a a nyanok a little lee a lot mapol a lot of weki abandon weko abandoned lubi abide kero ability tego ability copo able ikum about iwi above ngom mawoko abroad woko abroad upe absence bedo pe absence ope absent andha ndha absolutely madho absorb ngec mukadho abstract rac mandha absurd pong lee abundance lee abundance lee abundant pong abundant mulwar abundant nywaro abuse kuralebju accent yiyo accept yore access ret marek accident kavutu accommodation dar accomplish udaro accomplished nilubire according cungi ikum account atira accuracy atira accurate adot accused abar ache remo ache nwango achieve adwogi achievement foyofoc acknowledge poi pir acknowledge ngec ikum acquaintance nwang acquire nwango acquired nwango acquisition loka across tim act tim action tiyo active gin atima activities tic activity jawi tugu actor andha actual I andha actually matek acute ngiyo adapt medi add Moko ikum piny moko addicted lamed addition mir ameda additional kabedo address eromo adequate kago adjacent cok adjacent Gin manyutho nying piny adjective cwalo adjust loko adjust maro admire yii admit dwoko peri adopt mir awora adorable mediri advance malo advanced bero advantage dwar adventure gin manyuthu kero pa nying ping adverb poi pi advertisement advertisement advertisement nyutho advertising miyo paro advice mio paro advise jawang advocate jacung ka advocate lengo aesthetic mer affair nyotho affect miti affection mar affection copo afford copire affordable larire affordable lworo afraid ingeye after othyeno afternoon yor ingeye afterwards kendo again ikum against oro age dilo agency dikire agency jawang agent kwinyo aggressive coko agile con ago ayiyo agree winjiri agreement fur agriculture anyim ahead ikore ahead kony aid gen aim keth gen aim yamo air bar dege airport dyere pa thenge Ku thenge pa piny aisle kwenda alarm kongo alcohol nger alert ayika alert makwo alive tho all zo all ceke all aya all right ber all right ber all the best weki allow eyiyo allowed kago almost akenda alone kud along uromo already Eni ber Alright man ke also mukende alternative kadi bende although Dhu'alur Alur nja ku nja always an am ber akecha amazing mukadho ambiguous mito ambition miti mamalo ambitious ribo kind amend ikind amid ikind among ikindwa among us wel amount talo ic amusing ngiyo analysis kwaro ancestors Jara'kwan anchor con ancient man and ku and ke and ka in and you malaika angel ngeycwiny anger kwinyo anger ngund angle ngei cwiny angry leya animal vunj tyend ankle mutoro anniversary kwir anniversary kwer anniversary lembe anyutha announcement cwercwiny annoy ngecwiny annoyed cwero cwiny annoying kubang oro annual ma nyuthire ngo anonymous mukende another gam answer neno anyim anticipate lworo marac anxiety lworo matek anxious moko any mukende anymore ngati moko ci anyone piny moko ci anything aya anyway aya re anyways nge apart tung apart kabedo apartment kwai kisa apologize iyore matira apparent tekne apparently kwai appeal nyuthire appear lanyuth appearance unen appeared ava appetite miti appetite nying yen pa eva apple ketho application kethi apply sawa mi rombo appointment foc appreciate foyo foc appreciation kago approach cok approach urombo appropriate yiyo approval yii approve jucwako approved rom rom approximately dwi mir angwen april bedo I kalululu arbitrary jaragyedo architect ayi mi gyedo architecture kagwok archive utye are obedo are ini are you itye ku tic are you busy i nyomiri are you married i gamiri are you married igamiri nyo ngo are you married or single inyomo nyo ngo are you married or single wiyi thwolo nyo ngo are you married or single Podi itye? Are you still there? itye are you there kabedo area pyem argue laro lembe argument ai malo arise bot arm mony army keya army inget around ryeyo arrange yubo arrangement tundo arrival tundo arrive tundo arrived kwinyo arrogant athero arrow cal art gor article mayuba artificial jagoi cal artist calo as tek ne as long as de as well tekne as well as vuru ash kulewic ashamed penji ask penjo asked enindo asleep jamb kume aspect Dhu'asamese Assamese ali assault coko assembly yiyo iyi giri assertive yeny assess pim assess yenyo assessment sayo assessment jamb lonyo asset lonyo assets ketho ngati mukende assign tic atima assignment kony assist jakony assistant dik associate dikire associated dikiri association keth nia kameni assume ting assumption paro assumption I at re at least camo ate jarangwec athlete mwon attach diyire attached diyo attached moko attachment mako attack tembi attempt bed utye attend nyuthu wang attendance winjo attention paro attitude kelo attract kelo attraction kelo attractive kit piny attribute juwinj audience dwi mir'abora august waya aunt waya aunty i andha authentic jaragor author jutela authority Kud anyonga autumn tye available idyere average weki avoid ayika awake ai awake ceo awake mic award ngec ikum aware ngeyongec awareness bor away leng dit awesome ber dit awesome ber mandha awful swaswa awkward Dhu'aymara Aymara mukere baby nyathin baby jamusuma bachelor dwogo back ingei lembe eni background rac bad mufuku bag omvodo bait jebu bake ot mi yubu mugati bakery thobi baking soda pim rom rom balance mupira ball Dhu'bambara Bambara labolo mubok banana labolo banana jukudh buruzi band goi bang benki bank klap bar oboth nyanok barely pyem bargain ngeye bark koki bark bell barley lageng barrier there base iwi based there basement ma pire tek basic madit ne basically yath basil ngati ma junyolo woko bastard aganja batch jom bath lwok bath ot jom bathroom bateri battery lwiny battle kare bay bed be bed ku wengi be careful bed ku ryeko be careful kanambo idhu nam beach wii Abii beam ngor beans utiye ku bear yer tik beard yuk tik beard mutiye bearing yedi beast goi beat maleng beautiful lengo beauty udoko became pi because udoko become kavutu bed ot vuto bedroom kic bee ringo dhyang beef bedo been kongo beer mapodi before ucako began caki begin icaki beginning pi behalf nyuth kura behave kwo behave kura behavior kuro behaviour timo behaviour ingeye behind bedo being yic belief yii believe ic belly utye belong ubedo belong mir amara beloved ithere below del belt thol pyer belt kom bench ajuni bench tur bend gom bend ithe beneath bero benefit bero benefits inget beside inget besides ber maloyo zo best mugisa iri best of luck moth madit best regards ber mandha better ikind between gin amadha beverage ukadho beyond Dhu'Bhojpuri Bhojpuri kud akoya koya bias cwako nget acel biased gari bicycle kana mola bicycle wel bid miti bid dit big gari bike pikipiki bike wel bill diki kar'acel bind owinyo bird nindo nyol birthday kai bit kai bite kech bitter col black ryedi blade loko lembe ikum blame upe blank manano blank blangiti blanket ngeny blast moc blast loko rangi bleach rubo blend jebo blend mugisa bless ku mugisa blessed tho wang blind anyonga bliss mutoro bliss ngeng block ngol block rimo blood nen thendhe bloom kudhi blow blu blue thithiri blunt Ka gor board yei boat kum body akwodakwoda boil lyedhi boil tego cwiny bold diko bond cogo bone buku book medi boost gin ma medo booster wara boot yabi boot wara boots wangkyeo border gol bore aol bored nyap boring nywal born nywolire born nywol born kwac borrow jadit boss ceke both sendiri bother cupa bottle there bottom wilo bought upor bounce dikiri bound wang kyeo boundaries atum bow bawel bowl boxi box nyicoo boy jarimo ma nyicoo boyfriend mola mi lak bracelet ungith brain jang branch kit brand kero brave tego cwiny brave kadhu wi breach kwen bread mugati bread tur break cam mikugweno breakfast thunu breast yui breath madh yamo breath yui breathe nyol breed kit piny breed nyayo breed mathafali brick arusi bride kitanda bridge nyanok brief ryeny bright ryek brilliant kel bring umira bro malac broad iwiyamo broadcast utur broke otur broken lagwar broom uwic broom omira brother yora brother in law o'kelo brought makwar brown nyakwar kwar brown amgberumgberu brown jwayo brush bumba bucket jarimo buddy piny ma mitire budget okwidi bug gyero build gyedo build gyero building gyedo building gyedo built madit bulk malee bulk thwon dhyang bull jali bully vuja vuja bump ajanga bunch nguta bunch wic bundle peko burden ter burden juyiko buried yiko buried wang burn ngeny burst moc burst yiku bury basi bus lum bush thim bush kuloka business moch bust atiye ku tic atima busy abetimo tic busy ento but cak mupoto butter abirbir butterfly jarara button nyig button wil buy I by ento re by the way dong maber bye mboga cabbage coko cabinet kisenge cage mugati cake nyathin dhyang calf lwongo call goyo call lwonga call me lwong called moth calm obino came bidho campaign timire can ugo can't ngol Cancel adhola cancer copo capable rom kani capacity taun madit capital gor mithere caption gor mikume caption maki capture mako capture motoka car tic career kuryeko careful kuryeko carefully bedo swa careless konyo caring jagur bau carpenter kolo carpet carot carrot ting carry mediri anyim carry on cwalo woko carry out tim carry out kesi case sumuni cash bol cast ot nambu castle manja casual kajangu cat maki catch kit category dhyang cattle dhyeng cattle mako caught acaki cause poyokum caution ku ryeko cautious odi vur cave mai cease gamo cease nying ot ceiling motoro celebrate foc celebrate kisenge cell dyere pa piny center oro dak acel century kodhi bel cereal kodhi kal cereal mutoro ceremony foc ceremony moko certain andha ndha certainly karatasi certificate nyoro chain kom chair pyemo challenge yore chance loki change aloka loka change woi chaos dhau chaos kite character kura kit characteristics kit characteristics roi mac charge kisa charity kony charity maleng charming cal chart ryem chase weco chat yot cheap ukwo cheat kwalo cheating sai check dingju cheek foyo foc cheer anyonga cheerful foyofoc cheers aul pa cak cheese ryeko mi yath chemistry pako cherish tugu ches chess kor chest nyam chew gweno chicken rwoth chief nyathin child kare pa nyathin childhood awia children bed moth chill ot yiro chimneys ding chin mito choice londi choose ngondi chop ngol chop tic chores mucwei chubby eklezia church ot lega church mor kum yen cinnamon ngulu ngulu circle kare circumstances anyoli citizen taun city kwai cen claim gam cen claim penj cen claim keth anyang clarify klasi class ufiyu clay ngom kulo clay maleng clean maleng clear jatim kwan clerk ryek clever Ngati ma mito kony client golo cliff alokaloka pa polo climate idhi climb idho climb moko clingy mwonire clingy sawa clock kago close kagwok closet bongo cloth bongo clothes polo koth cloud afuru cloud afuru afuru cloudy afuru cloudy jayomcwiny clown wiye wiye pa lembe clue marac clumsy cokiri cluster japonji coach or coal dhu nam madit coast koti coat kawa coffee adam cognitive kara acel man i sawa marom coincidence ngic cold podho collapse ngut collar jadhoga colleague juwodh colleagues jawodh colleagues coki collect coko collect cokiri collection coko college rangi color Paro ma'lum alum ma ayi pare pe unindo woko colorless green ideas slept furiously rangi colour atira pa piny column koro comb diko combination dikiri combination diki combine bin come bin kae come here bin come on bin kendo come on kwiyocwiny comfort akwiyacwiny comfortable ube bino coming binu coming obinu kago eni coming soon miko cik command miko paro comment pilwor commercial yabo dhog commission cikiri commit macikira commitment mikire committed jami commodity kare ceke common weco communicate weci communicate wec communication dilo community cor cen commute jakindwa companion coko company dul company cokiri company pim compare pimu comparison kisa compassion kisa compassionate rom rombo compatible pyemo compete ku kero competent pyem competition kupyem competitive dhau complain dhau complaint medi complement med paro peri complement dar complete zo iwi zo completely iye tek complex dikiri compliance iye tek complicated medo bero compliment tim kite ma mitire comply ribu gor composition lela compound tado lok comprehension iyore mathuth comprehensive loko lembe compromise umako compulsory komputa computer kethocwiny concentrate paro concept lembe concern paro concern paro madit concerned pyem concert ajiki conclusion cana concrete lembe condition kite conditions kura conduct coko conference doti confess adot confess tegocwiny confidence tego cwiny confident nyuthi confirm ali conflict dhau conflict ujebire confused jebire confused rwinyo confusion wafoyo congrats foyo foc congratulation foyo foc congratulations diko conjunction kubere connect loc conquer bedo angeya conscious bedo ku ngec consciousness paro consent adwogi consequences gwoko conservation gwoko conservative kethi iparo peri consider juketho considered utye consist calo manja consistency marom kare ceke consistent asu constant sawa ceke constantly pong pa ic constipation gyedo construction madhi consume cam consume camo consumption penji contact marac contagious coko contain coko contains bedo sawa marom contemporary yomo ic contempt kum lembe content pyem contest ayi context ikare context ngom ma nam madit upoko ku ngom mukende continent mediri continue winjiri contract pim contrast ajok contribute joko contribute ajok contribution cero control gengo control lubo control calo kud ovupu controversial ikakare convenience sawa ma kakare convenient weco conversation loki convert cwal convey cune convince yiyo convinced tedo cook tedo cooking ber cool dikiri cooperation ngiy cope ngiyo cope nyunyu copper lonyo copper or copper kum lembe core kum lok core anywagi corn gunde corner yubo correct wel cost jam piny mi myel costume ot matidi cottage pamba cotton kom mabor couch vutu piny couch aonda cough romo could coko council kwan count rombu counter Ngom country iget country countryside dhako ku nyicoo couple tegocwiny courage yore course kite course kesi court bedo ku mwolo courtesy nyamira cousin omira cousin umo cover um cover dhyang cow jalworo coward Umo cozy theng piny crab ngeny crack kaki crack kak crack cal craft gin ayuba craft susu crap regi crash nyon crash mitii craving mol ku kor crawl neko crazy yubo create ryeko creative deni credit tuko creep nyayo lwro creepy coko crew dubu crime bal crime kulo cringe Peko crisis yore criteria nen ku ngec critical Laro lembe criticism kodhi crop kodhi crops ariwa cross kok crow coko pa dhano crowd dhano mapol crowd dhano mupong crowded jamkerwic crown mapire tek amandha crucial kwinyo cruel ringo matek cruise cidhi cruise nyon crush canyo crush wak cry mboga cucumber Gwako cuddle thek culture kura culture abidhe cunning kopo cup tatu cupboard nyathin lamvor curb keyo cure Juko wotho ikind sawa moko curfew ngiyo lembe curiosity ketho cwiny curious ciko wang curious agonda curly sente currency makawoni current ikare maeni currently lam curse kwong curse langol curtain umvodo cushion custom custom kastuma customer kite mi timo lembe customs kura mi thek customs ngol cut leng cute ngulungulu cycle ringu gari cycling ringu kana mola cycling baba dad baba daddy kubang nindo daily cak dairy dem dam nyoth damage ngona damn weko damp myel dance marac mandha danger marac mandha dangerous col dark mi amara darling miki dash data data nindo date nyara daughter ceng day utho dead nindo mir ajiki deadline ajiki deadline abinga deaf ukadho deal mi amara dear Jumer ceke Dear All Kastuma mir amara Dear Customer Jurunyodo mwa mir amara Dear Parents Jadit mir amara Dear Sir Jurukwan mwa mir amara Dear students Jukindwa mir amara Dear Team tho death nyako paro debate nywako tam debate kwanyo debit susu debris deni debt oro apar decade top decay jaratho deceased vure deceive vufu deceive dwi mir apa'ryo december maleng decent londi decide moko par decided moko tam decided paro decision odi tep deck juki decline ngol decline jwigo decrease jwigi decrease mikiri dedicated kethocwiny dedication timo deed mathuth deep fura deer acaki default aloci defeat loc defeat gwoki defend ked pire defend nyuthi define omako definitely thelembene definition digiri degree galo delay urii delayed ruco delete mitek deliberate ngeny delicate mido delicious mit delicious yomcwiny delight kud anyonga delighted kud ava delighted miki deliver ter deliver cwal deliver jucwalo delivered ularire delivered cwalo delivery mitii demand mito demanding tela pa dhano ma pi dhano democracy sithani demon tipu marac demon kenyuthi demonstrate jukweto denied kweto denied pek density daktari pa lak dentist kweto deny dilo department ai departure iwi depend ikum depend kwo iwi depend kethi deploy kethi deposit arem matek miwic depressed arem mi wic depression thuth depth nyuth kite describe nyutho description lanyuth description hanga desert eromo ku deserve Goyo design tic designation mitii desire meza desk gen mumbe despair ku kisa mandha desperate kadi bende despite ni weko despite weki dessert hanga dessert kajik destination kajik destiny nyothi destroy nyoth destruction zo ne detail kum lok details pim detect ketho cwiny determination ketho cwiny determine aketho cwinya determined onyothire devastated dongo develop udongo developed dongo development cuma device sithani devil jok devil jajok devil mikiri devoted Dhu'dhivehi Dhivehi tho sukari diabetes icakaya diarrhea gwoko lembe mare diary buku ma gonyo thelembe dictionary utimo did tho die utho died mor cam diet akoyakoya difference mukende different mukoc different matung different tek difficult fur dig rwom dignity bedo ku diro diligent cam mir othyeno dinner roy dip atira direct yore direction jatel wic director jatela madit director col dirt rac dirt Col dirty mulema disable ruci disable goro disable mulema disabled goro disabled rwiny disappear cwinya ai ikumi disappointed nyoth marac disaster ngol cen discard bai cen discard wodhi discharge woro discipline majukwanyo discount jwigo discount nwang discover nwango discover apokapoka discrimination akoyakoya discrimination nyamo lembe discuss nyamo lembe discussion nyamo discussion two disease two diseases tho diseases omo kit disguise marac mandha disgusting bakuli dish sania dish tabu dishes ai dismiss ryem dismiss rwiny dismiss ter dispatch cwal dispatch nyuthi display bayo disposal laro lembe dispute bor distance akoya distinct poki distinguish can cwiny distress poko distribution distrik district sendi disturb atabu ditch adeka ditch tuk dive malac diverse nge nge diversity tung tung diversity pok divide poko divide poki divide pa mungu divine pokiri pa dhako ku nyicoo divorce nindo dizzy tim do itembo do you itimo do you itwero do you i mara do you love me daktari doctor karatasi document timo does ungo doesn't gwok dog Dhu'dogri Dogri timo doing cal tugu pa p'awia doll kabedo pa piny domain paco domestic kare ceke dominant kudi don't kud ipar Don't worry miki donate uthum done kana donkey ber dope leng dope aryo aryo double ngeny doubt cac doubt mugati dough piny down telo download Milapor draft tel drag dar drain tugu drama goi draw odi bau drawer goyo drawing ngino wic dread lek dream bongo dress kendi dress gol drill madho drink dwai drive bol drop bolo dropped ondru drought madho drunk uthwo dry mbata duck jal dude thum due pir due to ming dull Abinga dumb weki dump bol dump pikare duration isawa during utur dust tic duty bedo dwell tho dying acel acel each acel acel each other miti matek eager abiba eagle ith ear con earlier con early nwango earn ith ears ngom earth didi earthquake yot ease opiyo piyo easily nyango east yot easy cam eat camo eating yore mi lim economic lonyo economy dhoge edge ngiyo I gor edit kwan education ponjiri education adwogi effect eber effective tiyo maber efficiency maber mandha efficient tego effort tong egg tongweno egg biri nyanya eggplant miti ego abora eight apar wi abora eighteen pier'abora eighty nyo either medi ikume elaborate bot elbow jadit elder jumutii elderly mutii elderly maleng elegant piny element lyec elephant apar wi acel eleven eromo eligible kwany eliminate thum eliminate ngol eliminate nyo ke else lewic embarrassed nyayo lewic embarrassing gwak embrace jol embrace woki emerge kony ma opiyo emergency can cwiny emotional kisa empathy mapire tek emphasis atika tika emphasis mandha ne emphasis nwoyo emphasize jaratic employee jurutic employees jaratic employer tic employment upe empty yii enable weki enable kethi enable rombo encounter med kero encourage med tego encourage thum end ajiki end bedo ku lworo endangered ni ketho endeavor ciro endurance ciro endure jadegi enemy kero energy tego energy kethi engage onyomiri engaged nyomo engagement cwiny cuma engine engineer engineer jaragyedo engineer Leb mundu English Dhumundu English medo enhance bed kud anyonga enjoy winj bero enjoy madwong enormous uromo enough kethi ensure mondi enter galo wang entertainment mar madit enthusiasm mito mandha enthusiasm miti matek enthusiastic zo entire eromo entitled uromo entitled iwiye kende entity mondo entrance jaralwor entrepreneur basa envelope gin mutyekowa environment dago envy cwercwiny envy kuwang ic epic remo ma moko kabedo moko epidemic wodho equal rom rom equal jami equipment piny equipment rom rom equity marom rom equivalent piny ma rucu eraser bal error eboth escape uboth escape mandha ne especially gor essay kum lembe essence pire tek essential nwang establish nwango established kabedo estate pim estimate jupimo estimated etc etc ni medo mukende etc makuthum eternal kura kwo ethics ngii evaluate ngiyo evaluation kadi even kadi bende even though othyeno evening coko event pare eventually kareceke ever ceke every dhano everybody dhano zo everyone piny zo everything lanyuth evidence jok evil alokaloka evolution niwok evolve Dhu'ewe Ewe mukadho ex atira exact andha ndha exactly penji exam penji examine pim examine mi lapor example kadhi exceed ber akecha excellent muweko except makoya exception mukadho excess malee excess akecha excessive loki exchange kud anyonga excited kud ava excited mutoro excitement yomcwiny exciting yomo ic exciting iakoyo exclusive bed ira ku kisa excuse bed ira ku kisa excuse me tim execute timo execution rwom mamalo executive tugu exercise olo exhaust olo exhausted nyuthu thendhe exhibit Wodho mgbang exhibition Nyutho thendhe exhibition utye exist bedo tye existence utye existing woki exit medi expand nyai expand kur expect omitire expected piny ma mitire expenses tek expensive lembe mukadho experience pima experiment jaradiri expert oro kadho expired utii expired nyuthi explain gonyo thelembe explanation Kwalo exploit voyo exploit yeny explore cwalo woko export thendhe expose thendhe exposed nyutho exposure piyo express nyutho paru expression medi extend omedire extended medo extension nitundo extent woko external mukoch extinct mukadho extra kwany extract diro mukadho zo extraordinary ajiki extreme mukadho extremely wang eye wang eyes piny majukwoyo kud uthworo fabric ber mandha fabulous wang face konyo facilitate kabedo facilities kabedo facility iandha fact adwogi factor ot thyeth factory andha mi lembe facts rwinyo fade podhu fail opodho failed podho failure podhu faint nya ber ber fair nya ber ber fairly nya ber ber fairy yic faith bedo ku yic faithful yiyo yic faithful vufu fake podhi fall vufu FALSE raco FALSE kuyunga fame calire familiar paco family kech matek famine ngeyire famous jam kudho yamo fan ber fancy leng fancy ber mandha fantastic bor far cidh maber farewell maber farewell podhu farm fur farm jarafur farmer yomo ic mukadho fascinating dheyo fashion mir acel fast cweyo fat rac mandha fatal cungo fate baba father olo fatigue racu fault dubu fault mir amara favorite bero favour mir amara favourite lworo fear mutoro feast yuke feather yuk kum gweno feather kit piny feature kit piny features dwi mir'aryo february oroma fed up cul fee camo feed adwogi feedback winjo feel nwango feeling mulo feeling winjo feeling tyelo feet podhu fell jakind fellow jawodha fellow winjo felt dhako female gang fence ma mio fertile kwir festival twom fetch twomo fetch lyetho matek fever nyanok few nyanok fewer manok fewer mir amara fiance paro fiction podho field katic field marac fierce apar wi abic fifteen pier'abic fifty ali fight dhau fight gocu fighting ali fighting dhau fighting ayii mi piny figure cal figure nen woko figure out lacok karatasi file pong fill upong filled video film rac filthy ajikine finally lim finance lim financial nwang find nwang find out maber fine nyig cing finger dar finish daro finish othum finish uthum finished mac fire matek firm mir'acel first nying mi dini first name rec fish roi fit abic five dar fix roi fix umoko fixed bendhera flag lyel flash atira flat racu flaw mumbe racu flawless kukun flee kun kun flee ringo flesh tuk flew loko flex ngiyo piyo flexible tuk flight loko flip nywar flirt nywaro flirting lyero float pong pa pii flood pong flood dye ot floor mogo flour mol flow thiwe flower avuro flu maleng fluent maleng mandha fluently kuyuke fluffy pig fluid tuk fly keth cwinyi focus afuru fog utur utur foggy dol fold dhano folks lubi follow lubo kor lember follow up lubo following cam food mingu fool ngati ma maming fool ming marac foolish tyendjo foot odilo football tugu mi mupira pa coo football mupira football kum for mi lanyuth For example pi lanen For example calo for instance iri for you kweto forbidden jukweto forbidden kero force tego force neno anyim forecast thiri nyim forehead kamabor foreign yen forest yedhi forest pinaka forever rundi ku rundi forever wii wil forget weki forgive bed ku kisa forgive urwinyo forgot fork fork ayi form mungeyire formal macon former ber ne fortunately gum fortune pier'angwen forty pier angwen wi aryo forty-two cwal forward neno bang foster kedo fought nwango found acaki foundation angwen four apar wi agwen fourteen utho fox piny ma ngeny fragile Gund piny frame wiye wiye framework ukwo fraud Goru freak agonya free gony freedom kwi freeze nwoyeri frequency kare ceke frequent sawa ceke frequently manyen fresh ceng abic friday lakwi pii fridge jarimo friend jarimo friendly jurimo friends rimo friendship doko lwor frightened royo lworo frightening ungwal frog kud i from kore front utal mangic frozen nyinge fruit nyig yat fruit yomu ic mupe pe frustrated umo fuel Dhu'fulfude Fulfulde pong full galo fun tiyo function tic function mapire tek mandha fundamental yik funeral yomo ic funny yuk fur kwinyo mukadho furious piny mi bao furniture bor maloyo further Mi medo anyim furthermore anyim future adwogi gain tugu game kinde gap ka gwoko motoka garage susu garbage gasia garbage podhu garden basala high garlic dhu gang gate coko gather coko gathering kilo gauge miyo gave miko gave kendi gear Nicoo nyo Nyaku gender pigi zo general zo general pigi ceke general iwi zo ne generally nyai generate ikare generation kisa generous kony generous jaryeko genius kura genre wor gentle moth gentle andha genuine lanyuth gesture gam get kediri get dressed ai malo get up wakwayo ikei kago eni get well soon nwango getting tipu ghost doko tipu ghosting madit giant ku kero giant mic gift tangawuzi ginger nyako girl jarimo manyako girlfriend mii give miyo malo give up jumiyo given yomcwiny glad kem glance neno glance kemo glance gilasi glass maraya glasses glasi glasses kemo glimpse ngom zo global wang ma col gloomy Mupira MI cing gloves shine glow mil glow up ryeny glow up udok glue cidhi go cidhi anyim go ahead anyim go ahead medire iwange go ahead cidh cen go away cidh kavutu go to bed anyim goal loc goal paro mi cwiny goals mitii goals dyel goat Mungu god Jacwic god mungu ugoi mugisa ikumi god bless you cidho goes cidho going cidhu going to mola gold ucidho gone abi gonna cidhi goo ber good Iri maberi good afternoon wudong maber good bye ri maber good day uri maberi good evening itimo maber good job inen maber good looking ber good luck iceu nenedi good morning i ai nenedi good morning I ai Maberi good morning iceu maber mir amara good morning my love maber mir amara good morning my love vut maber good night maber goodbye vut maber goodnight jami goods gogole Google google mi loko leb Google Translate Kare mi loko dhok mi google Google Translate awendo goose ber dit gorgeous yero nying gossip nwango got anwango got it anyang got it govemente government mai grab pima grade moth moth gradually kadhu graduate peke grain miki grant juyiyo granted yiyo granted ulok grapes maki grasp mako grasp lum grass foyo foc grateful foyofoc gratitude vur grave Avuruvuru gray dit great dwong great abamba greed abamba greedy alum alum green moth greet moth greeting moth greetings kwio kwio grey athuma pa piny grid can cwiny grief rego grind mako matek grip cam grocery cwar nyamulia groom cwar arusi groom adwogi mazo gross ngom ground kabedo ground dilo group coko group dongo grow dongo growth kud agonda gonda grumpy Dhu'guarani Guarani cikiri guarantee jakur guard jagwok guard par iye guess welo guest miyo par guidance nyutho yore matira guidance kony guide gwok guide jabal guilty jal guy coo guys kangwel gym kura habit ot habitat kabedo habitat bedo ku had morembe hail pak hail yuk wic hair yuk kum hair nusu half ot hall cingju hand maki handle jange handle leng handsome ngol hang cidhu woko hang out kuro hang out utimire happen utimire happened anyonga happiness mutoro happiness yomcwiny happiness anyonga happy mutoro happy foyo foc pi nindo nyol happy birthday yomcwiny pi nindo nyol peri happy birthday to you wafoyo oro manyen happy new year tek hard tek mandha hardly tek mandha hardly ever arem harm aret harm marac harmful yomcwiny harmony tek harsh kac harvest utiye has adegi hate utye have wu rii maber have a good day rii maber have a nice day nwang cam mi kugweno have breakfast wubed kud anyonga have fun wugal wengwu have fun icamo have you eaten nibedo having racu hazard afuru afuru haze nyayiriyiri haze en he etye kude he has etye he is wic head aremwic headache abarwic headache keyo heal keyo healing yot kum health yot kum healthy winji hear owinjo heard adunde heart lyetho heat polo heaven pek heavy olo hectic dongo height lago heir ukwo heist mako held mac makuthum hell Maberi Hello mir amara hello dear itye nyenedi hello how are you ibe timo nenedi hello how are you doing itye nenedi hello how are you doing kofira migwoko wic helmet opoko wic helmet konyo help konyo helpful edong hence en her wic herd kai here kabedo heritage jai hesitate nenedi Hey maberi Hi itye nyanendi hi how are you nenedi kuca Hi there ukanire hidden pondo hide kura mi dito hierarchy malo high wii lembe highlight medo hike pyei lir malo hike medire hiking idho hiking maber sana hilarious got hill cere hill en him wiye wiye hint pangi hip furunu hips pango hire pango hiring pare his piny mukadho history lembe macon history gudi hit gwei hit goi hit Andha Hmm mito hobby mar hobby kur hold kur hold on vuja hole vur hole yom holiday thwolu hollow paco home tic mi paco homework atir honest andha honest i andha honestly mio kic Honey woro honor Kofira hood ugol hook gol hook por malo hop gen hope kugen hopefully kony pare pe hopeless avuta horizontal bilo horn marac horrible nyayo lworo matek horror kana horse ot yath hospital bedo ber hospitality jajol host jarajol host kukwinyo hostile lyeth hot kabedo mi cam hotel hotel hotel kebedo mi yom hotel sawa hour sawa hours ot house juru ot household nenedi how kan in ke how about you itye nenedi how are you Ibe timo nenedi how are you doing Ibe timo nyanedi inindo matin how are you doing today Iri nyanedi how are you today itimo nyanedi how do you do nyanedi how is ma rom kane how many rom kane how much kare ma rom kane how often oro peri utye adii how old are you iri nenedi how was your day nindo peri uri nenedi how was your day dyewor peri ubedo nenedi how was your night kadi bende however habu hub mir amara hubby gwak hug madit huge dhano human woro humble ngico humid ngico humidity dak acek hundred kech hungry dwar hunt yamo matek hurricane opiyo hurry tim upiyo hurry up arem hurt ret hurt cwar husband tic matek hustle jokoni hut lengu hygiene An I atye I am atye maber I am fine acopo I can Aromo ngo I can't ayiyo I do angeyo ngo I do not know anyang dong I do not understand ungo I don't angeyo ngo I don't know Anyang ongo I don't understand Anyang ungo ango ma ibe wacu I don't understand what you mean anyang ungo I don't understand you angeyo ngo I don’t know anyang ungo I don’t understand aparo nia i guess abedo I had atye ku I have abedo I have been ageno kumeni I hope so angeyo I know amaro I like Amari I like you amaro I love Amaro umira madit I love my big brother Amaro nyamira madit I love my big sister Amaro wora I love my father Amaro umira ma nyanok I love my little brother Amaro nyamira ma nyanok I love my little sister Amaro mama I love my mother Amari I love you Amari mandha I love you so much amari bende I love you too Awaco I mean apari I miss you apari marac I miss you so much aneno I see aparo I think Anyang I understand amito I want amito kaneni I want to see you amiti I want you abedo I was abi I will abedo I would be atye I'm Atye maber I'm fine atye maber I'm good atye kai I'm here bed ira ku kisa I'm sorry ukwiyo ice miyo pei ice cream paro idea iandha ideal nen rom identical nwang identify lanyuth identity iming idiot bedo gin atima pe idle nyap idle ka if weke ignore litho ill remo ill i andha ngo illegal litho illness remo illness Dhu'ilocano Ilocano ayi image cal image lanyuth image kenen imagine opiyo immediate piyo immediately madit maloyo ceke immense adwogi impact kwiyo kum mumbe impatient medi implement kelo ku woko import ma pire tek important ketho impose larire ngo impossible yom cwiny dhano impress paro impression leng mandha impressive loki improve aloka loka improvement i in pi medo in addition i andha In fact iwang in front of wek ketho in order to iatira ngo inappropriate gin moko incentive paro incentive piny incentive timire incident medi include ni medo including lim income gin mayomo ngo cwiny inconvenience peko inconvenience medi increase omedire increased larire ngo incredible andha indeed eyo indeed loc ken independent cungu iwi tyelo independent india India nyuthi indicate anyoli indigenous ngat acel acel individual ngat acel individual kathyeth industry wekire ngo inevitable kadhire ngo inevitable mukere infant nwango ukudi infection mumbe kajik infinity wango inflammation idho pa wel piny inflation cwayo influence nyuth inform lembe angeya information jambkume ingredients piny mikume ingredients lago inheritance acaki initial diro initiative arem injured ret injury dubu ngo innocent raco pare pe innocent yubo piny manyen innovation kwac inquiry penji inquiry apoya insane neko insane ukudi insect lworo insecure bedo ku lworo insecure roi insert iiye inside inen insight amito insist nindo mu pe insomnia lanen inspiration lero inspiration nyutho lanen inspire roi install lanen instance lanyuth instance ndhu instant kaka instead kan ungo ke instead of cik instructions cik mir aluba instructions cuma instrument cac insult ayany insult kano pir anyim insurance mumbe gudo intact diro integrity jaryeko intellectual ryeko intelligence ryeko intelligent ryek intelligent bedo ku paro intend kuparo intended matek intense paro intention nywako tam interact rombo interaction miti interest amito interested leng mandha interesting cero interfere makago intermediate iiye internal ngom zo international ponjo tic internship gonyo interpret jalok dhok interpreter jalok leb interpreter nyotho interrupt juko interrupt penji interview kumar intimate i iye into nyuthi introduce nyithiri introduction ngati mabedo ling introvert par ma ai kud i wic intuition marac invalid nwango piny manyen invent timo adwogi inventory ketho invest lubo investigate lwongo invitation lwongo invite karatasi mi cul invoice diki involve keth involve bedo tiye involved cuma iron nyunyo iron utye is obedo is cere island jukwedo isolated lembe issue lembe issues en it utye it is ubedo it was pare it's aya ber it's ok eni ber It's okay jami item jami items piny items pare its ayiyo I’m an I’m kendi mapek jacket mabusi jail dwi mir'acel January kopo jar te lak jaw nyego jealous Jako jerk jam mola mi ngut jewelry tic job ngwec jogging diko join diki join adika joint galo joke jadwok lembe journalist wotho journey mutoro joy yomcwiny joy anyonga joy japoklembe judge juice juice gin amadha juice dwi mir'abiro july pyei jump dwi mir abusyel june susu junk ndhu just tim kameno just do it bedo agonya justice mii lanyuth justify Dhu'kalaalisut Kalaallisut ciko keen gwoki keep medire kude keep it up gwoko kept binika kettle lagony key fungua key mafutha key gwei kick nyathin kid tugu kidding urongini kidney awia kids nyithidho kids nek kill kisa kind kite mi kinda macalo kinda ku kisa madit kindly kisa kindness rwoth king nodhu kiss ot tedo kitchen jukoni kitchen kasuku kite nyati kajangu kitten cong knee ngeyo knew pala knife jaloc knight ngeyo know ngec knowledge ungeyire known Dhu'konkani Konkani Dhu'krio Krio lanyuth label tic labor tic labour can lack madala ladder nyaku lady ketho laid vuto laid nam lake nyathirombo lamb goro lame tara lamp ngom land wi ngom landscape dhok language leb language pyei lap kalo lap dit large lac large ajiki last mir ajiki eto magwe ngo last but not least nying mi paco last name galo late ikum kara maeni lately ingeye later manyen muwok latest mingeye latter ngier laugh ngiero laughing ngiero laughter caki launch kalwok laundry cik law lum lawn japid kesi lawyer vuti lay poke layer akora layer nen layout nyap lazy telo wic lead jatela leader ith leaf cwir leak jeng lean pyei iwi leap somo learn somo learning ponjiri learning weki lease matokcen least del leather adila leather weki leave ith yen leaves telo led acuc left uweko left tyelo leg kura legacy ku cik legal lukara legend andha legit galo wang leisure miki lend bor length nyandikili less ponji lesson weki let waraga letter suknawiki lettuce kadhiri level Kero mameda leverage Jengo leverage Peko liability ot kwan library ot ngec library nang lick vufu lie vufu lies kwo life ting lift il lift lero light yot light lukoth lightning calo like rom likely bende likewise iatira line Dhu'lingala Lingala kubo link lamvor lion nya pii pii liquid wel piny list winji listen awinjo listening ku leb mayot literally kwan literature cido litter nyanok little bedo live kwo live cwiny liver bedo lives kwo lives bedo living kwo living ot bedo living room lagwec lizard piki load mugati loaf boflo loaf loan loan deni loan caro local kabedo location fungi lock fungo lockdown cudhu yen log Ngier matek lol kenda lonely bor long Nindo dupa ma wanen ugo long time no see neno look ketho iwi loop rwinyo loose rwoth lord ugony lose rwinyo loss urwinyo lost lee lot matek loud ot vutu lounge mar love amari love you mir amara lovely nyanok low mapiny lower wor loyal woro loyalty mugisa luck gum luck gum lucky Dhu'luganda Luganda ter luggage lungu lump cam mi dye'ceng lunch ugmbo lungs bei mamalo luxury weco vufu lying yero vufu lying cuma machine neko mad apoya mad nyamegu madam yubo made magazin magazine maleng mukadho magnificent jakony maid mandha ne main wek keni maintain gwoki maintain gwoko maintenance Dhu'maithili Maithili mukadho major malee majority yubi make kethi make dheyo make up jumacoo male coo male nyicoo male kare mi lwor mall nyi coo man ti kude kumeni manage tela management jutela management jawi tic manager umako mandatory nyuthire manifest loyo wii manipulate voyo manipulate yore manner kura manner tiyo ku cing manual lee many Adwogo maber marom kane ma inwango tin many many happy returns of the day wothi march dwi mir adek march dhoge margin ajikine margin soko market nyom marriage gamiri marriage gyer marriage nyom married gamiri married gyer married umo mask lee mass madit massive lee massive pong massive jadit master rombu match jangeta mate jarimo mate piny material lamed math lembe matter piny matter tegini maturity nyo may nyo'ngo maybe an me an bende me too dek meal cam meal thelembe ne mean manyuthu nia meaning nyutho nia means nyutho meant re bende meanwhile pima measure pim measure pimu measures ringo meat yath medical yath medicine yen medicine lwodho meditation idyere medium rombo meet rombo meeting Dhu'meiteilon Meiteilon loi melt paro memories paro memory wic mental nyuthi mention nyutho mentioned japonji mentor juruwil merchant kisa mercy cok cok merely wucam karama maber merry christmas nyoth mess kwenda message nyoth messy marac messy cuma metal nyunyu metal kite mi method yore mi method uyo mice idyere middle dyewor maling midnight nyo copo might nyanok mild marac ungo mild ajiki milestone kura pa keya military kit pa mony military cak milk dupa million par mind paro mind ungith mind loko paro mindset para mine mwen mingle jebi mingle rubi mingle nyathin manok minor dakika minute dakika minutes thango miracle maraya mirror mukende miscellaneous nyutho mwolo mischievous yomcwiny mu pe miserable peko misery paro miss apari miss you orwinyo missing tic mission thobi mist nyoth mistake Dhu'mizo Mizo wotho mobile simu mobile nywaro mock lanyuth model idyere moderate manyen modern maleng modest ngicu moist ngico moisture cwiyo mold mama mom ikare moment ceng kasi acel monday cilingi money lim money lubi monitor alwala monkey agiero monkey dwi month ayi mood ku can moody dwii moon kura kwo moral mukadho more makuno ke moreover kugweno morning Winjiri mortgage Jengo mortgage mapol ne most mandha ne mostly mama mother wotho motion kero ma cwalo motivation got mountain oyo solima mouse oyo mouse dhokju mouth dhok mouth wothi move cidhi move wotho movement cinema movie nyamego mrs dwong much lee much pong much ufiyo mud kopo mug ring kum muscle ot piny Macon museum umvolo mushroom wer music umako must negi mute karacel mutual pa my mi amara My dear jarimu para my friend yei para upong ku rec My hovercraft is full of eels mi amara my love nyinga utye my name is mutoro para my pleasure gira myself kenda myself thangu mysterious udu mystery gin azunga mystery thangu mystery lembe abola myth musomali nail nwang naive nying name tucu lembe narrative madiny narrow marac nasty anyoli national bedo anyoli makani nationality dhano native kit pa jacwic natural kit pa jacwic nature kit pa mungu nature winjo ngok nausea kago near kago nearby cok cok nearly maleng neat pire tek necessary ngut neck mola mi ngut necklace mitii need upe negative weko neglect kweto neglect winjiri negotiate jirani neighbor jangeta neighbor jirani neighborhood jangeta neighborhood kadi bende ungo neither nyathin pa nyamira ma nicoo nephew ngati mutye ku mar ma malo nerd lworo nervous ode nest uvoi net yamo mi simu network kare ceke neutral upe never kud imik malo never give up kud ipar never mind kud ipar nevermind kadi bende nevertheless manyen new lembe angeya news mukende next kago ku next to cok ku next to maleng nice ber mi rombo kudi nice to meet you nyathin pa nyamira ma nyaku niece dyewor night lek marac nightmare abungwen nine apar wi abungwen nineteen pier'abungwen ninety Ungo No lembe marac upe no problem upe no way larire ngo no way yore pe no way ngati moko ngo nobody ngati upe nobody woi noise woi noisy upe none sawa abusyel mi dyeceng noon dyeceng matek noon upe nope nyo nor calo manja normal Yo malo pa ngom north um nose paro ma ber nostalgic ungo not ungo not at all zo ungo not at all rac ugo not bad kawoni ngo Not now podi not yet kano note gwoko note jugwoko noted jukano noted upe nothing ngeyo ngec notice aneno noticed anyang noticed dhano noun nying piny noun kabedo noun nying piny nouns lembe atada novel dwi mir apar'acel november kawoni now ikum kare eni nowadays mingu marac nuisance tongweno null nono null kwiyo numb nyiguta number daktari nurse kalanga nut nyig yen nutmeg mor cam maber nutrition macikira oath cweyo marac obesity wor obey piny object thelembe ne objective tic mir atima obligation omo obscure neno observation nen observe paro sawa ceke obsessed pongo paro ku lembe nyo piny obsession oro kadho obsolete mutii obsolete lageng obstacle nwang obtain owango obtained andha doo obvious andha ndha obviously pi kare moko occasionally tic occupation bedo ku tic occupied utimire occur utimire occurred utimire occurs nam madit ocean dwi mir apar october mukock odd makoya odds pa of edo of course eyo of course otho off ocidho off cwero cwiny offensive miyo offer ot tic office mi awora official nja often Ai Oh eeh andha oh really umo oil ber ok aya do ok eyo mir amara ok dear aya mir amara ok honey aya mio kic para ok honey aya mir amara ok my love ber okay aya do okay aya mir amara okay baby aya mir amara okay dear aya mio kic para okay honey aya jamer para okay my love utii old iwi on wang acel once acel one dhok acel romo ugo one language is never enough leb acel romo ugo one language is never enough basala onion mutungulu onion iyamo online kende only yabo open tic operation paro opinion ayi pa piny maber opportunities yore munen opportunity jadhoge opposite gen man tegocwiny pir anyim optimistic mukende option muweko option iromo weko optional pire tek ungo optional nyo or angberungberu orange nya kwar kwar orange penji order penj pire order Manja ordinary dul organization ponji ilembe manyen orientation acaki origin matek original Dhu'oromo Oromo nyathi kic orphan mukende other re bende otherwise macikira ought mwa our Tic Mwa: Pi weko dhano ceke, ikare ceke ni nyang man mio paro migi iwi ngom zo. Our mission: to enable everyone, everywhere to understand the world and express themselves across languages. Tic Mwa: Pi coko man ketho i kabedo acel kwenda mi wi ngom man kethe ikare ma ngom zo rom nwangu man tiyo kude. Our mission: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. woko out adwogi outcome kendi outfit jaramer outgoing kare mi wok outlet ryei outline woko outside manen outstanding kendo oven uthum over iwi over ku keca over there kaca over there iwiye zo overall iwiye ceke overall daro overcome par ma'akecha overthinking mutoro madit overwhelmed madwong overwhelming maloyo overwhelming rwom mamalo overwhelming azungu owe tula owl pa own won owner kana ox kare pace pango pack pango package culo paid litho pain rucho paint goyo paint cal painting goyo painting aryo pair adeka pale othith palm kpanu pan romo ngom zo pandemic myel kum panic pajama pants karatasi paper polo paradise atira ku juwade parallel waraga parcel nwoi kendo pardon jurunyodo parents thim park amam parrot akuru parrot kasuku parrot kume part dikiri participate mandha ne particular andha ne particularly jadhoga partner mutoro party foc party kadho pass kadho passage ukadho passed mitii passion miti ma malo passionate ling passive paswad password mukadho past con past kwoyo patch dwoko tek patch yoo path wanga yo path ku kisa pathetic kwio kum patience bedo moth patience kwiyo kum patient bedo moth patient yore pattern juki pause cungi pause nget ngudi pavement cul pay cul payment akwiyacwiny peace iakwiyacwiny peaceful osoye peach ajiki mi wiye peak yen Pia pear nyig Pia pear ngor peas makoya peculiar lac pee poki peel Jawodh peer juwodha peers kalamo pen kalamo pencil kuro pending podi pending dhano people kambulara pepper doko ku ngec perceive nyang perceive ayi mi piny perception maleng perfect iatira perfect maber perfect tim perform tic performance tugu performance nyo perhaps sawa period pinaka permanent nwango twero permission miyo twero permit ciro perseverance medire asu persistent ngati person ikenda personal para personal akenda personal kit mi dhano personality paro perspective bidho persuade loko pervert leya pet kare phase lanyuth phenomenon lemb ryeko philosophy simu phone cal photo coko dhu wec phrase gin manen physical ting pick ting malo pick up cal picture ngili piece nyathindho thindho pieces upego pig amam pigeon pango pile lathen wic pillow jadwai dhege pilot jater wang dhege pilot cobu pin ananasi pineapple rangi polo bi pink vur pit bar pitch kisa pity kethi place kabedo place kabedo places ondru plague pambo plain paro mir anyim plan mupedhire plane pidho plant kodhi plants sawani plate kabedo platform tugo play tugu playing maleng pleasant Kayo please mutoro pleased anyonga pleasure mikiri pledge dit plenty lee plenty pong plenty ngom plot roy plug jayub pii plumber ping ma pong plural piny ma le plural ka'ponji mi yamo podcast tado lembe poem lembe atada poetry cimo point adraa poison jugwok cik police polisi police cik policy kit maber polite woro polite nyotho pollution dago pond dago pool ceth poop pyelo poop can poor moc pop ngec male popular wel population ring opego pork nyuka porridge ode port kakare position tye positive nibedo kude possess bedo possession Nibedo possessive timire possible gor post bol post cwal post cwalo iwange postpone kata potato kero potential cany pound can poverty kero power tego power ku tego powerful ku kero powerful timo ku cing practical tembo practice timo practice yung praise pak praise timo vufu prank legi pray lego pray mir amara precious maleng precious maber precious mayot precise iyore mayot precisely ke par predict maro prefer gin amara preference yac pregnant gamo ic pregnant paro mumbe kud andha prejudice kabedo premises adwogi premium ajok premium yubiri preparation yubiri prepare yubire prepared kubu kind lok preposition iwang presence unuti present atiye present utiye present nyutho presentation gwoki preserve pulesident president dii press lyethu pressure kwo pretend leng pretty gwoko prevent mapodi previous cam prey wel price hayiri pride ayunga pride jakwath priest mbegi mir acaki primary maloyo prime mir acel prime nyaker princess jawi principal kago prior ma piretek priority kol prison lembe mukanire privacy ikana private yore privilege mic prize romo bedo probably lembe problem kura mi lubo procedure mediri proceed yore process cego produce adwogi product cwiyo production cego production tic profession ku ngec madit professional lanyuth mikumi profile lembe mikumi profile lanyuth peri profile adwogi profit diro mamalo profound anyim progress mediri progress tic project kakare prominent macikira promise ywak pire promote Pako pi promotion rweyo pi promotion i sawa tap prompt tap prompt kukume prompt copo prone Gin macungu ka nying piny pronouns lwong pronunciation sadeni proof mandha proper andha properly jami properties piny properties piny property paro proposal ayi pa piny prospect aloci prosperity lonyo prosperous gwoki protect kuhaya proud nyuth sadeni prove miyo provide miko provide miyo provided miko provided kabedo province kakare provision thik puberty iwang dhano tendhe public tel pull ukondo pumpkin con punctual nyathin kwan pupil wil purchase maleng pure matar pure polotingo purple pi bero purpose tuc purse loi pursue niloyo pursuit cwal push kethi put diru mitic qualification copo qualification kite maber quality welne quantity bedo iot quarantine ali quarrel dhau quarrel nusu pa nusu quarter Dhu'quechua Quechua dhaker queen mukoch queer penji query penji question kur queue opiyo quick opiyo piyo quickly ling quiet lewic quilt weki quit woki quit ebedo quite penji quiz cok dhoge quote coko quotes afoyo rabbit ngwec race thek race kwinyo matek rage koth rain tingo raise cwalo malo raised uringo ran tingo swa random tingo mumbe ngec random ikind range opiyo rapid opiyo piyo rapidly upe rare ope mubedo rarely gwenyo rash aluralura rash uyo rat pim rate twora rather poro ratio paro pa dhano rational manumu raw utye re tundi reach tundo reached etundu reached adwogi reaction kwan read kwan reading ayuba ready andha real i andha reality nyang realize ayio realized anyang realized lembe mandha really ingeye rear thelembe reason paro matira reasonable kakare reasonable kepar recall Lanyuth migamo receipt nwango receive nwango received kago recent nya kago eni recently jolo reception lanyuth recipe bedo swa reckless poi pi recognition nyang recognize wac ni jomokende recommend mitire recommended mako dwol record kei recover cango recover keyo recovery cango recovery cal mi kona angwen rectangle makwar red kethi redeem roi redeem lar redemption jwigi reduce ma tije pe redundant cwal refer mamako kume reference lwodho reflect tam reflect nen iye reflect lwodho reflection wodhiri refrain jakwipiny refrigerator dwoki refund kweto refuse okweto refused woro regard paro regard ni lubire regarding mumbe weko regardless moth regards kebado region roy register mondi register tam regret paro regret kare ceke regular sawa ceke regularly kweti reject bedo rom relate wedi related wat related mer relationship wedi relative wat relative kago kud relative wedi relatives yom relax weki release ugonyo released kakare relevant kakare reliable kony relief lar relief bedo agonya relieve agonya relieved dini religion jarayic religious jaradini religious eyom reluctant bed rely keth rely bedi remain weki remain mudong remaining udong remaining kulanyuth maber remarkable gengo remedy par remember poyo wic remind poyo wic reminder caro remote wodhi remove weko render pango rent yubi repair nwoyo repeat nwoy repeat dwoko kakare replace dwoki reply dwoki report cungo ka represent nyingi reputation kwac request mito require omitire required lar rescue yenyo kendo research dwaro kengo research ucalo resemble Keco resentment gwoko reservation gwoki reserve bedo resident juruot resident weko resign miyo malo resign kero mi ciro lembe resilience kero mi ciro resilient kweto resist jai resistance paro matokcen resolution dar resolve ka yom resort piny ma mitire resources woro respect gam respond lagam response gam response tic mir atima responsibility worire responsible yom rest Yom i Kuc rest in peace Yom i akwaiacwiny rest in peace ot cam restaurant dwog cen restore juki restrict adwogi result adwogi results mediri resume lwor retail weki retain gwoki retain gwoko retention uyom retired ling retreat dwok cen retrieve dwogi return nyuthi reveal unyuthire revealed kwor revenge culo kwor revenge musoro revenue loki reverse dwoki reverse lubi review ngiyo iye revise nwoyo revision lwiny mi loc revolution adwogi reward malo piny rhythm lak get rib thath rice mucele rice ulony rich kwanyo rid dwayo ride rac mandha ridiculous ber right kawoni right now nwang rigid tek rigid uthac ring nwoy rinse lwoki rinse woi riot ali riot dhau riot yom i akwiyaciny rip ucek ripe ubok ripe utegini ripe ai rise peko risk jadhog rival pii mamol river ngudu road wanga yo road vulo roast matek robust kero robust cana rock kidi rock cuma rod tic role dol roll nying ot roof kisenge room kusika room lake root thol rope utop rotten rac rough nyakeni keni roughly ngulu ngulu round yoo route maree routine i atira row ruci rub avatida rubber umvodu rubber susu rubbish gasia rubbish jali rude kasamba bongo rug nyotho ruin tel rule thumu ruler ngolo ruler langol ruler cik rules ngwec run ringi run ringo ngwec running caro rural tim opiyo piyo rush cwii sack lembe akana sacred tyer sacrifice agwoka safe wutuk maber safe flight wuwoth maber safe flight gwokiri safety kare'macon sage uwaco said wotho iwi nam sail wotho iwi nam sailing pi sake cul salary lwor sale rec madongo salmon kado salt kit acel same ocalire same kai bende Same here mir anyutha sample kwiyo sand Dhu'sanskrit Sanskrit marac mandha sarcastic yomcwiny mupong sassy obedo sat yengo satisfaction yengo satisfied urom satisfy uyang satisfy nyanga satisfying Ceng kasi abusiel Saturday ringo marega sausage Kwinyo savage gwoki save neno saw waci say kilo scale ukwo mi ryeko scam vur scar nyanok scarce lwor scared royo scarf bongo umo scarf nyayo lworo scary ulal scattered kabedo scene cwic pa mungu scenery ngwic scent nindo schedule kare mi kwan school somo school skul school lemb ryeko science juryeko scientist juryeko scientists makasi scissors gwaro scold fwod scold goyo scold Yore scope modhu score gwaro scrap gweny scratch gwar scratch koki scream lanyuth cal screen lagony screw Kyeo script nam madit sea mwon seal yeny search sai search sayo search sawa season kare season kom seat kabedo seat mir aryo second lembe mukanire secret Kinde section gwoko secure jakur security gwoko security gwokiri security neno see wabinen see you wanen see you wanen ingeye see you later wanen kago eni see you soon wanen urwo see you tomorrow nyinge seed sai seek yeny seek nen calo seem nen calo seems ineno seen mai seize ulili seizure ungo kareceke seldom londi select yer select kende self kendju self kei giri self healing kei giju self healing ngiri selfish lworo sell cwal send cwal cal peri send me your picture mutegini senior paro sense ku ryeko sensible Ngiyo piyo sensitive cwalo sent ecwalo sent gor sentence kyeo mabor sentences nge separate Dhu'sepedi Sepedi dwi mir abungwen september athera sequence mapol series andha serious cil icwinya serious andha ndha seriously tiyo serve tic service kare session yubiri set kethi set up ketho setting kwi kumi settle bedi settle abiro seven apar wi abiro seventeen pier'abiro seventy mapol several marac mandha severe kwoi sew tipu shade tipu shadow yengi shake bi shall macek shallow lewic shame nen shape kite shape poki share iryek sharp en she etye kude she has etye she is oi shed urombo sheep ithe sheet ith sheet tatu shelf poke shell akora shell ot shelter bot shield loko shift ryeny shine yei madongo ship cwalo iwi nam shipping kor bongo shirt wara shoes kil shoot dukani shop wilo wil shopping dhu nam shore cek short urem shortage kil shot umito should gok shoulder kok shout nyuthi show nyuth ira show me jom shower jungo shrimp dii shrink jwigi shrink fungi shut negi shut ling shut up ngico wang shy omego ku nyimego sibling omego ku nyimego siblings remo sick ingete side wodhiri sigh nen sight neno kabedo sightseeing Lanyuth sign ketho cing signature keth cingi signature ma pire tek significant ling silence ling silent thol manwang silk mingo silly mila silver calire similar mingo simp yot simple kara cel simultaneously nicakire since iandha sincere i iandha sincerely wer sing jara wer singer ikenda single mwony sink Jadit Sir nyamira sister yora sister in law bedi sit nen site kabedo site kare situation abusyel six apar wi abusiel sixteen pier'abusiel sixty dit size pim ne size bor ne size diro skill diru skills del kum skin adila skin ku kume skinny kal skip skirt skirt bongo pa mon skirt kor polo sky angeca slave nindo sleep nindo sleeping nindo nega sleepy bot sleeve ngol slice pok thindho thindho slice loki slide tel slide cwal slide nyanok slightly likili slim cyer slip lor piny slope lor slope ode slot yo slow moth slow moth moth slowly yoo yoo slowly nyanok small maleng smart ngwiy smell vonjo smile yiro smoke fwoth smooth udeyo snack dholu snail thwol snake goi snap ngico snow dong so maleng so cute nitundu kai so far roi i pii soak savuni soap nger sober mupira soccer bedo iacel social dul society bol'tyelo socks mayom soft yom soft ngom soil lworo sold julworo woko sold out jamony soldier jakeya soldier jalwiny soldier zo ne sole matek solid kidi solid daro solution dar solve moko some ngati moko somebody adha gire somehow ngati moko someone piny moko something sawa moko sometimes wer song kare makago soon mayo sophisticated Dhu'sorani Sorani vur sore remo mi dwol sore throat can cwiny sorrow bed ku kisa Sorry londi sort yer sort londi sought yer sought tipu soul jangeta soulmate dwol sound cwei soup wac sour cakire source acaki source yo piny pa ngom south kor polo space susu spam wir span spanish Spanish weki spare weci speak akoya special thek species mandhane specific nen maleng spectacular wec speech lembe pe mir aweca speechless ape ku lembe moko speechless piyo speed wac nyiguta spell tiyo spend tic ko spend tiyo kude spent ku kambulara spicy maki spike mako spike wir spin wiro spin suku mawik spinach tipu spirit ngul spit eni ber splendid leng splendid kaki split ngeny split nyotho spoil unyothire spoiled karacel spontaneous lupau spoon poyo spot jurumer spouse ju minyom spouse juruot spouse moyo spread pii spring gund angwen square dii squeeze piyo squid aidha squirrel st st ngati maleng st cobe stab ngir stable opangire stack jurutic staff jaratic staff kakare stage nyali stain madala stairs jengo stake tyend stalk kare mi lwor stall diyo stamp cungi stand makoya standard cero star caki start ocako started kech ondru starving nyuthi state lembe statement adot statement kakare madit station cal agyera statue cal agoya statue rwom status bedo stay gwokiri stay safe cungo thir steady moki steak kwal steal lyetho steam cuma steel cere mathuc steep kor tyend stem kalo step yen stick oluth stick matek stiff manwang stiff re'pare still cwiny sting nwang cing stingy rubo stir jami mi lwor stock jukwalo stolen ic stomach kidi stone ucungu stood ceth stool saroni stool nyathi meza stool jiki stop cungi stop gwoko storage kare mi gwoko piny store angongo storm lembe asemba story kendo stove sigiri stove atira straight i atira straightforward kero strain onyo strain manyen strange tung strange omondo stranger ogonjo stranger yore strategy useke straw acoga strawberry kulo stream wangayo street kero strength tego strength paro matek stress tel stretch kit tek strict goi strike thol string lunyo strip mediri strive arungarunga stroke remo maturo kum stroke tek strong ugoyo struck ayi structure ketho cwiny struggle tim asu struggle tembo struggling wic rac stubborn moko stuck nyathin kwan student nyathin skul student kwan study kwan studying somo studying uluth stuff maber mandha stunning iming stupid yore style kite style wi lembe madit subject miki, miyo submission mii submit cwal submit kum lok substance loki substitute Makoya subtle ukadho succeed uloyo succeed ubed maber success ubedo maber successful eno such macalo such as cwii suck rek sudden ndhu ndhu suddenly peko suffer nwang peko suffer peko suffering can suffering uromo sufficient sukari sugar nyuth paro peri suggest miyo paro suggestion rombo suit uromu suitable kikapo suitcase med sum wiye wiye summary kare mi ceng summer coko summit ceng sun ceng yenga sunday ceng matek sunny pondhu paceng sunset ryeny pa ceng sunshine muloyo zo super makadho ceke super madit superior jatela supervisor janenwi supervisor jalyeo supervisor cam mi dyewor supper poki supply kero support kanango suppose paro supposed andha sure iwiye surface nyai marek surge yango dhano surgery nying mi paco surname poi apoya surprise ngeng surprised wekiri surrender weko surrender dhoku surrounding yaro ilembe surveillance sai survey both survive jadubu suspect ryemo suspended gen mumbe suspicious gwoko sustain gwoko sustainability gwokire sustainable gem swag nikwot swag mwony swallow wei swap cwal swap kwongiri swear kwok sweat mit sweater lim sweater kwok sweater yweyo sweep mit sweet lek maber sweet dreams vut maber sweet dreams lak mamit sweet tooth mir amara sweetheart ngwel swell kwot swelling dhuny swim ndhuny swimming lyer swing swic switch ukwot swollen pala mularo sword ginanyutha symbol lanyuth symbol kisa sympathy lanyuth symptoms kite mi time lembe system meza table maki tackle ayi piny mupe tag yib tail ting take ting cen take away ter cen take away gwokiri take care ai cen take off jutingo taken tingo taken weci talk weco akecha talkative bor tall mul tap mwono tape kajik target tic task bilo taste mit tasty juponjo taught majani tea cai tea ponji teach japonji teacher karacel team dhano acel team bedo i acel team yeco tear pii wang tears sendo tease nywar tease thyeth manyen technology lak teeth waci tell wac ira tell me ngecwiny temper lyetho temperature templu temple ot rwo temple pi kare manok temporary apar ten elifu apar ten thousand won piny tenant won ot tenant kucan tend kukisa tend miti tendency ku woro tender ku mwolo tender kare mi lok tense telo thol tension kema tent kyema tent tundutundu tentative sawa term Kum lembe terms rac mandha terrible marac mandha terrific wang kyeo territory tembo test tembi test gor text oloyo than foc thank afoyo thank you Wafoyo bedo moth peri, podi walubo tok jeni ma jucwalo Thank you for your patience while we investigate shipment afoyo matek thank you so much afoyo matek thank you very much afoyo thanks wafoyo tiyo ku app mwa Thanks for using our app ca that eca utye that is eno ber that's good ku the ukwo theft migi their gin them wi lembe theme gin themselves kadong then paro manyutho lembe theory keca there kaca there gitye there are otye there is dong therefore egi these gin they gi'tye they are nwang thick jakwo thief bamb thigh mumok thin mujong thin piny thing piny things par think adek third ryeo thirsty apar wi adek thirteen pier'adek thirty ae this eni utye this is ku yore ceke thorough ku cwinyi zo thoroughly gii those kadi though tam thought paro thought kuparo thoughtful paro thoughts elifu thousand thol thread nyayo lworo threat mio lworo threaten adek three thol threshold anyonga thrilled mutoro thrilled cidh anyim thrive mediri thrive dwond throat yori through ikare ceke throughout bol throw bai throw cing madit thumb lukoth thunder ceng angwen Thursday dong thus gwedhi tick gwedho tick idho man lor pa pii tide maleng tidy maber tidy twiyo tie kwac tiger matek tight Dhu'tigrinya Tigrinya sawa time nwang timid nyanok tiny nyandikili tiny idhoge tip wiye wiye tips kungulu tire olo tired ler tissue wilembe title I to bedo to be gudi toast tin today nyathin toddler nyig tyelo toes kar'acel together saroni toilet waco told ciro tolerance kwi kumi tolerate bed moth tolerate kur tolerate nyanya tomato urwo tomorrow leb tongue lebjo tongue dyewor matin tonight akeca too otingo took jam tic tool jamtic tools lak tooth iwi top wiye top wilembe topic yeco torn uyec torn fot torture zo total mulo touch tek tough wotho mi lyeu ngom tour yor ibang toward ibang toward yor ibang towards laduny kum towel taun town akedha toxic rac toxic lubi trace sayo track lwor trade kuloka trade the kwaro tradition thek mi kwaro traditional kwalo traffic pong pa piny I ngudi traffic lanyuth trail gari train kwan training somo training ponjiri training kit kura trait kura trait kite traits kura traits cwal transfer dok ka mukende transition loki translate glasi transparent jambwotho transport cwalo transportation ngolo trap mako trap susu trash par mi lembe marac mutimire con trauma wotho travel sawani tray lonyo treasure tii treat nwango yath treatment yath treatment dawa treatment yen tree ber mandha tremendous ma utye trend tembo trial ryeko mir abidhe trick tembo tried gin ma teli trigger gin maketho trigger thumo trim ngolo trim wotho trip nyothu lembe trouble thorozi trousers surwali trousers mutukari madongo truck andha TRUE kor tyend trunk gen trust andha truth tembo try Dhu'tsonga Tsonga useke tube cen aryo Tuesday cul mi kwan tuition owinyo taki turkey cwa turmeric loko turn ukuma turtle japonji tutor apar wi arya twelve pier'aryo twenty pier'aryo wi acel twenty-one Dhu'twi Twi wang aryo twice tuko twist tuki twist aryo two kyeo type kite type kukite typical rac ugly maloyo ultimate la um wic umbrella copire ngo unable larire ngo unable nera uncle winjo ngo kum unconscious ithe under ithe underneath jwigo piny underrated nyang understand junyang understood anyang understood wanyang understood pilembe marac unfortunately kite marom uniform mukoch unique Pima pa piny unit kwan mamalo university ngeyire ngo unknown wang'ma unless nitundo until calo manaka ngo unusual malo up nen iye in up to you medi update medo mukende upgrade iwi upon winjo marac upset city urban taun urban mitii urge piyo urgent wan us tiyo kude use tiyo used jutiyo used pire tek useful kony ne pe useless calo ma naka usual nja usually romo tiyo utility yom vacation agwera vaccination yath agwera vaccine thwolo vacuum manano vague marac vague andha valid poga valley ber dit valuable bero value mapat pat variety matung tung variety tung tung various mapol vary tung tung vary agulu lak lyec vase malee vast dek macol vegetable dek macol vegetables motoka vehicle jaralwor vendor akedha venom ikare venture kabedo venue nen verify nyuthi verify ngiyo versatile yokurucel version acunga vertical akecha very ber mandha very good atabu vessel sinia vessel suwani vessel yor via mido vibe wer vibes mido vibes kutego vicious won lelmbe victim cal video nen view caro village jadubu villain kongo mawac vinegar kongo ulok mawac vinegar Oro mir Olok vintage ali violence dhau violence ali violent kwiny violent nyai viral sumba virgin iyamo virtual kit maber virtue neno anyim vision lanyuth mir anyim vision lyeo visit neno visual pire tek vital ku tego vivid nyig lembe vocabulary dwol voice thwolo void iyenano void yamo void dwonde volume mikiri volunteer ngok vomit mito kony vulnerable adwogi mi tic wage cul wage adwogi pi tic wages cul wages pyere waist kur wait jamik cam waiter kuro waiting kur waiting ceu wake ai wake ai malo wake up wothi walk wotho walking abi wall kor ot wall jeba wallet bedu ku ngeng wander amito wanna miti want jumito wanted lwiny war kagwoko bongo wardrobe dero warehouse lyeth warm miyo lanyuth warn kwenda warning jaked lwiny warrior jalwiny warrior ubedo was lwoko wash cilo marac waste nen watch pi water okondo pa mundu watermelon malo piny wave yore way wan we wa'tye we are waromo we can wacopo we can tego pe weak kero manok weakness lonyo wealth mutuma wealth mulony wealthy rukiri wear kendi wear kendu wearing aloka loka pa polo weather nyom wedding Ceng adek Wednesday lum weed yenga week thum pa yenga weekend pek weight mukoch weird mujai weird wofoyo bino welcome bedo ber welfare Ber Well afoyo well done wafoyo well done cidho went bedo were reto west ngic wet gur whale ango what ka in ke what about you itimo ango what are you doing Ibe timo ango kawoni what are you doing now Ibe timo ango kawoni eni what are you doing right now itimo ango what do you do ibetimo ango pi kwo what do you do for a living ibe waco ango what do you mean imito ango what do you want ango mautimire what happened utiye ango what is eni ango what is this itimo tic ango what is your job nyingi nga what is your name ango what's up nyingi nga what's your name kadi bende whatever ngano wheat tyend piny mangulungulu wheel awene when ka whenever kakane where Itye kane where are you wutye kane where are you i ai kane where are you from itye kane kawoni where are you now ibedo kane where do you live kane where is kadi bende whereas ka'nyo whether makani which kunu while lwiyo whisper lwi whistle matar white nga who in inga who are you itye nga who are you nga who is ee nga who is this e'nga who is this zo whole nga whom pa nga whose pir'ango why pir'ango ngo why not jarac wicked jadubo wicked lac wide dhatho widow ngete width dhako wife lum wild thim wild bi will bedo ku miti willing loyo win yamo wind dhirisa window ku yamo windy yamo windy ulok wine kare mi koth winter wei wipe thol wire ryeko wisdom ryek wise miti wish wubed maber wish you all the best jajok witch ku with wodh cen withdraw wodho withdrawal kwanyo withdrawal ikind within mumbe without sadeni witness kud ava witty utho wolf dhaku woman mon women loyo won ungo won't paro wonder ber mandha wonderful dhok yen wood pamba wool Gor word Kyeo word gor words tic work tim work out tiyo working ngom world ukudi worm ukoko worm utii worn bedo lwor worried lworo worried lworo worry paro matek worry marac mandha worse woro worship marac maloyo worst erom worth eromo kude worth it eromo worthy ubi would rem wound Iki Wow twii wrap dol wrap fwod wrath kwinyo wrath ngut cing wrist kyeo write gor kai Write here kyewo writing kyeo written rac wrong okweo wrote yardi yard ngemo yawn Eyo Yeah oro year rundi year oro years rundi years mwaka years thobi kogo yeast kok yell rangi pa ceng yellow yellow yellow Eyo Yes eyo mi amara yes baby eyo mir amara yes dear eyo mir amara yes honey eyo mo kica yes honey eyo mir'amara yes my love andha do yes of course ma nyaworu yesterday re podi yet cego yield In you itye you are ileng you are beautiful ileng ba you are so beautiful itye ajola you are welcome icopo you can ingeyo You know in bende you too itye ajola you're welcome nyathin young peri your itye ajola your welcome in yourself arado youth itye ajola you’re welcome mir amara yummy tongweno zero