Politeness Annotation

Please rate how polite the request comes across for you. Each request is a part of a conversation between editors on wikipedia. There can be multiple factors affecting the politeness level of a sentence, such as style and content.

You'll assign a single politeness score after considering all factors.

A small fraction of the sentences may not be actual valid text. Simply mark those as invalid on the rightmost column.

The task is spread over 4 pages. The first page contains 5 sentences in English and the remaining 3 pages contain 5 sentences each in a Foreign langauge.

You can navigate between the pages using the Previous and Next Buttons.

Before we start, please enter you Prolific ID

If you have any comments about any particular sentence or about the set of factors (style/content) for a particular sentence, please leave them below.

Click the button below once you're done. If there are any missing fields, you'll be notified and you have to check the form again