from dreamcoder.type import * from dreamcoder.program import * from import * from collections import Counter class MatchFailure(Exception): pass class Matcher(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.variableBindings = {} @staticmethod def match(context, fragment, expression, numberOfArguments): if not mightMatch(fragment, expression): raise MatchFailure() m = Matcher(context) tp = fragment.visit(m, expression, [], numberOfArguments) return m.context, tp, m.variableBindings def application( self, fragment, expression, environment, numberOfArguments): '''returns tp of fragment.''' if not isinstance(expression, Application): raise MatchFailure() ft = fragment.f.visit( self, expression.f, environment, numberOfArguments + 1) xt = fragment.x.visit(self, expression.x, environment, 0) self.context, returnType = self.context.makeVariable() try: self.context = self.context.unify(ft, arrow(xt, returnType)) except UnificationFailure: raise MatchFailure() return returnType.apply(self.context) def index(self, fragment, expression, environment, numberOfArguments): # This is a bound variable surroundingAbstractions = len(environment) if fragment.bound(surroundingAbstractions): if expression == fragment: return environment[fragment.i].apply(self.context) else: raise MatchFailure() # This is a free variable i = fragment.i - surroundingAbstractions # Make sure that it doesn't refer to anything bound by a # lambda in the fragment. Otherwise it cannot be safely lifted # out of the fragment and preserve semantics for fv in expression.freeVariables(): if fv < len(environment): raise MatchFailure() # The value is going to be lifted out of the fragment try: expression = expression.shift(-surroundingAbstractions) except ShiftFailure: raise MatchFailure() # Wrap it in the appropriate number of lambda expressions & applications # This is because everything has to be in eta-longform if numberOfArguments > 0: expression = expression.shift(numberOfArguments) for j in reversed(range(numberOfArguments)): expression = Application(expression, Index(j)) for _ in range(numberOfArguments): expression = Abstraction(expression) # Added to the bindings if i in self.variableBindings: (tp, binding) = self.variableBindings[i] if binding != expression: raise MatchFailure() else: self.context, tp = self.context.makeVariable() self.variableBindings[i] = (tp, expression) return tp def abstraction( self, fragment, expression, environment, numberOfArguments): if not isinstance(expression, Abstraction): raise MatchFailure() self.context, argumentType = self.context.makeVariable() returnType = fragment.body.visit( self, expression.body, [argumentType] + environment, 0) return arrow(argumentType, returnType) def primitive(self, fragment, expression, environment, numberOfArguments): if fragment != expression: raise MatchFailure() self.context, tp = return tp def invented(self, fragment, expression, environment, numberOfArguments): if fragment != expression: raise MatchFailure() self.context, tp = return tp def fragmentVariable( self, fragment, expression, environment, numberOfArguments): raise Exception( 'Deprecated: matching against fragment variables. Convert fragment to canonical form to get rid of fragment variables.') def mightMatch(f, e, d=0): '''Checks whether fragment f might be able to match against expression e''' if f.isIndex: if f.bound(d): return f == e return True if f.isPrimitive or f.isInvented: return f == e if f.isAbstraction: return e.isAbstraction and mightMatch(f.body, e.body, d + 1) if f.isApplication: return e.isApplication and mightMatch( f.x, e.x, d) and mightMatch( f.f, e.f, d) assert False def canonicalFragment(expression): ''' Puts a fragment into a canonical form: 1. removes all FragmentVariable's 2. renames all free variables based on depth first traversal ''' return expression.visit(CanonicalVisitor(), 0) class CanonicalVisitor(object): def __init__(self): self.numberOfAbstractions = 0 self.mapping = {} def fragmentVariable(self, e, d): self.numberOfAbstractions += 1 return Index(self.numberOfAbstractions + d - 1) def primitive(self, e, d): return e def invented(self, e, d): return e def application(self, e, d): return Application(e.f.visit(self, d), e.x.visit(self, d)) def abstraction(self, e, d): return Abstraction(e.body.visit(self, d + 1)) def index(self, e, d): if e.bound(d): return e i = e.i - d if i in self.mapping: return Index(d + self.mapping[i]) self.mapping[i] = self.numberOfAbstractions self.numberOfAbstractions += 1 return Index(self.numberOfAbstractions - 1 + d) def fragmentSize(f, boundVariableCost=0.1, freeVariableCost=0.01): freeVariables = 0 leaves = 0 boundVariables = 0 for surroundingAbstractions, e in f.walk(): if isinstance(e, (Primitive, Invented)): leaves += 1 if isinstance(e, Index): if e.bound(surroundingAbstractions): boundVariables += 1 else: freeVariables += 1 assert not isinstance(e, FragmentVariable) return leaves + boundVariableCost * \ boundVariables + freeVariableCost * freeVariables def primitiveSize(e): if e.isInvented: e = e.body return fragmentSize(e) def defragment(expression): '''Converts a fragment into an invented primitive''' if isinstance(expression, (Primitive, Invented)): return expression expression = canonicalFragment(expression) for _ in range(expression.numberOfFreeVariables): expression = Abstraction(expression) return Invented(expression) class RewriteFragments(object): def __init__(self, fragment): self.fragment = fragment self.concrete = defragment(fragment) def tryRewrite(self, e, numberOfArguments): try: context, t, bindings = Matcher.match( Context.EMPTY, self.fragment, e, numberOfArguments) except MatchFailure: return None assert frozenset(bindings.keys()) == frozenset(range(len(bindings))),\ "Perhaps the fragment is not in canonical form?" e = self.concrete for j in range(len(bindings) - 1, -1, -1): _, b = bindings[j] e = Application(e, b) return e def application(self, e, numberOfArguments): e = Application(e.f.visit(self, numberOfArguments + 1), e.x.visit(self, 0)) return self.tryRewrite(e, numberOfArguments) or e def index(self, e, numberOfArguments): return e def invented(self, e, numberOfArguments): return e def primitive(self, e, numberOfArguments): return e def abstraction(self, e, numberOfArguments): e = Abstraction(e.body.visit(self, 0)) return self.tryRewrite(e, numberOfArguments) or e def rewrite(self, e): return e.visit(self, 0) @staticmethod def rewriteFrontier(frontier, fragment): worker = RewriteFragments(fragment) return Frontier([FrontierEntry(program=worker.rewrite(e.program), logLikelihood=e.logLikelihood, logPrior=e.logPrior, logPosterior=e.logPosterior) for e in frontier], task=frontier.task) def proposeFragmentsFromFragment(f): '''Abstracts out repeated structure within a single fragment''' yield f freeVariables = f.numberOfFreeVariables closedSubtrees = Counter( subtree for _, subtree in f.walk() if not isinstance( subtree, Index) and subtree.closed) del closedSubtrees[f] for subtree, freq in closedSubtrees.items(): if freq < 2: continue yield canonicalFragment(f.substitute(subtree, Index(freeVariables))) def nontrivial(f): if not isinstance(f, Application): return False # Curry if isinstance(f.x, FragmentVariable): return False if isinstance(f.x, Index): # Make sure that the index is used somewhere else if not any( isinstance( child, Index) and child.i - surroundingAbstractions == f.x.i for surroundingAbstractions, child in f.f.walk()): return False numberOfHoles = 0 numberOfVariables = 0 numberOfPrimitives = 0 for surroundingAbstractions, child in f.walk(): if isinstance(child, (Primitive, Invented)): numberOfPrimitives += 1 if isinstance(child, FragmentVariable): numberOfHoles += 1 if isinstance(child, Index) and numberOfVariables += 1 #eprint("Fragment %s has %d calls and %d variables and %d primitives"%(f,numberOfHoles,numberOfVariables,numberOfPrimitives)) return numberOfPrimitives + 0.5 * \ (numberOfHoles + numberOfVariables) > 1.5 and numberOfPrimitives >= 1 def violatesLaziness(fragment): """ conditionals are lazy on the second and third arguments. this invariant must be maintained by learned fragments. """ for surroundingAbstractions, child in fragment.walkUncurried(): if not child.isApplication: continue f, xs = child.applicationParse() if not (f.isPrimitive and == "if"): continue # curried conditionals always violate laziness if len(xs) != 3: return True # yes/no branches y = xs[1] n = xs[2] return \ any(yc.isIndex and yc.i >= yd for yd, yc in y.walk(surroundingAbstractions)) or \ any(nc.isIndex and nc.i >= nd for nd, nc in n.walk(surroundingAbstractions)) return False def proposeFragmentsFromProgram(p, arity): def fragment(expression, a, toplevel=True): """Generates fragments that unify with expression""" if a == 1: yield FragmentVariable.single if a == 0: yield expression return if isinstance(expression, Abstraction): # Symmetry breaking: (\x \y \z ... f(x,y,z,...)) defragments to be # the same as f(x,y,z,...) if not toplevel: for b in fragment(expression.body, a, toplevel=False): yield Abstraction(b) elif isinstance(expression, Application): for fa in range(a + 1): for f in fragment(expression.f, fa, toplevel=False): for x in fragment(expression.x, a - fa, toplevel=False): yield Application(f, x) else: assert isinstance(expression, (Invented, Primitive, Index)) def fragments(expression, a): """Generates fragments that unify with subexpressions of expression""" yield from fragment(expression, a) if isinstance(expression, Application): curry = True if curry: yield from fragments(expression.f, a) yield from fragments(expression.x, a) else: # Pretend that it is not curried function, arguments = expression.applicationParse() yield from fragments(function, a) for argument in arguments: yield from fragments(argument, a) elif isinstance(expression, Abstraction): yield from fragments(expression.body, a) else: assert isinstance(expression, (Invented, Primitive, Index)) return {canonicalFragment(f) for b in range(arity + 1) for f in fragments(p, b) if nontrivial(f)} def proposeFragmentsFromFrontiers(frontiers, a, CPUs=1): fragmentsFromEachFrontier = parallelMap( CPUs, lambda frontier: { fp for entry in frontier.entries for f in proposeFragmentsFromProgram( entry.program, a) for fp in proposeFragmentsFromFragment(f)}, frontiers) allFragments = Counter(f for frontierFragments in fragmentsFromEachFrontier for f in frontierFragments) return [fragment for fragment, frequency in allFragments.items() if frequency >= 2 and fragment.wellTyped() and nontrivial(fragment)]