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<prop type="description">Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings (LASER) were used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied.</prop> |
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<seg>Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and workplace safety and health</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Izbijanje zaraze koronavirusom (COVID-19) i sigurnost i zdravlje na radnom mjestu</seg> |
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<seg>EU-OSHA's sister agency, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), is closely monitoring the spread of the coronavirus and is regularly posting updates and resources on its website.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Sestrinska agencija EU-OSHA-e, Europski centar za sprečavanje i kontrolu bolesti (ECDC), pozorno prati širenje koronavirusa i redovno objavljuje obavijesti i izvore na svojem mrežnom mjestu.</seg> |
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<tu tuid="3"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.08</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), as well as the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOSH) have also published practical information for workplaces.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) i Međunarodna organizacija rada (ILO), kao i Kanadski centar za zdravlje i sigurnost na radu (CCOHS), također su objavili praktične informacije za radna mjesta.</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="4"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8883495145631068</prop> |
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<seg>It covers a range of situations, including what to do if a worker has COVID-19 symptoms, how to guarantee physical distancing at the workplace and managing external service providers.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Njime je obuhvaćen niz situacija, među kojima i objašnjenje što učiniti ako radnik ima simptome COVID-a 19, kako osigurati fizičku udaljenost na radnom mjestu i kako upravljati vanjskim pružateljima usluga.</seg> |
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<tu tuid="5"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7931034482758621</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>As COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease across Europe, many companies and organisations are planning how to return safely to the workplace.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Usporedo s popuštanjem mjera ograničavanja uvedenih zbog bolesti COVID-19 diljem Europe, mnoga poduzeća i organizacije planiraju kako radnike sigurno vratiti na radno mjesto.</seg> |
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<seg>The interactive tool can help identify, assess and manage the risks posed by COVID-19 to ensure that workers come back to a safe and healthy environment.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Taj interaktivni alat može pomoći u utvrđivanju i ocjenjivanju rizika povezanih s bolesti COVID-19 te upravljanju njima kako bi se omogućilo da se radnici vrate u sigurno i zdravo okruženje.</seg> |
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<tu tuid="7"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8974358974358975</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Some activity sectors will have to complement these OiRA recommendations with more tailored requirements.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>U pojedinim će se sektorima ove preporuke u pogledu platforme OiRA morati nadopuniti posebno prilagođenim zahtjevima.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="8"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8591549295774648</prop> |
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<seg>The COVID-19 OiRA tool is available for national OiRA partners for adaptation to their national regulation and situations.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Nacionalni partneri platforme OiRA alat OiRA COVID-19 mogu prilagoditi zahtjevima svojeg nacionalnog zakonodavstva i pojedinačnim okolnostima.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="9"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.75</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>New OiRA tool supports COVID-19 workplace risk assessment</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Novim se alatom na platformi OiRA doprinosi procjeni rizika na radnom mjestu</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="10"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6982758620689655</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Visit our dedicated COVID-19 page for more resources and sector specific guidance</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Više materijala i smjernice za pojedine sektore potražite na našoj internetskoj stranici posvećenoj bolesti COVID-19</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="11"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.6956521739130435</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>EU-OSHA's Online interactive Risk Assessment platform - OiRA - has developed a tailored tool to support this process.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>U okviru EU-OSHA-ine mrežne platforme za interaktivnu procjenu rizika</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="12"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2156862745098038</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>COVID-19: back to the workplace in safe and healthy conditions</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>COVID-19: povratak na sigurno i zdravo radno mjesto</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="13"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7652173913043478</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>EU-OSHA has produced occupational safety and health EU guidance to help in this process.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>EU-OSHA izradila je smjernice na razini EU-a o sigurnosti i zdravlju na radu, koje bi trebale pomoći u tom procesu.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="14"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0833333333333333</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Once the physical distancing measures achieve a sufficient reduction in COVID-19 transmission rates, national administrations are authorising a gradual resumption of work activities.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Nakon što se mjerama fizičkog distanciranja postigne dostatno smanjenje stope prijenosa bolesti COVID-19, državne uprave odobravaju postupan nastavak radnih aktivnosti.</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="15"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8783783783783784</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>The COVID-19 crisis is putting pressure on employers and workers.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Kriza uzrokovana bolešću COVID-19 dodatno opterećuje poslodavce i radnike.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="16"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8253012048192772</prop> |
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<seg>Appropriate preventive measures help to achieve a safe and healthy return to work and contribute to suppressing transmission of COVID-19.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Odgovarajućim preventivnim mjerama omogućuje se povratak na radno mjesto uz očuvanje sigurnosti i zdravlja radnika te pridonosi suzbijanju prijenosa bolesti COVID-19.</seg> |
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<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8285714285714286</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>World Day for Safety and Health at Work in 2020 urges response to the COVID-19 pandemic</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Svjetski dan sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu 2020. ističe važnost pružanja odgovora na pandemiju COVID-a 19</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="18"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.765079365079365</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>This is why ‘Stop the pandemic at work' is the slogan of International Workers' Memorial Day in 2020, celebrated also on 28 April in support of all workers and in remembrance of those deceased, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Upravo je zbog toga „Zaustavite pandemiju na radu" krilatica Međunarodnog dana sjećanja na poginule radnike 2020., koji se također obilježava 28. travnja, u čast svim radnicima i u sjećanje na one radnike koji su preminuli ili su ozlijeđeni na radu te na invalide rada ili one kojima je zdravlje narušeno zbog rada.</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="19"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.3010752688172043</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>EU-OSHA has been active collecting and producing relevant information for workplaces since the beginning of the pandemic.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>EU-OSHA od samog izbijanja epidemije prikuplja i daje relevantne informacije za radna mjesta.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="20"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8634146341463415</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>"Stop the pandemic: safety and health at work can save lives" is the slogan of the 2020 World OSH Day, coordinated every 28 April by the International Labour Organization (ILO).</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>„Zaustavite pandemiju: sigurnost i zdravlje na radu mogu spasiti živote" krilatica je Svjetskog dana sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu 2020. koji Međunarodna organizacija rada (ILO) održava svakog 28. travnja.</seg> |
</tuv> |
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<tu tuid="21"> |
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<seg>While everyone is affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic and the crisis, workers are on the front line.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Premda globalna pandemija COVID-a 19 i kriza utječu na sve, radnici su najviše pogođeni njima.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="22"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1326530612244898</prop> |
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<seg>Tripartism, the cornerstone of EU-OSHA's work, and the European social model is key to effective OSH management to protect workers during the ongoing crisis and in the long-term, including recovery and future preparedness.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Tripartitnost, okosnica EU-OSHA-ina rada, kao i europski socijalni model, ključni su za djelotvorno upravljanje sigurnošću i zdravljem na radu kako bi se tijekom postojeće krize zaštitili radnici.</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="23"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0459183673469388</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>More than ever, raising awareness on the adoption of safe practices in workplaces and the important role that occupational safety and health (OSH) services play must be the focus of this International Day.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Više nego ikad, ovaj bi se Međunarodni dan trebao prvenstveno baviti podizanjem svijesti o uspostavljanju sigurnih praksi na radnim mjestima i važnom ulogom službi za sigurnost i zdravlje na radu.</seg> |
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<tu tuid="24"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2413793103448276</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Please note that the publication date of this document is 24 April 2020.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Napominjemo da je datum objave dokumenta 24. travnja 2020.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="25"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9156626506024096</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>COVID-19: BACK TO THE WORKPLACE - Adapting workplaces and protecting workers</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>COVID-19: POVRATAK NA RADNO MJESTO - prilagođavanje radnih mjesta i zaštita radnika</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="26"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0869565217391304</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>The corresponding OSHwiki article is reviewed periodically and the sector-specific resources are updated on an ongoing basis.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Odgovarajući članak na platformi OSHwiki periodično se revidira, a resursi za pojedine sektore stalno se ažuriraju.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="27"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0056818181818181</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>These non-binding guidelines aim to help employers and workers to stay safe and healthy in a working environment that has changed significantly because of the COVID-19 pandemic.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Cilj ovih neobvezujućih smjernica jest pomoći poslodavcima i radnicima da ostanu sigurni i zdravi u radnom okruženju koje se zbog pandemije bolesti COVID-19 znatno promijenilo.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="28"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7205240174672489</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>They give advice on risk assessment and appropriate measures such as minimising exposure, resuming work, coping with absences and managing workers working from home.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>U njima se nude savjeti o procjeni rizika i odgovarajućim mjerama, kao što su smanjenje izloženosti na najmanju moguću mjeru, povratak na posao, rješavanje problema odsutnosti i upravljanje aktivnostima radnika koji rade od kuće.</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="29"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9021739130434783</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Workers' involvement and taking care of those who have been ill is also included as well as information and further links for many sectors, occupations and countries.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Uz to, smjernice obuhvaćaju teme uključivanja radnika i brige o onima koji su bili bolesni, kao i informacije i poveznice na dodatne sadržaje za brojne djelatnosti, zanimanja i zemlje.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="30"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.121212121212121</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>COVID-19: Resources for the workplace</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>COVID-19: Resursi za radna mjesta</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="31"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9320388349514563</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest challenges that societies and businesses have faced.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Pandemija COVID-a 19 jedna je od najvećih opasnosti s kojima su se društva i gospodarstva ikad suočila.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="32"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8780487804878049</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Healthy Workplaces Stop the Pandemic</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Zdrava radna mjesta: zaustavimo pandemiju</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="33"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1594202898550725</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>The minimum legal requirements are laid out in the Biological Agents Directive .</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Minimalni zakonski uvjeti utvrđeni su Direktivom o biološkim agensima</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="34"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8269230769230769</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>What can workplaces do in practice to help tackle this pandemic and protect employees?</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Što poduzeća mogu učiniti u praksi kako bi pomogla u borbi protiv ove pandemije i zaštitila zaposlenike?</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="35"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.008695652173913</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Overcoming this challenge will be possible only if we work together to stop the spread of this disease and provide a safe and healthy working environment for both home-based teleworkers and those returning to their usual workplaces.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Tu će opasnost biti moguće prevladati samo ako radimo zajedno kako bismo zaustavili širenje bolesti i osigurali sigurno i zdravo radno okruženje i za one koji rade od kuće i za one koji se vraćaju na svoja uobičajena radna mjesta.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="36"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9444444444444444</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>The guidance presented on this page is aimed at supporting employers in these duties.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Smjernice iznesene na ovoj stranici trebale bi pomoći poslodavcima u ispunjenju te obveze.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="37"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9354838709677419</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>This section presents a collection of guidance documents, awareness-raising material and further links on the topic.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Ovaj odjeljak sadržava zbirku dokumenata sa smjernicama, informativne materijale i poveznice na dodatne sadržaje o toj temi.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="38"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.027027027027027</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>At workplaces where workers can be exposed to a virus, which belongs to the category biological agents , employers have to carry out a workplace risk assessment and set appropriate measures.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Na radnim mjestima na kojima radnici mogu biti izloženi virusima, a oni pripadaju kategoriji bioloških agensa , poslodavci moraju provesti procjenu rizika i poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="39"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.772020725388601</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Knowledge and awareness are key - everyone must be well informed about how the virus spreads, the symptoms of infection and how to minimise exposure.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Najvažniju ulogu imaju znanje i osviještenost; svatko mora biti dobro upoznat s načinima na koji se virus širi, sa simptomima zaraze i s time kako smanjiti izloženosti na najmanju moguću mjeru.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="40"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0272727272727273</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>More information on the topic can be found in our section on dangerous substances (subsection biological agents).</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>. Više informacija o toj temi dostupno je u odjeljku o opasnim tvarima (tj. pododjeljku o biološkim agensima).</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="41"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Our guidance helps organisations to provide workers with the information they need and put measures in place to prevent infection.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Pomoću naših smjernica organizacije mogu svojim radnicima pružiti potrebne informacije i uspostaviti mjere za sprječavanje zaraze.</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="42"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8970588235294118</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Stop the pandemic: EU-OSHA action plan for healthy workplaces</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Zaustavimo pandemiju: Akcijski plan EU-OSHA-e za zdrava radna mjesta</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="43"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8111888111888111</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Under the tagline, ‘Healthy Workplaces Stop the Pandemic' EU-OSHA has started an initiative to address the occupational health and safety challenges linked to the current pandemic, offering a range of workplace guidance on COVID-19.</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>EU-OSHA je pod krilaticom „Zdrava radna mjesta: zaustavimo pandemiju" pokrenula inicijativu s ciljem svladavanja izazova u pogledu sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu koji su povezani s aktualnom pandemijom, pri čemu je ponudila mnoštvo smjernica za radna mjesta povezanih s bolešću COVID-19.</seg> |
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<seg>24/04/2020 Type: European Guides 16 pages</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>24/04/2020 Vrsta: Europski vodiči 16 stranice</seg> |
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</tu> |
<tu tuid="45"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0462962962962963</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>More information on the topic can be found in our section on dangerous substances (subsection biological agents).</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Više informacija o toj temi dostupno je u odjeljku o opasnim tvarima (tj. pododjeljku o biološkim agensima).</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
<tu tuid="46"> |
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9516129032258065</prop> |
<tuv xml:lang="en"> |
<seg>Keywords:COVID-19, Biological agents, Work related diseases</seg> |
</tuv> |
<tuv xml:lang="hr"> |
<seg>Keywords:COVID-19, Biological agents, Bolesti povezane s radom</seg> |
</tuv> |
</tu> |
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