# Summary Universal Derivations version of Word Formation Latin (https://wflblog.wordpress.com/) extracted from LEMLAT v3.0 (https://github.com/CIRCSE/LEMLAT3). # Introduction Word Formation Latin (WFL) is a derivational morphology resource for Classical Latin, where lemmas are analysed into their formative components, and relationships between them are established on the basis of Word Formation Rules. For example 'amo' (to love) and 'amator' (lover) are connected with a relationship that describes a change from a verb to a noun through the addition of a suffix (-a-tor) that in itself bears semantic information (in this case it characterises agentive and instrumental nouns, i.e. someone or something performing an action). WFL has been included in Morphological analyzer and lemmatizer for Latin, LEMLAT. Word Formation Latin has been harmonized manually. # Acknowledgments We wish to thank all the developers and annotators of the Word Formation Latin, including Eleonora Litta, Marco Passarotti, and Chris Culy. ## References As a citation for the resource in articles, please use this: * Litta, Eleonora; Passarotti, Marco; and Culy, Chris. 2016. Formatio Formosa est. Building a Word Formation Lexicon for Latin. In Proceedings of the 3rd Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, pages 185–189. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1749/paper32.pdf. ``` @INPROCEEDINGS{WordFormationLatin, title = {{Formatio formosa est. Building a Word Formation Lexicon for Latin}}, author = {Litta, Eleonora and Passarotti, Marco and Culy, Chris}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the third italian conference on computational linguistics (clic--it 2016)}}, pages = {185--189}, year = {2016}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1749/paper32.pdf} } ``` # License The resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). License text is available in the file `LICENSE.txt`.
=== Machine-readable metadata ================================================= Resource: Word Formation Latin Language: Latin Authors: Litta, Eleonora; Passarotti, Marco; Culy, Chris License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Contact: https://progetti.unicatt.it/progetti-milan-wfl-home ===============================================================================
=== Machine-readable metadata ================================================= Harmonized resource: Word Formation Latin Harmonized version: 2019 Data source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CIRCSE/LEMLAT3/master/lemlat_db_26-07-2019.sql Data available since: UDer v0.5 Harmonization: manual Common features: Morphological categories; Compounding; Conversion JSON features: was_in_family_with; other_parents Lemmas: 36258 Relations: 32625 Families: 3633 Singletons: 60 Avarage tree size: 10.0 Avarage tree depth: 1.8 Avarage tree out-degree: 4.6 Maximum tree size: 525 Maximum tree depth: 6 Maximum tree out-degree: 237 Part-of-speech: ADJ, 29.0; ADP, 0.1; ADV, 2.7; CCONJ, 0.0; INTJ, 0.0; NOUN, 45.7; NULL, 0.0; NUM, 0.1; PART, 0.0; PRON, 0.3; PROPN, 0.2; SCONJ, 0.1; VERB, 21.7 Derivational relations: 25281 Conversion relations: 5054 Compounding relations: 2290 Variant relations: 0 ===============================================================================