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ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_none_upcoming.dialog,"You have no upcoming {kind}s."
ovos-skill-alerts,ocp_missing.dialog,"The media player is not running."
ovos-skill-alerts,in_time.dialog,"in {remaining}"
ovos-skill-alerts,dav_service_cant_connect.dialog,"Can't connect with service {service}"
ovos-skill-alerts,error_no_list_name.dialog,"You have to specifiy a list name."
ovos-skill-alerts,alarm_ocp_request.dialog,"Which music should i play to wake you?"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_items.dialog,"On the todo list is {items}."
ovos-skill-alerts,ocp_request_retry.dialog,"haven't found anything matching. Repeat the name or try another one."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_subitems.dialog,"On the {name} list is {items}."
ovos-skill-alerts,error_nothing_to_cancel.dialog,"I could not find a matching alert to cancel."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_none_missed.dialog,"You haven't missed any alerts."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_rescheduled_all_day.dialog,"{kind} is now all day."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_snooze_alert.dialog,"Be back in {duration}."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_cancel_all.dialog,"Okay, cancelling all {kind}, {num} in total."
ovos-skill-alerts,expired_timer.dialog,"Your {name} timer is up."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_add_ask.dialog,"which new entries should i add to the {name} list?"
ovos-skill-alerts,alarm_ask_time.dialog,"Sorry. i couldn't catch the time. Please repeat."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_subitems_added.dialog,"i have added {num} entries."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_alert_recurring_playback.dialog,"Your {name} will be played at {begin}, every {repeat}."
ovos-skill-alerts,repeating_every.dialog,"every {repeat}"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_timeframe_intro.dialog,"In this timeframe you have {num} {type}s:"
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_alert_script.dialog,"Your {name} script will be executed at {begin}, in {remaining}."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_prenotification_ask.dialog,"Do you wish a short notification prior to this event?"
ovos-skill-alerts,error_no_time.dialog,"I didn't hear a time to set your {kind} for. Please try again."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_prenotification.dialog,"I want to remind you about {remimder} in {time_until}"
ovos-skill-alerts,timer_status.dialog,"The {name} timer has {remaining} remaining."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_todo_set.dialog,"The entry has been placed."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_missed.dialog,"{name} {kind}, expired {begin}"
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_alert_recurring_script.dialog,"Your {name} will be executed at {begin}, every {repeat}."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_intro.dialog,"You have the following {kind}s:"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_timeframe_none.dialog,"There is nothing stored in this timeframe."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_timeframe_none.dialog,"i have nothing stored at this time."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_reminder.dialog,"i should remind you to {reminders}"
ovos-skill-alerts,dav_calendar_list.dialog,"On the {service} service there are {calendars}."
ovos-skill-alerts,dav_calendar_list.dialog,"{calendars} on {service}."
ovos-skill-alerts,next_alert.dialog,"Your next one is {name} at {begin}."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_already_exist.dialog,"The {name} entry already exists on the todo list"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_no_reminder.dialog,"You have no todo reminder stored."
ovos-skill-alerts,selection_dav_calendar.dialog,"To which calendar should i sync to?"
ovos-skill-alerts,pick_multiple_entries.dialog,"There are multiple similar entries. Which one to pick?"
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_rescheduled_repeat.dialog,"Changed the repetition to {repeat}."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_deleted.dialog,"List {name} deleted"
ovos-skill-alerts,next_alert_timer.dialog,"Your next one is {name} in {remaining}."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_cancel_alert.dialog,"Cancelling {kind} {name}."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_exist_confirm.dialog,"An entry {existing} already exist. Still want to save?"
ovos-skill-alerts,dav_credentials_missing.dialog,"The DAV credentials are missing. Please add them to the skeleton file in the skill filesystem folder."
ovos-skill-alerts,error_no_repeat.dialog,"You have to give me a time interval. That can be single days or shorter time periods."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_no_lists.dialog,"You have no open lists."
ovos-skill-alerts,error_audio_reminder_too_far.dialog,"I can only set audio reminders up to 24 hours in advance, I will create a calendar event instead."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_dont_exist.dialog,"There is no entry {name} stored."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_no_subitems.dialog,"the list is empty."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_alert_playback.dialog,"Your {name} recording will be played at {begin}, in {remaining}."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_missed_intro.dialog,"Here's what you missed:"
ovos-skill-alerts,ocp_breaking_up.dialog,"Couldn't assign music. Breaking up."
ovos-skill-alerts,todo_item_delete_selection_intro.dialog,"which one should i delete?"
ovos-skill-alerts,reminder_ask_time.dialog,"should i remind you at a specific time?"
ovos-skill-alerts,ocp_searching.dialog,"Checking for the media title."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_w_duration.dialog,"{name} between {begin} and {end}."
ovos-skill-alerts,error_no_scheduled_kind.dialog,"You have no scheduled {kind}."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_rescheduled_prenotification.dialog,"The prenotification also changed to {prenotification}. Should i adjust the timespan in advance?"
ovos-skill-alerts,expired_alert.dialog,"Your {name} alert is up."
ovos-skill-alerts,timer_status_none_active.dialog,"There are no active timers."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_rescheduled.dialog,"{name} {type} adjusted"
ovos-skill-alerts,remove_list_items_ask.dialog,"List the items one by one which should be removed."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_timer_started.dialog,"Timer for {remaining}, starting now."
ovos-skill-alerts,stopwatch_delta.dialog,"The elapsed time is {delta}"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_item_delete_selection_intro.dialog,"From which list?"
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_overlapping_ask.dialog,"At this time you got {event} at {begin}. Save anyhow?"
ovos-skill-alerts,expired_audio_alert_intro.dialog,"You have an audio reminder."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_rescheduled_end.dialog,"Changed the end of the {kind} to {end}."
ovos-skill-alerts,reschedule_recurring_ask.dialog,"This is a repeating {type}. Do you want to reschedule them all?"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_num_deleted.dialog,"I have deleted {num} todo items."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_alert_recurring.dialog,"Your {kind} is set for {begin}, every {repeat}."
ovos-skill-alerts,expired_reminder.dialog,"This is your reminder: {name}."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_dismiss_alert.dialog,"{kind} dismissed."
ovos-skill-alerts,selection_dav_service.dialog,"To which service should i sync to?"
ovos-skill-alerts,dav_sync_ask.dialog,"Should i sync the {type} with DAV?"
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_expiration_past.dialog,"Maybe i miscalculated, but the given time lies in the past."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_alert_set.dialog,"Your {kind} is set for {begin}, in {remaining}."
ovos-skill-alerts,error_no_duration.dialog,"I didn't hear how long, please try again."
ovos-skill-alerts,dav_inactive.dialog,"DAV is inactive at the moment."
ovos-skill-alerts,alert_overlapping_duration_ask.dialog,"At this time you got {event} between {begin} and {end}. Save anyhow?"
ovos-skill-alerts,list_alert_wo_duration.dialog,"{name} {begin}."
ovos-skill-alerts,confirm_cancel_timeframe.dialog,"Okay, cancelling all {kind} in the timeframe, {num} in total."
ovos-skill-alerts,list_todo_lists.dialog,"I have {num} list stored: {lists}"
ovos-skill-alerts,selection_not_understood.dialog,"I didn't catch what you have said. Please choose by number 1 to {max}"
ovos-skill-alerts,whole_day.dialog,"whole day"
ovos-skill-alerts,weekend.dialog,"Saturday and Sunday"
ovos-skill-alerts,weekday.dialog,"Monday through Friday"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits.dialog,"My I.P. ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits.dialog,"My I.P. address ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits.dialog,"My I.P. ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits.dialog,"My I.P. address ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits.dialog,"it ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,ethernet.connection.dialog,"I am on a wired connection"
ovos-skill-ip,my address is.dialog,"My network I.P. address is {ip}"
ovos-skill-ip,my address is.dialog,"I'm at I.P. address {ip}"
ovos-skill-ip,my address on X is Y.dialog,"On {interface} my I.P. address is {ip}."
ovos-skill-ip,last digits device.dialog,"On { device } my I.P. ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits device.dialog,"On { device } my I.P. address ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits device.dialog,"On { device } my I.P. ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits device.dialog,"On { device } my I.P. address ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,last digits device.dialog,"On { device } it ends with { digits }"
ovos-skill-ip,no network connection.dialog,"I don't have a network connection yet"
ovos-skill-ip,no network connection.dialog,"I'm not connected to a network"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,confucius.dialog,"Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician of the Spring and Autumn period."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,confucius.dialog,"The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, kindness, and sincerity."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,death.dialog,"Confucius died on 479 BC"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,birth.dialog,"Confucius was born on 551 BC"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Do not use a cannon to kill a mosquito."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Have no friends not equal to yourself."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He who merely knows right principles is not equal to him who loves them."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He who will not economize will have to agonize."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Heaven means to be one with God."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"I do not want a friend Who smiles when I smile Who weeps when I weep For my shadow in the pool Can do better than that."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"I have not seen a person who loved virtue, or one who hated what was not virtuous. He who loved virtue would esteem nothing above it."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I understand."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty, and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous; if, in serving his parents, he can exert his utmost strength; if, in serving his prince, he can devote his life; if in his intercourse with his friends, his words are sincere - although men say that he has not learned, I will certainly say that he has."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"If we don't know life, how can we know death"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Is virtue a thing remote? I wish to be virtuous, and lo! Virtue is at hand."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"It is man that makes truth great, not truth that makes man great."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Respect yourself and others will respect you."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Silence is the true friend that never betrays."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Study the past if you would define the future."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The cautious seldom err."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The expectations of life depend upon diligence the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The faults of a superior person are like the sun and moon. They have their faults, and everyone sees them; they change and everyone looks up to them."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The firm, the enduring, the simple, and the modest are near to virtue."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The man of virtue makes the difficulty to be overcome his first business, and success only a subsequent consideration."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The man who in view of gain thinks of righteousness; who in the view of danger is prepared to give up his life; and who does not forget an old agreement however far back it extends - such a man may be reckoned a complete man."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The object of the superior man is truth."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The perfecting of one's self is the fundamental base of all progress and all moral development."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man cannot be known in little matters, but he may be entrusted with great concerns. The small man may not be entrusted with great concerns, but he may be known in little matters."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man is modest in his speech, but excels in his actions."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man is satisfied and composed; the mean man is always full of distress."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest success only comes later."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The superior man...does not set his mind either for anything, or against anything; what is right he will follow."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"The wheel of fortune turns round incessantly, and who can say to himself, I shall to-day be uppermost."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"There are three things to beware of through life: when a man is young, let him beware of his appetites; when he is middle-aged, of his passions; and when old, of covetousness, especially."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"There are three things which the superior man guards against. In youth...lust. When he is strong...quarrelsomeness. When he is old...covetousness."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"They must change who would be constant in happiness and wisdom."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"They must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Things that are done, it is needless to speak about...things that are past, it is needless to blame."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To be fond of learning is near to wisdom; to practice with vigor is near to benevolence; and to be conscious of shame is near to fortitude. He who knows these three things"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To govern is to correct. If you set an example by being correct, who would dare remain incorrect?"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To know that one knows what one knows, and to know that one doesn't know what one doesn't know, there lies true wisdom."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"To see what is right, and not do it, is want of courage, or of principle."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Virtue is more to man than either water or fire. I have seen men die from treading on water and fire, but I have never seen a man die from treading the course of virtue."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"We take greater pains to persuade others that we are happy than in endeavoring to think so ourselves."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Wealth and rank are what people desire, but unless they be obtained in the right way they may not be possessed."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"What is the sound of one hand clapping"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"When a man's knowledge is sufficient to attain, and his virtue is not sufficient to enable him to hold, whatever he may have gained, he will lose again."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"When anger rises, think of the consequences."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"While you are not able to serve men, how can you serve spirits of the dead...While you do not know life, how can you know about death"
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow - I have still joy in the midst of these things. Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety, it is impossible for the character to be established."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,quote.dialog,"Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know men."
ovos-skill-confucius-quotes,live.dialog,"Confucius lived between 551 BC and 479 BC"
ovos-skill-dictation,already_dictating.dialog,"Dictation is already enabled"
ovos-skill-dictation,dictation.dialog,"The last dictation was"
ovos-skill-dictation,dictation.dialog,"Reading last dictation"
ovos-skill-dictation,stop.dialog,"dictation stopped"
ovos-skill-dictation,start.dialog,"dictation started"
ovos-skill-dictation,start.dialog,"ok, i am ready for dictation"
ovos-skill-dictation,not_dictating.dialog,"I am not dictating at this moment"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.popular.dialog,"The new popular movies out now are {popularlist} and {lastmovie}."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.popular.dialog,"{popularlist} and {lastmovie} top the movie charts right now."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.production.single.dialog,"The production company {company}, produced the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,bad.tv.genre.catagory.dialog,"I can not find any television shows with the genre {genre}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,bad.tv.genre.catagory.dialog,"I can not find any TV shows with the genre {genre}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.multiple.dialog,"The flick can be found in one of the genres; {genrelist} and {genrelistlast}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.multiple.dialog,"The film can be found in one of the genres; {genrelist} and {genrelistlast}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.multiple.dialog,"The movie can be found in one of the genres; {genrelist} and {genrelistlast}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.multiple.dialog,"People consider the film a {genrelist} or {genrelistlast}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.multiple.dialog,"People consider the movie a {genrelist} or {genrelistlast}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,genre.movie.search.dialog,"the movies with the genre {genre} are;"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,genre.tv.search.dialog,"the TV shows with the genre {genre} are;"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,genre.tv.search.dialog,"the television shows with the genre {genre} are;"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,no.info.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can not find any information on the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,no.info.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can not find any information on the film {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.dialog,"the film {movie} is about this."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.dialog,"the movie {movie} is about this."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.dialog,"here is a synopsis of the film {movie}."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.dialog,"here is a synopsis of the movie {movie}."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.error.dialog,"I can not seem to find information on the flick {movie}."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.error.dialog,"I can not seem to find information on the film {movie}."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.description.error.dialog,"I can not seem to find information on the movie {movie}."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.recommendations.dialog,"I recommend the movies {movielist} and {lastmovie}, if you like the flick {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.recommendations.dialog,"I recommend the movies {movielist} and {lastmovie}, if you like the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.recommendations.dialog,"The movies {movielist} and {lastmovie} are a good choice if you like the flick {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.recommendations.dialog,"The movies {movielist} and {lastmovie} are a good choice if you like the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.info.response.dialog,"{movie} was released on {year}, with a budget of {budget} dollars."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"These are the most popular movies playing now; {toplist}, and {lastmovie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"These are the most popular movies out now; {toplist}, and {lastmovie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"These are the top movies playing now; {toplist}, and {lastmovie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"These are the top movies out now; {toplist}, and {lastmovie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"{toplist}, and {lastmovie} are the most popular movies playing now."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"{toplist}, and {lastmovie} are the most popular movies out now."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"{toplist}, and {lastmovie} are the top movies playing now."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.top.dialog,"{toplist}, and {lastmovie} are the top movies out now."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,fallback.api.dialog,"Falling back to the default A P I"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.dialog,"the flick {movie} was released on {year}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.dialog,"the flick {movie} was made on {year}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.dialog,"the film {movie} was released on {year}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.dialog,"the film {movie} was made on {year}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.dialog,"the movie {movie} was released on {year}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.dialog,"the movie {movie} was made on {year}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.single.dialog,"The film {movie} could be considered a {genre}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.single.dialog,"The movie {movie} could be considered a {genre}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.single.dialog,"You can find the flick {movie} in the {genre} section"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.genre.single.dialog,"You can find the film {movie} in the {genre} section"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.error.dialog,"I can not find a release date for the flick {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.error.dialog,"I can not find a release date for the film {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.year.error.dialog,"I can not find a release date for the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.production.multiple.dialog,"The companies {companies} and {lastcompany} produced the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.production.multiple.dialog,"{companies} and {lastcompany} produced the movie {movie}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,no.valid.api.dialog,"The A P I key that you entered is not valid. Refer to the read me file for instructions on how to obtain one."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.cast.dialog,"Here is the cast of {movie}; {actorlist} and {lastactor}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.cast.dialog,"The following people act in the movie {movie}; {actorlist} and {lastactor}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.cast.dialog,"The following people play in the movie {movie}; {actorlist} and {lastactor}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.cast.dialog,"The following people star in the movie {movie}; {actorlist} and {lastactor}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,bad.movie.genre.catagory.dialog,"I can not find any television shows with the genre {genre}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,bad.movie.genre.catagory.dialog,"I can not find any TV shows with the genre {genre}"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,no.api.dialog,"You must enter your T M D B A P I key at home dot mycroft dot A I to use the movie master skill"
ovos-skill-moviemaster,no.info.general.dialog,"I'm sorry, I can not find the list you are looking for right now; please ask again later."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"The flick {movie}, runs for {runtime} minutes."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"The film {movie}, runs for {runtime} minutes."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"The movie {movie}, runs for {runtime} minutes."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"The flick {movie} is {runtime} minutes long."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"The film {movie} is {runtime} minutes long."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"The movie {movie} is {runtime} minutes long."
ovos-skill-moviemaster,movie.runtime.dialog,"Watching {movie}; You can expect about {runtime} minutes before you can have a bathroom break."
ovos-skill-ggwave,ggwave.already.disabled.dialog,"audio QR codes already disabled"
ovos-skill-ggwave,ggwave.already.enabled.dialog,"audio QR codes already enabled"
ovos-skill-ggwave,ggwave.disabled.dialog,"disabling audio QR codes"
ovos-skill-ggwave,ggwave.enabled.dialog,"enabling audio QR codes for 15 minutes"
ovos-skill-laugh,cancel_fail.dialog,"i am not laughing"
ovos-skill-laugh,cancel.dialog,"laughing stopped"
ovos-skill-laugh,cancel.dialog,"i wont laugh anymore"
ovos-skill-laugh,maybe.dialog,"who knows"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.current.dialog,"The volume is set to {volume}"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.current.dialog,"The volume is at {volume}"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.change.amount.dialog,"To what volume? 0 to 100 is possible."
skill-ovos-volume,volume.max.dialog,"Volume set to maximum level"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.max.dialog,"Volume updated to maximum level"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.max.dialog,"Volume changed to maximum level"
skill-ovos-volume,error.get.volume.dialog,"There seems to be a problem. I could not query the current volume."
skill-ovos-volume,volume.set.percent.dialog,"Volume set to {level} percent"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.set.percent.dialog,"Volume updated to {level} percent"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.set.percent.dialog,"Volume changed to {level} percent"
skill-ovos-volume,volume.max.already.dialog,"Volume already set to maximum level"
skill-ovos-wordnet,no_answer.dialog,"word net does not know the answer"
skill-ovos-news,intro.dialog,"thank you for installing News Skill"
skill-ovos-wolfie,no_answer.dialog,"the wolf does not know the answer"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,wikiroulette.dialog,"knowledge roulette activated"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,wikiroulette.dialog,"playing the wikipedia roulette"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,thats all.dialog,"That's all I know"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,thats all.dialog,"That's all I can find"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,searching.dialog,"Let me look up {query} in Wikipedia"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,searching.dialog,"I'm checking Wikipedia for {query}"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,no entry found.dialog,"I can't find a related Wikipedia article"
skill-ovos-wikipedia,no entry found.dialog,"I'm afraid there isn't any article about that"
skill-ovos-wallpapers,wallpaper.changed.dialog,"enjoy your new wallpaper"
skill-ovos-wallpapers,no.more.pictures.dialog,"I don't have anymore pictures"
skill-ovos-wallpapers,no.more.pictures.dialog,"I'm out of pictures to show you"
skill-ovos-wallpapers,searching.dialog,"Searching pictures about {query}"
skill-ovos-wallpapers,searching.dialog,"Searching for images with {query}"
skill-ovos-wallpapers,wallpaper.fail.dialog,"I don't know how to change wallpaper in this platform"
skill-ovos-parrot,did.not.hear.dialog,"No, I don't think I heard you."
skill-ovos-parrot,did.not.hear.dialog,"No, I didn't hear you."
skill-ovos-parrot,repeat.stt.old.dialog,"The last thing you said was {stt}."
skill-ovos-parrot,repeat.stt.old.dialog,"A while ago you said, {stt}."
skill-ovos-parrot,repeat.tts.dialog,"I just said, {tts}"
skill-ovos-parrot,repeat.tts.dialog,"I said, {tts}"
skill-ovos-parrot,please.repeat.dialog,"Can you repeat that?"
skill-ovos-parrot,please.repeat.dialog,"What did you say?"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_stop.dialog,"Parrot mode deactivated"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_stop.dialog,"Parrot mode disengaged"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_stop.dialog,"Parrot mode off"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_stop.dialog,"Parrot mode disabled"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_stop.dialog,"I will stop repeating what you say"
skill-ovos-parrot,repeat.stt.dialog,"You just said, {stt}."
skill-ovos-parrot,repeat.stt.dialog,"You said, {stt}."
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"Parrot mode activated"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"Parrot mode engaged"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"Parrot mode on"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"Parrot mode enabled"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"It's good to be a parrot"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"I like being a parrot"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"I will repeat you"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"I am good at repeating things"
skill-ovos-parrot,parrot_start.dialog,"I am a parrot"
skill-ovos-parrot,not_parroting.dialog,"I am not in parrot mode"
skill-ovos-weather,percentage-number.dialog,"{number} percent"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-local.dialog,"There is a {percent} chance of {precipitation} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-local.dialog,"The forecast calls for a {percent} chance of {precipitation} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-none-local.dialog,"No precipitation is in the forecast for the next 7 days"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-none-local.dialog,"None is forecasted in the next 7 days."
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-high-location.dialog,"It will be as high as {temperature} degrees in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-high-location.dialog,"{location} will have a high of {temperature} degrees {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunrise-location.dialog,"the sun will rise at {time} {day} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunrise-location.dialog,"in {location} sunrise will be at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunrise-location.dialog,"{day} the sun will rise at {time} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-location.dialog,"In {location} there is a {percent} chance of {precipitation} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-location.dialog,"The forecast calls for a {percent} chance of {precipitation} in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-humidity-local.dialog,"The humidity {day} will be {percent}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-humidity-local.dialog,"{day} the forecast calls for a humidity of {percent}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-location.dialog,"the sun will set at {time} {day} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-location.dialog,"in {location} sunset will be at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-location.dialog,"{day} the sun will set at {time} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-location.dialog,"{day} it will be {condition}, with a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-location.dialog,"{day}, {location} will have a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature}, with {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-location.dialog,"The forecast {day} is {high_temperature} for a high and {low_temperature} for a low in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-high-low-location.dialog,"Today's forecast in {location} is for a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature}."
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-not-expected-local.dialog,"No, {day} the forecast calls for {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-not-expected-local.dialog,"No, {condition} is expected {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-expected-location.dialog,"Yes, expect {condition} in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-expected-location.dialog,"Yes, the forecast calls for {condition} in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-local.dialog,"the sun will set at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-local.dialog,"the sun will go down at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-local.dialog,"sunset will be at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunset-local.dialog,"{day} the sun will set at {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-low-local.dialog,"{day} it will be as low as {temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-low-local.dialog,"{day} the temperature will be as low as {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-local.dialog,"{day} it will be {temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-local.dialog,"{day} the temperature will be {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-not-expected-location.dialog,"No, {day} the forecast calls for {condition} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-not-expected-location.dialog,"No, in {location} {condition} is expected {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-expected-local.dialog,"Yes, expect {condition} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-condition-expected-local.dialog,"Yes, the forecast calls for {condition} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-low-location.dialog,"{day} it will be as low as {temperature} degrees in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-low-location.dialog,"{day}, {location} will be as low as {temperature} degrees"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-local.dialog,"{day} expect {condition}, with a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-local.dialog,"Expect {condition}, with a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-local.dialog,"{day} the high will be {high_temperature} and the low {low_temperature}, with {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-local.dialog,"{day} it will be {condition} with a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-weather-local.dialog,"The forecast {day} is {condition} with a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunrise-local.dialog,"the sun will rise at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunrise-local.dialog,"sunrise will be at {time} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-sunrise-local.dialog,"{day} the sun will rise at {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-moderate-location.dialog,"The wind will be moderate in {location} {day}, about {speed} {speed_unit} from the {direction}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-moderate-location.dialog,"The forecast {day} predicts {location} will have moderate wind from the {direction} of {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-moderate-location.dialog,"You can expect a wind of about {speed} {speed_unit} in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-high-local.dialog,"{day} it will be as high as {temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-high-local.dialog,"{day} the temperature will be as high as {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-moderate-local.dialog,"The wind will be moderate, about {speed} {speed_unit} from the {direction} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-moderate-local.dialog,"The forecast calls for a moderate wind from the {direction} at {speed} {speed_unit} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-moderate-local.dialog,"You can expect a moderate wind of about {speed} {speed_unit} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-strong-location.dialog,"There will be a strong wind from the {direction} of {speed} {speed_unit} in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-strong-location.dialog,"The wind will be as strong as {speed} {speed_unit} in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-strong-local.dialog,"There will be strong wind from the {direction} of {speed} {speed_unit} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-strong-local.dialog,"The wind will be as strong as {speed} {speed_unit} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-location.dialog,"{day} it will be {temperature} degrees in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-location.dialog,"{day}, {location} will have a temperature of {temperature} degrees"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-none-location.dialog,"No precipitation is in the forecast for the next seven days in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-precipitation-next-none-location.dialog,"In {location} none is forecasted"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-humidity-location.dialog,"The humidity in {location} {day} will be {percent}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-humidity-location.dialog,"{day} the forecast in {location} calls for a humidity of {percent}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-light-local.dialog,"There will be a light wind coming from the {direction} {day} at {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-light-local.dialog,"It will not be very windy {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-temperature-high-low-local.dialog,"Today's forecast is for a high of {high_temperature} and a low of {low_temperature}."
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-light-location.dialog,"There will be a light wind coming from the {direction} in {location} {day} at {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,daily-wind-light-location.dialog,"It will not be very windy in {location} {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,kilometer per hour.dialog,"kilometer per hour"
skill-ovos-weather,miles per hour.dialog,"miles per hour"
skill-ovos-weather,meter per second.dialog,"meters per second"
skill-ovos-weather,current-humidity-local.dialog,"Currently, the humidity is {percent}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-future-location.dialog,"the sun rose at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-future-location.dialog,"sunrise was at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-humidity-location.dialog,"Currently, the humidity in {location} is {percent}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-temperature-location.dialog,"It's currently {temperature} degrees {temperature_unit} in {location}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-temperature-location.dialog,"It's currently {temperature} degrees in {location}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-temperature-location.dialog,"Right now, it's {temperature} degrees in {location}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-past-location.dialog,"the sun set at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-past-location.dialog,"in {location} the sun went down at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-past-location.dialog,"sunset was at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-future-location.dialog,"the sun will set at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-future-location.dialog,"in {location} the sun will go down at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-future-location.dialog,"sunset will be at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-weather-local.dialog,"It's currently {condition} and {temperature} degrees {temperature_unit}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-weather-local.dialog,"It's currently {condition} and {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,current-weather-local.dialog,"Right now, it's {condition} and {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-expected-location.dialog,"Yes, it is going to be {condition} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-expected-location.dialog,"In {location}, it looks like there will be {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-future-local.dialog,"the sun will set at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-future-local.dialog,"the sun will go down at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-future-local.dialog,"sunset will be at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-expected-local.dialog,"Yes, it is going to be {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-expected-local.dialog,"It looks like there will be {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-strong-location.dialog,"Currently, the wind is from the {direction} at {speed} {speed_unit} in {location}, a good day to stay inside"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-strong-location.dialog,"The wind is very strong from the {direction} in {location} today, {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-strong-location.dialog,"{location} will have strong winds today, {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-future-local.dialog,"the sun will rise at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-future-local.dialog,"sunrise will be at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-not-expected-local.dialog,"No, the forecast calls for {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-not-expected-local.dialog,"No, {condition} is expected today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-past-local.dialog,"the sun set at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-past-local.dialog,"the sun went down at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunset-past-local.dialog,"sunset was at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-weather-location.dialog,"It's currently {condition} and {temperature} degrees {temperature_unit} in {location}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-weather-location.dialog,"Right now, it's {condition} and {temperature} degrees in {location}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-weather-location.dialog,"{location} has {condition} and is currently {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-moderate-location.dialog,"Currently the wind is a moderate {speed} {speed_unit} from the {direction} in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-moderate-location.dialog,"It's a bit windy in {location} today, currently {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-moderate-local.dialog,"Currently the wind is a moderate {speed} {speed_unit} from the {direction}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-moderate-local.dialog,"It's a bit windy today, currently {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-not-expected-location.dialog,"No, the forecast calls for {condition} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-condition-not-expected-location.dialog,"No, in {location} {condition} is expected today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-past-location.dialog,"the sun rose at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-past-location.dialog,"sunrise was at {time} today in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-strong-local.dialog,"Currently, the wind is from the {direction} at {speed} {speed_unit}, might be good to stay inside today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-strong-local.dialog,"The wind is very strong from the {direction} today, {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-strong-local.dialog,"It's very windy today, {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,currrent-clouds-alternative-local.dialog,"No, the forecast calls for {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,currrent-clouds-alternative-local.dialog,"It should not be cloudy, it looks like there'll be {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,currrent-clouds-alternative-local.dialog,"Doesn't seem so, chances are it's going to be {condition} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-light-local.dialog,"The wind is light at {speed} {speed_unit} from the {direction}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-light-local.dialog,"Today there is light wind from the {direction} at {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-light-location.dialog,"The wind is light in {location} at {speed} {speed_unit} from the {direction}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-wind-light-location.dialog,"In {location} today there is light wind from the {direction} at {speed} {speed_unit}"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-past-local.dialog,"the sun rose at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-sunrise-past-local.dialog,"sunrise was at {time} today"
skill-ovos-weather,current-temperature-local.dialog,"It's currently {temperature} degrees {temperature_unit}."
skill-ovos-weather,current-temperature-local.dialog,"It's currently {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,current-temperature-local.dialog,"Right now, it's {temperature} degrees."
skill-ovos-weather,weekly-condition.dialog,"The forecast calls for {condition} on {days}"
skill-ovos-weather,weekly-condition.dialog,"On {days} expect {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,weekly-temperature.dialog,"lows will be between {low_min} and {low_max}, with highs between {high_min} and {high_max}"
skill-ovos-weather,early morning.dialog,"early morning"
skill-ovos-weather,drizzle-dense-intensity.dialog,"Drizzle, dense intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,drizzle-moderate-intensity.dialog,"Drizzle, moderate intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,moderate-rain.dialog,"Moderate Rain"
skill-ovos-weather,heavy-rain.dialog,"Heavy Rain"
skill-ovos-weather,moderate-rain-showers.dialog,"Moderate Rain showers"
skill-ovos-weather,slight-rain.dialog,"Slight Rain"
skill-ovos-weather,slight-snow-showers.dialog,"Slight Snow showers"
skill-ovos-weather,freezing-drizzle-dense-intensity.dialog,"Freezing Drizzle, dense intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,heavy-snow-fall.dialog,"Heavy Snow fall"
skill-ovos-weather,freezing-rain-light-intensity.dialog,"Freezing Rain, light intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,snow-grains.dialog,"Snow grains"
skill-ovos-weather,thunderstorm-with-slight-hail.dialog,"Thunderstorm with slight hail"
skill-ovos-weather,freezing-drizzle-light-intensity.dialog,"Freezing Drizzle, light intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,slight-rain-showers.dialog,"Slight Rain showers"
skill-ovos-weather,heavy-snow-showers.dialog,"Heavy Snow showers"
skill-ovos-weather,clear.dialog,"a clear sky"
skill-ovos-weather,thunderstorm-with-heavy-hail.dialog,"Thunderstorm with heavy hail"
skill-ovos-weather,partly-cloudy.dialog,"partly cloudy"
skill-ovos-weather,drizzle-light-intensity.dialog,"Drizzle, light intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,violent-rain-showers.dialog,"Violent Rain showers"
skill-ovos-weather,slight-snow-fall.dialog,"Slight Snow fall"
skill-ovos-weather,mainly-clear.dialog,"mainly clear"
skill-ovos-weather,depositing-rime-fog.dialog,"depositing rime fog"
skill-ovos-weather,freezing-rain-dense-intensity.dialog,"Freezing Rain, dense intensity"
skill-ovos-weather,moderate-snow-fall.dialog,"Moderate Snow fall"
skill-ovos-weather,clear-sky.dialog,"clear sky"
skill-ovos-weather,location-not-found.dialog,"I can't find a city named {location}. Please try again"
skill-ovos-weather,location-not-found.dialog,"The city {location} is not in my memory banks. Please try again"
skill-ovos-weather,forty-eight-hours-available.dialog,"Sorry, I only have 48 hours of hourly forecast data"
skill-ovos-weather,no-forecast.dialog,"Sorry, I don't know the forecast {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,no-forecast.dialog,"I don't have a forecast {day}"
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot access weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot access weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot access weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot access weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot get weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot get weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot get weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I cannot get weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't access weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't access weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't access weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't access weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't get weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't get weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't get weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I can't get weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot access weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot access weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot access weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot access weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot get weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot get weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot get weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I cannot get weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't access weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't access weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't access weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't access weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't get weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't get weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't get weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Apologies. I can't get weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot access weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot access weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot access weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot access weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot get weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot get weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot get weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I cannot get weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't access weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't access weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't access weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't access weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't get weather reports right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't get weather reports as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't get weather forecasts right now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"I'm sorry. I can't get weather forecasts as of now."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Weather reports are currently not available ."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Weather reports are currently unavailable ."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Weather forecasts are currently not available ."
skill-ovos-weather,cant-get-forecast.dialog,"Weather forecasts are currently unavailable ."
skill-ovos-weather,seven-days-available.dialog,"I have seven days of forecasted weather available."
skill-ovos-weather,seven-days-available.dialog,"I can tell you the forecast for the next seven days."
skill-ovos-weather,northeast.dialog,"north east"
skill-ovos-weather,southeast.dialog,"south east"
skill-ovos-weather,southwest.dialog,"south west"
skill-ovos-weather,northwest.dialog,"north west"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-local.dialog,"It will be {condition}, with temperatures near {temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-local.dialog,"Later it will be {condition} and around {temperature} degrees"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-local.dialog,"Later it will be {condition} and {temperature} degrees"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-local.dialog,"Around {temperature} degrees with {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-precipitation-next-local.dialog,"There is a {percent} chance of {precipitation} at {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-precipitation-next-local.dialog,"The forecast calls for a {percent} chance of {precipitation} at {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-condition-expected-local.dialog,"Yes, the {time} forecast for predicts {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-location.dialog,"{location} weather in the next few hours will be {condition} and {temperature} degrees"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-location.dialog,"Later it will be {condition} in {location}, with temperatures around {temperature}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-location.dialog,"{location} will be around {temperature} with {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-weather-location.dialog,"{location} will be about {temperature} degrees with {condition}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-temperature-location.dialog,"In {location} it will be about {temperature} degrees in the {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-temperature-location.dialog,"In the {time}, it will be {temperature} degrees in {location}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-precipitation-next-location.dialog,"In {location} there is a {percent} chance of {precipitation} at {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-precipitation-next-location.dialog,"The forecast calls for a {percent} chance of {precipitation} in {location} at {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-temperature-local.dialog,"It will be about {temperature} degrees in the {time}"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-temperature-local.dialog,"In the {time}, it will be {temperature} degrees"
skill-ovos-weather,hourly-condition-expected-location.dialog,"Yes, it is going to be {condition} this {time}"
skill-ovos-naptime,going.to.sleep.short.dialog,"Going to sleep."
skill-ovos-naptime,i.am.awake.dialog,"I'm awake"
skill-ovos-naptime,going.to.sleep.dialog,"I'm going to sleep. Say '{wake_word}, wake up' to get my attention again."
skill-ovos-naptime,going.to.sleep.dialog,"Going to sleep now. Say '{wake_word}, wake up' to get me up."
skill-ovos-naptime,going.to.sleep.dialog,"Alright, going to sleep. You can rouse me by saying '{wake_word}, wake up'."
skill-ovos-personal,who.made.me.dialog,"The wonderful {creator} community and team."
skill-ovos-personal,who.made.me.dialog,"Everyone in the {creator} community and team."
skill-ovos-personal,who.am.i.dialog,"My name is {name} and I'm an intelligent personal assistant"
skill-ovos-personal,who.am.i.dialog,"I'm {name}, an open-source A.I."
skill-ovos-personal,where.was.i.born.dialog,"I was born in {location}"
skill-ovos-personal,what.am.i.dialog,"I am an open source artificial intelligence."
skill-ovos-personal,what.am.i.dialog,"I'm an intelligent piece of software for communicating with machines"
skill-ovos-personal,when.was.i.born.dialog,"I was born in {year}."
skill-ovos-personal,when.was.i.born.dialog,"I first spoke in {year}."
skill-ovos-personal,when.was.i.born.dialog,"{year} is when I was born."
skill-ovos-icanhazdadjokes,no_joke.dialog,"i could not find any joke about {search}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,about.dialog,"The International Space Station is a modular space station in low Earth orbit. The ISS programme is a multi-national collaborative project between five participating space agencies: NASA ( United States ) , Roscosmos ( Russia ) , JAXA ( Japan ) , ESA ( Europe ) , and CSA ( Canada ) .The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements."
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.unknown.dialog,"The ISS is now over {latitude} latitude {longitude} longitude but there is no associated geographic feature"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.unknown.dialog,"The space station is at {latitude} latitude {longitude} longitude but I don't know where this is"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"there are {number} persons in orbit on board of the space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"there are {number} persons on board of the I S S"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"there are {number} persons on board of the international space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"there are {number} persons on board of the space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"{number} persons are in orbit on board of the space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"{number} persons are on board of the I S S"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"{number} persons are on board of the international space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,number.dialog,"{number} persons are on board of the space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,visible_for.dialog,"It will be visible for {duration}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,visible_for.dialog,"You will be able to see it for {duration}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.when.dialog,"The I S S will be over {toponym} in {duration}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.when.dialog,"The international space station will be at {toponym} in {duration}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.when.dialog,"The space station will be at {toponym} in {duration}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,who.dialog,"the following people are on board of the international space station, {people}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,who.dialog,"the following persons are on board of the international space station, {people}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,who.dialog,"{people} are in orbit on board of the space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,who.dialog,"{people} are on board of the I S S"
ovos-skill-iss-location,who.dialog,"{people} are on board of the international space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,who.dialog,"{people} are on board of the space station"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.current.dialog,"It's at {latitude} latitude {longitude} longitude, over {toponym}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.current.dialog,"Over {toponym} at {latitude} latitude and {longitude} longitude"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.current.dialog,"The I S S is over {latitude} latitude {longitude} longitude which corresponds to {toponym}"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.current.dialog,"The international space station is now over {toponym} at {latitude} latitude {longitude} longitude"
ovos-skill-iss-location,location.current.dialog,"The space station is at {latitude} latitude {longitude} longitude over {toponym}"
ovos-skill-wikihow,step.dialog,"Step {number}, {step}"
ovos-skill-wikihow,howto.failure.dialog,"i don't know"
ovos-skill-wikihow,howto.failure.dialog,"i am not sure"
ovos-skill-wikihow,howto.failure.dialog,"i tried searching wiki how but couldn't find anything"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.relative.future.dialog,"{date}, {num_days} from now"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.relative.future.dialog,"It is {date}, in {num_days}"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.relative.future.dialog,"It's {date}, {num_days} from now"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.relative.future.dialog,"{date}, in {num_days}"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.future.weekend.dialog,"next weekend will be {saturday_date}, to {sunday_date}"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.not.found.dialog,"I could not find that date for you."
skill-ovos-date-time,date.last.weekend.dialog,"last weekend was {saturday_date}, to {sunday_date}"
skill-ovos-date-time,time.future.dialog,"It will be {time}"
skill-ovos-date-time,next.leap.year.dialog,"the next leap year is {year}"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.relative.past.dialog,"{date}, {num_days} ago"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.relative.past.dialog,"It was {date}, {num_days} ago"
skill-ovos-date-time,did.you.mean.timezone.dialog,"Did you mean the {zone_name} time zone?"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.dialog,"It is {date}"
skill-ovos-date-time,date.dialog,"It's {date}"
skill-ovos-date-time,time.tz.not.found.dialog,"I could not find the time zone for {location}"
skill-ovos-date-time,time.current.dialog,"It is {time}"
skill-ovos-date-time,time.current.dialog,"It's {time}"
skill-ovos-date-time,time.current.dialog,"Currently {time}"
skill-ovos-ddg,thats all.dialog,"That's all I know"
skill-ovos-ddg,thats all.dialog,"That's all I can find"
skill-ovos-ddg,no_answer.dialog,"the duck does not know the answer"
skill-ovos-hello-world,hello.world.dialog,"Hello world"
skill-ovos-hello-world,hello.world.dialog,"Hi to you too"
skill-ovos-hello-world,how.are.you.dialog,"I'm doing well"
skill-ovos-hello-world,how.are.you.dialog,"Pretty well"
skill-ovos-hello-world,how.are.you.dialog,"Not bad"
skill-ovos-hello-world,how.are.you.dialog,"I'm doing excellent"
skill-ovos-hello-world,how.are.you.dialog,"Could be better"
skill-ovos-hello-world,how.are.you.dialog,"I'm doing very well"
skill-ovos-hello-world,welcome.dialog,"Any time"
skill-ovos-hello-world,welcome.dialog,"Glad to be of service"
skill-ovos-hello-world,welcome.dialog,"Glad to help"
skill-ovos-hello-world,welcome.dialog,"My Pleasure"
skill-ovos-hello-world,welcome.dialog,"No problem"
skill-ovos-hello-world,welcome.dialog,"You're welcome"
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,question.dialog,"I'm sorry I can't help you with that."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,question.dialog,"I'm not sure how to help you with that."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,question.dialog,"I don't understand, but I'm learning new things everyday."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,question.dialog,"I'm not sure how to answer that."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,why.is.dialog,"I'm not sure how to help you with that."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,why.is.dialog,"I don't know."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,why.is.dialog,"I'm not quite sure."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,why.is.dialog,"I'm not sure."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,why.is.dialog,"I'm not sure, but I'm doing my best to learn."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,who.is.dialog,"I don't know who that is."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,who.is.dialog,"I'm not sure who that is."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"I'm sorry, I don't understand."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"I don't know what that means."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"I don't understand, but I'm learning new things everyday."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"Sorry, I didn't catch that."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"Sorry, I don't understand."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"I don't understand."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"I'm not sure I understood you."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"You might have to say that a different way."
skill-ovos-fallback-unknown,unknown.dialog,"Please rephrase your request."
skill-ovos-fallback-chatgpt,gpt_error.dialog,"I was not able to get an answer from {name}"
skill-ovos-fallback-chatgpt,gpt_error.dialog,"Sorry but something went wrong with the {name} request."
skill-ovos-fallback-chatgpt,asking.dialog,"Let me ask {name}"
skill-ovos-fallback-chatgpt,asking.dialog,"Asking {name}"
skill-ovos-boot-finished,confirm_no_speak_ready.dialog,"Okay. I will stop notifying you when I am ready."
skill-ovos-boot-finished,ready.dialog,"I am ready!"
skill-ovos-boot-finished,confirm_speak_ready.dialog,"Okay. I will tell you when I am ready after restarts."
ovos-skill-speedtest,result.dialog,"Your download speed is {DOWN} Megabit per second and your upload speed is {UP} Megabit per second."
ovos-skill-speedtest,running.dialog,"Starting speedtest now, i will be back with the results in a moment."
ovos-skill-speedtest,error.dialog,"There was an error, i could not run a speedtest... sorry."