import inspect |
import signal |
import random |
import time |
import traceback |
import sys |
import os |
import subprocess |
import math |
import pickle as pickle |
from itertools import chain |
import heapq |
import hashlib |
def computeMD5hash(my_string): |
m = hashlib.md5() |
m.update(my_string.encode('utf-8')) |
return m.hexdigest() |
class Thunk(object): |
def __init__(self, thing): |
self.thing = thing |
self.evaluated = False |
def force(self): |
if self.evaluated: |
return self.thing |
else: |
self.thing = self.thing() |
self.evaluated = True |
return self.thing |
def cindex(i): return lambda a: a[i] |
class ConstantFunction: |
def __init__(self,v): self.v = v |
def __call__(self,*a,**k): return self.v |
def eprint(*args, **kwargs): |
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) |
flushEverything() |
class Bunch(object): |
def __init__(self, d): |
self.__dict__.update(d) |
def __setitem__(self, key, item): |
self.__dict__[key] = item |
def __getitem__(self, key): |
return self.__dict__[key] |
def curry(fn): |
"""Curries a function. Hacky way to return a curried version of functions with arbitrary #s of args. """ |
def make_curry_fn(signature): |
"""Redefines a currying function with the appropriate arguments. Hacky.""" |
tmp_curry = 'def tmp_curry(f): return ' |
tmp_curry += " ".join(['lambda %s: ' % argname for argname in signature.parameters]) |
tmp_curry += 'f' |
tmp_curry += str(signature) |
return tmp_curry |
exec(make_curry_fn(inspect.signature(fn)), globals()) |
return tmp_curry(fn) |
class Curried: |
def __init__(self, f, arguments=None, arity=None): |
if arity is None: |
arity = len(inspect.getargspec(f)[0]) |
self.f = f |
self.arity = arity |
if arguments is None: arguments = [] |
self.arguments = arguments |
def __call__(self, x): |
arguments = self.arguments + [x] |
if len(arguments) == self.arity: |
return self.f(*arguments) |
else: |
return Curried(self.f, arguments=arguments, arity=self.arity) |
def __str__(self): |
if len(self.arguments) == 0: |
return f"Curried({self.f}/{self.arity})" |
else: |
return f"Curried({self.f}/{self.arity}, {', '.join(map(str,self.arguments))})" |
def __repr__(self): |
return str(self) |
def hashable(v): |
"""Determine whether `v` can be hashed.""" |
try: |
hash(v) |
except TypeError: |
return False |
return True |
def flatten(x, abort=lambda x: False): |
"""Recursively unroll iterables.""" |
if abort(x): |
yield x |
return |
try: |
yield from chain(*(flatten(i, abort) for i in x)) |
except TypeError: |
yield x |
def growImage(i, iterations=2): |
import numpy as np |
for _ in range(iterations): |
ip = np.zeros(i.shape) |
c = np.array([i[:,:,j].max() |
for j in range(4) ]) |
foreground = i[:,:,3] > 0 |
foreground = foreground + \ |
np.pad(foreground, ((0,1),(0,0)), mode='constant')[1:,:] +\ |
np.pad(foreground, ((0,0),(0,1)), mode='constant')[:,1:] + \ |
np.pad(foreground, ((0,0),(1,0)), mode='constant')[:,:-1] + \ |
np.pad(foreground, ((1,0),(0,0)), mode='constant')[:-1,:] |
ip[foreground] = c |
i = ip |
return ip |
def summaryStatistics(n, times): |
if len(times) == 0: |
eprint(n, "no successful times to report statistics on!") |
else: |
eprint(n, "average: ", int(mean(times) + 0.5), |
"sec.\tmedian:", int(median(times) + 0.5), |
"\tmax:", int(max(times) + 0.5), |
"\tstandard deviation", int(standardDeviation(times) + 0.5)) |
def updateTaskSummaryMetrics(taskSummaryMetrics, newMetricsDict, key): |
"""Updates a taskSummaryMetrics dict from tasks -> metrics with new metrics under the given key.""" |
for task in newMetricsDict: |
if task in taskSummaryMetrics: |
taskSummaryMetrics[task][key] = newMetricsDict[task] |
else: |
taskSummaryMetrics[task] = {key : newMetricsDict[task]} |
NEGATIVEINFINITY = float('-inf') |
POSITIVEINFINITY = float('inf') |
def parallelMap(numberOfCPUs, f, *xs, chunksize=None, maxtasksperchild=None, memorySensitive=False, |
seedRandom=False): |
"""seedRandom: Should each parallel worker be given a different random seed?""" |
if memorySensitive: |
memoryUsage = getMemoryUsageFraction()/100. |
correctedCPUs = max(1, |
min(int(0.9/memoryUsage),numberOfCPUs)) |
assert correctedCPUs <= numberOfCPUs |
assert correctedCPUs >= 1 |
if correctedCPUs < numberOfCPUs: |
eprint("In order to not use all of the memory on the machine (%f gb), we are limiting this parallel map to only use %d CPUs"%(howManyGigabytesOfMemory(),correctedCPUs)) |
numberOfCPUs = correctedCPUs |
if numberOfCPUs == 1: |
return list(map(f, *xs)) |
n = len(xs[0]) |
for x in xs: |
assert len(x) == n |
assert PARALLELMAPDATA is None |
if seedRandom: |
PARALLELBASESEED = random.random() |
from multiprocessing import Pool |
permutation = list(range(n)) |
random.shuffle(permutation) |
inversePermutation = dict(zip(permutation, range(n))) |
if chunksize is None: |
chunksize = max(1, n // (numberOfCPUs * 2)) |
pool = Pool(numberOfCPUs, maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperchild) |
ys = pool.map(parallelMapCallBack, permutation, |
chunksize=chunksize) |
pool.terminate() |
return [ys[inversePermutation[j]] for j in range(n)] |
def parallelMapCallBack(j): |
if PARALLELBASESEED is not None: |
random.seed(PARALLELBASESEED + j) |
try: |
return f(*[x[j] for x in xs]) |
except Exception as e: |
eprint( |
"Exception in worker during lightweight parallel map:\n%s" % |
(traceback.format_exc())) |
raise e |
def log(x): |
t = type(x) |
if t == int or t == float: |
if x == 0: |
return math.log(x) |
return x.log() |
def exp(x): |
t = type(x) |
if t == int or t == float: |
return math.exp(x) |
return x.exp() |
def lse(x, y=None): |
if y is None: |
largest = None |
if len(x) == 0: |
raise Exception('LSE: Empty sequence') |
if len(x) == 1: |
return x[0] |
t = type(x[0]) |
if t == int or t == float: |
largest = max(*x) |
return largest + math.log(sum(math.exp(z - largest) for z in x)) |
import torch |
if t == torch.Tensor and x[0].size() == torch.Size([]): |
return torchSoftMax([datum.view(1) for datum in x]) |
return torchSoftMax(x) |
else: |
return y |
return x |
tx = type(x) |
ty = type(y) |
if (ty == int or ty == float) and (tx == int or tx == float): |
if x > y: |
return x + math.log(1. + math.exp(y - x)) |
else: |
return y + math.log(1. + math.exp(x - y)) |
return torchSoftMax(x, y) |
def torchSoftMax(x, y=None): |
from torch.nn.functional import log_softmax |
import torch |
if y is None: |
if isinstance(x, list): |
x = torch.cat(x) |
return (x - log_softmax(x, dim=0))[0] |
x = torch.cat((x, y)) |
return (x - log_softmax(x, dim=0))[0] |
def invalid(x): |
return math.isinf(x) or math.isnan(x) |
def valid(x): return not invalid(x) |
def forkCallBack(x): |
[f, a, k] = x |
try: |
return f(*a, **k) |
except Exception as e: |
eprint( |
"Exception in worker during forking:\n%s" % |
(traceback.format_exc())) |
raise e |
def callFork(f, *arguments, **kw): |
"""Forks a new process to execute the call. Blocks until the call completes.""" |
from multiprocessing import Pool |
workers = Pool(1) |
ys = workers.map(forkCallBack, [[f, arguments, kw]]) |
workers.terminate() |
assert len(ys) == 1 |
return ys[0] |
def launchParallelProcess(f, *a, **k): |
from multiprocessing import Process |
p = Process(target=_launchParallelProcess, args=tuple([])) |
p.start() |
return p |
def _launchParallelProcess(): |
try: |
f(*a, **k) |
except Exception as e: |
eprint( |
"Exception in worker during forking:\n%s" % |
(traceback.format_exc())) |
raise e |
def jsonBinaryInvoke(binary, message): |
import json |
import subprocess |
import os |
message = json.dumps(message) |
try: |
process = subprocess.Popen(binary, |
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, |
stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
response, error = process.communicate(bytes(message, encoding="utf-8")) |
except OSError as exc: |
raise exc |
try: |
response = json.loads(response.decode("utf-8")) |
except Exception as e: |
eprint("Could not parse json.") |
with open("/tmp/_message","w") as handle: |
handle.write(message) |
with open("/tmp/_response","w") as handle: |
handle.write(response.decode("utf-8")) |
raise e |
return response |
class CompiledTimeout(Exception): |
pass |
def get_root_dir(): |
""" |
Returns the absolute path to the root directory of the repository as a string. |
This method is primarily used in order to locate the binaries at the root of the |
repository. |
""" |
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir) |
def get_data_dir(): |
""" |
Returns the absolute path to the data directory of the repository as a string. |
""" |
return os.path.join(get_root_dir(), 'data') |
def callCompiled(f, *arguments, **keywordArguments): |
import dill |
pypyArgs = [] |
profile = keywordArguments.pop('profile', None) |
if profile: |
pypyArgs = ['-m', 'vmprof', '-o', profile] |
PIDCallBack = keywordArguments.pop("PIDCallBack", None) |
timeout = keywordArguments.pop('compiledTimeout', None) |
compiled_driver_file = os.path.join(get_root_dir(), 'bin', 'compiledDriver.py') |
p = subprocess.Popen(['pypy3'] + pypyArgs + [compiled_driver_file], |
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
if PIDCallBack is not None: |
PIDCallBack(p.pid) |
request = { |
"function": f, |
"arguments": arguments, |
"keywordArguments": keywordArguments, |
} |
start = time.time() |
dill.dump(request, p.stdin) |
p.stdin.flush() |
dt = time.time() - start |
if dt > 1: |
eprint("(Python side of compiled driver: SLOW) Wrote serialized message for {} in time {}".format( |
f.__name__, |
dt)) |
if timeout is None: |
success, result = dill.load(p.stdout) |
else: |
eprint("Running with timeout", timeout) |
def timeoutCallBack(_1, _2): raise CompiledTimeout() |
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeoutCallBack) |
signal.alarm(int(math.ceil(timeout))) |
try: |
success, result = dill.load(p.stdout) |
signal.alarm(0) |
except CompiledTimeout: |
p.kill() |
raise CompiledTimeout() |
if not success: |
sys.exit(1) |
return result |
class timing(object): |
def __init__(self, message): |
self.message = message |
def __enter__(self): |
self.start = time.time() |
return self |
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): |
dt = time.time() - self.start |
if isinstance(self.message, str): message = self.message |
elif callable(self.message): message = self.message(dt) |
else: assert False, "Timing message should be string function" |
eprint("%s in %.1f seconds" % (message, dt)) |
class random_seed(object): |
def __init__(self, seed): |
self.seed = seed |
def __enter__(self): |
self._oldSeed = random.getstate() |
random.seed(self.seed) |
return self |
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): |
random.setstate(self._oldSeed) |
def randomPermutation(l): |
import random |
l = list(l) |
random.shuffle(l) |
return l |
def batches(data, size=1): |
import random |
data = list(data) |
random.shuffle(data) |
start = 0 |
while start < len(data): |
yield data[start:size + start] |
start += size |
def sampleDistribution(d): |
""" |
Expects d to be a list of tuples |
The first element should be the probability |
If the tuples are of length 2 then it returns the second element |
Otherwise it returns the suffix tuple |
""" |
import random |
z = float(sum(t[0] for t in d)) |
if z == 0.: |
eprint("sampleDistribution: z = 0") |
eprint(d) |
r = random.random() |
u = 0. |
for index, t in enumerate(d): |
p = t[0] / z |
if r <= u + p or index == len(d) - 1: |
if len(t) <= 2: |
return t[1] |
else: |
return t[1:] |
u += p |
assert False |
def sampleLogDistribution(d): |
""" |
Expects d to be a list of tuples |
The first element should be the log probability |
If the tuples are of length 2 then it returns the second element |
Otherwise it returns the suffix tuple |
""" |
import random |
z = lse([t[0] for t in d]) |
r = random.random() |
u = 0. |
for t in d: |
p = math.exp(t[0] - z) |
if r < u + p: |
if len(t) <= 2: |
return t[1] |
else: |
return t[1:] |
u += p |
assert False |
def testTrainSplit(x, trainingFraction, seed=0): |
if trainingFraction > 1.1: |
trainingFraction = float(trainingFraction) / len(x) |
needToTrain = { j for j, d in enumerate(x) |
if hasattr(d, 'mustTrain') and d.mustTrain } |
mightTrain = [j for j in range(len(x)) if j not in needToTrain] |
trainingSize = max(0, int(len(x) * trainingFraction - len(needToTrain))) |
import random |
random.seed(seed) |
random.shuffle(mightTrain) |
training = set(mightTrain[:trainingSize]) | needToTrain |
train = [t for j, t in enumerate(x) if j in training] |
test = [t for j, t in enumerate(x) if j not in training] |
return test, train |
def numberOfCPUs(): |
import multiprocessing |
return multiprocessing.cpu_count() |
def loadPickle(f): |
with open(f, 'rb') as handle: |
d = pickle.load(handle) |
return d |
def dumpPickle(o,f): |
with open(f, 'wb') as handle: |
pickle.dump(o,handle) |
def fst(l): |
for v in l: |
return v |
def mean(l): |
n = 0 |
t = None |
for x in l: |
if t is None: |
t = x |
else: |
t = t + x |
n += 1 |
if n == 0: |
eprint("warning: asked to calculate the mean of an empty list. returning zero.") |
return 0 |
return t / float(n) |
def variance(l): |
m = mean(l) |
return sum((x - m)**2 for x in l) / len(l) |
def standardDeviation(l): return variance(l)**0.5 |
def median(l): |
if len(l) <= 0: |
return None |
l = sorted(l) |
if len(l) % 2 == 1: |
return l[len(l) // 2] |
return 0.5 * (l[len(l) // 2] + l[len(l) // 2 - 1]) |
def percentile(l, p): |
l = sorted(l) |
j = int(len(l)*p) |
if j < len(l): |
return l[j] |
return 0 |
def makeTemporaryFile(directory="/tmp"): |
import tempfile |
fd,p = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=directory) |
os.close(fd) |
return p |
class Stopwatch(): |
def __init__(self): |
self._elapsed = 0. |
self.running = False |
self._latestStart = None |
def start(self): |
if self.running: |
eprint( |
"(stopwatch: attempted to start an already running stopwatch. Silently ignoring.)") |
return |
self.running = True |
self._latestStart = time.time() |
def stop(self): |
if not self.running: |
eprint( |
"(stopwatch: attempted to stop a stopwatch that is not running. Silently ignoring.)") |
return |
self.running = False |
self._elapsed += time.time() - self._latestStart |
self._latestStart = None |
@property |
def elapsed(self): |
e = self._elapsed |
if self.running: |
e = e + time.time() - self._latestStart |
return e |
def userName(): |
import getpass |
return getpass.getuser() |
def hostname(): |
import socket |
return socket.gethostname() |
def getPID(): |
return os.getpid() |
def CPULoad(): |
try: |
import psutil |
except BaseException: |
return "unknown - install psutil" |
return psutil.cpu_percent() |
def flushEverything(): |
sys.stdout.flush() |
sys.stderr.flush() |
class RunWithTimeout(Exception): |
pass |
def runWithTimeout(k, timeout): |
if timeout is None: return k() |
def timeoutCallBack(_1,_2): |
raise RunWithTimeout() |
signal.signal(signal.SIGPROF, timeoutCallBack) |
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_PROF, timeout) |
try: |
result = k() |
signal.signal(signal.SIGPROF, lambda *_:None) |
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_PROF, 0) |
return result |
except RunWithTimeout: |
signal.signal(signal.SIGPROF, lambda *_:None) |
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_PROF, 0) |
raise RunWithTimeout() |
except: |
signal.signal(signal.SIGPROF, lambda *_:None) |
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_PROF, 0) |
raise |
def crossProduct(a, b): |
b = list(b) |
for x in a: |
for y in b: |
yield x, y |
class PQ(object): |
"""why the fuck does Python not wrap this in a class""" |
def __init__(self): |
self.h = [] |
self.index2value = {} |
self.nextIndex = 0 |
def push(self, priority, v): |
self.index2value[self.nextIndex] = v |
heapq.heappush(self.h, (-priority, self.nextIndex)) |
self.nextIndex += 1 |
def popMaximum(self): |
i = heapq.heappop(self.h)[1] |
v = self.index2value[i] |
del self.index2value[i] |
return v |
def __iter__(self): |
for _, v in self.h: |
yield self.index2value[v] |
def __len__(self): return len(self.h) |
class UnionFind: |
class Class: |
def __init__(self, x): |
self.members = {x} |
self.leader = None |
def chase(self): |
k = self |
while k.leader is not None: |
k = k.leader |
self.leader = k |
return k |
def __init__(self): |
self.classes = {} |
def unify(self,x,y): |
k1 = self.classes[x].chase() |
k2 = self.classes[y].chase() |
k1.leader = k2 |
k2.members |= k1.members |
k1.members = None |
self.classes[x] = k2 |
self.classes[y] = k2 |
return k2 |
def newClass(self,x): |
if x not in self.classes: |
n = Class(x) |
self.classes[x] = n |
def otherMembers(self,x): |
k = self.classes[x].chase() |
self.classes[x] = k |
return k.members |
def substringOccurrences(ss, s): |
return sum(s[i:].startswith(ss) for i in range(len(s))) |
def normal(s=1., m=0.): |
u = random.random() |
v = random.random() |
n = math.sqrt(-2.0 * log(u)) * math.cos(2.0 * math.pi * v) |
return s * n + m |
def powerOfTen(n): |
if n <= 0: |
return False |
while True: |
if n == 1: |
return True |
if n % 10 != 0: |
return False |
n = n / 10 |
def powerOf(p, n): |
if n <= 0: |
return False |
while True: |
if n == 1: |
return True |
if n % p != 0: |
return False |
n = n / p |
def getThisMemoryUsage(): |
import os |
import psutil |
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) |
return process.memory_info().rss |
def getMemoryUsageFraction(): |
import psutil |
return psutil.virtual_memory().percent |
def howManyGigabytesOfMemory(): |
import psutil |
return psutil.virtual_memory().total/10**9 |
def tuplify(x): |
if isinstance(x,(list,tuple)): return tuple(tuplify(z) for z in x) |
return x |
def makeNiceArray(l, columns=None): |
n = columns or int(len(l)**0.5) |
a = [] |
while l: |
a.append(l[:n]) |
l = l[n:] |
return a |
def montageMatrix(matrix): |
import numpy as np |
arrays = matrix |
m = max(len(t) for t in arrays) |
size = arrays[0][0].shape |
tp = arrays[0][0].dtype |
arrays = [np.concatenate(ts + [np.zeros(size, dtype=tp)] * (m - len(ts)), axis=1) for ts in arrays] |
arrays = np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0) |
return arrays |
def montage(arrays, columns=None): |
return montageMatrix(makeNiceArray(arrays, columns=columns)) |
def showArrayAsImage(a): |
from pylab import imshow,show |
imshow(a) |
show() |
class ParseFailure(Exception): |
pass |
def parseSExpression(s): |
s = s.strip() |
def p(n): |
while n <= len(s) and s[n].isspace(): n += 1 |
if n == len(s): raise ParseFailure(s) |
if s[n] == '#': |
e,n = p(n + 1) |
return ['#', e],n |
if s[n] == '(': |
l = [] |
n += 1 |
while True: |
x,n = p(n) |
l.append(x) |
while n <= len(s) and s[n].isspace(): n += 1 |
if n == len(s): raise ParseFailure(s) |
if s[n] == ')': |
n += 1 |
break |
return l,n |
name = [] |
while n < len(s) and not s[n].isspace() and s[n] not in '()': |
name.append(s[n]) |
n += 1 |
name = "".join(name) |
return name,n |
e,n = p(0) |
if n == len(s): |
return e |
raise ParseFailure(s) |
def diffuseImagesOutward(imageCoordinates, labelCoordinates, d, |
maximumRadius = 2.5, minimumRadius = 1.5): |
import numpy as np |
n = imageCoordinates.shape[0] |
def _constrainRadii(p): |
r = (p*p).sum() |
if r > maximumRadius: |
return maximumRadius*p/(r**0.5) |
if r < minimumRadius: |
return minimumRadius*p/(r**0.5) |
return p |
def constrainRadii(): |
for j in range(n): |
d[j,:] = _constrainRadii(d[j,:]) |
for _ in range(10): |
for i in range(n): |
force = np.array([0.,0.]) |
for j in range(n): |
if i == j: continue |
p1 = imageCoordinates[i] + d[i] |
p2 = imageCoordinates[j] + d[j] |
l = ((p1 - p2)**2).sum()**0.5 |
if l > 1.5: continue |
force += (p1 - p2)/l/max(l,0.2) |
if force.sum() > 0: |
force = force/( (force*force).sum()**0.5) |
d[i] += force |
constrainRadii() |
return d |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
def f(n): |
if n == 0: return None |
return [f(n - 1),f(n - 1)] |
z = f(22) |
eprint(getMemoryUsageFraction().percent) |
eprint(getThisMemoryUsage()) |