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| Expression
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The Spot Weld to Edge Distance should be more than 6.0 mm. | Distance(Spot Weld, Edge) > 6.0 mm |
The maximum allowable compressive stress for the part is 40 ksi. | Compressive.Stress <= 40 ksi |
The minimum hardness of the material should be 200 HB. | Hardness >= 200 HB |
When unwanted sharp corners occur, they can be given a commercial corner break of 0.4 mm ( 1⁄64 in ) by 45°. | commercial_corner_break = 0.4 mm (1⁄64 in) by 45°
Feed rates for milling cutters range from a few millimeters to over 3 m (118 in)/min. | milling_feed_rate ∈ [0.001, 3] m/min |
the minimum distance from a dowel hole edge and cutout edge should be at least 4 times sheet thickness. | Distance(Dowel Hole Edge, Cutout Edge) >= 4 * Sheet.Thickness. |
The raised section to be hot-stamped should be at least 0.8 mm (0.030 in) high. | raised_section.height ≥ 0.8 mm (0.030 in) |
If a normal plating thickness of 0.005 mm (0.0002 in) were applied to a screw thread, the pitch diameter would change by 0.02 mm (0.0008 in). | pitch_diameter_change = 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) |
Rivet holes should not be too close or too far from the edges of the parts being joined. Holes should be from 11 ⁄ 2 to 8 stock thicknesses from the edge. | distance(hole,edge) = [11/2,8] * stock thickness |
The maximum allowable shear stress for the bolt is 40 ksi. | Shear.Stress <= 40 ksi |
The default aspect ratio of the total length of the part to its minimum diameter should be less than or equal to 8.0. | Total.Length / Min.Diameter <= 8.0 |
The bending radius of the part should be no less than four times the material thickness. | Bending.Radius >= 4 * Material.Thickness |
The impact strength of the material should be at least 10 ft-lb. | Impact.Strength >= 10 ft-lb |
Diameters of screw-machine parts range from those of the smallest watch parts to
about 200 mm (8 in). | smallest_watch_parts <= screw_machine_parts <= 200 mm (8in) |
The minimum distance between two studs should be at least twice the stud diameter. | Distance(Stud1, Stud2) >= 2 * Stud.Diameter |
the minimum distance from a cutout to start of inside bend radius should be at least 1/10th times minimum of length. The recommended angle is less than or equal to 20° | min. distance (Cutout, Inside Bend Start) >= 1/10 * min(Length), with angle <= 20°. |
The minimum distance between two pins should be at least twice the diameter of the larger pin. | Distance(SmallerPin, LargerPin) >= 2 * LargerPin.Diameter |
It is recommended that minimum inner bend radius should be at least 1 times material thickness. | bend.inner_radius ≥ 1 * material_thickness |
A bend radius of 30 to 40 times board thickness may be required for boards subjected to flexing or for multilayer boards, while in other cases, when flexing is not involved, 3 to 6 times board thickness may be adequate. | For flexing: ben_radius = [30 , 40] * board_thickness |
Making large, shallow through holes (of diameter equal to or greater than 5 times
stock thickness). | hole.diameter >= 5 * stock.thicknes |
The maximum allowable compressive stress for the column is 80 ksi. | Compressive.Stress <= 80 ksi |
Avoid holes, slots, gaps, or other recesses with depth-to-width ratios greater than 1. | depth / width < 1 |
When a die casting requires a machining operation, the added material (machining
allowance) to be removed should not exceed 0.5 mm (0.020 in), | machining allowance_to_be_reomved ≤ 0.5 mm |
A bend should be at least the radius of the curl plus 6 times the material thickness from the curl feature | bend.radius ≥ curl.radius + 6 * material_thickness(from the curl feature) |
However, for ordinary butt joints, when sophisticated x-ray or ultrasonic inspection devices are not used, it is common in design calculations to consider that the weld will have 80 percent of the strength of the base material. | weld.strength = 0.8 * base_material.strength (when sophisticated inspection devices are not used) |
maximum fillet radius should be less than or equal to 12 mm | Fillet.Radius <= 12 mm |
The maximum allowable torsional stress for the shaft is 15 ksi. | Torsional.Stress <= 15 ksi |
one to two degrees of drafts with an additional 1.5 degrees per 0.25mm depth of texture is enough to do the trick. | draft_angle = 1.5 * surface.texture_depth / 0.25 + [1,2] |
The wall thicknesses should be less than 60 % of nominal wall to minimize sinking | Wall.Thickness < 60% of Nominal Wall |
The minimum radius of the fillet on the weld should be at least 0.0625 inches. | Fillet.Radius >= 0.0625 inches |
The minimum distance between two parallel surfaces should be at least 0.050 inches. | Distance(Surface1, Surface2) >= 0.050 inches |
Gasket widths of at least 3 mm (1 ⁄ 8 in) should be specified to prevent damage from handling or assembly. | Gasket width ≥ 3 mm (1 ⁄ 8 in) |
Ribs should have a top radius equal to one-half the thickness. | Ribs.top_Radius = 0.5 * Ribs.Thickness |
The minimum clearance between the piston and the cylinder should be no less than 0.001 inches. | Clearance(Piston, Cylinder) >= 0.001 inches |
The minimum distance between two holes on a flange should be at least 1.5 times the bolt diameter. | Distance(Hole1, Hole2) >= 1.5 * Bolt.Diameter |
Ribs 40 mm in height should be at least 8 mm thick. | rib.thickness >= 8 mm |
The location of holes or cutouts is important. They should not be located closer than 11 ⁄ 2 diameters from the edge in order to avoid unequal mass distribution. | distance(diameter, edge) >= 11/2 |
In Gravity die maximum section is 50 mm and Minimum section is 2 mm. | 2 mm <= Section.Size <= 50 mm |
Notch width should not be narrower than 1.5 * t | notch.width ≥ 1.5t |
Minimum thickness between two faces of a part should be greater or equal to the specified value. | Thickness(Face1, Face2) >= Specified Value |
The maximum allowable pressure for the vessel is 500 psi. | Pressure <= 500 psi |
Concentricity tolerances with chucking grinders can be as low as 0.0025 mm
(0.0001 in) TIR, but 0.013 mm (0.0005 in) TIR is preferable if it can be tolerated for
both chucking and centerless machines. | chucking_grinder.concentricity_tolerance <= 0.0025 mm &&(chucking.centerless.grinder.concentricity.tolerance <= 0.013 mm AND tolerable) |
Preferred or desirable nominal wall thickness, 2.5 to 6 mm | 2.5mm <= desired_nominal.wall_thickness <= 6mm |
Stress relieving involves heating to temperatures that range from 205 to 260°C | 205°C <= stress_relieving.heating_temperature <= 260°C |
The maximum allowable pressure for the pipe is 1000 psi. | Pressure <= 1000 psi |
The thickness of the coating should be no greater than 0.003 inches. | Coating.Thickness <= 0.003 inches |
If holes have to be threaded , the sheet thickness must be at least one-half the thread diameter | Sheet.Thickness >= 0.5 * Thread.Diameter |
The angle of bevel of embossed lettering, should normally be between 35 and 40°. | 35° ≤ angle_embosed_lettering ≤ 40° |
Recommended corner radius for notches should be 0.5 * t | notch.corner_radius = 0.5 * t |
Fastener engagement length (axial overlap between the fastener and corresponding hole) should be greater than or equal to the user-specified value. | Fastener.Engagement Length >= Specified Valu |
the minimum distance between cutouts should be at least 1/10th times minimum of length L1 and L2. Users can restrict cutout analysis by providing an angle between lengths L1 and L2. The recommended angle (X) is less than or equal to 20°. | distance(cutout1, cutout2) >= min(L1, L2) / 10 |
The pH of the solution should be between 6.5 and 7.5. | 6.5 <= Solution.pH <= 7.5 |
Rivet holes should not be too close or too far from the edges of the parts being joined. Holes should be from 11 ⁄ 2 to 8 stock thicknesses from the edge. | 11/2 * t <= distance from edge to hole <= 8 * t, where t represents the stock thickness. |
The minimum thread engagement for the fastener is 0.5 inches. | Thread.Engagement >= 0.5 inches |
Parallelism of surfaces machined in the same cutting stroke should be within 0.025
mm (0.001 in) TIR on good- to fair-machinability-rated materials. | parallelism(surface1, surface2) ≤ 0.025 mm (0.001 in) |
The maximum allowable contact pressure between two mating parts should be less than a certain limit. | Contact.Pressure(Part1, Part2) <= Limit |
The surface finish of the part should be no rougher than 32 micro-inches RMS. | Surface.Finish <= 32 micro-inches RMS |
The clearance between the valve stem and the valve guide should be no greater than 0.002 inches. | Clearance(ValveStem, ValveGuide) <= 0.002 inches |
The ratio of return flange height to sheet thickness should be greater than or equal to the specified value, which is configurable. The default ratio is 4.0. | return_flange.height/sheet.thickness >= configurable_specified_value && default_ratio == 4.0 |
Ribs should have a generous draft of 0.5° to 1.5° per side. | Rib draft = 0.5° to 1.5° per side |
The maximum allowable shear stress for the part is 30 ksi. | Shear.Stress <= 30 ksi |
Commercial die castings are considered to be adequately trimmed if flash and
gates are removed to within 0.38 mm (0.015 in) of the casting wall | trim <= 0.38 mm (0.015 in) from casting wall |
the minimum distance between the countersink hole and part edge to sheet thickness ratio should be >= 4.0. | Distance(Countersink Hole, Part Edge) >= 4 * Sheet.Thickness. |
The minimum distance between two flanges should be at least 2.5 times the bolt diameter. | Distance(Flange1, Flange2) >= 2.5 * Bolt.Diameter |
the minimum bend radius should be at least equal to thickness. | min(Bend_Radius) >= Material_Thickness |
The tensile strength of annealed sheet is 350 MPa . | annealed_sheet.tensile_strength = 350 MPa |
minimum fillet radius for the inside corner should be greater than or equal to 1.0 mm. | Fillet.Radius (inside corner) >= 1.0 mm |
Setup times for hand operation range from 1⁄2 to 1 h and, for automatic operation, from 11⁄2 to 2 h. | hand_operation_time ∈ [0.5, 1] h && automatic_operation_time ∈ [1.5, 2] h |
the coating is applied with the plasma gun, and the design requires a coating thickness less than 0.25 mm (0.010 in). | Coating.thickness < 0.25 mm (0.010 in) as per design |
minimum clearance should at least 4 times the depth of the undercut, between the machined wall and any other internal wall | clearance >= 4 * undercut.depth |
There should be a radius at the base of 25% to 40% of the wall thickness. | Base_radius = [25, 40] % * wall thickness |
The outside radius of a curl should not be smaller than 2 times the material thickness | curl.outside_radius >= 2 * material.thickness |
At corners, the suggested inside radius is 0.5 times the material thickness and the outside radius is 1.5 times the material thickness. | inner_corner_radius = 0.5 * material.thickness && outer_corner_radius ==1.5 * material.thickness |
The maximum allowable shear force for the beam is 500 lbs. | Shear.Force <= 500 lbs |
On threads greater than 40 mm (11 ⁄2 in) in diameter, it is often more practical, design and load requirements permitting, to cut the male thread 0.8 mm (0.032 in) undersize so that a standard tap can be used on the nut. | Undersized_ male_ thread.diameter = diameter of thread - 0.8 mm (0.032 in |
At rib intersections, the resulting thickness will be more than the thickness of each individual rib | rib_intersections.thickness >= 2 * rib.thickness |
the spot weld tool clearance should be more than 3.0 mm. | Clearance(Spot.Weld, Tool) >= 3.0 mm |
Optimal thickness for fiberglass-reinforced parts, 10 mm | fiberglass_reinforced_parts.optimal_thickness = 10 mm |
The ratio of the distance between cutouts to sheet thickness should be greater than or equal to 2.0. | distance(cutout1, cutout2) / sheet.thickness >= 2.0 |
rib height is recommended to be not more than four times the local wall thickness. | Rib.Height <= 4 * Wall.Thickness (local) |
It is recommended that hole depth-to-diameter ratio should not be more than 2. | hole_depth / hole_diameter <= 2 |
In Pressure die casting draft angle ranging 0.25–3 degree, depending on section depth. | 0.25 degrees <= Draft.Angle <= 3 degrees |
The maximum allowable deflection for the beam is 0.005 inches. | Deflection <= 0.005 inches |
the minimum distance between two extruded holes should be greater than or equal to 4 times sheet thickness | distance(hole1, hole2) >= 4 * sheet.thickness |
the minimum recommended tip radius of the boss should be greater than or equal to 0.2 mm. | boss.tip_radius >= 0.2mm |
The deflection of the part under load should be no greater than 0.1 inches. | Deflection <= 0.1 inches |
The minimum radius of curvature for a bend in a sheet metal part should be greater than a certain value. | Bend.Radius >= Radius |
The maximum allowable bending stress for the beam is 25 ksi. | Bending.Stress <= 25 ksi. |
It is typically recommended that the draft angle for sidewall should be at least between 0.5 to 2 degrees for inside and outside walls | 0.5° <= draft_inner_sidewall <= 2° && 0.5° <= draft_outer_sidewall <= 2° |
The spacing between holes should be a minimum of 2 times stock thickness; | spacing(hole1, hole2) >= 2 * stock.thickness |
Recommended corner radius for notches should be 0.5 * t | notch.corner_radius = 0.5 * t |
Standardize the orientation of devices on the board. They should be oriented at 0 or 90° from the edge of the board, preferably in one direction only. | angle_devices_orientaton(edge_of_the_board) = 0° || angle_devices_orientaton(edge_of_the_board) = 90° |
The maximum allowable bending stress in a cantilever beam should be less than the yield strength of the material. | Bending.Stress <= Yield.Strength |
It is recommended that spacing between bosses should be at least 2 times the nominal wall thickness. | bosses.spacing >= 2 * nominal_wall_thickness |
Rivets should be the proper length to avoid incorrect clinching. Rule-of-thumb clinching allowances C are as follows: solid rivets, 200 percent of shank diameter; semitubular rivets, 50 to 70 percent of shank diameter; and full tubular or bifulcated rivets, 100 percent of shank diameter. | solid_rivets.length = 200 % * shank_diameter && semi_tubular_rivets.length =[50,70]% * shank_diameter && full tubular/bifulcated rivets.length = 100 percent of shank diameter |
Location in the axial direction can readily be held within 0.013 mm (0.0005 in)
and with extra care and favorable conditions to 0.0013 mm (0.00005 in). | axial_location <= 0.013 mm (0.0005 in) && axial_location <= 0.0013 mm (0.00005 in) (with extra care and favorable conditions) |
Cylindrical holes have been roller-burnished in a single pass to a finish of from 0.05
m (2 in) to 0.35 m (14 in), | 0.05 m (2 in) <= cylindrical.hole_finish <= 0.35 m (14 in) |
Radii under 0.8 mm (0.030 in) should have a minimum tolerance of 0.13 mm (0.005 in); | radius < 0.8 mm: tolerance >= 0.13 mm |
It is recommended that draft angle for rib should be around 1 to 1.5 deg. Minimum draft should be 0.5 per side. | Draft_Angle_Rib = 1 to 1.5 degrees, Minimum_Draft = 0.5 degrees |
the minimum distance between the extruded hole and bend should be at least 4 times sheet thickness. | distance(extruded hole, bend) >= 4 * sheet.thickness |
Subsets and Splits