--- language: - en license: cc-by-4.0 size_categories: - 100Mtext`, we would find `[image_1, None, image_2]` in `images` and `[None, text, None]` in `texts`. The images are replaced by their URLs, and the users need to download the images, for instance with the library [img2dataset](https://github.com/rom1504/img2dataset). `metadata` is the string representation of a list containing informations about each of the images. It has the same length as `texts` and `images` and logs for each the image relevant information such as original source document, unformatted source, alternative text if present, etc. `general_metadata` is the string representation of a dictionary containing the URL of the document, and information regarding the extraction from Common Crawl snapshots. ## Size and Data Splits There is only one split, `train`, that contains 141,047,697 documents. `OBELISC` with images replaced by their URLs weights 666.6 GB (😈) in arrow format and 377 GB in the uploaded `parquet` format. ## Opted-out content To respect the preferences of content creators, we removed from OBELICS all images for which creators explicitly opted out of AI model training. We used the [Spawning API](https://api.spawning.ai/spawning-api) to verify that the images in the dataset respect the original copyright owners’ choices. However, due to an error on our side, we did not remove entire documents (i.e. URLs) which are opted out of AI model training. As of July 2023, we estimate that it represents 4 to 5% of the totality of OBELICS. The config `` (TODO) applies the correct filtering at the web document level. We recommend users of OBELICS to regularly check every document against the API. ## Content warnings Despite our efforts on filtering, OBELICS contains a small proportion of documents that are not suitable for all audience. For instance, while navigating the interative map, you might find the cluster named "Sex" which predominantly contains description of pornographic movies along with pornographic images. Other clusters would contain advertising for sex workers, or report of violent shootings. In our experience, these documents represent a small proportion of all the documents. ## Terms of Use By using the dataset, you agree to comply with the original licenses of the source content as well as the dataset license (CC-BY-4.0). Additionally, if you use this dataset to train a Machine Learning model, you agree to disclose your use of the dataset when releasing the model or an ML application using the model. ### Licensing Information License CC-BY-4.0. ### Citation Information If you are using this dataset, please cite ``` @misc{laurençon2023obelisc, title={OBELISC: An Open Web-Scale Filtered Dataset of Interleaved Image-Text Documents}, author={Hugo Laurençon and Lucile Saulnier and Léo Tronchon and Stas Bekman and Amanpreet Singh and Anton Lozhkov and Thomas Wang and Siddharth Karamcheti and Alexander M. Rush and Douwe Kiela and Matthieu Cord and Victor Sanh}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.16527}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.IR} } ```