id hok_audio hok_duration hok_speaker hok_accent hok_accent_english_label hok_gender hok_text_tailo hok_text_tailo_number_tone hok_text_hanlo_tai hok_text_pei_oe_ji en_text en_speaker en_gender en_audio en_duration TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_0_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_0_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.32 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Thê-sī khá pian-hō : TA_0009 the5-si7 kha2 pian1-ho7:TA_0009 提示卡編號:TA_0009 Thê-sī khá pian-hō:TA_0009 Cue card number: TA_0009. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_0_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 1.47 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male It. Sòo-jī it4.soo3-ji7 一. 數字 It.Sò͘-jī One. Numbers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.32 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn lâm-tâu-kuān bîn-á-tsài sann hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 lam5-tau5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 sann1 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看南投縣明仔載三號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ lâm-tâu-koān bîn-á-chài saⁿ hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let us look at the weather forecast for Lâm-tâu County for tomorrow, the 3rd. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.36 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.82625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male un-tōo jī-tsa̍p sì tsì jī-tsa̍p tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sì-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 ji7-tsap8 si3 tsi3 ji7-tsap8 tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 si3-tsap8 pha1 溫度二十四至二十七度,落雨機率四十pha un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p sì chì jī-cha̍p chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t sì-cha̍p pha The temperature ranges between 24 and 27 degrees Celcius, and the chance of rain is 40%. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0013_concat.wav 7.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.051875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male lâi-pin sann it sù hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 sann1 it4 su3 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓三一四號請來十二號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin saⁿ it sù hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Guest 3-1-4, please proceed to counter 12. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.08 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male lóng-tsóng nn̄g-pah khòng sann khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p tshit khoo long2-tsong2 nng7-pah4 khong3 sann1 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8 tshit4 khoo1 攏總兩百零三箍,找你九十七箍 lóng-chóng nn̄g-pah khòng saⁿ kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p chhit kho͘ That would be 203 dollars in total. Here is your change, 97 dollars. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.0468125 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male kin-á-ji̍t sī káu-gue̍h tshe-it, pài-it kin1-a2-jit8 si7 kau2-gueh8 tshe1-it4,pai3-it4 今仔日是九月初一,拜一 kin-á-ji̍t sī káu-goe̍h chhe-it,pài-it Today is the first of September, Monday. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.0 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male i-tī it kiú ngóo ngóo nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 ngoo2 ngoo2 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九五五年出世 i-tī it kiú ngó͘ ngó͘ nî chhut-sì He was born in 1995. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.78 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki ngóo it it sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 ngoo2 it4 it4 su3 請幫我轉分機五一一四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki ngó͘ it it sù Please help to transfer to extension five one one four. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.951625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.22 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Jī. Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē ji7.sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 二.生活對話 Jī.Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe 2. Daily conversation 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.775625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.67 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tshiánn-mn̄g, tsit pún tsheh guā-tsē tsînn? tshiann2-mng7,tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 gua7-tse7 tsinn5? 請問,這本冊偌濟錢? Chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,chit pún chheh gōa-chē chîⁿ? I would like to know how much is this book? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.439625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.18 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Sī, bîn-á-tsài tsha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu, lí tsai-iánn--bô? si7,bin5-a2-tsai3 tsha1-put4-to1 u7 nng7-pah4 e5 beh4 lai5 lan2 hak8-hau7,li2 tsai1-iann2--bo5? 是,明仔載差不多有兩百个beh來咱學校,你知影--無? Sī,bîn-á-chài chha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu,lí chai-iáⁿ--bô? Yes, there will be about 200 of them coming to our school tomorrow. Are you aware? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.997000000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.0 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male M̄-tsai. In beh lâi tshòng siánn-mih? m7-tsai1.in1 beh4 lai5 tshong3 siann2-mih4? M̄知。In beh來創啥物? M̄-chai.In beh lâi chhòng siáⁿ-mih? I don't know. Why are they coming? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.93375 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male In beh lâi khuànn lán ha̍k-hāu. In tāi-pōo-hūn sī ha̍k-sing, ū kuí uī-á sī lāu-su. in1 beh4 lai5 khuann3 lan2 hak8-hau7.in1 tai7-poo7-hun7 si7 hak8-sing1,u7 kui2 ui7-a2 si7 lau7-su1. In beh來看咱學校。In大部份是學生,有幾位仔是老師。 In beh lâi khòaⁿ lán ha̍k-hāu.In tāi-pō͘-hūn sī ha̍k-seng,ū kúi ūi-á sī lāu-su. They want to visit our school. The majority are students, and a few of them are teachers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.08 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Guá m̄ tsai-iánn. Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su, hó--bô? gua2 m7 tsai1-iann2.li2 mng7 lau5 lau7-su1,ho2--bo5? 我m̄知影。你問劉老師,好--無? Góa m̄ chai-iáⁿ.Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su,hó--bô? I don't have the answer. How about asking teacher Lâu? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.479625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.6 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Lâu lāu-su, lí tsai-iánn tsit pún tsheh guā-tsē tsînn--bô? lau5 lau7-su1,li2 tsai1-iann2 tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 gua7-tse7 tsinn5--bo5? 劉老師,你知影這本冊偌濟錢--無? Lâu lāu-su,lí chai-iáⁿ chit pún chheh gōa-chē chîⁿ--bô? Teacher Lâu, do you know how much this book is? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.839625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.7 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tāi-khài kuí tsa̍p khoo-á niā-niā. tai7-khai3 kui2 tsap8 khoo1-a2 nia7-nia7. 大概幾十khoo仔niā-niā。 Tāi-khài kúi cha̍p kho͘-á niā-niā. It is only about tens of dollars. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.17 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Lâu lāu-su, tshiánn-mn̄g, lán ha̍k-hāu ū kuí ê lāu-su? lau5 lau7-su1,tshiann2-mng7,lan2 hak8-hau7 u7 kui2 e5 lau7-su1? 劉老師,請問,咱學校有幾个老師? Lâu lāu-su,chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,lán ha̍k-hāu ū kúi ê lāu-su? Mr. Lâu, how many teachers are there in our school? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.572375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.0843125 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tsha-put-to jī-tsa̍p ê. Ū--ê sī guā-kok-lâng, in sī teh kà Ing-gí--ê. tsha1-put4-to1 ji7-tsap8 e5.u7--e5 si7 gua7-kok4-lang5,in1 si7 teh4 ka3 ing1-gi2--e5. 差不多二十个。有--的是外國人,in是teh教英語--的。 Chha-put-to jī-cha̍p ê.Ū--ê sī gōa-kok-lâng,in sī teh kà Eng-gí--ê. Almost twenty people. Some of them are foreigners, they teach English. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.18 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Ha̍k-sing tāi-pōo-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng, sī--bô? hak8-sing1 tai7-poo7-hun7 si7 bi2-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 學生大部份是美國人,是--無? Ha̍k-seng tāi-pō͘-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng,sī--bô? Most of the students are American, aren't they? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.6900625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.9 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Sī, m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Ing-kok-lâng. si7,m7-koh4 hit4 nng7 e5 si7 ing1-kok4-lang5. 是,m̄-koh彼兩个是英國人。 Sī,m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Eng-kok-lâng. Yes, but those two persons are English. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.269 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.97 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tsit nn̄g ê ha̍k-sing sī Tik-kok-lâng, sī--bô? tsit4 nng7 e5 hak8-sing1 si7 tik4-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 這兩个學生是德國人,是--無? Chit nn̄g ê ha̍k-seng sī Tek-kok-lâng,sī--bô? These two students are Germans, right? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.04 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Sann. Bûn-tsiong it sann1.bun5-tsiong1 it4 三. 文章一 Saⁿ.Bûn-chiong it Three. Article One. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.28 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5 泅水拍滂泅 siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû Swimming with splashes. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0013_concat.wav 9.2055 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male “sánn-mih leh bô tshīng-sann?! siû-tsuí lóng mā tio̍h tshīng iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo khì tī iû-íng-tî siû--ah...” “sann2-mih4 leh4 bo5 tshing7-sann1?! siu5-tsui2 long2 ma7 tioh8 tshing7 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 khi3 ti7 iu5-ing2-ti5 siu5--ah4...” 「啥物咧無穿衫?!泅水攏嘛著穿游泳衫、游泳褲去佇游泳池泅--啊……」 “sáⁿ-mih leh bô chhēng-saⁿ?! siû-chúi lóng mā tio̍h chhēng iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ khì tī iû-éng-tî siû--ah...” “What naked?! People wear swimsuits and swim trunks to swim!” 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.4823125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0013_concat.wav 14.945875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male suah hōo in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sik kuài-kuài, ū lâng siann khê tò mn̄g: “siánn-mih sī iû-íng-tî? ah iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo sī senn-tsò siánn-mih-khuán?” suah4 hoo7 in1 tak8 e5 lang5 bin7-sik4 kuai3-kuai3, u7 lang5 siann1 khe5 to3 mng7: “siann2-mih4 si7 iu5-ing2-ti5? ah4 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 si7 senn1-tso3 siann2-mih4-khuan2?” 煞予in逐个人面色怪怪,有人聲khê倒問:「啥物是游泳池?啊游泳衫、游泳褲是生做啥物款?」 soah hō͘ in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sek koài-koài, ū lâng siaⁿ khê tò mn̄g: “siáⁿ-mih sī iû-éng-tî? ah iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ sī seⁿ-chò siáⁿ-mih-khoán?” All of them looked confused. Someone in the crowd asked, 'What is a swimming pool? What are swimsuits and swim trunks used for?' 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0013_concat.wav 8.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0013_concat.wav 12.909125 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēnn-īnn Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi ê înn-hîng tsuí-tî, ū pa-pa kā guá khoo tshiū-ling-khoo phah-pōng-siû ê ìn-sióng; ki3-ti5-tiong1, gi5-lan5 penn7-inn7 tiong1-san1 sok4-sia3-lai7 e5 inn5-hing5 tsui2-ti5, u7 pa1-pa1 ka7 gua2 khoo1 tshiu7-ling1-khoo1 phah4-pong7-siu5 e5 in3-siong2; 記持中,宜蘭病院中山宿舍內的圓形水池,有爸爸共我箍樹奶箍拍滂泅的印象; kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēⁿ-īⁿ Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi ê îⁿ-hêng chúi-tî, ū pa-pa kā góa kho͘ chhiū-leng-kho͘ phah-pōng-siû ê ìn-sióng; I vaguely remember that dad and I played in the circular pool in the Tiong-san hostel of Gî-lân Hospital. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0013_concat.wav 7.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 19.092875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male pa-pa nā khui-tshuì kóng beh khì siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû, guán tsia-ê gín-á tio̍h ē huann-hí kah tuā, sè-siann kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò guán kín tàu tshuân iû-íng-sann, iû-íng khòo, sio̍k-pháng, líng kún-tsuí, sui̋-tóo, kué-tsí... pa1-pa1 na7 khui1-tshui3 kong2 beh4 khi3 siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5, guan2 tsia1-e5 gin2-a2 tioh8 e7 huann1-hi2 kah4 tua7,se3-siann1 kio3, ma1-ma1 tioh8 e7 kio3 guan2 kin2 tau3 tshuan5 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2 khoo3,siok8-phang2,ling2 kun2-tsui2,sui9-too2,kue2-tsi2... 爸爸若開喙講欲去泅水拍滂泅,阮遮的囡仔就會歡喜甲大、細聲叫,媽媽就會叫阮緊鬥攢游泳衫、游泳褲、sio̍k-pháng、冷滾水、sui̋-tóo、果子…… pa-pa nā khui-chhùi kóng beh khì siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû, goán chia-ê gín-á tio̍h ē hoaⁿ-hí kah tōa,sè-siaⁿ kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò goán kín tàu chhoân iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng khò͘,sio̍k-pháng,léng kún-chúi,sŭi-tó͘,kóe-chí... As kids, we would cheer loudly in joy whenever dad suggested going for a swim. Mom would then hurry us to prepare the swimming attire, bread, water, bottles, and fruits. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 12.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0013_concat.wav 12.8873125 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ah tshù-pinn-keh-piah ê gín-á-phuānn ke-kiám ē ū lâng tsáu-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khuànn guán tsi̍t-ke-hué-á ê bô-îng, huann-hí! ah4 tshu3-pinn1-keh4-piah4 e5 gin2-a2-phuann7 ke1-kiam2 e7 u7 lang5 tsau2-lai5 gun2 tau1 e5 mng5-kha1-khau2, tham3-thau5 khuann3 guan2 tsit8-ke1-hue2-a2 e5 bo5-ing5,huann1-hi2! 啊厝邊隔壁的囡仔伴加減會有人走來阮兜的門跤口,探頭看阮一家伙仔的無閒、歡喜! ah chhù-piⁿ-keh-piah ê gín-á-phōaⁿ ke-kiám ē ū lâng cháu-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khòaⁿ goán chi̍t-ke-hóe-á ê bô-êng,hoaⁿ-hí! Our neighbours’ kids would drop by our house intentionally to see what are we cheering about. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0013_concat.wav 15.1779375 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male tsit ê iû-íng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-tsuí o̍h siû, phû ē khí--lâi ê sóo-tsāi, mā sī guá o̍h thiàu-tsuí, siû tshut tshing bí kah khîn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. tsit4 e5 iu5-ing2-ti5 si7 ma1-ma1 e7 loh8-tsui2 oh8 siu5,phu5 e7 khi2--lai5 e5 soo2-tsai7, ma7 si7 gua2 oh8 thiau3-tsui2,siu5 tshut4 tshing1 bi2 kah4 khin5 lian7 liah8-ko1-siu5 e5 ki1-te7. 這个游泳池是媽媽會落水學泅、浮會起--來的所在,嘛是我學跳水、泅出千米佮勤練掠篙泅的基地。 chit ê iû-éng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-chúi o̍h siû,phû ē khí--lâi ê só͘-chāi, mā sī góa o̍h thiàu-chúi,siû chhut chheng bí kah khîn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. This swimming pool is where mom learned how to swim, and it is also my base for learning how to dive, and that is where I swam my first kilometer and practiced my freestyle swim stroke. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0013_concat.wav 12.607625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0013_concat.wav 8.398 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male hioh-jua̍h lé-pài ê sî, guán mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-tsuí-i̍k-tiûnn sńg-tsuí, khuànn liû-hîng. hioh4-juah8 le2-pai3 e5 si5, guan2 ma7 e7 khi3 hok4-liong5 hai2-tsui2-ik8-tiunn5 sng2-tsui2,khuann3 liu5-hing5. 歇熱禮拜的時,阮嘛會去福隆海水浴場耍水、看流行。 hioh-joa̍h lé-pài ê sî, goán mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-chúi-e̍k-tiûⁿ sńg-chúi,khòaⁿ liû-hêng. We would go to Hok-liông seaside resort to play during the weekends and summer breaks. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.39625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male lóng sī uì tsia o̍h--lâi, bat--lâi--ê! long2 si7 ui3 tsia1 oh8--lai5,bat4--lai5--e5! 攏是對遮學--來、捌--來--的! lóng sī ùi chia o̍h--lâi,bat--lâi--ê! I have all learned and known from here. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.649875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male “siû-tsuí ê iàu-líng sī m̄ kiann tsuí, tio̍h sing o̍h tshàng-tsuí-bī...” “siu5-tsui2 e5 iau3-ling2 si7 m7 kiann1 tsui2, tioh8 sing1 oh8 tshang3-tsui2-bi7...” 「泅水的要領是毋驚水,就先學藏水沬……」 “siû-chúi ê iàu-léng sī m̄ kiaⁿ chúi, tio̍h seng o̍h chhàng-chúi-bī...” The most important thing about swimming is to overcome the fear of water, and learning to hold your breath under water is the first step. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0013_concat.wav 10.0263125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0013_concat.wav 11.83975 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male siūnn-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà guán o̍h siû-tsuí ê tsióng-tsióng, sim-kuann-thâu kam-tinn ê tsuânn-tsuí tio̍h ûn-ûn-á ik--tshut-lâi... siunn7-khi2 gin2-a2 si5-tai7, pa1-pa1 ka3 guan2 oh8 siu5-tsui2 e5 tsiong2-tsiong2, sim1-kuann1-thau5 kam1-tinn1 e5 tsuann5-tsui2 tioh8 un5-un5-a2 ik4--tshut4-lai5... 想起囡仔時代,爸爸教阮學泅水的種種,心肝頭甘甜的泉水就勻勻仔溢--出-來…… siūⁿ-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà goán o̍h siû-chúi ê chióng-chióng, sim-koaⁿ-thâu kam-tiⁿ ê chôaⁿ-chúi tio̍h ûn-ûn-á ek--chhut-lâi... Reminiscing on my childhood, the time when my father used to teach me to swim, my heart was overwhelmed with bittersweetness. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0013_concat.wav 8.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.96 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male koh ū bô kâng ê sik-tsuí hun-tsuí-tō suànn. koh4 u7 bo5 kang5 e5 sik4-tsui2 hun1-tsui2-to7 suann3. 閣有無仝的色水分水道線。 koh ū bô kâng ê sek-chúi hun-chúi-tō sòaⁿ. Different colours segregate the waterways. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0013_concat.wav 23.7635 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male tî-á-pinn bí-puànn-guā sì-khoo uî-khoo ū tshioh-puànn khuah ê âng-mn̂g-thôo tsuí-kau, sī hōo beh lo̍h-tsuí tsìn-tsîng ê lâng hòo-tsuí pī sin, ia̍h-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-tsuí, bô lo̍h-tsuí ê tuā-lâng tsìm kha, bak tsuí ê sóo-tsāi; ti5-a2-pinn1 bi2-puann3-gua7 si3-khoo1 ui5-khoo1 u7 tshioh4-puann3 khuah4 e5 ang5-mng5-thoo5 tsui2-kau1, si7 hoo7 beh4 loh8-tsui2 tsin3-tsing5 e5 lang5 hoo3-tsui2 pi7 sin1, iah8-si7 se3-han3 gin2-a2 sng2-tsui2,bo5 loh8-tsui2 e5 tua7-lang5 tsim3 kha1,bak4 tsui2 e5 soo2-tsai7; 池仔邊米半外四箍圍箍有尺半闊的紅毛塗水溝,是予欲落水進前的人戽水備身,抑是細漢囡仔耍水、無落水的大人浸跤、沐水的所在; tî-á-piⁿ bí-pòaⁿ-gōa sì-kho͘ ûi-kho͘ ū chhioh-pòaⁿ khoah ê âng-mn̂g-thô͘ chúi-kau, sī hō͘ beh lo̍h-chúi chìn-chêng ê lâng hò͘-chúi pī sin, ia̍h-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-chúi,bô lo̍h-chúi ê tōa-lâng chìm kha,bak chúi ê só͘-chāi; There is a one-foot-and-a-half wide cement ditch in the four circles about one-and-a-half-meter away from the pool. It is a place for people to warm up before entering the pool, for children to play in, and for adults who were not swimming to soak their feet and feel the water. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0013_concat.wav 18.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.03625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male too-tshī-sông, tsng-kha-gōng too1-tshi7-song5,tsng1-kha1-gong7 都市倯,庄跤戇 to͘-chhī-sông,chng-kha-gōng They are naive city dwellers and unknowledgeable villagers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0013_concat.wav 1.47 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tshân-tiong-ng? tshan5-tiong1-ng1? 田中央? Chhân-tiong-ng? In the middle of the field? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.2925 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī “tshân-tē ê tiong-ng”? ah4 hak8-hau7 m7 khi2 ti7“tshan5-te7 e5 tiong1-ng1”? 啊學校毋起佇「田地的中央」? ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī“chhân-tē ê tiong-ng”? Ah, is the school not built 'in the middle of the field'? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0013_concat.wav 9.699875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ah in hia-ê gín-á khó-lîng tsin sông--ooh, tsng-kha-lâng it-tīng bô lán too-tshī-lâng hiah khiáu. ah4 in1 hia1-e5 gin2-a2 kho2-ling5 tsin1 song5--ooh4, tsng1-kha1-lang5 it4-ting7 bo5 lan2 too1-tshi7-lang5 hiah4 khiau2. 啊in遐的囡仔可能真倯--喔,庄跤人一定無咱都市人遐巧。 ah in hia-ê gín-á khó-lêng chin sông--o͘h, chng-kha-lâng it-tēng bô lán to͘-chhī-lâng hiah khiáu. The children over here are not knowledgeable. The villagers are not as smart as the city dwellers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0013_concat.wav 9.04975 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ( lâi kàu Tshân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ni gī-lūn. too-tshī-gōng ) (lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1 e5 tai5-pak4 gin2-a2, u7 lang5 an2-ni1 gi7-lun7. too1-tshi7-gong7) (來到田中央的台北囡仔,有人按呢議論。都市戇) (lâi kàu Chhân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ni gī-lūn. to͘-chhī-gōng) (The children from Tâi-pak came to the village. Some of them commented — naive people from the city.) 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.389875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--looh, ta̍k-ke kín lâi khuànn--ooh! tai5-pak4 gin2-a2 lai5--looh4, tak8-ke1 kin2 lai5 khuann3--ooh4! 台北囡仔來--囉,逐家緊來看--喔! Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--lo͘h, ta̍k-ke kín lâi khòaⁿ--o͘h! Quick, come and see! The Tâi-pak kids are here! 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0013_concat.wav 1.17 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Uâ á! ua5 a2! Uâ á! Ôa á! Wow! 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0013_concat.wav 1.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.049875 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ū-kàu hó-tsia̍h, pí guán a-bú bé--ê khah hó-tsia̍h! u7-kau3 ho2-tsiah8, pi2 guan2 a1-bu2 be2--e5 khah4 ho2-tsiah8! 有夠好食,比阮阿母買--的較好食! ū-kàu hó-chia̍h, pí goán a-bú bé--ê khah hó-chia̍h! It's so tasty; it's even tastier than what my mother bought! 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0013_concat.wav 6.52975 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male lán hia lóng mā huà-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā sī tiān-náu, ueh! tông-o̍h! lan2 hia1 long2 ma7 hua3-hak8--e5, tak8 hang7 long2 ma7 si7 tian7-nau2, ueh4!tong5-oh8! 咱遐攏嘛化學--的,逐項攏嘛是電腦,喂!同學! lán hia lóng mā hòa-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā sī tiān-náu, oeh!tông-o̍h! We are from Chemistry, but the computer is needed everywhere. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.5463125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0013_concat.wav 1.62 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male lín kám ū tiān-náu? lin2 kam2 u7 tian7-nau2? 恁敢有電腦? lín kám ū tiān-náu? Do you have a computer? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.31 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ( ū-iánn too-tshī-sông to tio̍h. ) (u7-iann2 too1-tshi7-song5 to1 tioh8.) (有影都市倯都著。) (ū-iáⁿ to͘-chhī-sông to tio̍h.) (They are indeed naive city dwellers.) 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0013_concat.wav 15.2064375 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male puànn-poo-á āu, tshù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê tshut-thâu tsiah beh khai-sí, tsi̍t-tsūn tsng-kha-gōng kap too-tshī-sông lâi kàu tshân-tiong-ng ( tsin-tsiànn ê tshân-tē ê lāi-bīn ), beh tshòng siánn? puann3-poo1-a2 au7, tshu3-bi7 koh4 lau7-jiat8 e5 tshut4-thau5 tsiah4 beh4 khai1-si2, tsit8-tsun7 tsng1-kha1-gong7 kap4 too1-tshi7-song5 lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1(tsin1-tsiann3 e5 tshan5-te7 e5 lai7-bin7), beh4 tshong3 siann2? 半晡仔後,趣味閣鬧熱的齣頭才欲開始,一陣庄跤戇佮都市倯來到田中央(真正的田地的內面),欲創啥? pòaⁿ-po͘-á āu, chhù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê chhut-thâu chiah beh khai-sí, chi̍t-chūn chng-kha-gōng kap to͘-chhī-sông lâi kàu chhân-tiong-ng(chin-chiàⁿ ê chhân-tē ê lāi-bīn), beh chhòng siáⁿ? The interesting activities started midway through the day. A bunch of kids gathered at the centre of the field. What do they intend to do? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0013_concat.wav 8.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.22 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siann2-mih4 kop4-ioh4-a2? siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siáⁿ-mih kop-ioh-á? What is a kop-ioh-á? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0013_concat.wav 10.42975 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male tse sī guán tsia ê khiunn-kháu, it-puann lóng kóng-tsò “khòng-iô”--lah, tio̍h sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-tsî--lah. tse1 si7 guan2 tsia1 e5 khiunn1-khau2, it4-puann1 long2 kong2-tso3“khong3-io5”--lah4, tioh8 si7 beh4 lai5 khong3-io5 pu5 han1-tsi5--lah4. 這是阮遮的腔口,一般攏講做「炕窯」--啦,就是欲來炕窯pû番薯--啦。 che sī goán chia ê khiuⁿ-kháu, it-poaⁿ lóng kóng-chò“khòng-iô”--lah, tio̍h sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-chî--lah. That is our accent, and we usually call the earth kiln 'khòng-iô' which we use the kiln to roast sweet potatoes. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0013_concat.wav 9.749 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0013_concat.wav 20.297 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male uī-tio̍h tsiat-síng sî-kan, iô, tsá tō thia̍p hó-sè, kan-tann thiann-hāu gín-á khioh-tshâ hiânn-hué, koh lâi tio̍h sī tsiōng han-tsî, ōo-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû, būn, hip, tán-hāu nā si̍k tsiah óo khí-lâi tsia̍h. ui7-tioh8 tsiat4-sing2 si5-kan1, io5,tsa2 to7 thiap8 ho2-se3, kan1-tann1 thiann1-hau7 gin2-a2 khioh4-tsha5 hiann5-hue2, koh4 lai5 tioh8 si7 tsiong7 han1-tsi5,oo7-a2 khng3-khng3 jip8-khi3 pu5,bun7,hip4, tan2-hau7 na7 sik8 tsiah4 oo2 khi2-lai5 tsiah8. 為著節省時間,窯,早就疊好勢,kan-tann聽候囡仔抾柴燃火,閣來就是tsiōng番薯、芋仔囥囥入去pû、悶、翕,等候若熟才挖起來食。 ūi-tio̍h chiat-séng sî-kan, iô,chá tō thia̍p hó-sè, kan-taⁿ thiaⁿ-hāu gín-á khioh-chhâ hiâⁿ-hóe, koh lâi tio̍h sī chiōng han-chî,ō͘-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû,būn,hip, tán-hāu nā se̍k chiah ó͘ khí-lâi chia̍h. The kiln was piled early to save time. The kids would gather and burn the firewood. Then, we bury the sweet potatoes and yam for them to bake and braise. Once they are cooked, we can dig them up and eat them. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0013_concat.wav 13.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0013_concat.wav 8.6765625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male kiat-sok liáu tsin ū ì-gī ê tsi̍t kang, “siânn-hiong kau-liû”, “too-tshī-sông kah tsng-kha-gōng” kâng tsi̍t iūnn. kiat4-sok4 liau2 tsin1 u7 i3-gi7 e5 tsit8 kang1, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”, “too1-tshi7-song5 kah4 tsng1-kha1-gong7”kang5 tsit8 iunn7. 結束了真有意義的一工,「城鄉交流」,「都市倯佮庄跤戇」仝一樣。 kiat-sok liáu chin ū ì-gī ê chi̍t kang, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”, “to͘-chhī-sông kah chng-kha-gōng”kâng chi̍t iūⁿ. The meaningful activities for the city dwellers-villagers exchange have ended. Naive city dwellers or knowledgeable villagers, kids will be kids. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0013_concat.wav 10.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0013_concat.wav 17.647375 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male siánn-mih sī sông, bô king-giām tio̍h sông, siánn-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tio̍h gōng, “siânn-hiong kau-liû” ē-tàng hōo gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sik king-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-tsiá ê tiōng-sī. siann2-mih4 si7 song5, bo5 king1-giam7 tioh8 song5, siann2-mih4 si7 gong7, m7 oh8 tioh8 gong7, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”e7-tang3 hoo7 gin2-a2 oh8-tioh8 bo5 kang5 e5 ti3-sik4 king1-giam7, tat8-tit4 kau3-iok8-tsia2 e5 tiong7-si7. 啥物是倯,無經驗就倯,啥物是戇,毋學就戇,「城鄉交流」會當予囡仔學著無仝的智識經驗,值得教育者的重視。 siáⁿ-mih sī sông, bô keng-giām tio̍h sông, siáⁿ-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tio̍h gōng, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”ē-tàng hō͘ gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sek keng-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-chiá ê tiōng-sī. What does it mean to be naive? Insufficient experience. What about unknowledgeable? Insufficient information. The exchange serves to bridge the gap between the two groups. Through this, children can experience new things. This demands attention from the educators. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0013_concat.wav 17.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 1.44 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Bûn-tsiong sì bun5-tsiong1 si3 文章四 Bûn-chiong sì Article 4 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0013_concat.wav 2.9253125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 3.18 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male Tâi-bûn tsok-ka kah “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 kah4“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3” 台文作家佮《台文通訊》 Tâi-bûn chok-ka kah“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” Taiwanese writers and 'Taiwanese Hokkien Newsletter” 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0013_concat.wav 4.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0013_concat.wav 13.3928125 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male hōo Tâi-gí hue-ho̍k uân-tsuân ê sènn-miā-la̍t, mā tsō-tsiū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka, ti̍t-tsiap khai-tshòng tsiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. hoo7 tai5-gi2 hue1-hok8 uan5-tsuan5 e5 senn3-mia7-lat8, ma7 tso7-tsiu7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1, tit8-tsiap4 khai1-tshong3 tsian3-au7 e5 tai5-gi2 bun5-hak8 un7-tong7. 予台語恢復完全的性命力,嘛造就真濟台文作家,直接開創戰後的台語文學運動。 hō͘ Tâi-gí hoe-ho̍k oân-choân ê sèⁿ-miā-la̍t, mā chō-chiū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka, ti̍t-chiap khai-chhòng chiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. Restoring the Taiwanese language to its full vitality also produced many Taiwanese writers, directly sparking the post-war Taiwanese literature movement. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0013_concat.wav 9.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0013_concat.wav 18.4945625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male tī tsit tsióng kuè-tîng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” pān-ián sian-hong-tsiá ê kak-sik, tong-tshoo ê huat-khí-tsiá ê uán-kiàn kah î-tshî kàu-tann jī-tsa̍p nî sóo-ū tsham-ú-tsiá ê khóo-sim hù-tshut, lóng tsin ta̍t-tit lán kìng-phuè. ti7 tsit4 tsiong2 kue3-ting5-tiong1, “tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”pan7-ian2 sian1-hong1-tsia2 e5 kak4-sik4, tong1-tshoo1 e5 huat4-khi2-tsia2 e5 uan2-kian3 kah4 i5-tshi5 kau3-tann1 ji7-tsap8 ni5 soo2-u7 tsham1-u2-tsia2 e5 khoo2-sim1 hu3-tshut4, long2 tsin1 tat8-tit4 lan2 king3-phue3. 佇這種過程中,《台文通訊》扮演先鋒者的角色,當初的發起者的遠見佮維持到今二十年所有參與者的苦心付出,攏真值得咱敬佩。 tī chit chióng kòe-têng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”pān-ián sian-hong-chiá ê kak-sek, tong-chho͘ ê hoat-khí-chiá ê oán-kiàn kah î-chhî kàu-taⁿ jī-cha̍p nî só͘-ū chham-ú-chiá ê khó͘-sim hù-chhut, lóng chin ta̍t-tit lán kèng-phòe. In this process, the 'Taiwanese Newsletter' played the role of a pioneer. The vision of the founder and the perseverance of all participants in putting in their efforts for 20 years are worthy of our admiration. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0013_concat.wav 13.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0013_concat.wav 19.4915625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng tsing-tshú kóng Tâi-gú ê kuân-lī, huàn tshínn bó-gí ì-sik liáu-āu, tsiah liân-tài tsiap-suà it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi “Tâi-uân uē-bûn lūn-tsiàn” buē uân-sîng ê gī-tê. it4-tit8 kau3 it4 kiu2 pat4 khong3 ni5-tai7 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 tsing1-tshu2 kong2 tai5-gu2 e5 kuan5-li7, huan3 tshinn2 bo2-gi2 i3-sik4 liau2-au7, tsiah4 lian5-tai3 tsiap4-sua3 it4 kiu2 sam1 khong3 ni5-tai7“tai5-uan5 ue7-bun5 lun7-tsian3”bue7 uan5-sing5 e5 gi7-te5. 一直到一九八零年代台語文運動爭取講台語的權利,喚醒母語意識了後,才連帶接紲一九三零年代「台灣話文論戰」未完成的議題。 it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng cheng-chhú kóng Tâi-gú ê koân-lī, hoàn chhíⁿ bó-gí ì-sek liáu-āu, chiah liân-tài chiap-sòa it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi“Tâi-oân ōe-bûn lūn-chiàn”bōe oân-sêng ê gī-tê. It was until the 1980s that the Taiwanese Hokkien Movement secured the right to speak Taiwanese Hokkien. That was the awakening of the mother tongue and spurred the continuation of the discussion of the Taiwanese Language debate. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0013_concat.wav 17.3223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0013_concat.wav 5.265625 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male tuì Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê luē-hâm kap hîng-sik lâi tsò phîng-kè. tui3 tai5-gu2 bun5-hak8 e5 lue7-ham5 kap4 hing5-sik4 lai5 tso3 phing5-ke3. 對台語文學的內涵佮形式來做評價。 tùi Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê lōe-hâm kap hêng-sek lâi chò phêng-kè. Evaluate the literary connotation and form of Taiwanese Hokkien literature. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0013_concat.wav 7.295625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0013_concat.wav 19.47225 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male “Tâi-bûn pit-huē” ê sîng-guân ū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka sī ti̍t-tsiap hi̍k-tsiá sī kan-tsiap siū-tio̍h “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” ê íng-hióng kah tsō-tsiū, tī “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” jī-tsa̍p tsiu-nî ê ji̍t-tsí, sîng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kap tsiok-hok. “tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7”e5 sing5-guan5 u7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 si7 tit8-tsiap4 hik8-tsia2 si7 kan1-tsiap4 siu7-tioh8“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”e5 ing2-hiong2 kah4 tso7-tsiu7, ti7“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”ji7-tsap8 tsiu1-ni5 e5 jit8-tsi2, sing5-sim1 hian3-siong7 gun2 e5 kam2-sia7 kap4 tsiok4-hok4. 「台文筆會」的成員有真濟台文作家是直接或者是間接受著《台文通訊》的影響佮造就,佇《台文通訊》二十週年的日子,誠心獻上阮的感謝佮祝福。 “Tâi-bûn pit-hōe”ê sêng-goân ū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka sī ti̍t-chiap he̍k-chiá sī kan-chiap siū-tio̍h“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”ê éng-hióng kah chō-chiū, tī“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”jī-cha̍p chiu-nî ê ji̍t-chí, sêng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kap chiok-hok. Many Taiwanese writers from the Taiwanese Writers Society are directly or indirectly influenced by the Taiwanese Newsletter. On this day, the 20th anniversary of the Taiwanese Newsletter, the writers thanked the publication and gave their blessings. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0013_concat.wav 15.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0013_concat.wav 19.4134375 TAM0013 不知道 Unknown Male ( tsok-tsiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-huē ê lí-sū-tiúnn, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē ê táng-sū: tsit phinn sī uì “khai-khún, iā-tsíng, senn-thuànn ─ Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsa̍p-gōo tsiu-nî ti̍k khan” lia̍h--tshut-lâi--ê. ) (tsok4-tsia2 si7 tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7 e5 li2-su7-tiunn2, li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gu2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 e5 tang2-su7: tsit4 phinn1 si7 ui3“khai1-khun2,ia7-tsing2,senn1-thuann3─li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gi2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsap8-goo7 tsiu1-ni5 tik8 khan1”liah8--tshut4-lai5--e5.) (作者是台文筆會的理事長、李江却台語文教基金會的董事:這篇是對《開墾、掖種、生湠─李江却台語文教基金會十五周年特刊》掠--出-來--的。) (chok-chiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-hōe ê lí-sū-tiúⁿ, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe ê táng-sū: chit phiⁿ sī ùi“khai-khún,iā-chéng,seⁿ-thòaⁿ─Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe cha̍p-gō͘ chiu-nî te̍k khan”lia̍h--chhut-lâi--ê.) (The author is the chairman of the Tâi-bûn Pit-huē and Writing Association and the director of the Lí Kang-khiok Language Culture and Education Foundation: This article is excerpted from 'Cultivation, Sowing, Birth and Reproduction - The 15th Anniversary Special Issue of the Lí Kang-khiok Language and Education Foundation' .) 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0013_concat.wav 23.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.28 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male It. Sòo-jī it4.soo3-ji7 一. 數字 It.Sò͘-jī One. Numbers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.84 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn lâm-tâu-kuān bîn-á-tsài sann hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 lam5-tau5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 sann1 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看南投縣明仔載三號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ lâm-tâu-koān bîn-á-chài saⁿ hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let's see what the weather will be in Lâm-tâu County tomorrow on the 3rd? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.7798125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.66 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male un-tōo jī sì tsì jī tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sì-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 ji7 si3 tsi3 ji7 tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 si3-tsap8 pha1 溫度二四至二七度,落雨機率四十pha un-tō͘ jī sì chì jī chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t sì-cha̍p pha The temperature is between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius, with a 40 percent chance of rain. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.2 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male lâi-pin sann-pah tsa̍p-sì hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 sann1-pah4 tsap8-si3 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓三百十四號請來十二號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin saⁿ-pah cha̍p-sì hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Guest 314, please proceed to counter 12. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.55 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male lóng-tsóng nn̄g-pah khòng sann khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p tshit khoo long2-tsong2 nng7-pah4 khong3 sann1 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8 tshit4 khoo1 攏總兩百零三箍,找你九十七箍 lóng-chóng nn̄g-pah khòng saⁿ kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p chhit kho͘ All are 203 dollar, and the change is 97 dollar for you. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.625 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male kin-á-ji̍t sī káu-gue̍h tshe-it, pài-it kin1-a2-jit8 si7 kau2-gueh8 tshe1-it4,pai3-it4 今仔日是九月初一,拜一 kin-á-ji̍t sī káu-goe̍h chhe-it,pài-it Today is the first of September, Monday. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.78 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male i-tī it kiú ngóo ngóo nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 ngoo2 ngoo2 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九五五年出世 i-tī it kiú ngó͘ ngó͘ nî chhut-sì He was born in 1995. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.95 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki ngóo it it sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 ngoo2 it4 it4 su3 請幫我轉分機五一一四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki ngó͘ it it sù Please help me transfer to extension number 5114. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.0 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Jī. Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē ji7.sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 二.生活對話 Jī.Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Two. Daily conversation. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.02 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tshiánn-mn̄g, tsit pún tsheh guā-tsē tsînn? tshiann2-mng7,tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 gua7-tse7 tsinn5? 請問,這本冊偌濟錢? Chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,chit pún chheh gōa-chē chîⁿ? Excuse me, how much is this book? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0014_concat.wav 8.28 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Sī, bîn-á-tsài tsha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê lâng beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu, lí tsai-iánn--bô? si7,bin5-a2-tsai3 tsha1-put4-to1 u7 nng7-pah4 e5 lang5 beh4 lai5 lan2 hak8-hau7,li2 tsai1-iann2--bo5? 是,明仔載差不多有兩百个人beh來咱學校,你知影--無? Sī,bîn-á-chài chha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê lâng beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu,lí chai-iáⁿ--bô? Yes, do you know that about 200 people will come to our school tomorrow? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.72 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.48 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male M̄-tsai. In beh lâi tshòng siánn-mih? m7-tsai1.in1 beh4 lai5 tshong3 siann2-mih4? M̄知。In beh來創啥物? M̄-chai.In beh lâi chhòng siáⁿ-mih? I don't know. Why are they coming? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0014_concat.wav 8.8968125 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male In beh lâi khuànn lán ha̍k-hāu. In tāi-pōo-hūn sī ha̍k-sing, ū kuí uī-á sī lāu-su. in1 beh4 lai5 khuann3 lan2 hak8-hau7.in1 tai7-poo7-hun7 si7 hak8-sing1,u7 kui2 ui7-a2 si7 lau7-su1. In beh來看咱學校。In大部份是學生,有幾位仔是老師。 In beh lâi khòaⁿ lán ha̍k-hāu.In tāi-pō͘-hūn sī ha̍k-seng,ū kúi ūi-á sī lāu-su. They want to visit our school. The majority are students, and a few of them are teachers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.98125 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Guá m̄ tsai-iánn. Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su, hó--bô? gua2 m7 tsai1-iann2.li2 mng7 lau5 lau7-su1,ho2--bo5? 我m̄知影。你問劉老師,好--無? Góa m̄ chai-iáⁿ.Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su,hó--bô? I have no idea. Maybe you could try asking Teacher Lâu. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.04 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Lâu lāu-su, lí tsai-iánn tsit pún tsheh guā-tsē tsînn--bô? lau5 lau7-su1,li2 tsai1-iann2 tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 gua7-tse7 tsinn5--bo5? 劉老師,你知影這本冊偌濟錢--無? Lâu lāu-su,lí chai-iáⁿ chit pún chheh gōa-chē chîⁿ--bô? Teacher Lâu, do you know how much this book costs? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.27 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tāi-khài kuí tsa̍p khoo-á niā-niā. tai7-khai3 kui2 tsap8 khoo1-a2 nia7-nia7. 大概幾十khoo仔niā-niā。 Tāi-khài kúi cha̍p kho͘-á niā-niā. It is only about tens of dollars. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.79 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Lâu lāu-su, tshiánn-mn̄g, lán ha̍k-hāu ū kuí uī lāu-su? lau5 lau7-su1,tshiann2-mng7,lan2 hak8-hau7 u7 kui2 ui7 lau7-su1? 劉老師,請問,咱學校有幾位老師? Lâu lāu-su,chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,lán ha̍k-hāu ū kúi ūi lāu-su? Teacher Lâu, may I know, how many teachers do we have in our school? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.973 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.2 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tsha-put-to jī-tsa̍p ê. Ū--ê sī guā-kok-lâng, in sī teh kà Ing-gí--ê. tsha1-put4-to1 ji7-tsap8 e5.u7--e5 si7 gua7-kok4-lang5,in1 si7 teh4 ka3 ing1-gi2--e5. 差不多二十个。有--的是外國人,in是teh教英語--的。 Chha-put-to jī-cha̍p ê.Ū--ê sī gōa-kok-lâng,in sī teh kà Eng-gí--ê. There are about 20 of them. Some of them are foreigners, and they are English teachers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.11 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Ha̍k-sing tāi-pōo-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng, sī--bô? hak8-sing1 tai7-poo7-hun7 si7 bi2-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 學生大部份是美國人,是--無? Ha̍k-seng tāi-pō͘-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng,sī--bô? Most of the students are Americans, right? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.36 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.1 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Sī, m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Ing-kok-lâng. si7,m7-koh4 hit4 nng7 e5 si7 ing1-kok4-lang5. 是,m̄-koh彼兩个是英國人。 Sī,m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Eng-kok-lâng. Yes, but two of them are British. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.74 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tsit nn̄g ê ha̍k-sing sī Tik-kok-lâng, sī--bô? tsit4 nng7 e5 hak8-sing1 si7 tik4-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 這兩个學生是德國人,是--無? Chit nn̄g ê ha̍k-seng sī Tek-kok-lâng,sī--bô? These two students are Germans, right? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.13 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Sann. Bûn-tsiong it sann1.bun5-tsiong1 it4 三. 文章一 Saⁿ.Bûn-chiong it 3. Article 1 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.733 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.82 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5 泅水拍滂泅 siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû Swim and play with water. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0014_concat.wav 10.179875 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male “siánn-mih leh bô tshīng-sann?! siû-tsuí lóng mā tio̍h tshīng iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo khì tī iû-íng-tî siû--ah...” “siann2-mih4 leh4 bo5 tshing7-sann1?! siu5-tsui2 long2 ma7 tioh8 tshing7 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 khi3 ti7 iu5-ing2-ti5 siu5--ah4...” 「啥物咧無穿衫?!泅水攏嘛著穿游泳衫、游泳褲去佇游泳池泅--啊……」 “siáⁿ-mih leh bô chhēng-saⁿ?! siû-chúi lóng mā tio̍h chhēng iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ khì tī iû-éng-tî siû--ah...” What do you mean naked? You still need to wear swimsuits and swimming trunks in the pool...' 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0014_concat.wav 16.589625 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male suah hōo in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sik kuài-kuài, ū lâng siann khê tò mn̄g: “siánn-mih sī iû-íng-tî? ah iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo sī sinn-tsò siánn-mih-khuán?” suah4 hoo7 in1 tak8 e5 lang5 bin7-sik4 kuai3-kuai3, u7 lang5 siann1 khe5 to3 mng7: “siann2-mih4 si7 iu5-ing2-ti5? ah4 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 si7 sinn1-tso3 siann2-mih4-khuan2?” 煞予in逐个人面色怪怪,有人聲khê倒問:「啥物是游泳池?啊游泳衫、游泳褲是生做啥物款?」 soah hō͘ in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sek koài-koài, ū lâng siaⁿ khê tò mn̄g: “siáⁿ-mih sī iû-éng-tî? ah iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ sī siⁿ-chò siáⁿ-mih-khoán?” It instead brought weird expressions to all their faces, and someone asked, 'What is a swimming pool? And what does a swimming trunk and swimsuit looks like?' 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0014_concat.wav 10.815625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0014_concat.wav 12.73975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēnn-īnn Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi ê înn-hîng tsuí-tî, ū pa-pa kā guá khoo tshiū-ling-khoo phah-phōng-siû ê ìn-siōng; ki3-ti5-tiong1, gi5-lan5 penn7-inn7 tiong1-san1 sok4-sia3-lai7 e5 inn5-hing5 tsui2-ti5, u7 pa1-pa1 ka7 gua2 khoo1 tshiu7-ling1-khoo1 phah4-phong7-siu5 e5 in3-siong7; 記持中,宜蘭病院中山宿舍內的圓形水池,有爸爸共我箍樹奶箍拍滂泅的印象; kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēⁿ-īⁿ Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi ê îⁿ-hêng chúi-tî, ū pa-pa kā góa kho͘ chhiū-leng-kho͘ phah-phōng-siû ê ìn-siōng; I vaguely remember that dad and I played in the circular pool in the Tiong-san hostel of Gî-lân Hospital. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 25.30975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male pa-pa nā khui-tshuì kóng beh khì siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû, gún tsia-ê gín-á tō ē huann-hí kah tuā, sè-siann kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò gún kín tàu tshuân iû-íng-sann, iû-íng khòo, sio̍k-pháng, líng kún-tsuí, sui̋-tóo, kué-tsí... pa1-pa1 na7 khui1-tshui3 kong2 beh4 khi3 siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5, gun2 tsia1-e5 gin2-a2 to7 e7 huann1-hi2 kah4 tua7,se3-siann1 kio3, ma1-ma1 tioh8 e7 kio3 gun2 kin2 tau3 tshuan5 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2 khoo3,siok8-phang2,ling2 kun2-tsui2,sui9-too2,kue2-tsi2... 爸爸若開喙講欲去泅水拍滂泅,阮遮的囡仔就會歡喜甲大、細聲叫,媽媽就會叫阮緊鬥攢游泳衫、游泳褲、sio̍k-pháng、冷滾水、sui̋-tóo、果子…… pa-pa nā khui-chhùi kóng beh khì siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû, gún chia-ê gín-á tō ē hoaⁿ-hí kah tōa,sè-siaⁿ kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò gún kín tàu chhoân iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng khò͘,sio̍k-pháng,léng kún-chúi,sŭi-tó͘,kóe-chí... As kids, we would cheer loudly in joy whenever dad suggested going for a swim. Mom would then hurry us to prepare the swimming attire, bread, water, bottles, and fruits. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 11.36 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0014_concat.wav 12.069875 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ah tshù-pinn-keh-piah ê gín-á-phuānn ke-kiám ē ū lâng tsáu-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khuànn gún tsi̍t-ke-hué-á ê bô-îng, huann-hí! ah4 tshu3-pinn1-keh4-piah4 e5 gin2-a2-phuann7 ke1-kiam2 e7 u7 lang5 tsau2-lai5 gun2 tau1 e5 mng5-kha1-khau2, tham3-thau5 khuann3 gun2 tsit8-ke1-hue2-a2 e5 bo5-ing5,huann1-hi2! 啊厝邊隔壁的囡仔伴加減會有人走來阮兜的門跤口,探頭看阮一家伙仔的無閒、歡喜! ah chhù-piⁿ-keh-piah ê gín-á-phōaⁿ ke-kiám ē ū lâng cháu-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khòaⁿ gún chi̍t-ke-hóe-á ê bô-êng,hoaⁿ-hí! Our neighbours’ kids would drop by our house intentionally to see what are we cheering about. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0014_concat.wav 14.802375 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male tsit ê iû-íng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-tsuí o̍h siû, phû ē khí--lâi ê sóo-tsāi, mā sī guá o̍h thiàu-tsuí, siû tshut tshing bí kah khîn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. tsit4 e5 iu5-ing2-ti5 si7 ma1-ma1 e7 loh8-tsui2 oh8 siu5,phu5 e7 khi2--lai5 e5 soo2-tsai7, ma7 si7 gua2 oh8 thiau3-tsui2,siu5 tshut4 tshing1 bi2 kah4 khin5 lian7 liah8-ko1-siu5 e5 ki1-te7. 這个游泳池是媽媽會落水學泅、浮會起--來的所在,嘛是我學跳水、泅出千米佮勤練掠篙泅的基地。 chit ê iû-éng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-chúi o̍h siû,phû ē khí--lâi ê só͘-chāi, mā sī góa o̍h thiàu-chúi,siû chhut chheng bí kah khîn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. This swimming pool is where mum learned how to swim. It is also the place where I learned to dive, do long-distance swimming and freestyle swimming. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0014_concat.wav 8.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0014_concat.wav 11.259875 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male hioh-jua̍h lé-pài ê sî, gún mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-tsuí-i̍k-tiûnn sńg-tsuí, khuànn liû-hîng. hioh4-juah8 le2-pai3 e5 si5, gun2 ma7 e7 khi3 hok4-liong5 hai2-tsui2-ik8-tiunn5 sng2-tsui2,khuann3 liu5-hing5. 歇熱禮拜的時,阮嘛會去福隆海水浴場耍水、看流行。 hioh-joa̍h lé-pài ê sî, gún mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-chúi-e̍k-tiûⁿ sńg-chúi,khòaⁿ liû-hêng. During the week of summer vacation, we would follow the trend and go to the Hok-liông beach to play. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.997000000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.72 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male lóng sī uì tsia o̍h--lâi, bat--lâi--ê! long2 si7 ui3 tsia1 oh8--lai5,bat4--lai5--e5! 攏是對遮學--來、捌--來--的! lóng sī ùi chia o̍h--lâi,bat--lâi--ê! I learned everything from here. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.969875 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male “siû-tsuí ê iàu-líng sī m̄ kiann tsuí, tio̍h sing o̍h tshàng-tsuí-bī...” “siu5-tsui2 e5 iau3-ling2 si7 m7 kiann1 tsui2, tioh8 sing1 oh8 tshang3-tsui2-bi7...” 「泅水的要領是毋驚水,就先學藏水沬……」 “siû-chúi ê iàu-léng sī m̄ kiaⁿ chúi, tio̍h seng o̍h chhàng-chúi-bī...” The most important thing about swimming is not to be afraid of water. First, learn to hold your breath under the water... 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0014_concat.wav 12.25975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male siūnn-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà gún o̍h siû-tsuí ê tsióng-tsióng, sim-kuann-thâu kam-tinn ê tsuânn-tsuí tō ûn-ûn-á ik--tshut-lâi... siunn7-khi2 gin2-a2 si5-tai7, pa1-pa1 ka3 gun2 oh8 siu5-tsui2 e5 tsiong2-tsiong2, sim1-kuann1-thau5 kam1-tinn1 e5 tsuann5-tsui2 to7 un5-un5-a2 ik4--tshut4-lai5... 想起囡仔時代,爸爸教阮學泅水的種種,心肝頭甘甜的泉水就勻勻仔溢--出-來…… siūⁿ-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà gún o̍h siû-chúi ê chióng-chióng, sim-koaⁿ-thâu kam-tiⁿ ê chôaⁿ-chúi tō ûn-ûn-á ek--chhut-lâi... Reminiscing on my childhood, the time when my father used to teach me to swim, my heart was overwhelmed with bittersweetness. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.9 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male koh ū bô kâng ê sik-tsuí hun-tsuí-tō suànn. koh4 u7 bo5 kang5 e5 sik4-tsui2 hun1-tsui2-to7 suann3. 閣有無仝的色水分水道線。 koh ū bô kâng ê sek-chúi hun-chúi-tō sòaⁿ. There are different colors for distinguishing waterways. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.159625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0014_concat.wav 21.49975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male tî-á-pinn bí-puànn-guā sì-khoo uî-khoo ū tshioh-puànn khuah ê âng-mn̂g-thôo tsuí-kau, sī beh hōo lo̍h-tsuí tsìn-tsîng ê lâng hòo-tsuí pī sin, ah-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-tsuí, bô lo̍h-tsuí ê tuā-lâng tsìm kha, bak tsuí ê sóo-tsāi; ti5-a2-pinn1 bi2-puann3-gua7 si3-khoo1 ui5-khoo1 u7 tshioh4-puann3 khuah4 e5 ang5-mng5-thoo5 tsui2-kau1, si7 beh4 hoo7 loh8-tsui2 tsin3-tsing5 e5 lang5 hoo3-tsui2 pi7 sin1, ah4-si7 se3-han3 gin2-a2 sng2-tsui2,bo5 loh8-tsui2 e5 tua7-lang5 tsim3 kha1,bak4 tsui2 e5 soo2-tsai7; 池仔邊米半外四箍圍箍有尺半闊的紅毛塗水溝,是欲予落水進前的人戽水備身,抑是細漢囡仔耍水、無落水的大人浸跤、沐水的所在; tî-á-piⁿ bí-pòaⁿ-gōa sì-kho͘ ûi-kho͘ ū chhioh-pòaⁿ khoah ê âng-mn̂g-thô͘ chúi-kau, sī beh hō͘ lo̍h-chúi chìn-chêng ê lâng hò͘-chúi pī sin, ah-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-chúi,bô lo̍h-chúi ê tōa-lâng chìm kha,bak chúi ê só͘-chāi; There is a one-foot-and-a-half-wide concrete ditch around the wall one and a half meters away from the pool. It is for those who play before entering the water to drench the water on their bodies to let their bodies adapt to the temperature first, or children playing in the water and do not want to go down. A place for adults who play in the pool to soak their feet and touch the water. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0014_concat.wav 22.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.27 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male too-tshī-sông, tsng-kha-gōng too1-tshi7-song5,tsng1-kha1-gong7 都市倯,庄跤戇 to͘-chhī-sông,chng-kha-gōng City bumpkin, country bumpkin. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0014_concat.wav 1.44 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tshân-tiong-ng? tshan5-tiong1-ng1? 田中央? Chhân-tiong-ng? n the middle of the field? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.42 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī “tshân-tē ê tiong-ng”? ah4 hak8-hau7 m7 khi2 ti7“tshan5-te7 e5 tiong1-ng1”? 啊學校毋起佇「田地的中央」? ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī“chhân-tē ê tiong-ng”? Isn't the school built in the middle of the field? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0014_concat.wav 11.109875 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ah in hia-ê gín-á khó-lîng tsin sông--ooh, tsng-kha-lâng it-tīng bô lán too-tshī-lâng hiah khiáu. ah4 in1 hia1-e5 gin2-a2 kho2-ling5 tsin1 song5--ooh4, tsng1-kha1-lang5 it4-ting7 bo5 lan2 too1-tshi7-lang5 hiah4 khiau2. 啊in遐的囡仔可能真倯--喔,庄跤人一定無咱都市人遐巧。 ah in hia-ê gín-á khó-lêng chin sông--o͘h, chng-kha-lâng it-tēng bô lán to͘-chhī-lâng hiah khiáu. The children over here are not knowledgeable. The villagers are not as smart as the city dwellers. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.39975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ( lâi kàu Tshân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ne gī-lūn. too-tshī-gōng ) (lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1 e5 tai5-pak4 gin2-a2, u7 lang5 an2-ne1 gi7-lun7. too1-tshi7-gong7) (來到田中央的台北囡仔,有人按呢議論。都市戇) (lâi kàu Chhân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ne gī-lūn. to͘-chhī-gōng) The Taipei children who came to the middle of the field, some people said that they were urban bumpkins. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0014_concat.wav 8.312375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.686125 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--looh, ta̍k-ke kín lâi khuànn--ooh! tai5-pak4 gin2-a2 lai5--looh4, tak8-ke1 kin2 lai5 khuann3--ooh4! 台北囡仔來--囉,逐家緊來看--喔! Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--lo͘h, ta̍k-ke kín lâi khòaⁿ--o͘h! Quick, come and see! The Tâi-pak kids are here! 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0014_concat.wav 1.41 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Uâ á! ua5 a2! Uâ á! Ôa á! Wow! 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0014_concat.wav 1.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.109875 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ū-kàu hó-tsia̍h, pí gún a-bú bé--ê khah hó-tsia̍h! u7-kau3 ho2-tsiah8, pi2 gun2 a1-bu2 be2--e5 khah4 ho2-tsiah8! 有夠好食,比阮阿母買--的較好食! ū-kàu hó-chia̍h, pí gún a-bú bé--ê khah hó-chia̍h! It is so tasty, even tastier than the one my mother bought! 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0014_concat.wav 4.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.42975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male lán hia lóng mā huà-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā tiān-náu, ueh! tông-o̍h! lan2 hia1 long2 ma7 hua3-hak8--e5, tak8 hang7 long2 ma7 tian7-nau2, ueh4!tong5-oh8! 咱遐攏嘛化學--的,逐項攏嘛電腦,喂!同學! lán hia lóng mā hòa-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā tiān-náu, oeh!tông-o̍h! All of us here majored in Chemistry. Everything is computerized here. Hey, classmate! 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.01 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male lín kám ū tiān-náu? lin2 kam2 u7 tian7-nau2? 恁敢有電腦? lín kám ū tiān-náu? Do you have a computer? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.73 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ( ū-iánn too-tshī-sông to tio̍h. ) (u7-iann2 too1-tshi7-song5 to1 tioh8.) (有影都市倯都著。) (ū-iáⁿ to͘-chhī-sông to tio̍h.) (They are indeed naive city dwellers.) 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0014_concat.wav 16.439625 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male puànn-poo-á āu, tshù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê tshut-thâu tsiah beh khai-sí, tsi̍t-tsūn tsng-kha-gōng kah too-tshī-sông lâi kàu tshân-tiong-ng ( tsin-tsiànn ê tshân-tē ê lāi-bīn ), beh tshòng sánn? puann3-poo1-a2 au7, tshu3-bi7 koh4 lau7-jiat8 e5 tshut4-thau5 tsiah4 beh4 khai1-si2, tsit8-tsun7 tsng1-kha1-gong7 kah4 too1-tshi7-song5 lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1(tsin1-tsiann3 e5 tshan5-te7 e5 lai7-bin7), beh4 tshong3 sann2? 半晡仔後,趣味閣鬧熱的齣頭才欲開始,一陣庄跤戇佮都市倯來到田中央(真正的田地的內面),欲創啥? pòaⁿ-po͘-á āu, chhù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê chhut-thâu chiah beh khai-sí, chi̍t-chūn chng-kha-gōng kah to͘-chhī-sông lâi kàu chhân-tiong-ng(chin-chiàⁿ ê chhân-tē ê lāi-bīn), beh chhòng sáⁿ? The interesting activities started midway through the day. A bunch of kids gathered at the centre of the field. What do they intend to do? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0014_concat.wav 8.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.04 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siann2-mih4 kop4-ioh4-a2? siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siáⁿ-mih kop-ioh-á? What is a kop-ioh-á? 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0014_concat.wav 2.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0014_concat.wav 9.43975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male tse sī gún tsia ê khiunn-kháu, it-puann lóng kóng-tsò “khòng-iô”--lah, tō sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-tsî--lah. tse1 si7 gun2 tsia1 e5 khiunn1-khau2, it4-puann1 long2 kong2-tso3“khong3-io5”--lah4, to7 si7 beh4 lai5 khong3-io5 pu5 han1-tsi5--lah4. 這是阮遮的腔口,一般攏講做「炕窯」--啦,就是欲來炕窯pû番薯--啦。 che sī gún chia ê khiuⁿ-kháu, it-poaⁿ lóng kóng-chò“khòng-iô”--lah, tō sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-chî--lah. It is the accent we use here. Usually, when we say 'khòng-iô', it means to bake sweet potatoes in kilns. 2333000 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0014_concat.wav 20.8895 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male uī-tio̍h tsiat-síng sî-kan, iô, tsá tō thia̍p hó-sè, kan-tann thìng-hāu gín-á khioh-tshâ hiânn-hué, koh lâi tio̍h sī tsiōng han-tsî, ōo-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû, būn, hip, tán-hāu nā si̍k tsiah óo khí-lâi tsia̍h. ui7-tioh8 tsiat4-sing2 si5-kan1, io5,tsa2 to7 thiap8 ho2-se3, kan1-tann1 thing3-hau7 gin2-a2 khioh4-tsha5 hiann5-hue2, koh4 lai5 tioh8 si7 tsiong7 han1-tsi5,oo7-a2 khng3-khng3 jip8-khi3 pu5,bun7,hip4, tan2-hau7 na7 sik8 tsiah4 oo2 khi2-lai5 tsiah8. 為著節省時間,窯,早就疊好勢,kan-tann聽候囡仔抾柴燃火,閣來就是tsiōng番薯、芋仔囥囥入去pû、悶、翕,等候若熟才挖起來食。 ūi-tio̍h chiat-séng sî-kan, iô,chá tō thia̍p hó-sè, kan-taⁿ thèng-hāu gín-á khioh-chhâ hiâⁿ-hóe, koh lâi tio̍h sī chiōng han-chî,ō͘-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû,būn,hip, tán-hāu nā se̍k chiah ó͘ khí-lâi chia̍h. In order to save time, the earth kiln was folded very early, just wait for the children to pick up firewood and burn the fire, and then put the sweet potatoes and taro into the earth kiln to cook until they are cooked, and then dig up and eat when they are cooked. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0014_concat.wav 15.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0014_concat.wav 9.52975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male kiat-sok liáu tsin ū ì-gī ê tsi̍t kang, “siânn-hiong kau-liû”, “too-tshī-sông kah tsng-kha-gōng” kâng tsi̍t iūnn. kiat4-sok4 liau2 tsin1 u7 i3-gi7 e5 tsit8 kang1, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”, “too1-tshi7-song5 kah4 tsng1-kha1-gong7”kang5 tsit8 iunn7. 結束了真有意義的一工,「城鄉交流」,「都市倯佮庄跤戇」仝一樣。 kiat-sok liáu chin ū ì-gī ê chi̍t kang, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”, “to͘-chhī-sông kah chng-kha-gōng”kâng chi̍t iūⁿ. The meaningful activities for the city dwellers-villagers exchange have ended. Naive city dwellers or knowledgeable villagers, kids will be kids. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0014_concat.wav 14.1173125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0014_concat.wav 17.929375 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male siánn-mih sī sông, bô king-giām tio̍h sông, siánn-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tō gōng, “siânn-hiong kau-liû” ē-tàng hōo gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sik king-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-tsiá ê tiōng-sī. siann2-mih4 si7 song5, bo5 king1-giam7 tioh8 song5, siann2-mih4 si7 gong7, m7 oh8 to7 gong7, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”e7-tang3 hoo7 gin2-a2 oh8-tioh8 bo5 kang5 e5 ti3-sik4 king1-giam7, tat8-tit4 kau3-iok8-tsia2 e5 tiong7-si7. 啥物是倯,無經驗就倯,啥物是戇,毋學就戇,「城鄉交流」會當予囡仔學著無仝的智識經驗,值得教育者的重視。 siáⁿ-mih sī sông, bô keng-giām tio̍h sông, siáⁿ-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tō gōng, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”ē-tàng hō͘ gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sek keng-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-chiá ê tiōng-sī. What does it mean to be naive? Insufficient experience. What about unknowledgeable? Insufficient information. The exchange serves to bridge the gap between the two groups. Through this, children can experience new things. This demands attention from the educators. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0014_concat.wav 20.2241875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 1.8 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Bûn-tsiong sì bun5-tsiong1 si3 文章四 Bûn-chiong sì Passage four. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.064625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 3.33 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male Tâi-bûn tsok-ka kah “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 kah4“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3” 台文作家佮《台文通訊》 Tâi-bûn chok-ka kah“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” Taiwanese writers and 'Taiwanese Hokkien Newsletter” 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0014_concat.wav 6.5940625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0014_concat.wav 12.19975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male hōo Tâi-gí khue-ho̍k uân-tsuân ê sènn-miā-li̍k, mā tsō-tsiū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka, ti̍t-tsiap khai-tshòng tsiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. hoo7 tai5-gi2 khue1-hok8 uan5-tsuan5 e5 senn3-mia7-lik8, ma7 tso7-tsiu7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1, tit8-tsiap4 khai1-tshong3 tsian3-au7 e5 tai5-gi2 bun5-hak8 un7-tong7. 予台語恢復完全的性命力,嘛造就真濟台文作家,直接開創戰後的台語文學運動。 hō͘ Tâi-gí khoe-ho̍k oân-choân ê sèⁿ-miā-le̍k, mā chō-chiū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka, ti̍t-chiap khai-chhòng chiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. To restore the vitality of the Taiwanese Hokkien, it can also cultivate many Taiwanese writers and directly create the Taiwanese literature movement after World War II. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0014_concat.wav 11.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0014_concat.wav 19.139625 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male tī tsit tsióng kuè-tîng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” pān-ián sian-hong-tsiá ê kak-sik, tong-tshoo ê huat-khí-tsiá ê uán-kiàn kah uî-tshî kàu-tann jī-tsa̍p nî sóo-ū tsham-ú-tsiá ê khóo-sim hù-tshut, lóng tsin ta̍t-tit lán kìng-puē. ti7 tsit4 tsiong2 kue3-ting5-tiong1, “tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”pan7-ian2 sian1-hong1-tsia2 e5 kak4-sik4, tong1-tshoo1 e5 huat4-khi2-tsia2 e5 uan2-kian3 kah4 ui5-tshi5 kau3-tann1 ji7-tsap8 ni5 soo2-u7 tsham1-u2-tsia2 e5 khoo2-sim1 hu3-tshut4, long2 tsin1 tat8-tit4 lan2 king3-pue7. 佇這種過程中,《台文通訊》扮演先鋒者的角色,當初的發起者的遠見佮維持到今二十年所有參與者的苦心付出,攏真值得咱敬佩。 tī chit chióng kòe-têng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”pān-ián sian-hong-chiá ê kak-sek, tong-chho͘ ê hoat-khí-chiá ê oán-kiàn kah ûi-chhî kàu-taⁿ jī-cha̍p nî só͘-ū chham-ú-chiá ê khó͘-sim hù-chhut, lóng chin ta̍t-tit lán kèng-pōe. In this process, the 'Taiwanese Newsletter' played the role of a pioneer. The vision of the founder and the perseverance of all participants in putting in their efforts for 20 years are worthy of our admiration. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0014_concat.wav 18.06475 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0014_concat.wav 19.15975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng tsing-tshú kóng Tâi-gú ê khuân-lī, huàn tshénn bó-gí ì-sik liáu-āu, tsiah liân-tài tsiap-suà it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi “Tâi-uân uē-bûn lūn-tsiàn” bē uân-sîng ê gī-tê. it4-tit8 kau3 it4 kiu2 pat4 khong3 ni5-tai7 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 tsing1-tshu2 kong2 tai5-gu2 e5 khuan5-li7, huan3 tshenn2 bo2-gi2 i3-sik4 liau2-au7, tsiah4 lian5-tai3 tsiap4-sua3 it4 kiu2 sam1 khong3 ni5-tai7“tai5-uan5 ue7-bun5 lun7-tsian3”be7 uan5-sing5 e5 gi7-te5. 一直到一九八零年代台語文運動爭取講台語的權利,喚醒母語意識了後,才連帶接紲一九三零年代「台灣話文論戰」未完成的議題。 it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng cheng-chhú kóng Tâi-gú ê khoân-lī, hoàn chhéⁿ bó-gí ì-sek liáu-āu, chiah liân-tài chiap-sòa it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi“Tâi-oân ōe-bûn lūn-chiàn”bē oân-sêng ê gī-tê. It was not until the Taiwanese language movement in the 1980s, which fought for the right to speak Taiwanese and awakened a mother tongue awareness, that the unresolved issue of the 'Taiwanese Language Debate' from the 1930s could be continued. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0014_concat.wav 19.0864375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0014_concat.wav 5.49 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male tuì Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê luē-hâm kap hîng-sik lâi tsò phîng-kè. tui3 tai5-gu2 bun5-hak8 e5 lue7-ham5 kap4 hing5-sik4 lai5 tso3 phing5-ke3. 對台語文學的內涵佮形式來做評價。 tùi Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê lōe-hâm kap hêng-sek lâi chò phêng-kè. To provide comments on the Taiwanese Hokkien literature meanings and styles. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0014_concat.wav 7.24425 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0014_concat.wav 23.14975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male “Tâi-bûn pit-huē” ê sîng-guân ū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka sī ti̍t-tsiap hi̍k-tsiá sī kan-tsiap siū-tio̍h “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” ê íng-hióng kah tsō-tsiū, tī “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” jī-tsa̍p tsiu-nî ê ji̍t-tsí, sîng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kah tsiok-hok. “tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7”e5 sing5-guan5 u7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 si7 tit8-tsiap4 hik8-tsia2 si7 kan1-tsiap4 siu7-tioh8“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”e5 ing2-hiong2 kah4 tso7-tsiu7, ti7“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”ji7-tsap8 tsiu1-ni5 e5 jit8-tsi2, sing5-sim1 hian3-siong7 gun2 e5 kam2-sia7 kah4 tsiok4-hok4. 「台文筆會」的成員有真濟台文作家是直接或者是間接受著《台文通訊》的影響佮造就,佇《台文通訊》二十週年的日子,誠心獻上阮的感謝佮祝福。 “Tâi-bûn pit-hōe”ê sêng-goân ū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka sī ti̍t-chiap he̍k-chiá sī kan-chiap siū-tio̍h“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”ê éng-hióng kah chō-chiū, tī“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”jī-cha̍p chiu-nî ê ji̍t-chí, sêng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kah chiok-hok. Many Taiwanese writers from the Taiwanese Writers Society are directly or indirectly influenced by the Taiwanese Newsletter. On this day, the 20th anniversary of the Taiwanese Newsletter, the writers thanked the publication and gave their blessings. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0014_concat.wav 19.1793125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0014_concat.wav 20.86975 TAM0014 通行腔 Common accent Male ( tsok-tsiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-huē ê lí-sū-tiúnn, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē ê táng-sū: tsit phinn sī uì “khai-khún, iā-tsíng, senn-thuànn ─ Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsa̍p-gōo tsiu-nî ti̍k khan” tiah--tshut-lâi--ê. ) (tsok4-tsia2 si7 tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7 e5 li2-su7-tiunn2, li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gu2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 e5 tang2-su7: tsit4 phinn1 si7 ui3“khai1-khun2,ia7-tsing2,senn1-thuann3─li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gi2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsap8-goo7 tsiu1-ni5 tik8 khan1”tiah4--tshut4-lai5--e5.) (作者是台文筆會的理事長、李江却台語文教基金會的董事:這篇是對《開墾、掖種、生湠─李江却台語文教基金會十五周年特刊》摘--出-來--的。) (chok-chiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-hōe ê lí-sū-tiúⁿ, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe ê táng-sū: chit phiⁿ sī ùi“khai-khún,iā-chéng,seⁿ-thòaⁿ─Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe cha̍p-gō͘ chiu-nî te̍k khan”tiah--chhut-lâi--ê.) (The author is the chairman of the Taiwanese Writers Club and the director of the Lí Kang Khiok Taiwanese Cultural and Educational Foundation. This excerpt is taken from 'Cultivating, Planting, and Proliferating - The Special Issue of the 15th Anniversary of the Lí Kang Khiok Taiwanese Language Education Foundation'.) 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0014_concat.wav 28.374375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.26 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male It. Sòo-jī it4.soo3-ji7 一. 數字 It.Sò͘-jī I. Numbers 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.8773125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.37 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn lâm-tâu-kuān bîn-á-tsài sann hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 lam5-tau5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 sann1 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看南投縣明仔載三號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ lâm-tâu-koān bîn-á-chài saⁿ hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let us look at the weather forecast for Lâm-tâu County for tomorrow, the 3rd. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 9.0321875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.18 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male un-tōo jī-tsa̍p sì tsì jī-tsa̍p tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sì-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 ji7-tsap8 si3 tsi3 ji7-tsap8 tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 si3-tsap8 pha1 溫度二十四至二十七度,落雨機率四十pha un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p sì chì jī-cha̍p chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t sì-cha̍p pha The temperature is between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius, with a 40 percent chance of rain. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0018_concat.wav 7.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.84 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male lâi-pin sann-pah it tsa̍p-sì hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 sann1-pah4 it4 tsap8-si3 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓三百一十四號請來十二號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin saⁿ-pah it cha̍p-sì hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Customer number 314, please come to counter 12 to apply. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.36 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.27 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male lóng-tsóng nn̄g-pah khòng sann khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p tshit khoo long2-tsong2 nng7-pah4 khong3 sann1 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8 tshit4 khoo1 攏總兩百零三箍,找你九十七箍 lóng-chóng nn̄g-pah khòng saⁿ kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p chhit kho͘ That would be 203 dollars in total. Here is your change, 97 dollars. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 7.7783125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.33 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male kin-á-li̍t sī káu-gue̍h tshe-it, pài-it kin1-a2-lit8 si7 kau2-gueh8 tshe1-it4,pai3-it4 今仔日是九月初一,拜一 kin-á-li̍t sī káu-goe̍h chhe-it,pài-it Today is September 1st, Monday. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.5506875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.89 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male i-tī it kiú ngóo ngóo nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 ngoo2 ngoo2 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九五五年出世 i-tī it kiú ngó͘ ngó͘ nî chhut-sì He was born in 1995. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.7365 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.89 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki ngóo it it sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 ngoo2 it4 it4 su3 請幫我轉分機五一一四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki ngó͘ it it sù Please help me transfer to extension number 5114. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.6405 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.02 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Dialogues on life 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.86 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tshiánn-mn̄g, tsit pún tsheh luā-tsē tsînn? tshiann2-mng7,tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 lua7-tse7 tsinn5? 請問,這本冊偌濟錢? Chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,chit pún chheh lōa-chē chîⁿ? Excuse me, how much is this book? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.7365 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.55 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Sī, miâ-á-tsài tsha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê lâng beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu, lí tsai-iánn--bô? si7,mia5-a2-tsai3 tsha1-put4-to1 u7 nng7-pah4 e5 lang5 beh4 lai5 lan2 hak8-hau7,li2 tsai1-iann2--bo5? 是,明仔載差不多有兩百个人beh來咱學校,你知影--無? Sī,miâ-á-chài chha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê lâng beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu,lí chai-iáⁿ--bô? Yes that's right, almost 200 people are coming to our school tomorrow, you know? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.65 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male M̄-tsai. In beh lâi tshòng siánn-mih? m7-tsai1.in1 beh4 lai5 tshong3 siann2-mih4? M̄知。In beh來創啥物? M̄-chai.In beh lâi chhòng siáⁿ-mih? I don't know. Why are they coming? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.6668125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.01 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male In beh lâi khuànn lán ha̍k-hāu. In tāi-pōo-hūn sī ha̍k-sing, ū kuí uī-á sī lāu-su. in1 beh4 lai5 khuann3 lan2 hak8-hau7.in1 tai7-poo7-hun7 si7 hak8-sing1,u7 kui2 ui7-a2 si7 lau7-su1. In beh來看咱學校。In大部份是學生,有幾位仔是老師。 In beh lâi khòaⁿ lán ha̍k-hāu.In tāi-pō͘-hūn sī ha̍k-seng,ū kúi ūi-á sī lāu-su. They want to visit our school. The majority are students, and a few of them are teachers. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.2921875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.7 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Guá m̄ tsai-iánn. Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su, hó--bô? gua2 m7 tsai1-iann2.li2 mng7 lau5 lau7-su1,ho2--bo5? 我m̄知影。你問劉老師,好--無? Góa m̄ chai-iáⁿ.Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su,hó--bô? I have no idea. Maybe you could try asking Teacher Lâu. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.3401875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.73 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Lâu lāu-su, lí tsai-iánn tsit pún tsheh luā-tsē tsînn--bô? lau5 lau7-su1,li2 tsai1-iann2 tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 lua7-tse7 tsinn5--bo5? 劉老師,你知影這本冊偌濟錢--無? Lâu lāu-su,lí chai-iáⁿ chit pún chheh lōa-chē chîⁿ--bô? Teacher Lâu, do you know how much this book costs? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.1544375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.38 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tāi-khài kuí tsa̍p khoo-á niā-niā. tai7-khai3 kui2 tsap8 khoo1-a2 nia7-nia7. 大概幾十khoo仔niā-niā。 Tāi-khài kúi cha̍p kho͘-á niā-niā. Probably only a few tens of dollars. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.7596875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.7 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Lâu lāu-su, tshiánn-mn̄g, lán ha̍k-hāu ū kuí uī lāu-su? lau5 lau7-su1,tshiann2-mng7,lan2 hak8-hau7 u7 kui2 ui7 lau7-su1? 劉老師,請問,咱學校有幾位老師? Lâu lāu-su,chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,lán ha̍k-hāu ū kúi ūi lāu-su? Teacher Lâu, how many teachers are there in our school? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.08475 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0018_concat.wav 7.47 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tsha-put-to jī-tsa̍p ê. Ū--ê sī guā-kok-lâng, in sī teh kà Ing-gí--ê. tsha1-put4-to1 ji7-tsap8 e5.u7--e5 si7 gua7-kok4-lang5,in1 si7 teh4 ka3 ing1-gi2--e5. 差不多二十个。有--的是外國人,in是teh教英語--的。 Chha-put-to jī-cha̍p ê.Ū--ê sī gōa-kok-lâng,in sī teh kà Eng-gí--ê. There are about 20 of them. Some of them are foreigners, and they are English teachers. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.0105 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.22 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Ha̍k-sing tāi-pōo-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng, sī--bô? hak8-sing1 tai7-poo7-hun7 si7 bi2-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 學生大部份是美國人,是--無? Ha̍k-seng tāi-pō͘-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng,sī--bô? Most of the students are Americans, right? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.5739375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.28 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Sī, m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Ing-kok-lâng. si7,m7-koh4 hit4 nng7 e5 si7 ing1-kok4-lang5. 是,m̄-koh彼兩个是英國人。 Sī,m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Eng-kok-lâng. Yes, but two of them are British. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.7365 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.19 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tsit nn̄g ê ha̍k-sing sī Tik-kok-lâng, sī--bô? tsit4 nng7 e5 hak8-sing1 si7 tik4-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 這兩个學生是德國人,是--無? Chit nn̄g ê ha̍k-seng sī Tek-kok-lâng,sī--bô? These two students are Germans, right? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.34175 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.6 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Bûn-tsiong it bun5-tsiong1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiong it Passage one. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.459375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.41 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5 泅水拍滂泅 siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû Swim and play with water. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.039875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0018_concat.wav 11.769875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male “siánn-mih leh bô tshīng-sann?! siû-tsuí lóng mā tio̍h tshīng iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo khì tī iû-íng-tî siû--ah...” “siann2-mih4 leh4 bo5 tshing7-sann1?! siu5-tsui2 long2 ma7 tioh8 tshing7 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 khi3 ti7 iu5-ing2-ti5 siu5--ah4...” 「啥物咧無穿衫?!泅水攏嘛著穿游泳衫、游泳褲去佇游泳池泅--啊……」 “siáⁿ-mih leh bô chhēng-saⁿ?! siû-chúi lóng mā tio̍h chhēng iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ khì tī iû-éng-tî siû--ah...” What do you mean naked? You still need to wear swimsuits and swimming trunks in the pool...' 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0018_concat.wav 7.1049375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0018_concat.wav 19.439625 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male suah hōo in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sik kuài-kuài, ū lâng siann khê tò mn̄g: “siánn-mih sī iû-íng-tî? ah iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo sī senn-tsò siánn khuán?” suah4 hoo7 in1 tak8 e5 lang5 bin7-sik4 kuai3-kuai3, u7 lang5 siann1 khe5 to3 mng7: “siann2-mih4 si7 iu5-ing2-ti5? ah4 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 si7 senn1-tso3 siann2 khuan2?” 煞予in逐个人面色怪怪,有人聲khê倒問:「啥物是游泳池?啊游泳衫、游泳褲是生做啥款?」 soah hō͘ in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sek koài-koài, ū lâng siaⁿ khê tò mn̄g: “siáⁿ-mih sī iû-éng-tî? ah iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ sī seⁿ-chò siáⁿ khoán?” This incident made each of them look strange, and someone asked: What is a swimming pool? What do swimsuits and swimming trunks look like? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0018_concat.wav 9.659125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0018_concat.wav 14.83975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēnn-īnn Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi ê înn-hîng tsuí-tî, ū pa-pa kā guá khoo tshiū-ling-khoo phah-phōng-siû ê ìn-sióng; ki3-ti5-tiong1, gi5-lan5 penn7-inn7 tiong1-san1 sok4-sia3-lai7 e5 inn5-hing5 tsui2-ti5, u7 pa1-pa1 ka7 gua2 khoo1 tshiu7-ling1-khoo1 phah4-phong7-siu5 e5 in3-siong2; 記持中,宜蘭病院中山宿舍內的圓形水池,有爸爸共我箍樹奶箍拍滂泅的印象; kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēⁿ-īⁿ Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi ê îⁿ-hêng chúi-tî, ū pa-pa kā góa kho͘ chhiū-leng-kho͘ phah-phōng-siû ê ìn-sióng; In my memory, in the circular pool in the Tiong-san dormitory of Gî-lân Hospital, I have the impression that my father gave me the impression of playing with water and splashing with a rubber ring. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0018_concat.wav 15.2086875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 23.83975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male pa-pa nā khui-tshuì kóng beh khì siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû, gún tsia-ê gín-á tio̍h ē huann-hí kah tuā, sè-siann kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò gún kín tàu tshuân iû-íng-sann, iû-íng khòo, sio̍k-pháng, líng kún-tsuí, sui̋-tóo, kué-tsí... pa1-pa1 na7 khui1-tshui3 kong2 beh4 khi3 siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5, gun2 tsia1-e5 gin2-a2 tioh8 e7 huann1-hi2 kah4 tua7,se3-siann1 kio3, ma1-ma1 tioh8 e7 kio3 gun2 kin2 tau3 tshuan5 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2 khoo3,siok8-phang2,ling2 kun2-tsui2,sui9-too2,kue2-tsi2... 爸爸若開喙講欲去泅水拍滂泅,阮遮的囡仔就會歡喜甲大、細聲叫,媽媽就會叫阮緊鬥攢游泳衫、游泳褲、sio̍k-pháng、冷滾水、sui̋-tóo、果子…… pa-pa nā khui-chhùi kóng beh khì siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû, gún chia-ê gín-á tio̍h ē hoaⁿ-hí kah tōa,sè-siaⁿ kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò gún kín tàu chhoân iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng khò͘,sio̍k-pháng,léng kún-chúi,sŭi-tó͘,kóe-chí... Every time dad mentioned going to swim, all of us kids would cheer loudly, and mom would hasten our preparations for the swim – swimsuits, swim trunks, floats, cold water, water bottles, fruits, 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 16.255625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0018_concat.wav 15.819875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ah tshù-pinn-keh-piah ê gín-á-phuānn ke-kiám ē ū lâng kiânn-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khuànn gún tsi̍t-ke-hué-á ê bô-îng, huann-hí! ah4 tshu3-pinn1-keh4-piah4 e5 gin2-a2-phuann7 ke1-kiam2 e7 u7 lang5 kiann5-lai5 gun2 tau1 e5 mng5-kha1-khau2, tham3-thau5 khuann3 gun2 tsit8-ke1-hue2-a2 e5 bo5-ing5,huann1-hi2! 啊厝邊隔壁的囡仔伴加減會有人行來阮兜的門跤口,探頭看阮一家伙仔的無閒、歡喜! ah chhù-piⁿ-keh-piah ê gín-á-phōaⁿ ke-kiám ē ū lâng kiâⁿ-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khòaⁿ gún chi̍t-ke-hóe-á ê bô-êng,hoaⁿ-hí! Some children from the neighborhood would come to the door of my house and peek in to see how busy and happy my family was. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.19625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0018_concat.wav 15.159875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male tsit ê iû-íng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-tsuí o̍h siû, phû ē khí--lâi ê sóo-tsāi, mā sī guá o̍h thiàu-tsuí, siû tshut tshing bí kah khûn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. tsit4 e5 iu5-ing2-ti5 si7 ma1-ma1 e7 loh8-tsui2 oh8 siu5,phu5 e7 khi2--lai5 e5 soo2-tsai7, ma7 si7 gua2 oh8 thiau3-tsui2,siu5 tshut4 tshing1 bi2 kah4 khun5 lian7 liah8-ko1-siu5 e5 ki1-te7. 這个游泳池是媽媽會落水學泅、浮會起--來的所在,嘛是我學跳水、泅出千米佮勤練掠篙泅的基地。 chit ê iû-éng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-chúi o̍h siû,phû ē khí--lâi ê só͘-chāi, mā sī góa o̍h thiàu-chúi,siû chhut chheng bí kah khûn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. This swimming pool is where mum learned how to swim. It is also the place where I learned to dive, do long-distance swimming and freestyle swimming. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0018_concat.wav 12.1204375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0018_concat.wav 10.7155 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male hioh-lua̍h lé-pài ê sî, gún mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-tsuí-i̍k-tiûnn sńg-tsuí, khuànn liû-hîng. hioh4-luah8 le2-pai3 e5 si5, gun2 ma7 e7 khi3 hok4-liong5 hai2-tsui2-ik8-tiunn5 sng2-tsui2,khuann3 liu5-hing5. 歇熱禮拜的時,阮嘛會去福隆海水浴場耍水、看流行。 hioh-loa̍h lé-pài ê sî, gún mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-chúi-e̍k-tiûⁿ sńg-chúi,khòaⁿ liû-hêng. We would go to Hok-liông seaside resort to play during the weekends and summer breaks. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.8726875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.0168125 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male lóng sī uì tsia o̍h--lâi, bat--lâi--ê! long2 si7 ui3 tsia1 oh8--lai5,bat4--lai5--e5! 攏是對遮學--來、捌--來--的! lóng sī ùi chia o̍h--lâi,bat--lâi--ê! I learned everything from here. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.1791875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.859875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male “siû-tsuí ê iàu-niá sī m̄ kiann tsuí, tio̍h sing o̍h tshàng-tsuí-bī...” “siu5-tsui2 e5 iau3-nia2 si7 m7 kiann1 tsui2, tioh8 sing1 oh8 tshang3-tsui2-bi7...” 「泅水的要領是毋驚水,就先學藏水沬……」 “siû-chúi ê iàu-niá sī m̄ kiaⁿ chúi, tio̍h seng o̍h chhàng-chúi-bī...” The most important thing about swimming is not to be afraid of water. First, learn to hold your breath under the water... 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0018_concat.wav 9.078625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0018_concat.wav 10.39975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male siūnn-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà gún o̍h siû-tsuí ê tsióng-tsióng, sim-kuann-thâu kam-tinn ê tsuânn-tsuí tio̍h ûn-ûn-á ik--tshut-lâi... siunn7-khi2 gin2-a2 si5-tai7, pa1-pa1 ka3 gun2 oh8 siu5-tsui2 e5 tsiong2-tsiong2, sim1-kuann1-thau5 kam1-tinn1 e5 tsuann5-tsui2 tioh8 un5-un5-a2 ik4--tshut4-lai5... 想起囡仔時代,爸爸教阮學泅水的種種,心肝頭甘甜的泉水就勻勻仔溢--出-來…… siūⁿ-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà gún o̍h siû-chúi ê chióng-chióng, sim-koaⁿ-thâu kam-tiⁿ ê chôaⁿ-chúi tio̍h ûn-ûn-á ek--chhut-lâi... Thinking about my childhood, those moments when my father taught me to swim, I felt a sweet water spring in my heart flowing out little by little. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0018_concat.wav 9.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.92 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male koh ū bô kâng ê sik-tsuí hun-tsuí-tō suànn. koh4 u7 bo5 kang5 e5 sik4-tsui2 hun1-tsui2-to7 suann3. 閣有無仝的色水分水道線。 koh ū bô kâng ê sek-chúi hun-chúi-tō sòaⁿ. Different colours segregate the waterways. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.1311875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0018_concat.wav 18.58975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male tî-á-pinn bí-puànn-guā sì-khoo uî-khoo ū tshioh-puànn khuah ê âng-mn̂g-thôo tsuí-kau, sī hōo beh lo̍h-tsuí tsìn-tsîng ê lâng hòo-tsuí pī sin, iah-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-tsuí, bô lo̍h-tsuí ê tuā-lâng tsìm kha, bak tsuí ê sóo-tsāi; ti5-a2-pinn1 bi2-puann3-gua7 si3-khoo1 ui5-khoo1 u7 tshioh4-puann3 khuah4 e5 ang5-mng5-thoo5 tsui2-kau1, si7 hoo7 beh4 loh8-tsui2 tsin3-tsing5 e5 lang5 hoo3-tsui2 pi7 sin1, iah4-si7 se3-han3 gin2-a2 sng2-tsui2,bo5 loh8-tsui2 e5 tua7-lang5 tsim3 kha1,bak4 tsui2 e5 soo2-tsai7; 池仔邊米半外四箍圍箍有尺半闊的紅毛塗水溝,是予欲落水進前的人戽水備身,抑是細漢囡仔耍水、無落水的大人浸跤、沐水的所在; tî-á-piⁿ bí-pòaⁿ-gōa sì-kho͘ ûi-kho͘ ū chhioh-pòaⁿ khoah ê âng-mn̂g-thô͘ chúi-kau, sī hō͘ beh lo̍h-chúi chìn-chêng ê lâng hò͘-chúi pī sin, iah-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-chúi,bô lo̍h-chúi ê tōa-lâng chìm kha,bak chúi ê só͘-chāi; There is a one-foot-and-a-half wide cement ditch in the four circles about one-and-a-half-meter away from the pool. It is a place for people to warm up before entering the pool, for children to play in, and for adults who were not swimming to soak their feet and feel the water. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0018_concat.wav 21.3619375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.91 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male too-tshī-sông, tsng-kha-gōng too1-tshi7-song5,tsng1-kha1-gong7 都市倯,庄跤戇 to͘-chhī-sông,chng-kha-gōng They are naive city dwellers and unknowledgeable villagers. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.45475 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0018_concat.wav 1.56 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tshân-tiong-ng? tshan5-tiong1-ng1? 田中央? Chhân-tiong-ng? In the middle of the field? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.738 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.67 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī “tshân-tē ê tiong-ng”? ah4 hak8-hau7 m7 khi2 ti7“tshan5-te7 e5 tiong1-ng1”? 啊學校毋起佇「田地的中央」? ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī“chhân-tē ê tiong-ng”? Ah, is the school not built 'in the middle of the field'? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.5491875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0018_concat.wav 7.119875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ah in hia-ê gín-á khó-lîng tsin sông--ooh, tsng-kha-lâng it-tīng bô lán too-tshī-lâng hiah khiáu. ah4 in1 hia1-e5 gin2-a2 kho2-ling5 tsin1 song5--ooh4, tsng1-kha1-lang5 it4-ting7 bo5 lan2 too1-tshi7-lang5 hiah4 khiau2. 啊in遐的囡仔可能真倯--喔,庄跤人一定無咱都市人遐巧。 ah in hia-ê gín-á khó-lêng chin sông--o͘h, chng-kha-lâng it-tēng bô lán to͘-chhī-lâng hiah khiáu. The children over here are not knowledgeable. The villagers are not as smart as the city dwellers. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.12_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.080125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0018_concat.wav 9.67975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ( lâi kàu Tshân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ne gī-lūn. too-tshī-gōng ) (lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1 e5 tai5-pak4 gin2-a2, u7 lang5 an2-ne1 gi7-lun7. too1-tshi7-gong7) (來到田中央的台北囡仔,有人按呢議論。都市戇) (lâi kàu Chhân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ne gī-lūn. to͘-chhī-gōng) (The children from Tâi-pak came to the village. Some of them commented — naive people from the city.) 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.9160625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.989875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--looh, ta̍k-ke kuánn-kín lâi khuànn--ooh! tai5-pak4 gin2-a2 lai5--looh4, tak8-ke1 kuann2-kin2 lai5 khuann3--ooh4! 台北囡仔來--囉,逐家趕緊來看--喔! Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--lo͘h, ta̍k-ke kóaⁿ-kín lâi khòaⁿ--o͘h! The Tâi-pak children have come, everyone come and meet them! 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0018_concat.wav 0.99 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Uâ á! ua5 a2! Uâ á! Ôa á! Wow! 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.18075 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.909875 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ū-kàu hó-tsia̍h, pí gún a-bú bé--ê khah hó-tsia̍h! u7-kau3 ho2-tsiah8, pi2 gun2 a1-bu2 be2--e5 khah4 ho2-tsiah8! 有夠好食,比阮阿母買--的較好食! ū-kàu hó-chia̍h, pí gún a-bú bé--ê khah hó-chia̍h! It is so tasty, even tastier than the one my mother bought! 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0018_concat.wav 6.6405 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.74975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male lán hia lóng mā huà-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā tiān-náu, ueh! tông-o̍h! lan2 hia1 long2 ma7 hua3-hak8--e5, tak8 hang7 long2 ma7 tian7-nau2, ueh4!tong5-oh8! 咱遐攏嘛化學--的,逐項攏嘛電腦,喂!同學! lán hia lóng mā hòa-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā tiān-náu, oeh!tông-o̍h! All of us here majored in Chemistry. Everything is computerized here. Hey, classmate! 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0018_concat.wav 7.4764375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0018_concat.wav 1.47 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male lín kám ū tiān-náu? lin2 kam2 u7 tian7-nau2? 恁敢有電腦? lín kám ū tiān-náu? Do you have a computer? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.459375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0018_concat.wav 2.25 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ( ū-iánn too-tshī-sông to tio̍h. ) (u7-iann2 too1-tshi7-song5 to1 tioh8.) (有影都市倯都著。) (ū-iáⁿ to͘-chhī-sông to tio̍h.) A true urban bumpkin. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0018_concat.wav 2.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0018_concat.wav 17.729625 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male puànn-poo-á āu, tshù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê tshut-thâu tsiah beh khai-sí, tsi̍t-tsūn tsng-kha-gōng kah too-tshī-sông lâi kàu tshân-tiong-ng ( tsin-tsiànn ê tshân-tē ê lāi-bīn ), beh tshòng siánn? puann3-poo1-a2 au7, tshu3-bi7 koh4 lau7-jiat8 e5 tshut4-thau5 tsiah4 beh4 khai1-si2, tsit8-tsun7 tsng1-kha1-gong7 kah4 too1-tshi7-song5 lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1(tsin1-tsiann3 e5 tshan5-te7 e5 lai7-bin7), beh4 tshong3 siann2? 半晡仔後,趣味閣鬧熱的齣頭才欲開始,一陣庄跤戇佮都市倯來到田中央(真正的田地的內面),欲創啥? pòaⁿ-po͘-á āu, chhù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê chhut-thâu chiah beh khai-sí, chi̍t-chūn chng-kha-gōng kah to͘-chhī-sông lâi kàu chhân-tiong-ng(chin-chiàⁿ ê chhân-tē ê lāi-bīn), beh chhòng siáⁿ? The interesting activities started midway through the day. A bunch of kids gathered at the centre of the field. What do they intend to do? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0018_concat.wav 10.402125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0018_concat.wav 1.53 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siann2-mih4 kop4-ioh4-a2? siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siáⁿ-mih kop-ioh-á? What is a kop-ioh-á? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0018_concat.wav 3.5755 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.62975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male tse sī gún tsia ê khiunn-kháu, it-puann lóng kóng-tsò “khòng-iô”--lah, tio̍h sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-tsî--lah. tse1 si7 gun2 tsia1 e5 khiunn1-khau2, it4-puann1 long2 kong2-tso3“khong3-io5”--lah4, tioh8 si7 beh4 lai5 khong3-io5 pu5 han1-tsi5--lah4. 這是阮遮的腔口,一般攏講做「炕窯」--啦,就是欲來炕窯pû番薯--啦。 che sī gún chia ê khiuⁿ-kháu, it-poaⁿ lóng kóng-chò“khòng-iô”--lah, tio̍h sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-chî--lah. It is the accent we use here. Usually, when we say 'khòng-iô', it means to bake sweet potatoes in kilns. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0018_concat.wav 8.7070625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0018_concat.wav 16.5095 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male uī-tio̍h tsiat-síng sî-kan, iô, tsá tio̍h thia̍p hó-sè, kan-tann thìng-hāu gín-á khioh-tshâ hiânn-hué, koh lâi tio̍h sī tsiōng han-tsî, ōo-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû, būn, hip, tán-hāu nā si̍k tsiah ué khí-lâi tsia̍h. ui7-tioh8 tsiat4-sing2 si5-kan1, io5,tsa2 tioh8 thiap8 ho2-se3, kan1-tann1 thing3-hau7 gin2-a2 khioh4-tsha5 hiann5-hue2, koh4 lai5 tioh8 si7 tsiong7 han1-tsi5,oo7-a2 khng3-khng3 jip8-khi3 pu5,bun7,hip4, tan2-hau7 na7 sik8 tsiah4 ue2 khi2-lai5 tsiah8. 為著節省時間,窯,早就疊好勢,kan-tann聽候囡仔抾柴燃火,閣來就是tsiōng番薯、芋仔囥囥入去pû、悶、翕,等候若熟才挖起來食。 ūi-tio̍h chiat-séng sî-kan, iô,chá tio̍h thia̍p hó-sè, kan-taⁿ thèng-hāu gín-á khioh-chhâ hiâⁿ-hóe, koh lâi tio̍h sī chiōng han-chî,ō͘-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû,būn,hip, tán-hāu nā se̍k chiah óe khí-lâi chia̍h. The kiln was piled early to save time. The kids would gather and burn the firewood. Then, we bury the sweet potatoes and yam for them to bake and braise. Once they are cooked, we can dig them up and eat them. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0018_concat.wav 15.557 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0018_concat.wav 15.379375 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male siánn-mih sī sông, bô king-giām tio̍h sông, siánn-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tio̍h gōng, “siânn-hiong kau-liû” ē-tàng hōo gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sik king-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-tsiá ê tiōng-sī. siann2-mih4 si7 song5, bo5 king1-giam7 tioh8 song5, siann2-mih4 si7 gong7, m7 oh8 tioh8 gong7, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”e7-tang3 hoo7 gin2-a2 oh8-tioh8 bo5 kang5 e5 ti3-sik4 king1-giam7, tat8-tit4 kau3-iok8-tsia2 e5 tiong7-si7. 啥物是倯,無經驗就倯,啥物是戇,毋學就戇,「城鄉交流」會當予囡仔學著無仝的智識經驗,值得教育者的重視。 siáⁿ-mih sī sông, bô keng-giām tio̍h sông, siáⁿ-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tio̍h gōng, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”ē-tàng hō͘ gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sek keng-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-chiá ê tiōng-sī. What does it mean to be naive? Insufficient experience. What about unknowledgeable? Insufficient information. The exchange serves to bridge the gap between the two groups. Through this, children can experience new things. This demands attention from the educators. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0018_concat.wav 21.91925 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 1.32 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Bûn-tsiong sì bun5-tsiong1 si3 文章四 Bûn-chiong sì Passage four. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0018_concat.wav 4.2953125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 2.67 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male Tâi-bûn tsok-ka kah “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 kah4“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3” 台文作家佮《台文通訊》 Tâi-bûn chok-ka kah“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” Taiwanese writers and the book 'Tâi-bûn Thong-sìn' 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.7349375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0018_concat.wav 10.18975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male hōo Tâi-gí hue-ho̍k uân-tsuân ê sìnn-miā-li̍k, mā tsō-tsiū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka, ti̍t-tsiap khai-tshòng tsiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. hoo7 tai5-gi2 hue1-hok8 uan5-tsuan5 e5 sinn3-mia7-lik8, ma7 tso7-tsiu7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1, tit8-tsiap4 khai1-tshong3 tsian3-au7 e5 tai5-gi2 bun5-hak8 un7-tong7. 予台語恢復完全的性命力,嘛造就真濟台文作家,直接開創戰後的台語文學運動。 hō͘ Tâi-gí hoe-ho̍k oân-choân ê sìⁿ-miā-le̍k, mā chō-chiū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka, ti̍t-chiap khai-chhòng chiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. Restoring the Taiwanese language to its full vitality also produced many Taiwanese writers, directly sparking the post-war Taiwanese literature movement. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0018_concat.wav 14.5353125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0018_concat.wav 17.704625 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male tī tsit tsióng kuè-tîng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” pān-ián sian-hong-tsiá ê kak-sik, tong-tshoo ê huat-khí-tsiá ê uán-kiàn kah î-tshî kàu-tann jī-tsa̍p nî sóo-ū tsham-ú-tsiá ê khóo-sim hù-tshut, lóng tsin ta̍t-tit lán kìng-phuè. ti7 tsit4 tsiong2 kue3-ting5-tiong1, “tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”pan7-ian2 sian1-hong1-tsia2 e5 kak4-sik4, tong1-tshoo1 e5 huat4-khi2-tsia2 e5 uan2-kian3 kah4 i5-tshi5 kau3-tann1 ji7-tsap8 ni5 soo2-u7 tsham1-u2-tsia2 e5 khoo2-sim1 hu3-tshut4, long2 tsin1 tat8-tit4 lan2 king3-phue3. 佇這種過程中,《台文通訊》扮演先鋒者的角色,當初的發起者的遠見佮維持到今二十年所有參與者的苦心付出,攏真值得咱敬佩。 tī chit chióng kòe-têng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”pān-ián sian-hong-chiá ê kak-sek, tong-chho͘ ê hoat-khí-chiá ê oán-kiàn kah î-chhî kàu-taⁿ jī-cha̍p nî só͘-ū chham-ú-chiá ê khó͘-sim hù-chhut, lóng chin ta̍t-tit lán kèng-phòe. In this process, 'Tâi-bûn Thong-sìn' played the role of a pioneer. The vision of the original initiator and the painstaking efforts of all participants for the past 20 years are worthy of our admiration. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0018_concat.wav 14.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0018_concat.wav 15.46975 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng tsing-tshú kóng Tâi-gú ê khuân-lī, huàn tshínn bó-gú ì-sik liáu-āu, tsiah liân-tài tsiap-suà it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi “Tâi-uân uē-bûn lūn-tsiàn” bē uân-sîng ê gī-tê. it4-tit8 kau3 it4 kiu2 pat4 khong3 ni5-tai7 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 tsing1-tshu2 kong2 tai5-gu2 e5 khuan5-li7, huan3 tshinn2 bo2-gu2 i3-sik4 liau2-au7, tsiah4 lian5-tai3 tsiap4-sua3 it4 kiu2 sam1 khong3 ni5-tai7“tai5-uan5 ue7-bun5 lun7-tsian3”be7 uan5-sing5 e5 gi7-te5. 一直到一九八零年代台語文運動爭取講台語的權利,喚醒母語意識了後,才連帶接紲一九三零年代「台灣話文論戰」未完成的議題。 it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng cheng-chhú kóng Tâi-gú ê khoân-lī, hoàn chhíⁿ bó-gú ì-sek liáu-āu, chiah liân-tài chiap-sòa it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi“Tâi-oân ōe-bûn lūn-chiàn”bē oân-sêng ê gī-tê. It was not until the Taiwanese language movement in the 1980s, which fought for the right to speak Taiwanese and awakened a mother tongue awareness, that the unresolved issue of the 'Taiwanese Language Debate' from the 1930s could be continued. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0018_concat.wav 19.3650625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0018_concat.wav 5.1 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male tuì Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê luē-hâm kap hîng-sik lâi tsò phîng-kè. tui3 tai5-gu2 bun5-hak8 e5 lue7-ham5 kap4 hing5-sik4 lai5 tso3 phing5-ke3. 對台語文學的內涵佮形式來做評價。 tùi Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê lōe-hâm kap hêng-sek lâi chò phêng-kè. To provide comments on the Taiwanese Hokkien literature meanings and styles. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0018_concat.wav 9.14825 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0018_concat.wav 18.580375 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male “Tâi-bûn pit-huē” ê sîng-guân ū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka sī ti̍t-tsiap hi̍k-tsiá sī kan-tsiap siū-tio̍h “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” ê íng-hióng kah tsō-tsiū, tī “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” jī-tsa̍p tsiu-nî ê li̍t-tsí, sîng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kah tsiok-hok. “tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7”e5 sing5-guan5 u7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 si7 tit8-tsiap4 hik8-tsia2 si7 kan1-tsiap4 siu7-tioh8“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”e5 ing2-hiong2 kah4 tso7-tsiu7, ti7“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”ji7-tsap8 tsiu1-ni5 e5 lit8-tsi2, sing5-sim1 hian3-siong7 gun2 e5 kam2-sia7 kah4 tsiok4-hok4. 「台文筆會」的成員有真濟台文作家是直接或者是間接受著《台文通訊》的影響佮造就,佇《台文通訊》二十週年的日子,誠心獻上阮的感謝佮祝福。 “Tâi-bûn pit-hōe”ê sêng-goân ū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka sī ti̍t-chiap he̍k-chiá sī kan-chiap siū-tio̍h“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”ê éng-hióng kah chō-chiū, tī“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”jī-cha̍p chiu-nî ê li̍t-chí, sêng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kah chiok-hok. Among the members of 'Taiwanese Hokkien Pen', many Taiwanese Hokkien authors were directly or indirectly under the influence and success of the 'Taiwanese Hokkien Writing Forum'. On this day of the 20th anniversary of the 'Taiwanese Hokkien Writing Forum', I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and wishes. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0018_concat.wav 23.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0018_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0018_concat.wav 17.0153125 TAM0018 南部腔 Southern Taiwan accent Male ( tsok-tsiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-huē ê lí-sū-tiúnn, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē ê táng-sū: tsit phinn sī uì “khai-khún, iā-tsíng, senn-thuànn ─ Lí Kang Khiok tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsa̍p-gōo tsiu-nî ti̍k khan” tiah--tshut-lâi--ê. ) (tsok4-tsia2 si7 tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7 e5 li2-su7-tiunn2, li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gu2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 e5 tang2-su7: tsit4 phinn1 si7 ui3“khai1-khun2,ia7-tsing2,senn1-thuann3─li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gi2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsap8-goo7 tsiu1-ni5 tik8 khan1”tiah4--tshut4-lai5--e5.) (作者是台文筆會的理事長、李江却台語文教基金會的董事:這篇是對《開墾、掖種、生湠─李江却台語文教基金會十五周年特刊》摘--出-來--的。) (chok-chiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-hōe ê lí-sū-tiúⁿ, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe ê táng-sū: chit phiⁿ sī ùi“khai-khún,iā-chéng,seⁿ-thòaⁿ─Lí Kang Khiok tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe cha̍p-gō͘ chiu-nî te̍k khan”tiah--chhut-lâi--ê.) The author is chairman of the Taiwanese Pen and Lí Kang-khiok Taiwanese Hokkien Education Foundation. This article is an extract from the 15th-anniversary special publication. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0018_concat.wav 17.279625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.38 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Sòo-jī soo3-ji7 數字 Sò͘-jī By the Numbers. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.0414375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.38 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn lâm-tâu-kuān bîn-á-tsài sann hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 lam5-tau5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 sann1 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看南投縣明仔載三號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ lâm-tâu-koān bîn-á-chài saⁿ hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let us look at the weather forecast for Lâm-tâu County for tomorrow, the 3rd. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.869625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.3425 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male un-tōo jī sì tsì jī tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sì-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 ji7 si3 tsi3 ji7 tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 si3-tsap8 pha1 溫度二四至二七度,落雨機率四十pha un-tō͘ jī sì chì jī chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t sì-cha̍p pha The temperature ranges between twenty-four to twenty-seven degrees Celsius, with a forty per cent chance of rain. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.2_TAM0020_concat.wav 12.166875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.71 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lâi-pin sann-pah tsa̍p-sì hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 sann1-pah4 tsap8-si3 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓三百十四號請來十二號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin saⁿ-pah cha̍p-sì hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí For guest number 340, please go to counter 12. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.3_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.991875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.08 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lóng-tsóng nn̄g-pah khòng sann khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p tshit khoo long2-tsong2 nng7-pah4 khong3 sann1 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8 tshit4 khoo1 攏總兩百零三箍,找你九十七箍 lóng-chóng nn̄g-pah khòng saⁿ kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p chhit kho͘ That would be 203 dollars in total. Here is your change, 97 dollars. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.2659375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.285625 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male kin-á-ji̍t sī káu-gue̍h tshe-it, pài-it kin1-a2-jit8 si7 kau2-gueh8 tshe1-it4,pai3-it4 今仔日是九月初一,拜一 kin-á-ji̍t sī káu-goe̍h chhe-it,pài-it Today is the first of September, Monday. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.5_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.8278125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.75625 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male i-tī it kiú ngóo ngóo nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 ngoo2 ngoo2 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九五五年出世 i-tī it kiú ngó͘ ngó͘ nî chhut-sì He was born in 1995. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.8_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.08475 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.26 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki ngóo it it sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 ngoo2 it4 it4 su3 請幫我轉分機五一一四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki ngó͘ it it sù Please help me transfer to extension number 5114. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_1.9_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.638999999999999 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.16 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Daily life conversations 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.829375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.88 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tshiánn-mn̄g, tsit pún tsheh guā-tsē tsînn? tshiann2-mng7,tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 gua7-tse7 tsinn5? 請問,這本冊偌濟錢? Chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,chit pún chheh gōa-chē chîⁿ? Excuse me, how much is this book? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.829375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.12 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Sī, miâ-á-tsài tsha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê lâng beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu, lí tsai-iánn--bô? si7,mia5-a2-tsai3 tsha1-put4-to1 u7 nng7-pah4 e5 lang5 beh4 lai5 lan2 hak8-hau7,li2 tsai1-iann2--bo5? 是,明仔載差不多有兩百个人beh來咱學校,你知影--無? Sī,miâ-á-chài chha-put-to ū nn̄g-pah ê lâng beh lâi lán ha̍k-hāu,lí chai-iáⁿ--bô? Yes, do you know that about 200 people will come to our school tomorrow? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.10_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.9640625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.868125 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male M̄-tsai. In beh lâi tshòng siánn-mih? m7-tsai1.in1 beh4 lai5 tshong3 siann2-mih4? M̄知。In beh來創啥物? M̄-chai.In beh lâi chhòng siáⁿ-mih? I don't know. Why are they coming? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.11_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.5491875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.419375 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male In beh lâi khuànn lán ha̍k-hāu. In tuā-pōo-hūn sī ha̍k-sing, ū kuí uī-á sī lāu-su. in1 beh4 lai5 khuann3 lan2 hak8-hau7.in1 tua7-poo7-hun7 si7 hak8-sing1,u7 kui2 ui7-a2 si7 lau7-su1. In beh來看咱學校。In大部份是學生,有幾位仔是老師。 In beh lâi khòaⁿ lán ha̍k-hāu.In tōa-pō͘-hūn sī ha̍k-seng,ū kúi ūi-á sī lāu-su. They will come to visit our school. Most of them are students, some of them are teachers. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.12_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.69 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Guá m̄ tsai-iánn. Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su, hó--bô? gua2 m7 tsai1-iann2.li2 mng7 lau5 lau7-su1,ho2--bo5? 我m̄知影。你問劉老師,好--無? Góa m̄ chai-iáⁿ.Lí mn̄g Lâu lāu-su,hó--bô? I have no idea. Maybe you could try asking Teacher Lâu. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.2_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.24575 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.36 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Lâu lāu-su, lí tsai-iánn tsit pún tsheh guā-tsē tsînn--bô? lau5 lau7-su1,li2 tsai1-iann2 tsit4 pun2 tsheh4 gua7-tse7 tsinn5--bo5? 劉老師,你知影這本冊偌濟錢--無? Lâu lāu-su,lí chai-iáⁿ chit pún chheh gōa-chē chîⁿ--bô? Teacher Lâu, do you know how much this book costs? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.3_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.5259375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.34 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tāi-khài kuí tsa̍p khoo-á niā-niā. tai7-khai3 kui2 tsap8 khoo1-a2 nia7-nia7. 大概幾十khoo仔niā-niā。 Tāi-khài kúi cha̍p kho͘-á niā-niā. It is only about tens of dollars. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.2921875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.81 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Lâu lāu-su, tshiánn-mn̄g, lán ha̍k-hāu ū kuí uī lāu-su? lau5 lau7-su1,tshiann2-mng7,lan2 hak8-hau7 u7 kui2 ui7 lau7-su1? 劉老師,請問,咱學校有幾位老師? Lâu lāu-su,chhiáⁿ-mn̄g,lán ha̍k-hāu ū kúi ūi lāu-su? Teacher Lâu, how many teachers are there in our school? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.5_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.2921875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.3425 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tsha-put-to jī-tsa̍p ê. Ū--ê sī guā-kok-lâng, in sī teh kà Ing-gí--ê. tsha1-put4-to1 ji7-tsap8 e5.u7--e5 si7 gua7-kok4-lang5,in1 si7 teh4 ka3 ing1-gi2--e5. 差不多二十个。有--的是外國人,in是teh教英語--的。 Chha-put-to jī-cha̍p ê.Ū--ê sī gōa-kok-lâng,in sī teh kà Eng-gí--ê. There are about 20 of them. Some of them are foreigners, and they are English teachers. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.6_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.474875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.06 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Ha̍k-sing tuā-pōo-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng, sī--bô? hak8-sing1 tua7-poo7-hun7 si7 bi2-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 學生大部份是美國人,是--無? Ha̍k-seng tōa-pō͘-hūn sī Bí-kok-lâng,sī--bô? Most of the students are Americans, right? 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.7_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.9454375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.24 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Sī, m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Ing-kok-lâng. si7,m7-koh4 hit4 nng7 e5 si7 ing1-kok4-lang5. 是,m̄-koh彼兩个是英國人。 Sī,m̄-koh hit nn̄g ê sī Eng-kok-lâng. Yes, but two of them are British. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.8_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.3634375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.55 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tsit nn̄g ê ha̍k-sing sī Tik-kok-lâng, sī--bô? tsit4 nng7 e5 hak8-sing1 si7 tik4-kok4-lang5,si7--bo5? 這兩个學生是德國人,是--無? Chit nn̄g ê ha̍k-seng sī Tek-kok-lâng,sī--bô? Are these two students German? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_2.9_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.9863125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.8 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Bûn-tsiong it bun5-tsiong1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiong it Article 1 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.389 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.07 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5 泅水拍滂泅 siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû Swim and play with water. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.829375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.599875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male “siánn-mih teh bô tshīng-sann?! siû-tsuí lóng mā tio̍h tshīng iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo khì tī iû-íng-tî siû--ah...” “siann2-mih4 teh4 bo5 tshing7-sann1?! siu5-tsui2 long2 ma7 tioh8 tshing7 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 khi3 ti7 iu5-ing2-ti5 siu5--ah4...” 「啥物咧無穿衫?!泅水攏嘛著穿游泳衫、游泳褲去佇游泳池泅--啊……」 “siáⁿ-mih teh bô chhēng-saⁿ?! siû-chúi lóng mā tio̍h chhēng iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ khì tī iû-éng-tî siû--ah...” What do you mean naked? You still need to wear swimsuits and swimming trunks in the pool...' 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.17_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.0816875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0020_concat.wav 10.169625 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male suah hōo in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sik kuài-kuài, ū lâng siann khê tò mn̄g: “siánn-mih sī iû-íng-tî? ah iû-íng-sann, iû-íng-khòo sī senn-tsò siánn-mih-khuán?” suah4 hoo7 in1 tak8 e5 lang5 bin7-sik4 kuai3-kuai3, u7 lang5 siann1 khe5 to3 mng7: “siann2-mih4 si7 iu5-ing2-ti5? ah4 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2-khoo3 si7 senn1-tso3 siann2-mih4-khuan2?” 煞予in逐个人面色怪怪,有人聲khê倒問:「啥物是游泳池?啊游泳衫、游泳褲是生做啥物款?」 soah hō͘ in ta̍k ê lâng bīn-sek koài-koài, ū lâng siaⁿ khê tò mn̄g: “siáⁿ-mih sī iû-éng-tî? ah iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng-khò͘ sī seⁿ-chò siáⁿ-mih-khoán?” All of them looked confused. Someone in the crowd asked, 'What is a swimming pool? What are swimsuits and swim trunks used for?' 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.20_TAM0020_concat.wav 11.5399375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0020_concat.wav 9.43975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēnn-īnn Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi înn-hîng tsuí-tî, ū pa-pa kā guá khoo tshiū-ling-khoo phah-phōng-siû ê ìn-sióng; ki3-ti5-tiong1, gi5-lan5 penn7-inn7 tiong1-san1 sok4-sia3-lai7 inn5-hing5 tsui2-ti5, u7 pa1-pa1 ka7 gua2 khoo1 tshiu7-ling1-khoo1 phah4-phong7-siu5 e5 in3-siong2; 記持中,宜蘭病院中山宿舍內圓形水池,有爸爸共我箍樹奶箍拍滂泅的印象; kì-tî-tiong, Gî-lân pēⁿ-īⁿ Tiong-san sok-sià-lāi îⁿ-hêng chúi-tî, ū pa-pa kā góa kho͘ chhiū-leng-kho͘ phah-phōng-siû ê ìn-sióng; In my memory, in the circular pool in the Tiong-san dormitory of Gî-lân Hospital, I have the impression that my father gave me the impression of playing with water and splashing with a rubber ring. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.24_TAM0020_concat.wav 14.2101875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.27_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.27_TAM0020_concat.wav 25.185875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male kū-siânn tsùn-kau ( Pat-tshian-tāi-tshuan ) ê tang-pîng kah lâm-tuānn sui-jiân tī sing-ua̍h-tiong ê sin-khu-pinn, m̄-koh, pa-pa ma-ma put-tsún gún khì tsùn-kau hia sńg-tsuí, in-uī ke-kiám ū sí káu, sí niau kah tsi̍t-kuá bô tshing-khì, lâng bô-ài, pháinn--khì, hāi--khì, lah-sap ê mih-kiānn tī tsùn-kau-lāi phû-lâu. ku7-siann5 tsun3-kau1(pat4-tshian1-tai7-tshuan1)e5 tang1-ping5 kah4 lam5-tuann7 sui1-jian5 ti7 sing1-uah8-tiong1 e5 sin1-khu1-pinn1, m7-koh4,pa1-pa1 ma1-ma1 put4-tsun2 gun2 khi3 tsun3-kau1 hia1 sng2-tsui2, in1-ui7 ke1-kiam2 u7 si2 kau2,si2 niau1 kah4 tsit8-kua2 bo5 tshing1-khi3,lang5 bo5-ai3,phainn2--khi3,hai7--khi3,lah4-sap4 e5 mih4-kiann7 ti7 tsun3-kau1-lai7 phu5-lau5. 舊城圳溝(八千代川)的東爿佮南段雖然佇生活中的身軀邊,毋過,爸爸媽媽不准阮去圳溝遐耍水,因為加減有死狗、死貓佮一寡無清氣、人無愛、歹--去、害--去、lah-sap的物件佇圳溝內浮流。 kū-siâⁿ chùn-kau(Pat-chhian-tāi-chhoan)ê tang-pêng kah lâm-tōaⁿ sui-jiân tī seng-oa̍h-tiong ê sin-khu-piⁿ, m̄-koh,pa-pa ma-ma put-chún gún khì chùn-kau hia sńg-chúi, in-ūi ke-kiám ū sí káu,sí niau kah chi̍t-kóa bô chheng-khì,lâng bô-ài,pháiⁿ--khì,hāi--khì,lah-sap ê mih-kiāⁿ tī chùn-kau-lāi phû-lâu. Our parents do not allow us to play in the canal although we live near the east and south sides of the canal surrounding the old town (Peh-tshing-tāi-tshuan) because there are always dead cats and dogs, rubbish and dirty items and objects that people discarded floating around in the canal. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.27_TAM0020_concat.wav 19.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 17.924 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male pa-pa nā khui-tshuì kóng beh khì siû-tsuí phah-phōng-siû, gún tsia-ê gín-á tō ē huann-hí kah tuā, sè-siann kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò gún kín tàu tshuân iû-íng-sann, iû-íng khòo, sio̍k-pháng, líng kún-tsuí, sui̋-tóo, kué-tsí... pa1-pa1 na7 khui1-tshui3 kong2 beh4 khi3 siu5-tsui2 phah4-phong7-siu5, gun2 tsia1-e5 gin2-a2 to7 e7 huann1-hi2 kah4 tua7,se3-siann1 kio3, ma1-ma1 tioh8 e7 kio3 gun2 kin2 tau3 tshuan5 iu5-ing2-sann1,iu5-ing2 khoo3,siok8-phang2,ling2 kun2-tsui2,sui9-too2,kue2-tsi2... 爸爸若開喙講欲去泅水拍滂泅,阮遮的囡仔就會歡喜甲大、細聲叫,媽媽就會叫阮緊鬥攢游泳衫、游泳褲、sio̍k-pháng、冷滾水、sui̋-tóo、果子…… pa-pa nā khui-chhùi kóng beh khì siû-chúi phah-phōng-siû, gún chia-ê gín-á tō ē hoaⁿ-hí kah tōa,sè-siaⁿ kiò, ma-ma tio̍h ē kiò gún kín tàu chhoân iû-éng-saⁿ,iû-éng khò͘,sio̍k-pháng,léng kún-chúi,sŭi-tó͘,kóe-chí... As kids, we would cheer loudly in joy whenever dad suggested going for a swim. Mom would then hurry us to prepare the swimming attire, bread, water, bottles, and fruits. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 16.207125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0020_concat.wav 11.559875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ah tshù-pinn-keh-piah ê gín-á-phuānn ke-kiám ē ū lâng tsáu-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khuànn gún tsi̍t-ke-hué-á ê bô-îng, huann-hí! ah4 tshu3-pinn1-keh4-piah4 e5 gin2-a2-phuann7 ke1-kiam2 e7 u7 lang5 tsau2-lai5 gun2 tau1 e5 mng5-kha1-khau2, tham3-thau5 khuann3 gun2 tsit8-ke1-hue2-a2 e5 bo5-ing5,huann1-hi2! 啊厝邊隔壁的囡仔伴加減會有人走來阮兜的門跤口,探頭看阮一家伙仔的無閒、歡喜! ah chhù-piⁿ-keh-piah ê gín-á-phōaⁿ ke-kiám ē ū lâng cháu-lâi gún tau ê mn̂g-kha-kháu, thàm-thâu khòaⁿ gún chi̍t-ke-hóe-á ê bô-êng,hoaⁿ-hí! Neighbouring children sometimes come to the doorstep of my house to peek at the life and happiness of my family! 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_3.7_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0020_concat.wav 12.20675 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsit ê iû-íng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-tsuí o̍h siû, phû ē khí--lâi ê sóo-tsāi, mā sī guá o̍h thiàu-tsuí, siû tshut tshing bí kah khîn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. tsit4 e5 iu5-ing2-ti5 si7 ma1-ma1 e7 loh8-tsui2 oh8 siu5,phu5 e7 khi2--lai5 e5 soo2-tsai7, ma7 si7 gua2 oh8 thiau3-tsui2,siu5 tshut4 tshing1 bi2 kah4 khin5 lian7 liah8-ko1-siu5 e5 ki1-te7. 這个游泳池是媽媽會落水學泅、浮會起--來的所在,嘛是我學跳水、泅出千米佮勤練掠篙泅的基地。 chit ê iû-éng-tî sī ma-ma ē lo̍h-chúi o̍h siû,phû ē khí--lâi ê só͘-chāi, mā sī góa o̍h thiàu-chúi,siû chhut chheng bí kah khîn liān lia̍h-ko-siû ê ki-tē. This swimming pool is where mum learned how to swim. It is also the place where I learned to dive, do long-distance swimming and freestyle swimming. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.12_TAM0020_concat.wav 12.2365 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.239875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hioh-jua̍h lé-pài ê sî, gún mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-tsuí-i̍k-tiûnn sńg-tsuí, khuànn liû-hîng. hioh4-juah8 le2-pai3 e5 si5, gun2 ma7 e7 khi3 hok4-liong5 hai2-tsui2-ik8-tiunn5 sng2-tsui2,khuann3 liu5-hing5. 歇熱禮拜的時,阮嘛會去福隆海水浴場耍水、看流行。 hioh-joa̍h lé-pài ê sî, gún mā ē khì Hok-liông hái-chúi-e̍k-tiûⁿ sńg-chúi,khòaⁿ liû-hêng. We would go to Hok-liông seaside resort to play during the weekends and summer breaks. 1564009 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.14_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.660625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.97 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lóng sī uì tsia o̍h--lâi, bat--lâi--ê! long2 si7 ui3 tsia1 oh8--lai5,bat4--lai5--e5! 攏是對遮學--來、捌--來--的! lóng sī ùi chia o̍h--lâi,bat--lâi--ê! I learned everything from here. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.24_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.329875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male “siû-tsuí ê iàu-líng sī m̄ kiann tsuí, tō sing o̍h tshàng-tsuí-bī...” “siu5-tsui2 e5 iau3-ling2 si7 m7 kiann1 tsui2, to7 sing1 oh8 tshang3-tsui2-bi7...” 「泅水的要領是毋驚水,就先學藏水沬……」 “siû-chúi ê iàu-léng sī m̄ kiaⁿ chúi, tō seng o̍h chhàng-chúi-bī...” The most important thing about swimming is not to be afraid of water. First, learn to hold your breath under the water... 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.25_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.68975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male siūnn-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà guán o̍h siû-tsuí ê tsióng-tsióng, sim-kuann-thâu kam-tinn ê tsuânn-tsuí tō ûn-ûn-á ik--tshut-lâi... siunn7-khi2 gin2-a2 si5-tai7, pa1-pa1 ka3 guan2 oh8 siu5-tsui2 e5 tsiong2-tsiong2, sim1-kuann1-thau5 kam1-tinn1 e5 tsuann5-tsui2 to7 un5-un5-a2 ik4--tshut4-lai5... 想起囡仔時代,爸爸教阮學泅水的種種,心肝頭甘甜的泉水就勻勻仔溢--出-來…… siūⁿ-khí gín-á sî-tāi, pa-pa kà goán o̍h siû-chúi ê chióng-chióng, sim-koaⁿ-thâu kam-tiⁿ ê chôaⁿ-chúi tō ûn-ûn-á ek--chhut-lâi... Reminiscing on my childhood, the time when my father used to teach me to swim, my heart was overwhelmed with bittersweetness. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.34_TAM0020_concat.wav 11.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.06 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male koh ū bô kâng ê sik-tsuí hun-tsuí-tō suànn. koh4 u7 bo5 kang5 e5 sik4-tsui2 hun1-tsui2-to7 suann3. 閣有無仝的色水分水道線。 koh ū bô kâng ê sek-chúi hun-chúi-tō sòaⁿ. Different colours segregate the waterways. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.4_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0020_concat.wav 17.015375 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tî-á-pinn bí-puànn-guā sì-khoo uî-khoo ū tshioh-puànn khuah ê âng-mn̂g-thôo tsuí-kau, sī hōo beh lo̍h-tsuí tsìn-tsîng ê lâng hòo-tsuí pī sin, ah-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-tsuí, bô lo̍h-tsuí ê tuā-lâng tsìm kha, bak tsuí ê sóo-tsāi; ti5-a2-pinn1 bi2-puann3-gua7 si3-khoo1 ui5-khoo1 u7 tshioh4-puann3 khuah4 e5 ang5-mng5-thoo5 tsui2-kau1, si7 hoo7 beh4 loh8-tsui2 tsin3-tsing5 e5 lang5 hoo3-tsui2 pi7 sin1, ah4-si7 se3-han3 gin2-a2 sng2-tsui2,bo5 loh8-tsui2 e5 tua7-lang5 tsim3 kha1,bak4 tsui2 e5 soo2-tsai7; 池仔邊米半外四箍圍箍有尺半闊的紅毛塗水溝,是予欲落水進前的人戽水備身,抑是細漢囡仔耍水、無落水的大人浸跤、沐水的所在; tî-á-piⁿ bí-pòaⁿ-gōa sì-kho͘ ûi-kho͘ ū chhioh-pòaⁿ khoah ê âng-mn̂g-thô͘ chúi-kau, sī hō͘ beh lo̍h-chúi chìn-chêng ê lâng hò͘-chúi pī sin, ah-sī sè-hàn gín-á sńg-chúi,bô lo̍h-chúi ê tōa-lâng chìm kha,bak chúi ê só͘-chāi; There is a one-foot-and-a-half wide cement ditch in the four circles about one-and-a-half-meter away from the pool. It is a place for people to warm up before entering the pool, for children to play in, and for adults who were not swimming to soak their feet and feel the water. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_4.5_TAM0020_concat.wav 19.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.76 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male too-tshī-sông, tsng-kha-gōng too1-tshi7-song5,tsng1-kha1-gong7 都市倯,庄跤戇 to͘-chhī-sông,chng-kha-gōng They are naive city dwellers and unknowledgeable villagers. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.26 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tshân-tiong-ng? tshan5-tiong1-ng1? 田中央? Chhân-tiong-ng? In the middle of the field? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.10_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.27 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī “tshân-tē ê tiong-ng”? ah4 hak8-hau7 m7 khi2 ti7“tshan5-te7 e5 tiong1-ng1”? 啊學校毋起佇「田地的中央」? ah ha̍k-hāu m̄ khí tī“chhân-tē ê tiong-ng”? Ah, is the school not built 'in the middle of the field'? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.11_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.19975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ( lâi kàu Tshân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ne gī-lūn. too-tshī-gōng ) (lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1 e5 tai5-pak4 gin2-a2, u7 lang5 an2-ne1 gi7-lun7. too1-tshi7-gong7) (來到田中央的台北囡仔,有人按呢議論。都市戇) (lâi kàu Chhân-tiong-ng ê Tâi-pak gín-á, ū lâng án-ne gī-lūn. to͘-chhī-gōng) (The children from Tâi-pak came to the village. Some of them commented — naive people from the city.) 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.14_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.699875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--looh, ta̍k-ke kín lâi khuànn--ooh! tai5-pak4 gin2-a2 lai5--looh4, tak8-ke1 kin2 lai5 khuann3--ooh4! 台北囡仔來--囉,逐家緊來看--喔! Tâi-pak gín-á lâi--lo͘h, ta̍k-ke kín lâi khòaⁿ--o͘h! Tâi-pak kids are here, everyone come and see! 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.17_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.08 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Uâ á! ua5 a2! Uâ á! Ôa á! Wow! 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.36_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.4679375 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ū-kàu hó-tsia̍h, pí gún a-bú bé--ê khah hó-tsia̍h! u7-kau3 ho2-tsiah8, pi2 gun2 a1-bu2 be2--e5 khah4 ho2-tsiah8! 有夠好食,比阮阿母買--的較好食! ū-kàu hó-chia̍h, pí gún a-bú bé--ê khah hó-chia̍h! It is so tasty, even tastier than the one my mother bought! 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.37_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.53975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lán hia lóng mā huà-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā tiān-náu, ueh! tông-o̍h! lan2 hia1 long2 ma7 hua3-hak8--e5, tak8 hang7 long2 ma7 tian7-nau2, ueh4!tong5-oh8! 咱遐攏嘛化學--的,逐項攏嘛電腦,喂!同學! lán hia lóng mā hòa-ha̍k--ê, ta̍k hāng lóng mā tiān-náu, oeh!tông-o̍h! Our things are all chemical, everything is made by computer, hey! classmate! 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.42_TAM0020_concat.wav 5.7383125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.71 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lín kám ū tiān-náu? lin2 kam2 u7 tian7-nau2? 恁敢有電腦? lín kám ū tiān-náu? Do you have a computer? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.45_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.98 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ( ū-iánn too-tshī-sông to tio̍h. ) (u7-iann2 too1-tshi7-song5 to1 tioh8.) (有影都市倯都著。) (ū-iáⁿ to͘-chhī-sông to tio̍h.) (They are indeed naive city dwellers.) 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.51_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0020_concat.wav 12.935875 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male puànn-poo-á āu, tshù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê tshut-thâu tsiah beh khai-sí, tsi̍t-tsūn tsng-kha-gōng kah too-tshī-sông lâi kàu tshân-tiong-ng ( tsin-tsiànn ê tshân-tē ê lāi-bīn ), beh tshòng siánn? puann3-poo1-a2 au7, tshu3-bi7 koh4 lau7-jiat8 e5 tshut4-thau5 tsiah4 beh4 khai1-si2, tsit8-tsun7 tsng1-kha1-gong7 kah4 too1-tshi7-song5 lai5 kau3 tshan5-tiong1-ng1(tsin1-tsiann3 e5 tshan5-te7 e5 lai7-bin7), beh4 tshong3 siann2? 半晡仔後,趣味閣鬧熱的齣頭才欲開始,一陣庄跤戇佮都市倯來到田中央(真正的田地的內面),欲創啥? pòaⁿ-po͘-á āu, chhù-bī koh lāu-jia̍t ê chhut-thâu chiah beh khai-sí, chi̍t-chūn chng-kha-gōng kah to͘-chhī-sông lâi kàu chhân-tiong-ng(chin-chiàⁿ ê chhân-tē ê lāi-bīn), beh chhòng siáⁿ? After a long time, the fun and lively trick activities are about to start. A group of country bumpkins and urban bumpkins come to the middle of the field (in the real field), what are they going to do? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.52_TAM0020_concat.wav 14.7210625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.68 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siann2-mih4 kop4-ioh4-a2? siánn-mih kop-ioh-á? siáⁿ-mih kop-ioh-á? What taking medicine? 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.60_TAM0020_concat.wav 2.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0020_concat.wav 7.33975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tse sī gún tsia ê khiunn-kháu, it-puann lóng kóng-tsò “khòng-iô”--lah, tō sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-tsî--lah. tse1 si7 gun2 tsia1 e5 khiunn1-khau2, it4-puann1 long2 kong2-tso3“khong3-io5”--lah4, to7 si7 beh4 lai5 khong3-io5 pu5 han1-tsi5--lah4. 這是阮遮的腔口,一般攏講做「炕窯」--啦,就是欲來炕窯pû番薯--啦。 che sī gún chia ê khiuⁿ-kháu, it-poaⁿ lóng kóng-chò“khòng-iô”--lah, tō sī beh lâi khòng-iô pû han-chî--lah. It is the accent we use here. Usually, when we say 'khòng-iô', it means to bake sweet potatoes in kilns. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.61_TAM0020_concat.wav 9.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0020_concat.wav 16.78575 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male uī-tio̍h tsiat-síng sî-kan, iô, tsá tio̍h tha̍h hó-sè, kan-tann thìng-hāu gín-á khioh-tshâ hiânn-hué, koh lâi tio̍h sī tsiōng han-tsî, ōo-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû, būn, hip, tán-hāu nā si̍k tsiah óo khí-lâi tsia̍h. ui7-tioh8 tsiat4-sing2 si5-kan1, io5,tsa2 tioh8 thah8 ho2-se3, kan1-tann1 thing3-hau7 gin2-a2 khioh4-tsha5 hiann5-hue2, koh4 lai5 tioh8 si7 tsiong7 han1-tsi5,oo7-a2 khng3-khng3 jip8-khi3 pu5,bun7,hip4, tan2-hau7 na7 sik8 tsiah4 oo2 khi2-lai5 tsiah8. 為著節省時間,窯,早就疊好勢,kan-tann聽候囡仔抾柴燃火,閣來就是tsiōng番薯、芋仔囥囥入去pû、悶、翕,等候若熟才挖起來食。 ūi-tio̍h chiat-séng sî-kan, iô,chá tio̍h tha̍h hó-sè, kan-taⁿ thèng-hāu gín-á khioh-chhâ hiâⁿ-hóe, koh lâi tio̍h sī chiōng han-chî,ō͘-á khǹg-khǹg ji̍p-khì pû,būn,hip, tán-hāu nā se̍k chiah ó͘ khí-lâi chia̍h. The kiln was piled early to save time. The kids would gather and burn the firewood. Then, we bury the sweet potatoes and yam for them to bake and braise. Once they are cooked, we can dig them up and eat them. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.64_TAM0020_concat.wav 14.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0020_concat.wav 8.11975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male kiat-sok liáu tsin ū ì-gī ê tsi̍t kang, “siânn-hiong kau-liû”, “too-tshī-sông kah tsng-kha-gōng” kâng it iūnn. kiat4-sok4 liau2 tsin1 u7 i3-gi7 e5 tsit8 kang1, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”, “too1-tshi7-song5 kah4 tsng1-kha1-gong7”kang5 it4 iunn7. 結束了真有意義的一工,「城鄉交流」,「都市倯佮庄跤戇」仝一樣。 kiat-sok liáu chin ū ì-gī ê chi̍t kang, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”, “to͘-chhī-sông kah chng-kha-gōng”kâng it iūⁿ. The meaningful activities for the city dwellers-villagers exchange have ended. Naive city dwellers or knowledgeable villagers, kids will be kids. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.90_TAM0020_concat.wav 11.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0020_concat.wav 15.474375 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male siánn-mih sī sông, bô king-giām tō sông, siánn-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tō gōng, “siânn-hiong kau-liû” ē-tàng hōo gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sik king-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-tsiá ê tiōng-sī. siann2-mih4 si7 song5, bo5 king1-giam7 to7 song5, siann2-mih4 si7 gong7, m7 oh8 to7 gong7, “siann5-hiong1 kau1-liu5”e7-tang3 hoo7 gin2-a2 oh8-tioh8 bo5 kang5 e5 ti3-sik4 king1-giam7, tat8-tit4 kau3-iok8-tsia2 e5 tiong7-si7. 啥物是倯,無經驗就倯,啥物是戇,毋學就戇,「城鄉交流」會當予囡仔學著無仝的智識經驗,值得教育者的重視。 siáⁿ-mih sī sông, bô keng-giām tō sông, siáⁿ-mih sī gōng, m̄ o̍h tō gōng, “siâⁿ-hiong kau-liû”ē-tàng hō͘ gín-á o̍h-tio̍h bô kâng ê tì-sek keng-giām, ta̍t-tit kàu-io̍k-chiá ê tiōng-sī. What is silly? Being inexperienced is being silly. What is stupid? Not learning is stupid. Through 'the Urban-Rural Exchange' children can learn different knowledges and experiences. It is something worthy of the attention of educators. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_5.93_TAM0020_concat.wav 17.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 1.56 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Bûn-tsiong sì bun5-tsiong1 si3 文章四 Bûn-chiong sì Passage four. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.0_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 3.3 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tâi-bûn tsok-ka kah “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 kah4“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3” 台文作家佮《台文通訊》 Tâi-bûn chok-ka kah“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” Taiwanese writers and 'Taiwanese Hokkien Newsletter” 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.1_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0020_concat.wav 9.91975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hōo Tâi-gí hue-ho̍k uân-tsuân ê sènn-miā-li̍k, mā tsō-tsiū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka, ti̍t-tsiap khai-tshòng tsiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. hoo7 tai5-gi2 hue1-hok8 uan5-tsuan5 e5 senn3-mia7-lik8, ma7 tso7-tsiu7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1, tit8-tsiap4 khai1-tshong3 tsian3-au7 e5 tai5-gi2 bun5-hak8 un7-tong7. 予台語恢復完全的性命力,嘛造就真濟台文作家,直接開創戰後的台語文學運動。 hō͘ Tâi-gí hoe-ho̍k oân-choân ê sèⁿ-miā-le̍k, mā chō-chiū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka, ti̍t-chiap khai-chhòng chiàn-āu ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k ūn-tōng. Restoring the Taiwanese language to its full vitality also produced many Taiwanese writers, directly sparking the post-war Taiwanese literature movement. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.10_TAM0020_concat.wav 13.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0020_concat.wav 16.3065 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tī tsit tsióng kuè-tîng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” pān-ián sian-hong-tsiá ê kak-sik, tong-tshoo ê huat-khí-tsiá ê uán-kiàn kah uî-tshî kàu-tann jī-tsa̍p nî sóo-ū tsham-ú-tsiá ê khóo-sim hù-tshut, lóng tsin ta̍t-tit lán kìng-phuè. ti7 tsit4 tsiong2 kue3-ting5-tiong1, “tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”pan7-ian2 sian1-hong1-tsia2 e5 kak4-sik4, tong1-tshoo1 e5 huat4-khi2-tsia2 e5 uan2-kian3 kah4 ui5-tshi5 kau3-tann1 ji7-tsap8 ni5 soo2-u7 tsham1-u2-tsia2 e5 khoo2-sim1 hu3-tshut4, long2 tsin1 tat8-tit4 lan2 king3-phue3. 佇這種過程中,《台文通訊》扮演先鋒者的角色,當初的發起者的遠見佮維持到今二十年所有參與者的苦心付出,攏真值得咱敬佩。 tī chit chióng kòe-têng-tiong, “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”pān-ián sian-hong-chiá ê kak-sek, tong-chho͘ ê hoat-khí-chiá ê oán-kiàn kah ûi-chhî kàu-taⁿ jī-cha̍p nî só͘-ū chham-ú-chiá ê khó͘-sim hù-chhut, lóng chin ta̍t-tit lán kèng-phòe. In this process, the 'Taiwanese Newsletter' played the role of a pioneer. The vision of the founder and the perseverance of all participants in putting in their efforts for 20 years are worthy of our admiration. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.13_TAM0020_concat.wav 15.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0020_concat.wav 14.856625 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng tsing-tshú kóng Tâi-gú ê kuân-lī, huàn tshénn bó-gí ì-sik liáu-āu, tsiah liân-tài tsiap-suà it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi “Tâi-uân uē-bûn lūn-tsiàn” buē uân-sîng ê gī-tê. it4-tit8 kau3 it4 kiu2 pat4 khong3 ni5-tai7 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 tsing1-tshu2 kong2 tai5-gu2 e5 kuan5-li7, huan3 tshenn2 bo2-gi2 i3-sik4 liau2-au7, tsiah4 lian5-tai3 tsiap4-sua3 it4 kiu2 sam1 khong3 ni5-tai7“tai5-uan5 ue7-bun5 lun7-tsian3”bue7 uan5-sing5 e5 gi7-te5. 一直到一九八零年代台語文運動爭取講台語的權利,喚醒母語意識了後,才連帶接紲一九三零年代「台灣話文論戰」未完成的議題。 it-ti̍t kàu it kiú pat khòng nî-tāi Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng cheng-chhú kóng Tâi-gú ê koân-lī, hoàn chhéⁿ bó-gí ì-sek liáu-āu, chiah liân-tài chiap-sòa it kiú sam khòng nî-tāi“Tâi-oân ōe-bûn lūn-chiàn”bōe oân-sêng ê gī-tê. It was not until the Taiwanese language movement in the 1980s, which fought for the right to speak Taiwanese and awakened a mother tongue awareness, that the unresolved issue of the 'Taiwanese Language Debate' from the 1930s could be continued. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.26_TAM0020_concat.wav 15.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0020_concat.wav 4.23 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tuì Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê luē-hâm kap hîng-sik lâi tsò phîng-kè. tui3 tai5-gu2 bun5-hak8 e5 lue7-ham5 kap4 hing5-sik4 lai5 tso3 phing5-ke3. 對台語文學的內涵佮形式來做評價。 tùi Tâi-gú bûn-ha̍k ê lōe-hâm kap hêng-sek lâi chò phêng-kè. To provide comments on the Taiwanese Hokkien literature meanings and styles. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.40_TAM0020_concat.wav 6.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0020_concat.wav 16.87975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male “Tâi-bûn pit-huē” ê sîng-guân ū tsin tsē Tâi-bûn tsok-ka sī ti̍t-tsiap hi̍k-tsiá sī kan-tsiap siū-tio̍h “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” ê íng-hióng kah tsō-tsiū, tī “Tâi-bûn thong-sìn” jī-tsa̍p tsiu-nî ê ji̍t-tsí, sîng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kap tsiok-hok. “tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7”e5 sing5-guan5 u7 tsin1 tse7 tai5-bun5 tsok4-ka1 si7 tit8-tsiap4 hik8-tsia2 si7 kan1-tsiap4 siu7-tioh8“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”e5 ing2-hiong2 kah4 tso7-tsiu7, ti7“tai5-bun5 thong1-sin3”ji7-tsap8 tsiu1-ni5 e5 jit8-tsi2, sing5-sim1 hian3-siong7 gun2 e5 kam2-sia7 kap4 tsiok4-hok4. 「台文筆會」的成員有真濟台文作家是直接或者是間接受著《台文通訊》的影響佮造就,佇《台文通訊》二十週年的日子,誠心獻上阮的感謝佮祝福。 “Tâi-bûn pit-hōe”ê sêng-goân ū chin chē Tâi-bûn chok-ka sī ti̍t-chiap he̍k-chiá sī kan-chiap siū-tio̍h“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”ê éng-hióng kah chō-chiū, tī“Tâi-bûn thong-sìn”jī-cha̍p chiu-nî ê ji̍t-chí, sêng-sim hiàn-siōng gún ê kám-siā kap chiok-hok. Many Taiwanese writers from the Taiwanese Writers Society are directly or indirectly influenced by the Taiwanese Newsletter. On this day, the 20th anniversary of the Taiwanese Newsletter, the writers thanked the publication and gave their blessings. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.41_TAM0020_concat.wav 17.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0020_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0020_concat.wav 17.29975 TAM0020 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ( tsok-tsiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-huē ê lí-sū-tiúnn, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē ê táng-sū: tsit phinn sī uì “khai-khún, iā-tsíng, senn-thuànn ─ Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsa̍p-gōo tsiu-nî ti̍k khan” tiah--tshut-lâi--ê. ) (tsok4-tsia2 si7 tai5-bun5 pit4-hue7 e5 li2-su7-tiunn2, li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gu2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 e5 tang2-su7: tsit4 phinn1 si7 ui3“khai1-khun2,ia7-tsing2,senn1-thuann3─li2 kang1 khiok4 tai5-gu2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsap8-goo7 tsiu1-ni5 tik8 khan1”tiah4--tshut4-lai5--e5.) (作者是台文筆會的理事長、李江却台語文教基金會的董事:這篇是對《開墾、掖種、生湠─李江却台語文教基金會十五周年特刊》摘--出-來--的。) (chok-chiá sī Tâi-bûn pit-hōe ê lí-sū-tiúⁿ, Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe ê táng-sū: chit phiⁿ sī ùi“khai-khún,iā-chéng,seⁿ-thòaⁿ─Lí Kang Khiok Tâi-gú bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe cha̍p-gō͘ chiu-nî te̍k khan”tiah--chhut-lâi--ê.) (The author is the chairman of the Taiwanese Writers Club and the director of the Lí Kang Khiok Taiwanese Cultural and Educational Foundation. This excerpt is taken from 'Cultivating, Planting, and Proliferating - The Special Issue of the 15th Anniversary of the Lí Kang Khiok Taiwanese Language Education Foundation'.) 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0009_6.44_TAM0020_concat.wav 21.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THF016_concat.wav 6.258125 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female un-tōo sann-tsa̍p tsì sann-tsa̍p-jī tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t peh-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 sann1-tsap8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-ji7 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 peh4-tsap8 pha1 溫度三十至三十二度,落雨機率八十pha un-tō͘ saⁿ-cha̍p chì saⁿ-cha̍p-jī tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t peh-cha̍p pha The temperature is 30 to 32 degrees, and the chance of rain is 80%. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THF016_concat.wav 5.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THF016_concat.wav 5.13125 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female lâi-pin gōo-pah peh-tsa̍p-it hō tshiánn-lâi sì hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 peh4-tsap8-it4 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 si3 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓五百八十一號請來四號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin gō͘-pah peh-cha̍p-it hō chhiáⁿ-lâi sì hō kūi-tâi pān-lí For guest number 581, please go to counter 4. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THF016_concat.wav 5.409875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THF016_concat.wav 5.389375 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female lóng-tsóng tsi̍t-pah sann-tsa̍p-gōo khoo, tsāu lí la̍k-tsa̍p-gōo khoo long2-tsong2 tsit8-pah4 sann1-tsap8-goo7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 lak8-tsap8-goo7 khoo1 攏總一百三十五箍, 找你六十五箍 lóng-chóng chi̍t-pah saⁿ-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘,chāu lí la̍k-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘ The total would be one hundred and thirty-five TWD. Here is your change, sixty-five TWD. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THF016_concat.wav 8.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THF016_concat.wav 3.676875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female kin-á-ji̍t sī tshit-gue̍h tshe-la̍k, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 tshit4-gueh8 tshe1-lak8,pai3-lak8 今仔日是七月初六,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī chhit-goe̍h chhe-la̍k,pài-la̍k Today is the 6th of July, Saturday. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THF016_concat.wav 4.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THF016_concat.wav 3.06 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female i tī it kiú kiú sù nî tshut-sì i1 ti7 it4 kiu2 kiu2 su3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九九四年出世 i tī it kiú kiú sù nî chhut-sì He was born in nineteen ninety-five. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THF016_concat.wav 4.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THF016_concat.wav 3.75 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki sam sam sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 sam1 sam1 su3 請幫我轉分機三三四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki sam sam sù Please transfer me to extension number three three four. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THF016_concat.wav 4.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THF016_concat.wav 6.939875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Guá lâi kiò tsi̍t ê “tshì-suh ke-nn̄g-ko tsham lê-bóng-phuê”, lí beh phuè tinn-liāu--bô? gua2 lai5 kio3 tsit8 e5“tshi3-suh4 ke1-nng7-ko1 tsham1 le5-bong2-phue5”, li2 beh4 phue3 tinn1-liau7--bo5? 我來叫一个「tshì-suh雞卵糕參檸檬皮」,你欲配甜料無? Góa lâi kiò chi̍t ê“chhì-suh ke-nn̄g-ko chham lê-bóng-phôe”, lí beh phòe tiⁿ-liāu--bô? I will have a 'cheesy egg cake with lemon skin.' Do you want some dessert to go with it? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THF016_concat.wav 6.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THF016_concat.wav 2.9411875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tinn--ê--ooh, guá khuànn me̋-niú--tsi̍t-ē … tinn1--e5--ooh4,gua2 khuann3 me9-niu2--tsit8-e7… 甜的喔,我看me̋-niú--一下… Tiⁿ--ê--o͘h,góa khòaⁿ mĕ-niú--chi̍t-ē… It's sweet? let me see the menu... 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THF016_concat.wav 3.477 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THF016_concat.wav 3.36 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female guá beh ài tsi̍t tè tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo ê keh-á-piánn. gua2 beh4 ai3 tsit8 te3 tsioo1-koo2-le3-too3 e5 keh4-a2-piann2. 我欲愛一塊tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo的格仔餅。 góa beh ài chi̍t tè chio͘-kó͘-lè-tò͘ ê keh-á-piáⁿ. I would like a chocolate waffle. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THF016_concat.wav 3.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THF016_concat.wav 2.0724375 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hó, guá lâi-khì tiám. ho2,gua2 lai5-khi3 tiam2. 好,我來去點。 Hó,góa lâi-khì tiám. Sure. I will place the order. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THF016_concat.wav 3.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THF016_concat.wav 9.38925 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female kim-suan ū gû-ling hām kuì-hue ê tshing-phang, phīng lí ê ka-pi ìng-kai bē khah-su. kim1-suan1 u7 gu5-ling1 ham7 kui3-hue1 e5 tshing1-phang1, phing7 li2 e5 ka1-pi1 ing3-kai1 be7 khah4-su1. 金萱有牛奶和桂花的清芳,並你的咖啡應該袂較輸。 kim-soan ū gû-leng hām kùi-hoe ê chheng-phang, phēng lí ê ka-pi èng-kai bē khah-su. Kim Suan smells like milk and cinnamon, and 'Kim Suan' should not taste bad when compared with your coffee. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THF016_concat.wav 8.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THF016_concat.wav 5.92 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Őo, Láu-hiân, ha tê uānn lí hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! oo9,lau2-hian5,ha1 te5 uann7 li2 hang7-a2-lai7--e5--neh4! Őo,老賢,哈茶換你巷仔內的呢! Ŏ͘,Láu-hiân,ha tê ōaⁿ lí hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! Oh, Láu-hiân, it's a professional like you who drinks tea. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THF016_concat.wav 6.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THF016_concat.wav 12.628 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Guá kan-na ū leh lim hún-înn-ling-tê nia̋. Gún hia tshù-pinn-thâu-bué put-sî mā the̍h bô kâng tê-bí lâi tshuē gún pâ phàu tê uē-sian. gua2 kan1-na1 u7 leh4 lim1 hun2-inn5-ling1-te5 nia9. gun2 hia1 tshu3-pinn1-thau5-bue2 put4-si5 ma7 theh8 bo5 kang5 te5-bi2 lai5 tshue7 gun2 pa5 phau3 te5 ue7-sian1. 我干焦有咧啉粉圓奶茶nia̋.阮遐厝邊頭尾不時嘛提無仝茶米來揣阮爸泡茶話仙。 Góa kan-na ū leh lim hún-îⁿ-leng-tê niă. Gún hia chhù-piⁿ-thâu-bóe put-sî mā the̍h bô kâng tê-bí lâi chhōe gún pâ phàu tê ōe-sian. I only drink pearl milk tea only. My neighbors often bring different kinds of tea leaves to my father to make tea and chat. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THF016_concat.wav 9.4269375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THF016_concat.wav 7.6105625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Guá ū-sî mā khì tsham in tsia̍h-tê liān-siáu-uē, siau-khián phah-lā-liâng. Bat--kuá--lah. gua2 u7-si5 ma7 khi3 tsham1 in1 tsiah8-te5 lian7-siau2-ue7,siau1-khian2 phah4-la7-liang5.bat4--kua2--lah4. 我有時嘛去參𪜶食茶練痟話,消遣拍抐涼。捌寡啦。 Góa ū-sî mā khì chham in chia̍h-tê liān-siáu-ōe,siau-khián phah-lā-liâng.Bat--kóa--lah. Sometimes I would join them to drink tea and talk smack together too. It is to kill time. A few times, yeah. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THF016_concat.wav 9.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THF016_concat.wav 10.48975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female iáu leh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-leh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tuè tsuan-gia̍p ê lāu-su siōng kap-pòo, phàu tê tsit nn̄g hāng khò. iau2 leh4 tau3-tin7 hit4-si5, i1 tng1-leh4 li7-iong7 hioh4-khun3 si5-kan1, tue3 tsuan1-giap8 e5 lau7-su1 siong7 kap4-poo3,phau3 te5 tsit4 nng7 hang7 kho3. 猶咧鬥陣彼時,伊當咧利用歇睏時間,綴專業的老師上kap布、泡茶這兩項課。 iáu leh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-leh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tòe choan-gia̍p ê lāu-su siōng kap-pò͘,phàu tê chit nn̄g hāng khò. While helping out, he used his rest time to enrol in tailoring and tea-brewing classes by professional mentors. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THF016_concat.wav 9.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THF016_concat.wav 19.220625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hit-tsām-á piān ū-îng, i ē tsio guá khì Ing-ko khuànn huî-á, kóng iā kî-kuài, siang-lâng tâng-tsê ta̍h-ji̍p tiàm-mn̂g, tsiah bô sann, nn̄g hun-tsing, bô-lūn tsa-poo, tsa-bóo ê tiàm-thâu-ke, tsin kín tō ē kah i ū kóng ū tshiò. hit4-tsam7-a2 pian7 u7-ing5, i1 e7 tsio1 gua2 khi3 ing1-ko1 khuann3 hui5-a2, kong2 ia7 ki5-kuai3,siang1-lang5 tang5-tse5 tah8-jip8 tiam3-mng5, tsiah4 bo5 sann1,nng7 hun1-tsing1, bo5-lun7 tsa1-poo1,tsa1-boo2 e5 tiam3-thau5-ke1, tsin1 kin2 to7 e7 kah4 i1 u7 kong2 u7 tshio3. 彼站仔便有閒,伊會招我去鶯歌看瓷仔,講也奇怪,雙人同齊踏入店門,才無三、兩分鐘,無論查埔、查某的店頭家,真緊就會佮伊有講有笑。 Hit-chām-á piān ū-êng, i ē chio góa khì Eng-ko khòaⁿ hûi-á, kóng iā kî-koài,siang-lâng tâng-chê ta̍h-ji̍p tiàm-mn̂g, chiah bô saⁿ,nn̄g hun-cheng, bô-lūn cha-po͘,cha-bó͘ ê tiàm-thâu-ke, chin kín tō ē kah i ū kóng ū chhiò. At that time, whenever he was free, he would invite me to Ing-ko to see the porcelain, but it was strange, we walked into the store at the same time for less than three or two minutes, and both the male and female bosses would soon join him. Laugh while talking. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THF016_concat.wav 20.2474375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THF016_concat.wav 2.16 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female ha kuí-tshuì-á tê. ha1 kui2-tshui3-a2 te5. 哈幾喙仔茶。 ha kúi-chhùi-á tê. Drink a few sips of tea. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THF016_concat.wav 3.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THF016_concat.wav 8.95975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female I leh kíng mi̍h-kiānn ê kha-tshiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ bat o-ló suí, kiám-tshái sī “suí” tsit ê sû pún-sin i1 leh4 king2 mih8-kiann7 e5 kha1-tshiu2 bo5 ban7, m7-koh4 m7 bat4 o1-lo2 sui2, kiam2-tshai2 si7“sui2”tsit4 e5 su5 pun2-sin1 伊咧揀物件的跤手無慢,毋過毋捌呵咾媠,檢采是「媠」這个詞本身 I leh kéng mi̍h-kiāⁿ ê kha-chhiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ bat o-ló súi, kiám-chhái sī“súi”chit ê sû pún-sin She is not slow in selecting objects, but she never compliments them on their beauty, perhaps because of the word 'beauty'. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THF016_concat.wav 8.683875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THF016_concat.wav 2.97 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tō siunn kuè-thâu khah kán-tan--kuá. to7 siunn1 kue3-thau5 khah4 kan2-tan1--kua2. 就傷過頭較簡單--寡。 tō siuⁿ kòe-thâu khah kán-tan--kóa. It was a little too easy. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THF016_concat.wav 3.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THF016_concat.wav 2.79 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female I ē khin-siann-á kā guá kóng...... i1 e7 khin1-siann1-a2 ka7 gua2 kong2...... 伊會輕聲仔共我講…… I ē khin-siaⁿ-á kā góa kóng...... He will softly tell me… 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THF016_concat.wav 3.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THF016_concat.wav 9.22975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tsit hāng tsok-phín khuànn liáu sim ē tsīng, hit hāng sī Tâi-uân bí bûn-huà, piàn-thé su-khó--tshut-lâi ê tsok-phín. tsit4 hang7 tsok4-phin2 khuann3 liau2 sim1 e7 tsing7, hit4 hang7 si7 tai5-uan5 bi2 bun5-hua3, pian3-the2 su1-kho2--tshut4-lai5 e5 tsok4-phin2. 這項作品看了心會靜,彼項是臺灣米文化,變體思考--出-來的作品。 chit hāng chok-phín khòaⁿ liáu sim ē chēng, hit hāng sī Tâi-oân bí bûn-hòa, piàn-thé su-khó--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín. Reading this work would calm your heart. This is the product of the divergent thinking from the rice culture of Taiwan. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THF016_concat.wav 9.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THF016_concat.wav 5.045 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female koh lâi tsit hāng ū tsok-tsiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sìng-keh. koh4 lai5 tsit4 hang7 u7 tsok4-tsia2 pun2-lang5 tim3-tau2 e5 sing3-keh4. 閣來這項有作者本人tìm-táu的性格。 koh lâi chit hāng ū chok-chiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sèng-keh. In addition, this work portrays the author's stable character. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THF016_concat.wav 6.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THF016_concat.wav 14.6120625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tíng lé-pài leh hô tshùn-tshioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū tsit-mn̄g--guá, pue-tiām-á bô lâng tsò hiah-nī tuā tè--ê, toh-tsū-á mā bô lâng tsò hiah sè tè--ê? ting2 le2-pai3 leh4 ho5 tshun3-tshioh4 e5 si5, thau5-ke1-niu5 u7 tsit4-mng7--gua2, pue1-tiam7-a2 bo5 lang5 tso3 hiah4-ni7 tua7 te3--e5, toh4-tsu7-a2 ma7 bo5 lang5 tso3 hiah4 se3 te3--e5? 頂禮拜咧和寸尺的時,頭家娘有質問--我,杯墊仔無人做遐爾大塊--的,桌苴仔嘛無人做遐細塊--的? Téng lé-pài leh hô chhùn-chhioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū chit-mn̄g--góa, poe-tiām-á bô lâng chò hiah-nī tōa tè--ê, toh-chū-á mā bô lâng chò hiah sè tè--ê? When we were taking measurements last week, the lady boss did ask me, do people usually make such big coasters and such small table mats? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THF016_concat.wav 9.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THF016_concat.wav 11.24725 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Án-tsuánn phuè-sik, tshùn-tshioh beh tshâi luā tuā, sī tsá tī tshù--lí tō kuat-tīng hó--ê, tshiánn thâu-ke-niû tsiàu tsò tō sī; an2-tsuann2 phue3-sik4,tshun3-tshioh4 beh4 tshai5 lua7 tua7, si7 tsa2 ti7 tshu3--li2 to7 kuat4-ting7 ho2--e5, tshiann2 thau5-ke1-niu5 tsiau3 tso3 to7 si7; 按怎配色、寸尺欲裁偌大,是早佇厝--裡就決定好--的,請頭家娘照做就是; Án-chóaⁿ phòe-sek,chhùn-chhioh beh chhâi lōa tōa, sī chá tī chhù--lí tō koat-tēng hó--ê, chhiáⁿ thâu-ke-niû chiàu chò tō sī; The colour matching and required size were all decided at home long before. Please ask the boss lady to proceed as is. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THF016_concat.wav 8.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THF016_concat.wav 6.189875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tō pí-pān hiān-tiûnn ê kuí-tè-á pòo-liāu, tsiah ū thang lâi kuat-tīng. to7 pi2-pan7 hian7-tiunn5 e5 kui2-te3-a2 poo3-liau7, tsiah4 u7 thang1 lai5 kuat4-ting7. 就比辦現場的幾塊仔布料,才有通來決定。 tō pí-pān hiān-tiûⁿ ê kúi-tè-á pò͘-liāu, chiah ū thang lâi koat-tēng. We can only decide after comparing the several fabrics onsite. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THF016_concat.wav 7.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THF016_concat.wav 8.799875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female hit king tiàm, pòo ê sik-tī iú-hān, ka-tsài ū kuí tè nî-á tseh-á ha̍h-iōng ê âng si-á-pòo. hit4 king1 tiam3,poo3 e5 sik4-ti7 iu2-han7, ka1-tsai3 u7 kui2 te3 ni5-a2 tseh4-a2 hah8-iong7 e5 ang5 si1-a2-poo3. 彼間店,布的色緻有限,佳哉有幾塊年仔節仔合用的紅絲仔布。 hit keng tiàm,pò͘ ê sek-tī iú-hān, ka-chài ū kúi tè nî-á cheh-á ha̍h-iōng ê âng si-á-pò͘. There were limited colours for the cloth at the shop. Fortunately, there were a few red silk cloths that were suitable for the New Year. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THF016_concat.wav 10.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THF016_concat.wav 7.737999999999999 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tuā-âng--ê... sông, sī í-tsá guá m̄ bat leh khó-lū ê ki-ka sik-tsuí! tua7-ang5--e5...song5, si7 i2-tsa2 gua2 m7 bat4 leh4 kho2-lu7 e5 ki1-ka1 sik4-tsui2! 大紅--的……倯,是以早我毋捌咧考慮的居家色水! Tōa-âng--ê...sông, sī í-chá góa m̄ bat leh khó-lū ê ki-ka sek-chúi! It is bright red. It is an old-fashioned color that I would never think to use for my home in the past. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THF016_concat.wav 8.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THF016_concat.wav 8.639625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female lóng-tsóng tsò tsa̍p-jī tè, kin-á-ji̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hìng-tshuh-tshuh, kuánn-kín beh pòo-tì tsng-thānn. long2-tsong2 tso3 tsap8-ji7 te3, kin1-a2-jit8 theh8--tng2-lai5, hing3-tshuh4-tshuh4, kuann2-kin2 beh4 poo3-ti3 tsng1-thann7. 攏總做十二塊,今仔日提--轉-來,興tshuh-tshuh,趕緊欲佈置妝娗。 lóng-chóng chò cha̍p-jī tè, kin-á-ji̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hèng-chhuh-chhuh, kóaⁿ-kín beh pò͘-tì chng-thāⁿ. In total, there were twelve pieces. I got it back today and happily rushed to start decorating. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THF016_concat.wav 6.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THF016_concat.wav 19.669375 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Thâu-tú-tsiah leh khǹg ê sî, ū ti̍k-pia̍t tsù-ì phuè-ha̍p ê sóo-tsāi, kng-suànn, koh ū khòng-tsè-tio̍h khǹg kuí tè, pún-tsiânn lia̍h-tsò siōng pháinn phuè ê tuā-âng siù kim-tshang, lo̍h-bué kā khuànn--khaih, suah kám-kak khah suí kuè thau5-tu2-tsiah4 leh4 khng3 e5 si5, u7 tik8-piat8 tsu3-i3 phue3-hap8 e5 soo2-tsai7,kng1-suann3, koh4 u7 khong3-tse3-tioh8 khng3 kui2 te3, pun2-tsiann5 liah8-tso3 siong7 phainn2 phue3 e5 tua7-ang5 siu3 kim1-tshang1, loh8-bue2 ka7 khuann3--khaih4, suah4 kam2-kak4 khah4 sui2 kue3 頭拄才咧囥的時,有特別注意配合的所在、光線,閣有控制著囥幾塊,本成掠做上歹配的大紅繡金蔥,落尾共看--khaih,煞感覺較媠過 Thâu-tú-chiah leh khǹg ê sî, ū te̍k-pia̍t chù-ì phòe-ha̍p ê só͘-chāi,kng-sòaⁿ, koh ū khòng-chè-tio̍h khǹg kúi tè, pún-chiâⁿ lia̍h-chò siōng pháiⁿ phòe ê tōa-âng siù kim-chhang, lo̍h-bóe kā khòaⁿ--khaih, soah kám-kak khah súi kòe When I was decorating just now, I paid specific attention to the matching surrounding and the lighting. I also fixed the number of pieces of cloth used. Even with the most jarring 'Red Embroidered Golden Onion', I still think it looks more beautiful in the end. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THF016_concat.wav 17.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THF016_concat.wav 12.329625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tuā-âng nā khǹg tio̍h sóo-tsāi, ē ū tiám tsing khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-koh nā-sī siunn kuè-thâu tsē--lâi, iu-guân sī... sông. tua7-ang5 na7 khng3 tioh8 soo2-tsai7, e7 u7 tiam2 tsing1 khai1 gan2 e5 hau7-ko2, m7-koh4 na7-si7 siunn1 kue3-thau5 tse7--lai5, iu1-guan5 si7...song5. 大紅若囥著所在,會有點睛開眼的效果,毋過若是傷過頭濟--來,猶原是……倯。 Tōa-âng nā khǹg tio̍h só͘-chāi, ē ū tiám cheng khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-koh nā-sī siuⁿ kòe-thâu chē--lâi, iu-goân sī...sông. If the bright red colour is used in the right place, it would add an attractive effect. However, if it is used too much, then it would still look...Old-fashioned. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THF016_concat.wav 11.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THF016_concat.wav 7.179875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hit kù “tsē--lâi tō sī suí” sī siánn-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah, kà pháinn gín-á tuā-sè. hit4 ku3“tse7--lai5 to7 si7 sui2”si7 siann2-lang5 kong2--e5, kui1 se3-ki2--ah4,ka3 phainn2 gin2-a2 tua7-se3. 彼句「濟--來就是媠」是啥人講--的,規世紀--矣,教歹囡仔大細。 Hit kù“chē--lâi tō sī súi”sī siáⁿ-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah,kà pháiⁿ gín-á tōa-sè. Who said that more is good? For one whole century, it was a bad influence. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THF016_concat.wav 6.7410000000000005 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THF016_concat.wav 3.33625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Ah, tsit-sî suah hiông-hiông siūnn-khí ah4,tsit4-si5 suah4 hiong5-hiong5 siunn7-khi2 啊,這時煞雄雄想起 Ah,chit-sî soah hiông-hiông siūⁿ-khí Ah, at this time I suddenly remember that 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THF016_concat.wav 5.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THF016_concat.wav 2.91 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female m̄ bat kā “suí” kóng tshut-tshuì ê hit ê lâng. m7 bat4 ka7“sui2”kong2 tshut4-tshui3 e5 hit4 e5 lang5. 毋捌共「媠」講出喙的彼个人。 m̄ bat kā“súi”kóng chhut-chhùi ê hit ê lâng. He is the one who has never uttered the word 'beautiful'. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THF016_concat.wav 5.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THF016_concat.wav 3.6 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tsù-bûn ê toh-tsū-á kah pue-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. tsu3-bun5 e5 toh4-tsu7-a2 kah4 pue1-tiam7-a2 theh8--tng2-lai5. 注文的桌苴仔佮杯墊仔提--轉來。 chù-bûn ê toh-chū-á kah poe-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. Please pick up the table mat and the coasters that I ordered. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THF016_concat.wav 4.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THF016_concat.wav 11.396 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hit-sî-tsūn, khin-kang-gia̍p tsiah khai-sí puh-ínn, tsin tsē kang-tiûnn khiàm kang, tsia-ê thâu-ke tō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tê hit4-si5-tsun7,khin1-kang1-giap8 tsiah4 khai1-si2 puh4-inn2, tsin1 tse7 kang1-tiunn5 khiam3 kang1, tsia1-e5 thau5-ke1 to7 ka7 khiam3 kang1 e5 bun7-te5 彼時陣,輕工業才開始發穎,真濟工場欠工,遮的頭家就共欠工的問題 Hit-sî-chūn,khin-kang-gia̍p chiah khai-sí puh-íⁿ, chin chē kang-tiûⁿ khiàm kang, chia-ê thâu-ke tō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tê At that time, the light industry was still in its early stages. Many factories faced a labour shortage. The business owners here decided to solve the labour shortage issue. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THF016_concat.wav 12.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THF016_concat.wav 3.81 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tāng tuì kok-sió pit-gia̍p-sing ê thâu-khak-tíng. tang7 tui3 kok4-sio2 pit4-giap8-sing1 e5 thau5-khak4-ting2. 動對國小畢業生的頭殼頂。 tāng tùi kok-sió pit-gia̍p-seng ê thâu-khak-téng. By targeting the elementary school graduates. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THF016_concat.wav 4.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THF016_concat.wav 9.1335625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê tsi̍t kò gue̍h tsîng, ū tsi̍t kang, A-sing ê kàu-sik hiông-hiông lâi tsi̍t ê thâu-ke beh tshuē sió-kang. pit4-giap8 tian2-le2 e5 tsit8 ko3 gueh8 tsing5,u7 tsit8 kang1, a1-sing1 e5 kau3-sik4 hiong5-hiong5 lai5 tsit8 e5 thau5-ke1 beh4 tshue7 sio2-kang1. 畢業典禮的一個月前,有一工,阿生的教室雄雄來一个頭家欲揣小工。 Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê chi̍t kò goe̍h chêng,ū chi̍t kang, A-seng ê kàu-sek hiông-hiông lâi chi̍t ê thâu-ke beh chhōe sió-kang. A month before the graduation ceremony, there was a job, and a boss suddenly came to A-sing's classroom and said he was looking for apprentices here. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THF016_concat.wav 10.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THF016_concat.wav 10.900375 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Lāu-su mn̄g ha̍k-sing kóng: “Kám ū lâng tshut-gia̍p liáu, bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, beh khì kang-tiûnn thàn-tsînn--ê? Tshiánn gia̍h-tshiú.” lau7-su1 mng7 hak8-sing1 kong2: “kam2 u7 lang5 tshut4-giap8 liau2,bo5 ai3 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1, beh4 khi3 kang1-tiunn5 than3-tsinn5--e5?tshiann2 giah8-tshiu2.” 老師問學生講:「敢有人出業了,無愛繼續讀國中,欲去工場趁錢--的?請攑手。」 Lāu-su mn̄g ha̍k-seng kóng: “Kám ū lâng chhut-gia̍p liáu,bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, beh khì kang-tiûⁿ thàn-chîⁿ--ê?Chhiáⁿ gia̍h-chhiú.” The teacher asked the students, 'Is there anyone here who would not continue middle school and plans to work in the factory after graduation? Please raise your hand.' 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THF016_concat.wav 10.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THF016_concat.wav 2.01 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female A-sing mā gia̍h-tshiú. a1-sing1 ma7 giah8-tshiu2. 阿生嘛攑手。 A-seng mā gia̍h-chhiú. A-sing also raised his hand. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THF016_concat.wav 3.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THF016_concat.wav 8.6260625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Lāu-su tsi̍t-ê-á-tsi̍t-ê kā gia̍h-tshiú ê ha̍k-sing kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-koh, A-sing ê miâ pīng bô tī tíng-bīn. lau7-su1 tsit8-e5-a2-tsit8-e5 ka7 giah8-tshiu2 e5 hak8-sing1 ki3--loh8-lai5, m7-koh4,a1-sing1 e5 mia5 ping7 bo5 ti7 ting2-bin7. 老師一个仔一个共攑手的學生記--落來,毋過,阿生的名並無佇頂面。 Lāu-su chi̍t-ê-á-chi̍t-ê kā gia̍h-chhiú ê ha̍k-seng kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-koh,A-seng ê miâ pēng bô tī téng-bīn. The teacher takes down the name of the students who raised their hands, one by one. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THF016_concat.wav 6.4423125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THF016_concat.wav 10.61975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hā-khò liáu, lāu-su kā A-sing kiò lâi pinn--á kóng: “Lí ê sîng-tsik tsiah-nī hó, bô beh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, uī-siánn-mih?” ha7-kho3 liau2,lau7-su1 ka7 a1-sing1 kio3 lai5 pinn1--a2 kong2: “li2 e5 sing5-tsik4 tsiah4-ni7 ho2, bo5 beh4 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1,ui7-siann2-mih4?” 下課了,老師共阿生叫來邊--仔講:「你的成績遮爾好,無欲繼續讀國中,為啥物?」 Hā-khò liáu,lāu-su kā A-seng kiò lâi piⁿ--á kóng: “Lí ê sêng-chek chiah-nī hó, bô beh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong,ūi-siáⁿ-mih?” After class, the teacher asked A-sing, 'Your results are good, but you are not going to high school. Why?' 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THF016_concat.wav 7.679625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THF016_concat.wav 12.959625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Lāu-su suà--lo̍h-khì tuì ha̍k-sing kóng: “Nā án-ne, bîn-á-tsài khí, bô gia̍h-tshiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sik tha̍k-tsheh; ū gia̍h-tshiú--ê tō khì sàu piān-sóo, sàu kàu tshut-gia̍p.” lau7-su1 sua3--loh8-khi3 tui3 hak8-sing1 kong2: “na7 an2-ne1,bin5-a2-tsai3 khi2, bo5 giah8-tshiu2--e5 lau5 ti7 kau3-sik4 thak8-tsheh4; u7 giah8-tshiu2--e5 to7 khi3 sau3 pian7-soo2,sau3 kau3 tshut4-giap8.” 老師紲--落-去對學生講:「若按呢,明仔載起,無攑手--的留佇教室讀冊;有攑手--的就去掃便所,掃到出業。」 Lāu-su sòa--lo̍h-khì tùi ha̍k-seng kóng: “Nā án-ne,bîn-á-chài khí, bô gia̍h-chhiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sek tha̍k-chheh; ū gia̍h-chhiú--ê tō khì sàu piān-só͘,sàu kàu chhut-gia̍p.” The teacher then said to the students, 'In this case, tomorrow onwards, those who didn't raise their hand can stay in the classroom to study. Those who raised their hands, you can go sweep the toilets until you graduate.' 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THF016_concat.wav 16.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THF016_concat.wav 2.64 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female A-sing án-tsuánn siūnn to siūnn-bô. a1-sing1 an2-tsuann2 siunn7 to1 siunn7-bo5. 阿生按怎想都想無。 A-seng án-chóaⁿ siūⁿ to siūⁿ-bô. No matter how much A-sing thought about it, he still could not understand. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THF016_concat.wav 6.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THF016_concat.wav 10.136 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female “Ná ē tsiah bô kong-pênn! Beh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê, tō m̄-bián sàu piān-sóo; bô-huat-tōo koh tha̍k--ê, tō ài sàu piān-sóo, uī-siánn-mih?” “na2 e7 tsiah4 bo5 kong1-penn5! beh4 thak8 kok4-tiong1--e5,to7 m7-bian2 sau3 pian7-soo2; bo5-huat4-too7 koh4 thak8--e5,to7 ai3 sau3 pian7-soo2,ui7-siann2-mih4?” 「哪會遮無公平!欲讀國中--的,就毋免掃便所;無法度閣讀--的,就愛掃便所,為啥物?」 “Ná ē chiah bô kong-pêⁿ! Beh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê,tō m̄-bián sàu piān-só͘; bô-hoat-tō͘ koh tha̍k--ê,tō ài sàu piān-só͘,ūi-siáⁿ-mih?” How can it be so unfair? Those who plan to study in middle school do not need to clean the toilet, while those who cannot continue studying will have to clean the toilet. Why? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THF016_concat.wav 11.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THF016_concat.wav 2.07 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūnn-bô. i1 sim1-lai7 it4-tit8 siunn7-bo5. 伊心內一直想無。 I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūⁿ-bô. She couldn't figure it out. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THF016_concat.wav 3.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THF016_concat.wav 8.33675 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tshut-gia̍p tē-jī kang, A-sing tō koo-tsiânn tshù-pinn ê a-hiann tshuā i khì oo-tshiú-á kang-tshiúnn tsò-kang. tshut4-giap8 te7-ji7 kang1, a1-sing1 to7 koo1-tsiann5 tshu3-pinn1 e5 a1-hiann1 tshua7 i1 khi3 oo1-tshiu2-a2 kang1-tshiunn2 tso3-kang1. 出業第二工,阿生就姑情厝邊的阿兄𤆬伊去烏手仔工廠做工。 Chhut-gia̍p tē-jī kang, A-seng tō ko͘-chiâⁿ chhù-piⁿ ê a-hiaⁿ chhōa i khì o͘-chhiú-á kang-chhiúⁿ chò-kang. The day after his graduation, A-sing begged his neighbour to get him a job in a blue-collar factory. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THF016_concat.wav 7.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THF016_concat.wav 6.279875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female A-sing tsiok jīn-tsin, kui-ê hioh-jua̍h tah-tah la̍k-tsa̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. a1-sing1 tsiok4 jin7-tsin1, kui1-e5 hioh4-juah8 tah4-tah4 lak8-tsap8 kang1 long2 bo5 hioh4-khun3. 阿生足認真,規个歇熱貼貼六十工攏無歇睏。 A-seng chiok jīn-chin, kui-ê hioh-joa̍h tah-tah la̍k-cha̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. A-sing was very serious. He never once rested for all sixty days of the summer break. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THF016_concat.wav 7.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THF016_concat.wav 9.556125 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female “A-pah! Guá tsit ê hioh-jua̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah khoo. Sann-pah khoo tàu sio-thinn tshù--lí, sann-pah khoo hōo--guá, hó--bô?” “a1-pah4!gua2 tsit4 e5 hioh4-juah8 than3-tioh8 lak8-pah4 khoo1. sann1-pah4 khoo1 tau3 sio1-thinn1 tshu3--li2,sann1-pah4 khoo1 hoo7--gua2,ho2--bo5?” 「阿爸!我這个歇熱趁著六百箍。三百箍鬥相添厝--裡,三百箍予我,好--無?」 “A-pah!Góa chit ê hioh-joa̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah kho͘. Saⁿ-pah kho͘ tàu sio-thiⁿ chhù--lí,saⁿ-pah kho͘ hō͘--góa,hó--bô?” Dad! I earned six hundred TWD over this summer break. Three hundred TWD for family expenses while the remaining three hundred TWD for myself. Is that okay? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THF016_concat.wav 13.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THF016_concat.wav 7.089875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female A-sing khin-siann-sè-sueh, tsin kiann in a-pâ pìnn-bīn, in a-pâ tsin pháinn. a1-sing1 khin1-siann1-se3-sueh4,tsin1 kiann1 in1 a1-pa5 pinn3-bin7, in1 a1-pa5 tsin1 phainn2. 阿生輕聲細說,真驚𪜶阿爸變面,𪜶阿爸真歹。 A-seng khin-siaⁿ-sè-soeh,chin kiaⁿ in a-pâ pìⁿ-bīn, in a-pâ chin pháiⁿ. A-sing said softly, fearing that his father might snap back at him. His father was very fierce. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THF016_concat.wav 8.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THF016_concat.wav 3.7211875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah tsē tsînn beh tshòng siánn-mi̍h?” “gin2-a2-lang5 theh8 hiah4 tse7 tsinn5 beh4 tshong3 siann2-mih8?” 「囡仔人提遐濟錢欲創啥物?」 “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah chē chîⁿ beh chhòng siáⁿ-mi̍h?” What would a kid need so much money for? 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THF016_concat.wav 3.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THF016_concat.wav 2.34 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female in a-pâ tuā-siann mn̄g. in1 a1-pa5 tua7-siann1 mng7. 𪜶阿爸大聲問。 in a-pâ tōa-siaⁿ mn̄g. His father asked loudly. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THF016_concat.wav 3.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THF016_concat.wav 4.486875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tú-thâu-á, khiā tī pinn--á leh la̍k-la̍k-tshuah ê A-sing tu2-thau5-a2,khia7 ti7 pinn1--a2 leh4 lak8-lak8-tshuah4 e5 a1-sing1 拄頭仔,徛佇邊--仔咧慄慄掣的阿生 Tú-thâu-á,khiā tī piⁿ--á leh la̍k-la̍k-chhoah ê A-seng For a moment, A-Sing was trembling as he stood there. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THF016_concat.wav 3.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THF016_concat.wav 5.01625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female khuànn in a-pâ lóng bô kóng-uē, tsin kiann i m̄ tah-ìng. khuann3 in1 a1-pa5 long2 bo5 kong2-ue7,tsin1 kiann1 i1 m7 tah4-ing3. 看𪜶阿爸攏無講話,真驚伊毋答應。 khòaⁿ in a-pâ lóng bô kóng-ōe,chin kiaⁿ i m̄ tah-èng. Seeing that his father did not make a sound, he was afraid that his father might reject him. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THF016_concat.wav 6.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THF016_concat.wav 9.318625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hó-ka-tsài! Kuè tsi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pâ the̍h-tio̍h he sann-pah khoo tiām-tiām-á kiânn ji̍p-khì pâng-king. ho2-ka1-tsai3!kue3 tsit8-tak4-ku2-a2, in1 a1-pa5 theh8-tioh8 he1 sann1-pah4 khoo1 tiam7-tiam7-a2 kiann5 jip8-khi3 pang5-king1. 好佳哉!過一觸久仔,𪜶阿爸提著彼三百箍恬恬仔行入去房間。 Hó-ka-chài!Kòe chi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pâ the̍h-tio̍h he saⁿ-pah kho͘ tiām-tiām-á kiâⁿ ji̍p-khì pâng-keng. Luckily, after a while, his father took the three hundred TWD and left for his room quietly. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THF016_concat.wav 6.72 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THF016_concat.wav 3.57 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female “Ua̋! Guá ē-tàng khì tha̍k-tsheh--ah!” “ua9!gua2 e7-tang3 khi3 thak8-tsheh4--ah4!” 「Ua̋!我會當去讀冊--矣!」 “Ŏa!Góa ē-tàng khì tha̍k-chheh--ah!” Wow! I can continue to study! 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THF016_concat.wav 3.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THF016_concat.wav 7.509875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tàu thàn tsi̍t-kuá tsînn lâi kā tshù-lāi sio-thinn, A-sing tō sī kî-tiong tsi̍t ê. tau3 than3 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 lai5 ka7 tshu3-lai7 sio1-thinn1, a1-sing1 to7 si7 ki5-tiong1 tsit8 e5. 鬥趁一寡錢來共厝內相添,阿生就是其中一个。 tàu thàn chi̍t-kóa chîⁿ lâi kā chhù-lāi sio-thiⁿ, A-seng tō sī kî-tiong chi̍t ê. A-sing was one of the breadwinners who helped out the household. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THF016_concat.wav 4.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THF016_concat.wav 2.34 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female siā-huē ê kî-kuài-tāi sia7-hue7 e5 ki5-kuai3-tai7 社會的奇怪代 siā-hōe ê kî-koài-tāi Strange things in the society 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THF016_concat.wav 4.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THF016_concat.wav 7.603625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tē-sann kiānn sī sì-tsa̍p-guā nî tsîng ê tāi-tsì, kî-kuài bô kî-kuài, tshiánn ta̍k-ke phuànn-tuàn. te7-sann1 kiann7 si7 si3-tsap8-gua7 ni5 tsing5 e5 tai7-tsi3, ki5-kuai3 bo5 ki5-kuai3,tshiann2 tak8-ke1 phuann3-tuan3. 第三件是四十外年前的代誌,奇怪無奇怪,請逐家判斷。 tē-saⁿ kiāⁿ sī sì-cha̍p-gōa nî chêng ê tāi-chì, kî-koài bô kî-koài,chhiáⁿ ta̍k-ke phòaⁿ-toàn. The third thing happened forty years ago. Was it strange? You can be the judge of that. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THF016_concat.wav 6.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THF016_concat.wav 4.38625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tuānn: tsò-sing-lí tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 sin1 kai1-tuann7:tso3-sing1-li2 臺語文運動新階段:做生理 Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tōaⁿ:chò-seng-lí A new stage for the Taiwanese Language Movement: Doing business 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THF016_concat.wav 5.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THF016_concat.wav 8.8541875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female koh lâi, lán ài kuánn-kín hānn-ji̍p “sin koh to̍k-li̍p” ê kai-tuānn: khai-sí tsún-pī “tsò-sing-lí”! koh4 lai5,lan2 ai3 kuann2-kin2 hann7-jip8“sin1 koh4 tok8-lip8”e5 kai1-tuann7: khai1-si2 tsun2-pi7“tso3-sing1-li2”! 閣來,咱愛趕緊迒入「新閣獨立」的階段:開始準備「做生理」! koh lâi,lán ài kóaⁿ-kín hāⁿ-ji̍p“sin koh to̍k-li̍p”ê kai-tōaⁿ: khai-sí chún-pī“chò-seng-lí”! Next, we must quickly step nto the phase of being 'new and independent': start preparing to 'do business'! 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THF016_concat.wav 8.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THF016_concat.wav 8.47975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tsò-sing-lí tō sī beh thàn-tsînn, tsò-sing-lí tō sī ài ū kīng-tsing, tsò-sing-lí tō sī ài káng-kiù phín-tsit; tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 beh4 than3-tsinn5, tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1, tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 ai3 kang2-kiu3 phin2-tsit4; 做生理就是欲趁錢,做生理就是愛有競爭,做生理就是愛講究品質; chò-seng-lí tō sī beh thàn-chîⁿ, chò-seng-lí tō sī ài ū kēng-cheng, chò-seng-lí tō sī ài káng-kiù phín-chit; To do business is to make money, to do business is to have competition, to do business is to pay attention to quality. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THF016_concat.wav 9.264375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THF016_concat.wav 3.15 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tse tō sī guá beh kóng ê hong-hiòng kah tiōng-tiám. tse1 to7 si7 gua2 beh4 kong2 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 tiong7-tiam2. 這就是我欲講的方向佮重點。 che tō sī góa beh kóng ê hong-hiòng kah tiōng-tiám. This is the direction and focus of what I want to talk about. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THF016_concat.wav 5.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THF016_concat.wav 8.38975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female lán ê phín-tsit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-tsuánn mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-kuan, tse sī ki-pún tō-lí. lan2 e5 phin2-tsit4 na7 bo5-kau3 ho2, koh4-khah4 an2-tsuann2 ma7 bo5 lang5 e7 lai5 kau1-kuan1, tse1 si7 ki1-pun2 to7-li2. 咱的品質若無夠好,閣較按怎嘛無人會來交關,這是基本道理。 lán ê phín-chit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-chóaⁿ mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-koan, che sī ki-pún tō-lí. If our quality is not on par, no one will work with us no matter what we do. This is the basic principle. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THF016_concat.wav 8.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THF016_concat.wav 5.79 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Sóo-pái lán ê Tâi-gí-bûn tsok-phín tio̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông, sing-kip. soo2-pai2 lan2 e5 tai5-gi2-bun5 tsok4-phin2 tioh8-ai3 ke3-siok8 ka1-kiong5,sing1-kip4. 所擺咱的臺語文作品著愛繼續加強、升級。 Só͘-pái lán ê Tâi-gí-bûn chok-phín tio̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông,seng-kip. That is why we must keep on improving and upgrading Taiwanese literature. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THF016_concat.wav 6.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THF016_concat.wav 3.105625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tsok-tsiá: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū tsok4-tsia2:tiunn1 hok8-tsu7 作者:張復聚 chok-chiá:Tiuⁿ Ho̍k-chū Author: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū . 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THF016_concat.wav 4.4810625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THF016_concat.wav 60.5298125 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khuè tō sī “tsok-phín to-guân-huà”: tshòng-tsok khah tsē bô kâng bûn-luī ê tsok-phín, tshin-tshiūnn bûn-ha̍k, gū-giân, thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k (i-ha̍k, bu̍t-lí, huà-ha̍k, thài-khong, tē-kiû kho-ha̍k......), gē-su̍t, im-ga̍k, bûn-huà, tsìng-tī, king-tsè, sing-bu̍t, khuân-pó, tshiò-khue, si̍t-iōng-bûn (kiat-hun thiap-á, tsè-bûn, tshui-tsiàn-bûn, kiû-tsit-bûn, kong-bûn), sīm-tsì tē-lí, li̍k-sú, tsong-kàu, tiat-ha̍k ê bûn-tsiunn ── ti̍k-pia̍t sī ài tuā-tuā-la̍t tshut-pán gín-á-tsheh, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bó-gí kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hōo kok-sió, kok-tiong ha̍k-sing thang tha̍k, hōo in ē-tàng kā tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê, tsin iú-hān ê bó-gí-bûn uî-tshî mài tn̄g-kin! siong7 ki1-pun2 e5 khang1-khue3 to7 si7“tsok4-phin2 to1-guan5-hua3”: tshong3-tsok4 khah4 tse7 bo5 kang5 bun5-lui7 e5 tsok4-phin2, tshin1-tshiunn7 bun5-hak8,gu7-gian5,thong1-siok8 kho1-hak8(i1-hak8,but8-li2,hua3-hak8,thai3-khong1,te7-kiu5 kho1-hak8......), ge7-sut8,im1-gak8,bun5-hua3,tsing3-ti7,king1-tse3,sing1-but8, khuan5-po2,tshio3-khue1,sit8-iong7-bun5(kiat4-hun1 thiap4-a2,tse3-bun5,tshui1-tsian3-bun5,kiu5-tsit4-bun5,kong1-bun5), sim7-tsi3 te7-li2,lik8-su2,tsong1-kau3,tiat4-hak8 e5 bun5-tsiunn1── tik8-piat8 si7 ai3 tua7-tua7-lat8 tshut4-pan2 gin2-a2-tsheh4, than3 hak8-hau7 u7 bo2-gi2 kau3-iok8, the5-kiong1 hoo7 kok4-sio2,kok4-tiong1 hak8-sing1 thang1 thak8, hoo7 in1 e7-tang3 ka7 ti7 hak8-hau7 oh8--tioh8--e5,tsin1 iu2-han7 e5 bo2-gi2-bun5 ui5-tshi5 mai3 tng7-kin1! 上基本的工課就是「作品多元化」:創作較濟無仝文類的作品,親像文學、寓言、通俗科學(醫學、物理、化學、太空、地球科學……)、藝術、音樂、文化、政治、經濟、生物、環保、笑詼、實用文(結婚帖仔、祭文、推薦文、求職文、公文),甚至地理、歷史、宗教、哲學的文章──特別是愛大大力出版囡仔冊,趁學校有母語教育,提供予國小、國中學生通讀,予𪜶會當共佇學校學--著--的、真有限的母語文維持莫斷根! Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khòe tō sī“chok-phín to-goân-hòa”: chhòng-chok khah chē bô kâng bûn-lūi ê chok-phín, chhin-chhiūⁿ bûn-ha̍k,gū-giân,thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k(i-ha̍k,bu̍t-lí,hòa-ha̍k,thài-khong,tē-kiû kho-ha̍k......), gē-su̍t,im-ga̍k,bûn-hòa,chèng-tī,keng-chè,seng-bu̍t, khoân-pó,chhiò-khoe,si̍t-iōng-bûn(kiat-hun thiap-á,chè-bûn,chhui-chiàn-bûn,kiû-chit-bûn,kong-bûn), sīm-chì tē-lí,le̍k-sú,chong-kàu,tiat-ha̍k ê bûn-chiuⁿ── te̍k-pia̍t sī ài tōa-tōa-la̍t chhut-pán gín-á-chheh, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bó-gí kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hō͘ kok-sió,kok-tiong ha̍k-seng thang tha̍k, hō͘ in ē-tàng kā tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê,chin iú-hān ê bó-gí-bûn ûi-chhî mài tn̄g-kin! The most basic step would be 'the diversification of work', which is to create more works in different genres. For example, literature, folktales, common science (like medicine, physics, chemistry, space, geoscience...), art, music, culture, politics, economics, biology, greenness, comedy, practical writing (like a wedding invitation, funeral oration, foreword, cover letter, official memo), and even articles about geography, history, religion, and philosophy. More importantly, we should publish more children's books. As we still provide our mother tongue education in school, we must offer these books to students in both primary and middle schools. The mother tongue materials that they learn in school are already very limited. We must ensure that our mother tongue lives on. 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THF016_concat.wav 53.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THF016_concat.wav 6.06625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng kàu tsit-má í-king ū tshiau-kuè sì-tsa̍p tang--ah! tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 kau3 tsit4-ma2 i2-king1 u7 tshiau1-kue3 si3-tsap8 tang1--ah4! 臺語文運動到這馬已經有超過四十冬--矣! Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng kàu chit-má í-keng ū chhiau-kòe sì-cha̍p tang--ah! The Taiwanese Language Movement has been around for more than forty years! 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THF016_concat.wav 5.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THF016_concat.wav 12.2623125 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Ū hó ê tsok-phín tsiah ē-tàng tsìng-bîng tsit ê gí-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thuân bān nî, kiánn-sun mā tsiah khíng, tsiah ē beh pó-tsûn, tshái-iōng. u7 ho2 e5 tsok4-phin2 tsiah4 e7-tang3 tsing3-bing5 tsit4 e5 gi2-gian5 u7 ke3-tat8 liu5-thuan5 ban7 ni5, kiann2-sun1 ma7 tsiah4 khing2,tsiah4 e7 beh4 po2-tsun5,tshai2-iong7. 有好的作品才會當證明這个語言有價值流傳萬年,囝孫嘛才肯、才會欲保存、採用。 Ū hó ê chok-phín chiah ē-tàng chèng-bêng chit ê gí-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thoân bān nî, kiáⁿ-sun mā chiah khéng,chiah ē beh pó-chûn,chhái-iōng. Only good works can prove that this language is valuable and can be passed down for thousands of years, and future generations will be willing and want to preserve and adopt it. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THF016_concat.wav 10.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THF016_concat.wav 9.839625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Koh lâi sī kīng-tsing: tsok-phín ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k, sin-suí ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k, su-ji̍p-huat mā ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k! koh4 lai5 si7 king7-tsing1: tsok4-phin2 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8, sin1-sui2 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8, su1-jip8-huat4 ma7 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8! 閣來是競爭:作品愛有競爭力、薪水愛有競爭力、輸入法嘛愛有競爭力! Koh lâi sī kēng-cheng: chok-phín ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k, sin-súi ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k, su-ji̍p-hoat mā ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k! Another thing is competition. Our work must be competitive! Our pay must be competitive! Our input method engine must also be competitive! 927767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THF016_concat.wav 11.72 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THF016_concat.wav 16.036125 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tn̂g-kî thui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsú-tiunn tsit-uân sin-suí ài pí guā-kháu khah kuân, hōo tsò Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū tsū-sìn kah kong-îng. tng5-ki5 thui1-sak4 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 li2 kang1-khioh4 tai5-gi2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsu2-tiunn1 tsit4-uan5 sin1-sui2 ai3 pi2 gua7-khau2 khah4 kuan5, hoo7 tso3 tai5-gi2-bun5 e5 tong5-kang1 u7 tsu7-sin3 kah4 kong1-ing5. 長期推捒臺語文運動的李江却臺語文教基金會主張職員薪水愛比外口較懸,予做臺語文的同工有自信佮光榮。 tn̂g-kî thui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe chú-tiuⁿ chit-oân sin-súi ài pí gōa-kháu khah koân, hō͘ chò Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū chū-sìn kah kong-êng. The Lí Kang Khiok Taiwanese Cultural and Educational Foundation, which has been promoting the Taiwanese Language Movement, advocates that the staff pay needs to be higher than that of the outside world so that our comrades in the Taiwanese language industry can be confident and proud. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THF016_concat.wav 21.8023125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THF016_concat.wav 5.315 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Koh ū, tsit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-jī kang-kū sī tshiú-ki-á. koh4 u7,tsit4-ma2 siong7 iau3-kin2 e5 phah4-ji7 kang1-ku7 si7 tshiu2-ki1-a2. 閣有,這馬上要緊的拍字工具是手機仔。 Koh ū,chit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-jī kang-kū sī chhiú-ki-á. Also, the most urgent typing tool right now is the mobile phone. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THF016_concat.wav 6.3143125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THF016_concat.wav 8.8575 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tshiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-huat tī IOS hē-thóng kan-na ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-huat. tshiu2-ki1-a2 e5 tai5-gi2 su1-jip8-huat4 ti7 IOS he7-thong2 kan1-na1 u7 lo5-han3-kha1 tai5-gi2 su1-jip8-huat4. 手機仔的臺語輸入法佇 IOS系統干焦有羅漢跤臺語輸入法。 chhiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-hoat tī IOS hē-thóng kan-na ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-hoat. The only Taiwanese Hokkien input method engine for smart phones is the Lô-hàn-kha Taiwanese Hokkien input method engine on iOS. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THF016_concat.wav 12.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THF016_concat.wav 2.46 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female ke-kiám mā ū kuá sîng-tsiū. ke1-kiam2 ma7 u7 kua2 sing5-tsiu7. 加減嘛有寡成就。 ke-kiám mā ū kóa sêng-chiū. We have more or less accomplished something. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THF016_concat.wav 3.519625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THF016_concat.wav 6.159875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó iōng, mā ū bē tsió būn-tê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-kuat. lo5-han3-kha1 sui1-bong2 ho2 iong7, ma7 u7 be7 tsio2 bun7-te5 it4-tit8 long2 bo5 kai2-kuat4. 羅漢跤雖罔好用,嘛有袂少問題一直攏無解決。 Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó iōng, mā ū bē chió būn-tê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-koat. Although Lô-hàn-kha comes in handy, there are still many problems that it couldn't solve. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THF016_concat.wav 7.9783125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THF016_concat.wav 10.5555 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female tsuè-kīn lán mā teh kóo-bú koh khai-huat līng-guā tsi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kīng-tsing, hōo-siong làu-khuì kiû tsìn-pōo. tsue3-kin7 lan2 ma7 teh4 koo2-bu2 koh4 khai1-huat4 ling7-gua7 tsit8 tho3 lai5 kah4 lo5-han3-kha1 king7-tsing1, hoo7-siong1 lau3-khui3 kiu5 tsin3-poo7. 最近咱嘛咧鼓舞閣開發另外一套來佮羅漢跤競爭,互相落氣求進步。 chòe-kīn lán mā teh kó͘-bú koh khai-hoat lēng-gōa chi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kēng-cheng, hō͘-siong làu-khùi kiû chìn-pō͘. Lately, we are also encouraging the development of another approach to competing with Lô-hàn-kha. We can give each other constructive criticism and improve together. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THF016_concat.wav 11.519625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THF016_concat.wav 14.53525 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Mā ài pài-thok khah tsē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k phok-sū, jīn-tsin gián-kiù Tâi-gí-bûn, án-ne ha̍k-su̍t thîng-tōo ē thê-sing, tuì Tâi-gí-bûn huat-tián ē ū tuā pang-tsān. ma7 ai3 pai3-thok4 khah4 tse7 siau3-lian5-lang5 thak8 gi2-gian5-hak8 phok4-su7, jin7-tsin1 gian2-kiu3 tai5-gi2-bun5, an2-ne1 hak8-sut8 thing5-too7 e7 the5-sing1, tui3 tai5-gi2-bun5 huat4-tian2 e7 u7 tua7 pang1-tsan7. 嘛愛拜託較濟少年人讀語言學博士,認真研究臺語文,按呢學術程度會提升,對臺語文發展會有大幫贊。 Mā ài pài-thok khah chē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k phok-sū, jīn-chin gián-kiù Tâi-gí-bûn, án-ne ha̍k-su̍t thêng-tō͘ ē thê-seng, tùi Tâi-gí-bûn hoat-tián ē ū tōa pang-chān. We should also encourage more young people to pursue PhD in linguistics and put more effort into studying the Taiwanese language. By doing so, the academic level will improve and that supports the development of the Taiwanese language. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THF016_concat.wav 18.069000000000003 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THF016_concat.wav 7.209875 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female ū phín-tsit koh ū kīng-tsing, tse tō sī tsò-sing-lí beh sîng-kong ê thâu-sing-sòo. u7 phin2-tsit4 koh4 u7 king7-tsing1, tse1 to7 si7 tso3-sing1-li2 beh4 sing5-kong1 e5 thau5-sing1-soo3. 有品質閣有競爭,這就是做生理欲成功的頭先素。 ū phín-chit koh ū kēng-cheng, che tō sī chò-seng-lí beh sêng-kong ê thâu-seng-sò͘. To have quality and to be competitive. These are the main criteria for success in business. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THF016_concat.wav 8.725 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THF016_concat.wav 8.638 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Hi-bāng ū tsi̍t kang, tsò Tâi-gí-bûn tsin-tsiànn ū tsînn thàn, ū sîng-tsiū, koh hó miâ-siann. hi1-bang7 u7 tsit8 kang1, tso3 tai5-gi2-bun5 tsin1-tsiann3 u7 tsinn5 than3,u7 sing5-tsiu7,koh4 ho2 mia5-siann1. 希望有一工,做臺語文真正有錢趁、有成就、閣好名聲。 Hi-bāng ū chi̍t kang, chò Tâi-gí-bûn chin-chiàⁿ ū chîⁿ thàn,ū sêng-chiū,koh hó miâ-siaⁿ. Let’s hope that one day the Taiwanese language industry will be lucrative, successful, and famous. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THF016_concat.wav 8.021 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THF016_concat.wav 8.443625 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female Án-ne Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê tsiân-puè tsiah ē-tàng sió-khuá hioh-tshuán, kóng “Tâi-gí-bûn tshut-thâu-thinn!” an2-ne1 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 tsian5-pue3 tsiah4 e7-tang3 sio2-khua2 hioh4-tshuan2, kong2“tai5-gi2-bun5 tshut4-thau5-thinn1!” 按呢臺語文運動的前輩才會當小可歇喘,講「臺語文出頭天!」 Án-ne Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê chiân-pòe chiah ē-tàng sió-khóa hioh-chhoán, kóng“Tâi-gí-bûn chhut-thâu-thiⁿ!” So that the forefathers of the Taiwanese Language Movement can finally take a rest and say, “The Taiwanese language has finally made it to the top!” 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THF016_concat.wav 11.1783125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THF016_concat.wav 13.30975 THF016 台南腔 Tainan accent Female “Tâi-gí kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi” mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū teh thó-lūn, m̄-koh tsiam-tuì ūn-tōng pún-sin beh án-tsuánn koh-khah tsìn-pōo ê kiám-thó, tsóng--sī mā bē-tàng bô. “tai5-gi2 kong1-kiong7 tian7-si7-tai5”ma7 liok8-siok8 u7 teh4 tho2-lun7, m7-koh4 tsiam1-tui3 un7-tong7 pun2-sin1 beh4 an2-tsuann2 koh4-khah4 tsin3-poo7 e5 kiam2-tho2, tsong2--si7 ma7 be7-tang3 bo5. 「臺語公共電視台」嘛陸續有咧討論,毋過針對運動本身欲按怎閣較進步的檢討,總--是嘛袂當無。 “Tâi-gí kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi”mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū teh thó-lūn, m̄-koh chiam-tùi ūn-tōng pún-sin beh án-chóaⁿ koh-khah chìn-pō͘ ê kiám-thó, chóng--sī mā bē-tàng bô. There were discussions on 'Taiwanese Hokkien Public Television Service', but improvements to the movement were rarely discussed. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THF016_concat.wav 11.6903125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM003_concat.wav 5.01625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male un-tōo sann-tsa̍p tsì sann-tsa̍p-jī tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t peh-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 sann1-tsap8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-ji7 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 peh4-tsap8 pha1 溫度三十至三十二度,落雨機率八十pha un-tō͘ saⁿ-cha̍p chì saⁿ-cha̍p-jī tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t peh-cha̍p pha The temperature is between thirty to thirty-two degrees, with an eighty percent chance of rain. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM003_concat.wav 7.7863125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM003_concat.wav 4.50125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male lâi-pin gōo-pah peh-tsa̍p-it hō tshiánn-lâi sì hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 peh4-tsap8-it4 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 si3 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓五百八十一號請來四號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin gō͘-pah peh-cha̍p-it hō chhiáⁿ-lâi sì hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Customer number 581, please come to reception desk number 4 for your business. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM003_concat.wav 7.615625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM003_concat.wav 4.35625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male lóng-tsóng tsi̍t-pah sann-tsa̍p-gōo khoo, tsāu lí la̍k-tsa̍p-gōo khoo long2-tsong2 tsit8-pah4 sann1-tsap8-goo7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 lak8-tsap8-goo7 khoo1 攏總一百三十五箍, 找你六十五箍 lóng-chóng chi̍t-pah saⁿ-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘,chāu lí la̍k-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘ The total would be one hundred and thirty-five TWD. Here is your change, sixty-five TWD. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM003_concat.wav 9.045 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM003_concat.wav 2.94 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male kin-á-ji̍t sī tshit-gue̍h tshe-la̍k, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 tshit4-gueh8 tshe1-lak8,pai3-lak8 今仔日是七月初六,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī chhit-goe̍h chhe-la̍k,pài-la̍k Today is the 6th of July, Saturday. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM003_concat.wav 4.223625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM003_concat.wav 2.58 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male i-tī it kiú kiú sù nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 kiu2 su3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九九四年出世 i-tī it kiú kiú sù nî chhut-sì He was born in nineteen ninety-five. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM003_concat.wav 3.3063125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM003_concat.wav 3.3 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki sam sam sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 sam1 sam1 su3 請幫我轉分機三三四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki sam sam sù Please transfer me to extension number three three four. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM003_concat.wav 4.885 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM003_concat.wav 6.851125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Guá lâi kiò tsi̍t ê “tshì-suh ke-nn̄g-ko tsham lê-bóng-phuê”, lí ū beh phuè tinn-liāu--bô? gua2 lai5 kio3 tsit8 e5“tshi3-suh4 ke1-nng7-ko1 tsham1 le5-bong2-phue5”, li2 u7 beh4 phue3 tinn1-liau7--bo5? 我來叫一个「tshì-suh雞卵糕參檸檬皮」,你有欲配甜料無? Góa lâi kiò chi̍t ê“chhì-suh ke-nn̄g-ko chham lê-bóng-phôe”, lí ū beh phòe tiⁿ-liāu--bô? I'll order a 'cheesecake with lemon peel', do you want a dessert to go with it? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM003_concat.wav 6.0135625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM003_concat.wav 2.88625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tinn--ê--ooh, guá khuànn me̋-niú--tsi̍t-ē … tinn1--e5--ooh4,gua2 khuann3 me9-niu2--tsit8-e7… 甜的喔,我看me̋-niú--一下… Tiⁿ--ê--o͘h,góa khòaⁿ mĕ-niú--chi̍t-ē… Something sweet? Let's see what I can find from the menu. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM003_concat.wav 4.799625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM003_concat.wav 3.795625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male guá beh ài tsi̍t tè tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo ê keh-á-piánn. gua2 beh4 ai3 tsit8 te3 tsioo1-koo2-le3-too3 e5 keh4-a2-piann2. 我欲愛一塊tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo的格仔餅。 góa beh ài chi̍t tè chio͘-kó͘-lè-tò͘ ê keh-á-piáⁿ. I would like a chocolate waffle. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM003_concat.wav 2.837 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM003_concat.wav 2.07 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hó, guá lâi-khì tiám. ho2,gua2 lai5-khi3 tiam2. 好,我來去點。 Hó,góa lâi-khì tiám. Okay, I'll order. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM003_concat.wav 2.97175 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM003_concat.wav 6.159875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male kim-suan ū gû-ling hām kuì-hue ê tshing-phang, phīng lí ê ka-pi ing-kai bē khah-su. kim1-suan1 u7 gu5-ling1 ham7 kui3-hue1 e5 tshing1-phang1, phing7 li2 e5 ka1-pi1 ing1-kai1 be7 khah4-su1. 金萱有牛奶和桂花的清芳,並你的咖啡應該袂較輸。 kim-soan ū gû-leng hām kùi-hoe ê chheng-phang, phēng lí ê ka-pi eng-kai bē khah-su. Kim-suan has the fragrance of milk and sweet osmanthus. It shouldn't be too bad compared to your coffee. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM003_concat.wav 7.957000000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM003_concat.wav 4.17625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Őo, Láu-hiân, ha tê uānn lí hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! oo9,lau2-hian5,ha1 te5 uann7 li2 hang7-a2-lai7--e5--neh4! Őo,老賢,哈茶換你巷仔內的呢! Ŏ͘,Láu-hiân,ha tê ōaⁿ lí hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! Hey, Lāu-hiân, Ha-tê is now for a professional like you. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM003_concat.wav 7.6 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM003_concat.wav 10.228 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Guá kan-tann ū teh lim hún-înn-ling-tê nia̋. Gún hia tshù-pinn-thâu-bué put-sî mā the̍h bô kâng tê-bí lâi tshuē gún pâ phàu tê uē-sian. gua2 kan1-tann1 u7 teh4 lim1 hun2-inn5-ling1-te5 nia9. gun2 hia1 tshu3-pinn1-thau5-bue2 put4-si5 ma7 theh8 bo5 kang5 te5-bi2 lai5 tshue7 gun2 pa5 phau3 te5 ue7-sian1. 我干焦有咧啉粉圓奶茶nia̋.阮遐厝邊頭尾不時嘛提無仝茶米來揣阮爸泡茶話仙。 Góa kan-taⁿ ū teh lim hún-îⁿ-leng-tê niă. Gún hia chhù-piⁿ-thâu-bóe put-sî mā the̍h bô kâng tê-bí lâi chhōe gún pâ phàu tê ōe-sian. I only drink Mini Pearl Milk Tea. My neighbours frequently visit my father, bringing different types of tea leaves to chat while drinking tea. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM003_concat.wav 11.3703125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM003_concat.wav 6.535625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Guá ū-sî mā khì tsham in tsia̍h tê liān-siáu-uē, siau-khián phah-lā-liâng. Bat--kuá--lah. gua2 u7-si5 ma7 khi3 tsham1 in1 tsiah8 te5 lian7-siau2-ue7,siau1-khian2 phah4-la7-liang5.bat4--kua2--lah4. 我有時嘛去參𪜶食茶練痟話,消遣拍抐涼。捌寡啦。 Góa ū-sî mā khì chham in chia̍h tê liān-siáu-ōe,siau-khián phah-lā-liâng.Bat--kóa--lah. Sometimes I go to drink tea and chat, enjoy the free time. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM003_concat.wav 4.543625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.30_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.30_THM003_concat.wav 6.879875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tē-sann kiānn sī sì-tsa̍p-guā nî tsîng ê tāi-tsì, kî-kuài bô kî-kuài, tshiánn ta̍k-ke phuànn-tuàn. te7-sann1 kiann7 si7 si3-tsap8-gua7 ni5 tsing5 e5 tai7-tsi3, ki5-kuai3 bo5 ki5-kuai3,tshiann2 tak8-ke1 phuann3-tuan3. 第三件是四十外年前的代誌,奇怪無奇怪,請逐家判斷。 tē-saⁿ kiāⁿ sī sì-cha̍p-gōa nî chêng ê tāi-chì, kî-koài bô kî-koài,chhiáⁿ ta̍k-ke phòaⁿ-toàn. The third thing happened forty years ago. Was it strange? You can be the judge of that. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.30_THM003_concat.wav 6.4423125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.43_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.43_THM003_concat.wav 13.4795 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tiunn Siông sī Tiong-kok Sam-kok Sî-tāi ê lâng, uī-tio̍h beh tâu-phun Tsô Tshò, i thau uē pún-kok tē-tôo, tsò-uî tâu-hâng Tsô Tshò ê hiàn-lé, tō sī bē kang-san, kiû îng-huâ--lah. tiunn1 siong5 si7 tiong1-kok4 sam1-kok4 si5-tai7 e5 lang5, ui7-tioh8 beh4 tau5-phun1 tso5 tsho3, i1 thau1 ue7 pun2-kok4 te7-too5, tso3-ui5 tau5-hang5 tso5 tsho3 e5 hian3-le2, to7 si7 be7 kang1-san1,kiu5 ing5-hua5--lah4. 張松是中國三國時代的人,為著欲投奔曹操,伊偷畫本國地圖,做為投降曹操的獻禮,就是賣江山,求榮華--啦。 Tiuⁿ Siông sī Tiong-kok Sam-kok Sî-tāi ê lâng, ūi-tio̍h beh tâu-phun Chô Chhò, i thau ōe pún-kok tē-tô͘, chò-ûi tâu-hâng Chô Chhò ê hiàn-lé, tō sī bē kang-san,kiû êng-hôa--lah. Tiunn Siông was a figure from China during the Three Kingdoms period. To seek asylum from Tsô Tshò, he secretly drew a map of his country as a gift for Tsô Tshò when he surrenders. This means that he betrayed his country for money and fame. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.43_THM003_concat.wav 19.839625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.1_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.1_THM003_concat.wav 2.16 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Uī-tio̍h sann-pah khoo ui7-tioh8 sann1-pah4 khoo1 為著三百箍 Ūi-tio̍h saⁿ-pah kho͘ For 300 dollar. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.1_THM003_concat.wav 2.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM003_concat.wav 9.944 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hit-sî-tsūn, khin-kang-gia̍p tsiah khai-sí puh-ínn, tsin tsē kang-tiûnn khiàm kang, tsia-ê thâu-ke tō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tê hit4-si5-tsun7,khin1-kang1-giap8 tsiah4 khai1-si2 puh4-inn2, tsin1 tse7 kang1-tiunn5 khiam3 kang1, tsia1-e5 thau5-ke1 to7 ka7 khiam3 kang1 e5 bun7-te5 彼時陣,輕工業才開始發穎,真濟工場欠工,遮的頭家就共欠工的問題 Hit-sî-chūn,khin-kang-gia̍p chiah khai-sí puh-íⁿ, chin chē kang-tiûⁿ khiàm kang, chia-ê thâu-ke tō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tê At that time, light industry was just beginning to develop, and many factories were short of workers, and these bosses took the problem of lack of workers. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM003_concat.wav 9.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM003_concat.wav 2.61 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tāng tuì kok-sió pit-gia̍p-sing ê thâu-khak-tíng. tang7 tui3 kok4-sio2 pit4-giap8-sing1 e5 thau5-khak4-ting2. 動對國小畢業生的頭殼頂。 tāng tùi kok-sió pit-gia̍p-seng ê thâu-khak-téng. By targeting the elementary school graduates. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM003_concat.wav 4.991625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM003_concat.wav 8.4423125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê tsi̍t kò gue̍h tsîng, ū tsi̍t kang, A-sing ê kàu-sik hiông-hiông lâi tsi̍t ê thâu-ke beh tshuē sió-kang. pit4-giap8 tian2-le2 e5 tsit8 ko3 gueh8 tsing5,u7 tsit8 kang1, a1-sing1 e5 kau3-sik4 hiong5-hiong5 lai5 tsit8 e5 thau5-ke1 beh4 tshue7 sio2-kang1. 畢業典禮的一個月前,有一工,阿生的教室雄雄來一个頭家欲揣小工。 Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê chi̍t kò goe̍h chêng,ū chi̍t kang, A-seng ê kàu-sek hiông-hiông lâi chi̍t ê thâu-ke beh chhōe sió-kang. One month before the graduation ceremony, a factory owner suddenly came to A-Sing's classroom one day, looking for part-timers. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM003_concat.wav 10.7943125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM003_concat.wav 8.83975 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Lāu-su mn̄g ha̍k-sing kóng: “Kám ū lâng tshut-gia̍p liáu, bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, beh khì kang-tiûnn thàn-tsînn--ê? Tshiánn giâ-tshiú.” lau7-su1 mng7 hak8-sing1 kong2: “kam2 u7 lang5 tshut4-giap8 liau2,bo5 ai3 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1, beh4 khi3 kang1-tiunn5 than3-tsinn5--e5?tshiann2 gia5-tshiu2.” 老師問學生講:「敢有人出業了,無愛繼續讀國中,欲去工場趁錢的?請夯手。」 Lāu-su mn̄g ha̍k-seng kóng: “Kám ū lâng chhut-gia̍p liáu,bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, beh khì kang-tiûⁿ thàn-chîⁿ--ê?Chhiáⁿ giâ-chhiú.” The teacher asked the students, 'After graduation, is there anyone here who won't continue studying secondary school, but instead plan to work in the factories for money? Please raise up your hand. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM003_concat.wav 13.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM003_concat.wav 1.77 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male A-sing mā giâ-tshiú. a1-sing1 ma7 gia5-tshiu2. 阿生嘛夯手。 A-seng mā giâ-chhiú. So, A-Sing raised his hand. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM003_concat.wav 3.4130000000000003 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM003_concat.wav 8.472375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Lāu-su tsi̍t-ê-á-tsi̍t-ê kā giâ-tshiú ê ha̍k-sing kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-koh, A-sing ê miâ pīng bô tī tíng-bīn. lau7-su1 tsit8-e5-a2-tsit8-e5 ka7 gia5-tshiu2 e5 hak8-sing1 ki3--loh8-lai5, m7-koh4,a1-sing1 e5 mia5 ping7 bo5 ti7 ting2-bin7. 老師一个仔一个共夯手的學生記落來,毋過,阿生的名並無佇頂面。 Lāu-su chi̍t-ê-á-chi̍t-ê kā giâ-chhiú ê ha̍k-seng kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-koh,A-seng ê miâ pēng bô tī téng-bīn. The teacher noted down the students who raised their hands one by one. However, A-sing's name was not there. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM003_concat.wav 8.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM003_concat.wav 10.1121875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hā-khò liáu, lāu-su kā A-sing kiò lâi pinn--á kóng: “Lí ê sîng-tsik tsiah-nī hó, bô beh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, uī-sánn-mih?” ha7-kho3 liau2,lau7-su1 ka7 a1-sing1 kio3 lai5 pinn1--a2 kong2: “li2 e5 sing5-tsik4 tsiah4-ni7 ho2, bo5 beh4 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1,ui7-sann2-mih4?” 下課了,老師共阿生叫來邊仔講:「你的成績遮爾好,無欲繼續讀國中,為啥物?」 Hā-khò liáu,lāu-su kā A-seng kiò lâi piⁿ--á kóng: “Lí ê sêng-chek chiah-nī hó, bô beh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong,ūi-sáⁿ-mih?” After class, the teacher called A-Sing and said to him,' You have good grades, why won't you study in junior high?' 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM003_concat.wav 8.3623125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM003_concat.wav 13.17825 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Lāu-su suà--lo̍h-khì tuì ha̍k-sing kóng: “Nā án-ne, bîn-á-tsài khí, bô giâ-tshiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sik tha̍k-tsheh; ū giâ-tshiú--ê tō khì sàu piān-sóo, sàu kàu tshut-gia̍p.” lau7-su1 sua3--loh8-khi3 tui3 hak8-sing1 kong2: “na7 an2-ne1,bin5-a2-tsai3 khi2, bo5 gia5-tshiu2--e5 lau5 ti7 kau3-sik4 thak8-tsheh4; u7 gia5-tshiu2--e5 to7 khi3 sau3 pian7-soo2,sau3 kau3 tshut4-giap8.” 老師紲落去對學生講:「若按呢,明仔載起,無夯手的留佇教室讀冊;有夯手的就去掃便所,掃到出業。」 Lāu-su sòa--lo̍h-khì tùi ha̍k-seng kóng: “Nā án-ne,bîn-á-chài khí, bô giâ-chhiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sek tha̍k-chheh; ū giâ-chhiú--ê tō khì sàu piān-só͘,sàu kàu chhut-gia̍p.” The teacher then told the students, 'If that's the case, from tomorrow onwards, those who didn't raise their hands get to stay in the classroom and study. Those who raised their hands, you can go clean the toilets. Clean it until you graduate.' 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM003_concat.wav 18.133 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM003_concat.wav 2.46 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male A-sing án-tsuánn siūnn to siūnn-bô. a1-sing1 an2-tsuann2 siunn7 to1 siunn7-bo5. 阿生按怎想都想無。 A-seng án-chóaⁿ siūⁿ to siūⁿ-bô. No matter how much A-sing thought about it, he still could not understand. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM003_concat.wav 5.653 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM003_concat.wav 9.7090625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male “ná ē tsiah bô kong-pênn! Beh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê, tō m̄-bián sàu piān-sóo; bô-huat-tōo koh tha̍k--ê, tō ài sàu piān-sóo, uī-sánn-mih?” “na2 e7 tsiah4 bo5 kong1-penn5! beh4 thak8 kok4-tiong1--e5,to7 m7-bian2 sau3 pian7-soo2; bo5-huat4-too7 koh4 thak8--e5,to7 ai3 sau3 pian7-soo2,ui7-sann2-mih4?” 「哪會遮無公平!欲讀國中--的,就毋免掃便所;無法度閣讀的,就愛掃便所,為啥物?」 “ná ē chiah bô kong-pêⁿ! Beh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê,tō m̄-bián sàu piān-só͘; bô-hoat-tō͘ koh tha̍k--ê,tō ài sàu piān-só͘,ūi-sáⁿ-mih?” How can it be so unfair! Those who want to study in junior high school don't have to clean the toilet, and those who can't continue to study have to clean the toilet. Why? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM003_concat.wav 10.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM003_concat.wav 2.07 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūnn-bô. i1 sim1-lai7 it4-tit8 siunn7-bo5. 伊心內一直想無。 I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūⁿ-bô. He kept thinking about it in his mind but couldn't understand it. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM003_concat.wav 4.501 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM003_concat.wav 8.3260625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tshut-gia̍p tē-jī kang, A-sing tō koo-tsiânn tshù-pinn ê a-hiann tshuā i khì oo-tshiú-á kang-tshiáng tsò-kang. tshut4-giap8 te7-ji7 kang1, a1-sing1 to7 koo1-tsiann5 tshu3-pinn1 e5 a1-hiann1 tshua7 i1 khi3 oo1-tshiu2-a2 kang1-tshiang2 tso3-kang1. 出業第二工,阿生就姑情厝邊的阿兄𤆬伊去烏手仔工廠做工。 Chhut-gia̍p tē-jī kang, A-seng tō ko͘-chiâⁿ chhù-piⁿ ê a-hiaⁿ chhōa i khì o͘-chhiú-á kang-chhiáng chò-kang. The day after his graduation, A-sing begged his neighbour to get him a job in a blue-collar factory. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM003_concat.wav 8.255625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM003_concat.wav 6.256125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male A-sing tsok līn-tsin, kui-ê hioh-lua̍h tah-tah la̍k-tsa̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. a1-sing1 tsok4 lin7-tsin1, kui1-e5 hioh4-luah8 tah4-tah4 lak8-tsap8 kang1 long2 bo5 hioh4-khun3. 阿生足認真,規个歇熱貼貼六十工攏無歇睏。 A-seng chok līn-chin, kui-ê hioh-loa̍h tah-tah la̍k-cha̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. A-sing was very serious. He never once rested for all sixty days of the summer break. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM003_concat.wav 7.551625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM003_concat.wav 9.7735625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male “A-pah! Guá tsit ê hioh-lua̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah khoo. Sann-pah khoo tàu sio-thinn tshù--lí, sann-pah khoo hōo--guá, hó--bô?” “a1-pah4!gua2 tsit4 e5 hioh4-luah8 than3-tioh8 lak8-pah4 khoo1. sann1-pah4 khoo1 tau3 sio1-thinn1 tshu3--li2,sann1-pah4 khoo1 hoo7--gua2,ho2--bo5?” 「阿爸!我這个歇熱趁著六百箍。三百箍鬥相添厝裡,三百箍予我,好無?」 “A-pah!Góa chit ê hioh-loa̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah kho͘. Saⁿ-pah kho͘ tàu sio-thiⁿ chhù--lí,saⁿ-pah kho͘ hō͘--góa,hó--bô?” Dad! I earned 600 dollars in total during summer vacation. $300 for family expenses, the rest $300 for me, is that okay? 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM003_concat.wav 10.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM003_concat.wav 6.526125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male A-sing khin-siann-sè-sueh, tsin kiann in a-pah pìnn-bīn, in a-pah tsin pháinn. a1-sing1 khin1-siann1-se3-sueh4,tsin1 kiann1 in1 a1-pah4 pinn3-bin7, in1 a1-pah4 tsin1 phainn2. 阿生輕聲細說,真驚𪜶阿爸變面,𪜶阿爸真歹。 A-seng khin-siaⁿ-sè-soeh,chin kiaⁿ in a-pah pìⁿ-bīn, in a-pah chin pháiⁿ. A-sing spoke softly and was afraid that his father's face would change because his father was fierce. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM003_concat.wav 6.72 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM003_concat.wav 3.66 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah tsē tsînn beh tshòng sánn-mih?” “gin2-a2-lang5 theh8 hiah4 tse7 tsinn5 beh4 tshong3 sann2-mih4?” 「囡仔人提遐濟錢欲創啥物?」 “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah chē chîⁿ beh chhòng sáⁿ-mih?” A kid like you needs so much money for what? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM003_concat.wav 4.2663125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM003_concat.wav 2.07 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male in a-pah tuā-siann mn̄g. in1 a1-pah4 tua7-siann1 mng7. 𪜶阿爸大聲問。 in a-pah tōa-siaⁿ mn̄g. His father asked loudly. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM003_concat.wav 2.7943125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM003_concat.wav 4.581875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tú-thâu-á, khiā tī pinn--á teh la̍k-la̍k-tshuah ê A-sing tu2-thau5-a2,khia7 ti7 pinn1--a2 teh4 lak8-lak8-tshuah4 e5 a1-sing1 拄頭仔,徛佇邊仔咧慄慄掣的阿生 Tú-thâu-á,khiā tī piⁿ--á teh la̍k-la̍k-chhoah ê A-seng Just a moment ago, A-Sing stood there and trembled. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM003_concat.wav 5.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM003_concat.wav 5.13625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male khuànn in a-pah lóng bô kóng-uē, tsin kiann i m̄ tap-ìng. khuann3 in1 a1-pah4 long2 bo5 kong2-ue7,tsin1 kiann1 i1 m7 tap4-ing3. 看𪜶阿爸攏無講話,真驚伊毋答應。 khòaⁿ in a-pah lóng bô kóng-ōe,chin kiaⁿ i m̄ tap-èng. Seeing that his father did not make a sound, he was afraid that his father might reject him. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM003_concat.wav 6.783625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM003_concat.wav 8.237375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hó-ka-tsài! Kuè tsi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pah the̍h-tio̍h hit sann-pah khoo tiām-tiām-á kiânn li̍p-khì pâng-king. ho2-ka1-tsai3!kue3 tsit8-tak4-ku2-a2, in1 a1-pah4 theh8-tioh8 hit4 sann1-pah4 khoo1 tiam7-tiam7-a2 kiann5 lip8-khi3 pang5-king1. 好佳哉!過一觸久仔,𪜶阿爸提著彼三百箍恬恬仔行入去房間。 Hó-ka-chài!Kòe chi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pah the̍h-tio̍h hit saⁿ-pah kho͘ tiām-tiām-á kiâⁿ li̍p-khì pâng-keng. Luckily, after a while, his father took the three hundred TWD and left for his room quietly. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM003_concat.wav 8.447625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM003_concat.wav 2.94625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male “Uah! Guá ē-tàng khì tha̍k-tsheh--ah!” “uah4!gua2 e7-tang3 khi3 thak8-tsheh4--ah4!” 「哇!我會當去讀冊矣!」 “Oah!Góa ē-tàng khì tha̍k-chheh--ah!” Wow! I can go to school now! 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM003_concat.wav 3.8773125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM003_concat.wav 6.1310625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tàu thàn tsi̍t-kuá tsînn lâi kā tshù-lāi sio-thinn, A-sing tō sī kî-tiong tsi̍t ê. tau3 than3 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 lai5 ka7 tshu3-lai7 sio1-thinn1, a1-sing1 to7 si7 ki5-tiong1 tsit8 e5. 鬥趁一寡錢來共厝內相添,阿生就是其中一个。 tàu thàn chi̍t-kóa chîⁿ lâi kā chhù-lāi sio-thiⁿ, A-seng tō sī kî-tiong chi̍t ê. Helping their households to earn some money, A-sing was one of them. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM003_concat.wav 5.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM003_concat.wav 4.2661875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tuānn: tsò-sing-lí tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 sin1 kai1-tuann7:tso3-sing1-li2 台語文運動新階段:做生理 Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tōaⁿ:chò-seng-lí A new stage for the Taiwanese Hokkien Language Movement: Doing business. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM003_concat.wav 6.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.10_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.10_THM003_concat.wav 8.4810625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male koh lâi, lán ài kuánn-kín hānn-ji̍p “sin koh to̍k-li̍p” ê kai-tuānn: khai-sí tsún-pī “tsò-sing-lí”! koh4 lai5,lan2 ai3 kuann2-kin2 hann7-jip8“sin1 koh4 tok8-lip8”e5 kai1-tuann7: khai1-si2 tsun2-pi7“tso3-sing1-li2”! 閣來,咱愛趕緊迒入「新閣獨立」的階段:開始準備「做生理」! koh lâi,lán ài kóaⁿ-kín hāⁿ-ji̍p“sin koh to̍k-li̍p”ê kai-tōaⁿ: khai-sí chún-pī“chò-seng-lí”! Next, we must quickly step nto the phase of being 'new and independent': start preparing to 'do business'! 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.10_THM003_concat.wav 7.7223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.12_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.12_THM003_concat.wav 9.3189375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tsò-sing-lí tō sī beh thàn-tsînn, tsò-sing-lí tō sī ài ū kīng-tsing, tsò-sing-lí tō sī ài káng-kiù phín-tsit; tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 beh4 than3-tsinn5, tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1, tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 ai3 kang2-kiu3 phin2-tsit4; 做生理就是欲趁錢,做生理就是愛有競爭,做生理就是愛講究品質; chò-seng-lí tō sī beh thàn-chîⁿ, chò-seng-lí tō sī ài ū kēng-cheng, chò-seng-lí tō sī ài káng-kiù phín-chit; Doing business is about making money. Doing business is about being competitive. Doing business is about paying attention to quality. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.12_THM003_concat.wav 9.7703125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.15_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.15_THM003_concat.wav 3.586875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tse tō sī guá beh kóng ê hong-hiòng kah tiōng-tiám. tse1 to7 si7 gua2 beh4 kong2 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 tiong7-tiam2. 這就是我欲講的方向佮重點。 che tō sī góa beh kóng ê hong-hiòng kah tiōng-tiám. This is the direction and focus of what I want to talk about. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.15_THM003_concat.wav 4.7143125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.16_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.16_THM003_concat.wav 9.16975 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male lán ê phín-tsit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-tsuánn mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-kuan, tse sī ki-pún tō-lí. lan2 e5 phin2-tsit4 na7 bo5-kau3 ho2, koh4-khah4 an2-tsuann2 ma7 bo5 lang5 e7 lai5 kau1-kuan1, tse1 si7 ki1-pun2 to7-li2. 咱的品質若無夠好,閣較按怎嘛無人會來交關,這是基本道理。 lán ê phín-chit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-chóaⁿ mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-koan, che sī ki-pún tō-lí. If our quality is not good enough, no matter what, no one will buy it, this is the basic reason. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.16_THM003_concat.wav 7.4764375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.19_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.19_THM003_concat.wav 6.03875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Sóo-pái lán ê Tâi-gí-bûn tsok-phín to̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông, sing-kip. soo2-pai2 lan2 e5 tai5-gi2-bun5 tsok4-phin2 toh8-ai3 ke3-siok8 ka1-kiong5,sing1-kip4. 所擺咱的台語文作品著愛繼續加強、升級。 Só͘-pái lán ê Tâi-gí-bûn chok-phín to̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông,seng-kip. Therefore, our Taiwanese Hokkien works should continue to be strengthened and improved. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.19_THM003_concat.wav 7.40675 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.2_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.2_THM003_concat.wav 2.4036875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tsok-tsiá: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū tsok4-tsia2:tiunn1 hok8-tsu7 作者:張復聚 chok-chiá:Tiuⁿ Ho̍k-chū Author: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.2_THM003_concat.wav 3.135625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.20_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.20_THM003_concat.wav 57.885375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khuè tō sī “tsok-phín to-guân-huà”: tshòng-tsok khah tsē bô kāng bûn-luī ê tsok-phín, tshin-tshiūnn bûn-ha̍k, gū-giân, thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k (i-ha̍k, bu̍t-lí, huà-ha̍k, thài-khong, tē-kiû kho-ha̍k......), gē-su̍t, im-ga̍k, bûn-huà, tsìng-tī, king-tsè, sing-bu̍t, khuân-pó, tshiò-khue, si̍t-iōng-bûn (kiat-hun thiap-á, tsè-bûn, tshui-tsiàn-bûn, kiû-tsit-bûn, kong-bûn), sīm-tsì tē-lí, li̍k-sú, tsong-kàu, thiat-ha̍k ê bûn-tsiong── ti̍k-pia̍t sī ài tuā-tuā-la̍t tshut-pán gín-á-tsheh, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bú-gí kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hōo kok-sió, kok-tiong ha̍k-sing thang tha̍k, hōo in ē-tàng kā tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê, tsin iú-hān ê bó-gí-bûn îuî-tshî mài tn̄g-kin! siong7 ki1-pun2 e5 khang1-khue3 to7 si7“tsok4-phin2 to1-guan5-hua3”: tshong3-tsok4 khah4 tse7 bo5 kang7 bun5-lui7 e5 tsok4-phin2, tshin1-tshiunn7 bun5-hak8,gu7-gian5,thong1-siok8 kho1-hak8(i1-hak8,but8-li2,hua3-hak8,thai3-khong1,te7-kiu5 kho1-hak8......), ge7-sut8,im1-gak8,bun5-hua3,tsing3-ti7,king1-tse3,sing1-but8, khuan5-po2,tshio3-khue1,sit8-iong7-bun5(kiat4-hun1 thiap4-a2,tse3-bun5,tshui1-tsian3-bun5,kiu5-tsit4-bun5,kong1-bun5), sim7-tsi3 te7-li2,lik8-su2,tsong1-kau3,thiat4-hak8 e5 bun5-tsiong1── tik8-piat8 si7 ai3 tua7-tua7-lat8 tshut4-pan2 gin2-a2-tsheh4, than3 hak8-hau7 u7 bu2-gi2 kau3-iok8, the5-kiong1 hoo7 kok4-sio2,kok4-tiong1 hak8-sing1 thang1 thak8, hoo7 in1 e7-tang3 ka7 ti7 hak8-hau7 oh8--tioh8--e5,tsin1 iu2-han7 e5 bo2-gi2-bun5 îuî-tshi5 mai3 tng7-kin1! 上基本的工課就是「作品多元化」:創作較濟無仝文類的作品,親像文學、寓言、通俗科學(醫學、物理、化學、太空、地球科學……)、藝術、音樂、文化、政治、經濟、生物、環保、笑詼、實用文(結婚帖仔、祭文、推薦文、求職文、公文),甚至地理、歷史、宗教、哲學的文章──特別是愛大大力出版囡仔冊,趁學校有母語教育,提供予國小、國中學生通讀,予𪜶會當共佇學校學著的、真有限的母語文維持莫斷根! Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khòe tō sī“chok-phín to-goân-hòa”: chhòng-chok khah chē bô kāng bûn-lūi ê chok-phín, chhin-chhiūⁿ bûn-ha̍k,gū-giân,thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k(i-ha̍k,bu̍t-lí,hòa-ha̍k,thài-khong,tē-kiû kho-ha̍k......), gē-su̍t,im-ga̍k,bûn-hòa,chèng-tī,keng-chè,seng-bu̍t, khoân-pó,chhiò-khoe,si̍t-iōng-bûn(kiat-hun thiap-á,chè-bûn,chhui-chiàn-bûn,kiû-chit-bûn,kong-bûn), sīm-chì tē-lí,le̍k-sú,chong-kàu,thiat-ha̍k ê bûn-chiong── te̍k-pia̍t sī ài tōa-tōa-la̍t chhut-pán gín-á-chheh, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bú-gí kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hō͘ kok-sió,kok-tiong ha̍k-seng thang tha̍k, hō͘ in ē-tàng kā tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê,chin iú-hān ê bó-gí-bûn îuî-chhî mài tn̄g-kin! The most basic lesson is 'diversity of works': create more different types of works, such as literature, fables, popular science (medicine, physics, chemistry, space, earth science ......), art, music, culture, politics, economy, biology, environmental protection, jokes, practical texts (marriage invitation, ritual, recommendation, job application The articles of geography, history, religion, and philosophy are also available. The most important thing is to do our best to publish children's books and to provide comprehensive reading to elementary and junior high school students while the schools are promoting mother tongue education. This will allow them to carry on the limited mother-tongue text they have learned in school without interruption. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.20_THM003_concat.wav 57.2368125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.3_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.3_THM003_concat.wav 5.13625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng kàu tsit-má í-king ū tshiau-kuè sì-tsa̍p tang--ah! tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 kau3 tsit4-ma2 i2-king1 u7 tshiau1-kue3 si3-tsap8 tang1--ah4! 台語文運動到這馬已經有超過四十冬矣! Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng kàu chit-má í-keng ū chhiau-kòe sì-cha̍p tang--ah! It has been 40 years since the Taiwanese Hokkien Movement started. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.3_THM003_concat.wav 5.589 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM003_concat.wav 14.5016875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Ū hó ê tsok-phín tsiah ē-tàng tsìng-bîng tsit ê gí-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thuân bān nî, kiánn-sun mā tsiah khíng, tsiah ē beh pó-tsûn, tshái-iōng. u7 ho2 e5 tsok4-phin2 tsiah4 e7-tang3 tsing3-bing5 tsit4 e5 gi2-gian5 u7 ke3-tat8 liu5-thuan5 ban7 ni5, kiann2-sun1 ma7 tsiah4 khing2,tsiah4 e7 beh4 po2-tsun5,tshai2-iong7. 有好的作品才會當證明這个語言有價值流傳萬年,囝孫嘛才肯、才會欲保存、採用。 Ū hó ê chok-phín chiah ē-tàng chèng-bêng chit ê gí-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thoân bān nî, kiáⁿ-sun mā chiah khéng,chiah ē beh pó-chûn,chhái-iōng. Only when there are good works, can we prove that the language is precious and deserves to be passed down for centuries to come. And only then will the future generations be willing to preserve and adopt it. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM003_concat.wav 13.781 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.32_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.32_THM003_concat.wav 11.489625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Koh lâi sī kīng-tsing: tsok-phín ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k, sin-suí ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k, su-li̍p-huat mā ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k! koh4 lai5 si7 king7-tsing1: tsok4-phin2 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8, sin1-sui2 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8, su1-lip8-huat4 ma7 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8! 閣來是競爭:作品愛有競爭力、薪水愛有競爭力、輸入法嘛愛有競爭力! Koh lâi sī kēng-cheng: chok-phín ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k, sin-súi ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k, su-li̍p-hoat mā ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k! Another thing is competition. Our work must be competitive! Our pay must be competitive! Our input method engine must also be competitive! 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.32_THM003_concat.wav 11.605 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.36_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.36_THM003_concat.wav 18.033 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tn̂g-kî thui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsú-tiunn tsit-guân sin-suí ài pí guā-kháu khah kuân, hōo tsò Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū tsū-sìn kah kong-îng. tng5-ki5 thui1-sak4 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 li2 kang1-khioh4 tai5-gi2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsu2-tiunn1 tsit4-guan5 sin1-sui2 ai3 pi2 gua7-khau2 khah4 kuan5, hoo7 tso3 tai5-gi2-bun5 e5 tong5-kang1 u7 tsu7-sin3 kah4 kong1-ing5. 長期推捒台語文運動的李江却台語文教基金會主張職員薪水愛比外口較懸,予做台語文的同工有自信佮光榮。 tn̂g-kî thui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe chú-tiuⁿ chit-goân sin-súi ài pí gōa-kháu khah koân, hō͘ chò Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū chū-sìn kah kong-êng. Lí Kang-khiok Foundation, a long-time promoter of the Taiwanese language movement, advocates that the salaries of the Foundation's staff must be higher than the average salary. The employees of the Foundation are proud of the company and feel confident. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.36_THM003_concat.wav 16.601875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.38_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.38_THM003_concat.wav 4.7149375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Koh ū, tsit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-jī kang-kū sī tshiú-ki-á. koh4 u7,tsit4-ma2 siong7 iau3-kin2 e5 phah4-ji7 kang1-ku7 si7 tshiu2-ki1-a2. 閣有,這馬上要緊的拍字工具是手機仔。 Koh ū,chit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-jī kang-kū sī chhiú-ki-á. Also, the most urgent typing tool right now is the mobile phone. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.38_THM003_concat.wav 5.077 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.39_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.39_THM003_concat.wav 9.744375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tshiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gí su-li̍p-huat tī IOS hē-thóng kan-ta ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gí su-li̍p-huat. tshiu2-ki1-a2 e5 tai5-gi2 su1-lip8-huat4 ti7 IOS he7-thong2 kan1-ta1 u7 lo5-han3-kha1 tai5-gi2 su1-lip8-huat4. 手機仔的台語輸入法佇IOS系統干焦有羅漢跤台語輸入法。 chhiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gí su-li̍p-hoat tī IOS hē-thóng kan-ta ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gí su-li̍p-hoat. The only Taiwanese Hokkien input method for iOS on mobile phones is 'Lô-hàn-kha'. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.39_THM003_concat.wav 8.2343125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.4_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.4_THM003_concat.wav 2.4 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male ke-kiám mā ū kuá sîng-tsiū. ke1-kiam2 ma7 u7 kua2 sing5-tsiu7. 加減嘛有寡成就。 ke-kiám mā ū kóa sêng-chiū. We have more or less accomplished something. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.4_THM003_concat.wav 3.7543125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.40_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.40_THM003_concat.wav 6.129875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó iōng, mā ū bē tsió būn-tê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-kuat. lo5-han3-kha1 sui1-bong2 ho2 iong7, ma7 u7 be7 tsio2 bun7-te5 it4-tit8 long2 bo5 kai2-kuat4. 羅漢跤雖罔好用,嘛有袂少問題一直攏無解決。 Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó iōng, mā ū bē chió būn-tê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-koat. Although Lô-hàn-kha comes in handy, there are still many problems that it couldn't solve. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.40_THM003_concat.wav 6.271625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.42_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.42_THM003_concat.wav 12.143625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tsuè-kīn lán mā teh kóo-bú koh khai-huat līng-guā tsi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kīng-tsing, hōo-siong làu-khuì kiû tsìn-pōo. tsue3-kin7 lan2 ma7 teh4 koo2-bu2 koh4 khai1-huat4 ling7-gua7 tsit8 tho3 lai5 kah4 lo5-han3-kha1 king7-tsing1, hoo7-siong1 lau3-khui3 kiu5 tsin3-poo7. 最近咱嘛咧鼓舞閣開發另外一套來佮羅漢跤競爭,互相落氣求進步。 chòe-kīn lán mā teh kó͘-bú koh khai-hoat lēng-gōa chi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kēng-cheng, hō͘-siong làu-khùi kiû chìn-pō͘. Lately, we are also encouraging the development of another approach to competing with Lô-hàn-kha. We can give each other constructive criticism and improve together. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.42_THM003_concat.wav 12.095625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.44_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.44_THM003_concat.wav 13.049625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Mā ài pài-thok khah tsē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k phok-sū, līn-tsin gián-kiù Tâi-gí-bûn, án-ne ha̍k-su̍t thîng-tōo ē the̍h-sing, tuì Tâi-gí-bûn huat-tián ē ū tuā pang-tsân. ma7 ai3 pai3-thok4 khah4 tse7 siau3-lian5-lang5 thak8 gi2-gian5-hak8 phok4-su7, lin7-tsin1 gian2-kiu3 tai5-gi2-bun5, an2-ne1 hak8-sut8 thing5-too7 e7 theh8-sing1, tui3 tai5-gi2-bun5 huat4-tian2 e7 u7 tua7 pang1-tsan5. 嘛愛拜託較濟少年人讀語言學博士,認真研究台語文,按呢學術程度會提升,對台語文發展會有大幫贊。 Mā ài pài-thok khah chē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k phok-sū, līn-chin gián-kiù Tâi-gí-bûn, án-ne ha̍k-su̍t thêng-tō͘ ē the̍h-seng, tùi Tâi-gí-bûn hoat-tián ē ū tōa pang-chân. We should also encourage more young people to pursue PhD in linguistics and put more effort into studying the Taiwanese language. By doing so, the academic level will improve and that supports the development of the Taiwanese language. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.44_THM003_concat.wav 15.317 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.48_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.48_THM003_concat.wav 6.759875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male ū phín-tsit koh ū kīng-tsing, tse tō sī tsò-sing-lí beh sîng-kong ê thâu-sing-sòo. u7 phin2-tsit4 koh4 u7 king7-tsing1, tse1 to7 si7 tso3-sing1-li2 beh4 sing5-kong1 e5 thau5-sing1-soo3. 有品質閣有競爭,這就是做生理欲成功的頭先素。 ū phín-chit koh ū kēng-cheng, che tō sī chò-seng-lí beh sêng-kong ê thâu-seng-sò͘. To have quality and to be competitive. These are the main criteria for success in business. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.48_THM003_concat.wav 6.2503125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.55_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.55_THM003_concat.wav 9.052375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hi-bāng ū tsi̍t kang, tsò Tâi-gí-bûn tsin-tsiànn ū tsînn thàn, ū sîng-tsiū, koh hó miâ-siann. hi1-bang7 u7 tsit8 kang1, tso3 tai5-gi2-bun5 tsin1-tsiann3 u7 tsinn5 than3,u7 sing5-tsiu7,koh4 ho2 mia5-siann1. 希望有一工,做台語文真正有錢趁、有成就、閣好名聲。 Hi-bāng ū chi̍t kang, chò Tâi-gí-bûn chin-chiàⁿ ū chîⁿ thàn,ū sêng-chiū,koh hó miâ-siaⁿ. I hope that one day, working with the Taiwanese Hokkien language can really earn us money, give us accomplishments, and bring us fame. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.55_THM003_concat.wav 10.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.57_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.57_THM003_concat.wav 7.6455 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Án-ne Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê tsiân-puè tsiah ē-tàng sió-khuá hioh-tshuán, kóng “Tâi-gí-bûn tshut-thâu-thinn!” an2-ne1 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 tsian5-pue3 tsiah4 e7-tang3 sio2-khua2 hioh4-tshuan2, kong2“tai5-gi2-bun5 tshut4-thau5-thinn1!” 按呢台語文運動的前輩才會當小可歇喘,講「台語文出頭天!」 Án-ne Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê chiân-pòe chiah ē-tàng sió-khóa hioh-chhoán, kóng“Tâi-gí-bûn chhut-thâu-thiⁿ!” The pioneers who participated in the activities of the Taiwanese Hokkien language can take a break and say that the 'Taiwanese Hokkien language has made a name for itself'. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.57_THM003_concat.wav 11.8185625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.6_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.6_THM003_concat.wav 12.5609375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male “Tâi-gí kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi” mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū teh thó-lūn, m̄-koh tsiam-tuì ūn-tōng pún-sin beh án-tsuánn koh-khah tsìn-pōo ê kiám-thó, tsóng--sī mā bē-tàng bô. “tai5-gi2 kong1-kiong7 tian7-si7-tai5”ma7 liok8-siok8 u7 teh4 tho2-lun7, m7-koh4 tsiam1-tui3 un7-tong7 pun2-sin1 beh4 an2-tsuann2 koh4-khah4 tsin3-poo7 e5 kiam2-tho2, tsong2--si7 ma7 be7-tang3 bo5. 「台語公共電視台」嘛陸續有咧討論,毋過針對運動本身欲按怎閣較進步的檢討,總是嘛袂當無。 “Tâi-gí kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi”mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū teh thó-lūn, m̄-koh chiam-tùi ūn-tōng pún-sin beh án-chóaⁿ koh-khah chìn-pō͘ ê kiám-thó, chóng--sī mā bē-tàng bô. There are definitely ongoing discussions about the 'Taiwanese Hokkien Public Television'. However, we must not forget to review how the movement itself can further improve. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.6_THM003_concat.wav 12.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM003_concat.wav 11.176625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male iáu teh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-teh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tuè tsuan-gia̍p ê lāu-su siōng kap-pòo, phàu tê tsit nn̄g hāng khò. iau2 teh4 tau3-tin7 hit4-si5, i1 tng1-teh4 li7-iong7 hioh4-khun3 si5-kan1, tue3 tsuan1-giap8 e5 lau7-su1 siong7 kap4-poo3,phau3 te5 tsit4 nng7 hang7 kho3. 猶咧鬥陣彼時,伊當咧利用歇睏時間,綴專業的老師上kap布、泡茶這兩項課。 iáu teh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-teh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tòe choan-gia̍p ê lāu-su siōng kap-pò͘,phàu tê chit nn̄g hāng khò. While helping out, he used his rest time to enrol in tailoring and tea-brewing classes by professional mentors. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM003_concat.wav 8.981 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.13_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.13_THM003_concat.wav 19.921875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hit-tsām-á piān ū-îng, i ē tsio guá khì Ing-ko khuànn huî-á, kóng iā kî-kuài, siang-lâng tâng-tsê ta̍h-ji̍p tiàm-mn̂g, tsiah bô sann, nn̄g hun-tsing, bô-lūn tsa-poo, tsa-bóo ê tiàm-thâu-ke, tsin kín tō ē kah i ū kóng ū tshiò. hit4-tsam7-a2 pian7 u7-ing5, i1 e7 tsio1 gua2 khi3 ing1-ko1 khuann3 hui5-a2, kong2 ia7 ki5-kuai3,siang1-lang5 tang5-tse5 tah8-jip8 tiam3-mng5, tsiah4 bo5 sann1,nng7 hun1-tsing1, bo5-lun7 tsa1-poo1,tsa1-boo2 e5 tiam3-thau5-ke1, tsin1 kin2 to7 e7 kah4 i1 u7 kong2 u7 tshio3. 彼站仔便有閒,伊會招我去鶯歌看瓷仔,講也奇怪,雙人同齊踏入店門,才無三、兩分鐘,無論查埔、查某的店頭家,真緊就會佮伊有講有笑。 Hit-chām-á piān ū-êng, i ē chio góa khì Eng-ko khòaⁿ hûi-á, kóng iā kî-koài,siang-lâng tâng-chê ta̍h-ji̍p tiàm-mn̂g, chiah bô saⁿ,nn̄g hun-cheng, bô-lūn cha-po͘,cha-bó͘ ê tiàm-thâu-ke, chin kín tō ē kah i ū kóng ū chhiò. At that time, whenever he has time, he would bring me to Ing-ko to look at the chinawares. Somehow, as soon as the both of us entered the shop, the shopkeeper, no matter guy or girl, would talk and laugh with him within two to three minutes. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.13_THM003_concat.wav 17.3863125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM003_concat.wav 2.04 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male ha kuí-tshuì-á tê. ha1 kui2-tshui3-a2 te5. 哈幾喙仔茶。 ha kúi-chhùi-á tê. Drink a few sips of tea. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM003_concat.wav 2.8583125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.21_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.21_THM003_concat.wav 11.151 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male I teh kíng mi̍h-kiānn ê kha-tshiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ bat o-ló suí, kiám-tshái sī “suí” tsit ê sû pún-sin i1 teh4 king2 mih8-kiann7 e5 kha1-tshiu2 bo5 ban7, m7-koh4 m7 bat4 o1-lo2 sui2, kiam2-tshai2 si7“sui2”tsit4 e5 su5 pun2-sin1 伊咧揀物件的跤手無慢,毋過 毋捌呵咾媠,檢采是「媠」這个詞本身 I teh kéng mi̍h-kiāⁿ ê kha-chhiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ bat o-ló súi, kiám-chhái sī“súi”chit ê sû pún-sin He always picked out his items swiftly, but he never praised them to be beautiful. Maybe because of the word 'beautiful' itself... 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.21_THM003_concat.wav 9.301 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.24_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.24_THM003_concat.wav 2.46 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tō siunn kuè-thâu khah kán-tan--kuá. to7 siunn1 kue3-thau5 khah4 kan2-tan1--kua2. 就傷過頭較簡單--寡。 tō siuⁿ kòe-thâu khah kán-tan--kóa. It was a little too easy. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.24_THM003_concat.wav 2.7943125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.25_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.25_THM003_concat.wav 1.95 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male I ē khin-siann-á kā guá kóng... i1 e7 khin1-siann1-a2 ka7 gua2 kong2... 伊會輕聲仔共我講…… I ē khin-siaⁿ-á kā góa kóng... He would tell me in a soft voice. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.25_THM003_concat.wav 3.135625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.26_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.26_THM003_concat.wav 14.7128125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tsit hāng tsok-phín khuànn liáu sim ē tsīng, hit hāng sī Tâi-uân bí bûn-huà, piàn-thé su-khó--tshut-lâi ê tsok-phín. tsit4 hang7 tsok4-phin2 khuann3 liau2 sim1 e7 tsing7, hit4 hang7 si7 tai5-uan5 bi2 bun5-hua3, pian3-the2 su1-kho2--tshut4-lai5 e5 tsok4-phin2. 這項作品看了心會靜,彼項是臺灣米文化,變體思考--出-來的作品。 chit hāng chok-phín khòaⁿ liáu sim ē chēng, hit hāng sī Tâi-oân bí bûn-hòa, piàn-thé su-khó--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín. Reading this work would calm your heart. This is the product of the divergent thinking from the rice culture of Taiwan. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.26_THM003_concat.wav 8.661 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.29_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.29_THM003_concat.wav 4.6224375 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male koh-lâi tsit hāng ū tsok-tsiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sìng-keh. koh4-lai5 tsit4 hang7 u7 tsok4-tsia2 pun2-lang5 tim3-tau2 e5 sing3-keh4. 閣來這項有作者本人tìm-táu的性格。 koh-lâi chit hāng ū chok-chiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sèng-keh. In addition, the author’s steady and dependable character is observable in this instance. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.29_THM003_concat.wav 6.933 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.33_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.33_THM003_concat.wav 12.869625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tíng lé-pài teh hô tshùn-tshioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū tsit-būn--guá, pue-tiām-á bô lâng tsò hiah-nī tuā tè--ê, toh-tsū-á mā bô lâng tsò hiah sè tè--ê? ting2 le2-pai3 teh4 ho5 tshun3-tshioh4 e5 si5, thau5-ke1-niu5 u7 tsit4-bun7--gua2, pue1-tiam7-a2 bo5 lang5 tso3 hiah4-ni7 tua7 te3--e5, toh4-tsu7-a2 ma7 bo5 lang5 tso3 hiah4 se3 te3--e5? 頂禮拜咧和寸尺的時,頭家娘有質問--我,杯墊仔無人做遐爾大塊--的,桌苴仔嘛無人做遐細塊--的? Téng lé-pài teh hô chhùn-chhioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū chit-būn--góa, poe-tiām-á bô lâng chò hiah-nī tōa tè--ê, toh-chū-á mā bô lâng chò hiah sè tè--ê? When comparing the dimensions last week, the lady boss confronted me and commented that no one would make such a big coaster and a small table mat. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.33_THM003_concat.wav 11.1783125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.37_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.37_THM003_concat.wav 9.985875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Án-tsuánn phuè-sik, tshùn-tshioh beh tshâi juā tuā, sī tsá tī tshù--lí tō kuat-tīng hó--ê, tshiánn thâu-ke-niû tsiàu tsò tō sī; an2-tsuann2 phue3-sik4,tshun3-tshioh4 beh4 tshai5 jua7 tua7, si7 tsa2 ti7 tshu3--li2 to7 kuat4-ting7 ho2--e5, tshiann2 thau5-ke1-niu5 tsiau3 tso3 to7 si7; 按怎配色、寸尺欲裁偌大,是早佇厝--裡就決定好--的,請頭家娘照做就是; Án-chóaⁿ phòe-sek,chhùn-chhioh beh chhâi jōa tōa, sī chá tī chhù--lí tō koat-tēng hó--ê, chhiáⁿ thâu-ke-niû chiàu chò tō sī; The colour matching and required size were all decided at home long before. Please ask the boss lady to proceed as is. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.37_THM003_concat.wav 10.9223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM003_concat.wav 5.139875 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tō pí-pān hiān-tiûnn ê kuí-tè-á pòo-liāu, tsiah ū thang lâi kuat-tīng. to7 pi2-pan7 hian7-tiunn5 e5 kui2-te3-a2 poo3-liau7, tsiah4 u7 thang1 lai5 kuat4-ting7. 就比辦現場的幾塊仔布料,才有通來決定。 tō pí-pān hiān-tiûⁿ ê kúi-tè-á pò͘-liāu, chiah ū thang lâi koat-tēng. We can only decide after comparing the several fabrics onsite. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM003_concat.wav 5.7170000000000005 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM003_concat.wav 8.2073125 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male hit king tiàm, pòo ê sik-tī iú-hān, ka-tsài ū kuí tè nî-á tseh-á ha̍h-iōng ê âng si-á-pòo. hit4 king1 tiam3,poo3 e5 sik4-ti7 iu2-han7, ka1-tsai3 u7 kui2 te3 ni5-a2 tseh4-a2 hah8-iong7 e5 ang5 si1-a2-poo3. 彼間店,布的色緻有限,佳哉有幾塊年仔節仔合用的紅絲仔布。 hit keng tiàm,pò͘ ê sek-tī iú-hān, ka-chài ū kúi tè nî-á cheh-á ha̍h-iōng ê âng si-á-pò͘. There were limited colours for the cloth at the shop. Fortunately, there were a few red silk cloths that were suitable for the New Year. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM003_concat.wav 9.727625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.46_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.46_THM003_concat.wav 9.623625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tuā-âng--ê... sông, sī í-tsá guá m̄ bat teh khó-lū ê ki-ka sik-tsuí! tua7-ang5--e5...song5, si7 i2-tsa2 gua2 m7 bat4 teh4 kho2-lu7 e5 ki1-ka1 sik4-tsui2! 大紅--的……倯,是以早我毋捌咧考慮的居家色水! Tōa-âng--ê...sông, sī í-chá góa m̄ bat teh khó-lū ê ki-ka sek-chúi! Big red looks lame, so I never thought about using this color in my home before. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.46_THM003_concat.wav 6.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.50_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.50_THM003_concat.wav 7.949625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male lóng-tsóng tsò tsa̍p-jī tè, kin-á-ji̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hìng-tshuh-tshuh, kuánn-kín beh pòo-tì tsng-thānn. long2-tsong2 tso3 tsap8-ji7 te3, kin1-a2-jit8 theh8--tng2-lai5, hing3-tshuh4-tshuh4, kuann2-kin2 beh4 poo3-ti3 tsng1-thann7. 攏總做十二塊,今仔日提--轉-來,興tshuh-tshuh,趕緊欲佈置妝娗。 lóng-chóng chò cha̍p-jī tè, kin-á-ji̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hèng-chhuh-chhuh, kóaⁿ-kín beh pò͘-tì chng-thāⁿ. In total, there were twelve pieces. I got it back today and happily rushed to start decorating. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.50_THM003_concat.wav 7.893 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.54_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.54_THM003_concat.wav 17.395625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Thâu-tú-tsiah teh khǹg ê sî, ū ti̍k-pia̍t tsù-ì phuè-ha̍p ê sóo-tsāi, kng-suànn, koh ū khòng-tsè-tio̍h khǹg kuí tè, pún-tsiânn lia̍h-tsò siōng pháinn phuè ê tuā-âng siù kim-tshang, lo̍h-bué kā khuànn--khaih, suah kám-kak khah suí kuè thau5-tu2-tsiah4 teh4 khng3 e5 si5, u7 tik8-piat8 tsu3-i3 phue3-hap8 e5 soo2-tsai7,kng1-suann3, koh4 u7 khong3-tse3-tioh8 khng3 kui2 te3, pun2-tsiann5 liah8-tso3 siong7 phainn2 phue3 e5 tua7-ang5 siu3 kim1-tshang1, loh8-bue2 ka7 khuann3--khaih4, suah4 kam2-kak4 khah4 sui2 kue3 頭拄才咧囥的時,有特別注意配合的所在、光線,閣有控制著囥幾塊,本成掠做上歹配的大紅繡金蔥,落尾共看--khaih,煞感覺較媠過 Thâu-tú-chiah teh khǹg ê sî, ū te̍k-pia̍t chù-ì phòe-ha̍p ê só͘-chāi,kng-sòaⁿ, koh ū khòng-chè-tio̍h khǹg kúi tè, pún-chiâⁿ lia̍h-chò siōng pháiⁿ phòe ê tōa-âng siù kim-chhang, lo̍h-bóe kā khòaⁿ--khaih, soah kám-kak khah súi kòe When I was decorating just now, I paid specific attention to the matching surrounding and the lighting. I also fixed the number of pieces of cloth used. Even with the most jarring 'Red Embroidered Golden Onion', I still think it looks more beautiful in the end. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.54_THM003_concat.wav 17.0663125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.62_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.62_THM003_concat.wav 9.689625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Tuā-âng nā khǹg tio̍h sóo-tsāi, ē ū tiám tsing khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-koh nā-sī siunn thâu kuè tsē--lâi, iu-guân sī... sông. tua7-ang5 na7 khng3 tioh8 soo2-tsai7, e7 u7 tiam2 tsing1 khai1 gan2 e5 hau7-ko2, m7-koh4 na7-si7 siunn1 thau5 kue3 tse7--lai5, iu1-guan5 si7...song5. 大紅若囥著所在,會有點睛開眼的效果,毋過若是傷頭過濟--來,猶原是……倯。 Tōa-âng nā khǹg tio̍h só͘-chāi, ē ū tiám cheng khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-koh nā-sī siuⁿ thâu kòe chē--lâi, iu-goân sī...sông. Hibiscus elevates attractiveness. But if used too much, it would otherwise appear tacky. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.62_THM003_concat.wav 7.893 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.66_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.66_THM003_concat.wav 7.288625 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Hit kù “tsē--lâi tō sī suí” sī sánn-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah, kà pháinn gín-á tuā-sè. hit4 ku3“tse7--lai5 to7 si7 sui2”si7 sann2-lang5 kong2--e5, kui1 se3-ki2--ah4,ka3 phainn2 gin2-a2 tua7-se3. 彼句「濟--來就是媠」是啥人講--的,規世紀--矣,教歹囡仔大細。 Hit kù“chē--lâi tō sī súi”sī sáⁿ-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah,kà pháiⁿ gín-á tōa-sè. Who was the one who said that 'It'd be great if more were to come'? The kids were taught the wrong thing the whole century. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.66_THM003_concat.wav 8.917 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.68_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.68_THM003_concat.wav 2.97 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male Ah, tsit-sî suah hiông-hiông siūnn-khí ah4,tsit4-si5 suah4 hiong5-hiong5 siunn7-khi2 啊,這時煞雄雄想起 Ah,chit-sî soah hiông-hiông siūⁿ-khí Ah, at this time I suddenly remember that 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.68_THM003_concat.wav 3.925 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.69_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.69_THM003_concat.wav 3.18 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male m̄ bat kā “suí” kóng tshut-tshuì ê hit ê lâng. m7 bat4 ka7“sui2”kong2 tshut4-tshui3 e5 hit4 e5 lang5. 毋捌共「媠」講出喙的彼个人。 m̄ bat kā“súi”kóng chhut-chhùi ê hit ê lâng. He is the one who has never uttered the word 'beautiful'. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.69_THM003_concat.wav 4.6503125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.7_THM003_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.7_THM003_concat.wav 4.355 THM003 通行腔 Common accent Male tsù-bûn ê toh-tsū-á kah pue-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. tsu3-bun5 e5 toh4-tsu7-a2 kah4 pue1-tiam7-a2 theh8--tng2-lai5. 注文的桌苴仔佮杯墊仔提--轉來。 chù-bûn ê toh-chū-á kah poe-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. Please pick up the table mat and the coasters that I ordered. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.7_THM003_concat.wav 4.927625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM006_concat.wav 4.8625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male un-tōo sann-tsa̍p tsì sann-tsa̍p-jī tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t peh-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 sann1-tsap8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-ji7 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 peh4-tsap8 pha1 溫度三十至三十二度,落雨機率八十pha un-tō͘ saⁿ-cha̍p chì saⁿ-cha̍p-jī tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t peh-cha̍p pha The temperature is between thirty to thirty-two degrees, with an eighty percent chance of rain. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM006_concat.wav 6.613 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM006_concat.wav 4.95 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male lâi-pin gōo-pah peh-tsa̍p-it hō tshiánn-lâi sì hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 peh4-tsap8-it4 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 si3 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓五百八十一號請來四號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin gō͘-pah peh-cha̍p-it hō chhiáⁿ-lâi sì hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Customer number 581, please come to reception desk number 4 for your business. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM006_concat.wav 7.381 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM006_concat.wav 3.87 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male lóng-tsóng tsi̍t-pah sann-tsa̍p-gōo khoo, tsāu lí la̍k-tsa̍p-gōo khoo long2-tsong2 tsit8-pah4 sann1-tsap8-goo7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 lak8-tsap8-goo7 khoo1 攏總一百三十五箍, 找你六十五箍 lóng-chóng chi̍t-pah saⁿ-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘,chāu lí la̍k-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘ The total would be one hundred and thirty-five TWD. Here is your change, sixty-five TWD. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM006_concat.wav 8.0423125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM006_concat.wav 3.200625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male kin-á-ji̍t sī tshit-gue̍h tshe-la̍k, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 tshit4-gueh8 tshe1-lak8,pai3-lak8 今仔日是七月初六,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī chhit-goe̍h chhe-la̍k,pài-la̍k Today is July 6th, Saturday. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM006_concat.wav 3.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM006_concat.wav 2.76 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male i tī it kiú kiú sù nî tshut-sì i1 ti7 it4 kiu2 kiu2 su3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九九四年出世 i tī it kiú kiú sù nî chhut-sì He was born in 1999. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM006_concat.wav 3.064625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM006_concat.wav 3.09 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki sam sam sù tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 sam1 sam1 su3 請幫我轉分機三三四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki sam sam sù Please transfer me to extension 334. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM006_concat.wav 4.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM006_concat.wav 5.619875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Guá lâi kiò tsi̍t ê “tshì-suh ke-nn̄g-ko tsham lê-bóng-phuê”, lí beh phuè tinn-liāu--bô? gua2 lai5 kio3 tsit8 e5“tshi3-suh4 ke1-nng7-ko1 tsham1 le5-bong2-phue5”, li2 beh4 phue3 tinn1-liau7--bo5? 我來叫一个「tshì-suh雞卵糕參檸檬皮」,你欲配甜料無? Góa lâi kiò chi̍t ê“chhì-suh ke-nn̄g-ko chham lê-bóng-phôe”, lí beh phòe tiⁿ-liāu--bô? I'll order a 'cheese egg cake with lemon zest', do you want to go with dessert? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM006_concat.wav 7.522875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM006_concat.wav 2.4793125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tinn--ê--ooh, guá khuànn me̋-niú--tsi̍t-ē … tinn1--e5--ooh4,gua2 khuann3 me9-niu2--tsit8-e7… 甜的喔,我看me̋-niú--一下… Tiⁿ--ê--o͘h,góa khòaⁿ mĕ-niú--chi̍t-ē… Something sweet? Let's see what I can find from the menu. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM006_concat.wav 4.3303125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM006_concat.wav 3.06 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male guá beh ài tsi̍t tè tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo ê keh-á-piánn. gua2 beh4 ai3 tsit8 te3 tsioo1-koo2-le3-too3 e5 keh4-a2-piann2. 我欲愛一塊tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo的格仔餅。 góa beh ài chi̍t tè chio͘-kó͘-lè-tò͘ ê keh-á-piáⁿ. I would like a chocolate waffle. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM006_concat.wav 2.687625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM006_concat.wav 1.59 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hó, guá lâi-khì tiám. ho2,gua2 lai5-khi3 tiam2. 好,我來去點。 Hó,góa lâi-khì tiám. Sure. I will place the order. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM006_concat.wav 2.709 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM006_concat.wav 6.249875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male kim-suan ū gû-ling hām kuì-hue ê tshing-phang, phīng lí ê ka-pi ìng-kai bē khah-su. kim1-suan1 u7 gu5-ling1 ham7 kui3-hue1 e5 tshing1-phang1, phing7 li2 e5 ka1-pi1 ing3-kai1 be7 khah4-su1. 金萱有牛奶和桂花的清芳,並你的咖啡應該袂較輸。 kim-soan ū gû-leng hām kùi-hoe ê chheng-phang, phēng lí ê ka-pi èng-kai bē khah-su. Kim-suan has the fragrance of milk and sweet osmanthus. It shouldn't be too bad compared to your coffee. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM006_concat.wav 7.572999999999999 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM006_concat.wav 3.3336875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Ooh, Láu-hiân, ha tê uānn lí hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! ooh4,lau2-hian5,ha1 te5 uann7 li2 hang7-a2-lai7--e5--neh4! 喔,老賢,哈茶換你巷仔內的呢! O͘h,Láu-hiân,ha tê ōaⁿ lí hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! Oh, Láu-hiân, it's a professional like you who is drinking the tea. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM006_concat.wav 5.6743125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM006_concat.wav 9.826125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Guá kan-na ū leh lim hún-înn-ling-tê nia̋. Guán hia tshù-pinn-thâu-bué put-sî mā the̍h bô kâng tê-bí lâi tshuē guán pâ phàu tê uē-sian. gua2 kan1-na1 u7 leh4 lim1 hun2-inn5-ling1-te5 nia9. guan2 hia1 tshu3-pinn1-thau5-bue2 put4-si5 ma7 theh8 bo5 kang5 te5-bi2 lai5 tshue7 guan2 pa5 phau3 te5 ue7-sian1. 我干焦有咧啉粉圓奶茶nia̋.阮遐厝邊頭尾不時嘛提無仝茶米來揣阮爸泡茶話仙。 Góa kan-na ū leh lim hún-îⁿ-leng-tê niă. Goán hia chhù-piⁿ-thâu-bóe put-sî mā the̍h bô kâng tê-bí lâi chhōe goán pâ phàu tê ōe-sian. I only drink Mini Pearl Milk Tea. My neighbours frequently visit my father, bringing different types of tea leaves to chat while drinking tea. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM006_concat.wav 10.069 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM006_concat.wav 5.566875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Guá ū-sî mā khì tsham in tsia̍h tê liān-siáu-uē, siau-khián phah-lā-liâng. Bat--kuá--lah. gua2 u7-si5 ma7 khi3 tsham1 in1 tsiah8 te5 lian7-siau2-ue7,siau1-khian2 phah4-la7-liang5.bat4--kua2--lah4. 我有時嘛去參𪜶食茶練痟話,消遣拍抐涼。捌寡啦。 Góa ū-sî mā khì chham in chia̍h tê liān-siáu-ōe,siau-khián phah-lā-liâng.Bat--kóa--lah. Sometimes I would join them to drink tea and talk smack together too. It is to kill time. A few times, yeah. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM006_concat.wav 9.429 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THM006_concat.wav 9.651 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male iáu leh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-teh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tuè tsuan-gia̍p ê lāu-su siōng kap-pòo, phàu tê tsit nn̄g hāng khò. iau2 leh4 tau3-tin7 hit4-si5, i1 tng1-teh4 li7-iong7 hioh4-khun3 si5-kan1, tue3 tsuan1-giap8 e5 lau7-su1 siong7 kap4-poo3,phau3 te5 tsit4 nng7 hang7 kho3. 猶咧鬥陣彼時,伊當咧利用歇睏時間,綴專業的老師上kap布、泡茶這兩項課。 iáu leh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-teh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tòe choan-gia̍p ê lāu-su siōng kap-pò͘,phàu tê chit nn̄g hāng khò. While helping out, he used his rest time to enrol in tailoring and tea-brewing classes by professional mentors. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THM006_concat.wav 8.405 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THM006_concat.wav 15.7743125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hit-tsām-á piān ū-îng, i ē tsio guá khì Ing-ko khuànn huî-á, kóng ā kî-kuài, siang-lâng tâng-tsê ta̍h-ji̍p tiàm-mn̂g, tsiah bô sann, nn̄g hun-tsing, bô-lūn tsa-poo, tsa-bóo ê tiàm-thâu-ke, tsin kín tō ē kah i ū kóng ū tshiò. hit4-tsam7-a2 pian7 u7-ing5, i1 e7 tsio1 gua2 khi3 ing1-ko1 khuann3 hui5-a2, kong2 a7 ki5-kuai3,siang1-lang5 tang5-tse5 tah8-jip8 tiam3-mng5, tsiah4 bo5 sann1,nng7 hun1-tsing1, bo5-lun7 tsa1-poo1,tsa1-boo2 e5 tiam3-thau5-ke1, tsin1 kin2 to7 e7 kah4 i1 u7 kong2 u7 tshio3. 彼站仔便有閒,伊會招我去鶯歌看瓷仔,講也奇怪,雙人同齊踏入店門,才無三、兩分鐘,無論查埔、查某的店頭家,真緊就會佮伊有講有笑。 Hit-chām-á piān ū-êng, i ē chio góa khì Eng-ko khòaⁿ hûi-á, kóng ā kî-koài,siang-lâng tâng-chê ta̍h-ji̍p tiàm-mn̂g, chiah bô saⁿ,nn̄g hun-cheng, bô-lūn cha-po͘,cha-bó͘ ê tiàm-thâu-ke, chin kín tō ē kah i ū kóng ū chhiò. At that time, whenever he has time, he would bring me to Ing-ko to look at the chinawares. Somehow, as soon as the both of us entered the shop, the shopkeeper, no matter guy or girl, would talk and laugh with him within two to three minutes. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THM006_concat.wav 18.815625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THM006_concat.wav 4.14 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male ha kuí-tshuì-á tê. ha1 kui2-tshui3-a2 te5. 哈幾喙仔茶。 ha kúi-chhùi-á tê. Drink a few sips of tea. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THM006_concat.wav 2.837 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THM006_concat.wav 8.3321875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male I leh kíng mi̍h-kiānn ê kha-tshiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ bat o-ló suí, kiám-tshái sī “suí” tsit ê sû pún-sin i1 leh4 king2 mih8-kiann7 e5 kha1-tshiu2 bo5 ban7, m7-koh4 m7 bat4 o1-lo2 sui2, kiam2-tshai2 si7“sui2”tsit4 e5 su5 pun2-sin1 伊咧揀物件的跤手無慢,毋過毋捌呵咾媠,檢采是「媠」這个詞本身 I leh kéng mi̍h-kiāⁿ ê kha-chhiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ bat o-ló súi, kiám-chhái sī“súi”chit ê sû pún-sin He always picked out his items swiftly but never praised them as beautiful. Perhaps it is because of the word 'beautiful' itself. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THM006_concat.wav 9.1303125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THM006_concat.wav 2.49 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tō siunn kuè-thâu khah kán-tan--kuá. to7 siunn1 kue3-thau5 khah4 kan2-tan1--kua2. 就傷過頭較簡單--寡。 tō siuⁿ kòe-thâu khah kán-tan--kóa. It was a little too easy. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THM006_concat.wav 2.6023125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THM006_concat.wav 2.25 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male I ē khin-siann-á kā guá kóng... i1 e7 khin1-siann1-a2 ka7 gua2 kong2... 伊會輕聲仔共我講…… I ē khin-siaⁿ-á kā góa kóng... He would tell me in a soft voice. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THM006_concat.wav 2.5383125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THM006_concat.wav 8.02975 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tsit hāng tsok-phín khuànn liáu sim ē tsīng, hit hāng sī Tâi-uân bí bûn-huà, piàn-thé su-khó--tshut-lâi ê tsok-phín. tsit4 hang7 tsok4-phin2 khuann3 liau2 sim1 e7 tsing7, hit4 hang7 si7 tai5-uan5 bi2 bun5-hua3, pian3-the2 su1-kho2--tshut4-lai5 e5 tsok4-phin2. 這項作品看了心會靜,彼項是臺灣米文化,變體思考--出-來的作品。 chit hāng chok-phín khòaⁿ liáu sim ē chēng, hit hāng sī Tâi-oân bí bûn-hòa, piàn-thé su-khó--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín. This work will make people feel calm after seeing it. That work is Taiwanese rice culture, and it is a work that has been thought out through diffusion. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THM006_concat.wav 10.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THM006_concat.wav 3.87 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male koh-lâi tsit hāng ū tsok-tsiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sìng-keh. koh4-lai5 tsit4 hang7 u7 tsok4-tsia2 pun2-lang5 tim3-tau2 e5 sing3-keh4. 閣來這項有作者本人tìm-táu的性格。 koh-lâi chit hāng ū chok-chiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sèng-keh. In addition, this work portrays the author's stable character. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THM006_concat.wav 4.607625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THM006_concat.wav 10.289625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tíng lé-pài teh hô tshùn-tshioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū tsit-mn̄g--guá, pue-tiām-á bô lâng tsò hiah-nī tuā tè--ê, toh-tsū-á mā bô lâng tsò hiah sè tè--ê? ting2 le2-pai3 teh4 ho5 tshun3-tshioh4 e5 si5, thau5-ke1-niu5 u7 tsit4-mng7--gua2, pue1-tiam7-a2 bo5 lang5 tso3 hiah4-ni7 tua7 te3--e5, toh4-tsu7-a2 ma7 bo5 lang5 tso3 hiah4 se3 te3--e5? 頂禮拜咧和寸尺的時,頭家娘有質問--我,杯墊仔無人做遐爾大塊--的,桌苴仔嘛無人做遐細塊--的? Téng lé-pài teh hô chhùn-chhioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū chit-mn̄g--góa, poe-tiām-á bô lâng chò hiah-nī tōa tè--ê, toh-chū-á mā bô lâng chò hiah sè tè--ê? When we were taking measurements last week, the lady boss did ask me, do people usually make such big coasters and such small table mats? 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THM006_concat.wav 10.303625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THM006_concat.wav 7.78975 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Án-tsuánn phuè-sik, tshùn-tshioh beh tshâi guā tuā, sī tsá tī tshù--lí tō kuat-tīng hó--ê, tshiánn thâu-ke-niû tsiàu tsò tō sī; an2-tsuann2 phue3-sik4,tshun3-tshioh4 beh4 tshai5 gua7 tua7, si7 tsa2 ti7 tshu3--li2 to7 kuat4-ting7 ho2--e5, tshiann2 thau5-ke1-niu5 tsiau3 tso3 to7 si7; 按怎配色、寸尺欲裁偌大,是早佇厝--裡就決定好--的,請頭家娘照做就是; Án-chóaⁿ phòe-sek,chhùn-chhioh beh chhâi gōa tōa, sī chá tī chhù--lí tō koat-tēng hó--ê, chhiáⁿ thâu-ke-niû chiàu chò tō sī; The colour matching and required size were all decided at home long before. Please ask the boss lady to proceed as is. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THM006_concat.wav 8.703625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THM006_concat.wav 4.929875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tō pí-pān hiān-tiûnn ê kuí-tè-á pòo-liāu, tsiah ū thang lâi kuat-tīng. to7 pi2-pan7 hian7-tiunn5 e5 kui2-te3-a2 poo3-liau7, tsiah4 u7 thang1 lai5 kuat4-ting7. 就比辦現場的幾塊仔布料,才有通來決定。 tō pí-pān hiān-tiûⁿ ê kúi-tè-á pò͘-liāu, chiah ū thang lâi koat-tēng. We have to first compare with cloths bought on the spot, only then we can decide. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THM006_concat.wav 6.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THM006_concat.wav 6.789875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male hit king tiàm, pòo ê sik-tī iú-hān, ka-tsài ū kuí tè nî-á tseh-á ha̍h-īng ê âng si-á-pòo. hit4 king1 tiam3,poo3 e5 sik4-ti7 iu2-han7, ka1-tsai3 u7 kui2 te3 ni5-a2 tseh4-a2 hah8-ing7 e5 ang5 si1-a2-poo3. 彼間店,布的色緻有限,佳哉有幾塊年仔節仔合用的紅絲仔布。 hit keng tiàm,pò͘ ê sek-tī iú-hān, ka-chài ū kúi tè nî-á cheh-á ha̍h-ēng ê âng si-á-pò͘. The clothes in that store are not in all kinds of colors. But fortunately, there were some red silk clothes suitable for the Chinese New Year. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THM006_concat.wav 9.8680625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THM006_concat.wav 5.619875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tuā-âng--ê... sông, sī í-tsá guá m̄ bat teh khó-lū ê ki-ka sik-tsuí! tua7-ang5--e5...song5, si7 i2-tsa2 gua2 m7 bat4 teh4 kho2-lu7 e5 ki1-ka1 sik4-tsui2! 大紅--的……倯,是以早我毋捌咧考慮的居家色水! Tōa-âng--ê...sông, sī í-chá góa m̄ bat teh khó-lū ê ki-ka sek-chúi! It is bright red. It is an old-fashioned color that I would never think to use for my home in the past. 4716688 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THM006_concat.wav 7.061 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THM006_concat.wav 6.899625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male lóng-tsóng tsò tsa̍p-jī tè, kin-á-ji̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hìng-tshuh-tshuh, kuánn-kín beh pòo-tì tsng-thānn. long2-tsong2 tso3 tsap8-ji7 te3, kin1-a2-jit8 theh8--tng2-lai5, hing3-tshuh4-tshuh4, kuann2-kin2 beh4 poo3-ti3 tsng1-thann7. 攏總做十二塊,今仔日提--轉-來,興tshuh-tshuh,趕緊欲佈置妝娗。 lóng-chóng chò cha̍p-jī tè, kin-á-ji̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hèng-chhuh-chhuh, kóaⁿ-kín beh pò͘-tì chng-thāⁿ. We made twelve pieces in total, took them back today, and hurry up to decorate. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THM006_concat.wav 7.5303125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THM006_concat.wav 16.039375 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Thâu-tú-tsiah teh khǹg ê sî, ū ti̍k-pia̍t tsù-ì phuè-ha̍p ê sóo-tsāi, kng-suànn, koh ū khòng-tsè-tio̍h khǹg kuí tè, pún-tsiânn lia̍h-tsò siōng pháinn phuè ê tuā-âng siù kim-tshang, lo̍h-bué kā khuànn--khaih, suah kám-kak khah suí kuè thau5-tu2-tsiah4 teh4 khng3 e5 si5, u7 tik8-piat8 tsu3-i3 phue3-hap8 e5 soo2-tsai7,kng1-suann3, koh4 u7 khong3-tse3-tioh8 khng3 kui2 te3, pun2-tsiann5 liah8-tso3 siong7 phainn2 phue3 e5 tua7-ang5 siu3 kim1-tshang1, loh8-bue2 ka7 khuann3--khaih4, suah4 kam2-kak4 khah4 sui2 kue3 頭拄才咧囥的時,有特別注意配合的所在、光線,閣有控制著囥幾塊,本成掠做上歹配的大紅繡金蔥,落尾共看--khaih,煞感覺較媠過 Thâu-tú-chiah teh khǹg ê sî, ū te̍k-pia̍t chù-ì phòe-ha̍p ê só͘-chāi,kng-sòaⁿ, koh ū khòng-chè-tio̍h khǹg kúi tè, pún-chiâⁿ lia̍h-chò siōng pháiⁿ phòe ê tōa-âng siù kim-chhang, lo̍h-bóe kā khòaⁿ--khaih, soah kám-kak khah súi kòe When I was placing it just now, I paid special attention to the place to be matched, the light, and the quantity to be placed. I thought the bright red embroidered glitter was the most difficult color to match, but at the last look, it felt even more beautiful... 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THM006_concat.wav 15.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THM006_concat.wav 11.1008125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tuā-âng nā khǹg tio̍h sóo-tsāi, ē ū tiám tsing khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-koh nā-sī siunn kuè-thâu tsē--lâi, iu-guân sī... sông. tua7-ang5 na7 khng3 tioh8 soo2-tsai7, e7 u7 tiam2 tsing1 khai1 gan2 e5 hau7-ko2, m7-koh4 na7-si7 siunn1 kue3-thau5 tse7--lai5, iu1-guan5 si7...song5. 大紅若囥著所在,會有點睛開眼的效果,毋過若是傷過頭濟--來,猶原是……倯。 Tōa-âng nā khǹg tio̍h só͘-chāi, ē ū tiám cheng khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-koh nā-sī siuⁿ kòe-thâu chē--lâi, iu-goân sī...sông. If the bright red colour is used in the right place, it would add an attractive effect. However, if it is used too much, then it would still look...Old-fashioned. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THM006_concat.wav 12.0743125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THM006_concat.wav 6.7754375 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hit kù “tsē--lâi tō sī suí” sī siánn-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah, kà pháinn gín-á tuā-sè. hit4 ku3“tse7--lai5 to7 si7 sui2”si7 siann2-lang5 kong2--e5, kui1 se3-ki2--ah4,ka3 phainn2 gin2-a2 tua7-se3. 彼句「濟--來就是媠」是啥人講--的,規世紀--矣,教歹囡仔大細。 Hit kù“chē--lâi tō sī súi”sī siáⁿ-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah,kà pháiⁿ gín-á tōa-sè. Who was the one who said that 'It'd be great if more were to come'? The kids were taught the wrong thing the whole century. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THM006_concat.wav 12.735625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THM006_concat.wav 3.2905625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Ah, tsit-sî suah hiông-hiông siūnn-khí ah4,tsit4-si5 suah4 hiong5-hiong5 siunn7-khi2 啊,這時煞雄雄想起 Ah,chit-sî soah hiông-hiông siūⁿ-khí Ah, this time even suddenly remembered. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THM006_concat.wav 4.2720625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THM006_concat.wav 3.2855625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male m̄ bat kā “suí” kóng tshut-tshuì ê hit ê lâng. m7 bat4 ka7“sui2”kong2 tshut4-tshui3 e5 hit4 e5 lang5. 毋捌共「媠」講出喙的彼个人。 m̄ bat kā“súi”kóng chhut-chhùi ê hit ê lâng. He is the one who has never uttered the word 'beautiful'. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THM006_concat.wav 5.2903125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THM006_concat.wav 3.556875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tsù-bûn ê toh-tsū-á kah pue-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. tsu3-bun5 e5 toh4-tsu7-a2 kah4 pue1-tiam7-a2 theh8--tng2-lai5. 注文的桌苴仔佮杯墊仔提--轉來。 chù-bûn ê toh-chū-á kah poe-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. Bring back the pre-ordered table mats and coasters. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THM006_concat.wav 8.447625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM006_concat.wav 8.53975 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hit-sî-tsūn, khin-kang-gia̍p tsiah khai-sí puh-ínn, tsin tsē kang-tiûnn khiàm kang, tsia-ê thâu-ke tō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tê hit4-si5-tsun7,khin1-kang1-giap8 tsiah4 khai1-si2 puh4-inn2, tsin1 tse7 kang1-tiunn5 khiam3 kang1, tsia1-e5 thau5-ke1 to7 ka7 khiam3 kang1 e5 bun7-te5 彼時陣,輕工業才開始發穎,真濟工場欠工,遮的頭家就共欠工的問題 Hit-sî-chūn,khin-kang-gia̍p chiah khai-sí puh-íⁿ, chin chē kang-tiûⁿ khiàm kang, chia-ê thâu-ke tō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tê At that time, the light industry was still in its early stages. Many factories faced a labour shortage. The business owners here decided to solve the labour shortage issue. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM006_concat.wav 14.933 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM006_concat.wav 2.79 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tāng uì kok-sió pit-gia̍p-sing ê thâu-khak-tíng. tang7 ui3 kok4-sio2 pit4-giap8-sing1 e5 thau5-khak4-ting2. 動對國小畢業生的頭殼頂。 tāng ùi kok-sió pit-gia̍p-seng ê thâu-khak-téng. By targeting the elementary school graduates. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM006_concat.wav 4.735625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM006_concat.wav 7.94925 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê tsi̍t kò gue̍h tsîng, ū tsi̍t kang, A-sing ê kàu-sik hiông-hiông lâi tsi̍t ê thâu-ke beh tshuē sió-kang. pit4-giap8 tian2-le2 e5 tsit8 ko3 gueh8 tsing5,u7 tsit8 kang1, a1-sing1 e5 kau3-sik4 hiong5-hiong5 lai5 tsit8 e5 thau5-ke1 beh4 tshue7 sio2-kang1. 畢業典禮的一個月前,有一工,阿生的教室雄雄來一个頭家欲揣小工。 Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê chi̍t kò goe̍h chêng,ū chi̍t kang, A-seng ê kàu-sek hiông-hiông lâi chi̍t ê thâu-ke beh chhōe sió-kang. One month before the graduation ceremony, a factory owner suddenly came to A-Sing's classroom one day, looking for part-timers. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM006_concat.wav 11.7476875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM006_concat.wav 8.32975 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Lāu-su mn̄g ha̍k-sing kóng: “Kám ū lâng tshut-gia̍p liáu, bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, beh khì kang-tiûnn thàn-tsînn--ê? Tshiánn gia̍h-tshiú.” lau7-su1 mng7 hak8-sing1 kong2: “kam2 u7 lang5 tshut4-giap8 liau2,bo5 ai3 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1, beh4 khi3 kang1-tiunn5 than3-tsinn5--e5?tshiann2 giah8-tshiu2.” 老師問學生講:「敢有人出業了,無愛繼續讀國中,欲去工場趁錢--的?請攑手。」 Lāu-su mn̄g ha̍k-seng kóng: “Kám ū lâng chhut-gia̍p liáu,bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, beh khì kang-tiûⁿ thàn-chîⁿ--ê?Chhiáⁿ gia̍h-chhiú.” The teacher asked the students, 'Is there anyone here who would not continue middle school and plans to work in the factory after graduation? Please raise your hand.' 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM006_concat.wav 12.52775 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM006_concat.wav 1.41 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male A-sing mā gia̍h-tshiú. a1-sing1 ma7 giah8-tshiu2. 阿生嘛攑手。 A-seng mā gia̍h-chhiú. A-sing also has a hand. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM006_concat.wav 3.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM006_concat.wav 7.6623125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Lāu-su tsi̍t-ê-á-tsi̍t-ê kā gia̍h-tshiú ê ha̍k-sing kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-koh, A-sing ê miâ pīng bô tī tíng-bīn. lau7-su1 tsit8-e5-a2-tsit8-e5 ka7 giah8-tshiu2 e5 hak8-sing1 ki3--loh8-lai5, m7-koh4,a1-sing1 e5 mia5 ping7 bo5 ti7 ting2-bin7. 老師一个仔一个共攑手的學生記--落來,毋過,阿生的名並無佇頂面。 Lāu-su chi̍t-ê-á-chi̍t-ê kā gia̍h-chhiú ê ha̍k-seng kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-koh,A-seng ê miâ pēng bô tī téng-bīn. The teacher recorded the students who were raising their hands one by one, but A-Sing's name was not on the list. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM006_concat.wav 8.831625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM006_concat.wav 8.7821875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hā-khò liáu, lāu-su kā A-sing kiò lâi pinn--á kóng: “Lí ê sîng-tsik tsiah-nī hó, bô beh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, uī-siánn-mih?” ha7-kho3 liau2,lau7-su1 ka7 a1-sing1 kio3 lai5 pinn1--a2 kong2: “li2 e5 sing5-tsik4 tsiah4-ni7 ho2, bo5 beh4 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1,ui7-siann2-mih4?” 下課了,老師共阿生叫來邊--仔講:「你的成績遮爾好,無欲繼續讀國中,為啥物?」 Hā-khò liáu,lāu-su kā A-seng kiò lâi piⁿ--á kóng: “Lí ê sêng-chek chiah-nī hó, bô beh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong,ūi-siáⁿ-mih?” After class, the teacher called A-Sing to the side and asked, 'You have very good grades, why don’t you want to go to middle school anymore?' 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM006_concat.wav 12.287625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM006_concat.wav 11.7776875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Lāu-su suà--lo̍h-khì tuì ha̍k-sing kóng: “Nā án-ne, bîn-á-tsài khí, bô gia̍h-tshiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sik tha̍k-tsheh; ū gia̍h-tshiú--ê tō khì sàu piān-sóo, sàu kàu tshut-gia̍p.” lau7-su1 sua3--loh8-khi3 tui3 hak8-sing1 kong2: “na7 an2-ne1,bin5-a2-tsai3 khi2, bo5 giah8-tshiu2--e5 lau5 ti7 kau3-sik4 thak8-tsheh4; u7 giah8-tshiu2--e5 to7 khi3 sau3 pian7-soo2,sau3 kau3 tshut4-giap8.” 老師紲--落-去對學生講:「若按呢,明仔載起,無攑手--的留佇教室讀冊;有攑手--的就去掃便所,掃到出業。」 Lāu-su sòa--lo̍h-khì tùi ha̍k-seng kóng: “Nā án-ne,bîn-á-chài khí, bô gia̍h-chhiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sek tha̍k-chheh; ū gia̍h-chhiú--ê tō khì sàu piān-só͘,sàu kàu chhut-gia̍p.” The teacher then told the students, 'If that's the case, from tomorrow onwards, those who didn't raise their hands get to stay in the classroom and study. Those who raised their hands, you can go clean the toilets. Clean it until you graduate.' 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM006_concat.wav 19.007625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM006_concat.wav 2.34 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male A-sing án-tsuánn siūnn to siūnn-bô. a1-sing1 an2-tsuann2 siunn7 to1 siunn7-bo5. 阿生按怎想都想無。 A-seng án-chóaⁿ siūⁿ to siūⁿ-bô. A Sing, can't figure out how to do it. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM006_concat.wav 5.29375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM006_concat.wav 8.4390625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male “Ná ē tsiah bô kong-pênn! Beh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê, tō m̄-bián sàu piān-sóo; bô-huat-tōo koh tha̍k--ê, tō ài sàu piān-sóo, uī-siánn-mih?” “na2 e7 tsiah4 bo5 kong1-penn5! beh4 thak8 kok4-tiong1--e5,to7 m7-bian2 sau3 pian7-soo2; bo5-huat4-too7 koh4 thak8--e5,to7 ai3 sau3 pian7-soo2,ui7-siann2-mih4?” 「哪會遮無公平!欲讀國中--的,就毋免掃便所;無法度閣讀--的,就愛掃便所,為啥物?」 “Ná ē chiah bô kong-pêⁿ! Beh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê,tō m̄-bián sàu piān-só͘; bô-hoat-tō͘ koh tha̍k--ê,tō ài sàu piān-só͘,ūi-siáⁿ-mih?” This is so unfair! Those students going to high school do not need to clean the toilets while the rest are responsible for cleaning. Why? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM006_concat.wav 9.7703125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM006_concat.wav 2.1 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūnn-bô. i1 sim1-lai7 it4-tit8 siunn7-bo5. 伊心內一直想無。 I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūⁿ-bô. He kept thinking about it in his mind but couldn't understand it. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM006_concat.wav 5.2644375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM006_concat.wav 6.941125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tshut-gia̍p tē-jī kang, A-sing tō koo-tsiânn tshù-pinn ê a-hiann tshuā i khì oo-tshiú-á kang-tshiúnn tsò-kang. tshut4-giap8 te7-ji7 kang1, a1-sing1 to7 koo1-tsiann5 tshu3-pinn1 e5 a1-hiann1 tshua7 i1 khi3 oo1-tshiu2-a2 kang1-tshiunn2 tso3-kang1. 出業第二工,阿生就姑情厝邊的阿兄𤆬伊去烏手仔工廠做工。 Chhut-gia̍p tē-jī kang, A-seng tō ko͘-chiâⁿ chhù-piⁿ ê a-hiaⁿ chhōa i khì o͘-chhiú-á kang-chhiúⁿ chò-kang. The second day he worked, A-Sing asked the brother next door to work in the mechanical factory. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM006_concat.wav 7.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM006_concat.wav 5.6235625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male A-sing tsiok jīn-tsin, kui-ê hioh-jua̍h tah-tah la̍k-tsa̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. a1-sing1 tsiok4 jin7-tsin1, kui1-e5 hioh4-juah8 tah4-tah4 lak8-tsap8 kang1 long2 bo5 hioh4-khun3. 阿生足認真,規个歇熱貼貼六十工攏無歇睏。 A-seng chiok jīn-chin, kui-ê hioh-joa̍h tah-tah la̍k-cha̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. A-sing was very serious. He never once rested for all sixty days of the summer break. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM006_concat.wav 8.1703125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM006_concat.wav 7.572375 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male “A-pa! Guá tsit ê hioh-jua̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah khoo. Sann-pah khoo tàu sio-thinn tshù--lí, sann-pah khoo hōo--guá, hó--bô?” “a1-pa1!gua2 tsit4 e5 hioh4-juah8 than3-tioh8 lak8-pah4 khoo1. sann1-pah4 khoo1 tau3 sio1-thinn1 tshu3--li2,sann1-pah4 khoo1 hoo7--gua2,ho2--bo5?” 「阿爸!我這个歇熱趁著六百箍。三百箍鬥相添厝--裡,三百箍予我,好--無?」 “A-pa!Góa chit ê hioh-joa̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah kho͘. Saⁿ-pah kho͘ tàu sio-thiⁿ chhù--lí,saⁿ-pah kho͘ hō͘--góa,hó--bô?” Dad! I earned six hundred TWD over this summer break. Three hundred TWD for family expenses while the remaining three hundred TWD for myself. Is that okay? 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM006_concat.wav 16.0423125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM006_concat.wav 5.354875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male A-sing khin-siann-sè-sueh, tsin kiann in a-pa pìnn-bīn, in a-pa tsin pháinn. a1-sing1 khin1-siann1-se3-sueh4,tsin1 kiann1 in1 a1-pa1 pinn3-bin7, in1 a1-pa1 tsin1 phainn2. 阿生輕聲細說,真驚𪜶阿爸變面,𪜶阿爸真歹。 A-seng khin-siaⁿ-sè-soeh,chin kiaⁿ in a-pa pìⁿ-bīn, in a-pa chin pháiⁿ. A-sing said softly, fearing that his father might snap back at him. His father was very fierce. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM006_concat.wav 9.6986875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM006_concat.wav 2.4 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah tsē tsînn beh tshòng siánn-mih?” “gin2-a2-lang5 theh8 hiah4 tse7 tsinn5 beh4 tshong3 siann2-mih4?” 「囡仔人提遐濟錢欲創啥物?」 “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah chē chîⁿ beh chhòng siáⁿ-mih?” What would a kid need so much money for? 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM006_concat.wav 3.7861875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM006_concat.wav 1.86 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male in a-pa tuā-siann mn̄g. in1 a1-pa1 tua7-siann1 mng7. 𪜶阿爸大聲問。 in a-pa tōa-siaⁿ mn̄g. His father asked loudly. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM006_concat.wav 3.602625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM006_concat.wav 3.39 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tú-thâu-á, khiā tī pinn--á teh la̍k-la̍k-tshuah ê A-sing tu2-thau5-a2,khia7 ti7 pinn1--a2 teh4 lak8-lak8-tshuah4 e5 a1-sing1 拄頭仔,徛佇邊--仔咧慄慄掣的阿生 Tú-thâu-á,khiā tī piⁿ--á teh la̍k-la̍k-chhoah ê A-seng Just a moment ago, A-Sing stood there and trembled. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM006_concat.wav 5.141 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM006_concat.wav 3.855625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male khuànn in a-pa lóng bô kóng-uē, tsin kiann i m̄ tah-ìng. khuann3 in1 a1-pa1 long2 bo5 kong2-ue7,tsin1 kiann1 i1 m7 tah4-ing3. 看𪜶阿爸攏無講話,真驚伊毋答應。 khòaⁿ in a-pa lóng bô kóng-ōe,chin kiaⁿ i m̄ tah-èng. His father didn't speak, and he was really afraid that he wouldn't agree. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM006_concat.wav 5.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM006_concat.wav 7.0035625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hó-ka-tsài! Kuè tsi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pa the̍h-tio̍h hit sann-pah khoo tiām-tiām-á kiânn ji̍p-khì pâng-king. ho2-ka1-tsai3!kue3 tsit8-tak4-ku2-a2, in1 a1-pa1 theh8-tioh8 hit4 sann1-pah4 khoo1 tiam7-tiam7-a2 kiann5 jip8-khi3 pang5-king1. 好佳哉!過一觸久仔,𪜶阿爸提著彼三百箍恬恬仔行入去房間。 Hó-ka-chài!Kòe chi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pa the̍h-tio̍h hit saⁿ-pah kho͘ tiām-tiām-á kiâⁿ ji̍p-khì pâng-keng. Luckily, after a while, his father took the three hundred TWD and left for his room quietly. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM006_concat.wav 7.596125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM006_concat.wav 2.25 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male “Ua̋! Guá ē-tàng khì tha̍k-tsheh--ah!” “ua9!gua2 e7-tang3 khi3 thak8-tsheh4--ah4!” 「Ua̋!我會當去讀冊--矣!」 “Ŏa!Góa ē-tàng khì tha̍k-chheh--ah!” Wow! I can go to study now. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM006_concat.wav 4.3881875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM006_concat.wav 5.9810625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tàu thàn tsi̍t-kuá tsînn lâi kā tshù-lāi sio-thinn, A-sing tō sī kî-tiong tsi̍t ê. tau3 than3 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 lai5 ka7 tshu3-lai7 sio1-thinn1, a1-sing1 to7 si7 ki5-tiong1 tsit8 e5. 鬥趁一寡錢來共厝內相添,阿生就是其中一个。 tàu thàn chi̍t-kóa chîⁿ lâi kā chhù-lāi sio-thiⁿ, A-seng tō sī kî-tiong chi̍t ê. A-sing was one of the breadwinners who helped out the household. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM006_concat.wav 4.501 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM006_concat.wav 2.07 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male siā-huē ê kî-kuài-tāi sia7-hue7 e5 ki5-kuai3-tai7 社會的奇怪代 siā-hōe ê kî-koài-tāi Strange things in the society 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM006_concat.wav 3.6556875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM006_concat.wav 6.7154375 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tē-sann kiānn sī sì-tsa̍p-guā nî tsîng ê tāi-tsì, kî-kuài bô kî-kuài, tshiánn ta̍k-ke phuànn-tuàn. te7-sann1 kiann7 si7 si3-tsap8-gua7 ni5 tsing5 e5 tai7-tsi3, ki5-kuai3 bo5 ki5-kuai3,tshiann2 tak8-ke1 phuann3-tuan3. 第三件是四十外年前的代誌,奇怪無奇怪,請逐家判斷。 tē-saⁿ kiāⁿ sī sì-cha̍p-gōa nî chêng ê tāi-chì, kî-koài bô kî-koài,chhiáⁿ ta̍k-ke phòaⁿ-toàn. The third thing happened forty years ago, I'll leave the judgment to you all if it was strange or not. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM006_concat.wav 8.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.43_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.43_THM006_concat.wav 14.0495 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tiunn Siông sī Tiong-kok Sam-kok Sî-tāi ê lâng, uī-tio̍h beh tâu-phun Tsô Tshò, i thau uē pún-kok tē-tôo, tsò-uî tâu-hâng Tsô Tshò ê hiàn-lé, tō sī bē kang-san, kiû îng-huâ--lah. tiunn1 siong5 si7 tiong1-kok4 sam1-kok4 si5-tai7 e5 lang5, ui7-tioh8 beh4 tau5-phun1 tso5 tsho3, i1 thau1 ue7 pun2-kok4 te7-too5, tso3-ui5 tau5-hang5 tso5 tsho3 e5 hian3-le2, to7 si7 be7 kang1-san1,kiu5 ing5-hua5--lah4. 張松是中國三國時代的人,為著欲投奔曹操,伊偷畫本國地圖,做為投降曹操的獻禮,就是賣江山,求榮華--啦。 Tiuⁿ Siông sī Tiong-kok Sam-kok Sî-tāi ê lâng, ūi-tio̍h beh tâu-phun Chô Chhò, i thau ōe pún-kok tē-tô͘, chò-ûi tâu-hâng Chô Chhò ê hiàn-lé, tō sī bē kang-san,kiû êng-hôa--lah. Tiunn Siông was a figure from China during the Three Kingdoms period. To seek asylum from Tsô Tshò, he secretly drew a map of his country as a gift for Tsô Tshò when he surrenders. This means that he betrayed his country for money and fame. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.43_THM006_concat.wav 24.127625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THM006_concat.wav 3.875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tuānn: tsò-sing-lí tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 sin1 kai1-tuann7:tso3-sing1-li2 臺語文運動新階段:做生理 Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tōaⁿ:chò-seng-lí The new phase of Taiwanese Hokkien literature movement: doing business. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THM006_concat.wav 6.037000000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM006_concat.wav 7.4055 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male koh lâi, lán ài kuánn-kín hānn-ji̍p “sin koh to̍k-li̍p” ê kai-tuānn: khai-sí tsún-pī “tsò-sing-lí”! koh4 lai5,lan2 ai3 kuann2-kin2 hann7-jip8“sin1 koh4 tok8-lip8”e5 kai1-tuann7: khai1-si2 tsun2-pi7“tso3-sing1-li2”! 閣來,咱愛趕緊迒入「新閣獨立」的階段:開始準備「做生理」! koh lâi,lán ài kóaⁿ-kín hāⁿ-ji̍p“sin koh to̍k-li̍p”ê kai-tōaⁿ: khai-sí chún-pī“chò-seng-lí”! Next, we have to hurry up putting into the phase of 'new and independent': start to prepare for doing business! 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM006_concat.wav 7.6583125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THM006_concat.wav 8.0453125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tsò-sing-lí tō sī beh thàn-tsînn, tsò-sing-lí tō sī ài ū kīng-tsing, tsò-sing-lí tō sī ài káng-kiù phín-tsit; tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 beh4 than3-tsinn5, tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1, tso3-sing1-li2 to7 si7 ai3 kang2-kiu3 phin2-tsit4; 做生理就是欲趁錢,做生理就是愛有競爭,做生理就是愛講究品質; chò-seng-lí tō sī beh thàn-chîⁿ, chò-seng-lí tō sī ài ū kēng-cheng, chò-seng-lí tō sī ài káng-kiù phín-chit; Doing business is about making money. Doing business is about being competitive. Doing business is about paying attention to quality. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THM006_concat.wav 9.279625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THM006_concat.wav 2.94 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tse tō sī guá beh kóng ê hong-hiòng kah tiōng-tiám. tse1 to7 si7 gua2 beh4 kong2 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 tiong7-tiam2. 這就是我欲講的方向佮重點。 che tō sī góa beh kóng ê hong-hiòng kah tiōng-tiám. This is the direction and focus of what I want to talk about. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THM006_concat.wav 5.38325 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THM006_concat.wav 7.06975 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male lán ê phín-tsit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-tsuánn mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-kuan, tse sī ki-pún tō-lí. lan2 e5 phin2-tsit4 na7 bo5-kau3 ho2, koh4-khah4 an2-tsuann2 ma7 bo5 lang5 e7 lai5 kau1-kuan1, tse1 si7 ki1-pun2 to7-li2. 咱的品質若無夠好,閣較按怎嘛無人會來交關,這是基本道理。 lán ê phín-chit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-chóaⁿ mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-koan, che sī ki-pún tō-lí. If our quality is not on par, no one will work with us no matter what we do. This is the basic principle. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THM006_concat.wav 9.5254375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THM006_concat.wav 4.68 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Sóo-pái lán ê Tâi-gí-bûn tsok-phín tio̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông, sing-kip. soo2-pai2 lan2 e5 tai5-gi2-bun5 tsok4-phin2 tioh8-ai3 ke3-siok8 ka1-kiong5,sing1-kip4. 所擺咱的臺語文作品著愛繼續加強、升級。 Só͘-pái lán ê Tâi-gí-bûn chok-phín tio̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông,seng-kip. Therefore, our Tâi-gí literature should keep strengthen and upgrading. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THM006_concat.wav 5.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THM006_concat.wav 2.1155625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tsok-tsiá: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū tsok4-tsia2:tiunn1 hok8-tsu7 作者:張復聚 chok-chiá:Tiuⁿ Ho̍k-chū Author: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THM006_concat.wav 4.174125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM006_concat.wav 52.8928125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khuè tō sī “tsok-phín to-guân-huà”: tshòng-tsok khah tsē bô kâng bûn-luī ê tsok-phín, tshin-tshiūnn bûn-ha̍k, gū-giân, thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k (i-ha̍k, bu̍t-lí, huà-ha̍k, thài-khong, tē-kiû kho-ha̍k...), gē-su̍t, im-ga̍k, bûn-huà, tsìng-tī, king-tsè, sing-bu̍t, khuân-pó, tshiò-khue, si̍t-iōng-bûn (kiat-hun thiap-á, tsè-bûn, thui-tsiàn-bûn, kiû-tsit-bûn, kong-bûn), sīm-tsì tē-lí, li̍k-sú, tsong-kàu, tiat-ha̍k ê bûn-tsiunn ── ti̍k-pia̍t sī ài tuā-tuā-la̍t tshut-pán gín-á-tsheh, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bó-gí kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hōo kok-sió, kok-tiong ha̍k-sing thang tha̍k, hōo in ē-tàng kā tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê, tsin iú-hān ê bó-gí-bûn uî-tshî mài tn̄g-kin! siong7 ki1-pun2 e5 khang1-khue3 to7 si7“tsok4-phin2 to1-guan5-hua3”: tshong3-tsok4 khah4 tse7 bo5 kang5 bun5-lui7 e5 tsok4-phin2, tshin1-tshiunn7 bun5-hak8,gu7-gian5,thong1-siok8 kho1-hak8(i1-hak8,but8-li2,hua3-hak8,thai3-khong1,te7-kiu5 kho1-hak8...), ge7-sut8,im1-gak8,bun5-hua3,tsing3-ti7,king1-tse3,sing1-but8, khuan5-po2,tshio3-khue1,sit8-iong7-bun5(kiat4-hun1 thiap4-a2,tse3-bun5,thui1-tsian3-bun5,kiu5-tsit4-bun5,kong1-bun5), sim7-tsi3 te7-li2,lik8-su2,tsong1-kau3,tiat4-hak8 e5 bun5-tsiunn1── tik8-piat8 si7 ai3 tua7-tua7-lat8 tshut4-pan2 gin2-a2-tsheh4, than3 hak8-hau7 u7 bo2-gi2 kau3-iok8, the5-kiong1 hoo7 kok4-sio2,kok4-tiong1 hak8-sing1 thang1 thak8, hoo7 in1 e7-tang3 ka7 ti7 hak8-hau7 oh8--tioh8--e5,tsin1 iu2-han7 e5 bo2-gi2-bun5 ui5-tshi5 mai3 tng7-kin1! 上基本的工課就是「作品多元化」:創作較濟無仝文類的作品,親像文學、寓言、通俗科學(醫學、物理、化學、太空、地球科學……)、藝術、音樂、文化、政治、經濟、生物、環保、笑詼、實用文(結婚帖仔、祭文、推薦文、求職文、公文),甚至地理、歷史、宗教、哲學的文章──特別是愛大大力出版囡仔冊,趁學校有母語教育,提供予國小、國中學生通讀,予𪜶會當共佇學校學--著--的、真有限的母語文維持莫斷根! Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khòe tō sī“chok-phín to-goân-hòa”: chhòng-chok khah chē bô kâng bûn-lūi ê chok-phín, chhin-chhiūⁿ bûn-ha̍k,gū-giân,thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k(i-ha̍k,bu̍t-lí,hòa-ha̍k,thài-khong,tē-kiû kho-ha̍k...), gē-su̍t,im-ga̍k,bûn-hòa,chèng-tī,keng-chè,seng-bu̍t, khoân-pó,chhiò-khoe,si̍t-iōng-bûn(kiat-hun thiap-á,chè-bûn,thui-chiàn-bûn,kiû-chit-bûn,kong-bûn), sīm-chì tē-lí,le̍k-sú,chong-kàu,tiat-ha̍k ê bûn-chiuⁿ── te̍k-pia̍t sī ài tōa-tōa-la̍t chhut-pán gín-á-chheh, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bó-gí kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hō͘ kok-sió,kok-tiong ha̍k-seng thang tha̍k, hō͘ in ē-tàng kā tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê,chin iú-hān ê bó-gí-bûn ûi-chhî mài tn̄g-kin! The most basic step would be 'the diversification of work', which is to create more works in different genres. For example, literature, folktales, common science (like medicine, physics, chemistry, space, geoscience...), art, music, culture, politics, economics, biology, greenness, comedy, practical writing (like a wedding invitation, funeral oration, foreword, cover letter, official memo), and even articles about geography, history, religion, and philosophy. More importantly, we should publish more children's books. As we still provide our mother tongue education in school, we must offer these books to students in both primary and middle schools. The mother tongue materials that they learn in school are already very limited. We must ensure that our mother tongue lives on. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM006_concat.wav 62.74100000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THM006_concat.wav 4.696875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng kàu tsit-má í-king ū tshiau-kuè sì-tsa̍p tang--ah! tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 kau3 tsit4-ma2 i2-king1 u7 tshiau1-kue3 si3-tsap8 tang1--ah4! 臺語文運動到這馬已經有超過四十冬--矣! Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng kàu chit-má í-keng ū chhiau-kòe sì-cha̍p tang--ah! The Taiwanese Language Movement has been around for more than 40 years since its inception! 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THM006_concat.wav 6.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THM006_concat.wav 9.388 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Ū hó ê tsok-phín tsiah ē-tàng tsìng-bîng tsit ê gí-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thuân bān nî, kiánn-sun mā tsiah khíng, tsiah ē beh pó-tsûn, tshái-iōng. u7 ho2 e5 tsok4-phin2 tsiah4 e7-tang3 tsing3-bing5 tsit4 e5 gi2-gian5 u7 ke3-tat8 liu5-thuan5 ban7 ni5, kiann2-sun1 ma7 tsiah4 khing2,tsiah4 e7 beh4 po2-tsun5,tshai2-iong7. 有好的作品才會當證明這个語言有價值流傳萬年,囝孫嘛才肯、才會欲保存、採用。 Ū hó ê chok-phín chiah ē-tàng chèng-bêng chit ê gí-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thoân bān nî, kiáⁿ-sun mā chiah khéng,chiah ē beh pó-chûn,chhái-iōng. Only when there are good works, can we prove that the language is precious and deserves to be passed down for centuries to come. And only then will the future generations be willing to preserve and adopt it. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THM006_concat.wav 17.045 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THM006_concat.wav 8.5951875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Koh lâi sī kīng-tsing: tsok-phín ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k, sin-suí ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k, su-ji̍p-huat mā ài ū kīng-tsing-li̍k! koh4 lai5 si7 king7-tsing1: tsok4-phin2 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8, sin1-sui2 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8, su1-jip8-huat4 ma7 ai3 u7 king7-tsing1-lik8! 閣來是競爭:作品愛有競爭力、薪水愛有競爭力、輸入法嘛愛有競爭力! Koh lâi sī kēng-cheng: chok-phín ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k, sin-súi ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k, su-ji̍p-hoat mā ài ū kēng-cheng-le̍k! Another thing is competition. Our work must be competitive! Our pay must be competitive! Our input method engine must also be competitive! 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THM006_concat.wav 12.8423125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THM006_concat.wav 12.941125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tn̂g-kî tshui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsú-tiunn tsit-uân sin-suí ài pí guā-kháu khah kuân, hōo tsò Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū tsū-sìn kah kong-îng. tng5-ki5 tshui1-sak4 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 li2 kang1-khioh4 tai5-gi2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsu2-tiunn1 tsit4-uan5 sin1-sui2 ai3 pi2 gua7-khau2 khah4 kuan5, hoo7 tso3 tai5-gi2-bun5 e5 tong5-kang1 u7 tsu7-sin3 kah4 kong1-ing5. 長期推捒臺語文運動的李江却臺語文教基金會主張職員薪水愛比外口較懸,予做臺語文的同工有自信佮光榮。 tn̂g-kî chhui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gí bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe chú-tiuⁿ chit-oân sin-súi ài pí gōa-kháu khah koân, hō͘ chò Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū chū-sìn kah kong-êng. The Lí Kang Khiok Taiwanese Cultural and Educational Foundation, which has been promoting the Taiwanese Language Movement, advocates that the staff pay needs to be higher than that of the outside world so that our comrades in the Taiwanese language industry can be confident and proud. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THM006_concat.wav 22.783625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THM006_concat.wav 4.5780625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Koh ū, tsit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-jī kang-kū sī tshiú-ki-á. koh4 u7,tsit4-ma2 siong7 iau3-kin2 e5 phah4-ji7 kang1-ku7 si7 tshiu2-ki1-a2. 閣有,這馬上要緊的拍字工具是手機仔。 Koh ū,chit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-jī kang-kū sī chhiú-ki-á. Also, the most urgent typing tool right now is the mobile phone. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THM006_concat.wav 7.1463125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THM006_concat.wav 7.163125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tshiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-huat tī IOS hē-thóng kan-na ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-huat. tshiu2-ki1-a2 e5 tai5-gi2 su1-jip8-huat4 ti7 IOS he7-thong2 kan1-na1 u7 lo5-han3-kha1 tai5-gi2 su1-jip8-huat4. 手機仔的臺語輸入法佇IOS系統干焦有羅漢跤臺語輸入法。 chhiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-hoat tī IOS hē-thóng kan-na ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gí su-ji̍p-hoat. The only Taiwanese Hokkien input method engine for smart phones is the Lô-hàn-kha Taiwanese Hokkien input method engine on iOS. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THM006_concat.wav 10.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THM006_concat.wav 2.01 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male ke-kiám mā ū kuá sîng-tsiū. ke1-kiam2 ma7 u7 kua2 sing5-tsiu7. 加減嘛有寡成就。 ke-kiám mā ū kóa sêng-chiū. There are some achievements, more or less. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THM006_concat.wav 4.9703125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THM006_concat.wav 5.349875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó iōng, mā ū bē tsió būn-tê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-kuat. lo5-han3-kha1 sui1-bong2 ho2 iong7, ma7 u7 be7 tsio2 bun7-te5 it4-tit8 long2 bo5 kai2-kuat4. 羅漢跤雖罔好用,嘛有袂少問題一直攏無解決。 Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó iōng, mā ū bē chió būn-tê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-koat. Although the bachelor is easy to work, there are still many problems that cannot be solved. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THM006_concat.wav 6.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM006_concat.wav 7.959875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male tsuè-kīn lán mā teh kóo-bú koh khai-huat līng-guā tsi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kīng-tsing, hōo-siong làu-khuì kiû tsìn-pōo. tsue3-kin7 lan2 ma7 teh4 koo2-bu2 koh4 khai1-huat4 ling7-gua7 tsit8 tho3 lai5 kah4 lo5-han3-kha1 king7-tsing1, hoo7-siong1 lau3-khui3 kiu5 tsin3-poo7. 最近咱嘛咧鼓舞閣開發另外一套來佮羅漢跤競爭,互相落氣求進步。 chòe-kīn lán mā teh kó͘-bú koh khai-hoat lēng-gōa chi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kēng-cheng, hō͘-siong làu-khùi kiû chìn-pō͘. We are also encouraging people to develop another set to compete with middle-aged men who are not yet married. The principle of not hurting each other's harmony to reveal each other's shortcomings and self-review for improvement. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM006_concat.wav 15.1158125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM006_concat.wav 12.089625 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Mā ài pài-thok khah tsē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k phok-sū, jīn-tsin gián-kiù Tâi-gí-bûn, án-ne ha̍k-su̍t thîng-tōo ē thê-sing, tuì Tâi-gí-bûn huat-tián ē ū tuā pang-tsān. ma7 ai3 pai3-thok4 khah4 tse7 siau3-lian5-lang5 thak8 gi2-gian5-hak8 phok4-su7, jin7-tsin1 gian2-kiu3 tai5-gi2-bun5, an2-ne1 hak8-sut8 thing5-too7 e7 the5-sing1, tui3 tai5-gi2-bun5 huat4-tian2 e7 u7 tua7 pang1-tsan7. 嘛愛拜託較濟少年人讀語言學博士,認真研究臺語文,按呢學術程度會提升,對臺語文發展會有大幫贊。 Mā ài pài-thok khah chē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k gí-giân-ha̍k phok-sū, jīn-chin gián-kiù Tâi-gí-bûn, án-ne ha̍k-su̍t thêng-tō͘ ē thê-seng, tùi Tâi-gí-bûn hoat-tián ē ū tōa pang-chān. We have to ask more young people to study for Ph.D. in Linguistics, and research seriously in Taiwanese Hokkien literature, therefore the academic level would upgrade. It would be helpful for the development of Taiwanese Hokkien literature. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM006_concat.wav 16.72 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THM006_concat.wav 5.769875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male ū phín-tsit koh ū kīng-tsing, tse tō sī tsò-sing-lí beh sîng-kong ê thâu-sing-sòo. u7 phin2-tsit4 koh4 u7 king7-tsing1, tse1 to7 si7 tso3-sing1-li2 beh4 sing5-kong1 e5 thau5-sing1-soo3. 有品質閣有競爭,這就是做生理欲成功的頭先素。 ū phín-chit koh ū kēng-cheng, che tō sī chò-seng-lí beh sêng-kong ê thâu-seng-sò͘. To have quality and to be competitive. These are the main criteria for success in business. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THM006_concat.wav 8.54375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THM006_concat.wav 6.764875 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Hi-bāng ū tsi̍t kang, tsò Tâi-gí-bûn tsin-tsiànn ū tsînn thàn, ū sîng-tsiū, koh hó miâ-siann. hi1-bang7 u7 tsit8 kang1, tso3 tai5-gi2-bun5 tsin1-tsiann3 u7 tsinn5 than3,u7 sing5-tsiu7,koh4 ho2 mia5-siann1. 希望有一工,做臺語文真正有錢趁、有成就、閣好名聲。 Hi-bāng ū chi̍t kang, chò Tâi-gí-bûn chin-chiàⁿ ū chîⁿ thàn,ū sêng-chiū,koh hó miâ-siaⁿ. Let’s hope that one day the Taiwanese language industry will be lucrative, successful, and famous. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THM006_concat.wav 9.3604375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THM006_concat.wav 6.792375 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male Án-ne Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê tsiân-puè tsiah ē-tàng sió-khuá hioh-tshuán, kóng “Tâi-gí-bûn tshut-thâu-thinn!” an2-ne1 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 tsian5-pue3 tsiah4 e7-tang3 sio2-khua2 hioh4-tshuan2, kong2“tai5-gi2-bun5 tshut4-thau5-thinn1!” 按呢臺語文運動的前輩才會當小可歇喘,講「臺語文出頭天!」 Án-ne Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê chiân-pòe chiah ē-tàng sió-khóa hioh-chhoán, kóng“Tâi-gí-bûn chhut-thâu-thiⁿ!” The pioneers who participated in the activities of the Taiwanese Hokkien language can take a break and say that the 'Taiwanese Hokkien language has made a name for itself'. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THM006_concat.wav 12.074000000000002 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THM006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THM006_concat.wav 11.4053125 THM006 高雄混合腔 Kaohsiung-mixed accent Male “Tâi-gí kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi” mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū teh thó-lūn, m̄-koh tsiam-tuì ūn-tōng pún-sin beh án-tsuánn koh-khah tsìn-pōo ê kiám-thó, tsóng--sī mā bē-tàng bô. “tai5-gi2 kong1-kiong7 tian7-si7-tai5”ma7 liok8-siok8 u7 teh4 tho2-lun7, m7-koh4 tsiam1-tui3 un7-tong7 pun2-sin1 beh4 an2-tsuann2 koh4-khah4 tsin3-poo7 e5 kiam2-tho2, tsong2--si7 ma7 be7-tang3 bo5. 「臺語公共電視台」嘛陸續有咧討論,毋過針對運動本身欲按怎閣較進步的檢討,總--是嘛袂當無。 “Tâi-gí kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi”mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū teh thó-lūn, m̄-koh chiam-tùi ūn-tōng pún-sin beh án-chóaⁿ koh-khah chìn-pō͘ ê kiám-thó, chóng--sī mā bē-tàng bô. Taiwan Language Public Television is also being discussed one after another. However, reviewing how the Taiwanese language movement itself should be improved cannot be done without it. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THM006_concat.wav 16.342625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM010_concat.wav 5.611875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male un-tōo sann-tsa̍p tsì sann-tsa̍p-jī tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t pueh-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 sann1-tsap8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-ji7 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 pueh4-tsap8 pha1 溫度三十至三十二度,落雨機率八十pha un-tō͘ saⁿ-cha̍p chì saⁿ-cha̍p-jī tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t poeh-cha̍p pha The temperature is between thirty to thirty-two degrees, with an eighty percent chance of rain. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.2_THM010_concat.wav 7.122000000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM010_concat.wav 5.0525 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male lâi-pin gōo-pah pueh-tsa̍p-it hō tshiánn-lâi sì hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 pueh4-tsap8-it4 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 si3 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓五百八十一號請來四號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin gō͘-pah poeh-cha̍p-it hō chhiáⁿ-lâi sì hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Customer number 581, please come to reception desk number 4 for your business. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.3_THM010_concat.wav 8.255625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM010_concat.wav 4.7586875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male lóng-tsóng tsi̍t-pah sann-tsa̍p-gōo khoo, tsāu lí la̍k-tsa̍p-gōo khoo long2-tsong2 tsit8-pah4 sann1-tsap8-goo7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 lak8-tsap8-goo7 khoo1 攏總一百三十五箍, 找你六十五箍 lóng-chóng chi̍t-pah saⁿ-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘,chāu lí la̍k-cha̍p-gō͘ kho͘ The total would be one hundred and thirty-five TWD. Here is your change, sixty-five TWD. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.4_THM010_concat.wav 9.0023125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM010_concat.wav 3.205625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male kin-á-li̍t sī tshit-ge̍rh tshue-la̍k, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-lit8 si7 tshit4-gerh8 tshue1-lak8,pai3-lak8 今仔日是七月初六,拜六 kin-á-li̍t sī chhit-ge̍rh chhoe-la̍k,pài-la̍k Today is the 6th of July, Saturday. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.5_THM010_concat.wav 4.735625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM010_concat.wav 2.55 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male i tǐr it kiú kiú sìr nî tshut-sì i1 tir6 it4 kiu2 kiu2 sir3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九九四年出世 i tǐr it kiú kiú sìr nî chhut-sì He was born in nineteen ninety-five. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.8_THM010_concat.wav 3.659375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM010_concat.wav 3.18 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki sam sam sìr tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 sam1 sam1 sir3 請幫我轉分機三三四 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki sam sam sìr Please transfer me to extension number three three four. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_1.9_THM010_concat.wav 5.503625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM010_concat.wav 6.729875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Guá lâi kiò tsi̍t ê “tshì-suh kue-nn̄g-ko tsham lê-bóng-phêr”, lír berh phèr tinn-liāu--bô? gua2 lai5 kio3 tsit8 e5“tshi3-suh4 kue1-nng7-ko1 tsham1 le5-bong2-pher5”, lir2 berh4 pher3 tinn1-liau7--bo5? 我來叫一个「tshì-suh雞卵糕參檸檬皮」,你欲配甜料無? Góa lâi kiò chi̍t ê“chhì-suh koe-nn̄g-ko chham lê-bóng-phêr”, lír berh phèr tiⁿ-liāu--bô? I will have a 'cheesy egg cake with lemon skin.' Do you want some dessert to go with it? 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.11_THM010_concat.wav 7.18275 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM010_concat.wav 2.4155625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tinn--ê--ooh, guá khuànn me̋-niú--tsi̍t-ē … tinn1--e5--ooh4,gua2 khuann3 me9-niu2--tsit8-e7… 甜的喔,我看me̋-niú--一下… Tiⁿ--ê--o͘h,góa khòaⁿ mĕ-niú--chi̍t-ē… Something sweet? Let's see what I can find from the menu. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.13_THM010_concat.wav 5.141 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM010_concat.wav 2.85 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male guá berh ài tsi̍t tèr tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo ê keh-á-piánn. gua2 berh4 ai3 tsit8 ter3 tsioo1-koo2-le3-too3 e5 keh4-a2-piann2. 我欲愛一塊tsioo-kóo-lè-tòo的格仔餅。 góa berh ài chi̍t tèr chio͘-kó͘-lè-tò͘ ê keh-á-piáⁿ. I want a chocolate waffle. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.14_THM010_concat.wav 4.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM010_concat.wav 1.9524375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hó, guá lâi-khìr tiám. ho2,gua2 lai5-khir3 tiam2. 好,我來去點。 Hó,góa lâi-khìr tiám. Sure. I will place the order. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.15_THM010_concat.wav 3.9085625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM010_concat.wav 7.0935625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male kim-suan ū gû-ling hām kuì-hue ê tshing-phang, phīng lír ê ka-pi ing-kai buē khah-su. kim1-suan1 u7 gu5-ling1 ham7 kui3-hue1 e5 tshing1-phang1, phing7 lir2 e5 ka1-pi1 ing1-kai1 bue7 khah4-su1. 金萱有牛奶和桂花的清芳,並你的咖啡應該袂較輸。 kim-soan ū gû-leng hām kùi-hoe ê chheng-phang, phēng lír ê ka-pi eng-kai bōe khah-su. Kim-suan has the fragrance of milk and sweet osmanthus. It shouldn't be too bad compared to your coffee. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.2_THM010_concat.wav 10.389 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM010_concat.wav 4.17625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Ooh, Láu-hiân, ha tê uānn lír hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! ooh4,lau2-hian5,ha1 te5 uann7 lir2 hang7-a2-lai7--e5--neh4! 喔,老賢,哈茶換你巷仔內的呢! O͘h,Láu-hiân,ha tê ōaⁿ lír hāng-á-lāi--ê--neh! Oh! Lāu Hiân, you are the master of tea tasting. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.4_THM010_concat.wav 5.595625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM010_concat.wav 11.181125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Guá kan-na ū leh lim hún-înn-ling-tê nia̋. Gún hír-á tshù-pinn-thâu-bér put-sî mā the̍h bô sāng tê-bí lâi tshěr gún pâ phàu tê uē-sian. gua2 kan1-na1 u7 leh4 lim1 hun2-inn5-ling1-te5 nia9. gun2 hir2-a2 tshu3-pinn1-thau5-ber2 put4-si5 ma7 theh8 bo5 sang7 te5-bi2 lai5 tsher6 gun2 pa5 phau3 te5 ue7-sian1. 我干焦有咧啉粉圓奶茶nia̋.阮hír-á厝邊頭尾不時嘛提無𫝛茶米來揣阮爸泡茶話仙。 Góa kan-na ū leh lim hún-îⁿ-leng-tê niă. Gún hír-á chhù-piⁿ-thâu-bér put-sî mā the̍h bô sāng tê-bí lâi chhěr gún pâ phàu tê ōe-sian. I only drink bubble tea, and our neighbors often come to talk to my dad with some different varieties of tea. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.5_THM010_concat.wav 7.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM010_concat.wav 6.71175 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Guá ū-sî mā khì tsham in tsia̍h-tê liān-siáu-uē, siau-khián phah-lā-liâng. Bat--kuá--lah. gua2 u7-si5 ma7 khi3 tsham1 in1 tsiah8-te5 lian7-siau2-ue7,siau1-khian2 phah4-la7-liang5.bat4--kua2--lah4. 我有時嘛去參𪜶食茶練痟話,消遣拍抐涼。捌寡啦。 Góa ū-sî mā khì chham in chia̍h-tê liān-siáu-ōe,siau-khián phah-lā-liâng.Bat--kóa--lah. Sometimes I would join them to drink tea and talk smack together too. It is to kill time. A few times, yeah. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_2.7_THM010_concat.wav 10.1239375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THM010_concat.wav 9.3585 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male iáu leh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-leh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tèr tsuan-gia̍p ê lǎu-sir siōng kap-pòo, phàu tê tsit nn̄g hāng khò. iau2 leh4 tau3-tin7 hit4-si5, i1 tng1-leh4 li7-iong7 hioh4-khun3 si5-kan1, ter3 tsuan1-giap8 e5 lau6-sir1 siong7 kap4-poo3,phau3 te5 tsit4 nng7 hang7 kho3. 猶咧鬥陣彼時,伊當咧利用歇睏時間,綴專業的老師上kap布、泡茶這兩項課。 iáu leh tàu-tīn hit-sî, i tng-leh lī-iōng hioh-khùn sî-kan, tèr choan-gia̍p ê lǎu-sir siōng kap-pò͘,phàu tê chit nn̄g hāng khò. While helping out, he used his rest time to enrol in tailoring and tea-brewing classes by professional mentors. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.10_THM010_concat.wav 9.4503125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THM010_concat.wav 16.1811875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hit-tsām-á piān ū-îng, i ē tsio guá khìr Ing-ko khuànn huî-á, kóng iā kî-kuài, sang-lâng tâng-tsê ta̍h-li̍p tiàm-mn̂g, tsiah bô sann, nn̄g hun-tsing, bô-lūn ta-poo, tsa-bóo ê tiàm-thâu-ke, tsin kín tiō ē kap i ū kóng ū tshiò. hit4-tsam7-a2 pian7 u7-ing5, i1 e7 tsio1 gua2 khir3 ing1-ko1 khuann3 hui5-a2, kong2 ia7 ki5-kuai3,sang1-lang5 tang5-tse5 tah8-lip8 tiam3-mng5, tsiah4 bo5 sann1,nng7 hun1-tsing1, bo5-lun7 ta1-poo1,tsa1-boo2 e5 tiam3-thau5-ke1, tsin1 kin2 tio7 e7 kap4 i1 u7 kong2 u7 tshio3. 彼站仔便有閒,伊會招我去鶯歌看瓷仔,講也奇怪,雙人同齊踏入店門,才無三、兩分鐘,無論查埔、查某的店頭家,真緊就會佮伊有講有笑。 Hit-chām-á piān ū-êng, i ē chio góa khìr Eng-ko khòaⁿ hûi-á, kóng iā kî-koài,sang-lâng tâng-chê ta̍h-li̍p tiàm-mn̂g, chiah bô saⁿ,nn̄g hun-cheng, bô-lūn ta-po͘,cha-bó͘ ê tiàm-thâu-ke, chin kín tiō ē kap i ū kóng ū chhiò. At that time, whenever he has time, he would bring me to Ing-ko to look at the chinawares. Somehow, as soon as the both of us entered the shop, the shopkeeper, no matter guy or girl, would talk and laugh with him within two to three minutes. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.13_THM010_concat.wav 21.2903125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THM010_concat.wav 1.44 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male ha kuí-tshuì-á tê. ha1 kui2-tshui3-a2 te5. 哈幾喙仔茶。 ha kúi-chhùi-á tê. Drink a few sips of tea. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.20_THM010_concat.wav 2.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THM010_concat.wav 7.90975 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male I leh kíng mn̍gh-kiānn ê kha-tshiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ pat o-ló suí, kiám-tshái sī “suí” tsit ê sû pún-sin i1 leh4 king2 mngh8-kiann7 e5 kha1-tshiu2 bo5 ban7, m7-koh4 m7 pat4 o1-lo2 sui2, kiam2-tshai2 si7“sui2”tsit4 e5 su5 pun2-sin1 伊咧揀物件的跤手無慢,毋過毋捌呵咾媠,檢采是「媠」這个詞本身 I leh kéng mn̍gh-kiāⁿ ê kha-chhiú bô bān, m̄-koh m̄ pat o-ló súi, kiám-chhái sī“súi”chit ê sû pún-sin He always picked out his items swiftly but never praised them as beautiful. Perhaps it is because of the word 'beautiful' itself. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.21_THM010_concat.wav 11.8654375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THM010_concat.wav 2.97 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tiō siunn kèr-thâu khah kán-tan--kuá. tio7 siunn1 ker3-thau5 khah4 kan2-tan1--kua2. 就傷過頭較簡單--寡。 tiō siuⁿ kèr-thâu khah kán-tan--kóa. It's a little too simple. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.24_THM010_concat.wav 3.38975 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THM010_concat.wav 2.19 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male I ē khin-siann kā guá kóng... i1 e7 khin1-siann1 ka7 gua2 kong2... 伊會輕聲共我講…… I ē khin-siaⁿ kā góa kóng... She'll tell me softly...... 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.25_THM010_concat.wav 3.0 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THM010_concat.wav 8.35975 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tsit hāng tsok-phín khuànn liáu sim ē tsīng, hit hāng sī Tâi-uân bí bûn-huà, piàn-thé su-khónn--tshut-lâi ê tsok-phín. tsit4 hang7 tsok4-phin2 khuann3 liau2 sim1 e7 tsing7, hit4 hang7 si7 tai5-uan5 bi2 bun5-hua3, pian3-the2 su1-khonn2--tshut4-lai5 e5 tsok4-phin2. 這項作品看了心會靜,彼項是臺灣米文化,變體思考--出-來的作品。 chit hāng chok-phín khòaⁿ liáu sim ē chēng, hit hāng sī Tâi-oân bí bûn-hòa, piàn-thé su-khóⁿ--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín. Reading this work would calm your heart. This is the product of the divergent thinking from the rice culture of Taiwan. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.26_THM010_concat.wav 10.1568125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THM010_concat.wav 4.05 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male koh-lâi tsit hāng ū tsok-tsiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sìng-keh. koh4-lai5 tsit4 hang7 u7 tsok4-tsia2 pun2-lang5 tim3-tau2 e5 sing3-keh4. 閣來這項有作者本人tìm-táu的性格。 koh-lâi chit hāng ū chok-chiá pún-lâng tìm-táu ê sèng-keh. In addition, this work portrays the author's stable character. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.29_THM010_concat.wav 6.613 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THM010_concat.wav 10.8225625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tíng lé-pài leh hô tshùn-tshioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū tsit-būn--guá, pue-tiām-á bô lâng tsuè hiah tuā tèr--ê, toh-tsū-á mā bô lâng tsuè hiah suè tèr--ê? ting2 le2-pai3 leh4 ho5 tshun3-tshioh4 e5 si5, thau5-ke1-niu5 u7 tsit4-bun7--gua2, pue1-tiam7-a2 bo5 lang5 tsue3 hiah4 tua7 ter3--e5, toh4-tsu7-a2 ma7 bo5 lang5 tsue3 hiah4 sue3 ter3--e5? 頂禮拜咧和寸尺的時,頭家娘有質問--我,杯墊仔無人做遐大塊--的,桌苴仔嘛無人做遐細塊--的? Téng lé-pài leh hô chhùn-chhioh ê sî, thâu-ke-niû ū chit-būn--góa, poe-tiām-á bô lâng chòe hiah tōa tèr--ê, toh-chū-á mā bô lâng chòe hiah sòe tèr--ê? When we were measuring the size last week, the lady boss questioned me. No one makes coasters as big as this, and no one makes table cushions as small as this? 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.33_THM010_concat.wav 11.16 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THM010_concat.wav 8.560375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Án-tsuánn phèr-sik, tshùn-tshioh berh tshâi luā tuā, sī tsá tǐr tshù--lí tiō kuat-tīng hó--ê, tshiánn thâu-ke-niû tsiàu tsuè tiō sī; an2-tsuann2 pher3-sik4,tshun3-tshioh4 berh4 tshai5 lua7 tua7, si7 tsa2 tir6 tshu3--li2 tio7 kuat4-ting7 ho2--e5, tshiann2 thau5-ke1-niu5 tsiau3 tsue3 tio7 si7; 按怎配色、寸尺欲裁偌大,是早佇厝--裡就決定好--的,請頭家娘照做就是; Án-chóaⁿ phèr-sek,chhùn-chhioh berh chhâi lōa tōa, sī chá tǐr chhù--lí tiō koat-tēng hó--ê, chhiáⁿ thâu-ke-niû chiàu chòe tiō sī; How to color the fabric? The size of the fabric should be cut.... These have been decided at home, so I just ask the lady boss to do it. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.37_THM010_concat.wav 9.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THM010_concat.wav 4.179875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tiō pí-pān hiān-tiûnn ê kuí-tèr-á pòo-liāu, tsiah ū thang lâi kuat-tīng. tio7 pi2-pan7 hian7-tiunn5 e5 kui2-ter3-a2 poo3-liau7, tsiah4 u7 thang1 lai5 kuat4-ting7. 就比辦現場的幾塊仔布料,才有通來決定。 tiō pí-pān hiān-tiûⁿ ê kúi-tèr-á pò͘-liāu, chiah ū thang lâi koat-tēng. We can only decide after comparing the several fabrics onsite. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.42_THM010_concat.wav 5.653 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THM010_concat.wav 7.613625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male hit king tiàm, pòo ê sik-tī iú-hān, ka-tsài ū kuí tèr nî-á tsueh-á ha̍h-īng ê âng si-á-pòo. hit4 king1 tiam3,poo3 e5 sik4-ti7 iu2-han7, ka1-tsai3 u7 kui2 ter3 ni5-a2 tsueh4-a2 hah8-ing7 e5 ang5 si1-a2-poo3. 彼間店,布的色緻有限,佳哉有幾塊年仔節仔合用的紅絲仔布。 hit keng tiàm,pò͘ ê sek-tī iú-hān, ka-chài ū kúi tèr nî-á choeh-á ha̍h-ēng ê âng si-á-pò͘. There were limited colours for the cloth at the shop. Fortunately, there were a few red silk cloths that were suitable for the New Year. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.44_THM010_concat.wav 12.501 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THM010_concat.wav 5.8048125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tuā-âng--ê... sông, sī í-tsá guá m̄ pat leh khó-lū ê ki-ka sik-tsuí! tua7-ang5--e5...song5, si7 i2-tsa2 gua2 m7 pat4 leh4 kho2-lu7 e5 ki1-ka1 sik4-tsui2! 大紅--的……倯,是以早我毋捌咧考慮的居家色水! Tōa-âng--ê...sông, sī í-chá góa m̄ pat leh khó-lū ê ki-ka sek-chúi! It is bright red. It is an old-fashioned color that I would never think to use for my home in the past. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.46_THM010_concat.wav 8.8743125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THM010_concat.wav 7.169625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male lóng-tsóng tsuè tsa̍p-jī tèr, kin-á-li̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hìng-tshih-tshih, kuánn-kín berh pòo-tì tsng-thānn. long2-tsong2 tsue3 tsap8-ji7 ter3, kin1-a2-lit8 theh8--tng2-lai5, hing3-tshih4-tshih4, kuann2-kin2 berh4 poo3-ti3 tsng1-thann7. 攏總做十二塊,今仔日提--轉-來,興tshih-tshih,趕緊欲佈置妝娗。 lóng-chóng chòe cha̍p-jī tèr, kin-á-li̍t the̍h--tńg-lâi, hèng-chhih-chhih, kóaⁿ-kín berh pò͘-tì chng-thāⁿ. It was in total 12 TWD. He withdrew it today, looking very excited, and quickly set up the decorations. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.50_THM010_concat.wav 9.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THM010_concat.wav 15.935 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Thâu-tú-tsiah leh khǹg ê sî, ū ti̍k-pia̍t tsù-ì phèr-ha̍p ê sóo-tsāi, kng-suànn, koh ū khòng-tsè-tio̍h khǹg kuí tèr, pún-tsiânn lia̍h-tsuè siōng pháinn phèr ê tuā-âng siù kim-tshang, lōo-bér kā khuànn--khaih, suah kám-kak khah suí kèr thau5-tu2-tsiah4 leh4 khng3 e5 si5, u7 tik8-piat8 tsu3-i3 pher3-hap8 e5 soo2-tsai7,kng1-suann3, koh4 u7 khong3-tse3-tioh8 khng3 kui2 ter3, pun2-tsiann5 liah8-tsue3 siong7 phainn2 pher3 e5 tua7-ang5 siu3 kim1-tshang1, loo7-ber2 ka7 khuann3--khaih4, suah4 kam2-kak4 khah4 sui2 ker3 頭拄才咧囥的時,有特別注意配合的所在、光線,閣有控制著囥幾塊,本成掠做上歹配的大紅繡金蔥,落尾共看--khaih,煞感覺較媠過 Thâu-tú-chiah leh khǹg ê sî, ū te̍k-pia̍t chù-ì phèr-ha̍p ê só͘-chāi,kng-sòaⁿ, koh ū khòng-chè-tio̍h khǹg kúi tèr, pún-chiâⁿ lia̍h-chòe siōng pháiⁿ phèr ê tōa-âng siù kim-chhang, lō͘-bér kā khòaⁿ--khaih, soah kám-kak khah súi kèr When I was decorating just now, I paid specific attention to the matching surrounding and the lighting. I also fixed the number of pieces of cloth used. Even with the most jarring 'Red Embroidered Golden Onion', I still think it looks more beautiful in the end. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.54_THM010_concat.wav 22.95025 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THM010_concat.wav 10.6533125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tuā-âng nā khǹg tio̍h sóo-tsāi, ē ū tiám tsing khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-kù nā-sī siunn kèr-thâu tsē--lâi, iu-guân sī... sông. tua7-ang5 na7 khng3 tioh8 soo2-tsai7, e7 u7 tiam2 tsing1 khai1 gan2 e5 hau7-ko2, m7-ku3 na7-si7 siunn1 ker3-thau5 tse7--lai5, iu1-guan5 si7...song5. 大紅若囥著所在,會有點睛開眼的效果,毋過若是傷過頭濟--來,猶原是……倯。 Tōa-âng nā khǹg tio̍h só͘-chāi, ē ū tiám cheng khai gán ê hāu-kó, m̄-kù nā-sī siuⁿ kèr-thâu chē--lâi, iu-goân sī...sông. If the bright red colour is used in the right place, it would add an attractive effect. However, if it is used too much, then it would still look...Old-fashioned. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.62_THM010_concat.wav 13.375625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THM010_concat.wav 6.406125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hit kù “tsuē--lâi tiō sī suí” sī siánn-mih-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah, kà pháinn gín-á tuā-suè. hit4 ku3“tsue7--lai5 tio7 si7 sui2”si7 siann2-mih4-lang5 kong2--e5, kui1 se3-ki2--ah4,ka3 phainn2 gin2-a2 tua7-sue3. 彼句「濟--來就是媠」是啥物人講--的,規世紀--矣,教歹囡仔大細。 Hit kù“chōe--lâi tiō sī súi”sī siáⁿ-mih-lâng kóng--ê, kui sè-kí--ah,kà pháiⁿ gín-á tōa-sòe. Who said 'more is more beautiful'? It's been a century, really teaching bad kids. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.66_THM010_concat.wav 6.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THM010_concat.wav 3.4611875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Ah, tsit-sî suah hiông-hiông siūnn-khí ah4,tsit4-si5 suah4 hiong5-hiong5 siunn7-khi2 啊,這時煞雄雄想起 Ah,chit-sî soah hiông-hiông siūⁿ-khí Ah, at this time I suddenly remember that 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.68_THM010_concat.wav 4.75275 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THM010_concat.wav 2.88 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male m̄ pat kā “suí” kóng tshut-tshuì ê hit ê lâng. m7 pat4 ka7“sui2”kong2 tshut4-tshui3 e5 hit4 e5 lang5. 毋捌共「媠」講出喙的彼个人。 m̄ pat kā“súi”kóng chhut-chhùi ê hit ê lâng. The one who never says 'beautiful'. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.69_THM010_concat.wav 4.13275 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THM010_concat.wav 3.7080625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tsù-bûn ê toh-tsū-á kah pue-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. tsu3-bun5 e5 toh4-tsu7-a2 kah4 pue1-tiam7-a2 theh8--tng2-lai5. 注文的桌苴仔佮杯墊仔提--轉來。 chù-bûn ê toh-chū-á kah poe-tiām-á the̍h--tńg-lâi. Please pick up the table mat and the coasters that I ordered. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_3.7_THM010_concat.wav 5.503625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM010_concat.wav 9.8290625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hit-sî-tsūn, khin-kang-gia̍p tsiah khai-sí puh-ínn, tsin tsuē kang-tiûnn khiàm kang, tsi35-tsuai35 thâu-ke tiō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tuê hit4-si5-tsun7,khin1-kang1-giap8 tsiah4 khai1-si2 puh4-inn2, tsin1 tsue7 kang1-tiunn5 khiam3 kang1, tsi35-tsuai35 thau5-ke1 tio7 ka7 khiam3 kang1 e5 bun7-tue5 彼時陣,輕工業才開始發穎,真濟工場欠工,tsi35-tsuai35頭家就共欠工的問題 Hit-sî-chūn,khin-kang-gia̍p chiah khai-sí puh-íⁿ, chin chōe kang-tiûⁿ khiàm kang, tsi35-tsuai35 thâu-ke tiō kā khiàm kang ê būn-tôe At that time, the light industry had just started and many factories were short of workers. So the bosses of the tsi35-tsuai35(company name) took the problem of labor shortage. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.10_THM010_concat.wav 17.325625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM010_concat.wav 2.61 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tāng uì kok-sió pit-gia̍p-sing ê thâu-khak-tíng. tang7 ui3 kok4-sio2 pit4-giap8-sing1 e5 thau5-khak4-ting2. 動對國小畢業生的頭殼頂。 tāng ùi kok-sió pit-gia̍p-seng ê thâu-khak-téng. Put your mind on the head of elementary school graduates. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.13_THM010_concat.wav 4.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM010_concat.wav 7.912375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê tsi̍t kò ge̍rh tsîng, ū tsi̍t kang, A-sing ê kàu-sik hiông-hiông lâi tsi̍t ê thâu-ke berh tshěr sió-kang. pit4-giap8 tian2-le2 e5 tsit8 ko3 gerh8 tsing5,u7 tsit8 kang1, a1-sing1 e5 kau3-sik4 hiong5-hiong5 lai5 tsit8 e5 thau5-ke1 berh4 tsher6 sio2-kang1. 畢業典禮的一個月前,有一工,阿生的教室雄雄來一个頭家欲揣小工。 Pit-gia̍p tián-lé ê chi̍t kò ge̍rh chêng,ū chi̍t kang, A-seng ê kàu-sek hiông-hiông lâi chi̍t ê thâu-ke berh chhěr sió-kang. One month before the graduation ceremony, a factory owner suddenly came to A-Sing's classroom one day, looking for part-timers. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.14_THM010_concat.wav 11.64525 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM010_concat.wav 9.9596875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Lǎu-sir mn̄g ha̍k-sing kóng: “Kám ū lâng tshut-gia̍p liáu, bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, berh khìr kang-tiûnn thàn-tsînn--ê? Tshiánn gia̍h-tshiú.” lau6-sir1 mng7 hak8-sing1 kong2: “kam2 u7 lang5 tshut4-giap8 liau2,bo5 ai3 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1, berh4 khir3 kang1-tiunn5 than3-tsinn5--e5?tshiann2 giah8-tshiu2.” 老師問學生講:「敢有人出業了,無愛繼續讀國中,欲去工場趁錢--的?請攑手。」 Lǎu-sir mn̄g ha̍k-seng kóng: “Kám ū lâng chhut-gia̍p liáu,bô ài kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, berh khìr kang-tiûⁿ thàn-chîⁿ--ê?Chhiáⁿ gia̍h-chhiú.” The teacher asked the students, 'Is there anyone who wants to go to work in a factory instead of going to middle school after graduation? Please raise your hand.' 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.16_THM010_concat.wav 10.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM010_concat.wav 2.16 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male A-sing mā gia̍h-tshiú. a1-sing1 ma7 giah8-tshiu2. 阿生嘛攑手。 A-seng mā gia̍h-chhiú. A-sing also raised his hand. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.20_THM010_concat.wav 3.669 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM010_concat.wav 8.23175 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Lǎu-sir tsi̍t-ê-á-tsi̍t-ê kā gia̍h-tshiú ê ha̍k-sing kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-kù, A-sing ê miâ pīng bô tǐr tíng-bīn. lau6-sir1 tsit8-e5-a2-tsit8-e5 ka7 giah8-tshiu2 e5 hak8-sing1 ki3--loh8-lai5, m7-ku3,a1-sing1 e5 mia5 ping7 bo5 tir6 ting2-bin7. 老師一个仔一个共攑手的學生記--落來,毋過,阿生的名並無佇頂面。 Lǎu-sir chi̍t-ê-á-chi̍t-ê kā gia̍h-chhiú ê ha̍k-seng kì--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-kù,A-seng ê miâ pēng bô tǐr téng-bīn. The teacher recorded the students who were raising their hands one by one, but A-Sing's name was not on the list. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.21_THM010_concat.wav 9.3565625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM010_concat.wav 9.4209375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hā-khò liáu, lǎu-sir kā A-sing kiò lâi pinn-thâu kóng: “Lír ê sîng-tsik tsiah-nī hó, bô berh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong, uī-siánn-mih?” ha7-kho3 liau2,lau6-sir1 ka7 a1-sing1 kio3 lai5 pinn1-thau5 kong2: “lir2 e5 sing5-tsik4 tsiah4-ni7 ho2, bo5 berh4 ke3-siok8 thak8 kok4-tiong1,ui7-siann2-mih4?” 下課了,老師共阿生叫來邊頭講:「你的成績遮爾好,無欲繼續讀國中,為啥物?」 Hā-khò liáu,lǎu-sir kā A-seng kiò lâi piⁿ-thâu kóng: “Lír ê sêng-chek chiah-nī hó, bô berh kè-sio̍k tha̍k kok-tiong,ūi-siáⁿ-mih?” After class, the teacher called A-Sing and said to him,' You have good grades, why won't you study in junior high?' 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.23_THM010_concat.wav 8.44 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM010_concat.wav 12.6588125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male lǎu-sir suà--lo̍h-khìr tuì ha̍k-sing kóng: “Nā án-ni, bîn-á-tsài khí, bô gia̍h-tshiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sik tha̍k-tsir; ū gia̍h-tshiú--ê tiō khì sàu piān-sóo, sàu kàu tshut-gia̍p.” lau6-sir1 sua3--loh8-khir3 tui3 hak8-sing1 kong2: “na7 an2-ni1,bin5-a2-tsai3 khi2, bo5 giah8-tshiu2--e5 lau5 ti7 kau3-sik4 thak8-tsir1; u7 giah8-tshiu2--e5 tio7 khi3 sau3 pian7-soo2,sau3 kau3 tshut4-giap8.” 老師紲--落-去對學生講:「若按呢,明仔載起,無攑手--的留佇教室讀書;有攑手--的就去掃便所,掃到出業。」 lǎu-sir sòa--lo̍h-khìr tùi ha̍k-seng kóng: “Nā án-ni,bîn-á-chài khí, bô gia̍h-chhiú--ê lâu tī kàu-sek tha̍k-chir; ū gia̍h-chhiú--ê tiō khì sàu piān-só͘,sàu kàu chhut-gia̍p.” The teacher then said to the students: 'If this is the case, from tomorrow, those who do not raise their hands will stay in the classroom to study; those who have raised their hands will sweep the toilet until graduation.' 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.31_THM010_concat.wav 13.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM010_concat.wav 2.73 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male A-sing án-tsuánn siūnn to siūnn-bô. a1-sing1 an2-tsuann2 siunn7 to1 siunn7-bo5. 阿生按怎想都想無。 A-seng án-chóaⁿ siūⁿ to siūⁿ-bô. No matter how much A-sing thought about it, he still could not understand. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.35_THM010_concat.wav 7.572999999999999 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM010_concat.wav 9.2735 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male “Ná ē tsiah bô kong-pînn! Berh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê, tiō m̄-bián sàu piān-sóo; bô-huat-tōo koh tha̍k--ê, tiō ài sàu piān-sóo, uī-siánn-mih?” “na2 e7 tsiah4 bo5 kong1-pinn5! berh4 thak8 kok4-tiong1--e5,tio7 m7-bian2 sau3 pian7-soo2; bo5-huat4-too7 koh4 thak8--e5,tio7 ai3 sau3 pian7-soo2,ui7-siann2-mih4?” 「哪會遮無公平!欲讀國中--的,就毋免掃便所;無法度閣讀--的,就愛掃便所,為啥物?」 “Ná ē chiah bô kong-pîⁿ! Berh tha̍k kok-tiong--ê,tiō m̄-bián sàu piān-só͘; bô-hoat-tō͘ koh tha̍k--ê,tiō ài sàu piān-só͘,ūi-siáⁿ-mih?” How can it be so unfair? Those who plan to study in middle school do not need to clean the toilet, while those who cannot continue studying will have to clean the toilet. Why? 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.36_THM010_concat.wav 14.54575 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM010_concat.wav 2.13 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūnn-bô. i1 sim1-lai7 it4-tit8 siunn7-bo5. 伊心內一直想無。 I sim-lāi it-ti̍t siūⁿ-bô. He kept thinking about it in his mind but couldn't understand it. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.39_THM010_concat.wav 5.374875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM010_concat.wav 7.7585625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tshut-gia̍p terē-jī kang, A-sing tiō koo-tsiânn tshù-pinn ê a-hiann tshuā i khìr oo-tshiú-á kang-tshiáng tsuè-kang. tshut4-giap8 tere7-ji7 kang1, a1-sing1 tio7 koo1-tsiann5 tshu3-pinn1 e5 a1-hiann1 tshua7 i1 khir3 oo1-tshiu2-a2 kang1-tshiang2 tsue3-kang1. 出業第二工,阿生就姑情厝邊的阿兄𤆬伊去烏手仔工廠做工。 Chhut-gia̍p tērē-jī kang, A-seng tiō ko͘-chiâⁿ chhù-piⁿ ê a-hiaⁿ chhōa i khìr o͘-chhiú-á kang-chhiáng chòe-kang. The day after his graduation, A-sing begged his neighbour to get him a job in a blue-collar factory. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.44_THM010_concat.wav 8.7463125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM010_concat.wav 5.446125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male A-sing tsiok līn-tsin--ê, kui-ê hioh-lua̍h tah-tah la̍k-tsa̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. a1-sing1 tsiok4 lin7-tsin1--e5, kui1-e5 hioh4-luah8 tah4-tah4 lak8-tsap8 kang1 long2 bo5 hioh4-khun3. 阿生足認真的,規个歇熱貼貼六十工攏無歇睏。 A-seng chiok līn-chin--ê, kui-ê hioh-loa̍h tah-tah la̍k-cha̍p kang lóng bô hioh-khùn. A-sing was very serious. He never once rested for all sixty days of the summer break. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.46_THM010_concat.wav 7.84625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM010_concat.wav 8.608625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male “A-pah! Guá tsit ê hioh-lua̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah khoo. Sann-pah khoo tàu sann-thinn tshù--lí, sann-pah khoo hōo--guá, hó--bô?” “a1-pah4!gua2 tsit4 e5 hioh4-luah8 than3-tioh8 lak8-pah4 khoo1. sann1-pah4 khoo1 tau3 sann1-thinn1 tshu3--li2,sann1-pah4 khoo1 hoo7--gua2,ho2--bo5?” 「阿爸!我這个歇熱趁著六百箍。三百箍鬥相添厝--裡,三百箍予我,好--無?」 “A-pah!Góa chit ê hioh-loa̍h thàn-tio̍h la̍k-pah kho͘. Saⁿ-pah kho͘ tàu saⁿ-thiⁿ chhù--lí,saⁿ-pah kho͘ hō͘--góa,hó--bô?” Dad! I earned $600 this summer. $300 is for helping the family. Can I have the other $300 for myself? 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.52_THM010_concat.wav 8.8743125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM010_concat.wav 6.226125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male A-sing khin-siann-suè-serh, tsin kiann in a-pah pìnn-bīn, in a-pah tsin phái. a1-sing1 khin1-siann1-sue3-serh4,tsin1 kiann1 in1 a1-pah4 pinn3-bin7, in1 a1-pah4 tsin1 phai2. 阿生輕聲細說,真驚𪜶阿爸變面,𪜶阿爸真歹。 A-seng khin-siaⁿ-sòe-serh,chin kiaⁿ in a-pah pìⁿ-bīn, in a-pah chin phái. A-sing said softly, fearing that his father might snap back at him. His father was very fierce. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.54_THM010_concat.wav 8.7189375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM010_concat.wav 2.6880625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah tsuē tsînn berh tshòng siánn-mih?” “gin2-a2-lang5 theh8 hiah4 tsue7 tsinn5 berh4 tshong3 siann2-mih4?” 「囡仔人提遐濟錢欲創啥物?」 “Gín-á-lâng the̍h hiah chōe chîⁿ berh chhòng siáⁿ-mih?” What would a kid need so much money for? 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.56_THM010_concat.wav 3.5410000000000004 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM010_concat.wav 1.89 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male in a-pah tuā-siann mn̄g. in1 a1-pah4 tua7-siann1 mng7. 𪜶阿爸大聲問。 in a-pah tōa-siaⁿ mn̄g. His father asked him loudly. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.57_THM010_concat.wav 2.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM010_concat.wav 4.02625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tú-thâu-á, khiā tī pinn-thâu leh la̍k-la̍k-tshuah ê A-sing tu2-thau5-a2,khia7 ti7 pinn1-thau5 leh4 lak8-lak8-tshuah4 e5 a1-sing1 拄頭仔,徛佇邊頭咧慄慄掣的阿生 Tú-thâu-á,khiā tī piⁿ-thâu leh la̍k-la̍k-chhoah ê A-seng Just now, Ah Sheng, who was standing beside him, was shaking. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.64_THM010_concat.wav 5.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM010_concat.wav 4.1175 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male khuànn in a-pah lóng bô kóng-uē, tsin kiann i m̄ tah-ìng. khuann3 in1 a1-pah4 long2 bo5 kong2-ue7,tsin1 kiann1 i1 m7 tah4-ing3. 看𪜶阿爸攏無講話,真驚伊毋答應。 khòaⁿ in a-pah lóng bô kóng-ōe,chin kiaⁿ i m̄ tah-èng. Seeing that his father did not make a sound, he was afraid that his father might reject him. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.65_THM010_concat.wav 7.1463125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM010_concat.wav 7.822375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hó-ka-tsài! Kèr tsi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pah the̍h-tio̍h hit sann-pah khoo tiām-tiām-á kiânn ji̍p-khìr pâng-king. ho2-ka1-tsai3!ker3 tsit8-tak4-ku2-a2, in1 a1-pah4 theh8-tioh8 hit4 sann1-pah4 khoo1 tiam7-tiam7-a2 kiann5 jip8-khir3 pang5-king1. 好佳哉!過一觸久仔,𪜶阿爸提著彼三百箍恬恬仔行入去房間。 Hó-ka-chài!Kèr chi̍t-tak-kú-á, in a-pah the̍h-tio̍h hit saⁿ-pah kho͘ tiām-tiām-á kiâⁿ ji̍p-khìr pâng-keng. Luckily, after a while, his father took the three hundred TWD and left for his room quietly. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.66_THM010_concat.wav 7.7223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM010_concat.wav 2.4780625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male “Ua̋! Guá ē-tàng khì tha̍k-tsir--ah!” “ua9!gua2 e7-tang3 khi3 thak8-tsir1--ah4!” 「Ua̋!我會當去讀書--矣!」 “Ŏa!Góa ē-tàng khì tha̍k-chir--ah!” Woo-hoo! I got the chance to study! 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.68_THM010_concat.wav 3.263625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM010_concat.wav 6.2704375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tàu thàn tsi̍t-kuá tsînn lâi kā tshù-lāi sann-thinn, A-sing tiō sī kî-tiong tsi̍t ê. tau3 than3 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 lai5 ka7 tshu3-lai7 sann1-thinn1, a1-sing1 tio7 si7 ki5-tiong1 tsit8 e5. 鬥趁一寡錢來共厝內相添,阿生就是其中一个。 tàu thàn chi̍t-kóa chîⁿ lâi kā chhù-lāi saⁿ-thiⁿ, A-seng tiō sī kî-tiong chi̍t ê. A-sing was one of the breadwinners who helped out the household. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_4.8_THM010_concat.wav 5.4030625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM010_concat.wav 1.95 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male siā-huē ê kî-kuài-tāi sia7-hue7 e5 ki5-kuai3-tai7 社會的奇怪代 siā-hōe ê kî-koài-tāi Strange events in society. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.1_THM010_concat.wav 3.947 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM010_concat.wav 5.956125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male terē-sann kiānn sī sì-tsa̍p-guā nî tsîng ê tāi-tsì, kî-kuài bô kî-kuài, tshiánn ta̍k-ke phuànn-tuàn. tere7-sann1 kiann7 si7 si3-tsap8-gua7 ni5 tsing5 e5 tai7-tsi3, ki5-kuai3 bo5 ki5-kuai3,tshiann2 tak8-ke1 phuann3-tuan3. 第三件是四十外年前的代誌,奇怪無奇怪,請逐家判斷。 tērē-saⁿ kiāⁿ sī sì-cha̍p-gōa nî chêng ê tāi-chì, kî-koài bô kî-koài,chhiáⁿ ta̍k-ke phòaⁿ-toàn. The third thing happened forty years ago. Was it strange? You can be the judge of that. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.30_THM010_concat.wav 7.317 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.43_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.43_THM010_concat.wav 14.18575 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tiunn Siông sī Tiong-kok Sam-kok Sî-tāi ê lâng, uī-tio̍h berh tâu-phun Tsô Tshò, i thau uē pún-kok tuē-tôo, tsuè-uî tâu-hâng Tsô Tshò ê hiàn-lé, tiō sī buē kang-san, kiû îng-huâ--lah. tiunn1 siong5 si7 tiong1-kok4 sam1-kok4 si5-tai7 e5 lang5, ui7-tioh8 berh4 tau5-phun1 tso5 tsho3, i1 thau1 ue7 pun2-kok4 tue7-too5, tsue3-ui5 tau5-hang5 tso5 tsho3 e5 hian3-le2, tio7 si7 bue7 kang1-san1,kiu5 ing5-hua5--lah4. 張松是中國三國時代的人,為著欲投奔曹操,伊偷畫本國地圖,做為投降曹操的獻禮,就是賣江山,求榮華--啦。 Tiuⁿ Siông sī Tiong-kok Sam-kok Sî-tāi ê lâng, ūi-tio̍h berh tâu-phun Chô Chhò, i thau ōe pún-kok tōe-tô͘, chòe-ûi tâu-hâng Chô Chhò ê hiàn-lé, tiō sī bōe kang-san,kiû êng-hôa--lah. Tiunn Siông was a figure from China during the Three Kingdoms period. To seek asylum from Tsô Tshò, he secretly drew a map of his country as a gift for Tsô Tshò when he surrenders. This means that he betrayed his country for money and fame. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_5.43_THM010_concat.wav 19.263625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THM010_concat.wav 4.276875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tâi-gír-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tuānn: tsuè-sing-lí tai5-gir2-bun5 un7-tong7 sin1 kai1-tuann7:tsue3-sing1-li2 臺語文運動新階段:做生理 Tâi-gír-bûn ūn-tōng sin kai-tōaⁿ:chòe-seng-lí A new stage for the Taiwanese Language Movement: Doing business 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.1_THM010_concat.wav 6.869 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM010_concat.wav 7.6191875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male koh lâi, lán ài kuánn-kín hānn-li̍p “sin koh to̍k-li̍p” ê kai-tuānn: khai-sí tsún-pī “tsuè-sing-lí”! koh4 lai5,lan2 ai3 kuann2-kin2 hann7-lip8“sin1 koh4 tok8-lip8”e5 kai1-tuann7: khai1-si2 tsun2-pi7“tsue3-sing1-li2”! 閣來,咱愛趕緊迒入「新閣獨立」的階段:開始準備「做生理」! koh lâi,lán ài kóaⁿ-kín hāⁿ-li̍p“sin koh to̍k-li̍p”ê kai-tōaⁿ: khai-sí chún-pī“chòe-seng-lí”! Next, we must quickly step nto the phase of being 'new and independent': start preparing to 'do business'! 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.10_THM010_concat.wav 10.111625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THM010_concat.wav 8.640875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tsuè-sing-lí tiō sī beh thàn-tsînn, tsuè-sing-lí tiō sī ài ū kìng-tsing, tsuè-sing-lí tiō sī ài káng-kiù phín-tsit; tsue3-sing1-li2 tio7 si7 beh4 than3-tsinn5, tsue3-sing1-li2 tio7 si7 ai3 u7 king3-tsing1, tsue3-sing1-li2 tio7 si7 ai3 kang2-kiu3 phin2-tsit4; 做生理就是欲趁錢,做生理就是愛有競爭,做生理就是愛講究品質; chòe-seng-lí tiō sī beh thàn-chîⁿ, chòe-seng-lí tiō sī ài ū kèng-cheng, chòe-seng-lí tiō sī ài káng-kiù phín-chit; Doing business is about making money. Doing business is about being competitive. Doing business is about paying attention to quality. 1271056 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.12_THM010_concat.wav 10.9848125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THM010_concat.wav 3.75125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tse tiō sī guá berh kóng ê hong-hiòng kap tiōng-tiám. tse1 tio7 si7 gua2 berh4 kong2 e5 hong1-hiong3 kap4 tiong7-tiam2. 這就是我欲講的方向佮重點。 che tiō sī góa berh kóng ê hong-hiòng kap tiōng-tiám. This is the direction and focus of what I want to say. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.15_THM010_concat.wav 4.8525625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THM010_concat.wav 7.33975 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male lán ê phín-tsit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-tsuánn mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-kuan, tse sī ki-pún tō-lí. lan2 e5 phin2-tsit4 na7 bo5-kau3 ho2, koh4-khah4 an2-tsuann2 ma7 bo5 lang5 e7 lai5 kau1-kuan1, tse1 si7 ki1-pun2 to7-li2. 咱的品質若無夠好,閣較按怎嘛無人會來交關,這是基本道理。 lán ê phín-chit nā bô-kàu hó, koh-khah án-chóaⁿ mā bô lâng ē lâi kau-koan, che sī ki-pún tō-lí. If our quality is not on par, no one will work with us no matter what we do. This is the basic principle. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.16_THM010_concat.wav 9.0663125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THM010_concat.wav 6.09625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Sóo-pái lán ê Tâi-gír-bûn tsok-phín tio̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông, sing-kip. soo2-pai2 lan2 e5 tai5-gir2-bun5 tsok4-phin2 tioh8-ai3 ke3-siok8 ka1-kiong5,sing1-kip4. 所擺咱的臺語文作品著愛繼續加強、升級。 Só͘-pái lán ê Tâi-gír-bûn chok-phín tio̍h-ài kè-sio̍k ka-kiông,seng-kip. That is why we must keep on improving and upgrading Taiwanese literature. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.19_THM010_concat.wav 6.2786875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THM010_concat.wav 2.2068125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tsok-tsiá: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū tsok4-tsia2:tiunn1 hok8-tsu7 作者:張復聚 chok-chiá:Tiuⁿ Ho̍k-chū Author: Tiunn Ho̍k-tsū 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.2_THM010_concat.wav 4.7783125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM010_concat.wav 57.1651875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khèr tiō sī “tsok-phín to-guân-huà”: tshòng-tsok khah tsuē bô sâng bûn-luī ê tsok-phín, tshin-tshiūnn bûn-ha̍k, gū-giân, thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k (i-ha̍k, bu̍t-lí, huà-ha̍k, thài-khong, tuē-kiû kho-ha̍k...), gē-su̍t, im-ga̍k, bûn-huà, tsìng-tī, king-tsè, sing-bu̍t, huân-pó, tshiò-kher, si̍t-iōng-bûn (kiat-hun thiap-á, tsè-bûn, tshui-tsiàn-bûn, kiû-tsit-bûn, kong-bûn), sīm-tsì tē-lí, li̍k-sír, tsong-kàu, tiat-ha̍k ê bûn-tsiunn ── ti̍k-pia̍t sī ài tuā-tuā-la̍t tshut-pán gín-á-tsir, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bú-gír kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hōo kok-sió, kok-tiong ha̍k-sing thang tha̍k, hōo in ē-tàng kā tǐr ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê, tsin iú-hān ê bú-gí-bûn î-tshî mài tn̄g-kun! siong7 ki1-pun2 e5 khang1-kher3 tio7 si7“tsok4-phin2 to1-guan5-hua3”: tshong3-tsok4 khah4 tsue7 bo5 sang5 bun5-lui7 e5 tsok4-phin2, tshin1-tshiunn7 bun5-hak8,gu7-gian5,thong1-siok8 kho1-hak8(i1-hak8,but8-li2,hua3-hak8,thai3-khong1,tue7-kiu5 kho1-hak8...), ge7-sut8,im1-gak8,bun5-hua3,tsing3-ti7,king1-tse3,sing1-but8, huan5-po2,tshio3-kher1,sit8-iong7-bun5(kiat4-hun1 thiap4-a2,tse3-bun5,tshui1-tsian3-bun5,kiu5-tsit4-bun5,kong1-bun5), sim7-tsi3 te7-li2,lik8-sir2,tsong1-kau3,tiat4-hak8 e5 bun5-tsiunn1── tik8-piat8 si7 ai3 tua7-tua7-lat8 tshut4-pan2 gin2-a2-tsir1, than3 hak8-hau7 u7 bu2-gir2 kau3-iok8, the5-kiong1 hoo7 kok4-sio2,kok4-tiong1 hak8-sing1 thang1 thak8, hoo7 in1 e7-tang3 ka7 tir6 hak8-hau7 oh8--tioh8--e5,tsin1 iu2-han7 e5 bu2-gi2-bun5 i5-tshi5 mai3 tng7-kun1! 上基本的工課就是「作品多元化」:創作較濟無𫝛文類的作品,親像文學、寓言、通俗科學(醫學、物理、化學、太空、地球科學……)、藝術、音樂、文化、政治、經濟、生物、環保、笑詼、實用文(結婚帖仔、祭文、推薦文、求職文、公文),甚至地理、歷史、宗教、哲學ê文章──特別是愛大大力出版囡仔書,趁學校有母語教育,提供予國小、國中學生通讀,予𪜶會當共佇學校學--著--的、真有限的母語文維持莫斷根! Siōng ki-pún ê khang-khèr tiō sī“chok-phín to-goân-hòa”: chhòng-chok khah chōe bô sâng bûn-lūi ê chok-phín, chhin-chhiūⁿ bûn-ha̍k,gū-giân,thong-sio̍k kho-ha̍k(i-ha̍k,bu̍t-lí,hòa-ha̍k,thài-khong,tōe-kiû kho-ha̍k...), gē-su̍t,im-ga̍k,bûn-hòa,chèng-tī,keng-chè,seng-bu̍t, hoân-pó,chhiò-kher,si̍t-iōng-bûn(kiat-hun thiap-á,chè-bûn,chhui-chiàn-bûn,kiû-chit-bûn,kong-bûn), sīm-chì tē-lí,le̍k-sír,chong-kàu,tiat-ha̍k ê bûn-chiuⁿ── te̍k-pia̍t sī ài tōa-tōa-la̍t chhut-pán gín-á-chir, thàn ha̍k-hāu ū bú-gír kàu-io̍k, thê-kiong hō͘ kok-sió,kok-tiong ha̍k-seng thang tha̍k, hō͘ in ē-tàng kā tǐr ha̍k-hāu o̍h--tio̍h--ê,chin iú-hān ê bú-gí-bûn î-chhî mài tn̄g-kun! The basic work is 'diverse works': create more works in different literary categories, like literature, fable, common science(medicine, physics, chemistry, space, geoscience), art, music, culture, politics, economics, biology, environmentally friendly, joke, practical article(wedding invitation, funeral oration, foreword, cover letter, official document), and even articles about geography, history, religion, philosophy-- especially we should widely publish children's books. While mother tongue education is being practiced in school, we can offer these books to children, make the mother tongue which they learn very limited in school can still maintain. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.20_THM010_concat.wav 48.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THM010_concat.wav 4.65625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Tâi-gír-bûn ūn-tōng kàu tsit-má í-king ū tshiau-kèr sì-tsa̍p tang--ah! tai5-gir2-bun5 un7-tong7 kau3 tsit4-ma2 i2-king1 u7 tshiau1-ker3 si3-tsap8 tang1--ah4! 臺語文運動到這馬已經有超過四十冬--矣! Tâi-gír-bûn ūn-tōng kàu chit-má í-keng ū chhiau-kèr sì-cha̍p tang--ah! The Taiwanese Language Movement has been around for more than forty years! 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.3_THM010_concat.wav 6.271625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THM010_concat.wav 11.52425 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Ū hó ê tsok-phín tsiah ē-tàng tsìng-bîng tsit ê gír-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thuân bān nî, kánn-sun mā tsiah khíng, tsiah ē berh pó-tsûn, tshái-iōng. u7 ho2 e5 tsok4-phin2 tsiah4 e7-tang3 tsing3-bing5 tsit4 e5 gir2-gian5 u7 ke3-tat8 liu5-thuan5 ban7 ni5, kann2-sun1 ma7 tsiah4 khing2,tsiah4 e7 berh4 po2-tsun5,tshai2-iong7. 有好的作品才會當證明這个語言有價值流傳萬年,囝孫嘛才肯、才會欲保存、採用。 Ū hó ê chok-phín chiah ē-tàng chèng-bêng chit ê gír-giân ū kè-ta̍t liû-thoân bān nî, káⁿ-sun mā chiah khéng,chiah ē berh pó-chûn,chhái-iōng. Only when there are good works, can we prove that the language is precious and deserves to be passed down for centuries to come. And only then will the future generations be willing to preserve and adopt it. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.30_THM010_concat.wav 12.543625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THM010_concat.wav 9.6933125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Koh lâi sī kìng-tsing: tsok-phín ài ū kìng-tsing-li̍k, sin-suí ài ū kìng-tsing-li̍k, su-ji̍p-huat mā ài ū kìng-tsing-li̍k! koh4 lai5 si7 king3-tsing1: tsok4-phin2 ai3 u7 king3-tsing1-lik8, sin1-sui2 ai3 u7 king3-tsing1-lik8, su1-jip8-huat4 ma7 ai3 u7 king3-tsing1-lik8! 閣來是競爭:作品愛有競爭力、薪水愛有競爭力、輸入法嘛愛有競爭力! Koh lâi sī kèng-cheng: chok-phín ài ū kèng-cheng-le̍k, sin-súi ài ū kèng-cheng-le̍k, su-ji̍p-hoat mā ài ū kèng-cheng-le̍k! Then there is the competition: the works must be competitive, the salary must be competitive, and the input method must be competitive! 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.32_THM010_concat.wav 8.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THM010_concat.wav 14.81475 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tn̂g-kî tshui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gír bûn-kàu ki-kim-huē tsú-tiunn tsit-uân sin-suí ài pí guā-kháu khah kuân, hōo tsuè Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū tsǐr-sìn kah kong-îng. tng5-ki5 tshui1-sak4 tai5-gi2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 li2 kang1-khioh4 tai5-gir2 bun5-kau3 ki1-kim1-hue7 tsu2-tiunn1 tsit4-uan5 sin1-sui2 ai3 pi2 gua7-khau2 khah4 kuan5, hoo7 tsue3 tai5-gi2-bun5 e5 tong5-kang1 u7 tsir6-sin3 kah4 kong1-ing5. 長期推捒臺語文運動的李江却臺語文教基金會主張職員薪水愛比外口較懸,予做臺語文的同工有自信佮光榮。 tn̂g-kî chhui-sak Tâi-gí-bûn ūn-tōng ê Lí Kang-khioh Tâi-gír bûn-kàu ki-kim-hōe chú-tiuⁿ chit-oân sin-súi ài pí gōa-kháu khah koân, hō͘ chòe Tâi-gí-bûn ê tông-kang ū chǐr-sìn kah kong-êng. Lí Kang-khiok Foundation, a long-time promoter of the Taiwanese Hokkien language movement, advocates that the salaries of the Foundation's staff must be higher than the average salary. The employees of the Foundation are proud of the company and feel confident. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.36_THM010_concat.wav 18.6684375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THM010_concat.wav 4.56625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Koh ū, tsit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-lī kang-kū sī tshiú-ki-á. koh4 u7,tsit4-ma2 siong7 iau3-kin2 e5 phah4-li7 kang1-ku7 si7 tshiu2-ki1-a2. 閣有,這馬上要緊的拍字工具是手機仔。 Koh ū,chit-má siōng iàu-kín ê phah-lī kang-kū sī chhiú-ki-á. And, right now, the most important typing tool is the cell phone. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.38_THM010_concat.wav 5.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THM010_concat.wav 7.315625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tshiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gír su-li̍p-huat tǐr IOS hē-thóng kan-na ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gír su-li̍p-huat. tshiu2-ki1-a2 e5 tai5-gir2 su1-lip8-huat4 tir6 IOS he7-thong2 kan1-na1 u7 lo5-han3-kha1 tai5-gir2 su1-lip8-huat4. 手機仔的臺語輸入法佇IOS系統干焦有羅漢跤臺語輸入法。 chhiú-ki-á ê Tâi-gír su-li̍p-hoat tǐr IOS hē-thóng kan-na ū lô-hàn-kha Tâi-gír su-li̍p-hoat. If you use the cell phone's Taiwanese input method, there is only the Lô-hàn-kha Taiwanese input method available in the IOS system. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.39_THM010_concat.wav 11.071625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THM010_concat.wav 2.4 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male ke-kiám mā ū kuá sîng-tsiū. ke1-kiam2 ma7 u7 kua2 sing5-tsiu7. 加減嘛有寡成就。 ke-kiám mā ū kóa sêng-chiū. We have more or less accomplished something. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.4_THM010_concat.wav 4.7783125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THM010_concat.wav 6.2104375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó īng, mā ū buē tsió būn-tuê it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-kuat. lo5-han3-kha1 sui1-bong2 ho2 ing7, ma7 u7 bue7 tsio2 bun7-tue5 it4-tit8 long2 bo5 kai2-kuat4. 羅漢跤雖罔好用,嘛有袂少問題一直攏無解決。 Lô-hàn-kha sui-bóng hó ēng, mā ū bōe chió būn-tôe it-ti̍t lóng bô kái-koat. Although Lô-hàn-kha comes in handy, there are still many problems that it couldn't solve. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.40_THM010_concat.wav 6.975625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM010_concat.wav 8.4266875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male tsuè-kūn lán mā leh kóo-bú koh khai-huat līng-guā tsi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kìng-tsing, hōo-siong làu-khuì kiû tsìn-pōo. tsue3-kun7 lan2 ma7 leh4 koo2-bu2 koh4 khai1-huat4 ling7-gua7 tsit8 tho3 lai5 kah4 lo5-han3-kha1 king3-tsing1, hoo7-siong1 lau3-khui3 kiu5 tsin3-poo7. 最近咱嘛咧鼓舞閣開發另外一套來佮羅漢跤競爭,互相落氣求進步。 chòe-kūn lán mā leh kó͘-bú koh khai-hoat lēng-gōa chi̍t thò lâi kah lô-hàn-kha kèng-cheng, hō͘-siong làu-khùi kiû chìn-pō͘. Lately, we are also encouraging the development of another approach to competing with Lô-hàn-kha. We can give each other constructive criticism and improve together. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.42_THM010_concat.wav 11.989 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM010_concat.wav 13.102625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Mā ài pài-thok khah tsuē siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k giân-gír-ha̍k phok-sū, līn-tsin gián-kiù Tâi-gír-bûn, án-ni ha̍k-su̍t thîng-tōo ē thê-sing, tuì Tâi-gír-bûn huat-tián ē ū tuā pang-tsān. ma7 ai3 pai3-thok4 khah4 tsue7 siau3-lian5-lang5 thak8 gian5-gir2-hak8 phok4-su7, lin7-tsin1 gian2-kiu3 tai5-gir2-bun5, an2-ni1 hak8-sut8 thing5-too7 e7 the5-sing1, tui3 tai5-gir2-bun5 huat4-tian2 e7 u7 tua7 pang1-tsan7. 嘛愛拜託較濟少年人讀言語學博士,認真研究臺語文,按呢學術程度會提升,對臺語文發展會有大幫贊。 Mā ài pài-thok khah chōe siàu-liân-lâng tha̍k giân-gír-ha̍k phok-sū, līn-chin gián-kiù Tâi-gír-bûn, án-ni ha̍k-su̍t thêng-tō͘ ē thê-seng, tùi Tâi-gír-bûn hoat-tián ē ū tōa pang-chān. We should also ask more young people to study Ph.D. in linguistics and study Taiwanese Hokkien seriously, so that the overall academic level will be improved, and it will be of great help to the development of Taiwanese Hokkien. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.44_THM010_concat.wav 15.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THM010_concat.wav 5.386125 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male ū phín-tsit koh ū kìng-tsing, tse tiō sī tsuè-sing-lí beh sîng-kong ê thâu-sing-sòo. u7 phin2-tsit4 koh4 u7 king3-tsing1, tse1 tio7 si7 tsue3-sing1-li2 beh4 sing5-kong1 e5 thau5-sing1-soo3. 有品質閣有競爭,這就是做生理欲成功的頭先素。 ū phín-chit koh ū kèng-cheng, che tiō sī chòe-seng-lí beh sêng-kong ê thâu-seng-sò͘. To have quality and to be competitive. These are the main criteria for success in business. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.48_THM010_concat.wav 8.341000000000001 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THM010_concat.wav 7.0660625 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Hi-bāng ū tsi̍t kang, tsuè Tâi-gír-bûn tsin-tsiànn ū tsînn thàn, ū sîng-tsiū, koh hó miâ-siann. hi1-bang7 u7 tsit8 kang1, tsue3 tai5-gir2-bun5 tsin1-tsiann3 u7 tsinn5 than3,u7 sing5-tsiu7,koh4 ho2 mia5-siann1. 希望有一工,做臺語文真正有錢趁、有成就、閣好名聲。 Hi-bāng ū chi̍t kang, chòe Tâi-gír-bûn chin-chiàⁿ ū chîⁿ thàn,ū sêng-chiū,koh hó miâ-siaⁿ. I hope that one day, working in the Taiwanese Hokkien Language can earn a decent living with achievements and prestige. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.55_THM010_concat.wav 10.239625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THM010_concat.wav 7.9829375 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male Án-ni Tâi-gír-bûn ūn-tōng ê tsiân-puè tsiah ē-tàng sió-khuá hioh-tshuán, kóng “Tâi-gír-bûn tshut-thâu-thinn!” an2-ni1 tai5-gir2-bun5 un7-tong7 e5 tsian5-pue3 tsiah4 e7-tang3 sio2-khua2 hioh4-tshuan2, kong2“tai5-gir2-bun5 tshut4-thau5-thinn1!” 按呢臺語文運動的前輩才會當小可歇喘,講「臺語文出頭天!」 Án-ni Tâi-gír-bûn ūn-tōng ê chiân-pòe chiah ē-tàng sió-khóa hioh-chhoán, kóng“Tâi-gír-bûn chhut-thâu-thiⁿ!” So that the forefathers of the Taiwanese Language Movement can finally take a rest and say, “The Taiwanese language has finally made it to the top!” 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.57_THM010_concat.wav 10.581 TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THM010_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THM010_concat.wav 12.9896875 THM010 鹿港腔 Lukang Male “Tâi-gír kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi” mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū leh thó-lūn, m̄-kù tsiam-tuì ūn-tōng pún-sin berh án-tsuánn koh-khah tsìn-pōo ê kiám-thó, tsóng--sī mā buē-tàng bô. “tai5-gir2 kong1-kiong7 tian7-si7-tai5”ma7 liok8-siok8 u7 leh4 tho2-lun7, m7-ku3 tsiam1-tui3 un7-tong7 pun2-sin1 berh4 an2-tsuann2 koh4-khah4 tsin3-poo7 e5 kiam2-tho2, tsong2--si7 ma7 bue7-tang3 bo5. 「臺語公共電視台」嘛陸續有咧討論,毋過針對運動本身欲按怎閣較進步的檢討,總--是嘛袂當無。 “Tâi-gír kong-kiōng tiān-sī-tâi”mā lio̍k-sio̍k ū leh thó-lūn, m̄-kù chiam-tùi ūn-tōng pún-sin berh án-chóaⁿ koh-khah chìn-pō͘ ê kiám-thó, chóng--sī mā bōe-tàng bô. Taiwan Language Public Television is also being discussed one after another. However, reviewing how the Taiwanese language movement itself should be improved cannot be done without it. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0023_6.6_THM010_concat.wav 14.463625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.1_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.1_TSF017_concat.wav 5.43 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn phînn-ôo-kuān miâ-á-tsài 22 hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 phinn5-oo5-kuan7 mia5-a2-tsai3 22 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看澎湖縣明仔載22號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ phîⁿ-ô͘-koān miâ-á-chài 22 hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, what will be the weather in Phênn-ôo County tomorrow on the 22nd? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.1_TSF017_concat.wav 6.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.2_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.2_TSF017_concat.wav 13.122375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female un-tōo 30 tsì 34 tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t 40 % lâi-pin 325 hō tshiánn-lâi 10 hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 30 tsi3 34 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 40% lai5-pin1 325 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 10 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度30至34度,落雨機率40%來賓325號請來10號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ 30 chì 34 tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t 40% lâi-pin 325 hō chhiáⁿ-lâi 10 hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature of the weather is 30~34 degrees, and the chance of rain is 40%. Please go to the counter No. 10 for guest No. 325. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.2_TSF017_concat.wav 10.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.4_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.4_TSF017_concat.wav 5.1661875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female lóng-tsóng 696 khoo, tsāu lí 4 khoo long2-tsong2 696 khoo1,tsau7 li2 4 khoo1 攏總696箍, 找你4箍 lóng-chóng 696 kho͘,chāu lí 4 kho͘ The total is 696 dollars, here are your 4 dollars in change. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.4_TSF017_concat.wav 6.269 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.5_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.5_TSF017_concat.wav 3.9625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female kin-á-ji̍t sī tsa̍p-jī-gue̍h tsa̍p-sì, lé-pài kin1-a2-jit8 si7 tsap8-ji7-gueh8 tsap8-si3,le2-pai3 今仔日是十二月十四,禮拜 kin-á-ji̍t sī cha̍p-jī-goe̍h cha̍p-sì,lé-pài Today is December 14th, Sunday. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.5_TSF017_concat.wav 3.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.8_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.8_TSF017_concat.wav 4.17 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female i-tī it kiú tshit sù nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 tshit4 su3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇1974年出世 i-tī it kiú chhit sù nî chhut-sì He was born in 1974. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.8_TSF017_concat.wav 4.373 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.9_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.9_TSF017_concat.wav 4.14 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki lio̍k it kiú khòng tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 liok8 it4 kiu2 khong3 請幫我轉分機6190 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki lio̍k it kiú khòng Please help me transfer to extension 6190. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.9_TSF017_concat.wav 3.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.1_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.1_TSF017_concat.wav 2.988125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Lán-tsit-ê siánn-mi̍h hiann, gâu-tsá. lan2-tsit4-e5 siann2-mih8 hiann1,gau5-tsa2. 咱這个啥物兄,𠢕早。 Lán-chit-ê siáⁿ-mi̍h hiaⁿ,gâu-chá. Good morning, sir, whose name I do not know. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.1_TSF017_concat.wav 5.0343125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.10_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.10_TSF017_concat.wav 3.66 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Khiâ thih-bé kiám-tshái tio̍h gōo-tsa̍p-hun-tsing; khia5 thih4-be2 kiam2-tshai2 tioh8 goo7-tsap8-hun1-tsing1; 騎鐵馬檢采著五十分鐘; Khiâ thih-bé kiám-chhái tio̍h gō͘-cha̍p-hun-cheng; It might take 50 minutes to ride a bicycle; 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.10_TSF017_concat.wav 4.8525625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.11_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.11_TSF017_concat.wav 3.06 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsē kong-tshia siōng-bô ài puànn-tiám-tsing; tse7 kong1-tshia1 siong7-bo5 ai3 puann3-tiam2-tsing1; 坐公車上無愛半點鐘; chē kong-chhia siōng-bô ài pòaⁿ-tiám-cheng; If you take the bus, it will be less than half an hour. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.11_TSF017_concat.wav 5.1623125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.12_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.12_TSF017_concat.wav 3.5568125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female khiâ ki-tshia tsha-put-to tsa̍p-gōo hun-tsing; khia5 ki1-tshia1 tsha1-put4-to1 tsap8-goo7 hun1-tsing1; 騎機車差不多十五分鐘; khiâ ki-chhia chha-put-to cha̍p-gō͘ hun-cheng; It takes about fifteen minutes to ride a motorcycle. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.12_TSF017_concat.wav 5.200875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.13_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.13_TSF017_concat.wav 5.79625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsē Tha-khú-sih ia̍h sái tsū-ka-iōng--ê liōng-iok-á ài jī-tsa̍p-hun-tsing kú. tse7 tha1-khu2-sih4 iah8 sai2 tsu7-ka1-iong7--e5 liong7-iok4-a2 ai3 ji7-tsap8-hun1-tsing1 ku2. 坐Tha-khú-sih抑駛自家用--的量約仔愛二十分鐘久。 chē Tha-khú-sih ia̍h sái chū-ka-iōng--ê liōng-iok-á ài jī-cha̍p-hun-cheng kú. It will take about 20 minutes to get there either by cab or by car. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.13_TSF017_concat.wav 6.0583125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.14_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.14_TSF017_concat.wav 7.5173125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Thinn-khì tsiah jua̍h, iōng kiânn--ê ia̍h khiâ thih-bé kiann siunn thiám, guá siūnn beh khiâ oo-tóo-bái lâi-khì. thinn1-khi3 tsiah4 juah8,iong7 kiann5--e5 iah8 khia5 thih4-be2 kiann1 siunn1 thiam2, gua2 siunn7 beh4 khia5 oo1-too2-bai2 lai5-khi3. 天氣遮熱,用行--的抑騎鐵馬驚傷忝,我想欲騎oo-tóo-bái來去。 Thiⁿ-khì chiah joa̍h,iōng kiâⁿ--ê ia̍h khiâ thih-bé kiaⁿ siuⁿ thiám, góa siūⁿ beh khiâ o͘-tó͘-bái lâi-khì. The weather's so hot, I'm afraid that it might be quite tiring either walking or via a bicycling. I am thinking to ride a motorbike there. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.14_TSF017_concat.wav 11.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.16_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.16_TSF017_concat.wav 8.3055 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Khiâ oo-tóo-bái sī siōng-kài kín--lah, m̄-koh to̍h-ài ū kà-sú koh tio̍h-ài tì an-tsuân-bō. Lí kám ū tsah? khia5 oo1-too2-bai2 si7 siong7-kai3 kin2--lah4, m7-koh4 toh8-ai3 u7 ka3-su2 koh4 tioh8-ai3 ti3 an1-tsuan5-bo7.li2 kam2 u7 tsah4? 騎oo-tóo-bái是上蓋緊--啦,毋過著愛有駕駛閣著愛戴安全帽。你敢有紮? Khiâ o͘-tó͘-bái sī siōng-kài kín--lah, m̄-koh to̍h-ài ū kà-sú koh tio̍h-ài tì an-choân-bō.Lí kám ū chah? It's true that you drove your motorbike quite fast, but you must have your driving license and wear a safety helmet. Did you have one on? 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.16_TSF017_concat.wav 9.2 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.18_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.18_TSF017_concat.wav 5.299375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Kà-sú guá ū piān tī--leh, m̄-ko an-tsuân-bō-á tō bô--ah. ka3-su2 gua2 u7 pian7 ti7--leh4,m7-ko1 an1-tsuan5-bo7-a2 to7 bo5--ah4. 駕駛我有便佇--咧,毋過安全帽仔就無--矣。 Kà-sú góa ū piān tī--leh,m̄-ko an-choân-bō-á tō bô--ah. I have a reserve of motorcycle drivers, but not helmets. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.18_TSF017_concat.wav 5.87425 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.20_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.20_TSF017_concat.wav 4.35 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female nā hōo kíng-tshat lia̍h--tio̍h, hua̍t gōo-pah-khoo sǹg-bē-hô. na7 hoo7 king2-tshat4 liah8--tioh8,huat8 goo7-pah4-khoo1 sng3-be7-ho5. 若予警察掠--著,罰五百箍算袂和。 nā hō͘ kéng-chhat lia̍h--tio̍h,hoa̍t gō͘-pah-kho͘ sǹg-bē-hô. If caught by the police, you have to be fined 500 dollars, it is not worth it. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.20_TSF017_concat.wav 7.0120625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.21_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.21_TSF017_concat.wav 2.73 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Nā án-ne, guá tō tsē-tshia lâi-khì ; na7 an2-ne1,gua2 to7 tse7-tshia1 lai5-khi3; 若按呢,我就坐車來去; Nā án-ne,góa tō chē-chhia lâi-khì; If so, I'll go there by car. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.21_TSF017_concat.wav 4.501 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.22_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.22_TSF017_concat.wav 9.0649375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female koh-tsài tshíng-kàu--leh, ná-ē pênn-pênn tsē-tshia, kong-tshia 、 kè-tîng-á kah/kap tsū-iōng-tshia ē tsha hiah tsē? koh4-tsai3 tshing2-kau3--leh4,na2-e7 penn5-penn5 tse7-tshia1,kong1-tshia1、ke3-ting5-a2 kah4/kap4 tsu7-iong7-tshia1 e7 tsha1 hiah4 tse7? 閣再請教--咧,哪會平平坐車,公車、計程仔佮自用車會差遐濟? koh-chài chhéng-kàu--leh,ná-ē pêⁿ-pêⁿ chē-chhia,kong-chhia、kè-têng-á kah/kap chū-iōng-chhia ē chha hiah chē? I would also like to ask, why is taking a bus or a cab different from driving a car, even though they are basically the same? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.22_TSF017_concat.wav 10.0903125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.3_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.3_TSF017_concat.wav 4.5493125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Tshíng-kàu--tsi̍t-ē, ùi tsia beh khì Phik-thâm, ài án-tsuánn kiânn? tshing2-kau3--tsit8-e7,ui3 tsia1 beh4 khi3 phik4-tham5,ai3 an2-tsuann2 kiann5? 請教--一下,對遮欲去碧潭,愛按怎行? Chhéng-kàu--chi̍t-ē,ùi chia beh khì Phek-thâm,ài án-chóaⁿ kiâⁿ? Excuse me, how do I get to Phik-thâm from here? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.3_TSF017_concat.wav 4.9703125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.4_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.4_TSF017_concat.wav 6.9 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female SūnPak-sin-lōo hiòng Gî-lân ê hong-hiòng kiânn, tō ē king-kuè hia. SūnPak-sin1-loo7 hiong3 gi5-lan5 e5 hong1-hiong3 kiann5,to7 e7 king1-kue3 hia1. 順北新路向宜蘭的方向行,就會經過遐。 SūnPak-sin-lō͘ hiòng Gî-lân ê hong-hiòng kiâⁿ,tō ē keng-kòe hia. If you follow Pok-sin road from here towards the direction of Gî-lân, you will pass there. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.4_TSF017_concat.wav 6.975625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.5_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.5_TSF017_concat.wav 3.78625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Koh tsioh-mn̄g--tsi̍t-ē, án-tsuánn khì khah hó-sè? koh4 tsioh4-mng7--tsit8-e7,an2-tsuann2 khi3 khah4 ho2-se3? 閣借問--一-下,按怎去較好勢? Koh chioh-mn̄g--chi̍t-ē,án-chóaⁿ khì khah hó-sè? How can it be more convenient to go there? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.5_TSF017_concat.wav 4.92225 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.6_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.6_TSF017_concat.wav 11.0310625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Tsē tsa̍p-it-hō-á ū khah hn̄g--lah , lí thìng-hó khiâ thih-bé 、 oo-tóo-bái, tsē kong-tshia 、 kè-tîng-tshia iah-sī sái tsū-ka-iong--ê. tse7 tsap8-it4-ho7-a2 u7 khah4 hng7--lah4, li2 thing3-ho2 khia5 thih4-be2、oo1-too2-bai2,tse7 kong1-tshia1、ke3-ting5-tshia1 iah4-si7 sai2 tsu7-ka1-iong1--e5. 坐十一號仔有較遠--啦,你聽好騎鐵馬、oo-tóo-bái,坐公車、計程車抑是駛自家用--的。 Chē cha̍p-it-hō-á ū khah hn̄g--lah, lí thèng-hó khiâ thih-bé、o͘-tó͘-bái,chē kong-chhia、kè-têng-chhia iah-sī sái chū-ka-iong--ê. Taking the number 11 will be further. You should ride a bicycle, motorcycle, take a cab, or even drive yourself. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.6_TSF017_concat.wav 9.3223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.8_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.8_TSF017_concat.wav 3.66 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Ū siánn bô-kāng? Tshiánn kóng lâi tsò tsham-khó--tsi̍t-ē. u7 siann2 bo5-kang7?tshiann2 kong2 lai5 tso3 tsham1-kho2--tsit8-e7. 有啥無仝?請講來做參考--一下。 Ū siáⁿ bô-kāng?Chhiáⁿ kóng lâi chò chham-khó--chi̍t-ē. How are these different? Please tell us that we can refer to each other. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.8_TSF017_concat.wav 5.48 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.9_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.9_TSF017_concat.wav 5.2143125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female Iōng kiânn--ê nn̄g-tiám-guā-tsing kú m̄-tsai ē kàu—bē? iong7 kiann5--e5 nng7-tiam2-gua7-tsing1 ku2 m7-tsai1 e7 kau3—be7? 用行--的兩點鐘外久毋知會到--袂? Iōng kiâⁿ--ê nn̄g-tiám-gōa-cheng kú m̄-chai ē kàu—bē? Can we reach there if we walk for around 2 hours? 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.9_TSF017_concat.wav 4.08 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.1_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.1_TSF017_concat.wav 2.28 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female guá siōng kah-ì tsò ê tāi-tsì gua2 siong7 kah4-i3 tso3 e5 tai7-tsi3 我上kah意做ê代誌 góa siōng kah-ì chò ê tāi-chì My favorite thing to do 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.1_TSF017_concat.wav 4.063125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.10_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.10_TSF017_concat.wav 5.58625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female ū-sî pí kuí-nā pah-bān ê siáu-suat íng-hióng koh-khah tuā. u7-si5 pi2 kui2-na7 pah4-ban7 e5 siau2-suat4 ing2-hiong2 koh4-khah4 tua7. 有時比幾若百萬ê小說影響koh-khah大。 ū-sî pí kúi-nā pah-bān ê siáu-soat éng-hióng koh-khah tōa. Sometimes this is even bigger than a multi-million-word novel. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.10_TSF017_concat.wav 4.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.11_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.11_TSF017_concat.wav 1.62 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female khak-si̍t sī án-ne! khak4-sit8 si7 an2-ne1! 確實是án-ne! khak-si̍t sī án-ne! That's true. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.11_TSF017_concat.wav 3.093 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.12_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.12_TSF017_concat.wav 15.7853125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsin tsē liû-hîng kua-á ê kua-sû, tsiat-tsàu lóng tshim-tshim khik tī tsē-tsē lâng ê thâu-khak-lāi, put-sî lán tō ē tshiùnn-kua lâi piáu-ta̍t sim-siann, sīm-tsì kā kám-tōng thuân kàu tsuân sè-kài. tsin1 tse7 liu5-hing5 kua1-a2 e5 kua1-su5,tsiat4-tsau3 long2 tshim1-tshim1 khik4 ti7 tse7-tse7 lang5 e5 thau5-khak4-lai7, put4-si5 lan2 to7 e7 tshiunn3-kua1 lai5 piau2-tat8 sim1-siann1, sim7-tsi3 ka7 kam2-tong7 thuan5 kau3 tsuan5 se3-kai3. 真濟流行歌仔ê歌詞、節奏lóng深深刻tī濟濟人ê頭殼內,不時lán就ē唱歌來表達心聲,甚至kā感動傳到全世界。 chin chē liû-hêng koa-á ê koa-sû,chiat-chàu lóng chhim-chhim khek tī chē-chē lâng ê thâu-khak-lāi, put-sî lán tō ē chhiùⁿ-koa lâi piáu-ta̍t sim-siaⁿ, sīm-chì kā kám-tōng thoân kàu choân sè-kài. Many of the lyrics and rhythms of popular songs are deeply remembered in the minds of many people. We often use singing to express what is in our hearts, and even to spread our affected to the world. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.12_TSF017_concat.wav 12.84025 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.15_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.15_TSF017_concat.wav 9.047375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female guá siōng kah-ì tsò ê tāi-tsì tō sī tshiùnn-kua, huann-hí ê sî tshiùnn-kua kā khuài-lo̍k hun-hióng hōo pa̍t-lâng; gua2 siong7 kah4-i3 tso3 e5 tai7-tsi3 to7 si7 tshiunn3-kua1, huann1-hi2 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1 ka7 khuai3-lok8 hun1-hiong2 hoo7 pat8-lang5; 我上kah意做ê代誌就是唱歌,歡喜ê時唱歌kā快樂分享hōo別人; góa siōng kah-ì chò ê tāi-chì tō sī chhiùⁿ-koa, hoaⁿ-hí ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa kā khoài-lo̍k hun-hióng hō͘ pa̍t-lâng; My favorite thing is to sing. When I am happy, I come to sing and share the happiness with others. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.15_TSF017_concat.wav 6.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.17_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.17_TSF017_concat.wav 4.65625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female huân-ló ê sî tshiùnn-kua kiám-khin sim-lāi ê ut-tsut; huan5-lo2 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1 kiam2-khin1 sim1-lai7 e5 ut4-tsut4; 煩惱ê時唱歌減輕心內ê鬱卒; hoân-ló ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa kiám-khin sim-lāi ê ut-chut; Singing when you are troubled can relieve your depression. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.17_TSF017_concat.wav 4.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.18_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.18_TSF017_concat.wav 6.4504375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female kan-khóo ê sî tshiùnn-kua, ióng-khì put-ti-put-kak tō it-ti̍t tsing-ka; kan1-khoo2 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1, iong2-khi3 put4-ti1-put4-kak4 to7 it4-tit8 tsing1-ka1; 艱苦ê時唱歌,勇氣不知不覺就一直增加; kan-khó͘ ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa, ióng-khì put-ti-put-kak tō it-ti̍t cheng-ka; By singing in times of hardship, courage increases unconsciously. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.18_TSF017_concat.wav 6.143625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.2_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.2_TSF017_concat.wav 2.79625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsok-tsiá: Lîm Kuì-hiong tsok4-tsia2:lim5 kui3-hiong1 作者:林桂鄉 chok-chiá:Lîm Kùi-hiong Author: Lîm Kuì-hiong. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.2_TSF017_concat.wav 3.903625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.20_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.20_TSF017_concat.wav 6.221125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female kín-tiunn ê sî tshiùnn-kua, phi̍h-pho̍k-tshái ê sim-tsōng tō ē ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á bān--lo̍h-lâi. kin2-tiunn1 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1, phih8-phok8-tshai2 e5 sim1-tsong7 to7 e7 tauh8-tauh8-a2 ban7--loh8-lai5. 緊張ê時唱歌,phi̍h-pho̍k-tshái-ê心臟就ē沓沓仔慢--落來。 kín-tiuⁿ ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa, phi̍h-pho̍k-chhái ê sim-chōng tō ē tau̍h-tau̍h-á bān--lo̍h-lâi. If you sing when you are nervous, your heart will slowly return to normal. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.20_TSF017_concat.wav 5.887625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.22_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.22_TSF017_concat.wav 5.3724375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsóng-kóng--tsi̍t-kù siánn-mih sim-tsîng lóng tshuē ū tsi̍t siú kua lâi ha̍h. tsong2-kong2--tsit8-ku3 siann2-mih4 sim1-tsing5 long2 tshue7 u7 tsit8 siu2 kua1 lai5 hah8. 總講--一句啥mih心情lóng揣有一首歌來ha̍h。 chóng-kóng--chi̍t-kù siáⁿ-mih sim-chêng lóng chhōe ū chi̍t siú koa lâi ha̍h. In short, no matter what mood you are in, you can find a song to match it. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.22_TSF017_concat.wav 5.973 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.23_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.23_TSF017_concat.wav 10.419875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female thàu-kuè kua-sû guá liáu-kái tio̍h guân-lâi mā ū lâng ū kah guá kāng-khuán ê kám-kak, ū gōo-hue-tsa̍p-sik ê sing-ua̍h king-giām. thau3-kue3 kua1-su5 gua2 liau2-kai2 tioh8 guan5-lai5 ma7 u7 lang5 u7 kah4 gua2 kang7-khuan2 e5 kam2-kak4, u7 goo7-hue1-tsap8-sik4 e5 sing1-uah8 king1-giam7. 透過歌詞我了解著原來mā有人有kap我仝款ê感覺,有五花十色ê生活經驗。 thàu-kòe koa-sû góa liáu-kái tio̍h goân-lâi mā ū lâng ū kah góa kāng-khoán ê kám-kak, ū gō͘-hoe-cha̍p-sek ê seng-oa̍h keng-giām. Through the artistic conception in the lyrics, I learned that there are people who have the same feelings as me and have various life experiences. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.23_TSF017_concat.wav 8.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.25_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.25_TSF017_concat.wav 5.949875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsò-lâng ē-tàng tsioh tshiùnn-kua hōo-siong liáu-kái, tō bē koo-koo-tuann-tuann. tso3-lang5 e7-tang3 tsioh4 tshiunn3-kua1 hoo7-siong1 liau2-kai2, to7 be7 koo1-koo1-tuann1-tuann1. 做人ē-tàng藉唱歌互相了解,就bē孤孤單單。 chò-lâng ē-tàng chioh chhiùⁿ-koa hō͘-siong liáu-kái, tō bē ko͘-ko͘-toaⁿ-toaⁿ. We can get to know each other through singing, so we don't feel very lonely. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.25_TSF017_concat.wav 5.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.27_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.27_TSF017_concat.wav 11.105375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tī ha̍k-hāu siōng im-ga̍k khò, khò-pún ū tsi̍t siú “bāng tshun-hong”: “koo-tuann bô phuānn siú ting-ē, tshing-hong tuì-bīn tshue ; ti7 hak8-hau7 siong7 im1-gak8 kho3, kho3-pun2 u7 tsit8 siu2“bang7 tshun1-hong1”: “koo1-tuann1 bo5 phuann7 siu2 ting1-e7,tshing1-hong1 tui3-bin7 tshue1; Tī學校上音樂課,課本有一首〈望春風〉:「孤單無伴守燈下,清風對面吹」; tī ha̍k-hāu siōng im-ga̍k khò, khò-pún ū chi̍t siú“bāng chhun-hong”: “ko͘-toaⁿ bô phōaⁿ siú teng-ē,chheng-hong tùi-bīn chhoe; In the music class at school, there is a song in the textbook called 'Watching the Spring Breeze': 'I stand alone under the street lamp without anyone to accompany me, and the refreshing wind blows towards my face.' 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.27_TSF017_concat.wav 15.7659375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.42_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.42_TSF017_concat.wav 4.7555625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female ta̍k-ke tsi̍t siann tsi̍t siann puê guá tshui--lo̍h-khì...” tak8-ke1 tsit8 siann1 tsit8 siann1 pue5 gua2 tshui1--loh8-khi3...” 逐家一聲一聲陪我催--落去……」 ta̍k-ke chi̍t siaⁿ chi̍t siaⁿ pôe góa chhui--lo̍h-khì...” Everyone applauded and sang with me all the way. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.42_TSF017_concat.wav 4.8423125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.43_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.43_TSF017_concat.wav 13.631625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tshiùnn-kua hōo kám-tsîng khiā sio-uá, kiò-tshínn lán tuì ka-kī sîng-tióng ê thóo-tē/thóo-tuē ê tiōng-sī, sán-sing ài kok-ka ài kòo-hiong ê kám-tsîng. tshiunn3-kua1 hoo7 kam2-tsing5 khia7 sio1-ua2, kio3-tshinn2 lan2 tui3 ka1-ki7 sing5-tiong2 e5 thoo2-te7/thoo2-tue7 e5 tiong7-si7, san2-sing1 ai3 kok4-ka1 ai3 koo3-hiong1 e5 kam2-tsing5. 唱歌hōo感情徛sio倚,叫醒lán對家己成長ê土地ê重視,產生愛國家愛故鄉ê感情。 chhiùⁿ-koa hō͘ kám-chêng khiā sio-óa, kiò-chhíⁿ lán tùi ka-kī sêng-tióng ê thó͘-tē/thó͘-tōe ê tiōng-sī, sán-seng ài kok-ka ài kò͘-hiong ê kám-chêng. The singing brought all of our emotions together, reminding us of the importance of the land we grew up in and generating feelings of patriotism and love for our homeland. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.43_TSF017_concat.wav 11.839625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.46_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.46_TSF017_concat.wav 16.7134375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tī ha̍k-hāu, ta̍k-ke tsò-hué tshiùnn-kua siōng tshù-bī, siōng sî-kiânn ê liû-hîng-kua sian tshiùnn mā bē ià-siān, tiōng-iàu ê tseh-ji̍t it-tīng ài ū kua-siann lâi tàu-lāu-jia̍t; ti7 hak8-hau7,tak8-ke1 tso3-hue2 tshiunn3-kua1 siong7 tshu3-bi7, siong7 si5-kiann5 e5 liu5-hing5-kua1 sian1 tshiunn3 ma7 be7 ia3-sian7, tiong7-iau3 e5 tseh4-jit8 it4-ting7 ai3 u7 kua1-siann1 lai5 tau3-lau7-jiat8; Tī學校,逐家做伙唱歌上趣味,上時行ê流行歌sian唱mā bē厭siān,重要ê節日一定ài有歌聲來tàu鬧熱; tī ha̍k-hāu,ta̍k-ke chò-hóe chhiùⁿ-koa siōng chhù-bī, siōng sî-kiâⁿ ê liû-hêng-koa sian chhiùⁿ mā bē ià-siān, tiōng-iàu ê cheh-ji̍t it-tēng ài ū koa-siaⁿ lâi tàu-lāu-jia̍t; It was fun to sing together in school. The most popular pop songs of the day were always sung and they never get boring. We must sing to make the atmosphere more lively at important festivals. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.46_TSF017_concat.wav 12.821 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.58_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.58_TSF017_concat.wav 8.926125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tshiùnn-kua tsiong siōng tiōng-iàu ê ji̍t-tsí tshng tsò tsi̍t tiâu pó-kuì ê tsin-tsu phua̍h-liān, hōo sing-ua̍h koh-khah bí-lē. tshiunn3-kua1 tsiong1 siong7 tiong7-iau3 e5 jit8-tsi2 tshng1 tso3 tsit8 tiau5 po2-kui3 e5 tsin1-tsu1 phuah8-lian7, hoo7 sing1-uah8 koh4-khah4 bi2-le7. 唱歌將上重要ê日子穿做一條寶貴ê真珠phua̍h鍊,hōo生活koh-khah美麗。 chhiùⁿ-koa chiong siōng tiōng-iàu ê ji̍t-chí chhng chò chi̍t tiâu pó-kùi ê chin-chu phoa̍h-liān, hō͘ seng-oa̍h koh-khah bí-lē. Sing until you could string the most important days into a precious pearl necklace, just to make life more beautiful. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.58_TSF017_concat.wav 9.3223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.63_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.63_TSF017_concat.wav 4.59 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female kuan-tsiòng ē-tàng lâu-lo̍h tshim-tshim-tshim ê ìn-siōng/ìn-sióng. kuan1-tsiong3 e7-tang3 lau5-loh8 tshim1-tshim1-tshim1 e5 in3-siong7/in3-siong2. 觀眾ē-tàng留落深深深ê印象。 koan-chiòng ē-tàng lâu-lo̍h chhim-chhim-chhim ê ìn-siōng/ìn-sióng. The viewer can leave a deep impression. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.63_TSF017_concat.wav 4.3303125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.64_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.64_TSF017_concat.wav 12.437625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female lán muí tsi̍t ê lâng mā ū ka-kī ê tsú-tê khik, khuann-khuann-á tshiùnn, hōo-siong liáu-kái, hōo-siong him-sióng, bô su-iàu gōo-kái ònn-ònn-jiáng. lan2 mui2 tsit8 e5 lang5 ma7 u7 ka1-ki7 e5 tsu2-te5 khik4, khuann1-khuann1-a2 tshiunn3, hoo7-siong1 liau2-kai2,hoo7-siong1 him1-siong2, bo5 su1-iau3 goo7-kai2 onn3-onn3-jiang2. Lán每一个人mā有家己ê主題曲,khuann-khuann仔唱,互相了解,互相欣賞,無需要誤解ònn-ònn嚷。 lán múi chi̍t ê lâng mā ū ka-kī ê chú-tê khek, khoaⁿ-khoaⁿ-á chhiùⁿ, hō͘-siong liáu-kái,hō͘-siong him-sióng, bô su-iàu gō͘-kái òⁿ-òⁿ-jiáng. Each of us also has our own theme song. Slowly sing it, understand each other, appreciate each other and no need to shout because of misunderstandings. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.64_TSF017_concat.wav 12.373 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.68_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.68_TSF017_concat.wav 7.306125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female bián kè-kàu kua-siann sī hó sī bái, sim-lāi ū kua tō bē koo-tuann. bian2 ke3-kau3 kua1-siann1 si7 ho2 si7 bai2, sim1-lai7 u7 kua1 to7 be7 koo1-tuann1. 免計較歌聲是好是bái,心內有歌就bē孤單。 bián kè-kàu koa-siaⁿ sī hó sī bái, sim-lāi ū koa tō bē ko͘-toaⁿ. Don’t worry about whether your singing voice is good or bad. As long as there are songs in your heart, then you are not alone. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.68_TSF017_concat.wav 8.319625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.7_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.7_TSF017_concat.wav 6.33 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female lín sī m̄ sī kám-kak kha-té ngiau-ngiau siūnn-beh tián-khui kha-pōo thiàu-bú--leh? lin2 si7 m7 si7 kam2-kak4 kha1-te2 ngiau1-ngiau1 siunn7-beh4 tian2-khui1 kha1-poo7 thiau3-bu2--leh4? lín是m̄是感覺跤底ngiau-ngiau想beh展開跤步跳舞--leh? lín sī m̄ sī kám-kak kha-té ngiau-ngiau siūⁿ-beh tián-khui kha-pō͘ thiàu-bú--leh? Do you feel itchy on the soles of your feet and want to spread your dancing feet to dance? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.7_TSF017_concat.wav 5.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.70_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.70_TSF017_concat.wav 8.439875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tshiùnn-kua sī guá siōng kah-ì tsò ê tāi-tsì, ǹg-bāng ta̍k-ke mā lâi hiáng-siū tshiùnn-kua ê huann-hí. tshiunn3-kua1 si7 gua2 siong7 kah4-i3 tso3 e5 tai7-tsi3, ng3-bang7 tak8-ke1 ma7 lai5 hiang2-siu7 tshiunn3-kua1 e5 huann1-hi2. 唱歌是我上kah意做ê代誌,ǹg望逐家mā來享受唱歌ê歡喜。 chhiùⁿ-koa sī góa siōng kah-ì chò ê tāi-chì, ǹg-bāng ta̍k-ke mā lâi hiáng-siū chhiùⁿ-koa ê hoaⁿ-hí. Singing is my favorite activity, I hope that everyone can enjoy the happiness of singing. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.70_TSF017_concat.wav 6.805 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.11_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.11_TSF017_concat.wav 4.749875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female in ang thiann-liáu, tō kuánn-kín khì i ê hàn-io̍h tiàm. in1 ang1 thiann1-liau2, to7 kuann2-kin2 khi3 i1 e5 han3-ioh8 tiam3. In翁聽了,就趕緊去伊ê漢藥店。 in ang thiaⁿ-liáu, tō kóaⁿ-kín khì i ê hàn-io̍h tiàm. As soon as her husband heard it, he quickly went to his Chinese medicine shop. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.11_TSF017_concat.wav 5.56 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.13_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.13_TSF017_concat.wav 6.491125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female A-hok--á thàu-tsá khí-lâi khuànn bô Tsài-tshik, tō tsai-iánn tāi-tsì hāi--looh. a1-hok4--a2 thau3-tsa2 khi2-lai5 khuann3 bo5 tsai3-tshik4, to7 tsai1-iann2 tai7-tsi3 hai7--looh4. 阿福--á透早起來看無再策,就知影代誌害--囉。 A-hok--á thàu-chá khí-lâi khòaⁿ bô Chài-chhek, tō chai-iáⁿ tāi-chì hāi--lo͘h. Ah-Hok woke up early in the morning and couldn’t see the re-curve. He then knew that things are serious. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.13_TSF017_concat.wav 8.021 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.15_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.15_TSF017_concat.wav 10.1385 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female i tsin bô-nāi, m̄-koh mā sī ài kín tsiong mi̍h-á kah tsi̍t-kuá tsînn khuán--khí-lâi, lâi-khì A-khîm in tau bih. i1 tsin1 bo5-nai7, m7-koh4 ma7 si7 ai3 kin2 tsiong1 mih8-a2 kah4 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 khuan2--khi2-lai5, lai5-khi3 a1-khim5 in1 tau1 bih4. 伊真無奈,m̄-koh-mā是ài緊將mi̍h仔kap一寡錢款--起來,來去阿琴in兜bih。 i chin bô-nāi, m̄-koh mā sī ài kín chiong mi̍h-á kah chi̍t-kóa chîⁿ khoán--khí-lâi, lâi-khì A-khîm in tau bih. He also felt very helpless, but he also had to quickly prepare some items and money, and then hide at A-khîm's house. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.15_TSF017_concat.wav 8.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.18_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.18_TSF017_concat.wav 6.099875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tng-leh khuán mi̍h-kiānn ê sî, kám-á-tiàm ê tuā-mn̂g suah hōo lâng tsàm--khui! tng1-leh4 khuan2 mih8-kiann7 e5 si5, kam2-a2-tiam3 e5 tua7-mng5 suah4 hoo7 lang5 tsam3--khui1! 當leh款mi̍h件ê時,kám仔店ê大門suah hōo人tsàm--開! tng-leh khoán mi̍h-kiāⁿ ê sî, kám-á-tiàm ê tōa-mn̂g soah hō͘ lâng chàm--khui! While I was packing up my things, the door of the grocery store was kicked open. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.18_TSF017_concat.wav 6.570875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.2_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.2_TSF017_concat.wav 2.55625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsok-tsiá: Khu Uí-him tsok4-tsia2:khu1 ui2-him1 作者:邱偉欣 chok-chiá:Khu Úi-him Author: Khu Uí-him. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.2_TSF017_concat.wav 4.1383125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.37_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.37_TSF017_concat.wav 6.66 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female A-khîm hiông-hiông-kông-kông tsiong tsuân-pōo ê gín-á lóng khiú lâi ka-kī sin-khu-pinn; a1-khim5 hiong5-hiong5-kong5-kong5 tsiong1 tsuan5-poo7 e5 gin2-a2 long2 khiu2 lai5 ka1-ki7 sin1-khu1-pinn1; 阿琴雄雄狂狂將全部ê囡仔lóng-khiú來家己身軀邊; A-khîm hiông-hiông-kông-kông chiong choân-pō͘ ê gín-á lóng khiú lâi ka-kī sin-khu-piⁿ; A-Khîm hurriedly pulled all the children to her side. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.37_TSF017_concat.wav 5.0983125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.41_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.41_TSF017_concat.wav 4.89 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tsi̍t ê kun-jîn iōng tsiânn pháinn ê kháu-khì kóng Pak-kiann-uē. tsit8 e5 kun1-jin5 iong7 tsiann5 phainn2 e5 khau2-khi3 kong2 pak4-kiann1-ue7. 一个軍人用tsiânn歹ê口氣講北京話。 chi̍t ê kun-jîn iōng chiâⁿ pháiⁿ ê kháu-khì kóng Pak-kiaⁿ-ōe. One of the soldiers, with a very fierce voice, spoke in Pak-Kiann-uē. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.41_TSF017_concat.wav 7.231625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.42_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.42_TSF017_concat.wav 10.9376875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female A-khîm thiann-bô, tsí-sī tsiong i ê gín-á lú khiú lú ân, tsi̍t pái koh tsi̍t pái tuā-siann huah: “lín beh tshòng sánn!?”, “lín beh tshòng sánn!?” a1-khim5 thiann1-bo5, tsi2-si7 tsiong1 i1 e5 gin2-a2 lu2 khiu2 lu2 an5, tsit8 pai2 koh4 tsit8 pai2 tua7-siann1 huah4: “lin2 beh4 tshong3 sann2!?”,“lin2 beh4 tshong3 sann2!?” 阿琴聽無,只是將伊ê囡仔愈khiú愈ân,一擺koh一擺大聲huah:「恁beh創啥!?」、「恁beh創啥!?」 A-khîm thiaⁿ-bô, chí-sī chiong i ê gín-á lú khiú lú ân, chi̍t pái koh chi̍t pái tōa-siaⁿ hoah: “lín beh chhòng sáⁿ!?”,“lín beh chhòng sáⁿ!?” A-Khîm did not understand, but instead, pulled her children tighter and tighter, shouting again and again, 'What are you doing?', 'What are you doing?'. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.42_TSF017_concat.wav 11.5623125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.46_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.46_TSF017_concat.wav 9.87225 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female khiā tī mn̂g-kha-kháu ê tsi̍t miâ kun-jîn/kun-lîn, khuànn--khí-lâi sī kun-kuann, tuì lāi-té ê ping-á hā bīng-līng. khia7 ti7 mng5-kha1-khau2 e5 tsit8 mia5 kun1-jin5/kun1-lin5, khuann3--khi2-lai5 si7 kun1-kuann1, tui3 lai7-te2 e5 ping1-a2 ha7 bing7-ling7. 徛tī門跤口ê一名軍人,看--起-來是軍官,對內底ê兵仔下命令。 khiā tī mn̂g-kha-kháu ê chi̍t miâ kun-jîn/kun-lîn, khòaⁿ--khí-lâi sī kun-koaⁿ, tùi lāi-té ê peng-á hā bēng-lēng. There was a soldier standing at the door, who looked like an officer, and he was giving orders to the soldiers inside. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.46_TSF017_concat.wav 8.12 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.57_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.57_TSF017_concat.wav 1.62 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female khai-sí lo̍h-hōo--ah. khai1-si2 loh8-hoo7--ah4. 開始落雨--ah。 khai-sí lo̍h-hō͘--ah. It started to rain. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.57_TSF017_concat.wav 3.7543125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.58_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.58_TSF017_concat.wav 6.372375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female hōo-tsuí líng-ki-ki, ak tī A-khîm kah gín-á ê thâu-bīn tsham sin-khu. hoo7-tsui2 ling2-ki1-ki1, ak4 ti7 a1-khim5 kah4 gin2-a2 e5 thau5-bin7 tsham1 sin1-khu1. 雨水冷ki-ki,沃tī阿琴kap囡仔ê頭面參身軀。 hō͘-chúi léng-ki-ki, ak tī A-khîm kah gín-á ê thâu-bīn chham sin-khu. The head, face and body of A-khîm and her child were drenched by the icy rain. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.58_TSF017_concat.wav 6.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.64_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.64_TSF017_concat.wav 11.7203125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female A-khîm tsiânn kiann-hiânn, i siūnn-tio̍h ka-kī pak-tóo-lāi iah-koh ū tsi̍t ê bē tshut-sì ê gín-á, m̄ tsai sī tsa-poo ia̍h-sī tsa-bóo? a1-khim5 tsiann5 kiann1-hiann5, i1 siunn7-tioh8 ka1-ki7 pak4-too2-lai7 iah4-koh4 u7 tsit8 e5 be7 tshut4-si3 e5 gin2-a2, m7 tsai1 si7 tsa1-poo1 iah8-si7 tsa1-boo2? 阿琴tsiânn驚惶,伊想著家己腹肚內iah-koh有一个未出世ê囡仔,m̄知是查埔ia̍h是查某? A-khîm chiâⁿ kiaⁿ-hiâⁿ, i siūⁿ-tio̍h ka-kī pak-tó͘-lāi iah-koh ū chi̍t ê bē chhut-sì ê gín-á, m̄ chai sī cha-po͘ ia̍h-sī cha-bó͘? A-Khîm was scared. She remembered that she has an unborn child in her belly. Wonder if it's a boy or a girl? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.64_TSF017_concat.wav 9.3223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.71_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.71_TSF017_concat.wav 24.6546875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female A-khîm ê ba̍k-sái it-ti̍t lâu, it-ti̍t lâu, tshin-tshiūnn hōo it-ti̍t lo̍h, it-ti̍t lo̍h, i sim-lāi it-ti̍t kā pak-tóo-lāi ê gín-á huē-sit-lé: “khó-liân ê gín-á, lí bē-hù tshut-sì, m̄ sī a-bú bô ài--lí, lán tsò-hué lo̍h-lâi im-kan, a-bú kâng-khuán ē kā lí sioh-miā-miā.” a1-khim5 e5 bak8-sai2 it4-tit8 lau5,it4-tit8 lau5, tshin1-tshiunn7 hoo7 it4-tit8 loh8,it4-tit8 loh8, i1 sim1-lai7 it4-tit8 ka7 pak4-too2-lai7 e5 gin2-a2 hue7-sit4-le2: “kho2-lian5 e5 gin2-a2, li2 be7-hu3 tshut4-si3, m7 si7 a1-bu2 bo5 ai3--li2, lan2 tso3-hue2 loh8-lai5 im1-kan1, a1-bu2 kang5-khuan2 e7 ka7 li2 sioh4-mia7-mia7.” 阿琴ê目屎一直流、一直流,親像雨一直落、一直落,伊心內一直kā腹肚內ê囡仔會失禮:「可憐ê囡仔,你bē赴出世,m̄是阿母無愛--你,咱做伙落來陰間,阿母仝款ē kā你惜命命。」 A-khîm ê ba̍k-sái it-ti̍t lâu,it-ti̍t lâu, chhin-chhiūⁿ hō͘ it-ti̍t lo̍h,it-ti̍t lo̍h, i sim-lāi it-ti̍t kā pak-tó͘-lāi ê gín-á hōe-sit-lé: “khó-liân ê gín-á, lí bē-hù chhut-sì, m̄ sī a-bú bô ài--lí, lán chò-hóe lo̍h-lâi im-kan, a-bú kâng-khoán ē kā lí sioh-miā-miā.” A-Khîm’s tears kept flowing like rain. In her heart, she kept on saying to the child in her stomach, 'Poor child, it's not that I don't love you because you were not born in time, let's go to the underworld together and mommy will love you just as much.” 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.71_TSF017_concat.wav 18.303625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.79_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.79_TSF017_concat.wav 1.74 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female ( āu kî tsiap-suà ) (au7 ki5 tsiap4-sua3) (後期接suà) (āu kî chiap-sòa) It continues in the later period. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.79_TSF017_concat.wav 4.671625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.10_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.10_TSF017_concat.wav 4.8325 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female guá kā hō-miâ kiò-tsò “uē kóng tsi̍t-puànn ê Tâi-uân-uē”. gua2 ka7 ho7-mia5 kio3-tso3“ue7 kong2 tsit8-puann3 e5 tai5-uan5-ue7”. 我kā號名叫做「話講一半ê台灣話」。 góa kā hō-miâ kiò-chò“ōe kóng chi̍t-pòaⁿ ê Tâi-oân-ōe”. I named it 'Taiwanese Hokkien spoken halfway'. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.10_TSF017_concat.wav 4.735625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.11_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.11_TSF017_concat.wav 9.87175 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female siōng tsē lâng kóng, siōng tsia̍p thiann--tio̍h ê tsi̍t kù gia̍t-á-uē, khó-lîng sī “it-kiam-jī-kòo, bong lâ-á kiam sé khòo.” siong7 tse7 lang5 kong2,siong7 tsiap8 thiann1--tioh8 e5 tsit8 ku3 giat8-a2-ue7, kho2-ling5 si7“it4-kiam1-ji7-koo3,bong1 la5-a2 kiam1 se2 khoo3.” 上濟人講、上捷聽--tio̍h-ê一句孽仔話,可能是「一兼二顧,摸蜊仔兼洗褲。」 siōng chē lâng kóng,siōng chia̍p thiaⁿ--tio̍h ê chi̍t kù gia̍t-á-ōe, khó-lêng sī“it-kiam-jī-kò͘,bong lâ-á kiam sé khò͘.” The most spoken and heard proverb is probably, 'It kiam jī kòo, bong lâ-á kiam sé khòo' (similar to kill two birds with one stone, it means doing two things at the same time, washing one's pants while digging for clams.) 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.11_TSF017_concat.wav 21.7383125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.13_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.13_TSF017_concat.wav 4.009375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female lán khó-lîng tio̍h uì bong lâ-á kóng-khí. lan2 kho2-ling5 tioh8 ui3 bong1 la5-a2 kong2-khi2. 咱可能tio̍h-uì摸蜊仔講起。 lán khó-lêng tio̍h ùi bong lâ-á kóng-khí. Probably, we should talk about this from digging clams. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.13_TSF017_concat.wav 6.079625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.14_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.14_TSF017_concat.wav 13.7635 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female mā m̄ sī tsin kú í-tsîng ê tāi-tsì, ē-kì-tit gōo, la̍k-tsa̍p nî tsîng guá tsò gín-á ê sî-tsūn, tiānn-tiānn thiann sī-tuā-lâng kóng: “kha tâm, tshuì tshàu-tsho.” ma7 m7 si7 tsin1 ku2 i2-tsing5 e5 tai7-tsi3, e7-ki3-tit4 goo7,lak8-tsap8 ni5 tsing5 gua2 tso3 gin2-a2 e5 si5-tsun7, tiann7-tiann7 thiann1 si7-tua7-lang5 kong2:“kha1 tam5,tshui3 tshau3-tsho1.” Mā m̄是真久以前ê代誌,會記得五、六十年前我做囡仔ê時陣,定定聽序大人講:「跤澹,喙臭臊。」 mā m̄ sī chin kú í-chêng ê tāi-chì, ē-kì-tit gō͘,la̍k-cha̍p nî chêng góa chò gín-á ê sî-chūn, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ thiaⁿ sī-tōa-lâng kóng:“kha tâm,chhùi chhàu-chho.” It was not that long ago. I remember when I was a child 50 to 60 years ago, I often heard the elders say, 'work hard so you can get a harvest'. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.14_TSF017_concat.wav 12.309 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.20_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.20_TSF017_concat.wav 5.349875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female ū hî-hê thang lo̍h-tiánn, tsú tsi̍t tǹg hó-liāu--ê lâi tsia̍h. u7 hi5-he5 thang1 loh8-tiann2, tsu2 tsit8 tng3 ho2-liau7--e5 lai5 tsiah8. 有魚蝦thang落鼎,煮一頓好料--ê來食。 ū hî-hê thang lo̍h-tiáⁿ, chú chi̍t tǹg hó-liāu--ê lâi chia̍h. Put the fish and shrimp into the pot and cook yourself a hearty meal. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.20_TSF017_concat.wav 6.271625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.22_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.22_TSF017_concat.wav 25.4964375 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female hit-tong-sî lán Tâi-uân bô-lūn sī khenn-kau, tsùn-kau, khe-á, pi-á ia̍h-sī tshân--lí, lóng iáu tsin tshing-khì, suî-sî khì tó-uī lóng ū khó-lîng lia̍h-tio̍h, tng-tio̍h, tiò-tio̍h hôo-liu, hê-á, khe-ko-á, tsit-hî-á, môo-hē, tsuí-ke tíng-tíng. hit4-tong1-si5 lan2 tai5-uan5 bo5-lun7 si7 khenn1-kau1,tsun3-kau1,khe1-a2,pi1-a2 iah8-si7 tshan5--li2, long2 iau2 tsin1 tshing1-khi3, sui5-si5 khi3 to2-ui7 long2 u7 kho2-ling5 liah8-tioh8,tng1-tioh8,tio3-tioh8 hoo5-liu1,he5-a2,khe1-ko1-a2,tsit4-hi5-a2,moo5-he7,tsui2-ke1 ting2-ting2. Hit當時咱台灣無論是坑溝、圳溝、溪仔、埤仔抑是田--裡,攏猶真清氣,隨時去tó位攏有可能掠tio̍h、當tio̍h、釣tio̍h鰗鰡、蝦仔、溪哥仔、鯽魚仔、毛蟹、水雞等等。 hit-tong-sî lán Tâi-oân bô-lūn sī kheⁿ-kau,chùn-kau,khe-á,pi-á ia̍h-sī chhân--lí, lóng iáu chin chheng-khì, sûi-sî khì tó-ūi lóng ū khó-lêng lia̍h-tio̍h,tng-tio̍h,tiò-tio̍h hô͘-liu,hê-á,khe-ko-á,chit-hî-á,mô͘-hē,chúi-ke téng-téng. Taiwan, whether in puddles, ditches, large drainage ditches, dams, or fields, was still clean at the time. You can catch, wait for, and fish for aquatic products whenever you go to those places. For example: pond loach, shrimp, Zacco platypus, Oreochromis mossambicus, crabs, frogs, etc. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.22_TSF017_concat.wav 27.8635625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.25_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.25_TSF017_concat.wav 7.179875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female gún tsia-ê khah sè-hàn ê gín-á, ē-sái the̍h tsi̍t ê sè ê phûn-á khì tsùn-kau bong lâ. gun2 tsia1-e5 khah4 se3-han3 e5 gin2-a2, e7-sai2 theh8 tsit8 e5 se3 e5 phun5-a2 khi3 tsun3-kau1 bong1 la5. 阮tsia-ê-khah細漢ê囡仔,會使the̍h一个細ê盆仔去圳溝摸蜊。 gún chia-ê khah sè-hàn ê gín-á, ē-sái the̍h chi̍t ê sè ê phûn-á khì chùn-kau bong lâ. My younger children here can use a small basin to catch clams in the river. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.25_TSF017_concat.wav 6.869 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.36_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.36_TSF017_concat.wav 1.65 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female khòo tâm--khì--looh! khoo3 tam5--khi3--looh4! 褲澹--去looh! khò͘ tâm--khì--lo͘h! The pants are wet! 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.36_TSF017_concat.wav 3.6903125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.37_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.37_TSF017_concat.wav 8.499875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tâm to tâm--khì--liáu--ah, kui-khì kā guân-pún tio̍h bô tsin tshing-khì ê khòo thǹg khí-lâi sé-sé--tsi̍t-ē. tam5 to1 tam5--khi3--liau2--ah4, kui1-khi3 ka7 guan5-pun2 tioh8 bo5 tsin1 tshing1-khi3 e5 khoo3 thng3 khi2-lai5 se2-se2--tsit8-e7. 澹都澹--去--了--ah,規氣kā原本tio̍h無真清氣ê褲褪起來洗洗--一下。 tâm to tâm--khì--liáu--ah, kui-khì kā goân-pún tio̍h bô chin chheng-khì ê khò͘ thǹg khí-lâi sé-sé--chi̍t-ē. It was already wet. So I simply took off these already unclean pants and washed them. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.37_TSF017_concat.wav 7.317 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.39_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.39_TSF017_concat.wav 7.2805625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female sóo-í tsiah ū “it-kiam-jī-kòo, bong lâ-á kiam sé khòo” tsit kù sio̍k-gí-uē. soo2-i2 tsiah4 u7“it4-kiam1-ji7-koo3,bong1 la5-a2 kiam1 se2 khoo3”tsit4 ku3 siok8-gi2-ue7. 所以才有「一兼二顧,摸蜊仔兼洗褲」tsit句俗語話。 só͘-í chiah ū“it-kiam-jī-kò͘,bong lâ-á kiam sé khò͘”chit kù sio̍k-gí-ōe. That is why there is the saying 'It kiam jī kò, bong lâ-á kiam sé khò'. It means to do two things at the same time. It is like you touch the clams and wash your underwear at the same time when you are in the gutter. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.39_TSF017_concat.wav 19.007625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.43_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.43_TSF017_concat.wav 13.019625 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tuì hiān-tāi ê Tâi-uân siàu-liân-lâng kan-tann kóng “bong lâ-á”, tio̍h kái-sueh kui-poo kú, in iáu ná “ah-á thiann luî”, uân-tsuân m̄ tsai ì-sù. tui3 hian7-tai7 e5 tai5-uan5 siau3-lian5-lang5 kan1-tann1 kong2“bong1 la5-a2”, tioh8 kai2-sueh4 kui1-poo1 ku2, in1 iau2 na2“ah4-a2 thiann1 lui5”, uan5-tsuan5 m7 tsai1 i3-su3. 對現代ê台灣少年人干焦講「摸蜊仔」,tio̍h解說規晡久,in猶若「鴨仔聽雷」,完全m̄知意思。 tùi hiān-tāi ê Tâi-oân siàu-liân-lâng kan-taⁿ kóng“bong lâ-á”, tio̍h kái-soeh kui-po͘ kú, in iáu ná“ah-á thiaⁿ lûi”, oân-choân m̄ chai ì-sù. Only saying 'touching clams' to young people in Tâi-uân, we had to explain a lot, and they were still like'the duck listens to thunder', didn't know the meaning at all. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.43_TSF017_concat.wav 12.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.47_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.47_TSF017_concat.wav 7.449875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female siōng tsú-iàu ê guân-in sī, í-king bô hit-lō bong lâ-á ê khuân-kíng--ah. siong7 tsu2-iau3 e5 guan5-in1 si7, i2-king1 bo5 hit4-lo7 bong1 la5-a2 e5 khuan5-king2--ah4. 上主要ê原因是,已經無hit號摸蜊仔ê環境--矣。 siōng chú-iàu ê goân-in sī, í-keng bô hit-lō bong lâ-á ê khoân-kéng--ah. The main reason is that there is no longer such an environment for clam catching. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.47_TSF017_concat.wav 6.421 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.58_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.58_TSF017_concat.wav 4.74 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female koh-khah giâm-tiōng--ê sī ū lâng oo-pe̍h tó huì-khì-bu̍t koh4-khah4 giam5-tiong7--e5 si7 u7 lang5 oo1-peh8 to2 hui3-khi3-but8 koh-khah嚴重--ê是有人烏白倒廢棄物 koh-khah giâm-tiōng--ê sī ū lâng o͘-pe̍h tó hùi-khì-bu̍t A more serious situation is the dumping of waste. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.58_TSF017_concat.wav 5.7383125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.60_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.60_TSF017_concat.wav 14.1773125 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tshiūnn kóng Jī-jîn-khe poh-huānn ū tiōng-kim-sio̍k tshiau liōng tui-tsik ná suann ê tiān-tsú huì-khì-bu̍t, nā beh tshing-lí hó-sè tsì-tsió tio̍h khai tsa̍p-ik! tshiunn7 kong2 ji7-jin5-khe1 poh4-huann7 u7 tiong7-kim1-siok8 tshiau1 liong7 tui1-tsik4 na2 suann1 e5 tian7-tsu2 hui3-khi3-but8, na7 beh4 tshing1-li2 ho2-se3 tsi3-tsio2 tioh8 khai1 tsap8-ik4! 像講二仁溪poh岸有重金屬超量堆積若山ê電子廢棄物,若beh清理好勢至少tio̍h開十億! chhiūⁿ kóng Jī-jîn-khe poh-hōaⁿ ū tiōng-kim-sio̍k chhiau liōng tui-chek ná soaⁿ ê tiān-chú hùi-khì-bu̍t, nā beh chheng-lí hó-sè chì-chió tio̍h khai cha̍p-ek! For example, the embankment of Erren River has electronic waste with excessive heavy metals piled up there like a mountain. If it is cleaned up, it will cost at least one billion! 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.60_TSF017_concat.wav 13.6529375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.62_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.62_TSF017_concat.wav 10.239875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female tî-liáu Jī-jîn-khe í-guā, iáu-ū nn̄g tiâu beh-sí-beh-sí ê A-kong-tiàm-khe kah Pak-káng-khe. ti5-liau2 ji7-jin5-khe1 i2-gua7, iau2-u7 nng7 tiau5 beh4-si2-beh4-si2 e5 a1-kong1-tiam3-khe1 kah4 pak4-kang2-khe1. 除了二仁溪以外,猶有兩條beh死beh死ê阿公店溪kah北港溪。 tî-liáu Jī-jîn-khe í-gōa, iáu-ū nn̄g tiâu beh-sí-beh-sí ê A-kong-tiàm-khe kah Pak-káng-khe. Besides Jī-jîn Stream, A-kong-tiàm Stream and pak-káng Stream are also two streams on the verge of ecological death. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.62_TSF017_concat.wav 10.9223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.64_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.64_TSF017_concat.wav 9.399875 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female hiān-tāi ê Tâi-uân siàu-liân-lâng liân “bong lâ-á” to m̄ tsai siánn ì-sù, beh án-tsuánn kā kái-sueh “kiam sé khòo”? hian7-tai7 e5 tai5-uan5 siau3-lian5-lang5 lian5“bong1 la5-a2”to1 m7 tsai1 siann2 i3-su3, beh4 an2-tsuann2 ka7 kai2-sueh4“kiam1 se2 khoo3”? 現代ê台灣少年人連「摸蜊仔」都m̄知啥意思,beh按怎kā解說「兼洗褲」? hiān-tāi ê Tâi-oân siàu-liân-lâng liân“bong lâ-á”to m̄ chai siáⁿ ì-sù, beh án-chóaⁿ kā kái-soeh“kiam sé khò͘”? Young Taiwanese nowadays do not even know how to 'grab clams.' So, how do we explain to them about 'washing their pants at the same time'? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.64_TSF017_concat.wav 11.199625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.66_TSF017_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.66_TSF017_concat.wav 4.23 TSF017 中部腔 Mid Taiwan accent Female koh-khah m̄-bián kóng siánn-mih “it-kiam-jī-kòo”--ah! koh4-khah4 m7-bian2 kong2 siann2-mih4“it4-kiam1-ji7-koo3”--ah4! koh-khah-m̄免講啥物「一兼二顧」--ah! koh-khah m̄-bián kóng siáⁿ-mih“it-kiam-jī-kò͘”--ah! Do not even tell me about 'doing two things at once'! 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.66_TSF017_concat.wav 6.143625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.2_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.2_TSM013_concat.wav 9.642375 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male un-tōo sann tsa̍p tsì sann tsa̍p sì tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sì tsa̍p % lâi-pin sann pah lī tsa̍p gōo hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 sann1 tsap8 tsi3 sann1 tsap8 si3 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 si3 tsap8% lai5-pin1 sann1 pah4 li7 tsap8 goo7 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度三十至三十四度,落雨機率四十%來賓三百二十五號請來十號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ saⁿ cha̍p chì saⁿ cha̍p sì tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t sì cha̍p% lâi-pin saⁿ pah lī cha̍p gō͘ hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature is 30 to 34 degrees, and the chance of rain is 40%. Customer 325 please come to counter 10. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.2_TSM013_concat.wav 11.28 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.4_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.4_TSM013_concat.wav 3.5725 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male lóng-tsóng la̍k pah káu tsa̍p la̍k khoo, tsāu lí sì khoo long2-tsong2 lak8 pah4 kau2 tsap8 lak8 khoo1,tsau7 li2 si3 khoo1 攏總六百九十六箍, 找你四箍 lóng-chóng la̍k pah káu cha̍p la̍k kho͘,chāu lí sì kho͘ The total price is $696, here's your $4 change. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.4_TSM013_concat.wav 6.549 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.5_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.5_TSM013_concat.wav 3.405625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male kin-á-li̍t sī tsa̍p-lī-gue̍h tsa̍p-sì, lé-pài kin1-a2-lit8 si7 tsap8-li7-gueh8 tsap8-si3,le2-pai3 今仔日是十二月十四,禮拜 kin-á-li̍t sī cha̍p-lī-goe̍h cha̍p-sì,lé-pài Today is December 14th, Sunday. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.5_TSM013_concat.wav 5.375625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.8_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.8_TSM013_concat.wav 2.4 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male i-tī it kiú tshit sù nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 tshit4 su3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九七四年出世 i-tī it kiú chhit sù nî chhut-sì He was born in 1974. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.8_TSM013_concat.wav 3.5755 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.9_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.9_TSM013_concat.wav 3.2411875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki lio̍k it kiú khòng tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 liok8 it4 kiu2 khong3 請幫我轉分機六一九空 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki lio̍k it kiú khòng Please help to transfer to extension 6190. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_1.9_TSM013_concat.wav 7.1463125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.1_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.1_TSM013_concat.wav 2.73 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Lán-tsit-ê siánn-mi̍h hiann, gâu-tsá. lan2-tsit4-e5 siann2-mih8 hiann1,gau5-tsa2. 咱這个啥物兄,𠢕早。 Lán-chit-ê siáⁿ-mi̍h hiaⁿ,gâu-chá. How to call this elder brother? Good morning. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.1_TSM013_concat.wav 5.224125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.10_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.10_TSM013_concat.wav 2.67 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Khiâ thih-bé kiám-tshái tio̍h gōo-tsa̍p-hun-tsing; khia5 thih4-be2 kiam2-tshai2 tioh8 goo7-tsap8-hun1-tsing1; 騎鐵馬檢采著五十分鐘; Khiâ thih-bé kiám-chhái tio̍h gō͘-cha̍p-hun-cheng; It may take 50 minutes via bicycle. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.10_TSM013_concat.wav 5.269 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.11_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.11_TSM013_concat.wav 2.64 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsē kong-tshia siōng-bô ài puànn-tiám-tsing; tse7 kong1-tshia1 siong7-bo5 ai3 puann3-tiam2-tsing1; 坐公車上無愛半點鐘; chē kong-chhia siōng-bô ài pòaⁿ-tiám-cheng; It would take at least half an hour to take the bus. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.11_TSM013_concat.wav 3.775625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.12_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.12_TSM013_concat.wav 2.61 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male khiâ ki-tshia tsha-put-to tsa̍p-gōo hun-tsing; khia5 ki1-tshia1 tsha1-put4-to1 tsap8-goo7 hun1-tsing1; 騎機車差不多十五分鐘; khiâ ki-chhia chha-put-to cha̍p-gō͘ hun-cheng; It takes about 15 minutes via motorcyle. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.12_TSM013_concat.wav 5.0343125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.13_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.13_TSM013_concat.wav 5.28 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsē Tha-khú-sih ia̍h sái tsū-ka-iōng--ê liōng-iok-á ài jī-tsa̍p-hun-tsing kú. tse7 tha1-khu2-sih4 iah8 sai2 tsu7-ka1-iong7--e5 liong7-iok4-a2 ai3 ji7-tsap8-hun1-tsing1 ku2. 坐Tha-khú-sih抑駛自家用--的量約仔愛二十分鐘久。 chē Tha-khú-sih ia̍h sái chū-ka-iōng--ê liōng-iok-á ài jī-cha̍p-hun-cheng kú. It would take around 20 minutes, whether if you take a taxi or drive your own car. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.13_TSM013_concat.wav 6.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.14_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.14_TSM013_concat.wav 6.579875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Thinn-khì tsiah lua̍h, iōng kiânn--ê ia̍h khiâ thih-bé kiann siunn thiám, guá siūnn beh khiâ oo-tóo-bái lâi-khì. thinn1-khi3 tsiah4 luah8,iong7 kiann5--e5 iah8 khia5 thih4-be2 kiann1 siunn1 thiam2, gua2 siunn7 beh4 khia5 oo1-too2-bai2 lai5-khi3. 天氣遮熱,用行--的抑騎鐵馬驚傷忝,我想欲騎oo-tóo-bái來去。 Thiⁿ-khì chiah loa̍h,iōng kiâⁿ--ê ia̍h khiâ thih-bé kiaⁿ siuⁿ thiám, góa siūⁿ beh khiâ o͘-tó͘-bái lâi-khì. The weather was too hot to walk or go by bicycle, so I wanted to go by motorcyle. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.14_TSM013_concat.wav 7.103625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.16_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.16_TSM013_concat.wav 7.784875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Khiâ oo-tóo-bái sī siōng-kài kín--lah, m̄-koh tio̍h-ài ū kà-sú koh tio̍h-ài tì an-tsuân-bō. Lí kám ū tsah? khia5 oo1-too2-bai2 si7 siong7-kai3 kin2--lah4, m7-koh4 tioh8-ai3 u7 ka3-su2 koh4 tioh8-ai3 ti3 an1-tsuan5-bo7.li2 kam2 u7 tsah4? 騎oo-tóo-bái是上蓋緊--啦,毋過著愛有駕駛閣著愛戴安全帽。你敢有紮? Khiâ o͘-tó͘-bái sī siōng-kài kín--lah, m̄-koh tio̍h-ài ū kà-sú koh tio̍h-ài tì an-choân-bō.Lí kám ū chah? A motorcycle is the fastest way to get there, but you must have a driver's license and wear a helmet. Do you have it with you? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.16_TSM013_concat.wav 9.3863125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.18_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.18_TSM013_concat.wav 3.93 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Kà-sú guá ū piān tī--leh, m̄-koh an-tsuân-bō-á tio̍h bô--ah. ka3-su2 gua2 u7 pian7 ti7--leh4,m7-koh4 an1-tsuan5-bo7-a2 tioh8 bo5--ah4. 駕駛我有便佇--咧,毋過安全帽仔就無--矣。 Kà-sú góa ū piān tī--leh,m̄-koh an-choân-bō-á tio̍h bô--ah. I have my driver's license, but I do not have a helmet. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.18_TSM013_concat.wav 5.3543125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.20_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.20_TSM013_concat.wav 3.915625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male nā hōo kíng-tshat-á lia̍h--tio̍h, hua̍t gōo-pah-khoo sǹg-bē-hô. na7 hoo7 king2-tshat4-a2 liah8--tioh8,huat8 goo7-pah4-khoo1 sng3-be7-ho5. 若予警察仔掠--著,罰五百箍算袂和。 nā hō͘ kéng-chhat-á lia̍h--tio̍h,hoa̍t gō͘-pah-kho͘ sǹg-bē-hô. If you are caught by the police, the fine of 500 yuan is not worth it. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.20_TSM013_concat.wav 5.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.21_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.21_TSM013_concat.wav 2.37 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Nā án-ne, guá tiō tsē-tshia lâi-khì ; na7 an2-ne1,gua2 tio7 tse7-tshia1 lai5-khi3; 若按呢,我就坐車來去; Nā án-ne,góa tiō chē-chhia lâi-khì; If so, I'll go by car. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.21_TSM013_concat.wav 3.64 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.22_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.22_TSM013_concat.wav 7.065625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male koh-tsài tshíng-kàu--leh, ná-ē pênn-pênn tsē-tshia, kong-tshia 、 kè-tîng-á kah tsū-iōng-tshia ē tsha hiah tsē ? koh4-tsai3 tshing2-kau3--leh4,na2-e7 penn5-penn5 tse7-tshia1,kong1-tshia1、ke3-ting5-a2 kah4 tsu7-iong7-tshia1 e7 tsha1 hiah4 tse7? 閣再請教--咧,哪會平平坐車,公車、計程仔佮自用車會差遐濟? koh-chài chhéng-kàu--leh,ná-ē pêⁿ-pêⁿ chē-chhia,kong-chhia、kè-têng-á kah chū-iōng-chhia ē chha hiah chē? And I have something else to ask, how can our fares differ so much if we took the same trains, buses, taxis, and private cars? 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.22_TSM013_concat.wav 9.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.3_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.3_TSM013_concat.wav 4.1555625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Tshíng-kàu--tsi̍t-ē, tùi tsia beh khì Phik-thâm, ài án-tsuánn kiânn? tshing2-kau3--tsit8-e7,tui3 tsia1 beh4 khi3 phik4-tham5,ai3 an2-tsuann2 kiann5? 請教--一下,對遮欲去碧潭,愛按怎行? Chhéng-kàu--chi̍t-ē,tùi chia beh khì Phek-thâm,ài án-chóaⁿ kiâⁿ? Please tell me how to get to Bitan from here? 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.3_TSM013_concat.wav 4.899 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.4_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.4_TSM013_concat.wav 4.47 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Sūn Pak-sin-lōo ǹg Gî-lân ê hong-hiòng kiânn, tiō ē king-kuè hia. sun7 pak4-sin1-loo7 ng3 gi5-lan5 e5 hong1-hiong3 kiann5,tio7 e7 king1-kue3 hia1. 順北新路向宜蘭的方向行,就會經過遐。 Sūn Pak-sin-lō͘ ǹg Gî-lân ê hong-hiòng kiâⁿ,tiō ē keng-kòe hia. If you follow Beixin Road in the direction of Yilan, you will pass by there. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.4_TSM013_concat.wav 6.570875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.5_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.5_TSM013_concat.wav 3.12 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Koh tsioh-mn̄g--tsi̍t-ē, án-tsuánn khì khah hó-sè? koh4 tsioh4-mng7--tsit8-e7,an2-tsuann2 khi3 khah4 ho2-se3? 閣借問--一-下,按怎去較好勢? Koh chioh-mn̄g--chi̍t-ē,án-chóaⁿ khì khah hó-sè? May I ask what is the best way to get there? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.5_TSM013_concat.wav 4.6503125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.6_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.6_TSM013_concat.wav 8.90925 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Tsē tsa̍p-it-hō-á ū khah hn̄g--lah , lí thìng-hó khiâ thih-bé 、 oo-tóo-bái, tsē kong-tshia 、 kè-tîng-tshia ia̍h-sī sái tsū-ka-iōng--ê. tse7 tsap8-it4-ho7-a2 u7 khah4 hng7--lah4, li2 thing3-ho2 khia5 thih4-be2、oo1-too2-bai2,tse7 kong1-tshia1、ke3-ting5-tshia1 iah8-si7 sai2 tsu7-ka1-iong7--e5. 坐十一號仔有較遠--啦,你聽好騎鐵馬、oo-tóo-bái,坐公車、計程車抑是駛自家用--的。 Chē cha̍p-it-hō-á ū khah hn̄g--lah, lí thèng-hó khiâ thih-bé、o͘-tó͘-bái,chē kong-chhia、kè-têng-chhia ia̍h-sī sái chū-ka-iōng--ê. It is a little farther to walk to that place. Listen carefully, ride a bicycle, ride a motorcycle, take a bus, take a cab or drive your car. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.6_TSM013_concat.wav 11.957875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.8_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.8_TSM013_concat.wav 3.45 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Ū siánn bô-kāng? Tshiánn kóng lâi tsò tsham-khó--tsi̍t-ē. u7 siann2 bo5-kang7?tshiann2 kong2 lai5 tso3 tsham1-kho2--tsit8-e7. 有啥無仝?請講來做參考--一下。 Ū siáⁿ bô-kāng?Chhiáⁿ kóng lâi chò chham-khó--chi̍t-ē. What would be the difference? Please share with us for reference. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.8_TSM013_concat.wav 5.631625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.9_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.9_TSM013_concat.wav 3.51 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Iōng kiânn--ê nn̄g-tiám-guā-tsing kú m̄-tsai ē kàu--bē? iong7 kiann5--e5 nng7-tiam2-gua7-tsing1 ku2 m7-tsai1 e7 kau3--be7? 用行--的兩點外鐘久毋知會到--袂? Iōng kiâⁿ--ê nn̄g-tiám-gōa-cheng kú m̄-chai ē kàu--bē? If you choose walking, I am not sure if you would reach there in 2 hours. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_2.9_TSM013_concat.wav 6.271625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.1_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.1_TSM013_concat.wav 1.89 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male guá siōng kah-ì tsò ê tāi-tsì gua2 siong7 kah4-i3 tso3 e5 tai7-tsi3 我上kah意做ê代誌 góa siōng kah-ì chò ê tāi-chì My favorite thing to do. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.1_TSM013_concat.wav 4.095625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.10_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.10_TSM013_concat.wav 3.75 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ū-sî pí kuí-nā pah-bān lī ê sió-suat íng-hióng koh-khah tuā. u7-si5 pi2 kui2-na7 pah4-ban7 li7 e5 sio2-suat4 ing2-hiong2 koh4-khah4 tua7. 有時比幾若百萬字ê小說影響koh-khah大。 ū-sî pí kúi-nā pah-bān lī ê sió-soat éng-hióng koh-khah tōa. Sometimes this is even bigger than a multi-million-word novel. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.10_TSM013_concat.wav 5.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.11_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.11_TSM013_concat.wav 1.44 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male khak-si̍t sī án-ne! khak4-sit8 si7 an2-ne1! 確實是án-ne! khak-si̍t sī án-ne! Indeed it is. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.11_TSM013_concat.wav 2.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.12_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.12_TSM013_concat.wav 12.186625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsin tsē liû-hîng kua-á ê kua-sû, tsiat-tsàu lóng tshim-tshim khik tī tsē-tsē lâng ê thâu-khak-lāi, put-sî lán tiō ē tshiòr-kua lâi piáu-ta̍t sim-siann, sīm-tsì kā kám-tōng thuân kàu tsuân sè-kài. tsin1 tse7 liu5-hing5 kua1-a2 e5 kua1-su5,tsiat4-tsau3 long2 tshim1-tshim1 khik4 ti7 tse7-tse7 lang5 e5 thau5-khak4-lai7, put4-si5 lan2 tio7 e7 tshior3-kua1 lai5 piau2-tat8 sim1-siann1, sim7-tsi3 ka7 kam2-tong7 thuan5 kau3 tsuan5 se3-kai3. 真濟流行歌仔ê歌詞、節奏lóng深深刻tī濟濟人ê頭殼內,不時lán就ē唱歌來表達心聲,甚至kā感動傳到全世界。 chin chē liû-hêng koa-á ê koa-sû,chiat-chàu lóng chhim-chhim khek tī chē-chē lâng ê thâu-khak-lāi, put-sî lán tiō ē chhiòr-koa lâi piáu-ta̍t sim-siaⁿ, sīm-chì kā kám-tōng thoân kàu choân sè-kài. The lyrics and rhythms of many popular songs are deeply engraved in many people's minds. We often sing to express what is in our hearts, and it can even touch the whole world. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.12_TSM013_concat.wav 13.077 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.15_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.15_TSM013_concat.wav 7.299875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male guá siōng kah-ì tsò ê tāi-tsì tiō sī tshiùnn-kua, huann-hí ê sî tshiùnn-kua kā khuài-lo̍k hun-hióng hōo pa̍t-lâng; gua2 siong7 kah4-i3 tso3 e5 tai7-tsi3 tio7 si7 tshiunn3-kua1, huann1-hi2 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1 ka7 khuai3-lok8 hun1-hiong2 hoo7 pat8-lang5; 我上kah意做ê代誌就是唱歌,歡喜ê時唱歌kā快樂分享hōo別人; góa siōng kah-ì chò ê tāi-chì tiō sī chhiùⁿ-koa, hoaⁿ-hí ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa kā khoài-lo̍k hun-hióng hō͘ pa̍t-lâng; My favourite thing to do is to sing. I sing when I am happy to share my happiness with others. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.15_TSM013_concat.wav 7.893 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.17_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.17_TSM013_concat.wav 3.72 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male huân-ló ê sî tshiùnn-kua kiám-khin sim-lāi ê ut-tsut; huan5-lo2 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1 kiam2-khin1 sim1-lai7 e5 ut4-tsut4; 煩惱ê時唱歌減輕心內ê鬱卒; hoân-ló ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa kiám-khin sim-lāi ê ut-chut; Singing when you feel troubled can relieve your inner melancholy. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.17_TSM013_concat.wav 5.6914375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.18_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.18_TSM013_concat.wav 4.899875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male kan-khóo ê sî tshiùnn-kua, ióng-khì put-ti-put-kak tiō it-ti̍t tsing-ka; kan1-khoo2 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1, iong2-khi3 put4-ti1-put4-kak4 tio7 it4-tit8 tsing1-ka1; 艱苦ê時唱歌,勇氣不知不覺就一直增加; kan-khó͘ ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa, ióng-khì put-ti-put-kak tiō it-ti̍t cheng-ka; By singing when you are sad, your courage will increase unconsciously. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.18_TSM013_concat.wav 5.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.2_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.2_TSM013_concat.wav 2.07 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsok-tsiá: Lîm Kuì-hiong tsok4-tsia2:lim5 kui3-hiong1 作者:林桂鄉 chok-chiá:Lîm Kùi-hiong Author: Lîm Kuì-hiong. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.2_TSM013_concat.wav 3.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.20_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.20_TSM013_concat.wav 5.439875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male kín-tionn ê sî tshiùnn-kua, phi̍h-pho̍k-tshái ê sim-tsōng tiō ē ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á bān--lo̍h-lâi. kin2-tionn1 e5 si5 tshiunn3-kua1, phih8-phok8-tshai2 e5 sim1-tsong7 tio7 e7 tauh8-tauh8-a2 ban7--loh8-lai5. 緊張ê時唱歌,phi̍h-pho̍k-tshái-ê心臟就ē沓沓仔慢--落來。 kín-tioⁿ ê sî chhiùⁿ-koa, phi̍h-pho̍k-chhái ê sim-chōng tiō ē tau̍h-tau̍h-á bān--lo̍h-lâi. Singing when you are tense, the beating heart will gradually relax. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.20_TSM013_concat.wav 5.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.22_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.22_TSM013_concat.wav 4.29 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsóng-kóng--tsi̍t-kù siánn-mih sim-tsîng lóng tshuē ū tsi̍t siú kua lâi ha̍h. tsong2-kong2--tsit8-ku3 siann2-mih4 sim1-tsing5 long2 tshue7 u7 tsit8 siu2 kua1 lai5 hah8. 總講--一句啥mih心情lóng揣有一首歌來ha̍h。 chóng-kóng--chi̍t-kù siáⁿ-mih sim-chêng lóng chhōe ū chi̍t siú koa lâi ha̍h. Overall, there's always a song for every emotion. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.22_TSM013_concat.wav 4.373 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.23_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.23_TSM013_concat.wav 8.199875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male thàu-kuè kua-sû guá liáu-kái tio̍h guân-lâi mā ū lâng ū kah guá kāng-khuán ê kám-kak, ū gōo-hue-tsa̍p-sik ê sing-ua̍h king-giām. thau3-kue3 kua1-su5 gua2 liau2-kai2 tioh8 guan5-lai5 ma7 u7 lang5 u7 kah4 gua2 kang7-khuan2 e5 kam2-kak4, u7 goo7-hue1-tsap8-sik4 e5 sing1-uah8 king1-giam7. 透過歌詞我了解著原來mā有人有佮我仝款ê感覺,有五花十色ê生活經驗。 thàu-kòe koa-sû góa liáu-kái tio̍h goân-lâi mā ū lâng ū kah góa kāng-khoán ê kám-kak, ū gō͘-hoe-cha̍p-sek ê seng-oa̍h keng-giām. From the lyrics, I realized some people felt the same way as I did, having a kaleidoscope of experiences. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.23_TSM013_concat.wav 8.533 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.25_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.25_TSM013_concat.wav 5.259875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsò-lâng ē-tàng tsioh tshiùnn-kua hōo-siong liáu-kái, tiō bē koo-koo-tuann-tuann. tso3-lang5 e7-tang3 tsioh4 tshiunn3-kua1 hoo7-siong1 liau2-kai2, tio7 be7 koo1-koo1-tuann1-tuann1. 做人ē-tàng藉唱歌互相了解,就bē孤孤單單。 chò-lâng ē-tàng chioh chhiùⁿ-koa hō͘-siong liáu-kái, tiō bē ko͘-ko͘-toaⁿ-toaⁿ. People can get to know each other through singing, so they do not feel lonely. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.25_TSM013_concat.wav 6.427375 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.27_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.27_TSM013_concat.wav 9.487875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Tī ha̍k-hāu siōng im-ga̍k khò, khò-pún ū tsi̍t siú “bāng tshun-hong”: “koo-tuann bô phuānn siú ting-hā, tshing-hong tuì-bīn tshue”; ti7 hak8-hau7 siong7 im1-gak8 kho3, kho3-pun2 u7 tsit8 siu2“bang7 tshun1-hong1”: “koo1-tuann1 bo5 phuann7 siu2 ting1-ha7,tshing1-hong1 tui3-bin7 tshue1”; Tī學校上音樂課,課本有一首〈望春風〉:「孤單無伴守燈下,清風對面吹」; Tī ha̍k-hāu siōng im-ga̍k khò, khò-pún ū chi̍t siú“bāng chhun-hong”: “ko͘-toaⁿ bô phōaⁿ siú teng-hā,chheng-hong tùi-bīn chhoe”; During a music lesson at school, there was a song in the textbook called 'Bāng Tshun-hong'. The song goes, 'I'm alone without a partner under the streetlight, the cool breeze blows on my face.' 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.27_TSM013_concat.wav 15.0823125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.42_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.42_TSM013_concat.wav 2.73 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ta̍k-ke tsi̍t siann tsi̍t siann puê guá tshui--lo̍h-khì...” tak8-ke1 tsit8 siann1 tsit8 siann1 pue5 gua2 tshui1--loh8-khi3...” 逐家一聲一聲陪我催--落去……」 ta̍k-ke chi̍t siaⁿ chi̍t siaⁿ pôe góa chhui--lo̍h-khì...” Everyone applauded and sang with me all the way. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.42_TSM013_concat.wav 5.141 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.43_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.43_TSM013_concat.wav 10.51975 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tshiùnn-kua hōo kám-tsîng khiā sio-uá, kiò-tshínn lán tuì ka-tī sîng-tsióng ê thóo-tē ê tiōng-sī, sán-sing ài kok-ka ài kòo-hiong ê kám-tsîng. tshiunn3-kua1 hoo7 kam2-tsing5 khia7 sio1-ua2, kio3-tshinn2 lan2 tui3 ka1-ti7 sing5-tsiong2 e5 thoo2-te7 e5 tiong7-si7, san2-sing1 ai3 kok4-ka1 ai3 koo3-hiong1 e5 kam2-tsing5. 唱歌hōo感情徛sio倚,叫醒lán對家己成長ê土地ê重視,產生愛國家愛故鄉ê感情。 chhiùⁿ-koa hō͘ kám-chêng khiā sio-óa, kiò-chhíⁿ lán tùi ka-tī sêng-chióng ê thó͘-tē ê tiōng-sī, sán-seng ài kok-ka ài kò͘-hiong ê kám-chêng. Singing makes our emotions bind together, wakes up our values for the land we grew up in, and makes us have affection for our country and homeland. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.43_TSM013_concat.wav 10.0263125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.46_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.46_TSM013_concat.wav 11.24225 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Tī ha̍k-hāu, ta̍k-ke tsò-hué tshiùnn-kua siōng tshù-bī, siōng sî-kiânn ê liû-hîng-kua sian tshiùnn mā bē ià-siān, tiōng-iàu ê tsueh-li̍t it-tīng ài ū kua-siann lâi tàu-lāu-jia̍t; ti7 hak8-hau7,tak8-ke1 tso3-hue2 tshiunn3-kua1 siong7 tshu3-bi7, siong7 si5-kiann5 e5 liu5-hing5-kua1 sian1 tshiunn3 ma7 be7 ia3-sian7, tiong7-iau3 e5 tsueh4-lit8 it4-ting7 ai3 u7 kua1-siann1 lai5 tau3-lau7-jiat8; Tī學校,逐家做伙唱歌上趣味,上時行ê流行歌sian唱mā bē厭siān,重要ê節日一定ài有歌聲來tàu鬧熱; Tī ha̍k-hāu,ta̍k-ke chò-hóe chhiùⁿ-koa siōng chhù-bī, siōng sî-kiâⁿ ê liû-hêng-koa sian chhiùⁿ mā bē ià-siān, tiōng-iàu ê choeh-li̍t it-tēng ài ū koa-siaⁿ lâi tàu-lāu-jia̍t; In school, singing together is the most fun, and the most popular pop songs are not boring, and there must be singing at important festivals to make it lively. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.46_TSM013_concat.wav 10.982625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.58_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.58_TSM013_concat.wav 7.962375 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tshiùnn-kua tsiong siōng tiōng-iàu ê li̍t-tsí tshīng tsò tsi̍t tiâu pó-kuì ê tsin-tsu phua̍h-liān, hōo sing-ua̍h koh-khah bí-lē. tshiunn3-kua1 tsiong1 siong7 tiong7-iau3 e5 lit8-tsi2 tshing7 tso3 tsit8 tiau5 po2-kui3 e5 tsin1-tsu1 phuah8-lian7, hoo7 sing1-uah8 koh4-khah4 bi2-le7. 唱歌將上重要ê日子穿做一條寶貴ê真珠phua̍h鍊,hōo生活koh-khah美麗。 chhiùⁿ-koa chiong siōng tiōng-iàu ê li̍t-chí chhēng chò chi̍t tiâu pó-kùi ê chin-chu phoa̍h-liān, hō͘ seng-oa̍h koh-khah bí-lē. To sing is to wear the most important day into a precious pearl necklace to make life more beautiful. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.58_TSM013_concat.wav 6.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.63_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.63_TSM013_concat.wav 3.21 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male kuan-tsiòng ē-tàng lâu-lo̍h tshim-tshim-tshim ê ìn-siōng. kuan1-tsiong3 e7-tang3 lau5-loh8 tshim1-tshim1-tshim1 e5 in3-siong7. 觀眾ē-tàng留落深深深ê印象。 koan-chiòng ē-tàng lâu-lo̍h chhim-chhim-chhim ê ìn-siōng. This will leave a long-lasting deep impression on the audience. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.63_TSM013_concat.wav 6.357 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.64_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.64_TSM013_concat.wav 9.749625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Lán muí tsi̍t ê lâng mā ū ka-tī ê tsú-tê khik, khuann-khuann-á tshiùnn, hōo-siong liáu-kái, hōo-siong him-sióng, bô su-iàu gōo-kái ònn-ònn-jiáng. lan2 mui2 tsit8 e5 lang5 ma7 u7 ka1-ti7 e5 tsu2-te5 khik4, khuann1-khuann1-a2 tshiunn3, hoo7-siong1 liau2-kai2,hoo7-siong1 him1-siong2, bo5 su1-iau3 goo7-kai2 onn3-onn3-jiang2. Lán每一个人mā有家己ê主題曲,khuann-khuann仔唱,互相了解,互相欣賞,無需要誤解ònn-ònn嚷。 Lán múi chi̍t ê lâng mā ū ka-tī ê chú-tê khek, khoaⁿ-khoaⁿ-á chhiùⁿ, hō͘-siong liáu-kái,hō͘-siong him-sióng, bô su-iàu gō͘-kái òⁿ-òⁿ-jiáng. Each of us has our own theme song, we sing slowly, get to know each other, appreciate each other, we don't need to cause misunderstandings and quarrel loudly. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.64_TSM013_concat.wav 10.96 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.68_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.68_TSM013_concat.wav 5.139875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male bián kè-kàu kua-siann sī hó sī bái, sim-lāi ū kua tiō bē koo-tuann. bian2 ke3-kau3 kua1-siann1 si7 ho2 si7 bai2, sim1-lai7 u7 kua1 tio7 be7 koo1-tuann1. 免計較歌聲是好是bái,心內有歌就bē孤單。 bián kè-kàu koa-siaⁿ sī hó sī bái, sim-lāi ū koa tiō bē ko͘-toaⁿ. Don't worry about whether the singing is good or bad, you will not feel lonely if you have a song in your heart. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.68_TSM013_concat.wav 8.869625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.7_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.7_TSM013_concat.wav 4.53 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male lín sī m̄ sī kám-kak kha-té ngiau-ngiau siūnn-beh tián-khui kha-pōo thiàu-bú--leh? lin2 si7 m7 si7 kam2-kak4 kha1-te2 ngiau1-ngiau1 siunn7-beh4 tian2-khui1 kha1-poo7 thiau3-bu2--leh4? lín是m̄是感覺跤底ngiau-ngiau想beh展開跤步跳舞--leh? lín sī m̄ sī kám-kak kha-té ngiau-ngiau siūⁿ-beh tián-khui kha-pō͘ thiàu-bú--leh? Do you feel the momentum under your feet and want to step out and start dancing? 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.7_TSM013_concat.wav 6.772625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.70_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.70_TSM013_concat.wav 6.009875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tshiùnn-kua sī guá siōng kah-ì tsò ê tāi-tsì, ǹg-bāng ta̍k-ke mā lâi hiáng-siū tshiùnn-kua ê huann-hí. tshiunn3-kua1 si7 gua2 siong7 kah4-i3 tso3 e5 tai7-tsi3, ng3-bang7 tak8-ke1 ma7 lai5 hiang2-siu7 tshiunn3-kua1 e5 huann1-hi2. 唱歌是我上kah意做ê代誌,ǹg望逐家mā來享受唱歌ê歡喜。 chhiùⁿ-koa sī góa siōng kah-ì chò ê tāi-chì, ǹg-bāng ta̍k-ke mā lâi hiáng-siū chhiùⁿ-koa ê hoaⁿ-hí. My favourite thing to do is to sing. We hope everyone will come and enjoy the joy of singing. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_3.70_TSM013_concat.wav 7.935625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.11_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.11_TSM013_concat.wav 4.089875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male In ang thiann-liáu, tiō kuánn-kín khì i ê hàn-io̍h tiàm. in1 ang1 thiann1-liau2, tio7 kuann2-kin2 khi3 i1 e5 han3-ioh8 tiam3. In翁聽了,就趕緊去伊ê漢藥店。 In ang thiaⁿ-liáu, tiō kóaⁿ-kín khì i ê hàn-io̍h tiàm. When his husband heard it, he rushed to his Chinese medicine store. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.11_TSM013_concat.wav 6.1286875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.13_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.13_TSM013_concat.wav 4.599875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male A-hok--á thàu-tsá khí-lâi khuànn bô Tsài-tshik, tiō tsai-iánn tāi-tsì hāi--looh. a1-hok4--a2 thau3-tsa2 khi2-lai5 khuann3 bo5 tsai3-tshik4, tio7 tsai1-iann2 tai7-tsi3 hai7--looh4. 阿福--á透早起來看無再策,就知影代誌害--囉。 A-hok--á thàu-chá khí-lâi khòaⁿ bô Chài-chhek, tiō chai-iáⁿ tāi-chì hāi--lo͘h. A-hok did not see Tsài-tshik in the morning and immediately knew something was wrong. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.13_TSM013_concat.wav 8.1063125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.15_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.15_TSM013_concat.wav 7.81975 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male i tsin bô-nāi, m̄-koh mā sī ài kín tsiong mi̍h-á kah tsi̍t-kuá tsînn khuán--khí-lâi, lâi-khì A-khîm in tau bih. i1 tsin1 bo5-nai7, m7-koh4 ma7 si7 ai3 kin2 tsiong1 mih8-a2 kah4 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 khuan2--khi2-lai5, lai5-khi3 a1-khim5 in1 tau1 bih4. 伊真無奈,m̄-koh-mā是ài緊將mi̍h仔佮一寡錢款--起來,來去阿琴in兜bih。 i chin bô-nāi, m̄-koh mā sī ài kín chiong mi̍h-á kah chi̍t-kóa chîⁿ khoán--khí-lâi, lâi-khì A-khîm in tau bih. He was helpless but still had to pack his belongings and some money to hide at A-khîm's place. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.15_TSM013_concat.wav 7.829 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.18_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.18_TSM013_concat.wav 4.839875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tng-leh khuán mi̍h-kiānn ê sî, kám-á-tiàm ê tuā-mn̂g suah hōo lâng tsàm--khui! tng1-leh4 khuan2 mih8-kiann7 e5 si5, kam2-a2-tiam3 e5 tua7-mng5 suah4 hoo7 lang5 tsam3--khui1! 當leh款mi̍h件ê時,kám仔店ê大門suah hōo人tsàm--開! tng-leh khoán mi̍h-kiāⁿ ê sî, kám-á-tiàm ê tōa-mn̂g soah hō͘ lâng chàm--khui! When he was organising his things, the grocery store door was kicked open! 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.18_TSM013_concat.wav 6.655625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.2_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.2_TSM013_concat.wav 2.25 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsok-tsiá: Khu Uí-him tsok4-tsia2:khu1 ui2-him1 作者:邱偉欣 chok-chiá:Khu Úi-him Author: Khu Uí-him 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.2_TSM013_concat.wav 4.2663125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.31_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.31_TSM013_concat.wav 9.299625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male hūn-bê tsìn-tsîng, A-hok--á thiann-tio̍h tsi̍t kù Pak-kiann-uē: kâng tsit ê sî-tsūn, A-khîm in tau ê tuā-mn̂g mā hōo lâng tuā-la̍t lòng--khui. hun7-be5 tsin3-tsing5, a1-hok4--a2 thiann1-tioh8 tsit8 ku3 pak4-kiann1-ue7: kang5 tsit4 e5 si5-tsun7, a1-khim5 in1 tau1 e5 tua7-mng5 ma7 hoo7 lang5 tua7-lat8 long3--khui1. 昏迷進前,阿福--á聽著一句北京話:仝tsit个時tsūn,阿琴in兜ê大門mā hōo人大力挵--開。 hūn-bê chìn-chêng, A-hok--á thiaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t kù Pak-kiaⁿ-ōe: kâng chit ê sî-chūn, A-khîm in tau ê tōa-mn̂g mā hō͘ lâng tōa-la̍t lòng--khui. Before he fell unconscious, Ah-Fok heard a sentence in Chinese. At the same time, the door of Ah-khîm's house was burst open with force. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.31_TSM013_concat.wav 11.9463125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.37_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.37_TSM013_concat.wav 5.01 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male A-khîm hiông-hiông-kông-kông tsiong tsuân-pōo ê gín-á lóng khiú lâi ka-tī sin-khu-pinn; a1-khim5 hiong5-hiong5-kong5-kong5 tsiong1 tsuan5-poo7 e5 gin2-a2 long2 khiu2 lai5 ka1-ti7 sin1-khu1-pinn1; 阿琴雄雄狂狂將全部ê囡仔lóng-khiú來家己身軀邊; A-khîm hiông-hiông-kông-kông chiong choân-pō͘ ê gín-á lóng khiú lâi ka-tī sin-khu-piⁿ; A-khîm suddenly grabbed all the kids to her side. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.37_TSM013_concat.wav 4.351625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.42_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.42_TSM013_concat.wav 9.929625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male A-khîm thiann-bô, tsí-sī tsiong i ê gín-á lú khiú lú ân, tsi̍t pái koh tsi̍t pái tuā-siann huah: “lín beh tshòng siánn !?”, “lín beh tshòng siánn !?” a1-khim5 thiann1-bo5, tsi2-si7 tsiong1 i1 e5 gin2-a2 lu2 khiu2 lu2 an5, tsit8 pai2 koh4 tsit8 pai2 tua7-siann1 huah4: “lin2 beh4 tshong3 siann2!?”,“lin2 beh4 tshong3 siann2!?” 阿琴聽無,只是將伊ê囡仔愈khiú愈ân,一擺koh一擺大聲huah:「恁beh創啥!?」、「恁beh創啥!?」 A-khîm thiaⁿ-bô, chí-sī chiong i ê gín-á lú khiú lú ân, chi̍t pái koh chi̍t pái tōa-siaⁿ hoah: “lín beh chhòng siáⁿ!?”,“lín beh chhòng siáⁿ!?” A-khîm couldn't understand what they were saying, she just pulled her child tighter and tighter, shouting again and again: 'What are you going to do?', 'What are you going to do?' 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.42_TSM013_concat.wav 11.8 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.46_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.46_TSM013_concat.wav 6.67975 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male khiā tī mn̂g-kha-kháu ê tsi̍t miâ kun-lîn, khuànn--khí-lâi sī kun-kuann, tuì lāi-té ê ping-á hā bīng-līng. khia7 ti7 mng5-kha1-khau2 e5 tsit8 mia5 kun1-lin5, khuann3--khi2-lai5 si7 kun1-kuann1, tui3 lai7-te2 e5 ping1-a2 ha7 bing7-ling7. 徛tī門跤口ê一名軍人,看--起-來是軍官,對內底ê兵仔下命令。 khiā tī mn̂g-kha-kháu ê chi̍t miâ kun-lîn, khòaⁿ--khí-lâi sī kun-koaⁿ, tùi lāi-té ê peng-á hā bēng-lēng. The soldier who stands at the door looks like an officer. He gives orders to the solders under his command. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.46_TSM013_concat.wav 8.5543125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.57_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.57_TSM013_concat.wav 1.59 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male khai-sí lo̍h-hōo--ah. khai1-si2 loh8-hoo7--ah4. 開始落雨--ah。 khai-sí lo̍h-hō͘--ah. It starts to rain. 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.57_TSM013_concat.wav 2.239625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.58_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.58_TSM013_concat.wav 4.899875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male hōo-tsuí líng-ki-ki, ak tī A-khîm kah gín-á ê thâu-bīn tsham sin-khu. hoo7-tsui2 ling2-ki1-ki1, ak4 ti7 a1-khim5 kah4 gin2-a2 e5 thau5-bin7 tsham1 sin1-khu1. 雨水冷ki-ki,沃tī阿琴佮囡仔ê頭面參身軀。 hō͘-chúi léng-ki-ki, ak tī A-khîm kah gín-á ê thâu-bīn chham sin-khu. The cold rain poured on Ah-khîm's and the child's head, face, and body. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.58_TSM013_concat.wav 6.6405 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.79_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.79_TSM013_concat.wav 1.5 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ( āu kî tsiap-suà ) (au7 ki5 tsiap4-sua3) (後期接suà) (āu kî chiap-sòa) It continues in the later period. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_4.79_TSM013_concat.wav 4.5223125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.10_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.10_TSM013_concat.wav 3.45 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male guá kā hō-miâ kiò-tsò “uē kóng tsi̍t-puànn ê Tâi-uân-uē”. gua2 ka7 ho7-mia5 kio3-tso3“ue7 kong2 tsit8-puann3 e5 tai5-uan5-ue7”. 我kā號名叫做「話講一半ê台灣話」。 góa kā hō-miâ kiò-chò“ōe kóng chi̍t-pòaⁿ ê Tâi-oân-ōe”. I named him the 'Half-talking Taiwanese'. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.10_TSM013_concat.wav 5.119625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.11_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.11_TSM013_concat.wav 8.506125 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male siōng tsē lâng kóng, siōng tsē thiann--tio̍h ê tsi̍t kù gia̍t-á-uē, khó-lîng sī “it-kiam-jī-kòo, bong lâ-á kiam sé khòo.” siong7 tse7 lang5 kong2,siong7 tse7 thiann1--tioh8 e5 tsit8 ku3 giat8-a2-ue7, kho2-ling5 si7“it4-kiam1-ji7-koo3,bong1 la5-a2 kiam1 se2 khoo3.” 上濟人講、上濟聽--tio̍h-ê一句孽仔話,可能是「一兼二顧,摸蜊仔兼洗褲。」 siōng chē lâng kóng,siōng chē thiaⁿ--tio̍h ê chi̍t kù gia̍t-á-ōe, khó-lêng sī“it-kiam-jī-kò͘,bong lâ-á kiam sé khò͘.” The proverb which is said and listened by most people is probably 'Do two things at the same time, you can wash your pants while you touch the clams.' 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.11_TSM013_concat.wav 11.263625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.13_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.13_TSM013_concat.wav 2.61 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male lán khó-lîng tio̍h uì bong lâ-á kóng-khí. lan2 kho2-ling5 tioh8 ui3 bong1 la5-a2 kong2-khi2. 咱可能tio̍h-uì摸蜊仔講起。 lán khó-lêng tio̍h ùi bong lâ-á kóng-khí. Perhaps we can start with 'catching clams'. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.13_TSM013_concat.wav 5.119625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.14_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.14_TSM013_concat.wav 10.49475 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Mā m̄ sī tsin kú í-tsîng ê tāi-tsì, ē-kì-tit gōo, la̍k-tsa̍p nî tsîng guá tsò gín-á ê sî-tsūn, tiānn-tiānn thiann sī-tuā-lâng kóng: “kha tâm, tshuì tshàu-tsho.” ma7 m7 si7 tsin1 ku2 i2-tsing5 e5 tai7-tsi3, e7-ki3-tit4 goo7,lak8-tsap8 ni5 tsing5 gua2 tso3 gin2-a2 e5 si5-tsun7, tiann7-tiann7 thiann1 si7-tua7-lang5 kong2:“kha1 tam5,tshui3 tshau3-tsho1.” Mā m̄是真久以前ê代誌,會記得五、六十年前我做囡仔ê時陣,定定聽序大人講:「跤澹,喙臭臊。」 Mā m̄ sī chin kú í-chêng ê tāi-chì, ē-kì-tit gō͘,la̍k-cha̍p nî chêng góa chò gín-á ê sî-chūn, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ thiaⁿ sī-tōa-lâng kóng:“kha tâm,chhùi chhàu-chho.” It wasn't a long time ago. I still remember when I was a child 50 or 60 years ago, I often heard the elders encourage us to say: As long as we work hard, we will not starve to death. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.14_TSM013_concat.wav 12.32 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.20_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.20_TSM013_concat.wav 3.999875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ū hî-hê thang lo̍h-tiánn, tsú tsi̍t tǹg hó-liāu--ê lâi tsia̍h. u7 hi5-he5 thang1 loh8-tiann2, tsu2 tsit8 tng3 ho2-liau7--e5 lai5 tsiah8. 有魚蝦thang落鼎,煮一頓好料--ê來食。 ū hî-hê thang lo̍h-tiáⁿ, chú chi̍t tǹg hó-liāu--ê lâi chia̍h. Cook a hearty meal when you have fish and shrimp to cook. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.20_TSM013_concat.wav 4.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.22_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.22_TSM013_concat.wav 19.9278125 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male Hit-tong-sî lán Tâi-uân bô-lūn sī khenn-kau, tsùn-kau, khe-á, pi-á iah-sī tshân--lí, lóng iah tsin tshing-khì, suî-sî khì tó-uī to ū khó-lîng lia̍h-tio̍h, tng-tio̍h, tiò-tio̍h hôo-liu, hê-á, khe-ko-á , tsit-hî-á, môo-hē, tsuí-ke tíng-tíng. hit4-tong1-si5 lan2 tai5-uan5 bo5-lun7 si7 khenn1-kau1,tsun3-kau1,khe1-a2,pi1-a2 iah4-si7 tshan5--li2, long2 iah4 tsin1 tshing1-khi3, sui5-si5 khi3 to2-ui7 to1 u7 kho2-ling5 liah8-tioh8,tng1-tioh8,tio3-tioh8 hoo5-liu1,he5-a2,khe1-ko1-a2,tsit4-hi5-a2,moo5-he7,tsui2-ke1 ting2-ting2. Hit當時咱台灣無論是坑溝、圳溝、溪仔、埤仔抑是田--裡,攏猶真清氣,隨時去tó位都有可能掠tio̍h、當tio̍h、釣tio̍h鰗鰡、蝦仔、溪哥仔、鯽魚仔、毛蟹、水雞等等。 Hit-tong-sî lán Tâi-oân bô-lūn sī kheⁿ-kau,chùn-kau,khe-á,pi-á iah-sī chhân--lí, lóng iah chin chheng-khì, sûi-sî khì tó-ūi to ū khó-lêng lia̍h-tio̍h,tng-tio̍h,tiò-tio̍h hô͘-liu,hê-á,khe-ko-á,chit-hî-á,mô͘-hē,chúi-ke téng-téng. In those times, Taiwan used to be very clean, whether it was ravines, irrigation ditches, streams, cisterns, or fields. Wherever you go, you could possibly catch, meet, or fish loaches, shrimps, fresh-water sprats, carps, horsehair crabs, frogs, etc. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.22_TSM013_concat.wav 23.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.25_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.25_TSM013_concat.wav 6.316125 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male guán tsia-ê khah sè-hàn ê gín-á, ē-sái the̍h tsi̍t ê sè ê phûn-á khì tsùn-kau bong lâ. guan2 tsia1-e5 khah4 se3-han3 e5 gin2-a2, e7-sai2 theh8 tsit8 e5 se3 e5 phun5-a2 khi3 tsun3-kau1 bong1 la5. 阮tsia-ê-khah細漢ê囡仔,會使the̍h一个細ê盆仔去圳溝摸蜊。 goán chia-ê khah sè-hàn ê gín-á, ē-sái the̍h chi̍t ê sè ê phûn-á khì chùn-kau bong lâ. Our younger children can take a pot and go to the big ditch to fish for clams. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.25_TSM013_concat.wav 5.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.36_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.36_TSM013_concat.wav 1.38 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male khòo tâm--khì--looh! khoo3 tam5--khi3--looh4! 褲澹--去looh! khò͘ tâm--khì--lo͘h! The pants got wet! 3096767 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.36_TSM013_concat.wav 2.2183125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.37_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.37_TSM013_concat.wav 6.129875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tâm to tâm--khì--liáu--ah, kui-khì kā guân-pún tio̍h bô tsin tshing-khì ê khòo thǹg khí-lâi sé-sé--tsi̍t-ē. tam5 to1 tam5--khi3--liau2--ah4, kui1-khi3 ka7 guan5-pun2 tioh8 bo5 tsin1 tshing1-khi3 e5 khoo3 thng3 khi2-lai5 se2-se2--tsit8-e7. 澹都澹--去--了--ah,規氣kā原本tio̍h無真清氣ê褲褪起來洗洗--一下。 tâm to tâm--khì--liáu--ah, kui-khì kā goân-pún tio̍h bô chin chheng-khì ê khò͘ thǹg khí-lâi sé-sé--chi̍t-ē. Since it's already wet, he took off those pants which weren't very clean to begin with and washed them. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.37_TSM013_concat.wav 6.84 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.39_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.39_TSM013_concat.wav 4.23 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male sóo-í tsiah ū “it-kiam-jī-kòo, bong lâ-á kiam sé khòo” tsit kù sio̍k-gí-uē. soo2-i2 tsiah4 u7“it4-kiam1-ji7-koo3,bong1 la5-a2 kiam1 se2 khoo3”tsit4 ku3 siok8-gi2-ue7. 所以才有「一兼二顧,摸蜊仔兼洗褲」tsit句俗語話。 só͘-í chiah ū“it-kiam-jī-kò͘,bong lâ-á kiam sé khò͘”chit kù sio̍k-gí-ōe. hat's why the proverb 'kill two birds with one stone'. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.39_TSM013_concat.wav 4.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.43_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.43_TSM013_concat.wav 9.82525 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tuì hiān-tāi ê Tâi-uân siàu-liân-lâng kan-na kā kóng “bong lâ-á”, tio̍h kái-sueh kui-poo kú, in iá ná “ah-á thiann luî”, uân-tsuân m̄ tsai ì-sù. tui3 hian7-tai7 e5 tai5-uan5 siau3-lian5-lang5 kan1-na1 ka7 kong2“bong1 la5-a2”, tioh8 kai2-sueh4 kui1-poo1 ku2, in1 ia2 na2“ah4-a2 thiann1 lui5”, uan5-tsuan5 m7 tsai1 i3-su3. 對現代ê台灣少年人干焦kā講「摸蜊仔」,tio̍h解說規晡久,in猶若「鴨仔聽雷」,完全m̄知意思。 tùi hiān-tāi ê Tâi-oân siàu-liân-lâng kan-na kā kóng“bong lâ-á”, tio̍h kái-soeh kui-po͘ kú, in iá ná“ah-á thiaⁿ lûi”, oân-choân m̄ chai ì-sù. Only saying 'touching clams' to young people in Tâi-uân, we had to explain a lot, and they were still like'the duck listens to thunder', didn't know the meaning at all. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.43_TSM013_concat.wav 13.68 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.47_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.47_TSM013_concat.wav 4.539875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male siōng tsú-iàu ê guân-in sī, í-king bô hit-lō bong lâ-á ê khuân-kíng--ah. siong7 tsu2-iau3 e5 guan5-in1 si7, i2-king1 bo5 hit4-lo7 bong1 la5-a2 e5 khuan5-king2--ah4. 上主要ê原因是,已經無hit號摸蜊仔ê環境--矣。 siōng chú-iàu ê goân-in sī, í-keng bô hit-lō bong lâ-á ê khoân-kéng--ah. The main reason is that the environment for clamming is already no longer there. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.47_TSM013_concat.wav 5.72 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.58_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.58_TSM013_concat.wav 3.39 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male koh-khah giâm-tiōng--ê sī ū lâng oo-pe̍h tó huì-khì-bu̍t koh4-khah4 giam5-tiong7--e5 si7 u7 lang5 oo1-peh8 to2 hui3-khi3-but8 koh-khah嚴重--ê是有人烏白倒廢棄物 koh-khah giâm-tiōng--ê sī ū lâng o͘-pe̍h tó hùi-khì-bu̍t In a more serious situation, someone dumps the waste indiscriminately. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.58_TSM013_concat.wav 5.92 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.60_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.60_TSM013_concat.wav 9.249875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tshiūnn kóng Jī-jîn-khe poh-huānn ū tiōng-kim-sio̍k tshiau liōng tui-tsik ná suann ê tiān-tsú huì-khì-bu̍t, nā beh tshing-lí hó-sè tsì-tsió tio̍h khai tsa̍p-ik! tshiunn7 kong2 ji7-jin5-khe1 poh4-huann7 u7 tiong7-kim1-siok8 tshiau1 liong7 tui1-tsik4 na2 suann1 e5 tian7-tsu2 hui3-khi3-but8, na7 beh4 tshing1-li2 ho2-se3 tsi3-tsio2 tioh8 khai1 tsap8-ik4! 像講二仁溪poh岸有重金屬超量堆積若山ê電子廢棄物,若beh清理好勢至少tio̍h開十億! chhiūⁿ kóng Jī-jîn-khe poh-hōaⁿ ū tiōng-kim-sio̍k chhiau liōng tui-chek ná soaⁿ ê tiān-chú hùi-khì-bu̍t, nā beh chheng-lí hó-sè chì-chió tio̍h khai cha̍p-ek! For example, there are heaps of electronic waste of heavy metal excess on the embankment of Erren Creek. It would cost at least one billion dollars to clean up. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.60_TSM013_concat.wav 11.071625 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.62_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.62_TSM013_concat.wav 5.979875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tû-liáu Jī-jîn-khe í-guā, iáu-ū nn̄g tiâu beh-sí-beh-sí ê A-kong-tiàm-khe kah Pak-káng-khe. tu5-liau2 ji7-jin5-khe1 i2-gua7, iau2-u7 nng7 tiau5 beh4-si2-beh4-si2 e5 a1-kong1-tiam3-khe1 kah4 pak4-kang2-khe1. 除了二仁溪以外,猶有兩條beh死beh死ê阿公店溪kah北港溪。 tû-liáu Jī-jîn-khe í-gōa, iáu-ū nn̄g tiâu beh-sí-beh-sí ê A-kong-tiàm-khe kah Pak-káng-khe. Besides Jī-jîn Stream, A-kong-tiàm Stream and pak-káng Stream are also two streams on the verge of ecological death. 3226579 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.62_TSM013_concat.wav 11.989 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.64_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.64_TSM013_concat.wav 6.939875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male hiān-tāi ê Tâi-uân siàu-liân-lâng liân “bong lâ-á” to m̄ tsai siánn ì-sù, beh án-tsuánn kā kái-sueh “kiam sé khòo”? hian7-tai7 e5 tai5-uan5 siau3-lian5-lang5 lian5“bong1 la5-a2”to1 m7 tsai1 siann2 i3-su3, beh4 an2-tsuann2 ka7 kai2-sueh4“kiam1 se2 khoo3”? 現代ê台灣少年人連「摸蜊仔」都m̄知啥意思,beh按怎kā解說「兼洗褲」? hiān-tāi ê Tâi-oân siàu-liân-lâng liân“bong lâ-á”to m̄ chai siáⁿ ì-sù, beh án-chóaⁿ kā kái-soeh“kiam sé khò͘”? Modern Taiwanese young people don't even know what 'bong lâ-á' means. How do they explain 'kiam sé khòo'? 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.64_TSM013_concat.wav 7.4 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.66_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.66_TSM013_concat.wav 2.73 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male koh-khah m̄-bián kóng siánn-mi̍h “it-kiam-lī-kòo”--ah! koh4-khah4 m7-bian2 kong2 siann2-mih8“it4-kiam1-li7-koo3”--ah4! koh-khah-m̄免講啥物「一兼二顧」--ah! koh-khah m̄-bián kóng siáⁿ-mi̍h“it-kiam-lī-kò͘”--ah! Not to mention what 'do this and that at the same time' ! 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_5.66_TSM013_concat.wav 5.5491875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.10_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.10_TSM013_concat.wav 22.588875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male thiann a-bú kóng, tsū guá tsi̍t, nn̄g huè khai-sí, i tō tiānn-tiānn kóng kòo-sū hōo guá thiann, lî-tshiánn tsi̍t kang kòo-tīng ài kóng kuí-nā pún, ū-sî-tsūn sī tsi̍t pún ài kóng kuí-nā páinn, piān-nā a-bú bô-îng, guá mā ē ka-tī tsi̍t ê lâng kuai-kuai tī pinn--á khuànn tsheh, o̍h a-bú ê khuì-kháu kóng kòo-sū, guân-lâi guá tsit-má tsiah-nī ài khuànn tsheh, lóng sī in-uī a-bú ê iōng-sim. thiann1 a1-bu2 kong2, tsu7 gua2 tsit8,nng7 hue3 khai1-si2, i1 to7 tiann7-tiann7 kong2 koo3-su7 hoo7 gua2 thiann1, li5-tshiann2 tsit8 kang1 koo3-ting7 ai3 kong2 kui2-na7 pun2, u7-si5-tsun7 si7 tsit8 pun2 ai3 kong2 kui2-na7 painn2, pian7-na7 a1-bu2 bo5-ing5, gua2 ma7 e7 ka1-ti7 tsit8 e5 lang5 kuai1-kuai1 ti7 pinn1--a2 khuann3 tsheh4, oh8 a1-bu2 e5 khui3-khau2 kong2 koo3-su7, guan5-lai5 gua2 tsit4-ma2 tsiah4-ni7 ai3 khuann3 tsheh4, long2 si7 in1-ui7 a1-bu2 e5 iong7-sim1. 聽阿母講,自我一、兩歲開始,伊就tiānn-tiānn講故事hōo我聽,而且一工固定ài講幾若本,有時tsūn是一本ài講幾若擺,便若阿母無閒,我mā-ē家己一个人乖乖tī邊--仔看冊,學阿母ê氣口講故事,原來我tsit-má tsiah-nī愛看冊,lóng是因為阿母ê用心。 thiaⁿ a-bú kóng, chū góa chi̍t,nn̄g hòe khai-sí, i tō tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ kóng kò͘-sū hō͘ góa thiaⁿ, lî-chhiáⁿ chi̍t kang kò͘-tēng ài kóng kúi-nā pún, ū-sî-chūn sī chi̍t pún ài kóng kúi-nā páiⁿ, piān-nā a-bú bô-êng, góa mā ē ka-tī chi̍t ê lâng koai-koai tī piⁿ--á khòaⁿ chheh, o̍h a-bú ê khùi-kháu kóng kò͘-sū, goân-lâi góa chit-má chiah-nī ài khòaⁿ chheh, lóng sī in-ūi a-bú ê iōng-sim. I heard my mother say that when I was one or two years old, my mother began to tell me stories, and she did so several times a day. Even if my mother was not available, I would read books by myself and imitate my mother's tone of voice when she was not available. I know that I love reading so much because of my mother's teaching at that time. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.10_TSM013_concat.wav 20.5956875 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.2_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.2_TSM013_concat.wav 2.01 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tsok-tsiá: Khu Phik-huâ tsok4-tsia2:khu1 phik4-hua5 作者: 邱碧華 chok-chiá:Khu Phek-hôa Author:Khu Phik-huâ。 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.2_TSM013_concat.wav 3.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.20_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.20_TSM013_concat.wav 10.439625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male kóng--khí-lâi si̍t-tsāi sī tsiânn hó-ūn, m̄-nā lán Ko-hiông sin ê tôo-su-kuán sī guá ê hó-tshù-pinn, liân ha̍k-hāu lāi-té ê tôo-su-kuán, ta̍k-nî mā lóng ē tsìn sin tsheh; kong2--khi2-lai5 sit8-tsai7 si7 tsiann5 ho2-un7, m7-na7 lan2 ko1-hiong5 sin1 e5 too5-su1-kuan2 si7 gua2 e5 ho2-tshu3-pinn1, lian5 hak8-hau7 lai7-te2 e5 too5-su1-kuan2, tak8-ni5 ma7 long2 e7 tsin3 sin1 tsheh4; 講--起來實在是tsiânn好運,m̄-nā-lán高雄新ê圖書館是我ê好厝邊,連學校內底ê圖書館,逐年mā lóng ē進新冊; kóng--khí-lâi si̍t-chāi sī chiâⁿ hó-ūn, m̄-nā lán Ko-hiông sin ê tô͘-su-koán sī góa ê hó-chhù-piⁿ, liân ha̍k-hāu lāi-té ê tô͘-su-koán, ta̍k-nî mā lóng ē chìn sin chheh; I'm lucky so to speak, not only the new Ko-hiông library is my good neighbor, but the library in the school has new books every year. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.20_TSM013_concat.wav 10.88 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.24_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.24_TSM013_concat.wav 5.56975 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male lāi-té ê tsheh pah-pah-khuán, m̄-kuán sī Tiong-bûn-tsheh, ah-sī Ing-bûn-tsheh; lai7-te2 e5 tsheh4 pah4-pah4-khuan2, m7-kuan2 si7 tiong1-bun5-tsheh4, ah4-si7 ing1-bun5-tsheh4; 內底ê冊百百款,m̄管是中文冊,ah是英文冊; lāi-té ê chheh pah-pah-khoán, m̄-koán sī Tiong-bûn-chheh, ah-sī Eng-bûn-chheh; There are all kinds of books in it, whether it is Chinese or English. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.24_TSM013_concat.wav 6.08325 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.30_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.30_TSM013_concat.wav 3.729875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male bô-lūn beh khuànn tsheh ah-sī tsioh tsheh, lóng tsin lī-piān. bo5-lun7 beh4 khuann3 tsheh4 ah4-si7 tsioh4 tsheh4, long2 tsin1 li7-pian7. 無論beh看冊ah是借冊,lóng真利便。 bô-lūn beh khòaⁿ chheh ah-sī chioh chheh, lóng chin lī-piān. Whether you want to read or borrow books, it's all convenient. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.30_TSM013_concat.wav 5.04 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.32_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.32_TSM013_concat.wav 5.049875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male tha̍k iù-jî-hn̂g kah kē-nî-kip ê sî, guá siōng ài khuànn--ê sī huē-tôo-tsheh; thak8 iu3-ji5-hng5 kah4 ke7-ni5-kip4 e5 si5, gua2 siong7 ai3 khuann3--e5 si7 hue7-too5-tsheh4; 讀幼兒園佮低年級ê時,我上愛看--ê是繪圖冊; tha̍k iù-jî-hn̂g kah kē-nî-kip ê sî, góa siōng ài khòaⁿ--ê sī hōe-tô͘-chheh; When I was in the lower grade of kindergarten, picture books were my favorite books. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.32_TSM013_concat.wav 6.52 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.41_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.41_TSM013_concat.wav 14.1345625 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male lí mn̄g guá hiān-tsú-sî khah kah-ì khuànn--ê sī tó tsi̍t tsióng, tong-liân sī li̍k-sú thuân-kî luī pâi thâu-miâ, tshiūnn “Sam-kok Ián-gī”, “Hong-sîn-pńg”, “Suî-Tông Ián-gī” tsit kuí phō, án-tsuánn khuànn mā bē ià-siān; li2 mng7 gua2 hian7-tsu2-si5 khah4 kah4-i3 khuann3--e5 si7 to2 tsit8 tsiong2, tong1-lian5 si7 lik8-su2 thuan5-ki5 lui7 pai5 thau5-mia5, tshiunn7“sam1-kok4 ian2-gi7”,“hong1-sin5-png2”,“sui5-tong5 ian2-gi7”tsit4 kui2 pho7, an2-tsuann2 khuann3 ma7 be7 ia3-sian7; 你問我現此時khah-kah意看--ê是佗一種,當然是歷史傳奇類排頭名,像《三國演義》、《封神榜》、《隋唐演義》tsit幾部,按怎看mā bē厭siān; lí mn̄g góa hiān-chú-sî khah kah-ì khòaⁿ--ê sī tó chi̍t chióng, tong-liân sī le̍k-sú thoân-kî lūi pâi thâu-miâ, chhiūⁿ“Sam-kok Ián-gī”,“Hong-sîn-pńg”,“Sûi-Tông Ián-gī”chit kúi phō, án-chóaⁿ khòaⁿ mā bē ià-siān; You ask me, which one do I prefer to watch now? Of course, the historical legends are ranked first, such as 'Sam-kok Ián-gī', 'Hong-sîn-pńg', and 'Suî Tông Ián-gī'. No matter how you look at them, you will not be bored. 1724175 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.41_TSM013_concat.wav 16.24 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.45_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.45_TSM013_concat.wav 2.22 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ah nā sió-suat sī pâi tē-jī khám; ah4 na7 sio2-suat4 si7 pai5 te7-ji7 kham2; 啊若小說是排第二坎; ah nā sió-soat sī pâi tē-jī khám; If the novel is ranked the second level. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.45_TSM013_concat.wav 4.4578125 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.5_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.5_TSM013_concat.wav 5.26975 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ū lâng ài tshiùnn-kua, ū lâng ài thiàu-bú, mā ū lâng ài kiânn-kî. u7 lang5 ai3 tshiunn3-kua1, u7 lang5 ai3 thiau3-bu2, ma7 u7 lang5 ai3 kiann5-ki5. 有人愛唱歌,有人愛跳舞,mā有人愛行棋。 ū lâng ài chhiùⁿ-koa, ū lâng ài thiàu-bú, mā ū lâng ài kiâⁿ-kî. Some like singing, some like dancing, and others like to play chess. 6673670 Female en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.5_TSM013_concat.wav 5.76 TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.8_TSM013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.8_TSM013_concat.wav 3.429875 TSM013 台南腔 Tainan accent Male ah guá--leh, siōng kah-ì tsò--ê sī khuànn tsheh. ah4 gua2--leh4, siong7 kah4-i3 tso3--e5 si7 khuann3 tsheh4. 啊我--leh,上kah意做--ê是看冊。 ah góa--leh, siōng kah-ì chò--ê sī khòaⁿ chheh. What about me? My favorite thing is to read books. 1886527 Male en/TAT-Vol1-eval_0034_6.8_TSM013_concat.wav 5.1544375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.1_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.1_IUF005_concat.wav 4.2 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn sin-tik-tshī bîn-á-tsài it hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 sin1-tik4-tshi7 bin5-a2-tsai3 it4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看新竹市明仔載一號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ sin-tek-chhī bîn-á-chài it hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let us look at the weather forecast in Sin-tik City for tomorrow on the first. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.1_IUF005_concat.wav 15.2103125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUF005_concat.wav 11.441125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female un-tōo lī-tsa̍p-sann tōo tsì jī-tsa̍p tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t lī tsa̍p % lâi-pin gōo-pah gōo-tsa̍p káu hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-sann hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 li7-tsap8-sann1 too7 tsi3 ji7-tsap8 tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 li7 tsap8% lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 goo7-tsap8 kau2 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-sann1 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十三度至二十七度,落雨機率二十%來賓五百五十九號請來十三號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ lī-cha̍p-saⁿ tō͘ chì jī-cha̍p chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t lī cha̍p% lâi-pin gō͘-pah gō͘-cha̍p káu hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-saⁿ hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature ranges from 23 to 27 degrees Celsius, and the chance of rain is at 20%. Guest No. 559, please go to counter No. 13. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUF005_concat.wav 19.711625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUF005_concat.wav 4.696875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female lóng-tsóng peh pah khòng-jī khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p peh khoo long2-tsong2 peh4 pah4 khong3-ji7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8 peh4 khoo1 攏總八百空二箍, 找你九十八箍 lóng-chóng peh pah khòng-jī kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p peh kho͘ Everything would be 802 dollars, and here's your change 98 dollars. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUF005_concat.wav 9.8983125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUF005_concat.wav 3.54 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female kin-á-li̍t sī sann-gue̍h tsa̍p-sann, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-lit8 si7 sann1-gueh8 tsap8-sann1,pai3-lak8 今仔日是三月十三,拜六 kin-á-li̍t sī saⁿ-goe̍h cha̍p-saⁿ,pài-la̍k Today is Saturday, March 13th. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUF005_concat.wav 7.28075 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUF005_concat.wav 2.76 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female i-tī it kiú sù it nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 su3 it4 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九四一年出世 i-tī it kiú sù it nî chhut-sì He was born in 1941. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUF005_concat.wav 5.4994375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUF005_concat.wav 3.78 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngóo tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 it4 liok8 kiu2 ngoo2 請幫我轉分機一六九五 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngó͘ Please transfer me to extension number 1695. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUF005_concat.wav 8.68325 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUF005_concat.wav 3.6768125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Bûn-peh--á, lí khuànn hia ū sann-ki hiunn. bun5-peh4--a2,li2 khuann3 hia1 u7 sann1-ki1 hiunn1. 文伯--仔,你看遐有三枝香。 Bûn-peh--á,lí khòaⁿ hia ū saⁿ-ki hiuⁿ. Uncle Wen, look, there are three incense sticks. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUF005_concat.wav 8.7455625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUF005_concat.wav 4.0718125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Bô-m̄-tio̍h, koh-khah khì sī Tuā-tūn-suann. bo5-m7-tioh8,koh4-khah4 khi3 si7 tua7-tun7-suann1. 無毋著,閣較去是大屯山。 Bô-m̄-tio̍h,koh-khah khì sī Tōa-tūn-soaⁿ. You are correct. Tuā-tūn Mountain is further down from here. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUF005_concat.wav 8.9614375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUF005_concat.wav 6.7275 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, Tsháu-suann, ū-kàu phānn--ê, pí khuànn tē-tôo khah tsim-tsiok. ke1-lang5,sik8-tsi2,tshau2-suann1,u7-kau3 phann7--e5,pi2 khuann3 te7-too5 khah4 tsim1-tsiok4. 基隆、汐止、草山、有夠奅--的,比看地圖較斟酌。 Ke-lâng,Se̍k-chí,Chháu-soaⁿ,ū-kàu phāⁿ--ê,pí khòaⁿ tē-tô͘ khah chim-chiok. Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, and Tsháu-suann are relatively big in view. They are even more detailed than looking at the map. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUF005_concat.wav 14.920125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUF005_concat.wav 3.9324375 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tse sī pak-pîng niâ, lí ua̍t-thâu khuànn lâm--khì. tse1 si7 pak4-ping5 nia5,li2 uat8-thau5 khuann3 lam5--khi3. 這是北爿niâ,你越頭看南--去。 Che sī pak-pêng niâ,lí oa̍t-thâu khòaⁿ lâm--khì. Here is only the northern side. Turn your head and look south. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUF005_concat.wav 8.0748125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUF005_concat.wav 6.4398125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Kong-kíng si̍t-tsāi tsán, âng-âng he sī--siánn? Guá khuànn-māi--leh, he Pîng-khe--lah. kong1-king2 sit8-tsai7 tsan2,ang5-ang5 he1 si7--siann2? gua2 khuann3-mai7--leh4,he1 ping5-khe1--lah4. 光景實在讚,紅紅彼是啥?我看覓--咧,彼平溪--啦。 Kong-kéng si̍t-chāi chán,âng-âng he sī--siáⁿ? Góa khòaⁿ-māi--leh,he Pêng-khe--lah. The scenery is breathtaking. What is the red thing? Let me see. It is Pîng-khe. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUF005_concat.wav 13.13075 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUF005_concat.wav 9.5161875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Guá tsai--ah, hit thâu uat-lâi-uat-khì ná tsi̍t-bué pe̍h-tsuâ--ê sī Si̍k-tsí thàng Pîng-khe ê Si̍k-pîng Kong-lōo. gua2 tsai1--ah4,hit4 thau5 uat4-lai5-uat4-khi3 na2 tsit8-bue2 peh8-tsua5--e5 si7 sik8-tsi2 thang3 ping5-khe1 e5 sik8-ping5 kong1-loo7. 我知--矣,彼頭斡來斡去若一尾白蛇--的是汐止迵平溪的汐平公路。 Góa chai--ah,hit thâu oat-lâi-oat-khì ná chi̍t-bóe pe̍h-chôa--ê sī Se̍k-chí thàng Pêng-khe ê Se̍k-pêng Kong-lō͘. I know. The one that bends like a white snake is the Si̍k-pîng Highway connecting Si̍k-tsí with' Pîng-khe. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUF005_concat.wav 14.0863125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUF005_concat.wav 3.8711875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Kok-tiong khah kuè--lâi tō-sī Tsio̍h sún-tsiam. kok4-tiong1 khah4 kue3--lai5 to7-si7 tsioh8 sun2-tsiam1. 國中較過--來就是石筍尖。 Kok-tiong khah kòe--lâi tō-sī Chio̍h sún-chiam. Just walk a little further down from the middle school, and you'll reach Tsio̍h-sún tsiam. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUF005_concat.wav 10.8193125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUF005_concat.wav 2.19 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Bô siánn sîng tik-sún neh! bo5 siann2 sing5 tik4-sun2 neh4! 無啥成竹筍呢! Bô siáⁿ sêng tek-sún neh! Nothing like bamboo sticks! 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUF005_concat.wav 3.519625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUF005_concat.wav 4.08 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Uì Pîng-khe hit-pîng khuànn--kuè--lâi to̍h tsin sîng. ui3 ping5-khe1 hit4-ping5 khuann3--kue3--lai5 toh8 tsin1 sing5. 對平溪彼爿看--過-來就真成。 Ùi Pêng-khe hit-pêng khòaⁿ--kòe--lâi to̍h chin sêng. From the side of Pingxi, they look like bamboo shoots. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUF005_concat.wav 7.747125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUF005_concat.wav 5.145625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tán thinn-khì khah liâng ê sî, lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia tshit-thô. tan2 thinn1-khi3 khah4 liang5 e5 si5,lan2 e7-sai2 lai5-khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 等天氣較涼的時,咱會使來去遐𨑨迌。 Tán thiⁿ-khì khah liâng ê sî,lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia chhit-thô. We can visit there when the weather gets cooler. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUF005_concat.wav 5.0103125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUF005_concat.wav 5.8525 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Lí ū-kàu guā-hâng, siánn-mi̍h sann-ki hiunn? He sī Hia̍p-hô Huat-tiān-tshiúnn. li2 u7-kau3 gua7-hang5,siann2-mih8 sann1-ki1 hiunn1?he1 si7 hiap8-ho5 huat4-tian7-tshiunn2. 你有夠外行,啥物三枝香?彼是協和發電廠。 Lí ū-kàu gōa-hâng,siáⁿ-mi̍h saⁿ-ki hiuⁿ?He sī Hia̍p-hô Hoat-tiān-chhiúⁿ. You are such a layman. What do you mean by the three incense sticks? This is the Hia̍p-hô Power Plant. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUF005_concat.wav 13.83175 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUF005_concat.wav 3.75 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Lâng teh kóng-tshiò--ê--lah, bián hiah tíng-tsin! lang5 teh4 kong2-tshio3--e5--lah4,bian2 hiah4 ting2-tsin1! 人咧講笑--的--啦,免遐頂真! Lâng teh kóng-chhiò--ê--lah,bián hiah téng-chin! They are just joking! Don't take it seriously. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUF005_concat.wav 5.6743125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUF005_concat.wav 2.64 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Bûn-peh--á, tsiànn-tshiú-pîng hit-lia̍p......? bun5-peh4--a2,tsiann3-tshiu2-ping5 hit4-liap8......? 文伯--仔,正手爿彼粒......? Bûn-peh--á,chiàⁿ-chhiú-pêng hit-lia̍p......? Uncle Wen, it's the one on the right... 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUF005_concat.wav 5.694875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUF005_concat.wav 6.0625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Hit-lia̍p kiò-tsò Ke-lâng-khi̍t, koh-khah kuè--lâi hit-lia̍p tō-sī Ke-lâng-suann. hit4-liap8 kio3-tso3 ke1-lang5-khit8,koh4-khah4 kue3--lai5 hit4-liap8 to7-si7 ke1-lang5-suann1. 彼粒叫做基隆杙,閣較過--來彼粒就是基隆山。 Hit-lia̍p kiò-chò Ke-lâng-khi̍t,koh-khah kòe--lâi hit-lia̍p tō-sī Ke-lâng-soaⁿ. That one is called Ke-lâng-sū, and the one next to it is Ke-lâng Mountain. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUF005_concat.wav 9.535625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUF005_concat.wav 5.778125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tō-sī tī Káu-hūn-á hū-kīn--mah, kin-nî sann--gue̍h gún ū khì hia tshit-thô. to7-si7 ti7 kau2-hun7-a2 hu7-kin7--mah4,kin1-ni5 sann1--gueh8 gun2 u7 khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 就是佇九份仔附近--嘛,今年三--月阮有去遐𨑨迌。 Tō-sī tī Káu-hūn-á hū-kīn--mah,kin-nî saⁿ--goe̍h gún ū khì hia chhit-thô. It's near Káu-hūn-á. We visited there in March this year. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUF005_concat.wav 8.7030625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUF005_concat.wav 8.7555 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tsit-khuán thinn peh Ke-lâng-suann pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìnn póo, kui-lia̍p suann bô kúi-tsâng tshiū-á thang jia li̍t-thâu. tsit4-khuan2 thinn1 peh4 ke1-lang5-suann1 pau1-nia2 li2 phak8 kah4 pinn3 poo2, kui1-liap8 suann1 bo5 kui2-tsang5 tshiu7-a2 thang1 jia1 lit8-thau5. 這款天peh基隆山包領你曝甲變脯,規粒山無幾欉樹仔通遮日頭。 Chit-khoán thiⁿ peh Ke-lâng-soaⁿ pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìⁿ pó͘, kui-lia̍p soaⁿ bô kúi-châng chhiū-á thang jia li̍t-thâu. I can guarantee that climbing Ke-lâng Mountain in such weather will dry your skin out. There are also not many trees in the mountain to provide shade. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUF005_concat.wav 12.067625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUF005_concat.wav 5.13 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tò-pîng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng-kuân hit-lia̍p suann sī-m̄-sī Tshit-tshenn-suann? to3-ping5 hng7-hng7 siong7-kuan5 hit4-liap8 suann1 si7-m7-si7 tshit4-tshenn1-suann1? 倒爿遠遠上懸彼粒山是毋是七星山? Tò-pêng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng-koân hit-lia̍p soaⁿ sī-m̄-sī Chhit-chheⁿ-soaⁿ? Is the tallest mountain far on the left, Tshit-tshenn Mountain? 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUF005_concat.wav 7.5745625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUF005_concat.wav 2.61 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-uân iong7 siang1-kha1 ai3 tai5-uan5 用雙跤愛台灣 iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-oân Express your love for Taiwan by walking on your feet. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUF005_concat.wav 5.530625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUF005_concat.wav 32.826125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female koh tuì Tâi-uân bué kiânn kàu Tâi-uân thâu, tsi̍t pōo tsi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tōo, khì tshin-kīn tsit tè tshiânn-ióng ka-tī ê thóo-tē, khuànn-tio̍h li̍k-sik ê suann-me̍h, uan-lâi-uat-khì ê hô-liû, si̍k-sāi ê tshân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn, bê-lâng ê hái-huānn, hiong-tshin tshin-tshiat ê tshiò-iông..., sim-kuann-thâu tiānn-tio̍h ū muá-muá ê kám-tshiok kah kám-tōng. koh4 tui3 tai5-uan5 bue2 kiann5 kau3 tai5-uan5 thau5, tsit8 poo7 tsit8 kha1-in3, iong7 siong7 khiam1-pi1 e5 thai7-too7, khi3 tshin1-kin7 tsit4 te3 tshiann5-iong2 ka1-ti7 e5 thoo2-te7, khuann3-tioh8 lik8-sik4 e5 suann1-meh8,uan1-lai5-uat4-khi3 e5 ho5-liu5,sik8-sai7 e5 tshan5-hng5, sun5-phok4 e5 hiong1-tin3,be5-lang5 e5 hai2-huann7,hiong1-tshin1 tshin1-tshiat4 e5 tshio3-iong5..., sim1-kuann1-thau5 tiann7-tioh8 u7 mua2-mua2 e5 kam2-tshiok4 kah4 kam2-tong7. 閣對台灣尾行到台灣頭,一步一跤印,用上謙卑的態度,去親近這塊晟養家己的土地,看著綠色的山脈、彎來斡去的河流、熟似的田園、純樸的鄉鎮、迷人的海岸、鄉親親切的笑容……,心肝頭定著有滿滿的感觸佮感動。 koh tùi Tâi-oân bóe kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-oân thâu, chi̍t pō͘ chi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tō͘, khì chhin-kīn chit tè chhiâⁿ-ióng ka-tī ê thó͘-tē, khòaⁿ-tio̍h le̍k-sek ê soaⁿ-me̍h,oan-lâi-oat-khì ê hô-liû,se̍k-sāi ê chhân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn,bê-lâng ê hái-hōaⁿ,hiong-chhin chhin-chhiat ê chhiò-iông..., sim-koaⁿ-thâu tiāⁿ-tio̍h ū móa-móa ê kám-chhiok kah kám-tōng. Step by step, with a humble attitude, let us walk through the land of Taiwan, the place that has raised us. Behold the green mountains, the winding rivers, the familiar yards, simple towns, attractive coastlines, and the warm smiles from the villagers. These will fill your heart with emotions and feelings. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUF005_concat.wav 26.9145 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUF005_concat.wav 20.4675 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female khì tiông-sin jīn-bat Tâi-uân, pīng-tshiánn su-khó lîn-sing ê tsin gī, i beh tsi̍t-pōo-á tsi̍t-pōo-á, iōng ka-tī ê siang-kha kiânn Tâi-uân tsi̍t liàn, ìn-tsìng ka-tī ê siūnn-huat, mā tshuē-tshut sìnn-miā tsìng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tīng-uī. khi3 tiong5-sin1 jin7-bat4 tai5-uan5, ping7-tshiann2 su1-kho2 lin5-sing1 e5 tsin1 gi7, i1 beh4 tsit8-poo7-a2 tsit8-poo7-a2, iong7 ka1-ti7 e5 siang1-kha1 kiann5 tai5-uan5 tsit8 lian3, in3-tsing3 ka1-ti7 e5 siunn7-huat4, ma7 tshue7-tshut4 sinn3-mia7 tsing3-khak4 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 ting7-ui7. 去重新認捌台灣,並且思考人生的真義,伊欲一步仔一步仔,用家己的雙跤行台灣一輾,印證家己的想法,嘛揣出性命正確的方向佮定位。 khì tiông-sin jīn-bat Tâi-oân, pēng-chhiáⁿ su-khó lîn-seng ê chin gī, i beh chi̍t-pō͘-á chi̍t-pō͘-á, iōng ka-tī ê siang-kha kiâⁿ Tâi-oân chi̍t liàn, ìn-chèng ka-tī ê siūⁿ-hoat, mā chhōe-chhut sìⁿ-miā chèng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tēng-ūi. To relearn Taiwan and think about the true meaning of life, he intends to walk around Taiwan on foot. Step by step, he wants to affirm his thoughts and find the right direction in his life. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUF005_concat.wav 15.5330625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUF005_concat.wav 4.02 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female i tsit ê sim-guān to̍h tsiong-kīn beh uân-sîng--ah. i1 tsit4 e5 sim1-guan7 toh8 tsiong1-kin7 beh4 uan5-sing5--ah4. 伊這个心願就將近欲完成--矣。 i chit ê sim-goān to̍h chiong-kīn beh oân-sêng--ah. His wish was almost fulfilled. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUF005_concat.wav 4.9038125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUF005_concat.wav 12.7829375 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female hiān-tsú-sî i í-king kiânn kàu Tâi-lâm-tshī Kiâm-tsuí-khu ê Gua̍t-tin-káng--ah, tng tī “Tâi-uân si lōo” hù-kīn teh tsia̍h-tàu, gîm-si phuè ka-pi--ah. hian7-tsu2-si5 i1 i2-king1 kiann5 kau3 tai5-lam5-tshi7 kiam5-tsui2-khu1 e5 guat8-tin1-kang2--ah4, tng1 ti7“tai5-uan5 si1 loo7”hu3-kin7 teh4 tsiah8-tau3,gim5-si1 phue3 ka1-pi1--ah4. 現此時伊已經行到台南市鹹水區的月津港--矣,當佇「台灣詩路」附近咧食晝、吟詩配咖啡--矣。 hiān-chú-sî i í-keng kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-lâm-chhī Kiâm-chúi-khu ê Goa̍t-tin-káng--ah, tng tī“Tâi-oân si lō͘”hù-kīn teh chia̍h-tàu,gîm-si phòe ka-pi--ah. At this moment, he has reached Gua̍t-tin Port in Kiâm-tsuí District, Tainan City. He is currently having lunch while reciting poetry with coffee near the 'Taiwan Poetry Road' B&B. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUF005_concat.wav 19.85675 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUF005_concat.wav 5.619875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female “ū bāng siōng suí”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! “u7 bang7 siong7 sui2”, u7 li2-siong2 tioh8-ai3 iong2-kam2 khi3 tui1-kiu5! 「有夢上媠」,有理想著愛勇敢去追求! “ū bāng siōng súi”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! It's beautiful to dream. Pursue your ambitions with courage! 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUF005_concat.wav 5.8704375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUF005_concat.wav 14.8051875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female lán-lâng sing-ua̍h tī tsit ê sè-kan, tû-liáu it-tsài tiông-ho̍k ê li̍t-siông tsia̍h-tshīng í-guā, iáu-ū tsân-tshù koh-khah kuân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû, khì si̍t-hiān! lan2-lang5 sing1-uah8 ti7 tsit4 e5 se3-kan1, tu5-liau2 it4-tsai3 tiong5-hok8 e5 lit8-siong5 tsiah8-tshing7 i2-gua7, iau2-u7 tsan5-tshu3 koh4-khah4 kuan5 e5 li2-siong2, su1-iau3 khi3 tui1-kiu5,khi3 sit8-hian7! 咱人生活佇這个世間,除了一再重複的日常食穿以外,猶有層次閣較懸的理想,需要去追求、去實現 ! lán-lâng seng-oa̍h tī chit ê sè-kan, tû-liáu it-chài tiông-ho̍k ê li̍t-siông chia̍h-chhēng í-gōa, iáu-ū chân-chhù koh-khah koân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû,khì si̍t-hiān! As humans living in this world, there are higher-level ideals that we should pursue and realize other than the repetitive daily domestic routine of eating and clothing. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUF005_concat.wav 12.4594375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUF005_concat.wav 20.56075 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female “khuân-tó pōo-lián” sī tsi̍t kiānn sin-khóo ê tāi-tsì, tû-liáu ài ū tsiu-tsuân ê kè-uē, thé-la̍t ài hó í-guā, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-tsì-la̍t, tsiah thang khik-ho̍k iân-lōo tú-tio̍h--ê, kok-tsióng siūnn bē kàu ê lân-tê. “khuan5-to2 poo7-lian2”si7 tsit8 kiann7 sin1-khoo2 e5 tai7-tsi3, tu5-liau2 ai3 u7 tsiu1-tsuan5 e5 ke3-ue7,the2-lat8 ai3 ho2 i2-gua7, siong7 tiong7-iau3--e5 si7 ai3 u7 kian1-kiong5 e5 i3-tsi3-lat8, tsiah4 thang1 khik4-hok8 ian5-loo7 tu2-tioh8--e5,kok4-tsiong2 siunn7 be7 kau3 e5 lan5-te5. 「環島步輦」是一件辛苦的代誌,除了愛有周全的計畫、體力愛好以外,上重要--的是愛有堅強的意志力,才通克服沿路拄著的、各種想袂到的難題。 “khoân-tó pō͘-lián”sī chi̍t kiāⁿ sin-khó͘ ê tāi-chì, tû-liáu ài ū chiu-choân ê kè-ōe,thé-la̍t ài hó í-gōa, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-chì-la̍t, chiah thang khek-ho̍k iân-lō͘ tú-tio̍h--ê,kok-chióng siūⁿ bē kàu ê lân-tê. Walking around the island is a difficult feat. In addition to having a comprehensive plan and good physical strength, the most important thing is to have strong willpower to overcome all kinds of unexpected difficulties along the way. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUF005_concat.wav 17.5420625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUF005_concat.wav 13.13725 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Lîm Píng-ti̍k sin-sinn, kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khuán, lóng sī jīn-tsin phah-piànn, kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-tsè ê hîng-tōng thiànn Tâi-uân ê lâng. lim5 ping2-tik8 sin1-sinn1,kah4 i1 e5 pe7-bu2 kang7-khuan2, long2 si7 jin7-tsin1 phah4-piann3,kha1-tah8-sit8-te7, iong7 sit8-tse3 e5 hing5-tong7 thiann3 tai5-uan5 e5 lang5. 林秉澤先生,佮伊的爸母仝款,攏是認真拍拚、跤踏實地,用實際的行動疼台灣的人。 Lîm Péng-te̍k sin-siⁿ,kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khoán, lóng sī jīn-chin phah-piàⁿ,kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-chè ê hêng-tōng thiàⁿ Tâi-oân ê lâng. Like his parents, Mr. Lîm Píng-ti̍k is hardworking, down-to-earth, and loves Taiwan with action. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUF005_concat.wav 9.717 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUF005_concat.wav 24.211875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kah Guī Tik-sìng, kian-tshî thàu-bué ê Ò-ūn suán-tshiú Soo Lē-bûn, suann-kiû ko-tshiú Tsan Ngá-nî tíng-tíng, in tsiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-uân tshiânn-ióng--tshut-lâi, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-tíng huat-kng-huat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngōo ê jîn-bu̍t. se3-kai3-kip4 e5 to7-ian2 li2 an1 kah4 gui7 tik4-sing3, kian1-tshi5 thau3-bue2 e5 o3-un7 suan2-tshiu2 soo1 le7-bun5, suann1-kiu5 ko1-tshiu2 tsan1 nga2-ni5 ting2-ting2, in1 tsiah4 si7 lan2 sio2-sio2 e5 tai5-uan5 tshiann5-iong2--tshut4-lai5, ti7 se3-kai3 bu2-tai5-ting2 huat4-kng1-huat4-jiat8, si7 tat8-tit4 lan2 kam2-kak4 kiau1-ngoo7 e5 jin5-but8. 世界級ê導演李安kah魏德聖、堅持透尾ê奧運選手蘇麗文,山球高手曾雅妮等等,in tsiah是lán小小ê台灣tshiânn養--出來,tī世界舞台頂發光發熱,是值得lán感覺驕傲ê人物。 sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kah Gūi Tek-sèng, kian-chhî thàu-bóe ê Ò-ūn soán-chhiú So͘ Lē-bûn, soaⁿ-kiû ko-chhiú Chan Ngá-nî téng-téng, in chiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-oân chhiâⁿ-ióng--chhut-lâi, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-téng hoat-kng-hoat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngō͘ ê jîn-bu̍t. World-class directors Lí An and Guī Tik-sìng, persevering Olympian Soo Lē-bûn, mountain golfer Tsan Ngá-nî, etc., are people who came from the small island named Taiwan. They are shining on the world stage and are worthy of our pride. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUF005_concat.wav 25.083125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUF005_concat.wav 26.097125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female bô-lūn kué-tsí, lân-hue ia̍h tsuí-sán, tsí-iàu king-kuè Tâi-uân-lâng ê kái-liông, lóng ē gián-huat tshut it-tóo tsán ê phín-tsíng, hōo tsuân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kué-tsí tuā koh tinn, lân-hue phang koh suí, tsuí-sán tshinn koh hó-tsia̍h, mā in-uī án-ne, sóo-í ē-tàng guā-siau thàn guā-huē. bo5-lun7 kue2-tsi2,lan5-hue1 iah8 tsui2-san2, tsi2-iau3 king1-kue3 tai5-uan5-lang5 e5 kai2-liong5, long2 e7 gian2-huat4 tshut4 it4-too2 tsan2 e5 phin2-tsing2, hoo7 tsuan5 se3-kai3 o1-lo2 lan2 e5 kue2-tsi2 tua7 koh4 tinn1, lan5-hue1 phang1 koh4 sui2, tsui2-san2 tshinn1 koh4 ho2-tsiah8, ma7 in1-ui7 an2-ne1, soo2-i2 e7-tang3 gua7-siau1 than3 gua7-hue7. 無論果子、蘭花ia̍h水產,只要經過台灣人ê改良,lóng-ē研發出it-tóo讚ê品種,hōo全世界呵咾lán-ê果子大koh甜,蘭花芳koh suí,水產tshinn koh好食,mā因為án-ne,所以ē-tàng外銷趁外匯。 bô-lūn kóe-chí,lân-hoe ia̍h chúi-sán, chí-iàu keng-kòe Tâi-oân-lâng ê kái-liông, lóng ē gián-hoat chhut it-tó͘ chán ê phín-chéng, hō͘ choân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kóe-chí tōa koh tiⁿ, lân-hoe phang koh súi, chúi-sán chhiⁿ koh hó-chia̍h, mā in-ūi án-ne, só͘-í ē-tàng gōa-siau thàn gōa-hōe. Be it fruits, orchids, or aquatic products, as long as they go through enhancement by the Taiwanese, the developed varieties would be praised by many. Our fruits are big and sweet, orchids are pretty and fragrant, and aquatic products are fresh and delicious. This is also why we can earn foreign exchange through our export. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUF005_concat.wav 25.023625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUF005_concat.wav 5.6786875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female lâng kóng: “Tâi-uân liām tsin-tsîng, kap ta̍k-ke lâi pua̍h-kám-tsîng.” lang5 kong2:“tai5-uan5 liam7 tsin1-tsing5,kap4 tak8-ke1 lai5 puah8-kam2-tsing5.” 人講:「台灣念真情,kap逐家來pua̍h感情。」 lâng kóng:“Tâi-oân liām chin-chêng,kap ta̍k-ke lâi poa̍h-kám-chêng.” As the saying goes, 'Taiwanese care about true feelings and people should interact with one another to cultivate trust and feelings.' 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUF005_concat.wav 10.041375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUF005_concat.wav 14.9195 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female hōo guá tshim-tshim bê-luân Tâi-uân, sóo-í to̍h sǹg lâi tsia tshit-thô tsa̍p-kuí pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-uī tī Tâi-uân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā guá tòng-tsò sī ka-tī-lâng.” hoo7 gua2 tshim1-tshim1 be5-luan5 tai5-uan5, soo2-i2 toh8 sng3 lai5 tsia1 tshit4-tho5 tsap8-kui2 pai2, ma7 be7 ia3-sian7, in1-ui7 ti7 tai5-uan5, tak8-ke1 long2 ka7 gua2 tong3-tso3 si7 ka1-ti7-lang5.” hōo我深深迷戀台灣,所以就算來tsia-tshit-thô十幾擺,mā bē厭siān,因為tī台灣,逐家lóng-kā我當做是家己人。」 hō͘ góa chhim-chhim bê-loân Tâi-oân, só͘-í to̍h sǹg lâi chia chhit-thô cha̍p-kúi pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-ūi tī Tâi-oân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā góa tòng-chò sī ka-tī-lâng.” They made me deeply infatuated with Taiwan, so even if I visited here a dozen times, I still would not get bored of it. This is because here, the people regarded me as one of them. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUF005_concat.wav 14.6964375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUF005_concat.wav 9.58975 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Lán ū tsiah-nī tsē ta̍t-tit tshia-iānn ê tsu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài tsai sioh pó, m̄-thang tshìn-tshái pàng hìnn-sat. lan2 u7 tsiah4-ni7 tse7 tat8-tit4 tshia1-iann7 e5 tsu1-san2, lan2 u7 ho2 tioh8-ai3 tsai1 sioh4 po2, m7-thang1 tshin3-tshai2 pang3 hinn3-sat4. Lán有tsiah-nī濟值得tshia-iānn-ê資產,lán有好tio̍h-ài知惜寶,m̄-thang tshìn-tshái放挕捒。 Lán ū chiah-nī chē ta̍t-tit chhia-iāⁿ ê chu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài chai sioh pó, m̄-thang chhìn-chhái pàng hìⁿ-sat. We have so many assets that we can show off. We have many good things that we should cherish, not throw them away. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUF005_concat.wav 10.52475 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUF005_concat.wav 23.684875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan tsò-hué, sóo-í tsū-sè-hàn kàu-tann, lóng sī a-má teh tsiàu-kòo--guá, kā guá la̍k-sái-la̍k-liō, kiann guá iau, kiann guá kuânn, uì guá âng-âng luán-luán tshuā kàu-tann tsiah tuā-hàn, sóo-í a-má sī guá sim-tiong siōng tshin, siōng ài ê lâng. tsin1 han2-tit4 u7 khah4 tng5 e5 si5-kan1 tso3-hue2, soo2-i2 tsu7-se3-han3 kau3-tann1, long2 si7 a1-ma2 teh4 tsiau3-koo3--gua2, ka7 gua2 lak8-sai2-lak8-lio7, kiann1 gua2 iau1,kiann1 gua2 kuann5, ui3 gua2 ang5-ang5 luan2-luan2 tshua7 kau3-tann1 tsiah4 tua7-han3, soo2-i2 a1-ma2 si7 gua2 sim1-tiong1 siong7 tshin1,siong7 ai3 e5 lang5. 真罕得有khah長ê時間做伙,所以自細漢到tann,lóng是阿媽teh照顧--我,kā我la̍k屎la̍k尿,驚我iau、驚我寒,uì我紅紅嫩嫩tshuā到tann tsiah大漢,所以阿媽是我心中上親、上愛ê人。 chin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan chò-hóe, só͘-í chū-sè-hàn kàu-taⁿ, lóng sī a-má teh chiàu-kò͘--góa, kā góa la̍k-sái-la̍k-liō, kiaⁿ góa iau,kiaⁿ góa kôaⁿ, ùi góa âng-âng loán-loán chhōa kàu-taⁿ chiah tōa-hàn, só͘-í a-má sī góa sim-tiong siōng chhin,siōng ài ê lâng. I rarely get to spend a long time with her. That is why since I was a kid, my grandma has been the one who takes care of me. She was the one who was worried that I would be hungry or cold and also the one who raised me into an adult. So, grandma is my closest family and someone whom I love the most. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUF005_concat.wav 21.3266875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUF005_concat.wav 15.331 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female hit-sî-tsūn a-má koh ū teh tsò tsu-guân huê-siu, ke-kiám khioh tsi̍t-kuá sok-ka kuàn-á, pháinn-tâng-kū-siah, phōo-á-tsuá lâi bē, thang ke-kiám póo-thiap tshù-lāi ê khai-siau. hit4-si5-tsun7 a1-ma2 koh4 u7 teh4 tso3 tsu1-guan5 hue5-siu1, ke1-kiam2 khioh4 tsit8-kua2 sok4-ka1 kuan3-a2,phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4,phoo7-a2-tsua2 lai5 be7, thang1 ke1-kiam2 poo2-thiap4 tshu3-lai7 e5 khai1-siau1. hit時tsūn阿媽koh有teh做資源回收,加減khioh一寡塑膠罐仔、歹銅舊錫、簿仔紙來賣,thang加減補貼厝內ê開銷。 hit-sî-chūn a-má koh ū teh chò chu-goân hôe-siu, ke-kiám khioh chi̍t-kóa sok-ka koàn-á,pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah,phō͘-á-chóa lâi bē, thang ke-kiám pó͘-thiap chhù-lāi ê khai-siau. During that time, my grandmother would collect recyclable items such as plastic cans, scrap metal, and waste paper. She would then sell them to support the household expenses. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUF005_concat.wav 12.212875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUF005_concat.wav 4.389875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tn̂g-á ngeh oo--khì, tsit-ê gín-á to̍h bô-kiù--ah. tng5-a2 ngeh4 oo1--khi3, tsit4-e5 gin2-a2 toh8 bo5-kiu3--ah4. 腸仔夾烏--去,tsit个囡仔就無救--ah。 tn̂g-á ngeh o͘--khì, chit-ê gín-á to̍h bô-kiù--ah. Once the intestines are gone, this child will be gone as well. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUF005_concat.wav 6.3230625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUF005_concat.wav 21.625625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female a-má kóng kàu tsia, ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, tshin-tshiūnn teh tsik-kuài i bô kā tsiàu-kòo hó-sè ê khuán, guá to̍h kuánn-kín an-uì a-má kóng: “sī guá siunn ài-khàu, guá ê sìnn-miā sī a-má kā guá kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí-sī guá siōng ài ê lâng!” a1-ma2 kong2 kau3 tsia1,bak8-sai2 lin3-lin3-go5, tshin1-tshiunn7 teh4 tsik4-kuai3 i1 bo5 ka7 tsiau3-koo3 ho2-se3 e5 khuan2, gua2 toh8 kuann2-kin2 an1-ui3 a1-ma2 kong2: “si7 gua2 siunn1 ai3-khau3, gua2 e5 sinn3-mia7 si7 a1-ma2 ka7 gua2 kiu3--tng2-lai5 e5, a1-ma2 li2-si7 gua2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5!” 阿媽講到tsia,目屎lìn-lìn-gô,親像teh責怪伊無kā照顧好勢ê款,我就趕緊安慰阿媽講:「是我siunn愛哭,我ê性命是阿媽kā我救--轉來ê,阿媽你是我上愛ê人!」 a-má kóng kàu chia,ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, chhin-chhiūⁿ teh chek-koài i bô kā chiàu-kò͘ hó-sè ê khoán, góa to̍h kóaⁿ-kín an-ùi a-má kóng: “sī góa siuⁿ ài-khàu, góa ê sìⁿ-miā sī a-má kā góa kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí-sī góa siōng ài ê lâng!” As soon as she finished her sentence, tears started to roll down her eyes, as if she was blaming herself for not taking good care of me. I quickly comforted her and said, 'It's me who cries too much. You rescued my life. Grandma, I love you the most!' 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUF005_concat.wav 18.304 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUF005_concat.wav 32.4869375 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsin gâu senn thâu huat bué, khah-tsá tshù-lāi báng tsiânn kāu, tiānn tiānn-khì hōo báng-á tìng kah kui thâu kui-bīn, tsi̍t pho̍k tsi̍t pho̍k âng-kì-kì, in-uī tsin tsiūnn, to̍h it-ti̍t khì kā liàu, jiàu kah huat-hông koh puh lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, tshiūnn tshàu-thâu kāng-khuán, a-má khuainnh-tio̍h tsiânn m̄-kam, to̍h tsáu-khì tiong-io̍h tiàm kap tsin-tsu-hún tńg-lâi hōo guá tsia̍h, koh hōo guá buah. tsin1 gau5 senn1 thau5 huat4 bue2, khah4-tsa2 tshu3-lai7 bang2 tsiann5 kau7, tiann7 tiann7-khi3 hoo7 bang2-a2 ting3 kah4 kui1 thau5 kui1-bin7, tsit8 phok8 tsit8 phok8 ang5-ki3-ki3, in1-ui7 tsin1 tsiunn7,toh8 it4-tit8 khi3 ka7 liau3, jiau3 kah4 huat4-hong5 koh4 puh4 lang5, kui1 liap8 thau5 long2 si7 liap8-a2, tshiunn7 tshau3-thau5 kang7-khuan2, a1-ma2 khuainnh4-tioh8 tsiann5 m7-kam1, toh8 tsau2-khi3 tiong1-ioh8 tiam3 kap4 tsin1-tsu1-hun2 tng2-lai5 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8,koh4 hoo7 gua2 buah4. 真gâu生頭發尾,khah早厝內蠓tsiânn厚,tiānn tiānn去hōo蠓仔叮kah規頭規面,一pho̍k一pho̍k紅kì-kì,因為真癢,就一直去kā抓,抓kah發癀koh-puh-lâng,規粒頭lóng是粒仔,像臭頭仝款,阿媽khuainnh著tsiânn m̄甘,就走去中藥店kap珍珠粉轉來hōo我食、koh-hōo我抹。 chin gâu seⁿ thâu hoat bóe, khah-chá chhù-lāi báng chiâⁿ kāu, tiāⁿ tiāⁿ-khì hō͘ báng-á tèng kah kui thâu kui-bīn, chi̍t pho̍k chi̍t pho̍k âng-kì-kì, in-ūi chin chiūⁿ,to̍h it-ti̍t khì kā liàu, jiàu kah hoat-hông koh puh lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, chhiūⁿ chhàu-thâu kāng-khoán, a-má khoaiⁿh-tio̍h chiâⁿ m̄-kam, to̍h cháu-khì tiong-io̍h tiàm kap chin-chu-hún tńg-lâi hō͘ góa chia̍h,koh hō͘ góa boah. There used to be a lot of mosquitoes in my house. There were red and swollen mosquito bites all over my face. I kept scratching at them because of the itch. The bites became pustules. I looked like I was suffering from leprosy. Distressed from looking at my face, grandma went to the Chinese medicine store to get pearl powder for me to eat and apply to my skin. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUF005_concat.wav 26.0881875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUF005_concat.wav 5.739875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female siūnn kàu tsia, guá kám-siū-tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan-siōng ài guá ê lâng. siunn7 kau3 tsia1, gua2 kam2-siu7-tioh8 a1-ma2 si7 se3-kan1-siong7 ai3 gua2 e5 lang5. 想到tsia,我感受著阿媽是世間上愛我ê人。 siūⁿ kàu chia, góa kám-siū-tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan-siōng ài góa ê lâng. Thinking of this, I feel that my grandma loves me the most in this world. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUF005_concat.wav 5.631375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUF005_concat.wav 9.61975 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female guá tsit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bē thî káu bē puī ê sî, a-má to̍h ē khí-lâi tsú tsá-tǹg hōo guá tsia̍h. gua2 tsit4-ma2 teh4 thak8 kok4-sio2, tak8-kang1 ke1 be7 thi5 kau2 be7 pui7 e5 si5, a1-ma2 toh8 e7 khi2-lai5 tsu2 tsa2-tng3 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8. 我tsit-má teh讀國小,逐工雞未啼狗未吠ê時,阿媽就ē起來煮早頓hōo我食。 góa chit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bē thî káu bē pūi ê sî, a-má to̍h ē khí-lâi chú chá-tǹg hō͘ góa chia̍h. I was still in primary school. Every morning before dawn, my grandma would get up and prepare breakfast for me. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUF005_concat.wav 8.908125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUF005_concat.wav 5.99675 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female a-má ē kûn muê, tsian nn̄g, koh tshá tsi̍t hāng tshenn-tshài hōo guá phuè. a1-ma2 e7 kun5 mue5,tsian1 nng7, koh4 tsha2 tsit8 hang7 tshenn1-tshai3 hoo7 gua2 phue3. 阿媽ē kûn糜、煎卵,koh炒一項青菜hōo我配。 a-má ē kûn môe,chian nn̄g, koh chhá chi̍t hāng chheⁿ-chhài hō͘ góa phòe. Grandma would cook the porridge and prepare omeletts and stir-fried vegetables as the side dishes. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUF005_concat.wav 7.9176875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUF005_concat.wav 8.5348125 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tsit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō ‘塑化劑’, nā tsia̍h siunn-tsē, tuì sin-thé tsiânn bái; tsit4-ma2 tian7-si7 koh4 it4-tit8 po3 hit4-lo7‘塑化劑’, na7 tsiah8 siunn1-tse7,tui3 sin1-the2 tsiann5 bai2; Tsit-má電視koh一直報hit號『塑化劑』,若食siunn濟,對身體tsiânn bái; Chit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō‘塑化劑’, nā chia̍h siuⁿ-chē,tùi sin-thé chiâⁿ bái; Plasticizer has been on the TV news recently. They say that it is harmful to us if ingested too much. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUF005_concat.wav 9.9951875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUF005_concat.wav 9.61975 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tuā, sin-thé ài-kòo hōo kiānn, āu-pái tsiah ū-thang kiàn-li̍p tsi̍t-ê khuài-lo̍k ê ka-tîng. li2 gin2-a2-lang5 tu2 beh4 tua7, sin1-the2 ai3-koo3 hoo7 kiann7, au7-pai2 tsiah4 u7-thang1 kian3-lip8 tsit8-e5 khuai3-lok8 e5 ka1-ting5. 你囡仔人tú beh大,身體ài顧hōo健,後擺tsiah有thang建立一个快樂ê家庭。 lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tōa, sin-thé ài-kò͘ hō͘ kiāⁿ, āu-pái chiah ū-thang kiàn-li̍p chi̍t-ê khoài-lo̍k ê ka-têng. You kids are still growing. Take good care of your body and health. This way, you can build a happy family in the future. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUF005_concat.wav 9.63025 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUF005_concat.wav 10.57975 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female sui-liân hiān-tsú-sî guá iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tuì guá ê kuan-sim kah thiànn ài, guá ē íng-uán kì tiàm sim-lāi; sui1-lian5 hian7-tsu2-si5 gua2 iau2-koh4 se3-han3, m7-koh4 a1-ma2 tui3 gua2 e5 kuan1-sim1 kah4 thiann3 ai3, gua2 e7 ing2-uan2 ki3 tiam3 sim1-lai7; 雖然現此時我iáu-koh細漢,m̄-koh阿媽對我ê關心kah疼愛,我ē永遠記踮心內; sui-liân hiān-chú-sî góa iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tùi góa ê koan-sim kah thiàⁿ ài, góa ē éng-oán kì tiàm sim-lāi; Although I may still be young, I will remember Grandma's love and care forever. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUF005_concat.wav 5.9855 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUF005_concat.wav 3.72 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female Tsit-má guá tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; tsit4-ma2 gua2 tioh8-ai3 ho2-ho2 iu2-hau3 a1-ma2; Tsit-má我tio̍h-ài好好有孝阿媽; Chit-má góa tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; Now, I must take good care of grandma. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUF005_concat.wav 4.3190625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUF005_concat.wav 6.8679375 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsuè-āu, guá beh kóng: a-má, 妳 sī guá íng-uán íng-uán siōng ài ê lâng! tsue3-au7,gua2 beh4 kong2: a1-ma2,妳si7 gua2 ing2-uan2 ing2-uan2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5! 最後,我beh講:阿媽,妳是我永遠永遠上愛ê人! chòe-āu,góa beh kóng: a-má,妳sī góa éng-oán éng-oán siōng ài ê lâng! Finally, I'd like to say, Grandma, I love you forever and ever! 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUF005_concat.wav 6.709 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUF005_concat.wav 4.509875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female guá ê ián-káng tio̍h kóng kah tsia, kám-siā koh-uī. gua2 e5 ian2-kang2 tioh8 kong2 kah4 tsia1, kam2-sia7 koh4-ui7. 我ê演講就講到tsia,感謝各位。 góa ê ián-káng tio̍h kóng kah chia, kám-siā koh-ūi. That would be it for my speech. Thank you. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUF005_concat.wav 5.0414375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUF005_concat.wav 21.4475625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsìng-tsoh tsin tsió teh iōng huà-ha̍k puî-liāu, lông-tsok-bu̍t ài iōng-tio̍h ê puî, lóng mā ka-tī tsè-tsō, sing-sán--ê, tshiūnn kóng ke-sái-puî, ti-sái-puî kah lâng ka-tī pàng--tshut-lâi ê tuā-puî, ia̍h-sī iōng tiū-tsháu, pùn-sò khì au tsò puî. tsing3-tsoh4 tsin1 tsio2 teh4 iong7 hua3-hak8 pui5-liau7, long5-tsok4-but8 ai3 iong7-tioh8 e5 pui5, long2 ma7 ka1-ti7 tse3-tso7,sing1-san2--e5, tshiunn7 kong2 ke1-sai2-pui5,ti1-sai2-pui5 kah4 lang5 ka1-ti7 pang3--tshut4-lai5 e5 tua7-pui5, iah8-si7 iong7 tiu7-tshau2,pun3-so3 khi3 au1 tso3 pui5. 種作真少teh用化學肥料,農作物ài用著的肥,攏嘛家己製造、生產--的,像講雞屎肥、豬屎肥kah人家己放--出來的大肥,抑是用稻草、糞埽去au做肥。 chèng-choh chin chió teh iōng hòa-ha̍k pûi-liāu, lông-chok-bu̍t ài iōng-tio̍h ê pûi, lóng mā ka-tī chè-chō,seng-sán--ê, chhiūⁿ kóng ke-sái-pûi,ti-sái-pûi kah lâng ka-tī pàng--chhut-lâi ê tōa-pûi, ia̍h-sī iōng tiū-chháu,pùn-sò khì au chò pûi. Chemical fertilizers are rarely used in farming. The fertilizers used for the crops are usually made and produced at home, using manures from chickens, pigs, and even humans. Alternatively, fertilizers can be made by soaking straw and dirty soil together. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUF005_concat.wav 19.7131875 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUF005_concat.wav 4.989875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female nā bô guā ka-ia̍h--leh, mê-nî to̍h hōo pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. na7 bo5 gua7 ka1-iah8--leh4, me5-ni5 toh8 hoo7 pat8-lang5 in2--khi3. 若無偌ka-ia̍h--咧,明年就予別人ín--去。 nā bô gōa ka-ia̍h--leh, mê-nî to̍h hō͘ pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. If you were to not do business with him, he would be approached by other people next year. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUF005_concat.wav 8.6289375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUF005_concat.wav 12.20225 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female ū tsi̍t ê bē kê ê sing-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang to̍h ē tann-tio̍h i hit tànn kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê tsng-á-thâu tsi̍t ê tsi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. u7 tsit8 e5 be7 ke5 e5 sing1-li2-lang5, tak8-kang1 toh8 e7 tann1-tioh8 i1 hit4 tann3 ke5, ti7 tak8-si3-ke3 e5 tsng1-a2-thau5 tsit8 e5 tsit8 e5 khi3 kio3-be7. 有一个賣kê的生理人,逐工就會擔著伊彼tànn-kê,佇逐四界的庄仔頭一个一个去叫賣。 ū chi̍t ê bē kê ê seng-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang to̍h ē taⁿ-tio̍h i hit tàⁿ kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê chng-á-thâu chi̍t ê chi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. There was a pickle seller who would carry his goods and visit every village daily to sell pickles. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUF005_concat.wav 8.8449375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUF005_concat.wav 6.819875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female nā kàu tiong-tàu i to̍h ē khì tsng-guā ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tsia̍h-pn̄g kann hioh-tàu; na7 kau3 tiong1-tau3 i1 toh8 e7 khi3 tsng1-gua7 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, tsiah8-png7 kann1 hioh4-tau3; 若到中晝伊就會去庄外的大樹跤,食飯kann歇晝; nā kàu tiong-tàu i to̍h ē khì chng-gōa ê tōa-chhiū-kha, chia̍h-pn̄g kaⁿ hioh-tàu; At noon, he would go and have his lunch break and rest underneath the big tree outside the village. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUF005_concat.wav 7.7725625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUF005_concat.wav 10.54975 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsi̍t-kuá nā tī i tann-khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng tsai-iánn tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi tsia kā kau-kuan. tsit8-kua2 na7 ti7 i1 tann1-khi3 be7 e5 si5 hu3 bo5 tioh8--e5, long2 tsai1-iann2 ti7 tiong1-tau3 i1 hioh4-khun3 e5 si5, lai5 tsia1 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 一寡若佇伊tann去賣的時赴無著--的,攏知影佇中晝伊歇睏的時,來遮共kau-kuan。 chi̍t-kóa nā tī i taⁿ-khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng chai-iáⁿ tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi chia kā kau-koan. Some people were late and did not manage to catch the sale. So, they would come here to buy the pickles during his lunch break. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUF005_concat.wav 10.336125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUF005_concat.wav 5.6905625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsin tú-hó, ū tsi̍t kang tsit ê bē kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. tsin1 tu2-ho2,u7 tsit8 kang1 tsit4 e5 be7 ke5--e5 hioh4-khun3 bo5 lai5 be7. 真拄好,有一工這个賣kê--的歇睏無來賣。 chin tú-hó,ū chi̍t kang chit ê bē kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. Coincidentally, it was the day that the pickle seller was resting. He did not come to sell pickles. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUF005_concat.wav 10.01225 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUF005_concat.wav 11.339625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female hiah tú-hó, tsit ê tuā-tshiū-kha, to̍h sī hit ê bē kê--ê tiānn-tiānn hioh-tàu ê sóo-tsāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. hiah4 tu2-ho2, tsit4 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, toh8 si7 hit4 e5 be7 ke5--e5 tiann7-tiann7 hioh4-tau3 e5 soo2-tsai7, si5-kan1 ia7 tu2-ho2 tiong1-tau3-si5. 遐拄好,這个大樹跤,就是彼个賣kê--的定定歇晝的所在,時間也拄好中晝時。 hiah tú-hó, chit ê tōa-chhiū-kha, to̍h sī hit ê bē kê--ê tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ hioh-tàu ê só͘-chāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. It happened that the pickle seller would usually take his lunch break underneath this big tree. At the same time, it was also noon. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUF005_concat.wav 11.2964375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUF005_concat.wav 14.7095 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female hiah tú-hó, kê ê sing-lí ti̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke suah kiò-sī làng--kuè bé bô tio̍h, tsē-tsē lâng tio̍h lâi tuā-tshiū-kha beh kā kau-kuan. hiah4 tu2-ho2, ke5 e5 sing1-li2 tik8-piat8 ka1-iah8, be7 ke5--e5 bo5 lai5 be7, tak8-ke1 suah4 kio3-si7 lang3--kue3 be2 bo5 tioh8, tse7-tse7 lang5 tioh8 lai5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1 beh4 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 遐拄好,kê的生理特別ka-ia̍h,賣kê--的無來賣,逐家煞叫是làng--過買無tio̍h,濟濟人就來大樹跤欲共kau-kuan。 hiah tú-hó, kê ê seng-lí te̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke soah kiò-sī làng--kòe bé bô tio̍h, chē-chē lâng tio̍h lâi tōa-chhiū-kha beh kā kau-koan. The pickle business was booming at the time. However, the pickle seller did not come on that day. People thought that others did not buy the pickles, so they gathered under the big tree to buy them. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUF005_concat.wav 13.6895625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUF005_concat.wav 5.019875 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female tsi̍t-kháu-khuì tshuán bē khí--lâi, tsū án-ne sit-kiù kuè-óng--khì; tsit8-khau2-khui3 tshuan2 be7 khi2--lai5, tsu7 an2-ne1 sit4-kiu3 kue3-ong2--khi3; 一口khuì喘袂起--來,自按呢失救過往--去; chi̍t-kháu-khùi chhoán bē khí--lâi, chū án-ne sit-kiù kòe-óng--khì; Unable to breathe, he was not saved in time and passed away. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUF005_concat.wav 7.480125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.82_IUF005_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.82_IUF005_concat.wav 5.85625 IUF005 高屏普通腔 Kaohsiung-Pingtung accent Female m̄-tsiah ē liû-thuân tsit kù “tshiò sí Hong-guân hit ê tann-sái--ê”. m7-tsiah4 e7 liu5-thuan5 tsit4 ku3“tshio3 si2 hong1-guan5 hit4 e5 tann1-sai2--e5”. 毋才會流傳這句「笑死豐原彼个擔屎--的」。 m̄-chiah ē liû-thoân chit kù“chhiò sí Hong-goân hit ê taⁿ-sái--ê”. Therefore, the phrase 'the nightman in Hong-guân laughed to his death' became popular. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.82_IUF005_concat.wav 9.234375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUF006_concat.wav 12.711125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-sann tsì jī-tsa̍p-tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t lī-tsa̍p % lâi-pin gōo-pah gōo-tsa̍p-káu hō tshiánn lâi tsa̍p-sann hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-sann1 tsi3 ji7-tsap8-tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 li7-tsap8% lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 goo7-tsap8-kau2 ho7 tshiann2 lai5 tsap8-sann1 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十三至二十七度,落雨機率二十%來賓五百五十九號請來十三號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-saⁿ chì jī-cha̍p-chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t lī-cha̍p% lâi-pin gō͘-pah gō͘-cha̍p-káu hō chhiáⁿ lâi cha̍p-saⁿ hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature ranges from 23 to 27 degrees Celsius, and the chance of rain is at 20%. Guest No. 559, please go to counter No. 13. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUF006_concat.wav 15.19575 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUF006_concat.wav 4.50375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female lóng-tsóng peh-pah khòng jī khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p-peh khoo long2-tsong2 peh4-pah4 khong3 ji7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8-peh4 khoo1 攏總八百空二箍, 找你九十八箍 lóng-chóng peh-pah khòng jī kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p-peh kho͘ Everything would be 802 dollars, and here's your change 98 dollars. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUF006_concat.wav 7.8445625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUF006_concat.wav 4.2375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female kin-á-ji̍t sī sann--gue̍h tsa̍p-sann, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 sann1--gueh8 tsap8-sann1,pai3-lak8 今仔日是三月十三,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī saⁿ--goe̍h cha̍p-saⁿ,pài-la̍k Today is March 13th, Saturday. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUF006_concat.wav 4.8264375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUF006_concat.wav 2.52 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female i tī it kiú sù it nî tshut-sì i1 ti7 it4 kiu2 su3 it4 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九四一年出世 i tī it kiú sù it nî chhut-sì He was born in 1941. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUF006_concat.wav 4.5183125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUF006_concat.wav 3.78625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngóo tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 it4 liok8 kiu2 ngoo2 請幫我轉分機一六九五 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngó͘ Please transfer me to extension number 1695. 447612 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUF006_concat.wav 6.3994375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUF006_concat.wav 3.4249375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Bûn-peh--á, lí khuànn hia ū sann ki hiunn. bun5-peh4--a2,li2 khuann3 hia1 u7 sann1 ki1 hiunn1. 文伯仔,你看遐有三枝香。 Bûn-peh--á,lí khòaⁿ hia ū saⁿ ki hiuⁿ. Uncle Wen, look, there are three incense sticks. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUF006_concat.wav 5.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUF006_concat.wav 3.3949375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Bô m̄-tio̍h, koh-khah khì sī Tuā-tūn-suann. bo5 m7-tioh8,koh4-khah4 khi3 si7 tua7-tun7-suann1. 無毋著,閣較去是大屯山。 Bô m̄-tio̍h,koh-khah khì sī Tōa-tūn-soaⁿ. You are correct. Tuā-tūn Mountain is further down from here. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUF006_concat.wav 5.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUF006_concat.wav 5.605625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, Tsháu-suann, ū-kàu phānn--ê, pí khuànn tē-tôo khah tsim-tsiok. ke1-lang5,sik8-tsi2,tshau2-suann1,u7-kau3 phann7--e5,pi2 khuann3 te7-too5 khah4 tsim1-tsiok4. 基隆、汐止、草山、有夠奅的,比看地圖較斟酌。 Ke-lâng,Se̍k-chí,Chháu-soaⁿ,ū-kàu phāⁿ--ê,pí khòaⁿ tē-tô͘ khah chim-chiok. Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, and Tsháu-suann are relatively big in view. They are even more detailed than looking at the map. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUF006_concat.wav 9.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUF006_concat.wav 4.175 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Tse sī pak-pîng niâ, lí ua̍t-thâu khuànn lâm--khì. tse1 si7 pak4-ping5 nia5,li2 uat8-thau5 khuann3 lam5--khi3. 這是北爿爾,你越頭看南去。 Che sī pak-pêng niâ,lí oa̍t-thâu khòaⁿ lâm--khì. Here is only the northern side. Turn your head and look south. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUF006_concat.wav 5.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUF006_concat.wav 6.262375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Kong-kíng si̍t-tsāi tsán, âng-âng he sī siánn? Guá khuànn-māi --leh, he Pîng-khe --lah. kong1-king2 sit8-tsai7 tsan2,ang5-ang5 he1 si7 siann2? gua2 khuann3-mai7 --leh4,he1 ping5-khe1 --lah4. 光景實在讚,紅紅彼是啥?我看覓咧,彼平溪啦。 Kong-kéng si̍t-chāi chán,âng-âng he sī siáⁿ? Góa khòaⁿ-māi --leh,he Pêng-khe --lah. The scenery is breathtaking. What is the red thing? Let me see. It is Pîng-khe. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUF006_concat.wav 8.12 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUF006_concat.wav 8.95625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Guá tsai --ah, hit thâu uat-lâi-uat-khì ná tsi̍t bué pe̍h-tsuâ--ê sī Si̍k-tsí thàng Pîng-khe ê Si̍k-pîng Kong-lōo. gua2 tsai1 --ah4,hit4 thau5 uat4-lai5-uat4-khi3 na2 tsit8 bue2 peh8-tsua5--e5 si7 sik8-tsi2 thang3 ping5-khe1 e5 sik8-ping5 kong1-loo7. 我知矣,彼頭斡來斡去若一尾白蛇的是汐止迵平溪的汐平公路。 Góa chai --ah,hit thâu oat-lâi-oat-khì ná chi̍t bóe pe̍h-chôa--ê sī Se̍k-chí thàng Pêng-khe ê Se̍k-pêng Kong-lō͘. I know. The one that bends like a white snake is the Si̍k-pîng Highway connecting Si̍k-tsí with' Pîng-khe. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUF006_concat.wav 9.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUF006_concat.wav 3.1055625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Kok-tiong khah kuè--lâi tō sī Tsio̍h-sún-tsiam. kok4-tiong1 khah4 kue3--lai5 to7 si7 tsioh8-sun2-tsiam1. 國中較過來就是石筍尖。 Kok-tiong khah kòe--lâi tō sī Chio̍h-sún-chiam. Just walk a little further down from the middle school, and you'll reach Tsio̍h-sún tsiam. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUF006_concat.wav 7.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUF006_concat.wav 1.86 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Bô siánn sîng tik-sún--neh! bo5 siann2 sing5 tik4-sun2--neh4! 無啥成竹筍呢! Bô siáⁿ sêng tek-sún--neh! Nothing like bamboo sticks! 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUF006_concat.wav 4.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUF006_concat.wav 3.605 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Uì Pîng-khe hit-pîng khuànn--kuè-lâi tō tsin sîng. ui3 ping5-khe1 hit4-ping5 khuann3--kue3-lai5 to7 tsin1 sing5. 對平溪彼爿看過來就真成。 Ùi Pêng-khe hit-pêng khòaⁿ--kòe-lâi tō chin sêng. From the side of Pingxi, they look like bamboo shoots. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUF006_concat.wav 5.12 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUF006_concat.wav 4.7125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Tán thinn-khì khah liâng ê sî, lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia tshit-thô. tan2 thinn1-khi3 khah4 liang5 e5 si5,lan2 e7-sai2 lai5-khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 等天氣較涼的時,咱會使來去遐𨑨迌。 Tán thiⁿ-khì khah liâng ê sî,lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia chhit-thô. We can visit there when the weather gets cooler. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUF006_concat.wav 4.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUF006_concat.wav 5.2899375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Lí ū-kàu guā-hâng, siánn-mih sann ki hiunn? He sī Hia̍p-hô huat-tiān-tshiúnn. li2 u7-kau3 gua7-hang5,siann2-mih4 sann1 ki1 hiunn1?he1 si7 hiap8-ho5 huat4-tian7-tshiunn2. 你有夠外行,啥物三枝香?彼是協和發電廠。 Lí ū-kàu gōa-hâng,siáⁿ-mih saⁿ ki hiuⁿ?He sī Hia̍p-hô hoat-tiān-chhiúⁿ. You are such a layman. What do you mean by the three incense sticks? By the way, this the hia̍p-hô Power Plant. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUF006_concat.wav 9.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUF006_concat.wav 3.1093125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Lâng leh kóng-tshiò--ê --lah, bián hiah tíng-tsin! lang5 leh4 kong2-tshio3--e5 --lah4,bian2 hiah4 ting2-tsin1! 人咧講笑的啦,免遐頂真! Lâng leh kóng-chhiò--ê --lah,bián hiah téng-chin! They are just joking! Don't take it seriously. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUF006_concat.wav 4.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUF006_concat.wav 2.5980625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Bûn-peh--á, tsiànn-tshiú-pîng hit lia̍p......? bun5-peh4--a2,tsiann3-tshiu2-ping5 hit4 liap8......? 文伯仔,正手爿彼粒......? Bûn-peh--á,chiàⁿ-chhiú-pêng hit lia̍p......? Uncle Wen, it's the one on the right... 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUF006_concat.wav 5.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUF006_concat.wav 5.9775 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Hit lia̍p kiò-tsò Ke-lâng-khi̍t, koh-khah kuè--lâi ê hit lia̍p tō sī Ke-lâng-suann. hit4 liap8 kio3-tso3 ke1-lang5-khit8,koh4-khah4 kue3--lai5 e5 hit4 liap8 to7 si7 ke1-lang5-suann1. 彼粒叫做基隆杙,閣較過來的彼粒就是基隆山。 Hit lia̍p kiò-chò Ke-lâng-khi̍t,koh-khah kòe--lâi ê hit lia̍p tō sī Ke-lâng-soaⁿ. That one is called Ke-lâng-sū, and the one next to it is Ke-lâng Mountain. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUF006_concat.wav 6.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUF006_concat.wav 5.6825 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Tō sī tī Káu-hūn-á hù-kīn--mah, kin-nî sann--gue̍h guán ū khì hia tshit-thô. to7 si7 ti7 kau2-hun7-a2 hu3-kin7--mah4,kin1-ni5 sann1--gueh8 guan2 u7 khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 就是佇九份仔附近嘛,今年三月阮有去遐𨑨迌。 Tō sī tī Káu-hūn-á hù-kīn--mah,kin-nî saⁿ--goe̍h goán ū khì hia chhit-thô. It's near Káu-hūn-á. We visited there in March this year. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUF006_concat.wav 5.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUF006_concat.wav 8.3223125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Tsit-khuán thinn peh Ke-lâng-suann pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìnn póo, kui lia̍p suann bô kúi tsâng tshiū-á thang jia li̍t-thâu. tsit4-khuan2 thinn1 peh4 ke1-lang5-suann1 pau1-nia2 li2 phak8 kah4 pinn3 poo2, kui1 liap8 suann1 bo5 kui2 tsang5 tshiu7-a2 thang1 jia1 lit8-thau5. 這款天基隆山包領你曝甲變脯,規粒山無幾欉樹仔通遮日頭。 Chit-khoán thiⁿ peh Ke-lâng-soaⁿ pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìⁿ pó͘, kui lia̍p soaⁿ bô kúi châng chhiū-á thang jia li̍t-thâu. I can guarantee that climbing Ke-lâng Mountain in such weather will dry your skin out. There are also not many trees in the mountain to provide shade. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUF006_concat.wav 10.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUF006_concat.wav 4.11625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Tò-pîng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng kuân hit lia̍p suann sī m̄ sī Tshit-tshinn-suann? to3-ping5 hng7-hng7 siong7 kuan5 hit4 liap8 suann1 si7 m7 si7 tshit4-tshinn1-suann1? 倒爿遠遠上懸彼粒山是毋是七星山? Tò-pêng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng koân hit lia̍p soaⁿ sī m̄ sī Chhit-chhiⁿ-soaⁿ? Is the tallest mountain far on the left, Tshit-tshenn Mountain? 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUF006_concat.wav 5.48 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUF006_concat.wav 2.16 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-uân iong7 siang1-kha1 ai3 tai5-uan5 用雙跤愛台灣 iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-oân Express your love for Taiwan by walking on your feet. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUF006_concat.wav 5.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUF006_concat.wav 29.918625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female koh tuì Tâi-uân bué kiânn kàu Tâi-uân thâu, tsi̍t pōo tsi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tōo, khì tshin-kīn tsit tè tshiânn-ióng ka-kī ê thóo-tē, khuànn-tio̍h li̍k-sik ê suann-me̍h, uan-lâi-uat-khì ê hô-liû, si̍k-sāi ê tshân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn, bê-lâng ê hái-huānn, hiong-tshin tshin-tshiat ê tshiò-iông..., sim-kuann-thâu tiānn-tio̍h ū muá-muá ê kám-tshiok kah kám-tōng. koh4 tui3 tai5-uan5 bue2 kiann5 kau3 tai5-uan5 thau5, tsit8 poo7 tsit8 kha1-in3, iong7 siong7 khiam1-pi1 e5 thai7-too7, khi3 tshin1-kin7 tsit4 te3 tshiann5-iong2 ka1-ki7 e5 thoo2-te7, khuann3-tioh8 lik8-sik4 e5 suann1-meh8,uan1-lai5-uat4-khi3 e5 ho5-liu5,sik8-sai7 e5 tshan5-hng5, sun5-phok4 e5 hiong1-tin3,be5-lang5 e5 hai2-huann7,hiong1-tshin1 tshin1-tshiat4 e5 tshio3-iong5..., sim1-kuann1-thau5 tiann7-tioh8 u7 mua2-mua2 e5 kam2-tshiok4 kah4 kam2-tong7. 閣對台灣尾行到台灣頭,一步一跤印,用上謙卑的態度,去親近這塊晟養家己的土地,看著綠色的山脈、彎來斡去的河流、熟似的田園、純樸的鄉鎮、迷人的海岸、鄉親親切的笑容……,心肝頭定著有滿滿的感觸佮感動。 koh tùi Tâi-oân bóe kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-oân thâu, chi̍t pō͘ chi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tō͘, khì chhin-kīn chit tè chhiâⁿ-ióng ka-kī ê thó͘-tē, khòaⁿ-tio̍h le̍k-sek ê soaⁿ-me̍h,oan-lâi-oat-khì ê hô-liû,se̍k-sāi ê chhân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn,bê-lâng ê hái-hōaⁿ,hiong-chhin chhin-chhiat ê chhiò-iông..., sim-koaⁿ-thâu tiāⁿ-tio̍h ū móa-móa ê kám-chhiok kah kám-tōng. Step by step, with a humble attitude, let us walk through the land of Taiwan, the place that has raised us. Behold the green mountains, the winding rivers, the familiar yards, simple towns, attractive coastlines, and the warm smiles from the villagers. These will fill your heart with emotions and feelings. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUF006_concat.wav 22.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUF006_concat.wav 18.4768125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female khì tiông-sin jīn-pat Tâi-uân, pīng-tshiánn su-khó jîn-sing ê tsin-gī, i beh tsi̍t-pōo-á tsi̍t-pōo-á, iōng ka-kī ê siang-kha kiânn Tâi-uân tsi̍t liàn, ìn-tsìng ka-kī ê siūnn-huat, mā tshuē tshut sìnn-miā tsìng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tīng-uī. khi3 tiong5-sin1 jin7-pat4 tai5-uan5, ping7-tshiann2 su1-kho2 jin5-sing1 e5 tsin1-gi7, i1 beh4 tsit8-poo7-a2 tsit8-poo7-a2, iong7 ka1-ki7 e5 siang1-kha1 kiann5 tai5-uan5 tsit8 lian3, in3-tsing3 ka1-ki7 e5 siunn7-huat4, ma7 tshue7 tshut4 sinn3-mia7 tsing3-khak4 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 ting7-ui7. 去重新認捌台灣,並且思考人生的真義,伊欲一步仔一步仔,用家己的雙跤行台灣一輾,印證家己的想法,嘛揣出性命正確的方向佮定位。 khì tiông-sin jīn-pat Tâi-oân, pēng-chhiáⁿ su-khó jîn-seng ê chin-gī, i beh chi̍t-pō͘-á chi̍t-pō͘-á, iōng ka-kī ê siang-kha kiâⁿ Tâi-oân chi̍t liàn, ìn-chèng ka-kī ê siūⁿ-hoat, mā chhōe chhut sìⁿ-miā chèng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tēng-ūi. To relearn Taiwan and think about the true meaning of life, he intends to walk around Taiwan on foot. Step by step, he wants to affirm his thoughts and find the right direction in his life. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUF006_concat.wav 13.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUF006_concat.wav 4.2780625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female i tsit ê sim-guān tō tsiong-kīn beh uân-sîng --ah. i1 tsit4 e5 sim1-guan7 to7 tsiong1-kin7 beh4 uan5-sing5 --ah4. 伊這个心願就將近欲完成矣。 i chit ê sim-goān tō chiong-kīn beh oân-sêng --ah. His wish was almost fulfilled. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUF006_concat.wav 4.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUF006_concat.wav 11.918 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female hiān-tshú-sî i í-king kiânn kàu Tâi-lâm-tshī Kiâm-tsuí-khu ê Gua̍t-tin-káng --ah, tng tī “ Tâi-uân si-lōo ” hù-kīn teh tsia̍h-tàu, gîm-si phuè ka-pi --ah. hian7-tshu2-si5 i1 i2-king1 kiann5 kau3 tai5-lam5-tshi7 kiam5-tsui2-khu1 e5 guat8-tin1-kang2 --ah4, tng1 ti7“tai5-uan5 si1-loo7”hu3-kin7 teh4 tsiah8-tau3,gim5-si1 phue3 ka1-pi1 --ah4. 現此時伊已經行到台南市鹹水區的月津港矣,當佇「台灣詩路」附近咧食晝、吟詩配咖啡矣。 hiān-chhú-sî i í-keng kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-lâm-chhī Kiâm-chúi-khu ê Goa̍t-tin-káng --ah, tng tī“Tâi-oân si-lō͘”hù-kīn teh chia̍h-tàu,gîm-si phòe ka-pi --ah. At this moment, he has reached Gua̍t-tin Port in Kiâm-tsuí District, Tainan City. He is currently having lunch while reciting poetry with coffee near the 'Taiwan Poetry Road' B&B. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUF006_concat.wav 14.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUF006_concat.wav 4.779875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female “ ū bāng siōng suí ”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! “u7 bang7 siong7 sui2”, u7 li2-siong2 tioh8-ai3 iong2-kam2 khi3 tui1-kiu5! 「有夢上媠」,有理想著愛勇敢去追求! “ū bāng siōng súi”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! It's beautiful to dream. Pursue your ambitions with courage! 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUF006_concat.wav 6.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUF006_concat.wav 13.529625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female lán lâng sing-ua̍h tī tsit ê sè-kan, tû-liáu it-tsài tiông-ho̍k ê ji̍t-siông tsia̍h-tshīng í-guā, iáu-ū tsân-tshù koh-khah kuân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû, khì si̍t-hiān! lan2 lang5 sing1-uah8 ti7 tsit4 e5 se3-kan1, tu5-liau2 it4-tsai3 tiong5-hok8 e5 jit8-siong5 tsiah8-tshing7 i2-gua7, iau2-u7 tsan5-tshu3 koh4-khah4 kuan5 e5 li2-siong2, su1-iau3 khi3 tui1-kiu5,khi3 sit8-hian7! 咱人生活佇這个世間,除了一再重複的日常食穿以外,猶有層次閣較懸的理想,需要去追求、去實現 ! lán lâng seng-oa̍h tī chit ê sè-kan, tû-liáu it-chài tiông-ho̍k ê ji̍t-siông chia̍h-chhēng í-gōa, iáu-ū chân-chhù koh-khah koân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû,khì si̍t-hiān! As humans living in this world, there are higher-level ideals that we should pursue and realize other than the repetitive daily domestic routine of eating and clothing. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUF006_concat.wav 12.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUF006_concat.wav 17.6739375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female “ khuân-tó pōo-lián ” sī tsi̍t kiānn sin-khóo ê tāi-tsì, tû-liáu ài ū tsiu-tsuân ê kè-uē, thé-la̍t ài hó í-guā, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-tsì-li̍k, tsiah thang khik-ho̍k iân-lōo tú-tio̍h--ê, kok-tsióng siūnn-bē-kàu ê lân-tê. “khuan5-to2 poo7-lian2”si7 tsit8 kiann7 sin1-khoo2 e5 tai7-tsi3, tu5-liau2 ai3 u7 tsiu1-tsuan5 e5 ke3-ue7,the2-lat8 ai3 ho2 i2-gua7, siong7 tiong7-iau3--e5 si7 ai3 u7 kian1-kiong5 e5 i3-tsi3-lik8, tsiah4 thang1 khik4-hok8 ian5-loo7 tu2-tioh8--e5,kok4-tsiong2 siunn7-be7-kau3 e5 lan5-te5. 「環島步輦」是一件辛苦的代誌,除了愛有周全的計畫、體力愛好以外,上重要的是愛有堅強的意志力,才通克服沿路拄著的、各種想袂到的難題。 “khoân-tó pō͘-lián”sī chi̍t kiāⁿ sin-khó͘ ê tāi-chì, tû-liáu ài ū chiu-choân ê kè-ōe,thé-la̍t ài hó í-gōa, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-chì-le̍k, chiah thang khek-ho̍k iân-lō͘ tú-tio̍h--ê,kok-chióng siūⁿ-bē-kàu ê lân-tê. Walking around the island is a difficult feat. In addition to having a comprehensive plan and good physical strength, the most important thing is to have strong willpower to overcome all kinds of unexpected difficulties along the way. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUF006_concat.wav 16.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUF006_concat.wav 11.205375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female Lîm Píng-ti̍k sian-sinn, kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khuán, lóng sī jīn-tsin phah-piànn, kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-tsè ê hîng-tōng thiànn Tâi-uân ê lâng. lim5 ping2-tik8 sian1-sinn1,kah4 i1 e5 pe7-bu2 kang7-khuan2, long2 si7 jin7-tsin1 phah4-piann3,kha1-tah8-sit8-te7, iong7 sit8-tse3 e5 hing5-tong7 thiann3 tai5-uan5 e5 lang5. 林秉澤先生,佮伊的爸母仝款,攏是認真拍拚、跤踏實地,用實際的行動疼台灣的人。 Lîm Péng-te̍k sian-siⁿ,kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khoán, lóng sī jīn-chin phah-piàⁿ,kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-chè ê hêng-tōng thiàⁿ Tâi-oân ê lâng. Like his parents, Mr. Lîm Píng-ti̍k is hardworking, down-to-earth, and loves Taiwan with action. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUF006_concat.wav 9.24 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUF006_concat.wav 22.6336875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kah Guī Tik-sìng, kian-tshî thàu-bué ê Ò-ūn suán-tshiú Soo Lē-bûn, suann-kiû ko-tshiú Tsan Ngá-nî tíng-tíng, in tsiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-uân tshiânn-ióng--tshut-lâi, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-tíng huat-kng-huat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngōo ê jîn-bu̍t. se3-kai3-kip4 e5 to7-ian2 li2 an1 kah4 gui7 tik4-sing3, kian1-tshi5 thau3-bue2 e5 o3-un7 suan2-tshiu2 soo1 le7-bun5, suann1-kiu5 ko1-tshiu2 tsan1 nga2-ni5 ting2-ting2, in1 tsiah4 si7 lan2 sio2-sio2 e5 tai5-uan5 tshiann5-iong2--tshut4-lai5, ti7 se3-kai3 bu2-tai5-ting2 huat4-kng1-huat4-jiat8, si7 tat8-tit4 lan2 kam2-kak4 kiau1-ngoo7 e5 jin5-but8. 世界級的導演李安佮魏德聖、堅持透尾的奧運選手蘇麗文,山球高手曾雅妮等等,in才是咱小小的台灣晟養出來,佇世界舞台頂發光發熱,是值得咱感覺驕傲的人物。 sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kah Gūi Tek-sèng, kian-chhî thàu-bóe ê Ò-ūn soán-chhiú So͘ Lē-bûn, soaⁿ-kiû ko-chhiú Chan Ngá-nî téng-téng, in chiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-oân chhiâⁿ-ióng--chhut-lâi, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-téng hoat-kng-hoat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngō͘ ê jîn-bu̍t. World-class directors Lí An and Guī Tik-sìng, persevering Olympian Soo Lē-bûn, mountain golfer Tsan Ngá-nî, etc., are people who came from the small island named Taiwan. They are shining on the world stage and are worthy of our pride. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUF006_concat.wav 20.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUF006_concat.wav 23.58475 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female bô-lūn kué-tsí, lân-hue ia̍h tsuí-sán, tsí-iàu king-kuè Tâi-uân-lâng ê kái-liông, lóng ē gián-huat tshut it-tóo tsán ê phín-tsióng, hōo tsuân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kué-tsí tuā koh tinn, lân-hue phang koh suí, tsuí-sán tshinn koh hó-tsia̍h, mā in-uī án-ne, sóo-í ē-tàng guā-siau thàn guā-huē. bo5-lun7 kue2-tsi2,lan5-hue1 iah8 tsui2-san2, tsi2-iau3 king1-kue3 tai5-uan5-lang5 e5 kai2-liong5, long2 e7 gian2-huat4 tshut4 it4-too2 tsan2 e5 phin2-tsiong2, hoo7 tsuan5 se3-kai3 o1-lo2 lan2 e5 kue2-tsi2 tua7 koh4 tinn1, lan5-hue1 phang1 koh4 sui2, tsui2-san2 tshinn1 koh4 ho2-tsiah8, ma7 in1-ui7 an2-ne1, soo2-i2 e7-tang3 gua7-siau1 than3 gua7-hue7. 無論果子、蘭花抑水產,只要經過台灣人的改良,攏會研發出it-tóo讚的品種,予全世界呵咾咱的果子大閣甜,蘭花芳閣媠,水產鮮閣好食,嘛因為按呢,所以會當外銷趁外匯。 bô-lūn kóe-chí,lân-hoe ia̍h chúi-sán, chí-iàu keng-kòe Tâi-oân-lâng ê kái-liông, lóng ē gián-hoat chhut it-tó͘ chán ê phín-chióng, hō͘ choân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kóe-chí tōa koh tiⁿ, lân-hoe phang koh súi, chúi-sán chhiⁿ koh hó-chia̍h, mā in-ūi án-ne, só͘-í ē-tàng gōa-siau thàn gōa-hōe. Be it fruits, orchids, or aquatic products, as long as they go through enhancement by the Taiwanese, the developed varieties would be praised by many. Our fruits are big and sweet, orchids are pretty and fragrant, and aquatic products are fresh and delicious. This is also why we can earn foreign exchange through our export. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUF006_concat.wav 23.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUF006_concat.wav 4.62625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female lâng kóng: “Tâi-uân liām tsin-tsîng, kah ta̍k-ke lâi pua̍h-kám-tsîng.” lang5 kong2:“tai5-uan5 liam7 tsin1-tsing5,kah4 tak8-ke1 lai5 puah8-kam2-tsing5.” 人講:「台灣念真情,佮逐家來跋感情。」 lâng kóng:“Tâi-oân liām chin-chêng,kah ta̍k-ke lâi poa̍h-kám-chêng.” As the saying goes, 'Taiwanese care about true feelings and people should interact with one another to cultivate trust and feelings.' 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUF006_concat.wav 10.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUF006_concat.wav 12.9695 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female hōo guá tshim-tshim bê-luân Tâi-uân, sóo-í tio̍h sǹg lâi tsia tshit-thô tsa̍p-kuí pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-uī tī Tâi-uân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā guá tòng-tsò sī ka-kī-lâng.” hoo7 gua2 tshim1-tshim1 be5-luan5 tai5-uan5, soo2-i2 tioh8 sng3 lai5 tsia1 tshit4-tho5 tsap8-kui2 pai2, ma7 be7 ia3-sian7, in1-ui7 ti7 tai5-uan5, tak8-ke1 long2 ka7 gua2 tong3-tso3 si7 ka1-ki7-lang5.” 予我深深迷戀台灣,所以就算來遮𨑨迌十幾擺,嘛袂厭𤺪,因為佇台灣,逐家攏共我當做是家己人。」 hō͘ góa chhim-chhim bê-loân Tâi-oân, só͘-í tio̍h sǹg lâi chia chhit-thô cha̍p-kúi pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-ūi tī Tâi-oân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā góa tòng-chò sī ka-kī-lâng.” They made me deeply infatuated with Taiwan, so even if I visited here a dozen times, I still would not get bored of it. This is because here, the people regarded me as one of them. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUF006_concat.wav 14.12 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUF006_concat.wav 8.14975 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female lán ū tsiah-nī tsē ta̍t-tit tshia-iānn ê tsu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài tsai sioh pó, m̄-thang tshìn-tshái pàng hìnn-sak. lan2 u7 tsiah4-ni7 tse7 tat8-tit4 tshia1-iann7 e5 tsu1-san2, lan2 u7 ho2 tioh8-ai3 tsai1 sioh4 po2, m7-thang1 tshin3-tshai2 pang3 hinn3-sak4. 咱有遮爾濟值得奢颺的資產,咱有好著愛知惜寶,毋通凊彩放挕捒。 lán ū chiah-nī chē ta̍t-tit chhia-iāⁿ ê chu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài chai sioh pó, m̄-thang chhìn-chhái pàng hìⁿ-sak. We have so many assets that we can show off. We have many good things that we should cherish, not throw them away. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUF006_concat.wav 9.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUF006_concat.wav 20.9548125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan tsò-hué, sóo-í tsū-sè-hàn kàu-tann, lóng sī a-má teh tsiàu-kòo--guá, kā guá la̍k-sái-la̍k-jiō, kiann guá iau, kiann guá kuânn, uì guá âng-âng luán-luán tshuā kàu-tann tsiah tuā-hàn, sóo-í a-má sī guá sim-tiong siōng tshin, siōng ài ê lâng. tsin1 han2-tit4 u7 khah4 tng5 e5 si5-kan1 tso3-hue2, soo2-i2 tsu7-se3-han3 kau3-tann1, long2 si7 a1-ma2 teh4 tsiau3-koo3--gua2, ka7 gua2 lak8-sai2-lak8-jio7, kiann1 gua2 iau1,kiann1 gua2 kuann5, ui3 gua2 ang5-ang5 luan2-luan2 tshua7 kau3-tann1 tsiah4 tua7-han3, soo2-i2 a1-ma2 si7 gua2 sim1-tiong1 siong7 tshin1,siong7 ai3 e5 lang5. 真罕得有較長的時間做伙,所以自細漢到今,攏是阿媽咧照顧我,共我搦屎搦尿,驚我枵、驚我寒,對我紅紅嫩嫩tshuā到今才大漢,所以阿媽是我心中上親、上愛的人。 chin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan chò-hóe, só͘-í chū-sè-hàn kàu-taⁿ, lóng sī a-má teh chiàu-kò͘--góa, kā góa la̍k-sái-la̍k-jiō, kiaⁿ góa iau,kiaⁿ góa kôaⁿ, ùi góa âng-âng loán-loán chhōa kàu-taⁿ chiah tōa-hàn, só͘-í a-má sī góa sim-tiong siōng chhin,siōng ài ê lâng. I rarely get to spend a long time with her. That is why since I was a kid, my grandma has been the one who takes care of me. She was the one who was worried that I would be hungry or cold and also the one who raised me into an adult. So, grandma is my closest family and someone whom I love the most. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUF006_concat.wav 19.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUF006_concat.wav 13.74225 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female hit-sî-tsūn a-má koh ū leh tsò tsu-guân huê-siu, ke-kiám khioh tsi̍t-kuá sok-ka kuàn-á, pháinn-tâng-kū-siah, phōo-á-tsuá lâi bē, thang ke-kiám póo-thiap tshù-lāi ê khai-siau. hit4-si5-tsun7 a1-ma2 koh4 u7 leh4 tso3 tsu1-guan5 hue5-siu1, ke1-kiam2 khioh4 tsit8-kua2 sok4-ka1 kuan3-a2,phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4,phoo7-a2-tsua2 lai5 be7, thang1 ke1-kiam2 poo2-thiap4 tshu3-lai7 e5 khai1-siau1. 彼時陣阿媽閣有咧做資源回收,加減抾一寡塑膠罐仔、歹銅舊錫、簿仔紙來賣,通加減補貼厝內的開銷。 hit-sî-chūn a-má koh ū leh chò chu-goân hôe-siu, ke-kiám khioh chi̍t-kóa sok-ka koàn-á,pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah,phō͘-á-chóa lâi bē, thang ke-kiám pó͘-thiap chhù-lāi ê khai-siau. During that time, my grandmother would collect recyclable items such as plastic cans, scrap metal, and waste paper. She would then sell them to support the household expenses. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUF006_concat.wav 11.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUF006_concat.wav 4.119875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tn̂g-á ngeh oo--khì, tsit ê gín-á tō bô-kiù --ah. tng5-a2 ngeh4 oo1--khi3, tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 to7 bo5-kiu3 --ah4. 腸仔夾烏去,這个囡仔就無救矣。 tn̂g-á ngeh o͘--khì, chit ê gín-á tō bô-kiù --ah. Once the intestines are gone, this child will be gone as well. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUF006_concat.wav 5.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUF006_concat.wav 18.865625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female a-má kóng kàu tsia, ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, tshin-tshiūnn teh tsik-kuài i bô kā tsiàu-kòo hó-sè ê khuán, guá tō kuánn-kín an-uì a-má kóng: “sī guá siunn ài-khàu, guá ê sìnn-miā sī a-má kā guá kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí sī guá siōng ài ê lâng!” a1-ma2 kong2 kau3 tsia1,bak8-sai2 lin3-lin3-go5, tshin1-tshiunn7 teh4 tsik4-kuai3 i1 bo5 ka7 tsiau3-koo3 ho2-se3 e5 khuan2, gua2 to7 kuann2-kin2 an1-ui3 a1-ma2 kong2: “si7 gua2 siunn1 ai3-khau3, gua2 e5 sinn3-mia7 si7 a1-ma2 ka7 gua2 kiu3--tng2-lai5 e5, a1-ma2 li2 si7 gua2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5!” 阿媽講到遮,目屎輾輾遨,親像咧責怪伊無共照顧好勢的款,我就趕緊安慰阿媽講:「是我傷愛哭,我的性命是阿媽共我救轉來的,阿媽你是我上愛的人!」 a-má kóng kàu chia,ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, chhin-chhiūⁿ teh chek-koài i bô kā chiàu-kò͘ hó-sè ê khoán, góa tō kóaⁿ-kín an-ùi a-má kóng: “sī góa siuⁿ ài-khàu, góa ê sìⁿ-miā sī a-má kā góa kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí sī góa siōng ài ê lâng!” As soon as she finished her sentence, tears started to roll down her eyes, as if she was blaming herself for not taking good care of me. I quickly comforted her and said, 'It's me who cries too much. You rescued my life. Grandma, I love you the most!' 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUF006_concat.wav 18.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUF006_concat.wav 28.8050625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsin gâu senn thâu huat bué, khah-tsá tshù-lāi báng tsiânn kāu, tiānn-tiānn khì hōo báng-á tìng kah kui thâu kui bīn, tsi̍t phok tsi̍t phok âng-kì-kì, in-uī tsin tsiūnn, tō it-ti̍t khì kā jiàu, jiàu kah huat-hông koh pū-lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, tshiūnn tshàu-thâu kāng-khuán, a-má khuànn-tio̍h tsiânn m̄-kam, tō tsáu khì tiong-io̍h-tiàm kap tin-tsu-hún tńg-lâi hōo guá tsia̍h, koh hōo guá buah. tsin1 gau5 senn1 thau5 huat4 bue2, khah4-tsa2 tshu3-lai7 bang2 tsiann5 kau7, tiann7-tiann7 khi3 hoo7 bang2-a2 ting3 kah4 kui1 thau5 kui1 bin7, tsit8 phok4 tsit8 phok4 ang5-ki3-ki3, in1-ui7 tsin1 tsiunn7,to7 it4-tit8 khi3 ka7 jiau3, jiau3 kah4 huat4-hong5 koh4 pu7-lang5, kui1 liap8 thau5 long2 si7 liap8-a2, tshiunn7 tshau3-thau5 kang7-khuan2, a1-ma2 khuann3-tioh8 tsiann5 m7-kam1, to7 tsau2 khi3 tiong1-ioh8-tiam3 kap4 tin1-tsu1-hun2 tng2-lai5 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8,koh4 hoo7 gua2 buah4. 真gâu生頭發尾,較早厝內蠓誠厚,定定去予蠓仔叮甲規頭規面,一噗一噗紅記記,因為真癢,就一直去共抓,抓甲發癀閣孵膿,規粒頭攏是粒仔,像臭頭仝款,阿媽看著誠毋甘,就走去中藥店敆珍珠粉轉來予我食、閣予我抹。 chin gâu seⁿ thâu hoat bóe, khah-chá chhù-lāi báng chiâⁿ kāu, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khì hō͘ báng-á tèng kah kui thâu kui bīn, chi̍t phok chi̍t phok âng-kì-kì, in-ūi chin chiūⁿ,tō it-ti̍t khì kā jiàu, jiàu kah hoat-hông koh pū-lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, chhiūⁿ chhàu-thâu kāng-khoán, a-má khòaⁿ-tio̍h chiâⁿ m̄-kam, tō cháu khì tiong-io̍h-tiàm kap tin-chu-hún tńg-lâi hō͘ góa chia̍h,koh hō͘ góa boah. There used to be a lot of mosquitoes in my house. There were red and swollen mosquito bites all over my face. I kept scratching at them because of the itch. The bites became pustules. I looked like I was suffering from leprosy. Distressed from looking at my face, grandma went to the Chinese medicine store to get pearl powder for me to eat and apply to my skin. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUF006_concat.wav 23.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUF006_concat.wav 5.499875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female siūnn kàu tsia, guá kám-siū--tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan siōng ài guá ê lâng. siunn7 kau3 tsia1, gua2 kam2-siu7--tioh8 a1-ma2 si7 se3-kan1 siong7 ai3 gua2 e5 lang5. 想到遮,我感受著阿媽是世間上愛我的人。 siūⁿ kàu chia, góa kám-siū--tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan siōng ài góa ê lâng. Thinking of this, I feel that my grandma loves me the most in this world. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUF006_concat.wav 6.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUF006_concat.wav 8.5121875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female guá tsit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bē thê káu bē puī ê sî, a-má tō ē khí-lâi tsú tsá-tǹg hōo guá tsia̍h. gua2 tsit4-ma2 teh4 thak8 kok4-sio2, tak8-kang1 ke1 be7 the5 kau2 be7 pui7 e5 si5, a1-ma2 to7 e7 khi2-lai5 tsu2 tsa2-tng3 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8. 我這馬咧讀國小,逐工雞未啼狗未吠的時,阿媽就會起來煮早頓予我食。 góa chit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bē thê káu bē pūi ê sî, a-má tō ē khí-lâi chú chá-tǹg hō͘ góa chia̍h. I am still in primary school. Every morning before dawn, my grandma would get up and prepare breakfast for me. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUF006_concat.wav 8.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUF006_concat.wav 5.4879375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female a-má ē kûn muê, tsian nn̄g, koh tshá tsi̍t hāng tshenn-tshài hōo guá phuè. a1-ma2 e7 kun5 mue5,tsian1 nng7, koh4 tsha2 tsit8 hang7 tshenn1-tshai3 hoo7 gua2 phue3. 阿媽會kûn糜、煎卵,閣炒一項青菜予我配。 a-má ē kûn môe,chian nn̄g, koh chhá chi̍t hāng chheⁿ-chhài hō͘ góa phòe. Grandma would cook the porridge and prepare omelets and stir-fried vegetables as the side dishes. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUF006_concat.wav 6.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUF006_concat.wav 6.8210625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō ‘塑化劑’, nā tsia̍h siunn tsē, tuì sin-thé tsiânn bái; tsit4-ma2 tian7-si7 koh4 it4-tit8 po3 hit4-lo7‘塑化劑’, na7 tsiah8 siunn1 tse7,tui3 sin1-the2 tsiann5 bai2; 這馬電視閣一直報彼號『塑化劑』,若食傷濟,對身體誠bái; chit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō‘塑化劑’, nā chia̍h siuⁿ chē,tùi sin-thé chiâⁿ bái; Plasticizer has been on the TV news recently. They say that it is harmful to us if ingested too much. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUF006_concat.wav 9.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUF006_concat.wav 8.68975 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tuā, sin-thé ài kòo hōo kiānn, āu-pái tsiah ū thang kiàn-li̍p tsi̍t ê khuài-lo̍k ê ka-tîng. li2 gin2-a2-lang5 tu2 beh4 tua7, sin1-the2 ai3 koo3 hoo7 kiann7, au7-pai2 tsiah4 u7 thang1 kian3-lip8 tsit8 e5 khuai3-lok8 e5 ka1-ting5. 你囡仔人拄欲大,身體愛顧予健,後擺才有通建立一个快樂的家庭。 lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tōa, sin-thé ài kò͘ hō͘ kiāⁿ, āu-pái chiah ū thang kiàn-li̍p chi̍t ê khoài-lo̍k ê ka-têng. You kids are still growing. Take good care of your body and health. This way, you can build a happy family in the future. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUF006_concat.wav 10.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUF006_concat.wav 9.64975 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female sui-jiân hiān-tshú-sî guá iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tuì guá ê kuan-sim kah thiànn-ài, guá ē íng-uán kì tiàm sim-lāi; sui1-jian5 hian7-tshu2-si5 gua2 iau2-koh4 se3-han3, m7-koh4 a1-ma2 tui3 gua2 e5 kuan1-sim1 kah4 thiann3-ai3, gua2 e7 ing2-uan2 ki3 tiam3 sim1-lai7; 雖然現此時我猶閣細漢,毋過阿媽對我的關心佮疼愛,我會永遠記踮心內; sui-jiân hiān-chhú-sî góa iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tùi góa ê koan-sim kah thiàⁿ-ài, góa ē éng-oán kì tiàm sim-lāi; Although I may still be young, I will remember Grandma's love and care forever. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUF006_concat.wav 7.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUF006_concat.wav 3.06 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsit-má guá tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; tsit4-ma2 gua2 tioh8-ai3 ho2-ho2 iu2-hau3 a1-ma2; 這馬我著愛好好有孝阿媽; chit-má góa tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; Now, I must take good care of grandma. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUF006_concat.wav 4.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUF006_concat.wav 6.5104375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsuè-āu, guá beh kóng: a-má, lí sī guá íng-uán íng-uán siōng ài ê lâng! tsue3-au7,gua2 beh4 kong2: a1-ma2,li2 si7 gua2 ing2-uan2 ing2-uan2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5! 最後,我欲講:阿媽,妳是我永遠永遠上愛的人! chòe-āu,góa beh kóng: a-má,lí sī góa éng-oán éng-oán siōng ài ê lâng! Finally, I'd like to say, Grandma, you are someone I love forever and ever! 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUF006_concat.wav 7.48 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUF006_concat.wav 4.5866875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female guá ê ián-káng tō kóng kàu tsia, kám-siā kok-uī. gua2 e5 ian2-kang2 to7 kong2 kau3 tsia1, kam2-sia7 kok4-ui7. 我的演講就講到遮,感謝各位。 góa ê ián-káng tō kóng kàu chia, kám-siā kok-ūi. That would be it for my speech. Thank you. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUF006_concat.wav 4.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUF006_concat.wav 20.4063125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsìng-tsoh tsin tsió teh iōng huà-ha̍k puî-liāu, lông-tsok-bu̍t ài iōng--tio̍h ê puî, lóng mā ka-kī tsè-tsō, sing-sán--ê, tshiūnn kóng ke-sái-puî, ti-sái-puî kah lâng ka-kī pàng--tshut-lâi ê tuā-puî, ia̍h-sī iōng tiū-tsháu, pùn-sò khì au tsò puî. tsing3-tsoh4 tsin1 tsio2 teh4 iong7 hua3-hak8 pui5-liau7, long5-tsok4-but8 ai3 iong7--tioh8 e5 pui5, long2 ma7 ka1-ki7 tse3-tso7,sing1-san2--e5, tshiunn7 kong2 ke1-sai2-pui5,ti1-sai2-pui5 kah4 lang5 ka1-ki7 pang3--tshut4-lai5 e5 tua7-pui5, iah8-si7 iong7 tiu7-tshau2,pun3-so3 khi3 au1 tso3 pui5. 種作真少咧用化學肥料,農作物愛用著的肥,攏嘛家己製造、生產的,像講雞屎肥、豬屎肥佮人家己放出來的大肥,抑是用稻草、糞埽去漚做肥。 chèng-choh chin chió teh iōng hòa-ha̍k pûi-liāu, lông-chok-bu̍t ài iōng--tio̍h ê pûi, lóng mā ka-kī chè-chō,seng-sán--ê, chhiūⁿ kóng ke-sái-pûi,ti-sái-pûi kah lâng ka-kī pàng--chhut-lâi ê tōa-pûi, ia̍h-sī iōng tiū-chháu,pùn-sò khì au chò pûi. Chemical fertilizers are rarely used in farming. The fertilizers used for the crops are usually made and produced at home, using manures from chickens, pigs, and even humans. Alternatively, fertilizers can be made by soaking straw and dirty soil together. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUF006_concat.wav 17.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUF006_concat.wav 4.539875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female nā-bô guā ka-ia̍h--leh, mê-nî tō hōo pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. na7-bo5 gua7 ka1-iah8--leh4, me5-ni5 to7 hoo7 pat8-lang5 in2--khi3. 若無偌交易咧,明年就予別人引去。 nā-bô gōa ka-ia̍h--leh, mê-nî tō hō͘ pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. If you were to not do business with him, he would be approached by other people next year. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUF006_concat.wav 7.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUF006_concat.wav 10.15975 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female ū tsi̍t ê bē kê ê sing-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang tō ē tann-tio̍h i hit tànn kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê tsng-á-thâu tsi̍t ê tsi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. u7 tsit8 e5 be7 ke5 e5 sing1-li2-lang5, tak8-kang1 to7 e7 tann1-tioh8 i1 hit4 tann3 ke5, ti7 tak8-si3-ke3 e5 tsng1-a2-thau5 tsit8 e5 tsit8 e5 khi3 kio3-be7. 有一个賣膎的生理人,逐工就會擔著伊彼擔膎,佇逐四界的庄仔頭一个一个去叫賣。 ū chi̍t ê bē kê ê seng-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang tō ē taⁿ-tio̍h i hit tàⁿ kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê chng-á-thâu chi̍t ê chi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. There was a pickle seller who would carry his goods and visit every village daily to sell pickles. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUF006_concat.wav 7.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUF006_concat.wav 5.7879375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female nā kàu tiong-tàu i tō ē khì tsng-guā ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tsia̍h-pn̄g kann hioh-tàu; na7 kau3 tiong1-tau3 i1 to7 e7 khi3 tsng1-gua7 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, tsiah8-png7 kann1 hioh4-tau3; 若到中晝伊就會去庄外的大樹跤,食飯kann歇晝; nā kàu tiong-tàu i tō ē khì chng-gōa ê tōa-chhiū-kha, chia̍h-pn̄g kaⁿ hioh-tàu; At noon, he would go and have his lunch break and rest underneath the big tree outside the village. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUF006_concat.wav 7.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUF006_concat.wav 9.755375 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsi̍t-kuá nā tī i tann-khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng tsai-iánn tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi tsia kā kau-kuan. tsit8-kua2 na7 ti7 i1 tann1-khi3 be7 e5 si5 hu3 bo5 tioh8--e5, long2 tsai1-iann2 ti7 tiong1-tau3 i1 hioh4-khun3 e5 si5, lai5 tsia1 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 一寡若佇伊擔去賣的時赴無著的,攏知影佇中晝伊歇睏的時,來遮共交關。 chi̍t-kóa nā tī i taⁿ-khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng chai-iáⁿ tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi chia kā kau-koan. Some people were late and did not manage to catch the sale. So, they would come here to buy the pickles during his lunch break. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUF006_concat.wav 8.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUF006_concat.wav 5.393125 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsin tú-hó, ū tsi̍t kang tsit ê bē-kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. tsin1 tu2-ho2,u7 tsit8 kang1 tsit4 e5 be7-ke5--e5 hioh4-khun3 bo5 lai5 be7. 真拄好,有一工這个賣膎的歇睏無來賣。 chin tú-hó,ū chi̍t kang chit ê bē-kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. Coincidentally, it was the day that the pickle seller was resting. He did not come to sell pickles. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUF006_concat.wav 7.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUF006_concat.wav 10.169625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female hiah tú-hó, tsit ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tō sī hit ê bē-kê--ê tiānn-tiānn hioh-tàu ê sóo-tsāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. hiah4 tu2-ho2, tsit4 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, to7 si7 hit4 e5 be7-ke5--e5 tiann7-tiann7 hioh4-tau3 e5 soo2-tsai7, si5-kan1 ia7 tu2-ho2 tiong1-tau3-si5. 遐拄好,這个大樹跤,就是彼个賣膎的定定歇晝的所在,時間也拄好中晝時。 hiah tú-hó, chit ê tōa-chhiū-kha, tō sī hit ê bē-kê--ê tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ hioh-tàu ê só͘-chāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. It happened that the pickle seller would usually take his lunch break underneath this big tree. At the same time, it was also noon. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUF006_concat.wav 8.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUF006_concat.wav 12.9395 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female hiah tú-hó, kê ê sing-lí ti̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē-kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke suah kiò-sī làng--kuè bé bô tio̍h, tsē-tsē lâng tō lâi tuā-tshiū-kha beh kā kau-kuan. hiah4 tu2-ho2, ke5 e5 sing1-li2 tik8-piat8 ka1-iah8, be7-ke5--e5 bo5 lai5 be7, tak8-ke1 suah4 kio3-si7 lang3--kue3 be2 bo5 tioh8, tse7-tse7 lang5 to7 lai5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1 beh4 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 遐拄好,膎的生理特別交易,賣膎的無來賣,逐家煞叫是閬過買無著,濟濟人就來大樹跤欲共交關。 hiah tú-hó, kê ê seng-lí te̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē-kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke soah kiò-sī làng--kòe bé bô tio̍h, chē-chē lâng tō lâi tōa-chhiū-kha beh kā kau-koan. The pickle business was booming at the time. However, the pickle seller did not come on that day. People thought that others did not buy the pickles, so they gathered under the big tree to buy them. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUF006_concat.wav 12.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUF006_concat.wav 4.539875 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female tsi̍t kháu khuì tshuán bē khí--lâi, tsū án-ne sit-kiù kuè-óng--khì; tsit8 khau2 khui3 tshuan2 be7 khi2--lai5, tsu7 an2-ne1 sit4-kiu3 kue3-ong2--khi3; 一口氣喘袂起來,自按呢失救過往去; chi̍t kháu khùi chhoán bē khí--lâi, chū án-ne sit-kiù kòe-óng--khì; Unable to breathe, he was not saved in time and passed away. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUF006_concat.wav 6.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.82_IUF006_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.82_IUF006_concat.wav 4.83625 IUF006 不知道 Unknown Female m̄-tsiah ē liû-thuân tsit kù “tshiò sí Hong-guân hit ê tann-sái--ê”. m7-tsiah4 e7 liu5-thuan5 tsit4 ku3“tshio3 si2 hong1-guan5 hit4 e5 tann1-sai2--e5”. 毋才會流傳這句「笑死豐原彼个擔屎的」。 m̄-chiah ē liû-thoân chit kù“chhiò sí Hong-goân hit ê taⁿ-sái--ê”. Therefore, the phrase 'the nightman in Hong-guân laughed to his death' became popular. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.82_IUF006_concat.wav 7.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUM001_concat.wav 6.203125 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-sann tsì jī-tsa̍p-tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t pah hun tsi jī-tsa̍p un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-sann1 tsi3 ji7-tsap8-tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 pah4 hun1 tsi1 ji7-tsap8 溫度二十三至二十七度,落雨機率百分之二十 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-saⁿ chì jī-cha̍p-chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t pah hun chi jī-cha̍p The temperature ranges from 23 to 27 degrees Celsius, and the chance of rain is at 20%. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUM001_concat.wav 8.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.3_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.3_IUM001_concat.wav 4.89 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male lâi-pin gōo-pah gōo-tsa̍p-káu hō tshiánn lâi tsa̍p-sann hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 goo7-tsap8-kau2 ho7 tshiann2 lai5 tsap8-sann1 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓五百五十九號請來十三號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin gō͘-pah gō͘-cha̍p-káu hō chhiáⁿ lâi cha̍p-saⁿ hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Guest five hundred and fifty-ninth, please come to counter No. 13. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.3_IUM001_concat.wav 8.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUM001_concat.wav 4.56875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male lóng-tsóng peh-pah khòng jī khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p-peh khoo long2-tsong2 peh4-pah4 khong3 ji7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8-peh4 khoo1 攏總八百空二箍, 找你九十八箍 lóng-chóng peh-pah khòng jī kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p-peh kho͘ Everything would be 802 dollars, and here's your change 98 dollars. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUM001_concat.wav 7.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUM001_concat.wav 3.30125 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male kin-á-ji̍t sī sann-gue̍h tsa̍p-sann, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 sann1-gueh8 tsap8-sann1,pai3-lak8 今仔日是三月十三,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī saⁿ-goe̍h cha̍p-saⁿ,pài-la̍k Today is March 13th, Saturday. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUM001_concat.wav 4.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUM001_concat.wav 2.61 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male i tī it kiú sù it nî tshut-sì i1 ti7 it4 kiu2 su3 it4 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九四一年出世 i tī it kiú sù it nî chhut-sì He was born in 1941. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUM001_concat.wav 4.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUM001_concat.wav 4.69 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngóo tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 it4 liok8 kiu2 ngoo2 請幫我轉分機一六九五 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngó͘ Please transfer me to extension number 1695. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUM001_concat.wav 6.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUM001_concat.wav 3.0 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Bûn-peh--á, lí khuànn hia ū sann ki hiunn. bun5-peh4--a2,li2 khuann3 hia1 u7 sann1 ki1 hiunn1. 文伯仔,你看遐有三枝香。 Bûn-peh--á,lí khòaⁿ hia ū saⁿ ki hiuⁿ. Uncle Wen, look, there are three incense sticks. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUM001_concat.wav 5.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUM001_concat.wav 3.96875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Bô m̄-tio̍h, koh-khah khì sī Tuā-tūn-suann. bo5 m7-tioh8,koh4-khah4 khi3 si7 tua7-tun7-suann1. 無毋著,閣較去是大屯山。 Bô m̄-tio̍h,koh-khah khì sī Tōa-tūn-soaⁿ. You are correct. Tuā-tūn Mountain is further down from here. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUM001_concat.wav 5.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUM001_concat.wav 6.51875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, Tsháu-suann, ū-kàu phānn--ê, pí khuànn tē-tôo khah tsim-tsiok. ke1-lang5,sik8-tsi2,tshau2-suann1,u7-kau3 phann7--e5,pi2 khuann3 te7-too5 khah4 tsim1-tsiok4. 基隆、汐止、草山、有夠奅的,比看地圖較斟酌。 Ke-lâng,Se̍k-chí,Chháu-soaⁿ,ū-kàu phāⁿ--ê,pí khòaⁿ tē-tô͘ khah chim-chiok. Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, and Tsháu-suann are relatively big in view. They are even more detailed than looking at the map. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUM001_concat.wav 10.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUM001_concat.wav 3.15 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Tse sī pak-pîng niā, lí ua̍t-thâu khuànn lâm--khì. tse1 si7 pak4-ping5 nia7,li2 uat8-thau5 khuann3 lam5--khi3. 這是北爿爾,你越頭看南去。 Che sī pak-pêng niā,lí oa̍t-thâu khòaⁿ lâm--khì. Here is only the northern side. Turn your head and look south. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUM001_concat.wav 5.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUM001_concat.wav 5.79425 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Kong-kíng si̍t-tsāi tsán, âng-âng he sī siannh? Guá khuànn-māi --leh, he Pîng-khe --lah. kong1-king2 sit8-tsai7 tsan2,ang5-ang5 he1 si7 siannh4? gua2 khuann3-mai7 --leh4,he1 ping5-khe1 --lah4. 光景實在讚,紅紅彼是啥?我看覓咧,彼平溪啦。 Kong-kéng si̍t-chāi chán,âng-âng he sī siaⁿh? Góa khòaⁿ-māi --leh,he Pêng-khe --lah. The scenery is breathtaking. What is the red thing? Let me see. It is Pîng-khe. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUM001_concat.wav 7.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUM001_concat.wav 8.511875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Guá tsai --ah, hit thâu uat-lâi-uat-khì ná tsi̍t bué pe̍h-tsuâ--ê sī Si̍k-tsí thàng Pîng-khe ê Si̍k-pîng Kong-lōo. gua2 tsai1 --ah4,hit4 thau5 uat4-lai5-uat4-khi3 na2 tsit8 bue2 peh8-tsua5--e5 si7 sik8-tsi2 thang3 ping5-khe1 e5 sik8-ping5 kong1-loo7. 我知矣,彼頭斡來斡去若一尾白蛇的是汐止迵平溪的汐平公路。 Góa chai --ah,hit thâu oat-lâi-oat-khì ná chi̍t bóe pe̍h-chôa--ê sī Se̍k-chí thàng Pêng-khe ê Se̍k-pêng Kong-lō͘. I know. The one that bends like a white snake is the Si̍k-pîng Highway connecting Si̍k-tsí with' Pîng-khe. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUM001_concat.wav 9.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUM001_concat.wav 3.408125 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Kok-tiong khah kuè--lâi ê tiō sī Tsio̍h-sún-tsiam. kok4-tiong1 khah4 kue3--lai5 e5 tio7 si7 tsioh8-sun2-tsiam1. 國中較過來的就是石筍尖。 Kok-tiong khah kòe--lâi ê tiō sī Chio̍h-sún-chiam. Just walk a little further down from the middle school, and you'll reach Tsio̍h-sún-tsiam. 1837327 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUM001_concat.wav 7.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUM001_concat.wav 1.8 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Bô siánn sîng tik-sún --neh! bo5 siann2 sing5 tik4-sun2 --neh4! 無啥成竹筍呢! Bô siáⁿ sêng tek-sún --neh! Not quite like bamboo shoots! 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUM001_concat.wav 3.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUM001_concat.wav 3.09 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Uì Pîng-khe hit pîng khuànn--kuè-lâi tiō tsin sîng. ui3 ping5-khe1 hit4 ping5 khuann3--kue3-lai5 tio7 tsin1 sing5. 對平溪彼爿看過來就真成。 Ùi Pêng-khe hit pêng khòaⁿ--kòe-lâi tiō chin sêng. From the side, it looks similar. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUM001_concat.wav 2.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUM001_concat.wav 3.8555625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Tán thinn-khì khah liâng ê sî, lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia tshit-thô. tan2 thinn1-khi3 khah4 liang5 e5 si5,lan2 e7-sai2 lai5-khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 等天氣較涼的時,咱會使來去遐𨑨迌。 Tán thiⁿ-khì khah liâng ê sî,lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia chhit-thô. We can go on a trip there when the weather gets cooler. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUM001_concat.wav 3.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUM001_concat.wav 5.415625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Lí ū-kàu guā-hâng, siánn-mih sann ki hiunn? He sī Hia̍p-hô huat-tiān-tshiúnn. li2 u7-kau3 gua7-hang5,siann2-mih4 sann1 ki1 hiunn1?he1 si7 hiap8-ho5 huat4-tian7-tshiunn2. 你有夠外行,啥物三枝香?彼是協和發電廠。 Lí ū-kàu gōa-hâng,siáⁿ-mih saⁿ ki hiuⁿ?He sī Hia̍p-hô hoat-tiān-chhiúⁿ. You are such an amateur. What are those three joss sticks? That is the Hia̍p-hô power plant. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUM001_concat.wav 5.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUM001_concat.wav 3.165625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Lâng leh kóng-tshiò--ê --lah, bián hiah tíng-tsin! lang5 leh4 kong2-tshio3--e5 --lah4,bian2 hiah4 ting2-tsin1! 人咧講笑的啦,免遐頂真! Lâng leh kóng-chhiò--ê --lah,bián hiah téng-chin! Just joking. Don't take it seriously! 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUM001_concat.wav 3.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUM001_concat.wav 2.61125 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Bûn-peh--á, tsiànn-tshiú-pîng hit lia̍p......? bun5-peh4--a2,tsiann3-tshiu2-ping5 hit4 liap8......? 文伯仔,正手爿彼粒......? Bûn-peh--á,chiàⁿ-chhiú-pêng hit lia̍p......? Uncle Bûn, the one on the right-hand side... 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUM001_concat.wav 3.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUM001_concat.wav 7.56 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Hit lia̍p kiò-tsò Ke-lâng-khi̍t, koh-khah kuè--lâi ê hit lia̍p tiō sī Ke-lâng-suann. hit4 liap8 kio3-tso3 ke1-lang5-khit8,koh4-khah4 kue3--lai5 e5 hit4 liap8 tio7 si7 ke1-lang5-suann1. 彼粒叫做基隆杙,閣較過來的彼粒就是基隆山。 Hit lia̍p kiò-chò Ke-lâng-khi̍t,koh-khah kòe--lâi ê hit lia̍p tiō sī Ke-lâng-soaⁿ. That one is called Ke-lâng Island, and the one a little further is Ke-lâng Mountain. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUM001_concat.wav 5.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUM001_concat.wav 6.72 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Tiō sī tī Káu-hūn-á hù-kīn --mah, kin-nî sann--gue̍h gún ū khì hia tshit-thô. tio7 si7 ti7 kau2-hun7-a2 hu3-kin7 --mah4,kin1-ni5 sann1--gueh8 gun2 u7 khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 就是佇九份仔附近嘛,今年三月阮有去遐𨑨迌。 Tiō sī tī Káu-hūn-á hù-kīn --mah,kin-nî saⁿ--goe̍h gún ū khì hia chhit-thô. It's near Káu-hūn-á, and I went there this March. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUM001_concat.wav 4.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUM001_concat.wav 7.689875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Tsit-khuán thinn peh Ke-lâng-suann pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìnn póo, kui lia̍p suann bô kúi tsâng tshiū-á thang jia ji̍t-thâu. tsit4-khuan2 thinn1 peh4 ke1-lang5-suann1 pau1-nia2 li2 phak8 kah4 pinn3 poo2, kui1 liap8 suann1 bo5 kui2 tsang5 tshiu7-a2 thang1 jia1 jit8-thau5. 這款天基隆山包領你曝甲變脯,規粒山無幾欉樹仔通遮日頭。 Chit-khoán thiⁿ peh Ke-lâng-soaⁿ pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìⁿ pó͘, kui lia̍p soaⁿ bô kúi châng chhiū-á thang jia ji̍t-thâu. You are guaranteed to get tanned, going to Ke-lâng Mountain in this kind of weather. There are not many trees to shade the whole mountain. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUM001_concat.wav 7.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUM001_concat.wav 4.59 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Tò-pîng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng kuân hit lia̍p suann sī m̄ sī Tshit-tshenn-suann? to3-ping5 hng7-hng7 siong7 kuan5 hit4 liap8 suann1 si7 m7 si7 tshit4-tshenn1-suann1? 倒爿遠遠上懸彼粒山是毋是七星山? Tò-pêng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng koân hit lia̍p soaⁿ sī m̄ sī Chhit-chheⁿ-soaⁿ? Is that mountain on the far left the Tshit-tshenn Mountain? 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUM001_concat.wav 4.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUM001_concat.wav 2.16 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-uân iong7 siang1-kha1 ai3 tai5-uan5 用雙跤愛台灣 iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-oân Walk with your feet to show your love for Taiwan. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUM001_concat.wav 3.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUM001_concat.wav 28.208625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male koh uì Tâi-uân bué kiânn kàu Tâi-uân thâu, tsi̍t pōo tsi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tōo, khì tshin-kūn tsit tè tshiânn-ióng ka-tī ê thóo-tē, khuànn-tio̍h li̍k-sik ê suann-me̍h, uan-lâi-uat-khì ê hô-liû, si̍k-sāi ê tshân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn, bê-lâng ê hái-huānn, hiong-tshin tshin-tshiat ê tshiò-iông......, sim-kuann-thâu tiānn-tio̍h ū buán-buán ê kám-tshiok kah kám-tōng. koh4 ui3 tai5-uan5 bue2 kiann5 kau3 tai5-uan5 thau5, tsit8 poo7 tsit8 kha1-in3, iong7 siong7 khiam1-pi1 e5 thai7-too7, khi3 tshin1-kun7 tsit4 te3 tshiann5-iong2 ka1-ti7 e5 thoo2-te7, khuann3-tioh8 lik8-sik4 e5 suann1-meh8,uan1-lai5-uat4-khi3 e5 ho5-liu5,sik8-sai7 e5 tshan5-hng5, sun5-phok4 e5 hiong1-tin3,be5-lang5 e5 hai2-huann7,hiong1-tshin1 tshin1-tshiat4 e5 tshio3-iong5......, sim1-kuann1-thau5 tiann7-tioh8 u7 buan2-buan2 e5 kam2-tshiok4 kah4 kam2-tong7. 閣對台灣尾行到台灣頭,一步一跤印,用上謙卑的態度,去親近這塊晟養家己的土地,看著綠色的山脈、彎來斡去的河流、熟似的田園、純樸的鄉鎮、迷人的海岸、鄉親親切的笑容......,心肝頭定著有滿滿的感觸佮感動。 koh ùi Tâi-oân bóe kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-oân thâu, chi̍t pō͘ chi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tō͘, khì chhin-kūn chit tè chhiâⁿ-ióng ka-tī ê thó͘-tē, khòaⁿ-tio̍h le̍k-sek ê soaⁿ-me̍h,oan-lâi-oat-khì ê hô-liû,se̍k-sāi ê chhân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn,bê-lâng ê hái-hōaⁿ,hiong-chhin chhin-chhiat ê chhiò-iông......, sim-koaⁿ-thâu tiāⁿ-tio̍h ū boán-boán ê kám-chhiok kah kám-tōng. I walked from the southernmost tip of Taiwan to the northernmost tip of Taiwan, one step at a time with a humble attitude, getting closer to this land where I was raised. Watching the green mountain ranges, curving rivers, familiar fields, simple towns, charming coasts, and the kind smiles of the villagers ...... I felt touched. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUM001_concat.wav 18.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUM001_concat.wav 17.209375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male khì tiông-sin jīn-pat Tâi-uân, pīng-tshiánn su-khó jîn-sing ê tsin gī, i beh tsi̍t-pōo-á tsi̍t-pōo-á, iōng ka-tī ê siang-kha kiânn Tâi-uân tsi̍t liàn, ìn-tsìng ka-tī ê siūnn-huat, mā tshuē tshut sìnn-miā tsìng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tīng-uī. khi3 tiong5-sin1 jin7-pat4 tai5-uan5, ping7-tshiann2 su1-kho2 jin5-sing1 e5 tsin1 gi7, i1 beh4 tsit8-poo7-a2 tsit8-poo7-a2, iong7 ka1-ti7 e5 siang1-kha1 kiann5 tai5-uan5 tsit8 lian3, in3-tsing3 ka1-ti7 e5 siunn7-huat4, ma7 tshue7 tshut4 sinn3-mia7 tsing3-khak4 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 ting7-ui7. 去重新認捌台灣,並且思考人生的真義,伊欲一步仔一步仔,用家己的雙跤行台灣一輾,印證家己的想法,嘛揣出性命正確的方向佮定位。 khì tiông-sin jīn-pat Tâi-oân, pēng-chhiáⁿ su-khó jîn-seng ê chin gī, i beh chi̍t-pō͘-á chi̍t-pō͘-á, iōng ka-tī ê siang-kha kiâⁿ Tâi-oân chi̍t liàn, ìn-chèng ka-tī ê siūⁿ-hoat, mā chhōe chhut sìⁿ-miā chèng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tēng-ūi. To get to know Taiwan again and ponder the real meaning of life, He wants to walk around Taiwan one step at a time on his own feet. He wants to prove his ideas and find the right direction and orientation for his life. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUM001_concat.wav 11.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUM001_concat.wav 3.21 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male i tsit ê sim-guān tiō tsiong-kīn beh uân-sîng --ah. i1 tsit4 e5 sim1-guan7 tio7 tsiong1-kin7 beh4 uan5-sing5 --ah4. 伊這个心願就將近欲完成矣。 i chit ê sim-goān tiō chiong-kīn beh oân-sêng --ah. This wish of his is about to be fulfilled. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUM001_concat.wav 3.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUM001_concat.wav 11.54675 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male hiān-tshú-sî i í-king kiânn kàu Tâi-lâm-tshī Kiâm-tsuí-khu ê Gua̍t-tin-káng --ah, tng tī “Tâi-uân si lōo” hū-kīn leh tsia̍h-tàu, gîm-si phuè ka-pi --ah. hian7-tshu2-si5 i1 i2-king1 kiann5 kau3 tai5-lam5-tshi7 kiam5-tsui2-khu1 e5 guat8-tin1-kang2 --ah4, tng1 ti7“tai5-uan5 si1 loo7”hu7-kin7 leh4 tsiah8-tau3,gim5-si1 phue3 ka1-pi1 --ah4. 現此時伊已經行到台南市鹹水區的月津港矣,當佇「台灣詩路」附近咧食晝、吟詩配咖啡矣。 hiān-chhú-sî i í-keng kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-lâm-chhī Kiâm-chúi-khu ê Goa̍t-tin-káng --ah, tng tī“Tâi-oân si lō͘”hū-kīn leh chia̍h-tàu,gîm-si phòe ka-pi --ah. At the moment, he has reached Gua̍t-tin-káng in the Kiâm-tsuí District of Tainan City. While having lunch near the 'Taiwan Poetry Road', he recites a poem to go with his coffee. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUM001_concat.wav 10.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUM001_concat.wav 4.779875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male “ū bāng siōng suí”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! “u7 bang7 siong7 sui2”, u7 li2-siong2 tioh8-ai3 iong2-kam2 khi3 tui1-kiu5! 「有夢上媠」,有理想著愛勇敢去追求! “ū bāng siōng súi”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! Dreams are the greatest beauties, if you have a dream, you have to bravely pursue it! 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUM001_concat.wav 5.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUM001_concat.wav 12.719625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male lán lâng sing-ua̍h tī tsit ê sè-kan, tû-liáu it-tsài tiông-ho̍k ê ji̍t-siông tsia̍h-tshīng í-guā, iah-ū tsân-tshù koh-khah kuân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû, khì si̍t-hiān! lan2 lang5 sing1-uah8 ti7 tsit4 e5 se3-kan1, tu5-liau2 it4-tsai3 tiong5-hok8 e5 jit8-siong5 tsiah8-tshing7 i2-gua7, iah4-u7 tsan5-tshu3 koh4-khah4 kuan5 e5 li2-siong2, su1-iau3 khi3 tui1-kiu5,khi3 sit8-hian7! 咱人生活佇這个世間,除了一再重複的日常食穿以外,猶有層次閣較懸的理想,需要去追求、去實現 ! lán lâng seng-oa̍h tī chit ê sè-kan, tû-liáu it-chài tiông-ho̍k ê ji̍t-siông chia̍h-chhēng í-gōa, iah-ū chân-chhù koh-khah koân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû,khì si̍t-hiān! We live in a world where there are higher-level ideals to pursue and achieve in addition to the repetitive daily routines. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUM001_concat.wav 7.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUM001_concat.wav 17.5295625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male “khuân-tó pōo-lián” sī tsi̍t kiānn sin-khóo ê tāi-tsì, tû-liáu ài ū tsiu-tsuân ê kè-uē, thé-la̍t ài hó í-guā, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-tsì-li̍k, tsiah thang khik-ho̍k iân-lōo tú-tio̍h--ê, kok-tsióng siūnn buē kàu ê lân-tê. “khuan5-to2 poo7-lian2”si7 tsit8 kiann7 sin1-khoo2 e5 tai7-tsi3, tu5-liau2 ai3 u7 tsiu1-tsuan5 e5 ke3-ue7,the2-lat8 ai3 ho2 i2-gua7, siong7 tiong7-iau3--e5 si7 ai3 u7 kian1-kiong5 e5 i3-tsi3-lik8, tsiah4 thang1 khik4-hok8 ian5-loo7 tu2-tioh8--e5,kok4-tsiong2 siunn7 bue7 kau3 e5 lan5-te5. 「環島步輦」是一件辛苦的代誌,除了愛有周全的計畫、體力愛好以外,上重要的是愛有堅強的意志力,才通克服沿路拄著的、各種想袂到的難題。 “khoân-tó pō͘-lián”sī chi̍t kiāⁿ sin-khó͘ ê tāi-chì, tû-liáu ài ū chiu-choân ê kè-ōe,thé-la̍t ài hó í-gōa, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-chì-le̍k, chiah thang khek-ho̍k iân-lō͘ tú-tio̍h--ê,kok-chióng siūⁿ bōe kàu ê lân-tê. Khuân-tó Pōo-lián is a difficult task that requires thorough planning and great physical strength. The most important thing is having strong willpower. It is only with great willpower that we are able to overcome all kinds of unexpected obstacles we encounter along the way. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUM001_concat.wav 15.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUM001_concat.wav 10.9471875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male Lîm Píng-ti̍k sian-sinn, kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khuán, lóng sī jīn-tsin phah-piànn, kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-tsè ê hîng-tōng thiànn Tâi-uân ê lâng. lim5 ping2-tik8 sian1-sinn1,kah4 i1 e5 pe7-bu2 kang7-khuan2, long2 si7 jin7-tsin1 phah4-piann3,kha1-tah8-sit8-te7, iong7 sit8-tse3 e5 hing5-tong7 thiann3 tai5-uan5 e5 lang5. 林秉澤先生,佮伊的爸母仝款,攏是認真拍拚、跤踏實地,用實際的行動疼台灣的人。 Lîm Péng-te̍k sian-siⁿ,kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khoán, lóng sī jīn-chin phah-piàⁿ,kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-chè ê hêng-tōng thiàⁿ Tâi-oân ê lâng. Like his parents, Mr. Lîm Píng-ti̍k is a serious, hard-working, down-to-earth person who loves Taiwan through practical actions. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUM001_concat.wav 7.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUM001_concat.wav 21.199375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kap Guī Tik-sìng, kian-tshî thàu-bué ê Ò-ūn suán-tshiú Soo Lē-bûn, suann-kiû ko-tshiú Tsan Ngá-nî tíng-tíng, in tsiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-uân tshiânn-ióng--tshut-lâi, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-tíng huat-kng-huat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngōo ê jîn-bu̍t. se3-kai3-kip4 e5 to7-ian2 li2 an1 kap4 gui7 tik4-sing3, kian1-tshi5 thau3-bue2 e5 o3-un7 suan2-tshiu2 soo1 le7-bun5, suann1-kiu5 ko1-tshiu2 tsan1 nga2-ni5 ting2-ting2, in1 tsiah4 si7 lan2 sio2-sio2 e5 tai5-uan5 tshiann5-iong2--tshut4-lai5, ti7 se3-kai3 bu2-tai5-ting2 huat4-kng1-huat4-jiat8, si7 tat8-tit4 lan2 kam2-kak4 kiau1-ngoo7 e5 jin5-but8. 世界級的導演李安佮魏德聖、堅持透尾的奧運選手蘇麗文,山球高手曾雅妮等等,in才是咱小小的台灣晟養出來,佇世界舞台頂發光發熱,是值得咱感覺驕傲的人物。 sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kap Gūi Tek-sèng, kian-chhî thàu-bóe ê Ò-ūn soán-chhiú So͘ Lē-bûn, soaⁿ-kiû ko-chhiú Chan Ngá-nî téng-téng, in chiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-oân chhiâⁿ-ióng--chhut-lâi, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-téng hoat-kng-hoat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngō͘ ê jîn-bu̍t. World-class directors Lí An and Guī Tik-sìng, Olympic athlete Soo Lê-bûn, who persevered to the end, and golf pro Tsan Ngá-nî, to name a few. They are the people that our little Taiwan has nurtured, now shining brightly on the world stage. These are the people that we should be proud of. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUM001_concat.wav 17.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUM001_concat.wav 22.0759375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male bô-lūn kué-tsí, lân-hue ia̍h tsuí-sán, tsí-iàu king-kuè Tâi-uân-lâng ê kái-liông, lóng ē gián-huat tshut it-tóo tsán ê phín-tsíng, hōo tsuân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kué-tsí tuā koh tinn, lân-hue phang koh suí, tsuí-sán tshinn koh hó-tsia̍h, mā in-uī án-ne, sóo-í ē-tàng guā-siau thàn guā-huē. bo5-lun7 kue2-tsi2,lan5-hue1 iah8 tsui2-san2, tsi2-iau3 king1-kue3 tai5-uan5-lang5 e5 kai2-liong5, long2 e7 gian2-huat4 tshut4 it4-too2 tsan2 e5 phin2-tsing2, hoo7 tsuan5 se3-kai3 o1-lo2 lan2 e5 kue2-tsi2 tua7 koh4 tinn1, lan5-hue1 phang1 koh4 sui2, tsui2-san2 tshinn1 koh4 ho2-tsiah8, ma7 in1-ui7 an2-ne1, soo2-i2 e7-tang3 gua7-siau1 than3 gua7-hue7. 無論果子、蘭花抑水產,只要經過台灣人的改良,攏會研發出it-tóo讚的品種,予全世界呵咾咱的果子大閣甜,蘭花芳閣媠,水產鮮閣好食,嘛因為按呢,所以會當外銷趁外匯。 bô-lūn kóe-chí,lân-hoe ia̍h chúi-sán, chí-iàu keng-kòe Tâi-oân-lâng ê kái-liông, lóng ē gián-hoat chhut it-tó͘ chán ê phín-chéng, hō͘ choân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kóe-chí tōa koh tiⁿ, lân-hoe phang koh súi, chúi-sán chhiⁿ koh hó-chia̍h, mā in-ūi án-ne, só͘-í ē-tàng gōa-siau thàn gōa-hōe. Whether it is fruits, orchids, or aquatic products, as long as they pass through the innovative hands of the Taiwanese people, excellent varieties would emerge. Our fruits are big and sweet; our orchids are pretty and fragrant; our aquatic products are fresh and delicious. Because of this, they can be exported to earn foreign exchange. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUM001_concat.wav 17.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUM001_concat.wav 5.2874375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male lâng kóng: “Tâi-uân liām tsin-tsîng, kah ta̍k-ke lâi pua̍h-kám-tsîng.” lang5 kong2:“tai5-uan5 liam7 tsin1-tsing5,kah4 tak8-ke1 lai5 puah8-kam2-tsing5.” 人講:「台灣念真情,佮逐家來跋感情。」 lâng kóng:“Tâi-oân liām chin-chêng,kah ta̍k-ke lâi poa̍h-kám-chêng.” As people say, 'Taiwan is all about true feelings, and people come here to cultivate feelings.' 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUM001_concat.wav 6.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUM001_concat.wav 12.1595 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male hōo guá tshim-tshim bê-luân Tâi-uân, sóo-í tō sǹg lâi tsia tshit-thô tsa̍p-kuí pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-uī tī Tâi-uân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā guá tòng-tsò sī ka-tī-lâng.” hoo7 gua2 tshim1-tshim1 be5-luan5 tai5-uan5, soo2-i2 to7 sng3 lai5 tsia1 tshit4-tho5 tsap8-kui2 pai2, ma7 be7 ia3-sian7, in1-ui7 ti7 tai5-uan5, tak8-ke1 long2 ka7 gua2 tong3-tso3 si7 ka1-ti7-lang5.” 予我深深迷戀台灣,所以就算來遮𨑨迌十幾擺,嘛袂厭siān,因為佇台灣,逐家攏共我當做是家己人。」 hō͘ góa chhim-chhim bê-loân Tâi-oân, só͘-í tō sǹg lâi chia chhit-thô cha̍p-kúi pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-ūi tī Tâi-oân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā góa tòng-chò sī ka-tī-lâng.” I'm so enamored with Taiwan that I never get tired of traveling here even after doing so a dozen times. Because in Taiwan, everyone treats me as one of their own. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUM001_concat.wav 9.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUM001_concat.wav 8.885375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male lán ū tsiah-nī tsē ta̍t-tit tshia-iānn ê tsu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài tsai sioh pó, m̄-thang tshìn-tshái pàng hìnn-sak. lan2 u7 tsiah4-ni7 tse7 tat8-tit4 tshia1-iann7 e5 tsu1-san2, lan2 u7 ho2 tioh8-ai3 tsai1 sioh4 po2, m7-thang1 tshin3-tshai2 pang3 hinn3-sak4. 咱有遮爾濟值得奢颺的資產,咱有好著愛知惜寶,毋通凊彩放挕捒。 lán ū chiah-nī chē ta̍t-tit chhia-iāⁿ ê chu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài chai sioh pó, m̄-thang chhìn-chhái pàng hìⁿ-sak. We have so many assets to be proud of, and we should know to cherish the good things we have and not give them up easily. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUM001_concat.wav 7.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUM001_concat.wav 20.75925 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan tsò-hué, sóo-í tsū sè-hàn kàu-tann, lóng sī a-má teh tsiàu-kòo--guá, kā guá la̍k-sái-la̍k-liō, kiann guá iau, kiann guá kuânn, uì guá âng-âng luán-luán tshuā kàu tann tsiah tuā-hàn, sóo-í a-má sī guá sim-tiong siōng tshin, siōng ài ê lâng. tsin1 han2-tit4 u7 khah4 tng5 e5 si5-kan1 tso3-hue2, soo2-i2 tsu7 se3-han3 kau3-tann1, long2 si7 a1-ma2 teh4 tsiau3-koo3--gua2, ka7 gua2 lak8-sai2-lak8-lio7, kiann1 gua2 iau1,kiann1 gua2 kuann5, ui3 gua2 ang5-ang5 luan2-luan2 tshua7 kau3 tann1 tsiah4 tua7-han3, soo2-i2 a1-ma2 si7 gua2 sim1-tiong1 siong7 tshin1,siong7 ai3 e5 lang5. 真罕得有較長的時間做伙,所以自細漢到今,攏是阿媽咧照顧我,共我搦屎搦尿,驚我枵、驚我寒,對我紅紅嫩嫩𤆬到今遮大漢,所以阿媽是我心中上親、上愛的人。 chin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan chò-hóe, só͘-í chū sè-hàn kàu-taⁿ, lóng sī a-má teh chiàu-kò͘--góa, kā góa la̍k-sái-la̍k-liō, kiaⁿ góa iau,kiaⁿ góa kôaⁿ, ùi góa âng-âng loán-loán chhōa kàu taⁿ chiah tōa-hàn, só͘-í a-má sī góa sim-tiong siōng chhin,siōng ài ê lâng. It is very rare for me to get together for a longer period of time. That's why my grandmother has been taking care of me since I was a little child. She taught me how to use the bathroom, took care of my meals, and worried that I wasn't warm enough. From the time when I was a baby until I become a grownup, my grandmother had always been my closest and most caring person. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUM001_concat.wav 20.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUM001_concat.wav 13.272875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male hit-sî-tsūn a-má koh ū leh tsò tsu-guân huê-siu, ke-kiám khioh tsi̍t-kuá sok-ka kuàn-á, pháinn-tâng-kū-siah, phōo-á-tsuá lâi bē, thang ke-kiám póo-thiap tshù-lāi ê khai-siau. hit4-si5-tsun7 a1-ma2 koh4 u7 leh4 tso3 tsu1-guan5 hue5-siu1, ke1-kiam2 khioh4 tsit8-kua2 sok4-ka1 kuan3-a2,phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4,phoo7-a2-tsua2 lai5 be7, thang1 ke1-kiam2 poo2-thiap4 tshu3-lai7 e5 khai1-siau1. 彼時陣阿媽閣有咧做資源回收,加減抾一寡塑膠罐仔、歹銅舊錫、簿仔紙來賣,通加減補貼厝內的開銷。 hit-sî-chūn a-má koh ū leh chò chu-goân hôe-siu, ke-kiám khioh chi̍t-kóa sok-ka koàn-á,pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah,phō͘-á-chóa lâi bē, thang ke-kiám pó͘-thiap chhù-lāi ê khai-siau. At the time, grandma also did recycling, collecting some plastic cans, old copper and iron, and paper to sell. It contributed to some of the family's expenses. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUM001_concat.wav 10.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUM001_concat.wav 3.999875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tn̂g-á ngeh oo--khì, tsit ê gín-á tō bô-kiù --ah. tng5-a2 ngeh4 oo1--khi3, tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 to7 bo5-kiu3 --ah4. 腸仔夾烏去,這个囡仔就無救矣。 tn̂g-á ngeh o͘--khì, chit ê gín-á tō bô-kiù --ah. If the intestines fail, the child will die. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUM001_concat.wav 3.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUM001_concat.wav 18.5786875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male a-má kóng kàu tsia, ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, tshin-tshiūnn teh tsik-kuài i bô kā tsiàu-kòo hó-sè ê khuán, guá tiō kuánn-kín an-uì a-má kóng: “sī guá siunn ài-khàu, guá ê sènn-miā sī a-má kā guá kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí sī guá siōng ài ê lâng!” a1-ma2 kong2 kau3 tsia1,bak8-sai2 lin3-lin3-go5, tshin1-tshiunn7 teh4 tsik4-kuai3 i1 bo5 ka7 tsiau3-koo3 ho2-se3 e5 khuan2, gua2 tio7 kuann2-kin2 an1-ui3 a1-ma2 kong2: “si7 gua2 siunn1 ai3-khau3, gua2 e5 senn3-mia7 si7 a1-ma2 ka7 gua2 kiu3--tng2-lai5 e5, a1-ma2 li2 si7 gua2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5!” 阿媽講到遮,目屎輾輾遨,親像咧責怪伊無共照顧好勢的款,我就趕緊安慰阿媽講:「是我傷愛哭,我的性命是阿媽共我救轉來的,阿媽你是我上愛的人!」 a-má kóng kàu chia,ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, chhin-chhiūⁿ teh chek-koài i bô kā chiàu-kò͘ hó-sè ê khoán, góa tiō kóaⁿ-kín an-ùi a-má kóng: “sī góa siuⁿ ài-khàu, góa ê sèⁿ-miā sī a-má kā góa kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí sī góa siōng ài ê lâng!” When my grandma said this, her tears kept flowing, perhaps blaming herself for not taking good care of me. I quickly consoled my grandma by saying, 'I am too much of a crybaby. My life was saved by my grandma. Grandma, you are my favorite person!' 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUM001_concat.wav 15.24 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUM001_concat.wav 29.2250625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsin gâu senn thâu huat bué, khah-tsá tshù-lāi báng tsiânn kāu, tiānn-tiānn khì hōo báng-á tìng kah kui thâu kui bīn, tsi̍t pho̍k tsi̍t pho̍k âng-kì-kì, in-uī tsin tsiūnn, tiō it-ti̍t khì kā jiàu, jiàu kah huat-hông koh pū-lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, tshiūnn tshàu-thâu kāng-khuán, a-má khuànn-tio̍h tsiânn m̄-kam, tiō tsáu khì tiong-io̍h-tiàm kap tsin-tsu-hún tńg-lâi hōo guá tsia̍h, koh hōo guá buah. tsin1 gau5 senn1 thau5 huat4 bue2, khah4-tsa2 tshu3-lai7 bang2 tsiann5 kau7, tiann7-tiann7 khi3 hoo7 bang2-a2 ting3 kah4 kui1 thau5 kui1 bin7, tsit8 phok8 tsit8 phok8 ang5-ki3-ki3, in1-ui7 tsin1 tsiunn7,tio7 it4-tit8 khi3 ka7 jiau3, jiau3 kah4 huat4-hong5 koh4 pu7-lang5, kui1 liap8 thau5 long2 si7 liap8-a2, tshiunn7 tshau3-thau5 kang7-khuan2, a1-ma2 khuann3-tioh8 tsiann5 m7-kam1, tio7 tsau2 khi3 tiong1-ioh8-tiam3 kap4 tsin1-tsu1-hun2 tng2-lai5 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8,koh4 hoo7 gua2 buah4. 真gâu生頭發尾,較早厝內蠓誠厚,定定去予蠓仔叮甲規頭規面,一噗一噗紅記記,因為真癢,就一直去共抓,抓甲發癀閣孵膿,規粒頭攏是粒仔,像臭頭仝款,阿媽看著誠毋甘,就走去中藥店敆珍珠粉轉來予我食、閣予我抹。 chin gâu seⁿ thâu hoat bóe, khah-chá chhù-lāi báng chiâⁿ kāu, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khì hō͘ báng-á tèng kah kui thâu kui bīn, chi̍t pho̍k chi̍t pho̍k âng-kì-kì, in-ūi chin chiūⁿ,tiō it-ti̍t khì kā jiàu, jiàu kah hoat-hông koh pū-lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, chhiūⁿ chhàu-thâu kāng-khoán, a-má khòaⁿ-tio̍h chiâⁿ m̄-kam, tiō cháu khì tiong-io̍h-tiàm kap chin-chu-hún tńg-lâi hō͘ góa chia̍h,koh hō͘ góa boah. I easily grow abscesses, and in the past, there were many mosquitoes in the house, and I was often bitten by mosquitoes throughout my head and face, with red patches and patches. Because it was itchy, I kept scratching it and scratching it until it became inflamed and grew abscesses, and the whole head was covered with abscesses, just like a bald head. Seeing that she was very reluctant, my grandma went to the Chinese medicine bureau to grind pearl powder and let me take it and put it on my head. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUM001_concat.wav 27.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUM001_concat.wav 5.7266875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male siūnn kàu tsia, guá kám-siū-tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan siōng ài guá ê lâng. siunn7 kau3 tsia1, gua2 kam2-siu7-tioh8 a1-ma2 si7 se3-kan1 siong7 ai3 gua2 e5 lang5. 想到遮,我感受著阿媽是世間上愛我的人。 siūⁿ kàu chia, góa kám-siū-tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan siōng ài góa ê lâng. Whenever I think about it, I feel that my grandma is the person who loves me the most in the world. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUM001_concat.wav 5.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUM001_concat.wav 8.9934375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male guá tsit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bē thî káu bē puī ê sî, a-má tiō ē khí-lâi tsú tsá-tǹg hōo guá tsia̍h. gua2 tsit4-ma2 teh4 thak8 kok4-sio2, tak8-kang1 ke1 be7 thi5 kau2 be7 pui7 e5 si5, a1-ma2 tio7 e7 khi2-lai5 tsu2 tsa2-tng3 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8. 我這馬咧讀國小,逐工雞未啼狗未吠的時,阿媽就會起來煮早頓予我食。 góa chit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bē thî káu bē pūi ê sî, a-má tiō ē khí-lâi chú chá-tǹg hō͘ góa chia̍h. I'm in elementary school now, and every day at dawn, my grandma gets up and cooks breakfast for me. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUM001_concat.wav 6.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUM001_concat.wav 5.3679375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male a-má ē kûn muê, tsian nn̄g, koh tshá tsi̍t hāng tshenn-tshài hōo guá phuè. a1-ma2 e7 kun5 mue5,tsian1 nng7, koh4 tsha2 tsit8 hang7 tshenn1-tshai3 hoo7 gua2 phue3. 阿媽會kûn糜、煎卵,閣炒一項青菜予我配。 a-má ē kûn môe,chian nn̄g, koh chhá chi̍t hāng chheⁿ-chhài hō͘ góa phòe. Grandma would make some rice porridge, fry an egg and cook some vegetables for me to eat it with. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUM001_concat.wav 6.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUM001_concat.wav 7.2254375 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō ‘塑化劑’, nā tsia̍h siunn tsē, tuì sin-thé tsiânn bái; tsit4-ma2 tian7-si7 koh4 it4-tit8 po3 hit4-lo7‘塑化劑’, na7 tsiah8 siunn1 tse7,tui3 sin1-the2 tsiann5 bai2; 這馬電視閣一直報彼號『塑化劑』,若食傷濟,對身體誠bái; chit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō‘塑化劑’, nā chia̍h siuⁿ chē,tùi sin-thé chiâⁿ bái; Now the television has been playing the news about 'plasticizers' and how if you consume too much of those, they would harm your health. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUM001_concat.wav 8.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUM001_concat.wav 8.59975 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tuā, sin-thé ài kòo hōo kiānn, āu-pái tsiah ū-thang kiàn-li̍p tsi̍t ê khuài-lo̍k ê ka-tîng. li2 gin2-a2-lang5 tu2 beh4 tua7, sin1-the2 ai3 koo3 hoo7 kiann7, au7-pai2 tsiah4 u7-thang1 kian3-lip8 tsit8 e5 khuai3-lok8 e5 ka1-ting5. 你囡仔人拄欲大,身體愛顧予健,後擺才有通建立一个快樂的家庭。 lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tōa, sin-thé ài kò͘ hō͘ kiāⁿ, āu-pái chiah ū-thang kiàn-li̍p chi̍t ê khoài-lo̍k ê ka-têng. You are growing up, so you need to take good care of your body so that you can build a happy family in the future. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUM001_concat.wav 6.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUM001_concat.wav 9.31975 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male sui-liân hiān-tshú-sî guá iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tuì guá ê kuan-sim kah thiànn-ài, guá ē íng-uán kì tiàm sim-lāi; sui1-lian5 hian7-tshu2-si5 gua2 iau2-koh4 se3-han3, m7-koh4 a1-ma2 tui3 gua2 e5 kuan1-sim1 kah4 thiann3-ai3, gua2 e7 ing2-uan2 ki3 tiam3 sim1-lai7; 雖然現此時我猶閣細漢,毋過阿媽對我的關心佮疼愛,我會永遠記踮心內; sui-liân hiān-chhú-sî góa iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tùi góa ê koan-sim kah thiàⁿ-ài, góa ē éng-oán kì tiàm sim-lāi; Although I am still young, I will always remember the care and love my grandma gave me. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUM001_concat.wav 5.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUM001_concat.wav 2.97 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsit-má guá tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; tsit4-ma2 gua2 tioh8-ai3 ho2-ho2 iu2-hau3 a1-ma2; 這馬我著愛好好有孝阿媽; chit-má góa tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; Now, I have to be good to my grandma. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUM001_concat.wav 3.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUM001_concat.wav 6.206625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsuè-āu, guá beh kóng: a-má, lí sī guá íng-uán íng-uán siōng ài ê lâng! tsue3-au7,gua2 beh4 kong2: a1-ma2,li2 si7 gua2 ing2-uan2 ing2-uan2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5! 最後,我欲講:阿媽,妳是我永遠永遠上愛的人! chòe-āu,góa beh kóng: a-má,lí sī góa éng-oán éng-oán siōng ài ê lâng! Finally, I want to say 'Grandma, you are forever my favorite person!' 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUM001_concat.wav 5.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUM001_concat.wav 3.729875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male guá ê ián-káng tiō kóng kàu tsia, kám-siā kok-uī. gua2 e5 ian2-kang2 tio7 kong2 kau3 tsia1, kam2-sia7 kok4-ui7. 我的演講就講到遮,感謝各位。 góa ê ián-káng tiō kóng kàu chia, kám-siā kok-ūi. That's all I have to say, thank you. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUM001_concat.wav 3.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUM001_concat.wav 19.8650625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsìng-tsoh tsin tsió teh īng huà-ha̍k puî-liāu, lông-tsok-bu̍t ài īng--tio̍h ê puî, lóng mā ka-tī tsè-tsō, sing-sán--ê, tshiūnn kóng ke-sái-puî, ti-sái-puî kah lâng ka-tī pàng--tshut-lâi ê tuā-puî, ia̍h-sī iōng tiū-tsháu, pùn-sò khì au tsò puî. tsing3-tsoh4 tsin1 tsio2 teh4 ing7 hua3-hak8 pui5-liau7, long5-tsok4-but8 ai3 ing7--tioh8 e5 pui5, long2 ma7 ka1-ti7 tse3-tso7,sing1-san2--e5, tshiunn7 kong2 ke1-sai2-pui5,ti1-sai2-pui5 kah4 lang5 ka1-ti7 pang3--tshut4-lai5 e5 tua7-pui5, iah8-si7 iong7 tiu7-tshau2,pun3-so3 khi3 au1 tso3 pui5. 種作真少咧用化學肥料,農作物愛用著的肥,攏嘛家己製造、生產的,像講雞屎肥、豬屎肥佮人家己放出來的大肥,抑是用稻草、糞埽去漚做肥。 chèng-choh chin chió teh ēng hòa-ha̍k pûi-liāu, lông-chok-bu̍t ài ēng--tio̍h ê pûi, lóng mā ka-tī chè-chō,seng-sán--ê, chhiūⁿ kóng ke-sái-pûi,ti-sái-pûi kah lâng ka-tī pàng--chhut-lâi ê tōa-pûi, ia̍h-sī iōng tiū-chháu,pùn-sò khì au chò pûi. I seldom use chemical fertilizers for plants. I make and produce fertilizers for my crops, such as chicken manure, pig manure, human excrement, or compost made from rice straw or food waste. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUM001_concat.wav 12.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUM001_concat.wav 4.299875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male nā-bô guā ka-ia̍h --leh, mê-nî tō hōo pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. na7-bo5 gua7 ka1-iah8 --leh4, me5-ni5 to7 hoo7 pat8-lang5 in2--khi3. 若無偌交易咧,明年就予別人引去。 nā-bô gōa ka-ia̍h --leh, mê-nî tō hō͘ pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. If there is no deal, someone else will take it away next year. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUM001_concat.wav 4.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUM001_concat.wav 10.731 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male ū tsi̍t ê bē kê ê sing-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang tō ē tann-tio̍h i hit tànn kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê tsng-á-thâu tsi̍t ê tsi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. u7 tsit8 e5 be7 ke5 e5 sing1-li2-lang5, tak8-kang1 to7 e7 tann1-tioh8 i1 hit4 tann3 ke5, ti7 tak8-si3-ke3 e5 tsng1-a2-thau5 tsit8 e5 tsit8 e5 khi3 kio3-be7. 有一个賣膎的生理人,逐工就會擔著伊彼擔膎,佇逐四界的庄仔頭一个一个去叫賣。 ū chi̍t ê bē kê ê seng-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang tō ē taⁿ-tio̍h i hit tàⁿ kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê chng-á-thâu chi̍t ê chi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. There was a businessman who sold pickles, and he would carry his load of pickles and travel from one village to another, selling pickles. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUM001_concat.wav 8.24 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUM001_concat.wav 6.2691875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male nā kàu tiong-tàu i tiō ē khì tsng-guā ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tsia̍h-pn̄g kann hioh-tàu; na7 kau3 tiong1-tau3 i1 tio7 e7 khi3 tsng1-gua7 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, tsiah8-png7 kann1 hioh4-tau3; 若到中晝伊就會去庄外的大樹跤,食飯kann歇晝; nā kàu tiong-tàu i tiō ē khì chng-gōa ê tōa-chhiū-kha, chia̍h-pn̄g kaⁿ hioh-tàu; At noon, he would go to the big tree outside the village for his lunch break, eating and resting under the tree. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUM001_concat.wav 6.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUM001_concat.wav 8.95975 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsi̍t-kuá nā tī i tann khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng tsai-iánn tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi tsia kā kau-kuan. tsit8-kua2 na7 ti7 i1 tann1 khi3 be7 e5 si5 hu3 bo5 tioh8--e5, long2 tsai1-iann2 ti7 tiong1-tau3 i1 hioh4-khun3 e5 si5, lai5 tsia1 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 一寡若佇伊擔去賣的時赴無著的,攏知影佇中晝伊歇睏的時,來遮共交關。 chi̍t-kóa nā tī i taⁿ khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng chai-iáⁿ tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi chia kā kau-koan. Some people did not make it when he was hawking, but they knew to come here and buy from him during their lunch break. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUM001_concat.wav 6.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUM001_concat.wav 5.01625 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsin tú-hó, ū tsi̍t kang tsit ê bē-kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. tsin1 tu2-ho2,u7 tsit8 kang1 tsit4 e5 be7-ke5--e5 hioh4-khun3 bo5 lai5 be7. 真拄好,有一工這个賣膎的歇睏無來賣。 chin tú-hó,ū chi̍t kang chit ê bē-kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. It just so happened that the pickle vendor was closed for the day. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUM001_concat.wav 3.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUM001_concat.wav 9.82525 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male hiah tú-hó, tsit ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tiō sī hit ê bē-kê--ê tiānn-tiānn hioh-tàu ê sóo-tsāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. hiah4 tu2-ho2, tsit4 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, tio7 si7 hit4 e5 be7-ke5--e5 tiann7-tiann7 hioh4-tau3 e5 soo2-tsai7, si5-kan1 ia7 tu2-ho2 tiong1-tau3-si5. 遐拄好,這个大樹跤,就是彼个賣膎的定定歇晝的所在,時間也拄好中晝時。 hiah tú-hó, chit ê tōa-chhiū-kha, tiō sī hit ê bē-kê--ê tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ hioh-tàu ê só͘-chāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. It so happened that under this big tree was the place where the pickle vendor often took his lunch break, and it was noon just then. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUM001_concat.wav 7.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUM001_concat.wav 12.9395 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male hiah tú-hó, kê ê sing-lí ti̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē-kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke suah kiò-sī làng--kuè bé bô tio̍h, tsē-tsē lâng tiō lâi tuā-tshiū-kha beh kā kau-kuan. hiah4 tu2-ho2, ke5 e5 sing1-li2 tik8-piat8 ka1-iah8, be7-ke5--e5 bo5 lai5 be7, tak8-ke1 suah4 kio3-si7 lang3--kue3 be2 bo5 tioh8, tse7-tse7 lang5 tio7 lai5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1 beh4 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 遐拄好,膎的生理特別交易,賣膎的無來賣,逐家煞叫是閬過買無著,濟濟人就來大樹跤欲共交關。 hiah tú-hó, kê ê seng-lí te̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē-kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke soah kiò-sī làng--kòe bé bô tio̍h, chē-chē lâng tiō lâi tōa-chhiū-kha beh kā kau-koan. The pickle seller didn't come to sell, and people said they couldn't get it, so many people came to buy from him under the big tree. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUM001_concat.wav 7.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUM001_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUM001_concat.wav 4.839875 IUM001 台南混合腔 Tainan-mixed accent Male tsi̍t kháu khuì tshuán bē khí--lâi, tsū án-ne sit-kiù kuè-óng--khì; tsit8 khau2 khui3 tshuan2 be7 khi2--lai5, tsu7 an2-ne1 sit4-kiu3 kue3-ong2--khi3; 一口氣喘袂起來,自按呢失救過往去; chi̍t kháu khùi chhoán bē khí--lâi, chū án-ne sit-kiù kòe-óng--khì; He couldn't breathe, and he missed the chance to save himself and died. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUM001_concat.wav 4.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUM002_concat.wav 5.988125 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-sann tsì jī-tsa̍p-tshit tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t jī-tsa̍p pha un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-sann1 tsi3 ji7-tsap8-tshit4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 ji7-tsap8 pha1 溫度二十三至二十七度,落雨機率二十pha un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-saⁿ chì jī-cha̍p-chhit tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t jī-cha̍p pha The temperature is 23 to 27 degrees, and the chance of rain is 20 per cent. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.2_IUM002_concat.wav 6.12 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.3_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.3_IUM002_concat.wav 5.61 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lâi-pin gōo-pah gōo-tsa̍p-káu hō tshiánn lâi tsa̍p-sann hō kuī-tâi pān-lí lai5-pin1 goo7-pah4 goo7-tsap8-kau2 ho7 tshiann2 lai5 tsap8-sann1 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 來賓五百五十九號請來十三號櫃台辦理 lâi-pin gō͘-pah gō͘-cha̍p-káu hō chhiáⁿ lâi cha̍p-saⁿ hō kūi-tâi pān-lí Guest No. 559, come to Counter 13, please. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.3_IUM002_concat.wav 4.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUM002_concat.wav 4.77 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lóng-tsóng peh-pah khòng jī khoo, tsāu lí káu-tsa̍p-peh khoo long2-tsong2 peh4-pah4 khong3 ji7 khoo1,tsau7 li2 kau2-tsap8-peh4 khoo1 攏總八百空二箍, 找你九十八箍 lóng-chóng peh-pah khòng jī kho͘,chāu lí káu-cha̍p-peh kho͘ All eight hundred and two dollars, ninety-eight dollars for you. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.4_IUM002_concat.wav 4.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUM002_concat.wav 3.15 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male kin-á-li̍t sī sann-gue̍h tsa̍p-sann, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-lit8 si7 sann1-gueh8 tsap8-sann1,pai3-lak8 今仔日是三月十三,拜六 kin-á-li̍t sī saⁿ-goe̍h cha̍p-saⁿ,pài-la̍k Today is March 13th, Saturday. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.5_IUM002_concat.wav 3.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUM002_concat.wav 2.94 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male i tī it kiú sù it nî tshut-sì i1 ti7 it4 kiu2 su3 it4 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九四一年出世 i tī it kiú sù it nî chhut-sì He was born in the year 1941. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.8_IUM002_concat.wav 2.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUM002_concat.wav 3.84 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngóo tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 it4 liok8 kiu2 ngoo2 請幫我轉分機一六九五 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki it lio̍k kiú ngó͘ Please transfer me to extension number 1695. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_1.9_IUM002_concat.wav 4.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUM002_concat.wav 3.18 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Bûn-peh--á, lí khuànn hia ū sann ki hiunn. bun5-peh4--a2,li2 khuann3 hia1 u7 sann1 ki1 hiunn1. 文伯仔,你看遐有三枝香。 Bûn-peh--á,lí khòaⁿ hia ū saⁿ ki hiuⁿ. Uncle Bûn, look, there are three joss sticks here. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.1_IUM002_concat.wav 4.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUM002_concat.wav 3.66 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Bô m̄-tio̍h, koh-khah kuè sī Tuā-tūn-suann. bo5 m7-tioh8,koh4-khah4 kue3 si7 tua7-tun7-suann1. 無毋著,閣較過是大屯山。 Bô m̄-tio̍h,koh-khah kòe sī Tōa-tūn-soaⁿ. That's right, beyond that is Mount Tuā-tūn. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.10_IUM002_concat.wav 3.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUM002_concat.wav 7.1030625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, Tsháu-suann, ū-kàu phānn--ê, pí khuànn tē-tôo khah tsim-tsiok. ke1-lang5,sik8-tsi2,tshau2-suann1,u7-kau3 phann7--e5,pi2 khuann3 te7-too5 khah4 tsim1-tsiok4. 基隆、汐止、草山、有夠奅的,比看地圖較斟酌。 Ke-lâng,Se̍k-chí,Chháu-soaⁿ,ū-kàu phāⁿ--ê,pí khòaⁿ tē-tô͘ khah chim-chiok. Ke-lâng, Si̍k-tsí, Tsháu-suann. These are trendy enough and more discreet than looking at the map. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.11_IUM002_concat.wav 7.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUM002_concat.wav 4.08 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tse sī pak-pîng niâ, lí ua̍t-thâu khuànn lâm--khì. tse1 si7 pak4-ping5 nia5,li2 uat8-thau5 khuann3 lam5--khi3. 這是北爿niâ,你越頭看南去。 Che sī pak-pêng niâ,lí oa̍t-thâu khòaⁿ lâm--khì. This is the north side, turn around and look at the south side. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.12_IUM002_concat.wav 4.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUM002_concat.wav 6.38925 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Kong-kíng si̍t-tsāi tsán, âng-âng he sī siánn? Guá khuànn-māi --leh, he Pîng-khe --lah. kong1-king2 sit8-tsai7 tsan2,ang5-ang5 he1 si7 siann2? gua2 khuann3-mai7 --leh4,he1 ping5-khe1 --lah4. 光景實在讚,紅紅彼是啥?我看覓咧,彼平溪啦。 Kong-kéng si̍t-chāi chán,âng-âng he sī siáⁿ? Góa khòaⁿ-māi --leh,he Pêng-khe --lah. The scenery is really amazing. What's that red one? Let's see, that's Pîng-khe. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.13_IUM002_concat.wav 7.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUM002_concat.wav 8.8980625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Guá tsai --ah, hit thâu uat-lâi-uat-khì ná tsi̍t bué pe̍h-tsuâ--ê sī Si̍k-tsí thàng Pîng-khe ê Si̍k-pîng Kong-lōo. gua2 tsai1 --ah4,hit4 thau5 uat4-lai5-uat4-khi3 na2 tsit8 bue2 peh8-tsua5--e5 si7 sik8-tsi2 thang3 ping5-khe1 e5 sik8-ping5 kong1-loo7. 我知矣,彼頭斡來斡去若一尾白蛇的是汐止迵平溪的汐平公路。 Góa chai --ah,hit thâu oat-lâi-oat-khì ná chi̍t bóe pe̍h-chôa--ê sī Se̍k-chí thàng Pêng-khe ê Se̍k-pêng Kong-lō͘. I know that the one that curves around like a white snake is the Si̍k Pîng Highway from Si̍k-tsí to Pîng-khe. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.15_IUM002_concat.wav 7.24 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUM002_concat.wav 3.75 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Kok-tiong khah kuè--lâi tō sī Tsio̍h-sún-tsiam. kok4-tiong1 khah4 kue3--lai5 to7 si7 tsioh8-sun2-tsiam1. 國中較過來就是石筍尖。 Kok-tiong khah kòe--lâi tō sī Chio̍h-sún-chiam. The tip of the stone shoots is just over from junior high school. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.16_IUM002_concat.wav 4.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUM002_concat.wav 1.98 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Bô sánn sîng tik-sún --neh! bo5 sann2 sing5 tik4-sun2 --neh4! 無啥成竹筍呢! Bô sáⁿ sêng tek-sún --neh! Not quite like bamboo shoots! 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.17_IUM002_concat.wav 3.12 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUM002_concat.wav 3.9 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tuì Pîng-khe hit pîng khuànn--kuè-lâi tō tsin sîng. tui3 ping5-khe1 hit4 ping5 khuann3--kue3-lai5 to7 tsin1 sing5. 對平溪彼爿看過來就真成。 Tùi Pêng-khe hit pêng khòaⁿ--kòe-lâi tō chin sêng. From the side, it looks similar. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.18_IUM002_concat.wav 2.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUM002_concat.wav 4.2 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tán thinn-khì khah liâng ê sî, lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia tshit-thô. tan2 thinn1-khi3 khah4 liang5 e5 si5,lan2 e7-sai2 lai5-khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 等天氣較涼的時,咱會使來去遐𨑨迌。 Tán thiⁿ-khì khah liâng ê sî,lán ē-sái lâi-khì hia chhit-thô. When the weather is cooler, we can go there for a trip. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.19_IUM002_concat.wav 4.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUM002_concat.wav 5.67 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Lí ū-kàu guā-hâng, siánn-mih sann ki hiunn? He sī Hia̍p-hô huat-tiān-tshiúnn. li2 u7-kau3 gua7-hang5,siann2-mih4 sann1 ki1 hiunn1?he1 si7 hiap8-ho5 huat4-tian7-tshiunn2. 你有夠外行,啥物三枝香?彼是協和發電廠。 Lí ū-kàu gōa-hâng,siáⁿ-mih saⁿ ki hiuⁿ?He sī Hia̍p-hô hoat-tiān-chhiúⁿ. You are an amateur. What are those? Three joss sticks? That is the Hia̍p-hô power plant. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.2_IUM002_concat.wav 6.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUM002_concat.wav 3.36 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Lâng leh kóng-tshiò--ê --lah, bián hiah tíng-tsin! lang5 leh4 kong2-tshio3--e5 --lah4,bian2 hiah4 ting2-tsin1! 人咧講笑的啦,免遐頂真! Lâng leh kóng-chhiò--ê --lah,bián hiah téng-chin! Just joking. Don't take it seriously! 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.3_IUM002_concat.wav 3.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUM002_concat.wav 2.37 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Bûn-peh--á, tsiànn-tshiú-pîng hit lia̍p......? bun5-peh4--a2,tsiann3-tshiu2-ping5 hit4 liap8......? 文伯仔,正手爿彼粒......? Bûn-peh--á,chiàⁿ-chhiú-pêng hit lia̍p......? Uncle Bûn, the one on the right-hand side... 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.4_IUM002_concat.wav 3.48 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUM002_concat.wav 5.31625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Hit lia̍p kiò-tsò Ke-lâng-khi̍t, koh-khah kuè hit lia̍p tō sī Ke-lâng-suann. hit4 liap8 kio3-tso3 ke1-lang5-khit8,koh4-khah4 kue3 hit4 liap8 to7 si7 ke1-lang5-suann1. 彼粒叫做基隆杙,閣較過彼粒就是基隆山。 Hit lia̍p kiò-chò Ke-lâng-khi̍t,koh-khah kòe hit lia̍p tō sī Ke-lâng-soaⁿ. That one is called Ke-lâng Island, and the one a little further is Ke-lâng Mountain. 4920451 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.5_IUM002_concat.wav 5.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUM002_concat.wav 5.995625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tō sī tī Káu-hūn-á hù-kīn --mah, kin-nî sann--gue̍h guán ū khì hia tshit-thô. to7 si7 ti7 kau2-hun7-a2 hu3-kin7 --mah4,kin1-ni5 sann1--gueh8 guan2 u7 khi3 hia1 tshit4-tho5. 就是佇九份仔附近嘛,今年三月阮有去遐𨑨迌。 Tō sī tī Káu-hūn-á hù-kīn --mah,kin-nî saⁿ--goe̍h goán ū khì hia chhit-thô. It's near Káu-hūn-á, and I went there this March. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.6_IUM002_concat.wav 7.7863125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUM002_concat.wav 8.079875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tsit-khuán thinn peh Ke-lâng-suann pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìnn póo, kui lia̍p suann bô kúi tsâng tshiū-á thang jia ji̍t-thâu. tsit4-khuan2 thinn1 peh4 ke1-lang5-suann1 pau1-nia2 li2 phak8 kah4 pinn3 poo2, kui1 liap8 suann1 bo5 kui2 tsang5 tshiu7-a2 thang1 jia1 jit8-thau5. 這款天基隆山包領你曝甲變脯,規粒山無幾欉樹仔通遮日頭。 Chit-khoán thiⁿ peh Ke-lâng-soaⁿ pau-niá lí pha̍k kah pìⁿ pó͘, kui lia̍p soaⁿ bô kúi châng chhiū-á thang jia ji̍t-thâu. You are guaranteed to get tanned, going to Ke-lâng Mountain in this kind of weather. There are not many trees to shade the whole mountain. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.7_IUM002_concat.wav 11.541 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUM002_concat.wav 4.53 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Tò-pîng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng kuân hit lia̍p suann sī m̄ sī Tshit-tshenn-suann? to3-ping5 hng7-hng7 siong7 kuan5 hit4 liap8 suann1 si7 m7 si7 tshit4-tshenn1-suann1? 倒爿遠遠上懸彼粒山是毋是七星山? Tò-pêng hn̄g-hn̄g siōng koân hit lia̍p soaⁿ sī m̄ sī Chhit-chheⁿ-soaⁿ? Is that mountain on the far left the Tshit-tshenn Mountain? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_2.9_IUM002_concat.wav 6.549 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUM002_concat.wav 2.58 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-uân iong7 siang1-kha1 ai3 tai5-uan5 用雙跤愛台灣 iōng siang-kha ài Tâi-oân Walk with your feet to show your love for Taiwan. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.1_IUM002_concat.wav 5.887625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUM002_concat.wav 29.82425 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male koh tuì Tâi-uân bué kiânn kàu Tâi-uân thâu, tsi̍t pōo tsi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tōo, khì tshin-kīn tsit tè tshiânn-ióng ka-kī ê thóo-tē, khuànn-tio̍h li̍k-sik ê suann-me̍h, uan-lâi-uat-khì ê hô-liû, si̍k-sāi ê tshân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn, bê-lâng ê hái-huānn, hiong-tshin tshin-tshiat ê tshiò-iông......, sim-kuann-thâu tiānn-tio̍h ū muá-muá ê kám-tshiok kah kám-tōng. koh4 tui3 tai5-uan5 bue2 kiann5 kau3 tai5-uan5 thau5, tsit8 poo7 tsit8 kha1-in3, iong7 siong7 khiam1-pi1 e5 thai7-too7, khi3 tshin1-kin7 tsit4 te3 tshiann5-iong2 ka1-ki7 e5 thoo2-te7, khuann3-tioh8 lik8-sik4 e5 suann1-meh8,uan1-lai5-uat4-khi3 e5 ho5-liu5,sik8-sai7 e5 tshan5-hng5, sun5-phok4 e5 hiong1-tin3,be5-lang5 e5 hai2-huann7,hiong1-tshin1 tshin1-tshiat4 e5 tshio3-iong5......, sim1-kuann1-thau5 tiann7-tioh8 u7 mua2-mua2 e5 kam2-tshiok4 kah4 kam2-tong7. 閣對台灣尾行到台灣頭,一步一跤印,用上謙卑的態度,去親近這塊晟養家己的土地,看著綠色的山脈、彎來斡去的河流、熟似的田園、純樸的鄉鎮、迷人的海岸、鄉親親切的笑容......,心肝頭定著有滿滿的感觸佮感動。 koh tùi Tâi-oân bóe kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-oân thâu, chi̍t pō͘ chi̍t kha-ìn, iōng siōng khiam-pi ê thāi-tō͘, khì chhin-kīn chit tè chhiâⁿ-ióng ka-kī ê thó͘-tē, khòaⁿ-tio̍h le̍k-sek ê soaⁿ-me̍h,oan-lâi-oat-khì ê hô-liû,se̍k-sāi ê chhân-hn̂g, sûn-phok ê hiong-tìn,bê-lâng ê hái-hōaⁿ,hiong-chhin chhin-chhiat ê chhiò-iông......, sim-koaⁿ-thâu tiāⁿ-tio̍h ū móa-móa ê kám-chhiok kah kám-tōng. I walked from the southernmost tip of Taiwan to the northernmost tip of Taiwan, one step at a time with a humble attitude, getting closer to this land where I was raised. Watching the green mountain ranges, curving rivers, familiar fields, simple towns, charming coasts, and the kind smiles of the villagers ...... I felt touched. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.10_IUM002_concat.wav 25.151625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUM002_concat.wav 18.409375 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male khì tîng-sin jīn-bat Tâi-uân, pīng-tshiánn su-khó jîn-sing ê tsin gī, i beh tsi̍t-pōo-á tsi̍t-pōo-á, iōng ka-kī ê siang-kha kiânn Tâi-uân tsi̍t liàn, ìn-tsìng ka-kī ê siūnn-huat, mā tshuē tshut sènn-miā tsìng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tīng-uī. khi3 ting5-sin1 jin7-bat4 tai5-uan5, ping7-tshiann2 su1-kho2 jin5-sing1 e5 tsin1 gi7, i1 beh4 tsit8-poo7-a2 tsit8-poo7-a2, iong7 ka1-ki7 e5 siang1-kha1 kiann5 tai5-uan5 tsit8 lian3, in3-tsing3 ka1-ki7 e5 siunn7-huat4, ma7 tshue7 tshut4 senn3-mia7 tsing3-khak4 e5 hong1-hiong3 kah4 ting7-ui7. 去重新認捌台灣,並且思考人生的真義,伊欲一步仔一步仔,用家己的雙跤行台灣一輾,印證家己的想法,嘛揣出性命正確的方向佮定位。 khì têng-sin jīn-bat Tâi-oân, pēng-chhiáⁿ su-khó jîn-seng ê chin gī, i beh chi̍t-pō͘-á chi̍t-pō͘-á, iōng ka-kī ê siang-kha kiâⁿ Tâi-oân chi̍t liàn, ìn-chèng ka-kī ê siūⁿ-hoat, mā chhōe chhut sèⁿ-miā chèng-khak ê hong-hiòng kah tēng-ūi. To get to know Taiwan again and ponder the real meaning of life, He wants to walk around Taiwan one step at a time on his own feet. He wants to prove his ideas and find the right direction and orientation for his life. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.20_IUM002_concat.wav 16.405 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUM002_concat.wav 3.69 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male i tsit ê sim-guān tō tsiong-kīn beh uân-sîng --ah. i1 tsit4 e5 sim1-guan7 to7 tsiong1-kin7 beh4 uan5-sing5 --ah4. 伊這个心願就將近欲完成矣。 i chit ê sim-goān tō chiong-kīn beh oân-sêng --ah. This wish of his is about to be fulfilled. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.26_IUM002_concat.wav 5.7335 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUM002_concat.wav 12.3605 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hiān-tshú-sî i í-king kiânn kàu Tâi-lâm-tshī Kiâm-tsuí-khu ê Gua̍t-tin-káng --ah, tng tī “Tâi-uân si lōo” hū-kīn leh tsia̍h-tàu, gîm-si phuè ka-pi --ah. hian7-tshu2-si5 i1 i2-king1 kiann5 kau3 tai5-lam5-tshi7 kiam5-tsui2-khu1 e5 guat8-tin1-kang2 --ah4, tng1 ti7“tai5-uan5 si1 loo7”hu7-kin7 leh4 tsiah8-tau3,gim5-si1 phue3 ka1-pi1 --ah4. 現此時伊已經行到台南市鹹水區的月津港矣,當佇「台灣詩路」附近咧食晝、吟詩配咖啡矣。 hiān-chhú-sî i í-keng kiâⁿ kàu Tâi-lâm-chhī Kiâm-chúi-khu ê Goa̍t-tin-káng --ah, tng tī“Tâi-oân si lō͘”hū-kīn leh chia̍h-tàu,gîm-si phòe ka-pi --ah. At the moment, he has reached Gua̍t-tin-káng in the Kiâm-tsuí District of Tainan City. While having lunch near the 'Taiwan Poetry Road', he recites a poem to go with his coffee. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.34_IUM002_concat.wav 15.189 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUM002_concat.wav 5.289875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male “ū bāng siōng suí”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! “u7 bang7 siong7 sui2”, u7 li2-siong2 tioh8-ai3 iong2-kam2 khi3 tui1-kiu5! 「有夢上媠」,有理想著愛勇敢去追求! “ū bāng siōng súi”, ū lí-sióng tio̍h-ài ióng-kám khì tui-kiû! Dreams are the greatest beauties, if you have a dream, you have to bravely pursue it! 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.43_IUM002_concat.wav 7.1463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUM002_concat.wav 13.469625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lán lâng sing-ua̍h tī tsit ê sè-kan, tî-liáu it-tsài tiông-ho̍k ê ji̍t-siông tsia̍h-tshīng í-guā, iah-ū tsân-tshù koh-khah kuân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû, khì si̍t-hiān! lan2 lang5 sing1-uah8 ti7 tsit4 e5 se3-kan1, ti5-liau2 it4-tsai3 tiong5-hok8 e5 jit8-siong5 tsiah8-tshing7 i2-gua7, iah4-u7 tsan5-tshu3 koh4-khah4 kuan5 e5 li2-siong2, su1-iau3 khi3 tui1-kiu5,khi3 sit8-hian7! 咱人生活佇這个世間,除了一再重複的日常食穿以外,猶有層次閣較懸的理想,需要去追求、去實現 ! lán lâng seng-oa̍h tī chit ê sè-kan, tî-liáu it-chài tiông-ho̍k ê ji̍t-siông chia̍h-chhēng í-gōa, iah-ū chân-chhù koh-khah koân ê lí-sióng, su-iàu khì tui-kiû,khì si̍t-hiān! We live in a world where there are higher-level ideals to pursue and achieve in addition to the repetitive daily routines. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.45_IUM002_concat.wav 9.8983125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUM002_concat.wav 18.449625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male “khuân-tó pōo-lián” sī tsi̍t kiānn sin-khóo ê tāi-tsì, tû-liáu ài ū tsiu-tsuân ê kè-uē, thé-la̍t ài hó í-guā, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-tsì-li̍k, tsiah thang khik-ho̍k iân-lōo tú-tio̍h--ê, kok-tsióng siūnn buē kàu ê lân-tê. “khuan5-to2 poo7-lian2”si7 tsit8 kiann7 sin1-khoo2 e5 tai7-tsi3, tu5-liau2 ai3 u7 tsiu1-tsuan5 e5 ke3-ue7,the2-lat8 ai3 ho2 i2-gua7, siong7 tiong7-iau3--e5 si7 ai3 u7 kian1-kiong5 e5 i3-tsi3-lik8, tsiah4 thang1 khik4-hok8 ian5-loo7 tu2-tioh8--e5,kok4-tsiong2 siunn7 bue7 kau3 e5 lan5-te5. 「環島步輦」是一件辛苦的代誌,除了愛有周全的計畫、體力愛好以外,上重要的是愛有堅強的意志力,才通克服沿路拄著的、各種想袂到的難題。 “khoân-tó pō͘-lián”sī chi̍t kiāⁿ sin-khó͘ ê tāi-chì, tû-liáu ài ū chiu-choân ê kè-ōe,thé-la̍t ài hó í-gōa, siōng tiōng-iàu--ê sī ài ū kian-kiông ê ì-chì-le̍k, chiah thang khek-ho̍k iân-lō͘ tú-tio̍h--ê,kok-chióng siūⁿ bōe kàu ê lân-tê. Khuân-tó Pōo-lián is a difficult task that requires thorough planning and great physical strength. The most important thing is having strong willpower. It is only with great willpower that we are able to overcome all kinds of unexpected obstacles we encounter along the way. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.54_IUM002_concat.wav 20.053 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUM002_concat.wav 11.50975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male Lîm Píng-ti̍k sian-sinn, kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khuán, lóng sī jīn-tsin phah-piànn, kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-tsè ê hîng-tōng thiànn Tâi-uân ê lâng. lim5 ping2-tik8 sian1-sinn1,kah4 i1 e5 pe7-bu2 kang7-khuan2, long2 si7 jin7-tsin1 phah4-piann3,kha1-tah8-sit8-te7, iong7 sit8-tse3 e5 hing5-tong7 thiann3 tai5-uan5 e5 lang5. 林秉澤先生,佮伊的爸母仝款,攏是認真拍拚、跤踏實地,用實際的行動疼台灣的人。 Lîm Péng-te̍k sian-siⁿ,kah i ê pē-bú kāng-khoán, lóng sī jīn-chin phah-piàⁿ,kha-ta̍h-si̍t-tē, iōng si̍t-chè ê hêng-tōng thiàⁿ Tâi-oân ê lâng. Like his parents, Mr. Lîm Píng-ti̍k is a serious, hard-working, down-to-earth person who loves Taiwan through practical actions. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_3.62_IUM002_concat.wav 12.117 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUM002_concat.wav 24.33625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kap Guī Tik-sìng, kian-tshî thàu-bué ê Ò-ūn suán-tshiú Soo Lē-bûn, suann-kiû ko-tshiú Tsan Ngá-nî tíng-tíng, in tsiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-uân tshiânn-ióng--tshut-lâi--ê, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-tíng huat-kng-huat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngōo ê jîn-bu̍t. se3-kai3-kip4 e5 to7-ian2 li2 an1 kap4 gui7 tik4-sing3, kian1-tshi5 thau3-bue2 e5 o3-un7 suan2-tshiu2 soo1 le7-bun5, suann1-kiu5 ko1-tshiu2 tsan1 nga2-ni5 ting2-ting2, in1 tsiah4 si7 lan2 sio2-sio2 e5 tai5-uan5 tshiann5-iong2--tshut4-lai5--e5, ti7 se3-kai3 bu2-tai5-ting2 huat4-kng1-huat4-jiat8, si7 tat8-tit4 lan2 kam2-kak4 kiau1-ngoo7 e5 jin5-but8. 世界級的導演李安佮魏德聖、堅持透尾的奧運選手蘇麗文,山球高手曾雅妮等等,in才是咱小小的台灣晟養出來的,佇世界舞台頂發光發熱,是值得咱感覺驕傲的人物。 sè-kài-kip ê tō-ián Lí An kap Gūi Tek-sèng, kian-chhî thàu-bóe ê Ò-ūn soán-chhiú So͘ Lē-bûn, soaⁿ-kiû ko-chhiú Chan Ngá-nî téng-téng, in chiah sī lán sió-sió ê Tâi-oân chhiâⁿ-ióng--chhut-lâi--ê, tī sè-kài bú-tâi-téng hoat-kng-hoat-jia̍t, sī ta̍t-tit lán kám-kak kiau-ngō͘ ê jîn-bu̍t. World-class directors Lí An and Guī Tik-sìng, Olympic athlete Soo Lê-bûn, who persevered to the end, and golf pro Tsan Ngá-nî, to name a few. They are the people that our little Taiwan has nurtured, now shining brightly on the world stage. These are the people that we should be proud of. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.10_IUM002_concat.wav 25.599625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUM002_concat.wav 25.359125 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male bô-lūn kué-tsí, lân-hue ia̍h tsuí-sán, tsí-iàu king-kuè Tâi-uân-lâng ê kái-liâng, lóng ē gián-huat tshut it-tóo tsán ê phín-tsíng, hōo tsuân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kué-tsí tuā koh tinn, lân-hue phang koh suí, tsuí-sán tshinn koh hó-tsia̍h, mā in-uī án-ne, sóo-í ē-tàng guā-siau thàn guā-huē. bo5-lun7 kue2-tsi2,lan5-hue1 iah8 tsui2-san2, tsi2-iau3 king1-kue3 tai5-uan5-lang5 e5 kai2-liang5, long2 e7 gian2-huat4 tshut4 it4-too2 tsan2 e5 phin2-tsing2, hoo7 tsuan5 se3-kai3 o1-lo2 lan2 e5 kue2-tsi2 tua7 koh4 tinn1, lan5-hue1 phang1 koh4 sui2, tsui2-san2 tshinn1 koh4 ho2-tsiah8, ma7 in1-ui7 an2-ne1, soo2-i2 e7-tang3 gua7-siau1 than3 gua7-hue7. 無論果子、蘭花抑水產,只要經過台灣人的改良,攏會研發出it-tóo讚的品種,予全世界呵咾咱的果子大閣甜,蘭花芳閣媠,水產鮮閣好食,嘛因為按呢,所以會當外銷趁外匯。 bô-lūn kóe-chí,lân-hoe ia̍h chúi-sán, chí-iàu keng-kòe Tâi-oân-lâng ê kái-liâng, lóng ē gián-hoat chhut it-tó͘ chán ê phín-chéng, hō͘ choân sè-kài o-ló lán ê kóe-chí tōa koh tiⁿ, lân-hoe phang koh súi, chúi-sán chhiⁿ koh hó-chia̍h, mā in-ūi án-ne, só͘-í ē-tàng gōa-siau thàn gōa-hōe. Whether it is fruits, orchids, or aquatic products, as long as they pass through the innovative hands of the Taiwanese people, excellent varieties would emerge. Our fruits are big and sweet; our orchids are pretty and fragrant; our aquatic products are fresh and delicious. Because of this, they can be exported to earn foreign exchange. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.20_IUM002_concat.wav 24.063625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUM002_concat.wav 5.7 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lâng kóng: “Tâi-uân liām tsin-tsîng, kah ta̍k-ke lâi pua̍h-kám-tsîng.” lang5 kong2:“tai5-uan5 liam7 tsin1-tsing5,kah4 tak8-ke1 lai5 puah8-kam2-tsing5.” 人講:「台灣念真情,佮逐家來跋感情。」 lâng kóng:“Tâi-oân liām chin-chêng,kah ta̍k-ke lâi poa̍h-kám-chêng.” As people say, 'Taiwan is all about true feelings, and people come here to cultivate feelings.' 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.34_IUM002_concat.wav 8.6823125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUM002_concat.wav 14.862 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hōo guá tshim-tshim bê-luân Tâi-uân, sóo-í tō sǹg lâi tsia tshit-thô tsa̍p-kuí pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-uī tī Tâi-uân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā guá tòng-tsò sī ka-kī-lâng.” hoo7 gua2 tshim1-tshim1 be5-luan5 tai5-uan5, soo2-i2 to7 sng3 lai5 tsia1 tshit4-tho5 tsap8-kui2 pai2, ma7 be7 ia3-sian7, in1-ui7 ti7 tai5-uan5, tak8-ke1 long2 ka7 gua2 tong3-tso3 si7 ka1-ki7-lang5.” 予我深深迷戀台灣,所以就算來遮𨑨迌十幾擺,嘛袂厭siān,因為佇台灣,逐家攏共我當做是家己人。」 hō͘ góa chhim-chhim bê-loân Tâi-oân, só͘-í tō sǹg lâi chia chhit-thô cha̍p-kúi pái, mā bē ià-siān, in-ūi tī Tâi-oân, ta̍k-ke lóng kā góa tòng-chò sī ka-kī-lâng.” I'm so enamored with Taiwan that I never get tired of traveling here even after doing so a dozen times. Because in Taiwan, everyone treats me as one of their own. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.40_IUM002_concat.wav 12.821 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUM002_concat.wav 8.68975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lán ū tsiah-nī tsē ta̍t-tit tshia-iānn ê tsu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài tsai sioh pó, m̄-thang tshìn-tshái pàng hìnn-sak. lan2 u7 tsiah4-ni7 tse7 tat8-tit4 tshia1-iann7 e5 tsu1-san2, lan2 u7 ho2 tioh8-ai3 tsai1 sioh4 po2, m7-thang1 tshin3-tshai2 pang3 hinn3-sak4. 咱有遮爾濟值得奢颺的資產,咱有好著愛知惜寶,毋通凊彩放挕捒。 lán ū chiah-nī chē ta̍t-tit chhia-iāⁿ ê chu-sán, lán ū hó tio̍h-ài chai sioh pó, m̄-thang chhìn-chhái pàng hìⁿ-sak. We have so many assets to be proud of, and we should know to cherish the good things we have and not give them up easily. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_4.62_IUM002_concat.wav 8.767625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUM002_concat.wav 21.71925 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan tsò-hué, sóo-í tsū sè-hàn kàu-tann, lóng sī a-má teh tsiàu-kòo--guá, kā guá la̍k-sái-la̍k-giō, kiann guá iau, kiann guá kuânn, uì guá âng-âng iù-iù tshuā kàu-tann tsiah tuā-hàn, sóo-í a-má sī guá sim-tiong siōng tshin, siōng ài ê lâng. tsin1 han2-tit4 u7 khah4 tng5 e5 si5-kan1 tso3-hue2, soo2-i2 tsu7 se3-han3 kau3-tann1, long2 si7 a1-ma2 teh4 tsiau3-koo3--gua2, ka7 gua2 lak8-sai2-lak8-gio7, kiann1 gua2 iau1,kiann1 gua2 kuann5, ui3 gua2 ang5-ang5 iu3-iu3 tshua7 kau3-tann1 tsiah4 tua7-han3, soo2-i2 a1-ma2 si7 gua2 sim1-tiong1 siong7 tshin1,siong7 ai3 e5 lang5. 真罕得有較長的時間做伙,所以自細漢到今,攏是阿媽咧照顧我,共我搦屎搦尿,驚我枵、驚我寒,對我紅紅幼幼𤆬到今遮大漢,所以阿媽是我心中上親、上愛的人。 chin hán-tit ū khah tn̂g ê sî-kan chò-hóe, só͘-í chū sè-hàn kàu-taⁿ, lóng sī a-má teh chiàu-kò͘--góa, kā góa la̍k-sái-la̍k-giō, kiaⁿ góa iau,kiaⁿ góa kôaⁿ, ùi góa âng-âng iù-iù chhōa kàu-taⁿ chiah tōa-hàn, só͘-í a-má sī góa sim-tiong siōng chhin,siōng ài ê lâng. It is very rare for me to get together for a longer period of time. That's why my grandmother has been taking care of me since I was a little child. She taught me how to use the bathroom, took care of my meals, and worried that I wasn't warm enough. From the time when I was a baby until I become a grownup, my grandmother had always been my closest and most caring person. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.10_IUM002_concat.wav 25.173 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUM002_concat.wav 13.64225 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hit-sî-tsūn a-má koh ū leh tsò tsu-guân huê-siu, ke-kiám khioh tsi̍t-kuá sok-ka kuàn-á, pháinn-tâng-kū-siah, phōo-á-tsuá lâi bē, thang ke-kiám póo-thiap tshù-lāi ê khai-siau. hit4-si5-tsun7 a1-ma2 koh4 u7 leh4 tso3 tsu1-guan5 hue5-siu1, ke1-kiam2 khioh4 tsit8-kua2 sok4-ka1 kuan3-a2,phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4,phoo7-a2-tsua2 lai5 be7, thang1 ke1-kiam2 poo2-thiap4 tshu3-lai7 e5 khai1-siau1. 彼時陣阿媽閣有咧做資源回收,加減抾一寡塑膠罐仔、歹銅舊錫、簿仔紙來賣,通加減補貼厝內的開銷。 hit-sî-chūn a-má koh ū leh chò chu-goân hôe-siu, ke-kiám khioh chi̍t-kóa sok-ka koàn-á,pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah,phō͘-á-chóa lâi bē, thang ke-kiám pó͘-thiap chhù-lāi ê khai-siau. At the time, grandma also did recycling, collecting some plastic cans, old copper and iron, and paper to sell. It contributed to some of the family's expenses. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.20_IUM002_concat.wav 13.2263125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUM002_concat.wav 4.149875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tn̂g-á ngeh oo--khì, tsit ê gín-á tō bô-kiù --ah. tng5-a2 ngeh4 oo1--khi3, tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 to7 bo5-kiu3 --ah4. 腸仔夾烏去,這个囡仔就無救矣。 tn̂g-á ngeh o͘--khì, chit ê gín-á tō bô-kiù --ah. If the intestines fail, the child will die. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.30_IUM002_concat.wav 5.9943125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUM002_concat.wav 19.295 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male a-má kóng kàu tsia, ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, tshin-tshiūnn teh tsik-kuài i bô kā tsiàu-kòo hó-sè ê khuán, guá tō kuánn-kín an-uì a-má kóng: “sī guá siunn ài-khàu, guá ê sènn-miā sī a-má kā guá kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí sī guá siōng ài ê lâng!” a1-ma2 kong2 kau3 tsia1,bak8-sai2 lin3-lin3-go5, tshin1-tshiunn7 teh4 tsik4-kuai3 i1 bo5 ka7 tsiau3-koo3 ho2-se3 e5 khuan2, gua2 to7 kuann2-kin2 an1-ui3 a1-ma2 kong2: “si7 gua2 siunn1 ai3-khau3, gua2 e5 senn3-mia7 si7 a1-ma2 ka7 gua2 kiu3--tng2-lai5 e5, a1-ma2 li2 si7 gua2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5!” 阿媽講到遮,目屎輾輾遨,親像咧責怪伊無共照顧好勢的款,我就趕緊安慰阿媽講:「是我傷愛哭,我的性命是阿媽共我救轉來的,阿媽你是我上愛的人!」 a-má kóng kàu chia,ba̍k-sái lìn-lìn-gô, chhin-chhiūⁿ teh chek-koài i bô kā chiàu-kò͘ hó-sè ê khoán, góa tō kóaⁿ-kín an-ùi a-má kóng: “sī góa siuⁿ ài-khàu, góa ê sèⁿ-miā sī a-má kā góa kiù--tńg-lâi ê, a-má lí sī góa siōng ài ê lâng!” When my grandma said this, her tears kept flowing, perhaps blaming herself for not taking good care of me. I quickly consoled my grandma by saying, 'I am too much of a crybaby. My life was saved by my grandma. Grandma, you are my favorite person!' 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.32_IUM002_concat.wav 19.285 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUM002_concat.wav 30.3625625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsin gâu senn thâu huat bué, khah-tsá tshù-lāi báng tsiânn kāu, tiānn-tiānn khì hōo báng-á tìng kah kui thâu kui bīn, tsi̍t pho̍k tsi̍t pho̍k âng-kì-kì, in-uī tsin tsiūnn, tō it-ti̍t khì kā giàu, giàu kah huat-hông koh pū-lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, tshiūnn tshàu-thâu kāng-khuán, a-má khuànn-tio̍h tsiânn m̄-kam, tō tsáu khì tiong-io̍h-tiàm kap tsin-tsu-hún tńg-lâi hōo guá tsia̍h, koh hōo guá buah. tsin1 gau5 senn1 thau5 huat4 bue2, khah4-tsa2 tshu3-lai7 bang2 tsiann5 kau7, tiann7-tiann7 khi3 hoo7 bang2-a2 ting3 kah4 kui1 thau5 kui1 bin7, tsit8 phok8 tsit8 phok8 ang5-ki3-ki3, in1-ui7 tsin1 tsiunn7,to7 it4-tit8 khi3 ka7 giau3, giau3 kah4 huat4-hong5 koh4 pu7-lang5, kui1 liap8 thau5 long2 si7 liap8-a2, tshiunn7 tshau3-thau5 kang7-khuan2, a1-ma2 khuann3-tioh8 tsiann5 m7-kam1, to7 tsau2 khi3 tiong1-ioh8-tiam3 kap4 tsin1-tsu1-hun2 tng2-lai5 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8,koh4 hoo7 gua2 buah4. 真gâu生頭發尾,較早厝內蠓誠厚,定定去予蠓仔叮甲規頭規面,一噗一噗紅記記,因為真癢,就一直去共抓,抓甲發癀閣孵膿,規粒頭攏是粒仔,像臭頭仝款,阿媽看著誠毋甘,就走去中藥店敆珍珠粉轉來予我食、閣予我抹。 chin gâu seⁿ thâu hoat bóe, khah-chá chhù-lāi báng chiâⁿ kāu, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khì hō͘ báng-á tèng kah kui thâu kui bīn, chi̍t pho̍k chi̍t pho̍k âng-kì-kì, in-ūi chin chiūⁿ,tō it-ti̍t khì kā giàu, giàu kah hoat-hông koh pū-lâng, kui lia̍p thâu lóng sī lia̍p-á, chhiūⁿ chhàu-thâu kāng-khoán, a-má khòaⁿ-tio̍h chiâⁿ m̄-kam, tō cháu khì tiong-io̍h-tiàm kap chin-chu-hún tńg-lâi hō͘ góa chia̍h,koh hō͘ góa boah. I easily grow abscesses, and in the past, there were many mosquitoes in the house, and I was often bitten by mosquitoes throughout my head and face, with red patches and patches. Because it was itchy, I kept scratching it and scratching it until it became inflamed and grew abscesses, and the whole head was covered with abscesses, just like a bald head. Seeing that she was very reluctant, my grandma went to the Chinese medicine bureau to grind pearl powder and let me take it and put it on my head. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.40_IUM002_concat.wav 33.791625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUM002_concat.wav 5.769875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male siūnn kàu tsia, guá kám-siū-tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan siōng ài guá ê lâng. siunn7 kau3 tsia1, gua2 kam2-siu7-tioh8 a1-ma2 si7 se3-kan1 siong7 ai3 gua2 e5 lang5. 想到遮,我感受著阿媽是世間上愛我的人。 siūⁿ kàu chia, góa kám-siū-tio̍h a-má sī sè-kan siōng ài góa ê lâng. Whenever I think about it, I feel that my grandma is the person who loves me the most in the world. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.52_IUM002_concat.wav 8.0423125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUM002_concat.wav 8.89975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male guá tsit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke buē thî káu buē puī ê sî, a-má tō ē khí-lâi tsú tsá-tǹg hōo guá tsia̍h. gua2 tsit4-ma2 teh4 thak8 kok4-sio2, tak8-kang1 ke1 bue7 thi5 kau2 bue7 pui7 e5 si5, a1-ma2 to7 e7 khi2-lai5 tsu2 tsa2-tng3 hoo7 gua2 tsiah8. 我這馬咧讀國小,逐工雞未啼狗未吠的時,阿媽就會起來煮早頓予我食。 góa chit-má teh tha̍k kok-sió, ta̍k-kang ke bōe thî káu bōe pūi ê sî, a-má tō ē khí-lâi chú chá-tǹg hō͘ góa chia̍h. I'm in elementary school now, and every day at dawn, my grandma gets up and cooks breakfast for me. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.54_IUM002_concat.wav 8.063625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUM002_concat.wav 5.589875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male a-má ē kûn muâi, tsian nn̄g, koh tshá tsi̍t hāng tshenn-tshài hōo guá phuè. a1-ma2 e7 kun5 muai5,tsian1 nng7, koh4 tsha2 tsit8 hang7 tshenn1-tshai3 hoo7 gua2 phue3. 阿媽會kûn糜、煎卵,閣炒一項青菜予我配。 a-má ē kûn moâi,chian nn̄g, koh chhá chi̍t hāng chheⁿ-chhài hō͘ góa phòe. Grandma would make some rice porridge, fry an egg and cook some vegetables for me to eat it with. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.57_IUM002_concat.wav 8.469 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUM002_concat.wav 7.059875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō ‘塑化劑’, nā tsia̍h siunn tsē, tuì sin-thé tsiânn bái; tsit4-ma2 tian7-si7 koh4 it4-tit8 po3 hit4-lo7‘塑化劑’, na7 tsiah8 siunn1 tse7,tui3 sin1-the2 tsiann5 bai2; 這馬電視閣一直報彼號『塑化劑』,若食傷濟,對身體誠bái; chit-má tiān-sī koh it-ti̍t pò hit-lō‘塑化劑’, nā chia̍h siuⁿ chē,tùi sin-thé chiâⁿ bái; Now the television has been playing the news about 'plasticizers' and how if you consume too much of those, they would harm your health. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.61_IUM002_concat.wav 10.559625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUM002_concat.wav 8.41975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tuā, sin-thé ài kòo hōo kiānn, āu-pái tsiah ū-thang kiàn-li̍p tsi̍t ê khuài-lo̍k ê ka-tîng. li2 gin2-a2-lang5 tu2 beh4 tua7, sin1-the2 ai3 koo3 hoo7 kiann7, au7-pai2 tsiah4 u7-thang1 kian3-lip8 tsit8 e5 khuai3-lok8 e5 ka1-ting5. 你囡仔人拄欲大,身體愛顧予健,後擺才有通建立一个快樂的家庭。 lí gín-á-lâng tú beh tōa, sin-thé ài kò͘ hō͘ kiāⁿ, āu-pái chiah ū-thang kiàn-li̍p chi̍t ê khoài-lo̍k ê ka-têng. You are growing up, so you need to take good care of your body so that you can build a happy family in the future. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.63_IUM002_concat.wav 9.4503125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUM002_concat.wav 9.34975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male sui-jiân hiān-tshú-sî guá iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tuì guá ê kuan-sim kah thiànn-ài, guá ē íng-uán kì tiàm sim-lāi; sui1-jian5 hian7-tshu2-si5 gua2 iau2-koh4 se3-han3, m7-koh4 a1-ma2 tui3 gua2 e5 kuan1-sim1 kah4 thiann3-ai3, gua2 e7 ing2-uan2 ki3 tiam3 sim1-lai7; 雖然現此時我猶閣細漢,毋過阿媽對我的關心佮疼愛,我會永遠記踮心內; sui-jiân hiān-chhú-sî góa iáu-koh sè-hàn, m̄-koh a-má tùi góa ê koan-sim kah thiàⁿ-ài, góa ē éng-oán kì tiàm sim-lāi; Although I am still young, I will always remember the care and love my grandma gave me. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.66_IUM002_concat.wav 7.1463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUM002_concat.wav 3.06 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsit-má guá tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; tsit4-ma2 gua2 tioh8-ai3 ho2-ho2 iu2-hau3 a1-ma2; 這馬我著愛好好有孝阿媽; chit-má góa tio̍h-ài hó-hó iú-hàu a-má; Now, I have to be good to my grandma. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.69_IUM002_concat.wav 5.141 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUM002_concat.wav 6.0123125 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsuè-āu, guá beh kóng: a-má, lí sī guá íng-uán íng-uán siōng ài ê lâng! tsue3-au7,gua2 beh4 kong2: a1-ma2,li2 si7 gua2 ing2-uan2 ing2-uan2 siong7 ai3 e5 lang5! 最後,我欲講:阿媽,妳是我永遠永遠上愛的人! chòe-āu,góa beh kóng: a-má,lí sī góa éng-oán éng-oán siōng ài ê lâng! Finally, I want to say 'Grandma, you are forever my favorite person!' 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.73_IUM002_concat.wav 7.871625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUM002_concat.wav 4.599875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male guá ê ián-káng tō kóng kàu tsia, kám-siā kok-uī. gua2 e5 ian2-kang2 to7 kong2 kau3 tsia1, kam2-sia7 kok4-ui7. 我的演講就講到遮,感謝各位。 góa ê ián-káng tō kóng kàu chia, kám-siā kok-ūi. That's all I have to say, thank you. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_5.75_IUM002_concat.wav 5.430375 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUM002_concat.wav 19.650125 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsìng-tsoh tsin tsió teh iōng huà-ha̍k puî-liāu, lông-tsok-bu̍t ài iōng--tio̍h ê puî, lóng mā ka-kī tsè-tsō, sing-sán--ê, tshiūnn kóng ke-sái-puî, ti-sái-puî kah lâng ka-kī pàng--tshut-lâi ê tuā-puî, a̍h-sī iōng tiū-tsháu, pùn-sò khì au tsò puî. tsing3-tsoh4 tsin1 tsio2 teh4 iong7 hua3-hak8 pui5-liau7, long5-tsok4-but8 ai3 iong7--tioh8 e5 pui5, long2 ma7 ka1-ki7 tse3-tso7,sing1-san2--e5, tshiunn7 kong2 ke1-sai2-pui5,ti1-sai2-pui5 kah4 lang5 ka1-ki7 pang3--tshut4-lai5 e5 tua7-pui5, ah8-si7 iong7 tiu7-tshau2,pun3-so3 khi3 au1 tso3 pui5. 種作真少咧用化學肥料,農作物愛用著的肥,攏嘛家己製造、生產的,像講雞屎肥、豬屎肥佮人家己放出來的大肥,抑是用稻草、糞埽去漚做肥。 chèng-choh chin chió teh iōng hòa-ha̍k pûi-liāu, lông-chok-bu̍t ài iōng--tio̍h ê pûi, lóng mā ka-kī chè-chō,seng-sán--ê, chhiūⁿ kóng ke-sái-pûi,ti-sái-pûi kah lâng ka-kī pàng--chhut-lâi ê tōa-pûi, a̍h-sī iōng tiū-chháu,pùn-sò khì au chò pûi. I seldom use chemical fertilizers for plants. I make and produce fertilizers for my crops, such as chicken manure, pig manure, human excrement, or compost made from rice straw or food waste. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.10_IUM002_concat.wav 16.533 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUM002_concat.wav 4.449875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male nā-bô guā ka-ia̍h --leh, mê-nî tō hōo pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. na7-bo5 gua7 ka1-iah8 --leh4, me5-ni5 to7 hoo7 pat8-lang5 in2--khi3. 若無偌交易咧,明年就予別人引去。 nā-bô gōa ka-ia̍h --leh, mê-nî tō hō͘ pa̍t-lâng ín--khì. If there is no deal, someone else will take it away next year. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.20_IUM002_concat.wav 6.6343125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUM002_concat.wav 10.36975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male ū tsi̍t ê bē kê ê sing-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang tō ē tann-tio̍h i hit tànn kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê tsng-á-thâu tsi̍t ê tsi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. u7 tsit8 e5 be7 ke5 e5 sing1-li2-lang5, tak8-kang1 to7 e7 tann1-tioh8 i1 hit4 tann3 ke5, ti7 tak8-si3-ke3 e5 tsng1-a2-thau5 tsit8 e5 tsit8 e5 khi3 kio3-be7. 有一个賣膎的生理人,逐工就會擔著伊彼擔膎,佇逐四界的庄仔頭一个一个去叫賣。 ū chi̍t ê bē kê ê seng-lí-lâng, ta̍k-kang tō ē taⁿ-tio̍h i hit tàⁿ kê, tī ta̍k-sì-kè ê chng-á-thâu chi̍t ê chi̍t ê khì kiò-bē. There was a businessman who sold pickles, and he would carry his load of pickles and travel from one village to another, selling pickles. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.22_IUM002_concat.wav 11.477 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUM002_concat.wav 6.339875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male nā kàu tiong-tàu i tō ē khì tsng-guā ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tsia̍h-pn̄g kann hioh-tàu; na7 kau3 tiong1-tau3 i1 to7 e7 khi3 tsng1-gua7 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, tsiah8-png7 kann1 hioh4-tau3; 若到中晝伊就會去庄外的大樹跤,食飯kann歇晝; nā kàu tiong-tàu i tō ē khì chng-gōa ê tōa-chhiū-kha, chia̍h-pn̄g kaⁿ hioh-tàu; At noon, he would go to the big tree outside the village for his lunch break, eating and resting under the tree. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.25_IUM002_concat.wav 8.8743125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUM002_concat.wav 9.40975 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsi̍t-kuá nā tī i tann khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng tsai-iánn tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi tsia kā kau-kuan. tsit8-kua2 na7 ti7 i1 tann1 khi3 be7 e5 si5 hu3 bo5 tioh8--e5, long2 tsai1-iann2 ti7 tiong1-tau3 i1 hioh4-khun3 e5 si5, lai5 tsia1 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 一寡若佇伊擔去賣的時赴無著的,攏知影佇中晝伊歇睏的時,來遮共交關。 chi̍t-kóa nā tī i taⁿ khì bē ê sî hù bô tio̍h--ê, lóng chai-iáⁿ tī tiong-tàu i hioh-khùn ê sî, lâi chia kā kau-koan. Some people did not make it when he was hawking, but they knew to come here and buy from him during their lunch break. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.27_IUM002_concat.wav 9.6423125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUM002_concat.wav 4.77 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsin tú-hó, ū tsi̍t kang tsit ê bē-kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. tsin1 tu2-ho2,u7 tsit8 kang1 tsit4 e5 be7-ke5--e5 hioh4-khun3 bo5 lai5 be7. 真拄好,有一工這个賣膎的歇睏無來賣。 chin tú-hó,ū chi̍t kang chit ê bē-kê--ê hioh-khùn bô lâi bē. It just so happened that the pickle vendor was closed for the day. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.36_IUM002_concat.wav 6.143625 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUM002_concat.wav 9.599625 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hiah tú-hó, tsit ê tuā-tshiū-kha, tō sī hit ê bē-kê--ê tiānn-tiānn hioh-tàu ê sóo-tsāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. hiah4 tu2-ho2, tsit4 e5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1, to7 si7 hit4 e5 be7-ke5--e5 tiann7-tiann7 hioh4-tau3 e5 soo2-tsai7, si5-kan1 ia7 tu2-ho2 tiong1-tau3-si5. 遐拄好,這个大樹跤,就是彼个賣膎的定定歇晝的所在,時間也拄好中晝時。 hiah tú-hó, chit ê tōa-chhiū-kha, tō sī hit ê bē-kê--ê tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ hioh-tàu ê só͘-chāi, sî-kan iā tú-hó tiong-tàu-sî. It so happened that under this big tree was the place where the pickle vendor often took his lunch break, and it was noon just then. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.44_IUM002_concat.wav 10.0263125 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUM002_concat.wav 12.8795 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male hiah tú-hó, kê ê sing-lí ti̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē-kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke suah kiò-sī làng--kuè bé bô tio̍h, tsē-tsē lâng tō lâi tuā-tshiū-kha beh kā kau-kuan. hiah4 tu2-ho2, ke5 e5 sing1-li2 tik8-piat8 ka1-iah8, be7-ke5--e5 bo5 lai5 be7, tak8-ke1 suah4 kio3-si7 lang3--kue3 be2 bo5 tioh8, tse7-tse7 lang5 to7 lai5 tua7-tshiu7-kha1 beh4 ka7 kau1-kuan1. 遐拄好,膎的生理特別交易,賣膎的無來賣,逐家煞叫是閬過買無著,濟濟人就來大樹跤欲共交關。 hiah tú-hó, kê ê seng-lí te̍k-pia̍t ka-ia̍h, bē-kê--ê bô lâi bē, ta̍k-ke soah kiò-sī làng--kòe bé bô tio̍h, chē-chē lâng tō lâi tōa-chhiū-kha beh kā kau-koan. The pickle seller didn't come to sell, and people said they couldn't get it, so many people came to buy from him under the big tree. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.53_IUM002_concat.wav 10.581 TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUM002_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUM002_concat.wav 4.299875 IUM002 偏漳州腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Male tsi̍t kháu khuì tshuán bē khí--lâi, tsū án-ne sit-kiù kuè-óng--khì; tsit8 khau2 khui3 tshuan2 be7 khi2--lai5, tsu7 an2-ne1 sit4-kiu3 kue3-ong2--khi3; 一口氣喘袂起來,自按呢失救過往去; chi̍t kháu khùi chhoán bē khí--lâi, chū án-ne sit-kiù kòe-óng--khì; He couldn't breathe, and he missed the chance to save himself and died. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0014_6.80_IUM002_concat.wav 6.527625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF013_concat.wav 6.63 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn hua-liân-kuān bîn-á-tsài peh hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 hua1-lian5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 peh4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看花蓮縣明仔載八號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ hoa-liân-koān bîn-á-chài peh hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let's look at the weather in Hualien County, tomorrow, the eighth. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF013_concat.wav 7.9143125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF013_concat.wav 15.759875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-la̍k tsì sann-tsa̍p-it tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sann-tsa̍p % lâi-pin peh-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-la̍k hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-lak8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-it4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 sann1-tsap8% lai5-pin1 peh4-pah4-tshit4-tsap8-lak8 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十六至三十一度,落雨機率三十%來賓八百七十六號請來十二號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-la̍k chì saⁿ-cha̍p-it tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t saⁿ-cha̍p% lâi-pin peh-pah-chhit-cha̍p-la̍k hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature ranges from 26 to 31 degrees, and the chance of rain is 30 percent. Guest No. 876, come to Counter 12, please. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF013_concat.wav 13.951625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF013_concat.wav 7.44 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female lóng-tsóng la̍k-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-tshit khoo, tsāu lí jī-tsa̍p-sann khoo long2-tsong2 lak8-pah4-tshit4-tsap8-tshit4 khoo1,tsau7 li2 ji7-tsap8-sann1 khoo1 攏總六百七十七箍, 找你二十三箍 lóng-chóng la̍k-pah-chhit-cha̍p-chhit kho͘,chāu lí jī-cha̍p-saⁿ kho͘ It is six hundred and seventy-seven TWD in total. The change is twenty-three TWD. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF013_concat.wav 11.541 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF013_concat.wav 6.45 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female kin-á-ji̍t sī gōo-gue̍h jī gōo, pài-sann kin1-a2-jit8 si7 goo7-gueh8 ji7 goo7,pai3-sann1 今仔日是五月二五,拜三 kin-á-ji̍t sī gō͘-goe̍h jī gō͘,pài-saⁿ Today is May 25th, Wednesday. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF013_concat.wav 5.5463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF013_concat.wav 5.13 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female i-tī jī khòng khòng khòng nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 ji7 khong3 khong3 khong3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇二空空空年出世 i-tī jī khòng khòng khòng nî chhut-sì He was born in the year 2000. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF013_concat.wav 5.3055625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF013_concat.wav 5.76 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki lio̍k jī lio̍k it tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 liok8 ji7 liok8 it4 請幫我轉分機六二六一 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki lio̍k jī lio̍k it Please transfer me to the extension number 6261. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF013_concat.wav 6.7209375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF013_concat.wav 4.47 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Everyday conversation. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF013_concat.wav 3.903625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF013_concat.wav 6.3 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Put-sî tuā piànn-sàu, tshù lāi tsin tshing-khì! put4-si5 tua7 piann3-sau3,tshu3 lai7 tsin1 tshing1-khi3! 不時大摒掃,厝內真清氣! Put-sî tōa piàⁿ-sàu,chhù lāi chin chheng-khì! The house is really clean because of frequent cleaning. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF013_concat.wav 5.3591875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF013_concat.wav 4.53 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Ha̋nn? Lí kóng siánn? hann9?li2 kong2 siann2? Ha̋nn?你講啥? Hăⁿ?Lí kóng siáⁿ? Huh? What are you talking about? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF013_concat.wav 4.570625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF013_concat.wav 7.29 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female He khong-khì-tshing-tsīng-ki lī-á sió uānn--tsi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. he1 khong1-khi3-tshing1-tsing7-ki1 li7-a2 sio2 uann7--tsit8-e7 to7 ho2--ah4--lah4. 彼空氣清淨機濾仔小換--一下就好--矣--啦。 He khong-khì-chheng-chēng-ki lī-á sió ōaⁿ--chi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. It should be fine if you just change the filter of the air purifier. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF013_concat.wav 6.613 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF013_concat.wav 6.69 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Honnh, He bô kâng--lah! Lâng-kóng “Tshing-tshù tsiah ē hù” neh. honnh4,he1 bo5 kang5--lah4!lang5-kong2“tshing1-tshu3 tsiah4 e7 hu3”neh4. 乎,彼無仝--啦!人講「清厝才會富」呢。 Hoⁿh,He bô kâng--lah!Lâng-kóng“Chheng-chhù chiah ē hù”neh. Oh, that's different! As people say, 'A clean house begets wealth.' 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF013_concat.wav 7.2743125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF013_concat.wav 12.729875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Guá khuànn lán kheh-thiann sì-kè ing-ia, guá e-poo tshit tiān-sī-tû thâu-tsîng, thôo-hún guā kāu lí tsai--bô? gua2 khuann3 lan2 kheh4-thiann1 si3-ke3 ing1-ia1, gua2 e1-poo1 tshit4 tian7-si7-tu5 thau5-tsing5,thoo5-hun2 gua7 kau7 li2 tsai1--bo5? 我看咱客廳四界坱埃,我下晡拭電視櫥頭前,塗粉偌厚你知--無? Góa khòaⁿ lán kheh-thiaⁿ sì-kè eng-ia, góa e-po͘ chhit tiān-sī-tû thâu-chêng,thô͘-hún gōa kāu lí chai--bô? I see that we have dust around the living room. Do you have any idea how thick the dust was before I wiped the front part of the TV cabinet this afternoon? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF013_concat.wav 11.6075 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF013_concat.wav 7.32 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Lí sī kā tsia lóng tòng-tsò thiann-thâu, tsi̍t nî tshíng-thûn tsiah piànn tsi̍t-kái--sioh? li2 si7 ka7 tsia1 long2 tong3-tso3 thiann1-thau5,tsit8 ni5 tshing2-thun5 tsiah4 piann3 tsit8-kai2--sioh4? 你是共遮攏當做廳頭,一年筅黗才摒一改--sioh? Lí sī kā chia lóng tòng-chò thiaⁿ-thâu,chi̍t nî chhéng-thûn chiah piàⁿ chi̍t-kái--sioh? Are you using this place as your main room? You only dust it once a year. Is that right? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF013_concat.wav 8.341000000000001 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF013_concat.wav 8.52 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Guá kin-á-ji̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn, huat-kiàn lán thian-pông, piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. gua2 kin1-a2-jit8 si3-ke3 sun5-sun5,huat4-kian3 lan2 thian1-pong5,piah4-kak4 long2 u7 ti1-tu1-si1 neh4. 我今仔日四界巡巡,發見咱天篷、壁角攏有蜘蛛絲呢。 Góa kin-á-ji̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn,hoat-kiàn lán thian-pông,piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. I looked around today and saw spider webs everywhere on our ceiling and at the corners of the walls. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF013_concat.wav 7.743625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF013_concat.wav 7.83 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Jî-tshiánn lán tsū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kuè kha-tián, koh ū mn̂g-nî. ji5-tshiann2 lan2 tsu7 kiat4-hun1 liau2 kan2-na2 long2 bo5 se2 kue3 kha1-tian2,koh4 u7 mng5-ni5. 而且咱自結婚了敢若攏無洗過kha-tián,閣有門簾。 Jî-chhiáⁿ lán chū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kòe kha-tián,koh ū mn̂g-nî. And we do not seem to have washed the curtains since we got married, and the door curtains. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF013_concat.wav 8.063625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF013_concat.wav 5.01 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Lán ū-îng kám beh lâi piànn-sàu--tsi̍t-ē? lan2 u7-ing5 kam2 beh4 lai5 piann3-sau3--tsit8-e7? 咱有閒敢欲來摒掃--一-下? Lán ū-êng kám beh lâi piàⁿ-sàu--chi̍t-ē? We are free now. Would you like to clean? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF013_concat.wav 4.885 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF013_concat.wav 4.8 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Hannh?Ké bô thiann—ê? hannh4?ke2 bo5 thiann1—e5? 唅?假無聽—的? Haⁿh?Ké bô thiaⁿ—ê? What? Pretending you can't hear me? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF013_concat.wav 4.9945625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF013_concat.wav 6.63 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Án-ne guá lâi bé tsi̍t-tâi sàu-thôo-kha ê ki-khì-lâng. an2-ne1 gua2 lai5 be2 tsit8-tai5 sau3-thoo5-kha1 e5 ki1-khi3-lang5. 按呢我來買一台掃塗跤的機器人。 Án-ne góa lâi bé chi̍t-tâi sàu-thô͘-kha ê ki-khì-lâng. Then, I want to buy a robot that will sweep the floor. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF013_concat.wav 5.823625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF013_concat.wav 4.62 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female Bûn-tsiong it bun5-tsiong1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiong it Article I. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF013_concat.wav 3.5410000000000004 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF013_concat.wav 4.65 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tshoo-huî kap iù-huî tshoo1-hui5 kap4 iu3-hui5 粗瓷kap幼瓷 chho͘-hûi kap iù-hûi Coarse and fine porcelain. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF013_concat.wav 4.437 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF013_concat.wav 5.07 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female lán tō kā kiò-tsò iù-huî; lan2 to7 ka7 kio3-tso3 iu3-hui5; 咱就kā叫做幼瓷; lán tō kā kiò-chò iù-hûi; We call them 'fine porcelain'. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF013_concat.wav 4.5314375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF013_concat.wav 9.669875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female m̄-kò, tshoo-huî kap iù-huî beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t? m7-ko3, tshoo1-hui5 kap4 iu3-hui5 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8? 毋過,粗瓷kap幼瓷欲按怎來區別? m̄-kò, chho͘-hûi kap iù-hûi beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t? However, what is the difference between fine and coarse porcelain? 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF013_concat.wav 6.429875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF013_concat.wav 14.469875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female lán tsí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak “hong, hué, tsuí, thôo” sì jī, tō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kuá kài-liām őo. lan2 tsi2-iau3 kan2-tan1 pa2-ak4“hong1,hue2,tsui2,thoo5”si3 ji7, to7 e7-sai2 khin1-khin1-sang1-sang1 u7 kua2 kai3-liam7 oo9. 咱只要簡單把握「風、火、水、塗」四字,就會使輕輕鬆鬆有寡概念őo。 lán chí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak“hong,hóe,chúi,thô͘”sì jī, tō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kóa kài-liām ŏ͘. As long as we master these words, 'Wind', 'Fire', 'Water' and 'Earth', we can get a better grasp on it. 1736376 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF013_concat.wav 9.215625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF013_concat.wav 34.549375 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female in-uī ko-niá-thôo lāi-té tsha-put-to bô thih-á tíng-tíng ê tsa̍p-tsit, sóo-í nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi ê iù-huî ē tsin uá-kīn pe̍h-sik, tī kóo-tsá ê se-iûnn sè-kài, in bô-huat-tōo sio tshut tsit tsióng iù-huî, lóng ē kā i kiò-tsò “pe̍h-kim”; in1-ui7 ko1-nia2-thoo5 lai7-te2 tsha1-put4-to1 bo5 thih4-a2 ting2-ting2 e5 tsap8-tsit4, soo2-i2 na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 e5 iu3-hui5 e7 tsin1 ua2-kin7 peh8-sik4, ti7 koo2-tsa2 e5 se1-iunn5 se3-kai3, in1 bo5-huat4-too7 sio1 tshut4 tsit4 tsiong2 iu3-hui5, long2 e7 ka7 i1 kio3-tso3“peh8-kim1”; 因為高嶺塗內底差不多無鐵仔等等的雜質,所以若是完全無kap釉,燒--出-來的幼瓷會真倚近白色,佇古早的西洋世界,in無法度燒出這種幼瓷,攏會kā伊叫做「白金」; in-ūi ko-niá-thô͘ lāi-té chha-put-to bô thih-á téng-téng ê cha̍p-chit, só͘-í nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi ê iù-hûi ē chin óa-kīn pe̍h-sek, tī kó͘-chá ê se-iûⁿ sè-kài, in bô-hoat-tō͘ sio chhut chit chióng iù-hûi, lóng ē kā i kiò-chò“pe̍h-kim”; Because kaolinite contains almost no contaminants like iron, near-white porcelains without glazing could be produced after firing. These white porcelains were known as “White Gold” in the early Western world as they could not be replicated there. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF013_concat.wav 14.869000000000002 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF013_concat.wav 14.71975 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi tō bē sī pe̍h-sik--ê. na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, na7 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 to7 be7 si7 peh8-sik4--e5. 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,若無kap釉,燒--出-來就袂是白色--的。 nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi tō bē sī pe̍h-sek--ê. Without a layer of glaze, ordinary ceramics would not have turned out white after firing. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF013_concat.wav 8.127625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF013_concat.wav 16.6051875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, ngē-beh sio kah tsit tsióng kuân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phuà-phuà--khì, bô, tō sī tsok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, nge7-beh4 sio1 kah4 tsit4 tsiong2 kuan5 un1, na7-m7-si7 sio1 kah4 phua3-phua3--khi3, bo5,to7 si7 tsok4-phin2 e7 lai5 khu5-kha1--khi3; 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,硬欲燒kah這種懸溫,若毋是燒kah破破--去,無,就是作品會來khû跤--去; nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, ngē-beh sio kah chit chióng koân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phòa-phòa--khì, bô,tō sī chok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; Ceramics made using ordinary clay will crack or deform when fired at such temperatures. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF013_concat.wav 6.037000000000001 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF013_concat.wav 15.359625 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female koh lâi sī “hué” sóo tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sìng, tshoo-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng sī tsua̍t-tuì bē thàng-kng, nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū ê iù-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng, i tō ē sió-khuá thàng-kng. koh4 lai5 si7“hue2”soo2 tai7-piau2 e5 thang3-kng1-sing3, tshoo1-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1 si7 tsuat8-tui3 be7 thang3-kng1, na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7 e5 iu3-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1, i1 to7 e7 sio2-khua2 thang3-kng1. koh來是「火」所代表的thàng光性,粗瓷kā提來照光是絕對袂thàng光,若是完全無kap釉的幼瓷kā提來照光,伊就會小可thàng光。 koh lâi sī“hóe”só͘ tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sèng, chho͘-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng sī choa̍t-tùi bē thàng-kng, nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū ê iù-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng, i tō ē sió-khóa thàng-kng. The element of fire represents translucency. Ordinary ceramics are opaque. Fine porcelain without glaze exhibits translucency; you can see some light passing. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF013_concat.wav 12.245 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF013_concat.wav 2.97 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t--ooh! koh4-khah4 mai3-kong2 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8--ooh4! koh-khah-mài講欲按怎來區別--喔! koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t--o͘h! There is no need for me to tell you how to distinguish the two of them! 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF013_concat.wav 5.141 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF013_concat.wav 26.5204375 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tsuè-āu sī “hong” ê tsok-iōng, tse sī in-uī hong ū-huat-tōo thuân-sàng siann-im, nā-sī iù-huî iōng tshiú kā tia̍k khuànn-māi-á, i ê siann-im ē pí tia̍k tshoo-huî ê siann-im koh-khah tshè--tsi̍t-kuá, siong-tuì tshoo-huî ê siann-im ē khah tūn, m̄ tsai án-ní-sinn tshoo-huî kap iù-huî ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī tsin sim-sik? tsue3-au7 si7“hong1”e5 tsok4-iong7, tse1 si7 in1-ui7 hong1 u7-huat4-too7 thuan5-sang3 siann1-im1, na7-si7 iu3-hui5 iong7 tshiu2 ka7 tiak8 khuann3-mai7-a2, i1 e5 siann1-im1 e7 pi2 tiak8 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 koh4-khah4 tshe3--tsit8-kua2, siong1-tui3 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 e7 khah4 tun7, m7 tsai1 an2-ni2-sinn1 tshoo1-hui5 kap4 iu3-hui5 e5 kan2-tan1 khu1-piat8, si7 m7 si7 tsin1 sim1-sik4? 最後是「風」的作用,這是因為風有法度傳送聲音,若是幼瓷用手kā-tia̍k看覓仔,伊的聲音會比tia̍k粗瓷的聲音koh-khah脆--一寡,相對粗瓷的聲音會khah鈍,毋知按呢生粗瓷kap幼瓷的簡單區別,是毋是真心適? chòe-āu sī“hong”ê chok-iōng, che sī in-ūi hong ū-hoat-tō͘ thoân-sàng siaⁿ-im, nā-sī iù-hûi iōng chhiú kā tia̍k khòaⁿ-māi-á, i ê siaⁿ-im ē pí tia̍k chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im koh-khah chhè--chi̍t-kóa, siong-tùi chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im ē khah tūn, m̄ chai án-ní-siⁿ chho͘-hûi kap iù-hûi ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī chin sim-sek? Lastly is the element of wind. Because air or wind could transmit sound, a crisp and sharp clink could be heard from flicking fingers on fine porcelain. The sound from ordinary ceramics would be duller. That is such a convenient method to distinguish them. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF013_concat.wav 15.8318125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF013_concat.wav 4.23 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female bô-iàu-kín! lán tō ti̍t-tsiap kiò-i “huî-á” tō hó! bo5-iau3-kin2!lan2 to7 tit8-tsiap4 kio3-i1“hui5-a2”to7 ho2! 無要緊!咱就直接叫伊「瓷仔」就好! bô-iàu-kín!lán tō ti̍t-chiap kiò-i“hûi-á”tō hó! Never mind! We will just call them ceramics in general. That will do. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF013_concat.wav 5.823625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF013_concat.wav 3.51 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female lán tō kā kiò-tsò tshoo-huî; lan2 to7 ka7 kio3-tso3 tshoo1-hui5; 咱就kā叫做粗瓷; lán tō kā kiò-chò chho͘-hûi; We shall call them ordinary ceramics. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF013_concat.wav 4.0675 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF013_concat.wav 2.04 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t jiau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8 饒赦ê藝術 jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t The art of forgiveness. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF013_concat.wav 3.6903125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF013_concat.wav 6.249875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female liān kah ū tsi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê tsì kuân ê kíng-kài, kiò-tsò “gē-su̍t”. lian7 kah4 u7 tsit8-kang1 tat8-kau3 hit4-e5 tsi3 kuan5 e5 king2-kai3, kio3-tso3“ge7-sut8”. 練kah有一工達到彼个至kuân ê境界,叫做「藝術」。 liān kah ū chi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê chì koân ê kéng-kài, kiò-chò“gē-su̍t”. Practice it until attaining the highest level that we regard as art. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF013_concat.wav 5.1738125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF013_concat.wav 6.279875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg tshut guân-liōng kuí piàn, án-ne tō sī iáu-bē guân-liōng. na7-si7 e7-tang3 sng3 tshut4 guan5-liong7 kui2 pian3, an2-ne1 to7 si7 iau2-be7 guan5-liong7. 若是會當算出原諒幾遍,按呢就是猶未原諒。 nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg chhut goân-liōng kúi piàn, án-ne tō sī iáu-bē goân-liōng. If it is possible to count how many times one has forgiven someone, that means forgiveness is yet to be achieved. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF013_concat.wav 7.5240625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF013_concat.wav 14.8295 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female iâ-soo kóng ê tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn, tsiū sī tshin-tshiūnn lán kóng ê “tshit tshit-sì tsa̍p-káu” piàn, tō sī-m̄ tsai-iánn kuí piàn, it-ti̍t kàu uân-tsuân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. ia5-soo1 kong2 e5 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3, tsiu7 si7 tshin1-tshiunn7 lan2 kong2 e5“tshit4 tshit4-si3 tsap8-kau2”pian3, to7 si7-m7 tsai1-iann2 kui2 pian3, it4-tit8 kau3 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 teh4 ti3-i3, bo5 koh4 khioh4-hun7. 耶穌講ê七十个七遍,就是親像咱講ê「七七四十九」遍,就是m̄知影幾遍,一直到完全無teh致意,無koh抾恨。 iâ-so͘ kóng ê chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn, chiū sī chhin-chhiūⁿ lán kóng ê“chhit chhit-sì cha̍p-káu”piàn, tō sī-m̄ chai-iáⁿ kúi piàn, it-ti̍t kàu oân-choân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. The seventy sets of seven times that Jesus mentioned is similar to the “seven sevens make forty-nine” as we usually say in Chinese. It is uncountable until one no longer feels a grudge. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF013_concat.wav 13.0343125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF013_concat.wav 8.889875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kap tsok-tsiá kāng-khuán ê kiat-lūn: “jîn-luī ê li̍k-sú tō sī tsi̍t phō put khuan-iông sú”. thak8 liau2 tit4-tioh8 kap4 tsok4-tsia2 kang7-khuan2 e5 kiat4-lun7: “jin5-lui7 e5 lik8-su2 to7 si7 tsit8 pho7 put4 khuan1-iong5 su2”. 讀了得著kap作者仝款ê結論:「人類ê歷史就是一phō不寬容史」。 tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kap chok-chiá kāng-khoán ê kiat-lūn: “jîn-lūi ê le̍k-sú tō sī chi̍t phō put khoan-iông sú”. After reading, I came to the same conclusion as the author - human history is a wave of unforgiving past. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF013_concat.wav 7.2215 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF013_concat.wav 14.375875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female jîn-luī put-tuān tiông-ho̍k sim-kuann kheh e̍h, bô-huat-tōo tsiap-la̍p kap ka-kī bô-kâng-khuán siūnn-huat ê tsok-uî, nā-sī kap guá bô sio-kâng, tō sī lí sí guá ua̍h. jin5-lui7 put4-tuan7 tiong5-hok8 sim1-kuann1 kheh4 eh8, bo5-huat4-too7 tsiap4-lap8 kap4 ka1-ki7 bo5-kang5-khuan2 siunn7-huat4 e5 tsok4-ui5, na7-si7 kap4 gua2 bo5 sio1-kang5, to7 si7 li2 si2 gua2 uah8. 人類不斷重複心肝kheh-e̍h,無法度接納kap家己無仝款想法ê作為,若是kap我無相仝,就是你死我活。 jîn-lūi put-toān tiông-ho̍k sim-koaⁿ kheh e̍h, bô-hoat-tō͘ chiap-la̍p kap ka-kī bô-kâng-khoán siūⁿ-hoat ê chok-ûi, nā-sī kap góa bô sio-kâng, tō sī lí sí góa oa̍h. In repetitive cycles of narrow-mindedness and the inability to accept differences in thinking, people are out to eradicate those who hold differing views. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF013_concat.wav 10.631875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF013_concat.wav 5.16 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tse pau-kuat tsē-tsē sóo-uī iâ-soo tāi-giân-jîn ê jîn-luī. tse1 pau1-kuat4 tse7-tse7 soo2-ui7 ia5-soo1 tai7-gian5-jin5 e5 jin5-lui7. 這包括濟濟所謂耶穌代言人ê人類。 che pau-koat chē-chē só͘-ūi iâ-so͘ tāi-giân-jîn ê jîn-lūi. This includes the many humans who claimed themselves as the spokespersons of Jesus Christ. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF013_concat.wav 6.271625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF013_concat.wav 8.739875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female jîn-luī kàu-tann ê li̍k-sú, tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn lóng sī bô jiâu-sià, bô khuan-iông, bô guân-liōng. jin5-lui7 kau3-tann1 e5 lik8-su2, tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3 long2 si7 bo5 jiau5-sia3,bo5 khuan1-iong5,bo5 guan5-liong7. 人類到tann ê歷史,七十个七遍攏是無饒赦、無寬容、無原諒。 jîn-lūi kàu-taⁿ ê le̍k-sú, chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn lóng sī bô jiâu-sià,bô khoan-iông,bô goân-liōng. In human history up till now, there were far more than seventy sets of seven unforgiving deeds, intolerances, and unforgiveness. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF013_concat.wav 10.643875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF013_concat.wav 17.5895 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female luh sìn lîm tsiong ê sî, siūnn-tio̍h se-hng lâng ê thuân-thóng, thiann-kóng sí tsìn-tsîng ài guân-liōng tsit-sì-lâng tit-tsuē--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-sing, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūnn, suah jú siūnn jú tsē, guân-liōng bē liáu. luh4 sin3 lim5 tsiong1 e5 si5, siunn7-tioh8 se1-hng1 lang5 e5 thuan5-thong2, thiann1-kong2 si2 tsin3-tsing5 ai3 guan5-liong7 tsit4-si3-lang5 tit4-tsue7--lan2 e5 lang5, thang1-ho2 ong2-sing1, m7-koh4 i1 it4-tit8 siunn7,suah4 ju2 siunn7 ju2 tse7,guan5-liong7 be7 liau2. luh sìn臨終ê時,想著西方人ê傳統,聽講死進前ài原諒這世人得罪--咱ê人,thang好往生,m̄-koh伊一直想,suah愈想愈濟,原諒bē了。 luh sìn lîm chiong ê sî, siūⁿ-tio̍h se-hng lâng ê thoân-thóng, thiaⁿ-kóng sí chìn-chêng ài goân-liōng chit-sì-lâng tit-chōe--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-seng, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūⁿ,soah jú siūⁿ jú chē,goân-liōng bē liáu. According to Western traditions, one should be able to forgive all those who had offended him before he breathed his last so that he could depart the world without bearing any grudge. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF013_concat.wav 12.4140625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF013_concat.wav 10.166 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tō kóng: “tit-tsuē--guá ê lâng si̍t-tsāi siunn-tsē--ah, bô, in mā mài guân-liōng--guá--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke tshé pênn tsún suah.” to7 kong2:“tit4-tsue7--gua2 e5 lang5 sit8-tsai7 siunn1-tse7--ah4, bo5,in1 ma7 mai3 guan5-liong7--gua2--lah4, an2-ne1 tak8-ke1 tshe2 penn5 tsun2 suah4.” 就講:「得罪--我ê人實在傷濟--ah,無,in mā mài原諒--我--lah,按呢逐家tshé平準煞。」 tō kóng:“tit-chōe--góa ê lâng si̍t-chāi siuⁿ-chē--ah, bô,in mā mài goân-liōng--góa--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke chhé pêⁿ chún soah.” He said, “There were too many people who offended me. They are probably not going to forgive me either. So we can call it quits.” 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF013_concat.wav 7.893 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF013_concat.wav 3.87 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû jiâu-sià tsit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? li2 kam2 khai1-si2 tui1-kiu5 jiau5-sia3 tsit4 mng5 ge7-sut8--ah4? 你敢開始追求饒赦這門藝術--ah? lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû jiâu-sià chit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? Have you begun the journey on the art of forgiveness? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF013_concat.wav 4.2218125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF013_concat.wav 1.8 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tio̍h-ài liōng-tsá--ooh! tioh8-ai3 liong7-tsa2--ooh4! tio̍h-ài冗早--喔! tio̍h-ài liōng-chá--o͘h! You have to start early! 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF013_concat.wav 3.8218125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF013_concat.wav 1.95 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female án-ne kám bô-kàu?” an2-ne1 kam2 bo5-kau3?” 按呢敢無夠?」 án-ne kám bô-kàu?” Is that not enough? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF013_concat.wav 2.775 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF013_concat.wav 5.265625 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female iâ-soo kóng: “bô-kàu, ài guân-liōng tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn!” ia5-soo1 kong2:“bo5-kau3,ai3 guan5-liong7 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3!” 耶穌講:「無夠,ài原諒七十个七遍!」 iâ-so͘ kóng:“bô-kàu,ài goân-liōng chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn!” Jesus replied, 'No, it’s not enough. You need to do it seventy times seven times.' 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF013_concat.wav 6.4423125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF013_concat.wav 2.94 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tse tō sī jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. tse1 to7 si7 jiau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8. 這就是饒赦ê藝術。 che tō sī jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. This is the art of forgiveness. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF013_concat.wav 3.6333125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF013_concat.wav 1.71 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tsū-iû bāng tsu7-iu5 bang7 自由夢 chū-iû bāng The dream of freedom. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF013_concat.wav 2.94875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF013_concat.wav 3.81 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female i put-sî khuànn-tio̍h sio bē tsīn ê nōo-hué. i1 put4-si5 khuann3-tioh8 sio1 be7 tsin7 e5 noo7-hue2. 伊不時看著燒袂盡的怒火。 i put-sî khòaⁿ-tio̍h sio bē chīn ê nō͘-hóe. He often looks at the burning anger. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF013_concat.wav 4.2791875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF013_concat.wav 2.9280625 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female tsok-tsiá: Tân Kim-sūn tsok4-tsia2:tan5 kim1-sun7 作者:陳金順 chok-chiá:Tân Kim-sūn Author: Tân Kim-sūn. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF013_concat.wav 3.029 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF013_concat.wav 7.0948125 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female hit ji̍t, tshī-tiúnn lâi “tsū-iû hāng” khiā pâi, Tshun-ōng tú-hó tiàm tī jîn-kûn--lí. hit4 jit8,tshi7-tiunn2 lai5“tsu7-iu5 hang7”khia7 pai5, tshun1-ong7 tu2-ho2 tiam3 ti7 jin5-kun5--li2. 彼日,市長來「自由巷」徛牌,春旺拄好踮佇人群--裡。 hit ji̍t,chhī-tiúⁿ lâi“chū-iû hāng”khiā pâi, Chhun-ōng tú-hó tiàm tī jîn-kûn--lí. That day, the mayor came to the stop sign at 'Liberty Lane' and Tshun Ōng happened to be standing in the crowd. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF013_concat.wav 8.8553125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF013_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF013_concat.wav 5.109875 KHF013 雲林崙背腔 Yunlin-Lunbei accent Female i thè-hiu keh-tńg-ji̍t, suî lâi ki-kim-huē tsò tsì-kang. i1 the3-hiu1 keh4-tng2-jit8, sui5 lai5 ki1-kim1-hue7 tso3 tsi3-kang1. 伊退休隔轉日,隨來基金會做志工。 i thè-hiu keh-tńg-ji̍t, sûi lâi ki-kim-hōe chò chì-kang. The day after he retired, he came to the foundation to volunteer. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF013_concat.wav 5.91325 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF015_concat.wav 3.57 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn hua-liân-kuān bîn-á-tsài peh hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 hua1-lian5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 peh4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看花蓮縣明仔載八號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ hoa-liân-koān bîn-á-chài peh hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let's look at the weather in Hualien County. Tomorrow, the eighth. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF015_concat.wav 5.8585625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF015_concat.wav 9.972375 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-la̍k tsì sann-tsa̍p-it tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sann-tsa̍p % lâi-pin peh-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-la̍k hō tshiánn tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-lak8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-it4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 sann1-tsap8% lai5-pin1 peh4-pah4-tshit4-tsap8-lak8 ho7 tshiann2 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十六至三十一度,落雨機率三十%來賓八百七十六號請十二號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-la̍k chì saⁿ-cha̍p-it tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t saⁿ-cha̍p% lâi-pin peh-pah-chhit-cha̍p-la̍k hō chhiáⁿ cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature is 26 to 31 degrees, and the chance of rain is 30 per cent. Guest number 876, please come to counter 12. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF015_concat.wav 9.379125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF015_concat.wav 3.975625 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lóng-tsóng la̍k-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-tshit khoo, tsāu lí jī-tsa̍p-sann khoo long2-tsong2 lak8-pah4-tshit4-tsap8-tshit4 khoo1,tsau7 li2 ji7-tsap8-sann1 khoo1 攏總六百七十七箍, 找你二十三箍 lóng-chóng la̍k-pah-chhit-cha̍p-chhit kho͘,chāu lí jī-cha̍p-saⁿ kho͘ Total is six hundred and seventy-seven dollars. Here are the remaining twenty-three dollars. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF015_concat.wav 6.431625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF015_concat.wav 2.97 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female kin-á-li̍t sī gōo-gue̍h lī gōo, pài-sann kin1-a2-lit8 si7 goo7-gueh8 li7 goo7,pai3-sann1 今仔日是五月二五,拜三 kin-á-li̍t sī gō͘-goe̍h lī gō͘,pài-saⁿ Today is Wednesday, May 25th. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF015_concat.wav 3.583625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF015_concat.wav 3.15 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female i-tī jī khòng khòng khòng nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 ji7 khong3 khong3 khong3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇二空空空年出世 i-tī jī khòng khòng khòng nî chhut-sì He was born in the year 2000. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF015_concat.wav 4.2804375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF015_concat.wav 3.69 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki lio̍k lī lio̍k it tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 liok8 li7 liok8 it4 請幫我轉分機六二六一 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki lio̍k lī lio̍k it Please transfer me to extension 6261. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF015_concat.wav 5.0431875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF015_concat.wav 1.92 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Life conversations. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF015_concat.wav 3.8183125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF015_concat.wav 3.588125 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Put-sî tuā piànn-sàu, tshù lāi tsin tshing-khì! put4-si5 tua7 piann3-sau3,tshu3 lai7 tsin1 tshing1-khi3! 不時大摒掃,厝內真清氣! Put-sî tōa piàⁿ-sàu,chhù lāi chin chheng-khì! You always clean the house, it is so clean! 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF015_concat.wav 4.008125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF015_concat.wav 1.26 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Ha̋nn? Lí kóng siánn? hann9?li2 kong2 siann2? Ha̋nn?你講啥? Hăⁿ?Lí kóng siáⁿ? Huh? What did you say? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF015_concat.wav 3.588375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF015_concat.wav 3.63 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female He khong-khì-tshing-tsīng-ki lī-á sió uānn--tsi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. he1 khong1-khi3-tshing1-tsing7-ki1 li7-a2 sio2 uann7--tsit8-e7 to7 ho2--ah4--lah4. 彼空氣清淨機濾仔小換--一下就好--矣--啦。 He khong-khì-chheng-chēng-ki lī-á sió ōaⁿ--chi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. The air purifier filter will be replaced. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF015_concat.wav 4.501 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF015_concat.wav 4.2 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Honnh, He bô kâng--lah! Lâng-kóng “Tshing-tshù tsiah ē hù” neh. honnh4,he1 bo5 kang5--lah4!lang5-kong2“tshing1-tshu3 tsiah4 e7 hu3”neh4. 乎,彼無仝--啦!人講「清厝才會富」呢。 Hoⁿh,He bô kâng--lah!Lâng-kóng“Chheng-chhù chiah ē hù”neh. Oh, that's different! People say, 'Clean up your house to get rich'. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF015_concat.wav 5.5463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF015_concat.wav 7.151125 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Guá khuànn lán kheh-thiann sì-kè ing-ia, guá e-poo tshit tiān-sī-tû thâu-tsîng, thôo-hún guā kāu lí tsai--bô? gua2 khuann3 lan2 kheh4-thiann1 si3-ke3 ing1-ia1, gua2 e1-poo1 tshit4 tian7-si7-tu5 thau5-tsing5,thoo5-hun2 gua7 kau7 li2 tsai1--bo5? 我看咱客廳四界坱埃,我下晡拭電視櫥頭前,塗粉偌厚你知--無? Góa khòaⁿ lán kheh-thiaⁿ sì-kè eng-ia, góa e-po͘ chhit tiān-sī-tû thâu-chêng,thô͘-hún gōa kāu lí chai--bô? I saw that we have dust around the living room, so I wiped the front of the TV cabinet that afternoon. Do you know how thick the dust was? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF015_concat.wav 7.999625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF015_concat.wav 4.38 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Lí sī kā tsia lóng tòng-tsò thiann-thâu, tsi̍t nî tshíng-thûn tsiah piànn tsi̍t-kái--sioh? li2 si7 ka7 tsia1 long2 tong3-tso3 thiann1-thau5,tsit8 ni5 tshing2-thun5 tsiah4 piann3 tsit8-kai2--sioh4? 你是共遮攏當做廳頭,一年筅黗才摒一改--sioh? Lí sī kā chia lóng tòng-chò thiaⁿ-thâu,chi̍t nî chhéng-thûn chiah piàⁿ chi̍t-kái--sioh? Do you treat this place as your main room? You only clean once a year, right? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF015_concat.wav 5.567625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF015_concat.wav 5.566875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Guá kin-á-li̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn, huat-kiàn lán thian-pông, piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. gua2 kin1-a2-lit8 si3-ke3 sun5-sun5,huat4-kian3 lan2 thian1-pong5,piah4-kak4 long2 u7 ti1-tu1-si1 neh4. 我今仔日四界巡巡,發見咱天篷、壁角攏有蜘蛛絲呢。 Góa kin-á-li̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn,hoat-kiàn lán thian-pông,piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. I looked around today and saw spider silk on our ceiling and corners. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF015_concat.wav 5.205 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF015_concat.wav 4.68 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Jî-tshiánn lán tsū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kuè kha-tián, koh ū mn̂g-nî. ji5-tshiann2 lan2 tsu7 kiat4-hun1 liau2 kan2-na2 long2 bo5 se2 kue3 kha1-tian2,koh4 u7 mng5-ni5. 而且咱自結婚了敢若攏無洗過kha-tián,閣有門簾。 Jî-chhiáⁿ lán chū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kòe kha-tián,koh ū mn̂g-nî. And it seems like we have not washed the curtains and the door curtains since we got married. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF015_concat.wav 6.0583125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF015_concat.wav 2.28 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Lán ū-îng kám beh lâi piànn-sàu--tsi̍t-ē? lan2 u7-ing5 kam2 beh4 lai5 piann3-sau3--tsit8-e7? 咱有閒敢欲來摒掃--一-下? Lán ū-êng kám beh lâi piàⁿ-sàu--chi̍t-ē? We are free and would like to come and clean up a bit. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF015_concat.wav 4.055 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF015_concat.wav 1.83 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Hannh?Ké bô thiann—ê? hannh4?ke2 bo5 thiann1—e5? 唅?假無聽—的? Haⁿh?Ké bô thiaⁿ—ê? What? You pretended that you can't hear me? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF015_concat.wav 3.3703125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF015_concat.wav 3.36 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Án-ne guá lâi bé tsi̍t-tâi sàu-thôo-kha ê ki-khì-lâng. an2-ne1 gua2 lai5 be2 tsit8-tai5 sau3-thoo5-kha1 e5 ki1-khi3-lang5. 按呢我來買一台掃塗跤的機器人。 Án-ne góa lâi bé chi̍t-tâi sàu-thô͘-kha ê ki-khì-lâng. In that case, let me buy a robot that will sweep the floor. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF015_concat.wav 4.33875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF015_concat.wav 1.17 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female Bûn-tsiong it bun5-tsiong1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiong it Article one. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF015_concat.wav 3.157 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF015_concat.wav 2.28 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tshoo-huî kah iù-huî tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 粗瓷kah幼瓷 chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi Rough and fine porcelain. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF015_concat.wav 3.37375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF015_concat.wav 2.34 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lán tiō kā kiò-tsò iù-huî; lan2 tio7 ka7 kio3-tso3 iu3-hui5; 咱就kā叫做幼瓷; lán tiō kā kiò-chò iù-hûi; We call them fine porcelain. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF015_concat.wav 3.775625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF015_concat.wav 4.209875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female m̄-kò, tshoo-huî kap iù-huî beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t? m7-ko3, tshoo1-hui5 kap4 iu3-hui5 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8? 毋過,粗瓷kap幼瓷欲按怎來區別? m̄-kò, chho͘-hûi kap iù-hûi beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t? However, what is the difference between fine and rough porcelain? 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF015_concat.wav 5.013 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF015_concat.wav 8.3055 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lán tsí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak “hong, hué, tsuí, thôo” sì lī, tiō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kuá khài-liām őo. lan2 tsi2-iau3 kan2-tan1 pa2-ak4“hong1,hue2,tsui2,thoo5”si3 li7, tio7 e7-sai2 khin1-khin1-sang1-sang1 u7 kua2 khai3-liam7 oo9. 咱只要簡單把握「風、火、水、塗」四字,就會使輕輕鬆鬆有寡概念őo。 lán chí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak“hong,hóe,chúi,thô͘”sì lī, tiō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kóa khài-liām ŏ͘. We only need to simply grasp the four words, 'Wind, fire, water, and earth', then we can easily grasp some concepts. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF015_concat.wav 7.701 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF015_concat.wav 18.169375 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female in-uī ko-niá-thôo lāi-té tsha-put-to bô thih-á tíng-tíng ê tsa̍p-tsit, sóo-í nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi ê iù-huî ē tsin uá-kīn pe̍h-sik, tī kóo-tsá ê se-iûnn sè-kài, in bô-huat-tōo sio tshut tsit tsióng iù-huî, lóng ē kā i kiò-tsò “pe̍h-kim”; in1-ui7 ko1-nia2-thoo5 lai7-te2 tsha1-put4-to1 bo5 thih4-a2 ting2-ting2 e5 tsap8-tsit4, soo2-i2 na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 e5 iu3-hui5 e7 tsin1 ua2-kin7 peh8-sik4, ti7 koo2-tsa2 e5 se1-iunn5 se3-kai3, in1 bo5-huat4-too7 sio1 tshut4 tsit4 tsiong2 iu3-hui5, long2 e7 ka7 i1 kio3-tso3“peh8-kim1”; 因為高嶺塗內底差不多無鐵仔等等的雜質,所以若是完全無kap釉,燒--出-來的幼瓷會真倚近白色,佇古早的西洋世界,in無法度燒出這種幼瓷,攏會kā伊叫做「白金」; in-ūi ko-niá-thô͘ lāi-té chha-put-to bô thih-á téng-téng ê cha̍p-chit, só͘-í nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi ê iù-hûi ē chin óa-kīn pe̍h-sek, tī kó͘-chá ê se-iûⁿ sè-kài, in bô-hoat-tō͘ sio chhut chit chióng iù-hûi, lóng ē kā i kiò-chò“pe̍h-kim”; Because the kaolin clay has almost no iron and other impurities in it. Therefore, if it is completely unglazed, the fine porcelain will be very close to white after firing. In the early Western countries, they could not burn this kind of fine porcelain and they would call it 'white gold'. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF015_concat.wav 15.957 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF015_concat.wav 6.97975 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi tiō bē sī pe̍h-sik--ê. na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, na7 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 tio7 be7 si7 peh8-sik4--e5. 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,若無kap釉,燒--出-來就袂是白色--的。 nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi tiō bē sī pe̍h-sek--ê. If the coating of ordinary rough porcelain is not glazed, it will not be white after firing. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF015_concat.wav 6.485 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF015_concat.wav 11.2245625 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, ngē-beh sio kah tsit tsióng kuân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phuà-phuà--khì, bô, tiō sī tsok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, nge7-beh4 sio1 kah4 tsit4 tsiong2 kuan5 un1, na7-m7-si7 sio1 kah4 phua3-phua3--khi3, bo5,tio7 si7 tsok4-phin2 e7 lai5 khu5-kha1--khi3; 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,硬欲燒kah這種懸溫,若毋是燒kah破破--去,無,就是作品會來khû跤--去; nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, ngē-beh sio kah chit chióng koân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phòa-phòa--khì, bô,tiō sī chok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; If the clay is of ordinary rough porcelain, it has to be fired to a high temperature. If it is not burned until it breaks, then the work will collapse. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF015_concat.wav 13.247625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF015_concat.wav 14.249625 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female koh lâi sī “hué” sóo tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sìng, tshoo-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng sī tsua̍t-tuì bē thàng-kng, nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū ê iù-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng, i tiō ē sió-khuá thàng-kng. koh4 lai5 si7“hue2”soo2 tai7-piau2 e5 thang3-kng1-sing3, tshoo1-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1 si7 tsuat8-tui3 be7 thang3-kng1, na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7 e5 iu3-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1, i1 tio7 e7 sio2-khua2 thang3-kng1. koh來是「火」所代表的thàng光性,粗瓷kā提來照光是絕對袂thàng光,若是完全無kap釉的幼瓷kā提來照光,伊就會小可thàng光。 koh lâi sī“hóe”só͘ tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sèng, chho͘-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng sī choa̍t-tùi bē thàng-kng, nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū ê iù-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng, i tiō ē sió-khóa thàng-kng. Then there is the translucency represented by 'fire'. Rough porcelain, when exposed to light, is opaque. If it is a completely unglazed fine porcelain exposed to light, it will be transparent. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF015_concat.wav 11.605 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF015_concat.wav 2.58 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t--ooh! koh4-khah4 mai3-kong2 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8--ooh4! koh-khah-mài講欲按怎來區別--喔! koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t--o͘h! Not to mention how to distinguish between them! 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF015_concat.wav 4.501 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF015_concat.wav 23.57925 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tsuè-āu sī “hong” ê tsok-iōng, tse sī in-uī hong ū-huat-tōo thuân-sàng siann-im, nā-sī iù-huî īng tshiú kā tia̍k khuànn-māi-á, i ê siann-im ē pí tia̍k tshoo-huî ê siann-im koh-khah tshè--tsi̍t-kuá, siong-tuì tshoo-huî ê siann-im ē khah tūn, m̄ tsai án-ne-senn tshoo-huî kap iù-huî ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī tsin sim-sik? tsue3-au7 si7“hong1”e5 tsok4-iong7, tse1 si7 in1-ui7 hong1 u7-huat4-too7 thuan5-sang3 siann1-im1, na7-si7 iu3-hui5 ing7 tshiu2 ka7 tiak8 khuann3-mai7-a2, i1 e5 siann1-im1 e7 pi2 tiak8 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 koh4-khah4 tshe3--tsit8-kua2, siong1-tui3 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 e7 khah4 tun7, m7 tsai1 an2-ne1-senn1 tshoo1-hui5 kap4 iu3-hui5 e5 kan2-tan1 khu1-piat8, si7 m7 si7 tsin1 sim1-sik4? 最後是「風」的作用,這是因為風有法度傳送聲音,若是幼瓷用手kā-tia̍k看覓仔,伊的聲音會比tia̍k粗瓷的聲音koh-khah脆--一寡,相對粗瓷的聲音會khah鈍,毋知按呢生粗瓷kap幼瓷的簡單區別,是毋是真心適? chòe-āu sī“hong”ê chok-iōng, che sī in-ūi hong ū-hoat-tō͘ thoân-sàng siaⁿ-im, nā-sī iù-hûi ēng chhiú kā tia̍k khòaⁿ-māi-á, i ê siaⁿ-im ē pí tia̍k chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im koh-khah chhè--chi̍t-kóa, siong-tùi chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im ē khah tūn, m̄ chai án-ne-seⁿ chho͘-hûi kap iù-hûi ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī chin sim-sek? The last is the role of 'wind' as the wind can transmit sound. If fine porcelain is flicked by a finger, its sound will be crisper than that of rough porcelain. The sound of the rough porcelain will be duller. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF015_concat.wav 11.5623125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF015_concat.wav 3.6480625 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female bô-iàu-kín! lán tio̍h ti̍t-tsiap kiò-i “huî-á” tiō hó! bo5-iau3-kin2!lan2 tioh8 tit8-tsiap4 kio3-i1“hui5-a2”tio7 ho2! 無要緊!咱就直接叫伊「瓷仔」就好! bô-iàu-kín!lán tio̍h ti̍t-chiap kiò-i“hûi-á”tiō hó! Never mind! Let's just call it 'Porcelain'! 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF015_concat.wav 4.9063125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF015_concat.wav 2.34 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lán tiō kā kiò-tsò tshoo-huî; lan2 tio7 ka7 kio3-tso3 tshoo1-hui5; 咱就kā叫做粗瓷; lán tiō kā kiò-chò chho͘-hûi; We will call it rough porcelain. 6007196 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF015_concat.wav 3.861 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF015_concat.wav 1.44 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t liau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8 饒赦ê藝術 liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t The art of pardoning. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF015_concat.wav 3.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF015_concat.wav 5.949875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female liān kah ū tsi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê tsì kuân ê kíng-kài, kiò-tsò “gē-su̍t”. lian7 kah4 u7 tsit8-kang1 tat8-kau3 hit4-e5 tsi3 kuan5 e5 king2-kai3, kio3-tso3“ge7-sut8”. 練kah有一工達到彼个至kuân ê境界,叫做「藝術」。 liān kah ū chi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê chì koân ê kéng-kài, kiò-chò“gē-su̍t”. Practice until one day you reach the supreme state, called art. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF015_concat.wav 5.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF015_concat.wav 5.319875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg tshut guân-liōng kuí piàn, án-ne tiō sī iáu-buē guân-liōng. na7-si7 e7-tang3 sng3 tshut4 guan5-liong7 kui2 pian3, an2-ne1 tio7 si7 iau2-bue7 guan5-liong7. 若是會當算出原諒幾遍,按呢就是猶未原諒。 nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg chhut goân-liōng kúi piàn, án-ne tiō sī iáu-bōe goân-liōng. If you can count the number of times you have forgiven, then it is still unforgivable. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF015_concat.wav 6.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF015_concat.wav 12.76575 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female iâ-soo kóng ê tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn, tsiū sī tshin-tshiūnn lán kóng ê “tshit tshit-sì tsa̍p-káu” piàn, tiō sī-m̄ tsai-iánn kuí piàn, it-ti̍t kàu uân-tsuân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. ia5-soo1 kong2 e5 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3, tsiu7 si7 tshin1-tshiunn7 lan2 kong2 e5“tshit4 tshit4-si3 tsap8-kau2”pian3, tio7 si7-m7 tsai1-iann2 kui2 pian3, it4-tit8 kau3 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 teh4 ti3-i3, bo5 koh4 khioh4-hun7. 耶穌講ê七十个七遍,就是親像咱講ê「七七四十九」遍,就是m̄知影幾遍,一直到完全無teh致意,無koh抾恨。 iâ-so͘ kóng ê chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn, chiū sī chhin-chhiūⁿ lán kóng ê“chhit chhit-sì cha̍p-káu”piàn, tiō sī-m̄ chai-iáⁿ kúi piàn, it-ti̍t kàu oân-choân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. Jesus said that the so-called seventy times seven is like what we say, 'Seven times”, which means, I don't know how many times, but until you no longer care and you do not hold a grudge anymore. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF015_concat.wav 11.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF015_concat.wav 7.2255 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kah tsok-tsiá kāng-khuán ê kiat-lūn: “lîn-luī ê li̍k-sú tiō sī tsi̍t phō put khuan-iông sú”. thak8 liau2 tit4-tioh8 kah4 tsok4-tsia2 kang7-khuan2 e5 kiat4-lun7: “lin5-lui7 e5 lik8-su2 tio7 si7 tsit8 pho7 put4 khuan1-iong5 su2”. 讀了得著kah作者仝款ê結論:「人類ê歷史就是一phō不寬容史」。 tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kah chok-chiá kāng-khoán ê kiat-lūn: “lîn-lūi ê le̍k-sú tiō sī chi̍t phō put khoan-iông sú”. After reading it, I came to the same conclusion as the author: 'The history of mankind is a history of intolerance'. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF015_concat.wav 7.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF015_concat.wav 11.399625 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lîn-luī put-tuān tiông-ho̍k sim-kuann kheh e̍h, bô-huat-tōo tsiap-la̍p kah ka-kī bô-kâng-khuán siūnn-huat ê tsok-uî, nā-sī kah guá bô sio-kâng, tiō sī lí sí guá ua̍h. lin5-lui7 put4-tuan7 tiong5-hok8 sim1-kuann1 kheh4 eh8, bo5-huat4-too7 tsiap4-lap8 kah4 ka1-ki7 bo5-kang5-khuan2 siunn7-huat4 e5 tsok4-ui5, na7-si7 kah4 gua2 bo5 sio1-kang5, tio7 si7 li2 si2 gua2 uah8. 人類不斷重複心肝kheh-e̍h,無法度接納kah家己無仝款想法ê作為,若是kah我無相仝,就是你死我活。 lîn-lūi put-toān tiông-ho̍k sim-koaⁿ kheh e̍h, bô-hoat-tō͘ chiap-la̍p kah ka-kī bô-kâng-khoán siūⁿ-hoat ê chok-ûi, nā-sī kah góa bô sio-kâng, tiō sī lí sí góa oa̍h. Human beings are constantly repeating their narrow-mindedness and are unable to accept acts that are different from their ideas. If they are different from mine, then it is a matter of life and death. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF015_concat.wav 11.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF015_concat.wav 4.38 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tse pau-kuat tsē-tsē sóo-uī iâ-soo tāi-giân-lîn ê lîn-luī. tse1 pau1-kuat4 tse7-tse7 soo2-ui7 ia5-soo1 tai7-gian5-lin5 e5 lin5-lui7. 這包括濟濟所謂耶穌代言人ê人類。 che pau-koat chē-chē só͘-ūi iâ-so͘ tāi-giân-lîn ê lîn-lūi. This includes many of the people who are the so-called spokesmen of Jesus. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF015_concat.wav 5.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF015_concat.wav 7.392375 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lîn-luī kàu-tann ê li̍k-sú, tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn lóng sī bô liâu-sià, bô khuan-iông, bô guân-liōng. lin5-lui7 kau3-tann1 e5 lik8-su2, tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3 long2 si7 bo5 liau5-sia3,bo5 khuan1-iong5,bo5 guan5-liong7. 人類到tann ê歷史,七十个七遍攏是無饒赦、無寬容、無原諒。 lîn-lūi kàu-taⁿ ê le̍k-sú, chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn lóng sī bô liâu-sià,bô khoan-iông,bô goân-liōng. The history of mankind up to the present time, seventy times seven, has been about unforgiveness, intolerance, and unforgiveness. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF015_concat.wav 9.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF015_concat.wav 15.748875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lóo sìn lîm-tsiong ê sî, siūnn-tio̍h se-hng lâng ê thuân-thóng, thiann-kóng sí tsìn-tsîng ài guân-liōng tsit-sì-lâng tit-tsē--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-sing, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūnn, suah lú siūnn lú tsē, guân-liōng bē liáu. loo2 sin3 lim5-tsiong1 e5 si5, siunn7-tioh8 se1-hng1 lang5 e5 thuan5-thong2, thiann1-kong2 si2 tsin3-tsing5 ai3 guan5-liong7 tsit4-si3-lang5 tit4-tse7--lan2 e5 lang5, thang1-ho2 ong2-sing1, m7-koh4 i1 it4-tit8 siunn7,suah4 lu2 siunn7 lu2 tse7,guan5-liong7 be7 liau2. 魯迅臨終ê時,想著西方人ê傳統,聽講死進前ài原諒這世人得罪--咱ê人,thang好往生,m̄-koh伊一直想,suah愈想愈濟,原諒bē了。 ló͘ sìn lîm-chiong ê sî, siūⁿ-tio̍h se-hng lâng ê thoân-thóng, thiaⁿ-kóng sí chìn-chêng ài goân-liōng chit-sì-lâng tit-chē--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-seng, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūⁿ,soah lú siūⁿ lú chē,goân-liōng bē liáu. Before he died, Lu Xun thought about the traditions of Westerners. He heard that before he dies, he has to forgive those who have offended him in his life. But as he kept on thinking about it, the more he could not forgive. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF015_concat.wav 12.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF015_concat.wav 9.2253125 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tiō kóng: “tit-tsē--guá ê lâng si̍t-tsāi siunn-tsē--ah, bô, in mā mài guân-liōng--guá--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke tshé pênn tsún suah.” tio7 kong2:“tit4-tse7--gua2 e5 lang5 sit8-tsai7 siunn1-tse7--ah4, bo5,in1 ma7 mai3 guan5-liong7--gua2--lah4, an2-ne1 tak8-ke1 tshe2 penn5 tsun2 suah4.” 就講:「得罪--我ê人實在傷濟--ah,無,in mā mài原諒--我--lah,按呢逐家tshé平準煞。」 tiō kóng:“tit-chē--góa ê lâng si̍t-chāi siuⁿ-chē--ah, bô,in mā mài goân-liōng--góa--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke chhé pêⁿ chún soah.” Then he said, 'There are too many people who have offended me. They should not forgive me so that we are even. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF015_concat.wav 6.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF015_concat.wav 3.93 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû liâu-sià tsit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? li2 kam2 khai1-si2 tui1-kiu5 liau5-sia3 tsit4 mng5 ge7-sut8--ah4? 你敢開始追求饒赦這門藝術--ah? lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû liâu-sià chit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? Have you begun to pursue the art of forgiveness? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF015_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF015_concat.wav 1.53 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tio̍h-ài liōng-tsá--ooh! tioh8-ai3 liong7-tsa2--ooh4! tio̍h-ài冗早--喔! tio̍h-ài liōng-chá--o͘h! Make sure to be early! 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF015_concat.wav 2.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF015_concat.wav 1.62 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female án-ne kám bô-kàu?” an2-ne1 kam2 bo5-kau3?” 按呢敢無夠?」 án-ne kám bô-kàu?” Isn't that enough? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF015_concat.wav 2.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF015_concat.wav 4.6143125 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female iâ-soo kóng: “bô-kàu, ài guân-liōng tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn!” ia5-soo1 kong2:“bo5-kau3,ai3 guan5-liong7 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3!” 耶穌講:「無夠,ài原諒七十个七遍!」 iâ-so͘ kóng:“bô-kàu,ài goân-liōng chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn!” Jesus said, 'Not enough, you have to forgive seven times of seventy!' 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF015_concat.wav 4.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF015_concat.wav 2.07 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tse tō sī liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. tse1 to7 si7 liau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8. 這就是饒赦ê藝術。 che tō sī liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. This is the art of forgiveness. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF015_concat.wav 2.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF015_concat.wav 1.32 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tsū-iû bāng tsu7-iu5 bang7 自由夢 chū-iû bāng The dream of freedom. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF015_concat.wav 2.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF015_concat.wav 3.03 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female i put-sî khuànn-tio̍h sio bē tsīn ê nōo-hué. i1 put4-si5 khuann3-tioh8 sio1 be7 tsin7 e5 noo7-hue2. 伊不時看著燒袂盡的怒火。 i put-sî khòaⁿ-tio̍h sio bē chīn ê nō͘-hóe. He often looks at the burning anger. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF015_concat.wav 3.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF015_concat.wav 2.5849375 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female tsok-tsiá: Tân Kim-sūn tsok4-tsia2:tan5 kim1-sun7 作者:陳金順 chok-chiá:Tân Kim-sūn Author: Tân Kim-sūn. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF015_concat.wav 3.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF015_concat.wav 5.769875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female hit li̍t, tshī-tiúnn lâi “tsū-iû hāng” khiā pâi, Tshun-ōng tú-hó tiàm tī lîn-kûn--lí. hit4 lit8,tshi7-tiunn2 lai5“tsu7-iu5 hang7”khia7 pai5, tshun1-ong7 tu2-ho2 tiam3 ti7 lin5-kun5--li2. 彼日,市長來「自由巷」徛牌,春旺拄好踮佇人群--裡。 hit li̍t,chhī-tiúⁿ lâi“chū-iû hāng”khiā pâi, Chhun-ōng tú-hó tiàm tī lîn-kûn--lí. That day, the mayor came to the stop sign at 'Liberty Lane' and Tshun Ōng happened to be standing in the crowd. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF015_concat.wav 7.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF015_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF015_concat.wav 4.479875 KHF015 不知道 Unknown Female i thè-hiu keh-tńg-li̍t, suî lâi ki-kim-huē tsò tsì-kang. i1 the3-hiu1 keh4-tng2-lit8, sui5 lai5 ki1-kim1-hue7 tso3 tsi3-kang1. 伊退休隔轉日,隨來基金會做志工。 i thè-hiu keh-tńg-li̍t, sûi lâi ki-kim-hōe chò chì-kang. The day after he retired, he came to the foundation to volunteer. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF015_concat.wav 4.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF016_concat.wav 5.46 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn hua-liân-kuān bîn-á-tsài peh hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 hua1-lian5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 peh4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看花蓮縣明仔載八號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ hoa-liân-koān bîn-á-chài peh hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let's look at the weather in Hualien County. Tomorrow, the eighth. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHF016_concat.wav 5.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF016_concat.wav 10.839875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female un-tōo jī-tsa̍p la̍k tsì sann-tsa̍p it tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sann-tsa̍p % lâi-pin peh-pah tshit-tsa̍p la̍k hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8 lak8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8 it4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 sann1-tsap8% lai5-pin1 peh4-pah4 tshit4-tsap8 lak8 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十六至三十一度,落雨機率三十%來賓八百七十六號請來十二號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p la̍k chì saⁿ-cha̍p it tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t saⁿ-cha̍p% lâi-pin peh-pah chhit-cha̍p la̍k hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature is 26 to 31 degrees, and the chance of rain is 30 per cent. Guest number 876, please come to counter 12. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHF016_concat.wav 8.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF016_concat.wav 5.73 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lóng-tsóng la̍k-pah tshit-tsa̍p tshit khoo, tsāu lí jī-tsa̍p sann khoo long2-tsong2 lak8-pah4 tshit4-tsap8 tshit4 khoo1,tsau7 li2 ji7-tsap8 sann1 khoo1 攏總六百七十七箍, 找你二十三箍 lóng-chóng la̍k-pah chhit-cha̍p chhit kho͘,chāu lí jī-cha̍p saⁿ kho͘ It is six hundred and seventy-seven TWD in total. Your change is twenty-three TWD. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHF016_concat.wav 7.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF016_concat.wav 5.07 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female kin-á-ji̍t sī gōo-gue̍h jī gōo, pài-sann kin1-a2-ji̍t si7 goo7-gueh8 ji7 goo7,pai3-sann1 今仔ji̍t是五月二五,拜三 kin-á-ji̍t sī gō͘-goe̍h jī gō͘,pài-saⁿ Today is Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day of May. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHF016_concat.wav 4.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF016_concat.wav 4.8 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female i-tī jī khòng khòng khòng nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 ji7 khong3 khong3 khong3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇二零零零年出世 i-tī jī khòng khòng khòng nî chhut-sì He was born in the year 2000. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHF016_concat.wav 3.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF016_concat.wav 3.8605625 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki lio̍k jī lio̍k it tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 liok8 ji7 liok8 it4 請幫我轉分機六二六一 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki lio̍k jī lio̍k it Please transfer me to extension 6261. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHF016_concat.wav 4.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF016_concat.wav 2.22 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Dialogue on life. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHF016_concat.wav 2.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF016_concat.wav 5.88 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Put-sî tuā piànn-sàu, tshù lāi tsin tshing-khì! put4-si5 tua7 piann3-sau3,tshu3 lai7 tsin1 tshing1-khi3! 不時大摒掃,厝內真清氣! Put-sî tōa piàⁿ-sàu,chhù lāi chin chheng-khì! The house is really clean because of the frequent cleaning. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHF016_concat.wav 4.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF016_concat.wav 2.94 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Ha̋nn? Lí kóng siánn? hann9?li2 kong2 siann2? Ha̋nn?你講啥? Hăⁿ?Lí kóng siáⁿ? Huh? What are you talking about? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHF016_concat.wav 3.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF016_concat.wav 5.85 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female He khong-khì-tshing-tsīng-ki lī-á sió uānn--tsi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. he1 khong1-khi3-tshing1-tsing7-ki1 li7-a2 sio2 uann7--tsit8-e7 to7 ho2--ah4--lah4. 彼空氣清淨機濾仔小換--一下就好--矣--啦。 He khong-khì-chheng-chēng-ki lī-á sió ōaⁿ--chi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. Just slightly changing that air purifier would be enough. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHF016_concat.wav 4.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF016_concat.wav 4.7905625 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Honnh, He bô kâng--lah! Lâng-kóng “Tshing-tshù tsiah ē hù” neh. honnh4,he1 bo5 kang5--lah4!lang5-kong2“tshing1-tshu3 tsiah4 e7 hu3”neh4. 乎,彼無仝--啦!人講「清厝才會富」呢。 Hoⁿh,He bô kâng--lah!Lâng-kóng“Chheng-chhù chiah ē hù”neh. No, that is different! People say, 'A clean house brings in fortune.' 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHF016_concat.wav 4.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF016_concat.wav 9.553625 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Guá khuànn lán kheh-thiann sì-kè ing-ia, guá ē-poo tshit tiān-sī-tû thâu-tsîng, thôo-hún guā kāu lí tsai--bô? gua2 khuann3 lan2 kheh4-thiann1 si3-ke3 ing1-ia1, gua2 e7-poo1 tshit4 tian7-si7-tu5 thau5-tsing5,thoo5-hun2 gua7 kau7 li2 tsai1--bo5? 我看咱客廳四界坱埃,我下晡拭電視櫥頭前,塗粉偌厚你知--無? Góa khòaⁿ lán kheh-thiaⁿ sì-kè eng-ia, góa ē-po͘ chhit tiān-sī-tû thâu-chêng,thô͘-hún gōa kāu lí chai--bô? I noticed that our living room is full of dust. So I wiped the front of the television cabinet this afternoon. Do you know how thick the dust was? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHF016_concat.wav 8.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF016_concat.wav 7.08 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Lí sī kā tsia lóng tòng-tsuè thiann-thâu, tsi̍t nî tshíng-thûn tsiah piànn tsi̍t-kái--sioh? li2 si7 ka7 tsia1 long2 tong3-tsue3 thiann1-thau5,tsit8 ni5 tshing2-thun5 tsiah4 piann3 tsit8-kai2--sioh4? 你是共遮攏當做廳頭,一年筅黗才摒一改--sioh? Lí sī kā chia lóng tòng-chòe thiaⁿ-thâu,chi̍t nî chhéng-thûn chiah piàⁿ chi̍t-kái--sioh? You consider this as the hall and only clean once a year, is it? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHF016_concat.wav 4.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF016_concat.wav 7.98 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Guá kin-á-ji̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn, huat-kiàn lán thian-pông, piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. gua2 kin1-a2-jit8 si3-ke3 sun5-sun5,huat4-kian3 lan2 thian1-pong5,piah4-kak4 long2 u7 ti1-tu1-si1 neh4. 我今仔日四界巡巡,發見咱天篷、壁角攏有蜘蛛絲呢。 Góa kin-á-ji̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn,hoat-kiàn lán thian-pông,piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. I was looking around today and saw spider webs on all our ceilings and corners. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHF016_concat.wav 5.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF016_concat.wav 7.2 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Jî-tshiánn lán tsū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kuè kha-tián, koh ū mn̂g-nî. ji5-tshiann2 lan2 tsu7 kiat4-hun1 liau2 kan2-na2 long2 bo5 se2 kue3 kha1-tian2,koh4 u7 mng5-ni5. 而且咱自結婚了敢若攏無洗過kha-tián,閣有門簾。 Jî-chhiáⁿ lán chū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kòe kha-tián,koh ū mn̂g-nî. Plus, I don't think we've cleaned the window and door curtains ever since we got married. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHF016_concat.wav 5.24 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF016_concat.wav 4.53 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Lán ū-îng kám beh lâi piànn-sàu--tsi̍t-ē? lan2 u7-ing5 kam2 beh4 lai5 piann3-sau3--tsit8-e7? 咱有閒敢欲來摒掃--一-下? Lán ū-êng kám beh lâi piàⁿ-sàu--chi̍t-ē? Should we clean up when we are free? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHF016_concat.wav 3.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF016_concat.wav 4.62 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Hannh?Ké bô thiann--ê? hannh4?ke2 bo5 thiann1--e5? 唅?假無聽--的? Haⁿh?Ké bô thiaⁿ--ê? Huh? Were you pretending to not hear me? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHF016_concat.wav 3.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF016_concat.wav 5.28 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Án-ne guá lâi bé tsi̍t-tâi sàu-thôo-kha ê ke-khì-lâng. an2-ne1 gua2 lai5 be2 tsit8-tai5 sau3-thoo5-kha1 e5 ke1-khi3-lang5. 按呢我來買一台掃塗跤的機器人。 Án-ne góa lâi bé chi̍t-tâi sàu-thô͘-kha ê ke-khì-lâng. Then I will buy a robot to clean the floor. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHF016_concat.wav 3.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF016_concat.wav 4.08 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female Bûn-tsiong it bun5-tsiong1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiong it Passage one. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHF016_concat.wav 2.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF016_concat.wav 4.77 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tshoo-huî kah iù-huî tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 粗瓷kah幼瓷 chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi Pottery and porcelain 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHF016_concat.wav 2.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF016_concat.wav 5.16 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lán tiō kā kiò-tsò iù-huî; lan2 tio7 ka7 kio3-tso3 iu3-hui5; 咱就kā叫做幼瓷; lán tiō kā kiò-chò iù-hûi; We shall call this porcelain. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHF016_concat.wav 2.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.11_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.11_KHF016_concat.wav 10.839875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female it-puann Huâ-gí nā-sī tshing-hoo tsuè ‘陶瓷’, lán tiō ti̍t-tsiap kā kiò-tsuè huî-á tiō hó. it4-puann1 hua5-gi2 na7-si7 tshing1-hoo1 tsue3‘陶瓷’, lan2 tio7 tit8-tsiap4 ka7 kio3-tsue3 hui5-a2 tio7 ho2. 一般華語若是稱呼做『陶瓷』,咱就直接kā叫做瓷仔就好。 it-poaⁿ Hôa-gí nā-sī chheng-ho͘ chòe‘陶瓷’, lán tiō ti̍t-chiap kā kiò-chòe hûi-á tiō hó. Normally we can call it ceramics if it is called 'tô-huî' in Mandarin. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.11_KHF016_concat.wav 6.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF016_concat.wav 8.199875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female m̄-kò, tshoo-huî kah iù-huî beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t? m7-ko3, tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8? 毋過,粗瓷kah幼瓷欲按怎來區別? m̄-kò, chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t? But how do we differentiate between pottery and porcelain? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHF016_concat.wav 3.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF016_concat.wav 11.229875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lán tsí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak “hong, hué, tsuí, thôo” sì lī, tiō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kuá kài-liām őo. lan2 tsi2-iau3 kan2-tan1 pa2-ak4“hong1,hue2,tsui2,thoo5”si3 li7, tio7 e7-sai2 khin1-khin1-sang1-sang1 u7 kua2 kai3-liam7 oo9. 咱只要簡單把握「風、火、水、塗」四字,就會使輕輕鬆鬆有寡概念őo。 lán chí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak“hong,hóe,chúi,thô͘”sì lī, tiō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kóa kài-liām ŏ͘. As long as we have a good grasp of these characters, 'Wind, Fire, Water, Earth', then we can easily get the idea. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHF016_concat.wav 7.0 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF016_concat.wav 29.509375 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female in-uī ko-niá-thôo lāi-té tsha-put-to bô thih-á tíng-tíng ê tsa̍p-tsit, sóo-í nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi ê iù-huî ē tsin uá-kīn pe̍h-sik, tī kóo-tsá ê se-iûnn sè-kài, in bô-huat-tōo sio tshut tsit tsióng iù-huî, lóng ē kā i kiò-tsuè “pe̍h-kim”; in1-ui7 ko1-nia2-thoo5 lai7-te2 tsha1-put4-to1 bo5 thih4-a2 ting2-ting2 e5 tsap8-tsit4, soo2-i2 na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 e5 iu3-hui5 e7 tsin1 ua2-kin7 peh8-sik4, ti7 koo2-tsa2 e5 se1-iunn5 se3-kai3, in1 bo5-huat4-too7 sio1 tshut4 tsit4 tsiong2 iu3-hui5, long2 e7 ka7 i1 kio3-tsue3“peh8-kim1”; 因為高嶺塗內底差不多無鐵仔等等的雜質,所以若是完全無kap釉,燒--出-來的幼瓷會真倚近白色,佇古早的西洋世界,in無法度燒出這種幼瓷,攏會kā伊叫做「白金」; in-ūi ko-niá-thô͘ lāi-té chha-put-to bô thih-á téng-téng ê cha̍p-chit, só͘-í nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi ê iù-hûi ē chin óa-kīn pe̍h-sek, tī kó͘-chá ê se-iûⁿ sè-kài, in bô-hoat-tō͘ sio chhut chit chióng iù-hûi, lóng ē kā i kiò-chòe“pe̍h-kim”; Because there are almost no impurities like iron in kaolinite. The porcelain produced when it is completely unglazed look very close to white. In Western Medieval times, they called this porcelain 'white gold' because they could not produce porcelains like this. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHF016_concat.wav 16.48 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF016_concat.wav 13.42975 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi tiō bē sī pe̍h-sik--ê. na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, na7 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 tio7 be7 si7 peh8-sik4--e5. 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,若無kap釉,燒--出-來就袂是白色--的。 nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi tiō bē sī pe̍h-sek--ê. If we use earth for normal pottery, the end product will not be white even if it is not glazed. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHF016_concat.wav 7.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF016_concat.wav 12.899625 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, ngē-beh sio kah tsit tsióng kuân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phuà-phuà--khì, bô, tiō sī tsok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, nge7-beh4 sio1 kah4 tsit4 tsiong2 kuan5 un1, na7-m7-si7 sio1 kah4 phua3-phua3--khi3, bo5,tio7 si7 tsok4-phin2 e7 lai5 khu5-kha1--khi3; 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,硬欲燒kah這種懸溫,若毋是燒kah破破--去,無,就是作品會來khû跤--去; nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, ngē-beh sio kah chit chióng koân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phòa-phòa--khì, bô,tiō sī chok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; If we try to heat the earth of normal pottery to these temperatures, the product will either crack or soften. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHF016_concat.wav 6.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF016_concat.wav 14.195875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female koh lâi sī “hué” sóo tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sìng, tshoo-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng sī tsua̍t-tuì buē thàng-kng, nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū ê iù-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng, i tiō ē sió-khuá thàng-kng. koh4 lai5 si7“hue2”soo2 tai7-piau2 e5 thang3-kng1-sing3, tshoo1-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1 si7 tsuat8-tui3 bue7 thang3-kng1, na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7 e5 iu3-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1, i1 tio7 e7 sio2-khua2 thang3-kng1. koh來是「火」所代表的thàng光性,粗瓷kā提來照光是絕對袂thàng光,若是完全無kap釉的幼瓷kā提來照光,伊就會小可thàng光。 koh lâi sī“hóe”só͘ tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sèng, chho͘-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng sī choa̍t-tùi bōe thàng-kng, nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū ê iù-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng, i tiō ē sió-khóa thàng-kng. Another thing that 'Fire' represents is transparency. Pottery is opaque when held against the light. If you hold completely unglazed porcelain against light, you can see that some light passes through the porcelain. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHF016_concat.wav 12.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF016_concat.wav 2.79 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t--ooh! koh4-khah4 mai3-kong2 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8--ooh4! koh-khah-mài講欲按怎來區別--喔! koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t--o͘h! So don't ever say that you can't differentiate them anymore! 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHF016_concat.wav 3.24 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF016_concat.wav 22.9973125 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tsuè-āu sī “hong” ê tsok-iōng, tse sī in-uī hong ū-huat-tōo thuân-sàng siann-im, nā-sī iù-huî iōng tshiú kā tia̍k khuànn-māi-á, i ê siann-im ē pí tia̍k tshoo-huî ê siann-im koh-khah tshè--tsi̍t-kuá, siong-tuì tshoo-huî ê siann-im ē khah tūn, m̄ tsai án-ne-senn tshoo-huî kah iù-huî ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī tsin sim-sik? tsue3-au7 si7“hong1”e5 tsok4-iong7, tse1 si7 in1-ui7 hong1 u7-huat4-too7 thuan5-sang3 siann1-im1, na7-si7 iu3-hui5 iong7 tshiu2 ka7 tiak8 khuann3-mai7-a2, i1 e5 siann1-im1 e7 pi2 tiak8 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 koh4-khah4 tshe3--tsit8-kua2, siong1-tui3 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 e7 khah4 tun7, m7 tsai1 an2-ne1-senn1 tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 e5 kan2-tan1 khu1-piat8, si7 m7 si7 tsin1 sim1-sik4? 最後是「風」的作用,這是因為風有法度傳送聲音,若是幼瓷用手kā-tia̍k看覓仔,伊的聲音會比tia̍k粗瓷的聲音koh-khah脆--一寡,相對粗瓷的聲音會khah鈍,毋知按呢生粗瓷kah幼瓷的簡單區別,是毋是真心適? chòe-āu sī“hong”ê chok-iōng, che sī in-ūi hong ū-hoat-tō͘ thoân-sàng siaⁿ-im, nā-sī iù-hûi iōng chhiú kā tia̍k khòaⁿ-māi-á, i ê siaⁿ-im ē pí tia̍k chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im koh-khah chhè--chi̍t-kóa, siong-tùi chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im ē khah tūn, m̄ chai án-ne-seⁿ chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī chin sim-sek? Lastly is the role of 'Wind' because wind can transmit sound. If we tap lightly on porcelain with our fingers, the porcelain will sound crispier than pottery. Pottery on the other hand will sound duller. Isn't it amusing that we can easily differentiate porcelain and pottery like this? 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHF016_concat.wav 15.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF016_concat.wav 3.3024375 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female bô-iàu-kín! lán tio̍h ti̍t-tsiap kiò-i “huî-á” tio̍h hó! bo5-iau3-kin2!lan2 tioh8 tit8-tsiap4 kio3-i1“hui5-a2”tioh8 ho2! 無要緊!咱就直接叫伊「瓷仔」就好! bô-iàu-kín!lán tio̍h ti̍t-chiap kiò-i“hûi-á”tio̍h hó! Don't worry! We can just call it ceramics! 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHF016_concat.wav 2.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF016_concat.wav 2.43 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lán tiō kā kiò-tsò tshoo-huî; lan2 tio7 ka7 kio3-tso3 tshoo1-hui5; 咱就kā叫做粗瓷; lán tiō kā kiò-chò chho͘-hûi; We can call this pottery. 5541594 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHF016_concat.wav 2.44 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF016_concat.wav 1.56 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t liau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8 饒赦ê藝術 liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t The art of forgiveness. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHF016_concat.wav 4.351625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF016_concat.wav 8.109875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female liān kah ū tsi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê tsì kuân ê kíng-kài, kiò-tsuè “gē-su̍t”. lian7 kah4 u7 tsit8-kang1 tat8-kau3 hit4-e5 tsi3 kuan5 e5 king2-kai3, kio3-tsue3“ge7-sut8”. 練kah有一工達到彼个至kuân ê境界,叫做「藝術」。 liān kah ū chi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê chì koân ê kéng-kài, kiò-chòe“gē-su̍t”. Practice it until attaining the highest level that we regard as art. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHF016_concat.wav 7.231625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF016_concat.wav 5.199875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg tshut guân-liōng kuí piàn, án-ne tio̍h sī iáu-bē guân-liōng. na7-si7 e7-tang3 sng3 tshut4 guan5-liong7 kui2 pian3, an2-ne1 tioh8 si7 iau2-be7 guan5-liong7. 若是會當算出原諒幾遍,按呢就是猶未原諒。 nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg chhut goân-liōng kúi piàn, án-ne tio̍h sī iáu-bē goân-liōng. If it is possible to count how many times one has forgiven someone, that means forgiveness is yet to be achieved. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHF016_concat.wav 9.3135 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF016_concat.wav 12.7295 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female iâ-soo kóng ê tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn, tsiū sī tshin-tshiūnn lán kóng ê “tshit tshit-sì tsa̍p-káu” piàn, tio̍h sī-m̄ tsai-iánn kuí piàn, it-ti̍t kàu uân-tsuân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. ia5-soo1 kong2 e5 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3, tsiu7 si7 tshin1-tshiunn7 lan2 kong2 e5“tshit4 tshit4-si3 tsap8-kau2”pian3, tioh8 si7-m7 tsai1-iann2 kui2 pian3, it4-tit8 kau3 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 teh4 ti3-i3, bo5 koh4 khioh4-hun7. 耶穌講ê七十个七遍,就是親像咱講ê「七七四十九」遍,就是m̄知影幾遍,一直到完全無teh致意,無koh抾恨。 iâ-so͘ kóng ê chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn, chiū sī chhin-chhiūⁿ lán kóng ê“chhit chhit-sì cha̍p-káu”piàn, tio̍h sī-m̄ chai-iáⁿ kúi piàn, it-ti̍t kàu oân-choân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. The seventy sets of seven times that Jesus mentioned are similar to the “Seven times sevens equals to forty-nine” as we usually say in Chinese. It is uncountable until one no longer feels a grudge. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHF016_concat.wav 16.789 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF016_concat.wav 8.019875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kah tsok-tsiá kāng-khuán ê kiat-lūn: “lîn-luī ê li̍k-sú tio̍h sī tsi̍t phō put khuan-iông sú”. thak8 liau2 tit4-tioh8 kah4 tsok4-tsia2 kang7-khuan2 e5 kiat4-lun7: “lin5-lui7 e5 lik8-su2 tioh8 si7 tsit8 pho7 put4 khuan1-iong5 su2”. 讀了得著kah作者仝款ê結論:「人類ê歷史就是一phō不寬容史」。 tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kah chok-chiá kāng-khoán ê kiat-lūn: “lîn-lūi ê le̍k-sú tio̍h sī chi̍t phō put khoan-iông sú”. After reading, I came to the same conclusion as the author - human history is a wave of unforgiving past. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHF016_concat.wav 9.557 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF016_concat.wav 12.539625 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lîn-luī put-tuān tiông-ho̍k sim-kuann kheh e̍h, bô-huat-tōo tsiap-la̍p kah ka-tī bô-kâng-khuán siūnn-huat ê tsok-uî, nā-sī kah guá bô sio-kâng, tio̍h sī lí sí guá ua̍h. lin5-lui7 put4-tuan7 tiong5-hok8 sim1-kuann1 kheh4 eh8, bo5-huat4-too7 tsiap4-lap8 kah4 ka1-ti7 bo5-kang5-khuan2 siunn7-huat4 e5 tsok4-ui5, na7-si7 kah4 gua2 bo5 sio1-kang5, tioh8 si7 li2 si2 gua2 uah8. 人類不斷重複心肝kheh-e̍h,無法度接納kah家己無仝款想法ê作為,若是kah我無相仝,就是你死我活。 lîn-lūi put-toān tiông-ho̍k sim-koaⁿ kheh e̍h, bô-hoat-tō͘ chiap-la̍p kah ka-tī bô-kâng-khoán siūⁿ-hoat ê chok-ûi, nā-sī kah góa bô sio-kâng, tio̍h sī lí sí góa oa̍h. In repetitive cycles of narrow-mindedness and inability to accept differences in thinking, people are out to eradicate those who hold differing views. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHF016_concat.wav 11.861 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF016_concat.wav 4.29 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tse pau-kuat tsē-tsē sóo-uī iâ-soo tāi-giân-lîn ê lîn-luī. tse1 pau1-kuat4 tse7-tse7 soo2-ui7 ia5-soo1 tai7-gian5-lin5 e5 lin5-lui7. 這包括濟濟所謂耶穌代言人ê人類。 che pau-koat chē-chē só͘-ūi iâ-so͘ tāi-giân-lîn ê lîn-lūi. These included the many humans who claim themselves the spokespersons of Jesus Christ. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHF016_concat.wav 7.648375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF016_concat.wav 9.8054375 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lîn-luī kàu-tann ê li̍k-sú, tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn lóng sī bô jiâu-sià, bô khuan-iông, bô guân-liōng. lin5-lui7 kau3-tann1 e5 lik8-su2, tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3 long2 si7 bo5 jiau5-sia3,bo5 khuan1-iong5,bo5 guan5-liong7. 人類到tann ê歷史,七十个七遍攏是無饒赦、無寬容、無原諒。 lîn-lūi kàu-taⁿ ê le̍k-sú, chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn lóng sī bô jiâu-sià,bô khoan-iông,bô goân-liōng. In human history up till now, there were far more than seventy sets of seven unforgiving deeds, intolerances, and unforgiveness. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHF016_concat.wav 11.029000000000002 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF016_concat.wav 16.5695 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lóo sìn lîm-tsiong ê sî, siūnn-tio̍h se-hng lâng ê thuân-thóng, thiann-kóng sí tsìn-tsîng ài guân-liōng tsit-sì-lâng tik-tsuē--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-sing, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūnn, suah lú siūnn lú tsē, guân-liōng bē liáu. loo2 sin3 lim5-tsiong1 e5 si5, siunn7-tioh8 se1-hng1 lang5 e5 thuan5-thong2, thiann1-kong2 si2 tsin3-tsing5 ai3 guan5-liong7 tsit4-si3-lang5 tik4-tsue7--lan2 e5 lang5, thang1-ho2 ong2-sing1, m7-koh4 i1 it4-tit8 siunn7,suah4 lu2 siunn7 lu2 tse7,guan5-liong7 be7 liau2. 魯迅臨終ê時,想著西方人ê傳統,聽講死進前ài原諒這世人得罪--咱ê人,thang好往生,m̄-koh伊一直想,suah愈想愈濟,原諒bē了。 ló͘ sìn lîm-chiong ê sî, siūⁿ-tio̍h se-hng lâng ê thoân-thóng, thiaⁿ-kóng sí chìn-chêng ài goân-liōng chit-sì-lâng tek-chōe--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-seng, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūⁿ,soah lú siūⁿ lú chē,goân-liōng bē liáu. According to Western traditions, one should be able to forgive all those who had offended him before he breathed his last so that he could depart the world without bearing any grudge. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHF016_concat.wav 13.0343125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF016_concat.wav 8.975375 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tio̍h kóng: “tik-tsuē--guá ê lâng si̍t-tsāi siunn-tsē--ah, bô, in mā mài guân-liōng--guá--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke tshé pînn tsún suah.” tioh8 kong2:“tik4-tsue7--gua2 e5 lang5 sit8-tsai7 siunn1-tse7--ah4, bo5,in1 ma7 mai3 guan5-liong7--gua2--lah4, an2-ne1 tak8-ke1 tshe2 pinn5 tsun2 suah4.” 就講:「得罪--我ê人實在傷濟--ah,無,in mā mài原諒--我--lah,按呢逐家tshé平準煞。」 tio̍h kóng:“tek-chōe--góa ê lâng si̍t-chāi siuⁿ-chē--ah, bô,in mā mài goân-liōng--góa--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke chhé pîⁿ chún soah.” He said, “There were too many people who offended me. They are probably not going to forgive me either. So we can call it quits.” 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHF016_concat.wav 10.197 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF016_concat.wav 3.57 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû liâu-sià tsit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? li2 kam2 khai1-si2 tui1-kiu5 liau5-sia3 tsit4 mng5 ge7-sut8--ah4? 你敢開始追求饒赦這門藝術--ah? lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû liâu-sià chit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? Have you begun the journey on the art of forgiveness? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHF016_concat.wav 5.589 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF016_concat.wav 1.56 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tio̍h-ài liōng-tsá--ooh! tioh8-ai3 liong7-tsa2--ooh4! tio̍h-ài冗早--喔! tio̍h-ài liōng-chá--o͘h! You have to start early! 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHF016_concat.wav 4.565 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF016_concat.wav 3.99 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female án-ne kám bô-kàu?” an2-ne1 kam2 bo5-kau3?” 按呢敢無夠?」 án-ne kám bô-kàu?” Is that not enough? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHF016_concat.wav 4.0623125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF016_concat.wav 5.2355625 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female iâ-soo kóng: “bô-kàu, ài guân-liōng tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn!” ia5-soo1 kong2:“bo5-kau3,ai3 guan5-liong7 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3!” 耶穌講:「無夠,ài原諒七十个七遍!」 iâ-so͘ kóng:“bô-kàu,ài goân-liōng chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn!” Jesus replied, 'No, it’s not enough. You need to do it seventy sets for seven times.' 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHF016_concat.wav 8.2343125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF016_concat.wav 1.98 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tse tio̍h sī liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. tse1 tioh8 si7 liau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8. 這就是饒赦ê藝術。 che tio̍h sī liâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. This is the art of forgiveness. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHF016_concat.wav 4.501 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF016_concat.wav 1.53 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tsū-iû bāng tsu7-iu5 bang7 自由夢 chū-iû bāng The dream of freedom. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHF016_concat.wav 4.514625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF016_concat.wav 2.97 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female i put-sî khuànn-tio̍h sio buē tsīn ê nōo-hué. i1 put4-si5 khuann3-tioh8 sio1 bue7 tsin7 e5 noo7-hue2. 伊不時看著燒袂盡的怒火。 i put-sî khòaⁿ-tio̍h sio bōe chīn ê nō͘-hóe. He looked at the fire of wrath that kept burning. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHF016_concat.wav 5.7170000000000005 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF016_concat.wav 1.98 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female tsok-tsiá: Tân Kim-sūn tsok4-tsia2:tan5 kim1-sun7 作者:陳金順 chok-chiá:Tân Kim-sūn Author: Tân Kim-sūn 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHF016_concat.wav 4.905 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF016_concat.wav 7.089875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female hit ji̍t, tshī-tiúnn lâi “tsū-iû hāng” khiā pâi, Tshun-ōng tú-hó tiàm tī jîn-kûn--lí. hit4 jit8,tshi7-tiunn2 lai5“tsu7-iu5 hang7”khia7 pai5, tshun1-ong7 tu2-ho2 tiam3 ti7 jin5-kun5--li2. 彼日,市長來「自由巷」徛牌,春旺拄好踮佇人群--裡。 hit ji̍t,chhī-tiúⁿ lâi“chū-iû hāng”khiā pâi, Chhun-ōng tú-hó tiàm tī jîn-kûn--lí. The mayor came to Liberty Lane to grace the event and Tshun-ōng was coincidentally in the onlooking crowd. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.3_KHF016_concat.wav 10.111625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF016_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF016_concat.wav 4.389875 KHF016 不知道 Unknown Female i thè-hiu keh-tńg-ji̍t, suî lâi ki-kim-huē tsò tsì-kang. i1 the3-hiu1 keh4-tng2-jit8, sui5 lai5 ki1-kim1-hue7 tso3 tsi3-kang1. 伊退休隔轉日,隨來基金會做志工。 i thè-hiu keh-tńg-ji̍t, sûi lâi ki-kim-hōe chò chì-kang. The day after his retirement, he came to be a volunteer at the foundation. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHF016_concat.wav 7.765 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.1_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.1_KHF029_concat.wav 5.04 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn tâi-pak tshī bîn-á-tsài tsa̍p-tshit hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 tai5-pak4 tshi7 bin5-a2-tsai3 tsap8-tshit4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看台北市明仔載十七號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ tâi-pak chhī bîn-á-chài cha̍p-chhit hō ê thiⁿ-khì Now, let’s see what’s in for the weather in Taipei City tomorrow, the 17th. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.1_KHF029_concat.wav 7.999625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.2_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.2_KHF029_concat.wav 11.862375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-tshit tsì sann-tsa̍p-jī tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t tsa̍p % lâi-pin jī tshit lio̍k hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-tshit4 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-ji7 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 tsap8% lai5-pin1 ji7 tshit4 liok8 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十七至三十二度,落雨機率十%來賓二七六號請來十二號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-chhit chì saⁿ-cha̍p-jī tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t cha̍p% lâi-pin jī chhit lio̍k hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature ranges between 27 to 32 degrees, and there is a 10% probability of rain. Guest number 276, please come to counter 12. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.2_KHF029_concat.wav 13.845 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.4_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.4_KHF029_concat.wav 4.77125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female lóng-tsóng tshit-pah sì-tsa̍p-la̍k khoo, tsāu lí gōo-tsa̍p-sì khoo long2-tsong2 tshit4-pah4 si3-tsap8-lak8 khoo1,tsau7 li2 goo7-tsap8-si3 khoo1 攏總七百四十六箍,找你五十四箍 lóng-chóng chhit-pah sì-cha̍p-la̍k kho͘,chāu lí gō͘-cha̍p-sì kho͘ The total is 746 dollars. Here is a 54 dollars change. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.4_KHF029_concat.wav 9.8983125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.5_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.5_KHF029_concat.wav 3.706875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kin-á-ji̍t sī sann-gue̍h tshe-it, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 sann1-gueh8 tshe1-it4,pai3-lak8 今仔日是三月初一,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī saⁿ-goe̍h chhe-it,pài-la̍k Today is Saturday, the 1st of March. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.5_KHF029_concat.wav 5.3291875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.8_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.8_KHF029_concat.wav 3.81 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female i-tī it kiú tshit ngóo nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 tshit4 ngoo2 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九七五年出世 i-tī it kiú chhit ngó͘ nî chhut-sì He was born in 1975. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.8_KHF029_concat.wav 5.4550625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.9_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.9_KHF029_concat.wav 4.5025 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki ngóo jī pat jī tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 ngoo2 ji7 pat4 ji7 請幫我轉分機五二八二 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki ngó͘ jī pat jī Please help me transfer to extension number 5282. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.9_KHF029_concat.wav 7.2743125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.0_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.0_KHF029_concat.wav 2.91 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female jī、sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē ji7、sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 二、生活對話 jī、seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Two, daily conversation. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.0_KHF029_concat.wav 5.2903125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.1_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.1_KHF029_concat.wav 3.980625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Sù-tshuan-tshài khah hiam, lí kánn tsia̍h--bô? su3-tshuan1-tshai3 khah4 hiam1,li2 kann2 tsiah8--bo5? 四川菜較薟,你敢食--無? Sù-chhoan-chhài khah hiam,lí káⁿ chia̍h--bô? Szechuan dishes are spicier. Do you dare to eat them? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.1_KHF029_concat.wav 6.5063125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.10_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.10_KHF029_concat.wav 2.28 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Lí iá ài tiám siánn-mi̍h--bô? li2 ia2 ai3 tiam2 siann2-mih8--bo5? 你猶愛點啥物--無? Lí iá ài tiám siáⁿ-mi̍h--bô? Is there anything else you would like to order? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.10_KHF029_concat.wav 4.5593125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.11_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.11_KHF029_concat.wav 2.97 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Koh tsi̍t uánn thng. Siánn-mih thng khah hó? koh4 tsit8 uann2 thng1.siann2-mih4 thng1 khah4 ho2? 閣一碗湯。啥物湯較好? Koh chi̍t óaⁿ thng.Siáⁿ-mih thng khah hó? A bowl of soup, please. Which soup is better? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.11_KHF029_concat.wav 5.4870625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.12_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.12_KHF029_concat.wav 3.06 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Tshenn-tshài tāu-hū thng bē-bái. tshenn1-tshai3 tau7-hu7 thng1 be7-bai2. 青菜豆腐湯袂bái。 Chheⁿ-chhài tāu-hū thng bē-bái. The tofu vegetable soup is not bad. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.12_KHF029_concat.wav 4.927625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.13_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.13_KHF029_concat.wav 3.48 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Thâu-ke, koh tsi̍t puânn âng-sio tāu-hū. thau5-ke1,koh4 tsit8 puann5 ang5-sio1 tau7-hu7. 頭家,閣一盤紅燒豆腐。 Thâu-ke,koh chi̍t pôaⁿ âng-sio tāu-hū. Sir, a plate of braised tofu, please. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.13_KHF029_concat.wav 5.013 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.14_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.14_KHF029_concat.wav 1.95 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Guá siūnn beh lim tê. gua2 siunn7 beh4 lim1 te5. 我想beh lim茶。 Góa siūⁿ beh lim tê. I would like to drink tea. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.14_KHF029_concat.wav 4.27675 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.15_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.15_KHF029_concat.wav 2.52 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Hit tè pue-á lah-sap lah-sap. hit4 te3 pue1-a2 lah4-sap4 lah4-sap4. 彼塊杯仔lah-sap lah-sap。 Hit tè poe-á lah-sap lah-sap. That cup is dirty. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.15_KHF029_concat.wav 3.9115625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.16_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.16_KHF029_concat.wav 3.0 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Guá the̍h tsi̍t tè khah tshing-khì--ê hōo--lí. gua2 theh8 tsit8 te3 khah4 tshing1-khi3--e5 hoo7--li2. 我the̍h一塊較清氣--的hōo--你。 Góa the̍h chi̍t tè khah chheng-khì--ê hō͘--lí. I will take a cleaner one for you. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.16_KHF029_concat.wav 4.9575625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.17_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.17_KHF029_concat.wav 1.29 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Tshài lâi--ah tshai3 lai5--ah4 菜來--矣 Chhài lâi--ah The dishes are here. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.17_KHF029_concat.wav 4.1626875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.18_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.18_KHF029_concat.wav 1.68 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Tsit puânn sī siánn-mi̍h tshài? tsit4 puann5 si7 siann2-mih8 tshai3? 這盤是啥物菜? Chit pôaⁿ sī siáⁿ-mi̍h chhài? What is this dish called? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.18_KHF029_concat.wav 4.109625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.19_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.19_KHF029_concat.wav 2.85 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Tsit puânn kiò-tsò âng-sio tāu-hū. tsit4 puann5 kio3-tso3 ang5-sio1 tau7-hu7. 這盤叫做紅燒豆腐。 Chit pôaⁿ kiò-chò âng-sio tāu-hū. This is braised tofu. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.19_KHF029_concat.wav 4.2663125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.2_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.2_KHF029_concat.wav 0.72 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Kánn! kann2! 敢! Káⁿ! Yes! 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.2_KHF029_concat.wav 2.811375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.20_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.20_KHF029_concat.wav 2.49 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Lāi-bīn ū siánn-mi̍h mi̍h-kiānn? lai7-bin7 u7 siann2-mih8 mih8-kiann7? 內面有啥物物件? Lāi-bīn ū siáⁿ-mi̍h mi̍h-kiāⁿ? What is inside? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.20_KHF029_concat.wav 3.6903125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.21_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.21_KHF029_concat.wav 5.16 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Ū bah, tāu-hū, kah tsin tsē mi̍h-kiānn. Lí tsia̍h khuànn-māi--leh! u7 bah4,tau7-hu7,kah4 tsin1 tse7 mih8-kiann7.li2 tsiah8 khuann3-mai7--leh4! 有肉,豆腐,佮真濟物件。你食看māi--leh! Ū bah,tāu-hū,kah chin chē mi̍h-kiāⁿ.Lí chia̍h khòaⁿ-māi--leh! There are meat, tofu, and many others. Try it! 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.21_KHF029_concat.wav 6.101 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.22_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.22_KHF029_concat.wav 2.34 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female To-siā! Guá ka-kī lâi. to1-sia7!gua2 ka1-ki7 lai5. 多謝!我家己來。 To-siā!Góa ka-kī lâi. Thank you, I’ll help myself. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.22_KHF029_concat.wav 4.3069375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.23_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.23_KHF029_concat.wav 3.3324375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Lí tsia̍h hiah-nī tsió, kám tsia̍h ū pá? li2 tsiah8 hiah4-ni7 tsio2,kam2 tsiah8 u7 pa2? 你食hiah-nī少,敢食有飽? Lí chia̍h hiah-nī chió,kám chia̍h ū pá? You’re eating so little. Is it enough? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.23_KHF029_concat.wav 5.119625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.24_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.24_KHF029_concat.wav 3.18 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Guá bak-tóo ū tsi̍t-tiám-á bô sóng-khuài. gua2 bak4-too2 u7 tsit8-tiam2-a2 bo5 song2-khuai3. 我腹肚有一點仔無爽快。 Góa bak-tó͘ ū chi̍t-tiám-á bô sóng-khoài. My stomach doesn’t feel too well. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.24_KHF029_concat.wav 4.41725 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.25_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.25_KHF029_concat.wav 1.71 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Beh tsia̍h io̍h-á--bô? beh4 tsiah8 ioh8-a2--bo5? Beh食藥仔--無? Beh chia̍h io̍h-á--bô? Do you need some medicine? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.25_KHF029_concat.wav 3.738625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.26_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.26_KHF029_concat.wav 2.04 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female M̄-bián, to-siā. m7-bian2,to1-sia7. M̄免,多謝。 M̄-bián,to-siā. There is no need, thank you. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.26_KHF029_concat.wav 4.6099375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.3_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.3_KHF029_concat.wav 5.55125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Tsit king tsin tsán! Guá siông-siông lâi, in ê tshài lóng tsin hó tsia̍h. tsit4 king1 tsin1 tsan2!gua2 siong5-siong5 lai5,in1 e5 tshai3 long2 tsin1 ho2 tsiah8. 這間真讚!我常常來,𪜶的菜攏真好食。 Chit keng chin chán!Góa siông-siông lâi,in ê chhài lóng chin hó chia̍h. This restaurant is good! I am a regular here and all the dishes are good. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.3_KHF029_concat.wav 6.591625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.4_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.4_KHF029_concat.wav 3.4655625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Bô, án-ne lán tuà tsia tsia̍h. bo5,an2-ne1 lan2 tua3 tsia1 tsiah8. 無,按呢咱tuà tsia食。 Bô,án-ne lán tòa chia chia̍h. No, we will stay here to eat. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.4_KHF029_concat.wav 4.266625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.5_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.5_KHF029_concat.wav 2.13 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Lán beh kiò siánn-mi̍h tshài? lan2 beh4 kio3 siann2-mih8 tshai3? 咱beh叫啥物菜? Lán beh kiò siáⁿ-mi̍h chhài? What dishes do we want to order? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.5_KHF029_concat.wav 4.003375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.6_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.6_KHF029_concat.wav 4.368125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Lí kā guá kiò, hó--bô? Tshài-tuann, guá khuànn bô. li2 ka7 gua2 kio3,ho2--bo5?tshai3-tuann1,gua2 khuann3 bo5. 你kā我叫,好--無?菜單,我看無。 Lí kā góa kiò,hó--bô?Chhài-toaⁿ,góa khòaⁿ bô. Is it alright for you to order for me? I cannot understand the menu. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.6_KHF029_concat.wav 6.5703125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.7_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.7_KHF029_concat.wav 3.21 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Thâu-ke, guá ài thn̂g-tshòo-pâi-kut. thau5-ke1,gua2 ai3 thng5-tshoo3-pai5-kut4. 頭家,我愛糖醋排骨。 Thâu-ke,góa ài thn̂g-chhò͘-pâi-kut. Sir, I want sweet-sour pork ribs. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.7_KHF029_concat.wav 5.173875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.8_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.8_KHF029_concat.wav 2.85 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female In tsia ū âng-sio-hî--bô? in1 tsia1 u7 ang5-sio1-hi5--bo5? In tsia有紅燒魚--無? In chia ū âng-sio-hî--bô? Do they serve braised fish? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.8_KHF029_concat.wav 4.1383125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.9_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.9_KHF029_concat.wav 4.68 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Thâu-ke, tsi̍t bué âng-sio-hî, tsi̍t puânn tshá tshing-tshài. thau5-ke1,tsit8 bue2 ang5-sio1-hi5,tsit8 puann5 tsha2 tshing1-tshai3. 頭家,一尾紅燒魚,一盤炒青菜。 Thâu-ke,chi̍t bóe âng-sio-hî,chi̍t pôaⁿ chhá chheng-chhài. Sir, one braised fish and one stir-fried vegetable, please. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.9_KHF029_concat.wav 5.8946875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.0_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.0_KHF029_concat.wav 2.4205625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female sann、bûn-tsiong it sann1、bun5-tsiong1 it4 三、文章一 saⁿ、bûn-chiong it Three, article one. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.0_KHF029_concat.wav 4.287625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.1_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.1_KHF029_concat.wav 2.61 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tshit-gue̍h-sî-á ê sim-tsîng tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 e5 sim1-tsing5 七月時仔的心情 chhit-goe̍h-sî-á ê sim-chêng The mood and atmosphere in the lunar 7th month. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.1_KHF029_concat.wav 6.165 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.10_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.10_KHF029_concat.wav 3.42 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female bū-si̍t tián-hiān kám-un ê tsîng-ì. bu7-sit8 tian2-hian7 kam2-un1 e5 tsing5-i3. 務實展現感恩的情意。 bū-si̍t tián-hiān kám-un ê chêng-ì. The practical expression of gratitude. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.10_KHF029_concat.wav 4.908125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.11_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.11_KHF029_concat.wav 5.889875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female gún í Tâi-uân ê tsú-thé-sìng su-khó, sī uī-siánn-mih beh pài-pài? gun2 i2 tai5-uan5 e5 tsu2-the2-sing3 su1-kho2, si7 ui7-siann2-mih4 beh4 pai3-pai3? 阮以台灣的主體性思考,是為啥物欲拜拜? gún í Tâi-oân ê chú-thé-sèng su-khó, sī ūi-siáⁿ-mih beh pài-pài? Thinking subjectively from the perspective of Taiwan, do you know why we pray? 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.11_KHF029_concat.wav 7.935625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.13_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.13_KHF029_concat.wav 21.3765 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kè-sio̍k tshiau-tshuē tsóo-sian ê kha-jiah, tshit-gue̍h it-tīng m̄-nā hó-hiann-tī tsia-ê î-bîn li̍k-sú niâ, koh-khah su-iàu tshim-ji̍p tsai-iánn siōng tsá ê Tâi-uân-lâng kin-té li̍k-sú, pênn-poo-tso̍k kah ko-suann-tso̍k tsè-pài kám-un ê sìng-keh. ke3-siok8 tshiau1-tshue7 tsoo2-sian1 e5 kha1-jiah4, tshit4-gueh8 it4-ting7 m7-na7 ho2-hiann1-ti7 tsia1-e5 i5-bin5 lik8-su2 nia5, koh4-khah4 su1-iau3 tshim1-jip8 tsai1-iann2 siong7 tsa2 e5 tai5-uan5-lang5 kin1-te2 lik8-su2, penn5-poo1-tsok8 kah4 ko1-suann1-tsok8 tse3-pai3 kam2-un1 e5 sing3-keh4. 繼續搜揣祖先的跤跡,七月一定毋但好兄弟遮的移民歷史niâ,閣較需要深入知影上早的台灣人根底歷史,平埔族佮高山族祭拜感恩的性格。 kè-sio̍k chhiau-chhōe chó͘-sian ê kha-jiah, chhit-goe̍h it-tēng m̄-nā hó-hiaⁿ-tī chia-ê î-bîn le̍k-sú niâ, koh-khah su-iàu chhim-ji̍p chai-iáⁿ siōng chá ê Tâi-oân-lâng kin-té le̍k-sú, pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k kah ko-soaⁿ-cho̍k chè-pài kám-un ê sèng-keh. Following the footsteps of our forefathers, the lunar 7th month is not only about the history of migrants but also the roots of the early Taiwanese and the grateful attitude of the Gaoshan and Plains indigenous peoples. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.13_KHF029_concat.wav 16.575625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.22_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.22_KHF029_concat.wav 5.979875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female it-puann jîn-ke kiû khiā-ke pîng-an, tshut-li̍p sūn-lī. it4-puann1 jin5-ke1 kiu5 khia7-ke1 ping5-an1, tshut4-lip8 sun7-li7. 一般人家求徛家平安,出入順利。 it-poaⁿ jîn-ke kiû khiā-ke pêng-an, chhut-li̍p sūn-lī. People usually ask for peace and general well-being. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.22_KHF029_concat.wav 5.8533125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.24_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.24_KHF029_concat.wav 6.0936875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kok-hâng-kok-gia̍p mā lóng ē tshuân lâi pài-pài kiû tsâi-lī. kok4-hang5-kok4-giap8 ma7 long2 e7 tshuan5 lai5 pai3-pai3 kiu5 tsai5-li7. 各行各業嘛攏會攢來拜拜求財利。 kok-hâng-kok-gia̍p mā lóng ē chhoân lâi pài-pài kiû châi-lī. Various industries and businesses would pray for booming businesses. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.24_KHF029_concat.wav 6.869 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.25_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.25_KHF029_concat.wav 8.139875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tsit khuán ū sio-hiunn ū pó-pì ê bûn-hua, í-king-sī Tâi-uân tsin kòo-tīng ê hong-sio̍k--ah. tsit4 khuan2 u7 sio1-hiunn1 u7 po2-pi3 e5 bun5-hua1, i2-king1-si7 tai5-uan5 tsin1 koo3-ting7 e5 hong1-siok8--ah4. 這款有燒香有保庇的文化,已經是台灣真固定的風俗--矣。 chit khoán ū sio-hiuⁿ ū pó-pì ê bûn-hoa, í-keng-sī Tâi-oân chin kò͘-tēng ê hong-sio̍k--ah. This culture of pray-and-one-will-be-blessed has formed a stable custom in Taiwan. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.25_KHF029_concat.wav 8.533 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.31_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.31_KHF029_concat.wav 6.789875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female lâng kóng “hàu-koo” ê sio̍k-gān, sī leh hàu ( pài ) koo-hûn kā phóo-tōo. lang5 kong2“hau3-koo1”e5 siok8-gan7, si7 leh4 hau3(pai3)koo1-hun5 ka7 phoo2-too7. 人講「孝孤」的俗諺,是咧孝(拜)孤魂共普渡。 lâng kóng“hàu-ko͘”ê sio̍k-gān, sī leh hàu(pài)ko͘-hûn kā phó͘-tō͘. There is a Taiwanese adage, 'hàu-koo', which literally means praying and providing solace to the wandering ghosts. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.31_KHF029_concat.wav 10.453 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.33_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.33_KHF029_concat.wav 12.76975 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guá senn tī tsiàn-āu âng-enn-á-tiâu, tī guá ê sing-tióng kuè-tîng-tiong, tshit-gue̍h-puànn pài-pài it-ti̍t lóng sī guá huâi-siūnn tshin-lâng ê li̍t-tsí. gua2 senn1 ti7 tsian3-au7 ang5-enn1-a2-tiau5, ti7 gua2 e5 sing1-tiong2 kue3-ting5-tiong1, tshit4-gueh8-puann3 pai3-pai3 it4-tit8 long2 si7 gua2 huai5-siunn7 tshin1-lang5 e5 lit8-tsi2. 我生佇戰後紅嬰仔潮,佇我的生長過程中,七月半拜拜一直攏是我懷想親人的日子。 góa seⁿ tī chiàn-āu âng-eⁿ-á-tiâu, tī góa ê seng-tióng kòe-têng-tiong, chhit-goe̍h-pòaⁿ pài-pài it-ti̍t lóng sī góa hoâi-siūⁿ chhin-lâng ê li̍t-chí. I was born during the post-war baby boom. As I was growing up, the praying activities during the mid-lunar 7th month were an act of commemoration of my loved ones who had passed on. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.33_KHF029_concat.wav 14.3143125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.36_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.36_KHF029_concat.wav 5.7 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female pē-bú sin-khóo tshiânn gún peh ê hiann-tī-tsí-muē sing-ua̍h. pe7-bu2 sin1-khoo2 tshiann5 gun2 peh4 e5 hiann1-ti7-tsi2-mue7 sing1-uah8. 爸母辛苦晟阮八个兄弟姊妹生活。 pē-bú sin-khó͘ chhiâⁿ gún peh ê hiaⁿ-tī-chí-mōe seng-oa̍h. My parents painstakingly raised eight children. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.36_KHF029_concat.wav 5.973 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.37_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.37_KHF029_concat.wav 5.895625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tú-hó lông-gia̍p sî-tāi tsuán-uānn kang-gia̍p sî-tāi ê kuè-tîng. tu2-ho2 long5-giap8 si5-tai7 tsuan2-uann7 kang1-giap8 si5-tai7 e5 kue3-ting5. 拄好農業時代轉換工業時代的過程。 tú-hó lông-gia̍p sî-tāi choán-ōaⁿ kang-gia̍p sî-tāi ê kòe-têng. It was during that period that Taiwan transited from an agrarian to an industrialized society. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.37_KHF029_concat.wav 9.045 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.38_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.38_KHF029_concat.wav 8.266125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hiann-tsé tshut-guā tha̍k-tsheh kah thàn-tsînn, lóng tán-kàu tuā tseh-li̍t tsiah ū-thang tńg--lâi. hiann1-tse2 tshut4-gua7 thak8-tsheh4 kah4 than3-tsinn5, long2 tan2-kau3 tua7 tseh4-lit8 tsiah4 u7-thang1 tng2--lai5. 兄姊出外讀冊佮趁錢,攏等到大節日才有通轉--來。 hiaⁿ-ché chhut-gōa tha̍k-chheh kah thàn-chîⁿ, lóng tán-kàu tōa cheh-li̍t chiah ū-thang tńg--lâi. My older siblings were away from home to work and study. It was only during such festivals that they would come back. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.38_KHF029_concat.wav 9.173 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.4_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.4_KHF029_concat.wav 2.7911875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female ū Hàn bûn-huà tsham-lām. u7 han3 bun5-hua3 tsham1-lam7. 有漢文化摻濫。 ū Hàn bûn-hòa chham-lām. There were influences from the Han culture. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.4_KHF029_concat.wav 4.9063125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.40_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.40_KHF029_concat.wav 7.6610625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hit-tsūn ê khuân-kíng tsin bái, tio̍h-ài kú-kú--ah tsiah ū tsi̍t niá sin sann thang tshīng. hit4-tsun7 e5 khuan5-king2 tsin1 bai2, tioh8-ai3 ku2-ku2--ah4 tsiah4 u7 tsit8 nia2 sin1 sann1 thang1 tshing7. 彼陣的環境真bái,著愛久久--矣才有一領新衫通穿。 hit-chūn ê khoân-kéng chin bái, tio̍h-ài kú-kú--ah chiah ū chi̍t niá sin saⁿ thang chhēng. The living conditions back in the days were poor and it was only once in a blue moon that we had new clothes to wear. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.40_KHF029_concat.wav 9.4388125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.42_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.42_KHF029_concat.wav 18.4076875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female ē-kì-tit a-bú kā guá kah sió-tī tshuân ê sin sann, lóng ē kā guán tsham-siông kóng ài tán-kàu tshit-gue̍h-puànn ê sî, gún tshut-guā ê hiann-tsé pàng-ká tńg--lâi, tsiah the̍h tshut-lâi tshīng hōo in khuànn. e7-ki3-tit4 a1-bu2 ka7 gua2 kah4 sio2-ti7 tshuan5 e5 sin1 sann1, long2 e7 ka7 guan2 tsham1-siong5 kong2 ai3 tan2-kau3 tshit4-gueh8-puann3 e5 si5, gun2 tshut4-gua7 e5 hiann1-tse2 pang3-ka2 tng2--lai5, tsiah4 theh8 tshut4-lai5 tshing7 hoo7 in1 khuann3. 會記得阿母共我佮小弟攢的新衫,攏會共guán參詳講愛等到七月半的時,阮出外的兄姊放假轉--來,才提出來穿予in看。 ē-kì-tit a-bú kā góa kah sió-tī chhoân ê sin saⁿ, lóng ē kā goán chham-siông kóng ài tán-kàu chhit-goe̍h-pòaⁿ ê sî, gún chhut-gōa ê hiaⁿ-ché pàng-ká tńg--lâi, chiah the̍h chhut-lâi chhēng hō͘ in khòaⁿ. I remember mom would prepare new clothes for my younger brother and me. She would ask us to wear it during the festivals when all our older siblings return. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.42_KHF029_concat.wav 10.901 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.46_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.46_KHF029_concat.wav 7.959875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female a-bú koh kà guán kah sió-tī ài kā lāi-bīn piànn hōo tshing-khì, huan-gîng hiann-tsé tńg--lâi. a1-bu2 koh4 ka3 guan2 kah4 sio2-ti7 ai3 ka7 lai7-bin7 piann3 hoo7 tshing1-khi3, huan1-ging5 hiann1-tse2 tng2--lai5. 阿母閣教阮佮小弟愛共內面摒予清氣,歡迎兄姊轉--來。 a-bú koh kà goán kah sió-tī ài kā lāi-bīn piàⁿ hō͘ chheng-khì, hoan-gêng hiaⁿ-ché tńg--lâi. Mom even instructed my younger brother and me to clean the rooms to welcome our older siblings back home. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.46_KHF029_concat.wav 8.255625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.6_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.6_KHF029_concat.wav 4.71 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female sī Lâm-tó-gí-tso̍k ê Pênn-poo-tso̍k kah ko-suann-tso̍k. si7 lam5-to2-gi2-tsok8 e5 penn5-poo1-tsok8 kah4 ko1-suann1-tsok8. 是南島語族的平埔族佮高山族。 sī Lâm-tó-gí-cho̍k ê Pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k kah ko-soaⁿ-cho̍k. That is part of the Austronesian language family that the Plains and Gaoshan indigenous people used. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.6_KHF029_concat.wav 9.173 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.1_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.1_KHF029_concat.wav 4.29 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kàu-tann guá uá-kīn hue-kah nî-huè--ah! kau3-tann1 gua2 ua2-kin7 hue1-kah4 ni5-hue3--ah4! 到今我倚近花甲年歲--矣! kàu-taⁿ góa óa-kīn hoe-kah nî-hòe--ah! I lived here for almost 60 years! 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.1_KHF029_concat.wav 4.6611875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.10_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.10_KHF029_concat.wav 3.24 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female sī in-uī su-liām pē-bú! si7 in1-ui7 su1-liam7 pe7-bu2! 是因為思念爸母! sī in-ūi su-liām pē-bú! It was because I missed my late parents. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.10_KHF029_concat.wav 4.821000000000001 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.11_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.11_KHF029_concat.wav 13.149875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female sui-jiân guá bô ti̍k-pia̍t ê tsong-kàu, iu-guân tī tshuân pài-pài leh hiáng-siū tshit-gue̍h-sî-á tshin-tsiânn àm-àm liû-tōng ê kám-kak. sui1-jian5 gua2 bo5 tik8-piat8 e5 tsong1-kau3, iu1-guan5 ti7 tshuan5 pai3-pai3 leh4 hiang2-siu7 tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 tshin1-tsiann5 am3-am3 liu5-tong7 e5 kam2-kak4. 雖然我無特別的宗教,猶原佇攢拜拜咧享受七月時仔親情暗暗流動的感覺。 sui-jiân góa bô te̍k-pia̍t ê chong-kàu, iu-goân tī chhoân pài-pài leh hiáng-siū chhit-goe̍h-sî-á chhin-chiâⁿ àm-àm liû-tōng ê kám-kak. Although I am not particularly religious, I enjoyed the process of making preparations for religious activities during the lunar 7th month. It bonds the family members closer together. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.11_KHF029_concat.wav 13.567625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.13_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.13_KHF029_concat.wav 14.726 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female sî-kan kuè-tio̍h tsin kín, siūnn-khí guá sè-hàn ê sî, kah hiann-tī-tsí-muē tī pē-bú sin-pinn tàu sio kim-tsuá ê ji̍t-tsí. si5-kan1 kue3-tioh8 tsin1 kin2, siunn7-khi2 gua2 se3-han3 e5 si5, kah4 hiann1-ti7-tsi2-mue7 ti7 pe7-bu2 sin1-pinn1 tau3 sio1 kim1-tsua2 e5 jit8-tsi2. 時間過著真緊,想起我細漢的時,佮兄弟姊妹佇爸母身邊鬥燒金紙的日子。 sî-kan kòe-tio̍h chin kín, siūⁿ-khí góa sè-hàn ê sî, kah hiaⁿ-tī-chí-mōe tī pē-bú sin-piⁿ tàu sio kim-chóa ê ji̍t-chí. Time flies. This reminds me of those days when I would burn paper money as offerings with my siblings and parents. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.13_KHF029_concat.wav 8.832 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.21_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.21_KHF029_concat.wav 7.695625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guán ta̍k-nî lóng ū tsò-hué tshuân pài-pài kah tàu sio kim-tsuá ê huê-ik. guan2 tak8-ni5 long2 u7 tso3-hue2 tshuan5 pai3-pai3 kah4 tau3 sio1 kim1-tsua2 e5 hue5-ik4. guán逐年攏有做伙攢拜拜佮鬥燒金紙的回憶。 goán ta̍k-nî lóng ū chò-hóe chhoân pài-pài kah tàu sio kim-chóa ê hôe-ek. Because of the annual affair, I could relive the memories of celebrating the religious festival. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.21_KHF029_concat.wav 7.9143125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.22_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.22_KHF029_concat.wav 7.666875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Tâi-uân tshit-gue̍h ê thinn-khì tiānn-tiānn ū kiông ê khì-liû pho-tuānn tsō-sîng hong-thai. tai5-uan5 tshit4-gueh8 e5 thinn1-khi3 tiann7-tiann7 u7 kiong5 e5 khi3-liu5 pho1-tuann7 tso7-sing5 hong1-thai1. 台灣七月的天氣定定有強的氣流波段造成風颱。 Tâi-oân chhit-goe̍h ê thiⁿ-khì tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ ū kiông ê khì-liû pho-tōaⁿ chō-sêng hong-thai. Every mid-lunar 7th month in Taiwan, there will be strong air currents that form into cyclones. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.22_KHF029_concat.wav 9.0663125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.23_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.23_KHF029_concat.wav 14.369625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female "tsit pái ìnn-á hong-thai tuà-lâi tuā-hōo-ti̍k-pò, tuā-hōo í-king lo̍h kuí-nā kang--ah, tsiok tsē sóo-tsāi leh im-tsuí, ha̍k-hāu ki-kuan lóng pàng “hong-thai-ká ""." "tsit4 pai2 inn3-a2 hong1-thai1 tua3-lai5 tua7-hoo7-tik8-po3, tua7-hoo7 i2-king1 loh8 kui2-na7 kang1--ah4, tsiok4 tse7 soo2-tsai7 leh4 im1-tsui2, hak8-hau7 ki1-kuan1 long2 pang3“hong1-thai1-ka2""." 這擺燕仔風颱帶來大雨特報,大雨已經落幾若工--矣,足濟所在咧淹水,學校機關攏放「風颱假」。 "chit pái ìⁿ-á hong-thai tòa-lâi tōa-hō͘-te̍k-pò, tōa-hō͘ í-keng lo̍h kúi-nā kang--ah, chiok chē só͘-chāi leh im-chúi, ha̍k-hāu ki-koan lóng pàng“hong-thai-ká""." This time, Typhoon Jebi brought in heavy rains that had lasted for the past few days. Several places were flooded and the government had announced school and office closures. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.23_KHF029_concat.wav 12.2663125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.27_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.27_KHF029_concat.wav 7.8266875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guá thàn hong-thai-hōo làng-phāng sió-khuá thîng ê sî, kín tshuân pài. gua2 than3 hong1-thai1-hoo7 lang3-phang7 sio2-khua2 thing5 e5 si5, kin2 tshuan5 pai3. 我趁風颱雨làng-phāng小可停的時,緊攢拜。 góa thàn hong-thai-hō͘ làng-phāng sió-khóa thêng ê sî, kín chhoân pài. I would take the opportunity to prepare for the religious offerings whenever the rain stops for a while. 917502 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.27_KHF029_concat.wav 8.127625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.32_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.32_KHF029_concat.wav 14.8576875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female gún iōng kán-tan ê sòo sing-lé puânn, kué-tsí puânn, tuā-mī, phàu-mī, kuàn-thâu, kiâm piánn, bih-luh pài, kìng-ì bô kiám, huâi-sióng i-jiân. gun2 iong7 kan2-tan1 e5 soo3 sing1-le2 puann5,kue2-tsi2 puann5,tua7-mi7,phau3-mi7,kuan3-thau5,kiam5 piann2,bih4-luh4 pai3, king3-i3 bo5 kiam2, huai5-siong2 i1-jian5. 阮用簡單的素牲醴盤、果子盤、大麵、泡麵、罐頭、鹹餅、bih-luh拜,敬意無減,懷想依然。 gún iōng kán-tan ê sò͘ seng-lé pôaⁿ,kóe-chí pôaⁿ,tōa-mī,phàu-mī,koàn-thâu,kiâm piáⁿ,bih-luh pài, kèng-ì bô kiám, hoâi-sióng i-jiân. We prepared vegetarian mock meats, fruits, noodles, cup noodles, canned food, savoury biscuits and beer as offerings. We are still sincere and reliving the memories. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.32_KHF029_concat.wav 13.2263125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.35_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.35_KHF029_concat.wav 7.359875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guá tsiàu lē hip tsi̍t tiunn siòng-phìnn tsuè kì-liām, siūnn-beh lâu-hā tshin-tsîng. gua2 tsiau3 le7 hip4 tsit8 tiunn1 siong3-phinn3 tsue3 ki3-liam7, siunn7-beh4 lau5-ha7 tshin1-tsing5. 我照例翕一張相片做紀念,想欲留下親情。 góa chiàu lē hip chi̍t tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ chòe kì-liām, siūⁿ-beh lâu-hā chhin-chêng. As usual, I took a picture as a memorable keepsake for the close kinship. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.35_KHF029_concat.wav 6.4423125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.37_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.37_KHF029_concat.wav 18.23225 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tī tshit-gue̍h-sî-á pài koo-hûn iá-kuí sóo hîng-sîng ê kuí-gue̍h, mà ū lâng iōng Bo̍k-liân kiù bó ê kòo-sū lâi suan-tō hàu-sūn ê hàu-tshin gue̍h, lóng sī tso̍k-kûn bûn-huà ê siā-huē kàu-io̍k. ti7 tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 pai3 koo1-hun5 ia2-kui2 soo2 hing5-sing5 e5 kui2-gueh8, ma3 u7 lang5 iong7 bok8-lian5 kiu3 bo2 e5 koo3-su7 lai5 suan1-to7 hau3-sun7 e5 hau3-tshin1 gueh8, long2 si7 tsok8-kun5 bun5-hua3 e5 sia7-hue7 kau3-iok8. 佇七月時仔拜孤魂野鬼所形成的鬼月,嘛有人用目蓮救母的故事來宣導孝順的孝親月,攏是族群文化的社會教育。 tī chhit-goe̍h-sî-á pài ko͘-hûn iá-kúi só͘ hêng-sêng ê kúi-goe̍h, mà ū lâng iōng Bo̍k-liân kiù bó ê kò͘-sū lâi soan-tō hàu-sūn ê hàu-chhin goe̍h, lóng sī cho̍k-kûn bûn-hòa ê siā-hōe kàu-io̍k. From the religious activities of sending offerings for ghosts, to the legend of Maudgalyayana saving his mother from the sufferings in hell and promoting filial piety. All of these played a part in shaping Taiwanese socio-cultural education. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.37_KHF029_concat.wav 18.6663125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.43_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.43_KHF029_concat.wav 16.498 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female m̄-koh tsū guá tsai-iánn pênn-poo-tso̍k liáu-āu, tshit-gue̍h-sî-á pài-pài hōo guá siōng pàng bē lī--ê iah-sī hông khi bia̍t ê pênn-poo-tso̍k kah Tâi-uân tsóo-lîng Alid. m7-koh4 tsu7 gua2 tsai1-iann2 penn5-poo1-tsok8 liau2-au7, tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 pai3-pai3 hoo7 gua2 siong7 pang3 be7 li7--e5 iah4-si7 hong5 khi1 biat8 e5 penn5-poo1-tsok8 kah4 tai5-uan5 tsoo2-ling5 Alid. 毋過自我知影平埔族了後,七月時仔拜拜予我上放袂離--的猶是hông欺滅的平埔族佮台灣祖靈Alid。 m̄-koh chū góa chai-iáⁿ pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k liáu-āu, chhit-goe̍h-sî-á pài-pài hō͘ góa siōng pàng bē lī--ê iah-sī hông khi bia̍t ê pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k kah Tâi-oân chó͘-lêng Alid. After I came to understand the Plains indigenous people better, the thing I could not let go of during the lunar 7th month religious activities was the bullying of the indigenous people and their ancestral soul Alid. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.43_KHF029_concat.wav 14.293 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.45_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.45_KHF029_concat.wav 15.252375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guá put-sî leh siūnn, kám kan-tann tī pênn-poo iā-tsè tsiah ē-tàng tshiau-tshuē tio̍h hit-sut-á pênn-poo Tâi-uân-lâng ê kin-kì? gua2 put4-si5 leh4 siunn7, kam2 kan1-tann1 ti7 penn5-poo1 ia7-tse3 tsiah4 e7-tang3 tshiau1-tshue7 tioh8 hit4-sut4-a2 penn5-poo1 tai5-uan5-lang5 e5 kin1-ki3? 我不時咧想,敢kan-tann佇平埔夜祭才會當搜揣著彼屑仔平埔台灣人的根據? góa put-sî leh siūⁿ, kám kan-taⁿ tī pêⁿ-po͘ iā-chè chiah ē-tàng chhiau-chhōe tio̍h hit-sut-á pêⁿ-po͘ Tâi-oân-lâng ê kin-kì? I was always thinking about this, is it only at the Plains indigenous peoples’ night offering festival that we could then witness the foundation of the Plains indigenous Taiwanese culture? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.45_KHF029_concat.wav 12.3303125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.5_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.5_KHF029_concat.wav 4.11 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kah tán beh tshīng hit niá sin sann ê sim-tsîng. kah4 tan2 beh4 tshing7 hit4 nia2 sin1 sann1 e5 sim1-tsing5. 佮等欲穿彼領新衫的心情。 kah tán beh chhēng hit niá sin saⁿ ê sim-chêng. And the anticipation of wearing new clothes. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.5_KHF029_concat.wav 4.5223125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.6_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.6_KHF029_concat.wav 2.85 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tann khuân-kíng hù-jū--ah! tann1 khuan5-king2 hu3-ju7--ah4! 今環境富裕--矣! taⁿ khoân-kéng hù-jū--ah! Now we can afford it. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.6_KHF029_concat.wav 3.2423125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.7_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.7_KHF029_concat.wav 3.3 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tshīng sin sann í-king bô siánn hi-hán! tshing7 sin1 sann1 i2-king1 bo5 siann2 hi1-han2! 穿新衫已經無啥希罕! chhēng sin saⁿ í-keng bô siáⁿ hi-hán! Having new clothes is no longer a big deal. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.7_KHF029_concat.wav 4.727125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.8_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.8_KHF029_concat.wav 3.24 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guá ê pē-bú mā bô-tī--leh--ah! gua2 e5 pe7-bu2 ma7 bo5-ti7--leh4--ah4! 我的爸母嘛無佇--咧--矣! góa ê pē-bú mā bô-tī--leh--ah! My parents have passed on. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.8_KHF029_concat.wav 4.0743125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.1_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.1_KHF029_concat.wav 2.55 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female luān-tsing-á luan7-tsing1-a2 亂鐘仔 loān-cheng-á Alarm clock. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.1_KHF029_concat.wav 2.901 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.10_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.10_KHF029_concat.wav 16.51975 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tsò tō-su m̄ sī bô king-giām, put-jî-kò, kà-tsheh gōo, la̍k tang thâu-pái tn̄g-tio̍h Lîm Bûn-tsing tsit khuán gín-á. tso3 to7-su1 m7 si7 bo5 king1-giam7, put4-ji5-ko3, ka3-tsheh4 goo7,lak8 tang1 thau5-pai2 tng7-tioh8 lim5 bun5-tsing1 tsit4 khuan2 gin2-a2. 做導師毋是無經驗,不而過,教冊五、六冬頭擺搪著林文鐘這款囡仔。 chò tō-su m̄ sī bô keng-giām, put-jî-kò, kà-chheh gō͘,la̍k tang thâu-pái tn̄g-tio̍h Lîm Bûn-cheng chit khoán gín-á. It’s not that I don’t have experience being a mentor, but this is my first time encountering a kid like Lîm bûn-tsing after teaching for about six years. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.10_KHF029_concat.wav 10.645 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.13_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.13_KHF029_concat.wav 14.7695 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tsit ê sì-nî ê tsa-poo gín-á, lâng senn tsò su-bûn-su-bûn, phīnn-ba̍k-tshuì lîng-lîng-lîng, kan-na tsi̍t-pōo bái, hīnn-á tàu tsōo-thiann-khì. tsit4 e5 si3-ni5 e5 tsa1-poo1 gin2-a2, lang5 senn1 tso3 su1-bun5-su1-bun5, phinn7-bak8-tshui3 ling5-ling5-ling5, kan1-na1 tsit8-poo7 bai2, hinn7-a2 tau3 tsoo7-thiann1-khi3. 這个四年的查埔囡仔,人生做斯文斯文,鼻目喙靈靈靈,干焦一步䆀,耳仔鬥助聽器。 chit ê sì-nî ê cha-po͘ gín-á, lâng seⁿ chò su-bûn-su-bûn, phīⁿ-ba̍k-chhùi lêng-lêng-lêng, kan-na chi̍t-pō͘ bái, hīⁿ-á tàu chō͘-thiaⁿ-khì. This grade-four boy has pleasant looks and sharp facial features, but there’s only one thing about him, he needs hearing aids. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.13_KHF029_concat.wav 8.405 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.20_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.20_KHF029_concat.wav 4.08 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hán leh ū lâng bô kah-ì. han2 leh4 u7 lang5 bo5 kah4-i3. 罕咧有人無佮意。 hán leh ū lâng bô kah-ì. They were people who did not like him sometimes. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.20_KHF029_concat.wav 4.7143125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.21_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.21_KHF029_concat.wav 8.769875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female suà--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-bián sann hun-tsing, i suî hiàn-tshut guân-hîng. sua3--loh8-lai5,m7-bian2 sann1 hun1-tsing1, i1 sui5 hian3-tshut4 guan5-hing5. 紲--落-來,毋免三分鐘,伊隨現出原形。 sòa--lo̍h-lâi,m̄-bián saⁿ hun-cheng, i sûi hiàn-chhut goân-hêng. After that, he would appear within three minutes. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.21_KHF029_concat.wav 4.5223125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.23_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.23_KHF029_concat.wav 13.0455 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female liâm-mi kā tsuân-pan tsi̍t-puànn khah-ke ê tsa-bóo gín-á khiú thâu-tsang, liâm-mi kā tsheh-pún iā kah kui-thôo-kha. liam5-mi1 ka7 tsuan5-pan1 tsit8-puann3 khah4-ke1 e5 tsa1-boo2 gin2-a2 khiu2 thau5-tsang1, liam5-mi1 ka7 tsheh4-pun2 ia7 kah4 kui1-thoo5-kha1. 連鞭共全班一半較加的查某囡仔搝頭鬃,連鞭共冊本掖甲規塗跤。 liâm-mi kā choân-pan chi̍t-pòaⁿ khah-ke ê cha-bó͘ gín-á khiú thâu-chang, liâm-mi kā chheh-pún iā kah kui-thô͘-kha. He would pull the girls’ hair, who made up more than half of the class. Books were also scattered all over the floor. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.23_KHF029_concat.wav 8.2983125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.25_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.25_KHF029_concat.wav 6.579875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kiò i kā tông-o̍h huē-sit-lé, i tsáu hōo lí jiok; kio3 i1 ka7 tong5-oh8 hue7-sit4-le2, i1 tsau2 hoo7 li2 jiok4; 叫伊共同學會失禮,伊走予你逐; kiò i kā tông-o̍h hōe-sit-lé, i cháu hō͘ lí jiok; I asked him to apologize to his classmates, but he ran and you have to chase him. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.25_KHF029_concat.wav 7.039625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.27_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.27_KHF029_concat.wav 14.336 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hiàm i kā tsheh khioh khí-lâi pâi hōo tsê-tsíng, i kui-khì onn-onn-kiò, tshiùnn he m̄-tsiânn siann-tiāu ê kua hōo lí thiann. hiam3 i1 ka7 tsheh4 khioh4 khi2-lai5 pai5 hoo7 tse5-tsing2, i1 kui1-khi3 onn1-onn1-kio3, tshiunn3 he1 m7-tsiann5 siann1-tiau7 e5 kua1 hoo7 li2 thiann1. 喊伊共冊抾起來排予齊整,伊規氣唔唔叫,唱彼毋成聲調的歌予你聽。 hiàm i kā chheh khioh khí-lâi pâi hō͘ chê-chéng, i kui-khì oⁿ-oⁿ-kiò, chhiùⁿ he m̄-chiâⁿ siaⁿ-tiāu ê koa hō͘ lí thiaⁿ. When I asked him to pick up the books and arrange them neatly, he started yelling and singing in a weird tone. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.27_KHF029_concat.wav 7.1463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.3_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.3_KHF029_concat.wav 3.24 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female liang! liang! liang! liang1!liang1!liang1! 喨!喨!喨! liang!liang!liang! Ring-ring-ring! 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.3_KHF029_concat.wav 2.879625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.30_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.30_KHF029_concat.wav 25.075125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female khai-ha̍k kui-lé-pài, Bûn-tsing ta̍k-ji̍t to tî-tò puànn tiám-tsing khah-ke, Siok-tsu hó-tshuì mn̄g i guân-in, i ê tuā luí ba̍k-tsiu tiām-tiām lia̍h Siok-tsu khuànn sann bió-tsing, suà--lo̍h phak tiàm tsheh-toh-á-tíng ké khùn. khai1-hak8 kui1-le2-pai3, bun5-tsing1 tak8-jit8 to1 ti5-to3 puann3 tiam2-tsing1 khah4-ke1, siok4-tsu1 ho2-tshui3 mng7 i1 guan5-in1, i1 e5 tua7 lui2 bak8-tsiu1 tiam7-tiam7 liah8 siok4-tsu1 khuann3 sann1 bio2-tsing1, sua3--loh8 phak4 tiam3 tsheh4-toh4-a2-ting2 ke2 khun3. 開學規禮拜,文鐘逐日都遲到半點鐘較加,淑珠好喙問伊原因,伊的大蕊目睭恬恬掠淑珠看三秒鐘,紲--落仆踮冊桌仔頂假睏。 khai-ha̍k kui-lé-pài, Bûn-cheng ta̍k-ji̍t to tî-tò pòaⁿ tiám-cheng khah-ke, Siok-chu hó-chhùi mn̄g i goân-in, i ê tōa lúi ba̍k-chiu tiām-tiām lia̍h Siok-chu khòaⁿ saⁿ bió-cheng, sòa--lo̍h phak tiàm chheh-toh-á-téng ké khùn. It has been a week since school started. Bûn-tsing would report to school late after half an hour daily. Siok-tsu asked him out of concern but she was responded with a blank stare that lasted for about three seconds. After that, he went under the study table and slept. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.30_KHF029_concat.wav 17.429000000000002 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.35_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.35_KHF029_concat.wav 20.4995 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female m̄-thang lia̍h-tsún i hīnn-khang ū khah-su, piān-nā e-poo sì-tiám, suànn-o̍h tsing-á-siann tân, tân bô sann siann, i bô-kóng-bô-tànn suî tsáu kah bô khuànn lâng-iánn. m7-thang1 liah8-tsun2 i1 hinn7-khang1 u7 khah4-su1, pian7-na7 e1-poo1 si3-tiam2, suann3-oh8 tsing1-a2-siann1 tan5, tan5 bo5 sann1 siann1, i1 bo5-kong2-bo5-tann3 sui5 tsau2 kah4 bo5 khuann3 lang5-iann2. 毋通掠準伊耳空有較輸,便若下晡四點,散學鐘仔聲霆,霆無三聲,伊無講無呾隨走甲無看人影。 m̄-thang lia̍h-chún i hīⁿ-khang ū khah-su, piān-nā e-po͘ sì-tiám, sòaⁿ-o̍h cheng-á-siaⁿ tân, tân bô saⁿ siaⁿ, i bô-kóng-bô-tàⁿ sûi cháu kah bô khòaⁿ lâng-iáⁿ. Don’t ever think that his impaired hearing would make him unable to hear the bell that signals the end of school at 4 p.m. He would usually be gone by the third chime of the bell. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.35_KHF029_concat.wav 11.029000000000002 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.42_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.42_KHF029_concat.wav 7.21975 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tit-tio̍h tsit khuán huê-ìng: lāu-su, hit ê luān-tsing-á siáu-siáu, mài tshap--i--lah! tit4-tioh8 tsit4 khuan2 hue5-ing3: lau7-su1,hit4 e5 luan7-tsing1-a2 siau2-siau2, mai3 tshap4--i1--lah4! 得著這款回應:老師,彼个亂鐘仔痟痟,莫插--伊--啦! tit-tio̍h chit khoán hôe-èng: lāu-su,hit ê loān-cheng-á siáu-siáu, mài chhap--i--lah! She would get this kind of response, “Teacher, that guy is cranky, you should just ignore him.”. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.42_KHF029_concat.wav 6.6983125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.45_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.45_KHF029_concat.wav 2.19 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female beh án-tsuánn mài tshap--i? beh4 an2-tsuann2 mai3 tshap4--i1? 欲按怎莫插--伊? beh án-chóaⁿ mài chhap--i? How to ignore him? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.45_KHF029_concat.wav 2.709 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.46_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.46_KHF029_concat.wav 11.039625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Siok-tsu àm-siūnn: lín tsia-ê gín-á ē-tàng mài tshap--i, guá tsò lāu-su lâng, bô hit ê khuân-lī mài tshap--i. siok4-tsu1 am3-siunn7: lin2 tsia1-e5 gin2-a2 e7-tang3 mai3 tshap4--i1, gua2 tso3 lau7-su1 lang5, bo5 hit4 e5 khuan5-li7 mai3 tshap4--i1. 淑珠暗想:恁遮的囡仔會當莫插--伊,我做老師人,無彼个權利莫插--伊。 Siok-chu àm-siūⁿ: lín chia-ê gín-á ē-tàng mài chhap--i, góa chò lāu-su lâng, bô hit ê khoân-lī mài chhap--i. Siok-tsu thought to herself: You students definitely can ignore him, but as a teacher, I am in no position to do that. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.46_KHF029_concat.wav 9.109 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.53_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.53_KHF029_concat.wav 10.96975 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hit li̍t suànn-o̍h, sóo-ū ha̍k-sing lī-khui kàu-sik liáu-āu, i kā Bûn-tsing in tau ê tē-tsí tshau tiàm tshiú-tsí-phōo-á. hit4 lit8 suann3-oh8, soo2-u7 hak8-sing1 li7-khui1 kau3-sik4 liau2-au7, i1 ka7 bun5-tsing1 in1 tau1 e5 te7-tsi2 tshau1 tiam3 tshiu2-tsi2-phoo7-a2. 彼日散學,所有學生離開教室了後,伊共文鐘in兜的地址抄踮手指簿仔。 hit li̍t sòaⁿ-o̍h, só͘-ū ha̍k-seng lī-khui kàu-sek liáu-āu, i kā Bûn-cheng in tau ê tē-chí chhau tiàm chhiú-chí-phō͘-á. After the lessons ended that day and all the students had left the classroom, she copied Bûn-tsing’s home address in a notebook. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.53_KHF029_concat.wav 8.321375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.56_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.56_KHF029_concat.wav 11.6909375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female thinn lo̍h sa̍p-sa̍p-á-hōo, Siok-tsu thián-khui hit ki hún-âng-sik ê nn̄g tsat hōo-suànn, iōng pōo-lián--ê kiânn-tshut hāu-mn̂g. thinn1 loh8 sap8-sap8-a2-hoo7, siok4-tsu1 thian2-khui1 hit4 ki1 hun2-ang5-sik4 e5 nng7 tsat4 hoo7-suann3, iong7 poo7-lian2--e5 kiann5-tshut4 hau7-mng5. 天落霎霎仔雨,淑珠展開彼枝粉紅色的兩節雨傘,用步輦--的行出校門。 thiⁿ lo̍h sa̍p-sa̍p-á-hō͘, Siok-chu thián-khui hit ki hún-âng-sek ê nn̄g chat hō͘-sòaⁿ, iōng pō͘-lián--ê kiâⁿ-chhut hāu-mn̂g. It was raining lightly, Siok-tsu opened her pink foldable umbrella and walked out of school. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.56_KHF029_concat.wav 6.783625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.62_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.62_KHF029_concat.wav 3.78 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female “guá beh khì ha̍k-sing in tau ka-tîng hóng-būn.” “gua2 beh4 khi3 hak8-sing1 in1 tau1 ka1-ting5 hong2-bun7.” 「我欲去學生in兜家庭訪問。」 “góa beh khì ha̍k-seng in tau ka-têng hóng-būn.” “I am going to a student’s home for a house visit.” 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.62_KHF029_concat.wav 4.3244375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.63_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.63_KHF029_concat.wav 2.67 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Siok-tsu tshiò-tshiò-á huê-ìng. siok4-tsu1 tshio3-tshio3-a2 hue5-ing3. 淑珠笑笑仔回應。 Siok-chu chhiò-chhiò-á hôe-èng. Siok-tsu replied with a smile. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.63_KHF029_concat.wav 3.881625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.64_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.64_KHF029_concat.wav 13.265875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kiânn-tshut hāu-mn̂g, tsiàu tshiú-tsí-phōo-á tíng-bīn ê tē-tsí, liōng-iok tsa̍p-thóng hun-tsing, Siok-tsu tiō tshē-tio̍h Bûn-tsing in tau hit tiâu hāng-á. kiann5-tshut4 hau7-mng5, tsiau3 tshiu2-tsi2-phoo7-a2 ting2-bin7 e5 te7-tsi2, liong7-iok4 tsap8-thong2 hun1-tsing1, siok4-tsu1 tio7 tshe7-tioh8 bun5-tsing1 in1 tau1 hit4 tiau5 hang7-a2. 行出校門,照手指簿仔頂面的地址,量約十捅分鐘,淑珠就揣著文鐘in兜彼條巷仔。 kiâⁿ-chhut hāu-mn̂g, chiàu chhiú-chí-phō͘-á téng-bīn ê tē-chí, liōng-iok cha̍p-thóng hun-cheng, Siok-chu tiō chhē-tio̍h Bûn-cheng in tau hit tiâu hāng-á. Walking out of the school and following the information copied on her notebook, Siok-tsu arrived at the alley where Bûn-tsing’s home is. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.64_KHF029_concat.wav 9.0635625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.70_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.70_KHF029_concat.wav 8.81675 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female khuànn ē tshut--lâi tuà tiàm tsia ê tsū-hōo, tiānn-tio̍h tiong-hā-kai-tsân tsiàm khah-tuā-bīn. khuann3 e7 tshut4--lai5 tua3 tiam3 tsia1 e5 tsu7-hoo7, tiann7-tioh8 tiong1-ha7-kai1-tsan5 tsiam3 khah4-tua7-bin7. 看會出--來蹛踮遮的住戶,定著中下階層佔較大面。 khòaⁿ ē chhut--lâi tòa tiàm chia ê chū-hō͘, tiāⁿ-tio̍h tiong-hā-kai-chân chiàm khah-tōa-bīn. It was obvious that the residents here are not well-to-do and fall into the lower social status group. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.70_KHF029_concat.wav 6.509 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.72_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.72_KHF029_concat.wav 20.264125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Siok-tsu kiânn kàu tsit tiâu hāng-á ê tiong-tuānn tńg-uat, khuànn-tio̍h tsi̍t uī é-kóo é-kóo, thâu-mn̂g sàm-sàm ê lāu hū-lîn-lâng, ànn-io tī mn̂g-kháu-tiânn leh khuán pháinn-tâng-kū-siah kah phōo-á-tsuá. siok4-tsu1 kiann5 kau3 tsit4 tiau5 hang7-a2 e5 tiong1-tuann7 tng2-uat4, khuann3-tioh8 tsit8 ui7 e2-koo2 e2-koo2,thau5-mng5 sam3-sam3 e5 lau7 hu7-lin5-lang5, ann3-io1 ti7 mng5-khau2-tiann5 leh4 khuan2 phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4 kah4 phoo7-a2-tsua2. 淑珠行到這條巷仔的中段轉斡,看著一位矮古矮古、頭毛鬖鬖的老婦人人,ànn腰佇門口埕咧款歹銅舊錫佮簿仔紙。 Siok-chu kiâⁿ kàu chit tiâu hāng-á ê tiong-tōaⁿ tńg-oat, khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t ūi é-kó͘ é-kó͘,thâu-mn̂g sàm-sàm ê lāu hū-lîn-lâng, àⁿ-io tī mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ leh khoán pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah kah phō͘-á-chóa. Siok-tsu turned somewhere in the middle of the alley and saw an unkempt elderly lady with short stature. She was bending down as she sorted the used copper tins and paper cardboard. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.72_KHF029_concat.wav 10.4684375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.75_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.75_KHF029_concat.wav 15.22525 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tsi̍t-ba̍k-nih, khuànn-tio̍h Bûn-tsing tuì tshù--nih kiânn--tshut-lâi, i sin-khu-tíng ê tsè-ho̍k í-king uānn-tiāu, tiām-tiām leh kā lāu hū-jîn-lâng tàu tsíng-lí tsuá-phe. tsit8-bak8-nih4, khuann3-tioh8 bun5-tsing1 tui3 tshu3--nih4 kiann5--tshut4-lai5, i1 sin1-khu1-ting2 e5 tse3-hok8 i2-king1 uann7-tiau7, tiam7-tiam7 leh4 ka7 lau7 hu7-jin5-lang5 tau3 tsing2-li2 tsua2-phe1. 一目𥍉,看著文鐘對厝--裡行--出-來,伊身軀頂的制服已經換掉,恬恬咧共老婦人人鬥整理紙坯。 chi̍t-ba̍k-nih, khòaⁿ-tio̍h Bûn-cheng tùi chhù--nih kiâⁿ--chhut-lâi, i sin-khu-téng ê chè-ho̍k í-keng ōaⁿ-tiāu, tiām-tiām leh kā lāu hū-jîn-lâng tàu chéng-lí chóa-phe. She saw Bûn-tsing walk out from one of the houses. He had already changed out of his school uniform and was quietly helping the elderly lady sort out the piles of papers. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.75_KHF029_concat.wav 9.813 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.8_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.8_KHF029_concat.wav 7.4679375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female lâi Tsîng-tshiū kok-sió tsiânn lé-pài--ah, Siok-tsu iah bô sánn kuàn-sì. lai5 tsing5-tshiu7 kok4-sio2 tsiann5 le2-pai3--ah4, siok4-tsu1 iah4 bo5 sann2 kuan3-si3. 來榕樹國小成禮拜--矣,淑珠猶無啥慣勢。 lâi Chêng-chhiū kok-sió chiâⁿ lé-pài--ah, Siok-chu iah bô sáⁿ koàn-sì. Siok-tsu has come to Banyan Tree Elementary for a week and still hasn’t gotten used to it. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.8_KHF029_concat.wav 6.933 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.0_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.0_KHF029_concat.wav 2.8249375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Bûn-tsiong sì bun5-tsiong1 si3 文章四 Bûn-chiong sì Article four. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.0_KHF029_concat.wav 3.071625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.11_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.11_KHF029_concat.wav 20.4169375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kiânn li̍p tshù-lāi, Siok-tsu khuànn-tio̍h lâng kheh-thiann kan-na nn̄g tsiah kū-àu-kū-tshàu ê tshâ-í-á, tsi̍t tè sì-kak toh-á phuà-sàm-phuà-sàm, piah-kak tsi̍t tha̍h tsi̍t tha̍h kū pò-tsuá kah tsuá-phe, Bûn-tsing khû tī hia leh tsíng-lí. kiann5 lip8 tshu3-lai7, siok4-tsu1 khuann3-tioh8 lang5 kheh4-thiann1 kan1-na1 nng7 tsiah4 ku7-au3-ku7-tshau3 e5 tsha5-i2-a2, tsit8 te3 si3-kak4 toh4-a2 phua3-sam3-phua3-sam3, piah4-kak4 tsit8 thah8 tsit8 thah8 ku7 po3-tsua2 kah4 tsua2-phe1, bun5-tsing1 khu5 ti7 hia1 leh4 tsing2-li2. 行入厝內,淑珠看著人客廳干焦兩隻舊漚舊臭的柴椅仔,一塊四角桌仔破毿破毿,壁角一疊一疊舊報紙佮紙坯,文鐘跍佇遐咧整理。 kiâⁿ li̍p chhù-lāi, Siok-chu khòaⁿ-tio̍h lâng kheh-thiaⁿ kan-na nn̄g chiah kū-àu-kū-chhàu ê chhâ-í-á, chi̍t tè sì-kak toh-á phòa-sàm-phòa-sàm, piah-kak chi̍t tha̍h chi̍t tha̍h kū pò-chóa kah chóa-phe, Bûn-cheng khû tī hia leh chéng-lí. Siok-tsu entered the house and saw in the living room that there were only two old dirty chairs, a dilapidated table, and piles of paper cardboard in one corner. Bûn-tsing was squatting there arranging them. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.11_KHF029_concat.wav 13.461 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.16_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.16_KHF029_concat.wav 5.199875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female “tsit ê gín-á, a̍h bē-hiáu thîn-tê hōo lāu-su lim?” “tsit4 e5 gin2-a2, ah8 be7-hiau2 thin5-te5 hoo7 lau7-su1 lim1?” 「這个囡仔,曷袂曉斟茶予老師啉?」 “chit ê gín-á, a̍h bē-hiáu thîn-tê hō͘ lāu-su lim?” “This boy… Don’t you know how to bring a cup of tea for your teacher?” 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.16_KHF029_concat.wav 5.1038125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.18_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.18_KHF029_concat.wav 2.91 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female a-má lia̍h Bûn-tsing khuànn--tsi̍t-ē. a1-ma2 liah8 bun5-tsing1 khuann3--tsit8-e7. 阿媽掠文鐘看--一-下。 a-má lia̍h Bûn-cheng khòaⁿ--chi̍t-ē. Grandma glared at Bûn-tsing. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.18_KHF029_concat.wav 3.510625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.21_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.21_KHF029_concat.wav 3.66 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Siok-tsu uē tiâu tī nâ-âu-tì-á. siok4-tsu1 ue7 tiau5 ti7 na5-au5-ti3-a2. 淑珠話牢佇嚨喉蒂仔。 Siok-chu ōe tiâu tī nâ-âu-tì-á. Before Siok-tsu could finish her sentence. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.21_KHF029_concat.wav 3.2735625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.22_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.22_KHF029_concat.wav 4.32 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female “siūnn-bē-kàu gún tau tsiah-nī sàn-tshiah, tio̍h--bô?” “siunn7-be7-kau3 gun2 tau1 tsiah4-ni7 san3-tshiah4,tioh8--bo5?” 「想袂到阮兜遮爾散赤,著--無?」 “siūⁿ-bē-kàu gún tau chiah-nī sàn-chhiah,tio̍h--bô?” “You didn’t expect us to be this poor, right?” 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.22_KHF029_concat.wav 4.1940625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.23_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.23_KHF029_concat.wav 3.03 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female a-má ná kóng ná ba̍k-khoo âng. a1-ma2 na2 kong2 na2 bak8-khoo1 ang5. 阿媽那講那目箍紅。 a-má ná kóng ná ba̍k-kho͘ âng. Tears welled up in grandma’s eyes. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.23_KHF029_concat.wav 3.382375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.24_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.24_KHF029_concat.wav 5.919875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female Siok-tsu khuànn a-má án-ne, kiânn uá kha-tsiah-phiann kā luah-luah--leh. siok4-tsu1 khuann3 a1-ma2 an2-ne1, kiann5 ua2 kha1-tsiah4-phiann1 ka7 luah4-luah4--leh4. 淑珠看阿媽按呢,行倚尻脊骿共捋捋--咧。 Siok-chu khòaⁿ a-má án-ne, kiâⁿ óa kha-chiah-phiaⁿ kā loah-loah--leh. Seeing this, Siok-tsu went over and stroked grandma’s back lightly. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.24_KHF029_concat.wav 4.949 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.26_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.26_KHF029_concat.wav 5.1468125 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female suà--lo̍h, a-má kā Siok-tsu kóng Bûn-tsing ê kòo-sū. sua3--loh8,a1-ma2 ka7 siok4-tsu1 kong2 bun5-tsing1 e5 koo3-su7. 紲--落,阿媽共淑珠講文鐘的故事。 sòa--lo̍h,a-má kā Siok-chu kóng Bûn-cheng ê kò͘-sū. Grandma started talking about Bûn-tsing. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.26_KHF029_concat.wav 3.4811875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.27_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.27_KHF029_concat.wav 4.329875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kóng--khí-lâi, A-tsing tsit ê gín-á pháinn-miā--lah! kong2--khi2-lai5, a1-tsing1 tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 phainn2-mia7--lah4! 講--起-來,阿鐘這个囡仔歹命--啦! kóng--khí-lâi, A-cheng chit ê gín-á pháiⁿ-miā--lah! Bûn-tsing is a pitiful and unfortunate child. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.27_KHF029_concat.wav 3.7280625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.35_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.35_KHF029_concat.wav 1.35 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female guá ū-huè--ah! gua2 u7-hue3--ah4! 我有歲--矣! góa ū-hòe--ah! I am so old already! 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.35_KHF029_concat.wav 2.9223125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.36_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.36_KHF029_concat.wav 10.01475 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female thàn bô tsia̍h, koo-put-jî-tsiong pháinn-tâng-kū-siah, jī-tsuá bóng khioh, lâi tshiânn-ióng tsit ê khó-liân sun. than3 bo5 tsiah8, koo1-put4-ji5-tsiong1 phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4,ji7-tsua2 bong2 khioh4, lai5 tshiann5-iong2 tsit4 e5 kho2-lian5 sun1. 趁無食,姑不而將歹銅舊錫、字紙罔抾,來晟養這个可憐孫。 thàn bô chia̍h, ko͘-put-jî-chiong pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah,jī-chóa bóng khioh, lâi chhiâⁿ-ióng chit ê khó-liân sun. I was unable to work and had to resort to collecting scrap metals and papers to feed my pitiful grandson. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.36_KHF029_concat.wav 7.1309375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.40_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.40_KHF029_concat.wav 3.96 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tsū sè-hàn tiō hōo tsiòng-lâng khuànn bô ba̍k-tē. tsu7 se3-han3 tio7 hoo7 tsiong3-lang5 khuann3 bo5 bak8-te7. 自細漢就予眾人看無目地。 chū sè-hàn tiō hō͘ chiòng-lâng khòaⁿ bô ba̍k-tē. He was despised since young. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.40_KHF029_concat.wav 4.245 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.41_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.41_KHF029_concat.wav 7.615625 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tshù-pinn-thâu-bué ê gín-á lóng bô puànn ê beh tsham i sio-pàng-phuānn. tshu3-pinn1-thau5-bue2 e5 gin2-a2 long2 bo5 puann3 e5 beh4 tsham1 i1 sio1-pang3-phuann7. 厝邊頭尾的囡仔攏無半个欲參伊相放伴。 chhù-piⁿ-thâu-bóe ê gín-á lóng bô pòaⁿ ê beh chham i sio-pàng-phōaⁿ. None of the kids in this neighbourhood wants to befriend him. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.41_KHF029_concat.wav 4.3943125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.42_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.42_KHF029_concat.wav 5.109875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female huān-sè-á án-ne, tsiah ē piàn kah ná lâi ná koo-láu. huan7-se3-a2 an2-ne1, tsiah4 e7 pian3 kah4 na2 lai5 na2 koo1-lau2. 凡勢仔按呢,才會變甲那來那孤老。 hoān-sè-á án-ne, chiah ē piàn kah ná lâi ná ko͘-láu. Because of all these experiences, he has become withdrawn. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.42_KHF029_concat.wav 4.799625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.44_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.44_KHF029_concat.wav 1.35 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female láu-su--ah! lau2-su1--ah4! 老師--啊! láu-su--ah! Oh, teacher! 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.44_KHF029_concat.wav 2.2290625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.45_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.45_KHF029_concat.wav 10.72975 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female tshiánn lí m̄-hó kiàn-kuài, tsit ê gín-á tī ha̍k-hāu nā ū tit-tsuē ê sóo-tsāi, lāu-sin--ê tiàm tsia kā lí huē-sit-lé. tshiann2 li2 m7-ho2 kian3-kuai3, tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 ti7 hak8-hau7 na7 u7 tit4-tsue7 e5 soo2-tsai7, lau7-sin1--e5 tiam3 tsia1 ka7 li2 hue7-sit4-le2. 請你毋好見怪,這个囡仔佇學校若有得罪的所在,老身--的踮遮共你會失禮。 chhiáⁿ lí m̄-hó kiàn-koài, chit ê gín-á tī ha̍k-hāu nā ū tit-chōe ê só͘-chāi, lāu-sin--ê tiàm chia kā lí hōe-sit-lé. Please don’t blame him. If this kid had offended you in school, allow me to offer an apology to you. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.45_KHF029_concat.wav 7.2835625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.50_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.50_KHF029_concat.wav 4.17 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hōo tsá tiō tn̄g tiám. hoo7 tsa2 tio7 tng7 tiam2. 雨早就斷點。 hō͘ chá tiō tn̄g tiám. The rain has stopped. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.50_KHF029_concat.wav 2.53475 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.51_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.51_KHF029_concat.wav 11.679875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female kiânn kàu ha̍k-hāu tshia-pênn beh khan oo-tóo-bái, huat-kak hún-âng hōo-suànn bē-kì tsah--tńg-lâi. kiann5 kau3 hak8-hau7 tshia1-penn5 beh4 khan1 oo1-too2-bai2, huat4-kak4 hun2-ang5 hoo7-suann3 be7-ki3 tsah4--tng2-lai5. 行到學校車棚欲牽oo-tóo-bái,發覺粉紅雨傘袂記紮--轉-來。 kiâⁿ kàu ha̍k-hāu chhia-pêⁿ beh khan o͘-tó͘-bái, hoat-kak hún-âng hō͘-sòaⁿ bē-kì chah--tńg-lâi. When she returned to the school to retrieve her motorcycle, she realized she had left her pink foldable umbrella at Bûn-tsing‘s home. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.51_KHF029_concat.wav 8.011125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.53_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.53_KHF029_concat.wav 9.849875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female i huat-tōng oo-tóo-bái, bô siann ê ba̍k-sái ûn-liâu-á liàn--lo̍h-lâi. i1 huat4-tong7 oo1-too2-bai2, bo5 siann1 e5 bak8-sai2 un5-liau5-a2 lian3--loh8-lai5. 伊發動oo-tóo-bái,無聲的目屎勻聊仔輾--落-來。 i hoat-tōng o͘-tó͘-bái, bô siaⁿ ê ba̍k-sái ûn-liâu-á liàn--lo̍h-lâi. She started the bike and tears ran down her cheeks quietly as she rode. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.53_KHF029_concat.wav 5.1160625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.55_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.55_KHF029_concat.wav 17.11975 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female hit mê, beh khùn ê sî, Siok-tsu àm-siūnn keh-tńg-ji̍t khí, i tik-khak ài iōng koh-khah tuā ê nāi-sim tuì-thāi Bûn-tsing. hit4 me5,beh4 khun3 e5 si5, siok4-tsu1 am3-siunn7 keh4-tng2-jit8 khi2, i1 tik4-khak4 ai3 iong7 koh4-khah4 tua7 e5 nai7-sim1 tui3-thai7 bun5-tsing1. 彼暝,欲睏的時,淑珠暗想隔轉日起,伊的確愛用閣較大的耐心對待文鐘。 hit mê,beh khùn ê sî, Siok-chu àm-siūⁿ keh-tńg-ji̍t khí, i tek-khak ài iōng koh-khah tōa ê nāi-sim tùi-thāi Bûn-cheng. Before sleeping that night, she told herself to be more patient with Bûn-tsing. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.55_KHF029_concat.wav 5.4394375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.58_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.58_KHF029_concat.wav 4.62 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female ū-iánn tsi̍t mî kàu thinn-kng. u7-iann2 tsit8 mi5 kau3 thinn1-kng1. 有影一暝到天光。 ū-iáⁿ chi̍t mî kàu thiⁿ-kng. It was indeed, throughout the night until daybreak. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.58_KHF029_concat.wav 4.7143125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.59_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.59_KHF029_concat.wav 4.05 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female liang! liang! liang! liang1!liang1!liang1! 喨!喨!喨! liang!liang!liang! Ring-ring-ring! 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.59_KHF029_concat.wav 2.6701875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.6_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.6_KHF029_concat.wav 4.4724375 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female “a-sáng, guá sī Bûn-tsing ê lāu-su. lí sī......” “a1-sang2,gua2 si7 bun5-tsing1 e5 lau7-su1.li2 si7......” 「阿桑,我是文鐘的老師。你是......」 “a-sáng,góa sī Bûn-cheng ê lāu-su.lí sī......” Hi Ma'am, I am Bûn-tsing's teacher. You are... 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.6_KHF029_concat.wav 3.6893125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.60_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.60_KHF029_concat.wav 25.8706875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female luān-tsing-á tân sann siann, Siok-tsu kín-mé tshi̍h tiāu, i peh khí-lâi tshun-ûn, tànn-thâu khuànn-tio̍h po̍h-po̍h ê ji̍t-tshiu, thàu-kuè thang-á un-jiû nǹg--ji̍p-lâi. luan7-tsing1-a2 tan5 sann1 siann1, siok4-tsu1 kin2-me2 tshih8 tiau7, i1 peh4 khi2-lai5 tshun1-un5, tann3-thau5 khuann3-tioh8 poh8-poh8 e5 jit8-tshiu1, thau3-kue3 thang1-a2 un1-jiu5 nng3--jip8-lai5. 亂鐘仔霆三聲,淑珠緊猛揤掉,伊peh起來伸勻,擔頭看著薄薄的日鬚,透過窗仔溫柔軁--入-來。 loān-cheng-á tân saⁿ siaⁿ, Siok-chu kín-mé chhi̍h tiāu, i peh khí-lâi chhun-ûn, tàⁿ-thâu khòaⁿ-tio̍h po̍h-po̍h ê ji̍t-chhiu, thàu-kòe thang-á un-jiû nǹg--ji̍p-lâi. The alarm rang thrice, and Siok-tsu turned it off quickly. She got out of bed to stretch and saw the light shining in. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.60_KHF029_concat.wav 7.3173125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.7_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.7_KHF029_concat.wav 4.749875 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female “sī lāu-su--ooh! pháinn-sè, guá sī i ê a-má--lah.” “si7 lau7-su1--ooh4! phainn2-se3,gua2 si7 i1 e5 a1-ma2--lah4.” 「是老師--喔!歹勢,我是伊的阿媽--啦。」 “sī lāu-su--o͘h! pháiⁿ-sè,góa sī i ê a-má--lah.” Oh, you are the teacher! Oh, my apologies, I am Bûn-tsing's grandmother. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.7_KHF029_concat.wav 5.2053125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.9_KHF029_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.9_KHF029_concat.wav 4.41 KHF029 偏漳腔 Zhangzhou influenced accent Female lāu hū-lîn-lâng kā Siok-tsu tàm-thâu kiânn-lé. lau7 hu7-lin5-lang5 ka7 siok4-tsu1 tam3-thau5 kiann5-le2. 老婦人人共淑珠頕頭行禮。 lāu hū-lîn-lâng kā Siok-chu tàm-thâu kiâⁿ-lé. The elderly bowed slightly to greet Siok-tsu. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.9_KHF029_concat.wav 4.5043125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.0_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.0_KHF030_concat.wav 2.07625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Sòo-jī soo3-ji7 數字 Sò͘-jī Number 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.0_KHF030_concat.wav 1.98875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.1_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.1_KHF030_concat.wav 4.29 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn tâi-pak tshī bîn-á-tsài tsa̍p-tshit hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 tai5-pak4 tshi7 bin5-a2-tsai3 tsap8-tshit4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看台北市明仔載十七號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ tâi-pak chhī bîn-á-chài cha̍p-chhit hō ê thiⁿ-khì Now, let’s see what’s in for the weather in Taipei City tomorrow, the 17th. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.1_KHF030_concat.wav 5.5591875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.2_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.2_KHF030_concat.wav 12.1048125 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female un-tōo jī-tsa̍p tshit tsì sann-tsa̍p jī tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t tsa̍p % lâi-pin nn̄g-pah tshit-tsa̍p la̍k hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8 tshit4 tsi3 sann1-tsap8 ji7 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 tsap8% lai5-pin1 nng7-pah4 tshit4-tsap8 lak8 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十七至三十二度,落雨機率十%來賓兩百七十六號請來十二號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p chhit chì saⁿ-cha̍p jī tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t cha̍p% lâi-pin nn̄g-pah chhit-cha̍p la̍k hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature ranges between 27 to 32 degrees, and there is a 10% probability of rain. Guest number 276, please come to counter 12. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.2_KHF030_concat.wav 11.413 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.4_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.4_KHF030_concat.wav 4.71 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female lóng-tsóng tshit-pah sì-tsa̍p la̍k khoo, tsāu lí gōo-tsa̍p sì khoo long2-tsong2 tshit4-pah4 si3-tsap8 lak8 khoo1,tsau7 li2 goo7-tsap8 si3 khoo1 攏總七百四十六箍,找你五十四箍 lóng-chóng chhit-pah sì-cha̍p la̍k kho͘,chāu lí gō͘-cha̍p sì kho͘ 746 dollars in total, here is your change of 54 dollars. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.4_KHF030_concat.wav 6.35775 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.5_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.5_KHF030_concat.wav 3.51375 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kin-á-ji̍t sī sann-gue̍h tshe-it, pài-la̍k kin1-a2-jit8 si7 sann1-gueh8 tshe1-it4,pai3-lak8 今仔日是三月初一,拜六 kin-á-ji̍t sī saⁿ-goe̍h chhe-it,pài-la̍k Today is Saturday, the 1st of March. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.5_KHF030_concat.wav 3.9463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.8_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.8_KHF030_concat.wav 2.82 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female i-tī it kiú tshit ngóo nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 it4 kiu2 tshit4 ngoo2 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇一九七五年出世 i-tī it kiú chhit ngó͘ nî chhut-sì He was born in 1975. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.8_KHF030_concat.wav 4.1909375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.9_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.9_KHF030_concat.wav 3.54 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki ngóo jī pat jī tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 ngoo2 ji7 pat4 ji7 請幫我轉分機五二八二 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki ngó͘ jī pat jī Please help me transfer to extension number 5282. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_1.9_KHF030_concat.wav 5.216625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.0_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.0_KHF030_concat.wav 2.6111875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Daily conversation. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.0_KHF030_concat.wav 2.735 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.1_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.1_KHF030_concat.wav 3.06 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Sù-tshuan-tshài khah hiam, lí kánn tsia̍h--bô? su3-tshuan1-tshai3 khah4 hiam1,li2 kann2 tsiah8--bo5? 四川菜較薟,你敢食--無? Sù-chhoan-chhài khah hiam,lí káⁿ chia̍h--bô? Szechuan dishes are spicier. Do you dare to eat them? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.1_KHF030_concat.wav 4.457375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.10_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.10_KHF030_concat.wav 2.04 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Lí iah ài tiám siánn-mi̍h--bô? li2 iah4 ai3 tiam2 siann2-mih8--bo5? 你猶愛點啥物--無? Lí iah ài tiám siáⁿ-mi̍h--bô? Is there anything else you want to order? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.10_KHF030_concat.wav 3.9463125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.11_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.11_KHF030_concat.wav 3.03 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Koh tsi̍t uánn thng. Siánn-mih thng khah hó? koh4 tsit8 uann2 thng1.siann2-mih4 thng1 khah4 ho2? 閣一碗湯。啥物湯較好? Koh chi̍t óaⁿ thng.Siáⁿ-mih thng khah hó? A bowl of soup, please. Which soup is better? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.11_KHF030_concat.wav 3.5634375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.12_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.12_KHF030_concat.wav 2.46 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Tshenn-tshài tāu-hū thng bē-bái. tshenn1-tshai3 tau7-hu7 thng1 be7-bai2. 青菜豆腐湯袂bái。 Chheⁿ-chhài tāu-hū thng bē-bái. The tofu vegetable soup is not bad. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.12_KHF030_concat.wav 3.349 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.13_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.13_KHF030_concat.wav 3.36 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Thâu-ke, koh tsi̍t puânn âng-sio tāu-hū. thau5-ke1,koh4 tsit8 puann5 ang5-sio1 tau7-hu7. 頭家,閣一盤紅燒豆腐。 Thâu-ke,koh chi̍t pôaⁿ âng-sio tāu-hū. Sir, a plate of braised tofu, please. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.13_KHF030_concat.wav 3.157 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.14_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.14_KHF030_concat.wav 1.95 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Guá siūnn beh lim tê. gua2 siunn7 beh4 lim1 te5. 我想beh lim茶。 Góa siūⁿ beh lim tê. I want to drink tea. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.14_KHF030_concat.wav 2.901 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.15_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.15_KHF030_concat.wav 2.4 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Hit tè pue-á lah-sap lah-sap. hit4 te3 pue1-a2 lah4-sap4 lah4-sap4. 彼塊杯仔lah-sap lah-sap。 Hit tè poe-á lah-sap lah-sap. That cup is dirty. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.15_KHF030_concat.wav 2.3184375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.16_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.16_KHF030_concat.wav 2.91 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Guá the̍h tsi̍t tè khah tshing-khì--ê hōo--lí. gua2 theh8 tsit8 te3 khah4 tshing1-khi3--e5 hoo7--li2. 我the̍h一塊較清氣--的hōo--你。 Góa the̍h chi̍t tè khah chheng-khì--ê hō͘--lí. I will take a cleaner one for you. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.16_KHF030_concat.wav 3.050625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.17_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.17_KHF030_concat.wav 1.5 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Tshài lâi--ah tshai3 lai5--ah4 菜來--矣 Chhài lâi--ah The dishes are here. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.17_KHF030_concat.wav 2.610625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.18_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.18_KHF030_concat.wav 2.04 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Tsit puânn sī siánn-mih tshài? tsit4 puann5 si7 siann2-mih4 tshai3? 這盤是啥物菜? Chit pôaⁿ sī siáⁿ-mih chhài? What is this dish called? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.18_KHF030_concat.wav 3.1804375 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.19_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.19_KHF030_concat.wav 2.91 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Tsit puânn kiò-tsò âng-sio tāu-hū. tsit4 puann5 kio3-tso3 ang5-sio1 tau7-hu7. 這盤叫做紅燒豆腐。 Chit pôaⁿ kiò-chò âng-sio tāu-hū. This is braised tofu. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.19_KHF030_concat.wav 2.8870625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.2_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.2_KHF030_concat.wav 0.81 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Kánn! kann2! 敢! Káⁿ! Yes! I have the courage. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.2_KHF030_concat.wav 2.865125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.20_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.20_KHF030_concat.wav 2.4 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Lāi-bīn ū siánn-mih mi̍h-kiānn? lai7-bin7 u7 siann2-mih4 mih8-kiann7? 內面有啥物物件? Lāi-bīn ū siáⁿ-mih mi̍h-kiāⁿ? What is inside? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.20_KHF030_concat.wav 2.532 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.21_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.21_KHF030_concat.wav 5.355625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Ū bah, tāu-hū, kah tsin tsē mi̍h-kiānn. Lí tsia̍h khuànn-māi--leh! u7 bah4,tau7-hu7,kah4 tsin1 tse7 mih8-kiann7.li2 tsiah8 khuann3-mai7--leh4! 有肉,豆腐,佮真濟物件。你食看māi--leh! Ū bah,tāu-hū,kah chin chē mi̍h-kiāⁿ.Lí chia̍h khòaⁿ-māi--leh! There are meat, tofu, and many others. Try it! 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.21_KHF030_concat.wav 4.364625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.22_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.22_KHF030_concat.wav 2.22 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female To-siā! Guá ka-kī lâi. to1-sia7!gua2 ka1-ki7 lai5. 多謝!我家己來。 To-siā!Góa ka-kī lâi. Thank you, I’ll help myself. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.22_KHF030_concat.wav 3.135625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.23_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.23_KHF030_concat.wav 3.03 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Lí tsia̍h hiah-nī tsió, kám tsia̍h ū pá? li2 tsiah8 hiah4-ni7 tsio2,kam2 tsiah8 u7 pa2? 你食hiah-nī少,敢食有飽? Lí chia̍h hiah-nī chió,kám chia̍h ū pá? You’re eating so little. Is it enough? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.23_KHF030_concat.wav 3.1955 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.24_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.24_KHF030_concat.wav 3.03 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Guá pak-tóo ū tsi̍t-tiám-á bô sóng-khuài. gua2 pak4-too2 u7 tsit8-tiam2-a2 bo5 song2-khuai3. 我腹肚有一點仔無爽快。 Góa pak-tó͘ ū chi̍t-tiám-á bô sóng-khoài. My stomach doesn’t feel too well. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.24_KHF030_concat.wav 3.1783125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.25_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.25_KHF030_concat.wav 1.86 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Beh tsia̍h io̍h-á--bô? beh4 tsiah8 ioh8-a2--bo5? Beh食藥仔--無? Beh chia̍h io̍h-á--bô? Do you need some medicine? 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.25_KHF030_concat.wav 2.909875 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.26_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.26_KHF030_concat.wav 2.1 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female M̄-bián, to-siā. m7-bian2,to1-sia7. M̄免,多謝。 M̄-bián,to-siā. There is no need, thank you. 1337315 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.26_KHF030_concat.wav 2.6663125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.3_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.3_KHF030_concat.wav 5.37 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Tsit king tsin tsán! Guá siông-siông lâi, in ê tshài lóng tsin hó tsia̍h. tsit4 king1 tsin1 tsan2!gua2 siong5-siong5 lai5,in1 e5 tshai3 long2 tsin1 ho2 tsiah8. 這間真讚!我常常來,𪜶的菜攏真好食。 Chit keng chin chán!Góa siông-siông lâi,in ê chhài lóng chin hó chia̍h. This restaurant is great! I eat here a lot because they make good food. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.3_KHF030_concat.wav 6.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.4_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.4_KHF030_concat.wav 2.64 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Bô, án-ne lán tuà tsia tsia̍h. bo5,an2-ne1 lan2 tua3 tsia1 tsiah8. 無,按呢咱tuà tsia食。 Bô,án-ne lán tòa chia chia̍h. No. Then, let's eat here. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.4_KHF030_concat.wav 5.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.5_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.5_KHF030_concat.wav 1.95 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Lán beh kiò siánn-mih tshài? lan2 beh4 kio3 siann2-mih4 tshai3? 咱beh叫啥物菜? Lán beh kiò siáⁿ-mih chhài? What dish should we order? 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.5_KHF030_concat.wav 3.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.6_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.6_KHF030_concat.wav 4.23375 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Lí kā guá kiò, hó--bô? Tshài-tuann, guá khuànn bô. li2 ka7 gua2 kio3,ho2--bo5?tshai3-tuann1,gua2 khuann3 bo5. 你kā我叫,好--無?菜單,我看無。 Lí kā góa kiò,hó--bô?Chhài-toaⁿ,góa khòaⁿ bô. Can you order for me? I can't read the menu. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.6_KHF030_concat.wav 5.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.7_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.7_KHF030_concat.wav 3.39 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Thâu-ke, guá ài thn̂g-tshòo-pâi-kut. thau5-ke1,gua2 ai3 thng5-tshoo3-pai5-kut4. 頭家,我愛糖醋排骨。 Thâu-ke,góa ài thn̂g-chhò͘-pâi-kut. Sir, I would like one sweet and sour ribs. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.7_KHF030_concat.wav 5.48 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.8_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.8_KHF030_concat.wav 2.58 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female In tsia ū âng-sio-hî--bô? in1 tsia1 u7 ang5-sio1-hi5--bo5? In tsia有紅燒魚--無? In chia ū âng-sio-hî--bô? Do they have braised fish here? 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.8_KHF030_concat.wav 4.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.9_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.9_KHF030_concat.wav 4.83125 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Thâu-ke, tsi̍t bué âng-sio-hî, tsi̍t puânn tshá tshenn-tshài. thau5-ke1,tsit8 bue2 ang5-sio1-hi5,tsit8 puann5 tsha2 tshenn1-tshai3. 頭家,一尾紅燒魚,一盤炒青菜。 Thâu-ke,chi̍t bóe âng-sio-hî,chi̍t pôaⁿ chhá chheⁿ-chhài. Sir, we will have one braised fish and a plate of fried vegetables. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_2.9_KHF030_concat.wav 7.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.0_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.0_KHF030_concat.wav 2.19 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Bûn-tsiong it bun5-tsiong1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiong it Passage one. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.0_KHF030_concat.wav 3.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.1_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.1_KHF030_concat.wav 2.52 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tshit-gue̍h-sî-á ê sim-tsîng tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 e5 sim1-tsing5 七月時仔的心情 chhit-goe̍h-sî-á ê sim-chêng The mood in July. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.1_KHF030_concat.wav 3.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.10_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.10_KHF030_concat.wav 3.06 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female bū-si̍t tián-hiān kám-un ê tsîng-ì. bu7-sit8 tian2-hian7 kam2-un1 e5 tsing5-i3. 務實展現感恩的情意。 bū-si̍t tián-hiān kám-un ê chêng-ì. Practically showing gratitude. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.10_KHF030_concat.wav 3.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.11_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.11_KHF030_concat.wav 5.559875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female gún í Tâi-uân ê tsú-thé-sìng su-khó, sī uī-siánn-mih beh pài-pài? gun2 i2 tai5-uan5 e5 tsu2-the2-sing3 su1-kho2, si7 ui7-siann2-mih4 beh4 pai3-pai3? 阮以台灣的主體性思考,是為啥物欲拜拜? gún í Tâi-oân ê chú-thé-sèng su-khó, sī ūi-siáⁿ-mih beh pài-pài? I was thinking from the subjectivity of Taiwan, why do we need to pray? 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.11_KHF030_concat.wav 7.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.13_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.13_KHF030_concat.wav 18.719625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kè-sio̍k tshiau-tshuē tsóo-sian ê kha-jiah, tshit-gue̍h it-tīng m̄-niā hó-hiann-tī tsia-ê î-bîn li̍k-sú niâ, koh-khah su-iàu tshim-ji̍p tsai-iánn siōng tsá ê Tâi-uân-lâng kin-té li̍k-sú, pênn-poo-tso̍k kah ko-suann-tso̍k tsè-pài kám-un ê sìng-keh. ke3-siok8 tshiau1-tshue7 tsoo2-sian1 e5 kha1-jiah4, tshit4-gueh8 it4-ting7 m7-nia7 ho2-hiann1-ti7 tsia1-e5 i5-bin5 lik8-su2 nia5, koh4-khah4 su1-iau3 tshim1-jip8 tsai1-iann2 siong7 tsa2 e5 tai5-uan5-lang5 kin1-te2 lik8-su2, penn5-poo1-tsok8 kah4 ko1-suann1-tsok8 tse3-pai3 kam2-un1 e5 sing3-keh4. 繼續搜揣祖先的跤跡,七月一定毋但好兄弟遮的移民歷史niâ,閣較需要深入知影上早的台灣人根底歷史,平埔族佮高山族祭拜感恩的性格。 kè-sio̍k chhiau-chhōe chó͘-sian ê kha-jiah, chhit-goe̍h it-tēng m̄-niā hó-hiaⁿ-tī chia-ê î-bîn le̍k-sú niâ, koh-khah su-iàu chhim-ji̍p chai-iáⁿ siōng chá ê Tâi-oân-lâng kin-té le̍k-sú, pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k kah ko-soaⁿ-cho̍k chè-pài kám-un ê sèng-keh. Keep searching for the footprints of your ancestors. July shouldn’t only be about the immigration history of our brethren here. We have to also profoundly understand the historic roots of the earliest Taiwanese and worship as a form of gratitude, just like the characteristics of the Pênn-poo and Ko-suann people. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.13_KHF030_concat.wav 13.48 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.20_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.20_KHF030_concat.wav 10.209875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kóng sī an-tah hia-ê Tn̂g-suann kuè Tâi-uân sim-kuann kiat kui uân ê hó-hiann-tī, sū-si̍t-siōng mā sī an-tah phóo-lô tāi-tsiòng ê sim. kong2 si7 an1-tah4 hia1-e5 tng5-suann1 kue3 tai5-uan5 sim1-kuann1 kiat4 kui1 uan5 e5 ho2-hiann1-ti7, su7-sit8-siong7 ma7 si7 an1-tah4 phoo2-lo5 tai7-tsiong3 e5 sim1. 講是安搭遐的唐山過台灣心肝結規丸的好兄弟,事實上嘛是安搭普羅大眾的心。 kóng sī an-tah hia-ê Tn̂g-soaⁿ kòe Tâi-oân sim-koaⁿ kiat kui oân ê hó-hiaⁿ-tī, sū-si̍t-siōng mā sī an-tah phó͘-lô tāi-chiòng ê sim. You can say that it was to appease their brethren who came to Taiwan together. However, it was actually to appease the hearts of the general public. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.20_KHF030_concat.wav 10.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.22_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.22_KHF030_concat.wav 5.379875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female it-puann jîn-ke kiû khiā-ke pîng-an, tshut-ji̍p sūn-lī. it4-puann1 jin5-ke1 kiu5 khia7-ke1 ping5-an1, tshut4-jip8 sun7-li7. 一般人家求徛家平安,出入順利。 it-poaⁿ jîn-ke kiû khiā-ke pêng-an, chhut-ji̍p sūn-lī. Most people wish for safety at home and when travelling. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.22_KHF030_concat.wav 5.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.24_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.24_KHF030_concat.wav 4.59 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kok-hâng-kok-gia̍p mā lóng ē tshuân lâi pài-pài kiû tsâi-lī. kok4-hang5-kok4-giap8 ma7 long2 e7 tshuan5 lai5 pai3-pai3 kiu5 tsai5-li7. 各行各業嘛攏會攢來拜拜求財利。 kok-hâng-kok-gia̍p mā lóng ē chhoân lâi pài-pài kiû châi-lī. People from all professions can come to pray for fortune. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.24_KHF030_concat.wav 5.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.25_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.25_KHF030_concat.wav 7.179875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tsit khuán ū sio-hiunn ū pó-pì ê bûn-hua, í-king-sī Tâi-uân tsin kòo-tīng ê hong-sio̍k--ah. tsit4 khuan2 u7 sio1-hiunn1 u7 po2-pi3 e5 bun5-hua1, i2-king1-si7 tai5-uan5 tsin1 koo3-ting7 e5 hong1-siok8--ah4. 這款有燒香有保庇的文化,已經是台灣真固定的風俗--矣。 chit khoán ū sio-hiuⁿ ū pó-pì ê bûn-hoa, í-keng-sī Tâi-oân chin kò͘-tēng ê hong-sio̍k--ah. The culture of burning incense for protection is already a very fixed custom in Taiwan. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.25_KHF030_concat.wav 7.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.31_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.31_KHF030_concat.wav 5.859875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female lâng kóng “hàu-koo” ê sio̍k-gān, sī leh hàu ( pài ) koo-hûn kā phóo-tōo. lang5 kong2“hau3-koo1”e5 siok8-gan7, si7 leh4 hau3(pai3)koo1-hun5 ka7 phoo2-too7. 人講「孝孤」的俗諺,是咧孝(拜)孤魂共普渡。 lâng kóng“hàu-ko͘”ê sio̍k-gān, sī leh hàu(pài)ko͘-hûn kā phó͘-tō͘. There is a Taiwanese adage, 'hàu-koo', which literally means praying and providing solace to the wandering ghosts. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.31_KHF030_concat.wav 9.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.33_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.33_KHF030_concat.wav 10.81975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guá senn tī tsiàn-āu âng-enn-á-tiâu, tī guá ê sing-tióng kuè-thîng-tiong, tshit-gue̍h-puànn pài-pài it-ti̍t lóng sī guá huâi-siūnn tshin-lâng ê li̍t-tsí. gua2 senn1 ti7 tsian3-au7 ang5-enn1-a2-tiau5, ti7 gua2 e5 sing1-tiong2 kue3-thing5-tiong1, tshit4-gueh8-puann3 pai3-pai3 it4-tit8 long2 si7 gua2 huai5-siunn7 tshin1-lang5 e5 lit8-tsi2. 我生佇戰後紅嬰仔潮,佇我的生長過程中,七月半拜拜一直攏是我懷想親人的日子。 góa seⁿ tī chiàn-āu âng-eⁿ-á-tiâu, tī góa ê seng-tióng kòe-thêng-tiong, chhit-goe̍h-pòaⁿ pài-pài it-ti̍t lóng sī góa hoâi-siūⁿ chhin-lâng ê li̍t-chí. I was born in the post-war boomer period. Throughout my life, I have always missed my family during the prayers in mid-July. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.33_KHF030_concat.wav 9.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.36_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.36_KHF030_concat.wav 4.41 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female pē-bú sin-khóo tshiânn gún pueh ê hiann-tī-tsí-muē sing-ua̍h. pe7-bu2 sin1-khoo2 tshiann5 gun2 pueh4 e5 hiann1-ti7-tsi2-mue7 sing1-uah8. 爸母辛苦晟阮八个兄弟姊妹生活。 pē-bú sin-khó͘ chhiâⁿ gún poeh ê hiaⁿ-tī-chí-mōe seng-oa̍h. Despite their hardship, my parents supported the daily life of all eight of my siblings and me. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.36_KHF030_concat.wav 6.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.37_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.37_KHF030_concat.wav 4.89 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tú-hó lông-gia̍p sî-tāi tsuán-uānn kang-gia̍p sî-tāi ê kuè-thîng. tu2-ho2 long5-giap8 si5-tai7 tsuan2-uann7 kang1-giap8 si5-tai7 e5 kue3-thing5. 拄好農業時代轉換工業時代的過程。 tú-hó lông-gia̍p sî-tāi choán-ōaⁿ kang-gia̍p sî-tāi ê kòe-thêng. It happened to be during the transformation process from the agricultural era into the industrial era 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.37_KHF030_concat.wav 8.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.38_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.38_KHF030_concat.wav 7.089875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female hiann-tsé tshut-guā tha̍k-tsheh kah thàn-tsînn, láng tán-kàu tuā tseh-ji̍t tsiah ū-thang tńg--lâi. hiann1-tse2 tshut4-gua7 thak8-tsheh4 kah4 than3-tsinn5, lang2 tan2-kau3 tua7 tseh4-jit8 tsiah4 u7-thang1 tng2--lai5. 兄姊出外讀冊佮趁錢,攏等到大節日才有通轉--來。 hiaⁿ-ché chhut-gōa tha̍k-chheh kah thàn-chîⁿ, láng tán-kàu tōa cheh-ji̍t chiah ū-thang tńg--lâi. My older siblings were away from home to work and study. It was only during such festivals that they would come back. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.38_KHF030_concat.wav 9.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.4_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.4_KHF030_concat.wav 2.46 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female ū Hàn bûn-huà tsham-lām. u7 han3 bun5-hua3 tsham1-lam7. 有漢文化摻濫。 ū Hàn bûn-hòa chham-lām. There were influences from the Han culture. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.4_KHF030_concat.wav 4.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.40_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.40_KHF030_concat.wav 6.999875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female hit-tsūn ê khuân-kíng tsin bái, tio̍h-ài kú-kú--ah tsiah ū tsi̍t niá sin sann thang tshīng. hit4-tsun7 e5 khuan5-king2 tsin1 bai2, tioh8-ai3 ku2-ku2--ah4 tsiah4 u7 tsit8 nia2 sin1 sann1 thang1 tshing7. 彼陣的環境真bái,著愛久久--矣才有一領新衫通穿。 hit-chūn ê khoân-kéng chin bái, tio̍h-ài kú-kú--ah chiah ū chi̍t niá sin saⁿ thang chhēng. The living conditions back in the days were poor and it was only once in a blue moon that we had new clothes to wear. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.40_KHF030_concat.wav 7.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.42_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.42_KHF030_concat.wav 15.689625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female ē-kì-tit a-bú kā guá kah sió-tī tshuân ê sin sann, lóng ē kā guán tsham-siông kóng ài tán-kàu tshit-gue̍h-puànn ê sî, gún tshut-guā ê hiann-tsé pàng-ká tńg--lâi, tsiah the̍h tshut-lâi tshīng hōo in khuànn. e7-ki3-tit4 a1-bu2 ka7 gua2 kah4 sio2-ti7 tshuan5 e5 sin1 sann1, long2 e7 ka7 guan2 tsham1-siong5 kong2 ai3 tan2-kau3 tshit4-gueh8-puann3 e5 si5, gun2 tshut4-gua7 e5 hiann1-tse2 pang3-ka2 tng2--lai5, tsiah4 theh8 tshut4-lai5 tshing7 hoo7 in1 khuann3. 會記得阿母共我佮小弟攢的新衫,攏會共guán參詳講愛等到七月半的時,阮出外的兄姊放假轉--來,才提出來穿予in看。 ē-kì-tit a-bú kā góa kah sió-tī chhoân ê sin saⁿ, lóng ē kā goán chham-siông kóng ài tán-kàu chhit-goe̍h-pòaⁿ ê sî, gún chhut-gōa ê hiaⁿ-ché pàng-ká tńg--lâi, chiah the̍h chhut-lâi chhēng hō͘ in khòaⁿ. I remember mom would prepare new clothes for my younger brother and me. She would ask us to wear it during the festivals when all our older siblings return. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.42_KHF030_concat.wav 10.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.46_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.46_KHF030_concat.wav 7.299875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female a-bú koh kà gún kah sió-tī ài kā lāi-bīn piànn hōo tshing-khì, huan-gîng hiann-tsé tńg--lâi. a1-bu2 koh4 ka3 gun2 kah4 sio2-ti7 ai3 ka7 lai7-bin7 piann3 hoo7 tshing1-khi3, huan1-ging5 hiann1-tse2 tng2--lai5. 阿母閣教阮佮小弟愛共內面摒予清氣,歡迎兄姊轉--來。 a-bú koh kà gún kah sió-tī ài kā lāi-bīn piàⁿ hō͘ chheng-khì, hoan-gêng hiaⁿ-ché tńg--lâi. Mom even instructed my younger brother and me to clean the rooms to welcome our older siblings back home. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.46_KHF030_concat.wav 8.2 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.6_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.6_KHF030_concat.wav 4.41 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female sī Lâm-tó-gí-tso̍k ê Pênn-poo-tso̍k kah ko-suann-tso̍k. si7 lam5-to2-gi2-tsok8 e5 penn5-poo1-tsok8 kah4 ko1-suann1-tsok8. 是南島語族的平埔族佮高山族。 sī Lâm-tó-gí-cho̍k ê Pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k kah ko-soaⁿ-cho̍k. That is part of the Austronesian language family that the Plains and Gaoshan indigenous people used. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_3.6_KHF030_concat.wav 8.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.1_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.1_KHF030_concat.wav 3.96 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kàu-tann guá uá-kīn hue-kah nî-huè--ah! kau3-tann1 gua2 ua2-kin7 hue1-kah4 ni5-hue3--ah4! 到今我倚近花甲年歲--矣! kàu-taⁿ góa óa-kīn hoe-kah nî-hòe--ah! I lived here for almost 60 years! 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.1_KHF030_concat.wav 4.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.10_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.10_KHF030_concat.wav 2.31 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female sī in-uī su-liām pē-bú! si7 in1-ui7 su1-liam7 pe7-bu2! 是因為思念爸母! sī in-ūi su-liām pē-bú! It was because I missed my late parents. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.10_KHF030_concat.wav 4.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.11_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.11_KHF030_concat.wav 9.699875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female sui-jiân guá bô ti̍k-pia̍t ê tsong-kàu, iu-guân tī tshuân pài-pài leh hiáng-siū tshit-gue̍h-sî-á tshin-tsiânn àm-àm liû-tōng ê kám-kak. sui1-jian5 gua2 bo5 tik8-piat8 e5 tsong1-kau3, iu1-guan5 ti7 tshuan5 pai3-pai3 leh4 hiang2-siu7 tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 tshin1-tsiann5 am3-am3 liu5-tong7 e5 kam2-kak4. 雖然我無特別的宗教,猶原佇攢拜拜咧享受七月時仔親情暗暗流動的感覺。 sui-jiân góa bô te̍k-pia̍t ê chong-kàu, iu-goân tī chhoân pài-pài leh hiáng-siū chhit-goe̍h-sî-á chhin-chiâⁿ àm-àm liû-tōng ê kám-kak. Although I am not particularly religious, I enjoyed the process of making preparations for religious activities during the lunar 7th month. It bonds the family members closer together. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.11_KHF030_concat.wav 12.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.13_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.13_KHF030_concat.wav 9.88975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female sî-kan kuè-tio̍h tsin kín, siūnn-khí guá sè-hàn ê sî, kah hiann-tī-tsí-muē tī pē-bú sin-pinn tàu sio kim-tsuá ê ji̍t-tsí. si5-kan1 kue3-tioh8 tsin1 kin2, siunn7-khi2 gua2 se3-han3 e5 si5, kah4 hiann1-ti7-tsi2-mue7 ti7 pe7-bu2 sin1-pinn1 tau3 sio1 kim1-tsua2 e5 jit8-tsi2. 時間過著真緊,想起我細漢的時,佮兄弟姊妹佇爸母身邊鬥燒金紙的日子。 sî-kan kòe-tio̍h chin kín, siūⁿ-khí góa sè-hàn ê sî, kah hiaⁿ-tī-chí-mōe tī pē-bú sin-piⁿ tàu sio kim-chóa ê ji̍t-chí. Time flies. This reminds me of those days when I would burn paper money as offerings with my siblings and parents. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.13_KHF030_concat.wav 8.56 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.21_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.21_KHF030_concat.wav 5.58 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guán ta̍k-nî lóng ū tsò-hué tshuân pài-pài kah tàu sio kim-tsuá ê huê-ik. guan2 tak8-ni5 long2 u7 tso3-hue2 tshuan5 pai3-pai3 kah4 tau3 sio1 kim1-tsua2 e5 hue5-ik4. guán逐年攏有做伙攢拜拜佮鬥燒金紙的回憶。 goán ta̍k-nî lóng ū chò-hóe chhoân pài-pài kah tàu sio kim-chóa ê hôe-ek. Because of the annual affair, I could relive the memories of celebrating the religious festival. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.21_KHF030_concat.wav 7.12 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.22_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.22_KHF030_concat.wav 6.87 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Tâi-uân tshit-gue̍h ê thinn-khì tiānn-tiānn ū kiông ê khì-liû pho-tuānn tsō-sîng hong-thai. tai5-uan5 tshit4-gueh8 e5 thinn1-khi3 tiann7-tiann7 u7 kiong5 e5 khi3-liu5 pho1-tuann7 tso7-sing5 hong1-thai1. 台灣七月的天氣定定有強的氣流波段造成風颱。 Tâi-oân chhit-goe̍h ê thiⁿ-khì tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ ū kiông ê khì-liû pho-tōaⁿ chō-sêng hong-thai. Every mid-lunar 7th month in Taiwan, there will be strong air currents that form into cyclones. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.22_KHF030_concat.wav 7.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.23_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.23_KHF030_concat.wav 13.079625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female "tsit pái ìnn-á hong-thai tuà-lâi tuā-hōo-ti̍k-pò, tuā-hōo í-king lo̍h kuí-lō kang--ah, tsiok tsē sóo-tsāi leh im-tsuí, ha̍k-hāu ki-kuan lóng pàng “hong-thai-ká ""." "tsit4 pai2 inn3-a2 hong1-thai1 tua3-lai5 tua7-hoo7-tik8-po3, tua7-hoo7 i2-king1 loh8 kui2-lo7 kang1--ah4, tsiok4 tse7 soo2-tsai7 leh4 im1-tsui2, hak8-hau7 ki1-kuan1 long2 pang3“hong1-thai1-ka2""." 這擺燕仔風颱帶來大雨特報,大雨已經落幾若工--矣,足濟所在咧淹水,學校機關攏放「風颱假」。 "chit pái ìⁿ-á hong-thai tòa-lâi tōa-hō͘-te̍k-pò, tōa-hō͘ í-keng lo̍h kúi-lō kang--ah, chiok chē só͘-chāi leh im-chúi, ha̍k-hāu ki-koan lóng pàng“hong-thai-ká""." This time, Typhoon Jebi brought in heavy rains that had lasted for the past few days. Several places were flooded and the government had announced school and office closures. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.23_KHF030_concat.wav 12.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.27_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.27_KHF030_concat.wav 5.409875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guá thàn hong-thai-hōo làng-phāng sió-khuá thîng ê sî, kín tshuân pài. gua2 than3 hong1-thai1-hoo7 lang3-phang7 sio2-khua2 thing5 e5 si5, kin2 tshuan5 pai3. 我趁風颱雨làng-phāng小可停的時,緊攢拜。 góa thàn hong-thai-hō͘ làng-phāng sió-khóa thêng ê sî, kín chhoân pài. I would take the opportunity to prepare for the religious offerings whenever the rain stops for a while. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.27_KHF030_concat.wav 7.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.32_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.32_KHF030_concat.wav 14.35975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female gún īng kán-tan ê sòo sing-lé puânn, kué-tsí puânn, tuā-mī, phàu-mī, kuàn-thâu, kiâm piánn, bih-luh pài, kìng-ì bô kiám, huâi-sióng i-jiân. gun2 ing7 kan2-tan1 e5 soo3 sing1-le2 puann5,kue2-tsi2 puann5,tua7-mi7,phau3-mi7,kuan3-thau5,kiam5 piann2,bih4-luh4 pai3, king3-i3 bo5 kiam2, huai5-siong2 i1-jian5. 阮用簡單的素牲醴盤、果子盤、大麵、泡麵、罐頭、鹹餅、bih-luh拜,敬意無減,懷想依然。 gún ēng kán-tan ê sò͘ seng-lé pôaⁿ,kóe-chí pôaⁿ,tōa-mī,phàu-mī,koàn-thâu,kiâm piáⁿ,bih-luh pài, kèng-ì bô kiám, hoâi-sióng i-jiân. We prepared vegetarian mock meats, fruits, noodles, cup noodles, canned food, savoury biscuits and beer as offerings. We are still sincere and reliving the memories. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.32_KHF030_concat.wav 13.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.35_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.35_KHF030_concat.wav 6.759875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guá tsiàu lē hip tsi̍t tiunn siòng-phìnn tsò kì-liām, siūnn-beh lâu-hā tshin-tsîng. gua2 tsiau3 le7 hip4 tsit8 tiunn1 siong3-phinn3 tso3 ki3-liam7, siunn7-beh4 lau5-ha7 tshin1-tsing5. 我照例翕一張相片做紀念,想欲留下親情。 góa chiàu lē hip chi̍t tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ chò kì-liām, siūⁿ-beh lâu-hā chhin-chêng. As usual, I took a picture as a memorable keepsake for the close kinship. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.35_KHF030_concat.wav 6.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.37_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.37_KHF030_concat.wav 15.16975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tī tshit-gue̍h-sî-á pài koo-hûn iá-kuí sóo hîng-sîng ê kuí-gue̍h, mà ū lâng iōng Bo̍k-liân kiù bó ê kòo-sū lâi suan-tō hàu-sūn ê hàu-tshin gue̍h, lóng sī tso̍k-kûn bûn-huà ê siā-huē kàu-io̍k. ti7 tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 pai3 koo1-hun5 ia2-kui2 soo2 hing5-sing5 e5 kui2-gueh8, ma3 u7 lang5 iong7 bok8-lian5 kiu3 bo2 e5 koo3-su7 lai5 suan1-to7 hau3-sun7 e5 hau3-tshin1 gueh8, long2 si7 tsok8-kun5 bun5-hua3 e5 sia7-hue7 kau3-iok8. 佇七月時仔拜孤魂野鬼所形成的鬼月,嘛有人用目蓮救母的故事來宣導孝順的孝親月,攏是族群文化的社會教育。 tī chhit-goe̍h-sî-á pài ko͘-hûn iá-kúi só͘ hêng-sêng ê kúi-goe̍h, mà ū lâng iōng Bo̍k-liân kiù bó ê kò͘-sū lâi soan-tō hàu-sūn ê hàu-chhin goe̍h, lóng sī cho̍k-kûn bûn-hòa ê siā-hōe kàu-io̍k. From the religious activities of sending offerings for ghosts, to the legend of Maudgalyayana saving his mother from the sufferings in hell and promoting filial piety. All of these played a part in shaping Taiwanese socio-cultural education. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.37_KHF030_concat.wav 18.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.43_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.43_KHF030_concat.wav 13.389875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female m̄-koh tsū guá tsai-iánn pênn-poo-tso̍k liáu-āu, tshit-gue̍h-sî-á pài-pài hōo guá siōng pàng buē lī--ê iáu-sī hông khi bia̍t ê pênn-poo-tso̍k kah Tâi-uân tsóo-lîng Alid. m7-koh4 tsu7 gua2 tsai1-iann2 penn5-poo1-tsok8 liau2-au7, tshit4-gueh8-si5-a2 pai3-pai3 hoo7 gua2 siong7 pang3 bue7 li7--e5 iau2-si7 hong5 khi1 biat8 e5 penn5-poo1-tsok8 kah4 tai5-uan5 tsoo2-ling5 Alid. 毋過自我知影平埔族了後,七月時仔拜拜予我上放袂離--的猶是hông欺滅的平埔族佮台灣祖靈Alid。 m̄-koh chū góa chai-iáⁿ pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k liáu-āu, chhit-goe̍h-sî-á pài-pài hō͘ góa siōng pàng bōe lī--ê iáu-sī hông khi bia̍t ê pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k kah Tâi-oân chó͘-lêng Alid. After I came to understand the Plains indigenous people better, the thing I could not let go of during the lunar 7th month religious activities was the bullying of the indigenous people and their ancestral soul Alid. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.43_KHF030_concat.wav 15.36 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.45_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.45_KHF030_concat.wav 10.149875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guá put-sî leh siūnn, kám kan-tann tī pênn-poo iā-tsè tsiah ē-tàng tshiau-tshuē tio̍h hit-sut-á pênn-poo Tâi-uân-lâng ê kin-kù? gua2 put4-si5 leh4 siunn7, kam2 kan1-tann1 ti7 penn5-poo1 ia7-tse3 tsiah4 e7-tang3 tshiau1-tshue7 tioh8 hit4-sut4-a2 penn5-poo1 tai5-uan5-lang5 e5 kin1-ku3? 我不時咧想,敢kan-tann佇平埔夜祭才會當搜揣著彼屑仔平埔台灣人的根據? góa put-sî leh siūⁿ, kám kan-taⁿ tī pêⁿ-po͘ iā-chè chiah ē-tàng chhiau-chhōe tio̍h hit-sut-á pêⁿ-po͘ Tâi-oân-lâng ê kin-kù? I was always thinking about this, is it only at the Plains indigenous peoples’ night offering festival that we could then witness the foundation of the Plains indigenous Taiwanese culture? 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.45_KHF030_concat.wav 12.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.5_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.5_KHF030_concat.wav 3.75 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kah tán beh tshīng hit niá sin sann ê sim-tsîng. kah4 tan2 beh4 tshing7 hit4 nia2 sin1 sann1 e5 sim1-tsing5. 佮等欲穿彼領新衫的心情。 kah tán beh chhēng hit niá sin saⁿ ê sim-chêng. And the anticipation of wearing new clothes. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.5_KHF030_concat.wav 4.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.6_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.6_KHF030_concat.wav 2.37 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tann khuân-kíng hù-jū--ah! tann1 khuan5-king2 hu3-ju7--ah4! 今環境富裕--矣! taⁿ khoân-kéng hù-jū--ah! Now we can afford it. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.6_KHF030_concat.wav 3.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.7_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.7_KHF030_concat.wav 3.15 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tshīng sin sann í-king bô siánn hi-hán! tshing7 sin1 sann1 i2-king1 bo5 siann2 hi1-han2! 穿新衫已經無啥希罕! chhēng sin saⁿ í-keng bô siáⁿ hi-hán! Having new clothes is no longer a big deal. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.7_KHF030_concat.wav 4.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.8_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.8_KHF030_concat.wav 2.91 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guá ê pē-bú mā bô-tī--leh--ah! gua2 e5 pe7-bu2 ma7 bo5-ti7--leh4--ah4! 我的爸母嘛無佇--咧--矣! góa ê pē-bú mā bô-tī--leh--ah! My parents have passed on. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_4.8_KHF030_concat.wav 3.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.1_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.1_KHF030_concat.wav 1.32 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female luān-tsing-á luan7-tsing1-a2 亂鐘仔 loān-cheng-á Alarm clock. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.1_KHF030_concat.wav 3.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.10_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.10_KHF030_concat.wav 9.58975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tsò tō-su m̄ sī bô king-giām, put-jî-kò, kà-tsheh gōo, la̍k tang thâu-pái tn̄g-tio̍h Lîm Bûn-tsing tsit khuán gín-á. tso3 to7-su1 m7 si7 bo5 king1-giam7, put4-ji5-ko3, ka3-tsheh4 goo7,lak8 tang1 thau5-pai2 tng7-tioh8 lim5 bun5-tsing1 tsit4 khuan2 gin2-a2. 做導師毋是無經驗,不而過,教冊五、六冬頭擺搪著林文鐘這款囡仔。 chò tō-su m̄ sī bô keng-giām, put-jî-kò, kà-chheh gō͘,la̍k tang thâu-pái tn̄g-tio̍h Lîm Bûn-cheng chit khoán gín-á. It’s not that I don’t have experience being a mentor, but this is my first time encountering a kid like Lîm bûn-tsing after teaching for about six years. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.10_KHF030_concat.wav 11.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.13_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.13_KHF030_concat.wav 12.5195 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tsit ê sì-nî ê tsa-poo gín-á, lâng senn tsò su-bûn-su-bûn, phīnn-ba̍k-tshuì lîng-lîng-lîng, kan-tann tsi̍t-pōo bái, hīnn-á tàu tsōo-thiann-khì. tsit4 e5 si3-ni5 e5 tsa1-poo1 gin2-a2, lang5 senn1 tso3 su1-bun5-su1-bun5, phinn7-bak8-tshui3 ling5-ling5-ling5, kan1-tann1 tsit8-poo7 bai2, hinn7-a2 tau3 tsoo7-thiann1-khi3. 這个四年的查埔囡仔,人生做斯文斯文,鼻目喙靈靈靈,干焦一步䆀,耳仔鬥助聽器。 chit ê sì-nî ê cha-po͘ gín-á, lâng seⁿ chò su-bûn-su-bûn, phīⁿ-ba̍k-chhùi lêng-lêng-lêng, kan-taⁿ chi̍t-pō͘ bái, hīⁿ-á tàu chō͘-thiaⁿ-khì. This grade-four boy has pleasant looks and sharp facial features, but there’s only one thing about him, he needs hearing aids. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.13_KHF030_concat.wav 10.28 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.20_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.20_KHF030_concat.wav 2.16 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female hán leh ū lâng bô kah-ì. han2 leh4 u7 lang5 bo5 kah4-i3. 罕咧有人無佮意。 hán leh ū lâng bô kah-ì. They were people who did not like him sometimes. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.20_KHF030_concat.wav 5.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.21_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.21_KHF030_concat.wav 5.769875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female suà--lo̍h-lâi, m̄-bián sann hun-tsing, i suî hiàn-tshut guân-hîng. sua3--loh8-lai5,m7-bian2 sann1 hun1-tsing1, i1 sui5 hian3-tshut4 guan5-hing5. 紲--落-來,毋免三分鐘,伊隨現出原形。 sòa--lo̍h-lâi,m̄-bián saⁿ hun-cheng, i sûi hiàn-chhut goân-hêng. After that, he would appear within three minutes. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.21_KHF030_concat.wav 4.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.23_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.23_KHF030_concat.wav 9.519875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female liâm-mi kā tsuân-pan tsi̍t-puànn khah-ke ê tsa-bóo gín-á giú thâu-tsang, liâm-mi kā tsheh-pún iā kah kui-thôo-kha. liam5-mi1 ka7 tsuan5-pan1 tsit8-puann3 khah4-ke1 e5 tsa1-boo2 gin2-a2 giu2 thau5-tsang1, liam5-mi1 ka7 tsheh4-pun2 ia7 kah4 kui1-thoo5-kha1. 連鞭共全班一半較加的查某囡仔搝頭鬃,連鞭共冊本掖甲規塗跤。 liâm-mi kā choân-pan chi̍t-pòaⁿ khah-ke ê cha-bó͘ gín-á giú thâu-chang, liâm-mi kā chheh-pún iā kah kui-thô͘-kha. He would pull the girls’ hair, who made up more than half of the class. Books were also scattered all over the floor. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.23_KHF030_concat.wav 8.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.25_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.25_KHF030_concat.wav 4.479875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kiò i kā tông-o̍h huē-sit-lé, i tsáu hōo lí jiok; kio3 i1 ka7 tong5-oh8 hue7-sit4-le2, i1 tsau2 hoo7 li2 jiok4; 叫伊共同學會失禮,伊走予你逐; kiò i kā tông-o̍h hōe-sit-lé, i cháu hō͘ lí jiok; I asked him to apologize to his classmates, but he ran and you have to chase him. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.25_KHF030_concat.wav 7.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.27_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.27_KHF030_concat.wav 9.67975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female huah i kā tsheh khioh khí-lâi pâi hōo tsê-tsíng, i kui-khì onn-onn-kiò, tshiùnn he m̄-tsiânn siann-tiāu ê kua hōo lí thiann. huah4 i1 ka7 tsheh4 khioh4 khi2-lai5 pai5 hoo7 tse5-tsing2, i1 kui1-khi3 onn1-onn1-kio3, tshiunn3 he1 m7-tsiann5 siann1-tiau7 e5 kua1 hoo7 li2 thiann1. 喝伊共冊抾起來排予齊整,伊規氣唔唔叫,唱彼毋成聲調的歌予你聽。 hoah i kā chheh khioh khí-lâi pâi hō͘ chê-chéng, i kui-khì oⁿ-oⁿ-kiò, chhiùⁿ he m̄-chiâⁿ siaⁿ-tiāu ê koa hō͘ lí thiaⁿ. When I asked him to pick up the books and arrange them neatly, he started yelling and singing in a weird tone. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.27_KHF030_concat.wav 8.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.3_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.3_KHF030_concat.wav 1.65 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female liang! liang! liang! liang1!liang1!liang1! 喨!喨!喨! liang!liang!liang! Ring-ring-ring! 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.3_KHF030_concat.wav 3.88 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.30_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.30_KHF030_concat.wav 17.5595 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female khai-ha̍k kui-lé-pài, Bûn-tsing ta̍k-ji̍t to tî-tò puànn tiám-tsing khah-ke, Siok-tsu hó-tshuì mn̄g i guân-in, i ê tuā luí ba̍k-tsiu tiām-tiām lia̍h Siok-tsu khuànn sann bió-tsing, suà--lo̍h phak tàm tsheh-toh-á-tíng ké khùn. khai1-hak8 kui1-le2-pai3, bun5-tsing1 tak8-jit8 to1 ti5-to3 puann3 tiam2-tsing1 khah4-ke1, siok4-tsu1 ho2-tshui3 mng7 i1 guan5-in1, i1 e5 tua7 lui2 bak8-tsiu1 tiam7-tiam7 liah8 siok4-tsu1 khuann3 sann1 bio2-tsing1, sua3--loh8 phak4 tam3 tsheh4-toh4-a2-ting2 ke2 khun3. 開學規禮拜,文鐘逐日都遲到半點鐘較加,淑珠好喙問伊原因,伊的大蕊目睭恬恬掠淑珠看三秒鐘,紲--落仆踮冊桌仔頂假睏。 khai-ha̍k kui-lé-pài, Bûn-cheng ta̍k-ji̍t to tî-tò pòaⁿ tiám-cheng khah-ke, Siok-chu hó-chhùi mn̄g i goân-in, i ê tōa lúi ba̍k-chiu tiām-tiām lia̍h Siok-chu khòaⁿ saⁿ bió-cheng, sòa--lo̍h phak tàm chheh-toh-á-téng ké khùn. It has been a week since school started. Bûn-tsing would report to school late after half an hour daily. Siok-tsu asked him out of concern but she was responded with a blank stare that lasted for about three seconds. After that, he went under the study table and slept. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.30_KHF030_concat.wav 18.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.35_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.35_KHF030_concat.wav 13.4195 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female m̄-thang lia̍h-tsún i hīnn-khang ū khah-su, piān-nā e-poo sì-tiám, suànn-o̍h tsing-á-siann tân, tân bô sann siann, i bô-kóng-bô-tànn suî tsáu kah bô khuànn lâng-iánn. m7-thang1 liah8-tsun2 i1 hinn7-khang1 u7 khah4-su1, pian7-na7 e1-poo1 si3-tiam2, suann3-oh8 tsing1-a2-siann1 tan5, tan5 bo5 sann1 siann1, i1 bo5-kong2-bo5-tann3 sui5 tsau2 kah4 bo5 khuann3 lang5-iann2. 毋通掠準伊耳空有較輸,便若下晡四點,散學鐘仔聲霆,霆無三聲,伊無講無呾隨走甲無看人影。 m̄-thang lia̍h-chún i hīⁿ-khang ū khah-su, piān-nā e-po͘ sì-tiám, sòaⁿ-o̍h cheng-á-siaⁿ tân, tân bô saⁿ siaⁿ, i bô-kóng-bô-tàⁿ sûi cháu kah bô khòaⁿ lâng-iáⁿ. Don’t ever think that his impaired hearing would make him unable to hear the bell that signals the end of school at 4 p.m. He would usually be gone by the third chime of the bell. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.35_KHF030_concat.wav 12.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.42_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.42_KHF030_concat.wav 7.06975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tit-tio̍h tsit khuán huê-ìng: lāu-su, hit ê luān-tsing-á siáu-siáu, mài tshap--i--lah! tit4-tioh8 tsit4 khuan2 hue5-ing3: lau7-su1,hit4 e5 luan7-tsing1-a2 siau2-siau2, mai3 tshap4--i1--lah4! 得著這款回應:老師,彼个亂鐘仔痟痟,莫插--伊--啦! tit-tio̍h chit khoán hôe-èng: lāu-su,hit ê loān-cheng-á siáu-siáu, mài chhap--i--lah! She would get this kind of response, “Teacher, that guy is cranky, you should just ignore him.”. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.42_KHF030_concat.wav 8.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.45_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.45_KHF030_concat.wav 2.04 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female beh án-tsuánn mài tshap--i? beh4 an2-tsuann2 mai3 tshap4--i1? 欲按怎莫插--伊? beh án-chóaⁿ mài chhap--i? How to ignore him? 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.45_KHF030_concat.wav 3.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.46_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.46_KHF030_concat.wav 9.659625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Siok-tsu àm-siūnn: lín tsia-ê gín-á ē-tàng mài tshap--i, guá tsò lāu-su lâng, bô hit ê khuân-lī mài tshap--i. siok4-tsu1 am3-siunn7: lin2 tsia1-e5 gin2-a2 e7-tang3 mai3 tshap4--i1, gua2 tso3 lau7-su1 lang5, bo5 hit4 e5 khuan5-li7 mai3 tshap4--i1. 淑珠暗想:恁遮的囡仔會當莫插--伊,我做老師人,無彼个權利莫插--伊。 Siok-chu àm-siūⁿ: lín chia-ê gín-á ē-tàng mài chhap--i, góa chò lāu-su lâng, bô hit ê khoân-lī mài chhap--i. Siok-tsu thought to herself: You students definitely can ignore him, but as a teacher, I am in no position to do that. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.46_KHF030_concat.wav 9.72 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.53_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.53_KHF030_concat.wav 10.51975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female hit ji̍t suànn-o̍h, sóo-ū ha̍k-sing lī-khui kàu-sik liáu-āu, i kā Bûn-tsing in tau ê tē-tsí tshau tiàm tshiú-tsí-phōo-á. hit4 jit8 suann3-oh8, soo2-u7 hak8-sing1 li7-khui1 kau3-sik4 liau2-au7, i1 ka7 bun5-tsing1 in1 tau1 e5 te7-tsi2 tshau1 tiam3 tshiu2-tsi2-phoo7-a2. 彼日散學,所有學生離開教室了後,伊共文鐘in兜的地址抄踮手指簿仔。 hit ji̍t sòaⁿ-o̍h, só͘-ū ha̍k-seng lī-khui kàu-sek liáu-āu, i kā Bûn-cheng in tau ê tē-chí chhau tiàm chhiú-chí-phō͘-á. After the lessons ended that day and all the students had left the classroom, she copied Bûn-tsing’s home address in a notebook. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.53_KHF030_concat.wav 9.76 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.56_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.56_KHF030_concat.wav 10.30975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female thinn lo̍h sa̍p-sa̍p-á-hōo, Siok-tsu tián-khui hit ki hún-âng-sik ê nn̄g tsat hōo-suànn, iōng pōo-lián--ê kiânn-tshut hāu-mn̂g. thinn1 loh8 sap8-sap8-a2-hoo7, siok4-tsu1 tian2-khui1 hit4 ki1 hun2-ang5-sik4 e5 nng7 tsat4 hoo7-suann3, iong7 poo7-lian2--e5 kiann5-tshut4 hau7-mng5. 天落霎霎仔雨,淑珠展開彼枝粉紅色的兩節雨傘,用步輦--的行出校門。 thiⁿ lo̍h sa̍p-sa̍p-á-hō͘, Siok-chu tián-khui hit ki hún-âng-sek ê nn̄g chat hō͘-sòaⁿ, iōng pō͘-lián--ê kiâⁿ-chhut hāu-mn̂g. It was raining lightly, Siok-tsu opened her pink foldable umbrella and walked out of school. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.56_KHF030_concat.wav 8.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.62_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.62_KHF030_concat.wav 3.6 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female “guá beh khì ha̍k-sing in tau ka-tîng hóng-būn.” “gua2 beh4 khi3 hak8-sing1 in1 tau1 ka1-ting5 hong2-bun7.” 「我欲去學生in兜家庭訪問。」 “góa beh khì ha̍k-seng in tau ka-têng hóng-būn.” “I am going to a student’s home for a house visit.” 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.62_KHF030_concat.wav 5.68 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.63_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.63_KHF030_concat.wav 2.34 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Siok-tsu tshiò-tshiò-á huê-ìng. siok4-tsu1 tshio3-tshio3-a2 hue5-ing3. 淑珠笑笑仔回應。 Siok-chu chhiò-chhiò-á hôe-èng. Siok-tsu replied with a smile. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.63_KHF030_concat.wav 4.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.64_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.64_KHF030_concat.wav 11.819625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kiânn-tshut hāu-mn̂g, tsiàu tshiú-tsí-phōo-á tíng-bīn ê tē-tsí, liōng-iok tsa̍p-thóng hun-tsing, Siok-tsu tiō tshē-tio̍h Bûn-tsing in tau hit tiâu hāng-á. kiann5-tshut4 hau7-mng5, tsiau3 tshiu2-tsi2-phoo7-a2 ting2-bin7 e5 te7-tsi2, liong7-iok4 tsap8-thong2 hun1-tsing1, siok4-tsu1 tio7 tshe7-tioh8 bun5-tsing1 in1 tau1 hit4 tiau5 hang7-a2. 行出校門,照手指簿仔頂面的地址,量約十捅分鐘,淑珠就揣著文鐘in兜彼條巷仔。 kiâⁿ-chhut hāu-mn̂g, chiàu chhiú-chí-phō͘-á téng-bīn ê tē-chí, liōng-iok cha̍p-thóng hun-cheng, Siok-chu tiō chhē-tio̍h Bûn-cheng in tau hit tiâu hāng-á. Walking out of the school and following the information copied on her notebook, Siok-tsu arrived at the alley where Bûn-tsing’s home is. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.64_KHF030_concat.wav 9.6 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.70_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.70_KHF030_concat.wav 7.509875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female khuànn ē tshut--lâi tuà tiàm tsia ê tsū-hōo, tiānn-tio̍h tiong-hā-kai-tsân tsiàm khah-tuā-bīn. khuann3 e7 tshut4--lai5 tua3 tiam3 tsia1 e5 tsu7-hoo7, tiann7-tioh8 tiong1-ha7-kai1-tsan5 tsiam3 khah4-tua7-bin7. 看會出--來蹛踮遮的住戶,定著中下階層佔較大面。 khòaⁿ ē chhut--lâi tòa tiàm chia ê chū-hō͘, tiāⁿ-tio̍h tiong-hā-kai-chân chiàm khah-tōa-bīn. It was obvious that the residents here are not well-to-do and fall into the lower social status group. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.70_KHF030_concat.wav 7.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.72_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.72_KHF030_concat.wav 15.01975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Siok-tsu kiânn kàu tsit tiâu hāng-á ê tiong-tuānn tńg-uat, khuànn-tio̍h tsi̍t uī é-kóo é-kóo, thâu-mn̂g sàm-sàm ê lāu hū-jîn-lâng, ànn-io tī mn̂g-kháu-tiânn leh khuán pháinn-tâng-kū-siah kah phōo-á-tsuá. siok4-tsu1 kiann5 kau3 tsit4 tiau5 hang7-a2 e5 tiong1-tuann7 tng2-uat4, khuann3-tioh8 tsit8 ui7 e2-koo2 e2-koo2,thau5-mng5 sam3-sam3 e5 lau7 hu7-jin5-lang5, ann3-io1 ti7 mng5-khau2-tiann5 leh4 khuan2 phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4 kah4 phoo7-a2-tsua2. 淑珠行到這條巷仔的中段轉斡,看著一位矮古矮古、頭毛鬖鬖的老婦人人,ànn腰佇門口埕咧款歹銅舊錫佮簿仔紙。 Siok-chu kiâⁿ kàu chit tiâu hāng-á ê tiong-tōaⁿ tńg-oat, khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t ūi é-kó͘ é-kó͘,thâu-mn̂g sàm-sàm ê lāu hū-jîn-lâng, àⁿ-io tī mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ leh khoán pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah kah phō͘-á-chóa. Siok-tsu turned somewhere in the middle of the alley and saw an unkempt elderly lady with short stature. She was bending down as she sorted the used copper tins and paper cardboard. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.72_KHF030_concat.wav 13.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.75_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.75_KHF030_concat.wav 13.109625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tsi̍t-ba̍k-nih, khuànn-tio̍h Bûn-tsing tuì tshù--lí kiânn--tshut-lâi, i sin-khu-tíng ê tsè-ho̍k í-king uānn-tiāu, tiām-tiām leh kā lāu hū-jîn-lâng tàu tsíng-lí tsuá-phue. tsit8-bak8-nih4, khuann3-tioh8 bun5-tsing1 tui3 tshu3--li2 kiann5--tshut4-lai5, i1 sin1-khu1-ting2 e5 tse3-hok8 i2-king1 uann7-tiau7, tiam7-tiam7 leh4 ka7 lau7 hu7-jin5-lang5 tau3 tsing2-li2 tsua2-phue1. 一目𥍉,看著文鐘對厝--裡行--出-來,伊身軀頂的制服已經換掉,恬恬咧共老婦人人鬥整理紙坯。 chi̍t-ba̍k-nih, khòaⁿ-tio̍h Bûn-cheng tùi chhù--lí kiâⁿ--chhut-lâi, i sin-khu-téng ê chè-ho̍k í-keng ōaⁿ-tiāu, tiām-tiām leh kā lāu hū-jîn-lâng tàu chéng-lí chóa-phoe. She saw Bûn-tsing walk out from one of the houses. He had already changed out of his school uniform and was quietly helping the elderly lady sort out the piles of papers. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.75_KHF030_concat.wav 12.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.8_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.8_KHF030_concat.wav 6.099875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female lâi Tsîng-tshiū kok-sió tsiânn lé-pài--ah, Siok-tsu iah bô sánn kuàn-sì. lai5 tsing5-tshiu7 kok4-sio2 tsiann5 le2-pai3--ah4, siok4-tsu1 iah4 bo5 sann2 kuan3-si3. 來榕樹國小成禮拜--矣,淑珠猶無啥慣勢。 lâi Chêng-chhiū kok-sió chiâⁿ lé-pài--ah, Siok-chu iah bô sáⁿ koàn-sì. Siok-tsu has come to Banyan Tree Elementary for a week and still hasn’t gotten used to it. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_5.8_KHF030_concat.wav 8.04 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.0_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.0_KHF030_concat.wav 2.16 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female la̍k、bûn-tsiong sì lak8、bun5-tsiong1 si3 六、文章四 la̍k、bûn-chiong sì Article four. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.0_KHF030_concat.wav 3.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.11_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.11_KHF030_concat.wav 18.1895 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kiânn ji̍p tshù-lāi, Siok-tsu khuànn-tio̍h lâng kheh-thiann kan-tann nn̄g tsiah kū-àu-kū-tshàu ê tshâ-í-á, tsi̍t tè sì-kak toh-á phuà-sàm-phuà-sàm, piah-kak tsi̍t tha̍h tsi̍t tha̍h kū pò-tsuá kah tsuá-phue, Bûn-tsing khû tī hia leh tsíng-lí. kiann5 jip8 tshu3-lai7, siok4-tsu1 khuann3-tioh8 lang5 kheh4-thiann1 kan1-tann1 nng7 tsiah4 ku7-au3-ku7-tshau3 e5 tsha5-i2-a2, tsit8 te3 si3-kak4 toh4-a2 phua3-sam3-phua3-sam3, piah4-kak4 tsit8 thah8 tsit8 thah8 ku7 po3-tsua2 kah4 tsua2-phue1, bun5-tsing1 khu5 ti7 hia1 leh4 tsing2-li2. 行入厝內,淑珠看著人客廳干焦兩隻舊漚舊臭的柴椅仔,一塊四角桌仔破毿破毿,壁角一疊一疊舊報紙佮紙坯,文鐘跍佇遐咧整理。 kiâⁿ ji̍p chhù-lāi, Siok-chu khòaⁿ-tio̍h lâng kheh-thiaⁿ kan-taⁿ nn̄g chiah kū-àu-kū-chhàu ê chhâ-í-á, chi̍t tè sì-kak toh-á phòa-sàm-phòa-sàm, piah-kak chi̍t tha̍h chi̍t tha̍h kū pò-chóa kah chóa-phoe, Bûn-cheng khû tī hia leh chéng-lí. Siok-tsu entered the house and saw in the living room that there were only two old dirty chairs, a dilapidated table, and piles of paper cardboard in one corner. Bûn-tsing was squatting there arranging them. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.11_KHF030_concat.wav 15.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.16_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.16_KHF030_concat.wav 4.239875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female “tsit ê gín-á, a̍h buē-hiáu thîn-tê hōo lāu-su lim?” “tsit4 e5 gin2-a2, ah8 bue7-hiau2 thin5-te5 hoo7 lau7-su1 lim1?” 「這个囡仔,曷袂曉斟茶予老師啉?」 “chit ê gín-á, a̍h bōe-hiáu thîn-tê hō͘ lāu-su lim?” “This boy… Don’t you know how to bring a cup of tea for your teacher?” 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.16_KHF030_concat.wav 6.52 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.18_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.18_KHF030_concat.wav 2.73 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female a-má lia̍h Bûn-tsing khuànn--tsi̍t-ē. a1-ma2 liah8 bun5-tsing1 khuann3--tsit8-e7. 阿媽掠文鐘看--一-下。 a-má lia̍h Bûn-cheng khòaⁿ--chi̍t-ē. Grandma glared at Bûn-tsing. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.18_KHF030_concat.wav 4.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.21_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.21_KHF030_concat.wav 3.18 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Siok-tsu uē tiâu tī nâ-âu-tì-á. siok4-tsu1 ue7 tiau5 ti7 na5-au5-ti3-a2. 淑珠話牢佇嚨喉蒂仔。 Siok-chu ōe tiâu tī nâ-âu-tì-á. Before Siok-tsu could finish her sentence. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.21_KHF030_concat.wav 4.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.22_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.22_KHF030_concat.wav 3.36 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female “siūnn-bē-kàu gún tau tsiah-nī sàn-tsia̍h, tio̍h--bô?” “siunn7-be7-kau3 gun2 tau1 tsiah4-ni7 san3-tsiah8,tioh8--bo5?” 「想袂到阮兜遮爾散食,著--無?」 “siūⁿ-bē-kàu gún tau chiah-nī sàn-chia̍h,tio̍h--bô?” “You didn’t expect us to be this poor, right?” 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.22_KHF030_concat.wav 4.96 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.23_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.23_KHF030_concat.wav 2.76 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female a-má ná kóng ná ba̍k-khoo âng. a1-ma2 na2 kong2 na2 bak8-khoo1 ang5. 阿媽那講那目箍紅。 a-má ná kóng ná ba̍k-kho͘ âng. Tears welled up in grandma’s eyes. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.23_KHF030_concat.wav 4.16 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.24_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.24_KHF030_concat.wav 5.319875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female Siok-tsu khuànn a-má án-ne, kiânn uá kha-tsiah-phiann kā luah-luah--leh. siok4-tsu1 khuann3 a1-ma2 an2-ne1, kiann5 ua2 kha1-tsiah4-phiann1 ka7 luah4-luah4--leh4. 淑珠看阿媽按呢,行倚尻脊骿共捋捋--咧。 Siok-chu khòaⁿ a-má án-ne, kiâⁿ óa kha-chiah-phiaⁿ kā loah-loah--leh. Seeing this, Siok-tsu went over and stroked grandma’s back lightly. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.24_KHF030_concat.wav 5.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.26_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.26_KHF030_concat.wav 4.92 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female suà--lo̍h, a-má kā Siok-tsu kóng Bûn-tsing ê kòo-sū. sua3--loh8,a1-ma2 ka7 siok4-tsu1 kong2 bun5-tsing1 e5 koo3-su7. 紲--落,阿媽共淑珠講文鐘的故事。 sòa--lo̍h,a-má kā Siok-chu kóng Bûn-cheng ê kò͘-sū. Grandma started talking about Bûn-tsing. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.26_KHF030_concat.wav 4.84 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.27_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.27_KHF030_concat.wav 4.149875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kóng--khí-lâi, A-tsing tsit ê gín-á pháinn-miā--lah! kong2--khi2-lai5, a1-tsing1 tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 phainn2-mia7--lah4! 講--起-來,阿鐘這个囡仔歹命--啦! kóng--khí-lâi, A-cheng chit ê gín-á pháiⁿ-miā--lah! Bûn-tsing is a pitiful and unfortunate child. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.27_KHF030_concat.wav 4.92 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.35_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.35_KHF030_concat.wav 1.47 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female guá ū-huè--ah! gua2 u7-hue3--ah4! 我有歲--矣! góa ū-hòe--ah! I am so old already! 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.35_KHF030_concat.wav 4.32 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.36_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.36_KHF030_concat.wav 8.32975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female thàn bô tsia̍h, koo-put-jî-tsiong pháinn-tâng-kū-siah, jī-tsuá bóng khioh, lâi tshiânn-ióng tsit ê khó-liân sun. than3 bo5 tsiah8, koo1-put4-ji5-tsiong1 phainn2-tang5-ku7-siah4,ji7-tsua2 bong2 khioh4, lai5 tshiann5-iong2 tsit4 e5 kho2-lian5 sun1. 趁無食,姑不而將歹銅舊錫、字紙罔抾,來晟養這个可憐孫。 thàn bô chia̍h, ko͘-put-jî-chiong pháiⁿ-tâng-kū-siah,jī-chóa bóng khioh, lâi chhiâⁿ-ióng chit ê khó-liân sun. I was unable to work and had to resort to collecting scrap metals and papers to feed my pitiful grandson. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.36_KHF030_concat.wav 8.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.40_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.40_KHF030_concat.wav 3.45 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tsū sè-hàn tiō hōo tsìng-lâng khuànn bô ba̍k-tē. tsu7 se3-han3 tio7 hoo7 tsing3-lang5 khuann3 bo5 bak8-te7. 自細漢就予眾人看無目地。 chū sè-hàn tiō hō͘ chèng-lâng khòaⁿ bô ba̍k-tē. He was despised since young. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.40_KHF030_concat.wav 4.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.41_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.41_KHF030_concat.wav 5.16 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tshù-pinn-thâu-bué ê gín-á lóng bô puànn ê beh tsham i sio-pàng-phuānn. tshu3-pinn1-thau5-bue2 e5 gin2-a2 long2 bo5 puann3 e5 beh4 tsham1 i1 sio1-pang3-phuann7. 厝邊頭尾的囡仔攏無半个欲參伊相放伴。 chhù-piⁿ-thâu-bóe ê gín-á lóng bô pòaⁿ ê beh chham i sio-pàng-phōaⁿ. None of the kids in this neighbourhood wants to befriend him. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.41_KHF030_concat.wav 5.08 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.42_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.42_KHF030_concat.wav 5.049875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female huān-sè-á án-ne, tsiah ē piàn kah ná lâi ná koo-láu. huan7-se3-a2 an2-ne1, tsiah4 e7 pian3 kah4 na2 lai5 na2 koo1-lau2. 凡勢仔按呢,才會變甲那來那孤老。 hoān-sè-á án-ne, chiah ē piàn kah ná lâi ná ko͘-láu. Because of all these experiences, he has become withdrawn. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.42_KHF030_concat.wav 5.64 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.44_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.44_KHF030_concat.wav 1.32 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female láu-su--ah! lau2-su1--ah4! 老師--啊! láu-su--ah! Oh, teacher! 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.44_KHF030_concat.wav 3.4 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.45_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.45_KHF030_concat.wav 11.076625 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female tshiánn lí m̄-hó kiàn-kuài, tsit ê gín-á tī ha̍k-hāu nā ū tik-tsuē ê sóo-tsāi, lāu-sin--ê tiàm tsia kā lí huē-sit-lé. tshiann2 li2 m7-ho2 kian3-kuai3, tsit4 e5 gin2-a2 ti7 hak8-hau7 na7 u7 tik4-tsue7 e5 soo2-tsai7, lau7-sin1--e5 tiam3 tsia1 ka7 li2 hue7-sit4-le2. 請你毋好見怪,這个囡仔佇學校若有得罪的所在,老身--的踮遮共你會失禮。 chhiáⁿ lí m̄-hó kiàn-koài, chit ê gín-á tī ha̍k-hāu nā ū tek-chōe ê só͘-chāi, lāu-sin--ê tiàm chia kā lí hōe-sit-lé. Please don’t blame him. If this kid had offended you in school, allow me to offer an apology to you. 1535622 Female en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.45_KHF030_concat.wav 7.8 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.50_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.50_KHF030_concat.wav 2.1 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female hōo tsá tō tn̄g tiám. hoo7 tsa2 to7 tng7 tiam2. 雨早就斷點。 hō͘ chá tō tn̄g tiám. The rain has stopped. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.50_KHF030_concat.wav 4.287625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.51_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.51_KHF030_concat.wav 7.209875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female kiânn kàu ha̍k-hāu tshia-pênn beh khan oo-tóo-bái, huat-kak hún-âng hōo-suànn bē-kì tsah--tńg-lâi. kiann5 kau3 hak8-hau7 tshia1-penn5 beh4 khan1 oo1-too2-bai2, huat4-kak4 hun2-ang5 hoo7-suann3 be7-ki3 tsah4--tng2-lai5. 行到學校車棚欲牽oo-tóo-bái,發覺粉紅雨傘袂記紮--轉-來。 kiâⁿ kàu ha̍k-hāu chhia-pêⁿ beh khan o͘-tó͘-bái, hoat-kak hún-âng hō͘-sòaⁿ bē-kì chah--tńg-lâi. When she returned to the school to retrieve her motorcycle, she realized she had left her pink foldable umbrella at Bûn-tsing‘s home. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.51_KHF030_concat.wav 12.1383125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.53_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.53_KHF030_concat.wav 5.499875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female i huat-tōng oo-tóo-bái, bô siann ê ba̍k-sái ûn-liâu-á liàn--lo̍h-lâi. i1 huat4-tong7 oo1-too2-bai2, bo5 siann1 e5 bak8-sai2 un5-liau5-a2 lian3--loh8-lai5. 伊發動oo-tóo-bái,無聲的目屎勻聊仔輾--落-來。 i hoat-tōng o͘-tó͘-bái, bô siaⁿ ê ba̍k-sái ûn-liâu-á liàn--lo̍h-lâi. She started the bike and tears ran down her cheeks quietly as she rode. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.53_KHF030_concat.wav 7.893 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.55_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.55_KHF030_concat.wav 10.12975 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female hit mê, beh khùn ê sî, Siok-tsu àm-siūnn keh-tńg-ji̍t khí, i tik-khak ài iōng koh-khah tuā ê nāi-sim tuì-thāi Bûn-tsing. hit4 me5,beh4 khun3 e5 si5, siok4-tsu1 am3-siunn7 keh4-tng2-jit8 khi2, i1 tik4-khak4 ai3 iong7 koh4-khah4 tua7 e5 nai7-sim1 tui3-thai7 bun5-tsing1. 彼暝,欲睏的時,淑珠暗想隔轉日起,伊的確愛用閣較大的耐心對待文鐘。 hit mê,beh khùn ê sî, Siok-chu àm-siūⁿ keh-tńg-ji̍t khí, i tek-khak ài iōng koh-khah tōa ê nāi-sim tùi-thāi Bûn-cheng. Before sleeping that night, she told herself to be more patient with Bûn-tsing. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.55_KHF030_concat.wav 8.2343125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.58_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.58_KHF030_concat.wav 2.46 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female ū-iánn tsi̍t mê kàu thinn-kng. u7-iann2 tsit8 me5 kau3 thinn1-kng1. 有影一暝到天光。 ū-iáⁿ chi̍t mê kàu thiⁿ-kng. It was indeed, throughout the night until daybreak. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.58_KHF030_concat.wav 6.165 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.59_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.59_KHF030_concat.wav 1.41 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female liang! liang! liang! liang1!liang1!liang1! 喨!喨!喨! liang!liang!liang! Ring-ring-ring! 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.59_KHF030_concat.wav 4.671625 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.6_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.6_KHF030_concat.wav 4.02 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female “a-sáng, guá sī Bûn-tsing ê lāu-su. lí sī......” “a1-sang2,gua2 si7 bun5-tsing1 e5 lau7-su1.li2 si7......” 「阿桑,我是文鐘的老師。你是......」 “a-sáng,góa sī Bûn-cheng ê lāu-su.lí sī......” Hi Ma'am, I am Bûn-tsing's teacher. You are... 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.6_KHF030_concat.wav 6.485 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.60_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.60_KHF030_concat.wav 14.0795 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female luān-tsing-á tân sann siann, Siok-tsu kín-mé ji̍h tiāu, i peh khí-lâi tshun-ûn, tànn-thâu khuànn-tio̍h po̍h-po̍h ê ji̍t-tshiu, thàu-kuè thang-á un-jiû nǹg--ji̍p-lâi. luan7-tsing1-a2 tan5 sann1 siann1, siok4-tsu1 kin2-me2 jih8 tiau7, i1 peh4 khi2-lai5 tshun1-un5, tann3-thau5 khuann3-tioh8 poh8-poh8 e5 jit8-tshiu1, thau3-kue3 thang1-a2 un1-jiu5 nng3--jip8-lai5. 亂鐘仔霆三聲,淑珠緊猛揤掉,伊peh起來伸勻,擔頭看著薄薄的日鬚,透過窗仔溫柔軁--入-來。 loān-cheng-á tân saⁿ siaⁿ, Siok-chu kín-mé ji̍h tiāu, i peh khí-lâi chhun-ûn, tàⁿ-thâu khòaⁿ-tio̍h po̍h-po̍h ê ji̍t-chhiu, thàu-kòe thang-á un-jiû nǹg--ji̍p-lâi. The alarm rang thrice, and Siok-tsu turned it off quickly. She got out of bed to stretch and saw the light shining in. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.60_KHF030_concat.wav 11.733 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.7_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.7_KHF030_concat.wav 4.689875 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female “sī lāu-su--ooh! pháinn-sè, guá sī i ê a-má--lah.” “si7 lau7-su1--ooh4! phainn2-se3,gua2 si7 i1 e5 a1-ma2--lah4.” 「是老師--喔!歹勢,我是伊的阿媽--啦。」 “sī lāu-su--o͘h! pháiⁿ-sè,góa sī i ê a-má--lah.” Oh, you are the teacher! Oh, my apologies, I am Bûn-tsing's grandmother. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.7_KHF030_concat.wav 7.4023125 TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.9_KHF030_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.9_KHF030_concat.wav 3.75 KHF030 不知道 Unknown Female lāu hū-jîn-lâng kā Siok-tsu tìm-thâu kiânn-lé. lau7 hu7-jin5-lang5 ka7 siok4-tsu1 tim3-thau5 kiann5-le2. 老婦人人共淑珠頕頭行禮。 lāu hū-jîn-lâng kā Siok-chu tìm-thâu kiâⁿ-lé. The elderly bowed slightly to greet Siok-tsu. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0047_6.9_KHF030_concat.wav 6.143625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.0_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.0_KHM014_concat.wav 4.32 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Sòo-lī soo3-li7 數字 Sò͘-lī Numbers 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.0_KHM014_concat.wav 3.925 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHM014_concat.wav 5.94 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male suà-lo̍h-lâi khuànn hua-liân-kuān bîn-á-tsài peh hō ê thinn-khì sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 hua1-lian5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 peh4 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3 紲落來看花蓮縣明仔載八號的天氣 sòa-lo̍h-lâi khòaⁿ hoa-liân-koān bîn-á-chài peh hō ê thiⁿ-khì Next, let's have a look at the weather in Hua-liân County for tomorrow, the 8th. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.1_KHM014_concat.wav 8.725 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHM014_concat.wav 12.219875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male un-tōo jī-tsa̍p-la̍k tsì sann-tsa̍p-it tōo, lo̍h-hōo ki-lu̍t sann-tsa̍p % lâi-pin peh-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-la̍k hō tshiánn-lâi tsa̍p-jī hō kuī-tâi pān-lí un1-too7 ji7-tsap8-lak8 tsi3 sann1-tsap8-it4 too7,loh8-hoo7 ki1-lut8 sann1-tsap8% lai5-pin1 peh4-pah4-tshit4-tsap8-lak8 ho7 tshiann2-lai5 tsap8-ji7 ho7 kui7-tai5 pan7-li2 溫度二十六至三十一度,落雨機率三十%來賓八百七十六號請來十二號櫃台辦理 un-tō͘ jī-cha̍p-la̍k chì saⁿ-cha̍p-it tō͘,lo̍h-hō͘ ki-lu̍t saⁿ-cha̍p% lâi-pin peh-pah-chhit-cha̍p-la̍k hō chhiáⁿ-lâi cha̍p-jī hō kūi-tâi pān-lí The temperature is between twenty-six and thirty-one, with a thirty per cent chance of rain. Customer number eight hundred seventy-six, please come to counter twelve for your business. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.2_KHM014_concat.wav 13.07675 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHM014_concat.wav 7.26 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male lóng-tsóng la̍k-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-tshit khoo, tsāu lí jī-tsa̍p-sann khoo long2-tsong2 lak8-pah4-tshit4-tsap8-tshit4 khoo1,tsau7 li2 ji7-tsap8-sann1 khoo1 攏總六百七十七箍, 找你二十三箍 lóng-chóng la̍k-pah-chhit-cha̍p-chhit kho͘,chāu lí jī-cha̍p-saⁿ kho͘ It is six hundred and seventy-seven TWD in total. The change is twenty-three TWD. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.4_KHM014_concat.wav 8.917 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHM014_concat.wav 6.12 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male kin-á-li̍t sī gōo-gue̍h lī gōo, pài-sann kin1-a2-lit8 si7 goo7-gueh8 li7 goo7,pai3-sann1 今仔日是五月二五,拜三 kin-á-li̍t sī gō͘-goe̍h lī gō͘,pài-saⁿ It's Wednesday today, the twenty-fifth of May. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.5_KHM014_concat.wav 5.346375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHM014_concat.wav 5.01 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male i-tī lī khòng khòng khòng nî tshut-sì i1-ti7 li7 khong3 khong3 khong3 ni5 tshut4-si3 伊佇二空空空年出世 i-tī lī khòng khòng khòng nî chhut-sì He was born in 2000. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.8_KHM014_concat.wav 5.2263125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHM014_concat.wav 7.62 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tshiánn pang guá tsuán hun-ki lio̍k lī lio̍k it tshiann2 pang1 gua2 tsuan2 hun1-ki1 liok8 li7 liok8 it4 請幫我轉分機六二六一 chhiáⁿ pang góa choán hun-ki lio̍k lī lio̍k it Please transfer me to number 6261. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_1.9_KHM014_concat.wav 6.1223125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHM014_concat.wav 4.32 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Sing-ua̍h Tuì-uē sing1-uah8 tui3-ue7 生活對話 Seng-oa̍h Tùi-ōe Dialogue on Life. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.0_KHM014_concat.wav 4.885 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHM014_concat.wav 5.94 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Put-sî tuā piànn-sàu, tshù lāi tsin tshing-khì! put4-si5 tua7 piann3-sau3,tshu3 lai7 tsin1 tshing1-khi3! 不時大摒掃,厝內真清氣! Put-sî tōa piàⁿ-sàu,chhù lāi chin chheng-khì! The house is really clean because of the frequent cleaning. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.1_KHM014_concat.wav 6.6770000000000005 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHM014_concat.wav 3.57 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Ha̋nn? Lí kóng siánn? hann9?li2 kong2 siann2? Ha̋nn?你講啥? Hăⁿ?Lí kóng siáⁿ? Huh? What are you talking about? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.10_KHM014_concat.wav 4.7783125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHM014_concat.wav 6.12 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male He khong-khì-tshing-tsīng-ki lī-á sió uānn--tsi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. he1 khong1-khi3-tshing1-tsing7-ki1 li7-a2 sio2 uann7--tsit8-e7 to7 ho2--ah4--lah4. 彼空氣清淨機濾仔小換--一下就好--矣--啦。 He khong-khì-chheng-chēng-ki lī-á sió ōaⁿ--chi̍t-ē tō hó--ah--lah. Just slightly changing that air purifier would be enough. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.11_KHM014_concat.wav 6.6343125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHM014_concat.wav 6.12 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Honnh, He bô kâng--lah! Lâng-kóng “Tshing-tshù tsiah ē hù” neh. honnh4,he1 bo5 kang5--lah4!lang5-kong2“tshing1-tshu3 tsiah4 e7 hu3”neh4. 乎,彼無仝--啦!人講「清厝才會富」呢。 Hoⁿh,He bô kâng--lah!Lâng-kóng“Chheng-chhù chiah ē hù”neh. No, that is different! People say, 'A clean house brings in fortune.' 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.12_KHM014_concat.wav 7.743625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHM014_concat.wav 11.229875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Guá khuànn lán kheh-thiann sì-kè ing-ia, guá e-poo tshit tiān-sī-tû thâu-tsîng, thôo-hún guā kāu lí tsai--bô? gua2 khuann3 lan2 kheh4-thiann1 si3-ke3 ing1-ia1, gua2 e1-poo1 tshit4 tian7-si7-tu5 thau5-tsing5,thoo5-hun2 gua7 kau7 li2 tsai1--bo5? 我看咱客廳四界坱埃,我下晡拭電視櫥頭前,塗粉偌厚你知--無? Góa khòaⁿ lán kheh-thiaⁿ sì-kè eng-ia, góa e-po͘ chhit tiān-sī-tû thâu-chêng,thô͘-hún gōa kāu lí chai--bô? I noticed that our living room is full of dust. So I wiped the front of the television cabinet this afternoon. Do you know how thick the dust was? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.13_KHM014_concat.wav 11.3063125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHM014_concat.wav 7.41 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Lí sī kā tsia lóng tòng-tsò thiann-thâu, tsi̍t nî tshíng-thûn tsiah piànn tsi̍t-kái--sioh? li2 si7 ka7 tsia1 long2 tong3-tso3 thiann1-thau5,tsit8 ni5 tshing2-thun5 tsiah4 piann3 tsit8-kai2--sioh4? 你是共遮攏當做廳頭,一年筅黗才摒一改--sioh? Lí sī kā chia lóng tòng-chò thiaⁿ-thâu,chi̍t nî chhéng-thûn chiah piàⁿ chi̍t-kái--sioh? You consider this as the hall and only clean once a year, is it? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.15_KHM014_concat.wav 7.0266875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHM014_concat.wav 8.28 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Guá kin-á-li̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn, huat-kiàn lán thian-pông, piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. gua2 kin1-a2-lit8 si3-ke3 sun5-sun5,huat4-kian3 lan2 thian1-pong5,piah4-kak4 long2 u7 ti1-tu1-si1 neh4. 我今仔日四界巡巡,發見咱天篷、壁角攏有蜘蛛絲呢。 Góa kin-á-li̍t sì-kè sûn-sûn,hoat-kiàn lán thian-pông,piah-kak lóng ū ti-tu-si neh. I was looking around today and saw spider webs on all our ceilings and corners. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.5_KHM014_concat.wav 7.999625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHM014_concat.wav 7.08 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Jî-tshiánn lán tsū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kuè kha-tián, koh ū mn̂g-nî. ji5-tshiann2 lan2 tsu7 kiat4-hun1 liau2 kan2-na2 long2 bo5 se2 kue3 kha1-tian2,koh4 u7 mng5-ni5. 而且咱自結婚了敢若攏無洗過kha-tián,閣有門簾。 Jî-chhiáⁿ lán chū kiat-hun liáu kán-ná lóng bô sé kòe kha-tián,koh ū mn̂g-nî. Plus, I don't think we've cleaned the window and door curtains ever since we got married. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.6_KHM014_concat.wav 7.7863125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHM014_concat.wav 4.65 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Lán ū-îng kám beh lâi piànn-sàu--tsi̍t-ē? lan2 u7-ing5 kam2 beh4 lai5 piann3-sau3--tsit8-e7? 咱有閒敢欲來摒掃--一-下? Lán ū-êng kám beh lâi piàⁿ-sàu--chi̍t-ē? Should we clean up when we are free? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.7_KHM014_concat.wav 4.415625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHM014_concat.wav 3.9 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Hannh?Ké bô thiann—ê? hannh4?ke2 bo5 thiann1—e5? 唅?假無聽—的? Haⁿh?Ké bô thiaⁿ—ê? Huh? Were you pretending to not hear me? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.8_KHM014_concat.wav 5.4661875 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHM014_concat.wav 5.22 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Án-ne guá lâi bé tsi̍t-tâi sàu-thôo-kha ê ki-khì-lâng. an2-ne1 gua2 lai5 be2 tsit8-tai5 sau3-thoo5-kha1 e5 ki1-khi3-lang5. 按呢我來買一台掃塗跤的機器人。 Án-ne góa lâi bé chi̍t-tâi sàu-thô͘-kha ê ki-khì-lâng. Then I will buy a robot to clean the floor. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_2.9_KHM014_concat.wav 4.8785625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHM014_concat.wav 3.24 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Bûn-tsiunn it bun5-tsiunn1 it4 文章一 Bûn-chiuⁿ it Passage one. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.0_KHM014_concat.wav 4.287625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHM014_concat.wav 3.81 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tshoo-huî kah iù-huî tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 粗瓷kah幼瓷 chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi Pottery and porcelain 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.1_KHM014_concat.wav 4.799625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHM014_concat.wav 3.36625 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male lán tō kā kiò-tsò iù-huî; lan2 to7 ka7 kio3-tso3 iu3-hui5; 咱就kā叫做幼瓷; lán tō kā kiò-chò iù-hûi; We shall call this porcelain. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.10_KHM014_concat.wav 4.821000000000001 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.11_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.11_KHM014_concat.wav 11.649875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male it-puann Huâ-gú nā-sī tshing-hoo tsò ‘陶-瓷’, lán tō ti̍t-tsiap kā kiò-tsò huî-á tiō hó. it4-puann1 hua5-gu2 na7-si7 tshing1-hoo1 tso3‘陶瓷’, lan2 to7 tit8-tsiap4 ka7 kio3-tso3 hui5-a2 tio7 ho2. 一般華語若是稱呼做『陶瓷』,咱就直接kā叫做瓷仔就好。 it-poaⁿ Hôa-gú nā-sī chheng-ho͘ chò‘陶瓷’, lán tō ti̍t-chiap kā kiò-chò hûi-á tiō hó. Normally we can call it ceramics if it is called 'tô-huî' in Mandarin. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.11_KHM014_concat.wav 8.917 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHM014_concat.wav 6.309875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male m̄-kò, tshoo-huî kah iù-huî beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t? m7-ko3, tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8? 毋過,粗瓷kah幼瓷欲按怎來區別? m̄-kò, chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t? But how do we differentiate between pottery and porcelain? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.13_KHM014_concat.wav 6.037000000000001 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHM014_concat.wav 11.0055 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male lán tsí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak “hong, hué, tsuí, thôo” sì lī, tiō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kuá kài-liām őo. lan2 tsi2-iau3 kan2-tan1 pa2-ak4“hong1,hue2,tsui2,thoo5”si3 li7, tio7 e7-sai2 khin1-khin1-sang1-sang1 u7 kua2 kai3-liam7 oo9. 咱只要簡單把握「風、火、水、塗」四字,就會使輕輕鬆鬆有寡概念őo。 lán chí-iàu kán-tan pá-ak“hong,hóe,chúi,thô͘”sì lī, tiō ē-sái khin-khin-sang-sang ū kóa kài-liām ŏ͘. As long as we have a good grasp of these characters, 'Wind, Fire, Water, Earth', then we can easily get the idea. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.15_KHM014_concat.wav 10.477375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHM014_concat.wav 32.629375 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male in-uī ko-niá-thôo lāi-té tsha-put-to bô thih-á tíng-tíng ê tsa̍p-tsit, sóo-í nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi ê iù-huî ē tsin uá-kīn pe̍h-sik, tī kóo-tsá ê se-iûnn sè-kài, in bô-huat-tōo sio tshut tsit tsióng iù-huî, lóng ē kā i kiò-tsuè “pe̍h-kim”; in1-ui7 ko1-nia2-thoo5 lai7-te2 tsha1-put4-to1 bo5 thih4-a2 ting2-ting2 e5 tsap8-tsit4, soo2-i2 na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 e5 iu3-hui5 e7 tsin1 ua2-kin7 peh8-sik4, ti7 koo2-tsa2 e5 se1-iunn5 se3-kai3, in1 bo5-huat4-too7 sio1 tshut4 tsit4 tsiong2 iu3-hui5, long2 e7 ka7 i1 kio3-tsue3“peh8-kim1”; 因為高嶺塗內底差不多無鐵仔等等的雜質,所以若是完全無kap釉,燒--出-來的幼瓷會真倚近白色,佇古早的西洋世界,in無法度燒出這種幼瓷,攏會kā伊叫做「白金」; in-ūi ko-niá-thô͘ lāi-té chha-put-to bô thih-á téng-téng ê cha̍p-chit, só͘-í nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi ê iù-hûi ē chin óa-kīn pe̍h-sek, tī kó͘-chá ê se-iûⁿ sè-kài, in bô-hoat-tō͘ sio chhut chit chióng iù-hûi, lóng ē kā i kiò-chòe“pe̍h-kim”; Because there are almost no impurities like iron in kaolinite. The porcelain produced when it is completely unglazed look very close to white. In Western Medieval times, they called this porcelain 'white gold' because they could not produce porcelains like this. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.20_KHM014_concat.wav 18.933375 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHM014_concat.wav 12.966625 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--tshut-lâi tiō bē sī pe̍h-sik--ê. na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, na7 bo5 kap4-iu7, sio1--tshut4-lai5 tio7 be7 si7 peh8-sik4--e5. 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,若無kap釉,燒--出-來就袂是白色--的。 nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, nā bô kap-iū, sio--chhut-lâi tiō bē sī pe̍h-sek--ê. If we use earth for normal pottery, the end product will not be white even if it is not glazed. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.26_KHM014_concat.wav 9.343625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHM014_concat.wav 12.089625 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male nā-sī it-puann tshoo-huî ê thôo-tsit, ngē-beh sio kah tsit tsióng kuân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phuà-phuà--khì, bô, tiō sī tsok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; na7-si7 it4-puann1 tshoo1-hui5 e5 thoo5-tsit4, nge7-beh4 sio1 kah4 tsit4 tsiong2 kuan5 un1, na7-m7-si7 sio1 kah4 phua3-phua3--khi3, bo5,tio7 si7 tsok4-phin2 e7 lai5 khu5-kha1--khi3; 若是一般粗瓷的塗質,硬欲燒kah這種懸溫,若毋是燒kah破破--去,無,就是作品會來khû跤--去; nā-sī it-poaⁿ chho͘-hûi ê thô͘-chit, ngē-beh sio kah chit chióng koân un, nā-m̄-sī sio kah phòa-phòa--khì, bô,tiō sī chok-phín ē lâi khû-kha--khì; If we try to heat the earth of normal pottery to these temperatures, the product will either crack or soften. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.52_KHM014_concat.wav 8.639625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHM014_concat.wav 12.869625 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male koh lâi sī “hué” sóo tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sìng, tshoo-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng sī tsua̍t-tuì bē thàng-kng, nā-sī uân-tsuân bô kap-iū ê iù-huî kā the̍h-lâi tsiò-kng, i tiō ē sió-khuá thàng-kng. koh4 lai5 si7“hue2”soo2 tai7-piau2 e5 thang3-kng1-sing3, tshoo1-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1 si7 tsuat8-tui3 be7 thang3-kng1, na7-si7 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 kap4-iu7 e5 iu3-hui5 ka7 theh8-lai5 tsio3-kng1, i1 tio7 e7 sio2-khua2 thang3-kng1. koh來是「火」所代表的thàng光性,粗瓷kā提來照光是絕對袂thàng光,若是完全無kap釉的幼瓷kā提來照光,伊就會小可thàng光。 koh lâi sī“hóe”só͘ tāi-piáu ê thàng-kng-sèng, chho͘-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng sī choa̍t-tùi bē thàng-kng, nā-sī oân-choân bô kap-iū ê iù-hûi kā the̍h-lâi chiò-kng, i tiō ē sió-khóa thàng-kng. Another thing that 'Fire' represents is transparency. Pottery is opaque when held against the light. If you hold completely unglazed porcelain against light, you can see that some light passes through the porcelain. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.56_KHM014_concat.wav 14.463625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHM014_concat.wav 2.73 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-tsuánn lâi khu-pia̍t--ooh! koh4-khah4 mai3-kong2 beh4 an2-tsuann2 lai5 khu1-piat8--ooh4! koh-khah-mài講欲按怎來區別--喔! koh-khah mài-kóng beh án-chóaⁿ lâi khu-pia̍t--o͘h! So don't ever say that you can't differentiate them anymore! 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.6_KHM014_concat.wav 5.781000000000001 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHM014_concat.wav 21.92925 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tsuè-āu sī “hong” ê tsok-iōng, tse sī in-uī hong ū-huat-tōo thuân-sàng siann-im, nā-sī iù-huî iōng tshiú kā tia̍k khuànn-māi-á, i ê siann-im ē pí tia̍k tshoo-huî ê siann-im koh-khah tshè--tsi̍t-kuá, siong-tuì tshoo-huî ê siann-im ē khah tūn, m̄ tsai án-ní-sinn tshoo-huî kah iù-huî ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī tsin sim-sik? tsue3-au7 si7“hong1”e5 tsok4-iong7, tse1 si7 in1-ui7 hong1 u7-huat4-too7 thuan5-sang3 siann1-im1, na7-si7 iu3-hui5 iong7 tshiu2 ka7 tiak8 khuann3-mai7-a2, i1 e5 siann1-im1 e7 pi2 tiak8 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 koh4-khah4 tshe3--tsit8-kua2, siong1-tui3 tshoo1-hui5 e5 siann1-im1 e7 khah4 tun7, m7 tsai1 an2-ni2-sinn1 tshoo1-hui5 kah4 iu3-hui5 e5 kan2-tan1 khu1-piat8, si7 m7 si7 tsin1 sim1-sik4? 最後是「風」的作用,這是因為風有法度傳送聲音,若是幼瓷用手kā-tia̍k看覓仔,伊的聲音會比tia̍k粗瓷的聲音koh-khah脆--一寡,相對粗瓷的聲音會khah鈍,毋知按呢生粗瓷kah幼瓷的簡單區別,是毋是真心適? chòe-āu sī“hong”ê chok-iōng, che sī in-ūi hong ū-hoat-tō͘ thoân-sàng siaⁿ-im, nā-sī iù-hûi iōng chhiú kā tia̍k khòaⁿ-māi-á, i ê siaⁿ-im ē pí tia̍k chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im koh-khah chhè--chi̍t-kóa, siong-tùi chho͘-hûi ê siaⁿ-im ē khah tūn, m̄ chai án-ní-siⁿ chho͘-hûi kah iù-hûi ê kán-tan khu-pia̍t, sī m̄ sī chin sim-sek? Lastly is the role of 'Wind' because wind can transmit sound. If we tap lightly on porcelain with our fingers, the porcelain will sound crispier than pottery. Pottery on the other hand will sound duller. Isn't it amusing that we can easily differentiate porcelain and pottery like this? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.60_KHM014_concat.wav 18.197 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHM014_concat.wav 3.4211875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male bô-iàu-kín! lán tō ti̍t-tsiap kiò-i “huî-á” tiō hó! bo5-iau3-kin2!lan2 to7 tit8-tsiap4 kio3-i1“hui5-a2”tio7 ho2! 無要緊!咱就直接叫伊「瓷仔」就好! bô-iàu-kín!lán tō ti̍t-chiap kiò-i“hûi-á”tiō hó! Don't worry! We can just call it ceramics! 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.72_KHM014_concat.wav 6.143625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHM014_concat.wav 2.28 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male lán tō kā kiò-tsò tshoo-huî; lan2 to7 ka7 kio3-tso3 tshoo1-hui5; 咱就kā叫做粗瓷; lán tō kā kiò-chò chho͘-hûi; We can call this pottery. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_3.8_KHM014_concat.wav 5.2903125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHM014_concat.wav 1.86 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t jiau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8 饒赦ê藝術 jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t The art of pardoning. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.1_KHM014_concat.wav 4.9605 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHM014_concat.wav 5.536125 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male liān kah ū tsi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê tsì kuân ê kíng-kài, kiò-tsuè “gē-su̍t”. lian7 kah4 u7 tsit8-kang1 tat8-kau3 hit4-e5 tsi3 kuan5 e5 king2-kai3, kio3-tsue3“ge7-sut8”. 練kah有一工達到彼个至kuân ê境界,叫做「藝術」。 liān kah ū chi̍t-kang ta̍t-kàu hit-ê chì koân ê kéng-kài, kiò-chòe“gē-su̍t”. Practice until one day you reach the supreme state, called art. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.10_KHM014_concat.wav 7.637 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHM014_concat.wav 4.959875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg tshut guân-liōng kuí piàn, án-ne tiō sī iah-buē guân-liōng. na7-si7 e7-tang3 sng3 tshut4 guan5-liong7 kui2 pian3, an2-ne1 tio7 si7 iah4-bue7 guan5-liong7. 若是會當算出原諒幾遍,按呢就是猶未原諒。 nā-sī ē-tàng sǹg chhut goân-liōng kúi piàn, án-ne tiō sī iah-bōe goân-liōng. If you can count the number of times you have forgiven, then it is still unforgivable. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.12_KHM014_concat.wav 8.8103125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHM014_concat.wav 11.2295 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male iâ-soo kóng ê tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn, tiō sī tshin-tshiūnn lán kóng ê “tshit tshit-sì tsa̍p-káu” piàn, tiō sī-m̄ tsai-iánn kuí piàn, it-ti̍t kàu uân-tsuân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. ia5-soo1 kong2 e5 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3, tio7 si7 tshin1-tshiunn7 lan2 kong2 e5“tshit4 tshit4-si3 tsap8-kau2”pian3, tio7 si7-m7 tsai1-iann2 kui2 pian3, it4-tit8 kau3 uan5-tsuan5 bo5 teh4 ti3-i3, bo5 koh4 khioh4-hun7. 耶穌講ê七十个七遍,就是親像咱講ê「七七四十九」遍,就是m̄知影幾遍,一直到完全無teh致意,無koh抾恨。 iâ-so͘ kóng ê chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn, tiō sī chhin-chhiūⁿ lán kóng ê“chhit chhit-sì cha̍p-káu”piàn, tiō sī-m̄ chai-iáⁿ kúi piàn, it-ti̍t kàu oân-choân bô teh tì-ì, bô koh khioh-hūn. Jesus said that the so-called seventy times seven is like what we say, 'Seven times”, which means, I don't know how many times, but until you no longer care and you do not hold a grudge anymore. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.14_KHM014_concat.wav 16.085 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHM014_concat.wav 6.939875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kah tsok-tsiá kāng-khuán ê kiat-lūn: “jîn-luī ê li̍k-sú tiō sī tsi̍t phō put khuan-iông sú”. thak8 liau2 tit4-tioh8 kah4 tsok4-tsia2 kang7-khuan2 e5 kiat4-lun7: “jin5-lui7 e5 lik8-su2 tio7 si7 tsit8 pho7 put4 khuan1-iong5 su2”. 讀了得著kah作者仝款ê結論:「人類ê歷史就是一phō不寬容史」。 tha̍k liáu tit-tio̍h kah chok-chiá kāng-khoán ê kiat-lūn: “jîn-lūi ê le̍k-sú tiō sī chi̍t phō put khoan-iông sú”. After reading it, I came to the same conclusion as the author: 'The history of mankind is a history of intolerance'. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.20_KHM014_concat.wav 9.95 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHM014_concat.wav 11.309625 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male jîn-luī put-tuān tiông-ho̍k sim-kuann kheh e̍h, bô-huat-tōo tsiap-la̍p kah ka-kī bô-kâng-khuán siūnn-huat ê tsok-uî, nā-sī kah guá bô sio-kâng, tiō sī lí sí guá ua̍h. jin5-lui7 put4-tuan7 tiong5-hok8 sim1-kuann1 kheh4 eh8, bo5-huat4-too7 tsiap4-lap8 kah4 ka1-ki7 bo5-kang5-khuan2 siunn7-huat4 e5 tsok4-ui5, na7-si7 kah4 gua2 bo5 sio1-kang5, tio7 si7 li2 si2 gua2 uah8. 人類不斷重複心肝kheh-e̍h,無法度接納kah家己無仝款想法ê作為,若是kah我無相仝,就是你死我活。 jîn-lūi put-toān tiông-ho̍k sim-koaⁿ kheh e̍h, bô-hoat-tō͘ chiap-la̍p kah ka-kī bô-kâng-khoán siūⁿ-hoat ê chok-ûi, nā-sī kah góa bô sio-kâng, tiō sī lí sí góa oa̍h. Human beings are constantly repeating their narrow-mindedness and are unable to accept acts that are different from their ideas. If they are different from mine, then it is a matter of life and death. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.22_KHM014_concat.wav 13.87175 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHM014_concat.wav 4.59 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tse pau-kuat tsē-tsē sóo-uī iâ-soo tāi-giân-jîn ê jîn-luī. tse1 pau1-kuat4 tse7-tse7 soo2-ui7 ia5-soo1 tai7-gian5-jin5 e5 jin5-lui7. 這包括濟濟所謂耶穌代言人ê人類。 che pau-koat chē-chē só͘-ūi iâ-so͘ tāi-giân-jîn ê jîn-lūi. This includes many of the people who are the so-called spokesmen of Jesus. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.26_KHM014_concat.wav 7.313125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHM014_concat.wav 7.497999999999999 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male jîn-luī kàu-tann ê li̍k-sú, tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn lóng sī bô jiâu-sià, bô khuan-iông, bô guân-liōng. jin5-lui7 kau3-tann1 e5 lik8-su2, tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3 long2 si7 bo5 jiau5-sia3,bo5 khuan1-iong5,bo5 guan5-liong7. 人類到tann ê歷史,七十个七遍攏是無饒赦、無寬容、無原諒。 jîn-lūi kàu-taⁿ ê le̍k-sú, chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn lóng sī bô jiâu-sià,bô khoan-iông,bô goân-liōng. The history of mankind up to the present time, seventy times seven, has been about unforgiveness, intolerance, and unforgiveness. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.27_KHM014_concat.wav 11.797 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHM014_concat.wav 15.9106875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male lóo sìn lîm-tsiong ê sî, siūnn-tio̍h se-hong jîn ê thuân-thóng, thiann-kóng sí tsìn-tsîng ài guân-liōng tsit-sì-lâng tik-tsuē--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-sing, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūnn, suah jú siūnn jú tsē, guân-liōng bē liáu. loo2 sin3 lim5-tsiong1 e5 si5, siunn7-tioh8 se1-hong1 jin5 e5 thuan5-thong2, thiann1-kong2 si2 tsin3-tsing5 ai3 guan5-liong7 tsit4-si3-lang5 tik4-tsue7--lan2 e5 lang5, thang1-ho2 ong2-sing1, m7-koh4 i1 it4-tit8 siunn7,suah4 ju2 siunn7 ju2 tse7,guan5-liong7 be7 liau2. 魯迅臨終ê時,想著西方人ê傳統,聽講死進前ài原諒這世人得罪--咱ê人,thang好往生,m̄-koh伊一直想,suah愈想愈濟,原諒bē了。 ló͘ sìn lîm-chiong ê sî, siūⁿ-tio̍h se-hong jîn ê thoân-thóng, thiaⁿ-kóng sí chìn-chêng ài goân-liōng chit-sì-lâng tek-chōe--lán ê lâng, thang-hó óng-seng, m̄-koh i it-ti̍t siūⁿ,soah jú siūⁿ jú chē,goân-liōng bē liáu. Before he died, Lu Xun thought about the traditions of Westerners. He heard that before he dies, he has to forgive those who have offended him in his life. But as he kept on thinking about it, the more he could not forgive. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.32_KHM014_concat.wav 16.2983125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHM014_concat.wav 8.44975 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tiō kóng: “tit-tsuē--guá ê lâng si̍t-tsāi siunn-tsē--ah, bô, in mā mài guân-liōng--guá--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke tshé pênn tsún suah.” tio7 kong2:“tit4-tsue7--gua2 e5 lang5 sit8-tsai7 siunn1-tse7--ah4, bo5,in1 ma7 mai3 guan5-liong7--gua2--lah4, an2-ne1 tak8-ke1 tshe2 penn5 tsun2 suah4.” 就講:「得罪--我ê人實在傷濟--ah,無,in mā mài原諒--我--lah,按呢逐家tshé平準煞。」 tiō kóng:“tit-chōe--góa ê lâng si̍t-chāi siuⁿ-chē--ah, bô,in mā mài goân-liōng--góa--lah, án-ne ta̍k-ke chhé pêⁿ chún soah.” Then he said, 'There are too many people who have offended me. They should not forgive me so that we are even. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.37_KHM014_concat.wav 9.407625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHM014_concat.wav 3.63 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû jiâu-sià tsit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? li2 kam2 khai1-si2 tui1-kiu5 jiau5-sia3 tsit4 mng5 ge7-sut8--ah4? 你敢開始追求饒赦這門藝術--ah? lí kám khai-sí tui-kiû jiâu-sià chit mn̂g gē-su̍t--ah? Have you begun to pursue the art of forgiveness? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.46_KHM014_concat.wav 6.101 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHM014_concat.wav 1.53 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male Tio̍h-ài liōng-tsá--ooh! tioh8-ai3 liong7-tsa2--ooh4! Tio̍h-ài冗早--喔! Tio̍h-ài liōng-chá--o͘h! Make sure to be early! 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.47_KHM014_concat.wav 4.6503125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHM014_concat.wav 1.59 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male án-ne kám bô-kàu?” an2-ne1 kam2 bo5-kau3?” 按呢敢無夠?」 án-ne kám bô-kàu?” Isn't that enough? 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.5_KHM014_concat.wav 4.6503125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHM014_concat.wav 4.2925 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male iâ-soo kóng: “bô-kàu, ài guân-liōng tshit-tsa̍p ê tshit piàn!” ia5-soo1 kong2:“bo5-kau3,ai3 guan5-liong7 tshit4-tsap8 e5 tshit4 pian3!” 耶穌講:「無夠,ài原諒七十个七遍!」 iâ-so͘ kóng:“bô-kàu,ài goân-liōng chhit-cha̍p ê chhit piàn!” Jesus said, 'Not enough, you have to forgive seven times of seventy!” 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.6_KHM014_concat.wav 8.5543125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHM014_concat.wav 2.13 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tse tiō sī jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. tse1 tio7 si7 jiau5-sia3 e5 ge7-sut8. 這就是饒赦ê藝術。 che tiō sī jiâu-sià ê gē-su̍t. This is the art of forgiveness. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_5.7_KHM014_concat.wav 5.631625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHM014_concat.wav 1.59 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tsū-iû bāng tsu7-iu5 bang7 自由夢 chū-iû bāng The dream of freedom. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.1_KHM014_concat.wav 4.8423125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHM014_concat.wav 3.27 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male i put-sî khuànn-tio̍h sio bē tsīn ê nōo-hué. i1 put4-si5 khuann3-tioh8 sio1 be7 tsin7 e5 noo7-hue2. 伊不時看著燒袂盡的怒火。 i put-sî khòaⁿ-tio̍h sio bē chīn ê nō͘-hóe. He often looks at the burning anger. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.10_KHM014_concat.wav 5.055625 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHM014_concat.wav 2.0424375 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male tsok-tsiá: Tân Kim-sūn tsok4-tsia2:tan5 kim1-sun7 作者:陳金順 chok-chiá:Tân Kim-sūn Author: Tân Kim-sūn. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.2_KHM014_concat.wav 5.6743125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHM014_concat.wav 4.629875 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male i thè-hiu keh-tńg-li̍t, suî lâi ki-kim-huē tsò tsì-kang. i1 the3-hiu1 keh4-tng2-lit8, sui5 lai5 ki1-kim1-hue7 tso3 tsi3-kang1. 伊退休隔轉日,隨來基金會做志工。 i thè-hiu keh-tńg-li̍t, sûi lâi ki-kim-hōe chò chì-kang. The day after he retired, he came to the foundation to volunteer. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.5_KHM014_concat.wav 7.4023125 TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.9_KHM014_concat hok/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.9_KHM014_concat.wav 2.58 KHM014 不知道 Unknown Male jī-tsa̍p-gōo tang lâi, tī bāng--lí, ji7-tsap8-goo7 tang1 lai5,ti7 bang7--li2, 二十五冬來,佇夢--裡, jī-cha̍p-gō͘ tang lâi,tī bāng--lí, For twenty-five years, in the dream, the numbers. 4052733 Male en/TAT-Vol1-test_0043_6.9_KHM014_concat.wav 7.1463125