import json |
import os |
import subprocess |
from dreamcoder.domains.arithmetic.arithmeticPrimitives import k1, k0, addition, subtraction, multiplication |
from dreamcoder.frontier import Frontier, FrontierEntry |
from dreamcoder.grammar import Grammar |
from dreamcoder.program import Program |
from dreamcoder.task import Task |
from dreamcoder.type import arrow, tint |
from dreamcoder.utilities import tuplify, timing, eprint, get_root_dir, mean |
def helmholtzEnumeration(g, request, inputs, timeout, _=None, |
special=None, evaluationTimeout=None): |
"""Returns json (as text)""" |
message = {"request": request.json(), |
"timeout": timeout, |
"DSL": g.json(), |
"extras": inputs} |
if evaluationTimeout: message["evaluationTimeout"] = evaluationTimeout |
if special: message["special"] = special |
message = json.dumps(message) |
with open('/tmp/hm', 'w') as handle: |
handle.write(message) |
try: |
binary = os.path.join(get_root_dir(), 'helmholtz') |
process = subprocess.Popen(binary, |
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, |
stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
response, error = process.communicate(bytes(message, encoding="utf-8")) |
except OSError as exc: |
raise exc |
return response |
def backgroundHelmholtzEnumeration(tasks, g, timeout, _=None, |
special=None, evaluationTimeout=None): |
from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool |
requests = list({t.request for t in tasks}) |
inputs = {r: list({tuplify(xs) |
for t in tasks if t.request == r |
for xs, y in t.examples}) |
for r in requests} |
workers = Pool(len(requests)) |
promises = [workers.apply_async(helmholtzEnumeration, |
args=(g, r, inputs[r], float(timeout)), |
kwds={'special': special, |
'evaluationTimeout': evaluationTimeout}) |
for r in requests] |
def get(): |
results = [p.get() for p in promises] |
frontiers = [] |
with timing("(Helmholtz enumeration) Decoded json into frontiers"): |
for request, result in zip(requests, results): |
response = json.loads(result.decode("utf-8")) |
for b, entry in enumerate(response): |
frontiers.append(Frontier([FrontierEntry(program=Program.parse(p), |
logPrior=entry["ll"], |
logLikelihood=0.) |
for p in entry["programs"]], |
task=Task(str(b), |
request, |
[]))) |
eprint("Total number of Helmholtz frontiers:", len(frontiers)) |
return frontiers |
return get |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
from dreamcoder.recognition import RecognitionModel, DummyFeatureExtractor |
g = Grammar.uniform([k1, k0, addition, subtraction, multiplication]) |
frontiers = helmholtzEnumeration(g, |
arrow(tint, tint), |
[[0], [1], [2]], |
10.) |
eprint("average frontier size", mean(len(f.entries) for f in frontiers)) |
f = DummyFeatureExtractor([]) |
r = RecognitionModel(f, g, hidden=[], contextual=True) |
r.trainBiasOptimal(frontiers, frontiers, steps=70) |
g = r.grammarOfTask(frontiers[0].task).untorch() |
frontiers = helmholtzEnumeration(g, |
arrow(tint, tint), |
[[0], [1], [2]], |
10.) |
for f in frontiers: |
eprint(f.summarizeFull()) |
eprint("average frontier size", mean(len(f.entries) for f in frontiers)) |