[{"context": "The man and his sons are fishing off a bridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people are sitting on the edge.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and his sons are throwing pies at the mother.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people are snowboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people are crocodile hunting in swamp.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people are sitting on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are running back and forth on the bridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man and his two sons are looking at the canal.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are sitting on the bridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are three people looking into the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is an alligator in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are three people swimming in the water", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are swimming in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There's alligators in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4971935706", "pair_id": "4971935706.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are together outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men sleeping outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are jumping in the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men were just taking a nap", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men slept together", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the two women were up talking 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"229059021.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are homeless.", "label": "", "image_id": "229059021", "pair_id": "229059021.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A coyote-like dog jumps to catch a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat jumps to catch a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog has no legs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog that looks like a coyote jumps to catch a tennis ball before another dog can reach it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ball is a football.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A brown dog is playing fetch in a dog park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is catching a tennis ball outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is laying on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog rests in the grass after having played with a frisbee.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog jumps to catch a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is happy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is grey.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog leaps to grab a tennis ball his its owner throw.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is jumping to catch a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is sleeping on the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A puppy is trying to catch a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "dog playing in the park", 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"pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a dog is playing with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is enjoying a day with its owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A brown dog jumps at a ball thrown by his owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dachsund is playing with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A brown dog jumps and plays with a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is playing fetch.", "label": 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A dog catches.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is fast asleep under a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is sleeping in his cage.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog has a ball in it's mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The brown dog plays with the ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1800601130", "pair_id": "1800601130.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Pictures for a magazine are being taken on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A street performer is driving home.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A photograph is being taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A human standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A huge person standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd is watching a woman on a bridge", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is performing on a stage", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd is trying to rescue a woman from a bridge", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman dressed traditionally.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Japanese woman tries on her clothing for her wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The white woman puts on her pantsuit.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman stands on a balcony.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is looking out over the land waiting for her husband to return.,", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in green and blue is standing near a balcony railing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3541716169", "pair_id": "3541716169.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The 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"2224995194.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people leave a cave", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are going caving", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are running in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Rock climbers are preparing to climb.", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The rock climbers are preparing in front of a cave.", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "No one is hanging from a cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are hanging from safety ropes.", "label": "", "image_id": "2224995194", "pair_id": "2224995194.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The city public transportation systems stop at crosswalks.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crosswalk signals buses to stop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The busses and trolleys run over people in crosswalks.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The cars are in flames.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people in the cars are in line for a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are vehicles and people on foot.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Vehicles are at a stoplight in a city intersection while pedestrians hurry to cross.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Horses are pulling wagons in the country.", "label": "", "image_id": "4681354399", "pair_id": "4681354399.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "there is two kids walking the traffic", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "there is two kids watching snow and walking sidewalk", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "there is two kids walking the out of snow", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy and girl are looking for a place to go sledding.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy and girl are walking in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A monkey is stealing a banana from a lion.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two children in clothes", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the children are siblings", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the children are in summer outfits", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child carrying a red sled up the hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child sleeping in bed because they are sick.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child carrying a red sled.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kids have a sled in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children are carrying a bicycle through the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two siblings are playing with the same sled after last night's snowfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "406248253", "pair_id": "406248253.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some guys are playing football in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are watching a movie.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are playing lacrosse.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two lacrosse teammates play the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Neither team is winning.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The three lacrosee players talk after the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two lacrosee players score on the opposing player.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The players are 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signify what team they are on.", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two teams playing football", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two teams playing sports together", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two teams playing against each other in rugby", "label": "", "image_id": "7718342644", "pair_id": "7718342644.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The soccer ball was just played with.", "label": "", "image_id": "250406927", "pair_id": "250406927.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A black dog is holding a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "250406927", "pair_id": "250406927.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is white.", "label": "", "image_id": "250406927", "pair_id": "250406927.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The 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"4850061221.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are no people in the area.", "label": "", "image_id": "4850061221", "pair_id": "4850061221.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are many people scattered throughout the area.", "label": "", "image_id": "4850061221", "pair_id": "4850061221.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The building is pink.", "label": "", "image_id": "4850061221", "pair_id": "4850061221.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people sit in an open area next to buildings", "label": "", "image_id": "4850061221", "pair_id": "4850061221.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are sitting outside in the open", "label": "", "image_id": "4850061221", "pair_id": "4850061221.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4850061221", "pair_id": "4850061221.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people are picking out cats to take home", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people take a picture of dogs", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the people want the dogs to sit still and look at the camera", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dogs are fighting.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs are wearing matching pink collars.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog's are being photographed.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is with a couple animals.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman taking a 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A female is asleep next to two of her pets.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is walking two dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is taking photos of two dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is petting his bear.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The adult is trying to make a photo album of pets.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman photographs her new puppies.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman photographs her two Great Danes.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple of dogs with a person taking pictures of them", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three cats running from a man", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman taking pictures of a couple of dogs", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The tourists have hamsters with them and are inside a cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The tourists are outside with their pets.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The tourists are somewhere they've never been.", "label": "", "image_id": "174487818", "pair_id": "174487818.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A 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"image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A mother and child viewing the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A mother and child viewing the city from a balcony.", "label": "", "image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman holds her small boy in a window.", "label": "", "image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man sits in a windowsill with is cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman holds her small boy in a window wearing a bright hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The TV holds a woman who holds a child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4798449978", "pair_id": "4798449978.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "three kids outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "three kids laying in the sand", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "three kids bathing", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three boys have a footrace through a corn field", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three boys swimming near a boat", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three brothers swim in a lake outside their vacation house", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are building a sandcastle on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are next to a yellow sailboat.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are best friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The children are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three children are playing in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are walking on sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boat is in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6147060999", "pair_id": "6147060999.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a microscope.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man looking at the stars with a telescope.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man builds a computer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The technician is doing repairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The technician is female.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The technician is making a sandwich.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is looking at bacteria under a microscope and working on his computer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is looking at something under a science instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is looking through a telescope at the stars.", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is blind", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is inside", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The circuits are very small", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is a farmer", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man peers through a magnifier", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man is asleep", "label": "", "image_id": "2500467647", "pair_id": "2500467647.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man looks out a window.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid sits on a bench reading a novel.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a library with a bench and a kid on the bench and the kid is reading.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a library with a bench and a kid on the bench and the kid is reading.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man looks out a window.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid sits on a bench reading a novel.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "He is going to check the book out.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "He is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is literate.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid asking to borrow a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid asking to borrow a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", 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"2573409286.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He's sitting on a chair", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is kicking a soccer ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is reading a comic book.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is reading.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid is looking at pages in a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is covering his eyes with his hands", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", "pair_id": "2573409286.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy is turning some pages in his book.", "label": "", "image_id": "2573409286", 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"pair_id": "3103655513.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "THe snow is deep", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are waterskiing", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are in the snow", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The snow is actually fallout from a nuclear winter.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a snowman in the background.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women from Florida are experiencing winter for the first time.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "kids swim under the hot sun", "label": 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The children are swimming in the indoor pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Kids are jumping on the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kids are jumping for joy in the snow because school was cancelled.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Kids are making snow angels.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "It is a hot summer day where the two people are at.", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two people are outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2243345188", "pair_id": "2243345188.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "It is snowing where the two people are", "label": "", 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man plays guitar and sings for a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "1262720546", "pair_id": "1262720546.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man plays guitar and sings.", "label": "", "image_id": "1262720546", "pair_id": "1262720546.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A women is working.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A women is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing a uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is having his picture taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A photographer's model is dressed in similar colors of the blue sky she is under.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is standing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crowd is inside the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A female is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman dressed in a Nike shirt looks down at the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is looking for her golf ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is napping on the sofa.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is smiling on a cloudy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is standing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "528500099", "pair_id": "528500099.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is preparing to set sail.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is boarding his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sitting at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is cleaning his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is getting his boat clean to take it out on the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is throwing mud on the boat in the driveway.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man gets his boat ready for a day out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man clean a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man washes his car.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is admiring his newly purchased boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy is standing in a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy pretends he's a speed racer in his dad's boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young boy falls off a jet ski.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The speedboat is in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is securing jet skis to his truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The speedboat is only in the driveway, but the man and the boy are standing there as if it's in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is putting supplies into his speedboat before heading to the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man and boy are pretending that their boat is in a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man stands in boat, while outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is in a speedboat parked in his driveway.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is racing his boat in a large body of water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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{"context": "A red ski boat is on its trailer in the driveway.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a man sitting in the front of the boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "there is a boat outside", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person owns a blue ski boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ski boat is blue.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man stands in front of the boat in the driveway.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A red ski boat is on a trailer at a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The ski boat is inside of a house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is taking their jet ski to the water for the summer season.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464513701", "pair_id": "1464513701.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three old women examine the contents.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three old women preparing to steal.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three old women are not interested in the items.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are singing a song.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two of the ladies are 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"image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man stands outside a museum waiting for it to open.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The ladies are not looking at the items in the museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The museum is a national history museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three women are in a museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "5428747894", "pair_id": "5428747894.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are forming a straight line.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The guys are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": 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"3356748019.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Spectators are watching something.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cyclists jumping off the fifty foot cliff are being photographed.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cyclists are going down an incline slowly while no one is watching.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men on bikes go over a sand hill to get to the finish line.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men walk their bikes after getting flat tires.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men on bikes go over a sand hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "3356748019", "pair_id": "3356748019.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are playing games in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are sitting on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dad and son play and swim in the waves.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dad is trying to drown his son.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dad is teaching his son to body surf.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "they are talking loud", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "PEOPLPE WERE ON GRASS", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the people were on concrete", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "White mother and son in blue wetsuits with boogie board in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "White father and son in blue wetsuits with boogie board in the water drowns.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "White father and child in blue wetsuits with boogie board in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is holding a child's hand in the ocean next to a large rock", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and child were watching tv", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man was afraid the oceam will take the child", "label": "", "image_id": "3273435238", "pair_id": "3273435238.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is not wearing anything on her face.", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman has her eyes covered.", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is trying to keep the sun out of her eyes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a brother with his two sister in a photograph taken in a market", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a 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"pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Crowds are in the street rioting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are inside a building", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The crowds are leaving from their workdays.", "label": "", "image_id": "4899353764", "pair_id": "4899353764.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is an African man seated on a park bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The Asian man is 45 years old.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is an Asian man seated in an ornate chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The elderly man sits at the 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{"context": "A woman is applying makeup in front of a vanity.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is preparing to worship in front of a small shrine.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man building a house out of stone.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man sitting near table in a fabric-draped room.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man sitting at a tarot card shop, waiting for his palm to be read.", "label": "", "image_id": "2103055320", "pair_id": "2103055320.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man watches someone cook something on the stove.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man has 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"1464745434.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young man is looking to see if dinner is ready yet.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wears a hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man is outside looking at the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man has a white hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He is standing inside the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is in a friend's kitchen", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a red shirt is in someone's bedroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is in a kitchen", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is standing in household", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a green shirt is standing near the house", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is driving a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is asleep in his bed", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a child being punished in the kitchen", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a child indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl hums to herself.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man staring into the distance.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man staring at a car accident.", "label": "", "image_id": "1464745434", "pair_id": "1464745434.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children are attempting to climb.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some kids are at a grocery store.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two children are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children are racing to the top of the climbing wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children climb a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children are building with blocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children are in the picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Children are standing next to a rock climbing wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3339768802", "pair_id": "3339768802.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children 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"label": "", "image_id": "2385034500", "pair_id": "2385034500.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are riding their scooters in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2385034500", "pair_id": "2385034500.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People have motorcycle licenses.", "label": "", "image_id": "2385034500", "pair_id": "2385034500.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are riding their motorcycles to a rally.", "label": "", "image_id": "2385034500", "pair_id": "2385034500.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "All of the people disappeared.", "label": "", "image_id": "4661070058", "pair_id": "4661070058.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Many people are holding things.", "label": "", "image_id": "4661070058", "pair_id": "4661070058.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are protecting themselves from rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4661070058", "pair_id": "4661070058.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"4661070058", "pair_id": "4661070058.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bunch of people holding umbrellas on a rainy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "4661070058", "pair_id": "4661070058.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bunch of people sitting on the beach on a cloudless day.", "label": "", "image_id": "4661070058", "pair_id": "4661070058.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid shows something off.", "label": "", "image_id": "4199552427", "pair_id": "4199552427.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid shows something off to his friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "4199552427", "pair_id": "4199552427.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man eat some flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4199552427", "pair_id": "4199552427.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the child is kneeling while building a snowman in the backyard", "label": "", "image_id": "4199552427", "pair_id": "4199552427.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"4834131048.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The pair of people are walking down the highway.", "label": "", "image_id": "4834131048", "pair_id": "4834131048.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "On the path there are two people walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4834131048", "pair_id": "4834131048.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people walking between some buildings.", "label": "", "image_id": "4834131048", "pair_id": "4834131048.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are sleeping on the path.", "label": "", "image_id": "4834131048", "pair_id": "4834131048.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The buildings are tall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4834131048", "pair_id": "4834131048.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A couple is walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4834131048", "pair_id": "4834131048.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women walking in between two buildings.", "label": 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"The coach doesn't let players practice much.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857094195", "pair_id": "4857094195.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There's a big game coming up.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857094195", "pair_id": "4857094195.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The football players are practicing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857094195", "pair_id": "4857094195.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kansas City Chiefs were training.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857094195", "pair_id": "4857094195.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The football team were in the locker room.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857094195", "pair_id": "4857094195.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Kansas City Chiefs were training at the football training camp.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857094195", "pair_id": "4857094195.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The football players huddle together on the sidelines as the coach gives 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man cuddles his new puppy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is holding his baby daughter.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the guy holds a baby", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the guy holds his baby", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the guy holds an onion", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holds a newborn", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A new father holds a child", "label": "", "image_id": "4858206982", "pair_id": "4858206982.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A mom 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"no"}, {"context": "A person on a horse", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": "4931380548.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are in Antarctica.", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": "4931380548.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two brothers enjoy time on the ranch", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": "4931380548.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two men looked into the distance.", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": "4931380548.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men went swimming in a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": "4931380548.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Both men were looking at the approaching storm.", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": "4931380548.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man on a horse and a man near by look into the distance.", "label": "", "image_id": "4931380548", "pair_id": 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"3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A squirrel jumps on the mountain in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A squirrel is in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A squirrel is attacking a small child.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A squirrel is stuffed and mounted on a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A squirrel jumps in the pond water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The squirrel is angry at the snow and wishes he had some walnuts.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cat takes a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A squirrel jumps into the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A squirrel is running on the roof of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A squirrel leaps over the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A squirrel is playing in the fluffy white snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3249597269", "pair_id": "3249597269.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy sits outside wearing sunglasses.", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A male wearing sunglasses relaxes 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"2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A cat clawing at a chair", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sitting in a chair", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing khakis and a shirt sitting in a chair", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man relaxes in a chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is standing in the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is resting from a long day.", "label": "", "image_id": "2454923455", "pair_id": "2454923455.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is crying in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are not enjoying themselves.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A comedian is playing at a club.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are having a good time.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman received good news.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman has blonde hair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is sad.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is holding a child while crossing the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is talking to another person.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A newscaster is talking about a recent grand opening.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd gathers around a female.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A crowd gathers around a male street performer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2845084857", "pair_id": "2845084857.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young person is wearing blue and red clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3495455782", "pair_id": "3495455782.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A teenaged boy crouches in his blue and red football jersey and a bright yellow helmet at practice.", "label": "", "image_id": "3495455782", "pair_id": "3495455782.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A youth in a red and blue shirt and a yellow baseball cap is sitting on a couch eating potato chips.", "label": "", "image_id": "3495455782", "pair_id": "3495455782.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a young man is sitting in the locker room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3495455782", "pair_id": "3495455782.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a young man is playing football", "label": "", "image_id": "3495455782", "pair_id": "3495455782.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a young man is protecting the quarterback", "label": "", "image_id": "3495455782", 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"pair_id": "2936590102.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three cats stalked birds.", "label": "", "image_id": "2936590102", "pair_id": "2936590102.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "2936590102", "pair_id": "2936590102.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A greyhound dog is running in a red jersey.", "label": "", "image_id": "2936590102", "pair_id": "2936590102.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The greyhound dog is in the middle of a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "2936590102", "pair_id": "2936590102.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman and a cat lay on a sofa", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sits on a bench with his dog, looking at the water", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and his dog sit outside", "label": 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"maybe"}, {"context": "The sun sets over the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sun is setting in the West.", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat is with its owner on a beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man enjoys the view of a pond with his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is shopping with his dog in the mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and his dog are near a pond.", "label": "", "image_id": "1489286545", "pair_id": "1489286545.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women have three new computers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A single woman with ten laptops.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women have three computers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are doing cartwheels on a tarmac.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A pair of girls wait around in a cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The third person is running late, as usual.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "2 women play rugby", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two coworkers at work", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An obese female is sitting looking at her screen while another more shapely woman is also looking at het screen.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are looking at computers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "women writing standard letters", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women look at each other briefly.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is using a Macbook.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "2 women sit across from one another in a hospital waiting room", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "large woman and small framed woman work on their laptops", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women on their laptops", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is using her laptop.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is doing something on her laptop.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is thin.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is using a desktop.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two co-workers sitting across from each other are working on their computers", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are using google to search.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are getting help from a technician because their iPod is broken.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are on a computer.", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two women are working", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the women are hot", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the women are idle", "label": "", "image_id": "3175620928", "pair_id": "3175620928.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man is splitting wood to 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"6924430850.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man chopping wood in a competition as people watch", "label": "", "image_id": "6924430850", "pair_id": "6924430850.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sipping coffee", "label": "", "image_id": "6924430850", "pair_id": "6924430850.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lumberjack uses his axe to chop a log.", "label": "", "image_id": "6924430850", "pair_id": "6924430850.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The lumberjack wields a chopping tool.", "label": "", "image_id": "6924430850", "pair_id": "6924430850.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lumberjack assembles pre-fabricated furniture.", "label": "", "image_id": "6924430850", "pair_id": "6924430850.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a blue tank top is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "6924430850", "pair_id": "6924430850.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is about to chop the log 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"yes"}, {"context": "a boy is sitting watching television", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is sleeping in a bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is sticking his tongue out next to a platform outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy with his tongue out is holding onto a bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is playing on the swing-set.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The small boy is napping inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is going down a slide.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is playing in the swimming pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy climbing the play set his parents bought him for his birthday.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is playing outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a group of kids playing in the play set.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy on a playground slide.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is climbing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is climbing on 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"image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child climbs a ladder to get away from his older brother.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is playing outside", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child makes a funny face.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is in bed sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is on a ladder with his tongue out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is bratty", "label": "", "image_id": "1286408831", "pair_id": "1286408831.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The individuals are in scrubs.", 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"3698928883.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a construction hat and boots is looking at a red ford truck near the fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928883", "pair_id": "3698928883.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man wearing a helmet is outside looking in his red truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928883", "pair_id": "3698928883.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is driving his green truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928883", "pair_id": "3698928883.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is looking for rope.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928883", "pair_id": "3698928883.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is looking at a truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928883", "pair_id": "3698928883.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928883", "pair_id": "3698928883.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is dancing down the sidewalk, singing a popular rock song.", "label": "", "image_id": "3427301653", "pair_id": "3427301653.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is sitting in a lotus position listening to meditation music.", "label": "", "image_id": "3427301653", "pair_id": "3427301653.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting on the curb.", "label": "", "image_id": "3427301653", "pair_id": "3427301653.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is playing Dance Dance Revolution.", "label": "", "image_id": "3427301653", "pair_id": "3427301653.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A failed musician is sitting on the curb after his empty show.", "label": "", "image_id": "3427301653", "pair_id": "3427301653.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "girls on spring break", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "dog chases a 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"1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "2 babies are drinking bottled milk.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "2 babies are eating food.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two babies are eating Jello.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two baby girls eat chips.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "2 female babies are enjoying their first meal of the day.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two little boys wrestle on the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two little girl babies are eating chips 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"yes"}, {"context": "The infants are sleeping in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Infants are enjoying a picnic in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The infants are playing with toys.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A backyard scene with only adults.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two babies in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children play near each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are children outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are sleeping in their cribs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The babies are asleep inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children play outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two toddlers playing with knives in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two toddlers play outside for the first time.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children climb trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children eat and play with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children eat and play.", "label": "", "image_id": "1010673430", "pair_id": "1010673430.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are playing basketball on a court.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are fighting over the ball before the buzzer sounds.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two players are running towards the goal.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A player in the NBA 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{"context": "Fish are swimming in a pond.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are playing a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two basketball players play basketball on an indoor court.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men eat ice cream.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men in different uniforms play basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3217620013", "pair_id": "3217620013.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman pictures in her mind a day off from work.", "label": "", "image_id": "3353770555", "pair_id": "3353770555.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A visitor is using her eyes to examine the displayed artwork.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl's costume is too short.", "label": "", "image_id": "4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The singer is wearing a three piece suit.", "label": "", "image_id": "4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A performer is showing her undergarmets", "label": "", "image_id": "4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is posing for a camera", "label": "", "image_id": "4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A photographer is telling a woman he doesn't want her to pose like a fish for his picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dark haired woman is making a dancer pose for the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4129308538", "pair_id": "4129308538.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A happy dog in grass with an open mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog in grass with an open mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog with its mouth shut.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs are running with their mouths full.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A family of dogs are running with bones in their mouths.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are sleeping on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog pants after running through the field.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cat runs into the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An animal is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Puppies running outdoor", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "puppies sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two puppies are moving on green plant", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": "408573233.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is chasing after something.", "label": "", "image_id": "408573233", "pair_id": 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"5345473274.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A gymnast is being judged at en event and she looks confident.", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An ice skater is being judged at a court trial.", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A gymnast is at en event.", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "there is a competition going on.", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The gymnast fell during her jump.", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There was a picture taken", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is performing at a wresting competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is doing gymnastics", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is preparing for the Olympics", "label": "", "image_id": "5345473274", "pair_id": "5345473274.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is working at an eating establishment.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man is preparing food.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is preparing food for customers.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man is trying to satisfy a room full of customers", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young man is cooking food.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is eating food with a carnival in the background.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is cooking food for people.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is actually tying his shows.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The young man is watching a movie.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The young man is cooking for the people around him.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man is sipping wine", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is preparing fried eggs for his customers.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is making food.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man is preparing food in front of diners.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A chef is cooking food in a kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man scoops watermelon balls and places them into a bowl to sell at the mall food court.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone prepares food into bowls.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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{"context": "The lawyers are making a lot of money.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A cook is making a meal.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Asian man is cooking chicken at the Chinese restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man preparing dinner for his friends", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a shirt cooking", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman preparing dinner for friends", "label": "", "image_id": "1472653060", "pair_id": "1472653060.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A school hosts a basketball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3636329461", "pair_id": 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"3636329461.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An older woman is throwing rotten tomatoes at a Salvation Army band.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An older woman is looking bored or tired as the band passes by.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An older woman is clapping as the Salvation Army band goes by.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is eating cereal.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The group of men are playing in a band.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The band is playing music outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The instrument is a trumpet", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The members are naked", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The members are in uniform", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bunch of people standing together, one of them holding a tuba.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bunch of people standing together, one of them holding an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bunch of people standing together, none of them holding an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "5253872191", "pair_id": "5253872191.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A band is about to 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"16396205.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men stare at the sun as they eat peyote.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three brothers stand in a field and are all smiling", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Old men are sitting inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are standing by a barbecue full of steaks.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three women stand in a field behind a barbecue smile at each other", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A few boys are goofing off and start a fire on the grill.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men are outside cooking.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three men are grilling corn.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men are cooking food for a tailgate.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are preparing tonight's dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A few men huddled around a barbecue tend to food on the grill.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two guys give thumps up as they finishing grilling the steak.", "label": "", "image_id": "16396205", "pair_id": "16396205.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three boys are working merrily together to 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"4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man with dreadlocks is seated in a car that has been pulled over.", "label": "", "image_id": "4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with dreadlocks alone in a library.", "label": "", "image_id": "4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man has long hair.", "label": "", "image_id": "4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with long hair getting stopped by guards.", "label": "", "image_id": "4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is getting a hair cut.", "label": "", "image_id": "4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Police have conversation with man.", "label": "", "image_id": "4740975956", "pair_id": "4740975956.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Police officers are eating donuts.", "label": "", "image_id": "86131989", "pair_id": "86131989.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Officers are talking amongst each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "86131989", "pair_id": "86131989.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Pigs are oinking in a pigsty.", "label": "", "image_id": "86131989", "pair_id": "86131989.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are performing CPR on a shooting victim.", "label": "", "image_id": "86131989", "pair_id": "86131989.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "More than one person conversing works in law enforcement.", "label": "", "image_id": "86131989", "pair_id": "86131989.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are discussing a successful hostage negotiation.", "label": "", "image_id": "86131989", "pair_id": "86131989.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A mechanic works on a train", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A mechanic fixing the door on a broken down train", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A mechanic fixing a wheel on a car of a train set to leave tonight", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "This gentlemen is working on repairing a TV.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man went to college in order to get this job.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is working on a mechanical system here.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The female employee is rotating the train wheels.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Human is examining train parts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The female employee is operating the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a man underneath a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is changing an important part underneath the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is asleep under the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man in blue is fixing the locomotive.", "label": "", "image_id": "2674452595", "pair_id": "2674452595.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man in blue is on a 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are uniting to support Breast cancer awareness.", "label": "", "image_id": "7474892162", "pair_id": "7474892162.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are protesting the drug clinic in their neighborhood.", "label": "", "image_id": "7474892162", "pair_id": "7474892162.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Friends staging a peaceful protest.", "label": "", "image_id": "7474892162", "pair_id": "7474892162.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young people relaxing together.", "label": "", "image_id": "7474892162", "pair_id": "7474892162.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A riot in progress.", "label": "", "image_id": "7474892162", "pair_id": "7474892162.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man had no hat on.", "label": "", "image_id": "2597483633", "pair_id": "2597483633.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man was eating.", "label": "", "image_id": "2597483633", 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"1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The adult is on a rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The adult is weaving a basket.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Child playing checkers on the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An adult is sitting on on a bright rug doing crafts.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Adult weaving on colored rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person on the rug is a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A colorfully dressed Person is weaving, 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{"context": "The man took off his shoes to be more comfortable.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are men's dress shoes near a loom.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The weaver is working at his or her craft.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bareheaded person is standing up.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is fixing his shoes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Cloth is being produced.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A craftsman is making products to sell.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man run in playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man has nothing on his head.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is weaving without a hat on.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is weaving a rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Somebody wearing a large hat is not wearing shoes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is working a loom of men's dress shoes", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is showing a classic clothe making skill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is sitting in blankets working a loom of men's dress", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is working outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is making a blanket to sell.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is napping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is making a black dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is making a bright outfit for a festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is making colorful clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1323858296", "pair_id": "1323858296.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is retrieving a rubber ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is rounding up a herd of sheep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is about to cause a splash.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog chases a thrown orange toy by leaping blindly into a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is jumping into a river.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog jumps into a pool to retrieve it's favorite play toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a cat walks along a lake shore looking for fish", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog jumps into a pool to save a boy from drowning.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a dog jumps into a pool of water to get a toy", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog jumping into the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is in the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog leaps into the water to retrieve his toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A 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"1288909046.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A brown dog is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A brown dog is laying on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The animal is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a dog jumps into water", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a cat poses in a shower", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a dry dog prepares to get wet", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Dog cools off in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A brown dog is going to get wet.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Playing fetch with his favorite water toys.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Cat has a bath.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog chases a ball into the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog jumps after a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog jumps into water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1288909046", "pair_id": "1288909046.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sad 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"4620455202.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman wearing a headscarf pouring liquid so that she can drink it.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is not wearing a headscarf", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a woman wearing a headscarf pouring liquid.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing a scarf on her head, while transfering liquid, in a pretty place.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman pours liquid from 1 cup to another.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is mixing lemonade while wearing a blue scarf, by a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is fast asleep in her van.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman pours coffee from 1 cup to another.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman wearing a headscarf sitting in a chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman eats food.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is drinking beer in a cowboy hat at the dirty cowboy bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is pouring coffee in her kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "4620455202", "pair_id": "4620455202.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A person in an orange jacket not jumping", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A mountain climber is trying to save a person.", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is shopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A female snowboarder is doing flips on a snowy hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a person in outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A surfer is standing on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "5323049335", "pair_id": "5323049335.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy in a blue jacket sits in his room.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a train on the track.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is a slow walker.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy in a red jacket waits for a speeding locomotive to approach so that he may throw a stick at it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy walks down the tracks with his dog, throwing a stick for the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy with a red jacket is riding the subway.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy is walking down the railroad track with a stick in his hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is taking the shortcut home after playing ball with his friends all afternoon.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young human, wearing red, is walking outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy in a red jacket slaps at the railroad tracks with the stick he is holding.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy in a red jacket plays with a stick while walking down the railroad tracks.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy walks down the railroad tracks holding a stick, on his way home from school.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy walks down the tracks.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man reads a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The little boy is in his house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy is playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is dead.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy is by a train", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy is walking on the tracks", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "child stepping on train tracks with a stick", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a child walking playfully on the train tracks with a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A chld eating pickles at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy holds a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy counts the tracks with a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy carries a basebal bat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1424775129", "pair_id": "1424775129.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl attempts to score a point in a soccer match.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl scored with her kick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young girl stayed home because she was sick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is playing a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is playing soccer", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young soccer player takes a goalie kick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl kicked a baseball for a game winning home run.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The ladie takes a goailie kick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young ladie takes a goalie kick while thousands of fans scream in the background", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The lady scores a goal to win the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman scores a winning goal during a soccer game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young lady holds a scoccer ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man hits a home run.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman take a free kick during a soccer game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young ladie prepares to step onto the ice", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is playing soccer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is a professional soccer player.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a goalie kicking a ball in a championship game", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman kicking another woman", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a goalie kicking a ball", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman is playing indoor soccer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman is playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman wearing a red shirt has blocked a soccer goal.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The soccer player can kick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The soccer player just kicked the winning goal.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The soccer player just threw a dart.", "label": "", "image_id": "2976155358", "pair_id": "2976155358.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The baby is reaching for the water in the fountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The baby is warm and wants a drink.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The baby is sleeping in his stroller.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is playing with water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "an adult is drinking water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child splashes in a park fountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The baby is going to take a drink of water from the fountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The baby is next to a water fountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The baby is at the doctor getting vaccinations.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is swimmin in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is near an object that dispenses water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is playing with the water fountain in the school hallway.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby is from a fountain", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is trying to catch water", "label": "", "image_id": "2899374885", "pair_id": "2899374885.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are having their picture taken", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are on the steps.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are about to donated some cans.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men posing and holding Dolly Parton's cans.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men take a photo together before having beer chugging contest..", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are randomly doing natural things.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women hold cans.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men posing and holding beer cans.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are not standing casually.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men posing and holding cans.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of men hold cans and pose for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of men hold cans at a food drive.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are multiple people together", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are posing.", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are men posing for a picture", "label": "", "image_id": "498444334", "pair_id": "498444334.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Group of young men standing around 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"93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are working.", "label": "", "image_id": "93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are wearing yellow jackets.", "label": "", "image_id": "93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are cleaning windows.", "label": "", "image_id": "93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are cleaning in the pouring rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are cleaning outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are cleaning the building under a partially cloudy sky.", "label": "", "image_id": "93406137", "pair_id": "93406137.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two white girls study beneath a tall, shady tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are girls studying in a dorm.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls study for their final exams in their dorm room.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The lovers are bored.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two ladies have no pets.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girls are bored.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are studying.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are having a conversation.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Students are studying in a library.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Females are doing activities indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cheerleaders are cheering for the college football team.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two roomates at the university are preparing for an exam.", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two girls in a room", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two girls talking about boys", "label": "", "image_id": "237424188", "pair_id": "237424188.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two girls flying a kite in 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"yes"}, {"context": "The waters are cool.", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is ready to dive into the deep end.", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a person diving in a large body of water,", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a person tanning at the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A diver is at the swimming pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The pool already has a couple people in it", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The pool has no water", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is outside", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is jumping off a diving board", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is falling onto the dirt", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is going fora swim", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Professional swimmers are in the pool", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are swimming in a pool", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Elephants are in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "5403366009", "pair_id": "5403366009.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two young girls compete in a championship wrestling match.", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young girls wrestle in front of a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men play with dice.", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple of females are in the gym.", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two woman are biking up the mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple of females are wearing outfits.", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls wrestle at a birthday 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"yes"}, {"context": "Two men are arm wrestling in front of a crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group hug is happening in the town square", "label": "", "image_id": "3243591844", "pair_id": "3243591844.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is looking at a person.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men sitting outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men having conversation over the politics.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Indivisuals are watching play together .", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person looks like they are thinking about something.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a pink shirt is dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man is thinking about his next move.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is naked.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is casual.", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man sits in front of another man", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is laying at the bach", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man is looking at his friend", "label": "", "image_id": "499830218", "pair_id": "499830218.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human repairng.", "label": "", "image_id": "2859514376", "pair_id": "2859514376.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is reparing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2859514376", "pair_id": "2859514376.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human repairing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2859514376", "pair_id": "2859514376.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in doing repair work of tiles.", "label": "", "image_id": "2859514376", "pair_id": "2859514376.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man used yellow cement to 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is running to catch a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "3514194772", "pair_id": "3514194772.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is sitting on the couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3514194772", "pair_id": "3514194772.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3514194772", "pair_id": "3514194772.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is playing at the park", "label": "", "image_id": "3514194772", "pair_id": "3514194772.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is moving around", "label": "", "image_id": "3514194772", "pair_id": "3514194772.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is sleeping at the beach", "label": "", "image_id": "3514194772", "pair_id": "3514194772.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Judy was sitting in the chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2684323357", "pair_id": "2684323357.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Bob 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"label": "", "image_id": "2684323357", "pair_id": "2684323357.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A curly-haired boy is holding a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A curly-haired boy is playing in a blue chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little bald boy is standing by a blue chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young boy is watching baseball game in the bullpen.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young kid sits in a chair waiting for his mom.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy is being taken to his school and is waiting in his chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is holding her baby doll.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child grasps a toy in their hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An adult holds a broken toy as he repairs it.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young child plays frisbee in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A youngster is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young child with wild curly hair sits on a chair and shows off his Legos and his new hot wheels cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy fell asleep holding onto his bear in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "While sitting on his high chair refusing to eat his mashed sweet potatoes, a boy holds onto his toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is sitting on a chair with a toy in his hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "2748281597", "pair_id": "2748281597.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The track team is getting ready for their meet", "label": "", "image_id": "961220478", "pair_id": "961220478.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The track team is stretching before their meet", "label": "", "image_id": "961220478", "pair_id": "961220478.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The track team is resting", "label": "", "image_id": "961220478", "pair_id": "961220478.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": 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"image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is pushing a stroller.", "label": "", "image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a hat", "label": "", "image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is carving wood to sell at camp.", "label": "", "image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is jumping into a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A glassblower creates art at a rural fair.", "label": "", "image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woodworker makes something outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "6179612438", "pair_id": "6179612438.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An artist works with wood in a crowded 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"6179612438.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a kid picking easter eggs", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a kid picking easter eggs filled with candy", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a kid picking his nose", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a girl picking up easter eggs", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a boy picking up easter eggs", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a white boy picking up easter eggs", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is swimming in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is holding an egg.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is wearing jeans.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy goes to the chicken coop with a bucket to gather eggs that were just laid.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy gathers plastic Easter Eggs filled with tokens for big prizes.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is hunting for Easter eggs.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child gathers Easter eggs.", "label": "", "image_id": "6905008788", "pair_id": "6905008788.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child 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"maybe"}, {"context": "Several people are on an urban street with a sign that says \"Park Ave.\" at a street fair getting ready for an event.", "label": "", "image_id": "1733825113", "pair_id": "1733825113.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is holding her purse.", "label": "", "image_id": "1733825113", "pair_id": "1733825113.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holds an umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "1733825113", "pair_id": "1733825113.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is waiting for the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "1733825113", "pair_id": "1733825113.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Walking on a rainy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "1733825113", "pair_id": "1733825113.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Walking down a busy street on a rainy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "1733825113", "pair_id": "1733825113.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Walking down street on a sunny day.", 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"2088891100.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The guitarist smashes his guitar at the end of the set.", "label": "", "image_id": "2088891100", "pair_id": "2088891100.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The teacher presents a map with his poor attempt at copying a map.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A prisoner stands in line for lunch.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall man.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A teacher tries to explain the book to his students.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man pretending to be a teacher gets off on the position of power.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A geography teacher stands before his class.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man has an open book, and he is standing in front of a globe.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a brown jacket stands, holding an open book in front of a table and chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is reading aloud to his class.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is using his voice.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is silently playing chess.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human reading", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human reading", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is reading", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a dog standing in front of a chalkboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is in a classroom teaching.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is holding a book about fossils, standing in front of a chalkboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": "152881593.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is flying a kite.", "label": "", "image_id": "152881593", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A photographer snaps a quick photo of a cheetah.", "label": "", "image_id": "511400700", "pair_id": "511400700.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The yellow sports car passes the photographer at an alarmingly fast speed.", "label": "", "image_id": "511400700", "pair_id": "511400700.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A photographer quickly snaps a picture of a yellow sports car.", "label": "", "image_id": "511400700", "pair_id": "511400700.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a bright yellow suit taking a picture of a bright yellow car.", "label": "", "image_id": "511400700", "pair_id": "511400700.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone photographing a bright yellow car.", "label": "", "image_id": "511400700", "pair_id": "511400700.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy painting a bright yellow car.", "label": "", "image_id": "511400700", "pair_id": "511400700.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The tent is red and white and occupied.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", "pair_id": "4705868165.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The tent is on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", "pair_id": "4705868165.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Asian women are inside a casino.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", "pair_id": "4705868165.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There was a red and white tent in the forest.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", "pair_id": "4705868165.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady was wearing a coat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", "pair_id": "4705868165.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady was standing outside a green and blue tent.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", "pair_id": "4705868165.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is shopping outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4705868165", 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"no"}, {"context": "A group of friends meets for lunch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of women eat lunch together.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are laying under a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The chairs at the table are occupied with women.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are sitting at the table.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men engage in fisticuffs while knitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of ladies knit blankets for a charity event.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of friends knit together.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Many people are in one place.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of people are sitting under a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are drinking coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "2249784123", "pair_id": "2249784123.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Dog playing in water", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Asians dropped their dinner", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dog trying to save timmy", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is asleep in his bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is trying to find a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a dog splashing in water", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a dog toying with his color in water", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a dog running in water", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": "3710520638.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3710520638", "pair_id": 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"label": "", "image_id": "2924489177", "pair_id": "2924489177.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is typing on a computer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2924489177", "pair_id": "2924489177.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is making car parts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2924489177", "pair_id": "2924489177.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is giving the peace sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "2924489177", "pair_id": "2924489177.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are outside in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two blond girls are inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are wearing red.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two blond girls sit on a blue chair", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two girls relax on a weekend at home", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two girls sit on a white chair", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boys are wearing dresses.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girls are practicing for a play.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girls are wearing costumes.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are two happy girls posing for a photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are attending a party.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl in a green dress lunges for a girl in a purple dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two blonds in dresses", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the blonds are nude", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the blonds are twenty", "label": "", "image_id": "346073628", "pair_id": "346073628.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is playing the guitar while sitting on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is playing the drums outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is 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"no"}, {"context": "The lady was having a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some guy was playing the flute down by the pier.", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The young lady was impressing the crowd with her awesome guitar skills!", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "he is playing for them", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The musician is by himself", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A musician is in the middle of people", "label": "", "image_id": "5406927495", "pair_id": "5406927495.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man has a white shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man has a red shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is black.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is falling of a roof as he tries to catch his falling sunglasses.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing sunglasses is kneeling on the top of a house.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man kneeling on a roof is fixing a spot on the roof with a piece of plywood.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting on a chair on the lawn.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The contractor is assessing the damage on the roof.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is standing on a roof.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man took a break on the roof.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman stood on the roof.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man with sunglasses is on the board.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man stacks wood for winter.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man falls off a house.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man, a house and some wood.", "label": "", "image_id": "3329224794", "pair_id": "3329224794.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are in a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Their are animals being passed by people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are looking at the animals.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two cows are in front of a bus", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "3 cows are in front of a car", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "they are planning to mess the bus up", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two cattle walking near a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cattle lying on a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Cows crossing train tracks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "man jumps on car", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people talk about cows", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people on bus", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cattle are walking across a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2321094365", "pair_id": "2321094365.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A busy city road 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"5142968059.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is an experienced guitar player.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man on stage performing \"Stairway to Heaven\" on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman sings on a stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A singer is getting ready to sing for some people.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are watching a film.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is holding some instruments.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The stage is high.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The drummer performs.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guitarist performs.", "label": "", "image_id": "5142968059", "pair_id": "5142968059.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is attempting to cross the road by himself.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people wearing hoodies are walking by the road side.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and his grilfriend are walking hand in hand down a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old woman is walking by herself on the empty sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A pair of kids runs across a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The young man and old woman were walking along the sidewalk next to a wal with graffiti on it", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two kids hiding in bushes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Mother and son stroll through a city.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and his elderly grandmother walk through a ghetto neighborhood.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The was a waterfall chasing the old woman and young man", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are walking through a villa in France.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is close friends with the young man.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people, one young, one old, walk down a sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and his grandma walk together down a sidewalk past a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man and woman walk down a sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4657688037", "pair_id": "4657688037.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There 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"image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is assisting the man with a hawk on his arm.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl who just won a birding contest is being interviewed by the local news man.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl wearing yellow holds a falcon while she is being interviewed.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy flies away on the back of a falcon toward the big mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man interviews a falconer.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man interviews the prize winning falconer.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man interviews a girl on a pogo stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A falcon is on a girls arm.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The falcon is on the girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is next to the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and the girl are eating dinner at a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is swimming in a stadium pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "211341511", "pair_id": "211341511.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A magician performing a trick with a 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is sitting in a meadow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is standing outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is pointing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is pointing away.", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is pointing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the woman is white", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the woman is naked", "label": "", "image_id": "3562537872", "pair_id": "3562537872.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman in black", "label": 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"3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is holding a shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is holding jacket", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is talking on her phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is playing ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman smiling and waving.", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person looking unhappy.", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman getting bad news.", "label": "", "image_id": "3544312930", "pair_id": "3544312930.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people outdoors running", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people outdoors happily talking about sports", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman wearing a shirt kisses a guy", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman wearing a shirt kisses a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman kisses her boyfriend passionately.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is being hugged by a woman indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple is hugging each other inside the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is cooking dinner, while a man is using the toilet.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and woman are playing ping pong.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and woman are kissing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and woman are in an empty room.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and woman are ignoring each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man and woman are holding each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and woman are married.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818336363", "pair_id": "4818336363.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is climbing a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": " A man in a red uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": " A man in a red uniform dives to hit a shuttlecock with his hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man plays a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man suffers an injury in badminton.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a guy plays tennis.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is playing tennis.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is standing in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A female athlete is shooting a basket.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A male athlete is diving towards a birdie.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An athlete is competing for a reward.", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A birdie retrieves its uniform from a person", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A uniformed individual of asian descent retrieves a birdie", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a person in a uniform does something", "label": "", "image_id": "7851957868", "pair_id": "7851957868.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is leaping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is sleeping in his bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is leaping after his toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is chasing a rabbit through a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is running outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is getting pampered at a salon.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is a beagle.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is asleep on his bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A white and tan dog leaps.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is outside", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Animals are eating dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dog number six is being pursued by a bird through a green field of grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A racehorse being rubbed down after a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An owl chases a mouse.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There's a dog laying on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A greyhound escaped from the 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"", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog's vest is uncomfortable.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is cold.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is wearing a vest.", "label": "", "image_id": "1240297429", "pair_id": "1240297429.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are at a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are watching a boy do tricks on a skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are going to board a plane.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Sitting on a bench with a dog, two older women watch a man skateboard down a railing.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are watching their son at a skateboard park.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young women watch a man ride a bike", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two older ladies watching the skateboarder.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is about to break his collarbone falling down a stairway", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man skateboards down a stairway", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is skateboarding while it's sunny.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is rollerblading down some stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two elderly woman are bothered by the loud skateboarder.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man skateboards down a stairway, running away from the police.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is riding a bicycle as two older ladies are watching him.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man rides his skateboard down the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man skateboards down a stairway in front of two women.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man swings on a swingset", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man skateboards down stairs and two old ladies watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man skateboards down a stairway, while performing.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man skateboards down stairs and two old ladies watch in fear.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small girl rides her bicycle through the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is riding a skateboard", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid is performing incredible tricks on a skateboard", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is riding a skateboard gingerly", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are watching a skateboarder.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are all inside of the new skate park auditorium.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are the grandmothers of the skateboarder.", "label": "", "image_id": "7586821496", "pair_id": "7586821496.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl of the white basketball team high-five the member of the black team.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are showing that they are good sports.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy on the basketball team tells the other team they suck.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three young women are giving each other props to one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two of the three women are making contact with one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three young women in a city crowd are standing together and two of them are in the middle of high fives with all of them.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three women are mowing down a crowd with heat vision.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two of three woman in a group high five.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crowd of men only had three women within it.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women high five in the middle of a crowd at a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men in a city crowd are standing together and two of them are in the middle of high-fives with one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women in that crowd are fighting with each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Young women in a city 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"image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girls are olympians.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girls are athletes.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is playing ball outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girls are playing sports outside the stone building.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of girls are gathering by the building.", "label": "", "image_id": "7460584428", "pair_id": "7460584428.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The losing group of women shook each 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"image_id": "4973437002", "pair_id": "4973437002.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people sitting outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4973437002", "pair_id": "4973437002.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are running on treadmills.", "label": "", "image_id": "4973437002", "pair_id": "4973437002.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4973437002", "pair_id": "4973437002.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are waiting", "label": "", "image_id": "4973437002", "pair_id": "4973437002.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is driving", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is riding home on a horse", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is riding a horse.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cop is the sheriff of the town.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing blue.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is patrolling the roads.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "someone rides a horse in a competition", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "someone goes horseback riding", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a person riding a horse doesn't want to be seen", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A policeman patrolling in a helicopter.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A policeman patrolling a busy city.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A policeman patrolling.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is wearing reflective clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is riding on a carriage.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A police officer is riding a horse.", "label": "", "image_id": "2208652989", "pair_id": "2208652989.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and her child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and his child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A new father holds his baby on Christmas.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A new father cherishes his infant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman sings a song.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A baby is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby is waiting for its next bite of food.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is the baby's father.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is holding a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in the blue T-shirts is sitting in a chair, while the baby eats in a high chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy is holding a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is holding his wife.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A first year student is holding a newborn baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4858197102", "pair_id": "4858197102.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A tired policewoman is signaling traffic.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crossing guard is directing traffic.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A policewoman is signaling traffic.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A female officer is on a street corner.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An officer is running into the street to stop a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A traffic officer is trying to direct traffic and make it safe for the pedestrians to cross the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The crossing guard is directing 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"no"}, {"context": "A traffic cop is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A traffic cop is sweating.", "label": "", "image_id": "5572655622", "pair_id": "5572655622.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is showing her grandsons the vegetables she just picked.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady just picked some vegetables.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man just picked some oranges.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman receives a present.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old woman never got a present. 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"image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man is at home playing poker with friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman has been given a birthday present.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman was upset.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "It was the old womans birthday", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman was happy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old woman received a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A koala is climbing a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The old woman wants the bag.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman tries on clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group watches an old wman stare at a bag.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at bag of skittles.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Other people are looking at the elderly woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old woman kicks over the fruit cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "4565259835", "pair_id": "4565259835.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman 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"4437044618.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are women walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", "pair_id": "4437044618.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman walks past two other women.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", "pair_id": "4437044618.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men sit on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", "pair_id": "4437044618.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two women wearing brown coats.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", "pair_id": "4437044618.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are women running away from a bear.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", "pair_id": "4437044618.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and a child read a book together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", "pair_id": "4437044618.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A doctor talking to a patient.", "label": "", "image_id": "4437044618", 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"2683823978", "pair_id": "2683823978.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women with decorated bicycles one is wearing a red backpack and the other has a black helmet and pink sweatshirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "2683823978", "pair_id": "2683823978.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women with decorated bicycles are getting ready to go home.", "label": "", "image_id": "2683823978", "pair_id": "2683823978.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall person in a shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "2683823978", "pair_id": "2683823978.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody has a shirt on", "label": "", "image_id": "2683823978", "pair_id": "2683823978.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person in a shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "2683823978", "pair_id": "2683823978.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crowd is inside an airplane.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Shoppers walk into the supermarket.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group is headed indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A closed Asian gate is on fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people walking into a gate.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tourists walk to a decorated Asian gate.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "These people are hippies.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cats are running through the artwork and eating the symbols on display.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women walk towards a town Christmas tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women sit on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women walk towards a Christmas tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "This busy city is about to be attacked.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A solitary man sits on the sidewalk in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772583", "pair_id": "4755772583.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "humans walking in a 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"A young woman is diving for a volleyball as people watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman in a turquoise, green and white bikini exercising.", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is playing volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sexy woman in a bikini is attempting to hit a volleyball as several male onlookers watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in a one-piece bathing suit has just missed the volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is playing the drums.", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman 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"83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "She looks good in a bikini", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The is getting a workout", "label": "", "image_id": "83334342", "pair_id": "83334342.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The little girl is having a snack.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The little girl is sleeping in her bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The little girl got ice cream as a reward for her good grades.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is eating.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is eating an apple.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The wall is glass is nothing on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is tending a herd of sheep.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is playing in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is taking a break to eat a snack during her studies.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966552760", "pair_id": "2966552760.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is eating an apple.", "label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is standing up.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is looking for an item they dropped.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man lays on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is inside the hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is inside a space.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man stands in a hole", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is able to see out of the hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man tans on the beach", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is spitting in the hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is in a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man stands in a wet hole", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is standing on a roof.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman in a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man digging a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "104700891", "pair_id": "104700891.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are laughing as the ride twists and turns.", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Families are on rides at an amusement park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Parents are taking their kids scuba diving.", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "kids enjoying a roller coaster", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people at an amusement park", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "women white water rafting", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two blond woman with small 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"label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "It is a dark and cloudy day at the amusement park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Several people are riding a ride at the amusement park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2687891662", "pair_id": "2687891662.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "These two peoples live in different cities and will never meet each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people see each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are next to each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the lady holds flowers while she is with the man", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the fish are blue", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the lady hold flowers that the man gave her", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man draws a bath.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people exchange vows.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A homosexual couple gets hitched.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A well dressed man and woman are standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2667091290", "pair_id": "2667091290.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people in khakis and flannel are sitting in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A clown is at the zoo.", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A clown is entertaining people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A clown is outside next to a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the people are standing", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man in red and white is performing for the crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man in yellow juggled for the crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man seems to be in disguise.", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man with the unkempt hair is scaring the lady near him.", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man wearing the mask is bald and is reading a comic book to his son.", "label": "", "image_id": "4952669491", "pair_id": "4952669491.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is talking to a man holding painting supplies.", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is singing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people work at a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are 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"yes"}, {"context": "A man and women driving a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Girl learning about animals at the zoo and getting lots of information", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Girl is learning about animals in her bedroom as she reads a book", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Girl learning about animals at the zoo by her tour guide", "label": "", "image_id": "1153857697", "pair_id": "1153857697.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are older", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are not wearing jackets", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are brothers", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One person is clapping because they are winning a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people in a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are in bikinis playing beach volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl shows off her dance moves.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two guys are at the arcade having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men play air hockey.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500138655", "pair_id": "5500138655.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman cuts down trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man looks across his land.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is wearing nothing on his face.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is also wearing a hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is over the age of two.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady went hiking in the forest.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bearded man is standing in front of hills covered with trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bearded man is standing in front of the trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman worked in her garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man posing with mountains off in the distance.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man posing with large grassy mountains in the distance.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man who has shades is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man picks an apple from a low hanging branch.", "label": "", "image_id": "265528702", "pair_id": "265528702.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man scales a rocky 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"pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is near electronic equipment while another had on headphones.", "label": "", "image_id": "4964694718", "pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are dancing to old Pop music.", "label": "", "image_id": "4964694718", "pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man stands near the DJ.", "label": "", "image_id": "4964694718", "pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is dancing on the DJ.", "label": "", "image_id": "4964694718", "pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is guarding the DJ form the spectators.", "label": "", "image_id": "4964694718", "pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The guy sees a stereo cassette player.", "label": "", "image_id": "4964694718", "pair_id": "4964694718.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is at a 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"7431651498.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is trick-or-treating on halloween.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy is dressed like a vampire.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy is pretending to be a pirate.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy in a pirate costume holds up a flag.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is dressed in his Sunday's best for church.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy dresses up in a pirate costume to go trick or treating.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A child is holding up a new shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child has a pirate flag.", "label": "", "image_id": "613030608", "pair_id": "613030608.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy sits on the floor and colors his coloring book", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sits on the floor and colors his coloring book", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sits on the floor and colors", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sits on the ground, drawing with chalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man draws a chalk peacock into the sidewalk in preparation for the festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man spraypaints his name on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man draws on concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man draws colors on tile.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man paints on a tiled floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is making art on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in orange is drawing on the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The drawing is very colorful.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman destroys a sand painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is making art.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man makes his first sand painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "270090705", "pair_id": "270090705.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A clown is blowing a baloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "3779116045", "pair_id": "3779116045.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The clown is a woman", "label": "", "image_id": "3779116045", "pair_id": "3779116045.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The clown is making baloon shapes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3779116045", "pair_id": "3779116045.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "man teaching kids how to catch snake", "label": "", 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"pair_id": "513390919.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An adult and two children are playing patty cake in a classroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An adult and two children are making crafts in a classroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is with children.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is with her friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The children are working with their teacher.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An old woman is helping her grand children on their popsicle art.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An old woman is singing in a show.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman is working on crafts project.", "label": "", "image_id": "513390919", "pair_id": "513390919.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young girl is making chocolate milk for her father.", "label": "", "image_id": "158827073", "pair_id": "158827073.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young girl is making chocolate milk.", "label": "", "image_id": "158827073", "pair_id": "158827073.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young girl is cutting sushi for her friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "158827073", "pair_id": "158827073.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young girl gets herself a drink.", "label": "", "image_id": "158827073", "pair_id": "158827073.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A parent making a snack for their child.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group is playing football.", "label": "", "image_id": "8067811449", "pair_id": "8067811449.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people walk away up the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two boys sit on the couch for a photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people stand together on the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children are playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two young girls play outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two boys are playing inside the gym.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Five adults are playing baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two kids are playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two kids are playing outside when a bunch of other kids want to play.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The leaves come from maple trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Summer is over.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids are upset about the change of seasons.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids were building a snowman.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids were playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There were a lot of leaves on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070311532", "pair_id": "2070311532.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl in a blue shirt is smiling with another young girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A female in a shirt is smiling with another girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy in a blue shirt is smiling with another girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women are getting their picture made.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are taking a picture of a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women are sisters.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are having their photo taken at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are having their photo taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are high-fiving each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are eating ice cream", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are lesbians", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Women are drinking something", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two women are comforting each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two women are on opposite sides of the room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women are embracing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3399798295", "pair_id": "3399798295.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Young men listening to a school lecture", "label": "", "image_id": "377213364", "pair_id": "377213364.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Old women playing cards", "label": "", "image_id": "377213364", "pair_id": "377213364.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People watching something", "label": "", "image_id": "377213364", 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of kids are in front of a building at lunch time.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of kids are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of kids are hanging out outside in a city.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of white kids are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are waiting on the school bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of kids are in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of boys are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are hiding in the closet.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of Asian kids are in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some adults are walking near a white building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of kids are playing inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some adults and children are on a field trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some adults and children are sitting outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children and twenty adults are inside of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people sitting on a white wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of fat children sitting on a white wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of men sitting on a white wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Nobody is sitting", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Tall people sitting", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people sitting", "label": "", "image_id": "3183352914", "pair_id": "3183352914.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The uniforms are pink", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sailors wear blue", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Their hats are crooked", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Seven people wear red baseball caps.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Sailors pose for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People stand on a ship.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are sailors enjoying the outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The sailors are enjoying a band.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The group of sailors are inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Sailors are standing on an airplane.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Navy shipmen are on a boat in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Sailors pose for a picture on a ship.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are seven sailors on the boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Seven of the fisherman are on the boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are seven sailors on the boat dressed in blue.", "label": "", "image_id": "35230992", "pair_id": "35230992.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The weather is nice.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is on the road to ruin.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is looking at the bridge over the river to see if it is a good place to pop the question to his girlfriend.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is looking at the immediate surroundings.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is looking at a newspaper.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is female.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is standing on the moon.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The grass is green and healthy.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is near the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "It is a cloudy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is carrying a duffel bag and wearing a gold jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is getting ready to set up camp near the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a blue jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "371769150", "pair_id": "371769150.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two people are dressed as chefs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a fedora.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are dressed up for Halloween.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is talking to women.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is trying to flirt with women.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is flying a kite.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The couple is talking about what to make for dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are talking next to the stove.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man and women are talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the people are women", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the people are naked", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two people are dressed", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two peoples walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two peoples sitting near a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two peoples sitting on the bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4553607445", "pair_id": "4553607445.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bull is 50 feet tall", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person falls to the ground", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bull is 10 years old", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is peacefully grooming a bull in its stable.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A rider in pink is breaking a bull riding record.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A rider is trying to stay on a bull.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The large bull is trying to get the bull rider off its back.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bull is about to run over the cowboy after the rider falls off.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bull is female and will give birth soon.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bull rider has a look of shock on his face as the bull tries to buck him off", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bull rider is in a rodeo.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bull does not like having the bull rider on his back.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A rodeo clown is distracting a bull.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cowboy is riding a bull.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bull is walking slowly through a china shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The cowboy tries to distract the bull as it bucks the bull rider off its back.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children is riding the goat in the rodeo.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bull is made of jello.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bull rider and cowboy are performing live at the rodeo.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cowboy is trying to get the bull' attention so the rider does not get hurt.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are four men trying to corral the bull.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man falls off a bull.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is taking a bath.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is riding a bull at the running of the bulls and falls off.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are petting a baby duck.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Cowboys try to subdue a bull after it gored a rodeo clown.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are near a bull.", "label": "", "image_id": "6954561740", "pair_id": "6954561740.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men gaze at the screen.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dark haired woman interacts with a painting", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": 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converse with a sculpture on display.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is viewing an art installation.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman wearing jeans touches a wire sculpture with a sign on it", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman pulls on a wire sculpture", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman likes art.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman interacts with a sculpture on display", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Woman observes sculpture.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The peson has a strange life with jouls and contraptions.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person has a joule contraption.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The joules are ruining her love life.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a boy plays with legos", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The skirt is knee's length.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is in white is playing with a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A mouse is caught in a trap.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": 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"", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman must know about electric circuits.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is unconscious.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman plays with her new toy", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young student is experimenting with a mouse trap toy in order to learn about physics.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is building a ball pit.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is buried in plastic balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A lady is organizing balls of different colors.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The machine is picking up tennis balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is cooking dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A machine that transports balls is within viewing range of a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "193225278", "pair_id": "193225278.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is getting scolded by some cops for skateboarding on the park grounds.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is outside on skates.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is showing off in the park by grinding 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"5708913719.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a black shirt practices his new rollerblading moves.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in rollerblades is doing a trick in front of people in a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is rollerblading.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a black shirt is jogging along the path.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is showing off for a girl by rollerblading.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is trying to perform a stunt for youtube", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in blue jeans and rollerblades slides backward down a railing before onlookers.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in a blue shirt is jogging in place", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is rollerblading in the park", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sliding down a railing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a black shirt is at home, reading the newspaper.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in rollerblades slides down a railing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5708913719", "pair_id": "5708913719.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a 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"433471134.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman is working to make gnocci with her family.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An old woman is working with 3 other people.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is giving to the woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is receiving gifts.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a man and a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Sevearl people in a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people waiting for the elevator.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and his dog walk past a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are shopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are cooking a big meal for dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man brings two little boys with him to buy something from a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man with the little boys is buying a gift from the woman's store.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The little boys are flying a kite with the man and the woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "433471134", "pair_id": "433471134.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman goes for a jog.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is riding her sister's bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is travelling.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "she is going for a long ride", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman has a bike", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man was riding the bike", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A women in black 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{"context": "A woman is wearing the USA flag colors while moving forward on her bike", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing orange and black while driving her car", "label": "", "image_id": "363691936", "pair_id": "363691936.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a man in a black shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The baby is the man's son.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is sitting on the infant's lap.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holds a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man holds a baby with blue eyes.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man hold a watermelon and a knife.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The baby is holding the man", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is balding", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a baby are together", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is holding a baby on his knee", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman is holding a baby", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the man is holding a baby", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man watches over his son.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "George washington sails the sea.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man watches a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "427709177", "pair_id": "427709177.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man gave up on waiting for dinner and has left the german restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dinner is german.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is at a restaurant looking for dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is in a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is waiting for his wife to arrive at the restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are nearly finished with their meal at a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is eating alone at a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man sits at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sits alone on the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man seated at a pancake resaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "249689149", "pair_id": "249689149.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man stands in line at a movie theater.", 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"2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Liquid is cooked in a pot by female.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "man cooks pot roast.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is serving food.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman plays pattycake with a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is serving hot soup at a homeless shelter.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is cooking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A male chef is cooking soup.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is cooking soup for her sick husband.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The female is taking a shower at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The chef had a cooking soup competition and is stirring the pot.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The female has clothes on.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is serving food.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is getting her food tasted.", "label": "", "image_id": "2824492858", "pair_id": "2824492858.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is 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{"context": "People on stage are having their picture taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "7840715146", "pair_id": "7840715146.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in the crowd takes a picture of the boat on the river.", "label": "", "image_id": "7840715146", "pair_id": "7840715146.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man who works for the paper is taking pictures of the people on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "7840715146", "pair_id": "7840715146.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are fishing in a river.", "label": "", "image_id": "7840715146", "pair_id": "7840715146.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are watching a band play music.", "label": "", "image_id": "7840715146", "pair_id": "7840715146.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of friends are attending a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "7840715146", "pair_id": "7840715146.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is 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"2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy shoots a gun at a range.", "label": "", "image_id": "2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two high school basketball player from the same team reach for a basketball, one trips to the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two men are fighting each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two men are hugging.", "label": "", "image_id": "2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two players playing", "label": "", "image_id": "2529205842", "pair_id": "2529205842.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the 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"image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kids sit at home and wonder if they'll ever get to enjoy outdoor sports.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of guys are playing football in a bowling alley.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are playing soccer in a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of men playing soccer are professionals.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are playing basketball in doors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are playing a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are competing for a trophy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several men are sleeping on a bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": " There are several young men kicking a ball around.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": " There are several young men kicking a ball around and laughing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "THey are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "THey are playing in a match.", "label": "", "image_id": "4756540540", "pair_id": "4756540540.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is getting a tan in a tanning machine.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two dogs and a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A white dog is attacking another dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady plays fetch with her dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady and her dogs play outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman sleeps on a couch with her dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is next to 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman trains one of her two dogs to jump, while keeping the other on a tight leash.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is giving her two dogs a bath inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "500308355", "pair_id": "500308355.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a magician getting his shoes shined", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man sleeping on the ground", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a person getting his shoes shined", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A human smiling", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is smiling", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human smiling", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A shoeshiner is working.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The shoeshiner is wearing a red shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The shoeshiner has a rag in his hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are shining the shoes of rich businessmen.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are shining shoes on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are stealing from the corner store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A shoeshine man prepares for a customer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A customer waits as the shoeshine man prepares.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A shoeshine man is reading the newspaper.", "label": "", "image_id": "4927147688", "pair_id": "4927147688.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is working", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is hammering nails", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is working on a school project", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone holds a piece 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"pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone drilling a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is fixing something that was broken.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is drilling a hole through something that looks like clear plastic.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone holds a clear plastic-like object while drilling a hole into it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is holding a piece of wood and gluing it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a piece of plastic down on a hard surface while he drills a hole through it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is making dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone drilling into clear plastic.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A hole is being drilled in a wooden keg.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The plastic is being drilled.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A drill is being operated.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tools are being used to drill a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The plastic is held down by a vice.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A whole was being drilled into a piece of plastic to make a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are working outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People smashes the piece of plastic on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A whole was drilled into a piece of plastic while being help down.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The white plastic is sitting on someone's hand while being drilled.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman in goggles is using a drill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The piece of plastic is brown.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Safety procedures are being followed carefully while using a drill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "No one is working.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are making something.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is cutting wood.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is using a saw", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is baking a cake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A drill is being used to make a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are completing a school project.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The hand has something in it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is no one around while the hole is being drilled.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A hole is being drilled.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is a construction worker.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no hole in this 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"no"}, {"context": "A person is holding an object.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is watching tv.", "label": "", "image_id": "1131883759", "pair_id": "1131883759.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman skies in a bikini.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man snowboards down a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Spectators think the man is crazy.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is mowing a yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A snowboarder is performing a 360 flip for a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A snowboarder is on a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Shrek sings Funky Town in front of a mountain vista.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A snowboarder is practicing stunts for a local competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A snowboarder is doing board stunts near mountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A snowboarder in white pants is doing a trick at a snowboarding contest.", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A snowboarder in a black coat and hat is doing a snowboarding trick down a hill", "label": "", "image_id": "3186338070", "pair_id": "3186338070.jpg#0r1e", 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"1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little dog plays with footwear.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A small dog is playing with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little dog chews on a slipper", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is chewing on a cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A small dog is chewing on a slipper.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small dog is playing near some footwear.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Fuzzy things attracts the little dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cat plays with a t-shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is still a puppy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is playful.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A small dog is playing with a slipper.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little dog never plays with things that aren't dog toys.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A small dog is playing with a slipper that it's owner threw for it to fetch.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": 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"1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old animal grabbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog grabbing", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is white and brown and just feel asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is brown.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is running.", "label": "", "image_id": "1801874841", "pair_id": "1801874841.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People swimming in a waterfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People swimming in a cold waterfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": 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"The people are standing on a snow covered mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are playing on rafts in the waterfall pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bamboo raft is sinking with everyone on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are playing in a water pool in Mexico.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are on a floating object, in the wild.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One of the group member is really fat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are swimming and diving off of bamboo rafts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are on rafts made of bamboo.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One man plays in a raft under a waterfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people take a break from fishing to play in a waterfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The friends are vacationing at a state park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group takes part in outdoor activity.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The inmates are riding in a van.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The eight people climbed up the frozen cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The group went swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There was a waterfall by the swimming hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people stand on rafts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people swim fast from a shark.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people standing on blue and white rafts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2278490028", "pair_id": "2278490028.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boys know how to ride 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"2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boys are biking home.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children were riding bike", "label": "", "image_id": "2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Children were involved in a bike riding competition", "label": "", "image_id": "2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children were sitting on the street", "label": "", "image_id": "2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two boys are riding bicycles.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boys are swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826647354", "pair_id": "2826647354.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The brothers are riding bicycles.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"pair_id": "38130652.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a large piece of wood.", "label": "", "image_id": "38130652", "pair_id": "38130652.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white woman plays for the WNBA.", "label": "", "image_id": "3222055946", "pair_id": "3222055946.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A female basketballer plays against Chicago.", "label": "", "image_id": "3222055946", "pair_id": "3222055946.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black man plays basketball against Chicago.", "label": "", "image_id": "3222055946", "pair_id": "3222055946.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are playing on an outside court.", "label": "", "image_id": "3222055946", "pair_id": "3222055946.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The athletes are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3222055946", "pair_id": "3222055946.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are playing 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Everyone has a fishing pole.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Many people are fighting each other in a streetfight.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two young boys are hiking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two young boys are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two young boys are using fishing rods.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two girls fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three kids enjoying themselves.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three boys fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three boys are fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The three old men are fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The three boys are brothers.", "label": "", "image_id": "1154080132", "pair_id": "1154080132.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A business dressed man seems upset", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An older man had a bad day at work", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A middle-aged man had jeans on underneath his suit.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man in a business suit is walking in front of a janitor.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The janitor is pushing a load of boxes on a dolly.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The janitor is pushing a gray trash can.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is walking to work today because he is hoping the fresh air will inspire him.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is getting ready to dive into the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man looks professional.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man clutches his briefcase while walking in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is outside in an urban area.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in a dress poses for the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man walks down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wears a tie for an interview", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man hangs a tie on his cat", "label": "", "image_id": "4733383158", "pair_id": "4733383158.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A parent and child are out for a stroll.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An adult and child are walking on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The three girls are drinking tea.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two kids are walking on the ceiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two teenagers playing indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two teenagers are playing a physical game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people in the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is running.", "label": "", 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"image_id": "3728438187", "pair_id": "3728438187.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Mountain climbers rest and look down on the valley below.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Mountain climbers reach the peak", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Mountain climbers climb the face of the mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men with repelling gear are standing on a cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are rock climbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men are standing on a cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men in fishing caps are standing on rocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three sad men in fishing caps are standing on rocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "146021298", "pair_id": "146021298.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog stands outside, shoulder deep in muddy flood water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A horse stands shoulder deep in muddy water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog's fur is shiny white and clean.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is in the mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is stuck in the mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The animal sunk to the bottom of the swampy water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The light tan animal doggie paddled through the swampy water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The light tan dog swam through the murky water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is algae in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog's owner is nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "769260947", "pair_id": "769260947.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white dog is 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{"context": "The man is preparing to get in his truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928767", "pair_id": "3698928767.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Asian man walks behind a fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928767", "pair_id": "3698928767.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Asian woman drives on the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928767", "pair_id": "3698928767.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Asian man wearing a hardhat walks behind a fence .", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928767", "pair_id": "3698928767.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man passes by a construction site,there a truck is parked.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928767", "pair_id": "3698928767.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young boy plays by the construction site inside of a crane.", "label": "", "image_id": "3698928767", "pair_id": "3698928767.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man parks his truck by a 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"3698928767.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is his granddaughter", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is older", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is with her mother", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a some asian children on a brick ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man points to something for the child to look at.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man points at something.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man pets the child's dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sits with a child in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man points to a toy for the child to play with.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a man pointing at something.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man points to a dog across the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man gets the attention of a young kids.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Parents and children are enjoying story time at the local library.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are injured on the brick floor, a man yells to a kid.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young children are on a patio with adults and they are looking at something being pointed at.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a small child flying a kite.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are sitting on train.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "On a Saturday trip to the botanical gardens, the guide is showing the children the intricate anthills built among the brick work.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man holding a little girl points something out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man holding his daughter points something out to her.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man stands next to his daughter while pointing something out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are a few people sleeping in the tent.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is trying to show someone something.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The family is having their photograph taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "crowd in street", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Crowd protests in street", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Empty street in europe", "label": "", "image_id": "1529044279", "pair_id": "1529044279.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man takes a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are inside the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The old man takes a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two kids play with a toy camera", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "someone with dreads and a jacket takes photos of kids", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a large man takes pictures of kids", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman takes a picture of her kids.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman takes a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman hates kids.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person taking photos of a group of children sitting on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is taking photos of a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4477801634", "pair_id": "4477801634.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person taking photos of a group of children sitting on the ground 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"The boy is black", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is going to sing", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is white", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A band is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and boy are singing.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A father and son are singing a duet.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A duet singing to a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people singing into microphones.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people playing in an orchestra.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A father and son are singing karaoke.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A father and a son are playing baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are holding electronics equipment.", "label": "", "image_id": "92679312", "pair_id": "92679312.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is in a swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is at the playground with his family.", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The toddler in the swing is crying.", "label": 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"image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the ball is green", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the kid is swinging", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy on the swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is swinging during recess.", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An orangutan in shorts is on a swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2362481035", "pair_id": "2362481035.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A band is signing autographs for their fans.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are watching a band's concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A band playing a rock concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A large band is walking down a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A rock band is in a theater.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A band is in a theater.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The the crowd is enjoying the band.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a heavy crowd in the market.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The band is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A band playing at a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A band getting ready to play heavy metal.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A band playing for an audience.", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Musicians are on a stage", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crowd is going wild for the musicians", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Musicians are on their buss", "label": "", "image_id": "21166859", "pair_id": "21166859.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a red shirt yells at a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man speaks to a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man gives instructions to a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the people are walking seideways", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people are women", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people are riding", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is giving instructions for the bicycle race.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing jeans.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An elephant is sitting on the blow horn", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with a blow horn is in a bicycle race.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The blow horn is made from rhinoceros horn.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is addressing some cyclists.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is cleaning out the kitchen pantry.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people on bikes can hear the man", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are more than 2 people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man can talk", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man stands in front of a crowd of clowns.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man amplifies his voice speaking into a blow horn.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man with the blow horn speaks in front of the crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man knows the large group of people on bicycles.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is shouting directions at cyclists in a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman lost her loudspeaker", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man is about to speak to a group of people", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man in clothes holds a loudspeaker", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A company hosts a meal.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The store provides fresh fish to a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The local Walmart sells bread to its customers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4914732942", "pair_id": "4914732942.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is skydiving out of a plane.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is standing in the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is trying to take a picture of a tower, but the fog is too thick.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is going for drinks with the friends", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is home alone", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the man is outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The fog is thick", "label": "", "image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The fog has been thick for 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"image_id": "4469010721", "pair_id": "4469010721.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women are talking on the phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing a kimono.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman walks behind another woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A human walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tall human walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is walking", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and child walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman walking a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little girl running away from her mother.", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Crowded street with a woman moving around", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A women playing in ground", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A beautiful female passing by crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "3201594926", "pair_id": "3201594926.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Bob is in his suit going to work.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in red suspenders is juggling two balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Bob is in red suspenders.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is wearing all black", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Nobody has a beard", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is eating dinner at an outside cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man has three ball like items.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is a magician.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person with a beard", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A juggler performs on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person with a black beard", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man, who is dressed to draw attention to himself with colorful accessories, is juggling balls in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man throws flaming bowling pins in the air and they set a tree on fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bearded, mustached, male juggler is wearing a hat colored black and has on a red tie and suspenders and is keeping three red round objects going in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man juggles for a living", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man juggling has facial hair.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man has facial hair", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The juggler is a little girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with a beard juggles red balls in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A clean shaven man sits and drinks a beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with a beard juggles red balls at a child's birthday party.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing pink", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is juggling balls", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is on stage", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man has red balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is a clown.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is performing a magic trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "7002927825", "pair_id": "7002927825.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two strangers stare as people frantically run from a wreck.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people standing outside while other people run.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people sipping tea on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are running on an inside track.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The runners are all wearing pink.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A street view shows people running outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The runners are in the countryside.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are running in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is watching a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men neglected the cross walk and are trying to cross the road, pausing in the median.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are riding bikes down a dirt, rural road.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are outside in the middle of a city road.", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people going to work", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people walking home", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People at a bus stop", "label": "", "image_id": "263491786", "pair_id": "263491786.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boat is on fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The rescuers are going towards a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boat is smoking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A helicopter flies low over boats in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The helicopter flies high in the sky away from the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The helicopter is trying to rescue passengers from a boat that is on fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Inexperienced people are learning how to use helicopters and boats.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Multiple forms of transportation are being used in a training exercise.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The vehicles were going fast down a country road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is violence occurring.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The helicopter is not trying to harm the boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The helicopter is shooting at a boat owned by a criminal.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A helicopter is attempting a rescue.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A raft is floating.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A seaplane is landing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009320393", "pair_id": "3009320393.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy rides an ATV.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy jumps an ATV over a hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy sits in a chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with a hardhat is riding a vehicle quickly.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is in his garage working on a sculpture.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is riding a vehicle outside quickly in a reckless manner.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is a professional.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is doing a stunt.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A family riding an all terrain vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person riding an all terrain vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Dogs like to ride bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is in a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is driving his vehicle outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man rolling around in the dirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "8036955015", "pair_id": "8036955015.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a girl in a green shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is holding flowers in her hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is about to drink something", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is eating a dinner at a fast food place.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is exhausted and needs a drink", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is something for the woman to sit on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She is facing the flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman's stomach is so full that her esophagus is also full of liquid.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a young lady is going to get drunk", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a young lady has a drink", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a young lady is sitting in class", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is looking at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is posing for a picture while she holds a drink for her friend.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man turns away from the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871515558", "pair_id": "4871515558.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old word town moving fast at dusk in the streets.", "label": "", 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"7598674.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is repairing", "label": "", "image_id": "7598674", "pair_id": "7598674.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A human repairing", "label": "", "image_id": "7598674", "pair_id": "7598674.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "man sitting near pigeons reading newspaper", "label": "", "image_id": "4719923434", "pair_id": "4719923434.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Mam having breakfast while reading newspaper", "label": "", "image_id": "4719923434", "pair_id": "4719923434.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "man sleeping on the couch", "label": "", "image_id": "4719923434", "pair_id": "4719923434.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is eating dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4719923434", "pair_id": "4719923434.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is walking to the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "4719923434", "pair_id": "4719923434.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a person wears jeans", "label": "", "image_id": "3467179961", "pair_id": "3467179961.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "3467179961", "pair_id": "3467179961.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman playing with her dog in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3467179961", "pair_id": "3467179961.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman poses with her dog by a waterfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3467179961", "pair_id": "3467179961.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman holds her dog while standing near a waterfall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3467179961", "pair_id": "3467179961.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding a bicycle", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is riding a bicycle and running people over.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is walking next to a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bike rider is preparing for a race", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The suit is advertising the bike rider's favorite brand of bike tires", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding his bike through a forest", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Imagine seeing a picture of a make biker riding down the aisle with people.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Imagine seeing a picture of a biker riding down the aisle with people.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four people were watching the tennis match from the stands.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A small girl bounces on a pogo stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man on a bicycle struggles as the comes to the end of a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is sailing a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is riding a bike in sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "6881071903", "pair_id": "6881071903.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man 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"pair_id": "137430875.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people are standing together outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of friends makes silly faces for a picture", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of friends posing together while another takes their picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Five people prepare for a photograph.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of friends sits down to watch a movie", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is studying in her room.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are outside near a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are wearing jeans.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are waiting together.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People gathered at night time.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A few friends are riding a roller coaster.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People who know each other huddle together to take a photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A small group of friends poses for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people argue in the middle of the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "137430875", "pair_id": "137430875.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is looking at art", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting in a red chair", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is sitting in a blue chair", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man is carrying a chair across the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "there is a person sitting on a chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "in the chair is a man, next to him is a board.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man sitting next to a nearly empty stack of firewood.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman polishing her nails.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man sitting down adjacent to some wood.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3523819210", "pair_id": "3523819210.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is resting in a blue chair.", "label": 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{"context": "A young adult in a yellow shirt looks in the direction of a young man wearing orange shorts in the trees", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young adult in a yellow shirt and white hat looks away while a man in a blue shirt and orange shorts walks past the trees", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is about to take a small child hiking in the woods", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human is looking at another human.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are a lot of trees behind the small child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is watching a child outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and daughter go shopping at the mall", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and his son go hiking together", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are in the center of a volcano.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is watching a child", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man runs from a child away from a forest", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is watching his son outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dad is looking at his son 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"", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are swimming in a pool", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "THey are brother and sister.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people have a conversation on the trail.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are climbing a rocky cliffside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two people", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some tired people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young couple take a hike together in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people sat in a movie theater.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple are discussing world events on their hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy and girl are inside", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people hiking", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two young adults are outside playing catch.", "label": "", "image_id": "4854666133", "pair_id": "4854666133.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young adults are 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"yes"}, {"context": "Children are sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Children are walking in a line on a field trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are running in the school yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Asian childern eating lunch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Asian childern under vietnam sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Asian childern protesting with viatnam sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children in the open.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men doing marching.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children in a line looking a a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "2513060654", "pair_id": "2513060654.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Women wearing wedding dresses walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Clothed people in motion.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women going to a dance club.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several women going shopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a low cut dress walking with other men.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Several women walking together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman are walking", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are attractive and young", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person goes for a long walk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": "4694000518.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman wears a skirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4694000518", "pair_id": 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"506412121.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man looks over the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "506412121", "pair_id": "506412121.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is swimming in the water while he stands on the ground looking at the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "506412121", "pair_id": "506412121.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is getting ready to throw something in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "506412121", "pair_id": "506412121.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman holds a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "506412121", "pair_id": "506412121.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holds a stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "506412121", "pair_id": "506412121.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man holds a stick and gets ready to throw it.", "label": "", "image_id": "506412121", "pair_id": "506412121.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man fishing.", "label": "", 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"image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Black children are playing in the gym.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two children are playing on the school playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are taking a bath inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Kids are playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kids are playing together outside in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The small girl is helping the boy in the jungle gym", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is watching tv and the boy is taking a shower.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The children are playing at a local park", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two asian men grab hands while in a piece of playground equipment.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two asian kids grab hands while in a piece of playground equipment.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two Chinese children grab hands while in a piece of playground equipment.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "nobody is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4442442651", "pair_id": "4442442651.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some humans 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{"context": "engine is in a station", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A fire dept. engine in outside of the store", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Engine is in outside", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is looking at the emergency vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young boy looks at the fire truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young boy watches the ambulance drive by.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person wearing a helmet looks at a firetruck.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in San Diego, California stares at a firetruck while wearing a helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman in Santa Cruz, California stares at a yellow firetruck while wearing a helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is riding too close to an emergency vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is running from the police.", "label": "", "image_id": "447510779", "pair_id": "447510779.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man gets ready to play the guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is getting ready to perform on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is going to play the drums.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is enjoying himself.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is feeding his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is playing a saxophone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing guitar and singing on a stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A musician is sitting in front of a microphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is infront of a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is a member of a band.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is playing the piano.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is singing off key.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man has a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is singing and playing a guitar while in the shower.", "label": "", "image_id": "3799980514", "pair_id": "3799980514.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two adults are smiling as they ride the roller coaster.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two children are having fun on a roller coaster", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children are riding a roller coaster", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The airplane was in the sky.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two kids were riding the carousel.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There was a tree behind the carousel.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men ride an amusement park ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two fat kids ride an amusement park ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people ride an amusement park ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children are having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are on a field trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The children are taking naps.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are on a roller coaster.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is not riding alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are sitting on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2836703077", "pair_id": "2836703077.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is not wearing a helmet while riding his scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a boy riding his scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing a grey helmet while riding his scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person wearing a helmet is walking on the street", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person wearing a helmet is on a silver scooter", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person wearing a helmet begins to fall from a silver scooter while riding in the street", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person has fallen from the scooter, and the scooter is damaged.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person has fallen off the scooter and is hurt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "This person is currently running the scooter", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is on a scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She will do a trick rather than fall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl falls off of her scooter during an obstacle course.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person falls off of his scooter during an obstacle course.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sad boy falls off of his scooter during an obstacle course.", "label": "", "image_id": "3718892835", "pair_id": "3718892835.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The car is slowly moving.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the black car is parked.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A white vehicle is riding through a dry area.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A white car is being driven up a hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young driver is going too fast in his car.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A car has broken down on the side of the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three cars drag racing in an empty field.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dirt cloud is forming behind a speeding white car on a dirt road.", "label": "", "image_id": "7284455464", "pair_id": "7284455464.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cluster of horses watch as a dirt cloud forms behind a 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"", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A food vendor pleases his customers with new recipes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A food vendor closes up shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are eating together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are eating at a wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Birds are congregated, feasting on a peanuts.", "label": "", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is smiling at the 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"", "image_id": "3444281183", "pair_id": "3444281183.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A scared toddler tries the slide at the park for the first time.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A toddler is on the playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A toddler screams with delight as he is pushed on the swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no adult.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is on the playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a boy plays with a rocking toy outside", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An elderly man is pointing at a flying saucer.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An empty playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a boy playing catch", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a boy playing at a playground at his school", "label": "", "image_id": "3751594676", "pair_id": "3751594676.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Baby wearing red hat in a blue car seat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", "pair_id": "3732728142.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Baby wearing a hat in car seat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", "pair_id": "3732728142.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Baby wearing a green hat in a swimming pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", "pair_id": "3732728142.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The baby is on his way to daycare.", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", "pair_id": "3732728142.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The baby is wearing a hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", "pair_id": "3732728142.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The baby has a full time job and also is a race car driver.", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", "pair_id": "3732728142.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby writes a book", "label": "", "image_id": "3732728142", 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men are standing outside of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", "pair_id": "4878257186.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are drinking beer in the pub.", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", "pair_id": "4878257186.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are shopping together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", "pair_id": "4878257186.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the people are outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", "pair_id": "4878257186.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "they are going to dinner together", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", "pair_id": "4878257186.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "no one was on the street due to the rain all day", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", "pair_id": "4878257186.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is talking to his boss.", "label": "", "image_id": "4878257186", 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is looking", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Tall humans looking.", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Humans looking", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The nuns are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The nuns are looking", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The nuns look at the cellphone", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The nun has a pink phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "5723822388", "pair_id": "5723822388.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The nun does not own a cellphone.", 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Asian person stands outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a white shirt in a room with many other people present", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a green shirt sitting alone in a room.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing white shirt at a business meeting with many others.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Asian man is looking at a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An Asian man is posing for a series of photographs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An older man in a red jacket is looking at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with gray hair stands at concert looking displeased.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with gray hair stands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man with gray hair sits in a chair while looking into a crystal ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "4957837756", "pair_id": "4957837756.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy makes his way to space from a super trampoline created by NASA.", "label": "", "image_id": "1546632452", "pair_id": "1546632452.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy jumps while his friend watches.", "label": "", "image_id": "1546632452", "pair_id": "1546632452.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A 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{"context": "Some people are riding motorcycles.", "label": "", "image_id": "2620517927", "pair_id": "2620517927.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Police on motorcycles wave at the crowd .", "label": "", "image_id": "2620517927", "pair_id": "2620517927.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are police on motorcycles.", "label": "", "image_id": "2620517927", "pair_id": "2620517927.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The funeral procession is led by a group of police.", "label": "", "image_id": "2620517927", "pair_id": "2620517927.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are being escorted by the police for something they did", "label": "", "image_id": "2620517927", "pair_id": "2620517927.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are being escorted by the police for something they did to a store", "label": "", "image_id": "2620517927", "pair_id": "2620517927.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Rock has come back to 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four people are walking through the grocery store together.", "label": "", "image_id": "86109322", "pair_id": "86109322.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people inside a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "86109322", "pair_id": "86109322.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four people are in the same room.", "label": "", "image_id": "86109322", "pair_id": "86109322.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a woman holding a drink.", "label": "", "image_id": "86109322", "pair_id": "86109322.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Of the three people in the room, one was a lady wearing black and holding a drink.", "label": "", "image_id": "86109322", "pair_id": "86109322.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are only men in the room.", "label": "", "image_id": "86109322", "pair_id": "86109322.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people wearing hats.", "label": "", 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"391020801.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man in a white shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a Wal-mart shirt extending his arms.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A female in a Wal-mart uniform holds her arms out.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A Wal-mart employee holding his arms out towards the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man works at Target.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man has a job.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is waiting to be handed something.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting still and quiet.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is giving a passionate speach on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is using his arms to make gestures as he talks.", "label": "", "image_id": "391020801", "pair_id": "391020801.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is talking on a phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3415228562", "pair_id": "3415228562.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The family are sitting in their house.", "label": "", "image_id": "3415228562", "pair_id": "3415228562.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A family is looking at a painting in a museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "3415228562", "pair_id": "3415228562.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"111796099.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A live audience watching a tennis match.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A game of tennis with one of the female players about to drill the ball", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A game of tennis with one of the female players about to miss the ball", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A game of tennis with one of the female players about to spike the ball", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman dressed for spring hitting tennis balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady plays tennis with her best friend.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman playing tennis", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman shooting hoops on the basketball court.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man prepares to shoot a basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is playing against another player.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is practicing tennis for an upcoming tournament.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady prepares to hit a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is kicking a soccer ball.", "label": 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the huge crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Ball boys wait for their turn to retrieve the balls during a tennis match.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ball boys are checking out the attractive lady tennis player.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two boys are sitting beside a tennis court, observing another woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boys are hitting golf balls at a driving range.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is waiting on the boys.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The ball boys are collecting balls that have rolled away.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Ball boys wait on the side lines.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady is playing tennis against an opponent.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ball boys are watching a tennis match, waiting to be needed.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two boys are swimming in an ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady hits the ball hard.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is holding a tennis racquet.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two boys are smoking cigarettes by the tennis court, watching the lady play tennis.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Ball boys drink gatorade during a break.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A pair of fans about to get a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are other people also playing at the tennis match.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two boys are holding their tennis rackets.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two boys are going to swim in the 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"111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two guys are about to play tennis.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two boys are tying their shoelaces.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An angry mob of children rioting in the streets.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Gary is going to win the tennis match against Bill.", "label": "", "image_id": "111796099", "pair_id": "111796099.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman holds a camera", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man holds a camera", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a younger woman holds a camera", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman has a digital camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man has a Polaroid camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is taking selfies.", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl underneath a car, changing its oil.", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is well dressed and holding a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is waiting to take the church picnic photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "2984704498", "pair_id": "2984704498.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A well 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"label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people protesting in rainy weather.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The protesters are very angry.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The group is holding a Welcome Home banner while waiting for a soldier to return home from war.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The group of people are in a basement.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Several people are holding a banner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Children playing in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": 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"pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A diverse group of people join together to support their cause before a government election.", "label": "", "image_id": "4150353377", "pair_id": "4150353377.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman finds something funny.", "label": "", "image_id": "207225205", "pair_id": "207225205.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She is wearing a hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "207225205", "pair_id": "207225205.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Her outfit is solid black.", "label": "", "image_id": "207225205", "pair_id": "207225205.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "She is laughing hysterically.", "label": "", "image_id": "207225205", "pair_id": "207225205.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman laughing.", "label": "", "image_id": "207225205", "pair_id": "207225205.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is angry.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A fisherman has just caught a huge fish.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man is standing with a fishing net with a shark in it", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A fisherman is despondent about his catch today.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is on a dock waiting for his poles to catch a fish.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A fisherman is casting his rod into the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man has a fishing pole nearby", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A fisherman keeps his head down.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man takes a break after catching a big fish", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man hopes to catch dinner for the family at the break of dawn.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The fisherman is resting.", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the fisherman wants to sleep all day in his boat", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "fisherman is tired", "label": "", "image_id": "184855171", "pair_id": "184855171.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the fisherman 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"4851553712", "pair_id": "4851553712.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A photographer takes a picture of a couple at a wedding", "label": "", "image_id": "4851553712", "pair_id": "4851553712.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "241347689", "pair_id": "241347689.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men playing a game of football.", "label": "", "image_id": "241347689", "pair_id": "241347689.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men unhappy after losing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "241347689", "pair_id": "241347689.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A large group of golfers stand together outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "241347689", "pair_id": "241347689.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Football players relax before an important football game.", "label": "", "image_id": "241347689", "pair_id": "241347689.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Athletes sit 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"214774826.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sidewalk is made of concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "214774826", "pair_id": "214774826.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman has some of her belongings with her.", "label": "", "image_id": "214774826", "pair_id": "214774826.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman walking on the street headed on vacation", "label": "", "image_id": "214774826", "pair_id": "214774826.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man walking to work", "label": "", "image_id": "214774826", "pair_id": "214774826.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman walking on the street", "label": "", "image_id": "214774826", "pair_id": "214774826.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is going to a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "214774826", "pair_id": "214774826.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is walking to their next destination at the airport.", "label": "", 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"7819772858.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A surfer is asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An attractive surfer waves to the camera and the group behind it.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a surfer in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The surfer crashes into the water as a huge wave hits him.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A female surfer is wearing a bikini.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a water suit catches a small wave to surf back in to shore.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A surfer is wearing blue.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The surfer is in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man has been surfing his whole life", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is in a boat behind a truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "7819772858", "pair_id": "7819772858.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are working.", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are loading up cattle.", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People 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"2888517039.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men operate a machine.", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men walking away from cement mixer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two men", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are friends", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are eating lunch", "label": "", "image_id": "2888517039", "pair_id": "2888517039.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are men and women on the court with numerous balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are five men playing ball on the court.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are five men engaging in a sport with at least one ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The African Americans players jump in the air for the ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The players skate for the puck.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A basketball game is being played.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some men are playing with an orange ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are playing a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "3053743109", "pair_id": "3053743109.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The friends 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person on a beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is holding gay pride flags at an event at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Flags line the beach where no one stands today.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl with rainbow flags on a beach", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl with black flags sits on the beach", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is on the beach with flags.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is playing with multi-colored fabric at the ocean's edge.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is standing", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is sitting", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The flags are all national flags", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman goes to a kite festival in mid autumn.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman goes to a kite festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman goes to a beer festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is sitting on a wall and waiting for her friends to return from the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is at the beach and sitting on a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is dancing on the boardwalk at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is walking on a beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl sits looking at the ocean in front of rainbow flags.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is by the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is waiting for her boyfriend.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is enjoying a day at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is in school at a desk watching a slideshow.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is sitting outside with flags in the background.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a beach with a ledge by it and a girl is sitting on the ledge in front of rainbow flags.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is watching tv", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is at the beach to go swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is attacking a shark.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl sits by the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "162152393", "pair_id": "162152393.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy just got his motorbike that day.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is riding in a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is riding his motorbike.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the boy is walking home", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing a helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the boy rides a harley", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy plays his Playstation at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is training for motocross event.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is trying to cross a stream on his motorbike.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is riding his bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy takes his motorbike out for a ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a boy riding a motorbike.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy discovers new land while riding his motorbike.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the boy is outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A horse is being ridden", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", 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"143552829.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man steers his harley through the swamp", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man steers a motorcycle through swampy terrain", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man is driving a jeep through mud", "label": "", "image_id": "143552829", "pair_id": "143552829.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person with a bread basket hat is near a river.", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is selling fruit from their hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A fruit hat wearing person is posing for 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some one in a fruit bowl hat walking by some one relaxing", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people running on a beach", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some one relaxing on a beach as a vendor carries fruit on their head.", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A recliner sitting in the middle of the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two chairs sitting by a large body of water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two brown woven chairs in front of a stormy looking ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "4021361385", "pair_id": "4021361385.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "woman working with kids", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "dog runs after rabbit", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "woman teaches friends kids", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman with multi colored hair sits with her family as they open gifts.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A women with green hair swims in the pool", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman with multi colored hair sits with 5 children as they open gifts.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is eating a slice of pizza.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is opening a Christmas present.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy has a present.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy crying ona bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy opening a box.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is overjoyed opening a box.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are enjoying a lovely time inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One person is watching another person open a present.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are watching an airplane in the sky.", "label": "", "image_id": "281792349", "pair_id": "281792349.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog was in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog was playing in the mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog was taking a bath.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A small dog on the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog in a small lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A large brown dog begins to shake from fear.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A large brown dog begins to shake.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A large brown dog eats from a large brown bowl.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Water is flying through the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is dry.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The big, brown dog is playing with its owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": "3401647850.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "girl eats slurpee", "label": "", "image_id": "3401647850", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is a creative genius.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", "pair_id": "5479752383.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is creating art from ice.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", "pair_id": "5479752383.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is making customers ice cream cones.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", "pair_id": "5479752383.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are watching a man cut ice blocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", "pair_id": "5479752383.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is making art with ice.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", "pair_id": "5479752383.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in red is making ice sculptures.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", "pair_id": "5479752383.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in blue is making ice sculptures.", "label": "", "image_id": "5479752383", 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"7671851684", "pair_id": "7671851684.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Referees at the Superbowl pledging allegiance.", "label": "", "image_id": "7671851684", "pair_id": "7671851684.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Referees pledging allegiance at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "7671851684", "pair_id": "7671851684.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Highschoolers play basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One highs school team has a twenty point lead in a game of basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "College basketball players play an amazing game.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Basketball player in a white uniform is attempting to kick player in a dark blue uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Problem occured between the two basketball team", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "White uniform player is playing well than dark blue uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two male youth basketball players are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two adult women basketball players on opposing teams are jumping towards one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two male youth basketball players are jumping towards one another wearing shorts.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The player is winning.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The basketball player is in the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The player is wading in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "fouling each other going for rebound", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "fight for the ball", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "football players go for fumble", "label": "", "image_id": "5460845581", "pair_id": "5460845581.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man practices his jumps on his dirt bike on a forest path.", "label": "", "image_id": "3316046339", "pair_id": "3316046339.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man rides 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of woman that are all friends are having game night.", "label": "", "image_id": "50831436", "pair_id": "50831436.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of men are playing a game with one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "50831436", "pair_id": "50831436.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A few men are sleep on the sofas.", "label": "", "image_id": "50831436", "pair_id": "50831436.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A few men are playing checkers.", "label": "", "image_id": "50831436", "pair_id": "50831436.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A few men are sitting down playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "50831436", "pair_id": "50831436.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are playing 'house' in the living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "50831436", "pair_id": "50831436.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are playing chess in the living room.", 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"3157847991", "pair_id": "3157847991.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are driving a car to lunch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157847991", "pair_id": "3157847991.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women are wearing red", "label": "", "image_id": "3157847991", "pair_id": "3157847991.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two me are wearing black jackets", "label": "", "image_id": "3157847991", "pair_id": "3157847991.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men are friends", "label": "", "image_id": "3157847991", "pair_id": "3157847991.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is winning an obstacle course race.", "label": "", "image_id": "2176364472", "pair_id": "2176364472.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog navigates an obstacle.", "label": "", "image_id": "2176364472", "pair_id": "2176364472.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "This blue dog is outside alone.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An dog sits on top of a triangular dog house.", "label": "", "image_id": "2176364472", "pair_id": "2176364472.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An animal is ontop of a structure.", "label": "", "image_id": "2176364472", "pair_id": "2176364472.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is touching the car.", "label": "", "image_id": "538345634", "pair_id": "538345634.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man with blue eyes owns this car.", "label": "", "image_id": "538345634", "pair_id": "538345634.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The brown eyed man had his hands in his pocket.", "label": "", "image_id": "538345634", "pair_id": "538345634.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wears jeans.", "label": "", "image_id": "538345634", "pair_id": "538345634.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman has duct tape.", "label": "", "image_id": "538345634", "pair_id": "538345634.jpg#2r1c", 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"186911943.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are wearing hats.", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": "186911943.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "No one is in the arena", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": "186911943.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The crowd sits down", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": "186911943.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are watching a basketball game", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": "186911943.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men attending a LA Dodgers baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": "186911943.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People attending a church service.", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": "186911943.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People attending a baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "186911943", "pair_id": 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"149882790.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is at the beach building something in the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man competes in a sand sculpture contest at the local beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is small.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man prepares his sand sculpture for the contest.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is building something with the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is swimming at the 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"image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sand castle is seven feet tall.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is making a sandcastle.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sunbathes.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man builds a sand castle.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man builds a sand castle for a beach-wide sand castle competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "149882790", "pair_id": "149882790.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is trying to reach the top.", "label": "", "image_id": "445140686", "pair_id": "445140686.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is climing on rocks.", "label": 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"455856615", "pair_id": "455856615.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The snowboard is broken", "label": "", "image_id": "455856615", "pair_id": "455856615.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The ski is no longer needed", "label": "", "image_id": "455856615", "pair_id": "455856615.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ski is broken", "label": "", "image_id": "455856615", "pair_id": "455856615.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of boys playing football together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3584561689", "pair_id": "3584561689.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3584561689", "pair_id": "3584561689.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The LA Lakers and the Chicago Bulls playing basketball together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3584561689", "pair_id": "3584561689.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two men are outside.", "label": "", 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A beer advertisement is behind the woman reading a magazine while riding on the subway", "label": "", "image_id": "1368320477", "pair_id": "1368320477.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is frowning in her house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1368320477", "pair_id": "1368320477.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman reads her favorite magazine while traveling on the subway home from work", "label": "", "image_id": "1368320477", "pair_id": "1368320477.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "1368320477", "pair_id": "1368320477.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is taking a cab while reading a book", "label": "", "image_id": "1368320477", "pair_id": "1368320477.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A reads a sports magazine on a subway.", "label": "", "image_id": "1368320477", "pair_id": "1368320477.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dirt bikes designed for trail riding", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is determined", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man isn't wearing a helmet", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is riding a bike", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is in a bike race, and he's winning.", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man rides his bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": "479807833.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man walks up a rocky hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "479807833", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a boy outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3647693147", "pair_id": "3647693147.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man plays with his cat inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman has a puppy.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a person outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman plays with a grey dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman plays with her brown dog in the garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman plays with a pet in the garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is petting a dog in her backyard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is touching a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is feeding his cat in his apartment.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman plays with a dog in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is playing with a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman eats a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person and an animal are interacting out of doors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is sitting at the vet's office with her dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is rewarding a dog for bringing back a thrown stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "3518608016", "pair_id": "3518608016.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Small dog nearly lost in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cat stalking slowly through grass looking for prey.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Small dog hunting for animal in grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white and tan cat runs through the tall green grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A big dog runs through the tall green grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog runs through the tall green grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs are running through a field of grass", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some animals are sitting in a parking lot", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs are chasing a deer through a field", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is spotted.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is running through tall grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is laying around the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a dog running.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs ears are flapping as it runs through the grassy field.", "label": "", "image_id": "2534502836", "pair_id": "2534502836.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is shooting a basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man playing music.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in black is playing with the guitar while looking at the music sheet", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The guy in black is playing the guitar", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is black is driving his car.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing a flute.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man players the guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man plays the guitar on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3185860969", "pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white 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"pair_id": "3185860969.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A teen holding an unknown object for photographers that was found in a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is flying a kite in a storm.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A teen is holding up something unknown for photographers.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "You know I'm looking like Drew Carry.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "You know I'm looking like Justin Bieber.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "I'm dressing up for a halloween party.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a man on the bus with flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is riding a bicycle with the flowers in his mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is inside a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is inside a vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is traveling by bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is walking his dog beside a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people on the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with flowers sits in a crowded bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is balancing on the top hood of a moving bus going 100 mph.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sitting in a bus, looks out towards the scenery.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man delivering a flower to his valentine.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man holding a gun on the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a cow on the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is taking a flower to his girlfriend.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding in a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is eating a sample at a grocery store.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is dressed warmly.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The mans hands are empty.", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man playing guitar", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holds an origami crane, was on a train", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a train", "label": "", "image_id": "100759042", "pair_id": "100759042.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men in uniform stand in front of something.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two soldiers are running a toy drive.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are waiting in line to see santa.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The soldiers are sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The toys are for children in the village.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two soldiers near a truck", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The truck is full of weapons.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two soldiers swimming a lake", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are holding different things in their hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "soldiers about to give toys to kids", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people standing", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "So many children are gathered waiting for the military men to start handing out toys from their donation trucks", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are delivering gifts.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several soldiers are standing guard over a truck full of contraband products", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Soldiers are next to a truck with toys.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tall people standing", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Twoo war veteran soldiers stand next to a truck full of games and puzzles", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are sitting next to a fire place.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The soldiers are sitting on a mountain of toys.", "label": "", "image_id": "4088615231", "pair_id": "4088615231.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": 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"4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two brothers stand together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two boys stand.", "label": "", "image_id": "4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two sisters stand together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy scouts are waiting for something.", "label": "", "image_id": "4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group is a bunch of girl scouts.", "label": "", "image_id": "4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The group is in uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "4095222516", "pair_id": "4095222516.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of sad boy scouts are standing in an alert position.", "label": "", 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"label": "", "image_id": "4983408784", "pair_id": "4983408784.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and woman are visiting a museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "4983408784", "pair_id": "4983408784.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is at least two buildings.", "label": "", "image_id": "4983408784", "pair_id": "4983408784.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The couple are holding hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4983408784", "pair_id": "4983408784.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The couple are seated in church.", "label": "", "image_id": "4983408784", "pair_id": "4983408784.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A hot sunny day in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A snowy city with numerous advertisements.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is snow outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "It snowed recently.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no snow on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The billboards are advertisements.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The town was plowed because it didn't have finances.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The group of random people know eachother.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are walking by a newly plowed town.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blizzard hit New York City.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A city is covered in snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is popping popcorn over the stove.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people enjoying a snowy day reminiscing about summer in the background", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People having fun in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Citizens build a snowman.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are outside on a snowy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The citizens have a good snowy day, but remember summer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "people enjoy snow with a reminder of summer behind", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Citizens play in the sand but remember winter.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two cows enjoy the snow", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people enjoying a winter day", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Citizens play in the snow but remember summer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2039918946", "pair_id": "2039918946.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are enjoying a day in the snow.", 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"label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A clean-shaven man plays a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A hippie plays his music.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man whispers while he walks.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person plays an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A long haired man plays the guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A long grey haired hippy plays a song on his guitar.", 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"221596640.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bearded missed his guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "221596640", "pair_id": "221596640.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is wearing sandals", "label": "", "image_id": "5460100066", "pair_id": "5460100066.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a bluehat", "label": "", "image_id": "5460100066", "pair_id": "5460100066.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "5460100066", "pair_id": "5460100066.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man hurt himeself while skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460100066", "pair_id": "5460100066.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460100066", "pair_id": "5460100066.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a bandage on his ankle.", "label": "", "image_id": "5460100066", "pair_id": 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"4251585781.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The picture is of a sunset.", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": "4251585781.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The picture shows a school play.", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": "4251585781.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Here is a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": "4251585781.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The teens throw oranges at cars", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": "4251585781.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some teens are smashing a fruit", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": "4251585781.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Teens are smashing a watermelon", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": "4251585781.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are smashing lemons.", "label": "", "image_id": "4251585781", "pair_id": 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"158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is coping text from a blackboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is climbing a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman taking note from a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "an african american plays some B-ball", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is dancing and talking on his phone", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An asian man is writting down a list of things to buy at the store while cooking.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man 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"158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is reading a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An man is looking at a book and scribbling on paper", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man taking notes while reading a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man telling a story.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man writing notes.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man writing something.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is studying.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A women is dancing at a club.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young college student is studying for finals.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An asian man is taking notes from his school book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An asian man studies for his next final exam.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is scribbling using his book as a surface.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is holding the book with one hand while he is taking notes", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Asian man takes notes in a book while wearing a blue shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man is studying for his classes.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An asian man rides a dragon in his sleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is documenting information in a big book with a writing instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An asian man is taking notes from a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young Asian man with a small beard and mustache writes notes in on a tiny notepad.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The Asian man in blue takes notes with a pencil.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is writing.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young Asian takes notes from a large book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is yelling.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is using a black pen to take down notes in a small pink book.", "label": "", "image_id": "158898445", "pair_id": "158898445.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The family is bowling.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The mother and daughter are playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The mother and daughter are playing chess.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a young boy are standing, playing darts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are playing a board game together.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young girl rolling dice in a game with her mother.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The daughter trounces her mother at Monopoly.", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A mother and daughter play Sorry!", "label": "", "image_id": "2209610692", "pair_id": "2209610692.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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"label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An older male is climbing the rock wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An older man sleeps as he is tired from climbing the rock wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An older man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A homeless man is sleeping on a stone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping on a comfy mattress.", "label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping on a stone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4147974557", "pair_id": "4147974557.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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"no"}, {"context": "A man and his pet having good time outdoor", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The owner of the dog walks the pets.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is getting pretty dirty.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is going to the groomers later because he is not allowed in the house being as muddy as he is.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is laying at his master's feet as his master works at his computer on this rainy, muddy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is running on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is running inside a house.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is running.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is sitting on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is on the trail of an animal.", "label": "", "image_id": "2186367337", "pair_id": "2186367337.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two martial artists wearing blue suits practice in a vacant room.", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two ballet dancers practice in a vacant room", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are just two people indoors", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are doing karate.", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men are doing yoga.", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are on the same karate team.", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two younger men are performing karate", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two women are performing karate", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two men are performing karate", "label": "", "image_id": "675153", "pair_id": "675153.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": 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"label": "", "image_id": "2748726146", "pair_id": "2748726146.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is making her dog do tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is making her dog perform for a competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is making her dog lay down.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is bald.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is furry.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person threw a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman plays fetch with a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman plays with an animal.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman playing with a shaggy cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman and a puppy are in bed watching tv", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a puppy chases a stick", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman in black throws a stick", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is a shitzu.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The crazy cat lady is scooping the litter box.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is playing with her dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3187364311", "pair_id": "3187364311.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is carrying his school books.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing red shorts inside his classroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing an article of clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy is waiting to cross the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child stands on a sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is sitting on the curb under a walk or do not walk sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy has climbed up a street sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is standing on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is waiting for the green light signal.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There was a white boy.", "label": "", "image_id": "615927423", "pair_id": "615927423.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is 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"pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a little boy fighting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3381747300", "pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People playing together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3381747300", "pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man and a child take pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "3381747300", "pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man and his child don't know each other", "label": "", "image_id": "3381747300", "pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man and a child pose for photography class", "label": "", "image_id": "3381747300", "pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is doing the worm in the background.", "label": "", "image_id": "3381747300", "pair_id": "3381747300.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man and little boy are pretending to be 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"yes"}, {"context": "Two men riding a ski lift.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are climbing a small rock face with no moss.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are climbing up a steep rock face to meet someone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are climbing a steep rock face.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people climbing up Mount Everest.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people climbing up a steep mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A pair of people climbing a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are climbing a cliff in the morning.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are climbing a cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are hanging on a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is seen watching TV.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A male is seen on the mountainside with straps on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A male and a female is alongside the mountain climbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4707189762", "pair_id": "4707189762.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a yellow shirt is interacting with someone.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Both men are wearing yellow sweatshirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two friends play a game during their break.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small dog is sleeping on the couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One of the young men are shirtless.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are handling something.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are wearing caps.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young men are both wearing yellow sweatshirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two friends are playing a game with each other outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two men are playing a game of catch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two guys stare at a dead body in the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two guys stare.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120512339", "pair_id": "2120512339.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man crashes his 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"label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man sang to the baby", "label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man never left the house today", "label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The baby is learning to swim.", "label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A family is resting on a hike and the baby was placed on a rock.", "label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is middle aged.", "label": "", "image_id": "3711253664", "pair_id": "3711253664.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is on mars.", "label": 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"4862281139", "pair_id": "4862281139.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Woman in a skirt is sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4862281139", "pair_id": "4862281139.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Woman is in the garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "4862281139", "pair_id": "4862281139.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Asian girl sits on an outside bench and waits for her mother to leave the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4862281139", "pair_id": "4862281139.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Asian girl draws in a book in the back of a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "4862281139", "pair_id": "4862281139.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Asian girl sits on the bench that is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4862281139", "pair_id": "4862281139.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3622929632", "pair_id": "3622929632.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "You can see the stars from the tent.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "It is daytime.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are at the campsite.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The tent is on an ice shelf in Antarctica.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sun is shining.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is camping inside the tent.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the tent is in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "958326692", "pair_id": "958326692.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Every person here is currently sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some of these individuals are of different races and ethnicities.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady walks down a path with a group of children towards a church.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady walks down a path with a group of children.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and his birds are alone in his home.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is dancing ballet.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is holding 3 children.", "label": "", "image_id": "5771011772", "pair_id": "5771011772.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men race their bikes down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3005787021", "pair_id": "3005787021.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are resting on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3005787021", "pair_id": "3005787021.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two bikers take a break from riding together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3005787021", "pair_id": "3005787021.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two fat bikers taking a break sitting on the grass with their hats on.", "label": "", "image_id": "3005787021", "pair_id": "3005787021.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three bikers taking a break sitting on the grass 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is wrapped up in a blanket.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is surrounded by a swarm of cockroaches", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is surrounded by ghosts.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl just opened her Christmas presents.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A big boy is crying over his presents.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little blonde girl got a Care Bears blanket as Christmas gift.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little blonde girl wrapped in blanket is holding Easter eggs.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little blonde girl has a blanket around her.", "label": "", "image_id": "341235582", "pair_id": "341235582.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "He was eating ice cream.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man was inside, watching tv.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He was eating a chocolate ice cream cone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An older woman sitting on a wooden bench outside, with pigeons on the ground nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An older woman sits with her family, eating in a diner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An older woman sitting on a park bench while she eats ice cream.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man enjoys an ice cream cone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man is watching children play.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman eats ice cream.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman eats ice cream on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4716605063", "pair_id": "4716605063.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman eats pizza.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People, who are hiking carrying back packs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are going to work in the wilderness.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Father and son on their annual Father's Day hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A couple passes a tree on a mountain hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The couple are having a brunch at their hotel.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are being chased by a conifer tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people hike up a dirt path.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people on a hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The hikers are resting by lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are best friends and hike every week.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three little girls at ballet class.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are hiking on rocky road.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women hiking on the Appalachian Trail.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women soaking up the sun on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are hiking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people on a steep slope.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Several people hike down the mountain trail.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some hikers walk on level ground around a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are hiking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two people are sitting on the couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two people are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1300744906", "pair_id": "1300744906.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An officer is getting some breakfast after working the night shift.", "label": "", "image_id": "5595612913", "pair_id": "5595612913.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A local police officer 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"image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is doing flips.", "label": "", "image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children watch something at the circus.", "label": "", "image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children watch a train go past.", "label": "", "image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children watch something.", "label": "", "image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of Asians dancing in front of their peers.", "label": "", "image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of Asian showing off their dancing skills to everyone.", "label": "", "image_id": "423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of Asian people 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"423140781", "pair_id": "423140781.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl and a boy are play ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2797490755", "pair_id": "2797490755.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One woman is holding another woman's arm.", "label": "", "image_id": "2797490755", "pair_id": "2797490755.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman holds onto another woman's arm because she is frightened.", "label": "", "image_id": "2797490755", "pair_id": "2797490755.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are laughing on the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "2797490755", "pair_id": "2797490755.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is helping another woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "2797490755", "pair_id": "2797490755.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman helps her friend after she fell down the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2797490755", "pair_id": "2797490755.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"2354834216", "pair_id": "2354834216.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some puppies are competing for food from their mother.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is feeding her puppies.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is watching her puppies eat food from a bowl.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dogs don't run and play hide", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Puppy's are feeding on their mother dog", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Puppy's are feeding on their mother dog wanting milk", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An all white dog is running down a hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a brown dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is nursing 3 pups.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nothing is nursing", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A brown animal nursing", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An animal nursing", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young puppy lays at it's mothers stomach.", "label": "", "image_id": "2665904080", "pair_id": "2665904080.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The puppy's eyes are 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A crowd of people with backpacks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of senior citizens swimming at a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A hiking tour amount senior citizens.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A senior hiking tour gets underway.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people walk outside near some trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a group of people play catch in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some couples go on a romantic hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The tourists are being guided on their trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bunch of people outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people riding on donkeys.", "label": "", "image_id": "3954705002", "pair_id": "3954705002.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is birdwatching.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944520854", "pair_id": "4944520854.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is sitting in a chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944520854", "pair_id": "4944520854.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman relaxes in the chair on the deck of a cruise ship.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944520854", "pair_id": "4944520854.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A female is 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"4654256786.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is ordering a ham sandwich.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654256786", "pair_id": "4654256786.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sits with his back turned.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654256786", "pair_id": "4654256786.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man waits for his date at a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654256786", "pair_id": "4654256786.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sits with a group at a bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654256786", "pair_id": "4654256786.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl rock climbs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654256786", "pair_id": "4654256786.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid wearing a black tee-shirt sits to enjoy a meal in a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654256786", "pair_id": "4654256786.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy enjoys a meal at a fast food 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"4662209325.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People watch a person run.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", "pair_id": "4662209325.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "All the people are running to avoid the tsunami.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", "pair_id": "4662209325.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is walking down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", "pair_id": "4662209325.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man has a green jacket on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", "pair_id": "4662209325.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", "pair_id": "4662209325.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man running is to catch something.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", "pair_id": "4662209325.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The running man has a tattoo.", "label": "", "image_id": "4662209325", 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"3698636872.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy sleeping on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy jumping in the water with no swimsuit.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A thin boy leaps up over the waters and sticks his tongue out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A thin little girl leaps up over the waters and sticks her tongue out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sad boy leaps up over the waters and sticks his tongue out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy surfs a crossed the water with a big cheesy smile.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy does a belly-flop into the pool with this tongue out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man jumps for joy into a pool while his tongue was sticking out.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy is spitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young boy has been thrown towards the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is holding his teddy bear at the doctor's office.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young boy has leaped into the river.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": 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"1318029076.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young boy is leaping on a rocky shoreline.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young male is in the air, about to fall into a body of water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy leaps into the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is playing with a friend outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is jumping into a river while a group of boys swim below.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A 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"1318029076.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is jumping above the water of a river.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of boys are paddling canoes in a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The area is barren and devoid of plant life.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is jumping out of the water with a fish in his mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is in white briefs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The trees are swaying in the wind.", "label": "", "image_id": "1318029076", "pair_id": "1318029076.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are 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"7972860508.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People watch an illusion being preformed.", "label": "", "image_id": "7972860508", "pair_id": "7972860508.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a blue dress, lifts another man with his hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "7972860508", "pair_id": "7972860508.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are being watched by people outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7972860508", "pair_id": "7972860508.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A store opens its doors.", "label": "", "image_id": "7972860508", "pair_id": "7972860508.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A duo of anonymous magicians performs at the strip mall's grand opening.", "label": "", "image_id": "7972860508", "pair_id": "7972860508.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are in a shopping mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "7972860508", "pair_id": "7972860508.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two 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"maybe"}, {"context": "People are swimming in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is alone playing in his playroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The children are brothers and sisters.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The children are in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Many children are having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Many children are reading in the classroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are surfing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are swimming in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "2192026581", "pair_id": "2192026581.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman has a red garment in her hair", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is a popular singer", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man eats the earth", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little girl sits quietly in church.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bridesmaid wears a flower in her hair at the wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman attends an outdoor event.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A confused woman carrying a purse.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A serene woman with a backpack.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman confused as to why her purse is so heavy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A happy woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is watching a play.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is sleeping on a pillow.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is looking at a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at something to her right.", "label": "", "image_id": "4571034074", "pair_id": "4571034074.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is on his way to the mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is by the mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", 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"107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman lays in the grass with the sun on her face.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A small group of people are strolling outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are riding a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A family is talking a walk.", "label": "", "image_id": "107532584", "pair_id": "107532584.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are no people protesting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is holding a pro abortion sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The protester is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The protester is sitting under a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The protester made the sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The protester is on strike.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is holding a sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4533797732", "pair_id": "4533797732.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is holding a basket of flowers.", "label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A runner in a competition want to go to the finish line.", "label": "", "image_id": "6141966747", "pair_id": "6141966747.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is behind two ducks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blonde girl is behind two ducks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are no ducks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl and two ducks are looking at the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog smells his butt.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl and two ducks and thinking about jumping off the cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a boy is luring the ducks to the pond so the croc can eat", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a girl is walking to the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the ducks are following the girl to the pond", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman and geese are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the woman and geese are in a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman owns the geese.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ducks are being videoed by the person.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ducks are sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2380740486", "pair_id": "2380740486.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man waits for his mother who is in the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is playing a harmonica outside a busy park.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is waiting for his date outside the cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man is eating candy in from of a Candy Cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is standing outside a cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A small tree is in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sitting at home watching a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is standing in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a man near a candy store.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a child running through a sprinkler.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man is about to enter the Candy Cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy is in front of a business. A tree with flowers is in front.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is his 20s is in front of a cafe that has a tree in front and is waiting for his girlfriend.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Candy Cafe has burned to the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man dances in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is standing inside the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man waits for the Candy Cafe to open so he can buy candy.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a blue Nike hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man stands near a cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sits in front of a deli on a rainy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man stands outside a new candy shop on a beautiful day.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby sits in the rain outside an aquarium.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man dressed in protective gear is outside a store that serves food on a sunny day.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cook is taking a break from working at the Candy Cafe on a sunny day.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man stands outside the Candy Cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is standing out in the sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man swings a baseball bat at a window.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is cooking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is taking a break from the cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is being shaded from the sun with his hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in a blue shirt and cap is standing in front of a tractor.", "label": 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"label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The worker is reading the business sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "15558523", "pair_id": "15558523.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An elderly man is stashing cleaning supplies under his shirt at a Walmart", "label": "", "image_id": "5684881640", "pair_id": "5684881640.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An elderly man is shopping at Walmart for cleaning supplies", "label": "", "image_id": "5684881640", "pair_id": "5684881640.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An elderly man is shopping at Walmart for detergent", "label": "", "image_id": "5684881640", "pair_id": "5684881640.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An elder man is examining natural cleaning products in the aisle at Walmart.", "label": "", "image_id": "5684881640", "pair_id": "5684881640.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An elder man is examining cleaning 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"label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", "pair_id": "4469878736.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking by a door.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", "pair_id": "4469878736.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is leaving his hotel room via a fire escape.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", "pair_id": "4469878736.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is walking around back to avoid the locked door.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", "pair_id": "4469878736.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman walking passed a no parking zone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", "pair_id": "4469878736.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person in a dress walking passed a no parking zone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", "pair_id": "4469878736.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman in a white dress walking passed a no parking zone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4469878736", 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"2408570692.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dirt bikes are brand new.", "label": "", "image_id": "3632197966", "pair_id": "3632197966.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Dirt bike enthusiasts performing maintenance on their bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3632197966", "pair_id": "3632197966.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "This race is for the championship trophy.", "label": "", "image_id": "3632197966", "pair_id": "3632197966.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people on their horses ride off into the sunset", "label": "", "image_id": "3632197966", "pair_id": "3632197966.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People watching a dirt biking competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3632197966", "pair_id": "3632197966.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people perform tricks on their dirt bikes while a group of people cheer", "label": "", "image_id": "3632197966", "pair_id": "3632197966.jpg#0r2n", 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"1096165011.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Small boys smile and give a thumbs up under water at a public pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl swimming underwater", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy swimming", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person swimming with a friend underwater", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy was a good diver.", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The family sat on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The small boy scuba dived in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "1096165011", "pair_id": "1096165011.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man dressed in blue is going on a train ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in red is driving a convertible.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is near a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is in an airplane.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is collecting tickets on the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man works on a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A conductor readies the engine prior to departure.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman checks the engine on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The train is completely empty of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The conductor stands in a visible location on the red train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The red train has at least one person aboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman takes a picture of a bird.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man drives an old train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man gives a train tour for the happy tourists.", "label": "", "image_id": "2781093465", "pair_id": "2781093465.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is climbing a moutain.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is scaling a rock wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person climbs a mountain for the first time.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person climbs a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person skis down a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is climbing rocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is rock climbing a cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The mountain is unclimbable for humans.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are outside climbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "466956209", "pair_id": "466956209.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are two cops", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cops are men", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cops are fighting a lion", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Officers are pulling over someone driving a BMW.", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Officers are issuing a ticket for speeding to the driver of the BMW.", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Officers are giving a ticket to a person jaywalking across the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A police officer pulls over a speeding car.", "label": "", "image_id": "6217611379", "pair_id": "6217611379.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A police officer pulls someone 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The artist is sketching a fruit.", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An artist takes a break from painting his mural.", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An artist sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A plumber pulls up his pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is waiting", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is waiting for someone to come paint for the art class.", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is waiting for someone to come dance on the spot.", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is painting the ground", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is waiting to paint", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is thinking of what to paint", "label": "", "image_id": "2594547389", "pair_id": "2594547389.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "96461750", "pair_id": "96461750.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is naked in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "96461750", "pair_id": "96461750.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "96461750", "pair_id": "96461750.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "woman has fun dreams", "label": "", "image_id": "96461750", "pair_id": "96461750.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": 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"4651562020.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An older heavyset woman is resting on a bench with his shopping cart nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An older heavyset person is resting on a bench with his shopping cart nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The shopping cart is filled with bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The shopping cart is filled with grocery.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The shopping cart is empty.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An obese man is sitting outside next to a grocery cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An obese man in gray pants and a white shirt is sitting outside next to a grocery cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A slim woman is singing onstage.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skinny person standing up with his golf cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person sitting on a bench wearing a blue shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4651562020", "pair_id": "4651562020.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The someone is a troll.", "label": "", "image_id": "57422853", "pair_id": "57422853.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The 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"6198563920.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The artist creates amazing painted light photography.", "label": "", "image_id": "6198563920", "pair_id": "6198563920.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man takes photographs in broad daylight.", "label": "", "image_id": "6198563920", "pair_id": "6198563920.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "6198563920", "pair_id": "6198563920.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is wearing a dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "6198563920", "pair_id": "6198563920.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is alone in the middle of the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "6198563920", "pair_id": "6198563920.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a purple suit is dumping a bucket of water over his head.", "label": "", "image_id": "6198563920", "pair_id": "6198563920.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sideshow man 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"image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is splashing around in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Construction workers tour the project site.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are playing with a cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three males are walking on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is here.", "label": "", "image_id": "4871134747", "pair_id": "4871134747.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The back of two big beings.", "label": 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{"context": "She is at work.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman serving dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sleeping in a recliner.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman holding a plate of food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is carrying food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A waitress is serving food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is spinning plates.", "label": "", "image_id": "3117576851", "pair_id": "3117576851.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is counting money from a 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"pair_id": "45876127.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Amish people standing along a wooden fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of Amish people survey the land for a new spot to build a barn.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Hipsters stand outside of a coffee shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The family is Amish", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The father is stern", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The family is on their iPhones", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Amish group is constructing a barn.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Amish group is gathered outside by a fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Amish group are laughing and smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are from the same family.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several people are standing outside near water.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Amish group are running through a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "45876127", "pair_id": "45876127.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman with onions.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is cooking with green beans.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman has green beans.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at some fruits.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is considering buying some fruits.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at meat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog and a pig play in some mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is looking through a bag of leaves 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{"context": "A woman is filling a bag with peppers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3120235179", "pair_id": "3120235179.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sits on the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An acrobat swings from a pole.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman swings from a pole.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The circus worker is consentrating hard to show of her talent.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The circus worker is in a purple uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The circus working is performing her talent.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bird flies out of a birdhouse.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A gymnast is practicing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is doing gymnastics dressed in blue and red.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blond woman on a red post.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An actor handing out poles.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A blond actress hangs from a trapeze.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is in a costume.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is preforming in a circus.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2793770567", "pair_id": "2793770567.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Police officers are guarding a city building.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several police officers are sitting in a coffee shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The police officers are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "cops outside a building", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "persons gathered in lawn", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "police near building", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are police officers working.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "All the police officers are currently at the station.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of police officers are looking for crime.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Policemen overlooking broken glass beside a glass building.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Policemen running down a track.", "label": "", "image_id": "2807209904", "pair_id": "2807209904.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"pair_id": "3826408845.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A llama is standing on the side of the street to cross the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3826408845", "pair_id": "3826408845.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A llama is standing on a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3826408845", "pair_id": "3826408845.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A llama is standing for car.", "label": "", "image_id": "3826408845", "pair_id": "3826408845.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The curious little furry critter with the brown bottom, growled at the young person, as his colorful hat made the animal fearful.", "label": "", "image_id": "3826408845", "pair_id": "3826408845.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A furry animal with a brown butt stands in front of the people.", "label": "", "image_id": "3826408845", "pair_id": "3826408845.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cat standing atop the brick wall, tensed its brown 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"2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding his bike in the mountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is sitting on the ledge.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The rider is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The rider is a man.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The rider is driving a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder performs a trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A BMX biker rides his bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A BMX biker performs a trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858819804", "pair_id": "2858819804.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children are on a swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two boys, each wearing a black coat, laugh as they swing high.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two sisters are swinging high on the swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are on the playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are on the slide.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy and girl are playing on the tire.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are children playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are inside playing video games.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The tire swing is hanging from a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two kids wearing warm, black clothing look happily down through a tire swing for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two kids wearing warm clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two kids wearing cold clothing look happily down through a tire swing for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A teen slides down the slide.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two kids are happy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kids swing from a tire.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476210151", "pair_id": "4476210151.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a guy with a a pool cue is smoking.", "label": "", "image_id": "36147990", "pair_id": "36147990.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man in a pool hall is smoking.", "label": "", "image_id": "36147990", "pair_id": "36147990.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man has a cigar in his mouth while playing horse shoes.", "label": "", "image_id": "36147990", "pair_id": "36147990.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person playing billiards.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"no"}, {"context": "Two dogs are in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are two dogs outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dogs are in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs are outdoors to play.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are dry.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two animals are in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two brown dogs are wading in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2220175999", "pair_id": "2220175999.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Dogs 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"yes"}, {"context": "A gladiator prepares for combat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy is dressed and holding a cell phone outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An actor already in costume is calling his agent on his cellphone for directions to the shoot.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy in a gladiator costume is trick-or-treating on a busy street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is going to his first cosplay festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man stands in a business suit in a nice office.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": 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"image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man smokes a cigarette.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is on his smoke break.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man was smoking during his lunch break.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is inside on a tredmil.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is smoking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tigers jump through hoops at the circus.", "label": "", "image_id": "4803790464", "pair_id": "4803790464.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is wearing shoes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is walking to the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is on a court", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a sweater", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is playing basketball", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is carrying a tennis raquet.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is watching the tennis match.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is wearing pajamas but no shoes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man walking across a tennis court.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in high heels plays basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man loses his shoes as he runs across the tennis court to steal a match ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a guy walks on the court", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man walks on the court on a monday", "label": "", "image_id": "3157744152", "pair_id": "3157744152.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the cat 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"no"}, {"context": "Some tall people near a table", "label": "", "image_id": "59032661", "pair_id": "59032661.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people near a table", "label": "", "image_id": "59032661", "pair_id": "59032661.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are eating dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "59032661", "pair_id": "59032661.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people have eybrows.", "label": "", "image_id": "59032661", "pair_id": "59032661.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are climbing a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "59032661", "pair_id": "59032661.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman riding a red bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "16397322", "pair_id": "16397322.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman walking through a village.", "label": "", "image_id": "16397322", "pair_id": "16397322.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman riding a bike.", 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"maybe"}, {"context": "People are walking outside because its a nice day.", "label": "", "image_id": "16397322", "pair_id": "16397322.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are walking and riding bikes", "label": "", "image_id": "16397322", "pair_id": "16397322.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are all sitting inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "16397322", "pair_id": "16397322.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the man was driving his new yacht", "label": "", "image_id": "5491402223", "pair_id": "5491402223.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is in the middle of a storm and cannot make it to shore", "label": "", "image_id": "5491402223", "pair_id": "5491402223.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man smiles while holding a rope", "label": "", "image_id": "5491402223", "pair_id": "5491402223.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "5491402223", "pair_id": 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"5491402223.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in going to go out sailing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5491402223", "pair_id": "5491402223.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is in a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "5491402223", "pair_id": "5491402223.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is competing at a bike race.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is riding a bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is running a marathon.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man has won 3 races so far.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The futuristic rider wins.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man does not win.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is riding a dirt bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is wearing red racing gear.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is riding the bike in front of the judge.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cyclist is preparing to race before a small crowd of spectators.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A swimmer takes her mark.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A cyclist is preparing for his race.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in the blue and white clothes rode a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The police officer, dressed in blue and white with a white helmet, walked back and forth twirling his nightstick to keep the angry mob subdued.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The odd-looking little old man wore a blue and while jumpsuit with a matching helmet as he rode the little bicycle around in circles.", "label": "", "image_id": "363691948", "pair_id": "363691948.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child looks at a pig.", "label": "", "image_id": "2256091090", "pair_id": "2256091090.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The robot can talk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2256091090", "pair_id": "2256091090.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child 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"1244306891.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of friends are having a photo made.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Girls in bathing suits are smiling at the boys in speedos", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Girls are in bathing suits, smiling", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Girls are naked, frowning.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "some girls are crying", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The three modelling girls looks smart", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some girls in bathing suit are smile to photo", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three girls sitting on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The three girls sat on the beach gazing at the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The three boys sat on the beach talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy wearing boxers at the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Girls in two piece bathing suits.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of girls at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1244306891", "pair_id": "1244306891.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": 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"1231348815.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Asian man takes a break from work and greets a photographer.", "label": "", "image_id": "1231348815", "pair_id": "1231348815.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A rickshaw puller in China smiles and indicates he's alright after a near accident with a photographer.", "label": "", "image_id": "1231348815", "pair_id": "1231348815.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Asian man is posing for a photograph, while working a rickshaw.", "label": "", "image_id": "1231348815", "pair_id": "1231348815.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A photograhper takes a picture of a rickshaw driver who smiles while making a thumbs-up sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "1231348815", "pair_id": "1231348815.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An asian man angrily yell at a photographer", "label": "", "image_id": "1231348815", "pair_id": "1231348815.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man poses in 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"label": "", "image_id": "3819214047", "pair_id": "3819214047.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The seeming teen hoped to rekindle an interest in beanies by casually posing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3819214047", "pair_id": "3819214047.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A teen sits on his skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3819214047", "pair_id": "3819214047.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is resting from a wipeout he had due to a hard trick", "label": "", "image_id": "3819214047", "pair_id": "3819214047.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid waits his turn to go over a skateboard ramp.", "label": "", "image_id": "3819214047", "pair_id": "3819214047.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A teen rides his skateboard while standing on one leg.", "label": "", "image_id": "3819214047", "pair_id": "3819214047.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The teenager is riding on his skateboard.", "label": "", 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"pair_id": "4717515747.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is operating a roller coaster.", "label": "", "image_id": "4717515747", "pair_id": "4717515747.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is grilling hamburgers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4717515747", "pair_id": "4717515747.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The little league football game is taking place at a professional stadium.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The football game has a crowd of parents watching.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are children playing football.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Kids are playing football", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids 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"3639691167.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the two teams are cooking", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A football game is going on.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The football team are running laps in front of the cheerleaders.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The football game is in overtime.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639691167", "pair_id": "3639691167.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bird is is touching the tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bird is flying in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The black bird is in a nest.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crow perches on a barren oak tree in winter", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bird is in the tree", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cherry trees are in full bloom.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dove is in a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dove is in a tree that is dying.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A duck is on the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", "pair_id": "2255266906.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a raven sits on a tree", "label": "", "image_id": "2255266906", 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"180476372.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tall humans walking", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are jogging into a record store.", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People walk in front of a record store.", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are ignoring the record store.", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are walking in the street at an outlet mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are playing basketball in the auditorium.", "label": "", "image_id": "180476372", "pair_id": "180476372.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The teacher is teaching his class.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is talking to the children.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The teacher and his class are in a classroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A school teacher is showing a picture to his students.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The teacher is explaining a math problem to his students.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The school teacher is praising one of the students drawings.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white teacher thinks Asian students are ignorant.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A Caucasian instructor tells an Asian class about Santa.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Asians students explain Buddhism to a white teacher.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human standing", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", "pair_id": "6915308239.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man shows a photo to a class.", "label": "", "image_id": "6915308239", 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is at the market.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", "pair_id": "4689485382.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is at the market talking to the lady about fabric.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", "pair_id": "4689485382.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a woman with her nephews and nieces.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", "pair_id": "4689485382.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", "pair_id": "4689485382.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a woman with kids.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", "pair_id": "4689485382.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women at a marketplace.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", "pair_id": "4689485382.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women working outdoors at their sari stand.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689485382", 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is playing a violin.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": "3027458414.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is playing an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": "3027458414.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is playing a Dragonforce song.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": "3027458414.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The guitar is being played by the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": "3027458414.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a grandfather playing an electric guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": "3027458414.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is playing an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": "3027458414.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man tunes his guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3027458414", "pair_id": 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"image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is about to get into a car", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the boy is sitting in his bed at home", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the boy is by a vehicle", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is standing next to a red car.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is posing with his father's car.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is by a clothesline.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is under the car", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man getting ready for a date.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young boy sleeping in his bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man improving his look.", "label": "", "image_id": "164954325", "pair_id": "164954325.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a red team and an orange team fighting.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two teams are competing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two teams are almost done with their game.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of men are playing basketball in a gym.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men running very fast towards a soccer ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is kicking a soccer ball towards the net while the opposing team tries to stop them.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two players at a soccer match race.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men compete to see who is faster during soccer.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man instructs a child at school.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are inside", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are competing in a championship game", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are athletes enjoying themselves.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The players are all females.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The players are bored.", "label": "", "image_id": "6420881115", "pair_id": "6420881115.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy and his friends are on their skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is skiing down the mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateboarder fell down.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder is going fast.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A skateboarder goes down a ramp.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a wheelchair is waiting to go down the ramp behind the skateboarder.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The wheelchair ramp is empty.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is skateboarding outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The skateboard has wheels.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is pushing the skateboard up the ramp.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A teen has fallen off the skateboard and it is rolling away.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person in a jacket", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person in a green jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody has a jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "3560891822", "pair_id": "3560891822.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing a blue shirt with gray colored hair looking through a camera towards a mountain in the background outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a tan shirt with blonde hair running down a tree lined street.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing a blue shirt with gray colored hair taking a picture of birds flying toward a mountain in the distance overlooking a pond.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two travelers are sleeping in their bunks.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two travelers are looking at the sites.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is taking pictures of the flowers on the mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man has a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man looks through his binoculars toward the mountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A short man using camera outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women using camera outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person using camera outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man has a camera in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "6156276992", "pair_id": "6156276992.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A car is spraying water when it drives.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A car is standing in the car shed.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A car running in the muddy area.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Rally car wrecks after hitting a deep puddle of mud", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Monster truck runs over 100 cars", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Racecar goes off the track of a race course", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are looking at an empty non moving car.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are watching a car driving.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are watching a car full of people driving.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the car is parked", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the car is a toyota", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a car sprays mud", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a land race.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are toddlers napping indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone fell into the lake during a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "8180474484", "pair_id": "8180474484.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the friends are together", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man and woman played scrabble", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the friends are praciticing for cheerleading", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd gathers near a bicycle display.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "people fight for the best bicycles", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd holds up picket signs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby sleeps in a crib.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people are swimming", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men fight each other for posession of a bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the crowd is angry", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men challenge each other to car races over email.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A friendly fight goes on outdoors near a collection of bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the people move around", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are at a bike race.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are gathered at school.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "bicycles make humans fight for their amusment", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a crowd of people play around on a 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"1257692349.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A human sculpture is in the midst of a crowd of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The human sculpture is playing to bongos.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a person that's skin is painted white in the picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a person standing very still in the picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are happily in a city square.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small group of cats are wandering the streets.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The city square has no people in it", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are in a city square.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The human sculpture is plotting to smite the crowd of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are shopping in a market.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is litter all over the city square", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy does a card trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Onlookers are impressed by the trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People watch another person do a trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1257692349", "pair_id": "1257692349.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man strikes out in the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man hits a home run.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man swings in a baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The golfer is mid-swing, while the people behind him watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The baseball player is swinging too early.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people playing baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a baseball player swings at a ball while the umpire and catcher watch from behind in order to observe the technique.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a baseball player kicks at a ball while the umpire and catcher watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baseball player swings at a ball while the umpire and catcher watch closely.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "He is moving the bat quickly", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "These two are fighting over the bat", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He will hit the ball for a home run", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baseball player hit a homerun.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baseball player has a green and orange helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baseball player is swinging a bat.", "label": "", "image_id": "7981321611", "pair_id": "7981321611.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "No maps were found.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people holding a map.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are on a road trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "These people have lived here for 10 years.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three tourist are lost.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three tourist are looking for the museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are tourists.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are all holding brochures.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are not standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People looking for directions.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People at a train station.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People waiting for a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Several people sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Several people sitting at the dinner table.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Several people sitting on a bench looking at cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "4987272376", "pair_id": "4987272376.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd of women in suits and black dresses stand on a red 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"363701711.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women getting ready for a wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "363701711", "pair_id": "363701711.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of men playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "363701711", "pair_id": "363701711.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women in black are standing behind the red platform.", "label": "", "image_id": "363701711", "pair_id": "363701711.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women in black are a few feet away from the platform.", "label": "", "image_id": "363701711", "pair_id": "363701711.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young ladies are on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "363701711", "pair_id": "363701711.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of women with flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "363701711", "pair_id": "363701711.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of women with flowers standing in a 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A man is painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is working and some people are painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are working and one man is painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is painting people doing work.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is painting a building red.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is taking inventory of his store items.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is painting numbers.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Fresh fish are for sale at an outdoor marketplace.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A fresh catch right off the boat has been delivered for sale to the market.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child stares at a fish tank as guppies and goldfish swim by.", "label": "", "image_id": "2852670181", "pair_id": "2852670181.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man eating ice cream.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An officer patrols before a large parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A police offers patrolling a busy area.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person riding a vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man riding a white motorcycle very fast.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person skydiving.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A criminal running after a robbery.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A police officer riding a motorbike during a parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A police officer riding a motorbike.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Police officer saw the crowd and told them to go away from the road", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Police man and public were friends", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd tried to involve in a activities.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is riding a motorcycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The police officer is patroling the crowded area.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The police officer is eating pizza with the pope.", "label": "", "image_id": "7577634482", "pair_id": "7577634482.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Construction workers getting ready to work.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Construction workers with purple ribbon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Construction workers with orange wire.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People work underground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dinosaurs ate everybody.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People work underground while dinosaurs attacked", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of workers are planning.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of workers are gathered.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of workers are sitting for lunch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a large group of people hanging out on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The construction workers are working outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are construction workers working together.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man was holding a blue hose.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The workers are unraveling the hose.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537620898", "pair_id": "2537620898.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group in orange vests are holding the orange hose 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"label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is fetching a toy to earn a reward.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is swimming in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The toy was thrown", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog loves to play.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog jumps.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is jumping to catch a frisbee.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dalmatian jumps to catch an orange Frisbee.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is sleeping on the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog jumps.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog has no toys.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog jumps.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An orange cat drinks milk.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog plays alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog has fur that is two different colors", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog chases after a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black and white dog loves his yellow toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog enjoys playing with a yellow tow", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A puppy is playing with its owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A black and white dog hates his yellow toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog jumps for his toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A black and white dog jumps for his toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog has red fur", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is chasing his toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A labrador is retrieving a toy its owner threw.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The white sheepdog is sitting patiently.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An animal is getting exercise.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is black and white.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is playing in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat lounges on the porch.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The pet is looking out the window.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is playing alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The object was thrown by someone.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The object is chasing the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is chasing the object.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog tries to catch an object in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is playing with a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the object is a frisbee", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The grass is way too high.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is practicing for an agility competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with a toy in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with his yellow and purple toy in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "1067180831", "pair_id": "1067180831.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man has a mustache.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is old.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is throwing his cellphone in the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holds his cellphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is listening to his mom on the phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man in a blue shirt talking to his friend on the phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man in a blue shirt is giving directions on his phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man in a purple shirt with a beard is talking with friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is talking to someone.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is giving his order to a waiter.", "label": "", "image_id": "410184063", "pair_id": "410184063.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is 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{"context": "A team waits on the field while fans sit and men in suits get photographed.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "These men own the team that stands nearby", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are on the field.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A team is having a celebration on the field.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A team lays down to relax after a rough game.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men getting photographed at half-time.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A team sits on a field", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A team stand on a field", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A basketball game is going on in a stadium and the fans are cheering and standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of men have a picture taken while others stand nearby", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A team stands and waits to meet the owners of the team, who are getting their pictures taken in suits.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders mud wrestling.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Soccer players in a field", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Soccer players won the game", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Baseball players", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are watching the Superbowl.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A sporting event is beng played.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are sitting in a dark room not watching anything.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd gathered during a basketball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "No one showed up to the sporting event.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A large amount of people appeared during the middle of a sporting event", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A soccer team are kicking around soccer balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A soccer team is getting ready to play a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A soccer team is getting ready to play baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": "450701207", "pair_id": "450701207.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is barely anyone around", "label": "", "image_id": "170525554", "pair_id": "170525554.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is taking pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "170525554", "pair_id": "170525554.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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"label": "", "image_id": "367794886", "pair_id": "367794886.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are five kids with the same clothes", "label": "", "image_id": "2367318629", "pair_id": "2367318629.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are kids taking a bath", "label": "", "image_id": "2367318629", "pair_id": "2367318629.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are five girls at a wedding", "label": "", "image_id": "2367318629", "pair_id": "2367318629.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The children are wearing cloaks and hats on their way to school.", "label": "", "image_id": "2367318629", "pair_id": "2367318629.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are kids wearing clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2367318629", "pair_id": "2367318629.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are surfing in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "2367318629", "pair_id": "2367318629.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"4093896865.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people sit down at the table.", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people pose for a photograph.", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple is walking across a bridge together wearing nothing but bathing suits.", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Nobody has a coat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Tall people in coats", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a couple in black coats looking at the camera so they can have their 15 minutes of fame.", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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{"context": "People are wearing black.", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "there is a dog in the foreground", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man is taking pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "there are people in a house taking pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "4093896865", "pair_id": "4093896865.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a red shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man with headphones one, next to a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is rafting along a river.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is standing next to a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing headphones.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding his headphones and is showing them to a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman looked happy while listening to music on the headphones.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They looked surprised after receiving the news.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They looked surprised, holding the headphones.", "label": "", "image_id": "3604383863", "pair_id": "3604383863.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The angry couple reach for 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realizes she has gained 25 pounds.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is trying to find a size 1 wedding dress because anything bigger falls off her.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman seems to have a problem.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is giving flowers to a bride.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman looking for her phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is talking to a person.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women's white dress has a rip in it.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bouquet of flowers in a basket.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men sit bored and want to leave.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human standing", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is standing", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A human standing", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in a wedding dress and her friend are on a street corner with a basket of flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "503872649", "pair_id": "503872649.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bride and the flower girl are waiting on the street 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A man drove through the park in his car.", "label": "", "image_id": "3372022051", "pair_id": "3372022051.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is outdoors with his bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3372022051", "pair_id": "3372022051.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a referee is sleeping in his bed", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a referee is at a hockey game", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a referee is about to call a foul", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There was no hockey game because they couldn't find a puck.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "More than one player wants the hockey puck.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A hockey player punched another one.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The hockey players are playing with a puck.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two players are from opposing teams.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no referee in this hockey game.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two hockey players sit on a bench waiting to get in the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two hockey players engage in a fistfight while the referee runs away.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two hockey remove their gloves before they start fighting.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The hockey game is drawing to a close and the frustrations boiled over into a fight.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The homemaker is washing the dishes.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are angry.", "label": "", "image_id": "8128592454", "pair_id": "8128592454.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The African warrior gets ready for the Hunt", "label": "", "image_id": "3203653804", "pair_id": "3203653804.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are two African people standing up", "label": "", "image_id": "3203653804", "pair_id": "3203653804.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The African 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{"context": "A baby stands up and yells at people walking past.", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby sleeps as people walk past.", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are people walking", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are people walking into the tower", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people running", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple walks in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple walks in front of a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple walks in front of a three story building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4813699569", "pair_id": "4813699569.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A police officer arrests a man for streaking.", "label": "", "image_id": "634940382", "pair_id": "634940382.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A citizen makes a criminal complaint.", "label": "", "image_id": "634940382", "pair_id": "634940382.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "This police officer is a skilled bicyclist.", "label": "", "image_id": "634940382", "pair_id": "634940382.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is annoyed by the biker.", "label": "", "image_id": "634940382", "pair_id": "634940382.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is learning how to swim.", "label": "", "image_id": "634940382", "pair_id": "634940382.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is giving directions.", "label": "", "image_id": "634940382", 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"image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman plays strip poker with her friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are playing with their friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are playing volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women are beating the others.", "label": "", "image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two woman and two others are playing a board game.", "label": "", "image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is moving her thimble piece on a Monopoly board", "label": "", "image_id": "78104952", "pair_id": "78104952.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"3612989048.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "These apartments stand tall as a girl rides by on her bike", "label": "", "image_id": "3612989048", "pair_id": "3612989048.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man spray painting a nice building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3612989048", "pair_id": "3612989048.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young girl is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3612989048", "pair_id": "3612989048.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young girl is standing next to her bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3612989048", "pair_id": "3612989048.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is riding a pink bicycle in the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3612989048", "pair_id": "3612989048.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The blonde woman is sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "3612989048", "pair_id": "3612989048.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A blonde woman is riding her 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "He is blowing the bubbles to make the woman laugh.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is holding a tea tray with both hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are a lot of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man carries a six pack to a truck in a parking lot.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd is gathered for a festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is sitting alone, playing the flute.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is in the middle of a crowd blowing 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"4805120667.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of friends are enjoying the sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The group of friends are very happy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of friends are standing around together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4805120667", "pair_id": "4805120667.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man uses the restroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is outdoors at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is camping in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person walks in the night.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is at the mall shopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman walks to the store at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Woman wearing a light colored jacket walks down a street", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Woman making sandwiches", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Woman wearing a light colored jacket walks down Broadway street", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": " A dark city street containing one woman walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": " A street containing one woman walking and many red parked cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A street is flying on a plane.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The city is safe.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is running.", "label": "", "image_id": "4537351220", "pair_id": "4537351220.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is holding a yellow kite in front of the boy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is with a child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is holding the model airplane in front of the child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and her kids are flying kites.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and her kids are flying kites in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people are laying in the grass, staring at passing clouds.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is driving down the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boys arr flying kites while fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4654662119", "pair_id": "4654662119.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are 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"maybe"}, {"context": "Two people drinking beer outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people drinking at a baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women drinking wine at a bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man hands him a beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man ordered a beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is drinking a wine.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tattooed man inks a girls arm with tattoo ink.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A large tattooed man pours beer into a clubbers mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A tattooed man pours beer into a young man's mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women drinking martinis.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man with tattoos helps another man with his beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tattooed man forces another man to chug a beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are putting on a play.", "label": "", "image_id": "4729526023", "pair_id": "4729526023.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sits on stage while another man 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"7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are competing for some money.", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two boys play basketball outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two boys play soccer outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two boys on the same team, play basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One man blocks a basketball shot", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two friends compete in sports", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two women are playing basketball", "label": "", "image_id": "7663275698", "pair_id": "7663275698.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is working hard.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is snow on the lawn and it's the middle of winter.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lawn is being mowed.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is mowing the grass with a lawn mower.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is mowing the grass with a lawn mower.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is mowing the grass with a lawn mower.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The little boy wanders away from his family outside of the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is asleep in his room.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy in clothes is near a building outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a young man is mowing a lawn", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "there is a bee following the man", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "he is working for a maintenance company", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy rides a lawn mower in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man wearing blue clothes pushes a lawn mower through a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy pushes a machine through the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "918545497", "pair_id": "918545497.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is painting over something she colored as punishment.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is painting on canvas.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "people playing cricket.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "child drawing in the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "girl coloring the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is painting a rainbow on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is flying a kite around outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is holding an object.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is painting a butterfly.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is climbing a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl bends down", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is going to paint a flower", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl stands up to paint", "label": "", "image_id": "363617160", "pair_id": "363617160.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a child sleeping while being pushed in a stroller.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a child with it's eyes closed.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The little baby boy is laughing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The toddler is walking next to the pram.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby is sleeping while his mom pushes him in the pram.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is in the pram.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy sings in a musical play at school.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The little boy is sleeping because he has been tired out by a day at an amusement park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy sleeps in a stroller.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A baby is taking a bath.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby is napping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A baby is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2966930445", "pair_id": "2966930445.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in a blue shirt is watching his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is nothing in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and his dog in the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman waits for her dog to find the ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man watches his parakeet sing inside the cage.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and her pet are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and dog are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog and lady are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is in the grass going to the bathroom while the woman looks on.", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The black dog is watching tv", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A black dog runs in a grassy yard while a woman dressed in green watches from in front of a tan house", "label": "", "image_id": "254475194", "pair_id": "254475194.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The black dog has a lot of energy to run 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late starting and people are getting mad.", "label": "", "image_id": "4319130149", "pair_id": "4319130149.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a basketball game about to start.", "label": "", "image_id": "4319130149", "pair_id": "4319130149.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The baseball game is getting started.", "label": "", "image_id": "4319130149", "pair_id": "4319130149.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "women are playing basketball", "label": "", "image_id": "4319130149", "pair_id": "4319130149.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a dog barks", "label": "", "image_id": "4319130149", "pair_id": "4319130149.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "women are playing a big 12 conference game", "label": "", "image_id": "4319130149", "pair_id": "4319130149.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man steps onto the playing field.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man shoots a basketball at a net.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man bring to the ball back that was thrown out of zone.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a person playing sports outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a man making a touchdown.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is playing chess", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A football player running during a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A football player.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A football player asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man plays for the Minnesota Vikings.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone in the shot is holding a football.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Every person shown is in a hospital bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is playing a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with a cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is running to the touchdown line.", "label": "", "image_id": "241345522", "pair_id": "241345522.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children plant flowers in a garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two little girls pick flowers from several different types of flower.", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two girls pick flowers outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are washing their hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two girls are picking flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are in a field with only yellow flowers.", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girls are playing on a 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the girls are twenty", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two girls are outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "487423680", "pair_id": "487423680.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Woman outside on the balcony", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People camping out at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People outside on the balcony.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is staring over the balcony of a modern building", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is peering over the balcony of a modern building", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sptting over the balcony of a modern building", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The couple were looking at the stars.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people looked up.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man ate dinner alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man on the balcony is waving to the little girl below.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is too busy talking with her father to notice that she has gotten in the wrong car in the parking garage.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is looking at something that the man doesn't see.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are sitting at a desk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are standing in an elevator inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are standing inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4453921617", "pair_id": "4453921617.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are playing with building blocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2719575713", "pair_id": "2719575713.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two toddlers are bored and crying because they have nothing to do.", "label": "", "image_id": "2719575713", "pair_id": "2719575713.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two small 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"7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy rides a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy uses a swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy uses a swing at a play area.", "label": "", "image_id": "7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a kid having fun outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The small child is sitting on the ground crying.", "label": "", "image_id": "7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The mother is pushing her toddler on the swingset at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "7444421214", "pair_id": "7444421214.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "they were married", "label": 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"label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are sitting down at the DMV.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are in the street", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are browsing a sale", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People pass a street sale.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People passed the street sale on accident.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are looking over items for purchase, hoping to find a vase they once had.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a sale on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group stopped to look at the vacuums that were on sale, today.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One person is in the marketplace.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are a group of people together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bunch of people are buying groceries.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of Asian people are walking down the street together while some hold shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of Asians are 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People shop at the weekly farmers market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3331021833", "pair_id": "3331021833.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A couple are dressed as romeo and juliet.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple of people are in costumes", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple is an a costume party", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "No one is wearing a mask.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are at a costumed party.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are wearing accessories.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and woman are going to church.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man and woman are going to a party.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is with a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two siblings are wearing tube sock costumes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two humans are wearing costumes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple are skinny dipping in the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are posing for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two young boys dressed like cows are posing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men dressed as basketball players are running.", "label": "", "image_id": "3047264346", "pair_id": "3047264346.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is throwing a ball to their dog to play a game of fetch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is hunting a bird in a forest.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is retrieving an item.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog has no ball in its mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is running with a ball in its mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is a labrador retriever.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A grey dog with a blue bone sits on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a dog playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black and white dog carrying an orange ball coming out of the water runs to his owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "DOG WALKS WITH A BALL IN ITS MOUTH", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "DOG WITH A BALL IN ITS MOUTH", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "DOG BARKS AT STRANGERS", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is swimming in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is sleeping by a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3515904775", "pair_id": "3515904775.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Many people are in a church during a funeral service.", "label": "", "image_id": "2685727511", "pair_id": "2685727511.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Many people are at the market making business transactions.", "label": "", "image_id": "2685727511", "pair_id": "2685727511.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are at the local 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "About eight women in purple and blue dresses.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One woman in pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman in a pink dress is dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is trying out for a dance troupe.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in a suit is dancing in a theater performance.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a group watching a street performance.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people clapping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are protesting against the sexual dancing of gothic man.", "label": "", "image_id": "3842412009", "pair_id": "3842412009.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child waits for his ice cream cone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4800880656", "pair_id": "4800880656.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child leans on the counter.", "label": "", "image_id": "4800880656", "pair_id": "4800880656.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman drinks a milkshake.", "label": "", "image_id": "4800880656", "pair_id": "4800880656.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is resting at his desk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4800880656", "pair_id": "4800880656.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child with dark hair is cradling their head on the desk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4800880656", "pair_id": "4800880656.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boat is on the dock.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crates are being carried.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The crates are purple.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Blue crates are in the port.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The blue crates are filled with milk jugs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The seagulls are trying to get to the fish inside of the crates on the dock.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Workers are moving crates.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The birds aren't interested in the crates.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are unloading red containers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Guys put some boxes on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men load a ship with blue containers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4391092093", "pair_id": "4391092093.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A circus performer tosses flaming batons in front of his audience.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman tosses batons in front of a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is performing a trick with fire in front of a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is painting a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is a fire eater.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is with other people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is actually a group of penguins in a man costume.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is in danger.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is near fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is playing with fire in the circus.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is near fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is at a spa getting a massage.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is playing with fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs play around with a yellow tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A fire eater is performing in front of a crowd in Toronto.", "label": "", "image_id": "4939912673", "pair_id": "4939912673.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is eating.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is eating pizza.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is having dinner at the table.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is carving the turkey in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An adult makes a sandwich with the lights off.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The husband is playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is preparing something to eat.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is using a microwave.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is working next to a stove.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is using an ax next to a stove.", "label": "", "image_id": "116734115", "pair_id": "116734115.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are crashing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls are wearing speed skates.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody has wheels on their feet.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "some people wore helmets", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the group went horse back riding", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people are skating", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are sleeping in a hammock.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women on rollerblades have an accident.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two rollerblading women collide.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group riding on skates.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of women on ice skates.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A roller derby team competing with each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A team of roller derby people are roller derbying with an audience.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are eating in a quiet cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some women are doing roller derby with an audience.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are eating in a quiet cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some women are doing roller derby with an audience.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A team of roller derby people are roller derbying with an audience.", "label": "", "image_id": "6962167854", "pair_id": "6962167854.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "men digging a trench", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman is digging", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "younger men are digging", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are digging with shovels.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are digging a ditch with shovels.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are playing in the mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men working on the hole outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are putting in a sign on the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men digging a hole with shovels on the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The workers wear hats", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They hit a pipe while digging", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The workers are cleaning gutters", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Four men are working together.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four men are wearing helmets.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four men wearing baseball caps.", "label": "", "image_id": "205404905", "pair_id": "205404905.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some were in a city with tall buildings and people and cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There's a city with tall buildings and people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some were in the countryside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The couple are in a rush to get to the theater and crossing against the light", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are crossing the road against the traffic light", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The couple are sitting in the theater watching a movie", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are at the park, sitting on the grass enjoying a picnic", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are disobeying the warning sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are crossing against the light and a car is bearing down on them", "label": "", "image_id": "2082620071", "pair_id": "2082620071.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a woman cross Main Street.", "label": "", 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"7662830402.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A player is on a mound at a baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "7662830402", "pair_id": "7662830402.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are people peforming a physical activity.", "label": "", "image_id": "7662830402", "pair_id": "7662830402.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are playing a game while on vacation.", "label": "", "image_id": "7662830402", "pair_id": "7662830402.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are sitting on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "7662830402", "pair_id": "7662830402.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are playing soccer.", "label": "", "image_id": "7662830402", "pair_id": "7662830402.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The game is tied.", "label": "", "image_id": "7662830402", "pair_id": "7662830402.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are playing baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": 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{"context": "A man is riding a skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is at the office.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is riding his skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is watching the other man.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3141293960", "pair_id": "3141293960.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is doing skateboard 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"4642442935.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are moving in a crowd with children watching.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a single person walking down the street wondering where all the people went.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are running past a crying child.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child sitting on curb is crying.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The little girl is sitting on the curb eating candy", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The little girl is drinking from a water fountain", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The little girl is exhausted", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a piece of paper with humans on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The family picture had the kids showing and doing silly stuff.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The picture was invisible.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is wearing a dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", "pair_id": "4642442935.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4642442935", 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"2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man jumps.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The action is risky.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Hulk does beadwork.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dark-haired man is midair on a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dark-haired man is lying on the ledge.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dark-haired man is jumping because of a dare.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306497411", "pair_id": "2306497411.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man jumping with his hands up, and a canyon in the 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A seagull flies under another with food while three others follow at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", "pair_id": "3294830188.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Troopers fly swiftly away.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", "pair_id": "3294830188.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Flock of birds fly away with food in beaks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", "pair_id": "3294830188.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Flock of birds fly away.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", "pair_id": "3294830188.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The seagulls are hungry.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", "pair_id": "3294830188.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The seagulls are cooperating.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", "pair_id": "3294830188.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "SOmeone is tossing them bread.", "label": "", "image_id": "3294830188", 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"image_id": "209552483", "pair_id": "209552483.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child throws something to the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": "246094557.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child kicking the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": "246094557.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child throws a stick to the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": "246094557.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is throwing", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": "246094557.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A funny human throwing.", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": "246094557.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human throwing.", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": "246094557.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is sleeping on an airplane.", "label": "", "image_id": "246094557", "pair_id": 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"1399295078.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are wearing boxer shorts and dancing on a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "1399295078", "pair_id": "1399295078.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are co-workers.", "label": "", "image_id": "1399295078", "pair_id": "1399295078.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two men are wearing pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "1399295078", "pair_id": "1399295078.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is trying to catch a frog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is standing up in the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is playing in water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing a life jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is standing on the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy plays in the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a boy standing in a swimming pool", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the boy is in an indoor swimming pool", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a boy is about to begin swimming laps", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy playing in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3033741581", "pair_id": "3033741581.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy building sand castles.", "label": "", 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"image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A lady wearing a pink dress appears to be amish, she is hooking up a carriage to a brown and white spotted horse.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing a dress and preparing her carriage for travel.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Is leaving her amish lifestyle behind.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman aleep near a pond", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman with a horse", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman prepairing for her day", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An old Amish lady attaches a horse to the buggy.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "woman a buggy and a horse", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady is wearing purple.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman drives a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the woman rides a car", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the woman is old", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman and a horse", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An amish lady is attaching a horse to a buggy.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "amish woman heading home", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young Amish girl attaches a horse to a buggy.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman heads to the computer lab", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman hooks a horse to an Amish buggy.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is getting ready to take a ride in a buggy.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is drinking tea.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Amish woman hooks her favorite horse to her favorite buggy.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A wild horse runs in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is Amish.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman owns a horse.", "label": "", "image_id": "5008200231", "pair_id": "5008200231.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men climbed upon the giant robot.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men built this giant robot.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There seems to be a giant robot over the two men.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are spending the day at a museum.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are admiring a sculpture.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are looking at a large painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are standing under the art.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man stand under a painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are standing under a bridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "3601978895", "pair_id": "3601978895.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men stand in line at 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cats are brown.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs are fast.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two animals are playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two dogs are playing outside with a ball", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two white dogs are playing in the pool and one of them is carrying a blue ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is brown and playful.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cat is playing with a cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog enjoys having his picture taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is playing fetch with his owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cat is chasing a ball with another cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs are playing together.", "label": "", "image_id": "2306186887", "pair_id": "2306186887.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman makes art.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman paints a boy.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman cooks a steak.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The artist is at an art fair.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An artist draws a sketch.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A street caricaturist is drawing an exaggerated image for a little kid.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is getting a sketch.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy is making comical faces while being sketched.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone creative is making something funny about another person.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An artist is making 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{"context": "A man sits under a tree in the park to his picture taking by another man.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is a professional caricaturist.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is painting a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is drawing a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "45110113", "pair_id": "45110113.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman cooking dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man resting at an outdoor event.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person laying their head on a bag outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "there is one person in the picture", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the person is riding a bike", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the person is taking a break from the game in the picture", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is at the airport.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person has a hat on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is wearing shorts.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man has a bue bag", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man is waiting for his ride", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man sat on the bench waiting for friends", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": " A man in a blue hat rests his head on a blue and cream bag.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": " A man in a blue hat rests.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman reads on a sun drenched beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4621123071", "pair_id": "4621123071.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The carvings are hieroglyphics.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The carvings are drawn on the wall 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{"context": "A person is looking at ancient etchings on stone wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at artifacts from Egypt.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at sheets in a store.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is looking at artifacts.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone viewing art.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman looking at art.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in dark blue admiring the art.", "label": "", "image_id": "2777787752", "pair_id": "2777787752.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A sock puppet falls asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy out in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "dog attacks mailman", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "man is ready for rain", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "person standing in the rain", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a person is at their sisters house watching movies", "label": "", "image_id": "4624337625", "pair_id": "4624337625.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": 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{"context": "There are two men and a woman in church, the woman is in the back and the men are next to a black piano.", "label": "", "image_id": "2319963351", "pair_id": "2319963351.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three men are painting the outside of the local church.", "label": "", "image_id": "2319963351", "pair_id": "2319963351.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are in a church.", "label": "", "image_id": "2319963351", "pair_id": "2319963351.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are standing", "label": "", "image_id": "2319963351", "pair_id": "2319963351.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are standing in hot lava", "label": "", "image_id": "2319963351", "pair_id": "2319963351.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are tired from standing so long", "label": "", "image_id": "2319963351", "pair_id": "2319963351.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are behind a whale with 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"355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The worker likes their job.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The window is greasy.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cafe is completely empty.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is washing something.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is cleaning the bathroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is at a salad bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": "355817951.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman works at a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "355817951", "pair_id": 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"4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "man selling delicious food", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "girl sleeps in grass", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is preparing sushi.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is cooking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is preparing food.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is throwing out the food in the black container.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is having leftovers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is making a snack.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is preparing something to eat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A Caucasian woman is washing dishes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is making his dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4865202740", "pair_id": "4865202740.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is playing Mario in a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is playing video games with two of his friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is at McDonald's playing video 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{"context": "The boy is not enjoying the video game.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is sitting inside a building playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy plays a video game at mCDonald's", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy plays a game of chess at McDonald's", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The McDonald's restaurant is empty because it closes at 10.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child just finished eating.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy playing Mario on a GameCube at McDonald's.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little kid playing GameCube.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little girl playing Sonic on the SEGA at Burger King's.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is playing video games at McDonald's", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is playing a Sony Playstation at a Pizza Hut.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is having a birthday party at McDonald's and there is a Nintendo Gamecube set up.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young person plays with a GameCube kiosk at McDonald's.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sad boy plays with a GameCube kiosk at McDonald's.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young girl plays with a GameCube kiosk at McDonald's.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child enjoying video games while standing up.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child enjoying video games.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child enjoying video games in his house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1012150929", "pair_id": "1012150929.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A lady talks on the phone as she walks along.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy teaches his mother how to use her smart phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman talks on the phone as she walks to work.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is talking on the phone outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is making an important business call.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing a large jacket and is carrying shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is on the phone in her room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is using her phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is asking someone for directions on her phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman walks down the street talking on her cellphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is taking an important call on her cell phone as she walks down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman rides in a taxi and looks out the window.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is running on the track.", "label": "", "image_id": "3642570796", "pair_id": "3642570796.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is talking 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are kissing", "label": "", "image_id": "3655092860", "pair_id": "3655092860.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple taking a ride on a roller coster an an amusement park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3655092860", "pair_id": "3655092860.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young couple sharing a kiss at their campout on the edge of a stream in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "3655092860", "pair_id": "3655092860.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young couple are caught in a photo sharing a kiss while standing at the edge of a steam in a deep green grass field outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3655092860", "pair_id": "3655092860.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple kisses at their wedding next to a riverbank.", "label": "", "image_id": "3655092860", "pair_id": "3655092860.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One person wearing white kisses another person wearing white 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"112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is drinking coffee at work.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is on her way to work with coffee in hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking with coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One person is standing on a bridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is riding a bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is bringing coffee to her boss.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in a pink shirt and blue jeans is walking 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "It is raining while the lady walks.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cup is being held by a lady.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is holding her coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is driving her car.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is going shopping for new clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "112719695", "pair_id": "112719695.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A big wall with graffiti on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A big wall with no graffiti on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A big wall with graffiti art on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are strangers to eachother.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are wearing yellow shirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are three people wearing shirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The 3 people standing outside are trying to figure out what they want to paint on the wall behind them.", "label": "", "image_id": "307000532", "pair_id": "307000532.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The 3 people are sitting on a red 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"3805841948.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is holding a basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3805841948", "pair_id": "3805841948.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl wearing white is playing with her friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "3805841948", "pair_id": "3805841948.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is inside a cave.", "label": "", "image_id": "3805841948", "pair_id": "3805841948.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is playing sports.", "label": "", "image_id": "3805841948", "pair_id": "3805841948.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two dogs are running on a beach in california", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two dogs are sleeping in their race car bed", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two dogs are running in the sand", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat and a hamster eyeball each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs near each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are two dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are enjoying the morning playing in the ocean spray.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are tumbling across the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs are running on the rocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs chasing at ball at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs running on a beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat sitting on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A black dog walks towards the golden dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black dog is wary of the other dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs prepare to fight.", "label": "", "image_id": "524282699", "pair_id": "524282699.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people are sitting on the grass", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the people are women", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "three people are freefalling", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people skydiving are friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are skydiving.", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are making good on a bet.", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some kids are jumping rope.", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", "pair_id": "5899799040.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Humans skydiving.", "label": "", "image_id": "5899799040", 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is wearing a bathing suit at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are four humans outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The 4 people got lost", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The 4 people in the snow were wearing bathing suits and walking near a small building", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two of the people are women.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are four people outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are four people laying in a bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are walking near a ski resort.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people play at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone in the picture is dressed inappropriately for the weather.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man lying down in the desert", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is topless", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men are 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"maybe"}, {"context": "A man, along with three others, is happily standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four men stand in the snow and one is wearing shorts.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "It is more than 95 degrees in this photograph.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man, along with four others, is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man, along with three others, is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is cold", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is covered in honey", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are without shirts and still enjoying the outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are without shirts and still enjoying the cold temperature outside their warm cabin in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are drinking beer in the car.", "label": "", "image_id": "6853913173", "pair_id": "6853913173.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An elderly Asian woman wearing a stethoscope sits outside near a bicycle while a red car is about to pass by.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An elderly Asian woman wearing a straw-like hat sits outside near a green bicycle while a gray car is about to pass by.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sitting outside near a pedaled device, and a vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young European woman is resting in a rickshaw.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "an elderly woman wearing a hat is resting next to a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A Chinese woman is between four tires.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is holding something.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An woman holds out her empty hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is carrying shopping bags full of groceries.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is sitting downtown with her possesions next to her.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is sleeping in her bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is homeless.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sits outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is selling stuff in a flea market.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sitting in an indoor market.", "label": "", "image_id": "4889307357", "pair_id": "4889307357.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A basketball game is happening.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A basketball player hits a buzzer-beater to win the game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A sports player is kicking a soccer ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The player is a great passer.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman puts on a jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The basketball player prepares to make a play.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is playing hockey.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing in an NBA game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is shooting some basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is shooting a basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A basketball game is in progress.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A basketball player sits on the bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "3147913471", "pair_id": "3147913471.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The basketball player is 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"4764827031.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple of homeless men are trying to catch a few minutes of sleep before the police chase them away.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two homeless men sleep outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are watching TV inside the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are sleeping outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is thinking about the garbage can he is laying his head on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is juggling cats by a garbage can.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man lays down on a city stoop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The trash containers were placed next to each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A homeless guy taking a nap outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman waits in the waiting room.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people are drunk and sleeps in the front door", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people got killed", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people taking rest in front door", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man lying on the sidewalk is wearing a green shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man with the green shirt and blue pants is sitting on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is lying on a sidewalk in front of his own house.", "label": "", "image_id": "4764827031", "pair_id": "4764827031.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of farm workers are waiting for a ride to the fields.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the people are patiently waiting", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": 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{"context": "Workers eating lunch together.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A single worker on a line.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Workers exchanging food with one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are standing up.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is people outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are tailgaiting.", "label": "", "image_id": "140557878", "pair_id": "140557878.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young child is in trouble and need help to get down from a tree branch.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A tree branch is the home for a man and his young child.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Father hold his young child on a tree branch.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man holds a parrot in a house.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and a kid and a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A father and a kid and a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little girl in a blue shirt and blue Crocs stands in the branches of a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "724530150", "pair_id": "724530150.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little person in a blue shirt and blue 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"1051953669.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a little boy plays with his action figures", "label": "", "image_id": "1051953669", "pair_id": "1051953669.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little girl holds a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1051953669", "pair_id": "1051953669.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little girl holds her toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1051953669", "pair_id": "1051953669.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little girl holds a live puppy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1051953669", "pair_id": "1051953669.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Passerby shops for fruits at a market.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Passerby is getting stuff for dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Passerby shops for vegetables at a market.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Bazzaar is always crowded on the weekend.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd enters the baseball stadium.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A huge crwod fills the street market.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people have umbrellas", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are walking", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4567352607", "pair_id": "4567352607.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are sunning themselves on the beach.", "label": 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"label": "", "image_id": "5648957534", "pair_id": "5648957534.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is stealing vegetables from their neighbor.", "label": "", "image_id": "5648957534", "pair_id": "5648957534.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man riding a bicycle down a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2825483885", "pair_id": "2825483885.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man riding a bicycle down a mud road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2825483885", "pair_id": "2825483885.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man riding a bus down a road", "label": "", "image_id": "2825483885", "pair_id": "2825483885.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is biking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2825483885", "pair_id": "2825483885.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is doing bikes tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2825483885", "pair_id": "2825483885.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", 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"image_id": "5893481130", "pair_id": "5893481130.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman waits to be picked up.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man looks at the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman waits for her husband to pick her up.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman can't find her bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman has a blue umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "It is raining outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is not sitting in a chair.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is sitting on the ground and waiting patiently for her father to pick her up outside of the airport.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is playing a tune on the piano while people are sitting on the lawn outside of the stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman has exposed arms.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing a coat.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is at the airport.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is running through the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is holding a teal umbrella while sitting down waiting for someone.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman sitting and holding an umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "463554115", "pair_id": "463554115.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is in the air over a ramp.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateboarder skates down a red rail.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder prepares to safely land.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A PERSON IS RIDING A SKATEBOARD ON A RAMP.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A MOTOCROSS RIDER IS JUMPING FROM A RAMP.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "THERE IS A PERSON IN A SKATE PARK.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is performing tricks on a scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wins first prize with his skateboard jump.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman performs a skateboard jump.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is in a skateboard competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is ice skating.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is riding a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is performing a snowboard trick with his friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man performs a stunt with his skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is in a skateboarding competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is performing skateboard tricks for the first time.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy is skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is using a skateboard ramp to perform jumps.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is skateboarding at the X Games.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A male is doing a skateboard trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateboarder is sleeping on his couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder does tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateboarder does tricks for money.", "label": "", "image_id": "3221036999", "pair_id": "3221036999.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the ymca pool overflows while a blonde and girl with glasses look on", "label": "", "image_id": "136151338", "pair_id": "136151338.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two girls are playing flag football.", "label": "", "image_id": "136151338", "pair_id": "136151338.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is reading a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "136151338", "pair_id": "136151338.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "She is looking into the sky to see another planet.", "label": "", "image_id": "136151338", "pair_id": "136151338.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a girl spots jupiter through a telescope", "label": "", "image_id": "136151338", "pair_id": "136151338.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl has a black telescope.", "label": "", "image_id": "136151338", "pair_id": "136151338.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a girl participates in a field trip", "label": "", 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man sits on a road", "label": "", "image_id": "4811469218", "pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4811469218", "pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person walking through a busy outdoor street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4811469218", "pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is walking to work.", "label": "", "image_id": "4811469218", "pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a woman wearing sunglasses walks down a busy street", "label": "", "image_id": "4811469218", "pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman wearing sunglasses walks down a busy street avoiding others", "label": "", "image_id": "4811469218", "pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is at the movies.", "label": "", 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"pair_id": "4811469218.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "couple holding their baby at a ceremony", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "couple takes their baby to zoo", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "an american couple holds their new born baby", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The priest is trying to convert a woman to his religion.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The priest is making food for a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The priest is holding a book and looking at a woman and her baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are christian people in a church.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A priest wearing a robe is performing the baptism ceremony.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is being baptised by the nun.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man holding a child is watching because he doesn't like that the other man is staring at the baby", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are a few people looking at different things", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is looking at anything", "label": "", "image_id": "3420469425", "pair_id": "3420469425.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The 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"4818743912.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women dressed up for Halloween are carrying luggage to their room.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818743912", "pair_id": "4818743912.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are wearing clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818743912", "pair_id": "4818743912.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are shown naked.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818743912", "pair_id": "4818743912.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are wearing Halloween costumes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4818743912", "pair_id": "4818743912.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two people were having a great conversation with one another", "label": "", "image_id": "4818743912", "pair_id": "4818743912.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are standing and talking to each other", "label": "", "image_id": "4818743912", "pair_id": "4818743912.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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"pair_id": "4351734575.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of guitar players are clean shaven and properly dressed for the elegant affair.", "label": "", "image_id": "4351734575", "pair_id": "4351734575.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The group of clowns are playing funny tunes in their circus act.", "label": "", "image_id": "4351734575", "pair_id": "4351734575.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is looking in a freezer.", "label": "", "image_id": "6274309052", "pair_id": "6274309052.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is looking in a freezer.", "label": "", "image_id": "6274309052", "pair_id": "6274309052.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is looking for food.", "label": "", "image_id": "6274309052", "pair_id": "6274309052.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is the woman's son.", "label": "", "image_id": "6274309052", "pair_id": "6274309052.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are inside eating Chinese food.", "label": "", "image_id": "4690243307", "pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "4690243307", "pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are shopping for each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "4690243307", "pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "All shopping centers in Asia are vacant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4690243307", "pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people in an Asian shopping center.", "label": "", "image_id": "4690243307", "pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are several tourist in a shopping center in a city in Taiwan.", "label": "", "image_id": "4690243307", "pair_id": "4690243307.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"Two young men talk about basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "4947072825", "pair_id": "4947072825.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young men talk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4947072825", "pair_id": "4947072825.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two young men visit a penitentiary.", "label": "", "image_id": "4947072825", "pair_id": "4947072825.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are trying to design a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4947072825", "pair_id": "4947072825.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young men are looking at papers on a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "4947072825", "pair_id": "4947072825.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are three women playing cards.", "label": "", "image_id": "4947072825", "pair_id": "4947072825.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is wearing a black hoodie.", "label": "", "image_id": "2638369467", "pair_id": "2638369467.jpg#4r1c", 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is going to bed for the night, but didn't have time to change into his pajamas.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is awake", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kid is taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid is awake and playing video games.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kid is sleeping under his favorite pink blanket.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kid is in his pajamas and awake.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is wearing clothes", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", 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"14252494.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid in a red jeans and purple socks sleeping with a red blanket.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a child asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is tired from playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is sleeping outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": "14252494.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "This kid is not wearing socks.", "label": "", "image_id": "14252494", "pair_id": 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"3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two motorists are riding along on their vehicle that is oddly designed", "label": "", "image_id": "3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boys rode through the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boys rode through the water on the boat towards their favorite fishing spot.", "label": "", "image_id": "3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girls road the boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are males.", "label": "", "image_id": "3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boat is large.", "label": "", "image_id": "3130064588", "pair_id": "3130064588.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The 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{"context": "A girl is climbing the stairs to the diving board.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A blond girl is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is swimming on Mars.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "This child is at a water park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some other children are also swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A redheaded child tans on a beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The blond child is holding his breath while underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blond child is swimming at the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The blond child is swimming fast.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little girl in a red bikini is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The blond child is on a diving board.", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is playing the tuba.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child cries by the poolside", "label": "", "image_id": "1113186657", "pair_id": "1113186657.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman wearing a shit and holding a baby looks down at a girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is looking down at her child.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A father wearing swimming trunks holding a cat looks down at his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The mom does not like the daughter.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The mom and boy are together.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The mom is without her kids today.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A family is on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman, a baby, and a girl are on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of boys are on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is outside in the park with two children, one is in her arms", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is watching over two children", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is helping a child walk, while holding her other child's hand", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Humans are looking at eachtoerh", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She is wary of something", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is eating dinner", "label": "", "image_id": "2034865941", "pair_id": "2034865941.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is inside sipping on a soda.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The smiling boy is by a swimming pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing floaties.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy never saw water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is ready to swim.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid hangs out near by water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The smiling boy has a bathing suit on.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A happy kid is in an area designated for swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is in a high chair while his mother feeds him maggots from an old baseball hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a dog in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is about to go swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a kid near a swimming pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy getting pushed from diving board.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy getting ready to canon ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy by the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1439046601", "pair_id": "1439046601.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist applying tattoo ink", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist not applying tattoo ink", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist happily applying tattoo ink", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist is working.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist is using a needle to put a tattoo on a client.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is having her hair dyed red.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy is looking for human eyes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A doctor is operating on a person.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is performing an operation.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist doing their job in a new shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist doing their job.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist jumping in the river with friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist is working.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist is working on a tattoo for an old woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A tattoo artist is taking a lunch break outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4848627833", "pair_id": "4848627833.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is about to ride a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing red.", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is running through a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman is bending over the open hood of a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in a store is working on a bike wheel.", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man in a red uniform is fixing the wheel of a bicycle inside a cycling store.", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people in a 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"label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "people are getting their bikes fixed", "label": "", "image_id": "3556037801", "pair_id": "3556037801.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "White and black men in wet black shirts hold hands outside as they run.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "White and black gay women in wet black shirts hold hands outside as they run.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "White and black women in wet shirts hold hands outside as they run.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "she must have his hand walk quickly along a city sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "she have have some thing his hand", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "she doesn't have any thing", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two young women looking to be under 25 in black dry t-shirts are holding hands as they walk in a public space full of people, with a large building in the back.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two young women just won a wet t-shirt contest.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young women are in black t-shirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women are holding hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women are in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Dogs are eating ice cream.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two girls walk through downtown.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some kids take public transit.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some kids play in the backyard.", "label": "", "image_id": "4733464337", "pair_id": "4733464337.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the girl is dead.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is climbing", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is holding onto a vine.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy wearing a pink dress swings.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl wearing a pink dress swings.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl swings over water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy holds his breath underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is about to splash in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is moving through the air outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is swinging above water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is already in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is on a rope swing", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is swinging on a tire swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is swinging toward the water to jump in.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is swinging.", "label": "", "image_id": "3506468593", "pair_id": "3506468593.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Black cat is carrying something in its mouth and running in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A big dog is carrying something in its mouth and running in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is carrying something in its mouth and running in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is running outside with a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is eating its last meal before bedtime.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog has a toy in its mouth.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A black dog swims in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A black dog running outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black dog plays fetch with a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a black dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is white.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A black dog runs through the grass carrying its toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is playing fetch.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white dog is sitting under a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "476760133", "pair_id": "476760133.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Nobody is cooking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall person cooking", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human cooking", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is grilling", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is making hamburgers.", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman bowling.", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is wearing a red tank top and a purple skirt", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a girl in a blue shirt and jeans at the BBQ", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Girl in shirt and pants at the party", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the woman is white", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the woman is naked", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman in jeans", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is walking on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is cooking outdoor.", "label": "", "image_id": "2551697465", "pair_id": "2551697465.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A 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"2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is riding on a green John Deere tractor.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The tractor is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is driving a Ford pickup truck.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An empty road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is working late, after dark.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person on a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", "pair_id": "2826039524.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is working hard.", "label": "", "image_id": "2826039524", 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in a bikini takes pictures of herself.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman in a bikini is a photographer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in a bikini takes pictures of strangers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is with three other people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is taking a picture of her friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing a coat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people pose in front of a clothing shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three teenage girls are shopping for new clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people stand inside a clothing shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and 3 friends tan laying on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some tourists from Chicago take pictures of each other near the beach shops.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is taking the picture of her three friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", "pair_id": "4502461485.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman has a black and white bathing suit.", "label": "", "image_id": "4502461485", 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"2558512615.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby is playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", "pair_id": "2558512615.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", "pair_id": "2558512615.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A baby is playing with a cellphone at daycare.", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", "pair_id": "2558512615.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is napping on a soft blanket on the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", "pair_id": "2558512615.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby plays with a cellphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", "pair_id": "2558512615.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a baby looks the television", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", "pair_id": "2558512615.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a baby looks at a cell phone", "label": "", "image_id": "2558512615", 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"7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three women are juggling balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two people are in front of a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are moving around.", "label": "", "image_id": "7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is doing a handstand for the crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is doing a handstand.", "label": "", "image_id": "7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is on a trampoline.", "label": "", "image_id": "7806900624", "pair_id": "7806900624.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are sitting down talking.", "label": "", 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"label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is biting something.", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a dog biting", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a dog sitting relaxing", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a dog biting the broom to avoid a man", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a dog is sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is teething.", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": "487894806.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is chewing.", "label": "", "image_id": "487894806", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the women are being arrrested after fighting", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the women are sisters", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women are swimming in a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are walking to the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ladies are crossing the street to a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ladies are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ladies are working out in the gym.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#4r6e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are walking in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#4r6n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women are walking on a running track at the local high school.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#4r6c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three women are wearing cloths.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three women are wearing black jackets.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three women are sitting at a dining table.", "label": "", "image_id": "4110079813", "pair_id": "4110079813.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are going about their normal business in San Francisco, and in front of this laundromat is no exception.", "label": "", "image_id": "4626192243", "pair_id": "4626192243.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several people are in front of a laundromat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4626192243", "pair_id": "4626192243.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "San Francisco is deserted because of a natural disaster.", "label": "", "image_id": "4626192243", "pair_id": "4626192243.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in blue fainted while crossing the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4626192243", "pair_id": "4626192243.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in blue sits on the side of the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "4626192243", "pair_id": "4626192243.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person wearing blue is lying in 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"pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is alone at her computer desk.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are some people with a board game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are playing catch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people play checkers in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two kids are playing a board game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two kids are playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girls were swinging outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3009713124", "pair_id": "3009713124.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A basketball player playing during a school tournament.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A basketball player throwing a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A football player carrying a pass.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bored crowd watch a kid shooting some hoops", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man excites a crowd with his amazing basketball skills", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The worst basketball ever plays in front of a crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Anderson player is shooting while people look on", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Anderson player is shooting in order to win the competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Anderson player is shooting at his opponent and teammate.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The Anderson basketball team is practicing while the Mavs players watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two boys are wearing \"Anderson\" basketball uniforms.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": "6422968349.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three boys are playing soccer.", "label": "", "image_id": "6422968349", "pair_id": 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"161347959.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman sits as she plays a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is playing her favorite song on her guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is playing love songs on her guitar for money.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is dancing while listening to a woman playing a violin.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is playing a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young woman is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The young woman is playing 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{"context": "A woman plays harmonica at a beach luau.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Indian girl playing an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An Indian boy playing chess.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An Indian girl playing a guitar and it is an electric guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "161347959", "pair_id": "161347959.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Four children wait for their uncle in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of 4 children sit in front of an establishment with iron bars.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four adults stand at a bus stop.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "four children sit on stools", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "four kids want to get up and play", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a group of 4 African-American children sitting on stools.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are bored", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are riding llamas through the forest.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "four kids sleep on a bed", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are sitting at a bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a group of 4 African-American children standing and playing with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are drinking water.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a group of 4 African-American children waiting for their dad to get off work.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are taking a photo for their class.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children are having their photos taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Elderly people take a photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are three children sitting on stools.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Four children are sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four children are in a blue building with animal paintings.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman paints her toenails.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Four children and a teacher in a classroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four kids and a man in a room.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four young boys wearing blue jeans and white shirts lounge in a living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four clothed children relaxing in a room.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three middle aged men work at desks.", "label": "", "image_id": "246120654", "pair_id": "246120654.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Young men hide from their friends under the deck at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young men bury treasure on a deserted island beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Young men enjoy the shade under the deck while at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A shirtless boy standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is walking on the pier.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is taking a break from swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is under a boardwalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man is sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man is standing under a wooden structure.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man is waiting for someone to join him.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is at the beach in June.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is riding a skateboard down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is at the beach", "label": "", "image_id": "4444360528", "pair_id": "4444360528.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three cats", "label": "", "image_id": 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{"context": "Three labs greeting each other on a field of newly watered grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two cats stand by their litter box.", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Brown animals sniffing", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nothing is sniffing", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Animals sniffing", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The three orange dogs are playing with each other in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs and an orange cat are in the swimming pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three dogs are in the vicinity of grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1570723692", "pair_id": "1570723692.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Boy playing outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Boy plays in water sprays while a girl looks on.", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is kicking a soccer ball in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy plays outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy happily plays outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy doesn't play outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is riding a mower.", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": " A boy plays in the fountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": " A young boy plays in the sprinkling fountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the little boy is trying to escape from the summer heat", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the little girl plays with her guitar inside", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The little boy is playing", "label": "", "image_id": "2564663851", "pair_id": "2564663851.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "boy 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"label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is chasing a ball through the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A muddy dog is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog was playing in the mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog has never been near mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog has a lower body.", "label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog running through the park after rolling in the mud.", "label": "", "image_id": "1522787272", "pair_id": "1522787272.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog laying 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"3855557050.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are women at a Wiccan gathering.", "label": "", "image_id": "3855557050", "pair_id": "3855557050.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are men in front of trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "3855557050", "pair_id": "3855557050.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are women in front of trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "3855557050", "pair_id": "3855557050.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is drinking tea.", "label": "", "image_id": "3855557050", "pair_id": "3855557050.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3855557050", "pair_id": "3855557050.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman can't find her dog at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3855557050", "pair_id": "3855557050.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with his son.", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with a child.", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sits alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Father holds his son in the air", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "women raises young girl in sky", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man holds young boy in air", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is holding his child.", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "THe man is wearing a white shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is holding a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "this is the childs favorite game", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the child is being held over the adults head", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the child is throwing a tantrum on the ground because he wants to go home", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a child molestor is keeping a baby happy", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a baby just got finished getting a bath", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man is playing with a baby", "label": "", "image_id": "3726730085", "pair_id": "3726730085.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids are watching TV.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Boys and girls are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are in chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Pre-teen students are in a class awaiting the teacher.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Students are eating in the cafeteria.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Pre-teen students are in a class.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the children are climbing all over the 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"4185308266.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are five children sitting in folding chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of children are sitting near a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4185308266", "pair_id": "4185308266.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is stretching.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog has white spots.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cat scratches his neck.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog looks up with his head on a carpeted step.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black dog looks up with his head on a wooden step.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cat playing with its kittens.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Cat sitting on the carpet", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dog sitting on turf", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is running outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The rottweiller step of the green carpeted stair", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is trying to go to sleep, but it's too noisy.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cat is laying next to the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The black dog is laying with its heads and paws on the first step of the stair.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The rottweiller going to outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dog sitting on carpet", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is laying down inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The 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"2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is resting on the couch in the living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is resting on the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2774362575", "pair_id": "2774362575.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is sitting on a motorcycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is outside resting on his motorcycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing jeans, and a red shirt is riding a motorcycle on a highway.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing a tshirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man riding a moped to the store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man flying a plane.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is on a his snowboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is on his blue scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man is on his scooter.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is on a scooter", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man fell asleep while driving a scooter", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is swimming in a pool", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is old.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is awake.", "label": "", "image_id": "4807464371", "pair_id": "4807464371.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Colored strings hang from three levels of a mall because it's a major holiday.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Colored strings hang from three levels of a mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Black and white strings hang from a hospital.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are steamers hanging", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are steamers that fell", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are steamers hanging in the entrance", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A mall from the inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The outside of a mall taken from a parking lot.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An empty mall from the inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The mall was completely trashed by the hoodlums, trash cans tipped over, trash everywhere - broken glass and ripped banners.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are decorations in this picture, and they are inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The local color-guard team has hung their team colors in the local mall to bolster support for this weekends upcoming homecoming football game.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A mall had an escalator going to the second floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A double level shopping facility.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Inside of a doctor's office.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755080905", "pair_id": "4755080905.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs meet each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs are at a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One dog runs through a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the dogs are in the woods eating", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the cats eat steak", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the dogs are in in the woods", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs about to get into a fight.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs running away from a pack of cats.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs getting to know eachother.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs are sitting outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two robots are in the forest.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two dogs", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dogs are asleep on the couch", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636876892", "pair_id": "2636876892.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is jumping into the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is jumping in front of a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is stranded in the middle of a desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is in bed sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is splashing around in the waters outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2671602981", "pair_id": "2671602981.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People laying out in the sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are getting a suntan.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people plays volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two sunbathers are on the pavement", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "3 sunbathers are on the sand", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two sunbathers are on the pavement sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are spray painting graffiti.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The pair of men shorts laid on the concrete surrounded by graffiti", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A pair of men skateboard across the drainage culvert.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A pair of men are on a dance floor in a concert hall practicing their dance moves.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A pair of men are outside laying down.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A pair of men in shorts surrounded by graffiti lay on the concrete in a drainage culvert.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men in orange shirts lay on the ground near red and blue graffiti.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are in dirt", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There weren't any shorts there", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are skateboarding on the concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are laying on the concrete in a culvert with graffiti around them.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A pair of men who have just tagged a drainage culvert lay down and enjoy their graffiti work.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a pair of men on concreete.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The shorts were just laying there on the sidewalk near the graffiti", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A pair of men in shorts lay on the concrete eating lunch surrounded by graffiti.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are fully clothed.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are sleeping in Speedo suits.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are sleeping in Speedo suits after a long day a the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people lay on concrete", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "boy running up the stairs", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "they want to get tan", "label": "", "image_id": "4542018647", "pair_id": "4542018647.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two ladies are twerking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two ladies are sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two ladies are sitting and talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is running.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is selling things.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is selling food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is fast asleep on her couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An attractive woman is busy working in an office.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is working.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Grain is for sale in the market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is stockpiling grain to create an almighty grain empire.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is selling in an outdoor market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Women selling fruit at a market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women are at the market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women selling grains at a market to feed their families.", "label": "", "image_id": "3338249860", "pair_id": "3338249860.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy eats KFC in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy plays fetch with his 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy tried to take the stick from the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is playing with a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is playing tug with his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is combing his dog's fur.", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy eats a sandwich", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy plays with a dog", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy holds a stick", "label": "", "image_id": "3151860914", "pair_id": "3151860914.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, 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"4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One guy is wearing a white hoodie.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man rides his motorcycle on a sunny day.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two guys are practicing skateboard", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The guy is wearing a black hoodie.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two young men enjoy skateboard", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy is skateboarding at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The guy is good at skate boarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One guy is wearing a red hoodie.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is riding a skateboard on a ramp.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girls is doing tricks on a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy wearing a helmet is skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is barefoot.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The rollerblader is in a competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "4174532000", "pair_id": "4174532000.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A rollerblader 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{"context": "a presentation is underway", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "three women shake hands", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "three guys are on stage shaking hands with someone else", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women watch people shake hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Gentlemen watch others shake hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two gentlemen watch a man and a women shake hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men in blue tuxedos are shaking hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are shaking hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Boys are skateboarding outside of school.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the men accepted the reward", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the men are the actors", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the kids clapped", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men are accepting an honor.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are accepting an honor.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are riding a cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4831421234", "pair_id": "4831421234.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing an orange sweater holds a broom and dustpan.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man surrounded by chairs holds a hammer while wearing a grey sweatshirt", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man wearing a sweatshirt is building chairs", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man holding a hammer and squats on the floor while wearing a hooded shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Jim enjoyed building his kids a fort.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man holding a wrench stands in his garage.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a gray hooded jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in the jackets finds the missing piece to the puzzle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man found the broken door.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a t-shirt holding a gun.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man smiling for his picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women on the floor is unresponsive.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a man laying on the floor between some chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man laying on the floor between the chairs is awake.", "label": "", "image_id": "3156379613", "pair_id": "3156379613.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog runs along the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1057251835", "pair_id": "1057251835.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cat ran along the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1057251835", "pair_id": "1057251835.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog runs along the beach to it's owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1057251835", "pair_id": "1057251835.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is chasing 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is running in the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1057251835", "pair_id": "1057251835.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is having fun at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1057251835", "pair_id": "1057251835.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is sleeping in the shade.", "label": "", "image_id": "1057251835", "pair_id": "1057251835.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Football players are taking a shit", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Football players are getting ready for the championship game", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Football players are taking a stance", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some football players need to talk the tactics through before the 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"The boys are about to play in their first football game of the season.", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are watching a group of players.", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The football game is being played outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Adults are watching a game of football.", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The referee is kicking a football.", "label": "", "image_id": "8042519212", "pair_id": "8042519212.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A cart is full of potatoes.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are staring at two young men.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls are pulling a cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are pulling something.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men are dressed as cows.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two men are pulling a parade float for Halloween.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are not wearing anything.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The guys are pulling a large cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The guys are wearing potato sacks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two teenagers are wearing sack clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Teenagers ride a float in the parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple of teenagers are in the parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the men are going to race.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the men are wearing sacks.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the men are dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2907919943", "pair_id": "2907919943.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Ladies attending for medical checkup", "label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "143572368", "pair_id": "143572368.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is in a river", "label": "", "image_id": "143572368", "pair_id": "143572368.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is doing laundry", "label": "", "image_id": "143572368", "pair_id": "143572368.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A white woman folds her laundry in her bedroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "143572368", "pair_id": "143572368.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "143572368", "pair_id": "143572368.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dark-skinned woman who is wearing a turban and nothing else stands in the water doing laundry.", "label": "", "image_id": "143572368", "pair_id": "143572368.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The three people are eating in a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"4476440464.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people seem to be assisting another person medically.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are trying to save the life of a copy machine.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women are wearing stethoscopes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are operating on a person.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are running.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women have white stethoscopes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people of 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"image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A doctor with his assistants are working in an office.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three doctors operate.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three doctors decided to work for free, on a wealthy American patient.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three doctors remove parasites.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several people are inside a tent.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some nurses are working in the tent.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The medical personnel work in a hospital.", "label": "", "image_id": "4476440464", "pair_id": "4476440464.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman had just had an abortion.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The blonde woman was smiling at the camera", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group is gathered outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "At protest, woman smiles.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are watching show.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman was crying and the people were consoling her", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The is a gathering of people outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "While they are protesting,a woman smiles at camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cops might have to beat some people up.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group playing charades.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A protest is sure to attract police officers.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are eating dinner inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is smiling at the camera", "label": 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"A man in a business suit is frowning at the camera in an empty street.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The blond woman is smiling at the camera while a crowd talks behind her.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The blond woman looks unhappy as she walks toward her friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A blond woman smiles over her shoulder at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people hang around outside", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dark-haired woman walks toward the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man watches TV inside on his couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A blonde lady in a brown hat and black shirt is looking over her shoulder, smiling at a camera, while a group of people chatter behind her.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Brunette man facing group of people on sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is at a photo shoot", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Picture of a woman with people surrounding her.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There a re some pople standing on a sidewalk around a blond woman wearing a black shirt and khaki hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman just noticed she was having a picture taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman wearing a yellow dress looks at the camera, and other people are standing around behind her", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman looks at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There's several people on the sidewalk", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is a teenager", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An old woman is looking into a camera", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman is looking at the camera with a crowd behind her", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young man smiles at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is cooking breakfast inside", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman is looking at the camera with a crowd looking at her", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A blond girl in a weird hat looks at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "1419394636", "pair_id": "1419394636.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skinny girl 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"3239142107.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and woman lean against a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3239142107", "pair_id": "3239142107.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Bob was wearing his peach colored tshirt while talking to a long braided hair lady.", "label": "", "image_id": "3239142107", "pair_id": "3239142107.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Bob went to the library.", "label": "", "image_id": "3239142107", "pair_id": "3239142107.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Bob was talking to Susan.", "label": "", "image_id": "3239142107", "pair_id": "3239142107.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man talked to the woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3239142107", "pair_id": "3239142107.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman sat and read the book.", "label": "", "image_id": "3239142107", "pair_id": "3239142107.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They talked about the upcoming 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man holds a paintbrush.", "label": "", "image_id": "132298659", "pair_id": "132298659.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old man holds a red paintbrush while in overalls.", "label": "", "image_id": "132298659", "pair_id": "132298659.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a man with a paintbrush.", "label": "", "image_id": "132298659", "pair_id": "132298659.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is about to paint a fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "132298659", "pair_id": "132298659.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman is holding white coveralls.", "label": "", "image_id": "132298659", "pair_id": "132298659.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is falling down stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2544182005", "pair_id": "2544182005.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child rides his brothers bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "2544182005", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Woman sets bike on fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "7883041362", "pair_id": "7883041362.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Young woman shows off new bike tricks in front of friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "7883041362", "pair_id": "7883041362.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young woman performing bike tricks at a bike park.", "label": "", "image_id": "7883041362", "pair_id": "7883041362.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The sidewalk is sinking into the sea.", "label": "", "image_id": "4880152580", "pair_id": "4880152580.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4880152580", "pair_id": "4880152580.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The sidewalk is full of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4880152580", "pair_id": "4880152580.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the people are riding bikes", "label": "", "image_id": "4880152580", 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{"context": "A man in a tuxedo performs for a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man dressed in a black and white outfit is juggling.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man swings a baseball bat in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People watch the man juggle for tips.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are throwing things at the man who is singing.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man juggles rings for spectators.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is juggling.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is standing on the buildng.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is in the circus.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is holding rims while talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is holding two frisbees silently.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man is holding metal rims while talking to women.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is bowing.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A short person bowing", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human bowing.", "label": "", "image_id": "15269955", "pair_id": "15269955.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is taking a photograph.", "label": "", "image_id": "6796432180", "pair_id": "6796432180.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is taking a photograph.", "label": "", "image_id": "6796432180", "pair_id": "6796432180.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are walking home.", "label": "", "image_id": "6796432180", "pair_id": "6796432180.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone in the picture is holding an electronic device.", "label": "", "image_id": "6796432180", "pair_id": "6796432180.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is photographing a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "6796432180", "pair_id": "6796432180.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The gentlemen shown here is bald.", "label": "", "image_id": "6796432180", 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{"context": "The wall is white.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The wall is painted.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is on his way to a club.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The wall is pink.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is walking down the dirt path next to the brick wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is walking on a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "4961773023", "pair_id": "4961773023.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is walking on 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"A woman dressed in black holds a cellphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is juggling chainsawas.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is a reporter.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is looking at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person using the camera is her husband.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is running.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is adjusting the time on her watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is fidgeting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is fidgeting with her wallet.", "label": "", "image_id": "4842087231", "pair_id": "4842087231.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are having their picture made.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bridge and groom get in a physical fight.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A gay couple get married and have their picture taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The flower bouquet is made of lilacs.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bride is wearing black.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bride and groom are having their picture taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "These people are married", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "These people match", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "These people are posing", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A picture of two men", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A picture after a couple was married", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A picture of a bride and her groom", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The couple is engaged.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The couple is old.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The couple is young.", "label": "", "image_id": "3639684919", "pair_id": "3639684919.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Skateboarding in criminal court.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Skateboard practice on the concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Skateboard practice to avoid mistakes.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The basketball players stood in astonishment as the brazen man rode his skateboard right through the middle of them.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man cruising across the court had hair that dangled below his shoulders.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man carried his skateboard under his arm as he could not make it go on the soccer field turf.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person skateboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person riding their bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person skateboarding in red shoes to the liquor store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A Young woman with long hair", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A Young woman with no long hair", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A Young woman joyously with long hair", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young woman is wearing a helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The young woman is riding a unicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman skateboards on an outdoor basketball court.", "label": "", "image_id": "4640122647", "pair_id": "4640122647.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are getting ready for winter sports.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People gearing up for fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are sitting around the fireplace talking about their day of skiing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is snow outside nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group gets ready to hit the slopes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A family is getting ready to go skiing together.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group relaxes around a fire pit after a day on the slopes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People prepare for snowboarding, skiing, and other winter activities", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People prepare for the next x games, practicing snowboarding and skiing", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of teenagers swims in the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Friends ready to go skiing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They plan on going swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People prepare for summer sports like surfing", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Athletes ready themselves for the Winter Olympics.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are participants in the Winter X Games.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people are waiting in the snow for their families to get there", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people wait on a snow covered hill with skis and snowboards nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "one person stands on a snowy hill near abandoned snowboards and skis", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group skiers head down a steep slope.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The hill has no snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are waiting scattered about on the snowy hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people wait in line on snowy hill near abandoned snowboards and skis", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are on a snowy hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group relaxes after a day of skiing and snowboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people are waiting on the planet neptune", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are outdoors on a snowy hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The hill is slick.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are waiting in the snow", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are wiating in line on a sunny day.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "many children wait in line on a snowy hill near abandoned snowboards and skis", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are having a ski party at the resort.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are melting the snow with hair dryers.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The skiers are arriving at the lodge.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A ski slope is crowded with people.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are few people going down the snowy mountainside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are in a plane flying over the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people on the slopes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are people sking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There were many people on the slopes.", "label": "", "image_id": "1652324440", "pair_id": "1652324440.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ski 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"3530342993.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding towards a bike course", "label": "", "image_id": "3530342993", "pair_id": "3530342993.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is riding a scooter at the mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3530342993", "pair_id": "3530342993.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A cyclist is riding his bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3530342993", "pair_id": "3530342993.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cyclist is doing a wheely.", "label": "", "image_id": "3530342993", "pair_id": "3530342993.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cyclist eats fast food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3530342993", "pair_id": "3530342993.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "greyhounds are racing", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the greyhounds are sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": 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"label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two racing dogs running along track.", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two muzzled racing dogs running fast along track.", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dogs are running after a 3rd dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dogs are running across the track", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the dogs are lying in their crates", "label": "", "image_id": "2968182121", "pair_id": "2968182121.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the kids are doing homework", "label": "", "image_id": "4830850965", "pair_id": "4830850965.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the 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"pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men lift up a white cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1562392511", "pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is heavy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1562392511", "pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog weighs 50 pounds.", "label": "", "image_id": "1562392511", "pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are climbing a rock wall with a Labrador.", "label": "", "image_id": "1562392511", "pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are waiting to catch the dog hanging from a rope in case it falls.", "label": "", "image_id": "1562392511", "pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is hanging from a rope while two men watch.", "label": "", "image_id": "1562392511", "pair_id": "1562392511.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat is hanging 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"1266008699.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is demonstrating what jumping is.", "label": "", "image_id": "1266008699", "pair_id": "1266008699.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is sitting upside down in the living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "1266008699", "pair_id": "1266008699.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man jumps in a living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "1266008699", "pair_id": "1266008699.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in yellow and green shorts jumping to the moon.", "label": "", "image_id": "1266008699", "pair_id": "1266008699.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing in his living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "1266008699", "pair_id": "1266008699.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man has clean yellow and green shorts.", "label": "", "image_id": "1266008699", "pair_id": "1266008699.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "He's jumping for 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"3532587748.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A kid is bouncing on the trampoline, trying to keep their balance.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid is doing somersaults why trying a one-handed stand on the trampoline.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A sad boy does a one-armed handstand on a concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy does a one-armed handstand on a concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young girl does a one-armed handstand on a concrete.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy shows off for a girl he likes", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy shows his dexterity by standing on one hand", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy sits on the curb and eats chips", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl does a somersault.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy does a handstand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy does a handstand in his yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3532587748", "pair_id": "3532587748.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A skateboarder falls off his bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder on a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateboarder does a kick flip over a traffic cone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is skateboarding with friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is in a room alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man knows how to skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guy is sleeping at night in his apartment.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy is skateboarding at night in a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "3038941104", "pair_id": "3038941104.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sun has set for the 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{"context": "a person taking pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man taking a walk in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a man taking pictures of girls.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man taking a video of girls outside for a movie.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man talking to a group of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A creepy man filming girls.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "children are posing for a picture", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "children are making goofy faces for a picture", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "children are running away form each other", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man taking a photograph of people in a park for a magazine.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man peeking into a neighbor's window.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man taking a photograph of people in a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Mothers lining up for a photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "2705922624", "pair_id": "2705922624.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some kids are getting ready to take 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{"context": "The Asian people are attempting arts and crafts.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Origami on display.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Paper crafts on display.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An elephant skeleton on display.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Asian people in winter gear work on crafts while snow drifts down.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People in coats work on a project at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of preschoolers does fingerpainting.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people doing art.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One person doing art.", "label": "", "image_id": "5500695312", "pair_id": "5500695312.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is by the door looking at his phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in swimming attire checks his watch, while standing next to an umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in business attire checks his mobile phone, while standing next to a set of revolving glass doors that people are going through.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sits in the lobby of a hotel.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man stands outside with his cellphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is making a business deal while traveling.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with a briefcase and cellphone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sitting on a motorcycle with a purple helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A delivery man on the phone talking to a customer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The door to the building is open.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is not near a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is outside looking at his phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is reading a book in a coffee shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is looking at his phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man stares impatiently at his phone while awaiting an important call.", "label": "", "image_id": "4849234324", "pair_id": "4849234324.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a cameraman at the clean air conference.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody showed up at the clean air conference.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The cameramen are taking pictures of the large group.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "None of the media personell showed up for the political event.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The news teams have gathered for a political meeting.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Crews have gathered to talk to the people.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small conference with videographers in the foreground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A large conference with videographers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A huge conference with videohraphers in the moon.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "All the protesters know eachother.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The clean air act is loved and adored by all.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Protesters are man.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are dancing outside at a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "3310185378", "pair_id": "3310185378.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Protesters are commenting 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"maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is skateboarding at the skate park right now.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder was attempting a new trick.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A skateboarder is sitting on the ground watching people do tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder is in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man does a skateboarding trick in the air while holding the board with his left hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person does a skateboarding trick in the air while holding the board with his left hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sad boy does a skateboarding trick in the air while holding the board with his left hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A skateboarder is walking on street & holded board in hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A skateboarder showing off his skills to peoples.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy on skateboards running throught the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3469609037", "pair_id": "3469609037.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man eats", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman puts down the rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman cleans up her room and puts together a rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Women likes to loom red white and blue.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women looms green, orange and yellow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women is using a loom.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman stands at line at the bank, looking at her watch and waiting her turn to make a deposit to her account.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman works for Longerberger, working to make the fabric that is used to finish the designer baskets.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is working inside a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three Indiana women are weaving.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is weaving a blanket.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A Indian lady is weaving a blue blanket for her son.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man works a traditional loom to make a rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person works a traditional loom to make a rug.", "label": "", "image_id": "3058361320", "pair_id": "3058361320.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sad woman works a 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"2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is getting into a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are inside a mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are holding shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "shoppers are walking", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "shoppers are running past the motorcycles", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the cyclists are shopping", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man removes his headgear", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is not motorcycling anymore", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the street is empty", "label": "", "image_id": "2789110209", "pair_id": "2789110209.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He is not near water", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He is near a large body of water", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "He is near an ocean", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sailboarder is falling in the liquid.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The sailboarder is falling fast in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sailboarder is falling in the lava.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing baseball is the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is upside down in his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is on water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A surfer falls off the boat", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "He is stupid", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are punching eachother is the face", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man sat in his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man was fishing on his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man fell off his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2935649082", "pair_id": "2935649082.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People walk by a musician.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sits down at a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People walk in the city by a musician playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People navigate a street market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People barter at a market.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are walking in a parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are skipping down a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Humans beings are ambling down a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "3533713163", "pair_id": "3533713163.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The tractor is red.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "He is dumping gravel.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The back hoe is on a flat bed truck moving down the highway.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The back hoe is at a construction site.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A back hoe is moving dirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man operates heavy machinery.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman plants a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man moves dirt while clear-cutting a mountain top.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is working on a project.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is filling a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A worker is driving a loader on a construction site.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a dress is cleaning a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man runs a machine that can spread gravel.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563143284", "pair_id": "4563143284.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"no"}, {"context": "A boy holding onto a balloon looks like he is about to get lifted up..", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "woman sleeps in bed", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people celebrate a party", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people fill balloons", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sitting with his balloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man holding the balloon jumped.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is jumping off the yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is trapped inside of a giant white balloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is holding a balloon outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two gentlemen are standing in an alley robbing a woman of her purse in the dark", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is jumping with a balloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man leapt to safety without letting go of his balloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An individual jumps off a glass table with a knife stretched out in his hand towards a white ballon", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young boy is trying to pierce some ballons with a knife", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is jumping with his birthday balloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The balloon contains enough helium to pull the man from the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy let go of the balloon and sat down.", "label": "", "image_id": "2413875259", "pair_id": "2413875259.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the child is white", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the child is on his bed asleep", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a child is climbing", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blond man climbing across a net.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sad blond child climbing across a net.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child climbing across a net.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child climbs a net.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man watches TV.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child climbs a net at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is not touching the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is at a playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child eats his lunch on a picnic in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone in the picture is playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The only thing shown in the picture is a man 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"image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is currently playing at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child is playing with his dinosaurs at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is at school.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is playing on the swings.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy swinging on a swing set.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid is on a swing at a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1572286502", "pair_id": "1572286502.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Five children on one 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"2384550175.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Children playing at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2384550175", "pair_id": "2384550175.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man looks happy.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man wears glasses.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is running around.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men are wearing pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three men play instruments.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are at least 3 men.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": 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"pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A band sleeps on the tour bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men play instruments in a band.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people are playing musical instruments.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a banjo being played.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A beer commercial is being filmed.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A band is performing at a wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "2537021135", "pair_id": "2537021135.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with a flute plays in the symphony.", "label": 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{"context": "dog out in the snow with toy", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with its toys outside", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog lives in a cold climate.", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog sleeps in front of the fireplace", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A cat sits by the window sill.", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "cat plays with mouse", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is outside going to the bathroom", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A puppy is retrieving a toy outside", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "dog freezes while waiting for owner to come home", "label": "", "image_id": "3206999917", "pair_id": "3206999917.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of cheerleaders are jumping over each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy runs from the other team while he has the football.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy with a football runs from the other team during practice.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The player is running with the football while opponents chase after him.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The player is running for the end zone while opponents chase him.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The player is running with the football and opponents are nowhere in sight.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A football player is running with a ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A football player is holding a frisbee while the Knights team chases him.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A football player is making a goal while the other team chases him.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are playing trivia.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are playing a ball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A human running", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A tall human running", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is running", "label": "", "image_id": "5009047021", "pair_id": "5009047021.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A huge white dog is moving.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is traveling on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A white dog 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"", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is sitting on a boat in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is with his owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A white dalmatian puppy plays in the long grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small black dog sits inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An animal plays outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3296715418", "pair_id": "3296715418.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tall humans in uniforms", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody has a uniform.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some humans in uniforms.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two soccer players are playing each other in a soccer game.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two soccer players know each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two soccer players are on the same team.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are playing rugby.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The rugby player is on a basketball court.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The rugby team is proud of their star player as he dodges the defense.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A rugby player is charging with the ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man is white", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man is at home sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The rugby player with the ball is about to score.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two rugby players shake hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two combatants in a rugby stadium playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A fierce rugby competition heats up, and may come to violence.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two people about to kiss in the middle of a rugby stadium", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two rugby players square off.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two people playing rugby", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two combatants are trying to score and prevent the game winning score", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": "6620094641.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are in a football stadium.", "label": "", "image_id": "6620094641", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A karate class takes place outside in Ourense, Spain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2563225490", "pair_id": "2563225490.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a class in Ourense, Spain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2563225490", "pair_id": "2563225490.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The martial arts class taking place in Brazil.", "label": "", "image_id": "2563225490", "pair_id": "2563225490.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man posed with his teammates in the background.", "label": "", "image_id": "2563225490", "pair_id": "2563225490.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man posed with both arms out at a competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "2563225490", "pair_id": "2563225490.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man posed at a baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2563225490", "pair_id": "2563225490.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are leaving a 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is looking for its' owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "2967630001", "pair_id": "2967630001.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog walking through the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2967630001", "pair_id": "2967630001.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A cat walking through the water at the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "2967630001", "pair_id": "2967630001.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A big dog walking through the water at the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "2967630001", "pair_id": "2967630001.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dogs are inside the house.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs are collies.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dogs are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Both of the dogs are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The yellow dog and white dog are playing in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The white dog is larger than the yellow dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two dogs are playing in a field", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two dogs are taking a swim", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two dogs are fighting", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", "pair_id": "3643087589.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dogs want to play fetch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3643087589", 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"image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a person walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a person walking on a sidewalk in a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman wants to get to the other side.", "label": "", "image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman is sitting in a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is taking a stroll near a largely empty beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "473220329", "pair_id": "473220329.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are together on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are sitting on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a threesome in a boat on some water", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are people on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are on a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people are grilling a barbecue.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A beautiful sunset with three people on a raft on the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A beautiful sunset with people in a boat on the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A beautiful sunset with three men in a boat on the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are dancing otuside a nightclub.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are on a boat outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are fishing on a boat outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boat floating in the water at sunset has three people in it.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A family of three float in a boat watching the sunset.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lifeguard is pulling a limp body to shore.", "label": "", "image_id": "223299137", "pair_id": "223299137.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two animals", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is barking", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no fence", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog wants the toy that the goat stole from him.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a dog is chasing a goat", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is inside eating out of his dog bowl.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with a goat", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is playing fetch with his owner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A goat plots world domination.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is chasing a turkey", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog and goat are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog and goat live on a farm.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A goat is being followed by a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The goat is being chased by the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The goat is having fun with the dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog and goat are friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog and goat are swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One animal if free while another is confined on a farm.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A horse is inside the fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog runs into the horse and has to turn around.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sheepdog is chasing the white sheep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog is moving towards the sheep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The sheepdog is in Ireland.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sheep eats grass quietly while the sheep dog watches from the hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sheep is running away from the dog", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is black.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog with a tutu dances around a circus arena with a monkey on its head.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two animals are near to each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The sheep is chasing the dog inside the barn.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is trained to herd sheep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The puppy is learning the basics of shepherding from the older dogs on the farm.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is not on a leash.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The duck is swimming in a pond.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dog and sheep can talk to each other, but do not because they recognize how complicated their relationship is.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dog is chasing a sheep that has his bone in it's mouth, in an enclosure.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a dog chasing a sheep.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dog is chasing a wolf in sheeps clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An enclosed sheep is being chase by a dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1501811302", "pair_id": "1501811302.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "man at picnic table", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "man about to make smores", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "girl sits at wendys", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are sitting and its a nighttime in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are sitting and its a nighttime.", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are sitting on 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"Young man sitting at a table with foil, chocolate, and crackers on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are talking at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men are sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are riding a cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2821352858", "pair_id": "2821352858.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman in the blue top is sitting across a table from a man in a white shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman with bare arms is sitting next to a man in a white shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing sunglasses and sitting with a man 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"", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is telling a nearsighted man that he should get prescription sunglasses.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a woman are both wearing glasses.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people talk to each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people have an argument over sports.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men shout at each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "528261944", "pair_id": "528261944.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An artist paints a special mural on the floor.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman paints on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blonde man paints on a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "He is making a sculpture", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "She is almost done with the mural", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "She decorates the wall", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a t-shirt paints on a large piece of paper on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person in a t-shirt paints on a large piece of paper on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A sad woman in a t-shirt paints on a large piece of paper on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People walk past the woman painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old woman is inside her studio painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman is painting outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman walks by a large community mural", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman paints on a large community mural for a third day in a row", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman creates art", "label": "", "image_id": "4768270751", "pair_id": "4768270751.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady walks home from the market in a black coat while carrying shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady carrying shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman in a bikini walks home carrying shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman has produce in the shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is holding onto bags while walking down the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman has a huge pink scarf.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman on a bike with 2 bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman wering a black coat walks with 2 bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman tired of carrying 2 bags in a black coat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is naked.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman has something on her body.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman carried puppies.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman carries shopping bags in New York.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman carries shopping bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "2215305500", "pair_id": "2215305500.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dresses all look similar and are in the same color.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women all wear dresses.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The groomsmen are lined up outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing a hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is alone in her bedroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man is walking towards a line", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are at least 2 women.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women standing and man heading towards her.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman and her bridesmaids line up outside", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a groom approaches a bride", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are eating dinner at a steakhouse.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A wedding party is talking to each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A wedding party is standing on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is the grooom.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing formal clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is in jail locked up in solitary confinement.", "label": "", "image_id": "3682338188", "pair_id": "3682338188.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is happily SCUBA diving with a large spotlight.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is SCUBA diving with a large spotlight.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is SCUBA diving with a large spotlight.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is scuba diving.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is scuba diving.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man scuba diving is looking for treasure.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man scuba dives with a flashlight.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man was preparing to use a flashlight as a weapon.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is running on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man explores a dark place.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is under water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man used some matches to light his way underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is looking at fish.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "William Tell caught a potato off his daughter's elbow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man used a flashlight underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man scubas.", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a scuba suit is recording for nation geographic", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in a scuba suit in water", "label": "", "image_id": "3728976215", "pair_id": "3728976215.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man in a scuba suit is 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"2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The city street looks wonderful at night after the recent funding project.", "label": "", "image_id": "2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A city street is illuminated at night by lamps.", "label": "", "image_id": "2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A city street is dim with no working streetlamps", "label": "", "image_id": "2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sky is dark in the city.", "label": "", "image_id": "2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are on the street during the day.", "label": "", "image_id": "2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two people on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2329331195", "pair_id": "2329331195.jpg#0r1e", 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{"context": "Five big dogs are running in a grassy field.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Greyhounds are asleep in their kennel.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dogs are very fast.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Greyhounds race around the track.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dogs are sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Five dogs are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some dogs are being trained.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Five large dogs are sniffing for drugs at the airport.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Five large dogs are playing together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Five large dogs are playing together with blue and red bouncy balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The clams are near the dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog race was cancelled due to it ranning mussels.", "label": "", "image_id": "3521201948", "pair_id": "3521201948.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is not standing on his feet.", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is standing on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is showing off for his girlfriend.", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is upside down on a statue.", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A band is performing on stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is posing for a photo while on a statue.", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a person does a handstand", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man does a cartwheel", "label": "", "image_id": "204150602", "pair_id": "204150602.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the person does a handstand while 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{"context": "A couple is scuba diving", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people by a building with kites", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young couple on a date sets up their kites while their picnic basket rests against a nearby house", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is parachuting.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two friends are playing video games while being depressed.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two friends are enjoying their day off in the sun with fun activities.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are being active on a nice day out doors.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two kiters prepare to launch.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two kiters are excited for the first day of kiting season.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two sailors get the sail ready.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are laughing at someone who fell.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People flying kites.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are flying kites they bought at Walmart.", "label": "", "image_id": "5846714531", "pair_id": "5846714531.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "361565925", "pair_id": "361565925.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child has no fingers.", "label": "", "image_id": "361565925", "pair_id": "361565925.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The sky is blue.", "label": "", "image_id": "361565925", "pair_id": "361565925.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy points to the Stop sign above him.", "label": "", "image_id": "361565925", "pair_id": "361565925.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy points to the yellow flag above him.", "label": "", "image_id": "361565925", "pair_id": "361565925.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sidewalk has a view of a traffic intersection.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A yellow cat sleeps.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sidewalk has a good view of a traffic intersetion.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two girls were ther", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the birds were short necked", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "watched by a group", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is dressed in yellow.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man walks on a sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man walks on a sidewalk with his down.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man is weaning white", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man is walking home", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man in black is outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man almost slipped earlier.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2251447809", "pair_id": "2251447809.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The 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"pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Dancers in kilts are doing intricate dance moves on a stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "3324957208", "pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Dancers are competing in front of a judge.", "label": "", "image_id": "3324957208", "pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dancers in capris rehearse in the studio.", "label": "", "image_id": "3324957208", "pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dancers are professional and known by the public.", "label": "", "image_id": "3324957208", "pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Men and women watching a basketball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3324957208", "pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people in the room are sewing quilts.", "label": "", "image_id": "3324957208", "pair_id": "3324957208.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": 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"3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "It is hot outside where the boy is.", "label": "", "image_id": "3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy has snow in his possession.", "label": "", "image_id": "3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy enjoys playing with snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is making a snowman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid is outdoors on a winter day.", "label": "", "image_id": "3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid is swimming on a summer day.", "label": "", "image_id": "3432586199", "pair_id": "3432586199.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is going to throw a snowball at his 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"2582211817.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Person playing with a ball as the sun sets.", "label": "", "image_id": "2582211817", "pair_id": "2582211817.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A volleyball player is preparing to block a spike.", "label": "", "image_id": "2582211817", "pair_id": "2582211817.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people are playing volleyball on a hard court.", "label": "", "image_id": "2582211817", "pair_id": "2582211817.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is someone playing sand volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2582211817", "pair_id": "2582211817.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man was throwing a frisbee.", "label": "", "image_id": "2582211817", "pair_id": "2582211817.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man was on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "2582211817", "pair_id": "2582211817.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man was playing soccer with his 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"4725075735.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is heading somewhere.", "label": "", "image_id": "4725075735", "pair_id": "4725075735.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is shopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4725075735", "pair_id": "4725075735.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no one walking outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child was injured while running.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of adults walk into a casino", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People walk outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a group of people outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": 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"2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are about to begin jogging outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Kids ride in a school bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children walk to school on a sunny day.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is wlaking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some humans walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tall humans walking", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group is sitting in the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The group is having a picnic.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "It's a sunny day and a group of people are walking around.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of teen friends are walking around together in the sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is just one person walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2695298213", "pair_id": "2695298213.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group 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"image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man finds a magic lamp with a genie inside it.", "label": "", "image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People gather in front of a hut.", "label": "", "image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The curry hut is having a lunch special and is gathering quite a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The hut is on fire.", "label": "", "image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A supermarket is busy on a Sunday.", "label": "", "image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An empty convenient store on the highway.", "label": "", "image_id": "3001353", "pair_id": "3001353.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A market has a large crowd of 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"label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are kissing on a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is sitting on a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some women are headed to work on the subway.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some women are in a subway car.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some women ride the subway in the summertime.", "label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the woman is walking", "label": "", "image_id": "2120571547", "pair_id": "2120571547.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the woman is going 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"2917248300.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are enjoying food.", "label": "", "image_id": "2917248300", "pair_id": "2917248300.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are standing in the hot sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2917248300", "pair_id": "2917248300.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are having a picnic.", "label": "", "image_id": "2917248300", "pair_id": "2917248300.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are sitting inside under the flouresant lights.", "label": "", "image_id": "2917248300", "pair_id": "2917248300.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People sitting outside watching a baseball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "2917248300", "pair_id": "2917248300.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People sitting outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2917248300", "pair_id": "2917248300.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is working on something on the roof.", "label": "", 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"no"}, {"context": "A man is repairing his home.", "label": "", "image_id": "3465311847", "pair_id": "3465311847.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is playing with a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4730135526", "pair_id": "4730135526.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Protesters are outside holding signs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4730135526", "pair_id": "4730135526.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Protesters are outside holding signs to protest for a change in law.", "label": "", "image_id": "4730135526", "pair_id": "4730135526.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are sitting on the couch talking about toast.", "label": "", "image_id": "4730135526", "pair_id": "4730135526.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Protesters are holding things.", "label": "", "image_id": "4730135526", "pair_id": "4730135526.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Protesters are disgusted with executions of women in Iran.", "label": 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{"context": "A man is playing the drums.", "label": "", "image_id": "3021953768", "pair_id": "3021953768.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man playing a guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "3021953768", "pair_id": "3021953768.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is playing his guitar to his fans.", "label": "", "image_id": "3021953768", "pair_id": "3021953768.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is learning how to read.", "label": "", "image_id": "3021953768", "pair_id": "3021953768.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are women dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are preparing to dance for the king of the world.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are at a music festival.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some women demonstrate there dance to adoring fans.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are women having dinner at a nice restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women perform a dance for a crowd of other women.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are women salsa dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a group of female humans.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of women are lying still on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "5163992452", "pair_id": "5163992452.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women are sitting in a 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"4563347566.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man ordering food at a restaurant, sitting with his family.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563347566", "pair_id": "4563347566.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man in a hat and glasses, holding up a stick, standing in a crowd of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563347566", "pair_id": "4563347566.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man in a straw hat and glasses, raising a cane into the air, surrounded by a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563347566", "pair_id": "4563347566.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Asian man is drawing a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563347566", "pair_id": "4563347566.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Asian man is at home in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563347566", "pair_id": "4563347566.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The Asian man is a performer.", "label": "", "image_id": "4563347566", "pair_id": 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"3663307538.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The walls have just been painted green.", "label": "", "image_id": "3663307538", "pair_id": "3663307538.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are stuck inside as the power has gone out.", "label": "", "image_id": "3663307538", "pair_id": "3663307538.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There's a blue room with round tables.", "label": "", "image_id": "3663307538", "pair_id": "3663307538.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are eating at a cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "3663307538", "pair_id": "3663307538.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a red room with people in it.", "label": "", "image_id": "3663307538", "pair_id": "3663307538.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are sitting in a dark room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3663307538", "pair_id": "3663307538.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A large group of people are seated 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"441398149.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man digs a hole.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is jogging.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman rides a bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is jogging quickly.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman in red is jogging near the street signs.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is jogging next to the street signs.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is having fun.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A jogger is wearing red.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A female skateboarder is wearing red.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A jogger wearing red is running by the side of the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "441398149", "pair_id": "441398149.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy rides on the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is alone.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy looks out the airplane window.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The small child is swimming in the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The small child is heading towards his Aunties house by train.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small male has clothes on in a moving vehicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A baby is crying", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is looking out a window", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is excited", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is playing baseball at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is wearing black.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is on a train seat.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is looking through a window at another boy at the train station.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is sitting at a train station.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little boy is walking out of the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "406035237", "pair_id": "406035237.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dancer is doing a flip\\", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is dancing", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dancer is black", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man doing a headstand collecting money on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man doing a headstand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Man standing on his feet.", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd watches a man do tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man cuts down the tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man performs.", "label": "", "image_id": "3259991972", "pair_id": "3259991972.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is breakdancing as a street performer for tips.", "label": "", "image_id": 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{"context": "A group of people playing guitars.", "label": "", "image_id": "854623746", "pair_id": "854623746.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Girls are friends", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Girls are holding hands outside", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Girls are holding hands in blue clothes", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two happy girls are romantically involved.", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Happy girls are holding hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two grouchy people are hitting each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#3r1c", 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is two girls holding hands and smiling", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two girls wearing yellow are scowling", "label": "", "image_id": "3319058642", "pair_id": "3319058642.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "College students in front of the school with autumn colored trees nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "College students at the basketball game.", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "College students heading to class.", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "people walking on the beach", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people walking in the park after school", "label": 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"pair_id": "278002875.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people inspecting trees for woodpeckers.", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four people outdoor.", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One guy eating lunch in front of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "278002875", "pair_id": "278002875.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is on the boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is busy fishing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is on solid land.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is walking in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", 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"2658639182.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man attempts to make the best of a flood", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is standing outside of a boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is staying dry.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is casually sightseeing the city as he travels on his boat.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is swimming down the river.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is taking tourists through his city.", "label": "", "image_id": "2658639182", "pair_id": "2658639182.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is scuba diving 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"label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The singer is getting ready to go on stage", "label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is singing.", "label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is singing to a packed crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is reading a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is singing about love.", "label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The lady is mute.", "label": "", "image_id": "5307401202", "pair_id": "5307401202.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is singing.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"3618951584.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in blue is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4706793376", "pair_id": "4706793376.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman in blue is resting in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "4706793376", "pair_id": "4706793376.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman in blue is wearing headphones.", "label": "", "image_id": "4706793376", "pair_id": "4706793376.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man has practice yoga for over 50 years!", "label": "", "image_id": "4706793376", "pair_id": "4706793376.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is one man in the picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4706793376", "pair_id": "4706793376.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is sipping an ice tea in the shade of a huge maple tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "4706793376", "pair_id": "4706793376.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The older asian woman is 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"pair_id": "2927878881.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs are playing with a frisbee next to the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "2927878881", "pair_id": "2927878881.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are playing with a man next to the ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "2927878881", "pair_id": "2927878881.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and her pets are taking a walk down a busy street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2927878881", "pair_id": "2927878881.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person baking in the sun in the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "7765548908", "pair_id": "7765548908.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person enjoying a downpour.", "label": "", "image_id": "7765548908", "pair_id": "7765548908.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person in rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "7765548908", "pair_id": "7765548908.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A photo of a 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"7765548908.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sits at a restaurant eating a baked potato.", "label": "", "image_id": "7765548908", "pair_id": "7765548908.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone running behind a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "7765548908", "pair_id": "7765548908.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is writing his name on the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is playing with cutout letters.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is spraypainting his name on the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Small child drinking milk", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Small child playing with letter P", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Small child playing with Alphabets", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A toddler is decorating the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is painting a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A toddler found some glue and is pasting his toys to the wall while his mother makes dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The toddler is eating pretzels on the floor", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The toddler is playing with paper cutouts of the letter P", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child can't pronounce the letter P, and is trying to learn", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The child is playing with paper letters.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little girl is learning the alphabet.", "label": "", "image_id": "2516317118", "pair_id": "2516317118.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are dispersing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "These people know each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a group here.", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A crowd of people in knit hats are standing near a blue van.", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is setting up his barbeque next to his van.", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are standing near a van.", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a group of people are together", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "two people meet up to talk", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a group of people gather to discuss public policy", "label": "", "image_id": "3225037367", "pair_id": "3225037367.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"3368865171", "pair_id": "3368865171.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She is sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "3368865171", "pair_id": "3368865171.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people sees a kid on a unicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3368865171", "pair_id": "3368865171.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crowd gathered to watch the child riding a unicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3368865171", "pair_id": "3368865171.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is riding a bicycle on a sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "3368865171", "pair_id": "3368865171.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is out hoping to see some whales.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is sitting in 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the man was on the water with friends", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the men was in a kayak", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the man went to a baseball game", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is watching TV.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a man in the water with a kayak.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is kayaking on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3420323191", "pair_id": "3420323191.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People outdoors playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men playing soccer.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men outdoors playing on a sunny day.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Boys playing disc golf in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Boys playing frisbee.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A guitarist tunes up.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person who caught the frisbee won the game the team.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two teams are playing a game of ultimate Frisbee.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are playing a game of basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Friends run away to play football", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two friends are playing Frisbee while one is wearing white and the other is in red", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two friends are playing Frisbee while one is wearing white and the other is in red with family", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are playing volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are other people playing with them.", "label": "", "image_id": "38803368", "pair_id": "38803368.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are playing 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is walking to play baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The baseball cap is green.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy does not have a cap on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing clothes and walking down a sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is walking in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4439049274", "pair_id": "4439049274.jpg#4r1c", 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"pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and a woman stand near eachother.", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "THe man is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a green shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is inside the building", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is standing alone, looking at the camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman admires a handsome, but shy young man", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman looks at the man", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some travelers are at a train station waiting for their train to arrive.", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Several dogs are waiting for a ride home from the dog park.", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some travelers are at a train station.", "label": "", "image_id": "4980149155", "pair_id": "4980149155.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man shoots his rifle while his hunting dogs waits to retrieve.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is aiming his rifle at something.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man is pictured with his dog", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man has a rifle.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man plays a game of monopoly with his family.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wields a gun.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a man hunts with his dog", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outside hunting.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog runs away from a man shooting a rifle.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is shooting ducks by the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man does not believe that guns should be used.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the man and his hunting cat pursue prey", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man shoots his rifle at a target while his dog sits lazily with nothing to do.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man shoots his rifle while his hound dog attempts to chase the roused rabbits.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is throwing a ball to his dog in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The male has an animal next to him.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is asleep with his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is hunting for ducks with his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two kids play catch in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy shooting a gun near an animal.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old man shoots a black gun at a deer while his golden retriever sits by his side.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is aiming at something", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is looking through binoculars", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is hunting", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is pointing a gun at the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are three objects in the photo, two are animate.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A hunter is posing with his dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "1378557186", "pair_id": "1378557186.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is standing near the ocean", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is riding a BMX bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy soars through the air over the dirt trail.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A biker on a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A biker doing a 360 degree frontflip on a forest path.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man hiking on a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is riding a mountain bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is taking a walk.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is performing stunts on a mountain bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is attempting a jump on a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "This man is riding a skateboard on a bike jump.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bike jump is easy for the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is on a bike on a trail.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two friends Rollerblade in a parking lot.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man has the sudden urge to attempt some bike tricks while on his morning ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "8113418940", "pair_id": "8113418940.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"label": "", "image_id": "3170551725", "pair_id": "3170551725.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is participating in a ski jump competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3170551725", "pair_id": "3170551725.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outside getting exercise.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a heavy winter jacket.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "It is a nice,sunny day to be outside getting into shape.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is sitting in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man in trendy clothes takes a picture in mid air as he spills his coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is taking a selfie at a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in old clothes drinks his coffee as he jumps in the air..", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone jumps in the air", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is sitting on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man jumps in the air with his friends", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young man sees a snake on the ground at the exact moment he takes a picture of himself.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy in nice clothes jumps and spills his coffee as he jumps to take a picture for an art project at school", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The mans coffee is from starbucks.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man spills his coffee as he photographs himself.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man spilled his coffee by jumping in the air, whilst spilling his coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A youthfully dressed man is taking photos of people as they pass him.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sits down to have a drink", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man sitting at a desk drinking coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man holding a coffee cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The liquid spilled onto his clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting calmly at a table", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is sitting on the ground drinking beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is holding a cup in his hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cup is filled to the brim with pepsi.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "He is jumping around and spilling the coffee in his cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is jumping for joy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is jumping in the air", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is jumping without legs, or prosthetics.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is spilling 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{"context": "A man about to spill his drink.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone jumps with a beverage in hand", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man sitting at a desk.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The coffee cup is jumping with the man in it.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man wearing a black top is jumping with a cup full of liquid.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man in red danced with a mug.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man slipped some of his coffee when he jumped.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is jumping with a full coffee cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is jumping and holding a white coffee cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some men wear shirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is jumping because he wants to spill his beverage.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is playing the piano in church.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1409001204", "pair_id": "1409001204.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is wearing 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in orange glitter with his bag slung over his shoulder.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man dressed in orange with his large bag slung over his shoulder", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is riding his bicycle on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is pushing his bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man dressed in orange with his bag slung over his shoulder.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The yellow bike broke down so the boy is pushing it the rest of the way.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is pushing a brown bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is with his yellow bike", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man walks has a red and yellow bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man walks down the street while pulling his blue wagon.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man walks down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A bicycle rider knocks over a man in a blue shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man almost runs into a parked bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There's a man walking outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The cyclist is pedalling very hard and going really fast.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bike has a flat tire, so he is walking with it.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is walking with his bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3694931544", "pair_id": "3694931544.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are taking the bus home after work.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people are waiting at a bus stop.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are 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"3631810528.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bus is going to Alabama.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people on the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is only one person on the bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are on a bus to downtown.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are in a taxi.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is sitting next to a man.", "label": "", "image_id": "3631810528", "pair_id": "3631810528.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "5 people are dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3037283097", "pair_id": 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"pair_id": "427557693.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "It is winter.", "label": "", "image_id": "427557693", "pair_id": "427557693.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are strolling along the beach in swimsuits.", "label": "", "image_id": "427557693", "pair_id": "427557693.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are going for a walk in the chilly weather.", "label": "", "image_id": "427557693", "pair_id": "427557693.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is laying on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3565021218", "pair_id": "3565021218.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young girl sets up a picnic.", "label": "", "image_id": "3565021218", "pair_id": "3565021218.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl takes a nap in the grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3565021218", "pair_id": "3565021218.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is laying on the floor next to flowers.", 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"label": "", "image_id": "823675317", "pair_id": "823675317.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a cricket player is playing dodgeball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3641999223", "pair_id": "3641999223.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a person playing a game", "label": "", "image_id": "3641999223", "pair_id": "3641999223.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a cricket player is playing a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "3641999223", "pair_id": "3641999223.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two teams play in a cricket tournament", "label": "", "image_id": "3641999223", "pair_id": "3641999223.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A football game at a field.", "label": "", "image_id": "3641999223", "pair_id": "3641999223.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man playing cricket outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "3641999223", "pair_id": "3641999223.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "person in all green plays 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is watching traffic go by.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is in an urban environment.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is standing on the steps.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is in a field of tulips.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is on his way to work.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is washing his hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "2269418002", "pair_id": "2269418002.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is inside a 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"image_id": "2737609659", "pair_id": "2737609659.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl drives the Hummer through a mud pit, something no Hummer ever sold to a consumer has ever done before.", "label": "", "image_id": "2737609659", "pair_id": "2737609659.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a vehicle on a dirt track", "label": "", "image_id": "2737609659", "pair_id": "2737609659.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a vehicle on a dirt track currently winning a race", "label": "", "image_id": "2737609659", "pair_id": "2737609659.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a vehicle on a city street", "label": "", "image_id": "2737609659", "pair_id": "2737609659.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women working in the sewer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2746877062", "pair_id": "2746877062.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are working.", "label": "", "image_id": "2746877062", "pair_id": "2746877062.jpg#3r1e", 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"label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl plays softball at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ball soared into the air and over the fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is playing football.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is working on his swing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone by the fence is having batting practice using a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is swinging a stick of celery.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person wearing green swings a bat towards a tennis ball in front of a fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person swinging a baseball bat to hit the tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person has hit ten balls before this one.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone in a blue outfit is playing tennis.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is playing outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person in the green outfit is practicing juggling soccer balls.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is practicing their batting skills.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone plays in a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The guy wearing green is learning how to use a bat by hitting a tennis ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person swings a bat in front of a fence.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl purposefully missed the softball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl missed the thrown ball.", "label": "", "image_id": "1035019794", "pair_id": "1035019794.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is at bat at the softball diamond.", "label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A suburban street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689831601", "pair_id": "4689831601.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A street in a sprawling suburb.", "label": "", "image_id": "4689831601", "pair_id": "4689831601.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Mother and child walking in a park", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Mother and son eating popcorn", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Mother and son walking in a park", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman and a boy are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and her daughter play catch in the front yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and her son are walking him to the bus stop.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are two people walking outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are several people on a hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a group of cats playing indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and a boy are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman and boy are mother and son.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The two people are fishing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and her sun are walking to school down a path through a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A burglar is running from the police in a warehouse.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are walking down a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "2858818484", "pair_id": "2858818484.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is celebrating.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is sitting at the kitchen table.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl leaps into the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is in a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is lost in a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is stabbing random people in a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Nobody is waiting in line.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are at least tow people waiting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The building is the DMV.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dancer is getting tips.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An Irish dancer is all alone on the stage.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are running indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a girl dances outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young hopeful practices Riverdance.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dancer is flying a helicopter into the clouds.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People have gathered in anticipation.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl dances an Irish jig outside a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An Irish dancer prepares for her competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Irish dancer doesn't know how to dance", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are in line.", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Irish dancer works as a dancer", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a girl is crawling through the mud", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "As other wait outside the building for the doors to open one young irish dance practices her jig", "label": "", "image_id": "2337578794", "pair_id": "2337578794.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": 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"4515616069", "pair_id": "4515616069.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Fishermen are fishing in a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "4515616069", "pair_id": "4515616069.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Fishermen are on a raft.", "label": "", "image_id": "4515616069", "pair_id": "4515616069.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a group of people are sleeping", "label": "", "image_id": "4515616069", "pair_id": "4515616069.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are out on the water", "label": "", "image_id": "4515616069", "pair_id": "4515616069.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are swimming", "label": "", "image_id": "4515616069", "pair_id": "4515616069.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are riding bikes on the path.", "label": "", "image_id": "3414734842", "pair_id": "3414734842.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The path is lined with wood chips.", "label": "", 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"7700959654", "pair_id": "7700959654.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman pushed the mop bucket down the hallway after cleaning the spill.", "label": "", "image_id": "4308849697", "pair_id": "4308849697.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman in black pushed the bucket.", "label": "", "image_id": "4308849697", "pair_id": "4308849697.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman carried a bright yellow mop bucket.", "label": "", "image_id": "4308849697", "pair_id": "4308849697.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A lady is mopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4308849697", "pair_id": "4308849697.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A lady is playing a game on her phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4308849697", "pair_id": "4308849697.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A lady is at work mopping the floors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4308849697", "pair_id": "4308849697.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": 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"pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is playing with his yellow snowboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is skateboarding outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is doing tricks on his snowboard for onlookers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is skateboarding on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is doing snowboarding stunts.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is water skiing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man snowboards in Colorado.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is crosscountry skiing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is snowboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A pro-snowboarder is doing tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is vandalizing a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is snowboarding", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The snowboarding boy is doing tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl on a red snowboard is airborne.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is skiing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A professional skateboarded is snowboarding.", "label": "", "image_id": "3174417550", "pair_id": "3174417550.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children put on makeup as they look at a mirror.", "label": "", "image_id": "53614287", "pair_id": "53614287.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two children sit at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "53614287", "pair_id": "53614287.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children play dress up in their room.", "label": "", "image_id": "53614287", "pair_id": "53614287.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are looking at a game.", "label": 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"4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are wearing black tops.", "label": "", "image_id": "4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are on their way to the airport.", "label": "", "image_id": "4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women are standing by some luggage.", "label": "", "image_id": "4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People enjoy the shaded busstop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People wait for a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man breaks into a house.", "label": "", "image_id": "4792185041", "pair_id": "4792185041.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The four asian people are female.", "label": "", 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"pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bike is falling apart in a garage.", "label": "", "image_id": "3507670136", "pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman bikes to work to save money.", "label": "", "image_id": "3507670136", "pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man performs a bike trick at the x games", "label": "", "image_id": "3507670136", "pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is on a bike", "label": "", "image_id": "3507670136", "pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone in a yellow suit is riding a dirt bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "3507670136", "pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateboarder in a yellow suit performs a jump.", "label": "", "image_id": "3507670136", "pair_id": "3507670136.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A dirt biker in yellow performs for 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"label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with a ball cap is selling ice cream from a truck", "label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is selling at a market", "label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A muslim woman is selling at a market", "label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone is standing with a bucket on their head.", "label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is more than one bucket.", "label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Someone is dipping a sponge in a bucket of soapy water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6847842974", "pair_id": "6847842974.jpg#1r1n", 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"13691837.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", "pair_id": "13691837.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tired man is laying on the ground outside after running a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", "pair_id": "13691837.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone jumping off a wooden bench", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", "pair_id": "13691837.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone laying down on the floor in their apartment", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", "pair_id": "13691837.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone laying down", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", "pair_id": "13691837.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing ripped jeans.", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", "pair_id": "13691837.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is running.", "label": "", "image_id": "13691837", 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"label": "", "image_id": "2744705147", "pair_id": "2744705147.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman and man are friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "2744705147", "pair_id": "2744705147.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman and man are hitting each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "2744705147", "pair_id": "2744705147.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man in the striped shirt is hugging a woman to him.", "label": "", "image_id": "2744705147", "pair_id": "2744705147.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "woman making a call with her phone", "label": "", "image_id": "4857774876", "pair_id": "4857774876.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "woman taking On a large cellphone", "label": "", "image_id": "4857774876", "pair_id": "4857774876.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "woman shopping in the Masi", "label": "", "image_id": "4857774876", "pair_id": "4857774876.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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"4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blue haired girl has an umbrella", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "man with sunglasses", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "woman in the rain", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "an umbrella with sunglasses", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is using a large umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is not using an umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is using an umbrella.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603494357", "pair_id": "4603494357.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are getting ready to ride their off road vehicles in the mountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are some vehicles in the mountains.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of off road vehicles are parked in a river valley.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The vehicles are parked while their owners are hiking.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The vehicles are driving through the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The vehicles are parked.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of parked cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The trees ate all of the cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People came to look at the fall leaves.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Cars parked for downhill ski competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Cars abandoned on mountainside.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Mountainside parking area.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Several vehicles are parked.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Several vehicles are parked in the street for the party.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a lot of traffic on this street.", "label": "", "image_id": "258476074", "pair_id": "258476074.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is drowning.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is learning to swim.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is swiming.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is learning to swim.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is at school taking a 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"761479953.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child wears water wings while swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid uses eye protection while in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "761479953", "pair_id": "761479953.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs are happily playing", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two dogs are not playing", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs are playing", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the dogs are playing in the hot grass", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the dogs have never seen snow before", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "2 dogs playing in the snow", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two dogs are enjoying the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are dogs playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dogs are suffering from heat stroke.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two dogs fight in the winter.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two little dogs roll around in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cat sits on a countertop.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A horse is eating grass.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A male and female dog trying to get the stick from one another.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Animals are playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2240539658", "pair_id": "2240539658.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman runs away from danger.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The street is occupied by at least a girl.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman can be seen shopping for clothes.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "She is walking to get some lunch.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing jeans and a tanktop.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is walking in a crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is late to meet up with her friend at the concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The dog is playing with the cat.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young woman in a black skirt is walking next to nearby shops.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman is on a shopping trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young woman is eating in a fine restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman escapes a from a hostile enviroment", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman walks through a crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The crowd walks around a woman", "label": "", "image_id": "263850317", "pair_id": "263850317.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "men competing in a race", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "men are running in a race", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "three men are playing football", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three woman are at a bar dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three men are running hurdles.", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men are competing in a hurdle race at the Olympics.", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two runners are on a track and two of them are jumping hurdles.", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three sad runners are on a track and two of them are jumping hurdles.", "label": "", "image_id": "7149253081", "pair_id": "7149253081.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three runners are on a track 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{"context": "Young people socializing at high noon.", "label": "", "image_id": "3363342011", "pair_id": "3363342011.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Youths spend time outdoors at night.", "label": "", "image_id": "3363342011", "pair_id": "3363342011.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person stands in the middle of a crowd of teenagers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3363342011", "pair_id": "3363342011.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl stands in the middle of a crowd of teenagers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3363342011", "pair_id": "3363342011.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sad boy stands in the middle of a crowd of teenagers.", "label": "", "image_id": "3363342011", "pair_id": "3363342011.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The lady is at the spa having a manicure", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is hungry", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is hungry because she didn't have any lunch", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man can't wait to eat pizza", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a young woman can't wait to eat pizza", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "woman can't wait to eat pizza", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is making a pizza.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is making a pepperoni pizza.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The italian woman is making pasta", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl wearing a black t-shirt is jogging down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl wearing a black t-shirt is holding some sort of food in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl wearing a black t-shirt is in a kitchen with a mini pizza.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is looking a food.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady is going to go home to make a struggle sandwich.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady is hungry.", "label": "", "image_id": "130063845", "pair_id": "130063845.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The Craftsman is sitting on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The rope is long.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is someone hanging from the rope.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man celebrates his birthday with a trip ziplining.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man goes bungee jumping.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man goes ziplining.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is wearing green pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "This is the first time the man has rode a zipline.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a woman standing still", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a woman using a zipline.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is moving quickly through the air", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person using a zip line on their vacation.", "label": "", "image_id": "3800969923", "pair_id": "3800969923.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person on a surfboard with a yellow 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"maybe"}, {"context": "The people are all at a wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bunch of people in a casino", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people in a casino posing for a picture", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A picture of a casino from outside", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are talking on their phone waiting for their bags.", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are standing indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are waiting on a cab.", "label": "", "image_id": "1397295388", "pair_id": "1397295388.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A male with no shirt runs in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl sits on a bench watching a bike race.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young man with no shirt is running in front of a crowd for a marathon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy sitting with a group at a school table.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little boy performing a musical in the street with others.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little boy leading a dancing group outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy is sitting and listening to his parents.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A shirtless boy is running around his family.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A small boy is making circles around a group of his elders.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing jogging pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is shirtless.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is wearing a dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The boy is 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"2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#3r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A boy is dancing on a floor with older people in a circle around him", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The school principal is caught on camera practicing his dance steps", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two young boys are break-dancing on a stage as finalist in a competition, while several others watch them", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#3r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The boy is riding his bike in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of adults watches a young child dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2064790732", "pair_id": "2064790732.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The boy is not alone.", "label": 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"3735084476.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old man decided to dig a hole in the dirt on a warm summer day", "label": "", "image_id": "3735084476", "pair_id": "3735084476.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old man was treasure hunting in his backyard", "label": "", "image_id": "3735084476", "pair_id": "3735084476.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is planting tomato seeds in his garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "3735084476", "pair_id": "3735084476.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is digging up mud for his daughter's garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "3735084476", "pair_id": "3735084476.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is preparing for a garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "3735084476", "pair_id": "3735084476.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Amish man gets ready for the spring", "label": "", "image_id": "3735084476", "pair_id": "3735084476.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": 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"2074835945.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is playing with a bird.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young girl is lying in her bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is playing outside her home.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is chasing a bird.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is chasing a bird in the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is chasing a puppy.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl wants to pet the pigeon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is afraid to go towards the stairs because of the pigeon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The pigeon is near the stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little girl pretends to walk like a pigeon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A red-haired girls follows a pigeon down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl walks on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2074835945", "pair_id": "2074835945.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A black dog with white feet runs into a lake to catch a fish.", "label": "", "image_id": "3552435734", "pair_id": "3552435734.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"2779332686.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are white people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are working.", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are cutting the grass as a woman watches.", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men are working.", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men are fixing a house damaged by the storm.", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "men are skydiving", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "men are creating a wood statue", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "men workign on wood", "label": "", "image_id": "2779332686", "pair_id": "2779332686.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a blue shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man in a blue shirt standing in front of a tall building.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in a red dress is standing in front of a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bald guy wearing blue is standing by a building on a rainy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady is in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A bald guy wearing blue is standing by a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A nearly bald man in dark glasses does not want to be recognized.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bald man is a lawn decoration.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A nearly hairless gentlemen is waiting near an empty street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is standing", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall human standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A human standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2751567262", "pair_id": "2751567262.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is 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"label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women are dressed in red pants and black hats and waiting to catch a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are preparing to buy something to eat.", "label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are buying food to take to their neighbors.", "label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are actors filming a movie", "label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Cast of start trek on set.", "label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Actors filming a western movie", "label": "", "image_id": "6056271620", "pair_id": "6056271620.jpg#3r1n", 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child in a multicolor striped shirt on a brown horse on the carousel on a Saturday night.", "label": "", "image_id": "44113527", "pair_id": "44113527.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman helps her child put on her winter clothes since it is snowing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "44113527", "pair_id": "44113527.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some people are on a carousel.", "label": "", "image_id": "44113527", "pair_id": "44113527.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The pickers are sleeping in the field.", "label": "", "image_id": "4127226771", "pair_id": "4127226771.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The pickers are working outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4127226771", "pair_id": "4127226771.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The pickers are picking corn.", "label": "", "image_id": "4127226771", "pair_id": "4127226771.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The migrant workers are picking lettuce.", 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"image_id": "7157359077", "pair_id": "7157359077.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man wearing glasses is playing pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "7157359077", "pair_id": "7157359077.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man makes a winning pool shot.", "label": "", "image_id": "7157359077", "pair_id": "7157359077.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in a white shirt plays pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "7157359077", "pair_id": "7157359077.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman swims in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "7157359077", "pair_id": "7157359077.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and his pet are fishing", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Human and animal are outdoors", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and his daughter are swimming", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple and a dog play in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and a dog on rocks on a beach at sunset.", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are going for a walk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog and his owner are outside", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and his dog sit inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2521983429", "pair_id": "2521983429.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a person is running along the beach with his 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"pair_id": "2508850304.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People walking through a park.", "label": "", "image_id": "2508850304", "pair_id": "2508850304.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are cooking a meal.", "label": "", "image_id": "2508850304", "pair_id": "2508850304.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are three horses running in a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are three people in a race jogging together.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are three women jogging in a race together.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Only women are running a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "No one is racing by water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are near water.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people in a race joyously running outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three people in a race not running outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people in a race running outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women and a man sit on a bench", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple of costumed women run alongside a man also wearing a superhero outfit", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women wear costumes while racing along side a man", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men and woman are running together.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are bar tending.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men and woman are teaming up.", "label": "", "image_id": "6993511259", "pair_id": "6993511259.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One man wearing a green jacket, blue jeans, boots and a gray cowboy hat standing beside a barn watching the sun rise.", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person stands outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A 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"2632133026.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wears sunglasses while staring at the sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man solves a math problem.", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man stares into the sun.", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody has a hat", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall person with a hat", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person with a hat", "label": "", "image_id": "2632133026", "pair_id": "2632133026.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are outside in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One person holds a giant snowball over two others on the school grounds in a snowy background.", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "One person is holding two other people hostage with a gun on a plane.", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The guy is getting ready to throw snow at some people.", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The father and the two kids are playing on the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The father is going to throw snow on his two kids.", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Humans waiting", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Tall humans waiting", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nobody is waiting", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people play outside", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three people sit in a hot tub", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#4r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people build a snowman", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a man is holding snow", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the people are having a snow ball fight", "label": "", "image_id": "367248403", "pair_id": "367248403.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man sled alone 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"label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is the mother of the child", "label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman kisses a child", "label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a woman kissed a little boy.", "label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The little boy is the woman's child.", "label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman and child are showing affection", "label": "", "image_id": "6556863679", "pair_id": "6556863679.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A crying child is being comforted by a 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"image_id": "3600221224", "pair_id": "3600221224.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog running towards a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "3600221224", "pair_id": "3600221224.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A dog is wagging a tail and running.", "label": "", "image_id": "3600221224", "pair_id": "3600221224.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A dog is climbing a tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "3600221224", "pair_id": "3600221224.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two children having a good time in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two kids sticking their tongues out at each other underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two children are underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two young children are sitting on lounge chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two children are diving for a pool toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two young children are getting wet.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "2 children are playing a swimming game in the pool", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "2 children swim in a pool", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "it is snowing outside", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is in the pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl teachers her baby sibling to swim in the family pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is swimming", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two children in the water", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The pool is frozen solid.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A baby boy and a girl in a pool", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A baby is sleeping in its crib.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The children are watching 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"485738889.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is trying to drown a toddler in the pool", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is swimming with the toddler in the pool", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is holding a toddler in a pool", "label": "", "image_id": "485738889", "pair_id": "485738889.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four people are running through the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Four people are best friends.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four people are outside at a fair.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of men and a boy celebrate an 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"pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are riding a ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men and a boy take a long car trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The family did not enjoy the amusement ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The family of four enjoyed the amusement ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They enjoyed the amusement ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "5453323381", "pair_id": "5453323381.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is riding his bike normally.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is a professional bicyclist.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is jumping an obstacle.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A skateborder is performing tricks.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone skateboarding on a halfpipe.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is riding a mountain bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man on a bike does a bunny hop.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is riding a bike for excercise.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A biker is 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{"context": "A biker hops over a big rock.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is riding his bike to Mars.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is on a bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#4r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men ride green bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men ride bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men ride Harleys.", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two guys are racing each other on bikes", "label": "", "image_id": "6231758027", "pair_id": "6231758027.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are 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"label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man steps into a cooler.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man gets into a cooler because he wants to take a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man in flip flops has an empty cup in his hand.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man in flip flops is sitting on his blue cooler.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man in flip flops is looking in a cooler.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young man is inside looking thru the fridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is looking towards the cooler.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is looking at the cooler for food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man gets out the sandwiches he made for his wife.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a man with food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The hungry man wishes he had food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man gets ready for a picnic", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man loads up a cooler full of food", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman empties her fridge of food and throws it in the trash", "label": "", "image_id": "3714740161", "pair_id": "3714740161.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is hanging a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man hangs up a picture in the living room while his wife watches.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy is running outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man is painting a portrait", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Man is hanging a portrait while his wife tells him if it's even", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Man hangs a framed portrait while woman observes", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man putting up a framed painting.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A robot sealing a priceless painting in carbonite.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A laborer hangs the museum's new piece.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman just hammered the nail into the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman watches as the man fiddles with the picture on the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man 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"1512770347.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with a saw ignores a woman who is holding a photo of a bear.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man just finished pounding the nail into the wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is holding a tool.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman considers putting a painting on a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is near a hammer.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is diving off the diving board at the lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is dead.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The picture is antique.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is hanging a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "1512770347", "pair_id": "1512770347.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A red-haired rides a go-cart.", "label": "", "image_id": "36391683", "pair_id": "36391683.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman holds her parcels as she talks with a man.", "label": "", "image_id": "36391683", "pair_id": "36391683.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman with a shopping bag talks with someone in red.", "label": "", "image_id": "36391683", "pair_id": "36391683.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are conversing", "label": "", "image_id": "36391683", "pair_id": "36391683.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and 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"label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people are swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are playing on a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the elderly men play music for their family", "label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the elderly men play music", "label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the pigs eat fish", "label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of humans plays music.", "label": "", "image_id": "2636020148", "pair_id": "2636020148.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a famous band performs", "label": 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"pair_id": "6704385305.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Olympic hopefuls perform their swim routines.", "label": "", "image_id": "6704385305", "pair_id": "6704385305.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person ice skating.", "label": "", "image_id": "6704385305", "pair_id": "6704385305.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The artist is working on his art.", "label": "", "image_id": "4912320463", "pair_id": "4912320463.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The artist is working on his art outside in the sunshine.", "label": "", "image_id": "4912320463", "pair_id": "4912320463.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The artist is sculpting a bust.", "label": "", "image_id": "4912320463", "pair_id": "4912320463.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The abandoned store was a grocery store at one point.", "label": "", "image_id": "4912320463", "pair_id": "4912320463.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The artist is inside 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"1459582913.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Male cheerleading squad is forming a human pyramid at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The cheerleaders are scuba diving.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are cheerleaders standing near each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group stands on the chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women are cooking.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "College cheerleaders are behind som brown chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of cheerleaders 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{"context": "There are five people doing a stunt.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are holding up three people wearing white, blue and blaack leotards at the circus while the crowd watches.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of cheerleaders are performing for a large group of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are holding down three people in black, red and white leotards while a crowd walks away.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are performing a gymnastic move.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are standing in a line.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are performing on top of a blue mat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1459582913", "pair_id": "1459582913.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Demonstrators protest Israel at a political event.", "label": "", "image_id": "4672020554", "pair_id": "4672020554.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Demonstrators stand in a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4672020554", "pair_id": "4672020554.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Demonstrators sit and chant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4672020554", "pair_id": "4672020554.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are have a protesting problems in Israeli.", "label": "", "image_id": "4672020554", "pair_id": "4672020554.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are carrying signs at a protest.", "label": "", "image_id": "4672020554", "pair_id": "4672020554.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": 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"2371143807.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl in a black shirt runs on a treadmill.", "label": "", "image_id": "2371143807", "pair_id": "2371143807.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a teenage girl hangs off of playground equipment.", "label": "", "image_id": "2371143807", "pair_id": "2371143807.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young girl is climbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2371143807", "pair_id": "2371143807.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy is climbing on a wooden structure.", "label": "", "image_id": "2371143807", "pair_id": "2371143807.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young childis climbing on a structure.", "label": "", "image_id": "2371143807", "pair_id": "2371143807.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young girl in white shirt plays on monkey bars.", "label": "", "image_id": "2371143807", "pair_id": "2371143807.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young girl sits 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"yes"}, {"context": "A clown terrorizes people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is at the fair.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is on a date.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is at a funeral.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A circus preformer is creating a toy soldier with a red balloon", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is having a balloon toy created for her.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young boy is waiting on a clown to give him a toy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A clown entertains at a party.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A clown goes on a killing rampage.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A clown and a baloon.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An acrobat performing for a handsome man.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A clown making balloon shapes for a lady.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A clown showing off for a lady he has a crush on.", "label": "", "image_id": "4731709586", "pair_id": "4731709586.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The street is full of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The park is full of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A large group of people are in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are dressed casually in a pub.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are walking to an anime event.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People in costumes are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Many people are wearing jackets on a street marching in a parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a parade has been delayed on an empty road", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A marching band parades down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Many people are playing trumpets while marching down a street", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are at a parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are marching down a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Many people are marching down the street", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a group of people in blue walk down a street", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "One person is wearing a jacket on a street marching.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are sitting inside.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Zombies wearing blue jackets prowl down the street looking for fresh blood.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Many people are wearing jackets on a street marching.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a protest group marches", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Many people are wearing red jackets", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People march down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are in a gay pride parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are in a parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are at a banquet.", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are a bunch of people walking on a street", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The parade of people is a themed marathon", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The elderly man plays chess at home", "label": "", "image_id": "2042048597", "pair_id": "2042048597.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is doing tricks on the tricycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person riding a tricyle.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is riding on a bicycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a man in a vehicle with the windows all the way down", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a man in a vehicle", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a man getting into a vehicle", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The playground has a rubber surface and is empty of people.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The vehicle goes through sand on the playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The little boy is riding a tricycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Person performs stunts for their friends in a three wheeler.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Person rides a three wheeler.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Person pops a wheelie on his motorbike.", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Nobody is riding", "label": "", "image_id": "2921112724", "pair_id": "2921112724.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A tall 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"image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are mens preparing some food.", "label": "", "image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Guys are running on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Guys are eating hot dogs.", "label": "", "image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are laying out the pizza dough to bake.", "label": "", "image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are laying out pita bread on the metal surface.", "label": "", "image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are preparing pita bread.", "label": "", "image_id": "6888801884", "pair_id": "6888801884.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men 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"7787559618.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of adults consists of two married couples.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The four adults are all sitting in folding chairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women are fast asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The two women are talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two women are discussing their husbands.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two sisters shop for shoes at a shoe store.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two woman with headdress are 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{"context": "Women and men observe the gender segregation.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The men are dancing.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two sisters are talking in the foreground.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two woman with headdress are happily talking.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People in headdress speak with the opposite gender.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The women are deep sea diving in the ocean on Saturn.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children are running through a field with a kite.", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the two woman are friends", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two woman in a hijab", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the two woman are with the men in hijabs", "label": "", "image_id": "7787559618", "pair_id": "7787559618.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An image shows two men driving police cars.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An image shows a man and a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An image shows a man and woman ant an airport.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is smiling 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"maybe"}, {"context": "The female is being looked at by another human.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The lady was at home sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is waiting for the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is at a bus stop.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4678130554", "pair_id": "4678130554.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People playing outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People on a commercial airplane.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People playing hop scotch outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are playing videogames.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two men are playing baseball.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Guys playing a game in a public lot.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Guys competitevly playing a game in a public lot.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Guys eating chips at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One man watches as another man teaches someone how to play an outdoor game.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is watching another man play a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The game is complicated and needs to be learned by demonstration", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of guys are watching the techniques for playing a game at the park", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The men are not following the rules and have walked off.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is watching another man play with himself.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man watches another man angrily on a sunny afternoon.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man watches the baseball lesson in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man watches another man on a sunny afternoon.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two men sit together and share a beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is kicking a hackey sack.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is watching someone demonstrate a cooking lesson.", "label": "", "image_id": "253800791", "pair_id": "253800791.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is watching a man 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"149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two guys are jumping over fallen trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are two men that are young.", "label": "", "image_id": "149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two men are seeing who can jump farther.", "label": "", "image_id": "149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are people in midair.", "label": "", "image_id": "149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two men are off the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two logs are being jumped over by two men.", "label": "", "image_id": "149110905", "pair_id": "149110905.jpg#3r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are two men sitting in a coffee shop.", 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{"context": "A man wearing a straw hat with a blue band drinking out of a pink cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "6623693625", "pair_id": "6623693625.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A sad child wearing a straw hat with a blue band drinking out of a pink cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "6623693625", "pair_id": "6623693625.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person wearing a straw hat with a blue band drinking out of a pink cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "6623693625", "pair_id": "6623693625.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young kid is drinking out of a cup.", "label": "", "image_id": "6623693625", "pair_id": "6623693625.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A kid is holding a soda can and walking through the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "6623693625", "pair_id": "6623693625.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids were in awe as they listened pasionately to the story of the young boy.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"6228224680.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is working under the hood of a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "6228224680", "pair_id": "6228224680.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the young lady knows how to fly in sky", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "when the girl jumps it creates new heights everytime", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "there is a young girl who is trained in jumping", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The girl is wearing pajamas.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is jumping on a park bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The girl is in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is in trouble.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl is at school.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The little girl is bothering her father.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A little girl is resting peacefully.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A little girl is getting exercise.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy sits on a chair by a door.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A small girl jumps on the couch in the living room by a very dirty window.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is bouncing on the couch in a window.", "label": "", "image_id": "2070798293", "pair_id": "2070798293.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is in the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is working in his office cubicle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is in a surfing competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The surfer is on the shore eating a kebab.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The surfer is out in the Pacific Ocean.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a person surfing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The surfer is a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone in a black wetsuit is surfing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The surfer is sitting on the yacht.", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "THE grass was green", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "not watched at alll", "label": "", "image_id": "3093971101", "pair_id": "3093971101.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a 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"4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A violin player drinks soda.", "label": "", "image_id": "4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man playing an electric violin in front of a wall for tips.", "label": "", "image_id": "4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone playing a violin in front of a wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman playing the guitar in a store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is playing a musical instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is playing a strange drum set.", "label": "", "image_id": "4855045103", "pair_id": "4855045103.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An elderly couple are dealing merchandise.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A couple are dealing merchandise.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple is watching a movie.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are holding a giraffe.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One of them painted the picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "They are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a dog jumps", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a baby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4747892933", "pair_id": "4747892933.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the children are asleep", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "children are playing", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the children are siblings", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is screaming.", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is being chased.", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the girl is in red.", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, 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"label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The group is building a militia to combat rodents.", "label": "", "image_id": "2386366590", "pair_id": "2386366590.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are skiing down a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are climbing a mountain.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are climbing Mount Everest.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The hikers are trying to make their way in a competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The hikers are wearing their backpacks in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two hickers climb to a mountain top on a beautiful summer day.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People strolling in the park in the summer.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People hiking up Mt Everst.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People hiking in the snow.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are hiking with backpacks on in warm weather.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are hiking with backpacks up a snowy slope.", "label": "", "image_id": "336551615", "pair_id": "336551615.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two people are cold 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is peaceful as he sits on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is happy and feels great", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman has clothes on", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She broke her wrist", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is holding a cute dog.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The face is funny.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a human on a road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a woman on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is getting chased.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is clutching her chest as she screams.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is driving her car.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the woman is asleep at home", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a woman in trouble and hurting badly.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, 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"2383814994.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A happy woman is skipping down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2383814994", "pair_id": "2383814994.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are playing together", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids are singing songs while they paint", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are taking naps", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Kid are enjoying themselves playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of kittens are fighting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of kids are playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids are outside playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are watching a film.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids are watching an educational movie.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids play with tvs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kids choose a new tv.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids read a book.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are playing at the playground.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are playing video games at home.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The kids are playing video games.", "label": "", "image_id": "4901078902", "pair_id": "4901078902.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some women play beach volleyball", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women play volleyball in the gym.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd watches a women's beach volleyball game", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "four girls play volleyball", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a boy eats pizza", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "four girls in volleyball tournament", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Women in jumpsuits prepare to jump out of an airplane.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women are on the beach in swimsuits.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women's legs have sand sticking to them.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women are playing beach volleyball.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The three women are having dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One player on the women's beach volleyball team jumps to spike the ball as her teammate looks on.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of women are soaked from the rain.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Some women are playing a sport.", "label": "", "image_id": "2206282062", "pair_id": "2206282062.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is hunting.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is on the ground.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is flying a plane.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is bent over.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A soldier is bending over.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man in overalls is bending over.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is panhandling.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is asking for money to buy some beer.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lawyer is prosecuting a case in a courtroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is shown falling to his knees on the battlefield.", "label": "", "image_id": "2463394631", "pair_id": "2463394631.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a sweatshirt.", "label": "", 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"4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are looking at the christmas decorations.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people is walking by a store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd is on the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Depictions are nearby.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People look up.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Sworn on the Spork of Spooleye.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are watching television.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are standing on a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people stand on a street in front of a sculpture.", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The new Chinese history exhibit is open at the museum", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are looking at art", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are running a marathon", "label": "", "image_id": "4755772625", "pair_id": "4755772625.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A photographer taking a picture while surrounded by dogs", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone taking a picture while surrounded by people", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is a crowd of people with one man taking their photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are only two people standing there while a man takes their photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a crowd of people standing there waiting for the man to take their photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man telling somebody to pose for him.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man pointing a camera at somebody.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man facing the sea with a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The performance is being photographed.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Nobody is documenting the event.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The performance will be on the news.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some of the people in the crowd have cameras.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People in the crowd are posing for pictures.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Everyone in the crowd are angry.", "label": "", "image_id": "3143574389", "pair_id": "3143574389.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is standing by a rail near a giant mirror.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is sliding down a rail on a skateboard.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is standing", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking in park", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is wearing a gray colour dress and holding a black bag", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The gray-coated woman runs and pounces on the face-painted children without mercy.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman stands still and shrinks into her gray coat, hoping that the passing creep doesn't notice her.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Clad in a gray jacket, a woman stands still.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old lady opens her purse and pays the male prostitute for a ride on the Pogo Stick.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman dances with her friend in the parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A theif is thwarted from stealing the purse of a kindly grandmother.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An old woman hits a man with her purse as he flails his hands in the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is wearing pants.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is swimming in his bathtub in his bathroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is walking down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are people near the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A pedestrian is walking while an elderly woman waits.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "An old woman is afraid some guy will take her purse.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An old woman has her hand on her purse as a guy walks down a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is happily walking down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "An elderly woman is afraid of a man with his hands in his pocket.", "label": "", "image_id": "4843623952", "pair_id": "4843623952.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman with a crossbody black purse is walking around a 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"4869891965.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman in mourning.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman eating dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing something that is white.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is sitting in the restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is wearing brown loafers.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A female is over a gravestone.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is drinking scotch at the bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is grieving a late loved one.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman led the party in a conga line.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are about to go to the funeral.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Someone shows a person compassion.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is having a boring time.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman in black pays respects to someone at their funeral.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is 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"4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is having a birthday party and smiling.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is a female.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is at a funeral.", "label": "", "image_id": "4869891965", "pair_id": "4869891965.jpg#3r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two cyclists are taking a break.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two cyclists are taking selfies.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two cyclists are taking pictures in the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bicycles are new.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are in swimming gear.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are people.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two bikers are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The bikers lost their bikes when someone stole them.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The bikers are riding their bikes in an extreme biking competition.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The bike is red", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is no water nearby", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone is standing", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two off road bikers almost crashed so they stopped.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three racers going down the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two off road bikers stopped in a creek.", "label": "", "image_id": "125319704", "pair_id": "125319704.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and two children happily stand", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman and two children stand", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and two children don't stand", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the family is asleep", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a family is standing", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the family is large", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "poverty in african village", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "poor village with rich women and children", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "people are poor in african village", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Some people are standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman and her children are sleeping in a hammock.", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman and her children are standing in some dirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of fat villagers prepare for a rainstorm.", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of dogs prepare for a rainstorm.", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Villagers prepare for a rainstorm.", "label": "", "image_id": "408904281", "pair_id": "408904281.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are car driving down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2965376213", "pair_id": "2965376213.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A young toddler is 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"2965376213.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is diving deep underwater.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is getting water to spray in a circle by moving his head.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is trying to act like a water sprinkler.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A shirtless man is swimming in a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is standing by the fireplace drying off.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is swimming in a lake.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is at the 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"3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person is drying off.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person is swimming in a pool.", "label": "", "image_id": "3582920844", "pair_id": "3582920844.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women acting in a horror movie.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Women are tied up near a building site.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are tied to a large boulder.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the women are working.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the women are going to the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "there are two women wearing shirts.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a woman on a harness.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are waiting for a rescue.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are climbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are working on phone lines.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are in a lift working on phone lines.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women sitting on a pole.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women showing their climbing skills.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women climbing a pole.", "label": "", "image_id": "3554391279", "pair_id": "3554391279.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Several young people in a kitchen holding a sign saying \"Prayer Booth.\"", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Several young people on a street holding a yellow sign saying \"Prayer Booth.\"", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Some people holding a sign with religious slogans on it.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A boy reads the Bible.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of religious nuts protests at a store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group talks and holds a sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is holding a prayer sign with his two daughters.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is holding a prayer sign with his two sons.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three people are standing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A parade fills the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The protesters picket the drug store.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of people outside a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are a part of a native tribe mending their fishing nets.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are several people in this photo.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are a church gathering for their annual community prayer vesper.", "label": "", "image_id": "4556421643", "pair_id": "4556421643.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is mad.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a couple.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are two men.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are sitting in class.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "They are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "They are holding hands.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man and a woman walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman with dyed blond-hair and carrying a dslr camera is walking with a young man with dark hair down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man with long blonde hair and a woman with short red hair are running for their lives down an alley.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is admiring the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman owns a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is running away from the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A reporter and camerawoman are investigating a news lead.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman with a camera and a man are riding in a taxi.", "label": "", "image_id": "4603790455", "pair_id": "4603790455.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The female is in the woods.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The female is in the woods on a rainy day.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is pulling a sled.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl cooking in the kitchen", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl bushes a wheelbarrow, was wearing a gloves", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl bushes wheelbarrow", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A teenage volunteer at the site of the river cleanup.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The girl is helpiing out.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Teenage girl shopping at the mall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The female is wearing a t-shirt.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The blond girl is wheeling a wheelbarrow across a lawn to put lawn trimmings in.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The blond girl is sleeping in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "4570151256", "pair_id": "4570151256.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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"label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A guy is playing on desert rocks.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person jumps near a cactus.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A rock is alone in the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person goes grocery shopping.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Kangaroo hopping in a rain forest tree.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Rock formations in rainforest", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A sad man steps off a rock outcropping in the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman steps off a rock outcropping in the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Someone steps off a rock outcropping in the desert.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is looking for water.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is in his cool house.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is outside in the heat.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": " A man about to step off the edge of cliff has second thoughts about taking such an action.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is on top of a rock.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": " A man about to fall off the edge of a trampoline.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "This man is uncomfortably hot", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing black is teetering on the edge of a cliff with a large landmass visible behind him.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is about to descend from the cliff formation.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a bathing suit.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The desert landscape can be seen behind the man.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is rock climbing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is posing for a picture.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is in a cave", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is sitting on the small cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is wearing dark clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "This man is up high", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is a spy.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man wearing a blue shirt is sitting on top of a cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man dressed in black is standing on a mountaintop.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person in dark clothing is stepping off the edge of a small cliff.", "label": "", "image_id": "1339342911", "pair_id": "1339342911.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is walking up a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman is biking up a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is taking her laundry to the river.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man racing a car.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young woman carrying a large load of clothing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking to her home.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A women is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl hauls home food on her back", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "a girl carries a basket", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a girl takes a nap in the grass", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is carrying a basket down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is playing soccer in the cobble stone streets of Brazil.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is carrying a basket down the street in Nepal.", "label": "", "image_id": "6982756534", "pair_id": "6982756534.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man walks across the road.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are gossiping at the cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is meeting his son.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A middle eastern man walking across a street to his house.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man walking across a street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A middle eastern man walking down a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and a beggar are in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man avoids a beggar in the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A beggar is in the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One man walks towards another man on the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There is only one man on the street", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "One man walks towards a man he wants to sell something to on a street", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is riding a motorcycle across the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4461519605", "pair_id": "4461519605.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The 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"3838186953.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Cyclists cross over a bridge together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3838186953", "pair_id": "3838186953.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the woman is asleep at home", "label": "", "image_id": "3838186953", "pair_id": "3838186953.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of people are riding bikes across the bridge", "label": "", "image_id": "3838186953", "pair_id": "3838186953.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group ride theit bikes over a wooden bridge.", "label": "", "image_id": "3838186953", "pair_id": "3838186953.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group ride their bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "3838186953", "pair_id": "3838186953.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The group of people were going to a destination at the same time", "label": "", "image_id": "3838186953", "pair_id": "3838186953.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "people riding 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are playing musical instruments outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The five people are wearing Scottish kilts.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Five men are enjoying the drums.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Men in scottish garb walk down the street to play football.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Bagpipes are not available for men", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The tent is red.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The band is skilled.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a bagpipe.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A street band of males are making noise with their instruments.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A street band of males are playing drums, and all of them are noticeably old.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A band of males are playing an intense game of dominoes at the park.", "label": "", "image_id": "5385135432", "pair_id": "5385135432.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is sitting on a rug pointing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is pointing at something on the TV.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A child is wearing sunglasses.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a boy leans on a table", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a girl shows off her stolen sunglasses", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a boy shows off his new sunglasses and shirt", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A kid is being silly.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The kid is swimming.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kid needs the glasses to see.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young boy with glasses is excited to make a speech.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young boy wears large glasses and is ready to make a speech.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young girl leans against a table listening to music.", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the boy points", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the boy is sleeping at home", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the boys is white", "label": "", "image_id": "4303640101", "pair_id": "4303640101.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Young people are active outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young persons are having dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The kids are jumping on a large pile of sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Children playing indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Children playing in a sandbox.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four children playing in sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four siblings are building sand castles at the beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#3r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The children 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"text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four children are on a sand dune.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four children are playing in rain puddles.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two boys and two girls are playing in the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four kids are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Seven adults are standing on top of a mountain of sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Four boys are sliding on trays down a mountain of sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "1402641725", "pair_id": "1402641725.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are two women in the living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are two women outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "There are two women on a camping trip.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A pair of women hike outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women enjoy their nature hike.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A pair of women run down the hill covered in maple trees.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are walking on a path.", "label": "", "image_id": "478025924", "pair_id": "478025924.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two friends are 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"1693733107.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A confused handicapped man in the ER was asked where he felt the most pain and he touches both his ears and eyes", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are standing in a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two old people are sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two elderly people are going to the facility that will turn them into soylet green", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people are on a long train ride.", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two eldery people are on the train tfor and uninvited visit to their kid's home.", 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"1693733107.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The two older people are standing in the handicapped section and reading the newspaper.", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people have a cane or a walker", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two old men are sitting on the train.", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people sit in chairs on a train.", "label": "", "image_id": "1693733107", "pair_id": "1693733107.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A blind man plays guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4727561977", "pair_id": "4727561977.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A blind man is playing drums.", "label": "", "image_id": "4727561977", "pair_id": "4727561977.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man plays drums while 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"411008311.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is by himself in his living room.", "label": "", "image_id": "411008311", "pair_id": "411008311.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is wearing a hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "411008311", "pair_id": "411008311.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is jumping around outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "411008311", "pair_id": "411008311.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a group of humans", "label": "", "image_id": "411008311", "pair_id": "411008311.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a woman falls down", "label": "", "image_id": "411008311", "pair_id": "411008311.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a pro skateboarder gets some air", "label": "", "image_id": "411008311", "pair_id": "411008311.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A homeless man is sitting outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A homeless man is sitting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A homeless man is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is inside cooking dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The old man is outside on the bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man sees a big rat.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is reading.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is waiting for a bus.", "label": "", "image_id": "4902698747", "pair_id": "4902698747.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The 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"image_id": "4941361426", "pair_id": "4941361426.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people kiss in the dark.", "label": "", "image_id": "4941361426", "pair_id": "4941361426.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two people kiss who just met.", "label": "", "image_id": "4941361426", "pair_id": "4941361426.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people kiss.", "label": "", "image_id": "4941361426", "pair_id": "4941361426.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is holding a picket sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man enjoys bottled water.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is passionate about his cause.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is protesting.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", 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"4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is holding a bullhorn.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man uses a bullhorn during a peaceful demonstration.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is struggling to be heard while yelling during a riotous demonstration about glass bottles breaking and popping car tires.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man uses a bullhorn during a peaceful demonstration about the energy it takes to make plastic water bottles.", "label": "", "image_id": "4173843036", "pair_id": "4173843036.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child is playing on a swingset.", "label": "", "image_id": "1490670858", "pair_id": "1490670858.jpg#4r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A 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{"context": "A person putting on new clean sheets.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person taking a nap.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person putting his bed together.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man tucks in a sheet on the bed of his hotel room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The sheets are being tucked in on the bed by a man.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman serves eggs to children in a cafeteria line.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is naked.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": 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"text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A women sleeping on a bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "3142675162", "pair_id": "3142675162.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is holding a girls hand and walking through a creek.", "label": "", "image_id": "3666179842", "pair_id": "3666179842.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man with jean shorts on is holding a little girls hand while she flies a kite.", "label": "", "image_id": "3666179842", "pair_id": "3666179842.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man with shorts on is helping a little girl find her way home.", "label": "", "image_id": "3666179842", "pair_id": "3666179842.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man throws confetti into the air.", "label": "", "image_id": "3666179842", "pair_id": "3666179842.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child wades in a shallow river.", "label": "", "image_id": "3666179842", "pair_id": "3666179842.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "man and women are walking in the crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "man selling in the crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sits alone at a cafe drinking coffee.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Guy with no shirt on is oblivious to three women strolling past him.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man looks away while women walk past a cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man listens to jazz in a bar.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women enjoy their meal at an indoor restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A shirtless guy is eyeing three women walking past a crowd near a store.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three woman look at a shirtless man.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A shirtless guy is hoping to get the attention of three girls near a coffee shop.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People at or near an outside cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A trio of women walking past a busy cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "three women are trying out for a football team", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A crowd of people sot outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "three women walk past a cafe", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "the three women are admiring the shirtless man", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A shirtless guy is sitting at his computer.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "An engaged couple walk through the crowd together.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a crowd in an arena for an event.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is 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"166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Four people walk down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Four people play cards.", "label": "", "image_id": "166283675", "pair_id": "166283675.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "boy eats hardees", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "woman plays guitar", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "woman gives free concert", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A blonde headed man is playing his guitar on the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Down on the sidewalk there's a girl with blue hair playing her guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is playing her guitar for the people.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A musician poses for her album cover.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The redhead plays her viola in front of the green wall.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman plays guitar.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl is chatting with her friends at a party.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "a blue haired lady is playing an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r2e", "text_label": 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"4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman with red hair was watching a concert.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is giving birth.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is playing a song at the train station.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is playing her guitar outside the cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is a woman playing an instrument.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A female is playing music.", "label": "", "image_id": "4953761534", "pair_id": "4953761534.jpg#1r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man with blue hair 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"label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Older women are sitting outside on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The old women have been friends for years.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Group of older women wearing purple and red clothes, chili peppers jewelry, and large sombreros, relaxing.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of elderly woman wearing a particular pattern of clothing are sitting on a brick bench", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are waiting for the start of a traditional Mexican parade.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r3n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are women running down the street.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r3c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of women are standing in a circle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The elephants are going the Cha Cha.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The ladies are all part of a particular group", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The women are sitting together.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of older women are gathered on a bench.", "label": "", "image_id": "4592877696", "pair_id": "4592877696.jpg#0r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "All the ladies are standing around wearing dull clothing.", "label": 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"no"}, {"context": "The person is very cold.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The person is sitting outside in a public area.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is sitting inside of a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is sleeping.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The person is wrapped ina shawl", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The person is sitting", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A cold human sits outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Seventeen pansexual lovers cavort beneath a gigantic coverlet.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person has a blanket.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A person is sleeping on a bench", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A person has a blanket around them while sitting on a bench", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A person wrapped in a blanket is sitting on a bench in a park", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bearded man stands next to a pepsi machine.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man next to a machine.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A woman sleeps in a cot.", "label": "", "image_id": "492104206", "pair_id": "492104206.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A couple is sitting at a table.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A couple is sitting at a table outside during a thunderstorm.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is sitting at his dining room table eating a frozen dinner.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The people are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is lying in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The couple are having 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"A man and a woman are seated outdoors under the moonlight.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man and the woman are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#0r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man and the woman are in a relationship.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man and woman are in a restaurant.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man and a woman dressed in formal wear are sitting at a table outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man and a woman in jeans and t-shirts are working in a garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "3088922727", "pair_id": "3088922727.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man takes pictures of people at a football game.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man watches people on bleachers, wishing he had a camera.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A picture is being taken.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The tourists are eating somethings.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "These tourisits are sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The tourists are walking away.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy recording something.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man uses monocle.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A guy is recording a action in a stadium", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are waiting on a show.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are around the Statue of Liberty.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People are outside looking at something.", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is taking selfies of himself", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is a professional photographer and taking wedding pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man has a camera in his hands and taking pictures", "label": "", "image_id": "4887777901", "pair_id": "4887777901.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A man is falling off a scaffold.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boss is yelling at a worker.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is on a scaffold.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is a worker.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is walking.", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is walking on a cobblestone street.", "label": "", "image_id": 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"4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "This car is fast", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "This man is walking on his property", "label": "", "image_id": "4944189061", "pair_id": "4944189061.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are eating Indian food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women ate eating food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are eating Mexican food.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding a motorcycle outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A red motorcycle is flying down the sidewalk.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man parked a motorcycle.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The woman is outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The woman is feeding the pigeons.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The woman is indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There are several birds", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The women are throwing food to the pigeons", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man is riding a sports bike", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The birds were asleep.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The animals are outdoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The birds were waiting for food to be dropped by humans.", "label": "", "image_id": "3039675864", "pair_id": "3039675864.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are sitting in a waiting room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3491365028", "pair_id": "3491365028.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are waiting for a doctor.", "label": "", "image_id": "3491365028", "pair_id": "3491365028.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two people are napping in a quiet room.", "label": "", "image_id": "3491365028", "pair_id": "3491365028.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The men where high class outfits.", 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"2398856861.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a guy with a helmet is in the sun on his birthday", "label": "", "image_id": "2398856861", "pair_id": "2398856861.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man sunbathes on steps near the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2398856861", "pair_id": "2398856861.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A man bicycles to the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2398856861", "pair_id": "2398856861.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man rests on steps near the water.", "label": "", "image_id": "2398856861", "pair_id": "2398856861.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is sitting in a boat wearing a baseball cap.", "label": "", "image_id": "2398856861", "pair_id": "2398856861.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A man is wearing a helmet.", "label": "", "image_id": "2398856861", "pair_id": "2398856861.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The man is traveling and decided to take a 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"4857555732.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Everybody is waiting for their commute", "label": "", "image_id": "4857555732", "pair_id": "4857555732.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A bus is going down the subway entrance.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857555732", "pair_id": "4857555732.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The subway entrance has a sign.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857555732", "pair_id": "4857555732.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The subway entrance has stairs.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857555732", "pair_id": "4857555732.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The people are in a subway.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857555732", "pair_id": "4857555732.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The people are gathered at a bar to watch a game.", "label": "", "image_id": "4857555732", "pair_id": "4857555732.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "There is a group of people near a subway sign.", "label": 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"text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dancers are hideous, wearing tie dye constumes.", "label": "", "image_id": "7173096497", "pair_id": "7173096497.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The foliage is green, dancers in purple.", "label": "", "image_id": "7173096497", "pair_id": "7173096497.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There are dancers in purple constumes.", "label": "", "image_id": "7173096497", "pair_id": "7173096497.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dancers are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "7173096497", "pair_id": "7173096497.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The dancers are sitting down.", "label": "", "image_id": "7173096497", "pair_id": "7173096497.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The dancers are performing for a huge crowd.", "label": "", "image_id": "7173096497", "pair_id": "7173096497.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young child is trying to pass time playing with their toys", "label": 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"6750572607.jpg#2r3e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A young child has purple boots", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#2r4c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The child is playing with a toy outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#2r2e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The young boy and his mother are visiting a playground near his home with his mother", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#2r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A young child is playing with a shovel", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#2r4e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A child plays with construction items.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#2r5e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The small child plays with his new puppy.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A 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{"context": "A child scoops dirt into a bucket.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child that is playing outside is wearing all black", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A child is playing with toys outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The child finished his chores so he can play outside", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A blonde boy is playing near a construction zone.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A blonde girl is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A blonde child is playing.", "label": "", "image_id": "6750572607", "pair_id": "6750572607.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three girls are playing basketball.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two girls are working while another is playing around.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three naked women sleeping in bed.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Women in shirts washing a window and putting their face on the glass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Women in shirts washing a window for their friends birthday!", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A crowd of people are looking in a window.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three women are indoors.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three woman are sitting on a couch.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three women are cleaning their window.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Three men are washing the window.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Three amish women are cleaning the glass.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A woman is about to throw a brick through a store window", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A woman is pressed up against the glass, trying to alert her sister.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are inside of a store.", "label": "", "image_id": "3992000353", "pair_id": "3992000353.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl wears a white dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A girl stands in a bathroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl wears a fancy dress.", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A little girl is dressed up outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "She is the flower girl for a wedding.", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The little girl is in a bathing 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"4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A girl holds flowers for her mother on the sidewalk", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A boy holds flowers for his mother on the sidewalk", "label": "", "image_id": "4715846690", "pair_id": "4715846690.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Men standing on a stage", "label": "", "image_id": "4509270396", "pair_id": "4509270396.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The band is all women", "label": "", "image_id": "4509270396", "pair_id": "4509270396.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Young men are playing in a band", "label": "", "image_id": "4509270396", "pair_id": "4509270396.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Nirvana is performing at Madison Square Garden.", "label": "", "image_id": "4509270396", "pair_id": "4509270396.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Three guys are 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"2883950737.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two women are standing on a mandatory nude beach.", "label": "", "image_id": "2883950737", "pair_id": "2883950737.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two enemies are walking across the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "2883950737", "pair_id": "2883950737.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two friends who are woman are walking across the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "2883950737", "pair_id": "2883950737.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Two woman are walking across the sand.", "label": "", "image_id": "2883950737", "pair_id": "2883950737.jpg#2r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of people are near a building.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "a group is waiting for a sale.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "People are climbing the 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"yes"}, {"context": "Student formed a line for an event.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is an event ahead.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Student group alone waiting for an event.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of Chinese people are hanging out on a porch.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The Chinese people on the porch are family members.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of African American people are eating dinner at KFC.", "label": "", "image_id": "476763228", "pair_id": "476763228.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "the man is outside", "label": "", "image_id": "5262731925", 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"label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People biking through Chicago", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Bikers in Chicago", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "walkers walking through Nevada", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "People riding bikes.", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A group of bicyclist ride down a hill.", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A group of bicyclist at a marathon.", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Bicyclists ride in a city street.", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Bicyclists ride on a country road.", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#0r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Bicyclists ride in a city street in a race.", "label": "", "image_id": "2672705063", "pair_id": "2672705063.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the group was at the park", "label": "", "image_id": "2600229816", "pair_id": "2600229816.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "it was a sunny day", "label": "", "image_id": "2600229816", "pair_id": "2600229816.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "the man fixed his bike alone", "label": "", "image_id": "2600229816", "pair_id": "2600229816.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "A girl is having her friends help her fix her bike.", "label": "", "image_id": "2600229816", "pair_id": "2600229816.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A group of three people are 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"pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#2r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "Sally is at the cafe.", "label": "", "image_id": "8183107966", "pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#2r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The man is in the bathroom.", "label": "", "image_id": "8183107966", "pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#3r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "THe man is in his front yard.", "label": "", "image_id": "8183107966", "pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#3r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The man is outside, talking on the phone.", "label": "", "image_id": "8183107966", "pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#3r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "A smoke break is happening and people chat about work while they smoke.", "label": "", "image_id": "8183107966", "pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "There is someone having a smoke break.", "label": "", "image_id": "8183107966", "pair_id": "8183107966.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "People are running in a marathon 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"97825959.jpg#0r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "The ladies are secretly men in disguise.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#0r2c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "The lady in pink is holding her hand out to the lady in the tan hat.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#0r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two lady judges chat", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#0r5n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "A lady in a pink hat is interacting with a lady wearing a tan hat and blue jacket at a cancer awareness event.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#0r4n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "The ladies are talking about the event to each other.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#0r2n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "two men drink beers in a basement", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#0r5c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "2 women are in a crowded place", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#1r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}, {"context": "2 people are running in a race", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#1r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "two women wearing caps look at each other in a crowd", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#1r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are cooking in the kitchen.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#4r1c", "text_label": "no"}, {"context": "Two women are outside.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#4r1e", "text_label": "yes"}, {"context": "Two women are at a football game.", "label": "", "image_id": "97825959", "pair_id": "97825959.jpg#4r1n", "text_label": "maybe"}]