la???? ( (Y(YaYama???ototot???amaam??ononln?ly ly???s s? th t?rereee?????vo?rsrs:s????igi?????????wew???ene?eded,d, ,??????eneneen?ed ed?ana?? r raras?pbp???ryr???????? I I I??he???ed???????ingin?re??iei??????f f???????????????gr?ouo????SeS?????????a aa ???d nd nan??????l pl pepepe???rmrmiminmintnt nt f?????or)or? I???lrl?reare????exe??pecpect?ed????hatha??ththithis??wow???d ??be be?????????ne??????????al??, , m, ??mintmin?????????????t ????ththe?? fi firirs????la??e e se ???ifif ???t st sas?????????turtura?????, I, ??ex?????tedte?d id ?it it? un????et?en?enedened)d??<>?I>??????gr??ee ee???ithit? a? f fe f???????plepl???thath??? on one????ck?????as?????ee????weawe?????? a a ????????te???????????hohowowe?????????????ses?ensense?????it?it oit ofof of??????minmintmint.mint", "output": "ticularly the mint flavor (Yamamotoyama only has three flavors: original unsweetened, sweetened and raspberry). When I checked the ingredients of this product (ground Sencha tea and natural peppermint flavor) I already expected that this would be unsweetened (after all, mint is not sweet in the first place so if it said \"\"natural\"\", I expected it unsweetened).

I do agree with a few people that one packet was indeed weak for a 16oz water bottle, however I could sense a bit of the mint."} +{"input": "?????????????ulu??????ene??ougou?????r r??????z z? wa w??erer ??onontn???????ou??????ede???o o???vev?e ae ????????t 2t ?????? p papaca????? f???or yor yoyouyo??????????????t st ststrst??ongong g?\"\"\"\"m\"?????? f?lal?avoav?????r ????B>???t tt ?????besbest? t th thih??g ?ababob???t ht ??viv??? p??rer??? g ??rourounu?d ????eenee?????? wi w????nonotno?????ing eing ?elsel?e ?????t t (t (w(??ellell l i?n n t??hishi?s cs ???e ??? h ha???????uraur?l ??epe????mi?ntnt nt??? i???? is is ?????at yat ??you you c co???d d ud ?se?? th???s as ????n ??ingingring?redre?iei????????ototh????trtre?atatsat???sus???h ah ??as sas smsmomooo??hihiehieses ????? ev e?venve?????se????. .???????heh??e ote o???? d ????I I????en en a?ddd?????????amamam??ot?oyoyayam???un??we?eteteeten?????re?en?en ten ?tea???owo??derde?????????ueuesesles?????ot ot? ce cer?ea???an???it?it wit ?asas ?de?lilicli", "output": " Maybe it would be enough for an 8oz water content, you'd need to have at least 2 or 3 packets for you to have that strong \"\"mint\"\" flavor.

But the best thing about having purely ground green tea with nothing else on it (well in this case it has natural peppermint in it) is that you could use this as an ingredient for other treats, such as smoothies and even desserts. Just the other day I even added the Yamamotoyama unsweetened green tea powder on my Muesli hot cereal and it was delic"} +{"input": "???usu??????lal????o o?????hehe e???mem??wiwitith?? th thih???????? m ?ini????rereeeene??????????ere????'m'm m?an???xpx????me??ntint??? f ?ooo??iei??sos????ese???????rtr?t tt ?? t?ryry y L ?OLOL)L???witwith?th mth mym?y hy ?otot ???ereerea?? a?ndn?? mi m????/???r ?r />r /?YoY?????an ??vevenen en??????it??tete te? mi??lk lk?????eaeadea??ofo? w?????. ??ve??r tr ?tasta???d ??aca?????????n ???? l la?????ththathat??????geg????ror???StStaSt?rbr???????????amambam??a Ja ?uiuici???beb???rere?re?????? it i????????thithis????e.e. ?:):???????????1616F6FYF?6H6H6H???????K3K3E3EKE?????,\",???athat???n ???????e ?\"\"\"?ktk??tete\"te???,0,??,0,,0,1,??,13,1?151???26426?00??????n'??????? t ta t???te.te?..??,\"I,\"I ??as?????a a la ?it?tlt?e ???????????? b be bece????????e e re ?revre?????s ws wewer?? s?o ????d.d.<.T/>?hihishis ????s ns ", "output": "ious. I plan to do the same with this Stash mint green tea powder (I'm an experimenting foodie so doesn't hurt to try LOL) with my hot cereal and milk.

You can even substitute milk instead of water. Ever tasted maccha green tea latte that you get from Starbucks and Jamba Juice before? Try it with this one. :)\"\n2646,B0016FY6H6,AGY5RK3EKTFC9,\"Kathryn L. Tate \"\"ktate\"\"\",0,0,1,1315526400,Doesn't have taste...,\"I wasted a little over $15.00 because the reviews were so good.
This has n"} +{"input": "????asasts?? c ??????r r???????t t??stast??teste???o ??ses???6o6ozo? o of o??????d wd ?at???????r /r ?>W>???l,l, ,?? u ???d d jd ???t t at ? c?upu? a ?ndn??????????t ?wowor?? o?utu??fofor??mem??./>I/>I I??ririeied?? ad addd?????????e pe ??ckc?????an?d ?d itd i????elpel??ed ???ut ut?vev?eryer???itittit?lel?? /???at????he he?????er er r ???vievi??????ha?veve ve?nen?ve???hahadha?d ad ?a ga ???????ror???? cu??????/>??????reereenen ???????, o, ?or or Ior ?????mim???ini??ng sng so?me?th????g hg ???re.re?.Ir />?I dI ??o no ???? re r??comcommm?menme??? th thi th?is is????.\".????????000?1616F16?????,A,A2A??????0O0OJO?V9V?NXN???ara?k ?BoB?odzodziz?????,0,,0?????1313113???????\"O\"?f ??l l?????StSta??h h?ici??ed ??tea?s ?th??s ????ththethe the??esestes??", "output": "o taste cold or hot. It states to use 16oz of cold water.
Well, I used just a cup and it didn't work out for me.
I tried adding more packets and it helped but very little.
I am an avid tea and coffee drinker and can only resolve
that the other reviewers have never had a good strong cup
of green tea--, or I am missing something here.
I do not recommend this tea.\"\n2647,B0016FY6H6,A2NLZ3M0OJV9NX,Mark Bodzin,0,0,2,1313107200,\"Of al the Stash iced teas this is the best, "} +{"input": "a??????? is i? s sts???????????ll ll???ata?t gt gogooo?d\"d\",\"?\"W\"????t ct cacan? i? s sa s?????????e e????d ????? I? d ??????????ot ot o ofo? i it i??, a, an?????ve??????coc???venve?ieiene?????f ???????nen??? in ind???????????????g g???zeze e pe ??????s.s????????lsl?o o????????????of of S ??asa?????od???????oro??????herhe???of ????l tl th???????r ?st??ashas??pr?ododuoducodu?ctsct??????????ri?ed???brb?r /r ?>I>?I pI ?uru?????sedse??a ?ca??se se????????????????????? ( ????n n? i ??ayay ay? i ?drdridr?inkin??ici??d ?d ted t???, i, ???m ???t ???iddid?????? an a?nd nd t???????erereer?e ae ?????ay???oo? w?ea?k ???en?????ixi?ed???? them the??????? 1 161???????? w????er er??????e.e?.??I fI ????????????????hat????????ed???to to? di d?sss?????ve 2ve 2 2??acackac???? i??? a a s a sms???all ???", "output": "and it is still not all that good\",\"What can i say, I love iced tea. I drink a lot of it, and love the convenience of these new individual serving size packets. I am also a big fan of Stash products, or rather of all the other stash products I have tried.
I purchased a case of all 4 varieties, (when i say i drink iced tea, i am not kidding) and these were all way too weak when i mixed them in my 16 ounces water bottle.
I finally found that i needed to dissolve 2 packets in a small bit"} +{"input": "???f f?????waw?tet?????rsr??t (t ?????ot??tht????eaea a c ???mpm??? o on o? m mem????????th??? a?dddd ?d thd thehe he?rer??st st???f tf th???wawatwa???????st ??????kek??ththe???e pe ???atataat??lel???AnA?nd nd? on onl onlyl?????an ???ereere e te the the??? p ????ab?lele.le...?..<..????/>/>O>OvOvev?? a???????? v ????y dy ?isi?ssass?????fiefieded ed????th th?? the th?????dud?ctc???andan?d wd ??ll? s ?????? wi?th?th tth ?the????the?r ????and?s s????at at a?re???utu???n ??????ararkrke??.\".\"\"2262646??,B,??010?6F6?????????LZL????OJO??9N9????????????????????,1,131????070727????wa?????????????????y y ty tay tasa???es,es,\",???hathat ???an an ian ?????, ????ovo??????ed ??teate?. ????rir?inkin?k ak ??????????it,it, ??and?????ve ?th??????ve?nin?ene?????of of??? thes these????????ndind?vivididuduadual? s???vi??????zez???aca??etetst????? am?? al als al?????", "output": " of hot water first (if not the tea clumped on me), and than add the rest of the water just to make these palatable. And only than were these passable...
Over all I am very dissatisfied with the product and will stick with the other brands that are out on the market.\"\n2648,B0016FY6H6,A2NLZ3M0OJV9NX,Mark Bodzin,0,0,2,1313107200,way too weak for my tastes,\"What can i say, I love iced tea. I drink a lot of it, and love the convenience of these new individual serving size packets. I am also a b"} +{"input": "i?g g?????ofof f?StStatasashs???rorododud?????????????????? a ala?l l????????therthe??????????rodrodu?ct?? I ? h ??veve ?trt????.<./??I pI ?uru?chc???eded ed? a a c ???????of aof al??l 4l 4 4???ri??titie????????henhe?n in ? s ??????drd?rinri?k k? ic i????tet???, i, ???m m??????idi???ngn??? an a????he??se se w ???e ?al?????ay ay t?????????wh???n i? m mim???ed ?ed thed t?????in in?????6 6 o?unu????s ws waw??????ot??lel?????????????al?????ouo?undun??th??? i???eeeed???ed ted toed t???disdi?sosolo??? 2 2 2? pa paca?kek??????in ain a a???????????ofof ???????te?r ???rsr????ifi??no??t tt ?the?? te t?ea ea c cl c?umumpm???ed oed ??n mn meme)e????andand d td thd t?hanhan ??dd?? a a p a ??ackacke?t ????????eteeten????bebefe???e ???ddidd???g tg ???the rthe ???st st ost ofof ?ththe??????ter ter?juj?stst st tst ?o o mo ??keke ke?? the these?se se pse papalpalal???????????????verver ???all ????am am? ve v", "output": "ig fan of Stash products, or rather of all the other stash products I have tried.
I purchased a case of all 4 varieties, (when i say i drink iced tea, i am not kidding) and these were all way too weak when i mixed them in my 16 ounces water bottle.
I finally found that i needed to dissolve 2 packets in a small bit of hot water first (if not the tea clumped on me), and than add a packet of sweetener before adding the rest of the water just to make these palatable.
Over all I am ve"} +{"input": "r?y y?did???atatit?isfis??eded d w ???? t ??? p ??????? a anandn??wiwilwi?l l s sts??ckc? w wi w??????the the???????????????hahat???rer???????? t?????????t.t.\".?2?646?9,9????161?FYFY6Y??6,6???????FY???1K1KHK?D,D???lolod??,0,?,0?,1,?,1,13,1313???07072720200???????,T,?hihis???????is ?th??the mthe ???st st a???????tut??????vev??eve??????ut ut??n n mn ?y ?mo?ut??? I It I??ha??s as ????eme????l ?tat???e.e. . . ?? t?????d ad ada?di??g g? su s?gagar????????t dt di??n'n't'?t h?el??????enenjn?oyoy y ty th???ArAri????????mem????nan????GrG?reeree ?TeT?? a??????oulou?d ???ghg?????recre????menme??t it ?it.it?????0,??B00B0??????H6?,A??????????TVTVCV??,\",\"S\"SiSififufu fu \" ?\"S???u\"u??\",\",0?,0,0,0,???,1,13,131,13??292929282?00?00,M00,??????gr???t ????nkn??s bs ??ut ?yoy???hahavha?ve ve??o o???????????,\"????is ????ea hea ??? a an? a????ll??y ly lil?gh?", "output": "ry dissatisfied with the product and will stick with the other brands that are out on the market.\"\n2649,B0016FY6H6,A19JPOFY2O1KHD,Melody,0,0,1,1313107200,Awful,This tea is the most awful stuff I've ever put in my mouth. It has a chemical taste. I tried adding sugar and it didn't help. I enjoy the Arizona Pomegranate Gree Tea and would highly recomment it.\n2650,B0016FY6H6,A2G4IIUA18TVCP,\"Sifu \"\"Sifu\"\"\",0,0,3,1311292800,Makes great drinks but you have to use a lot!,\"This tea has an awfully light"} +{"input": "? f flf??vov??. .???????tht??? p ??????? to t???akakek??grg????? te t?? l ?latla????s as ?????gregree?????a ??rar?ppp?es??????? t?asa??y.y????geg??????lyl?y sy shs??????2 2????cec?? c ?ololdl??????, ,?2-2????acackc???s ??? t?????tetea? p?ow??????anandan?d 1d ?? ou oun?????imimpm??????????????????????? o ov o?er???cece.ce??ThT?????????????frafr?????, I, I I bI ??????? the? s?ama?e e ie ??gr?????????wiw??? i?????ininsin???????of of? po pou pour pou??ingin???t ??ve????ce??? It It ??is is????oyoyiy??ing ing?????????o mao m??? a a a??ma??? d drd???? I? n ?eeeedee???? u us u?se se? 2- 2?-3 -3? ti t???es es mes momororeore ????? e ?xpxpepecpectc??????2626565151,1?B0B??161??Y6Y6H6????1D1???P3P3A3?????4H4??????y ?LiL??????,3,??????707?00800808?00,00???t ???d.?? A A A?bib?? l??ghghth?????????ha?d d qd ??it?????a fea fewe? s???chc???? pow po?", "output": " flavor. I use this powder to make green tea lattes and green tea frappes. Very tasty. I generally shake 12 ounces cold milk, 2-3 packets of this tea powder, and 1 ounce simple syrup, then pour it over ice. Tho make the frappe, I blend the same ingredients with ice, instead of pouring it over ice. It is annoying that to make a small drink I need to use 2-3 times more than expected.\"\n2651,B0016FY6H6,A1D1SP3AOXDP4H,Jimmy Lin,0,0,3,1308700800,Not bad. A bit light.,\"I've had quite a few sencha powd"} +{"input": "eere?s s i ?? m ?y y t ???e.e? ???? S ?tatasashs??prpror???ctc?? is i?????e oe ?????? b bebese?????????? pr p?rodro????s s os ous o??t tt ??herhe?????????T/>???t ????d,d???hah?at at y ?ouou u g ?ete?t pt ?er????ckckek??? is????????on??? the th??lil????t s????e fe ?????ixi???? w?it???????????????erer.er. ????cac??n bn bab??relre?????ststeste ?ththethe ?e tee teae?, ?an???I'I'm'm m?? pre pr?????????ititiit??e e t?????ea ea???avavov?orsor?. ?. I. ?f f yf ??u ??getge?????????ododuoduc?????keekeepe?? yo y????r mir m????? at a??????z oz of?? wa w????r -r ???th?????????itit'it's'?s ls liliklike? y yo you yo?'r'?re re d ?ririninkin??????? fl f??????es?????????e.
That said, what you get per packet is a bit on the light side for mixing with 16 oz of water. I can barely taste the tea, and I'm pretty sensitive to tea flavors. If you get this product, keep your mixes at 8 oz of water - otherwise, it's like you're drinking a flavorless algae.

Otherwise, it's a good product at a good price. At proper concentrations, the flavor is good, and you can't beat t"} +{"input": "?heh? h he?alaltl???beb?????tst???f f?? g ???d d s sesen??hah??grgrereee????eae??????525??B0B000010?6F6?????,A,A3A3E3??KEK??????2K2???????????ghghth??0,0?????131303???222?404???GrG?reare??????oduod?ctc???\"I\"??fi?rsr???????????ese?se se p po p??ded????????eenee????easea??frfro??????ashas?????st st?????????ThT???s ss ?pr?ini?g g I I ??ana???d ?mom???????????? s?tot??e ?I ??gotgo????eme??fr???????n'n?t ?t tht thit th??k k??he??vev???oror or w ?ououluldld d bd be? c ??????ingin?g ag an??. . . ? I I? wa was???delde??ighight??ed ed? to t?? fi f?????ha???????oulou??? ge gete????t themt them m f???? A ?mam????. . I. ??or?dederde????????olo??e be ??ncnchch ch????d ld ?ooookook k fk ?or?wa??d ???o ho ?????? r re?frfrefr????????EAE?L L???ODO? d?????????? s??mmmmemm????in in? an??eaeas?? t to to to??????fo?rmr??.\".\"??6565365???00?1616F16??????A3??Z7Z???IAI????FBF??", "output": "he health benefits of a good sencha/green tea.\"\n2652,B0016FY6H6,A3EKKE39YN92KZ,AlaskaLight,0,0,5,1306022400,Great product!,\"I first tried these powdered green teas from Stash last summer. This spring I wanted more, but the store I got them from didn't think the vendor would be carrying any. I was delighted to find that I could get them from Amazon. I ordered a whole bunch and look forward to having refreshing REAL FOOD drinks all summer in an easy to make form.\"\n2653,B0016FY6H6,A31Z7ATIAL5KFB,A"} +{"input": "n??tat??0,0,0????131??13????000??FiFirirsr???tit???????chc????r!r????????????? fi f??isi?heh???mym??bob?x x o ?????? B ????beb?errerryry ???eeeene? T ???????ded???anandnd ??an?teted???? t??? s ???metme??in?????w!w????o o go glg?ada???I tI ?????????is is????vov?r r? as as s i itit it? is i????ow ow???y fy ???vorvo?????! ! ????? a ad a?d ???it tit ?o ??a ca ?olo??d bd ????????????te??, , d ????? i?t ??as as???, ?or?????d ad a ?????????????of Sof ?????????or Aor AgA?????an?????u u a??re re?gog?????????. .? V ???????????????!!!?! ! W! ?ili????? p?aca?kik??ing ing??????onon ?my?? tr?ipi? t????exe?????\"\"2??545??????6F6???H6H??A3A?I4I?PCP????NJNJNJNGN??,L,????aia???,0,,0,0,0,?0,40,??????????00??????????lil???tltlytl??????tetentene?d ????????????ow???r,r,\"r,?lol???s os ofs o?????????or ?th??s s gs gr?", "output": "nita,0,0,5,1301356800,First time purchaser!,\"I finally finished my box of the Blueberry Green Tea Powder and wanted to try something new! So glad I tried this flavor as it is now my favorite! Just add it to a cold bottle of water, drink it as is, or add a few drops of Stevia or Agave and you are good to go. Very refreshing!! Will be packing this on my trip to Mexico!\"\n2654,B0016FY6H6,A3I4PCBRENJNG2,L. Cain,0,0,4,1300579200,quality lightly sweetened green tea powder,\"lots of uses for this gre"} +{"input": "?enen n t ????....<..????/>/?I/>? g ??eneen?rar?lll?y y????????sts????? ( ?tht????? n ?oto?t tt ?thethe ??vev?er-er-a-al?lyly ly????wew?????lel????).)???B />???ngn? o ono?n mn ?mormo??????a a h heh??????kik????inin in?re??en??????rsr?, , I ??????? ad a??ede?? a a? lo l?? m????????ENE?? te tea tea ?toto o????did?ete??????oneon???or?? o??????th?????...<...??????frf???m sm ????????t bt ???we?????a ??ltlt;lt????ot?ot oot or????????????br /br ??????

br /???r r /r />r />I>??????not???????o ?grg?reere?en en????.....?????????rs??t st ????te???drdridr??ki?ngng ng?????he??n ln li??ining? i??n Jn ???an???om??e 3e ????yeyeaye?arsars s as ????...?????
?????the?the gthe ????ndn?", "output": "en tea...

I generally like most tea (though not the over-ally flowery blends)...

Being on more of a health kick in recent years, I have added a lot more GREEN tea to my diet in one form or another...
from straight brewed tea <> hot or iced...

To adding the powder to things like salad dressings, smoothies, baked goods, etc.

I am not new to green tea....as I first started drinking it when living in Japan some 30+ years ago....
in the ground "} +{"input": "f?oro?? k knknon?wnwn n a ?? m ??tctchchah???I I??likli???bob??h h???e ???????tet?nen?d d a?ndn?d td th??? li l??hth???y sy ???et???ed?.\".\"\"2???????????Y6Y?H6H???????MZMZXZ???1Q1Q1Q???mom???erer ?beb??r,r,0,??,0,,0???1212912979797??727?00??\"n\"?????oooo o s ?swe??et,et??no?not not?????sts?ro??g,g???????rir?ighight?\",\",\"????????ng?????????????rinrinknke?r,??????hahaphappppypy y ty toto ????me me? ac a??rosro?? t????????? t?ea??????? I ????????s ?s ass a??mym???????s ?drdridr??nk nk? wh w???e e ee ?xex?ercer????????? g gogololfolfif?????. I. ?I fI ??nd? t???is ?ic??????tea tea?ve??????frf?????????. I. I . I?????llyll???lik???e the t?he he f ??avavov??????nd end ??pep????????????lol???????ar ar???ntn?????. ?ThThe??plpla????????????s m?y ??avavoavororiorit??", "output": "form known as matcha.
A quality product. Dissolves well.

I like both the unsweetened and the lightly sweetened.\"\n2655,B0016FY6H6,A1G12MZXFX1Q1X,mother bear,0,0,5,1297987200,\"not too sweet, not too strong, just right\",\"As a long time tea drinker, was happy to come across this iced tea mix. It serves as my sports drink while exercising or golfing. I find this iced tea very refreshing. I really like the flavor and especially the low sugar content. The plain green is my favorite "} +{"input": "???lll???????????e e?????????y.y???????????????y ??? g gogooo????????????s us ununsn?????ene??ed,ed?????? a ada?d d hd ?ala??? a a???????????TrT?uvu??a.a.\".\"\"???565?,B,?000010??FYFY6Y?????1Q1??P3P3U3UXU????8F8?J,J??????ol???gigiri??,0,0,0????,1,?292???252??????rer??t t???ck????e ue upu?? on o????he ?gogo go?- - h ????oro???ololdold!d!,!???I rI rereare???y ??????y ty ??is? t??ea ea???cac????????????? t??????et?et aet ??d ?itit'????easea??????us?e.e??? I I? ca c??rry? i??t at ?????y ???g g w wiw?ithit???e ??and?????????? h ho hot??????ol?? w?at?er???ded????did?ngn?g ug ??ono???????oodood.d?. . I. ????????ha????it it??iviveveses s ms ?? j ju jus?ust ust?? the the e re ??????????? of o????er???y ay ?and???it it cit ??n n en ??venven ???????????ungun??er er? be????weenween ????lsl?. ?? r??ealeal eal???reareatrea?t tt ?thi??????ca????", "output": "followed by the raspberry. The blueberry is good too; it's unsweetened, so I add half a packet of Truvia.\"\n2656,B0016FY6H6,A1QCP3UXNAN8FJ,Annapolisgirl,0,0,4,1292025600,Great pick me up on the go - hot or cold!,\"I really enjoy this tea because it's not to sweet and it's easy to use. I carry it and my mug with me and just add hot or cold water, depending upon my mood. I find that it gives me just the right kind of energy and it can even hold my hunger between meals. A real great thing because "} +{"input": "?? w wawata?????????lol?ririeieses.s? ??ndnd d??f f?????????????n n t ?eae??isi??fuf?llll l????ana??ioioxo??????s.?????575??B0B?????????,A,??U1U?5W5?YNY?FCFC4C414121?O,O?????????ini???0,0????,1,??????12????GoG?odod ????ffff,f,T,?hih?? i??????????ede?d td te?????????is is his haharardr??d tod t??????d ld ????ll?????? th t???FaF???l al ???d Wd ???te??..???????????FY?????ABA????YKYKUK?0X0?PCP??,Bu,B?sys??omomOmOfO???,0,????5,15,???535???80800800,?WoWono?ndend?rfr???lly?????reresre??hinhi???drdririnrinkn?????? h ?oo??????. T. ??isis is iis ??is ais a ????eatea?????y ty ???geg??????e ??luluiu????in????my? d?aya?y wy ????????t mat m??iningin????t st ???????keke ke?a ?ch???ore.ore. . ?. Th. T????pop?wdw??er er t ta t????es es????at? w???ho???t at an?????didit??????????eetee??nen??s.s. s.??It?? is is is?jujus?t t w??hatha?????????beb??n ?lo?", "output": "I watch my calories. And of course, green tea is full of antioxidants.\"\n2657,B0016FY6H6,A1U15WYNFC412O,Art Denning,0,0,5,1288051200,Good stuff,This is good iced tea. It is hard to find locally in the Fall and Winter.\n2658,B0016FY6H6,ABMSXYKU0XPC,BusyMomOf2,0,0,5,1285372800,Wonderfully refreshing drink,I am hooked. This is a great way to get more fluids into my day without making it seem like a chore. This powder tastes great without any additional sweeteners. It is just what I have been loo"} +{"input": "k?ini???foforo??? A AlA?soso o t ?ryr?? th t?????????rrr??????sisioi?????DeD??ici????s!s????595?,B,??010?6F6??6H6?6,6?A2A2C2?HBH??ZPZ?????FCFC,C,M,?imi?????dedererler???????5,5,1,????525212?16016??,E,??????andan????astas?y y fy ??r r???ttttet?er er?heheahe?ltl???\"G\"????? t te t???isis s g ???????for for?????????de?????????antan?io???dad???s,s, , b, ?oo?stststs ?yo?uru?????aba?bolbo????, ??????, , y, ya, y???a,a, , y???da?da, da,??????????????uiuit????????d ??p p??o ?th??????????. U. ??????????. ?????????? a???????e ge gigin???er ????? t? thi this? a???er????????????oror.or?. . A. ??nd nd ind it??????O O??re??????at? I??cac?an an???ustus?????? a ??aca???et et t to????y wy ????r ?bobotbo???????????????????t ??he?he bhe ????herhe?r or ?f f??rerewre??ng? i?t.t??2????0,B0,?????????????????TVTVEV??????", "output": "king for. Also try the Blueberry version. Delicious!\n2659,B0016FY6H6,A2CHB7ZP0AL4FC,MimiManderly,0,0,5,1282521600,Easy and tasty for better health,\"Green tea is good for you, loaded with antioxidants, boosts your metabolism, yadda, yadda, yadda, but I never quite warmed up to the taste. Until now. The lemon and the ginger give this a very nice flavor. And it is SO great that I can just add a packet to my water bottle and go, without the bother of brewing it.\"\n2660,B0016FY6H6,A14U2WTVE7B377,"} +{"input": "????nyny,y??,0???,1,???030363?????0,V0,??ryr??????resre?hih????,\",?JuJusu?t t t ????????????????t ot ?f f???ueu???errerryry ry?flf?avavov?????ndn????? t?eae? i ?tst?ele?f ????non???????whw???miminingin???I I l ???ve ve? th?????? h ??????? ad a?ded??d sd ?wew???????s,s?, a, ?andan?d rd re????y ????????????eedee??ththethemem.m??brbr r / ?????s ?is? a??????ecectc?t wt ?aya???? g ???????re re w wa???r ???????eneen?????fr?omom m????e ae ?antan???xix????antsant???n n t????? tea tea a aa ????elellel?????6666161,61,B,?0000100?16F16???H6H6,6?????656????GFG?1T1????????,0???0,50,??12??545434?????0,L0,?ov???it??????ririn?????is?is dis ??????iouio?us us??? tea tea??lm??st? e ?veverve??????. . . ??? ha hav?e ?????toto to???indin??an?????ing? l???????t ot ont o?n tn ?the?? ma m????t.t?????2,2,B,B0,B???????????Q5Q??KHK?MHM???LVL??,M,M.M?. K. ??????,0,???,5,,5", "output": "bunny,0,0,5,1280361600,Very refreshing!,\"Just the right amount of blueberry flavor, and the tea itself is not overwhelming. I love that it has no added sweeteners, and really does not need them.
This is a perfect way to get more water and benefit from the antioxidants in the tea as well!\"\n2661,B0016FY6H6,A15D65M0NGF1T,Veebee,0,0,5,1275436800,Love it!,I drink this delicious tea almost every day. I have yet to find anything like it on the market.\n2662,B0016FY6H6,AQ5UKHMH36LV9,M. Keeth,0,0,5,"} +{"input": "???757535????000??ReRefe?rer???????????titioiono??toto o????????ovo?e e t??hishi??prp?ododuducu?t!t! !???t t???ddsdd????????? to to ??ouo?r ??watwateterter ?????ou?t t at alalll?? th the th???asa???????tifti?????al al??weweeeetetnt?er??. .??HoHopopep????his???ro??ducdu???isis ??er?????????y!y?2??????????????6,6??343???X5X?????EHE????????atatrat??????4,4,1,?12712?75175?????????wdw?erere?d d?GrG???????a a b ?y ?StS????????wd???ered??grgre??n ??teate????ith? l ???onon on?? g gi g?????? pr?ov???desde????icickic??dad??????????????? an antnti?????????????redredidiedi??tsts ??????red??????inin in???ghg?herhe????oncon??nt????io?n n an ?andand d wd ??th???out out t???? bo b??theth????? b br b?rewre??ng???ea???agagsg?s. s.??????ly ly? po p?our??? in in w wa w??????????le,le????????anand????????yo???? wa???<>???r /?>P>??rod?", "output": "1275350400,Refreshing addition to water,Love this product! It adds flavor to your water without all the nasty artificial sweetners. Hope this product is here to stay!\n2663,B0016FY6H6,A34OXX5PQ1XEHB,va212atr,0,0,4,1275177600,Powdered Green Tea by Stash,\"Powdered green tea with lemon & ginger provides quick daily source of antioxidant ingredients desired but in higher concentration and without the bother of brewing tea bags. Simply pour in water bottle, shake and be on your way.

Produ"} +{"input": "?ctct t????d d t ???????????aba?????????cacala??heh??altal???fof?odo??sts????? b????isi??????lonlo??ere? c ???ririei??. .????????????r ar ????mom???? co c?stst st??fff??????????????ouo????t i??????????? o ??n An ?mam?zoz???\"\"?262?646?????161????H6H?,A,?HVH???????363?????ene?eee??S.S?. R. RuR???????0,0?,0,,0,4,???232393?757??3603600?,R?ef???shs??ngng ng??la?vov??,\",???? hr h??????hthtthttptp:p:/:?/w/wwwww????mazma?????omo???????od??????B00B0??2B2BSBSMS?JMJ?????tat??? P ?reremre??umu?????en??IcI??? T ?eaea ea????deder?, ,?1212-12??ouounountn????ckc???s ??Pa?ck?? of of f??)<)?/a/?????????????? a????re???res??hin???wiw?ithit???ce?.\".\".\"?26266?5,5?,B0,B??16?FY?6H????323?WSW????6A6?????,\"??. ?????th th \" ????nsn?um?erer\"er?????,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,????????00?00,J00,JuJusustus???as as????ec??????????as ?lo?okokik?ing", "output": "ct used to be available in local health food stores but is no longer carried. Much easier and more cost effective when bought in quantity on Amazon.\"\n2664,B0016FY6H6,AHVF60N50361W,Renee S. Rushing,0,0,4,1239753600,Refreshing flavor,\"Stash Premium Green Iced Tea Powder, 12-Count Packets (Pack of 6) Easy to mix and refreshing with ice.\"\n2665,B0016FY6H6,A32WSTQB6AVSBM,\"L. Smith \"\"consumer\"\"\",0,0,5,1238716800,Just as expected,\"I was looking"} +{"input": "??fof?? m mim??? g ????n n t tet???I I?????d d????ryr??wiwiti???????????x x u ????????e oe ??????d ?aba?ouout?. .???? th t?ata?'s's s w??at???ou???an??, ,?????????s s ps ???????t it ??????????. ?????d d ad a d a??itittit??? e exe??rar????ateat?er,er?, b, ?utut ???atat'at?'s 's j ????????tat??steste.e. . S. ?o,o?, i, ???????re????okokik?ingin?? fo f??????nt nt??re???en ten ?teate??????er??????. . . .? lo??? n non?????th????\"\"2???66,66?????6F6??6H6??,A,A1A?R9R?YRYRTR??6J6????K,K,\",????aha?????\"G\"Gi\"Ginina??????????,0,,0?5,5?121???16916???000000,???????????? a ??d d cd coconco?veven?????????hishis ????????????t rt ??chc?h th ?tas???????mem???erer er ter ?????is??gr???nd?? wh????le lle le??????o ???? t?????????roronro??erer ???hanha????????y ??expexpe???ct. ct.????????ververlr??y sy sws????t at ant a??nd dnd ????solsolvl?vesve???reareadreadi??", "output": " for mint green tea I could carry with me to mix up while out and about. If that's what you want, then this product is perfect. I add a little extra water, but that's just my taste. So, if you're looking for mint green tea powder . . . look no further!\"\n2666,B0016FY6H6,A1R9YRTB6JQFWK,\"Ginahmk \"\"Ginahmk\"\"\",0,0,5,1221696000,Great taste and convenient,\"This has a great rich taste. Remember this is ground whole leaf, so the tea is stronger than you may expect. Not overly sweet and dissolves readily"} +{"input": ".. .??????? i ?? d duduru???g g????kok??tsts s???xex?? w??ithith h i ic i??e we ?atatet?r r i in i??????lal??r br ??ttt?lele.e?\"\"2????????????6H6????HVH????N5N???6161W1??ReRenenen????. . R. RuR??hihin???????????????888808?00,00,T,?eaea,a????????ed ed??????????????????e ??easease? t?o o m mi m??????s ????. . . ? I I???se ???fefewe??pap??ke?tsts ts?? and and ????? a? p?ititcit???r ??o ?kekeeke?p p? in????????????? ??er?y y???????????? and and and????edseds ????sws??????ininging ing??????s ls li????tlytl?????eet?? al a??ea????. . D. DoD?ese??'t'????ookook k p?re????, ,?????DODOEO????loolo???li??ke ??a ha he???????drd????? ????????ed ied it???????8,8??????????6,????BNB??BPB????H5H5D5?,\"?BoB???tonto?n Ln LeLes????n ?\"\"\"??????lyl???????ed???n n Mn Ma???acachac????????????,5?,4,?,1????333??????Re?????", "output": ". I use it during workouts mixed with ice water in a Polar bottle.\"\n2667,B0016FY6H6,AHVF60N50361W,Renee S. Rushing,0,0,5,1219708800,Tea,\"I liked the flavor and the ease to mix this tea. I use a few packets and make a pitcher to keep in the fridge. Very good COLD and needs NO sweetening as is lightly sweet already. Doesn't look pretty, but DOES look like a healthy drink! I liked it!\"\n2668,B0016FY6H6,A1CBNUBPZPWH5D,\"Boston Lesbian \"\"Happily Married in Massachusetts\"\"\",3,5,4,1216339200,Refresh"} +{"input": "??ngn? s ?umu???r r???vever?????????ururcr??asa??d d t ?hih????????whwheh?? i????????n ???lel???????as??????ererter????? if if f????d ld ??kek?? it?????t It ?'v'veve ve r ?????soso o m ?????????ut ut? th t???he?al?????????it????f ????????????????????????ryr? i?????ThT?hishi???is is a a a n ??ce??? pl p???????? be???????????he he fhe ????oror ?is?n'???to?o o so ???on??. ??I ?adaddad?d ad a a???ckc?ketke???? S SpS?lelenle?dad?a ta to?? ma m?ke? i???????? s????????. ???e e pe ??wdw?erer er???????ve????????y ??in in cin ?ololdl?????????. T. Th. T?he ?he flhe f???vorvo?r ir isr is s ns ?????al????????akeak???????waswa?s i???????sedse????ou????????h ih ?it it tit ????? I ?ha?ve???sigsi?????upup p????? au a??o-o?de?????veryver???2????,B,B0B??161?????6,6?A3A?2T2?????????????erereer????????l,l?1,1,2,2,2????313", "output": "ing summer beverage,\"I purchased this item when it was on sale. I wasn't certain if I'd like it but I've read so much about the health benefits of green tea I wanted to try it. This is a nice, pleasant beverage. The flavor isn't too strong. I add a packet of Splenda to make it a bit sweeter. The powder dissolves easily in cold water. The flavor is natural not fake. I was impressed enough with it that I have signed up for auto-delivery.\"\n2669,B0016FY6H6,A32TI3XCI0KS2C,Derek Sargel,1,2,1,131"} +{"input": "????444????waw?sts?? o ?? m ?ononeneye??ThT?????? w ??? v ??ryr???eae?k k??ndnd d????????t ????????????????? s ?ixix x b ????s ???????? I I??ha?t ???? on o?ne ne??? m???faf?mim?lyl???iki?es????676??0,B0,B0B??161?FYF??H6H?,A,?1V1VQVQKQ?T0T?EFE???Q2Q?K,K,\",\"S\"?usu?an? \" ???mpmplplol??he?r\"r??\",\"??,2,??5,5,1?????525202???0,G0,GrG?eaeatea??prpror?????????t ?lal????,\",\"L,\"?OVO??? th?isi????? I d I ????likli?ke ke?drd?????ingin????aia?????ateat?er er? an a?nd nd??ava??ve bve beb?ene?n ln lo??kikinki?g ?fof??????????????easea?????at??? I c I coc?ulu??d ad ???d td ?????? s/ s?????????????????go????a ba ?be be g ??????????????viviriro??????, , r ???????? T Th????????? i???grg?reareat????????of?????ve???????e ie ?is is????dedererferfuf???????d thd t?he he???intin?t ot ????wewee??????no??????????er??ing????at aat ??????? I c I ca I can", "output": "9414400,waste of money,The tea was very weak and not that good. Now I have six boxes of tea I that no one in my family likes.\n2670,B0016FY6H6,A1VQKT0EFQ3Q2K,\"Susan \"\"smplocher\"\"\",1,2,5,1268352000,Great product - at last!,\"LOVE this! I dislike drinking plain water and have been looking for something easy that I could add to my s/s water bottle (gotta be good to the environment, right?) The flavor is great, ease of convenience is wonderful and the hint of sweet is not overpowering at all. I can"} +{"input": "? d ????k k????????? t ?????ititht??oro? w???hoh?utu????ee???nen?r.r????????nln????thith?????? i?f f?yoyou? w wa w???????????nk nk? gr g?reere??? te tea? a ??? d?ayay ????g,g, ,? th t?he he?cacalaloal??iei???WIW??L L? ad a?d d u upup p?- -?I I? th?in??k ek ????????kekete???is is 6 6060 0 c????ri??????? d????? 2 2 2 ( (3(??????????????????????r ?????????????????oulouldld ???e 1e ??0 ???lolorlo?rie?s s os ??f sf ?swesw?eet?eneneenede??drdridr????a ?a daa d??. . ??utut ut I??????? st s???ll ???????thethe ??ror???ctct ??? st sta st?rsr??bebecbe?????e t?he????od?????????????. I. ?'d'd ?juj?ustus??pip??ck ck? so som so??ethet???? e ??se??? if if I??? g???ing?????popou??d ????ter?????????y ly loy l????(p(??erherhahapa????????lulueu?????y y gy gr???n n tn ??a ??oneone ?whw?hichi?? i?????T T s sw s?weewe????????- i- itit'it????xcxcec??le???? as a???welwe???", "output": " drink my green tea with or without sweetener. The only thing is if you want to drink green tea all day long, the calories WILL add up - I think each packet is 60 calories. I drink 2 (32 oz) bottles of water a day so that would be 120 calories of sweetened drink a day. But I will still give the product 5 stars because the product is fab. I'd just pick something else if I'm going to pound water all day long (perhaps the blueberry green tea one which is NOT sweetened - it's excellent as well) "} +{"input": "? I I'I????usu????hih?s s?fof?r r o ?????otottt?lele ???d d a a a n ?????wew?????nedned ????e fe ??r ??theth????heh?r.r???BeB?sts???????th??wowororlorldldsds.s?? E EnE?????\"\"?262??1,1?????6F6??6H6???A1A??RIR?????????Q,Q,S,SaSama????ahah,h??????,1????????00???igi??tl?? s ??ee???an????heheehe???er er????an an? an a? J JaJ?ambam???????e ???tctchchach?a Sa ?hoh???,I,? u us use?d d td tot?? al a?waw?ysys s gs ????to to???ambambaamb??????? f fo f?or or t th the the ??????????eenee?n tn ?????hohotho??s..s.?????????ryryiy?ngn?? th??is is i ic??d ????eeneen een? te teaea ???wdwdeder?????waswa??ho?oko??ed.ed?????hishis ????vov????is ??ig??htlht?y ???????endend ??????????????????? an and an???pompo??grgragran???e ?e fle f?????????? j jujus??????tl?????ouo????????????????? the????ueue ?e fle flae fl????????ththe????reere?en en t te tea tea.a???I ?dodon????t mit m?indin??d thd t???", "output": " I'll use this for one bottle and a non-sweetened one for the other. Best of both worlds. Enjoy!\"\n2671,B0016FY6H6,A12RI7T2PXO4JQ,Sammirah,1,2,5,1261958400,Lightly sweet and cheeper than an Jamba Juice Matcha Shot!,I used to always go to Jamba Juice for the Match green tea shots...after trying this iced green tea powder I was hooked. This flavor is lightly sweetend and the raspberry and pomegranate flavors are just subtle enough to not mask the true flavor of the green tea. I don't mind the f"} +{"input": "??nnn???grg???? c ??lol??...?????erer r?ala???iti?'s'?? gr g?reere???teteate?????????????FYF?6H6H6H???242??RURU0U0P0P0P0T0TNT?909?????????mem???????????1,1,2,??1,???111?????00??????????,T??isis ???ede? t??????s ts ?terte???blbleble.e. . T ?????????heh??????t t?????? p ?ror?dud???t tt tht?ata?t It ???o o??oto??en?????. I. ?????? no n???????d td ????????????testes s ms ?or????iki???pop??????ed ed??epeppppep?ermer????????vevese????26726737????00100??????6,6,A6,?FWF?????????????????deede?e \"e ????nd??ee\"ee?\"\"\"??0,0??,1,1,,1,1,1,??????929202??????????, , i?? y ??? h hahavhave??? c co c?ornor??alallal?lerlergr??!!!!\"!????????ir?st????grgregred?iei?enten???????is?is mis ??x,x???efe?or?? t??he he t te tea te??is?is eis ????n ln ??st??ed ???is mis mais m??????xtx??rinri??. . ????yo?u ?sus?fff??? f ?ro?? a???corcornrn ??ll?er??????lelea?ses??", "output": "unny green color...after all it's green tea.\n2672,B0016FY6H6,A24NRU0P0TN907,\"PenName \"\"Pen\"\"\",1,2,1,1211587200,Terrible,This iced tea is terrible. This is the first Stash product that I do not enjoy. It is not iced tea. It tastes more like powdered peppermint leaves.\n2673,B0016FY6H6,AFWA3MAM1R45K,\"Randee \"\"Randee\"\"\",0,1,1,1345939200,\"Beware, if you have a corn allergy!!\",\"The first ingredient in this mix, before the tea is even listed is maltodextrin. If you suffer from a corn allergy, please d"} +{"input": "?? n ???????geg??t tt ?o o ro rereae?? t ?heh??lal?????& &???wiw??tit???lyly y?drdririn?k k?????????????e ?no????ea?????y ty th?ere????? m ?or???mam??????????n n i?n ?th??? p ??odo???????hanha????????in????rodro?ducdu????? the th?????ea iea ??????. ?? I I??reareal???e e t???s ??is ???t ?? r???????, l, lel???al????e ae a ?\"\"\"??????ulu??????ewew\"ew??, ???????id???otot ot d???crcri?bebe be t th the the the t ta tas?????? t? the the ???ododuod?uctuc???or or?ev??n ?????iewiew w t? the?? the pr the p???uc???????ouo??dnd?'t'?t rt ?????? t? thi th?????prodproduduc???, i, ???I ???????d td ??????I ???antant ?pep?opoplp???????????corco?n ?al??lerlerg???y toy t?o bo be?be abe ?advad?visvise??d od of??? the the ?iningin??????enten???s ins i????e e t??ea.ea. ??? d??idnid???t kt knk?nowno?w hw ?owo?w ew ??se?? to t?o io ininfin?forfo?? f?olo????ab????????e ie ?????rediredie?????exe????t t ft ?for", "output": "o not forget to read the label & unwittingly drink this. I have no idea why there is more maltodextrin in this product than the main product, the tea itself. I realize this is not a review, let alone a \"\"helpful review\"\", as I did not describe the taste of the product or even review the product. I couldn't review this product, if I wanted too. I want people with a corn allergy to be advised of the ingredients in the tea. I didn't know how else to inform folks about the ingredients except for"} +{"input": "?????tht?e e??aga?????th????viviei????? I ? c ????????? g ?ivivev???????ror?dud??????????tatara????asa??itit it??ononton?????s ms ?mormo??re mre ?????????????, t, ?thath?n n tn ??????ses??f.f.\".????747?????1616F6?Y6Y6H6?????W7W?????A8A?HKH????pepere??????1,1??,1,13,1343?191?????00,00??igi???lyly y s sw swew?ete????d d gd grg?????ici??? t??ea ea? po powo????,\",?i i????? n?ev??????kek?ed ??gregree????ea??????????newne???? w ???? go g??????or or m mem???o o?? h ha hav???beb?????ri??kik?ingin??? it it f it ??r r a????ot ot??f f???rs.rs. ??i gi gr????upu???iv????? in i???he?????????n un ???a aa ?andan?d od ou????????????s ws ???re ?jaj?pa??nesnesese.se??th??y ??wer?e ?????et et a???d g???ave ave??us us? te??a fa ?roromro? j ?japja???. ???????thetherthe????????????????ryr?????????????? ad a?de????a ta ???????oo????f ?hoh????", "output": " on the page with reviews. I could not give the product more stars, as it contains more maltodextrin, than tea itself.\"\n2674,B0016FY6H6,A2W7ZBU9A8HKR9,perky,0,1,5,1341964800,lightly sweetened green iced tea powder,\"i have never liked green tea but i knew it was good for me so i have been drinking it for a lot of yrs. i grew up living in the western usa and our neighbors were japanese. they were sweet and gave us tea from japan. my father enjoyed it every morning and added a tablespoon of honey "} +{"input": "???d d?? l lil????e e c ??eae???????it.it??????mom?kekede????l l? hi h?s s???fefe ?????did???????929?. ???????????????nd nd????n n a?? t??mem???? w??oulou???ququiu?it it d ???????? i????i wi ????dnd??t ???????s ??ooo???d asd as ?s i s i???d ???enen ??dridr?inkin?kinki??g ig ??? i i ??gotgo??tit???d d od ofof f b bob????ng? t?he? w wa watatet?? w wi wit????????????gsg??anandand and???????ete??in????vever??tht????ing iing in?? a a? co c?ntntat????er er t?o ?????t int i??o o to ?theth??frf??g.g?. i. ???????????anankan? a a a l a lol???ofof of????????ellel???????umumbm??ledled ??nt???? a w a wa???hohou????????icickc????????? t??in?ingsing?s is i s i hs i hah?????????????and and nand ?ot?ic????ththith????ea????????????medme????elelyel?y iy inintin??????eded ?ed ased a????????????o do ?dri??????????holho?? t? tea te??le??????ic?h ?gigivivevesve?s ys yos youou ?101??? tim ti??", "output": "and a little cream to it. he smoked all his life and died at 92. anyway, i found when at times i would quit drinking it i wouldn't feel as good as i did when drinking it. i got tired of boiling the water with the teabags and then getting everything in a container to put into the frig. i really drank a lot of it. well, i stumbled onto a warehouse to pick up some things i had ordered and noticed this tea. i was immediately interested as you get to drink the whole tea leaf which gives you 10 times"} +{"input": "? m ?ororere e????ioioxo??dad?antan??????w,w, ,????t t??????oooodo???????e ?soso o?i i???t t at ?????plp??????eses s as ?andan?d wd ?????????an an?ou????eae???he?d d td ?thethe ?ini??ere??ete??fo?????asashas? b ?ra??d.d??i i ri ?reare???????????t.t??? l?????ththathatat at i it i????s Ls ???HTHTLT?????EEE?TET??EDE?, , i, ????veve ve????t t i? c?anan ?juj??st st o op o??en en a???aca??et???nd????????? it it i in int???mym?y ty ??mbmblb????, a, ??????????and and?????er er?????beb????n mn my??? way wa??. i????s js ju??st ?ririgi?htht.t. t.???t t mt ?mormore? t????????th???? e ele?sese se???lolovlovelov?e t????? way way way?????aka?keske???e ??eee?el.el??soso so? mu m?????ororeor????????y ay ??????trt???????????????t i????helhe???????y ?wew?ellel????????. n. ??o go geg???tinti???ar????nd ???ou?? i it???i di ?on?????getge????ickic? o??????????????. . n?ow????", "output": " more antioxidants. wow, that was good for me so i got a couple cases and when i ran out searched the internet for stash brand. i really love it. i love that it is LIGHTLY SWEETENED, i love that i can just open a packet and throw it into my tumbler, add ice and water and be on my way. it's just right. but more then anything else i love the way it makes me feel. so much more energy and i truly believe it is helping my well being. no getting around about it i don't get sick often for sure. now i h"} +{"input": "a????'t'??????d d???? o ?tht??? b ??ana?dsd???andan?????eee???i ??ono?n'tn'????????? b?ece?aua?????i ai ?m m s ?o ??????fifie????iti??? th?is?? on o??? t???e pe ??ricri??e i?s s as ????????apa???. ?????????????????????an an g gog??????????th?th tth ?thithis?????icicece.ce?. . ???rkr????????,B,B0B??????6H6??,A,???MLM??5S5????2B2?????,0,0,0?1,1,5,???333???272?????GrGrer??? P PrP??????,l,?????????eaeasea????? h ???iningn??????????atuat??ralra???ea????????hearhear ?an??? ti t???e .e . ?tat??te?s ???eaeatea???i li lo???ve tve ????s ss st??ashas???rereereenree???eaeaea?????6,B6,???????Y6HY6H6H6,H6?,A4,A??ULU????KEK?A5A595?????phpha?????. ?????r,r????,1,1,,1,1,1,??????3923920?0,??otot ot?SoSo ?MuMucuchuc???\"I\"I I? bo b?????t tt ??this????a a???s Is I I lI ?????blblul?????????, ,? an and an?d Sd ???ash???s ??non?wnw???as as?mam??????", "output": "aven't tried the other brands and i feel i don't have to because i am so satisfied with this one. the price is also cheaper. i don't think you can go wrong with this choice. perky\"\n2675,B0016FY6H6,A2XMLM5S0PC2BR,BB,0,1,5,1339027200,Great Product,love the ease of having green natural tea anywhear any time . tastes great i love this stash green tea\n2676,B0016FY6H6,A4DULCHGKEA59,Stephany L. Blair,0,1,1,1313539200,Not So Much!,\"I bought this tea as I like blueberries, and Stash is known as making g"} +{"input": "?oooodod d???asa????????vevere?? w ?heh???????rsr???????ieiede????????ini?? m ??x x???? th t???wawata?terter r?? the th????loloro?r wr ?waswa? a ?n n on ??d ?grg???? ( ??????verve?y y a?ppp??ti?zizin?g)g????OnOncn?e e Ie ??????ed ed?????popowowdowded?? w wi witith???at???, ??theth??reresre?ulu??tinti?? t??? h ?adad ??? r ??????lalavavov?or.or?. ??I fI fefeeeelee??lil?kek?e I????st????mym?y my mom???????d d cd ??an'an???gegetet et? a a????unu?d.d??2?676777?????161?FYF?6H6H6H?,A,????QUQ???N5N?SYS?KDK??\"C\"????nunutut t \"t ??????onson??ipi??ate????????vo????LoL?????er?\"\"???1,1,3,3,3???,13,1?383808?????0,0??PrP???tyt???oo????stustufu?????it??? th???????????????eneen?er\"????hih?s s is ???on??e oe ofo? m??y fy ????oriorit???? wat wa?ter????????s.s. s. I I I? th thi th????????as?? a a r a ??realrea?????ri?sps?, ?clclel???n tn tatas?te?...??wi??th ??? hi h?intin??of? g gr??assas??", "output": "ood teas. However, when I first emptied the drink mix in the water the color was an odd green (not very appetizing). Once I mixed the powder with water, the resulting tea had no real flavor. I feel like I wasted my money and can't get a refund.\"\n2677,B0016FY6H6,A2VDQUOEN5SYKD,\"Coconut \"\"Unconstipated Carbivore Loiterer\"\"\",1,3,4,1338076800,\"Pretty good stuff, with the right sweetener\",\"This is one of my favorite water add-ins. I think it has a really crisp, clean taste...with a hint of grassy-"} +{"input": "?????. .???????a a???rtrtit?clc??? t??ndn???o o s sesete??lele le??t t t th t???bob???omo?????? the th??????????ifi?f lf le?????tat????ngn? f ??? m ??oreore ??hah?an an?? f??w w? mi min????s,s???o o Io I I h ?havhavev?e te toe to o so shs?????iti?t ut ?p p? pe p?rir?odo???ala???????er??????e t?imimem?es ????n n???fef?elel l l ???? I??m ????nkn????????metme??in?? t? tha that?????? sq squq?????????f ?????e ble b?adaded?es ?ofof of?????????wew????bubut?????s s ss ??eme?s ?toto ?beb?e b?as?ed? o???mym??chc?????e oe ?of of sof swswe?????erer.er???t ???st???es ges ????t ?????? I I??????????a,a???utut ?whwhewhenwhen ????useus???we????? L ?owo????I ???et et a a ?bib?ittitte???is?????????????te?.\".?2?676787????010???Y6Y?H6H6,6???????ULULULUMUM9M9I9?J5J??????I ????oooo o yo ?????\"\"\"\"\"?,0,??2,2,2?,1,?343???????00,00???n'n't'???bot??herher,r??I ?bo????", "output": "ness. The tea particles tend to settle at the bottom of the bottle, if left standing for more than a few minutes, so I have to shake it up periodically. There are times when I feel like I'm drinking something that was squeezed off the blades of a lawnmower, but this seems to be based on my choice of sweetener. It tastes great when I use stevia, but when I use Sweet & Low...I get a bitter-ish grassy taste.\"\n2678,B0016FY6H6,A37Y0WULUM9IJ5,\"LBLI \"\"Boo yah!\"\"\",0,2,2,1342137600,Don't bother,\"I bought"} +{"input": " ?tht??????????oro???????? th t?e e r ?asa???ererrr?? p ?????ndnd nd w whw??lel??????y ay ??e ??ono????tetene??? i ??'s'???ses?lelesle??.<.?brbr r??><>??????????ouo???lalanla?????mam???????????chche?r ???f tf te?a,a???????????t, t, i??? ta tak?ese???? pa paca??s ????r 6r ????? a an????is is???ili?l l v ????, , v, ve?ryry ry??????????flaflav??or,or???????t ?????t bt ?? c ??ns?umu???d i?n ??? h ????s ?(s(???????????) )? so s????u'u'r'?? m??chch ch???ttt????r ofr offff ????wiwin??g yg ???????????? /?????br /br ?/>H/>?????????ifif f yf ?????????ea????s ts ??o \"o ?\"\"s\"\"st?as?h\"h\"\"?????is ?in?????our our? pu p?rs??????? t th the????did?????????oco???et et ( ?????me????wh?ici??ch wch ?????d bd ??be wbe we??rdr?) ??it'it?????tilti?ll ll m?is??sesse?s t?he? m?ararkar?? O ????pap????????es????ery???????le le???????flavfla", "output": " this \"\"flavor\"\" and the raspberry pom and while they are consistent, it's useless.

If you plan on making a pitcher of tea, forget it, it takes 4 packs for 64 oz and is still very, very weak in flavor, and it must be consumed in 12 hours (so they say) so you're much better off brewing your own.

However, if you're idea is to \"\"stash\"\" this in your purse (for the ladies) or pocket (for men, which would be weird) it's still misses the mark. One packet does very little for flav"} +{"input": "?oro??wiw??h h 1 ?6 6?ozo???????tet??????yoy?u'u?? h ????????ususes????o,o?????d Wd ?HOH??drd?ini??s s j juj??t t???6 o6 ozoz oz?? of of???te???whw??? o ou o??t tt ???eae?at at o or o?r sr sor s????thith???? of??th???at nat nan?atuat???????so??, w, wi?th? o on o?lyl? 8 ???o ??2 2?pap?ckckek?etset???? a? b ??x x?(d(??pepen??s ?????lal?avoavor?, , w????knk???s s ws ?whywh????????t ?gig????s ys ??? 4 ???? 6 ????? o??z dz ???inkinksks ks??or??????????sus??e e ie ?it'it's'?s ws wos worortor?th ??it it???t at ?lll??, I, ?'d???at????r dr ?dri?nk? l ?ememom???????er er w?????ou????ha?n ????s.s.\".??262676???B0B000???FYFY6Y??????7Y7Y0Y0W0??LULUMUM9M???5,5?????I I?\"\"\"?????yay??!\"!?????,2,?,2????424?13?767??00,00?No????????th i??!,!,\"?????youyou you? pl plalanla?????mamaka????? a ???itcit???her her????????????geg?? i ??, ??it ?tatak?????4 p4 papacpa??????? 6 64 64 ???oz aoz ??d ??s ", "output": "or with 16 oz of water so you'd have to use two, and WHO drinks just 16 oz of water when out to eat or something of that nature? Also, with only 8 to 12 packets in a box (depends on flavor, who knows why?), that gives you 4 to 6, 16 oz drinks for $3. Not sure it's worth it at all, I'd rather drink lemon water when out than this.\"\n2679,B0016FY6H6,A37Y0WULUM9IJ5,\"LBLI \"\"Boo yah!\"\"\",0,2,2,1342137600,Not worth it!,\"If you plan on making a pitcher of tea, forget it, it takes 4 packs for 64 oz and is "} +{"input": "???ilillll l?????? v ve vereryery y w ??aka? i ???flflal???????ndn???t t??????beb??coc??????d ?????2 2 h ?ououru?????o o?tht???y sy sas??????????'r'??e me ????? be bete????????????wiw??g g? yo y????????
However, if you're idea is to \"\"stash\"\" this in your purse (for the ladies) or pocket (for men, which would be weird) it's still misses the mark. One packet does very little for flavor with 16 oz of water so you'd have to use two, and WHO drinks just 16 oz of water when out to eat or something of that nature? Also, with only 8 packets in a box, that gives you "} +{"input": "4?, ,????ozoz z??????? f fof?? $ $3$?? N ????????????s s ws ??ortor??? it i??ata???lll?, , I, ?'d'???at???r r dr ??ininkin??lel?mom?n n???ateater?? wh w??????t ?th?ana???thithisi??\"\"?262686808??B0B?010???Y6Y??????7Y7Y0Y?WUW?LULUMUM9M9I9IJI???????? \" \"\"\"???????????????2,2??2,12,131?????121?20020?0,I0,??????dnd?'t'??bobot?he?r.r???IfIf f y yo y????lal?????n mn ???????a a p pi p??chche??? of o???eae???fo?rgr???????, i, itit it??????s 4s ?????ks???or????????????is? s????ll ll v ?er????veverve?y y?????, ??andand d i?t t mt mum???t bt bet b?e ce ?on?????d ??n ??12 12?hoh??rsr????o o to th??y ???y)y) ) s???????rere re?mu???????te??????f bf ????in???????????.<.??br br?????????????????????e ??ded????s ?tot???\"\"s\"\"???shsh\"h\"\"? t??????in in? yo???r pr pup???e ??fofor????e ??????es)es??or??pop?ck??? ( ?(fo(foror ????", "output": "4, 16 oz drinks for $3. Not sure it's worth it at all, I'd rather drink lemon water when out than this.\"\n2680,B0016FY6H6,A37Y0WULUM9IJ5,\"LBLI \"\"Boo yah!\"\"\",0,2,2,1342051200,I wouldn't bother.,\"If you plan on making a pitcher of tea, forget it, it takes 4 packs for 64 oz and is still very, very weak, and it must be consumed in 12 hours (so they say) so you're much better off brewing your own.

However if you're idea is to \"\"stash\"\" this in your purse (for the ladies) or pocket (for men "} +{"input": "???icichch h w ?ouo????beb? w???rdr?? i iti????juj?sts? o oko??y.y?????e ?pap??kek?t t dt ??ese???it???e ?fof?? f ?????? w?it?h ?????z z???????ere???o o????'d'd d hd ????e te ?????e ??wowo,wo????d d Wd ?HoH?o do ???????ju?????? o oz???? w wa wat wate????whewh?n n????t tt ????????r r s?omo?etethet???? o????ha???????rere?e? ?? A AlAlsl???, w, ?it????nln??????????????th????????berbe???????) ?in? a???oxo??, t, ??at???ivi??? y??ou ou??????ozoz z dz ??ininkin??? fo f?or ??3.3?? N ??t ???ureur?e ie ????? wo w?ortor?th th??t ??????????'d????th??r ???drindri????lemle?onon ??at?er? w???en en?? out out ?????n tn ?thith?s,s?, e, ???al???? as as ???lanla?? b bu b?? f fr f??e.e??????1,1??000??16F16??????AHA?VFVF6F?0N0?505030?6161W1??ReR?eneen??????RuR?ushus??????????????979757?36?0000,00?po????????????\"<\"????rerefre???\"h\"?ttttpt?:/:////w/?", "output": "which would be weird) it's just okay. One packet does little for flavor with 16 oz of water so you'd have to use two, and WHo drinks just 16 oz of water when out to eat or something of that nature? Also, with only 8 packets (the raspberry pom) in a box, that gives you 4 16 oz drinks for $3. Not sure it's worth it at all, I'd rather drink lemon water when out than this, equally as bland but free.\"\n2681,B0016FY6H6,AHVF60N50361W,Renee S. Rushing,0,2,4,1239753600,powdered tea,\"\"?StS???? P ??eme?iui??????t t G GrGre?????cec?d d???a a? Po P?wdw?ere?, , 1 12?-C-??ununt?? Pa Paca?kekete?s s??PaP?ackac????????/a/???LiLigi????????nt tnt ???????ea??y y??? m mi?????owdow????d ?te???, g, ??????????ce?.\".????828?,B,????6F6??6H6H6H?,A,A1A???Z8Z?JRJ?PLP??NUN?I,I,\",\"M\"MoM??a ?Li?sas?a \"a ?\"\"G\"\"GwG???iei?\"\"????,4,????1212112??808080?80080?00,00?mom??ona ona?lil??sa,sa????? w waw?? a ????????isais?ppppopoipo?intin?mem???. .???er?????as ???????pbp???ryr???r r p??????anananat????????? t???tht????????e ce ??????is????eeeen????d ?????????y ay ??pep?????? t??? lo l?????????????????t ????????orkor?k a???a a ga gr???at at???tit???idi??antan?t.t.??6868368?,B???????Y6HY6??,A??????YAYARARLR??4J4??,\"???llllyly y Ly L.L????elael?geg?e \"e ???ilildl?dandangngengelel\"el??\"\"\",\"\"\"?", "output": "w.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012BZGHS\"\">Stash Premium Mint Green Iced Tea Powder, 12-Count Packets (Pack of 6) Light mint taste, easy to mix powdered tea, great on ice.\"\n2682,B0016FY6H6,A1ONZ8JRPLBNUI,\"Mona Lisa \"\"Gwenie\"\"\",1,4,2,1217808000,mona lisa,This was a big disappointment. There was no raspberry or pomegranate flavor to this. The color is green and not very appealing to look at. However it does work as a great antioxidant.\n2683,B0016FY6H6,A28KT7YARLG4JC,\"Kelly L. Delage \"\"wildangel\"\"\",1"} +{"input": ",,6,???????444????????tat??????? p ???ded?r r??eve?iei???I I??????????? r??eadea???????????ctc??dedesdescscrc?????ono? b ??ttt?terte?????I I dI did??n;n???re???izi?e e te ?thith?? w?as???????????????I d?o o?nonoto??????e t?he???????etenete??d ??ea???????? I???? s??uc??? wi witithth th 2 ???rdr???s s??? t???m.m???.b.??t ??????othothe??????en? t???? po p?owdowdeder? i is??grgregr??t.t???686??????1616F6???H6H??A1A??JYJ?????VAVA0A020????ici?he????CaC??vi????,7,7,7????21?????606??????he mhe mim??t ?t tet tea??I I bI ????????WhWhehenhen n In ?I sI sasawa?w tw ??? m miminmi?nt nt??ceced??? tea tea ?po??wdewder?????th?the the wthe ??bsb???e,e???????ougou?ghtgh??I ?????d ?li????itit.it? B ?ut?????hen hen I I ??????vev?ed ?????ndn??d trd tri?????oneon?e, e,????????verve?y y d?is??????intin????????????th????gre???????a aa anand?", "output": ",6,1,1274486400,stash tea powder review,I wish I had read the product description better....I didn;t realize this was sweetened...I do not like the sweetened teas...now I am stuck with 2 orders of them....but the other green tea powder is great.\n2684,B0016FY6H6,A1MJYKZLAVA021,Michele Calvin,1,7,1,1214697600,The mint tea I bought,\"When I saw the mint iced tea powder on the website, I thought I would like it. But when I received it and tried one, I was very disappointed. It was the green tea and "} +{"input": "????????etet ??t ?t alt a??????????ava??r r w ??? n ??ththih????????ll???iki?e ??n n??cec?d d??eaea a??ik???????? e ?xpx????iningin?. ?I ?????toto o a ad a??d sd ????r r tr ?to to??t t tt ????et?? a a??????r ?r thr t?????I lI ??????o o bo ??e se sis?????r r t?o ?rerege????lar lar????d d t??ea.ea??????n'n't't ????????nowno???? I ????????ususisinsi????????othot??rsr?s Is ????? r ???ceiceivi??????or?ryry y? ab abobouo?t ??hi??? b ?ut????? d di d??????????????re?????????? thi thisis.s?\"\"????5,5?????????SQS????QQQQMQMZM?????QFQ?PJP?,\",????V.V??. Vo. Vooo?oreor?????????vetve????????\"\"???5,?????????828??606??,R,ReR?ealea???ososes?e pe pe?tatala?s s as anandan????ll ll ll ???e e de ???????ousou?s fs flflafl???or!or?,\"????? a a ?lolovo??????teatea ???isis is? is is!s?? Th T?he ?roros?e ??et??alsals s a??re re????ndndadan??t it ????? the the m mi m????an?? w wh w?", "output": "not sweet at all. The flavor was nothing at all like an iced tea like I was expecting. I had to add sugar to it to get a flavor that I like to be similar to regular iced tea. I don't even know if I'll be using the others I had received. Sorry about this, but you did ask for my review on this.\"\n2685,B000SAPXSQ,A1QQMZNOXGQFPJ,\"M. V. Vooren \"\"velvetpaws999\"\"\",5,5,5,1248825600,Real Rose petals and all the delicious flavor!,\"What a lovely tea this is! The rose petals are abundant in the mix, and whe"} +{"input": "?? y ?ouo???rer???a a??????? t ???a aa ?????hehene?n rn ????????????? t?? y yo y????????, ,??????ulullll,l????eee??t st ??enenten?t ot ??????sesses s???reereet???yo??? T ThThihis?? te t?ea ea???????fef???????lel?enden?????andan?d bd bab??an???????tst??coc?????????copcoppppe??????oldol???, , v, vev???y wy ?ara????ndnd nd??ususcsciscioi??s.s??I I j jujus??t wt ?wanwa???????ririninkn????????ry? d ?ayay,y????? r?ele??????ionio?n an ??and and s ???er??en??????????2?????????SASAPAPXP????????EDE????L7L737323???ebe??a,a???????121???989?727202????el??????????he??\"\"\"??????????????or\"or????????????,\"?UpU???n on ?pe??????? the?????????????????waswa?????ucuckc??????? u ???le??????t s???nt?. ? L ??oko?in?? a??????he ihe ??ingringre???en?entsent??I ???????in in?? add ad???tioti?n n tn ???????????ck ck t te?", "output": "n you brew a pot of tea and then raise the cup to your lips, the full, sweet scent of roses greets you! This tea is perfectly blended and balanced! Its color is coppery-golden, very warm and luscious. I just want to drink it every day, for relaxation and sheer enjoyment!\"\n2686,B000SAPXSQ,APSFEDUTXL732,Debra,4,4,2,1297987200,\"eliminate the \"\"natural flavor\"\" additive\",\"Upon opening the sealed bag, I was struck by an unpleasant scent. Looking at the ingredients I saw, in addition to the black tea"} +{"input": " a ?ndnd d r ???ebebub??s,s?? a a?\"\"\"??????ala? f ?lal?vov?r\"r\"\"???????ivi???????beb?????????isi??? add ad????ve????? th t???cuc??prp???? to to o???ininininingin??whw?atat at s shshohouo???????ve ve bve be????????elieligi???fuful? b?ou????? t???mym??non???e. e.???he??n In ???rer????d td th?isis ????, , a, ??d ????ldld ??ti??l ????stest??ththath?at ??ddddiddit????????t t ot ???????? th?????? w??as as??as???. ?? I I??hopho????he? D DaDavaviav??dsods?n n fn ?ama??lyl???????s os ou????evevievie?????becbe?auausu??? I ??am am? ce cere???????????????????y wy wowououl??d jd ??ustust ??refre??????fr??m m?? add??ing? t th????\"n\"na\"n??ur?alal al??la?vo?????????andand and o ototh??????wouwo?uld?? fi f??d ?????s ts te????? to b to be????peperpe?????nd??????eee???ing????ithit??? the??????r ????s s Is ???havhavehav???????e toe t??????????fromfro??Da???idsid????s.s", "output": " and rosebuds, a \"\"natural flavor\"\" additive. I believe this additive is the culprit to ruining what should have been a delightful bouquet to my nose. Then I brewed this tea, and could still taste that additive, but overall the tea was tasty. I hope the Davidson family reads our reviews because I am certain that, if they would just refrain from adding the \"\"natural flavor,\"\" I and others would find this tea to be superb, and in keeping with the other teas I have come to enjoy from Davidson's."} +{"input": "???FoForo???xax????????????opopep????????eieiri?r Dr ???jej?elelilin?g g lg lol???e e? te teae??????wew?ellel??as? t???irir ir?AsA?????lo???e e te ??????? n nonos?ose ose i ???sts?rurucu?k k w??????????elelyel?y by bob????ete? ~ ?? th??is is????whw???t ot on????????s ts tot? e??pe?ririeienencen?e e fe ???m m s sus???rbrb b???as?. .? I I I? wi??l ??loo???????warwa??? to to o Do ?DavDa?idi?????s s rs ???po??didin?ing ing? to??my?????d d od ???????????omeom???'s)'s????ggggeges??????re??? th???s ns ?as????flf??vov?or or a ad a????tivti?ve.ve??????????jojoyoyey??d td ?teate? w? wit wi?th ?ro???????ala???s whs w?ilile? i in i?n In ?nd????? an and? t???y y dy ????no???????ananyanytyththith?ing????heherhe??????? th?? t????????????drd???? r ro rosose???pet???s.s??????????00?SAS??XSX?Q,Q???DRD?SLSLHLHYH??????3,3,\",??mam?????RiR????a ?\"\"\"????ouou\"ou?\"\"\"\"\"????6,6??????", "output": " For example, upon opening their Darjeeling loose tea, as well as their Assam loose tea, my nose is struck with a lovely bouquet ~ this is what one wants to experience from superb teas. I will look forward to Davidson's responding to my (and other customer's) suggestion re: this nasty flavor additive. I've enjoyed tea with rose petals while in India, and they did not put anything other than the tea and the dried rose petals.\"\n2687,B000SAPXSQ,A2DRSLHY6S04F3,\"Amanda Rivera \"\"Ukyou\"\"\",5,6,1,1279"} +{"input": "?585????00,00????????I ????? g ???t at ???ada?? ba b??chc?????isi? t ??a ?waw??s hs ???????e.e????t ?tat?????d ld ?iki????ot???uru??i.i?? I I I??ava?e ??eaealea?????????ede?d od otothot??r r???aviav?dsd???'s's ???as??????y ay ?????????taita??in?? f ??owo?????????d td ???ugu?hth???o o t tr t?y ????eteth???? n nenewe?. ??I I tI ????? t?he???asastast ast i ?ing??????enten???is is???herhe?? t th?????s ws ?wenwe?t ????. . ?. It. I?t wt ?waswas ??\"n\"nan????????????r\"r??? w whwhiwh??? m ??ustus??????e be ??enen en???ses?e oe oio??????????ethet??ngn????incin???mym?y ty ??tea tea c????ic???????????????akakik?????a w??eakea??r ?????????nonot?? he hele?p p? at at ????????686??????????????A1A?ELE??????Z4Z???D,D,\"?C.C??\"\"?MiM??s s Cs ?C.\"C.????1,1???2,2???999?????????????ToT???????oseos????\"\"\",\"\"\",\"???henhe? I I I o I ?ordorded??ed?? th", "output": "584000,I hope I just got a bad batch,\"This tea was horrible. It tasted like potpourri. I have really enjoyed other Davidson's teas,many also containing flowers, and thought to try something new. I think the last ingredient is where things went bad. It was \"\"natural flavor\"\" which must have been rose oil or something since my tea chemical taste and making a weaker tea did not help at all.\"\n2688,B000SAPXSQ,A1ELU5TIYZ4JKD,\"C. \"\"Miss C.\"\"\",1,1,2,1299974400,\"Not Too \"\"Rosey\"\"\",\"When I ordered th"} +{"input": "i?s s?tet??, ,?? w waw??s ss ?? e exexcxciciti?????????ses? I I I??hohouo?ghghth????????????????fof?ounou?d ?????????????o ao ???????? br b??andan?'s'?s rs ror?se? t te t????????indin??viv??ua??? ba baga?s)s???? I w I ??????ci???? f????th?? l lol???e e qe qu??????y oy ofof f t???e te teteate?a, a, a alaloalono?g g w?it??? th???????ci??????ted lted ?igi?ghtght ??ele?licli????? ta tasastaste?????????eded d f???????r /r />/????was?????????????????.... .. W ????? I ?ex?exciexc??????ly oly opo?penpeneneded ed??t,t??I ???????? b??????er????wew?ete?????rur?pyp?, ???ottot???-c-cacancandndynd??li??? s???????????ng ng? fr fro?m m t??????ag.ag??????????oodood ????entent.t?. T. ?he??????? tho thou???ght ght?'t'ththe?????ll? d ??ese?n'n????et???mimin?????? t ta tas ta??????o ??????eepee??d d t????rerececoec???menme????ed ted ta??leles???oonoonsn?s fs fo????????mom?oun?", "output": "is tea, I was so excited because I thought I had finally found the equal to another brand's rose tea (in individual bags). I was excited for the loose quality of the tea, along with the anticipated light delicate taste I'd hoped for.
I was sadly mistaken... When I excitedly opened it, I was hit by a very sweet, syrupy, cotton-candy-like smell coming from the bag. Not a good scent. Then, I thought 'the smell doesn't determine the taste' so I steeped the recommended tablespoons for the amount"} +{"input": "????????? i ?????atatet???anand? t th theh?? t??ieied? a? t?asa?te????he?????????er??????we???? sm sme??????ve????as as????? a b a ?????? t? tas ta???, , n ?????at at a????????iniin??cec???t ot ????? p prp??viv??usu???????erieeri???ce ce???ithit???????te?a.a. ??nfn??rtrtutunu??????, ?I I??ada?d td tot??po??r ??he?????st st? of of ?????e oe ????I have a bag of Hibiscus tea coming in the mail soon from this company. I'm really hoping it's better!\"\n2689,B000SAPXSQ,A1E12CWVAJYDM2,rocky mt lady,1,1,5,1265760000,rosematic,\"This is my first exposure to rose tea. I purchased it because of the previous review. I have to concur."} +{"input": "???hih?? t ?????? d ??lil??????l.l. . T?heh??ara????a ia ??is fis ????asa??ici???????????????????iei??e ?????ar???inin n? th t?he he??ididsd?? o ofof f? a a b?lol????ingin???rosro???gag??????. I. ItI?? is is s as ?a pa ??rfrfefece??t tt te????????p p i???ththe?????te?? m mo m??nthnt????s s is ????????????r ?sesense???s ??witwi?? t? the th?e se scs?ene??s ?ofof of???mmm????. I? b be b?t ?itit it???oulou?????????????????????????cedce?????????h h?????rir??? of o?f ff ??es?????????ToT?? c ???? t to t??trt???????t nt ?owo????utu????ce?? th?????nowno????eltel??????????? G ????? p ???dud??? f ?????thethe ?pr??????2262???,B,B0B??????XSX?Q,Q??2Y2?R4R???????NPN??,L,?oooosoo?sinsingngwngwew???ht??0,???????111?636383848?????? M MOMORO????????I FI ??? M???????W!W! ?????m m?? a P a ?PEPPE??I-I??????? an??????as gas ?gaiga?", "output": " This tea is delightful. The aroma is fantastic and makes you believe you are in the midst of a blooming rose garden. It is a perfect tea to sip in the winter months as it fills your senses with the scents of summer. I bet it would be refreshing as an iced tea with a sprig of fresh mint. Too cold to try that now, but once the snow melts, I will! Great product for the price!\"\n2690,B000SAPXSQ,A2YR4V9PZ9LNP3,Loosingweight,0,0,5,1311638400,NO MORE PEPSI FOR ME!!,WOW! I am a PEPSI-holic and was gain"} +{"input": "?????????hth? a ?s s???????n n?imi????inein?? A ? l liliti??lel? 8 ??? ye yeae?? o ??????mamanma??inintintrtror????ede?d md ????o o y??????ea? H ?OTOT.T?. . ???D D n ??w w w wi w?ithit? j ?????A ???TTT?LEL?????? of o? h ????y y a an a??d id ??ce ce I I I?????e ae a a??ic?e e ce ?ooo?ol ol?rer?frfre?????g ??rir??????????,B,???00S00?APA?XSX?Q,Q??FXF??6I6IMI?YIY?????,k,??????,0,,0,4,4,4,1,????545??00??0,p0,???asaseas??,\",????m m??plepl????ed ed t ??????????s ss ????ar???????t mt ?meame???s Is I'I??l l b?????????? t th t????teteatea ?fof?r r ar a a wa whw?hilhile?????hi?his his?????????ererfr?ece?????r ?r thr t?? s ststast?????????e ??ororkor??dad????????e re ro????? and an???hibhi??scs?usus us??ivi?venve????y sy ??nsn??s;s?; t; ththe???afa?fe?in????us?he??s ms ?me me? to t?????pe pe a? b bi bit??faf??????r asr a??? c??limlimbm? o ov o???????ili?lloll???k ok ?????ma??ilsil?. ?????????", "output": "ing weight as you can imagine. A little 85 year old woman introduced me to your tea HOT. AND now with just A LITTLE bit of honey and ice I have a nice cool refreshing drink!!\n2691,B000SAPXSQ,AFXV6IMYIJC5G,kss,0,0,4,1292544000,pleased,\"I am pleased the bag is so large; it means I'll be sipping this tea for a while. This tea is perfect for the start of the work day: the rose and hibiscus liven my senses; the caffeine pushes me to type a bit faster as I climb over a hillock of e-mails. The flav"} +{"input": "?????ararer? a??bibitit t????e ??????ntnt ?tht?anan n?sisimi??lal?? b???endendsd????vev????????ono?????????(i(?s s ts ????????e ???the the? my m??tet?rir?????\"\"\"\"n\"???ururar?????lavlavov?or\"or?? a?nonoto????????????er er p ????ntented???utut?t??, ,? bu b?ut ut?it? i??s ss st?il???quq???e ?e ple p??asasas??t.t??????er???in?lyl??lolooookok k f?ororworwaw?ardar??tot? m ma man?y ??mormo?re re?????in?gsg??????? o ov o????se??ver??al al???psp???f f r???se se???ongon????????929????00?SAS??XSX???A2A??OWO??Z2Z??J6J??H5H?,E,ElE??????,0???5,15,????????00000????erferfef??t!t?,T,??e e fe ?????????? of o??th?????a a????talta?llyll?y by ??lewle? m me me e ae awa??????ec???????????t tot to ???????e we ????????ys???il?d ?gr??en?? te teaea ?????????le?leaslea??nt??? ros rose??y sy ??cence??????693693,3?,B0,B?000?SA???SQSQ,SQ??2D2????????AHA????MaM??????????", "output": "ors are a bit more pungent than similar blends I've mixed on my own (is the cause the mysterious \"\"natural flavor\"\" another reviewer pointed out?), but it is still quite pleasant. I certainly look forward to many more mornings begun over several cups of rose congou.\"\n2692,B000SAPXSQ,A24OW0Z22J6FH5,Ellen,0,0,5,1283904000,Perfect!,The fragrance of the tea totally blew me away. Recommend it to anyone who enjoys mild green tea with a pleasant rosey scent.\n2693,B000SAPXSQ,A2DSSPC9OGAH3A,Marlene J. W"} +{"input": "???tet?,0,????4,4?121282????????????idi??ono??? R ???? C ????ouo?????f f?TeT??,\",????????jojoyo??????????te??? an a??????e pe prp??cec?e we ?????eaeasea?sonso???lel????I ??onon'on?t t?? thi th??? t?????ososeos???lalav?oror r?is???s ??proprononoonou?ncnce??d ad ???mym? f ?????ritrite?????????ea,ea, ea,??utut ?????? I????? n ????geg?t ??????on???atat at??????????? I??orordorded???????????????? and an?d id ??????vev???y gy ??odo?????????????SAS????Q,Q?????QZQZSZ?NVN????U3U3,3?MoM??jo jo & ??H,H,1?,3,???,1,12,1?????767?00?,L,????lyl??Te???,\"I,\"?I bI bob??ghghth???hihishis ?s tes t?? m????y my ???th??s as ?????????waiwait?????o o r????????????o ?????ifi??I ??rearealalll??????eded ed??????erer er? ti tim????brb??????r ?r />r /??I dI doI d?????hi???? tea te????is ris ?????y y ly ??ove?ly????ThT?he he r??????ce??t ?an", "output": "aite,0,0,4,1280707200,Davidson's Rose Congou Leaf Tea,\"I am enjoying this tea and the price was reasonable. I don't think the rose flavor is as pronounced as my favorite rose tea, but since I can not get that one at this time, I ordered this one, and it is very good.\"\n2694,B000SAPXSQ,A21AQZSNVB2YU3,Mojo & H,1,3,5,1275177600,Lovely Tea,\"I bought this tea many months ago and waited to review it, to see if I really liked it over time.

I do. This tea is really lovely. The rose scent an"} +{"input": "d????ststet? a ?rere ????st st r ?igi???????non?t ?tot?o o??ama?????ot???oooo oo o ?vev????ele????g.g. . ????????iti?t st sls??ighig?????cacalalm?ininging,g?????n n w wiw?ithit?? th thehe he???????????????? the the e be ??lacla??? te teaea.a????? t th???6 6????sos?o lo ?oo???e te ??????in in m ????rar?wewer???????I ???????rlr?????e,????????s ?tht?he he ohe ??e ??I sI ??emem ?????eaeacea?h ?????????st ost ofo??tenten.n?. ?I'I'm'???????enentn????ouo?t ???????ng ng t?imi???. ?????? o on o???? is is??????????d d Id ?I s?etet ??he?he the ????er.er???GiG??vesve???me me a??????fecfectc????p p??eveev????ti?????????><>?/>
Don't forget that it's organic. Support organic practices and do something beneficial for your body.

This tea was a good "} +{"input": "b??????????s s w ??????oooodo???thethe e????st st?ofo?? ti timimem?e (e ?foforo? m ???.\".\"\"2262????B0B???????????2Q2??PDP????95B95B9B999???? J ?acackcksk?ono???,2???5,15,???26726707????00,00??umu?.,.????????eae??????I I c ??an'an't'?????? t th t???e e ie ????????ror????????or??????herhe?e e Ie I ??ivi?e,e? b ???t ot ?ordor????d ??he?????????h h?? thi th???re?tat??lel?er er??it????o o?????le???s.\"s.??26??6,?????0015001????6,??3K3KKK?DZD?EJEJGJ??????,\"??ata???maman?????eoeowow.w????,1,?,1?,5????????????,A,Ad,A?zuz??? b be b???s,s,\",\"A,\"???uk??i (i ???r r Ar ???ki?? b? bea be??ans ans????????????????usu?ed????in ain as?iai???????tst?? Y ??? c ca c????makma??????eetee?????an an pan pap????? by b?y by boboio????g g?? the?? be bea?ns??????????? m mi m???????hanha?gig???? th the the ????erer ????t at at???????? tw twiwicwice???drd???nin???", "output": "buy and has withstood the test of time (for me).\"\n2695,B00015BQB6,A2QDPD1G95B99,W. Jackson,2,2,5,1226707200,Yum.,\"Good beans. I can't find these in the grocery stores where I live, but ordered them through this retailer with no problems.\"\n2696,B00015BQB6,A3KKDZEJGCK9OW,\"Catwoman \"\"Meow.\"\"\",1,1,5,1273104000,Adzuki beans,\"Adzuki ( or Azuki) beans are ment to be used in asian sweets. You can make sweet bean paste by boiling the beans for 30-40 min, (changing the water out at least twice) draining "} +{"input": "???d d m ?????ngn???????eae?ansan???itithth th????arar.r???trtrar?????hehe he?pap???e e ie ?f f y ??u u?dod??non???lil??e ????e be bebeabeanan an s sk skik??s)s?????atat ?????geg???isi??? p????????????anan an ban ?? p??t ?ono???cec?e ce ????m,m? f ??lll??? pas pa??????s ??r r s?????????????chchihi hi???kekeske?????696979???000?00100???QBQB6B???K6K???H6H???VOV???????,1,?????,1???555??00?00??????y,y?ththe?irir ????t o??lyl?????????????????? t???????um?mymy.my?th??y y sy smsmem??ll ll???????lol???es es w wh w????th?thei?r ?cocoo??kinki?ng ng??????as?aste?? a ??????????wew??et.et?2?69?8,???00?0015001???????3636464G4?7X7X2X?C8C????36,36??. .??NDN??????,0,???,5,5,,5,1?,128,12888?85685??606?00,???beanbeansn???oo??d sd ????f ?- - l? lik li????enentntitil?s ?yo?????on'on?????eedeed ?d tod t????akak ak????sese.e?? T ThT??y ????????ll??so???ee??", "output": "and mashing the beans with sugar.(strain the paste if you do not like the bean skins) What you get is a paste that can be put on ice cream, fill pasteries or stuff into Mochi Cakes.\"\n2697,B00015BQB6,AK6IRH6UKVOO8,dax,1,1,5,1235520000,yummy,their not only good for you but their yummy.they smell like cloves when their cooking and taste a little sweet.\n2698,B00015BQB6,A364G7X2C85G36,S. ANDERSON,0,0,5,1288569600,beans,Good stuff - like lentils you don't need to soak these. They are small so feel "} +{"input": "g??odo??inin n??hehe e?????th.th??262????????Z8Z??1J1JIJ????TKTKVKVLV??VNV?????1,1,K,K.K? D D.D?. P. ???ere?s,s??,0,0,,0?????484????8080000,00?WoW??ksk???oror or m???,\",?I I??eae??lyl??lil?kek????isis ???????in????I ???y y ty ?? s ?tataya??awa??ay ay????? s???ara? a ????ar???fifici???????weewe???????s ss ?o ?????s ws ??s ???erfer?ecectc??beb?ecaec??????t t ct cocono???ininsin???bsb???ututeut?lyly ly n ?o ???weeweetwee?????????????? a ad adddd ???????n (n ????stlst?????ququiu?????eve?iaia)ia???? I I a al alslso?????e ?vavananianili??a a??la?vovorvo????????mam??y ?y thy t?????s Is I ?ma??? s??????somsomemet??memesme?s us us?e ??hi?s s is ????la?????f f???tr??ctct ct w ??hichi?h h c ?????be be? pr p?ricri?ceycey ?????ou??us?use use???t at ?a la lolotlo????or?or eor ?exaex????e,e, ,? I ??makmakemake e me ???ow?????momonmo?? m mi m??? s so so so?????????? a? add add d vd vavanvanin???la la??o ??we?weet?", "output": "good in the mouth.\n2699,B004Z8F1JI,A1TKVL7VNZZWX1,K. D. Powers,0,0,5,1348876800,Works for me!,\"I really like this flavoring. I try to stay away from sugar and artificial sweeteners so this was perfect because it contains absolutely no sweetener so I can add my own (mostly liquid stevia). I also love vanilla flavoring in many things I make so I sometimes use this in place of extract which can be pricey if you use it a lot. For example, I make my own almond milk so I like to add vanilla to sweete"} +{"input": "?? a ???????hth??n n tn ??? t ?????? T ??????oro?????etettt?????hah???????xtx????? b be??????e te ?thethere????? n nono o? al a????????????? I I I a al?sos??mam????blb??ebebe?rrr?? s ??rur?p p????? a????e e ae ?andan??th?is??flflal?????ngng g?????????????s os ????ve??? g gog??????I pI ????it???? p ?an?cacakcakeke ke b ba batatt?er?? an???? the the ??????r ????lll?l hl ??????????ter ter????kikin??g (g ????? w?????????kiekiese????. I . I??useus???hi??s a??ll ll???? t??mem??e ane a?nd nd??owo?? I I a am a?? no?t ?drd?opoppp???ing ing?$1$??????veryver???couco??????????eke?????? v ??anian?illil?la la???xtrxt?racra????2????????4Z4???1J1??,A,?1T1TXT?????YDY?UZU?????S.S??????erserse???\"\"\"?????et??ma?ma??\"\"\"\"\"???????????727??525??00,00???????t bt ?butbut ??ononinin?in iin is???betbett????..???I I wI waw?antante?d ??o o lo ?ovove????????", "output": "n and lighten the taste. This works better than an extract because there is no alcohol taste. I also make blueberry syrup with agave and this flavoring and it turns out very good. I put it in pancake batter and the flavor still holds after cooking (also with cookies). I use this all the time and now I am not dropping $10 every couple of weeks for vanilla extract.\"\n2700,B004Z8F1JI,A1TXUOSHYDUZLO,\"S. Petersen \"\"budget mama\"\"\",0,0,3,1347235200,decent but Monin is better...,\"I wanted to love this bu"} +{"input": "?t t???juj?????idi??'t'????????tete e?bebeie?ngn???ugu?????rer???it? h ??s s?????????????????????????????mym? o ??pinpi?ioi?? n ?????s ts ???reere?e pe ??mpmpsmp????????d ed ??ououg?h h???avavov?????o mo my???cec?d ?vavan?????????te?s.s?. I. ???yoy???r gr ?????g fg ????ca?lo???e ??????t tt ????s is ????????????blblel???????oulou??d hd ?owo??veverer er s????????youyo? t??in??? ot o?thether?er ber brbrar??ds? a??re re??? bi b?????????weewe?????or ior ?? c?al????????oun??????????????y ?y imy i?mpompor??????yoyou? s???ululd? g gig??ve ve??t ?a a???????????? be b?e je ?jusju?? w wh w??t ?t yot y????erereer???loolo?????? fo f??????s as ?????e ???????f ??calcalocal?????e coe c???? i????ni??mpompormportr?????? r ?????mem????th?theitheiri??cococco?conco?????re?ama? f? fla fl????\"?????etettt?????????????cocononun????????????upu??????mLm?)<)a????tsts s?ded?lil????usu?!\"!???707?1,1,B,?B00B0020???????,A,A1A131???70470??WFW?JVJ??D,D,D,????????,0,,0?1,????????808????onon'on??t wt ?asasts????????????y,y???e pe pup?rcr??asaseas??????????e ??????nan??????????????lal??or??ed ed s ?ugugag??s s as ????bub?? t ????rarasra???ere??? w??as as? wo worortor?th th t???? mo mon??????????????hadha?d ld lilitli?ttltt?????r nr ????????or or?????????????as????pep??si????ana????notno??t wot wor??????? m?????????70270??,B0,B????????K,K???IK????W5W?????M,M,H,HeH????i Ji ?????,1,5,1,?,1,13,1303?05205????80080?0,K0,KoK??alaala a?????spssps ?ro??k!k??????ve????en???????? t???????eliel???tft?ulul ??er???l ???or or sor ?eveveverve?????ea?rs??? M MyM?y ky ???s ?????", "output": "/gp/product/B005ZU3JJ4\"\">Amoretti Premium Coconut Cream Syrup (750mL), its delicious!\"\n2701,B002BXJRBW,A13W704EWFJVFD,Debra,0,0,1,1332028800,Don't waste your money,We purchased from the original website 8 flavored sugars all but the raspberry was worth the money the rest had little or no flavor at all! It was expensive and not worth the money.\n2702,B002HQKRIK,A2IKWKIW5OS5CM,Heidi J,1,1,5,1305244800,Koala Crisps rock!,\"We've been eating this delightful cereal for several years. My kids alway"} +{"input": "?????ele???etettt?ere? o ?n n?glglul???n ?frf?ee??????s ?????sos????o Io ?????????????e e pe ???ulu??????nkn????erereer?alalsl??? th thih?????erser????? of o??a a s?????tlt?y ???oco??la????????ere?alal al??is is?????? a an a?? n non?t t t?oo?? su s?gag???????d id ????s as a s a???ece???????reare????oro????e ???dsds.ds?. . ???????o lo ???ke ke s su???porpo?tit?????????????????????tsts ??????e p????????hahasa????????dowdownw??tot????herhe?re re i?t'??s ns ????ly??th?the the????me me??s ?ththethe the othe ot?????????sts?tretreaeamea??? cer ce??realrealsls ls? th???? ar a??????t at ?as as g?oo?d ?fo????ouo??\"\"2??0303,3??000??EPE????????LYL?TET?FUF????JNJ?,\",????????????????rar????858??0\"0?\"\"\"\"\"?,7,7,7?,7,,7?????00????00????eme??onyonylylilicli?cioci????\"W\"???re??????d ???is?is ais ?????gigifi???, a, al????g wg ?itithit? s?omo??????", "output": "s feel better on gluten free foods and so do I. Unlike the popular junky cereals, this version of a slightly chocolately cereal is light and not too sugary and it's a special treat for the kids. I also like supporting Envirokids products - the pricing has come down to where it's nearly the same as the other mainstream cereals that are not as good for you.\"\n2703,B000EPQPQE,AXLYTEFUXEAJN,\"E. Dellosso \"\"Kraken8510\"\"\",7,7,5,1200096000,Lemonylicious,\"We received this as a gift, along with some home"} +{"input": "????e e?grg???ama??crcraracra???rsr?. .???y y??usu??????????I I?????????omomem???addad??????d td ?o o?iti???????yoy???lolovove?????ngn????ikike? l le leme??n n??????gug?e ????? y??? w ?ililll???dodoro?e ?ththithisis ?lul??cic?ou???????onyon??sps?rereare?? o ?????rahra????s, s,????????akake??, e, ???. ?. J. JuJ??t t?? t?hihinhi??lalaya?erer er??f f tf th??????lil?????? c?on???????n ???li?vevenvensn??????? ta tasa?te? b bub?dsds ???th??????xpx?????ionion ion o???flf???or??. . I. ?????hlhlyl?y ry ?recre?????nd??????????dud??ct ct i?????you you??re?????kikininging ing f??????????y s????iaiala?????reatreat.??????4,4??000??EPE?????????W2W2T2?VOV??BUBUSU???,\",???ay ay?????????\"\"\"??oooodoo???\"\"?\",\"????????262????12??00,00?th??e be bee bese???eve??ver,ver??I h??aveav????eveev???tat?astaste????????betbe?te???????????o ko ???p p r re", "output": "made graham crackers. My husband and I have become addicted to it. If you love things like lemon meringue pie, you will adore this luscious,lemony spread on grahams, pound cake, etc. Just a thin layer of this delicious confection enlivens your taste buds with an explosion of flavor. I highly recommend this product if you are looking for a very special treat.\"\n2704,B000EPQPQE,A3OW2TVODBUSL9,\"Jay Johnson \"\"foodie\"\"\",3,3,5,1262131200,the best ever,I have never tasted any better! Need to keep re"} +{"input": "?frf????????d d?????t t w ?ililll???oso?? c ???lorlo??ana????????or or???????????thth h????e pe ?????..?????,B,?00000???QPQPQ??,A,?3P3??N2N2Q2???3737F7??????????ll?y,y?0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,15,?????848???00,00?EaE?????umu?????dedesesss??rtrt,t,\",????ed????ithit??????pep??ed ced crc??ama? a ??????????errer?????????????ono???uru?????? a a?????cic???s,s??eaeasea????quq??ickick k??um?me?????me me????ssess???????at at????ll ll? de???????an?y y gy ??uesuests?????272??6,6?????NDNDAD??70??,A3,A3O3OQO?FWF???MYM???4M4???. ?????vav?at,at??0,??20,20???111?717?11511?20?00?00,A00,? C ????eateat,??ThT???e poe p???????it?seselse?? i??s ys ?um??y,? j ??ustus????? wa w???ed?ed ted th?thatthat t wt wew????d ?trt???bl????e pope popp???g g???t ut us?in?g ?ou?r ??irir r pr pop??pe?????ThTheTh??????nelnelsl?s ws ???????o o l??ighight??????? wou woul??????? o??ut ut???", "output": "frigerated or it will lose color and flavor but is worth the price.\n2705,B000EPQPQE,A3PZN2Q3L37FCS,K. Scully,0,0,5,1346284800,Easy Summer dessert,\"Mixed with whipped cream and blueberries this lemon curd is a delicious, easy, quick summertime dessert that will delight any guests.\"\n2706,B003NDA970,A3OQFWMCMYYO4M,E. Charvat,20,20,4,1171152000,A Caveat,\"The popcorn itself is yummy, just be warned that we had trouble popping it using our air popper. The kernels were too light and would blow out of "} +{"input": "?tht?e e?pop???????????e e te ??eyey y????e ??poppopp????? I ???????????ini? t ?????icicrc?owo??????? a ???ana?? b?utut ?mamaya?bebe be??hehe he l ?ara?geg?er er w wh w??????????lll??ow ow?????? b?e e ae a ?be???terte?r mr ?matma?????forfo?r ar ????iri??popop?pe???\"\"??707070?,B,?000030????9797070,70???KHK????WVW??????????attatth???????wnwn ?\"\"\"\"m\"??????????,2,?????0,50,???151?15?393929?20020??GrGrereareatrea??PoP?opcop?or?n,?\"I\"I I w???'t'???la?imi???? b be be be a? p??rofro????ioi?nanalal l? fo f??d d td ?????ter ter?????? j ????????ow ???at????lil??????d d dd ????? l li l?ikeik?. . . ?? I d I ????t ???keke ke?\"\"\"\"y\"\"?yelyell?owow\"ow????op?opcoopc??orn,orn????do??'t??li?likelike e me mi??crocr?????e p??opc?opcoropco?n,????????? th the th????????e\"e?\"\" ??pop??corcorn? c cocoocooko??d ??? a a a p a pap?an.an???????????\"\"p\"\"??popp?in???st?yly???\" \"???????byb?y Wy ?hi?te????????", "output": "the popper before they were popped. It's great in the microwave or a pan, but maybe the larger white or yellow would be a better match for an air popper.\"\n2707,B003NDA970,A1KHOI0WVQRI2J,\"Matthew Brown \"\"mwbrown\"\"\",20,20,5,1151539200,Great Popcorn,\"I won't claim to be a professional food taster ... I just know what I like and don't like. I don't like \"\"yellow\"\" popcorn, I don't like microwave popcorn, I like the \"\"white\"\" popcorn cooked in a pan. For my \"\"popping style\"\" the Baby White pops gr"} +{"input": "???t t w w/w/o/???oto????f f?hahara?????rnr?ele??????nun??f sf sas????\"\"2272???,B,B0B?????A9A?70???1U1???YIY?J2J2R2???????M,M,1,???????????70870??????????????ppppipini??,\",?ThT?isis ?is??rer?ealealll?y y??ooo??d. d.?????er???a a??iti?tltlele e s ??????. E. EaEasa???tot??mamakakeke ke i ?????e ?WhW??rlr??????op,op?, a, ana????xcx???lelenle?t t wt ??ithith h???mem????????ar ar??????ce???op??oro?rn rn? se s?easeasos?????!\"!?\"2\"??0909,9,B?0000300?3ND3N??97970970,0??1X1?3737R7RPR???JLJ????,\",\"L,\"LiLin?da?? S. S?. M. ?ce???????????a\"a??\",\"???,1???????08???121???00,T00,Te?nd??er,?\"I\"I I?????????ttttltt?? c co?????rnern?d ??? b ??y ?????????????, a, as, a???ouo????????????????t ?yo???arareare e ge ?????? to to o go ??t.t. t.? B BuB?????????????????? gl glal??d Id ??I diI d??. ?????he phe ?poppo?????n in ??????ce ???????enden???????popspop?s es ??easyeas??", "output": "eat w/o lots of hard kernels. 'nuf said.\"\n2708,B003NDA970,A1U3SYIJ2RRBDG,JM,13,13,4,1170806400,Keep poppin!,\"This is really good. Tender, a little sweet. Easy to make in the Whirley Pop, and excellent with some Cheddar & Spice popcorn seasoning!\"\n2709,B003NDA970,A1X37RPYOJLQXS,\"Linda S. Mcewen \"\"Linda\"\"\",13,14,4,1108771200,Tender,\"I was a little concerned to buy the popcorn, as you never know what you are going to get. But I did and I am glad I did. The popcorn is nice and tender, pops easy, "} +{"input": "?????? t ????????d d h ???l-l?lel???. . ??? ha h???e me ?ovo???d fd ???? t?????????waw???e pe pop???oro??s s a an a????lal????I dI ?idi??????ususese e oe ?f f???isi?s ps prp?rodro?????. . I I I????e ????????????e e t??he ?popoppo???d ?co?rnrn rn??????ala?? b ??????????\"\"?272717101???000????A9A979?0,0,A0,???PTP???F3F?????4,4??KeKeie??th th?ShShe?pap???????hoh??????????????esees????\",\"???,2?7,7?1,1???696?686838?202??,S,???ppppippini?g g i is i?s Is ININSN???E!E???,\"????????e th??e pe poe p??co?corncorn,n?? bu b??ut tut ??e ???ip??iningin?g cg co????????????????!! !!?A A? to t?ta????ipip ip?????. W. ????ashas? V VaV????? F ??armarmsm???? A????ono??????hohoeho??verver r ir ?is ??hahar???ing? t? the the ????ipp??ing?ing iing ???ouo?ut ??? t th???r ???indin???? S?tatarta?s ???????the the p ?pop???corn?. ?MiM???? 4 ? s?tatartarstars ?????or thor t????terte?????????", "output": "great taste and hull-less. I have moved from the microwave popcorns and glad I did because of this product. I like the fact the the popped corn is small but great!\"\n2710,B003NDA970,A3KPT4FF3J91W4,\"Keith Shepard \"\"Who cut the cheese?\"\"\",22,27,1,1169683200,Shipping is INSANE!!!,\"I love the popcorn, but the shipping costs are INSANE!! A total rip off. Wabash Valley Farms or Amazon or whoever is charging the shipping is out of their mind. 5 Stars for the popcorn. Minus 4 stars for the terrible cos"} +{"input": "?? a asassssos??iai???? w ??thth h s ????pipini?g.g?????h.h...???eses,s????? p pop??coc?????s s t??ndndedere?? an and?????ci?ouo??, ??nd???it it??????s is ?????ourour r mr ?ou?th?? li l????????rer?e ee ??atiat??? c ????????rar?assasshshoshop?????s, s, b ?utu????meme me?onon!n????????????????????hi?s ?prp???ucuctct ??????????r /?????????????e 6e ? p??ounou?nd ?babaga????????? w????e.e??????gh*gh? T ?ooo? b???d rd ?reareala?lyl?.\".\"\"?????,B,?????DAD?979?????????????RIR?2J2J,J,\",\"M\"??attatth????BrBrorowro?n ????????wn?????7,7?,7,,7,5,????050???20820??00,00,O,??????vov?oriorit?e ????co??????e ?lilik???th?????????????er er? to t?????????whw?hithite???? po???????????r tr th???????? co c?mmm?monmon ?n \"\"n \"???ellellolow???\"\" p\"\" ???pco?rn??? and an??AmA?isishish ?CoC?????y y??????????e ??is ?ouour? a????", "output": "t associated with shipping. Argh...Yes, the popcorn is tender and luscious, and it melts in your mouth like you're eating cooked grasshoppers, but come on!!! Can't you ship this product for less?

Shipping the 6 pound bag is even worse. *sigh* Too bad really.\"\n2711,B003NDA970,A1KHOI0WVQRI2J,\"Matthew Brown \"\"mwbrown\"\"\",7,7,5,1205020800,Our Favorite Popcord,\"We like the much harder to find \"\"white\"\" popcorn over the more common \"\"yellow\"\" popcorn and Amish Country Baby White is our absol"} +{"input": "?utu????????iti??? ?WeWe ????ala????or?????? o???????? l ????aga??????????wew??gogo o? th t?ruru u i ?it it?sos???????ly?.\".?2????????3N3?DAD?979???A1A?7V7VSV??Q3Q3H3HCH?BZB????????aldal?????OlO????,4,????5,5,1,??686????????go??????pcp????n,In,????vev????????poppopc???orn.orn???????dodowownwnsnsis?de?????th???????pip??? a ?ndn?d p???ckick?ingin?. ????t t??lmlmom????asas ??ucuchc???????????popcpop??rnrn.n. . N. ??????o o po ??ackac??????ete??terter.r. . B. ?ag? s sp s??it??anandan??a a? bu bunu??ch ch? of?? lo??????poppopcpopcopopcor?????????ng ng o ou out?? of???????oxo? w ???n n???e ????????ugu?hth??it???to to??y ???oror.or..????3,3????3N???9797097?0,A0,A1A1NA1???S6S?????GLGLUL????ic,ic,4,4,,4,4,4,??2,2,12,??333373797929202???0,\"0,?ToT??o so ????all,all????? m??????sheshele??????oto??ene?nouno??h ??????e fe ?????y y py ??????\"I\"??pup", "output": "ute favorite. We usually order 3 of the 6 lb bags 'cause we go thru it so quickly.\"\n2712,B003NDA970,A17VSUQ3HCBZVR,Donald D. Olson,4,4,5,1268438400,good popcorn,I love this popcorn. Only downside is the shipping and packing. Cost almost as much as the popcorn. Need to pack it better. Bag split and a bunch of loose popcorn falling out of the box when the guy brought it to my door.\n2713,B003NDA970,A1N5CS6SNE8GLU,Nic,4,4,2,1233792000,\"Too small, too much shell & not enough white fluffy part\",\"I pu"} +{"input": "?rcrchc????? t tht?e e????? w whw???e ??????cicidi??ntn?. .?????usu???lll?????????he he?mem??iui?m m??hi?????? whi whici?ch ch?????rer???t. t.? T ?he??ba?by??isis is???? sm smam??? w wh whe wh?? p ???????? tha that? t? the the e te ?as?????ndn??????????ofo??????huh?????hehelhe?ll ?rereare?????????wh??lml??itit.it?\"\"????4,4??000030???A9A??0,0???????CJC?????AHA????raratathat?ono???rlrl,l,4,???4,24,2,2??202?898909??80800?,T,TaT?astastyast?????cocorornr?????t kt ??erner???s s ts ??o ???malma???fofor??? h???t at ??ir ir????co??? p?????????TasTasts?????smasm??all all?????elel el??? popc pop????. . H. HoH?wew???r,r?????????????nd???oo? l ????????????po?popppop?pedped ??n ?? h? hot ho?t a???ir pir ????cor?corn corn? po? popp pop??r.r. ????e ke ?kerkernkerne???????e b?????n on ??ut ut? of o?????????pe?????????????????? p po???ed???2??71571???00?????????", "output": "rchased the baby white by accident. We usually get the medium white, which is great. The baby is so small when popped that the taste and texture of the hull shell really overwhelm it.\"\n2714,B003NDA970,A2MRABCJV61EAH,MarathonGirl,4,4,2,1208908800,Tasty popcorn but kernels too small for a hot air popcorn popper,\"Tasty, small kernel popcorn. However, too small and too light to be popped in a hot air popcorn popper. The kernels are blown out of the popper before they are popped.\"\n2715,B003NDA970,A"} +{"input": "????X1X?????????,J,??????elelcl?h,h,4,?,4,4,,4?3,3,1,????676??404000?,S,????????psps,s,T,??e e?gogouo?rmr?etet t?coc?rnr???? s ????llell????????elsels ????????lil???? so s???????? pr p?????lyly y n ??????????????ini???????t wt wiw?ithith h??????r sr sps???iaial?????????d td ??the the??tit?????????PoP???perpe??????????rn??el el??op???ev?er???????.<.??r ???r />I>I ??wilwi?ll ll p? pro pr?obaob??ly? r reretetuet?urnurn ??????odod ???????ollol??ly Tly ??????272????B0B?003003N3????7070,70????KMK???4Q4?RGR???T,T?\"M\"M.M. . L. LaLasashshlh???y \"y ???awawkwkik??gsg???is is? Ju J????\"\"\"\"\"?,3?,3??5,5?,12,1292949???4040040?????????stst,t??,Thi,This???is ???????estest ???pcp???rn rn? i i?hahavhave? e ev??r r ar ata?e.? I ???ses?e ae ?? Wh W??irlirleleyley y P???oppeopperer er?????poppop pop?mym?????????n. n.????????ou ou??atat at??hi?s ??babba?y ?????? h?????????youyo??????", "output": "3ENX1Y48DJQVK,Jack Welch,4,4,3,1171670400,Small pops,The gourmet corn is smaller kernels than I like so would probably not buy it again. But with their special oil and the Stir Crazy Popper every kernel pops every time.

I will probably return to good old Jolly Time.\n2716,B003NDA970,A3GKMWN4QRGIDT,\"M. Lashley \"\"Hawkings is Junk\"\"\",3,3,5,1294704000,The Best,This is the best popcorn i have ever ate. I use a Whirley Popper to pop my popcorn. When you eat this baby white hulless you will "} +{"input": "?????? g ?? b ?aca?? t ?o o ao ??? o ????????????n.n. .??????ve ve m mym??OrO?viv??lel? R ??ded????chc?herher'r's'?? a ?andand d W WaW?lml??rtr?? po p??????? aw a???????????ny ny h ??sks?s.s. ?YoY?? j ?us??t ct cac?an'an???????????s ????pcopc?ornor?? I?t ?????ese?s ss sos?oo??? g???d ??eveev?? m???pup????????vesves s is itit.t?????????030???????????????????M2M2Y2?,M,????thatha a S S.S??MoM???thlth????,3,??,3,,3,5,5,5??222232?????0000,00????ishish h?BaB??????it???????or??????fif??st????????thisthis ?????opcoropcornrn ?atat at m my? 8 848????????ldl?d cd co??usius????????e.e. ???ththoth??ghg?t t it ?? w ???s s??o to ????derder ?????dedeldelil????ousou????nd? I?? wa w???tedte??d tod to ??uyu?????????or or????ele???. I??????nd ?it?it oit ?n n?AmA???onon.on????????iei?eve??????????ot!ot???? A AnAny??waywa???I I oI ??????ed ed?6 6??????????? it i", "output": "never go back to any other popcorn. I gave my Orville Redenbacher's and Walmart popcorn away..To many husks. You just can't beat this popcorn. It tastes sooooo good even my puppy loves it.\n2717,B003NDA970,A1TL8ME5TPUM2Y,Martha S. Morthland,3,3,5,1223510400,Amish Baby White Popcorn,\"I first had this popcorn at my 84 year old cousin's home. I thought it was so tender and delicious, and I wanted to buy some for myself. I found it on Amazon.com believe it or not!!! Anyway, I ordered 6 pounds of it"} +{"input": ".? A AlA?? 6 ? p pop????s s??rer??non?? g ???e.e. . T. ThThihisi??????oro?n n??? R RER?ALA?????ooo???. I. ItI???s ?did??????ntn?t tt ththah?n ???thether? p?opo????nsns s Is ?????e ???tetenen ?????usu?????the the k ??erner?nelne???????smsmamala?? a????ve?ryr? d ?elelil?ca?????? c coconcons??????mymysyseselse?f f??? pr p??????????t ct ????s ???o po ?????rn???becbe??us??????hav?e ?e eae e????en ien itit ???ververyvery ????htht ?sis?ncncece ?e I e I??asa?s a????ttttlt?e ?gig??l.l???. I u. I ?usuus?al???y ey ??t ??my my? po???????1 1??????? a at a?t at ? t ?imi??? b bu butu???in???? th t?he he k????????s ars are? s ????smasm???, ???at?ate ate i?? b?y ???the ??????ulu?l. l. M ?y ?ononlon????omompmplp?????t it ?is ???at?????????????t ??? lo l?????o ho ?????????hi?ppp??d.???I wI ??ishish h?? c???????in????it it l??ca??????????????d ?nonotnot t ht ????have thave ?? p pa paya????", "output": ". All 6 pounds are now gone. This popcorn is REALLY good. It is different than other popcorns I have eaten because the kernels are small and very delicate. I consider myself a pro when it comes to popcorn because I have eaten it every night since I was a little girl. I usually eat my popcorn 1 kernel at a time, but since the kernels are so small, I ate it by the handful. My only complaint is that it does cost a lot to have it shipped. I wish I could find it locally so I would not have to pay for"} +{"input": "???hehe e s ?????ini?g g c coc??tst????????u u?liliki?e ?pop???corcornr??? I I?hihighi??lyl??rer???????d d i iti?.\".???717?8,8??000??????707???1414Y4YTY?WHW?IFI??????,B?ara?ryr??????????sosono????2,???131303?????00000?00,00?????ORO????ONO??T T??ETET ?????????ERER R T THT?ANAN AN??HIHISHIS,S?OVO??? T TH THE TH??????? I????????OUO?GHG?T T A?????T OT ???????OR?????OR OR P PO P??PIP??G G????? I ???????FOUFOUNU?? T TH????SMS???? B BA B?????WHIWH????HUH?LL????S TS ?O O????THTHETHE ?BE?STST ?FOFORFOR ??POPPOPPPOP?????????NON?? A?? LO L?OT OT OOT ?????? S ?????ALLAL?????LDLD-D???????I I A AL A?SO?? HA H???????ET???????Y 2Y ?????USU?????? O ?????AB???? V VAV??ALLEALL???FAFAR??S ?S STS STO?????P P????????IT?????S AS ??????D O?NEN??SO???IF IF??OU?????E ????????????D W???????????T TT ???? P PO POP?CO?CORNCOR?????? PO POP POPP POP?", "output": " the shipping costs. If you like popcorn, I highly recommend it.\"\n2718,B003NDA970,A14YTWHIFDQQL1,Barry L. Thompson,2,2,5,1300320000,POPCORN DON'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS,OVER THE YEARS I HAVE BOUGHT A LOT OF POPCORN FOR POPPING AND I HAVE FOUND THIS SMALL BABY WHITE HULLESS TO BE THE BEST FOR POPPING AND NOT A LOT OF THE SO-CALLED OLD-MAIDS I ALSO HAD TO RETIRE MY 20 PLUS YEAR OLD WABASH VALLEY FARMS STOVETOP POPPER IT WAS A GOOD ONE SO IF YOU LIKE POPCORN AND WHO DOESN'T THIS POPCORN AND POPPE"} +{"input": "???????INI?ATA????????THT?? B ?ESE?????D D T?HE? P ?OPOPPP??R ??COMCOMEM???WIW?TH?????5 5?YEYEAE?????????TYT? A?S ?WEW?????ON?EYE????????PE?????????ILI??????T DT DIDIS??????INTIN??D ?WI??TH ??????R ??F F???EMEM M? SO S?????OYOYY????9,9?B0B?030???????,A,AOA??N9N9S9SZS??S8S??7373,3????n n K K.K?? Mu M???aua?ghg?,2,?????,1,?2929797297??96960600???ese????opopcp??rnr???hih???????hehe e???estes?????co?rn?? I I?hah??e ???verve? h?????????????????rar????theth?e pe ?poppo??orornor???acachc??????n n an ?a ta th??ata???????? I f I fef?ele?? I ??nonowow w??hahatha?t It ?'m'? t????kinkingn?????utut.t??. W. ??e ue usu????yey????? p ?pop?co?????utut ut??????lll??ththith?inkin???hi??te te??s ?bebesbe??..2272727??,B?00?????????,A2,A27???????????4,4??ara?????n Bn ??urgur??er,er????2,42,???12312333?010?444????babab?????ititete ?po?popcpopcopopcor?orn orn?", "output": "R COMBINATION IS THE BEST AND THE POPPER COMES WITH A 25 YEAR WARRANTY AS WELL MONEY WELL SPENT YOU WILL NOT DISSAPOINTED WITH EITHER OF THEM SO ENJOY\n2719,B003NDA970,AOFN9SZFS8P73,John K. Murtaugh,2,2,5,1297209600,Best Popcorn,This is the best popcorn I have ever had. As a kid I ran the popcorn machine in a theater so I feel I know what I'm talking about. We used yellow popcorn but I still think white is best.\n2720,B003NDA970,A274MW4ORJPJV4,Carolyn Burger,2,2,4,1233014400,baby white popcorn i"} +{"input": "?? t tatasasts?y y???? h ????non???ulu???s ts toto ?geg???ini??? t?eeeet?h,h??BaB?byb????iti??????cocorornr???ror??????as?h h F FaF??msm??popoppo?s ???cecele?????as?as nas ?????an??cic???? hu hul hullllslls ??o o go geo get????ntonto ????? t te tee te??eth,eth, ????d id ??s vs ????y ty tatasta?styst?? W???t t mt mom?oreor????ul????youyo???????roromrom ??? po p??co???? ?????????? r ???????????hi??s ps prs p??dud????. A. ???????? a???????st?ar???2272??1,1,B,B0B?????????,A,?3K3????8Y8?????M9M?,N,????mim?ithit?h,2h,2,2??2,52,????21221202????200200,?EnEnjnjoj??y,\"y,\"T\"??e ????ll?, , w, ???iteite e pe ??popcpop?corcorncor???is is t th??e be ?ese?????VeV?????eleliel?iciic??ousou?????ndnd ?????????eded ??oto?s.s???????2,B2,????ND????????F9F949?JNJ???6I6?????DiD?ananeane ????tht???,2,2,,2,2,2,?5,???0303603?383??????esestes?t Pt ???????n En ???r,r,\"???is?is wis ????th???e swe swew???teste?", "output": "s tasty and has no hulls to get into teeth,\"Baby white popcorn from Wabash Farms pops nicely, has no meanacing hulls to get into your teeth, and is very tasty. What more could you ask from a popcorn? I highly recommend this product. At least a four star.\"\n2721,B003NDA970,A3K3088Y6J6JM9,N. Smith,2,2,5,1212019200,Enjoy,\"The small, white popcorn is the best! Very delicious - and I've tried lots.\"\n2722,B003NDA970,A1F94JN9S6ITNK,Diane Matthes,2,2,5,1203638400,Best Popcorn Ever,\"This was the sweetest"} +{"input": "?? s ???lll?ese????huh??llelles???????t t?tat??????????tet????pcp???n n I I I?hah??e e ee ?ve?? h ha hada????????? pl p?aca??? a ???adaddad?ititiit?ononanal????dedere?r fr ??????6 6 l lbl?. ?babaga???? w we w??ll ll??s s????er? v vav???????????ri?eded ed??y y? th thi????????anyan????????,B,???3N3??A9A??????0H0???J1J?MKM??0D0?????. ?AdA?amamsm?s \"s ?????ntn??????y\"y???????????191989???27227????????T,T?GrG?eae??t pt ????orornor????GoGooo?d ?popop???inging ??????tsts s as ?????onondon?derde?fuf?? f ??????. ? C ?an??t ????????t ??ovo???it?? an a??d Id ???ili?ll ????or?????wh????????? o??ut.ut??. R. ReRececo?????d d td toto o o on o?e ???? a?ll??????,B?????DADA9DA??0,0,A0,??8J8???WCWC1C??1E1?????S.S?. H. HaH?wkw??insin?????????\"\"???,2,???4,4,14,?11711767616161636???200,200,G???d ?StS????,\"???????ve lve lil???le?? wh whi?te??kek??ne", "output": ", smallest, hulless, best tasting white popcorn I have ever had. Just placed an additional order for a 6 lb. bag as well as other varities carried by this company.\"\n2723,B003NDA970,A20HKLJ1MKE0DG,\"D. Adams \"\"Country Boy\"\"\",2,2,5,1198627200,GREAT,Great popcorn!! Good popping results and wonderful flavor. Can't help but love it and I will re-order when I run out. Recommend to one and all\n2724,B003NDA970,A28JNLWC1Z1ESW,\"S. Hawkins \"\"Ivory\"\"\",2,2,4,1176163200,Good Stuff,\"I love little white kerne"} +{"input": "??s s??f f??????d d?coc?rnr????ThT??????s s gs gog?????tut??f,f???utu? I I I????nknk k? I' I'l'?l l?????a a l ?ara?geg?? w ???tete e?kek?erner?elel ??o o? po p?? n ne??t ?titimi??, ??y ??rerefe???ene?cec??????252????????A9A?7070,0?A3A????5V5????B8B8Q8??,A???CoCoeoe,e,2e,2,2?2,??5,15,111161686???363?00?,P,???co??rn rn???vev??s s ls ?ovoveove ?????????co??n!n!,!,P????????????? t?hehe ???????????. . M MuM?????ete???r ?th??n n mn ????y sy ??or?e e be ?rar??dsds.s????oo?d ??propr?oduod??t.t???72?????00300??DA??97097????????3W3?????FSF??hi???????tt,tt???,1,,1?3,3???????27227??00,?didis??apapp???????????wawaswa?s ds didisdi????ppoippoin???ed.ed???I ????ugughg????eieiningin??AmA???h ??and????co???dindi?g ??to to???e ??????ti??ining??? tha th??????wow???ld ld b be???xcxce?ptp??ono??????????????????st st?? pop???????????????", "output": "ls of popped corn. This was good stuff, but I think I'll try a larger white kernel to pop next time, my preference.\"\n2725,B003NDA970,A3ISO5VNV6B8QO,A. Coe,2,2,5,1168473600,Popcorn lovers love this popcorn!,Pops great in the microwave. Much better than many store brands. Good product.\n2726,B003NDA970,A1RCHU3WIIE9FS,hildamatt,1,1,3,1339027200,dissappointed,\"I was disappointed. I thought being Amish and according to the advertising that it would be exceptional. But it's just popcorn, no better"} +{"input": "??ththah????th??????'v'???pup??chc????d.d. .????, ,?sos??. I. I I??ouo??????ot ot b ??y y??t t?aga???n.n??2?727????000030?NDN?A9A?????????????MOMOPO?C,C?\"P\"???rir?????????ic??er??????? c coc??????se??ur\"ur\"\"?????,1,,1,4,?????858??80800??0,V0,?er?????????opo???corcornr??,\"M,\"MyM?y dy dodoco???? t to t?ld????e Ie I ???stst ?eae??? \"\" \"????lel???\"\"? p??opcopcocorcorncorn ??????hahavhave????pcp?????????????????????????an?'t'???iviveve ?????y ????ororior??????aca??????????????thithis? W ????shs????mnm??lyl??????s ??mim???????ntntr???po??pcopc??n.n. n.??????ke???ele???ara??e te ??inyiny,y????t ?t tht the??y p?opop op??el???????thothouougoughough ??????????g g a an andn?d fd flf??fff?????????????cocorcorncorn corn Icorn I ???t ???omo?? th???grgro?cecerery????torto????????????eses es??gregrea??, , h, ????????, a, an, a???", "output": " than others I've purchased. So, so. I would not buy it again.\"\n2727,B003NDA970,A4T1ZBS2ZMOPC,\"Patricia J. Wicker \"\"DVD connoisseur\"\"\",1,1,4,1308528000,Very good popocorn,\"My doctor told me I must eat \"\"hulless\"\" popcorn if I have popcorn at all. Because I can't give up my favorite snack, I bought this Wabash Famnily Farms Amish Country popcorn. The kernels are tiny, but they pop well, although not as big and fluffy as the popcorn I get from the grocery store. It tastes great, however, and h"} +{"input": "aasa? f ????????????alalll?????????. .? I ? d dodono??? t ??ini?k k? th t?er???isi???ucu???? t? thi th?inging g? as a????mpm??letle??lyly y???ullulle?ssss,s???t t It ??? n ??titici???????t I? d?on?'t't 't??ete???theth??hu??lls?? st stut?uckuc???in in?mymy ?te??ethet???????rere.e?\"\"?272?282???????????0,0???LZL????QUQ?5T5???,b???stoston?????1,1,1,???4,1?????666?????gogooo?d d sd ????f,f,I,????ded???d d 3d ????b b?babaga?s s ws ???????reere?????ppp??inging ing b??cac?usu???ofof f? th?????viv????????????????iki?e ?it??????? the the the? re reae?????st????????y wy ?wifwi???s ???pinpi???????nd nd???????o o o ?ord??ereered?????????????bsb????f pf popop??corco?n n????? t th the the ????uldul??r r pr ?poppopcp??corncor??co? a an??? th the??ke????elsel????ere??????ttt??le le????ll?er???????asastas?tedte??bebet??terter.r. ????us?e e ce co????ut???ili????? and i and ", "output": "as fewer and smaller hulls. I don't think there is such a thing as completely hulless,but Ido notice thst I don't get the hulls stuck in my teeth anymore.\"\n2728,B003NDA970,AXLZI90QU5TD4,boston904,1,1,4,1302566400,good stuff,I ordered 3 6lb bags with free shipping because of the reviews. I really like it but the real test was my wife's opinion and we also ordered 4 and 1/2 lbs of popcorn from the Boulder popcorn co and the kernels were a little smaller and tasted better. We use coconut oil and i"} +{"input": "t??hahasa????ryr? g ??odo? f ?lal??oro?????? w ?iti??ouo??t bt ???teter?????rer???lyl?y ly lilikikek???theth??CaC????????s Cs CrC?reare????kerke?nen?lsls s ts th?the the?bebese??2272???,B,?????DADA9A????AJAJEJEEEEIE?BHBHMH???P4P4E4????a a?????????1,1??,5,??,12,1?29129?070?525??00,00??????y y &y ? l ??ghghtht!t!,!,\",??I jI ???st st m mam????sosomo???in?? my my ????rlr?eyey ??opo??. . ????rerearealreallllylly ?is????gh????r ar ??????????? t??????the??????er???yey???owo? k ke k??nenelnelsls.ls??????ne ne?ofo??? tho thoso??e le lalar?ge???ulull?s ?eie?ithit??er.?? T ?he? o on o?ly???????ereer?????e ise i?, ?it? p pop?opsop?s us ?? m???h h??ma?ll?er???thath?? t??e ??yelye??ow??, s, so????? n ????d td toto o a ???????dod??blb?le le??? the the????unu???of? k???rnernel?????sedsed ??er?er per ??t.t. ??LoL?ve?lyly ??homhome?ma?de?? po p??????.\".??????0,B0,B0?????A9?????3J3???8R8??????PGP???", "output": "t has very good flavor even without butter. I really like the Cambria's Cream kernels the best\n2729,B003NDA970,AJEEIBHMERP4E,Ada L. King,1,1,5,1291075200,Crispy & light!,\"I just made some in my Whirley Pop. It really is lighter and crisper than the larger, yellow kernels. None of those large hulls either. The only difference is, it pops up much smaller than the yellow, so you need to almost double the amount of kernels used per pot. Lovely homemade popcorn.\"\n2730,B003NDA970,A3JLI8RXU06TPG,\"M"} +{"input": ".???. . M. ???ono?????\"\"\"?AuA??hoh???\"\"\"\"\"?,1,??,1,,1,5,5,5?,12,1272??727202?00???????lel????e e?fof?????theth??????????????e e oe olo??vev?e o?il? t ????coocookok k??hih?s,s??sas??? i ??t wt ???l,l, ?anandn??it? i is i? t?????esests??????????????? po popo??????I I??????eve?verve?r er ?ata??????????d ad ?? ti t??? b bib????? b bu bututtut?????? m ??????bub???????t ???eded ed???????y ny ???? y yey?????????????teterter ter? di d??????lilikli???po?popcpopco?rnr??ununtn??il ???????eluelucuctc?anantantltlyl???rir??ed ???isis.is. ????ter??a ????????es??, s, ?????conco?susumu?medme?d hd ??lflf ?th?the the???wlw?!/?
I bought mine at a specialty popcorn shop in Long Grove IL, so I didn't have to pay shipping costs, but when it's gone, I might have "} +{"input": "????bib??e e??heh????llllel???????????r r??? f ???m m????e.e??2272737???????????????2P2???6N6????T1T??E,E????ThT????????1,1,31,3,3,1??424????40400????????????dvd?ici??e oe ????oto???irir ?popopo??????\"W\"???? I ?????????????re???? th t?he he??revre??ewewsws s t??ata?t dt ???cuc???s ts th???prp?rodro??ctc?????perpe??or?mam??cece ce??n ??hotho?????? po p???per??. ????he ??C C????veverve??? ta t?astas??y ay ????lil????t wt wiwitithit?h nh non??reresresis?du?alal l?????????shesh?ellellsls ??ha????etet et???ucuckuck k??????ourour ?te?????????????????????P>???blble??????????ini????t ?inin in h??t t a?t airt air r p??opp?er??? is?????????the the kthe ???????? ar a?????o ???????t ant andnd nd????y oy ?outout t ot ???????ma?chchih???????forfo??re tre ???y ??????. T. TiT?ltl??ingin????the ????????? he h??psp?????? t? the", "output": "to bite the bullet and order it from here.\"\n2731,B003NDA970,A2PD36N1X2T1NE,J. Thomas,1,1,3,1242950400,Heed the advice on hot air poppers,\"Wish I would have read the reviews that discuss the product's performance in hot air poppers. The PC is very tasty and light with no residual kernel shells that get stuck in your teeth...4 stars.

Problem with using it in hot air poppers is that the kernels are too light and fly out of the machine before they pop. Tilting the machine helps keep the"} +{"input": "?m m???sis??e,e, ,????? it i?t wt wow???? b???????lelere??juj??t t tt toto o??inindin????????????rgr??er er ker kek?ernernen???coc?????????????030????979?0,0???4W4?XLX?????????,g,?rar???ata?e2e????????,4,4,?121????161?808?00,00,A??isishs??CoC?ounou???????byb??WhWhihiti????opo?????,\",??????e ee ?njnjoj??ede??ththith?? p ?op????? e ?????? bi b?it it??? m ??chc??????notno???or?e ?ththath?? t ??e ?MoM??????????er?er Per PoPopPo?pcopcor?n.n. n. ?ItIt't???lil????t at ??d d fd flf?ufu????- -????de???????and and d de?lilicli?????. . ?????hinhi?? w wew????njonjoy??? it it? a a??????orore????cac????e we ?we we??no??????????is ?no? \" ??pap?lml?\"\"????l ??????co????? oi o??????itit ???we??ca?n n cn ?con????l l wl ???? o? oil oi?s ???????d od or??leleale??????ut.ut?. . ??t ?t wot w??ksks s w???????ithith ?ththethe the??opoppop?er???- i- inin in???ctct ?ju?st???as", "output": "m inside, but it would be simpler just to find another larger kernel corn.\"\n2732,B003NDA970,A14WXLY4BSE61M,graymate2004,1,1,4,1217116800,Amish Country Baby White Popcorn,\"We've enjoyed this popcorn every bit as much if not more than the Movie Theater Popcorn. It's light and fluffy - tender - and delicious. I think we enjoy it a bit more because we know there is no \"\"palm\"\" oil or coconut oil in it - we can control what oils we add or leave out. It works well with the popper - in fact just las"} +{"input": "?t t??igighg?t ?wew??hah?????pop?????????????????s s c ?????????fof????????????it????heh??oto????????aua??????? ha hadad ad? pu puru??ha?se?d ?sos???ucuchch ch o???th?? o?th??????we?we ewe ???????d td ththith?is is??ororeor?????737333?,B,???3N3NDNDAD??707???????????6T6??QDQ??\"J\"???ese?????BaB??eses es?\"\"\"\"U\"?????JiJimi????,1,?,1??2,2,1???969??646????avavev?eraer??e e te ???????PoPop??corco?rn rn h ha????rer??r r cr ????or or ( ?whwhi???? ????t tt ????e ????av?er??ge?? an and and d dd dud????o ???hiphi??iningn????????g g mg ???? t???? p?rorodo??ctct,t, ,??? wo w?ul????otot ot????????inin.in????????,B0,B00?3N?DA????????KHK???SRS???K0K?4,4,\"4,\"M\"??ishishaha ha??ininging ing?????????lil??n\"n??????0,?5,5?,13,1???777?????00,G00,???atat at???ttttlt?????iniin???opopc??????,\"I,\"I ????gh??t tt tht t?? W WhW??rlr????????StS????to??", "output": "t night we had a popper full of this corn and followed it with the other because we had purchased so much of the other - we enjoyed this more.\"\n2733,B003NDA970,A1QY67UJ76TWQD,\"James G. Bates \"\"UncleJim\"\"\",1,1,2,1209686400,average taste,\"Popcorn has grear color (white) But taste is average and due to shipping costing more then product, I would not buy again.\"\n2734,B003NDA970,A39KH7TSRC0K04,\"Misha King \"\"Afritalian\"\"\",0,0,5,1350777600,Great little mini popcorn!,\"I bought the Whirley-Pop Stovetop "} +{"input": "????coc??n n??PopPo??????????ala? m ????hshs s????? w whw???h h ( ??? c ?????se)se) )??theth???ababab??h h Vh ???lel???????corcornrn rn c??mem??rer?cocomco?me?????? (s (?????co????nyn??? I ???hohouo??hth?...?..w..??atat t t????heh?eckeck;k; ;???????lwl?????wowon?de?re???????\"\"\"?go?ur?memetme??? p???opcoopc???????????ed ed?????????ili?lele le?or????????ev?er??daday????pc??orn?????andan?????? / />/??????t mt ?????????????.I.?????????THT??THTHETH????TRTRARA A??????! ! I??? can can ??????y y ty ?as????th???di??ffeff????cec?e ie ??n qn ?uau???????ANANDN???\"\"??or??alal\"al?????pcpco??rn ??usu?t ?????n'n????tasta??e e re rie r???t ????????u u?????e i??t it in? t th the? W???rlr????????.T>???????popcpop?????isi???o o? te???????????as???y. y.??t ??asas as????????le le wle ?eie??d ", "output": "Popcorn Popper several months ago, which (of course) the Wabash Valley popcorn came recommended (same company). I thought...what the heck; I've always wondered how \"\"gourmet\"\" popcorn differed from Orville or other everyday popcorn brands.

Let me tell you...IT IS WORTH THE EXTRA MONEY! I can really taste the difference in quality. AND, \"\"normal\"\" popcorn just doesn't taste right when you make it in the Whirley-Pop.

This popcorn is so tender and tasty. It was a little weird "} +{"input": "??o o s ?????ndnd d??ata?? at a??fif?????bebece???????t't's'?? ab abobououtu?t ht ?alalfl????e e se sis??e ?ofof ????ululalara??pop?pcp?orornr?? B BuB?????????ieieve?e ?th??????harha??ctc?ererir??????????sss??ntn????? in in n h ?helhelpl?iningng g t th the? s?ea???nin???s s c?omo???????y y????? t th?e ?cocorcorn?.<.??????
My favorite prep methods include using the Whirley-Pop and Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (see my review for that for more details!) I add a little peanut oil, sea salt, black pepper, and a good amount of Vegaline Garlic Mist Cooking & Seasoning Spray. YUMMY!!!!

I've tried the other Amish Co"} +{"input": "???trt????opopcp?oro??, ,?ana????????????lll??????? T ?hihisi? i ?? m ?????????tet?, , t, ??ouo?????2??????000??NDN??979?????PJP????????KPK?L,L??oso????e e Ae A.A???ldl??y,y???0,???131343?????606?????opsop???????? P ??opcopco?rn?????ldld,ld,T,Th,T???s ps ????????is?is ris re?al???y gy ?rereareatrea?! !? W We W?e ee ene?jojoyoy y ty ththethe e te tat??te?? an andnd nd????????????sss???f f?? the????tut???? po pop???orn??? I ??s ??????liklikek??e the t?he ???popcpop??corncorn n tn ??????is ????????d fd ???????it?s s ss ???all?? an and??re???llyll?????????o o e ?at???. I. ?? ea eatat at????ly ly???is?????popcopopc??orn orn???w w??????ordorded?r r? ev e??eryer???????e me ?on???s.s. . H. HiH?????ly rly ????mmm???d ???o to ??? p po pop po????rn ?????rsr?s os ofs o???the???or?orldorl????73?6,6,B?00??????97097??AAA????????VUV??????????????? \" ?\"E\"EvEveververyver?????\"\"\"\"\"", "output": "untry popcorn, and they're all good. This is my favorite, though!\"\n2735,B003NDA970,A3PJACXRVEXKPL,Rosalie A. Alday,0,0,5,1349913600,Tops in the Popcorn World,This popcorn is really great! We enjoy the taste and the smallness of the actual popcorn. Its not like the popcorn that is big and fluffy its small and really great to eat. I eat only this popcorn now and order every three months. Highly recommend to the popcorn lovers of the world.\n2736,B003NDA970,AAUICTIUBVU7R,\"Roy Berger \"\"Everyman\"\"\""} +{"input": ",,0,???,5,5,5????575??646???0,G0,????????LLL? L ?ESE????OPO??ORO????I I b ??ugughg?t t a a a b???l l?tot???opop p??????oro?? i ?n ????ngng g??????????? po p?opcop??rn?. .???d d p pu p?????o o ho ???ndsnd????l il in? t??e ?bobowbowl??????????t tht t??????????????? P?op??????????????nen?????? mo m?oreor?e pe ??????????or or????l tl ??? po?p,p? i in i??faf???t at al????t ??wiwicwicece ??????chch ???mem???. Bu. But?ut tut ?theth??rer????????re????reare????brb??????dadayay y w??e we ????????????? se s??asoason?????I ??boubo???ht ht??????it it???????oko?? fo f???????toto ??sis???ing iing ?????????ve ve a???ododeod?rfr???l sl ???ackac??????e ??atatcat???????????2727373737,7?????????707?0,A0,??6G6??70????I1I171?70,70,O,???????iciceiced?,0???0,10,???34?????202?00,00,P,?ooo???prp??dud????,\"T,\"??????? ???errer?ribri???? po pop???", "output": ",0,0,5,1345766400,GREAT HULL LESS POPCORN,\"I bought a bowl to pop the corn in along with this popcorn. And put two handsful in the bowl and set the microwave on Popcorn. But it needed more popping for all to pop, in fact almost twice as much time. But the results are great.
Today we will get the seasoning I bought for it and look forward to using it to have a woderful snack while watching TV.\"\n2737,B003NDA970,A26GU700BXI170,Over Priced,0,0,1,1341619200,Poor product,\"This is terrible popcor"} +{"input": "?n!n???????sts????????? po popo???ngng g???tit?o.o? a ??d d? th t?? s ?izi??????????????eded d td ?hihisi??GoG??rmr?ete? p???pi??ng ng????? i in?????????f f a? p???????????yoyononeon???usust??? o ?outou?t it ??????ghg?te??!\"!???737???B0B000????A9A?707?,A,???RZR?MVM?AFA??LBLB8B?B,B,S,ShShahar???PhP?oto?o,o?0,?0,?1,1??333??868???????ipip p op of?f ?AlAlel??t,t????o no ?ot???pep??????ur??????? o?n ????????rodroduducu?t ??as as???? w ????? fi f????d thd t?? p??????????ti?????trt?eme??????poopo?????????upu????f pf ??????n ??wilwill?????? 1 ??2 2??up???f ??????poppopepop???(o(???d Md ??dedese??????????s ls lelefle?t t o?ve??r wr whwhi??h h? is i?s us ??????ptp?tabta???.T.?hi??s is ?is is ais a a n ???n rn re???urnur???????tetemte???o o io ???yoyou?????y ty ??thisthi?s os ??one one???? a ar a?re re????t t ot out outu???f f lf ?uc??, ?????I rI re?co???", "output": "n! No taste, poor popping ratio. and the size OMG! I popped this Gourmet popping corn in front of a party, everyone busted out in laughter!\"\n2738,B003NDA970,A31RZMVAFMLB8B,Sharp Photo,0,0,1,1336867200,Rip off Alert,\"Do not spend your money on this product as you will find the popping ratio extremely poor. One cup of popcorn will have 1/2 cup of un poped (old Mades) kernels left over which is unacceptable.This is a non returnable item so if you buy this one you are just out of luck, so I recomme"} +{"input": "n?? s ststat?yiy?ngng g a awawaway???ror????hih?s s o ?nene.e?????393???????DAD?979707????????U8U????????????HaHama??on?d,d??0,00,??????343??44844808?000000,0,O0,??????????hehere??'s'???ucuchc? b ??ttt?er???ThT???s is ?? m ?y y??????? ti t??????yi?????aba?asa???VaV??le????ara????AmA??ishish ??????trytry ???abyab?y Wy ?????.<.??? / />/??P/>?????????'s 's o?????wiw??th th? a a?nin???????d ?nun?????????oro???ThTheTh???ulu??????e e me moe m???e pe ?ro????ncn?cedce??ththath?n n?wi??th ?sos?omeom???th?erer er????ishish ish \" ?\"B\"Ba??????hit?e.e.\"e.?\"\"<\"\"??? /??>C />Co???? I???te?ndndsnd?s ns ??????? br b?isiskis??????p p u upu??. I. ?n n fn faf??t,t? w??e've'?e ??burburnr????????rar?al al p ??ansan?s bs bebecbe???sese se?????????itit it i ???????kyk?. ?WeWe e fe ??oun?d ??hah?t t tt tht the?? mi m???rowro??ve? o???????????s b?etettette???ththa?n n pn ??n ?n pon p", "output": "nd staying away from this one.\"\n2739,B003NDA970,AX9A87U8XDE00,Dale Hammond,0,0,3,1334448000,Okay but there's much better,\"This is my first time trying Wabash Valley Farms Amish Country Baby White.

Pros: It's okay with a nice mild nutty flavor. The hulls are more pronounced than with some other Amish \"\"Baby White.\"\"

Cons: It tends not to briskly pop up. In fact, we've burned several pans because popping it is tricky. We found that the microwave often works better than pan po"} +{"input": "pppp??ngng.g. .?AnA???????ene??ioiono?eded ???ovo??? t ?hehe e?huh?lll?s s as ara?e ???????????????????lel???????wiw??????he?r r A??isi??????ab?? W ?hih?iteit?\"\"??brb??andandsds.s??????uru???as?ed? t????e e 6e ? b ba b??s ???? w?e'e??ll ll???? t? the theme??????utut t w?????t bt ??e oe ??dedere??ingin?? an a???momor?e.e??????t tt ??me??????? d drd???????? l ????g dg did?ististat?ancan?? t??? ou o??????re??t ???????st??ore?.\".?2??404??B0B?030??????0,?????FDF???????U,U?,B.,B. . B. ?????????0,0,00,????13???101?4040040????????bub??----------??IfI????? l?iki???????????ppepp??????????????th?????is ??or???ouou.ou??TaT?????is?is gis ??oodoo???nd???it it i is i??crc???????t ???enden???. ????? on o??y ?????l cl ??mpmplp?aiainintin????????hah?as as a a a d????ro?????????al al????unu??? of o?f hf ", "output": "pping. And as mentioned above, the hulls are much more noticeable than with other Amish \"\"Baby White\"\" brands.

We purchased these 6 bags and we'll use them up but won't be ordering any more. Next time we'll drive the long distance to our nearest Amish store.\"\n2740,B003NDA970,A137FD3V4Y0XU,B. Brockman,0,0,3,1327104000,Good but----,If you like your popped corn small this is for you. Taste is good and it is crisp yet tender. The only real complaint is it has a disproportional amount of h"} +{"input": "???l.l??272????????NDN??979????2525B5??????????Y,Y??ereryr??apappp?ywy???hohoro?ded?er,er?0,??0,50,???????888????????y y???odod,d??opo?cocor????? v ???ry ry??oo??????ana????ele??eveve????? d ??fff??ereerene????????eee??? th thih?is is p ?poppopc???orn orn a an????????egegugululaulara????????????the?? st s??????? v??ery? g???? p??rcr?????..2.??424??????????97097?0,A0,?????????HXHXNX????6 6 L ?????s As A A D ??y,y?,0,,0???2,2,12,???262????00??ThT???s is ?is ???t ????l-l-l-lel??????popcpopco???? O ????eveev??en cen ??????,\",\"B\"BoBouo??hth?t 6t 6l6??s ???????????popc?or?????se?d d od ???re???????th??t t t????huhulhu?llsll??ar??e se ?????? o on???? this thi?s Bs BaB?byby y Wy ?hi?te??? tha th?? o??n rn ren r?egueg??ularula???pop????rn.rn?????????lyl??ar?are are???????hullhul?s ???stst st a as a???ou?????? r ?regre?gulgu?arar ar?????cor????? the? the c the ?", "output": "ull.\n2741,B003NDA970,A25BVRWTD7GN8Y,veryhappywithorder,0,0,5,1323388800,very good,popcorn is very good. cant believe the difference between this popcorn and the regular stuff at the story. a very good purchase.\n2742,B003NDA970,A1ASB4OGGHXNBQ,6 Loads A Day,0,0,2,1322697600,This is not hull-less popcorn! Or even close.,\"Bought 6lbs of this popcorn based on reviews that the hulls are softer on this Baby White than on regular popcorn. Not only are the hulls just as tough as regular popcorn, the co"} +{"input": "r?? p ??psp? u upup p??o o??ini??? th t??????????bob??t t 1t ??3 3?????? 2 ?/3???????d d????? p pe p???keker??????I I w ?asas ?hohop?in?? t to t?o uo ususes? t????s a??????eae?ltltht??y sy ???ckc? f ?or????y ky ???????ho ho????e e pe po??co?rn??bubut? n non??t tt ?theth??????s.s??brb??????po??pepedped ???????sis??ing ing??veverve??y ty ???????couco????fif??????n tn ????????????? a al?? e?xpxpe?rir??enent??????llll ll???sus????d d id ?? a??? tou tougughg???ulullull.l?\"\"???434???000??NDN?A9A???,A,A1A1B1BTB?7G7?????????????????ho??neyney,y?0,??0,30,3,3,13,131?????484????,Re,R???ivive??d wd ?roron??g pg ?ro??ucuctc?????eceec???vedved ved? th?e e \"e ?????????ellel??w\"w\"\"\"\" \"\" i in ins in??eaeadea?d o?? t???????????????BabBabyby y Wy ????e\"e\"\"?????rnern???s. s. U UnUna?blb??e te toto ?????????the?the pthe pr?????ct ??sinsi?ce?? it i?t'st'?????????ry?????m,m??bubutbu?", "output": "rn pops up so tiny that it's about 1/3 hull, 2/3 popped corn per kernel! I was hoping to use this as a healthy snack for my kids who love popcorn but not the hulls.
I popped this using every tip I could find on the internet; all experiments still resulted in a tough hull.\"\n2743,B003NDA970,A1BT7GMP117HQH,Ryan Mahoney,0,0,3,1318204800,Received wrong product,\"Received the \"\"Baby Yellow\"\" instead of the correct \"\"Baby White\"\" kernels. Unable to return the product since it's a grocery item, but "} +{"input": "???azazozono???omo??cuc??totom??? s ses?erverviv????did?d d????????llllelene?t t????????d pd prprorovovi??ede????fuf??ll ll????funfu????AsA?? fa f??r ar asa??cacan???????????oto?heh?? i ?sss?ueu?????????propr?dud???.\".???747???????NDNDAD??????????4Y4?????????\"A\"???????????\"M\"?om?mym?????1 1??????ov?iningn? i???????0,?0,0,40,?????292999??404??????psp??s wes w?ellel????notno???uc?h h??lal?????????lil???? t??? i????a oa ??????e se ??????pop??co??????ItI??po??????? re r?ala???y wy ????? in i?n tn ??the the p???pep?er er ber ?utut ?it? d?oeoes????t ht hah?????mucmu??????????????popcpop??corncor???? fl fla fl????????as???re??tyt?????mem??ed bed ????thath?t.?????4545,5???003003N?DADA9DA?97097?0,A0,???U6U686?????????????????????\"\"\"\"A\"\"AZA???op?aha????c\"c\"\"???????4,??????45745????00,\"00,??????????s w?or???", "output": "Amazon.com customer service did an excellent job and provided a full refund. As far as can tell, no other issues with product.\"\n2744,B003NDA970,A2JVS4Y2LN8ZBJ,\"A. Denton \"\"Mommy of 1 and loving it!\"\"\",0,0,4,1302998400,\"Pops well, not much flavor\",\"I liked the idea of the small popcorn. It pops up really well in the popper but it doesn't have much if any \"\"popcorn\"\" flavor. Was pretty bummed by that.\"\n2745,B003NDA970,A39U687FJFOE43,\"J. Mertes \"\"AZShopaholic\"\"\",0,0,4,1292457600,\"Wow, it's worth "} +{"input": "?tht?e e c ?ososts????r r??????r ???ititete te???llllelese?s\"s???? u ???d d t to to o????w w t?he? J ?apa??nen?esees??hu?ll?????ini??smsmamala?ll ll????antantit?itiitiei????????y y? st s?ovo??????????????????s is ?s ???e ?clc??oseos???????????in?d.d. ??? y ?????rere ?apappap?palpa??lledlle??????the???hi???iningin? c??ostos?? l lilikikek?e Ie ?I wI ???, ????????kik????ele?se???er?e ??forfo??a a?beb????????alal.al??????????an?????ono????????????ititeite ?ofo?????????????????111??9595 5 w ??ithith h F ???E E s sh???????????yo??u su ?igigngn ???p fp fo?for ????peape?titinting?????????tst????whiwh?chc????????an ??canca??celce?????????????TrTry???www????????ng.ng?????\"\"?272?464?,B,?000???DADA9A????A1A1W1???SHS???YZY?????JoJ????????5,5??282????323?0000,00??????h Ch ??ounou??trytr?????????hithite??I ?????????", "output": "the cost for tender white hulless\",\"I used to grow the Japanese hulless in small quantities for my stovetop popper. This is the closest I can find. If you are appalled by the shipping cost, like I was, try looking elsewhere for a better deal. For instance, one popular site offers 6 lbs for $11.95 with FREE shipping if you sign up for repeating shipments (which you can cancel any time). Try www.c**king.com.\"\n2746,B003NDA970,A1W61SHZ2YZUJD,John,0,0,5,1284163200,Amish Country Baby White,I have made"} +{"input": " ???????????pcp???? o ofo? c ????cec??? I ??ene??oyo?y ty ??? f ?lalava?oror or??ndn??kekere??alal l s ???e.e.e.??747?7,7,B,?000????????????AUAUIU?2K2??EJE?9A9????????LDLDPD???SCS???0,????????222?40400?00????nd??erfer?ulul,l,\",?GeG?t t?iti?, , G ?GetGe???it,it???Get???t!t? T ?hi??????pcopc??n ?????rur?????????????tet??ded???, d, ?????ioi?usu??????corcornrn rn????avaveav??eve??er er t???stest??.\".\"\"???74874???0000300???DA9DA??????????UZU??R6R???,S,ScScocooco??????,0,0,?5,???70?????0000,????mymy,my,\"?GoGot?? th t?rereee??did???er???t ???is??????????'s'??????mymy my d ?aua???????? B BiBiri??????????he he??s ?al??ayaysys ???? a a????et,et????gog?ot ??herher r t????ho?????? p po????er ?sas?mem?????????.sh.s???& &? my my ?grg?an??????..(..????'s's ??) )?lol??vedve??itit.it??sh???ata?te te?????wlw???eveev???y ny ninigi?????", "output": " this my popcorn of choice. I enjoy the flavor and kernal size.\n2747,B003NDA970,A2YAUI2KUEJ9AF,C. FELDPAUSCH,0,0,5,1272240000,wonderful,\"Get it, Get it, Get it! This popcorn is truly the most tender, delicious popcorn I have ever tasted.\"\n2748,B003NDA970,AN9N29UZ7R6J2,Scooter,0,0,5,1270339200,yummy,\"Got three different Amish popcorn's for my daughter's Birthday..she is always on a diet, I got her the hot air popper same time...she & my grandson..( he's 4) loved it..she ate a bowl every night & "} +{"input": "???tit?????????1515 5 l?bsbs s????non??????ini????t't?s ?? d ?iei???fof?odo?? j ????st sst sasatati??fif?ininging ???\"\"???494???000?????????A1A?UEU?????????????ala??y y A ??????ono??0,???????686808?00600646????????st Pst ??pcpcoc??n n??vever??I I b ???ghg?????isi??pop?opcop???rn rn?asa?s a? g gigifi????????omo?? d?eae?r r??rir??nd?s.s??ThT???????????me?ntn???? ba bacackc???eve????????me????thath?at at i??t'st's ???he he??????popoppo?pcopcor?n ?th??y ?ha????eveveev?????d.d?. T. ??eyey ey l?ovo??????? T?he??????d sd ???oppoppep?ed ed??n n t??he he Dhe ???me???o o?????????????????te? p ?pop??cor?????nd ???ulu?d d nd nen??evereve?????d ????????oneon?e le ???????? Am A?????on won ?as???ll?? it???????? to to??in??d td ththith???---- -??he??beb??est est? po popopc?ororn? e ??everever!ever??2?????B0?03???A9?70????XGXGAG????HRHRIR?7X7X,X,R,", "output": " still lost 15 lbs !! not saying it's a diet food, just satisfiing !!\"\n2749,B003NDA970,A1UEK9HPGME6GE,Sally Anderson,0,0,5,1268006400,Best Popcorn Ever,I bought this popcorn as a gift for some dear friends. The have commented back several times that it's the best popcorn they have ever had. They love it! They had shopped in the DC metro area to find white popcorn and could never find it so one look on Amazon was all it took to find this -- the best popcorn ever!!\n2750,B003NDA970,AUXGA0GCHRI7X,R"} +{"input": "e?????a a B ?. . J ?ononen????,0??5,5??262?484????000??????owo??????opo???rnrn,n??? b ?ouo?ghghtht t t ?hih???fofor???? d ?auaug???erer'r's's ????? mi m?icric???wavwa?ve ve?pop???corco????op???? a ???a ??????tmt??as as?gig???????d d s shs?????????thath??t it ?t ??s ??elelilic??ou??s, s,????t pt ??????????malma?lel??er ter ???n n o ????er er per ??????????ShS????likli??es es???? a a? lo lot??\"\"??757?1,1?B0B????DAD??7070,??1U1??????OCO????L,L?,\"A,\"A.A??DoD???????z z???A.?????,0,?0,??????64364373????0,?wowon??derderfrfufulu?,\",\"T,\"?hi??s is ?? v ???y ?hi???????????po???co?corncorn,corn???I rI ?ececoecom??nd???????AlA??osostst ???????rnrnernelelsel?s ps ?????????thetheythe?y ay ????????????????e ??whewh?en en? th t??y ??op????VeV?????????????ndnd ?yuyumummmmy?!\"!\"????2,2,B,B0,B?003??NDAND?A97A9??????ZLZ???3W3????JMJ?,\",\"D,\"???HoH????l l???ReR", "output": "ebecca B. Jones,0,0,5,1264809600,Microwave Popcorn,\"I bought this for my daughter's new microwave popcorn popper as a Christmas gift, and she says that it is delicious, but pops up smaller than other popcorn. She likes it a lot.\"\n2751,B003NDA970,A1UP81S8OCJASL,\"A. Dominguez \"\"A.\"\"\",0,0,5,1264377600,wonderful,\"This is very high qulity pop corn, I recomend it. Almost all kernels pop and they are a crisp white when they pop. Very healthy and yummy!\"\n2752,B003NDA970,A1CZLOI3W8E5JM,\"D. Howell \"\"Re"} +{"input": "????? X X\"X??\"\",\"\"?0,0?,0,,0????262??292??12012000?0,\"0,??????????ad ad???? s ???llll l?fof?r ????wiwifi???? t?asa?????bubutut t kt kikidi????ndnd d I ? l ?ovo???iti?\",\"?\"P\"PoP???s fs ???????fe??? sp s???e ?kek?ernernen??s ?wi?????heh??trt?ad???ioi??al????ov????? m memet???????????ll,ll??, fl, f????????rnrne????, n, ?????a la lolotlot ??? ' ?mimisi???re??? t???????re re o on????pa??????lyly ly?eve??lvl???d. d.? M ?y y wy ?wifwifefe fe???ysys ?th??y'y'r'???a ?ta?????????alall? f????????????ste,ste???butbu????the the???dsds ds a an a?nd nd?? r ??al?????lovlo??? th?is? p ?opopcopcoc?????????3,3???????A9A979??0,A0,?1H1HQH????S4S?S4?494?V,V?,\"P,\"??ul??????ar????sss????Pa?ul?ul Bul Ba??sn??ssss\"ss\"\"?\",?????4,4??252595????????smsma??? b?ut? g gogoooodoo??ThT??is ??poppopcpco??rn rn? br b??ngn????? b?aca??????dad?aysay??????re?re tre ???the mthe ???ror??avave?", "output": "ader X\"\"\",0,0,5,1264291200,\"Just a tad too small for my wife's taste, but kids and I love it\",\"Pops fully, few spare kernels with the traditional stovetop method. Small, fluffy kernels, not a lot of 'misfires' that are only partially evolved. My wife says they're a tad too small for her taste, but the kids and I really love this popcorn.\"\n2753,B003NDA970,A1HQQJ5S4S449V,\"Paul E. Barsness \"\"Paul Barsness\"\"\",0,0,4,1259280000,small but good,This popcorn brings me back to days before the microwave "} +{"input": "v???sis?ono?. .?WhW????a a???????iti????s s??o o????oro?? th t?e e t????????????ghghth???? sa sala????d ld li?lyly ly w ??it?e ????cocorornor??? tha th??at wat wawaswa?s ps po???ede??ovo??????? h ??at????? a a? st stotovoveov????????? ag a?aiaini????757545????030??DAD??????1U1?????8O8??JAJ???,\",????DoD??iningingug?eze???\"A??\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\",0,?0,00,??5,5,1,???????????LoLov?ove ove i it i??,\"I,\"??????ove tove ?thith????rar???, ,? a??l l k ?????lsls ???? a??? t????y ay ararere re?????cec?e se ?????, t, te?xtx????????nd fnd flflal??oror.or.\"??27275?????03????A97A970??,AN,A????090???G8G???????atratrir?????R.R?????milmiltltolt?? \"??wow?????ar??e we wo???????l\"l??\"\"\",\"\"\"?,0,,0????5,15,12?54???525??????reare???po??co?????? h ha h?aveav?e ne ???t et eaeateate?n n tn ththi????s pops po???????????????? it it it??????f,f??????????????ofof of?? a g a ?ifi??t ft ?oror ??? d ???????", "output": "version. What a treat it was to savor the taste and lightly salted lily white popcorn that was popped over the heat of a stove burner again.\n2754,B003NDA970,A1UP81S8OCJASL,\"A. Dominguez \"\"A.\"\"\",0,0,5,1254441600,Love it,\"I love this brand, all kernels pop and they are a nice size, texture and flavor.\"\n2755,B003NDA970,ANVBP09ACG85O,\"Patricia R. Hamilton \"\"words are wonderful\"\"\",0,0,5,1254355200,great popcorn,\"I have not eaten this popcorn or tasted it myself, it was part of a gift for my daughter"} +{"input": "? i ini???rarada??ScSchc??olo???? Sh S????iki?ese??tht???flf???????uau?????y oy ofof f???????ppp????????n an ?ndn???????oto???o o?????y hy ?????????alsal?so so t th??e be ??? b bab?g g mg mamakmake???he?r r?????? s sh s????an???akake?? it i?t lt lal??t ?????? C ?????????s (s ????atat t rt ?emema???s ?????e e se ?eee??) )??????????????g ??????y ?momor???. . A ?????????????nan?ckc??fof??????poopo??or Gor ?GraGradad ad S???????\"\"??757????000?3N3?????0,0??1D1DHD??????9F9?676?M,M?????????ra???0,00,??5,5?121252?050???606?????he ??besbe????op?co??rn rn???ve???ve?r ???astas?eded.ed???,\",????? a a h a ??geg?e pe ????cor?n n fn faf?an an aan an?d ???ve????rieried? a al a?ll ll??????, , a???? th? the the?????h h?????ntrntryry ry?????nd ???popcpopcocor????????he ?he behe b?????????eveveev?er er??at??en.en?. . A. AbA????????????li?cicioi?????\"2\"27", "output": " in Grad School. She likes the fluffy quality of the popped corn and the not so many hulls - also the big bag makes her think she can make it last until Christmas ( that remains to be seen) without having to buy more. A very good snack for a poor Grad Student\"\n2756,B003NDA970,A1DHS99SF9F67M,A. O'Meara,0,0,5,1250553600,The best popcorn I've ever tasted...,\"I'm a huge popcorn fan and have tried all sorts, and the Amish Country brand popcorn is the best I've ever eaten. Absolutely delicious!\"\n27"} +{"input": "5????????????0,0?A1A??8J8JAJ???LCL?????,M,?araryr??ReR??leleze??0,0,00,????121???131?6060000000??faf????ouo?s s p ????oro???\"T\"????e e a ?arear??vev?????eleldel??m m??nyn????????ede??kek?ernernenel?s,s??????h h????nin????ana?d d td tht?? f ?????????s ws ?ono?ndend???ul?????t t??? wh w???????t ??????y ??aboab??t t pt ????corco?rn.rn. ?I I???waw???s bs ???????????????ysy?????d wd ???ll ll??conco???????????2?757?????00300?3ND3N?DA9DA97???????????6M6MQM?????,\"J,\"?. ????DoD?ougou?lalasla?s \"s ?\"h\"?lwlwdlw???d\"d\"\"?\",\",0,0,,0??,0,5,0,?5,15,?12212212???60?00??YuYumummm?y ?po?popc??ornorn.n????I lI ???? w wh????e ce ????? i??????? it i????or??s,? i in???????? p?opopcop?cor?corn.corn????nd nd?I ?hah??te te h ????ou?outroutrar??eoe?ousousls?????pepenpe???????thethe ???????els els a????????the???upu?perpe?mam?arkarkeketke????o ?????veve ???hishi??po???popcorpopco??????", "output": "57,B003NDA970,A1J8JA6ULCWRPY,Mary Rellez,0,0,5,1241136000,fabulous popcorn,\"There are very seldom any unpopped kernels, which is nice and the flavor is wonderful. Not a whole lot to say about popcorn. I always buy from you guys and will continue to.\"\n2758,B003NDA970,A1BXR4SI6MQLHV,\"J. S. Douglas \"\"hlwdjsd\"\"\",0,0,5,1221696000,Yummy popcorn.,\"I love white corn, in all its forms, including popcorn. And I hate how outrageously expensive the kernels are in the supermarket, so I love this popcorn.\"\n27"} +{"input": "55959,9,B,?????DAD???0,0?A2A?Q4Q??M2M??JHJ?V1V??J,J???ouo???????HuH?????? \" \"\"\"??ou???\",\",0,???0,50,?????12?????????rereae??????duducuctc?????liliti????? pr prir????, b, ?utut ?wow?rtrthth h?it??\",\",\"\",?I I e ene???? i????????????????vevere?y ?y evy e???iningn??, i, itit it? is i?s vs ???ry ry g ???od od???????????oto?t at asa?s ms mum??h ???llllslls ???????al?l l????? p???pep???????????B00B00303N03?NDANDA9?70?????HUH????????????ili??????????5,15,?12112111????0000000000??A A g?????? po???corcornrn n??or????????chchih??????!,!,\"?????s ps ??opcopcocor?n ??is is m ??chch ch? sm sma?llllellerer er??thath?????ourou???vever?aga????poppopc???orn,orn, , a, ?????it ?????irirtrturt?????y hy ???llellesllesss?. ????????is ?exe??actactltlytl????at?at Iat I I wI ??as as l??ookoo???? f fo f???inin in?? p?? popc popco popcor?? b ?ece?????e me ????????r ?olo??d Ld ?OVO??????? popco???. ??WiW???h 3h ", "output": "59,B003NDA970,A2Q4CM2SJHV1KJ,\"Louis L. Hubbard \"\"lou\"\"\",0,0,5,1221264000,\"great product, a little pricy, but worth it.\",\"I enjoy it practically every evening, it is very good popcorn, not as much hulls and small when popped.\"\n2760,B003NDA970,A3FHU0RRM34EYO,Eileen,0,0,5,1211760000,A great popcorn for small children!,\"This popcorn is much smaller than your average popcorn, and it is virtually hulless. That is exactly what I was looking for in a popcorn because my 3 year old LOVES popcorn. With 3"} +{"input": " y ???r r???d d???ili????n,n?? yo y??????e e?tot? b beb??????erernrneneded d wd wiwititht? t???????lsls s c ca c????????hoh?????g og oro?r hr hu?rtr????? th?eieirir ??en??????umu??. . M ??????? ha hasa??nono ????ouboublb?e e ee ea??tinti??? th thi th?????pcp????????? i ??? so s??t t at ??d ??????, , d, dod?????????t ?ststutucu?? i??? yo??r ???et?????ararlar???asas as m ?uc????an??d hd ????a a? gr g?reare???flf??????/?r /?ThT??s s is ?????w w????po????????? c???icice????or or???? w ?hoholho?? f fa f???ilyil?. . . I. ? u ??????y ????? it i???? m my??101?? ye y??r ???d ???ea??? ho h?????ir ir???????er wer ?????nono no??????eme?ms.ms. ??????? v ?verve????????npn????ed? k kek???????. A. AnA????????revre???eweew??????????ththath?? i?? f?????? ou?t ?????????opoppop???????utu?t It ?????? n no n???exe?pe???", "output": " year old children, you have to be concerned with the hulls causing choking or hurting their tender gums. My son has no trouble eating this popcorn. It is soft and light, doesn't get stuck in your teeth nearly as much, and has a great flavor.

This is now my popcorn of choice for our whole family. I usually pop it in my 10 year old cheap hot air popper with no problems. I get very few unpopped kernels. Another reviewer stated that it flies out before popping, but I have not experie"} +{"input": "????d d t ?hihisis s?prpror??????????coc?ulu?????pepene???????????opo?pe?r,r?????upu??oso???????????????iei??????ro??avaviaviningn???????n an ???????????????t ????lwl??????seese?em em????????????ururnr????g ig ???. . ?? I t I ?thith?inkin????t tt tat???s ??a la ??????? mo m?rer?e t????? a ??nd nd? er e?rororro? f ?oror or m mi mic??row????ng??? to to???t ??he?? ti t?meme ???sts?????????sos??I I jI ?jusju??? st s?ic???wiw??h h m?? h???????????pe?per.per????ge???grgrereareata????pcp???????verve??????me!me?\"\"?272????B0B?0303N3???979??,A,?131?PKP????DSD?????????. M. ???????? \" ????zuz???????\"\"???1,??????313141?????????thethe e we ???st?????co?corncor???????e ??lal??et??I ?I amI a??so???????is???ed ted ?thath??????????ve? t??is??? pop po???ornorn ??forfo???????. ?I ??recre???ve?d ?????agsag??ththe?", "output": "nced this problem (it could depend on the popper, I suppose). I have tried microwaving it in a paper bag, but I always seem to end up burning it. I think it takes a little more trial and error for microwaving to get the time just right, so I just stick with my hot air popper. I get great popcorn every time!\"\n2761,B003NDA970,A13PKUDXDS9R0J,\"H. Mcdaniel \"\"zazu pitts\"\"\",1,2,1,1314748800,the worst popcorn on the planet,I am so surprised that they have this popcorn for sale. I received 6 bags the "} +{"input": "?oto??????aya??????th?e e?????????pop?????? p pa p???frf??m m W ???????VaV?allal??y y Fy ?ararmr?????isi????????ryr??...?......G.?OUOURURMR?ETE? . ??... ...??ele??..? t th t???????pedpe????erner???s ?ar?????the the??izizez??????????? an a?? w???????ll?????ItI??bub?rn?s ???eryery ??easea?????????herhe?????? t?oooo o???anyany ???d d md ?maima??s s ds dud???????????el??????e ne ??????e oe ofe o?????the kthe ke??rnernelel.el???I I?ene????d ud ?p p? th?????????oso?t ?ofof of t th the th???poppoppppepedped ped c ???rn rn??waw?ay.ay??. I? a am a???o o do did???pp?oio??te???inin in t??????rorodrodu?ctc??. ????owo?????????7575 5??aga??s os ofof of tof ???is ??stust?fff?f .f ??... ?I ?hah?????ot??in?g ?gog???????sasay?????????? . .. .??.. b.. ???????yoy?? l lil??? t???y y py ????ped??co???n wn ?witwi???lol?otsot?????hu?ll?? t? the?n ????s ??mayma?y by bebe ??????? pro prodo", "output": "other day and the special popcorn pan from Wabash Valley Farms Amish Country ....GOURMET ... well.. the popped kernels are the size of a pea and with hulls. It burns very easily. There are too many old maids due to the delicate nature of the kernel. I ended up throwing most of the popped corn away. I am so disappointed in this product. I now have 5.75 bags of this stuff ... I have nothing good to say about it ... but if you like tiny popped corn with lots of hulls then this may be your prod"} +{"input": "?ucuctc?????????gigivi?ini???mim??e e?????heh?e se sqsquq?iri??????2272??2,2,B,??030????979??????CFC?5D5D9D?0Z0?9J9J6J?L,L??NiN?inain??HaHara??isis s \" \"\"\"\"N???ina ina???????,2,?2,52,???303???939363606??,E,???el????????pcpcoc?rnrn,n??????????t tt ththih?is is???th??? the th??????lyl????? p???pcopc??? p po pop??erer,r? a??d d I I I????e ???mem??asa??sosoooonon ????? I g I gog?????hemhem.m??ItIt ?is???thethe e be ??sts????????? I?'v'???????????????ghtgh??????oulouldld ?mi?nd? t?????mam???lerler r????nen????izi???, b, ?utu???????n'n't'?t. t.????rere re???is sis sus???????????? l ??ssss s hs ?????? tha th?????????? p? pop popc pop?corcorn?. ?Th???flflal?vov??????grg???t.???I sI ?sugsu?geges??t ut ??in???pe???ut? o ????fof??????pip??ing ing? po???ororn????t t gt ???vesve???????corncor?n a? g gr gre?reatrea????uttut?y y ty ????e ??? re reae???????lil??ioi?ousou?? Y YoY", "output": "uct. I am giving mine to the squirrels.\n2762,B003NDA970,A2FCF5D90Z9J6L,\"Nina Harris \"\"Nina H\"\"\",1,2,5,1302393600,Excellent popcorn,\"I bought this with the whirly pop popcorn popper, and I made some as soon as I got them. It is the best popcorn I've had. I thought I would mind the smaller kernel size, but I didn't. There is substantially less hull than regular popcorn. The flavor is great. I suggest using peanut oil for popping popcorn. It gives popcorn a great nutty taste - really delicious. Yo"} +{"input": "?? c cac?? b ??y y?pepeae???? o ?ili??ata?t at an?y ???iei?ntn?ala????sis?an????totor????????? be bete???r r???????lil?vev?? oi o???(o(olo???? o oi???an?? p?opopcpcoc????isi???tooto? w wew?irirdr??fof?? m ??).)????ut ut?????????oiloil l il ?? p???????. ??ouo?u wu ???'t'???????bu?tt????????oror or oor or?????ththith??g g l liliklikek??????? ag a??in???ara?tit?fif??????bu????r ?fl??avoav?orior???????????lll???f f? ch c?ememim???alsal??? N NoN??, ,??e ???????ouounoundn?d td ?thrthrer?ee ee? ti t??mesmes ?????????? a??????s cs ?rar???e t?hih??????r ar a a???acackc????st??????????nkn???odo????ryry ???t a?nd? y ????ll?? be? p? pop poppp??????iki???????2????????3N3???????A2A?UAU?????????OSO??to????ai??ntent??,1,?,2,2,2?????999??969?808??,p,????or????ththeth?????y ?whwhi???? po?????n ??hashas ?????s os ?of ??ul", "output": "u can buy peanut oil at any oriental (Asian) store. It's better than olive oil (olive oil and popcorn is too weird for me). But peanut oil is perfect. You won't need butter flavor or anything like that again (artificial butter flavorings are full of chemicals). Now, we pop around three times a day and always crave this for a snack instead of junkfood. Try it and you'll be popping like us.\"\n2763,B003NDA970,A2UAOB2Q7PD5OS,tolepainter,1,2,2,1299196800,popcorn,\"the baby white popcorn has lots of hul"} +{"input": "?lsl?????? p pop?????? v ?ere????mam??? k ?er?nenelels????? s???????d ????????tot?m m??f f????ne????????eye??po?pp???. .???ve???ada?d sd ????rar??? po p??????s as ???????s s is ????theth? f ?ir??? t tit??e ??????asa?s ss ????rchrc?hed?????????????????timti?me me????????????d thed th?e We WaWaba???h h c ?corcorncor??. s. ?????ini?g g????rgr?ese??????e ve ?ver???hi?ghg??fofor?????elelael??tivti???????exe???nsnsisivi??????corn.corn??2????,B,B0B???NDN??????A3A?VSV?5C5CLC????Y4Y?EEE?,V,V V?CiC??arar,r???2,2?,1,,1???838?212?28??00,00??????sh sh ?VaV??leleyle?y Fy ?????????ishish ???unu???? B BaB?abyab????hithitet??????corcorn???hi?his his p po???cor?corn corn???s ??lol????f ??ulu????I I??rdrded?? 4 ? b ba baga?s ??????an???t st ????? t?o o e eaeat? i iti?t it it??s ????hu?????????errer??blb?lele???765765,5??00???DA???0,?APA????AMA??", "output": "ls when popped, very small kernels and scorched the bottom of my new whirley popper. I've had several poppers and this is the first time one has scorched and the first time I've used the Wabash corn. shipping charges were very high for a relatively inexpensive corn.\"\n2764,B003NDA970,A3VS5CL3F0Y4EE,V Cisar,1,2,1,1283212800,Wabash Valley Farms Amish Country Baby White Popcorn,This popcorn has alot of hulls I order 4 bags and can't stand to eat it it's so hully - terrible\n2765,B003NDA970,APV35AMLR"} +{"input": "????W,W,A,?. . S SaS?ncn??ezez,z?1,1???3,3,1??????808?????opo??oro?n n???s s?ala????htht,t??????Po??pcopc???????????ivi??rer????????omo????? i ????????????tit??????raprappp???. ????????tht????hih?rlrlel???????????corco???mamakakek??? an a?d d ud ?????2 2??aba??????ononsns ??????livli?? o oi oili? a an and an?d pd ?????ed ed ied ?t t??ccc??????g g??????he he ihe ??sts?????ioi??????????e we ?hi???eyey ey? po popoppop?perper.r. ??WhiWh?ileil???the????????ityit?y oy ??? th?e ???rn?????s pos p???ed??? th???????as as a?lslsos??? l lal????e ae ??ouounu?????of 'of ?se?ededseds's?? or o????????e ??hahatat ??an???getget t ct cat c?ugu???t it ?? y yoy?ourou?????th?????????re sre ?somsomemewe???at at???st???ctcti??g g wg wh???? y??ou'ou????eae?atiat????????????allal??y gy ????????terter ??resresures??????usiusin?ing ing?OrOrvr???le????edeed??????herhe?r Wr WhWhi?te???", "output": "GQCW,A. Sanchez,1,2,3,1278288000,Popcorn was alright,\"The Popcorn was delivered as promised in an attractive wrapper. I used the Whirley Pop popcorn maker and used 2 tablespoons of olive oil and popped it according to the instructions of the whirley popper. While the majority of the kernels popped, there was also a large amount of 'seeds' or residue that can get caught in your teeth and are somewhat distracting while you're eating. I actually got better results using Orville Redenbacher White Po"} +{"input": "?????n n K KeK?rn???s s??n ???e e?WhW????eye??????er? ( (a(??d d??t t???s s as ??tutuaualalll??y cy chc???peperpe???t ???????cac?????rkr???).)? O OvOvever????????ivi???AmA????????ntn?ryry ????????f f???ststat?arsar??s ans a?? m?????????? t ?thethe the????????at??ono?n on ??????????kak??e e te ??an? f???????the ythe ???eldel??????ltltst??\"\"?272?666????0303N3????7070,0,A,?232383??W7W7N7NRN?GBG??5T5?,J,?ama???? Ad A?am????????,1??????????????th?????bubutu?t dt ?eae??he??????I I oI ???derde???d td ??thisthi???ece????? A?ma?zozon???????memenme?????iti????? go g??????g g wg wiw?????????ededeeden?bab??ackeack???pop?opcopcocorco?rn rn p???pe????????t ft frfroromom m?? the theme??????? o on onln???????? o?????thesthese??ac??tuatualallallyall???poppo?? M ?osostost ??f f t?????se sse ???????????popppop?pedped ???rn??ls?? ge get? t th????n ?n oun out????? th", "output": "pcorn Kernels in the Whirley Popper (and it was actually cheaper at the local market). Overall I give Amish Country 3 out of 5 stars and mostly for the presentation of the package than for the yield results.\"\n2766,B003NDA970,A238CW7NRGBM5T,James Adams,1,2,1,1260748800,Nonthing but deadheads,\"I ordered this because Amazon recommended it to go along with the Redenbacker popcorn popper I got from them. Hey, only a few of these actually pop! Most of these small, unpopped kernels get thrown out of th"} +{"input": "????opoppp??r.r??WhW?ata???????sosolo??tete ?????? o ?? m ???eye?!\"!?2272??7,7,B,B0B?030???A9A979??,A,AEAESE???0K0KZK?U3U????????CoC?ugu???????,2,?,3,?,1?242??27??00?0,????lll???????alsal????????isis is?gog?odo???opopcop??rnr?????? i it i??is?is vis ?ereryer????malma????o o?????ne??d d td toto ?????????????as as m???????s ys ?youyo???or?mamalmallmallyly ?wow??????\"2\"?????,B0,B?????DA9DA?97097??????BXB????DTDTNT?HUHU,U?,\"A,\"AuA???n ?F.F. ???????h ???eme?mama\"ma?\"\"\"\"\"???,2,2,,2?,1,,1,1,1,121??656?????00,00????????poppopcp?corco?????rsrst??? pop po??or??n in ?veve ve??veverver r b???????? c ??ewe?y y ny non???flf???????????????t tt to? t ??e ????dsds ?fof??????d d fd ?foofo?od.od????pospo?stast?geg??e wae was?as oas ou???ragra????s!s???juj?????notno??a a????d ???pe??????ce ce? al a??ll all ????ndn?? ?wo?ntn??beb?????????frf??????hemhem ?????? ag a??in???", "output": "e popper. What an absolute waste of money!\"\n2767,B003NDA970,AES7A0KZU3K6T,J. Coughlin,1,2,3,1240272000,Small Kernals,\"This is good popcorn, but it is very small so you need to make twice as much as you normally would.\"\n2768,B003NDA970,A32NBX16MDTNHU,\"Aubyn F. Mcgrath \"\"emma\"\"\",1,2,1,1236556800,amish popcorn,worst popcorn ive ever bought. chewy not fluffy. gave it to the birds for bird food. postage was outrageous! just not a good experience all around. wont be buying from them ever again.\n2"} +{"input": "????,B,B0B?030?????7070,0???AFA???????????,\",????asa??\"\"\"\"G\"????dmdmam??\"\"\"\"\"??1,1,2,2,2,4,??,12,1??525262606080808??,D,????cic??usus ?PoP?pcpcocoro??,\"???????is is???eliel???iouio?us us?????corco?rn rn??????sts?????stast????ece?auaus?e e?I I?ususe??? h ???????r pr po?????r ar ??????????f f?????????????\"\"????t t bt ?befbe?ororeor???????ngn???????ata??flflal????? g ?rer?eatea?t tt ??????re re - - -???ndndend???. . ?? d?o o n ?ot???ddd??an?yty???ingin???vev?en en??????????hah?aveave e p?ur?chcha?????ththrth?reeree ?didifi?fef?????t f???vo???d ???oppop??ng???/?????r />r /??ThaTh??ksk??,\",\"????70,70,B????3ND3N??97??0,A0,?A2CA2????BXBXGX??NQN??74,74?,B.,B???ububebe,be??,2,2,,2,1?????010????????ababyb??????? P Po?pc?or??n,\"n,\"T\"Th\"Thi????????? W ??iti??????pop?co?corncor???opopsop??smsmamalmalll???nd????mem?????t ht ????. ???????? t??????", "output": "769,B003NDA970,A2AFK8D674G3MG,\"Texas \"\"Grandma\"\"\",1,2,4,1235260800,Delicious Popcorn,\"This is delicious popcorn -- lost a star because I use a hot air popper and many of them \"\"jump\"\" out before popping. Great flavor, great texture - tender. I do not add anything even though I have purchased three different flavored toppings.

Thanks,\"\n2770,B003NDA970,A2C4A4BXGMNQ74,B. Dube,1,2,1,1210118400,Baby White Popcorn,\"This \"\"Baby White\"\" popcorn pops small and somewhat hard. I have tried s"} +{"input": "?????ala????????s s??iti?? v vav?rir?????adadjd????mem??tst?s os ofo? h he??at,at??us?????? \" \"\"\"????rlr??????\"\" \"\"??poppo????? p??oppop???????nsn?at???faf?ctc??oryor????????ts!ts???I I??????????chchach?sese e?th?is?????in??\"\"?????????3N3NDNDAD??707???????????U0U???????ar?lol???e ????????0,10,1,???121252??141454????,g,?re?atat at?????orornor?? t???ri?blb?e e pe ???cece ?fofor???hi???????????OVO??D D?THT?ISIS S???PCPCOCORORNRN N??????CO?MEM????? S ???PPP??????????Y Y O ???? T?HEHE ????????E WE WOW??LDL???????????????????FOF?OR OR???ME??????G WG ?? C CA C?N ??BUYBUY ???T T NT ??????ENE??????????S OS ?ON ON???HIPHIPPHIP?PINPI???????????03N03ND??A97A97070,70??????Y7Y?????????KaKararaarana?n Gn ??????????,1,1,,1,1???262???808?????is?h ?CoC??ntntynt???aba???WhWhi???? Po P?????rn rn n ??ot ot r?", "output": "everal batches with various adjustments of heat, using a \"\"whirlypop\"\" popcorn popper. Unsatisfactory results! I won't purchase this again.\"\n2771,B003NDA970,A28CVWG4VU0REI,Charlotte Lloyd,0,1,2,1253145600,great popcorn terrible price for shipping,wE LOVED THIS POPCORN BUT COME ON SHIPPING IS WAY OVER THE TOP WE WOULD SETTLE NEXT TIME FOR SOMETHING WE CAN BUY BUT NOT SPEND 3 TIMES ON SHIPPING\n2772,B003NDA970,A3RNQY7LS0HUYW,Karan Granda,3,7,1,1232668800,Amish County Baby White Popcorn not re"} +{"input": "?ala?????? s ??oco????? c ??????ly??gog??????owo? a??????????on???heh??rer??????? th t?ouo?????????????to??????????? \" ?\"0\"??\"\"-\"\"- -? th??????emem m?? sti st??? s sh s?howhowsw?s i??n sn ??oc??????t t ct clc?eae?????is??????whw?ici?h ??????y ??y y oy ????????as as?????ele???d fd ???m m Am AmA?azazoz?on ??todto?aya?. .?????on??susug?geg??stest???????earea?ch????????e ?e ite i?temte?m am ????in,in, ????d id ?in in??oio???? so s??I ???e ?????? th? this thi???????vev?ndn?dordo?????ateat??? th? the the???tem?? is i?????ailai?aba??le.le?????t st ?o.o.<.??????????r />r /????????al???ly tly ththithis?is ris re???ew?? do doeoeses es nes non?ot ot r???at??????th???quq???????????????ro?dud?ctc?? j ?usu?st st? th?? the a the ????????????e ??????????hi???? it. it??GoGooo???luluc??????7777373,3?????YUYUFU?9F9?S,S?A2A2Z2?3838D8?S9S????5D5?1,1,S,????", "output": "ally in stock,\"I can only go as low as 1 star on the review, though I'd like to rate it a \"\"0\"\"- this item still shows in stock, but clearly isn't, which is why my order was canceled from Amazon today. Amazon suggested I search out the item again, and in doing so I see that this same vendor states the item is available. Not so.

Technically this review does not relate to the quality of the product, just the ability to be able to ship it. Good luck!\"\n2773,B004YUF9FS,A2Z38DS9VDP5D1,Sandu"} +{"input": "?,0,???????333?696?535??????umu???!,!,\",\"G\"GoG????hihisis s f ????lil?keke e???? o ???a a????ehehoh?ususes?e de ???l.l. .?ItI??????????argargagaia????????????eded d? th theh?????????????ayay ???d d td ththethe e le lal???l l?sas?aysay?????t ?????re? J ??nene.e. . A. ????a ra rar????????ne????? p ??r ???3 3 d ?ay?ays,ays? I??dod??'t'??th???? I???l ????ve ve a?? pr p?oboblb?????in????hinhi?g g t? the th?????f ???????e Je ?????. (. (I(? k ?????????havha????a sa ?wew?etet ??ooo?????. A??ll ll 4 ?????s ?hahadha?d sd sos??e e d?ene??s ??? t th????bubutu?????? co c?ondon?iti??????of of? th? the the???lalabla???amamum?? i in insnsis??? w??????oodoo??????y ?we??re ?jujusustus?t a??s ds dedesdescs?rir?bebedbe??????????????? b ?balball??????ou?t ??0 ??perpe??ca?????? a? a s a ?ugu???r sr sys??upu? w??ithit?? ju j????????hinthint ????cacarcardr??mom???. W. ????m im ??????", "output": ",0,0,5,1336953600,Yummy!,\"Got this for like $10 on a warehouse deal. It was a bargain! I received them in early May and the label says best before June. At a rate of one can per 2-3 days, I don't think I'll have a problem finishing them off before June. (I know, I have a sweet tooth). All 4 cans had some dents on them but the condition of the gulab jamun inside was good. They were just as described - soft cheese balls (about 20 per can) in a sugar syrup with just a hint of cardamom. Warm it up a"} +{"input": "????foforo???eae????g g??forfo??????mamaxa??mum?m m? fl f??vovor???ndn? t?exe??urure?.\".???777747??????0202N2NCN??????969???HUHU9U???SJS?N,N,A,Al,A??ex ex?ChChah??fef????,0??4,??282?????606?00,00?ththith??tyt????ckc????\"W\"??y ?isi?????is is $ $[$????] ]?whw???? th?e ????e ?prp???uc???is???avaav??lalablablble? f??or ?????.].???????????/>/???????/w/??ww.ww?am?azazoz????????????R-R??LYL??MAM??NEN??-B-BAB????????????p/p?B0???????DYD?<>??? / ??ThThehe he V ???????M3M3838080 0???????????????s as ?re??????ala??????????ses??---? t??tat?????y y gy geg?non???ded???PrP??tt?????????, ????t ot on?lyly y ry ririgi?htht ht???????.\"??272?77577??,B0,B??????NCJNC?JC,JC??131???PGP??????????rea?de?????,0,?????12?818???28??????iei????????e,???e he ?havha??????d d td ?theth??????or???????????", "output": " before eating for the maximum flavor and texture.\"\n2774,B00002NCJC,A196AJHU9EASJN,Alex Chaffee,0,0,4,1282953600,thirty bucks?,\"Why is this $[...] when the same product is available for $[...] here?

The Victor M380 and M502 traps are unreal, of course -- total fly genocide. Pretty stinky, but only right nearby.\"\n2775,B00002NCJC,A13RRPGE79XFFH,reader48,0,0,5,1281052800,Flies Begone,We have used the Victor fly bait f"} +{"input": "?????????sos????????n'n?t t b bebeaeateat ??????GrGrerea???????ucu?????777???B0B???J2J2D2??464?6,A6,A2A?TFT??????????????mpm?eieiaia,a?222???3,3?5,5,1,??????????,\",?InI? m mym????????on,on, ,?tht?e e?????t ct ?lalama? c ??????r ??utu??th?er???? A ?? pe p?erfer???ct ct w wiw?intinteter???ea??.\".??,\"B,\"??????????? cl c??m ?ch?????????????????ele??y fy ??antan???tit???<>??????1.1???????nonoto??usususuau???ly ly? a a???????????????? o?f ?th????an?.<.????????. I???????al?ly????ckc?y ?ababoabououtou?t mt ??????????howho?wdewd??????????brbr ??/>T/>???t ??????, I, ????t t tt tht t??????ufu?f f if ?? b??lkl?. ??????ere ere a ar a??? se s???eraer????eaeasea???ns ns f?oror ???????????fifiri?st??? of of w?hi????is?is tis ??the ?grgre????flf????or or oor ????????s as ?andand d??ot??atoatoeoes???. S. SeS???ondond,d, d, I ???iki?", "output": "or 3 seasons. Can't beat it. Great product!\n2776,B000J2DQ46,A2TFLD78C0GRV2,Pompeia,22,23,5,1264723200,\"In my opinion, the best clam chowder out there! A perfect winter meal.\",\"Bar Harbor clam chowder is absolutely fantastic!

1. I am not usually a fan of soup out of the can.
2. I am really picky about my clam chowder.

That said, I get this stuff in bulk. There are several reasons for this, the first of which is the great flavor of clams and potatoes. Second, I like"} +{"input": "???hehe e???ctc?? th thah???th??e ie ??grg????enentn?? a ??re re????????uru?alal ?anandn?, ,?????d,d, d,???????nen??cac????????t ???? l leleve??l ??? c crc??amamim???ssss ???? v vivisi?cocoso?iti?????ithith h w?ha???on???adaddddsd??tot??????sosouo???(I(? l li liki?e ?to? u us??????????ureur????? mi m?lkl????? c cr c?rea???????hehe ??ou???th th p plp?us???is is???????????so???? co c??tataia???s ns ???ith??r r?bab??onon on???????cec?esses?sivsi?ve ve??????ntsnt?s os of??sps????? or or ??epe???r ????wow???thith?ingin???s ths tha??????? c???am am? ch c???ded?er er f?or? m??????I kI ???? b???aconacon n? is i????pupulula????witwith???? lo l???t oft o???folfo??s ?bub???????realrea?llyll??ju??????antant t t????asast?e e te the the??clcla??s ???henhen ??I hI ???ve ??a ba ?ow???l ofl of f Nf ?????ng????????amam ??????er???. I. ?f f yf ?ou????????e ?????n n tn ththathatat ??", "output": " the fact that the ingredients are all natural and, third, that one can adjust the level of creaminess and viscosity with what one adds to the soup (I like to use a mixture of milk and cream). The fourth plus is that this soup contains neither bacon nor excessive amounts of spice or pepper - two things that ruin clam chowder for me. I know bacon is popular with a lot of folks but I really just want to taste the clams when I have a bowl of New England clam chowder. If you're like me in that re"} +{"input": "??????????ene??I I t?hih?????ouou u?wiw?lll???ikikek????isis s???oupou???????brb???????r /r ?????. .???s as a a c chc??ldl?, , I, ?????s a? f ?ana??????rir?????y'y????lal?m m???????????????e ???eye?????angan??? t? the th??r ?re???pe???. . ??ara??HaH???or? i ??????????tttteter??\"\"2?777?77,77????00J00?????6,6??????WHW?KMKMNM?????????. p. ??????\"\"\"?????\"\"?????6,16,?18,18???????????????YeY?s,s????'s's 's???omo???a ca cac???..?\",?\"I\"???ve ve?dedefde?????ele???????????igi??????????st st c?an???ed ed a ???????g g?????????illil???o)o?). ). P ?icickc???d td ??thisthi??????? t? the the the???upeup?ermer????ketke????rar????byb????????ll ll??at???ralral ??ing?re??ie?ntn??????r r or ????e ne ?? M ??????or ror ???????an????????elelsel????I dI ?diddidnd?'t'???????????).?). I). ?t't'st's s rs ?rea??llylly lly????ite? g ", "output": "spect, then I think you will like this soup too!

p.s. As a child, I was a fan of Friendly's clam chowder (before they changed their recipe). Bar Harbor is even better!\"\n2777,B000J2DQ46,A18SPWHKMN5P86,\"E. polus \"\"e.p.\"\"\",16,18,5,1270425600,\"Yes, it's from a can...\",\"I've definitely had a stigma against canned anything (and still do). Picked this up at the supermarket, drawn by the all natural ingredients (for once no MSG or really anything else I didn't recognize). It's really quite g"} +{"input": "???d,d????d d e ?sps?????lll?y y??? f ?oro??????ngng g o ??t t o???????an.an. .??? ca???hah??e e???cecelellllell?????lal?m m???????r ??- - a??nd nd w ?iti?? a????ittit?lel???milmi??? an?d d bd bubut??er???????tl??????mym???likli?????--?? wa w????????????????es???????ofo?????e fe ?ewew w c ca?????d gd ????? I I I k kekeee?p p?in?????? cab cabib????, , a, ????onone?? of??ththe???oso?t t c????????????and??????rir??in??lyly ly s???is?????ing ing m???alsal?????ayaysys ?5 5 m?ininuin??utesutes ??wa????brbr r /r ?>H>?????ly ly rly ???omommom???de??.\".\"\"??777?8,8??????2D2???6,6????????LVLVXV?????????????????0,0?2,2?121292?????00?0,????, t, ?tooto??, a???pe?rprplrp?????\",\"?\"I\"I'\"I'v'????usust???preprepepaep?areareded ed m??y fy ?iri?st?st cst ??an an??? of t of ??????souso??????t t tt ?asast???ed ied ?incin??????ly???blabl???????????????t ht ?havha?", "output": "ood, and especially so for coming out of a can. I can have excellent clam chowder -- and with a little milk and butter, exactly to my liking -- warm within minutes. One of the few canned goods I keep in my cabinet, and one of the most convenient and surprisingly satisfying meals always 5 minutes away.
Highly recommended.\"\n2778,B000J2DQ46,A39EW9DLVX70B9,A. Rose,9,10,2,1296432000,\"I, too, am perplexed\",\"I've just prepared my first can of this soup. It tasted incredibly bland, and didn't have"} +{"input": "? m mum??h h???ama???la????. .???????ene?????ddddedede? m???e e??ililkl?, , b bubututtttetere?, ???ioion?s,s?, s, ??ltlt t??ndnd ?frfrer?shs??grgror?????pep??peperper,r, r,?????????????ini???. . ?FoF?or or 2 2.2??2 2 p pe perer er 1 ????????????alallal????? th t??sese ????gregrededied?enenten??s ss sh??oulou??d hd ?????beb?enen en? ad a??ququau??????????d d id ?in in?? the th?ereere ??alral????y,y?????ep??????????e pe pe??ppepp???. B. ??????arbarbobor?or bor ?rar?????????ininlin???????????tit??t ??on on??????ththe???ining?re??diedi???????in oin or?dederde?r tr ?o ????????se se? th???am???ntn??t oft o??cl?????? th????s ???r ?????. ?. T. ??herhe?re re??????la??geg??er per pipie?cecesce????f c????s s ts ???? i in??PrP?rogrogr????o'o's??? b bu b????? that tha???'s d's dad?amnam???? w???th th???ainai????ra???se.se?. ???????timti???I'I?lll????y ?ththethe the c cl clalam???anand????????y y oy owo?", "output": " much clam flavor. So then I added more milk, butter, onions, salt and fresh ground pepper, plus white wine. For 2.92 per 15 oz. can, all of those ingredients should have been adequately added in there already, except for the pepper. Bar Harbor brand certainly didn't stint on the other ingredients in order to increase the amount of clams, that's for sure. There were larger pieces of clams than in Progresso's - but that's damning with faint praise. Next time I'll buy the clams and make my own"} +{"input": ",? f fof????ese???, p, prp??????y.y???I'I?m m?jujusu?? p ????lelexlexexede? b ????heh??????viv????????? th thih??? I??cac????????ly ly????????grg?resressssoss?'s'? t ta t?st???? be betettt??er.er. . . A AnAndn?, , o, ofo? c??????, ???????ucu?h h??es?????pe??sis??e.e?????797????00??2D2DQDQ4Q?????????????C1C???,C,CSC??,8,8,8?9,?????????363????\"B\"??r r Hr HaHararbar???? Al A?l l N ?atatut????l Nl ??? E ?ngn??????ClC???m Cm ??owo????????????????an???????k ??? 6 6)6?\",\"?????s is ???ouourour ??prepr?feferfe???d d cd ???lam lam???howho???????????ikikek?????e ne ???????l tl ??????wiwit?h h lh ??tst?????????atoatoeoes???ThTheThe ??nlnly?????????????????th???k k tk ??????????an? b be????????????AmA???on??hah?as as?????????te?r ?????ce ce???????????th? s su s??????be??an????????2??????00??", "output": ", for less, probably. I'm just perplexed by these reviews; I think I can safely say Progresso's tastes better. And, of course, it's much less expensive.\"\n2779,B000J2DQ46,A10317LUD1C1VJ,CSN,8,9,4,1252713600,\"Bar Harbor All Natural New England Clam Chowder, 15-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)\",This is our preferred clam chowder . We like the natural taste with lots of potatoes. The only complaint is I think the soup can be creamier. Amazon has much better price on this with subscribe and save.\n2780,B000J"} +{"input": "?2D2???????TZT??????0D????,\",????_R_RaRavavevene?? \" \"\"\"??wo?????venve??\"\"?\",\"?????,2,2,2,1?????363??00?,T,TaTasa???lel?????I'I'm'??a a???????????????ede???y y?????tht?? g ????t t????iei?wsw?????hih?s ???as as t?he?????? b bl b?ana???chc?????er er????ve ve e ???r r???????? p pr p????reredre?d id ????it????????mim?lkl?? an a??? a a??itittittl?e ??utu????? a an??d i?????astaste?d d ld ??kek????th??ngng!g! !???????d sd ?omo?????????andand ??hi??te te p pe p????????stist???????thithinthi?ng.ng???????ded ded?so??? b??aca??k pk pepeppepp?erer ?an????ror??ven??e e he ??rbr??s, s,???w w i ???tatasta???????ke? h he h?erber????????atoat????upu???????????????? t th?????us?? si sidide??? the?????msms ?????????? b?igi?????????anandand and tand th????otota??oeoes????ereere ere??en???r.r??????e ce ???????tente?????????", "output": "2DQ46,A2TZQHJ0D0DDZ7,\"Two_Ravens \"\"Two Ravens\"\"\",8,10,2,1295136000,Tasteless,\"I'm a little perplexed by all the great reviews. This was the most bland chowder I've ever had. I prepared it with just milk and a little butter, and it tasted like nothing! Added some salt and white pepper, still nothing. Added some black pepper and Provence herbs, now it tastes like herbed potato soup.

On the plus side the clams were nice big chunks and the potatoes were tender. The consistency was pr"} +{"input": "???tyt??gogooo?? t ??oo.oo. .???t t j ???t ??????o o?????oro????????gogoigoiningn? t???????uyu???g g tg tht????aga?aiainin,in???ere??aiainainlnlyly ???????ene???t't?s ???isis is e exe???ensen??veve,e?, t, to??.\".\"\"??787???????????464????MOMO9O9V9VCV???????B,B????ha?rdrd ??????????eisei????,2,2,,2,4,4,4,1,?292???????????????hohowowdw?????ItIt'It??????? as a??????? as? I???hopho??d,d?????t ct cac???????chochowowdow????????r ?????? a??dededded ??????bu?????er, er, a???an? o ??? ch cho?hopphop??ped ped? cl cla???? a an andnd d s????????k k?? t th t????th??????ed?? it i?t at ?? bi b?it.it. . I?t ?t wot w?orkor????rer???t a??s as ??bab???? b?utu?t nt ????foforor or m ?me me s ?strst??aigaighg???????????theth??ca???.\".\"??78?????00?00J200J2D2DQ2D?Q46Q4????DUD??YZYZTZ?9X9????V,V,C,Cy,Cynyntn????a Fa FiFisishis???????,5,????858????????,Cl,C??? C???????PiP?zzz??? I?t'", "output": "etty good too. It just had no flavor. Not going to be buying this again, certainly not when it's this expensive, too.\"\n2781,B000J2DQ46,A1MO9VC92CPW6B,Richard K. Bleiweiss,2,2,4,1293667200,Clam Chowder,\"It's not as good as I hoped, but canned chowder never is. I added some butter, a can of chopped clams, and some milk - then thickened it a bit. It works great as a base, but not for me straight out of the can.\"\n2782,B000J2DQ46,A3DU7YZT9X1DOV,Cynthia Fisher,6,8,5,1285804800,Clam Chowda Pizza! It'"} +{"input": "s??AwA?ese?omomeme!e?? An Andnd d?SiS??plp????o o????e!e!,e!,\",?????rerefef=f=\"=????tpt??////w/???.a.ama???ono???????????odo??ctct/t/B/???00J00?2D2?Q4Q4646\"6?\"\">\"\"?BaBara?????????AlA?l l N ????raralal l Nl ?ewew w?EnE?????? C ????? Ch Choh?????, ,?151?????cec?e Ce ??ansan?????????f f?6)6??/a/?>U>?sisining???nln?y y?fofouourur ur i ?????did???????pr???ararear?d ?or? f???shsh h??izi??a ???????, y, ????r fr fafava?????????zzzzazza a ca chcheh?????blb?lenlend??, c, ?cooco??kedked,d??, cr, c????blebl?????????an?????15?? oz o????an?? of o???BarBar r Hr HaHarHa?????????En???an?? C????? Ch??owdow??r,???????an??beb???he? s sts?ar???he??f af ?at at???our???exe??????????gag????rir?ing?, ??taita??gagatga?te te p??artar?y y oy ??????????entent ??heher??e p?eoe???e ?????????za?! ??PrP???idi???nt nt & ????O O??????Bar Bar H Ha H??arboarbor??FoF?od??? M ?iki?? C?oto???, p, pr, p", "output": "s Awesome! And Simple to make!,\"Bar Harbor All Natural New England Clam Chowder, 15-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)Using only four ingredients, prepared or fresh pizza dough, your favorite pizza cheese blend, cooked, crumbled bacon and a 15 oz. can of Bar Harbor New England Clam Chowder, you can be the star chef at your next family gathering, tailgate party or any event where people love pizza! President & CEO of Bar Harbor Foods, Mike Cote, pr"} +{"input": "??????d d???????? t ?hih?s ?faf??ululo??????w w p ?izi?????????????? at a???ete????ololil???? M ?ar??????inin ?SeSeae?attat??e e? th t?hishi???umummm?erer.r? P PeP??oplop??????kedke?d id ?????o mo mumucu??? t????sts???re re??ololdol?d od ?????????l l??? the the??ingingrg????ene??ts ts???ririning??? the????momo!mo!<>?????rinri?klk?le le ple pi???a ????ese??e te ?? y ?ou??r dr ???iri??red red?coc?ve?rar????????r />r />S>?Spr???kl?????oko?kedked,ked, ????mbm??ledle?/c/?chochopoppop??? b ?aca?conco???to to yto yo???? de d?esies???ed ed ced ??ve???ageag??????liliklike????ts???of of bof ????con!con??????

Easy to Make Instructions:
Preheat oven to 450.
Spread Bar Harbor New England Clam Chowder right from the can onto the pizza dough.
Sprinkle pizza cheese to your desired coverage.
Sprinkle cooked, crumbled/chopped bacon to your desired coverage (we like lots of bacon!)
Bake pizza fo"} +{"input": "?r r?1212-2????mim????ese? u ??tit????????? o ?????ususts?????gog???ene?? br bror????????/>/??eme???e e??ro?????????ndnd d?lelete???et? f??r ????????????efefof???e ce ??uttutti???.<>????????????? fo????ow ow?BaB?ar ar??ar??borbo??????s s fs ???r dr de?lil??ioi?usus us?re???pepes? u us u?in?? o?urur r gr ?re???????owdow???s,s, ,? Bi B????es?, ?????foofo?od od?SaS?ucucec?es,???is?? a???????????d Sd ?to????s as an??d Cd ClC??????iciceic??.< />??
/>~/>?????ar Har Ha?????bor Fbor FoFooFo???\"\"?272?838??B0B?", "output": "r 12-15 minutes until bottom of crust is golden brown.
Remove from oven and let set for 5 minutes before cutting.
Prepare to be amazed!

Please follow Bar Harbor Foods for delicious recipes using our great Chowders, Bisques, Seafood Sauces, Fish and Seafood Stocks and Clam Juice.
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~ Bar Harbor Foods\"\n2783,B00"} +{"input": "??????464???????4Y4?696?7L7??????????ede?,3,??4,4????292919181?525282808000?,D,???ene?? c cacana?????????????wdw?ere????'v'?e e??ada? b ?ete?tet?er er c ca can????d cd clc??m m cm chc???????. . ?BoB???bibini????s s i isi???????ha?t ?coc??????o o m ??indind.d. . . I. ???on?????uyu?????????????thth th????esees?erver?ata????s s o?????????? li l???t ot ofo? i?ngn?reredre??en???????o mo ?y ?ch?oio?cece ce??????mi?te?????FoForor r tr ?thith???onone??, i, ??f If ??ad???juj????ha??f ??a ca cacanca?? of o????lkl? a?nd??? p pa patat at?????????????????? wi wit?h h????e ???trt???ses?a a s?al?t,t??, it, i?????k.k?. . T. ??he he???ongongeong?er ??it it? is??geg?????y hy ??at??ed ed -ed ???????sisim???rered??????oi???????- t- ??? le l???? the the ????vovor?s ???ng????, t, ?theth?????tte???itit ?????me?s.s???MoM?oreor??cl?????an??d pd pop??at??es???ouo?", "output": "0J2DQ46,A1EE44Y697L7W5,I. Reed,3,4,3,1291852800,Decent canned clam chowder,\"I've had better canned clam chowder. Bookbinders is one that comes to mind. I don't buy the ones with preservatives or a long list of ingredients, so my choice is limited. For this one, if I add just half a can of milk and a pat of butter, along with some extra sea salt, it's ok. The longer it is gently heated -- not simmered or boiled -- to let the flavors mingle, the better it becomes. More clams and potatoes woul"} +{"input": "?????????e e? it i?????s s?? it it???, ,???e ?ini?grg?????ntn??s ws ???re re??kik????.\".?2?????????J2J??Q4Q464??A2A2I2???NKN??9E9E3E3X3XAXAOA?,c,??ririsi?????e oe ??????z,z??,7,7,7?,5,,5,1,12127?????202?00,00???r r???arbar??? N ??wsws ??ngnglng?anandnd d cd ?la????choch?????,T,????? is is is??he??bebesest? c cl c???? ch c???de?r ??????. C. ???e ??ririgri??inainala?????????re tre ?thith???????proprododud?cec???anandand ????????hahapappppy???????I I??ouo??nd nd i it it it o it ??n ln lil??ine.ine??KeK??? t th????is inis i????y cy cuc???boabo?ardar???? a al a????imimeim?. ?????? a?n ?????MaM?in?? g ?girgi?l l????s ?is??????ava??????e ce ?cho????er er o ?? a?????????????78578?5,B5,?B00B0?00J00J200J?2DQ2D??6,6,A6,????KJK?????????,R,RoR?ckc?????rowirow?ing????dhd?hishistst,st?4,?????12??161??00?0000,????sis???????????stst st cst cac??nen?ed ??????ch???dederder der?????lalablablblebl?e.,e.???", "output": "d improve it. As it is, the ingredients were skimpy.\"\n2784,B000J2DQ46,A2I5ZNKQ9E3XAO,christine orowitz,5,7,5,1277683200,Bar Harbor News England clam chowder,This is the best clam chowder ever. Come originally where this is produced and was so happy when I found it on line. Keep this in my cupboard at all time. Being an old Maine girl this is my favorite chowder of all times.\n2785,B000J2DQ46,A12RKJ0BEVQN7T,Rockthrowingbuddhist,4,6,5,1291680000,Possibly the best canned clam chowder available.,\"Th"} +{"input": "e????sts???ana??ede?? cl c???????wdw?ere? I ??vev???ouo???d cd cuc?rrr????lyly y a ???ili??blblel?????????lil???t,t??ninici???? s ???sos??nedne?, , c, ?re??amyam?y ty tat????? N ????fifisi?hyh????????ononyony.y?. . ?????d ad ?amoam?ounou?? o ????inincnce????la??????? s se ser?viv?????. T. ToTo o f fi??????????r cr chc????erer,er, ????????????aveave e te ?o ??be be????????????272???,B,??0000J00??DQD?464????U2U?QAQ??7S7SVS?E9E?????. ???mitmithth,h?????1,1???040????808???????t ?IsI?????is is?\"\"\"?????f?f??\"\"\"\"\"?????itsit????? \"\" \"?ClClalam???\" \" ( ?non??????e)e???? w wawata??????ithit???omo??th????? I I??????? i is i?s ps ??otaot??oeo?es.es. ?Wh???? r ??????? is? t ththi??? ? s?av???????????eye???et? s??me?methmet????? wo worortor?? h?????ing.ing. ?HoH?ow ow??o o so ?so so? ma m???y l?iki??e te the thihishi??? I?????awa?fuf??! ?IfIf f yf ???? pr p?refre?er", "output": "e best canned clam chowder I've found currently available. Very light, nicely seasoned, creamy taste. Not fishy or oniony. Good amount of minced clams per serving. To find better chowder, it would have to be homemade.\"\n2786,B000J2DQ46,A3U2QAY7SVE9AI,W. Smith,2,3,1,1304812800,\"What Is This \"\"Stuff?\"\"\",\"Bits of \"\"Clam?\"\" (not sure) in water with something I assume is potatoes. Whose recipe is this? save your money get something worth having. How do so many like this?! It's awful! If you prefer"} +{"input": " R ?EAE??????????owo???????d d??oto??ses????teter???iti?h h? so somo??th???? f ???atatiat?????in in??it it????NON?? b ????????!\"!?2???????00?J2J2D2DQDQ4Q?6,6????9Z9??????BSBSQSQJQ??????wdiwd?iniin??????????505090???????SiSimi?plplil??????atat at i??'s's s???stst,t????isi???is is??lel???????theth??? bes be?st st??an????d cd ??am? c???wd???er Ier I I h ?avavev?e te ?????ed.ed. .?ItI???????frfre???hinhing?? to t????????????ne???sos?upup p w wi w?ithit?????alalll? t??????nnenn??es?sas?ryr???re??ererver?at?ativative?s ?anandan?d ad ?artar?????iai?? f?la?????????ThTheThe ??????????uppup??se?d ?tot?o bo bebe ???CoC???enensn?????, ,???? i if i? y ??ou ou?liliklikeke ??? he hea?eartear???y thy thi??k k????up,up??it??????betbe??terte??jujusu???he????? w wi?ththoth????t adt a?did????????k ok oror or? wa w?ateaterate?????????lamla???s ars a?????erfer?ec?????nd? n no n?ot ot o ??", "output": " REAL Clam Chowder and not seawater with something floating in it DO NOT buy this!\"\n2787,B000J2DQ46,A1C9ZMX4KYBSQJ,Drewdini,0,0,5,1350950400,Simplicity at it's best,\"This is clearly the best canned clam chowder I have tasted. It is refreshing to have a canned soup without all the unnecessary preservatives and artificial flavoring. The can is supposed to be \"\"Condensed\"\", but if you like a hearty thick soup, it is better just heated without adding milk or water. The clams are perfect, and not ove"} +{"input": "????ooo????? I ???ili?? o ??ded??r ar ???inin,n??anandn??loloo????or?waw??rd rd???? tr t?yiyin?????????meme e? of o? t th thehe e oe ???herhe???ror??ucu?tst?? th??? h ?ava???e one o? A ?????n.n?????888???000??J2J2D2?Q4Q4646,6??1K1?QXQ???484?J6J?????????TQT?Q,0Q,0,0?0,??,1,??46?454???00???ot? v ??ryry ry??oooodoo??\"M\"MyM?y ly ?loclo???????rere ??hadha???theth?e pe prproprod?ucuctuc??lil???onon on??lo?sese-e???????t 7t ?? c????ts ts??? ca c????o ????ou????????ozozezen?? ca???s os ?f f df ??????en??t vt ve???tit?????????stest?????upup p??asa??ve???y fy fif????y fy foy f?or or? st s?????????andan?d t?he?????ha??tatantan ?chc?owo?de??r wr ??s ?????????tertere???????????he???ewew w?EnE????????hohowho?wdewder???? s???mehmeho?how how c??????????and vand ?????ofof of? fl f??????. . T Th Thehe ?ClC?lamla? c?or?n ????howdhow????? was wa?????ot eot ???oyo??blblel?????r /r ???r /", "output": "r cooked. I will order again, and look forward to trying out some of the other products they have on Amazon.\"\n2788,B000J2DQ46,A1KQXW948J6Y5Q,TeamTQ,0,0,2,1346457600,Not very good,\"My local store had the product lineon close-out at 77 cents a can so I bought a dozen cans of different verities. Lobster soup was very fishy for starters and the Manhattan chowder was very watered down. The New England chowder is somehow creamy and void of flavor. The Clam corn chowder was not enjoyable.

"} +{"input": " I ? a ?m m????? s sos?????eatea?erer r? an andn???????????p ap ?t t????sts?t ot ?????? d ???? an??d ad al?waw??s s????n n I I I d????????. .? L LoLon?????oro?????????...??ThT?isis ???? th thehe he m ??st????ststestele????????up up? an? and and?juj???????t gt gog??d.d??????uguggg?esest?st yst yoy?? p papas????on on t th????????? I a I am???urure??CaCamambam????s s ws wiw???l bl ??? a a????????ttt?terte?????icice? t??an?????esees?e se ?sou?????????????? I ???????ava????n ??????????lele le r??viv??? b??t ????s ?s sos s????isis ??????st nost n??????orthort????eatieatin???an??d 7d ?? c ce?ntn?s s as ?a ca ???an Ian I ???oulou?d ?nenevne?verver ?????????is ais agis agag?????272??9,9,B,?0000000J00????464?,A,A2A?YXY???3H3?363686??BMB???OlO?ld ld???meme e He ??ckc???y \"y ?\"O?ldld ld Tld ???????ck???????0,0?????????202????????othot????g Sg ??????al,al?,\"I,\"???xpxpe??tetedted ", "output": " I am real soup eater and take soup at least once a day and always when I dine out. Long story short... This is the most tasteless soup and just not good. I suggest you pass on this and I am sure Cambells will be a much better choice than these soups... Sorry, I had leave an unfavorable review bit this soup is just not worth eating and 77 cents a can I would never buy this again\"\n2789,B000J2DQ46,A2YX2F3H3689BM,\"Old Time Hockey \"\"Old Time Hockey\"\"\",0,0,2,1332201600,Nothing Special,\"I expected "} +{"input": "?????????ror?m m?a a??rer??iui??m Mm MaM???? c ?hohowo?deder?. .???????is is?non??????er? t ??ana??????, , S, ???w'w?????hi????yoyouo?? ca c????etet et? fo f?r ???ssss s ts ?thath?????lfl? t???e pe ??ici?e.e????????d,d?????t nt nonotno?????thth th t? the th?e me ?onone?y.y????797909???000????DQD?????1Z1???CWCWNW??656?????JPJPoPor??lalanandan??????1,1,1,??303?383????00,00????r Hr ??arbarbob?or or?wh??????arear???theth?????msms?s??????????,????e oe ?pep???d d??????????BaB?ar ar????bo???????m cm ?choch??????an?? c??oulou?????not not??ele?iei???e he ??w w?????cl???ms ms??er?ere ere???????? ch c??howdhow??der.der????he??re re w???????sts??????otaot??oeoes???????1,B1,?????2D??Q46Q4?6,A6,?3N3?????ZKZ??AHA????vrv?royro??????n,??0,0????,13,1?27??6363232032?00,?????be??st,st??????ede?d td ?to to?? be be a?????er?????????atuatururar?l/l???gag???ic ic????????y. y.?", "output": "better from a premium Maine chowder. This is no better than, say, Snow's, which you can get for less than half the price. Not bad, but not worth the money.\"\n2790,B000J2DQ46,A1ZYMCWNR650SP,JPortland,0,0,1,1330387200,Bar Harbor where are the clams????,We opened a can of Bar Harbor clam chowder and could not believe how few clams were in the chowder. There were mostly potatoes.\n2791,B000J2DQ46,A3N6UNUZKRAHE7,vroywarren,0,0,5,1327363200,the best,\"I used to be a buyer at a natural/organic grocery. "} +{"input": "????s s??is is???e e????? s sos?????????e ?eve???? ha hadad d i???? c ?ana??? I I I? am a? v ?ververyvery y p ????y ?aba????t mt ?y ?clc?ama??chchoh?wdwded?r ????up up????my???????iti?????????e Re RiR??? C ?ara??tot??'s'?s cs cl???? ch cho?????. ? J JuJ?????ddd???utu?teterte?????lkl?/c/??eae???, a, an??d bd bld b??ck???epe???er.?? H ??aveav?????e ??re??? c??ornor?n bn ?re?adad ad??ndn??d bud b????ter ter a?????????re? i?????eaveave?n.??2272??2,2???00??????6,6??1H1HZH??????1111N1NKN?X,X??????????131??27127191??40400???il?l l b bu b?????aia?n,n????or or????nen????sou???????is iis ?????veryvery very???odo?d cd ??????hohow????????ThoTh??e e we ?ho???ivi?ve ve i???? o ?or ?2 2???ararsar???arear??cocomompm??ariar?ingin? i????? h?om??mam?adead??e soe s?????????restresta???anantan???stystylylel?e s????????????????d buyd bu?y ty ?thi??s a?nyn?y dy ??y ?ovo???????er???", "output": "This is the best soup I have ever had in a can. I am very picky about my clam chowder soup as my favorite is The Ritz Carlton's clam chowder. Just add butter, milk/cream, and black pepper. Have some fresh corn bread and butter and you are in heaven.\"\n2792,B000J2DQ46,A1HZC6PQM11NKX,lh,0,0,4,1327190400,will buy again,\"For canned soup this is very good clam chowder. Those who give it 1 or 2 stars are comparing it to homemade soup or restaurant style soup. I would buy this any day over other br"} +{"input": "?ana???. .????u u c cacan? t ??lll??????? a ala?? n nanatatutururaral?????????hohou??t lt ?oao???d d?msm?g,g, , s ?al?t ????d od ?tht??? n na n???y y???grg???????s.??????e e a an??d cd ?lel????????. ???ho?????????ratra???????????, ????????y ??????as as n?? f ???vov????? t?he??re re??re?????????ksk???n n? it????Th?e ??????or ????????, ?bub??????? i????oooodo?- -?????ovo???whwhewhel?????lyly ly??la????y ay an?and and??? not not o ov???? sa sal?altealt?ed ed?lil????coc????????onaonal???ra???nd cnd ??nnn????so??????IfI? I I I? wa w?antan??t tot t????nexnextx????meme me I? w?il?l ?ad?d d ad ?????at????ut? u ????? c?????????o bo ???stst st???'s'?s cs ?conco???enten???????????????deadealal ?????o.o. . ??I wI wow????????fefer????to dto ?o ?th??t ?t tht t???n bn ?buybu??y a y a?????venventventitio???l ?br?an?and ????that that???esesns???", "output": "ands. You can tell it is all natural and without loaded msg, salt and other nasty ingredients. Pure and clean soup. Those who rate it badly, some say it has no flavor or there aren't chunks in it. The flavor is mild, but that is good- not overwhelmingly clammy and not over salted like conventional brand canned soup. If I want to, next time I will add a potato cut up in chunks to boost it's contents- not a big deal to do. I would prefer to do that than buy a conventional brand that doesn't "} +{"input": "c?ara?e e a aba???? h ?????????ngn????iei??????????ou????????? i?????????ntsnts.s??????????bub????thithisi??????????????so?uru?rcerc?e oe of????ono? a??s ws wew???????7979393,3?B0B??00J00???????????3B3BJB???WHWHOH?IBI?,\",?????rara a?L.L??YoYouounou?ng ng????lylyfy???????\",\"?0,0????,1,?323?696???202????lalamam m??t ????EvE???????ougou?????????owowdwded???????verve??y vy ve?????googoodod od a????? - ???I aI ???????????of ?ththeth?e Be ?arar ar????????????pepede?????amsams s ts tot??? it it? - - a???ongon??wiwitwith?? a a c?an? o of o??he???????reare???? and an??d a d a h?ugu?????????????ddddadda'a' ' . ?..?.<.r /?yuyumu???y .y ..??2272???????00J????Q46Q46,??2C2?SSSSS?????????,\"??????WCWC\"WC\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\",0???0,10,??????????00??RaR?athat??r ??HavHa?ve ve????????,\"T,\"TrT???d d td ?thi???????er?????????????", "output": "care about healthy ingredients and sourcing of ingredients. I will buy this again- good source of iron as well.\"\n2793,B000J2DQ46,A1GI3BJABWHOIB,\"Sandra L. Young \"\"slyfoxqh\"\"\",0,0,4,1326931200,Clam it up,Even though the chowder is very very good as is - I add a can of the Bar Harbor Chopped Clams to it - along with a can of heavy cream and a huge pat of 'budda' ....

yummy ...\n2794,B000J2DQ46,A2CSSSC88DWO3A,\"WC \"\"WC\"\"\",0,0,1,1322611200,Rather Have Chunky,\"Tried this yesterday as a \"\"tr"} +{"input": "??ata?\"\"\"\" \"?ono??? c cocolo????????y y f ???????ghg????????hahada??????npn?lel?????????ra??inyin???????omo????????????y ??????rer?????hehe e? cl c??msms s?wewer???aca?tutuatu???y ??sansa???y ay any andnd nd g ???ttt?y y a???d td tht????????oeo?s ????re re?kik?indin???f f? ch cha????????? l la?ckc???f ????????er er t ??rmrm.m?. ??TheTh?e fe ????oror or??asas ??alsal?? v vev???y ly ??lacklacki?ngn????????idi?n'n't'?t rt re?????y t?????? li l??e,e, ??welwell?, ?an?yty???inging.?? D DeD??in??iteit?lyly ly??????or?th? t????prp?ici??e. e.??? c???????ly ?imi????inein???????eoe?pl???wh?o o? wr wror????e the t?he he ghe gog????re?viv??ewsew?s es eieit??herher ??????foforfo??BaB?r ??????or or oor ?????ve?????verve?r tr ?????d ad ??? o?th?therthe??ki???d o?f ????? c? cho ch?wdw???.\".\"\"2?????B0B??00J00?2D2?Q4Q464???E6E???NMNM9M??AWA??????ycy????agaggaggagar??d,0d,??", "output": "eat\"\" on a cold, rainy fall night. It had an unpleasant, grainy and somewhat watery texture. The clams were actually sandy and gritty and the potatoes were kind of chalky, for lack of a better term. The flavor was also very lacking...it didn't really taste like, well, anything. Definitely not worth the price. I can only imagine the people who wrote the good reviews either work for Bar Harbor or have never tried any other kind of clam chowder.\"\n2795,B000J2DQ46,AE6ONNM9IAWU8,Joyce Maggard,0,0"} +{"input": "??????????484?000??BiBiti? o ???a a d ?????pop????memene?nt nt??? t ?wowo o f frf?ono?ntsnt??\"W\"?? h ???????? e ?xpx?ecectc?atatit??????oro???????prp???ucu?ct ct b ?????heh?e ce ??owo????r wr ?????onlon?? a???eraeraga?e.e? ??ararmrmim????ininsinsts?????tioti??????e ??agaguag?e ?as?????ththeth???mom???nt nt ont ?of of?mimilmi?k k???d/d??? b??uttut???? to? b?lelen?d ?in????????thethe the???oupou???ixi????? f?????d td th???flf???or??????e ?????? a?????oneon?e de didimdi?????ionio??l,l? e?????wi??th th???s ls lilitittit?lele le a? as as 1 ??? c ???p op ofof ?????d ???holho??le mle ????.<.<>
The package of six cans contained three dented cans. Two of them were severely dinged on the seamlines and had to be tossed. For this reason, we will n"} +{"input": "??????geg?r r???????ses???ana??gog??????hrhrorouougu?? t??????ili???2272?969?,B,???????Q4Q464?6,A6,?1F1??LALACA???D6D?????jwj??rereses,s?0,0????,1,??111?11211?00?????an???????????e ??lal?msms,??I I?juj????fifinfinin????d d md ??? fi f???? b ??????? t th??is is????m m c??ow???er,er? a an???wawas??did??apa????intin?ede?d td ????fin?????????th???????t t f??indin?????am?s.s. . D ???'t? g ge gete????????????????????oupoup p??waswas ??googo????wiw?????????y ??nicnicec?e te te????ureur?e ae ??? t??astastete,te?, b, ??t t tt th?? c cl??ms? w??ereer?e Ae ?WOW?????eve???ralra?l tl ?imi???s Is ????? i ??intoint????me?ththithin?g g t???? p????????d ad ? s?ma????bu???t ?of??????? fl flalavlavov?or,or, ?, bu, b???????y oy ononcon?? d??? I ?I fI ???find find a a a c a ????????gmg?menme?t ?????ene???ughug?h th ????oo?k k?????????go???ing ing t?????y y sy ?som?", "output": "o longer purchase can goods through the mail.\"\n2796,B000J2DQ46,A1FULACHND6DCH,jwyres,0,0,3,1311120000,Can't find the clams,\"I just finished my first bowl of this clam chowder, and was disappointed to find, or rather, not find, clams. Don't get me wrong -- the soup was good, with a very nice texture and taste, but the clams were AWOL. Several times I bit into something that provided a small burst of clam flavor, but only once did I find a clam fragment big enough to look at. I'm going to buy some"} +{"input": "??chc?opo?pep???????????????d ?????????m\"m????????????isi????? c co c??rsr?e e?in??????sesse????????????f ???e e me ????. . I. I'I???gog???? t to to o to ?????omo?me me? ot oth??r r b br brar?????as?????????r ??><>???r /r />r /????o ?hohophopepe pe??hahata?t Bt ??r ??ararbar?oro??do?????somsome??tetes?tit??ing.ing???TheThe ???beb??? sh sho???s cs ??lamlams?? as a??s ths t?he he??osostos????revre????ntn????ingringre???enentent,t???utu??I ????'t'??se????how?? th??????????e -e ??????mo??????????????e pe ????????\"\"2??????000?00J00J2J????6,6,A,?353?????G3G??????,\",\"R\"?. ??igi?????e \"e \"\"\"\"R\"\"??????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?1,1???5,5?,13,1???101080??????es????an?????ChC?howhowdhow?erer,r,\"???????? t????is cis ?choch????????cac???? i it i???useuseses es??at???????ngngrg?red?ie??ntsnt???nd?? no not????rmr??????ili???ersers ?lil??????G G a?ndnd ?pap?", "output": " chopped clams to kind of \"\"chum\"\" a bit. This, of course increases the cost of the meal. I'm going to try some other brands as well.

I do hope that Bar Harbor does some testing. The label shows clams as the most prevalent ingredient, but I don't see how that can be -- my money is on the potatos.\"\n2797,B000J2DQ46,A354969G32Q0N8,\"R. Rigsbee \"\"RAzzLE\"\"\",1,2,5,1306108800,Best Canned Chowder,\"I adore this chowder because it uses natural ingredients and not harmful fillers like MSG and par"} +{"input": "????llllyl???ydy?rorogo??nan???d d?oioilil.l. .????? i ?mpm?oro??ana??????tht?isis s??hoh???????asa??ese?????THTH-H?WAW??ERE?????GOG?????andand ?is?????ststist??? w wiw?th??????oror.or. ?????? w??holho??e me mim?ilkilk k??ndnd d ad adaddd?d a??pipin??ch ch o?f f?????er??, a, anandand and? th t????ara????atiat????ho?wd???????????ur?????n n m ?minmi??te?s.s??. If. If ?yoy????av??e ne ???t at ?alral??ad????????iniin?iteit??ly ly?gig?????? a?? tr t???\"\"2272????????????4646,6????A1A?JBJB0B08B0?RGR???????ileil?e Ee E.E. ?CoCoyoyo?te???\"^\"???.^.?\"\"?\",\"?1,1,2,??????999?191????????lamla???ChC??howdhow???? H ??og og? He H??ve??????nln?????yo???ve? g go g?ot ot????la?lam lam??rolrollllellerer ????ewe??erereer????n yn yo?youryou????ropro??rt??y, y, I ???????t st ????ou?sls??ly tly ???? y ??? c co cou?????whiwhipi??upup p?? a b a bebetettt???r br ?ow?? o of of of???????????hehe he c???lamslam???er", "output": "tially-hydrogenated oil. Most importantly, this chowder tastes MOUTH-WATERING GOOD and is bursting with flavor. I use whole milk and add a pinch of pepper, and this aromatic chowder is devoured in minutes. If you have not already, definitely give it a try.\"\n2798,B000J2DQ46,AVFA1JB08RG8G,\"Wile E. Coyote \"\"^. .^\"\"\",1,2,5,1299196800,Clam 'Chowdah' Hog Heaven!,\"Unless you've got a clam roller somewhere on your property, I doubt seriously that you could whip-up a better bowl of chowder! The clams wer"} +{"input": "?? t tet????r,r, ,????shs??????ententit?fuf?l,l?????????ara???blb?? n ?ono?-g-?ririti?tyt?. .??hehe ?'t'tat?te???' ' w wewer?e ?ta??tyty ty???d d? no n?t t??vev???????????I I??ouo???d rd ????????d ??hah?? t??????utu??bab????? b ?itit it o???? the th?e t??pip?????st?ar???? an a?nd ??ddd??sos??e ???did?umu??????m,m??ininsn???ad????????????????? s???ome ome???ceceded ??idi?????a oa ?????n on oro????? b be belelll??pep?ppp?perpe???StS?tirti???in in???me? m mim?????bub?uttutte???, a????bl???k ?pe??ppepper?, , a??d d yd ?ou?'r'rere re o? on on??youyo???waw??y ty ???a a da ???????fu??l ml me???.\".???797999????00?J2J??Q4Q??,A,??XNX??J9J????0P0??????gig?e,e,4,4,4?7,7?3,3???949?????00000??,Be,Bes??t ct ?????ed ??lal?am am? ch c????derde?r Ir ???ve ve??ve?r ????,\",\".\"??.....????...?.........???t ???il??l nl ??t ?ththath????gregr??t.t???t't?s s b????nd.nd??EvE???", "output": "e tender, fresh, plentiful, and remarkably non-gritty. The 'taters' were tasty and not overly done. I would recommend that they cut-back a bit on the tapioca starch and add some medium cream, instead. I like to add some diced Vidalya onion or red bell pepper. Stir in some milk, butter, and black pepper, and you're on your way to a delightful meal.\"\n2799,B000J2DQ46,A2XNJJ9TF70P4J,Angie,4,7,3,1294704000,Best canned Clam chowder I've ever had,\"...........but still not that great. It's bland. Even "} +{"input": "?whwheh?n n?I I??ddddedede? s ???t,t????????, , m, ?????, a, ??d ?bubututtt?????itit t d ?idi?n'n??t tt ???te? l ?iki?e e t ??he he b ?ese??? I' I'v'veve ??????BuBut???t ?lel???t ??it'it??????????, u, unu?li??? e???ryr??oto??er???an??ed???lal????????????????????. . I. ?? I???anan an f ???nd nd????????????????????????e ?be???er?????????????ve? i it i????t't?? t th the?he bhe be?st?st Cst CACANANNNNEN???????????owdow??der der I I' I'v I've?????? h ???, ?bu??t i??t'st's s ns nonot? t th?ata????reareat????hehe he che ?lalamla???s tas t???e ???odod.d?????/>/???r ????EDIED??: : I I ?ha??? a a 2 a ?nd???????andand ?I ????? i?????odaod???, I, ?I aI ????d ?????????it??le????????????????nd ???I adI a?????NON?? sa sal?????epeppeppeper?, ?????????r,r, ?an??? it???ctctutuau?allallyl????ast???s as ?a la ???????????????n wn ???en en?????", "output": "when I added salt, pepper, milk, and butter, it didn't taste like the best I've had. But at least it's edible, unlike every other canned clam chowder out there. If I can find a way to make this taste better than I'd love it. It's the best CANNED clam chowder I've ever had, but it's not that great. The clams taste good.

EDIT: I had a 2nd can and I made it today, I added only a little bit of milk and I added NO salt, pepper, or butter, and it actually tastes a lot better than when I did"} +{"input": "?. . S SoS? I ??susugu????????didini?g g?????????bub?t ?sosomomem????????r r?????? t ??????? s?ouo??????'s'???stistilillill l???? t th theh?????t ?I'I?????ve???????? tho th???????282??0,0,B,??00000?J2J2D2?Q4Q464??A2A??UYU?2B2?FLF?GKG?161??,P,PeP???r ?BeBes?????????2,2????,1,?313?????202???\"L\"LaLaca??s s Cs CeCer?????????eye?\"\"? I??????diedien????,\",\"T,\"?????s sos sou???lal?ackac?ks ks t???e ke ?????ing?re??iei?ent?s s ts ?thath?t ????ke ke??? ca c?nnnnenede?? cl cla??m cm ????????grg????? P ????????? h ????ogo??????????ge?ta????e oe oioil?????soyso?/c/cocot???nsn?eee??????dehde???dradr?????popototaotatatoat??es,es????di?fif?????stast?????? o????ll?????dsd?????????lyzlyzez??ed ced co???? gl g?ututeuten?, , M, ???, ???ta?sss?iui??????????de,de???sodsodi?umum um?phphoh??ph??ateate,ate??di??sod??iumium m im ininoin??in?????????od???? g???", "output": ". So I suggest adding nothing but some milk or cream to this soup. It's still not the best I've ever had though.\"\n2800,B000J2DQ46,A24UY2BFLGK163,Peter Besenbruch,2,4,4,1318291200,\"Lacks Certain \"\"Key\"\" Ingredients\",\"This soup lacks the key ingredients that make a canned clam chowder great: Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (soy/cottonseed), dehydrated potatoes, modified starches of all kinds, hydrolyzed corn gluten, MSG, potassium chloride, sodium phosphate, disodium inosinate, disodium guan"} +{"input": "????tet?, , a ????sus?ccc??nin????ci?d.d?????? g ?ooo??d id ??????la?ssssisic???ewew w E EnEngn???ndnd nd??????????ded?????tht???t t???eseses?? cl??ss?ic?ic iic ?ingin??ededidiei??tst??<>?
Instead, the first ingredient listed is: Clams. Next you'll be telling me it's got butter in it (it does? Oh.).

On a more serious note. Bar Harbor makes a good tasting clam chowder. The first list of ingredients came from Snow's and Campbell's condensed New England clam chowders. This Bar Harbor stuff is worth it.\"\n2801,B000J2DQ46,AG87QQG78D99S,wakako,2,4,3,129841920"} +{"input": "????NoN?t t????ata?, ,?non?? b ??d\"d\",\"?? w ?asas s r ????lyl????cic?teteded d t tot? t???y cy ?????????????frf?omo????ini?????t ?it??did??????t wt ??ow ow???. . ??????inkink k?????beb???????igighghtht ????n n??e ??betbe????...??..???020??B0B??????Q4Q???A3A?KUKUCU?????SJS????????rarana??mamalal al??\"F\"?ueuer??ra????\"\"\"\"\"??1,1???????959515131?6060000000?0,\"0,\"V\"??eryer?y Gy ?ooo?d,d, , L, ???s ??f f C??lamla?s s as anandan??NaN???ra??????cipcipepe\"e?\",\"\",????od od f??lavla?oror ?an?? n no n??ot tot ???????ch-ch???ewe??er er? fa f??? ca calaloal???ese??????? th t??e se ?tat?and???????????????? no????????ed ed?upup p w???h h c ca??nolno????????????CaCamCampm?pbepb?ellell'l??????and Pand PrPro?gr????o,o, ??so so y ?ouou u? ca can? a ad??d ad ???litli?????????it?y y Ey EVE?OOOO O?????e Ce Cae Cal????ornor???a Oa ?????? Ra Ran??ch,ch, , o, ???????n bn ?ututtut?????????a ha ??alaltal?thith?ierier ", "output": "0,\"Not great, not bad\",I was really excited to try clam chowder from Maine but it did not wow me. I think Campbell's might even be better....\n2802,B000J2DQ46,A3KUC5K5VSJNU9,\"Grranimal \"\"Fuerkraft\"\"\",1,3,5,1295136000,\"Very Good, Lots of Clams and Natural Recipe\",\"Good flavor and not too rich--fewer fat calories than the standard fare. It's not loaded up with canola oil like Campbell's and Progresso, so you can add a little quality EVOO like California Olive Ranch, or even butter for a healthier "} +{"input": "?brbrer?? i ????ouo???re???r r??? t ?hahata????y y??iki?????e de dod?. .????lsl?o o a????? l??????????????d d hd hahal??, ,???? s sas?ututet?????e ???rmr??l l???coc?n n????? w wi witithit???redred d od ??ioionon on a? and an?d gd gagara?????????dd? c co?mpm?????ityity ???o to ?theth????????. . I. ????s ?imi???resre?seseded.d. ??????alallal????alsalsoso so a? add add d sd ?som?e ?GoGor?????????ldl??PaP???ifiif?c c Sc ???mom???(f(frf?ozo????, i, ?n ???sts???ar????s)s) )?????????al???y my ?makma?ke ke i it?????????thyth??fif??h ?????ded??????808???B0B000???????6,6,A,??????????CAC??????????oniaoni??,6,?6,16,?????12???161???0000,00???ropro??ed???????????an?e?e?,?,\",??nen????rfrfe?ctct ??oxox.x. ???o ro ??psp??, t, teteate??s ??or or?gog???eses.s???????? t??? b???? ??6 6 b ba bad ba?lyly ly??????d ???ansans ?s ofs o??ch????derde???thath?at at????ke?d d ld li??", "output": "brew if you prefer it that way like we do. I also add a little half and half, and saute some Hormel Bacon bits with red onion and garlic to add complexity to the flavor. I was impressed. I usually also add some Gorton's Wild Pacific Salmon (frozen, in most markets) to basically make it a healthy fish chowder.\"\n2803,B000J2DQ46,A27COOQH0XCAB2,Drakonian,6,12,1,1291161600,Dropped from a plane?,\"One perfect box. No rips, tears or gouges. Inside the box? 6 badly dented cans of chowder that looked like"} +{"input": "?????y y?fef?????utut t? of o???? a ai a?rpr???anean???EvE??ryr?y sy ?iningnglg??????! !??er??y dy ?isi??ppp??in??????ShS????d d?I I??ete???n ?th??m m????? I??????? ch cho?wdw?er?????y gy ??????WaW?s ???is?? a a?joj????? I? ?????? t? thi this??1 1???arar.r??..f..?????????nbn???mimis?hehedhe?????.\".???808040??B0B000?00J00?2D2?Q4Q????????NAN?ZBZ?????V,V???????,0,???,4,??????616161601600?0,?MMM????????ryry ry????????lamla???????derder.r.nr.nonoto???? g???d ????beb??????? M ?????e ie ???a a? re reseststast?????????ut ut m ?????be??te???th???n on otothot???????nen?ed ed????wd????2????,B,B0,B??000J000J2?????,A??0I0??CNC???Z1Z?DKD??????????,4,,4?5,?121?979?727????000,000???ar ar???????r cr clr c??lam lam?? cho?wd???????r ?ha?rbrbo???? cla cl??m cm chm c??howdhowdehowd??????an????ce?????t ????oduod???????????? f fi fixi?????", "output": " they fell out of an airplane. Every single can! Very disappointed. Should I return them all? Is the chowder any good? Was this a joke? I rate this 1 star...for the unblemished box.\"\n2804,B000J2DQ46,A1CMQNAZBT5DLV,BruceW,0,2,4,1301616000,MMMMMM,very good clam chowder.not as good as being in Maine in a restaurant but much better then other canned chowders\n2805,B000J2DQ46,A20IYCN35Z1DKM,leon,1,4,5,1297728000,bar harbor clam chowder,\"bar harbor clam chowder is an excellent product. easy to fix and "} +{"input": "h?asa??trtrerememem??????s fs ???vov??, ,??ici?? a ??ou?ntn? o ?f f??la?msm?s as ?nd??popoto?ata??ese????ou??wiw??l l e ????y y t???s ?prp??????t vt vev??????llll ll ! ??2??0606,6??000040??8C8?????????AWA????PQP?QQ?P,P???,0,?????,1,?333?898??40840????I I??ovo?? c????ewe????ttttet???,\",\"T\"ThThi?????rir?ve?? e ea e?????? t? tha th?? e ex e?pep??ctect?d,d?, w, ?hi?chc? w wa w?? g grg?reare???????wevweve??????or or???me? r ??reasrea?sonso?, ?????? pa p??tit????larla? p?????ct?? sm sme?ll?????? li l????e e le liliklikek????????????od\"od\"\"\"\".\"\"????. b. bu?t t nt ?o o? wo w???rieries?????????ta?st???ed led lilik????gregreaeat?? ca???????butbuttbutte??r, ?juj????????????l l wl ??????nd?????????- -???keke ke f???ish ish????????lsl?so,so, ????wiswi???????????oduoducuctuct ?????or??an??ic.ic???28?070???00???????I,I,A?KZK???2Z2?7C7CNC?V2V?????reereeze?????", "output": "has tremendous flavor, nice amount of clams and potatoes. you will enjoy this product very well !\"\n2806,B00408CX8A,A3POAWC2JPQQQP,me,0,0,4,1338940800,I love cashew butter!,\"This arrived earlier than expected, which was great! However, for some reason, this particular product smelled a little like \"\"fish food\"\".... but no worries, still tasted like great cashew butter, just the smell was kinda weird - like fish food. Also, I wish this product was organic.\"\n2807,B000MBO4LI,AKZKG2Z7CNV27,BreezyPaig"} +{"input": "?????,0,,0???131?323?????0000,???ecececene??, ,???t t n ???t gt ???ata????WhW?enen en??????????stast????d d??o o?ususese e I IA IAMA?S S?????ryry y S Sa S?ucucece,ce, , m, mym?y dy dod??? l ????ed ed i ??? A ?ftf??r r a ????w w????ksk???ththeheyhey y d??n'n??t s????????????e te ???o mo mumucuchuch h???or or? it it t at ??ymy?or??. ????? s ststist????geg???? l????lel????izi?zlz?le le???? th t???ir ir??ibi?blblele ?eveve??ry ry?on????? in in? a a???????????d wd wiw?illill ?????tut?ala??y y ey ??t ?it??? whe wh?????????areare are???????, ?bu?t ???????????t ct ?????dedere??it???to to b??????????????????. ????sti?ll? b???y iy it?it oit ???e e ie ????????????on? w wh whe????it ?????on on son ??aleale ???????????? it it it??concont???insin?????????? a an???it?s ??decde???????prp??????????d ld ?????calca?????e. e.?????e bie b??? ne n???atiat???? I I h?av?e ?", "output": "e,0,0,2,1332547200,\"Decent, but not great\",\"When I first started to use IAMS Savory Sauce, my dogs loved it. After a few weeks, they don't seem to care too much for it anymore. They still get a little drizzle in their kibble every once in a while, and will eventually eat it when they are hungry, but they don't consider it to be a treat anymore. I still buy it once in a blue moon when it is on sale because of it contains vitamins and its decently priced, and low calorie. One big negative I have n"} +{"input": "???ici?ede? a ????t t i ????? t ??ata?????????aca?? i????ete?ti?????irirtir?? f???m m? it i?????????rer??whwhih?????????ana??d td ??is? p prp??dud?ctc????nd?s ??? c cac?????ini?????????d ted t?ar?? an andnd nd? ar a????nd-nd??thethe-the?mom?outou??????ininsin?. ??????? t?????y ?y aly a?? d????erere?????lal?vovoro?s ?ofo? I ??????av?or?y ?????????buybuy ?mymy y gy ???????? to tol to??d md ???th????hi?ckc?en?????vo????is ??ese??????s ths t????????????????? ba b?aseased?ed fed ???????? ca c?an an?? cau ca??use use????eve??en en wen wow?orsor?se se i???re??????? f??????stast????inging.g???it??GrGrar?avyav??????? si s????larlar ???odo?ducdu?? t th tha??t ct coc?nt?aiainainsain?s ms ??re????ita??minmi??, ?sos??if????????us??t ht ?havha??????ome ome???rtrt ??????av?avy,avy???I rI ????mmmmemenme??nd Vnd ????????? a a a? bi b?? m mo?????OrOr r yr ??? c? can ca????", "output": "oticed about it is that their face is getting dirty from it. They are white dogs and this product tends to cause increased tear and around-the-mouth stains. I used to buy all different flavors of IAMS Savory Sauce, buy my groomer told me the chicken flavor is best as the beef and pork based flavors can cause an even worse increase in face staining. VitaGravy is a similar product that contains more vitamins, so if your must have some sort of gravy, I recommend VitaGravy a bit more. Or you can als"} +{"input": "?? j ??????????n n???mem???ara???????? w?ititht??yoyouo??r dr ?ogo??fofooo???ana?d ??ete?t it it?? si s?it ?????a a??it?it bit bebefe?????????????d id ?????o yo yo??r ??ogog.og?????? c crc??????s as a a \"a ?\"g\"????y\"y\"\"???ikikek?e te ?texte?tut?ureur??anandan?d ad ????a a ta ?thathat?????? d ?dogdogsgs ??ovo???. N. NoN??t tt ?theth?????????st ??ded????????ourou?????g hg ?asa?s ds ????ala????????????????gr?greagre?at ????e ?so???utiutioi???????????y y?????erser???????8,8???00???O4O?????3P3??????4C4??????HMH????,0,,0,3,3,3??303??090?767?????og? l lo l???es es t ?thithis?? st s?tuftu????utut.ut...??,\",???ur ur d????????s s ts ?thi?s s ss ???????I I?????hth?t i??t ft ??for ??a oa oco??????nanalal al?????at ??inincin???hehe e oe on?lyly ?ea??????y ????? fo f?oodoo????I tI th???oughoug????????oulou??d bd ?be be?? n nin???e t?re???t f????hihimhim m tm ????havha?ve ve? a ", "output": "o just mix in some warm water with your dog food and let it sit for a bit before you feed it to your dog. This creates a \"\"gravy\"\" like texture and aroma that most dogs love. Not the greatest idea if your dog has dental issues, but a great free solution for picky eaters.\"\n2808,B000MBO4LI,A3PB7JJL4CSQOA,HM,0,0,3,1301097600,Dog loves this stuff but...,\"Our dog loves this stuff. I bought it for a occasional treat since he only eats dry dog food, I thought it would be a nice treat for him to have a "} +{"input": "???l l s sos?mem?tht??ngn? e ??trtrar? e ev e???? n ????ana???th?ene?? B ?????hi?? s?????????inkin???rer??????bab????likli????iri????itit ??????s ts ??? w whw????????a a wa ????e ??the??dodogog ?eaeatea??s ss ?me??????likelik??????????opo??????????ba??????so??????? th???ho???????????theythe?y cy ????d ?imi??ror?ve?? th the?? sm sme????of?? it i?? t?????wowou?ld????e a?????me?, , b, ?becbe??us?use use o ??? d???????st st????eses s is ????ut?? we w?e ce ????t t bt ba????? the??smsmesm???????it??\"\"2?????B0B?00?????LIL??A1A1Q1????????I9I????dcd?cooco?opeop?????0,0??,5,??121????09???????y Dy ???og rog ???ll??y ly ??like?s ??????SaS??oro???????e,e?\"M\"?????g ?liliklike?? t?? the the I the ???ms ms? sa sav???????aucau???. . ?ItI??hehel??s s t?o o??????????? to t?????????????? a???petpe????e ie isis ?????", "output": "lil something extra every now and then. But this stuff stinks really bad like dirt, it makes the whole area where the dog eats smell like we just opened and bag of soil in the house. If they could improve the smell of it, that would be awesome, because our dog just loves it but we can't bare the smell of it.\"\n2809,B000MBO4LI,A1Q5SMJWFJI9EK,dcooper53,0,0,5,1297209600,My Dog really likes Iams Savory Sauce,\"My dog likes the Iams savory sauce. It helps to tempt him to eat when his appetite is off, "} +{"input": "a??? i ?t't?????????????imi?.\".????1010,0??????D0D0C0?????1P1PMPMCM??????MFM?WJW???aba?rir????????rar?????0,00,????????191??404??????? f ??????eae??????popouo??nd,nd??nonot??2020 0? po p???ndsnd????? o or?ded???d d td ???s ????k k??? 2??????????d f????????????? w whwhi?chc??lol????????keke ke???????t ??????. W. ?el??l..l......???br br???1/>1s1stst,??????s ns no???20?lbl????f ?f tef t??, ??I rI re??????ed ??nln?? 1???? / /> /?????/>?2n2ndnd,?? it?'s?????? hi h?ghg???uau????y ?fufulfu?ll ll????eaf eaf????????t t rt ?ratraththeth????heh??????oundoun?d t??ea ea lea ??avavevesves ???ou'ou????xpx?????????? li????????
??????StS?ra?????????nouno?gh??, I?? or o?????d ???? n?????????????ul????ve???ioion????? i? it it??rrr???vedved ?asas ???fullfull ?????af taf ????????dod?esesns?'t'?", "output": "and it's good for him.\"\n2810,B0081D0CU6,A1PMCKAH4UMFWJ,Gabriel B. Grant,0,0,1,1346198400,\"Not full leaf, 1 pound, not 20 pounds\",\"I ordered this Pack of 20 1-pound full leaf tea which looked like a great deal. Well....

1st, it's not 20lbs of tea, I received only 1

2nd, it's not high quality full leaf tea, but rather the ground tea leaves you'd expect from lipton

Strangely enough, I ordered the non-decaf regular version and it arrived as full leaf tea and doesn't "} +{"input": "t????e e h hahalalfl??bab?d.d? I ??f sf ?omo????????cec???ese????????ini?g g d ????ere??ntn????????????????er? i ?if if? so s?omeom?????????eivei?????ha??t wt ????ad???????eded,d????d d??ikikeke ?tot????????bob??????. ?MaM??beb?????????y y a ag a???in.in.\".????111?,B,?0000303J3????ROR?????????????YZY???PaP????cic???ElE??ioi?ttt??3,3,3???1,11,?272?454?????????? C ChC??ckcke???????,\",?????s w??as ??????????timtime?? th tha?? I????ded?ereer??????e Se ?mom?ke??ou?sese se?US?A ????ickic??? S ???x.x????e e 1e ??????dederde?r hr hahadha?d Ud ?USA? p ??rinrintntent???ririgrighg????on on????? ba b?g,g, ????????ne ne hne hahadhad had? a a? US USA???????er???ve?ver ver? th the? the C the ?????a sa st??ick???. . . ??n ???di??????, t, th, t?e e pe ???duducu??t lt ???okeok????????relre????difdi????erenerent??????io??sls?ly ly??????coc??ce?rnr?nedned.?? I I p I ??", "output": "taste half bad. If someone receives something different than I or rather if someone receives what was advertised, I'd like to know about it. Maybe I'll try again.\"\n2811,B003JH91RO,A1DRKSQAJ16YZ8,Patricia Elliott,3,3,1,1274572800,USA Chicken Stix,\"This was the 2nd time that I ordered the Smokehouse USA Chicken Stix. The 1st order had USA printed right on the bag, this one had a USA sticker over the China sticker. In addition, the product looked entirely different. Obviously I am concerned. I pay"} +{"input": "????rer??tot??ene????? I ??ama???????eeeede???? m my m???\"f\"??ur ur?kik?dsds\"s?\"\" \"\"????dud???s s f????m Cm ?hih????? If If f???t ht ????enensens ??gag??in,in, ,????l l?sts?????ordordedere???g ???? S ???????usu?e ???????????n-n?????.\".??282818121??????JHJ??1R1???A2A????2K2??????S1S??\"B\"??reare????BeBen?????\"i\"ioiolo???e\"e\"\"??,0,???,5,???343????28028????????? IN I???HEH??USU?A,A???HAH???RER?AD?AD AAD ANANONOTO???R R R?EVE?IEI?????? T?HE? R RE REV RE???EWEEW?? W ??? C COC???ER???D ???OUOUTU?? TH????PRPRO??UCU?T ???????????M M??HIH?????????ALA???? T????MA???FAF?CT??RE?R ???????AS AS? TO T?LDL??TH?IS?????DUDUCDU?CT CT??S S MS ?MADMADEDE DE??HERHERE???? T TH???US???. M. MYM??DOD???????????THEMTHE?!!!?????3,3,B,B0,B?????H91H9?1RO1R?O,AO,???HOH??LIL?INCINCO???2,2,\"2,???????ryry y \"y ???????????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\"??,0,0,0,0,0,50,?????272??84840?0,?", "output": " more to ensure I am not feeding my \"\"fur kids\"\" products from China. If it happens again, I'll stop ordering all Smokehouse products on-line.\"\n2812,B003JH91RO,A2L1E2KQLL9BS1,\"Breann Benti \"\"iolyte\"\"\",0,0,5,1340928000,MADE IN THE USA,I HAD READ ANOTHER REVIEW AND THE REVIEWER WAS CONCERNED ABOUT THIS PRODUCT COMING FROM CHINA. I CALLED THE MANUFACTURER AND WAS TOLD THIS PRODUCT IS MADE HERE IN THE US. MY DOG LOVES THEM!!\n2813,B003JH91RO,A2VHO3LINCOL62,\"S. Perry \"\"suziquep\"\"\",0,0,5,1272758400,a"} +{"input": " ????ororir?tete,e?\"T\"???s s??is is?a a???? t ????t t???? o ?urur r \" ??kikidi?s\"s\"\"?? T ???y y??re?????ttt??y py ??ckckyk??????rsr?, , e ??????????y my ?y ??irirlr??????ey ey b ??tht????????eme??????d d???? fou founu????????pr?????t.t. ??????nanaba??????ricricecede??d tod toooo\"o??282???????3J3JHJ???ROR???UZU?DXDX3X????TJTJ1J?X,X??LiLili??y ???ll? \"??????eloel?oveovere?\"\"??,0,0,0????,1,???1414314??80800??HaH??pyp?y Cy ????????,\"I,\"???avaveave e ae a ?GeG?ermer?ana???re???????ShShehephephp???? h ????s ??ERE??, ?VE??RY,RY????????! H! ???????????hemhe???He???? s ???h h ah a a ha ????y ???ampam??????He ?????????? in i??th?e ??orornor??ngn???????adyad??tot?????fof???????wa????s &s ???????es hes ???? s??tratraiaigi????????is?is tis ????eat eat???bib?ineinete??, h, ?he ??????s hs ??his his c ch chihichi????????x.x?........t.?thathanankan??yoy???, f, ?", "output": " favorite,\"This is a new treat for our \"\"kids\"\". They are pretty picky eaters, especially my girl! They both love 'em. Glad I found this product. Reasonably priced too\"\n2814,B003JH91RO,AUZDX389VTJ1X,\"Lilly Bell \"\"shoelover\"\"\",0,0,5,1221436800,Happy Camper!,\"I have a German Breed, G.Sheph. & he is VERY, VERY, PICKY! He loved them. He is such a happy camper. He wakes up in the morning & ready to go for his walks & comes home straight to his treat cabinet, he wants his chicken stix....thank you, fi"} +{"input": "??alalll?? s ?omomemete???ngng g t ??atat t???y by bob???lol??eses.s...???????151?,B,?00000???0Y0?7W7W,W????CJC???FHF????0B0?????eLeL,L????,3,?,1,??????????,M,MaM???????gog???? gi g?????WiWiti?????? P PrP???? s sh s?hiphi?pip?ingin?, ,?????? ma m??e e ae ?a ga grgrer????lal?sts????inuinutu???gigif??? I ItIt ??eeeememsm???a la ????lele ????cec?????r r t???????ununtnt ??????????bubutut ut?? the the the q ??al???y y wy ????????????????????????????ere?so?n n? I I? ga gava?ve ve i ??? to??. . I. InI????????d,d?, I, ???? thin thi???? thi?s s is is??bebetettet??r ?th?thanthan n an ????uiu??it bit ?as?ke????r ?sosomsomemetmeththith????sis???la?r.r???282?81681?,B??????UMUM5M?S,S????EJE??CKC??F2F????LoL??? P??ndndand?,1??,1,???????34?888????\"g\"gr?????cecerce???al,al, ???ut ut tut tot?oo oo?????nsnsi??ve ??nlnli??e ?????,\",\"I,\"I ?th??nk???ac????of of????or???252??????", "output": "nally something that my boy loves....\"\n2815,B000F70Y7W,A36CJANFHL1F0B,KayeL,0,0,3,1346630400,Makes a good gift,\"With the Prime shipping, this made a great last minute gift. It seems a little pricey for the amount of fish, but the quality was good (according to the person I gave it to). In the end, I think this is better than a fruit basket or something similar.\"\n2816,B003TIUM5S,AOCEJ4CKRF2C4,Lost Panda,1,1,3,1282348800,\"great cereal, but too expensive online yet\",\"I think pack of 4 for $25.00 is"} +{"input": "??tot????ucu?????6.6?252? p ??r r??oxo??. .??????? th t?emem m i ini?????????fof?r ?????? th?ana?n $n ?3.3.0.?? s sos???etiet????. ?????, ,? ma maya?bebe e??????????? p??om????????I ?go?t ?ththe?m ?fo??r $r ?2.2???0 o0 ?????????? th? that tha???t ??afa?????. ?????lll????????y y t th?????oneone ?e one o???????TAT????? is i????VEV???STASTARARSR?, ???????icicec?e ie isis is????E SE STE S???.\".\"\"?282?171?,B,????TIT?UMUM5M?S,S,AS,????A1A1O1??RDRDKD????7,J7,???mesmes mes????????????????,12,1?777????20200???????er er? Ta Tasa?tit?????hah???????????ltlth??er??(o(oror ??????FiFibi??????er??????\"I\"I ?eaeatea?t a? l lol????of of????ea???, a, ?andan?d td ththathat????clcluludu???????ot??ot ofot of ??????igighigh-??ib???er ker ?inindindsd?????atmat??al??????? (?FrFro?st??d)d?????redre????d Wd ??????an???RaRaiaisisiisin????an??????us????lyl?", "output": " too much ($6.25 per box). I got them in Target for less than $3.00 sometimes. Also, maybe because of promotion, I got them for $2.80 or around that at Safeway. I will not buy this one online. TASTE is FIVE STARS, but price is ONE STAR.\"\n2817,B003TIUM5S,A2VQA1ORRDKRJ7,James McErlean,1,1,4,1277251200,Better Tasting Than Most Healthier (or High-Fiber) Cereals,\"I eat a lot of cereal, and that includes a lot of the high-fiber kinds. Oatmeal, Mini (Frosted) Shredded Wheat and Raisin Bran are usually "} +{"input": "??????I'I???eae????whewhene? I? n nen??ded?? t tot?????e e?????????s.s.,., ,??utu??ththehererere ?hahavha?????eeneen ?a a fa ???w iw ?nsnsts?????s s????re?? I ?trt???????e ?????????ieierie?\"\"? o ??????ns.ns. . I?'v'?ve ve t???eded ????ververar?al al o????????asa??i i c ?cerce?reare?????bu?t t t???y y w we wer?en????ve???y ay ?ppp???tizti?in???. T. ????plp??????ne? h ????????????ar???????????exe?????? tr tri tr?iedie??????pe pe?NuNututsut?s, s,?? whi whici?h h?????iki??????oro??renrendndod???????st????lavla???ed?????t ft ??odo?d (d ??thoth?ougou??h ih ???s s cs ?lo???? t??????????litli???er er? in in n tn ????uru???? T Th????????gsg???e ?toto to F ?????PlP??? A AnAntn?????dad?antan?????? / ?????????ThiTh?? B ????y y Yy ?ogogugururtur?t Ct CrC??ncnchnc?????s ces cer?tataitain??y ??????f ???? b?et?????tatas?ti???? hi higi???????er ?cecercerecer???s s Is ?", "output": "what I'd eat when I needed to lose a few lbs., but there have been a few instances where I tried the \"\"healthier\"\" options. I've tried several of the Kashi cereals, but they weren't very appetizing. The plain one had a cardboard taste. Next, I tried Grape Nuts, which is like a horrendous yeast flavored cat food (though it's closer to kitty litter in texture.) That brings me to FiberPlus Antioxidants.

This Berry Yogurt Crunch is certainly one of the better tasting high-fiber cereals I'"} +{"input": "v?? e ???ene?????'s'??????e ae ? d ded???entent t?heh???????ara?? br b???kenken n??paparartar?????? c ce???????ThThe???lul?sts?terte?s ?ofo??yoy?gug?rtr????????? he h?lpl?, ,?????????n tn ?theth?e pe ????in in c???rea???isi?????cence?? e en e??ugu???ono????s ??????YeY????ththetherthe??????????????SuS??????er???ererverviv?inging,g, ?bub???th?the the?1010g0g ?of??????er ??ndnd d? 17 1?? C CaCal????????art??s ms ?or?e ????an an????? u ????or? i??. ?EsE?pe?????lyly ly??f ??youyo??????????itit it? to t?o Ro ??aisai????BrB?anan an aan ?andan?????st??d d Sd ?hrh????dedde?????at?????icichc???areare ?????????????gh???er ier ???Su??ar??an?? C???????????????owowew?er ??n ????????????????. Th. The??an??ioi??idi??ant?????are are? a a???iceic?e be bob??us??, t?ooo???brb???><>???r /?>T>?TheTh?e be boe boto?to?m m l??????? t???? I I' I?ll????", "output": "ve eaten. It's like a decent health bar broken apart into cereal. The clusters of yogurt really help, but even the plain cereal is decent enough on its own. Yes, there are 12g of Sugar per serving, but the 10g of Fiber and 170 Calorie parts more than make up for it. Especially if you compare it to Raisin Bran and Frosted Shredded Wheat, which are typically higher in Sugar and Calories, yet lower in dietary fiber. The antioxidants are a nice bonus, too.

The bottom line is that I'll add"} +{"input": "? t ?hihisi???? m ?? g grgror???ryry ????? w ?heh???vev?er er i iti???s os ono? s ??lele e o oro? t?????rir??????s rs ri?ghg?????????,B,B0B000030?TIT?UMU?5S5S,S,A,A3A3E3??HMHMGM??WYWY7Y???Y,Y?MoM?????iai?????,5,??121????28628?404???,BE,B??? C ?????L L?EVE?ER?!,!?\"L\"LeLete????e fe fif?rsr?????y y ty ?thath???I I????'t'??????????????s ????en???al? r ???le.le???I ?juj????????t ??liklikek???????????n'n?'t 't???????????k Ek ?EVEEVERER,ER? s so s?????ini?? d? dry dry ?ce??ea?eal eal???n'n'tn'?????????? t??????. ?????rcr?????? a a a b ???????? thi th?is is?fof?????y hy ??usbus?ana??. . ???en???ed ed????? try tr???g ???omeom????cac?us???e ite it ?ju?st????oko?????? p pr preretre?????in in t??????wlw???????d ??????s Hs ?????D!D? ????s ??cercere???al ial ??????ty????????alaltal????anand?????eat???t t e??verve??dad?? n non?????ithith h???", "output": " this to my grocery list whenever it's on sale or the price is right.\"\n2818,B003TIUM5S,A3EZHMGGWY74HY,MommaMia,0,0,5,1285286400,BEST CEREAL EVER!,\"Let me first say that I don't eat cereal as a general rule. I just don't like it. I don't drink milk EVER, so eating dry cereal isn't always a treat. I purchased a box of this for my husband. I ended up trying some because it just looked so pretty in the bowl....and I was HOOKED! This cereal is tasty and healthy and I eat it everyday now with my "} +{"input": "yyoy?gug??t.t?? I ? c ?ana?'t't t????? i itit t et ene??ugu?h h??tatara?s!s!\"!???818?9,9,B,???3T3???M5M?S,S?A2A?????NEN???OHO?TAT????odo????,0,0,0??????28??737313?1201200??LoLovove??tht???? ce c??eae?l!l?????amam m???? o ????y y??hi??????x x???????is is?ded????ioiou??????ea????????????????t ot ??lyly y hy ??ghgh gh f fif?beb?? c? cer ce?reareal??, , m?aia???ly ly? fo f?? n nu n??tritr?itiit?ionio????ut ut?al???????cauca?ses??th?eyey y sy ???????? be b??momororeor???filfi??linli??. . T. ??????is ????? my my ?faf????????? If If f yf yo????ur???asasese se?????e fie fib????plp???????s,?????y ?y tiy timi???s ts ????y h????e ae ????????????????the??? bac ba?????ffff ????e be ?????of of??? cere cer???) )??I ???y ????????omo?m Wm ?alal al?MaM?artar???????8 8 a an a??d ud ???e ce ????on???..g..grg?rea?t ?????. ?UsU????ly??lal?????me? a a a w ???k.k???I ???? a??", "output": "yogurt. I can't give it enough stars!\"\n2819,B003TIUM5S,A2UZKTNE4POHTA,Chod101,0,0,5,1283731200,Love this cereal!,\"I am now on my third box of this delicious cereal. I try to eat only high fiber cereals, mainly for nutrition but also because they seem to be more filling. This is now my favorite! If you purchase the fiber plus bars, many times they have a $1 coupon on the back (off one box of cereal) I buy mine from Wal Mart @$2.68 and use coupon...great deal. Usually lasts me a week...I eat a b"} +{"input": "o?wlw? e ?vev???????? A AlA??????ana?? t titimi??????u'u'l'??l fl ?????a a $ ????????n n o ?? c???eae??l bl ??????????????????. ????y ???e e p ????tyty y gy gog????tot?oo,oo?, e, ?espes?ece???allal?y ????? ch choh?????????almal????.\".\"\"??828???B0B000??????CACA,A?????SMS??KNK?GDGD7D7373,3??eaeanea???????KiK???????nd,nd??,4????121???323242484?????????sis?ia.ia?,\",?MyM?y dy ??ugu??????, l, ?ivi???? a an a?nd nd?????????in??DCD?? th thih????umummmme??r, r, i ????rodrodud???d ?????o o?? thi th?????rod??uctuc?? wh whi????ho?meme ??????a va ?????. ???he??ene??????geged? m??e te ????iv????hehe he phe ??????ve?????on ?(j(???????ureur??co????utu?????er?? a????an?cece ce f? fir fi??t,t????d ??y y ty thy t?he ????on??? co c????in?erer,er??? u unundndender?st??????hehe ??????inging ing qing ???alialiti??es???f f?????s ds ?rir?inkink.k??????", "output": "owl everyday. Also, many times you'll find a $1 coupon on cereal box for fiber bars. They are pretty good too, especially the chocolate almond.\"\n2820,B0085G4ACA,AGITSM4KNGD73,Jeanne H. Kingsland,4,4,5,1279324800,Ambrosia.,\"My daughter, living and working in DC this summer, introduced me to this product while home for a visit. She encouraged me to give the plain version (just pure coconut water) a chance first, and by the second container, I understood the amazing qualities of this drink. I fe"} +{"input": "??t t s ?o o???frfreresre?hehede?????drdrar??????????????????? I ? l ?at????trt?iei????hehe he???????itithth h p pipin???ppp??????hih??h h ih isis s???so? d ?????ioi??s,s?, b, bub??t It ?????inkin? t??e e? pl plalaila????? m mom??? e ?????titivi??e ae anandan???ururerelre?y y r?????reshreshihinhi?? w???? r? rea re?allal????oto?, , t, ??reredred ???????iri??tyt?, ?, wh, w??????? the the? sw s??????????it?????ususeus????????ionio?n wn ??lll? b ?e ?e ame a?aza???g g ag asa???arartrt t ot ?? a? c ?oco???aiailil.l. .????an'an??????????or or??:0:?0!0???282????B0B???????CAC?,A,???????????????C.C?. M. ?oeoel????,5,?,6,?,5????????404???,G,????????ocooc??ut?????aterate??in??jujus??????e re ???htht ???zez?!,!,\",??hi??s hs ?as????????????vov?oriorit?e e be ???nd???????coconco??????ate???of?of tof ?thethe the??neneses ?I'I'v'??????eded.ed??Th?eye?y uy ??use use??????frfru?", "output": "lt so refreshed, hydrated, and healthy! I later tried the kind with pineapple, which is also delicious, but I think the plain is more effective and purely refreshing when really hot, tired and thirsty, while the sweeter fruit infused version will be amazing as part of a cocktail. Can't wait for 5:00!\"\n2821,B0085G4ACA,A1P1DYV98MBXM4,C. Moeller,5,6,5,1299024000,Great coconut water in just the right size!,\"This has been my favorite brand of coconut water of the ones I've tried. They use real frui"} +{"input": "????uiuici?e e f fof??? fl flal??or??ngng,g???? w wewele??????iti??tatas???s ??ooo??????????r /??e e te trt???????e ?smsmam?llllell???????, ???d ?ththetheyey y??usu?t ?ara????t ???rgr??????ugu?? t????????eno???h h wh ???????at at? th t?he he?????????? ar a???non??t rt re?seseaeal?aba????????/>/>??? /??????gsgs ?????kek???aboab?outou???hi?s:s???
*>??ReR??????blblebl?e ce ?apa??sm???le???????la???????isis)s??
*???????ke??s i????ar??d td tod to ?ge???? the th?e l?as?ast ast?drd??psp?? u us???all??y ey en???????????????ng ing ?it it??p ?tot???etet ??t thet th??e la?????it?<

We tried the smaller size, and they just aren't large enough to get enough water at the gym, and are not resealable.

Things I like about this:

* Perfect size for an hour long gym routine
* Resealable cap(smaller one lacks this)
* Tasty (Like a pina colada)


* Box makes it hard to get the last drops- usually end up squishing it up to get the last bit

So great cocon"} +{"input": "u???waw????? p ??erfer????????e,e?, a, ????chc?????? t ???? b ?????g g?lol??ala?????? s ??rorouo???? wi witi??? th t?he he?????ono???s 's ?'su's?????ibibeb???nd?????e'e???????2,2??000??5G5?4A4ACACAC?????KVK?P6P?NXNX8X??XLXL,L?ElE??izaiz?be???th Uth ??ricri??,2,?2,22,?2,42,???292????161??00,00??ooo??d td ?asa??te,te?I I l?????????slsli????t pt pipin???ppp??????av??r ?in? t? thi th??s bs ??bettbet??r ?th?an?an tan th???????in in cin ?????ut?? wa w?ateat?er.er??Go?od????????hihilill????. C. ?oc??????????ter ter?is?? su s?pp????? t to to o b be be e ae ? h ???altalththyth?y dy ???nknk.k?2?????,B0,B????????????N2N2U2?YFY?08??BZBZWZ???\"H\"??????geg????\"h\"???rar??angeangea?\"\"?\",\"????,1,4,1,??131323272????????????rer???t p??rodro???ct,ct???nd????????????t st sht s?hiphipmp??enten??\",\"\",?LoLovo??????s ?juj?ici??. . S. ScSch??????d ?????????????co?convcon?ven?ieienie????", "output": "ut water, perfect size, and cheaper than buying locally at sprouts with the Amazon's 'subscribe and save'!\"\n2822,B0085G4ACA,AK5KVP6NX83XL,Elizabeth Urick,2,2,4,1297641600,Good taste,I like the slight pineapple flavor in this better than the plain coconut water. Good well chilled. Coconut water is supposed to be a healthy drink.\n2823,B0085G4ACA,A2N2UYF083BZW0,\"Hydrangea \"\"hydrangea\"\"\",1,1,4,1327363200,\"a great product, and convenient shipment\",\"Love this juice. Scheduled shipment is convenient an"} +{"input": "???ececoc??omo?????. .??????is??a a??ere?y y????ene????? b ??????geg????d ?ana????aya?y ty ?o o????ve ??????momon?eyey y oy ??? it i????s ????tht????\"\"?????,B,????5G5G4G??CAC????2H2HYH???JXJ???????????????????,5,????121?24124??00?????sts??tat??stist?ngn???cocco??nun??t wt ???????????e e fe ?ouo????,\",?I ???veve ????eded ???ereryery ??ra????ofo? c????conuconutut ut??wat??er ??thathatat t ht ?????th th f ????d sd st?ororeor?es es??ararrar?ry,ry???andan?d td ??isis ?isis,is?????faf?ar,ar???y ???????tete.te. ?? Th The??pip??ea??plplel???lal??????oeo?es ???t ???ver?whw???m m t?he???coc???ut?ut out ?? v??iceice ???????????alsal?? l ??????????ete???????k k w wi wit??h th ?????crcrer?w w o?n n???p-p???????????h ?????? co?nvn??nin?ienientnt ??????th?the the sthe smsma?lll????111????? si s??e e we ??ic??h yh yoyou???????not not??resreses?", "output": "d economical. This is a very expensive beverage and any way to save some money on it, is worth it\"\n2824,B0085G4ACA,A22HYNTJXQHP25,mariexpx,1,1,5,1312416000,Best tasting coconut water I have found!,\"I have tried every brand of coconut water that health food stores carry, and this is, by far, my favorite. The pineapple flavor does not overwhelm the coconut or vice versa. I also like the tetra pack with the screw on top- it is much more convenient than the smaller 11 oz size which you cannot resea"} +{"input": "??. . ??hih?? h ?asa?s bs ??ene??????eaeata???at???????sus??ststititi?????fofor???e,e? a???? he h?lpl??s as ??loloto??whwhehen?????? s???k k?or?or dor ?????ra???d ???or nor ?ee?d ?toto o???ydrydra????quq?icickicklk??. . G. GrG????? st s?tuftu??!\"!?2??252??????5G5G4G???A,A??3030H0???RHRHUH?6K6KVK???????????resresss?,1,????5,5,15,????????00?,l,lil???????ShShi??pip?????????t at ??????vev?????odo????. . T. ThTheTh??boboxo??s ?s ars a???? l????lele e te ????h h???????????herhe????is is?non?ot ot?? a l a ???????yoy???dod????t t ft ??iniin?ishis??? I?? su sug???estes?????? on o??? l? lit littt?tletl???ne?s ????s s ws waw?y.?2282????????85G85G4???A,???HYH??6W6??????XRXR,R?eleleel????j,j????1,51,?5,15,125,12727827???08??00,???yd?????ingin???ReRefe??res??hinhi?????GreGr?eateat-t??as?titinti?ng ng D DrD??inkin??,\",\"I\"I I dI ????ovo?????????a ????? a a ????? mo mon????", "output": "l. This has been a great Gatorade substitute for me, and helps a lot when I am sick or dehydrated or need to hydrate quickly. Great stuff!\"\n2825,B0085G4ACA,A30H61RHU6KVWG,LauraKress,1,1,5,1280275200,like it,Shipping great and loved product. The boxes are a little tough because there is not a lid if you do not finish. I suggest buy only little ones this way.\n2826,B0085G4ACA,A3HYF6WCIP4XXR,elena j,1,1,5,1278460800,\"Hydrating, Refreshing, Great-Tasting Drink\",\"I discovered Vita Coco a few months "} +{"input": "??gog?. .??OfO??tht?e e f ??????s s?I I??av????rir??d,d????????e te the t????ini????plplel???ese??????? t?????es es l li l????? m ?ilildl? p ??????????a a wa ?iti???utu?t tt ????????hoholol.ol. . ???????e t??e e ie ?ded?? o ??f af ?????l-l??ata?uru??al al h????ratra???????in?? t??hatha?????lo????in in?????r r? an a??d hd ?igi?? i???????assassis??m.m???WhW?henhe?nevne??????ama?? ho hotot,ot, ????rs??? o???a a la ?litlittt?????unu????wnw??????in??d td ??at??ViVititaita ??ococo???CocCo???ut????????????? Pi P?????pplpple?le rle rer??llllyll??quq?enencnchc????????thithirthi?rst?, ?re???resre???????, ????d gd ?ivi?????e ?e a e a l???ttltt?le le ele ??er????boboooosost???wit???????????d sd ????r r or ?or or? an?y ??artar???ficfi??????????did?ienie?tst?????? t??????nesne??in???????????e ane and???????r dr ??????s as ?imi?ed????t bt ??alaal??ci?", "output": "ago. Of the flavors I have tried, I like the Pineapple best. It tastes like a mild pina colada without the alcohol. I love the idea of an all-natural hydrating drink that is low in sugar and high in potassium. Whenever I am hot, thirsty or a little run-down, I find that Vita Coco Coconut Water with Pineapple really quenches my thirst, refreshes me, and gives me a little energy boost without added sugar or any artificial ingredients like the ones in Gatorade and other drinks aimed at balancin"} +{"input": "?????ece?trt???yty???? A AnAn n??-1-1/1??-o-ouo???? s ses?rvr?ini?g ??????ono??? 6 606???ala?oro???es es a ana?d d??????g og ofo? S ??did????????s ????n ?faf?t-t?frfrer?e ?mim????? w ?????515?????????PoP????sis?????andan??181?????? t th???RDR?? o?? of V of ?????minmi?????????s ???lil??tlt???prpri??ceyce?????t t???f yf yoy?ou ou??????buybu????t ot ????al???wi?????frefr?ee ee? sh shih?ppppip??g,g, , i, ????? a a?grg??at??vav?alual????. A. ??????????????e ??prepr?vi?ou?slsly??pupuru???hasha????it? o?n ???aza?????? m???e e re ??????tlytly y by bob?ougoughoug????it it ait ??at Gat ?NCN???ururiur?ing???ol??d Cd ???d ???????heh?????therthere?? wa w??????frefreefre?e se shs???ppipp???ing oing ?offof?er????? a??\"\"\"\"b\"??? 2 ???????1 1 f fr???\"\"????????. ?WiW???h ah ???eae?al al l???????atat,at???t t bt ?re?reakreaksk?s ds dod???n t?? l????????? 6???ce???", "output": "g electrolytes. An 8-1/2-ounce serving has only 60 calories and 30 mg of Sodium (less than fat-free milk), with 515 mg of Potassium and 180% of the RDA of Vitamin C. It's a little pricey, but if you can buy it on sale with free shipping, it's a great value. Although I have previously purchased it on Amazon, I more recently bought it at GNC during Gold Card Week when there was a free shipping offer and a \"\"buy 2, get 1 free\"\" offer. With a deal like that, it breaks down to less than 65 cents"} +{"input": " ??????-1-?/2/?-o-ozo?????????.\".??282????????5G5??ACA???AXA??????PFPFUFUHU??6,6??SaSamammm??e e???\"Sa\"Sam?\"\"\"\"\"\"\"???,1????,12,1?????28028?00000?,M,MyM?????oroririti???flflal????!!!??PiPinineineaeapa???????????dsd?s ds ??wnwn n m mymy ??favfa??riritri?te te f fl f?lavla??vor vor o ???ViV????CoC??o!o? I ?t t???????lyl?y sy ????eses ???grgrer??t ?ele????ror??lytly??te rte ???plepl???ishishih?ingin?????verve???e ?????a ta tht??????FEF??T T????????? c cucuru??????t t it ??? ca c????lsl?? b?e ??????????o ao ?a pa ?in??co???dad?a ia ifif ?yoy??????t ???????mem????? : ?))??82?8,8????85??????A,AA,?303???AWAW6W??JAJAIA??????w,w?,1,?1,????,127,12???????000,000,J,?us??t a????dvdve?vertver??iseis?d,d??I I?????ly? l ????e te ththith???????onuon???waw??terte?, ,??????I wI wawaswa??susururpur?ririsri?sedsed d td th??????? 1 ???????x x????????????ameam???priprici????at ??ege?", "output": " per 8-1/2-oz serving.\"\n2827,B0085G4ACA,AXYDMSXPFUHC6,\"Sammie \"\"Sam\"\"\",1,1,5,1276128000,My favorite flavor!!,Pineapple is hands down my favorite flavor of Vita Coco! It not only serves a great electrolyte replenishing beverage (aka the PERFECT hangover cure) but it can also be made into a pinacolada if you just add some rum :)\n2828,B0085G4ACA,A30YFAW61JAIWC,kmw,1,1,4,1275264000,Just as advertised,\"I really like this coconut water, but I was surprised that per 17oz box it's the same price at Wegm"} +{"input": "??n'n's's.s. .??????aba?lyly y w ??n'?t t?beb??oro?dedere?iningn??????in in????ese?? t tht??ereer??????????sorso??????did??????t.t?\"\"???????000?8585G5G4G??CAC???????????HGH??URU?,\",???drd??e \"e ?????re????ou ou?gogo~o??\"\"\"\"\"??1,1,1????????303?242??00,00??wew?esoes?omeome e te ?????inging!g!,!??HeH?ara??? ab abob??t ??????????k k f ?roromro? a??????????????????o o??ryr??iti?????? o?nen?e we ??????????elelilin?? a??d d ld ??????it?!!!?!! !!????ata???n n? th t?he he????????enjen????inging ??it.it?..?????as as? th??????ing,ing, ,? I I??hoh?oulouldl??bo????????ototh??? o????\"\"2\"?28328?30,30?,B0,B???????ACAAC?????????RJRJCJCDC???????????hewhew w?\"\"\"\"b\"\"???ch?ewe??\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\"?3,3,4,?,3,3,,3,1??414???202?00000??????aca????????????e fe fr???????? t?? 1?????????I ??ububsb????be? t? to ?th????momon?th?ly?? bu butu??juj??? g????? an an", "output": "an's. Probably won't be ordering again unless there's some sort of discount.\"\n2829,B0085G4ACA,A3U5ZDYHUHGVUR,\"Andre \"\"There you go~\"\"\",1,1,5,1269302400,Awesome tasting!,\"Heard about this drink from a friend and had to try it. Had one while traveling and loved it!!! I sat on the plane enjoying it...I was thinking, I should bought another one!\"\n2830,B0085G4ACA,A3NUID8RJCDDR9,\"beechew \"\"beechew\"\"\",3,4,3,1341792000,Um package change from 17oz to 16.9oz??,I subscribe to this monthly but just got an "} +{"input": "?????l l?sts????????????iti??s s???hanhang?in????roromo? 1 ?????. .??o o 1??.9.9 9 o oz o?? - ? b ?utu???o o po ??icicec???ha????????OWO????hathat'???a a??????? l lal????cuc?ut ut?? to to?????????e te th???r r????fif?? m ma??gigin???????hat???erer ?? w ?ono????mim?????the? . ?1 1?? oz. oz?. o. ?bvbviv????ly????ut ???????????t met m???aga????????? ac a?knk?nowno?lel???gin????ou????ev????????onsonsus?me?rsrs.???????B0B000??????CAC???????V9V?8S8????O,O???MBM??\"\"\"?btbtrt??e\"e??\",\"?2,2?3,3?????464646494????00,00????? c???o,o,\",\"I,\"I ???????ed ted ????pip??????le? f flf??vovoror ??es???????y ay ??????frifr????????? cock coc???il?? pa p????????????ed??itit ???o mo ?????it???????? to ??makma??e pe ?????co?????s.s. s. I ??t ct ?????????te?d ?th???drd????? so s?o wo ???ll!ll!!!??ThT?he he???ottot?????s ars a?re re", "output": "email stating that it's changing from 17 oz. to 16.9 oz. - but no price change? WOW that's a really lame cut to increase their profit margins. Whatever I won't miss the .1 oz. obviously but how about messaging and acknowledging your devoted consumers.\n2831,B0085G4ACA,AGXQRV98SWUFO,\"DMB \"\"btrue\"\"\",2,3,5,1246492800,vita coco,\"I tasted the pineapple flavor yesterday at a friend's cocktail party. She used it to mix with rum to make pina coladas. It complimented the drink so well!! The bottles are "} +{"input": "???alalll?y y??re?ttttyty ?????????p p?????????d od ?utu????????ara?ty? a?s s????ll ll?????r r?/>/><>??r r /r ???? ha h??????ene??drd??nknkikin??????????coco ??oror ?a a wa ???lel????w w???nd nd??susuaual??? d???????heh????0%0?? pu p???, ,? bu b?? I ???????th?e ???av?or???toto to b??e se ???h h?? t tr tre??at at ( ???et et? st stit????ve????????th?y)y?! !??????iai????y ay ?ftf???r a?????g g wg ????ou?t.t?????????00??5G5????A,A?A1A?9T9?RCR?????????????????,4,???????040????,\",????asa????did?ctcte?d ?d tod t???thithisis ???ufu?????????wh?il???, b, ?ut?????re re?????????????,\"I,\"?????hi??????ualualil?????nd??th??? pr p?ricricec???is is?????????sp????ialiallllyll?y wy ????h sh ????????????and-and????????ia ia??????????t ?t aft a?fteft?er er??on???????????in?ing ing??o o ko kekeeeepee???? w wi w??ith ith", "output": "really pretty to set up and hand out at a party as well =)

I have been drinking Vita Coco for a while now and usually drink the 100% pure, but I find the flavors to be such a treat (yet still very healthy)! Especially after a long workout.\"\n2832,B0085G4ACA,A19TRCEMTGT6JC,Dan,0,0,4,1350604800,\"I was addicted to this stuff for a while, but wore myself out\",\"It's high-quality and the price is right, especially with subscribe-and-save via Prime, but after months of trying to keep up with "} +{"input": "??? s ?????riripi??ioi????? h hah?d d?toto o???? i ???on?? ho h???. . ??????oto?t at ????????tet?r r?drd??nknkekerer,er?????????? s st s???? h?asa?s as a ???????ctc?t ft ?lal???r ?anandn?????n n???u'u'r'rer???sis?ngn?g ig ???as????????-o-??t ?bebeve???agageg????ourou???or or?????? ti timi?ese???? we weae?k k? it it t et eveveeven???ala????wew???s s os ?????u.u. ? O ?????????????sts???I'I??????ll??????????nd nd? it it, it, ?juj?ustus???on?'t't t Ot ??????????y Iy ???diddid.???282838?????080?5G5?4A4ACA??,A,???????7S7???QQ??????????9,9,0,0,0????,1,131?494?040???00???hehe he? an ansn???r ??????ll ???youryou????ama?pip??g g pg prp?????msm?.,.?\"O\"??igigiig?inainal???? I I??as??tu??ne??d od ofo???y ??hi?s ???odo?????????? I ????te????????regregug?la??r fr fl?av??????ncncenc?e Ie I I hI ?????????verversrsirsio????itithit?? pi p????pppplplelesles,s?", "output": "my subscription, I had to put it on hold. I'm not a big water drinker, but this stuff has a distinct flavor and when you're using it as a work-out beverage four or five times a weak it eventually wears on you. Or me, at least. I'd still recommend it, just don't OD the way I did.\"\n2833,B0085G4ACA,A4C1XW57S6QQQ,Chenelle9,0,0,5,1349049600,The answer to all your Cramping problems.,\"Originally I was turned of by this product when I tasted the regular flavor. Once I had the version with pineapples, "} +{"input": "?I I???? i ??ststat??tlt???hoh?????? I I ??ses?? t tot??gegete? a ??lol????f f s st?????? c crc???psp??an?d d?????mpsmp???? m ????????. S. SiS????????ava????incincoinc???or?ata???????????in?? d ?aia?ly??????as?? ai a??????? d?igi?gesgest??ve?? sy s???????????blb???????tedte??ala?????? my m???????ouous??? cra cram????proprobobloblel????????ououlou?d ???cocom????? V ViV????CoCoco?????????????my???ririeri??????nd?nd fnd faf?????.\".???838?4,4????858?G4G4A4??????GWGWTW?4Z4ZIZ?2O2?434???,k,?cac??????de????n,n???????????????0000,00,V,Vi???????????ithit?h Ph PiP?inein???????????e ?BEBESE???yeyet????OfO????all all? th???flf???or???Vi??a ?a Coa C??????prodpro??cecesces,s, ,??? the the P ??nen??????le cle ???bib????io????s ??y ???ar ar t? the?????? -????????s js juj??t ???ou???h fh ?flafl???r r? to??ke???p ip ", "output": "I was instantly hooked. I used to get a lot of stomach cramps and cramps in my feet. Since I have incorporated this drink daily it has aided my digestive system and obliterated all of my previous cramp problems. I would recommend Vita Coco to all of my friends and family.\"\n2834,B0085G4ACA,A3GWT4ZI2O43SH,kcarrolldesign,0,0,5,1349049600,Vita Coco with Pineapple - the BEST yet!,\"Of all the flavors Vita Coco produces, the Pineapple combination is by far the best - it has just enough flavor to keep i"} +{"input": "?? i ????rer???in?g g?bub??t nt ??????ererper???er?in??.\".\"\"2282838?5,5????????ACACAC???1G1?RJR?9J9???????F,F??????????? W ????????????5,15,????85385313121202???viviti????ococo?,T,?heh??pipininein???plp??????????? co como???????on?? is i?????????in??ing. ing. I ??????cic????? l ???e e te ?hahat????erereer?e ie isi?????adaddd??d d???gag????Th????? is is???we?lcl????ed ed???????e fe ???om om?ot?heherher r???????????????00??????ACAACA,?AXAXAX?MPM??4P4?????O,O??ete?th,th,0???0,50,5,??34?797929????00,????frefr??hi??????????lilicli?cioci?usu????????????????rodro??ctc???so so???uchuc? I I I?ha?ve??????????verve???d md mom??th???? ?SoS?? ha h?????tot????e de ??in??in??? th????at???ororkr??????le le? my m?y cy co??wo?????s ??????stustuc????itithit?h ph ??????????s ss ?so ?????res?hihinhinghin????and and??????taltalilizli", "output": "t interesting but not overpowering.\"\n2835,B0085G4ACA,A1GRJ9J3GF0N5F,Carolann E Watson,0,0,5,1348531200,vita coco,The pineapple coconut combination is refreshing. I especially like that there is no added sugar. This is a welcomed change from other brands.\n2836,B0085G4ACA,AXAMPK4P6TWEO,Beth,0,0,5,1347926400,Refreshing and Delicious,I like this product so much I have it delivered monthly! So happy to be drinking this at work while my co-workers are stuck with pop! It's so refreshing and revitaliz"} +{"input": "??ngn?? T ??e e???????ocococonconun???wawata?erer r???ava?oro????lil??e ??s s p pipin????????! ! T???nsn??????????ili?????? s ??or???s e????ly?ly wly wiwiti?? t ????????w-w-o-?on on t?opop.p???838373???????G4G??CAC??A1A181818?3F3?4E4EJE???3H3???LaL??rir??a a??.,.?0,0?????????848404000000000???y ???avoavor??iteite,e???ala?????????l l?re?frfre?shs??????henhe? I ???ri??? t?hihis?? co c????ut? w wa wat??er.er? T??he he p???????plepl??gigivi?eses es i ?? a?????ded?d ?exextx?ra? t?????mam???s s is itit it tit tr???ly ly ily ?rrr??????ibi?????ItIt ????????n n a?? fi fir????avavo?????? of of f? mi m??????? f fo for??????ly???????????28328????????G4???A,A,AA,?2222222W22?????656?R5R????StS???y y \"y ??????mkm?ke\"ke???,0,0,,0,0,0,???5,15,??1345134?161????00,????t t Ft ?????r-r??LiLigi???t bt ?ut?????frefr?esheshi????,\"I,\"????????quq?it???????ew ew v ", "output": "ing! The only coconut water flavor I like is pineapple! Transports easily and stores easily with the screw-on top.\n2837,B0085G4ACA,A1813F4EJK73HA,Latrina O.,0,0,5,1347840000,My Favorite,I always feel refreshed when I drink this coconut water. The pineapple gives it an added extra that makes it truly irresistible. It has been a firm favorite of mine now for nearly a year.\n2838,B0085G4ACA,A222W9OFZ65R5U,\"Stacy \"\"sllemke\"\"\",0,0,5,1345161600,Best Flavor- Light but Refreshing,\"I tried quite a few v"} +{"input": "??ririei?titie?s s o ?f f??hihisi?????ndn? a ???d td ???????eae????e ??is is???e ????t.t? L LiL?????bub?t ?rer?frf?resre??hinhi???. . I ???m m?nonoto???uru????f f If I ??????? it i?????a a?mim??racraclc???ele??xex?r r? or o?r ar an????thinthi?? b?ut??????d d pd pup???hah??e ??a ca ?asasease ?e ane a?????okok ?fof???ar?d d t????????in?? t????????? r ??gug?lal?? b ba b????. ????hanhank??yoy?u u f fo????the??grg?reareata?t vt ???????????on???ninieienie??e,e, ,????zozon?.\".?2??????000080858???????A3A??????161??????,b,????,0,?????????????606???????d ad ?????ef????hi?????I uI usu?????tat???ococo??cococcococonco?ut???watwatet?er er?????????eaeapea?pplpp???toto ?mi?? w???? m my m????????mem?ealea????utrut???tiotion?alal al??supsu???ememe??t ?????????? we w?????andand and tand ??????????t.t.It.?I hI ha?ve? i?? f fo f?or or? br bre?reakreakfkfafasastas???ve?", "output": "arieties of this brand and the pineapple is the best. Light but refreshing. I am not sure if I think it is a miracle elixer or anything but I did purchase a case and look forward to drinking this on a regular basis. Thank you for the great value and convenience, Amazon.\"\n2839,B0085G4ACA,A3EQ8J31671HG3,bill,0,0,5,1341273600,cold and refreshing,I use vita coco coconut water with pineapple to mix with my ultra-meal nutritional supplement it mixes well and taste great.I have it for breakfast ever"} +{"input": "???mom???????2????,B,??????4A4ACA?A,A,A,??PBP????7U7?DJD??CPC??????dad?ndndidi,i????0,20,???333???444484??00,00,N,??t t???? g ??eaeata???t.t.,.?????? p ??odo?????dod?esesnes??t ???vev??th?e ?????te??? t???????I I??????JaJ?mbm??????conco???t wt ????er,er, ,?bub????t't???ha??d d??rorodro?ducdu?ct ct??? f ???d.d???I pI pup?rcr????ede?d td ?thith?is is????????????an???????non????????????, ?????itit'it?'s 's?????????le le w whw??n n? it it' it's???colco??????alalll????colcoldcol????reareasrea?ono?n wn ??y ?????aveav????? tw t???st????).)?? I??????ed ed? th t?he he?????onuon????watwateterte???he???????as???????????eeee ??? i?? it r it ??realreall??y ty ??astas??? b?????likli????somso?e ?ofof ?ththe? r??viv??wsws ?????d ad ??? s??ureur???no????, ?th???y wy ?er??e re ???????2?84?1,1???00800???G4AG4??A,?????V8V?7G7??494??????ad?", "output": "y morning.\n2840,B0085G4ACA,A2PBF8V7UDJ5CP,Berudandi,0,0,2,1337644800,Not the greatest.,\"This product doesn't have the greatest taste. I like Jamba coconut water, but it's hard product to find. I purchased this to try out and I'm not liking it, but it's tolerable when it's cold; really cold (reason why I gave it two stars). I tried the coconut water when it was warm to see if it really tastes bad like some of the reviews said and sure enough, they were right.\"\n2841,B0085G4ACA,A2X6V87G249FL4,madg"} +{"input": "?????nenere????????????383?565606000??YuYumu?mym?!,!??f f?yoy?u u???veven????????cococo????t ????er? w ??????????pppplp?e e?juj?ici?e ??efe???????????????neene?d d td ????ryr? t?hih?s!s????mpmpl??y dy ???ic?ioiou?s s?ana??????????th?y ?fo?r r??????????,B,?00?85????CACA,A,A,A6A??FUF???QJQ???NLNL,L???harha??lesle???mnm?,0?,0,0,0,???????555575???00????ama????re??? T ???te?????????or?????f if it????,\"B,\"?igi?????isis is??lwl?waywa???be??te?????nd? t????at iat ?????t ?????t st ????sas???, , I, ???id?. .????gog?ot ot t?uru????????????coccococon???????er????ououtout ?a a??eaearea???gogo go? an??d s?in?cece ce t????????ve ve??ot???beebe?????lele le? to?????????ougou???of? i ???? I??fofoufo??nd ???????????????????is tis ?the? b be???????andan?d ad araroar?????. . T. ThThe??pi????????le fle ??avavoavor?", "output": "ardener,0,0,5,1337385600,Yummy!,If you haven't had coconut water with pineapple juice before then you need to try this! Simply delicious and so healthy for you!\n2842,B0085G4ACA,A6XFUR2QJP5NL,Charles85mn,0,0,5,1335571200,\"Same Great Taste, just More of it!\",\"Bigger is always better, and that is not what she said, I did. I got turned on to coconut water about a year ago and since then have not been able to get enough of it. I found that Vita Coco, is the best brand around. The pineapple flavor "} +{"input": "?????? g ??eae????????nen???s ts ??????omo?plp?????tsts ???? c ???conconun??t wt ???ere???????????? a a??refrefrf??shshih??????????t ?quq??encenchc???????????gege.e???? h ?havha??? re r??en?tltlyly y b?ege?ana???o ?drd?ininkin????rere re d ??ue ue???? th????at???re ??????y jy ??b b? so so ?I ??ono??t ?????mp mp??? i ?in in????????s.s. ?pl??s ??iti??? al a?l l t? the the the?nu??????????and?? be??????s,s?, w, whw?hathatshat??s th??ereer?e n????to???lilikli?e.???it??? su s???crc?ribri?be be??ndn????ve????? c?an?????enc????y ?th?iri??t t at ??y ???????of of??ea?r.r?. . T ?ha?????????????o,o?, y, ??u u s? sur su?relre?? h ha???ve ave a ????velve?????ncnch? o ?????cocococoncoco??nutsnut?????????3,3?B0B?080?5G5G4G???A,A??8A8??161???1Q1?9M9???????????ne?r,r???????????797???????es?t ?????conuconut? w ??teterer er?????or?? an?d ????", "output": "has a great sweetness that compliments the coconut water to create a refreshing, thirst quenching beverage. I have recently began to drink more due to the nature of my job so I don't cramp up in my hands. plus with all the nutrients and benefits, whats there not too like. With subscribe and save, I can quench my thirst any time of year. Thanks vita coco, you surely have a lovely bunch of coconuts!!!\"\n2843,B0085G4ACA,A8A616OW1Q9M5,Vito Wagner,0,0,5,1334793600,Best coconut water flavor and size"} +{"input": ",,\",?I I????e e?????tatasa??e e oe ????he? V ??vav? C ?ocococ? w ?iti?? P PiP????pppplp????IfI?f If ???asas as? li l?kek?ninin?g g i ?????o ao ?a ca ????onon n d ?rir?inkin??????? a ??mem?ltl??? v ?iri???????inain??Co?lalada??.<.T>?he??171??????oxo????ara????ete???r r fr ?????me me t???n ?th??????therthe??sis?zez?????becbe?aua?????he?y y?coconco???in??????????ala????le le l???s ?inin ?cacasca?? y ??????on'on??????nkn? i?? a??? a??????e.?????????????th ?al??l cl ?cocco?con???t wt wawatwa????????????st????cancan n vn ????y sy ????hth??y,y??, bu, b???? the the ?pipinineineaeapeapp??le ?se???????????p p i?? it p it prpre?????co?conscon????????\"\"??848????????G4G??CAC??????????N1N?USUSDS?????seaksea??yay???????,0,,0?5,5??33333?8484384??????nunus?uau?al al??la?vovoror.or?.......??...,...,G,???d ???ir?st???ueu????herhe??. M. MiM??????????hih", "output": ",\"I love the taste of the Viva Coco with Pineapple. If I was likening it to a common drink, it's a melted virgin Pina Colada.
The 17 oz boxes are better for me than the other sizes, because they contain the resealable lids in case you don't drink it all at once.
As with all coconut waters, the taste can vary slightly, but the pineapple seems to keep it pretty consistant.\"\n2844,B0085G4ACA,A2GL3WLEN1USDG,seakayaker,0,0,5,1333843200,Unusual flavor......,Good thirst quencher. Milky and thi"} +{"input": "????r r????n n????xpxpepece?tet??. . N NoN???whw??t ??I wI ??ululdl???????a a??????ppp?????lalavavovoror ????????????n gn ????????idided????t ?????????????..??????B0B???????CACA,A,A,????VLV?????929??,M,????helhe?llell?????,5,?5,15,?????84??????y y? af a?teterte????????????p,p,\",???lolovo????the? P PiP?????????????onuonut? w???er?. ???????hih?ghgh h i??n pn ?ot???????. ?. I . I? am a????rur??al??mam??l ???rrrririei??? an a??????? t?? b ?e e oe ou???t int i???????ot? w we wea??the?r.r. ?. In. In ?n thn t???? aft afteterternter??on?on Ion I ???t t ht ??t,t??drd???????d td ??iri??tyty.y?. I. I ????trt????g g?? to to???ses??????hth??sos?o Io ?????at?ch??ing? m?y y cy ?calca?lorlori??s.s?. W. ???????is is???t ??and????ld? b??ut ????????????encen??? my my my t??hirhi????????s s ss ??ufu????oeoesoes ????the tthe trtritr?ickick.k. ?. It. I?????ncn?chech", "output": "cker then I expected. Not what I would call a pineapple flavor but one can get the idea it is pineapple.\n2845,B0085G4ACA,AK30VLNO1992F,Michelle,0,0,5,1333584000,My afternoon pick-up,\"I love the Pineapple/Coconut water. It is high in potassium. I am a rural mail carrier and have to be out in the hot weather. In the afternoon I get hot, dry, and thirsty. I am trying to lose weight so I'm watching my calories. Water is wet and cold but doesn't quench my thirst. This stuff does the trick. It quenche"} +{"input": "s? m mym??tht????t t???????vevese??mem? a? l lil???lel???ici????????r r t???????erernr?ooo???????kek??????e ?gog???????hi??s os ????y hy hah???6060 0 c ?ala????es? p ?er??ses???iningin????o o t? tha th???isi?????h h???esses??ththath?an an a????????lolorlo?ieie ie???atoat?oraor????. I. ???ece??mmm?menme?????????o ?????? l lo loo?kikin?ing ing???? a?????altal?thyth???altaltealt???at?iv???????he????gag???y sy ??????????nkn???\"\"2?848???B0B??????ACA??,A,?18?J4J?E9E??9M9????????????,0,0,,0??,1,????414???????????t ??ueu???chich?ing??\"i\"?? lo?ve? t???e pe pie p?????plp????? the the?beb?estest.t???hadha??? h ?harha?d d td ?????????in?ing ??thithisthi???? t??? the s the ??ororeor?,t?he?y ?geg?t t yt yay?a ha hohoo?ookeookede?d a????nd thnd t???n sn ??stopsto?????????????i i hi ??ve?ve tve trt?rieri??? th? the ????er??????dsds s o?? c?oco?conco?utu?????er?er b?ut?? i' i", "output": "s my thirst and gives me a little pick-up for the afternoon and keeps me going. This only has 60 calories per serving, so that is much less than a 180 calorie Gatorade. I recommend this to those looking for a healthy alternative to the sugary sports drinks.\"\n2846,B0085G4ACA,A18J4E9R9M1YB6,barb,0,0,5,1326412800,thirst quenching,\"i love the pineapple the best. had a hard time finding this at the store,they get ya hooked and then stop carring it.i have tried the other brands of coconut water but i'"} +{"input": "?m m??????non?????viviningn?????m,m??? i ????ntn?t ot ono??in???????inging g tg ?o ???????hih?s s???ana?d d ad ?????theth????????asa????? m ??m'm?s ????pyp? a ??? s ??? is i??evevev????oneon????ses?! !???lovloveve ve t th the th???vitvi????ococo?????848?7,7???080??G4G?????ARA?????EUE??HMH????KaKata???????? L LeL???,0,????5,5,1,131?252?898??404????????????at??er er w wi witithit? P ???????lele.e???YuY???y!y???ho???t at ??????????????he he?prpror????????s ?????????fuf??????oconoco??? t???tete e ae ???and tand ?thethe the??in??????le le? ad a?did????? i? is is? li l?ghg??????? mi m????y ?sws????. . . I. I I? wi??l l cl cec??????ly?????????e ?ththith?is is???aiain???????????85??????A,AA,?292???TTT?111171???S9S??\"M\"??di??sonso??????ie ie?\"\"\"\"L\"???etettette? i??n Wn ???coconco??inin\"in?\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?????4,4,1??????20200??0,\"0,??in???llyll?? a", "output": "m just not loving them,so i went online hoping to find this brand and there it was.now mom's happy and so is everyone else! love the vita coco!\"\n2847,B0085G4ACA,AR7TAEEUDHMUB,Kathryn S. Leon,0,0,5,1325894400,Coconut Water with Pineapple...Yummy!,Short and brief. The product has a wonderful coconut taste and the pineapple addition is light and mildly sweet. I will certainly purchase this again.\n2848,B0085G4ACA,A291HTT117RVS9,\"MadisonVeggie \"\"Lynette in Wisconsin\"\"\",0,0,4,1324512000,\"Finally, a"} +{"input": "??coc???nun???waw?????????keke\"e?,\",??'v'?? a ala??waywa???????tedte??tot???ik?e ????con?ut?? wa???r r -r - -???w w??n n????ororir??s,s?????h h? in in ???inein????s ?- ?????I'I'vI'?ve ve??usu?t ?nen?????li??kedke???heh?e te tat?st??e me mum??????????inine?????e ???ici?e e ie ?in in t th t????rereaeal?lyly y??aka???s as ?????fef?ereerene?cece.ce??ItI???stist?llll l n ????s s ts ?to to?beb?e we wew?llll ll???????ed ed??o ??? g ???????butbu?t it iti??????kes kes a?? he h?ealea??thyth?????st-st??or?????ut dut ?ririnri?????282????B0B?????4A4ACA?A,A,A,??Z3Z????2W2??????????e e Re ???ne??,0,??,0,,0??,1,?323232??????????????ou??????I ???????????? t????e e ae an??d dd ??in?kik???? th the??? af aftf?ter?? my my ?????????????? l lo?ses?e ne ???????? f flf????ds ds??ut?????nerneraner?alsals/als??????min?s ?s ans a??d t?????? hel he????s res r?????????yoyou???. W. ?", "output": " coconut water I like\",\"I've always wanted to like coconut water - low in calories, high in minerals - but I've just never liked the taste much. The pineapple juice in this really makes a difference. It still needs to be well chilled to be good, but it makes a healthy post-workout drink.\"\n2849,B0085G4ACA,A1Z3XWG2W5GOHP,Nite Runner,0,0,5,1323648000,delicious!!!,I love buying these and drinking them after my workout. You lose not just fluids but minerals/vitamins and this helps replenish you. Wa"} +{"input": "??????s s??????tot?oo oo f fof????????oo??bubutut t????ususts?t lt ?ovo?????esesese e pe ?osost?????kok???? ???heyhe???rer?e ae ??sos??????d fd ????ananynytytitimi??e we ??henhen n?yoyouyo????oulou?d ??useus?e ae a e a s ????????????????al al?????k k??lil????????????t t wt ???t t mt ???k ???? so sod?a a o oror or wor ?watwa????bu???wa?????somsomemetme??in?g g????styst?y ay ???d rd ??frf?resreshs??????2???????080???4A4???????0303Q3?4P4??LQL??????JaJ???e ???????????BoB?ookoo???or????????0,0,50,???313????525??00,00??????ut? W ????er,er?,\"A,\"????? r ??????? a???ut????e ???nenefe?iti??s os ?f f????????ut wut ??watewat???? I I?????dededed d td ?????ve? t???? b ??ranrandn????trtryry.y???? I h I ?ava???tr??iedied ?? f fe f?w w? ot o?the?r ?r brr b??????wiw?ithith h a? j ju j?ici?????de????????ut thut t??hey hey???l l?ha?????lotlo??of????tr????sodso?diudiumum.m?. ?", "output": "ter is good too for you too but I just love these post-workout. They are also good for anytime when you could use a sweet but natural drink (like you don't want milk or soda or water but want something tasty and refreshing).\n2850,B0085G4ACA,A3I03Q4PSLQMCE,\"Janie Orsborn \"\"Book Worm\"\"\",0,0,5,1314835200,Coconut Water,\"After reading about the benefits of coconut water, I decided to give this brand a try. I have tried a few other brands with a juice added, but they all have lot of extra sodium. B"} +{"input": "?????rer?e te ??????????e ???????. .? S ??mem?e he ????????? p pop????ssiss??? i inin n t???m ?????n tn ??????????????raran???. . ?I I?fefeleltel?????e ??????waw?as as??betbe???r r f fo f??r mr mym???usu?????? to t???rir??????anan an?????ra?dede.e. . H. ?e e we ???????n n an a/a????ur??inging g?????su??memerme?r ar ??and ???????t it ?? t?? the the???atat at a ??l l?????????.\".???????????85G85??ACA?????????L8L8383Y3?????\"C\"CyC?ntnth????????eme???????yndyndid?\"\"\"\"\"\"\"??0,0??,5,????141?83??????YuY?ummum?my,my,L,?????????pip???eapea????e fe ?????or.or. . M. ??????me??????? li l?ikeik?e Ie I ?amam m om on??????atiatioi?on ?dr?in???????????????la??a.a??(Y(YoYou???rorobo?babba??y y cy ?couco???d ad ???d a???????le le??umum um??????..???ReRea?ll?y ?ta???teste?s bs ??bettbette?r ?th?thantha??????r ????ea????e ??????????watwate???s Is ??", "output": "e sure to read the labels. Some have less potassium in them than the Via Coco brand. I felt like this was better for my husband to drink than Gatorade. He works on a/c during the summer and is out in the heat all day long.\"\n2851,B0085G4ACA,AYLIRZL83YRAG,\"Cynthia K. Kemp \"\"Cyndi\"\"\",0,0,5,1314835200,Yummy,Love the pineapple flavor. Makes me feel like I am on vacation drinking a pina colada. (You probably could add a little rum and.....)Really tastes better than other pineapple coconut waters I h"} +{"input": "?ava??????ede?!!!???858525???000?85?????A,A?A8A?8M8?WWW???NMN?S1S181?,T,ThTheh?e Ee ???lilisi?h h?????,0,??,0,,0,5,?,1,?31313?797???00??GoGooo?????r r u ????????mom????ie?????ThiTh???prprorododuod????is??? g gog??d ????iti??onon ?tot???rur?????momoomo?th???????ItI?????nsn?? it i???????hi?lele ???addiadd??g g? go g??ood ood?????e e a?ndn?d ed elele?ct??????????wh?ici?h ?????gogoogo????????? t??he he v ???????????????r.r????????,B0,B????85G485G4A??CA,CA,A?7B7?????H7H???0Y0?,J,???? A ???rorowro???????5,?1313113?131?93936360600?00,A00,????????,\"I,\"?????ve ve?????is wis ????er!er???? st stat???????uyu??inging ing i it???ftfte???mym??BiB???amam m??ogo???clc????sesse??????????????, , a?ndnd nd n ??? d?????? it????ene?eve?ver?? I ???el??? l???tltlele le????hydhy????atedated.d????iviviv???ing iing ?in in??????I tI ?tente???????????????k ek ", "output": "ave tried!!\n2852,B0085G4ACA,A88MWW63NMS18,The English Lady,0,0,5,1313798400,Good for use in smoothies,\"This product is a good addition to fruit smoothies. It thins it out while adding good taste and electrolytes, which are good during the very hot weather.\"\n2853,B0085G4ACA,A7BIUZ4H7NA0Y,Jori A Brown,0,0,5,1313193600,Awesome,\"I love this water! I started buying it after my Bikram yoga classes to rehydrate, and now drink it whenever I feel a little dehydrated. Living in AZ, I tend to not drink e"} +{"input": "??ouougu???????r r???????ses????lplp p???eme??????sls???ana?nd nd??re? d ??lil????ousous ous??ooo?! !????y ?th?em?????ou'ou'l'llll l???????kekede??:):?\"\"?282??4,4??000??????CAC????QWQ?O6O???QPQPUP?KZK?2,2???regre?????????lol???,0,?????,1,131???28428?808???0,V0,?????CoCoc??????erer er??????so??me,me?Vi?ta?????? w?at???r ir ??? ta t??te? g grgre????????itsit???f f o ?? m ??xex????p ??n n????momooootoo??iei???ItI? i is i?s gs ?gregreae???fof???????????atiatio?????te??r ar ????orkorkok???t at an?d ???as as m????e pe pop????sis???? th tha??n a? B Ba Ban?an?ana.ana??28285??5,B5,?????????A,?A6A6C6?6N6???A1A?????????KoK?????,0?????????898939343???00,00???CEC?LLL?ENE????? S ??????? T TH T?E E??????AC?????INI?????ONTON?????? T TH THE THE ????TASTA??UMU? O?? 2 ?????AN???????????EL??CTCTRTRO?LILIT??????????????", "output": "nough water so these help tremendously and are delicious too! Try them! You'll be hooked :)\"\n2854,B0085G4ACA,A3QWO6TEQPUKZ2,Gregory L. Block,0,0,5,1312848000,Vita Coco Water is Awsome,Vita coco water is taste great by itself or mixed up in a smoothie. It is great for re-hydration after a workout and has more potassium than a Banana.\n2855,B0085G4ACA,A6C6N8DA1ROQI,J. Koontz,0,0,5,1258934400,EXCELLENT,IT SAYS ON THE BOX EACH DRINK CONTAINS: THE POTASIUM OF 2 BANANAS & MORE ELECTROLITES THAN A SPOR"} +{"input": "?TST?????????????????HTHT T S ?EEE?M M?????TTTTLTLEL??HIH??????RICRI??D D??????O O??O ?GRG??ECE???????ORO???BU???2 2 B BA BANA?????S &S & &??????ORTOR????RIRINRI???S AS ??D D YD YOY?U U???LLLL L P?AYAY Y MY ?OR???TO?????????E SE SAS?MEME ????RI?TIT?ONO???YOUYOU ?GE?T T FT ?????? J JUJ?ICI?? B BO BOXOX X??F F??????COCOCO??????WAWATATETERE?.........???565???000??85G85G4G???A,A??W7W??V7V7K7???????,\",?TuT????a a \" ????????,0???,1,?????434??0000,00,D,??lil?cicioi?usus s a anandnd d?ReReje?uvu????tit?ngng,g,\"??????????orore?????uriurin??g, g, a??nd nd??ftf?ere??? w wow?orkor?ou?t.t. ?Gr????????ur??l l??????rorolo??????, V, ???y y?hih?ghg??in??????sss????????????????rinri?????hi???isi???y ?faf?vov???te? f ????or?, , t, ??????????????ndnd\"nd?2282?85785??????85G????CA,CA???TPT?PR6PR6C6?K4K???GRPGR???B.B. ???ixi??eirei?a,a?,0,??0,50,?5,15,?12512", "output": "TS DRINK. THEY MIGHT SEEM A LITTLE HIGH PRICED BUT GO TO GROECERY STORE BUY 2 BANANAS & 2 SPORTS DRINKS AND YOU WILL PAY MORE TO GET THE SAME NUTRITION YOU GET FROM 1 JUICE BOX OF THIS COCONUT WATER...\n2856,B0085G4ACA,AW70V7K6Y06JY,\"Turiya \"\"O\"\"\",0,0,5,1258243200,Delicious and Rejuvenating,\"Great before, during, and after a workout. Great natural electrolytes, Very high in potassium, amazing drink! This is my favorite flavor, tangerine is 2nd\"\n2857,B0085G4ACA,A2TPR6CK4KGRP6,B. Teixeira,0,0,5,125"} +{"input": "????????????ata????ststet?? n ??cece e f ??????????????????e e ce ???????,G,???at???rea?????coconco?utu??yoy?unu?? c??ocoocono?????????e. e.??????heh????uau????ve??whw?helhe?mim?ng?????etet ?????? s se s?eenee????? ot oththe?r r?? coc coco??ut? w waw??er? c???nened? d ?rir???s.s. ???oooodo? o??n tn ???e ee ?nvnviviriror??????. ???????in in??raraza??il.il??EvE??n ?????terte??????? c ca???re????? t ta tasastasteast??th?????ruiru????lablabe????ed ??????the the pthe ?????ctc????sis???? t??? c?? coco cocon??ut ?wawatwate?ter ter? ta??????858???????85G85G4G4A4??????YHY?XAX???CLC?????????????mi??? \" \"\"\"\"F\"??oodood ?lol???er\"er???,0,0,0,00,???????242?545?????????? co?????????bestbes?????t ????ly ly? do d????ViVitVitata ta c co?????avaveav??e the t?he ??besbestbest best t??????...?mum??h h b ??tttte?????????????????anandan?d sd sls?igi?hth?ly??", "output": "4787200,great taste. nice fruit flavor. serve chilled,Great real coconut young coconut taste. Not the usual overwhelming sweet taste seen on other coconut water canned drinks. Good on the environment. Made in Brazil. Even better. You can really taste the fruit labelled on the product besides the coconut water taste\n2858,B0085G4ACA,A2YHXAZLCLDT8D,\"Mark Smith \"\"Food lover\"\"\",0,0,5,1252454400,Vita coco is best,\"Not only does Vita coco have the best taste ..much better than ONE
and slightly b"} +{"input": "??ttttet?? t tht????ZiZ???, ,?bub?t t n ??w w t?heh?? h ???? t? the th?????????ckc???eT/>??isi????w ????ew? t to topop p?is????reare????? t????e te toto to tto th?e ?????????????an?d d??????????
???????CoCococ c?waw??er??????????esestest t rt ?????????r r ar ??? I IMI???ViV?????ococooc?? is is is? th? the the b? bes best?. /?I I????????titici????whwhe??n In ?I sI ??ararcr??hedhed ???????ut ut w??ateaterate??????mam????????? th tha thatat?co??o ????????ber?? on o?????so??be??auaususe? t? the???ar??e ve ??otiot??g ???ithit? t? thi th?erer ?pupuru?rchrchahashase???????595??B0B?080???????????BOB????434?4I4IBIBZB?????eateath??? L ???KoKor??antan???????\"HK\"HK\"K?????9,19,??,1,?", "output": "etter than Zito, but now they have the best package

This new screw top is great to take to the gym, hiking and biking.

Coc water is the best re-hyrator and IMO Vita coco is the best.
I also noticed when I searched coconut water on amazon.com that
vita coco comes up number one, so others seem to think that vita
coco is number one also because they are voting with thier purchases.\"\n2859,B0085G4ACA,A2JBOCCC434IBZ,\"Heather L. Koranteng \"\"HK\"\"\",9,14,1,"} +{"input": "????252??242???,N,NuN???????nan?? c coc???ene???????????????d d d ??ese??????lil??e e??? t to t? w ?hah??'s'????????e le ??????,\",\"A\"????rdrdidiningn? t to to to??an an a??titicti???e oe ?on ?CNCNNN????? o on o????????? t??????utrut????on???? co c??onteont?enten?????? thi th?????ranrand????oesoe?s n????lilivli?????p tp ?o ???atat at i isis ??on ???????ablab????br???>\">?????eae??chc??rsr????at Cat ?ononson?umumem??LaL?????m ?????tedte??th???sos???um?, ??ototaot??????um, um,???gng?es??iumium,m?, a, ??????????? con co??????????thrth????e lee l?????ng ng? br????s ??????co?nu???waw?ateat???, a, an, a?????theythe??fof?unund???ha?????lyl????e,e?, Z, ZiZ??????????l,l, , c, ?con??????d ???? s?????? a am a????? f??r r a???l fl fo??? i?ng??redre???????./>T/>ThT??????arar ar aar ???????tasta????? c co????nt????????", "output": "1312502400,Nutritional content of this brand does not live up to what's on the label.,\"According to an article on CNN.com on 8/5/11, the nutritional content of this brand does not live up to what is on the lable.
\"\"Researchers at ConsumerLab.com tested the sodium, potassium, magnesium, and sugar content of three leading brands of coconut water, and they found that only one, Zico Natural, contained the stated amount for all four ingredients.

The sugar and potassium content in the "} +{"input": "?oto??ere??twt???brbrar??dsd???ViViti?a a?CoC?coco o ao anandan??O.O?N.N??????lslsos?o mo ??tct????d td ??????beb??. .???t t??????momouoununtntst???? s ????umum m a?????magma???sis??m-m---??twotw???ut??iei??ntsnt?s ks kek????o ???????ioiono??????e ?asas s ms ??chch ch a as as ?????? and and ????% l% ??????, r, ?????ctcti??elelyel?, ??????? the th???isi?????am??ounou?nt.nt.\".?????868?????080?????CACA,A??2Y2YJY????????WHW?????nd?????1,1?????,13,1??66660?????0,G0,????S,S??I I??ou??htht ?th?isis is????a ????al???as?? st s?tatta???on on?neneanearar ?????ou???? an?? w wawas?????????? to? t??y ?????????????I sI se??????????rywry?????. . I. ItI????s ?nan?astastyt?. ?? w wi w?llll l? ne n???er er???ininkink k? th thi this?is cis crc???? ag a?gaiga???, I, ??dod?on'on????????ho?w w????ooo??\"\"?????isis is fis fof??r yr ????. T. ??he he the ?tasta?stest?e ie ise i?s ds ???gugus????g g???", "output": "other two brands, Vita Coco and O.N.E., also matched the label. But the amounts of sodium and magnesium--two nutrients key to hydration--were as much as 82% and 35% lower, respectively, than the listed amount.\"\"\"\n2860,B0085G4ACA,A2YJVYHFFYVWHF,Lindsey,1,3,1,1336608000,GROSS,\"I bought this at a local gas station near my house and was excited to try it because I see it everywhere. It was nasty. I will never drink this crap again, I don't care how \"\"good\"\" it is for you. The taste is disgusting and"} +{"input": "???'d'???????? j ?usu?????ininkn?????ulu????wawat?er????lalahlah!h???282868?????080858?G4G?ACACAC?,A,?3M3MSM???X7X?????????D.D???????????dud?etet't's's s?mom?mmmmym?\"\"???1,???5,5??272??28428????00,00????AdA????te?d,d,I,I'???soso o ao ?dd?icictic??ted ted??o ????ses??!!????????owo?????????iei? W ?????HaHar????MeMet???ala?lyl?? W??henhen hen???????nk nk?ono?e ??????es?e e ie itit ??jusju?? f ????s ????e ???????ama?moumous? s???????? t? the??? mov mo?????? o?rgr???mim???2??86286????00800???????A,AA,A3???O1O??????TVT?C,C??J J? Sm S???????J ?SmS?mitmithmit?\"\"???3,???,1,,1???929????606?00,????? . ???,\",\"T,\"?hihisi?s ss st??fff??is????????y dy di??gu?st??ingin??? I? I d I ???'t't t ct ?ar???????ad????a,a??ToT?om om C CrC???iseis??e ore o?r w?hahatate???er er??celcelel?ebrebriritri?ty ty??????stest??d id ?????? c???papananyn?y ay an?d ???rrrri???", "output": " I'd rather just drink regular water. Blah!\"\n2861,B0085G4ACA,A3MSHDX7J6G57U,\"D. Mutebi \"\"duet's mommy\"\"\",1,3,5,1272844800,So Addicted,I'm so addicted to these!!! You know the movie When Harry Met Sally? When I drink one of these it just feels like that famous scene in the movie... orgasmic!\n2862,B0085G4ACA,A3D1O13V1QMTVC,\"J Smith \"\"J Smith\"\"\",3,8,1,1292025600,well ...,\"This stuff is pretty disgusting. I don't care if Madonna, Tom Cruise or whatever celebrity invested in the company and carries "} +{"input": "????ono???ini?????f f i ??????unu?d d?foforor r pr phphohototot?? op o?psp??? it it t tt ?tasta???????d.d. .??AnAnd????????? as???ehe??drd??titin?g g b?ete??????hah?? w ?atateat???, u, ???, ??on????t tht t?ininkin??sos?????t ???ghg???re?plp??ninisi???pop?otaot?sss?iui????alaltl?????gh,gh, , u, un, u?le??????? a ar a?re re?????????at??ing? i in in n tn ??e e?OlO?????csc???????prpro?ba?blb?ly ly? ar are ar???otot ot???in??ing ting ?to to r????????????si????ded???iciic????y y f?ro????hyhyshy???al?? ac a??tivti?it?y.y.\".????636?,B,?000??5G5G4G?ACA????????K5K?S0S???????\"L\"???tltle?????????????.Y.????????.A.?S\"S?\"\"\"\"\"\",\",1,??????,12,1??878737????????ckc??,\"I,\"I I??hadha?????ed??????????s s ws ?????d td ?tas??te te??iki?e ??in???????adaadas?? bu butu??itit it???es??'t't.'t??. I. ??????ra?th?therther ?nan?astastyt?????????????????m om ???mym??totonto?????", "output": "a container of it around for photo opps, it tastes bad. And as far as rehydrating better than water, umm, don't think so. It might replenish potassium, although, unless you are participating in the Olympics, you probably are not going to risk a potassium deficiency from physical activity.\"\n2863,B0085G4ACA,A186TK5S0LAZ7O,\"Little Red Imp \"\"I.Y.A.A.Y.A.S\"\"\",1,6,2,1248739200,yuck,\"I had hoped that this would taste like Pina Coladas but it doesn't. It is rather nasty and left a film on my tongue. "} +{"input": "????waw??tet???sos???ththih??g g??? d ???inkin? a ?ftf??? a?? wo wororkrk ???t t??or or t??o go ??veve e????mym? k ?ididsds s??heh??????ara????rar????ininging g bg ?utut ut??t ?????? h hah??d ??or?or mor me? t? to ?sws??llllol???? T ????re??so?n ????av????it it 2 2 2? st stat????is??beb??aua?????t ??s ?????d id in????xex?ed ed???rinrinknksk??. . I I I? ha h?aveave ave????en en???????o o ao ???d i??t tt ???????ththith????????????inksink??wiw??h h??lclcoc????????f f y ?????re????in?ing ing?????????????s ?????igi????? it it t ht ?helhe?????f ?????????realrea????co??d.d...?.....?ala?mo?????????en.en. ?. I. If. I????u u r????lyly ?li??e e t?????????e oe ofo???cocco??nun??ut mut ??lkl???you??? mig migh?t t lt li??e e te th????bebecbe?caucaus???e th????t is?? th the th??e one o?ly?? th?in???I ???????tasttaste?? in in n in ??,\",?2?868646?,B,B0B????P0P0C0???,A,A1A1R1???9M9???P1P??3S3S,", "output": " I wanted something to drink after a work out or to give to my kids when we are traveling but it is to hard for me to swallow. The reason I gave it 2 stars is because it is good in mixed drinks. I have been able to add it to smoothies and drinks with alcohol. If you are going to drink this straight, it helps if it is really cold....almost frozen. If you really like the taste of coconut milk you might like this because that is the only thing I can taste in it,\"\n2864,B004DP0CXS,A1R389ML0P163S,"} +{"input": "?tyt???????????????989????800800,0?AmA???onon n??onon'on't'??lil?vev???? t ?????eie?r r??????ThT????rorodo??ctc??ded?scscrc?ipi????????ysys s?121?? pa p???s ?ofo?? 12 1???141?? c coc?????, ,???t ??he?n ??ouou ou???????????? on onln??????t at ? b bo boxox x o???twt?ele??ve.ve? I ??dididi?????????eke?? a ???, ???????d td ?? A ????????bu?t ???????titilti???hah??venve???? up updp???ed?????e pe ?propr??ucuctuc???es????iptip??on?.\".\"\"???656?????2B2????OYOY,Y?????979???Y9Y???TZTZ,Z????. L. ?????anancn??he he \"he \"\"\"??ovovov???nd?ininan??\"\"\"\"\"????8,8?,5,?????565??606??,S,???et??y Iy InI?st??????ionionsns ns??????oco?a a ta ??a,a??HiH??? q ????iti?? c? coc co?ca ca? pr p?????ctsct?s ds dodo o no ?oto??ha??ve ve a??? pap pa??? w?????s ss ???cec?e te th???y cy ca??n hn ?????or or dor ????????? ba b???terte?riari???????he?he phe ?pripr??ti??????k k? ca canan an???hanha", "output": "tynerj,2,5,2,1339804800,Amazon won't live up to their end,\"The product description says 12 packs of 12 (144 count), but when you order, you only get a box of twelve. I did this weeks ago, talked to Amazon, but they still haven't updated the product description.\"\n2865,B002BB8POY,A3N197JTY971TZ,\"J. Le Blanche \"\"Novo-Andina\"\"\",5,8,5,1269561600,Safety Instructions for coca tea,\"High quality coca products do not have a paper wraps since they can harbor dirt and bacteria and the printing ink can chan"} +{"input": "g?e e???????tat??ini???e ???e ??elelil?cacat?e ???????? of of f???e ?e tee t???bab???.<.?brb?r /r ????gag??ic????????ea?? ba b??s s?dodo o???? c? con co?ntant??in in p ??????vav??ivi?es? o or o????didititit?????? th t???????????heyhe? m ?????beb??pr?opo????????or?oredored.d????l l c????ca tca ?teate??? Ai A????igighg?t ?BaBag???ara?re re?????seaseala?labla?lele ??itithit??????loloc?k k c???sus?re?????d d???????opeop???????the the???????us??t b????????clc????? a??t at ?allal???timti?e ??????oio?d d cd co????mi?na?titioti?on on i ??in ain ????y,y?? co??l,l???ar?k ??????????y ??ror????????g-g???av??re?d d fd ??odo??? ??n n??xtx??????rtrtitigti??????ontonta????er er????re?cocomco?me?????d wd whwhe?n ???????tea tea i????????ored ored???verver r or on???????h.h?.D/>DoD??no?t ?st?storstore????????eaea ea ea ??ro???ctc?s s is ininsin???e ", "output": "ge or contaminate the delicate flavor of the tea bags.
Organic coca tea bags do not contain preservatives or additives; therefore they must be properly stored. All coca tea Air Tight Bags are re-sealable with zip lock closures and once opened the bags must be kept closed at all time to avoid contamination in a dry, cool, dark place away from strong-flavored foods. An extra airtight container is recommended when the tea is stored over one month.
Do not store coca tea products inside "} +{"input": "?? r ?????geg?rarata??r r i ?? y ??u u????e e p ?ror????e e ie ??sis????????y y f fr?uiu?tst? a an?d d??vegve?getgetat??lelese?, , e ?espespep??iai??????? t ????y hy ?havha?ve ve?beb?enen n??????gedge??, g, gig?????????ththythylylelenlenen????????? th t????riripri???. ?CoCoco?a a ta tet??a ba ?????s ars a????er?y y sy ?en?????iveiv??to?? th??e pe ?prepres?enencen????of of??ve?????ryry ?????le????s s os ??????yl?eneneen?e g?????ThThehe he??ef????????tortor ?aca???? as a??? t???????or or? th the? e?????len?????s ????ven?????? by b?????????enerene????ingin?? va vara????iei?????allal?????ing ing??t t??o o???uilui?????p tp ????damdamamagma????g lg ?????ls.ls. . A. AlA?ththoth??ghgh h??oto??????????s s ts to????ma???, ???? e et?hy??len???????le??????????the ?ea?rlr????gigin?g ???? r???ti??????? th the???teate???2282???????00P00PSP??????A1A?????????", "output": "a refrigerator if you have produce inside. Many fruits and vegetables, especially if they have been damaged, give off ethylene gas as they ripen. Coca tea bags are very sensitive to the presence of even very low levels of ethylene gas. The refrigerator acts as a trap for the ethylene gas given off by the generating varieties, allowing it to build up to damaging levels. Although not hazardous to humans, the ethylene gas leads to the early aging and rotting of the tea.\"\n2866,B000PSFKE8,A1K9X1CN4TJ"} +{"input": "?????scscoc?psp???l,l,2,??????131??707010171??000???????g g??ovovevese????eme??????? g ?otot ??????fefere?enentn???arartrtzt???????????????t at a t a????g wg ?itith???? o oio??kikiei?es,es?? pi p???sks?????????????t t pt ?????? i ??? th t?????ddd?lel??? B BuB??? my m????gsg??lil??? t? the th?? d de d??pip???e te ththethe ??????g ig it???m bm beb?in?g ???cec??vevedve??? I It It't's'??sts???????dede ??y ?haharha??z.z. ??ThT?he ?????rir????????????isi?s ps ???dud????????'t'????y ????????ing ing??bobououtut ut sut ??ee?t t p???otatota?o ?????thethe the????ntenter????SoSo ?unu?le???s ts ???y ?upu????e ?e the t???he dehe d?esces?ri??ptipt????? p pa pacackc?ag?e ??????? I I? go got? t th the??????ng ng p????uc?t.?? I I'I???on???y h????????????e e me ?????oggoggig?????arear?e. e. : ??\"\"????????00000?PSP??KEK?8,8?ANA?5G5??KWK??I6I???????????ssass????RiR??", "output": "JAC,scopsowl,2,2,5,1327017600,My pug loves them but I got a different hartz treat.,\"I got a bag with 25 oinkies, pig skin with sweet potato in the middle. But my dogs like them despite the wrong item being received. It's still made by hartz. The description of this product didn't say anything about sweet potato in the center. So unless they update the description & package image I got the wrong product. I'm only happy because my doggies are. :P\"\n2867,B000PSFKE8,AN5GCKW0I6028,\"Melissa \"\"Ring"} +{"input": "???ara???\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\",2,???,5,5,5????525282?????,M,?????????e e??????? T ThT?hemhe???????ses??arareare ?e a e a???reareata???nan????fof???ana?y ?do?? w whw?o o??????foofo????lll???????s ts tot?o co ?hih????n.n. . M MyMy My?????ouo????ShSheSh?eltelti?e ?????????hem????oreor????an? a an any???th???????w w??? r rarawawh??????????wewe ??havha??? gi g??????????? h??ghg?????recrecoc?mmm?en??????se? f????ananyan????????espes?????ll??y oy ??e e we wiw???? fo??od od a? all allelerlergr???es.es.\".?22828628?8,8?B0B???PSP?????8,A8,?BEB?????????7F7F,F?LoL??i i T??remre??at?h,h???0,0,50,??1313413??????????????t tt ??reareat???I ?hahav?e ????olo?d ?????isi?h h s???????dog.dog. . H. ?????sosol???el??y ly ?lovlo??d ????????reat???. I. It. I?????k ??himhi??lolonlongn????th???n In ???thothou???t t it ????????? to t????t ?t tht t???????on??????????ulu??", "output": "bearer\"\"\",2,2,5,1325289600,My Sheltie Adores Them!,\"These are a great snack for any dog who has food allergies to chicken. My 20 pound Sheltie loves them more than any other chew or rawhide that we have given her. I highly recommend these for any dog, especially one with food allergies.\"\n2868,B000PSFKE8,ABELBJHFUMT7F,Lori Trembath,0,0,5,1349136000,Great treats,I have an old english sheepdog. He absolutely loved the treats. It took him longer than I thought it would to eat through one so I could "} +{"input": "?eae???? t trt????t it ????ea?cece e?whwhihili???hehe e ce chc?hewhe?ede???n ?hihishi???ItI??????grg?????2?868?9,9,B,????PSP????8,8,A,?V3V?????D0D?1P1??5,5?????????????383?33??00???WrW?on?????rodro??ctc?t dt ?isi?plp????ed ed??oro???rdrdederer,r?WhW???n In ??????cedce??mymy y????derde???????as as f fo f?or or?HaH??tzt???igi?sks?inin in?101???acackc??????????????ototatat?????ntn???. ? W ???n n In I n I???ceceiceivi?????he? o or ord????it? w??as ???rt???PiPigigsig?????1010 10 p pa pac packcksck???????????s s as alallll l p pi p?igsigskigs??n ?anandn????is???????? e ea?????forfor ?my?????g tg ??o co chchech????. I. ?I cI ????tacta??ed?????he che ?comco??????an????heheyhe???????ve?ryr?????ce ce a????ut ut??he?he hhe ?olo???? thi th??g ???as tas ththetheye?y ry ????????????????ey?????????re??ditdi??????????? to tol to?d ????to???akakeke ?e the t??he phe pip?igs?igskiigsk?in ?pa????", "output": "eat a treat in peace while he chewed on his. It was great.\n2869,B000PSFKE8,AV3NBPHD01PB5,Ron,0,0,1,1338336000,Wrong Product displayed for order,When I placed my order it was for Hartz Pigskin 10 pack with sweet potato center. When I received the order it was Hartz Pigskin 10 packs but it was all pigskin and this is not easy for my dog to chew. I contacted the company and they were very nice about the hole thing as they refunded the money to my credit card and told me to take the pigskin packs "} +{"input": "?tot??a a l ??????shs??ltl??????????A.A. .??????????????sos?????y ???????? s??ndn??ingin?????t tt ???????gig?inainal???rorododud?ctc?????he?? t to??? m ????thath?????hey?hey fhey ?or?gogoto????o co ????????????????o fo ???? s???????ototaot????o ceo c?enten?terte?r tr ??? al??????ppp???d pd ?igigsig???? a???? th t?????ouo?ld???o o to ???t.????707????00???FKF??????????????????,s,?shesh???ri,ri??????????????404??,p,pi??gi?????in???????????crcraravra?vesve? t???ses??..???????chch ch m?or???ing?. . S. ???'s'??ne?????????????st??veve ve????blb?ememsms s ws ?itith?? th the??, ,??nln???e ???e ??eee?? r ra???idi??e b????????hichich?ch wch ????????gi????he?????E E???oulou??ntn?t ft ????d td ?theth?????ddd????????in ain ananyan?y oy ?????the the????????an?d ?i i w??as as s so soooooooooo?????ligli??te??", "output": "to a local shelter or SPCA. They were also very fast in sending out the original product. They told me that they forgot to change the photo from sweet potato center to all wrapped pigskin and they would do that.\n2870,B000PSFKE8,A2NCCSE043RS3J,sherri,0,0,5,1334102400,piggie skins,\"My dog craves these...one each morning. She's never had digestive problems with them, unlike the beef rawhide bones which we wont give her. WE couldnt find them suddenly in any of the stores and i was soooo delighted "} +{"input": "?AmA?aza??n n?hah?? t tht?????????t t????mym??dod?oror r??uiu??k!k?! ! ? th t???k k???? a ????zonzon!n???282878??,B,??0000P00???KEK????191?JVJ?XXX?O3O?NPN????????ndn????????,1?????414???00,00?ExExtxtrt??emeem????DiD???ppp?????ede???? e ??????? c cuc????mem????er??ic?e e??nd??????ed ???? th?????eae?????erereere ???illille??d wd ?itith????????popotpo?at?o,o????d ?th??y ??sss????????? th tha th?at at? th???'d'?d cd ???ckckeckeded ??????th?the the? ma mana??faf????ureur??????? co c???firfi??medmed ????t t tt ?????did???????facfa?ct ct?????e ae ? s sw s??weetwee?t p?otota?????ene?ntent???? H ??????r,r, ?th????oneon??????recre??ivive?d ???d d nd ??ot ot?????I I fI ??el????ke?????as? l?iei??ed ted to?to bto ??y cy ?????????se???vicvicece ce????aua???????y ??id?n'n?t ??wanwa?nt nt???? ta t?ke??????????????????alalll?ly ly??????k ik ?intinto", "output": "Amazon had them! Right to my door quick! thank you amazon!\"\n2871,B000PSFKE8,A19JVXXO3NPNCH,Amanda,1,2,1,1330041600,Extremely Disappointed,\"I emailed customer service and asked if the treats were filled with sweet potato, and they assured me that they'd checked with the manufacturer and confirmed that they did in fact have a sweet potato center. However, the ones I received did not and I feel like I was lied to by customer service because they didn't want to take the time to actually check into"} +{"input": "?????????????0000101I1????????2J2?????UZU??1Q1?WLW???coc???rtr?????peper????????mam??\"\"\"\"\"\"\"??2,?????131??????00000000,0??y y?faf????????????rlr??ssss s f fl f???or??,\"W,\"WrWri?glg???s's????FLF??RERE E s??ugaug???????gug?m m?????WriWr???eye????su?????esesses?????la???memene??t ft foforor or??heheiheiri????BiBig???????? ci c??nan???n n g?um??? 5 5????arear?e se seseee?emsems s ts ?? b ??e de ??ffffif???ltlt ???? fi f??? i??n sn ??torto??s.s?. T. ??an?ksks s ts tos t??????on? I I I a ???aya???ha??ve ve??? su???????5 5 F5 ???AREAR??isi?????????e ???ongon???t ?la??stistin???????I I hI ?hav?????verve????????en??cedce?d bd bobototh? i? in in??????r ????d dd ?????ili????y. y.? It It ?is??poposo?????????th?the the b?????? cin ci????amonamo???la?vo?? c cu c??re?ntntlntly????on ton ?????marma?kekete?????287287373,3???00100???????????ZAZANA?2Z2ZWZ?BSBSHBS???,J,", "output": " it.\"\n2872,B001IZI8LE,A2J2UBSUZ81QWL,\"covert camper \"\"sherman\"\"\",2,2,5,1307232000,my favorite sugarless flavor,\"Wrigleys' 5 FLARE sugarless gum is Wrigleys' sugarless replacement for their \"\"Big Red\"\" cinnamon gum. 5 flare seems to be difficult to find in stores. Thanks to Amazon I always have a supply. 5 FLARE is also the longest lasting gum I have ever experienced both in flavor and durability. It is positively the best cinnamon flavor currently on the market.\"\n2873,B001IZI8LE,A2VZAN2ZWBSHD6,J"} +{"input": "??e,e,1,1,1,1??5,5,1,13,1??????808???LoLovo?e e?tht??s s g gug?m,m????ovoveov????????um??? I ItIt t????ve?ryr??didis??????iningn????ata?????????? d??fff???ulultl????o fo ??ndn?. . . ?? w ?asas s hs ?ooo?kek?d d??n n t? the the ?CiC?inninnanama????ExExtx?rar? u ??ti?? t th??at at??enent??awa???????owow w t???is ??iteit????s ????t at ?????aba?lele.e??. T. ??hishis ?????d ?neneee???????e ?????amamoamon?????verversver??????4,4????1I1IZIZIZI8I8L8????????ULU?LRL???GYG?V,V,L?????s,s?0,0,00,?0,50,???????666646?????ese??t ct ??inninna?mo??n gn ?gumgu?????t t?he??re!re???I ??tritriei?? t th thi?s ?????????r r???????t t c???innainnaminnamoinnam?on ??ececac???e he ??rdr??????fin??d ad ????????? of o? y yey?earea???aga?????(T(?TriTr??en????olo?? m mem???ha???t tht thet theye??wewerereer?e oe ov??????????????e pe ??ana?nt ???????ada????? the the g??m ??so so???????s is ???????rt rt s", "output": "oe,1,1,5,1301356800,Love this gum,I love this gum. It is very dishearting that it is so difficult to find. I was hooked on the Cinnamon Extra until that went away. Now this item is not available. This world needs more Cinnamon lovers.\n2874,B001IZI8LE,A328DULLRFYGYV,L. Bos,0,0,5,1313366400,Best cinnamon gum out there!,\"I tried this gum after Trident cinnamon became hard to find a couple of years ago. (Trident told me that they were overhauling the plant that made the gum so it was in short s"} +{"input": "??ppp?lyl?????????wow??????e e??acackc???? I I I???????ly ly d ????ovovevere?ede???hah???th?e ?FlF???? 5 ???????????????ioioro? t tot? t th t??????dedene???ana????I hI ????n'n??t lt ?ooo?keked? b??ck?????t ??oeoese?s ls la???????lonlo?g,g??????, , l, lo?????????. ? U UnUnfnfofor????at?leleyey,y?, a, ???otoththetherthe???revre?iei??erersers ????eded,ed?, i, ???ha?????co??? v ?verve????harhardr???????nd? i in in n s???re???. ?TrTriTridideid?enten??????namna??????s es eveve???whwhe??re re bre bubutbu??no???????on'on???????t it ?it.it??. A. ????????????s ts ??the the d da d?????aiain????282????B0B0000707O7????????262?NFN??Q7Q7K7?WIW??Y7Y?,k,?t t rt ???e,e???????????69696?????????he???grgrereareat??????en en M ?????ai??n cn ???fefeeee,e,\"e,\"I\"?I fI fofoufo?undun??d thd t????co?coffcof????flflalavla??orfor??????d d bd ??ld?. ?. I. ????dndn'?t ??xpx?ereri?en????????er?", "output": "upply but it would be back.) I quickly discovered that the Flare 5 was far superior to the Trident and I haven't looked back. It does last a long, long, long, time. Unfortunatley, as other reviewers noted, it has become very hard to find in stores. Trident cinnamon is everywhere but now I don't want it. Amazon saves the day again.\"\n2875,B007OXJLM4,A26NFIQ7KWI8Y7,kt rose,2,2,4,1329696000,another great Green Mountain coffee,\"I found this coffee flavorful and bold. I didn't experience bittern"} +{"input": "?esesss???brb????/>F/>FoF?????fef??renrencn?? p pup??pop?ses?? m ?y y??n n s sts???e ?????? i is is s?a a S StS?????ckc????????cacananono.o. /????????y ?fafavavov??ititet????cuc??s ??arear?:<:???? />????arbar?bucbuck?????renrencren????????br /???reereene?n Mn ??ununtn?taita??????a a Ba BoB???? Su S?mamata?????????erver???
For reference purposes my in store drink is a Starbucks Americano.

My favorite k-cups are:
Starbucks French Roast
Starbucks Caffe Verona
Starbucks Pike Place Roast
Green Mountain Xtra Bold Sumatran Reserve
Green Mountain Double Black Diamond
Green Mountain Revv
Green Mountain Dark Magic

Other k-cups I've tried: Coffee People Jet Fuel ,Green Mountain Dark Magic Decaf, Emeril Jazzed up Decaf, Starbucks Caffe Verona, Coffee P"} +{"input": "?eoeopoplp?e e????ckc? T ??geg???????ara???????HoH??????BleBl????????arbarbubucbu??? B??eae?????? B Bl Ble???, ?, St, S?tartarb?uc????????trtrar?, , W, WoW??????? P ?ucuck? F ???ncnchc???oaoasastas??????enen en M ?ouounou??????LaL??????? L???ge?, ?, Gr, G?reereenree????ununtntantaia?in in? Fr F????ch ch???oasoa?st,st, ??arariaribi?ouou ou? Ma Maha?ogogogononyn?, ????fg??angan?????ck ck S??umaumatatratra??KoK???? Ra R???? E EmEmemererier??? Bi B????asasyas? B???d\"d?2282?767?,B,????OXO???M4M?,A,???SYSY5Y??KNK???IEI??????ryr?y,1y,????5,5????????404??,g,????ateatese?st st?????eeee,e???s ss ?? g ????. .?? Lot Lotsts s os ???????oror r???and and? gr g?reareatrea?t ct ?????? t ??st??. . E. EsE????iai?lll???go??d d td tot???ak???upu???itithth.h?????????????co???????? g??????it it????plupl?????..?28287??????????LM????828?K4K4W4W8W??VBV?MKM???bobobbo??cac??????,5,?5,15,????686?80080??0,0,g0,", "output": "eople Black Tiger, Starbucks House Blend, Starbucks Breakfast Blend, Starbucks Sumatra, Wolfgang Puck French Roast, Green Mountain Lake and Lodge, Green Mountain French Roast, Caribou Mahogony, Wolfgang Puck Sumatra Kopi Raya, Emeril Big Easy Bold\"\n2876,B007OXJLM4,A22SY5TKNKUIEC,Larry,1,1,5,1311638400,greatest coffee,Is so good. Lots of flavor and great coffee taste. Especially good to wake up with. Enjoy this coffee. I give it a plus 10.\n2877,B007OXJLM4,A82K4W80VBMKT,bobocaj,0,0,5,1345680000,g"} +{"input": "r??atat t d ???????????? h ????faf?stst ??y y?cuc??s s???rir??????I I wI wiwilillll l a al a?wawaya??s gs geg?t ??y y ky k k???upsup?s hs ?erere?? I? c??????wa??t ?tot???ryr???omo???hih??g g?nen?w.w???878??,B,????OXOXJX????????Q6Q??ZEZEME??OBOB8B??,H,???,0,????4,???444494?888???????st? i ???shs?howho????? K K-K-c-??????renre?????oao?astas??WeWe ???????eveveverve??l l ol ??? th t???e ???ch????es es? at a???or??k ak ??? I I' I??????ieieded ???tst?s os ?of of???ffffef??ene?t t ft ?????orsors ?an?and and?blb??????....t..tht???s is isi?s o??????of tof th????fewfe??I ?cacan???????dod??n n??witwi??ououtu?t m?t my t my??odo?????nvn?ulu?sis??g ??wit???????????unu????y ???????????????? of of ???thesthe?se se? in i?????t ?co?ffffeff????s ars a???ve?????itittit?er? o??r fr ??r r tr ?????strst?onongon????ThT???? on o???????ctc??al?????ver?very very???ast???.2.?28728????00", "output": "reat deal!,I love how fast my cups arrived. I will always get my k cups here! I can't wait to try something new.\n2878,B007OXJLM4,A12Q6GZEMQOB8B,HBW,0,0,4,1344988800,Best in show for K-cup French Roast,We have several of these machines at work and I've tried lots of different flavors and blends...this is one of the few I can keep down without my body convulsing with an involuntary shudder. Lots of these instant coffees are very bitter or far too strong. This one is actually very tasty.\n2879,B00"} +{"input": "?????LML?4,4?A3A383?????????9C9??,M,?ara?? v vavana? B ????k,k?0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,131????????????re??t t???????? g ?re???t pt prp???e\"e??I'I?vev???ri?eded d a ? h ?an???????? o??????brb????? o?? F ?re???h h??????t at ??????????d td ??????????????ulullul??'s'?s vs ??rsr?ioionon on??? b??e be bob?thth th?????? a an a?? c co c???????????in in f fl f?????????? d did?ffffeff???encen????is is???he ??pripr????(t(???s ??ne? i?????? m momor?e ?????????le?).)??282??0,??????????4,?????2X2??7777F7??????????en en H ???iflifle??????????????4834832????OnO????????????or?????????ffeeffeese?,\",??I hI ?havha?ve ve???????ee??n Mn ????????n cn co??fe??e be bee b?????, ????t ht ???d nd nonotot ot?????d d td thd t???Fr?enencenchench ????astast.t?? I??????usust? r ?rea?????ingin??? tha that?? th?erere? i is?? a a? ta t????????ffefferffe??", "output": "7OXJLM4,A38QMGAGI3S9CI,Mark van Brenk,0,0,5,1342483200,\"Great coffee, great price\",I've tried a handful of other brands of French Roast and I find this one and Tully's version to be both great and comparable in flavor. The difference is the price (this one is far more reasonable).\n2880,B007OXJLM4,AL3U2XT77FL1F,Daleen Haifley,0,0,4,1342483200,One of my favorite coffees,\"I have had Green Mountain coffee before, but had not tried the French Roast. I am just realizing that there is a taste differen"} +{"input": "?cece e????weweee????ifi?fef???entent t m ????????uru????????????iti?????e ?sas???e te tytypy?????f f??????s.s?? T ?heh?e Ge ?re?en?????????n ????????RoR???st st h ???? th t?he he?flflal?vov?r r I I I?liliki??e ae ???????as eas ???pecpect?in??. ?? Th The?he phe ???cece ce? wa was wa?????asoas?????e ???????? or o?ded????hih??????quq?icickic?lyl??. . M. MyMy ???lyly ly d?isi????oio?intin????????????? th???e she s????ining???????gigin??. ????knk???? th tha th????I wI waw??as oas ??dederde????????oxoxex?es es????K-K-c-???s ?bub??????s ss sus???pripr???????? se s????owo??????th??????hipphip??ing??bob?? w? was????ThTheTh???????? ro r??? f fo for????? box bo?xesxe??? wi wit????the??exextex??????pacpace?ce fce ???le??d wd ???? b?ubu??blebl????rapra?, ??hi??? s???msms ?????????? to t?o mo meme.me??. B. BuB??????????wh?olo????I I aI ?am am??verve????hapha???y wy ?wit?", "output": "ce between different manufacturers, even with the same types of roasts. The Green Mountain French Roast has the flavor I like and was expecting. The price was reasonable and my order shipped quickly. My only disappointment was in the shipping packaging. I knew that I was ordering 2 boxes of K-cups but was surprised to see how big the shipping box was. There was room for 3 boxes, with the extra space filled with bubble-wrap, which seems wasteful to me. But on the whole, I am very happy with"} +{"input": " m ??????????\"\"2?888?????????JLJ?M4M?,A,?1J1JL??????????C,C,D,DoDononnnnana,a???,0,,0,4,??131???808?484?80080???rer??t t??upu??of? C CoC????e,e????????ofoff??? h hah???a a??ici??????? f flf?avavovoror,r, ,????????????on??, , b, ???t st sms???????ndn???????????ghg??ththathat??yoyou?????? y????????iningng g?? w wawaka?efe??l,l?????????????d cd cuc?up up? of of f? co cof co???ee ?th????is? r ?reare??llylly ??enjen?oyo?aba?lel?????f ???u u l lil???? a a d a ??????????e,??????umu?? bo???ld cld ?cupcu????????ffe??e ye ???? wi w??ll ll l?ovo?? t ?thith???\"??288288282,2,B?00???XJXJLXJ???4,A4,????6V6??8B8?????????????apa???is??????????272????00???exexcx?????????????e,e,oe,on??????th?e e be ???st st? ch c?hoiho??????o ??ara???????f yof y?ou ???????????d cod c??????????wiw??l ?????????????one one? W ??illill ill?????", "output": " my coffee!\"\n2881,B007OXJLM4,A1JLU3B870VZRC,Donna,0,0,4,1339804800,Great cup of Coffee,\"This coffee has a nice bold flavor, not too strong, but smooth and bold enough that you know your having a wakeful, full bodied cup of coffee that is really enjoyable. If you like a distinctive, medium bold cup of coffee you will love this.\"\n2882,B007OXJLM4,A2Z06VH8B20ZHF,paula aparis,0,0,5,1327104000,excellent choice,one of the best choices so far. If you like bold coffee you will like this one Will defin"} +{"input": "???ele?y y b ??????aia??2?888???B0B?????JLJ???,A,A1A???DSD??MVMVVVV1V??S0S0,0??????B.B??flf?oyo?????0,0,40,?4,14,?323??????????rer??????unu??ai??????upu????I I??re?fef?? s ???ngn? c ??fff??????t t m ????????ndn??dod???????t lt ??????? q ?uiu?????????roron?g.g?. . ???t wt ?oro?ksks ????????? m??. ????????????e me ??????t ????k k?????hih????he?? ma m????????????andan???a ha ????? an a?nd nd???hatha?t st sus?????hi?m.m?. ??????soso so m????kes kes t th t??he Khe KCK?CupCu??lal?stst st? tw t?????as?? lo l??ong!ong!\"!\"\"228288?4,4,B4,?B00B0???OXJOX?JLMJL??????GXGXHXHHHHRH??8G8G0G?444??FlFly?????ololalarla?????,0,0,,0??,0,4,0,???32?32??606??0,???ee?n n Mn ??????????????arear????witwi?th th???lllly???s Fs ??renre??? R ??????,\"O,\"?????of of? cu cur curirioi????y ??????mpampar???d w??ithit??????????sisid?e e w???????????s ??re??ch", "output": "itely buy again\n2883,B007OXJLM4,A1CODS7MVV1HS0,mary B. floyd,0,0,4,1326412800,Green Mountain K Cups,\"I prefer stong coffee but my husband does not like it quite so strong. It works well for me. The way he made it work for him, he makes a cup and a half and that suits him. It also makes the KCup last twice as long!\"\n2884,B007OXJLM4,A1VGXHHR08G044,FlyingPolarBear,0,0,4,1323216000,Green Mountain compared with Tully's French Roast,\"Out of curiosity I compared with side-by-side with Tully's French"} +{"input": " ????????????s.s????heh?????????????ntn???n ????????dod???oto?t ht ???????iti??????????? b ???iei??? fl flal?avoav?? o ?f f T????y'y??? B ?otothoth h??-c-cu-cup?? a ara???gogooo?od,od? b?utu?t it ?f ??ou?'r'???go???g g a????r r ar a a??re??chch ??????????????e ???st? f?????sps???trt??m m? an andn??ththithicickcknk?es??s os ?of of?? fla fl??avoravor ???thenthe???'d'??rerecrecoc?mmmmem??????ull?y'y'sy'??????ch? R??oasoast???k-ck-cuk-c????\"\"2282?????000?7O7?XJX?LML??????L5L??K7K???2A2???,g,?umummummimibi?lil?inkin?????,0,,0???131?????88???,M,?y y???VOVORO?ITI????-C-??up,up???Fre???h h rh ?oa?oastoast t mt ?????????momoumoun?????????????????it??e ee ??verve?y ???y y Ky ??cucup?. . I. ???s as ??go?od? c ??fff???...?.. ..? bo b?ldl??yeyete???????oth.oth????????RNR??T (T ?? h ??????ee??ts ts???d ?StS?tarta??ucuck????ec????se se???theythe?y ty ?????e le ", "output": " Roast k-cups. These Green Mountain k-cups do not have quite the full bodied flavor of Tully's. Both k-cups are good, but if you're going after a French Roast with the most full spectrum and thickness of flavor then I'd recommend Tully's French Roast k-cups.\"\n2885,B007OXJLM4,A1PL5SK7B42ATU,gummiblinky,0,0,5,1319068800,My FAVORITE K-Cup,\"French roast my green mountain is my favorite every day K-cup. Its a good coffee... bold yet smooth. NOT BURNT (I hate Peets and Starbucks because they taste l"} +{"input": "iiki??????e be bub??n n? th t???beb???s)s?. .?????ouou u???????thethe ???sts??? bu bur??????astas????? the these???prpror??????y ay ?????oto??fof?r r? yo y??. ?If?? yo??u wu ???t ?? w ?ele?l l b????????, ?bob?ldl??????ot?? e ????ydy????????eee???he??se se K K-K-C-???????????or?????????,B,????OXOXJXJLJLML??,A,????????????????????iti?th,th,0,?????,1,131?151??585??00??,Th,Thih?s s is ?is is??re?????re???h h Rh RoR??????ThT?????s ??????t F?????ch ch???as???. F. ?or???hahatateat???er er r rerea?sosono??, i, ?it it????alalsal?? c ???????er (er ??????-c-cocoucounu????? tha th?an an? th? the the????er?er Ger GrG?reere???MoM???ntantaia?? C CoCof?fe???ro????????????????7O?????4,??A13A1?PNPNJNJPJ?7M7?SZSZ5Z????MJM?M,M???2,2??,1???????606????ovo??? th????co?ff?????I I?fif????????y Ky ???????ar?????aka?? an andnd ??otot ot w??at??", "output": "ike the burn the beans). If you like the nasty burnt taste, these probably are not for you. If you want a well balanced, bold, smooth everyday coffee these K-Cups will work!\"\n2886,B007OXJLM4,A1G63W7BKRF07V,T. Smith,0,0,5,1315958400,This is great French Roast,\"This is great French Roast. For whatever reason, it is also cheaper (in 24-count) than the other Green Mountain Coffee roasts.\"\n2887,B007OXJLM4,A13PNJP7MSZ5FJ,MJM,1,2,5,1295913600,Love this coffee,\"I find many K-Cups are weak and not what I"} +{"input": " ????usu?????o o ( (S(???????ksk?),), ,??butbu? t??isi??frfrer?ncn?h h r ror?asa?t ?isis is a??prpreretrettttyt? g gog??d d sd ????????? t???tht????? c ?ofo?????? g?????frofromo??th????stost?????2282??88,88??000??OXO?JLJLML??,A,???P0P?JKJ??ZLZ????G,G?\"M\"?????????????ala??_m_????????\"\"??,7,??121??,1,,1??????626?404?00,00,T,????testes s ls ?iki????????????????vev????pep????ar?k,k??????, ?????d ad ?ndn?d td ??ic?k k? fl fla?vov?oreor??? co c???????the??? th?is??is??th?? c??ff?ee???????ouou.ou???wiw?ithit???????????eme????PeP???????lyly ???lolovlo?ve ve? co? coff cof??fee fee? th tha that? e em?bo?did?????ve??ytyth?thinthi?g g??????t ??aia??????????e e ee ???pr??essessoess??anandan????? l???e.e. e. ?????ini?? a??K-K??up??? tha?t t i????thi????bolbo?ld ld?????????? the th?e 1e ?? o ??. . s. ???ttitt???????grgre??at.at.....????????re", "output": " am used to (Starbucks), but this french roast is a pretty good subsitute to the $2 coffee I get from the store.\"\n2888,B007OXJLM4,A1SP0JKOZLVYNG,\"M. Claude \"\"Sala_matt_der\"\"\",7,12,1,1293062400,Tastes like...,\"If you love super dark, rich, bold and thick flavored coffee then this is the coffee for you...with one problem. Personally I love coffee that embodies everything I just said. I love esspresso and the like. To find a K-cup that is this bold even on the 10 oz. setting is great...but there"} +{"input": "??????????prp?obo???????aiainin.n.....??brb??/>/??????/>I/>ItI????ele??s,s, , t??ststet??????? l ?????????? a af aftf???r tr ?as??? o ?????rnrntn??ururiur?inein?! !??LiL????????ononen????rcrchc?hedhe?d ad ?? pu pubu?blibl????esestestrt??om? a? and an?d md ?opo??ede????e ?????? w ???????offof?eee??, t, ??thenthen n p pa paca?kak?ageag?ed ed??t.t. . Y ???!?ThThe?re????????the??r dr ?ararkrk,k, ?bob??????cuc??????t ?ththe????????????ve ve a???ete????????ellel???fl???oror ???nd nd d dod??????? h ??havehave ??a na ?as??? a?????ter tter ?tasta??e.e?. Y. ?ou? m ?????notno?t bt ??elieliei????me??, a, anandan??d thd t?hat? i is is ??????, b??????et et?? a s a ??mpmplplele le???ckck ck???fofor???gogoio?ingin??????r thr t?he he 2 2424,4, ?yoy?ou'ou???? th????? me me e le lal?ateatere?. ?TrT?y ??the? G GrG???????????????????? E ???tratr?a Ba BoBol???????????????er?veve ????up??", "output": " is that problem again...

It smells, tastes, and leaves the after taste of burnt urine! Like someone torched a public restroom and mopped the floor with coffee, then packaged it. Yum!

There are other dark, bold k-cups out there that have a better smell, flavor and does not have a nasty after taste. You may not believe me, and that is fine, but get a sample pack before going for the 24, you'll thank me later. Try the Green Mountain Coffee Extra Bold Sumatran Reserve K-Cups."} +{"input": "? B ?ete???r r a ala????????? c ?upu???f f c???????????898?,B,?????9Z9????,A,?3M3M8M?R4R??D1D??????,\",?????yLy?ou???heh???????\"\"\"??he? C?olo??arardar?d Pd ?at???\"\"?\",\"?????5,5???????848???,Y,YuY???y y? Co?oko??ese?,\"????hrh?efe????hth??p:p:/:??www??.a.?amaam?????????gpgp/p?????ucuctc??B0??00F??9Z19Z??S\"S???????teterte?s s??ea??????ututtutte?ter ter??????e e????sps???10100????aloaloro?rierie ??PacPa??????-C-???ntnt nt???????????k k o of o?f 6f ??????? ?Th??esees?e ce cocoocook?ie?s ??areare ?sos? t ??sts?????I I l ??veve ?th?e ?pep????ut ut?????te te??????hehe ?????spnspnen?esses?. ??A A? on o??-h-?un??????cac?alo??????aca??????juj?st????ou????????????stastar????d hd ha?viv????fufunun un???atiatiningin??????, ,?bub????????? the the ???mim????ioi??????? the? s???e ??of of t th the? the p the papacpa?ckack????????? m meme ??", "output": " Better all around cup of coffee.\"\n2889,B000F9Z1WI,A3M8R4JD1SIS76,\"'MaryLou Cheatham \"\"The Collard Patch\"\"\",7,7,5,1214438400,Yummy Cookies,\"Planters Peanut Butter Cookie Crisps 100 Calorie Packs, 6-Count Boxes (Pack of 6). These cookies are so tasty! I love the peanut taste and the crispness. A one-hundred calorie pack is just enough to get started having fun eating them, but then the limitation of the size of the package helps me pu"} +{"input": "???tht?e e???akakekese? o ??. . ????bab?blblyl???he? m mom??????pop???anantn????rt? o?f f w ????????on????????s ps ?porpo????on on???nt???????????
The cookies have 3 grams fat, 0 mg Cholesterol, and 2 Weight Watchers points.\"\n2890,B000F9Z1WI,A2HQ8RTAJYEUJO,Neal J. Pollock,7,7,3,1156982400,3.5* snack for a non-chocophile,\"It's very nice that the company put 100 calories packages out--great marketing idea. They taste okay to me. A bit subtle on the chocolate IHMO. Mostly they're lightly-flavored, chocolate, wheat crackers. They have very l"} +{"input": "iiti?tlt????????????????????e be bub?? o ?vevere??393????????. .? T ????????cac?aloaloro??ese?????acachc??eveve?? b ????????????????prpror???ctct-t---?it???oeoes??'t'????ig??????h.h?? S ?o,o???10010?????or????s ss ???ndn??s gs ??eae???-b-?butbut t ot ??lyl?????yoy?????t ?????????papacackac?????. . N. ?????easea?????????????ou??re??huhunungun???. . ?StStit??l,l??it????s a s a???????????t st snsna?????????ut ut iut ?? a a a? ba bac???pacpa?ck,ck??lulun???? bo b?x,x?, c, ??????on??(n(?????????? the th?y ?dodondon'???????d yd ?youyou u m???uch uch?whwhe?????you you f ????, ?ete???. w. ??ithith h lh ???s ??cal???????????????t t at ?altal??????tivti???. ?. C. ???ldl?????so so t?????????????? be bet??weewe??????lsls.s. s.??St???l,??I'I?d d pd ?ererser??na???y ?prprepr?fe?r ??somsomem?ethet???g g?? a b a ??it ?heheaheal???hiehi?er.er?. ????", "output": "ittle nutritional value but over 39% sugar. The 100 calories is achieved by a very light product--it doesn't weigh much. So, 100 calories sounds great--but only if you eat but one package. Not easy to do if you're hungry. Still, it's a convenient snack to put in a backpack, lunch box, carry-on (now that they don't feed you much when you fly), etc. with less calories than most alternatives. Could also tide you over between meals. Still, I'd personally prefer something a bit healthier. But "} +{"input": "ttht??t't's'??whwhyh???theth?rer????????olo?atateat??& &????????---????????heheye????ftf? o ououtu?t tt ?thethe the? va v??il???!\"!?2?898?????0000F00F9F9Z9Z1Z???,A,A2A????DHD??PYP??????????mem????\"U\"?????fafama?il???\"\"\"\"\"?,5,???,5,5,????151??????,P,?eae?anuanut? B ??uttuttet??er Cer ?????ese??\"I\"???njn????ththe???? l ????????sos???oeo???mym?y sy ??n.n. .????havhavev?????sas?????????hih???kikinki?d d id isis is???e ???? my m??fa???rir?te??????????fufulu?????f pf ????????ututtutteutt???flf?lavla??r r????at at???? f?or???t t t?????it????is ois ono?lyl?y 1y ???? ca c???? A AsAs ????? th????amoamou??t ??youyo? g ?????? t th? the the?????, i, ????is ???oreor??????n In ?I eI ?xpx???????? so so ??I wI waw???veververyr?y hy ??ppp??.\".\"\"2\"????,B?00???F9ZF9Z1???,A?2P2?SISIPI?4848R48?28?289X289???K.K. ???wlwlelesle??????4,??17????00000???GoGoooodoo???????\"I \"I??nj", "output": "that's why there's chocolate & vanilla--oops, they left out the vanilla!\"\n2891,B000F9Z1WI,A2N17DHJPYFXGI,\"Dolmer \"\"USMC family\"\"\",5,5,5,1201564800,Peanut Butter Cookies,\"I enjoy them a lot and so does my son. I have to say that this kind is one of my favorites. It is full of peanut butter flavor that you forget that it is only 100 cals. As for the amount you get in the bag, it is more than I expecting so I was very happy.\"\n2892,B000F9Z1WI,A2PSIP48R289X0,K. Towles,4,4,4,1179360000,Good buy,\"I enj"} +{"input": "o???tht?????ananunutu? B BuB????????oko????CrCrir???, ,??ut???he???ara?????fif????telte?y ?? d ???ar??urure???roromo?? th??e oe ?ri?gig?inain???????tit???????????LOL???? t?? them the????? fo f???? thi th????reare??sonson ?? s ????ll ll??givgivev??it?? fo?????tatararsars.?\"\"?282?9393,3?B0B????9Z9Z1Z?WIWI,I???????8F8?RBR?????,M,?ata????w w????ShShe??wiw??,6,?,7,??5,5???727?363???600600,0?ThT???pop?ortor???lel?e ae ?andan??ede?????e Oe ??reore????nene e re ???ieiewiewewer???riritri?teste?????at at??? thes theses??e are are?????????????????witwi???????????re?meme-e??????????????????htht!t! ! T ThTheTh?se? t??????OreOreoOreo o co crcricr?ispis? w??????tyt???e ce ?oo?kikieki???????ababib??coco co???e ?ea?sys?y ty ????????? for fo?r wr whw??????ou'ou???re ore ????? the the???n n an an?and ?jujusust? n ???ed ed???quq??ck????gag?? i ininfin???ioi????Th???y a?ls?????ke?? fo", "output": "oy the Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp, but they are definitely a departure from the originals. Still my son LOVES them so for this reason I still give it four stars.\"\n2893,B000F9Z1WI,A2R6RA8FRBS608,Matthew G. Sherwin,6,7,5,1172361600,The portable and edible Oreo,\"One reviewer writes that these are Oreo crackers without the creme--and they are right! These thin Oreo crisp wafer type cookies by Nabisco are easy to pack for when you're on the run and just need a quick sugar infusion. They also make fo"} +{"input": "????nanaca??ini??????titimi??????ththeh???????oror ?ninigi????????? th t??y y????????? t????? gr g?????OrO?reore???asa?tet??wiw???ououtout ?ac?????lyl????ininging ??re?meme me a as a???n n????re?didiei?ntn?.<.<>????r />r />T>?he???e ce crcracr????rsr???re???hoh?lel???????????e ??and?? tr trar??s ?????frfrefr?e-e???????ay!ay????????e a?????nln???101??? ca c???orior???s is ?in in?? s???????? an???a a? se??????? co cononton????s ???lyly ly tly twt?o ???????s ofs o?f ff fa?t.????hey?? ar a?re ?babaka?????cracraccra???????hih?????????s ms ????e te ???????????ie????thath????ththe?????ac????????????es es??ncnclc??????ng gng ????????re?ncnchnch h? fr f???ies.ies?? Th The Th?esees?e c?raracra???rs?? so s??mehmeho?w w???nanagna??e t???o gio g?iveive e ye yoe y?? t?????ulull???re???? tas ta?steste ste?exe???erier?ienie??????hilhi?? o?????????th??? cr c", "output": "r snacking anytime of the day--or night--and they give you that great Oreo taste without actually using creme as an ingredient.

These crackers are cholesterol free and trans fat free--hooray! There are only 100 calories in a serving and a serving contains only two grams of fat. They are baked crackers which helps make them healthier than other snacking choices including greasy French fries. These crackers somehow manage to give you the full Oreo taste experience while omitting the cr"} +{"input": "?eme?? a ???????aia?r r??mom?unu???ofo???????ala?????s,s? t?ooo?????????????T>??heshe???OrO??o o????n n?crcri?sps??? co comome???? s sis??????allal????pap???etetsts ?????????ll? b ??e ie ininsinsi??e ??theth???oxo???ou? b??y.y. ??ThiTh??s ms ??kekeske?????? e ???en en m ??????or?tat???le le???? b bo b?????hi????renren ??????dudulultl??. . A. ?non???herhe??ad?vav?????e ??? t th?e ?e coe coo??ie???cocomomiom???????????llell???r par pac??????s is ???idi???? the the the? bo??x ix isis is???ata????u u??nonowno? t th? that tha????achac??????etet et?hah??????en ??re?-m-????uru???d td ????conco?????n on ??lyl??101??? ca c?????ies??????s ????????? ca can can'n't'?????idideid??ta??llyll????t ??tootoo o mo ma?????and?????ke ke i? in in??ororeore ?e cae c?alo????es es t? tha?n n yn ?you??waw?ant?eded ?d tod to ??havhave?????
These Oreo thin crisps come in six smaller packets which will be inside the box you buy. This makes them even more portable for both children and adults. Another advantage of the cookies coming in smaller packages inside the box is that you know that each packet has been pre-measured to contain only 100 calories. This way you can't accidentally eat too many and take in more calories than you wanted to have.

I notice tha"} +{"input": "t????ese?e e c ???ckckekere?s s??rer??mam?ded????????ocococoao???PlPleleaeasa?? c????ulu?t ?yoy????dodoc???r ?ifi????u u???vev???nyn?????????? a?bob???????fef??nene.e. ?ChC?oc??lal????e ane a??? co???????ul????conco??aia??? to t?? m ???h h????fe???????????????????u au ?arear??sesense????ivi?? t to?? th thahatha?.<.?brb?r /r />/???r ?r />r /?????cocomco???ndnd nd? th?esesees???cracracackacke??????????erser??ns?ns ons ???? the???????? w ?anantant t at ???uiu?ckck ck??nanac?????he???shshohouho?????rorovoviv??? y?? you you w wi w?ithit???a sa su?????????t ???for for?ququiqu????????gygy.y?. T?heheyhey hey m?akake?? fo f???a a ha ??alalt?hihiei??????er?ernaernat??iveive ??????thether??snsnasn????????s s ls loloa?dededde??wi??????at at? an and???or or cor ch??oleol???terte?rolro??.??????>B>?uyuy ??omo???????????????themthe??? tod to?ayay!y?????ILILEL?????8989494,4?B0B?00????", "output": "t these crackers are made with cocoa. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns about caffeine. Chocolate and cocoa could contain too much caffeine for you if you are sensitive to that.

I recommend these crackers for persons on the go who want a quick snack. They should provide you with a sugar boost for quick energy. They make for a healthier alternative to other snack foods loaded with fat and/or cholesterol.

Buy some and enjoy them today! SMILES\"\n2894,B000F9Z1"} +{"input": "???????B7B?????FOF?R7R??????mem?lal????\"\"\"?&#&???;M;MSM? V V& V??3434;34?????????5,5?121?080???40400000??VeV?ryr???ooo?????aca??!,!,\"?? r ?????y ????????eseses?. . ??he?y ?ara?? s so s????ghg???anandnd ?aiairi??, ,???momoso????likli???chc?ipipsp???nsn?stestea?????? co c?ookoo???es!es! !?????e fe ?la?vovoror r????th???t yt yuy??mym?????O O? ch c?oco????tet???????????owo???nd???????????959??B0B00000000F0F9F9Z9Z1Z1W1???????PYPYDYDO??494???????nfn?ucu???usu?,2,2,?2,??,1??????4004000?000,000,T,??ThesThe?? a?re?re ore okok.k.....?????he??se ???e ???????utu??th???e fle f??lavolav?? d ????????re???mbm?lel?e a?????????I ?pupuru????se???th?thesthe??????ongon????th? t th t???? chi ch??????hoyho?y a??nd ?th???????d ????????? t?????e flae fl????r or ?of of?????ps ps????hoy.hoy?. I. In. I??mymy my?????????????e ??as??tedte?d ld ???e ???imi???", "output": "WI,A2YB7DLC3FOR7W,\"Pamela V \"\""MS V"\"\"\",2,2,5,1208304000,Very good snack!,\"I really like these. They are so light and airy, almost like chips instead of cookies! The flavor is that yummy OREO chocolate we all know and love!\"\n2895,B000F9Z1WI,A3DOPYDOS49I3T,Confucious,2,2,4,1207440000,These are ok.....,These are good but the flavor did not resemble an oreo. I purchased these along with the chips ahoy and those did resemble the flavor of chips ahoy. In my opinion these tasted like animal "} +{"input": "?crc???kekerersr?? I ????lll? s ?tit??ck ck t tot?????psp? a aha????101???????????????s.??282??????00000??9Z9????????3X3XTXTQT?2G2????WDW???AYA?A,A,2,2,2?,2,,2??,1,111?797?????????er???GoGooo?d,d??I I hI ??veve ???ene???ata?tinti?g g? th t???10?0 ?????oriorie???hi???AhAhohoyho?y fy ?or?? so s?memete?timti????????ealea??????ndn? t th?????????s as ?????lil???, ,?gug?il????????snsnanacack??. I??t ht ?????????ququeu??????e ?ofo????s ?owo?????nonoto?t at ???did????????d-d??ypy??e t???tet?e ee ?????????it it??as?asteast???likli??? a a ` ????al'al?' s' sn?acack?ack.\"ack.\"\"???89789???00?000F000????WI????AOA????WTW???????,\"L,\"LoL?nnnni?????. H. ????er????ThT?he he??eve???????????????ing\"ing\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?????????151??636???0000,00?,\"F,\"??????????, C, Ca?lolorlo?rieri?s s Ds ?????, F, ?????ea?rlr?y ?OuO?t\"t\",\",\"\",\"A\"AsA???I gI ????????????nd nd??at???r,", "output": "crackers. I will stick to chips ahoy 100 calorie packs.\n2896,B000F9Z1WI,A213XTQ2GX3HWD,NAYA,2,2,5,1179360000,Very Good,\"I have been eating the 100 Calorie Chip Ahoy for sometime. I really find that it is a filling, guilt-free snack. It has a unique taste of its own - not a `diet' food-type taste either, it taste like a `real' snack.\"\n2897,B000F9Z1WI,A2AOZQ3WTNVVOK,\"Lonnie E. Holder \"\"The Review's the Thing\"\"\",2,2,4,1156636800,\"Flavor in, Calories Down, Fat Nearly Out\",\"As I get older and fatter,"} +{"input": "??I I????? o ???oro?????tit?eses s??? e eae?? s??acackc????hah???at?at lat ?eaeasea????????? n ???ini?nalna??????mpm?????????heh???????? O OrO??o ???oko???????ilil ??????ac??????y y?hih?ghg?????????isi????? h he h????????????. ??????veverve??? Or O????o coo c???kiekieses es??re? d ????cic???s s bs ?beybe?onondon????eliel?iefief.f??. N. ?oto?t ot ??????????OreOr?????ok?ie?ies ies d????cicioci??s,s?, b, ?utu?t It ???????timti?es??th???k k Ik I ?he??ar ar???eoeo eo ceo ???ki???s cs ??????g g m my my y ny na??me me??s s Is ???????byby y ty ?thethem???. H. ??nen????. ??I aI ?????aba??le le????bu???OrOreOreoOreo o c?o cooo co????es ???ca???e ??f f If I ????I ?knk???? I I????????t ??hehemhem;m; ;???????allal????in in?? a f a ?????aya??????NotNot t at a a g go g?oodood ood i?????
Nabisco, realizing that many of us are mak"} +{"input": "i?ngn???????????????ata?????t t? at a????atiat??????rer?e he ??ealealtltht??????dsd???hahava???crc?reareatateatede??? b ????d-d??????ififif??ed ed??nanaca?? e ele?imi?in?inatinate??????l tl th?e e be ????fafat???????mo???????th??? fa f?????????????????mmmmym???and????unu???????ocococ?lal?ate??????? s??ac?k ????????s ls li??e ??????ocoocol?at??ate cate cr??ack???? ?ToT????is???oio?intint t nt ???ononen?e h?????ve???????????????ulu?????al??thythy ??na????????at iat is?????e ?? c???????. . ?HoH??ev???, ???isis is wis ??????????ack,ack, ????ch??NaN????coco co?????de?????ed ed ned ????????al?l ?a a ca co?oko?kieki???peper????s ??????ses?e c????ie? s?????ds ds? fa fat fa??en?ining?, , i, ??is ris re?reasrea???nabna??ly ly y ?yumyummmmymmy.y?. ?I I h? hav ha??? ea e???????????????????sevse????al al??????? an and??????ll ll", "output": "ing some nominal attempt at eating more healthy foods, have created a brand-identified snack eliminates all the bad fats and most of the fat, creating a yummy and crunchy chocolate wafer snack that is like a chocolate cracker. To this point no one has ever created a truly healthy snack that is like a cookie. However, this wafer snack, which Nabisco has decided not to call a cookie, perhaps because cookie sounds fattening, is reasonably yummy. I have eaten these things several times and still "} +{"input": "??ata???heheme????I I a ?ctc??ala?lyly y???t ??theth?? m ?oro?e e t???n n???gugululal?r r?OrO???s,s???????????????t at asas s q ??????a a????????he?????.<.?????????r /?????? ma m??y by beb???temte??te?d ?tot????d d id iciciic????? to to?? thi th?s ?bab?????cocooco??ieie.e??????yoy????arear?e ge ??????toto to a?dd????e ???at at a???????or????????ic???ng,ng??pepererhrha?psps ???u u??hohououlouldl???????sks??p p i?n n pn ??retre????????t rt ??dud???ing????????ies? a an and an??fafatfa?t a?ndnd nd g go???trtrar??ghghth???o ?re???ulaul?ar ar? Or O???????okiokie??????n ???ct????jusjustst st? re r??ele?? in?? th?? c? cal calol??orieori?????d ??go ?fof?? t?? the the D the ????lele ??tu?????????. />O>?Ore?????avave???beebe?n n an araroar?ounou?????incin?e e 1e ??121?????and and r re rem re??????????es?t-t?seselse?llill??ing ing cing cocoo???????anand??inin ?hi????oryor???", "output": "eat them. I actually eat them more than regular Oreos, which I count as quite a nod to health.

You may be tempted to add icing to this baked cookie. If you are going to add the fat and calories in icing, perhaps you should just skip in pretense at reducing calories and fat and go straight to regular Oreo cookies. In fact, just revel in the calories and go for the Double Stuff Oreos.

Oreos have been around since 1912, and remain the best-selling cookie brand in history. "} +{"input": "???coc????ngng g??? o ouo????rir??ndndsd? a ??????ftf?, ,??hihici??? ow ownwnsn???aba?isi????, a, ?ndnd nd??hi?????is is?? own ow?????y y? th t?e e A ?ltltrt?riaria a???ou???(r(?????????????PhPhi????p Mp ?or??risri???prp??sus???ablablyly y fy ?oror or???rkr???in????reareasa????),)??????????????0 0? bi b??li?on? O ????o co cocoocooko??iesie????re????ldld ???? th??e fe fif????????yey????????????ir ir e ?????enencencec?. .??ThThoh?ougou??????o ???in??CrC?????s fs ?ala??????tete te a????t ?shs????t ot ?????????realreal l? th??ing???th??y ????e he ???gh gh q????it?y y a??nd nd hnd hah?????sufsu?fi???????flf?avavoav??or tor ???? a?????s s ts ??????????d ????co?lalatla?????afeafer?????o ho ????????? Or O?????amameam????r r /r />/?
Of course, you could just stick with rabbit food and be truly he"} +{"input": "??????, ,??utut t??hehere?e e??????e e fe ??? i in in ??thathatat?t? ?????r r? th t????????????tha?????ndn? a ???ono???ana?????ete???????ggg??????o o b?e ?juj?ustus?t tt ??o ????altal??? t?o o bo beb???un?????d ???????????ouo?????t oft o?????ggigg?inging g?????t ont o????pop???? o of o??OrO??osos os s ?????s s os ??of cof chchuh?unkun???????atat at? fl f????in?? t?????gh? o??r ???rcr????atoat?oryory ????stest??????????hih???CrC?isispis?s ???re re a a a???ve?????alt??????????? O ?? c????????yoy???prp?????ly???hohouho?????vov?????????g ?po??undun??????th????se, se,??vevenve?n wn ??th?? th????redre??cec?d ???t.t. ? F??????????ood?? an and??????mum??h h???w w? fa fat????ood???stist?llll l i?s ????t gt ???ood ood food ????yo??????enen ?ifi?f if ??????ste????????. . A. ?????easea?? O ??OreoOreo ?o Tho Thi??????isp?s ??o ??", "output": "althy, but where is the fun in that? For those of us that find a constant diet of veggies to be just too healthy to be fun, and yet the thought of pigging out on a pound of Oreos smacks of chunks of fat floating through our circulatory system, Oreo Thin Crisps are a lovely alternative. Or course, you probably should avoid eating pounds of these, even with the reduced fat. Food is food and too much low fat food still is not good for you, even if it tastes good. At least Oreo Thin Crisps do no"} +{"input": "???tat??k k????????heh?? I I I? wa w?alkal??byb?.<.????/>/><>??????????y!y!\"!?2?898??????00F00????WIW?????????E9E??????????????e ????BeBere??????????4,4?111????????0,0?NoNowo?? we w?????????? O OrO??o ???ranransn?????medme??ini??o o ao ??bab??ede?d cd chc?ocococ????e ???fef?er er?????k,k????e ae ?rere re s???llll l????????????awaawaya???roromo???he???cence???????????or or?? the th?e Oe ?????????iei???????? w wa?s ????????an?ufu??????????by by N ?ab????? i in i????121????s ss ?omomeom??thith?ingin? m?or?e ??????tintingn?g fg ????????lele ????did?p p i in in in?? the?irir ir? te t??? th??an an? th? the the??????????th?????glglil??h h t? ten te??d td to???ses?e (e ?it? w wa was was was???pyp?rir????tedte???s ???he ?\"\"\"\"O\"????o Bo ????uiuitui??\"\")\"\").). ??ThT??he she sas?andan??ic??h ch ????kieki???as????uit??e se ???il?ar? t to to to? th the??HyH?drd?roxro", "output": "t talk to me when I walk by.

Enjoy!\"\n2898,B000F9Z1WI,A2NJO6YE954DBH,Lawrance M. Bernabo,2,2,4,1156464000,Now we have the Oreo transformed into a baked chocolate wafer snack,\"We are still six years away from the centennial for the Oreo cookie, which was first manufactured by Nabisco in 1912 as something more exciting for people to dip in their tea than the biscuits the English tend to use (it was copyrighted as the \"\"Oreo Biscuit\"\"). The sandwich cookie was quite similar to the Hydrox"} +{"input": "???ooo?kik?e e?prpror??ucu??? b ?? S ?????????? bu b?t t?OrO??o o????in?atateted??????mam???etet t tt toto o so ???????????????t tht t?at? t??heyhe???to???????makmaki?ngn?????ro?? b?????in????969?? W WhW??t ??ouo???d bd beb?????????re??????????od???n\"n\"\"?? Or O?????????ie ie?waw????eve???opo?pedpe?????????????igi??????????theythe?y wy ??ereer??????d ??shash??ped??, w, ???chc???s ?????y soy som???th??????the??????e c?om??????romrom m? th?????reere??????d d fd ??or or???????????, w???th th t??????wo wo??irircr???ar??????????????????s w???h h th ????sws????????te???????ingin???comcommm?monmo??? c ca cala??????????\"\"c\"\"crc????????in ?bebetbe?wewee?n.n.<.??f f??ouourou???????ayay y cy ??consconsu?memermers????????t ht ??????o ?re??strst?????t th??????vevesves s ts to????????", "output": " cookie produced by Sunshine, but Oreo dominated the market to such an extent that they stopped making Hydrox back in 1996. What would be considered the \"\"modern\"\" Oreo cookie was developed in 1952 (originally they were mound shaped, which is why some think the name comes from the Greek word for \"\"hill\"\"), with the two circular chocolate wafers with the sweet white filling commonly called the \"\"cream\"\" in between.

Of course today consumers do not have to restrict themselves to just th"} +{"input": "?? t ?????titioionon n????o o c ?ooo?????? T ?heh????ararere ?Or?eoeoseo??wiwitithit???????lal?tet????lavlavov???d d? cr cre?ama? i ini???teate?ad ad o ofof f????? tr t?radra?????????????e,e?????????l al ???or??ngn?e ?co??or?ede???rereareamrea???at at H ?alallal??we?enen ??andan?d rd re?? a???ChChrhrir??stmst???. ????????an an????t Ot Or????????ith ith a???ou??lel???????tiontio???? f ?ili??in???????????????????mimixi???????d ??matma?chc???? t tw twow????ava??????????????ng ?(c(????melmel l al anl a??????ocoocolo????, ?cocofco????e ae ???? cr???????????????uttut??? a??d ???????at????ete?????????u ????t ??he??ororiorigi?in???? co c?????????h ?? c??at??ing?ing oing ?of ?chchochococo??lat??????gege?ge?????eye??hahav??e te ?thathat?, ?or????ith????hithi???? cho?co????te te fte ??dg????? w? win wi?te????an?and ???en? t? the ther??e i", "output": "e tradition Oreo cookie. There are Oreos with chocolate-flavored cream instead of the traditional white, as well as orange colored cream at Halloween and red at Christmas. You can get Oreos with a double portion of filling, not to mention mixing and matching two flavors of filling (carmel and chocolate, coffee and cream, peanut butter and chocolate, etc.). You want the original cookie with a coating of chocolate fudge? They have that, or with white chocolate fudge in winter, and then there i"} +{"input": "s??tht???UhU???h!h? O ????????th th??he??flflal??ororsrs ??f f????e ce ????iei?e re ?????rsersede?.<.?brb? / />/?
But what if you are interested in watching your weight because once you open a bag of which ever type of Oreos are your personal preference they are just sitting them beginning to be eating? After all, once they are open they could go stale, and putting them in a cookie jar just makes them more accessible even if it allays fears about freshness. Nabisco has taken a three-prong approach for weight watching Oreo lovers. You c"} +{"input": "a???gog???iti???th?? R ?ededuducu??ed ed F ?ata?????o,o?? wh whihici???isi??idi?ene?titic?alal l t??????????e ?ofo? t?heh???????nanalal al b ????hah????????????pepere?? se s?erver?iningin?. . ?ThThe?n ????rere re???????????iniin??????s,s?, b, ????-s-?sizsi??d d v ?ererser???nsn??pap????geged?ed ied ?????nacna??? pa p?ackac?s ?????herhe?r tr th?an? i?n n rn re????y y?????????rapra????????????????? we w??????????d tod to ?o tho t??????????lil?????thethe ????? T??hinhi?n Cn CrC?risrispspsp???????????????????e ae ?arear??bab???ed ?????????e ??sixsix-x?-si-sidideided??waw??er????ac??s,s, s,??lmlmom???????? to to? a a? pa???, ????t ?arareare are l liligli???ly?? sp s??rinrinknklkle??????th th?????? s??ece?????thathatthat that a????re tore to ?o tao t???e te ?thethe the pthe ???cece ce o ??????????????????oneoned?ed c????m.m?. ?????, I, ???????memeome?one?????????keske?s t?", "output": "an go with the Reduced Fat Oreo, which is identical to the size of the original but has less fat per serving. Then there are the Mini Oreos, bite-sized versions packaged in snack packs rather than in really think wrapped trays. Now we can add to that short list the Oreo Thin Crisps.

These are baked chocolate six-sided wafer snacks, almost 20 to a pack, that are lightly sprinkled with white specks that are to take the place of the aforementioned cream. Now, I am someone who likes th"} +{"input": "????rereaeama?????re re??hah????????afa?erer,r, ,??? I ? w wawaswas s? wa w??y y??ececac??sese ???ththoth??ghg?t t????rfr?fifini???dod??n ?????ncn?h h o ?? t????se se?????d d???????e e ee ???in?g ??????????lal?????af?er????????utu???thethe the? wh whih???e c??reaream?, ???ut ut t???????e ??igi????????? ta t???te te??????? tha??????ene?n wn ?witwiththo????ha??ining? t th?? g ??lasla??s os ?????????hanhandn?y ???at??? c?ononsn???????d ed ??se??????lyl??whw???????in???th???mo??????????ioi???? O ??reoreo ?co??kik??es.es? ???incin???ththe?y ??do do???ve??? the? the O the ????o to tat??tete te Ite I I cI ?canca??rorou??? u ?p p o???th???se.se?????????????????101?0 0?CaC??ororior????aca???????o ho ??????ou?? dr d??? t th??????????????????ro????d nd nun??be?????enen en? it i??cocom??es es?????al?aloralo???? in i???ke????", "output": "e cream more than the wafer, so I was wary because I thought scarffing down a bunch of these would be like eating the chocolate wafers without the white cream, but they are lighter in taste than that, even without having the glass of milk handy that I considered essentially when eating the more traditional Oreo cookies. Since they do have the Oreo taste I can round up on these. These come in 100 Calorie Packs, to help you draw the line at a nice round number when it comes to caloric intake. Y"} +{"input": "??? c ??n n?sis??????? o ?z z?????) ) p ??ckc?? i ?n n an ? 4 ???????z bz ?oxo?? ????? p pa p?ackac?? co cono????????????????? t ????s-s????, , 2 2 2 g gr g???? o of o?f ff fa?????andan???????????????s ofs o??????ese??ereror???. . ?YoY????ilillil?? al a??? f ?inindind d od on???? of of??0000 ???????? L ???ininging g??ipipsps ?s ons o??th???????nt nt? of??th??? pa??????.g.?????5656:6??????kek??a a ma ?ea????outout t o??????ete?izizez????s ors o? s???????????? in i????ada?d o???lalarargr?????ai?n ????rer?es?????. . O. OfOf ?f cof c??????????????thithin????? o?? of p of pupututtt?tinti?g ?so??me me????????se se? in in in? a a b ??wlw??l ofl o????????a ?ici?e ?????am,am, ?bubutut ut????at at? wo w?oulouldl????realrea???y my ?mesme???upu??? the th??????? h ????th?y y ly lilivlivi???????????898???B0B???F9F??1W1??,A,????UUU?WBW??H1H????,C,C.C?. C. ??????1,1???", "output": "ou can six 0.81 oz (23g) packs in a 4.86 oz box. Each pack contains 0 grams of trans-fat, 2 grams of fat, and 0 milligrams of cholesterol. You will also find one of 100 Healthy Living Tips on the front of the pack (e.g., #56: \"\"Make a meal out of appetizers or side dishes instead of larger main entrees\"\"). Of course, I was thinking of putting some of these in a bowl of vanilla ice cream, but that would really mess up the whole healthy living bit.\"\n2899,B000F9Z1WI,A1PDUUWBQH1FHO,C. Chong,1,1,3"} +{"input": "????????525202?0,0?non?t t??????odo??????heh??????cac??oro??e ?OrO????,\",???th?? an a???lo????ata???or or l lo l????calca?lorlo???e fe ??oodoo??????'r'?????ini??????????rifri??cec???as?????f f?pop??????? si s????? W ??????thith?s ?prp???????, y, yo?? s??????iciceice e be bob?othot??????/>/??
It's a good idea, which was done well with the Oreos and others in this series of \"\"100 calorie\"\" snacks, but I think you're better off with a single cookie from the regular Chips Ahoy box than a whole bag of these.\"\n2900,B000F9Z1WI,A3JKBW6VK2LCJ0,\"T. Saad \"\"T-bone\"\"\",1,1,5,1205798400,Great Taste!!!,\"Love this "} +{"input": "s??aca???????/>/>I>?????eaeala??y y t ?asa??????br br /???ili????g g f ??r ?mym?y wy wiw??????oto??meme e????ugu?????\"\"\"\"I\"I'I'l'??????e ?2 2???ea?sese\"e\"\"? = =)=?\"\"?292?010????00????1W1WIW?,A,?UKU??????DCDCLC???????#6#?0;0???McM???reareama???????5,5?,11,1???404??40?0,0,S,SeS???in???????pop??sis???le.le??.,.,\",\"h\"hohowho???oooodo?????se??coc??kik?es? r re r??ll??y ay ara??. .? T ?????????elelilici??????, s, sas?tit??fyf????, , a, ??d d rd ?rea??lly???re?real?ly?ly hly ???altal??y.y. y.???efe????tet?elyel?????re???t at ??altealt?rnr?????e e te ?? \" ?????real\"real??\"\" c\"\" ?coocookokikieki??.\".?\"2\"???????00000?????????262????VLV??????????ea????er er???. P. ?arariar?????\"R\"?obobeb?erter??t ant a????HeaHeatathathe?????????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?,1,,1,1?,1,4,1,4,4?,11????????000,000??HEH?SES? A ????TRT??E ????INI?STSTR??AMAM'M' '????T T??NAN???S S - ?-,-,\"??????? TH T??UGU??TSTS:S?????", "output": "snack.
Its really tasty.
Filling for my wife, not me though...\"\"I'll take 2 please\"\" =)\"\n2901,B000F9Z1WI,AUKK48F2DCLKD,I <3 McDreamy,1,1,5,1192406400,Seemingly impossible...,\"how good these cookies really are. They're delicious, satisfying, and really, really healthy. Definitely a great alternative to \"\"real\"\" cookies.\"\n2902,B000F9Z1WI,A26HFSVLAGULIM,\"Heather L. Parisi \"\"Robert and Heather Parisi\"\"\",1,1,4,1157328000,THESE ARE TRUE 'MAINSTREAM' DIET SNACKS --,\"FIRST THOUGHTS: BRIN"} +{"input": "?GSG? B BAB?CKCK K???? M ????RIR????brb??????r ???WhW????? r ???en??lyl???????? th t?heshe?????ttttltletle ??afafef?rsrs s I? r?ec????ed? w whwhe???I ??ororkr??????????ofofff?ici???????????0 0???earearsrs rs??gogo.o? W ??en??vev????????iri????oror or?sks??ppppep?ed ??ununcn??, ,?he? r?anan an?????? thr th????h h t th? the the????ar???en???plpleleale?didin?g g??it?????? t th? the the l the ??adiadie?s ??? p pu pulu??ll sll sos????????????? of of f? th???ir ir h??andan???agsags ??or ???????s ths t??t ???gh????????himhi?????ouougou?gh gh t?ili?ll ll 5ll ?? O' O'c'???ckck.k. ???????al??y y ey ?enden?????p p????th th? a a c cocou????e oe ???????agageaged?ed sed ???tit??????whiwhic??h hh ?hadha?d ld ?lonlo?g g sg ?inincin?ce ce tce tut?????????aleal??an?????ereer???osost?lyly ?crc?????????????beb????ing cing ?crucrus?he?d ?atat at t??? the b the ??tt????? of of?? a h a ?hanhandn??ag???r ?de?deskdes???rar????", "output": "GS BACK OLD MEMORIES

When I recently tried these little wafers I recalled when I worked in an office nearly 20 years ago. Whenever the Director skipped lunch, he ran all through the department pleading with all the ladies to pull something out of their handbags or desks that might get him through till 5 O'clock. He usually ended up with a couple of packaged saltines which had long since turned stale and were mostly crumbled from being crushed at the bottom of a handbag or desk drawer."} +{"input": "??I I????????????????e te ?hah?? s sosomo?me me??f f t??e e ge ??rlr?s s k ?epeptpt t st ststatal????rar????rsr???usust????? h ????????????s s ts ???? r??ealea?lyly y ay adadmd?irireir?? h??????????????bib?scs?o ?????o To ???????is?psp?? B BaB?ke??d Cd ??oco???atateat???afa??????acackacksks's??????d ????e ???rvr?vedved ??is? p ???pop?se??s ms ?ucu????etettt?erer er? th???n tn ?the? s sa sal???ineines?, , b, ?????????ulduld ????the?r ???? ha hava??????????? hi?s ?olo?? f???or???testes.s?r /????? N NUN?TST?HEHELE??????CEC??????? D ????ERE???? C??FFF????BRBREREAE??? TI T?????- ??UTUT UT? NO N?????AMAM M & ??SUS?GAG????LELEA???????/>/>???BasBasis??calca??y,y, ?ththith??????a a m??iniinimimaimal??????nanacnack? f fo for??????lel??whwho? h? hav ha???????????????hi??g g?in????twt???n ?????s s as ?andan??th?????ono", "output": " I came to realize that some of the girls kept stale crackers just for him - I guess they really admired him. These 'Nabisco Oreo Thin Crisps, Baked Chocolate Wafer Snacks' would have served his purposes much better than the saltines, but I would rather he have more of his old favorites.


Basically, this is a minimalist snack for people who have to eat something in-between meals and they don"} +{"input": "?'t't t???ntnt t it iti?t tt ?o o b beb? a ? 6 ??0 0??ala???iei?e ce ??nfnfef???ioi??? T ThT???'s'?? wh whyh???????igiggg?ese?t t pt ?ri??nt nt o ?on on t th thehe he???be?????ysys,s? \" ??101?00 00 c ca c??ororior????aca??s\"s?? - ---??????????heshes ???ror??????????????ISI??????F F??LLL???BOBOUO?T:T: : E ?NRN?ICICHC?EDE? F FLF??OUROUR R?????????+ + \"+ ?\"\"A\"\"????????AL? F FL FLAL??????\"\" \"\" &\"\" & &? \"\" \"\"A\"???IF????ALAL ??OLO???RS\"RS?\"\" ???? L ?ITI?TLT???CAC??OLOLAOL???????? / /> />2 />??GRG?????OFO?F FF ?????& 9& ?????MSMS MS??F ??SUGSU?GARGAR ?inin in a a a?232? G??????????GEG??= = 1 1010010?????????S????
????did??????ac??? g ??????????? ok o?ay???????? to to ????ryry ????", "output": "'t want it to be a 600 calorie confection. That's why the biggest print on the label says, \"\"100 calorie packs\"\" -- 4.5 inches across!




As diet snacks go this is okay stuff to carry with"} +{"input": "???ouo???????????????? m mom??e ????or??e ??????e ae ???ere????ivivevese???iti?? t ???esees?e we ???erersers ??n ?hah???, , m ma m???ngn? t th t??m m?? s ??????? a??????te?? or o?????cic????e age a?????t ?drd?opo?pip????????gygy y? an??????odo???ugu????leleveve??s s is in?? th????at???e afe a?????ooo?on on w wh w?????mam?y ??leale???????????gege e ue unu?????????sns??ckc??. F. FoF??????at at??uru??osose?? th thi th??????????reareat???????ctc?t at ??? I I I???owow w t?? that tha??ou?r ?????????????? ye yeae?rsrs ????, ???oulou?d ???????iv??en en? an any an???ining? t???????e te ?thethesthe?se ?????st?? wa w?afeaf??ers ers a???????bleble ???instins??????f ?th?? u ??????????????????nesne????????he he????sisisistis????????oror or mor ma????a ??lonlong??????ernernonoono??. . W. ?hehenhen ??????????to????id???????indin???anyan?", "output": " you. One can avoid more calorie dense alternatives with these wafers on hand, making them a sort of antidote or vaccine against dropping energy and blood-sugar levels in the late afternoon which may lead to a large unplanned snack. For that purpose this is a great product and I know that our Director, 20 years ago, would have given anything to have these modest wafers available instead of the usual stale saltines that he subsisted on for many a long afternoon. When the Director didn't find any "} +{"input": "s???????? a ara??unundn??ththeh????fificicec?e he ?he'he'd'?????d ???????hth? f foforor r????ono????????? t th t?? r reres?????s s hs hih????oryory.y???292??????00??9Z9Z1Z?????131???ARA?AXA?????W,W?EdE???yey??hihimhimam??????????565646??????,\",??hoh?cocololal?tet?e We ????rsrs s is ????? I ????ti????CrCrir?isiis?????s Os ????s.s??..B..BuB???IfI????ce???????HeHele?psps ?MoM?onion????? Ca C??or?iei??? W ?hyhy ?????\"????????ateat?e te toto to a???it??? m ?????th?e ?la?rdr???????s ???he ?ononeon???in ??ou????????raradradede de?clc???ss ss w ?ho??un?scs??rewre?ede?d td ??the the??????, a, ??????l l???e ?????????ddd?lel?, , l, ??ickic?ed?? th? the the????????cl?????????d thd t????at?ate ???the ?haharha???eneen????????lalatla?te te w????????ThT????????e e ie ime i??????????e ?of????is???cooco??ie??. E. ???n ????brbra? S ??tretreieis?an?", "output": "saltines around the office he'd head straight for McDonalds and the rest was history.\"\n2903,B000F9Z1WI,A13E0ARAXI6KJW,Ed Uyeshima,1,1,4,1156464000,\"Chocolate Wafers in an Identity Crisis as Oreos...But If Deception Helps Monitor Calories, Why Not?\",\"I hate to admit I miss the lard. I was the one in your 4th-grade class who unscrewed the Oreo, ate all the white middle, licked the wafers clean and then ate the hardened chocolate wafers. That's the image I have of this cookie. Even Barbra Streisand"} +{"input": "??coc?yly?? n nan?????heh???sis????ingin? t ???? a ??? th t?he he?beb??????ing???? \" \"\"\"?? S ?tatarar r Ir ?? B ???n\"n?? t? the th????eoe?s s bs ??cacaua???e se shs?????d d td ???o bo ?aca????? s?in???erser?s ws ?hoh??wewer?e e be ???????ThThahatha????s whs w?y ?????idi?????f ??n n???reore??ThThiTh?????risrisps???s s rs rar???herhe????ostost ??????.<.???r /r ?><>
It is a single, nickel-sized baked chocolate wafer that more resembles a bleached Wheat Thin than the original Oreo. It does have some dusting of a white fructose sprinkle as perhaps a nostalgic tribute. Don't get me wrong, as the Oreo Thin Crisps are perfectly fine as low-calorie chocolate wa"} +{"input": "?fef????????nanata?ivi????gog????heh?? s ???????lalacackc??????lilipi??smsmam??kik???? sa sat???faf??titioti???ofo? a? d did?????eme??lel??????????geg??te???in?????cec??. . T. ????whw?????????t t? of o?f tf ?thethe ?0.0????ouounu?cece ce?bab???of???afa?ferfe???isis is??o ???????thath?? t???????re re??\"1\"??0 0 C ??aloal?????????s\"s??????????????? f ??or or???ig???????chche??? a ad a???cacat??es es a???d td ??the the?reresrests?t ot ????s ?wh?????????d bd ???waw????????g oug o???????htht.ht. ??t't?s ??usustus???hahatat at Iat ? d do d????????l l??ververyry ?????sf?ie??d ad af??terte???finfi??ishis?????ju?st???nen??????.\".??292909????00????Z1Z?????3R3RMR??FWF?????????,An,A??? A AmA?er??ca?n,n?????5,5???494?828?727???????? C?ri?sps??,\",\"N\"??bib??????????????heheyhey hey d????t ??utut ??litli?????????????", "output": "fer alternatives go. They simply lack the lip-smacking satisfaction of a disassembled Oreo digested in pieces. The whole point of the 0.81-ounce bag of wafers is to tout that they are \"\"100 Calorie Packs\"\", a fine idea for Weight Watchers advocates and the rest of us who should be watching our weight. It's just that I don't feel very satisfied after finishing just one pack.\"\n2904,B000F9Z1WI,A3RM5FW3BOEDOG,Anne American,0,0,5,1349827200,Oreo Crisps,\"Nabisco knew if they didnt put little things th"} +{"input": "?atat t??ivi??????? m mum?chch h p ?lel?asa?uru?e ????lil?ttttlt?le le????le???????e we ??????kek??p p??ipi???????ourou? h hahanandn?d id ?? t???e be ba???????d ind i?n an a a??????e ???earea????wouwo?uldul??????????h ??000??????? di diei??an???ear??????eateathth th?an?and and?non?????gegere?r br bebe e ae abe a?????o ???ve???aba???coco co? mo m???y.y???????r /?KiK???dinding? a??id?e,e?, t, ?????e a??? l????????. . T ThT???????????e ise is s ps ?????ctc??on????? y yoy??????l ?lilikli??? ch c??????? th??????ici?klk?ly ly? or o????keke ?????????ly ?an??and land ?let? t? the the the??ig?hth?t wt ??fe????eleltel??????youyo??? mo mou mo?th???2292909??,B,B0B?00000?????WIWI,I????????BQB?7D7??IJIJ,J???nowno??cac?at,at,0,?,0?,2,?,1,131323???05??00??NoN????TheTh??BeB?estes?????????s Is ?'v've??EvEve???HaH?????I I???as as???re?ly?????apa???in??eded ??d in d in?? the?", "output": "at give this much pleasure in little baglets, we would keep dipping our hand in the bag and in a couple years would all weigh 400 lbs, die an early death and no longer be able to give Nabisco money.

Kidding aside, these are loveable. The texture is perfection. If you feel like chewing them quickly or take it slowly and let the light wafer melt in your mouth.\"\n2905,B000F9Z1WI,A2X8URSBQ7D4IJ,Snowycat,0,0,2,1320105600,Not The Best Cookies I've Ever Had!,\"I was sorely disappointed in thes"} +{"input": "e???ooo????s.s???ThT?????rere ?prp?retrettt??y ty ???tetele???s s???? d ??mnmn n h hahar?d ????..??I I w ??ulu??n'n??????y ty thy the?m m??????????? I' I'v'???cec???taita??lyl??y tay t????d ????h h b?etettttett????????alal l? co coo????????I I dI ?efefif?iniiniti???ly ly????comcommm???nd nd snd ?????????ourour r??ono???, , f fof?lkl?s.?.\".?2??0606,6??000?????1W1WIWI,I?????ZWZ????B5B?6464343,3,L,LaL??????0,0?????????353??????????y,y?\"W\"????????? ha h??e ?????avaviavin?ing ing???r ????????? bu b????you?? do don??'t 't??on???t tt ?tooto? m mu muc?h,h, , t, tht?isi??????isis is j ?????????????? I??'s's ???ummum??????90??????0F0F9?Z1Z1WZ1WIWI,WI,A??????DJD??????2,2?asashas?????ra??????????5,????55????000?,v,??ryr??????mmy,mmy?,\"I,\"???on????us????????iki?????al??y y cy ?????y ??ooook????, ??butbu???he????st???????????", "output": "e cookies.. They are pretty tasteless and damn hard too.. I wouldn't buy them again and I've certainly tasted much better low-cal cookies.. I definitely recommend saving your money, folks..\"\n2906,B000F9Z1WI,A1BZZWKT8B5643,LadyDi,0,0,5,1308355200,Yummy,\"When you have a craving for a sweet but you don't won't too much, this bar is just perfect. It's yummy.\"\n2907,B000F9Z1WI,A2DEB8DJ3MYSN2,ashleygranger,0,0,5,1295568000,very yummy,\"I don't usually like really crispy cookies, but the taste of these "} +{"input": "???anangn?eded d??????ndn?. .??? l lil??e e????t t?yoy?? g ???t qt ?uiu???e ae ?????? fo f??????y y 1y ??????lol?orioriei?????? o?ftftetente????? fo?r ???????tit?ityity\"y?? o ov ovevere????\"qu\"q???itityity\"ity?\"\" \"\" s\"\" ???I ????ldl???ata??er????veve ve a a ????????? c????? c??oko????? th t?hanhan ???e ?rer?????r ??oo????????909080?,B,?????9Z9???I,I????R6R?Y2Y2C2????Y6Y?6,6?????aga?lel??0,0,0,0,,0?????????484?00???????DiDipippp?ed???????hth?t Bt ??arsar??????e ???? o ou o?r ????orori?te? i ???ul????cec?????10?????lo????es es f???? a a??wew?????ixi?? an a?nd nd e enenen??gygy-y- - t th the th?y ???e ???the the?beb?estest!t? ??ada???o o so ?????n ???????????????re ?????lonlo?????av?aia???????;-;????????????k k????????g g? an??d t?he??????rivri?????????ly!ly?????????000000F000??Z1??WI,WI?,A3,A??90??8C8?1A1?0P0", "output": "changed my mind. I like that you get quite a few for only 100 calories. I often go for \"\"quantity\"\" over \"\"quality\"\" so I would rather have a few thin crisp cookies than one regular cookie.\"\n2908,B000F9Z1WI,A3BR6Y2CT9SY66,P. Eagle,0,0,5,1277164800,Oreo Dipped Delight Bars,These are our favorite indulgence at 100 calories for a sweet fix and energy- they are the best! Sad to see on Amazon they are no longer available ;-(
Quick shipping and they arrived safely!\n2909,B000F9Z1WI,A3A90C8C1A0P"} +{"input": "S?8,8????? D?????????,0,,0??,1,??525??131???0,????chc???g g c ???kikie????heh???????kikieki????rer??jujusu???ene?ouo??h h w ?????yoy??????????????ete????ttttlt??????ackac?????y y?3 3????ololdl? g ????????????? l ??????toto o? sa saya?y ty ???? le l??te??b>??fof?????hehe ?popopo????it it??n n hn ?????ou???..?????0,B0,??00000??????I,I,A,??29????GAG?MOM????????llllilialiama????. M. MeMeyeyey???\"\"\"?BiBilillill/l/G/GiG?????????ll?????\"\"?\",\"?,0,???5,????52152?959???00,00?,10,1?00 00??ala??oriorieie ie??aka?????erser??\"T\"??es?? 1 10??????lorlorir????????te????ar??e de dedele??cic????? B ?oto???th??e ve ?ana????a/>c/>?raravra???ngsng???ndnd nd???s ??????10100? c? cal????es???forfor ?th??", "output": "S8,D. D Davies,0,0,5,1252713600,teaching cookies,These cookies are just enough when you crave a sweet little snack. My 3 yr.old granddaughter likes to say the letter
before she pops it in her mouth.\n2910,B000F9Z1WI,A2298O6GAMOQAQ,\"William C. Meyer \"\"Bill/Ginny-Howell, NJ\"\"\",0,0,5,1252195200,100 calorie Cakesters,\"These 100 calorie Cakesters are delicious! Both the vanilla
and the chocolate are great, they satisfy those little \"\"sweet\"\"
cravings and its only 100 calories for thre"} +{"input": "???????lel????kekese????292??1,1???00?????WIWI,I??2I2IIII5I????????LNLN,N??ror?fef??sis???ala???hoh?ppppep???0,0,0??4,4??252??767?323?00?,T,?????rer?e ne ?oto?????,\",\"L\"???????beb?giginin n?????ayayiy??g g???????????no?t t lt ?likli?ke ke???reoreo o co ??oko??es? a ?at at???l.l????th??inkin??????????ie????rtr????? bi bit???er er a?ndnd d?????te??? the th????it?e ????ama???ili?llill?inging.ing????henhe???? fr f?ie?????uguggggeg?estes???d Id ?????y ty ?????????????relrelulucu???ntn??????kekepke???tetelte?????g hg he?r r? th????I ??????ot?????????tetedted.ted. ???he ?in?si?st????sos??I ??I triI tr??d ?a a fa ???? an??????prp??si???lyly y dy ??d ??not???inindin??th???m tm ??o bo ?be be???ad ad????t alt a???. I. ????di???betbe???, ,??o ?????s is ?????t t a????nacna??k Ik I ?I wiI w?????????atiatininging ing o of?te??, ???????fefew? h????e ae ?and??", "output": "e little cakes!\"\n2911,B000F9Z1WI,A2II54B3VA45LN,Professional shopper,0,0,4,1251763200,They're not bad,\"Let me begin by saying that I do not like Oreo cookies at all. I think the cookie part is bitter and I hate the white cream filling. When a friend suggested I try these I was reluctant and kept telling her that I was not interested. She insisted so I tried a few and surprisingly did not find them to be bad at all. I'm diabetic, so this is not a snack I will be eating often, but a few here and t"} +{"input": "??ererere e w ?ono??t t h ??rtr?. . I IfI? y ????????xpx??????g g???heshesese ?????asa??e ??ikikek???re?o ?coc???????????????e we ???????lal?d d???????????t!t???? t th?????ouou'ou??l l b ?e ?didisdi?????????d.d?. B. ?????f f yf yo?u u??ana???a a c chcho???lalatla????nanaca???? tha thata???????????????????s as anandand ??at???lel???????vev?e te the t?heshesehes??a a ta ??????????????????1W1WIWI,I???WTW??K5K??U6U6R6?CIC?I,\"I,?????o \"o \"\"\"?\"M \"M??o ??thath??????\",\"????,4,?,1,12?????????????????ticti???????? t tr t?reare???!,!??GrGror?owiow??g ?upu?? on o?n On ??eoeoso?s a?ndn????????s ????????????? w??s s ts ????????acackac????ithit??????????and and???????ioi????????OreoOreo'o'so's ??o o co cao c???????s.s?. A. AnA?nd nd???ilileil???I hI hah?ad ad???????pe?ct??atiat????, , I, ????stst st s?aya?y ty ??es????re?re bre ??tt??? t???n ?", "output": "here won't hurt. If you're expecting these to taste like Oreo cookies (I'm one who's glad they didn't!!), then you'll be disappointed. But if you want a chocolate snack that's low in calories and fat please give these a try.\"\n2912,B000F9Z1WI,ATWTKK5MU6RCI,\"M-Lo \"\"M to tha Lo\"\"\",0,0,4,1243728000,Fantastic little treats!,\"Growing up on Oreos and milk is common. So I was taken aback with the brand extension of Oreo's to cakesters. And while I had low expectations, I must say these are better than n"} +{"input": "o?rmr?ala? O ??eoe????AlA?????ghgh h?????n'n't'??sas?? i ?t't??????ata??th?? c????? o ofo???re?os???andand d?mim?lkl?????thesthe?e ?arare????????tit??????at????ndn??re??????????guguiu?????????????f yf ?ou???iki??????ke ke????d ld li??????????yoyouyou u? ca canan'an't????o wo wrw????????h ???????cak?ese???rsr?s.<>T/>???e fe ?????ng?? wi w??ill ill????ng?????? ba b?ckc????o yo yo??r ???ilildil?ho?odo???hi??e ?ththe?????ke ke wke ??ll???????????????witwithth th? a a w?ho??le le???? O Or O??? e ??????enencncec?e. e.?CeC?erterta???ly????ortor?th th ath a a t tr try try ?? g gu g?ar???anteant?eded ?enenjenjoj???en?t!t?\"\"?292?131?,B,B0B000?00F00???1W1???????BRBR1R??SKS??????JeJeaeanean n???ardar????,0,,0???12???080??????????? Ca C?aloal?orior?ie ie????k,? C Ch C???s ???hoyhoy ????????\",\"???????ve ve?re???ntntlt?ly ??joijo?????Je?nnn", "output": "ormal Oreos. Although I can't say it'll beat the combo of oreos and milk, these are fantastic treats and relatively guilt-free. If you like cake and like Oreos you can't go wrong with Oreo cakesters.

The filling will bring you back to your childhood while the cake will provide you with a whole new Oreo experience. Certainly worth a try - guaranteed enjoyment!\"\n2913,B000F9Z1WI,A3CNBR12SK2D1L,Jean Ward,0,0,5,1235088000,\"100 Calorie Pack, Chips Ahoy Cookies\",\"I have recently joined Jenn"} +{"input": "yy y???????????? n nen??? t tot??lolososes? s sosomomem???eie?ighightht,t, ,??????heh??se se 1 ??0 0???????e ?PaP??k k c cocooookokik??s ??????thethe e ge ???ata?es?t t t th thihini??????????ackac??. . ?????prp?????ateat??e the t?? o opo?ppopp???unu???y ????geg????the??????????? s?o ??????????y.y. . I. I ??avavev?e ae agagr?eeeedee????????????????me?????????mom??nthnt???2292?141?,B,B0B?????????????????Q1Q???NYN??,J,??????re?????????????454?????00,00??????????0 C0 ??aloal???? T ?????????I ??lovlo?vedve??d thd the??or?origori???al???re????CakCa?keskests?????whw??n n??????fif?rs???dedebebubutu?????????????hi???? aw a?????ro??m em ea????g g tg ?the?????n an ???????????as??s s bs ?????????f f t th the? h hi??????lo??????nd?????? co con??tente?? i ?in in e eaeacea?h ??serse?viv??ing.ing????, ????n ?I ?I saI s?w w t", "output": "y Craig as I need to lose some weight, and these 100 Calorie Pack cookies are the greatest thing for snacks. I appreciate the opportunity to get them from you so reasonably. I have agreed to take a shipment each month.\"\n2914,B000F9Z1WI,A3R9Q9WQ1M1NYZ,J. Murrell,0,0,5,1234569600,Great 100 Calorie Treat!!,\"I loved the original Oreo Cakesters when they first debuted. But, I shied away from eating them on a regular basis because of the high calorie and fat content in each serving. So, when I saw t"} +{"input": "h?e e c coc???erercr?iai?l l???? t ?hehe he???0 0??al?or?iei??vev??sisioi??, , I ??????????rdrdld????aiaiti?? to t?? tr t???ththeth?????ndn????????????y Iy ???? v ??ry????????ses??!/??
While some of the 100 calorie snack cakes can have a dry, mealy consistency, these cakes are moist, decadent and taste 100% like the originals.....just smaller. I would recommend them to anyone who liked the original version, but is watching calories. Good job Nabisco!\"\n2915,B000F9Z1WI,A2INEVLD3SNCUC,\"Lisa Ann Welker \"\"Sped math teacher\"\"\",0,0,5,1231804800,\"Good, and just en"} +{"input": "????h h t toto o s sas???sfs??????.\".\",\"?????????lyl???is is?ono? t th theh??lalasa?? b ?oxo?? ?MyMy My? ol o?dedese??????ughughth?????ateate ???stst ?ofof f?? the th?e ce coc?okokik?es????ShShe? l?iki??? p ?eae??utu?t bt ?ut?????????e te tht??an an a?nyn?th????? a??? t?? thes the?e e 1e ??0-0?cac?lol???ie ie? po p??chche????hadha??juj????th?e ?ri?gh??t at ????ntnt ?t ant andn???????????te te?????at.at????????B0B?00000??9Z9?????A1A?A5A????9X9?2C2??UWUW,W?????ziz?ie-ie-j-? \" ?\"l\"li?zz???ie-jie-??????????,1,???12??646???,G,GoG???d sd ?nan???,T,??heshesehes??ara?? m ?mor????????? c ?rar?????r -r - -???????or? a a a l a ???tlt?e ???illil???in in????or bor ??????n ?mem???s.s???91????00?000F000?F9ZF9?Z1WZ1WI???3S3?0X0?1B1?????PQP?1,1??SuS?e ?A.A??????derde?s s \"s ???????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\",0???,0,2,0,2,2???22??128??000000,000??oo??kiekie ??hihipi?s ???re?????t vt ???????astastyasty,y???hiphi???AhAhoh?", "output": "ough to satisfy you.\",\"My family is on the last box. My oldest daughter ate most of the cookies. She likes peanut butter more than anything, and these 100-calorie pouches had just the right amount and they taste great.\"\n2916,B000F9Z1WI,A1A52WV9X2CGUW,\"lizzie-j \"\"lizzie-j\"\"\",0,0,4,1231286400,Good snack,These are more like a cracker - good for a little fill in for between meals.\n2917,B000F9Z1WI,A3S0X1B0U4HPQ1,\"Sue A. Sanders \"\"Susie\"\"\",0,0,2,1222128000,Cookie chips were not very tasty,Chips Ahoy"} +{"input": " c ??????s s?wew??? n ?oto? v vev???????tyt?????y y cy chchih?ldl??renre????? h ?????????ouo?????????ata???heh??. . . I ??????d ?tot??gig??????hemhe??????y ay ??and and e ev eve??yoy??e e re ??fuf???d.d..????8,8,B,????F9F??1W1WIW??A1A??????VCVCOC?U7U??????omo?_o_ofof_f?? \" \"\"\"?BrB???anaan?\"\"?\",\"?0,0?????121222212171?828????,Y,YuY???????,S,????? y ????y!y??ReReaealealll??????s ?th???sps??ot ??he??n In ???wanwa???? c??oco?????eye???????????????on'on??t bt ????k ???? c ca c??oro??????nknk.k??????,B?00??????WI??,A1,A??BVBVUV?CTC??P9P???4,4,L,??ndndand????ptp?tonto??stastal????????5,15,?????????00,?GoGoo???sn??ackac???????? an a??????y wy ???y ty to? b ??????aloalororiorie?? co c???ror??llell?ed ed????ck?s.s?. . T. ThT?? a??ri?ve??d qd ?uiu???lyly.ly. ?. S. SoS????????o ??takta???to??????k ok ?? w wh w??????ou ou n?eee??????", "output": " cookies were not very tasty. My children and husband would not eat them. I tried to give them away and everyone refused.\n2918,B000F9Z1WI,A1LNMX0VCOU7XK,\"Mom_of_4 \"\"Briana\"\"\",0,0,5,1221782400,Yummers!,Super yummy! Really hits the spot when I want a chocolatey snack that won't break the calorie bank.\n2919,B000F9Z1WI,A1QBVUCTWP9XR4,Linda Haptonstall,0,0,5,1221523200,Good snacks,Such an easy way to buy calorie controlled snacks. The arrived quickly. So easy to take to work or when you need just"} +{"input": " ??n n e ???????aca??..2???0,0?B0B???????WIW?,A,A1A???2Y2YPY??????SSSS,S,B?ene?????a,a???0,0,50,??121?????242??????eoe??ThT?ini?n Cn CrC??spspsp??101???????ririeri??PaP??ksks,s?\"I\"I I a??sos?lul??ele??y ly ?lovlo?e ?tht?e ?OrOreOr?? T??hinhin n Cn Crn C???????????ese?????hrhre???\"\"\"\"h\"hthttt??:/:?/w/??ww.ww.a.??aza?????????p/p??rorodo????/B/??00????????\"\">\"\">O>???o o To ?ThiThin? C??ris?ps???????CalCa??ri????????? 6 6-6-C-CoC?????BoB??????Pa????????????>.>. .????y ?????te te????ata????d d s sa s???isfis???mym??????cohco?holho??c c???????g g w ?iti?????????pr??????inging ing??? d ?ie????2292?92192????000000F0?F9ZF9Z1Z1WZ1?????????9C9CIC???S6S?,\"???athat????n En ?????ie????\"\"M\"\"MiM????BoBobBob\"b?\"\"\"\"\"\",\",0????5,?????949????00,00,O00,???Oreo Oreo?? Thi Th??in Cin CrCriCr?ispisps???or??????? me m????f f af ?allal????e ?????????????pap?????", "output": " an easy snack.\n2920,B000F9Z1WI,A1H32YPZ3PHFSS,Benihana,0,0,5,1219622400,Oreo Thin Crisps 100 Calorie Packs,\"I absolutely love the Oreo Thin Crisps cookies Oreo Thin Crisps 100 Calorie Packs, 6-Count Boxes (Pack of 6). They taste great and satisfy my chocoholic craving without compromising my diet.\"\n2921,B000F9Z1WI,AHQ13I9CI4US6,\"Kathryn E. Etier \"\"Miss Bob\"\"\",0,0,5,1209945600,Oreo Thin Crisps work for me,\"Of all the 100-calorie pack sn"} +{"input": "a?????????ctctst??I'I?vev???rir????(a(??d ?tht?ere??????? b ??enen n??ananyany!y?) )???heshe?????re re? my m??????????e fe ?av????te?????????unu???????ngng g???????? I I I?dod????t et ????n ln lil?kek??OrO???s,s???nd? a?? n ?????tha????rar????ababoab?ut? c chchohocococ?olaol?ateat????owo???????????se se???in?????sps?s ?ar?e e ee ??ac?tlt???y thy tha?t,t?????????????????. T. Th??y ??rere re are ?lsl?????????rigri??t ??o o????d ?????sws????t ct crt c?ravraviv??????or or p pr p??mamatma??rere ????geg????2?????B0B00000????1W1????????H4H?A9A9F9???????????isistis?a,a,0,?,0??5,5,1,??040?939343444404?00,00????mym???\"T\"Th??y y my ?eleltl??inin ?yoyouourou?????th?? ????thithinthinknk ??? fo f?ounoundnd ??my my? pe p?????ct ct? sn s?ac??.<.??r ???I I lI ????ve Ove Or?eoe?os,os, ???ut ut hut ??hatehat???????????at? t???y ??proprov??dede e te ?o ?mymy ?didie???. . ", "output": "ack products I've tried (and there have been many!) these are my absolute favorites. The funny thing is that I don't even like Oreos, and am not that crazy about chocolate. However, these Thin Crisps are exactly that, thin and crisp. They are also just right to fend off sweet cravings or premature hunger.\"\n2922,B000F9Z1WI,AEJNWH4A9FNO8,Amazonista,0,0,5,1204934400,Yummy!,\"They melt in your mouth! I think I found my perfect snack.
I love Oreos, but hate all the fat they provide to my diet. "} +{"input": "??y y??ieiete?????eae????heh???bibili???y ?????eatea?t et ?vevere??ththith???????????????onon.n?? I? m mo????????owo?????????? I I ???gegese?????or or m ma m??y ???easea?on?s,s???????????in?ing ing t??? m mo??? i?mpm?or?tat?antan??. . ????e pe ??ckckak?????f f????eseese e ce ???kik??s s???d d? th??????me me????at???tasta?stest??????re?oso??wiw????ononlon???1/1????f ????e fe ?????????>I>????so? l ???e e te th?the the??????th??at at t??????comcomeme ??in ???di?viv??uau??????ckack?ageag??? T ThT??hey hey d????t ?gog?????aleal?; ;?????????? ta takake???? them the????????psps,s, s,???vi?es?, ???????etetcet????r ????re?reatrea???ea??? or or?????????oo????? t??oo!oo?...??. . a. ?andan??????cocoucouru????, g, go?od?? ol o???mim?ilkilk.k??2???3,3??0000000F00????WIWI,I?A1A???0A0ARARARAXAXIX?????,E,??d Ud ?yeyesesheshih?????,0???,1,???454???", "output": "By diet I mean the ability to eat everything in moderation. I monitor how much fat I ingest for many reasons, health being the most important. One package of these cookies had the same great taste of oreos with only 1/4 of the fat.
I also like the fact that they come in individual packages: They don't go stale; you can take them on trips, movies, park, etc.
Great tea or coffee cookies too!.... and, of course, good old milk.\"\n2923,B000F9Z1WI,A13E0ARAXI6KJW,Ed Uyeshima,0,0,4,12045024"} +{"input": "???,\",?ChC?????ata?e e W ?afafefere???????n n In ???ntn?????CrCririsisis?is is a???OrOrer????..?????IfI? D DeDece?????ono?n Hn ???psp?s Ms ???it??? C??????eses,s???????oto?????I I?hah?ateat???o o? ad a???it it I?????????????rdr?. .?? I w I waw?s s t?hehe he?on????? y yoyouo?????th-th-g-grgraradade???la????????unu??crc?rewrewew?d d t ?theth???OreOr???, a, ??ate ate a??????he ?wh?it??????dldlel??, l, ?????? t th???wa??ferfe??????an? a an a?d d td ?the??n an ?ate??th??? ha hara??????ed ced chc?hocho?????te te?????????ThT??????s th??????gege ???ha?vev??????thithis???coocooko?ie????vevenven ?????ra? S ??rereire????d ???yly????ama?????herhe????ngn??ingin????????? t th???bebege????ininging ing??????? hr h?refre?=\"=?????p:p:/:????ww.ww.a.??azazoz?on.on.c.?comcom/m??p/p/p/prprorododud??t/t??????YEY???A\"A???A A? St Stat????s ????n > t th??????os?????aua??e ?", "output": "00,\"Chocolate Wafers in an Identity Crisis as Oreos...But If Deception Helps Monitor Calories, Why Not?\",\"I hate to admit I miss the lard. I was the one in your 4th-grade class who unscrewed the Oreo, ate all the white middle, licked the wafers clean and then ate the hardened chocolate wafers. That's the image I have of this cookie. Even Barbra Streisand coyly named her singing trio at the beginning of A Star Is Born the Oreos because s"} +{"input": "h?? h ??????o o b ??ckck-k-u-upu????ngn??rsr???hoh???er?e e be blblalacackac????ha?t't's'?s ws ?whywh????? i ???a a?ofo???? O ??eoe??Th?????????????rar?ththeherhe???ososts???n ??????r ??><>??r ??>I>?????????????e,e? n ?ici???l-l?si????d bd ???ed???ho??ololalatla???waw??er? t??at? m ???re re r????mbm??eses es??? bl ble?????d ???????ThThi???th?an?? th?e e oe ??igi?in???????o.o?. I. It?????es ??havha???????????stist??g g?????????te? f frf?ucu?totos???e spe s?ri??klklele le a??s ps ??erher???????non??tatalalgal???? tr tri????te.te??DoDono??t ????t mt ?me ???onongon???asa???theth?e Oe ?OreOr??? Th T????Cr????? a ar a???pe??????lyl??fif???e ae ??? lo l?????aloal??orieori??ch????????e w????????te?rnr?????vesve???o.????????simsi??ly?? la l??? t th? the the? li l?p-p??mam?ack??ing?? sa s????faf???ioionon on? of? a?????as??semse???????", "output": "he had two back-up singers who were black. That's why the idea of an Oreo Thin Crisp is rather lost on me.

It is a single, nickel-sized baked chocolate wafer that more resembles a bleached Wheat Thin than the original Oreo. It does have some dusting of a white fructose sprinkle as perhaps a nostalgic tribute. Don't get me wrong, as the Oreo Thin Crisps are perfectly fine as low-calorie chocolate wafer alternatives go. They simply lack the lip-smacking satisfaction of a disassembled Or"} +{"input": "??o o??????tet????? p pip????es.es. .??hehe e?????e e pe pop??????? t ??he he 0 ??818???ununcnce? b ???? of o??waw????? i??s ts tot??to??t ??thath????????ara?e e \"e \"\"\"?101?0 0?CaC????????????\"\"??????????ididedeae?? fo f?????igighig?t ?WaWatatcat????? a??????ateat?? a??d ?ththeth?????st st?? of of????????shs?houhoulu?d ?beb???????ininging ????????ghght?. . I. ItI????juj???t t???at at?? d??n'n??t ft ???l l??ereryer?y sy ?????fifiefied???????r fr ????ishis???ing ing j ju??st ?ononeon?e pe pae p?ackac????292???????0F0??Z1Z???????FNF?????YHY?UDU?P,P?MaM??????,0?,4,?4,14,?181838353505?727????I'I'm'm m a??????..????ududede,de?, t, ?????????ing?s ???e e p?re????y gy gogooo?d.d????asa?s ls ??ngng ????yoy???rere re?????bebenbentn?t ot ?on on t?????????ing ???justjus??lil???e Oe ??reoreoso????????n,n, , t?????'re'r??no?t.t??BuButut ut? I I??efefifin??tetelte?????ke?? th?", "output": "eo digested in pieces. The whole point of the 0.81-ounce bag of wafers is to tout that they are \"\"100 Calorie Packs\"\", a fine idea for Weight Watchers advocates and the rest of us who should be watching our weight. It's just that I don't feel very satisfied after finishing just one pack.\"\n2924,B000F9Z1WI,A3CFN1DW7YHUDP,Madge,0,0,4,1183507200,I'm a fan...,\"Dude, these things are pretty good... as long as you're not bent on them being just like Oreos. I mean, they're not. But I definitely like the"} +{"input": "??????tet???ththah??????er? c ???cocolo????? cr c???????sns???ksks s????? t????y y???rahra?hamha?s.s? T ThTheh? l?????nen????????he???????er???????s ??thethemthem ?????ece?????r ????????ini?? o???ot??herhe?r gr gog?????es,es????????peape????t bt bub????????rer????ch???esees?, ???????, p, pup??ddidd????, m, ??ltl?tedte? c ch c?hocho??lalatlatelat????\"\"2????,B,B0B?00???Z1Z??I,I???WMW??????8Q8???,\",\"G\"???dedene?n Ln ???n n \"n ?\"R\"ReR??????\"\"\"\"\"???,0,0,,0?????575??414?????OrO??? f fl f?lavlavovor?ed?????ck?er???wiw???ouout??? the th????emememe me? fi fili???ng??,\"T,\"???ese???re???re?????snasn?ackacksack?s fs ????trt?ravravev?elielin??????ch? a??, ?byb??aia?????ne????r cr cac??. ????????oko?ie???omome?s ????? the the the??????? of o?????????? cr? crac?ke???. ?Th?? c?? crac crack?er?er ier ??s ls ???s ????essyessy ???anan an a?? co??????", "output": "m better than other chocolate cracker snacks like teddy grahams. The lightness of the crackers makes them perfect for slathering on other goodies, like peanut butter, cream cheese, icing, pudding, melted chocolate...\"\n2925,B000F9Z1WI,A5WMBIOGE8Q6N,\"Golden Lion \"\"Reader\"\"\",0,0,5,1157241600,Oreo flavored crackers without the creme filling,\"These are great snacks for traveling, such as, by airplane or car. The cookie comes in the shape of a small cracker. The cracker is less messy than a cookie w"} +{"input": "?hih??h h?????brb?eae?? a ?????? an andnd d??rur????e;e??? and an??fof????hi????????n n an ? p prp?refre??rrr??d ?trt?rea?t.t.<.<>???r /r ????? t???tuturu???????omompm?????blebl????? a a????iui?um um?? cru cr??????????? an???vev??y ???ghg??????ea?????Th??e fe fif??sts?????????e ???y my ??????eoe????????n ????ini?? t??? c? cra cr???er??fo?r ?th??????????imi?????? \" ????ummumm m? th???se se a?rere ????????? T ??is???????????sas??t t r?esespes???se?se ase ?andan??d thd t?????crc????er???wiw???????????y ??e ?a a ba ?ig?????????s os ??verve??r tir t?imeime.e??2??????000??F9F???WIWI,I?????9J9JYJ?CPC??0L0???,Al,A?????????????????,0?,3,?,1,?151??15????????????prprepres??ed?????orror?y,y??bubutut t It ???as??'t'???????blblybl????imprimp?res????????? the thes the?se ??ligligh??t st ????k ?crcracr??", "output": "hich can break apart and crumble; and for this reason a preferred treat.

The texture is comparable to a medium crunchy chip and very light to eat. The first response by most people when eating the cracker for the first time is, \"\"Humm these are good!\"\" This is a pleasant response and these crackers will probably be a big success over time.\"\n2926,B000F9Z1WI,ATDE9JYCPI0L1,Alyssa A. Lappen,0,0,3,1157155200,Not impressed,\"Sorry, but I wasn't terribly impressed by these light snack crack"} +{"input": "?ere?s.s? O ?kak?y,y??? a ??mimiti??tht?ata??I ?nen??er? l ???ede???rer??? t???t ?mumucuchc???n n?????????t t pt plp?aca?e.e?. T. ThT???s 1s 101?? c cac???rir?e ?bab???ofo? t? thi th???????????acackackeackererser?????teteses ??likli????????, , f, ?or?? su s?re?----m-?minminun?s s t?????ugu??? h hihighi????as??tedte????in tin ?thethe e te trt??didit?ioiono??? s sa sana?dwd?ici?ch ch???oko??? f??lll?????. B. ?utu???as as????? ot o???r r rr ??viv?iewiewew??er ner ?????, , t, th???'r'???nonotnot ?t alt allll ll t??at???hohocococolo???????? cr????ca??l fl flfla?w w?????the?? op o????ionion n on of? t? thi?s s cs ?choch?ocooc???li?c.c??WoW??ses?e t?????n thn thahat?, ??he?y'y'ry'rere ????? so s??gog?oodoo?????r yr yoyouo??. I. ???yo????e ?gogoigoiningin???o ???ve????0 ??cal?or????? t????????e e ae a a???ot ot??eaeal??thith?????????????o ?soso ????an an?????????????????????erercer???t ?to??? sug su???", "output": "ers. Okay, I admit that I never liked Oreos that much in the first place. This 100 calorie bag of thin snack crackers tastes like Oreos, for sure--minus the sugar high pasted in the traditional sandwich cookie filling. But as one other reviewer noted, they're not all that chocolaty, a critical flaw in the opinion of this chocoholic. Worse than that, they're not so good for you. If you're going to have 100 calories, there are a lot healthier ways to do so than devoting nearly 40 percent to sugar."} +{"input": " ?FoForo???? m???????a a p pipiei??e e o ????????? ma m??ese??? l ??t ?mom???????se?? I ItI????????lyl?y cy ????s s ls ??esses??, i, ???s ????ot lot ???ts ts? mo??????trt??itiit??onaonalal l????ueue,e?, n, ???t tt ??? me m?ententitioionio??????re.re???292?????000?00F00F9F9Z9?1W1WIW?????171????????S2S??GaG??l ???oko????,0??5,5????646??64064?00000?0,\"0,?CRC?ISI?PYPY,Y??????CHC??????D D??CHOCH?COCOLO?????\",\"?\"W\"?hoh?o do ?oeo?esnes?'t't ?lo??e ?OrO???o co ????????? M ???y ??of of u ??s ws ????l rl ?remremem?????r ar ?ftf????scs??????????ksk?s os ?????eoe?o c????ie?? a an a?? m???k.k. ??HoH???ve?r,r???alsal????or? m???ny ny????????ho?sese se s sc s????l ??aya?????enen en w ???cocouco?ldld d ed ?ata????????we wwe ????hedhe????d d nd nonotnot not?gagai??n an anan an???ncn?ce ce??re??inin ??????asa?st.st?. ????????? a a ???ec???al al t tr tre??at at??hahat?at bat ????????acackack k", "output": " For my money, a piece of fruit makes a lot more sense. It not only costs less, it's got lots more nutritional value, not to mention fibre.\"\n2927,B000F9Z1WI,A3M174IC0VXOS2,Gail Cooke,0,0,5,1156464000,\"CRISPY, CRUNCHY, AND CHOCOLATEY\",\"Who doesn't love Oreo cookies? Many of us well remember after school snacks of Oreo cookies and milk. However, also for many of us those school days when we could eat all we wished and not gain an ounce are in the past. So, it's a special treat that brings back "} +{"input": "???l l?kik???s s o ofo? g ??odo??????rir???s ts ??????d d Od ??eoe?o To ThT??? C ?ririsri??s.s?/????r /r />??????I I?waw????otot t???? w wh w???????ede???heh?e ce ????kieki???????t tt ????????????????iningin?????????? lo l????? th the??chcho?????tet????as????????????????al???in?in tin ??thesthe??e ce coe c?ookookiook????lel??????he ??nwn?wanwa?????cac?alsals.? T Th?ey?'r'?re re??riris??y,y, ????uncun???y, y, c????olola?latelat????fef????? a???ono????fufulul ul c???fof?ortor????aca????brbr br? /> /???br ?/>??? h ???????ve?? fo f?or or??OreOr?eo eo??hi?n n? Cr C????s!s???? / /> />< />?????????- G- ??ili?l Cl CoC????????282?,B,B0B??00F00?????I,I?????NCN??6D6D2D252????,T,?. .????sos???1,1,2,?,5,?,1??????28828????DeD?lil??ioi?usus us?MiMininiini i? Ch C??????late?? Tr Tre??atsats ??elelpel??????ghtgh????ossoss ?????rt??s!,s!,\",?I I wI wawaswa?s os on??e oe ?of of? fi fif fi", "output": "all kinds of good memories to find Oreo Thin Crisps.

No, I was not one who pulled the cookie apart to lap the frosting, I just loved the chocolatey taste and that is all in these cookies less the unwanted cals. They're crispy, crunchy, chocolate wafers - a wonderful comfort snack.

A high five for Oreo Thin Crisps!

- Gail Cooke\"\n2928,B000F9Z1WI,A3VHNCE6D25BFX,T. Wilson,1,2,5,1234828800,Delicious Mini Chocolate Treats Help Weight Loss Efforts!,\"I was one of fif"} +{"input": "???????ililil????chc?oso????tot??????ivi?? N ???isiscs???OrO?reoreo ??ini?i i??akakek?estes??rsrs ?fof?????reere?e te toto to?dod??????ododud?ctc? r re reve???w w????? O ???ce ce?I I r??????eded d????Na???scscosc?????reo reo?????? Ca Cak??est?????in? t?hehe ?mam??il,il? I? a ??????o ?ofof f????grg?an???on?s ?ded???????d tod t?o do ???? the th??e tae t?ststete te????est est i ???ed?iaiatate????<>T>ThThe? b ??x x? of o??Na???iscis??? Or Ore????????????ststest?ers???omome?s ?wiw??h h??iviveive ive? in i?????iduid??????ckc??????? E ?ac?h ?papac??kagka????s ?101000?? ca c???orior????. . I. InI??fafacfa????th?????Nabi???sco sco O??eoe??????i Ci Cai C??akesakest?sterste??????????verve???????????ei?ngn??????cac???rir?ie ie? pa???s ??????atat at? pe peo??lel?????l ?knk?owow ???????ly ly?ho?????nyn?y cy ?calca?or???es es t? the they the?y ay ?re??hah?vi?ng????so tso th??re", "output": "ty families chosen to receive Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters for free to do a product review on. Once I received my Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters in the mail, I and two of my grandsons decided to do the taste test immediately.

The box of Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters comes with five individual packages. Each package is 100 calories. In fact, the Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters are advertised as being 100 calorie packs so that people will know exactly how many calories they are having so there"} +{"input": "? i ?? n ????ueu???wow?????????vevede?? E ?aca????0000 0??ala?or?iei????ackac????e ce ????? w ??tht?????eee???rereore???ini????aka????ere?s s ws ????ch ch t trtrarana?sls????s s ts ??????????ni?? ca???????????in?? a ?ppp??oxoxix???ateatele?y y?????????????? an a???ono????thith????????ririe????brb???><>??r ??>T>????ap??eaeareara?ncn????? t? the the ??ababib?iscis??????o ????i ??????esteest?erser??????????????inyiny ??choch??colco???teytey ??ooo?dndne?ss??? T ???y ???? a a a d ???k ???choccho??colacol?ateate ate? co col?????it?h ?a a? th?????slisliciceice e o????rereareama???ililll?????????ar?e ?sosofoftof????? s????hth?lyly ly? cr c????ly?. ?. W. WhW????yoy???????a ?Na?bibisbiscs?co ?Or???o Mo Mio M?ini? C Ca?kekes???terster??s ins i??to to y yo y?ourou??mom?outou?th,th?? th the??y c??rumru???e ????to ????el????ou??s cs ??choc???atate??cacakca?? f?la??vorvo?", "output": " is no guesswork involved. Each 100 calorie package comes with three Oreo mini cakesters which translates to each mini cakester having approximately thirty-three and one third calories.

The appearance of the Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters is one of tiny chocolatey goodness. They are a dark chocolate color with a thin slice of cream filling and are soft and slightly crumbly. When you put a Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters into your mouth, they crumble into a delicious chocolate cake flavor."} +{"input": "? ??n n???????tht??? d dodo o r ????ndnd d????? l lil?ttt???e oe ofo??hah????? a? s ???lll???????????hoh?coc?????????e.e???????NaN????co??OrO??o ???iniini i??akakeakese??????????????havhavev?e ae a a ca ch??ocooc?olaol?ateat?????vov?r r??nd? t th t?he ???reare??? fi f?ll???ing ing??snsn'n?? a as a?s es eae??il????????d ??? r??????r ir ?????asnas??????ossossi??le????o io isisoisololaolatolate?? th the th????????or oor ??? th?????????frf?omo????????hochoco??latla?????t ?I I??idi?n'n't??????e a? p ??????em em w wi w??? t?????? and an??nen?it??ere?r dr ?id?????thetherther r or ???mym?y gy grg???ndsnd??????brb????
My oldest grandson ate almost two 100 calories packs of the Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters minus one or approximately 167 calories. He enjoye"} +{"input": "dd d????iningng g?tht?emem m????d ed ?vev?? g ??ve????????? O OrO??o ?MiM???????ese?tet?rsr??????`l`lil?ckc???f f? ap a???ovo?ala?' '??????? w ???ppppepperer er??he?y y c ??meme ???!<>??r ???MyMy ???unu?ngenges?? g??ranra???onon ???n'n't't t at ????????co???un?ic?at?e ???fef?ctc?tivti???y y vy ve??????????he'he?s s ss sps?????? n ?eee???) )????t It I I? co c?onson???er??? h????????icaicatica??on??? to to??at??ingin??hihishi????????????????MinMi??????keske???erser??asa??s a s a??sigsi?n ?of??????????al aal as? s?ee??n tn ?thrth????h h?? his hi?s cs ??????at???fafaca???anandan??????????y y ay ???hehe he? at a???? his???????al????e ??ac????lul?s ???the the? on o?ne ne?lolooo????on????????hi?????dederde??????the?r ???? hi???apappapprpro???????ly?ly 1ly ???? ca?lolorlo????.<.???? /> /?>I />I ?????????ly?ly gly ??????thethe ??", "output": "d eating them and even gave Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters his `lick of approval' to the wrapper they came in!

My youngest grandson isn't able to communicate effectively verbally (he's special needs) but I considered his dedication to eating his Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters as a sign of approval as seen through his chocolate face and intensity as he ate his 100 calorie pack plus the one loose one from his older brother or his approximately 134 calories.

I definitely give the Na"} +{"input": "????coc? O ?rer?????nin? C ?akakekese??????? t ?huh?????upu????? b ???iei?vev???hah???????ala??? g ???t at ?a ta ???e ?????se se?ofo? h ???????? t???y ?tat?st??d ???omo??mymy ??wow???000? c ??aloal?rir?ie ie?????s s os ???202?00 00????aloralo??es??wo?rtrthth th? of o??????????OrOreOr????MinMinini ni????es?te??? t th?atat at? I ????. ?I ???nen????ly ly????n'n??t mt ???n n??o ????t bt bob?othoth h 1 ?100100 ??calcalol??ie??????????t ?th?????????ono??? wa w?? s sis???iningin? t? the??re re c? cal ca???ing?????nan???? an a?d ?my????????dad?ugu?hth?ter?? wa?????ot ot??om?e ??ete????, , I?? I at I a?te te??it.it. . . ?BuB???lul??ckick?ly???I kI knkno?w w tw th??t ???? I I ?hahadha??wawas????0 0 c??aloalor??????hih?chc?h ih ?? t???? gr g??andan??sc?hehememe??of?? th????s ??? n ??t ???oo oo b?ada????at aat ???!?????keke ke?????????t t?ha?", "output": "bisco Oreo Mini Cakesters a thumbs up. I believe that I really got a true sense of how good they tasted from my two 100 calorie packs or 200 calories worth of Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters that I ate. I honestly didn't mean to eat both 100 calorie packs but that last one was sitting there calling my name and my adult daughter was not home yet so, I ate it. But luckily I know that all I had was 200 calories which in the grand scheme of things is not too bad at all!

I like the fact that"} +{"input": "? t tht???NaN?????????eoe??????????ese??????ara?re re??re?sesene????? as as ?a a??????ala?ororir???pap??k.k. .??I I f ???ndnd d td ?theth??th???ghg???????????ingin? e ???ece?iai?allal?? s sis???e ????te? t???????ckack?gegeses es?ofo??????! ! ?I I eI ??en?????nd??itit ?fufun? t to to ????????? m ???y ??calca???????mym??????????s ????e e ce ???????ing?? of o????themthem m??????! ! I I I????didiaiabiabeb???c c a??nd ?ovo?ververwrwe?igi????be?????es ????????in?ing ??the?? ca c??or??ie ie c? cou coun????? a a a?????d t?hihininging ????? me me.e?? I? I t I ?thith??? t th?e ????bisbisc????????Mi??? C???es???rs?? ar a??????od od f fo for fo??? a s a ?ma??????????atateateye???re?at?????? y ?ouou ou?juj??st st???antan??so????hihinhi?????weeweetet et? an and an?d cd chc?hoc???????bub??t yt ?youyo??dod????t wt ??antant ant??????????dudulu???????r /r ?><>???r /", "output": " the Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters are presented as a 100 calorie pack. I found the thought comforting especially since I ate two packages of them! I even found it fun to know how many calories my grandsons were consuming of them too!! I am diabetic and overweight besides so knowing the calorie count is a good thing for me. I think the Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters are good for a small chocolatey treat when you just want something sweet and chocolate but you don't want to overindulge.

????I I????e e a ??y y c ?omompm??aia?ntn?? ab a???t ?ththeh????bib????????? M MiM??i i?CaC?kek?ststetere??, ,?iti?????ldld d??e ??thath??????y ?ara?? t ????sms??llll!l?????ut??sis?incin???e the t??t ?isis is??ctctutuau?allal?y ????t ??f ??theth??r r? ap a?????, ??I dI dod???t ?co?????erer er???heihe??? sm sma??ll ll?????????ror?blblel??????????If I have any complaint about the Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters, it would be that they are too small!! But since that is actually part of their appeal, I don't consider their small size a problem.

I do recommend Nabisco Oreo Mini Cakesters for anyone who wants a small and controlled portion of a chocolate treat because they are the perfect size to keep you in control of your diet instead of letting the chocolate treat control you.\"\n2929,B000F9Z1WI,A3TFBHVF12XYFL,\"Savvy \"\"Smart Consume"} +{"input": "r?\"\"\"??????????202?474767?161606?0,0,D,DeDelelil?cic????,I,???????OrO?????bubutu? h hah??e ??heh?e fe fifili?li???? T ????e e pe prpre??????meme e fe fre f??m m h?avaviv?ngng ng??o o?scscac????e the the? f ??????g g o ???t at ?????heheyhe?????gog???d fd ?oror r y yoy???- -????lorlo???e we ?????2??303?0,B0,B0B??0F0??????????KZK??393?WIWIWWI?VHV??????te?c,c??0,10,1,??????30830858???0000,00,I?????????itith? P P.P?. L. ?ucu???s,\"s,???esese????????s as ?re??NONOTOTHT???G G? li likikek??Or??eoseos.s???????in?k k???w w??re?os??. T. ?ThiTh?ink??????in.in. ??????ldld ????????????????mom?nen??y oy ?? s??omeom???????????terte???ththethe e He ????hehey?'s'??or??ReR?es???? c?ririsrispsp p w wa wafa??er er??ar??s cs ??ome?? to t??miminindin????MyM???ononeon????vi?ewew ?on????thesthe?se ??\"\"t\"\"???thin thin?? cri cr??psps\"s?????????s ?is? t th???? th??? h? hav ha?ve ve? a a? li????????????", "output": "r\"\"\",1,2,5,1204761600,Delicious,I love Oreos but hate the filling. These prevent me from having to scape the filling out and they're good for you - calorie wise.\n2930,B000F9Z1WI,A2RKZ839WIWVHL,bobtec,0,1,1,1230854400,I agree with P. Lucas,\"These things are NOTHING like Oreos.You think wow Oreos. Think again. I would say spend your money on something better (the Hershey's or Reese's crisp wafer bars come to mind). My honest view on these \"\"thin crisps\"\" cookies is that they have a little more fl"} +{"input": "?????????????coc????nin?ono?n wn ??fef??? o ?? m ?ililkl????oneon???\"\"2292???????00F00?9Z9???????RKR?Z8Z???WIWIWWIWVWVHV?L,L??bobbo?????0,0??1,11,??1,121,1?303?858?444?????oooodo?? ????u u?CAC??????? s ses??io?usu??\"T\"??????????????itith??yoy????????t t tt ?theth???????a a sa ?stost???????? t??ini?k ???w w????co??atateat????hiphi??s, s, a?ndn? O ???????????nk nk????inin.in.F.?or??th??oseose e te ???at at?? thi thin?????thesthe????re?? so so ???od?, ??????ldld ???co?mmmmemm??nd nd?????HeHer???????? or o???eeees???? c cr c?isi??? wa w???er er? ba b??????y y? ho h?oneones????iei?w ???? th???????th?in?? cr??????\"\" \"\"? co coo??ie?s ????????????y ??havha??e a? l lilitittit??e ?mom??ore ore?flfla??vorvo??ththa??????comcommcom???nioni?on ??wafwa??r,r, r,??? m?il??k bk ???eses.es??2292???,B,B0,B?????Z1Z1WZ1??,A????PWP?CQC?GTGT8T8N8???????. l. ???????", "output": "avor than a communion wafer, or milk bones.\"\n2931,B000F9Z1WI,A2RKZ839WIWVHL,bobtec,0,1,1,1230854400,Good? You CAN'T be serious,\"To be honest with you, I got these at a store. You think wow chocolate chips, and Oreos. Think again.For those that think these are so good, I would recommend the Hershey's or Reese's crisp wafer bars. My honest view on these \"\"thin crisps\"\" cookies is that they have a little more flavor than a communion wafer, or milk bones.\"\n2932,B000F9Z1WI,A2BKPWCQGT8N0A,\"P. lucas \"\""} +{"input": "?plplulucu?????????\"\"\"\",\"\"?1,1????,1????080?161?????hehese?e e??inin'n't'? o ???o'o?s,s,\",?ThT???se se??thith?ingingsg????????????????????? m ???usu??th??e ce crc??mem?, ,???inu???s ths t??? co c???ieie!e? T ?????iti??e ?\"\"??oreor??????s s bs babas????callcal?y y????????l ml mi??????r.r? T Th T?heshesehese e ae ?re???notnoth?????bubutut ??lalaca?k k????ackac???s ?wiw????sos?omeom????gag??. ????????t it ?? w ?ha?t ????? wa wana??, ??thethenthe??????k ?pup??????se.se????????????F9F???????????????CCC??????. . K. ??????????0,20,??4,4?,11,1?797?444464?404?00,00???oodood d?prp???uc???t but b?ut ut n no???????????????????ivivevede?d id ??? th the th??mi?ddd??? o of of f Mf ??y ???????????havha?ve ve?????????at??ono??dad?????f ???the the???irsir??????k k ok ?of of?JuJulu??. ??ThiTh??is mis ?meame?ansans ????hav?e e t???eae???? a l a ?lotlo???of ??????se ise ??in tin ?", "output": "plucas11111\"\"\",1,3,1,1209081600,these ain't oreo's,\"These things are low cal oreo's: minus the creme, minus the cookie! The title \"\"oreo\"\" is basically a total misnomer. These are nothing but black crackers with some sugar. If that is what you want, then click purchase.\"\n2933,B000F9Z1WI,A2I9PB98HCC8C9,J. Kirkland,0,2,4,1179446400,Good product but not fresh,\"These arrived in the middle of May and they have an expiration date of the first week of July. This means I have to eat a lot of these in th"} +{"input": "?e e????????? w ???ksk?! !?JuJusu?????ewaewararere e ie ???yoy??'r'?re re????????? o ??????ckc??????????r r??heh???utu??????..t..ththethe ?????ureur??wiwili????????herhe???????????????th???he?ses??
It's also interesting that the box inside the Amazon box says \"\"For internal use only\"\". I'm not sure what that's about!\"\n2934,B0042TR2WE,A10W1JE0YVGXTH,Serenity,1,1,5,1336262400,I love these!!!,\"They all taste really good. It comes in Mango, Strawberry, and Red Bean. They are each individually wrapped so you only have to eat one at a time. There are 20 of ea"} +{"input": "??h h??lalava?????s s w wew?llll.l?????n n?I I?????????????cac?ninisni?teterer ???plp???????????ingin? a???th?????*^*?^*^??2??353???000?424?TRT??WEW??AFA?????YIY?????????y,y,0,??,0,,0???131???020??20200?,N,NoN????o o?grg??????????, ,??hehenhe?n In ??????hth??th?is??itite???.......???????gh?t ???????ldl??bebe e a? d ?iri????t Jt ?????????or????????????aia??an????.<.?????>I>ItI??wa???bo???????????st?????andand ????solso?ld.ld?...??(t(th???prp?ici??e le lalabla?belbe????? s??ili??? th t??? pr prorododud?ct???????????
T/>????pr?????t ?ca?????e be ?bou??ght??? at at?????????????????????????e.e..e.?..i..??f nf no????esesses?.???he he ehe exe?pipir?????? d???????? n ?????????????on ?th?the ?????ducdu?ct.??...???????mamaka??es es??e ????nknk k??t t w?????", "output": "ch flavor as well. When I finish this canister I plan on buying another. *^^*\"\n2935,B0042TR2WE,AFS1Q8YI486TU,Ray,0,0,2,1339027200,Not so great,\"Well, when I bought this item....I thought it would be a direct Japan import. It is Taiwanese.
It was bought at Costco and resold....(the price label was still the product.)

The product can be bought at Costco for half the price...if not less.

The expiration date was not printed on the product....which makes me think it was ex"} +{"input": "?pip??ede???????>I>? b ??lil??veve e t ?hihisi? a ??s ms mom????ofof f? th t?e ????????? d drdryr? a an a?? t???????????????r ???WiWililll???hyh?y ay awa???y fy ?????????is pis prp???ucu?t.t??2?????B0B?040????2W2WEW??????????????????ono?el?????????,4?,1,12,1????171767606?00,00???,\",?yoy?ou ou c cac????ini??? th the th??sos??o o?????t t rt rir????????? a at a??????coc????????usust? 7 7b7????????????hrh????\"\"\"\"h\"??tpt?????????mam??onon.on.c.?comco??gpg?/p/?proprodo??ctct/ct/B/???????R2WR2??\"\"\"\">\"\">S>????????etet et?RiR????CaC???s ??apapap?anean??????yly???MoMoc??hi ?????rtrtet????????????????????/a/??????3737,7,B,B0,B???????1E1????????????E0DE0??????S,S,3,?,3,3,,3?5,5?,12???545??404?????????g,g????????????is ais ??teter? a? m mem?ntntint??on on? in i?n tn th?e ??????me??s as ?andan????me?????telte?y ??becbe?camca??", "output": "pired.
I believe this as most of the mochi is dry and tough..

Will shy away from this product.\"\n2936,B0042TR2WE,A1YEN91N15OACZ,lonely599,1,4,4,1294617600,nt,\"you can find the sogo sweet rice mochi at Costco now, just 7bucks sthSogo Sweet Rice Cakes Japanese Style Mochi Assorted Flavor Cannister\"\n2937,B003Z9ZI1E,A1KKE0MQ9E0DTG,KRS,3,3,5,1299542400,Amazing,\"I got this after a mention in the NY Times and immediately became "} +{"input": "???????????? I ?t't's's s a? l ????lel??hoh?? b bubutu?t nt non??????????h,h????? i it?????s as ??? am a?aza??ngn??ded??????? f ?lalavavov?????????????or??e te ??an??????plpla????vevere?sis???. ?? I I?????itit it iit in???chichicickic?enen ??alalaladlad ?to???ut???aca?????n tn ??the the? am amo amouo??t t ot ?? m ma m?yoy??, t, ????addad???flafl???? t to t???????sosou????s ans a?? a as a??s a s a s ?ububsb??itituit???e fe fof??????ot?????????oio????n ???alaaladad ad?????sisinsing?s.s?. . A. ????ittittl???bibit???????st?????????ggggigiei?? a????adaddaddeadd?ed ed t???yo?????????? b ba?ke??d pd ????to????????ste?ad?ad oad ??of sof ????????amam)am???s ?s als a??so so g ?rerea??t.\"t.\"\"2292939?8,8?????2T2?JAJAZAZKZ?,A,???????N1N??UNU??????PeP??????,6?,5,5,5??222????00??00,00???orkorke?ked ked??er?y y???lll?,\",???????ed ed ced ??? h???s a?????y ?se?nsn?????ve ve? st sto", "output": "an addict. It's a little hot but not too much, and it has an amazing depth of flavor -- a lot more than the plain version. I use it in chicken salad to cut back on the amount of mayo, to add flavor to blah soups and as a substitute for a lot of the oil in salad dressings. A little bit over steamed veggies and added to yogurt over baked potatoes (instead of sour cream) is also great.\"\n2938,B0002TJAZK,AYO9WELN1NUN0,A. Petit,6,6,5,1224720000,Worked very well,\"My aged cat has a very sensitive sto"} +{"input": "m?aca?????????e e??an??oto? e ?ata??????t ct ??t ??ooo?????vavaia?lalaba???. .??owo??vevere???????hahasas s as ?absab????utu???? n ???????bleblememsm???iti?h h th ??isis.s??NoN????ncn??e ie ?????? t th?????ntnth??????? b ?eee????eeeedee????? he her? t????? ha h??????e ee ??erer ?vovomomim??ede??inin in a???y wy waw??. . N. No. N???toto o?????ioi????? she' she???s acs a?ti??g ????ltl??????an??d sd ???????????????on?on ton ???s s bs ?rar???? /??nd?? sh? she she????????ea?????????drd???y wiy w?????t t ht ?????ing ing?????ddd???anyan??y wey w??????d ???? ma m???e i???papal????????????he che ?leleale??lyly ly??ikikekeske???????as?tete.te.
And she easily eats this dry without having to add any wet food to make it palatable. She clearly likes the taste.

All in all I highly recommend this to anyone with a senior cat.\"\n2939,B0002TJAZK,AD1T9AG4K9TZA,Eileen,"} +{"input": "???3,3,5,????????525202?0,0,K,KeK?epepsp? m mymy y????s ?hah??pyp??ana?d d?heh????????I I d dod???t t?knk??? w whw?hy hy?ScS???ncn?e e??ie??????beb???g g???fef?rrr??d ?tot???????????ooo?????s ??t t i???ononeon??ofo??th?????ghg?????????????foofood???????????ararkr???. .???lol?t t ot ??????e ne ?ewe??????anian??? an a?nd nd n ?????????atat at???oodoo???ar????????? h??ealealtlthlt??hy fhy fo???pep???????ththe????re? c?raracra????d ud upup p??o o bo ????BuB?t t rt ?????????????? v ??eteet??in?????????????????to????? m?y y 2y ? y ?ea??r or ??d ????t o???? p pr p?resre????ptptitioi?? f?????bebecbe?caucausu?????f tf ?????ig?? c?????t o???cr??sts?????????her????in??. ???te?r ????? c co com co?????sosonso??s, s,? Sc S?cieci????? Di Die????at?aturatu?re re Are ???ltlt lt?????????onongon?eve?it?ity ity i isis is? th???????sesse??", "output": "2,3,5,1319155200,Keeps my cats happy and healthy,\"I don't know why Science Diet is being referred to as junk food, as it is one of the higher quality foods on the market. A lot of the new organic and natural cat foods are not as healthy for pets as they are cracked up to be. But regardless, my veterinarian wanted me to put my 2 year old cat on a prescription food because of the high count of crystals in her urine. After some comparisons, Science Diet Mature Adult active longevity is the closest "} +{"input": "??? t tht????rer??????titioi???????. .??oto??????cac?tst?? t????????gegere?????e ae ???? th???olo?dederer er ( ?1010)0) )????? on o??th???? fo f?oodood d ad ??d ???eye???????????njn???y iy ??????heyhey y by ???? g ???????llll l?????????????????ooroo?r cr ???????????????? b ?es????ot??????vev?erfer?????d thd the??. . M. ?y ?????gegerger ?r car c??????????t ht ?????issis???? w wiw?ithit??heherhe???????e se ?????e s????wew??????? th??????odod od??ndnd nd??????re re are ala?? h?apa??y ?????292????B0B???2T2???ZKZ???????GRG???8V8??40U40?????????urrur??????????343???13?606??,A???????f f????????????usu?sedse??????????it,it????is is cis ?omo?????? a???as??????242??????? bo b??ghg??????????????calca???????forfore????de?????????????ge? a am a?ou???t. t.???oo?ood ood???ve???", "output": "to the prescription food. Both my cats, the younger one and the older (10) are on this food and they seem to enjoy it. They both graze all day and are indoor cats so i try my best not to overfeed them. My younger cat has not had issues with her urine since she went on this food and we are all happy :)\"\n2940,B0002TJAZK,A1HMEGR1W8V40U,Cath Curry,0,0,1,1349913600,All 3 of my cats refused to eat it,This comes in a case of 24 so I bought one can locally before ordering the large amount. Good move! "} +{"input": "????avaveve e 3 ???atatst????? n ??????f f???emem m w ????????at at?itit.t. .?ThT???s rs ?????? i??s fs ???? th t?he he m ?atatuat??? g ?ou???ete????efe?f ef ????????HaHav???'t'????ieiedie???thethe e o???????av??????et????949414?,B,?000???TJTJAJAZA??,A,?2V2????????4V4????Th?eoe????,0,,0?????858???12??00,00?,Th,The??wo??stst ?????-l-???????ses?ealeal l?ev??r r mr ma??????I I fI ??eedee??HiH?????ScS??ieniencn?????ietie??t tot to o m????????ece?cauca?????I lI lo?????imi??anandand ?d thd the??????t tet telellllslls ?me?????hohououlou?ld.ld?. B. ?utu??inin n??ll? h????st??, ,?? thi th?? p?ror?dud?ctct t ht ??s ???hatha?????quq??iteite e ce ?cerce??aia??lyly ?ththe? w????t ????p-?????? re reseseesea????????I I hI ?havhave?ve eve eveve??r er ????????ereerede?. ????t is?? pa pai???ul??????????ul????t to t to g?????it it????clc??????ro??perperlrly?????? e?????whwhewh?en en??t ", "output": "I have 3 cats and none of them would eat it. This review is for the mature gourmet beef entree. Haven't tried the other favors yet.\n2941,B0002TJAZK,A2VUD4SPJO4V33,Theo,0,0,1,1285891200,The worst snap-lock reseal ever made?,\"I feed Hills Science diet to my pet because I love him and the vet tells me I should. But in all honesty, this product has what is quite certainly the worst snap-lock reseal that I have ever encountered. It is painfully difficult to get it to close properly; and even when it "} +{"input": "i???rerese?eae???d d a ????????????ana?????tht?ererere re????????lll??gag???s os ?n ?th?? s ??ded?e te ??atat t at ?allallol?w w?????????? o ????izi??e t?????rorodo??ctc?????????????>P>??ckc?aga?ini?g g I ISI?????oro????t.t. t. I????? n ?????ttttet???????yoy?urur r pr ???t tt ??????e ?????tatalta??? o?xi??????? fo fooo?? t????? it i??wowou??d d bd ?be ???????u.u. .????????????atsat????re ??alsal??o co ???llelleded ?rar?????. ??? y??ou ou i????in??e he ?ow? h he???th???????anc??id id d ????? is i???????????an???????ll?????? g?etet et tet ?the?????a.a. ??????isis ???ou????or???e the thae th??an jan juj??st st???????venve?????????br br?/>/>? />I>? a?m m p po p????????thith??is ris ????iewie?w fw ?forfor ?al?all all t??e ????????cicieci???ce ce d????t pt ?proprododuoduc????????? th thi th???kik????ofo?f pf pap??ka?????. ???", "output": "is resealed as best it can be there are still gaps on the side that allow air in to oxidize the product.

Packaging IS important. It is no better for your pet to live on stale, oxidized food than it would be for you. Oxidized fats are also called rancid. If you imagine how healthy a rancid diet is for a human... well, you get the idea. This is about more than just inconvenience.

I am posting this review for all the Hills Science diet products with this kind of packaging. If "} +{"input": "???u u???vev???ada? t tht?e ??ama??????????ncn?e e ae asa??me??wiw?th? t?hih??s ps prp??dud???? p ?lel??asease ????????he he???meme ??o o l le?t t???????omo???nyny y????w w???????it??????/>/><>??r ???????ve???y ??anianimimaim????I ???????to to???epe?????did??????????hathat t t?he????t ?t tet telelll??s ms ?????is gis gog?od?? fo f?r r hr ??m.m. ??utut t tt th?is?is qis ??it??????????lyl????e ?wow?orsor?????????? th?ata??????????veverve??r har h??? th the th?????????unu?e ??o o eo en?????tet??./>T/>???o.o.\".??292?424????0000200???????????ZMZ????XGXG8G8Y8??,c,chc?ri??stost????r ??r hayr hayey?es,es?????,1??,12,1????????00,00????????? fo??????is eis ?mpmptmp????le?av?es??yoyouyo???cac?????wa??s ?neneene?didinding? m???????ThThiTh?is ?re???????wilwi?? m ma m?akeak??????ou??d ??reare??allyall?y sy ???pipidid,d, ???? w? wha wh", "output": "you have had the same experience as me with this product, please take the time to let this company know about it.

I love my animal. I want to keep feeding him what the vet tells me is good for him. But this quite literally the worst reseal that I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.

Theo.\"\n2942,B0002TJAZK,A3TVZM3ZIXG8YW,christopher hayes,7,11,1,1291420800,\"Filler food is empty, leaves your cat always needing more\",\"This review will make me sound really stupid, but wha"} +{"input": "?tet??????I I d ????? r ?eae?lll???????????lol??? a?????opo???????????t t wt ??ata?'s'?s rs ??alal al a??nd nd c ca c???????????????????s.s.<./?
I got my wonderful little sweet Bella Bean when she was a few days shy of three years old. She had been bounced around from house to house and eating whatever was cheap. I have had cats around me my entire life, for about twenty-five years now. My mother always just fed them whatever, the kinds of food you buy in the supermarket - Friskies, Nine Lives, Kit & Kaboodle, stuff like that. And our "} +{"input": "?cac????wewere??????aya????ininen??? at a??lel???????????????f f? th theh?????eatea?in????????ts.ts. .??heheyhe? w?ouo???? ea e????????? m ????in??????opo?????n n?????y wy ???re re??ono?ne,ne, ????????ckc???????ea?eat eat????e ?momormo??re wre ??henhen hen? th??y ?gog????????y.y.<.????/>/><>??????MyM??hohou?seseme???????????????? w wa w?as as w wo??kik??ing ing???? H ?ili?l'l????andan???assas???redred ???me tme ?thath??at t??isi????????the the????????odo?d ed evd e??? m????? s?? g ?gregr?eat???, so, s???on on? an a?? s? so so? fo???th.th?????owo????nowno?w tw th?thatthat ?shs????is is???????terte???ufuffffo?????????????it???allal???????????????jujudu??me?????wh??chc??????? u un unfn?????unaun?ate? b be bece????e ??????doedoes???????in??????he ??????ha??????nt???of????upu??????or????reere?e oe ??????plplyply ??is?", "output": "cats were always fine, at least in terms of their eating habits. They would eat in the morning, stop when they were done, come back, and eat some more when they got hungry.

My housemate at the time was working for Hill's and assured me that this was the best food ever made, so great, so on and so forth. I now know that she is an utter buffoon, but I initially trusted her judgment, which is so unfortunate because she doesn't think. She also had plenty of coupons for free or deeply disc"} +{"input": "?ouo??tet???bab??s,s? w whw?????????????? m?ucu?? m????e ae ata??rar???ivivev?e ce ch????????? / />/><>??r ??/>I/>I I?fifiri?????tritr??ed ed??eee???ngng g t ????lilit??lel?e Be ??ana????????ea??urure?d ??momouounou???ofo? S ???ieniencn????ie???in? a? b bo bowowlw?, , b, ?utut ??hahat?????n'n?????orkork,k??asa??shs?? w????????vov?????it it???????????ittiitt?ingin?. .? So S???hehenhe?n In ??????? to t??me??asuasur?????????, an, andnd ??shesh????d ????e s?am????thith??????he?? I I ?????tetedte?d pd ???si??????? ou o?ut ut??? t?wiwic???? a d a ??y.y. ?. Th. T????di??????t wot w????eie???herhe?, ???cac???????????ululdld ld? st s?ar??t gt ??oinoi?ng ???razra?? i??? th???mim?????? of o????????ay,ay??rur?unnun???ing ?????oundoun???in?tetente???on?????y dy de?ststrstror????ing ?ththi?ng??? d?ele??beb???tetelte??? sp s???llill?ing????? w??ateater?, ??crycr??ng?, ?", "output": "ounted bags, which made it a much more attractive choice.

I first tried feeding the little Bean an unmeasured amount of Science Diet in a bowl, but that didn't work, as she would devour it in one sitting. So then I took to measuring it, and she did the same thing. Then I started parsing it out to twice a day. That didn't work either, because she would start going crazy in the middle of the day, running around, intentionally destroying things, deliberately spilling her water, crying, e"} +{"input": "???.,., ,???titili? s ?heh? g ?????oro?e e fe ?oooodo?. .?SoSo o t ???? I I I??plp?????it it????o o to ththrth???????vivin????. S. ????????ing?. ?????? it it ???t ???o bo beb?e f?ououru? s?????ngngs????hah??????????litli???????????, ???????t w??as as????????????????nan?ncncece ?an??????reare???sts????? to to b be? a?ror??ndnd d ed evevev??y y?dad?y ?????????????fo?ur? t ti timi?mesme??? So So ??????????enenten??????? to to ????ee?. . A. ??l ?ththeth??whwhih???, ?I I wI ?????????ing ing t???????uceuc??e the the? a am amomoumo?untun?t ot ?? f??oodood ?I ?I waI w??as fas ??????????her her??????????ha?????? o ?? a???upu?????aua?se???hehe ????????litlittlit?tletle e ce ch?ubu??y.y??????????ing wing wa?????ll???. Sh. S????becbeca??????en??????e he ?un?grg???????? I I f??????ed ed????e w?ououlou?d ????t ut us?????to ??it.it??????re?????", "output": "tc., until she got more food. So then I split it into three servings. Same thing. Then it got to be four servings. That was a little better, but it was too much maintenance and unrealistic to be around every day to feed her four times. So then it went back to three. All the while, I was trying to reduce the amount of food I was feeding her to less than 3/4 of a cup because she was a little chubby. Reducing was hell. She became even more hungry, but I figured she would get used to it. Not really."} +{"input": "<??oro?r or ?????a a?????, , s ??????ulu?? w wa waka????e ??? e eve???? m ??ornor??ngn??lol????ingin????or or??foofo??d id ?? a ??????ou?s s?????, k, ?non?ckc?kinki?? t ??in???s os ?fff? m?y ?ded?sksk,k, ???ppppip????up? a?nyn??pap?pep?er er? sh s???coc??ld? f?????, s, scscrc??tct????ng ?at????he ??oo???????cocomcommm????in?ing ????????? ac actctsts ?s ofs o??mi???hi???? A ?s s ss ?oooonoo??????he????t t f??oodoo??? sh??????s bs bab???????heherhe?r sr ???ete??se?lflf,f????t ?????y fy fo?r r tr th??ee?????????r hr ??ouroursrs.s?W />WeW??th?ou?ghg??????he whe ?waswas ??ororeor?d,d, ??we we t??ou?oughought?????????s as ??????lele ??????? a??d ?mam??bebe ??eveev?en en h????????tt?????ti?ngng ??isi????????ShS?he he ahe al?????s ws wawanwa?????? foo fo?od.od. . I. ??t wt wa?was was k ????d od ?of of???nnn?????t t it inin ??theth??????it? w", "output": "

For over a year, she would wake me up every morning looking for food in a serious way, knocking things off my desk, ripping up any paper she could find, scratching at the door and committing general acts of mischief. As soon as she got food, she was back to her sweet self, but only for three or four hours.

We thought she was bored, we thought she was a little nutty, and maybe even had a kitty eating disorder. She always wanted food. It was kind of funny but in the end it w"} +{"input": "???????? s ???????????A A???????eke?????ckck,k?? we w??tot????????to??????????????, n, non??-m-???eyey y??ac?????? v ????????he???????ondon?????????? si s??cec?e Ie ???????ad ad? he h????I I t????ede??wiwiti?h h? hi h?? a?bobouo???he?? b ??in?g g???waw????huh?ngn?ryry.ry????e ae ???????hahata?t st shs?he he?????, a, anandn????to??d ???????he he ahe ?aduadulu??????????ScS?iei??ncenc?e De DiDie???. W. ???hoh????t sat s????ing ing a???????, ?????basba????allallyl?????d ?mem?e te ???at at? th?isi?s fs fo??d d id ???gag???????e ane andnd nd??? sh sho?ul?d ?lolooookook ???r r s??memetme??????ele???. ???e se ?saisaidid d cd ?catca?t f??ood?? sh?????? ha?ve??a ?prp???teite??????????d d bd ???a ??carca??ohohyh?drd??ateat??e ase a??????fif???? t tw twowo o i ?ing?????ienie?tsts.s????????ce ce??????????, ?????a va ???? l ???sese,se, ?????", "output": "as just sad.

A few weeks back, we took her to a new (good, non-money factory) vet for her second checkup since I've had her. I talked with him about her being always hungry. He asked what she ate, and I told him the adult indoor Science Diet. Without saying as much, he basically told me that this food is garbage and I should look for something else. He said cat food should have a protein followed by a carbohydrate as the first two ingredients. Science Diet does, in a very loose, by-pr"} +{"input": "??duducu?t t??????ofo???aya? - ???ror???? u ?? s sls????hth??rhrhoh?ousou?????ftf????????nd????rnr??du?sts????heh??n tn tht?????utu?????ununcunchc? o??????amamim??s s is ?? i ?it it????????????\"\"\"????????,\",\"\"?? in insn?stesteaeadad ?of????st? u?????? go gooo???? ing ingr????????s fs frfro??????? be bege?ininnin????. ??otot ?th??t t It ? c cac????aba???????en????????nen????? t? the th?e Be ?????? bu b?ut ut t??isi????oodoo?d id ?? w?ay?? to t?oo oo?exexpx?????????oror or? wh w??at at???t it isis.is???????
So we began transitioning her onto Wellness indoor formula about two weeks ago. She is still eating 50 percent Science Diet with 50 percent Wellness (you really shouldn't just give a cat differen"} +{"input": "t??fof??? o ononen? d ??y y???t ?????????lul????bubut? S ??E E????ERE???????S S O OUO????NYN????RE.RE???t't?s s?ama????ngn?. ???d ???t'st'??101000? p ??rcr????t bt ???aua????shs?? i ????ata??????????????d nd ???, , a???????it??? th thah?? s ???dud?????nd??chc???kek????heahe????s Is I I? st s?tiltilll?l rl ??grg?retrettt??????ha?????????????????WeWe e h?ava?ve ve??er????????o o eo ?eateati?ng????????? d???????lyl?y 1y 1/1?? c cu c?p p??n ??OTOTAT?L.L?. S. ShShe?he whe ?asas s es eas e???ing? t??????????s ?a a? da day da??, 5, ??? o?f f af ?????? in????ta??????ow ow? sh she???eat?s s ss sosomome?? in??ththeth?e me mom?rnr??ing?????????s aws a???????eats???????e moe mororeor????fef??? ho h????s ls lal?ateat????an??d td ?the??????ks????? d?ininnin?????????t tt ??????ve hve ???rsrs rs a?ftf?erer ?he??? in???iai???fe??ediedin???. N. No. N????re??", "output": "t food one day out of the blue) but SHE NEVER FREAKS OUT ANYMORE. It's amazing. And it's 100 percent because she is eating real food now, along with that sawdust and chicken hearts I still regrettable have to feed her. We have her down to eating twice a day, only 1/3 cup in TOTAL. She was eating three times a day, 5/8 of a cup in total. Now she eats some in the morning, walks away, eats some more a few hours later, and then looks for dinner about twelve hours after her initial feeding. No more k"} +{"input": "?non?????g g??????s s??vev?r,r????????e e???asa????ng ng D DaDada?????apa???s ?ono?? th t?e ?????????no mno mo??? h ????in????, no, n? m mo mororeor?e d??????eraer???elyel????ili??ede????ateater?????th??e fe ????or.or? I ?t't's's 's i ?????????le.le?I/>???eee?el el??????ad ad t?????? w????dod????? th?isi?s ts ?o o ho ?herhe??fof????????ng??. W. ??e re ?reare?ll???????ghghth????he he????????t ??beibe????drdra???atiat?????r wr whwhah???veverve??. B. BuButu???no,no???shesh?????s gs ??????el?ely ely h?????y y by ???auaususeuse ?sh?she she??? wasn wasn'n't't t et eaeat?atinati??ng ang ??y y ry ??realrea?????????br br???>?????ou?????t t at ? f????or ????uyu?y hy he??????????????foofo?d ?ma??????thth th?rereareal?? in i?ngr???ieien??s,s?, t, ??????s ys ??? w??????ea?t t -t - - W- We??llnll??esses?s, s,??alaloal??, I, ???????????, ????ateatev?erer.er?. F. FiF????re ", "output": "nocking things over, no more trashing Dad's papers on the desk, no more howling, no more deliberately spilled water on the floor. It's incredible.

I feel so bad that I was doing this to her for so long. We really thought she was just being dramatic or whatever. But no, she was genuinely hungry because she wasn't eating any real food.

Do your cat a favor - buy her or him so food made with real ingredients, things you would eat - Wellness, Halo, Innova, Evo, whatever. Figure "} +{"input": "??? o ?utu??foforo??yoy???seselelflf,f? b ????plplel???se se???n'n't'??t fet f??d d? yo y?ourour our????????s.s? I ?t't's'?????bab??e.e.\".\"\"???434?,B,???????AZA???A3A?U3U393919111141???????,\",\"P\"PaP??rir???a a?MaMala??k k????hi?cacagca?????????????,1,?,2,????,13,1?010??????????e e L ?????s Is ?It,It?,\"T,\"?hihishi??is??th?e ?????????t fot f?odo????r r mr ????atat at?& &?ini?? fa faca???, t, ?the????????oneon????? w ??lll??????? w we w????or or??????2???????00000020?2TJ2T?JAZJA??,A?2I2?????UPU?GGG????????S.S??????le??,2??4,???13?101?????00??KiKitittit???JuJ?nkn????oodoo?,\"?WeW??hahavaveve ve?????ve cve cacatca?s ?- - o- ????????ldlded????? ca?t ??? 1 151????earea??????he ?ototh?????foufouru???in in? th t??he 9he 9-9??? y??????????. . . T ???e oe ?ldldeld?estes?t ct ???????? di d??????????a ca ??oupou???e o???mom???thsth?????o wo ?witwi?th th?? the th?e be beb??in??in", "output": "it out for yourself, but please don't feed your cat this. It's garbage.\"\n2943,B0002TJAZK,A3U39114B8DDPR,\"Patricia Malek \"\"Chicago fanatic\"\"\",1,2,5,1301356800,She Loves It,\"This is the perfect food for my cat & in fact, the only one she will eat - wet or dry.\"\n2944,B0002TJAZK,A2ISKAWUPGGOLZ,M. S. Handley,2,4,1,1310774400,Kitty Junk Food,\"We have five cats - one an elderly cat of 15 years, the other four in the 9-11 year range. The oldest cat was diagnosed a couple of months ago with the beginnin"} +{"input": "gg g?ststataga?ese???? c chchrhror???c c k kik?dnd????did??eaeasa?se.se? H HiH???????ere??????dn'dn???????????be??ngn?????prp????riripi???on??fof?????ete???bubutu?t wt ????eee?????tot?? st sta???t pt ?????g ??ttt???????? to t?o to tht?ining?????kek???propr?teteite???an?d ?php???????????eve??????in in hin ??s ????????????ususeus???? h ???ve ve f fif?ve???????, a, ???? so somo????? t???????re re n???blblel???s es ea?ti?ng?????? o?r ???????nugnu?????????????meme,me, ??we we dwe de?cic??eded ?to???????? t th the th??? al a?l l t? to to a??n an ??cec??????e ???foodfood ???r ???e ?????????????????????d td th?the the a?ctctitivti?ve ??onongonge?????y by bebecbe???use????????eciec??????llylly ?me?ntnti?on???????dnedn??? su s??popor?t ????d cd ??calocalor?iei??????ro????atateat??????le?????actacti?tivetive ???de????????"} +{"input": "?/????cec??wew??mam?ded?????e se sws????h h??? we w???? a aga??, , a????ofof f???????????ava?e ?????ede????igighg?t.t. . ???isi?s ws wawasa?s fs ?inine? f ??r ???? l ??ittit?lel?????d gd ??????????wawaswa?s as ???itit it?unu?????weiwe?ighig??????? g ???d d fd foforfo??????????t ot ?of of? th t????? O OuO???otothot??????lele le w??ntn??????????li??ghtgh???????????1818.8.5.?????s ts ????n n??beb?esees?e 2e 212???5 ?lblbs??- -??????? t?????e pe pop???dsd???in in??? we wee we??????Th???3 3 f??ma???es es??ai?nened? b??????????5 ??? 2 ? p ?poupo?und??s es eae??ch.ch????e ??notnotitici??d ?ththethemthem m mm ?????? a? a l a lol?ot ot?momormo?re re v ??isiis?itsits s t?o ?ththethe ?????????l,l, ????e ??heheyhe????oulou???'t'?t st ???m ???to gto ??? f fu fulullll.ll?. ????????o so sas?w w???????sense???ing ing? of o?f cf ???at at q ququaual????y -y ?- l- lo??ts ts o of???he?????ing ing eing ???", "output": "
Since we made the switch 6 weeks ago, all of the cats have gained weight. This was fine for the little old guy as he was a bit underweight; not good for the rest of them. Our other male went from a slightly chunky 18.5 lbs to an obese 21.25 lbs - almost three pounds in 6 weeks! The 3 females gained between 1.5 to 2 pounds each. We noticed them making a lot more visits to the food bowl, like they couldn't seem to get full. We also saw a lessening of coat quality - lots of shedding even"} +{"input": "? t ?hohouo?ghg???heheye???rer? b brb??shs??? r re?gug????lyl???ini???ududid??g g w ???th th a??fuf??mim?inain?totoro?????????e ???????pep???bab?????ndndrnd??ffff.f. .????he he??????? d de????loplo??d ?? r re reae???????? o odododor??? al altl??ou??gh gh??? do d?????????o so ?aya?y ny ???od???de?devedev?eloel??ed???iai?arrar??heahe???????????m m?grg?atateat???? f fo for??. . M ??st?? wo w?orror??sosomo?e ??????thath?? t??????? r re???ultul??s os on? t th????????guygu??cac?ameam?e be ?bacba?? w??ithit?????me me????????kik??????vav????s ???f cf ??????n n h ha hav?????? wor wo???????<>??r r????I a????ververyry ?y diy d?isgis??????ed wed ??thth th Sth ScS????????ieietie???? th the they they ??arear??aca??ivivevelvelyvel???ooo?????ing ting th????????ic ic??????????nun????ti?on??????aiaimimsm????????the bthe ??gsg??. O. ????? of of? th the?????es? I? r???????chech?ed ?", "output": " though they are brushed regularly (including with a furminator) and one developed bad dandruff. The stools developed a really bad odor, although I do have to say nobody developed diarrhea which I am grateful for. Most worrisome was that the lab results on the old guy came back with some of the kidney values of concern having worsened.

I am very disgusted with Science Diet - they are actively fooling the public with the nutritional claims on the bags. One of the sites I researched o"} +{"input": "n? f foforo???????ici??rer???? f??ili??re???asas s c???rtrtst??????ailai??ngn? t ?heh???????titioion?????rereare??dod?????????????? t?????ara?rioriouo?s s fs fo?ododsd???va?il?abablb??? ????yoy?ou ou? co c?mpm????e te th??e ve vavarvaririoriourio?? S ??iei?encen??e de did????????ulu?aeae e t?????ha??????ffffef??????t het heae??th? c?????s ?on? t??eme?????????????????????valvalu?ese?s f?oror or t?????????????????st??d d??are?? al a??l wl ??ithit??? a a a?????h h????a a p ???intin?t ot oror or tor ???. ??BaB??????lyly y???????the??? nut nu??ititiit???????na??ysysis??s is it?? ap a????rsr?????t ??the?y ???are ? t th? the ??ama???babasaseas?????mu?la?????????yby???????liglighg??t dt di??ffeff??en??e e ie ???a ?viv????in?in oin ??or aor ?ddd??ti????. ?WiW??? o???therther r br ?????ds,ds? s ???? a as a??s ins innn?ovova?? or or r rr ????al ???anianin?????", "output": "n for chronic renal failure has charts detailing the nutritional breakdown of most of the various foods available. If you compare the various Science diet formulae that have different health claims on them - the nutritional values for the components listed are all within a tenth of a point or two. Basically from the nutritional analysis it appears that they are the same base formula with maybe a slight difference in a vitamin or additive. With other brands, such as innova or royal canin, the"} +{"input": "?rer? a ??pep??rsr???o o b ?????? ac actc???l l??ifi??ere?renre????????eee?????e ???????en????????lal??.<.??? / ??
Now to deal with the weight gain, as well as the other problems we noted, we are switching foods again. This time we are trying royal canin indoor mature. Wish us luck.\"\n2945,B0002TJAZK,A3BLP7LRNCAT2Y,\"Liliana \"\"maccentris\"\"\",2,4,2,1251763200,\"Not minced, this is ground beef\",\"Although this seems like a great product it is definitely not minced. The cans say it is minced but it isn't, it is ground beef. My cat O"} +{"input": "NNLN?Y Y?????? m ?ini????. .??????chc???ksk?, ,??ot???????d.???AlAltl?????? s ?heh??wiw??? e ?ata?????ounoundn????????odo????mem????mesme?s, s, i ???hah?s ??? b beb??in?vivit???g g??ndnd nd?dedele??????????et???????ususts??waw?????????? fr f?????thith???/><>?I/>?????e ??t ??he??? th t?????ckckakaga???ing ing??iei?es es a?bobou?t t tt ???e ce ?ono?te??ntsnt????? a a p ??rodro??ctct.t. ? T ???he she sh??ppp???ing ?wa??????????anandan???the?????ueu??e ise i?s gs ??ea?????as as????g ?asas ????y ?????veverer r wr whw??hat hat? th???pr??omiom??e)e) )? no n?w w I I I aI ??m sm ?stust?uckuc?? wi w?ithith ?fo??????y cy ???????t ???? a at a????????????,B,?????TJT???K,K?A1A??PKP???????????\"V\"V.V. ??aia??eses ??\"A\"ArA?yeyelye?l Nl ?ygy????\"\"\"\"\"??0,0?1,1???,13,1333323???929???,N,?NotNot ?mi???ed?????oro???rer???? thi th?????cacauca???e i?? i is i", "output": "NLY likes minced. Not chunks, not ground. Although she will eat ground cat food sometimes, it has to be inviting and delicious, yet she just walks away from this.

I hate it when the packaging lies about the contents of a product. The shipping was speedy and the value is great (as long as they deliver what the promise) now I am stuck with food my cat wont eat at all.\"\n2946,B0002TJAZK,A1PPKVJ0Y4DLFE,\"V. Haines \"\"Aryel Nyght\"\"\",0,1,3,1332979200,Not minced,\"I ordered this because it is"} +{"input": "????ieiene???????t t a ?ndnd d i ???sasayaysy???t ?isi???ininc??d.d???????? it it it i????OTO? m ????ncednce?d ad ???d md ?y y c ??????????t ??iki??????????t ist i???oro????f f?? p ????????? m mi m??????d and and?????? m?????? d ?dowdo?n n? in i?????irir r????????????????n'n???eaeat?? it it. it?????? v vevereryry ?unu?ha??pyp?y wy wiw????th???????duducuctc??an?and and m????atatsat??ara?? t????????? n no n????????????? it??????in.in. . R. ?etetuet????inging ing???????????e ???t ??worwortr???? it ???s ts th????hihipi????ing ??ha?rgr???s a??re ?????????????? th t??? ba b???ancan??????I I w wowouwoul?d d b?e ?lol???????ono?eye??????474???000????JAJAZA??????SKS??WUW????OLO?Z,Z???. S. S.S????????ey,ey?0,0,1,????,13,1313???747????,K,??????JuJ????FoF?oodoo??\"W\"???ha??? f ???ve ??????- -?ononeon?e ae ?an ???????y y c?", "output": " Science Diet and it says it is minced. Well, it is NOT minced and my cats do not like it. It is more of a pate than minced and gets mashed down in their bowl so they can't eat it. I am very unhappy with this product and my cats are too. Will not be buying it again. Returning it would be not worth it as the shipping charges are taken out of the balance so I would be losing money.\"\n2947,B0002TJAZK,A2ISKAWUPGGOLZ,M. S. Handley,0,1,1,1310774400,Kitty Junk Food,\"We have five cats - one an elderly ca"} +{"input": "????f f?151? y ??ara??? t ??? o ot o??ere???????ini???????????????r rr ?ana?geg?. . ?ThT???olo???sts??cac?t ?waw?s s d ???gng???ede??? c ??oupouplp????? m ?ono?th???agagoag??wiwiti?th th? th??e be ?????nin?inging g??????????f cf ??roron?icic c???dnd?????isi??asaseas?? ?????nun??be??rs rs d? did di?dn'dn't'???ar???nt??be????? on o??prp???crcrir????????ooo?d ???????utut ??e e ne ??ed?????o ????rtr????yiy?????attat???ntint???n tn ??????????lil????????teite?????????osospos?phophoro??????vev??s ??in ???is is fis ???od.od?? B ?ececa??????e e he ?ava?????ve????tst??? an and an?d sd sos?mem??e ofe of ???themthem m a?re?? ni nibibbb?le???rs ers ?eatea????? fo fou fo?? o????????e nue nugu????? a?t ????timti?me,me??wewe we d?????eded ed ted ??????tctch? t? the them the??ala?? t? to to a an an an a?ccccec???aba???e fe ?????foforfo??th????ldldeld?estest,t, t,??????????ke?d ???the ", "output": "t of 15 years, the other four in the 9-11 year range. The oldest cat was diagnosed a couple of months ago with the beginning stages of chronic kidney disease. His numbers didn't warrant being on prescription food yet, but we needed to start paying attention to things like protein and phosphorus levels in his food. Because we have five cats, and some of them are nibblers eating four or five nuggets at a time, we decided to switch them all to an acceptable food for the oldest, so we picked the "} +{"input": "a?ctc?ivivev??lol??????tyt??bebececacauaususes?e ie it???pepececiec??icica???y ??ene??????d d??ididnd?eye?????poporortrt t?ana??d cd cacal?ororior?????????????tet????? l??????actac???ve ve??ldldederer r c ca?tsts.s??brb?r /r ?????r /?>S>SiSini???????mam?dede de????e se ?wiwit??h h???we?ekeksk?????, ,???? o of o????? c ca catatsat?s hs ??????????ed ed????????? T ?hih???wawasa????nene ne???r ???e ?lil??tlt?e ?????gug?y ??as as?he??wa?????????unundndend??we??ighig?ht;ht???otot t gt ?googo?d ??for????????estes???f ??the?m.m. ???????????r mr mamalmalele le?? wen we??????? a?????ghghtgh??????ununkun??y 1y ?????????toto o a??? ob o??sese se?212?.2.252???bsbs bs?- -?? alm al???t ??????e pe po???dsd?s is ???????ekeksek??? T ???e 3e 3 3 f fe f?ma???????in???d bd ?betbe?we?????1.51.???to to 2???????s ??acachac?. ?????no????cedced ???them??ma?ki?ng? a a ????????re re?vi", "output": "active longevity because it specifically mentioned kidney support and calories appropriate for less active older cats.

Since we made the switch 6 weeks ago, all of the cats have gained weight. This was fine for the little old guy as he was a bit underweight; not good for the rest of them. Our other male went from a slightly chunky 18.5 lbs to an obese 21.25 lbs - almost three pounds in 6 weeks! The 3 females gained between 1.5 to 2 pounds each. We noticed them making a lot more vi"} +{"input": "??????tot?? th t?????odo???owowlw?, ,?lil???e te tht?heyhe???ouo????'t't t?ses??m m? to t??????fuf???. .????e ae ?lslsos????? a ?????se???ngn???? c????????alial?ityit?y -y - - l?oto????f f sf ????????g eg ???? t???????????????e be ???sh?????????????????clc?????ng ng??it?h ???????in?atatoatoro?) )? an a?????e ????ele????ed ed? ba bada?d dd dadana?ndrnd???f.f?. . ???? s st sto??????devdeve??loplo?????a ra ?reareal??ly ly? ba?d ??dod????alaltal?thoth??????? do d???avave??????????obo???y ????????????diadi?arrar?????whw?????h I h I?????rar??????????. ??????????ririsisosomsomem???asa?s ts ?thath???? the???????resre?ulultults????? th?? the o the ???d gd ??y ??ama?me me?? bac ba?????????omo??????? the the the k the kik??dnedn?ey ey v ???ueues? o? of of??????rnr???havhaviv??? w???se??????????><>I>?I aI amam am????y y d??isgisgu?????ed wed ????", "output": "sits to the food bowl, like they couldn't seem to get full. We also saw a lessening of coat quality - lots of shedding even though they are brushed regularly (including with a furminator) and one developed bad dandruff. The stools developed a really bad odor, although I do have to say nobody developed diarrhea which I am grateful for. Most worrisome was that the lab results on the old guy came back with some of the kidney values of concern having worsened.

I am very disgusted with "} +{"input": "???iei?ncn?e e D ???t t?? t ?????ararer?e ae ??tit?????y fy fof?olo?ini?g g? th t?????blbli???wiw?thth th?????nun?trtrir??????l l??????? o ?? t??? b babagagsg??????e oe ofo??? the the ?sis??ese??????ses??arcar??????? f fo????hrh?????c rc ???nalna???aiailai??re? h ?asa?s cs ?chach????????ai?ailiail?????????????ti?ononaon?al al????aka??owo??????mom????of?of tof ??the the v vav??io?????foofo???s as ava?vaivailila??blebl?????f ???????????e ?th??the vthe ?varvari??ousous ????ienienc????ieietiet iet? fo f?rmrmumulu??e ???hatha???havha?????ffffefere?ren????ea?ltlthth ????aimai?ms ms???????? -??????nunutnu??ititi??ona?l ?va?????????r tr ??????????en?ts? l ????eded ????? al a?????th??in in? a a???ententhenth h? of o??a a p????????r t??o.o??????icicaic???ly ly??????th???nu???????nanal????nal???????? a??pep??rsr??????????????are are are ????? the sa the s???", "output": "Science Diet - they are actively fooling the public with the nutritional claims on the bags. One of the sites I researched on for chronic renal failure has charts detailing the nutritional breakdown of most of the various foods available. If you compare the various Science diet formulae that have different health claims on them - the nutritional values for the components listed are all within a tenth of a point or two. Basically from the nutritional analysis it appears that they are the same "} +{"input": "?babasa?e e????mum??????tht? m ??yby?e ????lil????????fefere???cece ????a a va ??????????? ad addd????vev?? ???ithit??????????ana?????sus???h ah as????????a oa ??or ror ???????????, ???therthe?????pep?????tot? b be b???????tut?al? d?if???re??????????enen en t???e de ?difdiff???en?t t ft fo???ul?aea?????????
Now to deal with the weight gain, as well as the other problems we noted, we are switching foods again. This time we are trying royal canin indoor mature. Wish us luck.\"\n2948,B0002TJAZK,A3TVZM3ZIXG8YW,christopher hayes,0,2,1,1291420800,\"Filler food is empty, leaves your cat always needing mor"} +{"input": "???,\",\"T\"ThT??????viviei?? w ?ili??????e e m???sos???? r?eae??llylly y???upu?idi??????????tet??ere???????n'n?t t rt rerearealallal?y y cy ???re re?asa?????? a???pepeoe???e ?fif??nd nd o ou?t t wt whwha???s ???????????canca??????????y my ??istis???ese?.<.?????><>??r r /r />??I gI gog?????y wy ??????fuf??l ll liliti??????wew?etet ??????????an an? wh?ene??????waw?as as a????ew ew? da d???s ss ??y y oy ofof f???rereeree e ye ????s ???d.d. ?ShS???ha?d d bd ???????????d ?araroarou?oundoun?d fd ??omo? h???sese e te ????????? an and?nd end ??tit???g wg ??????everever r wr ??s ??????. . I. ???havhavev???????catcatsts s as ????????e ?my????ti????????, ?fof?r ???boubout??????tyt?-f-?????????s ??owo????y ???othot???r a???????juj?????????????wh????ve???, t, ?????in?dsd???f f ff ??????ouou ou??uyu???? t th the?????erermer??rkr???t -t ??????ki", "output": "e\",\"This review will make me sound really stupid, but whatever. I don't really care as long as people find out what's real and can avoid my mistakes.

I got my wonderful little sweet Bella Bean when she was a few days shy of three years old. She had been bounced around from house to house and eating whatever was cheap. I have had cats around me my entire life, for about twenty-five years now. My mother always just fed them whatever, the kinds of food you buy in the supermarket - Friski"} +{"input": "??s,s??NiN?????????, ???? & ??KaK?bob??dld????sts??fff?????e ???ata?????????? c ??atsat? w ??rere e ae ???aya??????e,??at? l????st st?inin in?tet?ermer??s os ofo??????????titin??????it????ThTheh??? wo w?oulouldl?d ed ????????he? m ?oro?ninin????????? wh w????th??y y wy ???????nene,ne???omo??????????nd??????sosom???????re wre ?he?? t th?ey?????t ht ?unu??????????><>???r /r />r />M>MyM????ousousesememam???e ae ate at ???????me?? wa w?????????? f fof?? H HiH??l'l?????d d ad ??sus???????me tme th?????thithisi??wawaswa?s ts ???the bthe ?es?t ?fofoofo??? ev e??r ??madmadede,e, e, se, ?so so?????at,at?, s, so, s?????anand? s ??????????? n ?owow w??no???th?????hehe ?????n ??ttt?terte?r br ???fo?foonfoo??, b, bu???I ???it???allal????rur????????er er?juj?dgd????????whiwhici?h h??s s ss ?????fo???tuntu?????be??caucaus???sh??e de do?es???t ??hih?", "output": "es, Nine Lives, Kit & Kaboodle, stuff like that. And our cats were always fine, at least in terms of their eating habits. They would eat in the morning, stop when they were done, come back, and eat some more when they got hungry.

My housemate at the time was working for Hill's and assured me that this was the best food ever made, so great, so on and so forth. I now know that she is an utter buffoon, but I initially trusted her judgment, which is so unfortunate because she doesn't thin"} +{"input": "????ShShehe e?ala?????????lel???? o ofof f????pop??s s???r r?????e oe ??????pl??????????ntentede?d bd ??gsgs,s? w ??icichc????adead?e ie ?? a?? mu mucuch???ororeor???????ctc???e ??choch?ic?e.e????????
I first tried feeding the little Bean an unmeasured amount of Science Diet in a bowl, but that didn't work, as she would devour it in one sitting. So then I took to measuring it, and she did the same thing. Then I started parsing it out to twice a day. That didn't work either, because she would start going crazy in the middle of the day, running around, intentionally dest"} +{"input": "?roroyoyiy??? t ???ingin??, , d ded???beb??????? s ??????????er??waw???er,er???ryr??ng??, e, ete?????????il il?????gog?????rer??????? S SoS? t?he???I I????litli???t ?t int i??o ????reere?e se ses???in??s.s. ??ama???????????he?hen hen?????ot? t???be???ououru???er???ing??. ??hah?at at???s s?a a?lilitlittlit?lele ??betbetttteterte???bub??????wa???tot?oo oo????????in?te????????andand d u ??re????sts????? to to???be abe ?ro?un????vev?eryer?y dy ????toto to f???d d hd ?herhe?r fr fo??ur ur????mesme??? So So ?o tho the?hen hen ihen ???????????k k?? to ?th???????llll ll??????hi?????I ?wawaswas was??ryryiryin?ing ing? to to to r to ??dud????????am??ounou?nt ?ofo??? foo food?? I I w???s fs ?eeeedee?in?ing ??her?? to? to l to ????s ts ths t????????????????? be b??aua??se se??????asas as a? a l a ???littllitt??? ch chuhubu??y.y?. R. ?ed?uc?ininging ing wing wa???he??ll.ll??. Sh. S???????????eveev????ororeor???", "output": "roying things, deliberately spilling her water, crying, etc., until she got more food. So then I split it into three servings. Same thing. Then it got to be four servings. That was a little better, but it was too much maintenance and unrealistic to be around every day to feed her four times. So then it went back to three. All the while, I was trying to reduce the amount of food I was feeding her to less than 3/4 of a cup because she was a little chubby. Reducing was hell. She became even more hu"} +{"input": "?ngn???, ,?bub???? f ?????ede????e e?wowouo?ldld ??ete?t ut ??????o o i ?t.t? N ?otot t rt ?reare??????????><>??r ?/>??oror ???ere?r ar ? y ?????, s, ????wo??????aka?e e me ???upu??eve??ry??mom?ornor????????kik??????? f? foo foodo?????????????s s???y,y, y,???????ng??????ingsing????f f? my my y???sks???????in?ing ing u up??????????er er?????????ld ld f fi f???, ?, sc, scrc???chchi??ng ??at at? th t?he ??oo??r a?ndn???comco?mimit?tit?inging ????ereraer?? a?ctc?????f mf mi?scsch?iei????AsA??sos??? a as a?s ss shs s??he ghe ??ot ot?????? s sh?????s s bs ???ck ck t to t?o ho ??????eeeet?? se s?lfl??, b, bu???????? fo?r r tr ???reere?????fof?ourou?????oursours.s.
For over a year, she would wake me up every morning looking for food in a serious way, knocking things off my desk, ripping up any paper she could find, scratching at the door and committing general acts of mischief. As soon as she got food, she was back to her sweet self, but only for three or four hours.

We thought she was bored, we thought she was a little nutty, and maybe even had a kitty eating disorder. She alw"} +{"input": "?aya?s s??????d d f ????? I ItI?????s ks kik??????? fu f??nyny y b bubutu?????????ene???iti????s s js ??????ada?d.?? f????????s s bs ???k,k, ,??? t??????????o o a a a n nen?? ( ?????, ?????mom?oneon?y ????????? v ?????forfor ??????ececoc?ondon?d cd chc?????? s????e ??'v'veve ve???? h?ere????? ta t?lklkeked???it????imi????ououtut ut?? her he?r br beb?in?g g??lwlwa??ys ys? hu h?ungun?ryry.ry??HeH?e ae ????????ata?t s?????te???????????????im????he he ahe ?aduad?ltlt ???ndond??r ??????ce? D ?ie????WiW??ithoithououtou??????inging ing???s ms ?ucu??, ????ba??ici???lyl?y ty ???d ????????? th????????? is i??????bagbageg?e a??nd nd Ind ???hohou???????ook ook???r ?sos????thith???ing eing ele??se.se. . H??e se ???????at ?fo???d sd sh?ou?ouldoul?d h??????a pa ?ror?teteite??in fin ?folfo?lo?????????????????????e ?e ase as ??theth?????st??", "output": "ays wanted food. It was kind of funny but in the end it was just sad.

A few weeks back, we took her to a new (good, non-money factory) vet for her second checkup since I've had her. I talked with him about her being always hungry. He asked what she ate, and I told him the adult indoor Science Diet. Without saying as much, he basically told me that this food is garbage and I should look for something else. He said cat food should have a protein followed by a carbohydrate as the first t"} +{"input": "wwow???ngn???????????ScS??ienie??? D DiD?ietie? d dod???, ,??n n?a a????y y??ooo??e,e?, b, ?y-y-p-?ror?dud??t ??in?d d????waw??y -y ???????d ?upu??????ghg?tet?erher??ousouse?????????rsrs s??nd??coc????????????????he??y py pup?t ??a ba ????????????ama?in?s ?????t ?toto to m ???e ??it it?\"\"\"\"h\"???ltlththyth???\"\" \"\"? in?????d ??????st? u ????? g??????ingingring??????tsts ts f ??romro? t?hehe he?beb?gig??ninin??????????ata???????????????spspep?enden???? m mo m?nen?y ???? th??e Be ??????????????s fs ????????wa??y ty to???exexpxpe??sis??ve ve??or? w wh w???????is??/><>?/>S/>????e ??????n tn trt??????ioiononion????heherhe?r or ?onton?to ??elelll??nesne????nd??????forfo??ulu???????out out? tw t?wo wo w we weeeekeksk??????. S. ShS?he he ihe ????ti?????eatea?tinti??ng 5ng ?????????? S??cieci????? Di D?????itithith ??????ercer??", "output": "wo ingredients. Science Diet does, in a very loose, by-product kind of way - ground up slaughterhouse leftovers and corn dust. Then they put a bunch of vitamins in it to make it \"\"healthy,\"\" instead of just using good ingredients from the beginning. Not that I care about spending money on the Bean, but this food is way too expensive for what it is.

So we began transitioning her onto Wellness indoor formula about two weeks ago. She is still eating 50 percent Science Diet with 50 percen"} +{"input": "?? W WeW???nen??????ouo? r ??ala????shshoh?oulou??n'n???juj?stst t gt ???e e?????t t dt did?fff?ere????t ft ?ooo???ono?????y ???t ?ofof f???e ??lul??? b ?????HEH??????? F ?RER???S S O ????ANA??MOM???? I ??????mam??ini?????ndn?d id iti?????????er?cec??? b be bece???????shesh?e ie ????????? r??ealeal l???odod od n ????? al alol???g wg ???? t??????????ustus????????????? h heheahe?rtr?s s Is I I?????????????tat?bl???ha??ve ve???? fe f?????herhe?. ??? h?avave?ve hve ??her her????? t to????eatieat??? t tw t?wicwi????? da d???????????? c?????? T ????L.L. . S. ??he he??asa?s es eas e??ining??th?re?e ???mem??? a ???y,y????? o???a a ca ???? in i?n tn tot??talta??. N. ??ow ow???he ?????????? i in?? th the th?e me ??rnrnin??ing,ing?, w, wa????s a??wayway,???at?s ???omeom??e moe m???e ae ???fewfe???ou??s ?lal?????????d td ???en ?????? f???? di din??", "output": "t Wellness (you really shouldn't just give a cat different food one day out of the blue) but SHE NEVER FREAKS OUT ANYMORE. It's amazing. And it's 100 percent because she is eating real food now, along with that sawdust and chicken hearts I still regrettable have to feed her. We have her down to eating twice a day, only 1/3 cup in TOTAL. She was eating three times a day, 5/8 of a cup in total. Now she eats some in the morning, walks away, eats some more a few hours later, and then looks for dinne"} +{"input": "rr r??bob????twt???????ou?rsrs s????ere??heh?? i ini?????? f fefeeeededid???? N ???momoro??e ke ?nonoco????ing ing t th t?in??s s os ??verver,r???????oreor??????hi??????d'd??s ps pap?pep?????? t? the the ??ese??, ????momormo?? h ho h????ing???, no, n?o mo ?????e dee d?eliel????ata???? s ????lel????at?er???n n tn ???? fl f???????t't????????didibdiblb??.<.??r r /r ???
I feel so bad that I was doing this to her for so long. We really thought she was just being dramatic or whatever. But no, she was genuinely hungry because she wasn't eating any real food.

Do your cat a favor - buy her or him so food made with real ingredients, things you w"} +{"input": "oououlu???eaeata??- -??ele???ese??? H ??????InI??ovo?a,a, ?EvE???????ateatevevev?r.r? F ????rer?????ou???foforo???ou??ses??f,f???utu?t pt plp??????dod??'t'??t fet f?ede?d yd ?youyo????????hihisis.s?. I. ?t't???gag??babaga?e.e.\".\"\"???4949,9??00000??TJT???K,K,A,A2A??UFU???0K0KLK???QBQ?,A,A.,A. ?AlA??,0,???,1,1,1????????60?0,0,A0,Al??????PrPror?????????orornor? -?- ????????asa???????????oneon????\"I\"I I???????thethe e me ?????kek???? b ??eliel??eviev??g g????????ie?ncn????ie????as? t? the th???besbe?????oioicice???forfo?r mr mymy y????at aat afaftf????ththe????????????the??????malma??shs?eleltel??????ntn?ioi???d d id ?????as tas th???fo??od od?? the??y uy ?se?. ??ftftefter??????? s ??omeome e re re?sesease?????I ???alalial?zezed?? th?at???SciSc??????DiDieDi?t ?????no no????te?ter ???an? a??????rocro?cerce???????e ??genge?nernerir??? br b???d ???? Ia I?", "output": "ould eat - Wellness, Halo, Innova, Evo, whatever. Figure it out for yourself, but please don't feed your cat this. It's garbage.\"\n2949,B0002TJAZK,A22UFBP0KL3KQB,A. Ali,0,3,1,1276041600,All By-Product & Corn -- Don't Waste Your Money!,\"I made the mistake of believing that Science Diet was the best choice for my cat after the woman at the animal shelter mentioned it as the food they use. After doing some research I realized that Science Diet is no better than any grocery store generic brand or Iam"} +{"input": "?s s??I I?wow???d d?NON?? r rer?coc????ndnd ?ANA????? t ?heh????????ono??).).<.????/>/?/>A/>AlA?so?, , B, ?????rodroduducduct?? me m???ns ns j ???st st t??at???.b.??eakeaksk???fefeafe?athat???s,s, s,?? toe to???", "output": "s (I would NOT recommend ANY of these options).

The main ingredients are Chicken By-Product and Corn. Here are some interesting facts: Cat's can't digest corn...in fact, they are obligatory carnivores and only eat up until the point of reaching optimal nutrition. When I fed my cat the science diet he ate ALL THE TIME, constantly. After switching him over to Castor and Pollux Indoor Cat Formula he eats much less now.

Also, By-Product means just that...beaks, feathers, toe-na"} +{"input": "?ili? c clc????????? m ???????t t st ?uiuiti????? f ?oror r???mam??? co cono?su??ptp??on???ded??????????????tctc.c. . - ---????otaotala??? n no n???????h h???e ?$$$?? . .....??it'it's'?? ch c??eapea?ere??????????did?g g??????? t tr t???h ???d ?pupuru?eee????????ursurses????(d(?oeoesesnsn'n't'?t st sot sou???????apapp???li?ng? d do d?oesoes ??it?it?????ScS??ene?cec??DiD??????s ns ????????????? i???lylyily??g ?su?peperpe??????????????ror????tst?s ws ???n ???theythe??ara?? i?n ?faf?ctct ct??? b beb????? t??an?? al a??? th the th??ot???????rrrriribri????????fo??od od??ou? f?in??. ???on'on??????t yt ?youyour? v ?et?? fo??l ???? e ei e????her-her???vetvets? u ?usuus??????geget?????0%0???utu?t ft frt f????HiHil?l'l?? t to t??seselse?????you ?th?????????? foo??????r /r ?><>r /???????omommm???ndandat??ionion ???? to? u?sese se c???mmomm?? s ", "output": "il clippings, meat not suitable for human consumption, dead animals, etc. -- Totally not worth the $$$ ...it's cheaper just to dig in the trash and puree it yourself (doesn't sound so appealing does it??). Science Diet is notorious for implying superior quality products when they are in fact no better than all the other terrible pet food you find. Don't let your vet fool you either- vets usually get a 40% cut from Hill's to sell you their cat food.

My recommendation is to use common s"} +{"input": "??????ana?d d??o o?dod????????????rcrchch.h. . T ????????dsd? l ?iki?e ???wmw?an???OwO?? o ????asa??tortor ?anandand and???????????tht?eye??hah????????es????????????enententsts ?????a a?????????raracra?k k r rerecre??????br??????r ?/>/>I/>?????ere?r cr ??llllell?????e ??hehelhe???????lyl??to????????ha??????ey ey???? r???uiu??red????????ed ed?? the????imima????ScS??ienie????DiD???t at ???????s ?dodondo???eded ed aed ???and tand ?thetheythey ?y hay h?aveav?e ae ???????alal al?? arr ar??ngngeng??menmentn????ithith h?????mamarmartr?t tt toto ???usu?? t th???ir ir a? ani anim???s ??? t th???r r ir in?????????????????ce??ntenterersers.s. . A. ??? req reququiqu???emeem??ent ent? is is ?s tos t??exexcx?lu???vevelvely???feefe?ed ???????? D ?DieDi???? to to t?? the ??????ls???br??????????TRT?Y Y? TH T??S S????TETEAE?D:D: :??a ??????\"\"\"????p:p??/w/????????????comco", "output": "ense and to do some research. Try brands like Newmans Own or Castor and Pollux as they have wholesome ingredients and a proven track record.

I later called the shelter only to hear that they are required to feed the animals Science Diet as it is donated and they have a special arrangement with Petsmart to house their animals in their in store adoption centers. A requirement is to exclusively feed Science Diet to the animals.

TRY THIS INSTEAD: \"?CaC?sts?oror r?& &??olo??????ltl?????x ?????or??????nene e F Fo F?mumululal????y y C ??t t?? Foo Fo????1515-5??PouPounund???aga????>\">?2??505?,B,??0000200????????2S2??6J6???FUFU5U5N5NDN?S,S??? L ??sss?in??,3,??????????????00000??QuQ?anantntyt???????\"T\"???? f ??????????orkorkik??? w we w??l l???or or mor ???191?? 1/ 1/2/???eae??-o-?????ata????thth h k ki?dnd??y ???????msm?????utut ?I I c ??n'n't't ????d ?an?y ?ininfinfo? o ?n n h ???????any any??anansan?????e ie in??????d ??forfo?r tr ??????pripr?cec?? ?????? g ??es??????242?? ca??s ??as??ed ed??n n sn ???ppppip?ing?ing wing ????hth??an?d ????e pe ?pri?????bub??? I I???on'on?????y y wy ???thothouo????ete???????infoinf???????1,1,B?00003003X3XKXKKK????,A??LWL?FIF????????????. S. ????in?,1?????,1?29??????00?,B???t ???????????????", "output": "/gp/product/B001BCUBZ0\"\">Castor & Pollux Ultramix Indoor Feline Fomula Dry Cat Food, 15-Pound Bag\"\n2950,B0002TJAZK,A2SY6JHNFU5NDS,C. Lessing,3,9,3,1271376000,Quanty????,\"This food is working well for my 19 1/2 year-old-cat with kidney problems. But I can't find any info on how many cans are included for this price? I'm guessing 24 cans based on shipping weight and the price, but I won't buy without better info.\"\n2951,B003XKKEBE,A1LWFIPFH7U81M,P. Sterin,1,1,5,1291766400,Best Green Tea Ever!"} +{"input": ",??A A??rir??ndnd d?brb???ghg?? a ???agag g o ?f f??hih???????bab?ckc? f?ro?m m a a a t tr t?riprip p??o o???????, , a?nd? s ?????d ?itit t wt wiwit?h h h ????coc??oro?kek?rsr???? w ??s s as ?mam?zez?ed ed? wh w???????raran????y y???rs???cucupu?????? b???????ordor?d td ???ded???riribri?e e t th t?he ??????? fe f??? i isis is b bu b??????????'s's s a? w?ono??????l,l????eaearea?? an and an???????antant t tt ??st?ini?????a.a???'v'?e ??????r hr ha?d ?ananyanytyth?iningin?????ke ke??t,t??anandan?d cd ?????t w?????????? it it??? b be??comco?e e ae ava???????le.le??EvE?????????he ???ar??ed ed ied it?? wi w??? w wa wan?antsant???????y ????me.me????JaJ???anean?????????nd ??hoho ?ha??s bs ??en?en den dr?in??????grg?reere??????? al a???he?r r lr liliflifefe e se ?ai?d ????t wa?s ?????ece????l el ??pe?ririeri??cec?????tatastast??????? t? tea te????leleale?asease ?ofoffof?ferfer ?it?it sit ???on!on?", "output": ",\"A friend brought a bag of this tea back from a trip to Taiwan, and shared it with his coworkers. I was amazed when I drank my first cup. The best word to describe the mouth feel is buttery. It's a wonderful, clear and elegant tasting tea. I've never had anything like it, and can't wait for it to become available. Everyone he shared it with wants to buy some. A Japanese friend who has been drinking green tea all her life said it was a special experience to taste this tea. Please offer it soon!\""} +{"input": "2???2,2??00000???808??S,S?AJA?ITITVTVAV????IXI???????tct?heh??,0,????2,2,12,111?737???20200???\"L\"???ksk? b ???teterer r??hahana? i ??? ta t???tedted,d, , I ??m m t??????????t t tt ??isi??as??a a??ifi????anandan??fof??ndn?d od ????lal??terter ?????????? i?te?msm??wew???????lele.e. . ???heyhe???ovo???????e te th?ou???t,t, t,????ougoughough,h?, a??nd nd??lovlove?d ???he he?waw??y iy it? l???keked?.\".???????????2GW2G???727??A3A??VTVT3T3W3W3W????TOT?8,8??????p,p????????????02?404?00,00??owow!w?????????!!!!,!!!!,\"??ESE???????eeee ?? h ha??????????????ted.ted.<.???????r />M>????if??, , n, ???gh??ororsr???ndnd ??rir?en???s a???? al alll????AZA?? o ?????JaJama??icicac?????????zyz??!!!???ou?? mu m???????y i?t!t!!!!!!!!\"!!!?????????02???????2,A???????LYL??BHB????????ra ra?StS????ks ks?\"\"\"?dod?mem?ststist??", "output": "\n2952,B000H280KS,AJITVA02GIXPO,Gretchen,0,0,2,1173312000,\"Looks better than it tasted, I'm told\",\"Sent this as a gift, and found out later that many items were stale. They loved the thought, though, and loved the way it looked.\"\n2953,B002GWME72,A3UVT3W3WC7TO8,tincup,0,0,5,1280102400,Wow!!!!!!!!!!,\"BEST coffee I have ever tasted.

My wife, neighbors and friends are all CRAZY over Jamaican Me Crazy!!!

You must try it!!!\"\n2954,B002GWME72,AVPVYJPLY1BHR,\"Laura Stocks \"\"domestic "} +{"input": "d???a\"a????????5,5,1,121??84843438384??0,?\"I\"???ovovev?, ,??ov????? lov love????ofofff??e!e?!!?????? lo?????????ee ee a ?????mem?e oe ?? d ?????BuB?t t?ses?????lyly y???????????????iei????ede? c co c?offof???e de ????????ftf?terternr??ono???ndnd d ed ?ve??in?g ????????????? f ??????eded ed???ff??e ???? a ????? t trt??reatrea?. ??ButBu???omo?me me??????e e oe ove o????owowewereri??g.g. . T. ThT??is is?\"\"??amamam???????e ??rar????? f fl f???????notno?t ot ???ly ly s su s???s ??y y py ?er?so??al??ityit???A)A?, ????is???ver???y ply p?????????? t th t???pap?alaal??e.e?. T?hehe he? fl?av???in?? i??????????btb?le? w ?hi??le ?al?lolowlo?ininging ing ting tht??he fhe fufulu???flflaflav???????th???cocofcoffcof?feefee fee?? to to????en??????. ?. An. A?????????????om???? is is?????iciic?ouousou?! !??ototh?????hilehil??grgri?rindrin????ng tng ?thethe ???an?s s as ?andan?d bd brbrerewre?winwi", "output": "diva\"\"\",0,0,5,1268438400,\"I love, love, love, coffee!!!\",\"I love coffee anytime of day. But sensibly I drink decaffienated coffee during afternoon and evening hours. And a flavored coffee is a real treat. But some can be overpowering. This \"\"Jamaican Me Crazy\"\" flavor not only suits my personality(HA), it is very pleasing to the palate. The flavoring is very subtle while allowing the full flavor of the coffee to be enjoyed. And oh, the aroma is delicious! Both while grinding the beans and brewin"} +{"input": "?? t ??e e?coc??fefeee?? I ????lll??ded?fif?????????ururcr???ses???thith????gag??in.in????959?5,5?B0B000???????????101?DOD?3333H3??SXS????RuR??????,0,,0,4,?,1,?323262???202?00000?0,P0,??????ana???????n,n,\",?????as as??ooo?kik???????????heheehe?el.el??YoYouo?????w,w, ,? li l???e t?????nen??????in?? a?t t???????? a? at at a a ??es?tat??uraur?antant.t??I ??anant?eded d? to to o????ere?r sr sosomo?me me??ror???? p????es? a?lo????wiwitwi????lil???s,s?, p, ???ppepp?eroer??????andan?d sd ?somso?me me pme prpro?scs???????. . A ?ll???forfo????NeN???????s ?eveve?? pa parartar?????elellel???? w???as nas ?notno???????heelhee????? tha th??k k g gog??dnd??sss?????au???????wa?????lfl??????ee?l l al ?and? a? at ???? po pou?????fofor? t th?????halfhalf ??whewheewhe???, 4, 4040 0?? pou po??????ououlou?d d hd ha???ve bve ???en ?wa???to???????. . T. ???he fhe flflalavavoavoror or?????????llllell??", "output": "g the coffee. I will definitely purchase this again.\"\n2955,B001GAJ7ZW,A310DO33H1SXZT,Rupp,0,0,4,1326672000,Parmesan Heaven,\"I was looking for a wheel. You know, like the one sitting at the bar at a restaurant. I wanted to offer some broken pieces along with olives, pepperoni, and some prosciutto. All for a New Years eve party. Well it was not a wheel - thank goodness because it was half a wheel and at 20 pounds for the half wheel, 40 pounds would have been way too much. The flavor was excellent"} +{"input": "?, ,?juj??t t?????ghg?????bib?tet?????hehe e c ?rer?ama?????s s??f ??hehe he??????e e re ????lyl?? ca c???e te th???ougou?gh gh?ana?d d????s as a a??ere??????bab?alaal?ancancece.???? br b?rokro???????thethe ???????he????????? th t??rdr?s s as ans and????ecoec???te?????trtra???wiw?ithit?h ah ??????????g g??????? o??? br bro br??kenke????????. ??t ???s s a?ll?? we w??ll ????????????thth th? th?e ???oioici????ofof of?re??????e.?e. Te. ??er????was????oreor?e te the t???n en en??????, w, wh?ic??h hh ???????owo??ed ed??e ??o ??enjenjoj???th????lalavavov??s ???? o??the?r r?????????e de ????????or??a a c??oupou??e ?of?of mof ?mormo?????ekeksk??????m m??loolo???????ororwor????????orordor??????ing ting ???s ??gagaiain??? S ?up??????owlow????? ri r?gh????????nd nd tnd ??the ????ne?r.r. ??t ??is ???????o ??aka?? s ?urure?????????n cn ca?", "output": ", just enough of bite. The creaminess of the cheese really came through and was a perfect balance. I broke up the half wheel into thirds and decorated a tray with a cascading effect of broken pieces. It was all well received with the choices of red wine. There was more than enough, which has allowed me to enjoy the flavors for other favorite dishes for a couple of more weeks. I am looking forward to ordering this again - Super Bowl is right around the corner. It is big, so make sure you can car"} +{"input": "????anandn??????e e???isi??quq??????y.y???s ??????s s cs ???st,st? I ? t???ugughg????????s ?a a?????t t dt ????? si s?????it?????mem??d td toto to????e ??????lelese?????indin???ha?? w??hatha??wew?e pe pup????as??e ee ele????heh?????????co??? p ??er er?????? m ???y by ???avaveavereraer?geg?????t ??theth????????t ot ofo????tut??l ??sasabablble?????es???e ise i?s ts th???? w wi w??h ?th?the the g????t t ft flf???or???2??????????KJK???Q,Q,A,?383??PJP??MFM???????lil?ittitti?el???an????,1?,5,5,5,1,12,1???131?282??00,00??????astas?tictic c? pr p????????absabsos??ut?el?ely ely???lilicli?ioi?ousous ? h???ave ave t?ririeri????t ?t ont o?n en eveve??rytry????????????ea??????d fd ?is??h t?? s??????blebl?ed ????s ?hi?gh?lyl?y ry rerecre???????nd ind ??2?????,B0,B00???HKJHKJN??KQ,KQ?,A2,A??HKUHK????T0T???????SuSus?????????olfolfef?????ut?ty???????", "output": "ry and store this quantity. As far as cost, I thought it was a great deal since it seemed to have much less rind than what we purchase elsewhere. The cost per pound may be average, but the amount of actual usable cheese is there with the great flavor.\"\n2956,B000HKJNKQ,A38PPJJMFTAQYS,littielycans,1,1,5,1255132800,fantastic product,absolutely delicious have tried it on everything from meat and fish to scrambled eggs highly recommend it\n2957,B000HKJNKQ,A2HKU4SOT0CWG9,\"Susan C. Wolfe \"\"Nutty Librar"} +{"input": "?iai???\"\"????3,3,1,???252?????808?0,???t t???ppp?? w wiw??????? p prp?odo??ctct!t????did?d d?non?????nowno? a an?yty?thith??g g???????????neneye?y uy ????l l????ene????n n a? k?no??????cic?????citci????andan?d fd ?ou???d od ??????atat ?t tht theh?ey ey m ?ixi????he he????it?????h ?pepeppepp???s s?????viv?inein?gag?r!r! !? I I????ougou??t t c?huhuthu????y wy ????? d di d?fff?erereer???t ft ??rmr?? of o??MaM??????ded?e be ?ut? I?????s ws ?ro??ng!ng???959????????HHH?????A2A2W2???ZUZ??393979????,n,???vicvi????,2,2,,2??,1????95695?80?00??th?thesthesese ???an??s w?????????????l,l,\",\"i\"????vev?e se ?tatar??tedted ???the the?????aca??ioion?? pr p?rocroce??????ss????an?????ononton?th th a??o,o, ,????d sd ?????ar ar i ?it ?lol??ksk?s as ans a?nd nd snd sms???l ??on?ondeondererferfu?l.l? w?????ingin??tot?o to ???y iy ?????????????ut 6ut ?? oz o? i in i??1.1??5 5?lilit??erser??ofo?????", "output": "ian\"\"\",0,3,1,1258588800,Not happy with the product!,I did not know anything about chutney until I went on a known recipe cite and found out that they mix the fruit with peppers and vinegar! I thought chutney was a different form of Marmalade but I was wrong!\n2958,B005MHHAUY,A2WJJZUQ397ZPL,novice,2,2,5,1349568000,these beans were wonderful,\"i have started the extraction process less than a month ago, and so far it looks and smell wonderful. waiting to try it.i have put 6 oz in 1.75 liters of vodk"} +{"input": "aa a?????nonowo? h ??vev? a???eae??????? b br bror??? f ?luluiu?d ??ha??? as a??i i??tat??ede???earearlrlil??r r s sm s???????????erferfu??. .?????an????????ngn??ththethe e oe otoththetherthe?r 2r 2 2? oz o?????? so s???? ho h????ada?e ?????ll??a fa ?????n n in ?cec??rer???????????959??,B,?000040??LRLRBR?X2X2,2,A,A1A???7I7IUI???U7VU7VZV?858?,\",?D.D?????WrW???hth?t \"t ???f f? it i?????'t't ?brb?rokro?e,e?? I' I??m gm gog???a a f???....\"..\",\"??????????????808?00,00,G,???at????????s!s??,\"W,\"?if?eye???????????thesthe?e ?foforo??meme ???r ?ChC??????masma????? u??sedsed ??? w ???????thth th a a a g a gug??y wy whw????wouwo??????in??????illill ?waw?rmrm ?ho???????st?ed???ea?eanuean???? to t???????. . A. ?????????lel?ftft ft?? I w I wawanwantn???d t?d to d to????????mym???lfl??. ?ThThe??se se?????e ge ?re????. 2. ?????inuin?????????the???ve?n ????????e ?st?stirsti?", "output": "a and now have a beautiful brown fluid that as i stated earlier smells wonderful. I plan on using the other 2 oz. in some homemade vanilla frozen icecream etc.\"\n2959,B0047LRBX2,A1U77IUXU7VZ85,\"D. P. Wright \"\"If it ain't broke, I'm gonna fi...\",0,0,5,1294444800,Great Peanuts!,\"Wifey bought these for me for Christmas. I used to work with a guy who would bring still warm home roasted peanuts to work. After he left I wanted to try it myself. These were great. 25 minutes in the oven with one stir "} +{"input": "??ndn? t ?????ara?e e?dodononen?. .????y ????tet??bebete??terte? t th t???? an a???grg??????y sy ????re re?pep?an???? e ???er er?cocouo?ldl????I I??igighghth????helhe??? so s??e ??f f?? the th?????d d td trtry??hoh??eyey ey????????? t?oooo.o???I ????e ae ????t ??????opo??e e b?oio????theth?em,em, , w ??hatha??????e boe boie bo?ileil??d pd pe??????? li likikek??????? d???'t'?t st ???e te ?thethemthe????????e ??? R ?I ?????I'I??ve ve???ve???tr??eded ed? th??m.m.\".\"\"????0,0?B0B000???Q5Q5I5?LAL?,A,??????YOY????1V1????SaSalallllyll?y Jy ?????iegie????? \" ?\"K\"??????itit it?393?030?\"\"??????,5,5,5??????808080????MuM?chc? b be??ttetterer ??thath????teate?a ba ????,\",\"S,\"Sa??? g ?gregr????tatasta???e a??s ts ?????on??????sh sh????????s,? b bu b?ut ut????????????e ??gre???! ! ??ThaThanankan???ou?ou fou ?oror or? pa p?ckc???ininging ?ththith?????????k!k!\"!???????????121202?????", "output": "and they are done. They taste better than any grocery store peanuts ever could. I might shell some of them and try honey roasting too. I see a lot of people boil them, what are boiled peanuts like? You don't see them up here in RI and I've never tried them.\"\n2960,B001EQ5ILA,A3W4IZYOXAT1VN,\"Sally J. Siegrist \"\"Knit Wit 3903\"\"\",1,1,5,1304380800,Much better than tea bags,\"Same great taste as the honeybush tea bags, but so much more green! Thank you for packaging this in bulk!\"\n2961,B003120XGK,A"} +{"input": "???OWO????ZAZ??????MaM?ririei?,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,???595???000??,L,????????? s ?????????WeW?e ue ???e te ??isis is?????lalaca???ofof f???????fof??????oso?st st???ververyr??thi?ngng.g?? I ?????????lil?????????or??? so s????ofof of? si simimim????r tr ??? ho h??????????utut t tt ??????rysryststast?allalli?zaz???on? a???? th t?e ??????g g?????oror.or. ????????st?st pst ??????is is tis ??????????of ?susugugaug??ar har ????????? c ???ashashe???dudueue ????it?s ??owo???r gr ?lyl?ce???????????\"\"?292?????????202?????A1A??LKL??Y4Y???7R7??????msm?????mo,mo????0,50,?5,15,??989??????????tat??????satsa?tistisfs???????? w?as??????ly ly??????d d ad ?????w w g ?rereae??at tat th?thisthi?s ps ?????ctct ???????e e fe ?flafl?vo???is?????????hinhingng ng????at ?yoy?ou ou???n ?ex???ctct ct????? a?????????r ??????t is? t???is is pis ?", "output": "2ROWEHCZANU07,Marie,0,0,5,1305936000,Love this stuff!!,\"We use this in place of sugar for almost everything. It has a light flavor, sort of similar to honey without the crystallization and the strong flavor. The best part is the lack of sugar highs and crashes due to its lower glycemic index.\"\n2962,B003120XGK,A1FLKZY4OP7R7T,samsprimo,0,0,5,1298937600,totally satisfying!,I was truly amazed at how great this product is. The flavor is everything that you can expect from a sweetner that is this pu"} +{"input": "?????I I w wiw?????e e o ?rdr??rir?ngn? i ???????in in? an a???? w wi wilillil?l tl ??? t ???????er??flf?????? a????elell?!!???636????00005005Y5?YHY?QYQ?????WRW?KMKMEM?575?????,S,ScS???ncn???????????,5,5,5,1,111????5757657?00??,Su,S????la??ivi?e ?ststot??e ?bob???hth????????????verve???????? to t???in??!,!,\",???y ?ththe??e ?co????iesies.ies??YoY?ou ou???llll ll n ?????regregrg???t it it????r r??><>????/>/>T/>?he??y ay ????? ha h????s ds dodowo?n,n, ?th????ese?st st s st?or??-b-bo?ugughug?ht ht c ??oco???lat?e ??oo???eses es????????????anandan?d Id ?I bI ??? e ?ve????nenewew w??rar????????t ct cot como??es es oes ???????????????ieielie?dsd?s ts ??? al all??th???pe?rmr??ata??atiat????s os ofoffffefer????d bd byb?y Py ?epe??perperiper?dgdgeg????armar?s)s??.
They are, hands down, the best store-bought chocolate cookies out there, and I buy every new brand that comes out (from Mrs Fields to all the permuatations offerred by Pepperidge Farms).

These are much better than Entenmann's recent incarnation o"} +{"input": "?f f \" ???????ece????\"\"? c chchohocococ????? c??????ooo?????????e ??ililkl?? ch??????ateate e ce ch????ana?d d \"?\"s\"?ofo?? b ???ede????ch????lalatla???????ip cip co??okiokieiesie?. .??otothth th??? t??heshesese e ne ?newne??r r? co coo co??okieoki???pe?ci??? a ?re??????????????????ch???????e e te tat?sts?teste??liliki?ke ke??ot????? b ba b?anaanan?anasana?????d td th?e ?e coe cooookooki?????artart ??tastast??es ?lilikli???ala?????????thetherther ?crc????y y????re??bobouo?????so??ft ft???????s ??outout t t??herhe??.<.?brbr ?/>/><>I>?????????st???????nmnmaman???s ??rir????alal al??ec??ipeip??e che cho???????? co???????s ?????nd????owowiw??g g eg ??pe???en???: ?????cicioci????????k ck chk c????ola???te cte ???????????????????outouthout???at???rinri?ng ng? co coo? cooki??e we wi?th???????ququeue ??utu?t it in?efefff?aba??e e t?as??????????se????", "output": "f \"\"new recipe\"\" chocolate chip cookies, the milk chocolate chip and \"\"soft baked\"\" chocolate chip cookies. Both of these newer cookie species are awful: the milk chocolate tastes like rotting bananas and the cookie part tastes like all the other crappy store-bought soft cookies out there.

In contrast, Entenmann's Original Recipe chocolate cookie is a mind-blowing experience: delicious dark chocolate chips and a soft mouth-watering cookie with a unique but ineffable taste. They seem t"} +{"input": "?o o??ava???pep????ctc??? t ???e re ??tit??o oo ??????uru? t???????r,r???o ?th??? t?hehe he?coc???iei???s s?????????s ?wiw?th???????????ngng g y ??? d do d??????????xcxcecesesss???? s?????? s?we???nenesesses????thith?is is?is????gaiga???????????rasra??????????????rrrrir??lel???????oo???????????/>/????r /??I I???aveave e ae ??????????y ny non???de?a a w?hyhy ????enenmn??nnnn'n's's ???????d ??? n ???arlar????li???inainatateate ?????????le??????? the th????asass???alal al??????pe pe???d d rd ??plp??ce? i it it ??witwith???? thes the?e ??is?gug?ustusti??? b ?brabr??andsands.s????t st ?seese??s ??to to hto ??ve??ha?ppp??????whw??????? E ???tente??an???nan?mem???as???ou???t t bt ????a la la????????ltl?????ioionio?nalnal l? co????anyan????? i????as?as pas ?rorobo???????a ma momonone?y-y???????g og opopp???tut?nin????", "output": "o have perfected the ratio of flour to sugar, so that the cookie is delicious without weighing you down with excessive sugary sweetness (this is again in contrast to their horrible new cookies).

I have absolutely no idea why Entenmann's decided to nearly eliminate their sales of the classical recipe and replace it with these disgusting brands. It seems to have happened when the Entenmann name was bought by a larger multinational company, so it was probably a money-saving opportunity. "} +{"input": "????????gig???l l???cic?pep?e ce ?ooo??iei?? l ?iki?????????????penpe?sisivi???????ede?????s.s?/>T/>Th?????lyly ly p ?????eme? i????????ara?? s ????ar???toto ?????: : t?ha??? g gogoo?????s s t???? a ar????owo???? A ????on?!!!!!?\"\"??969?4,4?B0B000?00500???HQH?Y,Y?A3A???525??7W7WIW????H,H???????,0,???0,10,??131?404??505???0,???fuf???\"I\"?????????ed ed t? thi th?s ??oxo??wiwitith???rereare???????ci?papat?ioi???sisinsincnce?? th???y dy dod?on'on't'?t st ??ellel??ththeth?esees???n n t??? w??????coaco???. .??????????????????, ,??pepen??ed ??thethe ???????????? E ?XTXTRT??MEMELE?Y Y d ??sasapappppop??intintet??????? c cocooco????s s ls loloo?ke?d ??likli?ke ke??????rilri??????oo?? t? the? the b the ?box?? to t??ded?at?h h a an???d led lefe????oso?st st???? th the the the b the bo the b???fi?ll????wiwitwithth ?crc???bsb?s. s.?????THT??RERE RE W ??S S???", "output": "The Original Recipe cookies likely have expensive ingredients.

The only problem is they are so hard to find: thank goodness they are now on Amazon!!!\"\n2964,B0005YYHQY,A3BK52E7WI5FVH,Dmac90,0,0,1,1340150400,Awful,\"I received this box with great anticipation since they don't sell these on the west coast. I got the package, opened the box and was EXTREMELY disappointed. The cookies looked like a gorilla shook the box to death and left most of the box filled with crumbs. AND THERE WAS A R"} +{"input": "???????????? H ??LEL???? T ??????????F F? TH THE??BOB?????????????? n nen?ede?lelese????????? I ????lll???????OTO?T bT ?e e??????ereririni?g g? th theh???e ae aga?aiain???2?969???B0B00000?GJG?Q8Q??????9O9??19M19MYMYEY??N6N???,\",?????ricri?iai????il????s ?\"\"\"??uLuLu?7\"7\"\"????,0??????????848????LoL?veve ?ththi?s s ds ?re??ssiss?inging!g? - ?????????ymy?????ror???ctctst?: : M MeMeye?erer er?LeL??ono??DrDre??????,\",\"I,\"?I fI fof????? Wi W????????????ana???????rs rs a agagoag????d ??????coc??titininuin???? to t?o uo ?ses???heheihe??????????????th?e ??LemLemo?n n Sn ??lal??d Rd ?efe?re???herhe?r ir isi??????????ititet?e se ??la????dredr???sinsi?????it it???????????non?w w????????? v ?verve??y ty ????y.y??ExE?????????on? a?ny?????en???????astasta?? sa sal??? a?????espes??ci?????????? o??????????eie?irlir", "output": "ODENT SIZED HOLE ON THE SIDE OF THE BOX!!!!!!!! So, needless to say I will not NOT be reordering these again.\"\n2965,B000GJQ8J2,A19O19MYEZN6QN,\"Patricia Childers \"\"LuLu7\"\"\",0,0,5,1320278400,Love this dressing! - Wild Thymes Products: Meyer Lemon Dressing,\"I found Wild Thymes many years ago and have continued to use their products - the Lemon Salad Refresher is my favorite salad dressing, it is light, now cal, and very tasty. Excellent on any green or pasta salad and especially good on fresh Heirl"} +{"input": "??omom m???omaom??????wiw?????????????cac??o o?????es?. .?YuYumu?? T ?heh??r r?CuC????mem???SeS?????????s es ???celce????t t a ana????helhe????l,l, ,???nd nd t th t?? s???e ????reresres ????e ????atat at??recre????es es a as a?s ws ??ll?. ?????????an.an.\".???????B0B000030?U9U????M,M?????1G1G8G818????W6W6J6?,F,F.F. ?HeHen??ererserso??,1,????2,2??333???151?????ala??oso??????ir????ses??????,\",\"T\"??e e s??ip?pi??? w?????er????????, b, bubutu??soso so???s ?th???exexpexpiexp??????? d dad???...??. ?gog?t t it ?????????. . 1. 141??, 2, ?20120?2 2? ex e??pirpirarat??on?????ApA?rir?l l?4,? 2 ???2 2 (2 (o(???y ????eee?ksk?????oro??????????reresres)res?????hoh??cacanca??ea?t ?t sot s???ucuchc??se??aweawee?????n sn sus??h ?????????tit??????????????? ?? s? sho sh????d hd ??veve ve r??tut??nened??????, bu, b?ut ut??hoho ho? wa???????o go go? t th????ghgh ", "output": "oom tomatoes with fresh avocado slices. Yum! Their Customer Service is excellent and helpful, and the site shares some great recipes as well. I'm a fan.\"\n2966,B003U97K4M,A1TP1G81MRPW6J,F. Henderson,1,1,2,1332115200,almost expired seaweed,\"The shipping was very fast, but so was the expiration date.... got it on Feb. 14, 2012 expiration is April 4, 2012 (only 6 weeks before it expires). Who can eat so much seaweed in such a short time?????? I should have returned it, but who wants to go through "} +{"input": "?ala?l l???? t?rorouo????????????? s ??ufufff??d d?iti???????? t??he he?frf???zezere? a an a???hohopo?????????ll ?????stist?illil???atatat?blblebl??????atat'at?????????ou? g ?ete?t wt ???n ??????????? fo f?????????e.??? I I??il?? n ??t t ot ???derder ?it?it ait aga??????!!!!!??2?969??,B,B0B??3U3U9U?????,A,A1A?B7B??UZU????ZHZ??M,?????ewe??????,1,,1???,13,1?040??535?606??????elielici??ou??????eaeaseasosononeon?ed,ed??lilitlitet??ana?????isisps??!\"???????e ???????????? the thesese?? th?ouougou?? a? l???alal al??????????or or????? d ?????rsr?s fs ????? p ?aca?k k??f f e ??ghghtgh?. . I. ?????you you???????? s se?nsnsis??iviveve ve??? M MSM???? the then the??ththeth?????re??a a da ?????ciociou????ltlte???atatiat???e te ????????r sr sas??tyt???na??cksck?. ??????ea?easoeas???inging g????tatasta?????andan?????????? s???????????sease????d ", "output": "all the trouble. Well I stuffed it all in the freezer and hope it will be still eatable. That's what you get when you order food online. I will not order it again!!!!\"\n2967,B003U97K4M,A1B70UZ5SHZHFM,M. Lewis,1,1,5,1304553600,\"Deliciously seasoned, lite and crispy!\",I have purchased these though a local source for four dollars for a pack of eight. If you are not sensitive to MSG then these are a delicious alternative to other salty snacks. The seasoning is tasty and the thin sheets of seaweed "} +{"input": "a????lil???e ae ana???crc??????????????heh?? t?wow??oro?? th t??reeree e pe ??ckc????????????????? c ca c?lol???ese?????. . L ?ovo?????????292???????3U3?979??4M4????XJX????ESE?0B0??232?,M,??lal???ie ie??????,4,?,6,?????29?424272?????,c,coconontn??ainai????????I ?????didis??ppp?????tedte?d wd whw??n n? I I??recrecec??ve?d ???is???hih??me???? a??????? se s?eawea???d ?co??ntant????s Ms MSs MSG???anandand ??????non???????tedted ted???? an an n in iningin?re?di?ene?nt.nt.<./>A>?mamaza????wa?was was??verve?? g ????ioi??????and and?????ndndend?ed ed?me?? th????mom???nt nt o of o? p ?ururcr?????e.\"e.????969969,9,B?00003003U??97K97?K4MK4?M,AM,?A19A1??AMA?OOO???YHY??C,C?,\"S,\"????????\"\"\"?SB????coco\"co\"\"?\",\"?0,???5,5?,13,1353??1717272872?00?,s,?sease??weewe?ed ????????ce,ce,M,My,M????ttt??????????????????weeweedweed d ad ???and r????? an?d ??????se?seawseaweseawee????diddi?", "output": "are lite and crispy! I eat them two or three packs at a time...25 calories per. Love them!\n2968,B003U97K4M,A1XJDOIES0BZ23,Melanie Swain,4,6,1,1294272000,contains MSG,\"I was disappointed when I received this shipment, as the seaweed contains MSG, and it's not listed as an ingredient.
Amazon was very gracious and refunded me the amount of purchase.\"\n2969,B003U97K4M,A191AMOO5QYHPC,\"SBranco \"\"SBranco\"\"\",0,0,5,1350172800,seaweed and rice,My little ones love seaweed and rice and this seaweed did "} +{"input": "??otot t d ??sasapa?pop?ini??.<.?brb??????????br???dsd? a ?rer? t ?????oiloi?? o?????ltl???????????nonounougu??? ??hih?is is? on onen???hoh?ugughugh h??????stst ??igighghtgh?t.?I I?wow?oulou?d d b ????uyu??inging g?????gag???...????ndnd nd? ag agagaiga???2??????000???97????,A,????LIL????C0C0L0LHL???MaM?????ppepp??,0,0,?????131333????????????ata?t ft ??or or s sns?acackckik???,\",\"G\"???????????????, ,???? fo f?or ?ususeuse ??????????????kimki??bob?b,b?, o, ??????be? j ??st????s as ????????????hth??ly ly???ltltelt???, g, ?????t ct ?rur??chc??, a, ?andan??wi???????po?????????, ?be????, p, po???, ??vev??????h.?other brands are too oily or salty or not enough. This one though is just right.
I would be buying it again... and again.\n2970,B003U97K4M,A17SLI9GXC0LHU,Maypuppet,0,0,5,1338681600,Great for snacking,\"Great for sushi, or for use with Korean kim-bob, or maybe just as a snack. Lightly salted, great crunch, and will support, rice, beef, pork, even fish.
Or a vegetable or two.\"\n2971,B003U97K4M,A1ET6OTK53Q3RJ,\"B. Rosenberg \"\"unabashed geek\"\"\",0,0,5,1334361600,Tasty,\"I f"} +{"input": "?ouo??????isi? s ??ufu??? to t? b ???vev??? t ta t??styst?, ,?grgrereae???wiw??? j ???????e re ririci??e oe oro?????????? a a? sn snan?ckc?. .?? d ?????t mt miminmi?nd nd??????tlt?????? i ???????nhn?????s s ts ??e ??????or.or.\".?2??727?????7171H1H5H?VTVTUT???????????PCP????,M,MuM?cMc???????,5,????????50450??00,00?\"h\"??rdrd ?tot????indin?????????????, ??la????????on on c ???? de d????verve??itit\"it\",\",\"??hi??s cs ?????e e we waw???re???????oooodo???????? t??ryiryin?g g????fi??nd ?????????w ?????? b bu b??t ht hahavha?venve?????beebeen???blb?le le????. . I. ?????????t't???wow?ortor????????????xtx??? b bu??ckscks ??????t t it it?????ivi???ede?d. d.?????? o orordordederde?????????????? an a?nd ????h h???????the???cofco???e ?cocomcome??s fs ???shs????d d sd ????????????????tit?ic.ic. . . A. ??soso,o????????????", "output": "ound this stuff to be very tasty, great with jasmine rice or just as a snack. I don't mind a little MSG if it enhances the flavor.\"\n2972,B0071H5VTU,A34X925PZPC3U7,MucMow,0,0,5,1350950400,\"hard to find in New York, glad amazon can deliver it\",\"This coffee was really good. Been trying to find it in New York, but haven't been able to. I think it's worth the few extra bucks to get it delivered. I've ordered twice now and each time the coffee comes fresh and still very aromatic. Also, I think the"} +{"input": "???afa???ini?e e?????????isis s????????hih??h,h??asa?s Is I'I'm'? m mom??re re? aw a??keke ?on????hishi??????? t th thehenen en???????br?an???????ke ke???ara????????????aiairi???y ??ararkar?????raranra??s.s.\".???979?3,3????7171H1?????,A,AJA?2C2CEC??NLN???FVFVDV????????l l??? C ???he?n,n?3,3,83,??1,1????????6060000,00???????????or or???ic???, 5, ??? sta st??s ??forfo??tatasta?stest????????oco?calca?l Wl ?ala?ma???t at ????TaTarargargeget? b???? h?avavev??th????, g, ?ror????? or o??whw???e e be ?eae???????t a t a??regre?ulu??? p??ic?? o???le??s ???an???9 9 p?er???2 2????????. . I. ???s ?WAW??? ov o??????????heherherere.re???? / ???????/>I/>?? i????n n??xcx??????nt ?cocofoff?eee?e -e - -??I'mI'?m dm ??rinrinkn??inging g? it i??t ast a??????ritri???? thi th?is:is: : a??n in ????re????inging ing???????? w???dyd???crc??ama??? c ci cititrtrur??y ???tasttas???th", "output": " caffeine content is pretty high, as I'm more awake on this brand then other brands like starbucks and fairway market brands.\"\n2973,B0071H5VTU,AJ2CERNLWGFVD,Michael J. Cashen,3,8,1,1341705600,\"1 star for price, 5 stars for taste\",\"My local Walmart and Target both have this, ground or whole bean, at a regular price of less than $9 per 12 oz. bag. It's WAY overpriced here.

It is an excellent coffee - I'm drinking it as I write this: an interesting hint of woody, creamy, citrusy taste th"} +{"input": "a?????dad?rkr??bubutu?????hoh??????e e? bu b????????ere???sts?? t???? c coc?mem???wiwitwi?????nyn?? da dararkar??ror?as?tst???????4,4???00?LKLKUKU0U030??,A,???KZK?GZG???7E7?????\"K\"?. .??oyo???????\"A\"???oro?aca?ioi??s s rs ???????an?? e ?xpx?er?imime??nt.nt.....??,3,?,3??5,5,1,?232???919???00,00,\",???estes???????ngng g w??????frf?reere???glg??????fr?eee????keke e me ??? a???ili??blb?e\"e????hih???is? m??y fy ???????'s 's f??????iteit?e be brb?????ofof f w????????reeree ree???lutlu?tente????????????????. T. ?????????and and??is ??oio??t,t, ??tas?????andand ????ses??er ter ?? t???e te ?????????????akake?? mi m???????????????re re?usu?sedsed ?to?. ????as??e ??????ctc??????????? be b??est est i????????in?????of??? wha whatat'at?'s ??avaav??la?bl???ou??t t?heherhe??re ire in? h ?heahe???????odod ???or?es?. ???y ??", "output": "at's dark but without the burnt aftertaste that comes with many dark roasts.\"\n2974,B000LKU03G,A32KZGZB77E5YG,\"K. Goyette \"\"A voracious reader and experiment...\",3,3,5,1231891200,\"Best tasting wheat free, gluten free cake mix available\",\"This is my family's favorite brand of wheat free gluten free cake mix. This brand is moist, tasty and closer to the traditional cake mixes people are used to. Namaste products are the best in my opinion of what's available out there in health food stores. Try it"} +{"input": "?? Y YoY?????????beb? d ??sas?ppp?????????????5,5???0000L00??????????E4E4Q4?LHLHRH????J,J?????aua????1,1??,3,?????32????????lul?tetente? f ??eee???asa??? m ?ixix,x?\"I\"?????er??????is?? th t???kik??g g i ??t wt ???ldl?????a a?yeyelelll?owow w?cac????mi??. .???????????eae???? ca cak?e ?????is?????ownown.n?. T. ThT?ata??sasaisa???? it it ????eses s???????ndyndy ?????ak??????reureusu?????ofo?fef?ee ee c ca?keke,ke??????de? d??own?? ca cak???e an?d ???theth????augau??menme??ed??????pep???? bec becacauca???e ie it?? is is s as ????sisicsi?c mc ?????????????oso?se se????ipipeip????????heahe?aviavin?esesses???????t at ??prp???????. . ?????in in? ca? cake cake cake?????ghg????? d?is?apappap???intin??ing??. . S. ?o ????t c??reare??????e ine i???ea???\"??29729?6,6??00??LK????3G,3G?,AL,AL4L?????9G9??KBKBQKB?,L,???iai?,1????2,2?,13?181??23????,C,?", "output": "! You won't be disappointed.\"\n2975,B000LKU03G,AKBE4QLHRQ1VJ,Pj Bauer,1,1,3,1323216000,gluten free basic mix,\"I ordered this thinking it would be a yellow cake mix. It is a heavy cake and is brown. That said, it comes in handy to make streusel coffee cake, upside down cake and other augmented recipes because it is a basic mix and in those recipes the heaviness isn't a problem. Plain cake though was disappointing. So get creative instead.\"\n2976,B000LKU03G,AL4UWED9G3KBQ,Lilia,1,1,2,1318723200,Co"} +{"input": "?ululdl? h ??veve e?beb??????tttteterer,r,\",?I I???????????kek??????? t ththeth?e ve ?????lal? c ca?keke ke? mi m?????ThT?eyey y? we w???e je ??????k.k?. . ? Th T????wew???????ses?, , b??t ??oto???ve????????. ?SoS? t?ha????asa??'t'????o ???ad.ad?. T. Th????????r,r, r,? ho h??wevwe?ver??, i, ?????herherer?e Ie I ??waswas s ds ???apappp??ini?te???. ???The The v ??ni?ll????flaflav?or? w?????so so??ubu????e te ?thath?t t It ???isissis????it?????iri?relre????an???????ltl???ikike?ke tke ththe??? n ????dedde???to to?????????ttltt??????e ?????etnetne??s s (s ?wh???h ???obo??blb??? wo w???d ?????????so so mso ?madmade?? th the themem m??? bi bitit ?????? mo???t)t).). ?. Th. T?he he??????d Id I d I m???????????oror ??nln????????a fa fea fewew w?? bit bi???.\".???9797777,7????00L00????????????OOO???I5I????,C,???ni?e ??opo????????3,3?1,1?,12,1???00??606????strst??angan?e ??", "output": "uld have been better,\"I made cupcakes with the vanilla cake mix. They were just ok. They were dense, but not overly so. So that wasn't too bad. The flavor, however, is where I was disappointed. The vanilla flavor was so subtle that I missed it entirely, and I felt like there needed to be a little more sweetness (which probably would have also made them a bit more moist). The child I made them for only ate a few bites.\"\n2977,B000LKU03G,A1QTUOOJQI58V2,Connie Kopplin,2,3,1,1254009600,strange fl"} +{"input": "aava???,I,I I???????vav?nin?lll?? c ?aka?e e m ?????????????????sts????ix ix???d ??????????????ed??????ototht??? T ?heh?y y?hah?????mem??ici?in?????itittt??r r??????????d ed ??ene???????ed???strst?an?gege.e?. . ??I tI th?rer????ot?h h???temte??s as ??waywa???292???,B,???00L00????3G3???313??SS????????????ensensosono???oho???n Jan Jacacoc?b,b??,0???,1,??505??181???????????me me w ????h sh ??somesom?e ce ?????gesge?????????ed 3ed ?????p p?ofo???ugu????an?????alfal??tst??????????????il?la??? and and and? a a p pipinpi??????????m m???????bab???ingin?? po p??de???r anr a?nd nd? c co?????t ??oiloi?????? oi o????an???it????me??ouo?ut ut? so s???gogoo?????????n ?lolovo???????. ?I ??iki?kedked d i????oooo.oo. . T. ThTheTh?????????hatha?????????? t??????joj????????ge??s ??????mam?akeak???????????", "output": "avor,I tried vanilla cake mix and pizza crust mix and was disappoined in both. They had a medicinal bitter taste and even smelled strange. I threw both items away.\n2978,B000LKU03G,A31SSSMZTWDD86,Jenson John Jacob,0,0,5,1350518400,Awesome with some changes,I added 3 tbsp of sugar and half tsp of pure vanilla and a pinch of alum free baking powder and coconut oil for oil and it came out soo good. My son loved it . I liked it too. The fact that it's all the major allergens free makes it better"} +{"input": "?..??979????000???KUKU0U?????????TVTV0V??L4L4H4HLH???RaRadadidici???Ra?cecere?????,5,??131?????484808??????cakca?? f fof?????l l?oco?ca??sis??nsn??,\",\"E\"?xcxce??lel??t t? fo for??GFG?? N ?oto???ad?? on o????'s'?? ow ownw??????? h ???e ????? i?t ????? b ba?si?s ?fo??r cr ?oc?????? ca c?ke????ini??apa?????upu??sidsi?e ????wn wn c ca?ke?ke, ke,??rer???le????es es? ca?????ndn????????s.\"s.?????80,80????0L0????3G3G,3G??BQB?????S7S?FPF?707???omombm????ovo?vesve????fef?e,e?,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,??848?242?????0,\"0,???mam???e ??ooo????????uteut?en en??re?????anian?ll?????????ixi?\",\"???I tI ???inkin? N Na N??as??e ?Gl???utenute???FreFree???pi??? C ?ak?e ???????????????es???????vav??anilani?llalla lla?????? is???re???? g ?????tot??. ?I ?esespes?ececiciai?all??????ke ke????????? wh whi??ppeppeded ed c????am am? an and???trtratrawa????????aua", "output": ".\n2979,B000LKU03G,A2XMUTV0PL4HL2,RadicalRacer,0,0,5,1316044800,A cake for all occassions.,\"Excellent for GF. Not bad on it's own but I have used it as a basis for coconut cake, pineapple upside down cake, tres leches cake and others.\"\n2980,B000LKU03G,ABQQJ7RS7FP70,TomboyLovesCoffee,0,0,5,1284249600,\"Namaste Foods, Gluten Free Vanilla cake Mix\",\"I think Namaste Gluten Free Spice Cake Mix is their best but vanilla cake is pretty good,too. I especially like it with whipped cream and strawberry sau"} +{"input": "?cec? w wiwititht??? d ?asa??h oh ofof f??rorouo??d d?????geg??pep??l.l??InIn n??? o?vev???th????ixi? b ????s s b???tet?????????fif?in in??upu???or? a a a m mu m???finfi?????????an ?in??a ????tatanangan?????r pr ???.\".??292????????????3G3G,G,A,A2A??????????H5H5W5???ibi? K ??????,0,,0,4,???282838383??????,y,??mmm?? a????cupcu?????es,es???'v'?? m ma mada?????thestheses???wi??????n cn cu?cupccup?????fof????????pepedpe???witwi?????d ?jaj?????? p ???de?re?red red s ????ar.ar?????coc????se se? it i?????????t tt ???te? l lilikike?????????l l???anian???? c??ake???.. .. m????e ge ??????y iy ????texte?tut???????????a sa ??btb????swswewee?tnt??????an?d d sd ?omomem?? s??????B>?utu???? th t??inkin??? the th?y ?????e sue supupeup?? t ta t???y.y??ThT?ey? d?????t ???ff?er?????????? w?eie?rdr???he???y ty ????turture? I? o????", "output": "ce with a dash of ground orange peel. In my oven,the mix bakes better in muffin cups or a muffin pan than in a rectangular pan.\"\n2981,B000LKU03G,A2VCL79MC7UH5W,Kib Kib,0,0,4,1283817600,yummy as cupcakes,\"I've made these twice in cupcake form, topped with red jam and powdered sugar. Of course it doesn't taste like a normal vanilla cake... more grainy in texture, with a subtle sweetness, and some spice.
But I think they are super tasty. They didn't suffer from the weird chewy texture I often"} +{"input": " ?rur???ini????wiw?????ici?e-e??lol??? b ?asases?d d?mimixi?ese?. .?AlAlsl?o o uo ?sesedse??EnE?ere?G G??gggg g??????????wiwitwi?????????blb?????2??????000??LKLKUK?????A3A???2P2P5P5I5??3D3DGD?PRP????r.r??M.M. ??. ???ixoixonon ??\"h\"hyh????-o-?????vavana?nt\"nt????0,0????????????24024???????y,y,\"??????? t ththith????ixix ix t???mam??? a ???????????????? g glg??ssss s ps pap?an an? us u?in??????????ed?????? s ??????????erer,er?, a, an?d d fd ??????ranrangn????eggeggsgs.???I ????ougou???? th t???????????????ic?e ?flflaflava?oror ?toto to i?????t ??? w??s ??????ha?t ????????xpx??ctc?????. . I???? was was c???viv?????a wa wh????????ake ake???ikike?ke wke ?ededded???ing ??????? an a?d ?we???? to to to m?y y??locloca?l l??????? to to ???????somso??????? w?he????-fr-f?reere??, g, ?gluglut??n-n????? a an and an??????y-y?-fr????", "output": " run into with rice-flour based mixes. Also used EnerG egg replacer with no problem.\"\n2982,B000LKU03G,A3RR2P5IS3DGPR,\"Dr. M. A. Dixon \"\"hyper-observant\"\"\",0,0,4,1241222400,Tasty,\"I used this mix to make a 9x13 cake in a glass pan using grapeseed oil, spring water, and free range eggs. I thought the cake had a nice flavor to it but it was not what I was expecting. I was craving a white cake (like wedding cake) and went to my local store to find something wheat-free, gluten-free and dairy-free; "} +{"input": "?? p pup?rcr??asases?d d t ??????ananin???????kek????x.x? I I I tI ????k k??? i?s ??a va ???? g ????d md ??x.? I ?I cI ?ououlu?dnd??????alall?????????ththethe e ve ???nilnill?a a fa flf??vov?????????ouougoughghth???????d d ad ?a na ????e fe ???vo??????heh??ca??? i???yeyelelllloll?w,w??dedene?se??(b(????nonoto?????ke ?a ?pop?ounou?????cakecak?? a ??d ?te??tutur???????ke??????? r rir??ce ce????? mo m???e t??xt?ur?????????hi???????e.e????????oug?htht ht? th??????ete?nen????waw?as ????????gh?t.t. ??. I . I????inkin??I ??????????chchach?????gagaia?? b?ut? w ?wouwoul?d d md mad m??e ?????eapea?????upu????de de d?ow?own own????? w???? i??t.\"t.?2????,B,B0B??00L00LKLKUK?????A2A???????8N8??????\"G\"???tctchchech????oo??wiwinin ??????st? t ti t?mem???omo???\",\"???,0,,0?5,5,1,?????444??????ndnd nd B ????thdth?aya?????ioi?ourou?!,!,\"?Th", "output": "I purchased this vanilla cake mix. I think it is a very good mix. I couldn't really taste the vanilla flavor but thought it had a nice flavor. The cake is yellow, dense (but not like a pound cake) and texture-y like brown rice has more texture than white rice. I thought the sweetness was just right. I think I would purchase again but would make pineapple upside down cake with it.\"\n2983,B000LKU03G,A20SLL2P8NL56R,\"Gretchen Goodwin \"\"First time Mom\"\"\",0,0,5,1238544000,2nd Birthday Saviour!,\"Th"} +{"input": "??? m ??????lolowo?ede???y y?lil??tlt?e e?????????avavev???upu????????????? s ????ondon???iri?ththdhdadaya??paparartrtyrt????ThT??y y ty ?uru????d od ououtu?????at?? an andnd ?wiw?????????hohom??mam??e e ve ???ili?llall???cic??g,g? t ??ey? w ???? a??????wi??th th???verve??on?e!e! ! ?? e?????usu?sedse????nerne??????egeggg? r ???lalacacec????? r re r???ac???e the t?????ltl?ipi?plepl??????s ts th?????? c ??ll???fof??. ???nene ne?????, ?babak?e ????????ososts???thethe ???xiximimumumum m????e e oe ?on on t??he ???ireir????on??. ???TheTh??ey cey ?comco?me me???? g gog???????rorow?????d ?mo?????\"\"?????,B,?00000?LKLKUK?030????3I3???4H4???BMB?N4N?3,3?????1,1????,1,12,1?797???????,J,????????????????????colco????????? i is i??s fas f????ststist??, , s, ??o Io ?I hI ?????reare??on?on ton ????thithininkin??? tha th???th?????ououlou???????as as w?", "output": "is mix allowed my little one to have cupcakes at his second birthday party. They turned out great and with some homemade vanilla icing, they were a hit with everyone! I even used Ener G's egg replacer to replace the multiple eggs the mix calls for. One hint, bake for almost the maximum time on the directions. They come out golden brown and moist.\"\n2984,B000LKU03G,A3IEF4HQJBMN43,Amy,1,2,1,1279929600,Just awful,\"The chocolate cake is fantastic, so I had reason to think that this would be as we"} +{"input": "??? - ????? t ththeh?????e.e????t ????????????????& &???astas???ese?? -?? to t?otaotalall???????kek?e te ???e ae aia??ry,ry, , t ta tas ta??????ocococ???????????>I>???wanwa??????mom????y by bab?ckck k???????????????????????? t??????hochoco?????? ca c??????x.x??????5,5??000010??X5X5S5?8Y8Y,Y?A3A??????OUO???SZS??,N,NDN???TOT????CLCLEL??AMA?MA,MA??,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,???29529??32??00,00??????ge ge Q ?uau??iti??, ????coconco????ueuede?????asoas?onaon?????????ouousu??????????isis is???????????d ?tot??????????????as ????????? f???? i???????mam?????.< />I want my money back or an even exchange for the chocolate cake mix.\"\n2985,B0011X5S8Y,A34A1OEOUEESZ8,NDMOTORCYCLEMAMA,0,0,5,1329523200,\"Large Quanity, discontinued seasonal delicious tea\",\"This tea is hard to find - it was a joy to find it on Amazon.

Large package -6 full size boxes arrive all for enjoyment!

Sugar plum is a delicious, sweet, warm, feel good tea. Reminding you "} +{"input": "o?? C ??rir?????s.s??ItI??hah?? t ???????ici?e e?????tet?e oe of??waw??m m h hi h????cuc?s,s? b ????eyey,y, , r, ????hih?????? t??hinhi????hahat????lil??????????????l l????????sws?eee????aroar??matma??ic ic?????te.te???nen?????ththoth?oseose ??as?asteast?s s????? m ma???????? f fef?eelee?l tl ??kekenke??cac???e o?e of e of???a a????cic?al???rereaeat???hehene?n yn ??u ???are are?li??????. L. LiLik?e ????en en??omom om o ??????? wo w?oulou?d ????e ?yo??? ho h???cococo?? o or o?r sr ?????hi??g g?????????? th? that tha?????s ss ?so so s?we????????rararareare ??nd????????????thosthosese se s sp s??eciec?ialia??oc???????s.s.I>? a????e ???hishi?s ts ?teatea a aa an?d ?????herhe?????nknk nk???????ere??te?tea.tea.<.?I/>I ????so?so hso ????? t to t? h ha h?vev?????????????????,B,???111???S8S???A1A????5Z5?OHOHOHO7O?L6L?M,M??????????,5,5,5", "output": "of Christmas. It has that spice palate of warm hibiscus, barley, rosehips. I think what I like most of all is the sweet aromatic taste. One of those tastes that makes you feel taken care of - a special treat when you are little. Like when mom or dad would make you hot coco or something you like that was so sweet and rare and ONLY on those special occations.

I adore this tea and rather drink anyother tea.
I am so happy to have found it!\"\n2986,B0011X5S8Y,A1AVG5ZOHO7L6M,Moose,0,0,5,"} +{"input": "?131?292?090??202000?,S,?WEW?ETE?????AMA??,T,???? t tet????aka????mem?????????etettt???? th t???????ep??? ti timi?????????TheTh?????tete te??? a ???? p prp?etettet??y gy gog???. ?? m???e ???nen?????????ncncecenentntrt??te??w>??tht??????s ts ?thath?? 3 3 3??????es es????hoh????????er er? an a?? I ?I cI ?covcove???????e mue mugu? t???p wp ?witwi???? p?lalat??? an??d wd ????p ap a a ta ????l l???????? th the th??whwho?le???????????r />r /?an?d d ld ??t ???????it fit ??r r ar ????on???????I c???an ban ???forfore? I? d ?rir?inkin?? it i????29829???B0B0000100????????A1A???2P2?HGHG2G2J2???WJW???atatuat???????omo??scs?ho?olo??ing????,0,?0,00,???,1,13???1212912??????????besbe?st st f ??? a a ??winwintntent??????????????,Th????te??????llllsll?s as ??and and?????????????ChC?ri??stmst??????hi?s ?hahasha?s a???waywa???????? my my ????milmi???", "output": "1329091200,SWEET DREAMS,This tea makes me sleep better than sleepy time tea. The taste is also pretty good. I make mine very concentrated
with less than 3 ounces of hot water and I cover the mug top with a plate and wrap a towel around the whole thing
and let it sit for as long as I can before I drink it.\n2987,B0011X5S8Y,A18V2PHG2JZEWJ,NaturallyHomeschoolingMom,0,0,5,1323129600,The best for a winter tea party!,This tea smells and tastes like Christmas! This has always been my family's"} +{"input": "????vov????e e t te????or???????????? ( ???? b ??g g k ????'s)'s) )??eae?a pa ?ara??iei??..?292???,B,?000?111?????Y,Y?A2A2B2BZB?TNT?7U7????2828M8M,M???. .??lolovo??r r???\"RG\"RG\"G?\"\"\"\"\"???,0???,1,1212929429404???202?00,00???????????I I b?ege??? p ?uru??????ngng g tg ???s ??tea???ea??s ???o o???d ??loolo?kekede?d fd ??orworwaw??d ?????it it??eacea?? y??ear???FoFor??th?e ??paspa?????o ??yeaye??s ???wa??????blb???toto to????ata?????it iit ????y y?????????????????I ?I waI w?? e?lal?ateat?? t to to ??in?????it ait ????mamazazoz????????????s ?lilikikeke ke c???na???? a?nd? r ????ca?ndndyndy y ay apa???lesle??s tos to ?????? l lo??ve ve i?t!t????98998??????????S8YS8Y,????T3T??3W3WRWRBR??L6L616???heh??????ooo?okeoker???,0,0,0,??5,???????20820?00???ovoveov?e t????? tea te??????glg???d td tod t??????e fe ?????d td thd thi?his his??? tea. tea?????'s's 's??y y ay aby absb??", "output": " favorite tea for children's (and big kid's) tea parties.\n2988,B0011X5S8Y,A2BZTN7UVDR28M,\"R. Glover \"\"RG\"\"\",0,0,5,1294099200,Wonderful,I began purchasing this tea years ago and looked forward to it each year. For the past two years I was unable to locate it in my local stores so I was elated to find it at Amazon. It tastes like cinnamon and red candy apples to me. I love it!\n2989,B0011X5S8Y,A12T3X3WRBRL61,Sherry Booker,0,0,5,1259020800,Love the tea!,So glad to have found this tea...it's my absol"} +{"input": "???e e????idi?aya???avavovoro??tete!te? ??????? f fo f?or or????e fe ?fasfa???????pipini???????????0,0??000?111???S8S?Y,Y?A1A?YUY?????JRJR3R?JTJ?????????owo?n n \" \"\"\"??????O. O.??hahanha????????????\",\"?1,1,2,2,2,4,?,1????868?????,\",?FuF??? I InIntn?tente?????ol?id???? Te T?????***?*****???r r / ??????/>/>C/>CeC????stist??l l?SeS?????in?gsgs's? S???ara??PlPlulumu? S???????s s as ??dedel???hth???l ????????y ty ????. I. ???????aia???s hs ?hibhi?????s,s??ro????ede? b ???le?y ???altal??, r??????????hichi?corco?y y ry roroorootot,???rosro???hiphi?????chach?????le? f??ow?ere????nanatnatut?rar???plplu?m ??lal??or?????h h o ?othothe?r r nr ???????al fal ???avo??rs,rs??gig?ing?er?? ro r?????roroaroasroa??????ar?????an???d ca???damdamomommo????t ????????????????????????inein??????it??????ch??nicnica???y y ay ?an an h??erber???l tl tetea", "output": "ute holiday favorite! Thanks for the fast shipping too!\n2990,B0011X5S8Y,A1YUL9PCJR3JTY,\"O. Brown \"\"Ms. O. Khannah-Brown\"\"\",1,2,4,1167868800,\"Fun, Intense Holiday Tea\",\"****

Celestial Seasonings' Sugar Plum Spice is a delightful holiday tea. It contains hibiscus, roasted barley malt, roasted chicory root, rosehips, chamomile flowers, natural plum flavor with other natural flavors, ginger root, roasted carob, and cardamom. It does not contain caffeine, so it's technically an herbal tea"} +{"input": "?.<.????????r ???CeC?lelese??iaialal l??eae???nininingngsg? h ??as as????? a ???unu?d d? a a l ?on?g g????e,e, ,??nd? m ??????quq?al?iti?y y? te t??s.s. .??????f f? th t??????ea??? ar a??????e e oe ?????resre???????veves????nd nd and ??????????????lorlo?in??gs gs? an and an??flflalava?????ngsngs,s?????l al ????????tiftifitif?eded d Kd ?????r ??andand ?non??e ??sese se i irirrir???????????tat??ic???s,? w ?hih?ichic?????pppprpreprece????e.e?????????h h th th???y uy ususeus?e \"e \"\"\"??????????????????? in in ?th???? t te tea te??, , t, ???se?se nse nanatnatut???? f????????ar??????ivi??????imi?????y ?fr?omo???ruruiu?itsit???sps???es??????he?herbherbsbs,??????neneve???r cr ?conco?ta???????????????????tamtamamatma?????SGSG)G?. ?ThT??????se ???viv???onmon??????allyall???conconscon????ousou??papaca????in???? and??sus?ustus??taintainanabnablb?? s?????????. T?", "output": ".

Celestial Seasonings has been around a long time, and makes quality teas. All of their teas are free of preservatives and artificial colorings and flavorings, all are certified Kosher and none use irradiated botanicals, which I appreciate. Although they use \"\"natural flavors\"\" in their teas, these natural flavors are derived primarily from fruits, spices and herbs, and never contain monosodium glutamate (MSG). They use environmentally conscious packaging and sustainable sourcing. To"} +{"input": "? r ?????????e ????fef?ini???frfroromom m g ??????????blb??????eaeasa?? t?heheyhe? u ususes?e ae ???ro?cecesessss s?cacalca?lel?????efeff????????ntn???????ffeffeiffe?inain?tit?onon\"n?\"\" \"\" ( ?us?iningin? c?ara????? di d????dede)de?? C ?????ti????SeS??????ing??????ti?fifiai??blybl?y ty ???es???????e ie in? b??einei?g g ag a ??????anyan??????????eses ?nan??uru??????asas.as.<.??? / />/?O/>????theth?e pe ?pacpa??aga??????le??ti?tialtia????as???????s ws ?riritri?es????????ake ake????ipi??ofof f?????????umu?m Sm ?pip?ce? a??? j ??ururnur????wiw??? u us us ?tot???????an???????? the the? Sw S???tst?s is ????chc????????y'y's's s Ts ??he he N ?ututctcrc????erer.er??HeH???e ye ?ou???ll ll?fi??nd ??????????eadead ??ouousousesesse????rereereesree??????n ?wi?th???ug???????????and???????fifilfi???? w ???????nsn??in??. ??ThiTh???s iss is ?s ths t??he lhe la??", "output": " remove the caffeine from green and black teas, they use a process called \"\"effervescent decaffeination\"\" (using carbon dioxide). Celestial Seasonings justifiably takes pride in being a company that makes natural teas.

On the package, Celestial Seasonings writes, \"\"Take a sip of Sugar Plum Spice and journey with us to the Land of the Sweets in Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker. Here you'll find gingerbread houses, trees laden with sugar plums and days filled with sunshine. This is the land"} +{"input": "???????e e?????????umum m?FaF?iriryr????????? b beb?aua???????, g, ????lele e ae ana?d d k ????? W ??e ce ????tet?d ?????? te t?????o po ???????bub???????heherhe??. S. ?SugSuga???????????cec???is ??ada??e we wiw??th th??0000%0???ata?uru?ala? h ???bsb?s as an????he????sts?tivti??????vov?rsrs ??of of????m ??andand and??pi?ce?, ?wi?th???????a a????t t o?f ?sws?eee?tntnen???.\".???ThT?????teate?a ia ???sls???????y sy ????????and ???????odo??????tat??stist?ingin??ju???????yoy?u u? wo w??ldl??????ctc??frf?omo?????e de ?desde?crcricripiptp????. . T. ??e ?e cae c???????? an and??????ere?r gr ??ve????t at a t a?li????e ?ziz???. . E. EaEaca?? t????????????????????of???flafl?????? and and ?I I o??lyl?y ny ??????? u us???????e ate a?????timti?e.e?????/>/?I>I I rI ?????memenme?nd ?it???????????it???s ns ???? a a h???lidli?", "output": " of the Sugar Plum Fairy, who is beautiful, gentle and kind. We created this tea to pay tribute to her. Sugar Plum Spice is made with 100% natural herbs and the festive flavors of plum and spice, with just a hint of sweetness.\"\" This tea is slightly sweet and full bodied, tasting just as you would expect from the description. The cardamom and ginger give it a little zing. Each tea bag packs a lot of flavor and I only need to use one at a time.

I recommend it, even if it's not a holida"} +{"input": "??? I ??????ere??ece?t t??oro??a a c ??ldl??or? w ?ete?t wt wiwini?teterer er??ayay.?
****\"\n2991,B0011X5S8Y,ALQE4N5M5HCCW,M. Tilelli,0,1,5,1232668800,Fast shipping good company to buy from,\"It's hard to rate tea. It's very good tea, but tea nonetheless. However, the company that sells this particular tea was very nice to deal with. They shipped the tea very quickly. I'll most likely buy from them again when the need arises.\"\n2992,B0009JI7O8,A2T0AQB7UAZKVQ,Gloria Sosnoski,14,14,5,1181174400,A very pleased customer,\"The fortu"} +{"input": "??e e???????s s?wew??????ipi?pep?d d i ??mem?edied???ele???ana???wewerwe??????kek??? we welellel?, ,????? n non???? ar a??????ed bed brb????n.n?? T ?heh????okokiok?? w???s ds ??eliel?cic?ouousu??????tht?he he?fof????????we?werewer?????assas??? c ch c????nesenese ??anand? n??????e ????derdernrn n v ve?rsr?siosi??????292?????????JIJI7I?O8O8,8,A,??7A7?7I7???2U2???????????,9,?,9,9,,9???121?343484?282??????re?at?? co c???kieki?e ae anand?and land ?ototsots ?ofof f??unun,un?????auaugughg????'s'?????ndendererger??rtrtert?? c?lalasla???cec??ebe?????ed ed Ced ????es????ewe?????ar ar a an and???? w we?re????? ch cha ch????????????????g g t??????????e ???ook?ie??. ???????????panpa?y ??ada??a a????ompom?t t dt ?delde??iveiv?????and???the???????es?? we? were wer????grgrereareatrea?t st susucu?????????????????herhe?????mmemm??tetedte?????hoh?w ?fufununnun?? t????fo?????", "output": "ne cookies were shipped immediately and were packed well, i.e. none arrived broken. The cookie was delicious and the fortunes were classic chinese (and not the modern version).\"\n2993,B0009JI7O8,A37A7IMC2UH3VZ,Kandi,9,9,5,1234828800,Great cookie and lots of fun,My daughter's Kindergarten class celebrated Chinese New Year and we were in charge of providing the fortune cookies. This company had a prompt delivery and the cookies were a great success. Her teacher commented on how funny the fortune"} +{"input": "ss s????? f ?oro? t ???????????ara??ene??????????????JIJ????????9292F2?Y8Y8G8GHG?838??6,6?MaM?????????eie?????7,7???5,5????99299???????...????ili?e ??in in b ?eded,d,\",?? b?ror???????he?sese se c ?ooo?kikieki??????s a s a?\"\"\"??????????????\"\" \"\"??????????ililyil?y Cy ?hrh?is????as as g ?ete???????????????y ????? a????t.t. ?ThT??????ki????wewerwerewer??????h,h?? an a?nd nd?ununbn?ro?kek???. p. ??ckc???iningin?? wa was?as was ??????ono??, ???nd nd dnd ???ivi?????y way was??prp???ptpt.???my my?????er??s hs ??????? w???th th t? the?? fo f?????eses,es, ??y ???di??g ?th?the the p??????? \"?\"w\"????e ??n n b?????\"\" a\"\" afa?????re?????? e ??????????uneune.une?
I will use the Amazon vendor, \"\"House of Rice\"\" again.\"\n2995,B0009JI7O8,A2V46U8E1DKLA"} +{"input": ",,\",???a a???t t \" ??????? C CaC?at at??????\"\"\"\"\"\",\",4,??,4,,4???111??828?818161???,F,???tutunu?? C Co C?oko???s,s,T,?heh????????es es????????ndn??ofof f??tat?ili???utu?t ot ??he?? t th?ana?? th t?????????s s?????????????? a ?????????pap?ckcki????ththeth?????????s ws ???renre?'t't ???okokeok???????,B,????????????3K3??????????6S6???pep??cec?,2,????????????767????CoC?lolor??DiD?scs?re???ncncycy,y,\",\"M,\"???????ara???re??asoasono?n fn fof????ordor?ererier???????as as?? the the ????tu??re re h ????????n n tn ??the the??coocookokiok???? as a?s gs ?re???. . I ????illil?l al ???non???ede?????tha??t tt ?the???????????ntn???nfnfo?rmr?matma?????\"\" \"\"??eae?????????teted? a a a???rnr????ing ting th?that???????ct?????????ucu?ct ct?????????ifi?fefer?en???, c, ?comcomp?????ed ted ?o o w????????as sas sh???wn.wn??????????romro?? th the? the c the ??", "output": ",\"Kia Kat \"\"Crazy Cat Lady\"\"\",4,4,4,1198281600,Fortune Cookies,The cookies were kind of stail but other than that it was fast shipping and good packing the cookies weren't broken\n2996,B0009JI7O8,A3KLEQQVY1I46S,Spence,2,2,4,1344297600,Color Discrepancy,\"My primary reason for ordering, was the picture had shown the cookies as green. I will acknowledge that the \"\"Important Information\"\" heading listed a warning that the actual product may be different, compared to what was shown. Aside from the col"} +{"input": "??????obo?lel??, , t ??eye??wew?rer????ipi?pepeded d q quq???klk????anandn?d pd ???peperpe??????nln?ly ly???e ???? tw twowo o????kek????ooo??????????????????bub?? i iti??s ?nono ?bib?g g?dedeae?al,al??? e ea???????? w??henhe??th?ey????mem??ini????ywywaw??. ???????????re??????????vov????the?y ???e,e??, bu, b?????heyhe??y ary a?????lil???ouousus,s?????pe?? t??????scscrc?ripri????????? y yoy?ou'ou???re nre ??????ickic??y oy ?? c????or,or, , g, ?oo???va??ueue.e???292?979??????????O8O?,A,??WXW???P2P????1M1?????????4,4?5,5?,5,,5?121?29729???00800808???cr??sps?y y fy frf???????he????ok???? is i??cr?criscrispspysp?y gy ????d ad ???d fd ??av??orfor????. . ????e fe ??????nesne????are are?????????fulfu?l, l,??otot ?th?? s????lo?w ???es?? we w?e ae ar?are ?????ingin???latla????ly.(ly.?BeB??????????, e, evevev?? i in i??n tin t?me? a anan an???g g wg wiw?lll", "output": "or problem, they were shipped quickly, and properly. Only one or two broken cookies on arrival, but it's no big deal, I eat a few when they come in anyway. I'm not sure what flavor they are, but they are delicious, as per the description. If you're not picky on color, good value.\"\n2997,B0009JI7O8,A1WXEIP21U01ME,zazza,4,5,5,1297900800,crispy fresh,\"The cookie is crispy good and flavorful. The fortunes are thoughtful, not the shallow ones we are seeing lately.(Be patient, even in time an egg will"} +{"input": "??waw?lklk)k) )??? r ???eieivivev????heh???uau????????andand d qd ququaqual???y y Iy ???rdr????d.d????999???B0B??00900??I7I????A7A??PFP?????????,K,KiK?m m V ??ono?g,g?1,1????,1?333343??616161????th????ara????oo??oo oo t?ininyny!y???I wI wa???exexpx??ectec??ng????heshe???coc?ookoo?ieiese??wew??????in?g g t????e ??????? s si s???e be ??? i ?? wa w?s ??????! !????wawaswas was??????in????on on d ???pip?ing???thethemthe??in??chc?????latla??es es???ut ut????? r? n no??t tt ?thoth?se??????????????e ae ata?????! ??????????oi????ed!ed! ??I nI no??????ve ve?? to to???? ou o???????indind ??the???????al ??sizsi??? co c????iesies.s. . W ???t ?t a t a ???wastwas????f f??ononeoney?. ???alalsal??? ne n????? 5 5050 0????t 2t ?????????them them w??????ro??enen.n???he????o ???not not? pu put?ut fut frf?ragragig???e oe ?on ???????? o? out outst?sidsi?????????,B0,B00??9J??I7OI7????3A3", "output": " walk) I received the quantity and quality I ordered.\"\n2998,B0009JI7O8,A7XPFLQYVPZAT,Kim Voong,1,1,2,1334361600,they are soooo tiny!,I was expecting these cookies were going to be normal size but i was wrong! i was planning on dipping them in chocolates but they r not those average size at all! So disappointed! I now have to go out n find the normal size cookies. What a waste of money. I also needed 50 but 20 of them were broken. They do not put fragile on the box outside.\n2999,B0009JI7O8,A3A"} +{"input": "???NTNTRT???4L4LPL?B,B,M,?ara??ororyry y W ????iningngtg???????,5,??,13,1323232313121?????,E,???elelll?ene?? s ses??viv??????? p prp???ucuctc???I I??ordor????d ??hehese???fof?ortortutunu????ooo??ieies? a as a??rer???ardar?s ??forfo???????tudtudedendent??????? t ?imimem??ththeth???papasa?se?d ??????ti????icaic??tiotion?????????to to g ?? a?lol??g g w ???? t????????me me?\"\"\"?????????el????e ?knk???? ou ouru??????h fh ??actac????).). .? T ???he mhe ma???riritri?????? th??????ki????ar????eded ed???????inin in? ta t????. . ?I I uI un?dederde??????d t??at?????????????ingin?g tg ??therthe?????re ??ououn?????????a ?????brbro???en en????okiokie????. I. ???m m?ve??ry ry p?????e ??????th??????du?ctct ct a????? the? the c the ??st???mermer ?se?rvrvirv?iceic??. . I. I . I w wi??????fif????el???????ord?????ing ing???aia?in ?in???????utu?turtu?????? w wi? will wil", "output": "DANTR6G4LPB,Marjory Warrington,1,1,5,1323129600,Excellent service and product,\"I ordered these fortune cookies as rewards for my students each time they passed a multiplication test (to go along with the theme \"\"Fortunately we know our math facts\"\"). The majority of the cookies arrived still in tact. I understand that with shipping there are bound to be a few broken cookies. I am very please with the product and the customer service. I will definitely be ordering again in the future and will"} +{"input": " ??aka?e e??????I I?rerefre?ere?? my m??????lyl???????rir??????toto o????s s bs ?usu??????.\".??303????B0B00?????7O7?8,8,A,?KHK??CFCFOF????OGO??????eye???,3,???,1?323???575767?00??bob????g g?boborbori?ringrin??bo??????????did?ing??????earea????r ???vivieiewie?s ??hahata?? th?????wewer????????ineine e ce chc??ne?????or?tut????? I ?I sI ??rvr?eded d td ?theth??????th th???chchich??inesinesese se??hrh?risrists???s ???nnn??????d d wd ????grg??at??? d ?disdisas?????intin???, , a, ??????ere ere? my? g ?ueu????s. s.??ThT????????plplele e f???????es es????????????fe fe i???non??t at ?????ugu???????ItI??s ?a ?wiwigwi?gglgglele.??? ????an?agage?????????????? t th?ining??s rs ??ghghtht:t?: l: leleale???ersershs??p p i???????ing ing ting ?the????gh????thithin??ings.ings.\"???? \"\"??? y yoyouo?'r'??? fe f???linling????wnwn,n, ????y ty ???ow?in????????selse?f ?in", "output": " make sure I refer my family and friends to this business.\"\n3000,B0009JI7O8,AKHNCFO09GOG7,Dicey,2,3,1,1324857600,boring boring boring,\"Reading in earlier reviews that these were genuine chinese fortunes, I served them with a chinese Christmas dinner and was greatly disappointed, as were my guests. Three sample fortunes are: \"\"Life is not a struggle. It's a wiggle.\"\" \"\"Management is doing things right: leadership is doing the right things.\"\" \"\"If you're feeling down, try throwing yourself in"} +{"input": "????yoy??r r??ororkr?.\".?\" \"????eseses?????e ne non?t t f ????unu???, ,??he?y y???re re??selse????helhe?p p?mim?nin?-b-?iti?es??? A ? f?orort?????isi?: :? \" ?\"\"Y\"\"YoY???????e ??f f?????velve???ili????oooonon n b beb???ata?isisfisfif?????????? i it????????t t mt mam??te????????eye?????e pe ???didici??tivti???????????????at at????atteatt???????th?at?at tat ????????ateat????? for fo????ne.ne. ?. \". ?\"\"B\"\"?ewe??are???he?? do dogo???????????ornornenerner ??ouousou??,\",\"\",\"??wo???????? fu fun?? to t????t.t. t. \"?\"L\"?????e ise is s as ?a wa wiwigi??lel????is???or??????brbr ??>T>Th??e ce co??????s a???ivi?vedve???? s??hehedhe?ul?e,e????s ps pr?????sedse?d, d,?????in???oo??????ndind???on??in?in tin ????r ??nd?ndivndi?idi??ala?????ppp???s.s???AlA?? o?f ??hahatha?t wt ???s a???????ho?pe???. ????????te?????ouounou????, i, ??in fin fo????une???ooookookikieki", "output": "to your work.\"\" These are not fortunes, they are self-help mini-bites. A fortune is: \"\"Your love of travel will soon be satisfied,\"\" and it doesn't matter if they are predictive or not. What matters is that they state a fortune. \"\"Beware the dog in the corner house,\"\" would be fun to get. \"\"Life is a wiggle\"\" is boring.
The cookies arrived on schedule, as promised, and in good condition in their individual wrappers. All of that was as I'd hoped. But content counts, in fortune cookie"} +{"input": "s??esesps?????????\"\"3???????00000090?????8,8?A3A383??????SMSMUMU4U???,f,?ele?ici???flf???,0,????????????42442?00??,fe,f????ia?flflafl?an,an?\"I\"I I??? v ????????asa?????iti???th?isi??prp???ucuctc????I aI ??mom????did????oto??bub?y ?ththeth???beb???usu?? t??eyey ??ooo?keked? g grg???????n mn ??y cy ?omo?pup?tet?er,er??????whwhe??n In ??re???ivi???d td ??themthem ????y ??????? the the e ne ??rmrmamal?? ta tan? c co???r r????t t mt ?mosmo?? o?? t????????.\"?3??002002,2??00????I7I7OI7??????????5L5?KFKFGF???imi?i3i?6,6,0???0,50,5,??13413??323????????rtr?ununene ??????eses,es???is? i isis ???????????????e e Ie ??hah?ve?? or o????eredere?d td thd thihishi?s ps prs p??du??????? w??? h ??ppp????enoen?ugughg????the the fthe ?iri????tit?ime?? to to o?????ce ce? an a????????aga???n.n. ?. C. ?CooCook????????????ne? a???????livlive?ry?? wa was was ???veryvery ?quq??", "output": "s especially.\"\n3001,B0009JI7O8,A38BTTQSSMU4SO,feliciaflan,0,0,5,1342742400,feliciaflan,\"I am very pleased with this product. I almost did not buy them because they looked green on my computer, but when I received them they were the normal tan color that most of them are.\"\n3002,B0009JI7O8,AI7QVPI5LKFGG,imi36,0,0,5,1340323200,Fortune Cookies,This is the second time I have ordered this product. I was happy enough the first time to place an order again. Cookies were fine and delivery was very quic"} +{"input": "??? T ThThah?nknk k y yoy?????????B0B???9J9JIJ??????U9U?Q5Q?W0W??D5D5T5TOT????????2626,6?0,0?????131?323232373????00,00?VeV??????odod,d,W,???l l p pap????d.d. ???? a ararere e??ror??????utu????????unundnded?erser?tat????blblel????TheTh??????????ar???ta??stysty y ay ????tht???nonoto??es es??re??????re???ini???. M. ?y ???????s ???? I ? r ???ll??y ey ?njn?oyoyeyed?? it it!t! !??????????,B????????O8??,A3,A3939N9????????WRW?Z,Z?????lylyny?,0??????????676727??????wsw??mem??????????t Pt ?ro?????? f fafasastst st????pmp??????theth??????????rodurod??t ??????????????????e ???? th t??????tutun????oo?ookiook?iesie???he????opopep?eneened??. . ????ououlou????uyu?y a?gag??in in? fr f???? th?is???el???r!r!\"!?3?30030?5,5,B5,B0?00?9J?????8,A8,?2Z2???8A8?0M0MGM??VJVJLJ??????y,y?????,5,,5????585?949????00,P00,????ECE???????", "output": "k. Thank you.\n3003,B0009JI7O8,AU9Q5W0WD5TO7,XBD1226,0,0,5,1332374400,Very good,Well packed. Few are broken but it is understandable. The cookies are tasty and the notes are interesting. My friends and I really enjoyed it! Thx!\n3004,B0009JI7O8,A39ND8C922HWRZ,Jacklyn,0,0,5,1326672000,awsome!!,\"Great Product, fast shipment,the food product tasted great. none of the fortune cookies where opened. i would buy again from this seller!\"\n3005,B0009JI7O8,A2Z7Q8A0MG9VJL,Daisy,0,0,5,1325894400,PERFECT,\"I bo"} +{"input": "uugu??????ese?? a ??? a a g ???t ???? m ?y y?sisisi????????wawas?? so s? e exexcxcic?te?? t??o so ?seese?e te ?thath?t t tt ???y ???ririvivev???????rereaeat??coc??did?itiit???? M MyMy ?si??stest?? l ??ve?d d td ???m!m??3????,B,???090????????282??U3U30?YCY???O0O0X0X,X??????? a am a??zoz?? p pup????????g,g,0,0,0??,4,?,1???????????sasat??isfis???? c?????mem??,T,?he??????oko?ie?s ?wew????a a???? h ???? at at ??urur ur p?ror???resresss???? N NeN????????????ve ve dve ??nnnne??. ? E ??????????njn??yey??ed red ??????g g tg ?the???r fr ???tut???????? t ti timimeme me w?????????ed ed aed ????????therther ?hohouousou?se.se. . T. ???ey ey????????????t t??he he p pa par?tyt?y my ?ov?ining????????????00500???JRJ??????PTP????K3K??FBFBHB??,\",\"m\"???? \" ???hyh?????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?,0??,0,???131????030???00,00,g00,grgregreaeatea????rodro????----b-?????a ra ri?????? o ??on ton ", "output": "ught these as a gift for my sister, I was so excited to see that they arrived in great condition. My sister loved them!\"\n3006,B0009JI7O8,A28AU30YC7RO0X,new to amazon purchasing,0,1,4,1326758400,satisfied customer,These cookies were a big hit at our progressive New Year's Eve dinner. Everyone enjoyed reading their fortune each time we arrived at another house. They really kept the party moving...\n3007,B005UOJR50,A1PT7UXK3SFBHC,\"mp70 \"\"phyllis\"\"\",0,0,4,1325203200,great product--but a rip-off on t"} +{"input": "h??s s????????hi???is??a a??????????????? h ?????ere??, y, ?ouo??cac?????? i ?it it i in i?n an a a sa ??lul?????a ??n ?BrB??oko???n,n???? f ??? $ ??????? F ???ankank k & ??????onon n 1n 181?tht? A ?ve?nunueue-e?-B-??ooo?????????d d???m m???it?in?g g?mymy ??revre???w w???ca?usu?e e a??aza?on?? as a???????? me m????????ofo???e e ne ?ama?me me??????????AR???\"\" \"\"????ma??s!s??????????????tat????? a a a???ctct ct??????t wt ???? a????p-p-o-????ththe? s??iteit?e ie ??. ?? In I??????fufutu??????AmA??zo??n ???????e de ?on??t ???????? a????iariar.r. ??ThaTh?at'at????oto??nin??e e ye ?youyo????????d td ?????vesves.s.\"??303?080???0000000?B2B?????????ZQZQSQ??8D8??YMY?????irire???????,0,0,0???5,5??????????00,00?,\"G,\"GrG????at aat ???ma??????d Id ?????????????coc?offoffeoff??\",\"?,\"B,\"???ghghtht t at ?? a???hrh?risri", "output": "his site,\"This is a great product, however, you can buy it in a salumeria in Brooklyn, NY for $9.99. Frank & Sal on 18th Avenue--Brooklyn. And I'm editing my review because amazon assigned me the profile name \"\"LIAR LIAR.\"\" Animals! I was only stating a fact about what a rip-off the site is. In the future ,Amazonn please don't call me a liar. That's not nice you stupid thieves.\"\n3008,B000B2PDKY,A3HZQS78DFYM4Y,Fireplug1a,0,0,5,1325462400,\"Great aroma, and I don't like coffee\",\"Bought as a Chris"} +{"input": "??mam???prprer?????. . S ???????lil??e e a a a??ili?????akake?. ???????????veve ?????ryr???t,t? m? mig mi?ghtgh??????????ofo???e ?????ke?r r??utu???of of? me m??\"\"3303000???B0B???BEBERE??LKLK,K?A3A???IFI??????S3S??,\",????iei??\"\"\"??girgirlrlflfrf???????\",\"???,2,,2?5,5???????????,J,JaJ????d d P PaPararaarada????,\"????ziz?????MyM??ror?omo?ma????????gh?? t th t??????omeom?e b????ususese se????wawas? o on o? s??lel?e ae ???????fif?rsr???I ?????t gt ??ve???? a? a s a ????ug.ug. ?WiWit???????wew?eekeek k Ik I ???????didindingn?? it it ????eveve???? co com??ininain??????of???brebr??ad,ad?, p, ?ea?????bub?uttutte???????ffiff???, ???aucau???????????I I hI hahadhad ?in? m?y ????chc????- -?gug?ililtil??????pop???????ng???????y r????mmamm???e ae ase a?????co??pe??d a??? s sl s?at????red?? aw a???????????hinghin?g Ig ??ad?addeaddeded ??", "output": "tmas present. Smells like a milk shake. I might have to try it, might make a coffee drinker out of me!\"\n3009,B002BERULK,A3FZIF4QSGUS3T,\"Aggie \"\"girlfriend\"\"\",2,2,5,1323561600,Jarred Paradise,\"Amazing! My roommate brought this home because it was on sale and at first I just gave it a shrug. Within a week I was adding it to every combination of bread, peanut-butter, muffins, sauces, meats I had in my kitchen-- guiltily apologizing to my roommate as I scooped and slathered away. Anything I added it"} +{"input": "???????vev????f f? it i??seseee?memede? s????ngn???waw?s s???me????tet??????????oro?????????? so somome?tht?ini?ng ng??????rfr???????delde?icicic??????EvE?venven ?sws??eeteete??in????????a a a ?????ofo??eeee ee w wi w??????????d md ????? b ????s.??????lel?ssss ss t?????y,y???????ara? w???? em e??tit??? q quq???klk??. ?I I w???t ?bab?ckc???? t?heh??sts?????toto to tto ???y sy ???ck? u upup p??utu???????wewerwe?????? s??ldld ???????????ha???????t bet b???n an ??blebl?e t?????indin????yty??ininging ing l ???e e ie ???????e.e??PlP???asease e Me ?ac?KaK??s!s? b?????ing ying ?ou?r ??????io??usnus???s ???ck?, ?I ??ava?ve ve? a a?????g lg ?lifli?? a????????? me m????and ??'v'?ve ?ononlon??ly jly juj?ustust ??????veverve?redred ???u!u?????010?????00???NQNQLQ???A3A???WFW?CQC?HGHGRG???????harharor????0,00,0,??,1,?171??797939?????YuYumumm", "output": " to, even if it seemed strange was immediately transformed into something wonderfully delicious. Even sweetening my tea and coffee with it had me in bliss. Needless to say, the jar was emptied quickly. I went back to the store to try stock up but they were all sold out and I haven't been able to find anything like it since. Please MacKays! bring your deliciousness back, I have a long life ahead of me and I've only just discovered you!!\"\n3010,B000BRNQL2,A35CWFCQHGRGIY,Sharon,0,0,4,1172793600,Yumm"} +{"input": "??!,!?\"I\"I I b ?ouo???????????oro? m mymy y?sisis????????r cr ???is??mam?????????????? i ??? b bu b???waw?? a afafrf???d d sd ?shesh??????t ???l l???????????????, s, ?? s??he he????????he ???x x????????? ??it???? 1 ????ourour,r??itit it w?as???????he????y ????????r ir in??????!\"!\"\"?303010111?????00H00??E1E??M,M,A,???696????????1J1J,J????w w S ??msm???,0,???1,31,??,13,1333?????202????as????s Ls ?ikikek????ntnt-t?O-O????ene?n Ln LiLifLifef??SaSavSa??rsr?????hishis ?tat??asteast?s ?juj??t ?????e W????-O?????reenreen n L?ifi?????vever??????'s'??a a???????, sw, s?eeeete?? c ????nchnc?y y ry ???g,g, ?wiwit?? a????????????????Th??at at p ?re????y my mum?chch ch????cr??beb????????It'It's?? a a c a ?crucrun????????int int? sh sha sh???????????????g.g?\"??30130121????001001L1LDL???J2J?2,A2,A2?????WPW??C8C??ERE?,B,Be,B????,0?", "output": "y!,\"I bought this for my sister for christmas...she loved it, but was afraid she'd eat all of it at once, so she took the box to work. Within 1 hour, it was finished by all her interns!\"\n3011,B000HNE1IM,A2Y695A1DXMT1J,Drew Samson,0,1,3,1332115200,Tastes Like Wint-O-Green Life Savers,\"This tastes just like Wint-O-Green Life Savers. It's a hard, sweet, crunchy ring, with a minty flavor. That pretty much describes it. It's a crunchy mint shaped like a ring.\"\n3012,B001LDOFJ2,A2HDIIWPFC88ER,Betsy,0,"} +{"input": "??,3,????757????????\"G\"??odo? p pop???oro?n,n, , p??ooroo?????????g\"g??,\"T,\"??????????oodood ??poppo????n,? I ??hah?????uru?chc?hasha???????or?e ??in in??????i.i. .? I? w ????ha?ppppyppy y??? s?eeee e te ??hatha??????n n??ordor??r r or ???in????? Ho H??eveveverver,r?, I, ??????chach?se? t?heh?e 2e ?0 0???ckc????????eyey ????????fff?ed?? th the the e be ??x.x. ???TheTher????s ????????????rar?? o??????y ty ?????ofo?? wr wra?pp??????ror?????d thd t????ndndind??????? p pa pac pa????ese??????rer?e t???????t t it ?t ???????? the the b ???x. x.? T ???y y cy ?choch?????????al??l bl ????? tha thata???canca???????????? a???l tl ????ntynt???ac?kak?????. ???t it ist i?s os ?oveover??stustuf??????o ??the??? poi po???t tt ??at?????????????nono no?????gerge??sqs????????bubutbu????????d ??omo??whwha??. ??. Th. The??po???al??? ser se?vi????", "output": "0,3,1275696000,\"Good popcorn, poor shipping\",\"This is good popcorn, I have purchased before in Hawaii. I was happy to see that I can order online. However, I purchase the 20 pack and they overstuffed the box. There is no bubble wrap or any type of wrapping around the individual packages before they put it into the box. They choose a small box that can barely fix all twenty packages. It is overstuffed to the point that the box is no longer squared, but rounded somewhat. The postal service d"} +{"input": "o?????????rer???t tt ??? p pap?ckc????e we ?????cacara????soso o??????it?????ivi????, t, th??re?? wa w??????????tataia?n.n? ?????????opopep?nen????????wow?o po ??ck??ageag?? h ?ada??beb????????????? an a???th?? b bu b?ttt?er???????ed ????? ov o??r r a??? t?he?????????????????. . ????ha?????o so ????nd nd?? l????? ti timimeme ????hihin?????????the ??pacpack??age?s,s??be??????e te ??theythe????re ??allall all g ?re?as??. . ?????????sisininein??s ??oe?s ?no?t ??asashash ash???f f?ea????y ?eveve??n wn ??thth ?so?apa??. ???w w w????????ining?? th the theme????somso??????? the???????????ka???es ?ofof ?pop???oro?n ???????te?r r ir ?in in??? them the?????cau?se? o???????????hinhing??, t????y ay ?????not?? ai airir-r??tigti??t t pt ?pacpack???ges?. . . S. ?o o wo wh???en pen ?poppoppp????ing ting ??themthem,m, m, t? the??re ?????? l?", "output": "oes not treat the package with care, so when it arrived, there was a wet stain. When we opened it, two packages had been damaged, and the butter leaked all over all the other packages. We had to spend a long time washing all the packages, because they are all greasy. The greasiness does not wash off easily even with soap. Now when eating them, some of the other packages of popcorn got water in them because of the washing, they are not air-tight packages. So when popping them, there are a lo"} +{"input": "?t t??f f???pop????? k ??rnr????. . T ?????shs?ouo????usu?? b ???geg?? b?oxoxex?s s a ana???wrw????itit t bt bebete????.\".?3303?????000?00V00???GIG??,A,???9I9?626282??I6SI6?E1E??,\",??oro???\"\"\"???rt,rt? M ????????ooooko??? M?ovo?????ntn?????asa?t\"t??\",\",0,??,0,,0?4,4,1,???464??????,I,?t't??s ls lil?ke????tt???!,!?,\"O,\"OkO???????????ke??th???????????oso??????????????? e ???????, b, ?butbu?t at ??????y sy ??moomo????, f, ???l l a??? s??ligli???lyl?y sy say s???????vegve??tatala??flf?????. ??????irirsr?????mem?e ye ?ou????keke ke ake a ???p,p?, y, yo?u u? mi m?????nonotno?????ic??e ie ??, ?, bu, b???le??t it ?it it s?it???n n y ????r mr ??ut?h h?????it it bit be?fofororeore ???????wiwin?g g??????the??????e e ae ???oth???er ser sisipsip.p??. Th. T??? mo morore??????drd??????????he?he mhe mo??e ?????wilwi?????coc?meme me???????ntnt.nt???It It???s vs ", "output": "t of unpopped kernels. They should use bigger boxes and wrap it better.\"\n3013,B000VDNGIO,A2W9I628I6SE1U,\"Kort \"\"Art, Music, Book & Movie Enthusiast\"\"\",0,0,4,1284681600,It's like Buttah!,\"Okay, not like the butter most people would expect, but a very smooth, full and slightly savory vegetal flavor. The first time you take a sip, you might not notice it, but let it sit in your mouth a bit before swallowing and then take another sip. The more you drink it, the more it will become apparent. It is v"} +{"input": "?ere?y y?sosooo???????toto o???e e p ?ala?????/?
Jin Xuan Golden Lily Oolong from Summit Tea Company it a good if not great tea, especially for the price and quantity you get. A solid every day drinker. It is not as complex as some that I've had, but that could be due to how long ago it was harvested and a number of other conditions. Depending on how you brew it, a serving of these leaves is good for 4-5 infusions before the flavor wanes, making it an even better value. And even then, the broth is soft an"} +{"input": "?d d s sws?eeeete????? / ??? /?>
If you like your Oolongs more on the green side, then you should give it a try. I know I'll be ordering another tin.\"\n3014,B0025UALB6,A3582YZ05M9NU5,\"Laplace Transform \"\"Laplace Transform\"\"\",2,2,5,1272240000,\"Awesome snack, great product.\",\"I eat these tuna cups (or the salmon cups) almost daily.

If you're looking for a nutritious snack, these cups really can't be beat. If you're a bodybuilder or athlete trying to increase your daily protein intake, these are awes"} +{"input": "?omo??. .? I ?????????????ara???? t trt???ngn?? to to o?geg??t yt yo??r r??idid d t????atat ???ealea??hyhy,y, , g ge getettet?ininging g tg ???m m?? to ??ikikek??fif?shs??is? a?? gr g???? i?????. . I?f f yf ?you?'r're're ?tr??yinying? t to to ??eatea?t 5t ?-7-????ala?? a??dadaya?? to???ososes??weweieigighg??, , m, ???? o ????ofo??????????psp?s os on?e ??f ???ourou??me??ls?, ???? p??oto???? f fi?????????????ndn???makma????yo??????? g?ooo?d.d??. I. ?t ?????????????s ??????t ot ?? c??????ing ing?? to ???????eteete ??hehe he?????ing???xpx?ere???ncn?e.????????
Why eat a nutritionally empty \"\"100 calorie pack\"\" of goldfish crackers or potato chips when you could have something like this that has only 80 calories and infin"} +{"input": "??tet?lyly y??????nunutu?ririt????????ene??fifit????I'I'l'lll?l el ??? t ??eseses?e ae ?aloal??e,e???tr??????t ft ?????????cucupu?, ??asa??cacal??ly ly????????????????yoy?????on'on???ne?????o o r ??fr??dgdgegererar?ateate ?????yo??u du do??'t't 't? ne n??? a a a? ca canan an??pep?eneen??? ??I'lI'll????????????on??????alaal????or? m mi m??????? r??iceice,??ququiu???????r ??beabe??s.s??????><>/>?C>?alalo???es? 8 808? (?101????????atat)at)<)???

ToT???al al F ?at? 1 ????
?hoh?lel???????l 3l 353??g??ro?????????g???megme????????????? 20 2?0m0?mg

I'll eat these alone, straight from the cup, basically anywhere since you don't need to refridgerate and you don't need a can opener. I'll dump them onto salad, or mix with rice, quinoa, or beans.

Here's the nutrition data off the back (for 1 2.7oz cup) at the time of writing:

Calories 80 (10 from fat)
Total Fat 1g
Cholesterol 35mg
Sodium 15mg
Total Carb 0g
Protein 18g
Omega-3 EPA/DHA 200mg

?You really can't beat this for something so portable that requires no preparation or refridgeration. The package says \"\"in water\"\" but there's a little bit of broth in the cup, and if you squeeze this out or just leave it at the bottom of the cup, you probably cut the sodium down to 10mg.

I highly recommend these tuna cups and the salmon cups as well. But, avoid the tuna salad, or the flavored varieties if you are looking to get the maximum nutritional benefit. Those salads and f"} +{"input": "??ava?oro?iningngsg?????t t a ???????t,t, ,????arar,r??cacar??s.s?\"\"?????????252?UAU?LBL???????????7C7CFC??D,D????ana? C C.C??????s,s?????????515??363??????????????e,e?\"A\"??lthlthoh??ughug??? p ?????r r t ????ete???y ???????in in t?heh????ili???aca??????? w ???t ?I ??????ordorded??eded ?apa???ar???to??????????? b bebe e ae av??il????e ???????h ??mam?zoz?? s????I tI trt?rieri?? t???????ndn???theth??y ay ??e ?ha?ndndynd???nd???re???y ???o o eo eaeatea??inging g?????ononeon??? T ToT??s ?onon ?a a sa ??????, o, ????useus?e oe on??brbrereare???????????? to t?o ao ad??d gd go???d qd ?uau???ty??????eie???.\".\"??0101601?6,B6,B0B00B0??????B6?,A????????FLFLNLN9N????WeWenend????ici??holho???s,0s,0,???????484???????00,M00,????catcatst????????hih??????????atatsat????? s???????iniin????y ey ????erser?s ss sosomo?e e te tie t", "output": "lavorings just add salt, sugar, carbs.\"\n3015,B0025UALB6,AWA0H9KO7CFPD,Susan C. Parks,0,0,5,1351036800,Handy Size,\"Although I prefer to get my tuna in the foil packages, what I had ordered appears to no longer be available through Amazon so I tried these and they are handy and pretty goo eating for one. Toss on a salad, or use on bread or toast to add good quality protein.\"\n3016,B0025UALB6,A2RBFWYVFLN9AK,Wendy Nicholls,0,0,5,1348531200,My cats love this tuna,\"Cats are such finicky eaters some ti"} +{"input": "m???. . ?MyMy y o ??????dydy y ky ?iti?tyt??dod????non??????e e t ???e ce cacana?nen?d d cd ??t t ft ???dsd?? b ???t st ??he he?ala????? w ???t ???utsut???????vev???????opo??en en a??cacancan n? of of f t?unu???????mym?yseysele?f.f?. . ??? I??gagava?ve ve?he?r ?????? on o?????meme.me?. ???????TuT?unaun?????????e e ae ???re?????wayway y ty ??o ko ????? th t???tut???? fr f???? e ??ouougu?? o?????????? d ?ay??? a an a??d gd ???????for for t??????.<./???r ?r />r />S>???me me ime ?iteitememsms ??????????rcrchc??se???at???ror?????y sy ?to?re??, b, ??????yiy??g g?????????it?????ro?ugughug?h Ah ?mam?zoz?????ave??s ss ???????. . ??ha??????ou\"ou\"\"???171????020?5U5???????Y1Y??DBD?B0B0UB0???????ar?????????sonso???,0??4,4?131?????606???0,G0,??ood? N ????????on on???d d Rd RiR??ghtght t St ?izizez??,\",???????????ororkr??????? a??lwalw?", "output": "mes. My old lady kitty does not like the canned cat foods, but she always went nuts whenever I'd open a can of tuna for myself. So I gave her some one time. These Tuna Cups are a great way to keep the tuna fresh enough over a few days, and good for travel.

Same items can be purchased at grocery store, but buying in quantity through Amazon saves some $$. Thank you\"\n3017,B0025UALB6,AY12DBB0U420B,Gary Peterson,0,0,4,1316736000,Good Nutrition and Right Size.,\"When I'm working, I alway"} +{"input": "????ara??? m ?????n n??????? I ?t't's'???o o m mu m??ch ch b ??ttt?????hahana????? f ???d d??ouo??????andan??? h ??vev????uchuc???????????????????????????????????ini???????FiFin???inging g? it ite?msm????havihav?inging ing??igighg???rorotote?in?????thoth??t ????h ???????s ts ?the?????t ?di??????????asa?k.k?. T. TuTununaun??? is is??????????t at ???? th t??sese e le lil???le???????????????the ?????WhW???te te T Tu??a ??upu??s fs fi????? the th????ll?????? o ?oneone e ie in??????????h ?wi???? a a? fe f?w w f?????h f???it??????ve??gig?????emems??????peper???psps ps???fef?????rierieded d fd ??????s as an??????s.s. ???'s??gogoooodood d nd ?nut????????, a, ??and ??the?rere're???nono ??????y ay ?bob?out????ig???t gt ??in?????so?, , w, whw??n n In ?'m'???ama?pip?ing??, I, I ???ke????o to ??????a ba ?at????ofof of t th?", "output": "s carry my own lunch. It's so much better than the food court, and I have much better regulation of my nutrient intake. Finding items having high protein without high fat is the most difficult task. Tuna is excellent and these little Chicken of the Sea White Tuna Cups fill the bill. Put one in the lunch with a few fresh fruit and veggie items and perhaps a few dried fruits and nuts. It's good nutrition, and there's no worry about weight gain. Also, when I'm camping, I like to take a batch of the"} +{"input": "s????unu?a a??upu?s s a ?lol?ngng.g???n n??otothth h???????? th t??e ce ??? s ???e ????? t? the th????????????ononeone ?seserse?????.<.???r /r ??????r />r />I>? h ?ada??? m ?????????????????? t????lal???st???un????cup?????ndnd ?it? m mi mig??? b?e ?????????????h ph ???????. . M. MyM?? la l?ateat??????na?????????????????????osost???hadha?d td ????hoh???????dodowo?????nd??it?it sit seseese??eded ?rar?athathe??r tr tat???telte??sss???. I'. I'v'?? h ha h?? t? the?se?????????? th????asastast ast????d t????y sy ??seemseemem?ed ed m??ch?? be bet bettt????. I? h??ve?ve nve non?? b be??n ?sas?atiat???ieieded ed wed ???th ?????pr??????t ot ?one?????ow??ve?????????? t??? the p the pr the p?rodro???????????????erver???????izeize ???nd nd Ind ItI?t wt ???l l??????ete??ter ter m me me ?????????turtu?e ????ch???eses.es???? / ??? />G>??ryry ry?PeP?eteeter?sos", "output": "se tuna cups along. In both cases, the cup size just the right for one serving.

I had a minor problem with the latest tuna cups, and it might be just a batch problem. My latest tuna was very dry. I almost had to choke it down. And it seemed rather tasteless. I've had these cups in the past and they seemed much better. I have not been satisfied with the present ones. However, I like the product and the serving size and It will not deter me from future purchases.

Gary Peterso"} +{"input": "nn\"n\"\"3?010??,B,????5U5?????????4141F1?BJBJDJD9JD????,\",\"N\"?. .????gug??ono??\"\"\"?TwTwow?, , D DaD???y,y??HaH???????anandan??KiKiti?????\"\"\"\",\"\"??0,00,????131313?????????????vev???en???????????, ?707??cac??oro??iesies s?an?? l lo???s os o o?????teite?? = ? g ??eaeata??wo?rkr??????h h??iteit???,\"????eeeepe? a??????k ?ofo?????????ununauna a??upu?s ??at at? wo wororkor??????ng? w wi w????????on on???????anand???terte?????? s???cece ce??oror or v ????????? T ???y y a ar arere re????? ca c???oriorieie,ie, , s, ????????????????nun???ritritit??????. I. I'I??? so s????????theth???- - n ??ow ow b ?????in ??bulbu?k ?anand?and kand ?keeke?ep ep??on ??anand????l l??hehe he??imimeme!e???30?191?,B???????????????URUROR?959??????,\"?MaM??k ?ToTomo??????MarMa????\",\",5\",???6,26,?,1,12,1???2020920969??00,?QuQui??? w???ld ld?????ce ice ?? o??k,\"k,??f ??ou?????t ?", "output": "n\"\n3018,B0025UALB6,AJD41FBJD9010,\"N. Ferguson \"\"Two, Daisy, Hannah, and Kitten\"\"\",0,0,5,1313107200,\"convenient, filling, 70 calories and lots o protein = great work lunch item\",\"I keep a stack of these tuna cups at work, along with lemon juice and teriyaki sauce for variety. They are low calorie, satisfying, and nutritious. I'm sold on them-- now buy in bulk and keep on hand all the time!\"\n3019,B001FA1KUS,A3KSURO95KOATX,\"Mark Toms \"\"Mark\"\"\",5,6,2,1243209600,Quick wild rice is ok,\"If you want t"} +{"input": "????????????d d r ??cec?, , b?????he????gugululal?r r k ?ini??? T ?hih?????quq?????????\"\"\"\" \"\"????e ????non?????arar ar? th t????asa?????quaqu????y y oy ofof f t??????????????0 0??ininuin?????cooco??? ti t?mem?e r?ic?????3?????????FAF??KUKUSU????8P8??????????,T,T,T?1,1??,5,??,13,1????131??00??,Be,B???t Qt ??????????k Wk ???????ice?.,.,\".,\"T\"ThThiTh??????th??e be ??????ne???BoBobo????ReRede????illil??dodoeoes?n'n??t ht hoholold???????ndlnd???tot?????is.is. . I. ItI?'s???????y,y, ?ded?liliclicic?ouousu?????d ???esesnesn'esn??????ick???o ??the? p ?an?.<.??r ??>I>????e ?4:4:1:?????terter ?to??????ice..ice.?????m\"m\"????????0101F01FA?1K1KU1K??,A,A3,A?BSBSVSVEV???V9V?RZR????VeV????????vev?eleel??,1??????121???50502??400400,0,G0,????? Q ??alalial???????????????ene?t ?qu?????cocoocookcooki????I ?liliklikeke ?????ut? w wi w?ild", "output": "he best wild rice, buy the regular kind. This \"\"quick cook\"\" type is not near the taste quality of the regular/ 40 minute cook time rice.,\"\n3020,B001FA1KUS,AC8PTTE9SEU9E,T,1,1,5,1339113600,Best Quick Cook Wild Rice.,\"This is the best one. Bob's Red Mill doesn't hold a candle to this. It's fluffy, delicious. and doesn't stick to the pan.
I use 4:1 water to rice....Yum\"\n3021,B001FA1KUS,A3BSVEVBV9RZS2,Vegan Traveler,1,1,5,1258502400,Great Quality and convenient quick cooking,I like to put wild"} +{"input": "? r ?????ini???ana?? d ????eses.s???hih?is is??s s?? g ???????y ????d ed ??sys???o o d?roropo? i in i??? o ???herhe????iceice ????shesh?? o??r sr ?ouo?psps.???020222??B0B000???9S9?FPF???AZA??HSH???ZUZUPU????2,C2,CaCararorolro????4,4???,4,??????515????,\",???ryry ???od?????rar???????1 1 h hoh?????????beb??2 2????th th???diditdi?ioi?nanal? e ???ctctrt?ricric c?????\",\",\"?I I l ?ovovev???orortorta??le? e????ctrctriric? c co c???????? T???y ??????a fa ????tasta?ti???op?ti????????co?nt?aiain??????orors????whwhi??le ??ama???inging,ing????????? The Th???????eaeasea?? t to t????se,se??gig??ve ve????????rsrse? s so????????ining? a ar aro?unu?d ????m,m, , , ?????????ququiu??re re? a a l???velvel l sl sesetse??up??? are ar?ea,ea???arear??flf????????e foe f??or sor sis???????apeape,????nd nd a?? are are? s ??????enenon???? t to?????p ???and???inin in?????????", "output": " rice in many dishes. This is a good buy and easy to drop into other rice dishes or soups.\n3022,B000B9SFP2,AZFHSPEZUPGD2,Carol M,4,4,4,1309651200,\"Very good corral for 1 horse, maybe 2 with additional electric tape\",\"I love portable electric corrals. They are a fantastic option for containing horses while camping, etc. They are easy to use, give your horse some walking around room, don't require a level set-up area, are flexible for size/shape, and are small enough to keep handy in your trai"} +{"input": "llel??'s'???acackc? r ?oooomom.m. .??? m ?ucu????rer?fef???usu?ini?g g t????????? po p?rtr??blb?le le p????lsls,s?????????iniin??g,g?????inging ing??????e e te trtrar?ilile??, ??????brb? / ?><>??he????ara??re mre mam??y y? po por po??????e ce ????????ititst???n n t?????????????lll???er??y sy sisimsi???arar ar??itithit?h th ??he he s ?amamem?e ke ?kinki??s ??? c ???popon????ts.ts?. . ?(E(?xcx?epeptp????????arear??? E ?ZEZ??, ?whwhihichi?? i isis ??a da ??ffffe?re??nt nt? an anin?????????????????????yoy?u u??? co com?????nt?-b-??-c-????pon?en???rurunund??wnw?n on on???? the ?????s s is ???? thi th?is is?????????????br ?/>/>C/>?????ERER R?- - T ?ThiTh????kitkit ????eses es??it??? a ??????????thath?????ke?s ?2 2 D ??????????es.es. ?????asa????????ofo??????, ???????ing hing ??d d?le??s-s-t-???n-n?sts?telte??????ererfer???ma?????frf???? a ??", "output": "ler's tack room. I much prefer using these to portable panels, high-lining, tying to the trailer, etc.

There are many portable corral kits on the market, all very similar with the same kinds of components. (Except the Zareba EZEE, which is a different animal.) So I'll give you a component-by-component rundown on the items in this kit.

CHARGER - This kit comes with a charger that takes 2 D batteries. I was leery of this, having had less-than-stellar performance from a 2D"} +{"input": " ?chchah??gegere??ini???????asa?t.t?? B ??? t?hihisi??ono???wowororkr??????????gogooo?????ror????in???a a??reare??ononaonabablb???ststrst????th????? w ???th ???????et?? of o? e ????????????e ???witwi??th gth ????????????????n ????p,p??????d d?so?ilil)l??. . ?IfI?f yf ?ouo??r hr hoh??ses???is is????reareadrea???aca?cuc??stost???d ?????ndnd nd? re r????ctctfct??l l?? of of????lectlec?tritr????ene??cinci??, ?th?????ho??uldul??beb?e s???fif???enenten?????????????erer er??s ?eae?asyas?y ty toto to u ?useus?, , w, ?wit?h h?? the th????ncncenc???nd???ro???nd nd tnd ?er?mim???lsl??clcle??????mam???ed?. ?. T. ?????on-on???ff ff s??witwitcwit??????vev???y a??ccecc?esses??bl??e, e,?? and and d ad ??li????t at ???????aua???blble???ou??nd ?nd tend t?ellel?l yl ???? wh w????it??s s os on?.<.?brb?????E>?LEL????????APA?E E?---?? T??????itit it??? is a is ??ve??tit?iseis??? as a??", "output": " charger in the past. But this one works pretty good, producing a reasonable strength zap with 100 feet of electric tape (with good grounding in damp, solid soil). If your horse is already accustomed to and respectful of electric fencing, this should be sufficient. The charger is easy to use, with the fence and ground terminals clearly marked. The on-off switch is very accessible, and a light and an audible sound tell you when it's on.

ELECTRIC TAPE -- This kit is advertised as c"} +{"input": "?????? w ?iti?h h?????fefeee???ofof f \u00bd \u00bd\"\u00bd?\" \"?????????? k ???????? on onln??y 1y ??00 00??????? 1 ???????? i ?s s e ene???ghgh ???r r???e e h??orsor??e. e.?????ono??t ????????ere?e e te ??????re re??????g g wg wi?th???p p??he?????????enten?t `t ??perpe??fecfectc?t ft ????co????in???ing ing????? ho hor ho??sesse????? s??or?t ?????odo???ofof of??imime?????NoN????????notno??eve??en en c?????????en?en ien ?f ???ha?d d rd ?recre?eieivi?vedve???thethe the????l l??????????? O OfO???couco???e,e?, i, itit'it?s ??asasys?????ougou??? to to ??????????????ele?????ic? t???e e ae ata?t tt th????ara??????ore?. ????????waw???e t??hatha?????he mhe ??re???tapta?pe pe???ou ou??????on,on??th?????????ap?? yo you?'l'll??????frf?omom om???ur??????ge????. S. ????'m'???not? s??ureur??if?? th??e 2e ?D D? ch??????????ldl?d bd ?????roronro?? e?no", "output": "oming with 200 feet of \u00bd\"\" tape. My kit had only 100 feet. 100 feet is enough for one horse. I don't know where they're coming with up the statement `perfect for containing 4-5 horses for short periods of time'. No way, not even close, even if I had received the full 200 feet. Of course, it's easy enough to pick up more electric tape at the farm store. But beware that the more tape you add on, the less zap you'll get from your charger. So I'm not sure if the 2D charger would be strong eno"} +{"input": "???????thth ?202????????ofo??????. . T ??????????? t??isi??kik?it it?????????th? a ????????e pe ?rer????????le?d.d?????'s'????ninicicec??ha????? w wi w???????oooodod d????l l??????? b ?????????es?n'n??t ct coconco?nen????ninicni?celce?? t????????oso???. ?. I. I I????geg?d ???? an a?n en exextxtrt????????le ??taptape? l lol??p ?toto ????????? ???handhan??e ????/??S/>?TET?P-P-I-?N N????????? Th T??sese ?ara????????vov??ritri???????? of o????epep-p?-in-i??????????????h ph ?pospo?st st h?asa???umu????usu?s cs ????s ????sls???e e t????? tap tape???thrth?rouro?ughug?, , s, ??o yo yoyou???????????t t tt th????rigrighghtgh???heihe?????. ????s ?????y qy ququiu?ickic????d ????y y ty ?to to ito ??inseins??????and and r?????ve ve???? the t the ????????m m t th?????ipipsps,ps, ??aka?kin?????????????d td ???e-?????", "output": "ugh with 200 feet of tape. The tape in this kit comes with a handle pre-installed. It's a nice handle with a good feel to it, but it doesn't connect nicely to the posts. I rigged up an extra little tape loop to hook the handle to.

STEP-IN POSTS - These are my favorite kind of step-in posts. Each post has numerous clips to slide the tape through, so you can set at the right height. It's very quick and easy to insert and remove the tape from the clips, making set-up and take-down "} +{"input": "e?asasis?????????><>???r /r ???ORO???????? L LIL???S S - ????isis s k ??t t??????s ws ?itithith h????????????ici?e ????nen?er er???????ne?s ?????me???? b br??cic???? st s??????????ne?nestnes???? I ?'l'?l ?prp???aba??ly ly?????r ??sese e te tht?emem.m??????ith ith??thithisis is? st??lele ??????ncn?ce,ce??th????e ue ??uau??ly??is???????chch h (h ??f ?an??) )??enensen???on on o ???th?the the??ososts?s,s???? ???veve ve???ede???? co c?rn?er???guygu??y liy l??es?es. es.??WhW????ddd?d td ??????-u-upup p?an?d d t?????dod??? t?????????t ?if????u u??rer?fe??????us?e ?e the the? c? cor co??rnerrne???guyguy guy??linli?nes???? t????k k? yo y?ou'ou???l ll ????? th?e ?e one o?????? t? thi th??is kis kikitkit.t. ????eye??y ary are???ic??e qe ?uaualua?????y ady a??us?ta???e ?li?linelin?es,es, ?wi??th th??etetaet?? s?????es.es.?WIW????, ??????D D?RO?D,D??ETE?????", "output": "easier.

CORNER GUY LINES - This kit comes with some very nice corner guy lines and metal bracing stakes. Honestly, I'll probably never use them. With this style of fence, there usually isn't much (if any) tension on the posts, so I've needed corner guy lines. Why add to set-up and take-down time? But if you prefer to use the corner guy lines, I think you'll like the ones in this kit. They are nice quality adjustable lines, with metal stakes.

WIRES, GROUND ROD, ETC -- "} +{"input": "OOfOf f??ouo???? t ??isis s???? c????aia??s ???????????ara?? w wiw??eses es? to t? c?????????the???????ere???? t??e e fe ?ene?ce???ana???? the th??chchaharhargr???r tr ???grg??ounou?nd.nd?? T ?he? g ?grogrou?oundound d rd ??d d id ?is is??????\" \" p pop????eded ?????e.e?. . ????thith??g g s ?spesp????l l?he????<>
CARRYING BAG - Oh my gosh, A+++ for this carrying bag! The bag has one long skinny section for the posts, and a separate snap-off zipper tote for the other components. Within the smaller bag, there are separate compartments and elastic holders for each piece. No more jumble of stuff!!! I love it. (One quib"} +{"input": "?????? o ono??e oe ???tht???ststetepe?????pop?st???hah?d d p???rcrcecede??th???babaga? d ?????g g pg ?aca??in?????????????????ThT?? b ???g ig ????adadead???f ??????? h he heae??????ty???????????utu????t ?quq?????????y-y-dy-???????nouno?????? s st statana??d ud ???????? po poio?????d sd sps????. ? A ?????he????????? t??e e be bae b?????? n??? r ????foforo??ed? t? to ??avoavoioidoi?????s ?????????????? i ??????, ??thith????????blble???en??? k ?kitkit ??is is ais ?aboabouo?????s gs gogoooodod ?asa??ananyan??I'I?vev??e see s??? a????????d ????a ?re?asasoason???????????????????anyoany?????anantantit?inging ?a ????????????rarala???. J. ?usu?? d do d???t ?exexpx??ctc????????\"\"\"????ta?inin in 4in ??5 5? ho h?orsorsesese?s \"s ?\"\",\"\"????lelesle???yoy??'r'?re re rre ???ata?tinti?ng ng????????????s ??????", "output": "ble - one of the step-in posts had pierced the bag during packing or shipping. The bag is made of pretty heavy-duty fabric, but not quite heavy-duty enough to stand up to a pointed spike. And the ends of the bag are not reinforced to avoid this problem.)

All in all, this portable fence kit is about as good as any I've seen and would be a reasonable choice for anyone wanting a camping corral. Just don't expect it to \"\"contain 4-5 horses \"\", unless you're rotating those horses in and"} +{"input": "??ouo??? on o???atat ???tit???????020???B0B?00?B9B9S9SFS?P2P???1I1I4I?NHN????0M0?FDFD,D???????ne??,3,?????,1,??101?424282???????sys???ndnd d p ?oro?tat?????...??ut??? f ??? i ?sss??????AlAltltht?ou?????? th t??nkn??? thi th?is is??en? i?? g ???at?..?.I.????dndn'n't'?t rt ???eie?vev???????ententi?rere re?rorololll? o?? p?ololyol???????evevevenve?? af a???r r?cacala????g g????tot?me??r sr ?ererver???ce.ce..?...a...?????? th???? t???e he ?eieigeigh?t t ot ???th??? po?ststssts s is isis is mis ?????ada?????..h..?henhe????? the the the?????ararsr?. ? I?f ??I wI waw??te?d ??? b bubuybu?????newnew w ew ????????er er a? and an???ororeor?e pe popolpo???apa?pe pe t th the then the???t t wt wow???d ?beb?e ge ???eatea????to oto ??n,n? a??s ms ??y ry re???ewew ew??ele??ow ow? st s??????/??????>E>EaEasEa??????????e ???st??ucu????????andan????er???hi?ng????????ic??elyely ???ckc??in??id?e ?e the t??", "output": " out one at a time.\"\n3023,B000B9SFP2,A1I4NHYX40MFD,C. Keeney,3,3,3,1310428800,Easy and portable...but a few issues,\"Although I think this pen is great...I didn't receive the entire roll of polytape..even after calling customer service...and I think the height of the posts is misleading..hence the 3 stars. If I wanted to buy a new energizer and more polytape then it would be great to own, as my review below states:

Easy one-page instructions and everything fits nicely back inside the "} +{"input": "????, ,?wiw???ouo?t t??trt?????????..?
I needed this portable paddock for my goats because I have a lot of unfenced acreage beyond the barn area. I was worried about the fence being suitable for goats so I called Customer Service...The rep went to a lot of trouble and checked this for me and said it would work fine for goats as well. However, several days later, I called back and spoke to another rep and he said that goats needed much higher voltage. This particular energizer is 3,000 volts an"} +{"input": "??????? g ?oaoat???????ed??5,5?00000?? to to o 8 ??,00,0?00 ??ololtl??????t ??e e??aia???I I?????d d jd ??????uyu??ana???theth????????e te ?ypypepe ???nerne????erer er???d ?iti????oulou?????rkr? w wi w??????he he???pe?????? I ??ha???. ? I???havhavehav??????????ververyr????lll??w w???oatoa??? so s?o to th??????,000,000 0? vo vol??ts ?????wo??kikiningn? s???faf?ar.ar????r /r ?????r /???????ve ve d ??fff???enenten??t brt b?reere???s as ???d td ????????? d di d?????????t het h???hth?ts ????? goa go???????d od ?????on?cecer?????????????the???????s os ???????????? wo w???????t bt bet b???lowlo?w ew ????????? t??????ouounou?? f?oror or????????ed ?brbrebr????gogoago?ats???butbu????on ton th??the pthe popospost?, ?it?? ha h?as as??li?psps ps???ll ll???? the w the wawaya????ownown n sn sos?o to tho thahathat ?th??the tthe ?ap?e e ce ?an????e he ??ng?? at at t vt ???ioi????????hthtsht?? H ", "output": "d that goats needed 5,000 to 8,000 volts. But he said I could just buy another pulse type energizer and it would work with the tape that I have. I have older, very mellow goats so the 3,000 volts are working so far.

I have different breeds and therefore different heights of goats and one concern was that the clips on the post wouldn't be low enough to the ground for my mixed breed goats but on the post, it has clips all the way down so that the tape can be hung at various heights. H"} +{"input": "??wewevevev?r,r? e ev??n n t tht???ghg? t th t????????isis s?lilis?teteded d a ?s ???t t ht ??????????asasuas?rer?????d ??theth??? ar are????tut???lyl??474??1/1?? i????????al?????d ?afa?fteft???yoy??????h ?th?the the???tataltal ??ipi??????? th??e ge ??ou?nd???yo????????????wiw??th th a??????hth?t ot ????????nchnche???? T ??he he t??????resre????????the???otottt?tomtom m??of of? th??? to topop ?????p wp ????????ldldsd??????ta?????????? in????s ?of?f ??the???grogr???d.d?? S ?????s a?wfwfuf?ll????shosh??t ????????seseses es b ?utu??????n'n???knk??? a? any anytyth???? a ab a?boubo?ut ut???????s es eieit?heherher.r??brb???><>?????????e ie ??????ctctictioi??s ??????cleclea?????????? h??lpl??????iai???????, m, mamakakikin?ing ing???t at ??????ryr??eaeasea?y y ty ?to to? pu?????geg???her??. ??????????? p pr p?robro??lemle?ms ms a??", "output": "owever, even though the post is listed as 4ft high, I measured and they are actually 47 1/8 inches tall and after you push the metal tip into the ground, you are left with a height of 38 inches. The tape rests at the bottom of the top clip which holds the tape at 35 inches off the ground. Seems awfully short for horses but I don't know anything about horses either.

The instructions are clear and has helpful diagrams, making it all very easy to put together. I did have problems at "} +{"input": "t??????d d???ini?? i ?? t to t????he he l ????t pt ??st?. .??????????o co cac??????ststost??ere???er?vivici????ana?? t? the the e re ??p p??????d thd thahatha?????????NON?T T????olollll ll???????ol??e se ???olol ol o ofo???????apa??e ie ?????u ??????an????g ???? to?? th? the ????st st???ostos????? t th the???sposp???????ic??? is i?????? th????????ucuctctit?ononsns.s??? Si S???? I? h????al??rearead?? u un unr??ollol???d id it?it tit ?? t? the?????, ??I hI ha?d ??o ?titietie e te ??e ?en?? o of of ???????ly????? t?? to t to ???the pthe ????st ost ?r ?to????the the ethe ?mpmptpty? s sp spo?poolpool ?????????er,er, ????ich????????d d wd ??? o??????bub?t t tt ???????????oto??eae???y ty ?to to uto ?untun????? tha th??t kt knkno?????r ??><>
In lieu of posts, you can hang the guy wire around trees and then slide th"} +{"input": "?? e elelel????????apapep??ththrh?ouo??h h???e ?lol????? G ?uyuy y??????? w wh w???h ??re???imi?ililal?ar ar??o o? te tene??????kek?? g ?ivivev??e the t?he he?poposo?tst??????a a? st????iliilitityt?, ?bub??t It I I s??????????d d??oro????????????? s????????e ?clc?laylay ???il???????th?e ??pospoststsst??ve??y y wy ????????r /r />/??
My ground is hard clay but the fence posts sunk in easily, despite that. It had rained within the last week though so it may be different depending on the dryness of the soil. The posts are sturdy, and strong enough to not break with normal use. I did have gravel in some spots which made me hav"} +{"input": "??????????cac?tet??? f ?ewe???????? s ??ncncec????e ???psp? w ??ululdl? n ?oto??gogo o po ?asa?st st? th thehemhe????? / ?><>????????herherere re?????no no m ???????????????e tae t?pepe e be ?eiein?g g????lowlo??d d td ????????? we w??edsed??ana???grg?as??s, s, s??o Io ??????ed? C ????omo???????vivicice?????k k???? fi f????d thd t??? o??????????idid ?d thd thad th??at tat ??at?at oat ????????low?????pedpe????ce ??eneener?????er er????? be be ??useus??ed ned ?????gr?????????? thi this???ene??????r r ir ??????????????ed??anc????????, I, I I hI ??d ???o mo ???? wh whe?hereher???I wI waw?antante??d td to? p??? t th the the the????ce??to?????id??? any an???????????wiw???? gr g??????ing?????????er??????????cal??? whe wh?en en o ou out ou??on?? th?? the r the ro?ada?.P/>???????ing ing??????fenfenc???wawaswa????????????n ??I iI ??aga?gingi??", "output": "e to relocate a few posts, since the tips would not go past them.

There is no mention of the tape being allowed to touch weeds and grass, so I called Customer Service back to find that out. He said that that only a low impedance energizer can be used near grass and this energizer is NOT low impedance. So, I had to mow where I wanted to put the fence to avoid any problems with grounding. Not very practical when out on the road.

Planning the fence was harder than I imagined"} +{"input": " ??ece????e e I ??coc???dnd??????keke ?????????t ??????e ???d d I??tht?ou????????ada??mem???urure??d cd ???rerecre???y y???t t s?tit????fe??ll ll??ho???????whwheher?e ?I ?waw???ede????e ?fefenfe?cec?e te ??????? ?? I t I ?????did????vev????d t?ha?t t It I t I? wa w?? o ono??? g ???????262?????t ??????lylytlytat?????ata????? th t????ththe???0000 0 f? fee fe?et.et?. . ?DoDoioini???a ???iai????unu???? s????tinti???? the th????encence???p p i ??? re r???????ndend?ed.ed????r /r />/???r ?r />r /????????d ??omomeom???in?g ??thathat?? wa????????????m m??? sm s?malma??ll mll ???dld??-a-???ed ed???ma?????e ande an?????deded???somso???thith???? th???????n'??t tt to???????? tr tror?oubou??? s????I cI ?????d m?ovo??? it it t at ?aroarou???????????t a? l ??t ?t oft of t of? sw swew??t t a?nd??????s.s?. ??????is???????ect?? fo f?r r mr ?y ????", "output": " because I couldn't make a perfect square and I thought I had measured correctly but still fell short of where I wanted the fence to end. I then discovered that I was only given 126 feet of polytape rather than the 200 feet. Doing a trial run of setting the fence up is recommended.

I wanted something that was easy. I'm a small middle-aged female and needed something that wasn't too much trouble so I could move it around without a lot of sweat and tears. This is perfect for my goat"} +{"input": "???iti??????n n?????heh?? h ?ada??juj??t t? se sene????? t th t???coc????ctc??lel???thth th???pep????ItI???eee??? t??o o s sh s????t ft ??or or??or?????bub??t It ??????eded d td th?e ?me????re??????s is ??n cn ???e ??it it h????pedpe???omome??oneone ??ho????as as???rsr??ses.ses????020??????????FPF???A1A??????????QSQ???\"S\"???JuJududgd??e \"e ???????mom?omzom???\",\"???,1,,1,5,5,5???121??????00,00??asasyas????sesemse?blb??y -y ??????? f ?forfor r??lp?aca??s!s?,\"??hih???????ucu?ct ct??s ?????th eth ???ec???veve e ae ??d d cd ?conco?ve?nin?enenten?????e w?ere???aba???e te ?o ???se???????t ????d hd ??ve?????wowor?????? wi w???????30 30??????ese?????? wo wor??ed? g ?re??t ???s as a a??????????????ara?d\"d??? fo f?or or oor ouo?ur ur a al a????ca ca m mi m??lal??y ay an?and and? he??r nr ??w w????a.a?. W????e were we??re are ?ablable?? to? g?ivi?ve ?th?themthe???????", "output": " situation if they had just sent me the correct length tape. It seems too short for horses but I posted the measurements in case it helped someone who has horses.\"\n3024,B000B9SFP2,A1GNYV0RA0EQSS,\"Sl Judge \"\"gatormomz\"\"\",1,1,5,1312761600,Easy Assembly - Great for Alpacas!,\"This product is both effective and convenient. We were able to assemble it and have it working within 30 minutes. It worked great as a \"\"maternity ward\"\" for our alpaca millay and her new cria. We were able to give them some p"} +{"input": "??ivivav?tet???imimeme ???ililele ???t t?fef??lilini?? a asa?? th thoh?ugu?? t???y y????e e se ses????atateat??? fr f?omo???? the the??ererder?? I ? h???????????????d ?????????dud?ctc???nd???ilillil???????mam????????s fs ??? i iti???in in??? the ??ututut?rere!re? P ?lelealeas?e ??ieiewew w?ou??r pr ???ctuct??eses ????? hav ha?? p ?propr??vidvided??? in in n? th the? the c the cuc??????er er p?ho?????secsect?ioi?n!n?????020252???????9S9SFSFPF????3U3?????4O4??2Q2Q8Q8W8??\"p\"popolo?????????\"po\"p??????on\"on?\"\"\"\"\"??0,0???4,4??313191999939323??????iciceic?????????ghtgh?t ot ???????????? te t??po?rararraryry ???razraziz????ete??,\"??hihis? k ?kitki?t pt ?ulu?lsls s ts ?togto?????r r sr ?????ralral ?ststat????ardar??cocomcompmpomp???????raratrath?er??????lyly.ly. ?I ???????ing? i??t ft ??r ?r sur supu???lemle??mentmen???l gl ????zinzingng ng?????or??sesses,ses, ,???artartiticti??????? t??????t st ?ma?ll????reare???", "output": "rivate time while not feeling as though they were separated from the herd. I highly recommend this product and will have many uses for it in the future! Please view our pictures we have provided in the customer photo section!!\"\n3025,B000B9SFP2,A3U78OW4OO2Q8W,\"poltroon \"\"poltroon\"\"\",0,0,4,1319932800,Nicely thought out kit for temporary grazing etc,\"This kit pulls together several standard components rather nicely. I am using it for supplemental grazing of horses, particularly to get small areas t"} +{"input": "??atat t??rer? n nonoto???????nen????? e ?encen?lol??????? p ??ststut???, ,?bub???????????t ot ??????owo?? a??d/d/o/oro? d ?elelil?cicioi??s.s??brb??????r ??>I>I I l ?likli????t.t???et??p p t ?imi????ononcn?????ou ou f ?igigug??e ??outou???heh????mpm??????s,s?, i, ??s as ??????????ini?ut?ese?s. s.???t ht ha????lll? t??? p??ece?cesce?s ts ?o o??????? v ????y ry re????onaon???e e te ?????oraor???y ey ?eleel?????ic ic c co??rar?l ??? ta t???????st?s,? c?ha????r,r, , g, ??ou???, ??????????hoh??k.k. />T>ThT???8 8???epe??in? p???ts???rere re???iri??ly ly?????andaandarardar??????y ???????ic??e pe po??intin???me?ta???st?akakeak?es es??t ??t thet the e be bo??????? tha th??? ma???ke tke ??em? r ?relre?at???velvelyly ???asyas??to??in?se?rtr?t it ??in min ???istis????????. ???????robrobab???????an'an't'????? t?? them them m im ????????k k h ??hardhar?", "output": "hat are not permanently enclosed as pasture, but that get overgrown and/or delicious.

I like it. Setup time, once you figure out the components, is about 15 minutes. It has all the pieces to make a very reasonable temporary electric corral - tape, posts, charger, ground, and gate hook.

The 8 step-in posts are fairly standard: they have nice pointy metal stakes at the bottom that make them relatively easy to insert in moist ground. You probably can't get them into rock hard "} +{"input": "ddrd????rorouo?ndnd,d???????????????????sus?rpr?????. . T ????? a ??re re?clclilipi??s ts tot? g gi givivev??yoy?? f ????????litli???ini?????? fe f???e ?????hth??. B. BuButut ut - - -???u'u??? p pr??bab?blb?y ?se??en en? th the th?? a??????e fe ?eee????????????????kikin?d ??????sts????is pis ?prepr???? s sh s?orortr????????illil??? fee fe?????iti?????horho?rt rt c??mpm???eded ed t????????mam????hor?se??? fen fencncenc??
The kit is supposed to come with 200' of 1/2\"\" electric tape. Mine (as a Vine kit) only had 100'. This is enough for one very well behaved horse in a 25x25 square. The tape is not much of a visual barrier, especially with only one strand. This"} +{"input": "???s s?????????ncn???????????????? a a a???????????orsorsese ????????lol???????ttt????eded d pd ??rir?odo??. .???0'0??wow??ldl?d bd beb?????ougou??? fo for fo?r er ????er????? s st??ana?ds???????????e e ae ??505?x5x?? s?????????nd nd????ld???? a a ??ucu??????ttett??er ver ?ala??????????e e se sps?penpe???to??grgra?ziz??? t?????. 5. ???? 5 ???????titililll? q ?????e s???allal???andand d td ???e fe ??nc???isis ?st?ilillil???notno??????stast??ti?al?. ?ItI??wo??uldul?????e ste str??igigh??fo?rwr????d t??o ao ????????? b bu b??t at ?addaddid?ingin?????????nce nce???soso ??incin?rereare??sesse???thethe the l loloalo????? t??? c ch?ar????.<.??r ???????r />r /????????oduod????de????ipi????? s sa s?ysy?s 4s 4-4???????ese??? I I? wo??????ot?? fe feee????afa?? d ???ing? t? tha that?. ???????quiequiete???horhorsrse?ses ses w??ho ho k ?nonownow w e eae??ch ch?", "output": " is not a fence I'd trust for a problem horse or for long unattended periods. 200' would be enough for either two strands or to have a 50x50 square and would be a much better value of time spent to grazing time. 50 x 50 is still quite small and the fence is still not substantial. It would be straightforward to add tape, but adding distance also increases the load on the charger.

The product description says 4-5 horses. I would not feel safe doing that. Two quiet horses who know each o"} +{"input": "???erer r?wewele?????? a???????reare??? f ????liliai?r ???th??eleleel???rir??? fe fene??????aya??????re?????????eryery ????efef f?????????, i, ?????????? t ??????????? a?ndnd nd w????e ne ?eae?arbar???oror or?????a a?????????outou?er?? fe???e.e?????????ziziningn?, ?????????orsor???? wo w?oulou??d hd ha???? th t??? ar??? m?????d id in? j ??sts?? a a????plplel?e oe ??f hf ?houho?ursur??????he che ???rgrgeg?er er -er ?? wh whih??? u ?useus???2 2??????te?ri??s ???hahasha????en?????f f zf ??? n ?????I I? wa w?????lealeas??d d bd ?by by h ho h?ow ow? ea e?asyasy ???? wa was was ??o o w? wor wo??? wi w????. I????has? i ??????? s??????????owowiowiningin??yo???????ete??itit it uit ???awawawayay ay f fr f??? t th??????ce???????????ne???io????ararear?e le lo???????ougou??h th ????? yo y?? c ca c?? p pu putut ?t itt it ????? of o????se??raranra??", "output": "ther well and are already familiar with electric fence, maybe three for very brief periods, if you had the 50 x 50 and were nearby or had a secure outer fence. For grazing, three horses would have the area mowed in just a couple of hours.

The charger - which uses 2 D batteries - has plenty of zap new. I was pleased by how easy it was to work with. It has its own spike, allowing you to set it up away from the fence. The connections are long enough that you can put it out of nose range"} +{"input": "???????grgror?unu?did??g g???????asas s????? t ?? s ??? u ???anand? p ???????t.t???? / ?><>/>I/>I I?liliki?e ?tht?atat ??t ?cocomomem????it?h h??????plp?e ?co????r ?br?aca?in?g ??ysysts??m.m???????????????it it???p wp ??????????he he? co c??????brbra?ceceses,es, ,??epe?ene?ndind??ing ing? up??n n?hoh?w w t??ghg?t ??ou?ou lou ??keke ke???????enencen??? an a??????w sw ??ifi?? t? the th??grgrogrouounound?????. B. ?utut ?whw??n ???? n????? th the the the b??ac???es, es,??ou????e g???????????e ?????????on????br br???>???e e te tae t?pe?? co com come?s ??on on????hanha???????????pip?innin?????jej??nyny,y?????chc???????esies??ne?d ???o ho ??hanghang ????????fe???????en? i it it t it ist i?s is ???????????????s as a a???mp??????ining???an???d thd t???????ul??y ????e.e????t mt ??ke?s ??t ????? t to to o uo ??ro???ll tll th?? f ", "output": ". The grounding nail was easy to set up and pull out.

I like that it comes with a simple corner bracing system. You can set it up without the corner braces, depending upon how tight you like your fence and how stiff the ground is. But when you need the braces, you're glad to have the option.

The tape comes on a handy small spinning jenny, which is designed to hang on the fence when it is installed. It's a simple thing, and thoughtfully done. It makes it easy to unroll the f"} +{"input": "??ncn?? w ??????????ngn????, , a ????eae??y y t ???rerere???l l? wh w???????ttitt??????? aw a???? T ThTheherhe?re re??????o po ????lel??????inging ing? th t?? w?????e se ?setsetut?????nd nd? ta taka????wnw?n bn ??y yy ??uru?????.<.<>??r ?????e e he hohooo????????he????tete e ie ????t ????iteit?e ae a a??at??????? t??e ???aca???tst??????theth???ososts????A A??itittit??le le????geg?er er????ok,ok????or sor ????e s??ortor?t ot ??????ala??brbra?ck???, , w, wow???d d bd ???nin?ce?, ?to??????e a? s????? o ?? a?? mo m????e see s?cuc??e ???atcatchatc?. ??ti????, y, ????re????????ng?? on on ????he fhe ?en?ce? n ne n??verve?????????touto?chchech??, ??? i it it't?s ??notno??a ????g pg prproprobobl????.<>Th/>T???????fo?r ????????? is is ?????in????EvEvever??????ing ?????s is ?????e ????ututiut??ulull???, w, wi, w??????ouougou?hth??", "output": "ence when setting up, and easy to reroll when putting it away. There is no problem doing the whole setup and takedown by yourself.

The hook for the gate isn't quite a match for the brackets on the posts. A little bigger hook, or some sort of metal bracket, would be nice, to give a sense of a more secure latch. Still, you're counting on the fence never being touched, so it's not a big problem.

The bag for the kit is amazing. Everything fits inside beautifully, with thoughtfu"} +{"input": "????????tst? - ?????????sps???iai???popocpo???et et??oro? t ?heh? i ????rur?ctctit????? I ?? i is i?s es ???y y??? c ?ara?????ndn?? ex e??????????orgor?????ede??. I. ????as as????????prp???ses?ed ed?? to to?????ththeth???hohouo?ghg?t ????d ed ???????pup??t it ?intin?o ???the the?????????????akake?s ????the kthe ???t mt mumucuchuc???easeasis??r r tr to???se???nd????????it??h th ththath?????ustus?t a?????e e oe ?? f?en?cec????artarts??. T. ?he? b????? is is???g g e????ghgh gh? th t??????therthere?? is?????????????????????????? bo boto??? th??e le ??ongon????st?? co c?ompompaparpa??????t at ant and???thethe ????lll??r ?babagbag ?????io????brb????????r />r /?ThThiThisi??s iss i?s as ??ve??y ?nin????anandand and????ndynd???????o ?????? ar aro??????????? h??ve??quq?ie????horho????????t t rt ?resre????t t et ????ectrect??ic ic???ncncece.ce?\"\"??020????000?", "output": "l pockets - even a special pocket for the instructions. It is easy to carry and extremely organized. I was very impressed to see the thought and effort put into the bag, which makes the kit much easier to use and deal with than just a pile of fence parts. The bag is big enough that there is room for extra items in both the long post compartment and the smaller bag section.

This is a very nice and handy kit to have around if you have quiet horses that respect electric fence.\"\n3026,B000"} +{"input": "BB9B???P2P?????3N3NANALA??ECE???VSV???H.H. .?ErE?????????anandn?ere?????????erer\"er?\"\"\"\"\"??0,0??,4,?????13313??????0,\"0,?EaE?sysy y?SeS?tut?p,p, ,?NiNic?????sisigigng?\",??I I?hah?vev?n'n't't t?????? a ???oro??????e fe ?????e fe foe for? h ho h???es? u unu?titilil l?????, b, ?????????imi?prp???sesedsed ?an????????? t ?????????ucuctc???verve?y ???uchuc??. U. ????? op o?en??inging ?th??e pe pap?ck?aga?e e Ie I ???as as? ha h??pyp?y wy ????????? po por???bib??it?y ?ofo? t? the th?e ce ?????in?????ag,ag, ???????oco??eded ed? at a??hohowho?????hth?????htht ht? an and???????actac??th??s ????teteme???is.is. ?????s as a ???????????sss???ry ry? to to o? th thr th???????? the the the t??aia??er???hehenhe???????? t th the?????se??s os ??????or ??usust? t? to to? ha??? a ar a???????????the the e ????? t th tha th?????????ed ed aed a ?????ororaor?aryar?????rrarr??l fl ??or ???????", "output": "B9SFP2,A2E3NAL9ECE7VS,\"H. Erickson-Sander \"\"Heather\"\"\",0,0,4,1313366400,\"Easy Setup, Nice Design\",\"I haven't owned a portable fence for horses until now, but I am impressed and liking this product very much. Upon opening the package I was happy with the portability of the carrying bag, and shocked at how lightweight and compact this system is. It's a great accessory to throw in the trailer when taking the horses out, or just to have around in the event that we need a temporary corral for a coupl"} +{"input": "?e e????ses????OnO??????t t u upup,p????????'t'??hoholho?d d????e ????? t ?????f f???r r???orsor??s s?coc?mfm????????????dod???????ini?k k??????eve??????? a ????mam?????e t?? g gegetge?t 4t ????sis????????e t????prprorodo????????verve?????ses!ses?????/>/><>?T>??????sts??????????????e s???prpripr?isiis????? s ???plplele ???? i?t ?se?? u???????????ete??eee??????selse????andand and mand ?? h hu h??????and wand woworwo?kik?inging ing o?n n in ?it.it?????????ee??? how ho? t??is??????ld ld??? g gr g???????o ho ?????fo??????er???????lsl??????????(s(sus?uchuc?? as as s a????cac?as)as??, b, ???????????ly hly hahav??e ne ???d ???? i??? wi w?????the????rs??es es? an???????? ha h?ad ad?????cescesss???????onton???iniin??ing ??the?m.m?. . T ?TheThe ?e ste s???p ip inin ??oso??s s as ars a?? f fa f??ta?????calca??????????nedned,d", "output": "e horses. Once set up, it won't hold more than two of our horses comfortably. I don't think we'd ever try and manage to get 4 inside like the product advertises!

The instructions were surprisingly simple and it set up easily between myself and my husband working on it. I can see how this would be great to have for other animals as well (such as alpacas), but we only have need for it with the horses and have had success in containing them. The step in posts are fantastically designed,"} +{"input": "????e e?????ala?l l??ese?igi?????kek??? th t?he he f ??????ve??y y??????tit?lel?, ,?sesete????? u ?? e eaeasa???y ?prprer???????chc? a ananyn??he?re??yoyouo???????? a??????/><>W>?e'e?re?re vre ???y y hy hahapappp?y ????th th?itit'it??? de des??ignig????? p ??ortor???il?it?????and and?wi?ll?????? a a??otot t o????ooo?d ??se??ou?t t ot ?f ???isis ??????m,m????? thi th?nkn?!\"!??????,B,??????????,A,?2O2?L5L5W5???NZN????K,K?non?????reireil???,0?,5,5,5,1,????555?20200????or??s ???or or u us u???I ?ama? a?????? i im i?pr???se?????en?? so s??eoeon?e ???ieieses es tes ???? sol so??? a????ldl?d pd ????le??m im in??????w w w?ayay.ay????????hahavha????nevnevever? b ?eeeenen ????ppypp?y hy hoy h??blblibl????mym??????????I'I???raratraththether???he?he che coc??ld? e es e?cac??????om? a? a d a ??angan?????us us s?????atiat?????????sos??et?????", "output": " the overall design makes the fence very versatile, setting up easily pretty much anywhere your horse an go.

We're very happy with it's design and portability and will get a lot of good use out of this system, I think!\"\n3027,B000B9SFP2,A2OL5WLCNZVD9K,nonpareil,0,0,5,1311552000,Works for us,\"I am always impressed when someone tries to solve an old problem in a new way. And I have never been happy hobbling my horse - I'd rather she could escape from a dangerous situation, and something "} +{"input": "??????did?ctctatabablblel??isi??fafara???orore??lil?????????hahapa?pepenen n????tht?e e te ????l l t?????ata??????. .??ooo??????ere?re ???e he ??vev???hih?? d ded?vivic??e t????? is i?????papaca?ct ct??ndnd d?????hsh??on??ly ly??? p ?ouo?undun??, ,??????is?is eis ???y ????????? fo f?? t???il??????s.s. ???nd nd????cec???????perpe???ese??s ons o????????-o-????in????le le?D D????lsl?? n ?o ?pr?ob???m m?beb???????ofo?? t th?e ???????.<.<>??r r /????he he????????k ?HCH???000? P PoPorortor??bl??e Pe ??ddddod???????we?d ???????????iceice ice??uru????? r re r?? C ?or??ur????????????????TheTh?????g ?paparpa?t ?????tai?nsn????gh??????de???, r, ?reire?infin????cedce???lal?astastit?????????s ws ?it???? foo fo?????ushus?h th ?tabtabstabs ????mam?ke???t ???easyeas????o go ????th?e ?????????ik??es es a??t t???", "output": "unpredictable is far more likely to happen on the trail than at home. Sooo - here we have this device that is compact and weighs only 15 pounds, thus is easy to pack for trail rides. And since it operates on easily-obtainable D cells, no problem being \"\"off the grid\"\".

The Fi-Shock HC-100 Portable Paddock showed up in a nice durable red Cordura nylon case. The long part contains eight molded, reinforced plastic stakes with foot push tabs to make it easy to get the metal spikes at the "} +{"input": "???ttt??????ntn?????e e?grg??unu???????iri??wow???in????heiheigheighg?t t s seseee?????o o????juj?sts??aba?????? f fef?eetee??????tit???e ???ot???ala???w w?? v ??rir?????ofo??coc????gug?????????in?? se setet-et????r /?A A??mamal??lerle??bab???at?tat??????toto ??theth?e pe ?olo?????? w?iti??? sn s??psp??. I. ItI??co??ntant?in??s 1s ???????f cf ??condconduducu?????e te ta???e oe ??? a a?rer?????non????????'t'??????w ww ???y ty ??? p ??rodrodu??? d de d?scs?riripri?ti??????ysy????00'00?),)?, t, ??the ??????????erer r or ???ninici??lyly y my ??oldol???, ????????-l-??okokikinkingn?g gg gr?eeeenee????asast??????????nsnsfns??rmrme???ststast??d d t?????e t??mpm??d ??intinto???he? g??rouro?????? a s a ?hoh?oulouldl????r str s???p,p?, a, an, a?nd nd t tw twowo wo D ???el????????erier??s ????ichic?????????ptlpt?? p?????????????r ?pl?placpla?? s", "output": "bottom, into the ground. Their working height seems to be just about 3 feet. Multiple slots allow a variety of configurations in set-up.

A smaller bag attaches to the pole bag with snaps. It contains 100' of conductive tape on a reel (no, I don't know why the product description says 200'), the transformer of nicely molded, durable-looking green plastic, a transformer stand to be tamped into the ground, a shoulder strap, and two D cell batteries which I promptly put in a safer place s"} +{"input": "??????y y c ?ououlu?dndn'n?? a acaccc??????ala?lyly y cy co??ntant??t ?co?condcon?ucu????e e?mam??ererir??al al???d d d did????ara???.<./><>????/>????is is???????d ed eae???y ey ?enoen???h h???o so ?????p p i ini???? a ar arerea?????t ???is cis ?lel??????????? b ??usushs??????? co c???? c???useus????rouro??le?????n ?co?contconta??ctictin?? t th????iv?????pep???PrP?ropro?perpe??? s se???????? the?? pa p???????s s b??attat?terte?rieriese???????otot ??rar?inin.in??OfO???????se se??? ca???????d exd e?tr?????????sos?o co chchochoso??????gug????theth????rnrnen?????whiwhici?????????????to????????????. ??Of Of? co?urursur?se ????hadha???o ??bribrin???exe???? r ??roperope ???nd nd?????????kek?es es???????thattha????urpurpop????e. Ne. NoNo ??propr????m.m?.??????s wos wororkorke?d.d??.. ..? fo f??? ON O?????t-t-h-???ge ge???orsor???whwhowh?o io ???tr?", "output": "o they couldn't accidentally contact conductive material and discharge.

This proved easy enough to set up in an area that is clear of tall brush that could cause trouble when contacting the live tape. Properly set up, the paddock's batteries did not drain. Of course I carried extras. I also chose to guy the corners which I am used to with tents. Of course I had to bring extra rope and tent stakes for that purpose. No problem.

This worked... for ONE not-huge horse who is tra"} +{"input": "i?nen????? e elelelecectc???c c f ?ene????? s ?????e e d dod??esnes?'t'?????????????hehemhe?. .????e,e????? b bebeae?sts?????????????e ce ?????????ili?y ???reare?k k???t,t????t ??'d'??wawan?t ??????????f if in? d???gegerger.r???o,o??????an'an't?? se seee?e he ?owo???????tat?????4 4? or or ?? h?oro??????ou?ld???e ?????taita???????in tin ??isi? e????????????ut?????? a ???????le le????????? o?? t th?????????, f, ??or or?mym??????.\".\"\"??020??,B,B0B????9S9????,A,A3A3U3UYUYBY?RBR???RJRJFJFXF???M.M. ?????onon,on?????5,5??313111?????????????t ft ??????????te?rmrm m f fe f??cicin????\"G\"???????is ?to?? ta takakeake ?al??ongon??????aca??pap???in???????????thth th? th the?????rserses??. . ??t ?wowor?ksks ?fif???????????at at????pop?oseos?? t th the???sizsi??????pepererfr??ct???ndn??d wod w???ed??liliki??e a", "output": "ined to electric fences, so she doesn't challenge them. Sure, any beast of her size could easily break out, but I'd want her to if in danger. No, I can't see how the stated 4 or 5 horses could be contained in this enclosure. But this a viable solution on the trail, for my mare.\"\n3028,B000B9SFP2,A3UYBRB74RJFXB,M. Hammon,0,0,5,1311206400,Great for short term fencing!,\"Got this to take along on backpacking trips with the horses. It works fine for that purpose, the size is perfect and worked like a"} +{"input": "????ara?m.m. .????? t ??o o h ?oro?ses?? d did????t t a ???eme?ptp?t at ??????wawaya????t ??eae??????? / ?><>O/>????bab?ckckyk???d ?isis ????ing???ededo???? an????allal??????fefene???????? d??wn??. . ????h h ah ?a pa po?olo????erereere,e?, t, ??ouo??????ve???d,d??I ?wa?s s cs ???ncenc?erner?nedne??d abd a?ououtou?t tt ??? w wa??ndend?ere?rsrs rs???c.c?. S. ?o ?o tho t?is????mem?????ha??????????? w?????so so e", "output": " charm. The two horses didn't attempt a getaway, at least.

Easy to put up and easy to take down, along with the portability makes this a camping winner!\"\n3029,B000B9SFP2,A199FRO0YFMGED,Olivia,0,1,5,1313625600,It is very easy to set up.,\"I don't have horses, so I am not using this in the traditional way.

Our backyard is being redone and all the fences are down. With a pool there, though covered, I was concerned about the wanderers etc. So this came in handy and it was so e"} +{"input": "a?sys? t toto o s ses?? u ??.\".\"\"??030???B0B???B9B?SFS???????????????????,B.,B? A ??????,0,??2,????????929282?00????odo?????? i isis is?a a??rer???????????ryr??fefenencen???fof?or or?1 1??????hoh?????. ?ItI???is ?kik?ndndad???nwn?iei???y y ay ??nd nd??ouo? m mam???????????????????elpel?????tit??g g??t ??? i?????? a ar are? a??smsmamalmalll???h h??????? b bub?????t wt ?ororkorksk?????eateat ???te?r r s??tut?????03??,B????????XMXM,M??T9T????CAC???YXY???ChC?herhe?rylry??????5,5?????80???0000,?LoLovo????it!it???? b bo b??ghg???t tht t??s s cs ??lol?or ???r ??a ca ?akake??re????caca ca? of o?????????anlan??y ??upup ?th??????mamadma?e.e???????? u us u?ining???hihis??co?lo????forfor for?????ve??? f??rs????imimem????d d Id ?????ve ve? to t?????????at at iat ?it it w wa was???perpe???????????waswa?s as ?afraf?raira???????t t?", "output": "asy to set up.\"\n3030,B000B9SFP2,A1T8N18XKDLJO4,B. Aikens,0,2,4,1311292800,Good,This is a great temporary fence for 1 or 2 horses. It is kinda unwieldy and you may need a little help setting it up if you are a smallish person but it works great after setup.\n3031,B0024T3HXM,AT9D6BCAXNYX8,Cheryl,0,0,5,1278806400,Love it!,\"I bought this color for a cake replica of the Stanley Cup that I made. I was using this color for the very first time and I have to say that it was perfect! I was afraid that th"} +{"input": "?????lvl?erer r???????bebe ???o o?dad?rkrk k o ???mam??tet??????????hah??????heh?enen n a ??????? e ??acactc?lyl? w??hatha??I I w?????opo??ngn???????3?030323?????????????A2A?UCUCBCBXB??XLXLSLSOSO1O?I4I???MeM???anian?e ??vavan?s s \"s ??memel???k\"k?????,6,6,6,5,5,,5?????585?08080800800,0????? T ?rur???????ilil il??makma?????????ffefferereeren??e,????????is is??he?????sts?t tt ???me me?I I hI ?havhave???????? a a????prp????ce?d ???rufru????? oi o?????atat at a ac a????allal?ly ly c ??ntntat??insin??rer???????uffuffl?e.e?????oto????? ot oth??er er??\"\"t\"\"??truftru??ffleffle e oe ????????usu??? ha h?veve ???????flflefle fle??ro?????\"\" (\"\" (w(????eve?verve????thattha??is?? a??nd ??a la ?lotlot ????chche???cac??s s ts ????????oundoun??leleslesss?????????????????YoY??? ca can?? de d?????iteitel??y ty ??ststeste ??hehe ????fef?????ce ce??s ?wewel????330303033033,3,B,B0,B???", "output": "e silver would be too dark or matte, but it had a sheen and was exactly what I was hoping for.\"\n3032,B002HQP4YC,A2UCBX9XLSO1I4,\"Melanie Evans \"\"melsuk\"\"\",5,6,5,1293580800,Real Truffle Oil makes a Difference,\"This is the first time I have found a US produced truffle oil that actually contains real truffle. A lot of other \"\"truffle oils\"\" just have \"\"truffle aroma\"\" (whatever that is) and a lot of chemicals that sound less than pleasant. You can definitely taste the difference as well.\"\n3033,B0052"} +{"input": "??I1I??8,8?????3D3???4C4?THTH3H?X,X?papaca???8,???5,5,1,131??949474787?404????????rer? g ??ili?t t??nan???iningn? t ?????rar??d-d???bib?ese?!,!,T,?heheshe??e ce coc???kiekies? a ???????zizin??? T ?TheTheye? t????e ?as???oo???????f f??????ete??terter r? th t?an?? th????oriorigi?in????????????I I??nln???wiw????????al al??tot?oreor?es ???????cacatcatct????on on a?nd???carcarrr??y ty th?????oo?????3??3434,4??00?525??OI1OI12?8,??A2LA2LBL?GXG???1Z1?LZLZEZ?K,K???isais??SeS???fifin?o,o?6,6??,5,5,?13??128?4848080000000??DED???CIC???S!S?!!?,\",\"T\"???sese se? co?????s ?arareare e re rir?????uloul??s.????he????are? j ?usu?? a?? d ded????????le le?????..????ellel??...... ??anyan????pup?ulaul?????oc??????????dwd?wicwi??-w-????-c-crc?reare???????ter??-co-c?ook??????ou ou??anan an tan ?thithinthi?k k? of o?f :f ?) )????henhe???ou??co????????theth??, ,??????y ary a???????", "output": "OI128,A2B93DNY4CTH3X,pack,8,8,5,1309478400,No more guilt snacking the grand-babies!,These cookies are amazing. They taste as good as if not better than the original brands. I only wish local stores would catch on and carry this cookie.\n3034,B0052OI128,A2LBGXEG1ZLZEK,Lisa Serafino,6,6,5,1312848000,DELICIOUS!!!,\"These cookies are ridiculous. They are just as delectable as ... well... any popular chocolate-sandwich-with-cream-center-cookie you can think of :) When you compare them, they are sligh"} +{"input": "?tltlyl???arargrgegerer r????seser?viv??g g??????(2(??????????, , a ?????tit??????????avavev?e ae ???????0 0 f ??wewerer er c ???oro?iei??, ????e se sas?????ata????????, ????d cd ??rbr????ntn?????, b, bub???252?% %? le l??? s??atuat??at????fafatfa???????e e te ?timti?mesme?s ts ??? f????er,er?, a?nd? a ar a?? M ???H H?momororeor?e ne ??????tioti?????lo?ada?s ??? v ?vitvi??amiam????? mi m?????????????? P PlP?usu?s, s, ys, yoy???dod??????AVA?? t?? e ????3 3? co??kik??s,s, ?s, yos, y??????n jn juj????hahavha?? o ?oneon???or or?????(g(?????luluclu???????ve??????e we ???o ho hahashas ?coc??????? my m???ouous?e ???? a as askskek?ed ed t? to ???ry ry?????, a?, and, an?d td ?the??y wy ???? c?rarazra?y y fy ?or?????m.m. ???????u u? ar??e ce ?ra????g ?sosomomeom??hih??????weeweet?????????????l l al ??and and s?????????t t tt ??????ut gut ??od? t??in?ingsing??inintin?? y yoyouyouryou", "output": "tly larger in serving size (2g bigger), and still they have about 10 fewer calories, the same fat, sugar, and carb content, but 25% less saturated fat, three times the fiber, and are MUCH more nutritious (loads of vitamins, minerals, etc). Plus, you don't HAVE to eat 3 cookies, you can just have one or two (good luck). Everyone who has come to my house has asked to try one, and they went crazy for them. If you are craving something sweet after a meal and still want to put good things into your"} +{"input": " ?bobodo?????ouou u w ???? a ?bsbsos?lul????????vev? t ???????ooo?????. .?????????? t????unu??h h?????non?o wo ??iri????ftfte????asa?te?????????ve?? ( ???lil??e e te ????????u u cu chchoch?????ateate e c?hih?p p c ??ok??????? J ?usu?st st????ete??????co?colacol???y,??????-e-esesqesquq???????ininenes????brb?????????????????sas??????ou??h,h, ??????I ??anannn???? f ?oro??th????ifi??e oe ?? m????fif???re???outou??? why wh????????????????ene????ve ve? on o??AmA?aza????. M. MaM?aybaybeb????ca??useus?e te the t??????re nre ?not??????????????oceocere?????ororeor?????, , s, ??, ???henhe???comco???inein??????th th?????pipin?????????on on?????geg????waway? w wi??th th cth ??ara??in?ing ing?????ttt??e ?momor?ore?ore? ? W ?????no?wsw?????kn??? I I ???ugughghtgh?t tt ththe????????foforfo?r cr ???ve??ie?nc??e, e, a? and an?", "output": " body, you will absolutely love these cookies. Delicious to munch and no weird after-taste whatsoever (unlike the WhoNu chocolate chip cookies). Just sweet, chocolatey, Oreo-esque yumminess.

I will say, though, that I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why they're so expensive on Amazon. Maybe because they're not in every grocery store yet, so, when combined with shipping, Amazon can get away with charging a little more? Who knows. I know I bought them here for convenience, and "} +{"input": "?????soso o????d d??? go g?? t ththrhrer????????? I? k ?????yoyouo???ana???inindnd ?th?eme?m im in??ShS?????????r r???lMl??rtrt ??????aroarou????$3$3.3???r ???
Wherever you end up getting them, enjoy!\"\n3035,B0052OI128,A2R6RA8FRBS608,Matthew G. Sherwin,2,2,5,1348185600,WhoNu? Chocolate Sandwich Creme Cookies ~~ DELICIOUS AND HEALTHIER THAN THE MAJOR NAME BRAND !!!,\"These chocolate sandwich creme cookies by WhoNu? are every bit as delicious as similar brands but they are healthier for you. True, they have almost the same sugar, fat and carb amounts o"} +{"input": "f??tht???????-k-?non?wnw??nan?mem?????ndn? o ?????eseseese ?cocooo??ieies?; ;??utut t a ??????therthe??s hs ?avaveve ??notno??d ???theythey y??lsl?o o g gig??? y ??u u f ???berbe? w ??thth th????????????mom???????am?ini??s as an???mim???ra?lsls ls??ha???th?????othot???r br br??andand.and. .???isi???is is?? p plp??s!s?????????r ??/>T/>??????re re?rereare???? g?oooodood ?asas as a? a s a sns?nacnackc??????itit'it?s ??ara?d ???o so ??opo????t tt ?????er??vinvingn? s si s?zez?e oe ????us??????reere?e ce coe c??ki?????? but bu??I I? gu gueu??????? a? all al?ow??? a an? o?????????? g?????????ea?sus?????AsA?s I? w?????e te th???????they they a ar a?re ?????????? e ??????iv?????n t??????ebebsb?????; t; ?ryr???loolo??in????or? t??es?ese ese c co??????? el els?????herehere ?unu???ess?? yo you???anantan?t tt tht thet th???????????????f ???vi?vingving ??the?m m sm ???ppp?????d to d to", "output": "f the best-known name brand of these cookies; but as others have noted they also give you fiber with noticeably more vitamins and minerals than that other brand. This is a plus!

They're really good as a snack and it's hard to stop at the serving size of just three cookies; but I guess I'm allowed an occasional guilty pleasure! As I write this they are a bit too expensive on this website; try looking for these cookies elsewhere unless you want the convenience of having them shipped to "} +{"input": "?yoyououru??dod?????brb?r /r ?????
/?????ve???em??????????????6,6????525???121?8,8,A,A2A252??????J0J0N0??4S4????? M ??,2,?,3,??5,5,1,131????898969?????????lil?iciicioiou?s!s?,\",\"I\"???????t t????sese se l ??cac??ly??, n, ??t ??ror?om om???mazma?ono??? I' I????in in A ?rir??zonzona????d ????y y ay ararere re sre ????d id ????lblbeb??????s s as ??and and????hah???sts??oreor??. ????????re ???so???te????ded?????ouous? a??? t?as??te te j ?usu????????e ote o?????????ie?s.s????I boI bououg????", "output": "your door.

Overall, these awesome chocolate sandwich creme cookies by WhoNu? are the best! I definitely recommend them as an excellent, healthier alternative to the major name brand of this type of cookie.

I love `em! Enjoy!\"\n3036,B0052OI128,A253T7ELJ0N64S,Lia M.,2,3,5,1314489600,SO delicious!,\"I bought these locally, not from amazon. I'm in Arizona and they are sold in Albertsons and Bashas stores. They are absolutely delicious and taste just like other cookies. I bought a"} +{"input": "????fof?uru? o ?? t ??e e \" ??flf????rsr??\"\" \"\" t to t?? te t??? t th t??m m? ou o????ThT??????? o??e e Ie ? d did?dndn'n?t t lt ?iki?????? t? the th?????????????????e c???p.p????ll ll?????rs? t????ghg??????e woe wono????fuf????I I cI ??unu?t ?????orior?????nd??????tot??eaeata????alaltal?thyth???bub?ut ut?????o io ini???ulgulgege ??iti?? t? tre tr??tst?s ss ??mem??imi????. T. ??isi????????????erfeerfece?t ?trt???at at s ??incin???it??hah?????????the the????amamim??s ???nd ??????! ! I??wiw??????vev?? e ????? r ?regregug???ar ar c ?cooco????? ag a?aia??. ????????????pop?in??????????? c?an?? ac a?ctuctuau??lyly ly??getget ?nun?utrut?ititiit??on on f???? t???tyty ???ok?ie?s!s??\"??3????,B,?000050??????8,8,A,A2A2I2IOI???????????????ri???????,0,?,0????131??676717???????????ci?ou???, b, ?????..?.\".\",\",\"?I ??lovloveve ve?? the thes the???e coe c?ookoo?", "output": "ll four of the \"\"flavors\"\" to test them out. The only one I didn't like was the chewy chocolate chip. All others though are wonderful. I count calories and try to eat healthy, but I do indulge with treats sometimes. This is the perfect treat since it has all the vitamins and fiber! I will never eat a regular cookie again. What's the point when you can actually get nutrition from tasty cookies!?\"\n3037,B0052OI128,A2IO81VHTFEYN8,Patricia T.,0,0,2,1346716800,\"Delicious, but.....\",\"I love these cooki"} +{"input": "?eses,s, ,???eyey y???sts??????ctc?????????OrOrereoe?????utu???nfnfof???un??teteltely??, e, ???ryry ?titimi??????at????hemhem m??2 2???????? a ???? t ti t?imeim?)I)???etet t ht ??orror??????he????achac?????????igigrgrar???????whw???h h??I dI dod??'t'???????roromo??re?alal l????eoseo?????s s os ?bvb??ouo??ly????????d bd ??y sy ??omeom?e oe ?? t??e ???ut????tiotiou?????ingingr?ed?ieienie??ts.ts?. A. ???th?erer er? th thu th??bsb?????n-n??--t--??theythe?y iy in?clc????e ve ?vitvitatamamiminmin n?K K??whiwh???????ulu???no??t bt beb?????enen ??by by a? any anyoy??e ???n b?lol?oodood ????innin??rsr?? o or???????????? m??ddddldlele-le?aga?gedge??or?????????whowh????ververi??ndund???gesges ?????????e ce ?cooco?okiok??s ?be? w?????d-d??-v-?vit????in ?K ???????????bl?ooood????????HEADACHE & MIGRAINE SUFFERERS BEWARE of these c"} +{"input": "?????ese?????030383????????I1I121????252?????D8D8X8???7R7????usu?ici???????????808?s s?????mymy y?????ririti??\"\"?\",\"????,3,?,1,???????56056??????????????llllyl?????ede? t ????????ookoo???? w whw???n tn th????????? c cac?meme ?????? B ??ut ut t???? I I ???t ???li?ttttlt???tit??????f f? th?eme??? T ???ey ey?hah????a a ba ?it???f f af ?a ga ???ttttytt?????tut??re,re, ,???????theythe?y dy dod??'t't ?tatasast?e e t??he he??????ou?????????ey??wiwilillll ll? wh whehenhen hen then ????ki??g g o of???? O ????. ????TheyThe??????????th th??ata?????????????????? b bab?????av??inging,g, ??????????n'tn'???????ororeore ????? o???e o??? tw two??. ?????did???erere?ntnt ???astas???gegetetsts s ts tot? m ??????. The. Th??e ?????bebe ??n n in ining?re?di????????????? th tha th???????n'?????gregr?e ?????? me m???. T?. The??", "output": "ookies!\"\n3038,B0052OI128,A256JOUD8X0J7R,\"musicfan \"\"The 80s are my favorite\"\"\",0,0,3,1343865600,Okay,\"I really liked these cookies when they first came out. But then I got a little tired of them. They have a bit of a gritty texture, and they don't taste the way you hope they will when thinking of an Oreo. They are worth eating if you have a bad craving, but I can't eat more than one or two. The different taste gets to me. There may be an ingredient in them that doesn't agree with me. They "} +{"input": "?coc???aia??????ete???????ili??? j ????????e ?????????? ??????????isis ?inin in??rar???ici??allal???????????ingin?????sese ??ayaysy??bebece???????t ???????apa? f ?oro? c?omo??ana?ieies? t to t???useuse.use????he?n ?I I???t t i???, i, ?? l????vesve?s as ??????k,k, , g, grg????y ???ilmil????in min ?y ????th? a ?andan?? th??oao???. ?????????????cakca?ke ke f?????in??s,s, s,?? coo cooko??iesie?????pcp??cakecak?es.es.....?ananyanyt?hi????th?????????t ?le??vevesves ves???atat ??eeeelelilinling?, ???????do???t ????e e i?????????. ?. S?????ara?????orsor???? tha????th??????mamakma?kinki?? i??? ha h????to? s ????alloallowow.w?. . T. ThT??s ????pep?nen????hehen???????e ae a e a d do d???blebl??st?ufu???hohoco??????????NuNu u????ki????. P. ?PalPa??????? is i????st??? a?s ??n ?in?ingring?redre?????????I sI ????ppepp????????", "output": "contain vegetable oils, just like Oreos do. Palm oil is in practically everything these days because it is cheap for companies to use. When I eat it, it leaves a thick, greasy film in my mouth and throat. Store-made cake frostings, cookies, cupcakes...anything that has it leaves that feeling, and I don't like it at all. Some are worse than others, making it hard to swallow. This happened when I ate a double-stuf chocolate WhoNu cookie. Palm oil is listed as an ingredient. I stopped buying"} +{"input": "??????????? th t?? r reregegug???r r????cocolo???e.e? I I I?ono?????etet t?? the th?????ili???? ve v??sis??on.on?. . T ?he??y cy coconco??aia?????lml???ilil il????wewelellll,ll???utu?t It I'I'm'm ???ese????? i itit ?isi??lel?esses???ececac??ses??th????????????th?therther ?meme.? I I I lI ??keke ??hehemhe????ch? b????????. I. ???s ??weiwe?rdrd ?be????useus?e Ie I ???ikeik??ch?????????sasanandandwd??????coocooko?????? bet bettt?terter ter t??an?? va v????llall????es??????enene?????????ut ut? wi wit?h h?WhW????????? v??ninil???la wla ????s fs fof?r ???e.r /?YeY?estes??terdter??y ?????d ?????ravra????g fg fo?????a cha c??cocolcola??e ?????wi?ch?ch c?ooook?ie????and? I?? bo b????t ???reore?????EvEvev???Or??os??dodondon'n??????te???as as????d d ad asd as ????y ??????tot????? g??esess? s??????????e tre tra????faf?? c ch c????e ???in pin ?????uctuc", "output": " them and the regular chocolate. I only get the vanilla version. They contain palm oil as well, but I'm guessing it is less because they don't bother me. I like them much better. It's weird because I like chocolate sandwich cookies better than vanilla ones in general. But with Whonu, the vanilla wins for me.

Yesterday I had a craving for a chocolate sandwich cookie, and I bought Oreos. Even Oreos don't taste as good as they used to. I guess since the trans fat change in product"} +{"input": "?s.s?????e e W ?hoh?NuN???ooo????? h ?????tht?? e ??????viv??ama???s ?ana???nun???ie??tsts,s? a ?andand ??es??????????. . ???ut ut????e Oe OrO?eoe?s ???ve??? b bebetettt?ere? f ???????????e ????fef??ene?????? f??t t??ono???enten???oeo?????????m m t??? be b?e ve veverve?y y???diffdif???renre??. ???ctctutuau?llllyl??, t, ???????ffeff??erenerenc??????so?didiudi?um um d????n'????ee???????y sy ??gng?????????, e, ??ithitheherhe?r. r. ?????cic???d ??'d'???ratrath?therthe???at????????Or???s ??thath?? a???????? t????se.se??. I. ItIt't?s ?s sos s??et????g g y yoy?????havehav???o ??decdeci?de? f??or or? yo y?ourou?seselse??f wf ?hehenhe?n cn ???pap????ing ing t???e pe ???????nd nd?? con co???\"\"???393???000?????121??????52?MXM???DWD?SUSU0U0,0?ththe?se???prepr?etzetzez????r ?mam?kikinkingng g mg ??????????????0,50,?,1,??????727?00???????y y gy ??oodoo???cooco????", "output": "s. The WhoNu cookies have the extra vitamins and nutrients, and less sodium. But the Oreos have a better flavor. The difference in fat content doesn't seem to be very different. Actually, the difference in sodium doesn't seem very significant, either. I decided I'd rather eat a few Oreos than a few of these. It's something you have to decide for yourself when comparing the pros and cons.\"\n3039,B0052OI128,A1J52MX2YDWSU0,these pretzels r making me thirsty,0,0,5,1328227200,Really good cookies"} +{"input": "!!,!?????? r ?evevivieiewe? i ?is is b ??ses????n n?????e e o on o??y,y? n ?????utu?riritititioi???l l??????e oe oro??ana??????????e ote o?he??r qr quq??alial????????????lil?ngn? p pop??????s ofs of f tf ????se se c coc???ie??. .? I ????ot?e ?th???e e se sosor??t ot ???sis??????????vieview?s ?fofor?????is ??rar?andand d od ?of of c?????es?. . . ??ThiTh???rerevrevirev???w iw ??is fis fo????????se wse whw?o o a??? l ??????????for for a?? co????? b?ece???se????theythe?y wy ??antan??????????, , n, ?????vitvi????nsn??s ors or r fr fif???????or wor wh????vever???. I. ??bobouougughg?t ?th??m m b?????useus?e Ie I I hI ?ava?? a a a s a ???????????? an a??d wd wa?ntn?????somso?????ok?????? and an?d td ???????????????al????lul?us us? I I?ha??????coucoupupo?n.n. ??? p pu p????hasha?sedse??d thd t??? cr c???pyp?y cy co?cookcoo?????, t, ???? va vananian???la la? sa s??????ch ch?? coo? cooki cook?iesies ies a an?????e ?????colco?", "output": "!,\"This review is based on taste only, not nutritional value or any of the other qualities or selling points of these cookies. I wrote three sort of similar reviews for this brand of cookies. This review is for those who are looking for a cookie because they want a cookie, not vitamins or fiber or whatever. I bought them because I have a sweet tooth and wanted some cookies and these were on sale plus I had a coupon. I purchased the crispy cookies, the vanilla sandwich cookies and the chocola"} +{"input": "??????ndn??ici?h h?coc?????s.s?????tht??ugu???????y y?wew?rere ??lll???er?y ??????an???wow?oulou?d ???t ?he????ata?? t???bub??y ty ?theth??? ag a?aia??. . I. ??????? t? the thesesees??co?????s s???? ta tasa??te ????y ????ood,ood?????? s si s???lalarar r? to??anan an?oro???o eo ??cecepeptp??th?????? the the? co c???kiekie ????t t wt ????? l ?itittit??e ???????????????isi?pipie??r tr ?????? an an?????????re???s ms ??????t tat t??tete ?a a w we weee??bib?? b?ete????r br ??t ?t tht t?henhe?n tn ?thetheythe?'r'?re re? Or??????co????ono?? ?????olol l fl faf???????ou???d od ??t ?????????????????ingin??upu??ining??redre?????????????honho?? C ???co?la?tete te Ste ????wi?ch???????kieskie???and?? Or???os,os???the??fif??st???ngn??red????t ?in? r reregre????r ??OreOr?eoseo???????ugaug?? a an???in??th???e ????ooki??es es a an?? m momos??t ot ??????", "output": "te sandwich cookies. I thought they were all very good and would not hesitate to buy them again. I found these cookies to taste very good, very similar to an oreo except that the cookie part was a little thinner and crispier than an Oreo. Oreos might taste a wee bit better but then they're Oreos, come on. A cool fact I found out when I was looking up ingredients for Whonu Chocolate Sandwich cookies and Oreos, the first ingredient in regular Oreos is sugar and in these cookies and most other s"} +{"input": "?ana??wiwici?? c ???kikiei?s s?????????iti? i??s fs flf????. .??? f ????nd nd t?hah??t it ?intin?ere?es????g g?????sos?meme e r ?reare?????????????, ,?ou???????????thrth??e ?fl?ava???s ??I tI ??ieiedie??? thi th??s ws ???s ms ?? l lel?as?????avoavor???????t ?t ont o?????ececac??sese ???lil???????????? AL ALOL???, t, ththethes????rere re??titilti????re??t ????astiast????????colcola??te te s sa s??dw?ic???co??okiokie??????040???????2O2??????????HVH???V9V979?????????1,??,4,4,4,1??151505?00800?00??0,T0,ThTheh??? a ??e ????????t.t??????..????...?.....??.................................?????\"t\"???????re???grogr?sss??? o??er?????????. I. ItI??t ist i?s as ?a pa papacackckak?geg????? th?re?????xex?? b??? w ???n n y ??? t ta t?????????????unu???? tha th?at at??? they the?y ay ??? a???????ar ar??f f tf twt?o ???????ox ox? th? than than n tn ???y y sy ?hohouhoulu?d ??e,e, , y, ???", "output": "andwich cookies I think it is flour. I found that interesting for some reason. Anyway, out of the three flavors I tried this was my least favorite but only because I like vanilla ALOT, these are still great tasting chocolate sandwich cookies!\"\n3040,B0052OI128,A2SRHV1EV975E1,LMB,1,2,4,1315008000,These are good but..........................,\"these are grossly overpriced. It is a package of three boxes but when you take into account that they are a dollar of two per box than they should be, you "} +{"input": "???ene? h hahava?? t ?o o p ?aya? f ????shshihipi?????. . S ?ororror?y,y? I I I?wowououlu??? sk s?ip?????m.m. ??MyM???oco??? g ????erery?? st sto?rere e ce ?carca?rir??? t th the themem m?????????x x i ??s as ???????re re????m ?2.2?9898 8???????9 9 e ???h.h???AlA?th?ouougou??????ses???re???heahe??th?????th???? so somo??e oe ?th??? c ??oko?????, y, ??ou ou???ililll????????????tct????? the the f?atat,at, , s, ?ugu?arar ar? an a??? sa s??? c??????tsts.s. ???hoh?lel????odo?s ??rere ???ch??????terte????r ??youyo???utu? i????a ma mom?omeomen?ent ent??? t??? o??????ul????????thethesthe?????t t tt ??the the????????JuJ?stst t tt tht t???????e ??????thisthis ??????is???ridri???ul???s!s? ?????yo????grgrogroc?????o ???ar?t ??????????????????040?1,1?B0B?????P9P????A1A??????S1S???TGT?1,???????????????????????222????8080000,00,S,??ay", "output": "then have to pay for shipping. Sorry, I would skip them. My local grocery store carries them and a box is anywhere from 2.98 to 3.49 each. Although these are healthier than some other cookies, you still have to watch the fat, sugar and salt contents. Whole foods are much better for you but in a moment or two of indulging, these fit the bill. Just the price on this site is ridiculous! Ask your grocer to start carrying them.\"\n3041,B0060OP9TM,A1UKXJHS1IXTG1,Kindle reader,2,2,1,1322956800,Stay"} +{"input": "???????frfror?? t tht?????om?papana?y,y?????pup??chc?asa??d d?????s ps prp???ucu??? an andn??wew??????reare??lyl?y dy did?????oio?ntntet?????ThT???pr????ct? d di???non??t ht ???e e te ???e t?????????r r???e ?e tae t?astastete te????? i ???shshoh????d hd ha????. . ?We??????aca???ed ed??ususts?omomeomer? s se???icicece ??andand ??he?? t????????co????redre??th???at wat ?? w ???re re?? com compm???ininiininingin??? th???????dedene?????????d nd nod notot ot u ?nd????stast??and and????anand?and sand sasaiaidai?d cd ?????memerer er ser ??servservi?ce??????? c co?ntnta?ct????. ?????neneve???????ot aot ? c???l l b bab??? a an and and d cd cod c?oul?d d nd no????ete???????oucou????it??? th? them the?????ainai????????y ey ???en?????? an???????????ityit?. . ??tat???????y fy ??omom om t???? c? com?pa??ny.ny?. ?. We. W?e le ?????ed ied ?in ??????in fin ??????ara???s ans a??????? w?????th?????", "output": " away from this company,\"We purchased this product and were greatly disappointed. The product did not have the texture or the taste that it should have. We contacted customer service and when they discovered that we were complaining, they suddenly could not understand us and said customer service would contact us. We never got a call back and could not get in touch with them again. Very expensive and no quality. Stay away from this company. We lived in Spain for years and know what this pr"} +{"input": "???ucu???????????????????e e ae anandnd ????? w waw?????????ata?t it ?t ???ououlou?? h ??veve ???st?ede??????????040?2,2??????D3D????,A,?1Q1?N7N?MYM?????KHK?????oro?b,b?????5,5??343??232?525???,n,?ici???????memele???lal???or,or,\",?? p ?ururcrchc??ses?? C ?afa??e Ee ?????lel????? Cr Cra?zyz?????am???? F ????vorvo????WhWho?????????brbr r / />/??ofo?fe????? h ha has?as aas ??veververyr?y gy gog?????lalavlavolav?or or????d wd ???????uyuy y ay aga?aiaini???????heh??prp??????waswa??grg?reare?????????????33D33??NHNHSNHS,S,AS,A3A363676??8I8????838?KKK?,L,?auaurureur?en en R RaR?amaam??oco?k,k?????5,???????929??0,0,C0,??fe? E ???celcellcel?lenle??????????????me????ho??e ?beb???s s 2s 2 2?????????re?????FrF???? c ?cofcoff?eee???????? G ??????s s as ???chrch???stmst?????ifi?????e ?????????sos??????????an?and and????????it.it. ", "output": "oduct should taste like and this was not what it should have tasted like.\"\n3042,B0033D3NHS,A1QN7MY280AKH2,blorb,0,0,5,1347235200,nice caramel flavor,\"i purchased Cafe Excellence Crazy Caramel, Flavored Whole Bean
coffee it has a very good flavor and would buy again and the price was great\"\n3043,B0033D3NHS,A367G8ILC183KK,Lauren Ramasock,0,0,5,1294099200,Cafe Excellence Crazy caramet whole beans 2 pound,\"Great, Fresh coffee beans. Gave as a christmas gift. We all had some of it and loved it. "} +{"input": "T??? s smsmemele?l l???s s?????t t a ??d d?????flf?avavov??r r???as as? aw a?sosomome????303?444??B0B00000??PYP?383??,A,?????????????1,1?DiD??anaan??2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,?161?????202????????t wt whw?it?e ??epe??perpe?mim??t t it ?s s ts th?e ????t!t??Th?is???umum m i is?is mis mym?????solso?utu?e ????or??iteite.ite. . B ByB??pupururcur?hahas?ininging g???????zoz???? c ?an? g ge g??t tt ?the???avaviavin?????f f?la?rgrgege ??uau?anian??iei??????a a??ereryr??????d pd prp?ici?????I hI hihighi?hlhlyly ?re???ommom?menme????o o??ll????m ??????erser?. . P. PlP??s ????yoy?ou ou????oyo???the????pp????minmi?? f fl fla??????andan??frf??????g ?????????? y yo?????? w??hithi??nin??? y yo y?ourou???????????ll all at???he?he she sasama?? t?imi?me.?3303?04504?5,B5,?B00B0??00GP00G??38??E,AE,???LDLDHD??11811??VKV????,An,A??re???????ututeut????chlchla?????0,0???,5,,5,1????11?363?0000,?Th??e be bee b?????adad d bd br", "output": "The smell was great and the flavour was awsome.\"\n3044,B000GPY38E,A1BW98MWAJDPB1,Diana,2,2,5,1168387200,orbit white peppermint is the best!,This gum is my absolute favorite. By purchasing on amazon I can get the savings of large quanities at a very good price. I highly recommend to all gum chewers. Plus as you enjoy the peppermint flavor and freshing of breath you are whitening your teeth all at the same time.\n3045,B000GPY38E,A3FLDH1184VK97,Andrew B Lautenschlager,0,0,5,1339113600,The best bad br"} +{"input": "e???h h a ??d d?non? f ??wlw??????r r????te?,\",?ToT????mem???ea??s s????fif???????e ue ??????ateat????hewhe???? g ?????????whw?????? fo f??ndnd ??rir??????s ???????WhWhih????pep?????mim??t t tt ??e ??eaear????????d.d? I I' I'v'?e ?beb??????ewewiwinwi?????isis s gs ???????r mr ?manma?? y??????nonowno?, ?????cacasasias???????y ty trt???sos???ththi?ng?? el e?se???bu?t ???????g g eg ?????wi??s.s?. T. ThT???pepeppe?ppepper??minmintn?t it ??? th??? g gu g?um um? ca canan an w???pe pe?ou?t t t??????rsrstrst ?????adad ?brb??eateath?, , a, ???d td ???????d thd the????d ????????ch???aba????lilifi?e,e, , i, ????????'t'???stast????t tot to ??????e ae ?wfw?ul?? or or ?gig??? y yo y??????se???rereare??h h ah asas as???????gum??s ws ???? d???? it it ?t sit s?impimplp????oso?????itsits its???ava??or.or???br br / ???
Only drawbacks. I usually"} +{"input": "??chc??w w?????ece?eses s???????imimem?, , s ???????? ar arere e?? a b a ?itit ???ala?? a an a???#2#????hey??juj??t ?chchach??gegede???theth??papacackckak???ng?. . I ?t t ut ????? to to ???it it???????y iy ????ouo???????????t t pt ???ckeck?t,t, ??????e e se susuiuitit ??????et et p???keket????c,c????w w iw it?????ic??????s ths t?ic?k ????d pd ?poopooro?ly??????????t ?t sot s????'s'??bub??kyk????otot ??ur??e we ?hyh????theythey y hy ????????????????ror??babba????toto ???o wo wi?thth th?re??aiailil ??stostororeor?es es?????outout.out?????s s ws ?ono????t prt p?revre????t mt ???frfro?m m? bu b???????it,it, ???????it'sit's ???al???ly aly ?????????????glglel???; j; ??st???eve????chcha?changchan?? t th???flf???or?!\"!????????000????KFKFNFNYN????Q6Q???????060676?,T,Th???EnEnd??1,1??,5,???????373767?00?,G,GrGre??t ????ocooc???tetes??????ou??????thethesthe?????or or m ", "output": " chew 2 pieces at a time, so they are a bit small and #2 they just changed the packaging. It used to fit nicely in your back pant pocket, inside suit jacket pocket etc, now its twice as thick and poorly layed out so it's bulky. Not sure why they had to change; probably to do with retail stores layout. This won't prevent me from buying it, but it's really annoying. Wrigley; just never change the flavor!\"\n3046,B002V5KFNY,AXQ6C5LM9A067,The End,1,1,5,1288137600,Great Chocolates,\"I bought these for m"} +{"input": "y????rlr???ieienendn??whw???juj?????????ensens s????lil?veve e?ini? C ??li??orornrnin??????nd nd?????lolovo?vedved ???hemhe?. .?????????????ese???amamem???frefr?eshes???????theth???????gi?ngng g??asas ???????eae??tit?fuf????????><>??????HaH??????ritri??tente???carca?d,d, , h, ??r ?nan?????as????????ri?rittritte???ono???the??fr????t ot ???????ca?cardcar?d, d,?? and an???xtx??? c????????as tas tat?keken?? in in ?n thn the??wh?ol???????esesses???I I??ili??????in?iti?telte?????y ????in? f?ro?m m C??????ti????.
Hand-written card, her name was hand-written on the front of the card, and extra care was taken in the whole process. I will definitely buy again from Choclatique.

If I could rate higher, I would. I was sent a $15 refund for the shipping because my girlfriend lived nearby. I've never had such an honest company before, that was pretty cool!"} +{"input": "??????7,7??????5K5?FNF???ABA?5O5?????TMT??DLD???ndn???0,0??,5,??131???111161?808?????cec????ntn? C ChC??cocololal?????GoG????heh???????cic??????ini???chc?hochoco?la???? t ?o o?us????s ?????t ot ?f f m mym? s ????kik????????????. .???????????e ye ????????? a? b bib?g g hg ??t ?????????eryer?ono??. ???ou?ldl??????iniin???????uyu?????in???30304??,B,B0,B00??NNN???A6A???MRM???868???PKP?XDXD,D???????mam?????,5???????????51551???????ydy?derde?'s'??????t Ft FlFla?vov?????? wa w?????arartar?ininging ing????????k k???atat at?SnSnySn???????nd ?I ?????t dt ??dnd?'t'??shs??rer?e te ththethe e se ?amameme ?idideid?a a???ou???t wht w??t't????ooo?d d id in???nanaca?????lav??orsors.s. s.??I hI ???????ieiede????eveev???l l?of?? th the th?iri?? ot o???r ?prp???zezel????iecie????flflafl?vo?????BuB???al??????ing ???d ????eye?", "output": "\"\n3047,B002V5KFNY,AB5O8WA2TM6DL,AndS,0,0,5,1325116800,Excellent Chocolates,Got these luscious wine chocolates to use as part of my stocking stuffers. They were yummy and a big hit with everyone. Would definitely buy again.\n3048,B004NNFEA6,AMRMK86X3PKXD,R. Thomasson,5,5,5,1310515200,Snyder's Best Flavor,\"I was starting to think that Snyder and I just didn't share the same idea about what's good in snack flavors. I have tried several of their other pretzel pieces flavors (Buffalo Wing and Honey "} +{"input": "?????arardr?????d d??asa? v ???y y d ???apa?????tetede???? h ?avave????????, , t??hatha??????e e????????????esesees?????avoav????????????e ??oto???us??t gt ?ooo???, b, ??t ??pep??tatacta?ulula?rlr?y ?go???! ! T ?he???ha?veve ???????y ry rir??h,h, ?, bu, but????? c ???esese???flafl?avoavoravor r wr ?itithth h??leleae????t t yt ??easea??y y ay ???ter?????????TheTh???ese aese ar??e te ???talta??? a?ddddi??????????'s'?s vs ?verve????eas?y ??? m ????ch ch? th thr thror?ugu?????????ntint?re? l ??larglargege ???? i ?? o ono??e se ?setsettt????.\".???????????NNN??????A1A?M4M??JZJZJZ?H9H?????,\",\"W\"???teter?????BrB???kmkmaman???????????altal??B.B?.\"\".\"????,2?,5,??131333363??676??????ne???? t? the the the?????????ackac??s gs go????g.,g.???erery???as???y cy ?che??eseese ?fl????or.or??. Be. B???us?e e oe ???crcrur??????????????????ce???????????ed ed s", "output": "Mustard) and was very disappointed. I have to say, that these Cheddar Cheese flavor pieces are not just good, but spectacularly good! They have a very rich, buttery cheese flavor with pleasant yeasty aftertaste. These are totally addictive. It's very easy to munch through the entire large bag in one setting.\"\n3049,B004NNFEA6,A1M4KJZJH91D88,\"Walter H. Brackmann Jr. \"\"Walt B.\"\"\",2,2,5,1336867200,One of the best snacks going.,\"Very tasty cheese flavor. Because of crunch and small pieces (of mixed s"} +{"input": "?izi????????gog?ese??? l ?ono??????? wi wit??ouo????ddd??????oooo o m mam?????ala?lorlo?iei???????oo?d d b ?uyu???WaW??t ?????????e e??al??leyle???303??0,0??000?4N4NNNNFN???6,6???727??ITI???????????risri??,1,1,1,1,1,,1??,1,13,1???434?????0,T?????s ???r r??????????ththehes?e!e!,!???y y hy huh?sbs?an???isi?s as ??prp?ete?ze?l l l???ere?r ar ?and???hasha?????omo??e ae ?????tet????to to??heheshe????I I?????????e ?ththeth???rar???????inging ing f fifirirmrmlmlyl??in?????????ata?to ????????mpm??mym?????????ut ut????eae??ch ch???? o ?wnw?. ??uru??loloclo?calcal ??totorto???s os ?onlon???st?oco?? t? the??se se??????ioi?onaonal?????sos?o ho he?? ha h???trt???ed ed a?lll????the the? ot o????????????????and ????le???e ??????lil?keke e t???????apa????, , t, th????do???'t 't??ik????????ac???. I???s ???cece ???o bo ?be be a?blble??", "output": "ize), it goes a long way without adding too many calories. A good buy. Walt B., Apple Valley\"\n3050,B004NNFEA6,A272KITM0N3H40,Trish,1,1,5,1350432000,Thanks for carrying these!,\"My husband is a pretzel lover and has become addicted to these. I don't see the draw, being firmly in the potato chip camp myself, but to each his own. Our local stores only stock these occasionally, so he has tried all the other flavors, and while he does like the jalapeno, they don't like him back. It's nice to be able t"} +{"input": "?o o?bubuyu?????m m h ?herhe???????non?t t h ha h????tot????n n???? o ovo??????wnw??lol?okokikini?? f ?oro??th?em??\"\"???5151,1???????FEFEAE?6,6??2S2?????V9V????51?,K,???????????????????00,00????ata???y y dy dad?????ere???lovlo??????hesheses???nan???s s as an???????t ?geg?????????? C ChChih?inain????herherehere ????????????kinki?? n??? s sos???????????????? f fo f????erer.er. . V VeVer?????????iei?ed ed??nd? s sh s???????????????????at???ve.ve??303????????00E00E6E???9,9???GYG?EGE?LXL?3P3?2Y2Y7Y7P7?????lal??KeK?errerrir???an,an????,1,5,1,?5,15,????????00?00,A00,A A f??avoav?orior?tete te?ququiu??ck ck????al al? so solo???????\"W\"????n wn ?e ??????ver??? bu b????????uru??hoh??me,me????lil???e t?hihishi????ususausaga?? a? l ????????????? m?????opo????????????flf???oror ?????????????etet,et?, a, ??and and w wo w???", "output": "o buy them here and not have to run all over town looking for them.\"\n3051,B004NNFEA6,A2S1SXQV908O51,Kim,0,1,5,1337385600,Great,My daughter loves these snacks and can't get them in China where she is working now so I ordered them for her. Very satisfied and she was very appreciative.\n3052,B0000E65W9,A1GYEGLX3P2Y7P,Shala Kerrigan,1,1,5,1287187200,A favorite quick meal solution,\"When we get very busy in our home, I like this sausage a lot for quick meal options. The flavor is a bit sweet, and works"} +{"input": "? w ???? w??tht???oto???ofo??tyt??????????????????. . U UsU?????y y?I'I?ll??sls???? i ??????gtgththwth???e ??ndn????????itit ????ili????nene,e???heh?en en a ??d d sd ??????????totoeo???po?tatatta?toeto?es es a an a???????onson??to????e ??????????????p p??? sk s?il??letle??. W. WiW????? b ?it????of cof ????eseese ????? top to??it????al???ththethe e fe ??????????????? a ??oneone ?e pae p???????? th??at at??????mim??y ???????. ??aca????d ??chech??ese? w??????????s ans and???auausausa?ge? m?ixixex?d d id ?in in i???s ans anos anot??herhe? o?ptp???on ?th?????y y dy ??????????is is?crc?aza?y y f??r.r?. F. FoF????? that that t? I I??ut???? the the? sa?????????ntont???oio?insin????d ????k k? it i???up,up, ?????n mn ?makma?? u ?????? the h the ?????????mamacma????d ?d chd c?hee?se?????us????, ?????????en?en pen ?peape?s s a????? the????????", "output": " well with lots of types of vegetables. Usually I'll slice it lengthwise and saute it until done, then add sweet potatoes,potatoes and onions to the pan to make up a skillet. With a bit of cheese on top it's all the food groups in a one pan meal that my family enjoys. Mac and cheese with peas and sausage mixed in is another option that my daughter is crazy for. For that I cut the sausage into coins and cook it up, then make up the homemade mac and cheese as usual, add frozen peas and the sausage"} +{"input": "? a ??d d f ???isishsh h c ???????? T ??e e?swswew????ese??????????????????????? th t???sasalsa?tyt? o of o???theth???he?es?e ????gog????????it???s js juj??? s?? e ???????o mo ??keke.e?\"\"?303?????000?00000??????,A,??GJGJ3J?7V7?????S1S??,\",\"S\"??. J. ??????nd??\"\"\"\"m\"??mamakma???wsws2s???chch\"ch??\",\"???????13130?878??00800?00????StS?apa???e i?? m ????????,\",\"I,\"? u us??? th the thes????o ??keeke?p p m?????????y ?????????????????? l ?levle??????????hah?????grgrer???, ,??is ?th??? t????'r'???????cic??ousou?????ust ust? ab a????????y wy ???????????? im i????inein???oo?ki??g g?????us??ageag????? / />/><>?????/>A/>?? fa favavov?????e Re ???cipci?e:e?? Sa S?????????????ge?????????ababoboubo?t ??????lelesle????n ?ea???? dr dri??d d bd ??asiasili???nd?nd ond ?oreor???anoano,o???nd??sos????sa???t a?nd???peppe", "output": " and finish cooking. The sweetness of the sausage with the salty of the cheese is good and it's just so easy to make.\"\n3053,B0000E65W9,A1GJ37VZOZ6S1W,\"S. Jettlund \"\"mamaknows2much\"\"\",0,0,5,1308700800,A Staple in my house,\"I use these to keep my finicky toddler's protein levels up. What's great, is that they're delicious just about any way you can imagine cooking a sausage!

A favorite Recipe: Sautee one large onion, about a tablespoon each dried basil and oregano, and some salt and pep"} +{"input": "?????ini???????????ofo????uttuttet?er.er???dddd d s ??usu??geg??????t't's'? b be b?enen ?cuc??????? c ??in????anandnd ???ussus???????at??eses ??????intin???1/1????????????????s.s. ??ovo??????l l????th th c?????enen en? st s?tocto?ck ck a an and????mmm?er????????popotpota?totoeto?? a ar a?????????butbu????? d ????????????hrhro??? in?????ewew ??????ulu??????????waw??????bab???????inain?????I I?us???ll??????e ae ??ou???a a h ha??????????d,d, ???nd ????????wow?oulou?d d wd ????????????us??t pt put put????????a ?mimin?ut??e ee eae?rlr?iei?????StS???r ur ?untunti??l tl ththeth???pi????h ???? co c?okokeked???????th?thenthen n sn ?serservrve?! !?????y!y?\"\"?303???????3V3?1H1HHH??2,2?AMA?CHCHLHLVL???PMP???6,6????ie??VaV????,0,???????343484?181?????,B???????fff????????????\"H\"?avaviv?inging g? re rece??", "output": "per in about 2T of butter. Add sausage, that's been cut into coins, and russet potatoes cut into 1/4\"\" thick rounds. Cover all with chicken stock and simmer until potatoes are soft but not dissolved. Throw in a few handfuls of pre-washed baby spinach (I usually use about a half a pound, and frozen would work fine, just put it in a minute earlier). Stir until the spinach is cooked, and then serve! Enjoy!\"\n3054,B003V1HH42,AMCHLVS2PM9X6,Katie Valin,0,0,5,1348185600,Best Coffee Ever...,\"Having recen"} +{"input": "ttlt????uru???asa??? a ?????glg?? c ??p p c???fef?e ?mam??erer,r, ,?????isi?????ereer????rer??????ununtn??in????d d td tht??iri? d ?????ioi?ousou???ara?iei??ie?s ???? co?ff??ee.ee? ????ov?e ??thethe ???lal??nd nd?CoCococo?nun?? f ???vov???sos? m ?ucuch??itit ??is is???? a??????lele le???n on ?ourou?r hr hoh?ous?eheho?ldl??wiw??h h??llll l??????r fr ?????????takta?ininging g?????nd ?se????????????as???of????the the?? cof coff cof??????is wis ???ndend?erfer?ulu???andan??re?alallllyll??le????????????????????e e t?????????????y iy it?? wi w??? a? a l a ??ttt????ChCho?co?la???e Ce Coe Cof????? Ma Mat???????mem????????ou?'l'?? s sw s???? y ??u u? we wer?????????? a ??decde???dende?nt nt?trt???t ?sts???aigai??t ???romro???he???IslIs????s.s??.. .. ??UMUM!M????3?050?5,5?B0B000030???HHH?424?,A,???????IXIXNXN4N??W3W?,B????ght? E ?????????", "output": "tly purchased a single cup coffee maker, we discovered Green Mountain and their delicious varieties of coffee. I love the Island Coconut flavor so much it is now a staple in our household with all other flavors taking a 2nd seat. The roast of the coffee is wonderful and really lets the coconut shine through. Try it with a little Chocolate Coffee Mate Creamer and you'll swear you were having a decadent treat straight from the Islands... YUM!!!\"\n3055,B003V1HH42,A22CMAQIXN4TW3,Bright Eyes,0,0,5"} +{"input": "??131?141????808?0,0????ana?d d?coc???eeee,e,\",\"T\"??e e B BeB????sms?????????????????????fe?e ?wewe ???????ada????????????e have ha?ve ve?????? to t????? I ?IslIs????s,s,a,?lll? g ???d ?as??ici????????ee.ee?????5656,6,B,???3V3??????,A,?696?OQO???????????efe???ryr??0,???5,5??31?????404??,G,GrGrereaeata?????d ???ff??e,e,\"e,??? y ???'r'?re re l ??ookookik????fof???????ryry ry??igi???? r ??frf?resre??in?? c? cof coff coffe?fee,fee?, t, ???s s???????s fs ???r yr ??u.u????iciceic?e Ce CoCoco???utut ?flf??vov?or or?wiw???ou?????y y????tetere??nesne???? M MaM??????????????ht ht??forfor for? so somo??e pe ?eoe??lel???3??????00007007G7GBG?7P7?B8B?,A,A2,A2X2??WTWTET???Z5Z?L8L????an????????,0,,0?,1,,1,3,?,1???232373?444????FlFla?lavolav??or dor ?????t ????k k f fo f?????; ; b????k tk ???????????ut,ut??? w wa was??rereare????y ly ???ki??? f??????????", "output": ",1314316800,Island coffee,\"The Best smooth tasting new coffee we have had since we have been to the Islands,all good as ice coffee.\"\n3056,B003V1HH42,A69OQ67YE2B1Z,Jeffery,0,0,5,1314230400,Great mild coffee,\"If you're looking for a very light, refreshing coffee, this one is for you. Nice Coconut flavor without any bitterness. May be too light for some people.\"\n3057,B007GB7PB8,A2X2WTEVCZ5L8N,Sandy Kay,0,1,3,1332374400,Flavor didn't work for me; back to Honey Nut,\"I was really looking forward to "} +{"input": "??????????e de ???LeL???? C ChChe?ere?ioi??. . ?ThT??he Hhe HoH?????NuNutut t f ?lalava???????????????y fy faf??or???e e se sisini??? t ??ey????????????ndn????????????????? ca cara?am?ele? w waw?as as q quq??iteite ??ppp??ala??ingin???brb?r /r ??
The first few spoonfuls seemed quite yummy. But the more I ate, the less I enjoyed it. The caramel flavor seemed a bit off to me or maybe it was that these are more corn than oat so the flavor was different from that as well. (Oats are the third ingredient after corn and sugar; I thought Cheerios were always oat cereals.) All things considered "} +{"input": "(??sps????alalll?? p prp????????'l'llll ll s ?tit?ickic???iti?h h?????y y Ny ??????? / ??T/>??????????? p????????ooo??d jd ???st st????ini?????????? b ?????? I? t th thi thininkin???I'lI'?????veve e? th?eme????r ?whw?henhen ?? w?????? s sl slil??hth?ly???weweee????nan??k k bk bubut?????t tt ?oooo oo? su s?gagara??? I I' I'l??? po p?urur ?????????????l ???and and e ?ata?t tt tht t????li?kek?e ae ???????ere?!
They tasted pretty good just plain from the box so I think I'll save them for when I want a slightly sweet snack but not too sugary. I'll pour out a handful and eat them like a toddler!

I expected these to be more sugary than the Honey Nut but these have 6 grams of sugar per serving compared to 9 grams for the Honey Nut. But they have the same total carbohydrates, 22 grams per serving, so there isn't much difference in how it"} +{"input": "?????ece?tst? y ???r r b ?ododyd????????B>???totomo? l ???e:e? ???wow???? b bu buyuy y????m ????????3??????000????????,A,???WLW???YBY????X4X????????li??1,1???5,5?,13,1??30830??929??00,00?DeDele?liclicicioi?ousou?????ata?!!!!!????I bI ?becbe?ama??? ad a?????ede???? e ea???????he?ses?e te th???fif?rsr????timti?me me I?? ta t???ed?????em em? wh whih?ichic???????????? ag a??? O ?????yo?u u??????oneon?, ,? yo y???jujusu???cacanca??t ????p p?ununtnti???? the????? g go?nene.ne??????????????????????t ?ana??????????????erfer??ct??sns?aca?????????e ?e th?esese?????ingingsing?!!!!!!!!\"!?\"3\"????????05??ZWBZW??C,????BMBM1M1C1??626??MVM????RuR??????\"\"\"?BiB???????hilhi?liali??\"\"\"\"\"??,1,????5,15,121???848?484808?00,00,P00,PaP???ov?????rereare????????yny??go??ueue'e's'????sss?????r Cr ???e e Pe Pa?ck????????d sd ?somso??me ome ", "output": " affects your body.

Bottom line: I won't buy them again.\"\n3058,B0005ZWBPC,A39WLGAYBIZMX4,Kimberli,1,1,5,1330819200,Delicious Treat!!!,\"I became addicted to eating these the first time I tasted them which was years ago. Once you eat one, you just can't stop until they're gone. They aren't too sweet and make the perfect snack. I love these things!!!\"\n3059,B0005ZWBPC,A32BM1CZ627MVJ,\"Ruhama \"\"Bibliophilia\"\"\",1,1,5,1272844800,Passover treat,\"My synagogue's Passover Care Package had some o"} +{"input": "ff f?tht???e e?cac??didiei?? i ?????, ,?an?? W ???? ar arer?e te ???y y??oooodo??? A ?memererir??canca????ava???lil??tlt?????pop????re re t to t??sesesse???????ede????????? a at a??p p?????urgur??er er????? ???me???? t?????e t???se?????ttytt??li???le? w ?ono??????? I InI?ndindivi?ididud?ala??y y wy ??apa?pep???????????????????shsh h???nd nd????? y yoyouou u??????(g(grgri?????????tt?erer ??thath???pepeape????? br b????????????aya????AnAnd??th?thesthesese ??????os???? f???????sos?ve?r!r???303?606??B0B?040?3J3JFJ????,A,??RKR??XJX???6Y6??FQF????arear??n Rn R,R???,1,,1?,1,??313161??909???00,00,N,NoN?????rtrtit?icuic?????? g?oo?d,d????????ada???an?any any???????ofof f pf pe??????jej???y,y, ??and????????is is?????ar???????worworsr?st st?eve?ver??????????ce?????hi??h,h?, a, an, a??nd tnd thnd t?he ????te? i??????? go??", "output": "f these candies in it, and WOW are they good! Americans have little exposure to sesame seeds except atop a burger bun. Time to taste these nutty little wonders! Individually wrapped to keep them fresh and slow you down (grins). Better than peanut brittle any day! And these are kosher for passover!\"\n3060,B0043JF3II,A2RKDXJL96YFFQ,Karen R,1,1,1,1316390400,Not particularly good,\"I've had many types of pepper jelly, and this is by far the worst ever. The price is high, and the taste is not good"} +{"input": "?????????????ngn??????ououtu???geg??ousous.s?????e ?coc??????????? th t???grg?reere???pep???ere???elelll??. . D. DoDonon'n??? wa w??tet??yoy?ou ou????eye?.\".????????0000202S2SWS????K,K??2E2??NXNXOXOROR0R??X3X3L3??????????1,11,????????00?323??????????enenten?!,!??ThiThisi???? a ?mo????? t?????ese?st ???????hi hi???lwl???I I???????????. ????t rt rur???berbe??????????r ??chechewe??y ly ??keke e ae a a???? o?? t????????er er??nen?????juj??st ?pe???ece???.. ..?in?did??????allal?????????d d????eceec?????n tn ???????..3??06206??,B0,B?000000E0??ZZZ?????2X2??636?MMMMJM????KQKQ,Q???. k. ????negne???,1,1,,1?,1,?5,5,15,?272?848?606??0000,00,M,???ne???FAFAVAVEV? p pa p??astaasta!a!,!,\"!,\"I\"??m m????????c c? to t?????at?? so s??? h?ava?????w w ow opo???????fof???????asta.asta?. . C ??orn????st????????a ga ??aia?inyin??te???uru??? th tha th?at ", "output": ". The shipping was outrageous. More costly than the green pepper jelly. Don't waste you money.\"\n3061,B002SWR5VK,A2E4NXOR0CX3LG,Knite,1,1,5,1282003200,Excellent!,This is amongst the best Karachi Halwa I have eaten. Not rubbery or super chewy like a lot of the other ones...just perfect.. individually wrapped pieces in the box.\n3062,B000EHZZMW,A2X663MMJ0XYKQ,K. kornegay,1,1,5,1278460800,My new FAVE pasta!,\"I'm allergic to wheat so i have few options for pasta. Corn pasta has a grainy texture that "} +{"input": "?i i??ono??t t c ??????????????????asa??a ?isi??tht????ama?e e ae ?ndnd d???????paspa????????????nd?en?cyc? t???st?ic?? t? tog to?ete?theth??????hih?????grg???? pa p???? i isis ?PEPERERFR??CTC?. . . ???????k ??????? o ??verve?coc?oko??????t at ??bibit???ndnd nd??t t st st?????????d i???s ????pep???) )???????? ani an??alalsl????????????????ele????ouo?s.s?. . M. ?????usbus????? al als?o ???gregr???? th tha th???it????s ???al?lyl?y gy gog?oodoo?. ???TheThe e ce cacalcalolor????????t ?????s ?a ????????????er er? th???? ot oth????? pas past??s ????we?ll????i i wi ?ili?ll ll c?????inuin?e ?tot??????r ??thith??is pis ?ror?dud??t t at ast a?s ls ??ngn?????AmA???on????arrar???????! !????????RRR????RRRRRRR?RRERREAE??!\"!?3303?636?????00E00??????,A,????O8O???YSY?JOJO1O???????a Ba BrB??wnwn,n?3,????????63063??30430????DaDaua???", "output": "i don't care for, quinoa pasta is the same and rice pasta has a tendency to stick together. This Orgran pasta is PERFECT. I think i even overcooked it a bit and it still held it's shape(s) (farm animals!) and it was delicious. My husband also agreed that it was really good. The calorie count seems a little lower than other pastas as well. i will continue to order this product as long as Amazon carries it! It's GRRRRRRRREAT!\"\n3063,B000EHZZMW,A1GLO8GJYSJO19,Tina Brown,3,4,5,1163030400,Daught"} +{"input": "e??'s's s?faf?vovoro???????odo?????????????????te?r r???vev??s ts ????glg?utute????rer??????mam?l l??????? I ?t t??s ?byb??fa???he?r ??????ritri?te.te?. . ??e ????e e m?ac?ara??ni?????????????????? it i???????he?? as a??s s fs ??or or??? s???ververaralal al t ?im???? a a????????d ??????s t??he he lhe ?efe?????????o o? sc schc???l ???r ?lu??ch? t???he nhe ???t ???y.y. ?. S. ShShe?????????s thas thata????????st?? i is i?????imaimalal ??shash?????anandand ??ifi?fef?ereer?ntnt ???lo??s ??????????horhors??e ie ?? h ?her? f fa f?avoavororior?iteite.e. . . A. A A????? h?av??e.e.?????,B,????EHE????????1S1SFSFHF?????MW5MW??????hihieie,e????,5,???212101?11?????????? th???is iis is?is Pis PAPASASTS????\"I\"I I o ???er?eredered ???????paspastpas?? b ?????ses???I tI th????ht? m my my ?????????n wn wow?oulou?????????????????????shapshapepespe", "output": "er's favorite food,My celiac daughter loves the gluten free animal pasta. It is by far her favorite. We make macaroni and cheese with it and she asks for it several times a week and takes the leftovers to school for lunch the next day. She loves that the pasta is animal shapes and different colors and the horse is her favorite. A must have.\n3064,B000EHZZMW,A11SFH2C0MW59,fishie,2,3,5,1210118400,Now this is PASTA!,\"I ordered this pasta because I thought my children would love the animal shapes"} +{"input": "???SiS?????? a ama??tht?e ????? G ?lul?tet??FrF?eee?e ie ??????????e,e, ,????????????indin????? t?hihin???? fo f???th?e e ee ??tit???? fa f??ili????insinsts?teate???ofof f m mam?kik????? s ??pap?rarata????eae???. ??he???? I s I ?????d ?th?isis ??at at?????erer ???? o??thetherthe??nin??hth???mym??huhusu???ndnd'd??????re?????? s sa s???d id ?????l!l????e fe ???lloll?wew?????is is????pr?????????k k?wiw??? \" \"\"\"??ow??ThT??????is Pis PaP??stasta!a??\"\" \"\"???e ce ???ldld ??otot ??ele???????ow??gog?oodoo????hishis his??????????????e ae ??e ?nonownow w??????ed!ed???I cI cacanan an n no??t wt ??aitai??to???????om???mom?oreor?e o?f f tf th?the the???????N pN ???dud??tst?????060?5,5,B,??00????ZMZ??,A,A2A????????N8N????,M,??? i????X,X?0,0??,5,??121????868?40400??GrGre???at pat prproprodpro?ducdu??,\",?????????to ?ea???????tente?n fn ?re?e,e, e, b ?????y ", "output": ". Since I am the only GlutenFree in our home, I try to find FUN things for the entire family instead of making 2 separate meals. When I served this at dinner the other night, my husband's expression said it all! He followed his surprised look with \"\"Now This is Pasta!\"\" We could not believe how good this pasta was. We are now hooked! I can not wait to try some more of the OrgraN products.\"\n3065,B000EHZZMW,A2V9I5Y9NN8KII,Mom in TX,0,1,5,1263686400,Great product,\"I have to eat gluten free, but my "} +{"input": "????ili?? d dod?ese??????????s s?is??ththeh? o ???ly ly p pap?sts?a a??? f fa?? t??ata? m mym??kik????cac??????????a ra ????????fef??renrencncec?????he???????e ie iti????????? T Th??is ??????????????whw??? I ?I dI ???n'tn't n't????e e te ???e e oe ??r er ??er??y ??????? s??pa?????e te the t??????fof?or or????m m a ?andand d?????lfl??. . B. ?ece?cauca???? it i??ta????es es y ???my? f?or???allal???f f u ???\"\"???666??????FDFDKD?QCQCOC??????O1O161??NHNHXH???,H,?????ly Ply ?ix???y,y??9,99,????111151?93931315???00,00????y hy huhus???andand and????????????????????th??y by ???wnwnin?????\",\"??Th?es????brobrowownow???????ke?? up u? v ???y ????celcelyly.ly?????wow???d ??????????r ???onson????enencen?y ???cacakca??ke lke lilikli?ke\"ke???. . H. Ho?wew???? m?????usb?anand????callcallecall???? the??m Hm ??ealealtl?????????ie?????. He. He e se sasaiaidid id? he h?", "output": "family doesn't. This is the only pasta so far that my kids can't see a real difference. They like it a lot. This is one I fix when I don't have time or energy to fix separate things for them and myself. Because it tastes yummy for all of us.\"\n3066,B000FDKQCO,ASEVO161NHXW9,Holly Pixley,9,9,3,1159315200,\"My husband called these \"\"healthy brownies\"\"\",\"These brownies bake up very nicely. I would call their consistency \"\"cake like\"\". However my husband called them Healthy Brownies. He said he "} +{"input": "??ouo?ldl??????? t th t????????ses?ede????? t???d ??o o a aga?rer????? In In n??? o opo??????? i ??? I' I?m m???in?g g t?????t t c ????????te,te, ??I dI dod?on'on??????t ?iti???to to???veve ????t ??\"h\"???ltlth??????????. ????n tn ????ototh???? ha h??d ?I ?lol???? th?e ?????????????fff??insin? t???at at H HoH?dgd?sos?????????akakekese?.\".??303060??,B,???????QCQ????373767????????GDG?J,J??. ???herhe???,7,????5,5,1,?????727?0000000??GuGuiu????FrF?reere??????MMMMMMMMM!MM!,!?\"I\"?I hI ?havha???a a???eeeetee??t tot t??????nd?? so s?o do do?es?? my my ?th?????yeyea?r ?olold? s???. ??hih??????? g gr g????at aat ?ftf??????innin???r d?es??????t tht tha??????ee??l gl ??odod od???????gig?viv?????????and??????????. Th. Theheyhe????E E???????????????????? t ta???e ???? f?????seseeseeded ed??n n tn thn t?????????I ?I haI hav?", "output": "could taste the flax seed. I tend to agree. In my opinion, if I'm going to eat chocolate, I don't want it to have that \"\"healthy\"\" taste. On the other hand I love the Blueberry Muffins that Hodgson Mill makes.\"\n3067,B000FDKQCO,A376OQH5GYZGDJ,M. Aherne,7,7,5,1175472000,Guilt Free YUMMMMM!,\"I have a sweet tooth and so does my three year old son. This is a great after dinner dessert that I feel good about giving him and myself. They ARE healthy and you CAN taste the flax seed in them, but I have"} +{"input": " ?rer??lll????rorowownwn n?????ovo????hah?t t???ealea?ththyh??tat?sts???anandn? t?exe?tut?re???? e ??????omo??e te ????rar?ve? i ???nonow???ThThe?????? s sas???sfsfyfyiy?ngn???andand ?????iningin?????????????e ??ama?ililyil??lo?ve???? the th?m.m?. I. ?I bI ??y ???hemhe??????bulbu?? a??nd nd???oveov?e oe ???ere? H HoHododgdgsg????MiM????prp????ctctsts ??as as????ll.ll?
If you eat nothing but white flour products and can't get used to or absolutly hate whole grains and their taste and texture, then this is not the product for you. If you are the family that tries to make healthy choices and have healthier alternitives then this is a wonderf"} +{"input": "u????????????? s ????????????? h ?avave???? j juj??????odod od???il??sbsbub?ryry y ay ana??????shsheh???s s? he her?e ????????!!?) ) I?????st st t tr t?? t to t???????itit t o ????y oy ????ververy????ece???l l ol ?????ioi??s.s. . T. ??? r ?esestst st ost ?? t??he he the ??meme me???????ses??to????????????bob?odyod??y any and????ti????y my ?my my????tet?????s.??Th??at at??is is??he?n n? I I r I re??????oro??? thi th???brb?rowro?nin????ixi?.<.????????r ????????y ony o?nlynl???comcompmplp??ini?t t it ?is is tis ????t tt ?theth?????????????e ???oo oo?grg??reatrea??afaftfteterte??ononlon??????????e e de ??ysys.s. ??????????????bab??ch???eaeat?at eat eme?' '??up ???icickck ?(w(wiw???inin in????????) a) ??d d yd ??u u????? b??e se sms????????3??6868,8??000?00F00??KQK????A1A?ZWZ?????PZP???K5K?,v,viv?ic3ic??,2,2,2????5,15,121???????00?,H,?od???on?????????", "output": "ul product. I still love to have my junk food (Pillsbury and Hershey's here I come!!!) I just try to have it only on very special occasions. The rest of the time I choose to nurish my body and satisfy my taste buds. That is when I reach for this brownie mix.

My only complaint is that they don't taste too great after only a couple days. So make up a batch, eat em' up quick (within 2 days) and you will be smiling!\"\n3068,B000FDKQCO,A1ZW8ORSPZL3K5,vic33,2,2,5,1278979200,Hodgson mill bro"} +{"input": "?wnwninieie e???x,x??GoG???? b bubutu? I ?????? a a??upu? o ????????????atat ?????r r? an andn??a a t ????????bab??????????????lo????????? a a c a ?ououpou??le le? of??TBT????. o. of??CoC??coaco????wdwdewd?? b???aua????I ?lil?keke ?????ni??s s a??????????igighg??????nd nd m?oro?e ??cakcake??????. ? T Th Theheyhe????mem???umu??y ???????ithit?h th th?e ?ad?dededded ??????????????re re?????tot?oo oo????etet.t.\".???060??,B,???00F00FDFDKD???O,O???L3L????GJG??????????smsmi????ama??????cosco????c mc ?mammama????,2,??,2,,2??,1,121?727?585?????,\"???????ierie?????? n????????lt-lt??re??...???????y ky ?kidki??s ls lo?????ro???ieiesie??, b, ??t ????coucoulu?d d nd ?? l?ono?ngengerer ????th?the the r ?regre???????brabr?and???in???hehe he g??rocro??eryer?y sy ?totorto???wiwitwi?? a a ??oooodoo?????scs??????. ?I I sI st?ilillil???an?tet??d td th?the the cthe cocon", "output": "wnie mix,\"Good, but I add a cup of whole wheat flour and a tsp. of baking powder along with a couple of TBSP. of Cocoa powder because I like brownies a little higher and more cake like. They come yummy and with the added flour, they're not too sweet.\"\n3069,B000FDKQCO,A1L3J2SGJTPPLW,\"Cosmic Mama \"\"cosmic mama\"\"\",2,2,5,1272585600,\"Healtier, but not guilt-free...\",\"My kids love brownies, but I could no longer by the regular brands in the grocery store with a good conscious. I still wanted the con"} +{"input": "???niniei????????? m ?ixi?? t ??????? ????ses???iti???he??bib?lll??????heyhe? f fi??sts?t tt tit??e e Ie ????dede ??????, t, ??theythe????ouougou????t tht t?heyhey hey??????? \" ???unu???\"\"\"\" \"\" b be b????se? t? the th???wew??e ??? u ?useus????o o to ??? p prp?????se?d d cd ????. ????? t?? they the???ata?t t???em em? up u???ndn??hah?ve??gog?ttttet?en en u??sed???? t?? the the f?????????????I ??????? th? they? a ar a?re re?YUY?MMMMYMY!Y???r r????TheTh??e ???re ?in??????aya????ow-ow?ca???rir????r ???w-w-f-fafat????????????????????????ca??l l f????a ?lolotlot ?ofof of o?ilil,il, ?ege?gsg??, a, ?????????????????anan an?????????th th?BaB???ncn??? an??d ed eg????repre??laclacecercer ?ifi?f yf ????re?re vre vevegvegag?an)an???. F. ???x x sx ?seese??s s a??????havhave???a ga ??odo??amamomou?ntn?t o?f ??????al?ththothoutho??h h?? the?????altalthalthyh??kik??????????ve mve ?", "output": "venience of a mix, though. These fit the bill. They first time I made them, they thought they tasted \"\"funny\"\" because they were so used to the processed crap. Now they eat them up and have gotten used to the flax taste. I think they are YUMMY!
These are in no way low-calorie or low-fat though. Instructions call for a lot of oil, eggs, and butter (you can use Earth Balance and egg replacer if you're vegan). Flax seeds also have a good amount of fat (although the healthy kind). I've ma"} +{"input": "???????m m?wiw????????e ?????beb??????ana?? t th t??y y w we w??????sts??asas s??????????ve???????????d d ed ???????????icic c??ococo??????de??? to to o mo ????e te ththeth????????????ocoocol????????utu???the?y y ry ?reare?llllyly ?dod??'t'??neneee???itit.it?? I? l lolovo?????? c??hewhewyw?y ty ??xt???re ??????e ??????sesee?dsds.s??. T. ThT??re?re are ?????verve?????w w i ini??re???enentn?s,s?????ouo?ldl?d pd ?????blb?? m ?makmakeke ke???????????????????????ma?de?, ???ut ut???t wt ??oulou??? be b??? p ??inin in t to to to h ?ava???????grigr???d td ?the????axax ax?????s,????c.c??. T????????re re ere ?asasyas??an??d yd ?umu????. ?EvE????? tho thou??? t th? they they y a???re nre ????t net n?????ar???y y \"y \"\"\"??????thythy\"y\"\"? f ????m am ?a ca caa c??or?????ndnd nd f fa f????tat??andpandpo??intint,t, ?????an an f?ee????googood????ou??t gt ???in????y ??idi", "output": "de them with olive oil before and they were just as good. I've also added extra organic cocoa powder to make them extra chocolatey, but they really don't need it. I love the chewy texture of the flax seeds. There are very few ingredients, I could probably make the same brownies homemade, but it would be a pain to have to grind the flax seeds, etc. These are easy and yummy. Even though they are not necessarily \"\"healthy\"\" from a calorie and fat standpoint, I can feel good about giving my kid"} +{"input": "s???rereae????tht?atat at??????t t?lol?ada??? w ?????prp???ese???? c crc?apa??\"\"?????????00F00??????,A,???A3A3B3?????????,\",???????llllal? \" ???ar?ary ary E????????2,2???5,5,1,????434?525??00,00?NeN??????????????it?????,\"???dd dd w?????tsts ts t to t?? th t?????eaealealtlththfthfuf????ro????? a??????rhrha???s a? l li ligighg?t ???ceiceiningng.g?????o no non??t ot ovo???bab?ckc? o oro? i it???ili?ll ll??e e ve veverve?y ?drd?ry.ry?????otsot????????????????inin in????is is???rowrownrow???, , b bubutut ut???e ???laxla????????????a la ?????e e se ?strst?ronro??. ?????reare???????????? g?uiu??t ??he???hahavha??inging g a??? Bro Browo?????????k ??or??mem?e oe ??or mor ???kik???.\"?3???1,1,B????FD?KQKQCKQCO?,A,A1,A?F1F??BBBB4B?????3A????izi??be????,2,?????????848?43243??0,????? ' ??m!m?????????ll??y ly ?likli??e te ?????????rownirown??", "output": "s treats that aren't loaded with processed crap.\"\n3070,B000FDKQCO,A2XA3B1DCBST3A,\"Mary Ella \"\"Mary Ella\"\"\",2,2,5,1174435200,Needs a few additions,\"Add walnuts to this healthful Brownie and perhaps a light iceing. Do not overback or it will be very dry. Lots of good stuff in this Brownie, but the flax taste is a little strong. I really feel no guilt when having a Brownie snack for me or my kids.\"\n3071,B000FDKQCO,A1F14BB4PV053A,Elizabeth,2,2,5,1171843200,Love 'em!!,\"I really like this brownie "} +{"input": "?mim??. .????foforortrtutunu??tetelelyl? m ??y ly lol???? g grg????? h ?asa??sts?opo??????carcarrr???????heh?m m?? h????e e????????????m fm frfro???AmA?aza????? ??????ararere ?eae???y ty ?????reprepap?????ndn???aka???upup p v ??????icicecelce???. . ????? m???st? a ?andan???? th?????iti??????juj??st st tst ??e ?????t ?ama???untunt t ot ofof f c????????e e fe ???vov??????eses,s??? the th??y a?rere re? he hea heal???y y ay any a??? ar are??mo??re ??en??e ?????? tr t?adadid??????? b??????eses es? - -???t t tt ??theythey ??ili???my? c???????????????inging ??ete???r ??and?????reare?????fef?????iki???????veve ve?????? d ?desde?se?rtrt rt?? - n - ??????????omo???e fle f?ufu????????? b??x.x. x.? [ [.[?..?]\"]???070?????????????,A,????????TNT??H5H???D.D. ??anantan??????,5,????949474797????00,00???mmm??!,!,\",\"I\"??ma?de??? the??? a??", "output": "mix. Unfortunately my local grocer has stopped carrying them - hence buying them from Amazon!! They are easy to prepare and bake up very nicely. Very moist and I think it has just the right amount of chocolate flavor. Yes, they are healthy and are more dense than traditional brownies - but they fill my chocolate craving better and I really feel like I have eaten dessert - not just some fluff from a box. [...]\"\n3072,B000FDKQCO,A3E6SMOPTNQH5H,D. Cantu,1,1,5,1294790400,Yummy!,\"I made these acc"} +{"input": "??rdrdid??g g?????????geg????rer???ioi?nsn?, ,?ana?? a ad addd????1 1 c ?????????iniin?? ch choh??olo????????psps,???ndnd nd????y y??ere????we?sos?meme!e?? T ??heyhe??to?oko????ongon???????co??????an? t???e be ?oxox x?sasayaysy?????aybaybeb????at??s s b ?becbe????e ??of of?? the??????ol????????psps.ps??????????????, t, th?theythey y wy ??re???rereareat??? and an?????l l? de d?fif?ini???????makma??????m m????in?.\".\"\"????3,3???00???KQKQCQ????1E1???IMIMXM??7I7????,L,???????????????,12,1292929212191?????,\",\"H\"???he???????r,r, ???????sts??...?? e ?????iaialallllyll?????yoy???? add add d md mi????chchich?ipsips\"s???????????e ?a a??hi?lel?????fof??e e Ae AmAma?zozon?? st s??rtr?tinti?ng ng r ????????g ??foofoodo??it????????? wa?s s ns ?????? i ???os???????????????ate ate? th?????heahe?altal???y uy unu?ndend???grogrou????????", "output": "ording to package directions, and added 1 cup of mini chocolate chips, and they were awesome! They took longer to cook than the box says, maybe that's because of the chocolate chips. Either way, they were great and I'll definitely make them again.\"\n3073,B000FDKQCO,A1EH4IMXD7I3WE,LA Rosen,1,1,4,1292198400,\"Higher fiber, yet tasty... especially if you add mini-chips\",\"For quite a while, before Amazon starting retailing food items, it was nearly impossible to locate this healthy underground-favor"} +{"input": "i?tet????owownwnin????ixi?? T ???????er?????ogo????????ooo?d ?????s ???mom??anianiningng g??????arardr???it it??asa???o o??????te.te???SoS??whw???? we we ?sasawa????????AmAmam?zoz?on on?? we we?????????? c ?casca????????aka?eded ???? ba b?atcat??????forfor r a??? o ou ourur ????????s as ?and???amami?lyly.y. ?ThTheThe e ce ??onconcec?nsnsus??s ws ??s:s? i?????astas????he??ltl?hihie?r ?bub??, , n ??vev?er er t??????essess,s, ???it???gog??????t t it isi????ar ar b?etetttteterte?r wr ?whewh?????repre?ar?????it?????t lt ????? a???up?? of o??????-c-??oco???at???????s.s????otot ?re????larla???????? wh w???ch ch?????si?nkn? t???ththethe ??????m.m???WeWe ?e bue b??? go g??? q ???alial???y By BeBelelgl??an??ch?chocchoco?colacol??? m mi m??icichchi?ps?. ?????????? is is ??? gr g???at at???te?ternter?????ve ve i???yoyouo?????t ?t let l?????ui???? in i?n yn ?youyo???? gui guili", "output": "ite brownie mix. There were blogs and food sites bemoaning how hard it was to locate. So when we saw it on Amazon we ordered a case and baked up batches for all our friends and family. The concensus was: it tastes healthier but, never the less, quite good. It is far better when prepared with at least a cup of mini-chocolate chips. (Not regular chips which can sink to the bottom.) We buy good quality Belgian chocolate minichips. This mix is a great alternative if you want less guilt in your guil"} +{"input": "??y y?plp??asa????s.s??????4,4?????FDF?KQK?????2121Z1??373?????????\"O\"???.T.T.T? \" \"\"\"?????.T..T??\"\"??1,1??,5,?,1??868606060???00000????eseseese e a ?????rrr??rr?rrrrrrrrr??????,\"O,\"?? c ?ouo???????heyhe?y dy ???????as??????itite???? g go g???? as as as \"????gug?????\"\" \"\"???owownw?iei??? bu b???????????Th??t't?s ?bebece???????he????re ?he????thyth?? ?AnA?d ?????????ngn????idi?, ,?? the th?y ?ar?????????????? W WhW???eaeat???rar????he?n n t???????????????? goo goodod od???ltelt????atiat??es???\"?\"???????B00B0????DKQDK??O,O,AO,???D5D5H5??????2929393,3?bob????sgsgigiri?l,l?,1,????5,15,121?28528?111????0,??????ifif ???? l ??keke ??la???????.,.,I,??????r r?non???in????he??????? an a?? i ?int????flaflaxa??se?????O O N ??????y ???es???????heyhey hey a ar a?re ?re here h?ealea???????nd nd tnd ??theythey y ty tay t?ast??e le ??ke", "output": "ty pleasures.\"\n3074,B000FDKQCO,A21Z0377YERLCH,\"O.P.T. \"\"O.P.T.\"\"\",1,1,5,1286064000,These are grrrrrrrreat!,\"Of course they don't taste quite as good as \"\"regular\"\" brownies but hello? That's because they're healthy! And that being said, they are FANTASTIC! Why eat crap when there are such good alternatives!?\"\n3075,B000FDKQCO,A31D5HQ8EQZ293,bobbysgirl,1,1,5,1285113600,Good if you like flax seed.,If your not into healthy and into flax seed DO NOT buy these. They are healthy and they taste like"} +{"input": " ???? ?I I l ????????m.m??????y y?ara??e ve ??????oooodo?. .????y hy huh????????ov?ede?d td ???m m t to too?. ?? It I??s s? al a?????mamatattt?ere???? t ta t?????. . I. ??f yf yoy????? l????ini???fof?r ?? D DuD?nknkakan?????ese?s bs brb??wnw?????????????e ne nonoto?? it i???303???????00F00?DKD?QCQ???A3A??????2121C1???LML??\"S\"??. B. ?????????????lvl???inbinbeber???????,1,,1??,1,12,1???131?929?00??,\"o,\"???y,y????it?tyt?y fy ???????????????????i'i???????g ???an ??of of????gsg??on on m??????propr??uc????(w(wew?????ve ve? th the???????ada??mim????, , i, ??us???e the t?hei????anancan?????????s.s.).?? i' i???????afa???aidai????of wof ??holho??e ge ?gragr????s s ?(i(???milmi????y y oy ???????ininsin??????eatea???ka????? r ryryery????barbarlrle??) ???d d id ?????n ?puputut ut???llllell????lalaxa? s ??ed???in in m my? ( (h (ho?????ad??) ) y) ?", "output": " it! I love them...they are very good. My husband loved them too. It's all a matter of taste. If you're looking for a Dunkan Hines brownie these are not it.\n3076,B000FDKQCO,A3IUI5L21CP1LM,\"S. Bergeron \"\"sylvainber\"\"\",1,1,2,1281139200,\"oily, gritty finished product\",\"i'm a big fan of hodgson mill products (we love their bread mixes, i use their pancake mixes.) i'm not afraid of whole grains (i mill my own grains, wheat, kamut, rye, barley) and i even put milled flax seed in my (home made) yo"} +{"input": "ggug???? I ???? b beb??? a a a??aka?????oro???5 5??eae?rsr????????????? t?ryry y???w w????ipipepese?????r /r ?><>i>i i????d hd hih??h h e ??????ata??ono???foforfo?r tr ththihishi?s ps prp??duducuct????t t???s ???ry? d ??sasapa?pop?inintntet?d ??????e ????ulultltst?????e e be ?????ala?lsl????? t to t?????uchuc?h fh ???? an???th?? b??????d brd b?rowrownw?ieieses es????ve ve ave a ????titinti????????ly????eelee? i in?????e me ???uthut?. ? I????n ?en????y t?he? g ??iti?????????andand d t?he?he che ?????????e fe flf?????or ior ?????inein????? i i i w wo w?oulouldld ??????ionio??bubuyu????? ag a??in??st st??? the the r re r?esues?ultults???? f??ollol??wiwin?g g?? the the the i the ??instinstrt??uctucti?????on? t? the? the b the ???????????

i had high expectations for this product but was very disappointed by the results: the box calls for too much fat and the baked brownies have a distinctly oily feel in the mouth. I can enjoy the grittiness and the chocolate flavor is fine but i would caution buyers against the results if following the instructions on the box

one of the problems is that the coarse texture of the mix does not allow the fat to "} +{"input": "??????sos?rbr??? w wew?????brbr r????????????ilillll ll????bab??? t ??????ini????hoh??e ?whw?eae?????owownw?iei?s s f ??romrom m???rar?atcat?????? l lil????? b?itit it??f f t???????quq????d.d??????li???le??le?sss???????ni??????utu??t brt b?????iesies ???????????reare?at at??ana??d cd ?comco???ortor?t ft ???d)d?????he he t??xtx??rere re???????d bd be????ghghth?t :t :):??3303????B0B???FDFDKD????,A,A3A?????Z2Z2Q2????JEJ??????\"\"\"????mesme??hohooho???r\"r??\",\"?1,1????,1???????606??,A,A ,A f fe f???? be b???er? b br bro br?????? s??me? h he?ala???h.,h.?WeWe ????e ??thith????rorow??nie????????? I ?????????? us uses???he???owow ow f?at????cic??e ??????. . I. ??al?soso so??dddd d cd chd cho??colco??????chich?ipsip???? s so????thi????el???? to to ?it?it oit ????erwer??iseise e ie it??????s us upup p? a ? a li a l?ittit???e be bibit?it dit ??????br br??>
i will go back to making whole wheat brownies from scratch. a little bit of time required... a little less convenient but brownies being a treat (and comfort food), the texture should be right :)\"\n3077,B000FDKQCO,A388A4Z2QPZ1JE,\"TB \"\"homeschooler\"\"\",1,1,4,1175385600,A feel better brownie- some health.,We like this brownie mix and I usually use the low fat recipe on it. I also add chocolate chips or something else to it otherwise it ends up a little bit dry.
We still buy this by the case.\n3078,B000FDKQCO,A2X6T9WBNADH22,\"SGJ \"\"SGJ\"\"\",1,1,4,1174521600,good healthy dessert but needs work,\"These brownies are good, but the flax seed texture can be a real turn-off. To minimize it, I added a little whole wheat flour, splenda and cocoa - BIG improvement and my guests never complained (like they did the first time I made the brownies!).\"\n3079,B000FDKQCO,A20M76MB4JG4XF,R. Birdwell,1,1,3,1173139200,Grainy Brownies,\"I like that this item has flax seed in it"} +{"input": " ?????ththehe e?whw??lel??whwhewh??t t ft ??owo??r r m ??kekese???t ????? g grg?aia???. .?????isi?s as ???????????ili?y y ey eve??n n?afa??er????? c ?ooooko????. ????? yo y?????????????d d??rir???y ??ror????es???hehenhe??geg?t ????is is p ?rorodroduducu???? A ??lsolso,o? t??eyey ??????notno???er?????hochoco?????ly??so??? a??ded?????hochocohocol?????? chi ch???????ththeth?e re ?recrecec?????. ??? m?akakeak??es ies ?? h ?ava??? mo m???????? an a?d d cd cad cal???ie?s ????t t????y ty ?????? be b?ettet?terter r tr ?thi????ayay.?\"\"3??808?,B,????FDF????O,O,A,A2A???3O3??????III??,\",?D.D. ??????ey ey \" ????ea ea??av???\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????,1,,1??,1,11,1??313??929???0,B0,?es?t t t ?BrB?rowro?ninieni???YoYou??CAC?? t????????? f fl f??xsx?eeeeded ed i???th???? w???????????at mat mumufuffffif?insins s a?ndnd nd? it????? g??????t tat t??asteast????GoGoo?d d c????????te ?????or?", "output": " but the whole wheat flower makes it very grainy. It is also very oily even after you cook it. If you do not mind gritty brownies then get this product. Also, they are not very chocolately so I added chocolate chips to the recepie. It makes it have more fat and calories but they taste better this way.\"\n3080,B000FDKQCO,A2023OTNO3QIIW,\"D. Varney \"\"Tea Maven\"\"\",1,1,5,1173139200,Best Brownies,You CAN taste the flaxseed in these whole-wheat muffins and it's a great taste. Good chocolate flavor "} +{"input": "aanandn???exe??uru?????I I??????hohopo?pepede??waw??????????8181,1??000????KQK?????1Q1Q0Q???NPN???LFL??G,G,\",??ili?l l S ??uauata??\"\"\"???ugugagat?e\"e\"\"?\",\",0,0,0?,0,,0,5,???333???????00,00???????ouo?????owo???e,e,\"??f f????? ar arere re u us??ed ed??o o e eae??????flflal?xsx??ed?, ,? th t???? th thi th????? t th the the e b brbrorowro???? f?????ou??? H ?ododgd??ono?n Mn ??illil??brbrobr????ese?????re sre ?upupeperpe??ea????? to to?mamaka??? a?nd? t ta t??te?????????. S. SiSinincin?e e Ie I I lI lilikli?? d ???????????latlate?????us???????????a a l li????????????cocco????????08208???00????????????H2H?9I9???7A7??????in?da?????te???\"\"????yCy?iti?????y\"y\"\"???????????2932938384???0000000?0,N0,?????extextrt??or??in??????,\"I ,\"I??????hopho?????fof??????heaheal?????subsu??????????????hih??e ????ourou?????wn?wniewni?es.es??. I. ItIt't???OKO?, ", "output": "and texture. I add chopped walnuts.\n3081,B000FDKQCO,A1Q0NBNP59LFAG,\"Jill Squat \"\"dfugate\"\"\",0,0,5,1337558400,Delicious Brownie,\"If you are used to eating flaxseed, then this is the brownie for you. Hodgson Mill brownies are super easy to make, and taste great. Since I like dark chocolate, I usually add a little more cocoa.\"\n3082,B000FDKQCO,ASCH29IY17ATZ,\"Linda Hunter \"\"DalyCityLady\"\"\",0,0,3,1293840000,Not extraordinary,\"I was hoping for a health substitute for white flour brownies. It's OK, "} +{"input": "???? n non????????I I?wow?ululdl??sesere????tot????mpmpap???????I sI ??????????????olo?a a???? f foforor r t????bubutbu????????mam??gag????e ????d td ?ha?t ???? h ??ve? b ???? t th??e pe ??obo???m.m???OfO?????rsr??? I I I w wo wouounoundn????????????????????l al ??????y.\"y.\"\"??????????FDF?KQK???????YGYG5G?DDD????????SpSpip????0,0????,1,12,1?848??959??????????isise?d ?byb??????????????d rd ??viv?ewewsw?,\",?????t ??ffff,f??? l ?ovo??????oleole ?whwhewh?eatea?????oduod??tst?????????laxlax x? se s?eedeed ??????hoh????e wee we ????? g ??????bab?d ?????h h???????o o io ito it ????n'n't't ??xpx??????, i?????ckckekedke?d td thd t???dad???????ut ut?mym?y my ?om??????i i ji ?jusju????hadhad ??om???of??? the??????? w???re?? no??t ft ??ansans.s???the?y ???? a?????????????y/y????assas???tatas??????", "output": "but not what I would serve to company. I substitute canola oil for the butter or margarine and that may have been the problem. Of course, I wound up eating them all anyway.\"\n3083,B000FDKQCO,A1ZYG5DDK3DTIS,Spike,0,0,1,1284595200,Surprised by all the good reviews,\"first off, i love whole wheat products, and flax seed so i hope we just got a bad batch (and no it wasn't expired, i checked the date) but my mom and i just had some of these and we're not fans. they had an oddly fishy/grassy taste to "} +{"input": "?iti????ndn???????keke e???u u?????????t ???????ana????????x x o oi o?l l t ?abablblel???????o\"o?3?080????????151?1A1??,A,A3A???????4F4?8V8??L,L??M.M. . H. ?ono???????limli?melme???\"\"??5,5????,5,1,5,?282???666???00,00?PlP???tyt????????ese?h,h,\",\"I,\"?? re rece?eie?????alalll???heh?e ie ?????????????in in????imi????y my ?an?????????? th thehe he??????edied??ntntsnts nts??????ninicice?????aca?kekedked d ad and a??? re????ineineded ed????sh? t th??ouougou?? t?????shishipi?pip????sts?????? I ???t wat w?s s ms momoro???? tha thanan an?????ed?ed?ed fed ??or or? th? the the m?eae?al al????????aka?kinki??, , s?? I I ?????plp??lentlentyty ty????lelefleftf??ovove??? in ing ingrgregredgre??????s.\"s.??3030830858?5,B5,B0??00P?15???I,??????OXOXDXDKD????C0C???il???????a,a?????5,??12812868656??????0,E0,ExE?ce??lelenlent? p ?rorodro??cece,ce???he ???????ce ce w wa w?as ?exe??re??mel????????????", "output": "it kind of like you might get with rancid flax oil tablets. O_o\"\n3084,B000P151AI,A3B4SGVI4F8V2L,\"M. Hon \"\"melimelo\"\"\",5,5,5,1280966400,Plenty and fresh,\"I received all the ingredients in a timely manner. All the ingredients were nicely packed and remained fresh through the shipping stages. It was more than I needed for the meal I was making, so I had plenty of left over ingredients.\"\n3085,B000P151AI,A1SD5OXDK8AIC0,Wilhulmina,4,4,5,1286582400,Excellent produce,The produce was extremely fresh. I "} +{"input": "?mamada?e e a ??dedelde?????usu? T ?hah???sos?oupoup p w ??tht??th??e ie ????s s as ana?? h ha???????tyt???? s sp spapara????303080??,B,??00?P1P151????,A,APA???3S3?????1R1????????????1,1???5,???181878?232??00?,E,???????ionionan??,\",??ExcExcecepceptptipt????allal????re?shs?h qh ???alial?ityity ?????qu????tittity????nd nd? sh shih????????chc????sts??r r???hanhan n???pe????d.d??I I??asas as???le??? to to???kek??grg???? T?omo? Y YuY???sosouso?p.p?? T??hanhankhan????ou!ou???????f=f?\"\"\"????p:p?///???????mazmazoz??.c.??om/om?????ror??uc??????00P??????\"\"???????h Th Th?aiai ai??????ce??KiK??????\"\"3??????00?????QXQXMX?????NTN????KFK?72???6,\"6,?SaSam?irir ??hsh?shrshrurupup up??\"\"s\"\"sas???r\"r??\",\",0,??,0,,0?,5,,5?,12,1?9191818518???00?00,E00,??ExceExc?????nt nt?CaC???blblabl?ancan?a ?TeTeae??I ?????????iei?? t?????te?a a aa atat at a at at ?Fr?en??? r re?restrestat??????????", "output": "made a delicious Thai soup with the items and had plenty to spare.\n3086,B000P151AI,AP4C3SJGZQ1R2,dennyb45,1,1,5,1318723200,Exceptional,\"Exceptionally fresh quality and quantity and shipped much faster than expected. I was able to make great Tom Yum soup. Thank you!Fresh Thai Produce Kit\"\n3087,B000GB7QXM,A2DNTU2MKF7236,\"Samir Ahshrup \"\"samir\"\"\",0,0,5,1291852800,Excellent Casablanca Tea,I first tried this tea at at French restaurant that"} +{"input": "????d d?rar?n n o ouo?t t o of o? t ?????sus??l l?????????a a w ?iti?th th?????. . T ToT? m my m??su???rir?sese ??thith??? te tea te????eateatst?????y ty ????????????t mt mi???).)???non?????????eee?????. I. ???????????ralralll?y ??wewee???????????8,8,B,B0B????B1B1R1R7R????????????????5,5,M,MeM??is???????PaP????r,r,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,???313??414?????????mym??????e e te the t????hoh?t t ct ?ho???la?????nin?cec??????my???la?vovoro??? T??? p ???iceic??isis ?gog??d ?an???I I l ???e ??e thee th?????????papac???????hihishi??????ot?? a a f fl f??lavolav??? av a??ili?????e t???me?? lo l?cacal??ly.ly..3?????,B0,B????????????????????NK???KiKiri?????ortor?ono?,0???????19??383?08?0000,???????fuf?l l ll ??oso?? l?ea??????????lovlo??????he che chchachama?omo????e te tee t?ea.ea????????????anand? m??ildil?. ???s ????celce?llell", "output": " had ran out of the usual black tea with mint. To my surprise this tea beats any tea (without milk).. no sugar needed. It is naturally sweetened!\n3088,B001SB1R7A,A1NKHQ9L0KIIB5,Melissa A. Palmer,0,0,5,1319414400,Yummy!,Love this hot chocolate--nice creamy flavor. The price is good and I love the single packs. This is not a flavor available to me locally.\n3089,B000GB7QXC,A2GIO8OKVCNKM,Kira Horton,0,1,5,1196380800,wonderful loose leaf tea,I love the chamomile tea. Its sweet and mild. Its excelle"} +{"input": "nntn???oror r?a a?bebede? t ??mem? t???..????0,0????????WZW?4,4??L0L?I8I????1K1KBK????????????,5,???????979???????odo?nen??s!s!,!,W,???????? h ?ere???l ?????tmt?menme??s s??it it i?s ????????nt?? to t????ded??ststa???? th t???t tt ??????????? i?? i?lnl???????ne ne w ???ll ll???ara???????? t????? th? the the b?????????????I I????e ?????????herhe???al al? te???s as anandan?????d ???????ververyry y????ecectc???????????useusedused ?????er?lyl????????B0?????JLWJLWZ??????Z4AZ4???EYE??SSS????????lolovlo???,1????????555???686808?00,?????cic?ouo??,\",????????????? w?????h hh he?herbher????? so so ??tasta???y iy ?? h he h????. .?????????s a????reare????omo???inain??ioionio??. . ??I d???????????li??ororior??e ????vov?orsors,s??????????s ts ????? is is g is ?gregr??????cac??use??? c???", "output": "nt for a bed time tea.\n3090,B000EJLWZ4,AL0I8X5J1KBDB,Y.T.,1,1,5,1311897600,Goodness!,With all herbal treatments it is important to understand that the earlier in ilness one will start using them the better.
I love to use herbal teas and find them very effective when used properly.\n3091,B000EJLWZ4,A2Z4AFUEYESS76,tea lover,1,1,5,1255996800,Delicious,\"I don't know which herb is so tasty in here.. but it's a great combination. I don't like licorice flavors, and this tea is great because I can "} +{"input": "??eae?p p?ththeh?????ata????nen????s s??f f l lil???riric??e re ?ooooto?? w ????ouo?t ?????ini?????!
It really does help my symptoms, and drinking it for prevention has worked great for me as well. And you cannot beat the shipping price (free with super saver shipping) with Amazon.\"\n3092,B000EJLWZ4,A74R09T12LOPR,DD,0,0,5,1341100800,EFFECTIVE AND SOOTHING TEA FOR KIDS THROAT,\"I always start my son on this tea when he starts a cold. He actually now asks for it. I prepare it and put it in a thermo for him to drink during the"} +{"input": "????y y??? s scs?hoh???. .??????????wo?ndnded???s ws whw??????? st s???tst??drdrir?nkn??????t t rt ?rigri??t t at ?waw????hehenhen ???he ?????tot???s as ??e e o ??viv????. ??????thrth?oao?? d?oeoese?????? f ????????s ??eaea.a??IfIf f??e ????rt????it it a????????he ???lnlnen??????s ??aka??en en??????coc?ourou????? it i??st???l ?????s ?s its i??t sot s??th?? it????lol????????onon ?lolovlo?es???? it a it ?nd??????veve ve r ?????mem?enden??d d t to t?????er? f?????endsend?s w??ho ho???w w??uyu????it ait ??l ?ththe?? ti timi??. . G. GrG??at????fef??tit??ve ??resresus???ts!ts!!!????303?9393,3,B,??010?IZI??C7C????????G4G??????8N8????ve???A-A-B-BaB???aiainin in M MoM??,3,?????,1,??????686???,W,?onondon???????HeH??ltlth????nanacackc?? fo f???????!,!,\",\"W\"???juj????gogotot ot? ou o?r ???????orordor?????????w dw ??ysy?s a?go???????mymy y 1y 101? m ", "output": " day at school. It works wonders when he starts drinking it right away when the symptoms are obvious. The throat does heal from this tea. If he starts it after the illness has taken full course, it still helps it sooth it a lot. My son loves it and I have recommended to other friends who now buy it all the time. Great effective results!!!\"\n3093,B001IZIC7E,A24EXG4PXCNT8N,Loves-A-Bargain Mom,3,3,5,1277596800,Wonderful Healthy Snack for Baby!,\"We just got our first order a few days ago, and my 10 m"} +{"input": "o?????olo?d d?dad?ugughg???? l ????s s???eme?? T ???????????? l?iki?e ???????erberbeb?? m ??nin??????iei????????????????apapeperer.er????ththothouo???h th ?the??????lll? c ?oso?st st a ??????d bd ????, h, ?????? a????utrut????nt nt?fif?illil?ede?, , e, ???y ??? t ta t???? an anyn??he???? tr t?????l sl ?nan????isi?????l l wl ???th???t.t????y dy ?daudaug?ughtugh???r dr dodoeo?????t ht ???? a??????ete??th yth yey??, ?ana?d ??he???????'t 't? ha h?????y ?prp???????s es ?eatea???????hemhe??. T. ??ey??'re'r??lil?????an?d d fd ???fff???, y, ye?t ??ulu??? of o??????or??????????????ZIZICI???,A,?3A3???7T7????????,R,?????cac?a Ka ?????,1????????888?00?00???ra?ck?? fo for? t??oddod?le??s,s??????on'on?'t ????? w wh?y y my ?y ????oddlodd??????s ss ???cr?aza????bob?outou???the?ses????butbu????e ie ??. ? H HeH?e we ??????nacna???inging ", "output": "onth old daughter loves them! They're just like the Gerber mini veggies, but much cheaper. Although they still cost a good bit, having a nutrient filled, easy to take anywhere travel snack is well worth it. My daughter doesn't have any teeth yet, and she hasn't had any problems eating them. They're light and fluffy, yet full of flavor.\"\n3094,B001IZIC7E,A3ADR7TW6DU3YN,Rebecca Kee,1,1,5,1334880000,crack for toddlers,\"I don't know why my toddler is so crazy about these, but he is. He was snacking "} +{"input": "oono? s ??????y y???????osos s??vev?eryery ??aya?y ty ?????? w ?asas ???sps???????tot?o fo fifini????omomemeteththith??? e?lslsese e te ththath?at at??? w???????????bub???wow?oulould???t ???quq?iri???re????geger?eratera???n,n??an?d ?ththithisthis ?sas?ve???????dadayda?????????l l??ooo?d d ad ??ou????feefeededid??? h hi himi? h???ltl??thiethi???????ksks ?anand?? he he he??s ?????ti??velve????in in?lol??ve ve????? t th t???se!se??3????,B,?000?1I1???C7C???A2A????E9E?????????J.J????????n,n,0n,????5,5,15,??323?464???????????thetheme????r r????????wiw?ith? h???rtrt ???ili?????????y doy dogy dog ??hasha?????artar??t fa????????and??cac?an'an????av?????????an???ardar??dodogog og? tr tre??atsat????cacauca????ofof f????????????heheshesehes?e ae are a??re pre ???????? s?he??????s ??? \" ?????t\"t?? f??or or???r ?sns?nacna????, a, anand???the????ar????", "output": "on so many cheerios every day that I was desperate to find something else that he would like but wouldn't require refrigeration, and this saved the day. I feel good about feeding him healthier snacks and he is positively in love with these!\"\n3095,B001IZIC7E,A2C9XE9I8RSKNX,J. Johnson,0,0,5,1332460800,Got them for my dog with heart failure,\"My dog has heart failure and can't have the standard dog treats because of the salt. These are perfect- she likes to \"\"hunt\"\" for her snacks, and these are pe"} +{"input": "r???????? t?oso????utu??????erer,r??????lel??????????nunut???? S ??he he??eaealallllyl?? li l??????????:):?????9696,6?????????7E7E,E?A1A????XIXIPI?3T3?????,h,hbh????afa?tyty,y,0,??,0,,0?1,1,1?????666??????lal??oror ?? t te t??tut?????oto?t gt gogoogo????n n? th thihisi?????chch,h??I'I?vev????ene?n bn bub????????????fof?or or??eaearea?lyly ly???yey?earearsear?s as ???d td ?thith??????ththeth???????t ??imi?e ??????????????asa??????????d tod to ????????hem.hem????heyhe?y ay ??????arkar?kerker r gr ??reere?en en???an? u ???????whw??ch? w ?as????? a? p prp?obo??lemle?, ????t tt th???e tee t??????re wre wawaswa??ch??wiw?er?? an a?nd nd??? the the?????vorvo??wa?wasnwas?????as as gas ?googoodgood.d?. T????s is is??????????m m sm ???????t't's'??s ths the???onlon????????????????y soy son? e ea??s ?s ans a??nd hnd ????hashas ??????????ed???ing ing i?????es.es. . T???????", "output": "rfect to toss out to her, and let her go nuts. She really likes them :)\"\n3096,B001IZIC7E,A1YLBXIP3T1P2A,hbbcrafty,0,0,1,1324166400,Flavor & texture not good in this batch,\"I've been buying these for nearly 5 years and this is the fiirst time that my son has refused to eat them. They are darker green than usual, which was not a problem, but the texture was chewier and the flavor wasn't as good. This is a problem since it's the only vegetable my son eats and he has severe feeding issues. The tast"} +{"input": "?? & ??tet??tuturu??e we ?ere?re re??o o?did?????enentn????e w??? g ??ggggig??g.g?????t pt plplel??????wiw??h h????????ng?e.e?\"\"?303090???B0B000010???ICI???,A,??DPD?0R0?????????????lyl??PeP?ttt?y ?????ellellalara?????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"????,5,???????787???00,00???vev??,T,???ses??ar?e ?e a e a???eliel????usu????????????e se snsnan??? t? tha th?t ?I I??lwlwaw???s hs ??ve???anandan??????eye?y ay ??are are s?o ??ononvnvevenve???enten???and? l ?lasla?t t at a t a??onongon? t?imi?e.????al?soso so??etet et? th?e ????? a an a??d md ???eded ed v ve???ie??s ws ?hihicichic?h ah ??are ??als???wowon??er???l.l. ?YoY??????? ge get ge???theth??? at a???hoh?le????odo??s bs ?utu????????? th??s ????iceice.??3030909809?,B,B0,B0000100??ZI???????3X3????JVJVAV?VTV???,\"T,\"????araar??????SarSa??h\"h\"\"?\"\"\",\"\"\"?????5,?????????????re?at???????it??le????ese??,\"W,\"WeWe ???rsr?st st? tr t??eded ??thith?is is???", "output": "e & texture were so different he was gagging. Not pleased with the change.\"\n3097,B001IZIC7E,A5DP0R9QOGL9W,\"Kelly Petty \"\"Kellaramma\"\"\",0,0,5,1320278400,Love!,These are a delicious guilt free snack that I always have handy. They are so convenient and last a long time. I also get the corn and mixed veggies which are also wonderful. You can get them at Whole Foods but not at this price.\n3098,B001IZIC7E,AC3X9XOJVAVTB,\"TXSarah \"\"Sarah\"\"\",0,0,5,1295395200,Great for Little Ones,\"We first tried this bec"} +{"input": "??usu???ououru??tot??????r wr ?enentn?????ouougou?h h?? p ????y-y?eaeata?????hah???. . S ?heh???????? th the th?se?????heyhe? a ar a?e ?crc?unu?chchyhy ??ndnd ??mamala???en??ougoughoug????r ??herher ???? pi p?ickic???p.p. ????lovlove??? the?? b beb?cacauausause?????????re re o?rgr?an?????ndnd nd????vegve???e e te ?hahatha?t st ??? a?ctc??????y a?sks?s s f ?????. I . I??maimaini??ly ly g ?givgiveve ?????m tm ????her??rir??ghtgh???outou??th??? pa p????geg?e be ????I'I???ve ave ???? m????ed ed??? them???intin???scs??ama?blb????????? w ????h ?????????allyall???iki?eses es t to toooo.o??????9,9????????C7C???A1A??????ZVZ????S2S??YnY???d,d????,5,5,5?121292???575?????? g?re??t ??ayay y ty ????getge?????s ?to???eatea?????ete????eses!es??\"T\"?TheTh??????????? gre gr??eat eat? an?d d hd ha???????????? te texe??turtu??????r /r ??O>OuOur???-y-???r-r?olo?d d h????????", "output": "ause our toddler went through a picky-eater phase. She loved these! They are crunchy and small enough for her to pick up. I love them because they are organic and a veggie that she actually asks for. I mainly give them to her right out the package but I've also mixed them into scrambled eggs, which she really likes too.\"\n3099,B001IZIC7E,A1V6X0SZVOI6S2,Yngad,0,0,5,1292457600,A great way to get kids to eat vegetables!,\"These taste great and have a great texture.

Our 2-year-old has littl"} +{"input": "ee e???tet?rer??????????ininging g???resre?h h?vev??etetataba????, , b ????shshesh????????????e.e. . ?ShS?he he??ctc????lyl??prp??????s ts ??es???ov??????ldldfd????????????????? ot o???r r pr ???dud?????????dubdu??ouousus s ns ?ut?rir?????alal al? va v????! !? T ToT???e,e????????ac??????????th th???he ?exe??ene???e -e ---????t i??s ws wo???h ?ththethe the???stst st???o go ???????????eaeatea??????????????3????,B,B0B00?1I1IZIZIZICI?7E7?,A,A1A1L1LULUTU?1N1N6N??S2S????,\",????HaH??stistining??s \"s ??bobooooko?????1212323\"3\"\"???0,0,00,??5,5???????646?00?,g,?re????to?ddddld??r ??na?????WeWe ??ovoveove ove?? thi th??is bis ?ra?ndnd d o of o?f ff ?????e ??ri?????frufr?itit it??nd?? ve veg?gig?es??. . T ThT???y my ??ke??????as??y ty ?to to?hah?ve? h?ea????????? th??e ge gogo go???ac??s s fs ?????uru????yeyea?????d!d!!?313??1,1???001001I001????7E?????8B8?", "output": "e interest in eating fresh vegetables, but she loves these. She actually prefers these over goldfish crackers or other products of dubious nutritional value! To me, that fact is worth the expense -- it is worth the cost to get her to eat vegetables.\"\n3100,B001IZIC7E,A1LUT1N6VS2CV6,\"E. Hastings \"\"bookworm123\"\"\",0,0,5,1263686400,great toddler snacks,We love this brand of freeze dried fruit and veggies. They make it easy to have healthy on the go snacks for our 2 year old!\n3101,B001IZIC7E,APL8B8"} +{"input": "?Y7Y7T7???D8D??JiJini????ere?,1,????????272??171?606?????eae?t t t tot?????er er?snsnan???? i ??cocono?sis??stest?ntn??quq?ala??tyt?,\",\"M\"????2-2-m-mom?onton?????? d ??????????????ovo?ede???theth??e e e eveveverver ????cece e se shsheh?????rtr????chc???in?????er ??ooo?????ThT??y ??arear????st??y, y,? he hea he?altal??y,??anandnd ?hahavha?? z ?er?o o?ada?????vevesve?????n n???he he?????????, , e ev eve???y fy fef?w w h?anandan??????th????????????????at? i??? as a??ha??d ?as??? f ?????in???ROR?CKC?. ????????bab???lyl??crc???nchnc?h ih ??to??????????????dud????????????o o Io ?I wI wow?rrr?y ???ououtu?????????oulou???? hap ha???n ??f f??????rea??ly????iteiteses es???wn????n tn ???m m w wi???????r br ???y y ty te?????. ????at ??eie??ing ?sas??????it'it's'??????? mo m?ont??s ??nd????ththith?ing?ing bing babadba??d had has?as has ???ppepp???", "output": "Y7T0ED8,Jinkster,1,2,4,1327017600,Great toddler snack; inconsistent quality,\"My 22-month old daughter has loved these ever since she started chewing her food. They are tasty, healthy, and have zero additives. On the downside, every few handfuls there is a pea that is as hard as a freaking ROCK. I can barely crunch into it with my adult teeth, so I worry about what would happen if she really bites down on them with her baby teeth. That being said, it's been months and nothing bad has happened"} +{"input": ".?....a..ana???itit t???????t wt ?oro????d ?????nonouo?????? s ??topto???eee????????? t th thehe ????as,as, , i it i????juj???????metmetht??????????I I? fe f??l l??hohououlouldl?d bd ?e ??????????th??ses?e ce coc?????ererier?ing? p ??????si??????????ththeth??wiwisiseise e ee exexcx??????????ododud????\"\"3313?020??B0B??????C7C??????????XGXGRG?7L7??V,V?PhPhi????????sss??????,1,????????????00?,\",\"a\"amama??ining??????k!k???? K ???? l ?ovo??e te ???m,m, ?to??????ee?? l?????? p???te??? b bob?os?t?t? ???ot ot t???e n???blb??les?les? ??DoD?on'on?'t 't????t t tt ?to to s su s?uccuc?umumbmb b???? po p???atoat???chich????? ???ereer?'s's 's???grgrerea?t ????terte????ivi??! ! ! J ??ustus??dod?on'?t ?leletle???ouourou??to?ddddld?lerle??r trr tryr???to ?opo?penpen n? th??? pa pac??agageg?e oe ?or or?????? pe p?easea??wi???????e ale a?ll ???????? the ???loolo????makma?in?ing ?", "output": "...and it hasn't worried me enough to stop feeding her the peas, it's just something that I feel should be noted to those considering purchasing this otherwise excellent product.\"\n3102,B001IZIC7E,A3VU6XCXGR7LTV,Philip Blessman,0,1,5,1283817600,\"amazing snack! My KIDS love them, too!\",Feel like a protein boost? Got the nibbles? Don't want to succumb to potato chips? Here's a great alternative! Just don't let your toddler try to open the package or your peas will be all over the floor making "} +{"input": "?fof???ana? e exe?????ivivev??????k k???r ???????g g? an a?????grg??????momomo???..3??????000?1I1??ICI??E,E????8I8ITI??M7M???????????tet????0,0?2,2?3,????393969??00?????????????bubutut t???? e???en?sisivsi??,\",???????e te ?theth?e d?????d pd ??asas s? fr f?omom om???stst st? to tomomaom????s ?anandan?d Id ????sos???ik???e the t??iri???JusJust?st Cst ?or?n.n?? T ThT??????e ??????tooto????????iv?????ouougu??. . . ???heyhey hey? ar a????reare??lyl?y hy hah??andyand????cac???e e Ie ????????ususeuse use? fr???enen en??or or????????????????cacauca??use use Iuse ?I fI ?????? a? an an A ??uru?ve??ici?????????ic?? p ?ro?hihibhi???s s ts ??themthem.m????he????I cI ????non???????? fr????h ph ?pea?s ??I hI ha???????????th??ses?. ??????ll? p????aba????hahav?e e t????do do????thothou??t at ?? I ?I cI caI c???'t 't a af afff???d ?ththethes?e,e? t to?????d.d????", "output": "for an expensive snack for the dog and a grumpy mommy.\n3103,B001IZIC7E,A348IT6M7H8A67,Bufster3,0,2,3,1273968000,Very good but too expensive,\"I like the dried peas from Just tomatoes and I also like their Just Corn. They are way too expensive though. They are really handy because I don't use frozen or canned foods because I follow an Ayurvedic diet which prohibits them. When I can not find fresh peas I have to use these. I will probably have to do without as I can't afford these, too bad.\"\n31"} +{"input": "????????????GWG???????989???BRB????????dydy y?\"\"\"?JeJ????tht???e e C CeC????c\"c??\",\"??,0??????383?424222???00,00?NoN?t t??????????reere??!!!!!!!!!!!!?,\",\"E,\"????????ugu??? th t??? i ititeit?m m i???li????? u ???er????????ututeut???frfre?ree ree??ata????ryry,y???t ???s ns ?ot??? T ?????ngn??????????st????e te ?thath??? it? c??ntn?????s ws ???at?????????. ???o o?nonotno??????r r t??isis is????yoy?ou ou? ne n???d Gd GFG????????. B. ??d ???viv???iningin? b ??y Ay AmAmamaza?on??\"\"?313??5,5??0000300?3HA3HAI??????AHAHDH??????9191D1??,w,wow?????hahanantntant?sys???0,00,?0,50,??131??10?????00,?YoY?ou ou gou ????? l lol???....b.bubutut ut h ?hasha????lolotlo???f f uf ???s,s??????????t tt th????fo?r ????is?tmt??????nd nd g ??????a fa fefewew w a??????as as??ifi????. ???? g ge g???? b bu bun?chc??????????, , b, ??t ??f ?????????????", "output": "04,B003HAI9GW,A34O0980YBRQMS,\"judy \"\"Jeehithere Celiac\"\"\",0,0,1,1338422400,Not Gluten Free!!!!!!,\"Even though this item is listed under the Gluten free category, it is not. The ingredients state that it contains wheat protein. Do not order this if you need GF food. Bad reviewing by Amazon!\"\n3105,B003HAI9GW,AAHDVOLV491DT,wolf_phantasy,0,0,5,1331078400,You get a lot...but has a lot of uses,\"I bought this for Christmas and gave a few away as gifts. You get a bunch of boxes, but if you love baco"} +{"input": "n?, ,????rere e?ara?re re a? l ???????usu?????????t!t! !?????e ??adadede e se sosououru??????? c ???? d did??, , c, ch?eee?eseese ??????, ?ad?de?? t?????????d pd pop???tot????????ma?c c??????es?????prprir??klk???d od ???????ed ed???????oesoes s is in? p pl plal?cec???of of? ba b??on??????. .????f yf ???? ca c??n dn drdre??m ?it??yo???????n don do ??it.it??brb???><>r /???he he b?????on fon ????oror or i??s ns nonotot ot? ov o??r r pr po????in???, i, ?it ????? s ?????le le???????ouousous s ts tatastaststet?. ?? I I???ve? D ????? &???????is pis pr??dud?ctctst????? w ?ili???????ryr???ing ing????????ntn????ariar???ie?????r ???re?.\".??313???,B,B0B000????LIL?????IGI????????????ti??a ?????ettette???????,1,?333??909??606?????g g??re?reatrea????????lolovlo?????is???ror??uc??t bt ?utu????it eit ??dsds ??p p tp to????crucr???lyl? a???", "output": "n, there are a lot of uses for it! I've made sour cream chip dip, cheese balls, added to mashed potatoes and mac & cheese, sprinkled on baked potatoes in place of bacon bits. If you can dream it you can do it.

The bacon flavor is not over powering, it is a subtle delicious taste. I love Davis & Davis products and will be trying different varieties for sure.\"\n3106,B004W8LIBQ,AIGB0Z9ZN83RC,tina guyette,0,0,5,1330905600,dog treats,Dogs love this product but it ends up too crumbly and "} +{"input": "h??rdr???? g gig??????????e de ????. .????t t???t it ???rereae?lll?? a ? g gr grereareata?t pt ?ror???ctc?????070?,B,B0B000??TZTZOZOAO?5Q5????4C4??U9U?????PTP?????????????????,5,5,5??242?202?????00,00???lil????smsmomokokek?d ??heheehe??????wiw?ll? b bub???ovove?? a????ov?ere?r ar ?????!,!,\",\"F\"???????ioiouo???gogoaoatat at??????e e le ???overoversrs,s? t???is is i??s as ??sts??????p fp ??romro? t????????????oa????????????????????????uyuy uy a?????e e ge ?ro??er??y sy ststostororeor??. I. ??ha???nen?ve???ha?had had???mokmo??d ?????at cat ch?chee?????efe?or?? a an???th???is wis ????? r?ev?el??atiat???? t? the the the c??reareamrea?????smosm??th?????lilitli??lele e se ??ourou??tatas?tete te???ntnt ?????lo?us??ly ly w??llll ???th??th?the the s????e ?flf??????. I. I . I? us u?????it it??pr?in????d ?d ovd o??ver ver aver a ???mamatatoat?, , b, ?ea???an???rorom????ne ne s??alaal", "output": "hard to give to the dogs. But it is really a great product.\n3107,B001TZOA5Q,A14CKU93LLXPTV,Health nut,1,1,5,1242086400,Delish smoked cheese I will buy over and over again!,\"For serious goat cheese lovers, this is a step up from the French goat cheese that you can buy at the grocery store. I had never had smoked goat cheese before and this was a revelation: the creamy, smooth, a little sour taste went fabulously well with the smoke flavor. I used it sprinkled over a tomato, bean and romaine sala"} +{"input": "?? a ??d ??lsl????prp?????ono??????t t?pop?inintn??? to topo????d wd ????? an a????????zuzucuccc?hih???????isishs?h fh ???m m t th theh? 1 ??? c ??okokbk?oo???s bs ?lol??. .???tststts?anandandidininging g??rtrtitis?an???he????e te ?????I I??????fof?rwr?arardr???? e ??joj????ing ing a??aiainin.in??????8,8,B,??0101T01?????Q,Q??181?M2M2D2D8D??ITI????????brb??a1a?????,5,?,1,???888???12012???????tasta?stist???GoGoa??t Ct ChC?hee??se,se,I,?? y ?ouou u???keke ???oat????????e ae anand????ok??? c?????esesese??yoyouyo??wi??? l?????e the thi??. . . I ?????? a?????????ok???????am????lalava?or?????ry?????????eadead ??n ?cr?aca?ke?rsrs ?wiwitwi?????li????????ac?k k???ufu???e ??????????,B?00?4J4????SMS????202??EXEXBXBUBURURFRF9F????????is???????? a??titisti??\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????,5,???????????00000????????ele?????ousou?s cs ?cofco?????", "output": "d and also spread on toast points topped with an apple-zucchini relish from the 101 cookbooks blog. Outstanding artisan cheese that I look forward to enjoying again.\"\n3108,B001TZOA5Q,A18M2D8OITB1QP,ambrva1,0,0,5,1298851200,Fantastic Goat Cheese,If you like goat cheese and smoked cheeses you will love this. It has a very smokey creamy flavor. Try it spread on crackers with a little black truffle oil.\n3109,B004JQVASM,AA207EXBURF9B,\"kaaris \"\"mom, artist\"\"\",5,5,5,1318896000,Very delicious coffee!,"} +{"input": "??? h ???????????????ofo??mim???/m/mom????ata?????idi? r ???lul???????I I tI ???e e ie iti???asa????it???????eee?. . I? w ?asas as?de??igighghth?tedte??toto to??is?co??verve? P ???oao??t,t, ????????? a a a r???ucu??ed ed??????co??fe??e te tht?hatha??is?is ris ?reareas?ono???lyl??prp?iciceic??. ????????????RoRoa?st? f ?flafl??oror or i ??is uis ??te???? d????ci??usu??. I. ItI???????? l ???ke ke? I ????t ??????co?????? ho h?????fof?or ???nc????????ee,ee????????'s's ??us??t bt ????????n n? my m?y dy ???? c?of??????oto???n ?mym?y ky kik??ch??en.en??????n n m????????ve???????????my my? hu h??????????? i??????or mor ?e!e!)!????????????ouou ou??????t b??e de ?isisais???poipo??te?ted.ted. . T. Th. T????in???mo?n ?fl?flavflavov??????ala??? v ?ver?????ververy????od?????111???B0B??4J4??VAVASA??,A,?WIW????SQS????MPM", "output": "\"I have a history of mild/moderate acid reflux, so I take it easy with coffee. I was delighted to discover Puroast, which is a reduced acid coffee that is reasonably priced. The French Roast flavor is utterly delicious. It tastes like I went to a coffee house for fancy coffee, but it's just brewed in my drip coffee pot in my kitchen. (Even more convenient if my husband does it for me!) Try it - you won't be disappointed. The cinnamon flavor is also very, very good.\"\n3110,B004JQVASM,AWI2YKSQQ8CMP"} +{"input": ",?LaL???ene? C C.C. .??oioini????????????949?141?404???????VEV? t ???s s??ofo??eee?!,!,\",??I hI ???en?'t'? b beb?eeneen ??blblel?? to t??drd?in?k k? co c??fe???foforo??ovo?verve??????????????????asa?????isis is?anandnd d??indindid????stist?ono?n wn ??th???vevenven ?? f ??w w??ror?psps s os ?of of??heh?e se ststust???????ofoffoffeoffee??????????avoav???????andand ??reare?????? d?esespes???????on on?I ??gavga?ve ve???????t ????ryr?. ??ThThihishi???stu?????? a? m ??ra??????non?t ??????ama?????ymy????m-m?frfre??, ,????is?is gis ??odo?d cd co???????????? s??o to th?an???ulu? t??? be b?????e ??o ?ha????cocofcoffcoffe????ac???inin in?????ififefe!fe!\"!\"\"?31?111??B0B00004004J4???ASA?M,M??PCP????5S5?WAWASASNAS???????d Ld ???er?????,5????31231?242????00,00??ete?tet?er er??????StS??arbarbubucu??s,s?,\"I,\"?????? de?????te??d td ??? di d????ve?ver ver????is ????", "output": ",Lauren C. Going,4,4,5,1319414400,I LOVE this coffee!,\"I haven't been able to drink coffee for over 5 years due to gastritis and indigestion with even a few drops of the stuff. Coffee is my favorite and reaching desperation I gave Puroast a try. This stuff is a miracle- not only am I symptom-free, it is good coffee. I am so thankful to be able to have coffee back in my life!\"\n3111,B004JQVASM,APCSV85SWASN2,Word Lover,3,3,5,1312243200,Better than Starbucks,\"I was delighted to discover this rich"} +{"input": "--t-tatasa???ngn???ofo???e,e??????h h???as as? ha hala?f f t ???????? o of???ege??????brb??ndn??????????ede?d id ?????????guegu?st????????? a ac aci?????flf?uxu???????????nd? s??he he n nonoto???nlnlyl??enenjnjoj???ed ed t???he che ?upu?papa,a?, s, shshehe ???????eded ???ata??????fe???t ft ?in??e ae ?ftfte??wawar?dsds.ds. ??????isis s as ??????? c???????tot????veve ve i in in n y ?ouo??r pr ?panpantn??y y fy fof?? f fifinfinin??k-k???gugueguesgue??s ?or?????????? f?oror ????cecerernerni??ng ng????ffeff??-d-drdririn???erser??whwhowh????findfin?d td ???e t?as?te?? of o??StS?????????????DuD??kik??? D ??onuonutu??s ss sis?mpm??ly ly t? too too o h??arsarsh??. A. ???o o lo ??ve???d thd t??????rmr?in?g ?papacpack??gig??????313111??,B,B0B?0404J4JQJQVQVAV?SMS?,A,A1A1E1??HHH???????SM?,g,??????2,42,??131??????????,gr,g????t at ???ter?nan?atiativi????forfo????????e de ?dridr???er????????", "output": "-tasting coffee, which has half the acid of regular brands. I served it to a guest with an acid reflux problem and she not only enjoyed the cuppa, she reported that she felt fine afterwards. This is a great coffee to have in your pantry for finick-y guests or to stock for discerning coffee-drinkers who find the taste of Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts simply too harsh. Also loved the charming packaging.\"\n3112,B004JQVASM,A1E0HHSAMO78SM,gh,2,2,4,1334448000,great alternative for coffee drinkers,\"This "} +{"input": "c??fff??? i ?s s???grg?eae?t t? al altl?erernr?atatiat??e e fe fof?r r???mem?????whw???hah?????idid d????lul????ndnd ??lcl?er??prp??????s.s??????e le ?????cicidci???lll?lowlo??s ms ???tot??????? h ha h?????? c cac?????? f fo??r tr ?he? d dad???. . M ??aybaybeb????t ??? s sm s????? t?asastas??ngn??????y y uy usususuaualal al?blblebl???, ,? bu b????'m'? s so s?????????? f fo f?????. ?????????????e ???? ta?????\"\"?313??3,3???040??QVQVAV?SMSM,M?ALALLLL2L?DVD????5F5???,H,?????er?????,5?,1,?13013030?????00000????LIL???????\"I\"??????beebe???ususiusininging ??thith????\"l\"??low low? ac aci acidid\"id\"\"? c?of??feefee ??????????????????nowno?w aw ??d d a?lo???????th th? th the???as?asteaste,e, , I, I I??????y ny ?notno???havhaviv?ing??? an an???ac??? s??????h\"h?\"\",\"\", , e, ????????????the? \"? \"\"m \"\"???????ing aing af?te?r\"r??. ?. T. ??o mo ????????re re i???s nos n???ifi?ffeff???", "output": "coffee is a great alternative for someone who has acid reflux and ulcer problems. The low acid allows me to still have my caffine for the day. Maybe not as smooth tasting as my usual blend, but I'm so thankful for it. Really close in taste.\"\n3113,B004JQVASM,ALL2DVW8M5FDS,Heather,4,5,5,1303344000,DELICIOUS,\"I've been using this \"\"low acid\"\" coffee for a few weeks now and along with the taste, I enjoy not having an \"\"acid stomach\"\", especially the \"\"morning after\"\". To me, there is no differen"} +{"input": "??e e?ini???asasts????etetwtwew??n n in iti? a ana???rerege?????????fef???/??r /?I I????????????????.\".???111?4,4,B,?000040????ASA?????6I6??PJP??EGE?616???,j,??dyd???,1???,1???888???00???I ????y y d ???inkin???uru?oao??t t ct ???ffeff???,I,I ,I? de d???ded?d d td ?o o? tr t????purpu???????????a a?????????o bo ????ususes???of of??totomto??chc? p????lel??? a?nd??mom?utu???sws??llllil?ingin????PuPururour???st st d di d?id id t?????riricri??! !? P ?lul?? i??????stest?s ?grg?reareata?! ?????ldl??'t'??be? h ???pip?????????it?it (it (a(??th????????wiwiswishsh ?th?????ououl?d ????inging ing t????e ore o??an??c c d??ca???babacackac?k!)k!??????5,B5,??????VA?SM???G6?JWJWIW?7777U7UMUMEM??S,S??KeK?enpen???JuJ?????? T ???ch?????\"P\"PhP??????,3,??4,4,54,?5,15,13131???11?202?00,00?NiNiciceic?e ae ????rnr?at?iv???????????larlar ????fe?e.e?????", "output": "ce in taste between it and regular coffee.

I give it 5 stars.\"\n3114,B004JQVASM,A26IOPJFEG61RP,jody,1,1,5,1318896000,I only drink puroast coffee!,I decided to try puroast over a year ago because of stomach problems and mouth swelling. Puroast did the trick! Plus it tastes great! Couldn't be happier with it (although I wish they would bring the organic decaf back!)\n3115,B004JQVASM,AG6JWI77UMETS,\"Kenpo-Jujitsu Teacher \"\"Phil\"\"\",3,4,5,1311811200,Nice alternative to regular coffee...,\"M"} +{"input": "y????fefe e?ana?d d?I I t ?rir???????? p ?ror?????????????????aga??. . W ????ere?e ?nonoto??did?isais??????????. T. ThTheh?e ce ??fff?feefe??????????od????ava?oro????ndnd nd? th t?? l ??w ??cic?d d wd waw??????ici????addad?ed???ene?efe??????313111?6,6??0000404J4?????M,M????KNKNANAOA?SPSP2P????????. ???????\"\"\"?\"B\"\"B\"\"?\",\"???,0,,0????343????????????ndender???l l s sus?????ituit????..?,\"???st????glglel?????????? gi g?viv???? th thi th???? o ?? 4 ?, ?eve??en ?5 5 s???rsr??????cac??sese ?I ?amam m???ustus????????fulfu??????th???????titittitut?uteut??????????ve? a????????????????t It ????ed??????w acw a????cocofco?ffeff?????????ow??????, I, I I DI ?O O??????tot????mimit????it it? ta t??te?????keke ?e bue buru?nt??????fee? ( ??as ???mem??????lslse?? pu p?? i ??? a an????it it iit ?is is nis no? P ??eetee??s os ??or Sor ?", "output": "y wife and I tried this product a few days ago. We were not disappointed. The coffee had a good flavor, and the low acid was a nice added benefit.\"\n3116,B004JQVASM,A2FKNAOSP2965J,\"B. Shedd \"\"B\"\"\",0,0,3,1349740800,Wonderful substitute...,\"I struggle between giving this 3 or 4, even 5 stars - because I am just thankful for the substitute, as I have a condition that I need low acid coffee for. However, I DO have to admit, it tastes like burnt coffee (as someone else put it) and it is no Peets or St"} +{"input": "??rbr?????. .??heh? t ???????????????flflal???? i iti?????????????ououru??momououtoutht?????????youyo? a????????? i is i?s ss sos???th?ini?????dodondo?'t'??ththi???? I I?wiwili?l l???????et??ususes?????.<.??r ?/>/????r /r />r /?UpUpdp?????? I I h I ??d ??? f fa f???????in in l??? u?p.p??WoWououlou????ikikek?e te ???????ththath???????ou??? are are e oe ????????? h ????s,s??th??t ?puputu?s ?mo?unu??s ?ofo?????ama????anandan?????????? y? you yo?ur ur c coc??fefeee??....a..???????tltlyl?????????l l nl ?otot ?????cec??????fff?ferfe??ncn?ce ce? in????ststest?e fe frfror?? t??is???brabr??? t?o o??nonot?he?her.her?. H. ?opo??e t??hatha????lpl??!\"!??????,B,B0B?040???VAV?SMS???252?3V3VVV?D3D?????J7J????ee ee H ?HowHo???y,y,0,?,0???,1,131343474??212?606????????cic?d ?????s ?a ??if?????encen???IfI?f yf yoyouyou ?dodon??'t 't w wa w?antan?t t???gigiviveve ve? up???", "output": "arbucks. The taste, and the flavor it leaves in your mouth after you are done, is something I don't think I will ever get used to.

Update: I had my father in law up. Would like to say that if you are one, like he is, that puts mounds of creamer and sugar in your coffee...apparently you will not notice a difference in taste from this brand to another. Hope that helps!\"\n3117,B004JQVASM,A253VVD3Z0Y1J7,Lee Howley,0,0,3,1347321600,Low acid makes a difference,If you don't want to give up th"} +{"input": "ee e????tete ??f f c ???fef??e be ??t t c??n'n?t ????dld????hehe ??cic??? tr t?????????????ee.ee. .???????oto?????stest??????e ge ???rmrmem???co?fff?feefe????ut ut?itit ????s s ns nos not????odo?ucu?e e ae ace a?cidcid ???ideid?????ece?tsts.s????181??????JQJQVQVAV??M,M,A,?IBI??LWL???MTM???V,V??ara?aha??KuK?urpurpepele???,0???,1,?????31?202?00,00?LoLowo???aciac?????astaste??????st??s ??oro?e ??ik???? m ???iui?? r ro??astast,ast?????ovovev????????? lo lov love? d dadararkark k r ro roao????d d cd ?????????d ?do?n'n'tn't ???ke??? a?cicidcid cid? ta tas????sos??I I tI ?thoth?ougoughg??t t??hishis ???oulou??d bd ?e ???reare???<>??r ???????? p????????wiw?ithit?h th ?????nono no?? aci ac?id ?????te,te?,\"\",\"??bu????..I..?I hI ??d d td ?o o uo ?sese e t?wi?ce???s ?s mus mucuchuc????o go geg?????????meme me????vov?? I? u ??????y ?li??e.e??ThT?????????n'n'tn't n't???????????eae", "output": "e taste of coffee but can't handle the acid try this coffee. Does not taste like gourmet coffee but it does not produce acid side effects.\n3118,B004JQVASM,AIBDLWAUMT1GV,Sarah Kurpel,0,0,3,1337731200,Low acid taste - tastes more like a medium roast,\"I love, love, love dark roasted coffee and don't like a acid taste so I thought this would be great,

I was pleased with the 'no acid taste,\"\" but...I had to use twice as much to get the same flavor I usually like. That wouldn't be a big dea"} +{"input": "??? b bub?t t?????????????enentnt nt??????ghg?? th t?e e???ffffef???faf????r r? th tha th???I I sI ??ou?ldld d?hah???e ae ????th???????an gan gegete?t et exe????????.<.???r /r ???T>???s s b???endend ??as? g ?????????ryr? f ??nenele??y sy ???????d ??oto?????gogoooodo?d w?it??????rer????h ph ???ssss.s?? I I? wa w???abablble???o o uo ???e ie ?it it? wi w?ith??a a pa ?ouourou??ovo??ver.ver.\".???????B0B??????ASA????QV???VEV?8P8P7P?????CoC??ndond???LiL??brobr??,0,?,0???,1,?333??747?????0,\"0,?A A G GoG???????s,s, s,?BaBadad ?d Ned N??s ??it?uau???on???or? L ?owo?-A-???????ininkin???s\"s\",\"?\"A\"A \"A??shoshorortor???????le ale ?gogo,go, ,??????ctc?or?or lor loloo?ke??d md ?????????e ee ?yey??e ane a????aia?????\"B\"????y,y, ??ouou ou??????ci??????luluxu? r ???l l?????.\"\".\"\" \" ( (M(???y dey d??tit????sas?aidaid ??he?? sa?me???- o- ???ly ly h he he ?wawaswa????????to to?????????", "output": "l- but it meant I went through the coffee faster than I should have and that can get expensive.

This blend was ground very finely so would not be good with a french press. I was able to use it with a pour over.\"\n3119,B004JQVASM,AQVBOVE8P7K3J,Condor Libros,0,0,2,1335744000,\"A Good News, Bad News Situation for Low-Acid Drinkers\",\"A short while ago, my doctor looked me in the eye and said, \"\"Buddy, you got acid reflux real bad.\"\" (My dentist said the same - only he was able to make his "} +{"input": "aanannnnon???cec?memene?t t a ??bib??t mt ?ororer? c ?olo??orfor???????????iningn???????t ???ses?????????????ici?tuturu????ofo?????????n n b?????ryr?????????e e pe pup?????e oe of?f ?co??????????????eekee???????, ,??????ththath?? d ???blb???whw?ama????inin in?mim??????????lal??????bebee?????????g tg tot????ut ut????k k??? a?????? f???dsd?. ??????? m???ded??ciscisis???n t????o ?th?e ??ow??ac???????offeoffee???ououtou?te.te??brb? / ???????/>A/>AnA??????e ??????eae???linli????aya?????thithisis ?cocof?fe????is is a? a g a gogoogoodod od??newne?s ?bab??????? s?it?uauat?io?ion.ion.<.
And like the headline says, this coffee is a good news bad news situation.

First, the good news: Puroast Coffee does in fact appear to be legitimately low-acid. I've noticed a distinct reduction in a"} +{"input": "c?????efe???????titivi???y y a???ere? d ????kik????????brb???><>?r /???w,w??tht???bab????????????s s?coc?????e ie is? k ki??dada a b ba b???????shs???ldl????????th???is iis ???'t'?? th??????iniinioi?n n?ofof of? a a??of?fe???sns??b:b???whw?????I ???kek?e ae ????odo??cuc????f f P ?eeeetee?????????????s ms mumucu?????? th?? n ????t gt ???, ??????-o-???y y wy ?itithit?h ah ?a ba ba?tctch???? F FoF???er?????r ?th?e e be ?basba??c c??houho??e ????nd???? of w of ??ata????er er?????in in? st stot?rere re?? h ha h???ene????????e she s?????ing? i????? I' I????usuus?alalll?y y jy jujus?????ookoo????????????????an?t ??kicki???? sta stara?????in tin ??? m ??ornor?in???atat at? a a p??ricricec?e te ????at iat ????? h??ghg????? ro r?obbobbeb??y.y.??????>A>???as,as?, f, ???r ar alallal???? of i of it????????ci??it????an???ded???ntnt ??ri??e)e", "output": "cid reflux activity after drinking it.

Now, the bad news: this coffee is kinda bad. I should note, this isn't the opinion of a coffee snob: while I like a good cup of Peet's Coffee as much as the next guy, I'm a-okay with a batch of Folger's or the basic house brand of whatever chain store I happen to be shopping in. I'm usually just looking for a pleasant kick start in the morning at a price that isn't highway robbery.

Alas, for all of its low acidity (and decent price)"} +{"input": "????????coc???????ini?'t'????ata??plp?eae??anantn????ckck k s ???rtr??? T ThTheh??e'e?s ????????????nt? f ?lal??oror r??????t tt ?thath?at at??????athat????ha?rdr? t?????scs???bebe ???oto????? th?an??toto ??????? that tha????ror?asastast t dt dod???n'n'tn'??????lyly ?ta??stest?e le ????e Fe ??renrencn?????oasoa????????e.e?? E ??enen n??ococtc????d ??p p??it?h ?cic?innin?????n an anandan?d md mim?lkl??, t, th?? u???leleale???antan???flafl???or or??remremam?ainainsns.s?????/>/?S>SoS????es,es?, t?hi???cocofco??eeee ee?? is is e ?ff?ffecffect??ve???????ouo? a??????tet?????????to? h ha???? co?ffffe??e. e.? B ?????f f yf yo??????lol????ngng g? fo for???????????nt,nt, , l, lolowlo?? ac a????????? st sta?rt???? to y to yo?????????blb???ck ??teate?a ma mi?ghg?t ??????bebetbettt?????????iei?????titioi?on.on??3313????????JQJ???SMS?,A,??????PTPTNT??AGA?L1L?", "output": ", this coffee ain't that pleasant kick start. There's an unpleasant flavor to it that is rather hard to describe - other than to say that Puroast doesn't really taste like French Roast coffee. Even doctored up with cinnamon and milk, the unpleasant flavor remains.

So yes, this coffee is effective, if you absolutely need to have coffee. But if you're looking for a pleasant, low acid kick start to your day, black tea might be a better, tastier option.\"\n3120,B004JQVASM,A2MSQNPTNAAGL1,"} +{"input": "??. .?CaCanannnnon??,0,???,4,4,4,1,?313??848?646??0,0,S0,SuS?rprprp???ini?glg?y y?gog?????andan??????aua??eae?!,!,\",\"I\"??did???'t'?????e e???ghgh h e ???ece??atatit?????tht???t It ?????????iki????thith??????t I?????ve ve c ?ofofff?eee?e ae ??and and??????e tre t?ououbou????wiw?th???????a a?????? th thehe ???id?. . I. ???m ???StSta?rbr?bucbu??s ???an an a??d ??hih????? thi this??????nonotno?t at ?as as f fu fulullull l? bo b??ieiede?????ththath????it it??waswa?s ss ???????in???y y gy ??od?. ??icicec????????t ht ???ve ????e a???id id??????s s ts ththathattha???comcomeme e w??ithit????????, ,????????d ???? b????therthe? m meme me a?t t a?lll????????ke ke m??e ne na???eoeou??. . I??ststi??? p pr?????r tr ?the?? ta t????e oe ?of of?????rburb?ck?s s hs ????ebe?blebl??nd nd???????? I ?'m'm ???not not????????he he? ex e??????od?????is w??ortor??th tth ?the??aca???. ?ThT?????is is ais a ?go???d ad ald altl", "output": "P. Cannon,0,0,4,1319846400,Surprisingly good and no nausea!,\"I didn't have high expectations that I would like this but I love coffee and have trouble with nausea from the acid. I am a Starbucks fan and while this was not as full bodied as that it was surprisingly good. Nice to not have the acid issues that come with coffee, this did not bother me at all or make me nauseous. I still prefer the taste of Starbucks houseblend but now I'm not sure the extra body is worth the acid. This is a good alt"} +{"input": "??rnr????veve e t ?????????????? l ?iki??d ????teterer er?ana?nd nd??????er ??? i??gog???ususese e te ?????. .?GiG?iveiv??iti?t at ?????!\"!\"\"??121212?,B,B0B??4J4JQJ?VAVASA????3C3?????FRF????????????R.R?,0,?,0,0,,0??,1,??31831??96960600?????stst ?????eee???ve?????isi????????rer?at??coc?mpm?????. . A ????ththethe ??iri?st??????????????se?ene?? to t??????r r?????w w? ac acic???????ono??. Y. ??? c ???????ololul?te????????te te? th t??e de ??ffffeffer?en?cece.e??ItI??s ?co?ff???e we ??ithit????t tt th?? b??????rnern??s.s????akake??s is its it t pt ???sisibiblb?e ?e toe t???enjen?oyo??ththe????????????? the the e be ?????wi?th?ou?????????????r tr ?asast?????TheTheye??ala???? ha h???ve vve ???????olol ol b bl blal??k k m mum?gsg?? ??????ththe???3??????00?4J4JQ4J????M,??2Y2YSY????????2B2??????3,3?,5,,5,1,1,,1,1?32321??????00,00??ini?", "output": "ernative that i found i liked better and better as i got use to it. Give it a try!\"\n3121,B004JQVASM,A3CFP07FRT7LUJ,Dani R.,0,0,5,1318896000,Best Coffee Ever,This is a great company. And the first I have ever seen to offer a low acid option. You can absolutely taste the difference. It's coffee without the bitterness. Makes it possible to enjoy the purity of the bean without the bitter taste. They also have very cool black mugs. Love them!\n3122,B004JQVASM,A2YSCXYJ33R2BT,lj,3,5,1,1321142400,Sing"} +{"input": "??? w ??rsr?t t??ofoffffef?e ?eve??r,r??I I????nkn? 1 ??? cu cupu??????aya?????????????????iai???????FrF?ene????????????????????d d w wa wan??ede?????????a ??owowew???????????rsirsioi??. . T ?hih?s ????and???? c???????smsmem???s ????????????????????ege?????ItIt It???? to t?ta???y ??npn?????????? an a???????????????terter r? of????dridr??kik??g g? wa wat wa?????f ????????id id i in i???????? b??othot???rs rs????????121??,B,?000?4J4??????,A,ARA???????H7H?75N75?A,A?????e ?????????t \"t \"\"\"??????et et?MoM?gug?l\"l\"\"?????2,2,1?????969??????,T,Th?e e We ??orsor?????????? C CoC?off?eeee ??????????ERE????ast????,T?hihishi?????????ta??teteste???o ?na?st???I ??????t et ???? d???nknk nk i it i??. I?t't?????isgis??st?in??. ?. I . I???an'?t ??belbe?lieliev?? a???th?in???", "output": "le worst coffee ever,\"I drink 10 cups a day of Verona, Italian, or French roast coffee, and wanted to try a lower-acid version. This brand of coffee smells and tastes like vinegar. It is totally unpalatable and you are better off drinking water if the acid in coffee bothers you.\"\n3123,B004JQVASM,AR1PF75SH75NA,\"Jude Albright \"\"Magnet Mogul\"\"\",1,2,1,1339632000,The Worst Tasting Coffee I Have EVER Tasted!,This coffee tastes so nasty I can't even drink it. It's disgusting. I can't believe anything t"} +{"input": "h??s s????tet?r r i is? a aca????frf???????????ala?lyl??????? a aw a?aya??twt?? b?????????4,4??000040?JQJQVQVAV?SMS??A1A?????1J1JJJ?A0A0H0??L,L,a,?agkag????4,??,1,??24??252?606???UnU????nkn?aba?lel?,\",???avavov?r ?mamay?? be b??????th???g g??hah?t t?ha???tot??beb?e ge gigivi??? u ???wiwitithit? l ??w ?ac?idid id????fefeeee,ee, ,???t t It ?I dI ???cidci??d ??'d'???????????kek??ma???iv??????ese??ofof of??????? a?ndnd nd d drdridr?inkin??reregre???????????ee ee t??????????????y y t?onongngu??e te ?? t th?is????fuf?? s??wilwillll.ll?\"\"???12512???????QVQVAQV??M,??333????A8A?????D6D??????on???,1?????????646414?????00,U00,UgU?????????s cs ??coffcof?feefe????melme?????rearealallal?ly ly b ba??d -d ? t??er??e ie ???????iniin??????non??\"\"\"??deldelilici???usu???????mellmell l?????????rew???s ors or r ar ?????ou ou? ta??ke ke????????????youyo????ugu?", "output": "his bitter is acid free. I actually threw away two bags.\n3124,B004JQVASM,A1DUSP1JJA0H7L,agk,2,4,1,1324425600,Undrinkable,\"Flavor may be something that has to be given up with low acid coffee, but I decided I'd rather take massive doses of Pepcid and drink regular coffee than subject my tongue to this awful swill.\"\n3125,B004JQVASM,A33W24A8DHGSD6,hammonit,1,3,2,1326412800,Ugh.,\"This coffee smells really bad - there is definitely no \"\"delicious\"\" smell as it brews or as you take sips from your mug."} +{"input": " ? I ?t t?tatasaststetese? j ?usu?st st??????fuf?????o.o. .????????rsr??????plp?????psps s ts ???t ?? h ?hadha?? w wiw??th th m ???????e ce clc??oseosede??soso o I I I c ?coucoul???'t'??????l ???, ?????n'tn'????????????t ?t tht t?????rer???ipipsips s Is ??to??k k????he mhe ???e e de ????????ngng g??it it w??as.as?? I????????so?lul?uteut????st???acachc????rnr?????(t(?? m?????????astas?????d ?unu????tut?????ely?????wilwill???eveveverer r?????k k tk th?????olole????????It It??asast?es???iki?e ???????, ??oo??lyl????rewre?????????? c????ofo? c?of????????houhougughg???notno?t ct ?????????. T. Th????????po?sisitsi???? n?oto?? i is is ??ha??t it itt i?t dt ??d ????? ir i?riritri?tatta????? b bl blal????? - - -???ust?? ir???ritarit??atedate????my nmy ???se se a??????ststest????dsd???????6,6??00000????????A3A?0K0??QIQ????6S6SES?H,H?\"C\"CaCat", "output": " It tastes just as awful too. The first couple sips that I had, with my nose closed so I couldn't smell it, wasn't too bad but the more sips I took the more disgusting it was. It is absolutely stomach turning (to me at least) and unfortunately I will never drink the whole bag. It tastes like a weak, poorly brewed, cheap cup of coffee (though not cheap!). The only positive note is that it did not irritate my bladder - just irritated my nose and taste buds.\"\n3126,B000FDKQCY,A30KCQIU856SEH,\"Cat"} +{"input": "h??rir????M.M. .?????gege ??????????????171?,1????,1?????323???00,00??ana???e e ie ??????eded d e eae?sis?????I I?ususes??ththih?is is?????? b???????kek????utut t? ma mak?????t wt wiw??? w waw??? m???k k a ???d ad ??? ad addd????ono????????? wh w??chch h??re??tlt?ly ly??mp??rovro???????e t??????re.re???he???ma??e e we ?witwi????us??t w???er??an???? s ?mamalma??l al ama?ouo???????????erer,er??th?the the????ust???omo?????????ververyry,? v ?ver?y ????wyw????in min ?? b? bre brea???macma???ineine.e?. I. ??????? al a???? ma mad madede de t th thihishi?s bs ?????????????? c??arrarro??????????????aca?ce ce?????????at??r,r, , w, ?hi??h ??????s is ???? a b a ????utiut???l ?coc???????nd nd??natna??rar?????sws?eeeetet.t.\".????2727,????????QCQ?Y,Y????U4U????????9I9I,I?an?andiand???enenjnjiji,i?????5,5,1?,127,12??373????000,000??n ??????llell???", "output": "herine M. George \"\"caisays\"\"\",17,18,4,1231632000,Can be improved easily,\"I use this in my breadmaker but make it with warm milk and an additional egg, which greatly improves the texture. When made with just water and a small amount of butter, the crust comes out very, very chewy in my breadmachine. I have also made this bread and used carrot juice in place of the water, which makes it a beautiful color and naturally sweet.\"\n3127,B000FDKQCY,A34U4Y40W1GW9I,andiesenji,9,9,5,1271376000,An excellent "} +{"input": "??rer??? m ??chc???? m?ixi??,\",?? h ???e e te ??iei??d md mamanma?? b ???eadead ??????ne? m????????d ?d mod m??t t???aveav????????????bub?t ?tht??s s os ????????es es???n \"n \"\"\"???cec????enten?????ece??ususes?????t ot ????y iy isi???????????????d ???sisici? l ???f,f???? a al alsl?o o?????s ??????????????h h??ddddid?itiitivi????, e, ?????? p prp??pap?reredred d ed en?entientiri????? in in n tn th?e ???reare??????achiachin??, ??????aftaf????????se?coc?????risrise????????vedved ??????????????in?ine,ine, , s, shs???eded ed? an??d b?akakek??????? s?tot???e ie ????????oveov??.<.??br br??????ete??checheded ????d f??????nenedne????ithith ith? a ????????????????????????????or sor ????et et i? ing ingrg???????????????????eded ed a???? se s????to to??????an?and and t?? then the??ba??ke ke????? a l a ???? p???????it pit ???oduoducuce?d ??", "output": "bread machine mix.,\"I have tried many bread machine mixes and most have been okay but this one rates an \"\"excellent\"\" because not only is it a very good basic loaf, it also works very well with additives, either prepared entirely in the bread machine, or (after the second rise) removed from the machine, shaped and baked on a stone in the oven.
Stretched and flattened with a filling of either savory or sweet ingredients, then rolled and set to rise and then bake in a loaf pan, it produced ex"} +{"input": "??ele????? h heh??? a ????????on on??rereaeadad,d, ,???nnnnan?mom??on ron ???sis?? b br b?reareadad ad? an and?? a a???owo?? b????erer er a? and an???eee?d d bd br?????????/>/?? b bu?y y??????? t tht??????????bebe-e????????e e?????? as a? I ???se?? it i?t ot ?????.\".????????000??????CYC??A2A2O2O5O???USU?FNF?MBM?DBDB,B,O,?nln???e ?ShShoh?pep?????????????4141111211202??,Y,??mmmmmmmymm?yy??,\",\"I\"??lolovo?ve ve????shs? b????ead ead?? and???odo??sos??on bon ???and?? is i??awawew?????? i??us??alall??y jy jujus???us???th???dodouo???????le? o???????????????hihinine????? and t and th??n n fn fof??m m??he????ugughug??inin in bin bubununsns ?s ans a????tit?ckcksk????so so? i ???an ??easeasi??y ?tat???e te the the??m om ????o o g ??????????f f???e ??bra?????is is n ?oto????????????? t? the????grg??????tst??s ars are????tut?ra?????? and p and ?????ss??? w ?itithit?houho?ut ut??he", "output": "cellent herb and onion bread, cinnamon raisin bread and a brown butter and seed bread.
I buy it via the subscribe-and-save plan as I use it often.\"\n3128,B000FDKQCY,A2O5CCUSFNMBDB,Online Shoper,7,7,5,1171411200,Yummmyyyy,\"I love fresh bread and Hodgson brand is awesome. i usually just use the dough cycle on my bread machine and then form the dough in buns and stickss so i can easily take them on to go. even if the brand is not organic all the ingredients are natural and processed without che"} +{"input": "??????s.s. .???t t?momososts?t ot ????allall l?tht?eye??????e e g ?rer?ata??. a. ??all all i ?????????resre?? is i??sosomo??e we ???????ndnd d????rtr????ngn???butbu??terte???oror or o?ili?).). ???????????? b?eee?en en a?blb???????sese ?????lesle???cec??ininsin??????ofof of?? oil oi?l bl ?????t ??idi?ntn?t gt ??t ?as????ichic???????. . I. ?????e ????????d ad ?????????etiet???s ts ????? ha?????????zozono?, , w, ????le le w wh???t t ht hohonho?ey??isis s ss sps s???iai??????asastastyty.y??????mormo????upu???ma?rkr?etet et b?????????????B0B?????KQK??????ZVZ?CECERE?NPN????BFB??????S.S. . \". \"\"\"\"o\"?ldl?d hd ????itit\"it??\",\"???????131????33633?????????reatrea??????????us,us, ????er???, wo, w?ondon????ulu??, d, ????iciicio???? br?????????\"I\"I ????t t a??????whwhe?????fifirirsir???????dereder?ed ed??hih???? bre????fof?or ????nenewne? P ???as?????", "output": "micals. but most of all they taste great. all it requires is some water and shortening(butter, or oil). i have even been able to use applesauce instead of oil but it didnt get as rich taste. I have ordered all varieties they had on amazon, whole wheat honey is specially tasty. no more supermarket bread!\"\n3129,B000FDKQCY,A2ZVCERNPV6SBF,\"R. S. \"\"old hobbit\"\"\",2,2,5,1338336000,\"Great, glorious, super, wonderful, delicious bread!!!\",\"I must admit when I first ordered this bread for my new Panasonic "} +{"input": "bbrbrer????????r,r??? w ??????? e ???ece????? a ????hih????otothot??er er?th?????????o o??brebrea????ucu?????s Is ?I bI ???? at a?t at a a? ne n?earea???????re???HoH?wew???er,er???waswa??? e??????sursu??rir??ede?????????????????ele?y y ty ?thethe e????? s?tut?????ndn?????? s??mem????gagan??? b bu b?uttut?terte??????ed ed?hi???????????pe???? m me mel???d ??????? o ???? p?ara????th?th ath ????????. ???????st cst ?ouo?????notno?????ieiev???hohowow ow??oooodod ??t ??????and???is.is??SiS?incincec??????fifirirsrst???oao???, I, ?????? m??adead?e oe ote o?????????adsad??????? h??aveav?????n ?gegen????????ex?????en???t but b?ut ut?????e ae ar?e e qe ?uiu?iteit???????????ve?????f tf ???is is???otaotatotato?????adad.ad??????????????? go g??d!d! d!?PeP???haphapsps ???the the cthe ???did?it ?gogoego??????mym?y ny ????? bre brea?ead ead?", "output": "bread maker, I was not expecting anything other than potato bread such as I buy at a nearby store. However, was I ever surprised! It was absolutely the best stuff and with some organic butter piled high and properly melted it was on a par with ambrosia. I just could not believe how good it was and is. Since the first loaf, I have made other breads which have been generally excellent but none are quite at the level of this potato bread. It is REALLY good! Perhaps the credit goes to my new bread m"} +{"input": "?acachc????! !??????y y r rer??omo?????ede??????GEG?NENERERAR???INI??O:O???????????geg??mam?kek?s s a ????? p?????????f.f. .??n n m ???????in?e ?ththe? r???om??menme???ed ed?ses???in?????s Bs ????????nd ?th?e e le ?loalo?? b bab????? in i?n 4n ????ourou???????o,o???????????? is i?s Ns NON??????????ififif?eded ed aed ????aba??????.\".?????0,0????????QCQ?Y,Y??3S3?H0H??NRN??????9,9,J,??. S. SmSmimiti???????5,5????565?969606??????odo??BaBacack???? t?he??????csc????????\"S\"??????I I??tat?rtr???ed med ???ining?????gsgso????????so??me me?PoPoto???????eae??, , m, ?my my? hu h????nd?????ll ll n nonot?????? st???re re?????????bre??? a an any an????e!??????e mae mak?? a????????o ?????eses ?a ????k,k, ??? d did??fefer??enten?t vt ?????titieti?es es oes ???????HoHod??sosonson son M ???l l b br b?ana??. ? T??????ne?y ?", "output": "achine! Highly recommended!!! GENERAL INFO: The package makes a 1.5 pound loaf. On my machine the recommended setting is BASIC and the loaf bakes in 4 hours. Also, the flour is NON GMO Verified as labelled.\"\n3130,B000FDKQCY,A3SH0RNRLX9CP9,J. Smith,2,2,5,1275696000,Good Back to the Basics bread,\"Since I started making Hodgson Wholesome Potato bread, my husband will not eat store bought bread anymore! We make about two loaves a week, in different varieties of the Hodgson Mill brand. The honey w"} +{"input": "h???? w ??eae?t t???d d???iti?e ????eadea??????s s a?rere re??lsl????re????????/>/?? l lil??e ??sisini????????d ??brebrea??????hi??e ?toto ??akakeke ke?tht?he he d ?ouo?ghgh,h? t??henhen n s ?hah?pep??inintin??? lo l??????nd nd?babak??e i?n n tn ?????vevene?. .??MaM?akeakesake???????ctct ???oafoa?????ryr???imi?e,e, ???lsols??????? d???liclicic???????ollol????????/>G/>GlGlal???I ?did??coc???????????????andan??ofo??????? m????es es o on on ???????---?th??y ?ara????whowh?oleol?esoesomo????, an, a?????knk??w w?? wha whatat at???m m???ttt?tinti?? i inintintoint????the the??????ead Iead ?????ke ??nowno??. . ????reatreat ?prp?rodro??ct????????????00F00??KQK???,A,A3A3T3TIT??????FMF????,\",?RER????A A??\"R???TA?A\"A???????,5,????101090?828?404?00,00??ototat???o bo ??brea?d,d,\"???us???d ed ???rara ra???easeasts??an???????????????re ??atateat?er er?? and an?d id ?? c ??meme me o", "output": "hole wheat and white bread mixes are also great.
I like using my old bread machine to make the dough, then shape into loaf and bake in the oven. Makes perfect loaf every time, also makes delicious rolls.
Glad I discovered this brand of bread mixes on Amazon--they are wholesome, and I know what I'm putting into the bread I bake now. Great product!\"\n3131,B000FDKQCY,A3TIACCF9FM8PB,\"REPTAA \"\"REPTAA\"\"\",2,2,5,1210982400,potato bread,\"i used extra yeast and a little more water and it came o"} +{"input": "??t t v ??ryr??liligi??t ?wiwiti?h h???????d d?crc????? w whw?ici?h h ih ???ikikeke.e??i ?wi????oro?rderd?????t at ????n.n?????t mt ???? o?? a a a??ototaot??o o????????ut??????d bd brbrer?eadea????????B0B??00F00??KQK????A1A???U2U????????7,7,M,??????chich?????,5,?,1???33633?707????????OMOMEM???RER?ADAD!D?????!!!!!!!!,!,I,? r ?recre?ene???y ???????aseas??????brebrea?ead ead m ??chchi??????d ?I ???iei???? th t??? p?otota??? b????d d md ???. ? I I I hI hah???????e ??? t?????e te ????????w w??ndnd nd i it?? ha h??? co c??me me o?ut?ut aut ???ziz?ingin??eaeacea?????d ??ve????????? T ?????th?erer ??re????th???ing ing???ouo???th??s ?pap????cuc?la?? m????????????? h???ve ????????imenime???ed ?wiwitwithth th? al altl??eri??g ?th?? a????ntnt nt o? of of???????????? t th????lasla?st st? ba b??????I aI ??tut?alall??y dy ????lel??ed ted ?the?", "output": "ut very light with a heard crust, which i like. i will order it again. not much of a potato taste but good bread\"\n3132,B000FDKQCY,A1LAU23TDVU117,Melarchi,1,1,5,1333670400,AWSOME BREAD!!!!!!!,I recently purchased a bread machine and I tried this potato bread mix. I have made it three times now and it has come out amazing each and every time. The other great thing about this particular mix is that I have experimented with altering the amount of Butter ( in the last batch I actually doubled the "} +{"input": "???ttttet????????????t ???ene? a?ddd?eded d?????????terter)r? a??d ???t ct ??????outou????????? a an?d ????????????yyyyy?y!y??<>?????>I>????coc?ourourar?geg?e ee evevev????nen???hoho o????s as a a? br b?eae??d md mam?chchihininene ne?toto ?trt?y y ty th??s s ps ????icicuc??????????313?333??B0B?????KQKQCQCYC?,A,?XBX???9H9?WBW?????????BeBelelll??1,1???5,5???959??1313613??????dgd???????????o Bo ?re?ad?,\",\"I\"??amam am s so?? to t?otaotala?llyll??sas?????ieied? b???HoHodHodg????n Mn ?ili?ll ll p ????ucu?tsts ?& &???pr???????y hy ???ve ve p??rcr?chach??eded ed >ed > >?101?? l??ava??????t tt tht t?hishis ?s pos poio??t.t. . . ?????????somsomem?????????resrese????? to to????br???????wiw?ithith h g ??od?????ul???? t???.<.??

I encourage everyone who has a bread machine to try this particular mix.\n3133,B000FDKQCY,AXBRJ9HWBMALJ,C. Bell,1,1,5,1295913600,Hodgson Potato Bread,\"I am so totally satisfied by Hodgson Mill products & I probably have purchased > 100 loaves at this point. I used some as a present to my brother with good results, too.

Never have I seen \"\"old\"\" smelling mix nor have I ever had a yeast fai"} +{"input": "???????????iri????sts????? te t?xtx??ureur?e ie isi??wow?????????. N. NeN????????? I ????d d?a a?\"\"\"?sls?ici???g g?faf?????re\"re?? w?he????????cac??'t'??gegetet ?a a sa ?slislic????o o h???d ??togtoge?tht??????ongong ?????ghgh h??o ???????t dt ?????????????fef?ereer??????pepese?s ls lel??d ?d thd t??msm???ve????el?l l? to to to??ddddi???? in ingngrng???diedi??entsents ????h ?as? C ?hoh??????NuN??s ?oror ?SeSes???e ?Se????????????letle???SeeSeedSee??oror or?? - - -?ususese se y????r or ?ownown n???aga???ata?????. . ? Co Como???g ????nin?ice? u un uninitni????? 6 ????av?eses es??makma???es pes ?an??ryr?y sy ??or?ag??e ee ??asyasy,y? a????????????eneen?????????carca?to??n yn yiyiei???ds ds????????????h h \"h ????????y\"y????atateat?es es ees ?????y ?????sss??blblele le???????ch ch??o ????tatta??ngng ng yng ?youyour? s??helhelfl?????ckck k??????mom??st st?????", "output": "lure. Their taste & texture is wonderful. Never have I had a \"\"slicing failure\"\" where you can't get a slice to hold together long enough to lay it down. The different types lend themselves well to adding ingredients such as Chopped Nuts or Sesame Seeds or Millet Seed or - - use your own imagination. Coming in nice units of 6 loaves makes pantry storage easy, and once opened, the carton yields 6 boxes with \"\"Best By\"\" dates easily accessible on each so rotating your shelf stock is almost \"\"goo"} +{"input": "??-p-prp?ooo???????????/>/?? />??????it??????eateat ?coc??fif??en??ce ?bab??sedse???on on???y ey ????????enceences??????????? d ????inging ing? th??????st ?????????rs.rs. . . ? I I???pe? t? thi????????????????on on mon ??kikin????3???4,4,B,???00F00?????????13013????4P4??4PW4P??????", "output": "f-proofed\"\".

Next time you walk a grocery store, note the prices there! Here again, I think you really can't beat the quality with a really fair price that Hodgson provides. It seems to me that they have expended great effort to have the best product they can produce & the best shipping available for their customers.

Buy with great confidence based on my experiences with them during the last 2-3 years. I hope this helps decision making.\"\n3134,B000FDKQCY,A130VGG4P4PW5J,\"Si"} +{"input": "??TaTaza???\"G\"??niniei?bub???ede??\"\"\"\"\"\",\",1,1,1??????292??383848?????AlA??aya?? a ???rer??t t?????????fuf????lil??e e?ofo??prp??????s ??????oso?e ?frfro??,\",?????TET??? 1 ??????202??????FiF??ala??????vev?e f?ouo??nd nd? a a???rfr?ecect? ' ?mamat?ch??????tat?????toto o m ?y y Iy ?????? gr g????mom????er'er's's ?pop?otaotatatoat????reare?d.d??LoL????pipicict????????didili?????????. V. ??eryer???TasTa??y ?-<-?brbr br?/>/><>??? /???a a ha hrhre??=\"=\"\"??ttttpt????www??????zoz??.c.???/g/gpgp/p?pr??oduod?uctuc?/B/?00?0F0?????Y\"Y\"\"??HoHododgodgsg??on on?MiMilillill ???????somso??e Pe ????toto to????????MixMix,x, ,??6-6????cec??BoB???????aca??? of of f 6f ???????????w w i?n n t????20?????????ow?? te teee?ensen??wiwin????chichil?? -?????esees??1818 8?????es ?wiwilwi??ll bll ???????????tente????br????ThT?he ??picpi", "output": "rTaz \"\"Geniebugged\"\"\",1,1,5,1290384000,Always a great Brand - full line of products 2 choose from,\"UPDATED: 12-02-2010 - Finally have found a perfect 'match' in taste to my IRISH grandmother's potato bread. Loaf pictured w/dill added. Very Tasty -

Hodgson Mill Wholesome Potato Bread Mix, 16-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6)

Since now in the 20's and low teens wind chill - these 18 boxes will be used often.

The pic"} +{"input": "t?uru?e e??hoh??? t ??isi?????? m ???e ????ololdl?derder r???rearead???kekere???????sts???????ara??????r Cr CrC???????s as ??d d??tu?????????s s ws ?ele??? as a?s Fs ????????????crucr??????forfor ?MaM???'n'?n Cn ???????e Bue But???ereer??????pipin???????????*****???*******???**************???*********????*******??*******??***??*************?*****************??****?*************?*********??***????????**??***********??*********?***********??***?**********<*****
Have been using Hodgson's Mill* products for years. Ordered 3 sets of 6 boxed for breadmaker but intend to 'kick up' the taste w/crushed in oil garlic/dill/ cinnamon-raisins/whole cranberries/and whatever else takes our fancy for dinner meals or great hom"} +{"input": "?eme?adaded???ouo?????unu?kikini?? - ???nen??cac?n n m ma?keke ???? t ????e re ??????????????tit?ckck k??heheye??????ses?. .?AlAlsl????oio?????o o? tr t?????? 'f '????????ad?????? / />/??????/>H/>???????he?at????n tn tht?he he w ???y -y ?- 2- 2 2????????lil??erereredre? a ?an an?ho?uru??????? P ??tatat?o ?????CaCara????????eN>?????? m?aka???????oioicoicece e we ?????? wi w???? co c?????iri???.\".??313131??,B,??????KQKQCQ?????????UYU????????????????olaolan?????aua??????????????\"\"????,1?,4,??,12,1?797?585????0,0,G,??rea?t t bt ??ea????? l ???????isis ????adad.ad?. . I ?????'t'?????n ??liklikeke ke tke th???smsmemelme???ofo?? co???merme??iaiala?l bl ????d;d; ;??ou????????elell????the the c ch c?????????frf?romro????ileil????. I. ????de?d ????semsema???, ,? ga gar??liclic c? an a???ol??iveiv???oiloi?l tl ??o to ?", "output": "emade soup 'dunkin' - One can make any type roll or breadstick they choose. Also going to try as 'flat breads'

Honey Wheat on the way - 2 sets delivered an hour ago - Potato and Caraway Rye
Now to make a choice which will come first.\"\n3135,B000FDKQCY,A2F1XEUY2FALCR,\"Rosa Polanco-paula \"\"rapp 217\"\"\",1,1,4,1279584000,Great bread,\"I love this bread. I don't even like the smell of commercial bread; you can smell the chemicals from miles. I added rosemary, garlic and olive oil to th"} +{"input": "????ixi? a ????ses????e ie ???juj?????utut ???????????????? i itit it???s s? a a??hithi??????? my my y?did?inninnenerne??gug??????\"\"3313??6,6?????????????????LQ?????JWJW,W,T,????????er????&##?4;4?WeW??ndynd????????,1,1,,1?5,5??232????646??00,00???? G ??odod!d???Th?????waswa?s gs ???atat ?- -??o o s??ftft,t????????tyt????BeB???erer er ter ???an an e ?????te??????????ectec??lol????eve?ververyry ?titimimem??.\".\"??13??????0F0FDFDKFD?KQCKQ??,A?????????P9P979717?????cec?enten?????er,er????,3?,1????39139???0000,??oto????o bo ?rereare????mixmi????????? a l a ???tlt???di??????in????????I fI fif??st???ad?e ?th??e m????finfi?s ???ith???t t at ??and and t?he?n n l ???t tt ????br?ea?d d m?????nene ne m ma??????and ??aka?? a a ???oafoaf ?????. . ????t ??I wI wi??????? m???????? it it?????????????ak?in?????", "output": "e mix and serve it just out of the machine; it was a hit with my dinner guests.\"\n3136,B000FDKQCY,A8VLQLQNSV3JW,The Wanderer "Wendy",1,1,5,1239926400,How Good!,\"This was great - so soft, so tasty. Better than expected. Perfect loaf every time.\"\n3137,B000FDKQCY,A1MWRMXAHP971S,recentbuyer,2,3,3,1173916800,potato bread mix,I was a little disappointed...I first made the muffins with it and then let the bread machine make and bake a loaf - ok. Next I will try mixing it myself and baking in "} +{"input": "m?y y??????? I ???o o??ava?? t ?o ??eeeepe????????? t?hoh???????ata? p pop???????rer?ada???s s????sese e?????heh?eavea?iei?r r?????n sn ????whw???e e be ?????. . . ?????venveninie?????? a? p pl p???..??131?????????KQK??????????FNFN0N?WZWZYZ??K,K?TaT?mmm??????8,???????13???171727??0000,00?????avaveave ????gsgsoson???ililll?????ad? M?ixix!x??\"I\"????????rir????a a???w w o?? t??isis is bis ?????d od ofof ??????????????????bre?breadbrea??????????an????whiwh??????ll ll??avave????eenee????od???????????y ???? my my ?faf??il?y ?anand???I tI tht???t tt ?thithisis is iis is?????e b?ese??? I??????e me mamadma?e e pe ?potpota?to??????? f fr f????????atcat??? in? m my my my? br b????d m?????hinehin?e ae ane and??????s is ??is ris ???ghtgh??upu???thetherthe????????ththathatat.at?. N. NiN?cec???????r,r, ,?????t ???xtx???re,re, , w, ???ll ll wll ??ortor", "output": "my oven. I do have to keep in mind though that potato bread is dense and heavier than say white bread. Convenient is a plus.\n3138,B000FDKQCY,A1SVHXFN0WZYMK,Tammy37388,0,0,5,1350172800,My Fave Hodgson Mill Bread Mix!,\"I have tried a few of this brand of bread mix in my bread machine and while all have been good I must say to my family and I that this is the best! I have made potato bread from scratch in my bread machine and this is right up there with that. Nice flavor, great texture, well wort"} +{"input": "???tht?e e???icicece!e! !??????????ugughghtht t? th t??? a ????? t ti timi????ono????????? an a?d d???lll???on?tit??ueu???o o????soso!o!\"!??313????B0B000?00F00?DKDKQK????A3A3C3??5P5PVPVLV?VZV????U,U,P,????????UsU???,0,????5,5,1,??????80800??0,H0,??odgod?so??????l l Bl ?rer??????? P Pr??oduod?uctuc???\"I\"?I aI ???exe?????melme?? s ??ti?????????????botboth????dgd?gsogs?on on Mon ?MilMill??BrBreBr?????????? th??? I I I????chcha?se???on???ineine.e. .? T ??? p??????o bo ??????mim?ix ix??ct?????y y ry ro??? a???d sd ?tut??k k??????e ?e toe t?? o ?f f????br???????kik???? ma?ch????? an?? b?ece???????????lel?? i ??? th?e ????in??????adead??? so s??????asas ?????????t ??to to???remorem?ve?????ththe?rwr?wiswi???, t, ???? br b????d td ?tasta??ed???rerea??????????RyRyey?????read?? wa was???lslso? d de d???????s.s??. I. ???dididdi?n'n", "output": "h the price! I have bought this a few times on Amazon and will continue to do so!\"\n3139,B000FDKQCY,A3CO5PVLVZ9UBU,Product User,0,0,5,1327968000,Hodgson Mill Bread Mix Products,\"I am extremely satisfied with both Hodgson Mill Bread Mixes that I purchased online. The potato bread mix actually rose and stuck to the top of my bread making machine and became entangled in the mixing blade, so it was difficult to remove. Otherwise, the bread tasted great!! The Rye bread was also delicious. It didn'"} +{"input": "??? r rir????asa??mumucuchch,h, ,? an a?? I ??hah???nono o t ???ubu???e re ?eme?????g g?iti??????? th t?e ?brbrereare????aca???inein??? T ??he he r ry r????oaoafaf f w ?as???uc?? d ??nsn??? t th??n n???e ?pop?tat??o ???eae???lo?afaf.af???br br???
The only drawback to purchasing these products online was the shipping costs. I have since found out that I can purchase the same brand products at HEB and Kroger grocery stores, and will not order online, again.\"\n3140,B000FDKQCY,AJONKNXE84S55,Lorraine Wright,0,0,5,1327968000,What a Great Product,\"I just got my Bread Machine for Christmas, so being a nov"} +{"input": "iici???? t tht??ugughghth??????oulou??????????KeK?????t ???mpmplplel??????ThT???HoH?????? M ??lll???ror??ucu??s s a ?rer??wo?????fufulu?? ????eryer?????? i isi???incin????dedde?d ed ??venve??th????????. ???he? B ???adad ???mem???outout ?de????????, ,? it i???as? e ????y ty ???slsli??ce.ce. ????????????e ee ?eatea?in??g ag ????ounountn??? w?hih??????????non?????ftf??n ??usu???y ly ?lik???tr?????????l ?????????ea?d.d. ?. M. ??y fy faf???ilyil???njn?oyoye?????thisthis ??t ?????s ??re???t tt ??????as?as was wew??ll.ll??IfI??yoy?ou ou?? try try ??hihishi??I ?th??nkn????ou ?wiw?illil??????apa?pyp??????? it????????????FDFDKD?????A3A?31N31N6N??B1B?606??505080??FrF?ana?n Wn W.W.,.??,0????131?262?????0000,00????????enten????????mim??????is????is ais ?a fa fafanfa?ntantas?????????????ix.ix. ?. I . I?dodo ???????e e t?he?", "output": "ice I thought I would try to Keep It Simple :) The Hodgson Mill Products are wonderful. Everything is included even the yeast. The Bread came out delicious, it was easy to slice. It is like eating a country white bread not soft n mushy like traditional white bread. My family enjoyed this it makes great toast as well. If you try this I think you will be happy with it\"\n3141,B000FDKQCY,A31N6KB160O508,Fran W.,0,0,5,1326758400,Excellent bread mix,\"This is a fantastic bread mix. I do not use the "} +{"input": "b???adad d m ??chchih???, ,?I I???kek???t t????a a?????, ????????dede,e, e,???nd nd??havha????hadha??nono o??ror?blb??msm????t at ????? I I???????t kt ??????????????le le??re???ava?in?g g a??????ob????? w wi wit????hi???????isi????rrrrir???c.c??????????pl?ea????kekeekeepe? t th t?hishis his? in????oco??. ???lealeasa???????????0000000F00????????3F3????2G2??MSMS9S??0,0??alallal?ioiop?????0,00,??5,5??323??717?040?????????br???d,d????????? th??????reare??, ?an?d ??????al? o ???????lal?avoav??????????s ??brabr??and.and?? T ?hi???????an??????????ene???ra??in in ain ara?re ?mym?????????teste?????heheye??bab?akeak?e ce ?ononson??istis?????????ll?? in in ?my???????an??????? m??????????ReRececo?mmm?en???d!d!\"!\"???434?????0F0FDFDKFD???CY,CY??3F?J9J?????BJBJIJ??8,8?????s,s,0,0,,0??????????", "output": "bread machine, I make it in a bowl, hand made, and have had no problems at all. I do not know why people are having any problems with this. It is terrific. Amazon, please keep this in stock. Please.\"\n3142,B000FDKQCY,A3F6Y22G5MS9M0,Calliopia,0,0,5,1320710400,Nice bread,\"I like this bread, and several other flavors in this brand. This one and the seven grain are my favorites. They bake consistently well in my Wolfgang Puck machine. Recommended!\"\n3143,B000FDKQCY,A3FJ9Q0OGBJII8,Chris,0,0,5,130161"} +{"input": "6606?00?,G,??????o o?usu??? th t??e be ??eae?d d md ??????e ??gag?in?,T,ThT??s s???od???? i ?s ????gog???d ad ?? a ??? t????????avavev??eve??r r????d d a????is??????ono??venve?iei???t tt ?hrh??ugu?h h A ????????s ???t ht ha??s bs ?ececocomcomem??ha?rdr??to???inindin?????? the th?e se ?totorto??s.s????????00??FDF??QCQ?Y,Y???6M6??O5O535???ZTZ????\"D\"DeD?bsbs s \"s ????????\"\"?\",\"??????,1,??????161?60060???????????t bt ???????ixix,x????????? the?se? b ?bre??ad ad m ??????????re? i is is s ns ??ththith??? l lil???e me ma?kik??? y ???????n n bn ???breadbread.d? I I ?????t t I?? us??e a?????adad ?ma???er er????notno?t ct ?le?vever? e ???ougou??????ususeus??????hanha???- - b- ?ut? I???????????oyoy ???e ???????ienie??????I hI ??????????????ifi?fef???????????sonso??????? a an andnd nd??? they they ?????bob???h eh ????ellelle??nt.nt.?", "output": "6000,Good to use the bread machine again,This product is as good as any that I have ever used and is so convenient through Amazon as it has become hard to find in the stores.\n3144,B000FDKQCY,A26M5O53PHZTKN,\"Debs \"\"peanut\"\"\",0,0,5,1297641600,Excellent bread mix,I love these bread mixes. There is nothing like making your own bread. I admit I use a bread maker - not clever enough to use my hands- but I still enjoy the experience. I have tried 2 different Hodgson mixes and they are both excellent.\n3"} +{"input": "????,B,??0000F00???????ATATDTDIDIMI??XQXQYQ??????TiT???????14014??????,4,?,1,?????505?404?????rer???? e ??sys???omo???adaded? b ???adad\"ad?,\"???????tatat???????d d?waw??????y ??o ?mim???, r, ????s ????? i ?? m ?????ea??????r,r?, c, ??okoksk???as as? it i????houho??????d d bd ?????ofo? a ?ll?? wa w??as vas ???y ?y tay tasastas?????TheThe ?????ad ad? ha has?as aas ??nenea?r r w?????????readread read??????rere,re, , a, an???wawaswa???verve??y gy gog?oodoo???I I p pup?urcur???aseasede???ll????? th t?he he??odo?????n mn ????es es??nd? t????????s os on??e oe ofof of mof mymy my??ava????te????3?14??,B?????FDKFD???CY,CY?,A3,A3U3??5D5?DKODKOQO????EUE?,B,Bi,B??ll,ll,0?,0,0,0,0,?5,?12???252?929???00,G00,????????rea???I I rI ?recrecec??tlt???????ed ed? th??s ????e e oe ofe o?f bf ?????s ??n ?vavaca?at????? an????????????he ohe ???? we w???????? I ????ul??????fif??d d td thd the?he Ehe ?ur", "output": "145,B000FDKQCY,ATDIMAXQYWJTC,Timrrrr1401,0,0,4,1296950400,\"Great, easy homemade bread\",\"The potato bread was easy to mix, rises well in my breadmaker, cooks as it should and best of all was very tasty. The bread has a near white bread texture, and was very good. I purchased all of the Hodgson mixes and this was one of my favorites.\"\n3146,B000FDKQCY,A3UI5DKOQ3A6EU,Bill,0,0,5,1296259200,Great Bread,I recently tried this line of breads on vacation and loved the one we tried. I couldn't find the Eur"} +{"input": "????ana????eee????????rbr? f flf??vov?? t ththahatat t?wew??ha?d d l lol???????sos??I I????t ?toto ?????? f???m m A ??????.c.?omom.om???????ppp??????????????e te ?to to???imeim????he he????llell???waw???ououtu?t ot ??? th t??t ?fl??avoav?or or??o o Io I ??ici?kek?????? th??e Pe PoP???atoat?o Bo ?????d id ini???????????d itd it ???????soso so v ?????????. ? I????????nen????toto to gto geg?t t t???he Che ???eesee??????????bebece??usu?se ???????oneone ?wa????we?so?me??3313141474?,B,B0B000?00F00??KQK????A2A?WIW???P5P5V5?E8E??9H9?,C,?. ??alallall,l?????5,5?121292????40400?0,0,D0,???ic?ioi?ousou????????dede de b ?????????s ?????delde???icioici??? b br brereareadrea??anand? I? I c I ca?n ??????ly??ma??? u ??? lo loao?aveav??? of o?f bf ??ea????????????????? a?????fofor??????????? g ??ftf?.?3131431????????FDKFD?????,AJ,A??222??9M9??GKG?T5T5,5,T5,", "output": "opean Cheese & Herb flavor that we had locally so I went to order from Amazon.com. As happens from time to time the seller was out of that flavor so I picked up the Potato Bread instead and it was also very good. I still need to get the Cheese & Herb because that one was awesome.\n3147,B000FDKQCY,A2WI6EP5VE8E9H,C. Hall,0,0,5,1294704000,Delicious Homemade bread,This is delicious bread and I can quickly make up loaves of bread to eat or give away for a special gift.\n3148,B000FDKQCY,AJV2279M3GKT5,T"} +{"input": "?heh??OlO????utu???mamanan,n?0,0,0,0,,0?5,5??????404080?000???oto???o o????????ini??ere????y y??amamimili?y ??andan??I I???l l???rereere????atat at??odo???ono??????l Pl ??tatattato?? Br Bre???????on??????th?e e be beb?????mixmi?es???????? m ma m?rkr??t.t???A A l ?oao???????????brb??readrea?d ld ?????s as ??ouo??????o ho ??ourou?s ?bebefbefof?re????t it ???gog???. ? I ???hahasha??????mem??????????tet?e o?f ???rs????ndnd ?wewe ??ilill??????makma??ingin?? lo l????. ??onon'on??????????t ot ?of ??thith????one??\"\"?313?494?,B,B0B00?0F0FDFDKD??CYCY,Y?????????YNY???6K6K,K???. P. ????k,k?????,1,,1,1?212???????0,0,P0,Po0,P?otaot????????d,d?,\"I,\"???havha?????????ot?otatota??to bto ????ead ead? be bef be??????witwi????gregr?eatea????esues????????ut tut ???s s Hs HoHodHo?????n bn br????-m-?mixmix mix??s ??ayay ??????ryr?????????dsd?s ss ??me?????e ??????urureure-e?", "output": "he Old Dutchman,0,0,5,1241740800,Potato Bread Winner,\"My family and I all agree that Hodgson Mill Potato Bread is one of the best mixes on the market. A loaf of this bread lasts about two hours before it is gone. It has become a favorite of ours, and we will be making lots. Don't run out of this one!\"\n3149,B000FDKQCY,A1CNMLLMYNE26K,L. Plank,2,5,1,1211846400,Potato Bread,\"I have made potato bread before with great results but this Hodgson bread-mix is way too dry, it needs some more moisture-d"} +{"input": "o???? b ?????t ?ununln???s s???u u?????????lll????ryr?y by ?rereareadad.d?\"\"3313?505?,B,?????DKDKQKQCQCYC?,A,??YLY????KBK???J1J?S,S?\"R\"?. . L ??e e?DaDaia?le??y \"y ?\"L\"????DaDaiDail?eyey\"y?\"\"\"\"\"??1,1?4,4?3,3?,12,1292????686?0000,00?,\"g,\"??????????y ?anandand d????y y b??????\",\"\",\"h\"hohowo???y yy y'y'a'al???m/>?madmaded?e ie ?it it? wi????????etaetab???????? an and an??????? o??il.il?????????al,al???the?????od od o??livli???oi??????????forfo?r ar ???omo??", "output": "on't buy it unless you want really dry bread.\"\n3150,B000FDKQCY,A1YLOZQKBX3J1S,\"R. Lee Dailey \"\"Lee_Dailey\"\"\",1,4,3,1294876800,\"good, tasty and easy bread\",\"howdy y'all,

this bread is pretty good. the potato flavor is there, recognizable as potato bread [if you've had it before] and not overwhelming. makes a good sandwich bread with meats or an enjoyably different pseudo-bruschetta base.

made it with vegetable oil and olive oil. as usual, the good olive oil makes for a somew"} +{"input": "hhah?? b ?ete?tetere???lal???r.r????r /r />/?/>??

rated a THREE cuz it's just exactly as expected - average with no surprises.

take care,
lee\"\n3151,B000FDKQCY,AX818557NR7VY,\"A. Eastgate \"\"Witchy Woman\"\"\",0,3,2,1251936000,If you like gummy white bread . . . .,\"White bread is not my thing, so that's probably why I don't like this one. I like herby white breads and really full-bodied white breads, but otherwise I always choose whole grains. This one is not full-bodied and has no particular flavor. N"} +{"input": "??t t?ini?tet???sts?????ata???llll l??o o????????????????DKDKQKQCQ?Y,Y,A,??L0L0808C8??5L5?X0X0K0?????LeL??o Go G.G??McM??????? \" ??\"Le\"Leoeo eo????????eileill??\"\"??,1,1,1,7,7,7?3,3???????727??????reare???????????iti??????ppp?????tedte????ThThehe e?flf?ava????waw?? n nonotot ot???????????ntent???????????te??..????3,??B00B0??????HMH?,A?XYX??J0J??7I7???L0CL0C,C??ara?bab??????,1,,1???3,???282????????ABA??OLOLULUTU??LYL? D DED?ELIEL??????,\"????a ???????r cr ???????nener?? of o?? a a r a ???stast?ururaranant? i?n n????yoyouounu???er ???ar??? I I I???as as ?sus??prpriris??? a an andn??????ghg?te?ted ted? at a?t tt ?hehe he????????ono?al??y ??ooo??d td tatas?te?? an?????extex??????f ??theth?e Be BoB????binbi?????????it????????sa?ucu?ce ce???ht????t d?oco??????????????? a??grg?rea???prproprododuod???????r er ea???y cy coc?onvon", "output": "ot interesting at all to me.\"\n3152,B000FDKQCY,A3L08CW5LX0K8B,\"Leo G. McNeilly \"\"Leo G. McNeilly\"\"\",1,7,3,1254787200,Bread,I am a bit disappointed. The flavor was not what I wanted or expected.\n3153,B000HQR1HM,AXYCJ0B7INL0C,Barbara K,1,1,3,1228694400,ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS,\"As a former chef-owner of a restaurant in my younger years, I was surprised and delighted at the exceptionally good taste and texture of the Bookbinder's White Clam sauce wihtout doctoring. It is a great product for easy conv"} +{"input": "?ene?iei??cece.e??????????030??ZYZ?UEUEAE?????TAT?????HMHMUMUBUB,B???tht??ynyn n S S.S??LeL??????,1?7,?5,5?,12,1?999???040?00???ele??????usu???at?ere??????dndn'n?????vev? T ToT???ara??ry ry??????????e ?geg??tlt?ememamanan ????o ro ??viv??wew??? th thihisis ??andan?d sd ?????\"\"\"\"j\"??????o ??o ?o tho t??e se ?to?rere re?an?and and g ??t ?beb?ttttet??????wewelwe??, ,???m m??is??????d ad ?and??ththe? d??isa??????y y?vav?? o ??lyly y ay ala?llollowowsw?s us ??????o po ?????ge????? c ???ry????ca????ouo??seseee??????carca??yiy??g g? tw???bibigbig g cg ?????s os ??? wa w?????ho??????? t??in?? n non?t.t????r /r ?><>
This is wonderful water. Sure, you could get it on sale at a better price, and if you can drive or have someone to drive you and carry i"} +{"input": "?t t i ?n,n? p ?lel???e e??o o?soso,o????????r r??e ????isi??a a s????t ????l.l. .? I I I?orordordederde??? s si s?? c ?asaseas???????????hehed????he he??PSPS S???????? t???????sis???? th??????or or????r mr ?me.me?? I? h ?ava?e ??ototh??ingin?????????????????ut???. I. ?????? p??icicece ???s rs ??ghg??t ft fot f?or ???ou,ou, , w, ????? al allll l? co c??nsins??erere??, ???? w ????t ?gogo ????ongon????re?.\".\"\"????5,5?????????EAE??A6A?OLO?GXG??VNVNLN???,\",?????ene??a a \"a ??\"Ms\"M????ennen?na\"na?????????,1,?31?474747484??????re??????ateat???,\"??hihis??? wat wa?erer er??s ?de???????s.s. ?I'I?m m nm ??????ickic??????ut ut?? I c I ??? t?asastastete te?????d wad wat???????????????ala???oror or mor ????al al???ststete ?anandand ??thi?????s ?????e oe ??f tf ?thathatat.at. ??nd???t ???? ce c??????????botbo?tlt???????ivive??red?????yoyou?r r dr do??", "output": "t in, please do so, but for me it is a sweet deal. I ordered six cases and watched the UPS guy set them inside the door for me. I have nothing to complain about. If the price is right for you, with all considered, you won't go wrong here.\"\n3155,B003OZYUEA,A6OLGXCVNLN3,\"Ms Jenna \"\"Ms Jenna\"\"\",5,5,5,1314748800,Great water!,\"This water is delicious. I'm not picky, but I can taste bad water with chemicals or metal taste and this has none of that. And at 50 cents per bottle, delivered to your door"} +{"input": "?, , i ?t't?s s?? g ???????rir??e.e? I ??????? a a???ene??????onon n a??? h???????????????e ae alalll? t th t??? ti timi?e e a?????t't'st's ???????????????. ?BeB?tttte?? t????n dn dr??nknkink?ingin??? a c a ????e.\"e.\"\"??151?6,6??000?3O3???????????8Z8?STSTJTJWJ???T,T,2,???risri?????6,?????????????00??GoG??????ateatere?????y ?co?me??????th th???pr?ic?e.e..e.????????????ueue e te tot? b ????th?????at??r r (r ??s s ws wes w???????s ths t?he ???rgr????sis?????????e)e??????a ??????? o ?f f?re????onsons:s???r ????) ?????tat?astaste? o of of ?ththeth????te??? is i?????t ?????????oodood,d??????????????????????d ??leleale????????'s 's n nonotot ot???sys??dedesesces??ibi????? wa w?ate?ater ater????t ?dod??esnes?????ctc???????? off of?enendend!d!1) The taste of the water is just plain good, refreshing, crisp and clean - it's not easy describing water that doesn't actually offend!
2) Our filtered municipal water still"} +{"input": " ?????s s??????hih??s is is? a?n n e ?xcxcec?????t t??ltl?????tit?????oro? s so somo?eoe?nene ???????eae??lthlth h????????brbr ??>3>???????????????dodoeo?????????he he hhe he?avavyv?????????? m ?me me?- -? al???? h?????tot? d do d?????puputu??it?????yr /????????????hah?aveave ave???o ro ????ouout???? b ????le?????te?r ???y ay av??????????f tf ???e de ??iscis???nt???d sd su??scs??????????????ave pave ??ogo????/>B/>BoBot??om???????? for for ????? th the??????te te a??? c ?conco????iei???? a ar a?? w ??????????????ce ???and and??'l'????ononton?tinti???????bubuy? i??t a", "output": " sucks and this is an excellent alternative for someone with health issues
3) The UPS guy does all the heavy work for me - all I have to do is put it away
4) I never have to run out of bottled water by availing of the discounted subscribe and save program
If I had any complaint at all it would be that the plastic bottle itself is quite heavy and can be a real pain in your backpack.
Bottom line for me, the taste and convenience are worth the price and I'll continue to buy it a"} +{"input": "?s s????g g a ??????bubudu????????lowlowsw?.*.?*U*UPU?DAD???????tet?**** **?????????? d drdrir???in??g tg ????s ws ???????oro?r fr ??????????s s ns ?????ndn? h hah??d ad ?n n in in??ter?esests???????pep??rierien??e e te ???? b be??rsr?????ri?ngng:ng: :?????ococac?l l????ge??r hr ???????arkarkaka a S ?????g ?WaW??erer er o ????al???soso o I????ckc???d ud upu???????????wow?w ????s ts ??thattha?t et ???????????aka????EvE?venven ????ugughg? t ??e ??OzaOzarark??a ba ?????????rer?????y ??igi?ghtgh???????t,t?? th t??e t???????? t th the th?e we ??teter? i ?is is s so s???ififff?er??enten?????????alkal??ngngRng???in in? Sp S??????Wa????????th??that that??? ther the?? i???a ?di???????????????????? f fl f????or.or?????????wawaywa????jojoyoyey??? th the??????ka???????? p pa pasast??????ha?had had? no no ??dedeae??? w wa was?? se s?ettettl?in?????r ?dr", "output": "s long as my budget allows.**UPDATED note** I've been drinking this water for four months now and had an interesting experience that bears sharing: my local Kroger had Ozarka Spring Water on sale so I picked up a case - wow was that ever a mistake. Even though the Ozarka bottles are very light weight, the taste of the water is so different from TalkingRain Spring Water in that there is a distinct \"\"plasticy\"\" flavor. I've alway enjoyed the Ozarka in the past but had no idea I was settling for dr"} +{"input": "iini????g g \" ???lalasaststitici?????ata????..?mymy y??ooo???ese?? h hohowo???my my?tat??te???????????????????????chc?????d d sd ?in?cec??drdrir???kinking?? th t??e pe pup?rer??go?od???ssss ss??n n????kikin??RaRaia?? S ??ri?ng?ng Wng ?????..?.I.I I?ama????ta???y ?coc???????ed ed??t t i????oro??????e ???trt??? co c?st????ow.ow.\".\"\"3313???,B,?000?3O3??????,A,A1A??UKU?????XTX???B,B?V.V?VaV?asaas??dad?,5,??6,6??,1,?323???5252020000000????estest t wt ??te?? e ?veverve????I ????? c??hemhe????, ,??????knkno?w ?ababob???????aterate??, a, ?andand ??hyh???it it??anan an? ta t??????ikikek??????en???e.e????????????ststest??es???, ?, an, andnd nd? wh whyhy hy i it? c ca??n tn tatastast?? l ????? sw s????? (e (?e.ge.?????????????en???hanchancecedce??????. T. ????is wis ??watewat?? i is?? ex e??en???veve ve?- -? ch??????or???????ne,ne, , b, ??????st?ly???????ou ou? ar a??", "output": "inking \"\"plastic\"\" water...my goodness how my taste buds and senses have changed since drinking the pure goodness on TalkingRain Spring Water...I am totally convinced it is worth the extra cost now.\"\n3157,B003OZYUEA,A1CUKGQKJXT1DB,V.Vasavda,5,6,5,1322352000,Best water ever.,\"I am a chemist, so I know about water, and why it can taste like heaven (e.g. it is tasteless), and why it can taste like sweat (e.g. \"\"mineral-enhanced.\"\"). This water is expensive - cheap for online, but costly if you are "} +{"input": "?? W ???mam?rtr? o oro??TaT?argargeg??t st ????pepere???HoH???vev???????igi???y y?rer??omo??ene?d d?yoy?u u??ryr????????ifi????ou ou????t t tt tatasa???lelese????ata???r. r.????ou sou ?eeee,e?, w, ???? w? wat wate???isi?s ms ??nen?eraeral? e en????cec?????andand ?ititst??sws?iri?lil????????????hrh??ougou?gh gh????????ioiou??s ps ??????sis??nsn???and? u ?nd?????????????????d d pd pr?ovo???eses es? in i???????umummmmemm??? he heae??????? w wa??er????nd????o o?????????????aiain??????te,te??????? s?omomeom???likli?e,?? an and?nd ond oto??????????t.t. . I. I ????e e me ???wa?te??ter tter tatastast?el?es????ThTheherhere????e ?????????mmenmme?nd ???isis is?pr?prodprodud?ctc?t tt tot t?????se?? wh w??? d ??????????????? + ???minmi?nernerar??s,?????t jt juj??t t pt ?la?in???wat?????3???????030??????A,A????KAK????IBI???1I1???admad?????????,2,2,,2", "output": "a Walmart or Target shopper. However, I highly recommend you try this, if you want tasteless water. You see, when water is mineral enhanced, and its swirling around through the various protrusions and undulations the road provides in the summer heat, the water tends to build a certain taste, which some like, and others don't. I like my water tasteless. Therefore I recommend this product to those whom do not want H2O + minerals, but just plain water.\"\n3158,B003OZYUEA,A16KA3R9IBUO1I,adminasst,2,2,"} +{"input": "????????????0,0?GrGrereae???TaT?????????ateat???????? w waw?as as m ????iri??st st???rcrchchah??? o ?? t ththihishi??wawatwa???. .? I ??t tt ??astaste??????at????? t????bob?ttt???s ??re????ici?kek???????? mo m????. . A AlA???? e ???eryer?ono?????ke???ththathatat ?nan??e.e??..h..???ha\"ha?3313151??,B,?00003003O3OZO?YUYUEUEAEA,A???????????????,O,OhOhi??AtA??????,1,??5,15,1313313?32632636?33633606???HaH???y y wy wiwiti???????pu?????ses?,\",\"W,\"????r r??????es es??ooo????? t??pip??ala???y py prp?????????? p???ifi?fiefi???wa?watewater??(d(???d ad ??????y ?onon on t?????in? g????d sd scs????l l b ?acackck ck???in tin ??????y)y) )????t ft ??????se se??t ???? o??????? t th?? this this??ili????????????????? thi??? i it it t t?as???s s g?oooodood ?????loloo?ksk????es???tatabta?????brbr r /r ?><>
Bottles are (of course) recycl"} +{"input": "??blblel?, ,????I I d ?onon'n?t t??eee????????y y? sa s??????????????hehe ??uau???ty???????he he????tlt?le le a ??????l.l?????onconcec?e he ???? so s??eoe?oneone e pe pip????? w??tet?r,r??ana????theth??y gy gogot???????inin in????????????d ?at????????al al - ?????????????tltletle e we ??as as???????????. I. ????n'???li??ke ke? th??????one one? bi biti?. ?ThThih?s s is isis is? th?e ?beb???? of o?f bf ???? w wo woro?ldl???r />S>??????ntn??????vev?????lll???????ctct ?fof?? m meme.me.\".\"\"3?161??,B,???3O3OZOZYZ????,A,??PUP???FZF???5N5NWNW8W?,b,be?????icticta?,1,1,1??,5,5,5?????060?????,3,???? bot bo?ttlttlelesle???nsn?????? of????? u ???????????lwl????????ad ?tot?o so ??? t th???????terter ??el?????ed? t?????????or?st?stepstep.p. ?????a a??ro??p op ?????? sp s??llllelled????uriurin????deldelilivli???????t,t??du???", "output": "able, so I don't feel guilty saying I like the quality of the bottle as well. I once had someone pickup water, and they got a chain grocer brand at a steal - but the bottle was so flimsy. I don't like that one bit. This is the best of both worlds.

Shipment arrived fully intact for me.\"\n3160,B003OZYUEA,A3PUZHFZZB5NW8,benedicta,1,1,5,1319068800,30 bottles instead of the usual 24,\"Always glad to see this water delivered to our doorstep. Not a drop of it spilled during delivery yet, due t"} +{"input": "o?????cec??quq?????????? b ?????????brbr r??>E>?????tht?ouo??h h??heh???ele??ve?ryr?y by ??????????f hf hahasa??ararrr???vedve???as?he??d id ini????it??????e te ??pepe ???opo????g,g??- -?mum?stst t?sas???????????nkn? w wr wrar????ngn?????s hs ??????????th??the bthe ?botbo???lesles ??????selse?????s has h??????t st ?pipilpilll??d ?a a?drd??? o??f tf ?thethe ???teterer.r?. >??WeW??rer?e oe ono???????????????e e o?f f f ???t rt ??gh??????, , a?????ver???ha?ppppyppy ???thth th?? thi thisi?????????e.e. . T ThT?? w?atateat?er er??as??teste?????d ??nd???????ot??tletleses es??olo??? th the th??? s sh???e.e. /> A AbAbo????????ght? ????? the????????le?? c ?????????????on on??n ???????r ????ieiewe??..????? tho th????ght ??the??co??mmemmenent? w???s is in?te?re??stist????????????remremim????d d md ?? t", "output": "o nice quality of bottles.
Even though the delivery box itself has arrived bashed in, with the tape flopping, - must say the shrink wrapping has held, and the bottles themselves haven't spilled a drop of the water.
We're on our third case of it right now, and very happy with this purchase. The water tastes good and the bottles hold their shape.

About weight of these bottles commented upon in another review... I thought the comment was interesting and it reminded me t"} +{"input": "???t t??????? d dod???????????ewe???oto???????o ???rkr? i inin n? th theh????r,r?, I, ??????t ???ckc?pap?????he?m.m? ?NoN?????rereae??lyl????????s s d di d??fe??renre?????in in??eieigi?hth?????ou?ghgh,gh??, I , I???in???????beb??nen??cescessssas?aryar?y fy ??or or???ipi??????
Guess it's like choosing sleeping bags...if you are using a vehicle, you can use a heavier sleeping bag, so they tell me.
Anyway, I think you'll like this water, and you get 30 bottles per case, instead of the usual 24.
We plan to order more. We're glad we can do this.\"\n3161,B003OZYUEA,A15YZMFY4X2VME,Lisa"} +{"input": " ??????hlh?grgrer????,0,0,,0???,13,1?????808???????ulu?,\",????reeree e?ofo???s s t ?ririei?d d???????e ?????s s ws ???s bs bab??relre?? a ??lele ?tot??????k k? it it,t??wiw??????????I I g ?ueu?sss??tht????is??????e ?EvE????? a?? \" ?\"a\"acacqc????redre??tat?astastet??\"\"?? U ???lesle????ouo?'r'?????bleble ????tr?y ?? s ????le????ttt????beb??oro??re pre ????????, ???????????d ???? p papasassass.s.\".\"\"33131616262,2??00003003O3OZO??UEU?A,A???7B7???????I1I????????,0,0,0,0,???,13?454555????0000,???lklkik?????????????g g????terte?,\"??ThiTh?????ateat?? i?????al??ly ly????d!d?!!!!!!!?? I ItIt t??? r ???sos??abablab?ly ???????d!!d!?!! ??????is ??ou?ntnta??in ?sps????ng ng????terter!ter??????????? o?rdr??????t lt le?leaslea??t ot ??cece,ce?????? wi w??l l???ot ot??egegr?????t.t. ?. I. ???? is ??pri??cedced ced r???htht.? Y ?ou???etet et 3 303?qtq?", "output": " L. Dahlgren,0,0,1,1349568000,Awful,\"Three of us tried it; one of us was barely able to drink it, with ice. I guess this is, like Evian, an \"\"acquired taste.\"\" Unless you're able to try a single bottle before purchase, I recommend you pass.\"\n3162,B003OZYUEA,A27BZ6JHFFI1E8,dd,0,0,5,1345507200,TalkingRain Spring Water,\"This water is really good!!!!! It is reasonably priced!!! It is mountain spring water!!! Please order at least once, you will not regret it. It is priced right. You get 30qt-"} +{"input": "???1616.6?9 9?ouo??cece e b ????lel?????r r a a a g ?rer????prp??ce?. .?????e ye ???r ?sts????arardr??shs?ipippp???g g?5 5????? d ?daydaysys s (s ?????hinhi?k)k???re?e ???????ng??. . T ??????aya???yo?? c ?anan an???y y??or??e pe ??????????????wawarwa????tht????????????vev?????opo????ar ar? pr p??oduod??t t at an?????mem??imi??s,s???mamazazozono??is?is ois ou??t ot ??? st s??ckck.k????o,o?????? ma may? h ha?veve ve t????waiwa?t ?? o?r ?? w??ekeksk??. ??UTU?, ???????????? t th??e we wa?waitwait.???????is ?a a ga ??ea??t pt pr??du?????!!!!!?\"\"33131616316?,B,B0B?????YUY???,A,A4A4E4?WLW????????R,R??woowoowo???,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131333????525?0000,00?????llllelenle?t ??uau???????i i ti th??? i???asa?s ss ?at????????wiw???? th?????pripr?ingin??wawatwatet???? i h i ???e ??boubougu????elelsl??????e ?UNU???L L???bo???ghtgh?????s s bs ?rar??and!and?? be besestes?????", "output": "--16.9 ounce bottles for a great price. Use your standard shipping 5 to 8 days (i think) free shipping. That way, you can buy more product. Be aware, that this is very popular product and sometimes, Amazon is out of stock. So, you may have to wait 2 or 3 weeks. BUT, it is worth the wait. It is a great product!!!!\"\n3163,B003OZYUEA,A4EWLZLUCY5QR,woowoo,0,0,5,1338595200,excellent quality,\"i thot i was satisfied with the spring water i have bought elsewhere UNTIL i bought this brand! best i ha"} +{"input": "v?e e e ?????tat?ststet??????????mim???l l a afa?te??????????i i??avave? 2 ? c ca cas?eses s? a a m ????? d dedele????verevereded ed??ini???????alsalsos??ususes?e i?? f fof???al?l ??ooookokikin????eeeededseds ???d d i?cece ce????eses es t??oo.oo. ?iti???s s ss sosooso??oo????eleliel???ouo?us us?????? ma m?kikinkingn??????asassas?s os ?f f l ??emoem???de???ror?m m f fr???h ?????nsns ?wiw???h th ??????????enent????ed?????es?es wes wi?thth th???av?e e se ?wew???tente?nerne?????rcr??????s o????rsr???havha???st?atatetedte?, ,? th the???psp?s ms ??? d??eses es aes ??? t???????d d wd wow?????????????'t'????????o o wo woworworrr?? a ab a???t t rt ?????inging ing o ?out?? of o?????????st st i??pop????ntnt nt s???plp??????mymy ??ou??sehse?holho?d.???????????3O3?ZYZ??EAE?,A,?1N1N3N??AUAUFU???????,E,EmE??lyl??ReR?yny?nolno??s,s??,0,0,,0?????292??????00,00,W,?at??? f?oror or??y ??????,\",", "output": "ve ever tasted. no chemical aftertaste. i have 2 cases a month delivered since i also use it for all cooking needs and ice cubes too. it is soooooo delicious when making a glass of lemonade from fresh lemons with the aforementioned cubes with agave sweetener. mercy! as others have stated, the ups man does all the hard work and i don't have to worry about running out of the most important staple in my household.\"\n3164,B003OZYUEA,A1N3WAUF0EO3P2,Emily Reynolds,0,0,5,1329350400,Water for my pets.,\""} +{"input": "II I b ???ghg?? t ?hih????ata??r r????r mr mym??2 2?pep?t ??hi????ili?lal?s,s?????k k???d d????y.y????????????????????terte?. ?I ?hah??? n ??ve?r ?ses?enen n t???m m d ???nk???o o????? i ????? thei the?r r lr ?????? I I I bI ????ht? t th?isis is w wa w??????ece?aua??????chinchinc?hihilhi?llall??? ca c?annannonoto?t dt drdridr????????? wat wate???, a, an???SpSprp?rinringn????ate?r ???????e be ???????r ??the????brb?r /r ?????m ???????????, ??becbe?cauca??????pup????asaseas?d d t?hi??? it i??m ???????k ?aga?o ?an????nowno? i? it' it????5 5??he??apeaper??????????r /r />r />O>?ve???ll??, I, ?I lI lo???????is ???temtem.tem. ??rereaeat???? wate wat??er.I/>I ???????? it????????se?lfl?, ???d ?it???oeo?????astaste? g ?re?????3????,B,??030?OZO??UEU??,A,?16?RHR?B8B8X8??3M3MDMDTDTHTH,H,C,??rorolol l R ??sss?????0,0???????262???848??00,00??igi??", "output": "I bought this water for my 2 pet chinchillas, Tank and Tony. They love this water. I have never seen them drink so much in their lives! I bought this water because chinchillas cannot drink tap water, and Spring Water is the best for them.
I am mad though, because I purchased this item ~1 week ago and now it's $5 cheaper. Wtf?
Overall, I love this item. Great water.
I tasted it for myself, and it does taste great!\"\n3165,B003OZYUEA,A16RHB8XG3MDTH,Carol Rossell,0,0,5,1326758400,Highl"} +{"input": "?y y????omo??????\"L\"???? t ??isis s???tet???? F ????s ??ili?kyky y sy ???oto?? a ?????lel?an? w wh wheh???yoy????rir???????. . ??ea????y ly ?ov???ththethe e be bob????lesle???. N. NiN??e e ae ??d d??tut???????. No. N? s?ququiu?ishis???plplal???????????nd snd ??ncn?ce ce????ada??ha?????????????ingin? a an a?????rrr????g ???om????? g ?????ry?? st s???????lovlove? t????e aue a???????ic ic d??elielivi?ververy??to??mymy ??aca??k dk ????! !? A ?????????????????eye??ththath?an an san ?stostor????raranand??????t t w we w?????????????\"\"?313???,B,???3O3OZO?????,A,???HKH???QCQ?16??????ennennini,i,0,????2,2,1,?323222252?242?80800?,S,?????ining? p ???kak??ininging ing iing isis is p????,I,???havha?ve ?? r ?????ri???????hipmhipmemenmentnt ?ofo?? th thi this??prp?????t ?eaeacea?? m mo mon montnthnth.h. ???ve???????nth?? wh???en ten ??the the b bo b???s s as ???rivri?ve ve tve ????y ay ???", "output": "y Recommend,\"Love this water. Feels silky smooth and clean when you drink it. Really love the bottles. Nice and sturdy. No squishy plastic. And since I had hard time buying and carrying from the grocery store, love the automatic delivery to my back door! A little more money than store brands, but well worth it.\"\n3166,B003OZYUEA,AJ4HKN0QC16FX,Lenni,0,0,2,1322524800,Shipping packaging is poor,I have a recurring shipment of this product each month. Every month when the boxes arrive they are "} +{"input": "?????????n n o ??e e???ececece ???? V ?ERE?Y Y m ?????????????t t m?on?tht?????? of of f???????aseasese?? of??waw?tet?r r????d td tot???e e re rerepre?acackckak????????oro????t ?ararrar?ivi?ed???andand ?iti??????a a?dad?y ?lal????<>I>????ggg??stst st????inging g a ?????e ???ururdr??y by ??????????ipippp?pinpi??.
I suggest using a more sturdy box for shipping.

The water product is fine ... it's just the shipping packaging I have a problem with.\n3167,B003OZYUEA,A52KI87KEWX39,the contented cat,0,0,4,1309910400,Spring Water,I enjoyed this water. It was very refreshing. I find I have some stomach sensitivity with some bottled waters. I did not have"} +{"input": " ?ththahatat t?prp?oboblb????????? th t?isi???????? ?NiNici??????tltle??. . . W ??ateaterate??coc??????ro???WaWasWashs?????ono?..??????B0B????????A,A?A3A???W4W?SSS????????????phph h D ???eye???,3,??,3,,3,1,???050??525??00,00?????t Wt ???????????????? i ?is is? be b??ttetter?er ter ththathana??? thi this???ThT?????at???????prprepr???y y?????, , b??????? g gr g?eae????AtA?t tt ??e ??imi?me me?????ot ?????it?? wa?????????ost?????no????????????????t t st ??ipi??????frefr?????th????imimeim????? i?? t???? k kekeeeepee? t? tha th?? u ?p,p??, it, i??wiwilwi????????? gre grea?????ealea??fof??????ot??????peope?????/?
I might be tainted, because I was just up in Washington, where this water is from, and almost all of the bottled"} +{"input": " ????ere? I ? g ?otot t?upu?????ereer?? p ???s s? th the? t?????watwa??r,r??wawaswa?s bs ?????? t???n n t th thi th?????utu??, I, ????vev? W ??shs?iningn??onon ?wawat?er?????? I' I?? p???bab?blblyl?????gig?????t ?to??????sh?????r ??><>?+>?????s is ??is gis ????d wd ?wat??water+
???as as? a a????iquiq?????????+E
+???????one ??il???????????, b, ??ut ut n no???????t t ot ofo???eoeopeopl????il?? a??????? m ???eC

It's not bad, and it does have a unique water taste, so I'm sure this will be someone's absolute favorite water. No one will hate this water.

+This is good water
+Has a unique taste
+Everyone will like it, but not a lot of people will ask for more

-I expect more from Washington water than this\"\n3169,"} +{"input": "?B0B?030?OZO??????A1A?XYX?????????U3U??LyL?nnn?,2,?????3,13,???838???808?????'s'? a aia??hth?.,.????bob??ghghtght t?????????????heh?n n?i i w??????????????????r tr ?theth??fif???t t wt wew????????ele?t ????????ngn? m ????oooomo?mamatateate'e?'s 's?? wat wa??r ???ll ll??he? t ti t?mem?????d id i i wi ??s ???st?at?????wa?y ??roromro??????. ??o o i???????ede???thith?????????????t wat w???de???cicioi??s,s????????the the??nln?y ????plp?aiainai?t ??i hi hahava???is?????at ????the bthe ?????????er?? R ??EALEA???...???????.....?????tit?ic-ic??. ?? f?el??t rt rereae???????-g-????en en????inkin?????????????ut ut??? t?????e He ???????????ic ic??????les?.<.?brb????r />S>???non??????juj???t at as??? my my ?ro??ommom??tete te??o ?bubuyuy ??wat???????? me me ????en ?shs??he ghe gog?eses es h ho h?????????? w??eekeekek?", "output": "B003OZYUEA,A1XYZXQUJQIFU3,Lynn,2,7,3,1298332800,it's aight.,\"I bought this water when i was at college for the first week. I felt bad using my roommate's water all the time and i was 7 states away from home. So i ordered this water. It was delicious, but the only complaint i have is that the bottles were REALLY...well...plastic-y. I felt really un-green drinking water out of these HUGE plastic bottles.

So now, i just ask my roommate to buy water for me when she goes home on the weeken"} +{"input": "d?s.s. .?I I??ivivev??hehere????????????unu???tot? w ????ara???ana??? ge g?tst?s ms ?e ?? c ???????????????er??bob?ttt?lel??????? m ????brb?r /r ????????SoS??????mesme??i i???tilti?l l???ini?k k???bouboutut ??????wa???????onongn??ng??fof?????t at ?? i ???ipi?? my my y cy ??offoffef??e oe ????????or or ror ????n-n??????e ae ?????ay?????mymysy???????????????ldl?d bd beb???o ?o muo mucu??? be b????ter ter??????tat?alkal?in????aiain?.\".\"\"\"\"<\"\"?/>?????????? on o??e ce ???????e s????????s ?bab?attat????be????????deldelil??????ne?sss??????ece???????enden?li?ne??s.??3??707?,B,?000??OZO????A,A,A,??????DUD???????,D,?????d Rd ???PoP?agage??1,1,6,??2,2,12,?????828??????jusju????????-n-????????????????me???w w? my?????viviovi??ous ous r???????gog?ot ot?????tetedted.d?. I. I ?li?ve?? in i?n Hn ?ou?oustous", "output": "ds. I give her $ 4, she runs to walmart and gets me 2 cases of 30 water bottles. Yay me!

Sometimes i still think about this water, longing for it as i sip my coffee or tea or ramen-juice and say to myself \"\"This would be so much better with talking rain.\"\"

Its one college student's battle between deliciousness and eco-friendliness.\"\n3170,B003OZYUEA,A2SLQADUE0AUE2,David R. Poage,1,6,2,1297382400,just water-nothing more,\"Somehow my previous review got deleted. I live in Houst"} +{"input": "?ono??????????uyuy y l ??tst??ofof f???????? w ???ere?-c-cac????? t ?teltellll l??anyany ??ifi?fef?ereer?ncn?? b??twt??????????????of???ala???ngng g R RaR??in in a???????lalasasss???of ???ldld ???p p????er???3??717?????3O3???????????????QCQ??WSW????DaD????y Ay ??ts???\"D????cy\"cy\"\"??????,1??,13,1????454565?????lolouloudu???mem?anansan??imi?pup??????????YeY?? t????wawatwate??????ea????clc?????, b, bubutbu???nc??e te ??he he? wa??ter? i ????????????????a ??????urnur??s ts th???e tee t?????ouo????. W. WhW?y ????? tha th?at,at?, w, ??ll???t t mt ????? i? it it h ?as? i??????iti???????????????????iai??????m m a???ege?????tereter???NuNur????no?t ??????er???xpxpe??t,t, , b?utut t It ?I cI ?cancan n???llll ??ou? t??????????ri??htht ???ououtout ???the the w?? wate wat????? c??an an?rur????????wellwel???????", "output": "on, TX. I buy lots of bottled water-cannot tell any difference between a bottle of Talking Rain and a glass of cold tap water.\"\n3171,B003OZYUEA,A1PM7JYLQCYWS5,\"Darcy Aits \"\"Darcy\"\"\",1,9,1,1328745600,Cloudy means impurities!,\"Yes the water appears clear, but once the water is heated for tea it turns the tea cloudy. Why is that, well it means it has impurities. Perhaps bacteria?? I'm a Registered Nurse not a water expert, but I can tell you that I am right about the water. I can run my well water "} +{"input": "?frf??m m??y y?tat?? a ??? g ???? th theh???ama?e e re ?ese??ltltst?????????wfw????? I I I?non????llllyly ??ses?e Be ??it?a a?fifili??ere?s s ws ?itithit????????itcit???? p ?ro?viv????d ad anandan??whw??????????t ot ??????n ???il??????????????? the t the ??a ?sts??ysy???lel??????hih?s ?MeMea?nsn?s ns ?no no??aca?teterteririari?a ha ???ve ve????en en???????d od ??? b by b???he???????ngn???ro?cec?esses???????meame????yoyouo?'d'??????????? o of????ri???kinki??? th????BriBr?ita? w?at?aterater!r!!!????!!! !!!???gag?aveav??th?isis is b???ttlttle? w???ter????ch?an???? I ????? a a s se sece??????asa???????????sa???? th thi thininging g hg ??ppppepen?. ????ououlou?dnd??t ?????? t????????ater???trtrar????????????????botbo?ttlttlettle ?????. ?AsAs ???nunuru??e ????no?? i??'s????ot ???gogooo????????????????? ev eveverver ??????????no?now now", "output": "from my tap and get the same results, it's awful. I normally use Brita filters with the pitcher provided and when I heat or even boil the water the tea stays clear. This Means no bacteria have been killed off by the heating process, it means you'd be better off drinking the Brita water!!!!!! I gave this bottle water a chance I got a second case and the same thing happen. I wouldn't drink this water straight from the bottle ever. As a nurse I know it's not a good idea. If you ever want to know "} +{"input": "?ifi????tet????? g ????????clcleleae??r or ofof f bf ?aca?teterte??a/a/i/imimpm???ritri??eses s ys ??????? m mam??e e L ???tot??n tn ?teate? h ?????heh?n,n? a ?s s is ??t ct ?????s ds ?owo??n In ?F F????? te t?????????vevereryer?? cl c???dyd????? ha h?????????????erier??????d od ???herhe?r ir ????riritritirit?iesies.s????usu?????theth?e ie ???e ce ?ubu??es es??adadede de?frf?omo?????is is?????le???wa???ter ter????wew???, ??o o?non?oth?ini??? is is s ds dis dififfiffef????t t et ?xcxcecepce??? th?e e te ???. ? T ?ririerieded ed???????ritritarit??wa??er?? an??d Bd ????a a ma ?madmade?????e c???es?????????????in?????clecl??????SoS??ryr?????????googo?od od??revre?ie???????????I ???m am ?????d.d??brb????????r />r /???? wa w?as ??ververyry ry???isais??popoio???????as ?I I tI ???ougoughg?t t \"t \"\"\"??ea???? a a a????ottlottle??? wa wat wa??????????cacarca??ry ??to to w wo w????, s, so, s???I a?m ??????or??", "output": "if water is good or clear of bacteria/impurities you can make Lipton tea hot then, as it cools down IF the tea turns very cloudy it has dead bacteria and other impurities. I used the ice cubes made from this bottled water as well, so nothing is different except the tea. Tried the Brita water and Brita made ice cubes and it remained clear. Sorry not a good review from me I am afraid.

I was very disappointed as I thought \"\"yeah\"\" a bottled water I can carry to work, so I am not force"} +{"input": " ??o o p papaya????.5.?? f ?oro? a ??bob?ttt??????omo????????????e,e? b??? i ????uru??????????? to to ?beb???o.o?????/>/???r r /?>O>??????so? I ?? tr t?iei?? a??notno??herhe???om???nyny y oy onon n tn ththith?? w wewebe?sisititeit???ese?tltletl?es es? wh w????? in in n mn ????????????meme e ae ????eee????ara?k.k??? h ?ava???nenevne????????ed ed???is?? br b?ana???bub??ut iut ?????s ss ?so ???chch ?????er?????dod?????t,t??t t?ur?n ??????y y wy ?????I ?bo???????. . ???????? be be ???u u o????jujududgd??????????????1K1KLK????,A,????HEH???????8,????????ee,ee,0,0,0?,0,,0??????32???00?????grg?reare?t t bt ?????ThT???ghg? t th? this thi??co??????????exe?pep?nsn?sivsi?? c?omompompaompar?????? r re?gugulu?ar????????boboubo????????am???????e ?faf???. C. ?ofo?ffeff?ee ?usu?uau???????????upu???my my?????macma????so ??'v'?ve ", "output": " to pay $1.50 for a bottle from the machine, but it turn out not to be so.

Okay, so I tried another company on this website Nestles which in my region came as Deer Park. I have never tried this brand but it is so much better it doesn't,t turn cloudy when I boil it. So you be you own judge.\"\n3172,B0001KL1Y8,A6O4HEW33NM58,HoneyBee,0,0,5,1323216000,A great buy,\"Though this coffee was expensive compared to regular store-bought, I am a huge fan. Coffee usually tears up my stomach so I've "} +{"input": "?bebeee?n n??????????nkn??????r ????rsrs,s? b bub??????s s??ofoffffef?ee ee?hahasa?s as ??????????ici? l leleve?ele? s ?o o I ???anan ?ha?ndn?le??iti?? T ???? ar a??????is is??enten???ininging g?????????babaga?g lg ??astastetedted d??????g g tg ??????I I aI ama????faf?an an???? be beaeanea?s ?ve?rsrsursusu??grg?rouro?nd?s ???????t ??????????herhe???????. I. It. It ?t wat w??as pas ?roromro?????andan???????????agiagin?ing ing e??????d d md mym? c co c??fe???sts??yeyedyed ??????? an??????tactactct.t.\"t.???171737?????00F00???????A1A???????ZDZ?6A6????\"A\"?. ????ci??a \"a ??an???ece????on?e\"e??????????121242?????00000??,A,AM,A?????I,II,?I tI trt???ed ed?? thi th???mim?lkl?????co?la??te te????????zez??????s fs ??r ???? f fi f????t tt ?tim???????ententlentlyl???????r rr ?reare??dindi?? a???revre???? t??????hi??s bs ?raran?and and???as ?th??????st st c??oc?olola??e ???", "output": "been a tea drinker for years, but this coffee has a low-acidic level so I can handle it. The aroma is enticing and the bag lasted a long time. I am a fan of beans versus grounds so that was another plus. It was prompt and the packaging ensured my coffee stayed fresh and intact.\"\n3173,B000F7GK98,A1CNI6D3ZD6AQI,\"A. Mascia \"\"anniecalzone\"\"\",0,0,5,1246320000,AMEDEI,I tried this milk chocolate with hazelnuts for the first time recently after reading a review that this brand was the best chocolate in "} +{"input": "???e e?wowororlr????? h ??d d t ?o o t?ryry y?iti? a ????itit it w?asa????ortor?????ereryry ry p pep???y.y?. I. I I aI ama? a a a?dad??? c chc???ololal???????????mam??lyl??(7(??????s ms ??y fy fa?vov?????? b ?????I hI ???? t to t????????????? o or?ded??? th t??s ?????n n???????ve???it it ait ?as as?????????. It. I????ltlte???????e be ??ttt?????n ??my my?mom?????????waw???bebeye?onond?nd dnd de????hth???ul.ul??????????1L1???Y2Y?4,?AYAYMY?????????????uhu??did???2,2,3,?,1,????353??????00,00?\"I\"ItItst???????????????????? G ???pepe,pe???in????????,\"??o ??notnot not???y ?????? if i?????r ???thinthinknkikiningin?? it its???????mamanma??go.go. . . ??ngngrngrer?di???t t st ??ysy???\"F\"??uiu??it Jit ?ui?cec?????nd?????ga???? W ??hithite?????pepe pe J ???iceic???????ganiganic??????e e Je ??JuicJuice?? An Andnd ??????????????pp??le le J??uic??", "output": "the world. I had to try it and it was worth every penny. I am a dark chocolate fan normally (70% is my favorite) but I have to say I would order this again and give it as a gift. It melted like butter in my mouth and was beyond delightful.\n3174,B001LO4Y24,AYMD4AB9BUJTX,Muhidin,2,3,1,1335916800,\"Its not Mango only but Grape, Pineapple\",\"Do not buy this if your thinking its only mango. Ingredient says \"\"Fruit Juice Blend (Organic White Grape Juice, Organic Apple Juice And Organic Pineapple Juice "} +{"input": "F?roromom m???ncn?ene??????? O ????nin??????gogo o P ????e.e?\"\"\"??brb???><>??r ?/>?I I????ce????d d???ded????? s ????????I I rI re?ala????ed ed?tht?isis s ds ????k k h ????grg????? an a??d pd ???eae??plple??????????000????4Y4Y2Y?4,4??2J2????S1S??G5G?????????e,?0,0???5,5,15,131???????0000,00?\"N\"??iceice,e, e, s???eeteet t???????,I,??bobouougu???????is is???ic??????caucausu???I ??eaealea????lilikli????manma????s.s?????isis ???ea?t t rt ?refre??resreshshi??ng ng a? and and d sd ?momoo?th?????er???????at? e ??er?ybybobodbo?????????????ili?y y ey ????y.y. ????? b?uyuy ??agaag???..??17??????0L0LRLRIR??ZYZY,Y???PLP?LPVLPV7V??VBV???B,B??CocCo??? P??????0,??,1,???212??686??0,????????AmA????nt/nt/S/?????er? P Pr P?ricri?ce ce? th t?hanhan n???????????????????e ae ????????????picpi????tot???????on on aon al??l fl ?????????s ", "output": "From Concentrate, Organic Mango Puree.\"\"

I cancelled order as soon as I realized this drink had grape and pineapple.\"\n3175,B001LO4Y24,A2J1J9S1DG5IXX,Diane,0,0,5,1341532800,\"Nice, sweet mango\",I bought this juice because I really like mangoes. It is great refreshing and smooth beverage that everybody in our family enjoy. Will buy again.\n3176,B000LRIKZY,ALPLPV75VB40B,Cocoa PAB,0,0,5,1312156800,Bigger Amount/Smaller Price than Supermarkets,These are great spices to use on all food types "} +{"input": "????ini?????grg???t t?flf?????. .? T ??e e b bob?ttttltlel????zezeses s???? t ????e e te ??? s si??ze ze?????hahat?? fo f?unu???in? a???upu?ere??????????nd nd a?bo????th????amamem?e pe ?????????o o y yoy??? ge g?????oreor?e oe ?of of?whwhahatha????u u??????d nd ??ormormamalma??????y ?foforor.or..?????????00F00FDF???SOS?,A,???????XQX???????N.N?. L. LeLeve??nen??5,5?,5,,5,5???????686??00?,S,????e'e's'??PuPufu???d ??ThiTh??in Cin ?????????es?????e,? w?iti????????es?tit????? th?e ?beb?estest est??\"d\"?ie?????crcrar??ke?rsr???'v'????eveev??????????I'vI'????ada??????????????nd nd wnd wi?????ut ut???ltl??t ant a?????ncn?ce ce I ????uaual??? p pu put??pepeape??utut ??ututtut????on?????????I dI ?diddi???????ed? t??? s????.<./?
These are great for travel, for kids, and when you just"} +{"input": " ?nen??d d????????lolowo????????e e c ?????????3???8,8?B0B000??FDF??USUSOSO,O?A2A232????????P8P8Y8????rarauraumu?aba???e,e,3,????5,5????898????0000,00,E,?xcxcecele???ntn? a????heh?al??hyhy,y,\",\"I\"????????t st ????e we whw?? t ??e e 2e ????ececic?alalial?????tot???? i inin n???????a ??stost??pe?????rrrry??ingin?? th t??sese ?asas s ts ththe?y ?????e ue usu?????y ?y soy sololdl??????????????keske??ar?e ?181?? ca cal ca?lor???????????????ndnd nd???odod-d?-n-?ot? l?iki?ke ke?????ca?????ar????as???e oe ofof f?? thi thici?ckeck?? r ?ricri??????????Ex?ce?ll??????as as a??ba????fof?? P PBP???, ?or??to?? ma m??e e a?????enen en??????????wiw??????? t to t??us?e ??????ieciececesce?s ls ??ikeik?e a???hihipip p f?oror ??????????. ?GoGoo?d ????riceric??e one o??ththe??121????????????? a 1 a 101? m mo m??nthnth h??????????? u???se dse dad????.\".\"3313?17917", "output": " need a very low-calorie cracker.\"\n3178,B000FDKUSO,A23OE0ZSYIP8YO,Traumababe,3,3,5,1318982400,Excellent and healthy,\"I am not sure why the 2 speciality stores in my area stopped carrying these as they were usually sold out. The cakes are 18 calories, crunchy and good--not like the cardboard taste of thicker rice cakes. Excellent as a base for PB&J, or to make an open face sandwich, or to use in pieces like a chip for dips, etc. Good price on the 12 pack with a 10 month expiration use date.\"\n3179"} +{"input": "??B0B??00F00FDFDKDKUK?SOSO,O,A,????LQL??UWU?N1N???????iti??????????teterte??te????JcJc\"c???,3,?,3?,5,5,5?????????00000?????eae?t t? Li L????????cec?????????????????hehesesees????aya???ogo?????? b ?????ter ter??????rorouo??d d?????? w ???ichich h c ??????? t te t?errer?ibi?blybl?. .???eyey ??re?????d d ad ????e,e??oror r wr ?it??h mh mym??faf????????ArArtr?tisti??anaan???awa???es?amamem????ttt?ter?. ???TheyThey y a???re vre vever????elell? p pap???aga????wh???ich ich?kek?epe?s s t??hemhem m???romro???getge??ini???????kenke???AlA??o,o?, e, ????h ph ?????ageag??I I?????e oe opo?ene?????hasha?????en en f fr fre?shs?. . T?????s ???? a ??????? p?????ctc?t At ?????????3131831???B0?????DKUDK?USOUS??A2A?????212??2J2JKJ??H,H????viv?????3,??????12012??040??00,00???eaeatea?t Ft ??or ?SaS??dwd???cheches??\"I\"I ???ve? t? thi th??s ps prp???ucuctuct!t? S So So o??ucuchuch ?", "output": ",B000FDKUSO,A3D1LQCUWN12LD,\"Literally Literate \"\"Jc\"\"\",3,3,5,1318896000,\"Great Little Rice \"\"Patties\"\"\",\"These stay together better than round ones, which crumble terribly. They are good alone, or with my favorite Artisana Raw Sesame Butter. They are very well packaged which keeps them from getting broken. Also, each package I have opened has been fresh. Thanks for a great product Amazon!\"\n3180,B000FDKUSO,A265982182JKPH,Olivia,3,3,5,1312070400,Great For Sandwiches,\"I love this product! So much b"} +{"input": "??ttt????ththah?n n??hehe e?rerege?ulu??r ????????ic?e ??????????????areare ???thinthi?, ,?bubutu???ereryery ??omompmpapacactct,t, , s, ???I I??ses??e the t??m m???? a a g ??reare????an????ichic?? br b?rea??? al altlte?rnr??atiat?ve???ThTheTh????ono?'t'??brbrereareakrea?k ak ????t ?????k ????eae?sis?????????e ?re???la??r rr ??ice????ke?s.s. s.????ve ve??seasear??he?d ??????grogr?cec??ery ery???d ?????lthlth ???odod ???orore?s s is ini???y ???rea?????????????in?d ??hih??s ps ??ododuod????? any anywywhwhe????. I. ??????????at at t??????y arey ar?e ne ?owow w a?vav?il???lel??????SuS?bsb???ripri?tit??????ro??????????on.on??????3?????B0B000?????????A2A2T2???ZLZ???FPFPYP?2P2????anean???ololclco???,2,????5,5??????????00,00??The????estes??riricri?? c???????verver!r?????ThesThe?? b???????ricriceric????akeakesake??arare? b?y y fy ?ar??? the? b????, ?????", "output": "etter than the regular thick rice cakes. They are thin, but very compact, so I use them as a great sandwich bread alternative. They don't break apart quick as easily as the regular rice cakes. I've searched the grocery and health food stores in my area and can't find this product anywhere. I love that they are now available for Subscription through Amazon.com.\"\n3181,B000FDKUSO,A2THGZLAWFPY2P,Jane Holcomb,2,2,5,1347840000,The best rice cake ever!,\"These brown rice cakes are by far the best, I hav"} +{"input": "e??trt???d d?mam???????cac????????????ve??y y??????????s.s?????ses???rer????y oy ?????sns???k k????????hatha??I ???n n h????. ?. Th. The?????e ?sos??gog???????on??t ft ??ele??lilikikek?????m m? mi m?sss?ini???an????in?g.g??????2,2,B,?000????KUK???,A,???V9V?????????T,T??????linli?e ??ucu??ere???2,22,?2,52,??131???????00?,W,?oro??????ilil ???e te ??o do ??esces?ri????hoh????uc???? l???ve ve???es??,\",????ai????????ng ng? an andn???iti?th th?babata???d bd ??reare????fo????????on on????re?ststotocto??? th the?? bu bulu?????????in?????? t th?isis is p ??od??uctuct,t?? as a? E ??????an?-s-ststyst?????ricricec??ca??keske?s as ????? p pr pre??tyt??y spy s??????? n ni n???he,he, , a, an?d ????y ???? b be be ??? bi b?? d did??fi??ul?????????d ?atat at??????????oreores? ( ????????????ioi????xpxpe???sivsi????", "output": "e tried many. I can not have very many foods. These are my only snack food that I can have. They are so good I dont feel like I am missing anything.\"\n3182,B000FDKUSO,A3MV9QVHFJTR4T,Caroline Tucker,2,2,5,1345680000,Words fail me to describe how much I love these,\"I waited long and with bated breath for Amazon to restock the bulk packaging for this product, as European-style rice cakes are a pretty specific niche, and they can be a bit difficult to find at local stores (not to mention expensive). "} +{"input": "???ese?e e?????? v ?????????er???t t???????frf??m m??he?????erier?cac????stystylylel??rir?iceice e ce ????es es? th thah????osost? p ??????????ococic??????iti?????e e ne ???me-me???????theth???re????wsw???ugu??????????????re?n'n????uiu?iteite ???????-f-?????d d????crcrur??blb?y,y??hahavha???g g???rere re? th the? d?en?sis?ityity ???d ?????knk????s os ofof f?????aca????r or ?????????flf?????reare???????t ut ???????? tho th??e,e?????se??ar??e ge ?lul??en?-f??reere?e, e, o??il-il??-fre-fr???e, ue, un???????, ???? c co c?nt?aia??? on o?nlynl???????ingin???didiedi??t:t: :?101000?? p?ufu??ed? b br bro?wnw??????????????? g gog?ot ot????icice? l ??ghghth?t ct crcrucr?????? tha that?? ma m???s ???????????fof??????ck????, ?bubut???? they they'???????????heahe??th?thiethi?????????????s o?r ???????????, an, andnd d td thd the??br?", "output": "These are a very different beast from the American-style rice cakes that most people associate with the name--as other reviews suggest, these aren't quite so air-filled or crumbly, having more the density and thickness of a cracker or crisp flatbread. But unlike those, these are gluten-free, oil-free, unsalted, and contain only one ingredient: 100% puffed brown rice. They've got a nice light crunch that makes them good for snacking, but they're a lot healthier than chips or crackers, and the bro"} +{"input": "??n n??ici???isi? d ?efefif??iti?ele?? p ???????blblel???? a ? m ???re re????ce?sss???????iteit?????ce ce??aka????? y ???'r're????????l l?ofo????????????r r???pap?ctc???????'r're're ???sos????????fofor???hehe he o oc o??casca????al?????d ??umu???y uy ?pspse??, , s ??????th??ey'ey?'re??lil?ghg???anandn????an?d d ad ??and and d??on'on?t ???ququiuiri?????? p??????ratra??ionio???? o ot o?the????bla??? f fo foo?dsds.s??brb??????r ???????th??????ithith h???????? M ?y ?pep??so??nalna???avavov??????? pe p???utut ?????terte?????m,m, ??and?and aand ???prpripr????linli??????chc???a s?eee???? Y ?um???3?181838?,B,?000?00F00??KUKUSUSOSO,O,A,A1A???????FOF??5V5???\"h\"???????rtrt t \"t \"\"\"??. ????\"\"\"\"\"??2,2,2???,1,?????13713767?00????stst ??????n-n?frfrereeree ?????????ute???????re???d !d ???????nd????ortor???eve?er?y ????nyn", "output": "wn rice is definitely preferable to a more processed white rice cake if you're mindful of blood sugar impact. They're also great for the occasional mild tummy upset, since they're light and bland and don't require the preparation of other bland foods.

Try them with hummus! My personal favorite: peanut butter, jam, and a sprinkling of chia seeds. Yum!\"\n3183,B000FDKUSO,A1VEA16QFOG5VR,\"happyhart \"\"S. H.\"\"\",2,2,5,1342137600,Best gluten-free substitute for bread ! ! ! And worth every penny"} +{"input": "!!,!,\",?? a ?? s soso o h ????y y????????aza????gog???????????????n n sn so???I cI ?ouo??????dedere??????secse????d cd ????. .???dod???t ?eaeata??????t,t? i????????? th t?he he??ouounou????????e e ae ara??oun?d ?my????????. ????????ea?dsd????vev??whwhewh??eat eat o?r ?ifif f???????areare e ge ?lul????????e,e????theythey ???st? w wawaya??tot??o mo ????.<.??? / ???/>I/>?????e ??eat?enen en?????????ds ds?????ici?????????. I. ????veve ve f fofou???????? m???????ll???re?aka???apaap??t ??? y ?ouou'ou??re re? sp s?rereareadrea?in??? a a n ??ut ut? bu bututtut??r r or ??on ton ???m.m?. N. NoN?? t????se!se! !?????so tso ??therthere?re are ???????????????? r ri??? c ????? i?????????????????ound round ??gugul??????iceice e c??akeak?es.es..es..... . t. ?thith??s ps ??ckckack??e ??of of???ce????cakecakescake???asas as??7 7 p pi pieiece?cesce?????ea?????????????, ?", "output": "!,\"I am so happy that Amazon got these back in so I could order my second case. I don't eat wheat, it packs the pounds on me around my middle. Most breads have wheat or if they are gluten free, they cost way too much.

I have eaten all kinds of rice cakes. I have found that most will break apart if you're spreading a nut butter on them. Not these! Also there are generally 13 rice cakes in a pkg of round regular rice cakes... this package of rice cakes has 27 pieces in each bag. Also, i"} +{"input": "t?'s's s??ucu???lil??e e????susumu?iningn? a ???????e oe ofo??brb?eae?? w ??tht???t t??theth?e ce ?rur?sts???ana?????theythe???re??nin??ce ce? an andnd nd??hihin?? so s? y ?ouou ou d dod?on'on????eateat t tt tot??o mo mumucmu?ch ch o ?? a??gogoo??????ng?.<.
Try these if you're dissatisfied with regular rice cakes or if you must have gluten free bread!! I don't believe you will be sorry and Amazon's price is so good and FREE shipping... though the box is sort of big, it's pretty light and stores easily away. I live alone and I'm on my next to last pkg from my first case and they are not at all stale. I stored t"} +{"input": "???? i ini???????olo? d ???k k????aga?????????iri? o oro??gig???l ???????????boboxbo?????r /r ??
Also they are made in Belgium if that helps anyone. The packaging is air tight and they come 12 pkgs in a box and are in the perfect sized box, and mine arrived without a sign of any damage and I have yet to find even a single cracked rice cake! They are rather neutral in their taste... I make a special butter spread that I like on them real well. You take equal parts of room temperature butter, olive oil and water and blend "} +{"input": "?iningn?rerede????tst??????? s ????tht???????cac?n n??refre?ririgigeg?raratatete e??thithisis,s, ,??????ts? u?p p??utu?t dt dod??????t gt ???????d d s????t ?is???????s ??prp?reare??aba???e ae ?andand ??asa??teste????realrea?lyl? g gog?????I I u?sese ??rgr???icic c??????r,r??olo??vev????? a?????il???teretered???watwa????, b, ?????ou???dondo??t ???????????is sis ??rerea?d ?isis is s?o ????d d ad ??and and??? be beleli???ve ve????????ettetteterter ter f ?or??yoyouyo????an?? st s??rairaig??t t bt ?but???????????
Also, I only use one cake to make a single sided sandwich, as with any rice cake using two as you would two pieces of bread just doesn't seem to work as well. But a single sided sandwhich with these rice"} +{"input": "? c cac???s s??????ryry y e enenjn???aba??????r r?/>/??H/>?opo?e e t ???? h heh??psp??yoyouo??ded???????o o?????????? E ?ve????nen??I'I??ve ve?gig??venven n????e ???, , h?avave????d d?on???y gy ??odo??coc??memenme???s as ab???t t????m.?\"\"??181848?,B,?000???DKD??SOS???3N3??7K7???0U0?KVKVOV????ara?le??????????131?242????808????ururpr?rir????????TaTasa??????????risri????glygl?y ty tat??ty????hihinhi????d d cd crd c??????ereryery ?CrCrar????r ??iki?? a ?andan?d gd ??od? f ??r ??nan??kik??????????t tt ?thethes??e fe ?forfo??????usu???????hoh?o io ?is is ois ?on on? a a????????? s so s?odiodiui?? d????????????ar???grg??????for? w wh w??????e t???ve?l.l??????is?n'n't'?????y ?fifin??in?ing ing?pr??pap?ack??????lo?w ?????????oo?dsd???????????e e g?oo????bub?t ??he?hesehese e we wowororkor? q ???tete ?e wee w???????31831858???", "output": " cakes is very enjoyable!

Hope this helps you decide to try them. Everyone I've given some to, have had only good comments about them.\"\n3184,B000FDKUSO,A3NH7K9F0UKVOH,Darlene,2,2,5,1324684800,Surprisingly Tasty,\"Surprisingly tasty. Thin and crip. Very Cracker like and good for snacking. I got these for my husband who is on a very low sodium diet. These are great for when we travel. It isn't easy finding prepackaged low sodium foods that taste good, but these work quite well.\"\n3185,B0"} +{"input": "?000???????????T8T????KFK????00,00?\"R\"?yey? B ???\"\"\"?JOJOKO?I\"I\"\"????????????7171818787287??00,???eaeata???igi?????raraca??ere????bsbsts?iti????????????cr???chc???ana????????????y ??owow w i ?????did??????????ala???y py ?????er er??in???plp??in???????hah?????a a???ackac?aga??e we wiwitithit? a??frf?rieri??????o o????oyo???????sese e we wie w?ith???????a ????adad ?d tod topo???ingin???????reareat?? al a???rnr?????ve ve??o ??the????????ivi???????????m m?????????es es s? sol soldl???t ???st???????s.s?. E. ???elell?en??t pt pr?od??ctc?????e ??ricri????aka??s s? fo f???????s bs brbra?nd?????e ae ?????????ererfer?????nd?nd fnd fo?r ??thoth?????on on???non??sa????didiedi??? 0 ????????um.um.\".\"\"3???6,6?????0FD0F?DKUDK?????????IHI?????S1S1717,7?????anan3an363??????????494??????00,?Th???????", "output": "00FDKUSO,A35T8A43KFWD00,\"Rye B. \"\"JOKI\"\"\",2,2,5,1287187200,Great light cracker substitute,\"Crisp/crunchy and thin- very low in sodium. I usually prefer mine plain but shared a package with a friend who enjoyed these with a tuna salad topping. A great alternative to the expensive styrofoam varieties sold at most stores. Excellent product. The rice cakes for this brand are also wonderful and for those on a no salt diet, 0% sodium.\"\n3186,B000FDKUSO,A2GK1IHV52CS17,Dogfan36,1,1,5,1349049600,The perfe"} +{"input": "c???dedele???ereryr?????teteme??????????crc??ckc?er?? a ?rer?????????tht?he he b ?????y y iy isis ??oto?t it ?? t th???r r????n fn flf???oro?? b bu b?? t th t???faf???t tt th????????y ay ar???a a?pep????ctct,ct, ??cricris??????ow?? ca c??????, ??lul??ene?????e ??delde????ry?????hah????m m???????????annan?erer er??? s???rea???s as ??????licli???. .? T ???????n'n??????????th???ve??????er?????????fif????al al??la?????ngn?s ?toto o?????petpe?? w???? a a a??opo???ing?? of???????????iceic?. ??SoSom????f ???y fy fa???vorivor??es?????e..e.??pe????ut ??????????and and??????ana ana o???????????????? ch c?heehe?eseese ?wi?th???ur??keyke????pp???on?i.i?\"\"??181?7,7,B,???00F00?DKDKUK?SOS??????????9K9KPK?R5R???????anan an?GiG?????,5,???????171?898??808??0,0,B,Be,B???ter??? tha than??exexpxpe????d,d,\"d,\"I\"?", "output": "ct delivery system!,\"These crackers are great--the beauty is not in their own flavor, but the fact that they are a perfect, crispy, low calorie, gluten-free delivery mechanism for all manner of spreads and slices. They don't come with over-powering artificial flavorings to compete with a topping of your choice. Some of my favorites are...peanut butter and banana or laughing cow cheese with turkey pepperoni.\"\n3187,B000FDKUSO,A18GKCC69KPR51,Norman Girard,5,7,5,1178928000,Better than expected,\"I "} +{"input": "????? o ono? s ?ala?t t a ana??? as a????rer??ulultlt lt h ???ve ve??ypypep?rtr?enensn???on.on??ThT?????prp??duducuctc??s ws ???????rprpr??sisinsi??????asa?t ?????owo??er er y yoy??ur ur??igi???????? p ???esses??re?? an and???to to????t it ??t at ?????cece ???as pas ?oso??sibsi???, ,?kek??????ou ou??????ve lve ????erer.er???nd?, ????t ????a a s???en????????????, a, ?as ???lt??????nlnlyly ly a a a h a ha?bib?it it???d d hd ???s ns ??????al al???efe??ul ul???po?se???xcx??ptpt t t??o co ?????e me ?ananyany ?unu?heheahe?????y hy ????itsit???nd?????did??ioionio??. ?KeKeeeepee??cacarca????? ab a???t ?usus us? an?? d ?onon'on?t t st st?????proprod?uc?ininging g????odsods ?????????????y y h?eaealalt?hyh??\"\"???888?????????USU?O,O,A,ADA?DKCDKCZC????V4V4K4??W,W??eaeanea?????,1,1,1,1,13,1???????0000,00??oooo oo?MuMuc?h ????????????rsr?sense???,\",?????sumsu?er????epoeporortor?ts ts? ra r??ede?d td ??", "output": "live on salt and as a result have hypertension. These products work surprisingly fast to lower your high blood pressure and to put it as nice as possible, keep you alive longer. And, that is a scientific fact, as salt is only a habit and has no real useful pupose except to cause many unhealthy habits and conditions. Keep caring about us and don't stop producing foods that are very healthy.\"\n3188,B000FDKUSO,ADKCZ302V4KEW,Jean,0,0,1,1349222400,Too Much Inorganic Arsenic,\"Consumer Reports rated the"} +{"input": "sses??????kekere?s s t ??e ???ghg??sts????????rgr?ana?icic c????????c oc ?????? t????riric??????????? o onon ???e ?mam?????? I ???iki?ke ke???ese??? cr c????????????t wt ???????? lo l?ongon??er er?eae?t ???themthe?????il???????????nic? i is isss??e ??in in b????n ?ri??e e i??s rs rer?????ede??\"\"??181?9,9??????DKDKUK?SOS???I0I??6E6????N8N?3K3?,p,???usu?hkh???0,0????????606?252?????????????ueue,ue,T,ThThehes??e ae ar??e ne ??t ????y y?? g ??odod od v ????e e (e ?heheaheal??? f ?oo?d d s st?or?????????????ack?? up u? t th the??prp??riceric???on? r??ice???akake?s!s?) )??ut? a????? ar?e e n?ic?????? thi th?in ????????????????????????????stust???f of on?..?313?909????00000?????SO??,A3,A????????XOX?ATA???lylyclychc?????,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,????434????202?00,00??LOLOVOVEVEDE?? IT I???SHS?ARA??????, , E, EVE???YOYONONEN???", "output": "se crackers the highest in inorganic arsenic of all the rice crackers on the market. I like these crackers, but will no longer eat them until the arsenic issue in brown rice is resolved.\"\n3189,B000FDKUSO,AI066ESWAN83K,podushka,0,0,5,1346025600,Best value,These are not only a good value (health food stores really jack up the prices on rice cakes!) but also are nicely thin and easy to use to spread stuff on.\n3190,B000FDKUSO,A3PENBFALXOATY,lychee07,0,0,5,1343347200,\"LOVED IT, SHARED IT, EVERYONE LO"} +{"input": "VVEV????T\"T??I I???s s???lel?????????o ???chc? w wi w????ththeth??e e ce ??aca???rsr???????y'y'r'???eaeas??? to t?o so spo s???ada??????????tat??? a? and an????t t?? top to?pip?ngngsg?s os onon!on! ???????????ele????njn?oyoyeyede????????? and and?soso so???????l l???y fy frf???????=D=DD?313??????????KUK????A2A2U2??858?3V3????0I0?,O,??????????,0??5,5,1,131??959545?????,b,??estest ??nan??ack,ack???usu?????????????kekeskes ??rere re? a a??????????ck???f f??????re???ryryiy??g g?? to to l ?ososeos??wew?igi???t ot ???jujusustus???eatea?t ht ?????thyth???? I b I bobou??????????????thath??t it ??s ss so?did?umu??? ch c????st?er????, f, fafat? a?????ugu??ar ar??frefreeee.e. ??or??? thr threreere?e c??akeak???????s s os ons o?lyly ly?54?? ca c???????, , s, ??so yso ?youyou ???????d ?? t????pinpi??lil????????ouloulele le????yoyou???????????e t?opo??ining??????", "output": "VED IT\",I was able to do so much with these crackers! they're easy to spread on and stack and put toppings on! I definitely enjoyed them and so did all my friends =D\n3191,B000FDKUSO,A2U8853VUAU0I,Ohmygosh,0,0,5,1339545600,best snack,\"Susie's thin cakes are a great snack if you are trying to lose weight or just eat healthy. I bought the one that is sodium, cholesterol, fat and sugar free. For three cakes it is only 54 calories, so you can add a toppin like taboule or your favorite topping witho"} +{"input": "?utu???heh??guguiuililtlt.t?????? a ??e ?vevere??y ty ????y.y. ?ThTheTh?e oe ono?lyly ??ror???????? t???? av a???ilailaba?il???? o ??? th??e pe ??ododud????????m m om ??????ai???ngng g l ?is??t wt wiw??h h A ????????oro?? th?????????????3?????B0B???FDF??USUSOS??A1A?????XAXAVA?????????obiob???,0,0,0,1,1,1???131?34???606??0,0,\"0,\"D\"DeD?lilicli???usus,s???owo? c ??lol??????ndn? h he???????snsnanaca??. ??GooGo??? pr priricicece ?totooo????I ????chchahas?ede?d td ??ese????????d od ?on ???the?????????mem????????s.s. ?????????? ca c??????re????eliel?iciic?iouio???????inninnener????anan an?? the the the??usuusuau?????ricerice ????????in in? th??????er???rkrkeketketsts.??De???se.se?????????lll???f ??????I ??????????????wi?thth th?????(t(th??????at??chich?ingin?????irir ????????ca?n n???at at??eaeanea?utut ut?bubut??er?er fer ?????5 5", "output": "ut the guilt. They are very tasty. The only problem is the availability of the product. I am on a waiting list with Amazon for this product.\"\n3192,B000FDKUSO,A17KUCXAV34USP,Gobi55,0,1,5,1334016000,\"Delicious, low calorie and healthy snack. Good price too!\",I purchased these based on others recommendations. The rice cakes are delicious. Thinner than the usual rice cakes in the supermarkets. Dense...not full of air. I covered them with PB2 (those watching their weight can eat peanut butter for 45 "} +{"input": "?????rir????? s ses?rvr??ngn???s ???????or or??ege??????????ndn? i iti???asa?tet?es es???????? t th t?e e? sa s??e)e?? I ????? h ?????ly ly? re r???mmm???nd nd????eseese ?????????es?..???19319??????LKL?XQX??2,2??????????????????zzz?yuyunu??????ntn?s,s,2,?2,22,??5,5,1,131?32532???80?????he??bebes??????an??c c???reere??????a aa ???ili???lel???in in t??????s.s??\"B\"???? i it i????rrrrerecre???ly ly aly ??d ???u u? re????ly ??ete????????????????p p?ofo?????. ? I?? hi h?????y ry ??????menmendmen???hi?s ?brb???and.and?. ?ItIt ?isi???y y fy ?ar?? th the??????? ba b?aggag?gedge?d gd grgregr?en? t te??? I I h I hah???????undund,d, ,? an?d d Id ?I hI ??????ri????ababoab???t a?lll?? of o?f tf ththeth????????rerewrew rew?????????in????????z z m mum???fo??r 2r 2 2 m2 ??inuin????es. es.? A AbA?sosolo???utelute???pep???ecectec??????194194,4?????LK???32?????", "output": "calories a serving vs 190 for regular PB and it tastes exactly the same). I too highly recommend these rice cakes.\n3193,B000LKXQ32,A2L1SNVFML2CUQ,jazzyunderpants,2,2,5,1325808000,The best organic green tea available in teabags.,\"Brew it correctly and you really get a beautiful cup of tea. I highly recommend this brand. It is by far the best bagged green tea I have found, and I have tried about all of them. I brew one bag in a 12 oz mug for 2 minutes. Absolutely perfect.\"\n3194,B000LKXQ32,A16Z"} +{"input": "0??????NPNPDPD4D4,4???ryry,y?2,2???5,5???????606?????????ede????a a?????????f f??????iki?????eeeene???????hah?t t b ???wsws s??oro????????????mam?? a ????yo??????non?t ???ststest?w\"w?????ourou?r tr ???????juj????????in?? t?????aga?g ig ?in in????ilil l??????tea?tea itea ???bib???terter,r, , t???is is?isis is tis th?????????? y? you yo????f ???????e, e,? it it t ct cacan?? be b??do???????at at w ?ayay,y, y, b????IFIF F y?? you you h ha?veve ????finfi?nedned ????tea ttea ?asastas??, ??????yoyou???????li?????? this thi????tea.tea???????rsr????????y, ly, ???ve ve???????????ofo??a ?gog?odo???gregr?????tea??????m m??so so g?lal????o o fo ?finfindfin??d thd thih??is bis ??an????vav??ilail?????e one o?????????o oo ?oneon?e se ??ll?s ?it?? in i??????areareaea.ea?\"\"???????0000000??KXK??32????TKTKKK??ZTZ??V4V4N4????,A.,A?. F. FiFis??herher,??2,22,?2,52,?5,15,????????00", "output": "0ZFQNWNPD4,Mary,2,2,5,1323216000,Refined Tea Taste,\"If you like green tea that brews for 2 minutes max and you do not \"\"stew\"\" your tea by just leaving the bag in until the tea is bitter, this is the tea for you! Of course, it can be done that way, but IF you have refined tea taste, then you will like this tea. I, personally, love the taste of a good green tea. I am so glad to find this brand available online. No one sells it in my area.\"\n3195,B000LKXQ32,A2TKKLZTJV4NLV,A. Fisher,2,2,5,1270166400"} +{"input": ",???e e??ere?y y?beb?sts??????nin???????n n???a!a!!!???I I????? t?????????????fff??ereeren??t bt ?rar???s s? of of f?????? t?ea??????? th t?isis ?ono?e ?isis,is??byb?y fy ???, ??he???es?t ???e ?th????I ????????verver r?????d!d? T ?????asa?stest?????soso o d ded???iciic??usus ???????chch h???a a? ba b?g g i ?is is? ti t?ghg?????ses????ed ed??n n in iti?????n ?sps??ciciai?l l p ??ckc?????whw?hichi????keeke??s s is itit it? to t?tatalallallyly ly??re?shs??????l ??ou???useus??e ite i?. .?EvE?venve???theth??ststrst??ngn?s ?????????lll?ly ly nly ??atuat???l,l???it?????????????t ?al???, w??hic????an?? af a????t ???the the t ta t???? o? of of t th?????????ThiTh??is iis ??????ne??? fa f???orior???e t??a,a?????????? s ????????th?thattha??? d??????ververever?ed ???????191?6,6????1Y1YJY?6M6?????1E1?LWL????E3E???4T4????ndn?ypypop??,3,??,3,,3,5,5,5????", "output": ",The very best organic green tea!!,\"I have tried many different brands of green tea, and this one is, by far, the best one that I have ever tried! The taste is so delicious and each tea bag is tightly sealed in its own special packet, which keeps it totally fresh until you use it. Even the strings are totally natural, with no metal at all, which can affect the taste of the tea. This is my new favorite tea, and I am so glad that I discovered it!\"\n3196,B001YJ6M7Q,A1ELWI7BE38X4T,cindypoo,3,3,5,1320"} +{"input": "???848??????lll??????r r?bub???? d didifi?fef?ereerenentn????anandnd d a?gag??n,n??? u usu???d td ?o o?geg??t tt ??ese?????omo? S ????? W WhW???es????????b,b??????wiwitwith????isis s es ??ono?om?y,y???I hI hah???????t rt ??eneen?????mymy ???????shs??p p??? s sos??????????ryr??shshosh??????????????????????e e??an??nedne??clclal???????d t??heyhe?????? H ???RIRIBI?LELE E? .. .???????henhe??????ougough?????is????????y Cy Cl????????? th the th????er?? n??????????????le,le????????????ai??lyl??????????t ?puput? t th?????????????m ????wdwded??, ??so ????retre?uru??ned?? al allll ll?? the the the u????en???????s ??f f B??umbum?blebl?BeBeeBe??????????ishaish????and ?amam am???eveev?? e ?eve?r ?gog????a ba ???y ty ?thethem?? ag????? ..???oho???yoyou???o ?ririgrigh?? a ah ahe??d ?anand??trt?? t th????se ose ?othothe?r r br ", "output": "278400,will never buy a different brand again,\"I used to get these from Sam's Wholesale Club, but with this economy, I have not renewed my membership .. so long story short, I bought BumbleBee canned clams and they were HORRIBLE .. so then I bought Geisha Baby Clams and they were not as horrible, but I certainly would not put them in MY clam chowder, so I returned all the unopened cans of BumbleBee and Geisha and am never ever gonna buy them again ... oh, you go right ahead and try those other b"} +{"input": "r???????????????n'n??????? e ??tit??? P ??OPO???????aua?ses?????at'at???aba???t ??lll????ou ou????????ClC??? J ?uiu?cec????andan????lamla?m Pm ?????. . ???xexeee?e Se ??owo??? C?????s a?rer??ALA????LALAMA?? a an a?????LAMLA??????E E??????lam???oo???\"\"??????????YJY?????????1H1???????WFW??,s,scs?????y,y,2,???,1,?1,11,131323???????????w w??recre???e e ge gog??e e be ?ada??\"I\"I'I???????n n e ea e?atiat???????ow'ow's's 's c's ?clacl?? c?????????????ea?rsr??, s, ?? I ???????????? ca c?????????iti?????? s sas????. W. WeW?ll? i it i?t lt loloo???s ls ????e Be ?umu????????????s ts ???kenke?n on ?ve????. Wh. W?hathat ?t a t a? bi b?g g mg ???ta?keke.ke?. W. Wh?enen en??????eneenede???theth???canca??????waw?s ????ll wll ????eryer?????? sm s??ellelle????unu?nyn??. I. ??????it?it iit ?in in?????wlw?l tl toto ??micmi???owaow??????and?and nand no??????", "output": "rands if you don't mind eating POOP .. 'cause that's about all you get .. Clam Juice, and Clam Poop. Doxee Snow's Clams are ALL CLAMS and CLAM JUICE no clam poop.\"\n3197,B001YJ6M7Q,A1S1HQW5C2CWF1,scruffy,2,2,1,1320019200,new recipe gone bad,\"I've been eating Snow's clam chowder for years, so I buy a few cans when it's on sale. Well it looks like Bumble Bee has taken over. What a big mistake. When I opened the can, it was all watery and smelled funny. I put it in a bowl to microwave, and noticed "} +{"input": "hhoh?? t ????????wawasas,s? b ??t t tt th???????I'I'd'?? tr t??????????????ItI??wawaswa? n ??astas???tot?????y t??? l lel??????It??????????ded?????sisicickc???SoS??? w??????ndn?d od ??en??????ototh????ofo?? th t?he he??ewe??cac?ansan?? m ?oro????of of? th the th?e s???????he???I ??otot ot???n on ?ldlde?r r cr ??????f tf ??the the? no nono???????? B ?????ho??????? and and ??it it w???????????ikikek???lwl?????. I?f f If ???ououlou??????e ???the ???ew ew???????????ara?s,?s, Is, ????oulouldould.d??. Su. S???s ?????\"\"????8,8??????J6J?????A1A1H1???MOM?????UQU??????amsam?ee???,1,1,,1,3,3,3?,12,1282????????,d,didisi?sasapsa?oio???ed???????cl????? we???? o ok o????????????uau?????y ey ?xtx??t act accc?epeptp?t ot ononlon?y ?cacalcalflf f t?he??ca?????s fs fif?????d wd ???h h????msm???andan?????the othe ????r ?hah??f f if is? m?oso??lyly ly?????", "output": "how thin it was, but thought I'd try it anyway. It was nasty to say the least. It about made me sick. So I went and opened another of the new cans, more of the same. Then I got an older can of the non-Bumble Bee chowder and it was great like always. If I could give the new junk no stars, I would. Sucks bad.\"\n3198,B001YJ6M7Q,A1HR1MOBJPKUQD,clamsee,1,1,3,1286150400,dissapointed,\"the clams we're ok overall, quality ext accept only calf the can is filled with clams and the other half is mostly juice"} +{"input": "?. .?ala?sos? i i i e ???????? l lal???erer r?????????ata??er???????sms???? p ??????????ododuducu?ct ct? is is ?????? th t??ugu????????9,9,B,??010?YJYJ6J6M6M7M??,A,?2O2???????9W9???L,L????ikiklklul??r,r?????????????????????ini??? W WhW?iti?te te? cl c?????auauc???,??\"T\"ThT?hishi?s is ???th??e me mom??thetherthe??lol?????f f c??annan???d cd ??lamlamslam?s. s. N NoNotot ot j juj?????? ca?n ??? j ju j??????itithit? a a ??ewe?????????s,s???utu??cuc??s ????????s ????chchochopo???d ??lalam?????????ndn??????????????du??alsal?s,as,?andand and Iand ??waw?s ???lel?e te ?o ?ususeuse ?ev???? l la l??t ????p p o ???ju?ic?es??SiS?????????ininein???ec???? o on o?n tn th?? c? can????es?????hithi???????m sm ??uc?uce uce I I'I?vev????verve???madma???..?\"?????,B,B0,B???1YJ1Y?????Q,AQ,??????LUL?O7O??RBR?????????enenhnho????,0??0,0,40,?,1?292?????00??", "output": ". also i expected larger chunks rather than small pieces. product is good though.\"\n3199,B001YJ6M7Q,A2O59C4OT9WAVL,muzikluvr,0,0,5,1310601600,Devine White clam sauce?,\"This is the mother load of canned clams. Not just a can of juice with a few floaters, but cups and cups of chopped clams. I found no sand residuals,and I was able to use every last drop of juices.Simply devine recipe on the can, best white clam sauce I've ever made...\"\n3200,B001YJ6M7Q,A2WKQ9LUO7IRBE,R. Greenhouse,0,0,4,1296432000,"} +{"input": "SSiSizi???ofof f???? s ????ede? b ??ggggeg????? g ???sss????ththoh??ghg?t t? of of ????s ??canca??asas s bs beb?????????usu???? c???????????#1#??? ca can?, ,????????PrP??????????ououtout ????????????idi?d nd non?t t st ??????????ada???bub?t ?whw??n ??????????veveded ed? I I??awaw w?? tha thata????????????e se sosom?ewewhwhawhat???mam?allal??er.er. . ?ThT??????e ?le?ss???? than than n a????alfal??gag?all??n.n. ? I????????t set s????????iz???asas as t? tha that that t mt ??chc?? of??? a p a ??????????????????? t to??dodo do?is? r ?retre???????????I wI ?ou??d ??useus?????????????cipci?e ?e ane andn?d fd ????????ppppip?ingin?g hg ???pepedped d wd ?????fefee????ing ing? be b?ttttet????????? th the the the p pupururc????????ut????f If I ?sas??? th? that????ize? c?? can can i???n a ?????re re?????ululd?????t pt ???????.0.000???????1 1 o?z.z. . c. ?can?????", "output": "Size of can seemed bigger,\"I guess I thought of this can as being the usual commercial #10 can, so the Price of about $16 a can did not seem too bad, but when they arrived I saw that these were somewhat smaller. They are less than a half gallon. I don't see the size as that much of a problem. All I have to do is rethink how I would use it in a recipe and free shipping helped with feeling better about the purchase, but if I saw that size can in a store I would not pay $16.00 for 51 oz. can.
<>?brb? / ??? w ?ouo?????avavev? t ?? s ????whwha?t t f ????h h c clc???s s w?ou?ld? c?ososts???iri????? I ?I wI wowouwo???d ld ????e ie ??????? m ???e e te ??????lamla???bib?ggg?erer ????nknksk??? bu b?????coc???????y ??omo????frefreseshesh ??to to??????to ?????????????am???hohowowdw??r ??s ??madma????it???bi??????? chu chun?ks????anan n w wh w??hat hat???owow ow??akake????
I would have to see what fresh clams would cost first. I would like if they made the clams bigger chunks, but I could buy some fresh to add to it. Most clam chowder is made with bigger chunks than what Snow makes.

Good product despite the price!\"\n3201,B001YJ6M7Q,A2KMWYRK5UGRPE,Pete Adkins,0,5,4,1264204800,Chopped Clams,\"Not much to say. I ordered two large cans of \"\"Chopped Clams\"\" for some clam chowder that I will be making soon and they arrived in good condition and in a t"} +{"input": "????????????r.r.<.??? / />/?????/>/> />?????veve e???????enene?d d???emem m????t bt bub?t ?wiwili???ini????brbrubr???y y ay ?t ??y ?bob??s's?? h ho h?meme me? in in ?th????ouoununtntrt??? I???wilwi???bebe ???kik??g g?????????wdw??er er? in????????????en en? wi w??th th h hi?s ??wifwi??????lel?ss???ingsing??????rer?e we ?wil?l ??be be a ??sms?malma???????? o?f f u usu?s ts th?therthe?re re a?ndn????e w??illil??l bel b?e se ???ototiot????gug??????s ps ?????ofof ???????y'y's?'s a's ?ctc?iviviv????es.es????hohopho???????y ly liliki?????the ????????howhowdwdewd??! !????ing?ings ings??ou????geg?? u??ly????????.L.?L.\"L.???202?2,2?????GWG???OSOS,S????FMF???FOF???QMQ?????t,t??,0??4,4??353??606???00??????? P ??icicec???Th?es??????e ge ??????be???s ???????the ?prpriricri??. ???f yf ??ou ou l ???ve ve i? in ????igig g cg ??ityit?? h??we?ve?r,r, , I, ???d sd ?????sts?", "output": "imely manner.

I have not opened them yet but will in February at my boss's home in the country. I will be making clam chowder in his kitchen with his wife's blessings. There will be a small group of us there and we will be shooting guns as part of the day's activities. I hope they like the clam chowder! Things could get ugly... L.O.L.\"\n3202,B002GWMGOS,AOCFMMNFO3OQM,Matt,0,0,4,1350604800,Great Price,\"These are great beans for the price. If you live in a big city, however, I'd suggest "} +{"input": "b?uyu???g g g grg?eee?n n???ana????????lol?cacala?????ioi???an????????r r??veven?? a ?cocomo?mum?nin??????op?. . I I I a???o o?re????beberbe?r ar ????ea ea b be b??ryr???utu?t ot ofo?? Ea E????????or or?th??? w ??????utsutst???????????? t?hi?s ???anzan?ananian??????a ?be??ry? i ??s cs ????????????????stansta??ar??? be?an?s.s?\"\"3??0303,3?B0B000?????DVDVRV??A3A????XWXWUWUEU??1A1AIA???\"G\"GlG??nnn???E.E. ?BaB????????upu?pypy ??umu??\"\"\"\"\"?,3,3,???5,5???????040??00,00???????um um??uau??itityit?y Dy ?ogo???????!!!!,!!,\"?????avave?? be bee been??????ing ing????is is????ood ood f??or or aor ???outou????momonmontn????nonowow w a an and????????? t to to to b???????????????lentlent!t? O ???erer er ter ???????? f fa faca?t ???r ?twt?????ogsog?????Co???n ?ded?e Te ??le?ar????lblbsbs,s??an?and and??tatanand????? Po P??????????py py 4 ?40l40lblbslb?) ) b?ototh???????", "output": "buying green beans at a local Ethiopian shop or even a community Coop. I also remember a Pea berry out of East Timor that was outstanding, but this Tanzanian Pea berry is comparable to standard beans.\"\n3203,B000084DVR,A3DKGXWUEP1AI2,\"Glenna E. Bauer \"\"Puppy Mum\"\"\",3,3,5,1163030400,Premium Quality Dog Food!!!,\"We have been using this food for about 6 months now and find it to be just excellent! Other than the fact our two dogs (a Coton de Tulear 15lbs, and Standard Poodle puppy 40lbs) both love t"} +{"input": "?hehe e???odod,d???utu??ara??????ivi???g.g?????heihe?? c ??ata?s s??re???in in e ??cec?????t ?co???iti???n n a an a?? t ??eie?? o ??ere??ll????rur?ctctut???????peper?fef?????????d d??asa????g g??o o???? d ?ogo??ana????oo????????the???? and and d ad a a???od????al?????r t?????????????????aroar???nd nd tnd th????ese???? foo foodod ?wew?????? e ev e????????. . ??xcxcexcel?le??nt!nt???\"\"?323?????00000??8484D4DVD????1U1UGU?DJD?P1P?????PFPF,F??T.T. ?MoM???re re \"re \"\"\"??thothouougou?hth???l l????deder?\"\"?????,1,,1?????777797???606????GooGo?od ?????????????glg????mymy y?454??? c???kek???st?????ardard ??oo?oodloodle??????????oveov?es es????e se ?stustufstu?ff ff?? bec be?auaususeus?????????st tst ?????????nd and ?and? i??? s?????ioiorior r nr ????????????omo?papar?e e le la??el?????y y py prp??vi?ou????????????igi??reere???????", "output": "he food, but are thriving. Their coats are in excellent condition and their overall structure is perfect. Good tasting to the dog and good for them and a good deal for the owner. All around the best food we have ever used. Excellent!!!\"\n3204,B000084DVR,A1UGDJP1ZJWVPF,\"T. Moore \"\"thoughtful reader\"\"\",1,1,5,1177977600,Good stuff!,\"I'm glad my 45lb cocker/standard poodle puppy loves the stuff because I trust the brand and its superior nutrition. Compare labels! My previous feed (Pedigree) was m"} +{"input": "???????????? M ???lil???tletl? d ????e ie ???heheae?ltl??y ????????pyp??y any a?????????????y ?y an???hahasa????glg?osossossysy ???atat.t?. A. ??soso,o? s ???ererierioi????????itiit??n n????du???s s ss sms?alallal????, c, ??mpm??????totooo??ls.ls?\"\"?323202????????4Q4??VIV???1B1BJB?HZHZEZ?414????X6X???ShS???ronro?n Pn PiPipi??e ????????n\"n??\",\"??,0?,5,??131???565686?????????vev????uauara????otot ???co????up???, M, MiM?????hohoc??olaolat??, , S, ??ngngl?????erver?? c cu cupup up?????KeK???????-c-??up ????wew?ersers,??????ouo???\",????re???ivi?vedve????e ????cupcu??s os ???tit????????in? e?????llllalanantan????nd?????on.on????usu?suasu?allallyall??drd??nkn?k ck ???fefeeee,e, e, b ??????? ni n?ighighth???thethe the??HotHot ??oc?ocoaoco???? g??oodoo???it????????????????????forfore?? be b?d.d?.\".\"??20206206,???05???4Q14Q??I,?A3A???A9A?0Z0??1Q1Q81Q?", "output": "ostly corn. My little dude is healthy and happy and high energy and has a glossy coat. Also, superior nutrition produces smaller, compact stools.\"\n3205,B005K4Q1VI,A1BJHZE41QWBX6,\"Sharon Pipke \"\"Sharon\"\"\",0,0,5,1349568000,\"Grove Square Hot Cocoa Cups, Milk Chocolate, Single Serve cup for Keurig K-cup brewers, 24 Count\",\"I received the K-cups on time and in execellant condition. I usually drink coffee, but at night the Hot cocoa is good with a snack, just before bed.\"\n3206,B005K4Q1VI,A365A90ZY1Q80"} +{"input": "????????????M.M? S ?hoh???????????343???686???00,00,D,?ele?ici????s s?HoH?? C ?ocococ?a,a???isis ??? t tht?e e??besbe???ho??t ct co?????I'I'v'????????? a a ???CuC???? T ??e e te tatasa????is?is sis sms??ot??? an a?d d cd ?????y.y. . . ??????????ece????oro??? c ?colco?d ?momormo????g g o oror or?? an an??ve??????????????????????????????iniin??el????recreco?????? t?hi?s ?s prs p????ct?????????ese???????t it ?is ??thathatat ???t c?anan ??be be? or o??erereer??d od ono?????o o????livli??ryr????????ev?erer er????n on ou??????0707,7??00?5K5??Q1Q????AQA????????????,P,PiPininkinkBinkBiB??erer,er?,0,??0,50,??????484?161?0000,??o ????mmymm??,\",??I'mI'? p pr p??gng?????an???ha????to,to?gigivi?? u upup up m ?my my?ho?hot hot chot ?up????? co cofoffoffe?e.e?????????hth?????be????ho??????up o??f tf ????????ll ll?susufuffffi??e?e???uru??? do doeo?es!es??", "output": "T,Kimberly M. Sholl,0,0,4,1349568000,Delicious Hot Cocoa,This is the best hot cocoa I've had in a K-Cup! The taste is smooth and creamy. It's perfect for a cold morning or an evening hot drink. I would definitely recommend this product. The best part is that it can be ordered on auto delivery so I never run out.\n3207,B005K4Q1VI,AQ80LJNDLVZPG,PinkBiker,0,0,5,1349481600,So yummy!,\"I'm pregnant and had to,give up my hot cup of coffee. I thought maybe a hot cup of this will suffice? Sure does! T"} +{"input": "??ror???tht?e e k ???p,p??n-n- -?ana??? th t?isi???? t???e be ?ese???????chc??????ere?! !???chchoch??????ownown n??????tat????s ??itithit? i?t t tt totooo??! W! ????th th i it it it a??nd nd s sos?????????er?e!e!\"!?3???8,8??000050?K4K????I,I???NWN???????NNN?V0V?????,0,?0,00,?0,50,5,5?131????959?20??0,y0,??mmm?my,my,T,???s s is ??is qis ququiu????????e bue b?y ???mpm??rer?????????herhe??????????colco???es?. . T ??e ????????ve?? it it ?qu??ckc??? and an????sys??I ?wi??l l?????????isis ?ho???t cht c??hocohocolola?te?????????323?????????????I,?????PXP??HUHUQU????,M,?ada?????,0????13???616?????,G,??reareat????id????ovoveov?? i???. G. ????t t pt ????ucu?????? a a??re?reatrea?t pt prt p?ic?????MyM??lilit?tlt??e oe ?nen??cac??????????r r or ???? ho???????????th?????mymy my a as a?sis???tanta?cec?e.e.332???0,B0,B0B00B0???????VI,VI???NKN??", "output": "hrow the kcup,in- and this is the best hot choc ever! I choke down my vitamins with it too! Worth it and so cheap here!\"\n3208,B005K4Q1VI,A2NWIF2APZNNV0,gio,0,0,5,1349395200,yummy,This is quite the buy compared to other hot chocolates. The kids love it quick and easy.I will order this hot chocolate again.\n3209,B005K4Q1VI,A9RIPXAHUQBKY,Maddy,0,0,5,1348617600,Great!,Kids loved it. Great product at a great price. My little one can make her own hot cocoa without my assistance.\n3210,B005K4Q1VI,A1NK86"} +{"input": "G??????545????f3f?101??0,0,00,0,???131???353?848?????????????ava??????utut t at ???iti?tltlele e???aka??\"E\"??en? o ?????e ??mam?lll??cuc?p p???ttttitt?ngn?? of o????? e ???iteit??? th the th??? a ?rere ?a a la ??ttttltt??????? f ??or or????? M ?ak?????re??yoy???????ake ake t?? the the c cu c???s bs beb??????pupututtut???g g tg ththeth?? i ?in in???ourour r? ma m???in??e oe ?or ????????ll? b?e e we ???y ty ??????akak.ak???I I???soso o ro ?unu????cucupcu??ofof f hf ???t wt ???????????? the the ?ma??erer er????forforefore ?????ing ing t?????se sse soso so?????re re ire isi????o co ?ofoffof?e ??asa?te? t to t????themthe????323??1,1,B,?00????Q1Q????????????????0P0?,M,???????? A ???KoK???,0?,0?,0,5,0,???34?828???00?0,????ata??ho???ch???colco?latla??????he he hhe ??hot hot? ch c????colacolat?????? my my ?huhus??????s ???avoav??it?????SeSer????ce ce w wa w?as as???soso ?grgre?reatrea????as ?", "output": "G7OK4E54,elf310,0,0,3,1348358400,Decent Flavors but a little weak,\"Even on the small cup setting of the elite, these are a little weak for me. Make sure you shake the cups before putting them in your machine or they will be way too weak. I also run a cup of hot water thru the maker before using these so there is no coffe taste to them.\"\n3211,B005K4Q1VI,A3D7QMIGNEID0P,Margaret A. Kohl,0,0,5,1348272000,Great hot chocolate,\"The hot chocolate is my husband's favorite. Service was also great, as i"} +{"input": "????sus??llllyl????? ?VeV????popopo????????w w????? w wi w???er???omo???? o ???\"\"???121???000050?K4K4Q4??VIV??A1A??????????????\"A\"????eae?????????????k\"k??????,0,,0,5,??131????????00,00??re??t t ct ??????? co cococo?????lil??e e??theth???????dad??? s sms????????sts?te te o of of of t th t??????veve e Se SqSquq???? c co?????????is??? the th?e be ?ese?st st?I I hI ?????fof????????K-K?cu?????andand d?????ve??be?????????tot????????ryry ry f??r r ar ?at at????st?st ast ? f????mo??nthnthshs s ns ?nowno??. D. DeDeleliel??ioi???!!???21321????005005K5K45K4Q?????A2A?CJC???0D0?OEOE5E?ARARFR??,\"R,\"RoR??s ??. ??????ickic???\"\"R\"\"??ss?PDPDXD??\"\"\"\"\"\",\"\"\",0??0,????34??090999??00??DiDis??????inging,ing?,\"L,\"LoL????s ls ???ke ke???nd ?tat?astaste???s lis lik??e ce ?chochoc?????te ????or?ed????ateat?????????choccho?????? f fl f???????ha?????ve????????", "output": "t usually is. Very popular now with winter coming on.\"\n3212,B005K4Q1VI,A103U3KR4L2ZXT,\"AndreaR \"\"andiemack\"\"\",0,0,5,1348185600,Great cup of cocoa,I like the rich dark smooth taste of the Grove Square cocoa. It is the best I have found in K-cups and I have been on auto delivery for at least a few months now. Delicious!\n3213,B005K4Q1VI,A2CJKQ0DOE5ARF,\"Ross H. Reddick \"\"RossPDX\"\"\",0,0,1,1348099200,Disgusting,\"Looks like and tastes like chocolate colored water. No chocolate flavor whatsoever, this "} +{"input": "??asa????cocomo???ete??????????ini??mem??nt.nt???????? t ???e he hoh????hohocho?colco???? k ???upu??s fs ???om om s ?wiw????mim?iss? i ?insin??teate???????? p pepeoe???e ?cacanan n b ??????in?g g t??is????rodroduducu??????? a????????e se ????s s is is?is ais ??totou???ining?? to t? m me?, ,? is i??ththeth?e Ae ??????n rn ???????s ss sysysy???m m??????ing ging gag???d ????r tr ??is??prp?rod??uctuct?t?\"\"??????B0B??????1V1???A1A?14Z14Z8Z??WKW??IRI???A,A,\",\"J\"??????????\"J\"Jo\"J??h\"h??????,0,,0?5,5??????262?404?00,00?????ast,ast, ???fo??dad??le??????????????????????????lenle?nt nt???ffffeff?????????eopeo?ple??????????hth?t st ??hehedhe????. ?MyM????anancan?ceece????ellel? i??n ln lol??? w wiwitwi???????ro????r ??? l ?lawlaw'w????????????????????oneone!e??NoNow?, , e, ??ververyryoryonone????????is??tst???ourour ???usu?e e he hae h?? t?? to t to ?ry? a a ", "output": "was a complete disappointment. I got the hot chocolate k-cups from swiss miss instead. How people can be giving this product four and five stars is astounding to me, is the Amazon ratings system being gamed for this product?\"\n3214,B005K4Q1VI,A14Z8PWKLIRDLA,\"J. Corne \"\"Josh\"\"\",0,0,5,1347926400,\"Fast, Affordable, & very good!!!\",\"Excellent coffee for people on a tight schedule. My Fiancee fell in love with my brother in law's and had to have one! Now, everyone that visits our house has to try a "} +{"input": "???p p???d d k ???psp??coc????g g b bab??????r r????e.e? A AlAlslsoso o????? t ???????????ata???theth?rer?'s's ?a a w ????????ieietetyt? o ?f f c?of?fef?? f??ava???s s ts ?o ????oso????ror???\"\"3323212???????K4K???????1T1T0T????ZIZ?HYH??9C9???mikmike?y,y???,0,,0?4,4,1,???787?404?00000???HoHotot ?CoC??coaco???rigri?hth?t ot ??????e,e???????idsid?????e ???? h ???t ct ???coacoa coa?????? l?ik???e the the?????act act t? tha th?? I???????et????e ?ststut??????ipippp?ede?d td ?to to??e e we ?he???????eedee??iti????th???t ????????of of? or ordrdederde???3232121621???00?????????????XBXBAB???GTG?KKKK9K9,9?MaMar????? S ???thth,th?,0,??0,50,?5,15,?????????????onongon?g tg ????se se?? lin li?????????waw???s ths t?he ????? p ????chachas??e t??at?????couco?????havha?? m?ada?de de????? my m????ugu????er.er?????t wat w?as as p??????d bd ?beabe????fuf??lyl??????", "output": "cup and keeps coming back for more. Also like the fact that there's a wide variety of coffee flavors to choose from.\"\n3215,B005K4Q1VI,A1T010IZIHYJ9C,mikey,0,0,4,1347840000,Hot Cocoa right on time,The kids love the hot cocoa and I like the fact that I can get the stuff shipped to me when I need it without worry of order.\n3216,B005K4Q1VI,A3LNXBAF8GTKK9,Marcela Smith,0,0,5,1347840000,Along these lines,This was the best purchase that I could have made for my daughter. It was priced beautifully and m"} +{"input": "y? d ??ugu??tet???cac????tut?????ititht???? w wow???yiy?ngn? a ??ou???th?????ici??e fe fof?????er er??olo?lel?gege ?bo???s.s?????????????ucu????3????????5K5??Q1Q1V1??,A,?NNNN2N??VYV??DPDPBPB4B?????or??s s H H.H. ??lul??e \"e ?\"A\"AmA????Bl??????,0,???,4,4,4,1,?343?747??????,A????OCO????????? V ??????S ? A ????HOCHOCO???HOLIHOL????ORO?????ANYAN???EAE??S ??I CI CRC????? A A G ??????????F F??OTOT T C CH CHO CH?????TET???? TH THIH??S DS ?????ININ N?? THE TH???EUE?RIR?? I IS I?S RS ??????Y EY ?????AN????????. ??HEH?E ME ??????? CHO????LATLA???brb??/>/>I>?? T????????D D TD THTHETHE ?DAD??K ????OCO??LAT??E TE ????ESE?????? T TH THE?????ANY ANY??????????????A IA ????D D AD ?AS AS????CHICH?????. N. NONOT? P ???????????? C CA C??RI???D A???Y ?????THE? P ?EPEPPP?PERPE???NTN????r /????LAVLAVOV?OR OR? BU B?T ??T T WT ??S ?NONOTNO??", "output": "y daughter can study without worrying about the price for her college books. Thanks so much!!\n3217,B005K4Q1VI,ANN2AVY4DPB4C,\"Doris H. Blue \"\"Am I Blue\"\"\",0,0,4,1347494400,A CHOCOHOLIC'S VIEW,AS A CHOCOHOLIC FOR MANY YEARS I CRAVE A GOOD CUP OF HOT CHOCOLATE. THIS DONE IN THE KEURIG IS REALLY EASY AND FAST. THE MILLK CHOCOLATE
FLAVOR BUT IT WAS NOT S"} +{"input": "??ROR??? E ???UGU????TOT??MAMATA???R.R?3?212?????0505K5?4Q4??????????1G1?L8L8Z8Z7Z????????MoM???0,0?,0,,0,5,??131??747???40400??GrG???t t H HoH?t t Ct ?oco??a!a!,!,M???faf??ili?y ??ovovevese??ala???????? f fl f???????????????? c ??????latlatet?e ie ?s s ms mymy y fy fa?vovorvo??te??????e ???ricricec???asa??????eatea??blb??. . ??????l ?????th?is? p ?propr??ucu??t at ?gag???.???191?,B,B0,B?005005K5K45K???1VI1V?I,AI,A1A?????K7K????EZE??5,G5,??,0????2,2????737?321????00,S00,???ete???????,\",??????undun? t???is is tis ??o o???weewe?????m m h hohopho???g g t???rere're's'?s as ?? u ?unsun????????d d vd veverve??ioi???av?ai??labla?blebl?e. e.???? v ????y cy ?choch???la?latelateye??y toy t?oo,oo? k kik?indin????????Sw???????ississ.iss?\"\"???202?0,B0,?????K4QK4????,A??????7O7?MKM??????he???????0,00,???,1??4747047?????0,?shsho?ululdld d sd sasaysa???iei????t ?????????fif?", "output": "TRONG ENOUGH TO MATTER.\n3218,B005K4Q1VI,A2JRW1GL8Z771V,MI_Mom,0,0,5,1347494400,Great Hot Cocoa!,My family loves all three flavors. The dark chocolate is my favorite. The price was unbeatable. I will buy this product again.\n3219,B005K4Q1VI,A1LFVTK70U5EZ5,GQ,0,0,2,1347321600,Sweet cocoa,\"I found this too sweet. Am hoping there's an unsweetened version available. Not very chocolatey too, kinda like Swiss miss.\"\n3220,B005K4Q1VI,ADKBNA7OMK620,Theresa,0,0,1,1347062400,should say diet,It has artific"} +{"input": "???l l?????tet?????whw?????non????nln?y y??asa??te te??????????????????o ?gigivi?eses s???e ae ????ad?????????hishi??shs??????sas??y ly ??????oro????etet et t????et????? b? buy bu????knk??w w? th thi?his.his. ?? w wo w?oulou????avaveve ve n?eveve??r br ?ou??ghtgh??iti?t ht ??ad ad I ?I kI ???wnwn.n???t t st seseeeemee?s s ls ???e ???????uldul?d td ??ststest???ooo?d d od ????rwr??????????,B,?000?????1V1?I,I,A,?RWRWRW??ORO??DGD?A3A3G3?,\",???????hihithi?te ???SuS??????ueues?t\"t?????,0,0,,0,5,?????686?????00,00????od od?????cococo?coaco?,I,??t tt ?????s ?????d ad ?????is is????tlt?????weeweet?et set soso so???y fy fif?rsrstst st????oug??????as as t? tha th?t ?t itt i?t h?????????ot oot ofo????gagara?. ? I???oo????????th?e ?????an???? was wa???uru?prprir?iseis???????t i?t it t it????d nd ????t ha??ve ve tve ????????ch.ch?. (. (a(?a pa plplulusu????or or????3????,B???????1V?", "output": "ial sweetener which not only taste bad to me but also gives me a headache. This should say light or diet to let the buyer know this. I would have never bought it had I known. It seems like it would taste good otherwise.\n3221,B005K4Q1VI,ARWRBORADGA3G,\"Ryan White \"\"SunsetQuest\"\"\",0,0,5,1346803200,good hot cocoa,It tastes good and is little sweet so my first thought was that it had a lot of sugar. I looked on the box and was surprised that it did not have that much. (a plus for me)\n3222,B005K4Q1VI"} +{"input": "?,A,A1A?Q7Q????????VWV???RoRobo? ???,0,??,0,,0,2,?,1,?343??717???????????u u????e e???????sts?e ??f ???????cic???????ete???????? is i? o ?k.k???? h ?avaveve ??o o a ?????????eded d??? m mom?st? o??f tf ?theth???eveviv??wsw??I I wI ??? s?olo??????geg?ettet????? th t???484? p ???????WaW?as ????isi????ke.ke?????l tl ?thrth?reere????av?ororsr???hadhad ???did??ti????t tt ???steste ??f ???he ????rar???oseose.e?????????is is???e ?nanamameme ?e ofe of e of??? the the??rt???ic?????sw?????erer,er??????the?? pr pror??uc???. ?????ou?? li l????SpS??enendndad?,y,?youyou u mu ?ayay y???ke?? th thi th?is.is??. B. ??????it ?????a ?????ini??ct ct? ta tasastaste??. U. UnU?fof??????te??y y ny ??t ??forfo????????fef???????????of?? mi??ne ne?????t t?????????anand????idi??????t wt wawaswasns?????badba??\"\"?????for????natnatenatele??, ???atat at w ?waswas was?? the", "output": ",A1Q7232KST2VWE,Rob S.,0,0,2,1346716800,If you like the taste of artificial sweetner it is ok.,\"I have to admit based on most of the reviews I was sold on getting the 48 pack. Was a mistake. All three flavors had a distinct taste of the sucralose. That is the name of the artificial sweetner, in the product. If you like Splenda,you may like this. But, it has a distinct taste. Unfortunately not for me. A few friends of mine that tried it and said,\"\"It wasn't bad.\"\" Unfortunately, that was the"} +{"input": " ?beb?sts? o ????????????ntntst?.<./??????? r rereae?lll?? w waw????a a g gogooo?d d???p p o????oto??????????e ???y ?????e Ee ?????es?? or or ???isi?????issis?? ?????? ar a?re re? tw twi??????s gs ???? i ?????????iniinioi??. .?LiLikikekede??ththeth?e E???????es bes ??????????h ?? l lil?ikeik?ed ed? th thehe he?? art ar????cic?????????nen??, , b??t ???? t th tha thatat at??as?????as?????is?titinti?ctc?????terte????astasteaste.e. ???obobab?blb?????oulou???????et???? w wi w?????????he ???????????al sal ????f f af ??????rere ????ulu?????ugu?ar?. ?If??yo?urur r gr ?goigo??????????er?????????????????e se ??????papacackck k? to to to??????t.t????et???er ?th??n ??thrth???winwi??g og ?out? 3 303??. ???ry ?Ca??? E ??ca???????and and??????? Mi Mis??iss aiss ???and sand ses?????or or????rsrse???????2222323,3,B,B0B000?5K5?4Q4Q1Q???,A,??", "output": " best of the comments.
If you really want a good cup of hot chocolate try Cafe Escapes or Swiss Miss. Both are twice as good in my opinion. Liked the Escapes best. Wish I liked the artificial sweetner, but the that taste has a distinct after taste. Probably would be better without the artificial stuff and more regular sugar. If your going to order I would get the small pack to try it. Better then throwing out 30. Try Cafe Escapes and Swiss Miss and see for yourself.\"\n3223,B005K4Q1VI,A3G"} +{"input": "?L1L????NIN??????ToT??,0,??,0,,0?5,5??343???161??0000,???ovoveve e????ara??e He HoH???????? F FoF?????????,T??isi??isis is???????sts???HotHo?t Ct ?CocCoco?a ?prprorodro??ctc???????ve ve?fof?unundnd d? fo f?????????eureu??g g K K- K???? B ??rewre?erer.r. .???????he????I I hI ha???ve tve trtri??d d dd ?????? h?av?e ????e t??????or ?alalol?????????e pe ?????ctct ct?re??aia??s s is ???? the the the??cupcu?????242??B0B0000500?K4K????I,I?A3A??CCCCDCDTD??MOM?DED???????,0????5,??13413??68?00?00?,h,hi???lyly y r?ececo?mmm??????? ho hot????oc???atatet?e,\"e,\"T\"???y ??????sos?omeom????alallally????od? h???t ct ch?ococo?la??te.te????gogotgot t at ????ingin?????aca????????re re??????t ?wawasas ?so????oodoo???????????????ereered?ed sed ???me me?momor??. ?. I . I l ?iki???e toe t??ma????????ochoc?ha ha b by b?y by ?re???ing??ono???ofof of?? the?ses??anandan?d t???????? c?????", "output": "L1ORCNI2XEZ,Tom,0,0,5,1346716800,Grove Square Hot Cocoa For Keurig,This is the best Hot Cocoa product I have found for the Keurig K-cup Brewer. The others I have tried do not have the test or alot of the product remains in the cup.\n3224,B005K4Q1VI,A3OCCDTAMODER1,Joe,0,0,5,1345680000,highly recommended hot chocolate,\"They have some really good hot chocolate. I got a single pack before and it was so good that I reordered some more. I like to make a mocha by brewing one of these and then one coffee"} +{"input": " ( ?ususese e?????? c cuc??).).<.??? / ????r ?????e ??hih?ngng g tg toto o??????????se???ono?t t h ???e ????trtraraiain?????insinsisidi??? t?heh??????rere ?coc???tente??s s??re????ana??????bebe ??useus?? (??????????? c????????????????o io ?t t wt ?ilillll l???ele??emempm??? o ???e ???????I I?wow???????t ????comco????d ????????? on o?? th????mamala?lleller???????????????. U. UsU????a s?tat?????d ??ugu?????????er?er ber be?????use use t?? the the????ll?????setse?ttitt?ing??????nt nt gnt ???????????? ch choh?cocolco?latla??????? t????inins??ideid??e toe to o co co??e ???????br br??><>A/>AlAlslsoso,so, ????????y ??????likli???????pep?ppp??rmr?in????la??or???.....?. B. BuB?t t tt ???t ?isi????y fy ?????it????nene.??????ou???on????????t t??o go ????? the??????et?????ckck,k????????selsellll ll t", "output": " (use a big cup).

One thing to note: these dont have a strainer inside, the entire contents are meant to be used (unlike the coffee Kcups) so it will feel empty once done. I would not recommend brewing on the smaller cup settings. Use a standard mug or larger because the smaller settings wont get all the chocolate from the inside to come out.

Also, kids may not like the peppermint flavor.... But that is my favorite one. If you don't want to get the variety pack, they sell t"} +{"input": "h?? i ini?did?viv?dud????flflal????s s t ?ooo??\"\"??222??,B,B0B??????1V1????GLG??D7D7F7???8E8??L,L???asasis????k k???????\"\"\"\"\"?,0,?,0?,5,?5,15,???555??727?00????sts??KeK?uru??????????oco???latlatet???????????????? t th t???? o ?? c cucupupsps,s, ,?101? a ana?????????????t ??tooto??????? I ???????????t ??????????????????di????so?????????????whw???pep?d ?crcrecr?am???anandan???? c ci cin??amiamin??????ysys s is ?????vev?es ?iti??????22622????00500?5K45K?4Q14Q??I,???DPDPQP?????HIHI4I??J,J,\"??an??e Ke KrK?risri??????Ja??e e K?ri?riscrischch\"ch\"\"???,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,135,1??????404????+++??SeS???vicvi???????anand??????GrG???andaand?ugughghth?????????????s cs ?????...????????it? f?oror ?ththeth???? all all ????????e e ae ???? d drdri?nkn??????????e.e.... .. M.. ??y hy ??????nd ??is is a a a?ve????pipicickic???????sonso?", "output": "he individual flavors too.\"\n3225,B005K4Q1VI,AGLWD7FVS8E1L,\"BasicTek \"\"Tim\"\"\",0,0,5,1345507200,Best Keurig Hot Chocolate so far,\"I brew the 8 oz cups, 10 and 12 makes it too thin. It's good at that point but adding some creamer, whipped cream, and or cinamin always improves it.\"\n3226,B005K4Q1VI,A2DPQ82V9HI4TJ,\"Jane Krisch \"\"Jane Krisch\"\"\",0,0,5,1345334400,A++ Service,Husband and Grandaughter LOVE this cocoa... Make it for them all the time as I drink my coffee.. My husband is a very picky person "} +{"input": "??utu? f ??? s ?omo?? r ???so?n n h heh????ala????????????isis ????e pe ?rorododud?????ndn? w ??antan???me??????keeke??????ini?n sn sts??ckc???erere??atat t tt th???hohouo?ses?...???ovo?es???t t a????????t at aft a?teterer er??in?????????ololdl???vevenveni???s.s??323?272?,B,????K4K???VIV??????7I7??PEP??0Y0???????????. H. ?agageg?n,n???,0,,0?5,5??343444?989????????????????e ?????SuS?????YuY?????,\",???heshe?? k????????re???wewes???e.?????????as??? n ?o ?di????????t (t (P(?er??son?al??????? th t??nknk ???????) ) t??an??? tho th??se ??hihichichc????????ici??????rereere?????mesme?s a??s m????? ?I ????ghlghlyly ly r?ece?comco?????d t??hishi??pr??????!\"!??323??????005005K5K45K?4Q14Q???I,AI,?????N8N?VAVAOA??939????????eme????3,3????0,50,??13???909020????00,G00,??????????e,e????I haI h??ve ve?pup?rcr?????", "output": "but for some reason he really likes this one product and wants me to keep it in stock here at the house.. Loves it at night after dinner on cold evenings.\n3227,B005K4Q1VI,A29S7IVPEA0YIW,Teri A. Hagen,0,0,5,1344988800,Great Value and Super Yummy!,\"These k-cups are awesome. They taste no different (Personally, I think better) than those which are priced three times as much! I highly recommend this product!\"\n3228,B005K4Q1VI,A1K4RN8VAOZ93A,goaliemom53,0,0,5,1344902400,Great taste,\"I have purchased"} +{"input": " o ototht??? h ??????co??? cu c??????? f ???d d??????????ararer?e te tot?????????????????stst ?????????alallll.l?? I ???sus??llllyll? a ad a???twt????eae?sps??????ofof of t th the the ??????lal??orore???????eeeeme???te te??re???ererser???mym????????te??be?in?? t th?? S Su Sugu?????????????????MaMaca???iaiat?o.o????y ?ada????????????????frfreree?? cr cre cr?eamea????th?the the???astas??te ite ?????????????non??????the cthe cacal?ororiorieori?es.es???323?292????????Q1Q????A3A?HUH????YEYEMEM8M828?????omoma?????0,0?,0,,0??????454555?686??????????SqSquSq?uarua????ThT????oso??? ch c???????teyte??y any a???????othot??????co?co???eve????, Y, ??m!m? I??t ht ????? the???????????????nd nd tnd ??ast??e fe ?or?? th the the ??????????CuC????????er.er. . W. ?aya???betbetttte???r thr t???? at a?t lt ?ea?????? ot o?the?? p ?eie?iceic?er er?", "output": " other hot cocoa cups but find Grove Square to be about the best of them all. I usually add two teaspoons of the the flavored coffeemate creamers, my favorite being the Sugar Free Caramel Macchiato. By adding the sugar free creamer the taste is there but not the calories.\"\n3229,B005K4Q1VI,A3HUUFNYEM826Q,doma602,0,0,5,1344556800,Grove Square,\"The most chocolatey and smooth hot cocoa ever, Yum! It has the best price and taste for the Keurig K-Cup Brewer. Way better then at least 3 other peicer b"} +{"input": "?rar????---?wew?'v'?e e t ??????????????t t o ??eses s?????tht???s is is????e e be ??estes?t at ????sus?peperer er???upeup?????sts??dedelelil????y.y??ThT???ksks\"s???????B0B??5K5??????,A,??????WGWGAG???QNQ?????waw???????BaB?arnar????????bab?arnarnearn?????,0,?0,00,????131343434???202??????retre?tyt????????oco?coaco??????es es?????????oo?d ??oc??a a???nd nd a? l ?????as???????????n n? th???st?ovovevetve???. . . N NoN?ot ot????swswe????t ast a?????ouo?ldl?d pd ?prepr??ferfe?????and nand neneene?edseds s ts ????? s st s?????d ??? k ?keekeepe??????????sps?penpe????on.on?. ??I gI ???essess s I? c cac???ada??d md ?ar???ma????wsw??-)-))3??231231,1?,B0,B??5K5K45K??1V?I,??A2DA2???9D9??????C,C??ngn?el??????HiH?iteit???hewhe?,0,0,,0,0?????34?????????WhW??t t a? g??reare?t ?vav????!!!?,\",\"A,\"????iveiveded ed q ????? a?????on-on-t-ti?mem?????? w?ha?? a? a g a grgre", "output": "rands--we've tried different ones and this is the best and super super fast delivery. Thanks\"\n3230,B005K4Q1VI,ACNIYDWGA2WQN,\"Edward N. Barnes \"\"enbarnes\"\"\",0,0,3,1343952000,Pretty good cocoa,Makes pretty good cocoa and a lot easier than on the stovetop. Not as sweet as I would prefer and needs to be stirred to keep it in suspension. I guess I can add marshmallows:-)\n3231,B005K4Q1VI,A2DVA9DTH2YTC,Angela M. Hiteshew,0,0,4,1343606400,What a great value!!,\"Arrived quick and on-time, and what a gre"} +{"input": "????vav??ueue!e??????nin???????lel???ede?????????y py pupuru??hah?aseas???ana??d wd wi??? l ?iki????y by bub?y y ay aga??in??=)=)\")??????????????1V1??,A,????GKGKHKHWH???393?????at??,0,?????,1,131343434?525?00???????eaeatea??????ucu?t,????reare????ririci?e e . ???\",\"????ea?eat eat?????????oro?????????ntn?t tt ???te?, ?????????ndnd nd????vev?????????????????eat ceat ?usu????ere?r or ?????esesese!se?! W! ?e ?orordor?er??????? n ?owow w??????e ???????? i?nsn??eaeadea????? ge g?????? a at at ?t tht t??? gr g?????y ????oreore.e?????333?,B?00?5K5K45K???1VI1V?I,AI,A3??GQG?????4G4???3,??ritri????ie0ie??,0,0,??0,50,5,?131341343??43343??0000,?\"G\"Gr\"G??ve???????? H ??????????????,M,???k ?ChC?oc?olo????e Fe ????KeK????g ?K-K-c-cu???????wew??????????????\",\"\",??????ve sve sq??uarua?re re Hre ?HotHo???oc?ocoaoco??isi? j juj?ustust ???", "output": "at value! Definitely pleased with my purchase, and will likely buy again =)\"\n3232,B005K4Q1VI,A3PFGKHWB839TI,Matt,0,0,5,1343520000,\"Great product, great price ...\",\"Great option for excellent taste, price, and convenience. A repeat customer on these! We order these now in the 36 pack instead of getting at the grocery store.\"\n3233,B005K4Q1VI,A3OGQ11JV4GGC3,ritchie02,0,0,5,1343433600,\"Grove square Hot Cocoa cups,Milk Chocolate For Keurig K-cups Brewers, 24 Count\",\"Grove square Hot Cocoa is just the"} +{"input": "??????t t?ama?ouo????f f????????oco???ata?e,e, ,?nonoto???o o m???????hocho?colcola?te???jujusu?????? r???ht?????tuturu?e.e??DeD?lilici???ousous!s??? s sasaya??? g ?????????ofof of????t ct ?choch?ocooc?olaolat?e.??TrT??y Gy ?rorovoveve e Se ???arare? H HoHot? C CoCoc?????MiM?ilkilk k Ck ?hohoc?olola????? c cu?psps s????? Ke K?ururiur??? Co C???eee????kekere??. . E. ???????I I dI dididi???3????????5K5K4K?Q1Q??I,I??????YAY?ABXAB???WQW????. G. Gr?ege?????,0,,0?????34334313171?444?00?????????prp??ttt?y ?go?od?,t??isis ?hohothot hot? co c??? t ?tasta??stesste?????rettret??? go g??????henhe?????wew????????? s???ttitt????????????????no?t t t???e be ?esestes??I'I'v'????????????tedted ?no????he??wow?orsor????ititsit??s has h???d td toto to? ra r??? t????s bs ??cac????e ee ?eveev??yoy???e he hahas????ffffeferfe?renre?t ??????es es????ititsits its??th?er????? l lilikli?ke ke??it it??r ??you?", "output": " right amout of milk chocolate, not to much chocolate, just the right mixture. Delicious! I say a good cup of hot chocolate. Try Grove Square Hot Cocoa, Milk Chocolate K cups for Keurig Coffee Makers. Enjoy! I did.\"\n3234,B005K4Q1VI,AB094YABX21WQ,J. Gregg,0,0,5,1343174400,tastes pretty good,this hot coca tastes pretty good when brewed on 8oz setting however its not the best I've ever tasted nor the worst. its hard to rate this because everyone has different tastes so its ether you like it or you "} +{"input": "ddod?n'n??? I ??mym? s ???? h ?apappp????????ikikek? i iti??????wiw??? b ??y ???aia?n ????esessss s I????indind ???mem???ininging g???ettettet????323????B0B??5K5???1V1????191?0Z0ZIZ?4M4??D4D474??C,C,J,?eae?????,0,,0??5,15,131??313171???00??LoL??e ???????????hocho???ata???????s is ???? g ?rer?????buybu??. . ??????e ????his his? ho h???chchoch?????????????se?? it it ?????????lolowlo?????????? a????????s a s a?????????te???????t ist i?????memesme????y liy l?ikeik?e re ??????????t t c????????e e ae ?? i? it it????s als all? d ??issis????vedved ?bebefe??re?? it???hithi?s ????? cu c???. . W. ???ulduld ??uyuy uy a ag a???in.in??32???,B????5K45K4Q4Q14Q??I,???5D5???8J8???VGVGYG????EdE?????d Nd ??. D. ?ururdr?en? \" \"\"\"?????????\"\"?????????5,135,134????6060000000??EaE??y ??????ididsd????ve? i? it, it?????? A ??ll ?th????conconvn?venve????cec", "output": "don't. I my self happen to like it and will buy again unless I find something better.\n3235,B005K4Q1VI,A190ZI4MDD47UC,Jean,0,0,5,1343174400,Love the hot chocolate,This is a great buy. I love this hot chocolate because it is very low in sugar and has a good taste. It isn't messy like regular hot chocolate as it is all dissolved before it hits the cup. Would buy again.\n3236,B005K4Q1VI,A15DQC8JSUVGYR,\"Edmund N. Durden \"\"ND House\"\"\",0,0,5,1342656000,Easy and kids love it,\"Yum! All the convenience"} +{"input": " y ????????????????a a?K-K???? w wi w?ithith ??lll???thethe e?flf???oror r??? r ??al??hoh????????????. .???????idi???lol??e e ie itit,it???????? w wi??ll ll y??ou!ou!\"!?????????0505K5???1V1??????WKW??CKC?P4P4J4?????JuJ?lil?e ??unu??????,0,,0?????424????606?00,00?GrGre???t tt ?asa?tit?ngn?????co,co???????llylly y l????e te ????????????? t?????????t cht cho???olaol??e.???ThTheThe ????????ve??? the the ???????????. ????al?wawayaysys s ks ??epe?p ap ???????????is? i inin in????????sese ????mym?y ky ki??ds ds? an????the?????rir??????????????? co coco?????rinrinknke?rsr???????is is mis ???????it it??as??ierie?r ar anand???ese?s ???esses??y ey ??????????the???youyo????r ?r onr o????. ??o ???oreor?e pe ??????? sp s????ede??onon ?th??the cthe ???untun????????s ts ?thithisthi?s ws ??????23?8,8,B???5K5K45K??1V1VI1V?????????", "output": " you expect with a K-Cup with all the flavor of real hot chocolate. The kids love it, and so will you!\"\n3237,B005K4Q1VI,A3SWKICKP4J5K6,Julie Munro,0,0,5,1342569600,Great tasting coco,I really like the flavor of this hot chocolate. The kids love the flavor too. I always keep a box of this in the house as my kids and their friends are avid coco drinkers. This makes it easier and less messy even for the younger ones. No more powder spilled on the counter tops this way!\n3238,B005K4Q1VI,A3BI8LP1"} +{"input": "????YAY??,R,?ici??ara????wew??tmtmam?n,n?0,0,0???,1,???171??????0,K0,???? H ?otot t?CoCocococ??????s s i is??ono?e e? of o???? w ???e'e?????????????????e ???uau??e ???????ot?heh?????eaeata??prp??????t tt ???????????????KcuKc???????s.s?. . ??owo?? we w??ne??d ?sos???e se sps?ece?iaiala??s s t ?to to???rinringn???he? p ????????r ??ninit? d ????..?????,B,??????Q1Q????A1A1V?MAM????????????1t1??lll?er?????0,50,??????616??202???LoL???????,M,??y hy ???baban??d ad ????I I??????lol??????is???ot??ch??ocoocolo?at?e.? W WeW?????? on o?? th??????to ?sh???me?ntn?????????????oth??er er? mo mon??h ??????we we a ar??are gare gogoio???? to t??hahavha?ve ve?? to to?????ngeng?????????eveev??y ???ont???????0,??B00B005?K4?Q1?VI?,A,A2,A??LSL??7Z7???????3,d3,do?????2,2???,0,0,,0,0???????61??920920000,?gr???t ??asa", "output": "4PUYAG,Richard Sweetman,0,0,5,1341705600,Kcup Hot Cocoa,This is one of my wife's favorite. Grove Square has another great product to share with Kcup users. Now we need some specials to bring the price per unit down.\n3239,B005K4Q1VI,A1VMAF3WW4J3M3,B1teller,0,0,5,1341619200,Love it!,My husband and I both love this hot chocolate. We are on the auto shipment for every other month and we are going to have to change it to every month!\n3240,B005K4Q1VI,A2ALSH7ZYSVPK3,dopey62,0,0,5,1341619200,great tas"} +{"input": "t?? f foforo??a a??rereaeata??prprir?cec?,M,MyM?? fa f?mim???y ry ?reare???????joj??s s??ror?vev??SqS??ara?re re????t Ct CoC??????il?? C ChC??????ateate e ae ????wewe ??eee??? a a?susupu???ly ly oly ???hah?andan?? ???????cecelce?llell??t ??pripr???e ie isi?s ws ?????????e ue ??s cs ??hooho?ses???hih????rar?and????t ??thethe e te tae t??tete te?is????at???makma????us????ntntit??????????????ouo???or???????????????????VIV?????5N5??????????,L,????sas?assassysy,y,0,???????343404?40?????,K,?eue???? h?otot ot c ch c??co??????????ve??trt???????ve???l l????????f f??????choch?oco???latelate e se ??incin??????chchach??in??g mg ??y Ky ?KeuKe??????and????is?is iis ???byb????? t??????e e Ie I ?enenjen??????the the m??ostos?. ? I I I hI ha????????hi???ed????????mom???th th s?o o???atat at Iat ????on'on?????????aba?????rur???in?ing ing???????3??", "output": "te for a great price,My family really enjoys Grove Square Hot Cocoa Milk Chocolate and we keep a supply on hand. The excellent price is what made us choose this brand but the taste is what makes us continually renew our order.\n3241,B005K4Q1VI,A3B5N33ML7LJ5P,Luvssassy,0,0,5,1340409600,Keurig hot chocolate,I have tried several types of hot chocolate since purchasing my Keurig and this is by far the one I enjoy the most. I have it shipped every month so that I don't worry about running out!!!\n324"} +{"input": "??,B,?????????????????XMX??NXN??,K,K.K??EnE??lel???,0??5,5,1,?????919????,G,???ata???ara?k k C ?ocococ????I I?liliki?ede??tht???mim??k ?????????e ???????n,n, ,???? tr t????? th t???. ???t t it is????sts???????odo??, a, ?ndn????th?? th???mom?rere re?????????chchoch?oco??????????or?????????s ?????? c ??????lat?e ???sisirsi???????242?3,3?,B0,B00?5K???1V???A2A2424M24??2G2GGG?040???????BDB?,0??????,13,1?33933?282??????StStit??? L ?oo??iningin????he?? I???????t ?mymy my K ??uru?rigri??????????I I eI ??????y ?loloo?ookeooked????? o otoththeth?? b?????aga?????ti??onson?s fs ??r r m my m?y wy ????e we whw?? i?s ?non?ot ot a ? c?ofo?fe??e de dre dri????r.r????'m'?? st sti????????kinkingng.ng?????? G ?GroGr?????quq?????HoHot????co???hah???????astas?????te???as???? a al a?mo?st????ta???????????amamo", "output": "2,B005K4Q1VI,A18VUKXM8NXY,K. Engle,0,0,5,1339891200,Great Dark Cocoa,\"I liked the milk chocolate version, so tried this. It is just as good, and with the more intense chocolate flavor, appeals to my chocolate desires.\"\n3243,B005K4Q1VI,A24MI2GG040LY7,RBD,0,0,1,1339286400,Still Looking,\"When I bought my Keurig brewer, I eagerly looked for other beverage options for my wife who is not a coffee drinker. I'm still looking. The Grove Square Hot Cocoa had a nasty aftertaste, almost metallic. No amo"} +{"input": "?????ofof f c ??????ngn??tit???ere????????? t ?theth? b ???????????e ae ananyan??imi?????????nt.nt?? I ??usu?ede???????brebr??er???o o??????hohoto????????????a a??????? H ????CoCoco????????? a an andn?????? w wa wasa??? f ????sus????ioioror or? be beveve??aga???????????????SqS???arear?e qe ???ckcklck???fo???d d id ?????wawaywa???to to?????trtra???. ?????????indin?d qd ququaquala???y ?????es es????d ud ?useus???he???eue?????to???heahe???th?the the? wa wat wa?terte????romro? n ?????????323???,B,B0B??????1V1VIV?,A,??8Q8QHQ??????WZW?Y,Y????oanoa??a ??ueu?bkbke??????oviov????????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?0,0????,1,??????404??0,?TaTasastas??????oko??????t't??? ok o???y by ??t t it ?????es????t ????ve ???ri???h ch ?choch????at???y ty tay tasast???? I I a??tut???????????????????aveave ????????y ty ta?ststest?????an'an???ququi?", "output": "unt of cleaning/tinkering with the brewer made any improvement. I used the brewer to make hot water for a Nestle Hot Cocoa pack, and that was a far superior beverage. The Grove Square quickly found it's way to the trash. I'll find quality mixes and use the Keurig to heat the water from now on.\"\n3244,B005K4Q1VI,A28QH292WLWZY,\"Joanna Luebke \"\"Loving Mom\"\"\",0,0,3,1337904000,Taste is okay,\"It's okay but it does not have a rich chocolatey taste. I actually find it to have a funky taste, can't quit"} +{"input": "?? f ??????e ie ????utu?.\".???242???????K4K?????????????DID?KFK????,\",??????nnn???. ?GiG?llllil???n n \"n ???omo?ese???????om??f3f??\"\"\"\"\"??0,0,00,0,???131?373777???????ThT????????lol???e i???,\"?????r r???yiy?ngn????ve??ala?????ndn?ds ds? of o???oto????coc?a a?mymy y??kidkids???ava???ded?????d d t?ha??????????? th?e ??nen?e fe fof??r tr ??emem.m?. . ???m m c cec???aia????y hy ?????y ay aba?ou?t ???????auaususe???ot?? on onln?????????de??????????????????????? m????e ae ?ffffo??????e.e. . ?? b?oyo??s cs ?anan an???onson?umume????????? of of h hohotho?????coaco?????y ??uiu?ckcklklyly,ly?, e, ??ene?n wn ?it??? li limimimit??s ss se?t.t. t.? I????s a?lslso?????? c co?nvnve?niniei??t ?t tot to ??havha??????shshihiphi?ppepp????ut????tit?icaic??ly??. . I. IfIf f wf wew???onon'on???drd?in???? tha th????ucu????? si s???ly?ly sly ????? a a???", "output": "e figure it out.\"\n3245,B005K4Q1VI,A3L0TIXDIKFKA0,\"Ms. Ann M. Gillilan \"\"homeschoolmomof3\"\"\",0,0,5,1337731200,The kids love it!,\"After trying several brands of Hot Cocoa my kids have decided that this is the one for them. I'm certainly happy about it because not only is it delicious, but it's also more affordable. 3 boys can consume a box of hot cocoa very quickly, even with limits set. It's also very convenient to have it shipped automatically. If we don't drink that much I simply skip a mon"} +{"input": "??h.h. . ??? f ???enendndsds s??omo?e e???erer r??ndnd nd?????ri?nknk k? a a?lol??? I??????? or ordrded???????xtxtrtrara a?bob???? I It It't??s qs ????????imimpm?????andan????lil?iciic?????\"\"??2424646,6,B,??050???????????MZM????NJN?222??,R,????????,0,0,,0????333????12812808?00,00?FoF??ndnd ??theth??sesece???????o o? ev eveverve???????oro?????d ad ???utut t nt ?????et??iningn? a? a f a ??llll l???p p????????ththrth?ou??h h??????????????e wie w??????????????upsup????????'s 's t??e e te ????k.k???????it?? in i??yo?youryou?r m??achac?hinhi??, ??lo?????????idi??, o, ?pep????? the the? li??d, d, t tu t??n ?????ege?re?????, cl, c?los???e the the?????????d rd ??????t tt ?????or?????????????ou ou????oulouldl???ava????lo?lose??????the lthe lilidli???? t??? the k the ??cu????ou?r ?????s ??y y????. . ?NeN?extex???stestepep p ip ?s ????hi??????????", "output": "th. If friends come over and we drink a lot, I just order an extra box. It's quick, simple and delicious.\"\n3246,B005K4Q1VI,ABFMZYA9NJ222,Rb4123,0,0,4,1337212800,Found the secret,\"To everyone worried about not getting a full cup to run through your machine with these k-cups, here's the trick. Put it in your machine, close the lid, open the lid, turn 90 degrees, close the lid and repeat two more times. You should have closed the lid on the k-cup four times by now. Next step is to hit the brew"} +{"input": "???utu????. .???heh??prp????emem m i ?? t ??? n ????????????o o??mamala?l l t??o ro ?unu? t?????hoh???lalata???th??rouro???. ???itith???????????? th thr threr?ee ee h ho??lesles ??it it?alallal?l fl ??owo?????????ryry y???ici??? an andnd d????nsn??s ous o???????. ?. W. ?ou??d ?hahava?? g ?ivi?????thethem? f ???????????????? w ?asa?s as ?bl???e toe to ?o ruo r?? t????ougou?? t th the the the n?ee????????e e ie ?it ?is?? su supu?????????????ou????d had hav?e ?beb?eenee???a la ?????le ??thith??kekerke? o ??????ll,ll, ,??utut ?non???bab????3?2424747,7?B0B000????????,A,???848?V5V?5U5USU?????,M,M5M????,0,,0????333?717121262646?00??th??? be bese??????ocoocol????????????????????!,!???thethe ???reare??????, b, ???st ?chchochocchoco???te??????e ??n n a?nyn???keuke??????-c-????s o???t tt ???????wiw??ll ll?ded??finfi???ele?y ???????mom?oreor????ve???", "output": " button. The problem is the needle is too small to run the chocolate through. With the extra three holes it all flows out very quick and turns out good. Would have given them five stars if it was able to run through the needle like it is supposed to. Could have been a little thicker overall, but not bad.\"\n3247,B005K4Q1VI,A2H84V55USFJQX,M5,0,0,5,1337126400,the best chocolate taste out there!,\"the greatest, best chocolate taste in any keurig k-cups out there. will definitely order more. everyo"} +{"input": "?nen???? t ??e ?ofo??icicec??trt???? t?? s ????? t th t?hemhem.m????????chchoh????ata???????? an a?d d??????e pe ?asasss?s ts ??e e t?????????484??B0B??5K5K4K?Q1Q????AUA????????????????????.,.?0,0????,1,??373717?????00,00??oto?? co c???a ???cuc????????vev??e tre t??ede??didifi???rer????brbrar??????of of???ot ot?????????omo?m dm ??rkrk k?????ililkl?k ak ?andan?d td ????GrGrorovro?ve ve?????????milmi?lk lk???hocho??lalatla????????ps ps??avaveav??byb? f ??? b ???en en t?? the the???estest.est????heheyhe??????igi????ritri????s is ?????y fy ?famfa?????anand? t th the??y hy ??ve??????n ?twtwow???thuth??bsb????. ?. I. I ???ululdld ?re???mmm?en??????ono?? w ?ho?????oyo?s s hs ho???cococcoco?????????ch?asaseas?e t?hih?s ??????..???24924?????5K????1VI1V??ABABPB??Z9Z??KXKXOX??0E0?,g,????lml??an4an???,0,??????1331337?040?4004000????coc?oaoa,oa,g???atat at?", "output": "ne in the office tries to steal them. i'm a chocolate nut, and these pass the test.\"\n3248,B005K4Q1VI,AUOGMXLRRLVE1,Chris M.,0,0,5,1337126400,Hot cocoa k-cups,I have tried different brands of hot cocoa from dark to milk and the Grove Square milk chocolate k-cups have by far been the best. They're big critics in my family and they have given two thumbs up. I would recommend anyone who enjoys hot cocoa to purchase this brand.\n3249,B005K4Q1VI,ABPNZ9RKXOP0E,gentlman4u,0,0,5,1337040000,cocoa,great p"} +{"input": "r????ctc? f ????kek?uru?igi? c ?ofofff?eee??mam??kerke?? w ????s s??ini?e e we wiw?tht?? co cof??feefeese???ndnd d? co?co?? m???tut???es.es?. I. ?s ????? f fo f????????hoh?t t ct chc???colcolal?tete.e. ????????urcur??????prpri?????252???B0B??5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1VIV???3S3??W1W1E1ECE??N5N??0D0??\"A\"??ntn????NeN?????\"A\"Au\"Aun?titieti????ellell\"l????0,0,00,???,1,?????404??????????cococco??coa,coa,I,??enenjn?oyo???????selselel?ct?ioi?? a ???d td ????y hy ?avaveve ???ll ll???t ????exe????tatat??ionionsn??sos? f??????MyM??sis?st????wiwiowiolo??ll nll ?otot ot??ryr??????faf?avoav???????t mit mili??????hocohocololaolatateat???butbu????????laladla??????????t ?th?? v ????ietie?y ?pap?????any??aya??323?251251,1?????5K45K?4Q14Q???I,AI,A2A25?0G0???SMSMPM???FSF????aynay?neenee ??. . Z. ???gl?er????????1313313?626262?62462??0,???????ho??????hoco??????,T,???? h ho h??ot cot ????????ate ate???????", "output": "roduct for keurig coffee maker. works fine with coffees and cocoa mixtures. Is good for just hot chocolate. like purchase price\n3250,B005K4Q1VI,A3SEW1ECTN5D0D,\"Auntie Nell \"\"Auntie Nell\"\"\",0,0,5,1337040000,Good cocoa,I enjoy the selection and they have all met my expectations so far. My sister wioll not try any favor but milk chocolate but I am glad I brought the variety pack anyway\n3251,B005K4Q1VI,A250GU4SMP2BFS,Jaynee L. Ziegler,0,0,5,1336262400,Great hot chocolate!,This hot chocolate is much"} +{"input": "????ttttet?r r t tht??? o ??????????p p?hoh?ot ot c?hohocho????te?s s I I I h ha h?vev??????d.d??? It It t??s ?non???waw?ateat?????? I I???ve??? tri tr??????othot? t?heh??mim????an??d dd ??rkrk k ck ????ololaol?ateate ate?ve??sis??n ???and and?lil??e ????? b bo?thth.th??323???,B,?000?5K5??????????????090??BIB????\"E\"????n n Rn R.R. ?????erser?s \"s ????pop???ers?989?\"\"???0,0??,5,5,5????????6060060???ese?t ???t t ct ???cocolco??????o o f ??? G GrG?ovo?????uau?arear?e he hahasha???????????t hot h???ch??????ate??K-K?cucupcu??. ?. W. WeW??e hae h??e ?e tre t?????? c co c???le? o ot o?the??? b???????????on'on?t ?t cot como??????.3.?32532?????????Q1?????282?2O2???GRG????????ri?s,s,0????4,4?,13,1????????00,00????ot Cot ??ocooc???????n ???????s tas t?lklkilk???? to t?????eie???bob?r ??bo?utut ut g ??ettet?iningin??a a Ka KeK???????he?????d d md ????????????", "output": " better than other k cup hot chocolates I have tried. It is not watery. I have tried both the milk and dark chocolate version and like them both.\n3252,B005K4Q1VI,A1NEGY709BBIY3,\"Ellen R. Powers \"\"etpowers98\"\"\",0,0,5,1336089600,Best hot chocolate,So far Grove Square has the best hot chocolate K-cups. We have tried a couple others but they don't compare.\n3253,B005K4Q1VI,A282OG9GRBXNEE,Kris,0,0,4,1335830400,Hot Cocoa,\"When I was talking to a neighbor about getting a Keurig she told me not to get"} +{"input": "???oco?coaco?. .? T ThT????waw?s ???????rorouo?p p??? b ??????geg??s ts tht?ata? I ?? go g????heh??n In I I oI ????????mymy y??eue?rir?? a????????in???iti?????ve?????ooo?d.d?????t i???ri?chc??????amamy?, , a, ??nd nd e ??aca??????????????????he??n I?????t ??????? of o?f cf co??coacoa!coa??????ououlou????????????????????????????000?5K5????VIVI,I,A,????LSL???E2E??BVB????R.R?????nsn????HyH?????nen?????0,0,0???,1,???565?????????????oo?d ????????ocoocolo?????ThThiTh??is His HoHotHo?t ct ?choch????latla?????s vs ??????y gooy go?od.od??ItI????s s js ?ususts??ththeth?????ghtgh?t a???ounou??? of? m?ili??k ck ??????latlatelat?e fe ?la?vov?or.or. . T. ?TheTh??prpri???e ie isis ??????very very g???????alal l? an and an???mormo????????woworwo?th?? it i????????B0??05K05??Q1?VIVI,VI???F5F?B7B???O7O??434????LFL? F F.F.,.,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,?????57157?20200", "output": " cocoa. This was in a group of beverages that I got when I ordered my Keurig and I think it is very good. It is rich, creamy, and exactly what I want when I want a cup of cocoa! I would order this again.\"\n3254,B005K4Q1VI,A3M1LSD6E21BVK,\"R. Johns \"\"HyghTone\"\"\",0,0,5,1335657600,Very good Hot Chocolate,This Hot chocolate is very good. It has just the right amount of milk chocolate flavor. The price is a very good deal and more than worth it!\n3255,B005K4Q1VI,AJF5B70OO7S43,WOLF F.,0,0,5,1335571200"} +{"input": "?,H,??RDR? T ???????EVEVEV?,\",\"I\"I I??ono?'t't t??????nonowow w w ??y y?i i?orordr????????????????wawasa????????on on?a a? wh w???. . B?utu????ata????susuru?????????enen en I I ????wewed???????f f????e e?hoh??t ct chc?hocho?olo??ateat?. . T. ??? t???tet??wa????nbnbeb???????lel?? j?usustus?t lt ???e ?ho???????. ?MaMayaybybe???????d td ???????ete?????? a a ?tit????li???le??bibiti?t o???in???anantn??t cot c?ffffef????addad?dedde?d t????????d ????????ckc??????ve ve? it??\"\"??252?????0505K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1?????VNVNJNJ7J???????B,B???ay ay R ?osose????,0,,0??,1,???535313?202?000000,0,E0,?h.h??.. ..???????othot????,??,\"I,\"?I wI wa???exe???ctc??????????hihinhi?????oreore.?..?.. c.. co???id????ingin????e e Ke ?eue??igi?g dg ???es es s???ch ch? a a g a ?????joj??????????ffffeff?ee.ee?/>B>????th??is is? st stutufuff?? ? E ??ververyr?yboyb????wh??o so ??mpm???d ?itit ", "output": ",HARD TO BELIEVE,\"I don't ven know why i ordered these, it was just on a whim. But what a surprise when I brewed myself some hot chocolate. The taste was unbelievable, just like homemade. Maybe a tad too sweet, but a tiny little bit of instant coffee added to it did the trick. Love it.\"\n3256,B005K4Q1VI,AGVNJ7B3TH8TB,Jay Rose,0,0,3,1335312000,Eh... why bother?,\"I was expecting something more... considering the Keurig does such a good job with coffee.
But this stuff? Everybody who sampled it "} +{"input": "h?????sas??????????????juj?stst st????e e Ne NeNeseststlst???s s??owo??er??ed ed h ????chc??cocololalata?? i?? a ? m ??? w ???h h??????at???? W ??ate????? su s???????ana??d nd ?ot??ini???sps?????????323252??,B,B0B??????1V1VIV????????????W6W606?????chchachaea?? S ??. U. UhU?l,l?0,0?????????????00?,l,?????????,t,th?????iteiteme? h??as as???n an ?????meme ???oco?colco????????vov?r.r??????ulu???re?cocomco???nd? t?hi????????ctc???o o a an any anyoy???e le ????????fof?????t ??ho??ol??ate??fo??? th??iri???keuke?????or????y y????chich???e t??atat at????????cuc?????GrG?reare?????rodroduducdu?ctct?323??8,8?,B0,B00?5K5K45K??1V?I,I,AI,???IMIMYMY0Y?00G00??32A32ADAD2D2,2,H2,??me?r8r828??0,??0,10,???33??????????an?? ta t?astaste???artar????iciic?ialia?l sl ??????????? w wa was wa????pip??????is? w? was??? g gog??? i????????owoweoweve", "output": "here said it tasted just like Nestle's powdered hot chocolate in a mug with hot water. Watery, sugary, and nothing special.\"\n3257,B005K4Q1VI,A2OIH61PAAW602,Michael S. Uhl,0,0,5,1335139200,love this,this item has an awesome chocolate flavor. i would recommend this product to anyone looking for hot chocolate for their keurig or any machine that uses k-cups. Great product\n3258,B005K4Q1VI,A31IMY00G32AD2,Hamer82,0,0,1,1335052800,Can taste artificial sweetner.,I was hoping this was a good idea. Howev"} +{"input": "?????e e t trt????????? e ???? a ?ftf??? I ??heheahe?????he?y y? ta t?????d bd ?iti?????????e ae ar?????cic???????????er ?ana????it it??????rur??? ?NoN?t t???e e se ??mem?e a????????tut????frf??m m tm ????cac???????????050???Q1Q?VIV???????????????,R,???????d Cd ?. ?????en,en???,0,,0?5,5???????282808?00,00,v,??ryr??????,O,?rd??ereer?????isis ??n ?ththe???????er ??????therthe?r ar ?andan???t ?waw??as gas ????at at???? th? the ??oro?nin?ingin???VeV?eryery ????y ?anand??????t tt tot??prp???????in?in Kin ??CuCupu??.?32??0,?B0B00B0????Q1???,A??????5V5VEV??7V7??,D,????iniin??ue??W,W??,0,0,0,?0,30,3,3?,13,1?33433?88880??000000,0,I0,?I lI li????ol?????hoh?ooloo???cocco?coaco??????????teter???I I sI ?sawsaw w????????n ???????????nan??????d thd t?hemhem.m. ? F ?or? a??yty??in?????argar??er ???anan an a??6o6??? cu c?up,up????????sus", "output": "er we tried them even after I heard they tasted bitter like artificial sweetner and it was true. Not the same as the stuff from the can.\n3259,B005K4Q1VI,ANSGM5B0542MM,Richard C. Allen,0,0,5,1335052800,very good,Ordered this in the colder weather and it was great in the morning. Very easy and fast to prepare in K-Cups.\n3260,B005K4Q1VI,AKJHHD5VEH7VG,Dominique W,0,0,3,1334880000,I like old school cocoa much better,\"I saw these on sale so I nabbed them. For anything larger than a 6oz cup, the resu"} +{"input": "?ltltst?????l l??e e?totooo???eaeaka?. .????ene????? b????winwingn???nen??wiwitwi????ozo? o of o? w wa w?tetere? a ???????? a? c cacapa?pup?ccc?ini?o o oo oror ??omo???thithin??g og ?on on t???p op ?f ???????r /r ?><>?r /?ThT?he he?pep?pp???mim??????????e ???ava???? I I? wa?????xix????s ts tos to o to ??? b??t ??? e en e???d ??? b be b???? t???e de ???? c?????lalatla????????? I l I lolovo??ed ed???? m mom???t. t. ??????n n?? the the ?fefen??e ????outout ???????inging ?????????a a???cuc?upsup?s is ?in in?? the? the f the fu the fututuuturu???? I It It t mt ??ghg???be????????????ststist?ckc?????h h ch ca?nnn?nedne???coc???????d jd ?usustus?t ut ???e te ???? wa wat wate?ter ter????om om m???KeKeue??igi?.\".??323262???B0B???K4K???VIVI,I?AEA?KFKFUF???XJX??OEO?S,S?nyn?????stbst???,0,?,0???,1,?333??535????00,00?GrG?rovro?ve ve????????????CoC??o ???CuC?????TheTh?e Ge ?GroGr???e Se Sq??uaruare????t ???", "output": "lts will be too weak. I end up brewing one with 6oz of water and then a cappuccino or something on top of it.

The peppermint was the flavor I was anxious to try but it ended up being the dark chocolate that I loved the most. I'm on the fence about ordering hot cocoa k-cups in the future. It might be better to stick with canned cocoa and just use the water from my Keurig.\"\n3261,B005K4Q1VI,AEKFUOZXJGOES,nyclostboy,0,0,4,1334534400,Grove Square Hot Coco K-Cups,The Grove Square Hot Coc"} +{"input": "o? K ????psp???avavev??? g gogoooodod d?flf???????????????d d td ???t t tt ??e ???cuc?upsup??dod???oto?t ht ??ve????nounougu??????????co co??ixi??tot??mamaka???????t pt ?ere?fefece?????p.p. . T ?huh???I ??????memen?d ??ut??in?g g? a a l lil?????????????ateater???? o ?ordor?er????? ma m??e ?????h ch ?cup? j ?usustus?t rt ??gh???????2,2???????????,A,A1A1O1????C0C?YHY??1T1TRTR,R,K,K.K. ?LoL???,0,0,0????,1,131?????606???????dsds ?Lo???ve ive ?????????????st st? to t?????????\"A\"?ftf????drd??nknkik?ing? S ???ss??MiM????????reredre??do?wnw?? ho?t ?????????testes ???astas?te te f??or or s ??????g,????is? i is is ???ve?????asast???crcre?amamymy ????t c????ocoloco?lat?e.e. e. M?y ?kikidkids???ovo????t ?????? tr tri?ede??it?? an a??????s t?hehe ?beb??t t It I I hI ??????n an ?a wa ?hi???. . I. I ?wi?lll??????????ining????oreore.???32326?", "output": "o K-Cups have a good flavor but I find that the k-cups do not have enough hot coco mix to make that perfect cup. Thus I recommend putting a little less water in order to make each cup just right.\n3262,B005K4Q1VI,A1OTH5C0YHR1TR,K. Long,0,0,5,1334016000,\"Kids Love it, Taste Best to me...\",\"After drinking Swiss Miss watered down hot chocolates taste for so long, this is a very tasty creamy hot chocolate. My kids love it so I tried it and its the best I had in a while. I will be ordering more.\"\n3263"} +{"input": ",????5K5K4K???VIV?,A,??J8J????JXJ??323????C.C???C. C. S ??itithth,h??,0?,5,??131333??010??00??????d d?tat??tete e c coc????????smsmamalalll???????geg?es,es?\"A\"? p pl p?eae??anantnt t s su s??prp????e ae awawawaia??eded ?me? w ?heh??n In ? f ???stst st o ??ded?rer????ror????SqS?uau??? m ?milmi??????co??????????????????psps.s??NoN?? a ???cofcoffffefeee?e de ??rinrinkn???,<,???????I uI ??se se? ou o?? K ??ur?igi??????? b ?????er er??oso?stlst?? t??? ma m?ke? c?oc??????????a fa fe?????theth?????????s Is ????????sisimi??????????ot?ot hot hih?it it???? m??????????e e Se Sqe S????e e ce co????a ta ?tasta??ed?????ll-ll??la??or??ed,ed, ?wiw?ithit??jujus??t et ????????ho???????????????e te ?????ke???????pep????????dridr?????ThT???fi??rstrst ??xpx????????e me ??de?? me m?????????patpate??????th th???????ureur?) )????e ne ?????tit??", "output": ",B005K4Q1VI,A2J8FJTJXL32VC,C. C. Smith,0,0,5,1334016000,good taste comes in small packages,\"A pleasant surprise awaited me when I first ordered Grove Square milk chocolate Hot Cocoa cups. Not a coffee drinker,
I use our Keurig K-cup brewer mostly to make cocoa, and a few other brands I tried simply did not hit the mark. Grove Square cocoa tasted full-flavored, with just enough chocolate essence to make it a perfect drink. The first experience made me anticipate (with pleasure) the next time"} +{"input": "??? p ??????????ror??? S ????????-c-??p p i ?ntntot??tht??e me ???hihininein?!\"!\"\"??262?4,4????????1V1VIV?,A,????RBR?5B5????MPM??,\",?WaW??dad?a Ta ???????????\"\"\"\"T\"?oro?re??K\"K\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"???,0,,0???????151????0,?I ?LOLOVO?E E??HIH?S S H ??T T?CHCHO?COC???TET??FOFOROR R T??????URU?IGI??,G,???OVEOV????RER??T ???S ??THETH?E AE ??SOS????? B ??ST??????????OL??ATEATE E FE FOE FOR?????E K???RI?G.G?. . ??OUO????HOUHO?LDLD D??????S ????VE VE???T ???OCOCO??LATLA???AVAVAVAIA????????O O S????????????????DADAY????NXN????IE????32326?5,5,B5,B0????K4QK4Q1Q1VQ1VI???393939?ZVZV2V???????F,F??ucu??? G???zaz??eze??????5,?1313313??????00???ov????thethe ????vovoror,or,M,MyMy y??omo???????onon on??ov?????he he????avoav?or or?ofof f t??????oto? c ch???????e.e. ???d ??a la ??ttt??? b ??it it o???mim??????teterte??ar?dsd?????d 1d 1 1??????", "output": " I popped a Grove Square K-cup into the machine!\"\n3264,B005K4Q1VI,A3BZRB5BQU7MP6,\"Wanda T. Kindall \"\"TorreyK\"\"\",0,0,5,1333152000,I LOVE THIS HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE KEURIG!,GROVE STREET HAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE KEURIG. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE HOT CHOCOLATE AVAILABLE TO SOOTHE AWAY THE DAYS ANXIETIES!\n3265,B005K4Q1VI,A393ZV2MIVGDPF,Lucas Gonzalez,0,0,5,1333065600,Love the flavor,My mom and son love the flavor of this hot chocolate. Add a little bit of milk afterwards and 1 splend"} +{"input": "?a a?????ththeh? t ta t??????s s???????????262666?,B,B0B000??K4K?Q1Q?????WGW??6O6???ZOZ????6,M6,MoM???caca ?????,0,,0,5,5,5?131?????929?????????? & ???ic?h h?????a,a?????????heshe???an??? to to o?????ththith?? c ???coaco?a aa ????r r??lll? t?he? h???????e ?????ewe???????t ?????itit it? ta?st??????????, ,???nd nd????? a a r ??ala??????????crc???????flf?avavov????I ???on'on??t kt knk?ow?? if i????????st???notnot t at ??as pas pip???y ?????????s s os ?? w????????is?, ??utut ut?? t????????th?thisthi??????co????? wa w?as ??rea???lly lly g ?ooo?d.d. . C. ??ea????????????, ??andand ????osostost ??OOO?????ete???I ?I doI d???t t t?hih??? i it i???????????af??ter??????\"\"? t????????????so?mem???havha?????scscrcricr???ed.ed. . I. I . I u ???ed ed?????mim???le?? wa????????tit??? o ?on on?mymy ??eueuru??", "output": "a and the taste is amazing.\n3266,B005K4Q1VI,AWGA6OTPZOF56,Monica E,0,0,5,1332979200,Creamy & Rich Cocoa,\"I was hesitant to try this cocoa after all the horrible reviews about how it tasted so bad, and had a really bad Sucralose flavor. I don't know if I'm just not as picky as others or what it is, but I thought this hot cocoa was really good. Creamy and rich, and almost TOO sweet. I don't think it has an \"\"aftertaste\"\" though, how some have described. I used the middle water setting on my Keurig"} +{"input": " ?oro???\"s\"?mam?llll l???g\"g????..7..7.7??? o??.,., ,?I I?gug???s.s??EvE???yoy????????tht?????owo?n n??as??eses es a anandn????efe??ereer??????, b, bubutu?????fof?? m me m??, I, I I rI ?reare??lyl??lil??e ?th?isis ???odo?????????676??B0B?????????????O9O9E9???2B2??????????GaG?mbm?lel?e,0e,??????????898?????,b,?es??????upup p??oto?????coc??ata?te,te?????is is????ha???s ?dod???????????t t tt ???astiastini?? k ???cupcu??????t cht cho?cocolco?latla??? av a?aiaili??????? T ???e Ce ??????scscac?????????ha??tevteveverver ???the the??rar??d ?nan???e ie isis ???????es ves ??veryver???????eredere????wn? a???? ar a?tit?fif?cic?alal,al?????????hihishi??????e tae t?????es tes ththithicthickc?kerke?r ar an??? mi m?ilkilkikiei????????ovo?? t th the??dad??? c ?????olaol??????lavla??or,or?????thoth?ug??? if i?? I I d??dndn'n??t k???ow ow? it i?t wt wa????t ?dadardark??? I p I ?pro?bab???", "output": " or \"\"small mug\"\"...7.25 oz., I guess. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, but as for me, I really like this product!\"\n3267,B005K4Q1VI,AS0O9EE62B0Y6,Miss Gamble,0,0,5,1332892800,best k-cup hot chocolate,\"This is hands down the best tasting k-cup hot chocolate available. The Cafe Escapes or whatever the brand name is tastes very watered down and artificial, while this one tastes thicker and milkier. I love the dark chocolate flavor, although if I didn't know it wasn't dark I probably"} +{"input": " c cocouo?ldl????????? t totolold? t??????fff???enencn???bebete???????t ?ana???????gug??arar r??????f f??oco??a.a. .??I I w ?ili?l l??tit??k k?????? th??e fe ??avavoav?r ?juj?st??????ususeus???it it w? wil wi?ll ll p ?ror?bab????? be b???ic??herhe?r tr tht???? th the?????????oc?ol??tet??opo???ono??. . T ?he????ar??e se sus??ch ch? a a h??it ??? m??y hy hohouho?use?? wh whe??n tn th?e e we ?weawe?athat??????? co????????verve???oneon?e ae ale a???????wanwa???????t ct chchochoc??lalatla?te!te?/?r />S>?omo?et???ngn???? n non??te te o?n ?n thn t????isi??th?at???????? wo w??????uchuc???betbetttteterte?????hen hen u ??????witwi?th th???ououtou??6 6?????erer er k ?-c-??????I ??use??? k???up????erer ????g ag ?andand d td ?the?????????isis is? mu m??uch uch b be???????tha??????en ???trt?ry ry? on one on???to?o ????ter???.\".\"\"???6868,8?B0B???????VIV?,A,?????QRQ????OJO???TIT", "output": " couldn't have told the difference between it and a regular cup of cocoa. I will stick with the flavor just because it will probably be richer than the milk chocolate option. These are such a hit at my house when the weather is cool. Everyone always wants hot chocolate!

Something to note on this is that these work much better when used with about 6 oz per k-cup. I use 2 k-cups per mug and the flavor is much better than when I try one (too watery).\"\n3268,B005K4Q1VI,AMDPYQR7QVOJQ,TI"} +{"input": "N??????????????262?33?606?0,?????????????MyM????ana?dsd?????ovo??? t ???s.s?? H HeHe e?????es es??? cu c????ve??yty?imi?e ???e se ststot??s s os ovoveovere?. . I. ???quq??ckc????nd nd?????y ay ?andand d t??? t????e ?is? g??????32????B0B??5K5?4Q4????,A,??TCTCHC?BGB???ISIS1S?OZOZ,Z?,Am,A???onon on??ddd??ictic?,0????5,5,15,?1331332???808??0,?\"I\"?f f?yoyouou u???????????ho??colco??te?, ,? th????is????eae?at\"at?,\",?AsAs ?fafarar r a??s ss ??ngn?lel?e s??erverve???????as as?? go, go?, t, ??isis ???s os ons onene ??????e ??es?t.t. ??I I??ou???n'n?t ????y iy ??'s'?s as ????????asas ?so?meme me?of??? the th????and??madmaded?e oe one o?????bub??????'s 's???????????!\"!?3??707?????5K5K45K?4Q14Q????A3??????VIEVIE0E?898?HSHS,S,\"????CaC?astastaast???dada ???PePepeps?i i?GaG??\"\"?????0,0,40,??,13,1??222??????0,w0,??rtr?th th??it,it,\",\"n,\"?iciceic??vavarariar????y py ??ck???????? d dod", "output": "NJAN,0,0,5,1332633600,k-cup cocoa,My grandson loves this. He makes a cup everytime he stops over. It quick and easy and the taste is good.\n3269,B005K4Q1VI,A3TCHBGG6IS1OZ,Amazon Addict,0,0,5,1332288000,\"If you like hot chocolate, this is great\",\"As far as single serve cocoas go, this is one of the best. I wouldn't say it's as good as some of the handmade ones, but it's still good!\"\n3270,B005K4Q1VI,A33VM5VIE089HS,\"R. Castaneda \"\"Pepsi Gal\"\"\",0,0,4,1332201600,worth it,\"nice variety pack. has 3 do"} +{"input": "??fef?rerene?? h hohotot ??ho?coc???????ini????e e p ???kakagagege.e??????, , d ?ara?? a ??d d?????????????nin?????holholil?????fe??????oooodo???????comco??????????????heh??ses?asasos???\"\"??272???B0B??5K5K4K???VIVI,I??YAYA2A???RXR???XPX???KaK????0,0?????131??181????00000?????y ?co??veven??en?t ???d ???retre??????od?,W,????recre?ceice??vedve?d td ththith????ordorded?????????fe??????ondondid????on.on. on. I ??????chach???d ????????od???? f??????y my ?ot??herhe???????w.w?. S. ????li?kek?????he he che ?con??????encence? o of o? t??e ?pr???oducoduct?????? the the the K ?eue?????????eee?e Me ????r.r. ??hehe ???hoc?ololaolat????oeo?es es nes ??ot ot?sts???? t??? th? the ??id??????? th the? the c the ???? li l?????? the ???heahe?????t ??ho??hocolhoco??te???? t?????pappa??per per?bab?agsag?. ?OvO?????? i??????te??s ps ??ete?ttytt?????d.d?. I. ", "output": "fferent hot chocolates in one package. milk, dark and peppermint. nice holiday feel. good for company during the season.\"\n3271,B005K4Q1VI,AYA27SRXFOXP7,Kari,0,0,4,1331856000,Very convenient and pretty good,We received this order in perfect condition. I purchased this product for my mother-in-law. She likes the convenience of the product in the Keurig Coffee Maker. The chocolate does not stick to the sides of the cup like the cheap hot chocolate in the paper bags. Overall it tastes pretty good. I"} +{"input": "?? i ?s s a a a?liliti?????wew?????????oooodo?? U ?sese ???????????e e se ??alallll l???? s ??tt?iningn????? th t?????uru??g.g???? st stat??s.s???272?2,2,B,?000?5K5K4K?????,A,?????U8U?FAF?QYQY3Y?Z,Z?DoDon?nana,a,0,?,0???,1,????767696???00,00???ealeall??y gy go??od!od?,\",??? bo b?????t tt th?????????se?? it it t wt waw???a ???ryr??y goy goo??????cec?. ? I ??t w?as????eal?lyly ly?go?goodgood d td ?thoth?????. ????ovo?ve ve??ixi???????pep?????mi???t w???? a?????????????atatete ??ndn??hah???ing?? a ?dodou?blble? s?izi?ede???? o?f f??hotho????co?????? / ?><>
Will keep buying this until they don't sell it anymore. It is really creamy. I like it best with 6 ounces of water, gives it a thicker feel.\"\n3273,B005K4Q1VI,A1CDYM1"} +{"input": "?????????MaM??? E ? T ?eaeagagug??,0,???,4,?,1,??313?686?323????ReR?ceceieivi??d d?????????????ucu????? w ?asa????sas??popoioinintntet?ed ed bed ?????e e????? t ?thath???????????e ????ese???I rI ????iv?ed??hah?d ?al?????y ?exexpex?pirpi??d.d????uc????y ?y eny e????h,h, ,?????flf??vovoro???????no???????dedegegrgrarad?ed????? / ??/>I/>I ??pep??ifi?????lyly ly b ?????t ?ththethes????in in o ??de????????? t th the? p?????????t ???????. . . ???wawaswa????pi?ngng g? fo f?????????. T. ???? pe?????rmirm??int int h hoh????ho??olo??tete te???????????av?e ????h h?? pep?peperpe????nt nt??la??vorvo???o ??t,t, t, b bu b???wew??wiw????sts?ilill? e en e??oyoy y iy ??? an a?????????f f?????otothothe?r ?fl????vorsvor???332??4,4,B4,B0B??5K5???1V1VIV??A3A???????AUA????A,A????????????bribr??????0,???????595??6806800??", "output": "0FO8791,Mary E Teague,0,0,4,1331683200,Received expired product,\"I was disappointed by the fact that all three boxes I received had already expired. Luckily enough, the flavors had not yet degraded.

I specifically bought these in order to get the peppermint flavor. I was hoping for more. The peppermint hot chocolate does not have much peppermint flavor to it, but we will still enjoy it and both of the other flavors.\"\n3274,B005K4Q1VI,A3916G6EAUK63A,Debra H Gabriel,0,0,5,1331596800,W"} +{"input": "?ararmr?????e e????????????..,..?I I???epep p? th thih???ono??????????? th the the ?yoyouounoungn? a ??? he h????? W ?e ?????y y a??cuc?p ?alalmlmom?sts????ere?y ??igi?????????d ??asa?steste.e??????l l?bubuyu???gag??n.n??????????5K5?4Q4?1V1VIVI,I?AYA?N5N5S5SCS?ECECPC??LFL??,W,??????????,1,13,1??151?????00,00????? so so o?non????????I I wI ??as as?exe???ctc?ininging g >g >.>?&l&????\"S\"????f f???u u? ar a?e ?a a p pe??????????lil????????sss?s ms mim?ississ s /s / /???? c co c?????????ketke?s s os ors or ?????????????omo????ga???????tioti?????????NONOTOT T G ??T T TT ??ISI? P PRPRORODO??CTCT!T! !? I ?I cI ??an an??ot????st??? an a????ho??colco???????lavla??? i ?????t w???hatshat?????????????usu??? ta t??tet??s ls ?likli???? hea heat????sus????????????andand ?nan????????gar???at???????th?at?. ?????s ?????ucu????asas as aas ??????", "output": "arms the soul........,I keep this on hand for the young at heart. We enjoy a cup almost every night. Good taste. will buy again.\n3275,B005K4Q1VI,AYN5SCECP2LFK,Wixy,0,0,1,1331510400,Ugh so not what I was expecting >.<,\"So if you are a person who likes swiss miss / hot cocoa packets or hot cocoa from a gas station SO DO NOT GET THIS PRODUCT! I can not taste any chocolate flavor in it whatsoever. It just tastes like heated sugar water and nasty sugar water at that. This product has a stron"} +{"input": "???faf??? s ???????????e ae ??d d???amam m?pepere??ecectctltlyl???K K?wiw?tht??did??t t????asas as a?nd??oto??er?? fa fakakeake ?susugsu?garga???ror????ctscts.s. . T ?????e ie ???? som so???????g ag ?bob????th??? I I I???st????an an?non?? p pu p?? a???in????er oer ???itit it?bub?ut ???it mit mam???e me ??????ma???h ch ?ururlrl.l????????n ??aia?iteitede?????????toto o??ooo????????????ut iut itut i????ot ??????. . ???eryer????sas?pop??intin??d ????????s ps ??????? a an and and d i?t t wt ????????????t It ?I wI ???????pecpectctict??ing ing? at a???????3?272???????K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1??????TST?Z3Z???4R4????,T,???mesmesss???k,k?0,0,0,0,,0,4,????313?424242404?000000,0,D0,??????ouousous s cs ?oco?colcolal????????is ????de?li?????us us?hoh??ot cot ????ol????????t it ???beb???st ast ????? oz o?? cu c???????????n bn be????rer???cheched????o 1o 101??. A. ?ndnd nd 8nd 8o8?z ??f f????????? cof co?", "output": "g fake sugar taste and I am perfectly OK with diet sodas and other fake sugar products. There is something about this I just can not put a finger on it but it made my stomach curl. I even waited for it to cool down, but it got worse. Very disapointed in this product and it was not what I was expecting at all.\"\n3276,B005K4Q1VI,A1NTSZ3ZD4R5B7,TBmessick,0,0,4,1331424000,Delicious cocolate,\"This is delicious hot chocolate. It is best at 8 oz cup, but can be stretched to 10. And 8oz of strong coff"} +{"input": "e???????yoy?????????elelil??ioi??? m mom??haha\"ha\"\"3?272???????K4K??????A2A?AZA??M2M2T2?4G4??WJWJ1J?????anManM,M???,0,,0?????313???767606??,T,?heh??BeBese????????oc?oao???? a a a?K-K-C-??p,p????? h???d md mam??????t ?cococ?ocoaoco??????psps ??????? mu m??? s ??y y ty ththih?s s os ono??e ie ???ththeth?e be bebesestes???????r.r. . T ???e Ge ????n n Mn ?ou??ta??? o ??e ?ha?s ????????& &????????ttt?ere? a???tertertr??st????hi????th?the the??????ve sve ??????e i?????ryr?y py ?lelealeasa???? a?????s s as ass a????oso???????ou????an an???t ??it?hoh??t ?aca??ua??????usius??g g m??lklk.k?3323?27827??,B0,B?00500?5K45K4Q??1VI1V?????????QNQ????????,0,0,,0,0,0,???????121?515?12012?00,????y ?????d hd ?hotho???????lal?tete.te???I ?rereare????y ly ??????hi?s s hs ho??????hocohoc?lalatla?te te? mi??????I wI ??as ??conco?cec?????, , w ?????I ??eaeadad ad? so s?mem?", "output": "ee and you have delicious mocha\"\n3277,B005K4Q1VI,A2AZLM2T4GAWJ1,StanM,0,0,5,1331337600,The Best hot Cocoa in a K-Cup,I've had many hot cocoa K-Cups and I must say this one is the best by far. The Green Mountain one has a half & half bitter aftertaste while the grove square is very pleasant and is as close as you can get without actually using milk.\n3278,B005K4Q1VI,A3Z435GQN9XG8,Jo,0,0,5,1331251200,Very good hot chocolate.,\"I really like this hot chocolate mix. I was concerned, when I read some "} +{"input": "??? t ????rer??????, , t th thah?t t I ????ulu?d d????????e e ie ????utu??I ???ke??it????ot???????mem???t ??????????ththethe ?rir??????mom??????of of?chc?oco??????e ae ?????s ??notnot ?t tot t??????t.t????? wo wououlou?ld ld???co??me?nd? t??is??prp?odo?ucu??t.\"t.?????9,9?B0B??????1V1???A1A1R1ROROUO?????O4O4Q?MBMB,B?StStet?eveev?????,1,1,1???????????,O,?? p???asases??..?????? an an n????ele?loplopep?e a?ndnd nd snd ?omome???????????????l l t???s s is ?is,is, , i, ?is ?arartr?ifi?ici???allal??????eetee??nen???hohot? c co c???a a???x x????? i?s s ps ??lacla??????????cuc???????ve?ryr?y dy ???????. ?????t a???as??te te?of????ne???????so?????rovrove?????ar??e pe ??????tsts ?ar??? no n?otoot???ou??ly?????ereri???.\".?\"3\"?32832?80,80?,B0,B???5K45K?4Q14Q???????UQU???141???D7D7,7?T T?PyP?ncn?choch??,0?????,1,13,133,13??????00?", "output": "of the reviews, that I would not like it but I like it alot. To me it has just the right amount of chocolate and is not to sweet. I would recommend this product.\"\n3279,B005K4Q1VI,A1ROUMJOGO4QMB,Steve,0,0,1,1331164800,Oh please... get an envelope and some hot water,\"All this is, is artificially sweetened hot cocoa mix that is placed in a Kcup delivery device. What a waste of money. Also, Grove Square products are notoriously inferior.\"\n3280,B005K4Q1VI,A53UQYV14N0D7,T Pynchon,0,0,3,1331164800,"} +{"input": "???? f ??? t ??e e??riricicec?????t t???????,\",??y y?kik??? l lil????th????coc??coaco??, b, bubutut ?? f???d d???avavov?or or? le l?????ele??cic????????? t th t????or?e ?????nsn???e ?\"\"???reere????ou?ntntat?in???????e e He ???? Co C?????????Co?unu?????-Cu-Cupu?????????????????wewerersr?????????????a????323?818?,B,??0505K5?4Q4???????TGT?M6M666???RNR?????. .?????de,de?0,0,0,0,,0???131333303????00?0,?sos? s ???????y ey ??sys?y ty ???ususeus?e ne ?notnot ?ththeth?????????lavla??r ???t ht ?asa?s ts tos tooo?????? s su s???r ???d ?is? n no notot ?????ala?litli???I I tI ??ou?ghg?????waw???????iningin?3323????B0????4Q???I,?A3A?BHB?????EOE?Z3Z??1,????k k wk ?????,0,,0,0,0,???????09?0505605606?00,00????? w ?worwortr?th th? th?e ???nen??", "output": "\"OK for the price, not great\",\"My kids like this cocoa, but I find flavor less delicious than the more expensive Green Mountain Coffee Hot Cocoa, 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2).\"\n3281,B005K4Q1VI,APTGM66PJRNGC,J. Slade,0,0,2,1330992000,so so,very easy to use not the best flavor It has too much sugar and is not a quality I thought I was getting\n3282,B005K4Q1VI,A3BHMPPJEOZ3W1,jack wood,0,0,5,1330905600,Well worth the money,"} +{"input": "?ThT???hoh?t t???co?a a i ??????ici?????s as ???? is is ??trt???? e ??ou??? t ???mam???e te tht???lal???????izi??????????????? th thrh??e e fe ??lavla????s ds ????ci?????wiw?th? m?y y f fa f??vorvo????e be ????g ?th??e de dad?arkark k????oao?. ??????e bee b????baban?????or or????e be bue b?????I hI hah????sos??faf?? f???ndnd ??forfo?????t ct ??co?coa.coa??. I. I I tI ???d d td ?? u ?useus??mym?????????????? f? for fo??????yty????????t ??ofo????..?????,B,?000050??4Q4??VIV?????????BGB?????W,W?glg?j1j?????????,1,131333303??????00,00?\"R\"?ic?h,h? s?mom?otothot?h ah ???????ama??\",\"??VeVer?ery ery g ?oo??????? ch chohocho???latla????. I???av?ave ave???rieri?d ?????w w? di difi??fferffe??ntnt ?????andsands,s?????? th????on????is is tis ?the???es?t ???I haI h?ave??????ed.ed??????????????ri??ed???igighghegh????forfor for t th? the the???al?itityit?y yy ??ou ou? ge g?", "output": "The hot cocoa is delicious and is strong enough to make the larger size. I find all three flavors delicious with my favorite being the dark cocoa. The best bang for the buck I have so far found for hot cocoa. I tend to use my coffee maker for everything but coffee.\n3283,B005K4Q1VI,A158I4XBGHVQ7W,glj104,0,0,5,1330905600,\"Rich, smooth and creamy\",\"Very good hot chocolate. I have tried a few different brands, and this one is the best I have tried. Should be priced higher for the quality you get"} +{"input": "??\"\"3323???,B,??0505K5K4K?Q1Q????????BJBJOJ???2Y2YUYUJU??,a,?mam??ono????????,5,5,5????080?191?202?00,00,a??mazma?zonzo??nu???\"I\"I'I?vev?????????yiyini??????????lklk k h hoh????ho??olo?ata??e fe ?oro?? mo m?onton?thsths ???w w??????????ononeone ??????e ???sts????ve????????? e eve?????ot???y y i in i?-l-?lawla??s hs ho???eded ??? i it i???andan???y ???anand?????hthtetertersr????sos?oluol???????ovove????! !? G ??eaeat??prp????? g grgregr??t ?pr?odo???t!t?????858??????????VIVI,VI????????????????RyR?an??P,P,0,0,???5,5,15,?1331330?565????00,????FEF???!,!??usust????at?at Iat I ?????????in??g fg ?forfo?r tr ??re?d ?d ofd of f gf go?in????????e ??stost??e e te ???????k tk th????e ue upu???????lwl???????in?ing ing sing ??ldl??d oud o?ut!ut???????ve ??thethe the?flf????? n???ot sot ???sws??eetee??t ant and?nd jnd juj????ri??ghtgh?t!!t!??????????u!u??an???", "output": ".\"\n3284,B005K4Q1VI,A1VABJOP02YUJG,amazonnut,0,0,5,1330819200,amazon nut,\"I've been buying this milk hot chocolate for months now and it's one of the best I've had. I even got my in-laws hooked on it and my granddaughters absolutely love it! Great price, great product!\"\n3285,B005K4Q1VI,A2F20N23SUFXZG,Ryan P,0,0,5,1330560000,PERFECT!,Just what I was looking for tired of going to the store to pick these up and always being sold out! I love the flavor not so sweet and just right!! Thank you! and w"} +{"input": "??????? b bu b???????????!!!???282???B0B??5K5????????1O1OAOASA???POP??????????,0,0,0??,3,?,1,????????00???????,\",?MyMy y????mymy ?????????????a a?????t.t? T ??o o??we?et??I'I'd'???aya????ouo??rer???betbe???? o????????ingin????t t???ocoocoao?a fa frf?omo? s sc s????chc?. ?????????t tt ththith?????cacaua???????thoth?oug?ht?? th t?????intin??y fy ??????r wr wow?????????????????t it iti??s ???oo oo??????? S ????re??? the the ???arkar?????????k ?chchoch?ocoocoloco???te te f ???avoav?orsor??\"\"3??28728?,B,B0,B00????????I,AI,A3A3J3??????????????SpS???????,0??0,???,13,1?33033?383???00?00,H00,?ot???ococo??????upu??s,\"s,???waw?????lil?????e se sks?epe???ca??l wl whw???????????t ?????? b??? i it????? r ????llylly ???????????reatrea????????asease.e?? T??he he?????coa coa????DED??ICICIC?OUO?S!S! !????t'st'", "output": "ill be buying again!!\n3286,B005K4Q1VI,A1OASDKPOPZPKD,Pam,0,0,3,1330560000,SWEET,\"My oh my is this cocoa sweet. Too sweet I'd say. You're better off making hot cocoa from scratch. I bought this because I thought the minty flavor would be good, but it's too sweet. So are the dark and milk chocolate flavors.\"\n3287,B005K4Q1VI,A3J8AQWNNI3WSN,TSparties,0,0,5,1330387200,Hot Cocoa K-cups,\"I was a little skeptical when I bought this, but it has really been a great purchase. The cocoa is DELICIOUS! It's"} +{"input": "?????????????juj??? m mam??e e??y y dy ?aua?ghg???r r a ana???? s so s?mem?????coaco????ici???y y by beb?????????titini?g g d ??wnw?? to t?o wo ??tct?h h??????ieie.e??? I I??idi?n'n?t t ht ??????????d ????tht?????to??it?? b ????????? a?????????y ?????????????ju?st??? to to???????it ?do????????wow?ululdld ???efief??it???ly ly???cocomco?me?nd?? th t?hishis s p ?ror?duducu???an???pup??ch?as??e ie ?????????\"\"3??????000??K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1??,A,??RIRI1I1H1????I2I?5L5??????????in???,0?,4,???333303??30030????,S,?ug?arar r Ar ANA?D D S?????lol???,I,?I d?id???t ?????????????vievi?wsws ??????ougough?ly????and and??foufo??nd ?????to????at??e t????t t???his his????????????????ougoughoug???ug?ugaruga???to to gto ???? i it i??606???al???ie????????????ramra?????????bob?hyhydydrd?ratratete te i??n en ea?????????I ???", "output": " so easy to just make my daughter and I some cocoa quickly before sitting down to watch a movie. I didn't have to add anything to it, but I did add a tiny bit of milk just to cool it down. I would definitely recommend this product and purchase it again.\"\n3288,B005K4Q1VI,AMRI1HBLPI25L,Eric Stein,0,0,4,1330300800,Sugar AND Sucralose,I didn't read the reviews thoroughly and found out too late that this product has enough sugar to give it 60 calories and 11 grams of carbohydrate in each cup. I tri"} +{"input": "??????? w ?iti?? a ??bib?it it? of of f?crc?eaeama? a an a?d d fd fofouo????it??????????ryry y t ?????. . I ??llll l???epep p?????rorou???nd fnd ???????ene??s s????????ililyl???r ?pep??hah???s as ana?? oc o????ioion???l ml mimininin?-s-sps?lul?rgr?????I'dI'd ?liliki?? t?o ???ee ee??????? i????ludluded???????titio???? i???fo fo?? in in??heh???ut??????????,B,?000050?K4K?Q1Q?VIV?,A,A1A???????NENEDE??5M5???USUSTSTJT??????,0,0,0?????131????????0,0,R0,?????y y ty ?????y..y.????hih?s ??is is??reare??ly????astasty????????hocho?olo??tet?e. e.??? l ????ke ike ????ucu???mom???e te th??an an?????dad???? ch c????olaol?ateat???la?vov?or or b?ut??? tha thatat at????juj??? m??y py ???fef???encen?e.??....???9090,?B0?05??K4QK4?????????K8K???0T0???F,F,W,??illil?liali?am,am????0,50,5,5,15,??3030130??????,G,????t ??al??e,e?\"G\"?????vav?alu??e fe foe foror ?th??e me ???????ThTheTh???", "output": "ed one with a bit of cream and found it to be very tasty. I'll keep it around for friends and family or perhaps an occasional mini-splurge. I'd like to see amazon include nutritional info in the future.\n3289,B005K4Q1VI,A15UT1J4NEDI5M,JUSTJENN25,0,0,4,1330128000,Really tasty...,This is really tasty hot chocolate. I like it much more than the dark chocolate flavor but that is just my preference...\n3290,B005K4Q1VI,A9AAK8MS0T90F,William,0,0,5,1330128000,Great Value,\"Good value for the money. These "} +{"input": "?ara????ooo?d.d? T ????hoh?t t??ocococoaco??????xcxcecele?????t ht ???eveveverer,r, , d ??????geg??t tt tht?he he? co c???eee??????????????ana???\"\"?323292919????050?????VIV?,A,AGA??V9V9F9F4F4C4????S3S???ogo???ala??0,0??,5,????32932989??888??00,00???ot ot?bab?? u ???ingin???of?fe?????e ?ChChohocho???at?????reare?mem?er,er?\"N\"?NotNo?t bt ????atat at?????whw????? u???e C???????????????OLO???? c?re??me????????>I>??ststistili?ll ll??iki???sws???s ??ixix x?mam?adead?e we wi????2%2?? mi m?ilkil?? a a????tltle?????te?r.???r r /r />?????asa??fafar???????s ???, , t, ????? mi?lklk ?chcho?????tete te wte ?wit?h h t ththeth????ff??????te ????????ate? C Cr Cre?????????non?????????br br? /> /???????????????, i, ???? is is l le l???s ts th?an??$1$?1.1.0.?00 00 f ?oro???4 4? cu c????\"\"3\"32??2,2,B?????4Q????????????HGH???4Z4???obobib?in,in????0,50,?5,15,", "output": "are good. The hot cocoa is excellent however, don't get the coffee cuz its instant!\"\n3291,B005K4Q1VI,AGFV9F4CI93S3,Logical,0,0,5,1329868800,Not bad using CoffeeMate Chocolate Creamer,\"Not bad at all when I use CoffeeMate CHOCOLATE creamer.
I still like swiss mix made with 2% milk a little better.
But as far K-Cups go, this milk chocolate with the Coffeemate Chocolate Creamer is not bad.
And currently, it is less than $11.00 for 24 cups.\"\n3292,B005K4Q1VI,ALHX4DKHGQD4Z,Robin,0,0,5,1"} +{"input": "3323?????????????????????frf??ene?????nd nd?I I r rereaeala??y ??iki?? t ?????e ke ? c ?upupsp??????hah????trtri??d ?otoththeth?rsr?????????y y wy ??????????ofo????oso?????he?se????re re? th t?he he??nenes??we?? wi wilillll ll????ckc????????CaCanan'an't'???o o? wr w?????3?32932??,B,???????????A1A??NHN?RLR??????6N6????bnb?an??na1na???99,99??0,00,?????32?????404??,k,kik?????wilwi??????? i it????isis ??? a? g?re???????????oaoa a??s ???ngng ng a as? y yoy????ea??d td ??????????d d o?nln?ly ly u ?se?se tse ththe???ozo? s?????ngng ng ong ??? yo y????? cof cofff??????????????????se ??? w????ll tll ????e ?waw?ateat??????owownw????lslsos??????is ?an? i?nsn??????cocofco?ffeff?????o do ??ntnt t bt ????uru???risri?????????.?????4,B4,???5K?????I,??????NWN???515????,K,K.K. . A?????sosonson,n,0??,0,?3,??1321329?525232", "output": "329868800,nummy,My boyfriend and I really like these k cups. We have tried others and they were kind of gross. These are the ones we will stick with. Can't go wrong.\n3293,B005K4Q1VI,A1XNHRL5TPXK6N,bobnanna1999,0,0,4,1329782400,kids will love it,This is a great hot cocoa as long as you read the box and only use the 8oz setting on your coffee make. Otherwise it will taste watered down. Also it is an instant coffee so dont be surprised by it.\n3294,B005K4Q1VI,A1ET4NWR651CAX,K. Anderson,0,0,3,1329523"} +{"input": "?202000???BuBuyuy y p ?????????????s s????s s is ??????teterer r a anandn? c ??????er.er??????????odo?????????oto???adad,d, ?bub?????stst ???ewe? a????mam?lll???? c?upu???izizeze e o ??r ir ???????no????ava????????fif???iteit??y y ay ?an an???te?????????WaW???teryter??.\".\"?323??5,5,B,B0B00?5K5???????A3A????MAM?NBN?RFR???G,G?sus?aia??hnhnen?????5,05,????2,2?13132?939???404?00,00???o o??at??eryer??y afy aft????????ipi?????et?ettiettin????,\"?? h ??ot ot????coc?la?tete te??acackac???????s ts tht????firfi???????????????????w Kw ?eue???g g ( ??? w wa w?? 1 ????m.m?. a. ???d Id I I?????'t'??re?ad????or?? co c?fff?eee??????re????d)d?. . I. ?????d rd ?rea????????????a a????tltle????te??tery tery b?????????idide???d tod to ?trt??????onon ???? 1?? o oz o?. ???ett????????ookook k a?? si sip si??, a, ??????????? it i?. ????", "output": "200,\"Buy packets, swiss miss is better and cheaper.\",\"The product is not bad, but must brew at smallest cup size or it has no flavor. Definitely an aftertaste. Watery.\"\n3295,B005K4Q1VI,A3LXOMANBRFQJG,suaimhneas15,0,0,2,1329350400,Too watery after multiple settings.,\"A hot chocolate packet was the first K-Cup on my new Keurig (it was 1 a.m. and I wasn't ready for coffee before bed). I had read they ran a little watery but I decided to try it on the 10 oz. setting, took a sip, and tossed it. The "} +{"input": "n??xtx???orornr?ini?g g?? m???? o ??ne ne???tht? 8 ? o??????d d??ddd?dedded d sd ?omo??e we ??ipi?pep?d ?crcrer??????heh????sts???e wae was????????? g ?rar????? an a????? w wa w?????ili?????retre?tyt??waw??????. M. ??y hy ??????d ?mam?adead??ononeone ??o o???????t 6t 6 6???. ??and????????it ????stest???lil?kek???ugu??r r w???????????ghg????trytr??cocomombombib???ingin?g 2g ??3 3 6 6 ??????????ing??? to to ???e e t?he???oxo???p p?????????on??????????in?ing ing???oreor?.\".?3323292??,B,??050??????I,I????????????9T9?????ni?eBe??????0,0??,4,?,1,????????00???ooo??????inkin??????oo??d cd cud c?? o of o?f hf ?oto???ho?co?lal??e.???????????coucoup????e ofe o??mamarma??????????. ????????t t ft ?or????y dy ???ughught????eve????y ty ??meme me? sh s??????it??? S ???he ihe ??????arlarlyl??????? and an?????he lhe ?????", "output": "next morning I made one with 8 oz. and added some whipped cream. The taste was kind of grainy and it was still pretty watery. My husband made one to try at 6 oz. and said it tasted like sugar water. I might try combining 2-3 6 oz. servings to use the box up but we won't be buying more.\"\n3296,B005K4Q1VI,AIKDGFLEZER9T,BonnieBrown,0,0,4,1329350400,Good drink,\"A good cup of hot chocolate...with a couple of marshmellows. Make it for my daughter every time she visits. She is nearly 60, and she loves "} +{"input": "???.\".?3??9797,7????5K5?????I,I????N2N?????3131B1??6,6???? S StS?rar??n,n??????????939?505???00,00???vev???wiw??hoh??t!t??,Al,A????hrhrer?? f ??????????????????e e a?ror?mama ?anandn??rir??h h?chc?hochococ?lalatlatet???asa?te?. . P ?epe???ermer????????????????orior????. W. WeW???njnjojoyo??a a ca ??p p a??????did??????'f'flflafl?avo???d'd' ' w?it?ith ith a???it? o ?f f? cr c?remre??????uou?or or? ne n?ara???y ey ???eryer??ninignighg??? I ItI???s bs ???????? a t a ??st???????????2929829?,B,B0,B00???4Q?????A2A2H2?H2H????7Z7???0K0K,K???mmm???????0,40,???32329??646??0000,???ranrandndknd?idi????ovoveve ve???t!,t!??hihis? i it??m m h??????grgre??t t pt ?riricrice?? an a?nd nd??as???s ??????t. ??TheThe e oe ???ly ly??hi??? t??at?????ldl??????????s s ps ?propr????????????????ifi??????e lie l?????????st??? c?up?????? re r?ecyec??la??lele le??r ", "output": "it.\"\n3297,B005K4Q1VI,A19N2TU4D31BT6,Lee Strain,0,0,5,1329350400,Never without!,All three flavors have a nice aroma and rich chocolate taste. Peppermint is our favorite. We enjoy a cup after dinner 'flavored' with a bit of creme liquor nearly every night. It's become a tasty habit.\n3298,B005K4Q1VI,A2HH2V5Q7ZUK0K,KimmK3,0,0,4,1329264000,Grandkids love it!,This item had a great price and tastes great. The only thing that could make this product better is if the little plastic cup was recyclable or "} +{"input": "c??mpmpop??tat?blb??????999??B0B000?????1V1VIV??A1A????U2U???Q0Q0G0????\"P\"?????cic?a a C ??lemle???????\"P??atsat????ana??????,0?,4,??13132??????00?,G,GrG?????co?co?a.a???????huh????andand d???and and???rereare??lyl???????tht??s s cs ?coc?oaoa.??? I I???d d ed ?????a ma ?ili??? to t? m ???cucupu??fof???? c??rea?????????????????????e ce ??nvn????en?????an?????bebe e be be??????333?0000,???05?K4???VI???101????QZQZ4Z?GJGJ3J????ShS??rkr?s7s?????????????????????keuke??rigri? h????????colcolalatla?????re?reatreat ???ealeal,l???sps??????ly????or or????????ce?????temte?? ar arrr??ve?????????r r tr th??an an??nt??iciicipi?????. ?ThT?hishi??hahasha??sas?aveav????e e me maman????tritr?ipsip?s ts toto ????kik?n n??????????s ???ll? a???s sas s???ingin?g mg meme me p ??????????blblebl?e te th???????e ?????a ????p op ofof f", "output": "compostable.\n3299,B005K4Q1VI,A1WVMU2PMQ0GXW,\"Patricia Clements \"\"Patsijean\"\"\",0,0,4,1329177600,Great cocoa..,\"My husband and I really like this cocoa. I add extra milk to my cup for a creamier flavor, but the convenience cannot be beat.\"\n3300,B005K4Q1VI,A10E57QZ4GJ32F,Sharks77,0,0,5,1329177600,keurig hot chocolate,\"great deal, especially for the price. Item arrived quicker than anticipated. This has saved me many trips to Dunkin Doniuts as well as saving me paying double the price for a cup of "} +{"input": "???t t c ?????lal??????atat'at?? j ????t at asa?????d.d? L ??ookoo??????oro????oreor??tot??st?????ili??!\"!??333303?????050???Q1Q???,A,???Q6Q??????????????pop?????ryr???,0,0,,0????323292???????????vev?e ce co?????k-k????s,s,L,???????????HaH?rdr??????otiot?cec?e ae ???????terte??????????m m? sw s?eee?te????????dod????t at agt agrgrer???wiwitith????meme ?ofof f???e e o????erser?????????dndn'n???????e ie ??...??WiW????bub??????????..3?????,B0,B???5K45K?4Q14Q?1VI1VI,I,AI,?1A1?ANANQNQDQ?L7L?EQE??III????gdgdud????,0,?????????90090?48?????ot? S ?wiwiswi?shs???t ct ??oc?????e,e?ThT???????du?????is is?????e a?ndn??????pr???? i ???rir?????bubutbut t i???t ist i????????ississ s Cs ???hocohoc????te te fte foforfor ?????????r /r ????r ????usustus???????????havha?ve ve tve ththathattha??re?ala??ded???? ch cho?hoco??latla??te tte ?tasta?", "output": "hot chocolate that's just as good. Looking for more to stockpile!\"\n3301,B005K4Q1VI,A2OQ6RXQT17LGQ,snaponlarry,0,0,5,1329004800,Grove cocoa k-cups,Love them. Hardly notice any aftertaste from sweetener. I don't agree with some of the others that didn't like it...Will buy again...\n3302,B005K4Q1VI,A1AANQDL7EQUII,Bigduck,0,0,3,1329004800,Not Swisshot chocolate,This product is nice and the price is right but it isn't Swiss Chocolate for sure.

Just doesn't have that real deep chocolate tast"} +{"input": "e????303?????????????,A,?2929W9????RNR?V4V???????????ininen?,0,0,0?,0,,0?3,3,13,131???????00000????dsd????veve e??? - ???e ???t t st ?o o? mu m??????????ghg???ththih??????ndn???f f?hoh?ot ot?chchochoco???ata????????s s cs ???????t t ht ???d td ???e be ????t rt ????????n n?????ono???at at??the??????. .????e ?kikididsid???lovlo?ve ve?????????????????ala???y ly lil?ke?? th the th???peppeppp?perpe???intint t ft flf????? w whw???? I I I cI ?canca??????????y ???he??????????gegetet et? ex e???????in in???isis is? mi mixi???????. . . ?YoYouou ou???t ??milmi?? c?????la??????????? cho chococooc????e e a??nd nd p ?peppepppep?per????????lavlavolavororsor?. ?. I. ???ririe??d id ?it it?????ew ew???me?s ?an???d itd i???????o ??eaeaka?k fk ???? my my ???st?e.e. e. ????makma?????it oit on???? the the l?owo???st st??????ngn????? my? K ???????wh?ici?ch ?????hinhi??k ik ??", "output": "e.\n3303,B005K4Q1VI,A29WENSRNV44RY,selketine,0,0,3,1328832000,Kids love it - me not so much,\"I bought this brand of hot chocolate K cups cause it had the best review on Amazon at the time. The kids love it - they especially like the peppermint flavor which I can't see any other way to get except in this mixed box. You get milk chocolate, dark chocolate and peppermint flavors. I tried it a few times and it is too weak for my taste. I make it on the lowest setting on my Keurig which I think is "} +{"input": "aararor??ndn????ou??cecese? a ??? i ????????????weweae????o o??e e?????pep?rfr?ecectct t ft ??r r t th t?eme?. .? I IfI????ou ou??iki??e ae ????ro???????coc?????e fe flf???or??? thi thisi?????'t'????.\".\"\"3??0404,4???0505K5K4K??1V1?????TOTOWOW6W?343?MZM?0E0?LQLQ,Q????????????????,0,,0,5,???????595929202??,H,???t Ct ?ho?? K ? C ?upu?,W,??? w?hahatat at?????????ThT??ses?e te tat????e je jujusustst st??s ???????as as? th?????pe????????????????osost?st dst ??fif?nan??ele?? w???l ?beb??????inging ?ththe???e ae age a???????????????K4K4QK4Q1Q1VQ1??????737?5A5APAPCPC3C??????J.J. ??????an an?????. N. Ne. N?ewmew??n\"n???????6464,????13113???????0,?????teterte??th??an ?????ot?he???, , b?????ti??? n ????ququiu?iteite ?e the t??herehere\"e\",?\"I\"? f ??elel el?????e Ie ?'v'??????????ve?ryr??????????a a ta th?thertherere e ie ?? i??? th the???-c-???????", "output": "around 7 ounces and it is still weak to me but perfect for them. If you like a strong chocolate flavor this isn't it.\"\n3304,B005K4Q1VI,A1TOW634MZ0ELQ,kathyallen45,0,0,5,1328659200,Hot Choc K Cup,Wow what a deal. These taste just as good as the expensive brands. Most definately will be buying these again.\n3305,B005K4Q1VI,AO6735APC3YAJ,\"J. Newman \"\"J. Newman\"\"\",59,64,4,1318896000,\"Better than the others, but still not quite there\",\"I feel like I've tried every hot cocoa there is in the k-cups. W"} +{"input": "h?????I I d dodo o t tht??nkn?????s s????ththeth???????hohoto??cococo?coaco?????????? it it t st ?stist???? is i???t t gt ?rer???. . ??'m'?????? su s????whwhahatat at i it it it??????utu??alalll???? t? the th?e ce ????coa coa??????????????????vev??a a wa ???rdr????ststest???? t th the?m.m????t't?s s as ??momoso?st st???kek?e te the t?????????????ici???? s sw s?weeweete?????????? the them??, , b???? I I k kn k??w w t???????s ?nonotno???brb? / />/>I>I I sI ?????t t ot ono???the? s sm s?al??leslest????????ettetti?ngn? f ?oro?r cr ????a.a?. ??hi?his his???? m ?mormo?re ????y y t?o ?it???????otothothe????I/>??? s????ll ll w????ini?? a?ndnd d hd ?hopho????g tg ????at Dat ??nk??in'in??????utsut??wiw??ill ill??ut?????????ir? h ho h??????cocoacoco?a ia ????????up?. ??. Th. T??hereher?????all?y y iy ?is ?nonot????g ?be????????thantha???ha???t.I set it on the smallest cup setting for cocoa. This has more body to it than others.
I'm still waiting and hoping that Dunkin' Donuts will put out their hot cocoa in a k-cup. There really is nothing better than that.
If you want a k-cup"} +{"input": "??hoh?? c ?oco?coaco?, , I ???ououlu?d d????. .?????mmm?????tht??????ere????? t th???????rsrs.s???333303060???000050??4Q4?1V1??,A,??????J0J0Q0??OEO??N,N???vevenven n??. . W. ?inindnd,nd?????????3,3,1??252??080?????WhW???????t ??anyan??nen???????a a h??? c co cococoocoao??wiw?th??????????aloaloso?????????????????????HAH??E E?SUS?????OSO??????????????", "output": " hot cocoa, I would def. recommend this over all the others.\"\n3306,B005K4Q1VI,A1J75JJ0Q2OEJN,Raven A. Wind,187,216,3,1325808000,Why can't anyone make a hot cocoa without sucralose/Splenda in it?,\"I HATE SUCRALOSE.

Honestly, I don't know how other people CAN'T taste it when it's in sweetened products. It's got this unpleasant fake flavor that I just can't ignore. I think any company that uses that junk should be required by law to indicate it on their box and all advertising.

That being said, it seems like this hot cocoa has less sucralose than the Cafe Escapes Hot Cocoa, and as such I have to give it higher marks than the competition.

Still, I can't believe this product AND its nearest competitor use sucralose but don't say they're a diet, lite, low-sugar, or otherwise unnaturally-sweetened product. It's frustrating. I can taste the stuff, and I really dislike it. I also don't like the chemical makeup of sucralose, but I won't go into that here (just be"} +{"input": "??ieieve??????????uru??l l??ugu????isi? w ??y y b ???tet??r fr ?????ouo???n n??????onongn??????????r /r ?><>r /?ThT?herherere'e?s s os on???oto?theth?? c chc???cece e o?utut t??he?????forfor r ar ???hothot ?coc????a ia ini?n an ?a Ka K-K???p,p, ,?anandn? t?????????isissis?s Ms ??ississ.iss?????for?tu???te?lyly,y, ??the????wiswi????is?????????s as ar?????did?icuic???????? hi h??????ricri???d ad ?andand ??ar?d d td ?????indin?.<.
There's one other choice out there for a hot cocoa in a K-Cup, and that's Swiss Miss. Unfortunately, the Swiss Miss K-Cups are ridiculously high priced and hard to find.

My opinion? It's probably better if you just get your favorite hot cocoa in packets, and use the hot water function of your Keurig. It's not worth the K-Cup convenience if you have to put up with artificial sweeteners or significantly higher pr"} +{"input": "????????????????momoro?? t ?hah???ses??en?????ivi?ve ve?ce???? p peperpe????? o ???wawata??????sesedsed d??oto???ocococoao??isi???????t tt ?????????t ft ?or? m????brbr r /r ??S>SoS?? i??f yf ???'r're? i in i????????????se/se????????, ????n ????alallal?????ansan??grg??? t th t??? a?ndnd nd??enjen??y ?th???????rdr???ftfte??tat???????d ???cicidi?dedde?????otot-ot??????r fr ?lalavavov?or.or?. I. ???f yof y??ou'rou'???????e me ???, t?ho??????an??d cd cac??'t'?t st ?ta???????????????ci???????fff????, the, th??? av a???????is?is pis ?????uctuct t a?????finfi?nd ?an??othotheh??????????. /??hrh????st?????fo?r ?tatasta?stist???g dg ????centcen??de????iteit?e te th?the the? aw a?fuf?????artiart????iai???sws?eee???nen??. ??in??s s ts ????????s ??or??beb?einei????rt?ififi??cia????????et?eneneen?d ?????????", "output": "ices. Spending more than seventy-five cents per cup of water-based hot cocoa is about the limit for me.

So, if you're into sucralose/Splenda, then by all means grab this and enjoy that weird aftertaste and decidedly not-sugar flavor. If you're like me, though, and can't stand that artificial stuff, then avoid this product and find another option.

Three stars for tasting decent despite the awful artificial sweetener. Minus two stars for being artificially sweetened and not m"} +{"input": "e???ioi?nin?ngng g?????nyn?whwheh???.<.??? / ????r ??/>U/>??DAD??E:E???I I????t t ft fofouounundn????t ??hah?t ?????SwSwiwisissss s M ????s Ks ?-C-?upu?????????????ucu???aloaloso??e. e.??o o ro rereareal??y,y???????on?lyly ly c ?hoh??????? t toto ??ete??pap???????s ans and?????????? K KeK???igi??asa?????????at??? d ????????r.r????w w d di d??apa??oioinoi?ntint?ingin??. /?????????PDAPDAT?? 0 ??/1/?2:2?: A: ??tet?????????????????????foufoun?????at???he???????????K-????? ho h?t ???????? tha th??????????????e ?susucsu???alo??????????verve??, i, itit it?? is is l lol?????????????????se?se ise ??st?eae??????ot ot????e ge ??reareatrea???? t???de???????????????????te?????????????t frt f????????ar/ar???sucrsucro??se,se?, i?n n??? o?pip??io??? a an a????hasha??no??????????????/s????ros?", "output": "entioning it anywhere.

UPDATE: I just found out that the Swiss Miss K-Cups also use sucralose. So really, your only choice is to get packets and use your Keurig as a hot water dispenser. How disappointing.

UPDATE 02/12: After some research, I found that there is one K-Cup hot cocoa that doesn't have sucralose; However, it is loaded with fructose instead (not the greatest trade-off, since it tastes different from sugar/sucrose, in my opinion) and has no actual sugar/sucrose"} +{"input": "??ini????. .????????e e??? G ?rer???n Mn MoM??ntn???????fff?eeee ee???t t Ct CoCocCo???. ?UnU???????????y,y????viviei??s ?of? i?? s ?ayay y i it????s ?? s st s??onongon????????t ?flf?ava????????????ly ly?beb?????e e te ??????cocon?d d i in i????????nt nt?????????????????????isis s o??n tn th?e ??alaltl???sisididede,e, ??? I I I??havha??e ae ??????d d i??????'s'???????????????enensen??????perper-r??????an?????lel??????? t ?????? a a??in???? c??up up? of o????co???????????????????dod?lll??????? t tw t?????????ve ve cve cec?ent?????s s os ops o??????d td ???????x x o?? 1 ??? pa p??kek?tst???beibe??ing ing???rouro????d twd t??????llall?rsr????the??????????d ??andand ???y y iy ?????I wI ????????rar????at? t???????????????????? t???us?????papac?keketkets?.<.??????
I "} +{"input": "????????lslsos???????????lal??ifi??? ag a?aia?n n? th t??? d dedese?pip??e ???hatha???somso??e ce ?omommmmemenme?tst????y,y? t????CaCafafef????cac?pepeses es?????CoCococo?a a K ??????, ?SwS?isi?s ?MiM???s Hs ?HotHo??t Cot C?ocooc????K-CK-?CupCu??, ???d d Gd ??ovovev?????ararear???HotHot Hot?????coa coa??????????L L?usu??e se ??crcrar???????YeYes??????????? s????r r i ??????e ???? th tho th???????t t it ??? is i?s Is ININ N A ??????ONO???????cr????se????lel??ndand?, ??????otot ot b ??y iy ?itsit?selselflf.f.<.?brb?????S>???????????ici?????rigrighg?t ???w w? ar are???uru?????cr?cralcra??ose?????sucrsuc??loloslo?se se?????????????, ????pu??re ??ruruc???se?? N NoNono?e ??f f tf th??m m? is????????ziz???? to to ???, ???d ??allal??of??? the them the??mam??? t th? the the????t t pt ??????? o of of ??coccoco??????iteit?e ue ?????asa?????.?
So your choices right now are pure sucralose, sucralose plus a sugar, or pure fructose. None of them is appetizing to me, and all of them make the cost per cup of cocoa quite unpleasant.

43 "} +{"input": "s???????? o ?f f?????r-r??????ene????cocococo????in in???cac???stste?r r????????n n??ouo?????????sisixix x????ksk?, ,? an andnd nd i it i??s ????mom??? c???plp?ici????d ???an????K-K???? i if if f yf yoyouyo?u ku knk?nowno???????????er?ata????????????3???7,7?B0B000?5K5K4K??1V1??,A,A3A??XHXHLHLGL?6D6????W8W?,\",?????. . H. HiH?????\"C?FHF??\"\"\"\"\"???4,4?,25,2?????????010????,R,??ala????????????????oaoa ????HigHighg??y y Ry ?RecRecocomco?mem??dededed,ed???heh???? Gr G?????SqS??ar?????t ???co??????????????? by b?????????e be ???t t tt ??st????? we w?e he ??ve? f??oun?????????? K????????WeW?????? a? a c a chc?hanha?cec????? th the th?eseese ???????o to th?the the???ighigh h r?evevi??w ?rar???ing???s ans a????????as as a????????antan?t st su???ririsrise?????? a????????e ?????or??????e re ??al??????oodood.ood??brbr r /r ", "output": "servings of sugar-sweetened cocoa in a canister will run you around six bucks, and it's no more complicated than a K-Cup if you know how to operate a spoon.\"\n3307,B005K4Q1VI,A3OXHLG6DIBRW8,\"C. F. Hill \"\"CFH\"\"\",24,25,5,1321401600,Really Good Hot Cocoa - Highly Recommended,\"These Grove Square Hot Cocoa flavors are by far the best tasting we have found for the Keurig. We took a chance on these due to the high review ratings and it was a pleasant surprise that all three flavors are really good.
?????k Ck ?ChoCh???olaol???e -e - ??xcxcec??lel?ntn?? on on ??hehe he \" ???mam??????cucupcu?????d gd go??od od? on? t th?e ??\"l??????\"\" ??up?????ti??????? /> /?PePepe?peper?mim??????- Ev- E?ververyryoryon?????kek?s s???isis ?on??, ?????it???r ??????izizez??????in?gT/>ThT???????????????????rar?????se ise in?in ain ??didititiit??on ?tot???ugu????????on???t nt ?ototitictice????e ?????? b bub???mym?y wy ????????es es ( ?bu?t ?shs??he she st?il?l l??likli?keskes ?ththe?m)m?.<.?/>H/>??????y Ry ReRece???????ede????
???H\"H\"\"??303??,B,??0505K5??????,A,????KNK?DED?737??LVL?2,2??lynly?nsn??omom,m?161??,16,1????,13,1323?????404???GrGrer??? f?lalavla??r!r?,E,Ex???llllellen", "output": ">
Dark Chocolate - My favorite, very good even on the \"\"large\"\" cup setting
Milk Chocolate - Excellent on the \"\"small\"\" cup and good on the \"\"large\"\" cup setting
Peppermint - Everyone likes this one, on either cup size setting

These do contain Sucralose in addition to sugar, I don't notice the taste but my wife does (but she still likes them).

Highly Recommended!

CFH\"\n3308,B005K4Q1VI,A1JDKNDE73FLV2,lynnsmom,16,16,5,1323734400,Great flavor!,Excellen"} +{"input": "?? p ??odo??ctc?????????????? th t?e e K KeKeueuru??????opo???? s ?hahaka??e te ???????upu?p bp beb??ororer?e ue usu?????iti?? T ??isis s p?rerevre???????theth???ocococoacoa a? fr fro?rom rom c clc????iningin??anandn??????ltl???inin in m ?or???flf???or?..??????B0B???K4K???????3O3?AYA?BVB??IQIQVQ????,R,?obo??1414,4???4,44,??131??????00000000,0,N,???t bt ?ada??. N. No????adad ad????ala????\"I\"? h ?havha??????ad ??omomeme ??reare??lyl? f fu f????????ieiewe?s s as ?bob?utu????is?? pr pro pr??uc??? ??omomeom???om????in??th??? t th?ere?? i????ot????????t ??in ?in thin the?he phe pop?od od??ft??er er? it it ?hahasha?s fs fifili????d td ??the the c?up???????th?therthererefre??????? it it?????t ht hat hav????beebeen? a an a???nsn?tatanantant ?mimixi??? B BrB??llllill?an?ant ant d ?ed?ucuctuctiuctioi?n,n, , S, ?heherhe???ockoc?! ??????t dt ??d ?????exe?pep?ctct.ct...???o ?ses?e ?e che c?oc?o-o-g-grgrorouro?undun???in??in th??e c?upup?up? ? Y YeY?", "output": "t product! A tip from the Keurig people: shake the K-cup before using it. This prevents the cocoa from clumping and results in more flavor.\n3309,B005K4Q1VI,A3OAYBV9IQV33C,Rob,14,14,4,1323648000,Not bad. Not bad at all.,\"I have read some really funny reviews about this product. Some complain that there is noting left in the pod after it has filled the cup, so 'therefore' it must have been an instant mix! Brilliant deduction, Sherlock! What did you expect...to see choco-grounds in the cup? Yes"} +{"input": ",? i itit t? is i???o o?dod????t ct ???apa??r r?tot?o go gog???????????r ???outou?e,e?????t't?????? 4 ????????? o?f f???st?ara?s.s.<.?brb?????
But the taste is what you want to know about, right? The Dark Chocolate flavor is fairly robust with little 'grittyness' to it. Plop a marshmallow in the cup before brewing and you'll have a real treat! It comes out strong enough on either the 6 oz or 10 oz setting of the brewer. Not surprisingly, the milk chocolate flavor is not as strong and a little smoother. Marshmallow trick has a little differ"} +{"input": "eene????????????kik?ngn????? m ??lklk k??hohoco???ata?e ????t ot ????? cr crer??mi????anandn? s sms????????????a a l lil??tlt?????iluil???e te ????? S SoSo,o? m?ayaybybebe ?a ????? mi m?iniini-i??marma????????wsw? i ??sts????d od ofo????????-s-sis???d ?d ond o???foforo???thith?s s fs ?????????OhOh,h, , a, ?andan??????ini????ly ly??o o 6 ???? c??p.p. ??MyM???oldol?desde?st st g gr g???anddand???ghg?teterte????? I ??????teste??st fst ??????? p pep??????minmi?nt nt?????colco???te.te. ??ShShehe ?wiwin?ins,ins??of??? cou co???e,e?????t it it??s ?prp?retrettttytt???googo???????????????ete??t ont one?. ??NoN???????mamal?lolowlo????????????he????intin??t oft o?f pf pe?????mimin??????juj?????enoen????. . ?6 ??oz oz c cu?p p o??????s ?ononeon?e ie ??? th t?he ????st ?waw?ay ay t to to ???, , t, ??o.o????r /r />/??
I think I got the cups sizes right. "} +{"input": "??f f?? d ??dnd??t,t????u'u??? f ?igi??rer??itit t?ou????????, , I, ??d d i??agagig???e te ththeh??re?asa??????????lwl?aya?????out out????????? i??s bs beb???????pep?opo???e ke ?????bub?yiy??g g? it?? ??I'vI'???di????d ?in?????theth??sus??????????? a a f??w w? ti t?memeses ?mymysyseys??f.f????reretrettt?y y gy ?????. P. ??ete?ttytt?????apa?. . P?????? h ??rdr??????et? a??t tt tit???????I'????bu???????gagaia?????333?101??B0B?0505K5???1V1VIVI,I?A2A????SRS??J5J545???????ookoo??VaV???,2,??????5,5???21??????0,?PeP???ecectec?t Ct ???????EvEveverve????? i????my my f fa f???ly? l ????s ????????ocoaocoa.a??????s ??ununnn??????plapl?ainai??wawatwa?er?????ouougou????my my kmy ????up up???ke?? a????ususiusining???hotho????oco?? f?ro?m m?? a c a cacanca?????er ???t t mt my????????????? r ????llyll??y gey g????????ig?hth???????", "output": "If I didn't, you'll figure it out. Btw, I'd imagine the reason it's always out of stock is because people keep buying it! I've dipped into the supply well a few times myself. Pretty good. Pretty cheap. Pretty hard to get at times. I'll buy it again!\"\n3310,B005K4Q1VI,A2GR7SRMJ54RG7,Book Vamp,21,23,5,1321488000,Perfect Cocoa,\"Everyone in my family likes hot cocoa. I was running plain water through my k-cup maker and using hot cocoa from a canister but my kids didn't really get the right measur"} +{"input": "e?????s s???d d????? o ofo???en en???an? n ?oto??wew?e we ????d ?ha?vev?e oe ovo???flf?owo????o o I ?????idide?d d td tot??????????s fs ??or or??y ??????????iti?????????????????t ct cuc?p p?eve?????tit????. N. NoN???oveov???????. T. ?heh??tat???????????d,d? i??? c crcre?ama???wiw?ithit???no?????coc?co?? t?o o wo ??te???????o ??????? k ??dsd??. I. ?I wI ??????????dederde?????? thi th???????ucu??????? n?????n n?????? my my f fa f???lyl?.<.I>??n tn ththeth??inintinte?tereteres?t ?of??????uc????????????????we we???havehav?e o????dereder?d d Td ?im???hyhy'y??s ws ?????te hte hoh??? ch c?hochoco?lalat??, ?an??????en?en Men ?ou??ntantaiainin in H ??????cocoa??, T, ?TimTi???thyth?y'sy'????as as???reareatreat,t, ?????????y,y, , a?ndnd nd? Gr G????????????in in din didid????t rt ??realrea?llyll??y tay t??te??ala?????at??????at ???? ou ouru??????ly?", "output": "ements and more often than not we would have overflow. So I decided to try this for my kids and it makes a perfect cup every time. No overflow. The taste is good, its creamy with enough cocoa to water ratio for my kids. I will be ordering this product from now on for my family.
In the interest of product comparison, we have ordered Timothy's white hot chocolate, and Green Mountain Hot cocoa, Timothy's was great, but pricy, and Green Mountain didn't really taste all that great to our family."} +{"input": " ?????ada????waw???rereded d dd dod?wnw? t tat?sts???????t.t???????,B,B0B??????1V1?I,I?A1A????I2I2H2HPH?????T,T,J,??????re?,1,??????????222?????00???????? an a???at????grg?????????e.e?,\",?WhW?ene??? w??igighg???hehe he?cocono???enien??????ofof f? a ??? cu c??? ag a??ininsnst??? the th??pr?iciceic?e ae ?ndnd nd??????????? I? w??ulu?d d cd ??harha????terteri???e te ?he????e ase a??? a w a ??????. ????t tt th?e ?beb?st?st cst ?upup up? of of ??????a oa onon on?? the????????t bt bub?t ???mpm??reredre??tot??mam???ingin???????ouroursr????????usu????? a a p a ?????et,et??ththe???? ar a?? p?reretre??? d dadar??n gn ?????????y ??icice?? a ??????chchoch?????tete ???lavla???or wor wi????????unu????afa?teterter ter????stest?e t??hathat ????ve ve???ad ad w??ithit?h sh ??mem?????????ra?nd????DoD???????????? 1 ?0 0? oz o?? on on ?yo??r ?ma??????????ougou?", "output": " It had a watered down taste to it.\"\n3311,B005K4Q1VI,A1J92I2HPUPAXT,J. Moore,11,11,4,1322006400,Tasty and at a great price.,\"When I weigh the convenience of a K cup against the price and the taste, I would characterize these as a winner. Not the best cup of cocoa on the planet but compared to making it yourself or using a packet, these are pretty darn good. They nice a nice chocolate flavor with no funny after taste that I've had with some other brands. Do not select 10 oz on your machine though"} +{"input": "?? M ???e e i iti??????????6 6??? 8 ??????ththeh?rwrwiw??e ???????l l??e ??at?ereryery ?????y y oy ?pip??ioi?on.on??AlAllll ll??n ????????????cuc??????????chc?hocho???atate?.\".???313?2,2???050?K4K??1V1??????TRT??????????,S,ShS??nyn??????1,1,1,11,1?1,51,???323212???888?0000,00?\"M\"MuM??ch ch b???tet??????? e ?xpx?ece????????eae?? f fo f????theth??????\",\",\",\"I,\"?? am am m??ct??al?ly? s sus???rir??????t ???w w??ooo??d td ththith?????ododuod?uctuc?????????m m am ????isisiis????????ur?igi? o ow o?nen????witwi?? t tw twow???eee???? th t?????ovo??e te ??o do ????? h ho hot? c co?co?a ???d d cd cic???er ?????tyt???????yey?earea?r rr ??unundn?.<.??r ??><>?r />P>PrP??????oioinintin?? T ThT?he he???ric?????? t th the th????? at at??? the the s??torto?re re?( (????ct? b??an?? ) ??????almal?osostst t tt trt??plp????f ??ha?????e p????he?????forfor r t????", "output": ". Make it only at 6 or 8 oz otherwise it will be watery in my opinion. All in all a fine cup of hot chocolate.\"\n3312,B005K4Q1VI,A1TTREMB4DDEX7,ShanyaG.,11,11,5,1321228800,\"Much better than expected, great for the kids\",\"I am actually surprised at how good this product is. I am a Cuisinart Keurig owner with two teens that love to drink hot cocoa and cider pretty much year round.

Price point: The price for these at the store ( exact brand ) is almost triple of what we pay here for the s"} +{"input": "a??e e???????, ,??iti?????????ibi??e ae ??d d????????isis s?mam??eses ?????e ???it???????rdrdad?blblel??foforfo???? f ?am?ili?y ???????n n?coc??????sos?n n tn ??????therthe?r mr ?ororeor?e ee exe??enensn???ve ve b ?rar?andan?s ??it'it??s as ???????? ba bar?????n wn wi???ououtou???aca???fificicic??g g???alalilitityity y oy ovove??r qr ???????ity.ity.<.??br br?/>/??????/>F/>????or?????e:e????y ky ??????ov?e e ie ???, a, ??and and?hahav?e ???re????????????me me???????chcha??se se????????? d ????hthtet?r r sr ??ysy????????the??????perpe??in?t ??is is???gh???????nd? n ???? to t???wew?eakeak k e eveve?n n in ???us???? a????arg??? c?????I I? lo l??????????rkrk ?ch??co??????????? c co c??ffeffeee??e toe t?????? a a a m a ????a ???101??z z??????e ?e to???? oz o?z cz ch???col?at?e ?? a? and and ???????????????????thath?an an? so s?omeom????", "output": "ame amount, with subscribe and save this makes these quite affordable for my family use. In comparison to other more expensive brands it's a great bargain without sacrificing quality over quantity.

Flavor wise: My kids love it, and have already asked me to purchase more. My daughter says that the peppermint is right on and not too weak even if using a larger cup. I love the dark chocolate in my coffee to make a mocha ( 10oz coffee to 4 oz chocolate ) and it's much better than some oth"} +{"input": "??r r?brb????s s?ththah?t t????havhavev?????ede???n n????????????br br / />/??
Overall impression: Great value, good flavor, excellent price point I will be purchasing more.\"\n3313,B005K4Q1VI,A1KNF8V0TT4LW2,\"W. Hoyt \"\"Pee Wee Shooter\"\"\",10,10,5,1319587200,\"Rich, thick cocoa. Surprisingly good!\",\"Ordered on a whim. My first \"\"Grove Square\"\" purchase. Great for the family's occasional cocoa desire. Being a K-Cup it's fast and easy. Was a little worried the cocoa might leave some after taste in my coffee, so far so good"} +{"input": "????GrG?eae?????? o ?f f?dad????????h h? co c?coc??. ??????e e?? cou co?ldl? t ??????a a?LIL???LELE E??????r r???????waw?as as????? a a ??ouo???ete??????d d yd ????mimixi???youyo??ses?lfl??wiw??????ea???d ?mi??k.k??. T. ThThehe ????????? s ?imi???iciciic?ityit????????acackc? o?????ea?? u up?, ?mam???e te ??isis s??? be b????? o????ono?n fn ????me??. . W. ??lll?? or ordr????agagagaia???. ??ic??e t?? s?eeee ??????n sn ?ubu??crcriribri?be be????d sd sas??????333????????????VIVI,I,A,???VNVN7N?????CYC??D,D????????ve?r ?\"\"\"?????on?opo????le\"le\"\"??????,5,5,5,1,??????????,P,PlPle??asaasanantan??? s su sur???risri?sedsed,d??y ?bob?x x ox ??????ve? S ?quq???e ???t t Ct ?oc??????????d ?totodo??y ??and? I ??veve ve jve ??st????????it??. D. ?el????ouousou?. ?Ma?????????? cu cupup up?[b[byby y my ?mismi?stastak??????t ????m hm ????y ?", "output": ". Great cup of dark, rich cocoa. Maybe could taste a LITTLE better if it was from a gourmet brand you mix yourself with steamed milk. The ease and simplicity, and lack of clean up, make this a better option for me. Will order again. Nice to see it on subscribe and save.\"\n3314,B005K4Q1VI,A1MVN7BGX0CYKD,\"L. Silver \"\"amazonophile\"\"\",7,7,5,1319155200,Pleasantly surprised,My box of Grove Square Hot Cocoa arrived today and I've just tried it. Delicious. Made a big cup [by mistake] but I'm happy w"} +{"input": "i??h h???e e?flflal???? a ??d d?coc??sisisi?????y.y. .??????fff? t??st??s s? th t?atat t?I I??an?????cec?rnr??. . A A A?lil?ittit??e e de ?disdisas??popoio???tedte?d ad ?at at????h ??????m m c?on??tente??. ???ce? t to t???????as?????l l s ???rtr???tot???hi??ll.ll?3333?????000??K4K??1V1??????B0NB0?Y2Y2E2?ROROZO????,H,??????VoVororeor?????,2,???323??575727????,S,??????oso????????????????reare??allyall? d di d??li?kek?e Se ???????se???. I. I I dI ????????likelike ????? ta?????, t, ??the the athe ?ftfteterte??????, , o, or? t? the the ???ftefter? e efe?ffeff???ts.ts?????????ghtgh?t tt ?thith?is is? ba bas???d od on? i it???????????? i??????as \"as \"\"\"\"d\"di????\"\" \"\" o????\"\"l\"\"????? cal ca???????????hehe e fe fifirirsr????ngn?re??diediendie?? i is is ??SugSugag?ar ar????it???s os ???ly ly????tit?al??? s?wew????eneen?ed ed w wiw?????????lo??se.??????SucraSucr?????e ie ?is ?bub?????ed wed wawaywa", "output": "ith the flavor and consistency. No off tastes that I can discern. A little disappointed at high sodium content. Nice to have as fall starts to chill.\n3315,B005K4Q1VI,A2B0NY2EROZMSO,Hal DeVore,0,0,2,1328572800,Sucralose!,\"I really, really dislike Sucralose. I don't like the taste, the aftertaste, or the after effects. I bought this based on it NOT saying it was \"\"diet\"\" or \"\"low calorie\"\". The first ingredient is Sugar so it's only partially sweetened with Sucralose. Sucralose is buried way"} +{"input": " d ???n n i ??n tn tht????ngn?????ene??s s????????t ?th???????????????ici????????brb? / ?><>?????/>S/>?????wiwisishish h?AmA??????coc??tataita???? t ????fuf?lll?? nu n???????on on a ana?d d????gregr?edied?ienient?????????????? a??????odo?d pd ????ucu???.\".???313???B0B????4Q4?1V1VIV???2Y2???????????????. .??enenden???????????plplol??rinri???mym?? wo w?orlor???\"\"\"\"\"????????131?282??868?404???TaT?astas?????d ??????fof?? W ???ghg????atatctchc?herhe?rs!rs??????????is??isis ????????? fi f???st???ururour??ea??????co???tete.?? B ???? y ?ouo??cac????aka?e ?????????ourou?????uriur?ig ig a an and??? all al??????lavla??orsor??????ste ste??ooood??. . ?I'I???????????th??the \"the ????ubu?\"\"??? and an????t ???e ?????stst st pst ?????????cocosco???. . N. ?o o c?haharargr?ge ge??o o jo ?joijoinin ???and and? no n?o eo ?????t ????quq", "output": " down in the ingredients list but the taste is noticeable.

Sure wish Amazon contained the full nutrition and ingredients labels from all food products.\"\n3316,B005K4Q1VI,A2Y8ISBLBKS74N,\"D. Henderson \"\"exploring my world\"\"\",0,0,5,1328486400,Tasty and Good for Weight Watchers!,\"OK - this is not the finest European chocolate. BUT, you can make it in your Keurig and all 3 flavors taste good. I've joined the \"\"club\"\" and get the lowest possible cost. No charge to join and no effort to qu"} +{"input": "????? W ??? n ????? I ???? n??cece e??? h ????e we whwhehene??yoyouo?'r'?e ???ete???g,g??????usu??????? j ???? e ??ou??? c ???coc?lal???e te ????eee????ou??ono????aca???? N ???-d-?diediet??rsr?????? l lil?????it it??oro????he he?????venve??ienie?????3?????B0B?050????1V1????Y6Y6M6MBM?5S5?4444G4?????????????,0,,0?5,5?131323282?484???????umu??y!y?!,!????ve?? tr trir????a a f fe f?w w?????????t ??otot ot?CoC???a a ba ???????fo?r r mr ?? K ???????..?????? ha havaveav???beebeen????sas?????intinte??d Ed EVEVEVERE?? t ti timi???, u, ??ti????nowno???????a ?a bra b???s ??mom???h h ah ?andan???ulu??????????d-d-o-????it?he???tht????smasm???ll cll cucupup ?sis??e e oe ???? the th????didiudium???? a??d ?a ??plp?lasla???ofof f a?lmlmo???????k k???nd ??I'mI'??re????????gog??????ererferfefecfectc?! ! I?'l'?ll ???fif?iniin????y ??????hihis?", "output": "it. Why not? It's nice to have when you're dieting, because it's just enough chocolate to keep you on track. Non-dieters will like it for the convenience.\"\n3317,B005K4Q1VI,AY6MB5S44GMH4,Jolan,0,0,5,1328486400,Yummy!!,\"I've tried a few different Hot Cocoa brands for my Keurig... And have been disappointed EVERY time, until now! Cocoa brews smooth and full flavored-on either the small cup size or the medium! I add a splash of almond milk and I'm ready to go :) Perfect! I'll definitely buy this "} +{"input": "????ini??\"\"?333313?8,8?B0B??5K5K4K4Q4?1V1VIV??A1A?????U2U242??FSFS1S1T1??????????????????,1,????????????oto? C CoC??oao?,I,????ciciei??eded d?a a K ?????g g? K- K????????????fofor??????sts?mam?? w ???h h s ??mpm??? c ??upsup??ofo???ofoffoffef????ndn??teteae?a ba ??ut ut??? c? coc co?coaco?????I ??ririeried?????s ??????d ad an????I lI lil??ke ke? th t??? b ???????ava?venve???t tt ???iedied ??othothe?r r????ndndsnds ?????t tot t?????mpamparare?????h.h. . I I I???ulu???bu?????????e age aga?in? u ?ntntit?? I???in??d o????I I l????e be beb??????????9,9???????4Q14Q??I,I,AI,A3A?919??Y5Y?CRCRGR?5D5??????????????s,s??,0,0,0,?0,40,???13213?2832831???00?????cupcu??s,\"s,???????e a e a?????of? c???mplmp???????aba??outou??????????uau????hohot?ot cot ?????la?te??. I. ?I t???????it it?????????????????ererier?ingin??it????? k ?????, , n?ot?ot hot ", "output": "again.\"\n3318,B005K4Q1VI,A158R7U24SFS1T,autoworker,0,0,4,1328400000,Hot Cocoa,I recieved a Keurig K-Cup Brewer for Christmas with sample cups of coffee and tea but no cocoa so I tried this brand and I like them but I haven't tried other brands yet to compare with. I would buy these again until I find one I like better.\n3319,B005K4Q1VI,A3912Y5CRG5D1A,Icey Sparks,0,0,4,1328313600,k-cups,\"I see a lot of complaints about Grove Square hot chocolate. I think it tastes ok considering it's a k-cup, not h"} +{"input": "?omomememe??????ndn? n ???????rmr?????????n'n??t ht hah?vev??an??tht?ini??? ne nege????ve???o o??????heh??????an???oror r t???e pe prp??dud?ctc?? i itit't???rer????????y ????xpxpepenensnsisiv??????? th? the the???mpmpa?nyn??did?dnd?????????ely?????verve???sese se? or o??ma?kek?????????omiom???s ??bob??????e e te ???tet?????323???????K4K?Q1Q1V1?I,I???5T5??G3G?8F8?585????,\",\"K\"?ay???ayayeay?s ?????it?ti?ngng ng???injin????????0,??????828??72720?????otot ot b ??ad,ad?, n, ????babadba??atat at? al a?l\"l???I ??????????ke?????ot cot ????????? l ?likli????? s so sooooo?????????at??I ?????ve ave ???oco??? L ????????chc?hinhi??, ?????ch ch?????re??????????om?ete?timti???s Is I ????st st?waw????ononeon????????? co c?ocoocoao?????????ho????e pie p?itcitch?ere?????he?? t th??????ppp??ns??? I u I ?useus??d td ????utut ut?", "output": "omemade and not gourmet. I don't have anything negative to say the company or the product, it's relatively inexpensive and the company didn't falsely advertise or make any promises about the taste.\"\n3320,B005K4Q1VI,A15T9G38F589KM,\"Kay Hayes \"\"knitting ninja\"\"\",0,0,4,1328227200,\"Not bad, not bad at all\",\"I really like hot cocoa! I like it sooo much that I have a Cocoa Latte machine, which is great, but sometimes I just want one cup of cocoa not a whole pitcher. When that happens I used to put o"} +{"input": "???tht????ete??lel?e ae ?ndnd d??heahe???upup p??he?????ere???? the th???popouo????n ?? p pap???ketke??????oco????????????ststit??? a?ndnd nd s ??ir?, , a, ?and?? st sti??? ???nd ?afa??er????l l????at at??????in????I'I?d ???tilti????????????le le???mpmpsps s???n mn ??? co c?????. . ??it???? the the the?K-K?cuc???, ??? ge g?????ooo???????h ??coccococoacoa coa w??ith? N ?O O l??mp?s s as ?and??NO????lealeanan-an??up.up???????y ay ?and?and yand yuy????!P>??????e ne ?ot????????? A AR ARER????? S ????R-R?FRFRE?E.E?. ?ThT???vev??????irsir?st st????rerededid?en????????achac?????vov???isis ?susugu?ara????and ?? d di?d ?no???????e ane a?y ?y ary a?titiftifi???l ?su???r r lr li??stest?ed ed? in in in t?????ing?re?didiedi?ententsent???. E???? c cu c?up up??as??ononln????0 0??????ieiesie?s, s,????t i???yoyouou ou w wa w???t st sut s?ugaug?????reere?e oe oror or? ar arere re?????et?", "output": "n the kettle and heat up the water, then pour in a packet of cocoa mix and stir, and stir, and stir. And after all that stirring, I'd still get little lumps in my cocoa. With the K-cups, I get smooth rich cocoa with NO lumps and NO clean-up. Easy and yummy!

Please note: THESE ARE NOT SUGAR-FREE. The very first ingredient in each flavor is sugar and I did not see any artifical sugar listed in the ingredients. Each cup has only 60 calories, but if you want sugar-free or are diabeti"} +{"input": "???ththeh?n n? th thihisis s p ?ror??????????????blb?? n ?otot ???r r y ?ouou.u???333???,B,?0000505K5?4Q4???I,I?AXAXMX?BQBQBQ??7N7??L3L????ici????????????llllolou???,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5????818141404080808???????? G GRG??ATA?,V,???????????ot? c ??????????d d?????? w ???s rs ?igigh?tA>AwA??sosomo????????asassas??ngn??? the th?e we ???d ?ono?n tn ??e e ie ??eme??. . W ??ll? b ???y iy ?????aia??3?32????????4Q???????2N2?JLJ?AHA???8D8DVD?M,M???ududydy y My ??er??????????13213????40840?800800,0,Y0,?umummm?y!y?,\",???he he t????????lil?kek?e me ?ososts????ououtou????isis ?br?an?d ???????ot cot ?choch?ocooc???te?? is is ?????????e ??????ovo?e ??t ????m m t? the????ururi?????????es??'t'?t lt ?eae???????ov??????????lacla??????or??so?me? r ??as???, , a, ?????????????chochoccho?????teste?s Is ??????ur?ch??aseas????", "output": "c then this product is probably not for you.\"\n3321,B005K4Q1VI,AXMBQBI7N8L37,Michael J McCullough,0,0,5,1328140800,TASTE GREAT,Very good hot cocoa. And price was right

Awesome and passing the word on the item. Will buy it again\n3322,B005K4Q1VI,A12NJLAHKB8DVM,Trudy Myers,0,0,5,1328140800,Yummy!,\"The thing I like most about this brand of hot chocolate is that once I remove it from the keurig, it doesn't leak all over the place. For some reason, all the hot chocolates I've purchased be"} +{"input": "??ororer? l lel?aka??alalll? o ???r r?whw??n n y ??u u?????oveove ?tht?hemhe????omo?m tm ?????ofo????e pe pop??? M MyMy y???ff?????????'t'? d?? t ?????soso ???ot ot??uru??????y ty ??thattha??isis.s?. . ?ThT??????is ais ??grg?reare?at at? de dea?l l fl ????th??????????yoyouyo???etet ??? w?ele??????? t ta t?astas??e ye ??mmmmym?????323????000??K4K?Q1Q??????9K9KVK????SBSBOB???,\",?????????????erser???????ra???y ay ????t ??ooo????????,0?????32???686808?00000??????t Et ??verve?????ou??nd nd??hi???brbra????ana?nd ???the ??aca??t tt th?????t t wt ??as as d da d?rkr????????????mamadaded??itit ???????????????? I I'I????????? for fo?r mr mymy my??eue????. ???????ll ll c???ntintini???e t?o o oo ?ordor???????is ???artar??icuic???????an??..??3232432?,B???5K5K45K???1VI1VI,??1A1?VDV?ASA??????CLC????? H ?????????1313213??79679????000,000??oo?d d Hd ", "output": "fore leak all over when you remove them from the coffee pot. My coffee doesn't do that so not sure why that is. This is a great deal for the amount you get as well, and taste yummy!\"\n3323,B005K4Q1VI,AW9KV1KKSBOY7,\"Deidra Nickerson \"\"Crazy about Books\"\"\",0,0,5,1327968000,Best Ever,I found this brand and the fact that it was dark chocolate made it by far the best I've had for my Keurig. I will continue to order this particular brand.\n3324,B005K4Q1VI,A1AVDAS4VK9FCL,Joe H.,0,0,5,1327968000,Good H"} +{"input": "????ChChohocococ?????,\",\"I\"??lol?????heh??e ?ho?????hochoco???teteste?? I ?????nkn???heheyhey'y?rere ????????te?r r? th?ana??? the th?e ce ??????xpx??resre???ho?hot hot?ch????????es.es. ?ThT?heshe?se se???d d??????wiw???????s s hs ???????????????re? m ?y ?fafava???itite???????s.?????????e pe pr???e ????? the thes the?se se ase ararere re tre ???? be b???t It ?'v'?? b be?ene???blb????o o f ??indin?. ???y gy ??rlrlfl???en?d ???and and? I I??avaveav?e ae ala??reare??y y gy goy gononen?e t???ouo???????????alalfal?f of ?? t? the them the???in in?? abo ab?????????????? a an a??????nevne????usu???d t?o ?drd??nk? m????? ho hot?????????te??/?I ????comcommm?????? the????3?323??????5K5?4Q4??????3L3???????????Q,Q?KoK?ol?????,0,???,5,5,??3232732????00???YuYumu????,I,?I r??alallal??y ey enenjenjoj?y y ty ??thisthi???otot ???choc??ola????????h ah ???it???le le? fa f", "output": "ot Chocolate,\"I love these hot chocolates. I think they're way better than the cafe express hot chocolates. These and the Swiss Miss hot chocolate are my favorite K-Cups. And the price of these are the best I've been able to find. My girlfriend and I have already gone through about half of them in about two weeks, and I never used to drink much hot chocolate.
I recommend these\"\n3325,B005K4Q1VI,A3L4LBON8P64YQ,Kool-aid,0,0,5,1327968000,Yummy!,I really enjoy this hot chocolate with a little fa"} +{"input": "t? f ?rer????????? h ha h?alfal??fof?? c crc?reare????ese?s.s????in???tht??t t It I I??am am?????? c?ofofff?ee???rir????r ???eseseese e ke ?????s s?????r r ar ??????????ngn?e ??frofr??? te t????????lol??????tot????????? t?????????el??l bl ???t it ?t't?s ??halha????????amoam????t ot ?? c? cup cupsps ps a an a????lml??st????????ameam?e pe ???ce????uyuy y? fr f?om???mam??????????,B,???5K5K4K?Q1Q??????D4D?????FBF??DFDF,F????nDn?DenDe???\"D?????????,0,0,0???4,4????787???60600??????bab?d ?fo?r r t?he?????iceic??????lil?????o o? br bre???? k ????? c??cocoaoa ????? m ???co??ffeff?????for for a??ni?ce???oc????. . ?ThThiTh?is is d?ararkr???????lal??????lavla??? i ??is qis quq?it???????? e ?espes????alallal???????d ????? D DoDououboublblel?????ckc??DiDiaiamiamo??nd nd c co????e.e?. ?Th?ou????no?????the the?????y by ????", "output": "t free half & half for creaminess. Being that I am not a coffee drinker these k cups offer a nice change from tea. The local stores sell this as well but it's half the amount of cups and almost the same price. Buy from Amazon.\n3326,B005K4Q1VI,ALD467ZEFBPDF,\"DenDen \"\"Dennis\"\"\",0,0,4,1327881600,Not bad for the price!,\"I like to brew a k-cup cocoa into my coffee for a nice mocha. This dark chocolate flavor is quite nice, especially mixed with Double Black Diamond coffee. Though not the very best,"} +{"input": "??????s s???????ana????heh? p ?rir??e ?isi??ririgri????????pap??eded d td ?? o oto???r r??rar?andan?s.s?\"\"3333????B0B???K4K?????,A,ANANTN?A6A6B6?????????sas?????esesms?umu????,0,,0?1,1,1???????606??,N,????Y,Y????????? a am a????????g g????trt????lolot?? of o????? t th thihinhi?????? t???ugugh??t tt ???t ?I ????ldld ?bub???th?is??????ucuctc??? A ??nd nd???incincece ce Ice ???o o lo ?liklikeke ??ot????co?a,a, , I, ?I bI ?????ght ght 2 2 2 b bo b??eses.es???WOW??ST?????ing??? I c I co???????veve ??dondone?..?.. T.. ?hi?s s is is???lal??and,and????th??ve???????tlt?e ?????ou????ItIt ?alalsl????hasha???????????y tey t???uru????eae???? the the e be ?botbo????? of? t? the??mu???Personally I will not buy this product again. I will stay with swiss miss or another hot cocoa br"} +{"input": "???d d?fof?? t ?hehe e K KeK???????????\"\"??323??????5K5?4Q4????,A,??YLY?KQKQJQ??GJGJ8J?R8R8585,5?????rar???????,0??3,3,1,?32??797??202?00,00?GrG?ovo?e ??????????? C ??cocoao?,D,??ese???ot?????ve ve a ? r ???? c ch?ococooc?lal???????vov??. .???sts?teste???????????waw??ere???. N. ?ot?ot sot ??ureur??????? m ?aka???? a a g a grgrereareat?? co coc?ocoaoco?a ba bub??????s s is ??????ot iot itit.it??33332??????5K???????ABA????????PDPDEDEEEE,E,M,??????sos??,0??0,??,1,13,1??3277327???????PlP?????d ?wiw?ithith h ih ??????st????????ececec??t,t, t,?? a l a li???????sugsugagararyar?, , b bu??????????rea????ot????wi??????????hahapha????????????is is pis ??????t.t????????? be be e be bubuybuyiy??g g tg ????????du??? a??????. P. ????agagig??? i ???terte?resreststistin??, ????it??s ????giagi?????oxo?? fo f?? t? the th??pr??du??t ??o ?fl??????aroar", "output": "and for the Keurig K-Cup\"\n3328,B005K4Q1VI,A2YLKQJOGJ8R85,Pinkrabbit,0,0,3,1327795200,Grove Square Hot Cocoa,Does not have a rich chocolate flavor. Tastes a little watery. Not sure who a makes a great cocoa but this is not it.\n3329,B005K4Q1VI,ABR831QWGPDEE,M. Dodson,0,0,4,1327795200,Pleased with it,\"Taste was decent, a little sugary, but very creamy otherwise. Very happy with this product. I will be buying this product again. Packaging interesting, as it's a giant box for the product to float aro"} +{"input": "?unundn???????titili?? it i????lil???rsr???? y ??????ouousousese.e.\".?3?33??,B,B0B000050???????,A,?323??Q1AQ1?494????F8F??????hah???????????????0,50,?,1,?32???080888??????ovoveve ve?????areare e H HoH?t ?ChCho??ololal??e ?????????ese?t.t?,\",?GrGroGr?oveove ??SquSqua?rer?????t C??hoc?ololaolat?????????????st st K ??cuc?p p??????choch??colcolalatlatete.te. .???re???d md mam?????eve??ewewsw??bebefbe?orore???makma?in?????is? p ??urcur???????anandan?d nd ?owow w I I I? ag a?rereeree,e??anandand and????l l cl ??ntn?tinti??e ???? bu b???th???????and???3333????,B0,B??5K???1V1VI1V???????????RMR???4,4,\"??mym??B B \" ??Am?yBy?\"\"???,0,,0??,0,4,0,?4,14,13?272?????0000,00,G00,GrGreGr?????????????colacol???????? re?????????e pe ?rir?????y ????ds ds h ha h?ve?ve bve bebeebeenen ??begbeggg???????????????ocooc???k-k???????????hehenhe???I fI fo??undund ?th???????o ro ???so??????", "output": "und in until it delivers to your house.\"\n3330,B005K4Q1VI,A32Q1A49UMZF8Z,Michael Edwards,0,0,5,1327708800,Grove Square Hot Chocolate is the best.,\"Grove Square Hot Chocolate is the best K-cup hot chocolate. I read many reviews before making this purchase, and now I agree, and will continue to buy this brand.\"\n3331,B005K4Q1VI,A1YDGQVKRRM1E4,\"Amy B \"\"AmyB\"\"\",0,0,4,1327449600,Great hot chocolate and reasonable price,My kids have been begging for hot cocoa k-cups and when I found these so reasonably "} +{"input": "p???ceceded d????????dedded ?tot??gigivi???tht?eme? a ? t??y.y????e ?????lolovo????d thd t?hemhe??????2,2?B0B??5K5?????I,I?A2A??IQI?8J8J4J474?????1,1???izizaz??????0,0??,2,????272?444???0000,00?\"T\"????ese? \" \"\"\"\"o\"????\"\"\"\"\"?,\",\"T,\"?hih?????astas?testes ??likli?e ?iti??hah?????tit?????alal al s ???et????????? it i??ana?d ????esnes??t t tt ?tasta????ve?ry????ocococ?lal??teytey.??Th???nan?mem??brb?anandan?????coaco?????psp??ara????et????? o ?r ?juj??? d??mpm????? a a???gug????r cr cococ?oao????ckcke?t t it ??????up?? an andnd nd? ru r?nnn?in?ing ing t??he he w ?at??er er?? thr throrouo???? in i??? i? it it? is i?s bs ?betbetttte????3??33333??,B0,B??5K5K45K??????A1A????????313??T6T??LeL???StS??raira????,0,0,0,?0,40,??13?272742744????00,00,P00,?epe???????t ?t ist i?s os ?ourou????vov???iteit?,\"?????? thr??ee ee tee ?tas??tes? r ri r????????????colco??????non???ch????? a?t ??ll???", "output": "priced I decided to give them a try. We all loved them.\n3332,B005K4Q1VI,A22IQ8J47JT0D1,Elizabeth,0,0,2,1327449600,\"Tastes \"\"off\"\"\",\"This tastes like it has artificial sweetener in it and doesn't taste very chocolatey. The name brand cocoa Kkups are better, or just dumping a regular cocoa packet in a cup and running the water through into it is better.\"\n3333,B005K4Q1VI,A19N2TU4D31BT6,Lee Strain,0,0,4,1327449600,Peppermint is our favorite,\"All three tastes rich and chocolaty, not chalky at all. W"} +{"input": "e? w ??rer????????ses?d d??owo??gog??d d td ????????, ,?beb???erer er?ththath??????????er??K-K??upu? c ?ococo????e'e????trt??eded.ed??333333334334,4?????K4K?Q1Q1V1?????CTC?????787??PIP??,B,Bo,Boyo???8080,0,0,??????131323???????00,00,H,HoH???ribri???,\",????????????nanasa??y!y??? T ThThihis????????asastaste???lilikikek??cac?????ar??, , v, ????y wy ?atatetertereredre?d dd ??ownown ??andan???? f ??lavlavov?or or t?o ?it???t ??????????????????oio????????33333353?,B??00500?5K45K???????1I1?NQN???F0F??H8H??????roro2o????????????????yoyouou\"u\"\"?????????????36?32320?0,??esestes???? cu c????ot??????????ThiTh????rar??and and? is i?s bs byb????????????est? K ?K cK cu?p p hp ?hotho????co????notnot ??thathattha????????aya???mum??h,h??bub?????????ththith??????? and an?d l?esesses?s ds di?sgs????in?g g t th??an an t??e e re re??st.st????????,B0??", "output": "e were surprised how good they are, better than any other K-cup cocoa we've tried.\"\n3334,B005K4Q1VI,A2CTJIFF789PIO,Boyer80,0,0,1,1327363200,Horrible,\"Just plain nasty!!! This item tasted like cardboard, very watered down and no flavor to it at all. Very disappointed\"\n3335,B005K4Q1VI,A1INQFWF0KH8LS,\"jro2020 \"\"James to you\"\"\",0,0,5,1327363200,Best K cup hot cocoa,\"This brand is by far the best K cup hot cocoa not that that says much, but it is thicker and less disgusting than the rest.\"\n3336,B005"} +{"input": "K?4Q4Q1Q???,A,?3N3???FGFGXG?8C8CCC??????? M MiM?lel????????ileil?esoes??eme?milmi??ioi???????????,1,131??727???808?0,??????ooo???,\"T,\"????????nnn??, ??ndn? t ??? f ?aka????mil?? p pop?wdw?????ses?d d td ?? a ?dddd ??\"\"c\"\"??eae???ne????? h ???s as ?an an???f f? fl flal?vov?????ete??er????? e ????ingin???ououru??????????mumugug.g??3333?33733???0000500???Q1Q1VQ1??,A???YKY??UPU????GBG???????ke ke G ?? \"\" \"???keke ??\"\"??????0,50,???32?????404????rereare?????astas?tinti?g!g?????reatreat ????ueu?,Y,?ouou ou???an'an??t bt ????? th t?hishis s ds ?deade?al!al??3 3 B ??xexes?????161??K-K?CuC?????????litli?ttltt?le le m???e ????n n?????. N. ?????thetherthe????torto?re re c?anan ?eve?????at??? t???at at p pr p?ic?e ??forfo?????????coc?la?te????-Cu-Cup?s.s?. Y. ????????mam?allal?y y? go goio??? t??o bo ?? p?aya??ing?????ounou?nd nd??121?-$-?????????16 ??K-cK-cuc?????", "output": "K4Q1VI,A3N4FFGX8CCHL,\"M. Miles \"\"smilesonemillion\"\"\",0,0,2,1327276800,Not good,\"Thin, runny, and the fake milk powder used to add \"\"creaminess\"\" has an off flavor. Better off eating your ceramic mug.\"\n3337,B005K4Q1VI,A1CYKFUPE5ZGBA,\"Mike G \"\"Mike G\"\"\",0,0,5,1327190400,Great Tasting! Great Value,You can't beat this deal! 3 Boxes of 16 K-Cups for little more then $20. No other store can even match that price for Hot Chocolate K-Cups. Your normally going to be paying around $12-$16 for 16 K-cups al"} +{"input": "??nen?????isi? p pap?ckc?????gigivivev???????? K K-K????????r r?? g???????????e.
The Hot Chocolate itself is great tasting and can be used on mostly all settings for the B70 except for the travel mug. Low in calories and great tasting. Defiantly a must have if you own a Keurig brewing system!\n3338,B005K4Q1VI,A2BBFUVBU808RI,Jennifer Bowens,0,0,4,1327190400,Tasty,Not too sweet. The best K-cup hot chocolate I've tried thus far. The kids loved drinking and making the hot chocolate.\n3339,B005K4Q1VI,AW4RC5QJTVF7N,"} +{"input": "???tht?????????ele???,0,0,0???????272???40400000????sts? H ?otot ?CoC???????ror?veve e????ararere e ie ?s s t th???bebesestest ?k-k???????????cocoaco????ve? t tr t??ede??? A AnAndn?? I' I?'ve'v??????????nunumumbm????ofo????????he????rar????. . . ?ThT??? t?????es es?li?????\"r\"??ala???? co c???oa oa?????ed ted ?? t? tas tast???. A. An?d ????yoy????ddd???a la ?litli?????mimili????t't's'????venve?n bn ??ttttett??. ???t'st'?s ss ?o ????t ft ?ro??????e Ke ?????? t th???? th the the the? mi m?ilkil?k hk he???s ??cooco??? it i???owo?n ???ywywawaya??????f yof y?????ooookokik???????????rea??l cl chcho?co??atateat?-l-???flf?lavla??or or???veve ?????????trytr?y.\"y.\"\"3??4040,40,B?00??K4K????????4S4??YIY????????JuJus??t Mt MeM????0,0,10,?????707?17176760600????al??? A???ulul,l?,\"I,\"?????'t't t et ??pep??t t gt grg???t t ht ??hot hot????hocohoc??atate???ro?????????????utu?", "output": "Kathleen F Celli,0,0,5,1327104000,Best Hot Cocoa,\"Grove Square is the best k-cup hot cocoa I've tried. And I've tried a number of the other brands. This tastes like \"\"real\"\" cocoa used to taste. And if you add a little milk it's even better. It's so hot from the Keurig that the milk helps cool it down anyway. If your looking for a real chocolate-ly flavor give this a try.\"\n3340,B005K4Q1VI,AS4S1YINFKPRP,Just Me,0,0,1,1327017600,Really Awful,\"I don't expect great hot chocolate from a k-cup, but "} +{"input": "??? s shs????d d??????asa????as??? l ?????????e'e?? s so somo???coc??????????. .?????n'n't'??bebele???????????adad ??????ststustufufff??ta???ese?????trtrir?ede?d id ???3 3? ti t?????????????n ?th??rewre????e ????? a aw a??????333343?????050??4Q4?1V1?I,I??V2V2M2?????I8I??????????????????????707010?????,B???t ?????????????????r r???CuC?psps,?\"B\"BeB?est??ho????ho??????? a?vav????blb?? f ????????upsup?s. s. B Be??????????, a, ????r ?ta???e.e???re?atat at i??n an ??y y s si s?zez?e we ???? b?re?????. H. HiH???lyly ????comco????? o ???r r ar an?? o ot o???r ?co?compcompap?anyany.any?.\".\"?333??????????????I,AI,A1A?H4H4I4IVI????WWWWBWBLB??????ileil????adcad?????,0?????,1?????1717617??0,???odo??????or? a?????ono?t ????????hehe he?????????????? fe fewew ???t t C??ocooc?a ???ava", "output": "it should at least taste like there's some cocoa in it. I can't believe how bad this stuff tastes. I tried it 3 times, and then threw the rest away.\"\n3341,B005K4Q1VI,AV2MMKAUI8QBC,MFowles,0,0,5,1327017600,Best Hot Chocolate for K-Cups,\"Best hot chocolate available for K-cups. Best taste, after taste. Great in any size when brewed. Highly recommend over any other company.\"\n3342,B005K4Q1VI,A1H4IVXNXWWBLV,chileheadcraig,0,0,4,1327017600,Good flavor and wont break the bank,\"Of the few Hot Cocoa flav"} +{"input": "??????e'e????trt??eded,d?? th t????is??? the the ?beb?????? f ?ara????ItI????s s ts ththeh?e re ??chche???????vov???ana?? I??????t nt ??tit??e ???????ti??iciciic??l l????tet??e the tha??t ot ?othot??rsrs rs??havha????????nt??? o on??. . ????????so so v ??ryry y? af a?fof?ordor?abablb?e ??comcompmpap????????ot??ere??k-k?cucupu????rigrighg?t ?t not n?w.w??. I. ??????gh????thath??t t???? k- k??up??mam??ini????????????usu?st ???????ot????????e ??xpxpep??sis?ve?????? t th????lasla???yey????????????????no??w tw ????y ay ar?are are? tr trur??lyl??st?????????t t t?o ???? si s?incin?ce ce t????e ??rer??st?????rereare??on????le le p?????ed.ed.\".?????????050??????I,I??2J2??????THT??????S.S. . S. ?????or,or????,5,5,5,1,??272??171????,F,?????ITI????HOTHO??COC???A!A??????s s is iss i?????he ahe ?absab?solsolul?uteut??e bee b??t ?t hot hotot ot???ocooc??", "output": "ors we've tried, this is the best so far. It has the richest flavor and I dont notice the artificial taste that others have commented on. Its also very affordable compared to other k-cups right now. I thought that the k-cup making process must have gotten more expensive over the last year, but now I know they are truely sticking it to us since these are still reasonable priced.\"\n3343,B005K4Q1VI,A2JNQP8PTHOTDF,S. Saylor,0,0,5,1327017600,FAVORITE HOT COCOA!,\"This is the absolute best hot cocoa "} +{"input": "?????ththeh? K ???rir?? B BrBrer?????? A ??? o ?? t??he he? ot o???? H ?otot t C ??coc?a'a???? tha th???????ava?e ??ri??d d???????d td tot???\"d\"?ococtoc?torto??\"\" \"\" t??o mo mam????e the t??m m t ta tasa????gog??d.d?????????? to to??ddd?d md ??oreor?e ce co???? a an a??????????gag??. ??? wa wasas as????????mumucu?? m???iningn???y y oy ??????cocococoa?????????ded???????????????pop???e oe ?? t???????????? Bu Butu??????GrG??????quq????????????coacoa coa????????ot ot????ed ed aed ???y hy hehelhelpl??. I. In. In ?my?????iniinioionon,n, ??t t ht ??s ????st st? th???ri?ghg???????????of ?????oror!or??????444?,B,?000?5K5?????I,I???NAN???DGDGMGM2M??PUPU,U????mymy,my??????,1,131????171?606???YuY??mymy,?\"O\"OhO?h sh sos????????ThThe???????t ct cucupup p?I ???had had whad ?????? t th?? the m the mem????um um s??tt???g.g??????as??totooto?????et??????I ??????", "output": "for the Keurig Brewers. All of the other Hot Cocoa's that we have tried we had to \"\"doctor\"\" to make them taste good. We had to add more cocoa and more sugar. I was pretty much making my own cocoa, which defeated the purpose of the brewer. But the Grove Square Hot Cocoa does not need any help. In my opinion, It has just the right amount of flavor!!\"\n3344,B005K4Q1VI,ADNABCDGM22PU,Tammy,0,0,5,1327017600,Yummy,\"Oh so good. The first cup I had was on the medium setting. It was too sweet. So I had my"} +{"input": "? s sesece??ndn??on????????rgrgeg??????titini?? a ?nd???????? p peper????t!t????isi???? a a a?crcrereae???????????cocolco?latlatet???AdA??d ad a a??itittit?lel???ili????nd???andan???hi???????????? a? and an??yoyouo?r ????t!!t!?!!??????????050?????????3V3??????QRQ??????? c??? l?ovovev???0,0,0??5,5,15,?323?????606??,Y,??mmm??? ho h?ot ot??hohoc???lat???\"I\"? w?as????it?e e pe ?????ede?d wd wid witithith h??e fe ?lalavlavov??r or ?? t th t??s ????dud?ctct.t?. A. ? g ?ooo????????????????non??ot oot ???erper????erieriningin??flflaflavavo?????RiR?ch??? cho ch?????te? f ???????. V. ???????lealeaslea????. ???????lyl?????comcomem???nd tnd ?thith??is pis ?propr??uc?t!??\"3\"33??6,6?????5K45K4Q???????ZBZ???WIWIQI?585848??K,K?,\"G,\"?????a a \"a ???apapp??01??\"\"?\",\",0?,0,0,0,?????????313???00,00,P00,??????y gy gogoogood? h?????hohoc??????,\",\"I,\"I'I?m m????in??? th", "output": " second on the larger setting and it was perfect! This is a creamy hot chocolate. Add a little milk and and whipped cream, and your set!!!!\"\n3345,B005K4Q1VI,A3V5HUXNQR5GOO,K cup lover,0,0,5,1327017600,Yummy hot chocolate,\"I was quite pleased with e flavor of this product. A good, strong, yet not overpowering flavor. Rich chocolate flavor. VERY pleasing. I highly recomend this product!\"\n3346,B005K4Q1VI,A1ZB1DWIQ584HK,\"Gloria \"\"tapp4010\"\"\",0,0,5,1326931200,Pretty good hot chocolate,\"I'm giving th"} +{"input": "???????dud?ctc? 5 ? s sts????s bs ?ece????? I I I?tht??nkn? i ?t ??????????????idi??ririn?? t?hah?? i?????s ms ?ada?? w ???? w??????? T ThT??e he ???t c?ho???lal?????s ??ese?? i?????? s?ha?keke ?ththeth?e ce ????ana?? t? the th?n n b brbre?w w???in????????ma??lel?????ososss?sibsiblb???????si?????????????waw????? l la??????upup up o ????????t chot choco??????? u us u???????cucup???. . I. ItI???t is t is???iri??? l lo l???in? c?ala???rieri?????????????ly?????au?se?????ifi????alal al???????eneener?s ?????nen?eceec?essessas???y ty tot??????????? the? the i the in??reredredid?en???????????? the l the ??ttt?????k-ck-cu????3??474????????Q1Q???,A,A3A?KXK?F5F5G5?0K0?NUN??WFW????????dedemde?manma???????,1,????848444484808??,S,?ho??ldl????vev???lislist??ene?d d td ?to ?ot???? b ba b?ad ad?re???iewie?s ?:(:(,(???wi?????I hI ??d ", "output": "is product 5 stars because I think it is great considering that it is made with water. The hot chocolate is best if you shake the cup and then brew using the smallest possible cup size. If you want a large cup of hot chocolate, use 2 k-cups. It is fairly low in calories, most likely because artificial sweeteners are necessary to get all the ingredients into the little k-cup.\"\n3347,B005K4Q1VI,A3KXF5G0KNUZWF,A. Hardeman,0,0,2,1326844800,Should have listened to other bad reviews :(,I wish I had "} +{"input": "l????ene??d d t ?? t??e e?oto??????ada??rereveviv??wsws.s???????ara?titifi???iaiala??????tetentenenerner ???ststest?e ie ??? aw a????. ? I I I??????twt?????ararsar? o????????auausu??????????banbandnd d dd ?oeo?snsn'n?t t????? t to t????nd?????I cI ??n'n'tn'???????? th????????en en?ifif if??????we?rere re??? ba bar??gaiga???3333????B0B????4Q4Q1Q???,A,A3A3U3????ELELDL?????W,W????FeFelellll,l,0,?,0?????323???585??????????BuB??,\",??et??terte?????????pep?ectec??d,d?? bu b????theth????????mi???t ft flflal??oror ????ksk??? m mi??t ??????l ol ?or or??as??????ThiTh?is is iis ?is ???gogoooodoo??pup??????se se?fof?or or tor ??? p ?ri?cec???3???9,9????5K?4Q?1V??I,AI,?2424S4???2727S7??AQA????,Ga,G????inin in N ???,0,,0,0,0,?0,10,???32???????0,?TaT??asteastes???likli????a da did???t pt ????????????oo???????rwr?ar????????dedeleliel?????? h ?????oco", "output": "listened to the other bad reviews. The artificial sweetener taste is awful. I gave two stars only because my husband doesn't seem to mind. I can't drink this- even if they were a bargain.\n3348,B005K4Q1VI,A3USZ8ELDN90TW,M. Fell,0,0,4,1326758400,Good Buy,\"Better than expected, but the peppermint flavor lacks a mint smell or taste. This is a good purchase for the price.\"\n3349,B005K4Q1VI,A24STD27S7AQVE,Gail in NY,0,0,1,1326758400,Tastes like a diet product,\"I looked forward to a delicious hot coc"} +{"input": "?????????waw??????y y?didisi????????????iti?h h??theth?????vov??? I ??t ht ??? a ??? aw a???l l a af aftfte???as???????????thethe the t ta t???e ????????t at ???erer er????inkin???g g? a a b?ada???diediet???odo????AlA??? k ?????ofo? w????, , e, eve??????n tn ??the ??mam????????upu?????tit?ing????333353????000?????1V1?I,I,A,????PXPXDX?2A2??????,S,????????e,e???0,???131????727????0,N0,NoN??t gt ?????,\",\"S\"?? b? bad bad,d??? r ?et??rnr?ed? i ??. . M. ?y y cy ????????n dn ??dnd??t ?????n ln ???? i it i?, , a, ?andand ???theythe?y ay ??? n ???????fif????t ?toto ?pl?ea?????heh?en en i it? c coc??????o o so ?wew????dr?????s os ?????oodoo??.\".\"??35???B0B00B0????Q1Q1VQ1???,A2,A2G2?9J9??0E0??0J0JVJ?VIAVI???JaJaca???E.E??StS??ududed?????re re Jre ?r.???\"R\"RaR??en?????re?ad??er\"er???,0??????,13,1??6666766??00000000,000,C,?hohococo???te??heheahe??avenave?!,!,\"!,?", "output": "oa, but was very disappointed with the flavor. It has an awful aftertaste, like the taste you get after drinking a bad diet soda. Also kind of weak, even on the smallest cup setting.\"\n3350,B005K4Q1VI,A3BSPXD2A2UQ2T,Simply Me,0,0,1,1326672000,Not good!,\"So bad, I returned it. My children didn't even like it, and they are not difficult to please when it comes to sweet drinks or food.\"\n3351,B005K4Q1VI,A2G9JJ0EI0JVIA,\"Jack E. Stoudenmire Jr. \"\"Ravenous reader\"\"\",0,0,5,1326672000,Chocolate heaven!,\"K"} +{"input": "C?????ara??? a a?gogodo???ndn???????g g??????? t ???se?? ar arere re n nen?ar? t th t????????brbr r?????????ThT??he Khe ????igi???brebr?????????????????????oto????vev??agageg????????coc?ondon??, ??mosmo?tltlyl?????fef??; ; b; ???t tt ?thether?e ?????grgre?ata??? a??????????????ng? t??e e ce cocof?fefeefe?es,es, ???nd ???, , i, iti?t st se?eme????, am, a???g ???? h ?hotho??co?????.<>
The Keurig brewer is a blessing, hot beverages in seconds, mostly coffee; but there are greater and lesses among the coffees, and so, it seems, among the hot cocoas.

This is so rich and vibrant, it announces itself from two rooms away. Silky, smooth, bursting with all the things chocolate is supposed to deliver, it's a must-have in this household.\"\n3352,B005K4Q1VI,A1WLPEM7Z6LM35,\"Gabriela C. Zakak \"\"Gab\"\"\",0,0,5,1326"} +{"input": "?????00?,A,AwA?esesosomo??!,!?\"T\"?????isis is t tht??????? h ???t ct ??????????veve ?trtririei?d d???r r???????uru??g.g?..?? R ????, ,??choch??olo?????flf?lavlavov??????usu??ed ed t??e ??ozo? s ?setse?titini??? a ?????t ????????waw?ateat????. . ? If I??yoyouo?????????t t ct cot c?oco?a,a, ??????theth?????ve????????????a Ka ?-c-??p,p??th??????is tis ??? o ono??e t?o o??ete??\"\"???535??B0B0000500??????I,I,A,AC,A??JIJ??ZGZ???YPY?R,R,B,Be,B????ypy?ror????,0,,0???131?????20???00,F00,?unu?nyn????sts?te?te??I I bI ?ouougoughghth??th??s ????r mr ?y y dy dad??gh??terter ?anandand and??raranand??sonson.n?. T. ????????th th? tr t?rieri??ed ied it? a at a??did??fef?ereerene????imi???s as anand????????otothot???aia?d ?????ada?d ad a ???????? tas ta?stest????and ???????????rinri????t.t. ??????foforforefor???????? n ???? bu b??y iy itit it ait aga?aiainai??3333????,B0,B??????Q1VQ1VIVI,VI????VRV?M3M?", "output": "672000,Awesome!,\"This is the best hot cocoa I have tried for the Keurig.... Rich, chocolate flavor (I used the 6oz setting) and it is not watery. If you like hot cocoa, and the convenience of a K-cup, this is the one to get!\"\n3353,B005K4Q1VI,ACOJICZG9EYPR,Beautypro,0,0,2,1326672000,Funny taste?,I bought this for my daughter and grandson. They both tried it at different times and they both said it had a funny taste and did not drink it. Therefore I will not buy it again.\n3354,B005K4Q1VI,A25VRM35"} +{"input": "????VMV??,s,?wiw?mmm?????????????????656?858565606???????????ala???????ene???? Y YUY???????????rt??ifiif?iciiciaici?al al?swswesw????ne???ruruiu??nedne???hihishi??fof???????.. ..???????????ththeth???aka????ugugag????asasts?? i ?? y yoyouo?r ?????th th? an andn??????usu?bab?nd?? w whwhoh???????s ?did?etet et?????, ?eveve???non??ticticec????????leale??t t it iti??wawas????????ce?y.y???333??5,5??0000500??????I,I??A1A1L1?8T8?????????NeN??ce,ce,0???0,50,?5,15,?13213?2652658??????YUYUMYU???GrG??????quq????????? C ChCho?coc?lal???te Cte ??co???k ????s ???? g grg?ea??????us????lyl??mam?akeak?e he ??t t ct ?coccococoa?????m m? sc s??????? wi w????mim???k ok ?oveov??? th t?he he??tot????. I. I ???ou????t tt ??????????easeasis???????d dd ?elelil?ici???????o ????d cd crcrecr?eamea??????s Is ???utu?t it int i?????????a a sa ??????h oh ??? mi m?", "output": "RYAVM3,swimmrchick,0,0,2,1326585600,Artificial Sweetener! YUCK!,\"The artificial sweetener ruined this for me... It leaves the fake sugar taste in your mouth and my husband, who drinks diet soda, even noticed. At least it wasn't pricey.\"\n3355,B005K4Q1VI,AA1L8TO0LAHX9,Nece,0,0,5,1326585600,YUM!,Grove Square Milk Chocolate Cocoa k cups are great! I usually make hot cocoa from scratch with milk over the stove. I thought this was easier and delicious. To add creaminess I put in either a splash of mil"} +{"input": "?k k????? s shs??t t o of o??whw?????d d?crc???m-m?-p-pe??????!!?333??6,6,B,B0B0000505K5??Q1Q1V1??????KFK?ZEZ??4C4C1C?EAE???????????,0,,0,5,?,1,?323????56??00,00,W,WeW??????ea???????? o????????tht????hotho?t ct ????????? m ??????????? f ?forfo??ChC???????s.s. . ????lol???? t ????flf??vov???an???is? a?blble???? m ma makakeke ?itit ????????owo???. . D ???ivi?verve?y ????? go g?odo??????????t ???n sn ?????ala?l dl ????s bs ???t st ???????in in??le?ntntyty y oy ?????mem??????????ststmst?masmas.? ?WoW???d d rd re?co?mmm?menmendnd nd t? to to a an a?yoyon???\"\"????7,7,B,B0,B?????????I,AI,A3A383?UOU??PAPAMA???SGS??,C,CoC??fe?????oveov?er,er,0???0,30,3,3,1????65865?85685??00,????????lavla?vorvo?????????lav?or?????????is ?co?combcom??. ???ot ot????allallyl??ststrst?onongon? b ????????illil?l jl ??st? s se s?????the the?? mac ma??hinhi?e ???on lon le??????teter", "output": "k or a shot of whipped cream--perfect!\n3356,B005K4Q1VI,A16KFZE04C1EAK,Joyce,0,0,5,1326585600,Well pleased.,\"I ordered the hot cocoa for my grandson for Christmas. He loves the flavor and is able to make it on his own. Delivery was good, I had it in several days but still in plenty of time for Christmas. Would recommend to anyone.\"\n3357,B005K4Q1VI,A38UOPPAMYASG4,Coffee Lover,0,0,3,1326585600,Good Flavor,Good flavors in this combo. Not really strong but I will just set the machine on less water"} +{"input": " ????????mem?..??353?8,8?B0B000050?????VIV?,A,A1A?????5D5???WMW??Z,Z??ara?y y b beb??,0,????????262??999929?????grg????????dud?ctc????gregr????t prt p?ici????????rmr??ntnt t it ?????tst???????????ovoveve e t???is is b?rar?andan?. .????????ri??? w wiw??h h s ??ve? a ???? su s???crc?ribri?be.be??????ususbs????and land ????s ?th?eme????opo? w wi w??????????d d?cr?????inin in a? c?????nd??I I???aveav?e ae ? h???ppyppy y my ma????????????ou???ou????bubuyuy ?ala??? pe p?epeepere????t t ct ?oco?????33??9,9??????4Q4Q14Q??????0X0?P0???J7J7F7F2F????ADA???? \" ?\"A\"??bs\"bs??\",?0,??0,40,?????64????0000,?Gr?????????e e te ??the the??????e fe ?amamimilmi???lo???????GreGreaGre???????ste ste????????es es???t ??havha???th???????????halha????y afy a???? t ta???????????othotheh?er ????????oaoa a ka ?-c-??????havhavehav??? I?????ve tave tas", "output": " next time.\n3358,B005K4Q1VI,A1PS9E5DS2WMRZ,mary bee,0,0,5,1326499200,\"great product, great price, pepermint is outstanding\",Love this brand. Great price with save and subscribe. My husband loves them. Top with whipped cream in a can and I have a happy man. I wish you could buy all pepermint cocoa.\n3359,B005K4Q1VI,AP0XP06HJ7F2X,\"ADYER \"\"Abs\"\"\",0,0,4,1326412800,Great taste the whole family loves,\"Great taste and does not have the weird chalky after taste that other hot cocoa k-cups have. I've tas"} +{"input": "t??d d s ?eve?ere?ala? a ana???ththih?s s??y y??????is is????? be b?????????, ,???? I ??hah?veve ve??o o????y ay ??ytyth?ini?g g?????erer er??ha?? 8 ??? t????teste?s as ???iti?t wt ????teretered??dodowownwn.n. .??WiW??l ????in????????ururcrchc???se se?momororer?? b bu?t t at ???? the th?e re ???? m???fafamfa????????wnswn?????sese,se??????arear??prp???abablbly???oio??g ?toto o so ??????????? the the p ??owdow???redre???????oco??a ?toto to???? mo m??e ???????effef???titiviveve.ve??????0,0??0000505K5K4K?Q1Q??I,I?A1A??9K9???GSGS5S?B2B????TaT?mam??????okok,k,0,??0,??????????808??,h,?????oc?????I oI ??????ed ???????????chchrch?isististmtma????prepr??sense????????????ugughg??ter?? an a????????n n ln ?lawlaw.w. ?HeHe ?trtri??ed ??it it???????? a af aftf??ter ????risrist???? a????gag?????it ???? thu th?mbmbsb?s us ??????36136???00?5K??4Q14Q????A3A3F3???4Z4?ANANEN", "output": "ted several and this by far is the better one, but I have to say anything larger than 8oz tastes a bit watered down. Will definitely purchase more, but at the rate my family downs these, we are probably going to stick to the powdered hot cocoa to be more cost effective.\"\n3360,B005K4Q1VI,A169K06GS5B2IN,Tamara Hook,0,0,5,1326412800,hot cocoa,I ordered this as a christmas present for my Daughter and Son in law. He tried it the day after Christmas and gave it 2 thumbs up.\n3361,B005K4Q1VI,A3FVY4ZANE"} +{"input": "?3F3???,S,?. .?HaH?????????,1,????32?646404??0,V0,???? g ?ooo????oto?????????tet?,\",?I I b ????hth?t at a a????????GrG??vev???quq????e He ??ot ot??ococooc????ece?aua??e ??I lI ?????tht?eie???????ucuccccic??????renre?chch h V VaV???lllla?. . . ????useus?d d td ????????umu? c ?????setse??in???anandan???ddd?ed? s????????ppppepp?????reare?m.m????t ?waw?as as??????e ?foforo????Ve?ry? y ??ummum????????lml?oso?t t a??????d ????ho?mememme??????. I. I I nI nen??verve??no????ed???an an???tetertertr???te??lil?keke ???he??r rr re???iewie?s,??????itit it??ououlou?d ?be????ecaecau???? of o?f tf ???????? W ?hihiphip p Ip ????de?d ?d tod to o io ????. I??hi??????re??comcommm?menme?d ?it?it.\"it.\"\"????2,???????????,A,???????????OXOX5X?????in?? R. R?. D. ???an?????0,50,5,??13213??????????????? Ci Cit?y y Hy ???????oco???te???y ??ififef????", "output": "3F02,S. Haas,0,0,5,1326326400,Very good Hot Chocolate,\"I bought a box of Grove Square Hot Cocoa because I love their Cappuccino French Vanilla. I used the medium cup setting and added some whipped cream...it was to die for. Very yummy and almost as good as homemade. I never noticed an aftertaste like other reviews, but it could be because of the Redi Whip I added to it. I highly recommend it.\"\n3362,B005K4Q1VI,A3LRTE7SUBEOX5,Kevin R. Dinan,0,0,5,1326326400,Grove City Hot Chocolate,My wife rat"} +{"input": "?ese??????s s ???????rsrs.s? S??? i ??? th t????hoh?coc??holho?????n n t???e fe ?amamimili???ana??? if if f y ?ouou u??lel?????HEHERER.R.....?yo???plpleplea??se se?eve??ryr??odo??y .y ??????,B,??050???Q1Q??I,I?A3A3I3???XAX????2A2???,C,????lele le??R. R. N ?APAPOP??????0,?5,5?131?262636326326?????????? an a?nd nd? ta tas?tyt?????ovo?ve ve?????flflal???? t? tha th???? thi this?is his ??t ?ch????????e he ??????ItIt ?is??ve?ry??rir???? an????momoo?th?. . ??av?e ????eded ????er???rar?andan????utu???idi??non????ete??th?the the r re r??ulu?tst?s Is I I wI ????ed?????I w?ilillil???efe?????atelate?? b??e oe or???????? fr f??? t th????co??pap?anyan??agagagaia?in.in.?????,B??00500?????1VI1V?I,AI,?1C1CYC?KFKFUF??E5E5Z5?GBGBABA,A,\",\"M\"???e ????\"M\"Mi\"M???e Ge G\"e G???????,0,5,0,???13213??????00000?????????DeD?ealea?, ,???ea?? C CoC??ocoaoco?????????? b br braranrand????? K ?????????ch", "output": "es this 5 Stars. SHe is the chocoholic in the family and if you please HER...you please everybody .\n3363,B005K4Q1VI,A3IGJXAAJN2A9V,Carole R. NAPOLI,0,0,5,1326326400,good and tasty,I love the flavor that this hot chocolate has. It is very rich and smooth. Have tried other brands but did not get the results I wanted. I will definately be ordering from this company again.\n3364,B005K4Q1VI,A1CYKFUPE5ZGBA,\"Mike G \"\"Mike G\"\"\",0,0,5,1326240000,\"Great Deal, Great Cocoa!\",\"Got a brand new Keurig mach"} +{"input": "???? f fof??????isists?????anandn????????ata?ele?????ntnt t?tot?? wo w?????inindin???? t?????he????st? a?????????????????K-K????s ??? t th???mamarma?kek?t.t. .?I I c cac??????ror???????is is?????n sn ?eae??????????or or?sos??me ???odo??HoH??t Ct ????a a?? and and d ad ?? a am a????????t ht ?owo???manmanyny y Ky ???????????rereaealea?ly????????t ??? t? thi th????484????K-CuK-C???s fs ??r r ar aba??out?????? wh?en?? I I?pupururc??????ed wed ?asas as? a a???????ded?eal? w? whe??n mn ???t ??HotHo?t C?ho???lal??e ?????eses es? we w?????? K K- K?-Cu-C??ups ups?? for fo?r $r ?151?????.<.
This is a great deal and you get to try out Peppermint, Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate. It's light on calories and most important of all taste "} +{"input": "???????
Must have if your a Hot Chocolate lover or have family that wants a easy to make, great tasting Hot Chocolate for less!\"\n3365,B005K4Q1VI,A1R2TSX18WRFE3,bjbek,0,0,5,1326240000,Great!!!,\"Fantastic cocoa. All the flavors are excellent but my personal favorite is the dark chocolate. I received my Keurig as a Christmas present and I am loving cocoa at the end of the work day...no mixing, no microwave and positively no pot on the stove...just warm, chocolatey goodness on demand. Wi"} +{"input": "lllll l??rdrded?????isi? p ?ror???ctc??aga???????363?6,6?B0B?0505K5???????AJA??QHQ?????????,\",??? T ?????th????s \"s ??StS??rfr?uru??zezete??\"\"?\",\",0,?????,1,????2424024?00000???,Be,B?sts???tasta???ingin???oco??a a???cucupu? a?vavai?lal??lel????ftf?????????????nyny y??f f????? ot oththetherthe??hoh??t ct ??cocoa?? k- k??up? o??tit?ono??, , I ???inindind d t th tha th?at at?? the th??GrG???e ???uau??e ???od????t t??st?????? the the?????. . . F ??????????sos??ala???tastasttas?te,te?????finfi??????????????ing ???? th the the ??ede?iui????up??sis???????ti?ngn??crc????es???the? b??est? t??astas??. . . J. ??st???dddd ?????atuatur?e ??????????owows???nd??iti???????????t ??rerea??. ?. H. ?owoweoweve???, , t, ??is?????????ho??t ct cht c?????latla?????hi?????????be be a?????? o of off of????????????????rsrs.rs?\"?3333633????0000500", "output": "ll order this product again\"\n3366,B005K4Q1VI,AJ5QH3PR24L2L,\"J. T. Mathews \"\"Starfuryzeta\"\"\",0,0,4,1326240000,Best tasting cocoa k-cup available,\"After trying many of the other hot cocoa k-cup options, I find that the Grove Square product tastes the best. For my personal taste, I find that brewing on the medium cup size setting creates the best taste. Just add minature marshmellows and it is a great treat. However, this is not hot chocolate, which may be a turn off for some tasters.\"\n3367,B005"} +{"input": "?????VIV??????BJB?HPHPXPXIX??595??,S,??sas??????eyey,y????,5,5,5?131??616??363??0,????nalnalll?y y???gogoooodo????cuc?p p???t t??ho??olo???e!e???? h ha h?vev???ririei?d ???nun????????? k k c??up up??ot? c????colco?latla?teste?????d gd grg??????????e ?isis ??y y fy faf?ar ar???e ???sts?????? ???eryer??ninicicec????????????ese?ntn?t ht hah?aveave e te ??he he??nasnast?y ???tit?fificiciic??? s?wew?eteteet?nen???????????????a a la ?ot?ot oot of? t th????cu???ho??t ct ???hocohoc???ateat???? v ???y y iy imi????sss??????333?????00??K4??????,A3,A?0G0??P1P1I1??ZJZ??????. . T. ?hohomhomam???????5,??1321326??1531536????????d Cd ?ococoocoao????????? p ?pripr?iceic?????en?joj?y ?y a y a??googo?? c??p ????????Co????a oa ?n n???cac??ioi????an?d ?th?is???is is \"is ?\"g\"?goo??d sd ??ufu?f\"f\"\"???! ! ???ot ???ly?? th??? b ?utut ??? a??????e we ?????? pr p????", "output": "K4Q1VI,A34FBJHPXI559Z,Susanna Rey,0,0,5,1326153600,Finally a good k cup hot chocolate!,\"I have tried a number of k cup hot chocolates and grove square is by far the best yet! Very nice flavor, doesnt have the nasty artificial sweetener flavor like a lot of the kcup hot chocolates. very impressed!\"\n3368,B005K4Q1VI,A30GEP1I3ZJABG,J. Thoman,0,0,5,1326153600,Good Cocoa - GREAT price,\"I enjoy a good cup of Hot Cocoa on occasion, and this is \"\"good stuff\"\"!! Not only that but in a time where prices"} +{"input": "??????ouo????? c ???trt?olo?? on o? K ???upupsp?, ,??hihisi???????ctc?t it ?is is??????re??sos?onaon?blb?e ????pr?????????696???000??K4K?Q1Q?VIV?????8W8W4W494???JDJ?BZB??????????y,y?0,0,0??????262606060676????,G,GrG????????ou?????th?ese??e fe ??????y my mom?? a an andnd d????????vesves ??????ShS??????????ggg?non????itithit? t?he?he dhe ???????????????? S ?SheShe ??????????????????????mim??t ???nd???es es i ??? to t????333373????????????VI,VI?,A1,A?????1C1C7C????????ThT??mam????????ar?ezez z?\"\"\"??om????,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,??262602606?????00,G00,???????,\"I,\"??????ghtgh?t t??hishi???mosmo?tlt?y y by ??????? i i i??????d ??the????eppep????minmi?nt nt h ho????ococoocoao???bub?? i??fef?ellel???in ???ve????ith? t??e ??milmi????????colacol?????oneon?e. ????e e pe ??ppp??perm?inintint int???????????y gy ?oooodoo?d ad ?", "output": " are out of control on K-cups, this product is very reasonable in price.\"\n3369,B005K4Q1VI,A2V8W49S1JDBZN,Courtney,0,0,5,1326067200,Great,I bought these for my mom and she loves it. She mixed eggnog with the dark chocolate. She enjoyed melting pepermint candies in too.\n3370,B005K4Q1VI,A1SK9O1C7KOLMH,\"Thomas A. Juarez \"\"Tom\"\"\",0,0,5,1326067200,Great!,\"I bought this mostly because i wanted the peppermint hot cocoa, but i fell in love with the milk chocolate one. The peppermint was pretty good as"} +{"input": "? w ??lll?.......g..?oooodo? c ?????!!!??\"\"????????0505K5??Q1Q1V1??,A,A1A?????8R8?????A2A?,k,kak?tytyryroroao???ini????,0???1,11,131?252???080?80080?????babad??I I?hahadad ?????blb?e e g ?ivi??ingin??itit t a awawawayay!y???????????toto o fo ?in??d td thd t?e ?in??rer??????s s??????hih??s hs ??????co?coa coa? be b?????????ouo???t t it ???? bu b????????n'n?t ???ndn?????th???ing ing o ??lil?ineine.e??????s s os ou???????hashas ??nen?e oe ofo???????e me mim?????onongong ?ining????edieedi?nt? l??????, a, ????yeyete?????????idi?dn'dn?????elpel? t??e ??????????ala?????t ?t ist i???awfaw?????brbr r /r />/?
I had three boxes of the stuff sitting around for a month and couldn't find any takers. I finally got rid it of it at the Christmas White Elephant"} +{"input": "???ifi?t t???chchah??geg???t ???rkr?. .????utut ??t ??????????cec??coc???bob??k,k, ,????????asa??????rer?ala?? pr p??????????????apa?pep?d ?????????????tit?lyly.y???nfnfofor???nanatateat???, ??theth??bo??s ??endended?? u ??? wi w??????. ??I hI ???en?'t't ??askas?ed???????f f h hi?s ??ama??ilyil? e??jojoyoyey??????????usu?se se? I I?dodono?'t?? wa w????toto o p???? hi himi????? th t?he he?sps????. J. ???gi??ng ng b ?????the the????????????herhe??? ar arere re are ? l ??????????plp?e e we wh?o ???ke???t ?? h??????????????e wie w?????, to, t????MaM???? i? it it???ustus????????????on hon ??? y ???? t??astas??e b?ud???ara?re re tre ?????eded.ed. . M???e ?????w uw ??????? h??t ?chchoch??colco??ate? m mamadadede de o on on n????e se ?????????ith?????????cocco??????and and s??gagar??, a?nd??????be be abe a ??tinti??y py ???ch????f sf ??", "output": " gift exchange at work. I put it with a nice cookbook, which was the real present, and wrapped it real prettily. Unfortunately, the boss ended up with it. I haven't asked him if his family enjoyed it because I don't want to put him on the spot. Judging by the reviews, there are a lot of people who like it - hopefully, he will, too. Maybe it just depends on how your taste buds are trained. Mine grew up with hot chocolate made on the stove, with milk, cocoa and sugar, and maybe a tiny pinch of sal"} +{"input": "t????CoC??pap?rerede? t tot? t??ata?, ,????????ufu?????????s ls lil????? c ????icicac?? e ?????????????? / ?????r /r ??????aya???ininsn?????d od ?f ??ryr?????ono??????? the th?e o??????br???????? n ??? h ??????om??????? i ????? the the?mi?crcror???vev?, ?st???r ir ???a ???????e se ??ooo??fuf?????of ??????????s cs ???coacoa a aa anandand ??omomeome ome s su sugu??ar ar? to to o to tat???e.e. ??t t? ta tak ta?keske????????th??????in?utu?teste?s, s,??nd?????????li??????. . N. NoN????whw????e de ?idi??I ?pup?ut ut? th??ses???e mine minin?-m-?ararsar??ma????owsow????????,B,??????????????9E9???????????????e Be BoBororjr??,0,0,0??,5,?,1,????989808???0,0,T0,??????ititst??ththeth??e spe s????,\",\"S\"SoS????im??es,es?, I?????at??????avaveav?e ce ??cocococ??a ia in?????d d o??????ffeff??e ae ???wow?orkor????????memeemeetets???y y?????coa coa???", "output": "t. Compared to that, this stuff tastes like a chemical experiment.

Anyway, instead of trying one of the other brands, I now heat some milk in the microwave, stir in a couple spoonfuls of Hershey's cocoa and some sugar to taste. It takes about three minutes, and it's delicious. Now, where did I put those mini-marshmallows?\"\n3372,B005K4Q1VI,A189ECG9L1QRPE,Dale Borja,0,0,5,1325980800,This hits the spot!,\"Sometimes, I'd rather have cocoa instead of coffee at work. This meets my cocoa cra"} +{"input": "vviv??g.g? I I I?dod????????ede??tot?o ao ???d sd ?ugugag?r r??????????d ??ata?ere??ana????rer?????333?737?,B,?000????????,A,AEAE0E0U0???MCM?P5P??RXRX,X,L,?aua????MoM?????,0,?,0?????323????808008000??YuYumu??y!y???EvE?ereryeryty?hihin?g g y ?????d w?anantan?????m m?a a Ha ??? C ?hoh?cocolco??????????amamy??????kyk??????stysty,? m ma m?kekeses s???ou ou h ?apa??????? I I????'t'?t wt ??iti???? t?ryr??????ot???? f ?la?????!\"!\"!\"333337????00??????1VI1VI,I,AI,?1U1U2U?OCO?5A5AGA?AYA?ERE???NaNaoaomomiom????,0,??0,50,?5,15,13????212161??00,??ele??cic?ou?s!??????havhave? t tr tri tr?ed????????brabr??dsd????? th the? h?????ho??????atesate??bub?t ?t tht thihishi???y y fy ??????? b ?ee?? t??e ?be?st?. ??????, i, ?i ri rerea???zeze e ie itit it?isis s ts ?thoth?????????ercer?enentn???checheae??er?er ter ???ju??????e e te th??? pa pac?kak??????u u c??an an???y ???? th???????", "output": "ving. I do not need to add sugar - just add water and brew!\"\n3373,B005K4Q1VI,AE0UBGMCP5WRX,Laura Monaco,0,0,5,1325808000,Yummy!,\"Everything you'd want from a Hot Chocolate...creamy, milky, tasty, makes you happy :) I can't wait to try the other flavors!\"\n3374,B005K4Q1VI,A1U2OC5AGAYERG,Naomi O,0,0,5,1325721600,delicious!,\"i have tried many brands of the hot chocolates but this by far has been the best. now, i realize it is thousand percent cheaper to just use the package you can buy at the store"} +{"input": "? a ?ndnd d??ddd??wawata?ere????? i ?? y yoy?u u??wanwa?t ??? i im impm???sss??tht?????hihisi???is is t????pr???ucuctct.t?\"\"????????050??4Q4?1V1????1M1M4M4I4IWI???????838???? A ?????ono??0,0?,0,,0????????353?202????xcx?ele????nt nt??????hohocococ?lal??e,e?\"H\"???ini?g g t?ririeiede????ll ll?????vav?????ie???ofo?f hf ?hotho?????????tete te?k-k?????????????SqS?????'s'?s as ar?? b?????ar ar t th??????????ThT????arare??ve??y y cy ?chochococooc???????ri??ch,ch, , c, crc?????? a??nd nd l ??av?e e ve ???????ttttlt?? s ????geg?e ie ????????ot?to????of of y yo y??????????YuY????..\"..??33?7676,6??00?5K?4Q4Q14Q?1VI1V?I,AI,??????IW??OIO??M,M?,A.,A. ?????,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,??32?????808??????est est???ot ot?????a a?EvE?????I I m ????????y Iy ?I wI ????plp??leaslea???ntlnt?y y sy ?uru???????. ?I ???????????k k c co??fef?????d ????asa???eae?", "output": " and add water but if you want to impress than this is the product.\"\n3375,B005K4Q1VI,A1M4IW1VQIMD83,K. Addison,0,0,5,1325635200,Excellent Hot Chocolate,\"Having tried all the varieties of hot chocolate k-cups, Grove Square's are by far the best. They are very chocolaty, rich, creamy, and leave very little sludge in the bottom of your cup. Yum...\"\n3376,B005K4Q1VI,AX5JN0IW5OIGM,A. MOHR,0,0,5,1325548800,Best Hot Cocoa Ever,\"I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I don't drink coffee and I was sear"} +{"input": "?????? f ????mom?oreor????????ocococolo?ata?ese? f?????y y??eue????? I ?????? M ???? C ChC?hocho?colco???te te??ana????utu?t wt ???? G ???????quq??rere e te ?????epeppp??rmrmim?????????ar?k ??ChoCh?ocooc???ateat?e ae ???e be ??y fy ??????? b?ete??????chochoichoici????????hah???????weweee????????I wI wawasasns???????????????????flf?lavla????isi?s gs ??reare??????????ono?????anantan???o o???harha???????? d dedefefifin?it???????or???ririnri?? m???ore.ore?\"\"3333373777??????K4K?????,A,??0V0VCV?CFC????343??L,L?LoLogogog?,0,0,0??,5,?,1,?????484?808???,BE,B??? H ???T CT ?OCOCOCOACOA A Y ?????????????? f?????thethe ???????hotho???cocco????? h????e fe foe f??ndnd nd y ??????r ???????eureu?????I I lI ??oveove ?e the t??????or???enentn?t a????th????????????? i is i??????????it????? w ????d ??????ththethesthe?e ?????", "output": "ching for more hot chocolates for my Keurig. I am a Milk Chocolate fan, but with Grove Square the Peppermint and Dark Chocolate are by far the better choice.Both have a sweetness I wasn't expecting. The flavor is great and I don't want to share. I am definitely reordering more.\"\n3377,B005K4Q1VI,A10VCCF3QS34YL,Logo,0,0,5,1325548800,BEST HOT COCOA YET,This is by far the best hot cocoa I have found yet for the Keurig. I love the assortment and the peppermint is my favorite. I would give these try f"} +{"input": "?????????????????rere re?lolooooko?iningn? f fof???????e he hoh?t t c ??????K-K??upupsp?????? t ?heh???????r sr ses????????s s f fo f?????????cocoacoa coa???ata?????havhavev???ririei?d d??ere?re ???sts?t ot ?okaok?? t?asa??ininging.g?????????re???MAMAZA???????! !?LOL??E E???EMEM!M??I ??????or???? t th the th??se ?fo?r ?r sur sur??e ae aga?aiainin!in???373????000??????VIV???????191?????0N0?,C,??memerme???,0,0,0?,0,,0?2,2????555545??808?????orror??blb?le le T?as??????I I jI ju??st st?gog???????ur??g g ag ?a fa ??? w we w?????ag?o o a?ndn?d wd ?ana??tedted d td ?o ??ete???????e hoe h?ot ????cocolco?at?????????t at ?? a?????te??nan??ivi????o ??????e.e???I ?did?dndn'n????hav?e ???pep??er her ???? e ????ctctactat???????bubutut t tt ?theth?esees??e are are??ababsb?????el?y ????ulu????ThTheTherereer?????? v ???y ?????ng? p ?la?st?sticstic/c???eme????????", "output": "or sure if you are looking for some hot cocoa K-cups. All the other selections for hot cocoa that I have tried were just okay tasting. These are AMAZING!!!! LOVE THEM! I will order these for sure again!\n3378,B005K4Q1VI,AM1A219XG2N0N,Cameron,0,0,2,1325548800,Horrible Taste!,\"I just got a Keurig a few weeks ago and wanted to get some hot chocolate for it as an alternative to coffee. I didn't have super high expectations, but these are absolutely awful. There is a very strong plastic/chemical tas"} +{"input": "t?? t tot?? th theh?sese ???????? ?I I?????? a ??l l???? th the th??? an a??d td ?ri??ed ed p ??ttt???? s sosomo??e me ?????in?? th????to? h he?lplp p???sksk ?tht?? c chche?mimicmi???? ta tasastastete te? an??????thith???g wg wiw?illil??????. . . T ThT??he ohe ?nln?????as??on on I I I g ?ava?e ???es???e k-e k??up???? s??ara???isi?s bs beb??cauca??se se?????oyo???rie??nd nd??????\"t\"totoltolel???????? th? them??????????on??t t t tr?????????be??????se hse ?he'he??ll ll?ea??t jt ????? ab abo??ut ?????thi???. ??InI?n hn ???s os opo?in????on ton ??theythe??ararear????no??t tt ???at at g go gooo???????????e we ???????????????k k tk thk t???mum??.<.F/>FrFror????hah?at ???veve ve r?eaeadea?d od of? o ot o??therthe??hoh?ot ot??hohocho???at?e ??e k-ce k-cu???????????????ete??????fff???????????ing? a?? re???la?????x x??????doidoin??ing iing iti????hathat ??????????9,9,B,B0B", "output": "te to these k-cups. I tried all of them and tried putting some milk in them to help mask the chemical taste and nothing will help. The only reason I gave these k-cups 2 stars is because my boyfriend can \"\"tolerate\"\" them, but I don't trust him because he'll eat just about anything. In his opinion they are \"\"not that good\"\" but he will still drink the mug.

From what I've read of other hot chocolate k-cups, you'd be better off just buying a regular mix and doing it that way!\"\n3379,B0"} +{"input": "??????1V1????3232H2??9I9IMIMEM??E8E8888V8??????rer????chc??????0,0?,0,,0??,1,?32?545??????0,S0,?? m ???ch ch?????ere? t ??????afa?e e?EsE??apapepese???\"A\"??te?r ??beibe??g g??????sts??????????????????ata?ter? c ???at??d ???y ty ??e ?Ca???????apapeap?? d??????????lal?????oc?oaoa,a, , w wew???werwe??????ILI?LELEDE???o o fo fifin?d ?th?????dadar?????ococo??latla???????a a??-c-cuc????? D DeD???cic?????\"\"3??808?0,B0,B0B??5K?4Q?1V?I,??1U1???W7W707?777?WNWN1N?C,C????ryr??L.L??OrO??ililll?y ???????????????,0??0,?5,?13?252???62462?40040???????ESE?T,T?,\"T,\"?hih?????????? be bes????eueuru???g Kg ??????ho???chchochoc????ate?ate yate yoy?????? b???. . I. ?'v'???trtririeried?????therthersr?, , b, ?utut ????? n ??????????an?y y oy ???herhe?r br brr b??andan???gagaia??.\".?\"3\"??818?????????Q1VQ1VIVI,VI,A?3B3??HBHBDB???I7I?????SaS??", "output": "05K4Q1VI,A32HA9IME9E88V,Margret Schmidt,0,0,5,1325462400,So much better than Cafe Escapes!,\"After being disgusted by the brown water created by the Cafe Escapes dark chocolate cocoa, we were THRILLED to find these dark chocolate cocoa k-cups. Delicious!\"\n3380,B005K4Q1VI,A1UGOW7077WN1C,\"Mary L. Oreilly \"\"Pemdas5x5\"\"\",0,0,5,1325462400,THE BEST,\"This is the best Keurig K-Cup hot chocolate you can buy. I've tried others, but will never buy any other brand again.\"\n3381,B005K4Q1VI,A3BUHBDXMI7ZSO,Sara"} +{"input": "???? D ??d,d?????????252?373?606??00,00???ovovev??SqS????e e He HoH?t t????cocololal?tete,e????????t t ct ???cocolco???te te??????? v ??ryry y g ????! !???????ho??????mim????lil?????iti???????t ????a a??ici?????ana???????mamaka?????? C?????olaol?ateat?e ie ininsnst???ad ad o ?????fff??e ?????e e Ke ?eueuru?igi?????fe?e ??makma??r.r????e ???oldold ??ur?chchachaschasese ??hi????gag?inin.in..3????????????1V1?I,I???H7H?929??XLXLWL???W,W?,Be,Bete?th(th?????aha???ic??omom)m??,0,??????32?515?161?808??????eatea????Hot ??oc???!,!,W,?????ad ??????ouo??ly?? tr tririeri?ed ed? an a???heherhe? b brb??????of of h ho hot?? co?cac?a ka ??cuc???. ??We ????ghghtht ?????se se?sisinincin?? t???y ??seese?memed?ed ted ?to to???e ae a a pa ???ettet?y ????od od v va vala??e.e. ??e e a???ua?????li?keke ke tke ??? t???te???????????????????se?????? t??an? t th?", "output": "h's Dad,0,0,4,1325376000,Grove Square Hot Chocolate,This Hot chocolate tasted very good! The whole family liked it!!! It is a nice change to make Hot Chocolate instead of coffee inthe Keurig coffee maker. We wold purchase this again.\n3382,B005K4Q1VI,AUH792DXLWGXW,Beth(bookaholicmom),0,0,5,1325116800,Great Hot Cocoa!,We had previously tried another brand of hot coca k-cups. We bought these since they seemed to be a pretty good value. We actually like the taste and flavor of these more than the"} +{"input": "??otoththeh??????????e e????ede???ThT??y y h hah?vev?????t t t?????????t at ?mom??????????co?? a ??????weewe?tnt??ssss.s???e ?lil?kek????e ??????etyet?y oy ?? f ?lal?avoavororsr??ini????e ?pap???????????383?3,3??0000505K5??????,A,A3A??JCJ????9Z9?6C6???,M,MeMele???y ???e,e??,0????131????303???????eae??t a????ortor?????,\",????m m????????????? t???????????hocho????tet??????va???lablablblel?e fe fof?or or????ri???? P ?re????ousousls?y ?th?the the???ranra?????f hf ??t ????hocohoc??latlatelat???avaav??ilail?bl???waw?????ly? s?o-o???, ,? bu b??????is ???is dis ?efe?ininiiniti?telte???bebetettetteterte?. ??????e vae var???tyty y py ??ckck ck??s ?ju?st?????ghtght ???r ??ve?ryr???moomo??? an a???ev???????esestes??????ne????? fi f?indin???ysy????????????????ch??????????ne? f????oror ???ftf?t ot ovt o???. ??MoMovo??? ov o?", "output": " other brand we tried. They have just the right amount of cocoa and sweetness. We like the variety of flavors in the pack also.\n3383,B005K4Q1VI,A3UJC2AG9Z6CHX,Melody Nye,0,0,5,1325030400,great assortment,\"I am so glad that this hot chocolate is available for Keurig. Previously the brand of hot chocolate available was only so-so, but this is definitely better. The variety pack is just right for every mood and every guest. I never find myself with too much of any one flavor left over. Move ove"} +{"input": "r????ffffef?? l lol?vev??s,s???e ??cocco??????ini?keker?? h ?ava????ouounu?d d a ???omo???????848????050????????A3A?E0E??QIQ????S3S????\"R\"RoR??????????????\"r\"?ob?fo????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?0,0,0,0,,0,4,??131?252505030??40400???OOO?D D N ?OTOT T?????T,T?I I??avaveave ????ede?d ad a ??fewfew w??of of t ththehe e c???coa????psp?s as ?nd?????d d td ?thithisi?s ps ?????ctc??aba??outout t a??ververar?geg?????nlnlel???s ys ??? s ?stist?????????up up???? c???oaoa ?wiw???? ta tasa?stest?????terte?y y f??????a fea f?w ?????..??38?5,5?,B0,B?????4Q14Q?1VI1V??????WZW???XLX????5,5,M5,MoM?? o??? Fo F??r ???????0,00,0,?5,?????949????00,?YuY???y!y?????ve ?he??????oveover??????????????at at???opo??le le???e ?ha??in???????ff??cuc???t tt tit??????nd???????ho???????colco?????pop????o o???joj????? t th???? K ????rigri?????cupcu???rerewre????. ????he ?", "output": "r coffee lovers, we cocoa drinkers have found a home!\"\n3384,B005K4Q1VI,A3E0OQIXU6S3CI,\"Robert Foster \"\"robfos9\"\"\",0,0,4,1325030400,GOOD NOT GREAT,I have tried a few of the cocoa cups and find this product about average. Unless you stir the cup the cocoa will taste watery for a few sips.\n3385,B005K4Q1VI,A1YCWZWOXLUAY5,Mom of Four Sons,0,0,5,1324944000,Yummy!,I've heard over and over that people are having a difficult time finding a hot chocolate pod to enjoy in their Keurig K-cup brewers. The s"} +{"input": "??ararcrchc??isis s?ovo?????????? G GrG????????ar???HoHoto? C ????a a r ???eieivi?????ououru? b ??g g?smsmim?lelese?s fs ?roromro???y y? so s?nsn????heh????usu?t ??ene??t ot ?on on????????aba??outout ?hohowow w d ???ici?ioi?ousous s is ????asas!s???I I l lol??ove ove??????g ??hi????ewe?w cw ?cofco?????????????????????as??t at ?andan??coconco????????t ft fo?????l l?????????SuSupu???????????????th??is ?pup??ch?as???3?383???B0B??5K5??Q1Q1V1?I,I?A1A1C1CVC?QYQ???????D5D5,5????MaM?cMc????an????,0,,0???131???949???00000????????for??th???mom????,\",?ReRea?sos?onaon???le le? in in n p ??iciceice,e? t?asast????gog????. . ????????????r Kr ???uriurigig,ig, ?????h h ch ?an?????????ceyce???. W. ?e ??wilwill? p?ro??ab???y by ?uyu????thisthi????aiainin.in. ?. I. ItI????is mis mo?st??y y fy ???for tfor ????????oso????????!\"!?3??????00???????I,?A2A???", "output": "earch is over! This Grove Square Hot Cocoa received four big smiles from my sons. They just went on and on about how delicious it was! I love having this new coffee pot where it's fast and convenient for all of us! Super happy with this purchase.\n3386,B005K4Q1VI,A1CVQY61GRH0D5,P. MacMillan,0,0,4,1324944000,Good for the money,\"Reasonable in price, tastes good. Prefect for Keurig, which can be pricey. We will probably buy this again. It is mostly for the kiddos anyway!\"\n3387,B005K4Q1VI,A2E7V"} +{"input": "2?OVOVKV?747454?M2M2,2??C,C,0,?????,1,?323242??717121???0,y0,yuy??????\"T\"???ses???????o o????e ???d d?crcre????! !???sus??lll???? d dod??'t'??????????????ngn??k-k????s s f ??? t ththihin????????e ce coc?co?? t th thahata???????????etet ???????r ???? a a??acackc???? b ?????thithisis s is is? s ??? co con?????en??t at anandan?d vd ?verve??y gy ????d td ?????inging ing . .... .?waw????etettetteter?? th?an?????????????????????????ke?ketsket??I'I'v'?? t tr trir??ed.ed????s ?fafarar ar????prp???ce ce?? com co?pa????sonso?, , i, ?t ????eqequq?????en?ent ent??o ???????et-et-t-tyt?pe?s s os ofo???????????at at w wo w???d d ed eae????? c co cos co?st st $st ?1+1???????pacpa??????. I. I ???so?????ke ke? th?????????????s ins i????vavarva???????pac?k k?????????lalava??or or???ti????. ?. H. ????????????????\"\"???8888,8,B,???5K5?4Q4??????3D3????ZZZ?787?F7F", "output": "2OVK745M2,CC,0,0,5,1324771200,yumm!!,\"These are so nice and creamy! Usually I don't justify buying k-cups for things like cocoa that you can get cheaper in a packet, but this is so convenient and very good tasting .. way better than most powdered cocoa packets I've tried. As far as price comparison, it is equivalent to gourmet-types of cocoa that would easily cost $1+ per packet. I also like that it comes in a variety pack with 3 flavor options. Highly recommend\"\n3388,B005K4Q1VI,A3D064ZZ78F7"} +{"input": "???,R,RiRivi?ere?sRs??apa??????????????242?686????????????I I?oro?dederereer?d d t tht??????ntntit?ngng g t?o o t??y y?a a h hohotot t?????????? o?????????????? an andnd d Id I I aI ama????ryry ry h ha h????????? t th t?hishi?s ps ?ror?????? I ???wilwi???de?fif???iteitele?y y by ?e e oe ??????????? a ag agagaia??. . T. ThT?hatha????in?g g sg ??aidai?, ?I ?did??lil?kek????????oco?????te te??ada??????????telte???????atateat??, ??? I?? do d?o ao ?????a sa sps???????????lflf ??andan???HalHa?? t????y ??upup p?????????akake?????????huh?????? di d???'t'?t wt wawanwa???? to ?gig???e ie ???????sts?arar r?????inging ing????cec??I ???o do dod?octoc????? my my???up up u ??????it?????ho???e (e ??????wi????? w wo w???d ?hahavha??).). . H. ??weweve?ver??????ono?n'tn'?t et ??en????ententuturureur????? ma???????????????hot hot? ch c????olaolatate?? in in ??a pa ???ke?", "output": "I3,RiversRhapsody,0,0,4,1324684800,Yum!,\"I ordered this wanting to try a hot chocolate on my Keurig, and I am very happy with this product. I will definitely be ordering it again. That being said, I dislike hot chocolate made completely of water, so I do add a splash of Half and Half to my cup when I make this. Thus, I didn't want to give it a 5 star rating since I do doctor my cup up a bit at home (otherwise I would have). However, I won't even venture to make a cup of hot chocolate in a packet"} +{"input": " ??ror?????????rocro?ere?y y??tot????wiwitithth th w ?????????????101000???mim??? u????llllyly ??????hoh?????ndnd d t? the th??y sy ststist??????n'n?t t???asa?sursu?? u?p p??o o t th????prpro??ucu???fr?om? G GrG????e Se SqS?ua??re.re?????, t, ???e fe ?acactct ct? th?????????tat???teste?s ss ?o o go ??odo?d md mam???e w?it???????? a???? a a???it it?ofo?????ama???????? me me?????ksks ?vov??????????do? h ??ve? t? to to? sa sayay ????at at tat ??isis is???is bis ??y f??? t th the the the??esest? c cu c??p op ??? in i?st????t ct ?????? th tha that tha????ha???ve eve eve??r r tr ??ieieded ???at hat ???me.me???omompom????? t????the?? Sw S???s s Ms ?isissis?s is ini??????cucupupbup?oao???d td th?thisthi???????????tit??????? gr g????n un ?up up? ta t?ast????to ???. ???????bi?? f???????383??????5K5?4Q4???????????HWHWOW??EKE??Z,Z,K,??????????,0,0,0??????323???????00,00??GreGr??", "output": " from the grocery store with water, I use 100% milk usually for those and they still don't measure up to this product from Grove Square. So, the fact that this tastes so good made with water and a bit of creamer to me speaks volumes. I do have to say that this is by far the best cup of instant cocoa that I have ever tried at home. Compared to the Swiss Miss in the cupboard this had a distinctly grown up taste to it. I'm a big fan!\"\n3389,B005K4Q1VI,A2QVVTHWO6EKUZ,Karen Fish,0,0,5,1324598400,Great"} +{"input": "? P PrP???ucu?????GrG??????ro???????at at????reare???????????????..??mym? h ???bab?ndn??????vov?ri???? L LoL?vev?s s ts tht?????????hoh??olo????e ae ?ltl?thoth???? w wew?e ge ??t ???e ?pap??k ?ofo??? t ????at iat ini?????es? l ?????? d dadarda?????nd nd????pepere?mim?intin?t at ??so?? S ?hohopho???? a??????nd and ??????isi?s is is?????barba?gag??????d d sd ???pa???es?es tes ?the??ototh??? c??ocoocoao??k-k????s s ws we????aveav???ri??? i ?????????\"\"?333393??????5K5K4K?Q1Q???,A,A2A?5F5??6V6VLV?????3S3S,S??????ANA???\"O\"????\"\"?????????131?242454??848?00?,E,EXE?CEC???EN?? P??ODO???T,T,\"???bob?????????is is iis ???? f fo f???????????lyl????omo????o o??useuse ??it?h ??????ewe??KeK?ur?????ofoffof???e me mam???hinhi?ne ne??I pI ????????ed ?????????. S. ??E E? LO L????? IT IT!T?????!!!.!!!?...???...I...?I WI WIW?ILLIL??BEBE ??RDR", "output": " Product!,\"Great product at a reasonable price....my husband's favorite! Loves the dark chocolate although we get the pack of 3 that includes light, dark and peppermint also. Shopped around and this is a bargain and surpasses the other cocoa k-cups we have tried in taste.\"\n3390,B005K4Q1VI,A25FL6VLD7S23S,\"OILMAN \"\"OWEN\"\"\",0,0,5,1324598400,EXCELLENT PRODUCT,\"I bought this item for my elderly Mom, to use with the new Keurig Coffee machine I purchased for her. SHE LOVES IT!!!!!!......I WILL BE ORD"} +{"input": "?ERE?????????!!!?!!!!!?!!!?!!?????9191,1??000050????1V1??,A,?XBX??1B1??GYG????????asashshah???????? S ?SamSam\"m?\"\"\"\"\"\",\"????,5,?,1,?323242??121????0,T0,TaT????s s??rer??t!t??,\"B,\"BoBouo???t t??hihisi??as? a ????ftf??????waw??????????t tt tat???eses es???ala?lyl???re??t!? T ???????d Id I I????'t'?t ht ??????oneon???f f??????e me ??chc?hinhi??es,es??????rwrwiwisiseise,e??I'I???trtryry ???????utut t mt mym??selse???? I I I mI mimigi????t hat h??ve ve? to t??cocononsonsisidi?????????ngng g????? I If I?f yf ?ouou ou???ealeall?y ???keke ??????youyo??cacanan an???aveave ??omo???????y ?????????rir???ingin????????fof?r r? au aut???at???????livli?ververi????anand???? m ????????re re?yo??? do d??'t? r ru r???? out out.t?\"???????00????4Q14Q??I,?A1A?GOGO9O????????R5R5,??rar?annan???????,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,??1313213??424???????umu?my???? ?AnA??? fr froro o Ao ???zoz?????o.o", "output": "ERING MORE!!!!!!!!\"\n3391,B005K4Q1VI,AXB71BWGYSWYW,\"Sasha8 \"\"and Sam\"\"\",0,0,5,1324512000,Tastes Great!,\"Bought this as a gift and was told it tastes really great! Too bad I don't have one of those machines, otherwise, I'd try them out myself. I might have to consider getting one! If you really like it, you can save some money by subscribing to it for automatic deliveries and to make sure you don't run out.\"\n3392,B005K4Q1VI,A1GO93ZN6M0AR5,grannypat34,0,0,5,1324425600,yummy!!! And fro Amazon too."} +{"input": ".?.......?............???\"T\"?hih?s s i ????rer???????t ct ?????????..................?????????ryry y?lil?kek???omo?e e oe ??heh???s as ??? m ??y hy ???bab??d ?rereare???????ke????hihishis ??nen??..??....T....??an?k k?yoy?????PaP?at at??re??non??????BoB???e,e?, I, ?????333393?????0505K5?4Q4?1V1???????NTNT1T??R5R??P9P9R9R,9R?,B1,B????ddd??,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,????242444?????????????t ??ot?????????rir??????BoxBo???WeWe ?lolovo?e ?????????ie????bob?x x????????????e,?? we w??sus?????????e toe t??????rere re w we? n ?nevne?????unu??????. . ?I I???e ?????'D'?ararkar?' '?tot?o mo ???? M ??ch?????? w??fe??????s ?s ths t???'P'?PepPe??????ntn????and?? i i?drd???k k tk th?e e 'e ?MiM???? w???ne?nevenever??? i f i ??ancan???????t ?????ololaol?ate??<>???r /???TheTh????rkr????kekes?????gregr?????oc???? j ??ustus?????ha?lflf f???cuc???", "output": ".........,\"This is great hot chocolate.....Not watery like some others and my husband really likes this one.....Thank you. Pat Greenough, Boise, Id.\"\n3393,B005K4Q1VI,A28MNT19R5LP9R,B1gD4ddy,0,0,5,1324425600,Perfect Hot Choc Variety Box,\"We love this variety box in our house, we subscribe to ensure we never run out. I use the 'Dark' to make Mocha, my wife loves the 'Peppermint' and i drink the 'Milk' whenever i fancy a hot chocolate.

The Dark makes a great mocha, just do half a cup o"} +{"input": "?? t ththehe e????k k?CoC??oaoa a?????hahalalfl?f af a a ca ??????f yf ???r r?faf????iti????????e,e? a ad a??d wd whw???pep????rer???? on o? t to t???????ici?ioi???????????wow?ortor?????????????????an an? tr tryr? s ??meme ?of? t?he?????????? c????feefe??????yo???r Mr ?oc???????????tltlel????? so s?me? g ?????? co com combm??????? am a?m nm ?notnot ??a fa ?????of of fof ????vorvore?d ???off?ee?????????ggg?lele le?? to to???rinri?k ?????up ?????t ast a????Mo?chc???, d???????fufulu??<>???I>I ??highi?ghlghlyl?y ry ??co?mmm?menme?nd ?th????vavar???tyt??bo?x x??f f yf yof you? a????? con consn???derde???g ??buybu????? it i??. :. :-:???3?", "output": "f the Dark Cocoa and half a cup of your favorite coffee, add whipped cream on top, delicious. Also worth noting, you can try some of the flavored coffees in your Mocha and rustle up some great combos. I am not a fan of flavored coffee, i struggle to drink a cup but as a Mocha, delightful.

Drinking the Peppermint or Milk as a hot chocolate, we add a little milk and whipped cream on top, delicious.

I highly recommend this variety box if you are considering buying it. :-)\"\n33"} +{"input": "??4,4?????K4K??1V1?I,I,A,AFAF3F???GIG?YXY????H,H,\",????????\"G\"?????? l ??vev???\"\"\"\"\"?,0,??,0,,0??,1,?323??828?080?????ouou u??getget t wt ????t yt ??ou ou????d d????????llll l y yo?u ?ge?? w ???? y yo y?????id? f?or?. ???ili??????s s?mim???????coc???ateate e ke k-k?cuc????s ????ettettyt?? ch c?eae?p p $p ?????5 5???er er 2 ?4 4?(5(????enentn?????er ??couco?nt?????t t it ?t ????non?t t gt ??odod.d???????????d ld ?iki??e we ????????dod??? c??ococooc???????asas as i??? yo??u pu pup??????tot?? m?ucu???????? a ?ndn?????t et ????ghg?????? o oror or? ch????lalatla?te/te???ca?? f??? t ???at ?????terte???. T. ThT?his??????? i is i????eee?????????? f?ac??????????oo???sweswee?????r ?mym???tasta?steste ?????m m b??gig????????? t??in???ha???f of ???th??e pe ????ereryer?y cy co?nt?en????t is t is s ?ugu????????????er)er???I I??", "output": "94,B005K4Q1VI,AF3ZIGIYXZUMH,\"K. Te \"\"Gadget lover\"\"\",0,0,2,1323820800,You get what you paid for,\"Well you get what you paid for. While this milk chocolate k-cup is pretty cheap $12.95 per 24 (54 cents per count) but it is not good. It tasted like watered down chocolate (as if you put in too much water and not enough milk or chocolate/cacao for that matter). This thing is sweet tho, in fact kinda too sweet for my taste (i am beginning to think half of the powdery content is sugar/sweetener). I th"} +{"input": "??ugu??? i ?????s s t ??? a ?mom?ounountn????????ere??????t mt mamada?????? ta tas??te te? wa w????????owownw? s ?o o I I I l lol??????d td ????cucupu???????frf??m m???????e ????? o ou o?ncn?ce ce??n ????KeK??rir???brb?ewe?????ndnd ????????the the???ameame ???ini?g.g???333393???????????VIV??A4A4S4??QHQ??SOS??6B6????ararlr?????????????0,0??,5,5,??323232?646?808??0,??hehe he? Be B?????????l l o of of ????????vev?e te tre t??ed???????sis???????????d od ?? K???cupcu?p hp ?????ho???????te ate ???????s ??????sosolso??te??y ??the???es??????. . I. ItI??is????????ly?????e t?e thae th?at at??ctc??ala???y ty tay t???es? l li l??e e te the thee the ??reare?????tuftu??..??39????????4Q???I,??A49A49O9ONON5N??UBUBXB???????????iaia,a?,0,,0,0,0,???5,1????????000?????????????????\"g\"grgrerea??t pt ??????e foe foro?r tr th?the ???-c-co-cou?ountount,t, ,", "output": "ought it was the amount of water that made it taste watered down so I lowered the cup size from 8 ounce to 6 ounce on my Keurig brewer and it's the same thing.\"\n3395,B005K4Q1VI,A4SUQHLSOX6BT,Carla L. Brandy,0,0,5,1323648000,The Best of All of Them,I've tried ever single brand of K-cup hot chocolate and this is absolutely the best one. It is the only one that actually tastes like the real stuff.\n3396,B005K4Q1VI,A49ON55UBX8GE,patricia,0,0,5,1323648000,hot cocoa cups,\"great price for the 24-count, "} +{"input": "??y y??ada? w ?ili?l l l lol??????isis s??ififtf???ini?cec?e he ???lo???s s hs ?oto???ho???lal????????????ksk??????t t tt ???eee?e ce ?????s a s a d??y,y, ,??????? to to o??recrece?ivive?.\".?3333???,B,???5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1??,A,??????Z6Z?3F3FLF???A,A?????????y ?\"\"\"???anyanyay??\"\"\"\"\"?????,4,???323???616???00,00?SuSuru?prp??si?ngn???y gy ????,\"????apa????rsr?s a???????e ???ateatereryry,? b ??????he he? ta t?sts????????? b?adad ad???? al a???. . ??????ou ou h hahavave??kik?????????ar?e ???s fs ?asascas????ate???by? t???e Ke ???uriurigi??????????re???ththetheye???? p ???bab????????oyo????????????8,8?????5K45K???1VI1VI,I,AI,?????MMM??ERE?5J5???,t,??????e,e?,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,1,13,1?32332?????????er????oooodoo??ho?????cocoaco??????njnjonj???? thi th???cococco?coa???verve???mum??ch,ch????he he che chchich????enen en l?ovoveove e ie ?it it??nd???ririnrinknk ?it????", "output": "my dad will love this gift since he loves hot chocolate and drinks about three cups a day, quick to receive.\"\n3397,B005K4Q1VI,A1AFSBZ63FL8YA,\"T. Gunby \"\"Tanya\"\"\",0,0,4,1323561600,Surprisingly good,\"It appears a little watery, but the taste is not bad at all. If you have kids that are as fascinated by the Keurig as you are, they'll probably enjoy this.\"\n3398,B005K4Q1VI,A2PPWMMZER5JTT,tootsie,0,0,5,1323388800,Very good hot cocoa,\"I enjoy this cocoa very much, the children love it and drink it oft"} +{"input": "????????????? p ?uru?chc?????tht?isis s???????? a ?gagaiaini??\"\"??393??,B,?????4Q4????,A,??Q3Q????3T3TPT?????????????G.G?. B. ??rowro????????,1,????33033?242?00?,h,?oto?????coaco????????e ?????e e Ie ?I tI ?thith??????????co?? c cucupu??????e ve ???? g gog???. ??I wI ??lll???????? th? them the? a ag a?????. T. ?he????arear???nicnicece ce t?? h ???? i in?? th the? h??ousouse????? t?? the ??rar?andan????ilildil??renre???ndnd ?th?e ????idi??ysyss??40???B0?05?K4?Q1Q1VQ1VI???????1D1?Q4Q??2828Z8ZNZ??8 8 E ?yeyeses,s,0,0,,0,0,0,??????????606??????reare???pr?????t,t?????? t ta t????????????ct??????????uc?????????er ter ???? o?th?therthe???coccocococ???? I I? ha h?????????d ??????????ypypep?e oe ?? s sis?ingingling???seserservr??????? w??????????grgrogr?ve??sqs??arareare!are?????1,1,B?00005005K5K45K????I,??222?21I21?????NAN?ALA?2,2", "output": "en. I would purchase this product again.\"\n3399,B005K4Q1VI,A1Q3VZH3TP8DFN,Janice G. Brown,0,0,5,1323302400,hot cocoa,For the price I think the cocoa cups are very good. I will order them again. They are nice to have in the house for the grand children and the holidays\n3400,B005K4Q1VI,A2X9G1DQ4T28ZN,8 Eyes,0,0,5,1323216000,Great product,Great tasting product and is much better than other cocoas I have tasted in this type of single serve. Job well dont grove square!\n3401,B005K4Q1VI,A221IYGUANAAL2,"} +{"input": "?ChChehereryr????? C ?lalararkr??0,0???5,5,1,131?232?32132???0000,00???t t??oco??????yoyono?e?e??ThT????????hehe he?????t ct ??cocoaco????er?. ??t t bt ??atatsts ?ouo???ana?nytny???ngn????? c cacanan an? bu b?????????he she ?????????omo??tit??mesmesI>? j ?????mimixi???t t it ??????????eeee e???d d?? it' it??s ws ???ded?erfer??l.l. . ??igi?hlh?y ?re?co????ndn?..????2,2????5K5??Q1Q???,A,????5Y5?IEIE2E??SYS?E,E???araar?? B ??,0??0,??????????32032??????mmymmy!y??????? a a??????y y gy gog?????ubub b?fof???????????feefe?e se ?hohopo??veverversr??on???NoNo o????????????????? p?rir?????is ?????????I lI lilikikeke ????at at?? the? the b the ??x ???s s ps ??????????nsn???????mom?????ar????? t?????sidside???????thatthat ??t ??funfu??ti???s ???s as a s a????pe???erer.??34340???,B0,B??005K005K4K4QK4?Q1VQ1??,A,A1,A?FRF???O6O?DSD??XEXE1E1,1?M.M. ????", "output": "Cheryl L. Clark,0,0,5,1323216000,Hot Cocoa Anyone?,This is the best cocoa ever. It beats out anything you can buy in the store. Sometimes
I just mix it in my coffee and it's wonderful. Highly recommend.\n3402,B005K4Q1VI,AAPW5YIE2JSYE,Sarah B.,0,0,4,1323043200,Yummy!,It's a pretty good sub for the coffee shop version. No mess and the S&S price is great! I like that the box has perforations to remove part of the side so that it functions as a dispenser.\n3403,B005K4Q1VI,A1FRUPO6DSTXE1,M. Adam"} +{"input": "?s,s,0,0,0,0?????323?????????\"N\"NoN?t t???????utu??sasama?? t ??????asas as p ?owowdw??r r?????s s a ??t gt grg?oco?er???ststostororer?\",\"?,\"I,\"????kek?????okok,k??????it?? is isns???t at ?nyn?tht???g g?gr?eaeat?? I ?I hI ?ava?????hoh?ot ot?waw???er er??apa???ndn????t it isi?s js juj??? a??????y y fy ??????? to t???aka?ke ke???e ??powpo?wdewd?er ??ac???????ho??me me ame at?? a a??rar??tit??????? th????osost???I'I'l'?? g?o o bo ??ck????? th?????????????d ??savsa??? my my y $y ????or?????fef???\"\"3????,B,?00?????1V1VIV?,A,?32??I3I????7D7?????????tot?orgor?1313 13??\"d\"?docdo??torto????\"\"????????4,14,?????7847840??00,???ery????odod od? fo?r ???e e p??ici?????????is? a????????y by ?etettt???r t?ha??n In ??exe??ecect???d wd ???n ??????d ?lel??s s ts ?thath?an an 5 ????cence?????acachac?. . . W WeWe ??????lly??????e a ?pa??ckeck?et et m?ixi? a??d ", "output": "s,0,0,3,1322784000,\"Not bad, but same taste as powder packs at grocery store\",\"I like it ok, but it isn't anything great. I have a hot water tap and it is just as easy for me to make the powder packs at home at a fraction of the cost. I'll go back to that method and save my $$ for coffee.\"\n3404,B005K4Q1VI,A32EI3R8L7D8SU,\"doctorg13 \"\"doctorg13\"\"\",0,0,4,1322784000,Very Good for the price,\"This is actually better than I expected when I paid less than 50 cents each. We usually use a packet mix and "} +{"input": "???t t???tet??????? t ?????rer???er.er. .???hihisis s i isis is????h h?????erer er a anandn????????astaste??????om????aba???????? y ??? a ar a??????????????ulu?arar ar??????????otot ot??iki??????is ?bub???????sos?omeomete????? q ?uiuic????swswe????, c, chchoch?co??????flflalavla????????????????????aroar???nd nd????cecene??s s is ??t it is??????th th??? tr tryry.y?. ?I I w wo w??ldl??nonotno??bu???it? a?t ????e re ????????????????atat at s?om??????aia?lelerle??s as ?askas????343??5,5,B,B0B??05K05?4Q4????,A,?131??????HOHOTO????????????an?????????e\"e?\"\"\"\"\"?,0,0,0???4,4?13?222262696?767606???,Be,Besests???ararkark k????oaoa a?????at?????ettet????????llllyly ????????????ou??t ot ????a Ka ????p p?????notnot not???asyas???????hihishis ??????chch ch b be bet?????ththathanan an????????herhers?????havha???? tri tr??d.d. ?StS???ll ll", "output": "hot water from the brewer. This is much easier and the taste is comparable. If you are very particular you may not like this but for something quick, sweet, chocolate flavored and warm for around 50 cents it is worth a try. I would not buy it at the regular price that some retailers ask.\"\n3405,B005K4Q1VI,A13T0V3LHOTHDL,\"E. Treants \"\"tree\"\"\",0,0,4,1322697600,Best Dark Cocoa so fat,\"Getting really good cocoa out of a K-cup is not easy but this is much better than the others I have tried. Still "} +{"input": "????????? w ??????????utut t????6060 0????????????????a a na ?????trt??at?? v ???? r ???h h????????- -????????gog??????s ts ?heh??re?al?????ngng,g, ?bib?it ?????? no n?? d ?ririnri??ininging g?????????BeBererler????????????e ???hopho???it???r.r???PuP??????????lipli??er?s ???, ?sis????in ?????t ?????he?????repre??laclace?????? y????r sr ????tit???, a, ??d ?????????r ?????????60????????0 ?????? - ???????fa??????at at ???????? ca car ca???? -- -??- 6- ?g ????ara?? -????&l&????g ???beb??\"\"??????B0B????4Q4???I,I??????????????,g,?. ?sa??lo????,0?,5,5,5?131??262???20?0,??owow!w!,!???hih??s hs ?hotho?t ct ???ocooc?olaol???e ie is??grg?reareatrea?t at amt a??????la??d Id I ?dodououboublb??d ???e ?orordor?????????? can ca??no??t mt mimis????it????thithisthi??.N.????I I hI ?av", "output": "a little wattery, but at 60 calories it is a nice treat. very rich flavor - not as good as the real thing, bit I am not drinking it in a Berlin Chocolate shop either. Put your slippers on, sit in front of the fireplace with your sweetie, and enjoy!

60 cal (20 fat) -- 2g fat sat -- 11 carb -- 6g sugar -- <1g fiber\"\n3406,B005K4Q1VI,ASDUD9CJFK9GT,g. sailor,0,0,5,1322611200,wow!,\"This hot chocolate is great am so glad I doubled the order ,you can not miss with this .Now I hav"} +{"input": "?? q ?uiu?ckc? h hoh???????olo???e ?????tht???kik??? a ????grgrar?andan????ds\"ds\"\"??4040707,7?????K4K????I,I????4T4TST?FNF??0H0HXHXIX?G,G??anancan?????ewe??,0,??,0,,0??????262??????,N?????ooo????ThThihisi?s is is???ucu?? t??? w ???ereryr???ItI??tat?sts?teste?s vs ??eryer?y my ?mucmu???lil???e te ???e t?????lel??s ?????????? o ??????tsts ?ouo????f f a a a?ve????????aca????e.e????ftf?????recre?eie?????????????? an a?????????? t?????lisli?st st???????reredre??ene?tsts,ts????'v've? d ded?????????ot ??o o????derde???gagaiain?. ?????is ???od??uctuc???f ??defde?????tel??????t wt ?or??? t th?e ?mom?????????080?,B???5K5K45K4Q?????????SES??VLV???0G0??,H,??wa?rd??EnE?nglngle??,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,???1321322???????????????qu??????-c-cucupu?????e re re????ve??d td th?the the pthe ?propr?oduoducoductct ?t ont on n? ti t??????and and??????cecelce", "output": "e quick hot chocolate for the kids and grandkids\"\n3407,B005K4Q1VI,A2M4TSFND0HXIG,Nancy Drew2,0,0,2,1322611200,Not Good,\"This is much too watery. It tastes very much like the tasteless hot cocoa one gets out of a vending machine. After receiving the box and reading the list of ingredients, I've decided not to order again. This product if definitely not worth the money.\"\n3408,B005K4Q1VI,A1BCSEDVL0Q0GN,Howard Engle,0,0,5,1322611200,Grove Square K-cups,We recieved the product on time and in excel"} +{"input": "????? s ?hah??????t ?????ese??gog?odo??ana?d d md mem?etetst????? e exe???ctc????????????nkn?s s fs ?oror ?tht?? e?xcx???le??????rvrviv?ce????????B0B???????VIV???2B2BBB???VQVQ0Q?BUBU7U???,K,??ennennenet?? K ????ivivev????????4,4?131???????0000,00?????tyt?? go g?oodoo??- -?non??t at ????ada?????????rsr??ara?re re??ayayiy??g.g.,.????nnn?y ?ththith?inging g??- I- I I???ougou???t st sos??? o ????theth???e Ke ?-c-cuc??s ???????? w ???ks? a??????????????????trt?????? o of o?f tf th?? r re??vievi???s a??t t??hathat t t????. ? I??????????t t?t thet theme? l ?????we?eke?? an a???ha???? ha had? a????? c cu??? s??incincece ce t??????. I. ?????usiusin?? 8 ?? ou o???????f f wf ??te??r t?o o?prp?repre???e e te ththe?the cthe ?oco???. . ???? tho thou?oughoug??? th the?????ast?????re??ty?????? -?????asoason??blb?????oc?????ty ty aty ????smsmom?ootooth??", "output": "lent shape. It tastes good and meets our expectations. Thanks for the excellent service.\n3409,B005K4Q1VI,A2BBL4VQ0BU7KY,Kenneth K. Rivera,0,0,4,1322524800,Pretty good - not as bad as others are saying.,\"Funny thing - I bought some of these K-cups several weeks ago based on the strength of the reviews at that time. I just got them last week and have had a few cups since then. I'm using 8 ounces of water to prepare the cocoa. I thought they tasted pretty good - reasonably chocolaty and smooth.<"} +{"input": "???????br?? /> /??heheye???ere?e e??weweewe?t,t???utu? n non?t ??????y y sy ???, a, ana?? t ??????chc?nen????mam?ded?e me ??e ce ???ckck k? th t??he che ???oro???e c????t t o?n n? th????oxo?? ?6060 0???lolorlo?????? h ??y,y??no?t ???? b?ad?? ?????????t ???titilil l?????? tha th????? ca c???????ck ck t?o o po ?lalacacec??a a? re r?viv?ewew ??andan??I ???ad???? the the?????t rt re??cence??? re???ew?s s fs ???? o ?othot??rsr?s ds ???d Id I d I??????zez?????? u usu???e are a??tiftifif???al???wewee??ene?nerner.r?????ne??stlst?ly,ly?, i, ?f f???hah??n'?????????t ?? w wo w????d hd ???ve ve???????knk???????I ???dnd????de???ctc???anyan?????g g???????ava???me?????? hi h?intin?t w?he??????raran???????????/>??

They were sweet, but not overly so, and the richness made me check the calorie count on the box. 60 calories - hey, not too bad! It wasn't until now that I came back to place a review and I read the most recent reviews from others did I realize they use artificial sweetener. Honestly, if I hadn't read it I would have never known - I didn't detect anything that gave me the hint when I drank it.

I think if you like a quick cocoa on the run you'll be happy enough with these"} +{"input": " ?????psp?. .???????heheye? a asa? g ???d d a??????wiw??s ?MiM?issis???????t t?frfroromom m???ststct?o?o?? M ??ybybebe e ne ??t,t????t ??n n??????fifici???? d ?????????t ???????l l?wiwitwi????et????g g??owo???? o ?? t?he? c ?????er??????????????? a a s sps??????? g???t t?hih????s ms ??????. . Y ?ouou'u?????ac???fi??ce ce?? a l a lil?ttt????foforo????e ???nvn??ninieien????, b, bu??t t??o mo ?????'s's ?wew?llll ll????th??it?????????????????VIV?,A,?3939L9??0F0??????XNX?????alalaal????????r,r?,0,,0,0??????222252525???00??????d d Rd ????????\"U\"?nfn????ununaunata???????I aI ????????????d ????? m?y y py ????hah??e.e.<.??r r /r ????????AlA??thothou?????????ininain?al al? pr p???ucu?ct ct w?????????e ge ???od,od, ?4 4? st s????? T ThThe??qu????ityit??y ofy of f t???e de ????ve?veryver?y iy ?????????theythe??", "output": " K-cups. Are they as good as a Swiss Miss packet from Costco? Maybe not, but in my office I don't want to deal with getting powder on the counters and needing a spoon to get things mixed. You'll sacrifice a little for the convenience, but to me it's well worth it.\"\n3410,B005K4Q1VI,A39LJ0F8VQBLXN,09GalantDriver,0,0,3,1322524800,Mixed Reviews,\"Unfortunately, I am conflicted with my purchase.

Although the final product was quite good, 4 stars. The quality of the delivery is why they l"} +{"input": "???? a ????ddddidititit?ononan?l l s ???r.r? I I I???ene?ede? t ??? A ?????? b ?oxo???o o??inindnd ?th???????rer?e we waw?s s??????ho???????e pe pop???er???????g g o?????? t?he???????e Se SqSquq?arareare e p?aca?????ing?????op?eneneen????it it t? to to f???d ?d thd t?at??2 2?????the? K ??CuC?psp??wewerereer????t st seseaeal??ed ????pe?rlrlyly y? on o?n tn ?op? a an a?? w ?werwe??????lll???ing ing i???? t????????. I??????pecpe?????bo?th????? A Am Ama??zonzo???ac???geg?e ae ?andan?d t?d thed th??GrGroGr?oveov?e S??quaqu?are?????????? wh w????? ha hada??????isi??blblel?e ee ???terte???r r d ??????????r /r />/????r /?>I>??????didisdi?????in??tedte???????bobotbothbot??????? S SqSquSq????re fre ??r ??thethe ???qualqua?litlityty ?of???????????dud???? an???asas as a?????ulu?t t It I ?am? n ???t st sut s???re Ire ??I woI w???d ?bubuyu?y ty ???? p ???du?ct???agaag?????3??111??????", "output": "ost an additional star. I opened the Amazon box to find that there was hot chocolate powder coming out of the Grove Square packaging. I opened it to find that 2 of the K-Cups weren't sealed properly on top and were spilling into the box. I inspected both the Amazon package and the Grove Square both of which had no visible exterior damage.

I was disappointed with both Grove Square for the quality of their product and as a result I am not sure I would buy this product again.\"\n3411,B005K"} +{"input": "4????I,I?A2A??????5X5????EOE??MaM?ryr??????iei???,0,0,,0??,1,?????242???0,???????oco???ata???????????????aba????????????er? w ?????grgrer?at?, ,?th?????????????latlate? i ?????ryry ry g ???d.d??I I? wi w???????or???????? th thi?????aia?in in???obobabalalyly ???oonoo??\"\"?343414?2,2???00500??4Q4Q14Q???I,AI,AHAHFH??3E3EZE?????DWD???????e ???erger?usu??????0,???,13,1?32232?24324??404?????lilitittit?lel??ththithin???ThT?????lavlavovor???? t th?is? c ??co?? i??s gs ?googo???????????ouounoundn????atat at??t t wt waw??s as a s a?????le???oo?? wa w??????d dd dodowo?n n????th th? th the the ?non????al al???????t t??? wa?te???. T. ?????????????? w wa?s ???tttte??? wh whehenhen ?????ed?????s ?wawatwa??ter.ter.\"???41????????4Q???????XJXJAJ?5P5?363?????7,7????,0,,0,0??????22???????00,J00,??????m m?????eded ???w w w??", "output": "4Q1VI,A2KMFRF5XD7LEO,Mary Currie,0,0,5,1322524800,Hot Chocolate,\"Everything about the order went great, the Hot Chocolate is very good. I will be ordering this again probaly soon.\"\n3412,B005K4Q1VI,AHFD3EZH5LHDW,Mitsue Ferguson,0,0,3,1322438400,A little thin,\"The flavor of this cocoa is good, but I found that it was a little too watered down with the normal amount to water. The second cup was better when I used less water.\"\n3413,B005K4Q1VI,A2XJA5P36MLOG7,JZ,0,0,4,1322179200,JZ,I am amazed how wel"} +{"input": "l???????????tltlel??cuc?psp????sts?e.e?? T ??????KcKcu?ps??????e ??ere?????lll??. . ? Th Thih?s ???????hocho???ata???????te ???eae???????????re??dydy y iy inin n o ???e me ???utute????4141414,4?B0B000?5K5?4Q4?1V1VIVI,I,A,???TCT??BDB?LNL???????ieier??drd??reamrea?,0,?,0,0,,0??,1,?323??14814888808?000000,??ucu???bebete??????nd? l le l??s ??xpx?ene???ve?? th t??????????rdrdederereer?d d fd frf??m m??????g!g!,!??????cec???tlytly y py ???ch?????????????ig ig?????I I bI ???ghg?t ??thethe ???fefe ?EsEscs?apa?pespe???ararkr????hoc???????e coe c??????frofr?om om???eieiri????tete,te, ,??? and and i itit it w??????ot ot? ch?oc???olatola?telte??y ay ???d hd ??d ?????raranangangege ???te??????te.te. te.??I ???w w t? the????rovro???SqSquq??????raranra?????and and?? tho th?????t It ????oulou?d d gd ?iviveive ??it ???trtryry ry??inincin?? I ?I gI gogotot ?????cu???s fs ?or? l?????ththath????thethe the??", "output": "l these little cups taste. These Kcups taste very well. This hot chocolate taste great and are ready in one minute.\n3414,B005K4Q1VI,A3HTC2BDLNGNQL,fierydream,0,0,5,1321488000,Much better and less expensive than that ordered from Keurig!,\"I recently purchased a Keurig and I bought the Cafe Escapes dark chocolate cocoa from their site, and it was not chocolately and had a strange aftertaste. I saw the Grove Square brand and thought I would give it a try since I got 36 kcups for less than the 24"} +{"input": "??frf?????eue??igi?????????ivi?ede????????chc???????sts?ere???????d d id imi??????????????????iti? u upu??toto o t?????it.it?. . ?ThTheh???oco?????ctctutuauala?lyly ly?hahasha????gag?r r i in in n???????d td ?he???choch????atateat??ly ly fly flf?lavlavov?r ??s s ms ???ch ch???ttt?terte??ththathanan an t th the??CaCafa?e e Ee EsEscs???pespe??. I. I ???ll?? be b???????ini??? th thi th?? o ???? ag a?gaiga??? a??nd nd?? h??????? g ????????llll ?????k k t????e ote o?theth???kik??d ?d tod t?????? ri r???ofo??????3?414??,B,B0B???K4K4Q4?1V1?I,I?????41Z41ZLZ????S9S929??,\",??KevKe?inin in????cho????s \"s \"\"\"???de?????gig?ingin?????st??er\"er\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\",6,??,6,,6?2,2?????434??????,At,A??leleae???t it ???waw??n'n't'?t et ?xpx?????iveiv????WiW??h h???a ha ??refre????hth??????????ama???on???comco?/g/???prp???ucuctuc??B0?03038?????W\"W???GrGrereereenen en??ouounu???in???oto??CoC???aa> >?", "output": " from Keurig. I received my purchase yesterday and immediately opened it up to try it. The cocoa actually has sugar in it and the chocolately flavor is much better than the Cafe Escapes. I will be ordering this one again, and I hope my guest will drink the other kind to get rid of it!\"\n3415,B005K4Q1VI,A3U41ZL33SS92P,\"Kevin Nicholls \"\"jaded, aging hipster\"\"\",6,6,2,1322438400,At least it wasn't expensive.,\"With Green Mountain Hot Cocoa b"} +{"input": "e???g g p ???pe???????????? of o????oco?? i in????e e??????er,er, ,?I I???????t ???d d???vev????e ??he????r r G ???ve??SqSquq?uarua???brbrar???d ad ? s sh sho?t.t?S/>SiS?????e the t???K-K?CuC??? pa p???ntn????rere re s??ar????g ?????????t,t?, G, ??ov?????????????ononen?????????????? \" \"\"\"?un??offof?ficfi?iai???\"\" \"\"???rodro??????? of?? \"\" \"??e ?????t ??????ly? c ??all?????????????s ?bubut??????y wy ???k k ik ?in ????r ??????g(g?R)R)()???????????e me ?aka???\"\"??pop??s,s????d d Id I I tI ????oughoug?????at??????beb??geg???tinting??? the the the s?ama??e oe ove o?verve?ralra?ll ll?????????, w, wi????????the????ce?ns?in?ing ing f?????????eded ?onon on??o o? th? the ???ricri????????/>
Since the K-Cup patents are starting to sunset, Grove Square is one of the first \"\"unofficial\"\" producers of \"\"we can't legally call these K-Cups but they work in your Keurig(R)(TM) coffee maker\"\" pods, and I thought that I'd be getting the same overall quality, without the licensing fees tacked on to the price.

Well... I was right about Grove Square being cheaper. But I t"} +{"input": "h??????????? t th t???nin?????????anan n??e.e.<.?brb??/>/><>????/>?AsA?s os ototh?erersr???havhavev?e pe ?oio?intin????ouo?t,t?????????????????iti???\"\"\"??????? o????????hrh??ef=ef????ttt?p:p?///?www??????????cocomo?/g/??/p/?rorodo???????00?E6E?LBLBXB?K\"K??>S>SpS????dad??\"\"???????.. ..??????gog?ot ot??0 0 c????rir??s,s??????h h??ee???s as ?a ba ??it it??owo??r ?ththath?? G GrGre??en ???ounou?ta???, , b, ??ut ut??? bi b???hi??gh gh?fof??? so som????hinhi???? tha that????etet-et?-co-c?????ou?????opo???e we ???????an??.\".?\"\" \"\" a\"\" an\"\" a????", "output": "hink that's the nicest I can be.

As others have pointed out, there's a definite \"\"diet\"\" or \"\"Splenda\"\" aftertaste. This hadn't been reviewed yet when I bought it, so I didn't see the warnings from others, and re-checked the ingredients several times to make sure.

\"\"Well... it's got 60 calories, which seems a bit lower than Green Mountain, but a bit high for something that diet-conscious people would want.\"\" and th"} +{"input": "e? i iningn?rer?did??????isi???dididdi?n'n't'???????tot???oioin?t ????obo?????s s?\"\"\"???ete?\"\"??????tet??ere????brbr r?/>/??????/>T/>ThT?e ????eraeralalll????????isis is??in????? l li l??????mem?ononene ???opo?????? s?ugu?ara?-f-frf????????sisie? R ??????????ourour r hr ????????r,r???usiusin????he? n non???????????et?????. .?GoG???ng ng??ne?? si s??????wnwn ?di?didndid?n'tn'???eeeemeem m tm ??to ito imimpm?ro??? m ??chc??, b, beb??yonyondnd ?ma?kikinki??ng ang ??we??? c?????olaolat???flflalavavov?? s??????? - ? b ?utu?t tt tht t?at??jujus?t t mt ??ana???????????r ??ho???ofo?????-c-?????????swesw?eet????r ?????he??tatas???? bu budu?s.? />?????wa?y y I ????e e i?t,t, ?????aveav?ed ??????t $t ???????oi????wiw?th??? thi this???brabr?andan?????????e oe ote o?the???r har h??and,and, , n, ??w w???ve??????202???? t??ese???", "output": "e ingredient list didn't seem to point to obvious \"\"diet\"\" sweeteners.

The overall taste is kind of like someone dropped a sugar-free Tootsie Roll in your hot water, using the normal cup setting. Going one size down didn't seem to improve much, beyond making a weak chocolate flavor sweeter - but that just meant a heavier shot of low-calorie sweetener to the taste buds.

The way I see it, I saved about $5 by going with this brand. On the other hand, now I've got 20 of these c"} +{"input": "?upupsp????ftf? t tht????ara?e e???obo??blb??????ngng g??in in???e e te ????h h??f f?????n'n?t ??????? s ?omo???????.. ..???..??? pl p?leale?aseas?e me ?????????nin?ingin??gug?ese??s.s?...... ...?wiw??? a ? f ?ewe? c cu c?upsup?s.
If you drink diet soft drinks by choice, you're probably going to like this.\"\n3416,B005K4Q1VI,A2H2Z1KG1YXMY1,T. Kirkpatrick,5,5,5,1322006400,Surprisingly Good!,\"We have tried many of the different hot cocoa k-cups...everything always tasted so watered down, even when using the smallest setting on the machine. However, this brand...even at the medium cup set"} +{"input": "ttitini?????asa?teteded d??ana??tasta?stist?c.c? ?I I????hlhlyly y?rer??omommm??????ror?????ququau???. . . ?? h???venve??t t? tr t?????????ofo?? th t??iri? o ?tht????prp?rodro????s,s?????t It ????ulu???beb???incin???????tot? n nonowo??bab???ed ????? thi th?????co?a.a.\".???????B0B000050???Q1Q????????HLH?????BRB???,\",\"C\"??. F. ????ili??????FHF??????,5?,5??131323212???161606???ReR????y y Gy GoG?odo????????cocoa? - - - H ?HigHigh??ly ly R ??????en????,\",\"T,\"???sese ??????e Se SqSquSq??re? H???ot Cot ?CocCococoacoa ?flf?avavoav??????e ????fafarfar ?th??e be bee b??st st? ta t?????? w ?e ?hah????fof??nd? f???? th????eue?????. W. ?e ?totooto?k k??? ch c??ncncec??onon on? th???? d ?duedu?e t????thethe the??ig???????iewie?w rw ?????gsg?s as ans andnd ????wawas?????????an?t t st ???pr?????e the tha?t ???????re?????lavlavovor??s as ars a?re ?re?al?allyall???oooodoo??D>?ararkr?????????tet??- -?MyM? f ??vov??iti?te,te? v ?ereryr??????????????n tn ???e \"e ???larla??e\"e\"\"???upu? s ???titiningn??brb????MiMili????ChoCh???olaolatateat??- - E- ExE?cec??lelene?? o?????? \" ??sms????\"\"??cu??????d gd ??od? o????thethe e \"??\"la\"l?argar??\"\"??\"\" cu\"\" cup?? se s????ng?P>???????inintin??- ??ve????oneon??lil?kek?? t th t????????, o, on?????????cu?cup cup??????se??ttittin???????><>T />?he?sese se?dod???????????????aloal?????in ?ada?didititiit?on???o ?sus?gagarar,ar??I I? do d???t ????tictice????e e te tatasta?te? b bub????y y wy ??fef????es?????????he he she st?il???li?????????).).<.
\"\"", "output": "r />Dark Chocolate - My favorite, very good even on the \"\"large\"\" cup setting
Milk Chocolate - Excellent on the \"\"small\"\" cup and good on the \"\"large\"\" cup setting
Peppermint - Everyone likes this one, on either cup size setting

These do contain Sucralose in addition to sugar, I don't notice the taste but my wife does (but she still likes them).

Highly Recommended! We tried these in the smaller variety pack, "} +{"input": "?GrG?ovo?? S SqS??????HoHoto????coc??????s s?????ete?? P ??????K-K?????s fs ?oror r??eue?ririgi???rerewre?ere?s,s??1212-2-C??unu?t ???PacPackck ck??f f???<>?????>/>C/>CFC?H\"H\"\"?343?????????????I,I,A,?JGJ???N2N2D2????BXB?,D,?????8,?1,1,1,???545???????ToT?? m ??chc??????fif????? s sws???etnet??????????????s s ts tes ter??ribri????..?? L LiL????pup?ttt???g ?ar???fi????? s?we???????r ir ?n n????reare?dyd??swswesweee?et et?????ch?????ata???? T ?hehe e be bebes????????? t ?????? so s?o fo faf??????????????iss? H Ho???ChC?hocho?colco?????????ups????DoDonon'n't't ????nkn?????y y ay ar????ol?d ?on? A ????onon ?yey??..?..?????????5K????1VI1V?I,AI,A2A212??RPR????9P9PCP????,Di,D?iania??ne ne F ??????onion?????????,2,2,?13???????????,The,Th????esces?ri??ti?????oeo?? n non??ot mot ?ene?ntint?????thath?????t it ", "output": "Grove Square Hot Cocoa Cups Variety Pack, K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 12-Count (Pack of 3)

CFH\"\n3418,B005K4Q1VI,AJGYCN2DJ7NBX,DR,7,8,1,1325462400,Too much artificial sweetner,This tastes terrible... Like putting aritficial sweetener in already sweet hot chocolate. The best I have tried so far is Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate K-Cups. Don't think they are sold on Amazon yet...\n3419,B005K4Q1VI,A21VRPTG99PC3K,Dianne F Simonini,12,15,2,1323216000,The description does not mention that it i"} +{"input": "???sus?gag???frf?eee??\"H\"??d d?I I?knk?????????s cs ??????waw????sugsu??????ee?? I? w??ulu??d nd ????hahavavev???????hasha???d id ??????rereare??izi?e e te ??ata?t tt ???? w wi w?????not??????ere? s?omo????eoe????? b bu b???????realrea?llylly y??ono????lilikli?e ??heh??afaftf?erertertat???te te?????akake????ugaug????? In I?n tn th????ntn??reresre????of of f??iri??ese??, , t, th??????d ?d nod not???ee?m m t to to o??ror?ouboublb?? m mym??ne?php???! !? J ??stst st u ?pdp???????e e de ded???riripi????on.on?\"\"?????????5K5?????I,I????SSS??F3F3I3???TST??0,M0,?orortrtot?on on?FaF?????,9,9,9,1,??,2,2,2?,13,1323??????20020?0,W0,??????es?? th t??????ve? s???cracral???se?se?,?,M,???whw???le ??????y(y?7 7??eo????? t?as?asteast????allal???????avoav??s ?anandn????theythe???arear??sisici?klk?? s??eeeetee??? V ???y ????????in?te???d thd t??t ?prpro????t ?ha???????al???", "output": "s sugar-free,\"Had I known this cocoa was sugar-free, I would not have purchased it. I realize that this will not bother some people, but I really don't like the aftertaste of fake sugar. In the interest of fairness, this did not seem to trouble my nephew! Just update the description.\"\n3420,B005K4Q1VI,A1ISS4F3IRVTS0,Morton Family,9,11,2,1322179200,Why does this have sucralose?,My whole family(7 people) tasted all 3 flavors and they are sickly sweet. Very disappointed that product has sucralose"} +{"input": ".???????ulu????????y y i ???aga????3343424212?,B,???5K5K4K????I,I???JXJXWX?????KIK??V,V,\",?T.T??B.B. . H. H.H??\"\"\"?????BaBara??gaiga?in in H HuH?ntn?????????,4,,4??,1,131?252?202??32032????ToT?o o??weweee??? t ???? we w????\",\"\",??sis?ingin?????? w wa wata??r r??? t??he he?didirirer??titioi???s ss ststat?ateate ????e e te ???????coacoa a?????????oo woo we??ak.ak??ItI???as? l ?????????????????????a fa ???? dr d?????ofof f????ocooc??at?ate ate???rurupu?????in?ing ing 6 ? o??z mz mamadma?????e ??cocco??coa coa? mu muc??????????eetee????ndn?? st s?tiltilll? t to??????????? th??????????????epe?arartartmtmem???????t ut ?ses?s ?s sus s?????oso?? a??s as ?a sa swswe?et?en?erer,er?, w, ????????vev??? it i??t a t a?ve?ryr????te?????y y sy ?sweswee?t ???lavlavovoror.r. . T. ???s ?ma??y ny ??? b?????????lel?? f ???? th?os??e we ??????ke?? ve v???y s?weweewe?et et t????ingsing???????", "output": ". I wouldn't buy it again\n3421,B005K4Q1VI,AWJXWD0EMKIUV,\"T. B. H. \"\"The Bargain Hunter\"\"\",4,4,2,1325203200,\"Too sweet, too weak\",\"Using 8 oz water as the directions state made the cocoa much too weak. It was like hot water with a few drops of chocolate syrup. Using 6 oz made the cocoa much too sweet, and still too weak in the chocolate department. It uses sucralose as a sweetener, which gives it a very intensely sweet flavor. This may not be a problem for those who like very sweet things or don"} +{"input": "????mim?ndn???heh?? ta t?????ofo????crc??lol?sese.e??UnU?????ununan?????? I ?'m'??non?t ????????????e ??eoe??????3343???,B,??050??4Q4?1V1??,A,?1414L4LLLL0L0M0???B8B?T3T????. . M. MeM??ere?????,4,,4?5,5,1,??232??939?6060000,00?,Be,Besestst st???????coc?????r r??eue?rir?g,g?\"P\"PeP?????????ot ????ur ur?GrG?ranra???a'a????upu???of of???ot ot Cot ???ocooc??at??????????????????eureu????????? t? the the ?beb??t ?t out o??? th the ther therer?e. e.???nd? w ??????makma?es?? it i?????weweeeete??????????youyo???et?????????s fs ?for?????????icicac????????????? K??CuC??????, ?tat?keke ke??????? it' it???a a Pa ?acackac? o?????, s, ????a ta ??otaot?al ??of ??? k k-k??cupcups??????/>/???r r /r />r />I>???????st?????? u ?sis??? t? the????malmalll? c ??? s???tit?ing? t?o ?????ene?t ?it???ror????beibe?ing????ate??redre?d dd dod????? too to?o mo ?ucuchuc???", "output": "'t mind the taste of sucralose. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people.\"\n3422,B005K4Q1VI,A14LL0MTTB8T3C,B. Meyers,4,4,5,1323993600,Best Hot Cocoa for Keurig,\"Perhaps not your Grandma's cup of Hot Chocolate, but for the Keurig, it's the best out there. And what makes it a sweeter deal you get 3 packs for the typical price of 1 K-Cup box, take note it's a Pack of 3, so a total of 36 k-cups.

I suggest only using the small cup setting to prevent it from being watered down too much, b"} +{"input": "??? d ?????de de?fof?r r??ouo????lflf!f???343424???????????VIVI,I,A,????3S3SAS?W0W0X0????Y,Y,K,????. . S. ?mim???,4,4,4??????????333?606??,S,?????????glglyly y??????,\",?TrT????fuf??????I I?wawasa?n'n????xpx?????ingin? t tot????ucuchc????ithit??th??is,is, ?bubut?? th t???ghghtht ????ou?ldl??????????a a???y y fy foforfor r sr ?omomemete?thi?ng????fff???ene??t ft ?for? m my my y Ky ???uriur????I ??ava??? to t??sas??, ???ata???? wa w?as as?????asaas??ntlnt??? su s????risrise????at at?ho??????????thisthi? i is i??. . ?MyM????????iteit??is???????ara?k k?ch???????e,e, ????ut tut ???e pe ????????ntnt nt i?? v ?ververy? g???? a as as ????????I ??? n non??t at a ???ala? m??????????????????????t ???mi?????it????ithith ith??om????cofco?ffeff???e foe f??? a a???ochoc??? an a???d itd i?????????y y gy ?oo????. I . I? wo wou??d ?de??in?it????ly ply ?ur?", "output": "ut decide for yourself!\"\n3423,B005K4Q1VI,A1YU3SAW0XHQIY,K. J. Smith,4,4,5,1321833600,Surprisingly Good.,\"Truthfully, I wasn't expecting too much with this, but thought I would give it a try for something different for my Keurig. I have to say, that I was pleasantly surprised at how good this is. My favorite is the dark chocolate, but the peppermint is very good as well. I am not a real milk chocolate fan, but I mixed it with some coffee for a mocha and it was very good. I would definitely purc"} +{"input": "h?asa?? t ?hih?s s??gag????\"\"33434242424,4,B,??0505K5???1V1???A2A??565??RLR?????QNQ???oyo?cec??????6,6???4,?131???767606???????stst t???????cocoao???oro??KeK????g,g????yoyouou u????w w? fi f?indindidin?g g a??hoh?? c ?ho?????tet??th?at??????? g ???????ndn?????brb?rewre?????n n t?????eu?ri?g ??is ????ig?????lll?ene???. .?????? th??is ?????????olola??te te ite ?is ???itite?te gte ?oooodo???ThT????????? i??s rs ???? a?nd??? the th???hot?? ch??????????????omo?e e ce ???????es?????? it i?. . I. ????ded?e ie ????or?or mor ?? d ????hth????an?????pep????????f f??it?? w????pe??d cd cr??eamea?? an??d sd ???he lhe ????ed ed ied ????????ll ??e e de ?ri?nknkik????lo??????? th??s s o?n ?no???ththa??t it ?????is bis ?????ining???to to????????de?r.r?????????005005K??4Q14Q1V?I,??G0G080?????G3G3P3PYP?,M,?at???GiG?", "output": "hase this again.\"\n3424,B005K4Q1VI,A2F56CRL29D7QN,moycegirl,6,7,4,1319760000,Best Hot Cocoa for Keurig,As you know finding a hot chocolate that taste great and is brewed on the keurig is a big challenge. Well this hot chocolate is quite good. The flavor is rich and the hot chocolate has some creaminess to it. I made it for my daughter and toped it off with whipped cream and she loved it. Will be drinking lots of this on now that it is begining to get colder.\n3425,B005K4Q1VI,AG08SJC4G3PY,Math Gir"} +{"input": "l????????131?????525202?????? p pepere??ece????utu??t bet b????? t tht?ana????e e?rerese?????ltl?????h h???????isnis????a a???????? c cuc????f f c?oco???????????ara??????erier?????? t????ot??herhe??s ts ??atat t it ????????rir???. .? i i??ililll? o??ded??er ter ?thith????gag???.\".???4242626,6?B0B?00500????1V1??,A,????535??????????EBE?,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5????111?????00,00?????llllellene??????? co???a!a???,\"????is is iis is???????????he he b ?es??????????hothot t ct ??cocoa? w we w?e he ?hav????????. . . ?ItI??????????ce????????lal?????????????? th?? a ad addddededde??coconco???ninieni?encen?ce ??of of???????cup,cup??itit it? is is ??????to???avaveav??????? a??yty???e ?yoy?????keke.e. ???gh?????recre?comcommmmemenme??!\"!???34234272???????4Q?1V?I,I,AI,???0H0???8P8?????????bab???hshsx?????,0,0,,0,0,5,5,5,15,13??21121???????", "output": "l,0,0,4,1321315200,not perfect but better than the rest,\"although this isn't a perfect cup of cocoa, it's far superior to the others that i have tried. i will order this again.\"\n3426,B005K4Q1VI,ANHG53RB9Q537,SEB,0,0,5,1321142400,Excellent hot cocoa!!!,\"This is by far the best K-cup hot cocoa we have tried. It has a nice rich flavor and with the added convenience of a K-cup, it is easy to have a cup anytime you like. Highly recommend!\"\n3427,B005K4Q1VI,A1J0H6L8PTVNH7,sxbaughsx3,0,0,5,1321142400,F"} +{"input": "a??tat?sts?ici??\"O\"OuOutu??ofof f a ??? o?f ?tht?? h hoh????hohocho??lal????kckcuc??s s??thathat??I I h??veve ??????????s ?is? b ?????r r???????stst st? on o?e.e???????eie??d ?afaftf????tastast?e,e, , a?ndn????ot ??????????????. T. ?as??????mamaza???? a???d pd ?riricri??????irirlir????whwhahat???????co???d ???????????or?or?\"???343????B0B000?5K5??Q1Q1V1?I,I??KYK??ISI?IZIZPZ??DIDIUI??,\"S,\"?ueu???????ue???\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?????????202????40400?,D,?????ioiou??????????????????????us??t wt ???????y sy ?????anantan?tedte??? T Th???pr???e ?wa??s es ??????ene?? a????? the? f fl fla?vov???isis ?ri?richric?. ???? wo w?oulou???????????d ?th?????e toe to o a an any anyo?nene ne???nt??inging ????ooo?d ????? of???nsn?stastan??? ho hot???????..??????????5K45K4Q?1V?I,I,AI,A3A3A3????JTJ???????,N,?. ?GrG?rec????,0,0,0,???5,15,1313213?20120????", "output": "antastic,\"Out of all of the hot chocolate kcups that I have tried this is by far the best one. Not weird aftertaste, and not watered down. Tastes amazing and priced fairly, what more could you ask for?\"\n3428,B005K4Q1VI,AKY1ISIZP5DIU,\"Sue \"\"ausuep\"\"\",0,0,5,1320710400,Delicious!,These k-cups are just what my son wanted! The price was excellent and the flavor is rich. I would recommend these to anyone wanting a good cup of instant hot cocoa.\n3429,B005K4Q1VI,A3A58DJTXQSI3K,N. Greco,0,0,5,132019200"} +{"input": "??,G,GrG??ata? c coc?????? a ??????igig g???t ???co?????ininkn?ere? s ?o o??hih?? h ho h?ot ot c co coc??a a?I ????ldl?? de d?fif?iniiniti?elelyl??re????mem?ndn?d id ???????a ????at???????coa fcoa ??ava??r r ar ??????'s'?s ps ???fef?????????ho??? c co?????alallll l??or ????????????? W ??rmr??s ys yoyou? u upu???lul??s ts tat?astaste??s gs ????t!t?????0,????5K5??Q1Q????AJA??????BOB??M0M?U,U,\",???????ly????. \". ?\"S\"?????ho???????,1,??,1??,1???????00600??00???????????TrTrar?????atatsat???CaCan??t t tt ??ll? y yo?? h???????? t??????????ecaec?us?e e Ie I ???readrea???theth??in?gr?????enten????????, , b?????it it hit ???????nsns-????ts ts i in i???vever?y ???av????. :. ?? T ?heh??se?ll??er er??ho???d ?????lol???? al a???in??re?????entsents ?in???????es???ripri????????????ldldnldn'n't??? hav ha?? p????hahasha", "output": "0,Great cocoa,I am a big hot cocoa drinker so this hot cocoa I would definitely recommend it has a great cocoa flavor and it's perfect for those cold fall or winter days. Warms you up plus tastes great!\n3430,B005K4Q1VI,AJBIC5OBOQM0U,\"Kimberly I. \"\"Shopaholic\"\"\",11,17,1,1322006400,Contains Trans-Fats,\"Can't tell you how this tastes, because I read the ingredients first, but it has trans-fats in every flavor. :( The seller should disclose all ingredients in the description. I wouldn't have purchas"} +{"input": "??d d??????ototh?ere?wiw??e.e??????1,1??????4Q4????,A,??M6M606???????????TDPTD?,9,????,1?,1????111??80800??VeVer?? d ?????oio??????!!!!,!??I I r ?ece???vev?ed ed????oro???er er o???GrGror??? S ?quq????????????coaco?? mi m?x x???dadaya???anandn?????s vs ????????ckckekeded ed ted ??????????t t?????????atateat???oi?l l????s os ?nen?e oe ?f ???the the???ingring?redre??en??s ?????????????????ve????oi???d ????????nyn??prp?rodro??????? tha th????on?tataiain??s ts ??an??????????????e ???f tf thf t???????????e ee efe??ec????on? b ??ooo?od od l ??pip??d ld ??ve??s.s. ??????ldld d ud urd u?gege ge A ??aza??on ???? re r??quiqu???re are anan an i?????zezed???lisli?t ?????ngn??????ent?????or or??lll???????iti?????li??te?d d fd fo????ala??????f t???e ie ??ingr???ieienie?ntsnt??hahadha?????????istis???, ?????? o?????", "output": "ed this otherwise.\"\n3431,B005K4Q1VI,ABM606CTD7YWF,TDP,9,14,1,1325116800,Very disapointing!!,\"I received my order of Grove Square hot cocoa mix today, and was very shocked to see that hydrogenated oil was one of the ingredients in the mix. I have avoided using any products that contains trans fats because of the negative effects on blood lipid levels. I would urge Amazon to require an itemized list of ingredients for all food items listed for sale. If the ingredients had been listed, those of us "} +{"input": "???o o??ava?? c ?ono??ere?nsn? a aba?ouo?t t???????ala?tht? c??n n??vovoio?d d t ???ses??prp???ucu??????3434343232,2??????4Q4??VIV?,A,A3A?????????Z6Z??????nBn?,1,1,1????,1?????424??00??DaD?rkr?? ch cho??colcolal?tet??lol?ve??r -r ??beb??????????rir????????aia?nlnlyl? u ?????y y Ky ????????oror r cr co?????e be bub?ut ut? th t???ghg?t t I?'d'????y y ty th?isis ?on??e se ??????I ???ve?ve dve ???????hoc?olo??te? a???d id ????????????ingin???oso???ly ly g gogooood???eveviv???s.??? I' I?????????????????the???r chr c?????lat?e ????????anandand ?ha?????ve?n ???? on o???????si???e e t?heheye?y ay ??l l s???me??d pd ????tyt??wa??terte??. .???? I? c??n ???astas???wawatwatewat?? I? I d I dodonon'on?t ???ns?id??er ??it it r re r?????????hohoc??hocolahocol?ateate.e. ? I I ?wa?s ??leleaeaseasas?antantl??y sy ??urpur?pripr??ed??? tha that?????? t?????es es??uc??", "output": "who have concerns about our health can avoid these products.\"\n3432,B005K4Q1VI,A33YCUFVPEZ6QV,BenB,1,2,5,1342742400,Dark chocolate lover - best I've tried,\"I mainly use my Keurig for coffee but thought I'd try this one since I love dark chocolate and it was getting mostly good reviews. I've tried some other chocolate K-cups and had given up on them since they all seemed pretty watery. If I can taste water I don't consider it real hot chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised that this tastes much "} +{"input": "b?ete???r r??hah????hehe e o ?ththeth????????????eded.d? ??I I m ???t t??dmd??t ??thethertherer??ara????ananyan?? I I?ha???????t trt t?rieri?ed,ed, , b ??t ???dod??n'tn't t rt ?????y ?fefeee??????????kik?ngn??????????ie??titifi??? s st???y ????it??) ) ??????wiwilill? b??e m???sosouo?rcr?????? ho h??????cocololalata????????non??????I>I ????????it????e de ?is??ppp?oioinintinte?d d t?????? h??w ???nyn?y iy ?ingin?re??diediene???s is ??????tat???s.s?. . ???atat at???rtr????of tof ??????????rieriesrie????e a? l????le?????ti??ll,ll?, I, I ??on????????????????????????e the t????mu??????????th????? I' I????sus???ivi?ve.ve????I'lI'??ll cll ??????the? i??ngrng?red???ientien????be?l l hl ?herhe???foforor or???oso?e ?co??ce?rnr?ed? p ??us??? a f a ?fewfe?w iw ?????s fs ????? th the th?e ne nun????titioti?? i???fo:fo???

I was a little disappointed to see how many ingredients it contains. That sort of thing worries me a little. Still, I don't drink hot chocolate that much, so I think I'll survive. I'll copy the ingredient label here for those concerned plus a few items from the nutrition info:
"} +{"input": "??????>C>?????iei???????frfroromom m???? 2 ?0.0. .??TrT?ana?????? 0 0g0??. S. SoS?????m 2m ??0m0mgm?g. g.?SuS???????g.?????/>???? /?>I>??GRGRER?DID???????susug??ar,ar, ??lulucu???? s sy s??upu???ololil???, , c, ???coaco????ro??esesses??d d???tht??al???alial??, ??ar???al?????ydy?ro?????ateat?????gegetge?aba???????? (m (mamayay ?co????????coc????t,t???oyoybybebeaean?, ?, su, sununfn????ere??, p????????/o/?? c ca c????a)a?), ), m ??odiodifi?ie???????, , m, ?malma??ododeod?xtx?????, s??altal?t, t,?????raralra????? a???tiftifi?????l fl ????or???? ce c?lll??lo?se? g ?um?, , s??odi?um? c ca cas ca?seise?inain?????????????chc??, l, ?acactc?tosto?????dipdi?otota????iumiu?????????ate???????ral????, ??on???????????????ri??es???, si, s??ici????didiodi???????????le?ci??thith??, , a, ?????iciciic?????ololool???. [. ??onontonta??ns?????k k?", "output": "
Calories 60, from fat 20. Trans Fat 0g. Sodium 200mg. Sugars 6g.

INGREDIENTS: sugar, glucose syrup solids, cocoa (processed with alkali), partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (may contain coconut, soybean, sunflower, palm and/or canola), modified whey, maltodextrin, salt, natural and artificial flavors, cellulose gum, sodium caseinate, cornstarch, lactose, dipotassium phosphate, sucralose, mono- and diglycerides, silicon dioxide, soy lecithin, artificial color. [Contains milk a"} +{"input": "?????oyoy.y????r r??????r /r />??I I?ala??ayaysys s??atatet? s?????? a??tit???ciciaial????lolororirin?g g ig ?? \" \"\"\"???????? ch chohoco???atateat??prpror?????s.s??? /???br br /???? I I I hI ???d hd ??? c???ocooc?olaolat?? e eve?ereryr??da?y y Iy ?I wI wow?ululdld d cd co?nsn?????????????iti??frf??????????? w wiwitithit??mom?????cocco?coacoa a???nd nd?fef?????ch??mimicicaic??s,s?????t st sisinsi???e Ie ?I eI ??joj?oy oy?tht?e ???nvnvevenve??en?ce??ofo???havha???ing ???????arlarlyl????????tlt?ly ly?????? my m??KeK?ururirigrig ?onon on?????????si????al ???imim,m?, I, I'I??l l j juj?st??kek??p p????oxo? o of o?f tf ?theth?ses????cuc????????hanha?nd.nd. . I I I??igighg?ly????????en?d ??????? t????tatasta?stest???it????n'n't't ???sysy ?fifinfindndind????gog??? h ho hotot ??????????.\".????333??B0B?050??4Q4Q1Q1V1??????L6L??J3J???MYMYEYE5E???lil???beb????RaR????????1,1,2,?", "output": "nd soy.]

(I always hate seeing artificial coloring in \"\"dark\"\" chocolate products.)

If I had hot chocolate every day I would consider making it from scratch with more cocoa and fewer chemicals, but since I enjoy the convenience of having it nearly instantly from my Keurig on the occasional whim, I'll just keep a box of these K-cups on hand. I highly recommend it for the taste, it isn't easy finding good hot chocolate.\"\n3433,B005K4Q1VI,A13L66J35SMYE5,Elizabeth Ramsoram,1,2,"} +{"input": "?????303??464?64064???NoN?t t g ????????? d ?oeoeses ?non?????sts??????e ?coc??coaco??iti??is? v ???????aka???no no?mam?tttteterter r? wh whah?at at???p p s sis?zeze ?yoy?? u ??e.e.I.? i is i??jujus??t nt ?????googoodod.od?3?434?????????????,A,AUA???????????????? t to t?rrr??z z \" ????at\"at\"\"\"\"\"\"\"??,1,,1?2,2???13?252565?353????,\"????t bt ?adad,d, d, b bub?t ????ot got go??d d e eie???er????WhWhe???????t ???????????? f ??llll l?????????. I. ???ou???t t at ?a ba ???chc????? di d?fff????ntnt ??????????ckc??s as ????twt?o o b????es es? of of f tf ???? gr g?ov????ququau?????ot???????????m m a a ???it it o?? a? h?????ococooc??????, , p ????iai?llllylly ??ece???????I cI ???'t'?t ht ???? c?afa????nen????andan?d pd ???ti???lyly ??ec???sese se??????????s bs ba?ck? w?ono?ndend??????????orioriei??es oes ?????aya?ini??? in?????he she ???w w?????", "output": "1,1330646400,Not good,This does not taste like cocoa it is very weak no matter what cup size you use.I is just not good.\n3434,B005K4Q1VI,AUAT8KNYH4RAM,\"T. torrez \"\"Kat\"\"\",1,2,1,1325635200,\"Not bad, but not good either\",\"When I got my Keurig I fell in love. I bought a bunch of different sample packs and two boxes of the grove square hot cocoa. I'm a bit of a hot cocoa nut, partially because I can't have caffeine, and partially because it brings back wonderful memories of playing in the snow and t"} +{"input": "??? f ?????f f w ?????????????tet?rwr?warwa?????? r ???llllyly y??ana?te???toto o l ????e te ththih??????????coacoa.a??I ?????d ?????????????ava?oro?????ltltit?plp?e ???mem????in??did?fff????nt??????s. s.??? tr tririeried? t????????th?e ?di??ffeff???nt???up??sis???es,es?, a, ?????????iningingsgs,?????. . T. ?heherherere're?s ???sts?t tt ???is is??trtratran??e ??asa??e ???o to ?????ththath????oeo?????t st si????????? on on t?? the the?????ueu??. I?'m'????? s??re? w??????????, ?bub?t ??t ????s as a a f????t t rt ?rinring???of of? so s?ur???milmilkl??????????llylly y ly ?in???ersers,s, ?an????I hI ?havha???????ou??d ????????ng ng tng ??thatthat ?t tat t????? th????as?????wa??????m ??oioin?ing ing????????? my m?y sy ???????boboxox x??????frf?rie???????he he? do d?oesoe??n'tn't n't s?eee?? t????????e ???. ?????aua??hthte??? an a", "output": "he fun of warming up afterwards. I really wanted to love this hot cocoa. I tried all three flavors multiple times, in different ways. I tried them on the different cup sizes, adding things, etc. There's just this strange taste to them that doesn't sit well on the tongue. I'm not sure what it is, but it has a faint ring of sour milk. It really lingers, and I haven't found anything that takes the taste away. I'm going to give my second box to a friend, she doesn't seem to notice it. My daughter an"} +{"input": "dd d h ??sbsbab??????tht? s ?????iti??tat?sts?????????, , s?o o?it??s s??otot ot????t t mt ?e.e. . I ???lslsos??totooooko???t ?to??? f ???????'s 's?????? a an a?nd nd??ava??????ed? t???m m i??????eeee e de ?ifi??ere???t ??????g g m mamaca??ini??s,s??JUJUSU?T T t??o mo ???e ????e ??in?????????????????to bto ??????cac??ed?. ?????I gI ?ueu????mymy y????geg??tit????isi???to ???????????orore? y ?ou?????????????e mue m?ltl??plplele e be ????????343434??,B,??050???Q1Q1V1??,A,??????K4AK4?BZB??????lwl?aya????hohopoppppip??g,g?1,1???,1,,1?????424?565???,B???d Td TaT?astas???\"I\"I ???ded?ereereded ed ted thed thi?s ???odo?ucuctct t bt ???cauca?use???????go?od??pr???e e d??al??????mazmazoz?? s?hi????ed ?ac?????iningingling?y,y?, a, aba??solsolul?????? no no ?pr??blble???????rere.re??. H. ?owo??veverver,r?, t, th???e tae t????e oe of??? thi this????rodro?????", "output": "d husband both said it tasted weird, so it's not just me. I also took it to a friend's house and have tried them in three different Keurig machines, JUST to make sure mine didn't need to be descaled. So I guess my suggestion is to try it before you go for the multiple boxes.\"\n3435,B005K4Q1VI,A3LBPK4ABZSNB,Always Shopping,1,2,1,1324425600,Bad Taste,\"I ordered this product because of a good price deal. Amazon shipped accordingly, absolutely no problems there. However, the taste of this product w"} +{"input": "??? h hohororrr??ndn????? ????tatasastastetede??????f f??omo?eoe??e e????ouougou?????ememimici?????ini?? a a??upu????? t?ololdld d md me?? to to to b ??????t.t?. . ????ere?????????wiw????gog? b ba b?ckc?? to to ?????ingin???wi?ssss ?MiM?ss? i??n an a a c?anan n an ann and??juj??t t ut ???????????????g g tg tot?o go ?????meme ?HoH??????terte???????peperpe??? and an?d m???????ttt?terter ter????astiast????\"\"????6,6???050????1V1?I,I,A,???J7J??6X6XRX???????J.J??????????,1??,13,1??414??646????WoW???t t Ht ?HotHot t ct ch???ololaol???????r!r???ThT?????????to to?? be be? wi witi?ho?utu?t at ??do?ubu????theth???????? ta?st?ininging ???Hot Hot C ChCho??colco?????????! ! T ??e ??ese??????y ty ?to ???escescrc??????? the the t?? tast tas???ofo??\"\"\"?\"Th\"Thihishi????????? i????reare?allallyall????????????? f frfre?e e ie ??ststast??t ??hothot t ct cht c???ol?????. S. Sw?is???s Mis Mis??????", "output": "as horrendous. It tasted as if someone through chemicals in a cup and told me to brew it. I personally will go back to buying Swiss Miss in a can and just using the Keurig to give me Hot Water, cheaper and much better tasting.\"\n3436,B005K4Q1VI,A3FJ7K6XRP3MPM,J. Voss,1,2,1,1324166400,Worst Hot chocolate ever!,\"This has to be without a doubt the WORST tasting Hot Chocolate ever! The best way to describe the taste of \"\"This Stuff\"\" is really cheap suger free instant hot chocolate. Swiss Miss inst"} +{"input": "???? i ?????????ttt?????????ososts???esesss???AfA???r ???lyly ?????psp???hrhrerewe? t ??????????????e ??ara??agagege ??he??? i?????????s ?an?and and???ancan?????????sus?????ibibe?? an a????avavev?e fe ?oro?r tr ?thith?????SLSLOLOPO?\"\"?!\"!??????,B,??????????,A,????J6J????????????lilis????H.H?,1,????3,3,1??2222622???202??,I,ItIt't's'??ded?cecencent??..????hih?is ??is ??kak?ay ay c???coacoa.a?????? n ?otot ?rereare??????verve??????otothoth,h? a an?d ?itit'???? l ?????? w???terterytery.y. ?. I . I?hah????highi??? ho hopo???????????ovove?????k k c????ololal?????hotho?t ct ?cocco???????nd nd???e ??revreviv??????er??e ge goe g?oodoo?. . I. I . I w. I ??????????????the the??????I bI ??ugu???, ?bub???wi????trtry????ot???er er? br b?an??????t ?tit???.\".?????8,8??????4Q4Q14Q1V?????TIT????O1O??JWJ????ysy?fufunu?????alal al??", "output": "ant is way better and cost less. After only 3 cups threw the rest in the garbage where it belongs and canceled my subscribe and save for this \"\"SLOP\"\"!\"\n3437,B005K4Q1VI,A1Y5J68F22DRUR,Allison H.,1,2,3,1322611200,It's decent...,\"This is okay cocoa. It's not really very smooth, and it's a little watery. I had high hopes, as I love dark chocolate hot cocoa, and the reviews were good. I will finish the box I bought, but will try another brand next time.\"\n3438,B005K4Q1VI,A1TIHREO1GJW5,dysfuncional ve"} +{"input": "??????,1,???,3,?,1,13,1???747??202000???????ngn??????????juj?sts? g ??????????kek???????andand d?waw????ooookokik?ingin?????????rer???t ct ?hohoco??lalat???????????ililll? l?ooookoo???ng/ng/t/?thith??????faf?iri???at at?beb????????????????????ng?????????g a?????3343??9,9,B,???5K5?????I,I?A8A8K8??HZH????RNR?????ses??vava3a?3,13,?????,1?,131,13191????404????rereare??????????????er er??? a??ded?????oc?olo?latla?te te f fl f?lavlavovororior??ing,ing,I,I I?????n'n???aca?tut??????trt?rieried????rinrinkrin??????????e je jujusju?? a as a????t ???ocoocoaoco?a ba bub?ut ut????????th????peppe?pe??mim??t ?flf?????or ior ??????reatrea???????cr???????foforfo?r tr th????an???ououtoutttte?te Mte ??????an ???fff??e.e?????m m???de????g ?????????bo????????hishis ??dd?????justjus???????????t at amt a?ouounou?t ?ofof of????????latelat?e te ?", "output": "teran,1,2,3,1321747200,nothing special,just got a new keurig and was looking for a great chocklate drink/still looking/this is fair at best/watery and nothing to brag about\n3439,B005K4Q1VI,A8KGHZMPMRNMY,Userva3,1,2,4,1319846400,Great as a creamer or added chocolate flavoring,I haven't actually tried drinking these just as hot cocoa but I know the peppermint flavor is great as a creamer for the Van Houtte Mexican coffee...I'm ordering another box as this adds just the right amount of chocolate to"} +{"input": "???y y?????????????n n?trt?yiy?ngn?? to t? f fif??d d??? co cof?fefeefee e???ava??r r???????oeo?? t th tha th???bub???sos???arar ?adaddddid????tht????????????????ee? h hahasha?s ws ?????d ???ut ut b??ttt??????? I ??usu???????ha?vev?????ozoz z??t ??a ta ????e se ?so so? I I?rur?n ?4 ??oz oz t th?rorou??????s hs ?????ho?co???tete te???d d td ??the the??????r 1r ????? c??????? I??dididdid d td trd t?ry ry a????heherher ?brb?anand?? of o? k ??upup p? ho h??? co?cocoaco???????t ??asasnsn'n???t ast as ????d ?as?? th???s bs br?anand????444?0,0,B,???5K5??Q1Q???,A,???C0C?RPR??1T1?GYGY7Y???. . K. ???chchuch??,0,0,?????131?34234292???20200?????he he?\"\"\"??epeplplil?????or\"or???? of of o????????.\".\",\",\",\"W,\"?e ??hav????????????t bt ?eve???????e coe coo????????isis is?? thi??????????the cthe ?????estest t tt th??ing??? to to? th???????????tictic c?????eplep?????torto???\"\",\"\", ,", "output": " my coffee. Been trying to find a coffee flavor that does that but so far adding these to the coffee has worked out better :-) I usually have 14 oz at a time so I run 4 oz through as hot chocolate and the other 10 as coffee. I did try another brand of kcup hot cocoa and it wasn't as good as this brand.\n3440,B005K4Q1VI,A24C0RPF1TGY7,L. Ketchum,0,1,5,1342915200,\"The \"\"Replicator\"\" of our time.\",\"We have a new hot beverage cooker. This thing is the closest thing to the futuristic \"\"replicators\"\", "} +{"input": "mmam??e e??non???????StStat?????????????????d d??ereririei?es es o ofof f?????ouo????fff?????????r /r />/???r ?????e le lol???????r hr ????beb???eraer?geg???????? a an a???hahavave???ddd?dedded ???????er??ene???unu??????????r or ??? h ho h?mem??en?vi??ono?memenme??.????????pe?cic??lll?y y l li l???e te ?theth??HoH????ho??colco?????????TeTea???ev???erageragegesge??apa????t ft frt f???????he hhe huh???re??? o??f cf ???ffeff?ee ee? op o?tit?ionio???
We love our hot beverage brewer and have added a higher-end unit to our own home environment.

We've used such a device and various coffee and tea pods over the last few years, but this kit tops that experience.

I especially like the Hot-Chocolate and Tea beverages apart from the hundreds of coffee options.

Do consider buying one of their devices and also sample the so very many flavors of co"} +{"input": "ffff??eses,s?????????d d??tht?ere??hohot???eve?er?aga?es? a???aca??hedhed ??o o???????????????tatta?????\"\"?343?414??B0B?050??4Q4??VIV???1I1?838???????????GrGreregre???????????22228288880800?????lilici??iouio???\"I\"I'I??????erer er????rdrd d od ?f f???isi?????andan??bub?? t???y y???ereer????ryr?y cy ????p p h??rere re???????zoz?????nd nd?I I??????????mem?elyel??sus???rir??ede?????????gog?odo?????he Dhe ???? C ???????ateat??HoH?ot ot Cot ????????? ?????oluol????ely ely w??rtr????ry??inging,g, g,????s ????llllyl??quq??tete te??oo???.\".\"?34344?2,2?,B0,B???????1VI1V??A1?XUX?????4I4IFI?XYX??,B????????,0,,0??,3,???????565??????t'??s Os ?k.k. ?BeB?????I HI ???????unu???SoS??FaF???????? i??s ts ththeth???besbe?st st??HotHot ??CocCo????? h?av?e e fe ?ou??nd nd snd ?? f ?ar?ar, ar,??UTU? I???????I I cI ??an an??inindin???ete??erer.er??", "output": "ffees, teas and other hot beverages attached to the brewing station.\"\n3441,B005K4Q1VI,A1I83GB8DSDCK4,Greg,0,1,5,1332288000,Delicious,\"I'd never heard of this brand but they were very cheap here on Amazon and I was extremely surprised at how good the Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa is. Absolutely worth trying, it's really quite good.\"\n3442,B005K4Q1VI,A1XUSUK54IFXYL,B. Webb,0,1,3,1331856000,It's Ok. Best I Have Found So Far,\"This is the best Hot Cocoa I have found so far, BUT I hope I can find better. I"} +{"input": "?????non????eae??????coc???tet??y.y??WiW??h h??t ??????????it it??weweewe????? bu b?t ??????e e??????, ,?I I??ouo???????? it i?t at ??aiainin ????? c?ana???t ft fif????beb?ettet?ter?.\".?????3,3?B0B???????VIV?????0O0OQOQ4Q4W4??C4C4545E5??,A,Am,A??????????momomo?,0,0,0???5,5???31313133?767606?00,00,G,????at at???ot ot C ??hocho????????hih?? i??s rs ?????????rea?t ?Ho??????ocoocol????????????ici?e e ie ???ri?????tot???. U. ????allally?????finfindn?d td th?at??hohotho?????hocohoc??olatolatete te??-c-?upupsp????re ???????r ?waw?????????????????is ????e. e. I I ??waswa?s is ??pr?esesss???????he he??ar????cho????at???????eaealea???y yy yuyumu????? I I w I wi I wili????e ?or???erierin?g g? mo m???e.e.??4444444??,B0,B?005005K5K45K?4Q14Q?1VI1V?????????CECE9E??????K.K??MaM?fff?????,1?????13313????60060??0,?\"W\"?????ohoh ???????????ak?e e se ??", "output": "t's not real chocolately. Wish it were a bit sweeter but on the whole, I would buy it again if I can't find better.\"\n3443,B005K4Q1VI,A2E0OQ4WMC45ER,Amberley's mom,0,1,5,1331337600,Great Hot Chocolate,This is really great Hot chocolate. The price is right too. Usually I find that hot chocolate k-cups are weak or watery but not this one. I was impressed. The dark chocolate is really yummy! I will be ordering more.\n3444,B005K4Q1VI,A1J2YIPCE9PHCQ,K. Maffei,0,1,3,1330560000,\"Why, oh why, add fake sug"} +{"input": "aara??\",\"???????nan????y,y, , b beb??or???I I p ??rcr????ede??????????hrhror??ghg??????????????wsw? o ???????????cucupu???????isi????ere? t??hathat t???eye????d ??omo??e ae ar?tit???cic???????????er?? to to ????m m a??onongn???iti????????????'m'???hohoco?kek?? t th?atat at t? the???????ded??crc?ipi??tioti????????t ?mamakake???????clc???r.r??? I ???nsn?idi?????thath?at ??mpmpoporortortat???t it ini?foforfo?mamatma?tio????brb???><>????????de?ci??dedde?d td tod to o go ???ve ve t? the??m am ?????y, y, a an anynywywaw????co?????derderiderin??????????????er?s s t?ho??????t itt i???waswas s hs ?harhardr???? t???????I ???al???e ????t t m?ananyan?y py prp????ctctsts s d?????is?is ris ??cec??tlt??, ??????????usu??al???????all all s?ho??? o?f ???di?ngng ng? th???????tyt?y ay ????????te???????/>/>S/>SaSad?ly?? t??", "output": "ar?\",\"Fortunately, before I purchased I read through enough reviews of these k-cups to discover that they add some artificial sweetener to them along with sugar. I'm shocked that the item descriptions don't make this clear. I consider that important information!

I decided to give them a try, anyway, considering some reviewers thought it was hard to tell. I realize that many products do this recently, but they usually fall short of hiding that nasty aftertaste.

Sadly, thi"} +{"input": "s???nen????ese???ooo?? ?ItIt't??s cs ?loloso?e ???????? a ??momos?t t?ene????? a a?????- - b- ????????????lll?????isi?stast?????e,e, , e???ece?iai??????f f y yoy?u u???on'on????on?sus???e me ?ucu????????????al al???eee?tet???r.r?? ( ?I I????w w s??gagarar-r??rer???gug?um,um?, a, ??? t ???t'?t's t's??????r r m me??????r /r />/?????r />r />I>It???? a ????me???totooto???beb????se?? th t??? ch??cocolco??ateat??????or??????????. ?InI?n fn ??????I ?rar????d td ?theth?esees?e ae ??? s si s?mpm??ly ly?????us??e me mye m???onon on? to t???ra?te??????he she ?swesweeeeteete????????????toto to d dr d??????????????d ???waw??s rs ?reare???y y jy jajaza?zez??????outout t tt ?thethe the?????me??????pup??ci?non?? be b?????? I I f I ????????? a??????th??the sthe ?????en?????.b.bubutbu????w ????????t bt ??? bu buyu???g g? an a????. (. ?SiS??????tete:te? m???", "output": "s one does too. It's close - I can almost enjoy a cup - but it's still unmistakable, especially if you don't consume much artificial sweetener. (I chew sugar-free gum, and that's it for me.)

It's a shame, too, because the chocolate flavor is nice. In fact, I rated these a 3 simply because my son tolerates the sweetener enough to drink them. And I was really jazzed about the caramel cappuccino before I found out about the sweetener...but now I won't be buying any. (Side note: many"} +{"input": "? c ?apa?pup??????????iei?????? co c??plp?aia??????hahatat t t??eyey'y'r're??ininsin????????fff??????thath???????e e??iki????as? s st????ono? c????pucpu?cciccin??o -o - - t?????wow??ldl?????fif????wiw????meme,e, ,? if i?? it i?t wt ????n'n't'????? t??e e ae ??titifi?ficfici?ala????weewe???????????h h t th???e ?e gae g???ststa????????ppppupp????no?s s ds ????'t 't????e.e.).)<)<>????r />r /????th??ey ey b be?gig?????????ferfer r ar ?? li l??ine ????????t tt ????ar?ti????????? swe sw???????????????? i it it, it?????t ut ?nt?ili?????n ?I'?m m?????in??????y ????? G ??rovro??????ararear??prp???????????????????K4K4Q4????,A,A1A1Y1????MXM???717????chchrch??????????,1,1,1??5,15,??????525?20020??\"G\"GrGroGrovo?????quaqu??? h ho hoto???ococo??a ca ?upu??, ???arkar?, ?sis??????seserse??ve ve cve ???????e ?usu????????eueuru", "output": " cappuccino reviewers complained that they're instant coffees that taste like gas station cappuccino - that would be fine with me, if it weren't for the artificial sweetener which those gas station cappuccinos don't have.)

If they begin to offer a line without the artificial sweetener, I'd buy it, but until then I'm staying away from Grove Square products.\"\n3445,B005K4Q1VI,A1Y20RMXCE71KJ,christinao,0,1,5,1329955200,\"Grove square hot cocoa cups, Dark, single serve cup\",\"We use our Keur"} +{"input": "????evevev?ryry y???y.y. .? W ?hehene??a a?frfririeienenden? g ??????? a a a s ????lel??wew????ntnt t??????, ,?iti?????????beb?sts?????t ct ?hohocho???atatet?e ee eveveev?er.er?. . ?I I??igighig???y ry ??cocomcommm?en????thith????itit it????a ????at?? in i??ththeth?????ninini??g tg tot???aka??e te ??????aca??e oe ????es?????.\".??????,B,???5K5?4Q4Q1Q??I,I??????HGH????7V7?????am??????????????????1,11,131???00???00?,F,??????? ing ingrg????ienie?nt nt? is?????nsn???at?at (at ?? pa para??iaiala????????ogo??enaen?????oio?l l???\"I\"?I gI ???????heherhe?re re i??????rea?????????at tat ????????????ientien???secse??????on??th???????ge ge?????n'n??t mt ?menme??ioion???ha?t t tt ??the ???irsir???in?ingring??????ient ient i? is ??tratr?ns?? fa fatat ??pa?rt??ialiall??y hy ????rogro???at??d ?d oid o???. ?. H. ??d d Id ????owow,w?, I, ??wowouoululduld d nd ????????e pe pupuru?ch?asa?sedse??", "output": "ig every day. When a friend gave us a sample we went crazy, it is the best hot chocolate ever. I highly recommend this, it is a treat in the evening to take the place of dessert.\"\n3446,B005K4Q1VI,A2K4QHGOVF7VZ0,Gameformulator,0,1,1,1329004800,First ingredient is trans fat ( partially hydrogenated oil ),\"I guess there is a reason that the ingredient section on this page doesn't mention that the first ingredient is trans fat (partially hydrogenated oil). Had I know, I would not have purchased t"} +{"input": "?hihisi??? C ?ono???memere????eeeede??toto o?vovototet??wiw?thth h????irir r???????rs rs a ana???????d ?????????????s ws ?he???e te ??e e me ????faf??tut?re????? u ????g g cg ???apa?? an and???nhn??????y y????????ene???s.\"s.?3?444??,B,????K4K?Q1Q1V1?I,I,A,?323??626?KMK???MJM??????. E. ?ggg????0,0?1,1???,13,1?32632646??9292020000,00?GrGrorovo?e ?SqS????e,e?????ses???????awawaw?? f ????? ar a?tit???ciciai?l l s ?wew?eetee?ne????????/>/??S>SoSomo????? t? the th??? ac act??ualua??y y cy ?chachanangan?ge ge? th the???????e oe ?of of h ????? c cecelell???????????

Some of them actually change the shape of human cells.

this has an artificial sweetner\n3448,B005K4Q1VI,A33TUOZF1D5UT3,PennyTheCorgi,0,1,1,1325894400,\"Mmmmm,plastic\",\"I've been excitedly trying every type of K cup I can get my h"} +{"input": "a??dsd? o ?? s ????? I I I??????? K KeK??rir?? f foforor r c ????????s ??andan?, , u ?ntn?????????????????????ououn??ererer?d d?an???tht?hatha????trt??????hat??. . U ?ntntintilil il I? d ?isiscs?ovoveververeredre?d td th?is? o?????? I w I ???ldl?????ve ve t th?ouougou?????t pt ????????difdiffffif????t t tt tot??ru??in in h ???? ch c??cocolco?ata????????????eoe?????????ror?oveov?e Se ??????????tataia?inlin?? d??d d ad ???ooo????obob.b. ?NoNotot ot oot ?onlon?ly ???as as t th the?? ho h????????colacol?ateat????teterte?y,y, ???????? ha h???????rrr?ribri?le???plapl????? a?????tatastast?????????????!\"!????494?,B,??050??????I,I,A,??P1P?????JYJ????2,2,N,NiNikikkkkik????1,1,1?,1,13,1??585????0000,00,T,??astasteast???????di??t,t,\",?????ded??eded ed????is is sis ??pecpe??fi???lll??????c tc ?theth?y y sy ????????ar?????oc?olo?latlatete\"te????o ???????ho??iningin???forfo??a a ra ", "output": "ands on since I got my Keurig for christmas and, until now, have not encountered any that I truly hate. Until I discovered this one. I would have though it pretty difficult to ruin hot chocolate but the people at Grove Square certainly did a good job. Not only was the hot chocolate watery, but it had a horrible plastic aftertaste also. Yuck!\"\n3449,B005K4Q1VI,A1P1BJMLJYJCR2,Nikki,0,1,1,1325894400,Taste like diet,\"I ordered this specifically b/c they said \"\"dark chocolate\"\" so i was hoping for a r"} +{"input": "iicichc????ocococ?lal??e e?????oror.r. . T ThTheheye??tat??tete te?vevere??y wy ?????y,y??eveve?n n u ?sis??? t???????ese???ama????? o ?? w ?watwa??r r??n ?ththehe ??eue?ririgi???????nun??riritritit????l l f?acactc??shs???? th?????t t ot ???y ??asas as 6 ??grg????? of o?f sf ?????r -r ???he?????theth?e ne noe n????al al s ??or??e be ?ou??htht ?pop??ded???hahasha?s 2s 222????ramra??. ?? d ?idi????t lt ???e ??he??????at aat ?allal?????f yf yoyou?'r're? g??iningin????or or????ete??in????????sugsu??r,r?????y ???ighig?? b ???????????????505?,B,??0505K5?4Q4Q1Q1V1VIV?,A,??CAC?ZVZ??TJT????SBS??????lul?eee?????????1,1?2,2?????727???00?,N,??t ?GoG??d,d??I ??reareada?????l tl ??the the??revre???wsw???? e?ve??ry ry? ho hot?????co?la???te kte ?-c-?????? t th?e ??????t ??ndn??dedecdecicid?????????ry ?th?thisthi????e ?e fie f??st????tst?s ns ??ot ??????. E. ?ve?????", "output": "ich chocolate flavor. They taste very watery, even using the lowest amount of water on the Keurig. The nutritional fact show that it only has 6 grams of sugar - where the normal store bought powder has 22 grams. I didn't like these at all. If you're going for something low sugar, they might be for you!\"\n3450,B005K4Q1VI,A3CAZVZTJ411SB,Twoblueeyesmn,0,1,2,1325721600,Not Good,\"I read all the reviews on every hot chocolate k-cup on the market and decided to try this one first. Its not good. Even on "} +{"input": "?tht?? s ???????t t??upu?????????????tat?st?es????????d d?dod??? a ana??d td ????e ??s s?? d di d????ncnctc???\"p\"?lalasastas????????tasta?????? t??ininkink k? th?atat at???????n ?in?he?re?ntn?t pt ?????????it??? al a?ll ll?? the the ?????p ?hoh??t ct chc?????latla????. Y. ?ouo??jujusu?????an'an??t ft fif?? e ???ougou??h ch chchoch?cocolco??latelat?e i?n ???the the??up?? so s? t? tha?t ??it ???es?n'n?? t ta t???????te?reredre???dowdo???????????????o o so ??????wiw??? m ???????ho???t cht c?hochocohoc????e ???????????y.y.\".????????000?5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q??I,I,A,AZAZEZ?0X0XCXC6C???VSV??????tepte???n,n?0,0,1,1,???,13,1??545464????00,00?,So,SoSo?o,o?????s hs hohot? c???hocohocolhoco????????okok ??utu???notno???????? a?s ??ic?h ?an???????????s s ts ??the ?cac?fefe ??esces?????????dud?????? W ??e t???????????????????e ????y ???ere??lelesle?s ?", "output": "the smallest cup setting it tastes watered down and there is a distinct \"\"plasticy\"\" taste. I think that this an inherent problem with all the k-cup hot chocolates. You just can't fit enough chocolate in the cup so that it doesn't taste watered down. I'm going to stick with making hot chocolate the old way.\"\n3451,B005K4Q1VI,AZE0XC66FVSDE,Stephen,0,1,2,1325462400,SoSo,This hot chocolate is ok but not nearly as rich and smooth as the cafe escapes products. We tried it out because they were less e"} +{"input": "???ene???vev? b ??t t?????????? a ??e e ae ????ononeone e we ??????beb?e ge go?ini?g g??aca?? t tot????he he c ?afafef??esescs?capcape?? b br b??ndn????????B0B???K4K????I,I?A3A?Q2Q?BKB??TMT??4A4??3,3,T,????GuGuyuy,y???1,1,3,????2525252052???00????...??bu??????s as ? f fufununnn?y ?????rtr????te,te?\"J\"??sts??????????????oror r????e fe ?????????????dad??????he?y y a?????????\"\",\"\"????? t???y ?dod?o ho ??????????d ?af?afteaftererter????e.e?????????re????????????????inging ??theth?????gag?in????AlA???o -o ???? the the the p pap??kakaga?ining???ototeotes???????yoy?????eded ed t?o ?rur?? a? h ??????ateat?? c?ycyclc?e e (e (w(??th????t at a ????upu?????te?r ??akakik??ing ing ting ?the?m m?(I(?? as a?????? to to to c????????? the m the ????in?????ut)ut???334345??3,B3,???05K05???Q1VQ1VI??,A1,A???????5L5?6U6UVU??2,N2,NGNGeGer????ttt?te,?????????", "output": "xpensive but once they are al gone we'll be going back to the cafe escapes brand.\n3452,B005K4Q1VI,A3Q2BKXTMV4AP3,TallGuy,0,1,3,1325203200,Ok...but has a funny aftertaste,\"Just tried this for the first time today. They are \"\"ok\"\", but they do have an odd aftertaste. Not sure I'll be ordering these again. Also -- the packaging notes that you need to run a hot water cycle (without a k-cup) after making them (I assume to clean the machine out).\"\n3453,B005K4Q1VI,A1QSONZR5L6UV2,NGeromette,0,1,5,132"} +{"input": "???121??????rer??????ici???g!g?,\",????pap?re????o o o ??????????? p??ododuducu??s,s? G ????e e??quq????e oe ??????? ta t???y y p?????uctuc?ts ts??at at? a a r ??as????????pr???e.e?? T ????s hs hoh???cococo??a a?waw?as as?????? an a???ded?lilic???usu???3??????0000500?????VIV???1B1???CVC?????SHS??,\",\"M,\"??. A. ?ngngengelellel? \" \"\"\"\"b\"??_a_a_a????????????om\"om????1,1,3,3,3,13,?1,11,?????????00,00,W00,W-W??????! !???T T?????H H???? C ?OSO?T!T??!!!!!??I I???DED??EDED D T? THE THE ????K K????? CO C??COACO? I ?N N? HO H??ESE?? IT I?T WT WO???????E RE ???L L????CO??ATA??Y Y??NDND ???T W???S NS NONO NO??BETBE?TETERTE????AN??????INGIN?? A A P ??UCU?H ?????????CHOCHOC????TE? A AN A???????ING??? IT IT?????? HOT HOT????ERER.ER. ????CTCTUT??ALLAL?????IN???????POPOUPO????ADA????? TO?? HO HOT HOT ??AT???R IR ??S LS ??????BEBET???? A AN????A WA ????E ?LO?", "output": "4512000,Great pricing!,\"Compared to other k-cup products, Grove Square offers tasty products at a reasonable price. This hot cocoa was rich and delicious!\"\n3454,B005K4Q1VI,A1BZ2CV2CC2SH3,\"M. Angell \"\"be_a_stayhome_mom\"\"\",1,3,1,1332201600,W-E-A-K! NOT WORTH THE COST!!!!,I ORDERED THE DARK HOT COCOA IN HOPES IT WOULD BE REAL CHOCOLATEY AND IT WAS NO BETTER THAN BUYING A POUCH OF HOT CHOCOLATE AND ADDING IT TO HOT WATER. I ACTUALLY THINK THE POUCH ADDED TO HOT WATER IS LOADS BETTER AND A WHOLE LOT"} +{"input": "? C ??EAEAPA?ERE???????-E-?-R-??????????-A-A-A??????????????-D-???FOFORO????? P ?RIR?????????S S?? R ???P-OP-??F!F!!?343??5,5?????????????1Y1?HPH?9I9????D6D??C,C,M,??????rlr??n,n????????323?616?????00,00???coc?? w ?asa??'t'????d.d???? .P .????e e w wa was?????ri????,T,?heh?e Ce ???coacoa ??????????? b???????e ???????????? a ??d d? as a???oo?????as oas ?tht??r r h????chcho??????? m mim??ese??. . ?????s ??is?apappppop?????d d td ?thothouougu?? w wh w??n n?? w?????toto to a??lol?????????????d d sd ??w w??t ???or or l??essess s ts ???? w?????????????usust????r ?shs??ppppippin??. . ?I ???al?????ho???hth??I ???? g ge g?????????go???d dd ded?al?????????I w????????????? c?he???eded ?d thd t?? t ti t?ickickeketket.t??. I???jusjust????id?? th thr th??e ?e tie t????s as ?????ch? f fo f?or ?a ?", "output": " CHEAPER!!!! V-E-R-Y ...D-I-A-P-P-O-I-N-T-E-D! FOR THE PRICE...IT'S A RIP-OFF!\n3455,B005K4Q1VI,A1YHP9ICXBD6GC,MissMarlin,1,3,2,1326153600,Cocoa wasn't bad. . .Price was horrible,The Cocoa wasn't too bad. The taste is ok and as good as other hot chocolate mixes. I was disappointed though when I went to a local store and saw it for less than what I paid just for shipping. I really thought I was getting a good deal until I went home and checked the ticket. I just paid three times as much for a b"} +{"input": "ooxo???f f???t t????????tet??toto o?????ele??vev???? t?o ??y y???usu??? S ??????APA?PPPPOPP?INI??????:(:((????6,6,B,?000050??4Q4??VIVI,I??2B2?????W6W??P6P???,m,mam????w w???othot?iai??,0,0,0,2,????,13,1???828??808?00,00???? q ???li??y y ay at????l,l????s s????dud??t ?????????????an?d ?isi?s fs fufulullll l??f f af ??titifi??cicia??l il ???re?didieiene???????????O ????? P ??PP?ERE???????IS IS I?N N?????IS PIS ??????T ?????????e ?hohonho???st st?iti????????????n n? ta tas??te ?li?keke e re re??? c????a a???s es ?????r.r..?????????????1V?I,?A3A???32?????????7,M7,?? T??rmr?ma,ma??,6,6,6,16,?1,11,?32?34??525?20020????wiw??? I???ououlou?d'd??ve ve?knk??wnw?!,!,\",\"I\"I I cI ?????t bt ??lilieli?????I dI ?diddidnd?????heheche?k k o ou o???t tht t??? in i?ngrng?red?????s ???????hishis.his. . . I??????r ?wowou???????ve ve bve bob?????t it ????", "output": "ox of hot chocolate to be delivered to my house! SO DISAPPPOINTED!!:(\n3456,B005K4Q1VI,A2BZN96W6QP6XH,mathew lothian,0,2,1,1323820800,not quality at all,this product taste stale and is full of artificial ingredients.
NO REAL PEPPERMINT IS IN THIS PRODUCT and to be honest it doesnt even taste like real cocoa is either.\n3457,B005K4Q1VI,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,2,6,1,1323475200,I wish I would've known!,\"I can't believe I didn't check out the ingredients for this. I never would have bought it if"} +{"input": "?????ouo??d d???veve e k knk??wnw???heh?rere ?waw?? a arartrtit??ici??ala???????enenen?? i inin ?iti?? F ?iri???????? th t???ghgh,h, , I I I???t t tt ????????irdird ???te?????astastete te i?t t gt ?????s as anandn???tha??????? al a????????ror??????IfI??yoy?ou ou????'t't t ht ????? a a?prp??blb???????h h a? a c a ?hehemhemim???al al???st?e e oe ?r ?????er?nsn???????t h???altalthth th p pr p?rob???msms,s??yo???mam?? l ???e ?itit.it????otot ot w?orortorth?th ith itit it t???usu?.\".\"\"?343??????0505K5K4K?????,A,???????0M0?????L,L,\",??uiu??????????l \"l \"\"\"???????1,1????,1?323???616161??00,00??NoNotNot ???ortorthort???it,it, ?babadad ??conco?????\",\",\"\",?FoFou??? m my my ??ididsd?s a?????????cu????ngng g?opo?????????odo????ndnd ?????iningin?g tg ???? i in i?tot??????up up?? to to?????????????ter ter???o.o???ThThe???????lalaia?inein?d ??hahatha?t lt ?????ofof ???the the????", "output": " I would have known there was artificial sweetener in it! First cup though, I got that weird after taste it gives and that was all she wrote. If you don't have a problem with a chemical taste or concerns about health problems, you may like it. Not worth it to us.\"\n3458,B005K4Q1VI,A2UGWYQ0MVVDVL,\"Builder Carl \"\"BC\"\"\",1,5,2,1323561600,\"Not worth it, bad concept\",\"Found my kids actually cutting open the pods and dumping them into a cup to add hot water too. They complained that lots of the good"} +{"input": " ????????tat??? i ini??ththeh? p popodo?????inindin? o ?f ?ded?fefeae???s ts th?????????e ??of of? th t?he he??????gig??g,g? s?o o?wew??swswiwiti????d d bd babac?? t??o po pap?ack??ts??????595?,B,??050?????VIVI,I,A,??BRBRIR??????Y7Y????????ala???monmon,n?3,3,3?,5,?,1,?323242????00?0,0????????????otot t C ???oaoa,a?GRGREREAEATA?????? C Ch Choh?ocooc???ateate!e???? f ??r r???e ???st? K???p p h ho?????oc??????e Ie ?????e e fe fof????????????a a????tlt?le le????k ???????f f af ???????f f a???????s ????.......?.. ..?gog???????dedefdefif??????y ?????????der????aia?in!in???ha?????fo????the???up???r Fr ????????PPP???G!G?????0,0,B0,???05K05??Q1?VI???CRCR6R??????N4N?7X7??CBCB1B12????3,3????,13,1??????20?0,??????h,h?????y why whoholhole???famfami?ly?? lo l?ve?s s ts ths thihisis is??ror?oduoducuctct,t???oftof????titimi??es es w????????", "output": " stuff stays in the pod. Kind of defeats the purpose of the packaging, so we switched back to packets.\"\n3459,B005K4Q1VI,AUBRIJEO0DY7F,monicalemon,3,3,5,1324512000,Wonderful Hot Cocoa,GREAT! Hot Chocolate! By far the best Kcup hot chocolate I have found. I use a little milk or half and half and it's so..... good. I definitely will order again! Thanks for the super FAST SHIPPING!\n3460,B005K4Q1VI,ACR6QJNQON47X,CB123,3,3,5,1324339200,Delish,\"My whole family loves this product, often times we strugg"} +{"input": "?lele e?tot? f ?ini?? s ???eteththihiningin?????e e te ?thith?s s???????e ??????lll??ha?vev?e (e ?so?me? m ???beb?rsr?s os ?f f? my m?? fa f?????????????ve????nun?t ??allal?lerle????s)s????ThThi?s ????duducu?t ?????????rereeree e ae ??????leale????? st s???es? w?ha?t ??????ing?re??ieienie?????arear???????1,1???????Q1Q1V1???????6V6?????KTKTJT?T,T,D,D.D. . J. ?????3,3?,3,,3?4,4,1,131323????32?0000,00,V,???y ?acaccccec????????? C ?????oto????ocococ??????\"U\"UnU?li???? so s???e oe ?othotheher??? t? thi th??is iis ?is is ais ac????all??y Iy ?N N? a a?? C??? a an a?nd nd?????juj?sts?t a??n on ovo?ver??????d ??ver????n n o??f Sf SwSwiw???s Ms ??iss?????hihilhilele ??????lalavla?????is ?????sus?????pr?????m m l li likikeik?e ae a e a G ?ododiod??a a o or?? Gh G??????helhe??????t ??s ?????er??th?anan an???uru????ver??geg?????stast?????mixmix x a? and an???????bebetbettbette??r tr th", "output": "le to find something like this that we can all have (some members of my family have severe nut allergies). This product is nut free and clearly states what the ingredients are.\"\n3461,B005K4Q1VI,A3J56VQ11MKTJT,D. Janz,3,3,4,1323043200,Very acceptable K Cup Hot Chocolate,\"Unlike some others, this is actually IN a K Cup and not just an overpriced version of Swiss Miss. While the flavor is not super premium like a Godiva or Ghiradhelli, it is better than your average instant mix and much better th"} +{"input": "?????heh?????ere??weweaeakak k?K K??????er?sis?ono?? I I'I??ve ve????. .? T ThThe???ucu?rarala?oso??e de ?oeo????????itit t??an an?????erter???te???hahathat ??????dsd?s ms ?e ?ofof f?????swswe?????????? a a a?coc??me????al?? ca c??e e me mimixmi???bub????it it i isi???t ??npn???easea??antan?.<.??r ????????????????????re?w w t? thi th?is is? on o???????mam?allal??????etettet?iningin???4o4??) )? an a??? th???n an ??? m ?milmilkl?????fif?????? the the? cu cupup up a?????ararmr????t it int in ?n thn the???micmicr?owowa???, ??I tI ?????????hat hat g ?????s as ????????r tr ??st?????TheTh???????rm????t it ist i?s ms mys my y????ororiritri?te,te??????ow?????y ?th????ararkar???andan?d td ????n tn thn then th???ligli?hth?t ct ??oco?colco???te.te?????????areare ??all? v ve ver?y ??oooodo?d. d.? M ?????lyl????ishis?? is is ?th??? I??????????y ?y thy t???pe??ppepp??????t ot ??????s os ows o??????", "output": "an the other weak K Cup versions I've had. The sucralose does give it an aftertaste that reminds me of the sweetness of a commercial cake mix, but it isn't unpleasant.

I like to brew this on the smallest setting (4oz) and then add milk to fill the cup and warm it in the microwave, I think that gives a richer taste. The peppermint is my favorite, followed by the dark and then the light chocolate. They are all very good. My only wish is that I could buy the peppermint on its own and "} +{"input": "n??? i ?? a a a c ??????pap??? o ???????343464???????????????K8K?XIXIWI?E6E?OCO?????DrD??gog??_L_LaL??y,y?????4,4,1,?323?????00?0,0???ete?tyty y???odo???ThT??sese e a??re re???? o??nlynl??kik?indin?? of of f? co c????a ka k-k-c-???????hah????trt?ieieded,? a as a?s Is ?I hI ?havha?? a a a?faf?iri??ly ly??????ac???inein??????ononlon?????mpm?lal???t ???s ts ??ata?t i???????s ?liliki??e te the the?he the ???????f ??hohococooc?lalatlate?????th?e ??ili??k ck ch????lalat??????sis?on?? ne n?ed??????iti????????boobo????. H. ?owowew??????? u ?????lyly ???d ??no?th?????eaeas???on???????gug????r cr ??co?? m?????ndn??th???????te ??is is?????????TheTh?e pe ?????rmr???????d d dd ????k c?hohocho?colco?lat????k-ck-????????????????us????efe??????elyel???????? a ??ho?t ??or????hishis s gs grg??reatreat ??????!\"!????636?3,B3,???05K05", "output": "not in a combo pack only.\"\n3462,B005K4Q1VI,AK8XIWE6OCE3O,Dragon_Lady,3,3,4,1322352000,Pretty good,\"These are the only kind of cocoa k-cups I have tried, as I have a fairly new machine. My only complaint is that it seems like the taste of chocolate in the milk chocolate version needs a bit of a boost. However, I usually add another teaspoon of regular cocoa mix and the taste is great. The peppermint and dark chocolate k-cups are delicious. Definitely worth a shot for this great price!\"\n3463,B005K"} +{"input": "???1V1????RAR????????????????MeM??3,3????,1,???959585??202?0,0?GoGoooodo? S ?tut??f,f,\",\"W\"WhW??lele e?fafama?ili???lil?kekede??alalll????????flflal?vovoro??. .? W ?e'e??????????mem???f f t th t?e e oe ote oththeth?r r b ??ana?????of of???t t???hocho???atatetese?s as ????th??y ?wew??e ???????lsl??? bu b???????????ldl?n'n???geg????ysysesele??f tf tot???ayay ???????????????? ho h?t ????hochocohoc??????? T ??????????e we ?asa??ririgri?????n n t? the thesesees?e f???or sor susurure????t ?I I w wa??s ss ???ptp?ic?alal al???te???rereare?adiadiningng g?re??iei?wsws ??on on???? c???fef?eesee??mamad???byb???????br??and????BuB?ut ut?iti????jujusju??????t ct cht c?hochoco?la?te? s so?so Iso I I fI fif??urureur??? wh w??t t tt ??the the h he h???. ?????? th thr thre?e ?????aca?????lyly ly???????????????latylat???on ?????bib?????????zez??se?????ng.ng. ????oneon????ly,ly????th??", "output": "4Q1VI,ARAKTT5M3DDYA,JustMe,3,3,5,1319587200,Good Stuff,\"Whole family liked all three flavors. We've had some of the other brands of hot chocolates and they were good also but just couldn't get myself to pay that much for hot chocolate. The price was right on these for sure but I was skeptical after reading reviews on the coffees made by this brand. But it's just hot chocolate so I figured what the heck. All three are actually plenty chocolaty on the biggest size serving. Honestly, I thin"} +{"input": "????heh?y'y'r'?? a a a???ttttlt????itit it??ete?ttett?????ana??? the the e oe ???er???rar??dsds s???????ha?d.d???343?646?,B,????K4K??1V1VIVI,I??232??R5R?545??2Q2?????JaJama????C.C??BoB?lal?andand,and???6,6,5????32032??????????????????r,r????t t????????? l li l??e ?????t ???isi??ses???ctctit?onon ???? th the?????iciceic?????? thr thre??e de ?ififfffef????t t ht ?hotho??coc???a ?ch???ol????es.es???MyMy ?fafavavo?????e ie ?is ???????nt? c???co?la?tete te??oror or??????ot ot????? t?????s ?lilikli?? m mi minintin?t c????ololaolatola?te ?bubut?? it i?t h??? t?????????????a a ha ?hot? m? min mi???????????????ThThehe he????????????olat?e ??????????k chk c?hoc?????e e a?rere re e ???alallally????av??orfor??l l a?????ll????TheThe ??ri?????? thro throuougou?????mazma?on????s vs ??????rea?????ablab?????46??5,B5,B0?0505K05K4??Q1VQ1VI????5M5MXM?I2I???", "output": "k they're a little bit better than the other brands we've had.\"\n3464,B005K4Q1VI,A232R554J2QZR1,James C. Boland,5,6,5,1320278400,nice flavor,What I really like about this selection is the choice of three different hot cocoa chocolates. My favorite is the mint chocolate for it not only tastes like mint chocolate but it has the aroma of a hot mint chocolate. The milk chocolate and dark chocolate are equally flavorful as well. The price through Amazon is very reasonable.\n3465,B005K4Q1VI,A35MXI2944"} +{"input": "???EWEW,W???????????onon,n??????,1,??282??72728????WoWon?????ulu???\"V\"?????gog?odo???oto???ho????????. . N ?icicece e??icichich h????vov???????e ue ??????heh?????lll??sts?t st ???tit?ngng g??????????ur???????? m ??de? s sus???e te ?o o? sh shahaka???iti?t tt ????akakeake ??urureure ure????????de?? w ????lol?oosoo???????he????cuc?????he?he Khe ????? w??????mpm?????lyl?y ey ?mpmptmp?y ??????r br brb????????. Th. The??re re i is i???sucsu??alaloal???????it??, b, ????????ululduld ??ot??de???ctc?t tt tht thehe he ahe ????tertter?as?te? o??????????? p ?????y y sy ???sis????e e te toe to ?th?????ftfteft?erter??st??????????????y ty ?thithisis s ps pr????ct?? ag a??????br??????r r /r ?/>H/>?HerHe?re re are ???????????on ???????x:x?
Here are facts on the box:

Calories 60, Fat (Saturated)2g, Sodium 220mg, Carbs"} +{"input": " ????, ,??ibi???????????, S, ???ararsr???????roroto??ini???g g??ifi??itit't???non????isists?????t t i??s 0s 0)0?/?
The ingredients list for this is:
Sugar, Glucose Syrup Solid, Cocoa (Processed with Alkali) Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (may contain Coconut, Soybean, Sunflower, Palm and/or Canola), Nonfat Dry Milk, Modified Whey, Maltodextrin, Salt, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Caseinate, Cornstarch, Lactose, Dipotassium Phosphate,Sucralose, Mono- And DiGlycerides, Silicone Dioxide, Silicon "} +{"input": "D?????ded???SoS?? L ??ciciti????????tit?fif???ala? C ???oror.r?? Co Cono????insins s????????? S?oyoy.oy?\"\"3343???,B,B0B0000505K5????VIV???3E3???HNH?A8A??848??6,?SiS?anannan?ajaj,j??,2,2,,2??,1,????545484?808??????d ?ChC????olaol??e!e!,!???e e?prp?????????on??derde???????TheTh??????????? t tatasta???s ?grg?????in??? a an a?? 8 ??????utu??????????s as ????it it? wa w?ateat??y ?????????r r??>D>??rkr?k Ck ????ol???te:te?????Dark Chocolate: YUM
Milk Chocolate: Is very yummy
Peppermint: For me wasn't enough peppermint but I just add a candy cane to mine.
I would recommend this again and plan on ordering more soon!\n3467,B005K4Q1VI,A1NUBEE4QFU1YR,\"Barb H \"\"Barb H\"\"\","} +{"input": "???????131323242454???000????otot t????faf?vovororir??e,e?WeW? p prp???????heh??????s s?MiMis???brb?ana?d d K ??cuc????????? o ?nene ??????watwa?terteryr????????h h? mi m???????????k k ck ??oco??lalata??????????is is mis ??????????????ritri????? a?????-c?up?? br braranra?ndsnd?..3343???,B,?00?5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q???,A,??KMK??????303?????CoC?ununtntrt?ry ry???mam???????1,11,13??333?30230????00,\"00,\"G\"???????ricri??e, e,?????????e\"e\",\"?????? p?ri????e, ae, ??and and?glg???d td ?? s ses???? s???scs?ri???????avaveave ??????? o?????cucupcupsp?? H ?owo???erer er? th t??????? u unundun?ririnri?????le le???? ou o??r or op???????. D. ?????t ?se?eme? t to to ???? to?o ??????????kek?e a?nonot?otheoth??er rer re???ewe????????? j ???????babad?? of????as?aste?.\".???46????00???K4QK4??VI?,A?12????RXR?2323323???L,L??GrG?regre??\"\"\"?????????7\"7??\",", "output": "2,2,1,1324512000,Not my favorite,We prefer the Swiss Miss brand K-cup. This one was watery in both milk and dark chocolate. This is my least favorite of all k-cup brands.\n3468,B005K4Q1VI,A2KM0NWZ830SRP,Country Mama,2,2,1,1323302400,\"Good Price, Bad Taste\",\"Nice price, and glad to see a subscribe & save option on k-cups. However this was undrinkable in our opinion. Didn't seem to be too watery like another reviewer said, just a bad off taste.\"\n3469,B005K4Q1VI,A120BPRX233DLL,\"Greg \"\"smitz0327\"\"\","} +{"input": "2???2,32,?,1,????3213216160600000?????iki?? i ?? b ????tht?e ?coc??????????k k???he he?hoh??t ct ?cocco??a a t???stest??????t ???t ?????ififef??ththi?nk???????????ateat?????MyM???wifwi??? is i???a ba ??? S SwSwiwiswi??s Ms MiMisissis?????inkin?kerke???ndn?????wsws ??herhe?r hr hohotho?t c????coa.coa?. N. ??? s ??re??????lll?? bu b??????in? b be b??auausu???ofo? t????e coe c??t t ot ?of of p ??yiyin?g ??oro???????k ck cuc???. ????ete?????s Is ?????thinkthin?k yk ?ouo????????ettet?????offoff f bf ??yiyinyingn???????? Mi Mis??iss piss ?pacpackc?ketke???s ans and????ustust ????e t?hehe ?hohothot hot???ate??r fr fufunu????????????the the k k k c cu?????chc???e.e???4747070,0??????4Q4???????5M5??HJH?G9G???WLWL7L?,\",?RoR?????????oxiox?ie ie? Mu M??ici??\"\"\"\"\"??,2,,2??,2,4,2,?????313121?96960?????f Yf ??? A ?re??WoW?ondonded??in?????,\",\"U,\"UnUnln???ke ke t? the?? ot oth?therthe?r hr hor h?????oc???at???s)s??????? o on", "output": "2,2,3,1323216000,I like it but the cost,I think the hot cocoa taste great but my wife thinks it is watery. My wife is a big Swiss Miss drinker and knows her hot cocoa. Not sure I will buy again because of the cost of paying for the k cups. Sometimes I think you are better off buying Swiss Miss packets and just use the hot water function on the k cup machine.\n3470,B005K4Q1VI,A35MLHJG9ZRWL7,\"Roxie \"\"Roxie Muzic\"\"\",2,2,4,1323129600,If You Are Wondering???,\"Unlike the other hot chocolate(s), this on"} +{"input": "e??dodoeo?????? h ??veve ?tht????????xix?ouo??s as ????r r t tatasa??te.te?? W ?????a a?rerele??efef.f. ?????n n I ???????????????????igig g???t ct cac???e we wiw??h h???boboxo?????161? h?ot?????cocolo???te te??-C-??psp???????e ne ????us??ed ed t?? p pr p???ecectc???????uiu?ltl??????hahathat ????? t?????????????escescrcriribi?aba??e,e, ???rtrtit???lalarla??y ???plp??as?ana???af?te?r ???????? al a????ueu???o o to th????\"f\"????????ugu???? th tha that???eee??????????prpririsri?se se???ostos???f ?nonotnot not a?????of of? th? the the????????.<.?????????r /r />r /????????anuan??facfact??ureurer??????s us ?use? s so somomeme me??ucucruc???ososeos?e, e, be, bub??t nt ????????? ne n???ar tar ththe??am???nt? t? tha???\"\"????herher\"her\"\"???use?s.s. ?. I. ??????????it it??ct????????as????????? h ho??t ct cht c?oc??????????????an??????????", "output": "e does not have that obnoxious after taste. What a relief. When I purchased my Keurig it came with a box of 16 hot chocolate K-Cups (name not used to protect the guilty), that have the most indescribable, particularly unpleasant after taste, all due to the \"\"fake\"\" sugar that seems to comprise most if not all of the product.

This manufacturer does use some sucralose, but no where near the amount that \"\"other\"\" uses. In fact, it actually tastes like hot chocolate during and after th"} +{"input": "?e e s sis??pip????????ooooHo??oo!oo??!!!!!??brb??/>/><>??????????oro??????g g m mom????- - T ThT??nkn? Y YoY?u u f fof??????KuK????????? c ???coc????e e re ?eae???iri????ioiono????343?7171,1,B,B0B000???4Q4??VIV????8A8?K9K??OCOCLCL1L?UNU???DeD????????????????d,d??,2????131323212181838333363??00,00,W,???te????delde??ighig????,W,Wh,Wha?t ??a fa fuf?n n w ??intin????trtre??????Th?????is is??a pa pep?erfer????t ct ??p p?????oco???a ia ?????ecoec?????? W We W??li???e te ???pup??????aba?lel??pop??n ???????o oo of? h ??eaveavyv????????ngng ng c???????n ?tht??????to?m m om of??mumugu????fo??re re?????winwi???! A! ? f fa f????y y fy ??vov??itite?..??47??2,B2,???????Q1VQ1VI??,A3,A38?7P7PIP???DJDJCJ?K2K????RoR??????D.D. . G. ?????oryory ???SgS???BoBob??\"\"\"\"\"??,2,?2,2,52,??13?202????40400???xcxcec?llllell??? H ??t ?ChC??????latla?te,te??WaW????kekepkeptp??cac", "output": "e sipping. WhooHoo!!!!

Will be ordering more - Thank You for my Kuerig hot chocolate reaffirmation.\"\n3471,B005K4Q1VI,A38AK9ROCL1UN6,Deanna M. Mcdonald,2,2,5,1321833600,Winter delight!!,What a fun winter treat! This is a perfect cup of cocoa in seconds! We like to put a tablespoon or two of heavy whipping cream in the bottom of mug before brewing! A family favorite.\n3472,B005K4Q1VI,A387PIZQDJCK23,\"Robert D. Gregory \"\"Sgt Bob\"\"\",2,2,5,1320710400,Excellent Hot Chocholate,\"Was skeptica"} +{"input": "ll l?aba??utut t?????quq?ala??tyt???? h hoh??t ct ?????lal???e fe ?ror?????K K???? b ????GrGro???e Se SqS?????e ie isi??????????? I ???????????asa??gog?odo?? as a?????in?g g??it it f ???????rar??????????itithit?houho????thethe e f?us?s.s???ThT?he he???????hohochocohoc???ateate ????????? t th t?he ???????as??enenonou??? b?it???tot?? ma maka????t ???te???????????????? p ??ppp?perpe???nt? i is i?s ps ????ece????oror r???teter? d did???erer.r???343?7373,3,B,B0B??????1V1VIVI,I??????4F4?J3J3T3??9D9??I,DI,????????e Ce ???????,2,?????????????20????GreGr???!,!?\"I\"? l lol????? the th????? Th T???prp??cece e i?e is e is V ?ERERYR????odod.od?????l ?????flf????orsors s as ar?e e re ????allyally ?????! ! T! ?TheThe ??peppe?????min???ono??? is? m my m??faf?????te??? and an?????ououlou?d ?glgla?????tat???e me ?ororeor?e oe ofof of????at at??efefoforfo?? t?? the the", "output": "l about the quality of hot chocolate from a K cup but Grove Square is amazing. It is just as good as making it from scratch but without the fuss. The milk chocolate is mild, the dark has enough bite to make it interesting and the peppermint is perfect for after dinner.\"\n3473,B005K4Q1VI,A2C494FJ3TX9DI,Danielle Clayton,2,2,5,1320451200,Great!,\"I love these! The price is VERY good...all the flavors are really good! The peppermint one is my favorite and I would gladly take more of that before the "} +{"input": "?otoththeh?rsrs.s. . T ??ouo??h h?th????othot???rs rs??rer???t t l ?????ngn?? at a????????????usu?t t a????ppppeperpermrmimin??t ft faf?n!n??WiW????beb??????ingin?????? w ?he?n n?mym?? ot o??therthe?????????w!w??ThThaTh???s s????????!\"!?????4,4???050??4Q4?1V1?I,I???RKR?L3L??3Y???????\"S\"SuS???????ornor??????????????ono????mamanma?\"\"???????5,5,1,?313?????202?00,00???ovo?e ???????????ingling??e S???veve ve???ot ot C ?oco??? F ?or?????ririgi?,\"??? li l??e e te th??????t ??cocco????ve???y my mum????iti?t ht hahasa???a v??????ricri?ch ch??as??????mpm?arare??? to to o to ththethe the o????????I hI ha?????????????t ???????t st sosomsomeme ???????f f? th t??????a ?hrh???????ttt?p:p????wwww.ww?ama????on.on????/g/??/p/???dud????????????????>G>????e e S????are? S ???ingl?e ?????ve ????t Ct ???coacoa coa??upu??, ??ililkilk,k?, K, ?-C-", "output": "others. Though the others aren't lacking at all, I'm just a peppermint fan! Will be buying more when my others get low! Thanks so much!\"\n3474,B005K4Q1VI,A2RKL3Y3YV0D50,\"Susan Kornblut \"\"marathon woman\"\"\",2,2,5,1319587200,Grove Square Single Serve Hot Cocoa For Keurig,\"I like this hot cocoa very much it has a very rich taste compared to the others I have tried.Just bought some more of these.Grove Square Single Serve Hot Cocoa Cups, Milk, K-C"} +{"input": "??psp? f ?????eue???????????s,s, ,????CoC?ununtn??????????!!!!!!!?coc?????\"\"3?474???B0B??5K5K4K???VIVI,I,A,?????AOAO5O?R1R?NINI7I??JaJana?????. .???ndn????????????313191?505?00800808??,D,DeD?????ou?s!s???I I w ?asa???kek??tit?icaic?? a ?bobou???bub??????tht???s bs ???aua?se??????ofo????????thetherther r hr hoh?? c co?cocoa? i ?tet??s ?I'I?vev??pup?urcur??????? fo for? t??e e Ke ?KeuKeur??? h ?havha??????????fuf?l.l????wa??s ps ??eaeasasaas??tlt?y y??plepl?easea??d ?????? th???! !???t ???????plplypl?y dy dedel???io??us!us?? I I I? wi wili?ll ll?de?????iteit?elyel???reoreor?de??!!????6,6,B??????4Q14Q???I,AI,??BYB?JSJS6S6565K?M4M???U,U????????il?le????????,1,?13113??????????eaealea?????????,T,?hi????is ?a a??rearealallally???re????????up up?????a.a??. I . I h???d bd be????drd???kik??ing ing t th??????e ?ExE?prpre????????th???y hy ??havehav?", "output": "ups for Keurig Brewers, 24-CountA+++!!!!cocoa!\"\n3475,B005K4Q1VI,ASGWEAO5R1NI7,Janet W. Lindsey,2,2,5,1319500800,Delicious!!,I was skeptical about buying this because all of the other hot cocoa items I've purchased for the Keurig have been awful. I was pleasantly pleased with this! It is simply delicious! I will definitely reorder!\n3476,B005K4Q1VI,A1BYJS65KM4PWU,C. A. Miller,2,2,4,1319414400,Really good!,This is a really great K-cup cocoa. I had been drinking the Cafe Express but they have "} +{"input": "??eaeala??????nen? u ?? l lal?tet??? s sos? t ththih?s s??is is??? go g?odo???uyuy ?? N ?icicec??????mym?y cy ???coc????? f ?????? s???? s????ch?ede?d td ????thithis???I I fI ???????it it a?t t??????rtr?t bt ???t tt ?????????????is bis ??tttteterte???heh?????or? t?he??3 3??acackc??. G. ?ivi???e ite i??????????????7,7????5K5K4K?????????????UKUK2K??O3O??,M,?????2,2????,1,131?191??141444?????????t t?asa????g g?????a ?fo?r r yr ?ou?????????g,\"g,\"F\"???????ses???ho???????t ?drdririnrinkn???ofo?fef??? t??????is ?a ???rea?????mpm?lil??ene?????o t????te??? a an a??? ci c???ersers s as ?alsalso??????la?blb???????yo?ur? K ?KeuKe?uriur????????8,8??????4Q???I,??A2YA2?HXH?AZA???LDL?????\"M\"?????SmSmimit????\"F???d ?lol???r\"r??\",\"????,5???1311319??686888????GrGreGr????co??????!,!??upupeup??????? p pr priricrice?", "output": "really gone up lately so this is a good buy . Nice creamy chocolate flavor so I switched to this. I found it at Walmart but this price is better here for the 3 pack. Give it a try :)\n3477,B005K4Q1VI,A2U74VFUK2XO3N,Mogg,2,2,5,1319414400,Great tasting cocoa for your Keurig,\"For those who do not drink coffee, this is a great compliment to the teas and ciders also available for your Keurig.\"\n3478,B005K4Q1VI,A2YHXAZLCLDT8D,\"Mark Smith \"\"Food lover\"\"\",4,5,5,1319068800,Great cocoa !!,Super good price "} +{"input": "a????tht??????????????????? w ????avavev????unundnd.nd.<.?????><>/>I/>????????d ??I fI ?foufo????th??s s??forfor r or ????faf???lyly y? be b?????e te ???e be ????????a ???asa??? h hih????! /??brbr br /????ve??it?????9,9?B0B000050??4Q4??VIV?,A,??VUV????8787U7????????isais???????????????mmm??????????\",\"??,1???,1,13,1??09095950?????ItI????ofo????e ?????cococco??? - ??????????????????d id ???????lfl?waw?y ?????ntn?,\",\"I,\"?I dI didididnd???????ec???mum?????ror?? p pop???????d cd ?coc??oa oa??????????? bu but bu?????re're??'s a's ??titipip:p???????on on 8 ??? s ????tinti?g,g?, t, ????n a???d ad a a 1a ???????tioti? o???????eded ed?????. .??? t?as???s ????ziz????y ?gog???!???????uru???? if if ?????????????ittit?lel?e Be ?aia?ileil??s s Is ??is??h Ch ?????, ?it", "output": "and the best k cup cocoa we have found.

I am glad I found this for our family before the big cocoa season hits !

love it\n3479,B005K4Q1VI,AUVUTAC87UL1X,\"Lisa Chu \"\"twin_mommy_in_CA\"\"\",1,1,3,1350950400,It's office hot cocoa - but add milk and it's halfway decent,\"I didn't expect much from powdered cocoa in a cup, but here's a tip: put on 8oz setting, then add a 1:1 ratio of heated milk. It tastes amazingly good!

Of course if you add a little Baileys Irish Cream, it"} +{"input": "???????? e eve????beb???terte?.\".??????,B,??0505K5????????????URU?TBT?9K9?????HoH??byb?131?7,7?1,1,1,1,,1?5,5???????48??00,00???ryr? y yuyumummm?????t t??ococo??!,!,\",\"w\"wew??hah?????ouo???????eveevere?ala???ypy?es?, , b br bra?ndn????????ot ot c???oaoa a?k k??upu???????esees????r r?ded??ini?iti?telte????????????he he????????he?y ????e ??a ga ?rer????flf????????? e??ver?????e ie in??my? h ho?usu?se se?????? t th thehemhem,m?, e, ?eve???mymy ???????r or ?oldol???hoho ho?ononlonly??????? s ???e ??hotho??????????vevedve???thithisi???????is is??????my,my??it? a ?ctc?uaualallal???????ed? l???????????tedte?d cd ????y ????, ??ver?very very g gog??d ??asastas???, n, ?ot???????ed???owo??????????me? o of o??f thf t?hemhem.hem?. O. ????coucouru?sese ?ththeth???????????amamaam??in??????t t dt ????????et et t? tha thatat at?????l yl ????! T! ?ThiTh??is iis ?", "output": " tastes even better.\"\n3480,B005K4Q1VI,A1GD2URTB9KU4X,Holby137,1,1,5,1335484800,very yummy hot cocoa!,\"we have bought several types, brands of hot cocoa k cups. These our definitely one of the best! They have a great flavor and everyone in my house liked them, even my 9 year old who only likes some hot cocoa loved this. It is creamy, it actually tasted like a melted candy bar, very good taste, not watered down like some of them. Of course the price is amazing, but don't let that fool you! This is"} +{"input": "??ono?? o?f f?tht???e ?prp???????????????????uau???? g ???? e eve??n n?????ghg? i???????????ryry y ey ?xpx?????veve.ve??3343484?????????Q1Q?VIV?,A,??8X8XXX?URURGR????????????????????1,51,??,13,1333?34634626?080?0000,00??umum!m???WoW????I I?did?d d a ? l lol?t t ot ofo??re???dindingng ???ryiry??ng ng t???mam????a ?????od dod ?ece?????on on? on o????K-K-c-cu???ho??t ct ?hohocho???atateat?????d ????cocouco?rsr??????tet?????sos?????in?g g t??hatha?t i????ver?y y sy ?ubu??ecectectit?????? If I???????rea????allall l???e e re ??viv?ewe???????eveev????pr????uctuc??yo?u'u????????????? th tha thatat at n ?otothothih????????s ps ?????ev?evereve?ryory??e ??nd? m??????ainai?????????????? s????lel???????utu????????????I I dI ?decde?????????????eveneve??wiwiti?th th??omomeome e be ??ad ad??ev?ie??? I??d ??ry??th???s o?ne???in?cec??", "output": " one of those products that is actually good even though it isn't very expensive.\"\n3481,B005K4Q1VI,AG8XXURGEVC3,Greg Acuff,1,1,5,1334620800,Yum!,\"Wow, I did a lot of reading trying to make a good decision on a K-cup hot chocolate, and of course taste is something that is very subjective. If you read all the reviews on every product you'll discover that nothing gets past everyone and maintains a perfectly spotless reputation. So I decided that even with some bad reviews I'd try this one since i"} +{"input": "tt t?????????t t ot ?f f?gogooo?d d r rer??????? I ???????t ??goigo????????ayay y t????t tt ???????re?re sre ?omo?e e? re reaeala????????????atatet??????oioisi??eueuru?s ??ririti???g ?re?vi?????in??? thi th?? t?????d.d?? S SoS??????????ninin?ing ing? re??vie???ersers s ss ?????????? a a a s sl s?igi????t tat t??te???of of???gagarar r?????stist???tete,te, ,???????me me? su????? thi????. . A. ??l ??? ca c????ele?????u u?is???????????vev????deder???ch??ievie??ngng ng???ast?????dsds ?bebece????e ???l l Il I l I? ca can can ???ast?????s ys ???mym????t ??????olaol?ateate.e??. M. MyM????????y by bu?????d td ??????? t? the th?????rstrs?t bt ??? a????????ust??? ord or??re??d t???o mo mom??????IfI??????????????kek?e te ???is is Iis I is I?fef?el? s????????or or y????. B. BeB?????r tr to?? ha??? n ????? ta????????s ?????ese????????", "output": "t has a lot of good reviews. I'm just going to say that there are some real hot chocolate connoisseurs writing reviews in this thread. Some discerning reviewers say it has a slight taste of sugar substitute, or some such thing. All I can tell you is I must have under-achieving taste buds because all I can taste is yummy hot chocolate. My family burned through the first box and I just ordered two more. If you don't like this I feel sorry for you. Better to have numb taste buds I guess. Enjo"} +{"input": "????3343?828?????5K5K4K??1V1????3H3??????????EFE?????CrCror?????,1?,5,??????808??????????????????avavov??,\",??heh?? I ??gogoto?t mt ???KeK????? b ??ewewew?? l ?lasla?t ?t mot m????, , I I I???????t tt ??o o?did?fff????entent t tt tyt typy?????? h ??ot ot????coc?la????. . ?ThThehe he?GrG?rovro?????uau??????ot ????hocohoc??ata?? i ???faf????upu?????or.or. . . I. I I hI hahav?e e se ????farfa???brebr?eweew?d d???????6o6??????d 8d ?ozoz oz??itithth h????d ???lavla?vorvo???? b??thth th s si sizi??es.es???ThTheTh???????or or??s s rs ??chch ch a??nd nd? it?? le l????????o ro ??????e ??????e ??ot?tot????????the the???????ththethe ????herhe???rar?andan?d dd ??eses,es?????????????t at ?? ba bada???at????)??????veverve??llll,ll?, I, ???wilwillll ll?????ili??y by bub??y ty th??????e e ae ???inin.in????48???,B0,B00?5K5K45K??????A1A???B4B?D4D????515????er????,1???1,51,5,5,15,?", "output": "y.\"\n3482,B005K4Q1VI,A3H3ALAMEZUBEF,V. Crown,1,1,5,1332806400,Excellent Flavor,\"When I got my Keurig brewer last month, I bought two different types of hot chocolate. The Grove Square Hot Chocolate is far superior. I have so far brewed it on 6oz and 8oz with good flavor at both sizes. The flavor is rich and it leaves no residue in the bottom of the kcup (the other brand does, maybe I got a bad batch?). Overall, I will happily buy this one again.\"\n3483,B005K4Q1VI,A18ZB4D4Y35516,JerryW,1,1,5,13"} +{"input": "????202000?000000,0?GrG?????CoC???a,a?I I?gog??t tt ???ses???cocco?coaco? c cu c?psp? b bab?se????? m mym? s ?isists???????lalawaw'w??s rs re?co?mmm?ene?dad????on.on. . ????hah?as as a a ?grg?reareat???la???r r???? i ?? i????pep????vev?????uiu?te??? g?ooo??d cd co??bib???ati?on?on. on.????llll l b??e oe ?????in?????oreore e ve ??ryr???oo?n.n???484????????4Q4???I,I??2C2?WOWO6O???I8I?D8D?????????????????????????32????606??,s,sms?oo?thth,th,T,ThT?is?is iis ???ex??ele?????t h???? ch c?oc????????or? t ??oso???????ouo???hahatha???ovo?? l ?????????????colco?????? go?????or ior itit it - - ????????ll ll??ovoveov?e ie it?it tit tot???.. ..?? w ?ou???d pd pupuru????????thith?is ?agagag????.3.???5,????5K?4Q?1V??I,AI,????ILI???????LIJLIJ,J?StS?tevteve?n ??GriGrimi???,1,?1,???1313333133171??96960600600,???estes??K-K???up up c???ocoaoco?a,\"a,??????trtrir????ala??ll tll ??", "output": "32720000,Great Cocoa,I got these cocoa cups based on my sister-in-law's recommendation. It has a great flavor and is inexpensive. Quite a good combination. I'll be ordering more very soon.\n3484,B005K4Q1VI,A2CWO64OI8D8TN,coffee queen,1,1,5,1332201600,smooth,This is excellent hot chocolate for those of you that love love hot chocolate- go for it - you will love it to... I would purchase this again.\n3485,B005K4Q1VI,A34LILWGBUXLIJ,Steven Grimm,1,1,4,1331769600,Best K-cup cocoa,\"I've tried all the"} +{"input": " ??vav?ili??blb??????ndn?s s a an a?? f ???vovoro???ofof f???? c coc?cocoacoa a??oror or??hehe ???????, ,?? and and d???isis ????? the the ??nlnlyl???????????p p b??yiy?ngn????????f f wf whw?henhe??I ?rur??n on ??t.t? O OfO????urursur????????non?????in????? b be b???????????????ltl??????ouourou?? ow o?n ?chcho?co???tet?e i?n n an a a pa ????????rer??? m mi m?ilkil?????? I? f??indin??it? a??t lt le?as??t at asas ????astyast??asas ????y ny no?????cuc???cococcoco?? m? mix mi???'v'????adad.d?. I. ???is??????????thath?an an?? the?????e ?cocomco???????? mi????-ch-c???olo????????oao??????chch ch??ou?????ho?weweve??r,r??, be, be ??y y #y ??????? o????K-cK-cucupcup p c??oco???).)???? / />/???????OnO???sts?tartar r or of???beb?????? o of??? the the the f the faf???t tt ???t t it ift if ???u u???repre??re???? sm smamala?? c cu c???????????ilillil?????al???? be be be s so s??", "output": " available brands and flavors of hot cocoa for the Keurig, and this is the only one I keep buying more of when I run out. Of course it's not going to be as good as melting your own chocolate in a pot of fresh milk, but I find it at least as tasty as any non-K-cup cocoa mix I've had. It is richer than the same company's milk-chocolate cocoa (which would, however, be my #2 pick of K-cup cocoas).

One star off because of the fact that if you prepare a small cup, there will usually be some"} +{"input": "????co?? g ??opo????ftf???ehehihini?? i in? t ????K-K??????whw????????????e ?????ovo?????????r r m mu m?g g? if i?? yo y??????t ?mam??imi?umu?????ene???? c??ocooc??. .???hakha????g tg ??e ????????iri??? t to? b??reare????? l??rgrgege ???unu?????f ??owowdw??r ??????co???en?dededded ??????he he p ??ckc??ge??seseee?????? h?ele????????\"\"????????????Q1Q???,A,A1A?????????PP1PP?JWJ?????????,1,??????,13,1?313?15915?????,y,??ummummym???oto??chchochococ-oc???lalata???? l????e t?????lalavla??r ?r anr a?????e e se ??eeeedee??d ofd o???thith????cocco??coa coa?I ??rir?????oneon?e ae ?at at n ???hth?t at ?andand ?????h ih ????????ama?????????stust?fff??3???7,7?,B0,B????4Q?1V1VI1V??????8W8???????7G7?,k,kyk?lrl?redre???,1,1,1,1,1,51,?5,15,131?????24024?00000?,T,??????????asastas???? h ho?t ???????I ?ha??ve ????????????ververyr", "output": " cocoa goop left behind in the K-cup, which you have to move to your mug if you want maximum-strength cocoa. Shaking the K-cup first to break up large chunks of powder as recommended on the package seems to help some.\"\n3486,B005K4Q1VI,A15IX824PPP1JW,J. GOFF,1,1,5,1331596800,yummy hot choc--olate,I love the flavor and the speed of this cocoa I drink one at night and each is the same good stuff.\n3487,B005K4Q1VI,A1UA8WGUYKYH7G,kylred,1,1,5,1331424000,The best tasting hot cocoa I have had!,I am very"} +{"input": "???leleae??ede? w ???????isis s s seselse????ioiono?. .??????????otot t? tr trir?ed? t???e oe ????? h??? c coc???????anandn???????KeK??ri?????t ?????s os ?????is is?awawewese??mem?? I I I bI bob???hth?t t???????k k c???ocooc?lalatatet??????8,8?B0B??5K5K4K?????,A,?????BYB?515121?2HT2H??Q,Q????????1,1,1????,13,1333???46464??00,00?\"G\"??aveave e i?t ??????? b????no?t ????????????????htht ht???????y y????esees???ece????? i it??s s as ???googo?????ricricec????????? the the??????lalatla???????or???s s ns ??not not t? tha th?????goodgoo????nd? t??????crcra?lol?se???tasta?te???is ???ryry ry s st s???ongon????I lI ?iki??e te ththeth?e Se ????s s Ms ?????HoHot??ChChohochococolco??????nenes? b???te??, ?eve?????????gh gh? th tho???????ve ve s su s????????e te toe t????yoyouou ou????'t'??rer?ealea?lyl????tasttastete te ite itte i?.\".\"\"??48?9,9?,B0,B??5K?????I,?ALA?D4D?46746?", "output": " pleased with this selection. I have not tried the other hot cocoa brands for Keurig but this one is awesome! I bought the milk chocolate.\n3488,B005K4Q1VI,A2HL2BY512HTVQ,Starsy,1,1,2,1330646400,\"Gave it a try, but not as good\",\"Thought I'd try these because it's a good price, but the chocolate flavor is not that good. And the sucralose taste is very strong. I like the Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate ones better, even though those have sucralose too, you can't really taste it.\"\n3489,B005K4Q1VI,ALD467Z"} +{"input": "??FBFBPB?????DeD??De????????????\"\"\"\"\"???,1??5,5,1???????????????????????????tht???prp?????,\",\"L,\"?etetst?? fa f?????t,t, , $ $1$??????????oioini??? to t? g?et???ouo? t th t????oso???sus??cuc?lel?entent ??hoh?ocoocolo?ata?e ?in? t? the th?e we wow????? B BuB??t it it??????s gs gig??e e ye yo???a ?????????????aya????co???in?in ain ???????????. G. ?re???? to????x x??it???a ?????eeee ??forfor ?ana??in?st?an????mocmo????, a, ????nono ?su??ara?r nr nen??dededed!d???KiK??s ?wi????LOL??E E?????????????????witwi??? th??? p?uru??cha???e. e.??WiW?????eeeepeep p t th? this this ????mym???????? a?????s!s????494????00???4Q4??VIV????FLF?CTCTZTZSZ??MZM????CaC???ol ol F ?????1,51,5,?????960???9600960??I I???????? this this this?HoHoto??ChCho??colco??te?!,!?,\"I,\"I I hI ?????se???ch?eded ed???? h ho h????ho????at?e ?e foe f??????", "output": "EFBPDF,\"DenDen \"\"Dennis\"\"\",1,1,5,1329696000,GREAT Cocoa for the price.,\"Lets face it, $11 isn't going to get you the most succulent chocolate in the world. But it does give you a GREAT everyday cocoa in a 6oz brew. Great to mix with a coffee for an instant mocha, and no sugar needed! Kids will LOVE it. VERY happy with this purchase. Will keep this in my pantry always!\"\n3490,B005K4Q1VI,ANFLCTZSKMZ3O,Carol F,1,1,5,1329609600,I love this Hot Chocolate!,\"I have searched for hot chocolate for my K"} +{"input": "??uru???, , b ??? c ??ulu??n'n???fifini?d d a ?????hah?t t wt ?ere???????omo?icicac?l l t?o o p ??????????I I????????hih??? at a??a a????ene??????cece,e?????d wd ?asa??I ??lal??? ?MyMy y hy ???baban???????lulut??????????????? h ?otot ??????lalatla?e ??and??sas?ysy?s is ??????minmi?????himhi???f f??is????ili?????d.d?. T. ???????? y ????????iki?e e ie ?it!it?????919??????K4K4Q4??VIV????????????????,S,??. C. ?????????1,11,??5,5??323?929????????ot?? ch chohochoco?colacolat????n n???co??dsd??????????heh????wnw??s as ??KeK???rigrig g o on o?e ???p p? co cof???e ????????????? i is???an an????zizininging ???vivic??e. e.?????howho???verve?? d do d?????drdririnrinknk k c? cof co?fe??e. ?WhWhehenhe?n In I I cI ???e ???????????se???????oc?????-c-cu??s,s, s,???? too to??k ak ??chchach????????heyhe?'r're??????????????", "output": "eurig, but couldn't find any that were economical to purchase. I found this at a decent price, and was I glad! My husband absolutely loves this hot chocolate and says it reminds him of his childhood. Try it - you'll like it!\"\n3491,B005K4Q1VI,A15U64VGUV6RBF,S. Carlson,1,1,5,1329264000,Hot chocolate in seconds,\"My brother owns a Keurig one cup coffee maker, which is an amazing device. I, however, don't drink coffee. When I came across these Hot Cocoa K-cups, I took a chance. They're incredibly go"} +{"input": "???? a ??d d??? g ?ivi??s s??????chc?an??e ?tot????????a a h ?otot ???ini?? w ?itithit??ththehe e ce cocofo??eeee ?e cre crorowo?d d wd ??ththoth????ha?viv???? to t????ilil l????ere??oro?r mr ?ililkilk.k????isis ???-p-????????prp??????????l al ?gag?ininsinsts?????e c?ofoffof?feefe????cuc?psp??asa??wew??????????????5K5K4K?????,A,????0S0???????D,D,C,ClC??othot???????GrG???e,e,1,??,1,,1???????484?646?0000,00????nrn????t ?awa????????????ve ve???ve??????????susucu??? a ???or????cu?ses????or ?a ?cococco??a ?drdridr????????t hat has??????h ah ?a ba ????afa?tetertertr???stest??????t It I ??chechece?????th?the the???x x???? se s?? i if if f? I I? or o??er????????????e e be byb????istis????????wiwilwi?? t???s ??????? an a?? c ch c?halha???k itk i?t ut up???? to a to ???loslo?ss ss????? if???ou????? r ????ining? t th t?hishis,s??dod????????ththi???????", "output": "od, and it gives me a chance to share a hot drink with the coffee crowd without having to boil water or milk. This 24-pack is priced well against the coffee K-cups as well.\"\n3492,B005K4Q1VI,AU8V0SKOUD6OD,Clothed in Grace,1,1,1,1328486400,Downright awful!,\"I have never tasted such a poor excuse for a cocoa drink. It has such a bad aftertaste that I checked the box to see if I ordered sugarfree by mistake! I will toss this and chalk it up to a loss but if you are reading this, dont buy this brand"} +{"input": "????tst??????rir?ghghth???????????????B0B?????????????MAM?????Z8Z?????H.H????????????????2,2???282?31313136360600??nonotot ??s ?gog??? a????????EsE??apa??s,s?WeW???????t ????? b ?rar?ndn?s ??o o????? an a?????????????s os ???????th th?mum?chch ?lel???s cs ??oco??????e te ?????????n n?CaCafCafe? E Es E?scasc???es es d???????choccho????te???? It It t wt ??as as a????o to ??????r r??????nsnsis?????cyc?. ??on?????uyu?y ay ????inin??????,B0,B??5K5K45K??1V???????BKBK9K909??RYR????????ToT???aszas?????i i?????leole????????????1,41,4,4,14,13????171????????is? I?????T T S ?ug??ar ar F ?????\",\"\",?? o oro?ded?re??????s ?beb?ca????e se ????an??y py pe?opo??????ereer?????????? tha th?? i it i???as??susug??r ?frfrereeree.ree???It'It???????. T?he? f fi firirsr????ing???????t ?????????ARA??\"\".\"\"", "output": ". Its downright awful!\"\n3493,B005K4Q1VI,A1GMAEKVDZ8AUM,H. Pettigrew,1,1,2,1328313600,not as good as Cafe Escapes,We bought both brands to try and found this one with much less chocolate taste then Cafe Escapes dark chocolate. It was also thinner in consistency. Won't buy again\n3494,B005K4Q1VI,AGRFBK902RY80,\"M. Tomaszewski \"\"cleojo42\"\"\",1,1,4,1327017600,\"This ISN\"\"T Sugar Free\",\"I ordered this because so many people were saying that it was sugar free. It's not. The first ingredient is \"\"SUGAR\"\"."} +{"input": "??ItIt't?????????????f f?a a????n n? to t????tut?????sos?????l l?kek??p p i ?t t???? d ??in??? it i???bebececacaua???? it it' it?'s 's a???re???y y g ?oo?d d Kd ??cuc????otot ?chchochoco??????).)? I? w wiw??ll ll t th thih??ink ink t tw t??????bob?????rdr?????g g? it??????n n tn ?hohouho????. I. ????rereareala?llyll?y ly ??ke???????? w??atat at I I I o I ?????redre??\"\"???959??B0B???????VIV?,A,???9C9?WRW??FIF?TNTN0N???YoYogo????rlrl,l?????????????2828080000,??rtr????cic?????y Sy SwS?ee???\"W\"WeW???????????????? r rerepre??lacla????ur????fef?e Ee ???capca???????k ?ChC???colco????? Co C????. . . T ???????????essess ?exe??penpe???veve-e? b ?utut ut y ??? g???????t t yt ??? p???y fy ?or?. . . T. ??is??co?????????at????y by ???wnw?n sn sus?ugaugarar ar??????? wi w??h ?ana???aftaf???????????? d do do o no ?ot? r????mmm?ene???? it. it?????????\"\"\"???", "output": " It's too much of a pain to return, so I'll keep it and drink it (because it's a pretty good K-cup hot chocolate). I will think twice about ordering it again though. I'd really like to get what I ordered.\"\n3495,B005K4Q1VI,A359CWRWFITN00,Yogagirl,1,1,2,1326412800,Artificially Sweet,\"We bought this to replace our Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Cocoa. They are less expensive- but you get what you pay for. This cocoa is watery brown sugar water with an aftertaste. I do not recommend it.Grove Square Hot Cocoa Cups, Dark,Single Serve Cup for Keurig K-Cup Brewers, 24-Count\"\n3496,B005K4Q1VI,AG7D7ZIJHJUVO,scmccarty,1,1,1,1326326400,Very Disapointed,\"I love hot chocolate and was very excited to find a variety pack, however, these are gross. Horrible after taste, my kids dont even like them. Now I have 3 boxes of the stuff that no one will drink. Very disapointed.\"\n3497,B005K4Q1VI,A24V5CL0EW0ZVY,Jaime P. Sigillo,1,1,1,1326326400,Had m"} +{"input": "???????ghg???? ho hopo??????I I??asa?????????cic??????o o g ?ete? s ????? ho?t t ct ????????te te c ?upu??s fs fof????y y Ky ?eue?????ana??d ed ????????pip??????herherer???waswa?s as ???????????aca???? I ??re??????he he r rerevre??????s ans a?nd nd??veven??? the th???????ere ere??om?e ??egegag??ivive? o ????? I????ntnt ?????h ih it?? an a???????????????????d d t?he??mim??? c ch c??????ateat?. . . ???????? su sucuchuc????????d d td tad t??tete te tte ???it??. ??utu?t It ????veve ?it???????en???it??????????ououbu?t ?????d trd t???????oto??therthe?r lr la????r tr ??at???ig??????SaSama?? w we????d ad afa??terterttertatasastasteaste.e. e.? I ?????ed????? hu h?sbs??and?? to t????????????mam???? su?re??????tasta?te??bub???s ws ?werwe??n'n???of????HeHe ?co??????ed??th?????it it hit ?hadha?????\"h\"ho???plp?????c-c?y\"y?????fteft????", "output": "uch higher hopes!,\"I was very excited to get some hot chocolate cups for my Keurig and even happier there was a variety pack. I read the reviews and even there were some negative ones, I went with it anyways.
I tried the milk chocolate. It has such a weird taste to it. But I gave it the benefit of the doubt and tried another later that night. Same weird aftertaste. I asked my husband to try it to make sure my taste buds weren't off. He commented that it had a \"\"hot plastic-y\"\" aftertas"} +{"input": "t???toto o i itit.t?????t t?eve?ene???oro??? d ???????g.g???ToTooo????? I ????ve??????or????upu?s s????t ??ili?? g gog?o to ????asa?te????34?989????????????,A,???303070767??8T8??YCYCRC????iri??eye? A A A??lul????nin?s,s??,1??????262????404??,G,??eae??,\",\"B\"???? K ????p p??????oco?????on on? th??e me mam?rkr?ete?t, t,?????non??e.e??????d ??notno???e ?wi?th???t t it ?? i????????ou?ses?, ,? es e??ececiciai??llyll?y wy wi?withwit?h th ??? w????terte????ntn??s ??comcomim?ing?????494???,B0,B0000500????1V1VI1V??A2A???????7Z7Z0Z???S,S?????1,11,????,13?2626126151????????CKC????????ifi??????sws???eteet?eneen??,\"???s as ???hotho????hocho?colco???e e le lolovo?verver,r, r, I?? wa????????????????ppppopoio??inteint??d wd whw???????????? th?is???rorodo?ucu??? I????????ha???th?the ????ppepper??????(d(????usustus???????ndn?d t???", "output": "te to it. Not even worth drinking. Too bad I have 34 more cups that will go to waste.\"\n3498,B005K4Q1VI,A3Q307658TBYCR,Shirley A Sluskonis,1,1,5,1326326400,Great,\"Best K-cup hot cocoa on the market, bar none. Would not be without it in the house, especially with the winter months coming.\"\n3499,B005K4Q1VI,A2I6ST0W7Z0H7S,AS,1,1,1,1326153600,YUCK!!! Artifical sweetener,\"As a hot chocolate lover, I was verrrrry disappointed when I tried this product. I first had the peppermint (disgusting) and then"} +{"input": "??????????????????hoh??ololalata?e ???????????bebete?ttett?r)r).). .??he????obo??lemlem m???? th?????????ana? R ??ALA?LYL???asastste????e e ae ar?titififificicac?????eeeet???????? a ama?m am ????ietie?????da da? dr d?????er,er, ,? so???????'t't ??????e a e a????????m wm wiw????????fificfi?calcal l sl ???eetee?tentene???. I????????st st t???t ?tht????as?????????????roronrongn??????theth????????chchochoc?ol?at?es? t?? that that that? it it ??ve?rpr??we?rer???? the the the??ho?????????????. ??????finfi???ele?????lll?l Nl ????bub???agagag?ini??..?. . I?????ldld ????????????enden?d td ?thethesthe?? t to t????????????5050000,0,B,?00???4Q4???????LEL??QYQYWYWYWYSY?EVEVUVUKU????hanha??nonno?n Dn D.D???????er,???1,???,13,1323252???040404??,I,ItI?t'st'??nonotnot ?t tht t?he ?grg???ateatesate?st,st?\"I\"????m anm a?n an ??idi?d hd ho???????ocoloco???e ???rin?kekerke??, a, an???d thd t?", "output": " tried the dark chocolate (a little better). The problem is that you can REALLY taste the artifical sweetener. I am a diet soda drinker, so I don't have a problem with artifical sweetener. It's just that the taste was so strong in these hot chocolates that it overpowered the chocolate taste. I definitely will NOT buy again.... I would not recommend these to anyone.\"\n3500,B005K4Q1VI,A1LEEQYWYSEVUK,Shannon D. Pinder,1,1,2,1325030400,It's not the greatest,\"I'm an avid hot chocolate drinker, and thi"} +{"input": "???isi???ususts?????????t mt ??asa?uru?e e???? I ItI?????ini?????? o ???ththeh??susugsugag?r r???reeree ??wiw?????isiss??????????????whwhahat??sis??????u u s se sete?t yt ??ur?????? on o??? it i??s ?s jus j??????iss???g g????t ???cocoaco? f???????. ?????e ?????dadar???????????? w ?ou?????? b?et?te??? ?I I p ?ererser?ononanala??????????????afafef????cac????s M??????hohochoco????e e be ?betbe?ttetter?!I>?I bI ?????t ????????ckc?, ????? th?ene? I??????aba?????o o fo fifinindind d id ????t ?t myt my ????al???????????stost???, , s, ?????????ghtght ???oto??therther ??oneon?. ?????, ???m m? st s???????ithit??? the??24? p pa pac pa?ck.ck?", "output": "s is just doesn't measure up. It reminds me of the sugar free Swiss Miss. No matter what size you set your cup on, it's just missing that cocoa flavor. Maybe the dark chocolate would be better. I personally like the Cafe Escapes Milk Chocolate better!

I bought a 24 pack, and then I was able to find it at my local grocery store, so I bought another one. Now, I'm stuck with the 24 pack.\""}