Hi, my contraceptive patch fell off three separate times in the first month of use - I had a period the second week of use then the next two weeks it came off during sex once and sometime before the second time. After the last instance of falling off I bled lightly for a day and half bright orange and now I m concerned I m pregnant but unsure when is too early to test.
hello, You are suffering from irregular vaginal bleeding and it may be due to adverse effect of contraceptive patch or other things (uterine cause/hormonal imbalance). Do a fresh USG of lower abdomen to rule out underlying pathology if any. If anything rule out,then treat accordingly with consult of gynecologist. And if there is nothing,then choose different contraceptive patch with less adverse effect or failure rate. Use in correct method and periodic check up to your doctor if any abnormal bleeding. Avoid stress,take healthy diet,do light exercise and proper sleep. Be well.
On Nexplanon, brown discharge. Taken Clindamycin for cold. Concerned
HI The very night following having the mirena coil fitted i suffered severe night sweats , changing sheets 3 times in the night. Its now night six and last night i woke up drenched in sweat 5 times - ie its got worse. i am hoping this is a normal reaction to having a foreign object placed inside the body, but night sweats are not mentioned as a side effect . Pain is occasionally stabbing and flinch-making, but mostly very low level, like mild cramp . Im not worried about the pain, just the sweats. They are so obviously linked to the insertion of the coil, and yet not mentioned on the pack at all. Any advice??? Thanks
It'a also a possible side effect since Mirena has an hormonal component which is causing the increased sweating, it's important if this symptoms get worse everyday and become intolerable you visit your OBGYN to suggest an alternative method an get it removed. I also advice you comment with your doctor about the side effect not being in the label so they can submit an inquiry with the company.
Contraceptive patch fell off, bleeding. Concerned about pregnancy
Hi! I took Lady pills prior to sex but it was still my 2nd day. I was very much worried because the condom was torn. I bought Nordette 21-pill pack with the dosage of 150mcg/30mcg. That s the only available dosage in my country. I ve read some blogs that Nordette should be 28 pills and it has a light orange color with a different dosage of what I bought. The Nordette pill I bought has white color. I m so worried. I took 4 pills 30 hours after the unprotected sex then took another 4 pills after 12 hours. Is the Nordette pill the same as the one advertised as emergency contraception? Please help
Hi vilcebrenede welcome to HCM, Nordette is a combined oral contraceptive pill composed of 150microgram of levonorgesterol and 30 microgram of ethinylestradiol (or) 0.15milligram and 0.03milligram respectively and the pills can be of either white colour or orange colour.... Actually those 21 pills are the contraceptive pills and the remaining 7 are iron tablets so it can contain either 21 or 28 pills.... Nordette can be taken as emergency pill upto 72 hours after unprotected intercourse and the dose you took is same, so it is safe only... Now coming to lady pills, if you have taken(taking) the lady pills regularly they offer an effective protection against pregnancy. So in all aspects you are safe now and nothing to worry.......... With regards, Dr. Parthipan
Night sweats after fitting Mirena coil. Now cramps
I was looking for an emergency contraceptive , and was advised by my doctor to take 2 tablets of nordette every 6 hours, and abstain from sexual contact until I have my menstruation , after I finished one pack of nordette, the birth control method my husband and I used failed, it has been 12 hours since then, could I take nordette again in stronger doses?like 4 tablets every 12 hours?thanks
Hello Hana Thank you for getting in touch with us. As I see, you had been advised to take Nordette as an emergency contraceptive. We would like you to know that if would be better if you take these medicines after consulting a Doctor. Stronger doses are contraindicated without consulting a Doctor and you should not go for it at any cost. In future, you can go for other methods of birth control like regular contraceptive pills, condoms, diaphragms etc. Although the efficacy of emergency contraceptive pills is quite high, it can fail in few cases. Hope this helps Regards Dr. Gagandeep Dhillon
Is the Nordette pill (white colored) same as the one advertised as emergency contraception?
Hi, 2 and a half weeks ago i had a hysteroscopy done. they also did a biopsy and i had a mirena coil inserted. i had it done on the 2nd day of my period and when my period finished i continued to spot and then get a sort of brown/bloody sort of spotting and then today i got up to find it had got this normal, or could it be that my coil is moved or that i have an infection?
it may be due to the irritation of uterus by the device and get it removed and try another method of contraceptive. there is also possibility of infection if you dont get ruling out of chlamydia infection before insertion. can you share why you got hysteroscopy done?
Prescribed Nordette as emergency contraceptive. Can stronger doses be taken?
Dear All, I am getting marriage within few months , I dont want to use any condoms or Pills tablets ...I want to know How to avoid pregnancy after marige for 1 year....Plz guide me ...I am sharing some details Like MC date is 7 Dec 2012 and 5 Days and Cycle days 28...Now tell me the safe time for sex without using any safty... like condoms and Ipills
Hello I appreciate your query What you want to know is the safe period method ( Rhythm method ) Normallly, in a 28 day cycle, day 14 is day of ovulation For 5 days before and after that, you are at risk of pregnancy if unprotected intercourse occurs That is , Day 10 - Day 20 of your menstrual cycle ( if day 1 is first day of bleeding ) are unsafe day and rest are safe days for eg in current cycle, if 7th Dec is first day of bleeding, then 17th - 27th december are unsafe days. Please understand that this method is extremely unreliable, and has more than 25 % failure rate Because days of ovulation vary in each female in each cycle maybe Day 12 or as late as Day 19, even if your periods are regular So , relying on this calculation alone is risky Condoms of various types are available in the market, which facilitate safe sex and prevent infections too Many safe, new low dose pills too are available with minimum of side effects. Please consider these too take care.
Done hysteroscopy. Brown spotting after periods ended. Due to coil getting moved?
i am an indian young girl..... age 24.. what kind of instant contraceptive pill will be suitable for me??? for last 2 months i had some problems of irregularity of periods,,, bt now its ok..... but recently i have a problem of vaginal itching... in this condition what kind of instant contraceptives would be better for me??????
Dronis 20 is the ideal treatment for you.dronis is combined hormonal preparation of drospirenone and ethinylestradiol.the strip consists of 24 need to take one tablet every night for 24 night sat almost the same time each night beginning from the 2nd or 3rd day of your menstrual case you did not get your periods for sometime you may take a course of regesterone 5mg twice a day for 3 days.this will result in withdrawl bleeding within 7-14 days and then taking this as ur menses you can start the course of dronis20.
Do not want to use condoms or pills. How can pregnancy be avoided without them?
Hi, I am a XXX yrs old man from XXX, getting married in a month. Haven t have sexual relationship ever. Wanted to know what are the contraception methods to avoid a baby for at least an year. I don t want to use condom and my wife(28 yrs old) is not willing to take pills as she thinks it may have side effects apart from need to take pills daily. So kindly suggest a 100 % safe and convenient contraceptive method. Also need to know some good book on sex education as I am not aware what exactly is female orgasms, periods and how to satisfy a women. Please help.
Hi, Thanks for your query OCPs are contraceptives of choice in newly married couple. But it has got some side effects as you already know. There is one low dose OCP named ' loette' which has much less side effects. Others like vaginal ring has to be used monthly but has the same side effects. Condoms are safe in all respects. IUCD should not be given in women with no baby. Injections are also not a good option for you. For sexual knowledge and problems , you can consult a sexologist. Take care.. Hope it helps,..
Vaginal itching, irregular periods problem, 24 yrs old. Suggestions on suitable instant contraceptive pill ?
I have been taking yasmin contraceptive for some time now and I have doubled up on two packets recently. I finished taking my last pill before my 7 days off yesterday, however all of last week I was bleeding . I didn t skip or miss any and want to know if I am still protected this week as I have stopped bleeding now. Thanks Sophie
1st day of taken as first day of cycle.if you do not take pill, this month you are not protected.
Getting married, does not want children immediately. Safe contraceptive method apart from birth control pills?
My boyfriend ejaculated inside of me around Nov 8, where I got my period at the same time afterwards. 1 hour later, I took the Plan B pill . Now I have been experiencing a brown gooey discharge for about 1 1/2 weeks now. It started again On monday, (arrived the same time I was suppose to get my period) but of a much lighter flow. Is this normal symptoms of taking the Plan B pill? Is it just dried old blood releasing? lining of the uterus?
Hello, Welcome to HCM, I am Dr. Das The symptoms you mentioned, are indicative of side effects of the pill. But still do a home pregnancy test to rule out any possibility. So, just do the test and keep following up.
Doubled two packs of yasmin, finished last pill before off, had bleeding later. Am I still protected for this week?
Hello, I have been on Tri Sprintec birth control for about 4 months now. I dropped the Friday pill of the first week and wasn t able to take it. So I picked up a new pack the following day and took the missed friday pill I dropped as soon as I received it and took the Saturday pill at the correct time that day. My husband and I had sex on Saturday night. Sunday morning I woke up a tad nautious and had strange cramps in my lower stomach . Should I be worried? Or does it have something to do with missing the pill?
Hello I appreciate your query. Ideally speaking, when you miss a pill, you should take it the next day, alongwith the pill due on the next day as well ie. two pills the next day, plus the remainder of the pack as prescribed. This you have already done, so no issues. However, the important thing is, to use a backup method, such as condoms, for the rest of the month, before beginning a new pack the following month. You mentioned that this was not done. However, the mild symptoms you mention, are mostly non specific, and have nothing to do with missing a pill. Maybe due to taking a double dose of pills the day before. Please use barrier method for the rest of the cycle to ensure complete protection. Also, just in case you miss your period, perform an early HCG urine pregnancy test. Chances of conception are more if the unprotected intercourse occurred around the time of your ovulation. All the best.
Brown gooey discharge after taking plan B. Normal symptoms?
I have just started with crisanta as contraceptive from the first day of periods after a check up by my doctor last month. now the thing is i had undergone an unprotected sex on 10 th and 12thday of my periods .Is there any possibilty to concieve where in iam already taking crisanta every day. how safe is crisanta for the first time user to avoid pregnancy?
Hi, Thanks for the query. As you started the contraceptive pills from the first day of your periods and used as per schedule, it will give protection from pregnancy. With proper use of pills you can get protection from first day onwards. The failure rate of contraceptive pills is very low. So no need to bother. Take care.
Missed a pill Tri sprintec birth control, had sex the same day, following day had nausea and strange stomach cramps. Cause?
hi I ve been taking marvelon 21 for more than a year now. yesterday I forgot to take the pill and had unprotected sex where my partner ejaculated inside of me. I had four pills (including the missed one) left on my packet. being paranoid I took three four pills this morning and am about to take the next dose from a new package as emergency contraceptives. may I know how soon will I get my periods and how to start my new pack after? also of any side effects . thank u
Hello I appreciate your query. Firstly, after one missed pill, you should take two on the next day. And use barrier method as a back up method, while finishing your pack for the rest of the month. However, in your panic, you have already taken too many pills, excessive dose in fact. I am surprised you didnt have any nausea / side effects. You have already taken sufficient dose to act as emergency contraception also. Please do not take any more pills all together Finish the rest of this month's pills normally ( one daily ), and use barrier ( condoms ) method for the rest of your cycle. Wait for your next period, as consuming more pills mindlessly will not help you now. Also, with such a high dose of pills, you could have your period earlier than usual. If you miss your period, perform a pregnancy test at the earliest, and opt for medical abortion, if you do not want a pregnancy. Take care.
Had unprotected sex while on crisanta. Chances of pregnancy?
I ended my period two weeks ago, and started spotting about a week ago. After a day or two, the spotting turned into what a normal period would be for me, and seems to be ending now, two weeks after I finished my normal period. I m on the pill , and my periods have been consistent until now. Also, I ve been having pretty bad tension-like (I think) headaches that begin in the afternoon around 4-6 and get worse as the night progresses. I m wondering if these are related, as I am going through a very stressful time right now, or if it could be something else.
Hi, Thanks for the query. Stress and strain can alter the hormones by affecting hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis. Which can cause menstrual irregularity like inter-menstrual spotting, bleeding etc. Contraceptive pills can also lead to menstrual irregularities. So now you continue your pills as usual and try to be tension-free. If the same problem repeats in future better to consult doctor once. Take care.
Unprotected sex, forgot to take marvelon, took high dose later. Any side effects?
I ve been on birth control for little over a month, I don t take it at the exact time everyday but I do take it every morning. Yesterday my boyfriend came inside me and I was wondering if I should stop take birth control. I think the chance of me getting pregnant is slim, but I kind of want to be pregnant. What should I do?
Hello, I appreciate your query. Since you have been taking birth control pills regularly, chances of your conceiving immediately if you stop pills is slim Also, chances of pregnancy are more if you miss the pill and have unprotected sex around your days of ovulation ( normally day 14 if you have a 28 day cycle - the unsafe days are 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation ). If you want to conceive, stop birth control pills after finishing the current pack. Wait for your next period, take adequate pre conceptional counselling and then plan your pregnancy systematically. Return to fertility sometimes takes a few months in case of pills, however that is not always the case , and you might get pregnant earlier. All the best.
Spotting after periods. On birth control pill. Have tension headaches. Are these related?
HI Doc, Since i was younger i always have irregular periods. I ve been taking birth control pills (Allesse 28) for more than 3 years. My husband and i are ready to have kids so i stopped taking my pills 3 months ago and got regular monthly period for 3 months. But this November i should be getting my period on November 26 ( i got my last period last October 26) but until now i didn t get it yet. I did check it using home pregnancy test 3 X now in different days but it still show negative. Am i pregnant but too early to check or did my irregular period came back? Thank You
Hello, it`s more likely your irregular periods have come back. This often happens. Women are prescribed the pill to correct irregular periods. Just after stopping the pill your periods can be quite normal (this is the best time to try and fall pregnant) - but after a few periods the irregulairites kick back in. So, be prepared for the menstrual cycle irregularities to continue - if you`re looking to get pregnant you migh want to see a specialist as you might need an ultrascan and some hormone tests.Not all insurance companies will pay for that straight away. But ask your doctor. you had the right feeling about it all the best Kind regards JR
On birth control pills. Had intercourse. If I stop pills, will I be pregnant?
I had mirena for over a year and just had it removed 4 weeks ago because I was having abdominal discomfort for 3 weeks prior to removing it. I was spotting and cramping for 2 weeks and I hadn t bled for 8 months before that. I had unprotected sex the night before the spotting occurred because the coming fell off.. I tested for pregnancy 4 weeks ago and it was negative, and I am still having abdominal cramping and discomfort without the mirena. I don t know what is going on with my body but I m concerned. I keep thinking of std s, pregnancy, or something that occurred from the mirena...
Hi,Thanks for your query,There may be many problems faced by patients after mirena removal. The symptoms you have listed are one of them. If they are not very severe ,then you dont have to worry much. These problems are usually benign and subside by itself. However if they are very severe consult a OBG at earliest. You can be pregnant soon after mirena removal, so take precaution if you dont want to be pregnant right now. You may take some multivitamins and iron to restore your health. You can also use analgesics if needed.Take care..Hope it helps you..
On Allesse 38 for irregular periods, stopped pills for conceiving. Delayed periods, HPT negative. Pregnant ?
I had a medication abortion three days ago. It was successful and I m awaiting my follow up appointment in about two weeks. I was prescribed a Nuva Ring for birth control . I read Nuva Ring can be started during your period within the first few days. Counting day one of bleeding as one and after seven days the Nuva Ring would be effective. After having the abortion is the same true? Id like to insert it now. I m bleeding still but very lightly.
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. After an abortion, you can get a check ultrasound scan done to make it sure that the uterine cavity is empty. Then you can get it inserted for contraceptive purposes. You can get it inserted now with the light spotting. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal
Abdominal discomfort, spotting and cramping after mirena removal, HPT negative. Why is it ?
Hi Dr, I have a 5yr old daughter and soon i will be giving birth to my second baby (boy) i never in my life taken prevention tablets or injection and i am scared to start now. my hubby and I have decide that this is our last baby and i want to insert a loop. Is it possible that they can insert it immediately after giving birth? Is it safer? should i wait a month or two after giving birth? Please advise. My e-mail add is:- YYYY@YYYY
Hi, inserting an intrauterine device after child birth is usually done around 6-8 weeks after birth. Because the uterus is back down to it`s normal size then. The doctors won`t insert it directly after birth - as the uterus still has to shrink back down to the normal size and any intrauterine device wouldn`t be " held" by the uterus. Most women won`t have sex during those 6-8 weeks - as you are still postpartum - having postpartum discharge which is first red and slowly turns a different color until it stops after about 6-8 weeks. You can usually talk to the doctor at your postnatal check up - or just after the birth so that the insertion can be organised for you ahead of time. Hope this has helped. kind regards, JR
Medical abortion done, have slight bleeding now, was prescribed Nuva ring. Can I insert it now?
Hi Dr Lundi, I am a 22 year old female and recently had the Mirena IUD inserted (3 weeks ago). I have not had a child before and the insertion was very painful. I had consistent cramping for about a week and on and off ever since. Recently though, I have started getting severe shooting pains. Some start in the abdomen and shoot all the way down my cervix and walls. I checked two weeks ago for the strings, which were intact. Should I see a doctor? Thanks so much. Molly
Hi Thanks for your query, Insertion and removal may be associated with some pain and bleeding. In case of difficult insertion and/or exceptional pain or bleeding during or after insertion, physical examination and ultrasound should be performed immediately to exclude perforation of the uterine corpus or cervix. Severe shooting pain may also be a symptom of a ectopic pregnancy. So i will suggest you to see a doctor soon. Best of luck Hope it helps....
Can loop be inserted immediately after birth of baby or should we wait?
I had the copper coil removed and started taking marvellon and since I ve been taking it I Have developed pain in my upper abdomen and strange sensation in my throat and a feeling like my food is stuck. Maybe a hearyburn feelibg too (i never suffered with this previously) coukd the pill be causing this. I have felt sick at times any I don t seem to be enjoying my food when I have this discomfort. I have been taking it for 6 months now. i gave also been very tearful. please help
Hi, Thanks for the query. Marvellon which is a combined oral contraceptive pill can cause side effects related to gastrointestinal system and can also cause symptoms like depression etc. But these symptoms will usually subside soon without need of medication. As you are having the symptoms since 6 months, better to consult your doctor and discuss regarding changing the pills. Take care.
Severe shooting pains after having mirena insertion. Is this normal?
I m on progyluton pills for a good while now, and i never stop taking them the way i should. I take them because i have cysts on my ovaries and irregular periods...low estrogen levels as well. im 20 years, about 150 lbs. I had unprotected sex for the first time about 3 to 4 weeks ago, and the day right after that, i took plan B just to make sure i wont get pregnant. My question is, would me continuing taking Progylluton affect in any way the way Plan B should work, or will it cancel it off???
Hi, Thanks for the query. Progyluton pills are combined oral contraceptive pills. So as you are taking them continuously there is very less chance for pregnancy. So actually no need to take emergency pill. Anyhow as you took bot the pills no need to bother about pregnancy. You continue progyluton pills as usual but this time there may be some irregularity in withdrawal bleeding. Take care.
Upper abdominal pain, strange sensation in throat, mood swings since intake of marvellon. Is this due to pill?
Hi I have a quick question. I suffered with PCOS for years. My periods were extremely irregular and i wouldn t often have one for months. I then had the copper coil in for 5 years and my periods were like clock work every 31 to 33 days and were extremely heavy. I have just had the coil removed and would like to know whether my menstrual cycle is likely to stay the same for a while i.e. or will my periods automatically go back to being extremely irregular. The reason i am asking is because i want to predict likely ovulation dates but i am not sure that i can do this as my periods were so irregular before i had the coil fitted.
Hi Nicola The copper coil does not actually make the periods regular and is NOT used as a treatment for irregular periods. My feeling is that your periods became regular(it can happen spontaneously) and the timing of the coil just happened to coincide with that. If that is so, I would think your periods should continue to be regular and you should have no trouble with predicting ovulation dates. Good luck.
On prolyluton pills for ovarian cysts, took plan B post sex. Will prolyluton affect effectiveness of plan B?
so about 3 weeks ago during intercorce my iud slipped without knowing so my partner came in me i started feeling pain and bleeding realy bad so i went to the dr they took it out the day after intercorce but could i be pregnant because he came in me while it was slipping out? He was the cause of it so im reallyworried plz help mewith my question
Hi thanks for your question. IUCD act as contraceptive by not allowing the fertalized ovum to get implanted in the uterus.Since there was no IUCD so no contraception.chances are ,that you will become pregnant . So if you missed your next due period ,go for home pregnancy test to confirm it . Hope this answers your question.
Irregular periods. Have PCOS. Normal periods after putting the copper coil. Will my periods get irregular if I get it removed?
Hi there. Im 25 and its been 5 days since I ve started using Ginette 35. I started using it on the first day of my period which was 5 days ago. When will this contraceptive method be effective to prevent pregnacy in order for me and my partner to have intercourse without worrying about falling pregnant? Regards
Hi, Ginnette 35 is effective from the first day itself. (Its effective from first day if started between day one to day four of starting periods). So you can have intercourse without worrying about pregnancy. Wish you good health.
IUD slipped during intercourse, pain and bleeding. Will I get pregnant ?
im taking norgeston and been on it for a month. so far iv already had 2 bleeds every two weeks and they are very, very heavy. i cant go through a pack of towels in 1 day. i can only have the mini pill as iv had a clot in my leg 6 years ago and bad headaches on other pills. this one seems much better apart from the bleeding and iv put on 5lb in a month of taking it. advice plz
Hi, Norgeston can cause slight weight gain which can be avoid by proper diet & regular exercise. For you its the best treatment. But if you are too much concerned , you can just ask your doctor to do one D & C & then start mini pills which will solve your problem. Wish you good health.
Using ginette 35 from day one of periods. When will contraceptive become effective?
hello, i have a problem im not sure how to handle, i had an iud inserted in may 2012, iv had regular periods until i started having sex again in august and i have only see my period once since august, iv been sexually active so i just concluded that i was pregnant and the cooper t dint work, but after various tests the result is nagative , iv been trying to give as many excuses as i can, even blamed it on me beign overweight but now i really feel pregnant. what do i do?
Hello, Your query is appreciated. There are various causes of amenorrhoea ( absence of periods ) apart from pregnancy. Firstly, you need to consult a gynecologist to confirm that you are really not pregnant, as home tests are not 100 % reliable. Secondly, you have mentioned that you are overweight. Obesity also leads to menstrual irregularities. You have not mentioned your age. If you are peri menopausal, such menstrual delays are also to be expected. Certain hormonal imbalances such as thyroid disorders, anemia, adrenal disorders or sugar imbalances might contribute to your problems. If you have a history of multiple abortions and surgical terminations, the uterine lining might be thinned out and you might have this problem. There is an entity called premature ovarian failure wherein the periods stop earlier than usual for a woman's age. You must consult a practitioner at the earliest, and get your various tests and investigations as suggested above by me, in addition to a pelvic examination to know the cause of your amenorrhoea. Meanwhile, weight reduction, moderate and regular exercise and a healthy diet will certainly contribute to your well being. Hope this helped you.
Taking Norgeston. Having heavy bleeding, weight gain. Suggestions?
My gal friend took i- pill after (5-10)minutes of unprotected sex, pregnant or safe? (actually condom got teared, so I given i-pill within 5-10 min) So is she safe or she will get pregnant, I am too much worried as we both are studying still, please suggest me what to do, is there any chances of getting pregnant, how can we stop pregnancy? please help me
Hello Your query is appreciated. The chances of pregnancy here depend on a lot of things. If intercourse occurred between the 10th and 20th days of the menstrual cycle, then chances of pregnancy are high. For eg., if the female had her period on 1st November, and you had intercourse between 10th and 20th of November, the chances of getting pregnant are very high compared to other days. Also, Ipill was taken immediately after unprotected intercourse, hence you have already done your best to prevent pregnancy. Nothing further can be done right now to prevent pregnancy. You will have to wait till the date of her next menstrual period, in order to confirm whether she has conceived inspite of the Ipill. If she does cross the date of her expected periods, kindly perform a Urine Pregnancy Test to rule out a pregnancy. However, with one random encounter of unprotected intercourse, plus the timely intake of Ipill, in my personal opinion, the chances of pregnancy are very low. And you definitely can do nothing about it now, apart from the Ipill, which you have already taken. Hence, you should relax and wait for her period. Meanwhile, ensure that further such episodes of unprotected intercourse are avoided. Hope this helped you.
Had IUD inserted. No periods. Negative pregnancy test. What do I do?
Hi, I have had the mirena iud for about 18 months now. I have recently started to get nervous with it. I haven t had apperiod at all the whole time I have been on it but now during and after sex I have sharp lower abdomen pain. Mainly on my right side. I get the pain during the day for no reason. My belly feels hard and sometimes looks a little big like I would be pregnant. I have recently been getting nausea and hungry more frequently along with being more tired. I have taken two pregnancy tests about 2-3 weeks ago and they both came out negative. I have no idea what s going on. Can you give me any advice please?
Hi, Thanks for the query. IUD can cause side effects like amenorrhea, pain abdomen etc. So your symptoms could be because of that. But as ectopic pregnancy is one complications with IUDs better to rule out that. You once consult gynecologist and undergo ultrasound which can rule out intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies and can also confirm the position of IUD. Take care.
Taken Ipill after condom tear. Pregnant or safe?
hi i m from india, we recently got family planning operation tubectomy on 19th Nov 2012, unfortunately after 5 days the baby dead due to some strong reasons. but we not want to go with reversible tubectomy, is this possible ? what are the chances and MAINLY HEALTH ABOUT THE MOTHER AND CHILD after reversible tubectomy. my email id = YYYY@YYYY
Hi thanks for your question. You had undergone tubectomy and now you want to know chances of conception after recanilization. After tubal recanilization there are 70% chances of becomming pregnant. but that depends upon many factors ,like type of ligation done (there are variou methods of ligating tubes) ,age of mother and many more.It is better to consult gynaecologist and discuss with him/her various aspects of recanilization. Hope this answers your question.
Have mirena IUD. Sharp pain in the abdomen after having intercourse. Nausea, fatigue and excessive hunger. Any chance of pregnancy?
took femilon ( estrogen + progesterone ) for 21 days. it s been 7 days i have not got withdrawl bleeding . what should i do ? start with the new pack or wait for the bleeding. if menses start from today i.e the 7th day after stopping pills, when should i start the next pack? should it be the 5th day of menses when the next pack should be started?
Hi, Thanks for the query. You have to start the new pack from tomorrow (means after completion of 7 pills free days) irrespective of onset of periods. If you get or may not get bleeding also you have to continue the pills. Like 21 pills(3 weeks) followed by one week gap then new pack. Take care.
Underwent tubectomy, baby dead after 5 days. What are the chances of good health after reversible tubectomy ?
Well I ve taken two pregnancy tests one was positive and the other was negative and I ve had stomach pains and head aches and diarrhea and fatigue im also six days late for my period I m on birth control but don t always take it at the same time every day so I m guessing there s a chance I could be pregnant but I m not sure, help please
Hi, Thanks for the query. Urine pregnancy test kits sometimes may not detect early pregnancy. As you have not taken the pills regularly we cannot completely rule out the possibility of pregnancy. So you better go for blood test for pregnancy which will give more accurate result or urine test with early morning midstream urine sample. Take care.
Taken Femilon. No withdrawal bleeding. When should I start next pack?
I m due to start my period in the next few days, but I ve been feeling weird lately. I m nauseous, extremely tired, have no vaginal discharge for the first time ever, and my stomach muscles are tight and achy but not quite like cramps . I m also on the nuvaring , but have had unprotected sex a lot this last month. Could I be pregnant?
Hi, Thanks for the query. If you didn't use nuraring as per the guidelines it may not give complete protection and there is possibility of the pregnancy. These type of symptoms can be seen in premenstrual phase, as side effects of nuvaring and can also be seen in early pregnancy. So we cannot confirm or rule out the pregnancy by symptoms. You once go for urine or blood test for pregnancy which can rule out the possibility. Take care.
Stomach pain, headache, diarrhea, fatigue. Varying pregnancy test results. On birth control
hi sir can i know that after taking unwanted 72 there is compulsion of happening of period or not? Pls sir let me know as soon as possible b;coz we dnt want baby now .. we had done entercouse at 2 or 3 times and then she had taken pill and till now her periods had nt happend within two months and i had take pregnancy test but result is Negative so can it be any risk ..
Hi thanks for your question. After taking unwanted 72, withdrawal bleeding occurs within 2 to 3 days, which remain continue for variable periods, but usually for another 2 to 4 days Next periods usually takes place after 28 to 30 days after withdrawal bleeding in women’s who have regular cycles. Your wife has no periods for 2 months after unwanted 72,I would advice you consult a gynecologist to investigate the cause no bleeding for two months. Hope this answers your question
Due for periods, nauseous, extremely tired, achy and tight stomach muscles, on Nuvaring. Could be pregnant?
hi I have had the implant contraception in my arm since 2009 it was due to get removed in January 2012 but I did not go for removel. my period last came on 3 September 2012 in October I had brown discharge and cramping November light bleeding for two days I feel sick and dizzy got stomach cramps in right side and in my back feel hot
Hello, I think you should get checked for pregnancy.And also consider getting a sonography of pelvis done to evaluate other causes of present symptoms.Pregnancy test and sonography can help to know underlying cause and treatment can be planned after that. Regards.
How to know that after taking unwanted 72 periods will happen or not ?
Hi. I ve been on depo for about a year now & I ve been spotting for like the last month but the blood never leaks except for when I wipe myself after using the restroom . But I took my bath rag and tried to clean the inside of my vagina and there was a lot of brown discharge inside the walls of my vagina . Could you help me understand what s going on ?
Hi, Thanks for the query. Brown discharge, inter menstrual spotting etc. can occur as a side effect of depo shot. So the brown discharge due to depo shot might have collected inside the vagina. Usually these type of symptoms will subside soon. If you continue to have these things better to consult gynecologist once and get examined. Take care.
Have implant contraception. Had brown discharge and cramping. Dizziness
I m on Nuvaring , have been for 2 months. A few days ago I experienced a pink discharge with mucus , never forgetting to put my ring in after sex. Yesterday, I forgot to put my ring back in after 11 hours. I put it back in but later, I was spotting. Now, it is reddish brown and light. Could this be pregnancy? Or just breakthrough?
Hi, Thanks for the query. There is more possibility for breakthrough bleeding. As you delayed putting the ring for 11 hours better to use some other form of contraception for one week to avoid any possible risk of pregnancy. This spotting will usually subside soon. If you want to get clarify regarding the pregnancy better to go for pregnancy test once. Take care.
Brownish discharge after the use of depo shot. What is happening?
I had an unprotected sex lasty nov12, midnight. My partner used withdrawal method but i believe i am fertile then. its almost 7 days now. is it still effective to use nordette now as emergency pill? We did unprotected sex again last nov 18. what should i do? i am planning o take nordette tomorrow. thanks for your reply
Hello there. There is no use taking emergency pills after 7 days. This is because like other pill Nordette is also effective in preventing pregnancy only when taken within 3 days of unprotected intercourse. Since you have used withdrawal method the chance of conceiving are less. Besides taking emergency pill now would not give you any advantage rather side effects like delayed period or unexpected vaginal bleeding can occur. You can take up a pregnancy test if you miss your periods and consult a gynecologist accordingly. Take care.
Pinkish vaginal discharge after placing nuvaring. Pregnancy?
I was on cerazette for a few months and i stopped taking it in august as i was having very bad mood swings. I had a little period towards the end of August then had a period at the beginning of October which was very light but now i m three weeks late for my period. The last time i had sex was in August while i was still on the pill . I have taken 2 pregnancy test and they were both negative. Do you think that its just a side affect from stopping the pill and that my periods while return soon.
Hello there. Thanks for writing back. Yes cerazette is a progesterone pill and it can delay as will make periods lighter. So it is a side effect of the pill. Also if your pregnancy test have been negative even when you are 3 weeks late, it means pregnancy is unlikely. You need to consult a gynecologist for evaluation and treatment to induce periods. TAke care.
Had unprotected sex. Still effective to use Nordette as emergency pill?
Hi, i had the copper coil fitted 13 days ago. I have bled ever since. The blood is very red and quite like mucus . My stomach also seems bloated or bigger than it usually is despite excercising 4-5 days per week and having a healthy diet . Is this normal at this stage of having the coil fitted? I am not in any pain or discomfort.
Hello, It is possible for inter-menstrual spotting and irregular periods to occur in the initial 3-6 months after getting a coil inserted. Since you have been constantly bleeding for the past 10 days, it is essential that your doctor sees you and decides whether you should continue with the coil. Meanwhile avoid exercise, intercourse and take bed rest. You can feel the threads yourself and check if they are in place. Please contact your doctor for further advice. Take care.
Stopped Cerazette due to mood swings. Had sex, negative pregnancy test. Light period. Side effect?
Hi I have had three months of continued pill taking. Three different contraceptive pills, lose train 20 was the last. I had a 7 day break and just had spotting, very light period. I ve then started a new packet for two days and felt I should stop taking it because of this and used other methods of contraception . I ve very concerned because I should be on day ten of taking my new packet but feel there may be something wrong.
Hello You have been using oral contraceptive since three months and want to use other method of contraception as you got minimal period It is not abnormal to have minimal period once in a while but there is no fear of pregnancy as long as you are taking it regularly.If you want to switch over to other method you can start using condom or get IUCD inserted which will give you a protection for long period,
Had copper coil fitted. Feel bloated stomach, bleeding. Is this normal?
Hi I had intercourse with my boyfriend on Saturday and he cum inside me, saturday is the same day i was meant to get my periods. I have been on the contraceptive pill for a hile now. I took the morning after pill on Monday and stopped taking the contraceptive pill the same day (Monday). I began to have cramps on Tuesday (thinking my period was coming) but than they stopped and it s Wednesday today and I still haven t gotten my periods ! Is it possible to fall pregnant when my periods haven t arrived after taking the morning after pill ? And stopped taking the contraceptive pill? (normally after 2-3 days of not talking the contraceptive pill I have a withdrawal period) I haven t even had that yet. I m starting to worry..
Hello there.If you has taken your oral contraceptive pill regularly on fixed time then pregnancy is unlikely. Also you had intercourse in the safe period that is after finishing your pack.Slight delay in periods is common after emergency pills.But if you do not get periods after a week of stopping the pills then you need to take a pregnancy test.If negative, then it could be just aside effect of long term oral contraceptive pill. These cause thinning of the lining of uterus. It is this lining which is shed in menses. SO when thinned out it can cause light periods or no periods at all.Take care.
On birth control pills. Have mild spotting. Any other safer contraceptive methods?
i had unprotected sex on 3 November but wasn t sure of conceiving so took an i pill on 5 November.after 5 days blood clotts came, but it was just one or two clots a day. But from yesterday excessive bleeding started with little bit of abdominal pain . So i took trenaxa 500mg yesterday night and i have two more doses to take.. But bleeding did not stop. Please help !! What is the indication? Will trenaxa help? Does ut have any side effect?
Hi thanks for your question. You have taken I pill 48 after unprotected sex and passed blood clots after 5 days. Now you’re having excessive bleeding. Passing clots and excessive bleeding is normal after I pill use. Trenax is antifibrinnolytic that competitively inhibits the activation of plasminogen to plasmin and prevents the body from breaking down blood clots and thus decreases bleeding Thus trenaxa decreases the overall blood loss. It is used for different medical conditions, like: In hemophilic to prevent bleeding G. I hemorrhage, Treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding. Side effects are very few and include: Nausea, headache, nervousness and vomiting Hope this answer your question
Had unprotected intercourse, on contraceptives. Having cramps but not got periods. Worried ?
Hi, I had the contraceptive implant Nexplanon inserted 3 months ago and for the last month have suffered almost constant but VERY light bleeding . This is incredibly irritating as I work long shifts with lots of running around and have to wear a liner all the time which is uncomfortable. I was on the pill cilest (oestrogen and progestogen combined pill) before the implant but often forgot to take it so had the implant instead. I have heard that spotting/bleeding from the implant can be controlled by taking a contraceptive pill additionally whilst on the implant, do you know if cilest is appropritate for this use? I have cilest tablets left from before I stopped taking them and would rather use these than pay for a new prescription. Thank you for your help.
Hi Laura This type of irregular, unpredictable bleeding associated with contraceptives is called Break through bleeding. This is a common complaint in the first year of implant use. Before using any medication rule out the possibility of pregnancy. If it is negative, you can try Ibuprofen or Estrogen tabs. these are better than Estrogen and Progesterone combination tabs. All the Best.
Had unprotected sex. Taken ipill. Blood clots, excessive bleeding, abdominal pain. Taken Trenaxa. What is the indication?
hello doc pls my quest is í am on birth control pills and am in the week where i hve to wait for one week before continueing,but my menstrual period started on the 10th of thhis month.just two days to my flow i had sex with my man and yet i have stopped bleeding .can i pls get pregnant within this period.i normally bleed for 5 to 6 days
Hi, Thanks for the query. There is less possibility for pregnancy. As: -You are on birth control pills with regular usage. -Had intercourse before the onset of periods. Menstrual cycle can undergo changes while being on pills. So your scanty flow can be because of that. You continue your tablets as usual. You will get your withdrawal bleeding as usual but if you miss better to for pregnancy test once. Take care.
Had implant inserted. Having constant, light bleeding. Can it be controlled by using contraceptive pills additionally?
Hello I am tiff, I have gotten a iud recently around sep of this year, and i have been bleeding off and on since i have gotten it, its maybe 2 or 3 day bleeding then it stops for a few days. Recently i have been experiencing sharp pains in my vagina , they have become unbearable. Idk why this is happening, but what can i do to stop it?
Hi, It is mandatory that you get a checkup after your first period after the IUD insertion. Thereafter, you may check it up yourself. It is common for bleeding disturbances to occur initially and if the bleeding is heavy or continuous, you should consult your doctor. Also, severe pain needs immediate medical attention. So, see your doctor for a check up and further management. Good luck.
Taking birth control pills. Had sex during periods. Now bleeding stopped. Can I get pregnant?
I took Postinor2 less than 24 hours after sex and the other pill 13 hours after that. I know I need to eat it in 12 hours time but something happened and I took it one hour late. Does that affects the effectiveness of Postinor? Do I need to get another set of pills and take two right away to reduce the risk of getting pregnant?
. Hi thanks for your question. You have to take postinor 2. Postinor 2 can help to prevent you from getting pregnant, after unprotected sex, The first tablet has to be taken within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex. The tablets are more effective if they are taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. You need to take 2nd tablet 12 hours (but no more than 16hours) after first. So relax you have taken the medicine well within the prescribed limit. Hope I answered your question.
Bleeding after getting IUD. Have vaginal pain. Why is this happening?
i have recently been taking primolut to control bleeding whilst on implanon .. i finished taking primolut 3 days ago and have started bleeding again..... my question is regarding having sex ;.. which i did sat n sunday with out protection .... i tought with the implanon and primolut i would be ok but since have read other wise... can you please tell me if there is a chance i could fall pregnant
hi welcome to hcm.see if u got bleeding then very less chance to be pregnant if u do intercourse during ur ovulatory periods and feel spotting then may be chance to be pregnant. thanks dr.dhara
Taken Postinor2 and other pill after sex. Does taking medication late affect its effectiveness?
hi i am 28 years old. i took about 12 levonorgestrol emergency contraceptive pill in different times of my last 3 cycles. in this month i have unprotected sex at my 23th of cycle but i didnt take any levonorgestrol this time. now my period date is delay for 4 days which never happens before. is it the side effect of levonorgestrol or i m pragnant?
Hi thanks for your query.dont take emergency contraceptive pill regularly .it may affect your menstrual cycle regularity.take urine pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy.if it is negative consult your gynaecologist for withdrawl bleeding.
Taking Primolut to control bleeding, on Implanon. Had unprotected sex. Chance of pregnancy?
hi i missed a few pills last month then carriesd on taking it till end off packet ,the i had my period and was on it for four days then stopped then about five days later stared to bleed for two days, the stopped then four days later started spotting and its been going on now for two weeks have done pregnancy tests and there negative can u help?
HI,thanks for your query.your irregular periods is due to hormonal imbalance.if your urine pregnancy test is negative take progesterone tab to support your endometrium which prevent further bleeding after consulting your gynaecologist.
Had unprotected sex, delayed cycle. Earlier taken Levonorgestrol. Pregnant?
hi, i am on the implanon birth control and have been smoking weed for about three months now. i havent had my period in over two yrs but about two weeks ago i had a light pink discharge when i wiped. after that day i have been feeling sick n have nausea . could the weed be taking off the effect of my birthcontrol? could i be pregnant? i also been having alot of headaches
Hello there. Implanon is a hormonal device. Side effects of implanon use include lighter, irregular and infrequent bleeding. Sometimes there are no periods at all which is not accountable to pregnancy if the device was used in the right way. So your pink discharge can be due to the side effect of implanon. Nausea, headache, sore breasts and weight gain are also seen with implanon use. Smoking does not affects the contraceptive efficacy of implanon but it does predispose you to serious side effects associated with implanon like stroke and blood clots. So it is better if you stop smoking with implanon in situ. You can test for pregnancy just to be sure. Secondly I want you to visit your gynecologist for an internal examination so as to rule out other causes of unexpected vaginal bleeding (pink discharge). A Pap smear is also mandatory if you have not done in the past one year. TAKE CARE.
Missed birth control pills, spotting mid cycle. Can you help?
hie i am a teenager and i made out with my girlfriend i dint even enter herproperly but i did release myself i am not sure if i have even broken her hymen but we dont want to take any chances. i suggested having an i-pill please tell me whether she will be having any serious effects and wht is an alternative if not this
Hi Thanks for posting query on health care magic. I pill used for emergency contraception doesn’t have much side effects, however ,as every medicine has side effect it too has side effects and its side effects are divided into two types: Shorter side effects may lasts for days Nausea and vomiting; occur in 10% of women and last for 1 to 2 days Abdominal cramping. lasts for few days, if persists for more days, consult doctor Breast tenderness Headache Feeling tired Longer side effects Spotting and bleeding:. spotting is light bleeding that may be red,brown,or very dark .This may lasts until the next period which should come on time, a week early or a week later than you expected, If the bleeding is too heavy or associated with other symptoms,consultation with Doctor should be sought. Presence or absence of side effect doesn’t tell you whether medicine has worked or not. There are on other way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, other than emergency contraceptive pill. However if emergency contra captive pill fails (pregnancy test come positive),the other way is to go for Abortificient pill. Hope I answered your question.
No periods, only pink discharge, sickness and nausea. On implanon birth control, smoking weed. Pregnant ?
i am taking cerazette as Oracl contraceptive pill . i used familon.but i am doc suggested to switch to cerazetter.after using it for 5 months i experienced nipple pain and 2 drops of milky white nipple discharge when i pressed really hard from one of my nipples.the nipple pain is now gone.can it be a side effect of cerazette?
Hello. "Galactorrhea" is the term doctors use to describe milky nipple discharge that occurs when you're not nursing. There are a number of causes for galactorrhea, including oral contraceptives such as Femilon and Cerazette. Interestingly, some women develop galactorrhea when they stop taking estrogen-containing medications, such as Femilon, and switch to progestogen-only preparations, such as Cerazette. Once galactorrhea develops, it's important to avoid stimulating your nipples, as this perpetuates the problem. Thus, you shouldn't squeeze your nipples, and make sure your bras fit well and don't cause nipple chafing. If your nipple discharge recurs, see your physician for an evaluation. I hope that answers your question!
What are the serious effects of taking i-pill?
I ve been taking tri-Sprintec for a 13months now. I missed one of my pill the other day. So the next day I took two pills instead of 1. But the problem is now I had unprotected sex and he cum inside me. Now im worried that I could be pregnant? Please help me. This just happen yesterday? Should I take the morning after pill or should I just wait?
Hello. Whether you need backup birth control after missing a birth control pill depends on where you were in your pack when you missed the pill. For combination BCPs like Tri-Sprintec, if you miss one of the first two pills in the pack, you should take the forgotten pill as soon as you remember and the next at its usual time (just like you did). You should then use a backup method of birth control (e.g., condoms) for one week. If you missed a pill from day 3 through 21 of your pack, you should take the forgotten pill as soon as you remember it and the next at its usual time (as above). Backup birth control is not required in this case. If you missed one of the inactive pills (the white ones), you don't need to take the forgotten pill, and no backup birth control is needed. Given those scenarios, you can decide whether you need emergency contraception. Specifically, if you missed one of the first two pills of your pack and had unprotected sex within a week, you should take emergency contraception. Otherwise, emergency contraception isn't indicated. I hope that answers your question!
Nipple pain and milky white discharge after taking Cerazette. Side effect?
i hve been taking postinor-2 after sexual intercourse since we dont use any other types of contraceptive (eg:condom,diaphragm) far i ve been using it twice in 2 i would like to know..will the postinor-2 cause any serious long term effects like alteration of my endometrium that will be hard for me to conceive in the future?
Hi Bella Welcome to HCM Postinor 2 is a contraceptive pill for emergency use and not as a reular contrception pills. If you have used and do not want pregnancy then visit Gynaecologist and choose a method suitable to you and your partner depending on your requrement. It is advisable to take regular Oral contraceptive pills,Barrier methods which take care of STD also. Many injectable methods which are safe for period of 3 months like Depotrust. If suitable IUS of various type . Plaese do not use This tab as regular contraceptive as if you use frequently then chances of failure increase. Take care Good Luck to you
Missed tri-sprintec pills, had unprotected sex. Could I be pregnant?
Hello Doctor, I am 32 years old ,married for almost 3 years now and i have been using Loette since Dec 2010.We both are working and me and my husband have a very busy schedule so we are not planning for anything in another 1 year or so. We thought of planning for a baby in 2014. I have been hearing from my friends and relatives that too much usage of contraceptive pills are not good for health. Since we both are not mentally prepared to take the responsibility now so wanted to know from you that whether loette can be continued for another year and if taken what could be the effect of that on my body.Is it really safe to continue with that?Kindly suggest . Thank you in advance
Hi, You can take the contraceptive pill for another year provided you are under regular monitoring for unwanted side effects. It is usually not advisable for intake of oral pills after the age of 35 years as the side effects are more then. Oral contraceptives can be used for as long as needed but regular monitoring should be done to check for unwanted effects on the vascular system, breasts and on the reproductive system. Further advice may be had from your doctor. Good luck.
Taking postinor-2 after intercourse, not using other forms of contraceptives. Side effects of long term use?
Hi I am very gassy at the moment and for the last 3 days when i go to the toilet im spotting a little. I am not due on my period until 9th November but my breasts are sore and i have a back ache often normal middle of the back. Also on my right lower abdomen sometimes i get a weird twinging feeling and its a little sensitive to touch my stomach sometimes. I just started taking the pill in september and after a month of being on the pill me and my partner stopped using a condom. I did however forget to take it one day in october and took it the next night when i remebered and then continued as normal. what do you think this could be please help??
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The mild spotting and a lighter period that you are having is commonly seen once you start with the pill regularly. The pregnancy is highly unlikely since you took the pill regularly. Please do not worry and start with the next pack as scheduled. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal
Using Loette. Can it be continued for a year without side effects?
Hello, I am 18 years old and I had unprotected sex two days ago and was able to buy the morning after pill or plan b the very next morning. I am extremely concerned about how effective the pill is and what, if anything, can lower it s effectiveness. I have a few things that I want to ask about specifically: cigarettes, marijuana and ibuprofen and Yogi brand organic tea. Thank you for your time.
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The emergency contraceptive pills are more than 99 % effective when taken within first 24 hours after having an unprotected sex. Taking these with marijuana and cigarettes can decrease its efficacy. Ibuprofen and green tea are not likely to show an interaction. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal
Spotting, gassy, sore breasts, twinging feeling in abdomen. Taking pill. What could this be?
Hi Doctor, I m having Krimson 35 the past 1.5 year I missed a single dose after the the third day of unprotected day and we had sex the 8th day of periods.. is there any chance to get pregenent ?? now its 10th day and i found that white colout curd like precipitate had been seen in my panty(inner wear). ?? i dont know why.. ?? and what symptom is this ??is it a pregnancy symptom ??
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic In general, it is thought that ovulation occurs about 10 to 17 days after the onset of the last period. If the periods are irregular , it is more difficult to pinpoint the exact time.In most women ovulation would not have occured by day 8 but having said that, it is possible to get pregnant at any time in the cycle, the chances are just greater at different times. White curdy discharge is usually a sign of a yeast infection which can easily be treated, yeast infections can occur in the absence of pregnancy. Signs and symptoms in early pregnancy include: fatigue, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, breast tenderness. If you are unsure , you can consider doing a home pregnancy tests, which are usually accurate.You can choose one of the early detection kits which can detect lower levels of the hormone HCG, which is the hormone found in the urine during pregnancy. I hope this helps
Taken plan B after unprotected sex. Preventives to avoid lowering its effectiveness?
Hi, Good evening I had a 6 months old boy baby. Now me and my husband are having sexual relationship but without taking precautions we did 3 times. But we don t want another baby soon. am getting afraid if i get pregnancy soon. and after delivery i didn t get periods. how i test this and when i will get periods. if i get pregnant what are the steps to be taken to avoid it. please give suggestions. and i had right breast pain while feeding left one. but am feeding both. till i had pain whats the reason for this. waiting for your reply. Thank you
Hello. Congratulations on your recent delivery. Couples who rely on breastfeeding to prevent another pregnancy are taking a bit of a chance. Many nursing mothers begin ovulating within two to three months of delivery, while others may not ovulate for a year or more. The problem is, there's no way to predict when you, personally, will become fertile again, so you could actually ovulate, conceive and get pregnant without ever having a period. Thus, if you want to prevent pregnancy you should at least use condoms, and you may want to talk to your doctor about other forms of birth control. Now, your breast pain might be a symptom of mastitis, which is a common problem in breastfeeding mothers. Mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection in the milk ducts of your breast, and it can often be managed by simply applying warm packs to the breast. It's okay to continue feeding your baby from both breasts, even if you have mastitis. If your breast tenderness doesn't improve within a couple of days, see your doctor; you might need an antibiotic to get things cleared up. I hope that helps. Enjoy your baby boy!
Missed single dose of Krimson 35 after unprotected sex, white curdy discharge. Pregnancy chances ?
Hi Ive been using microgynon for 16 years and have had breaks only when trying to get pregnant, and of course during my 2 pregnancies. Lately ive been concerned about long term side effects. Looking at different contraceptive methods, I havent found one that Id like to switch to. Is it safe to carry on using microgynon? I dont really like the thought of taking pills and having chemicals in my body all the time
Hello. The concerns you have about your birth control pills are shared by a lot of women -- and by lots of health experts, too. Some studies have shown that long-term use of oral contraceptives slightly increases the risk for certain kinds of cancer, such as liver and cervical cancer. On the other hand, using birth control pills for a long time appears to decrease the risk for uterine and ovarian cancer. The data showing a link between oral contraceptives and breast cancer is inconsistent: some studies suggest a slight increase in the risk for breast cancer, while others don't. At this point in time, most experts agree that women can take oral contraceptives for as long as they need birth control or until they reach menopause, as long as they're otherwise healthy and don't smoke. (Women over the age of 35 who smoke shouldn't take birth control pills.) Your doctor, who is familiar with your medical history, is best qualified to review other birth control options with you, including IUDs (both hormonal and non-hormonal), implantable forms (e.g. Implanon), injectable hormones (Depo-Provera), patches, vaginal rings, barrier methods, and both progestin-only and combination oral agents. I hope that all helps!
Have 6 months old child, having sex without precautions. Steps to take to avoid pregnancy ?
Me & my wife had an unprotected sex last due to condom broke, she took an I- pill immediately within 1 hour of sex. 1 week after she has some vaginal discharge which was brownish (dark) in color & this is two weeks prior to regular period. Is this the side-effects of I-pill or early signs of pregnancy? Can you help us out?
hi sir-----the cause of brownish vaginal discharge is NOT the side effect of pill if it was so it should be 3-4 days before or after regular period no early sign of pregnancy is due to vaginal infection because whole vagina was drowned with male discharge causing slow infection with hidden discharge on the outer deep places of uterus treat with vaginal wash
Taking microgynon birth control except during pregnancies. Side effects of long term use?
I had my period from the Oct 4-10, 2012 however i am now having a second period which started on Oct 23, 2012. Is it because i have a copper T inserted and what other method could i consider since i really do feel i need to take out the copper There is too much discomfort and it is now affecting my life in terms of work, studies and domestic activities.
you can try BIRTH CONTROL PILLS under a doctor's advice , if you want to really take out your copper T .IF this has been inserted only recently,then it will take time to get adjusted.Of the all temporary contraceptive methods (women based ), copper T has least side effectsWrite your answer here
Unprotected sex. Taken i-pill immediately. Brownish vaginal discharge. Is this side effect or due to pregnancy?
after 10 days of my periods (start) i had unprotected sex (14 September) , took morning after pill after 3 hours, i had periods after 4 days(17 September) which ended on 22 sept. i haven t got my periods till now. is this because of side effects of after pill?? when will i get my periods?? chances of getting pregnant ??
Hi sonalThanks for writing in. The most common cause in your case is side effects of I pill. It is caused by high dose of hormones in the pill. After your normal cycle duration you will have periods that is from next 17th.(17 oct)As you have bleeding after 4 days of taking pill chances of you getting pregnant are almost zero.In future you should practice other measures of contraception.Using the I pill everytime can have serious disturbunces of menstrual cycle.I encourage you to visit a qualified gyanecologist for proper advise and treatment. Hope this helps. Regards DrSudarshan MD Dermatology STD & leprosy
Irregular periods after inserting copper T. Alternatives to copper T ?
Hello, I am , age 26 years old. On 7th of may, 2012, I got baby, it s was our first baby. Now we want another baby after 4-5 years. So, plz advice me for better option to prevent pregnancy. And also plz guide me about injection which is prevent pregnancy for long time and is there any side effects or not. Regards,
Hormonal method of birth control like pills and injections can have side effects in few people. But they can be tolerated well by others. IUD can be a option in your case as well.
Unprotected sex after periods, took morning after pill, had bleeding later. Side effect of ipill?
okay so i got this loette pill right its a really low dose and it says to start in the pink shaded area when u have ur period then they have the white tablets theres sevens they are sugar tablets ? it says after u take the 21 tablets which i have only taken 7 tablets coz i started half way threw the packet it says u take 7 white tablets and u get a with drawel bleed what is a withdrawel bless ?
Do you know how this pills act and how your menstrual cycle works? There are mainly 4 Hormones which comes into act- 1. Oestrogen 2. progesterone 3. LH 4. FSH During a normal cycle this 4 maintain a perfect balance. First few days the Oestrogen maintain the endometrium but during the mid cycle there is sudden rise in FSH and LH which causes Ovulation. Then again oestrogen takes the control and progesteron also play a role. Then the level decrases and endometrium can not maintain itself thus menstruation occurs. Now when you using this throughout the cycle you are suplementing oestrogen and progesterone from outside thus no LH & FSH surge- no ovulation. After 21st day the rest 7 tablets are nothing but iron tablets , so during this time no hormonal support from outside so similar situation arises like menstruation endometrium can not maintain itself. These occurs due to withdrawl of hormonal support thus this is called WITHDRAWL BLEEDING. Hope you understand, Have a good health.
Delivered baby, plan for second child after 4-5 years. Advice regarding pregnancy prevention?
taking the mini pill Cerazette and missed taking it twice last month, I take this pill last thing at night and when \i missed taking it I took it first thing the next morning. i m 45 and really really don t want to fall pregant, how high are the risks that I could get caught out I did however have a light period at the end of last month and have all the symptons of taking another one. thanks alison
Hi thanks for your question your taking contraceptive pill and,you missed the dose twice at night,but the right thing you did you took the dose in the morning. If you miss the dose and don't remember till the next dose is due,you have no protection against the pregnancy .But since you took the tablet early in the morning ,so you have protection against pregnancy. Relax and wait for your periods. Hope I answered your question.
Taking loette pill, have started half way through the packet. Pack mentions withdrawal bleed on taking white tablets. Meaning?
Hi I recently received the depo-provera shot on October 9th. By the 12th I started feeling tired and now I can t even go to school with out feeling sick and very very tired. I used to workout (run and strength train) at least 4 times a week and now I can t even get through a 20 minute run which used to be a breeze. My resting heart rate was 72 and is now 87-95. I feel depressed and I m very put of breath and have flu like body aches. I sleep on a heating pad every night because of back pain that started last week. I m 18 years old, 5 6 , 126 lbs and I have low protein s (why I got the depo vs. the pill). I received the shot in my right buttocks . I called my nurse who administered the shot and she told me no one has ever felt like this, which I know is a lie because looking online and talking to friends who got the shot told me they felt the same way. Is this from the shot or could it be something else (mono, the nurse suggested) thank you!!
Hi Cassctiexx Thanks for writing in to Healthcare Magic! The change of mood, deprssion, lack of concentration can be expected with Depot Provera but the other things like feeling tred and unwell and fast heart rate are unexpected sequelae. I think yours nurse is right you may be having some viral syndrome like resp. infection or infectious mononucleosis etc. If you have any further query please let me know I would try to answer it for you. Wish you a great health!
On Cerazette, missed pills twice at night, followed it up the next day. Pregnancy risk?
i had unprotected sex on 20th sep, n after 5hrs i took unwanted 72 bt up till now ie.9hrs after taking that pill my body did not show any kind of effect, no pain no vomiting , noting..nw m not sure that i took medicine or it splits out from my mouth at that i need to be worried or should i take the another pill? and one more thing doctor, i have no card from which i can pay ur fees :(.. is it necessary to pay or u can answer me like that... please let me know this
Don't worry abt card, you need advice at this time. Following taking these pills, it is not mandatory to have symptoms like pain/vomiting. If there is any vomiting within 1 hr of taking the pill, then repeat dose may be needed as drug may not work. Is the date of 20th Sept correct or is it typo error? If it is really 20th Sept -- then you need to see gynecologist. If it is 20th Oct- you need to wait for your next period. If the period is missed, immediately see the doctor.
Excessive tiredness, depression, body aches since receiving the depo provera shot. Could this be due to medicine or something else?