# eus.rst.ert RST Basque TreeBank Citation: Iruskieta, M.; Aranzabe, M.J.; Diaz de Ilarraza, A.; Gonzalez, I.; Lersundi, M.; Lopez de la Calle, O. 2013. The RST Basque TreeBank: an online search interface to check rhetorical relations. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop ''RST and Discourse Studies'', Brasil, October 21-23. ## Introduction The RST Basque Treebank was annotated at subsentential level following Tofilosky et al. (2009) and using the extended classification of discourse relations following the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) by Mann and Thompson (1988). The annotated corpus contains 60 abstract texts from three different domains: medical, terminologycal and scientific. RSTTool (O'Donnel 2000), an annotation interface for RST was used to annotate this corpus and RhetDataBase was used to annotate the signals of the rhetorical relations. Team-Group: * Oier Lopez de Lacalle * Esther Miranda * Kike Fernandez * Maxux Aranzabe * Itziar Gonzalez * Mikel Lersundi * Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza * Mikel Iruskieta ## DISRPT 2019 shared task information Sentence splits and parses provided by the treebank team. Train/dev/test partitions each contain 84/28/28 documents.