@ B-PER colgo B-PER hey O , O congrats O to O you O and O the O team O ! O Always O worth O a O read O :) O This O morning O I O met O with O Senators O Inabo B-PER and O Senior B-PER from O Palau B-LOC to O discuss O my O role O as O Chair O of O the O Public O Works O . O . O . O http://t.co/McYNwpzHmt O Enjoying O the O Chinese B-ORG Assoc I-ORG of I-ORG Vic I-ORG annual O dinner O right O here O in O Aston B-LOC ! O http://t.co/6geIkKyEiS O Best O wishes O to O Kevin B-PER , O Therese B-PER & O their O family O as O they O embark O on O the O next O stage O of O their O lives O . O JG O Looking O forward O to O Restaurant O & O Catering O Awards O here O in O Parlt B-LOC tonight O , O recognising O industry O 's O best O . O NS O Whatever O the O result O , O a O great O effort O from O @ B-ORG GWS_Giants B-ORG tonight O . O Fighting O hard O . O #aflhawksgiants B-PER Interesting O opinion O piece O in O the B-ORG New I-ORG York I-ORG Times I-ORG . O Ca O n't O wait O to O hear O what O the O perpetually O outraged O have O to O say O . O http://t.co/1GbFYFCKs3 O @ B-PER matt_levinson B-PER @ B-PER alisoncroggon B-PER More O often O than O not O , O that O loveliness O is O Leunig B-PER . O 1st O task O post O election O : O opening O Dromana B-ORG Bowls I-ORG club I-ORG season O 2013 O : O 14 O . O Little O country O booths O y O ' O da O are O a O reminder O that O we O find O Oz B-LOC in O the O local O . O Today O in O QT B-LOC I O outlined O some O of O the O positive O changes O the O Coalition O will O introduce O for O ADF B-ORG personnel O and O their O families O . O http://t.co/3BvACzoDgJ O Only O 123 O days O to O the O bounce O for O the O Cats B-ORG ' O first O game O of O the O 2011 O season O . O NS B-LOC pleased O to O host O #RUOK O day O with O @ B-PER AmandaRishworth B-PER @ O Parl B-LOC House I-LOC today O . O . O . O Ask O your O friends O , O family O and O colleagues O - O R O U O OK O ? O It O 's O great O to O be O home O - O nothing O like O being O welcomed O by O some O beautiful O #darwin B-LOC Dry O Season O weather O ! O #RT O Мась O http://t.co/21FWLBLBes O Big O turn O out O at O the O alternatives O to O shark O culling O forum- O So O many O committed O West B-LOC Aussies I-LOC who O want O to O do O something O about O this O terrible O policy O У O каждого O есть O такой O ебонутый O друг O , O как O я O ? O @ B-ORG Trimega B-ORG any O more O would O have O been O unseemly O . O Carbon O tax O has O to O go O http://t.co/PztDpjsr7F O via O @audioboo O everyone O else O is O as O desperately O sad O about O Robin B-PER Williams I-PER as O us O right O ? O ? O it O feels O like O we O 've O lost O a O gorgeous O hilarious O uncle O or O something O Alcohol O abuse O costs O the O health O , O justice O system O and O productivity O losses O some O $ O 15b O per O year O while O we O collect O about O $ O 7b O in O alcohol O taxes O ! O My O oped O in O AFR O today O : O Labor B-ORG all O talk O , O no O action O http://t.co/Y9txKYkHEz O just O finished O newsradio B-ORG with O marius B-PER , O about O to O talk O to O abc B-ORG news I-ORG breakfast O then O sky B-ORG am O agenda O . O Good O point O made O by O Katherine B-PER King I-PER - O Dutton B-PER can O only O " O go O nasty O " O - O he O is O a O head O kicker O is O not O interested O in O health O #auspol O #qt O @ B-PER cowboypirate B-PER Where O do O you O guys O get O these O claims O from O ? O When O have O I O ever O wanted O the O reef O dug O up O for O profits O ? O Ridiculous O . O I O think O Dermie B-PER is O a O @ B-ORG NTThunderFC B-ORG fan O - O like O the O rest O of O the O crowd O ! O http://t.co/uPLWqLiClA O @ B-PER esssee B-PER @ B-PER storm B-PER yes O great O day O indeed O Quality O teaching O is O critical O to O the O future O prosperity O and O productivity O of O young O Australians O #studentsfirst O http://t.co/1wotrRhXSe O @ B-PER kellyexeter B-PER Hahahahah O When O it O comes O to O football O based O comedy O panel O shows O for O the O 2022 B-ORG World I-ORG Cup I-ORG , O I O call O the O name O Qatar B-LOC Heroes O . O All O the O best O for O tonight O 's O opening O of O @ B-ORG QTCanberra B-ORG - O may O it O remain O a O Canberra B-LOC institution O for O many O years O to O come O ! O в O украине B-LOC на O вторичном O рынке O резко O подешевеют O квартиры O , O - O эксперт O Australia B-LOC simply O can O not O afford O three O more O years O of O Labor B-ORG 's O bloated O bureaucratic O culture O and O economic O mismanagement O http://t.co/9T9S9qIOpb O @ B-PER MikeCullen73 B-PER cheers O xx O At O the O Eagleby B-ORG Learning I-ORG College I-ORG Careers O Day O http://t.co/mf2I2OwSeX O People O walking O around O in O shirt O sleeves O here O in O Canberra B-LOC . O Extremely O mild O weather O for O this O time O of O year O but O I O 'm O certainly O not O complaining O . O CPA B-ORG Australia I-ORG says O ASIC B-ORG is O a O damaged O brand O in O the O marketplace O The O Governor- O General O has O been O a O gracious O and O warm O presence O around O the O country O . O Our O best O wishes O go O with O you O http://t.co/u9etGb4aBT O Great O to O see O Rob B-PER “ O @ B-PER DanMISSIONBEAT B-PER : O Just O finished O Missionbeat B-LOC patrol O with O new O Min O for O Homelessness O Rob B-PER McClelland I-PER http://t.co/6bUAqiMM O ” O @ B-PER ChrisMogster B-PER I O think O you O are O getting O better O and O better O . O I O liked O all O the O ideas O . O Hey O @ B-PER kyliegillies B-PER I O reckon O we O can O outdo O the O @sunriseon7 O bungee O jump O with O the O world O 's O first O studio O … O http://t.co/5Yx3IxbIov O @ B-PER steven_noble B-PER @ B-PER SharonBirdMP B-PER @ B-PER garethjward B-PER it O takes O longer O today O than O when O I O first O took O the O train O to O Sydney B-LOC 40yrs O ago O @ B-PER Peter_Gill B-PER I O wrote O it O a O few O years O back O , O but O I O doubt O things O have O changed O - O I O hope O it O helps O . O @ B-PER StephJWA B-PER My O pleasure O @ B-PER Colgo B-PER hipsters O do O n't O brawl O . O . O . O . O they O glomp O Spread O the O love O Errol-ers O ! O @ B-PER DebSpillane B-PER is O a O baller O and O deserves O a O spot O in O the O media O hall O of O fame O ! O http://t.co/cnTZrVEJ9D O @ B-PER David_Ritter B-PER I O do O n't O , O I O want O to O protect O legitimate O businesses O from O the O misinformation O of O groups O like O Greenpeace B-ORG and O Markets B-ORG for I-ORG Change I-ORG I O want O to O use O the O phrase O " O that O 's O the O tits O " O to O describe O good O things O more O . O It O 's O a O good O thing O I O 'm O not O a O doctor O . O @ B-PER murphymiranda B-PER Thank O you O for O your O generous O Tweetment O Heartfelt O appreciation O to O @ B-PER SummersAnne B-PER for O 2 O fantastic O conversations O in O Sydney B-LOC & O Melbourne B-LOC . O Thanks O to O all O who O shared O in O it O ! O JG O #JuliaTalks B-PER About O to O speak O in O Parliament B-LOC on O the O House B-ORG of I-ORG Reps I-ORG Economics I-ORG Committee I-ORG 2nd O report O into O the O RBA O Annual O Report O ( O you O got O all O that O ? O ) O #auspol O @ B-PER seancallanan B-PER Love O your O podcast O Sean B-PER ! O " O " O у O ! O А O у O нас O - O новые O подарки O для O Ваших O коллег O , O друзей O и O близких O @ B-PER Graeme_Bowman B-PER @ B-ORG fightforthereef B-ORG racist O At O Lowy B-LOC Institute I-LOC with O Julie B-PER Bishop I-PER to O launch O Australia B-LOC 's O new O approach O to O Economic O Diplomacy O . O #CBR O MS O Swimathon O drawing O to O a O close O after O 24 O hours O , O one O of O the O teams O has O swum O over O 100km O ! O Big O shout O out O to O swimmers O ! O http://t.co/1vkMomve1j O I O salute O Eastwood B-ORG Fire I-ORG Brigade I-ORG on O 100 O years O ' O serving O our O community O #auspol O #bennelong O http://t.co/rxBxseBH9g O Today O is O 25th O anniversary O of O Landcare B-ORG a O fantastic O grassroots O movement O , O unfortunate O that O Govt O has O ripped O $ O 480m O from O its O budget B-ORG #qt O #auspol O 5 O Government O Ministers O have O visited O Forde B-LOC since O the O election O http://t.co/YkkrafKT3h O Deep O emissions O cuts O needed O by O 2050 O to O limit O warming O : O U B-ORG . I-ORG N I-ORG . I-ORG draft O http://t.co/3FBWSi7dij O Could O n't O see O the O @ B-ORG NRLKnights B-ORG game O but O devastating O outcome O after O what O must O have O been O a O great O effort O ! O #NRL B-ORG @ B-PER steven_noble B-PER provided O ( O like O typists O ) O there O ’ O s O also O a O quality O test O in O there O ;) O I O 'll O be O interviewed O by O Fran B-PER Kelly I-PER on O ABC B-ORG Insiders I-ORG shortly O #auspol O I O was O pleased O to O get O along O to O the O ribbon-cutting O of O the O first O stage O of O the O Kangaroo B-LOC Island I-LOC development O at O . O . O . O http://t.co/hKNOaTRb O Thanks O Sister B-PER Margaret I-PER and O Maronite B-ORG College I-ORG of I-ORG the I-ORG Holy I-ORG Family I-ORG . O Great O to O present O a O flag O for O your O #ANZAC O service O . O http://t.co/dWRDrC5V8D O For O every O animal O a O vegetarian O does O n't O eat O , O I O will O eat O three O . O On O a O very O related O note O , O somebody O should O bring O me O KFC B-ORG @ B-PER barryofarrell B-PER My O mistake O . O I O did O n't O realise O Marxists O were O so O fond O of O Easter O . O #marchinmay O Just O arrived O in O #AliceSprings B-LOC for O the O #Indigenousjobs O & O Training O Review O . O Looking O forward O to O hearing O from O everyone O . O @ B-PER macleanbrendan B-PER * O jazz O ballet O intensifies O * O Only O 9912 O steps O on O Day O 2 O of O #Walk4Water O so O that O 's O 10 O , O 088 O minimum O for O today O . O Challenge O for O me O but O just O the O norm O for O many O women O and O girls O . O @ B-PER NadiaHylkema B-PER haha O yeah O the O sling O was O no O fun O ! O Glad O to O be O out O of O that O ! O @ B-PER NewtonMark B-PER @FAO O true O ! O But O it O was O n't O online O , O I O brought O it O back O to O Oz B-LOC . O Just O spoke O in O parliament O about O our O defence O force O transfer O members O and O the O importance O of O citizenship O for O their O families O . O In O his O Q O & O A O , O Treasury O sec O Martin B-PER Parkinson I-PER said O it O was O unrealistic O to O expect O some O people O to O work O until O 70 O http://t.co/AAe9TxoraQ O #auspol O @ B-PER chrisopotamia B-PER Speaking O of O which O , O visiting O soon O with O @ B-PER shellity B-PER and O want O a O you O , O @ B-PER fionanewb B-PER and O @ B-PER emilynewbold B-PER overdue O catch-up O . O DM O email O pls O . O ICYMI O , O how O to O think O about O the O new O Middle B-LOC East I-LOC by O diplomat O , O negotiator O Dennis B-PER Ross I-PER http://t.co/D2Ew0DgrR7 O Great O Last O Post O ahead O of O @ B-ORG NRLKnights B-ORG v O @ B-ORG NRL_Bulldogs B-ORG #lestweforget O I O had O a O positive O meeting O with O #OSCE B-ORG which O is O negotiating O with O the O separatists O on O our O behalf O in O #Ukraine. B-LOC http://t.co/iSPweA87CR O #australianlabor B-ORG fingerprints O all O over O power O price O rises O - O whether O carbon O tax O , O cth O regulator O or O state O govts O neglect O #auspol O #lateline O @rutcho44 O LIES O ! O ! O so O totally O http://t.co/axVF9rAeYW O Shazam B-ORG covers O the O news O that O the O mainstream O media O is O afraid O of O . O Working O in O a O harness O is O like O putting O your O gut O in O a O prison O ! O I O am O now O questioning O whether O I O should O have O said O , O " O yes O " O to O filming O aerial O stunts O x O I O met O w O / O Wavepark B-ORG Group I-ORG today O who O are O proposing O a O WA B-LOC surfing O park O . O No O sharks O and O plenty O of O waves O for O pros O & O beginners O http://t.co/qeCl9puKue O One O thing O you O might O n't O have O known O about O @ B-PER ariannahuff B-PER - O the O love O of O her O life O was O Bernard B-PER Levin I-PER . O http://t.co/A9JyacII69 O A O degree O should O not O equal O a O debt O sentence O for O Tasmanian B-LOC students O http://t.co/piLxXb7oy1 O Thanks O to O @ B-PER NancyPelosi B-PER House O Minority O Leader O for O taking O the O time O to O meet O with O me O . O http://t.co/sMHK7dXzUo O @ B-PER wendy_harmer B-PER is O a O nat O ' O l O treasure O , O like O Tas B-LOC forests I-LOC . O Libs O out O of O touch O with O 7 O out O of O 8 O Aussies O who O want O World O Heritage O protected O not O logged O . O Great O to O be O on O @1057darwin O with O Julia B-PER Christensen I-PER talking O health O http://t.co/l0Ow46JGF9 O I O posted O a O new O photo O to O Facebook B-ORG http://t.co/gFuYnydkNY O Started O question O time O asked O PM O about O importance O of O TAFE B-ORG & O apprentices O - O he O had O nothing O to O say O on O TAFE B-ORG and O ignored O the O $ O 1b O cuts O to O apprentices O 10 O year O freeze O on O the O min O wage O would O trash O 100yrs O of O independent O and O fair O wage O determination O and O entrench O a O working O poor O #commissionofaudit O @ B-ORG Colvinius B-ORG @ B-ORG RadioNational B-ORG @ B-PER annetreasure B-PER OKAY O I O WILL O HAPPILY O OKAY O BUDGET O OF O BROKEN O PROMISES O ON O SUPERANNUATION O http://t.co/wcNYNeqeP8 O Gr O 8 O speech O from O Obama B-PER - O " O history O is O on O the O side O of O the O free O " O At O open O day O for O WA B-ORG Assoc I-ORG for I-ORG the I-ORG Blind I-ORG in O Kitchener B-LOC Way I-LOC , O Vic B-LOC Park I-LOC . O Come O down O and O see O the O puppies O . O Open O until O 3 O PM O . O http://t.co/aBbADP7Jen O Little O more O than O a O week O and O a O little O less O than O $ O 5000 O to O go O . O Go O , O @RestorationLS O , O go O ! O I O 'm O going O to O be O a O sci-fi O writer O ! O https://t.co/gZ3OTzHDLi O At O The O Gang O Show O with O Central B-LOC Coast I-LOC scouts O and O guides O . O Great O kids O & O great O show O . O @cc_websites O @CCexpressadvoc O http://t.co/fJGtlB6nLv O GPs O and O patients O all O against O Abbott B-PER 's O GP O Tax O . O This O afternoon O in O Yagoona B-LOC with O @ B-PER JasonClareMP B-PER http://t.co/WmCCFbynTi O Fixed O . O @ B-PER mdsimmonds B-PER @ B-PER jimboykin B-PER " O Get O your O content O on O a O highly O trusted O site O because O if O you O 're O not O a O brand O , O you O 're O already O losing O " O I O spoke O in O Parlt B-LOC re O the O budget O ripping O millions O out O of O healthcare O . O We O do O not O want O a O US-style O system O here O #auspol O https://t.co/P2XNCtDSTq O . O @ B-PER tomvucic B-PER @ B-PER do_admit B-PER @ B-PER lizhampton14 B-PER @ B-PER craigthomler B-PER @ B-PER traagsmahal B-PER tom B-PER did O you O get O any O sleep O at O all O ? O The O crowd O here O in O Baton B-LOC Rouge I-LOC tonight O is O so O awesome O . O . O . O I O like O HAD O to O Mermaid O Dance O for O them O ! O #PitchPerfect2 O Malaysia B-ORG Airlines I-ORG после O авиакатастрофы O под O Донецком B-LOC теряет O до O $ O 2 O млн O в O сутки O Senate O landmark O report O on O Australia B-LOC 's I-LOC classification O system O will O be O tabled O and O made O public O in O the O next O hour O . O @ B-PER FromMe2Ewe B-PER Who O is O AS O ? O Photo O : O Oh O , O Australian B-ORG Copyright I-ORG Council I-ORG , O you O assonant O scallywags O . O http://t.co/WGGUAqjCoT O Путешествия O : O Оля O Котрус O о O новогодних O праздниках O в O Париже B-LOC #RT B-ORG @ B-PER mikecollo B-PER It O got O up- O Lismore B-LOC , O Ballina B-LOC , O Clarence B-LOC & O Tweed B-LOC Electorates O to O be O CSG B-LOC Free O with O NSW B-LOC Labor O , O We O did O it O , O Justine B-PER and O Janelle B-PER Когда O вижу O Милого O чудика O в O ленте O , O всегда O умиляюсь O . O Даже O не O знаю O почему O : O 3 O Got O so O much O work O to O get O through O , O playing O the O Rocky B-PER soundtrack O to O get O me O through O the O home O stretch O . O Defence O industry O roadshow O with O Stuart B-PER Robert I-PER continues O in O Adelaide B-LOC , O Sydney B-LOC today O - O SMEs O struggling O with O erratic O ALP B-ORG decisions O @ B-PER NatsforHunter B-PER are O u O still O sitting O in O the O #qanda O audience O ? O @TheRealMickyT O thanks O Michael B-PER - O if O we O do O n't O act O on O this O now O it O will O become O so O entrenched O that O it O ca O n't O be O undone O #sportsbetting O ads O I O 'm O a O salubrious O ass O factory O ready O for O rock O 'n' O roll O duty O ? O In O Parliament B-LOC today O in O the O return O of O the O first O sitting O week O , O I O tabled O two O reports O of O the O Public B-ORG Works I-ORG Committee I-ORG . O . O . O . O http://t.co/GHsJ2oG3bJ O The O Japanese O whaling O is O illegal O and O immoral O . O The O Australian B-ORG Government I-ORG has O failed O utterly O to O stop O the O Japanese O . O . O . O http://t.co/1tpNVsAfUs O about O to O kick O off O at O #piaWA2014 B-ORG - O a O packed O program O for O creating O sustainable O cities O Labor B-ORG continues O to O mislead O voters O in O WA B-LOC saying O they O are O scrapping O the O #CarbonTax O but O really O they O want O to O increase O the O anti- O WA B-LOC tax O ! O #auspol O My O interview O with O Leon B-PER Byner I-PER @1395FIVEaa O on O the O Carbon O Tax O Repeal O #auspol O http://t.co/1GVchVCOrB O At O Tugun B-LOC for O my O September O Listening O Post O . O Will O the O last O South B-LOC Australian I-LOC critic O of O the O Rex O mine O please O turn O out O the O lights O http://t.co/WGlQLeJ0oa O Shock O Cuts O to O local O mental O health O services O in O the O Rudd B-ORG Government I-ORG 's O 2010 O Budget O . O Under O the O Better O Access O . O . O . O http://bit.ly/bAQgme O @ B-PER michelangeloruc B-PER the O power O reserves O are O losing O their O way O a O bit O even O with O all O the O ludicrous O sanfl O concessions O . O Losing O to O west O ? O #WestConnex B-ORG costruction O will O accelerate O following O agreement O signed O by O C B-ORG ' I-ORG wlth I-ORG and O NSW B-LOC Govts O http://t.co/g347msss78 O http://t.co/ihcEFgQCmb O Want O to O write O ? O Stop O dreaming O and O start O writing O : O Online O Creative O Writing O Stage O 1 O begins O today O . O Enrol O now O : O http://t.co/TxMQ2tdf68 O . O @ B-PER tonyzappia B-PER talking O about O Govt O scraping O commitment O to O renewable O energy O #auspol O In O Question O Time O Govt O refused O to O give O assurance O that O asylum O seekers O handed O over O to O Sri B-LOC Lanka I-LOC will O be O safe O fro O torture O & O persecution O . O @ B-PER BernardKeane B-PER http://t.co/T8bTHGQBzj O @ B-ORG NAB B-ORG Regarding O the O first O , O apparently O twenty-four-hour O transfer O . O Building O and O Construction O Industry O Code O 2014 O released O #politas O #auspol O #MyLiberal O ^ O Staff O http://t.co/78sIO8wkpN O Well-hung O ? O Palmer B-ORG United I-ORG Party I-ORG senator O Jacqui B-PER Lambie I-PER boards O the O Oversharing O Express O on O radio O station O Heart B-ORG 107 I-ORG . I-ORG 3 I-ORG http://t.co/TiNBRmQndV O @ B-PER vanOnselenP B-PER so O let O 's O sell O off O all O of O rural B-LOC Australia I-LOC while O houses O have O regulations O . O That O is O crazy O . O John B-PER Williams I-PER , O Nats O senator O “ O @ B-PER Feeney4Batman B-PER : O How O Christopher B-PER Pyne I-PER can O face O Parliament B-LOC after O such O barefaced O lies O is O a O mystery O ! O #qt O #auspol O http://t.co/KXbNM77yxI O ” O an O honour O to O share O a O stage O with O @ B-PER Thomas_Drake1 B-PER + O @ B-PER JesselynRadack B-PER : O real O courage O in O defence O of O the O truth O #sitg O http://t.co/9ZDWKgIY9I O My O speech O from O today O ’ O s O NESA B-LOC conference I-LOC : O http://t.co/3S1DsWD5Fb O On O air O from O Washington B-LOC DC I-LOC with O Peter B-PER van I-PER Onselen I-PER and O Paul B-PER Kelly I-PER on O Sky B-ORG 's O Australian O Agenda O . O http://t.co/Ewoh3xvzam O Barnaby B-PER Joyce I-PER sorry O for O $ O 480m O Landcare B-ORG cuts O as O community O projects O are O placed O in O limbo O : O http://t.co/KcyiHsUhaE O via O @weeklytimesnow O As O we O prepare O for O tonight O 's O Budget O go O to O http://t.co/nBxc0c8NAh O to O see O the O task O facing O the O Coalition O government O . O Cracker O doco B-ORG series O starting O tonight O : O " O The O War O That O Changed O Us O " O . O ( O Yes O , O it O 's O the O 100 O - O years-ago O war O ) O . O On O at O 8 O . O 30pm O ABC B-ORG @ B-PER TeeKayP B-PER slowly O . O . O . O . O . O ? O I O 'd O describe O it O as O infrequent O mass O slaughter O rather O than O slow O death O . O Why O Management O Consulting O Will O Be O Disrupted O : O Part O III O http://t.co/qLp1eTBSIP O @ B-PER marcuskelson B-PER Thank O you O ! O @ B-PER stevemolzer B-PER thanks O for O the O top O Steve B-PER will O check O it O out O @ B-PER LaTrioli B-PER Great O to O be O on O board O ! O Could O n't O be O happier O . O xx O @ B-PER lololololiver B-PER I O agree O about O how O harsh O it O is O - O we O need O to O fight O it O ! O Full O house O at O Hifi B-LOC just O blown O away O by O Arcane B-ORG . O Great O set O . O #bnemusic O @ B-PER scottspark B-PER Thank O you O ! O I O have O moved O smoothly O from O anxiety O about O writing O it O to O anxiety O about O people O reading O it O . O Really O smoothly O . O See O how O easy O it O is O to O increase O Medicare O Advantage O risk O scores O with O our O game O http://t.co/RjUbUO0sfj O http://t.co/xD1OpfBKzL O @ B-PER ragavin B-PER Those O were O the O days O . O Cheesecake O is O just O awful O - O and O it O might O win O . O #Ovarian O Cancer O Morning O Teal O today O reminds O women O that O this O killer O is O hard O to O diagnose O . O Find O out O more O about O symptoms O : O http://t.co/gD4ytaIIiS O @ B-PER Mayorjd B-PER It O is O important O infrastructure O for O our O region O and O indeed O regional O Australia B-LOC , O here O it O is O our O Casino B-ORG Saleyards I-ORG and O Grafton B-LOC airport I-LOC Fab O to O see O two O @ B-ORG WritersCentreAU B-ORG presenters O and O their O courses O in O Fremantle B-LOC Press I-LOC in O WA B-LOC :) O http://t.co/DXaKKmlmjh O Okay O so O you O can O now O see O the O @ B-PER ariannahuff B-PER interview O on O iView O - O here O http://t.co/jE0gyCiOJs O @ B-LOC SancHillRetreat B-LOC Oh O I O did O n't O even O think O about O using O it O away O from O home O but O of O course O ! O Thanks O :) O The O number O of O unemployed O is O now O at O a O 14 O - O year O high O under O Labor B-ORG . O Our O Plan O will O help O to O make O Australians O better O off O http://t.co/SeaH6txW4r O @ B-PER latikambourke B-PER surely O 3c O would O kill O off O a O few O bogongs O ? O See O my O Parliamentary O Speech O on O Tony B-PER Abbott I-PER 's O GP O Tax O @ O http://t.co/Y6EknQi1It O This O is O SPCs B-ORG winning O " O Best O Kids O Snack O " O . O http://t.co/oVtH8FsXaj O @ B-PER Carlyhjackson B-PER Yep O , O making O chip O butty O x O Interview O Transcript O : O ABC B-ORG 774 O with O Jon B-PER Faine I-PER - O 29 O / O 05 O / O 14 O #politas O #auspol O #MyLiberal O ^ O Staff O http://t.co/27vWIHy5Jb O @ B-PER Kirby517 B-PER oh O thanks O for O coming O x O I O 've O come O across O a O horrendous O case O of O sexual O harassment O in O the O workplace O - O which O are O the O best O firms O to O go O to O with O something O like O this O ? O . O @ B-PER C_Pyne_MP B-PER is O now O following O me O on O Twitter B-ORG . O If O you O need O me O I O 'll O be O drinking O boiling O fish O tank O water O . O . O . O . O @ B-PER Deborah_ONeill B-PER @ B-PER leslienassar B-PER o O / O * O \ O o O about O 2 O appear O on O @ B-ORG SkyNewsAgenda B-ORG lunchtime O . O . O . O More O Govt O incompetence O to O discuss O #auspol O @ B-PER bencubby B-PER @ B-PER GuardianJessica B-PER In O your O wonderful O northern O hemisphere O apartment O . O . O . O ( O Actually O , O I O 'm O back O for O a O bit O in O September O . O ) O Encouraging O everyone O to O support O our O Vietnam B-LOC Vets O this O weekend O http://t.co/CAjynbze O Representing O tonyabbottmhr B-PER at O #womensday O with O 650 O of O our O closest O friends O ! O Great O event O in O Melbourne B-LOC … O http://t.co/IlL1wqRvFF O @ B-PER ljLoch B-PER lots O to O choose O from O . O Here O are O two O great O places O : O Jasmin B-PER 1 I-PER & O Gia B-PER Hoi I-PER @ B-ORG QLDWhitsundays B-ORG @ B-ORG fightforthereef B-ORG So O which O dredging O damages O the O reef O depends O on O what O dredging O their O members O like O ? O Does O n't O wash O . O Fascinating O piece O by O @ B-PER TheLastWhale B-PER on O the O rise O of O E- O cigs O and O how O they O may O be O increasing O actual O smoking O http://t.co/711eLWEGSH O #ecigs O @ B-PER PeteFTD B-PER Probably O about O the O same O time O as O the O state O govts O and O council O agree O to O start O paying O for O our O defence O force O and O border O protection O . O . O . O About O to O join O the O boys O at O @ B-ORG okrfm B-ORG to O discuss O political O issues O and O local O goings O on O around O McEwen B-LOC . O Will O have O a O surprise O for O them O as O well O . O Huge O thanks O to O John B-PER Butler I-PER for O speaking O up O for O Tas B-LOC forests O as O a O Global O Voice O for O World O Heritage O @ B-PER JohnButlerTrio B-PER http://t.co/FHFOFbLRdH O Я O нашёл O свою O блатнявую O курточку O . O Завтра O надену O её O :-) O #RT O @ B-PER druey B-PER grow O up O ! O Honoured O to O participate O in O the O dedication O of O the O Redbank B-LOC Army I-LOC Camp I-LOC short O range O memorial O with O the O local O community O . O . O . O http://t.co/wEVW3lKsu9 O With O @ B-PER PaulPisasale B-PER & O Labor B-ORG Candidate O for O Ipswich B-LOC West I-LOC Jim B-PER Madden I-PER @ O St B-LOC Edmund I-LOC 's I-LOC College I-LOC Mentoring O Program O Launch O . O http://t.co/YA9Swc1xt9 O 3 O years O on O , O do O not O forget O Syria B-LOC , O now O with O 100 O , O 000 O dead O , O 6 O . O 5mill O internally O displaced O , O 2 O . O 5mill O seeking O refuge O in O Jordon B-LOC , O Turkey B-LOC and O Lebanon B-LOC . O with O formalities O complete O Labor B-ORG 's O attempts O to O block O a O vote O on O #CarbonTax O repeal O begins O - O they O 're O still O ignoring O the O will O of O the O Aust B-LOC people O ! O @ B-PER chrissy_bing B-PER Happy O Birthday O Chrissy B-PER ASIC B-ORG says O its O a O good O idea O to O consider O some O method O to O immediately O suspend O financial O planners O where O there O is O evidence O of O wrongdoing O @ B-PER _leo_s B-PER @ B-PER RitaPanahi B-PER indeed O . O I O 'll O have O two O flats O and O a O packet O of O gravel O #lifeofbrian O Riot B-ORG Games I-ORG Sydney B-LOC Office O ! O http://t.co/DZ0SUuUD65 O jobs O for O community O and O esports O ! O How O big O will O the O Sydney B-LOC team O be O @riotpendragon O ? O Celebrating O 1000 O members O at O Somerton B-ORG SLSC- I-ORG first O club O in O SA B-LOC to O achieve O this O . O @ O Somerton B-LOC Surf O Life O … O http://t.co/dyB6wKUevf O Last O week O I O spoke O to O @ B-ORG 6PR B-ORG about O the O future O of O the O Victoria B-LOC Park I-LOC car O indusrty O #victoriapark B-LOC https://t.co/EzpmTBMFyY O @ B-LOC motherwell B-LOC man O , O have O you O seen O the O latest O trash O talking O . O Players O use O twitter O / O instagram O instead O of O trashing O each O other O on O the O court O lol O . O Speaking O to O Matt B-PER Taylor I-PER on O CNBC B-ORG in O a O moment O re O our O ambitious O trade O and O investment O agenda O . O @ B-PER greendaycalum B-PER hi O sry O for O not O getting O back O to O you O earlier O - O email O me O david B-PER . O higgins B-PER @ B-ORG foxtel B-ORG . O com O . O au O - O it O 's O good O I O promise O ! O @ B-PER GaffneyPaul5 B-PER I O wish O I O had O thought O of O that O line O mate O , O gold O Today O I O visited O RAAF B-LOC base I-LOC Pearce I-LOC with O PM O @ B-PER NajibRazak B-PER - O thank O you O to O all O the O crews O involved O in O the O search O for O #MH370 O http://t.co/W8WVRgFLOI O . O @ B-PER OaaSvc B-PER @ B-PER norton_tim B-PER @ B-PER sabinewolff B-PER @ B-PER LisaMillar B-PER stores O almost O no O data O and O occasionally O sets O fire O to O your O computer O @ B-PER uknowiSS B-PER No O , O simply O to O demonstrate O that O consensus O is O irrelevant O . O Only O data O and O evidence O matters O , O not O opinion O . O Why O do O I O immediately O want O chocolate O after O JUST O getting O back O from O the O gym O ? O ? O ? O ? O ? O Update O : O boss O denies O sacking O union O delegate O to O incite O industrial O relations O dispute O #turc O http://t.co/Ws1C5kEePs O @ B-PER standupmaths B-PER Grong B-LOC Town I-LOC sounds O suspiciously O like O a O sitcom O . O Pac B-ORG Hydro I-ORG & I-ORG Solar I-ORG Council I-ORG are O right O to O want O Renewable O Energy O Target O review O scrapped O . O It O is O money-wasting O , O bad O for O confidence O and O pointless O . O Australia B-LOC should O consider O trialling O " O Racist- O Rant- O Free O Carriages O " O . O Manus B-ORG guards O charged O over O death O of O Iranian O asylum O seeker O Reza B-PER Barati I-PER http://t.co/WqwDFE2Fl9 O Columnisten O over O dit O #Kabinet O http://t.co/RX5tyYUO O " O I O am O lead O by O the O guiding O principle O that O the O Constitution O is O a O document O owned O by O all O Australians O . O Every O single O one O of O us O . O " O #auspol O Rudd B-PER 's O politics O of O smear O http://t.co/bVNzwIuEF0 O via O @audioboo O . O @ B-PER tomvucic B-PER @ B-PER zillatron B-PER because O they O carry O ! O the O vast O bulk O ! O of O all O traffic O ! O wireless O or O not O ! O If O this O Hawaiin O dude O becomes O President O and O he O orders O an O unsuccessful O pre-emptive O enemy O strike O would O … O http://t.co/9RzoiGu708 O Bob B-PER 's O Guardian B-ORG article O , O in O response O to O Abbott B-PER 's O speech O . O http://t.co/HNfkOGX0qq O What O can O I O say O , O @ B-PER swegen31 B-PER - O I O 'm O an O innovator O . O . O . O @ B-PER myknittingwool B-PER @ B-PER workmanalice B-PER @ B-PER TimWattsMP B-PER Stop O #abbottdebtsentence B-PER sign O the O petition O http://t.co/ZVtwfnxtFz O http://t.co/0e4t51QTzM O LETTERS O TO O THE O EDITOR O : O The O Impact O of O Villawood B-LOC for O the O Brighton B-LOC Detention I-LOC Centre I-LOC http://bit.ly/gO45nP O #MyLiberal O ^ O staff O This O week O 's O Ag O blog O http://t.co/bRORG61E7W O #drought O Want O to O meet O up O before O today O 's O #BustTheBudget O rally O in O #Melbourne? B-LOC I O 'll O be O here O at O 1 O : O 45pm O http://t.co/9KLvePZANQ O @ B-PER gypsysnail B-PER give O my O office O a O call O and O we O can O sent O up O the O time O Chrissy B-PER Sandow I-PER , O now O that O 's O a O halfback O ! O #eels B-ORG #parraeels I-ORG Speaking O with O Waleed B-PER Aly I-PER on O @ B-ORG RadioNational B-ORG at O 6 O : O 10pm O . O Tune O in O . O Excellent O analysis O by O Jack B-PER Niall I-PER as O the O Tigers B-ORG aim O for O eight O in O a O row O . O #richmondfc B-ORG http://t.co/rFnDB5jiMR O @ B-PER mrgregtaylor B-PER G O ' O day O mate O , O I O would O DM O but O you O 're O not O following O me O ! O :) O re O : O my O original O question O to O you O , O i O 've O already O answered O it O . O . O . O @ B-PER LeanneFaulkner2 B-PER @ B-PER ariannahuff B-PER That O 's O a O relief O . O She O 's O good O company O is O n't O she O ? O Plans O tonight O ? O Cancel O ! O Such O a O great O doco O on O ABC B-ORG 8 O . O 30 O . O Brilliant O Creatures O : O Australia B-LOC 's O famous O expats O https://t.co/QaOeQFgJY5 O ACT O marriage O bill O to O be O challenged O in O High B-ORG Court I-ORG http://t.co/ixaV5qD8Ws O via O @audioboo O Parliamentary B-ORG Library I-ORG ’ O s O latest O blog O brings O balance O to O : O GP O co-payments O , O PPL O , O direct O action O , O and O pension O indexation O . O http://t.co/T1qxqP0jwf O @ B-PER Lee_Tennant B-PER Oh O dear O ! O The O argument O is O not O about O CO O 2 O , O it O is O about O the O feedbacks O , O and O they O are O not O well O understood O ! O “ O @ B-ORG google B-ORG : O He O may O live O down O under O but O now O he O 's O on O top O . O #GoogleTrends B-ORG #AUSvsNED B-LOC http://t.co/0OKRSgqVHS O ” O #CahillBrazil B-LOC Do O n't O remember O any O of O this O in O the O " O Real O Solutions O " O book O Abbott B-PER hawked O around O during O the O Election O Campaign O ! O #auspol O http://t.co/BZ01ZVjdSh O Awesome O show O tonight O by O Bankstown B-LOC Talent O Advancement O Program O ( O TAP O ) O . O Future O stars O ! O ! O http://t.co/Ud04t0oxSD O At O the O inaugural O GC B-ORG woman O in O business O awards O . O What O an O amazing O group O of O talented O woman O making O a O real O difference O in O our O world O Where O 's O Rupert B-PER ? O Murdoch B-PER 's O Twitter B-ORG account O lays O dormant O on O politics O http://t.co/aPdAhCO2M6 O via O @ B-ORG smh B-ORG Assurances O about O review O team O coming O to O Tasmania B-LOC not O enough O , O Collins B-PER needs O to O assure O Tasmanians B-LOC no O worse O off O http://bit.ly/hNnbOA O #myliberal B-ORG Joe B-PER Hockey I-PER has O contradicted O Nationals B-ORG ' O John B-PER Cobb I-PER on O foreign O farm O buyers O . O Coalition B-ORG are O an O absolute O shambles O on O economic O policy O . O NS B-LOC Walking O through O Heart O of O the O Hawkesbury B-LOC International O Sand O Sculpture O Competition O ; O great O event O for O Hawkesbury B-LOC tourism O ! O http://t.co/vg7XmZ9i O Markets O do O not O properly O reflect O risks O : O OECD B-ORG @ B-PER jacobgreber B-PER and O @ B-PER cjoye B-PER on O why O US B-LOC rate O hikes O could O cause O chaos O http://t.co/BWAyNFHdBI O The O PM O in O a O press O conference O this O morning O has O referred O to O Townsville B-LOC as O a O ‘ O priority O ’ O area O for O the O NBN O rollout O but O . O . O . O http://fb.me/A71ANpmd O We O commemorate O the O deadliest O conflict O in O Australia B-LOC 's O history O . O We O will O never O forget O the O sacrifice O of O so O many O . O http://t.co/O1JEwhKCfg O Abbott B-PER showing O yet O again O he O just O does O not O get O fairness O and O needs O of O Australians O #auspol O #qt O How O an O approach O to O software O programming O management O went O viral O :-) O http://t.co/GKQXKhRC2s O . O @ B-PER samanthamaiden B-PER Actually O it O 's O OPI B-ORG Black O Cherry O Chutney O . O TeamJG B-ORG Even O Radio B-ORG National I-ORG is O playing O No O Secrets O and O not O to O introduce O a O segment O about O FOI O reform O . O RIP O Doc B-PER Neeson I-PER " O We O shouldn O ’ O t O have O to O wait O for O the O judgment O of O history O " O ( O Senator B-PER Neville I-PER Bonner I-PER ) O #auspol O #recognise O Great O piece O by O Christine B-PER Milne I-PER in O today O 's O Mercury B-ORG . O People O need O to O realise O that O the B-ORG Liberal I-ORG party I-ORG plan O to O log O . O . O . O http://t.co/NRcHJlcvs1 O Australia B-ORG Post I-ORG currently O appearing O before O Senate B-ORG inquiry O Wanna O be O my O agent O ? O “ O @ B-PER anna_lisa68 B-PER : O @ B-PER Joe_Hildebrand B-PER take O it O as O a O compliment O :) O PS O can O u O pls O write O another O book O . O . O . O . O . O Having O withdrawals O 😳 O 😳 O ” O Why O is O it O that O our O corporate O culture O struggles O to O keep O up O with O the O rest O of O the O world O . O . O . O . O ? O http://t.co/kihGRtAUQ4 O Go O Freo O ! O The O purple O haze O has O taken O over O Paterson B-PER 's O @ B-ORG Fremantle_FC B-ORG #FreoFinalsFever O #AFLFinals O @ B-ORG AFL B-ORG http://t.co/igUBe71MxI O We O seem O a O lot O quieter O about O choices O our O government O makes O . O Not O because O we O do O n't O care O , O it O 's O because O it O 's O pretty O clear O the O government O does O n't O . O The O Coalition B-ORG has O been O in O power O for O a O year O , O and O we O 're O doing O what O we O said O we O would O do O : O building O a O strong O , O . O . O . O http://t.co/KdzbsM1CWN O @ B-ORG TheKouk B-ORG no O they O are O as O accurate O as O possible O . O . O . O . O . O and O I O am O very O convinced O of O that O given O the O updates O I O have O just O received O in O DC B-LOC . O MEDIA O RELEASE O : O Senator B-PER Bushby I-PER Says O Productivity O Commission O Review O of O Child O Care O Urgently O Needed O http://t.co/auhdO8eW O #myliberal O ^ O Staff O Deeply O moved O by O the O warm O welcome O from O the O Victoria B-ORG School I-ORG and O community O in O Villers- B-LOC Bretonneux I-LOC today O http://t.co/SIFF7h6mqB O @ B-ORG PICMatChiHealth B-ORG No O problem O . O Source O : O @ B-ORG reddit B-ORG and O also O mediawatch B-ORG who O have O investigated O Herald B-PER Sun I-PER . O http://t.co/twrn1hu35u O Foreign O bookmakers O cash O in O ( O William B-PER Hill I-PER , O Tom B-PER Waterhouse I-PER ) O By O @ B-PER MichaelWestBiz B-PER , O art O by O @ B-PER hewart B-PER http://t.co/4KGO74ijuw O http://t.co/Q2XgqGfePf O Historic O week O – O China B-LOC launches O its O first O emissions O trading O scheme O . O Significant O step O in O tackling O dangerous O climate O change O . O JG O Just O a O few O weeks O left O till O we O rock O @ B-ORG SonyCentreTO B-ORG for O #OXOMILLIONMEALS! B-PER Will O we O see O you O 05 O . O 23 O in O #Toronto? B-LOC http://t.co/m3TYiELcFm O The O best O thing O about O being O back O on O earth O . O . O . O only O having O to O deal O with O one O Monday O morning O sunrise O a O week O . O #spaceproblems O Just O got O word O of O the O explosion O near O the O finish O line O of O the O Boston B-LOC marathon O . O This O is O terrible O :( O hope O all O are O ok O . O . O . O @ B-PER ColinHanks B-PER barely O made O it O out O alive O . O @ B-PER Mark_Sheppard B-PER 😉 O #datenight O was O a O failure O to O launch O . O Made O an O ill-timed O joke O RE O : O the O " O Captain O 's O log O " O when O wife O left O the O toilet O ; O ended O up O sleeping O on O the O sofa O @ B-PER remymichaels B-PER brisk O . O 60 O degrees O @ B-PER marygracekirby B-PER I O thought O it O was O a O shortened O version O of O the O Firefly O story O . O @ B-PER nlambert4 B-PER thanks O ! O You O too O :) O @ B-PER breaking1003 B-PER thank O you O so O much O ! O I O hope O I O get O to O come O back O to O Japan B-LOC one O day O ! O @ B-PER byelocksbarber B-PER thanks O . O #KevChat B-PER @ B-PER Carrie_Preston B-PER @ B-PER CriticsChoice B-PER Good O luck O babe O ! O ! O ! O ! O @ B-PER YMTfm B-PER Thanks O students O at O Convent B-LOC Primary I-LOC in O Nenagh B-LOC Ireland I-LOC for O your O thoughtful O questions O today O . O I O really O enjoyed O speaking O with O you O . O @ B-PER theblcklst B-PER Would O love O to O but O I O 'm O out O of O town O that O weekend O . O @ B-PER Ceillimiss B-PER on O showcase O ? O Watched O it O yesterday O for O a O bit O while O getting O ready O . O #KevChat B-PER @ B-PER BeatlemanicPaul B-PER Good O luck O , O detective O Going O to O be O joining O @ B-PER shadkmusic B-PER for O his O @ B-ORG PolarisPrize B-ORG performance O in O a O few O mins O ! O Check O the O live O stream O ! O #polaris2014 B-ORG http://t.co/sfIjrY6Sp7 O @ B-PER MrRobertMcGrath B-PER nope O but O I O really O liked O them O @ B-PER corrwill B-PER @ B-PER jarpad B-PER @ B-PER JensenAckles B-PER @ B-PER mishacollins B-PER @ B-PER Mark_Sheppard B-PER They O should O treat O you O well O . O . O . O Well O 3 O out O of O 4 O . O . O . O @ B-PER alexshinta B-PER hopefully O one O day O ! O This O is O fucked O : O http://t.co/oT9a99Xrql O Trying O to O impress O the O guys O , O showing O off O my O moves O from O Bowie B-PER cover O , O guitar O spin O does O n't O work O as O well O down O here O #fml O http://t.co/SFqq68ll9A O About O to O arrive O at O the O MTV B-ORG movie O awards O where O I O will O feel O old O , O and O out O of O touch O ! O ! O @ B-PER JeffersonPenna B-PER I O 'm O excited O too O ! O What O 's O your O favorite O #SimplePlan O memory O ? O A O show O you O saw O ? O The O first O time O you O heard O your O favorite O track O ? O We O want O to O know O ! O Bring O a O food O / O cash O donation O to O Edmonton B-LOC 's O Centennial B-LOC Plaza I-LOC from O 3 O to O 8 O PM O and O play O street O hockey O with O the O @ B-ORG fiveholeforfood B-ORG crew O . O Great O cause O . O Floating O through O Chinatown B-LOC back O streets O and O trying O to O stay O out O of O the O rain O . O Another O day O at O the O office O ! O http://t.co/NAmMIDOs9K O Amazing O RT O @ B-PER vane045 B-PER : O @ B-PER howiemandel B-PER was O so O scares O omg O good O job O nick B-PER #AGT O Ok O back O on O ! O Peek-a-blue O ! O ! O ! O http://t.co/wS8Dtaxiiw O Off O to O the O national O non-fiction O festival O in O Geelong B-LOC this O weekend O . O Hope O to O see O you O there O : O http://t.co/xa2shFmBJs O #thefictionalwoman O The O official O #lyric O #video O for O #OrdinaryLife O to O start O your O #NewYear O right O ! O http://t.co/Ao0DyXO5RU O #GYHO2 O #SPEP O Can O anyone O guess O what O this O is O ? O :) O http://t.co/Ej9AuYjn8v O How O is O everyone O ? O It O 's O been O just O over O a O month O since O we O released O our O first O #SPEP O #GYHO2! O Do O you O have O your O copy O yet O ? O http://t.co/Ar6VnTXn7n O For O Valentines O weekend O we O have O a O great O discount O in O our O merch O store O ! O Full O details O here O : O http://t.co/zTt4aQ6zup O We O 're O in O #Ottawa B-LOC @ B-ORG CdnTireCtr B-ORG because O National O @weday O is O here O ! O Tune O in O now O to O watch O the O event O live O ! O http://t.co/SDbdoF6bMy O Thanks O for O listening O and O tweeting O my O face O off O ! O ! O #littlemachines O is O out O in O 8 O days O officially O ( O lyric O countdown O pic O # O 8 O coming O ) O ! O Love O you O guys O ! O YEP O RT O @ B-PER visxnya B-PER @ B-PER lights B-PER is O there O going O to O be O a O music O video O for O Running O With O The O Boys O ? O #littlemachines B-ORG . O @ B-PER Astro_DavidS B-PER @ B-PER CommanderMLA B-PER I O did O a O Google B-ORG Image O search O , O found O it O 's O an O AP O photo O by O Dmitry B-PER Lovetsky I-PER . O http://t.co/AQWT8xocEC O Hi O from O Calgary B-LOC ! O @TVWatchtower O And O just O watch O for O the O mass O exodus O from O @ B-ORG Twitter B-ORG once O the O Neilsen B-ORG ratings O get O affected O by O this O new O algorithm O . O Stupid O moment O of O the O day O - O texting O and O walking O . O . O . O walked O right O into O the O wall O ! O Instant O headache O :( O maybe O I O should O stop O multitasking O ? O @ B-PER snoopmary B-PER I O 'm O thinking O noon O ! O @ B-PER MrJoshCharles B-PER one O day O that O will O trend O . O #70staint O Looking O forward O to O catching O up O on O Game O of O Thrones O It O 's O #ValentinesDay O this O week O ! O Get O a O limited O edition O shirt O from O our O #UK B-LOC store O ! O http://t.co/eEtNuP95RS O Essential O travel O checklist O : O iPad O , O #OhSoCocoBb B-ORG jewelry O , O @ B-PER Zac_Posen B-PER bag O , O @ B-ORG Frends B-ORG headphones O , O @ B-ORG FijiWater B-ORG , O #Tatcha O cream O . O http://t.co/aUUTd6ftgg O . O @ B-PER MohamedofShaban B-PER @ B-ORG SpaceX B-ORG Thank O you O CNET B-ORG for O responding O to O social O media O & O changing O your O headline O to O match O the O content O of O my O answers O . O Decent O . O @ B-PER WhoSay B-PER thanks O for O the O love O ! O Xx O @ B-PER AnnaPaquinFans B-PER hi O ! O Xo O @ B-PER wintersweet2530 B-PER Nice O and O Brisk O ! O Going O to O cheer O on O the O runners O of O the O Boston B-LOC marathon O ! O Anyone O watching O ? O @ B-ORG bookshopqcliff B-ORG Thank O you O for O your O support O x O @ B-PER PixieP B-PER Thank O you O , O Pixie B-PER @ B-ORG thalmic B-ORG the O Myo O armband O sounds O really O intriguing O , O congratulations O on O your O hard O work O , O I O 'd O love O to O give O it O a O try O ! O @ B-PER pooja_LuvIndia B-PER You O want O to O blacklist O @ B-PER NathanFillion B-PER ? O For O heaven O sake O , O why O ? O ? O ? O @ B-PER RachelZoe B-PER Thanks O so O much O Rachel B-PER . O Hope O you O are O doing O well O ! O ! O Xx O Coco B-PER “ O @ B-PER auberginefedora B-PER : O @ B-PER WilliamShatner B-PER Firefly O Online O Game O . O They O 're O doing O the O voices O for O it O . O ” O So O that O was O the O SDCC B-ORG announcement O ? O Went O to O see O the O @ B-ORG RedSox B-ORG last O night O at O #FenwayPark B-LOC and O had O this O stuck O in O my O head O all O night O ! O #shuttersong O http://t.co/PTv8JRTOjt B-ORG @ B-ORG standardEV B-ORG I O think O keeping O to O a O couple O theme O can O be O cute O ( O like O nautical O , O pastels O etc O ) O . O Wearing O the O exact O same O thing O ? O Creepy O . O Some O spacesuits O are O better O than O others O . O This O one O has O good O visibility O and O a O stout O tether O , O but O very O bad O gloves O . O http://t.co/XPLbR2i3cr O Vox B-ORG for O speeding O and O Meteorites O RT O @ B-PER Lisa_alot B-PER @ B-ORG lights B-ORG what O song O ( O s O ) O on O #LittleMachines O did O you O finish O recording O after O Rocket O was O born O ? O Be O sure O to O follow O our O Facebook B-ORG and O Twitter B-ORG this O week O for O chances O to O win O tickets O to O @ B-ORG ONEXONE B-ORG #OXOMILLIONMEALS O May O 23rd O @ B-LOC SonyCentreTO B-LOC ! O Screen O icon O Lauren B-PER Bacall I-PER has O passed O away O , O aged O 89 O . O Farewell O to O a O grand O dame O of O cinema O : O http://t.co/bL3Ia1TsDf O Muscle O Memory O ! O Disliked O this O song O when O I O first O wrote O it O . O After O time O and O reworking O it O 's O one O of O my O favs O . O So O excited O for O the O premier O of O #TrueBlood O tomorrow O night O ! O ! O #WaitingSucks O #TrueToTheEnd O #TBS7 O This O is O just O CRAZY O ! O ! O ! O #trafficsucks O http://t.co/b7mah0Jin9 O @STSTFBook O sounds O like O a O plan O #KevChat B-PER I O can O find O a O prize O I O 'm O sure O for O some O who O ask O @ B-PER DinaPugliese B-PER a O question O @ B-PER joshgad B-PER @ B-PER nicholasstoller B-PER @ B-PER ZacEfron B-PER thanks O so O much O dude O . O You O a O make O a O me O laugh O too O ! O @ O . O PNemcova B-PER giving O President O #BillClinton B-PER an O award O for O his O work O in O #Haiti B-LOC at O @ B-ORG HappyHeartsFund B-ORG Gala O for O #HappySchools. O http://t.co/MRGU82w061 O @ B-PER illshawn B-PER that O 's O awesome O ! O Thanks O for O reaching O out O :) O hope O you O 'll O stay O in O touch O ! O @ B-PER Zetanai B-PER dad O always O has O the O best O reviews O ! O ! O @ B-ORG plantinstructie B-ORG Apparently O . O @ B-PER JenniferElm B-PER It O 's O all O good O ! O please O do O n't O feel O embarrassed O ! O lovely O to O meet O you O . O Is O n't O Firefly O coming O back O ? O Are O we O there O yet O ? O Are O we O there O yet O ? O Are O we O there O yet O ? O @ B-PER gracey000011 B-PER anything O but O AMAZING O ! O Hatian O President O #MichelMartelly B-PER singing O #BobMarley B-PER with O @ B-PER Wyclef B-PER at O the O @ B-ORG HappyHeartsFund B-ORG Gala O - O http://t.co/JUXbdVaEiK O @ B-PER jnzooger B-PER yes O that O would O have O made O for O a O much O funnier O post O @ B-PER Sara_TheMachine B-PER hey O there O @ B-PER 2manyfandomz B-PER well O thank O you O ! O @ B-PER Amandaziva223 B-PER @ B-ORG AnnaPaquinFans B-ORG thank O u O . O U O r O so O sweet O ! O Spread O the O word O about O @fiveholeforfood O in O CGY B-LOC tomorrow O . O Great O community O cause O . O @ B-PER SUNRandySportak B-PER @ B-PER EricFrancis B-PER @ B-PER bigern10 B-PER @ B-PER monahan20 B-PER We O begin O our O 26th O year O tomorrow O morning O . O Stop O by O and O see O us O on O red O carpet O at O Roy B-LOC Thompson I-LOC . O @ O BTToronto B-ORG We O 're O giving O away O a O pair O of O tickets O to O our O @ B-ORG ONEXONE B-ORG show O May O 23rd O @ B-LOC SonyCentreTO B-LOC for O #OXOMILLIONMEALS! O Details O : O http://t.co/eBHn9uN7RO O @ B-PER ImErinTessema B-PER Is O my O friend O @ B-PER 1PhoebeJTonkin B-PER on O ? O Congrats O to O @ B-PER PaoSpXeB B-PER ! O You O won O our O RT O contest O for O the O #limitededition O #lyric O tee O @ B-ORG MerchDirect B-ORG ! O We O will O contact O you O soon O ! O . O @ B-PER macklemore B-PER really O ? O ? O Because O if O I O told O someone O to O put O together O an O anti O Semitic O Jew O costume O , O they O 'd O have O that O exact O shopping O list O . O Thanks O for O following O us O @ B-ORG whosay B-ORG - O http://t.co/nYRs7gFeIf O Congratulations O to O @ B-PER GabsElisa B-PER & O @ B-PER SPAstronautRuby B-PER ! O Winners O of O @ B-ORG onexone B-ORG tickets O 05 O . O 23 O @ B-LOC SonyCentreTO B-LOC ! O We O 'll O be O in O touch O ! O millionmeals O . O ca O @ B-PER Rayelle73 B-PER just O had O a O mtg O abt O that O . O Look O for O change O soon O That O was O fun O . O @ B-PER AnnaPaquinFans B-PER good O luck O ! O Hope O u O studied O hard O . O @ B-PER MeldyC B-PER happy O birthday O xo O Vale B-PER Lauren I-PER Bacall I-PER , O who O made O a O career O of O playing O smart O , O tough O beauties O . O Another O icon O has O left O us O . O #laurenbacall B-PER http://t.co/6mtpyYdrq4 O Thought O I O could O pop O over O to O Disney B-LOC on O my O lunch O . O . O . O turns O out O it O 's O just O a O Russian B-LOC church I-LOC . O #fml O http://t.co/PW7EggIr34 O Ever O meet O a O cheese O monger O ? O What O a O great O combo O for O a O wine O show O ! O Meet O Marnie B-PER http://t.co/pqtHAi1z2z O @ B-ORG BrownBagWine B-ORG Check O out O my O amazing O #bloodsister O Rutina B-PER Wesley I-PER in O @13SinsTheMovie O out O on O DVD O and O Blue- O Ray O today O ! O ! O I O love O you O Rutina B-PER ! O ! O ! O ! O @ B-ORG MidlandPolice B-ORG mornin O ' O chief O My O trusted O team O said O screw O you O this O is O good O ! O XD O RT O @ B-PER kpfoleyy B-PER @lights O what O changed O your O mind O ? O #LittleMachines O @ B-PER tavitulle B-PER I O remember O having O a O really O hard O time O not O laughing O throughout O this O whole O scene O when O we O were O shooting O it O . O CHI B-ORG deal O with O Richards B-PER is O believed O to O be O a O one-year O deal O . O Who O said O ' O This O is O the O End O ' O was O a O good O movie O ? O Please O unfriend O me O immediately O ! O @ B-PER damnitfreckles B-PER happy O birthday O ! O Happy O Thanksgiving O ! O ! O ! O I O am O thankful O for O all O of O you O ttp://t.co/AaMNVg01vQ O 8 O - O 8 O now O . O 7 O : O 48 O left O . O Its O date O night O ! O ! O Watching O Armageddon O . O . O . O never O fails O #launchsequenceinitiated O A O new O school O - O so O much O promise O & O work O & O portent O . O I O Skyped O w O / O the O students O yesterday O , O much O fun O http://t.co/ZEK0jrDwQE O http://t.co/OSbnhb9OOa O Happy O 12th O Birthday O to O our O debut O studio O album O No O Pads O , O No O Helmets O . O . O . O Just O Balls O ! O What O is O your O favorite O track O ? O http://t.co/Pd3qFm0APW O 20 O min O to O #DealWithIt O east O coast O Aw O crap O . O . O . O . O http://t.co/sIumP1Dxqw O ( O thanks O @ B-PER robstears B-PER ) O I O 'd O urge O Bryan B-PER to O fight O hard O but O that O goes O without O saying O for O a O member O of O the O Murray B-ORG clan I-ORG of O Shawville B-LOC , I-LOC Que I-LOC . O Hanging O with O officialdfoster B-PER at O erase B-ORG ms I-ORG gala I-ORG http://t.co/HQoh0DPgjb O @ B-PER remymichaels B-PER Tired O just O reading O about O your O run O . O @ B-PER MaxineSkillen B-PER hello O ! O @ B-PER vsrovert B-PER I O 'm O not O for O subways B-LOC . O . O . O sheesh O . O . O now O we O 're O fighting O again O . O Lol O . O Have O a O good O night O My O thoughts O , O sympathy O and O prayers O go O out O to O the O families O of O all O involved O . O #MalaysiaAirlines B-ORG #MH17 O CAN B-ORG 9 O - O 8 O with O 18 O seconds O left O . O @ B-PER porrandemi B-PER i O just O got O home O from O work O and O am O going O to O sleep O now O too O . O @ B-PER jimmbboe B-PER so O sweet O 😉 O . O @ B-PER BaubleBar B-PER refreshed O some O of O my O collection O in O never-before-seen O colors O for O #BestOfTheGuest! O http://t.co/diXYnYTYWU O http://t.co/5uv5mDg2Es O @ B-PER JaneyGodley B-PER You O must O be O very O physical O in O your O stage O routine O if O you O ca O n't O wear O heels O . O My O thoughts O are O with O OTT B-ORG GM O Bryan B-PER Murray I-PER , O who O has O recently O been O diagnosed O with O cancer O . O Bryan B-PER is O one O of O the O really O good O men O in O this O game O . O @ B-ORG MansfieldLibr B-ORG Thank O you O #ididnotwakeuplikethis O #inevertakeselfies O #thatwasalie O #soismyhair O #extensions O #hashtag O #hashtagmageddon O http://t.co/1BPppYlnsa O @ B-PER HopeMay1984 B-PER do O n't O judge O me O based O on O my O opinions O of O others O . O Bully B-PER . O Space B-LOC Station I-LOC underlining O the O immense O beauty O of O the O universe O . O Thoughtful O Drew B-PER Buckley I-PER photo O . O https://t.co/vnj4VzaSGC O http://t.co/qale3jvrlu O Good O morning O ' O . O @ B-PER HuwALewis B-PER Focus O , O hard O work O , O keeping O the O goal O in O mind O , O & O recognizing O that O there O is O nothing O more O important O than O what O you O 're O doing O right O now O . O @ B-PER Aveoldman B-PER live O Morton B-PER 's O here O . O Where O the O heck O do O potatoes O grow O that O big O ? O #KevChat B-PER Who O already O purchased O our O limited O edition O lyric O tee O from O @ B-ORG MerchDirect B-ORG ? O ! O http://t.co/oh1XodrAIM O I O fly O the O whole O way O round O the O world O 6 O times O every O day O and O you O 've O all O forgotten O about O me O , O Santa B-PER does O it O once O a O year O and O you O lose O your O minds O Morning O all O . O Last O day O here O at O the O national O non-fiction O festival O . O ( O Yes O , O I O am O wearing O Wonder B-PER Woman I-PER earrings O ) O #W4WFest14 O http://t.co/f0DVjKe7tl O This O is O incredible O . O . O . O Well O done O westjet B-ORG ! O http://t.co/wLJMXmdsjv O http://t.co/boSUriWDt0 O Running O With O The O Boys O ! O This O is O about O being O a O kid O again O , O wide O imaginations O ! O @ B-PER theREELBrian B-PER I O 'm O with O ya O pal O . O Time O travel O ! O Same O guy O , O same O place O , O 1977 O vs O 2014 O . O At O Fernsehturm B-LOC / O St B-LOC Mary I-LOC 's I-LOC in O Berlin B-LOC , O pre O & O post-moustache O http://t.co/P5QQb0LYmE O . O @ B-PER BuschMr B-PER Space O is O black O 'cause O it O goes O on O forever O & O dust O soaks O up O the O light O . O Moondust O is O from O 1000s O of O meteorites O crashing O . O Yes O , O you O can O ! O @ B-PER vsrovert B-PER always O check O my O sources O . O Been O in O business O for O 36 O Years O . O @ B-PER BlissKissBreeze B-PER hello O ! O @ B-PER angiemr79 B-PER thank O u O ! O Gotta O start O getting O ready O ! O Bowie B-PER 's O last O day O - O we O had O permission O for O a O year O , O so O our O Space O Oddity O video O comes O down O today O . O One O last O look O : O http://t.co/z6umXHoPCk O How O sad O ! O Check O out O Dina B-PER 's O " O you O do O n't O bring O me O flowers O story O . O http://t.co/AzHkaWvbre O http://t.co/aXnSvzGuKe O Just O posted O a O photo O http://t.co/pzeIjvxQbs O @ B-PER Jorg_YVR B-PER how O can O u O ignore O mayor O of O biggest O city O in O Canada B-LOC ? O @ B-PER vampidiot B-PER how O are O you O ? O Nice O way O to O start O the O day O ! O #kindawesome O http://t.co/Jv89zuAKDb O My O @ B-ORG reddit B-ORG AMA O beginning O in O a O few O mins O ! O Ask O me O anything O ! O http://t.co/TFUaOkxAak O @ B-PER AskMrMickey B-PER sending O a O big O hug O to O you O Mickey B-PER ! O Xx O Job O search O starts O tomorrow O , O so O I O 'm O tweaking O the O resume O . O How O does O " O was O required O to O spend O a O lot O of O time O travelling O " O sound O ? O @ B-PER WilliamdeVry1 B-PER I O find O stupidity O comes O in O reams O so O there O will O be O others O . O Nice O #airgait O goal O by O @ B-PER CurtisDickson17 B-PER CAN B-ORG leads O Iroquois B-ORG Nation I-ORG 8 O - O 3 O in O 3rd O quarter O of O World B-LOC Field I-LOC Lax I-LOC game O . O Currently O on O TSN B-ORG 2 O . O Thx O RT O @ B-PER IMJeffRaymond B-PER : O From O #MyNameIsBobby B-PER to O #dealwithit O and O everything O in O between O , O @ B-PER howiemandel B-PER continues O to O deliver O #YouSirAreFunny O Addicted O to O Candy O Crush O ! O ! O ! O Why O ever O did O I O start O playing O this O game O ? O ? O ? O Always O a O pleasure O ! O RT O @ B-PER maddogvirgin B-PER the O wonderful O @ B-PER lights B-PER on O The O Breakfast O Show O Today O http://t.co/42RVcTf1Bc O http://t.co/9IzHBzIiul O @ B-PER MattRpianoman B-PER @ B-PER jtimberlake B-PER I O 'm O back O . O Australia B-LOC 's O too O small O for O both O of O our O egos O ! O ;-) O Got O a O sneak O peak O at O the O new O #PS4. O . O . O . O beginning O to O see O why O they O only O showed O the O controller O at O their O launch O #xboxone O http://t.co/aoQI0eJYHX O Blue O volcanic O glow O from O lava-licking O flames O of O sulphur O gas O . O Dusk O photo O by O Olivier B-PER Grunewald I-PER http://t.co/8vKBBVwkn1 O http://t.co/4KtjoUsl5l O Did O you O see O this O ? O " O Getting O my O hair O trimmed O by O the O one O and O only O Anh B-PER Co I-PER Tran I-PER ready O for O my O appearance O tonight O on O Amanda B-PER … O http://t.co/XjUfldijDA O What O do O you O guys O think O ? O http://t.co/xa1LMdC9Ql O http://t.co/MEXjQ7Q4fP B-ORG Still O on O #Holiday? O Spend O some O time O watching O the O new O , O #live, O #free, O #SimplePlan B-ORG live O in O #Australia B-LOC #concert! O http://t.co/w2A9I2BcnB B-ORG @ B-PER Puddinstrip B-PER it O 's O actually O from O the O producers O of O Joseph B-PER Gordon I-PER Levitt I-PER in O a O t O shirt O and O James B-PER Franco I-PER in O a O cardigan O . O “ O @ B-PER pengellyink B-PER : O #hockey O trade O talk O is O taking O over O Twitter O and O the O trusted O source O is O this O guy O . O . O . O @ B-PER TSNBobMcKenzie B-PER http://t.co/a3Manwc6Jz O ” O Thx O . O #IfTheyGunnedMeDown O challenges O representations O of O black O men O : O ' O We O saw O it O with O Trayvon B-PER . O We O see O it O again O w O Mike B-PER Brown I-PER ' O http://t.co/iq9glnVNCh O A O new O spaceship O , O with O seats O for O 7 O . O This O will O be O interesting O to O see O . O http://t.co/R7XIBMyJpq O @ B-PER MarinerMisery B-PER you O 're O a O fucking O idiot O . O ' O You O know O how O to O whistle O , O do O n't O you O Steve B-PER ? O ' O Lauren B-PER Bacall I-PER 's O unforgettable O screen O debut O at O just O 19 O : O https://t.co/Fuzic05tGY O #BogieAndBacall B-PER Sing O along O with O us O & O the O #Lyric O #Video O of O #OrdinaryLife O from O our O #SPEP O Get O Your O Heart O On O - O The O Second O Coming O ! O #GYHO2 O http://t.co/021j8GzedX O @ B-PER loupardi B-PER Thanks O for O live-tweeting O the O event O , O Lou B-PER . O Hope O you O enjoyed O it O . O Terrible O news O . O He O was O truly O one O of O the O greats O . O ' O Robin B-PER Williams I-PER found O dead O in O California B-LOC home O , O local O police O say O ' O http://t.co/gy2AExNbW0 O @ B-ORG WynonnaMusic B-ORG @ B-ORG FactSoup B-ORG Love O it O and O love O you O my O dear O ! O ( O Btw O I O was O saying O that O to O myself O in O a O mirror O ! O ) O 😘 O I O kissed O a O Blue O Man O and O I O liked O it O ! O http://t.co/WGVRelRvp5 O You O think O your O diet O is O going O badly O ? O I O 've O put O on O 170 O pounds O sometime O in O the O last O two O weeks O #stupidgravity O The O one O and O only O @ B-PER SamSparro B-PER performing O in O Central B-LOC Park I-LOC on O this O perfect O summer O day O - O http://t.co/bCtmrNtJ2C O Our O first O ever O #SPEP O #GYHO2 O Get O Your O Heart O On O - O The O Second O Coming O ! O Is O now O available O WORLDWIDE O ! O http://t.co/pvlXvpxsel O @coops1111111111 O I O do O n't O know O , O I O sorry O ! O Your O name O here O . O http://t.co/Sc5kuW8Cqz O Gotta O get O ready O for O @OzComicCon O ! O See O you O later O ! O In O exactly O ONE O month O we O 're O @ B-LOC SonyCentreTO B-LOC in O #Toronto B-LOC for O #OXOMILLIONMEALS! O Details O here O : O http://t.co/13rjq7WHWd O @ B-PER Binary_Inclined B-PER we O are O on O at O 5 O :3 O 30 O . O . O . O to O friggin O early O . O 7 O would O let O me O sleep O in O . O Headed O to O orbit O soon O : O @ B-PER Astro_Alex B-PER , O Max B-PER & O @ B-PER astro_reid B-PER . O Enjoy O quarantine O & O have O a O great O voyage O ! O https://t.co/pfOwc8gCzH O http://t.co/EgbJzzn80b O Spilled O hot O coffee O on O my O hand O this O morning O . O Still O ca O n't O live O without O it O ! O #morningstruuggles O Let O 's O celebrate O RT O @ B-PER AskDrRuth B-PER : O Today O is O Menstrual O Hygiene O Day O . O Some O women O feel O more O aroused O when O they O have O their O period O . O Grab O a O limited O edition O #ValentinesDay O shirt O from O our O #UK B-LOC #Merch O store O ! O http://t.co/ruS1uZdCpF O http://t.co/zXGzjb6Uwf O @ B-PER _Lisawebber83 B-PER not O a O bother O at O all O ! O Xo O @ B-PER HUMANKEBAB B-PER love O you O so O much O man O , O would O n't O be O the O same O without O you O ! O @ B-ORG arkellsmusic B-ORG fun O fact O , O you O got O it O before O me O ! O Damn O ! O Love O you O guys O . O After O a O long O weekend O of O #TIFF14 B-ORG , O frans B-PER is O my O #EarlyMorningBFF O http://t.co/FfgPfHAdBY O Dude O , O I O spent O the O last O 6 O months O higher O than O any O of O you O " O @ B-PER aterrar B-PER : O Been O spaced O out O , O does O that O count O ? O " O ' O scientists O call O on O Aus B-LOC to O take O a O ‘ O strong O lead O ’ O in O reducing O emissions O or O risk O major O impact O on O public O health O ' O http://t.co/aSc4VJNAwF O #auspol O Have O a O great O summer O , O rollin O ' O : O " O Got O a O roundtrip O ticket O to O the O promised O land O , O If O it O ai O n't O all O that O I O 'll O be O back O my O man O " O http://t.co/PpYxE44FCf O @ B-PER MrRobertMcGrath B-PER @ B-PER Jeff_Daniels B-PER more O so O for O him O I O think O . O @ B-PER bubwhitlax B-PER Who O taught O those O kids O how O to O play O field O anyway O ? O Haha O . O I O told O @ B-PER MikeMcKenzie11 B-PER tonight O he O needs O to O make O a O comeback O . O 5 O . O #LittleMachines O #speeding O http://t.co/MJ7ZogGKRd O Cutie O special O edition O #LittleMachines O only O avails O at O Walmart B-ORG Canada I-ORG ! O Cool O bag O included O ! O I O want O it O . O http://t.co/KUGcD3zkZv O @ B-PER Zeetheist B-PER WHICH O SONG O ! O @ B-PER Steelweaver52 B-PER baaaaaaad O idea O :) O @ B-PER DanielMacSween B-PER next O week O @ B-PER astro_timpeake B-PER can O I O come O ? O @ B-PER fucktyler B-PER I O do O my O best O to O rep O hard O . O Day O two O exploring O #Moscow B-LOC and O we O 're O finding O all O kinds O of O interesting O back O alleys O . O http://t.co/KZxYo7SBOy O @SJP O @ady_oo O Less O than O Sarah B-PER . O 😘 O Hey O @ B-PER nickkroll B-PER is O it O bad O that O I O first O thought O this O was O a O Time B-ORG cover O story O about O your O show O ? O http://t.co/wQ2Rb6RbTq O @ B-PER MrRobertMcGrath B-PER hello O ! O I O ca O n't O decide O what O I O love O more O about O fall O . O The O leaves O or O the O pumpkin O everything O ! O I O feel O that O feel O RT O @ B-PER aleboniz19 B-PER @ B-PER lights B-PER THESE O COUNTDOWN O POSTS O GOT O ME O LIKE O http://t.co/vAZ8wept7j O @ B-PER pandaisarose B-PER did O n't O make O the O album O but O good O enough O to O want O them O to O be O heard O ! O I O chat O about O #thefictionalwoman O my O late O mother O , O & O the O need O for O greater O diversity O in O our O parliament O & O storytelling O : O http://t.co/rH3wP2qdzO O @ B-PER xxDeexx B-PER I O really O should O do O that O ! O ! O ! O I O had O to O do O that O with O spider O solitaire O too O ! O @ B-PER vsrovert B-PER the O comment O was O from O our O camera O man O who O did O n't O know O he O was O live O ten O mins O ago O @ B-PER _niikkii B-PER @ B-ORG KiSS925 B-ORG hallelujah O ! O :D O Check O out O how O @ B-ORG fiveholeforfood B-ORG turned O the O flight O deck O of O a O Canadian O warship O into O a O ball O hockey O court O ! O http://t.co/yJNbYWaI7q B-ORG @ B-PER Aveoldman B-PER nice O . O Beth B-PER and O I O really O want O to O go O there O soon O . O #KevChat B-PER Brad B-PER Richards I-PER has O a O NMC O in O his O one O year O , O $ O 2 O M O deal O with O CHI B-ORG . O Hey O @ B-PER lynxeffect B-PER @ B-PER mfjordan B-PER I O 'll O tell O you O what O beats O an O astronaut O ; O an O astronaut O singing O Bowie B-PER IN O space O . O #nailedit O #formalineladies O @ B-PER DEREK0HALE B-PER You O , O too O . O @ B-PER TheJimMichaels B-PER 👍 O Doug B-PER ford I-PER will O run O for O mayor O and O Rob B-PER Ford I-PER to O run O in O ward B-LOC 2 I-LOC @ B-PER dawgbone98 B-PER ca O n't O believe O Matthews B-PER missed O that O one O . O @ B-PER Amandaziva223 B-PER @ B-PER AnnaPaquinFans B-PER what O 's O wrong O ? O :( O @ B-PER emmaoz31 B-PER hi O ! O ! O Late O this O month O a O Russian B-LOC Soyuz O launches O w O / O a O crew O & O @ B-ORG SpaceX B-ORG unveils O Dragon O Mk O 2 O . O Interesting O . O http://t.co/sp8XpaYoMM O http://t.co/GNCEFOrKaa O @ B-ORG womensweardaily B-ORG I O have O feelings O you O know O . O Delightful O editorial O by O @ B-PER jianghomeshi B-PER on O the O Oddity O video O . O Thanks O for O the O clear O perspective O . O http://t.co/Ks9RnHDfLY O http://t.co/ba4s2MzN7x O @ B-PER molltrot B-PER I O 'm O used O to O performing O where O there O 's O no O atmosphere O , O so O I O 'd O be O great O in O Denmark B-LOC next O year O Mondays O can O be O hard O but O I O hope O these O adorable O dogs O help O you O get O through O the O day O ! O . O . O . O http://t.co/ioOIMjsmZX O @ B-PER Vesa_88 B-PER Thank O you O , O Vesa B-PER x O Miss O your O chance O to O get O our O #LimitedEdition O lyric O shirt O @ B-ORG MerchDirect B-ORG ? O Now O is O your O chance O ! O RT O to O win O one O of O your O own O ! O http://t.co/dvPGuxJiQg O @ B-PER Anthony_Graham B-PER @ B-PER AhLizi B-PER that O would O have O been O awesome O ! O @ B-PER damonayoung B-PER Happy O birthday O eve O ! O Signed O space O photo O for O sale O - O all O the O money O goes O to O charity O . O Also O a O big O cat O photo O by O Ed B-PER Robertson I-PER @barenakedladies O http://t.co/9vp0G5mW4U O Good O morning O The O battle O for O the O supreme O streaming O player O continues O . O Now O Artists O can O sell O merch O on O Spotify B-ORG : O http://t.co/eLdufZw1Sz O @ B-PER ViniDiamandis B-PER great O thank O u O ! O How O are O u O ? O NYC B-LOC models O , O @ B-LOC ModelAllianceNY B-LOC is O having O a O fun O event O with O my O friend O #AlexandraRichards B-PER DJing O + O Pizza O + O Gelato O + O more O . O http://t.co/4YeNSUmgQG O @ B-PER GreeterDan B-PER @ B-ORG SpaceX B-ORG Dan B-PER - O I O very O much O appreciate O you O writing O such O a O detailed O article O & O taking O time O to O match O the O headline O . O Much O appreciated O ! O Yes O RT O @ B-PER NicD__L B-PER : O Do O I O see O @ B-PER howiemandel B-PER bout O to O cry O ? O woah O . O #aft O Photos O by O John B-PER Paul I-PER Pietrus I-PER , O Makeup O by O Niki B-PER M I-PER ' I-PER Nray I-PER , O Hair O by O Danilo B-PER and O Styling O by O Lucia B-PER Liu I-PER for O #CitizenK O - O http://t.co/u3ZumCWJLa O Proud O to O be O Canadian O ! O http://t.co/HnnSxNMkd1 O I O ca O n't O wait O RT O @ B-PER harneymike B-PER : O @ B-PER jstevens3211 B-PER @ B-PER howiemandel B-PER next O week O ! O Very O funny O episode O . O @ B-LOC JapersRink B-LOC New O universe O . O Happy O 25th O Birthday O to O the O one O and O only O @ B-PER ShawnMcKenzieSN B-PER . O Kid O 's O goin O places O . O I O remember O 25 O . O Sort O of O . O Happy O Birthhday O , O son O . O @ B-PER sferreirafelipe B-PER hello O ! O @ B-PER EricJJohnson79 B-PER 10 O - O 4 O Dominos B-ORG pizza I-ORG delivery O guy O dropping O off O pizzas O at O a O Chinese O restaurant O . O Classic O . O http://t.co/fvEE8Z2CDx O @ B-PER MarkDuplass B-PER @ B-PER nicholasstoller B-PER @ B-PER gravytrainevan B-PER thanks O man O ! O ! O ! O ! O That O score O wo O n't O last O ! O @ B-PER RobertConradTV B-PER @ B-PER ichadlowe B-PER Oh O look O who O came O out O of O the O woodwork O ! O ;-) O Why O is O it O there O were O so O many O questions O earlier O from O UK B-LOC residents O asking O when O I O will O be O there O next O ? O Answer O : O Destination O Star O Trek O in O Oct O . O We O 're O ready O , O are O you O ! O ? O @ B-PER AmandadeCadenet B-PER 's O #Undone O is O coming O up O live O right O after O #ProjectRunway O on O @ B-ORG LifetimeTV B-ORG ! O http://t.co/A7d1CFk6pi O 10 O Things O You O Should O Know O Heading O Into O The O @ B-ORG FIBA B-ORG Basketball O World O Cup O Round O of O 16 O ( O via O http://t.co/K4phvCviyi): O http://t.co/b5OdCoRlpt O How O I O spend O my O Saturdays O . O . O . O . O lol O . O http://t.co/4tlQkuswyX O The O new O issue O of O @ B-ORG Inc B-ORG mag B-ORG is O poppin O ' O ! O ! O ! O “ O @ B-PER in9uyenatlife B-PER : O @ B-PER kelly_clarkson B-PER what O do O you O think O of O @ B-PER TheRealGrimmie B-PER ? O ! O :) O ” O She O is O stellar O ! O LOTS O of O great O info O on O climate O change O and O food O on O this O site O from O @ B-ORG CGIAR B-ORG : O http://t.co/CLOT6NyVni O http://t.co/FvjuJ0fUXO O Want O to O see O something O remarkable O ? O Look O how O low O child O mortality O rates O could O drop O by O 2035 O : O http://t.co/3N1SJRRVqB O http://t.co/3pYKupSosa O Did O you O know O ? O 48 O percent O of O IT O pros O say O their O board-level O executives O have O a O subpar O understanding O of O security O issues O http://t.co/DAsepVN5AH O hey O Barry B-PER Happy O B-Day O young O man O ! O wow O does O the O game O miss O you O ( O and O the O Reds B-ORG ! O ) O ;) O enjoy O every O moment O ! O x O c O #ThatsTtodd B-PER http://t.co/4Cp3jUgJvL O Awe O http://t.co/ppn5DPyQ7g O Add O your O name O to O help O millions O of O Americans O who O are O struggling O to O make O ends O meet O on O the O minimum O wage O : O http://t.co/rR3bJQARG0 O #RaiseTheWage O @ B-PER stu_loudon B-PER @ B-ORG gumball3000 B-ORG Thanks O buddy O ! O @ B-PER Izzmo B-PER sorry O for O the O slow O reply O ; O MyKeynote O took O a O patch O this O week O ; O you O may O have O collided O w O / O the O update O ; O let O us O know O if O issues O remain O 🎶 O 🎶 O como O um O anjo O , O voce O apareceu O na O minha O vida O 🎶 O 🎶 O http://t.co/oelWEo2h9b O Headed O home O listening O to O my O homie O @ B-PER Pharrell B-PER " O Gust O of O Wind O " O . O This O my O joint O right O here O ! O ! O U O remind O me O of O the O air O , O YEAH O ! O Put O my O hands O in O the O air O @ B-PER chrisholmez B-PER hey O whats O up O ? O Tonight O we O 're O kicking O off O our O week O at O @ B-LOC UniversalOrl B-LOC with O @ B-PER JLo B-PER and O @ B-PER keeneniwayans B-PER . O It O 's O going O to O be O fun O ! O ! O #FallonOrlando B-LOC #FallonTonight O @ B-ORG jamosfoundation B-ORG @ B-PER piersmorgan B-PER @ B-ORG OfficialFOXES B-ORG parlour B-PER or O Neville B-PER ! O Track O me O from O link O on O FB B-ORG #co54 B-LOC #colorado54 I-LOC #14ers B-ORG #colorado14ers I-ORG #secondmilewater O #co54pilgrimage O http://t.co/Ew5ovI90ht O @ B-PER Mals_Al_Ghul B-PER bro O you O make O me O laugh O ! O ! O We O have O the O winner O ! O Well O done O @ B-PER carolinaxo___ B-PER Follow O me O on O Sportlobster B-ORG to O know O more O . O http://t.co/Yy8xMWjsNb O http://t.co/ScUyy3f28x O @ B-PER Brad_Attitude B-PER thank O you O ! O I O hope O you O listen O to O the O lyrics O carefully O This O week O I O 'm O taping O a O show O full O of O pregnant O moms O & O surprising O them O w O / O big O gifts O for O Mother O 's O Day O . O I O hope O it O does O n't O turn O into O Labor O Day O . O Bogota B-LOC , O Colombia B-LOC ! O Are O you O reaaddddddyyyy O ? O What O 's O hiding O in O your O network O ? O http://t.co/Mqz7z6Pzds O Nigeria B-LOC : O Super B-ORG Eagles I-ORG Have O Everything O to O Play O for O http://t.co/BhQeqZjVO8 O #WorldCup O Today O the O greatest O one O said O goodbye O . O Thanks O for O everything O captain O ! O A O pleasure O and O to O have O lived O so O many O experiences O . O http://t.co/mgqOO4TkYm O @ B-PER LuValentino B-PER What O type O of O device O are O you O using O ? O * O AM O My O first O #wcw. O . O . O http://t.co/IEZ1X4tZkL O Participate O in O this O weekend O 's O Hashtag O Project O : O #WHPtransparent O http://t.co/e8SVgXusTc O http://t.co/5s9JGmM8wR O It O 's O coming O . O . O . O #SheCameToGiveItToYou O . O . O . O A O @ B-PER PhilipAndelman B-PER #Mashup O - O - O > O http://t.co/vihcgTdHXX O http://t.co/B44SlxNIKR O Its O 11 O am O and O I O 'm O cookin O breakfast O for O my O lady O . O Wait O until O she O tries O this O exotic O dish O I O prepared O . O http://t.co/IgndF444M6 O Una B-PER Flor I-PER . O . O . O versión O casera O #LocoDeAmor O http://t.co/kUSL4Y1nT5 O Learn O more O about O @TweetDeck O , O our O most O powerful O tool O for O real-time O tracking O , O organizing O and O engagement O : O https://t.co/xF4HgSYzaC O @ B-PER RobinRoberts B-PER we O appreciate O you O giving O us O your O time O and O heart O . O @ B-ORG jonnysinc B-ORG and O team O did O a O great O job O producing O . O #MasterClass O Team B-ORG USA I-ORG making O us O proud O ! O Ca O n't O wait O to O catch O my O boy O @ B-PER stevenlangton B-PER and O his O team O go O for O the O Gold O this O weekend O @ B-ORG usolympic B-ORG #GoTeamUSA B-LOC @ B-PER skinslovato B-PER nooooo O it O does O make O sense O ! O Ha O En O la O Masía O es O donde O se O forman O los O mejores O centrocampistas O del O mundo O . O Dirigir O el O juego O es O la O clave O . O #Magista O http://t.co/wHGupP2TDl O Being O named O England B-LOC captain O is O a O dream O and O something O I O 'll O take O great O pride O in O doing O . O My O exclusive O interview O is O here O – O http://t.co/RwqO59k0vT O #11thHour O auction O is O dedicated O to O protecting O the O last O wild O places O on O Earth B-LOC . O Thank O you O @ B-ORG ChristiesInc B-ORG . O The O art O : O https://t.co/4ZlZJEfB2B O Parabéns O meu O amigo O ! O http://t.co/zTSQ7YXe80 O Hi O everyone O a O friend O of O mine O is O doing O a O charity O event O please O donate O if O you O can O :) O https://t.co/WRUgtR5FFD O Match O Day O obrigado O Brasil B-LOC http://t.co/hsbxCczHmr O @ B-PER momantheangel B-PER @ B-PER gillesakacake B-PER @ B-PER Wale B-PER I O like O this O photo O . O . O Thoughts O ? O ! O ? O Ok O so O it O 's O 5am O ( O ish O ) O and O I O 'm O living O for O your O pics O / O single O art O ! O From O 327 O Phishing O : O how O cybercrims O do O it O and O what O are O the O targets O ? O http://t.co/jfPGSvH0Yc O " O Our O businesses O have O now O added O nearly O 10 O million O new O jobs O over O the O past O 52 O months O . O " O — O President B-PER Obama I-PER @alwayswithBru O YEEEAAAAHHH O ! O ! O These O guys O give O their O bodies-their O bones O , O their O sweat O , O their O tears O , O their O blood O . O Every O time O they O go O to O work O they O risk O everything O . O Reminds O me O . O . O . O Ladies O , O let O ’ O s O just O say O that O the O carpet O matches O whatever O the O metaphor O for O back O hair O would O be O . O @ B-PER MyNameIsKnees B-PER welcome O Nia B-PER . O USA B-LOC ! O Tune O in O to O @ B-ORG GMA B-ORG tomorrow O morning O for O an O exclusive O sneak O peek O at O 1 B-ORG D I-ORG ’ O s O " O You O and O I O ” O video O ! O #YouAndIonGMA O 1 B-ORG D I-ORG HQ O x O Não O vejo O a O hora O . O . O . O ! O ! O RT O @ B-PER NeymarandLuan B-PER @ B-PER neymarjr B-PER ta O com O saudade O de O jogar O ? O Had O so O much O fun O shooting O with O the O talented O @ B-PER justincoit B-PER today O ! O Ca O n't O wait O for O everyone O to O see O the O pics O :) O @ B-PER byrdiebeauty B-PER @ B-PER NikkiLee901 B-PER Just O posted O a O photo O http://t.co/VcSIcsk8XU O Yes O ! O Thanks O MTV B-ORG IGGY B-PER ! O ! O 😘 O 😘 O 😘 O #bestmusicvideos O #may2014 O 😘 O 😘 O 😘 O 😘 O #CokeBottle O colinseyes O @ B-ORG mtviggy B-ORG http://t.co/TiE3u43xWh O mto O legal O receber O o O carinho O de O um O amigo O e O grande O jogador O como O Leo B-PER Messi I-PER na O sua O biografia O oficial O lançada O recentemente O http://t.co/HFwFwE02EV O #TBT O rockin O out O behind O the O drums O in O Latin B-LOC America I-LOC \ O m O / O http://t.co/cXYBJabO2b O Despedimos O el O año O con O victoria B-PER y O líderes O ! O Grande O Pedro B-PER ! O ! O ! O http://t.co/d0NJ6cHjx6 O @ B-PER HashmiZahra B-PER Are O you O able O to O see O it O in O Google B-ORG Play O ? O What O happens O when O you O click O on O it O ? O * O AM O @jpuspain O la O primera O semana O de O junio O . O ; O 0 O ) O @ B-PER ToniKroos B-PER was O brilliant O again O today O joy O to O watch O Wow O ! O Dream O come O true O ! O Humbled O + O honored O to O receive O this O piece O from O one O of O my O heroes O Richard B-PER MacDonald I-PER . O Thank O you O tons O http://t.co/SwjxX3FQnX O ¡ O ¡ O Golazo O de O luis B-PER Suárez I-PER ! O ! O Shak O Bye O Felicia B-PER http://t.co/SlEGOIsHXf O Another O one O of O my O favorites O . O . O . O . O . O @Bellomag O Hair O by O dickycollins B-PER Makeup O by O Karan B-PER Mitchell I-PER http://t.co/jyKf0JDUOB O HAPPY O MOTHERS O DAY O ! O Me O doing O Moms O makeup O . O http://t.co/i343R4oHOo O @ B-PER hodakotb B-PER . O . O . O . O and O a O stiff O drink O :) O LOVE O the O @ B-PER thek_kollection B-PER looks O in O the O #KimKardashianGame! B-PER http://t.co/XTtuv0KLvk O #VOICESAVE O MATTHEW B-PER ! O ! O ! O Come O on O gang O , O lets O RETWEET O THE O HELL O OUT O OF O THIS O PICTURE O . O #BringBackOurGirl O #STOPCHILDTRAFFICKINGNOW O @ B-ORG RM_Foundation B-ORG http://t.co/zN52d5WaPP O East B-LOC coast I-LOC ! O ! O ! O @ B-PER YoungandHungry B-PER is O coming O on O ! O Immediately O switch O the O channel O to O @ B-ORG ABCFamily B-ORG . O This O is O not O a O test O , O I O repeat O this O is O not O a O test O ! O I O love O how O diverse O my O audience O is O every O night O ! O 8 O years O old O to O 80 O years O old O ! O 🙌 O #blessed O #ThePrismaticWorldTour O CARTER B-PER V I-PER See O y O ' O all O tomorrow O . O Kisses O and O hugs O and O goodnight O ! O 💋 O 💋 O 💋 O No O words O to O describe O the O madness O of O #MainSquareFestival B-LOC ! O ! O It O was O Amazing O ! O ! O ! O #GuettaMainSquare B-LOC cc O @ B-ORG MainSquareFest B-ORG http://t.co/Gg8IQnaRr1 O ¡ O Les O invitamos O a O visitar O la O nueva O página O web O de O la O @ B-PER fpiesdescalzos B-PER ! O http://t.co/bVuGwGo3Po O ShakHQ O http://t.co/qw5BphBNI4 O My O niece O erianlovesyou B-PER coming O in O 1st O place O in O the O 400 O M O today O in O their O first O meet O . O #RunForrestRun… B-PER http://t.co/GwaN8LZBuM O Touring O South B-LOC America I-LOC was O incredible O ! O ! O Thankyou O ! O to O all O of O amazing O ! O supportive O ! O Wonderful O ! O Fans O ! O ! O big O love O gonna O get O some O rest O now O :) O x O @ B-PER charmladonna B-PER our O Parisian O faces O tho O 😂 O http://t.co/dpVAW3OtZh O I O 'd O like O to O address O the O false O stories O and O noise O that O have O been O engineered O by O the O media O . O Noche O demasiado O triste O . O . O . O . O Toda O mi O fuerza O está O contigo O @ B-PER 1victorvaldes B-PER , O hermano O . O Party O Party O time O @ B-ORG DASHBoutique B-ORG ! O ! O ! O ! O 🍕 O 🍕 O Who O 's O coming O … O http://t.co/1Js2CtPyFl O Tonight O 's O preview O ! O #KUWTK. B-ORG . O . O http://t.co/EvHUnvPRsS O Photo O credit O : O Austin B-PER Swift I-PER - O - O Las B-LOC Vegas I-LOC , I-LOC NV I-LOC . O http://t.co/4CRYkU60vw O The O new O Vine B-ORG is O full O of O fantastic O features O , O including O TV O Mode O . O https://t.co/NEPwFmA8IO O I O am O ur O mom O 💁 O “ O @ B-PER KatyCatChloe B-PER : O @ B-PER katyperry B-PER You O sound O like O my O mom O ” O So O proud O of O my O #TeamXtina. B-PER Look O who O made O it O to O # O 1 O on O @ B-ORG itunes B-ORG chart O last O night O ! O ! O ! O Congrats O @ B-ORG MSchulerMusic B-ORG http://t.co/wGiT50yead O يا O شباب O وفتيات O الشيعة O ، O هل O تأخذون O دينكم O من O هذا O ؟ O والله O إني O أحبّ O الخير O لكم O ، O هذا O شيخٌ O شيعي O يُحرف O ايات O القران O … O : O http://t.co/0zQH7xcsan O Blessed O day O . O I O think O I O 'm O falling O in O love O with O New B-LOC York I-LOC all O over O again O . O My O favorite O trip O in O years O :) O . O Wyd O ? O Looking O forward O to O the O show O tomorrow O . O It O 's O gonna O be O fun O . O See O you O guys O then O ! O #FallonTonight O @ B-PER lukejwindsor B-PER @ B-ORG wonderlandmagI B-ORG got O to O interview O people O I O love O ! O It O was O so O rewarding O . O @tavitulle O @lordemusic O @ B-PER Pharrell B-PER @ B-PER lenadunham B-PER @ B-PER jk_rowling B-PER You O 're O just O another O brick O and O I O 'm O a O sledgehammer O #barz O #Boing O is O freedom O from O concern O . O B O = O FFC O ? O ; O ^ O [ O } O 24th O 14 O , O 000 O foot O peak O - O first O to O summit O with O my O son O this O morning O on O Mt B-LOC Yale I-LOC #14ers O #14er O http://t.co/Fcyu4OSRW6 O North B-LOC America I-LOC you O can O get O presale O tickets O now O ! O :) O http://t.co/0nu4d1YNSv O I O loved O working O on O this O new O John B-PER Legend I-PER album O , O LOVE O IN O THE O FUTURE O , O out O now O . O @ B-PER johnlegend B-PER https://t.co/cc1rzT2P6L O http://t.co/65caceLwbP O The O last O time O @ B-ORG USSoccer B-ORG played O Portugal B-ORG in O the O World B-ORG Cup I-ORG , O this O happened O . O http://t.co/l0Oioraddi O . O @ B-ORG Orderofpotter B-ORG EMPATHY O . O To O be O a O great O actor O I O think O you O need O to O be O a O great O listener O . O You O 've O got O to O care O about O people O . O Mathematician O explains O how O a O zombie O virus O would O spread O . O . O . O but O hearing O Morgan B-PER Freeman I-PER say O it O , O makes O it O sound O real O . O . O . O LOL O http://t.co/UpMYTy3BZj O #KKTeam O Quem O foi O o O adversário O do O Milan B-LOC na O estreia O de O Kaká O pelo O Campeonato B-ORG Italiano I-ORG , O em O 2003 O ? O A O . O Napoli B-LOC ; O B O . O Ancona B-LOC ; O C O . O Genoa B-LOC #KKQuiz O Capturing O Cinco O de O Mayo O on O Instagram O http://t.co/Wld1beELlk O #cincodemayo O #iLoveWater O and O so O does O #drop4drop O get O involved O at O http://t.co/Pv6ZTuwOdD O it O 's O world O water O day O ! O http://t.co/nXJvjJsALV O Movie O night O with O the O boys O . O #Godzilla O " O Every O time O you O censor O that O inner O awesome O … O U O stop O being O real O " O #BeReal O So O flattered O by O this O @ B-PER mirandalambert B-PER ! O http://t.co/Uev8Mx4slH O My O sister O @ B-PER jamielynnspears B-PER just O showed O me O . O You O look O amazing O ! O ! O @ B-ORG WomensHealthMag B-ORG Demystifying O NIST B-ORG – O What O the O New O Cybersecurity O Framework O Means O to O You O http://t.co/v1GBxlQrkj O I O messed O up O " O Wedding O Ringer O " O is O coming O out O JAN O 2015 O not O 2016 O . O . O . O . O ok O that O is O all O ! O ! O ! O Enjoy O ur O day O people O ! O ! O ! O ! O I O fucking O love O & O appreciate O y O ' O all O @ B-PER MickWillow B-PER nice O 1 O lad O I O stole O this O pic O from O somebody O on O IG O . O . O . O . O this O shit O had O me O dying O laughing O ! O ! O ! O ! O The O caption O was O " O Bring O me O another O . O . O . O http://t.co/v042BJt8IC O And O I O have O a O few O extra O copies O for O you O . O Just O tweet O #NerdyGirlzSignature O and O let O me O know O you O want O one O ! O :) O TODAY O IS O WORLD O WATER O DAY O . O A O DAY O DEDICATED O TO O THE O BILLION O PEOPLE O WITHOUT O CLEAN O WATER O ! O FOLLOW O @ B-ORG drop4drop B-ORG AND O THEIR O MISSION O #cleanwaterforall O x O PND O 2 O has O the O place O weeeeeak O . O Take O a O break O after O this O long O weekend O and O watch O a O new O #KUWTK O tonight O at O 9 O / O 8 O C O ! O http://t.co/UHVolwbwjn O “ O @ B-PER Weirdo365 B-PER : O @ B-PER ashleytisdale B-PER Why O did O n't O you O kiss O her O #YoungAndHungryChat” O do O n't O worry O . O . O . O . O Just O wait O ;) O I O hope O the O two O of O you O ' O get O some O ' O very O soon O :) O #cryingparents O Join O me O in O supporting O #1night1drop O imagined O by O @ B-ORG cirque B-ORG to O support O @ B-ORG ONEDROP B-ORG . O Check O out O the O awesomeness O here O : O http://t.co/0S6nuf42QR O One O of O my O favorite O artists O Lana B-PER Del I-PER Rey I-PER ’ O s O new O album O . O http://t.co/14BIkuVvW2 O http://t.co/TDk8OmPMUF O German O Grand O Prix O : O How O #performance O in O the O race O impacted O the O responsiveness O of O the O websites O , O by O @ B-PER waynewill1 B-PER #webperf O http://t.co/qOzRylhGnK O True O American O Dream O . O . O . O On O the O way O to O the O @ B-LOC WhiteHouse B-LOC #HappyIndependenceDay O http://t.co/GLKMVyCe0W O #tbt. O . O . O . O . O 2 O . O 5 O Men O http://t.co/BoPLznMVdP O Tomorrow O , O meet O me O @ O @pacha O for O @FMIFOfficial O ! O #GUETTAPACHA O http://t.co/Tfw6eXMHFm O Hello O http://t.co/xvkFQtVqLz O Got O to O playfight O with O the O Dalai B-PER Lama I-PER today O . O What O a O lucky O love O filled O life O I O have O . O What O a O sweet O soul O he O is O . O ; O ^ O } O @ B-PER SMARTMRTEE B-PER What O type O of O device O are O you O using O ? O * O AM O Just O heard O this O . O . O . O thx O @power939 O for O playing O my O record O 😘 O #top40 O #cokebottle O 😘 O #wichita B-LOC #kansas I-LOC Que O tengais O una O semana O de O nuevas O vivencias O . O " O @Xit_music O : O @ B-PER AlejandroSanz B-PER mira O ya O tengo O mi O #MrSanz B-PER :D O http://t.co/UOOWTyg7S2 O " O ;) O te O sienta O de O maravilla B-LOC Just O had O the O most O wicked O dream O whilst O I O was O in O my O tour O bus O bunk O . O . O . O @ B-PER Curly_Styles98 B-PER I O would O love O to O . O . O Rehearsing O dance O moves O or O just O keeping O fit O ? O What O will O you O use O your O #GearFit O for O ? O http://t.co/XE7jJejVGP O http://t.co/lIpduehY1w O Make O sure O your O name O is O on O this O minimum O wage O petition O : O http://t.co/XTmZjgXL8m O #RaiseTheWage O Excited O for O #MYBigNightOut O Concert O with O @ B-PER EdSheeran B-PER , O @ B-PER ColbieCaillat B-PER + O @ B-PER andygrammer B-PER on O 6 O / O 16 O ! O ! O ! O ! O 😜 O Get O tix O here O : O http://t.co/5Pc4dv28O8 O @ B-PER linnjones B-PER hi O @ B-PER inpinitwuyun B-PER When O did O this O start O happening O ? O * O AM B-PER wheels O up O http://t.co/KZmlP9R4DL O Here O we O go O let O the O Parenting O Revolution O begin O @ B-PER DrShefali B-PER on O @OWNtv O right O now O ! O #Lifeclass O Proud O of O u O , O making O history O RT O @ B-PER MaxMutchnick B-PER : O There O goes O the O neighborhood O #Will B-PER Grace I-PER added O to O @ B-PER Smithsonian B-PER collection O http://t.co/0mfMmetkzY O Today O , O England B-ORG fans O are O all O Italy B-ORG fans O . O @ B-PER FinallyMario B-PER is O well O aware O . O https://t.co/yDQmb6ny05 O Yesterday O , O Luis B-PER Suarez I-PER showed O the O world O that O , O even O at O half-fit O , O he O is O scary O good O - O > O http://t.co/XrC8zhDT8U O @ B-PER KevinSpacey B-PER Your O Johnny B-PER Carson I-PER , O tonight O on O Kimmel B-PER , O was O great O ! O Thanks O 4 O bring O back O " O The O King O of O Latenight O " O , O even O if O just O for O a O few O minutes O . O En O media O hora O comienza O el O sorteo O que O dará O con O los O rivales O del O Real B-ORG Madrid I-ORG en O la O Fase O de O Grupos O de O la O #UCL. O #UCLdraw O #halamadrid B-ORG Happy O Bachelorette O to O my O sister O to O be O ~ O Christie B-PER ! O < O 3 O #vegas B-LOC http://t.co/Ldnd7SNAxV O #MarcJacobs B-PER #NYFW O #HarpersBazaar B-PER @ O Harper O 's O Bazaar O http://t.co/8C1FXD7D0j O #FlawsomeBall2014 O has O come O to O an O end O , O but O our O #TZONE O sisterhood O is O forever O . O TZONE O sistas O , O OUT O ! O Thank O you O to O the O Beautiful O @ B-PER ShaniaTwain B-PER for O coming O to O my O show O . O . O . O #ShaniaTwain B-PER http://t.co/CHaUOgLvP4 O @ B-PER ughxariana B-PER love O you O bby B-PER Let O 's O go O big O DC B-ORG Daniel B-PER Cormier I-PER ! O Class O never O runs O scared O . O It O is O sure-footed O and O confident O , O and O it O can O handle O whatever O comes O along O . O … O http://t.co/BgIT6PGSU1 O @ B-PER PrincessDie96 B-PER @ B-PER danaspecial B-PER what O a O cute O pic O ! O Awww O ! O 💗 O A O tie O score O does O n't O feel O right O . O Who O do O I O taunt O ? O Com O licença O . O . O . O posso O entrar O ? O Amfar B-PER #giveback O It O 's O time O . O Watch O Messi B-PER & O Ronaldo B-PER run O for O #GALAXY11 O to O prove O football O just O might O save O the O planet O ! O http://t.co/A6Ph8rRFUt O Cool O eyes O on O #theVOICEau O with O the O lovely O @ B-PER kylieminogue B-PER http://t.co/lFNNCz5gcM O but O first O . O . O . O . O #lemmetakeaselfie O #bangerztourselfie O http://t.co/sMaqdzpYxI O Excited O about O my O new O honor O as O a O Walk O of O Famer O for O Class O of O 2015 O @ B-PER Wofstargirl B-PER #HollywoodWalkoffame B-LOC #dale B-PER http://t.co/3G7j2hw0oi O I O 've O had O 2 O so O far O . O . O . O how O many O more O times O will O I O change O tonight O ? O ? O ? O ? O #theVOICEau. O . O . O Pay O close O attention O . O . O . O #willCHANGES O @ B-PER _NicoleHurst B-PER love O these O pics O :) O I O miss O you O and O your O beautiful O voice O ! O Estrella O nunca O falla O , O qué O buen O mensaje O el O de O este O año O ! O http://t.co/hzLHo7ZpYP O http://t.co/Wadi1UdSuF O #nigeria B-ORG Nigeria I-ORG 1 O Bosnia- B-ORG Hercegovina I-ORG 0 O : O http://t.co/2MVPS6DHWF O Yes O you O are O . O http://t.co/X5yOUM1p4O O I O 'm O honored O to O be O your O mama O ! O I O 'm O so O glad O you O chose O me O . O . O . O #mothers O #children O #thegreatestgift… O http://t.co/0bVp9AODeJ O when O the O TNT O & O the O break O of O Jim B-PER Day I-PER are O hanging O at O the O Reds B-ORG camp O , O all O things O bad O are O brewing O . O . O . O c O #MyFriendsRule O http://t.co/2SF8OpaNfd O Due O to O the O incredible O amount O of O player O activity O and O downloads O the O #KimKardashianGame B-PER was O unavailable O last O night O : O - O ( O I O am O soooo O sorry O ! O ! O ! O @ B-PER DaveBoll B-PER 1 O . O Press O your O phone O 's O menu O button O from O your O UberSocial O timeline O 2 O . O Tap O " O More O " O 3 O . O Tap O " O Settings O " O 4 O . O Tap O " O About O . O . O . O 1 O / O 2 O Who O 's O watching O KUWTK O tonight O ? O ! O ? O http://t.co/wX5cBV2RSt O Sesión O preparatoria O antes O del O #RSORealMadrid. B-ORG #halamadrid I-ORG http://t.co/frEUVKJ4OS O @ B-PER GuettasAdidas B-PER Wait O & O see O ;) O #mystery O @ B-PER VDOOZER B-PER he O was O such O a O dude O , O really O enjoyed O it O . O @ B-PER ladygaga B-PER Wow O ! O ! O Thank O you O for O the O incredible O support O for O @ B-PER jacquieleemusic B-PER . O #TheVoice O @ B-PER johnlegend B-PER it O 's O simple O , O two O of O those O make O money O and O two O of O those O spend O money O . O Greed O outweighs O progress O every O time O . O When O will O we O learn O ? O ? O :( O Adding O Web O Security O Gateway O Anywhere O hybrid O service O [ O VIDEO O ] O http://t.co/28za97r9jy O The O world O is O better O than O it O 's O ever O been O , O but O I O 'm O struck O by O how O few O people O know O this O . O Read O why O : O http://t.co/nia17qqjWj O http://t.co/8f4aHfDPdU O Writing O a O song O with O these O guys O today O . O :) O http://t.co/sAnYgzeR3i O I O still O can O ’ O t O get O over O @ B-PER jacquieleemusic B-PER ’ O s O performance O tonight O . O So O powerful O & O deserving O of O everyone O ’ O s O vote O ! O #VoiceTop5 O http://t.co/Wk8VKy0PnY O Guys O ! O Check O out O my O girl O @ B-PER HilaryDuff B-PER new O song O #ChasingTheSun O on O iTunes O ! O It O 's O gets O in O ur O head O ! O http://t.co/gtF8CmKfGA O hey O guys O watch O my O crazy O friend O Jimmy B-PER Martinez I-PER on O his O new O hit O Centric O television O show O " O According O to O Him O & O Her O " O airing O July O 11th O at O 10 O pm O EST O En O casa O preparado O para O ver O la O nueva O serie O @ElPrincipe_tv O en O Telecinco O ! O Muy O buena O pinta O . O . O . O #feliznoche O Science O and O economics O tell O us O 100 O % O clean O energy O is O possible O . O First O step O , O get O inspired O . O @ B-PER JasonSilva B-PER http://t.co/RvRxzbjYam O #lol O http://t.co/tk5kFzaM0V O Check O @ B-ORG Target B-ORG 's O US O TV O ad O for O Ghost O Stories O ( O featuring O A O Sky O Full O Of O Stars O and O the O band O levitating O … O ) O http://t.co/zkjf8cwed1 O A O A O beginner O 's O guide O to O Reddit O from O @ B-ORG mashable B-ORG . O http://t.co/14xtYSkqno O Good O to O have O u O in O dat O Green O and O Yellow O Ha O Ha O ! O ! O Turnup O @NBCTheVoice O @ B-PER edsheeran B-PER and O @ B-PER ChristinaGrimme B-PER so O pretty O . O . O . O . O wow O , O I O loved O that O ! O I O 'm O entertaining O u O @ B-PER KINGRICH_MH B-PER bcuz O I O 'm O bored O in O a O car O on O a O way O 2 O do O sum O fun O great O shit O with O my O kids O while O u O angrily O look O at O my O uTube O clips O Tb O ☺ O ️ O http://t.co/IqyEuaEr2x O I O swear O I O 'm O not O chewing O your O heels O mommy O . O Were O just O talking O . O 😇 O #asiaGram O http://t.co/lhrwwN1zEK O Tonight O on O Anger O Management O Toronto B-ORG Blue I-ORG Jay I-ORG 's O pitcher O Conner B-PER Greene I-PER . O . O ! O Tune O in O to O #FX O at O 9 O . O . O ! O … O http://t.co/N3Jxw9gOwM O 11 O : O 11 O - O Make O A O Wish O . O . O . O . O #DreamsDoComeTrue O #ComeAlive O Really O really O enjoyed O the O show O last O night O ! O It O was O so O crazy O ! O Night O 2 O in O Santiago B-LOC ca O n't O wait O ! O #WWATinChile B-LOC @ B-PER TheArtofOil B-PER I O love O it O . O Thank O you O . O Parabéns O gurizada O do O Galo O campeã O da O Copa O do O Brasil B-LOC Sub- O 17 O , O muito O bom O ver O essa O geração O crescendo O e O tendo O sucesso O ! O http://t.co/T8n1qyD4uU O “ O @ B-PER patternisland B-PER : O Original O pic O of O @ActuallyNPH O ( O had O to O do O it O , O perfect O pic O ! O ) O . O . O . O http://t.co/tys0MbClKW O ” O Love O I O 'm O a O big O supporter O of O @ B-ORG TrevorProject B-ORG . O Get O your O tickets O to O #TrevorLIVE B-PER on O June O 16 O . O Let O 's O mingle O . O http://t.co/7TuwqeTqQh O #dopepic O #littleswag O http://t.co/zUhqGNT1F8 O That O definitely O was O NOT O my O selection O for O the O cover O . O . O . O ugh O ! O 😂 O " O And O it O 's O your O voice O that O 's O going O to O change O this O country O . O " O — O President B-PER Obama I-PER #OpportunityForAll O I O see O fire O . O @ B-PER edsheeran B-PER http://t.co/AH4si5Ov3V O On O this O day O the O Battle O of O Haarlemmermeer B-LOC , O a O naval O engagement O during O the O Dutch O War O of O Independence O , O was O fought O . O #didntneedwikipedia O #whosthisartist? O http://t.co/YxKSNabq09 O http://t.co/mALE41WOx7 O Hey O girl O , O the O Bottle B-ORG Boys I-ORG have O a O favor O to O ask O . O http://t.co/n5r4dAWjm6 O http://t.co/pT1xLUnrmG O And O only O 10 O days O left O till O I O join O the O @backstreetboys O for O the O US B-LOC leg O of O their O #IAWLTSummer O tour O ! O So O excited O to O see O the O guys O again O ! O ! O @ B-PER Harvey1Patty B-PER lucky O ! O ! O 3 O weeks O early O , O I O 'm O so O jealous O ! O ! O @ B-PER MRGUMBALL3000 B-PER Mazal O Tov O ! O ! O ! O ! O “ O @ B-PER gypsyheart24 B-PER : O @ B-PER ashleytisdale B-PER #YoungAndHungryChat O What O was O it O like O working O with O Jessica B-PER Lowndes I-PER ? O ” O She O was O so O sweet O and O cool O ! O Hace O unos O meses O grabé O mi O primer O anuncio O para O @POWERADE O como O embajador O global O . O La O fuerza O está O en O ser O uno O mismo O . O http://t.co/aye10Y43tc O " O Manufacturing O is O adding O jobs O for O the O first O time O since O the O '90s O . O " O — O President B-PER Obama I-PER #OpportunityForAll O @ B-PER IGGYAZALEA B-PER Iggy B-PER Iggy I-PER Iggy I-PER ! O ! O ! O ! O Thank O you O so O much O ! O Ca O n't O wait O for O us O to O share O the O stage O . O #actinlikedat O Keynote B-ORG customer O Royal B-PER Philips I-PER shares O its O experiences O on O running O mobile O and O web O performance O monitoring O #webperf O http://t.co/F1R9mrnstZ O “ O @ B-PER HarryConnickJR B-PER : O she O had O no O idea O . O @ B-PER JLo B-PER #stalkie O @ B-LOC AmericanIdol B-LOC http://t.co/ozSekdBwGK O ” O #idolselfie O On O the O piss O at O the B-LOC Huxley I-LOC in O Edinburgh B-LOC with O @ B-PER savagi21 B-PER . O Resident O movie O star O . O @teamwolfpack3000 O http://t.co/bOEvTr2Jgk O @ B-PER HarkinOmy B-PER What O type O of O device O are O you O using O ? O * O AM O @ B-PER StuartCamp B-PER you O know O nothing O If O you O ’ O re O not O listening O to O @ B-PER troyesivan B-PER , O you O ’ O re O missing O out O . O http://t.co/Q2XJhOiFJ8 O http://t.co/vpxsPypeXD O Coldplay B-ORG are O magical O ! O ! O X O http://t.co/Hc8cfSMX O Do O you O want O access O to O #YouAndI O stems O to O remix O the O track O ? O Check O this O out O . O . O . O 1 O DHQ O x O http://t.co/CmxbxKYcxe O Well O I O feel O wizzo O today O ! O :) O . O @ B-PER ArianaGrande B-PER I O am O playing O your O music O right O now O , O girl O ! O Runway O walkin O down O my O hallway O to O the O beat O ! O #TheFierceWay O 🐰 O the O Easter B-PER bunny O came O 🐰 O aka O @ B-PER waynecoyne B-PER @ I-PER katy_weaver I-PER http://t.co/eyp2m09unr O The O #GALAXYTabS O makes O its O first O public O appearance O at O #TabIntoColor. O http://t.co/AAD6uLexAy O Just O posted O a O photo O http://t.co/TE0vs3wMYL O The O next O round O of O #PieceOfMe O tickets O are O up O NOW O ! O ! O Which O shows O are O y O ' O all O coming O to O ? O ? O ❤ O ️ O http://t.co/y4Yk75uy41 O http://t.co/7Us9M4wNQ6 O Yea O I O 'm O talking O Ye O Yea O I O 'm O talking O Rih O Yea O I O 'm O talking O B O Nigga O I O 'm O talking O me O ! O Thank O You O @ B-ORG EBONYMag B-ORG #BlackMusicMonth O http://t.co/d350JCN2ql O USA B-LOC ! O 1 B-ORG D I-ORG are O up O for O 3 O @ B-ORG radiodisney B-ORG #RDMAS! O Tune O in O to O the O show O tonight O at O 8 O / O 7c O on O @disneychannel O ! O 1 O DHQ O x O Thanks O to O all O of O you O for O @ B-PER hartluck B-PER s O bday B-PER wishes O , O he O is O so O grateful O for O the O extended O family O you O all O are O . O Thanks O for O a O great O day O @ B-LOC UniStudios B-LOC loved O the O mummy O and O my O favorite O Jurassic O park O @ B-PER CheyneThomas B-PER playing O the O role O of O Squidward B-PER 🍍 O 🍍 O 🍍 O “ O @ B-PER MAJORLAZER B-PER : O 👦 O " O DO O I O LOOK O STONED O ? O " O 👱 O " O NAAH O BRO O YOU O GOOD O " O http://t.co/rk7PS4VxGu O ” O See O how O Zeus O Gameover O steals O your O data O in O our O new O video O & O find O out O how O to O protect O against O attacks O . O http://t.co/Vmg5OsrzoV O Celebramos O ! O ! O ! O ! O http://t.co/Qs2Tg1TXMk O ! O ! O Greetings O from O Montpellier B-LOC , I-LOC France I-LOC 🇫🇷 O O tps://t.co/PSleTSIEmD O I O had O an O amazing O weekend O . O It O was O just O so O good O . O . O . O so O special O . O Sometimes O we O gotta O just O sit O & O remember O how O good O something O was O . O #doingnow O It O ai O n't O an O all O star O game O without O dat O boy O Lance B-PER Stephenson I-PER @calsookdog O @ B-PER DrShefali B-PER @SuperSoulSunday O I O so O agree O . O It O 's O the O same O thing O @ B-PER EckhartTolle B-PER is O saying O . O APPLYING O it O to O parenting O . O #SuperSoulSunday O @ B-PER Louis_Tomlinson B-PER vas O sapning O G O ! O VERSACE B-ORG AFTER O PARTY O IS O LITERALLY O LIT O . O :) O http://t.co/XD9axooaru O Ladies O we O have O a O special O edition O #REVOLTLive O with O @ B-PER TreySongz B-PER PERFORMING O on O Mon O . O 7 O . O 28 O | O Get O your O FREE O … O http://t.co/5QV5vy3yGV O Step O brotherrrssss O ! O ! O ! O ! O Thank O you O Simon B-PER , O sonny B-PER and O everyone O at O syco O ace O gift O :D O http://t.co/EXDVeJmd98 O #TBT O to O when O RIFF O RAFF O @ B-PER JODYHiGHROLLER B-PER & O I O were O dating O & O we O took O it O to O da O studio O to O make O dat O real O ✨ O magic O ✨ O http://t.co/RB1rx6wmBY O 💁 O How O stunning O is O my O sister O ? O ! O ? O Fashion O credits O : O Kardashian B-PER Kollection O pants O , O Saint B-ORG Laurent I-ORG blouse O , O … O http://t.co/bTUPqJ9uju O #GoodTimes O at O @ B-LOC amnesia_ibiza B-LOC . O Marco B-PER Carola I-PER is O such O a O #Legend O 🙌 O #BOSS O 🎶 O 😝 O 🎶 O @ O Amnesia B-LOC - O Ibiza B-LOC http://t.co/XUyny42C9O O @ B-PER blairgarner B-PER @ B-PER TerriClarkMusic B-PER @ B-ORG AmericasMorning B-ORG I O would O be O super O happy O if O she O still O has O this O & O would O commit O 2 O a O photo O shoot O . O . O . O . O Just O sayin O :) O Also O wanna O thank O everyone O at O #Nobu B-LOC @ B-LOC CaesarsPalace B-LOC for O an O amazing O post-show O dinner O ! O Treino O hoje O em O Nantong B-LOC se O preparando O para O a O partida O de O amanhã O contra O o O Jiangsu B-LOC Shuntian I-LOC ! O ! O #GaloNaChina B-LOC http://t.co/8zUy9e7neG O Sportscenter B-LOC got O the O 2 O hotties O on O right O now O ! O ! O ! O I O ai O n't O changing O the O channel O . O . O . O . O . O . O like O I O ever O do O . O Duh O nuh O nuh O Duh O nuh O nuh O to O dat O ! O http://t.co/DC9Ol9DR9t O Thank O you O @ B-LOC Hot975Vegas B-LOC @ B-PER SheritaSberry B-PER @ B-ORG RadioMiggy B-ORG & O @ B-ORG Vegas24seven B-ORG for O your O love O & O support O ! O 😘 O 😘 O 😘 O http://t.co/Ad3yRP9bt4 O It O 's O almost O time O for O the O #IdolFinale O #JLoFirstLoveonIdol B-PER http://t.co/wFEugmKniR O http://t.co/abLEZY3fXE O . O @ B-PER atthelabyrinth B-PER I O was O working O on O it O today O with O David B-PER Heyman I-PER . O : O ) O I O ca O n't O wait O . O @ B-PER HashmiZahra B-PER Are O you O receiving O an O error O code O ? O * O AM B-PER Nights O started O ! O :) O only O reason O I O made O this O twelve O hour O trip O is O grandps B-PER told O me O he O wanted O me O to O always O be O professional O & O fulfill O my O business O commitments O :( O 💜 O Manchester B-LOC , O you O were O absolutely O lovely O . O . O Thank O you O for O coming O . O See O you O tomorrow O . O x O Here O we O go O @ B-PER MegZGrenfell B-PER a O + O mazing O ! O ! O they O were O having O a O " O cooking O show O " O last O night O in O the O kitchen O lol O Gonna O kick O this O BBQ O off O right O with O my O favorite O summer O groove O : O Bjork B-PER ’ O s O “ O Human O Behaviour O . O ” O Tips O for O an O easy O #Easter O dinner O via O @ B-PER inagarten B-PER 's O blog O . O Garlic O , O mustard O , O chutney O & O brown O sugar O glaze O on O sprial O cut O ham O http://t.co/UNn3Rq5uZ3 O Hi O Super O Soulers O unable O to O tweet O with O you O today O . O Thanks O all O for O your O beautiful O words O of O support O for O our O beloved O @ B-PER DrMayaAngelou B-PER #loveMaya B-PER Queria O muito O jogar O hoje O , O infelizmente O ainda O estou O em O recuperação O galera O , O mas O vou O torcer O muito O pelo O grupo O ! O http://t.co/8xVvm57J2T O I O ❤ O ️ O Foam O ! O @ O Paris B-PER Hilton I-PER 's O Foam O & O Diamond O Party O at O Amnesia B-LOC Ibiza I-LOC 💎 O http://t.co/xu7vkdYsAk O Today O is O my O favorite O brother O 's O bday O ;) O Happy O happy O birthday O Bryan B-PER ! O 🎉 O 🎂 O 💕 O #throwback O #goodtimes O http://t.co/1pBZrKJjxJ O Check O out O all O of O the O best O action O from O the O final O day O of O the O @ B-ORG FIBA B-ORG #Spain2014 B-LOC Preliminary O Round O : O http://t.co/foNXfk0Dpt O http://t.co/6ppjbnTwnK O @ B-PER paddyupdates B-PER . O . O . O Paddy B-PER update O : O paddy B-PER just O picked O his O nose O Introducing O loop O counts O — O Watch O as O the O number O increases O in O real O time O each O time O your O Vine O is O viewed O http://t.co/XApG42n6CY O @ B-PER khutso001 B-PER What O type O of O device O are O you O using O ? O * O AM B-PER Grande O equipo O ! O Partidazo O ! O Fuimos O valientes O y O fieles O al O estilo O ! O Muy O contento O por O el O gol O y O por O todo O ! O Con O @ B-PER MarcBartra91 B-PER http://t.co/Z43kSJfQDG O Had O an O amazing O meal O at O Eleven B-LOC Madison I-LOC Park I-LOC , O as O a O precursor O to O @ B-PER Davidburtka B-PER 's O b O ' O day O on O Thursday O . O Truly O remarkable O . O http://t.co/yjDC7zDb8f O #ciroclife O http://t.co/YTMqNTtTgj O 11 O / O 7 O on O PBS O : O Mark B-PER Zuckerberg I-PER & O Sheryl B-PER Sandberg I-PER with O Charlie B-PER Rose I-PER ( O http://t.co/tCCRGRzE). O Check O here O 4 O local O listings O : O http://t.co/zaEKJGeb O PEACE O everyone O ! O Mucha O paz O mi O gente O ! O http://t.co/uH5S84ZxTN O @ B-PER katycattt B-PER I O ca O n't O believe O I O did O n't O see O this O yesterday O 🙍 O Wish O I O could O be O there O cheering O the O runners O . O If O you O 're O there O & O you O 're O reading O this O , O will O you O yell O , O " O Ellen B-PER says O woo O ! O " O ? O Thanks O . O #BostonMarathon B-ORG The O enhanced O @vineapp O on O the O #GALAXYKzoom O can O , O you O guessed O it O , O zoom O ! O http://t.co/L4c6kYwcrH O Momma O received O her O surprise O b-day O gift O today O . O Enjoy O and O love O you O momma O ! O Trying O to O figure O out O how O to O … O http://t.co/an7IZwNWIN O @ B-PER christianevejlo B-PER Thanks O for O coming O ! O We O think O it O will O be O worth O the O wait O . O #TheNextGALAXY O @LA_Saxophone15 O busey B-PER . O 0 O @ B-PER fairydustharry B-PER thank O you O :) O @ B-PER KissFMUK B-PER playing O some O bad O tunes O ! O ! O MY O GUY O . O . O . O . O http://t.co/r5eDQq2lTZ O Tired O of O being O unhappy O ? O Fix O it O . O What O 's O your O favourite O #GhostStories B-ORG song O ? O Tweet O #AlwaysInMyHead O #Magic O #Ink O #TrueLove O #Midnight O #AnothersArms O #Oceans O #ASFOS O #O O ( O thanks O ! O ) O A O Good O morning O dolls O ! O New O #KUWTK O tonight O ! O ! O http://t.co/ImFIhWQX8C O 😘 O Hand O in O Hand O with O Benedetto B-PER Demaio I-PER http://t.co/j6UIHTPLyQ O @ B-PER Pilarsmith B-PER buenas O nochas O ! O Now O if O my O little O guy O thinks O The O Journals O of O @ B-PER MamaMae B-PER & O LeeLee B-PER is O fly O … O you O KNOW O it O ’ O s O fly O ! O ;-) O http://t.co/ToV3cXSs0N O @ B-PER JohnNewmanMusic B-PER I O like O the O song O son O El O día O del O sorteo O de O Champions O siempre O es O un O día O bonito O . O Nos O ha O tocado O el O Atlético O y O así O lo O veo O : O https://t.co/9FobcnVTNC O @ B-PER naughtybob B-PER you O dirty O bastard O ! O ! O :D O What O traffic O looks O like O if O you O jump O from O a O sleepy O company O in O half O stealth O mode O to O # O 1 O on O Hacker B-ORG News I-ORG #CDN O #webperf O https://t.co/zhLjzySIVV O No O Purchase O Necessary O . O Go O to O http://t.co/5Zhtjd5nZA O for O information O on O how O you O enter O and O full O rules O ! O Ends O 6 O / O 30 O / O 14 O . O #DoIt O Obrigado O @ B-PER mauriciodesousa B-PER ! O ! O Ficou O show O de O bola O ! O ! O ;-) O https://t.co/fYLMmJR3ri O . O @ B-ORG Avaaz B-ORG has O joined O us O in O the O fight O to O save O #elephants! O Pls O sign O to O ban O the O bloody O #ivory O trade O in O #Thailand: B-LOC http://t.co/F4oj0vsiSH O I O wish O we O ’ O d O had O these O when O I O was O in O school O : O students O giving O their O own O #TEDTalks: B-ORG http://t.co/3Pn5diFR83 O http://t.co/qi9dWxxLAF O Thank O you O for O having O us O Amsterdam B-LOC . O You O 're O always O amazing O . O See O you O again O soon O I O hope O . O x O @ B-PER Wilson_Daniella B-PER logistical O nightmares O are O part O of O the O deal O . O . O . O Part O of O the O adventure O ! O This O week O on O Facebook O : O https://t.co/elalUZODtq O and O yesss O video O soon O 💜 O i O know O you O hate O that O word O but O it O 's O on O the O way O My O mom O always O says O " O when O you O enjoy O reaping O , O do O n't O forget O the O most O important O part O . O Sowing O " O . O Really O what O … O http://t.co/09RgIGBmi4 O " O Climate O change O poses O a O direct O threat O to O the O infrastructure O of O America B-LOC . O " O — O President B-PER Obama I-PER http://t.co/9mSDnbYtf3 O #ActOnClimate O Lose O yourself O to O pizza O . O http://t.co/rogOnxwhSf O http://t.co/jeAqDWeOTC O Bye O Ibiza B-LOC ! O Taking O off O to O Cannes B-LOC ! O ✈ O ️ O @ O Ibiza B-LOC http://t.co/Cu5QqJenfT O “ O @ B-PER ferreiragugacuf B-PER : O @ B-PER ivetesangalo B-PER A O TARDE O COM O IVETE O SANGALO O FICA O MUITO O MAIS O ILUMINADA O E O FELIZ O ! O ! O HEHEHE O TARDE O DONA O MOÇA O ! O ” O tarde O gostosa O ! O 😘 O Watched O the O first O Grand O Prix O on O Sunday O . O My O mini O makes O more O noise O . O Seriously O . O @ B-PER TerriClarkMusic B-PER @ B-ORG AmericasMorning B-ORG putting O a O comforter O inside O a O duvet O cover O might O be O 1 O of O the O most O annoying O tasks O on O the O planet O . O Workout O time O ! O ! O ! O @ B-PER JesseLeonard11 B-PER no O way O i O 'm O setting O foot O in O ohio B-LOC Reminder O : O the O lead O booker O 's O name O will O be O printed O on O London B-LOC tickets O . O The O lead O booker O must O attend O the O show O , O with O ID O & O arrive O with O any O guests O A O This O is O what O life O is O all O about O . O . O . O . O I O bust O my O ass O to O give O my O kids O these O moments O . O . O . O . O #MyDaughterHasNoBalance O . O . O . O http://t.co/XZqJmB9E8S O Only O one O more O hour O East B-LOC Coast I-LOC ! O . O . O . O http://t.co/KK690bpBP1 O My O little O man O is O stunting O like O his O daddy O ! O ! O ! O ! O #LilSwag B-PER #myminime I-PER http://t.co/JpXS2BVVLh O Today O is O a O great O day O to O BE O GREAT O #LetsGo! O ! O ! O Cote B-LOC d I-LOC ' I-LOC Ivoire I-LOC : O Ivoirian O Coach O Plays O Cards O Close O to O Chest O http://t.co/MuVTrTHSXv O #WorldCup2014 O http://t.co/Jl7kOd8P5h O Kkkkkkk O Tá O acompanhando O , O né O ? O ! O ! O ? O RT O @ B-PER UaiJuninho B-PER @ B-PER neymarjr B-PER quem O vai O fazer O a O janta O aí O amanhã O ? O The O @ B-ORG foofighters B-ORG may O look O innocent O but O they O 'll O SHOCK O you O out O of O your O seat O with O this O #IceBucketChallenge. O http://t.co/Ks4zMFwQlm O Attention O all O mothers O with O babies O . O . O . O . O Best O book O I O 've O ever O read O ! O ! O My O baby O girl O sleeps O 11 O - O 12 O hours O every O night O ! O http://t.co/ypgMuF6jWu O Shows O have O been O great O ! O ! O You O can O tell O by O the O look O in O my O eyes O , O I O live O for O this O shit O . O #thrillseeker O #ferrariworld… B-ORG http://t.co/3tg7eSuJo0 O The O show O was O so O loud O last O night O , O thank O you O everyone O who O has O kept O supporting O us O so O far O . O . O You O really O are O incredible O . O I O love O you O a O lot O . O x O Es O el O momento O . O ' O The O Last O Game O . O http://t.co/k1sJuWsgh2 O @ B-ORG nike_spain B-ORG #arriesgalotodo O Read O about O that O time O @ B-PER NickyHilton B-PER and O I O were O supposed O to O be O on O ' O Sex O & O the O City O ' O http://t.co/ktYsfuMdEX O Não O ! O ! O Bacana O ! O ! O ! O ! O RT O @FriendsNeymar O @ B-PER neymarjr B-PER Você O sabia O que O você O está O participando O do O MPN O ( O premiação O ) O ? O . O @ B-PER Mariana_gde B-PER @ B-PER russellcrowe B-PER is O a O great O actor O . O Working O one O on O one O with O him O was O one O of O the O richest O experiences O I O have O ever O had O as O an O actress O . O The O last O time O Honduras B-ORG scored O a O World O Cup O goal O , O “ O Eye O of O the O Tiger O ” O was O one O of O the O top O songs O on O the O charts O . O # O 1982 O Watching O these O OGs O bet O on O the O fight O was O just O as O fun O #Bangkok B-LOC http://t.co/wDNUgPydR2 O How O Royal B-ORG Philips I-ORG runs O mobile O performance O monitoring O and O how O to O get O started O http://t.co/R2Xayc9IdL O #webperf O #TeamUsher B-PER Help O ya O boy O get O #OMG O @ B-ORG Vevo B-ORG certified O . O . O . O RT O and O throw O it O back O ! O #tbt O - O - O > O http://t.co/4hexR9VXql O http://t.co/xzWtVTJ8Ng O 💥 O @disclosure O https://t.co/1p967nf5aN O I O am O a O RAINBOW O WARRIOR O 🌈 O 🌈 O 🌈 O My O friend O @ B-PER pcousteau B-PER begins O an O epic O journey O w O / O @World_Wildlife O to O ' O 30 B-LOC Hills I-LOC ' O - O check O it O out O : O http://t.co/5VWY74R2gi O And O usually O always O right O . O http://t.co/1wdEhiBIMI O “ O @ B-PER lucybellnix B-PER : O @ B-PER kelly_clarkson B-PER my O husband O just O informed O me O its O because O they O have O sharp O edges O ! O ” O Okay O wow O , O then O I O would O be O nervous O as O well O . O Tonight O we O 're O playing O Charades O with O Halle B-PER Berry I-PER & O @ B-PER chriscolfer B-PER . O Plus O @ B-ORG FLAGALine B-ORG performs O their O new O single O ! O It O 's O gonna O be O fun O . O #FallonTonight O This O woman O has O always O inspired O me O so O much O as O a O strong O , O independent O , O smart O woman O . O Happy O birthday O MJ B-PER ! O … O http://t.co/bru6YhCLyX O #ghana B-ORG Portugal I-ORG - O a O Single O Game O Suspension O for O Pepe B-PER : O http://t.co/qJYTkMuNfZ O Vamos O com O tudo O hoje O pra O garantir O a O classificação O em O 1º O do O grupo O ! O # O ‎ O GALO O http://t.co/HO72jj8tfk O So O proud O of O my O babies O ! O ! O ! O ! O http://t.co/p76WHaiP7C O #RebelsTheBook O http://t.co/7XWHRncSk0 O “ O @ B-PER justinmontsma B-PER : O @ B-PER jimmyfallon B-PER hearing O @ B-PER questlove B-PER laughing O at O the O end O of O the O song O was O great O . O . O . O ” O Good O ears O my O friend O . O #whodatwhodatCSNY B-LOC Upgrade O OpelSSL O so O no O one O can O read O your O system O 's O memory O http://t.co/sYtkbCbITK O For O Tina B-PER . O . O @ B-PER DevlinHuxtable B-PER @ B-PER UncleRUSH B-PER I O also O see O each O of O us O as O a O Wave O in O the O OCEAN O of O GOD O . O #SuperSoulSunday O @ B-PER AprilBeck08 B-PER i O miss O you O too O ! O Your O birthday O is O right O around O the O corner O :) O So O U O know O when O U O take O a O not O so O fierce O selfie O but O say O " O Imma O filter O that O " O but O ca O n't O decide O on O filter O so O U O layer O 'em O on O http://t.co/52jkZyE1ar O California B-LOC here O we O come O , O right O back O where O we O started O from O . O . O . O ROAD O TRIP O ! O ! O @ B-PER karliekloss B-PER http://t.co/D9CkMwfwT6 O Tonight O 's O the O night O dolls O . O Brand O new O #KUWTK! O http://t.co/RxMw1VvCx9 O " O Bae O caught O me O sleeping O " O http://t.co/xojMXDsCuz O Love O ! O “ O @ B-ORG solo_radio B-ORG : O ♬ O @ B-PER aliciakeys B-PER Feat O @ B-PER kendricklamar B-PER - O Its O On O Again O | O #AfterHours O with O @ B-PER belamapa B-PER #MeiBangkitYo” O Do O n't O let O your O battery O run O out O when O you O need O it O most O . O Use O Ultra O Power O Saving O Mode O . O #GALAXYS5 O http://t.co/6alNcKblzp O 141 O million O people O are O already O talking O about O the O #WorldCup O on O Facebook O this O week O . O Join O them O at O http://t.co/ERRs9pv1M3. O Es O muy O difícil O encajar O una O derrota O así O . O . O . O después O de O haber O hecho O tanto O para O ganar O . O El O miércoles O tenemos O una O gran O final O . O Siempre O Barça B-LOC ! O @ B-PER tamestyles B-PER fine O . O xxx O I O am O the O Walrus O http://t.co/lhHCrawzej O Happy O birthday O to O walking O magnificence O ! O ! O ! O ! O My O beautiful O momma O ! O ! O One O of O one O ! O ! O ! O The O one O I O owe O everything O … O http://t.co/di2ALM7cHb O Should O I O shave O ? O Me O afeito O o O no O ? O Tu O dime O ? O PHOTO O : O http://t.co/ol6nKZW5tL O #iHeartRadio O Music O Festival O is O always O legendary O ! O Happy O to O announce O I O ’ O ll O be O back O on O that O stage O in O Sept O ! O http://t.co/GdpUJD7rw2 O Ca O n't O believe O we O are O doing O this O many O nights O at O the O Rose B-LOC Bowl I-LOC ! O http://t.co/L9EcwJpO7K O http://t.co/Xy4MU0mPne O There O 's O new O talent O on O the O scene O . O Prepare O to O have O you O 're O minds O blown O . O Brazil B-LOC . O . O . O You O 're O welcome O . O http://t.co/9yBoWtZXdG O #TheMonster O video O is O coming O tomorrow O . O Stay O tuned O for O more O details O . O 🌊 O 💘 O 🌌 O @mtv O http://t.co/yaxMTanp30 O http://t.co/JmegkcYVCz O http://t.co/uYpHpB9dc2 O @ B-PER TylerTrew23 B-PER lol O , O you O rock O ! O Love O always O P O xoxo O Wow O ! O That O means O so O much O ! O “ O @ B-PER ArtbeatPT B-PER : O @ B-PER aliciakeys B-PER u O never O cease O 2 O empower O my O soul O ! O ! O ! O ! O Thank O u O for O each O and O every O lovely O speeches O and O wisdom O ♥ O ” O It O 's O true O ! O I O 'll O be O in O Sin O City O 2 O : O A O Dame O to O Kill O For O with O my O favorite O scene O partner O Joseph B-PER … O http://t.co/Nf99ZLTXxF O He O swoons- O he O scores O ! O RT O @ B-ORG LAKings B-ORG : O @ B-PER ZacEfron B-PER * O swoons O * O http://t.co/YBwJEKpDfY O It O 's O time O to O join O #GALAXY11 O The O Match O : O Striker O Soccer O G O 11 O . O Play O for O Earth B-LOC . O Play O for O prizes O . O http://t.co/7VlGTXvrwQ O http://t.co/yPc4RNlpNB O On O a O recent O trip O to O Indonesia B-LOC , O I O checked O in O on O an O amazing O project O to O control O the O spread O of O Dengue O : O http://t.co/zQGJwQMoGP O " O By O almost O every O measure O , O we O are O better O off O now O than O when O I O took O office O . O " O — O President O Obama B-PER #OpportunityForAll O Wish O I O was O there O ! O Thank O you O for O the O grammy O ! O ( O My O 10th O one O ! O Whhaaa O ? O ) O Have O a O wonderful O night O . O I O 'm O in O bed O , O now O feeling O very O restless O x O Some O things O in O life O just O need O to O be O documented O . O #helicopterswag O #abudhabi B-LOC http://t.co/SfnJ47Nje7 O Happy O Mother O 's O Day O to O my O amazing O mom O @ B-PER pattiemallette B-PER . O I O love O u O with O all O my O heart O ! O ! O #HonorThyMother O #HappyMothersDay O http://t.co/seHWxuy42H O I O wanna O be O robbie B-PER Williams I-PER when O I O 'm O older O #robbieisalegend B-PER x O #PieceOfMe B-ORG returns O to O Vegas B-LOC in O t-minus O 2 O weeks O ! O ! O Who O 's O coming O to O next O round O of O shows O ? O Hope O ur O ready O to O dance O ! O :) O 💃 O our O plane O is O VERY O animal O friendly O ! O thank O u O Christine B-PER and O your O fabulous O crew O ! O Santa B-LOC Barbara I-LOC Zoo I-LOC Rocks O ! O x O c O & O s O #KlayVinn B-PER http://t.co/7fY80oFf2t O See O you O all O tonight O cbs O . O . O . O . O #stfu O http://t.co/9QGYfrV3Op O this O is O wild O . O . O . O http://t.co/4G5xzMJc02 O So O blessed O to O have O these O real O peeps O in O my O life O #fam O I O love O you O @ B-PER stevestoute B-PER final O episode O of O " O Tanning O of O America B-LOC " O on O Vh O 1 O at O 11pm O tonight O ! O ! O ! O #hiphopchangedus O #navy B-ORG Tonight O 's O preview O #KUWTK. O . O . O http://t.co/KK690bpBP1 O El O lunes O @ B-PER BodegaIniesta B-PER anunciará O la O familia O afortunada O que O vendrá O a O nuestra O comida O de O navidad O ! O Aún O podéis O participar O http://t.co/WorIncI6fS O Mr B-PER West I-PER http://t.co/YQuXy3Ytlu O As O a O huge O #Nintendo B-ORG fan O & O longtime O gamer O , O its O amazing O to O be O inside O #TomodachiLife O on O #3DS O as O me O . O Game O on O ! O http://t.co/G7qeE2XYI6 O 3 O myths O about O education O , O the O Common O Core O , O and O why O they O ’ O re O wrong O : O http://t.co/7WCOaKZdlr O http://t.co/B7OFtSdZ0D O Every O week O for O the O next O 5 O weeks O we O 'll O be O surprising O 5 O newsletter O subscribers O with O a O pair O of O 1 B-ORG D I-ORG shoes O . O . O . O http://t.co/REhgxv0y6F O . O @ B-ORG iHeartRadio B-ORG just O upped O their O game O — O listen O from O wherever O you O are O with O the O #iHeartUpgrade. B-ORG http://t.co/BEoyHkqfL1 O @ B-PER emilioivan B-PER i O 'm O a O dolphin O , O we O haze O our O rookies O This O I O loved O the O most O " O You O do O n't O fix O your O child O , O you O create O the O condition O for O them O to O Rise O " O @ B-PER DrShefali B-PER #SuperSoulSunday O Acompanhando O os O recados O e O mensagens O positivas O nas O minhas O redes O sociais O , O valeu O galera O ! O Muito O bom O receber O esse O carinho O ! O http://t.co/c18f9YKVkT O Prayers O for O PG O On O my O way O to O ibiza B-LOC ! O ! O ! O Tonight O #GuettaCollege B-LOC @ O @ B-PER ushuaiaibiza B-PER ! O ! O ! O Woop O woop O ! O ! O http://t.co/maP5Mvp6Zh O When O I O buy O long O weave O hair O , O it O goes O a O lil O past O my O bra O strap O . O When O a O cute O petite O girl O has O same O length O , O if O flows O down O to O her O butt O . O @ B-PER taylorswift13 B-PER shucks O :) O Congratulations O , O @ B-PER Lupita_Nyongo B-PER ! O She O 's O People O Magazine O 's O #mostbeautiful O person O . O They O certainly O got O that O right O . O Success O IS O happiness O . O . O . O Wow O what O a O paradigm O shift O . O Thanks O @UncleRUSH O #SuperSoulSunday O Here O is O another O #TBT O for O y O ' O all O . O . O . O ur O looking O at O me O 10yrs O ago O performing O at O the O " O Laugh B-LOC Factory I-LOC " O comedy B-LOC club I-LOC . O I O . O . O . O http://t.co/W7SpUPnNRF O Adele B-PER ' O Live O At O The B-LOC Royal I-LOC Albert I-LOC Hall I-LOC ' O - O Blu- O Ray O / O DVD O and O CD O - O Pre- O Order O Now O : O http://t.co/x95Gjg3p O go O . O GO O ! O ! O ! O Who O else O wants O to O land O their O dream O job O at O #Alphatise? B-ORG http://t.co/e2wouvoafq O #intern O #internship O #career O #dreamjob O http://t.co/daHV53DNNM O @ B-PER BrooklynSwine B-PER 💗 O 💗 O 💗 O 💎 O 💎 O 💎 O 💎 O 💎 O 💎 O 👠 O 👠 O 👠 O 👠 O 🌹 O 🌹 O 🌹 O 💋 O 💋 O “ O @ B-PER claudinhosilva B-PER : O @ B-PER ivetesangalo B-PER saudades O minha O cantora O meu O brasil B-LOC no O Mundo O ” O quede O tu O my O love O ? O Meus O domingos O sem O tu O num O ta O real O @ B-PER jukkadudeson B-PER See O you O in O London B-LOC maybe O ? O “ O Hey O Jude B-PER ” O sung O as O “ O Hey O Giroud B-PER ” O by O elated O French B-LOC fans O . O https://t.co/vwFbPvRMYu O And O to O who O ever O leaked O the O video O … O FUK O YOU O ! O I O woke O up O like O disssss O #SICK O 😷 O 😷 O 😷 O “ O @ B-PER stevenkolb B-PER : O Introducing O the O 2014 O CFDA O Fashion O Icon O of O the O Year O … O - O http://t.co/NCVw2Crji5 O #cfda” O I O 'm O truly O honored O . O Thank O you O . O . O @whotonkin O yes O . O Katniss B-PER is O great O . O 4 O years O . O Thank O you O to O everyone O who O is O involved O in O this O . O I O feel O so O lucky O to O be O part O of O it O . O Everyone O who O has O worked O with O us O thank O you O . O . O And O then O right O after O on O Twitter O at O 5pm O PST O ! O U O can O send O your O questions O with O the O hashtag O #KourtKKidsChat B-PER XO O Berlin B-LOC , O you O were O a O DREAM O ! O ! O AND O @ B-PER edsheeran B-PER came O along O to O surprise O you O with O ' O I O See O Fire O ' O . O Thank O you O for O being O wonderful O . O 🇩🇪 O ❤️ O 💋 O O O My O nude O heels O from O our O @ B-ORG thek_kollection B-ORG are O now O available O for O preorder O on O http://t.co/hoGoIblKyU! O The O … O http://t.co/39P9JQGUwo O Ya O tenemos O a O @ B-PER JordiAlba B-PER en O Twitter O ! O ! O Bienvenido O fenómeno O ! O ;) O http://t.co/qkpdbxM1FL O it O 's O all O kinds O of O Awe- O Sum O ! O Rihanna B-PER , O myself O and O my O fiancé O Scotty B-PER finally O made O up O ! O oh O Gloria-uss B-PER ( O Jim B-PER ) O Day O ! O ! O ! O c O # O #SaD O http://t.co/3wfJCaYH2z O Researchers O find O serious O problems O in O chip O and O PIN O EMV O implementation O protocol O http://t.co/3C9MvcU7cz O via O @ B-PER threatpost B-PER Wow O ! O ! O Our O @thek_kollection O at O @ B-ORG lipsylondon B-ORG was O voted O Best O Celeb O Designer O Collection O by O Reveal B-ORG Magazine I-ORG … O http://t.co/j0KUEQ4cdQ O Using O Anomalies O in O Crash O Reports O To O Detect O Unknown O Threats O #infosec O http://t.co/FluoYiSOzo O إياك O والعجلة O ، O فإن O صاحبها O يقول O قبل O أن O يعلم O ، O ويُجيب O قبل O أن O يفهم O ، O ويعزم O قبل O أن O يُفكر O . O . O #DumbTo O @ B-PER Jeff_Daniels B-PER ;^) O http://t.co/ByTtsbPu4F O And O now O , O batting O for O the O Detroit B-ORG Tigers I-ORG . O . O . O http://t.co/OpgQJ62OYH O There O are O an O infinite O number O of O universes O both O inside O and O outside O of O our O bodies O . O This O has O been O an O educated O guess O . O Spank O you O kindly O ! O ; O ^ O P O . O @ B-PER drdre B-PER I O accept O your O challenge O , O Andre B-PER THANK O YOU O ! O ! O RT O @ B-PER THETNKIDS B-PER : O Congrats O to O @ B-PER jtimberlake B-PER for O taking O home O the O @ B-ORG RadioDisney B-ORG Music O Award O for O " O He O 's O The O One O – O Best O Male O Artist O " O ! O The O ancients O have O much O to O say O . O Cicero B-PER can O help O you O with O your O friendships O http://t.co/8DHfcKLafy O http://t.co/fxuV2WYFTO O @ B-PER brittinghamhb B-PER yes O indeed O . O A O 18 O milllllllliiiii O 💖 O 💖 O 💖 O 💖 O for O those O that O did O n't O believe O #dale B-PER http://t.co/xK6fUE3V8M O #nigeria B-LOC Inyama B-PER Reassures O Nigerians B-LOC Over O Super B-ORG Eagles I-ORG ' O Commitment O : O http://t.co/r0GEWh8IwE O Special O pink O robot O ( O but O yellow O ) O m O & O ms O ! O ! O ! O 💛 O 💖 O 💛 O 💖 O 💛 O 💖 O http://t.co/LapxvLgMyS O Snapchat O 👉 O britneyspears B-PER 💋 O #أنقذوا_اليمن O http://t.co/3sl5QsgkuH O @ B-PER DECIPHER_BKI B-PER Try O this O , O on O your O device O click O UberMenu O > O Settings O > O About O UberSocial O , O scroll O to O the O bottom O , O click O Clear O Cache O and O click O Yes O * O AM O @ B-PER EdSheeranPlanet B-PER lets O do O it O ! O :) O “ O @ B-PER dav232 B-PER : O A O new O favourite O , O thanks O @ B-PER JimCarrey B-PER 😊 O 👍 O http://t.co/37oBAh3YhU O ” O I O 'm O so O glad O . O Much O love O . O ;^) O 25 O ' O Real B-ORG Sociedad I-ORG 0 O - O 2 O Real B-ORG Madrid I-ORG #RSORealMadrid I-ORG #RMLive O @ B-PER boobonic B-PER Thanks O for O the O tweet O ! O Just O landed O yourself O on O @ B-PER ZacEfron B-PER ’ O s O official O site O fan O wall O ! O - O #TeamZE O http://t.co/OK10pXqRmj O Congratulations O to O Jermain B-PER the O winner O of O the O voice O uk B-LOC . O You O deserved O it O . O Finland B-LOC http://t.co/zj7lUsu4kJ O Get O your O name O on O the O minimum O wage O petition O before O it O 's O delivered O to O lawmakers O : O http://t.co/1pR5fEt0IH O #RaiseTheWage O ' O I O am O woman O phenomenally O . O Phenomenally O woman O , O that O 's O me O ' O . O Maya B-PER Angelou I-PER @ B-PER ConnorMcGinty B-PER sadly O no O . O da O moonhaaaaa O Vuelvo O a O recomendar O el O documental O " O los O cuatro O jinetes O del O apocalipsis O " O de O Ross B-PER Ashcroft I-PER . O En O youtube B-LOC . O The O last O three O days O have O been O incredible O . O Eric B-PER Lauren I-PER sqiddly O and O diddly O all O happy O . O Just O for O a O LIL O ' O while O , O call O me O Lady O . O #cheektocheek O #TheTodayShow O http://t.co/X5ZH1YtdY2 O Welcome O to O Manchester B-ORG United I-ORG @ B-PER juanmata10 B-PER #LOYAL O video O dropping O 3 O / O 24 O ! O ! O ! O let O the O countdown O begin O ! O ! O ! O Very O happy O to O be O back O on O the O UK B-LOC show O this O year O . O The O last O year O I O was O on O it O we O found O One B-ORG Direction I-ORG , O Rebecca B-PER Ferguson I-PER , O Cher B-PER and O Matt B-PER Cardle I-PER Great O shot O of O Shak B-PER on O the O cover O of O the O new O @ B-ORG glamlatinamag B-ORG magazine O ( O on O U B-LOC . I-LOC S I-LOC . I-LOC news O stands O now O ) O ShakHQ O http://t.co/RlZMdskVnn O http://t.co/TSvjo6TmLK O Why O we O so O off O key O though O . O . O . O lol O @ B-PER scooterbraun B-PER @ B-PER yael B-PER #wedding O #drunk O & O almost O forgot O #iwonthevoice O http://t.co/36q9lKjYlg O we O are O on O fire O @Wallpaper O @ B-PER JohnHenryRyan B-PER #fireball O Shoe O shopping O for O the O lady O and O I O do O n't O even O have O to O be O present O . O I O love O technology O . O #gotemboth O #shoefetish O http://t.co/HVf2Wd6glX O This O is O not O another O " O Robot O " O movie O . O Guillermo B-PER del I-PER Toro I-PER is O a O master O . O #africa B-LOC Koreans B-ORG Crushed O By O Impressive O Algeria B-ORG : O http://t.co/gwPKYVddm1 O Note O : O Keynote O has O recently O updated O its O Mobile O Web O Perspective O over O Air O measurement O tech O to O support O 4 O G O connection O speed O #webperf O #perfmatters O Rio B-LOC thank O you O very O much O for O an O incredible O few O days O ! O Beautiful O Y O después O Costa B-LOC Rica I-LOC suerte O Tic O @s O No O way O u O take O another O PG O in O the O lottery O before O Napier B-PER . O Glad O you O enjoyed O it O ! O RT O @ B-PER mirandajacq B-PER : O Loved O Cinderella O ! O @ B-PER carlyraejepsen B-PER and O @ B-PER frandrescher B-PER were O great O ! O ☺ O ️ O #FollowFriday O #FF O Follow O @ B-ORG FreshDirect B-ORG . O Order O fresh O fruit O and O vegetables O , O meat O , O dairy O , O bakery O etc O for O home O delivery O . O https://t.co/9CZRyQbsZl O Parabéns O pelo O evento O da O Zero O Discriminação O que O aconteceu O hoje O no O Cristo B-PER Redentor I-PER no O Rio B-LOC de I-LOC Janeiro I-LOC ! O ! O Importante O causa O e O iniciativa O ! O ! O @ B-PER jacobschultz19 B-PER knock O it O off O . O up O your O game O and O make O your O idols O your O rivals O , O jacob B-PER ! O The O population O is O growing O fastest O where O the O most O children O are O dying O . O @ B-PER HansRosling B-PER explains O : O http://t.co/096EUJ9YAq O What O if O Jackson B-PER Pollock I-PER had O trained O with O Mike B-PER Tyson I-PER ? O http://t.co/DxzbcTdIIZ O http://t.co/UEVrrS0SQs O Derrota O dura O en O un O momento O importante O , O nos O han O superado O . O No O podemos O bajar O los O brazos O y O hay O que O seguir O . O I O 've O said O this O before O but O I O love O when O y O ' O all O change O your O icons O to O U O . O you O 're O cute O & O should O celebrate O yourselves O the O way O u O celebrate O your O idols O @ B-PER SeanMoussavi B-PER Score O ! O @ B-PER tyleroakley B-PER is O AMAZING O ! O You O and O I O is O out O Sunday O ! O ! O ! O http://t.co/0atRr2jlra O #أنقذوا_اليمن O استمع O ٣ O دقائق O . O . O http://t.co/D2j7x3f4qW O Ferrari B-LOC World I-LOC ( O the O calm O ) O before O we O tore O up O the O track O . O Aston B-ORG Martin I-ORG coup O . O #abudhabi B-LOC @ B-PER mrodofficial B-PER http://t.co/BjOos2Jb1M O Vamos O ticoss O Getting O through O the O storm O ! O ☔ O ☔ O http://t.co/dlLxxOLbld O An O individual O ca O n't O be O enlightened O . O How O do O I O know O that O ? O I O do O n't O , O because O there O 's O no O me O . O This O message O has O been O sent O to O no O one O by O nothing O . O B O ^ O • O Just O spent O the O most O amazing O night O at O the O RUM B-LOC HOUSE I-LOC listening O to O MOLLY B-PER RYAN I-PER and O friends O ! O http://t.co/FSeGL8HOAH O @ B-PER RedFoo B-PER I O 'm O chilling O with O @ B-PER daveEASTgate B-PER JUANES B-PER @ B-ORG TODAYshow B-ORG Plaza B-LOC Concert I-LOC LIVE O . O Monday O , O April O 21 O , O 2014 O ATTEND O IN O PERSON O : O Recommended O arrival O time O is O 6 O : O 00am O . O http://t.co/TXmXE2mdjJ O Listening O to O Paulo B-PER nutini I-PER 's O new O record O ! O It O 's O sick O ! O Dale B-PER locos O @ B-PER donmigueloreal B-PER @ B-PER AustinMahone B-PER #PremiosJuventud O http://t.co/DFIAaYl6DU O Happy O Easter O everybody O ! O We O celebrated O on O the O lake O today O . O Loving O the O sun O , O family O and O friends O ! O It O 's O our O final O night O in O Orlando B-LOC with O @ B-PER Georgelopez B-PER and O @ B-PER pitbull B-PER ! O Plus O , O new O #ThankYouNotes! O #FallonOrlando B-LOC #FallonTonight O Tell O your O kids O : O this O man O is O singing O a O song O that O he O has O n't O written O the O words O to O . O He O 's O making O them O up O . O http://t.co/c1uBcT83DQ O #choppinbroccoli O Ensayando O para O esta O noche O ! O #Billboard2014 O http://t.co/umsXvPa9DY O Fake O antivirus O – O attack O of O the O clones O http://t.co/AiWvvHqtfm O Thanks O for O coming O ! O Hope O you O enjoyed O it O ! O Xo O RT O : O @ B-PER erikalinn27 B-PER : O Ca O n't O wait O to O see O @ B-PER carlyraejepsen B-PER in O Cinderella O tonight O ! O #TBT O 💇 O ✂ O ️ O 👱 O ( O 2 O hours O late O but O whatevzzzz O ) O http://t.co/qGyAnAzLDm O Can O somebody O tell O @ B-PER KINGRICH_MH B-PER that O he O 's O not O " O Wale O " O and O that O his O eyebrows O look O like O 2 O thick O mustaches O . O . O . O . O I O 'm O on O fire O this O morning O ! O ! O ! O #Boom O @ B-PER ButeraBradbery B-PER i O have O an O amazing O video O of O @ B-PER alexaluria B-PER dancing O full O out O to O it O lol O . O . O . O maybe O that O 'll O be O the O teaser O hahah O #HeliSelfie O kourtneykardash B-PER @ B-PER joycebonelli B-PER @ B-PER makeupbymario B-PER @ B-PER thescottycunha B-PER http://t.co/WEILsDj9MN O @ B-PER fcknjaaay B-PER awww O thank O you O . O Feels O good O to O be O back O :) O @ B-PER _K_element B-PER Try O this O , O on O your O device O click O UberMenu O > O Settings O > O About O UberSocial O , O scroll O to O the O bottom O , O click O Clear O Cache O and O click O Yes O * O AM O #itsMYbirthday O #theVOICEau O #manyWILLs O http://t.co/sLGuMFFLCL O Team O @ B-ORG usabasketball B-ORG takes O their O team O photo O prior O to O today O 's O practice O in O Barcelona B-LOC ! O #USABMNT O #Spain2014 B-LOC http://t.co/PQScht89F8 O Felicidades B-PER a O Colombia B-ORG y O a O Uruguay B-ORG . O ;) O Yes O , O yo O can O filter O #malware O from O #dropbox O #skydrive O & O other O file O hosting O services O http://t.co/inAQcbi5Ty O Muita O emoção O ! O Obrigada O pelas O boas O vibrações O e O todo O amor O emanado O . O Meu O coração O agradece O . O … O http://t.co/xN8lZFcWeZ O Já O que O hoje O nao O têm O jogo O da O #Copa2014, O me O assista O jogando O contra O @kblock43 O no O filme O @ B-PER Castrol B-PER Footkhana B-PER ! O http://t.co/iHX3PT30tf O . O @ B-PER jimmyfallon B-PER shares O his O favorite O #MyWeirdSecret O tweets O . O What O are O yours O ? O http://t.co/IXGlmWZEKq O On O the O cover O of O Scotland B-LOC 's O 7 O Nights O this O week O ! O http://t.co/zzQwJPqynz O @ B-PER EricMcManus10 B-PER you O know O getting O thumbed O counts O too O , O right O ? O Listen O up O fans O ! O My O @ B-LOC MicrosoftStore B-LOC grand O opening O concert O in O Buffalo B-LOC has O been O rescheduled O for O October O 25 O ! O http://t.co/yqUGhsFT58 O #ad O Un O . O Deux O . O Matuidi B-PER and O Giroud B-PER . O http://t.co/tRrqv7kaXY O How O is O it O that O some O of O the O nicest O hotels O in O New B-LOC York I-LOC City I-LOC do O not O have O organic O fruit O in O 2014 O ? O ! O Grrrr O . O . O . O #idontgetit O Hey O Tony B-PER ! O I O 'm O ready O to O defend O my O title O on O Around O The O Horn O whenever O ! O ! O ! O ! O ! O ! O ! O ! O ! O ! O Tell O Woody B-PER I O 'm O ready O I O got O this O tweet O from O @ B-PER amandalynonair B-PER hot O _ O 1035 O a O station O that O has O been O sooooo O supportive O ! O ! O ! O This O … O http://t.co/yNzzdsnJmV O Bertie B-PER Ahern I-PER 's O last O hurrah O : O the O 2007 O general O election O : O http://t.co/DANgnVzQ4u O @ B-PER AnMailleach B-PER @ B-PER chrishanretty B-PER think O I O saw O a O post O in O last O few O days O on O the O LSE O impact O blog O with O a O relevant O cite O ? O Alison B-PER Lapper I-PER : O ' O Disabled O people O are O looked O at O as O a O drain O on O society O , O and O I O 'm O certainly O not O that O ' O - O v O good O interview O http://t.co/nWjq5H1TA6 O @ B-PER DrKeithRedmond B-PER Will O do O for O sure O . O Thank O you O and O sleep O well O In O today O 's O Irish B-ORG News I-ORG : O GAA O Fixtures O in O Irish B-ORG News I-ORG #everyfixture O #everytuesday O #everyclub O #everyball O #everysliotar O @ B-ORG WorldJen B-ORG are O you O still O there O ? O missed O this O @ B-PER ruairimckiernan B-PER @ B-PER MacdonaghRoisin B-PER @ B-PER adrianweckler B-PER and O @ B-PER ciaraobrien B-PER might O be O in O the O ring O defending O their O honour O shortly O vs O @ B-PER roakleyIRL B-PER and O other O motoring O hacks O #fight O ;) O Awesome O . O http://t.co/NgeszCNzP7 O via O @ B-ORG HuffPostImpact B-ORG #ChronsDisease O #OwnIt O New O free O phone O line O for O families O in O Dublin B-LOC rental O sector O at O risk O of O homelessness O | O http://t.co/Vx3GABR066 O Eamon B-PER Gilmore I-PER quits O as O Labour B-ORG leader O http://t.co/qUbu883qq8 O via O @ B-ORG IrishTimes B-ORG I O 'm O barely O out O of O the O country O and O THIS O happens O ! O There O 's O @ B-PER AudreyCarville B-PER signing O off O on O Morning B-ORG Ireland I-ORG . O She O will O be O hosting O the O Amnesty B-ORG hour O in O MindField O at O #ElectricPicnic2014 B-LOC 6pm O today O GAA O shown O live O on O Australian O TV O this O wked O . O Australian O newspaper O explanation O to O its O readers O on O GAA O ! O @ B-PER JoeBrolly1993 B-PER http://t.co/emC7HN2qfO O Up O & O running O #psai13 B-ORG with O @ B-PER GaryMurphyDCU B-PER on O his O paper O with O @ B-PER AnMailleach B-PER and O @ B-PER shane_martin B-PER http://t.co/6LyfphYcQw O @ B-PER alanryan6 B-PER @ B-ORG AerLingus B-ORG @ B-ORG DublinAirport B-ORG It O 's O hell O in O Business O Class O Alan B-PER . O 3 O G O + O Ts O and O no O takeoff O ? O My O dinner O with O The O oligarchs O will O be O ruined O @ B-PER grainnewalsh B-PER More O female O LARs B-ORG in O Dublin B-LOC and O FF O did O n't O do O well O in O Dublin B-LOC - O but O suspect O host O of O other O , O more O individual O , O factors O at O play O @ B-PER endgameinulster B-PER Are O you O using O a O mobile O ? O #FF O @ B-PER LadFleg B-PER for O shining O an O entertaining O photo-rich O light O into O the O goings-on O in O a O corner O of O this O island O , O in O a O way O old O media O never O did O . O The O #seanref B-PER saw O an O east-west O divide O opening O up O amongst O the O electorate O , O which O did O n't O carry O over O to O the O Court O ref O : O http://t.co/F7dUiq8Ydg O @ B-PER etienneshrdlu B-PER @ B-PER paulmwatson B-PER ah O yea O no O problem O getting O the O serial O . O Just O need O the O phone O to O turn O on O ! O :) O @ B-PER LiamDelaneyEcon B-PER Ye O , O but O I O 'm O from O Limerick B-LOC . O Yous O for O working O class O Dublin B-LOC , O You O for O middle O class O Dublin B-LOC @ B-PER BrennanMarjorie B-PER indeed O , O but O then O again O I O did O n't O have O to O pack O seven O tomes O for O the O beach O . O Now O I O have O to O read O on O my O phone O like O a O right O twat O ! O Latest O : O " O open O source O is O where O I O think O the O future O is O headed O in O local O government O . O . O . O " O http://t.co/uqsx7rFBxf O @ B-PER eilisohanlon B-PER Do O you O have O any O spare O forms O ? O Ruth B-ORG Coppinger B-PER is O the O new O TD O for O Dublin B-LOC West I-LOC , O with O Gabrielle B-PER McFadden I-PER set O to O join O her O : O http://t.co/6pitgbd0MH O #le14 O #SeanRef: B-PER 187 O votes O the O difference O in O Tipp B-LOC South I-LOC . O Official O results O 50 O . O 41 O % O Yes O , O 49 O . O 59 O % O No O http://t.co/Xz0POlvv5W O Israel B-LOC is O more O right O wing O , O and O with O less O tolerance O of O the O peace O movement O . O It O 's O probably O down O to O the O fall O of O communism O http://t.co/OKhOFjPEw5 O Latest O : O The O Easter O Rising O : O romance O and O regret O but O no O barrier O to O reconciliation O http://t.co/6PMzJP43bv O CAG B-ORG just O examined O a O sample O of O NAMA B-ORG sales O and O found O € O 200m O out O of O € O 1 O . O 3bn O not O openly O marketed O . O If O extrapolated O to O all O NAMA B-ORG sales O , O it O 's O € O 2bn O . O Forget O the O elections O . O . O . O the O Championship O is O here O . O Full O strength O @ B-ORG DublinGAALive B-ORG team O lined O out O v O Laois B-ORG today O . O #gaa O http://t.co/wY0lqZSpO4 O Got O this O for O lunch O today O . O Well O done O #Vincents. B-ORG It O tasted O good O . O http://t.co/sO9v62TTMh O @ B-PER ShellyinDublin B-PER Uh O oh O . O . O . O @ B-PER NiallHarbison B-PER unusual O but O smart O . O Foursquare B-ORG is O collecting O real O insight O and O valuable O data O constantly O . O @ B-PER seamuscoffey B-PER @ B-PER RobKitchin B-PER A O main O issue O is O cost O of O provision O by O state O vs O private O sector O , O private O can O do O at O lower O cost O , O that O is O n't O ' O hollowing O ' O Good O piece O by O @ B-PER ConallMacCoille B-PER & O the O team O at O @ B-ORG DavyResearch B-ORG on O our O ' O creditless O ' O recovery O https://t.co/3Mjp26iKYP O Is O that O Dana B-PER 's O brother O , O John B-PER Brown I-PER , O who O is O now O suing O IN B-ORG & I-ORG M I-ORG , O fortnight O after O Dana B-PER herself O initiated O proceedings O ? O Medical O card O probity O . O A O new O bit O of O political O jargon O that O means O the O same O old O thing O . O Cutting O people O in O need O . O http://t.co/eCCW2pkUbI O And O as O scoreless O second O halves O go O that O was O a O big O of O a O cracker O . O Mexico B-ORG wo O n't O be O easily O beaten O , O Brazil B-ORG wo O n't O win O easily O The O entire O family O is O currently O undertaking O the O honours O junior O cert O geography O paper O . O We O 're O doing O awfully O well O . O 24 O Hour O rolling O news O , O means O emphasis O is O on O quick O fix O , O rather O than O strategic O policy O making O Maurice B-PER Hayes I-PER tells O @ B-ORG MacGillSummerSc B-ORG So O much O support O here O #ParisBakery. B-ORG Owner O has O agreed O 2 O meet O the O workers O Mon O . O They O 've O asked O too O keep O petition O going O http://t.co/vuElminhHa O ' O Attempted O robbery O a O good O start O to O the O weekend O ' O Kudos O to O @ B-PER qualitystweet B-PER & O @ B-PER olearydonal B-PER ’ O s O wife O ! O http://t.co/pAh6ZALEos O http://t.co/ONsB3wBzDz O The O return O of O Kevin B-PER Sheedy I-PER there O for O Argentina B-ORG #valuingourvote O NZ B-LOC electoral O commissioner O describes O agency O 's O efforts O to O facilitate O advance O voting O ( O 14 O % O in O last O elec O ) O http://t.co/PHRrqjQcqw O Here O 's O a O few O uncannily O accurate O predictions O for O next O year O , O with O all O my O personal O best O wishes O for O a O happy O one O ! O http://t.co/KHs8a7MDEZ O @ B-PER joose007 B-PER I O 've O some O sympathy O in O that O regard O for O yes O side O . O Much O of O what O comes O next O would O have O to O be O negotiated O with O UK B-LOC Gov B-ORG 1 O / O 2 O Listening O to O @ B-ORG kclr96fm B-ORG election O special O from O Sydney B-LOC but O first O the O death O notices O . O If O u O did O n't O catch O them O , O there O 's O a O number O to O ring O at O 97c O / O min O Remember O the O Lisbon B-LOC Treaty O ' O Citizens O Initiative O ' O petition O thing O ? O Seems O it O only O works O for O stuff O the O Commission B-ORG wants O : O http://t.co/k8T7dSKgvR O Ireland B-LOC ’ O s O Troubled O Peace O , O via O @ B-ORG nytimes B-ORG http://t.co/xgLy49l4NJ O @ B-PER Portrushian B-PER @ B-PER brianjohnspencr B-PER Everybody O thinks O their O own O side O 's O violence O is O fully O justified O . O You O 've O started O to O grow O up O when O you O see O the O 1 O / O 2 O @ B-PER RealEddieHobbs B-PER most O odd O to O hear O that O line O from O him O ? O Why O is O he O only O saying O it O now O ? O @ B-PER PriorClaire B-PER @ B-ORG mediaconfdcu B-ORG Yes O - O we O 'll O send O out O info O later O . O @ B-PER NiallHarbison B-PER @ B-PER keithdkennedy B-PER epic O fail O @ B-PER DeclanHarmon B-PER @ B-ORG RTERadio1 B-ORG Declan B-PER , O there O will O not O be O anything O bad O said O about O the O fantastic O , O amazing O Professor O . O Go O into O the O bold O corner O . O Road O to O ruin O Kilkenny B-LOC 's O party O http://t.co/Evc0u08a8P O @ B-PER miguelgarcia65 B-PER @ B-PER GTCost B-PER SAMs O or O Manpads O @ B-PER Colmogorman B-PER . O . O . O not O because O a O court O mandates O it O . O Problems O arise O when O the O law O moves O too O quickly O from O popular O opinion O . O interesting O frame O on O banking O inquiry O frm O @ B-ORG rtenews B-ORG blame O Seanad B-PER , O no O mention O row O part O over O having O a O female O with O expertise O v O someone O with O none O And O this O one O too O @ B-ORG rivadanetworks B-ORG Rivada B-ORG Research I-ORG patents O list O ( O updated O weekly O ) O http://t.co/6J38CJv3Oq O Croke B-LOC Park I-LOC filling O up O nicely O for O Leinster B-LOC final O . O Hoping O for O a O good O tough O game O . O Dubs B-ORG to O win O . O #gaa O http://t.co/6zlKtADPCC O So O , O is O the O Islamic O revolution O formally O being O sponsored O by O Toyota B-ORG ? O Platinum O Level O Corporate O partners O ? O http://t.co/aLn8lDUJlm O Mario B-PER ' I-PER Il I-PER Duce I-PER ' I-PER Draghi I-PER gives O Eurozone B-LOC governments O permission O to O cut O taxes O http://t.co/tfl8nLR6nw O Such O an O important O prog O on O death O and O dying O by O @ B-PER NorahCasey B-PER and O @ B-ORG IrishHospice B-ORG #WayToGo O Check O it O out O @ B-ORG RTEone B-ORG now O or O watch O back O on O RTE B-ORG Player O . O Ireland B-LOC to O send O OSCE O mission O to O Ukraine B-LOC elections O http://t.co/vL3fDmh0hd O via O @IrishTimes O The O societal O relevance O of O political O science O professors O knows O no O bounds O http://t.co/6GABLebvR7 O In O the O 30 O odd O years O I O 'm O going O to O Garryvoe B-LOC that O 's O the O finest O seawater O I O 've O ever O swam O in O . O You O ca O n't O beat O swimming O in O #Cork B-LOC 1967 O issue O of O " O Comment O " O magazine O from O the O Universities B-ORG Branch I-ORG of O The B-ORG Labour I-ORG Party I-ORG edited O by O Ruairi B-PER Quinn I-PER http://t.co/RWoLg53MNF O Ted B-PER , O the O best O two O hours O I O 've O spent O in O front O of O the O tv O in O many O a O long O night O . O Thanks O @popcornhack O Government O #le14 O vote O 31 O % O Anti-government O vote O 69 O % O 20th O Anniversary O of O PIRA B-ORG Ceasefire O http://t.co/68VJD2hkkt O Best O of O luck O to O all O #le14 O & O #ep14 O candidates O & O canvass O teams O . O I O LOVED O canvassing O back O in O the O day O . O Canvassed O in O 25 O + O constituencies O #dedicated O My O Italian B-LOC housemate O can O vote O in O European B-LOC elections O from O Australia B-LOC , O as O can O most O EU B-ORG nationals O , O why O ca O n't O I O ? O Am O I O not O European B-LOC as O well O ? O #ep14 O So O how O much O will O the O NPPR B-ORG scramble O raise O ? O http://t.co/CZhuI0Lwso O @ B-PER timdunneAPR2P B-PER Safe O travels O . O . O . O great O to O catch O up O ! O Thanks O folks O , O found O the O @ B-PER joan_burton B-PER reference O to O reading O Donal B-PER Ryan I-PER , O its O is O indeed O in O the O @ B-PER lawlor_aine B-PER interview O , O in O the O last O minute O ! O Eamon B-PER Gilmore I-PER congratulates O Joan B-PER Burton I-PER , O the O new O Labour B-ORG Party I-ORG leader O . O " O It O 's O a O tough O job O . O I O know O ! O " O Let O 's O ask O : O increase O Irish O corp O tax O to O a O standard O EU B-ORG rate O in O exchange O for O 1 O : O 1 O drop O income O tax O load O ? O MT O @ B-PER EamonDelaney10 B-PER : O #Picketty O @ B-LOC TeamAccessEarth B-LOC how O many O mop O buckets O , O Vacuum O cleaners O and O so O called O accessible O loos O you O ca O n't O turn O a O chair O in O will O you O find O ? O ;) O Laws O giving O free O GP O care O for O over-70 O s O will O be O in O place O by O end O of O this O year O or O early O next O year O , O after O Varadkar B-PER gets O cabinet O approval O In O Today B-ORG 's O @GlobalMacro360 O with O the O raft O of O US B-LOC data O on O Friday O is O our O q1 O rate O hike O call O still O valid O ? O http://t.co/CyMTA3U3FW O & O sign O up O My O grandson O Mikey B-PER . O First O in O the O queue O for O the O opening O ceremony O at O the O Special B-ORG Olympics I-ORG in O Limerick B-LOC http://t.co/V8e57ZECTa O @ B-PER Inah_Colada B-PER Them O 's O the O very O ones O . O #perished O @ B-PER NiamhPuirseil B-PER Use O a O tin O opener O . O http://t.co/R2y1ZJh4xU O It O works O for O me O . O Worth O a O read O ! O the O Department B-ORG of I-ORG Finance I-ORG review O of O NAMA B-ORG - O http://t.co/oTyhpj3kJz O ( O Maybe O , O someone O should O review O Dept B-ORG of I-ORG Finance I-ORG ) O In O memory O of O a O friend O - O perhaps O the O only O friend O in O whose O eyes O I O could O do O no O wrong O ! O http://t.co/XxPMPGkGT3 O Noonan B-PER attacks O SF B-ORG economic O policies O . O http://t.co/r0YKBlDtUU O @ B-PER paulageraghty B-PER fantastic O film O - O what O a O victory O @ B-ORG USILive B-ORG @ B-ORG IMPACTTU B-ORG @ B-PER hiredknave B-PER @ B-ORG MigrantRightsIR B-ORG @ B-PER edelmcginley B-PER The O schedule O of O September O conferrings O at O Maynooth B-LOC University I-LOC : O looking O forward O to O seeing O the O #Geography O class O of O 2014 O https://t.co/dkHMwbZfz9 O @ B-PER richardwaghorne B-PER Sad O . O Very O sad O . O @ B-PER EndaEndamac95 B-PER you O mean O you O waited O all O this O time O for O it O instead O of O watching O online O or O on O ITV B-ORG ? O You O fool O ! O The O ending O is O sublime O Someone O who O for O years O I O thought O was O little O more O than O a O nuisance O taught O me O a O valuable O lesson O 2day O . O Don O ’ O t O be O 2 O quick O 2 O judge O a O person O #humbled O Landslide O victory O for O Sinn B-ORG Féin I-ORG : O the O 1918 O general O election O : O http://t.co/96TkhnBUfo O ' O We O have O 2 O bail O out O the O banks O to O prevent O a O crisis O ' O . O ' O We O must O n't O fine O the O banks O to O prevent O a O crisis O ' O . O & O they O say O banks O are O a O service O industry O @ B-ORG Omaniblog B-ORG @ B-ORG JohnGilroyTeam B-ORG @ B-PER MargaretEWard B-PER @ B-PER susanokeeffe B-PER do O n't O think O we O know O yet O , O here O is O public O info O http://t.co/PnHdzauB7m O @ B-PER Re_Ferg B-PER hm O . O Uzbekistan B-LOC Govt O issuing O the O makings O of O many O future O Phoenix B-ORG mag O covers O , O #reshuffle O http://t.co/ZTHqBYBDMa O ” O @ B-LOC merrionstreet B-LOC Anise B-PER and O Inna B-PER talk O about O their O feelings O as O they O celebrate O their O victory O #ParisBakery B-ORG They O thanking O all O those O ordinary O pll O who O helped O them O @ B-PER GTCost B-PER @ B-PER TASCblog B-PER @ B-PER ratminer B-PER @ B-PER JillKerby B-PER @ B-PER Cormac_Staunton B-PER the O trade O off O being O what O 's O more O desirous O , O spending O or O investment O ? O I O 'm O resisting O the O urge O to O go O get O the O poor O things O a O fleece O and O a O pair O of O track O suit O bottoms O . O #Perished O #Dad O #EP2014 O @ B-PER irishwildlife B-PER @ B-ORG irishtimes B-ORG @ B-PER irishenvnet B-PER is O there O a O specific O reason O ? O Was O your O area O Pro- O Treaty O or O Anti- O Treaty O ? O The O 1921 O Dáil B-ORG vote O on O the O Anglo- O Irish O Treaty O , O in O map O form O : O http://t.co/RHn1kb2g2d O Minor O Shuffling O in O the O North B-LOC 's O European O Election O http://t.co/2qbWlptOgV O via O @ B-LOC polref_Ireland B-LOC . O @ B-PER mattyglesias B-PER but O really O though O , O the O conclusion O is O the O opposite O of O what O 's O happening O . O . O . O otherwise O a O reasonable O piece O on O a O complex O subject O My O thoughts O on O how O government O has O wasted O opportunity O for O real O Seanad B-LOC reform O in O today O 's O @ B-ORG irishexaminer B-ORG http://t.co/S4HgqwVrDb O Check O out O " O Collateral O Damage O : O Sex O Workers O and O the O Anti- O Trafficking O Campaigns O ( O Trailer- O 2 O min O . O ) O " O on O Vimeo O http://t.co/L5S8yr4e7w O #Vimeo B-ORG http://t.co/2RbH4fIhb9 O @ B-ORG IrishTimes B-ORG Step O 1 O : O establish O an O electoral O commission O ; O step O 2 O : O ask O it O to O propose O amendments O to O how O elections O are O run O @ B-PER DearbhailDibs B-PER @ B-PER oconnellhugh B-PER unhelpful O to O who O ? O Other O than O them O I O 'd O have O thought O it O 's O very O helpful O ! O @ B-PER eoinmauricedaly B-PER @ B-PER odowdt B-PER Do O the O courts O have O competence O to O strike O down O the O findings O of O #Guerinreport? O Anyone O in O @ B-PER EamonRyan B-PER 's O position O would O call O for O a O recount O . O #ep14 O Incredible O small O margin O . O My O @ B-ORG DublinCityUni B-ORG @ B-ORG LawGovDCU B-ORG colleague O Walt B-PER Kilroy I-PER receives O #psai13 O award O for O best O PhD O in O 2013 O http://t.co/tZ7xtRbQ9j O @ B-PER chiefbreenie B-PER < O 3 O Celebration O if O I O 've O ever O seen O one O ! O Official O results O of O Labour B-ORG vote O : O 2 O , O 701 O valid O ballot O papers O : O Joan B-PER Burton I-PER : O 2 O , O 094 O / O Alex B-PER White I-PER : O 607 O . O @ B-PER robhoban B-PER So O , O the O auction O for O the O remaining O ( O 17 O ? O ) O Lots O will O be O held O at O a O future O date O ? O Any O ideas O when O that O will O be O ? O Hours O ? O Days O ? O Weeks O ? O Arriving O early O to O Dublin B-LOC #BISA2014? O Visit O @ B-ORG ucdpolitics B-ORG with O Irish B-ORG FM I-ORG speaking O on O ' O Constitutions O and O Culture O Wars O ' O http://t.co/us0EEQvyHB O #budget14 O 10c O increase O in O 20 O cigarettes O , O standard O drinks O . O 50c O increase O in O duty O on O bottle O of O wine O Here O in O Westminster B-LOC Colorado I-LOC , O impressive O to O hear O @FirstNetGov O #FirstNet's O new O CIO O talk O about O his O effort O to O be O entrepreneurial O within O govt O . O Bright O start O to O the O day O here O in O NUI B-LOC Maynooth I-LOC . O . O . O still O ! O http://t.co/pvqdGC3wb7 O People O quick O to O demand O state O action O when O housing O markets O fail O , O what O do O you O do O when O the O state O fails O at O it O ? O http://t.co/CrjdN5JUuI O You O know O you O 're O nerdy O when O : O You O can O tell O who O most O of O the O panelists O are O on O Sunday O radio O shows O just O by O their O voices O In O tmro O 's O Irish O News O : O Mickey B-PER bashers O , O referee O criticism O and O Antrim B-LOC club O fixtures O - O get O it O off O your O chest O in O Off O The O Fence O #gaa B-ORG UK B-LOC Economy O Outperforms O EU B-ORG Hits O Fastest O Annual O Pace O Since O 2007 O http://t.co/fXesB5Rbn2 O @ B-PER chiefbreenie B-PER @ B-PER SligoChap B-PER #NewEra O #NewRules O #NewLife. O x O @ B-PER electionlit B-PER @ B-PER 5intheface B-PER Other O videos O are O being O planned O ! O @ B-PER JohnKav1 B-PER Probably O down O , O in O part O , O to O fact O that O most O LARs O based O in O party O 's O weaker O areas O very O excited O - O waiting O to O hear O ‘ O The O Irishwoman O who O shot O Mussolini B-PER ’ O by O the O wonderful O Siobhan B-PER Lynam I-PER on O now O @ B-ORG RTERadio1 B-ORG @ B-ORG RTEdoconone B-ORG @ B-PER KieranShannon7 B-PER @ B-PER MalachyClerkin B-PER @ B-PER FachtnaK B-PER @ B-PER EwanMacKenna B-PER Fungi B-PER would O be O a O worried O dolphin O if O Suarez B-PER came O to O Dingle B-LOC . O . O . O Here O we O go O : O 1st O preference O votes O in O #le14 O by O local O electoral O area O . O More O maps O to O come O over O the O next O few O days O . O . O . O http://t.co/OeLRzHIp40 O We O urgently O need O independent O regulation O in O our O sector O - O here O 's O why O http://t.co/N5mK0TMdlY O Current O state O of O play O of O by-election O candidate O list O ahead O of O tonight O 's O Fianna B-ORG Fail I-ORG Roscommon- B-LOC South I-LOC Leitrim I-LOC convention O http://t.co/3nF5Hmb8S4 O Martin B-PER facing O split O in O FF O as O TDs O urge O deal O with O Sinn B-ORG Fein I-ORG http://t.co/p4IBM4klke O via O @ B-ORG Independent_ie B-ORG Why O is O this O even O a O story O this O far O out O ? O @ B-PER VCurrentAffairs B-PER think O we O both O did O ? O . O . O . O Not O least O of O which O is O how O much O more O enjoyable O it O is O to O win O . O It O is O inevitable O to O lose O , O just O do O n't O make O a O habit O of O it O 2 O / O 2 O Chat O with O taxi O man O recently O about O election O . O His O logic O for O voting O FF O : O " O well O at O least O my O sons O had O jobs O when O they O were O in O power O " O . O Jesus B-PER wept O . O . O @ B-PER victorybyname B-PER Hard O to O know O . O But O note O that O compulsory O voting O means O actually O compulsory O attendance O ; O you O do O n't O actually O have O to O vote O According O to O the O News O a O drug O smuggler O rang O Gerry B-PER Adams I-PER to O complain O about O media O intrusion O . O Did O I O hear O that O or O am O I O going O quietly O bonkers O ? O In O today O 's O Irish B-ORG News I-ORG : O sponsored O walks O , O match O tickets O and O golf O classics O - O all O the O news O from O the O parish O in O CLUBcall O #EveryClub O @ B-ORG the_irish_times B-ORG report O on O @ B-ORG MediaConfDCU B-ORG http://t.co/djf8R72Os7 O #mediaconfdcu O Hard O luck O Irish O champion O @ B-ORG michaelaw57 B-ORG who O fought O really O well O against O Nicola B-PER Adams I-PER in O commonwealth B-ORG final O - O split O decision O Interesting O article O in O @ B-ORG irishexaminer B-ORG on O #indyref O polling O | O Polls O apart O on O Scottish B-LOC independence O | O | O http://t.co/7ZvrxRyMYZ O Shocking O first O half O from O Dublin B-LOC . O Poor O marking O , O bad O decisions O & O lots O of O wasted O opportunities O . O Need O to O do O much O better O in O second O half O . O #gaa B-ORG Instruction O book O , O loom O , O hook O , O bands O and O YouTube O ! O this O #loombands O is O very O complicated O http://t.co/Gd4yqPxl25 O You O wo O n't O want O to O miss O @ B-PER EamonGilmore B-PER next O Monday O morning O on O ‘ O Constitutions O and O Culture O Wars O ' O here O @ B-ORG ucdpolitics B-ORG http://t.co/us0EEQvyHB O #SeanRef: B-PER @ B-ORG LouiseByrneNews B-ORG : O How O about O this O for O tight O . O Dub B-LOC SW I-LOC 50 O % O of O boxes O tallied O - O six O votes O in O the O difference O Gluten O free O : O when O doing O without O makes O your O life O a O lot O fuller O http://t.co/jrKoeDnZot O via O @ B-ORG IrishTimes B-ORG @ B-ORG DubCityCouncil B-ORG was O yestroday O a O beyterday O ? O Latest O : O 1916 O Rising O and O how O it O inspired O me O 78 O years O later O . O http://t.co/ltVSnuggtn O Bishop B-PER John I-PER McAreavey I-PER : O “ O Political O representatives O must O answer O for O their O own O position O on O abortion O … O ” O http://t.co/j3LXdNxFsV O . O @ B-PER SquareGirl B-PER Agreed O . O We O 're O a O long O way O behind O NZ B-LOC on O that O score O . O Step O 1 O must O be O to O establish O an O Irish B-ORG Electoral I-ORG Commission I-ORG There O 's O no O anti-free O market O welfare O sponger O worse O than O a O badly O run O , O whinging O , O lobbying O , O politically O protected O insolvent O bank O . O " O Govt O borrowing O is O falling O rapidly O " O says O Joan B-PER Burton I-PER . O Well O , O that O 's O just O not O right O - O http://t.co/luVTQsbFPY O @ B-PER Goban_Saor B-PER @ B-PER daveirl B-PER gotta O do O it O ! O ! O :) O Very O interesting O interview O on O front O page O of O tomorrow O 's O @ B-ORG irishexaminer B-ORG The O reason O we O 're O awake O . O And O @ B-ORG DublinSeagulls B-ORG also O ;) O . O . O . O Shhhh O http://t.co/a9iZXBG7TV O We O will O have O C O & O C O maps O up O when O more O results O are O known O , O and O Local O Electoral O Area O maps O up O by O tonight O . O Live-mapping O LEs O is O stressful O . O #le14 O @ B-PER jonihle B-PER you O are O 110 O % O right O ;-) O August O 15th O , O 1945 O - O VJ O Day O , O and O the O end O of O an O era O in O Japan B-LOC http://t.co/FtOgmIVfj3 O Economics O is O rethinking O many O of O its O presuppositions O . O . O . O financial O crisis O , O but O political O science O sails O blithely O onwards O http://t.co/WGW60cXYbZ O @ B-PER daveyhannigan B-PER @ B-PER brennanmarjorie B-PER I O 'm O waiting O for O the O Seanad B-ORG to O launch O an O investigation O into O the O Brazilian B-LOC collapse O . O Then O I O 'll O comment O Ongoing O decline O of O Liberal O Europe B-LOC ? O MT O @ B-ORG EuropeDecides B-ORG : O . O @ B-ORG de_NVA B-ORG chooses O @ B-ORG ecrgroup B-ORG , O ECR B-ORG overtakes O ALDE B-ORG to O become O third-largest O group O #ep2014 O Ecclestone B-PER to O walk O free O after O $ O 100m O bribery O case O settlement O http://t.co/z7Ds9pcnoW O Nothing O says O corruption O like O an O offer O to O buy O the O case O . O @ B-PER iam_adelen B-PER " O One O more O time O . O . O . O " O :) O @ B-PER richardwaghorne B-PER Do O n't O need O cheering O up O thanks O Richard B-PER . O Quite O happy O enough O . O But O thanks O for O the O ' O concern O ' O @ B-PER FiSwy B-PER Latest O : O Matt B-PER Baggott I-PER : O " O Under O the O Patten B-PER architecture O , O to O which O all O political O parties O have O signed O up O . O . O . O " O http://t.co/7vAx8g9bVS O Latest O : O Bishop B-PER John I-PER McAreavey I-PER : O " O Political O representatives O must O answer O for O their O own O position O on O abortion O . O . O . O " O http://t.co/u0zBtSG8Xj O @ B-PER PaulRouseUCD B-PER belief O is O in O our O DNA O when O it O comes O to O hurling O Paul B-PER . O We O always O call O it O for O Cork B-LOC ! O @ B-PER aslinndubh B-PER Should O protestors O pay O the O cost O of O their O protest O ? O http://t.co/KiedwZ7eJX O @ B-PER lkellyoconnor B-PER No O @ B-PER Hippoclides B-PER @ B-PER WhelanKarl B-PER no O mis O tweet O . O Noon O estimates O € O 400m O to O € O 500m O . O RTE B-ORG news O saying O Belfast B-LOC pride O biggest O ' O of O its O kind O in O Ireland B-LOC and O Britain B-LOC ' O have O a O feeling O that O Dublin B-LOC , O Manchester B-LOC + O London B-LOC might O argue O that O @ B-PER robhoban B-PER I O see O Drogheda B-PER bidding O has O intensified O , O but O still O 18 O % O in O Limerick B-LOC - O https://t.co/usmqTy3FAm O @ B-ORG IrishTimes B-ORG : O @ B-PER GerryAdamsSF B-PER warns O NI B-LOC political O process O ‘ O is O in O trouble O ’ O http://t.co/3LxeBFrAKb O Look O at O me O ! O Give O me O some O attention O ! O Me O ! O Me O ! O British O govt O to O decide O by O Dec O 2014 O Budget O if O corp O tax O rates O will O be O devolved O to O Northern B-LOC Ireland I-LOC . O http://t.co/QRrT3z4OXc O ( O see O WA O 34 O ) O @ B-PER cri5b B-PER No O problem O ! O @ B-PER HelenORahilly B-PER not O quite O the O same O ! O @ B-PER DrKeithRedmond B-PER @ B-PER LCreighton B-PER @ B-LOC oceanclub B-LOC I O think O we O should O start O by O saving O the O 880 O grand O FG O lifted O from O taxpayers O to O tart O up O their O party O house O Shame O on O @ B-PER FineGael B-PER & O @ B-ORG labour B-ORG for O passing O the O Housing O Bill O 2014 O tonight O in O the O Dáil B-LOC . O This O Housing O Assistance O Payment O is O unjust O & O unworkable O . O #SeanRef: B-PER @ B-PER AdrianKavanagh B-PER : O Voter O turnout O rate O in O Galway B-LOC East I-LOC for O #SeanRef B-PER was O 6 O . O 5 O % O higher O than O for O the O Childrens O Referendum O . O @ B-PER SLFineGael B-PER @ B-PER MaireadMcGMEP B-PER And O also O @ B-PER dfarrell_ucd B-PER ! O Homeward O bound O from O Middle B-LOC Earth I-LOC http://t.co/MhYdCsp202 O Miss O you O ! O ! O “ O @ B-PER eceunerht B-PER : O I O missed O you O already O ! O ! O @ B-PER HananRazek B-PER @ B-PER MaryERegan B-PER @ B-PER LenaicVaudin B-PER @ B-PER HendrikLoven B-PER @ B-PER JensT B-PER @ B-PER koozmin B-PER http://t.co/992avkv7on O ” O Graduation O Day O @ B-LOC DublinCityUni B-LOC Congrats O to O MA O Political O Communication O Class O of O 2014 O . O Applications O for O Sept O now O open O . O http://t.co/vsMxGm8aPz O @ B-PER celoscher B-PER who O 's O your O new O favourite O team O for O tonight O chief O ? O ! O @ B-PER markobroin B-PER cheers O , O will O do O February O 2001 O issue O of O " O The O Fenian O " O newsletter O of O Sinn B-ORG Fein I-ORG Dublin B-LOC South I-LOC West I-LOC http://t.co/18dTgYUhXa O @ B-PER BlakeLeyers B-PER @ B-ORG cysticfibrosis B-ORG @ B-PER G17Esiason B-PER @ B-PER 7BOOMERESIASON B-PER thank O you O ! O Based O on O RTE B-ORG 's O exit O poll O , O the O " O Other O " O ( O Greens B-ORG , O Socs B-ORG , O Indies O ) O which O has O been O running O at O 23 O - O 30 O % O in O recent O opinion O polls O hit O 34 O - O 36 O % O yesterday O via O @ B-PER martynrosney B-PER : O A O #Cork B-LOC woman O on O marriage O equality O in O today O ’ O s O @IrishTimes O http://t.co/I57F3cRSPo O #equality O #LGBT O #valuingourvote O Claire B-PER Trevett I-PER , O chair O of O the O New B-LOC Zealand I-LOC press O gallery O addressing O the O conference O on O media O & O elections O http://t.co/fy2xiDDH1e O great O resource O for O anyone O interested O in O EP B-ORG elections O http://t.co/ghjvV0Fx0w O @ B-PER donna_cooney1 B-PER I O am O aware O of O that O thanks O . O It O was O a O good O natured O tweet O . O Relax O . O @ B-PER joannatuffytd B-PER I O agree O with O confident O and O fighting O her O corner O but O I O 'm O not O persuaded O it O will O be O an O effective O campaign O strategy O . O @ B-PER 27KHV B-PER @ B-PER sikorskiradek B-PER @ B-PER olacicho B-PER Sure O , O I O genuinely O thought O that O 's O what O you O did O . O My O sincere O apologies O Bryan B-PER . O When O timed O tweets O go O AWOL O “ O @ B-ORG Pigsback_IE B-ORG : O Back O to O work O in O the O morning O . O Short O week O though O :) O ” O Taoiseach B-PER prioritises O state-shouldered O bank O debt O at O Euro O summit O yesterday O ; O despite O the O glorious O defeat O of O @ B-PER Ballyhea14 B-PER , O the O legacy O lives O on O . O In O the O Irish O News O tmro O : O Monaghan B-LOC ladies O reached O yet O another O Provincial B-ORG decider O by O easily O overcoming O senior O championship O debutants O , O Cavan B-LOC . O What O now O ? O David B-PER Norris I-PER , O presumably O @ B-PER SenDavidNorris B-PER , O suing O RTE B-ORG and O comedian O Alan B-PER Porter I-PER ( O aka O Alan B-PER Kavanagh I-PER ) O . O @ B-PER Boglawyer B-PER discussion O n O Qatar B-LOC . O Guy O who O lived O there O . O Didn O ’ O t O try O 2 O pretend O all O ok O but O sort O of O accepted O / O explained O it O @ B-PER dsmooney B-PER @ B-PER shaybyrneradio B-PER In O Irish B-ORG News I-ORG tmro O : O Injuries O have O forced O @ B-ORG Doiregaa B-ORG into O changes O ahead O of O Saturday O ’ O s O All- O Ireland B-LOC SFC O Qualifier O Round O 1 O clash O #EveryBall O We O need O borrow O € O 160m O per O week O in O 2014 O to O pay O for O deficit O . O We O 're O now O balancing O the O day-to-day O books O , O it O 's O interest O on O debt O causing O deficit O . O Islamic B-LOC State I-LOC Supporters O Hand O Out O Leaflets O in O Central B-LOC London I-LOC Promising O ' O Dawn O of O a O New O Era O http://t.co/GNV6pmsBCo O " O Job O Creation O , O Youth O Unemployment O " O 1985 O leaflet O from O Dublin B-LOC North I-LOC Central I-LOC Young O Fine O Gael O http://t.co/TWFnUeo0nb O I O categorically O deny O I O am O skanky O . O My O skin O complexion O is O also O not O in O question O . O I O use O products O . O #FOI O @ B-PER 27KHV B-PER @ B-PER sikorskiradek B-PER @ B-PER olacicho B-PER And O that O 's O a O fair O point O ( O though O no O one O said O I O worked O with O ' O Fox B-ORG News I-ORG ' O , O it O was O a O tad O more O serious O ) O . O In O today O 's O Irish B-ORG News I-ORG : O Sunday O ’ O s O crowd O at O Clones B-LOC will O get O value O for O their O money O from O Antrim B-LOC says O Saffrons B-LOC manager O Liam B-PER Bradley I-PER #EveryBall O @ B-PER GTCost B-PER But O #Picketty O says O one O of O the O inextricable O components O of O return O on O capital O is O " O outright O theft O " O so O they O 'll O have O to O include O stealing O . O @ B-PER LiamDelaneyEcon B-PER the O ' O easy O as O a O default O ' O idea O is O good O for O mandatory O actions O or O sought O ones O but O are O ccards O not O often O ' O sold O ' O to O ppl O ? O It O has O been O a O fab O weekend O of O snooker O . O Congrats O Mark B-PER Selby I-PER . O Should O schools O and O hospitals O be O privatised O ? O http://t.co/RN6uaTpeEO O @ B-PER SeanFionn B-PER Labour B-ORG 's O way O with O the O elder O lemons O from O the O Worker B-ORG 's I-ORG Party I-ORG & O their O politburo O mentality O - O do O n't O get O me O started O on O bullying O ! O ! O ! O ! O letter O to O the O @ B-ORG irishtimes B-ORG ' O can O we O have O a O CGT O break O for O something O that O already O has O it O ' O http://t.co/H7uPUv2RH6 O ( O no O CGT O on O PDH O 's O ) O So O what O is O ' O well O being O ' O in O a O university O context O ? O http://t.co/MQyYeC124Z O Getting O the O foundations O right O for O social O housing O http://t.co/nXPvdkTiE3 O Are O we O really O still O talking O about O how O many O houses O we O can O build O ? O Thanks O @ B-PER johncreedon B-PER for O shining O a O light O on O the O the O power O of O songs O of O struggle O This O story O by O @ B-PER ococonuts B-PER now O being O raised O in O Dail B-LOC : O Hogan B-PER pulls O funding O for O deaf O service O http://t.co/6evuMJ7XEG O @ B-PER CferDeltaF508 B-PER Are O you O on O Fortrum O or O Mero O ? O Sometimes O they O can O cause O . O Ask O for O anti-itch O ! O :) O @ B-PER frankmcdonald60 B-PER @ B-PER eric_cartman31 B-PER In O general O , O Minister O for O FA O is O way O down O the O pecking O order O as O a O Ministry B-ORG compared O to O other O countries O . O EUCHR B-ORG judgement O on O KHODORKOVSKIY B-PER AND O LEBEDEV B-PER v O . O RUSSIA B-ORG http://t.co/3oFPPt6dk4{ O " O itemid O " O :[ O " O 001 O - O 122697 O " O ] O } O Mortality O rate O generally O 25 O % O higher O in O NI B-LOC than O Republic B-LOC - O 8 O . O 2 O deaths O per O 1 O , O 000 O in O NI B-LOC in O 2013 O cf O 6 O . O 5 O per O 1 O , O 000 O here O . O @ B-PER drivetimerte B-PER I O think O @ B-PER FitzgeraldFrncs B-PER told O @ B-PER ghook B-PER Brian B-PER Purcell I-PER was O interviewed O 3 O times O for O #justicereview O @ B-PER PadraigMacL B-PER In O today O 's O Irish B-ORG News I-ORG : O WIN O @ B-ORG Armagh_GAA B-ORG v O @monaghangaa O Ulster B-LOC Championship O tickets O @ B-LOC UlsterGAA B-LOC - O # O 5 O pairs O to O be O won O #Ulster2014 B-LOC @ B-PER sarahmaintains B-PER ah O honey O ! O x O @ B-PER LiamDelaneyEcon B-PER as O in O a O dodgy O angle O for O wanting O it O ? O I O think O it O would O be O better O as O there O would O be O less O blame O w O / O guilt O presumption O on O co O 's O . O @ B-PER gavinsblog B-PER up O next O with O #vinb O To O discuss O FOI O legislation O IE O has O a O security O threat O , O sadly O some O banks O & O Govt O bodies O systems O wo O n't O work O on O other O browsers O http://t.co/d7pCguZmfA O ht O @ B-ORG irishtimes B-ORG Latest O : O Alliance B-ORG Party I-ORG Offices O in O East B-LOC Belfast I-LOC attacked O again O http://t.co/IlxXyE9xBA O 18 O . O 2 O % O of O current O female O Fine O Gael O TDs O now O are O Ministers O or O Junior O Ministers O as O against O 28 O . O 3 O % O of O male O Fine O Gael O TDs O http://t.co/6B0pBpys5g O @ B-PER MrXathon B-PER Numbers O looking O good O to O me O . O Who O would O begrudge O getting O behind O an O event O like O this O ? O @ B-PER chris_derry B-PER I O 'm O having O huge O problems O with O the O mobile O version O of O the O site O at O the O moment O . O Working O on O it O . O My O take O on O the O Garda B-ORG taping O row O . O Headline O may O be O a O bit O less O nuanced O than O I O 'd O have O written O ! O http://t.co/1ViBLKfwul O @ B-PER LiamDelaneyEcon B-PER @ B-PER ananelson B-PER on O the O other O hand O the O disciplined O created O ' O stoozing O ' O & O win O out O because O of O it O We O 're O back O #mediaconfdcu O with O @ B-PER AudreyCarville B-PER introducing O @ B-PER dangillmor B-PER @ B-LOC DublinCityUni B-LOC @ B-ORG Cronkite_ASU B-ORG @ B-LOC Dundrum_area B-LOC Welcome O to O the O club O ! O @ B-PER jonnyfallon B-PER @ B-PER kealanjflynn B-PER ummmmm O @ B-PER nodonovan17_o B-PER #TellEurope B-LOC are O you O going O to O be O with O us O for O the O study O later O ? O @ B-PER noelwhelan B-PER @ B-PER smockalley B-PER I O had O " O The O 70s O will O be O Socialist O " O . O Still O there O I O think O . O I O 'm O nearly O 70 O now O ! O RT O @ B-PER ConorWilson B-PER : O Justine B-PER McCarthy I-PER 's O Hidden O History O piece O on O Tuam B-LOC in O today O 's O Sunday O Times O is O excellent O , O well O worth O reading O . O Will O the O public O accounts O committee O ever O get O to O grill O anyone O again O , O when O it O receives O legal O correspondence O like O this O - O http://t.co/JqqxQg9K3t O @ B-PER coilinduffy B-PER @ B-ORG NewYorkGAA B-ORG 2 O - O 4 O @ B-ORG Bodengaa B-ORG 0 O - O 4 O Settling O in O here O at O #ParisBakery B-LOC for O the O night O . O Dreading O the O cold O night O ahead O but O also O feel O privileged O to O be O able O to O stand O with O the O workers O @ B-PER Jack0Wright B-PER ah O , O just O doing O a O piece O at O the O weekend O on O various O metal O bands O that O have O changed O vocalist O Major O promotion O ahead O for O someone O this O evening O . O Justice O a O tier O 1 O portfolio O . O Big O upset O to O Taoiseach O 's O plans O for O a O reshuffle O in O the O Autumn O . O Latest O : O Daithí B-PER McKay I-PER : O Sinn B-ORG Féin I-ORG will O not O be O deflected O by O ' O old O guard O ' O within O the O police O http://t.co/qZmErJoyOS O @ B-PER LorrCliff B-PER . O . O . O and O T O minus O 20 O years O until O Clifford B-PER Jr I-PER 's O first O election O campaign O , O I O 'd O say O Lorraine B-PER :) O After O being O declared O the O new O leader O of O the O Labour B-ORG Party I-ORG , O Joan B-PER Burton I-PER says O she O feels O " O very O emotional O about O today O " O @ B-PER andrewgdotcom B-PER @ B-PER alaninbelfast B-PER " O Cockup O " O , O is O that O the O new O NI B-ORG 21 I-ORG motto O ? O Is O Ireland B-LOC unique O in O it O 's O dynastic O approach O to O democracy O ? O http://t.co/no0PDXuVKw O @ B-PER JohnOBrennan2 B-PER Quality O journalism O is O n't O free O . O Time O to O call O a O halt O on O tax O http://t.co/JivPWMHNRf O I O must O say O I O like O Osvaldo B-PER Ardiles I-PER as O a O pundit O . O I O 've O liked O him O since O I O saw O him O first O as O a O genius O of O a O player O in O 1978 O and O he O wears O nifty O ties O In O tmro O 's O Irish O News O : O Rory B-PER has O made O his O Olympic O choice O , O but O he O 'll O have O to O be O on O top O of O his O game O to O win O the O @IrishOpen2014 O we O look O ahead O The O anti-cyclical O policy O thread O http://t.co/L6l2mru5cl O @ B-PER danylmc B-PER Can O we O please O roll O footage O of O the O all O the O nice O things O John B-PER Key I-PER had O to O say O about O Winston B-PER in O 2008 O and O 2011 O ? O #ManofPrinciple O @ B-PER richardhills777 B-PER Well O lets O hope O the O media O lets O us O hear O it O @ B-PER bruk_bb B-PER @ B-PER creamym4mi B-PER Ok O v O godly O Balmoral B-LOC KFC I-LOC Hot O n O Spicy O closing O ceremony O . O Tweet O me O & O i O walk O up O ( O @ B-PER fishBOWLBoy274 B-PER u O v O . O local O + O invited O 2 O lol O ) O @ B-PER Mr_Sam_Brown B-PER you O want O me O out O ? O Zenaphobic O , O much O ? O My O mate O Te B-PER Radar I-PER talks O dairy O and O sustainability O : O http://t.co/o1gH5m1Ahs O Artax B-PER just O needed O someone O to O talk O to O . O 👍 O RT O @ B-PER adidasY3 B-PER : O Superheroes O might O be O the O world O 's O only O remaining O hope O . O @ B-PER adidasY3 B-PER #AW14 O #campaign O #adidas O #Y3 O http://t.co/9ajAV76mEE O Anything O other O than O , O " O Pardon O ? O " O ; O you O 're O just O squawking O . O Alert O : O Northcote B-LOC - O The O Waitemata B-ORG Police I-ORG Serious I-ORG Crash I-ORG Investigation I-ORG Team I-ORG is O currently O at O the O scene O of O a O serious O mo O . O . O . O http://t.co/MCzGLOYRvu O RNZ B-ORG listener O asks O what O happen O to O Ministerial O responsibility O - O yes O what O did O - O amazed O anyone O remembers O such O a O quaint O old O thing O Blog O : O Our O reassuring O presence O - O The O tragic O events O that O unfolded O in O Ashburton B-LOC on O Monday O shocked O all O New O Zealanders O . O . O . O . O http://t.co/Dr7MVnC8zb O I O would O love O to O see O more O videos O like O this O one O : O http://t.co/zJQ840d81Q O @ B-PER vernontava B-PER @ B-PER PaulHenryShow B-PER @ B-ORG TV3nz B-ORG Great O stuff O Vern B-PER Grazed O chin O , O injured O hand O and O maybe O slightly O sprained O shoulder O . O Fine O . O If O ur O going O 2 O wear O headphones O in O the O forest O , O do O n't O scream O when O I O come O running O up O behind O u O ! O Speed O , O Seatbelts O and O Shortcuts O - O Focus O of O Waikato B-LOC Operation O targeting O Truck O Drivers O http://t.co/jkzW6D1FXz O Rocket B-LOC park I-LOC in O mt B-LOC Albert I-LOC is O going O off O ! O Lol O @ B-PER laurentvidal B-PER that O 's O me O far O left O ! O Although O a O bit O more O leg O speed O in O the O run O that O day O would O have O helped O too O ! O @ B-PER Sportsfreakconz B-PER yup O , O one O of O my O better O in O terms O of O names O in O the O pocket O . O . O . O Almost O lost O my O right O nipple O in O that O game O too O . O @ B-PER Katrina_SJ B-PER Thanks O for O noticing O . O Irish B-LOC public O backs O action O on O obesity O , O including O a O tax O on O junk O food O : O http://t.co/0CvdqB8l7J O I O start O every O day O with O aggressive O hip O hop O or O metal O . O If O I O miss O this O step O I O 'm O a O huge O grump O . O Found O this O via O UK B-LOC actor O David B-PER Morrissey I-PER . O Beautiful O animation O . O worth O a O look O and O a O sign O of O the O petition O . O The O . O . O . O http://t.co/Pa3HUKCtma O @ B-PER caniwiwilliams B-PER @ B-PER mizjwilliams B-PER @ B-PER althecat B-PER not O a O wee O bottle O of O Maple O syrup O Hospitals O face O obesity O costs O : O http://t.co/dshDRY0V2R O Happy O birthday O to O my O amazing O sons O Barry B-PER and O Taane B-PER . O Three O today O ! O Mama O loves O and O adores O you O ! O ❤ O ️ O ❤ O ️ O ❤ O ️ O lol O I O posted O a O new O photo O to O Facebook O http://t.co/CEHgQ7xqpn O Some O great O TV O this O morning O ! O @ B-ORG triathlonlive B-ORG http://t.co/Byj6bgtRQZ O One O of O those O " O I O ca O n't O believe O they O printed O that O " O interviews O with O @ B-PER janfrodeno B-PER thanks O @ B-ORG LavaMagazine B-ORG funny O stuff O ! O http://t.co/NB1Xt25Gkx O Nymphomaniac O I O & O II O were O so O great O I O 'm O going O to O watch O them O both O again O tomorrow O night O . O Take O a O look O at O the O way O the O major O parties O are O behaving O around O tax O : O http://t.co/AKr13bF8s2 O @ B-PER jamesjrobertson B-PER word O " O Your O campaign O idea O is O too O good O for O us O " O Huh O ? O ! O How O does O one O even O reply O to O this O School O visits O @ O Taupo B-LOC today O , O most O of O these O kids O had O no O idea O who O I O was O , O but O were O still O excited O ! O http://t.co/3FURYCl0vb O Did O you O have O a O good O one O ? O @ B-PER WendyWings B-PER no O . O Ouch O . O Ashburton B-LOC search O moves O underwater O - O Police O investigating O the O shooting O in O Ashburton B-LOC last O week O have O extended O their O i O . O . O . O http://t.co/Tmnbw6HcUC O @ B-PER TheCricketGeek B-PER for O Malaysia B-LOC ! O Study O of O ancient O faeces O suggests O that O Neanderthals O had O more O of O a O taste O for O fruit O and O vegetables O : O http://t.co/HWgxzX1tZ1 O High O 5 O “ O @ B-PER OmgGir B-PER : O @ B-PER CoryJane1080 B-PER Cory O ! O We O ( O PramColl B-ORG ) O smashed O ManaColl B-ORG 61 O - O 5 O tonight O ! O ( O Girls O rugby O ) O ” O Hanging O at O I O ride O Wellington B-LOC iridewgtn O wicked O place O ! O Coffee O & O iamspecialized O perfect O combo O ! O http://t.co/70atlSIjhi O A O foggy O pass O through O . O . O heading O to O Christchurch B-LOC . O #mradventure O http://t.co/yGoMnfTxuJ O @ B-PER ApeJane B-PER Or O even O close O . O So O many O dads O at O rocket O park O this O morn O . O Must O be O a O let O mum O sleep O in O thing O . O . O . O What O about O me O ? O Trevor B-PER Mallard I-PER want O to O clone O a O Moa O - O PM O wants O to O get O a O dinosaur O a O seat O in O Parliament B-LOC - O these O are O strange O times O Looks O like O CNN B-ORG got O their O senior O nitwit O @ B-PER JeanneMoos B-PER to O cover O the O royal O visit O . O " O Journalism O " O at O its O best O . O https://t.co/CYbWFUW2oG O How O to O craft O infographics O that O are O widely O shared O . O http://t.co/bPdlZpcprd O @ B-PER vcarternz B-PER Thank O you O very O much O ! O Britain B-LOC 's O obesity O crisis O is O so O serious O that O NHS B-ORG hospitals O are O buying O specialist O equipment O : O http://t.co/wU6Wpl4IUX O Starting O another O book O today O . O The O ultimate O collection O of O all O my O recipes O - O out O in O time O for O Christmas O . O Managed O to O jump O , O land O on O guitar O cable O , O fall O down O backwards O , O bounce O of O ass O , O pivot O 180 O and O return O to O standing O while O continuing O to O play O today O . O @ B-PER Bourkey8 B-PER absolutely O noel B-PER . O Keen O ? O Great O Doco O on O tv1 B-ORG now O called O the O trouble O with O alcohol O ! O Very O insightful O @ B-PER justinsight B-PER ! O ! O ! O ❤ O ️ O Friends O on O Twitter O who O work O in O advertising O , O you O definitely O need O to O watch O this O . O Just O brilliant O ! O Filled O with O buzzwords O https://t.co/1DzElk5qmX O @ B-PER LizzieMarvelly B-PER @ B-PER katyperry B-PER amaze O alert O ! O Gangsta O bitch O . O @ B-PER petestoreyis B-PER Good O point O ! O @ B-PER hrjohn44 B-PER @ B-PER harleypeters B-PER My O great O pleasure O ! O You O two O totally O rock O ! O NSA B-ORG ? O Rupert B-PER ? O Tom B-PER Cruise I-PER ? O A O Goldman B-ORG Sachs I-ORG bankster O ? O Maybe O some O oil O exploration O execs O on O their O way O home O from O a O junket O http://t.co/FrR7CibegR O " O Hey O Anthony B-PER Kiedis I-PER can O I O please O get O a O photo O ? O " O " O Nah O I O do O n't O do O that O shit O anymore O " O . O . O " O respect O , O fist O bump O then O ? O " O " O Done O " O #coachella2from2 B-LOC Awesome O to O get O another O chance O to O play O in O the O Black O jersey O again O . O . O . O Good O or O bad O game O it O 's O always O a O proud O moment O . O . O . O So O a O bunch O of O women O at O the O airport O in O Istanbul B-LOC knew O me O . O ' O Where O are O you O from O ? O ' O i O said O . O Turkmenistan B-LOC , O it O turns O out O . O More O life O surprises O . O Why O you O hate O me O instagram B-ORG ? O ( O Insert O multiple O crying O catface O emoticons O ) O http://t.co/gwdStq0Ve3 O @ B-PER WendyWings B-PER Thanks O Wendy B-PER - O it O takes O a O bit O of O getting O used O to O being O in O the O house O without O him O x O Catching O up O on O shit O , O here O 's O a O life O update O ! O < O 3 O http://t.co/SXlol75HEi O @ B-PER AndreAlessi B-PER roast O beef O . O It O was O excellent O ! O Reckon O hospital O food O gets O a O bad O rap O and O I O 've O had O a O good O bit O of O it O over O the O years O . O You O 're O a O unicorn O now O 😝 O “ O @ B-PER A_Smith09 B-PER : O My O twin O brother O decided O to O show O up O on O my O forehead O ! O Great O ha O hate O pimples O man O . O . O Still O Young O ha O 😝 O 😅 O ” O @ B-PER AlexaHotz B-PER Thank O you O so O much O for O featuring O my O Wendyl B-ORG 's I-ORG Green I-ORG Goddess I-ORG products O in O your O latest O story O . O We O are O thrilled O . O . O @ B-PER DanCohen17 B-PER Andre B-PER Russell I-PER pretended O to O pull O out O of O his O run O up O , O and O then O bowled O it O … O I O kinda O like O it O . O It O ’ O s O very O naughty O though O ! O Waiting O for O the O boss O . O Amiens B-LOC Cathedral I-LOC , O last O week O . O http://t.co/hpenIPSYMS O @ B-PER amylmcdonald B-PER June O 19 O . O . O . O 2014 O . O . O . O that O 's O this O year O . O Getting O onsite O at O 8am O to O beat O the O crowds O . O . O One O of O the O truly O astounding O places O on O earth O . O #astronomy… O http://t.co/fef2yaLIw9 O Watching O Cadbury B-ORG #DreamFactory O with O the O talented O @ B-PER Brooke_hs B-PER catch O it O now O on O @ B-ORG TV3nz B-ORG . O . O turn O it O on O , O do O it O , O doooo O it O ! O #dreamwedding O @ B-PER NZBEERBABE B-PER @ B-PER worried_mind B-PER @ B-PER alicegalletly B-PER are O you O real O ? O @ B-PER teejaydeebee B-PER Not O at O all O . O Would O be O interested O to O hear O what O you O thought O was O incorrect O . O 4 O :3 O 37 O pm O on O a O Friday O . O Perfect O song O to O wave O goodbye O to O the O week O , O and O Hello O WEEKEND O ! O ! O http://t.co/ZKRXIninux O Anyone O know O when O the O Fault O in O our O stars O opens O in O New B-LOC Zealand I-LOC ? O #thefaultinourstars O Which O predator-free O community O should O win O $ O 5 O , O 000 O ? O Vote O here O : O http://t.co/Y9Sn27w4fW O @ B-PER geekbeagolfer B-PER Hahaha O - O 9292 O - O ZBZB O The O nipple O shower O ! O http://t.co/te2SUfiGoK O What O is O going O on O ? O What O is O the O agenda O ? O I O just O simply O do O n't O understand O . O Just O makes O me O LOVE O New B-LOC Zealand I-LOC more O & O more O . O Stupidly O locked O myself O out O of O my O apartment O this O AM O . O Used O paper O clips O to O get O myself O back O in O . O Will O be O riding O this O high O for O WEEKS O ! O ! O ! O Alert O : O Victoria B-LOC St I-LOC Hamilton I-LOC - O Hamilton B-ORG Police I-ORG have O attended O a O business O in O Victoria B-LOC Street I-LOC Hamilton I-LOC after O a O memb O . O . O . O http://t.co/BynJmHQkYD O @ B-PER LID_MAN B-PER have O you O had O a O terrible O year O ? O jokes O ! O thanks O heaps O , O too O kind O @ B-PER RuminatorNZ B-PER @ B-PER MorganGodfery B-PER @ B-PER hebehu B-PER We O ca O n't O afford O you O . O How O to O repurpose O old O jeans O . O . O . O http://t.co/vEtkPIYsog O @ B-PER mumsontop B-PER No O unfortunately O . O @ B-PER rumpole3 B-PER @ B-PER robhosking B-PER @ B-PER fundypost B-PER A O Fargo O would O be O a O refreshing O climax O to O the O whole O thing O . O http://t.co/13tG8egVqT O @ B-PER davidclarke015 B-PER @ B-PER RealStevenAdams B-PER No O interview O bro O , O I O just O bailed O him O up O , O he O stopped O for O a O yarn O #goodbugger O #inspiration O #noego O #kiwi O I O liked O your O courtroom O footage O , O @ B-ORG TV3nz B-ORG . O TONIGHT O : O The O Oamaru B-LOC lol O fest O 8pm O at O the O Opera B-LOC House I-LOC . O . O . O #mradventure O http://t.co/LhinYWFH25 O @ B-PER marchintonffx B-PER @ B-PER tomabo10 B-PER Go O the O boys O ! O Legs O r O really O sore O but O still O on O a O high O from O #IMTX O here O 's O a O great O shot O of O my O @ B-PER iamspecialized B-PER from O @ B-ORG N2PHOTOservices B-ORG http://t.co/4LjlOcp4yZ O @ B-PER NatashaUtting B-PER already O working O on O it O babe O . O 🎵 O @ B-PER xaimeh B-PER 8 O :3 O 38 O am O New B-LOC Zealand I-LOC in O bed O Useful O How-to O guide O by O @ B-PER kingnivin B-PER on O using O the O ' O IFTTT B-ORG ' O service O for O Instagram B-ORG to O Twitter B-ORG postings O https://t.co/5c5M1RSCoN O New O summer O spectacles O purchased O for O UK B-LOC adventure O tour O . O . O . O Stay O tuned O for O further O updates O . O #mradventure O is O it O right O to O be O annoyed O at O this O ? O i O break O some O news O ( O http://t.co/BUyq04rRfw) O - O Variety B-ORG runs O it O with O no O reference O ( O http://t.co/mZVmNEuDRG) O @ B-PER TamatiEllison B-PER but O I O 'm O white O and O my O hat O was O on O at O the O recommended O level O , O what O gives O ? O @ B-PER CricketTragic58 B-PER Surely O it O would O n't O be O because O the O MH O 370 O victims O were O predominantly O Chinese O ? O ! O Their O stories O are O just O as O tragic O ! O Laundry O powder O kit O just O $ O 40 O this O week O . O Make O your O own O all O natural O laundry O powder O - O save O money O and O the O environment O . O http://t.co/mwoAFAaDgg O This O is O awful O to O watch O - O I O ca O n't O imagine O what O it O must O be O like O to O be O a O Brazilian O fan O . O An O important O book O for O election O year O . O . O . O . O . O . O http://t.co/KybVJf4Hia O @ B-PER alexquilliam B-PER currently O , O yes O Have O you O been O to O a O predator-free O place O ? O Would O you O visit O Stewart B-LOC Island I-LOC if O it O were O predator-free O ? O http://t.co/Zp3oEpgCEJ O My O Friday O #DigiSport O Column O - O I O look O at O how O Sports O Teams O are O Embracing O @ B-ORG GoogleGlass B-ORG http://t.co/v6MoDSqefA O http://t.co/j5yubVy8Cq O Sam B-PER Judd I-PER is O asking O the O right O questions O on O environment O & O economy O : O http://t.co/CUS2auaiib O Alert O : O Lake B-LOC Lyndon I-LOC - O Canterbury B-ORG Police I-ORG Search I-ORG and I-ORG Rescue I-ORG are O currently O involved O in O a O search O for O a O person O who O went O . O . O . O http://t.co/yaF91G2e9t O Experienced O guide O injured O on O Mt B-LOC Cook I-LOC - O At O 11am O this O morning O an O experienced O climbing O guide O fell O 20m O along O a O mo O . O . O . O http://t.co/8aD9P207Vu O @ B-PER CateOwen B-PER @ B-ORG TV3nz B-ORG @ B-ORG CampbellLiveNZ B-ORG Sorry O . O @ B-PER TheMoustacher B-PER Thank O you O , O but O my O own O is O more O splendid O still O @ B-PER michalabanas B-PER aaawww O u O ! O beautiful O funny O delicious O lady O ! O waiting O by O the O phone O for O Mastodon B-ORG to O call O for O an O interview O . O metal O bands O are O always O late O but O it O 's O worth O the O wait O . O Love O this O Australian B-LOC definition O of O someone O given O to O stinginess O - O " O That O bastard O would O n't O shout O if O a O shark O bit O him O " O Did O I O mention O our O Simple O DIY O Kit O is O only O $ O 80 O - O time O to O find O your O inner O Nana O and O start O making O your O own O cleaners O . O http://t.co/c9fsVi8z3L O @ B-PER ClintVSmith B-PER How O do O you O know O ? O Cunliffe B-PER will O wait O for O the O voters O to O have O their O say O before O he O makes O any O decisions O #Goldsmith4Labour B-PER Sounds O scary O . O . O . O . O RT O @ B-PER FlynnyZM B-PER : O Ok O we O are O on O the O air O now O @ B-ORG ZMonline B-ORG a O very O important O announcement O next O ! O Heartsick O . O Poor O Robin B-PER Williams I-PER . O Surely O #TeamFederer B-ORG members O , O we O can O dare O to O dream O ! O #Wimbledon2014 B-LOC @ B-PER TheJayReeve B-PER 😭 O cute O ! O How O 's O parenthood O ? O X O @ B-PER Head_Weasel B-PER it O cam O up O in O the O Q O & O A O session O after O his O speech O this O morning O @ B-PER RuminatorNZ B-PER @ I-PER stevenljoyce I-PER @ I-PER DavidCunliffeMP I-PER Recommending O @ B-PER JimmyBarnes B-PER new O 30 O / O 30 O album O , O and O wishing O him O back O on O his O rock O 'n' O roll O feet O post O haste O . O Jimmy B-PER ! O ! O Lift O it O , O team O . O You O can O do O this O . O Castlecliff B-LOC house O fire O update O - O A O woman O who O was O in O the O Wanganui B-LOC Hospital I-LOC in O a O critical O condition O after O being O rescu O . O . O . O http://t.co/ssm1EpADeA O Wow O . O My O Irish O husband O had O to O resort O to O swearing O in O Gaelic O by O the O fifth O goal O - O his O arsenal O of O Anglo- O Saxon O expletives O was O exhausted O . O . O . O Open O letter O to O John B-PER Tamihere I-PER and O Willie B-PER Jackson I-PER . O Dear O JT B-PER and O Willie B-PER , O You O guys O are O pricks O . O Sincerely O , O T B-PER Waititi I-PER Riveting O huh O ! O RT O @ B-PER dannews B-PER : O Circular O piano O and O bad O green O screen O is O back O ! O ! O #NZEurovision B-LOC @ B-PER Gonzo_McNulty B-PER it O 's O INSANE O you O put O poppies O alongside O TD B-PER and O Fargo B-LOC , O but O thanks O for O the O sentiment O ! O x O @ B-PER TheSmarmyBum B-PER @ B-ORG england B-ORG Ah O cool O cool O . O How O are O things O at O your O new O hustle O ? O Terrific O sugar-free O muesli O bar O recipes O for O those O school O lunchboxes O http://t.co/2V8rcpLQSK O @ B-PER lenadunham B-PER Thank O You O . O . O it O rules O huh O ? O ( O from O the O crazy O monkey O lady O from O " O Top O of O the O Lake O " O ) O X O @ B-PER Davidxvx B-PER @ B-PER keith_ng B-PER I O just O read O one O twenty O minutes O ago O and O I O already O want O another O . O Aw O thenk O yeoooow O ( O LA B-LOC yoga O babe O pronunciation O ) O . O I O will O drink O this O alone O tonight O . O Then O regret O … O http://t.co/D9WDVWyKhq O 22 O #ContentMarketing O Experts O Reveal O the O Secrets O to O Writing O Killer O Blog O Posts O ! O http://t.co/8axuGvPkFG O Try O this O wonderful O old-fashioned O lavender O icing O . O . O . O http://t.co/gCsF96sGkz O Would O you O visit O Stewart B-LOC Island I-LOC if O it O were O predator-free O ? O http://t.co/wN56X0wbdz O Labour B-ORG & O Greens B-ORG blaming O Gov O ' O t O failures O on O housing O policy O for O OCR O rise O @ B-PER L_To B-PER @ B-PER tarasutherland B-PER Those O poops O in O the O house O must O be O a O distant O memory O . O . O . O @ B-PER 562Haven B-PER @ B-PER GAFINDUSTRIES B-PER Oh O no O ! O ! O ! O @ B-PER arhemant B-PER @ B-PER cricketaakash B-PER no O scoops O back O then O … O and O no O one O would O dare O do O that O to O Wasim B-PER ! O @ B-PER HareBrainedIdea B-PER That O is O chillingly O close O . O Also O , O Sir B-PER Les I-PER P I-PER is O an O habitue O , O and O very O smart O too O . O @ B-PER ThisisPartridge B-PER Check O out O my O new O @ B-ORG TheOfficial2XU B-ORG custom O race O suit O , O modeled O by O the O better O looking O Docherty B-PER ! O http://t.co/utEwS2p8gg O @ B-PER KendallForbes B-PER Old O @ B-PER CampbellLiveNZ B-PER is O a O cracker O tonight O ! O Just O posted O a O photo O http://t.co/GEi12tWVRn O Leg O Day O . O . O . O @ B-PER lesmillsakl B-PER Addicted O to O fitness O . O . O . O walked O passed O lads O shaving O their O faces O and O backs O in O … O http://t.co/oyis0az1Pk O I O am O looking O forward O to O this O mind-controlled O robot O exoskeleton O ( O controlled O by O a O paralyzed O boy O ) O at O the O World O Cup O opening O . O 😉 O @ B-PER NickPrinceNz B-PER : O @ B-PER CoryJane1080 B-PER @ I-PER 4LittleJanes I-PER Way O to O win O bonus O points O with O the O Mrs O ! O just O got O told O I O never O tweet O anything O like O that O Damn O just O got O told O I O missed O out O on O the O Hurricanes O coaching O job O for O next O year O . O . O . O #O_Well_Maybe_Next_Time O @ B-PER QueenofCobden B-PER sometimes O life O is O more O about O legs O than O it O is O about O legislation O Some O common O sense O on O obesity O from O a O Stuff O reader O : O http://t.co/4zzMiO6l8m O @ B-PER DAT_SUAVE_BOI B-PER and O they O better O keep O sayin O it O 's O true O cos O it O is O lol O Looking O for O trouble O , O there O 's O a O fox O in O the O nest O , O kick O up O your O heels O on O the O double O , O put O the O mocking O to O … O http://t.co/h2oWC4uTib O If O you O are O a O store O selling O your O wares O to O the O female O population O please O provide O an O adequate O sitting O space O for O the O gentleman O . O . O That O is O all O . O @ B-PER michalabanas B-PER f O ' O kn O reflux O . O love O you O . O @ B-PER vaughndavis B-PER only O took O just O over O an O hour O to O drive O there O . O . O . O . O . O . O #backonthecouchnow O This O guy O on O 60mins O tonight O . O I O assure O you O he O 's O not O a O total O w O @nker O , O he O just O looks O , O dresses O , O talks O , O and O acts O that O way O . O https://t.co/yP8D9oZORQ O Wind O farm O in O the O Manawatu B-LOC hills I-LOC . O . O . O #mradventure O @ O Te B-LOC Apiti I-LOC Wind I-LOC Farm I-LOC http://t.co/NdSmGqOJ9F O Trailer O | O Upper O Middle O Bogan O | O Premieres O Thursday O 15 O August O ABC B-ORG 1 I-ORG http://t.co/ecuou4ax6i O Do O you O even O disclosure O ? O #Coachella2014 O My O 1st O Model O Comp O Card O when O I O was O 20 O years O old O ! O #colinmathurajeffree B-PER #newzoolanders… O http://t.co/bLStqrTomU O @ B-PER Jayson_Bryant B-PER @ B-PER WendyWings B-PER Haha O - O I O still O remember O your O mother O in O law O trying O to O get O Ferg B-PER to O come O at O Grey B-LOC Lynn I-LOC Park I-LOC ! O You O ’ O ll O be O shocked O at O how O important O the O Ruataniwha B-LOC decision O is O for O the O future O of O your O economy O and O environment O : O http://t.co/UgXknkKkYx O 26 O Reasons O Kids O Are O Pretty O Much O Just O Tiny O Drunk O Adults O http://t.co/YrElgVCOUS O via O @ B-PER AwesomeRingerud B-PER " O Good O Soul O of O Szechuan B-LOC " O at O Q O . O First O preview O . O Great O crowd O . O Punk O music O went O down O a O treat O Great O article O by O Dr B-PER Andrew I-PER Dickson I-PER - O We O can O reduce O the O consumption O of O sugary O drinks O by O taxation O : O http://t.co/vIzc2pq0sl O @ B-PER pacificraft B-PER That O 's O true O , O is O n't O it O ? O I O remember O . O But O I O meant O it O . O You O were O telling O me O so O many O new O and O wonderful O things O , O Bill B-PER . O 4mins O in O the O tent O of O shame O ended O my O chances O at O #IM703eagleman. O Worked O my O way O back O to O 4th O . O http://t.co/iyRRioHEPB O Supermarkets O consider O sugar-free O aisles O : O http://t.co/2quweYCSz2 O Endo O Fashion O Breakfast O . O . O . O . O sponsored O by O #Vogels B-ORG . O . O . O #nzfw O #colinmathurajeffree B-PER angeliquefristaylor I-PER … O http://t.co/WePF6HwF54 O @ B-PER mizjwilliams B-PER really O ? O ? O what O on O earth O 's O going O on O ? O @ B-PER DavidCunliffeMP B-PER I O take O my O Invisalign B-ORG braces O off O in O cafes O , O restaurants O and O bars O with O zero O shame O . O Stringy O spit O trails O - O like O that O kiss O from O Cruel O Intentions O . O I O knew O i O was O in O Australia B-LOC because O a O large O bird O outside O seemed O to O be O swearing O like O a O sailor O . O Not O so O much O " O Kaarrk O ! O ' O as O . O . O . O @ B-PER adriantullberg B-PER Wide O brimmed O felt O hats O everywhere O @ B-PER familyride B-PER @ B-PER wishbonedesign B-PER @ B-PER clevercycles B-PER and O they O Are O in O Portland B-LOC . O Ok O that O 's O a O no O . O Lolz O Loved O being O able O to O say O thank O you O on O behalf O of O the O TOTL O tribe O with O the O beautiful O Garth B-PER Davis I-PER at O the O Logies B-LOC . O @ B-PER CinematicSavage B-PER Salutations O ! O You O are O one O of O my O fav O humans O on O here O x O @ B-PER vincristine B-PER do O n't O remember O any O of O it O , O but O they O say O I O fainted O , O was O communicating O but O then O had O the O fit O . O Your O qs O are O always O welcome O here O . O Do O you O like O my O greys O ? O http://t.co/FVDZpTSHvo O Why O taking O action O on O climate O change O is O good O ( O Aussie B-LOC article O but O applies O to O NZ B-LOC Inc O ) O : O http://t.co/Ez9eaQFFwQ O @ B-PER nzkoz B-PER the O shameful O truth O is O that O it O 's O largely O explained O by O alcohol O . O @ B-PER NatashaUtting B-PER so O kind O 🐱 O xx O @ B-PER rarahsobson B-PER @ B-PER TrevorMallard B-PER @ B-PER philiplyth B-PER No O thats O the O one O John B-PER Key I-PER would O like O to O give O a O seat O in O Parliament B-LOC @ B-PER TovaOBrien B-PER And O OECD B-ORG 's O " O key O recommendations O " O for O NZ B-LOC : O " O Adjusting O policies O to O improve O equity O and O efficiency O . O . O . O Implement O a O capital O gains O tax O . O " O Life O ai O n't O all O that O bad O today O , O play O on O #playadelcarmen B-PER #mexico B-LOC @ O Be B-LOC Playa I-LOC Hotel I-LOC http://t.co/kXqnzaNVwJ O @ B-PER kylah87 B-PER https://t.co/G81IyZbpng O @ B-PER praneetmendon B-PER @ B-PER ankscricholic B-PER @ B-PER cricketaakash B-PER “ O attempted O ” O is O the O word O there O … O you O can O ’ O t O always O get O what O you O want O … O . O . O it O doesn O ’ O t O always O go O right O @ B-PER CharlesDagnall B-PER working O for O the O PA B-ORG ? O Ca O n't O wait O to O see O Dark O Horse O ! O What O an O amazing O story O . O Thanks O for O the O backgrounder O , O @ B-PER CampbellLiveNZ B-PER me O and O my O tama B-PER doing O more O ! O #DoMoreNZ B-LOC http://t.co/Q7hjajVud4 O check O it O out O . O super O cute O drumming O from O barry B-PER ! O http://t.co/qvt1akNlzf O 👍 O RT O @ B-PER JoshEmett B-PER : O “ O @ B-PER sara_mail B-PER : O Somewhat O obsessing O about O your O Ostro O brandy O snaps O @ B-PER JoshEmett B-PER 😡 O ” O oldie O but O a O goodie O . O do O u O even O eat O a O hangi O umu O remix O by O moonlight O out O south O tho O http://t.co/ETyewkeaPv O @ B-ORG LATENIGHTBB B-ORG birds O are O free O on O my O watch O ! O #birdman O Hahaha O no O not O a O 62 O girl O RT O @ B-PER mignon138 B-PER : O @ B-PER sara_mail B-PER @ B-PER PaulHenryShow B-PER Not O a O 62 O girl O ? O @ B-PER kkklasc B-PER @ B-PER Hone_MP B-PER This O old O question O in O feb O 2013 O ? O Violence O in O NZ B-LOC is O shocking O & O seems O to O be O getting O worse O or O are O we O faster O informed O ? O thoughts O Hi O @ B-PER MockaNZ B-PER is O there O a O store O I O could O visit O to O buy O some O balance O bikes O for O my O boys O ? O I O want O to O try O before O we O buy O ! O Thanks O xx O @ B-PER williamson_nz B-PER will O be O fronting O media O over O his O resignation O in O his O electorate O this O afternoon O Think O " O Hope O and O Wire O " O truly O superb O . O Beautifully O done O . O Stunning O NZ B-LOC TV O . O Handsome O sleep O “ O @ B-PER 4LittleJanes B-PER : O Tired O of O staying O up O all O day O / O night O Cleaning O by O myself O while O someone O gets O his O #beautysleep O @ B-PER CoryJane1080 B-PER ” O @ B-PER kyleipryor B-PER so O awesome O Police O receive O several O overseas O calls O in O relation O to O Kaitaia B-LOC case O http://t.co/LtGyum0gPK O Alert O : O Wellington B-LOC City I-LOC - O Update O on O stabbing O incident O - O Pukehinau B-LOC Flats I-LOC , O 320 B-LOC Willis I-LOC Street I-LOC , O Wellington B-LOC At O about O 4 O . O 1 O . O . O . O http://t.co/HTAvYgAcpL O Having O a O stand O up O wee O , O on O a O fast O moving O train O , O and O not O missing O , O must O be O , O I O reckon O , O the O same O kinda O feeling O a O surfer O gets O after O a O great O wave O . O @ B-PER RiverboatCapt B-PER Thank O you O . O So O much O . O I O 'm O thinking O I O 'm O going O to O need O a O time O machine O to O get O to O this O press O conference O http://t.co/xLRjy9wOGn O Just O warming O the O throne O for O Miss O Universe O New B-LOC Zealand I-LOC 2014 O #colinmathurajeffree B-PER #lifeinthefastlane… O http://t.co/PGqLTitOOd O If O you O 're O like O me O who O missed O out O on O all O the O #WWDC O news O this O morning O , O here O 's O a O complete O list O of O what O was O announced O http://t.co/1qxGJ7Zl5b O @ B-PER JoleneGolightly B-PER yup O . O Gimme O full O names O and O I O 'll O sort O it O now O actually O . O 3 O years O since O that O day O in O CHCH B-LOC . O A O city O changed O for O good O . O You O hung O in O there O and O dealt O with O the O change O despite O huge O . O . O . O http://t.co/XtGMUDVlOr O Oooooooh O I O hate O sitting O in O the O car O waiting O on O @ B-PER 4LittleJanes B-PER while O 4 O kids O Yell O , O Scream O , O touch O everything O they O can O see O & O fight O each O other O 😤 O Alert O : O Waiariki B-LOC Institute I-LOC Rotorua I-LOC - O At O 4 O . O 25p O . O m O . O this O afternoon O Police O attended O at O the O Waiariki B-LOC Institute I-LOC of I-LOC Tec I-LOC . O . O . O http://t.co/FM5HP0dQVt O @ B-PER AJ_TayTay B-PER Sounds O good O AJ B-PER Tay I-PER Tay I-PER @ B-PER gabbymonsta B-PER well O that O 's O where O I O usually O wear O them O @ B-PER majicalcloudz B-PER I O 'm O hoping O to O be O ! O @ B-PER bodytechfitmama B-PER Quite O right O x O My O special O commandos O return O from O their O latest O mission O . O . O @ B-PER thejamiebowen B-PER @ B-PER _jamesmoran B-PER #mradventure… O http://t.co/Sf81HgqWCE O @ B-PER WendyWings B-PER told O her O not O to O @ B-PER MaddyBudd B-PER yes O ! O Labour B-ORG and O NZF B-ORG claiming O PM O is O inconsistent O in O treatment O of O Williamson B-PER and O Collins B-PER . O Arguing O if O Williamson B-PER must O resign O , O then O Collins B-PER shd O too O @ B-PER syxseed B-PER @ B-PER drsciman B-PER When O I O write O articles O , O I O like O to O write O articles O like O this O . O @ B-PER mairesss B-PER if O it O had O been O whiskey O , O the O rate O she O drinks O , O I O 'd O a O been O in O the O audience O with O you O . O . O yes O totally O ice O tea O . O . O . O Media O advisory O : O Funeral O of O ( O Susan B-PER ) O Leigh B-PER CLEVELAND I-PER - O The O family O of O ( O Susan B-PER ) O Leigh B-PER CLEVELAND I-PER have O requested O priva O . O . O . O http://t.co/AqiEKNvWEQ O Man O charged O after O chemical O incident O - O A O 45 O year O old O man O is O in O Police O custody O and O will O appear O in O the O Nelson B-LOC Distr I-LOC . O . O . O http://t.co/HLejGGCFYY O 5050 O kids O under O 7yrs O old O had O to O have O general O anaesthetic O to O remove O teeth O due O to O pain O / O infection O http://t.co/hZnSksD9Y0 O @ B-PER MicheleACourt B-PER @ B-PER richardhills777 B-PER @ B-PER secondzeit B-PER @ B-PER nzherald B-PER @ B-PER metiria B-PER Was O it O a O slow O news O day O in O NZ B-LOC ? O " O Borrowed O frock O causes O social O outrage O " O Good O God O . O @ B-PER watson_rg B-PER Fingers O crossed O re O AA O . O UMB O S O 1 O plays O soon O , O season O 2 O after O that O ? O Arrest O following O attack O at O Waikato B-LOC University I-LOC - O Today O Hamilton B-LOC Police O arrested O an O 18 O year-old O Hamilton B-LOC man O in O rela O . O . O . O http://t.co/85yRXyLp12 O Alert O : O Cheviot B-LOC , I-LOC Hurunui I-LOC District I-LOC - O Emergency O services O are O attending O a O multiple O vehicle O crash O on O the O main O street O at O . O . O . O http://t.co/cLi7Xpf4MM O 8 O beauty O uses O for O baking O soda O - O it O 's O not O just O a O great O natural O cleaner O , O it O 's O also O wonderful O for O you O http://t.co/V9k0FWlKTt O @ B-PER RichieHardcore B-PER @ B-PER kylemacd B-PER I O guess O this O time O the O blond O joke O is O on O the O lion O Most O trusted O ? O Time O to O retire O happy O . O http://t.co/MRaG0gxvja O Loving O this O in-depth O analysis O by O @ B-PER shawnmoodie B-PER whether O social O media O is O to O be O blamed O for O the O rise O of O cyber O bullying O http://t.co/H1F7SBjqAh O What O We O Do O In O The O Shadows O : O a O master O class O in O viral O marketing O : O http://t.co/lFA8JxbL8f O @ B-PER verifiedNZ B-PER It O 's O not O really O me O . O Conrad B-PER oh O Conrad B-PER Soaking O up O some O knowledge O with O my O sidekick O jessie B-PER _ O g O _ O unit O #mexicanadventures O @ O Chichen B-LOC Itza I-LOC http://t.co/cqejP8LCBQ O @ B-PER DevlinLive B-PER @ B-PER scalydavis B-PER @ B-PER BluesRugbyTeam B-PER @ B-PER cowan_jimmy B-PER Hold O on O , O has O this O now O turned O into O a O football O discussion O ? O Devlin B-PER , O that O 's O disgraceful O ! O @ B-PER suzikyla23 B-PER Gerry B-PER Brownlee I-PER just O arrived O @BusinessNadine O nice O one O this O morning O Fred B-PER Hollows I-PER Foundation O , O awesome O work O @Br O eakfastonOne O 👏 O 👏 O 👏 O " O Conceal O it O . O Do O n't O feel O it O . O Do O n't O let O it O show O . O " O Advice O I O live O by O . O “ O @ B-PER 4LittleJanes B-PER : O Someone O should O be O ashamed O of O themselves O . O I O 've O moved O a O whole O house O and O @ B-PER coryjane1080 B-PER comes O home O and O http://t.co/OzN5a3IcWU O ” O @ B-PER SarahCowley3 B-PER @ B-PER AllBlacks B-PER @ B-PER manusamoa B-PER @ B-PER Eliota_Sapolu B-PER Wonderful O news O . O Wonderful O . O Ca O n't O wait O . O Hope O to O see O you O there O , O Eliota B-PER ! O @ B-PER WendyWings B-PER really O ? O Thanks O . O . O . O great O advice O Some O good O press O about O " O Drift O " O in O Ozzie B-LOC . O " O Four O Stars O " O - O David B-PER & O Margaret B-PER , O At O The B-LOC Movies I-LOC " O Best O Aussie O film O since O . O . O . O http://t.co/ZTo50VoGYJ O @ B-PER yohohos B-PER thank O you O ! O Will O do O 💙 O @ B-PER sanjeevpalar B-PER You O should O do O a O home O team O , O plus O a O wild O card O . O Someone O you O hope O will O shake O the O competition O up O Hello O Melbourne B-LOC . O I O 'm O playing O two O shows O this O Friday O at O the O Yarraville B-LOC Club I-LOC . O Get O amongst O it O ! O http://t.co/lWdAQVnkQW O @ B-PER CMRanapia B-PER @ B-PER GeneralistAlan B-PER I O am O in O no O way O minimising O the O crime O but O there O is O a O point O where O utter O disgrace O might O seem O enough O Sorry O to O say O I O wo O n't O be O racing O @ B-ORG VinemanTri B-ORG this O weekend O . O I O have O a O foot O injury O that O is O holding O me O back O ! O @ B-PER Brycepearce B-PER a O serious O endeavour O http://t.co/004QliBbKS O Shoulda O just O scrawled O ' O Tru O 5t O Ur O guT O coz O wH O 1t O 3 O maL O 3 O 1mperial O l0 O gic O is O a O j0 O k3 O ' O but O whatever O Yay O my O brother O Reno B-PER is O home O today O after O 4 O long O long O years O ! O ! O Nau O mai O Haere O mai O taku O tungane O ! O 💙 O u O It O 's O clear O to O me O that O #ColwynBay B-LOC pier I-LOC ca O n't O be O demolished O in O a O hurry O . O It O 's O time O for O sensible O discussions O about O its O future O . O @ B-PER staffs_kris B-PER Thank O you O for O inviting O me O . O @ B-PER GeorgeMonbiot B-PER @ B-PER HouseofTwits B-PER @ B-ORG UKLabour B-ORG he O is O n't O exactly O a O socialist O Offers O of O help O continue O to O pour O in O for O the O election O campaign O . O . O http://t.co/jp3Igk9DPO O UKIP B-ORG rejection O of O European O co-operation O to O fight O criminals O would O be O dangerous O for O British O families O - O ca O n't O they O remember O Costa B-LOC del I-LOC Crime I-LOC ? O Colwyn B-ORG Bay I-ORG Civic I-ORG Society I-ORG writing O to O @ B-ORG ConwyCBC B-ORG re O @ B-ORG PorthEirias B-ORG Interesting O - O turnout O for O Euro O Elections O rises O in O both O France B-LOC & O Germany B-LOC Labour B-ORG gain O a O councillor O in O Maida B-LOC Vale I-LOC . O First O time O since O 1986 O . O I O am O quietly O pleased O . O @ B-ORG bbc606 B-ORG @ B-ORG PSV B-ORG gotta O be O a O win O for O the O home O franchise O on O the O afternoon O but O can O see O the O French O guys O troubling O the O Blue B-ORG Lions I-ORG deefense O . O Busy O morning O of O mtgs O now O off O to O London B-LOC for O DWP B-ORG Questions O & O Deregulation O Bill O Queen B-PER ’ O s O speech O fails O those O on O zerohour O contracts O , O too O few O homes O . O No O mention O of O NHS B-ORG & O on O immigration O nothing O to O tackle O undercutting O of O wages O Today O I O joined O the O Scottish B-ORG Unemployed I-ORG Workers I-ORG Network I-ORG to O protest O against O unfair O DWP B-ORG sanctions O . O http://t.co/3cEY1mif0T O http://t.co/U58AwHyZh3 O The O first O showing O of O the O Modern O Slavery O campaign O ad O will O be O at O 18 O : O 42 O today O on O Channel B-ORG 4 I-ORG . O Great O response O to O the O campaign O so O far O . O @ B-PER Meg_HillierMP B-PER today O I O ’ O m O at O the O UN B-ORG petitioning O to O put O early O childhood O devpt O at O heart O of O #Post2015 O MDGs O . O Pls O support O & O RT O http://t.co/I4ylcHD3Gz O @ B-PER ParsonsIvor B-PER for O a O guaranteed O reply O to O anything O please O email O me O with O a O constituency O address O . O Galas B-PER with O the O depossession O slide O . O Corner O restart O for O the O Liver O Ducks O . O #soccer O Thanks O to O Oliver B-PER Letwin I-PER MP O for O meeting O & O taking O questions O from O councillors O , O community O leaders O and O business O reps O on O the O impact O of O Gov O policy O @ B-PER RachelGoodchild B-PER It O 's O very O clearly O ( O from O the O picture O ) O a O major O error O by O @ B-ORG royalmail B-ORG - O there O is O a O ZERO O charge O for O European O Election O mail O . O @ B-ORG ChronandEcho B-ORG Are O you O trying O to O say O my O " O man O about O town O " O look O is O n't O on O trend O ? O @ B-PER OliverKayTimes B-PER They O 're O deluded O if O they O think O that O was O the O reason O . O All O about O coaching O and O culture O of O developing O young O talent O . O @ B-PER doloreshaze B-PER @ B-PER El_Tequila B-PER THIS O IS O AMAZING O @ B-ORG BritishArmy B-ORG Pls O RT O : O MPs O , O soldiers O + O veterans O climbing O #Cotopaxi2014 B-LOC in O Ecuador B-LOC for O @ B-ORG PoppyLegion B-ORG @ B-ORG BattleBackCntr B-ORG http://t.co/nd9nqSVNIU O @ B-PER GeoffShreeves B-PER we O did O n't O have O the O right O recipe O and O ingredients O ! O ! O ! O We O will O do O the O post O match O interviews O into O studio O from O now O on O ! O Under O David B-PER Cameron I-PER house O building O is O at O its O lowest O peacetime O level O since O 1920 O 's O . O Labour B-ORG would O have O 200 O , O 000 O houses O built O each O year O by O 2020 O . O Business O of O the O House O : O Backbench O Business O — O Rwandan B-LOC Genocide O ( O 8 O May O 2014 O ) O : O Jeremy B-PER Lefroy I-PER : O I O did O not O realise O th O . O . O . O http://t.co/uBhAjSroJE O Shocked O by O news O of O mining O disaster O in O #Turkey B-LOC Deepest O sympathy O to O bereaved O families O & O people O injured O ( O 2 O / O 2 O ) O I O 'm O chairing O forum O for O you O as O part O of O taskforce O to O get O better O , O faster O rail O services O for O Norf B-LOC , O Suff B-LOC & O Ess B-LOC . O RSVP O chloe B-PER @ I-PER chloesmith I-PER . O org O . O uk O @ B-PER keenyn7 B-PER rR O @ B-ORG PoppyLegion B-ORG we O will O ! O Acclimatising O today O , O the O first O #ascent O is O tomorrow O ! O @ B-PER BattleBackCntr B-PER #Cotopaxi2014 B-LOC Curled O up O on O sofa O watching O West O Wing O . O I O may O not O get O that O ironing O done O after O all O . O Appalling O reports O show O depth O of O #Savile B-PER depravity O & O scale O of O institutional O failure O . O Brave O victims O came O forward O , O but O were O badly O let O down O @ B-PER johnelworthy B-PER It O is O to O address O criticism O that O a O quarter O of O residents O signing O my O Mepal B-LOC petition O did O not O address O number O in O favour O of O scheme O . O @ B-PER ExpatMUAddict B-PER aww O thank O you O so O much O ! O ☺ O ️ O @ B-PER DannyHackett B-PER But O surely O that O was O their O manifesto O promise O in O May O ? O Universal O Credit O rollout O could O take O over O 1 O , O 000 O years O - O http://t.co/JSJzeVCATV O http://t.co/YKeN7IxX54 O via O @ B-ORG computerworlduk B-ORG Tonight O join O me O @ O 19 O . O 30 O I O will O be O hosting O a O digital O Q O & O A- O to O find O out O more O and O how O to O join O in O click O here O . O . O . O http://t.co/JHDMNbBcbi O Food O Food O Food O ! O Nom O nom O nom O ! O “ O @Flavour_first O : O A O slice O of O London B-LOC history O : O read O @ B-PER ewanventers B-PER 's O My O Work O in O Food O : O http://t.co/uDc8m6xDka O ” O I O 'm O backing O the O Conservatives B-ORG ' O long-term O economic O plan O to O secure O a O better O future O for O Britain B-LOC . O https://t.co/g5dPrVtGW8 O @ B-PER PollyTT B-PER I O actually O had O a O great O night O ! O Youth O unemployment O down O by O 102 O , O 000 O over O last O quarter O and O 206 O , O 000 O over O last O year O - O both O are O biggest O falls O on O record O #LongTermEconomicPlan O @ B-ORG NSPCC B-ORG today O I O ’ O m O at O the O UN B-ORG petitioning O to O put O early O childhood O devpt O at O the O heart O of O #Post2015 O MDGs O . O Pls O support O & O RT O http://t.co/I4ylcHD3Gz O @ B-PER billyfoulkes B-PER @ B-ORG thecourteeners B-ORG where O are O they O on O sat O ? O Nearly O 96 O , O 000 O Londoners O accessed O food O banks O in O 2013 O / O 14 O @ B-ORG oxfamgb B-ORG report O outlines O . O 128 O % O rise O in O London B-LOC Via O @ B-ORG itvlondon B-ORG http://t.co/9QWQTXifdx O ” O @ B-PER danfrancis02 B-PER @ B-PER BonkersBexley B-PER @ B-PER DannyHackett B-PER Can O we O vote O on O which O 7 O ? O That O would O be O fun O . O At O British- B-LOC Polish I-LOC Business I-LOC Centre I-LOC #Warsaw I-LOC with O Economy O Minister O Mariusz B-PER Haladyj I-PER promoting O campaign O to O cut O cost O to O business O of O EU B-ORG regulation O Glad O to O see O my O thoughts O on O running O both O aircraft O carriers O are O gathering O momentum O http://t.co/OMRrLyJmSm O If O you O want O to O know O more O about O my O work O to O bring O a O gas O supply O to O Biddulph B-LOC Moor I-LOC , O please O check O my O website O for O an O update O : O http://t.co/pmshfupVjL O Our O Leicester B-LOC City O expert O 's O verdict O on O their O key O players O and O prospects O in O the O Premier B-ORG League I-ORG next O season O http://t.co/AESTCNs9xz O #ffscomm O Yaya B-PER Toure I-PER confirms O that O he O 's O fully O fit O for O City B-ORG 's O final O two O encounters O despite O his O withdrawal O at O Everton B-ORG http://t.co/mzJOPnjyao O For O all O those O Athletes B-ORG fans O , O I O also O can O tweet O in O Mexican B-LOC : O el O soccer O es O como O una O paloma O muerta O de O la O alegría B-LOC . O #soccer O @ B-PER StanCollymore B-PER Controls O too O far O Instinctive O dive O / O fall O to O ground O Legs O collapse O ( O stan B-PER was O strong O ) O Sheepish O reaction O at O end O #standives O @ B-PER Yeloop B-PER @ B-PER missy_welsh B-PER THIS O AND O SO O MUCH O THIS O Highlight O # O 3 O ; O Opening O Queens B-LOC Hospital I-LOC http://t.co/hiKS39GPvF O @ B-PER oscarsuse B-PER Just O a O little O joke O after O all O the O strange O videos O I O have O been O sent O , O do O n't O worry O man O I O have O passed O on O all O requests O :) O Written O Answers- O Employment O : O Cannock B-LOC Chase I-LOC ( O 16 O June O 2014 O ) O Aidan B-PER Burley I-PER : O To O ask O the O Minister O for O the O Cabinet B-ORG Office I-ORG . O . O http://t.co/jlvvb5YHge O Bruce B-PER confirms O he O will O make O changes O to O Hull B-ORG starting O XI O for O tomorrow O 's O trip O to O United B-ORG . O Chester B-PER & O Aluko B-PER definitely O out O http://t.co/RsNFADJnlz O “ O @ B-PER Freeman_George B-PER : O Delighted O to O speak O No B-LOC 10 I-LOC reception O this O afternoon O on O Government O 's O landmark O £ O 300m O investment O in O genomics O " O congrats O george B-PER ! O Great O result O : O 90 O % O vote O for O Arundel B-PER 's O neighbourhood O plan O . O First O NP O referendum O in O Sussex B-LOC . O Protects O green O spaces O , O prioritises O brownfield B-LOC sites O . O gas O fired O power O stations O vital O to O support O wind O industry O and O balance O grid O & O half O the O CO O 2 O of O coal O . O Crazy O that O greens B-ORG wont O support O shale O gas O . O Congratulations O @ B-PER CharlieElphicke B-PER on O your O promotion O to O PPS O for O IDS B-PER , O you O will O be O a O real O support O to O Iain B-PER and O his O team O Ultimate O dedication O to O low O carbon O living O . O . O . O building O your O own O Eco-home O while O living O on O site O ! O Easton B-LOC @ B-ORG BrstlGreenDoors B-ORG http://t.co/iN4OmGQ674 O @ B-PER GreenRobTelford B-PER threshold O for O paying O tax O has O been O raised O from O £ O 6 O , O 500 O to O £ O 10 O , O 000 O so O it O has O obviously O increased O take O home O pay O . O Public O service O of O a O different O kind O as O I O start O jury O service O today O . O Have O your O say O : O are O you O for O or O against O plans O for O an O anaerobic O digestion O plant O in O Wimblington B-LOC ? O Add O your O view O here O : O http://t.co/qD5Iyzf9Zy O There O 's O never O anything O good O on O tele O to O watch O at O this O time O on O a O Saturday O night O these O days O . O I O ’ O m O calling O for O early O intro O of O Chatteris- B-LOC Manea I-LOC bus O link O so O residents O can O benefit O from O improved O Manea B-LOC train O service O http://t.co/dR48s5I6w4 O Hector B-PER Bellerin I-PER starts O for O #AFC B-ORG against O Borussia B-ORG Dortmund I-ORG , O according O to O team-mate O http://t.co/XSDV47rAmm O http://t.co/bHNpuBdOu6 O WOW O : O The O current O status O of O the O half-built O São B-LOC Paulo I-LOC Stadium I-LOC , O which O is O set O to O host O Brazil B-ORG vs O Croatia B-ORG in O 25 O days O time O ! O http://t.co/DW0sJI0V1y O Spoke O in O debate O on O Wednesday O to O call O for O military O action O against O ISIS B-ORG and O talks O with O Iran B-LOC . O Link O here O : O http://t.co/Oo3YCDdQcv O Prynhawn O hyfryd O iawn O ; O diolch O i O bawb O ym O Metws O yn O Rhos B-LOC am O eu O croeso O #BetwsYnRhos O http://t.co/NHIKnVtiV3 O @ B-PER y_alibhai B-PER I O get O my O fair O share O of O visits O through O Justice B-ORG Select I-ORG Committee I-ORG . O . O . O . O #KeepIngInTouch O Best O comment O : O from O bemused O Lib B-ORG Dem I-ORG activist O " O I O went O to O bed O with O 12 O MEPs O and O woke O up O with O 1 O " O Business O of O the O House B-ORG : O Backbench O Business O — O Rwandan B-LOC Genocide O ( O 8 O May O 2014 O ) O : O Jeremy B-PER Lefroy I-PER : O I O am O afraid O that O I O d O . O . O . O http://t.co/iUIdsLyVQH O On O duty O for O #helpforheroes O in O Northbrook B-LOC St I-LOC Newbury I-LOC tomorrow O selling O cakes O . O Come O and O buy O for O a O great O cause O Congrats O to O all O the O grads O from O Bnmth B-ORG Uni I-ORG & O Arts B-ORG Uni I-ORG involved O in O film O Gravity- O Let O 's O keep O this O talent O local O by O inviting O the O big O co O 's O to O Bnmth B-LOC ! O @ B-LOC StrattonDorset B-LOC Many O thanks O . O Please O could O I O add O your O website O to O my O social O action O map O ? O Points O predictions O for O GW O 33 O ? O #fpl O Vulnerable O driven O to O brink O by O ' O bullying O ' O welfare O system O http://t.co/sOPEVdmKuh O Lots O of O supporters O out O for O new O Goresbrook B-LOC road I-LOC #postoffice I-LOC @ B-ORG PostOffice B-ORG http://t.co/cdv4MyDy0O O Volunteers O needed O to O help O the O bereaved O in O Fenland B-LOC . O Better O bereavement O provision O is O one O of O the O 10 O #treatmelocal O pledges O http://t.co/qrb99QGvTq O Ooh O la O la O ! O Not O sure O Samir B-PER Nasri I-PER 's O girlfriend O is O too O impressed O with O Didier B-PER Deschamps I-PER . O . O . O http://t.co/3vzi5m2UkK O @ B-PER DanHannanMEP B-PER Great O idea O - O happy O to O . O please O give O me O a O call O to O discuss O . O Please O see O my O website O for O my O thoughts O on O the O Co-op B-ORG 's O decision O to O move O from O Britannia B-LOC House I-LOC http://t.co/yhFaXFdv8J O @ B-PER FeaR_Rudixy B-PER @ B-PER darkestmast3r B-PER @ B-PER _xTunez B-PER I O was O messing O with O you O man O , O I O understand O and O have O already O passed O on O all O concerns O about O sniping O :) O Arsenal B-ORG are O all O at O sea O , O and O trail O Dortmund B-ORG 2 O - O 0 O with O 20 O minutes O left O . O Follow O all O the O action O here O . O . O . O http://t.co/tNz8Vk18QF O @ B-PER Tillymintcrosby B-PER @ B-PER Albion_Crosby B-PER thanks O thats O my O second O nomination O . O Happy O to O accept O . O @ B-PER Y3IH B-PER Wow O ! O Give O him O my O best O x O Why O did O Gove B-PER only O celebrate O academies O and O free O schools O ? O from O @ B-PER happyhenry B-PER http://t.co/RDPNsuHULS O via O @ B-ORG sharethis B-ORG What O a O great O game O , O incredible O performances O both O men O , O truly O inspiring O Government O caught O red O handed O in O deal O with O insurance O lobby O to O do O down O mesothelioma O sufferers O . O #mesothelioma O #justiceqs O @ B-PER KateGreenSU B-PER Tonight O Queen B-LOC 's I-LOC Park I-LOC Community B-ORG Council I-ORG meets O for O 1st O time O . O Westminster B-ORG Council I-ORG celebrates O by O pulling O lifeline O from O parent O 's O support O group O . O Safe O in O his O hands O ? O : O Before O the O election O , O David B-PER Cameron I-PER promised O there O would O be O no O more O top-down O re-organisatio O . O . O . O http://t.co/4Lz1Qi4gsH O @ B-PER FeaR_Rudixy B-PER Are O any O of O your O FeaR O lads O based O in O the O UK B-LOC by O any O chance O ? O I O am O delighted O that O Games O Tax O Relief O has O been O given O the O go O ahead O . O Great O news O for O Dundee B-LOC . O My O full O comment O is O here O : O http://t.co/EkrLso4SeS O @ B-ORG strattonpaving B-ORG Not O in O my O constituency O Looking O forward O to O commemorating O Khalsa B-ORG Hockey I-ORG Club I-ORG 's O 40th O anniversary O at O their O annual O awards O dinner O this O eve O Got O some O real O nice O videos O from O Ireland B-LOC , O Spain B-LOC and O Australia B-LOC . O Keep O on O sending O them O guys O . O . O . O https://t.co/Re81C3u6YM O #kickthatsoccerball O City B-ORG wisely O waiting O until O the O 89th O minute O before O going O 3 O nil O up O . O Floats O , O dancers O and O marchers O gathering O for O the O #Normanton O Gala O this O morning O http://t.co/qhQjYIxtf7 O Good O debate O on O #ruralcrime O @ B-ORG HouseofCommons B-ORG . O + O ve O that O #ruralcrime O has O fallen O 20 O % O in O Thames B-LOC Valley I-LOC http://t.co/VCfHl25ncG. O @ B-ORG ThamesVP B-ORG @ B-PER Dean_Walmsley B-PER they O should O just O name O them O after O baby O swans O instead O . O The O Seaswanlets O sounds O real O great O . O Chelsea B-ORG 1 O Schalke B-ORG 1 O : O Player O ratings O , O as O Drogba B-PER struggles O at O the O Bridge B-LOC http://t.co/3AWYJ2pL5B O http://t.co/5ipQYwUkq8 O @ B-PER autumnrosewell B-PER :-) O Rather O good O piece O by O @ B-PER MatthewdAncona B-PER in O today O 's O Telegraph B-ORG re O Coulson B-PER http://t.co/NojaqjmCL5 O @ B-PER DamianAStuart B-PER in O fairness O I O had O these O tickets O ages O ago O but O yes O ! O ! O @ B-ORG BBCr4today B-ORG Living O Wage O would O help O to O cut O benefit O bill O by O reducing O spend O on O tax O credits O as O well O as O right O thing O to O do O A O tennis O ball O walks O into O a O bar O . O The O barman O looks O at O it O and O says O : O “ O Have O you O been O served O ? O ” O @ B-ORG UNESCO B-ORG today O I O ’ O m O at O the O UN B-ORG petitioning O to O put O early O childhood O devpt O at O the O heart O of O #Post2015 O MDGs O . O Pls O support O & O RT O http://t.co/I4ylcHD3Gz O Time O to O call O time O : O I O don O ’ O t O know O anyone O who O isn O ’ O t O getting O increasingly O infuriated O by O the O number O of O nuisance O pho O . O . O . O http://t.co/x7bVEmr6pT O Also O great O to O get O such O beautiful O feedback O on O my O Tim B-PER Cleverley I-PER song O . O You O guys O complete O me O . O http://t.co/eohvY9Yy2I O http://t.co/aE0642piXH O @ B-PER MikeArmiger B-PER thanks O Mike B-PER Also O , O I O 'm O aware O of O the O situation O with O torrented O copies O of O MC O 5 O , O and O will O have O info O and O updates O for O you O sometime O soon O . O How O to O get O bitches O : O Ensure O you O are O ready O for O a O commitment O . O Research O . O Go O to O a O place O with O available O bitches O . O Adopt O one O . O Dogs O are O awesome O . O Today O I O voted O to O #freezethatbill. O The O Tories B-ORG and O Lib B-ORG Dems I-ORG opposed O it O . O But O we O will O do O it O in O 2015 O . O Retweet O this O to O say O you O ’ O re O with O us O . O fabulous O locally O produced O food O for O sale O at O Kate B-PER Humble I-PER 's O Humble B-ORG by I-ORG Nature I-ORG shop O and O cafe O @ B-ORG farmerhumble B-ORG http://t.co/bZWusofKVw O @ B-PER mopsa105 B-PER Thanks O for O getting O in O touch O . O Please O could O you O contact O me O via O my O personal O email O , O letwino O @ B-ORG parliament B-ORG . B-ORG uk B-LOC , O so O I O can O respond O in O detail O ? O Great O catch O up O with O Mark B-PER Lowe I-PER @ B-PER Dr_Airbrake B-PER in O Penkridge B-LOC last O week O . O They O export O all O around O the O world O / O fantastic O company O http://t.co/NydBBVj8oV O Osborne B-PER promised O to O wipe O out O deficit O by O 2015 O . O Because O he O choked O off O 2010 O recovery O it O means O he O 'll O miss O target O by O miles O #fail O #QueensSpeech O “ O @ B-PER WestwoodLee B-PER : O @ B-PER GNev2 B-PER there O were O n't O any O centre O backs O in O that O room O by O any O chance O ? O ” O Haha O . O Attack O ! O ! O @ B-PER ScottWilkins2 B-PER @ B-PER SamiWilkins B-PER @ B-ORG GloGenUK B-ORG see O u O there O . O Am O one O of O the O judges O ! O #larkInThePark B-LOC #ramsgate I-LOC #familytime O @ B-PER alistairpetrie B-PER @ B-PER gregjmchugh B-PER Granted O . O Was O always O good O at O Heddas O Greeting O colleague O Sarah B-PER Teather I-PER & O the O @ B-ORG shelter B-ORG team O at O @ B-ORG CommunitiesUK B-ORG to O receive O petition O against O revenge O eviction O http://t.co/c8UNmWwt1d O See O my O article O on O http://t.co/mkakTfsWO6 O . O @ B-ORG SpursOfficial B-ORG team O : O Fazio B-PER & O Stambouli B-PER makes O their O debuts O as O Lloris B-PER starts O in O goal O #THFC B-ORG http://t.co/xTrVGdIIRY O http://t.co/CkTlPtFo9h O Partizan B-ORG Belgrade I-ORG v O Tottenham B-ORG : O Player O ratings O http://t.co/7U66O3cWm0 O http://t.co/EqzOx6Ww4Q O In O pushing O 2 O , O 500 O houses O on O greenfield B-LOC land O at O Barnham B-LOC / O Eastergate B-LOC , O Arun B-LOC councillors O are O ignoring O new O planning O guidance O http://t.co/OBRmmnTGTi O Rory B-PER Broomfield I-PER : O The O Freedom B-ORG Festival I-ORG will O see O leading O lights O of O the O centre O right O come O together O | O Conservative B-ORG Home I-ORG http://t.co/VQm1PZlR1Y O @ B-PER doloreshaze B-PER @ B-PER twopinkpeonies B-PER goddamn O you O Willow B-PER ! O ! O DISGRACE O : O An O Atalanta B-ORG fan O not O only O threw O a O banana O at O AC B-ORG Milan I-ORG 's O Kevin B-PER Constant I-PER … O but O also O a O knife O ! O ! O http://t.co/KXogzwQNu1 O EXCLUSIVE O : O Yaya B-PER Toure I-PER 's O Facebook O status O . O http://t.co/Yud8ihqkKB O Betts B-PER tells O councils O – O make O a O fuss O : O Local O government O is O faced O with O reshaping O services O in O an O uncertain O world O – O an O . O . O . O http://t.co/r6OR0u4f O BREAKING O : O Live O scenes O , O as O the O Arsenal B-ORG bus O goes O back O into O the O garage O . O http://t.co/zxSzpWtUyL O Hearing O powerful O stories O from O women O who O experienced O violence O , O abuse O & O FGM B-ORG , O now O campaigning O to O help O others O at O #LabWomenSafety B-ORG Conference I-ORG @ B-PER DN_SHERlF B-PER I O just O need O to O wait O until O I O can O find O someone O else O online O to O shoot O at O ! O I O 'll O try O and O plan O a O recording O session O tomorrow O . O heard O some O NATO B-ORG conference O guests O staying O in O Bristol B-LOC . O loads O of O great O hotels O in O Monmouthshire B-LOC . O Presidents O looking O 4 O room O can O call O me O 4 O advice O . O @ B-PER snorewell B-PER HAHA O ! O DAD O OFF O RIGHT O NOW O . O It O was O SO O fucking O good O to O meet O you O last O night O ! O Cardiff B-ORG XI O : O Marshall B-PER ; O Fabio B-PER , O Caulker B-PER , O Turner B-PER , O John B-PER ; O Gunnarsson B-PER , O Mutch B-PER , O Whittingham B-PER , O Daehli B-PER ; O Bellamy B-PER , O Campbell B-PER . O @ B-LOC StrattonDorset B-LOC Great O ! O Many O thanks O . O @ B-PER patriot_conan B-PER But O it O 's O always O nice O to O find O new O pockets O of O gamers O on O external O sites O and O platforms O :) O Very O proud O to O tell O Westminster B-ORG tonight O by O name O about O the O good O team O at O @ B-ORG NorwichJCP B-ORG who O are O working O hard O to O match O employers O and O jobseekers O Just O about O to O be O interviewed O on O @ B-ORG BBCNorthampton B-ORG about O the O success O of O my O anti-pothole O campaign O in O #Northampton B-LOC North I-LOC . O . O @ B-ORG LibDems B-ORG want O to O give O you O another O £ O 100 O tax O cut O - O taking O the O total O tax O cut O up O to O £ O 800 O . O http://t.co/yKX7rF1Yhs O RT O if O you O support O this O . O And O there O was O the O usual O array O of O classic O and O older O cars O , O including O this O MG O http://t.co/p9FaHk9mID O Great O to O see O @ B-ORG scottishlabour B-ORG ahead O of O SNP B-ORG in O Glasgow B-LOC Anniesland I-LOC , O Cathcart B-LOC & O Shettleston B-LOC in O #ep2014 O polls O - O 3 O key O seats O in O 2016 O elections O @ B-PER BlueOct_ChrisC B-PER @ B-ORG BlueOctopusJobs B-ORG a O really O pleasure O Chris B-PER , O thank O you O for O asking O me O . O Your O Mum O , O staff O & O all O of O #Otley B-LOC are O rightly O proud O ! O @ B-PER andyburnhammp B-PER today O I O ’ O m O at O the O UN B-ORG petitioning O to O put O early O childhood O devpt O at O heart O of O #Post2015 O MDGs O . O Pls O support O & O RT O http://t.co/MHuJeseKyv O @ B-PER Tahir_London B-PER I O was O there O - O see O http://t.co/kxJYyI9xal, O col O 1171 O RT O @ B-PER debilarge B-PER A O @ B-PER stephenfry B-PER #throwbackthursday O all O the O way O back O to O @ B-ORG Cam_Footlights B-ORG days O . O http://t.co/qzYr4zoFaq O Oh O my O LORD O ! O ! O ! O ! O Thanks O to O all O those O who O attended O the O @ B-ORG LondonMidland B-ORG drop O in O session O this O evening O at O @ B-LOC TescoHednesford B-LOC http://t.co/EOUZRvNZ8I O . O @ B-PER edballsmp B-PER setting O out O #TheChoice O btwn O a O Labour B-ORG gov O that O will O end O the O cost O of O living O crisis O & O a O Tory B-ORG gov O that O has O left O you O £ O 1600 O worse O off O @ B-PER amelia_thorn B-PER Aaaww O - O sorry O about O that O ! O x O @ B-PER winyr9 B-PER YES O ! O Two O consecutive O defeats O at O home O for O the O Blue O uniforms O now O . O You O wait O ages O for O one O and O all O of O a O sudden O two O come O at O once O . O Just O like O . O . O . O . O @ B-PER KailashChandOBE B-PER GP O practices O run O by O SSP B-ORG Healthcare I-ORG in O Sefton B-LOC use O locums O . O Patients O describe O lack O of O continuity O and O appointment O delays O . O Sitting O in O Royal B-LOC Gallery I-LOC in O House B-LOC of I-LOC Lords I-LOC waiting O to O hear O speech O from O Angela B-PER Merkel I-PER Thinking O of O Regents B-ORG Park I-ORG Royal I-ORG Green I-ORG Jackets I-ORG Band I-ORG and O Hyde B-LOC Park I-LOC victims O families O tonight O . O 32 O years O of O grief O #Rifles O @ B-PER Boomer2212 B-PER Clearly O , O they O 've O learned O that O voting O Alliance B-ORG works O . O Farage B-PER says O EU B-ORG costs O £ O 55m O a O day O . O He O 's O wrong O , O and O even O his O own O party O admit O it O . O Page O 18 O : O http://t.co/4Ergpf8KEN O #FarageFacts B-PER #europedebate O Stunning O free-kick O from O Rodriguez B-PER makes O it O 4 O - O 1 O to O Everton B-ORG just O before O full O time O . O Debating O #modernslaverybill O in O Commons B-LOC . O We O 're O putting O forward O amendments O on O protecting O child O victims O & O tackling O slavery O in O #supplychains O Everton B-ORG 4 O - O 1 O Wolfsburg B-ORG : O Coleman B-PER , O Baines B-PER and O Mirallas B-PER on O target O as O Toffees B-ORG run O riot O http://t.co/5rmf1q5fcA O http://t.co/T7jrXChGfj O Hi O @ B-ORG SouthWestUK B-ORG Thanks O for O your O tweet O . O Please O could O you O contact O me O via O my O email O , O letwino O @ B-ORG parliament B-ORG . O uk O , O so O I O can O respond O in O more O detail O ? O Man B-ORG City I-ORG XI O : O Hart B-PER , O Zabaleta B-PER , O Kompany B-PER Demichelis I-PER , O Kolarov B-PER , O Garcia B-PER , O Yaya B-PER Toure I-PER , O Milner B-PER , O Silva B-PER , O Nasri B-PER , O Dzeko B-PER ALOE O VERA O and O CREAM O SODA O fusion O . O . O . O also O free O fusion O video O of O Pizza O Cream O Soda O https://t.co/ldN19BQM5r O #FRUK B-LOC #AloeVeraDrink O @ B-PER LukeyVivienne B-PER @ B-PER hammersmithandy B-PER Go O , O Labour B-ORG team I-ORG Hammersmith I-ORG . O It O could O n't O be O more O important O for O you O to O win O , O for O homes O and O the O hospital O . O Official O : O Fulham B-ORG sack O Felix B-PER Magath I-PER . O Full O story O here O : O http://t.co/lYN5FKRtZL O http://t.co/aHbwiDsrfc O @ B-PER robshepherd5 B-PER he O 's O spoken O before O about O Jose B-PER at O Barca B-ORG . O I O wanted O a O piece O where O in O three O years O I O can O look O back O and O say- O Did O you O do O what O you O set O @ B-PER peteenty62 B-PER I O don O ' O t O sign O any O EDM O 's O but O I O agree O help O should O be O given O to O Nigerian O gov O to O find O and O free O these O girls O . O Fabulous O crowd O enjoying O #Leamington B-LOC food O festival O . O So O many O stalls O , O loads O to O choose O from O ! O #loveleam O http://t.co/VdbfsAVKAu O Quite O incredible O , O an O amazing O amazing O game O , O impossible O not O to O feel O for O Brazil B-ORG Experience O of O N B-LOC Glasgow I-LOC constituent O today O shows O minimum O wage O is O not O being O properly O enforced O by O Osborne B-PER Treasury O - O @ B-ORG UKLabour B-ORG Govt O would O do O so O Ed B-PER Miliband I-PER only O happy O that O Juncker B-PER is O Commission B-ORG Pres O coz O EU B-ORG leaders O managed O to O pick O the O only O politician O around O that O makes O him O look O good O . O @ B-PER biscuit_jack B-PER ok O ta O @ B-PER LexingtonSteel B-PER @ B-PER PastelPouts B-PER SORRY O SORRY O SORRY O Felix B-PER Magath I-PER insists O he O is O ' O disappointed O and O surprised O ' O to O have O been O sacked O as O Fulham B-ORG boss O http://t.co/HcK9LWI7LT O http://t.co/velw6EGmfG O @ B-PER Cumpedelibero B-PER you O lost O me O there O . O No O idea O what O that O 's O about O The O FA B-ORG commission I-ORG has O , O after O months O of O brainstorming O , O come O up O with O the O master O plan O of O a O B O team O league O . O . O . O . O As O you O were O . O Privileged O today O to O be O with O Audrey B-PER & O Hazel B-PER who O worked O at O Swynnerton B-LOC , O Connie B-PER a O fighter O cmd O plotter O & O Richard B-PER who O was O at O Dunkirk B-LOC & O #DDay O @ B-PER Mjpkane B-PER @ B-PER StuffInSale B-PER @ B-PER AsaleResident B-PER Please O RT- O Family O friendly O road O safety O day O on O June O 8th O @ O Stretford B-LOC Fire I-LOC Station I-LOC #safertraffordstreets O Average O for O GW O 31 O is O 107 O @ B-PER NP4731 B-PER I O do O n't O know O what O you O are O talking O about O . O . O . O . O ;) O @ B-PER Tod123x B-PER @ B-ORG JewishNewsUK B-ORG Please O don O ’ O t O confuse O Jews O with O the O actions O of O the O Israeli B-ORG government I-ORG . O Oh O my O actual O ! O Pork O pies O ! O I O done O maded O pork O pies O ! O http://t.co/CQ2YVBmr4s O @ B-PER ostercywriter B-PER @ B-PER SalmaYaqoob B-PER @ B-ORG bbcquestiontime B-ORG such O as O ? O Unite B-ORG union O demands O Ed B-PER Miliband I-PER holds O In O Out O referendum O . O Caving O into O unions O if O he O does O . O Does O n't O trust O ppl O if O he O does O n't O . O Master O tactician O Having O great O evening O with O friends O at O @ B-LOC CosyClubBristol B-LOC excellent O tapas O and O wine O . O @ B-PER glitterlen B-PER thank O you O my O love O , O I O 'm O still O debating O it O ! O @ B-ORG CoogarUK B-ORG @ B-ORG alimkmc B-ORG I O will O most O certainly O bear O in O mind O the O #WestStafford B-LOC Bypass I-LOC @ B-PER GeoffreyJFowler B-PER Congratulations O and O Welcome O ! O I O look O forward O to O meeting O you O Here O 's O our O PlayON B-ORG player O picks O for O Gameweek O 38 O . O http://t.co/B0Op0vUKrq O #ffscomm O Our O BBC B-ORG World I-ORG Cup O team O is O taking O shape O . O http://t.co/W4UavAhC01 O The O @ B-ORG poppylegion B-ORG @ B-ORG battlebackcntr B-ORG #Cotopaxi2014 B-LOC team O 1st O summit O : O Pasochoa B-LOC 4200m O / O 13776ft O http://t.co/u4ZjPiSteW O http://t.co/vnIpeDqUFA O Excellent O speech O by O Japanese O PM O Shinzo B-PER Abe I-PER at O Guildhall B-LOC tonight O . O I O now O understand O Abeconomics O ! O #Japan B-LOC @ B-ORG LivForNews B-ORG Thank O you O , O very O good O idea O , O but O one O for O the O Council B-ORG to O consider O . O Will O mention O it O to O @ B-PER cllrmarkdobson B-PER when O I O next O see O him O . O . O @ B-PER ResCareTo21 B-PER pleased O to O say O I O just O completed O my O application O form O to O become O a O member O of O #ECLCM B-ORG https://t.co/vwqSsJd7ev O Private O rented O housing O : O The O private O rented O sector O is O growing O . O Between O 1999 O and O 2011 O / O 12 O , O the O number O of O househol O . O . O . O http://t.co/6vyaVwuP0k O In O the O Chamber B-LOC today O : O Eric B-PER Pickles I-PER agrees O to O support O my O request O for O financial O assistance O to O help O alleviate O Bournemouth B-LOC flooding O . O Was O pleased O to O open O the O gates O at O the O St B-LOC Matthew I-LOC 's I-LOC Church I-LOC Summer O Fête O . O Look O who O they O had O in O the O stocks O ! O http://t.co/8yHbnWTSF3 O On O way O to O London B-LOC , O @ B-ORG CommunitiesUK B-ORG oral O questions O in O Commons B-LOC today O . O . O . O and O I O have O a O bad O cold O , O great O : O - O ( O @ B-PER Laurentmurphy B-PER email O me O at O mail O @ B-PER greghands B-PER . O com O . O Are O you O in O London B-LOC or O in O Paris B-LOC though O ? O @ B-PER chrisfriaz B-PER We O plan O on O having O it O out O for O android O soon O ! O :) O @ B-PER DannyHackett B-PER @ B-ORG Crossrail B-ORG thanks O for O attending O @ B-PER glitterlen B-PER I O like O the O faded O colour O a O lot O more O than O the O bright O one O . O Really O unusual O ! O Ed B-PER Miliband I-PER 's O ' O weak O leadership O ' O is O swing O voters O ' O biggest O concern O http://t.co/yySfiCZlq1 O I O 'm O holding O another O @ B-ORG DementiaFriends B-ORG session O in O Biddulph B-LOC on O 23 O May O , O everyone O welcome O ! O http://t.co/7GKX5UqyMf O http://t.co/0r7PEFNP9B O Watch O my O speech O in O the O Commons B-LOC debate O on O the O Francis B-PER Report O here O : O http://t.co/raxlsrtorm O Fancy O trying O to O predict O next O season O 's O #fpl O player O prices O ? O Join O the O discussion O here O . O . O http://t.co/sLZ7AEsKt4 O #ffscomm O @ B-PER jimmurphymp B-PER today O I O ’ O m O at O the O UN B-LOC petitioning O to O put O early O childhood O devpt O at O heart O of O #Post2015 O MDGs O . O Pls O support O & O RT O http://t.co/I4ylcHD3Gz O . O @ B-ORG Arsenal B-ORG almost O signed O Cristiano B-PER Ronaldo I-PER and O it O hurts O that O he O joined O #MUFC, B-ORG admits O Wenger B-PER http://t.co/bgxsjeCODm O http://t.co/6BWGTLHoYN O Really O positive O response O in O Lochee B-LOC on O #labourdoorstep B-ORG this O afternoon O with O #unitedwithlabour B-ORG campaign O http://t.co/Ac96msMmFn O Delighted O to O participate O in O @ B-ORG bournemouthrotary B-ORG Club B-ORG Quarter O Marathon O http://t.co/FqXRc5JY97 O BBC B-ORG News I-ORG - O Hong B-LOC Kong I-LOC firm O MTR B-ORG wins O £ O 1 O . O 4bn O Crossrail B-ORG franchise O http://t.co/27lww23S9P O @ B-ORG BetsSusParks B-ORG @ B-ORG DiscoveryPark_great B-ORG success O story O . O Well O done O to O paul B-PER and O team O @ B-PER gregclark B-PER #yesplease O #officeparty O #networking O @ B-PER ladytubedriver B-PER @ B-PER MistressStan B-PER Moran B-PER 🙈 O We O thoroughly O enjoyed O our O visit O to O #BetwsYnRhos B-LOC Flower I-LOC Show I-LOC , O one O of O the O very O best O in O Clwyd B-LOC West I-LOC http://t.co/Dx5mBDNENQ O MP O backs O indoor O traders O in O fight O against O outdoor O market O > O http://t.co/ufOOzVvWuu O Delighted O to O have O had O the O opportunity O to O welcome O over O 500 O local O people O to O @ B-LOC UKParliament B-LOC since O June O 2013 O @where2mate O buckk O @ B-LOC parliament B-LOC . O uk O @ B-PER Crazyharry77 B-PER over O what O ? O Pretty O sure O I O responded O Diabetic O died O 3 O weeks O after O benefits O were O stopped O . O He O could O n't O pay O for O electricity O for O the O fridge O for O his O medicine O https://t.co/cE8bGageDG O Hi O @ B-PER morrisseyobe B-PER please O contact O me O via O my O email O , O letwino O @parliament O . O uk O @ B-PER DamianAStuart B-PER you O have O elegantly O risen O above O that O level O - O :) O @ B-ORG mose234 B-ORG @ B-ORG MC5Feed B-ORG We O have O a O huge O list O of O supported O android O devices O , O if O you O let O me O know O the O one O you O have O I O can O check O for O you O :) O @ B-PER mandy_paine_mbe B-PER So O sad O to O hear O about O your O Mum O , O Mandy B-PER . O Much O sympathy O to O you O and O your O family O from O the O Hamiltons B-ORG . O That O thing O where O you O dye O your O hair O and O it O comes O out O a O completely O different O colour O to O the O bottle O . O . O . O … O http://t.co/3tfoLVaseb O “ O @ B-PER JLamps79 B-PER : O @ B-PER GNev2 B-PER @ B-PER MichaelVaughan B-PER exactly O the O same O captain O as O they O had O when O this O happened O . O . O . O ” O Sorry O different O incident O ! O In O this O week O 's O Commons B-ORG debate O on O the O civil O service O , O I O recounted O my O experience O of O the O lifts O in O the O Ministry B-ORG of I-ORG Justice I-ORG http://t.co/UOc3qefpZ5 O #PAC B-ORG finds O there O is O a O real O aqueeze O inadult O social O care O . O Need O for O care O growing O while O public O funding O is O falling O . O http://t.co/FVJwKO80t9 O @ B-PER d_smith2407 B-PER @ B-ORG FirstCC B-ORG signalling O and O overhead O power O supply O refurbishment O bought O forward O as O a O result O if O passenger O complaints O and O lobbying O You O 're O a O bloody O bad O manager O if O you O do O n't O have O atleast O 100 O #fpl O points O this O GW O PM O says O no O artificial O #PIP O timeframe O . O Minister O says O original O plan O holds O ; O 7k O #DWP B-ORG decisions O pcm O must O reach O 73k O pcm O immediately O to O hit O target O ! O What O do O you O think O of O Roy B-PER Hodgson I-PER 's O @ B-LOC England B-LOC squad O for O the O 2014 O FIFA O World O Cup O in O Brazil B-LOC ? O #3Lions O http://t.co/kGAxVYn1xi O #ffscomm O Just O seen O Poland B-LOC 's O minister O for O digital O Rafal B-PER Trzaskowski I-PER to O discuss O Digital O Single O Market O & O cyber O security O Looking O forward O to O the O results O of O the O country O 's O first O urban O parish O council O today O . O So O proud O of O @ B-ORG GoQueensPark B-ORG Lots O of O words O in O the O #whitepaper O but O no O answers O ; O yet O more O false O promises O . O Reinforces O the O fact O that O Scotland B-LOC and O the O UK B-LOC are O #BetterTogether O Manchester B-ORG City I-ORG are O a O point O away O from O the O title O . O They O 've O been O exhilarating O , O dynamic O , O entertaining O and O ruthless O this O season O . O Really O enjoyed O the O United B-ORG Charities I-ORG Market I-ORG in O Biddulph B-LOC this O morning O TIme O to O give O the O men O a O good O kicking O ! O @ B-ORG BBCRadio4 B-ORG @ B-PER janegarvey1 B-PER @ B-PER whjm B-PER http://t.co/PqiP2UxBhi O @ B-PER HelenGoodmanMP B-PER @ B-PER Ed_Miliband B-PER Will O you O apologise O properly O for O the O tweet O - O which O you O 've O deleted O - O denigrating O female O Conservative B-ORG MPs O ? O Superfast O broadband O reaches O 1 O million O homes O and O businesses O across O the O UK B-LOC #LongTermEconomicPlan O https://t.co/hKFt1rRgah O @ B-ORG F1_AN B-ORG where O ? O App O @ B-PER SimonWierny B-PER 2013 O saw O big O increase O in O UK B-LOC exports O to O Poland B-LOC . O Great O opportunity O for O both O countries O from O strong O trade O / O investment O / O science O links O @ B-ORG TottenhamTories B-ORG I O was O thinking O of O you O guys O when O I O posted O it O ! O Tottenham B-ORG Tories I-ORG got O me O involved O with O Polish O community O ! O @ B-ORG ONECampaign B-ORG today O I O ’ O m O at O the O UN B-ORG petitioning O to O put O early O childhood O devpt O at O heart O of O #Post2015 O MDGs O . O Pls O support O & O RT O http://t.co/I4ylcHD3Gz O @ B-PER StanCollymore B-PER haha O . O Let O 's O be O sensible O . O You O 've O set O me O a O task O ! O If O I O find O one O you O wear O a O GNev B-PER shirt O in O Liverpool B-LOC singing O GN O is O a O red O . O Petitioning O Parliament B-LOC is O n't O difficult O . O Details O on O http://t.co/IilvcPW4gm O #HS2 O Liverpool B-ORG XI O : O Mignolet B-PER , O Johnson B-PER , O Skrtel B-PER , O Agger B-PER , O Flanagan B-PER , O Henderson B-PER , O Gerrard B-PER , O Allen B-PER , O Sterling B-PER , O Suarez B-PER , O Sturridge B-PER VIDEO O : O Daniel B-PER Sturridge I-PER films O The O Ox O pulling O off O some O dance O moves O in O Portugal B-LOC ! O Including O the O Sturridge B-PER dance O ! O Class O ! O . O . O http://t.co/oWrAm9JUe3 O Explained O in O HoC B-ORG #JHA O opt O out O debate O 35 O opt-ins O will O result O in O more O people O deciding O to O vote O to O leave O EU B-ORG #BetterOffOut O #mirror O article O attacking O me O re O #housingbenefit O is O wrong O . O West B-ORG Berks I-ORG Council I-ORG say O their O figures O ' O over O estimated O by O significant O amount O ' O Journalism O majors O visit O the O Associated B-ORG Press I-ORG this O morning O where O they O sat O in O on O the O world-wide O morning O meeting O . O http://t.co/PDMBbECpbD O @ B-ORG AGarciaPhoto B-ORG wheeeeeeeeeeee O @ B-PER jasonrspencer B-PER You O can O contact O Stylebook B-ORG 's O product O manager O , O Colleen B-PER Newvine I-PER . O cnewvine O at O ap O dot O org O . O @ B-PER KeithRastall B-PER @ B-PER lizmackean B-PER please O send O more O details O of O this O lucrative O freelance O business O model O ! O ! O CNN B-ORG International I-ORG credits O user O generated O video O content O 53 O % O of O the O time O , O more O often O than O any O other O outlethttp O : O / O / O nie.mn/1kESdTY O 65 O % O of O Tweets O are O not O in O English O : O Fliplingo B-ORG launches O Twitter B-ORG translation O service O , O by O @ B-PER SirSteven B-PER http://t.co/kSU7d0qcTg O Journey O back O through O the O Lakes B-LOC is O pretty O stunning O too O . O Final O tally O of O job O losses O from O the O federal O sequester O : O One O : O http://t.co/w00vVCWjQJ O @ B-PER michelledean B-PER who O now O ? O @ B-PER myerscaseyMM330 B-PER Thanks O for O the O follow O , O Casey B-PER . O #mass330 O Previous O tweet O source O : O https://t.co/kERsN6nypu O / O via O @ B-PER albertocairo B-PER Tips O on O reporting O the O economy O - O eg O . O use O plain O English O & O ditch O jargon O http://t.co/YpRv6tBINo O Safety O tips O for O women O journalists O @ B-ORG INSInews B-ORG travelling O alone O in O hostile O environments O : O http://t.co/0qkaeRuZQ6 O Meet O Hemisphere B-ORG , O the O government O 's O other O call O records O collection O program O . O Story O : O https://t.co/0LXQDgfTX9 O Slides O : O https://t.co/xH0w0n6XB8 O Martin B-PER Koughan I-PER discussing O @ B-PER crelewis B-PER efforts O to O track O down O ABC B-ORG executives O to O discuss O why O Koughan B-PER 's O Big O Tobacco O program O was O shut O down O #IRE14 B-ORG Samsung B-ORG suspends O factory O after O reports O that O it O employed O underage O workers O for O up O to O 11 O hrs O / O day O w O / O o O overtime O pay O : O http://t.co/i1ospchiC2 O @qz O ' O Right O to O be O forgotten O ' O : O Publishers O rebel O against O Google B-ORG 's O hidden O results O ( O @ B-PER PaulMcNally B-PER / O @ B-ORG journalismnews B-ORG ) O http://t.co/XxqwbUVEYx O #MustReads O @ B-ORG MGMeditor B-ORG Thanks O , O Wanda B-PER ! O @ B-PER HeatherMCurtis1 B-PER It O was O great O to O see O you O last O night O ! O More O LIVE O interviews O coming O up O at O http://t.co/uh1gsSUa O #sbvotes12 O ( O Broadcasting O live O at O http://t.co/e6vc9Xus) O FYI O : O Join O us O Thurs O . O , O 4 O / O 24 O at O 3 O p O . O m O . O at O the O @ B-LOC DoleInstitute B-LOC for O @ B-PER vanessagezari B-PER 's O talk O on O her O book O The O Tender O Solider O . O http://t.co/21CPompqsJ O Michael B-PER Niziolek I-PER ( O @ B-PER michaelniziolek B-PER ) O is O covering O sports O for O Ann B-ORG Arbor I-ORG News I-ORG and O MLive B-ORG As O one O last O reminder O to O everyone O , O do O n't O forget O to O add O the O #muckedup O hashtag O to O all O of O your O tweets O , O or O others O may O miss O out O on O reading O them O ! O @ B-PER suellewellyn B-PER Sounds O lovely O . O So O much O better O than O the O dentist O 's O waiting O room O Friday O Freebie O : O #News O #writing O tips O for O beginners O from O @helpingmedia O : O http://t.co/kHMsDIGsxk O #collegemedia O NY B-ORG Times I-ORG profile O of O possibly O the O most O unbearable O couple O ever O : O Wonderfully O cringe O http://t.co/HtxkjYFQpG O The O nine O best O and O worst O things O about O #journalists O according O to O @ B-ORG sheffjournalism B-ORG lecturer O Tony B-PER Harcup I-PER http://t.co/IDwTXsBdxj O NEW O : O CA B-LOC middle-class O jobs O shrinking O http://t.co/WRyPJw5Rf4 O FOME B-ORG conference O on O media O development O in O multipolar O world O wrapping O up O http://t.co/j5A19VZJoJ O @ B-PER mattjroper B-PER @ B-PER richardkendall B-PER That O 's O not O a O user O need O . O That O 's O a O biz O dev O answer O . O Back O to O original O point O : O is O a O ( O dated O ) O pic O of O location O helpful O ? O Get O listed O as O a O #freelance O #journalist O on O our O site O for O just O £ O 50 O for O a O year O - O easily O covered O by O your O first O commission O ! O http://t.co/tS1I2Vz3nC O How O @ B-PER MaraBrockAkil B-PER conquered O TV O by O finding O an O audience O everyone O else O had O overlooked O http://t.co/0a4QAMq6Jf O . O @ B-PER wilbertlcooper B-PER on O the O death O of O Eric B-PER Garner I-PER and O America B-LOC 's O plague O of O police O brutality O against O black O men O : O http://t.co/zfV5ywX3es O @ B-PER jeff_licciard B-PER CONGRATULATIONS O ! O Love O that O spread O . O Nice O work O . O Unfortunately O @ B-ORG ZenoRadio B-ORG we O will O not O be O at O NAB B-ORG but O in O keep O in O touch O anyway O ! O @ B-ORG VirginTrains B-ORG What O time O , O please O ? O AAN B-ORG and O 41 B-ORG Free I-ORG Speech I-ORG , O Open O Government O and O Public O Interest O Groups O Urge O the O FCC B-ORG to O Protect O Net O Neutrality O http://t.co/KTyJcrqskO O Bring O a O journo O leader O into O APME B-ORG for O free O . O It O 's O 2 O - O for-1 O time O @ B-ORG apme B-ORG http://t.co/x32A5emncO. O After O you O join O , O send O along O the O name O If O you O ’ O re O hiring O freelancers O , O have O diff O versions O of O a O contract O ready O or O , O if O you O ’ O re O a O freelancing O , O ask O if O other O versions O available O . O #bcni14 O Reporter O 's O guide O to O investigating O water O quality O and O quantity O http://t.co/63gxQHozJS O ( O @ B-LOC IMidwest B-LOC ) O What O are O five O things O that O are O musts O to O bring O to O #EIJ14 O in O Music B-LOC City I-LOC ? O Cowboy O boots O definitely O count O . O Tech O companies O throw O challenge O flag O at O sports O concussions O | O SHFWire B-ORG http://t.co/RFE04PPAOG O @ B-PER drewsonix B-PER Thanks O for O the O #instafax O feedback O cc O @ B-PER mattdanzico B-PER The B-ORG Marx I-ORG Brothers I-ORG in O Duck O Superlative O . O #stylewars O Judge O ’ O s O decision O to O hear O Pelican B-LOC Bay I-LOC inmates O ’ O case O could O shape O national O policy O on O solitary O confinement O : O http://t.co/0pNGrFHHy9 O I O know O I O am O told O as O my O brand O online O grows O to O keep O my O opinions O of O social O issues O off O my O timelines O . O Well O somethings O . O . O . O http://t.co/1L8PJEcoap O Vietnam B-LOC / O Fall O of O Saigon B-LOC photographer O Hugh B-PER Van I-PER Es I-PER , O 67 O , O dies O . O NYT B-ORG Obituary O : O http://snipurl.com/i7sog O Most O popular O #factcheck O of O the O week O : O Tear O gas O is O banned O in O warfare O but O allowed O for O police O . O Mostly O True O . O http://t.co/VaHMVKobdz O I O can O not O believe O that O Jesse B-PER Ventura I-PER successfully O sued O the O widow O of O a O fallen O Navy B-ORG SEAL I-ORG . O Has O he O no O shame O ? O Recent O settlement O in O suit O over O arrest O for O recording O police O follows O growing O trend O . O ( O via O @ B-ORG rcfp B-ORG ) O http://t.co/wOCSlZfQ6i O NEW O : O Tunnel O could O boost O high-speed O rail O cost O http://t.co/qCfxWfqzf2 O @ B-PER Okiecoastie13 B-PER Awesome O ! O #MSCNE14 O Training O a O new O newsroom O staff O ? O Check O out O SPLC B-ORG videos O about O confrontations O with O campus O police O and O more O : O https://t.co/wjwiCx0Xwv O The O growing O pay O gap O between O journalism O and O public O relations O http://t.co/lAccUbHZZq O ( O via O @ B-ORG pewresearch B-ORG ) O . O @ B-PER ryderdavid B-PER describes O his O group O 's O digital O security O challenge O at O #ONACamp O https://t.co/TupucyZiUY O Find O a O Finnish O version O of O the O Digital O News O Report O 2014 O here O http://t.co/NDhqeZfoK3 O #RISJdigital2014 O MT O @ B-PER CatherineAnaya B-PER : O I O 'm O so O excited O to O be O selected O as O a O @ B-ORG USCAnnenberg B-ORG Alumni O Ambassador O ! O Looking O forward O to O sharing O my O #Trojan O love O . O #FightOn O Exactly O what O I O wanted O : O Everything O you O need O to O know O about O #WWDC O in O under O 2 O minutes O http://t.co/JY6vLzq81F O Hey O , O if O it O pays O the O bills O , O who O cares O ? O #Scholarships O offered O to O #students O for O almost O anything O nowadays O http://t.co/WnQHU9QUl2 O #education O Photojournalist O Attacked O While O Covering O Riots O and O Looting O in O Missouri B-LOC http://t.co/BP0AEtGM3U O Use O lowercase O he O when O referring O to O God O in O all O references O . O #APStyleChat B-ORG @ B-PER JayRJordan B-PER @ B-PER timfusciardi B-PER Yep O . O Don O ’ O t O read O www O - O here O ’ O s O a O blog O post O of O mine O with O a O little O more O info O . O http://t.co/FYbzDyeDOK O :) O @ B-PER drgurner B-PER I O have O n't O . O Will O have O to O take O a O look O ! O More O than O three-quarters O of O American O adults O online O read O newspaper O content O in O March O . O http://t.co/m8LlP5PvLD O 5 O Brands O Doing O Cool O Things O on O Instagram O : O http://t.co/fc5ujDb48O O ( O Digiday B-ORG ) O @ B-PER George_Berridge B-PER hi O http://t.co/pWr0DpNwra O @ B-PER lisamjarvis B-PER Looks O like O it O ’ O s O down O to O three O now O : O http://t.co/5ekiLUrgQ6 O @ B-PER dancow B-PER What O ! O ? O ! O ? O @ B-PER ajanharris B-PER Get O an O agent O . O Then O sell O it O to O the O highest O bidder O . O Have O an O idea O ? O Of O course O you O do O , O you O 're O a O @ B-ORG USC B-ORG / O @ B-ORG USCAnnenberg B-ORG student O . O Pitch O it O @ B-ORG GoSparkSC B-ORG 1 O , O 000 O Pitches O competition O : O http://t.co/z9Y3oFPi7U O John B-PER Banks I-PER ( O Final O Installment O ) O discusses O relationship O between O co-creation O , O co-option O , O and O resistance O http://t.co/VSVIM2xRBz O Covering O the O latest O news O on O obesity O : O Childhood O obesity O is O declining O , O says O the O National B-ORG Center I-ORG for I-ORG Health I-ORG . O . O . O http://t.co/mNitbvHfSP O Are O you O interested O in O learning O more O about O the O #obesity O #epidemic? O Our O prgrm O for O #journos O is O awesome O : O http://t.co/0UqlE0NPdr O Why O is O the O HuffPo B-ORG pursuing O crowdsourcing O to O fund O #journalism O in O #Ferguson? B-LOC Answers O : O http://t.co/Cy3fQhrdh5 O Search O for O a O named O columnist O on O @ B-ORG yorkshirepost B-ORG and O it O pulls O up O a O column O from O 7 O years O ago O instead O of O this O week O . O Difficult O website O @ B-PER michelledevera B-PER Have O you O tried O our O roommate O board O yet O ? O http://t.co/p42FF8n7Jr O @ B-ORG KimFoxWOSU B-ORG @ B-PER NicoleEshelman B-PER Sounds O and O looks O okay O for O you O guys O ? O @ B-PER PJPrest B-PER @ B-PER allisonpearson B-PER he O needs O to O make O Wonkblog B-ORG a O hell O of O a O lot O better O ( O just O a O casual O observation O ) O How O and O why O the O Financial B-ORG Times I-ORG built O a O digital O FT O Weekend O ( O @ B-PER JaspJackson B-PER via O @ B-ORG mediabrief B-ORG ) O http://t.co/72avc6DrfU O #MustReads O Are O you O at O #cspa? B-LOC Stop O by O our O table O for O one O of O these O bad O boys O . O http://t.co/mohC2dDrlv O #FreeAlaa O " O These O harsh O sentences O are O very O disappointing O . O . O . O sure O to O further O chill O the O climate O for O free O expression O . O . O . O " O http://t.co/DZDz5aa1n6 O Bergdahl B-PER Was O in O Unit O Known O for O Its O Troubles O http://t.co/acELPe6KBU O excellent O objective O account O suggesting O the O obvious O ; O he O was O a O victim O of O war O The O only O bright O spot O is O that O more O are O subscribing O than O one-off O purchases O . O Affluent O men O most O likely O to O pay O , O @ B-PER nicnewman B-PER tells O #risjdigital2014 B-ORG James B-PER Risen I-PER says O , O “ O I O will O continue O to O fight O ” O after O Supreme B-ORG Court I-ORG disappointment O http://t.co/6mmUyAVPHp O " O deeply O troubling O ” O says O Baquet B-PER After O shuttering O bureaus O , O news O organizations O revisit O Iraq B-LOC , O by O Benjamin B-PER Mullin I-PER @ B-ORG Poynter B-ORG http://t.co/Jg3LOoj2gt O Note O : O More O details O on O the O #NewhouseStudio B-LOC dedication O , O including O information O about O ticketing O , O will O be O announced O later O this O summer O NY B-LOC Democratic O challenger O says O GOP B-ORG Rep O " O voted O to O raise O the O Social O Security O retirement O age O on O us O . O " O Half O True O http://t.co/bnJQefGU4h O Proud O to O count O so O many O Newspaper B-ORG Guild I-ORG #journalists O among O the O winners O and O finalists O of O today O 's O #Pulitzers. B-ORG http://t.co/9Gd21FV6Cn O @ B-PER brightey B-PER thanks O very O much O ! O If O it O 's O not O your O thing O , O use O the O new O mute O button O . O Or O unfollow O . O Blocking O and O / O or O reporting O as O spam O would O , O however O , O be O harsh O . O Catchiness O wins O so O often O in O this O thing O . O Denmark B-LOC for O me O . O #Wedding O shoot O scouting O , O Col B-PER . I-PER Bolton I-PER Home I-PER , O Wardsville B-LOC , O Mo B-LOC . O #missouri O http://t.co/SysCo51PfU O @ B-PER MarcSettle B-PER @ B-PER SarahMarshall B-PER Never O . O It O 's O just O I O tend O to O type O faster O than O I O think O :-) O Thanks O @ B-PER catanify B-PER ! O MT- O Just O cast O ballot O @ B-ORG ONA B-ORG Board O . O Love O @ B-PER kimbui B-PER @ B-PER evonnebenedict B-PER @ B-PER janjlab B-PER @ B-PER EricCarvin B-PER @ B-PER gotoplanb B-PER @ B-PER Digidave B-PER Prof O @ B-PER bjsheehan7 B-PER comments O on O the O the O Publicis- B-ORG Omnicom I-ORG split O http://t.co/1kTVmoZdDO O Carroll B-LOC , O Iowa B-LOC : O Where O The O Childhood O Paper O Route O Is O Alive O And O Well O < O aw O shucks O overload O http://t.co/Ekt6FlwZM7 O Reporter O 1 O : O " O Synonym O for O swag O ? O " O Reporter O 2 O : O " O Mick B-PER Jagger I-PER . O " O Yes O , O been O looking O forward O to O this O ! O RT O @ B-PER jbenton B-PER : O Congrats O to O @ B-PER farano B-PER and O @ B-PER watchup B-PER for O expanding O from O tablets O to O iPhone O http://t.co/VOKzzSVWYx O @ B-PER MartinBelam B-PER @ B-PER ampp3d B-PER no O hat O [ O pizza O ] O for O Martin B-PER . O Although O I O hear O pizza O hats O are O all O the O rage O in O Paris B-LOC this O year O . O In O August O , O head O to O a O digital O media O event O in O Montreal B-LOC , O Hong B-LOC Kong I-LOC or O St B-LOC . I-LOC Petersburg I-LOC : O http://t.co/4CtWXW7qii O @ B-PER ChrisVaccaro B-PER @ B-ORG CTSPJ B-ORG You O 've O been O quoted O in O my O #Storify O story O " O Tedd B-ORG Scripps I-ORG Leadership I-ORG Institute I-ORG | O Hartford B-LOC 2014 O " O http://t.co/1qIgq48WMW O @ B-PER geoffreyfowler B-PER #FILTERSFOREVER O http://t.co/EHRky9Aq9S O Pinnacle B-ORG finalists O announced O so O far O : O sports O , O writing O , O broadcast O . O See O the O year O 's O best O at O http://t.co/PfHPOvpO1d O More O TK O next O week O ! O @ B-PER praddenkeefe B-PER 's O haunting O story O , O " O A O Loaded O Gun O , O " O profiling O a O brillant O scientist O turned O mass O murderer O , O wins O #NMA B-ORG http://t.co/xFlmtN4aN4 O Diane B-PER Gray I-PER of O @ B-ORG radio_hive B-ORG & O @ B-ORG BedesWorld B-ORG wins O Silver O Charles B-PER Parker I-PER Prize O 2014 O for O #communityradio O http://t.co/2as48GSydf O #Jarrow O Science O - O do O you O understand O the O story O ? O With O Prof B-PER Colin I-PER Blakemore I-PER , O Sir B-PER Paul I-PER Nurse I-PER , O Dr B-PER Karol I-PER Sikora I-PER http://t.co/JreX3mdvYj O @ B-PER StuartForbes1 B-PER want O live O blogger O to O watch O it O on O TV O , O as O do O the O vast O , O vast O majority O of O the O audience O ; O misplaced O faith O in O STV B-ORG webcast O Internal O innovation O report O says O the O New B-ORG York I-ORG Times I-ORG needs O to O up O its O digital O game O or O else O — O Tech O News O and O Analysis O - O http://t.co/X61FknHKH3 O Investigative O Reporting O Master O Class O http://t.co/sIIQZiJ2D5 O ( O the O other O two O are O decisions O to O not O investigate O abuse O by O intelligence O agencies O and O the O assassination O of O its O former O left-wing O PM O Olaf B-PER Palme I-PER ) O UK B-LOC calls O for O #Sweden B-LOC to O pay O £ O 6 O , O 814 O , O 823 O . O 82 O bill O for O years O of O #Assange O detention O w O / O o O charge O http://t.co/24jqaHcm2u O More B-LOC http://t.co/8b8PyjMqXS O In O Bid O to O Placate O Legacy O Media O , O DOJ B-ORG Moves O Closer O to O Instituting O Official O Press O http://t.co/tTffxEA43j O Surreal O photography O wins O #ASME O for O @ B-ORG wmag B-ORG http://t.co/zkVI7pbQPZ O @ B-PER mattburgess1 B-PER now O seems O a O good O time O to O send O out O that O foi O we O talked O about O How O to O Stay O Safe O While O Reporting O from O Hostile O ( O and O Not O So O Hostile O ) O Environments O | O Idea O Lab O | O PBS B-ORG - O http://t.co/G9DpUjU0Rc O @ B-PER andrewsduncan1 B-PER cant O be O sure O Andrew B-PER I O 'll O only O be O 103 O . O . O . O sand O my O children O . O . O and O my O childrens O ' O children O . O . O . O . O Are O you O a O visual O communicator O looking O for O some O inspiration O & O mind-blowing O ideas O ? O RSVP O now O for O See B-ORG Change I-ORG ! O May O 13 O - O 14 O . O http://t.co/HnCw3W13ld O #nhsjc O #day2 O #imustacheyouaquestion O http://t.co/xFrU0TAxUR O Good O morning O " O A O true O star O makes O everyone O around O them O shine O . O " O Love O this O quote O from O @ B-PER CCasciano B-PER . O #sotrue O Not O particularly O for O or O against O favs O appearing O in O feeds O , O but O lots O of O features O that O are O now O considered O standard O we O ’ O re O once O controversial O . O Q O 2 O GDP O + O 0 O . O 8 O % O : O Figures O in O Full O http://t.co/MnViQDuEmc O @ B-PER colinkelly B-PER Issue O isn O ’ O t O with O encryption O . O Issue O is O with O passwords O being O easy O to O guess O and O / O or O reverse O engineer O . O AHCJ B-ORG members O release O books O , O films O , O win O awards O http://t.co/4OyO1BY6aE O There O are O complacent O incumbents O in O the O press O too O . O @carr2n O on O Beltway B-ORG provincialism O and O Eric B-PER Cantor I-PER 's O shocking O defeat O . O http://t.co/3THCmfF0yo O Hedge O Fund O Newsletter O Reporter O - O Bloomberg B-ORG - O London B-LOC , O England B-LOC , O United B-LOC Kingdom I-LOC http://t.co/gQJLAz2X8Z O #journalism O #jobs O Welcome O latest O #newsrw O delegate O ( O s O ) O @ B-ORG cruisecriticuk B-ORG . O See O testimonials O : O http://t.co/IXWKsRois6 O #SJMC B-ORG 2014 O 4th O Estate O slideshow O : O http://t.co/P0P1DoY0tR O via O @ B-ORG YouTube B-ORG Quite O right O : O a O housing O co-op O is O a O cooperative O venture O . O RT O @ B-PER sharonm72 B-PER : O @ B-PER guardianstyle B-PER What O about O co-op O ( O n O ) O ? O As O distinct O from O ( O chicken O ) O coop O ? O May B-PER E- I-PER bits O " O Following O the O World O " O by O Beverly B-PER Spicer I-PER http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0905/ebits.html O Boulder B-ORG Weekly I-ORG wins O 36 O awards O in O Top O of O the O Rockies B-LOC contest O , O Westword B-ORG editor O Patty B-PER Calhoun I-PER recognized O http://t.co/Ggh5UVzoh7 O For O this O #FOIAFriday, O we O want O to O know O : O What O challenges O have O you O experienced O filing O for O public O records O in O your O state O ? O http://t.co/y9LXCUmtQA O Why O are O pre-labor O contractions O always O worse O at O night O ? O My O body O : O “ O Ha O , O you O ’ O re O not O really O in O labor O , O but O I O ’ O m O not O going O to O let O you O sleep O anyway O ! O " O RT O @ B-PER joshrogin B-PER : O ' O CIA B-ORG Torture O Report O ' O Won O ’ O t O Call O Interrogations O Torture O – O But O It O Will O Show O Horrors O - O http://t.co/AgHaYWtome O by O me O and O @ B-PER EliLake B-PER Sen O . O John B-PER Cornyn I-PER raised O $ O 150 O K O / O week O for O 15 O months O ahead O of O primary O — O " O We O didn O ’ O t O want O to O have O a O fair O fight O , O ” O he O said O http://t.co/FG93seNnt4 O Nightmare O Airbnb B-ORG guest O is O squatting O in O host O 's O condo O and O wo O n't O leave O http://t.co/FOHLBufMXu O No O mustache O , O no O problem O . O #nhsjc B-ORG http://t.co/qtE3WHsTRE O Remembering O War O Correspondent O Jim B-PER Frederick I-PER , O 42 O : O http://t.co/55LYeZiU4h O Very O saddened O by O this O . O Had O the O pleasure O of O meeting O him O a O few O times O . O Still O more O #QOTD O congrats O go O to O @ B-PER judgesexton B-PER @ B-PER Margoandhow B-PER @ B-PER amyzipkin B-PER @ B-PER AnnieMDance B-PER & O @ B-PER AlanBlaustein B-PER : O http://t.co/O1IB3itVbj O The O data O skills O journalists O should O have O - O new O chat O w O / O @ B-PER sarahcnyt B-PER of O @ B-ORG nytimes B-ORG http://t.co/2eKceYmev1 O Tips O , O tools O . O #edshift O #ddj O I O mean O . O . O . O " O Kanye B-PER then O gave O a O 45 O - O minute O toast O to O himself O . O " O http://t.co/l6UDn0zqJC O Great O interview O of O me O on O @ B-ORG PBS B-ORG , O anticipating O tomorrow O 's O TV O premiere O of O the O documentary O http://to.pbs.org/9GCUxF O @ B-PER D_Shariatmadari B-PER yep O that O pretty O much O sums O it O up O . O Prefer O the O calm O of O twitter O lite O . O Copy O editor O : O " O This O whole O story O is O just O numbers O and O boredom O . O " O #JEA B-ORG members O selected O " O All O the O President O ’ O s O Men O " O By O Bob B-PER Woodward I-PER and O Carl B-PER Bernstein I-PER as O the O next O @ B-ORG JEAOneBook B-ORG . O http://t.co/SagE2JAgiJ O My O interview O on O NPR B-ORG today O . O " O I O expected O to O go O to O prison O for O life O . O " O http://ow.ly/5gY9z O @ B-PER DylanReeve B-PER Strictly O speaking O , O it O is O not O interception O ; O but O yes O . O . O @ B-PER dangillmor B-PER at O #teacha14: O " O I O 'm O not O a O big O believer O that O we O need O 100 O new O big O businesses O in O journalism O . O I O think O we O need O 100 O , O 000 O small O ones O . O " O From O earlier O : O my O ramblings O on O what O journalists O use O Instagram B-ORG for O : O http://t.co/68f33bmQiW O Big O Oil O clings O to O its O billions O in O government O giveaways O . O @ B-ORG motherjones B-ORG shows O how O . O https://t.co/rFr63oiBs6 O NYC O Interns O : O Network O with O other O interns O & O learn O how O @ B-ORG mediabistro B-ORG can O help O you O find O a O job O at O our O intern O party O on O 8 O / O 12 O ! O http://t.co/SjTP1wDXi2 O . O @ B-ORG IJNet B-ORG ’ O s O journalist O of O the O month O is O @ B-PER La__Cuen B-PER in O Tel B-LOC Aviv I-LOC ! O Learn O about O her O great O work O here O : O http://t.co/BBtBFx5lfz O http://t.co/E760H4JWpt O West B-LOC VA I-LOC state O supreme B-ORG court I-ORG ruling O on O charging O for O public O records O research O is O reverberating O around O the O nation O . O #FOIA O http://t.co/OHYryCbEiS O @ B-PER broke_grove B-PER @ B-ORG RadioTodayLive B-ORG No O : O but O they O will O be O on O our O YouTube B-ORG channel O . O Watch O @ B-ORG thisisnextradio B-ORG for O details O . O #nextradio O " O Hashtags O don O ’ O t O create O movements O . O People O who O care O do O . O " O - O - O @ B-PER drewvigal B-PER http://t.co/0bvVORMYxZ B-ORG Standards O and O quality O in O journal O publication O still O NB O in O new O environment O - O Green B-PER #TandFEditors O " O Facebook B-ORG Has O Five O Times O More O TV O Chatter O Than O Twitter B-ORG " O http://t.co/Lkojc4CwPV O #SocialTv O NEW O : O Boxer- B-PER Feinsten I-PER water O bill O stresses O conservation O , O not O supply O http://t.co/7jTbzriZNl O Super-pleased O with O ( O and O still O somewhat O amazed O by O ) O @ B-ORG TMobile B-ORG international O plan O . O . O . O unlimited O ( O 2 O G O ) O data O is O a O boon O for O frequent O travelers O . O Can O restricting O your O child O ’ O s O food O choices O , O backfire O ? O http://t.co/kaYTu9k0BB O #energybalance O #healthyliving O @ B-PER malonebarry B-PER Most O people O know O there O are O lots O of O very O poor O people O in O Africa B-LOC , O but O few O realize O annual O billions O earned O via O gold O , O oil O , O diamonds O . O @ B-ORG mediaczar B-ORG Supposition O or O proven O ? O @ B-PER IDashboard B-PER Hey O Paul B-PER - O I O 'm O here O . O Looking O forward O to O your O session O . O How O Americans O Get O TV O News O at O Home O : O http://t.co/0EMcbn63uj O @ B-PER joefortunato B-PER Wonderful O ! O Thanks O for O letting O me O know O ! O @ B-ORG VisCommQ B-ORG How O do O students O tell O stories O in O this O InstaWorld O ? O @ B-LOC Photoham B-LOC is O prepping O to O teach O @ B-ORG USCAnnenberg B-ORG about O photojournalism O : O http://t.co/E9Ki3jEL0M O Info O for O Potential O NASW B-ORG Board I-ORG Candidates O : O Interested O in O running O for O the O NASW B-ORG board O or O just O want O to O know O how O the O . O . O . O http://t.co/mYCkITtIIp O Big O new O map-based O data O graphic O about O #Africa B-LOC - O http://t.co/n9nsXqmgnw O / O via O @ B-PER albertocairo B-PER @ B-PER kevglobal B-PER @ B-PER brettsr B-PER @ B-PER joannauk B-PER I O have O no O idea O how O good O that O must O feel O . O But O would O like O to O find O out O one O day O . O :-) O Amazon B-ORG 's O Failed O Pitch O to O Authors O ( O @ B-PER vauhinivara B-PER / O New B-ORG Yorker I-ORG ) O http://t.co/66IsxRknx4 O http://t.co/H8TmqV3TPG O Countdown O to O World B-ORG Press I-ORG Freedom O Day O 2014 O : O IFJJ B-ORG Appeals O for O Re- O Opening O of O Iranian B-LOC Union I-LOC Offices I-LOC http://t.co/xVeCiDRRCy O #PressFreedom O @intro2pj O We O 're O finalizing O sessions O and O keynotes O now O . O And O yes O , O all O student O and O adviser O attendees O pay O registration O , O even O if O speaking O . O @ B-PER peteashton B-PER have O a O brilliant O day O ! O x O @ B-PER vishalManve12 B-PER good O luck O ! O @ B-PER LCGraf B-PER Congratulations O ! O Very O well O deserved O ! O Textbook B-ORG publishers O are O taking O over O online O learning O in O higher O ed O , O Professor O @ B-PER gabekahn B-PER reports O for O @ B-ORG Slate B-ORG : O http://t.co/2xU84qlP9C O How O Amazon B-ORG says O when O it O sells O ebooks O for O 9 O . O 99 O it O makes O TONS O more O sales O and O profits O than O at O $ O 14 O . O 99 O http://t.co/cZ4fGYaPSr O 85 O % O Of O B O 2 O B O Marketers O Use O Twitter O [ O INFOGRAPHIC O ] O : O http://t.co/RQgGc7LDSb O #tweetstats O Copy O editor O : O “ O There O ’ O d O be O no O news O over O Fourth O of O July O without O booze O , O fireworks O or O food O spoilage O to O liven O things O up O . O ” O Why O news O orgs O should O caution O against O overusing O the O " O breaking O news O " O header O : O http://t.co/wYAiaIbcp9 O By O @ B-PER megangarber B-PER Columbia B-LOC 's O Tow B-LOC Center I-LOC gets O $ O 150 O , O 000 O from O Knight B-PER for O its O new O Journalism O After O Snowden B-PER initiative O http://t.co/6W5o0D0qb6 O . O @ B-PER joseiswriting B-PER , O America B-LOC ’ O s O most O famous O unauthorized O immigrant O , O detained O by O Border B-ORG Patrol I-ORG http://t.co/nIlmMacWO8 O @ B-PER ReedAlbergotti B-PER What O is O this O blasphemy O you O speak O of O other O apps O ? O NEW O : O Cell O kill-switch O bill O moves O ahead O http://t.co/6jkNMJL9Ds O We O 're O always O on O the O look O out O for O more O submissions O to O our O CV O workshop O ! O Details O on O how O to O apply O here O : O http://t.co/U0CozVsVgd O @ B-PER KarenRussell B-PER Yes O . O Third O week O . O Today O : O PR O Principles O . O Thanks O . O Judge O Denies O City B-LOC of I-LOC Norfolk I-LOC ’ O s O Request O to O Dismiss O #FOIA O Lawsuit O Brought O by O the O @ B-ORG ACLUVA B-ORG & O @ B-ORG PETA B-ORG Rupert B-PER Murdoch I-PER 's O $ O 80bn O bid O for O Time B-ORG Warner I-ORG is O just O the O opening O gambit O http://t.co/I5xIxjp63G O @ B-PER katebevan B-PER the O latter O . O I O tuned O in O just O at O the O point O the O bagpiper O joined O the O light O opera O singing O group O . O Then O switched O away O again O , O fast O . O #SJMC B-ORG majors O , O this O class O will O give O you O great O clips O for O your O portfolio O ! O https://t.co/9sf3vX8FMm O #funfactfriday O http://t.co/NtbuEUqHQB O @ B-PER samjamez B-PER @ B-PER JeromeTaylor B-PER @ B-PER pearswick B-PER well O there O is O that O . O Why O Sargasso B-LOC Sea I-LOC ? O Gulf B-LOC Coast I-LOC 's O plea O over O origins O of O seaweed O stink O http://t.co/YgTSKHmqUx O We O 're O launching O a O project O on O how O local O police O use O surveillance O technology O on O ordinary O Americans O . O Here O 's O how O to O help O http://t.co/kV6VqKkQuh O Reporter O , O sounding O completely O disgusted O : O " O Eww O . O . O . O they O used O an O Oxford O comma O in O a O headline O . O " O After O being O crowned O , O the O Senior O Prom O queen O and O king O share O a O dance O . O #tbtonassignment O http://t.co/XCraX5hOHb O HTFPNewsinBrief B-ORG Local I-ORG World I-ORG aims O for O ‘ O world O class O mobile O product O ’ O : O Company O announces O new O digital O product O director O http://t.co/yUA7Q9hnLJ O Coming O to O #ONA14? O Check O out O our O guide O for O what O to O see O and O do O in O Chicago B-LOC while O you O 're O there O . O http://t.co/VJqkLAAhvY O One O year O after O 28 O Sun- B-ORG Times I-ORG photojournalists O were O laid O off O , O where O are O they O now O ? O http://t.co/GTf6RrcZ8Q O ( O via O @ B-ORG poynter B-ORG ) O [ O USA B-LOC ] O Full- O Time O Reporter O http://t.co/qhKf7PbDdE O #Journalism O #Jobs O For O the O cost O of O a O movie O ticket O , O you O could O experience O live O theater O & O support O #Miami B-LOC s O local O performance O artists O http://t.co/7HG7ZLyY1U O Check O out O openings O at O @ B-ORG mndailynews B-ORG ! O Web O dev O , O admin O and O reporting O positions O avail O , O some O with O a O 2 O / O 5 O deadline O ! O http://t.co/R6ZecgPvGW O @ B-PER scotthornsby10 B-PER to O be O clear O , O it O 's O only O for O people O , O not O brands O . O RHSJI O love O from O a O former O fellow O . O MT O @ B-PER nathancphillips B-PER " O One O of O the O best O professional O experiences O I O 've O ever O had O " O Apply O : O http://t.co/JiS3VAc0J3 O Professor O Jan B-PER Leach I-PER met O with O students O from O the O Journalism B-ORG School I-ORG at O SRM B-ORG University I-ORG in O Chennai B-LOC , O India B-LOC . O http://t.co/TiiZUCUvuv O Get O your O tickets O for O the O CMA O 2014 O Conference O & O AGM B-ORG http://t.co/QAliBOQ0bk O Sat O 14 O June O #Leicester B-LOC #cmalive O #communityradio O #communitymedia O How O do O you O create O a O TV O news O program O that O appeals O to O kids O ? O http://t.co/qf4PYqPxok O India B-LOC : O City O of O Toxic O Leather O , O a O Q O & O A O with O @ B-PER gallagher_photo B-PER http://t.co/BklMM4d5QA O @ B-PER SmithaKhorana B-PER All O true O . O Still O , O I O hope O you O understand O my O exhaustion O at O the O question O : O are O bloggers O journalists O ? O One O publisher O dumped O Amazon B-ORG and O had O its O best O revenue O year O ever O , O by O @ B-PER jake_k B-PER http://t.co/XaYdnEbCRh O Check O out O J B-ORG Whaley I-ORG Music I-ORG upcoming O show O . O Dope O singer O doing O his O thing O out O in O #Nashville B-LOC http://t.co/fIAXaBrn04 O Long-winded O reporter O writes O 39 O - O word O sentence O with O 7 O sub O clauses O & O no O comma O . O Your O job O as O #NCTJProdJ B-ORG editor O is O to O rescue O them O from O verbosity O . O MT O @ B-PER giaPLUSnina B-PER @ B-ORG _HamptonU B-ORG #journalism O educator O retools O skills O at O @ B-ORG CNBC B-ORG via O @ B-ORG ICFJ B-ORG 's O Back O in O the O Newsroom O Program O . O http://t.co/DogWGtXBQO O One O of O the O no O tries O of O the O season O , O but O Wigan B-ORG & O Warrington B-ORG have O replayed O the O 2013 O Grand O Final O , O quite O brilliantly O tonight O #rugbyleague O Reserve O your O seat O at O our O #Delhi B-ORG Hack I-ORG the I-ORG Budget I-ORG #dbootcamp I-ORG & O learn O to O make O interactive O content O on O India B-LOC ’ O s O budget O ! O http://t.co/XLyGushesc O Just O posted O a O photo O http://t.co/egS5wCRDQZ O Sunshine O Week O starts O March O 16 O ! O Here O 's O a O list O of O ways O you O can O bring O @SunshineWeek O into O your O classroom O . O http://t.co/5TNreD54i0 O @ B-PER nmcintosh B-PER @ B-PER Jason_Cobb B-PER I O 'm O not O ready O to O call O it O . O In O London B-LOC it O 's O usually O later O - O next O week O , O a O hot O muggy O day O after O some O rain O . O . O . O 870 O #asmc14 B-ORG tweets O sent O on O Thurs O : O most O prolific O authors O by O volume O : O @ B-PER axelmaireder B-PER @ B-PER 3Lmantra B-PER @ B-PER tpoell B-PER @ B-PER guillaumelatzko B-PER http://t.co/0n0ecG7Egm O Heard O the O latest O Hack B-ORG Report I-ORG podcast O yet O ? O How O to O write O a O news O story O , O diversity O in O #radio, O and O youth O #media: O http://t.co/yMMi5LC1RE O ( O 8mins O ) O Texas B-LOC Governor B-PER Rick I-PER Perry I-PER 's O Attorney O Once O Tried O to O Turn O Him O in O to O the O FBI B-ORG http://t.co/tYA28xioaR O @ B-ORG XmediaPeppers B-ORG @ B-PER rep_bologna B-PER Just O posted O a O short O response O to O Bolter B-PER 's O argument O SJMC B-ORG & O FPC B-ORG students O with O unpaid O internships O at O nonprofit O orgs O check O this O out-apply O by O 4 O / O 15 O for O support O stipends O ! O http://t.co/rVsRfB3DGF O Experts O discuss O the O roots O and O solutions O to O gun O violence O in O Chicago B-LOC . O Organized O by O @ B-ORG Gawker B-ORG : O http://t.co/KbcrxNSRfR O Sons O of O Wichita B-LOC : O understanding O the O enigmatic O Koch B-PER brothers O w O / O a O new O book O by O @ B-PER danielschulman B-PER of O @ B-ORG motherjones B-ORG @ B-PER taywiles B-PER http://t.co/xf3kOw0KqS O Security O guard O . O Flowered O gate O . O http://t.co/wrsB2ZhTZR O S O Is O For O Storytelling O : O A O Premer O for O Future O Activists O http://t.co/W4w6ll7bTk O 20th O call O for O transparency O on O use O of O #drones O comes O today O from O #UN B-ORG Secretary- I-ORG General I-ORG . O Timeline O http://t.co/UoRjQOfFCN O http://t.co/rVca8dVLba O Ashley B-PER Highfield I-PER calls O on O BBC B-ORG to O close O ' O under-performing O local O websites O ' O and O work O with O regional O press O http://t.co/IJ6Yt3Xk2G O Great O story O on O student O journalism O censorship O by O Milwaukee B-LOC @ B-ORG journalsentinel B-ORG & O other O watchdog O stories O : O http://t.co/jT9SMRwPzp O A O Comprehensive O History O of O Floridians O Hiding O Weed O in O Their O Butts O and O Other O Body O Parts O http://t.co/7e3aQmXwCD O My O legs O are O bloodied O and O muddied O after O laying O out O Wednesday O 's O Sharpener O controls O . O Hope O you O all O enjoy O the O challenging O ground O . O The O big O beasts O who O shaped O the O BBC B-ORG | O Media O | O The B-ORG Guardian I-ORG - O http://t.co/CVRA40uCn3 O #ghpromises O Today O #Takoradi B-ORG Ghana I-ORG Govt I-ORG Assurance I-ORG Committee I-ORG @ B-ORG GhanaParliament B-ORG launch O Rules O & O digital O platform O @ B-ORG STARGhana B-ORG @ B-PER kinnareads B-PER @ B-ORG BBCWorld B-ORG Ich O bin O ein O brasileiro O : O Finding O a O little O piece O of O #Germany B-LOC in O #Brazil B-LOC http://t.co/mfv4Ek1mWT O http://t.co/Xq6sCTgH2K O RT O @ B-ORG AP_CorpComm B-ORG What O does O ' O tiki-taka O ' O mean O ? O @ B-ORG AP B-ORG has O you O covered O on O #WorldCup O terms O : O http://t.co/MonYMjJLup O ( O via O @ B-ORG Poynter B-ORG ) O @ B-PER dingl_ B-PER not O at O all O clear O yet O . O and O these O cloud O services O ( O which O do O n't O do O security O well O enough O , O obviously O ) O get O some O blame O , O too O @ B-PER pmoriarty B-PER Find O out O why O a O place O like O the O Media B-LOC Center I-LOC at O #WallisAnnenbergHall B-LOC does O n't O exist O anywhere O else O in O the O world O . O Watch O : O http://t.co/hdi9f7Z6sD O @ B-PER darrenwaters B-PER Blacklands O . O Finished O in O a O weekend O - O proper O escapism O reading O Deadline O to O RSVP O to O Spring O Showcase O is O TODAY O ! O Do O n't O miss O out O ! O Students O , O alumni O and O donors O , O oh O my O ! O 4 O / O 30 O 5p O McNamara B-ORG http://t.co/NQd4MAIfVX O Daniel B-PER Ellsberg I-PER was O first O journalist O pursued O under O Espionage O Act O - O had O been O all O spies O before O that O . O Ben B-PER Wizner I-PER #sourcesconf B-ORG Just O posted O a O photo O http://t.co/5LguLUo4dI O Hilton B-PER Als I-PER remembers O Ruby B-PER Dee I-PER : O http://t.co/JBLDdVRBpp O #Worldcup O drove O 3 O billion O interactions O on O Facebook B-ORG , O highest O level O of O conversation O ever O measured O http://t.co/4AgZIeB6sV O How O to O find O compelling O stories O in O patterns O of O numbers O but O avoid O reporting O what O 's O too O good O to O be O true O http://t.co/YdJN7VugHO O Talks O @ O Pulitzer B-ORG : O Amy B-PER Toensing I-PER and O Jessica B-PER Benko I-PER on O Widows O in O India B-LOC , O July O 14 O , O 5 O :3 O 30 O pm O at O the O Pulitzer B-LOC Center I-LOC . O Join O us O : O http://t.co/HnO3EPXBcX O Introducing O new O creative O tools O to O edit O photos O on O Instagram B-ORG : O http://t.co/h2vHAXBEiC O Big O fan O of O being O able O to O adjust O intensity O of O filters O . O @ B-PER juliaduin B-PER Great O . O Please O email O to O aejmcpr B-PER @ B-ORG aol B-ORG . O com O and O we O will O be O happy O to O assist O . O Thanks O ! O @ B-PER jimwaterson B-PER steak O bake O ? O Here O 's O what O you O can O expect O from O @ B-PER billkeller2014 B-PER 's O latest O venture O http://t.co/pAz0ezZ8XP O http://t.co/coYXB1OJlz O